"Money Talks" at the ANA World's Fair of Money possibly relevant to paper money collectors:
MT: "A Potpourri of Interesting and Rare Mining Tokens & Scrip" (David Schenkman) |
2:00 pm |
Room 6 |
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center |
MT: "Israel's Banknotes Highlight Jerusalem's Old City Gates" (Howard M. Berlin) |
3:00 pm |
Room 6 |
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center |
(Click here for the full ANA schedule) PMG display at the ANA show.
Show me the money: The Image of Finance, 1700 to the Present, at the Peoples History Museum, Manchester, July 11, 2015- The Sixth International Scientific and Practical Conference on Security Printing Watermark Conference-2015, Sochi, Russia September 22-24, 2015.