
Paper Money - Vol. III, No. 3 - Whole No. 11 - Summer 1964

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Paper litenq DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF CURRENCY VOL. 3 SUMMER 1964 No. 3 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF society ol Paper Money Collector, © 1964 by The Society of Paper Money Collectors (blank page) Paper litenel SUMMER 1964 VOL. 3, NO. 3 WHOLE NO. 11 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Editor Barbara R. Mueller, 523 E. Linden Dr., Jefferson. Wis. Assistant Editor Fred R. Marckhoff, 552 Park St., Elgin. Ill. Direct only manuscripts and advertising matter to the Editor. Direct all other correspondence about membership affairs, address changes, back numbers and sample copies of Paper Money to the Secretary, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., P. 0. Drawer 858, Anderson, S. C. Membership in the Society of Paper Money Collectors, includ- ing a subscription to Paper Money, is available to all interested and responsible collectors upon proper application to the Secre- tary and payment of a $4 fee. Paper Money is not otherwise available. ADVERTISING RATES One Time Yearly Outside Rear Cover $35.00 $130.00 Inside Front & Rear Cover 32.50 120.00 Full Page 27.50 100.00 Half Page 17.50 60.00 Quarter Page 10.00 35.00 The right is reserved to reject any advertisement. CONTENTS Proceedings of SOPMC Annual Meeting 55 The Fractional Currency Shield, by Theodore Kemm 56 Message From The President, by Thomas C. Bain 58 The Trading Post 58 Society of Paper Money Collectors Membership List 59 Bank Note Proofs as Distinguished from Bank Note Remainders, by Julian Blanchard, Ph.D. 71 Photography of Paper Money (1), by Barbara R. Mueller 72 Supplemental Bibliography of Listings of Obsolete Bank Notes, by C. E. Wisner Osmun 73 For the New Collector: New Pursuits, by George W. Killian 75 society of Paper iitone9 Collectom OFFICERS — 1964-65 President Thomas C. Bain, 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas 25, Tex. Vice President Dr. Julian Blanchard, 1 Sheridan Sq., New York 14, N. Y. Secretary J. Roy Pennell, Jr., P. 0. Drawer 858, Anderson, S. C. Treasurer Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, Ill. APPOINTEES — 1964-65 Historian-Curator Earl Hughes Attorney Ellis Edlow BOARD OF GOVERNORS — 1964-65 Thomas C. Bain, Julian Blanchard, William P. Donlon, Ben Douglas, Nathan Goldstein II, George D. Hatie, Morris H. Loewenstein, Fred R. Marckoff, Paul S. Seitz, Arlie Slabaugh, Glenn Smedley, George W. Wait Proceedings of SOPMC Annual Meeting The third annual meeting of the Society of Paper Money Collectors was held on August 21, 1964, at the Sheraton-Cleveland Hotel coincident with the ANA con- vention. It was originally scheduled as a dinner meet- ing in the Terminal Room, but the unexpected demand for tickets forced its transfer to the larger Gold Room of the hotel. More than a hundred members were present. The Secretary reported on the extraordinary growth of the Society, which has added approximately 300 new members in 1964. After deducting losses due to deaths, resignations and other dropouts, we now have about 740 members. It seems very probable we will go over one thousand in the coming year. Treasurer Glenn Smedley reported a bank balance of $1635 as of June 30, but indicated that receipts in the last seven weeks had so substantially increased this figure that the financial outlook is favorable. Our print- ing and mailing costs are, of course, our largest single outlay and in the past year amounted to $2590. William P. Donlon, Nathan Goldstein II, George D. Hatie, Morris H. Loewenstern, Glenn B. Smedley and George W. Wait were elected to the Board of Governors, replacing those whose two-year terms had expired. The committee appointed to judge the excellence of articles submitted in the past year by others than officers and board members made the following awards: 1. $10 gold piece to Forrest W. Daniel for his article, "National Currency Notes of New Mexico and Arizona." 2. A $2 1/9 gold piece to Ernest S. Craighead for his article, "Private Issues of the Civil War Period." President Thomas C. Bain announced that Mr. Ben Douglas, donor of the above awards, had agreed to con- tinue them in 1965 to encourage writing for our maga- zine. Mr. Bain urged all members to submit articles for publications. Miss Mueller needs a backlog of material to plan each issue and get it out on schedule. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Bain indicated we would encourage unofficial gatherings of our members at the more important numismatic conventions. Definite plans for a "get together" have been made for the next Florida FUN Convention. Immediately following the regular meeting the Board of Governors took action to recognize that this was our first meeting as a non-profit organization, incorporated in June 1964, in the District of Columbia. Our Board adopted the assets, liabilities and by-laws of the former organization. Ellis Edlow was made chairman of a com- mittee to recommend appropriate changes in the by-laws. J. Roy Pennell was appointed Secretary of the Society replacing George Wait, who resigned because of pressure of business interests. All other officers were reelected. The resignation of Board member and former President and Editor Hank Bieciuk was regretfully received. Paul Seitz was appointed to complete his term on the Board. GEORGE W. WAIT Exhibition Winners Members of our Society were very successful in the Cleveland ANA Convention competition for the paper money exhibit awards as follows: United States Obsolete Foreign 1. Jackson C. Storm #588 Fred R. Marckhofl #47 James Kirkwood 2. Art Lovi #180 Dr. Julian Blanchard #4 Jimmie N. Lawrence #291 3. George W. Wait #5 Mrs. Ruth B. Springer #479 George E. Broughton #128 Mr. Marckoff also received the coveted "Best in Show" award for his first place exhibit in the obsolete paper money section. He showed paper money of the Indian Nations. To assure receipt of magazines, members should promptly notify the Secretary of any change in addresses. PAGE 56 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 The Fractional Currency Shield By Theodore Kemm In order to better understand the Fractional Currency Shield a brief description of Fractional Currency notes is in order. At the start of the Civil War the United States Govern- ment was forced to suspend specie payments, and small coins disappeared from circulation. Among the many substitutions invented to make change were Postage Cur- rency notes, issued by the Treasury Department under the direction of U. S. Treasurer Francis E. Spinner. These notes, in denominations of five, ten, twenty-five and fifty cents were redeemable in postage stamps, and the obverses of each denomination were designed similar to stamps in use at the time. As the Civil War continued and the demand became greater, Postage Currency developed into Fractional Cur- rency. As counterfeiting and other abuses became more prevalent, the need for changes in design and denomina- tions increased, and these interesting little notes, of which there are available today well over a hundred types and varieties, were avidly collected. This collecting instinct was stimulated by the issuance of specimen notes, printed front and hack separately, and offered for sale to the public by the Treasury Department in Washing- ton. These are the specimen notes referred to on the Fractional Currency Shield. Much has been written about these Shields, and after some minor research it is my opinion that a lot of the writings are mere conjecture, and that much information is still missing. These Shields were issued by the Treasury Department during the period when Fractional Currency was in cir- culation, from about 1866 to 1876. The Shield was an engraving on heavy paper in the shape of a large shield, with an eagle and 13 stars as part of the design on top. The overall size before framing was about 20 by 30 inches. Onto this Shield were pasted 39 pieces of Post- age and Fractional Currency, 20 obverses and 19 re- verses. All were specimens and printed on one side of the paper only. It has been often stated that the Shields were issued to banks for the purpose of comparing and identifying counterfeit notes. However, I doubt very much that this was the specific intent of the issue. An item of this nature, with the notes pasted onto it, hung high on the wall. probably over the desk of the president of the bank. With a reflecting glass in the frame it must have been of little value to a bank teller locked in a cage (as he was in those days). Besides, these specimen notes, un- mounted, were available to all who wanted them and served the anti-counterfeit purpose with far more effi- ciency. I prefer to believe that the Shields were avail- able to anyone who wanted them for a fixed price, and that they were in some cases presented to V.I.P.s. While the arrangement of notes on the Shield was generally uniform, there were some variations. There were in all five issues of Fractional Currency, but only notes of the first three issues were included on the Shields. Very often people mention these Shields "with original frame." In my opinion a nice presentable modern frame is more desirable than a beaten-up, broken-down original frame. Besides, these Shields are now a hundred years old. Who can determine if one is still in the original frame or if it has been reframed somewhere along the line? I have seen and closely inspected many Shields, and while there is some similarity, I cannot say I have ever seen two framed exactly alike. I do not think the Shields were framed by the Treasury Department or at their point of issue. It would have been much less cumber- some to ship them without a frame and without glass. If hundreds of Shields were framed at a central location, there would be some duplication and I cannot find this to be the case. The background colors of the Shields have been called gray, pink and green. Careful study will reveal the first two colors to be black and red. The very fine engraved lines cause the black to appear as gray and the red to appear as pink. It is possible that other color inks, used in the printing of the notes, were also used for the Shield background. This would include brown and purple. I once owned a shield that was in bad condition and no color could be determined. It may have faded from the black and red. I believe that on the original engraving each note had a designated place, with the denomination and issue spelled out. This would make it easy for the women who assembled them to place each specimen in its proper location. My reason for this conclusion is that I now have and have seen many specimen notes undoubtedly removed from a Shield, with such titles appearing on the reverse or pasted side with backward or mirrored lettering (in offset) which was transferred from the en- graved background during the removal process. The eagle at the top of the shield, surrounded by 13 stars, is the one often referred to as the "Jackass Eagle", because when held upside down it resembles a donkey's head. It is probably most famous on the United States $10 Legal Tender notes of 1869 to 1880 series. It is because of this eagle that the notes derived the nick- name of "Jackass Note." The same eagle also appears on many United States government bonds and docu- ments. SEE ILLUSTRATION ON NEXT PAGE VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 57 The Fractional Currency Shield PAGE 58 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 Message From The President The third annual meeting of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc., is now history, and I am sorry all members were not able to attend. Over 100 attended the meeting and many helpful suggestions were discussed. Many will be used during the year. Again, Mr. B. M. Douglas will give awards for the best papers published during 1964-1965 to those members other than Officers and Governors. Every member should write an article to help fellow members and to compete for one of the awards. The Board of Governors honored me by electing me your President again, and I assure you I will do my best to improve the Society in every way possible. We certainly regret that Mr. George W. Wait could not continue as Secretary due to his additional duties in his new job. George has done a magnificent job as Secretary; the Society certainly owes him a debt of grati- tude. Good luck in your new job, George. We hope to have a few get-togethers of members in different sections next year. The first will be at F. U. N. in Florida in January, so if you plan to be in Florida then, be sure to attend. The most encouraging thing about the A. N. A. Con- vention was that about one-third of the dealers had paper money of some kind for sale. Interest in paper money is increasing at a rapid rate, and we are planning on a large attendance at the 1965 Convention in Houston, Texas. Make your plans to be there. THOS. C. BAIN, President, SOPMC * The Trading Post * The members listed below are interested in trading notes. Please contact them directly if you are interested in trading. The fee is $1.00 per listing for two issues. Please note new categories. All future insertions should be sent directly to the Editor. 1. U. S. LARGE NOTES 2. U. S. LARGE NATIONAL BANK NOTES C. R. Ross (Oklahoma Notes) 1334 East Eighth Street Okmulgee, Oklahoma 3. U. S. SMALL NOTES M. 0. Warns P. 0. Box 1840 Milwaukee 1, Wis. Larry Young 718 E. Central Avenue Miamisburg, Ohio-45342 Joseph S. Grant P. 0. Box 2085, Sta. D Pasadena, California-91105 George W. Killian 162 Seneca Road Rochester, New York-14622 Hilbert G. Berka 1424 W. Oklahoma Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin-53215 Lynn Earl Jones 712 E. Holland Street Washington, Illinois Thos. C. Bain 3717 Marquette Drive Dallas, Texas-75225 4. U. S. SMALL FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES Thos C. Bain 3717 Marquette Drive Dallas, Texas-75225 5. FOREIGN CURRENCY William E. Benson 3415 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, Texas-75219 6. OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Colonials, Continental, Confederate, Broken Bank Notes, Scrip, etc.) Hilbert G. Berka 1424 W. Oklahoma Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin-53215 T. P. Hollingsworth 3053 Eonbrook Drive Winston-Salem, North Carolina George Wait P. 0. Box 165 Glen Ridge, N. J. 7. MILITARY CURRENCY (War, Occupation, Concentration Camp and Emergency Issues) Thos. C. Bain 3717 Marquette Drive Dallas, Texas-75225 8. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Hilbert G. Berka 1424 W. Oklahoma Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin-53215 9. MISMATCHED SERIAL NO. NOTES James W. Seville P. 0. Box 866 Statesville, North Carolina-28677 VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 59 Society of Paper Money Collectors MEMBERSHIP LIST TO AUGUST 1, 1964 Each entry is followed by the member's specialty and classification as collector (C) or dealer (D). 614 0. Floyd Adams, P. 0. Box 957, Thomasville, Georgia 31792. (C) U. S. Paper Money 190 W. E. Addkison, 626 Chickasaw Avenue, Jackson, Mississippi 39206 (C) CSA, Southern States and Obsolete bank notes 150 Charles J. Affleck, 34 Peyton Street, Winchester, Virginia. (C) Colonials, Continentals, Broken Bank Notes, CSA, Southern States notes and bonds 771 Sam Alford, 319 South Garnett Street, Henderson, North Carolina (C) U. S. Paper Money 75 Charles G. Altz, 125 Warner Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 07305. (C) Japanese and Jersey City notes 363 Werner Amelingmeier, 54 Park Avenue East, Merrick, New York. (C) CSA—broken banks 633 V. J. Amorose, P. 0. Box 10063, Jacksonville, Fla. 32207. (C) Florida Paper—Nationals—Obsoletes and Scrip 319 Arnold R. Anderson, 2314 Irving Avenue North, Minneapolis II, Minnesota. (C) Chinese bank notes 298 Ben 0. Anderson, 181 Garfield Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois. (C) CSA notes 208 R. I larvey Anselm, P. 0. Box 4034, S.E. Station, Wichita, Kansas 67218. (C, D) Mexican Revolutionary 189 William T. Anton, Sr., P. 0. Box 125, No. Hackensack Station, River Edge, N. J. 07661. (C) U. S. Currency 755 Meylert M. Armstrong, 178 Aquetong Road, New Hope, Pa. (C) U. S., Continentals, Broken Bank Notes 307 Marvin D. Ashmore, P. 0. Box 884, Kilgore, Texas. (C) CSA 472 Tracy Atkinson, 1400 N. Birchwood Lane 1W, Mequon, Wisconsin. (C) CSA and broken hank notes 335 David Atsomy, P. 0. Box 3102, Tel Aviv, Israel. (C) W.W.2, Russia, Poland, Baltic States & Finland 677 Joseph D. Atwood, 3367 North Karlov Street, Chicago 41, Illinois. (C) Obsolete issues 673 Fred W. Babbe, 1114 West Main Street, Whitewater, Wisc. 53190. (C) U. S. small currency 747 Anthony Bacco, 62 Garibaldi Avenue, Lodi, New Jersey 07644. (C) U. S. Fractional Currency 199 Joseph D. Bailey, 277 Stonington Road, Wequetequock, Pawcatuck, Connecticut 02891. (C) Obsolete notes and Un- cut sheets 112 Thomas C. Bain, 3717 Marquette Drive, Dallas, Texas 75225. (C) U. S. and World War 2 Currency 736 William C. Baldwin, R.D. 5, Lenape Road, West Chester, Pa. 19380. (D) 550 Herb Banning, Homestead 38, Decatur, Indiana. Small U. S. paper money, including Natl. Curr. 657 Richard A. Banyai, 4520 North 34th Street, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018. (C) Inflation notes—study of Central Bank Policy and Money 671 Al. Barbarotta, 14 Parker Street, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. (C) All kinds of American paper money 750 Herbert C. Bardes, 21 Waldron Avenue, Summit, New Jersey 07901. (C) U. S. Fractionals, Broken Bank notes & Foreign 689 George R. Bardsley, 748 West Camino Real, Boca Raton, Florida. (C) All U. S. Paper Money 299 S. M. Barnes, 1205 Sherwin Avenue, Chicago 26, Illinois. (C) Small Silver Cert. & Fed. Reserve notes up to $20 790 William R. Barrett, 206 East Poplar Street, West Frankfort, Ill. 62896. (C, D) Lincoln cents 230 Edgar M. Batchelder, Box 895, Salem, Massachusetts. (C ) 562 George M. Baude, 14208 Vanowen Street, Van Nuys, California. (C) CSA, Southern States, Inflation Notes and World War II 275 Aaron Bernarr Beard, 2048 La Cresta Drive, Salt Lake City 17, Utah. (C) Early Bank Notes 164 Lester G. Beatty, R.F.D. 2, La Moille, Illinois. (C) National Bank notes 192 Aubrey E. Bebbe, 4514 North 30th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68111. (C, D) U. S. and Obsolete Notes 640 Andrew P. Beck, Jr., 375 South Main Street, Pleasantville, N. J. 08232. (C) U. S. Currency and Colonial notes 495 Clark F. Bennett, 16 Summer Street, Gloversville New York. (C) Bank notes—large 524 William F. Benson, 4024 Montwood Lane, Dallas, Texas. (C) Currency of the World 616 Hilbert G. Berka, 1424 West Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53215. (C) Fractional Currency, also $1, $2, $5 bills 42 A. P. Bertschy, 4117 North Newhall St., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53211. (C) U. S. Notes 1 Hank Bieciuk, Box 1235, Kilgore, Texas. (D) Obsolete notes 400 W. R. Bishop, Drawer 100, Emlenton, Pa. (C) UNC $2 U. S. notes 642 Fred W. Black, 102 West Garfield Avenue, New Castle, Pa. (C) National Bank Currency 555 Willard C. Blaisdell, 846 Magie Avenue, Elizabeth 3, New Jersey. (C) U. S.—all items 401 Charles F. Blanchard, 3343 Alamance Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina. (C) U. S., N. C. and S. C. notes 4 Dr. Julian Blanchard, 1 Sheridan Square, New York 14, New York. (C) Paper money and stamps with similar designs 740 Floyd R. Bolton, 3101 South Main St., Elkhart, Indiana. (C) General 218 Leon H. Bookman, 1223 Weymouth Road, Philadelphia 51, Pa. (C) US and CSA 468 E. Lorenz Borenstein, 519 Royal Street, New Orleans 16, La. (C) Broken bank notes 609 Vernon Bosley, 1009 School Avenue, Walla Walla, Washington. (C) U. S. Currency 40 Harold L. Bowen, 818 Lawrence Ave., Detroit 2, Mich. (C, D) state bank notes of Michigan 780 Q. David Bowers, Empire Building, Johnson City, N. Y. 13790. (D) 722 Mrs. C. A. Boylan, 209 South Street, Avon, Massachusetts. (C) Small bills 601 J. Bradley, P. 0. Box 1141, Southern Pines, N. Car. 28387. (C) North Carolina broken bank notes PAGE 60 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 515 Col. Thomas H. Bradley, (Ret.), 3055 Larkin Road, Pebble Beach, California. (C) Collector of U. S. currency, U. S. Silver dollars and U. S. Gold 309 B. R. Brady, 1802 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, Texas 7941. (C) Canadian, Mexican, Central & South American, British & Possessions 220 Norman Brand, 1539 Cory Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45406. (C) U. S. Notes 312 Richard D. Brandt, 452 Sutton Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey. (C) All paper money 710 George W. Brannin, Box II, Great Bend, Kansas. (C) General 762 John C. Braun, 91 Centennial Street, Rochester, N. Y. 14611. (C) U. S. Currency 665 M. S. Breitman, 324 Midland Bank Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 55401. (C) Minnesota National Bank Notes 606 Dr. D. E. Brick, 915 University Boulevard, Mitchell, So. Dak. 57301. (C) Small size legal tenders and silver certificates 714 Dr. Francis W. Brill, 1318 Jackson Street, Scranton, Pa. (C) small size Nationals and Federal Reserve Bank notes 760 Clyde G. Briner, Box 766, Venice, Florida. (C) Paper money and coins 323 T. Homer Brooks, 1206 - 8th Avenue So., Nashville, Tennessee. (C) U. S. Currency 128 George E. Broughton, 909 Chamberlin Court, New Haven, Ind. 46774. (C) International numismatic specimens 756 Dudley E. Brown, 3515 Rock Creek Drive, Dallas, Texas 72504. (C) 783 Edward J. Brown, 13 North Monterey Street, Mobile, Alabama. (C) Large size notes and Alabama National Bank Notes 438 Hy Brown, P. 0. Box 167, Painesville, Ohio. (D) Ohio obsolete bank notes 61 James A. Brown, 227 Waverly Ave., Newark, N. J. 07108. Numismatic research 86 John McKnight Brown, 14 Tisdale Ave., New Hartford, N. Y. (C) U. S. coins and currency 735 R. C. Brown, 232 West 4th Street, Greenville, Ohio. (C) 224 Vernon L. Brown, 136 East 55th Street, New York 22, New York (C) 697 Warren F. Brown, 2167 Mount Paran Road N. W., Atlanta, Georgia 30305. (C) Tenn. Broken Bank notes and State notes; Fractional currency 619 William Brown, Jr., 20 Bridge Street, Lambertsville, New Jersey. (D) Sheets, colonials & broken bank notes 709 Thomas K. Browne, 8572 Peebles Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15237. (C) 767 George F. Browning, Jr., Bridgeport, Alabama 35740. (C) CSA, Southern States, Southern Broken Bank notes, U. S. 659 Mike G. Brownlee, 1416A Commerce Street, Dallas, Texas 75201 (D) All paper money 476 William G. Bruce, 1004 Eastwood Drive, Ashtabula, Ohio 44005. (C) Ohio broken bank notes, scrip, misc. 454 James Buchbinder, 4634 North Sheffield Ave., Milwaukee 11, Wisconsin. (C) Obsolete bank notes 175 B. R. Buckingham, 426/2 2nd Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. (C) U. S. small notes 610 Leonard E. Buckley, P. 0. Box 684, Cedar Street, Stony Brook, N. Y. 11790. (C) General banknotes (according to banknote printer) 373 Mrs. Philip L. Budd, 1005 Avenue G, Fort Madison, Iowa. (C) Fractional currency 237 Catherine Bullowa, Rm. 1006 - 1616 Walnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. (D) U. S. coins and currency, foreign coins and ancient coins 159 Albert C. Bulls, Jr., 211 Althea Street, Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. (C, D) 92 Maurice M. Burgett, New Douglas, Illinois. (C) Obsolete currency, Territorial and Western 725 Donald T. Burnett, 1508 South 7th Avenue, Maywood, Illinois 60153. (C) U. S. Currency 629 Robert M. Burns, 1072 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul, Min nesota. (C) Large sized U. S. Currency, especially National Bank Notes 54 Roswell Burrows, 1657 Brockway Street, Saginaw, Michigan 48602. (C) Michigan National Bank Notes 274 Michael M. Byckoff, P. 0. Box 786, Bryte, Calif. 95605. (C) Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland 223 Dr. R. P. Caddick, 1101 Maine Street, Quincy, Illinois. (C) U. S. 126 Fred Cady, 13000 North Bayshore Dr., North Miami, Fla.33161. (C) Collects everything 127 Melvin E. Came, 4 Hilcrest Drive, Dover, New Hampshire. (C. D) Canadian legal tender and obsolete notes 246 Monroe Cameron, 530 Oak Street, Ardmore, Oklahoma. (C) U. S. Currency 177 0. Cameron, Box 881, Ardmore, Oklahoma. (C) U. S. notes 649 Ellis W. Campbell, 1366 Melrose Avenue. Columbus 24, Ohio. (C) small currency 101 Mrs. Louise M. Campbell, Manquin, Virginia 23106 (C) No specialty 378 Arthur E. Carlson, 335 Wyandotte Street, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015. (C) Foreign currency 256 N. F. Carlson, 23 Bacon Street, Wellsboro, Pa. 16901. (C) All 670 Ron Carpenter, 165 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y. 10036 (C) Civil War and Foreign 621 William C. Carrig, 33 Livingston Street, New Haven, Conn. 06511 (C) U. S. Paper money 204 C. Paul Carroll, - 4512 15th Avenue, So., Minneapolis 7, Minn. (C) U. S. paper money and silver dollars 271 Maj. Sheldon S. Carroll, Curator of the Numismatic Coll ection Bank of Canada, Ottawa 4, Ontario, Canada. (C) Canadian broken bank notes and Canadian Merchants notes 781 Tom J. Carson, Box 71, Stilwell, Oklahoma 74960. (C, D) 320 Amon Carter, Jr., Star Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas. (C) U. S. Currency 364 Roland Charles Casanova, General Delivery, Margarita, Canal Zone (C) 273 Charles N. Case, 3552 Livingston Ave. Apt. B, Columbus, Ohio 43227. (C) World and Type set of small size U. S. 644 Fred I. Catalano, 7123 Roosevelt Road, Berwyn, Illinois. (C) U. S. coins and U. S. paper money 79 Philip H. Chase, A-221 Thomas Wynne Apts., Wynnewood, Pa. (C) CSA 433 Robert W. Chilcote, 706 Johnson Avenue, Bedford, Ohio. (C) U. S. VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 61 701 Charles Christensen, 234 Sunset Road, West Palm Beach, Fla. 33401. (C) General 599 Charles Christman, Box 2096, Oak Park, Illinois. (C) Fractional Currency 469 C. H. Clark, 1000 High Street, Worthington, Ohio. (C, D) Obsolete notes 384 Albert Philip Cohen, 137 East 28th Street, New York 16, N. Y. (C) U. S. Fractional Currency 191 Arthur D. Cohen, Suite 103 E & B Bldg., 39 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. 14614. (C) U. S. Fractional currency 261 J. R. Coker, Box 8846, Mitchellville, Tenn. (C, D) Sm all sized U. S. Notes 371 Gordon W. Colket, Box 164, Gladstone, New Jersey. (C. D) Advertising notes and proofs 786 French F. Conley, 20644 Martinez Street, Woodland Hills, Calif. 91364. (C) General 103 Byron W. Cook, P. 0. Box 181, Jackson, Miss. 39205. ( D) Coins and currency 165 L. A. Cook, 460 Moreland Way, Hapeville, Georgia (C) Obsolete and broken bank bills 529 Robert Cook, 93 Overlook Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. (C) CSA, Southern States, U. S. broken banknotes 6 H. G. Corbin, 400-A W. Rusk, Tyler, Texas. (D) Stamps and coins 22 Robert W. Cornley, 4221 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville 7, Florida. (C) Georgia obsolete notes 581 Bert V. Couvillon, P. 0. Box 1524, Alexandria, La. 71302 (C) Confederate States of America 791 A. D. Covington, P. 0. Box 516, Fayette, Mississippi. (C) All kinds 487 David Cox, Jr., Hertford, North Carolina. (C) CSA and N. C. State and broken hank notes 696 Tony Craig, 1653 Taylor Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin 53403. (C, D) 444 Ernest S. Craighead, 159 La Crosse St., Edgewood Borough, Pittsburgh 18, Pa. (C) Penn Fractional currency 389 J. B. Craven, 16 East Center Street, Lexington, North Carolina. (C) 342 Col. Grover C. Criswell, Jr., 401 Corey Avenue, St. Peter sburg Beach, Fla. 33706. (C, D) CSA and Southern States 651 James W. Curlee, P. 0. Box 1528, Indio, California. (C) U. S. Currency 202 Dr. Robert D. Currier, 828 Adkins Blvd., Jackson, Mississippi. (C) Paper money of World War II 2 James J. Curto, 770 Lincoln Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48230. (C) All paper money and tokens 121 Forrest W. Daniel, (C) U. S. Currency and North Dakota N. B. notes, Sykeston, N. D. 58486 693 Dr. Joseph II. Danoff, 173 Henry Street, New York, N. Y. 10002. (C) U. S. Paper Money 612 Paul Darrell, 1500 Chanslor Avenue, Richmond, Calif. 94801. (C) General, but especially notes issued by railroads, or with railroad scenes 341 Roy B. Davis, 3320 Cornelia Drive, Louisville 20, Kent ucky. (C) CSA, U. S. and odd denominations 440 Charles S. DeGroat, 1525 Golden Hill Terrace, El Paso, Texas. (C) U. S. and broken bank notes 682 Allen E. Dellaven, 815 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg, W. Va. 25401. (C, D) Coins and Paper Money 604 George Dehmel, 926 North Jackson St., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53202. (C) General 221 Lester B. DeMay, 10729 Dalton Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33615. (C) World Wide 532 Joseph Denme, 39-40 52nd Street, Woodside 77, New York, N. Y. (C) U. S. large notes, Fractional Currency 326 Marvin R. Dershem, Jr., 1936 North 9th Street, Grand Junction, Colorado. (C) General 535 Carl W. Dethlefs, 2470 Eye Street, Arcata, Calif. 95521. (C) U. S. Fractional Currency, General 718 DeHaven Develin, 145 Strafford Avenue, Wayne, Pa. (C) Small size U. S. Currency 559 Dr. Robert B. Develin, 2415 Overlook Road, Cleveland 6, Ohio. (C) Small size $1, $2 and $5 silver certificates and legal tender notes 744 Walter A. d'I lemecourt, 2205 Corinne Avenue, Chalmette, La. (C) Paper Monies of New Orleans 60 Robert H. Dickson, 5124 Evergreen Drive, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070. (C) Broken bank notes 578 Coy E. Dillard, P. 0. Box 527, Rocksprings, Texas 78880. 361 C. J. Dochkus, 3522 East Thompson St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19134. (D) U. S. Currency and broken bank bills 788 Sidney Domb, 3440 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. 90005. (C) U. S. coins and paper 608 Walter Domzalski, 6663 Walker Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19135. (C) 720 Thomas R. Don, 100 Park Road, West Hartford, Conn. (C) 74 William P. Donlon, P. 0. Box 144, Utica, New York (C, D) U. S. Currency 80 B. M. Douglas, 505% 11th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20004. (D) All paper money except foreign 719 James E. Doyle, Box 132, Sisseton, South Dakota. (C) 435 Maurice L. Drake, 4715 West 18th Street, Topeka, Kansas. (C, D) National Bank Notes 196 Dr. Herbert Eccleston, 124 Elm Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey. (C) Obsolete notes 390 Eddy Echenberg, 88 Wellington St., No., Sherbrooke, Que., Canada. (C) General 660 Kurt E. Eckstein, 101 Edgewood Drive, Woodland Heights, Elgin, Illinois. (C) All types of U. S. Currency 82 Ellis Edlow, 1010 Vermont Ave., N. W., Washington 5, D. C. (C) D. C., Md., & Va. Obsolete paper money 72 W. H. Edwards, 711 Brush Creek Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64110. (C) Mint errors and paper money 232 Benjamin G. Egerton, 407 Gittings Avenue, Baltimore 12, Maryland. (C) Maryland items 399 Edward K. Elder, 530 Jefferson St., N.E. Albuquerque, N. Mex. (C) U. S. large notes 568 Joe Elliott, 1600 I Avenue, New Castle, Ind. 47362 (C) Colonial and Continental Currency and Indiana notes 558 R. C. Elliott, P. 0. Box 1685, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84110 (C) Large currency and silver dollars 668 Robert A. Ellis, Route 28, R.F.D. #1, Derry, New Hampshire. (C, D) All U. S. coins and paper Money 231 Alexander H. Erickson, 3125 North 49th St., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53216. (C) U. S. and CSA currency 583 Robert B. Erickson, 32 West Cupress Street, Phoenix, Ariz. 85003. (C) Indian Head cents and U. S. paper money 131 K. D. Espenschied, 237 West Front St., Dover, Ohio. (C) U. S. gold & U. S. Currency 504 Robert F. Evans, 2611 Springfield Drive, Indianapolis 8, Indiana (C) 158 Ethie P. Everest, 10622 Dunaway Drive, Dallas, Texas 28, Texas. (C) PAGE 62 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 346 Keith A. Ewart, 1330 Montgomery Street, Moose Jaw, Sask., Canada. (C) 460 Lawrence Falater, 26739 Wexford, Warren, Michigan. (C) CSA and Michigan obsoletes 21 Kingsley Falkenberg, Box 2739, General Post Office, New York City 10001. (C, D) Foreign paper money 486 Edward L. Farioly, 15 Golden Hill Street, Danbury, Connecticut. (C) U. S. large notes and fractionals 737 R. F. Fee, Box 642, Colorado City, Texas 79512. (C) U. S. National Currency 336 Adolf Feist, 202 Park Hill Avenue, Yonkers, New York (C) 65 Aaron R. Feldman, 1200 Ave. of the Americas, New York 36, N. Y. (C, D) 222 Ivan L. Felton, Box 1559, Anchorage, Alaska. (C) All U. S. Coins and currency 634 John M. Ferguson, 601 N.E. 7th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale„ Florida. (D) U. S. Paper 367 Kenneth J. Ferguson, Jr., 2706 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland 13, Ohio. (C) CSA and Southern States 330 Lewis K. Ferguson, 703 North Woodworth St., Algona, Iowa. (C) Iowa Obsolete Bank notes 537 Leonard H. Finn, 40 Greaton Road, West Roxbury 32, Mass. (C) Colonial Coins and Paper Money 596 Fred A. Firnhaher, 833 Summit Avenue, Waynesboro, Pa. 17268. (C) All U. S. notes—the small notes alphabetically 638 George F. Flinchbaugh, 72 North Wolf St., Manheim, Pa. (C) Fractional and large U. S. Notes 775 Dr. Rubin H. Flocks, University Hospitals, Iowa City, Iowa 52241. (C) Coins, silver certificates and large sized currency 215 Harry Flower, 5200 West Harrison Street, Chicago 44, Illinois. (C) All paper money, except Foreign 278 John J. Ford, Jr., 176 Hendrickson Ave., Rockville Cent re, L. I., N. Y. (C, D) Western Notes, drafts, scrip, checks, warrants 13 Harry J. Forman, Box 5756, Philadelphia 20, Pa. (D) 667 Wallace L. Foust, 3621 Glencarin Road, Cleveland 22, Ohio. (D) U. S. and Canadian 125 Merral A. Fox, 3006 West Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, Md. 21215. (C, D) Fractional currency, large dollar bills and broken bank bills 782 Mrs. Emma Frank, 1030 North 16th Street, Fargo, North Dakota 58102. (C) Star notes (silver certs), change-over notes 43 Harley L. Freeman, 353 South Atlantic Ave., Ormond Beach, Florida. (C) Florida paper money 344 Dr. George Fuld, P. 0. Box 9035, Akron, Ohio 44305. C) Maryland P.M., Colonials, tokens, medals 571 Joseph Gangemi, 1245 - 83rd Street, Brooklyn 28, New York. (C) U. S., CSA Fractionals 248 John Gartner, 15 Guilford Lane, Melbourne C. 1, Austra lia. (C) World paper money, coins 386 Kenneth M. Gayer, P. 0. Box 11I, Montreal, P. Q., Cana da. (C, D) Foreign 239 A3C Robert P. Geden, SR 9-1-64B, Sec 2, Det. 1 3345th Tech. School (Skytop) Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13210. (C,D) Num. Errors, U. S. coins and currency 731 A. L. Geer, 316 East 15th Street, Colorado City, Texas. (C) Modern U. S. and Foreign 500 Charley Geiger, 2061 Riverside Drive, Lakewood 7, Ohio. (C) Ohio National Bank notes 678 Robert J. Gelink, 433 Robinson Avenue, San Diego, Calif. 92103. (C, D) Foreign Paper Money 779 George J. Gessner, 615 Goodyear Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14211. (C) Silver Certificates 316 Emerson M. Gleason, 8 Kenneth Ave., Apt. 101, Willow dale, Ont., Canada. (C) Foreign P.M. 242 Robert L. Glose, 701 Amberson Ave., Pittsburgh 32, Pa. (C) U. S. Currency 340 Charles F. Goldman, 214 West 92nd Street, New York 25, New York. (C) Fractional Currency, National Currency, etc. 590 Miss Marie Goldman, 2431 Webb Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10468. (C) U. S. A. dollar series and Foreign 705 Sidney A. Goldman, 4 Sunset Lane, Springfield, Illinois. (C) Obsolete and U. S. Paper Money 624 Louis W. Goldstein, Box 800, Griffin, Georgia. (C) U. S. Currency 133 Nathan Goldstein, II, P. 0. Box 36, Greenville, Mississippi. (C) U. S. notes, especially rotary press notes 528 Ralph Goldstone, 374 Chestnut Hill Ave., Brookline 46, Mass. (C, D) Colonials & Continentals, Paper Money Literature, Vignettes and proof notes 110 Dr. H. W. Gooding, 1001 West Third St., Ayden, North Carolina. (C) Gold and Paper Money 763 Leon J. Goodman, Jr., 63 East 9th Street, New York, N. Y. 100O3. (C) U. S. Coins and Currency 376 Robert Goodpaster, 2307 East 2nd St., Apt. 22, Bloomington, Indiana. (C) Collector of broken bank notes 567 Thomas S. Gordon, R.D. #3, Westminster, Maryland. (C) Scrip and broken bank notes 69 Maurice M. Gould, Box 141, Chestnut Hill 67, Mass. (C, D) Early and unusual notes 467 Stephen Arthur Gould, Box 3, West Chatham, Mass. (C) Coins and paper money 523 Joseph S. Grant, P. 0. Box 2085, Station D, Pasadena, Calif. 91105. (C) Silver Certificates, :31 notes small size 97 Jim Grebinger, c/o Mid Harrison Hardware, 1109 W. Harrison St., Chicago 7, Illinois. (C) Bank notes 262 William T. Green, Keystone Hotel, 402 East Broadway, Alton, Illinois. (C) Large sized U. S. notes 477 John M. Grover, 225 North Bluff, Wichita 8, Kansas. (C) U. S. coins, hills, broken bank notes 268 Tedor Gudell, R.R. 12, Box 246, Whitewater, Wisc. 53190. (C) U. S. 586 William Guggenheim, Hollow Road, Clinton Corners, N. Y. 12514. (C) U. S. Type Set, crisp. unc. only, also comm. half dollars 692 Santiago Halais, Apartado 1146, Caguas, Porto Rico. (C) Paper money, gold coins, silver dollars, crowns 759 Robert G. Halbert, 3345-C Nelson Courts, Fort Dix, New Jersey. (C) Change-over pairs 358 Bill Halliwell, 21370 Morris Avenue, Euclid 23, Ohio. (C, D) Obsolete currency 123 J. Wayne Hamilton, 1009 Edgmont Ave., Chester, Pa. (C) U. S. Currency VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 63 582 Albert N. Hanten, P. 0. Box 66, White Lake, So. Dak. 57383. (C) U. S. and Canadian large size; all National Bank Notes 699 Robert D. I larmon, 3560 East 2nd, Topeka, Kansas 66607. (C,D) U. S. Paper money 684 Capt. John L. I larrell, 05307221, CSD MAAG Vietnam, APO 143, San Francisco, Calif. (C) Indiana and other broken bank notes, Southern, CSA, Foreign 48 William J. Harrison, 1203B Troy Towers, Bloomfield, New Jersey. (C) Obsolete notes engraved by Harrisons 690 Bert Hart, 1340 Mound Street, Madison, Wisconsin 537 15. (C) U. S. small size $1 and $2 76 Josiah 0. Hatch, 520 East 45th Street, Savannah, Georgia, (C) Southern broken bank notes 286 William C. Hatcher, P. 0. Box 3089, Kinston, No. Carolina 28501. (C) Obsolete notes 124 George D. Hatie, 1126 Whittier Road, Grosse Pointe Park 30, Mich. (C) Colonial and Continental currency, Frac- tionals and notes bearing Washington's portrait 156 Francis J. Hayes, 813 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washing ton 4, D. C. (C) Paper money, U. S. coins and medals 452 Louis H. Haynes, 1101 East Fischer Street, Kokomo, Indiana 46901. (C) U. S. 130 Charles T. Heaton, 135 Kensington Place, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210. (C) Everything 34 John L. Heflin, Jr., 1501 Grandview Drive, Nashville 12, Tenn. (C) CSA and Tenn. Obsolete notes 50 Arthur Hegel, 9134 1A Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, Ca lif. 90047. (C) U. S. Currency 265 Walter G. Heinzle, 413 Main Street, Tell City, Indiana 47586. (C) U. S. 716 Warren L. Heise, 1st Lt. Office, U.S.S Enterprise (CVAN 65), Fleet Post Office, New York, N. Y. 09501. (C) Genera/ 570 Russell W. I Ielding, 1112 Elizabeth Ave., Marinette, Wisc. 54143. (C) Natl currency, Banks of Wisconsin and upper peninsula of Michigan 394 Andre L. I lelfer, 78 West Street, Medford 55, Mass. (D) General foreign 272 Thomas F. I lelmick, 7826 Teahen Road, Brighton, Mich igan. (C) U. S. $1, $2 and $5 77 Warren S. Henderson, Box 1358, Venice, Florida. (C, D) $3 notes, proof notes, etc. 733 Carl E. Herbert, 1046 Bustleton Pike, Feasterville, Pa. (C, D) Coins and Silver Certificates 672 Warren E. Herbert, P. 0. Box 3471, Columbus, Ohio 432 14. (C) U. S. Small Currency 414 Mrs. Adolph B. Hill, Jr., 4944 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63108. (C) 513 Ralph M. Hinkle, 2877 Memorial Drive, North Muskegon, Mich. (C) Type set and small size silver certificates 120 Alfred D. Hoch, 48 Eddie Avenue, North Babylon, New York. (C,D) Early scrip and odd denominational notes 276 George T. Hoff, Box 1761, Fargo, North Dakota. (C, D) Foreign scrip 602 N. M. Hoffmann, 1482 Antoinette Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio.45230. (C) U. S. small size-1st year of series 325 Donald B. Hoge, c/o Shell Oil Co., P. 0. Box 2099, Houston, Texas. (C) Foreign 680 George Hollanshead, R.R. #5, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. (C) U. S. Currency 551 Thomas B. Hollingsworth, 3053 Bonbrook Drive, Winston Salem, N. Car. (C) Odd Denomination currency 646 Frank C. Holmquist, 8047 South May Street, Chicago, III. 60620. (C) Mainly U. S. and Canadian 240 Sam G. Human, 166 Cornelia Street, Brooklyn 21, New York. (C) U. S. $1410, foreign general 349 Richard T. Hoober, P. 0. Box 63, Glenside, Pa. 19038. (C) Colonial Paper Money 592 Richard L. Hood, 2671 Riverside Drive, Trenton, Michigan 48183. (C) Michigan National Currency; U. S. small sized notes 88 Lewis Hopfenmaier, I I, 3535 Chesapeake St., N.W., Wash ington 8, D. C. (C) U. S., CSA, obsolete bank notes 564 James R. Hosier, 80 South Main Street, Manheim, Pa. (C) Colonials and Continentals 743 William E. Houser, 2108 Marlen Avenue, Pasadena, Texas 77502. (C) Silver certificates, Federal Reserve notes 661 Clifford A. Hudson, 1809 Carvin, La Puente, Calif. 91745. (C) U. S. Paper Money 751 W. K. Huffington, c/o Grenada Trust & Banking Co., Grenada, Mississippi. (C) U. S. Currency 7 Brent H. Hughes, 1816 Nealon Drive, Falls Church, Va. (C) CSA and obsolete bank notes 17 Earl F. Hughes, Route 2, Mitchell, Indiana 47446, (C) Obsolete notes 517 Calvin Hunt, 3171 First National Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. (C) Paper Money 66 Cornell C. Hunter, 188 North High Street, Chillicothe, Ohio. (C) U. S. paper money 155 Paul R. Hunter, P. 0. Box 398, Greensburg, Kansas. (C) Kansas National Bank notes 662 Peter Huntoon, 2147 East Juanita, Tucson, Arizona 857 19. (C) U. S. Paper Money—Ones, fives, tens 761 James S. Hurst, Vienna, Maryland 21869. (C) Obsolete U. S., broken banks & CSA 233 William P. Hurt, 23 Kenmore Road, Indianapolis 19, Ind. (C) CSA and obsolete note currency 258 Rev. Frank H. Hutchins, 924 West End Ave., New York 25, N. Y. (C) Small sized U. S. notes 580 George Izumi, 4161 Olympiad Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. 90043. (C) Paper money and all coins 540 Glenn E. Jackson, D.D.S., 637 Main Street, Watertown, Conn. 06795. (C) Broken bank notes 149 Virgil G. Jackson, 94 West Water Street, Beaver Dam, Wisc. 53916. (C) U. S. Currency and Wisconsin broken bank notes 134 Jacksonville Coin Club, 3875 Conga Street, Jacksonville, Fla. 32217. 152 Arthur G. Jacobs, 34 Barbara Road, Dumont, New Jersey. (C) CSA, Southern States & Broken Bank Notes 741 Marvin H. Jacobs, 207 Deumant Terrace, Buffalo, New York 14223. (C) All bills printed in U. S. A. 549 Theodore C. Jacoby, 418 Olive Street, St. Louis 2, Missouri. (C) 615 Somer James, 157 Rupert Avenue, Winnepeg 2, Canada. (D) Canadian and General 38 Floyd 0. Janney, 205 Harrison Ave., Waukesha, Wisc. (C, D) All coins and paper money 314 Konsantin A. Jansson, 624 - 16th Avenue, San Francisco 18, Calif. (C) Paper money of Russia, Poland, Finland, Baltic States, P.O.W., Broken Banks PAGE 64 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 83 Stanley Janusz, 2429 N. Hancock St., Philadelphia 33, Pa. (C) U. S. Obsolete notes 136 Edwin P. Janzen, 2372 Palermo Drive, San Diego 6, California. (C, D) CSA, U. S. and broken bank notes 636 John H. Jenkins, 912 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. (D) Texas Currency 447 Herbert F. Jenne, 810 East Broward Blvd., Fort Lauder dale, Fla. (D) Obsolete bank notes, uncut sheets, CSA, Foreign, U. S. 598 Edward Jester, 35 North Rodney Drive, Wilmington, Del. 19809. (C) Silver Certs, & Fractionals 653 A. B. Johnson, Box 706, Willmar, Minnesota 56201. (C) Small sized notes, including Nationals 451 Charles M. Johnson, 3521 Vista Street, Long Beach 3, California. (C) All U. S. paper money 10 D. Wayne Johnson, 1525 Nantuckett, Houston, Texas 77027. (C) Numismatic Literature 19 Ernest Johnson, 1816 North 5th Street, Sheyboygan, Wisconsin. (C) U. S. Currency, Wisconsin and Michigan 421 I larold C. Johnson, 4212 Kings Court, Jacksonville, Florida. (C) U. S. Currency and broken bank notes 552 James R. Johnson, 26 Mekeel Drive, Dover, New Jersey. (C) Type singles; National and Obsoletes of N. J. 418 James W. Johnson, 602 Woodmere Road, Berea, Ohio. (C) Large U. S. and fractional currency 541 Stanley G. Johnson, 31750 Pinetree Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44124. (C) Large and small size notes & fractional curr. 257 F. A. Jones, 8256 Middlepointe, Detroit 4, Michigan. (C) Broken bank notes 539 Lynn E. Jones, 712 Fast Holland Street, Washington, Illinois. (C) Small currency 117 Richard Jones, 1412 Morningside St., S.E., Roanoke 13, Va. (C) CSA and Virginia notes 542 Robert A. Jones, Box 483, Galt, Ontario, Canada. (C) Canadian Bank notes and Canadian broken banks 122 A. M. Kagin, 400 Royal Union Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa. (D) 484 Kenneth Kantak, 2450 West Wells Street, Milwaukee 3, Wisconsin. (C, D) Proof coins and paper 393 David NV. Karp, 900 Alta Vista Road. Louisville 5, Ky. (C, D) General 392 Louis R. Karp, 2214 Brighton Avenue, Louisville 5, Ky. (C, D) General 717 Edmund H. Kase, Jr., 6(X) Park Street, Apt. I1, St. Paul, Minn. 55103. (C) U. S. and Canada, incl. error notes and odd serial numbers. 1(X) Carl P. Kaufmann, Tribes Hill, New York. (C) U. S. notes, obsolete N. Y., Military, sutler, scrip 695 Oswin Keifer, Bostwick, Nebraska 68931. (C) Broken Bank notes, National Bank notes from Nebraska and Kansas; also Military Payment certs. ,38 Dr. Arnold Keller, Berlin-Wittenau, Triftstrasse 64, Germ any. (C) All paper money and literature 205 W. Philip Keller, 122 Crestmont Ave., Lancaster, Pa. 17602. (C) U. S. 789 James C. Kelly, 31 College Street, Schenectady, New York. (C, D) 114 Theodore Kemm, 915 West End Avenue, New York 25, N. Y. (D) Coin and currency 236 Thomas H. Kennedy, Jr., Milford, New York 13807. (C, D) 683 Lester L. Kerner, 16 Elizabeth Street, Buckhannon, West Virginia. (C) U. S. currency, especially fractionals 423 George W. Killian, 162 Seneca Road, Rochester 22, New York. (C) U. S. coins and currency 545 A. Murl Kimmel, Robinson, Kansas 66532. (C, D) 772 Joe Kinney, 6326 Lexington Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. 90038. (C) U. S. Currency 343 Edward B. Kirk, c/o E. Fidel, Apt. 2, 302 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12203. (C) Foreign 663 Charles M. Kirkpatrick, 601 Bexley Road, West Lafayel te. Ind. 47906. (C) Small size notes 708 David M. Klausmeyer, 1730 Southbend Drive, Rocky River 16, Ohio. (C) U. S. coins and currency 2C0 Harold R. Klein, 405 Eighth Place, Hinsdale, Illinois. (C) U. S. sheets 623 James M. Knight, 401 Santolina Road, Dothan, Alabama. 36301 . (C) Foreign Bank notes 408 Michael Kolman, Jr., 4263 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44109. (C) All 227 Stanley J. Kolosky, 237 East Kirwin, Salina, Kansas 67401. (C) U. S. and colonial paper money 95 I. T. Kopicki, 5088 Archer Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60632. (C) U. S. large size notes 216 John Kosior, 155 Blackstone Street. Fall River, Mass. (C) National Bank notes 490 Ronald Kowaleski, 5648 Girard Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 14304. (C, D) Americas, Cuba, Hong Kong, Malaya, North Borneo, Philippines, Sarawak & Singapore 356 Herman A. Krajewski, 33 Park Street, Rockville, Conn. 06066. (C, D) Canadian coins and currency 62 Wayne F. Kramer, 711 Frey St. - Box 271, Great Bend, Kansas. (C) Wells Fargo paper, U. S. Fractionals and other notes bearing Spinner sig. 9 Chester L. Krause, Iola, Wisconsin. (C) Wisconsin paper money 26 Dick Krotz, 6689 Metro Park Drive, Mayfield, Ohio, 44 124. (C, D) U. S. and obsolete paper money 591 Matt Krzastek, 17 W. San Fernando Street, San Jose, California. (D) U. S. and foreign coins and paper money 530 Everett L. Labagh, 455 Dorchester Road, Ridgewood, New Jersey. (C) U. S. coins and Natl. currency of Bergen County, N. J. 254 John Lake, P. 0. Box 719, Gary, Indiana. (C) U. S. paper 491 Fred Lamb, Box 303, Gorham, New Hampshire. (C) N. H. obsoletes and large sized natl. bank notes 628 Mr. Clare E. Lane, 510 Madison Street, Fast Rochester, N. Y. 14445. (C) U. S., Fractionals, broken bank notes 658 Joseph A. Lange, 13060 Victory Blvd., Apt. 18, Van Nuys, California 49 Lorenzo La Pierre, 11181 South Corley Drive, Whittier, Calif. 90604. (C) U. S. Currency 322 Edward S. Lawrence, Jr., 500 West Clarendon, Phoenix 13, Arizona. (C) 291 Jimmie N. Lawrence, P. 0. Box 8113, Johannesburg, Sou th Africa. (C) African 119 Ivor S. LeBane, 9024 - 140 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (C) Canadian paper money (legal tender and chartered banks) VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 65 785 Mrs. Helen A. Legge, 1318 Mound Street, Alameda, Calif. 94501. (C) Small sized U. S. notes 566 L. Chandler Leggett, 4648 Cedarhurst Drive, Jackson 6, Mississippi. (C) CSA and Mississippi obsoletes 534 Russell H. Leibert, 30 Chatham Road, Ardmore, Pa. (C) paper money in general 109 L. P. Leonard, 249 Valley Road, Cos Cob, Conn. (C, D) Colonial paper and New England broken bank notes 459 Harry M. Lessin, Allen Road, Norwalk, Connecticut. (C) Tokens and obsolete paper money 547 Rudolph L. Leuckart, 14225 Ardnell Avenue 3, East Cleveland 12, Ohio. (C) U. S. and Foreign 543 Edwin H. Leventhal, 43 Bromfield Street, Boston, Mass. 02168. (C, D) General—Colonials 405 Major Kenneth C. Levin, Hq. CMDT, 3rd Inf. Div., APO 36, New York, N. Y. (C) Foreign, especially WW2, China, Soviet Union, British Empire 483 David D. Levy, 1000 Grove Street, Evanston, Illinois. (C) U. S. small notes and British Commonwealth notes 213 Travis J. Lewis, 1223 Briarwood Cr., Garland, Texas. (C, D) $1 notes 784 Robert J. Lindesmith, Box 37, Dayton, Washington 99328. (C) U. S., Obsolete paper money (Colonials thru Civil War) 91 Ernest J. Littrell, P. 0. Box 426, Red Bank, N. J. 07701. (C) Gold coins, broken hank notes of N. J. 679 Thom E. Lloyd, 611% Sherman St., Johnstown, Pa. 15905. (C) 41 Dr. Walter M. Loeb, 4568 E. Mercer Way, Mercer Island, Wash. (C) All paper money 12 M. H. Lowenstern, Box 9009, Amarillo, Texas. (C) U. S. notes, Texas Currency and Documents 618 Antonin Lomicka, Plezen, Delova 10, Czechoslovakia. (C) Foreign paper money 180 Art Lovi, 307 South Palafox St., Pensocola, Florida. (C) Money of the world 777 T. Jackson Lowe, 1510 Gervais Street, Columbia, So. Carolina 29201. (C) U. S. and Confederate 463 Mrs. Arthur Lucas, 484 Hendee Street, Elgin, Illinois. (C) Paper Money 585 Bruce F. Luther, 45 Mead Ave., Riverdale, N. J. (C) Silver Certificates 553 Warren T. Lybrook, 410 West Linden Avenue, Logansport, Indiana. (C) Indiana obsolete notes and U. S. Currency 250 Clyde F. MacKewiz, P. 0. Box 292, McKeesport, Pa. (C) Obsolete notes, especially by the American Bank Note Co. 492 John E. Maher, 722 West 5th Street, Jamestown, N. Y. 14701. (C) Coins—Indians, Jeffersons, mercury dimes, quarters 47 Fred R. Marckoff, 552 Park Street, Elgin, Illinois. (C) Obsolete paper money, esp. Westerns 730 Ben E. Marcus, 3171 Orlando Road, Los Alamitos, California. (C) Small denomination hills 20 Julian S. Marks, 3719 Reading Road, Cincinnati 29, Ohio. (C) U. S. currency—large and fractional 409 Jack Marles, Box 10, Station A, Calgary, Alberta, Cana da. (D) 493 Lawrence Marsh, 69 Arundel Place, Clayton, Mo. 63105. (C) Obsolete currency 768 Marty Martin, 3503 Link Valley, Houston, Texas 77025. (C) U. S. currnecy 457 Theodore Martowitz, 11601 St. Mark, Cleveland, Ohio. (C) Pa. broken hank notes 107 W. H. (Bill) Mason, Kent Court Motel, Greensboro, N. C. 27405. (C) All currency 303 Joseph K. Massaro, 185 Union Avenue, Clifton, New Jersey. (C) World wide 574 Dr. Howard E. Mathay, 1108 Ravine Drive, Youngstown, Ohio 44505. (C) U. S.—since 1862 654 Mr. Jean-Louis Matteau, Box Office 270, Grand 'Mere, Que., Canada. (C) Canadian, U. S., Foreign 656 William Mattinson, 1624 30th Street, Emsley Highlands, Birmingham 8, Alabama. (C) U. S. Currency 611 Leon Matusoff, 17 Third Street Arcade, Dayton, Ohio 45402. (D) 186 Joseph M. Max, 104 Ann Street, Baden, Penna. 15005. (C) General 728 Dr. Richard fames Mayer, 3425 North Wisconsin Street, Racine, Wisconsin 53402. (C) American 600 Leland D. McBride, M.D., 700 South High Street, Hillsboro, Ohio. (C) Domestic and Foreign 194 Milford L. McBride, 211 South Center Street, Grove City, Pa. (C) Commemoratives and Natl. Bank notes 485 Mrs. I I. A. McCallum, Box 138, Monroe, Oregon. (C) U. S. large bills and uncut sheets 437 Robert D. McCarron, 69 Waban Hill Road, North, Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167. (C) Broken Bank notes and early American engravings 518 C. Lamar McDonald, P. 0. Box 222, Vicksburg, Mississippi. (C) U. S. coins and currency 774 James McGowan, 210 Lysander Drive, Rochester, New York 14623. (C) U. S. $1, 2, 5; Rochester banknotes 546 James L. Mckee, 216 South Cotner Blvd., Lincoln 10, Nebraska. (C) Fractionals and broken bank notes 769 Bert L. McKenzie, Box 56, Otis, Colorado 80743. (C, D) National Bank Notes 625 Stevan Michael McKenzie, 5547 Barfield Road, Memphis, Tennessee. (C) 297 Charles W. McLemore, 404 Seventh Ave., S.W., Decatur, Alabama 35601. (C) U. S. small size notes, Alabama broken bank notes, coins 139 John M. Mc Mahon, 41 - 15 - 44th Street, Long Island City 4, N. Y. (D) Foreign hank notes, foreign gold & crowns 161 Dale E. McMullen, 3117 Sloan Street, Flint 4, Mich. (C) large U. S. bills 162 John A. McMullen, 1 North Grand Street, Lewistown, Pa. 17044. (C) Foreign paper money 674 George B. Mehlman, 8th Floor Comeau Bldg., West Pal m Beach, Florida. (C) 183 J. Robert Melanson, 2602 Myatt Lane, El Campo, Texas 77437. (C) U. S. General, including coins 241 Jules Mero. 3330 Ridgewood Avenue. Montreal 26, Cana da. (C, D) Canadians 244 Lewie Griffith Meritt, Jr., 409 Security Federal Bldg., Columbia, S. C. (C) South Carolina broken bank notes, U. S. currency, southern states 647 Robert H. Meyer, 2056 Genessee Street, Orange, California. (C) World War II 607 Jack Mihlrad, 16 Plymouth Place, White Plains, New York. (C) General U. S. 264 Mrs. Ina May Miller, 108 Branchport Avenue, Long Bra nch, New Jersey. (C) U. S. coins and currency 269 John I I. Miller, 2828 Sunset Road, Topeka, Kansas 66614. (C) U. S. PAGE 66 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 98 Dr. Larry Miller, North English, Iowa 52316. (C) 354 Arthur Mills, 2955 White Plains Rd., New York 67, N. Y. (C) Foreign 589 Bruce A. Miner, P. 0. Box 38-326, Miami, Florida 33138. (D) Foreign 294 Clifford Mishler, P. 0. Box 194, Iola, Wisconsin. (C, D ) Medals and tokens 174 James Mitchell, 711 Marietta Street, Booneville, Mississ ippi. (C) U. S., CSA and Mississippi paper money 462 Robert R. Montgomery, 1111 Randall Avenue, Whittier, Calif. 90603. (C) Broken bank notes 702 Alan Moore, WNYGTV Room 8016, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001. (C) Barber coins (1892-1916) 474 H. T. Moore, 308 East Court Street, Paragould, Arkan sas. (C, D) U. S. Fractionals, large sized currency 70 William G. Moose, P. 0. Box 206, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D. C. 20044. (C) Notes with unusual serial numbers 704 Wayne L. Morgan, 620 South Spring Street, Springfield, Illinois. (C, D) U. S. Currency 669 C. Morgensen, P. 0. Box 265, Askov, Minnesota. (C) All kinds of U. S. paper money 185 Eugene Morris, Box 207, Forest City, Iowa. (C) Part time dealer in U. S. coins and paper money 277 John H. Morris, Jr., 411 Woodland Drive, Homewood 9, Alabama. (C) U. S. coins and currency 46 Thomas F. Morris, 19 West Drive, Larchmont, New Yo rk. (C) U. S. currency 688 August L. Morsch, 45 Cleveland Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07106. (C) Large currency 505 L. W. Morse, Route 1, Box 85, Potter Valley, Calif. C) U. S. World War II Currency 146 Sheldon L. Moses, 115 Main Street, Herkimer, New York. (D) 464 Barbara R. Mueller, 523 East Linden Drive, Jefferson, Wisc. 53549. (C) Paper money having same designs as postage stamps 425 Cliff J. Murk, Box 131, Agate Beach, Oregon. (C) Colo nials, CSA southern states and broken banks 764 John J. Murphy, 42 Viola Street, Lowell, Mass. 01851. (C) American currency and silver dollars 188 Ronald M. Murphy, P. 0. Box 31, Glenarm, Illinois. (C ) Obsolete bank notes 650 Jack W. Nannery, 215 Maujer Street, Brooklyn 6, New York. (C) Military currency 347 Alfred J. Nash, 17190 Locherbie Avenue, Birmingham, Mich. 48009. (C) Foreign 96 Gary E. Nathan, 516 E. Capitol Avenue, Springfield, IIli nois. (C, D) U. S. and obsolete notes 281 Capt. Alvin E. Naumann, 618 Patricia Drive, San Anto nio, Texas 78216. (C) large size U. S. and Misc. 748 Jack Neer, 905 North Vulcan, Encinitas, California. (C) 613 Andrew Nemeth, 3234 North Bambrey St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19129. (C) U. S. Currency, U. S. and Canadian broken bank bills 290 Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Avenue, St. Louis 5, Missouri. (C) American 561 L. W. Niehouse, 761 Custer, Salina, Kansas 67401. (C) Current size paper money 234 Clark E. Nixon, Bank of Galesville, Galesville, Wisconsin (C) Obsolete currency 255 H. H. Norris, Box 305, Greenwood, Mississippi. (C) Type set coins—U. S. paper, odd & curious 424 Henry 0. Nouss, Box 2775—Hamilton Station, Pompano Beach, Florida. (C) General 721 Tom O'Brien, 11227 Stonybrook Drive, Grand Blanc, Mich. 48439. (C) Paper money of Michigan, fractional currency 579 John J. O'Brocta, 2136 South Indiana Avenue, Chicago 16, Illinois. (C) Fractional currency 18 Herbert M. Oechsner, 21 Stocker Road, Verona, New Jersey. (C) Colonials (coins and notes) 593 Oscar L. Olsgaard, P. 0. Box 1276, Anaconda, Montana 59711. (C) U. S. and Canada Currency and Stock Certs. 685 Nancy J. Opitz, 3623 North 62nd Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216. (C) U. S. paper money 36 Al D. O'Rear, 1218 Avondale Ave., S.E., Atlanta 12, Georgia. (C) Georgia Treasury notes and obsoletes 27 Ralph Osborn, Box 242, Raymondville, Texas. (C) Coins and Michigan obsolete notes 157 Edward L. Oschman, 135 Longvue Drive, Pittsburgh 37, Pa. (C) U. S. foreign paper money 193 C. Elizabeth Osmun, 418 Acorn Avenue, Telford, Pa. 18 969. (C) Obsolete paper money 557 S. J. D. Oswald, 3 Brentwood Lodge, Winnepeg 9, Mani toba, Can. (C) Canadian, U. S., Mexican 78 E. Burnell Overlock, 83 Oakdale Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island. (C) Broken bank notes and U. S. Currency 511 Al C. Overton, 336 Colorado Building, Pueblo, Colorado. (C, D) Rocky Mtn. state large sized National Bank notes 209 Richard D. Palmer, 407 North I larlan Street, Algona, Iowa. (C) General 556 Howard W. Parshall, Box 191, Pineville, Louisiana. (C) Large U. S. Currency 577 David Paskausky, 1411 East Fulton Street, Grand Rap ids, Mich. 49503. (C) Small size silver certificates and type set of large and small notes 68 Kenneth T. Paxton, 1217 Fawcett Avenue, McKeesport, Pa. (C) 287 Robert P. Payne, Rt. Kernersville, No. Car. (C, D) CSA Type notes 639 Ervin C. Peake, 13 Woodland Court, Kinnelon, New Jer sey. (C) Present size U. S. paper money 317 J. Albert Peddie, 539 St. Clair Avenue, West, Apt. 6, To ronto 10, Canada. (C) Canada and World Wide 439 Walther Pedersen, 7109 Calder Avenue, Sebastopol, Calif. 95472. (C) All foreign paper money 8 J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Box 858, Anderson, S. C. (C) S.C. obsoletes and S.C. national Bank notes 113 M. Clay Perdue, 4428 Fluvanna Ave., Richmond 34, Va. (C) Obsolete notes, incl. CSA 770 Charles W. Petersen, Somers, Iowa. (C) Colonials, Con t inentals, Fractionals 280 Alan G. Phillips, 2803 Wright Avenue, Orlando, Florida. (C) U. S. 480 L. R. Phillips, 403 North Malone Street, Athens, Alaba ma. (C, D) U. S. coins and paper money & CSA 15 Wm. A. Philpott, Jr., P. 0. Box 1466, Dallas, Texas. (C ) All Numismatic items 352 Sammlung Albert Pick, Bayerische Hypotheken-und Wec hselbank, 8 Munchen 1, Postfach 30, West Germany. (C) 305 Richard Picker, P. 0. Box 366, Albertson, L. 1., N. Y. D) Colonials & Continentals Paper Money PAGE 67VOL. 3, NO. 3 603 Dr. William W. Pierce, 418 Bewley Building, Lockport, New York 14094. (C) U. S. Currency 497 H. E. Plew, Jr., 557 Lincoln Boulevard, Santa Monica, Calif. 90402. (C) U. S. small sized notes 572 B. Plotnick, 671 Bedford Street, Stamford, Conn. 06902. (C) U. S. Fractionals 201 Clyde G. Plyler, 506 Laurel Court, Lancaster, So. Car. (C) South Carolina Material 521 Albert J. Pohobich, 1715 Holyoke Avenue, East Clevela nd, Ohio 44112. (C) Large sized U. S. Currency 544 Felix J. Polek, P. 0. Box 254, Braddock, Pa. (C) U. S. large and small sized notes Freak and error notes 605 Robert R. Pope, P. 0. Box 8, Heflin, Alabama 36264. (C) Alabama broken bank notes, fractional currency, old certificates, etc. 481 Paul Popovich, 416 Highland Avenue, Canonsburg, Pa. (C) 427 R. 11. Porter, P. 0. Box 406, Austin, Texas 78763. (C) CSA, Texas and Southern States 172 Robert S. Porter, Jr., P. 0. Box 81, Tarentum, Pa. 151:4. (C) U. S. Currency 686 John J. Proios, 245 Lenox Avenue, Uniondale, L. 1., New York (C) U. S. paper money 713 Clyde H. Proper, 29-63 215th Place, Bayside, New York 11360. (C) 28 Pat V. Provenza, 203 Zoratoa Ave., St. Augustine, Florida (C) Florida obsoletes, incl. scrip 260 Anthony Ptacnik, 129 Fairview Avenue, Somerville, New Jersey. (C, D) U. S. and Foreign 757 Ray S. Purdy, 1 Chester Circle, New Brunswick, New Jersey. (C) U. S. Fractional Currency 538 Louis J. Rambo, 290 Alabama Road, Norfolk 3, Virgirnia (C) All coins and all types paper money 436 Lalji Ramji. P. 0. Box 562, Daresselaam, Tanganyika. East Africa, (D) East African coins and paper money 554 Ellis Randals, Box 67, Hico, Texas. (C) U. S. large cur rency 37 Claude W. Rankin, P. 0. Box 110, Fayetteville, N. Car. (C) N. C. notes (State issues and obsoletes) 729 Herbert A. Raquet, 11 Mount Pleasant Road, Bedford, Indiana 47421. (C) U. S. coins and currency 724 Paul A. Reardon, 238 W. Johnson Highway, Norristown, Pa. 19401. (C) U. S. currency 576 George J. Regensburger, 620 Versailles Ave., Apt. 16, Mc Keesport, Pa. (C, D) Large sized U. S. currency 14 Joseph G. Reinis, 50 Court Street, Brooklyn 1, N. Y. (C) Paper money with philatelic designs 742 Jerome H. Remick, Box 742, Haute Ville, Quebec, P. Q., Canada. (C) Paper money of the world 738 Benjamin J. Reynolds, R. D. tt 1„Avondale, Pa. (C) Colonials, continentals, Pa. broken bank notes 132 Foster W. Rice, 28 Roton Avenue, Rowayton, Conn. (C) Bank notes 1796 to date 510 Ralph M. Richards, P. 0. Box 415, College Park, Maryland. (C) General 140 Elliott Richardson, Box 155, Urbana, Virginia. (C) State and County notes, U. S. large currency 23 Larry D. Richardson, P. 0. Box 5515, Roanoke, Virginia. (C) Va. obsolete notes 666 Robert L. Richardson, Sr., P. 0. Box 108, Stuart, Virgin ia. (C) U. S. paper money 745 Percy L. Rideout, 520 Commonwealth Avenue, Avenue 15, Boston, Massachusetts. (C) Colonial paper money of New England 29 Nelson A. Rieger, 1621 Howard, Colorado Springs, Colo. (C) Type set of U. S. Currency 85 Dr. Jasper L. Robertson, 133 Church Street, Hoosick Falls, New York. (C) U. S. notes (incl. Fract.) CSA, obsolete notes 292 Peter G. Robin, G-2, Kevon Plaza, 52nd & Montgomery Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131. (C) Foreign paper money 544 Steven R. Roe, 2256 Minerva, Wayne, Mich. 48184. (C) All U. S. $1 bills 53 Carl L. Roethke, 1759 Gratiot Avenue, Saginaw, Mich. (C) U. S. notes, Michigan Obsolete notes 431 Ted Rogers, 3933 Montgomery Road, Norwood 12, Ohio (D) Coins, paper money & stamps 635 Major Walter F. Rogers, USMC, c/o M. D. Swaringen, 385 North Church Street, Concord, No. Carolina 28025. (C) N.C., Ga., & S.C. obsoletes. CSA type notes and Allied Military currency 496 C. R. Ross, 1334 East 8th, Okmulgee, Oklahoma. (C) U. S., CSA, Southern States, Canada, Military, obsolete, scrip 429 Thomas B. Ross, Post Office Box 255, Norwalk, Connecti cut. (C, D) All fields, especially small U. S. paper 166 Matt Rothert, P. 0. Box 5861, Camden, Arkansas. (C) Fractional, U. S., CSA and broken bank bibs 380 Dr. Leonard M. Rothstein, 2409 Sylvale Road, Baltimore 9, Maryland. (C) Natl. bank notes, obsoletes and Colonials of Md. 306 John N. Rowe, III, P. 0. Box 2381, Dallas 21, Texas. (D) U. S. 675 Virgil K. Rowland, 45 Sutton Place, South, New York, N. Y. 10022. (C) United States Currency 597 John Henry Roy, 10201 Blvd. des Ormes, Montreal 12, Canada. (C) All Canadian and new issues of U. S. 63 Lucius S. Ruder. 1102 Palmview Ave., Belleair, Clearwater, Florida. (C) Uncut sheets of obsolete currency, also Ohio notes 1803-1865 407 Walter D. Rudisill, R. D. 2, Seven Valleys, Pa. (D) Coins and currency 703 C. N. Ruisinger, Jr., 10205 East 85th Terrace, Raytown, Missouri 64138. (C) U. S. and Confederates 442 Bill Rutowski, 618 Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. (C) 470 I ames Rutlader, 1122 Truman Road, Kansas City, Mo. 64106. (D) Everything 11 Ben E. Rutman, 1372 St. Paul Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. 55116. (C) All paper money except foreign 726 Peter J. Sabados, 272 Hutton Street, Jersey City, New Jersey. (C) Centered, Uncirculated small size silver certifi- cates I 1 1 Harold Salmanowitz, c/o Superintendence Co. INC., 67 Broad Street, New York 4, N. Y. (C) U. S. small size notes 533 Margaret H. Sanford, 3041 North New Jersey, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. (C) 499 G. G. Sawyer, Jr., Route I, Box 287, Effingham, South Carolina. (C, D) S.C. obsolete notes 245 John Scerba, 13430 Madison Avenue, Lakewood 7, Ohio. (C) Paper money—coins—medals 565 Dr. Bernard J. Schaaf, 203 Marshall Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 13210. (C) small sized currency PAGE 68 Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 355 Robert 0. Schaeffer, 2320 - 13th Street, Moline, Illinois 61265. (C) Foreign 332 Harry J. Schatz, Fitchville, Connecticut. (C) U. S. 170 Frank R. Schell, 211 Condensery Road, Buhl, Idaho 833 16. (C) U. S. paper money and large cents 282 Karl Scheuch, (638) Ober Eschbach, Lindenstrasse 9, West Germany. (C) German and foreign currency, and German porcelain coins 503 George J. Schlesinger, 2847 North 85th Street, Milwaukee 10, Wisconsin. (C) Colonial currency 739 Mike Schlotterbeck, RR Box 19K, Centerville, India na. (C) Bills of the last 50 years 734 Bill Schneider, Rush City, Minnesota 55069. (C) 641 Bruce Schneider, 3064 Melva Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43224. (C) U. S. small size ones and twos 506 J. W. Schneider, 2121 Mormon Road, Hamilton, Ohio 45013. (C, D) U. S. large, small, fractional currency 519 Richard Schneider, 1751 - 67th Street, Brooklyn 4, New York. (C) World 195 George B. Schwarz, 3785 Northampton, Cleveland Heigh ts 21, Ohio. (C, D) Old obsolete notes 732 Arnold H. Schwartz, 149-05 79th Avenue, Flushing 67, New York. (C) Small size U. S. notes 531 Hirsh N. Schwartz, P. 0. Box 1, Schulenberg, Texas. (C) Texas National Bank Notes 749 W. P. Schwartz, Jr., 1627 Hull Street, Richmond, Virgin ia. (C) General 372 L. P. Schweiger, 536 South Dewey Avenue, Jefferson, Wisconsin. (C) Currency of the Civil War period 645 Don Seibert, 3201 Lakewood Drive, Houston 16, Texas. (C, D) Mexican Revolutionary Period 466 Herbert H. Seidler, 3530 Los Pinos Drive, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105. (C) North & South American, Incl. West Indies 24 Paul Seitz, Glen Rock, Pa. (C, D) All paper money, especially obsoletes 617 W. A. Selfridge, 11 Dogwood Trail, Kinnelon, New Jersey. (C, D) N.J. notes, Japanese paper, General dealer 723 Robert P. Series, 62 William Street, New York 5, N. Y. (C) U. S. and Foreign 285 Stanley J. Serxner, Maon Akademaim, Tsrif 10 Bet, Kir iat Amal, Tivon. Israel. (C) Central American, World Wide 168 Thomas J. Settle, P. 0. Box 11173, Church Street Station, New York, N. Y. 10008. (D) Paper money 630 James W. Seville, Box 866, Statesville, N. C. (C, D) M isnumbered bills 681 Neil Shafer, 1220 Mound Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin 53404. (C) Philippine, C.&S. American, Worldwide 450 John A. Shaffer, P. 0. Box 128, New Haven, Indiana (C) Foreign, U. S. Notes 473 Newell A. Shireman, 202 North Catherine St., Middletown, Pa. (C) Small size notes 575 Norman Shorr, 200 Buchanan Place, Pittsburgh 28, Pa. (C) U. S. Currency 102 John Skandera, Jr., P. 0. Box 146, Little Falls, N. Y. 13365. (C, D) U. S. 56 Maurice Sklar, P. 0. Box 5635, Sherman Oaks, Calif. 91413. (C) U. S. and Canadian currency 71 John P. Skribiski, R. F. D. Box 40, Hadley, Massachu setts. (C) U. S. General 32 Arlie Slabaugh, 7409 West Howard Street, Chicago, Illinois 60648. (C) All paper money, especially historical 129 Abraham Slopak, 32 Hall Hill Avenue, Colchester, Conn. 06415. (C, D) Broken bank notes 3 Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Boulevard, Oak Pa rk, Illinois 60302. (C) Obsolete bank notes 526 Guerdon F. Smith, 5631 Prospect Road, Peoria, Illinois 61614. (C) Broken bank notes 228 James Smith, 49 Pleasant Street, Rockland, Maine 04841. (C) U. S. 727 Milton E. Smith, 809 Burris Avenue, Lake Bluff, Illinois. (C) Confederate Money 55 Sidney W. Smith, 2512 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 37, Fla. (D) 778 Wellington V. Smith, 93 Walbert Drive, Rochester, New York 14624. (C) Colonials, fractionals and large currency 441 William H. Smrekar, 13508 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland 10, Ohio (C) Foreign paper money 752 Bobby Sowell, 316 Humason, Lurkin, Texas. (C) U. S. Currency 58 Howard E. Spain, Waverly, Virginia. (C) Virginia obsolete notes 536 Arthur M. Spatz, 529 Madison Ave., West Hempstead, N. Y. 11552. (C) All paper money 25 Frank W. Spencer, 25 West Main Street, Newark, Ohio. (C) U. S. paper money 359 Philip Spier, 1817 St. Catherine St., West, Montreal 25, Quebec, Canada. (D) Canadian 94 Louis L. Spirt, 15 Brown Street, Waterbury, Conn. (C) U. S. Currency 560 Homer H. Spriggs, 420 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, California. (C) Pre 1930 currency 479 Mrs. Ruth B. Springer, 612 East David Road, Kettering, Ohio 45429. (0 Broken bank notes 773 Mrs. Isabelle Stanley, R. R. 4, Syracuse, Indiana 46567. (C, D) 154 Bolling C. Stanley, P. 0. Box 388, Tallahassee, Florida. (C) Fla. obsolete paper money 31 Leonard W. Stark, 25 North Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois. (D) CSA and obsolete notes 187 Warren C. Steele, Box 675, Altus, Oklahoma 73521. (C) Foreign currency 406 Reg, E. G. Stevens, 1066 So. Plymouth Blvd., Los Angeles 19, Calif. (C) General 426 Philip A. Stewart, Box 403, Bigfork, Montana 59911. (C) U. S. and obsoletes 588 Jackson C. Storm, 10 Manning Road, Glen Cove, New York. (C) Fractional currency 587 Roger J. Storm, 10 Manning Road, Glen Cove, N. Y. (C) Colonials and Civil War banknotes 584 C. L. Stratton, 223 Wholesale Terminal Bldg., 746 South Central .Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. 90021. (C) U. S. coins and paper 99 Howard F. Street, 3805 Linden Avenue, Philadelphia 14, Pa. (C) UNC US notes, Large 1-2-5-10. Small, 1-2-5 387 John Strojny, 4 South Page Street, Kingston, Pa. (C) All 687 Mrs. Joseph Struzinsky, Middle Road, Horseheads, New York 14845. (C) Silver certificates and small bills 766 B. M. Stuart, MD, 910 Shamrock Terrace. Boonville, Missouri 65233. (C) Type-paper and coins 90 William A. Stumpp, 68 Mountain View Rd., Milburn, N. J. (C) Currency errors VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 69 712 Jack Stuppler, 3205 Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn, New Yo rk 11235. (C) Postal and fractional currency 44 Alexander J. Sullivan, 701 Hammonds Lane, Baltimore, Md. 21225. (C) China, South American & World paper money 643 Joseph P. Sullivan, 496 Auburn Street, Auburndale 66, Mass. (C) Broken hank notes 89 Jake B. Sureck, 130 N.W., 19th Street, Oklahoma City 3,Okla. (C) U. S. coins, world crowns, US & foreign currency 664 S. T. Swardon, 535 Sussex Drive, Ottawa I, Ont., Canada. (D) Canadian, Newfoundland & B.N.A. 631 Edwin Swafford, 714 Delchester Lane, Kirkwood, Missouri 63122. (C) Mexican, U. S. $1, S.C. and F.R.N., $2 U. S., other foreign 16 Dr. John H. Swanson, Room 229, East End YMCA, 7903 La Porte Freeway, Houston 12, Texas. (D) U. S. and CSA notes 655 William E. Swigart, Jr., Museum Park, Huntington, Pen na. (C) 402 Dr. M. R. Talisman, 6200 S.W., 123rd Terrace, Miami 56, Florida. (C) Post World War I currency 141 Eiichi Tamiya, 178 Teramae-cho, Kanazawa-Ku, Yokaha ma, Japan. (C) Paper money of Japan 648 Virgil K. Tarter, 3607 Clinton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44113. (C) Silver certificates 219 Gordon W. Telfer, 225 East Pine Street, Big Rapids, Michigan 49307. (C) National bank notes of Michigan 198 John Tenneson, 336 Beech Avenue, Garwood, New Jersey. (C) N.J. National Bank & N.J. broken bank notes 652 J. Leon Thomas, 827 South Candler Street, Decatur, Georgia 30030. (C) CSA, Southern States and Broken Bank notes 45 Lloyd E. Thompson, 2734 Clio Road, Flint, Michigan. (C) Michigan broken bank notes 411 George E. Tillson, Box 359, Stuyvesant Station, New York 9, New York. (C) Foreign hank notes 374 Michael Todascu, 267 St. Catherine St., East, Montreal, P. Q., Canada. (C, D) Canadian 700 J. Oscar Townsend, 124 Main Street, Logan, West Virgin ia 25601. (C) Fractional Currency 169 James N. Treadaway, 5811 Portal, Houston, Texas 77035. (C) U. S. paper money 620 Kenneth A. Tretow, 1605 Dahlia, Amarillo, Texas. (C) U. S. Currency and coins, foreign currency 184 F. M. Truesdale, 1061 Wisconsin River Drive, Port Edwards, Wisconsin. (C) National bank notes and fractional currency 301 Edgar J. Tucker, 9 Church Street, Keyser, West Virgin ia. (C) Latin American 626 Franklin B. Tucker, 216 Central Avenue, West Caldwell, N. J. 07007. (C) New Jersey paper money 360 Julius Turoff, 144 - 07 - 69th Avenue, Flushing 67, New York. (C) U. S. large bills 160 Ardyce R. Twombly, North {lilts Country Club, Manhasset, New York. (C) Large sized U. S. currency and all silver certificates 753 Emil P. Uhor, 844 Clifton Street, Follansbee, W. Va. 26037. (C) 118 Casimir X. Urhanski, Jr., 626 U. S. 17-92, Fern Park, Flo rida 32730. (C, D) Gold coins and paper money 207 Miss Marguerite L. Utz, Route 2, Attica, Ohio. (C) Cat tle on money 707 Louis W. Van Belkum, Ill, 1373 Blanchard S.W., Wyoming 8, Michigan. (C) U. S. $1 notes and fractional currency 203 Roger E. Vanl lurle, 2730 Burton Avenue, Indianapolis 23, Indiana. (C) Paper money of the world (incl. U. S.) Crowns 573 John J. Vaughey, 79 Edward Road, Watertown, Mass 02172. (C) Civil War scrip and miscellaneous scrip 632 Leonard Vaughn, 43179 Johnston Street, Hemet, Calif. 92343. (C) Large notes 746 Edward E. Vitala, 14644 Graystone Avenue, Norwalk, Calif. 90651. (C) Foreign 455 Kermit Wagner, 1303 Colfax Street, Schuyler, Nebraska. (C) American coins, especially CC gold 5 George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, New Jersey. (C) All American and Canadian paper money 595 Bill Waites, 731 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver 10, B. C., Canada. (C) Old-time Canadian & U. S. bills 73 John Tracy Walker, III, Sapphire Manor, Apt FI, Brev ard, North Carolina. (C) CSA, Va. Banknotes, U. S. military scrip 754 Dr. Gustav Walter, 715 Tenth Street, Tell City, Indiana 47586. (C) Currency 711 Barrie R. Walters, 2519 Fourth Street, Trenton, Michigan 48183. (C) Small currency 637 Lloyd B. Walton, 3014 Richardt Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. 46226. (C) Obsolete Bank Notes of Indiana, also general world issues 226 James Ward, 600 North McCullough Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78212. (C) U. S., CSA and foreign currency 81 Thomas P. Warfield, 208 W. Saratoga St., Baltimore, Md. (D) Paper money, except foreign 35 Melvin Owen Warns, P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee 1, Wisconsin. (C) National Bank notes 694 Charles F. Warren, 123 Madison Road, Willow Grove, Pa. (C) Military Currency and Foreign notes of artistic design 415 L. J. Waters, P. 0. Box 1051, Madison, Wisconsin 53701 (C) U. S. notes, Nat'l. Bk. notes, freak notes 758 James Edward Weaver, Box 114 A, Agate Beach, Oregon. (C) U. S., Fractionals, CSA, Southern States, Broken Bank Notes 465 James Webb, 6241/2 So. Grand Traverse, Flint 3. Michigan. (C) Michigan Notes 676 Rev. Robert T. Webster, 418 Center Avenue, Clarks Sum mit, Pa. 18411. (C) Paper money 787 Warren G. Webster, 22 Baker Avenue, West Concord, Mass. 01781. (C) Modern (U. S. Canadian) 715 Walter B. Wendt, 16635 East Witzman Drive, La Puente, California. (C) 235 E. R. Wentz, 907 West Virginia, Beaumont, Texas. (C) Obsolete Currency 138 Donald B. Wentzel, 22 Hillsdale Avenue, Millville, New Jersey. (C) N.J. broken and National bank notes Paper MoneyPAGE 70 VOL. 3, NO. 3 93 Louis S. Werner, 1270 Broadway, New York 1, N. Y. (C, D) All Types of Paper Money 478 James H. White, 10404 Orange Grove Drive, Tampa, Florida 33618. (C) CSA, Canal Bank, Alabama and Florida State Notes 509 Loyde R. White, 1417 Richard Street, Dayton, Ohio 45403. (C) U. S. and Canadian coins and paper 698 E. W. Whitten, 71 Radcliffe Road, Springfield, Ill. 62703. (C) U. S. large size and Fractionals 413 Capt. J. E. Wilkinson, 101 Rose Lane, Apt. 3A, Rome, New York. (C) CSA 706 Robert J. Williams, 24 Hillcrest Terrace, Verona, New Jersey. (C) All U. S. Paper Money 516 Carl R. Willis, 464 Forest Street, Mansfield, Ohio. (C) U. S. Currency, Allied Military Currency 475 Berlin Wilson, P. O. Box 30r,0, Little Rock, Ark. 72203. (C) U. S. 765 Mrs. I lenrietta B. Wilson, 53 Fast Grant Avenue, Roselle Park, New Jersey. (C) Silver Certificates 569 Noah R. Wilson, 6 Victor Avenue, Greer, South Caroli na. (C) 81 Silver Certificates and V small notes 776 Mrs. John H. Winchell, 5905 Osceola Road, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20016. (C) Minor coins 214 Bill Winters, 3325 Casa Bonita, Corpus Christi, Texas. C) General 259 Homer C. Wolfe, 19488 Grandville, Detroit, Michigan. (C) Michigan Obsolete bank notes 266 Jack Layton Woolf, c/o Southern Pacific Co., Redding, California. (C, D) U. S. and Canadian minor coins 412 Hal Woolway, 1025 Palms Boulevard, Venice, California. (C) P.O.W., W.W. 2, Mexico, Chinaa, Japan 279 Charles M. Wormser, 65 East 96th Street, New York 28, N. Y. (D) 594 Delwvn J. Worthington, 199 No. Stone Ave., Rm. 704, Tucson, Arizona 85701. (C, D) U. S., Canadian, Foreign 173, Russell W. Wright 2090 Lilly Drive, Thornton, Colorado 80229. (C) U. S. Paper Money—Proofs 498 Rt. Rev. Edmund J. Yahn, 1516 Warwood Avenue, Wheel ing, West Virginia. (C) U. S. small sized notes 627 George A. Yano, 1909 Ogden Avenue, Superior, Wisc. 54881. (C) U. S. Currency 422 Paul A. Younce, 5010 Daleview Avenue, Temple City, California. (C) U. S. and Foreign obsolete currency 622 Larry E. Young, 718 East Central Avenue, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342. (C) All one dollar silver certificates 181 Merrill V. Younkin, 2704 Julianne, Wichita, Kansas 67203. (C) U. S. $1 and V certificates 691 Robert C. Zeigler, Sr., 217 Bland Avenue, Bucyrus, Ohio 44820. (C) Currency IMPORTANT NOTICE As the length of the foregoing roster indicates, the SOPMC is growing rapidly. This magazine is the only means by which the increased membership can be served. Paper Money already possesses a worthy tradition and a gen- erous and attractive format. But in order to maintain these attributes, we must all work together to fill every page with useful and worthwhile articles. In-depth, serious research articles on both U. S. and foreign paper money are desperately needed. Many members are displaying an increasing interest in foreign paper money particularly. In order to hold their loyalty, we must print articles that help them in their field. To facilitate editorial make-up, short, meaty fillers are also needed. It has been suggested that they consist of "brief biographies - of banks that once issued notes—dates of establishment and liquidation, capitalization, types of notes issued, etc. The author's reward? He adds to his personal store of knowledge and helps other collectors, who in turn may be able to help him or popularize his interests. This is an altruistic proposition. Will you help? VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 71 Bank Note Proofs as Distinguished from Bank Note Remainders By Julian Blanchard, Ph.D. It has been noticed that stamp collectors, and stamp dealers and auction catalogers as well, occasionally fall into error in their use of the term "proof" in relation to bank notes. Unfamiliarity with this field, and in addition the real scarcity of such proofs, no doubt account for the wrong use of this term. The mistake that we refer to consists in applying the term proof to unissued remainders of bank notes. These remainders are frequently to be seen in sheets of four notes (sometimes only two), just as received from the printers, but perhaps more often as singles cut from such sheets. They are nearly always unsigned and undated, though some may be partially completed in this respect, and some may have spurious signatures and dates that were applied at a later time. They were never issued as currency, but were left on hand after a change of issue, or because of the dissolution or failure of the bank. We call them, for short, bank note "remainders." They are clean, crisp, and unblemished in appearance. The differ- ence between such a specimen and the average worn and soiled bank note is even more striking than that between a stamp proof and a used stamp, and affords some addi- tional excuse, perhaps, for putting it in the wrong category. But the test for distinguishing remainder notes from proof notes lies in the difference between the kinds of paper upon which they were printed. And furthermore, with regard to appearance, one has but to compare these unissued notes, as beautiful as they are, with genuine proofs to realize the great superiority of the latter in the perfection of printing and the bringing out of detail. India Paper Used for Proofs As in the case of stamps, proof impressions of bank notes were nearly always made upon India paper, backed by cardboard. Proofs of this kind were made of the individual vignettes and other portions of the design, for certain purposes, as well as of the completed plate of notes. We find the India paper sometimes still adhering to the card, but perhaps more often removed therefrom. Generally, but not always, we find the proof notes with small holes (2.5 to 3.5 mm. in diameter) punched along the lines for the signatures, a special indication that they were not to he used as actual notes. Of course, the pres- ence or absence of the punchings does not prove any- thing, for they could be added if originally absent, and remainder notes have been seen with such holes. The India paper thus employed is quite different from bank note paper. It is in reality a Chinese paper, and is made of bamboo fiber. It is rather thin, soft, and absorbent. Being handmade, it may vary considerably in thickness even within a small area; individual fibers, or clusters of fibers, are here and there distinguishable with the unaided eye, and there may be thin spots, and other irregularities and small defects. It is fairly opaque, and very absorbent; a slight wetting on one side will show through almost instantly. Its thinness and its soft and absorbent qualities enable the finest lines of the en- graving to be clearly impressed in the printing. But these characteristics also require that it be backed with cardboard to prevent destruction by the pressure of the printing press. Another kind of paper used for proofs, and called proof paper, is a white handmade rice paper. This is somewhat thicker and more opaque than India, and more uniform, and it does not require the use of cardboard backing in the printing process. Most of the bank note proofs that have been seen are on India paper. All handmade papers, India, rice and bond, are made on laid moulds, but since no pressure is used the laid lines may or may not be apparent. Modern laid paper is a machine made wove paper with a "laid" watermark impressed upon it. Bank Note Paper The paper upon which the actual notes were printed is bond paper, made of linen rags. Being handmade also, it likewise varies considerably in thickness and uniformity. It is somewhat thicker and much tougher and stronger than India, and is less absorbent, affording a less perfect impression. It has a hardness and stiffness not possessed by the soft and yielding India paper, so that when "snapped" it has much more of a crispy and crackling sound (that is, when unworn). As thin and fragile as it is in comparison with that used for our paper money today, it nevertheless has immeasurably greater lasting qualities than India paper would have for this purpose; wherefore an India proof note is not likely to he mistaken for an unissued remainder. The mistake that is made is in thinking a remainder to be a proof. It has been found that a little experience is generally quite sufficient to enable one to make the distinction. In the absence of any such experience, and without examples of each for comparison, attention must be paid to the different paper characteristics that have been pointed out above, to avoid error. (Reprinted from THE ESSAY-PROOF JOURNAL, No. 8. October 1945, by permission of The Essay-Proof Society.) Paper MoneyPAGE 72 Photography of Paper Money (I) By Barbara R. Mueller VOL. 3, NO. 3 Not every filler-of-coin-boards is a numismatist, nor every Brownie-camera-owner a photographer. But both have the opportunities to achieve such coveted status. In the case of the paper money collector, photography can become an important adjunct to his activities. He can use the art to make a record of his collection, to illus- trate articles and to produce audio-visual shows. In so doing, he will be practising a specialized branch of macrophotography. Because instructions in numis- matic macrophotography are usually generalized into use- lessness or fragmented into obscure specialties, he gives up in disgust. This and succeeding articles are an at- tempt to serve his needs. Basic to a course of instruction is knowledge of what can and cannot be done according to law. Photograph- ing paper money is not the same as photographing a family group. The Secret Service has some reservations. Many members ask about their exact nature. The follow- ing is an accurate abstract of current regulations, base,' on the explanation of the law found in the booklet No Pictures, Please, by Harry Edward Neal, former as- sistant chief of the U. S. Secret Service (available from him at 5616 Marengo Rd., Washington 16, D. C.) : I. WHAT IS AN OBLIGATION OF THE UNITED STATES? Title 18, United States Code, Section 8 reads: "The term 'obligation or other security of the United States' includes all bonds, certificates of indebtedness, national bank currency, Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes, coupons, United States notes, Treasury notes, gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional notes, cer- tificates of deposit, bills, checks, or drafts for money, drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States, stamps and other representatives of value, of whatever denomination, issued under any Act of Congress, and canceled United States stamps." II. WHAT IS THE LAW AGAINST PHOTOGRAPHING THESE OBLIGATIONS? Title 18, U. S. C., Section 474 reads: ". . . Whoever makes or executes any plate, stone, or other thing in the likeness of any plate designated for the printing of such obligation or other security, or . . . whoever prints, photographs, or in any other manner makes or executes any engraving, photograph, print, or impression in the likeness of any such obligation or other security or any part thereof, or sells any such engraving, photograph, print, or impression, except to the United States, or brings into the United States any such engraving, photo- graph, print, or impression, except by direction of some o-o-er officer of the United States . . . shall be fined not more than $5,000, or imprisoned not more than fifteen ',qrs. or both." III. THEN WHAT ILLUSTRATIONS OF PAPER MONEY ARE PERMISSIBLE? An Act approved Sept. 2, 1958, specifies certain ex- ceptions to the above Section 474, Title 18, U. S. C., Section 504 now reads: "504. Printing and filming of United States and foreign obligations and securities. "Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the following are permitted: " ( 1) the printing, publishing, or importation, or the making or importation of the necessary plates for such printing or publishing, of black and white illustrations of postage and revenue stamps and other obligations and securities of the United States, and postage and revenue stamps, notes, bonds, and other obligations or securities of any foreign government, bank, or corporation for philatelic, numismatic, educational, historical, or news- worthy purposes in articles, books, journals, newspapers, or albums (but not for advertising purposes, except illus- trations of stamps and paper money in philatelic or numismatic advertising of legitimate numismatists and dealers in stamps or publishers of or dealers in philatelic or numismatic articles, books, journals, newspapers, or albums I. Such illustrations, except those of stamps, shall be of a size less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half, in linear dimension, of each part of such obli- gation or security. The negatives and plates used in making the illustrations shall be destroyed after their final use for the purpose for which they were made. "(2 ) the making or importation, but not for advertis- ing purposes except philatelic advertising, of motion pic- ture films, microfilms, or slides, for projection upon a screen or for use in telecasting, of postage and revenue stamps and other obligations and securities of the United States, and postage and revenue stamps, notes, bonds, and other obligations or securities of any foreign government, bank, or corporation. No prints or other reproductions shall be made from such films or slides, except for the purposes of paragraph (1) , without the permission of the Secretary of the Treasury." Therefore, we, as numismatists, can make printed illustrations and slides of paper money, bonds and other obligations and securities of the U. S. and foreign govern- ments for numismatic, educational, historical and news- worthy purposes. No longer do we need obtain special permission from the Secretary of the Treasury. We are subject only to the following restrictions, as set forth in the quoted laws: 1. size and color of printed impressions—if in black and white, must be less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half times the size of the original; no color illustrations in any size; no individual facsimiles or photographs permitted; prints may be used only to pro- duce illustrations for books, journals, newspapers and albums. 2. slides, films and microfilms—are permitted in black and white or in color for projection on a screen or for use in telecasting. 3. printed illustrations (not films) of paper money may be used in connection with numismatic advertising, sub- ject to the size and color restrictions above detailed. 4. all plates, negatives and glossy prints of paper money, bonds, and other securities of numismatic inter- est of the U. S. and foreign governments must be de- stroyed after their final use. VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 73 Supplemental Bibliography of Listings of Obsolete Bank Notes By C. E. Wismer Osmun (Editor's Note: The following is a supplement to Fred R. MarckhofTs bibliography that appeared in Paper Money, Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1962.) ALABAMA Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 88 (S) with 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. prices. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Stand- INDIANA ard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 87 (S) with prices. ARKANSAS 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 87 (S) with prices. CALIFORNIA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 87 (S) with prices. DELAWARE 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 88-89 (S) with prices. IOWA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 89 (S). KANSAS 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 89 (S) with prices. 1928: Colonial Finances in Delaware, by Hon. Richard S. Rodney (I. B.) 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 87 (S) with prices. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1916: Wildcat Banking and Currency in the District of Columbia, by James Franklin Hood. (I. B.) 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 88 (S) with prices. 1944: Paper Money of District of Columbia, by John A. Muscalus, Coin Collectors Journal, Jan., Feb., 1944. FLORIDA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 88 (S) with prices. 1917: The Development of Currency and Banking in Florida, by Fred R. Marckhoff, The Coin Collec- tors Journal, Sept., Oct., and Nov.-Dec., 1947. (I. A.) GEORGIA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. KENTUCKY 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 89 (S) with prices. LOUISIANA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 89-90 (S) with prices. 1943: Louisiana Parish Notes, by D. C. Wismer. Coin Collectors Journal, Sept.,-Oct., 1943. (I. A.) MARYLAND 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 90 (5) with prices. MASSACHUSETTS 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 91 (S) with prices. MICHIGAN 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 91 (S) with prices. MINNESOTA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 91 (s) with prices. 1949: The Development of Currency and Banking in Minnesota, by Fred R. Marckhoff, Coin Collectors Journal, May-June, 1949, Nov.-Dec., 1949. (I. A.) MISSISSIPPI 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 91-92 (S) with prices. MISSOURI 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 92 (S) with prices. NEBRASKA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 92 (S) with prices. (Nebraska Territory) 1946: The Development of Currency and Banking in Nebraska, by Fred R. Marckhoff, The Coin Col- lectors Journal, Nov.-Dec., 1946. (I. A.) NEW JERSEY 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 92-93 (S) with prices. NEW YORK 1934: Tavern, Store and Exchange Office of Calvin Cheeseman, Princetown, N. Y., by D. C. Wismer, Coin Collectors Journal April 1934, pg. 7. (I. A.) 1934: Old Albany City and the Fractional Notes Issued by the City Officers, by D. C. Wismer, Coin Col- lectors Journal, Aug., 1934, pgs. 106-107. (I. A.) 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 93-98 (S) with prices. (9 Illustrations) NORTH CAROLINA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 98-99 (S) with prices. OHIO 1906: Ohio Banks from 1803 to 1861, by Arthur B. Coover. (I. B.) Reprint from The Numismatist, June, 1906. 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 99 (S) with prices. 1948-1949: The Development of Currency and Banking in Ohio, by Fred R. Marckhoff, The Coin Collec- tors Journal, Nov.-Dec., 1948 and Mar.-Apr., 1949. (I. A.) PENNSYLVANIA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl.. by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 99-102 (S) with prices. 1940: Early Coin and Private Scrip of Lancaster County, by C. H. Martin from Papers of The Lancaster County Historical Society, Vol. XLIV, No. 3, pgs. 41-50 (I. A.) SOUTH CAROLINA 1922: The History of the Banking Institutions Organized in South Carolina Prior to 1860, by W. A. Clark, Chairman of the Historical Commission of South Carolina. 472 Pages. (I. B.) (135 Illustrations.) 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 102 (S) with prices. TEXAS 1927: Texas Treasury Warrants, by D. C. Wismer, The Numismatist, Sept. 1927, pgs. 501-509. (D) 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 102 (S) with prices. UTAH 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 102 (S) with prices. VIRGINIA 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pgs. 103-104 (S) with prices. WISCONSIN 1940: Notes issued by Cities and Towns in the U. S. from 1775 to 1866, incl., by D. C. Wismer. Standard Paper Money Catalog, pg. 104 (S) with prices. 1946: The Development of Currency and Banking in Wisconsin, by Fred R. Marckhoff, The Coin Col- lector's Journal, May-June. 1946, July-Aug., 1946. (I. A.) (CONTINUED ON PAGE 75.) PAGE 74 VOL. 3, NO. 3Paper Money VOL. 3, NO. 3 Paper Money PAGE 75 For the New Collector New Pursuits By George Stamps and even coins are issued in such profusion that collectors of such trinkets have little difficulty finding new items to add to their collections. Stamp collectors have even gone into topical collecting which provides them with a wide range in which to search for new speci- mens. However, as currency collectors we get precious little interest from stamp and coin collectors or even from dealers. And certainly we don't get many new items to add to our collections when the Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury change office so seldom. Furthermore, when a new officer is appointed and we get a new note, the uninitiated think it is just like its predecessor when we exhibit our collections. Of course, if you have unlimited funds and time you can pursue and obtain a beautiful collection of the old dollars. However, I will assume that you have neither unlimited funds nor time and yet that you enjoy the thrill of the search. If this is the case and you can afford to tie up a few dollars for a while, you might find that one of the following pursuits offers exciting possibilities. 1) Procure a dollar with each available combination of letters in the serial number. You might attempt this either for all of a given series or for a given signature combination from a particular series. You may be sur- prised at how elusive some letter combinations are in some series. Of course, you should always attempt to secure notes in the best possible condition. You may also be surprised and pleased about how much you will learn about the production of our currency from such a pursuit. In the 1957 series of one dollar bills the following let- ter combinations are available: Anderson's signature: A..A, B..A, C..A, etc. to Z..A, A..B, and B..B, except for 0..A. Dillon's and Smith's signatures (1957 A): A..A, B..A, C..A etc. to Q..A, except for 0..A. Dillon's and Granahan's signatures (1957 B): Q..A, R..A, S..A, T..A, U..A, and will probably continue through Z..A and A..B, B..B, etc. In the 1957 series star notes may be found that end with A, B, C, and D. In the 1957 A series star notes end with A only. W. Killian In the 1957 B series star notes end with both A and B. Probably the most elusive notes will be the 1957 *--D, the 1957 B Q..A, and the 1957 B..B. 2) Another very interesting approach is to attempt to reconstruct a sheet of bills as they were before being cut apart at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Unless you are Mr. Dillon, you probably will be unable to actu- ally reconstruct a true sheet. However, as a reasonable alternative try to get one note from each of the 32 pos- sible positions from the 1957 series. Each of the 32 posi- tions can be identified by a number and letter in the upper left corner on the obverse. The letters are from A to H, and the digits from 1 to 4 inclusive are used with each of the eight different letters. The collection will have the greatest appeal if it is completed with a single series and signature. Or try to obtain a set of 32 with the same first and last serial number letter on each of the 32 notes. As an even more difficult goal you might try to get all 32 positions from a given face plate (i.e. all with the same plate number in the lower right corner on the ob- verse). Or you might try to get all 32 positions in star notes. As you can see, there are several ways of forming this collection, but you should always strive for notes in the best possible condition. 3) Search for notes having serial numbers with un- usual appeal, such as all the same digit, or consecutive digits, or your address, or phone number, etc. I believe you will find any one of these pursuits re- warding and interesting, and it will have the following advantages: a] You will learn more about our currency. b] You will remain active and interested in the hobby. c] You will get new bills more quickly and in better condition.. d] You may find rewarding contacts through your banker or fellow collectors. el You will be able to enjoy the thrill of the chase. f] You will have an interesting way to save some money and an excellent source for funds when you need them. Supplementary Bibliography (Con't. from Page 74.) MISCELLANEOUS 1924: Obsolete Paper Money with Portrait of Lincoln, A List Embracing State Bank Notes and Other Paper Currency, With a Few Advertising Notes and Novelties, by D. C. Wismer, The Numismatist, Feb. 1924. pgs. 171 to 175. (D) 1924: List of Paper Money Bearing Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, by George H. Blake. pgs. 175-177. (D) 1936-1938: Notes on the Transportation Companies That Have Issued Paper Money, by H. R. Stephens, The Coin Collectors Journal, Dec., 1936, Feb., March, Aug., Oct., Dec., 1937, Jan., Feb. 1938. (I. A.) 1940-1941: Scrip issued by Railroad, Canal and Bridge Companies and Others in Transportation Service Prior to 1900, Similar to Bank Notes, by D. C. Wismer, The Coin Collectors Journal Aug., 1940, Sept., Nov.,-Dec., 1940, Jan., Feb.. March. April, May, June, 1941. (I. A.) PAPER MONEY U. S. LARGE SIZE CURRENCY U. S. SMALL SIZE CURRENCY U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY STILL WANTED: Ali the notes I listed in the WINTER 1964 issue of Paper Money ALSO WANTED: A Friedberg 33, 348, 1013, 1029, 1073, 1089, 1198, 1206-10 & 1212, AND ALSO: STAMP PLEASE THEODORE KEMM 915 West End Avenue New York 25, N. Y. A 150 with the serial number in the LOW- ER LEFT as well as in the upper right; and a 1200 with SMALL serial numbers (4 mil- limeters high) and the plate number on the reverse to the LEFT of the filigree work around the words "OF AMERICA." (You'll have to use a glass to see it, but it MUST be either there or to the RIGHT of it.) The Rev. Frank H. Hutchins 924 WEST END AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. 10025 LIST AVAILABLE WANTED FOR MY COLLECTION 1. $5 note Pioneers Assn. (Indiana ) 2. $1, 2, 5 Thames Bank (Indiana) 3. Scarce Maine Obsolete Notes 4. Proof notes by the National Bank Note Co. 5. Other unusual obsolete notes 6. Die proofs of vignettes LARGE QUANTITY OF OBSOLETE NOTES AVAILABLE FOR TRADE OR SALE. GEORGE WAIT BOX 165 GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY WANTED! Your advertisement for this space. PAPER MONEY is the best medium for reaching the numis- matists who specialize in collect- ing paper money of all kinds. More than 700-strong and growing every day, this band of collectors forms the hard-core of interest in paper money. They have the desire to buy and the material to sell. No other numismatic publica- tion can offer a more active market place than Paper Money UScaree Texas Currency REP UBLIC OF TEXAS -- ISSUED FROM AUSTIN $ 1.00 Indian Brave Left Fine $10.00 Very Fine $1 5.00 5.00 Indian Brave Seated Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50 10.00 Hercules at Left Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50 20.00 Indian Left F:ne 9.75 Very Fine 12.50 50.00 Steamship Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50 GOVERNMENT OF TEXAS 10.00 Ship Left-Lamar Signature Fine 9.75 Very Fine 13.50 Houston Signature Fine 12.25 Very Fine 15.75 50.00 Sailor & Flag-Lamar Signature Fine 9.75 Very Fine 13 50 Houston Signature Fine 12.50 Very Fine 15.75 CONSOLIDATED FUND OF TEXAS 1837 HOUSTON ISSUE 100.00 Criswell CF1 Very Fine 17.50 500.00 Criswell CF5 Very Fine 22.50 100.00 Criswell CF7 Very Fine 17.50 1000.00 Criswell CF12 Very Fine 27.50 AUSTIN ISSUE 100.00 Criswell CF14 Very Fine 25.00 TEXIAN NAVY NOTES - - 1841 25.00 Criswell AW3 Fine 17.75 Very Fine 22.50 50.00 Criswell AW4 Fine 18.00 Very Fine 23.50 Complete set of Navy Notes AW 3 & 4 Fine 32.50 Very Fine 41.50 REPUBLIC OF TEXAS BONDS $320.00 Texian Loan, Criswell 36A, First Texas Bond. Signed by Stephen F. Austin Ext. Rare, small triangle cut cancel missing. Nice appearing - $1 12.50 $100.00 Republic of Texas, old mill at center Very Fine 17.50 500.00 Republic of Texas, Mercury & Sailor, Fine cut cancel 17.50 COUNTY NOTE - CIVIL WAR - UNCUT SHEET Washington County, Texas, Uncut Sheet of Four Notes, $.50 1.00; 2.00; 3.00; Unc. Unsigned 17.50 Other Texas Items For Sale: Texas Residents Add 2% Sales Tax John N. Rowe III, P. 0. Box 2381, Dallas, Texas 75221 THE FIRST TWO PUBLICATIONS TO USE THE Donlon Simplified Code Numbering System (Copyright 1964 by William P. Donlon) Published in Vol. 3, No. 1, PAPER MONEY MAGAZINE, and acclaimed by collectors and dealers as a tremendous improvement over any system of arbitrarily assigned catalog numbers. Here is a capsule explanation of the Donlon Numbering System. See how quickly the major portion can be memorized. The FIRST DIGIT of the catalog number quickly indentifies the TYPE as follows: 1—indicates LEGAL TENDER NOTES 2—SILVER CERTIFICATES 3—NATIONAL CURRENCY 1929 4—FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES 5—FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES 6—GOLD CERTIFICATES The second and third digits indicate the DENOMINATION: 01—$1.00 notes 20--$20.00 notes 02—$2.00 notes 50—$50.00 notes 05—$5.00 notes 00—$100.00 notes 10—$10.00 notes A numeral, usually one digit, is used after first 3 digits to indicate series, in the order released. Simple? A. Kosoff says: "So simple it is a wonder someone hasn't thought of it before"—"It is hoped it will be universally adopted." WATCH FOR THE RELEASE OF THESE TWO POPULAR PRICED PUBLICATIONS BY HEWITT BROS., PUBLISHERS OF NUMISMATIC SCRAPBOOK MAGAZINE and by WHITMAN PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS OF NUMISMATIC GUIDE BOOKS. In preparation over one year, these two new catalogs will bring you a wealth of information, facts never before published or available on current size U. S. Currency. Up-to-the-minute valuations including Gold Certificates and nearly one hundred illustrations. For prompt delivery when released, place your order now with your dealer, or with William P. Donlon United States Currency Exclusively P. 0. BOX 144, UTICA, NEW YORK. 13503 PHONE 315-735-2525 A. N. A. No. 4295 CHARTER MEMBER No. 74 LIFE MEMBER No. 101 PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS CURRENT SIZE UNITED STATES CURRENCY TWO LONG AWAITED AND WELCOME PUBLICATIONS COMING SOON! WATCH FOR RELEASE DATE!! FOR THE COLLECTOR OF