
Paper Money - Vol. II, No. 1 - Whole No. 5 - Winter 1963

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L .Pm. 0 - taiwrob-ViVirlrlr(trirll'1141 WIVIViVall'll'Al /V it' t lb Virirl11111rIVIV "ThYt 141 N :76 a t; IP;!AO 411n! :',11 IIP; :10 IIZ .... II/. ..:40 n•n:. aza er Money .....lb.,:"111 s▪ r:▪:Is :....!la :ID :•n• DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF CURRENCY 1111:: Ilin * ... II! :es :gm ;76 411n! . 110 OP; :la 4Illn: ..n n•:: fda, Oft:▪ ... AK !:MD al:: :gip IP; .:40 OZ: :gip IlW .10 Ob. . gb 111.; I 0:: n76. AKis• ei: :•n ...-. •.1. New Wo...; :n ..- •:48. ..,Zia op• oe: or; ow; .1.:* or. .... ..., ... sr. el: .... ea, sow Ss. WINTER 1963 t /VC / OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF !lc= society of Paper ittoney Cellecter4 LltItlf...11,11.-10...IMMAMMIMILMALMALMALMAPAILMAItItItIMMAI rroperty OL S P M C Library °I SPNIC Library A Message from The President A chain is as strong as its weakest link! By far, the weakest link in our organization is the lack of material for publication. Although this fact was one of the main points of discussion at our first annual meeting in Detroit last year, it has progressively gotten worse. Numerous articles have been promised BUT we cannot print promises! I realize that many of you probably have never had articles in print before. This does not mean that they are unworthy of publication. All of us have knowledge that is of interest to our fellow members. "Paper Money" is the means of dispensing that knowledge. THIS IS YOUR ORGANIZATION! It is anc will continue to be whatever you wish it to be. HANK BIECIUK President Society of Paper Money Collectors Paper iitehe VOLUME 2 WINTER 1963 NUMBER 1 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Editor Hank Bieciuk Assistant Editors Foster W. Rice, Arlie Slabaugh, Fred R. Marckhoff, C. J. Af fleck, Dwight L. Musser Subscription $4.00 Per Year ADVERTISING RATES One Time Yearly Outside Rear Cover $35.00 $130.00 Inside Front & Rear Cover 32.50 120.00 Full Page 27.50 100.00 Half Page 17.50 60.00 Quarter Page 10.00 35.00 Direct Advertising to the Editor. The Right Is Reserved to Reject Any Advertisement. CONTENTS "Terminology for Obsolete Notes" Page By Hank Bieciuk 4 "A Mystery Note" By George W. Wait 6 "Treasury Department Letter" 7 "The M/C and C/M Warrants of Texas" By Charles R. Ross and John H. Swanson 8 "An Interesting Discovery" By M. M. Burgett 9 "Civil War Payments" By Fred R. Marckhoff 10 "Two Early Notes" By M. H. Loewenstern 11 New Membership Roster 12 ociety of Papa !honey Collectors OFFICERS — 1963 President Hank Bieciuk First Vice President James J. Curto Second Vice President Thomas C. Bain Secretary George W. Wait Treasurer Glenn B. Smedley APPOINTEES — 1963 Historian-Curator Earl Hughes Attorney Ellis Edlowitz BOARD OF GOVERNORS — 1963 Julian Blanchard, Charles J. Af fleck, Ben Douglas, Amon G. Carter, Jr., James Kirkwood, William A. Philpott, Jr., Robert H. Dickson, Michael Kolman, Jr., Morris H. Loewenstern, Julian Marks, John H. Swanson. PAGE 4 Paper litenq VOL. 2, NO. 1 Terminology For Obsolete Notes by Hank Bieciuk It has often been said that a catcher's mask, glove, chest protector and shin guards are the tools of ignorance. Be that as it may. That they are the tools of the baseball trade no one will deny, and this is the important point. There are many words and terms peculiar to the field of broken bank notes and it would be wise to become familiar with some of them. Many large auction catalogs and ad- vertisements use these terms on the assumption the reader is familiar with them. Unfortunately, often this is not the case. I remember one auction in which a note was de- scribed as "uncirculated, slightly foxed." The proud high bidder received the note, noted that it indeed was uncir- culated but slightly stained or discolored and promptly returned it. Yet the note was properly described! In this instance, the term "foxed" was an unfamiliar one and the bidder did not realize "foxed" meant discolored or stained. By the way, "foxing" is usually a by-product of age. A working knowledge of some of the more common terminology will save both the dealer and collector a lot of unnecessary time, trouble and expense. Clip out this list and save it. It may be of help to you at some later date. ALTERED NOTE — Notes that were illegally changed. Counterfeiters at times, were able to obtain the original engraving plate of an actual bank. Security then was hardly worthy of the name. Other methods included obtaining notes of a defunct bank and altering the name and location of the defunct bank to one that was in operation in another town or state. This type of altered note was quite common and led to the issuance of bank note registers or lists. ORIGINAL $2.00 NOTE ISSUED BY THE THAMES BANK OF LAUREL, INDIANA ALTERED NOTE OF THE THAMES ISSUE. BANK NOTE—Paper currency issued by a bank. This is a general term and is often used to describe notes issued by railroads, insurance companies, etc. Since these com- panies or concerns functioned to some extent as banks, the term is acceptable. BANK NOTE REGISTER—A periodical that listed and described current issues of genuine notes. Since coun- terfeiting was so prevalent, this was a safeguard used by banking houses in redeeming notes. BANK NOTE-STAMP ENGRAVING—An engrav- ing, or part of one, that was used on both bank notes and on stamps. Many of these notes are collected by both bank note collectors and by stamp collectors. The Washington and Franklin heads on the 1847 stamps are found on many different notes. BILINGUAL NOTES—Notes on which some of the wording is in two languages. A good example is the Citizens Bank of Louisiana. At that time, a large percentage of the population was French and notes of this bank were printed in both English and French. There are some Penn. notes that were printed in English and German. BILINGUAL NOTE PRINTED IN BOTH ENGLISH AND FRENCH BRANCH BANK NOTES — Many banks had branches and they used a different vignette for the branch bank or left a blank space on the note to be filled in as to the branch. At times notes of the parent bank were only payable at one of their branches. CANCELLED NOTE—A note that has been re- deemed. The form or type of cancellation varied. It could be cut cancel (cutting an X into the note with a knife or other sharp instrument), a cut out cancel (hole, triangle, etc.), a written cancel, etc. It is my theory that some notes were retired by merely marking them as counterfeit. I have examined many notes marked counterfeit with their genuine counterpart and could find no difference whatever. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT—There are instances where an individual would deposit a certain amount of money in an institution and would be issued a Certificate of Deposit. This certificate would state that the bearer de- posited $1; (or other amounts) and would receive this amount upon surrender of the certificate. These certifi- cates were of the same appearance as bank notes and most of them circulated as actual money. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE Count .100p, ken rtriirr cos C, -aty dakrs. Curitvdarata heataS,Att ti at a troi,it or ix. '17 VOL. 2, NO. 1 Paper rnaite9 PAGE 5 TERMINOLOGY CON'D FROM PAGE 3 CITY NOTES OR SCRIP—Notes issued by a city for various reasons. Many of these issues were in the form of a loan and bore rates of interest. COUNTY NOTES—Notes issued by a county. A large percentage of county notes were issued during the Civil War. Virginia County notes are probably the most numerous. COUNTERFEIT—An illegal imitation of a genuine note. Counterfeiters would hire "shade tree" engravers who made plates of bank notes in circulation. Notes were then printed and passed, much as it is today. This practice was so widespread that periodicals called "Counterfeit Reporters" had to be used. These listed all the known spurious notes. Of course, altered notes are also counter- feits, but they differ in that the original plate was used. CUT NOTES—Notes that were cut in half. This practice is usually found in the $50 and $100 denomination notes. Notes of these denominations were often cut in half as a safeguard in mailing and also for the purpose of making change. DIE-PROOF—An engraving on India or rice paper, used for various reasons. Engraving firms often used these die-proofs to show prospective customers samples of their work. DIX NOTE—This is the $10 denomination note of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana at New Orleans. It derived its name Dix from the French and appears on the back of the note. This was a very solvent bank, its notes were popular and circulated freely and were callied "Dixies." ENGRAVING—By engraving I mean the figures, lettering and numbers. Many engravings are the work of two or more engravers. Since each engraver is a specialist in his particular field, i.a. lettering, figures, etc., a note is very difficult to counterfeit successfully. The time required to prepare a finished plate usually ranged from one to four months, depending on the complexity of the subject matter. FARE TICKET—This is scrip, printed in the form of a bank note, and entitles the bearer to transportation for a certain number of miles. The most common are the South Carolina Railroad issue. FIBER PAPER—A rag content paper having red or blue silk fibers scattered throughout. Used principally as a safeguard against counterfeiting. FOXING—To become discolored or stained. This is a by-product of age. Different compositions of papers deter- mine to what extent this occurs. FRACTIONAL BANK NOTES—A note issued in a denomination of less than one dollar. These are found in many odd denominations such as lc, 2c, 3c, 6 1/2c, 121/2c, 25c etc. As bank notes or scrip, they are not to be confused with the fractional currency notes isued by the government between 1862 and 1876. COUNTY SCRIP ISSUED IN TEXAS ISSUE—The entire printing production of a particular note. Some banks were in business long enough to have had several issues. These different issues often had a completely different engraving than the previous issue. MORMON NOTES—Notes issued by the Mormons at either Ohio or Utah. The Kirtland Safety Society Bank notes, issued at Kirtland, Ohio were one of the first issues. These were often signed by Rigdon and Smith, organizers of the Mormon colony then in Ohio. MULTI-STATE NOTES—Notes that were issued by a bank or firm in one state and payable in another state. At times even three states were involved and notes of this type are difficult to classify. They are often listed in all the states involved. NOTE ISSUED IN INDIANA AND PAYABLE IN IOWA. PARISH NOTES—These are actually county notes. However, Louisiana chose to call its political subdivisions parishes, rather than counties and still does. These were mostly issued during the Civil War. POST NOTES—Notes payable at some specified future date. Many banks issued these notes for circulation at a stated rate of interest. While usually of the same appear- ance as regular bank notes, they in addition carried a redemption date and paid interest. PROOF NOTE—A note, printed on either India or rice paper, and submitted to the customer for final approval before actual printing of the issued commenced. RAISED NOTE—This is a counterfeit in the sense that the denomination of a genuine note was altered to a higher denomination. Raised notes had the original de- nomination either eaten out (bleached by acid) or cut out, and another denomination put in its place. At times the raising was done by hand by skillfully changing the original by pen. REDEEMED NOTES—Notes that were taken out of circulation. Sometimes these were paid off in specie and at times were replaced by another issue. Redeemed notes were then cancelled by an ink stamp, a cut or cut out cancel, pen notation, etc. Some Georgia notes bear the imprint "Paid 25 pr et Gold." CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PAGE 6 Paper litene9 VOL. 2, NO. 1 TERMINOLOGY CON'D FROM PAGE 4 REISSUED NOTES—Notes received by the issuing bank or firm and later put back into circulation. There are different types and reasons for reissued notes. Some were originally redeemed and later, of necessity, put back into circulation. Some were reissued by an entirely different agency or person. Notes of the defunct Agricultural Bank of Tennessee were stamped with a round or oval stamp by one A. J. Stevens of Des Moines, Iowa and were put into circulation in that state. Most reissued notes will bear some type of notation. SAFETY FUND NOTE—This was a plan employed by a few states, notably New York and Michigan, to en- hance the reliability and stability of notes issued by the plan's members. Banks who were members of the Safety Fund were required to pay a percentage of their capitaliza- tion into the fund. The money thus collected would be ap- plied against any debts incurred by an insolvent member of the fund. Unfortunately, the plan did not work out as expected and was discontinued. SCRIP—A note or certificate entitling the holder or bearer to money, merchandise or service as specified on the scrip. Some scrip could be redeemed or exchanged on de- mand, while other scrip specified a future date for such redemption. STATE BANK NOTES—Notes issued by a bank which was chartered by the state. Many states had the authority to issue state charters to individuals for banking purposes prior to 1862. As a rule, these chartered banks generally operated on a more sound basis than unchartered banks. SUTLER NOTE OR SCRIP—A sutler was a mer- chant who dealt primarily with the military. During the Civil War, sutlers would follow the army and provide the troops necessities and luxuries (cigarettes, writing paper, bakery goods, etc.) The sutlers were authorized to issue notes or tokens, bearing their name, good in exchange for merchandise. (Much like the PX coupons or chits that were issued during World War II.) On pay day, the soldier was required to pay the sutler the amount due him before leaving the pay table. Sutlers ceased to exist as such after the Civil War. TERRITORIAL NOTE—Notes issued by a chartered bank or other agency by Territorial authority. Omaha City, Nebraska Territory, issued some of the most beauti- ful notes ever engraved. VIGNETTE—The pictorial portions of the engraving. Most notes have a large or central vignette. These vignettes were often used on more than one bank note and it is interesting to find two different notes with the same vignette. WARRANT—Notes issued by political subdivisions. These usually were circulated in the form of a loan, at times were interest bearing and could be used in the pay- ment of taxes or other debts due the issuing agency. WILDCAT NOTES—Notes of a bank or other in- stitution that did not have a state or territorial charter. These were the most speculative of all notes. A Mystery Note, by George W. Wait History, intrigue and unanswered questions are in- volved in this $1 note of the Bank of Commerce, New Orleans. Dated May 5, 1862, it reads "Six months after the termination of the present war this bank will pay in the notes of the banks of this city to the bearer One Dollar." It bears the imprint of the American Bank Note Company, Philadelphia. Note the similarity of the above wording to that on the Confederate notes, "Six months after the ratification of a treaty of Peace between the Confederate States and the United States the Confederate States of America will pay dollars to bearer." New Orleans fell to the Union forces under Admiral Farragut on April 25, 1862. General Butler commanded the troops which occupied the city. For a short time, Con- federate currency was the medium of exchange. Since it was not logical that territory in control of the United States use CSA notes, on May 19, 1862 General Butler ordered that banks could no longer pay out Confederate notes but were to accept them on deposit until May 27, 1862. United States currency not being available, bank withdrawals had to be in gold, silver or notes of the bank. The banks were caught in a squeeze and many were forced to increase the amount of their notes in circulation. In protest, the Bank of Louisiana stamped their new in- voluntary obligations "Forced Issue."* This shortage of currency could account for the Bank of Commerce note—but other facts dispute it. It was im- possible to design, engrave and print the notes within the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE VOL. 2, NO. I Paper !)tone, PAGE 7 A MYSTERY NOTE CON'D FROM PAGE 5 ten days after the fall of the city. It was dated two weeks before General Butler's order. The wording indicates Confederate origin. The note was not ordered before the war, since it reads "after the termination of the present war." On the other hand, the ship in the notes' vignette is flying the American flag! This ship vignette was not en- graved especially for this note. It also appears on a ten dollar note of the Westminster Bank of Providence, Rhode Island, owned by Julian Blanchard and illustrated here- with. Dr. Blanchard also has a die proof of the vignette, which authenticates both notes. Did this Northern com- pany accept a contract from Southern sources and did the fall of New Orleans interfere with the issuance of the Bank of Commerce notes? On May 3, 1861 Tracy R. Edson, president of the American Bank Note Company, wrote U.S. Postmaster General Montgomery Blair that all offices of the ABN Co. had been instructed to do no more work of any description for any of the "Disaffected States."** Such orders no doubt were in recognition of Mr. Lincoln's proclamation of April 19, 1861 relative to the shutting off of commerce with the South. Aside from artistic considerations, this note is a prime example of why there are collectors of obsolete paper money. While full details of a note's background are seldom obtainable, most of them represent enough history, mystery, and plain human interest to whet our appetite for more. Having digested as much as possible of our current subjects, we look forward to each new acquisition as an exciting new chapter in our book of paper numismatics. References: *Butler's Book. By Benjamin F. Butler, Thayer Book Publishers, Boston, 1892. **Collectors' Club Philatelist, April 1941, v. 20, p. 125. Treasury Department WASHINGTON, OCTOBER 28, 1911 Mr. D. C. Wismer, North Wales, Pa. Sir: In reply to your inquiry of October 27 in relation to the liability of a national bank that is a successor of a state bank for the redemption of the outstanding circulation of the latter, you are informed that where a state bank is converted into a national bank in conformity with the provisions of the National Bank Act applicable thereto, there is not a dissolution of the corporation but merely change of title and governmental supervision and the change does not discharge the national bank from liability to the holders of the outstanding circulation issued prior to conver- sion. This question was determined in the case of Metropolitan National Bank v. Clagget, 141 U. S., 520, in which the court held that: "The conversion of a state bank of New York into a national bank did not destroy its identity or its cor- porate existence, nor discharge it as a national bank from its liability to holders of its outstanding circulation issued in accordance with state laws." (Editor's Note: This letter is printed through courtesy of Mr. Richard Picker and through the cooperation of John J. Ford.) PAGE 8 Paper. Iitette9 VOL. 2, NO. 1 The M/C and C/M Warrants of Texas by Charles R. Ross and John H. Swanson Most of the bellum-period warrants of Texas bore printed indications of their intended use for "civil" or for "military" disbursements. However, some of the "civil" blanks were modified by use of overscripts into "military" forms, and vice versa; and these are known as the "M/C" and "C/M" instruments. Presumably these modified forms resulted from the employment of residual supplies of warrant forms during the paper shortage which plagued the South through the last three years of the war. Brad- beer,* knew of their existence; but the principal literature dealing with them seems to consist of two brief paragraphs written by the Criswell brothers,. Texas issued warrants in total amount of $79,870.33 between the instant of secession and the close of the calen- dar year 1861 3. At that time it was the policy of the Treas- ury to destroy redeemed warrants, and no specimens is- sued during the period are now known to exist. On January 11, 1862, a new military board assumed control over Treasury activities, and much of our knowledge of bellum- period warrants commences with those issued on the fol- lowing day. All warrants disbursed between January 12 and the initial week in March were of very plain type and identi- fiable by the Criswell numbers 5 to 6-B, 15 to 16-B, 21 to 22B, etc. No "M/C" or "C/M" modifications are known to have been made from blanks belonging to this early series. Early in March the Treasury commenced the dis- bursement of rather highly colored warrants, identifiable by their Criswell numbers 1, 2, 7, 7-A, 8, 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 24, etc. They appear to have been discontinued in use as the various supplies of forms were depleted. Some of them ceased to appear during June, whereas others were con- tinued in service through several succeeding months; but all of them which bore printed dates of 1862 appear to have been used during that calendar year. During the summer of 1862 a very few of the "civil" forms of the Criswell 42 type were modified with a pen for use in "military" disbursements (Fig. 1), and they are presumed to constitute the only "M/C" items issued within that year. Also, during the spring of 1863 some of the yellow and red forms numbered 30 and 36, these being "civil" items of $50 and $100 denominations, were simi- larly modified. The above three kinds (Figs. 1, 2, 3) seem to constitute the currently-known "M/C" instruments. The green-hued warrants, they being types numbered 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, etc., commenced to appear rather early in the summer of 1862, and they remained in use until the war was terminated. In June, 1863, a few of the "military" blanks of $100 denomination were employed for "civil" disbursements (Fig. 4); and as the struggle drew to a close a very few of the "military" $50 items of this series were similarly altered,. These are believed to constitute the "C/M" warrants in toto. The $50 specimen of "C/M" type which is illustrated in the Criswell manual was dated almost two months sub- sequent to General Lee's surrender at Appomatox Court- house. This brings to mind that the final engagement of the war took place in southern Texas, and that Federal control of the State was assumed by occupation forces commanded by General Gordon Granger on June 19, 18656. The official pronouncement that the war was over for Texans was made by President Johnson on August 20th7. REFERENCES 1. Bradbeer, W. W.: Confederate and Southern State Currency. Pvt. Pr., 1915, p. 157; repr., 1945 p. 157. 2. Criswell, G. C., and Criswell, C. L.: Confederate and Southern State Currency. Vol. 1, of Criswell's Currency Series. Pvt. Pr., 1957, p. 255. 3. Miller, E. T.: A Financial History of Texas. Bull. Univ. of Texas 37 (July, 1916), p. 134. 4. Criswell, op. cit., p. 265. 5. Newton, L. W. and Gambrell, H. P.: A Social and Political History of Texas. Turner Co., Dallas, 1935; p. 297. 6. Ibid., p. 300. 7. Ibid. p. 302. *Bradbeer's recitation indicates that he may not have known of warrants of the "M/C" type, his actual state- ment being that "on some notes 'civil' is written over `military'." Fig. 1. An "M/C" warrant issued in 1862. ILLUSTRATIONS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE / VIA/1.4 Ci[ t t I § FIFTY DOLLARS , ,/—r"4'" FOR GiVIL; ;.“ tt;luutcr of Mr *tutu of ?txao TREASURY WARRANT. 'zamwsbu DI"' IL14a V .721:Cil. 111<17 <'.".V titirtAitt Apprtpnation 81,7g. 'Ile . f.raoffrcr of the Stott of t extfo, :NE ENDO DALARS t.; 4 /, 4 y 6r1(.9-117/.. AVM OUirt. / Comptroller. VOL. 2, NO. 1 Paper 1itene9 PAGE 9 ILLUSTRATIONS CON'D FROM PAGE 7 Fig. 2 Approximately half of the known "M/C" warrants are $50 items of the above type. Fig. 3 Nearly one-half of the known "M/C" items are $100 items of the above type. Fig. 4 "C/M" warrants are believed to be either $100 items of the above kind or $50 instruments of the same type. An Interesting Discovery, by M. M. Burgett A few years ago, quite by accident, it was my good fortune to acquire an obsolete note which has proved a real challenge as far as identification and research are concerned. This will not be surprising to the majority of se- rious collectors of obsolete currency, I am sure, as the paucity of research material, catalogues, books, et cetera, on the subject of uncurrent notes, has proved a real stumbling block to the serious study of many a fascinating item. Often a collector has in his possession many an obscure specimen about which he can learn next to noth- ing, due entirely to the dearth of informative material available. Regarding the note mentioned above, I be- lieve its fascination for me is due to the fact that it pos- sesses not one or two, but actually four points of keen interest: 1. It was issued and used by American Indians. 2. It was redeemable in Confederate currency. 3. The de- nomination of $1.25 is an odd and interesting one and seldom encountered, even in large collections. 4. This item falls into perhaps the rarest category representing these notes—a western territorial issue. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE PAGE 10 Paper ))tone VOL. 2, NO. 1 AN INTERESTING STORY CON'D FROM PAGE 8 A description of the note is as follows. Printed in black on the coarse white paper of the mid-nineteenth century, it measures 6 1/2 " by 2 1/2 " and is unif ace. Left end: Indian warrior, with gun, kneeling on precipice. Right center: A wagon load of cotton drawn by mules; two negroes atop and one alongside. Legend: North Fork, Creek Nation— April 23, 1862—No. E—Due to Bearer—One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents—in Confederate notes, when the sum of ten dollars is presented. Lower portion of note: Printed signature of S. S. Sanger, Jr., Pres't.—a dog's head—auto- graphed signature of Frit? M. Sanger, Cash'r. At each end in red "1.25"; value in legend also in red. The note was produced by: "Whitmore & Bros., Appeal, Memphis"— apparently a newspaper publishing concern. Now for a brief account of the historical facts which I have unearthed concerning the issuance of this note, how- ever meager they may be. The town of North Fork, which is no longer in existence, was located about 2 1/2 miles east of the present town of Eufaula, Oklahoma. North Fork was founded early in the nineteenth century and was an important trading center in the Creek Nation until its abandonment around 1872, when the Missouri-Kansas- Texas Railroad was built through the territory and the inhabitants of North Fork moved to the site of present-day Eufaula. Many intertribal meetings were held in old North Fork, as well as the signings of three treaties with the Con- federate States. Banking in the five civilized Indian nations of the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks and Semi- noles was conducted through stores and trading posts, in which the few iron safes in the territory were located. The Indians took their money to the merchants who issued due bills, trade notes, etc., for such funds, which due bills and trade notes usually circulated as money. According to records available, S. S. Sanger, a trader in the Creek Na- tion, was a mixed blood citizen of the tribe. Of course, it is a matter of record that the Creek Nation espoused the cause of the Confederacy. It is my intention to continue searching for informa- tion concerning this intriguing item, and I will welcome any assistance from fellow hobbyists relevant to the sub- ject. For example, what other values were issued by this firm? Are any of them still in existence? Who are the fortunate owners of these notes? In my attempts at research, I have contacted museum curators, historians, and fellow numismatists, none of whom has ever seen or heard of such an issue. Perhaps this brief sketch will be of help in un- covering new facts which will shed light on this enigma of the past, who knows. Civil War Payments, by Fred R. Marckhoff As early as 1862, County and even State governments found it necessary to institute taxing programs or appro- priate funds to pay for hardship, disability or other similar claims of indigent men in uniform. This practice continued on throughout the war and well into the post-war days of the middle 1870's, when belated claims for many were acted upon in some communities, notably Missouri. It is difficult for us to realize that many who served in the Civil War did so without full, or perhaps any com- pensation, until 1874, if at all. Only the low cost of goods and services allowed them to do this, to be sure. However, in both the north and south, hardship cases were acted upon rather quickly by creation of public or private distri- bution funds. One such issue of Texas, for example, was made by the Rio Grande Soldiers Fund at Brownsville, and the note read, "Ten Thousand Dollars On Deposit." While some counties raised or appropriated funds for this purpose in small amounts as the need arose, the Board of Commissioners of Henry County, Indiana held a Special Session at New Castle on Jan. 3, 1865 for the specific pur- pose of providing funds for needy soldiers. On the reverse side of these notes are the words, "Henry County Military Order." In Iowa it was much the same way, as all payments were made by "order of the Board of Supervisors." Wheth- er or not future payments after 1862 were made by this same order and issue, or if subsequent ones were neces- sary, is not known. In the note illustrated the payment for $1.00 seems very small, even for those days. CIVIL WAR PAYMENT CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE A "0A m 6 1n11 W n Ihr,Vale...:40 , pool the /ed. +%e., nn.//r.//r 6' . Ane., or ter cv rrotpamtie 44..efe...t.ateierni don. wrd f. der..fhwrperscarditakiiretedStaitttammrnran'ethkrantamtaaredandpflula ndre:5? OgYttai amorefiftweivetivott&aits.d. Ceoies Ooroln.mrttl - (M*V I 115:x/ en lc nt f .in /entga G T IN %/AMA 14'‘ANN VAiNtltVey C OGVTY: VOL. 2, NO. 1 Paper iitette9 PAGE 'II CIVIL WAR PAYMENTS CON'D FROM PAGE 9 Also illustrated herewith is an unusual $6 note from Monroe, Wis., dated July 1st, 1862, payable on the first day of December, 1862. Without doubt, however, this note passed as currency in July, 1862 on the strength of the payment to be received in December of that year. Because of the changing and divided military allegi- ances of much of Missouri, most all claims were handled as State payments on claims from the various Counties. Also, many counties were in bad financial straits, due to the disruption of normal peaceful pursuits, as both armies swept across their land. On March 19, 1874 the General Assembly of Mis- souri passed an all inclusive Act at Jefferson City, ap- propriating money for all war claims that had been vali- dated, for military service, supplies, damages, etc. Illustrated herewith is a payment of $123.49 to a Robert Crahill for his service in Nodaway County, Regi- ment E, of the Missouri Militia, or the Enlisted Missouri Militia. It is printed on green paper, and the printed title for the signer is "Actg. Paymaster Genl." The other Missouri note shown herewith is to a Cyrus Hutchison, for "supplies furnished" in the amount of $20.00. This note is printed on pink paper, the military service printed part of the text has been eliminated, and the printed title for the signer is "Actg. Quartermaster Genl." However, the same signature, J. V. Compton, ap- pears to be on both notes. Another County that issued this payment scrip was Bureau County of Illinois, by the Board of Supervisors, Soldiers' Relief Fund, in 1864, in the $2 and perhaps other denominations. Two Early Notes, by M. H. Loevvenstern This Silver Certificate was issued in 1878. It is most unusual, as most United States Notes issued during this period show "Treasurer of United States" and this note Heading shows "Assistant Treasurer of U.S." This note is identified in Friedberg's Catalog as #283, however, it is not illustrated. Also notice that this is a three signature note, signed by J. C. Hopper, as Assistant Treasurer, G. W. Scofield, as Register of the Treasury, and Jas. Gilfillan, as Treasurer of the U.S. This is an unusually rare note, for the reason that it is Uncirculated and bears a rather low serial number. It is thought that only four or five of these notes exist in this condition. The above Note is an early Demand Note, issued on March 25, 1815. While this is not legal tender, as the issues of 1861 and since, the note illustrated is definitely a collector's item, even though it is not redeemable today. The Treasury also issued United States Currency during the War of 1812, in the Depression of 1837, the Mexican War, and in 1857 during The Panic. These notes are very scarce, and most collectors have never seen them. PAGE 12 Paper iitene VOL. 2, NO. 1 Paper Money Slides Mr. B. M. Douglas, prominent Washington numis- matist and member of our Board of Governors, announces that in conjunction with the Montgomery County Coin Club he is preparing sets of slides illustrating paper money. Initially these slides will cover the following subjects: Colonials by Colonies. Colonials and Continentals—odd denominations. Colonials and Continentals—historical notes and items. Confederates Southern States notes of Civil War period—state, city and private notes. Confederate—Southern State Upham Facsimiles. Scrip notes—North. Scrip notes—South. Broken Bank notes portraying or representing these types: Odd denominations. Historical Vignettes. Famous persons. Odd or error notes. Civil War period. Ship Vignettes Railroad Vignettes. Canadian. Coins on bills. These slides will be ready by August of this year and will be made available to clubs upon request addressed to Mr. Douglas at 402 Twelfth Street, N.W., Washington 4, D.C. Slides will be sent out in order of priority of request. Applications should be accompanied by a payment of 50 cents to cover postage and insurance only. As popular educational features, these slides are ex- pected to be very helpful to the clubs in their regular meetings. They should also stimulate interest in paper money. Ohio Convention The collecting of paper money took a giant step forward by James Kirkwood being awarded the "Best of Show" award at the Penn Ohio convention in Youngs- town, Ohio. James showed his fine collection of paper money of Great Britain and its colonies which is very colorful and informative. The judges, Mr. Mosktowvitz, Mr. Ferguson and Art Lovi awarded this honor to Mr. Kirkwood because his exhibit contained the best numis- matic information that could be given in such a manner that even a non numismatist could understand. The ar- rangement, neatness and eye appeal plus originality of dis- play, completeness and variety contributed greatly to his winning of this fine award. Mr. Kirkwood has done a marvelous job for paper money collecting by exhibiting at this and many other conventions. We need more men like him who are willing to take the time to exhibit their collections to help numismatics. Mr. Ed Neuce of "Coin World" also displayed a very fine collection of paper monies of the world mounted on a very large map. He also showed many different types of Notgeld from Germany and Austria. For his fine effort he was awarded first place in the foreign money class. Con- gratulations Ed. Art Lovi, Pensacola, Florida New Membership Roster No. Name and Address- 470 James Rutlader, 1122 Truman Road, Kansas City 6, Missouri 471 R. E. Medlar, 4516 48th Street, Lubbock, Texas 472 Tracy Atkinson, 414 East Daphne Road, Milwaukee 17, Wisconsin 478 James H. White, 10404 Orange Grove Drive, Tampa 12, Florida Dealer or Collector Specialty D C Texas currency C CSA and Broken Bank Notes C CSA, Canal Bk., Alabama and Fla. State Notes CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE VOL. 2, NO. 1 Paper liteney PAGE 13 NEW MEMBERSHIP ROSTER CON'D FROM PAGE 11 479 Mrs. Ruth B. Springer, waukee 6, Wisconsin 480 L. R. Phillips, 403 North Malone Street, Athens, Alabama C-D CSA, U.S. Coins and Paper Money 481 Paul Popovich, 416 Highland Avenue, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania C 482 Bill Rutkowski, 618 Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn, New C York 483 David D. Levy, 1000 Grove Street, Evanston, Illinois C U.S. Small Notes; British Commonwealth 484 Kenneth Kantak, 2450 West Wells St., Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin C-D Proof Coins and Paper Money 485 Mrs. H. A. McCallum, Box 138, Monroe, Oregon C U.S. Large Bills and Uncut Sheets 486 Edward L. Farioly, 15 Golden Hill Street, Danbury, Connecticut C U.S. Large Notes and Fractionals 487 David Cox Jr., Hertford, North Carolina C CSA and N.C. State Notes 488 John Hegedus, 516 East 118th Street, New York 35, New York C Foreign Paper Money and U. S. Coins 489 Milton A. Berger, 2510 Avenue X, Brooklyn 35, New C General—Foreign—Obs. and Current York 490 Ronald Dowaleski, 5648 Girard Ave., Niagara Falls, New York C-D China, Cuba, Philippines, Africa, Central and South America 491 Fred Lamb, Box 303, Gorham, New Hampshire C N.H. Obsoletes and Large Sized National Bank Notes 492 John E. Maher, 722 West 5th Street, Jamestown, New York C Coins—Indians, Jeffersons, Mercury Dimes, Quarters 493 Lawrence Marsh, 69 Arundel Place, Clayton 5, Missouri C Obsolete Currency 494 Mrs. E. A. Vautrain, 311 South Jefferson, San Angelo, Texas C Large Sized Notes 495 Clark F. Bennett, 16 Sum= Street, Gloversville, New C Bank Notes—Large York 493 C. R. Ross, 1334 East 8th, Okmulgee, Oklahoma C U.S., CSA, Southern States, Canada, Military, Obsolete Scrip 497 H. E. Plew, Jr., 557 Lincoln Boulevard, Santa Monica, California C U.S. Small Sized Notes 498 Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Yahn, 1516 Warwood Avenue, Wheeling, West Virginia C U.S. Small Sized Notes 499 G. G. Sawyer, Jr., Route #1, Box 287, Effingham, South C-D South Carolina Obsolete Notes Carolina 500 Charley Geiger, 2061 Riverside Dr., Lakewood 7, Ohio C Ohio National Bank Notes 501 Everett R. Crow, 5824 Oakes Road, Brecksville 41, Ohio C U.S. and Obsoletes 502 James W. Janz, 340 9th Street, North Apt. #2, Wiscon- sin Rapids, Wisconsin C U.S. Currency 503 George J. Schlesinger, 2847 North 85th St., Milwaukee C Colonial Currency 10, Wisconsin 504 Robert F. Evans, 2611 Springfield Drive, Indianapolis C 8, Indiana Correction—the following listing of charter members was in- advertently omitted from the Spring 1962 issue. Dealer or No. Name and Address- Collector Specialty 343 Edward B. Kirkpatrick, 407 S. Grant, Bloomington, C Indiana 344 Dr. George Fuld, P.O. Box 6047, Baltimore 31, Mary- C Md. P.M. Colonials, Tokens, Medals land 346 Keith A. Ewart, 1330 Montgomery St., Moose Jaw, C Sask., Canada CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE 3722 North 7th Mil-Street, C Broken Bank Notes PAGE 14 Paper iltene9 VOL. 2, NO. 1 NEW MEMBERSHIP ROSTER CON'D FROM PAGE 12 347 Alfred J. Nash, 17190 Locherbie Ave., Birmingham, Michigan 348 Raymond J. Weihaus, 379 Ewing St., Princeton, New Jersey 349 Richard T. Hoober, 236 Rice's Mill Rd., Wyncote, Pennsylvania 350 Joseph Balkun, 46 Quintard Terrace, Stamford, Con- necticut 352 Albert Pick, Koln-Weidenpesch, Ginsterpfad 3, Ger- many 353 Jay E. Gilkey, 214 NW 7th, Oklahoma City 3, Oklahoma 354 Arthur Mills, 2955 White Plains Rd., New York 67, New York 355 Robert 0. Schaeffer, 346 Ingleside Ave., Aurora, Illinois 356 Jerman A. Krajewski, 33 Park St., Rockville, Connecti- cut 357 Walter M. Peterson, Rt. 2-104 Sell Rd., Bensenville, Illinois 358 Bill Halliwell, 21370 Morris Ave., Euclid 23, Ohio 359 Philip Spier, 1817 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal 25, Quebec, Canada 360 Julius Turoff, 144-07 69th Ave., Flushing 67, New York 361 C. J. Dochkus, 3522 E. Thompson St., Philadelphia 34, Pennsylvania 362 James B. Shaffer, Box 1335, Balboa, Canal Zone 363 Werner Amelingmeier, 54 Park Ave E. Merrick, New York 364 Roland Charles Casanova, Gen. Del., Margarita, Canal Zone 365 Steven A Hiss, 2361 Robin Rd., West Palm Beach, Florida 366 Paul Uhlar, 1219 Indianola Ave., Youngstown 2, Ohio 367 Kenneth J. Ferguson Jr., 2706 Detroit Ave., Cleveland 13, Ohio 368 Jae D. Kitchen, 720 W. Sherman St., Caro, Michigan 369 S. Hill, 2302-32 St., Vernon, British Columbia, Canada 370 Judson W. Germon, 7316 Covington Rd., Lithonia, Georgia 371 Gordon W. Colket, Box 164, Gladstone, New Jersey CORRECTIONS OF PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED LISTS 348 Raymond J. Weihaus, 379 Ewing St., Princeton, New Jersey 350 Joseph Balkun, 46, Quintard Terrace, Stamford, Con- necticut 365 Steven A. Hiss, 2361 Robin Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 120 Alfred D. Hoch, 18 Irving Ave, Natick, Massachusetts 130 Charles T. Heaton, 135 Kensington Place, Syracuse 10, New York 147 David I. Strahan, 224 Lake Desire Dr., Renton, Wash- ington 193 C. Elizabeth Osmun, 418 Acorn Ave., Telford, Pennsyl- vania 195 George B. Schwarz, 3785 Northampton, Cleveland Heights 21, Ohio 312 Richard D. Brandt, 452 Sutton Ave., Hackensack, New Jersey C Foreign C Foreign, Military, U.S., Colonial, Fraction, Broken Banks C Colonial Paper Money C World C C Worldwide and U.S. C Foreign C Foreign C-D Canadian Coins and Currency C-D North and South American, Foreign C Obsolete Currency C U.S. Large Bills D U.S. Currency and Broken Bank Notes C Colombia to 1903 Panama and U. S. C CSA—Broken Banks C C Foreign C Mexico, Russia, Other World C CSA and Southern States C Michigan Currency C China C C-D Advertising Notes, Proofs C Foreign, Military U.S. Colonial, Fractional, Broken Banks C World C Foreign C-D Early Scrip and Odd Denomination Notes C General C Philippines and U.S. Military Currency C Obsolete Paper Money C-D Old Obsolete Notes C All Paper Money CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE VOL. 2, NO. 1 Paget honey PAGE 15 NEW MEMBERSHIP ROSTER CON'D FROM PAGE 13 CHANGE OF ADDRESS 311 C. F. Mackenzie, 401 Ocean Villa, 1245 Beach Avenue, Vancouver 5, British Columbia 115 John B. Hamrick Jr., 165 4th St. N.W., Atlanta 13, Georgia 153 Irving M. Strong, 1 Elm Court, Reno, Nevada 271 Major Sheldon S. Carroll, Box 345, Norwich, Ontario, Canada 10 D. Wayne Johnson, P.O. Box 333, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 335 David Atsmony, P. 0. Box 3102, Tel Aviv, Israel 20 Julian S. Marks, 3719 Reading Road, Cincinnati 29, Ohio 51 Allan Lieberman, 3440 W. Steven Rd., Baldwin Har- bour, New York 147 David I. Strahan, 224 Lake Desire Dr., S., Renton, Washington 73 John T. Walker III C/O E. S. McCoy, Rt. 1, Cambria, Virginia 413 Capt. J. E. Wilkinson, Unit 1, Box 1122, McChord AFB, Washington 119 Ivor Sherman LeBane, 9024-140 Street, Edmonton, Al- berta, Canada 376 Robert Goodpaster, 2307 E. 2nd St., Apt. 22, Blooming- ton, Indiana 29 Nelson A. Rieger, 1621 Howard, Colorado Springs, Colorado 120 Alfred D. Hoch, 1702 E. Briarvale Ave., Anaheim, California 121 Forrest W. Daniel, Box 378, Meriden, Connecticut 159 Albert C. Hulls, Jr., 211 Althea St., Tuskegee Institute, Alabama 175 B. R. Buckingham, 385 Third Ave E.N., Kalispell, Montana 187 Warren C. Steele, Box 675, Altus, Oklahoma 199 Joseph D. Bailey, 279 Elm Street, Wequetequock, Paw- catuck, Connecticut 319 Arnold R. Anderson, 2314 Irvin Avenue, N. Minneapo- lis 11, Minnesota 322 Edward S. Lawrence Jr., 500 W. Clarendon, Phoenix 13, Arizona 374 Michael Todascu, 267 St. Catherine St., E. Montreal, Canada 208 R. Harvey Anselm, P.O. Box 4034 SE Station, Wichita 18, Kansas 274 Michael M. Byckoff, P. 0. Box 786, Brye, California 110 H. W. Gooding, D. D. S., 1001 West Third Street, Ayden, North Carolina 134 Jacksonville Coin Club, 444e Herschel Street, Jackson- ville 10, Florida 343 Edward B. Kirkpatrick, P.O. Box 262, Hanover, Indiana 376 Robert Goodpaster, 2307 East 2nd Street, Apt. 22, Bloomington, Indiana 431 Ted Rogers, 3933 Montogomery Road, Norwood 12, Ohio 455 Kermit Wagner, 1303 Colfax Street, Schuyler, Nebraska 3 Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Boulevard, Oak Park, Illinois 118 Casimir X. Urbanski, Jr., Oak Ridge Motel, 626 U.S. 17-92, Fern Park, Florida 183 J. Robert Melanson, 902 Peach, El Campo, Texas 292 Peter G. Robin, 501st Armored Medical Co., APO 26, New York, New York 294 Clifford Mishler, P.O. Box 194, Iola, Wisconsin WANTED O Obsolete and Broken Bank Notes O Canadian Obsolete Notes 40 Sutler Notes • Colonial and Continental Notes of Southern Colonies • Uncut Sheets • Or ... What Have You? B. M. Douglas 402 Twelfth St. N. W. Washington 4, D. C. WANTED Buy or Trade Virginia Colonial, Broken Bank, State, County, Town Notes and Bonds Charles J. Afileck 34 Peyton Street Winchester, Virgil Can Use-- Large U. S. Currency $1.00, $2.00, $5.00 & $10 Notes IN LARGE QUANTITIES. MUST BE CLEAN, V.G.-F. OR BETTER. CAN ALSO USE SOME UNC. MATERIAL. A. Hegel We Need Your Ad In This SpacE Box 959 Indio, Calif. Attention! Only A Few Left! Uncut Sheets of State of Louisiana Criswell Numbers 4, 6, 8 Two $1.00, $2.00, $3.00 To Each Sheet Extremely Rare We were fortunate to purchase a very small lot which have been hoarded for years. These few sheets are off- ered on a first-come, first-served basis to Members of Paper Money only! SPECIAL SHEET $40.00OF 6 NOTES ONLY Hank Bieciuk, Inc. ANA TNA "America's full-time obsolete currency dealer" Phone 6414 Box 1235 Kilgore, Texas Property of SPMC Library DEAL WITH DONLON WHEN BUYING OR SELLING Choice United States Currency UNCUT SHEETS OF UNITED STATES CURRENCY never fail to win admiration from collectors and non- collectors. Many beautiful uncut sheets available in large and current size notes, including uncut sheets of 1929 NATIONALS, six to sheet; and sheets of twelve and eighteen current size SILVER CERTIFICATES AND LEGAL TENDER NOTES. Please send stamped envelope for complete price list and description of these attractive showpieces. TRY TO BEAT THIS GUARANTEE AGAINST DROP IN VALUES! Any currency purchased from DONLON, may be applied toward the pur- chase price of any other numismatic item advertised by DONLON in the future, at FULL PURCHASE PRICE, if in the same condition as when purchased. For your additional protection, and possible recovery in event of loss, all serial numbers are recorded in our files. Want Lists solicited for your requirements in Large and Current Size U.S. Currency, all issues, all denomina- tions. William P. Donlon A.N.A. #4295 P.O. BOX 144 Life Member #101 Charter Member UTICA, NEW YORK Paper Money Collectors