
Paper Money - Vol. III, No. 1 - Whole No. 9 - Winter 1964

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Paper litenq DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF CURRENCY VOL. 3 WINTER 1964 No. 1 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF society of Paper Money Collector-6 0 1964 by The Society of Paper Money Collectors (blank page) Paper litene VOL. 3, NO. 1 WINTER 1964 WHOLE NO. 9 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Editor Barbara R. Mueller, 523 E. Linden Dr., Jefferson, Wis. Assistant Editor Fred R. Marckhoff, 552 Park St., Elgin. Ill. Direct only manuscripts and advertising matter to the Editor. Direct all other correspondence about membership affairs, address changes, back numbers and sample copies of Paper Money to the Secretary, George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, N. J. Membership in the Society of Paper Money Collectors, includ- ing a subscription to Paper Money, is available to all interested and responsible collectors upon proper application to the Secre- tary and payment of a $4 fee. Paper Money is not otherwise available. ADVERTISING RATES One Time Yearly Outside Rear Cover $35.130 $130.00 Inside Front & Rear Cover 32.50 120.00 Full Page 27.50 100.00 Half Page 17.50 60.00 Quarter Page 10.00 35.00 The right is reserved to reject any advertisement. CONTENTS Message From The President, by Thomas C. Bain 3 The Future of Your Magazine, by Barbara R. Mueller 4 Portraits on Obsolete Bank Notes, by Fred R. Marckhoff 5 Complete Listing and Simplified Numbering System, All Series of Current Size United States Currency, 1928-1963, $1.00 to $100.00, by William P. Donlon 6 The Trading Post 15 Emergency Currency Notes of 1908, by Forrest W. Daniel 16 Kentucky State Banks, by Earl Hughes 18 Wisconsin Civil War Shin-Plasters, by Maurice M. Gould 21 Secretary's Report—New Membership Roster 22 society of Pape looney Collectop.4 OFFICERS -- 1964 President Thomas C. Bain, 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas 25, Tex. Vice President Dr. Julian Blanchard, 1 Sheridan Sq., New York 14, N. Y. Secretary George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, N. J. Treasurer Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, Ill. APPOINTEES — 1964 Historian-Curator Earl Hughes Attorney Ellis Edlow BOARD OF GOVERNORS — 1964 Charles J. Affleck, Hank Bieciuk, Julian Blanchard, Robert H. Dickson, Ben Douglas, Michael Kolman, Jr., Morris H. Loewenstern, Fred R. Marckhoff, Julian Marks, Arlie Slabaugh, John H. Swanson MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT As most of you know, the Society of Paper Money Collectors war organized less than three years ago. At the formation, Mr. Hank Bieciuk took the responsibility as Editor with the understanding that a permanent Editor be appointed as soon as pos- sible. Many persons were contacted, but only recently a person was found who would assume the responsibility. The new Editor is Miss Barbara Mueller, and she has been Editor of other publications for several years. It is now up to the membership to furnish the new Editor with articles and ads so she can put out a magazine of which we can be proud. Many of you give talks to coin clubs on paper money, and we are asking that you write some of these up and send in for publication. Knowing some of the problems of the SOPMC, we all owe Mr. Hank Bieciuk a debt of gratitude for acting as Editor until someone else was found, and I want the membership to know that I personally appreciate all he has done for the organization. It was impossible for Mr. Bieciuk to continue as Editor indefinitely, as he was taking too much time from his personal business. No doubt it has suffered during the time he acted as Editor. It was not always possible for Hank to drop his activities to get the magazine out on time, but with a permanent Editor, we will strive to have the magazine come out on time. Hank, we all want to thank you for the wonderful job you have done over the last two and one-half years in putting out the magazine and keeping the organization together. Mr. Earl Hughes of Mitchell, Indiana, has graciously agreed to house all books given to the Society for a future library, so if any member has any books he would like to give, please send to Mr. Hughes. We hope to have a permanent librarian in the near future. It takes the effort of many to improve a new organization, so let us offer Barbara our full support, and I know you will. We are moving forward and only need more of our members to contribute a little of their talent. We welcome Miss Barbara Mueller into our organization and know, with her help, it will improve. THOS. C. BAIN, President, SOPMC The Future of Your Magazine The editorship of Paper Money is both an honor and a challenge. It is an honor to be asked to continue the educational work carried on through a remarkably well conceived and produced journal. It is a challenge to take up the task at a time of rapid growth in the Society's membership. Therefore, if I am to serve you successfully, I will need your personal coopera- tion. First, I must know what kind of a magazine you want. Of course, Paper Money will continue to carry the same authentic, useful sort of articles for which it has become famous. But with so many new members coming in, there is the possibility that they will find nothing useful on these pages. Do you want the majority of articles to deal with U. S., Confederate and Canadian paper money, as in the past? Or do you look for a leavening of articles on foreign material? Are you in need of basic guidance in the hobby? Do you find that some of the articles are "over your head"? Whatever the case may be, tell me about it. A postal card will do. I will try to answer all suggestions and will certainly value and take heed of them. Next, to fulfill your needs, we must have authors and articles. I realize that not all of you can contribute articles because of your lack of experience in the hobby. But there are many who are not now writing articles from their superior store of knowledge of paper money. They are the authors we need. Don't let fears about committing yourself to paper deter you. This is not a literary quarterly. We in the editorial office will "backstop" your style. It's your facts we need. And we absolutely must have a continuing flow of these factual articles if you are to receive Paper Money on time. No articles, no magazine. Paper Money is the logical place for publication of articles and listings of permanent value. In the past it has received generous support and publicity from the general commercial numismatic publications. We cannot begrudge them any- thing. But it is rather distressing to see our members writing scholarly articles for these somewhat ephemeral magazines. General promotional and instructional articles are more appropriate for them and will help build this Society. But the erudite material belongs here. I am confident that together we can maintain and even enhance the excellent image of Paper Money built up by Mr. Bieciuk and his associates. BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor DOLLARS , .eft loNi //////,//.//////// /i///////////, ////e/ /////// f711/, .////: CreGiriUtt ,,.47//'//1"/,// 7/// t) o // /7 VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 5 Portraits on Obsolete Bank Notes I. Edward Bates, President Lincoln's War Time Attorney General By Fred R. Marckhoff Portrait of Edward Bates, 1793-1869. $5 Union Military Bond, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1883. Edward Bates was born in Virginia in 1793. In 1813 he joined a volunteer militia company to help repel a threatened English attack on Norfolk, Va. He rose to the rank of sergeant in less than a year of service. On the advice of his brother, Frederick, then the Secretary of Missouri Territory, Edward went to St. Louis in 1814 and began the study of law. In 1816 he began the prac- tice of law and two years later formed a partnership with Joshua Barton, a brother of David Barton, one of the earliest Senators from Missouri. This partnership con- tinued until 1823, when Barton was killed in a duel. Bates was elected a delegate to the State Constitutional Conven- tion in 1820. In the same year he was made Attorney General of Missouri and in 1822 became a member of the legislature. By 1824 he had become a State's At- torney and was elected a member of the legislature in 1826. He also served in the legislatures of 1830 and 1834. In 1842 he re-entered the practice of law in St. Louis. He was appointed Secretary of War by President Fillmore in 1850, but declined for domestic reasons. He then became Judge of the old St. Louis Land Court in 1853. In the presidential election of 1860 Bates received 48 votes on the first ballot, but withdrew in favor of another candidate named Abraham Lincoln. After the election, Bates was offered any post he wished in Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet except that of Secretary of State. He accepted the post of Attorney General and in so doing became the first cabinet officer from a State west of the Mississippi River. Bates' influence in Lincoln's cabinet waned after disagreement with other members on several important issues, and he resigned his post in 1864. He returned to Missouri, but his health was declining rapidly and he died in 1869. This is the first identification of Mr. Bates in any numismatic journal, on the Missouri note illustrated here- with. PAGE 6 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 Complete Listing and Simplified Numbering System all series of Current Size United States Currency 1928 - 1963 $1.00 to $100.00 Copyright 1964 by WILLIAM P. DONLON, Utica, New York PREFACE The late Robert Friedberg made a tremendous contribution to the collecting of United States Currency with the publication of the First Edition of "United States Paper Money" in 1953. This excellent work and each suc- ceeding improved edition has contributed greatly to the ever increasing number of U. S. paper money collectors. The numbering system proved entirely adequate for discontinued series of large size notes. However as the many additional series of current size notes were released, the numbering system for these notes had its limita- tions. The Simplified Numbering System quickly indicates the type, denomination and series. It is designed to per- mit unlimited additions of later series. Announcement of the new issues of $1.00 and $2.00 Federal Reserve Notes was made after this numbering system had been completed. Due to the flexibility of the system, there is no problem in assigning numbers to these new series. All rights to the Donlon Simplified Numbering System are reserved. However permission is hereby granted for its use in any publication issued for the advancement of numismatic education, if proper acknowledgment is made. Written permission for use in any other manner than above stated must be obtained. It is hoped that you will like this new system of numbering current size currency and that it will prove help- ful to you. Your comments, suggestions and contributions to this work will be appreciated and acknowledged. WILLIAM P. DONLON EXPLANATION OF THE SIMPLIFIED NUMBERING SYSTEM for Current Size United States Currency One Dollar to One Hundred Dollars The Simplified Numbering System is actually a co de system and may be readily memorized. The first three digits of the number quickly identify the TYPE and DENOMINATION. The TYPE is indicated by the FIRST DIGIT of the number: 1—LEGAL TENDER NOTES 2—SILVER CERTIFICATES 3—NATIONAL CURRENCY 1929 4—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES 5—FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES 6—GOLD CERTIFICATES VOL. 3, NO. I Paper Money PAGE 7 The DENOMINATION is indicated by the SECOND and THIRD digits: 01—ONE DOLLAR NOTES 02—TWO DOLLAR NOTES 05—FIVE DOLLAR NOTES 10—TEN DOLLAR NOTES 20—TWENTY DOLLAR NOTES 50 FIFTY DOLLAR NOTES 00—ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR NOTES The SERIES is indicated by a numeral following the above three digits. For most series this consists of one digit. A suffix letter is used corresponding with the District letters, A to L, for Federal Reserve Bank Notes and Federal Reserve Notes. Reading the digits separately, as in a telephone number, will prove helpful in memorizing the number and the system: One-0-one U. S. Legal Tender, one dollar Two-0-five Silver Certificate, five dollars Three-ten 1929 National, ten dollars Four-twenty Federal Reserve Bank note, twenty dollars Five-hundred Federal Reserve note, one hundred dollars United States Notes Usually designated as LEGAL TENDER NOTES, Red Seal ONE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Washington D No. Series Treasurer Sec. of Treas. 101-I 1928 Woods Woodin TWO DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Jefferson 02-I 928 Tate Mellon 02-2 928A Woods Mellon 02-3 928B Woods Mills 02-4 928C Julian Morgenthau 02-5 928D Julian Morgenthau 02-6 928E ,Julian Vinson 02-7 928F Julian Snyder 02-8 928G Clarke Snyder 02-9 953 Priest Humphrey 02-10 953A Priest Anderson 02-11 953B Smith Dillon 02-12 953C Granahan Dillon FIVE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Lincoln 05-1 928 Woods Mellon 05-2 928A Woods Mills 05-3 928B Julian Morgenthau 05-4 928C Julian Morgenthau 05-5 928D Julian Vinson 05-6 928E Julian Snyder 05-7 928F Clarke Snyder 05-8 953 Priest Humphrey 05-9 953A Priest Anderson 05-10 953B Smith Dillon Silver Certificates, Blue Seal ONE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Washington D No. Series Treasurer Sec. of Treas. 201-1 1928 Tate Mellon 201-2 I 928A Woods Mellon 201-3 1928B Woods Mills 201-4 1928C Woods Woodin 201-5 1928D Julian Woodin D No. Series Treasurer Sec. of Treas. 201-6 1928E Julian Morgenthau 201-7 1934 Julian Morgenthau 201-8 1935 Julian Morgenthau 201-9 1935A Julian Morgenthau 201-10 1935B Julian Vinson 201-1 . 1 1935C Julian Snyder 201-12W 1935D Wide Clarke Snyder 201-12N 1935D Narrow Clarke Snyder 201-13 1935E Priest Humphrey 201-14 1935F Priest Anderson 201-15 *1957 Priest Anderson 201-16 *1957A Smith Dillon 201-17 1935G Smith Dillon 201-18 *1935G Smith Dillon 201-19 *1957B Granahan Dillon 201-20 *1935H Granahan Dillon * With motto "In God We Trust" FIVE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Lincoln 205-1 1934 Julian Morgenthau 205-2 1934A Julian Morgenthau 205-3 1934B Julian Vinson 205-4 1934C Julian Snyder 205-5 I 934D Clarke Snyder 205-6 1953 Priest Humphrey 205-7 1953A Priest Anderson 205-8 *I953B Smith Dillon * Very few have been released. TEN DOLLAR NOTES, Head 210-1 1933 Julian Woodin 210-2 1934 Julian Morgenthau 210-3 1934A Julian Morgenthau 210-4 1934B Julian Vinson 210-5 1934C Julian Snyder 210-6 1934D Clarke Snyder 210-7 1953 Priest Humphrey 210-8 1953A Priest Anderson 210-9 *I953B Smith Dillon * Not released. of Hamilton PAGE 8 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 1929 Series National Currency Brown Seals Issued 1929 to 1935 All notes of this series bear the signatures of the bank presi- dent and cashier, as well as the signatures of E. E. Jones, Reg- ister of the Treasury, and W. 0. Woods, United States Treasurer. There are two varieties. Type One issued until 1933 has two charter numbers in black. Type Two in addition to two black charter numbers also has two in brown. The numbering of uncut sheets is also different. Type One notes in uncut sheets all have the same serial number with changes in prefix letters denoting position of the note on the sheet. Type Two notes in uncut sheets have consecutive num- bers and all bear the prefix letter "A." Thanks to the foresight of Mr. George H. Blake, deceased, many of these uncut sheets bearing low serial numbers were preserved. Mr. Blake contacted many National Banks before they received their supply of this new small note and obtained several sheets of each denomination, many bearing serial Num- ber One. The late Col. Green owned hundreds of these sheets at the time of his death. Many of these were turned back to the Federal Reserve Bank, and some again found their way to banks where originally issued. D No. 305-1 Type 1 5.00 305-2 Type 2 5.00 310-I Type 1 10.00 310-2 Type 2 10.00 320-I Type I 20.00 320-2 Type 2 20.00 350-1 Type I 50.00 350-2 Type 2 50.00 300-I Type I 100.00 300-2 Type 2 100.00 1929 Series Federal Reserve Bank Notes, Brown Seals FIVE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Lincoln D No. Issuing Bank 405A Boston 405B New York 405C Philadelphia 405D Cleveland 405E not issued Richmond 405F Atlanta 405G Chicago 405H St. Louis 4051 Minneapolis 405J Kansas City 405K Dallas 405L San Francisco TEN DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Hamilton 410A Boston 410B New York 410C Philadelphia 410D Cleveland 410E Richmond 4I0F Atlanta 4I0G Chicago 410H St. Louis 4101 Minneapolis 4101 Kansas City 410K Dallas 410L San Francisco D No. Issuing Bank TWENTY DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Jackson 420A Boston 420B New York 420C Philadelphia 420D Cleveland 420E Richmond 420F Atlanta 420G Chicago 420H St. Louis 4201 Minneapolis 420J Kansas City 420K Dallas 420L San Francisco FIFTY DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Grant 450A not issued Boston 450B New York 450C not issued Philadelphia 450D Cleveland 450E not issued Richmond 450F not issued Atlanta 450G Chicago 450H not issued St. Louis 4501 Minneapolis 4501 Kansas City 450K Dallas 450L San Francisco ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Franklin 400A not issued Boston 400B New York 400C not issued Philadelphia 400D Cleveland 400E Richmond 400F not issued Atlanta 400G Chicago 400H not issued St. Louis 4001 Minneapolis 4001 Kansas City 400K Dallas 400L not issued San Francisco Federal Reserve Notes Green Seal ONE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Washington SERIES 1963, GRANAHAN-DILLON 501-1A Boston 501-1B New York 501-1C Philadelphia 501-1 D Cleveland 501-1E Richmond 501-1F Atlanta 501-1G Chicago 501-1H St. Louis 501-11 Minneapolis 501-1J Kansas City 501-1K Dallas 501-1L San Francisco TWO DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Jefferson SERIES 1963, GRANAHAN-DILLON 502-1A Boston 502-1 B New York 502-IC Philadelphia 502-1D Cleveland 502-1E Richmond 502-1 F Atlanta 502-1G Chicago 502-1H St. Louis 502-11 Minneapolis VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 9 D No. Issuing Bank D No. Issuing Bank 502-1 j Kansas City 505-6C Philadelphia 502-1K Dallas 505-6D Cleveland 502-IL San Francisco 505-6E Richmond 6F-505FIVE DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Lincoln 505-6G Chicago Atlantao -SERIES 1928, TATE-MELLON 505 6H St. Louis505-61 Minneapolis 505-6J Kansas City 505-6K Dallas 505-6L San Francisco 505-IA Boston 505-1B New York 505-1C Philadelphia 505-1 D Cleveland 505-IE Richmond 505-1F Atlanta 505-IG Chicago 505-IH St. Louis 505-11 Minneapolis 505-1 J Kansas City 505-IK Dallas 505-IL San Francisco SERIES 1928A, WOODS-MELLON 505-2A Boston 505-2B New York 505-2C Philadelphia 505-2D Cleveland 505-2E Richmond 505-2F Atlanta 505-2G Chicago 505-2H St. Louis 505-21 Minneapolis 505-2j Kansas City 505-2 K Dallas 505-2L San Francisco SERIES 1928B, WOODS-MELLON 505-3A Boston 505-3B New York 505-3C Philadelphia 505-3D Cleveland 505-3E Richmond 505-3F Atlanta 505-3G Chicago 505-311 St. Louis 505-31 Minneapolis 505-3J Kansas City 505-3 K Dallas 505-3L San Francisco SERIES I928C, WooDs-MILLS. Issued only by Cleveland, Atlanta and San Francisco. 505-4D Cleveland 505-4F Atlanta 505-4L San Francisco SERIES 1934A, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU 505-7A Boston 505-7B 505-7C New York Philadelphia 505-7D Cleveland 505-7E Richmond 505-7F Atlanta 505-7G 505-7H Chicago St. Louis 505-71 none Minneapolis 505-7j none Kansas City 505-7K none Dallas 505-7L San Francisco SERIES 1934B, JULIAN-VINSON 505-8A Boston 505-8B New York 505-8C Philadelphia 505-8D Cleveland 505-8E Richmond 505-8F Atlanta 505-8G Chicago 505-8H St. Louis 505-81 Minneapolis 505-8J Kansas City 505-8K none Dallas 505-8L San Francisco SERIES 1934C, JULIAN-SNYDER 505-9A Boston 505-9B New York 505-9C Philadelphia 505-9D Cleveland 505-9E Richmond 505-9F Atlanta 505-9G Chicago 505-9H St. Louis 505-91 Minneapolis 505-91 Kansas City 505-9K Dallas 505-9L San Francisco SERIES 1934D, CLARKE-SNYDER 505-10A Boston 505-10B New York 505-10C Philadelphia 505-10D Cleveland 505-10E Richmond 505-10F Atlanta 505-10G Chicago 505-10H St. Louis 505-101 Minneapolis 505-101 Kansas City 505-10K Dallas 505-10L San Francisco SERIES 1928D, WOODS-WOODIN. Issued by Atlanta only. 505-5F Atlanta SERIES 1934, JULIAN-MoRGENT0Au, Lighter Green Seal, indicated by "L" following Bank letter. 505-6AL Boston 505-6BL New York 505-6CL Philadelphia 505-6DL Cleveland 505-6EL Richmond 505-6FL Atlanta 505-6GL Chicago 505-6HL St. Louis 505-6IL Minneapolis SERIES 1950, CLARKE-SNYDER 505-6 IL Kansas City 505-6KL Dallas 505-1 IA Boston 505-6LL San Francisco 505-11B New York 505-11C Philadelphia SERIES 1934, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU, Darker Green Seal. 505-11 D Cleveland 505-11E Richmond 505-6A Boston 505-1IF Atlanta 505-6B New York 505-11G Chicago PAGE 1 0 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 D No. Issuing Bank D No. Issuing Bank 505-11H St. Louis SERIES 1928A, WOODS-MELLON 505-111 Minneapolis 510-2A Boston505-11J Kansas City 510-2B New York505-11K Dallas 510-2C Philadelphia505-11L San Francisco 510-2D Cleveland SERIES 1950A, PRIEST-HUMPHREY 510-2E Richmond510-2F Atlanta 505-12A Boston 510-2G Chicago 505-12B New York 510-2H St. Louis 505-12C Philadelphia 510-21 Minneapolis 505-12D Cleveland 510-2J Kansas City 505-12E Richmond 510-2K Dallas 505-12F Atlanta 510-2L San Francisco 505-12G Chicago 505-I2H St. Louis SERIES I928B, WOODS-MELLON 505-121 Minneapolis 505-12J Kansas City 510-3A Boston 505-12K Dallas 510-3B New York 505-12L San Francisco 510-3C Philadelphia510-3D Cleveland SERIES 1950B, PRIEST-ANDERSON 510-3E Richmond 510-3F Atlanta 505-13A Boston 510-3G Chicago 505-13B New York 510-311 St. Louis 505-13C Philadelphia 510-31 Minneapolis 505-I3D Cleveland 510-31 Kansas City 505-13E Richmond 510-3K Dallas 505-13F Atlanta 510-3L San Francisco 505-I3G Chicago 505-13H St. Louis SERIES 1928C, Woons-MILLS. Issued by only five Federal Re- 505-131 Minneapolis serve Banks. 505-13 ,1 Kansas City 505-13K Dallas 510-4B New York 505-13L San Francisco 510-4D Cleveland 510-4E Richmond SERIFS 1950C, SMITH-DILLON 510-4F Atlanta 510-4G Chicago SERIES 1950D, GRANAHAN-DILLON 505-15A Boston 505-15B New York 505-15C Philadelphia 505-15D Cleveland 505-15E Richmond 505-15F Atlanta 505-15G Chicago 505-15H St. Louis 505-151 Minneapolis 505-151 Kansas City 505-15K Dallas 505-15L San Francisco TEN DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Hamilton SERIES 1928, TATE-MELLON 510-IA Boston 510-1B New York SERIES 1934A, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU 510-1C Philadelphia 510-1D Cleveland 510-6A Boston 510-1E Richmond 510-6B New York 510-1F Atlanta 510-6C Philadelphia 510-1G Chicago 5I0-6D Cleveland 510-1H St. Louis 510-6E Richmond 510-11 Minneapolis 510-6F Atlanta 510-11 Kansas City 510-6G Chicago 510-1K Dallas 510-6H St. Louis 510-IL San Francisco 510-61 Minneapolis 505-I4A Boston 505-14B New York 505-14C Philadelphia 505-I4D Cleveland 505-14E Richmond 505-14F Atlanta 505-14G Chicago 505-14H St. Louis 505-141 Minneapolis 505-14.1 Kansas City 505-14K Dallas 505-14L San Francisco SERIES 1934, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU, Lighter Green Seal, indicated by "L" following Bank Letter. 510-5AL Boston 510-5BL New York 510-5CL Philadelphia 510-5DL Cleveland 510-5EL Richmond 510-5FL Atlanta 510-5GL Chicago 510-5HL St. Louis 510-51L Minneapolis 510-51L Kansas City 510-5KL Dallas 510-5LL San Francisco SERIES 1934, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU, Darker Green Seal. 510-5A Boston 510L 5B New York 510-5C Philadelphia 510-5D Cleveland 510-5E Richmond 510-5F Atlanta 510-5G Chicago 510-511 St. Louis 510-51 Minneapolis 510-51 Kansas City 510-5K Dallas 510-5L San Francisco VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 11 D No. Issuing Bank D No. Issuing Bank 510-6J Kansas City 510-12C Philadelphia 510-5K Dallas ,L0-12D Cleveland 510-6L San Francisco ,10-12E Richmond 510-12F Atlanta SERIES 1934B, JULIAN-VINSON 510-12G Cnicago 510-7A Boston 510-12H St. Louis 510-7B New York 510-121 minneapolisCityKansasI2J-105510-7C Philadelphia 510-12K Dallas510-7D Cleveland 510-12L San Francisco510-7E Richmond 510-7F Atlanta SERIES 1950C, SMITH-DILLON 510-7G Chicago 510-7H St. Louis 510-13A Boston 510-71 Minneapolis 510-I3B New York 510-7J Kansas City 510-13C Philadelphia 510-7K Dallas 510-I3D Cleveland 510-7L San Francisco 510-13E Richmond 510-13F Atlanta SERIES 1934C, JULIAN-SNYDER 510-13G Chicago 510-8A Boston 510-131 510-131 St. Louis Minneapolis510-8B New York 510-13J Kansas City510-8C Philadelphia 510-13K Dallas510-8D Cleveland 510-13L San Francisco510-8E Richmond 510-8F Atlanta SERIES 1950D, GRANAHAN-DILLON 510-8G Chicago 510-8H St. Louis 510-14A Boston 510-81 Minneapolis 510-I4B New York 510-8J Kansas City 510-14C Philadelphia 510-8K Dallas 510-14D Cleveland 510-8L San Francisco 510-14E Richmond 510-14F Atlanta SERIES 1934D, CLARKE-SNYDER 510-I4G Chicago 510-9A Boston 510-14H St. Louis York New9B10 510-141 Minneapolis5- 510-14J Kansas City5I0-9C Philadelphia 510-14K Dallas510-9D Cleveland 510 14L San Francisco510-9E Richmond 510-9F Atlanta TWENTY DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Jackson 510-9G Chicago 510-9H St. Louis SERIES 1928, TATE-MELLON 510-91 Minneapolis 510-9J Kansas City 520-IA Boston 510-9K Dallas 520-1B New York 510-9L San Francisco 520-IC Philadelphia520-1D Cleveland SERIES 1950, CLARKE-SNYDER 520-1 E Richmond 520-1F Atlanta 510-10A Boston 520-IG Chicago 510-10B New York 520-1H St. Louis 510-10C Philadelphia 520-11 Minneapolis 510-10D Cleveland 520-1J Kansas City 510-10E Richmond 520-1K Dallas 510-10F Atlanta 520-IL San Francisco 510-10G Chicago 510-10H St. Louis SERIES 1928A, WOODS-MELLON 510-101 Minneapolis 520-2A Boston510-101 Kansas City 520-2B New York510-10K Dallas 520-2C Philadelphia510-10L San Francisco 520-2D Cleveland SERIES 1950A, PRIEST-HUMPHREY 520-2E Richmond520-2F Atlanta 510- IA Boston 520-2G Chicago 510- IB New York 520-2H St. Louis 510- IC Philadelphia 520-2 1 M inneapolis 510- ID Cleveland 520-2J Kansas City 510- 1E Richmond 520-2K Dallas 510- IF Atlanta 520-2L San Francisco 510- IG Chicago 510- III St. Louis SERIES 1928B, Woons-MELLON 510- II M inneapolis 520-3A Boston 510- 1 .1 Kansas City 520-3B New York 510- 1K Dallas 520-3C Philadelphia 510- IL San Francisco 520-3D Cleveland 0- d3E Richmon2i SERIES 1950B, PRIEST-ANDERSON 520-3F Atlanta 510-12A Boston 520-3G Chicago 510-12B New York 520-3H St. Louis PAGE 12 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 D No. Issuing Bank D No. Issuing Bank 520-31 Minneapolis 520-9F Atlanta 520-3J Kansas City 520-9G Chicago 520-3K Dallas 520-9H St. Louis 520-3L San Francisco 520-91 Minneapolis 520-9J Kansas City SERIES 1928C, Woons-MILLS. Issued only by Chicago and San 520-9K Dallas Francisco. 520-9L San Francisco 520-4G Chicago SERIES 1950, CLARKE-SNYDER 520-4L San 1-rancisco 520-10A Boston SERIES 1934, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU. There is a light seal and 520-10B New York dark seal in this series. Prices realized to date are about 520-IOC Philadelphia the same. Suffix letter "L" may be added to designate 520-10D Cleveland lighter seal. 520-10E Richmond 520-5A Boston 520-10F Atlanta 520-5B New York 520-10G Chicago 520-5C Philadelphia 520-10H St. Louis 520-5D Cleveland 520-101 Minneapolis 520-10J Kansas City520-5E Richmond -520-5F Atlanta 52010K Dallas520-10L San Francisco520-5G Chicago 520-5H St. Louis SERIES 1950A, PRIEST-HUMPHREY 520-51 Minneapolis 520-5J Kansas City 520- IA Boston 520-5K Dallas 520- I B New York 520-5L San Francisco 520- IC Philadelphia 520- ID Cleveland SERIES 1934A, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU 520- IE Richmond 520- 1 F Atlanta 520-6A Boston 520- IG Chicago 520-6B New York 520- 1H St. Louis 520-6C Philadelphia 520- II Minneapolis 520-6D Cleveland 520- I J Kansas City 520-6E Richmond 520- I K Dallas 520-6F Atlanta 520- IL San Francisco 520-6G Chicago 520-6H St. Louis SERIES 1950B, PRIEST-ANDERSON 520-61 Minneapolis 520-12A Boston520-61 Kansas City 520-12B New York520-6K Dallas 520-12C Philadelphia520-6L San Francisco 520-12D Cleveland 520-12E Richmond SERIES I934B, JULIAN-VINSON 520-12F Atlanta 520-7A Boston 520-12G Chicago 520-7B New York 520-12H St. Louis520-121 Minneapolis529-7C Philadelphia 520-12J Kansas City520-7D Cleveland 520-12K Dallas520-7E Richmond Atlanta 520-7F 520-12L San Francisco 520-7G Chicago 520-7H St. Louis SERIES 1950C, SMITH-DILLON2 520-71 Minneapolis 520-I3A Boston 520-71 Kansas City 520-13B New York 520-7K Dallas 520-13C Philadelphia 520-7L San Francisco 520-13D Cleveland 520-12E Richmond SERIES 1934C, JULIAN-SNYDER 520-I3F Atlanta 0-8A Boston 520-13G Chicago 52 31-520H St. is 520-8B New York 520-131 Minneapolis 520-8C Philadelphia 520-131 Kansas City 520-8D Cleveland 520-I3K Dallas 520-8E Richmond 520-13L San Francisco 520-8F Atlanta 520-8G Chicago SERIES 1950D, GRANAHAN-DILLON 520-8H St. Louis 520-81 Minneapolis 520-14A Boston 520-8j Kansas City 520-14B New York 520-8K Dallas 520-14C Philadelphia 520-8L San Francisco 520-I4D Cleveland 520-14E Richmond SERIES 1934, CLARKE-SNYDER 520-14F Atlanta520-140 Chicago 520-9A Boston 520-14H St. Louis 520-9B New York 520-141 Minneapolis 520-9C Philadelphia 520-141 Kansas City 520-9D Cleveland 520-14K Dallas 520-9E Richmond 520-14L San Francisco VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 13 D No. Issuing Bank D No. Issuing Bank FIFTY DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Grant 550-6C Philadelphia 550-6D Cleveland SERIES 1928, WOODS-MELLON 550-6E Richmond 550-6F Atlanta550-IA Boston 6GH Chicago-550550-1B New York - St. Louis550-1C Philadelphia 550 550-ID Cleveland 550-61 550-6J Minneapolis 550-1 E Richmond 550- City 0-6K Kansas 550-IF Atlanta 550-6L none Dallas 550-1G Chicago San Francisco 550-1H St. Louis SERIES I934D, CLARKE-SNYDER550-11 Minneapolis 550-1 J Kansas City 550-7A Boston 550-I K 550 -7B New YorkDallas 550-IL San Francisco 550-7C Philadelphia 550-7D none Cleveland SERIES 1928A 550-7E Richmond 550-7F - Atlanta0550-2A Boston 550-7G Chicago550-2B New York 550-7H none St. Louis550-2C Philadelphia 550-71 none Minneapolis 550-2D Cleveland 550-7J none Kansas City 550-2E Richmond 550-7K Dallas 550-2F Atlanta 550-7L none San Francisco 550-2G Chicago 550-2H St. Louis SERIES 1950, CLARKE-SNYDER 550-21 Minneapolis 550-2 ► Kansas City 550-8A Boston 550-7K Dallas 550-8B New York 550-2L San Francisco 550-8C Philadelphia 550-8D Cleveland SERIES 1934, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU. Light and dark green seals. 550-8E Richmond 550-8F Atlanta550-3A Boston 550-8G Chicago550-3B New York 550-8H St. Louis550-3C Philadelphia 550-81 Minneapolis550-3D Cleveland 550-8J Kansas City550-3E Richmond 550-8K Dallas550-3F Atlanta 550-8L sco 550-3G Chicago San Francis 550-3H St. Louis SERIES 1950A, PRIEST-HUMPHREY550-31 Minneapolis 550-3J Kansas City 550-9A Boston 550-3K Dallas 550-9B New York 550-3L San Francisco 550-9C Philadelphia 550-9D 550-9E Cleveland SERIES 1934A, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU Richmond 5`,0-9F Atlanta 550-4A Boston 550-9G Chicago 550-4B New York 550-91-1 St. Louis 550-4C none Philadelphia 550-91 Minneapolis 550-4D Cleveland 550-9J Kansas City 550-4E Richmond 550-9K Dallas 550-4F Atlanta 550-9L a l sco 550-4G Chicago San Francis 550-4H St. Louis SERIES 1950B, PRIEST-ANDERSON550-41 Minneapolis 550-4J Kansas City 550-10A Boston 550-4K Dallas 550-10B New York 550-4L San Francisco 550-10C Philadelphia 550-10D Cleveland SERIES 1934B, JULIAN-VINSON 550-10E Richmond Atlanta550-10F 550-5A none Boston 550-10G Chicago 550-5B none New York 550-10H St. Louis 550-5C Philadelphia 550-101 Minneapolis 550-5D Cleveland 550-101 Kansas City 550-5E Richmond 550-10K Dallas 550-5F Atlanta 550-10L sco 550-5G Chicago San Francisc 550-5H St. Louis SERIES 1950C, SMITH-DILLON 550-51 Minneapolis 550-5j Kansas City 550- IA Boston 550-5K Dallas 550- IB New York 550-5L San Francisco 550- 1C Philadelphia 550- I D Cleveland SERIES 1934C, JULIAN-SNYDER 550- 1E Richmond 550- 1 F Atlanta 550-6A Boston 550- 1G Chicago 550-6B New York 550- I H St. Louis PAGE 14 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 D No. Issuing Bank D No. Issuing Bank 550-111 Minneapolis SERIES I934B, JULIAN-VINSON 550-11J Kansas City 550-11K Dallas 500-5A Boston 550-11L San Francisco 500-5B none 500-5C New York Philadelphia 500-5D 5C0-5E Cleveland 550-I2A Boston 5C0-5F Richmond Atlanta550-I2B New York 500-5G Chicago550-12C Philadelphia 500-5H 550-12D Cleveland 500-51 St. Louis 550-I2E Richmond 500-5J Minneapolis Kansas City550-12F Atlanta 500-5K Dallas550-12G Chicago 5C0-5L San Francisco550-12H St. Louis 550-121 Minneapolis SERIES 1934C, JuLIAN-SNYDER 550-12J Kansas City 550-12K Dallas 500-6A Boston 550-12L San Francisco 500-6B none New York 500-6C Philadelphia -ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR NOTES, Head of Franklin 5C0 6D Cleveland 500-6E 500-6F Richmond 500-6G 0 SERIES 1928, WOODS-MELLON Atlanta 500-lA Boston 5(X)-6H Chicago St. Louis 500-1B New York 500-61 lis 500-1C Philadelphia 500-6J Minneapo Kansas City 500-1D Cleveland 5C0-6K Dallas 500-1E Richmond 500-6L San Francisco 500-1F Atlanta 500-1G Chicago SERIES 1934D, CLARKE-SNYDER 500-1H St. Louis 500-1 I M inneapolis 5C0-7A none Boston 500-1J Kansas City 500-7B 500-7C New York Philadelphia500-1K Dallas 500-7D none Cleveland500-1L San Francisco 500-7E none Richmond SERIES 1 928A, WOODS-MELLON 500-7F Atlanta500-7G Chicago 500-2A 500-7H St. Louis 500-2B Boston New York 500-71 none 500-2C 500-7J none Minneapolis Philadelphia Kansas City 500-2D Cleveland 500-7K Dallas 500-2E Richmond 500-7L none San Francisco 500-2F Atlanta SERIES 1950, CLARKE-SNYDER500-2G Chicago 500-2H St. Louis 500-8A Boston500-21 Minneapolis 500-8B New York500-2J Kansas City 500-8C Philadelphia500-2K Dallas 500-8D Cleveland500-2L San Francisco 500-8E Richmond AtlantaSERIES 1934, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU. Light and dark green seals. 500-8G Chicago 500-3A Boston 500-8H 500-81 St. Louis 500-3B New York Minneapolis 500-3C Philadelphia 500-8. Dallas 1 Kansas City -8K 500-3D Cleveland 500 5C0-3E Richmond500 San Francisco-8L 500-3F Atlanta 500-3G Chicago SERIES 1950A, PRIEST-HUMPHREY 500-3H St. Louis 500-9A 500-31 Minneapolis 5C0-9B Boston New York500-3 I Kansas City 500-9C Philadelphia500-3K Dallas 500-9D Cleveland500-3L San Francisco 500-9E Richmond 500-9F 500-9G Atlanta SERIFS 1934A, JULIAN-MORGENTHAU Chicago 500-9H 500-4A Boston 500-91 St. Louis Minneapolis500-4B New York 5009J Kansas City500-4C Philadelphia 500-9K 500-4D Cleveland 500-9L Dallas San Francisco500-4E Richmond 500-4F Atlanta SERIES 1950B, PRIEST-ANDERSON500-4G Chicago 500-4H St. Louis 500-10A Boston 500-41 Minneapolis 500-10B New York 500-4.1 Kansas City 500-10C Philadelphia 500-4K Dallas 500-10D Cleveland 500-4L San Francisco 500-10E Richmond SERIES 1950D, GRANAHAN-DILLON VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 15 D No. Issuing Bank 500-10F Atlanta 500-10G Chicago 500-19H St. Louis 500-101 Minneapolis 500-10J Kansas City 500-10K Dallas 500-10L San Francisco SERIES 1950C, SMITH-DILLON IA Boston 1B New York IC Philadelphia I D Cleveland 1E Richmond IF Atlanta IG Chicago I H St. Louis I I Minneapolis IJ Kansas City I K Dallas 1 L San Francisco SERIES 1950D, GRANAHAN-DILLON 5C0-12A Boston 500-12B New York 500L 12C Philadelphia 500-12D Cleveland 500-12E Richmond 500-12F Atlanta 500-12G Chicago 500-12H St. Louis 500-121 Minneapolis 500-12.1 Kansas City 500-12K Dallas 500-12L San Francisco 1928 Gold Certificates, Woods - Mellon, Gold Seal D No. Issuing Bank 650 50.00 600 100.00 World War II Emergency Series, Julian - Morgenthau Brown seal. Surcharged "HAWAII" face and reverse. Is- sued for use in Hawaii. The $1.00 note is a Silver Certificate. The $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 denominations are Federal Re- serve Notes of the San Francisco Bank. H201 1.00 1935A HSO5 5.00 1199334 J1505A 5.00 1934A H510 10.00 1934A H520 I-1 520A 20.00 20.00 1934 1934A Yellow Seal Silver Certificates, for use in North Africa and Europe. A201 A205 1.00 5.00 1935A A210 10.00 11993344A A210A 10.00 1934A Experimental 1935A $1.00 Silver Certificates, Julian - Morgenthau 500- 500- 500- 500- 500- 500-. 500- 500- 500- 503- 50°- 500- 610 10.00 R201 Red "R" 620 20.00 S201 Red "S" * THE TRADING POST * Many suggestions and letters have been received re- garding The Trading Post idea. All suggestions have been appreciated and all will be considered. Starting with our next issue, we will list names and addresses un- der various types of currency that you are interested in trading. Your Federal Reserve District will be shown also if desired. There will be a fee of $1.00 for each name and address listed. All members will have to make their contacts from the list. The listing will be carried through 1964 for the above fee. To date, those who say they are interested want the following headings: 1. U. S. Large Notes 2. U. S. Large National Bank Notes 3. U. S. Small Notes 4. U. S. Small Federal Reserve Notes 5. Foreign Currency 6. Broken Bank Notes The above or any others requested will be listed in our next issue; so if you are interested, please send me your dollar along with the heading under which you would like to be listed. In the near future, we hope to have a classified ad section so a more detailed listing may be made. The rates will have to be worked out, but we hope to have all the information in our next issue. We have been thinking about building up a library for some time, so Mr. Earl Hughes, Mitchell, Indiana, has agreed to accept and store the material for the pres- ent. If you have any books on currency you would like to donate to the organization, please send them to Mr. Hughes. These will be catalogued and listed so they can be checked out by members when we get the library going. THOS. C. BAIN, President, SOPMC 3717 Marquette Drive Dallas, Texas-75225 PAGE 1 6 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 Emergency Currency Notes of 1908 By Forrest W. Daniel National Currency Notes issued under the Emergency Currency Act of 1908, also known as the Aldrich-Vree- land Act, are well known to collectors. They occur in the Series 1882, Second Charter Period, and Series 1902, Third Charter Period types. The usual identifying characteristics are the dates 1882-1908 or 1902-1908 on the reverse. The Emergency Currency fulfilled its destiny in a time of crisis. This is the story of the issue and the crisis. Purpose of the Issue The purpose of the Emergency Currency Act of 1908 was to provide a greater volume of currency for circu- lation when the demand increased. Periodic increases in demand for money, such as harvest season in the agricultural areas, placed a great strain on the inelastic money supply. Circulation of Legal Tender notes and Silver Certificates was limited by law, and National Currency issues by banks were limited to the amount of government bonds deposited with the Treasurer of the United States. Since banks held 80 per cent of all outstanding government bonds, there could be little increase in the volume of currency. The Panic of 1907 gave ample evidence that more money should be available for circulation in times of greater demand. The result was the Emergency Currency Act of 1908. Whereas previously only government bonds could be used to back National Currency notes, the Act of May 30, 1908, provided that commercial paper and other miscel- laneous securities could back the issue of Emergency Currency. To comply with the act, banks were required to form National Currency Associations. Each association was composed of no fewer than ten banks, each having an unimpaired capital and surplus of not less than 20 per cent of capital, and having an aggregate capital and surplus of at least $5,000,000. These currency associ- ations were to be depositories for the commercial paper and securities backing the Emergency Currency. All members of the associations were liable for redemption of the circulation. Additional circulation was limited to 75 per cent of the commercial paper and securities deposited to back it. Deposit of state, county and municipal bonds with the Treasurer of the United States was another method of obtaining additional circulation. Issue was limited to 90 per cent of face of these securities. The circulation of any bank could be withdrawn at any time by deposit of lawful money or national bank notes and the pledged securities withdrawn. Forty-five currency associations were formed and eventually currency was issued to 41 of them. Preparation of the Issue With the passage of the Emergency Currency Act the printing plates of all the banks were re-engraved to indicate the change in securities backing the notes. The new notes read, "This Note is Secured by Bonds of the United States or Other Securities." The earlier notes bore the legend, "Secured by United States Bonds Deposited with the Treasurer of the United States." In addition the dates 1882-1908 or 1902-1908 were added to the reverse of the notes to indicate the 1908 version of the two series of bank notes then current. The color of the Treasury Seal was changed to blue. Although no National Currency notes of denomination higher than $100 had been issued since 1885, the Comp- troller of the Currency was authorized to have plates prepared for notes of $10,000 with the Emergency Currency characteristics. A check by the engraving division of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, how- ever, failed to find any indication that a request was ever made for the preparation of a design or die for National Currency in a $10,000 denomination. To meet the demand for currency under the act, in- complete notes of every bank, to the extent of 50 per cent of capital, were printed and held in the vaults of the Comptroller of the Currency. On December 2, 1912, the aggregate amounted to $539,164,590. Circulation Problems So the Emergency Currency was ready for the banks. The new style notes were put into regular circulation as the banks called for their regular supply of notes, but no bank asked for any notes under the new act. The rate of interest on the emergency issue was so high banks feared risk of their credit and were unwilling to ask for the currency. In addition, authorization of Emergency Currency was not permitted unless the Secretary of the Treasury judged the situation in the nation at large, or a specific locality, was serious enough to warrant it. Under the law, the banks were required to pay five per cent per annum interest for the first month of the issue, the rate increasing at the rate of one percent per month. At the end of five months the banks would he paying nine per cent interest. This was a far cry from the rate charged for regular issues. Under the Act of March 14, 1900, the tax on circulation, based on two per cent bonds, was set at one half per cent per annum. This too had been a measure to place more money in circulation. The high rates called for by the Act of 1908 were to ensure retirement of the emergency circulation as quickly as possible. The National Bank Act providing for the issue of National Currency had been a Civil War measure to provide for the sale of government bonds. Following the war the redemption of the bonds and the high prices VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 17 of longer date bonds forced withdrawal of much of the bank circulation. In fact many banks went out of busi- ness. Circulation fell to a low point in 1891, approxi- mately $167,000,000. The Act of March 14, 1900, coupled with revival of business, caused considerable increase in national bank circulation. The act also provided for issue of currency up to 100 per cent of the bonds deposited, rather than the 90 per cent under the previous law. Circulation of National Currency notes rose from $265,303,018 on June 29, 1900, to $722,554,719 on June 30, 1914, all of it secured by United States bonds. The high cost of emergency circulation was eased somewhat by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913. The interest rate charged to banks was lowered to three per cent per annum for the first three months and then increased one half per cent per month to a maximum of six per cent. With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914, New York banks faced a crisis. Export of gold and sale of United States securities by foreign accounts put a serious strain on their reserves. By August 1, the situation was acute. Issuance of Emergency Currency under the Act of May 30, 1908, as amended by the Federal Reserve Act, provided the quickest relief possible. On August 3, the Treasury announced $100,000,000 was available immedi- ately to New York banks. Additional currency was also made available to other banks throughout the nation to the extent provided by law and their requirements. On August 4, Congress further amended the act to permit banks to issue circulation up to 125 per cent of capital surplus, and to remove the ceiling of $500,000,000 previously placed on the issue. Although prior to August 4, 1914, no currency had been issued under the act of 1908, the amount issued and shipped reached $369,558,040 by October 31. The last shipment of Emergency Currency was made on February 12, 1915. The total emergency issue was $382,502,645. According to an Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, all of the Emergency Currency had been redeemed by July 1, 1915, with the exception of $200,000 issued to the First National Bank of Union- town, Pennsylvania, which had failed. This too was redeemed by December 1, completing redemption with- out loss. Withdrawal of the Issue Withdrawal of the issue was made through the Na- tional Currency Redemption Bureau. Used currency was returned to the Bureau where it was sorted according to banks. Damaged and worn notes were destroyed and those in better condition were returned to banks of issue. Periodically, usually about every two or three weeks, notes of a bank were destroyed; and from one to three days later a like amount of new notes would be shipped to the bank of issue. In this fashion the issue of each bank was held in balance. When the emergency issue was to be recalled, disposal of worn notes was made as usual; but fewer notes were issued to the bank until its circulation fell to its normal amount. There is some indication in the National Currency and Bond Ledgers that some of the Emergency Currency was not withdrawn until after the date cited by the Comp- troller of the Currency. But this does not dispute the immediate and quick withdrawal of the issue. Part of the emergency issue never saw circulation. It was returned unissued by the banks and replaced in the vaults as reserve for future issue. During the 1914 crisis, Emergency Currency was issued to 41 of the 45 national currency associations formed to guarantee the miscellaneous securities backing the issue. Many banks required no additional circula- tion; and no Emergency Currency was issued in the states of Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island. Delaware, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Nevada. There was an emergency issue in the District of Columbia. The number of banks receiving Emergency Currency was limited. Of the 149 national banks in North Dakota only one was authorized to receive it. So while notes bearing the inscription of the possi- bility of security other than by government bonds were in regular circulation from 1908 to 1916, the only actual emission of Emergency Currency was between August 4, 1914, and February 12, 1915, and all of it was withdrawn by December, 1915. The Emergency Currency Act of 1908 was due to expire on May 30, 1915, but was extended one year and expired May 30, 1916. With the expiration of the Act of 1908, the Federal Reserve System became responsible for maintaining the required level of circulation. This was one of the pur- poses for which the system was established in 1913. Changes in Design With the discontinuance of the eligibility of secur- ities other than United States bonds as backing for Na- tional Currency, there was another style change in the notes. The dates 1882-1908 and 1902-1908 were removed from the reverses. The 1882 series notes became the denominational reverse types, and the 1902 series only dropped the dates, reverting to the first type reverse. The blue seal was retained. The stocks of surplus Emergency Currency notes still in the vaults were issued to the banks as needed, so issue of the new style came only after stocks were depleted. While the statement of security on the face of the notes was changed for all banks with the passage of the Act of 1908, not all banks returned to the original word- ing. The banks had to pay the cost of engraving plates, so many banks continued to use the 1908 type obverse with the plain reverse. Undoubtedly many banks issued notes with both types of security notations between 1916 and 1929. A pair of such notes on the same bank would be an interesting addition to a collection. Conclusion In conclusion, a speculation is offered. The flood of Emergency Currency was withdrawn in less than a year. The National Currency Redemption Bureau would have withheld any notes of a given bank to redeem actual emergency issue. In this manner many red seal notes of the 1902 issue and brown back notes of the 1882 series would have been destroyed, even though their con- dition was good. The scarcity of brown back and red seal notes may be due as much to this withdrawal as to wear and tear of time. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21.) PAGE 18 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. I Kentucky State Banks By Earl Hughes The Kentucky Insurance Company was the first banking institution west of the Allegany Mountains. This early issue required only the signature of the Cashier. This is an index of State Banks and others that issued currency in Kentucky during the 19th century, with an indication of the rarity of their issues existing today. Rarity numbers range from 1 to 11. No. 1 indicates the most common and No. 10 the extremely rare. No. 11 is used only when no denomination of issue is known. This is a beginning. Corrections will be made, if necessary, when a descriptive listing of notes is made. (See Help Wanted notice at the end of this index.) City Bank Rarity ASHLAND Bank of Ashland (Parent) 7 BARBOURVILLE Bank of Barbourville 8 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Branch) 9 BARDSTOWN Maurice Clancy (fruit store) 10 Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.)) 11 Head & Holloway 10 BOWLING GREEN Bank of the Commonwealth (Br.) 9 Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 8 Bank of Louisville (Br.) 11 Peoples Bank of Kentucky 6 St. Charles Restaurant 10 Southern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 10 BURKSVILLE Cumberland Bank of Burksville 7 Bank of Louisville (Br. I 8 BURLINGTON Bank of Burlington 9 CANTON Traders and Mechanics Bank 9 City Bank Rarity CARLISLE Chappel, Bruce & Mclntyres Bank 11 Farming & Commercial Bank of Carlisle 5 CARROLTON Southern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 COLUMBIA Bank of Columbia 7 COLUMBUS Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Quinby Market 9 W. W. Roach 10 Sutlers Bank 9 G. W. Ward & Company 10 COVINGTON City of Covington 8 Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 7 Kentucky Insurance Company Bank 11 Kentucky Trust Company Bank 6 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 10 CYNTHIANA Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Deposit Bank 11 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 DANVILLE Central Bank 11 Bank of Danville 9 Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 The Sneed House 10 FALMOUTH Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky 9 FELICIANA South Western Real Estate Bank of Kentucky 8 /) • ( ei-eee e eV) /lee e // aft( /i7ir///7 ./faial/ M4)/ /1/7 It r N -demand 1° FT 1- (1011:1 rs 111011 1 iINSVIIILLE 181 VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 19 City Bank Rarity FLEMINGSBURG Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Bank of Louisville (Br.) 11 Smith, Wilson and Company's Bank 11 FRANKFORT Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Parent) 2 Frankfort Bank 2 Frankfort, Board of Trustees, on the Frank- fort Br., Bank of Kentucky 5 Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 State Bank of Kentucky (Parent) 11 GEORGETOWN Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 5 Bank of George Town 6 "At My Store" (Signature not known) circa 1820 10 GLASGOW Northern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 GREENBURG Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 GREENSBURGH Bank of Greensburgh 10 HARRODSBURG Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Farmers Bank of Harrodsburg 9 Harrodsburg Savings Institution 11 HARTFORD Peoples Bank of Ky. (Br. of Louisville) 8 HEMINGS BY Bank of Louisville (Br.) 10 HENDERSON Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 6 Bank of Henderson 9 J. E. Ricketts & Company's Bank 11 HICKMAN Southern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 10 City Bank Rarity LA GRANGE LaGrange & Memphis R. R. Company 11 LANCASTER Lancaster Deposit Bank 11 LEBANON Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Lebanon Deposit Bank 11 LEXINGTON Agricultural Deposit Bank 11 Clearing House Ass'n. of Lexington (date ? ) 11 Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Kentucky Insurance Company 7 Lexington, City, on Br. Bank of Kentucky 10 Lexington Insurance Company 11 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Parent) 5 D. A. Sayre & Company's Bank 11 J. B. Tilford's Bank 11 Bank of the United States, Second (Br.) 11 LOUISVILLE T. Brown & Company's Bank 11 Citizens National Bank 11 Cirtis & Warrens Bank 11 Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Bank of the Commonwealth 11 Franklin Bank of Kentucky 11 Hughes and Robbins Bank 11 A. D. Hunt & Company's Bank 11 Bank of Kentucky 6 Liberty Insurance Company 11 Bank of Louisville 6 Louisville Branch Bank 9 Louisville & Portland Turnpike Company 10 Louisville Savings Institution 11 Mechanics Bank 11 Merchants Bank of Kentucky 11 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Office Bank 11 Peoples Bank 7 Quigley, Lyons & Company's Bank 11 Quigley, Morton & Company's Bank 11 An unsigned $50.00 note of the Christian Bank, Hopkinsville, bearing the vignette of a contemporary farming scene. PAGE 20 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 City Bank Rarity Savings Bank of Louisville 11 Shreve & Tuckers Bank 11 John Smidt & Company's Bank 11 Southern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 Tucker, Brannon and Company's Bank 11 Bank of the United States, Second (Br. I 11 C. N. Warren & Company's Bank 11 MAYFIELD Bank of Ashland (Br.) 11 MAYSVILLE Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 10 Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 8 L. C. & H. T. Pearces Bank 11 MONTICELLO Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 City Bank Rarity PRINCETON Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 10 RICHMOND Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 11 The Francis House 10 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 4 Richmond Bank 10 RUSSELLSVILLE Farmers & Mechanics Bank of Logan 9 RUSSELLVILLE Southern Bank of Kentucky (Parent) 4 SHARPSBURG Boyd. Congleton & Company's Bank 11 Sl0.00 proof note of The Southern Bank of Kentucky, Russellville. This bank apparently issued "good" money from the amount of counterfeits which show up in collections. MORGANTOWN Bank of Morgantown 9 NEW CASTLE Bank of New Castle 9 NEWPORT Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 4 Newport Lyceum 5 OWENSBORO Owensboro Deposit Bank 11 Southern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 7 PADUCAH Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Parent) 7 Bank of Louisville (Br.) 8 Norton Brothers Bank 11 Sasseen & Garths Bank 11 Watts, Given & Company's Bank 11 PARIS C. S. Brents Bank 11 Deposit Bank 11 Northern Bank of Kentucky (Br. I 9 PETERSBURG Petersburg Steam Mills Company 8 SHELBYVILLE Bank of Ashland 6 J. M. Owen & Company's Bank 11 SHIPPINGPORT L. A. Tarascon 10 SMITHLAND Southern Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 80 SOMERSET Farmers Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 8 Farmers Bank of Somerset 10 STAMFORD Deposit Bank of Stamford 11 VERSAILES Commercial Bank of Kentucky (Br.) 10 George & Wilsons Bank 11 Hurd, Wilson & Company's Bank 11 WINCHESTER H. G. Prestons Bank 11 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21.) VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 21 Wisconsin Civil War Shin-Plasters By Maurice M. Gould A number of years ago I catalogued and appraised the famous emergency and revolutionary money of the world, compiled by Allan Forbes of Boston, Massachu- setts. He was one of the country's best known bankers and had access to material from all parts of the world. One of the small series which he had represented was the Shin-Plasters of Wisconsin that were used during the Civil War. As I have never seen this series listed, I think that a tentative listing will bring other pieces out of hiding and help in a fairly comprehensive compilation. Baraboo 25c Beaver Dam-Dodge County Bank 25c; 50c Berlin 25c R. W. Chadbourn 5c; 10c Columbus Bank 3c; 10c Bank of Green Bay 5c; l5c Horicon Mills 25c Knapp, Stout & Co., Rice Lake 50c Lynden, Case & Remington 10c Bank of La Crosse 5c; 10c; 25c; $1.00 Bank of Madison 5c; 10c; 25c Merrimac Bank 5c Montello 5c New York Store I5c; 25c Alfred Ogden 25c Oxford 10c Pardeville (G. Verhalen) 10c; 15c; 25c Bank of Prairie du Chien 5c; 10c Prairie du Sac Mills 10c; 25c Prairie du Sac Mills (gate No. 2) 10c Bank of Sparta 5c; 25c Bank of Wisconsin 25c Mr. Forbes donated his famous collection to the Massachusetts Historical Society of Boston and these pieces may be seen by appointment. While the Massa- chusetts Historical Society is not too well known outside of the New England area, it has a wonderful numismatic collection, including tokens, as well as such items as a pedigreed 1804 dollar. Kentucky State Banks (Cont'd. from Page 20.1 City Bank Rarity NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Savings Bank of Louisville, Ky. (Br.) 9 LOCATION UNKNOWN Beaver Creek & Cumberland River Coal Co 10 "In Merchandise" Commonwealth Bank 11 Hunnewell Furnace (Scrip-Store Order) 10 Planters Bank of Kentucky 11 HELP WANTED. With the increase of collectors and the corresponding increase in cost it becomes difficult for any one collector to obtain enough notes from a state to do anything like a near-complete descriptive listing of notes. If it were possible, it would perhaps take a gen- eration to do so. This would still not indicate the rarity of the notes until other collections were taken into ac- count. The SOPMC should be a clearing house for in- formation. May I make the following Call for Kentucky? 1. Collectors, dealers and curators, please send a list of all Kentucky State Bank and scrip notes in your col- lection, stock or museum. If more than one note alike, tell how many. (All information will be kept confidential as to ownership, if requested.) State if you are willing to furnish photos, or notes for photographing of those needed for information or illustration. 2. List any known histories of Kentucky banks, or early banking in Kentucky which could be borrowed for study. Remember the motto of Kentucky, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." Please mail your information to me at Route 2, Mitchell, Indiana. Emergency Currency Notes (Cont'd. from Page 16.1 Sources Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1907 through 1916. The National Archives, Washington, D. C. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, D. C. Paper Money of the United States, Fourth Edition, by Robert Friedberg. A Descriptive History of National Bank Notes 1863-1935, by William II. Dillistin. PACE 22 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 SECRETARY'S REPORT New Membership Roster Dealer Or No. Name and Address Collector Specialty 567 Thomas S. Gordon, RD No. 3, Westminster, Maryland C Scrip and Broken Banknotes 568 Joe Elliott, 1600 I Avenue New Castle, Indiana 47362 C Colonials and Continentals; India notes 569 Noah R. Wilson, 6 Victor Avenue, Greer, South Carolina C $1 Silver Certificates and $2 small notes 570 Russell fielding, 1112 Elizabeth Avenue, Marinette, Wis- C National currency, Banks of Wisconsin and consin 54143 upper peninsula of Michigan 571 Joseph Gangemi, 1245-83rd Street, Brooklyn 28, N. Y. C U. S., C. S. A., Fractionals 572 B. Plotnick, 671 Bedford St., Stamford, Conn. 06902 C U. S. Fractionals 573 John J. Vaughey, 78 Grant St., Waltham, Mass. 02154 C Civil War scrip and miscellaneous scrip 574 Dr. Howard E. Mathay, 1106 Ravine Drive, Youngstown, C U. S. since 1862 Ohio 44505 575 Norman Shorr, 200 Buchanan Place, Pittsburgh 28, Pa. C U. S. currency 576 George J. Regensburger, 1031 Summit St., McKeesport, C, D Large U. S. currency Pa. 577 David Paskausky, 1411 East Fulton St., Grand Rapids, C Small size silver certificates and type set of Michigan 49503 large and small notes 578 Coy E. Dillard, P. 0. Box 527, Rocksprings, Texas 78880 579 John J. O'Brocta, 2136 South Indiana Ave., Chicago 16, C Fractional currency Illinois 580 George Izumi, 4161 Olympiad Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. C Paper money and all coins 90043 581 Bert V. Couvillon, P. 0. Box 1524, Alexandria, La. 71302 C Confederate States of America 582 Albert N. Hanten, P. 0. Box 66, White Lake, South Da- C U. S. and Canadian large size; all National kota 57383 Bank Notes 583 Robert B. Erickson, 32 West Cypress St., Phoenix, Ari- C Indian Head cents; U. S. paper money zona 85003 584 C. L. Stratton, 223 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., 746 South C U. S. coins and paper Central Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90021 585 Bruce F. Luther, 724 Ringwood Ave., Wanaque, N. J. C Silver Certificates 07465 586 William Guggenheim, Hollow Road, Clinton Corners, C U. S. Type set, crisp unc. only, Comm. half New York 12514 dollars 587 Roger J. Storm, 10 Manning Road, Glen Cove, N. Y. C Colonials and Civil War banknotes 588 Jackson C. Storm, 10 Manning Road, Glen Cove, N. Y. C Fractional currency 589 Bruce A. Miner, P. 0. Box 38-326, Miami, Florida 33138 D Foreign 590 Miss Marie Goldman, 2431 Webb Ave., New York, N. Y. C U. S. dollar series and Foreign 10468 591 Matt Krzastek, 17 West San Fernando St., San Jose, D U. S. and Foreign coins and paper money California 592 Richard L. Hood, 2671 Riverside Drive, Trenton, Michi- C Michigan National currency; U. S. small size gan 48183 notes 593 Oscar L. Olsgaard, P. 0. Box 1276, Anaconda, Montana C U. S. and Canada currency and Stock Certifi- 59711 cates 594 Delwyn J. Worthington, 199 North Stone Avenue, Room C, D U. S., Canadian, Foreign 704, Tucson, Arizona 85701 595 Bill Waites, 731 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver 10, B. C., C Old time Canadian and U. S. bills Canada 596 Fred A. Firnhaber, 833 Summit Avenue, Waynesboro, C All U. S. notes—the small notes alphabetically Pennsylvania 17268 597 John Henry Roy, 10201 Blvd. des Ormes, Montreal 12, C All Canadian and new issues of U. S. Canada VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 23 598 Edward Jester, 35 North Rodney Drive, Wilmington, C Silver Certificates and Fractionals Delaware 19809 599 Charles Christman, Box 2096, Oak Park, Illinois 60303 C Fractional currency 6C0 Leland D. McBride, M.D., 700 South High Street, Hills- C Domestic and Foreign boro, Ohio 45133 601 J. Bradley, P. 0. Box 1141, Southern Pines, North Caro- C North Carolina Broken Bank Notes lina 28387 602 N. M. Hoffmann, 1482 Antoinette Avenue, Cincinnati, C U. S. small size—lst year of series Ohio 45230 603 Dr. William W. Pierce, 418 Bewley Building, Lockport, C U. S. Currency New York 14094 604 George Dehmel, 926 North Jackson Street, Milwaukee, C General Wisconsin 53202 605 Robert R. Pope, P. 0. Box 8, Heflin, Alabama 36264 C Alabama broken bank notes, Fractional curren- cy, old certificates 606 Dr. D. E. Brick, 915 University Boulevard, Mitchell, C Small size legal tenders and silver certificates South Dakota 57301 607 Jack Mihlrad, 16 Plymouth Place, White Plains, New C General U. S. York 608 Walter Domzalski, 6663 Walker Street, Philadelphia, C Pennsylvania 19135 609 Vernon Bosley, 1009 School Avenue, Walla Walla, Wash- C U. S. Currency ington 610 Leonard E. Buckley, P. 0. Box 684, Cedar Street, Stony C General Banknotes (according to B. N. printer) Brook, New York 11790 611 Leon Matusoff, 17 Third Street Arcade, Dayton, Ohio D 45402 612 Paul Darrel, 1500 Chanslor Ave., Richmond, California C General, but especially notes issued by rail- 94801 roads, or with railroad scenes. 613 Andrew Nemeth, 3234 North Bambrey St., Philadelphia, C U. S. Currency; U. S. and Canadian broken Pa. 19129 bank bills 614 Floyd 0. Adams, P. 0. Box 957, Thomasville, Georgia C United States Paper Money 31792 615 Somer James, 157 Rupert Avenue, Winnipeg 2, Canada D Canadian and General 616 Hilbert G. Berka, 1424 West Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, C Fractional Currency, also $1, $2 and $5 bills Wis. 53215 617 W. A. Selfridge, 11 Dogwood Trail, Kinnelon, New Jersey C, D N. J. notes, Japanese paper. General dealer 618 Antonin Lomicka, Plzen, Delova 10, Czechoslovakia C Foreign paper money 619 William Brown, Jr., 20 Bridge Street, Lambertville, N. J. D Sheets, Colonials and Broken Bank Notes 620 Kenneth A. Tretow, 1605 Dahlia, Amarillo, Texas C U. S. Currency & Coins, Foreign Currency 621 William C. Carrig, 33 Livingston St., New Haven, Conn. C U. S. Paper Money 06511 622 Larry E. Young, 718 E. Central Avenue, Miamisburg, C All one dollar silver certificates Ohio 45342 623 James M. Knight, 401 Santolina Road, Dothan, Alabama C Foreign bank notes 36301 624 Louis W. Goldstein, Box 800, Griffin, Georgia C U. S. Currency 625 Stevan Michael McKenzie, 5547 Barfield Road, Memphis, C Tennessee 626 Franklin B. Tucker, 216 Central Avenue, West Caldwell, C New Jersey paper money N. J. 07007 627 George A. Yano, 1909 Ogden Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin C U. S. Currency 54881 628 Clare E. Lane, 510 Madison Street, East Rochester, N. Y. C U. S., Fractionals, Broken Bank Notes 14445 629 Robert M. Burns, 1072 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. C Large sized U. S. Currency, especially Natl. 55105 Bank Notes PAGE 24 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 630 James W. Seville, Box 866, Statesville, North Carolina C, D Misnumbered bills 631 Edwin Swafford, 714 Delchester Lane, Kirkwood, Mis- C Mexican, U. S. $1 S. C. & F. R. N., n U. S., souri 63122 other foreign 632 Leonard Vaughn, 43179 Johnston Street, Hamet, Cali- C Large notes tornia 92343 633 V. J. Amorose, P. 0. Box 10063, Jacksonville, Fla. 32207 C Florida Paper — Nationals — Obsoletes and Scrip 634 John M. Ferguson, 601 N. E. 7th Avenue, Fort Lauder- D U. S. Paper dale, Florida 635 Major Walter F. Rogers, USMC, 2144 Bancroft Drive C N. C., Ga. and S. C. Obsoletes, CSA Type Marine Corps Air Station, Navy No. 990, c/o FPO, Notes, Allied Mil. Currency San Francisco, California 636 John H. Jenkins, 912 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas D Texas Currency 637 Lloyd B. Walton, 3014 Richardt Avenue, Indianapolis, C Obsolete bank notes of Indiana, also general Indiana 46226 world issues 638 George F. Flinchbaugh, 72 North Wolf St., Manheim, Pa. C Fractional and large U. S. Notes 639 Ervin C. Peake, 13 Woodland Court, Kinnelon, New C Present size U. S. Paper Money Jersey 640 Andrew P. Beck, Jr., 375 South Main St., Pleasantville, C U. S. Currency and Colonial notes N. J. 08232 641 Bruce Schneider, 3064 Melva Avenue, Columbus, Ohio C U. S. :mall size ones and twos 43224 642 Fred W. Black, 102 West Garfield Avenue, New Castle, C National Bank Currency Pa. 643 Joseph P. Sullivan, 496 Auburn St., Auburndale 66, Mass. C Broken bank notes 644 Fred I. Catalano, 7123 Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, Illinois C U. S. Coins and U. S. Paper Money 645 Don Seibert, 3201 Lakewood Drive, Houston 16, Texas C, D Mexican Revolutionary Period 646 Frank C. Holmquist, 8047 South May Street, Chicago, Ill. C Mainly U. S. and Canadian 60620 647 Robert H. Meyer, 2056 Genessee Street, Orange, Cali- C World War II fornia—Hobby 648 Virgil K. Tarter, 3607 Clinton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio C Silver certificates 44113 649 Ellis W. Campbell, 1366 Melrose Avenue, Columbus 24, C Small currency Ohio ) 650 Jack W. Nannery, 215 Maujer Street, Brooklyn 6, New C Military currency York 651 James W. Curlee, P. 0. Box 1528, Indio, California 92202 C U. S. Currency 652 J. Leon Thomas, 827 South Candler St., Decatur, Georgia C C. S. A., Southern States, Broken Bank Notes 30030 653 A. B. Johnson, Box 706, Willmar, Minnesota 56201 C Small sized notes, including Nationals 654 Mr. Jean-Louis Matteau, Box Office 270, Grand 'Mere, C Canadian, U. S., Foreign Quebec, Canada 655 William E. Swigart, Jr., Museum Park, Huntingdon, C Pennsylvania 656 William Mattinson, 1624-30th St., Emsley Highlands, C U. S. Currency Birmingham 8, Alabama 657 Richard A. Banyai, 4520 North 34th Street, Phoenix, C Inflation Notes, Study of Central Bank Policy Arizona 85018 and Money 658 Joseph A. Lange, 13060 Victory Boulevard, Apt. 18, C SI and $2 small notes Van Nuys, California 659 Mike G. Brownlee, 14I6A Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas D All paper money 75201 ao Kurt E. Eckstein, 101 Edgewood Drive, Woodland C All types of U. S. Currency Heights, Elgin, Illinois 661 Clifford A. Huckon, 1809 Carvin, La Puente, California C U. S. paper money 91745 VOL. 3, NO. 1 Paper Money PAGE 25 662 Peter Huntoon, 2147 East Juanita, Tucson, Arizona 85719 663 Charles M. Kirkpatrick, 601 Bexley Road, West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 664 S. T. Swadron, 535 Sussex Drive, Ottawa I, Ontario, Canada 665 M. S. Breitman, 324 Midland Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 55401 666 Robert L. Richardson, Sr., P. 0. Box 108, Stuart, Virginia 667 Wallace L. Foust, 3621 Glencairn Road, Cleveland 22, Ohio 668 Robert A. Ellis, Route 28, R. F. D. No. 1, Derry, New Hampshire 669 C. Morgensen, P. 0. Box 265, Askov, Minnesota 670 Ron Carpenter, 165 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y. 10036 671 Al. Barbarotta, 14 Parker Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 672 Warren E. Herbert, P. 0. Box 3471, Columbus, Ohio 43214 673 Fred W. Babbe, 1114 West Main Street, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190 674 George B. Mehlman, 8th Floor Comeau Bldg., West Palm Beach, Fla. 675 Virgil K. Rowland, 45 Sutton Place, South, New York, N. Y. 10022 Change of Name 10 D. Wayne Johnson, 1525 Nantuckett, Houston, Texas 77027 11 Ben E. Rutman, 1372 St. Paul Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 15 Wm. A. Philpott, Jr., P. 0. Box 1466, Dallas, Texas 16 Dr. John H. Swanson, East End Y. M. C. A., 7903 La Porte Freeway, Houston 12, Texas 21 Kingsley Falkenberg, Box 2739, General Post Office, New York City 10001 50 Arthur Hegel, 91341/2 Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, Calif. 90047 73 John T. Walker III, Sapphire Manor, Apt. F-1, Brevard, N. C. 95 I. T. Kopicki, 5088 Archer Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60632 101 Mrs. Louise M. Campbell, Manquin, Virginia 23106 183 J. Robert Melanson, 2602 Myatt Lane, El Campo, Texas 77437 186 Joseph M. Max, 104 Ann Street, Baden, Pennsylvania 15005 189 William T. Anton, Sr., P. 0. Box 125, North Hackensack Station, River Edge, New Jersey 07661 220 Norman Brand, 1539 Cory Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45406 256 N. F. Carlson, 23 Bacon Street, Wellsboro, Pennsylvania 16901 C U. S. Paper money—ones, fives, tens C Small size notes D Canadian, Newfoundland and B. N. A. C Minnesota National Bank Notes C U. S. Paper Money D U. S. and Canadian C, D All U. S. Coins and paper money C All types of American Paper money C Civil War and Foreign C All kinds of American paper money C U. S. Small Currency C U. S. Small Currency C C United States Currency or Address 269 John H. Miller, 2828 Sunset Road, Topeka, Kansas 66614 281 Capt. Alvin E. Naumann, 618 Patricia Drive, San An- tonio, Texas 78216 306 John N. Rowe, III, P. 0. Box 2381, Dallas 21, Texas 307 Marvin D. Ashmore, Box 884, Kilgore, Texas PAGE 26 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 1 330 Lewis K. Ferguson, 703 North Woodworth Street, Algona, Iowa 336 Adolf Feist, 202 Park Hill Avenue, Yonkers, New York. 343 Edward B. Kirk, 521 East 6th Street, Bloomington, Indi- ana 47402 411 George E. Tillson, Box 359, Stuyvesant Station, New York 9, N. Y. 414 Mrs. Adolph B. Hill, Jr., 4944 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63108 426 Philip A. Stewart, Box 403, Bigfork, Montana 59911 479 Mrs. Ruth B. Springer, 612 East David Road, Kettering, Ohio 45429 528 Ralph Goldstone, 374 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brookline 46, Massachusetts 532 Joseph Demme, 39-40 52nd Street, Woodside 77, New York, N. Y. 548 Steven R. Roe, 2256 Minerva, Wayne, Michigan 48184 552 James R. Johnson, 26 Mekeel Drive, Dover, New Jersey Reinstated 261 J. R. Coker, Box 8846, Mitchellville, Tennessee C, D Small sized U. S. notes 303 Joseph K. Massaro, 185 Union Avenue, Clifton, New C World Wide Jersey 349 Richard T. Hoober, P. 0. Box 63, Glenside, Pa. C, D Colonial Paper Money Resigned 57 George L. Freese, 274 Granville Road, North Granby, Conn. 106 Bernard L. Helfer, 1701 Burnetta Street, Champaign, Illi- nois 229 Joseph Hannabach, Jr., 6025 North Third Street, Phila- delphia 20, Pa. 253 Allan Petrov, 116 East 58th Street, New York 22, N. Y. 313 L. M. McLennan, 98 Dalewood Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 315 Robert J. Mandel, P. 0. Box 2037, Denver 1, Colorado 324 Lauren Benson, 511 Putnam Building, Davenport, Iowa 331 Harry H. Phillips, 616 Kirtland Street, Pittsburgh 8, Pa. 383 Edward E. Cooke, 712 Lyons Avenue, Charlottesville, Virginia 494 Mrs. E. A. Vautrain, 311 South Jefferson, San Angelo, Texas 508 Raymond P. Cody, 1046 Vine Street, Denver 6, Colorado 512 John S. Wilson, Box 70, 10799 Sherman Grove Avenue, Sunland, California Deceased 395 C. Meister Phetteplace, Elm at Broad & Boyd Streets, Erwin, Tenn. NATIONAL BANK NOTES (NATIONAL CURRENCY) FOR SALE: Private collector wishes to dispose of his entire collection of out-of-state National Bank Notes (National Currency). Both small (1929) series notes, and the LARGE size notes are available. Have notes from over 28 different states, including some from Washington, D. C. Notes are priced right to sell fast. Buy now before valuations soar up in the new edition of Friedberg's Paper Money that will be released this summer. Values will be much higher! Condition of notes varies from GOOD TO UNCIRCULATED. Priced below catalog. Write for free list of prices, valuations, etc. Other U. S. Paper Money also available. Small & Large size notes. Send want list. Buy now & SAVE DOLLARS!! Might possibly trade for WISCONSIN NATIONAL's. L. J. WATERS P. 0. Box 1051, Madison, Wisconsin 53701 Member: S. P. M. C., A. N. A., A. N. S., C. S. N. S., N. 0. W. HAVE YOU DUPLICATES In Any Condition, of Any of These Rather Common Notes: FRIEDBERG 37, 58, 91, 92, 126, 145, 279, 281, 322, 971, 1031, 1200, 1388, 1397, 1414, 1417, 1421, 1504, 1544, 1761, 1944, and 1989? I NEED a 37 with the reverse plate number in the lower right-hand portion of the space at the left, a 58 with it over the shield to the left of the word "TWO", a 91 and 92 with it at the top of the space at the left, as in notes 83 through 88, a 279 with it inside the leaf in the upper left-hand corner, a 281 with it to the right of the leaf in the upper right-hand corner, as in notes 271 through 276 a 126 with neither a serial number in the lower left nor flourishes around the check letter, a 146 and 322 with the plate number following the check letter, as in Friedberg 147, a 971 with the 2-B in the lower left to the left of the bottom of the Federal Reserve seal, a 1031 with it small, as in Design No. 135, a 1200 with small serial numbers, like those on notes 1167-1172, 1179-1187, and 1198-1199, and the reverse plate number to the left, of the lower semicircle containing the words "OF AMERICA," a 1504 with a light green seal, a 1397, 1417, 1421, 1544, and 1989 with microscopic reverse plate numbers, as on notes of the Series of 1928 and 1928A, arid a 1388, 1414, 1761, 1944, and 1989 with readily legible reverse plate numbers, as on current notes. If you find any of the above among them, let me know, and tell me what you need in exchange. I can guarantee you a satisfactory trade. The Rev. Frank H. Hutchins 924 WEST END AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10025 WANTED for my collection Unusual obsolete notes, especially proofs and State of Maine notes. Also want die proofs of vignettes. Will buy or trade my duplicates. Large quantity of broken bank notes, U. S., CSA and Fractionals available. Collectors of obsolete notes are invited to write for a listing of their states. GEORGE WAIT BOX 165, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY WANTED ONao Manizq of Puerto Rico THIRD CHARTER PERIOD 1902-1922 Friedberg 51240 S1505 51293 51560 51346 51614 51399 51668 51452 51722 Real Tesoreria de Puerto Rico, Tres Pesos, Cinco Pesos. Comp. de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto Rico, Cinco Pesos Banco Espanol de Puerto Rico, Cinco and Diez Pesos. Banco de Puerto Rico, Cinco and Diez pesos. Will Pay Highest Prices. PRIVATE COLLECTOR Edward Roehrs R. F. D. 852 Arecibo. P. R. TAMS #724 WANTED FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SHIELDS Please describe shield, frame, and state price in first letter. Write to: Mike G. Brownlee 1416 COMMERCE STREET DALLAS, TEXAS. 75201 A.C. 214 - RI 2-2526 WANTED! Your advertisement for this space. PAPER MONEY is the best medium for reaching the numis- matists who specialize in collect- ing paper money of all kinds. More than 600-strong and growing every day, this band of collectors forms the hard-core of interest in paper money. They have the desire to buy and the material to sell. No other numismatic publica- tion can offer a more active market place than Paper Money (blank page) THE TREND IS DEFINITELY UNITED STATES CURRENCY I SPECIALIZE IN THIS FASCINATING BRANCH OF NUMISMATICS NO ROLLS! NO BAGS! NO FALSE MARKET! WHEN BUYING OR SELLING LARGE, SMALL OR FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. FAL Wit 'II DONLON! NATIONAL CURRENCY LARGE SIZE and CURRENT SIZE. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. WANT TO BUY MORE. Have notes on most states and several hundred banks. All Charters. Boys' names, Girls' names, Odd names, Historic places. Industrial and Commercial names. What do you collect? Send Want List. Maybe I can help you. If you have some to sell, please price and describe. WANT TO BUY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF CHOICE UNITED STATES CURRENCY William P. Donlon P. 0. BOX 144 UTICA, NEW YORK. 13503 A. N. A. No. 4295 CHARTER MEMBER No. 74 LIFE MEMBER No. 101 PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS