Media Center

Journals   Posted 02-03-2025

Paper Money * Vol LXIV * No. 2 * Whole No. 356 * Mar/Apr 2025

Issued in Defence of American Liberty--Steve Feller Ormby's Unit System--Peter Huntoon When Babe Ruth Lost a $1000 Bill--Lee Lofthus No Cash Taken--Al Bailey Santo Domingo Notes--Roberto Menchaca

Library   Posted 19-11-2024

New Hampshire Merchant Scrip

Kevin G Lafond

A brief history of the use of merchant scrip in New Hampshire and biographical sketches of the merchants

Member Presentations   Posted 01-03-2021

SPMC Seminars - February 2021


Watch video presentations from various experts in their fields of paper money specialization: SPMC Seminars - February 2021 These were presented on February 27, 2021 over Zoom.    

Member Publications   Posted 19-11-2024

New Hampshire Merchant Scrip

Kevin G Lafond

A brief history of the use of merchant scrip in New Hampshire and biographical sketches of the merchants


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N. Kansas City , MO

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Dalton , GA

04/11/2025 to 04/13/2025
Albuquerque , NM