Paper Money - Vol. XLVI, No. 3 - Whole No. 249 - May - June 2007

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,_, ,, ApERp , 0. r y-k 4. ?:,,, % 14 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS VOL. XLVI, No. 3, WHOLE No. 249 WWW.SPMC.ORG MAY/JUNE 2007 r) ■% Pssst: You tell a book by its cover If it is Paper Money, it is bound to be good, and Hint: If it is our M/j issue it must be our 7th annual something or another /• „ 1/§(/ ■ / — — A447_ Az„. =u211=1:1*321111111SE .enjosactoutend,wwlakzanatomiad. on, 1.,,trat larron.lauld. cchwilh., c !?) t 99" a /, ••,4./ • .1.11111117.1, • a., • ma . • acilh. ea2>redaii- a., •titan: „latmsta 411 C.IASSZIEMIK •1,4/?.,41..., -,VA• - /4‹4/ .a././/it, .c./,// ,d‘cr.A 1216 30 ets. ,./7•7 /41/ CO 00::X0040704><> rt Thy ',whs. .0)10160Arlar., 000.0 0 0 Co 0:C),0 0 0 0 0 0 etei, 0 0 0 0 American Music Hall, •144 BROADWAY, OPEN EVERY NIGHT. 8 MEMPHIS Is COMING! -JULY S-7, 2007 ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS NOW! Already consigned: the contents of Stephen Wells tood's personal scrapbook of over 60 premium quality obsolete proof notes and vignettes; an outstanding collection of Alabama obsoletes; more than 1,000 notes from the Herb and Martha Schingoethe Collection of Obsolete Paper Money, the largest ever sold at auction. Space is limited. To consign, call now! This sale is held in conjunction with Unique Antiques & Auction Gallery, Tennessee License #2077; G.A. Bryant, Auctioneer, Tennessee License #2372. ESTABLISHED 1880 nvikiowt LARGEST AND MOST IMPORTANT CONFEDERATE NOTE AUCTION Since Smythe's World's Record-Breaking Gene Mintz Sale! APRIL 11TH - 13TH, 2007 This major sale will feature hundreds of Confederate notes from the collection of the Western Reserve Historical Society, a landmark offering of over 50 different Postage Stamp Envelopes from the same institution; over 1,000 notes from the Herb and Martha Schingoethe Collection of Obsolete Paper Money, the largest ever sold at auction, and many other important numismatic properties. Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity. To order your catalog now, call 800-622 - 1880. AN ESSENTIAL NEW BOOK FOR YOUR OBSOLETE NOTE LIBRARY! A History & Catalog of Minnesota Obsolete Bank Notes Not just a Minnesota Book! Gives readers the big picture of obsolete paper money. $69.95 each, shipping and handling $5.00 Quantities are Limited - Call Now to Order Your Copy! 800-622-1880 1212-943-1880 I 2 Rector St, 12th FL, NY, NY 10006 I We buy, sell, and auction the very best in Banknotes, Antique Stocks and Bonds. Coins, Autographs, and Anything Relating to Financial History TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin- ning in January by the Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage is paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes to Secretary Robert Schreiner. P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331 Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article. in whole or part, without written permission, is prohibited. Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are available from the Secretary for S6 postpaid. Send changes of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery, and requests for additional copies of this issue to the Secretary. MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere and publications for review should be sent to the Editor. Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as possible; however, publication in a specific issue can- not be guaranteed. Include an SASE for acknowledg- ment. if desired. Opinions expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect those of the SPMC. Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper only), double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins. The author's name, address and telephone number should appear on the first page. Authors should retain a copy for their records. Authors are encouraged to submit a copy on a MAC CD, identified with the name and ver- sion of software used. A double-spaced printout must accompany the CD. Authors may also transmit articles via e-mail to the Editor at the SPMC web site ( Original illustrations are preferred but do not send items of value requiring Certified, Insured or Registered Mail. Write or e -mail ahead for special instructions. Scans should be grayscale or color at 300 dpi. Jpegs are preferred. ADVERTISING • All advertising accepted on space available basis • Copy/correspondence should be sent to Editor • All advertising is payable in advance • Ads are accepted on a "Good Faith" basis • Terms are "Until Forbid" • Ads are Run of Press (ROP) unless accepted on premium contract basis • Limited premium space available, please inquire To keep rates at a minimum, all advertising must be prepaid according to the schedule below. In exceptional cases where special artwork or additional production is required. the advertiser will be notified and billed accordingly. Rates are not commissionable; proofs are not supplied. Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability copy must be received by the Editor no later than the first day of the month preceding the cover date of the issue (for example, Feb. 1 for the March/April issue). Camera-ready copy, or electronic ads in pdf format, or in Quark Express on a MAC CD with fonts supplied are acceptable. ADVERTISING RATES Space 1 time 3 times 6 times Outside back cover $1500 $2600 $4900 Inside covers 500 1400 2500 Full page Color 500 1500 3000 Full page B&W 360 1000 1800 Half page B&W 180 500 900 Quarter page B&W 90 250 450 Eighth page B&W 45 125 225 Requirements: Full page, 42 x 57 picas; half-page may be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single-column width, 20 picas. Except covers, page position may be requested, but not guaranteed. All screens should be 150 line or 300 dpi. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency, allied numismatic material, publications, and related accessories. The SPMC does not guarantee advertise- ments. but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit copy. SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo- graphical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint that por- tion of an ad in which a typographical error occurs upon prompt notification. Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 161 Paper Money Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XLVI, No. 3 Whole No. 249 MAY/JUNE 2007 ISSN 0031-1162 FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379 Visit the SPMC web site: FEATURES The Paper Column: Confederate National Banks 163 By Peter Huntoon, Charles Dean & Matt Hansen Counterfeit National Bank Note Survives Its Obituary 176 By Dr. Jack M. Vorhies (deceased) The Paper Column: $5 Series of 1882 Circus Poster National Bank Notes . 193 By Peter Huntoon, Doug Walcutt (deceased) & Robert Kvederas On This Date in Paper Money History 207, 209 By Fred Reed Francis E. Moulton, National Bank President 212 By Karl Sanford Kabelac The Story of a Rose, Four Lazy Deuces and Two Casinos 220 By Martin Rogan Special 9-page Full Color Book Section Spotlight falls on new paper money books 225 By Fred Reed Hugh Shull dons Criswell's "King of Dixie" currency mantel 225 By Fred Reed Bowers' latest opus another virtuoso performance 226 By John & Nancy Wilson, and Fred Reed Elaborate Hewitt Minnesota volume sets a high standard 228 By Bob Schreiner, John & Nancy Wilson, and Fred Reed New editions update classic U.S., world paper money catalogs 229 By Fred Reed Teriffic new book shows us ragpickers one & all 230 By Fred Reed Wally Lee's Michigan tome offers two great books in one 232 By Fred Reed Ron Benice's Florida catalog surpasses all previous works 232 By Fred Reed Two new Krause editions bring standard titles up to date 233 By Fred Reed SPMC Officer Signed National Currency 236 By Bob Cochran SOCIETY NEWS Death claims SPMC author Jack Vorhies 178 Matt Janzen wins 7th George Wait Award 195 President's Column 218 By Benny Bolin SPMC Librarian's Notes 221 By Jeff Brueggeman Two new faces, two incumbents to join SPMC Board in Memphis 234 What does Steve think today? It occurs to me... 238 by Steve Whitfield SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. • • • • • • r•s ip * ,4* CSA and Obsolete Notes CSA Bonds, Stocks & Financial Items Auction Representation 60-Page Catalog for $5.00 162 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money Society of Paper Money Collectors The Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affili- ated with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its activities can be found on its Internet web site . MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references. MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced- ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligi- ble to hold office or vote. DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add S10. Life membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with issuing annual membership cards. but paid up members may obtain one from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope). Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary. • OFFICERS ELECTED OFFICERS: PRESIDENT Benny Bolin. 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002 VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 SECRETARY Bob Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC 29649 BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St.. Brooklyn, NY 11201 Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002 Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant. MO 63031 Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091 Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006 Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany, NY 12209-1735 Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114 Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941 Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Wendell A. Wolka. P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood. IN 46142 Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527 APPOINTEES: PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas. TX 75379-3941 CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231 ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142 LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex, CT 06426 LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman. 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197, Chattanooga, TN 37405 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011-7060 PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037 WISMER BOOK PROJECT COORDINATOR Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 REGIONAL MEETING COORDINATOR Judith Murphy. P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114 BUYING AND SELLING HUGH SHULL ANA-LM SPMC LM 6 SCNA P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071 BRNA PCDA CHARTER MBR PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885 FUN Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 163 THE PAPER COLUMN Confederate National Banks by Peter Huntoon, Charles Dean & Matt Hansen ne of the great curiosities of the Civil War was the establishment during the war of eight national banks within the states that had seceded. They are listed on Table 1. Tables 2, 3 and 4 list relevant statistics pertaining to the national bank note issues from these banks during the war. All share a common attribute. They were organized after Union forces had regained control over the cities which hosted the banks while the war was still being fought. There is great sym- bolism in the chartering of these banks. The Union never recognized the legitimacy of the secessions, and never recognized the Confederate government. Instead, the breakaway was classi- fied as a rebellion. The Confederate states were considered part of the Union, so in Union eyes Union laws applied there. When Union forces gained dominance over territory within the secessionist states, was it a Union occupation or liberation? Military commanders were appointed, and imposed civil order by fiat, the stuff of occupation. The Confederate states showing the cities that hosted U. S. national banks before the Civil War ended. May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money $5 Original Series title block proof for The First National Bank of Nashville, bearing a plate date of January 5, 1864. -.31111iAlexane is • / • Knoxville/ Memphis is ashville 164 Where convenient, the laws of the United States were reasserted over the reclaimed territory. Consequently the newly legislated national banking law also took effect, and, as these eight banks demonstrate, bankers in the occupied or liberated cities could, and did, apply for national charters, and were granted them. The irony is that the currency issued through these banks carried Confederate state names. In addition, the plate dates on the notes fall within the period when the Confederacy was alive and laid claim to those lands, and considered them their own. The surviving notes from these issues are histori- cally significant, but virtually unobtainable. There is a story in every one of these banks. Were they organized by car- petbaggers from the north, Union loyalists, or former Confederate pragmatists who simply could see that there was money to be made? The trend we observed involves a combination of carpetbaggers and Union loyalists. Residency requirements for directors had to be dealt with when carpet- baggers were involved. Three-fourths of the directors had to be residents of the state and live within 50 miles of the office of the bank for at least one year. Perhaps this explains the delays between Union occupation and dates of charter for some of the banks. One great irony here is that the bonds purchased by the bankers to secure their circulations, and the greenbacks that they used to buy them, helped financed the Union war effort which served to heap even more tribulation upon the Confederacy as the war continued to be prosecuted. This fact was not lost on the public. Time was not good to most of these eight banks. Five had vanished by the end of 1874, three as receiverships, and two as liquidations. It would be easy to speculate that some faced difficulties reflecting a lack of public support Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 165 Table 1. Key dates associated with the corporate existence of the National Banks organized in the Confederate States prior to the end of the Civil War. South Carolina seceded December 20, 1860; Civil War began April 12, 1861; Lee surrendered April 9, 1865; remaining Confederate resistance ceased May 25, 1865. Date City Date State Came Under Date Bank Date Ch. ; City & State Bank Seceded Union Control Organized Chartered 150 Nashville, TN The FNB of Jun 8, 1861 Feb 25, 1862 1863 Dec 11, 1863 Fate of Bank: open in 1935 162 New Orleans, LA The FNB of Jan 26, 1861 Apr 25, 1862 1863 Dec 18, 1863 Fate of Bank: receivership May 20, 1867, Fate of Bank: fraudulent management and injudicious banking 271 Norfolk, VA The FNB of Apr 17, 1861 May 10, 1862 1864 Feb 23, 1864 Fate of Bank: receivership June 3, 1874, excessive loans to officers and directors and depreciation of securities 336 Memphis, TN The FNB of Jun 8, 1861 Jun 6, 1862 1864 Mar 25, 1864 Fate of Bank: open in 1935 391 Knoxville, TN The FNB of Jun 8, 1861 Nov 29, 1863 1864 Apr 19, 1864 Fate of Bank: liquidated Oct 22, 1872 651 Alexandria, VA The FNB of Apr 17, 1861 May 24, 1861 Dec 17, 1864 Dec 24, 1864 Fate of Bank: open in 1935 771 Nashville, TN The SNB of Jun 8, 1861 Feb 25, 1862 Jan 14, 1865 Jan 31, 1865 Fate of Bank: liquidated Jan 8, 1874 803 Vicksburg, MS The NB of Jan 9, 1861 Jul 4, 1863 Jan 17, 1865 Feb 14, 1865 Fate of Bank: receivership Apr 24, 1868, fraudulent management Table 2. Circulations of the Confederate National Banks during and immediately following the Civil War. The Vicksburg bank did not report any circulation until $25,500 in October 1867. Oct 1864 Oct 1865 Oct 1866 150 Nashville TN The First National Bank of 70,000 222,450 222,450 162 New Orleans LA The First National Bank of 166,000 180,000 180,000 271 Norfolk VA The First National Bank of 80,500 95,000 95,000 336 Memphis TN The First National Bank of 30,000 73,500 174,500 391 Knoxville TN The First National Bank of 26,500 65,700 76,340 651 Alexandria VA The First National Bank of 86,500 86.500 771 Nashville TN The Second National Bank of 87,750 87,725 803 Vicksburg MS The National Bank of once the war ended, as southern identities and allegiances were reasserted with- in the affected communities. The record does not bear this out, however. Three of the banks in Alexandria, Memphis and Nashville survived the entire national bank note era, some becoming major economic forces in the communities that they served. The early liquidations of others appear to have been business decisions as is the case for the Knoxville bank that will be pro- filed below. Data presented in Table 1 reveals that the three failures were due to a combination of crooked and injudicious management. In an history about The First National Bank of Memphis, author Tuttle 1 S6249 i ssues of M ay/Ju ne • Whole No . 74 9 • Paper Money 0 1177DRED PleTY J Our very next issue is #250 .41). 1: 11 C0.1,1S - .1044* 1.1, 7 4 s. vec, .t.* t. 'Ap'eatk) ,6%. Paper Money and counting • • • Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 167 a rt • )43 0 -- • --------___s!,24---_, ----...-----._.,_ --s.,..t! ------„, 7■4:- -----`4.):ic---■ :,1 /,,--- • ) 7 Gold or Sifraer, at iLe rate of One ry of v 1 It G 1 11 A on or be rtf December, 17 92, according roan 11.1 , e ill Day of March, rogram Sell your 250 notes &c. here k Contactye olde Editor NOW! Table 3. Bonds purchased through the end of 1865 to secure the circulations for the Confederate National Banks. 150 Nashville, TN Dec 11, 1863 June 7, 1864 June 30, 1864 Oct 12, 1864 Nov 1, 1864 Nov 9, 1864 Nov 16, 1864 Jun 26, 1865 Aug 4, 1865 Oct 19, 1865 162 New Orleans, LA Dec 16, 1863 Jun 7, 1864 271 Norfolk, VA Feb 22, 1864 Apr 16, 1864 Jul 15, 1864 Oct 29, 1864 336 Memphis TN Mar 26, 1864 Jun 30, 1864 Aug 1, 1864 Jan 23, 1865 Sep 9, 1865 Sep 21, 186 391 Knoxville TN Apr 18, 1864 May 12, 1864 Jul 18, 1864 Oct 28, 1864 Nov 9, 1864 Apr 10, 1865 Apr 20, 1865 Sep 7, 1865 651 Alexandria, VA Dec 24, 1864 Feb 7, 1865 Mar 3, 1865 771 Nashville, TN Jan 30, 1865 Jun 17, 1865 803 Vicksburg, MS Feb 12, 1865 The First National Bank of 50,000 15,000 13,000 50,000 10,000 30,000 suspended 30,000 50,000 3,000 The First National Bank of 50,000 150,000 The First National Bank of 30,000 10,000 50,000 22,000 The First National Bank of 10,000 20,000 5,000 65,000 85,000 15,000 The First National Bank of 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 8,000 7,000 12,000 The First National Bank of 50,000 40,000 10,000 The Second National Bank of 45,000 55,000 The First National Bank of 30,000 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money168 (1939) assiduously avoided any revelations regarding from whence the organizers came. The principle was Frank S. Davis, the first president, who wrote: "We expect tomorrow to commence business -- that is, com- mence looking for a banking room and for stockhold- ers. I like Memphis one hundred percent. . . the busi- ness men are very cordial, the weather is very pleasant and the hotel quite good." Tuttle goes on to relate: Upon a previous visit to Memphis soon after the out- break of the war, he (Davis) found the city emerging from a period of phenomenal growth and development. Its population has increased from eleven thousand in 1850 to nearly forty thousand. . . .Covering an area of more than six square miles, it was starting, under authority of the State Legislature, improvements in the form of street paving, schools, railroad extensions, etc., amounting to over $2,000,000. Business was thriving, and the people were prosperous. But now all this remarkable development had been halted. With the continued occupancy of the city by Federal troops and the entire business and social life of the community dominated by the Military, Memphis was beginning, in earnest, to feel the crushing hand of war. Building activity had ceased. Of the more than eighteen hundred buildings under construction at the outbreak of the war, few, if any, were completed. Trade was at a standstill, business demoralized. Citizens were leaving Memphis to such an extent that its population was reduced to less than twenty-five thousand. Civil authority had been suspended and the city was governed through the daily publication of Special or General Orders issued through the office of the Provost Marshal. The matter of obtaining food and provision for the populace was becom- ing increasingly difficult with prices soaring far out of range of the average person's ability to pay. Perhaps, after the war, it was just as well that the local patrons didn't know where Davis came from. Memphis had fallen early in the war. The Confederates under Commodore Montgomery retreat- ed to Memphis with eight vessels mounting 28 guns after abandoning Fort Pillow, situated 40 miles north of Memphis on the Mississippi River. On June 6, 1862, Union Commodore Davis (not the Davis of the bank), with five gunboats and two rams arrived at the city. A fierce one hour twenty minute naval battle ensued, and Memphis capitulated to the Union force (Richardson, 1899). Some 19,000 people swelled the population of Memphis during the year following its fall. The bank was chartered in 1864. Harper's Weekly (Sept. 10, 1864) reported great excitement in Memphis during the pre-dawn hours of August 22, 1864, when Confederate Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest led eight or nine cavalry regi- ments consisting of about 1,500 men, mostly from Tennessee, on a lightning raid into town. They split into separate detachments upon reaching Beal Street, apparently with primary objectives of capturing Union valititegARZTENtOtafemeawma. (I* /(// b/7/./ 4j-) /;-/////./i7 )b, - i=st National. Bank ,'pi" Th \11KKERaff " • '• "/. 1/ // / fe.,„amta vieoputwskgiwiczo.40w€1;:aziaoRf:ouaa. oximettwmpv ,,t3Nemt.,,, , mit National otaulAP- /NIP. :z...17„„ /1/ ///; ///1/////// 1 (21,) ••:,,Cr +412:i) (1.1',... riVrA0.*IgiiilWatirfREMigefelMak- 4Alkaa- (irk, MT-77T, 5 11Zi.C122,:eligin=g24^-' '''"Vr-etZtaZ0V-C=.1:MEEIZ. ---,al's NO.1 .81..■ ItytiVIONA.X4 (4,30-). -'410 V.-114,01:11,41 41401 x%tatjty:21,1:191t,' t;4 ZrYIESSEE ACT AVIPIROTBD E$Saasua , r tt.11 -110 -VDS oraS; (OEPONI-i% ..43.'4A133t13.91141.t,ys ler", , ra, 169 Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 The First National Bank of Memphis was the first of the Confederate nation- al banks. The $5 proof has an 1864 plate date. The plate for the spectacu- lar $1 and $2 notes was made early in 1865; however, the first printing arrived at the Comptroller of the Currency's office June 16th after the war. They carry a January 2, 1865, plate date, so technically they rank as Confederate national bank notes. Generals Washburne and Hurlburt who were stationed there, and releasing Confederate prisoners of war held at Irving Prison. The Union generals elud- ed their pursuers, although Washurne lost his overcoat to the raiders. The prison rescue was repulsed by a vigorous defense and timely arrival of the 8th Iowa Regiment. Although it was claimed that about 100 horses were taken, the raiders apparently were forbidden to plunder on pain of death. They didn't rob The First National Bank, which of course was closed at that hour, although they undoubtedly rode right past it. The raiders left town at about 6 a.m. Forrest confiscated Washburne's coat from his men upon learning of it, and had it returned through the lines directly to Washburne. In turn, 170 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money Table 4. Shipments of Original Series National Bank Note sheets from the Comptroller of the Currency to the Confederate National Banks through the end of 1865. First redemption refers to the date when the first worn notes from circulation were logged into the redemption ledger. 150 Nashville, TN The First National Bank of Feb 13, 1864 10-10-10-10 1-1000 Feb 15, 1864 10-10-10-10 1001-1125 Jul 14, 1864 5-5-5-5 1-1250 Oct 15, 1864 10-10-10-10 1126-1875 Oct 31, 1864 20-20-20-50 1-130 Nov 10, 1864 20-20-20-50 131-458 Jul 10, 1865 10-10-10-10 1876-2000 Jul 12, 1865 20-20-20-50 459-658 Aug 11, 1865 10-10-10-10 2001-2750 Aug 11, 1865 20-20-20-50 659-795 next delivery Feb 26, 1867, 1st redemption Sep 25, 1867 391 651 Knoxville, TN The First National Bank of Jun 13, 1864 10-10-10-20 1-350 Jul 23, 1864 5-5-5-5 1-475 Oct 29, 1864 10-10-10-20 351-500 Nov 10, 1864 10-10-10-20 501-860 Apr 20, 1865 10-10-10-20 861-1004 Apr 22, 1865 10-10-10-20 1005-1124 Sep 23, 1865 1-1-1-2 1-728 next delivery Jan 2, 1868, 1st redemption Dec 27, 1867 Alexandria, VA The First National Bank of Feb 9, 1865 5-5-5-5 1-500 162 New Orleans, LA The First National Bank of Feb 11, 1865 10-10-10-20 1-1000 Feb 19, 1864 10-10-10-10 1-500 Feb 15, 1865 5-5-5-5 501-1000 Feb 25, 1864 10-10-10-10 501-1000 Feb 16, 1865 5-5-5-5 1001-1325 Mar 4, 1864 10-10-10-10 1001-1125 Feb 27, 1865 5-5-5-5 1326-1400 Jun 4, 1864 5-5-5-5 1-1500 Mar 7, 1865 5-5-5-5 1401-1500 Jun 16, 1864 20-20-20-50 1-500 Jun 23, 1864 10-10-10-10 1126-2000 Jul 14, 1864 10-10-10-10 2001-2375 end, 1st redemption Oct 25, 1867 Mar 13, 1865 10-10-10-20 1001-1130 next delivery Mar 10, 1868, 1st redemption Mar 10, 1868 771 Nashville, TN The Second National Bank of 271 Norfolk, VA The First National Bank of Apr 8, 1865 5-5-5-5 1-500 May 19, 1864 10-10-10-10 1-875 Apr 12, 1865 5-5-5-5 501-1000 Jul 16, 1864 10-10-10-10 876-1000 Apr 13, 1865 5-5-5-5 1001-1250 Jul 16, 1864 5-5-5-5 1-1000 Apr 14, 1865 10-10-10-20 1-265 Jul 25, 1864 5-5-5-5 1001-2000 Jul 1, 1865 10-10-10-20 266-500 336 Nov 1, 1864 10-10-10-10 1001-1375 next delivery Aug 14, 1867, 1st redemption Aug 12, 1867 Memphis, TN The First National Bank of Jul 1, 1865 5-5-5-5 1251-1500 Jul 7, 1865 5-5-5-5 1501-2250 Jul 11, 1865 10-10-10-20 501-855 next delivery Mar 17, 1868, 1st redemption Mar 14, 1868 Jun 20, 1864 10-10-10-20 1-180 Jul 2, 1864 10-10-10-20 181-540 803 Vicksburg, MS The First National Bank of Aug 5, 1864 10-10-10-20 541-630 May 5, 1865 5-5-5-5 1-1000 Jan 25, 1965 10-10-10-20 631-880 May 17, 1865 10-10-10-20 1-100 Jan 25, 1865 5-5-5-5 1-875 Feb 1, 1865 10-10-10-20 881-1360 Mar 7, 1867 10-10-10-20 101-110 end, 1st redemption Nov 24, 1868 Sep 22, 1865 10-10-10-20 1361-1800 Sep 22, 1865 1-1-1-2 1-2000 Oct 31, 1865 50-100 1-380 next delivery May 23, 1867, 1st redemption Nov 22, 1867 Washburne went to Forrest's clothier in Memphis, had a Confederate uniform made for him using measurements on file there, and it was sent in turn through the lines to Forrest. Forrest, a great southern hero, wa.s known for financing and building his own cavalry force, for his daring and aggressive cavalry tactics, and for being one of the most hunted of Confederate generals by Union General Sherman. He never was captured, and died October 29, 1877, in Memphis where he is buried. 35.7208 sa.1 40,41tImit* COME TO STACKS.COlv cirottcywart-AcrAep- mbofw /week./ PO `;" F' /16 411,A rat //di CTIVITY IN THE PAPER MONEY MARKET is stron- ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO INVENTORY but most items are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase. RECEIVE OUR PAPER MONEY MAGAZINE, THE Paper Money Review. This full color publication highlights paper money in our inventory, as well as articles and features about this fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per- sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency Notes with our compliments. CHECK OUT OUR OFFERING TODAY. WANT LISTS ACCEPTED! -11111 e/Yeet:JuyeJ,eant ae yckeieJ- Melet:Crin L9Y('A awe/tawy We are pleased to announce the ongoing sales of the greatest hoard of bank-note printing plates, dies, and other material ever assembled. The American Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858 by combining seven of the most important bank note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the merger, and survive today. To these are added many other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack's will continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other artifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most numismatic museums and advanced collectors do not have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate! If you would like to have more information, contact us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an absolutely unique opportunity! U.S. COINS • ANCIENT AND WORLD COINS • MEDALS • PAPER MONEY (tit P.N G Stack's New York City: 123 West 57th Street • New York, NY 10019-2280 • Toll free: 800/566/2580 • Telephone 212/582-2580 • Fax 212/245-5018 Stack's Wolfeboro, NH: P.O. Box 1804 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Toll-free 866/811-1804 • 603/569-0823 • Fax 603/569-3875 • www. 1■11;110;;.1100.1“1. 411.• 1•1:111:10.1.111,1 "I: MITE K2581-3L Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 171 6if,/f' ==/Z///f, -7-1A--1;_K41SYO )t/tt/'4v/l hag% » . 114 WAi i'Dettverowl)evaimiN, ,- ?'A:get 1 4 4. May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money172 $5 Original Series title block proof for The First National Bank of Knoxville, bearing a plate date of May 2, 1864. 4000 sheets of $5s were sent to the bank, but none are known to have survived. Much more is known about The First National Bank of Knoxville thanks to pioneering research by co-author Charles Dean (1996). Knoxville, situated on the Tennessee River, is located in eastern Tennessee, and was dominated by small farms in character with the mountainous terrain, rather than the large plantations to the west and south. Although states righters and tolerant of slav- ery, the east Tennesseans generally considered the Union to be sacrosanct. The Tennessee legislature passed an Ordinance of Secession on April 12, 1861, that put the issue to a vote of the people on June 8th. In response, the East Tennessee convention was convened at Knoxville in mid-June, 1861, where resolutions were adopted opposing the recent actions of the state legisla- ture, and requesting Tennesseans to vote against secession. The June 8th referendum passed overwhelmingly 2 to 1, so the East Tennessee convention was reassembled in Greenville, wherein those assembled petitioned the Tennessee legislature for separate statehood so they could join the Union. This, of course, was denied. Soon thereafter many East Tennessee Unionists joined the Federal army. Knoxville found itself firmly within the Confederacy, and the city had great strategic economic value to the cause owing to its east-west railroad and as a pork production center. Despite this, Unionist sentiments remained strong among certain of its citizens, who worked to undermine the Confederacy. By early 1863, western and middle Tennessee were already lost to the armies of the Union. Major General Simon Bolivar Buckner assumed com- mand of the Confederate Department of East Tennessee in May with his forces centered around Knoxville. Confederate General Braxton Bragg and his Army of Tennessee were encamped around Chattanooga at the beginning of July. The two armies were merged under Bragg to better defend Chattanooga on July 25th, although at the time they were separated by distance. In mid-August, Union armies began their assault on the remaining Tennessee forces, with Major General William Rosecrans advancing from Tullahoma, Tennessee, toward Chattanooga, and General Ambrose Burnside advancing into eastern Tennessee from Lexington, Kentucky. Bragg, outnumbered, and knowing Buckner was in hopeless straights to his east, called Buckner's forces to Chattanooga. On September 2, with Buckner and his soldiers gone, Burnside's Federal troops marched into Knoxville through streets lined with cheering Unionists. However, Knoxville's fate as a Union bastion was not vet fully secured yet owing to coining bloody see-saw fighting for the territory within eastern Tennessee. Bragg was forced to abandon Chattanooga on September 9th in the face of Rosecrans' Union army. Simultaneously General Lee dispatched General Longstreet's corps of his Army of Northern Virginia by rail through the Carolinas and Georgia to buck up Bragg's forces. The first of Longstreet's men arrived September 19th, immediately plunging into the battle of Chickamauga. Longstreet, capitalizing on a Union division that had been :. D ioNAL CURRENCY. 40‘'lettosi a'40 .141,74y44.9 sssery it ELS, Al- .1311.1 ) laiet4:1:4k tiraiONAltf. PAW OiK ;_ 7 fr— ff , '04 tm win Eltir DitufAawtoi&wo:, Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 173 errantly pulled off the line, drove through splitting the Union ranks, and forced a Union retreat to Chattanooga. The Confederates then laid siege to Chattanooga throughout October. Burnside began an advance on Chattanooga from Knoxville, so on November 4th Bragg sent Longstreet to drive Burnside back, and then out of east Tennessee entirely, in order to relieve pressure on the Confederate siege of Chattanooga. When the armies met on November 16th, Burnside's forces foundered, and retreated to Knoxville. Longstreet besieged Knoxville the next day. During the siege, Longstreet on November 29th attempted to overwhelm nearby Union held Fort Sanders, which he mistakenly thought was lightly defended. His forces were routed in this action, and he saw his hopes for dis- placing Burnside from Knoxville evaporate. Even so, he maintained the siege of Knoxville until December 4th. At that time, Federal forces under relentless General William T. Sherman drove him and his remaining army to the north- east. Longstreet settled in for the winter at Bulls Gap 50 miles from Knoxville, but never was able to regain the initiative against Knoxville. His army corps was withdrawn from Tennessee and repatriated into the Lee's Army of Northern Virginia in early April 1864. Knoxville suffered greatly under the siege with buildings burned or shelled, and the land stripped of vegetation. Both sides were forced to forage throughout the ordeal resulting in innumer- able skirmishes. The divided sentiments among the local population resulted in ugly and murderous deprivations and reprisals against each other. This Confederate national bank note from Knoxville is the centerpiece of coauthor Dean's Tennessee collection, being the only reported specimen from any of the Confederate national banks to have been printed during the Civil War. The plate date is May 2, 1864. This note is serial 291397 red-1062-C, the last two digits of the bank sheet serial number having been altered through a spliced in repair. It was in the second 10-10-10-20 shipment for the bank from the Comptroller's office consisting of bank sheet serials 501- 1500, received there October 25, 1864. The First National Bank of Knoxville was organized on April 6, 1864, following on this chaos. The principal was William T. Perkins from Cincinnati, Ohio, installed as president, in league with W. R. Patterson, also of Cincinnati, who was elected cashier. Both then moved to Knoxville to open their bank. The remaining board was composed of stanch Unionists, all from Knoxville. Their charter was granted April 19. Both Perkins and Patterson returned to Cincinnati two years after the founding, Patterson being forced to resign over a conflict of interest over loans to a mercantile house in which he had an ownership share, and Perkins to pur- sue other interests. Locals then took full control of the bank. The bank was fated to be liquidated October 22, 1872. This appears to have been a business decision, devoid of any rancor associated with its being a Unionist managed entity. The bonds purchased by the shareholders to secure their circulation were bought at a discount in 1864. By 1872, they had risen in value sufficiently that a tidy profit could be made by selling them, and cashing out. The shareholders caved to this temptation, netting for themselves $135 per share on stock that been subscribed at $100. IssioNAL • NMI:4444.11,r 1.1.0.V017_44;(Tor ril l, r •—"..a aos■ •■■ Is2aLwase ■■:or il.t:i.Ercaottrcr NitgiONAt. trAmmoie • Pi' IP )S:111:011 ettlatimilitittini to ttairer laN:O=AIODZWEIG:167:41,011 , 0 4(2:30-3,--gzia 6 4P*441-404"r4cA"'ll' NATIONAL CURRENCY., .s 44.V1,51 It ILivaiii.D) .8 .0,,yen---0 . )Se rzrrk- i„ioihrilt.tzkemniunT it 111;151)in-9ton ., ---- 9 –1.! /7/ ,-"; • • ',"(, • - • 1 a ■-.).-1,),z)c:c. 3 /i NATIONAL ILIAW fast) (00.1 paii,TEN 101)covo, nn Delitalti). :riCirirtg=i7PADROMDWZIAZ. ' 4.4i"01) ES*.t1) '4"40WCI14.1,' ------KaccutoeicE2astm2.- A sioNAL cuRREN„..._ _czzza„.. . c/a:.Nom D„ ‘4.,t1:4 • 1.41-LeaW-4, la iewr^ t?2 attiC2ifieW•ws..-4■(<,-' ‘‘.) -41PIRSIr_ s owl)emomX rj 74-' 4 7.7' ) • ••.,` • '•'. Jag." " Racrap...amalv t*E314123a2.4=DOCCiadjil Atm 1PIERCI7HIll EBB724.1111i3 .7faCittark■XSZ Oir2=a5:Enire=510 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money174 Alexandria, right across the Potomac River from Washington, DC, was seized by Union troops on May 24, 1861, the day after Virginia voters approved secession. The First National Bank got a fairly late start in the city during December 1864, but still before the end of the war. Notice the December 28, 1864 plate date. Nashville was abandoned by General Johnson's outnum- bered Confederate Army in February 1862. Union MG Buell took the undefended city. The First National Bank opened at the end of 1863, the first of the so- called Confederate national banks. The Second National Bank came along two years later, also before the end of the war. The Union fleet under the command of Commodore David Farragut captured New Orleans on April 25, 1862, and Union General Benjamin Butler formally occupied the city on May 1, giving the Union control over the strategic lower Mississippi River. The First National Bank was chartered in December 1863. Notice the January 1864 plate date. The unambiguous Unionist loyalties of two of the original stockholders make for particularly interesting reading. The following compilations are dis- tilled from Dean (1996). William Brownlow was born August 29, 1805, in Wythe County, Virginia; orphaned at 11; licensed as a Methodist preacher in 1826; and became a circuit riding preacher. He pursued an early career in newspapers, settling in Knoxville in 1849 by founding the Knoxville Whig. His editorials railed against secession, and he served as a member of the East Tennessee Convention in its fight against Tennessee's Ordinance of Secession. He was suspected of being a ringleader of Unionists who sabotaged railroad bridges in November 1861, so was jailed by the Confederates in Knoxville that December. He was banished Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 175 to Union-held Nashville in March 1862, but returned to Knoxville shortly after it was occupied by Union troops. He was elected governor of Tennessee in February 1865, and reelected in 1867, wherein he pursued a heavy handed policy toward former Confederates and plunged the state deeply into debt. He served one six-year term as U. S. Senator from Tennessee beginning in 1869. Parson Brownlow, called "the meanest man that ever walked the streets of Knoxville," died April 29, 1877. Samuel Carter, born in 1819 in Elizabethton, graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis in 1846. He organized 2,000 East Tennessee vol- unteers for the Union in the late summer of 1861, and by May 1862, attained the rank of Brigadier General of the Volunteer Army. He accompanied Burnside into Knoxville in 1863, eventually becoming a Major General in the Volunteer Army. He resumed his career in the navy after the war, was Commandant of the U. S. Naval Academy from 1870 to 1873, and promoted to Rear Admiral in 1882. He died in Washington, DC, in 1891, the only person in history to be both an Admiral in the Navy and a General in the Army. The photos of the certified proofs shown here from Alexandria, Memphis and Nashville are proofs from Series of 1875 plates. Those plates had been modified by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from the Original Series plates turned over to them by the bank notes companies in 1875. Important for this article is the fact that the plate dates on those plates were not altered, so you get to see what appeared on the Original Series notes. The only significant change was the treasury signatures which were those in office when the plates were modified. On the other hand, the proof of the New Orleans $5 is an Original Series proof, so it is an exact replica of the notes issued by that bank during the Confederate period. Acknowledgments The Society of Paper Money Collectors and Long Island Currency Collectors supported the research leading to the preparation of this article. Robert Cochran provided the pamphlet written by Tuttle from his collection of bank histories. James Hughes, curator of the National Numismatic Collections, Museum of American History, provided access to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing certified proofs. References Cited and Sources of Data Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1863-1929. Certified proofs of national bank note face plates. National Numismatic Collections, Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1935. National bank organization reports and duplicate charters. Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD. Coulter, E. M. W. G. Brownlow. Chapel Hill, NC.: University of North Carolina Press, 1937. Dean, Charles. "A Confederate national bank note," Paper Money, Jul-Aug, 1996, v. 35, pp. 142-145. "Forrest's raid," Harper's Weekly, September 10, 1864. Garrett, W. R., and A. V. Goodpasture. History of Tennessee. Nashville, TN: Brandon Printing Company, 1900. Goodspeed. History of Knox County, Nashville, TN: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1887. Richardson, James D. A compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents 1789 - 1897, volume X. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1899, 677 p. Tuttle, David H. Since 1864, the Story of Memphis' Oldest Financial Institution: The First National Bank of Memphis, 1939, 48 p. THE DESPERADO COUNTERFEITER; M! OF MYSTERY; ROBBER AND MURDERER: MILES OGLE, Awes Imoaem W. OGLE, Alias J. F. OGLEsasr, Alias GEORGE W. WILSON. 176 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money Counterfeit National Bank Note Survives Its Reported Obituary by Dr. Jack M. Vorhies (deceased) WHILE TRUTH CAN BE STRANGER THAN FICTION, history is even more interesting than fiction. Such is the case in the intriguing history of Miles Ogle, a wily 19th Century counterfeiter, robber, and murderer, shown in Figure lb. While in custody in 1873, in order to get bail, the audacious Ogle even assured the U.S. District Attorney that he could help the government put an end to the crime of counterfeiting in this country. Ogle is the father of a counterfeit note that surfaced recently. It is a Series 1875 $10 note from the Muncie National Bank (Charter #793), shown in Figures 2a and b. He also counterfeited numerous other notes from Indiana National Banks. The Richmond National Bank (Charter #2090), The Lafayette National Bank (Charter #2213), and the Muncie National Bank (Charter #793) were a trio of notes cited by the Counterfeit Detector of that period with the cryp- tic message "Refuse all bearing bank No. 1496, Treasury Seal 165167." The three counterfeit bank notes carried identical numbers, although they were different banks. Of additional interest, it seems, Miles came by his talents naturally. His father, George Ogle, and his brother, John Ogle, also were counterfeiters. An article in the Government Counterfeit Detector (Sept. 1879, Vol. XXVI- II, #4, PP 35-42) John S. Dye Editor, treasury expert and proprietor (Figure la), details the case. Its cover is shown in Figure 3a. Dye provides a colorful narrative of the apprehension of Miles Ogle (alias George W. Ogle, alias J.F. Oglesby, alias George W. Wilson) and the recovery of various stashes of Ogle's counterfeited monies and plates Figure 3b. It describes the tedious undercover detective work of Secret Service agents and the procedures they used to trap Ogle and his accomplice, William Rhodes Johnston, shown in Figure 4, as well as the counterfeiters' ultimate conviction by an U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania. The entire article is quoted below. In addition to the counterfeit- Figure la 1Virr.ki3 OGLE. Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 177 ing history provided in this article, you'll enjoy some history of the 19th Century U.S. criminal justice system's fight against the counterfeiting of our currency. It is fascinating reading: THE DESPERADO COUNTERFEITER; MAN OF MYSTERY; ROBBER AND MURDERER; MILES OGLE, Alias GEORGE W. OGLE, Alias J.F. OGLESBY, Alias GEORGE W. WILSON. The capture and conviction of John Peter McCartney, soon after the appointment of James J. Brooks to be Chief of the Secret Service Division of the United States Treasury Department, was the first great and successful blow in the war of extermination, which that competent and energetic officer has ever since directed against the allied forces of the criminal fraternity of American Counterfeiters. When McCartney was immured in the Indiana state's prison, North, at Michigan City, in that state, the ablest and most competent coneyman left outside of prison walls was Miles Ogle, whose desperate life and crafty adventures with those of his relatives and partners, are the subject of the succeeding pages. Miles Ogle was born in 1841, in the state of New York, of German parentage. The name of his father was George Ogle and there were two sons, Miles Ogle and John Ogle, who both followed the same course of life and appear together in this comprehensive record. The Ogle family moved West at an early date, being a roving tribe and first became known to the detectives in the year 1862. In that year George Ogle the father, procured a flat-boat and embarking on the Ohio River, at a point near Cincinnati or further up the stream, with his wife and two sons Miles and John, started toward the Mississippi on an expedition in which plunder seems to have been the most important object. At Portland opposite Louisville, Kentucky, the fami- ly party was arrested, but discharged for want of evidence. At Rockport, Indiana, still further down the river, they were again suspected of robberies and an attempt was made to arrest them. As the officer came on board the boat, Miles Ogle, Figure la then a young fellow about twenty-one years of age, pointed a gun at the intruder's breast and shot him dead. For this, Miles was sentenced to five years imprisonment in the Indiana State's prison, South, at Jeffersonville in that state, a penalty, which the offender fully served out. It must be supposed there were palliating circumstances in this case, or the extreme penalty of the law for murder would have at once cut short the criminal career thus ominously begun. Having finished his term of five years in the Indiana state's prison, Miles Ogle proved himself a worthy scholar of the school from which he graduated. He almost immediately joined the infamous "Reno gang," a combination of bandits and scoundrels that for years was the terror of all Southern Indiana and actually subjected and tyrannized over whole coun- ties in the most audacious and lawless manner. In 1868, Miles Ogle, Frank Reno and Mike Rogers, were guilty of robbing the safe of the Treasurer of Mills Co., Iowa, and were convicted and committed to Sydney Jail in that county, from which they all presently escaped. Death Claims SPMC Author Dr. Jack Vorhies, 1923-2007 It is one of the saddest of ironies in recent memory that while this issue was in press with Dr. Jack Vorhies's article on the reported demise of his subject matter that the author, himself, passed away. He was 84. The Editor was informed of this by Vorhies' son Mark, when Mark found page proofs of the present article among his father's effects about a week after the death. Many oldtimers in SPMC recall Dr. Vorhies as co-author of the Society's Indiana Wismer obsolete volume in 1978 with Wendell Wolka and Don Schramm. Wolka, who was currently working on a CD update of that book with Dr. Vorhies, recalls his longtime colleague and friend: "We were working together, hoping to have it done this summer. I'm stunned. He died the day before I left for Charlotte and I didn't hear about it until I returned. "Jack was the collector's collec- tor, always interested in more than just the value of a note. Jack was devoted to the history that sur- rounded the items he enjoyed col- lecting and was always willing to share his knowledge with others. Please turn to page 180 178 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money The Reno gang, beside the Reno brothers who were finally lynched, included many hard characters, such as Lyle Levi, Jefferson Rittenhouse, Alike Rogers and others. Lyle Levi was the "boss" shover for Pete McCartney for a long time and Jeff Rittenhouse was the husband of Mazura or Missouri Rittenhouse, Lyle Levi's sister and mistress of the Lyle headquarters at Osgood, Indiana, where McCartney as "the best friend she had on earth," came often to arrange matters for many a jour- neying queersman of the time. It is not at all surprising that McCartney and Ogle should become acquainted and that in 1868 and 1869, the two worked in partnership, Ogle residing at Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he engaged in the constant manufacture of counterfeits of the five dollar United States Treasury Note, of the greenback variety, issue of March 10th, 1863, and the Twenty Dollar United States Treasury Note of the greenback variety of the issue of March 10th, 1862, from plates then just finished by the cleft hands of "Professor Joseph Woods" in his true character as John Peter McCartney. Through his operations in partnership with McCartney, Miles Ogle became known to the Operatives of the Secret Service Division, the Treasuiy Department up to that time having but indefinite information regarding him and his criminalities. Miles Ogle married Ida Johnston, a daughter of George Johnston, Senior, the son of Charles Rhodes Johnston, now over eighty years of age. The patriarch Charles lives about three miles from Indianapolis, Indiana. His on George, was the father of Charles Rhodes Johnston, 2nd, some thirty-two or thirty-five years of age; of William Rhodes Johnston, now twenty-five years old; of George Johnston Jr., aged seventeen, of Ira Johnston aged fifteen and of three sis- ters, namely: Ida Johnston aged twenty-nine or thirty, now Mrs. Miles Ogle, Laura Johnston and Lizzie Johnston the two last being some nine- teen or twenty years old. During a part of 1869 and 1870, "Pete" McCartney was as has been recorded in his biography, at Rolla, Missouri, where Miles Ogle also located with McCartney and did the printing of the counterfeit five dollar United States Treasury Note, from McCartney's plates already described. Ogle stole seventy-five thousand dollars of these notes from McCartney and put them in the hands of dealers and shovers in Cincinnati, Ohio. McCartney was driven away from Rolla by the intrusion of officers of the law, as noted in Dye's Government Counterfeit Detector for August 1879, page forty-second. The partnership of McCartney and Ogle was broken up, no settle- ment being effected and Ogle was next seen in Philadelphia Pa., where he was known to those whose business it was to observe him, as the alleged manufacturer of counterfeit notes. Still in 1870, a raid was made upon the place on Seventh Street, where Ogle was said to carry on his criminal industry. When the Operatives of the Secret Service entered the premises where the "mill" was supposed to be, they found a press, a marking machine, ink pot and scraps of bank note paper. The evidence that coun- terfeiting was carried on there was strong but not positive, meanwhile the proprietor of the illicit material escaped the vigilance of the Operative and found green fields and pastures new in a distant part of the common- wealth. In 1871, Miles Ogle was arrested under the name of George W. Wilson, at Pittsburgh, Pa., where an indictment and true bill was found against him for counterfeiting, in October of that year; the charge against him being the making and having a plate for printing counterfeits of the five dollar United States Treasury Notes, and passing bills of that charac- -A-s.e,'..2:-WT40.- A17.-... .,,S.« 4171)'1'4°41)4414",„ Nikr110.1,04.14Clattifilt A.( js NEf 't7I'L'iltlii- * - Zile 4L(4,7 lt,ourev ;Ft! W.U40 . 4 P4A114241 00314 1;11be*TIZilli 74/3 4- Prr• Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 179 ter. The prisoner was admitted to bail and so getting at large, he kept out of sight and forfeited his bonds, the Honorable Court not having the sat- isfaction of seeing his countenance for several years. The fugitive was described as a large stoutly built man, some thirty years old, six feet high and weighing two hundred and thirty pounds, of generally prepossessing appearance, with an intelligent look, his speech slightly Teutonic and his manners those of an educated German. His hair was a dark brown and inclined to curl, and he wore his whiskers carefully trimmed around his face. He made a good subject for a picture and the illustration at the head of this article is a good engraving from an excel- lent photograph of him. Later he became somewhat intemperate in his habits, drinking quite freely, a thing, which damaged his looks and depraved still more his disposition; just as intoxication affects whoever is betrayed into an infatuation of that kind. There was a great difference between "Pete" McCartney and Miles Ogle. The first although exceedingly shrewd and quick-witted, was some- times reckless, seeming in some cases to almost enjoy being involved in danger, because of the chance it gave his genius for trickery, bribery and sharp practice, in getting clear. Ogle as became his German blood, was more phlegmatic, careful and secretive. The man would have made a first-class diplomatist, had his destiny called him to such a position. Something interesting in illustration of his traits of character and method of management will appear in its proper place farther on in this narrative. As might have been expected, the whereabouts and whatabouts of Miles Ogle, for a time after he forfeited his bail at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1871, have not become matter of official record. From those who were his comrades in crime and from their customers, comes the very probable report, that he did not trouble himself with distant travel, but applied his mind to the same pursuits as before, just as though courts and laws had become "null, void and of no effect" in his sagacious case. However on the twelfth of March 1873, Miles Ogle was again arrested in Philadelphia, Pa.; for having engraved a set of plates for print- ing counterfeits of the five dollar United States Treasury Notes; for hav- ing the same in possession and for uttering and publishing counterfeits of the five dollar United States Treasury Notes. He was taken before the United States Commissioner and after examination held for trial in default of twelve thousand dollars bail. May 23rd, 1873, the prisoner was taken to Pittsburgh, Pa., to be tried on a charge of counterfeiting, under the name of George W. Wilson, on an indictment already mentioned as found against him in 1871, on which lie had forfeited his bail. Figure 2a 180 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money Ogle remained in Pittsburgh jail, until October 18, 1873, when hav- ing surrendered to United States District Attorney Swoope, one set of copper plates, in four pieces, for printing counterfeits of the five dollar United States Treasury Notes and a set of steel plates, in two pieces, for printing counterfeits of the "Spinner Head" variety of the fifty cent Notes of the United States Fractional Currency, with a large amount of coun- terfeit money, he was admitted to bail, upon the understanding that he was to give aid in suppressing the crime in which he had been discovered to be an expert. Ogle persuaded District Attorney Swoope that the revelations he made of the manner of counterfeiting, would enable the government to put an end to that crime at once and forever, "a consummation devoutly to be wished," but one even yet unattained, and as appears from recent developments, as far removed at present as ever. Still that which Ogle communicated in this way had great value doubtless at the time, and moreover he pledged himself to assist effectually in the apprehension of several distinguished counterfeiters and criminals then abroad and active in various felonies. Attorney Swoope admonished Ogle to quit his criminal career and to keep his promises to the authorities, to all of which the culprit faithful- ly and solemnly pledged himself, whereupon he was released on bail October 18th, 1873. The information given by Ogle at this time led to the arrest of several notorious queersmen and reprobates and subsequent- ly he worked for a considerable time in co-operation with the officers of the government, but finally withdrew from the honorable association and was presently again involved in mystery. Migrating from Pittsburgh, Ogle moved west and took up his resi- dence first at Cincinnati, Ohio, and next at a place in the country not far from that city, in the vicinity of a town or village called Cheviot. There he rented a small farm and kept a country variety store, but whether petty agriculture and retail trade were sufficient to monopolize his attention and fully employ his talents, the reader must peruse the succeeding para- graphs to discover. Chief H.C. Whitley and Col. Snelbaker were at one time close upon his track, but just as they got him fairly located he took the alarm and fled to parts unknown. Ogle was again seen in Cincinnati soon after Bill Mills and Romain Lohrer were sent to the penitentiary, though not implicated in any new crime. Sometime about August 1876, there appeared a new counterfeit, of the denomination of ten dollars, on the Richmond National Bank, of Richmond, Indiana. Soon after, another counterfeit of the same denomi- nation was issued, on Lafayette National Bank, of Lafayette, Indiana, and in November of the same year still another, on the Muncie National Bank, of Muncie, Indiana. These three counterfeit bills were evidently from the same plates, the variations in the names of the banks and their locations being created by artistic changes in the title lines of work. Experts and Operatives of the Secret Service considered these bills the handy-work of Miles Ogle, but he was so well under cover that no one could find him, and so carefully arranged was his method of operations, that it seemed impossible to discover from what source came the great quantities of these counterfeit tens which were rapidly thrown into circu- lation. A plan was at one time arranged, by which the famous Henry C. Cole, the counterfeiter, whose record appears in the March issue of Dye's Government Counterfeit Detector, was to be made instrumental in locating Ogle, and the history of the expedition as given by Cole himself, affords an insight into the manner in which Ogle conducted his affairs and defi- Dr. Jack Vorhies, 1923-2007 Continued from page 178 "The collecting community has lost a kind person and a true asset." Wolka added. According to the Indianapolis Star, Dr. Vorhies died March 12. He was a retired orthodontist. Burial was at Oaldawn Memory Gardens, Greenwood, IN. Dr. Vorhies is survived by his wife of 63 years Georgia, sons Larry, Brent, Carl and Mark, daughters Joyce Hickman and Dorothy Schroeder, and pre-deceased by another son Scott. In addition to his numismatic pursuits, Dr. Vorhies was very inter- ested in art and history, and sharing his enthusiasm for these subjects with his grandchildren. Dr. Vorhies was also interested in breeding Charolais cattle at his 1,200 acre ranch in Monroe County. His bulls were prize winners, and the ranch was decorated with an 8-foot limestone statue of an Indian salvaged from the old Indianapolis court house. Shreves Philatelic Galleries, Inc. Sale #72, September 2005, included Vorhies' collection of revenue stamped paper essays and proofs, "the most definitive collection of its kind." In January 2005 Vorhies donated 200 volumes to ANA, including seven copies of Heath's Counterfeit Detectors; Jacob Perkins by Bathe, Dor and Grenville, and proofs from ABNCo and BEP. ANA Librarian Nancy Green called the volumes "a magnifi- cent addition" to the library. mlloss str, -0,,, DA 4 $5 1895 Silver Certificate (4.4 iviG 1111278 I rehee I Iturke 'mit o'in ea %tem VN M5H433409 pp A Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 181 TRUST YOUR TREASURES TO THE INDUSTRY'S Label Features Prominent display of cataloging information and grade Security features such as hologram, bar code, and reiterated grade Generous area for graders' comments Preservation. Identification. Appreciation. Your notes deserve the best. That's why PMG developed this holder—combining the qualities that collectors value most. The PMG holder... ...Is made from the highest-quality, inert materials. It contains no openings or perforations—guarding against environmental hazards and contaminants. ...Features a large label that displays precise and specific information about your note, including a full attribution, pedigree, and graders' comments, as applicable. ...Accommodates a wide range of currency albums. Your notes take center stage with protective materials that maximize superior visibility. PMG's primary commitment is to provide accurate and consistent grading of paper money—to impart confidence and reliability. This also includes understanding what numismatists want from a holder. And that's why we are bringing a new standard of impartiality and integrity. To learn more about PMG, visit, or contact Glen Jorde, Grading Finalizer, at 877-PMG-5570. Join the community mt,/ 4:APMG PAPER MONEY GUARANTY P.O. Box 4755 I Sarasota, FL 34230 I 877-PMG-5570 (764-5570) I An Independent Member of the Certified Collectibles Group 182 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money nitely marks his character in more than one respect. Cole declined to take money from those who urged his departure upon this errand, but under- stood that he should be protected from unpleasant consequences, if by any means captured with the disreputable company he sought. It was known to Cole that one John McKernan, then living as a tav- ern keeper at number eight-four East Front Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, had long been a sort of guardian of Miles Ogle, and to him at this time an application was made. Cole being a first-class coneyman was of course treated with distinguished consideration, but the manner of his reception shows but too plainly what would have befallen an ordinary mortal under similar circumstances, had there been the least occasion given for suspi- cion of his purpose. Cole related to confidential parties that having arrived at Cincinnati, Ohio, and seen John McKernan, he was able after a time, to satisfy those to whom he was introduced, as to his purpose in seeking Ogle, and was then taken by night, a long and rough ride over country roads, some forty miles from the city, to a lonely place which he could not recognize. There he was admitted into a closely guarded house and introduced to Miles Ogle in the presence of a number of large, rough looking men, fellows to whose hands the knives and pistols they carried were as familiar and ready as their glasses and soup spoons. Cole confessed himself abashed at the nature of his reception by such company. He was a brave man, but if ever anyone had reason to be intimidated, "Harry" C. Cole need not have been ashamed of his uneasi- ness. It was not his style however to be taken aback by circumstances and whatever the conditions, did not intend to conduct a business interview under duress of fear. He took his measures accordingly and the result jus- tified his coolness and decision. One of the persons present at the above meeting states that Cole after the first few minutes of general conversation upon different subjects, said: "I have come a long and troublesome journey, gentlemen, to reach this place. My object was to have a little conversation about business with our friend, Mr. Ogle. I am not in the habit of talking private matters in the presence of people who are strangers to me. None can have any rea- son to fear me, I am here alone, a light, weak, delicate, unarmed man. Mr. Ogle himself could crush my life out between his thumb and finger, in a moment. Why, then, must all you solid men be around as if like so many bears and lions, you were but waiting a sign to tear me to pieces and devour me. If I can see Mr. Ogle alone and confidentially, I will satisfy him, but I have no business with any crowd, and if I cannot be allowed my own way, I shall have to take the road back to Cincinnati, whichever course you send me. But I shall have wasted all my time and expense money in that case and nobody will be any way better off or richer for my coming." The rest of Cole's talk was done to Miles Ogle alone and what was said between the two, they alone can relate. Neither of them has been communicative in that respect. When Cole returned from his journey, he informed those who inquired, that he had seen Ogle; would not say what he was doing and utterly refused to state where he met him. Cole never- theless dropped a word of caution, as to the risk incurred by those who undertook to travel the road he had just been safely over; but beyond this and a vague hint or two, the distinguished queersman was silent. As unsat- isfactory as all this was, nothing more seems to have been accomplished until a change took place in the Management and Operatives of the Secret Service. In July 1876, James J. Brooks, became Chief of the Secret Service ,17} JO PiAS, .4.,volanzt)rystr vrix-otizocootr%r. Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 183 Division, and soon after the Operatives at Cincinnati, Ohio, were super- seded by Estes G. Rathbone and F.C. Tuttle, and these two immediately set sharply to work to rid their district of the ever active counterfeiters who had so long infested that part of the countiv. On November 22nd, 1876, "Pete" McCartney, "The King of the Koniackers" was arrested at Richmond, Indiana, and through the energy of Operative Rathbone immured for fifteen years Wednesday, November 29, 1876, in the Indiana state's prison, North, at Michigan City. The next principal party was supposed to be Miles Ogle and much time and considerable money was spent in efforts to discover his hiding place. At last it came to the knowledge of the Operatives that Ogle has been seen to visit the tavern of John McKernan, No. 84 East Front Street, Cincinnati. They obtained an accurate description of their man from headquarters and shadowed McKernan's house for more than a month, at the end of that time their diligence was repaid by a sight of Miles Ogle as he came to Mckernan's place. When Ogle left the tavern of his old friend, he was followed to an extensive livery stable kept by "J.F. Oglesby" on the east side of Freeman Street, between Wade and Liberty Streets in the same city. Ogle was then shadowed to a residence Number 242 Poplar Street, which was found to be occupied by his brother-in-law William Rhodes Johnston. There Ogle also made his home, at least he was there whenever it suited his purposes. It was found that J.F. Oglesby the proprietor of the livery stable on Freeman Street near Wade Street, was none other than Miles Ogle himself, nor was this the only business in which he was active. While the officers were shadowing him, he was detected in making sales of counterfeit money at Brighton flats or Mill Creek bottom and also with John McKernan at his tavern on East Front Street. From the first of September 1876, to the 12th of November follow- ing, he was at his livery stable almost continually. On the last day named he disappeared. It was afterwards learned that on November 9th, 1876, Miles Ogle rented a house near the Fair Grounds on Friend Street, at Columbus, Ohio, where he and his wife remained a number of weeks, but finally broke up as he assumed to have "business East." His wife presently sold the household goods and removed to follow the uncertain fortunes of her husband. It was supposed the Ogles used the Columbus house for some part of their counterfeiting operations, as several jars, which had contained chemicals, were found on the premises after their departure. Early in January 1877, Miles Ogle again appeared at his usual haunts 0* WOmull a Figure 2b 184 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money in the city of Cincinnati. He had been closely shadowed since September 1876, and evidence accumulated sufficient for his conviction for passing and selling: he could have been arrested any number of times, but the cap- ture was postponed in order to discover where he made the bills he dealt in and so secure at once, the man, his tools and machinery, stock in trade and confederates. Carefully as the watch on Ogle had been kept, he seemed to have become uneasy and his guardians became apprehensive lest he should slip away from them after all. On Saturday evening, January 6th, about five o'clock, Operatives Rathbone and Tuttle saw Ogle leave his home on Poplar Street, from which he proceeded up the line of Railroad, across the Timanus Bridge to Brighton flats or Mill Creek common or bottom not far from Brighton House near the drove yards at Brighton Station, on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. Ogle had been traced to Brighton Station before and was known to have his boodle carriers and customers among the drovers who congregated at the yards and at the Brighton House. When Ogle had got well along in his tramp towards Brighton flats, his brother-in-law William Rhodes Johnston, came out from between two freight cars of a train, which stood upon the railroad track and joined company with him. It became evident to the Operatives who followed that something important was about to occur and their hitherto careful obser- vation was quickened by absorbing interest. The game had become a deep one and experts on both sides were engaged in the movements. Ogle always exceedingly cautious and ever alert, was evidently extra watchful and in a dangerous mood, while his companion, keen as a weasel, observed with sharp-eyed care every sign, which might indicate danger. For all that, like well-trained professionals, they kept up an appearance of carelessness and to an ordinary observer would have seemed two free and easy comrades, out on a happy stroll, for exercise, and amusement. Presently Ogle and Johnston left the railroad track and turned towards a point on the Common where a large elm tree stood. It was impossible to follow them further without detection and Rathbone and Tuttle came to a stand between the freight cars, just as Johnston had hid- den himself, some few moments before. Daylight was fast turning to dark- ness and the forms of Ogle and Johnston soon became lost to distinct view, amid the fast growing shadows of the uncertain landscape. Obscurity favors concealment, but it favors skilled observation as well and taking their own method, the Operatives became satisfied the men they watched, were engaged in the nice business of "raising a plant:" a piece of work which regardless of the seeming sense of the phrase, has nothing to do with agriculture or floriculture, but consisted in digging out of the ground what a plainsman or half-breed Indian would call a "cache" or deposit of some sort. In this case there was small reason to doubt, that the package they lifted from their excavation contained counterfeit money or the means of making the same, very probably both the one and the other together. Ogle and Johnston started upon their return, and when they reached the Railroad once more, Johnston carried a rough looking heavy valise they had acquired possession of since passing that way some little time before. The two men were more on their guard than ever and as the smaller, Johnston, walked on with his burden, the almost gigantic Ogle strode beside him with a look which gave warning to all who knew him or mistrusted his business! If Ogle had been a common man, he would have been arrested then and there, for Rathbone and Tuttle were among the cars upon the track where he came upon it. But the man who shot an offi- cer dead on sight, when a mere boy who kept a body guard of cut throats, ISSUED 110E1'111JY AT $3.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ritrABLisima OFIICIAL ORGAN. ri? r *V III.1850. 'kETP"i'ETVIIEFL, Isvvo. GOVERNMENT THE LIVE WAR-EAGLE OF WISCONSIN That a three years' campaign le thernt -hellion. Carried by the 8th Wisconsin flegintreot in tla.nty.flve battles. Thuabove cut presented to J. 8, Dye, spemIlly for this work, by Hon. J. 0. r:tribioltilieddrel'pihneNd"bildi bird OFFICE, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE T.1 1. S. MINT.vnax..A3comi.IREELA., ItrvI , Irted in the P.O. Dept. at 14,1 eh i Nano D. C., .41 Ind Clara /fatter, for 6001mA:ion throngb the Malls. Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 185 as Cole had discovered, was not the character to provoke to a duel, with man to man, in a locality in which he had more friends by far, than the officers of the law could hope to rally before somebody was killed. As manslaughter was not the mission of the Operatives, it is no reflection upon their courage, but a compliment to their discretion, that they let their men pass for the time and planned to capture them both alive and secure the boodle without butchery. Having managed so as to meet Ogle and Johnston when they came upon the Railroad and made their own observations, the Operatives sud- denly became very anxious to escape observation of them in return. Rathbone and Tuttle got behind the cars and soiled their hands, faces and clothes, then in the coolest style, began to work at the cars, this way and that, as if the most faithful and preoccupied of the C.H.D.B. & O.R.R.Co's lines! Ogle came close upon Rathbone, his hand upon his hip, but taking the latter for what he seemed to be passed him with but a glance under which however the Operative though outwardly imper- turbable, was most keenly conscious of the fine points of the situation. Ogle and Johnston directed their steps toward the little Miami Railroad depot in Cincinnati, to which they were followed by Rathbone and Tuttle, the Operatives taking care that the men they fol- lowed did not separate or part with the mysterious valise which they car- ried. At the depot named, Ogle and Johnston purchased tickets for Philadelphia Pa., and presently took the 8:25 p.m. Pan-Handle train for Pittsburgh, Pa. The Operatives, once more transformed, as to appearances, took the same train with the men whose wake they had followed thus far, and in close proximity the four started on their journey eastward. It will be remembered that Miles Ogle had been admitted to bail by District Attorney Swoope at Pittsburgh, Pa., October 1873, upon conditions. These conditions Ogle had not observed, and his bail he had forfeited. The circumstances sup- plied a ready-made "case" against him and the Secret Service Operatives were sagacious enough to know and realize all the advantage to be gained by a capture in the com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, especial- ly as they only surmised the nature of evidence" they might find upon the persons of Ogle and Johnston, or in the valise to which the last party gave such careful attention. After the train left Steubenville Station, which is near the western State line of Pennsylvania, the Figure 3a 186 May/June Whole No. 249 • Paper Money Operatives afterwards described as "an old man and young one" approached the brakeman and one of them slipping a fifty cent scrip into his hand, told him to let them know when they crossed the line into Pennsylvania. The brakeman did as directed when the train had reached a point near Collin Station, on the P.C. & St. L.R.R., and then Operative Rathbone, the young man aforesaid, walked over to where Ogle sat apart from Johnston and extending his right hand as if to an old acquaintance said in a friendly manner, "How do you do, Mr. Hall." Ogle extended his hand to shake, when quick as a flash of light, Rathbone grabbed the proffered palm with his right hand and seized Ogle's other hand with his left. Ogle struggled to release his left hand, which he tried to get to his hip for his revolver in his pantaloons pocket. Though called "young," Rathbone at this time weighed about one hun- dred and ninety pounds, all meat, and was described as ''just about as full of pluck as anyone could be." Greek met Greek, but the Operative had the advantage, and beside was dexterous. When he brought his left hand into action, it held a nice pair of steel hand-cuffs and before the passen- gers in the same car realized there was anything uncommon going on, Miles Ogle was arrested and sitting quietly in irons. It had been a long, tedious, painstaking, pursuit, but the object warranted the effort, circum- stances compelled the course taken, and the Secret Service man was nim- ble enough, when at last the time for precaution was past and the nip and tuck of the desperate game demanded swiftness and courage. While this had been going on, Operative Frank C. Tuttle had gone over to where William Rhodes Johnston was, about four seats to the rear, and presenting his revolver at the head of the latter with word of com- mand, "Hands up!" effected his capture without any trouble, by dint of that plain and simple argument. Johnston, who was a slight, dapper gen- tleman, submitted to be ironed without opposition, all the more quietly as he saw his stalwart chief suddenly brought to bay and helpless prisoner in the hands of the enemy. The Operatives then searched the person of each of the prisoners. Ogle was stuffed full of counterfeit money, having a package in every pocket of his clothes. There was about two thousand dollars of the stuff upon him, mostly in the Richmond, Lafayette and Muncie ten dollar counterfeit bills he had been suspected of manufacturing. The Operatives also took from Ogle a book of bank checks, and when this was found he said: "You will find a little money there to my credit;" meaning he had money in the bank named on the checks, and this was the only word he saw fit to speak during the entire performance. Nothing was found upon Johnston, except some trinkets of no great value and of no account in any charge against him. While the search was going on the train ran into a tunnel and when it came out one of the passengers found a goodly roll of counterfeit bills near the seat occupied by Johnston; this money was a package he managed to throwaway during the moments the train and all concerned were in the dense darkness of the underground passage. The valise, which had been dug up at Brighton flats, was found in the hand of Johnston when Operative Tuttle came upon him as has been related. Johnston saw Rathbone when he laid hands upon Ogle, and having instructions from his leader to throwaway the valise in case of arrest, began breaking the win- dow of the car and would have flung his baggage out upon the roadside but for the quickness of Tuttle in making the capture. During the entire proceedings young Johnston spoke never a word, and the observing pas- sengers sent to the newspapers statements that the four men seemed to have a perfect understanding of each other and went through the whole Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 187 business as if it were a set piece in a drama and had been rehearsed any number of times. The search being over and the valise taken possession of, a warrant for their arrest was read to the prisoners and an Operative sat down beside each of them until the train arrived at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the morning of January 8th 1877. Upon reaching the city at the Union Depot, the four men left the cars quietly and took a carriage up Grant Street to Seventh Avenue, down the avenue to Smithfield Street and so on the Robinson House, where they took rooms and having their breakfast sent up to them, made themselves safe and comfortable for a short time. The newspapers noted the arrival of the mysterious party and from the sudden activity of the officials of the United States Court, inferred an affair of importance. Ogle at once sent for Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., who had been his attor- ney for five years and had defended him before District Attorney Swoope, in 1873. To Mr. Marshall both Ogle and Johnston entrusted their case, having every reason to rely upon his skill and faithfulness in their very critical circumstances. The Operatives then ordered a carriage, which having arrived, the prisoners were taken to Dabb's Photograph Rooms 174 Liberty Street, where the photographs were taken from which the engravings of Ogle and Johnston, which appear on these pages, have been reproduced. By about eleven o'clock a.m., the party with their baggage consisting of one valise and a quantity of personal effects appeared in the Government Building and were taken to the office of the United States District Attorney, Henry H. McCormick, where some important disclosures took place. The valise, which had been taken with Johnston, was acknowledged by Ogle to be his property and he tried to create the impression that the bearer of the same was ignorant of the nature of its contents. It was a stout valise or satchel, securely tied with cords and coated with asphaltum, to keep out water. The contents were, a set of plates for printing counterfeit ten dollar National Bank Notes, on the Richmond, Lafayette, Muncie, Figure 3b -ork City, 11evi:Yotivtlity„ New ark City NoviYoiik •City, Neti:T59:k Ciiy 1ctiityi.York: City . Yev41-tai 1)4; vaw.. ark City, N. Yi N. Pougble¢I>Ble N. t'ouglik9469; t. 'Ls Poq41i1;41,36;. Svrilculo;..-N;.*Y; .• y • 11,k.„11bi,terN.... . r(oiNY 1'1.4y, N. Y. 11 akiug, Makin ri,iln.00,0ba; 1 COITY1'1110.,EITS, PR4FLI.N7i1W...114TIOL5'.31,L 114V.VIOW1..,:3321.NE: kt'1%;:::0"a: .0r.....i.1141.1'..41'1ViT,F,z .(,),E t. ,1,g T, NATIC:07A 1.014:911:1. :11,1:411C. ABSNY. :. 1103(... RATItikr.kt. ,BAWK. AIIMAS.:(111T.ICA1.401■741% , PI N 13A.N1i; 1aI 111 sip F.g4i! •liY11411n4E.SÄT1ONAT,..1A141i.11VZ/NrIOTA.1.. , B INK illSrliATI 0$51.: P it.:-WAVONAT3,74Akia. 1,.1,01/1.4 :pi ty .14.710X:k.1"; BOK.: _ 4 lattlii1. CO. N4.1' IONA L. BANK. I) -17.1130N:11, TANK'. 1\1 ryi;li .1.i..V.flONAh BAN1C, ,Ai„117!,. I MI' "k17,1130,g.,11, '13.4..N 11101.1MOND d71I'(N1T, 11ANIC .1;111*.11E, NATLOK,AL: Pi ROT .NATIOIOAL.,13ANK: EIIRD XAT1011.1.i . . 1131Nli. • • • 20 51‘' 1'213 )11k 291:. 1 75;•: . 1305. 11• 732 ..19 • ;vt 220 on P.111,T2 - • AU409714,..1840 . , : .6.0tiPf11.7 1,..1888 3 * ic ; 14468.5 . ' .::1,4840,14,31886 Julie 1,..1895 .: -.4ti8iiii114; ..1'900 - M....1" 1'2, 1.565 A vauiT .1',.. 1861 A vieiAil; .:11166 .1,,,.::- 1, 1M5 A etlek.T1," 1888 31.1elusx '1,, .:1808 - 1 1 i165 Aud,rst..14 .1846 J il,(,' 1, 1 8335,. S. .kile.ter, .1808 .2itei . ., .: 3,:p 1860 3,,T,T 20, 1888. ' 34-.i.r4.0;488.0 MAY. 0: 1665 '... 301/411,Y" 1860 ■TtlIV; . ,1064 ''','' : j."117rMiro".1)06 .101.1001k-,115,% , JA.2:11,6,141,.' 187a- 3th,i,- 5; 1864 .. Dice. er., .1870 .ti.uo'rdf li 1885' J;:1860 Pen.' 201:863 .. keougl;' 1860 :.:.Fp. . 20,, 1885 . Atiersi:;.1, 1886 '.', . ' .'..... J'Ai6LiA,,-1870 a ei,..1 1, 1866 Je..N.i,.SitY • 1870'.. . . ,. 3-A107.IR1-,i,1070 Jinx I, 865 ' JA,4869 , .:111A:V. 10 95., 18 At; 011-.3i..3, ;13188 Auer 1, 1, 15165 Auc...,,,,z1; 1816 ILkiicit 15, 19(3 . J.,:in.4.nii.- 7 1877 , ,' .1)Ril 22: 1874 - 3 kInTeRi, 7, , 1877 .": Fee.. 14 -,- 1880 • : JA.Yzir..iity 7.,,..j8v Fee. 20,- 1804•. .1,t104ir;', 1807 FRB. 20, 1894. ;-' JA40?.i. R.Y; 13137 188 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money and about forty other National Banks of Indiana. The original Richmond counterfeit engraved plate was part of the lot, with the border and center back of the same, the red seal plate and forty-three electrotype plates from the ten dollar plates, for the numerous changes above mentioned. Also a set of plates for printing counterfeits of fifty cent Notes of the United States Fractional Currency, bearing the "Dexter Head;" with fifty-two electrotypes from the same, for printing such currency in sheets. Beside counterfeit money of the ten dollar National Bank Notes and fifty cent currency, to the nominal amount of $5,775.50. Thus the Secret Service Division was placed in possession of all the plates for printing counterfeits of ten dollar notes, either of the Treasury or National Banks. The counterfeit money found in the valise, with that taken upon the prisoners, amounted to nearly eight thousand dollars. Soon after the interview with District Attorney McCormick, the prisoners were taken before United States Commissioner Gamble, where they waived a hearing and were committed to jail, for trial at the February term of the United States District Court, in default of $20,000 bail required from each of them. Having concluded their business in so satisfactory and prompt a manner, Operatives Rathbone and Tuttle returned at once to Cincinnati, Ohio, and arrested John McKernan and his wife Bridget McKernan, the head of an extensive and long active gang of shovers, old friends of Ogle and heavy buyers of counterfeit money from him. McKernan was caught through the discoveries of detective Thomas McGovern, who became familiar with the Rittenhouse, Levi, Lee, family at Osgood and vicinity and getting into their dangerous confidence, followed up the business with such shrewdness and courage, that Operative Rathbone not only was enabled to lay bands upon all these parties for good cause, but saw them safely landed at last in prison under various sentences, a few months after Ogle and Johnston were safe in jail at Pittsburgh. Ogle when in the hands of Rathbone at Pittsburgh, in order to make capital and win favor, told that Operative that near where the valise had been dug up on Brighton flats there was another "plant," he having buried several thousand dollars of counterfeit money by the old elm tree which was a feature of that landscape. As soon as they had completed the busi- ness growing out of the arrest of the McKernans and their party, Rathbone and Tuttle went out to Brighton flats and located the plant from the directions they had received. There was however an overflow at the time from Mill Creek, over the flats, which prevented them from dig- ging thereabout. When the flood subsided they went out again, but this time the sod was hard frozen. They however secured the services of an expert--with a pickaxe, in an Irishman from McLean Avenue, who after considerable hard work, dug up a sealed tin bucket and a large can. The spot where these were found was about half a mile north of Brighton Station, near the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad tracks. The Operatives at once took possession of the bucket and can and prepared for a return to town, paying the laborer a dollar for his trouble. They had parried the Irishman's inquisitiveness by the statement that there were great quantities of jewelry buried there and when the deposit was actually found, the mind of the laborer was fairly upset. He would not leave his employers, but demanded a half of the treasure trove. The Operatives then told him in good faith, the bucket and can contained counterfeit money. This imaginative son of Erin utterly refused to believe and insisted that he was entitled to at least one-quarter of the prize, what- ever its character. To satisfy him, the Operatives advised the Irishman to leave his tools in a safe place and come to headquarters with them and see I I Sign Up to Receive Our Fully Illustrated Catalogs Free Online or Only $72 for a Full Year Subscription of Six Bimonthly Printed Catalogs AUTOGRAPHS • COINS • CURRENCY • AMERICANA • MAPS Every Auction Lot is Now Available for Online Viewi www EarlyAmeri can corn jA '44.411.1V V '44 I), 0 UhillOSTMSNOTE i a' Consign Your Important Material • Phone Dana Linett Today! Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 189 r Buying & Selling All Choice to Gem CU Fractional Currency Paying Over Bid Please Call: 314-878-3564 ROB'S COINS & CURRENCY P.O. Box 6099, St. Louis, MO 63017 Special: my Fractional Currency Book FREE (free postage too!) to all new SPMC members who request one while supplies last I EARLY AMERICAN HISTORY AUCTIONS EARLY AMERICAN • P.O. Box 3507 • RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067 (858) 759-3290 OR FAX (858) 759-1439 • WTTaxAvr IltionEs afatiNsToix. 190 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money the bucket and can opened, which he agreed to do, still insisting upon the injustice done him by their refusal to make a division in the matter. He started to accompany them and at Harrison Avenue they got in Number 18 green car of the Baymiller Street line of horse cars, while he went into a bar room, as the Operatives supposed to leave his pick and shovel for safe-keeping. In a moment the car started down town and was followed by a big burly policeman named John Shatzman, who boarded it and taking a seat alongside of Rathbone demanded in a very authoritative tone, to know what was in the tin vessels between his feet. The Operatives told him the facts and showed him their commissions; Shatzman was inexorable how- ever and insisted upon taking them before Superintendent of Police Colonel Wood. The Operatives thought fit to be "taken in" and at the Ninth Street Station House, took their bucket and can to a safe place and opened them before Colonel Wood, when they were found filled with counterfeits of the fifty cent Notes of the United States Fractional Currency of the "Dexter Head" Series. Of course the Operatives were at once courteously dismissed and taking their prize to headquarters found they had $8,541.00 of fifty cent currency notes of the Ogle manufacture; the same having been buried by him. This last find raised the amount of counterfeit money taken with Ogle, to $14,316.50. In all one hundred and ten counterfeit plates were captured in the same connection and over three hundred persons criminally implicated and brought to punishment first and last. The Grand Jury found true bills against Miles Ogle and William Rhodes Johnston, charging them with having in posses- sion the counterfeit plates and money already described and a time was fixed for the trial, which took place at the February, 1877, Term of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, held at Pittsburgh. The case was one of peculiar interest and one of the most important of its kind ever tried. His Honor Judge Winthrop W. Ketchum presided at the sessions; Henry H. McCormick, United States District Attorney and Assistant United States District Attorney George C. Wilson, conducted the prosecution; while Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., appeared for the defendants. The case was opened for the government, by Assistant District Attorney Wilson, who stated to the jury what he expected Figure 4 to prove. Estes G. Rathbone Operative of the Secret Service, was the first witness called; Frank C. Tuttle also an Operative of the Secret Service was next examined. Being sworn, these witnesses testified substantially to the facts of the arrest of Ogle and Johnston as detailed in the forgoing pages. The case of Ogle was hopeless from the beginning, but Mr. Marshall made the best terms possible for such a hardened offender and tried faith- fully to clear the young man Johnston. On February 23rd, 1877, Miles Ogle was found guilty of the charge against him, and sentenced to con- finement at hard labor in the Western Penitentiary, at Allegheny, Pa. for the term of eight (8) years and to pay a fine of eight thousand dollars ($8,000). William Rhodes Johnston was convicted and sentenced to two years imprisonment and to pay a fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000). We can speculate that Miles Ogle's ten-dollar counterfeit note from the Muncie National Bank (Figure 2a) may have been part of a cache discussed in this article. Perhaps it was among the $5,775.50 in counterfeit notes that he and his accomplice dug from the ground near the large elm tree and carried in the • h..2.--to sgus. 7OPPQ 67PPQ Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 PCGS Currency Grading Matters! 191 Fr. 1513 1963 $2 Legal Tender Note Fr. 2039-B* 2004A $10 Federal Reserve Note Fr. 2300' 1935A $1 Hawaii Silver Certificate PCGS Superb Gem New 69PPQ PCGS Perfect New 7OPPQ PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ Realized $373.75 Realized $977.50 Realized $5,750.00 Fr. 2301 1934 $5 Hawaii Federal Reserve Note Fr. 2307' 1934A $5 North Africa Silver Certificate Fr. 2404 1928 $50 Gold Certificate PCGS Superb Gem New 68PPQ PCGS Gem New 66PPQ PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ Realized $4,887.50 Realized $5,175.00 Realized $12,650.00 These notes are truly exceptional pieces of currency, and the over a year ago, spanning the entire spectrum of values—from the auction results above are proof that PCGS Currency grading is truly most common $1 Silver Certificate to some of the rarest and most a value added service. The notes pictured above realized an amazing valuable notes ever sold. The consistent application of our grading average of more than 350% of their current Oakes & Schwartz standards gives buyers and sellers unmatched security in determining reference value in the September, 2006 Heritage-CAA Long Beach condition and value. Our grading guarantee insures that even when Sale. Currency collectors and dealers recognize that the PCGS we make a mistake, you don't! Currency grading standards are the most consistently applied stan- Why trust any other service for your valuable currency? PCGS dards in the business, and these auction prices Currency is the only currency grading service realized are proof that buyers demand PCGS that offers a truly unbiased third-parry opinion, Currency grading for their valuable notes. published grading standards, and a written Whether your notes are worth $100 or less, grading guarantee. or $1,000,000 or more, PCGS Currency grading %/t11/11, adds value to your collection. We've graded Standards. Consistency. Integrity. more than 40,000 notes since our inception just CURRIENCY PCGS Currency Grading Matters!A Division of Collectors Universe Nasdaq: CLOT The Standard for Paper Money Grading P.O. Box 9458, Newport Beach, California 92658 • Toll-Free 800-447-8848 • Fax 949-833-7660 • 192 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money waterproof satchel to the railroad train they boarded in Cincinnati. They were arrested, with the satchel, after the train entered Pennsylvania. This ten-dollar counterfeit note could have been among the estimated $2,000.00 found stuffed in Ogle's pockets. Or the passenger who found the ejected evidence might have pilfered a single bill from the large roll found on the floor near Johnston's seat after the railroad car emerged from a tunnel. There are many possibilities of how this note evaded the ultimate destruction of Ogle's counterfeit products. We can't solve the mystery, but it is interesting to speculate. The single Muncie National Bank counterfeit Series 1875 $10.00 National Banknote is now hidden in an envelope, attached to a page of the bound Government Counterfeit Detector (Sept 1879 Vol. XXVIII, #4). This document of 1879 has served as an Obituary for these counterfeit ten dollar notes. Thanks to the Secret Service. Our imagination can only embellish what history of interest has taken place in the intervening One Hundred and Thirty Years. Response to Letter to the Editor in re. Stephen Zarlenga's article Dear Editor Reed, Mr. Stephen Zarlenga authorized this response to a letter to the editor written by R. Shawn Hewitt and published in the Nov/Dec issue of Paper Money. As a student of monetary history and a collector of paper money I wanted to make these comments. First, Mr. Hewitt is right in saying that Fed cannot take the full blame for multi-factorial social ills like child mortality and arms proliferation. The financial system (in which the Fed plays a big part) cannot be ignored either when it comes to social questions, but these postulations are probably better discussed in a different forum. This issue aside, I would argue that Zarlenga's article on the Federal Reserve and his thesis statement that this organi- zation is controlled privately is absolutely appropriate for scholarly dialog [i.e. in places like Paper Money]. We challenge anyone (in an academically-spirited way) to make the case that the Fed is part of the U.S. Government directed by Congress. Critical comments on articles posted on our website and on Stephen Zarlenga's major work The Lost Science of Money are always welcome. Having attended two AMI conferences with expert presenters from all over the world, I can assure this readership of the utmost credentials of our organization. As a collector of Federal Reserve Notes, I am fascinated that in 1929 three different types of notes with different obligations were circulating at the same time. I am fascinated that a note's artwork in the form of national imagery is designed to instill confidence in the people, because in times past, the people did not "trust" paper money. I view paper money as a contract -- a promise to pay. I collect paper money as evidence of political and financial history as it relates to the average citizen in his/her everyday transactions. I would like to acknowledge that without paper money, the economics that allowed advancements in technology and civilization would never have taken place. Paper money is one of the most important instruments of civilization and its use and issuance should be understood by all citizens of a democratic nation. Respectfully submitted, -- Matthew Hajzl, AMI member To which Stephen Zarlenga adds: The root problem in our money system leading to the skewed distribution of wealth is not fiat money, as the gold enthusiasts would tell us: The problem is the private issue of fiat money, a process which takes place under the control of the Federal Reserve's fractional reserve system. -- Stephen Zarlenga, AMI director Currency Conservation & Attribution LLC To learn more about this holder: • go to • email us at info© • or mail us at CC&A LLC, P.O. Box 2017, Nederland, CO 80466 CC&A Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 193 $5 Series of 1882 Circus Poster National Bank Notes T HE MOST DESIRABLE LAYOUTS ON $5 Series of 1882 national bank notes are the circus posters, which consistently bring record prices. Circus posters were issued from 50 different banks. One of those, charter 3779 in Kansas, moved, and by chance got a second circus poster, giving it the distiction of being the only bank in the ountry to issue circus posters from two towns. The Paper Column BY PETER HUNTOON WITH DOUG WALCUTT (DECEASED) AND ROBERT KVEDERAS '•;41-71. Definition The first known use of the term "circus poster" is shrouded in history. IATherever the evocative term came from, it quickly caught on and gained wide- spread usage. Now people have taken to arguing over exactly what constitutes a circus poster! The classic definition for a circus poster applies to title block layouts made from Bureau of Engraving and Printing die 947. We are calling this CP1. This design was first introduced in 1886, on a plate made for The Patapsco National Bank of Ellicott City, Maryland (#3585), certified December 7th. This also was the first plate to utilize in-line treasury signatures. Die 947 employs three very characteristic elements. The most eye catch- ing is the sweeping, arched, banner-like "National Bank" above the tombstone. CP1 CP2 /1°' UrKith-TPATLLEtkm 1.0 rer CP3 yllil BIL (;‘). zeii1/05.,3,4yer, (;ft, . 194 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money Comparison between the three circus poster layouts. CP1 is an impression from die 947, CP2 is from die 2451, and CP3 is from a proof of the note. Also distinctive is the elegant tombstone containing the town, with cap above containing "of." Last but not least is the will pay line with "Will Pay/the Bearer/on Demand" in three evenly stacked, downward bowed lines to the left of the ornate rendering of "Five Dollars." Die 947 was used early in 1887 to produce a plate for The National Park Bank of Livingston, Montana Territory (#3605); however, owing to the title, the National Bank banner was replaced by a rather prosaic looking curved rendering of "Park Bank." We doubt that anyone would reject this less elegant example from the circus poster club. However, it doesn't have the National Bank ban- ner, so our definition cannot rigorously require all three of the defining charac- teristics in every case! The classic circus poster layout was modified on die 2451 in 1894. AVe are calling this CP2. The first use was for The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte, North Carolina (#2135), on a plate certified January 15th. The National Bank banner was preserved, being the most distinctive feature on the circus poster layouts, but with an added candlestick-like embellishment to its right. The word "of" was removed from the cap above the tombstone, and the cap was filled with uniform vertical lines. The "of" appears within a sheaf of wheat to the left, so is easier to read than on CP1. The greatest alteration is the streamlined will pay clause below the tombstone in which the words "Will pay FIVE DOLLARS to Bearer" appear in a horizontal line, with a curved "on demand" centered below. CP2 has been called the poor man's circus poster. It was used on the plates for only four banks. Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 195 Matt Janzen wins 7th George Wait Memorial Award /GATT JANZEN HAS BEEN NAMED THE RECIPIENT OF the 2007 George W. Wait Memorial Prize for paper money r esearch. His project is Wisconsin National Bank Notes, an ongoing census now up to 10,223 note serial numbers, sum- maries and photos based on seven years of direct observation. Janzen's prize is worth $500, the contest maximum. Past recipients include four individuals and one group to be honored with the Wait Memorial Prize. Each received the maximum award. 1st annual Wait winner was Robert S. Neale for a book on antebellum Bank of Cape Fear, NC. The 2nd went to Forrest Daniel for a manuscript on small size War of 1812 Treasury Notes, publication of which is pending. Gene Hessler was honored for a book on international bank note engravers that earned accolades. R. Shawn Hewitt and Charles Parrish received their prize for a book on Minnesota obsolete notes & scrip (which just happens to be reviewed on page 228), and Michael Reynard last year for a book on check collecting. In some years no prize was awarded. The Wait Memorial contest was instituted by the Society to honor the life & works of SPMC charter member and vision- ary George W. Wait. The contest is open to all persons engaged in research on paper money, banking and related fields leading to publication of a book-length work. Applicants need not be members of the Society, but are encouraged to become one. Rules for the 2008 contest will appear in our Nov/Dec 2007 issue of Paper Money. MACERATED MONEY Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money. RARE, FREE MASCERATED POSTCARD FOR USEFUL INFORMATION Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest. Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid. Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830 E-mail: INSURANCE For The PaperMoney Collector Your homeowners insurance is rarely enough to cover your collectibles. We have provided economical, dependable collectibles insurance since 1966. • Our insurance carrier is AM Best's rated A+ (Superior). • We insure paper money, paper ephemera, manuscripts, books, autographs and scores of other collectibles. "One-stop - service for practically everything you collect. • Personal Attention. Consumer friendly service. Dedicated staff. Network of expert assistance in valuing collectibles at time of loss. You won't deal with someone who doesn't know the collectibles business. • Detailed inventory and/or professional appraisal not required. Collectors list items over $5,000, dealers no listing required. • See our website (or call, fax, e -mail us) for full information, including standard exclusions. CIA Collectibles Insurance Agency 11350 McCormick Road • Suite 700 • Hunt Valley, MD 21031 E-Mail: Imo= VISA Check our website for free downloadable brochures. Call Toll Free:1-888-837-9537 • Fax: (410) 876-9233 Need more information about our insurance? Visit: I r r 0 7. FOS rr!2! V • :11.3X11114111111MatlIV s1E(1( ).-) •I); I pag- there re 4,04:0ttHiliEgiar0 . 4//' 116Thler- 4,s' :-•/;/;1;vi. ox.oLmos,wmtrompseqemccat000kozwo 196 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money The only appearance of CP3 was in November 1895, on a plate made for The Live Stock National Bank of Sioux City, Iowa (#5022). This die incorpo- rated most of the elements on CP1. "Of" was moved to a conspicuous position to the right of the National Bank banner, allowing the cap above the tombstone to be all but eliminated, so that the tombstone could rise. Most obvious is the elegant shingled rendering of "Will Pay/the Bearer/on Demand" to the left of "Five Dollars." Use Circus poster plates were made for the following situations: (1) first plates ordered for new banks, (2) first plates ordered for extending banks, (3) replace- ment plates macle to succeed plates with earlier patent letter layouts which were being purged, and (4) replacement plates made to succeed worn plates. Once a circus poster layout was adopted for a bank, successive replacements, territorial to state conversions, and brown back to date back conversions, continued to uti- lized the circus poster layout. Bank officers did not get to choose the layouts on their plates. That was a decision made at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The grand circus poster layouts discussed here were simply one of several layouts available at the time. Consequently, it was luck of the draw for a bank to receive a circus poster. A magnificent example of an issued circus poster $5 Series of 1882 brown back. This one sports the classic CP1 design. (Photo courtesy of Robert Kotcher) Purged Title Blocks The circus poster plates listed on Table 1 followed by the comment "replaced earlier layout," were substitutes for plates with patent lettering lay- outs made during the 1882-5 period. Patent lettering refers to lettering in the title blocks made from proprietary engraving machines sold to, or licensed to, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. These machines could engrave letters on a die in an infinite variety of fonts. The workmanship at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing was under intense fire in the early to mid 1880s. The criticism was reaching Congressmen and others in influential positions, and generating a bit of heat. The primary source for the discontent was none other than the private bank note companies, and their engravers, who no longer were getting government contracts to design, engrave and print national bank notes. The last of those contracts had terminated in 1877, causing bitter resentments. The faces of the new $5 Series of 1882 notes, many with patent lettered layouts, were particularly reviled because the $5 was entirely of a BEP design. The patent lettered title blocks on them were dismissed as being mechanically produced, and thus inferior to engraved work. Bureau personnel came to consider the patent lettering work inartistic and inferior. Consequently, the plates containing the patent letter title layouts •began to be replaced beginning about the middle of 1887. Not by coincidence, Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 197 Table 1. $5 Series of 1882 plates with circus poster title block layouts arranged in order of plate certification dates. CP1 Circus poster with Will Pay lines stacked evenly one above the other. CP2 Circus poster with "Will pay FIVE DOLLARS on Demand" on one line. CP3 Circus poster with Will Pay lines elegantly stacked so each line is offset from the one above. Placements Type Ch Town & State Cert Date Plate Date Plate Ltrs CP1 3583 Ellicott City, MD 07 Dec 86 05 Nov 86 A B C D CP1 3591 Jewell City, KS 07 Dec 86 18 Nov 86 A B C D CP1 3594 Medicine Lodge, KS 15 Dec 86 30 Nov 86 ABCD CP1 3595 Shreveport, LA 16 Dec 86 03 Dec 86 ABCD CP1 3598 West Newton, MA 22 Dec 86 08 Dec 86 A B C D CP1 3600 Shreveport, LA 23 Dec 86 09 Dec 86 A B C D CP1 3602 Fargo, DT 05 Jan 87 14 Dec 86 A B C D CP1 3604 Philadelphia, PA 05 Jan 87 17 Dec 86 A B C D CP1 3605 Livingston, MTT 11 Jan 87 18 Dec 86 A B C D CP1 3607 Ashland, WI 14 Jan 87 21 Dec 86 A B C D CP1 2747 Michigan City, IN 22 Jan 87 11 Jul 82 ABCD (see: Michigan City 28 Jan 87) CP1 3614 Sparta, TN 24 Jan 87 05 Jan 86 A B C D CP1 3616 Rock Hill, SC 27 Jan 87 11 Jan 87 A B C D CP1 2747 Michigan City, IN 28 Jan 87 11 Jul 82 EFGH CP1 3619 Beaver City, NE 07 Feb 87 17 Jan 87 A B C D CP1 3621 Atlantic City, NJ 11 Feb 87 20 Jan 87 A B C D CP1 3629 Piedmont, WV 26 Feb 87 01 Feb 87 A B C D CP1 3634 Fort Smith, AR 03 Mar 87 07 Feb 87 A B C D CP1 3639 Cincinnati, OH 09 Mar 87 23 Feb 87 A B C D CP1 3641 Kaukauna, WI 18 Mar 87 24 Feb 87 A B C D CP1 3647 Chicago, IL 26 Mar 87 12 Mar 87 A B C D CP1 3648 Grass Valley, CA 01 Apr 87 16 Mar 87 A B C D CP1 3649 Pratt, KS 02 Apr 87 16 Mar 87 A B C D CP1 3651 Tyler, TX 05 Apr 87 21 Mar 87 A B C D CP1 3085 Philadelphia, PA 02 Jul 87 01 Dec 83 E F G H CP1 3059 North Bend, NE 30 Jul 87 28 Sep 83 E F G H CP1 3332 Jackson, MS 03 Aug 87 10 Apr 85 E F G H CP1 2809 Frankfort, KS 10 Aug 87 03 Nov 82 E F G H CP1 367 Augusta, ME 23 Aug 87 25 Feb 83 E F G H CP1 3763 Renovo, PA 24 Aug 87 28 Jul 87 A B C D CP1 3765 Greenville, MS 26 Aug 87 28 Jul 87 A B C D CP1 3769 Alma, KS 26 Aug 87 03 Aug 87 A B C D CP1 653 Yonkers, NY 31 Aug 87 10 Dec 84 E F G H CP1 167 Geneva, NY 01 Sep 87 01 Nov 82 E F G H CP1 426 Fox Lake, WI 06 Sep 87 25 Feb 83 E F G H CP1 3779 1 Scandia, KS 06 Sep 87 23 Aug 87 A B C D CP1 2830 Canton, DT 08 Sep 87 02 Dec 82 E F G H CP1 964 New York, NY 12 Sep 87 08 Dec 87 E F G H CP1 3072 Clay Center, KS 27 Sep 87 05 Nov 83 E F G H CP1 748 Montpelier, VT 21 Oct 87 23 Dec 81 A B C D CP1 283 St. Louis, MO 31 Oct 87 25 Feb 83 E F G H CP1 134 Providence, RI 07 Nov 87 25 Feb 83 E F G H CP1 6 Syracuse, NY 11 Nov 87 25 Feb 83 E F G H CP1 206 Elkhart, IN 14 Nov 87 14 Aug 82 E F G H CP1 221 Portland, ME 14 Nov 87 25 Feb 83 E F G H CP1 209 Omaha, NE 14 Nov 87 01 Jan 83 E F G H CP1 3884 Green Bay, WI 31 May 88 17 May 88 A B C D CP1 3602 Fargo, ND 05 Apr 90 02 Nov 89 A B C D CP1 3605 Livingston, MT 18 Apr 90 08 Nov 89 A B C D CP1 2830 Canton, SD 03 Nov 90 02 Nov 89 E F G H CP2 2135 Charlotte, NC 15 Jan 94 17 Feb 94 A B C D CP2 3779 2 Belleville, KS 15 Mar 94 15 Jan 94 ABCD CP2 2144 Martinsburg, WV 24 Apr 94 01 May 94 A B C D CP2 2153 Fitchburg, MA 27 Apr 94 18 Apr 94 A B C D CP3 5022 Sioux City, IA 08 Nov 95 16 Oct 95 A B C D CP1 134 Providence, RI 06 Aug 98 25 Feb 83 I J K L CP1 3629 Piedmont, WV 13 Dec 01 01 Feb 87 E F G H CP2 2153 Fitchburg, MA 14 Mar 04 18 Apr 94 E F G H CP2 2135 Charlotte, NC 11 Sep 08 17 Feb 94 E F G H CP3 5022 Sioux City, IA 12 Sep 08 16 Oct 95 E F G H CP2 2153 Fitchburg, MA 02 Oct 08 18 Apr 94 IJKL Letters Logo Sigs in in upper right in line in in upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out upper right in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center stacked in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in out bottom center in line in 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Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Bruce Gilfillan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Bruce Gilfillan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Rosecrans Jordan Bruce Wyman Bruce Wyman Bruce Wyman Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Rosecrans Hyatt Rosecrans Hyatt Rosecrans Hyatt Bruce Wyman Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Rosecrans Hyatt Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Wyman Bruce Wyman Bruce Wyman Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Bruce Gilfillan Rosecrans Hyatt Rosecrans Huston Rosecrans Huston Rosecrans Huston Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Bruce Gilfillan Rosecrans Jordan Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Tillman Morgan Comments error wrong plate letters replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout replaced earlier layout altered to state plate altered to state plate altered to state plate replacement plate replacement plate replacement plate altered to date back altered to date back altered to date back oa. eareinilir i'f7,7YPL7il'elOuZO240.,t4,..;1 =La F '1ST thie l21,r briDEmanP vern okal 'AXICtitiZroik0c0Z040 10FGareeeViAtI=4)?Ck50 xi; 748:,rte teSt0a ttattlay- Arc 01,0,4 UNITED STATES *AT OA*" B&NIME waxv \tv ‘1, VVOAVVV Olt VIV1N,AVA I ; t.s - • r.infrifF4)ilOi4=0.-4 t0Cga:OS021Me'.**0 13,44so• gyj '.0,1=1,0=0;e3::EX.O.ZZO.XX v GREEDEEMBIE). 1111: STft ' Ru2,-). i 1 -5 ), )' ha Beare1 41 ' il r if " -Bemaa 6 71,/,///,/ Nt I►rt I S -07Za4OZZIO:=00 0 rP-09■9,:mtac..041".■-•• 198 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money What better brown back $5 to represent the capital of Vermont than this circus poster. The quaint but beautiful patent lettering plate for Omaha was replaced by one with a circus poster layout because it was judged to be inartistic and inferior. many were replaced by circus posters upon which the BEP engravers had gone all out to demonstrate their capabilities. In general, the patent lettered layouts look very quaint. Ironically, some of those replaced by circus posters are now' considered to be among the most spectacular of the genre, and are highly sought! Pairs of notes from the same bank sporting both layouts are ultimate prizes, and represent miracles of sur- vival. Scandia/Belleville Move More banks in Kansas than any other state got circus poster layouts. One of these was The First National Bank of Scandia, Kansas (#3779), chartered in August 1887, which was given a CP1. Scandia is situated on the east bank of Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. "The Art & Science of Numismatics" 31 N_ Clark Street Chicago, IL 60602 312/609-0016 • Fax 312/609-1305 e-mail: Full-Service Numismatic Firm Your Headquarters Jrn All Your Collecting Needs PNG • I A PN • ANA SANS NI,G • SPA: • PCDA MYLAR D® CURRENCY HOLDERS PRICED AS FOLLOWS BANK NOTE AND CHECK HOLDERS SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000 Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $22.50 $40.50 $180.00 $320.00 Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $23.00 $42.00 $195.00 $350.00 Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $23.50 $45.00 $200.00 $375.00 Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.50 $49.50 $220.00 $410.00 Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $29.00 $53.00 $250.00 $450.00 Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $33.00 $60.00 $275.00 $485.00 Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $33.00 $60.00 $275.00 $485.00 SHEET HOLDERS SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250 Obsolete Sheet End Open 8-3/4" x 14 - 1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00 National Sheet Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00 Stock Certificate End Open 9-1/2" x 12-1/2" $19.00 $83.00 S150.00 $345.00 Map & Bond Size End Open 18" x 24" $77.00 $345.00 $625.00 $1425.00 You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size). SHIPPING IN THE U.S. (PARCEL POST) FREE OF CHARGE Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar® Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516. DENLY'S OF BOSTON P.O. Box 51010, Boston. MA 02205 • 617 -482-8477 ORDERS ONLY: 800-HI-DENLY • FAX 617-357-8163 See Paper Money for Collectors Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 199 I Collect FLORIDA Obsolete Currency National Currency State & Territorial Issues Scrip Bonds Ron Benice 4452 Deer Trail Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34238 941 927 8765 • Ilia • II. Carl Bambara United States Currency R.O. so. 524 Tork . r4 '11116-:-.C;',A I Ltilltj P .Nane 2' 2 989 41 Always Wanted Monmouth County, New Jersey Obsoletes - Nationals - Scrip Histories and Memorabilia Allenhurst - Allentown - Asbury Park - Atlantic Highlands - Belmar - Bradley Beach - Eatontown - Englishtown - Freehold - Howell - Keansburg - Keyport - Long Branch - Manasquan - Matawan - Middletown - Ocean Grove - Red Bank - Sea Bright - Spring Lake N.B. Buckman P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525 rim II li,1101111. Vilin4 'etizI 15,1. ::17.e:cRcgtrdnitoZE.Q;,r1/4-atego. ITED STATES JAW gif ■„, . ' 1 ;--1.-P3,,V.XY**133514-* *4 40,-• Fl It ST I aq- 1h"ga" 1111111110 4 raBrnan 6 e I:: It sr. s hri,/ 'is WernPaiiI10220-:XX-0=0233EM:4=04.." t'k 200 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money A CP1 layout was used on the $5 plate for The First National Bank of Scandia, Kansas. A CP2 was used on the second plate after the bank moved to Belleville, the only case in the country where a bank with two titles received circus posters on each. the Republican River in north central Kansas. The bank came in along with a flood of other small town Kansas banks because Kansas was being rapidly set- tled then. Early president J. R. Caldwell and cashier W. H. Laney hand-signed and paid out minute numbers of circus posters across their counter, or loaned them to support a tiny circulation that hovered about $11,250. All that the bank received between 1887 and 1894 were 1,457 sheets of 5-5-5-5 Series of 1882 brown backs. More than half of those were replacements for notes that wore out in circulation. Business wasn't so hot in Scandia, and president Caldwell had difficulty keeping cashiers. Laney was replaced by W. W. Wood in 1893, and he in turn was replaced by D. D. Bramwell in 1894. Caldwell and Bramwell eyed develop- ing Belleville, the county seat, five miles east and a bit north, situated in sub- dued rolling hills away from the Republican River. They moved their bank in 1894 to Belleville, renaming it The National Bank in the process. The move was approved January 15, 1894, by Comptroller of the Currency James Eckels. A new Series of 1882 $5 plate was prepared for the bank that sported the new title and location. Unprecedented was that the new plate was also a circus poster, this one a CP2! The National Bank of Belleville also went on to issue $10 and $20 Series of 1882 brown backs from a 10-10-10-20 plate, but the title layouts found on them aren't out of the ordinary. The numismatic prizes were the CP2 $5s. Only 1,488 sheets of them were sent to the bank, just a few more than the CPIs shipped to Scandia. Michigan City Error A 5-5-5-5 CP1 replacement plate was made for The First National Bank - —10Nytt r • 7,-../7 ,, t 'vrOS/r.27 /c CcIle 111iihigitit Ott) - --- __ , )viw pay l \s■ VIV,11 V MI, 11,t.m,a 11 )10111wAoilkapilifloacPN _ i% *- ( i■silt 'Ia'Wlr:Ik'OtOZre'ait*k.,Xtkk._A;-aWltr'g'CPZV•K).'O'O.VOCMg..CXreO:4Ze '' ZWri.O=er, TI=I'''"P"'IP'''''''' -10,111 CQUIIMAr .vni..".V1. 171, /Ye 7 .11/_,/ III r7i-1/!.7.T, er , 111111 0Li 1311 -0 e-itai t3a"r 4,101 . Touitoeman d . Ak:ver,/ //;,/ ..//e/:e ash: •40 v-7-77%-:44 ,4022talakina(041,4k0=1.M.401.00,470g:X07‘ o.;=ottxtizio,:4. aak-ii ITI srirP, Bl 4;2,0 UNITED STATES FI HST' 1 3."4''') ,)ri 11(1,:. hth,Ere,r 4 tilt 4poltafor30 ,1 -n -omanp 7,/„Amtwicit.., /.,„// //1 P .. JE-_?at. ,43,0K017.0 Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 201 of Michigan City, Indiana (#2747), to succeed one with a patent letter layout dating from August 1882. The new plate was certified January 22, 1887, and should have been lettered E-F-G-H; however, by mistake it was lettered A-B- C-D. Someone noticed the error prior to production, so the plate was relet- tered and recertified on January 28th. Variations Between Circus Posters There were distinct evolutionary trends in the circus poster designs. The varieties progressed from CP1 to CP3 without overlaps. The earliest certifica- tion of a new CP1 plate was December 7, 1886, and the last May 31, 1888. Forty-six banks used the CP1 design. Use of CP2 ranged from January 15 through April 27, 1894, for four banks. The lone CP3 was certified November 8, 1895. TiL'-1 1.1D The patent lettering A-B-C- D plate for Michigan City, Indiana, made in 1882, was replaced by a CP1 that was certified January 22, 1887. However, the CP1 plate also was lettered A-B-C-D in error, so it had to be relet- tered The altered plate was certified January 28th. 1. 1:14t;' 8%--11 111111i11.51 the Beare Araemall' e ftil I ll Si ll 1...! ‘4') O'VE0=0*-34-WriViknafealti:43,026.,0,0=0'2=0 FIRST ht Bearea 14 i to, )),'ttratmarl' L e /,///,,i4;411111111ritiljaw- m/ 410-0T.,6 4 ''' VMS -*F- ''' S.,0.14#0 "••,. GREMIZaZiaia) Fl itsT '4741S-M:00=0**Milikla It ,ctiogr40, ErrEhNiZe4z4MV,Zie I j 1)ji I , ) pa 4 • I': • 1■' „ ar A tlie B el' (11 11111/11,-1 4" -Gerson" e 1 4))41 ,i).‘1■OP /1/ / 11 /4 , mit 021:00' 4 .10:440e>vit 4)=0 ern , ,"_•" '••• 0=0 (3602 V 202 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money A town name like Kaukauna deserved a circus poster lay- out. This Fargo layout was among the first of the CP1 layouts. Here they experi- mented with the tombstone by using black letters on a white background for Fargo, and by omitting the spiral to the left of Fargo. The only bank in California to use a circus poster layout was The First National Bank of Grass Valley. There was experimentation with the layout of the town name within the tombstones on the first seven CP1 plates, after which three standards were adopted: (1) white letters on a solid black background; (2) white letters on a background grading from solid black on the left to gray on the right; and (3) white letters on a fine grid of closely spaced horizontal lines. Only two fonts with varying degrees of condensation were used in the standard tombstones, one with simple open letters with serifs, and the other with open letters that had two equally spaced ornamental scallops cut from the sides of the letters. All the letters were upper case. The first six plates incorporated a spiral embellishment inside the left end of the tombstone above the will pay clause. The spiral originally appeared on Deal with the Leading Auction Company in United States Currency Fr. 379a $1,000 1890 TN. Grand Watermelon Sold for $1,092,500 • • t a1R aft * reittuntimutU, rVIM 1.1.1” • 1.7 ----- Fr. 183c $500 1863 L.T. Sold for $621,000 Fr. 128 $50 1880 S.C. Sold for $287,500 Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 203 Currency Auctions If you are buying notes... You'll find a spectacular selection of rare and unusual currency offered for sale in each and every auction presented by Lyn Knight Currency Auctions. Our auctions are conducted throughout the year on a quarterly basis and each auction is supported by a beautiful "grand format" catalog, featuring lavish descriptions and high quality photography of the lots. Annual Catalog Subscription (4 catalogs) $50 Call today to order your subscription! 800-243-5211 If you are selling notes... Lyn Knight Currency Auctions has handled virtually every great United States currency rarity. We can sell all of your notes! Colonial Currency... Obsolete Currency... Fractional Currency... Encased Postage... Confederate Currency... United States Large and Small Size Currency... National Bank Notes... Error Notes... Military Payment Certificates (MPC)... as well as Canadian Bank Notes and scarce Foreign Bank Notes. We offer: • Great Commission Rates • Cash Advances • Expert Cataloging • Beautiful Catalogs Call or send your notes today! If your collection warrants, we will be happy to travel to your location and review your notes. 800-243-5211 Mail notes to: Lyn Knight Currency Auctions P.O. Box 7364, Overland Park, KS 66207-0364 We strongly recommend that you send your material via CSPS Registered Mail insured for its full value. Prior to mailing material, please make a complete listing, including photocopies of the note(s), for your records. We will acknowledge receipt of your material upon its arrival. If you have a question about currency, call Lyn Knight. He looks forward to assisting you. C an CXnight Currency Auctions 800-243-5211 - 913-338-3779 - Fax 913-338-4754 lyn@Jynknight.corn - Whether you're buying or selling, visit our website: th P:er if jiff 11011iiii:i 44'0emano 'VA/'i:.1 V. iliatifala '/„ Al IA, 4)ki •:=K30U , OCL: / ,,c4,tam,y er ,r4r4=4"tu-a, VI" It It nrar ,, UNITED STATES 1!N.T,1.1"ti( s I I ri 4 i ite ilo il ti fti'he Bearo. °QDernana „ ( /1/ // it). 141-iLidGAIlti) 4.11W411c0=4/0-02Z4 7 ats 4=4:AlgarAr -`k 1,, ,N-14% CI' i t It EN 7j!17.m'al.„ / • / „ 4I '" 2 '34 it tlf 111111iI1 .5the Bearcra yH-Deman e , ,..tuF_L: .114t*421214.410k.4L7.4XX.4=4•.•Lk0=4-Ls May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money204 The Patapsco National Bank of Ellicott City, Maryland, utilized the first circus poster plate. The plate was certified December 7, 1886, and also was the first $5 Series of 1882 plate to uti- lize in-line treasury signa- tures. The distinctive banner con- taining National Bank was dropped from this modified CP layout in order to accommodate the bank name. The spiral to the left of the town name is preserved from die 947 on this early CP1 from Medicine Lodge, Kansas. die 947. This ornament is missing beginning with the seventh plate. The first four plates, those for Ellicott City, Jewell City, Medicine Lodge, and Shreveport (#3595), utilize open white letters on a black background. The black background is rolled boldly into the spiral where it merges with the spiral. Shaded black over white letters were tried on West Newton and Shreveport (#3600), respectively, over vertically lined and solid white backgrounds. The lined and white backgrounds are rolled into the spiral for those cases, producing a very distinctive and pleasing whole. Fargo, the seventh plate, has the last of the shaded black over white letters, and it was on this plate that they omitted the spiral entirely, and left it off for the duration. The state in the title blocks on the CPIs was spelled out in a string of -IP +1,;:',1yrp.11 ,s ORMEEErMita . Vi _ of Vi'llettn.ran 'neMtMa • 1 r4 ■ 1/ I/ IT///;•,y,.// • Cush: rOZZOOX0=0.4 1S02120 Olt 11'r11E11 S4:(1'111'11 ES • Crt ) t' IilfWgt 11,„ 1,11.tur _kw/ (//7 ( M.Y.; u,t ci3O=,0,%C:(40=0*=K0=0hZ, I2 '_10 0=045EEEVO. • 101tia le ••• C•,:•;) - - IFNI1101111111111=1="77751== Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 237 that surfaced in the1970s. Apparently the "Assistant Cashiers" of the bank were given the opportunity to sign 1902 Series notes of the bank as "souvenirs," because other sheets feature different "Assistant Cashiers." The notes shown (courtesy of Heritage Auctions) with Mr. Kopicki's signa- ture are from a sheet of $5s, which brought $8,625 at the recent Heritage FUN auction. I was never able to find a photograph of Mr. Kopicki. None has previously appeared in the pages of Paper Money. But thanks to some great "Detective Work" by Tim Kyzivat -- who himself served as SPNIC Treasurer we can finally look at the image of the ONLY member of the Society of Paper Money Collectors who signed large size National Currency! The photograph Tim found pictured with him another prominent Chicago area collector, who also made solid contributions to the study of paper money. He was R. Edward Davis, who wrote "Early Illinois Paper Money," which appeared in the Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine. It was reprinted in book- let form, and contains a "Check List of Early Illinois Paper Money" compiled by D.C. Wismer and Lee F. Hewitt. t). Kopicki and R. Edward Davis 238 What's on Steve's Mind today? J-e UST FINISHED GOING THROUGH THE REMAIN- ing auction catalogs I have saved since the 1970s. At first I pt everything related to the hobby. I had boxes of dealer price lists from Hickman & Waters, to PEI (Lyn Knight's pre- decessor as I recall), Aubrey Beebe, Joe Flynn, Scott Secor, Bill Donlon, Grover Crisswell and of course all the big names today. They filled boxes, shelves and file cabinets. And, of course there was no organization so, although I could tell you that I thought I remembered seeing such and such a note, it was impossible to locate the reference to prove it. I did get rid of my complete file of Bank Note Reporters going back to Grover's first issue and all of the price lists when I moved from Kansas six years ago. Got $300 for the com- plete run of BNR, and the guy who took the catalogs, price lists and a number of numismatic books promised to include the rest of the stuff in a paper auction. Never heard from him again but I did gain a lot of It occurs to me... Steve Whitfield space. During that first big cleanout I had saved the important catalogs with major state collections of obsoletes, since they had a lot more information than many of the available books. So, for example, I had kept the Vacca sale of Missouri notes and the George Wait sale of Illinois (I think); and of course the Christies sales of American Bank Note proofs. Recently I added the Ford catalogs of obsoletes and Schingoethe catalogs. Superb hobby publications about obso- letes have been coming fast and furious of late, see Obsolete Paper Money by Bowers and Minnesota Bank Obsoletes & Scrip by Shawn Hewitt and others, so my office space is shrinking at a rapid pace. And more books are on the way, which I applaud enthusiastically. "Michigan" by Doc Lee, and "Southern States Currency" by Hugh Shull are out, and an "Illinois" by Smythe is promised. A new "Florida" by my friend Ron Benice is imminent. I'm working on a Kansas revision. What to do? I still had many old auction catalogs. And even though they are interesting to peruse, (can't believe some of the notes I passed up and what they used to sell for) they are really outdated by the recent Ford and Schingoethe listings, so they could go. And go they did. I pity the poor trash guy who had to lift about a thousand pounds: these things are heavy and getting heavier. If I still had them all, I could build a section of the Great Wall of China. Perhaps the answer is in CDs for the future. Meanwhile think about throwing out, or donating some of this stuff when you get it rather than piling it up for years. I hereby resolve for 2007 to do just that. Check with me in a year to see how I did. Incidentally, I noticed that one of those old catalogs was for the New England Collection, sold by NASCA in January/February of 1978, "formerly the property of Q. David Bowers". I'll bet Dave would like to have some of those notes back. I know I would. -- Steve Whitfield, 2007 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money SPMC Plans 4th Author's Forum F IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT MAY BE OK FORI government work, but we at SPMC like to think we are a cut above. Not ones to rest on our laurels, plans for our 4th annual Author's Forum at Memphis are for an even better event than its highly successful predecessors. If you've been to one of these Friday afternoon hap- penings, please mark your calendars to come again. If you haven't participated as yet, by all means mark your calendars and don't miss out this time around. As I write this, plans are not yet firm, only firming, but I expect a bevy of authorities to provide glimpses into their research and publishing ventures, likely free refreshments, and perhaps even free give-aways. The best reason to come, though, is to scratch your own pes- onal booking itch. Presenters have done a book, maybe several. If they can, why not YOU? Our first three events were co-hosted with Bob Schreiner, and we thank him once again for his many fine contributions. This time around my co-host is Wendell Wolka, and I expect another fine performance in WW's inimitable style. We recently had a mini-"contest of sorts" for a ride- along to occupy Ye Editor's side car. Steve Whitfield won; he may eventually wish he'd taken second place -- a week in an ultimate combat cage event! This "contest" is still open too. Write good stuff and we'll give you space near the "Back Page"! "Back Page" is metaphorical, of course; Dave Sundman and our good friends at Littleton wisely "own" that precious bit of real estate. I agree with my fellow "Back Page" columnist that new information is the life blood of collecting, and our paper money hobby is in fine mettle with all the new books flowing through our hobby's arteries. Each brings more oxygen to our paper money corpus. Check out the special book section. I highly recommend them all once AGAIN. I had the pleasure to work with Ron Benice on his Florida book, and it's a ripe and juicy orange, allright. I'm currently working with Steve on his Kansas book, and it too will be a prime rib delight. Personally, I'm working on four different books: a 2nd edition of my Civil War Encased Stamps, a book on the history of the dollar, and books on Abraham Lincoln on coins and currency and sculptors JE & LG Fraser. So come to our Authors forum. The door's open. Our event is free. I promise you a good time, and if the event doesn't live up to its billing, I promise you double your entrance fee back on the spot. You know where to find me. I hang out on the "Back Page" with my new running mate, Steve. MYLAR CURRENCY HOLDERS BEST QUALITY -- LOWEST PRICES Small (2 7/8' 1 x 6 1/2") Large (3 1/2" x 8 11 ) Auction/Check (3 3/4 11 x 9') 100 $39 $44 $48 500 $160 $175 $200 1000 $300 $320 $360 Payment by check or money order. All prices include shipping. NY State residents must add sales tax or provide completed resale form.You may combine sizes for lowest rate. For more information, please see our website at Linda and Russell Kaye, Life member, ANA, SPMC Sellitstore, Inc. P.O. Box 635, Shrub Oak, NY 10588 HARRY IS BUYING NATIONALS — LARGE AND SMALL UNCUT SHEETS TYPE NOTES UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS OBSOLETES ERRORS HARRY E. JONES 7379 Pearl Rd. #1 Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808 1-440-234-3330 Paper Money • May/June 2007 • Whole No. 249 239 SPMC 6000 Honorees (sponsors of at least 2 new members since March 1, 2004) Bryn Korn Andrew Korn Tom Denly Allen Mincho Robert S. Neale Paul Burns Frank Clark Bob Cochran Judith Murphy Arri Jacob Wendell Wolka Fred Reed Ron Horstman Rob Kravitz Lowell Horwedel Dave Bowers John W. Wilson Rob Kravitz Mark Anderson Benny Bolin Robert Moon David Moore Dennis Schafluetzel Your Name? Non-officer members who sponsor at least two (2) new members will receive free of charge a vintage BEP or ABNCo souvenir card from the Society as our thanks. You can qualify for this reward too. DO YOU COLLECT FISCAL PAPER? Join the American Society of Check Collectors or write to Lyman Hensley, 473 East Elm St., Sycamore, IL 60178. Dues are $13 per year for US residents, $17 for Canadian and Mexican residents, and S23 for those in foreign locations. Confederate Paper Money Helping Build Great CSA Paper Money Collections • Books: Collecting Confederate Paper Money — SPMC 2006 Book of the Year; more coming • Condition census and provenance: Documenting the rarities of CSA for future generations • Position notes in the census, documenting provenance, recording great collections • Building Great Collections: Major rare variety collections, spicing up type sets, unusual focused collections, affordable and historically important error and watermark collections Please contact - Pierre Fricke, P.O. Box 52514, Atlanta, GA 30355 404-895-0672; ; ; eBay – "armynova" Maynard Sundman David Sundman Jim Reardon Founder President, Numismatist Chief Numismatist (ANA LAI .1463, pNG g510) • Butch Caswell Senior Numismatist 240 May/June • Whole No. 249 • Paper Money LEETLETON COIN COMPANY • SERVING COLLECTORS for OVER 60 YEARS Selling your collection? Call Littleton! you've worked hard to build your paper moneycollection. When it's time to sell, you want a company that's as thorough and attentive as you are. At Littleton, our team of professionals is ready to offer you expert advice, top-notch service, and a very strong cash offer. See why collectors like you have rated this family-owned company so highly. Call us at 1-800-581-2646 and put l.ittleton's 135+ years of combined buying experience to work for you! NO :4 410i19641-- Watiblitoon. • A. ^d. 722 h ',61S-Rel , 11104 Ifitt 4.---u„.ro2„D .r.,:altivaa,7„VAIITIZEAC.• .5I'llE UNATEI) STATES ( WAMEElt A /.?. j ,::::::,:i•-•;,....-:-:-.2: '.,,,,,.....11 -1.).., 1 RAH WANTED: All types — Legal Tenders, Silver Certificates, Nationals, Federal Reserve Notes and more. 7 Reasons you should sell to Littleton... 1 Receive top dollar for your collection - immediately 2 Quick turnaround - accept our offer and we'll send you a check the very same day 3 Single notes to entire collections 4 Deal with a company that has a solid reputation built from more than 60 years of service You can rely on our professionals for accuracy and expert advice 6 Why travel? Send us your collection, or if it's too large and value requires, we'll come to you - call for details 7 Each year we spend over $15 million on coins and paper money - isn't it time for your check? Ken Westover Josh Caswell Numismatist Numismatist Littleton Coin Company 1309 Mt. Eustis Roan • Littleton NH 0356 1-3 735 Contact us: Toll Free: /8001 581-2646 Toll-Free Fax: 18771 850-3540 References: Bonk of America Dun & Bradstreet #01-892-9653 Over 60 Years of Friendly Service to Collectors 0700/,1 rr I44J464 OUR MEMBERS SPECIALIZE IN NATIONAL CURRENCY They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency, Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals, Error Notes, MPC's, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage, Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . and numerous other areas. THE PROFESSIONAL CURRENCY DEALERS ASSOCIATION is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency, Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items. PCDA • Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri. Please visit our Web Site for dates and location. • Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting. • Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.'s Summer Seminar series. • Publishes several "How to Collect" booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site. • Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who proudly display the PCDA emblem. The Professional Currency Dealers Association For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties of all members, send your request to: PCDA James A. Simek — Secretary P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154 (630) 889-8207 Or Visit Our Web Site At: 11. .m , TIVENTY HERITAGE'S F.U.N. CURRENCY AUCTION TOPS 10 MILLION Part of $78 Million-Plus World Record for Largest Numismatic Auction Heritage's official currency auction of the 2007 Florida United Numismatists Convention achieved prices realized of $10,539,462 helping Heritage establish a new world record for the largest numismatic auction ever held. More than 900 consignors trusted Heritage with their prized coins and notes, and 8,367 bidders participated. Fr. 2221-H $5000 1934 Federal Reserve Note PMG Choice Unc. 64 EPQ Realized: $126,500 ittitioiotV* .xylkia 11-A. Uncut Pair on The First NB of Key West, FL, Ch. #4672 $10-$20 SN1 1882 Brown Back Fr. 485/499 Realized: 195,500 agr.„ -c271%, 0116338, Fr. 1177 $20 1882 Gold Certificate PMG Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ Realized: $126,500AXIIIA1 . Ifftt 11 tilt IS !WIVE sogio+5..y at A..41$1114. UNT • i'•ONE Fr. 380 The First NB of Denver, CO $1 Original, Ch. #1016, SN1 note Realized: $126,500 or.eanytirgivr 2090 0116338 4 10613A Cut Sheet of Four Fr. 1072a $100 1914 Red Seal Federal Reserve Notes CGA Gem Uncirculated 68; 68; 67; 67 Realized: $155,250 Fr. 185a $500 1874 Legal Tender PMG Very Fine 25 Realized: $517,500 5433i Mt, "ft410efilirio;Z Fr. 212 $50 1864 Interest Bearing Note PMG Very Fine 30 EPQ Realized: $138,000 We welcome the opportunity to show you how important your consignment is to Contact our Consignor Hotline today at 800-872-6467 ext. 555 to participate in one of our upc Central States • May 10-12, 2007 • Consignment Deadline: March 22, 2007 Long Beach • September 28-29, 2007 • Consignment Deadline: August 9, 2007 The World's #1 Numismatic Auctioneer HERITAGE aztudiart Gaileria To receive a complimentary book or catalog of your choice, register on-line at or call 866-835-3243 and mention reference #PM6047 us. oming auctions. Annual Sales Exceeding $500 Million • 275,000+ Online Registered Bidder-Members 800-872-6467 Ext. 555 • or visit • 3500 Maple Avenue, 17th Floor • Dallas, Texas 75219-3941 214-528-3500 • FAX: 214-443-8425 • e-mail: HERITAGE NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS, INC.: California 3S 3062 16 63, Florida AB 0000665, Ohio 2006000050. CURRENCY AUCTIONS OF AMERICA: Florida AB 2218. Auctioneers: Leo Frese: Florida AU 0001059. California 3S 3062 16 64, New York City; Day 1094965, Night 1094966; Samuel Foose: Texas 00011727, California 3S 3062 16 65, Florida AU3244, Ohio 2006000048, New York City; Day 0952360, Night 0952361, and North Carolina 8373. Jim Fitzgerald: Texas Associate 16130. Mike Sadler: Texas Associate 16129. Scott Peterson: Texas 00013256, Florida AU3021. Robert Korver: North Carolina 8363, Ohio 2006000049, Texas 13754, and New York City; Day 1096338 and Night 1096340 This auction held subject to a 15% buyer's premium.