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Paper Ilionq
VoL 4 SPRING 1965
Whole No. 14
No. 2
Cecieq 11 Paper Money Callectous
© 1965 by The Society of Paper Money Collectors
at your
p442,/thote pareii moaeit
by Neil Shafer
Here's another Whitman exclusive!
A comprehensive, illustrated valua-
tion catalog of Philippine regular
issue currency of the Spanish, U. S.
and Republican periods from 1852
to date. Neil Shafer, a specialist in
this field, presents material never
before published including official
totals and historical data on these
fascinating notes. The book is pro-
fusely illustrated with excellent pho-
Paper litenq
VOL. 4, NO. 2
Editor Barbara R. Mueller, 523 E. Linden Dr., Jefferson. Wis.
Assistant Editor Fred R. Marckhoff, 552 Park St.. Elgin. Ill.
Direct only manuscripts and advertising matter to Editor.
Direct all other correspondence about membership affairs, address changes, back
numbers and sample copies of Paper Money to the Secretary, J. Roy Pennell, Jr.,
P. 0. Drawer 858, Anderson, S. C.
Membership in the Society of Paper Money Collectors, including a subscription to
Paper Money, is available to all interested and responsible collectors upon proper
application to the Secretary and payment of a pt fee. Paper Money is not otherwise
One Time Yearly
Outside Rear Cover $35.00 $130.00
Inside Front & Rear Cover 32.50 120.00
Full Page 27.50 100.00
Half Page 17.50 60.00
Quarter Page 10.00 35.00
The right is reserved to reject any advertisement.
Lord & Williams, Bankers and Brokers, by Fred R. Marckhoff 31
Paper Money Potpourri—U. S. and Foreign, by Richard D. Palmer 39
The 1935 D $1 Silver Certificate, A Sequel, by George W. Killian 40
"Ex-Grinnell," by William P. Donlon 41
A Review, "North American Currency," by George Wait 44
"Lith. by Ed. Mendel, Chicago" 44
Identification of Currency for Collection Purposes, by George W. Killian 48
The Small $1 United States Legal Tender Note, by H. N. Schwartz 50
Nineteenth Century American Bank Note Engravers, by Everett Cooper 50
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
The Trading Post
Society of Paper Money Collectors to Revise Entire Wismer Obsolete Note Listings 37
Message from the President 45
Call for Fourth Annual Meeting 45
Proposed New Constitution and By-Laws of The Society of
Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 46
New Library Additions 47
Secretary's Report—New Membership Roster 51
Cociet9 aif Paper tfone9 Callecter4
OFFICERS — 1964-65
President Thomas C. Bain, 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas 25, Tex.
Vice President Dr. Julian Blanchard, 1 Sheridan Sq., New York 14, N. Y.
Secretary J. Roy Pennell, Jr., P. 0. Drawer 858, Anderson, S. C.
Treasurer Glenn B. Smedley, 1127 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, Ill.
APPOINTEES — 1964-65
Historian-Curator Earl Hughes
Attorney Ellis Edlow
Thomas C. Bain, Julian Blanchard, William P. Donlon, Ben Douglas, Nathan Goldstein II,
George D. Hatie, Morris H. Loewenstein, Fred R. Marckhoff, Paul S. Seitz,
Arlie Slabaugh, Glenn Smedley, George W. Wait
Important Notice
Paper Money Is A Copyrighted Publication
• No article originally appearing in this publication, or part thereof or condensa-
tion of same, can be reprinted elsewhere without the express permission of the Editor.
Although your Officers recognize the publicity value to the Society of occasional re-
prints, they cannot allow indiscriminate use of the material from PAPER MONEY in
other publications even when condoned by the author. Therefore, authors should
contact the Editor for permission to reprint their work elsewhere and to make ar-
• rangements for copyrighting their work in their own names, if desired. Only in this
ff way can we maintain the integrity of PAPER MONEY and our contributors.
Paper Money PAGE 31
Lord & Williams, Bankers and Brokers
An Illustrated History of the First Banking House in the
Arizona Territory and Its Banknotes
By Fred R. Marckhoff
The combination of events and circumstances which
transpired to bring Arizona into the Union also were re-
sponsible for creation of its first banking house a few
years later.
Arizona did not become a part of the United States
until the Gadsden Purchase in 1854. But even thereafter,
the area was still more often referred to as "Apache
Country," due to the frequent maraudings of this Indian
The first American settlement was at Tubac, but it was
plundered and destroyed in both 1849 and 1854. From
1854 until the separation by creation of Arizona Terri-
tory in 1863, this entire area's first political designation
was that of "New Mexico Territory." Little attempt was
made, however, to actively colonize or govern it in its
earliest years.
It was not until two entrepreneurs, Charles Poston, a
business man speculator, and Herman Ehrenberg, a min-
ing engineer, came to Tubac late in 1854, to study the
mineral resources that a permanent foothold occurred.
They discovered rich deposits of silver and Poston im-
mediately organized "The Sonora Exploring & Mining
Company," with headquarters at Tubac. Other mining
firms soon followed, and Tubac's population rose to over
a thousand, making it the largest town in the southwest
outside of Texas.
Poston's position as the town's leading employer al-
lowed him to act as Mayor, Justice of the Peace, Deputy
County Clerk, etc., and as such he performed many civic
duties, including marriage ceremonies, both American
and Mexican, for a time in lieu of the clergy.
Incidentally, it was Poston who introduced an early
crude form of currency in this area known as "boletas."
He paid his employees with this currency in place of his
own unwieldy silver bullion. These boletas were small
printed pasteboard bills with pictures of animals on them.
Many of the Mexicans could read no English and could
tell the value of the note only by the animal pictured. The
pig denoted one-bit or 12 1/2c; the calf, two-bits or 25c;
a rooster, four-bits or 50c; a horse, six-bits or 75c, etc.
But Tubac was dealt a severe blow in 1861. Upon
outbreak of war, the army withdrew its troops protecting
the town for service in the east. Many families followed
this action by moving to Tucson for safe refuge. Also,
the mines of Poston and others played out about this
time, leaving only a few larger firms in operation.
By 1863 several Confederate reverses had limited their
influence to Texas. Arizona Territory was created in this
same year, and a more stable form of life was possible in
a large part of the area for the first time. With the
cessation of war activity early in 1865, Arizona Territory
was open for settlement to the returning veterans of both
North and South.
Among the many who had been called up for war-
time service was one Dr. Charles H. Lord. He was a
native of New York State, having been born in Boon-
ville, Oneida County, Jan. 20, 1832. His father before
him also had been a doctor. The son had married in
1857, and was well on his way to establishing a very
successful practice when war came. He volunteered his
professional services and was commissioned an Assistant
Surgeon in a Wisconsin infantry regiment. He then
transferred to a New York infantry unit as Surgeon after
a year or so.
At or near the end of hostilities (a reference in the
Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society files attributed to
"Hayden" lists the year as 1864), Dr. Lord accepted the
position of surgeon for the Cerro Gordo Mining Com-
pany near Tubac. He also attended the needs of patients
in Tubac and was later named Postmaster of that settle-
ment. But evidently the work at Tubac was not as lucra-
tive as Dr. Lord had anticipated, for in very late 1866
or very early 1867, he moved to Tucson.
Another newcomer to Tucson at the war's end was
one W. W. Williams, who arrived there in 1865. Although
his arrival coincided with the mustering out of war vet-
erans, no actual record could be found of Williams' war-
time service.
But he was also a native New Yorker, having been
born at Green River, Columbia County in 1840. There
is nothing in the record to indicate that he had known
Dr. Lord prior to their meeting in Tucson, although there
is at least a possibility such was the case. In any event,
the two men met soon after Dr. Lord's arrival and a
warm friendship developed between them. The result, of
course, was the formation early in 1867 of the merchan-
dising firm which they called "Lord & Williams Com-
By 1870 Lord & Williams, merchandisers, were doing
more than $12,000 business a week. The Weekly Ari-
zonan pointed with pride to the change from 1867, when
Tucson had only eight merchants, most of them doing
only a slim business. It was also in 1870 that this firm
moved into new and much larger quarters.
The Arizona census of 1870 listed Dr. Lord as both a
merchant and the Territorial Auditor, with property
valued at $30,000. It may be noted that no mention was
made of his medical status and the assumption is that he
Dr. C. H. Lord, merchant and banker. This photograph, which appeared in
the Tucson Directory of 1881, is one of the few known.
WHOLE NO. 14Paper MoneyPAGE 32
no longer practiced his profession after establishing the
Lord & Williams firm in 1867.
In 1874 Mr. Williams married a socially prominent
New Jersey girl in Lord's fine home, in what the Arizona
Citizen declared "was the biggest wedding ever held in
Arizona Territory."
Although this firm began as a merchandising store, it
was forced to do a limited amount of commercial bank-
ing business for its customers from the start, due to lack
of such facilities elsewhere. The earliest and most direct
record that could be found indicating when the firm
first engaged in formal banking activities was found on
page 30, Vol. III, No. 2, Summer 1962 issue of Arizon-
iana, a publication of the Arizona Pioneers' Historical
Society, which described early locations of Tucson busi-
ness houses:
No. 20 LORD AND WILLIAMS STORE, later became
the location for Lesinsky and Company. For years, Lord
and Williams did the only banking business in Tucson,
although not a banking firm until 1875.
So, very evidently 1875 was the year in which the
banking end of the firm was set up as a separate unit,
with the designated title of "Lord & Williams." The
merchandising store was known as "Lord & Williams
Company." This distinction may be noted in both the
illustrations of scrip and the advertisements shown here-
By 1876 the facilities of both the Post Office and the
United States Depositary had been added, and Dr. Lord
had been named Postmaster. To accommodate these
activities, it was again necessary to enlarge. Their ad-
vertisement in the Arizona Citizen of Tucson on Jan. 15,
1876 read thus:
General Description Magnificent Sales Rooms —
Fine Offices
Specialties in Goods, Etc. Etc. —
Post Office U. S. Depositary
It was also in this 1875-1879 period that Lord &
Williams issued a small amount of scrip currency to
facilitate their transactions. It was made in the 5c, 10c,
25c, 50c and $1 denominations. It is still problematical
if any denomination higher than the $1 was made. The
issue was printed by Thalmessinger, Stationers, 387-389
Broadway, New York.
Like the merchandising store, the bank's business
prospered without competition. It was not until January
1879, that The Pima County Bank was organized by
P. R. Tully and the Jacobs Brothers. Also, in April 1879,
Hudson & Co. opened the first of its banks, "The Bank
of Safford," followed by others at various locations, in-
cluding Tombstone.
Corner Main and Congress Sts.,
•11.- -1111-
Miners'and Mining Goods.
The Oldest Mercantile House in Tucson,
and headquarters for general information per-
taining to everything connected with Arizona.
W. \\*. W11,1,11MS, C. U.
Bankers and Brokers.
The Oldest House in the Territory.
Agents for the Sonora R. R., Limited zoi l Correspondents
of all the leading firms in Mexico.
Paper Money PAGE 33
Advertisement of Lord & Williams Co., General
Merchandise, which appeared in the Tucson Directory
of 1881.
Advertisement of Lord & Williams, Bankers and Brokers,
which appeared in the Tucson Directory of 1881.
But by 1880, the boom times, which had characterized
the early and mid-1870s, had definitely ended. To a firm
which had not already extended its resources in con-
stant expansion, the falling off of business could have
been taken in stride. Lord & Williams Company, how-
ever, had augmented the size of their merchandise to fill
their enlarged space, from dry goods and notions to ex-
pensive rugs and dress materials. There is also reason
to believe the firm was relying too heavily on its credit
or that possibly money was being diverted from the
company that should have been used to pay off its obli-
By 1881 the financial condition of the company was
acute. Although kept from the townspeople, the firm
could not meet its loan repayments late in 1881. Despite
evidence of some previous leniency, the creditor Bank of
California forced Lord & Williams to close their doors
on Oct. 27, 1881. Dr. Lord was in St. Louis at the time.
Oddly enough, the company bank accepted deposits up
to close of banking hours on the day prior to closing.
The U. S. Depositary remained open and apparently was
unaffected by the closing.
This is how the Tucson Citizen of Oct. 28, 1881, de-
scribed the event: "At an early hour last evening it was
whispered about the city that Lord & Williams and Lord
& Williams Company, the latter composed of Messrs. C.
H. Lord, W. W. Williams and C. H. Harlow, had made
an assignment of their property, being unable to meet
liabilities. The news did not leak out generally until
this morning, when the hundreds of depositors with that
firm grew nervous and excited, and their demands upon
the bank being met with prompt refusal, created almost
a panic among them. Deposits were accepted in their
banking department up to the banking hours yesterday,
even after the question of an assignment must have
been settled.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
"Today a Citizen reporter called upon Mr. Harlow of
the firm, but was referred to Mr. H. B. Cullum, the as-
signee, for particulars. In response to inquiries, Mr.
Cullum stated that owing to the sudden and extreme ill-
ness of Dr. C. H. Lord in St. Louis, and the subsequent
inability of the firms of Lord & Williams and Lord &
Williams Co. to make the necessary arrangements to meet
certain liabilities, these firms have thought it best to
make an assignment of all their property to Mr. H. B.
Cullum, who will settle up the affairs of both concerns for
the benefit of creditors. The assignee is now busily en-
gaged taking an inventory of all the assigned property,
and will make every effort in his power to realize as fast
as possible on the assets and pay off the debts.
death in Mexico City is reported to have taken place
on March 29, 1884, from a contracted fever, at the age
of 52. He was buried in the American Cemetery there.
Mr. Williams, who apparently had no part in his part-
ner's speculations, remained in Tucson, despite the un-
favorable reaction to the firm and himself. But in 1893,
he and Mrs. Williams moved to Asheville, N. C., where
he became manager of a large mercantile and banking
operation, similar to the one in Tucson.
Upon retirement, Mr. Williams returned to Tucson and
outlived much of the stigma attached to the financial
reverse. He became Secretary of the Arizona Pioneers'
Mrs. W. W. Williams, wife of one of the partners and formerly a socially
prominent New Jersey girl. This photograph, too, is from the 1881
Directory. No photo of Mr. Williams was available.
"Public sentiment, as developed on the street corners,
is of such a character as would not look well in print
and therefore will not be reported until the excitement
It developed that the inventory had been taken under
direction of the Bank of California's attorneys, Silent
& Stevens, who in turn had appointed Mr. Cullum to
take physical charge.
Dr. Lord was later indicted for perjury, evidently in
connection with the amount of cash assets the firm
claimed to have in their statements. But the much-
travelled doctor or ex-doctor was in Mexico City by this
time, and the case against him was later dropped. His
Historical Society, an organization of which both he and
his wife were members for many years.
Perhaps few innocent looking issues of currency as
those illustrated herewith have as much history behind
them. Lord & Williams has long since been forgotten,
but its issues of currency will remain much longer as
the symbol of a frontier firm's attempt to solve its
economic and monetary problems through its creation
and usage.
The writer would like to thank Alfred D. Hoch. Hal
Birt, Jr., the Arizona Pioneers' History Society and the
Tucson Public Library for their co-operation in provid-
ing reference material for this article.
Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 14 PAGE 35
orit;110, )-:-
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/1/// ittl/ _Q))/(4/1"(//.5%/7/7
1;?:1s cm N rr RO,
5 cent scrip note of Lord & Williams
44.1°A.14 TERRITORT'
t//pcifplarifp /- u/ .5/ (//i/
t 11E1%1 t EN 1r S t,;_awe
# \t tki-ts-\-•
10 cent scrip note of Lord & Williams
25 cent scrip note of Lord & Williams
114 YY
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
One dollar scrip note of Lord & Williams. (This note and the 25 cent note are
illustrated through the courtesy of the Western Reserve Historical Society.)
* The Trading Post *
The members listed below
directly if you are interested in
Please note new categories. All
are interested in trading notes. Please contact them
trading. The fee is $1.00 per listing for two issues.
future insertions should be sent directly to the Editor.
(Colonials, Continental, Confederate, Broken Bank
Notes, Scrip, etc.)
C. J. Affleck
34 Peyton St.
Winchester, Va.
Lewis K. Ferguson
703 N. Woodworth St.
Algona, Iowa 50511
Claude W. Rankin
110 Anderson St.
Fayetteville, N. C.
Leonard M. Rothstein, M.D.
2409 Sylvale Rd.
Baltimore, Md. 21209
George Wait
P. 0. Box 165
Glen Ridge, N. J.
(War, Occupation, Concentration Camp and Emergency
Jerry Holcombe
Box 325
Burnsville, N. C. 28714
Alfred C. Werner
P. 0. Box 114
Miami, Fla. 33156
J. F. Eckman
1370 Bertha
Ferndale, Mich. 48220
Hubert A. Raquet
11 Mount Pleasant Rd.
Bedford, Ind. 47421
Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 14 PAGE 37
Society of Paper Money Collectors to Revise
Entire Wismer Obsolete Note Listings
Following is an outline and guide for future work on the Wismer Revised
Listing. This printing will serve as a permanent record for S. P. M. C. mem-
bers, although it has already appeared in several other numismatic journals.
Only with the co-operation of its members can this first great project of
this Society succeed. Your aid is urgently sought in whatever way you may
be able to do so. Watch these columns for future requests for new varieties
of notes from the various states from time to time.
Actually, the project will not be complete until a new Listing appears on
all fifty states. Can we count on your co-operation in making this effort a
What is undoubtedly the largest group research effort
ever made in the long history of numismatics is being
launched by the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
The momentous decision to revise and bring up to
date the entire "Obsolete Note Listings by States" as
published in The Numismatist between 1922 and 1936,
was first made at the Society's annual meeting in Cleve-
land in August, 1964.
President Thomas C. Bain of the S. P. M. C. fully
realizes the scope and need of this undertaking, as num-
erous new listings have come to light since Mr. Wismer's
time. The entire resources of the Society have been
placed behind this very worthwhile effort to ferret them
all out. Co-operation of both Society members and non-
members is requested.
The Committee appointed by President Bain for this
important Revised Wismer Listing project is Fred R.
Marckhoff, Chairman, and members George W. Wait and
Dr. Julian Blanchard. In addition, the daughter of the
original compiler, D. C. Wismer, has consented to act
as "Special Research Consultant" and to co-operate fully
in this great effort. She is Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun,
of Telford, Pa. She retains unpublished data of her
father on scrip issues from various states, all of which
will be included in this new work.
As most collectors know, the original listings were the
lifetime work of that "grand old man of numismatics,"
David C. Wismer, of Hatfield, Pa., who died in 1949 at
the age of 92. A "Bibliography of Listings of Obsolete
Notes," published in the Fall 1962 Issue of PAPER MONEY,
the Society's magazine, revealed how little has been done
on research in this field since the Wismer and Muscalus
Listings of the 1930s and 1940s, however.
But the true magnitude of Mr. Wismer's work has
never been fully appreciated by the average numisma-
tist. Yet it is a matter of record that in a branch of
numismatics in which there had not been a single refer-
ence work worthy of the name he compiled lists of ap-
proximately 18,721 different varieties of obsolete notes.
Some of these listings have even been put into book
form, and all are still regarded as standard references
on the subject today, almost forty years later. The
author's death prevented many others from being pub-
The first step in getting this research machinery in
motion will be the Chairman's selection and appointment
of a "Chief Researcher" for each State's issues being
worked on. A public solicitation of volunteers for this
post is also made herewith. A number of collectors
already have begun such works on their home states.
After appointment, the Chief Researcher for each state
will obtain and assemble all data on notes from whatever
sources available. The importance of an active search
for new varieties to be listed cannot be stressed too
strongly, as completeness is a prime requisite. The
Society will aid in this regard by printing a request for
additional listings at the appropriate time. It is hoped
much new data will be elicited in this way.
The Chairman will also make available to each Chief
Researcher a uniform format to be used in the Listing.
Every attempt should be made to come as close to the
format as possible in the compilation in order to give
uniformity to the work as a whole. But some com-
promise and variety will be necessary in this area. due
to varying circumstances of the Researcher and number
of notes involved.
The basic requirement of the format is that of a four-
way association in every note description: (1) the bank
or issuer, (2) exact date, (3) engraver or lithographer,
and (4) denomination. Without these basic elements,
the identification of notes and the separation of one
issue of notes from another would be impossible in many
When the acquiring and assembling of material has
gone as far as the Chief Researcher believes possible, the
work will be turned over to Chairman Marckhoff and
then in turn to each of his Committee members for re-
view. After any additional changes necessary have been
made, the work will be sent to the editor, Barbara
Mueller, for publication in PAPER MONEY.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
Each new state listing may later be put into book or
booklet form, possibly in conjunction with the Ameri-
can Numismatic Association, but this phase of the opera-
tion has not yet been finalized.
The end result will be a work on obsolete notes which
for the first time in history will (1) give a permanent
identifying state number to each note issued, in much
the same way Friedberg numbers have been given to
issues of greenback currency and (2) enable a collector
to identify his notes by comparing them with a num-
bered and fully described listing. These state identifying
numbers would read thus: Nebraska-47; Texas-89;
Maine-57; etc.
The Chief Researcher in each instance, if he so de-
sires, may also give a town or city identifying number
to each note at the very end of the description, such as
OM-16, for, say, a $5 Omaha City Bank & Land Co. note.
If other Omaha notes are discovered later, they will
become OM-17, 6M-18, etc.
If it is within the scope of the Chief Researcher, a
rarity rating of degrees, from No. 1 to No. 12, similar
to the Criswell works, can be given each note. This
large range of degrees may not be needed for a very
small state, but it is recommended for states with many
issues. Only an experienced collector and researcher
should attempt this, however, as it involves relative de-
grees of rarity between notes in order to establish the
correct', one for each. Once this is done, however, a
monetary range of values for each degree of rarity can
also be assigned. But neither the degree of rarity nor
the monetary value of one state would have any bearing
on those of any other state. Thus, a Rarity 7 of Georgia
might be rated worth from $35 to $50, whereas a Rarity
7 of Missouri might be rated worth from $50 to $75.
This monetary value range allows for the difference in
conditions of notes.
The detailed history of banks, firms, etc., should be
avoided or kept to the barest minimum, except in the
small states, due to space limitations. Also, the use of
illustrations, while as generous as possible, will be some-
what restricted to the amount of space available. In this
connection, however, it is hoped that if these works are
put into book form, each bank history available will be
included therein. This expanded presentation would also
allow a much larger number of note illustrations, per-
haps as many as are available in the smaller states, at
least. Chief Researchers should keep this in mind during
their compilation. and retain such histories and photos
for this possible future use, rather than discard them.
Spurious, altered, etc., notes, not of genuine origin
for any reason, may be listed or described for what
they are, but should not be made a part of the numbering
system for that state or city.
After much thought by the Committee, the decision
of what should, and what should not be included in this
Revised Listing was made. It was decided to include all
various types of bank notes, scrip, warrants (city, county,
military, etc.) in one list. The Researcher should iden-
tify such notes at the end of the description with the
identifying word, such as scrip, warrant, Certificate of
Deposit, etc., as the case may be. (The latter may be
included if proof exists as to its use as currency.)
Excluded will be business college classroom currency,
satirical, political, and advertising notes (unless having
a stated monetary value), etc., none of which was ever
used as money or intended to have value as money.
The great advantage of this method is the placement
of the currency issues of a state into one listing, rather
than from four to eight listings to cover each type of
scrip separately. The excluded notes just mentioned
may be combined into a second listing, however, with-
out state numbers being assigned them.
Another decision made was to separate issues of notes
made under the Confederate and Union governments
between 1861 and 1865, in the Southern States, inasmuch
as two different political entities were involved.
It is probably understood by most collectors that this
Revised Listing will not include Colonials, greenbacks,
foreigns, fractional currency, 1907 or 1933 depression
scrip, national bank notes, or state issued notes of South-
ern States, so well covered in the Criswell series.
This S. P. M. C. project is certain to be a long term
one, and it in no way lessens the Society's need and
desire for good articles on every other phase of paper
money. If you can write authoritatively on any subject
of currency, your effort would be more than welcomed
by our Editor.
But for this Revised Listing project the Society needs
volunteers without delay for the Chief Researcher posts.
It is strictly a labor of "numismatic love," and entails
considerable time and effort. But if D. C. Wismer could
work up the entire list of 48 states (at that time) by
himself at an advanced age, what collector of this mate-
rial can say that a single state is too much for him?
Every co-operation of the S. P. M. C. will be given the
Researcher in this effort.
If interested in being offered a Chief Researcher post
under the general rules just outlined above, kindly fill
out the application below and send to Chairman Fred
R. Marckhoff, 552 Park St., Elgin, Ill. Notification of
your selection will follow in from 30 to 60 days from
receipt of application.
State & Zip Code
State Desired as Chief Researcher:
Did You Know That —
Black Diamond the Buffalo who appears on the 1901
ten dollar bill also was the model used on the reverse of
the Indian head nickel in 1913. Black Diamond died
in 1915, but his likeness will live on in currency and
coin collections forever.
Michael B. Kromeke
Paper Money PAGE 39
Paper Money Potpourri -- U. S. and Foreign
By Richard D. Palmer
Our President has issued a call to arms, which for
this membership means a call to the typewriter. Although
I contribute a weekly column on hobbies to one of our
local papers, I would normally hesitate to address a
specialized group such as this because I am decidedly
not a specialist. Since fifth grade I have collected some-
thing, and up until about two years ago this was largely
stamps. Like so many others, the coin field beckoned
to me enticingly, as I had already accumulated a few
types for illustrative use when teaching my history
classes about our money. This is still of interest but
collecting in depth just didn't bring the old spark. With
all due appreciation for scarcity, the fact remains that
an album of Lincoln pennies isn't very exciting. For
me, paper money has the perfect combination of color,
interest, discovery and romance. I have no information
that could be considered at all profound, but I have
uncovered a few facts of interest through notes collected
that may be new to you.
Generally for aesthetic reasons, we prefer uncancelled
notes, particularly when two dime size holes are involved.
Yet it is well to keep in mind that the note may not
be found otherwise and, after all, this disfigurement is
part of the bill's monetary history. I have a $20 and
$100 Bank of Commerce at Savannah dated 1857 and
1856, both with two cancel punches. The reverse of the
note tells me that they were redeemed by the Bank
Republic, New York, at three-fourths per cent discount.
This indicates then both a bank relationship and an
indication of the fees involved. A 50 cent Village of
Rondout, New York, has a neater but more time con-
suming method of cancellation. "Cancelled" was written
twice in red ink, and then a neat black "Paid" handstamp
was applied by the national bank. Notes of Lyons City,
Iowa, are usually found with one small hole, but the
exact date of presentation for payment is carefully re-
corded on the reverse by hand. These notes were issued
in the late 1850s but were filed as noted by N. B. Howard,
Clerk, from 1865 on. No doubt the present limited
supply came from these files. Watch the back of these
obsoletes. You will find everything from history to
somebody's scratch pad.
Obsolete notes from Iowa are not generally in dealer
stocks, but the perhaps the most usual issue would be
the $1 and $3 Dubuque Central Improvement Company.
They are unusual, however, in that they have a list of
the stockholders stamped on the back. These notes are
usually dated 1858. The names are in blue but watch for
the earlier 1857 date with the names in black. This
variety is much scarcer, and series A notes are decidedly
more common than series B in both dates.
Due to restrictive banking laws, some Iowans organ-
ized banks outside of the state but the notes were prim-
arily for Iowa use and belong in any collection of Iowa
related money. Notes of the Commercial Bank of Terre
Haute, Indiana, dated 1858, are found both with and
without a redemption guarantee stamp of the Exchange
Bank of Keokuk. Watch for notes of the Agricultural
Bank of Brownsville, Tenn., dated 1855. These are found
with a shield-shaped stamp on the face for A. J. Stevens
and Co.. Bankers of Fort Des Moines. The blue stamp
is scarcer than the black. Notes of the Western Exchange
Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Omaha City with
the final number of the year handwritten and the "De-
posited by" line filled in by hand are actually Iowa
notes, but the same issues with printed date 1857 and
the printed "Bishop Hill Colony" following the "De-
posited by" indicates an Illinois relationship.
Before leaving Nebraska, a word on the beautiful
green and black issues of the Bank of DeSoto. Most
frequently found are those dated 1863, American Bank
Note Co. But the 1862 dated issue has an additional
redemption notice for New York City and, although the
ABC monogram is on the note, the inscription reads
Baldwin. Baldwin, and Cousland. The differences sug-
gest a change in the ownership of the bank.
Raymond Toy's most useful book on military cur-
rency notes without comment the Central Bank of the
Philippines overprint found on the Victory notes. Until
recently, I had assumed that this was a single operation
without variety. From a serviceman in the Islands I
received three specimens of the one peso and found that
the overprints not only differed from the specimen I
already had but differed from each other, and this was
readily apparent to the naked eye. The usual overprint
is neat with thin letters well and evenly spaced. These
three notes featured in varying degrees thick, squat letters
unevenly spaced. Differences in the width of some let-
ters and the spacing between words varied one millimeter
or more, and the basic form of the letters often differed
as well. This could indicate a provisional type of over-
print until a standard form was prepared, an equip-
ment breakdown, or overprinting done in different places.
Since the one peso note is relatively inexpensive, it
would be interesting to determine how many variations
can be collected and even more interesting, if types could
he isolated and related to a specific time and place.
The new one thousand lira note of Italy calls our atten-
tion to the old issue. I wonder how many collectors
are aware of the three types of this basic design? The
1941 issue has the obvious difference of having a coronet
head in the red circle on the face, while the two later
types feature the Medusa. Both types two and three are
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
dated 1947 and differ in the signatures. But the note
with 1959 in the small black type in the left margin was
printed by Officina Della Banca D'Italia, while the third
type with 1961 at the left was printed by I. P. S. Off.
Carte Valori. There are subtle differences in the color-
ing that are apparent when the two notes are compared.
I think it possible that both types two and three could
be found in present dealer stocks but replacements will
now be difficult.
I wish someone in the know would write an article
about the issues of the Spanish Civil War period, parti-
cularly in relation to the Bank of Spain, Bilbao, dated
1937. These notes of 10, 25, 50, and 100 pesetas are
interesting not only for the rather futuristic pictures of
Spanish enterprise on the reverse but also for the varia-
tions in signatures and, I assume, branch bank names
on the face. I have five of these assumed branches and
no doubt they appear on most of the denominations.
Through this series and others an interesting story of
war and finance is waiting to be told.
One final "discovery": At the time of independence,
Western Samoa overprinted Territory of Western Samoa
notes with "Bank of Western Samoa." There are two
distinct varieties of the ten shilling. One, with the date
"1 May 1961" following Wellington on the face has on
the left the title "High Commissioner" blocked out with
a heavy bar and "Minister of Finance" placed under the
bar. The other note has no date after Wellington; "Min-
ister of Finance" is the only title on the left; and the title
on the right reads "Financial Secretary." The brown-
orange background color on the first note is a bit lighter.
There are then two provisional issues prior to the entirely
new design now current. I don't know whether the
second provisional stage exists on the one pound.
Having these two notes is purely the result of receiving
paper currency on approval from dealers. This is one
aspect of stamp collecting that I missed when I adopted
paper money. If the second dealer had not included this
note, I would never have ordered it from a price list
simply because the two types are not advertised as such.
Indeed, the two dealers may not be aware that there is
a difference if their stock came from a single order. The
beauty of foreign paper money and the dignity and in-
terest found in our obsoletes cannot be described in a
price list. I hope more dealers will offer notes on ap-
proval. Half the fun of collecting is in opening a selec-
tion of unknown contents. Since our hobby has taken
many from the stamp field, let us also take those tech-
niques that have passed the test of time.
The 1935 D $1 Silver Certificate
A Sequel
By George W. Killian
The Spring 1964 issue of PAPER MONEY carried an
article entitled "The 1935 D $1.00 Silver Certificate."
This addendum is intended to supplement the information
provided in that article:
The star notes of 1935 D were printed with both
types of backs.
The 1935 Ds were printed in sheets of 18. The follow-
ing is believed to be the official range of serial numbers
for the 1935 Ds.
R 88 104 001 E to F 99 999 999 G 12 subject sheet
G 00 000 COI G to G 99 999 999 G 18 subject sheet
H 00 000 001 G to M 98 128 000 G 12 subject sheet
N 00 000 001 G to N 46 944 000 G 18 subject sheet
The technique for serially numbering the 1935 Ds
in the 18-subject sheet was entirely different from that
used in connection with the 12-subject sheets. Accord-
ingly the little division trick given for checking between
the serial number and the position letter applies only to
the bills from the 12-subject sheets. In connection with
the division trick, an error was made in the original
article. (The text was correct; only the table was
wrong.) The table should be:
Remainder Postion Letters
A, G
B, H
C, I
D, J
E, K
F, L
All 1935 Ds from the 18-subject sheet have the type II
(narrow) backs.
I presume that star notes were made in the 1935 D
series on the 18-subject presses, but I have not personally
seen one which was. The note is surely from an 18-
subject sheet if there is a position letter of M to R in-
clusive in the upper left corner on the obverse, or if
the mentioned division trick does not provide the check
between the serial number and the position letter.
Paper Money PACE 41
By William P. Donlon
$2 note autographed by collectors and dealers who attended the March
10, 1945 Grinnell sale. Signatures include those of W. P. Donlon,
Barney Bluestone, Wm. F. Sunday, H. Crofoot, R. Saffin and Paul
If you are one of the thousands who have joined the
ranks of U. S. currency collectors during the past few
years, you may have been puzzled by the term "Ex-Grin-
nell" found in the description of a note in auction cat-
alogs or dealers' offerings. The term is used to tell you
the note was once owned by a very famous collector of
currency and that it was once part of the most extensive
and complete United States currency collection ever
formed. With the keen competition among collectors to
obtain and to hold the choice rare currency items, it is
doubtful that such a collection could be formed today.
Albert A. Grinnell was Life Member No. 20 of the
American Numismatic Association. He was regular in
attendance at the national conventions where he frequently
exhibited portions of his currency collection, which never
failed to win admiration and attention. He served as
second president of the Detroit Coin Club and at its 400th
meeting was awarded a large gold medal bearing his
likeness, in recognition of the service he had rendered
to the science of numismatics.
He was also honored by the Odd Fellows Lodge at
Oakfield, N. Y., and by the Masonic Lodge at Batavia,
N. Y., for 50 years of service to these organizations.
Mr. Grinnell was born June 12, 1865, in the town of
Shelby, Orleans County, New York, where his father con-
ducted a general store. At the early age of 12 he showed
a great interest in coin collecting and acquired many
coins from his father. who allowed him to select wanted
items from the day's receipts.
His education was completed at the Rochester Business
College, from which he graduated with high honors. In
1888 he married Miss Helen A. Avery, who was his con-
stant companion for 43 years until her untimely death
in 1931.
From his first business venture, the Grinnell Retail
Coal and Lumber Yard at Oakfield, N. Y., Mr. Grinnell
had several successful enterprises, including the building
of large grain elevators and warehouses. In 1910 he
moved to Detroit and became affiliated with Grinnell
Brothers Music House. When the company was incor-
porated, he served as vice-president and later as presi-
dent until his retirement from active business.
His interest in numismatics continued and in fact in-
creased after his retirement. He became an avid collector
of U. S. currency and continued to acquire the finest
possible items whenever they were available. He took
a keen interest in helping others get started in this fas-
cinating hobby. He is said to have made the statement
that his currency collection was the one investment that
did not depreciate in value during the great depression
of the early 1930s.
It was during those depression days that I first cor-
responded with Mr. Grinnell and received from him, on
approval, a small currency album containing a complete
set of 1918 $1 and $2 Federal Reserve Bank notes and
other paper money. This expression of confidence would
have been considered customary and normal by one whose
credit had been established, but to an unknown collector
of very limited means this kindly gesture was never for-
gotten. It was with great regret that lack of funds per-
mitted me to purchase only a few of the very tempting
items. Later I enjoyed the privilege of visiting Mr. Grin-
nell in his home, where my long-distance appraisal of his
being a fine, kindly, true gentleman was confirmed.
With the passing of Mr. Grinnell on April 18, 1951,
numismatists in general and U. S. currency collectors in
particular lost a great collector and student of numis-
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
Mr. Paul E. Draper, who still resides in Detroit, held
the position of personal secretary with Mr. Grinnell for
a quarter of a century. In this position he was helpful
in forming the tremendous currency collection and be-
came a recognized authority on the subject. He not
only assisted in acquiring the collection, but when Mr.
Grinnell decided to pass along his choice possessions to
other collectors, Mr. Draper assisted the late Barney
Bluestone in the cataloging and description of each item,
and personally attended all seven of these outstanding
currency sales held in Syracuse, N. Y. He holds mem-
bership No. 7826 in the A. N. A.
It was a great pleasure to renew Mr. Draper's acquaint-
ance during the convention of the American Numismatic
Association held in Detroit in 1962, and to reminisce
on present day values and the vast number of currency
collectors, as compared with the years in which the
great Grinnell sales were held in 1944, 1945, and 1946.
Currency collectors were in the minority in those years
and attendance at the various sales was light, only six
or seven bidders being present at some of the sales. I
had the privilege of attending all seven sales and of ac-
quiring some of the choice items. Others who personally
attended one or more sales were Fred C. Boyd, Herman
Crofoot, Dr. Chandler, and Robert N. Batt, all since de-
ceased. Others whose names appear as successful bidders
at one or more sales include Harley Freeman, now re-
siding in Florida; Richard Saffin, New Jersey; G. A.
Siegwart, Utica, N. Y.; Wm. C. L. Hoffman, New Haven,
Conn.; James Wade, New Jersey; Fred R. Marckhoff,
Elgin, Ill.; and J. M. Taylor, Buffalo, N. Y.
Part One of the Grinnell sales, which included Lots
Nos. 1 to 501, was held Saturday, November 25, 1944,
in the Hotel Syracuse. The remaining six sales were
held in Barney Bluestone's offices in the Syracuse-Kemper
Building. Wm. F. Sunday of Rochester, N. Y., now re-
siding in Florida, was the auctioneer.
Part One included the very rare Demand Notes of New
York, Philadelphia, Boston, Cincinnati and St. Louis and
Legal Tender Notes $1 to $1000, including the rare $500
1875 and 1880, and the $1000 1869 and 1880. Coin or
Treasury Notes included the very rare $1000 "Water-
melon note" of 1890, which sold to a New York collector
for $1230, and the $1000 1891 Treasury Note sold to
the same collector for $1240. Sold also were cut and
uncut sheets of Legal Tender Notes and many auto-
graphed notes. The scarce uncut sheets of $5 1880 and
$5 1907 Legal Tender notes were sold to the writer. The
1880 uncut sheet is now part of a large collection owned
by a Southern collector. Included in this sale were One
Year, Two Year and Three Year Interest Bearing Notes,
Compound Interest Notes, and Refunding Certificates plus
an unusual collection of misprints.
Part Two was held March 10, 1945, and included Lots
Nos. 502 to 1114. Only seven bidders were present.
Included in this sale were National Gold Bank Notes $5
to $100 denomination and Gold Certificates $10 to $1000,
including $20 1905 Lyons-Roberts, with serial Number
One, sold to the writer. Other choice items included
Silver Certificates, all series, $1 to $1000, single notes,
cut sheets, autographed notes, many attractive serial
numbers, and the double denomination, $1/$2 1899
Silver Certificate, said to be unique. Two mismatched
serial numbers in the 1899 Silver Certificates were in-
cluded. Listed as "the greatest error in this sale" was
the $1 1899 Silver Certificate with "Treasurer of the
United STATE" instead of "States." This note was in
uncirculated condition and brought $140. There were
eight uncut sheets of $1 to $5 Silver Certificates in this
sale as well as many reconstructed sheets of Gold Certi-
ficates and Silver Certificates. The uncut sheets included
the $1 and $2 popular Educational Series of 1896.
National Bank notes were featured in Part Three, Lots
Nos. 1115 to 2017, held June 16, 1945. There were only
six room bidders: Boyd, who also represented James
Wade; Saffin, Freeman, Crofoot, Hoffman and Donlon.
Fred R. Marckhoff, Dr. Chandler, and Wm. A. Philpott,
Jr., were among the successful mail bidders.
Included in this sale were First Charter Notes, $1 to
$100 and Second and Third Charter Notes, $5 to $100
denominations. There were six "Lazy 2" notes in the
single notes offered and four more in the four cut sheets
of $1 and $2 notes, First Charters. There were three
uncut sheets of $1 and $2 1865, from Jacksonville, Ill.,
Memphis, Tenn., and Philadelphia, Pa.; seven uncut
sheets of 1882 brown backs; and one uncut sheet of $5
1882 series with denomination spelled out on back of
note. This sheet was issued by The Farmers National
Bank of Pilger, Nebraska, described as extremely rare
and said to be the only uncut sheet of this series that
Mr. Grinnell ever saw.
An outstanding collection of 171 serial number One
National Currency notes were offered in this Part Three.
These included seven additional "Lazy 2" notes, plus
other denominations up to $100 issued by National Banks
of all States and many Territories. Sixteen double de-
nomination misprints in National Currency were offered.
These included one $10/20 1865 issued by the National
Bank of Middlebury, Vermont, which was unusual in
that the back of the note was not inverted as is the case
with other errors of this type.
The public sale of Part Three closed with Lot No. 1749
as the room bidders expressed little interest in Lot Nos.
1750 to 2017, which covered National Currency arranged
alphabetically by cities. However, some of these notes
were sold to mail bidders and others to buyers in the
room, after the sale.
Only five room bidders came to Syracuse on October
6, 1945, for Part Four, which covered Lots 2018 to 2967.
We find the names of Batt, Saffin, Crofoot (who also bid
for Jim Wade), Freeman bidding for Fred Marckhoff
and himself, and Donlon. The 946 lots in this sale in-
cluded 757 New York State National Bank Notes, of which
157 were issued by New York City banks, and National
Bank Notes from every State and many Territories. There
was a $1 First Charter and a "Lazy 2" issued by The
Deseret National Bank of Salt Lake City, Territory of
Utah, and signed by Mormon Leader Brigham Young.
I was the lucky bidder on two prizes, a $10 and $100 red
seal 1902 series, issued by The First National Bank of
San Juan, Porto Rico. The $10 note was sold with the
Donlon coin collection by A. Kosoff in 1956. The $100
note is illustrated in this article.
1011:11111/1/14F1V41111.1U 11
& 11■110 It.',1411.
Paper Money PAGE -4 .a
Part Five, Lots 2968 to 4028, was held March 2, 1946.
The group in attendance was again small and consisted
of approximately the same bidders in attendance at the
previous sale. National Bank Notes again were featured,
this time alphabetically arranged by names of cities.
Notes from 1,110 cities were offered, and all States with
the exception of two were represented, as well as several
Territories. As in previous sales, notes brought ridicu-
lously low prices and the action on the floor was listless.
Mr. Hoffman was an active bidder for all Connecticut
notes, and Richard Saffin secured most of the New Jersey
notes. Harley Freeman took away the prized $5 1875
of The First National Bank of Central City, Colorado Ter-
ritory. The $20 1882 brown back of Ardmore, Indian
Territory went to a mail bidder, Mr. Witzel of New Jersey.
Paul Draper's prediction in the catalog that this was
"the opportunity of a lifetime" proved to be correct.
Such an array of National Bank Notes has not appeared
in the combined auction sales since 1946.
Lots 4029 to 4871 were offered in Part Six on June
29, 1946. Room bidders were J. M. Taylor of Buffalo,
Dr. Chandler, Batt, Freeman, Saffin and Donlon. The
sale opened with 216 First Charter Nationals, $1 to $100,
including 49 $2 "Lazy 2's" which sold for as low as $10
each. There were 129 notes issued by National Banks
holding Charter numbers up to Number 100. There was
a fine lot of Nationals with low or special serial num-
bers, as well as Federal Reserve Bank Notes and Federal
Reserve Notes with attractive serial numbers. There
were many misprints and autographed notes included in
Part Six.
Also included in this sale were two uncut sheets of $10
and $20 Federal Reserve Bank Notes of the Federal Re-
serve Bank, Chicago. These were described as unique
and were bid in at $355 and $455 respectively.
Lot No. 4871 offered Federal Reserve Specimen notes,
$5 to $10,000, said to be unique and listed as "the piece-
de-resistance" of the sale. A valuation of $5000 was
placed on this lot in the catalog but the records show
that it sold for $4050. Double denomination notes
offered in this sale included two cut sheets of four
$20/$10 1914 blue seal, Boston and Chicago. Also
double denomination singles, $2/$1 Boston, New York
and Chicago; and $5/$10 1914 blue seal, Chicago.
November 30, 1946 marked the final sale of this tre-
mendous collection. Part Seven listed 1027 lots of small
size U. S. currency. There were hundreds of singles,
many with serial No. 1, or with very attractive serial
numbers. Collectors of odd and attractive serials would
have had a field day at this sale. There were also cut
sheets, uncut sheets, misprints, unusual sets of matched
serial numbers, and reconstructed sheets. Interest in
"reduced size notes," as they described in the catalog,
had not awakened in 1946. There were few room or
mail bidders. Many of the attractive and scarce items
went begging. There were just not enough serious cur-
rency collectors 20 years ago to create proper competi-
tion and to absorb at fair prices the tremendous amount
of currency offered by Mr. Grinnell in these seven sales.
Some of the scarce and noteworthy items in Part Seven
were an uncut sheet of twelve $1 1928 Legal Tender
notes, serial nos. 25 to 36, the third sheet off the press.
This sheet is now owned by Tom Ross, who acquired it
from the writer several years ago. Another desirable
item was the uncut sheet of twelve $5 1934 Silver Certifi-
cates, serial nos. 13 to 24, making it the second sheet
issued. Uncut sheets of National Currency, $5 to $100
were included, as were uncut sheets of 12 Federal Reserve
notes. The misprints included two cut sheets, 12 notes, of
the $10/$5 double denomination notes, issued by Rich-
mond Federal Reserve Bank.
Present-day owners of the pedigreed notes offered in
the seven sales described owe a debt of gratitude to Mr.
Grinnell for collecting and preserving the hundreds of
rare currency items. Mr. Grinnell stated that he collected
currency first, for the beauty and character of the en-
graving; second, for the variety of specimens issued;
third for the historical and educational value, and for the
unending combination possibilities. Would that more of
our present day collectors of coins and currency, would
forget the possible monetary gains and collect for these
same excellent reasons.
$100 red seal note of 1902 series, First National Bank of San Juan,
P. R., sold at the Oct. 6, 1945 Grinnell sale.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
A Review
By George
This is probably the most useful paper money reference
published since the first edition of Friedberg's Paper
Money of the United States. Book size 6 1/4 x 9 1/4 inches,
it comprises 910 pages, in the following categories:
Canadian (Government, Chartered &
Private Issues)
54 pages
Colonial & Continental Currency 14 pages
Confederate Notes & Bonds 16 pages
Southern State Notes & Bonds 59 pages
Mexican 14 pages
United States (including Fractional) 19 pages
American (State Banks, County &
Municipal Notes, Scrip, etc.) 734 pages
Total 910 pages
The obvious emphasis is on American obsolete notes,
and rightfully so, since the first six classifications, with
the possible exception of Colonial notes, are adequately
covered in other references. In fact, the author might
better have devoted his entire book to American obso-
letes rather than try to cover, in a limited way, the paper
money emissions of all North America.
Since no historical or other background information
is furnished, this book must be looked upon simply as
a priced catalog, lavishly illustrated. The paper quality
is excellent and the photographs show up well. Except
for fractionals, no more than three notes are shown on a
page. A more complete description is given for the notes
not illustrated. It would be impossible to picture, or
even describe, more than a fraction of the notes in this
field in a single volume, so the author has chosen the
notes most frequently encountered, plus some rarities.
No distinction is made as to genuine, counterfeit or
spurious notes. It is unfortunate that some altered notes
are also included since they are bound to confuse the
reader. In fact, an illustrated Tennessee note is also
shown under Maryland, and another note is pictured
under both Michigan and Pennsylvania. A note origin-
ally engraved for Indiana is listed under Massachusetts
and its picture is shown under New York. A plate from
an early Heath's Counterfeit detector has also been
photographed and priced as a note!
The matter of pricing is, of course, controversial, since
these notes are not standard merchandise like coins and
are subject to wide fluctuations caused by differences in
opinion as to rarity and condition. Many of the notes
in this book seem to be well priced, but there are also
many exceptions. For example, the common Chesapeake
& Ohio notes of Washington are priced at $8 to $12.50
each. The $3 Washtenaw, Michigan, note is tagged at
$16. The $1 Merchants Bank of Trenton is over-priced
at $30—$40. The Connecticut Colonials also seem high,
although the book mentions that they are quite plenti-
ful. On the other hand, this reviewer would love to
buy or trade for some of the scarcer notes at the prices
The philosophy of pricing seems to differ in the various
sections of the book, indicating it may have been done
by different individuals. The $1 notes of the Vermont
Glass Factory (payable in Troy ) are listed under New
York at $10 each, and the same notes are listed under
Vermont at $3.50. There is one common thought: The
$3 notes seem to be priced high, whereas the $4 notes
appear to be conservative. Many common scrip notes
are priced higher than scrip and bank note rarities.
Prices for obsoletes are generally shown in this book only
for the conditions of "Very Good" and "Uncirculated."
Therein lies a basic problem, for the Very Good price is
too often quoted at from 75 to 90 per cent or more of
Uncirculated. Dealers will find this to be an impossible
situation, for in this narrow range of 25 per cent or less
they cannot successfully price their notes in the various
conditions of "Fine," "Very Fine" and "Extra Fine,"
not to mention "About Uncirculated." There is no in-
centive, with such a small price differential, for a collector
to buy a Very Good note. Let us hope this situation
will be corrected in future editions.
Despite these comments, this is indeed a very worth-
while book that should stimulate great interest in the
field. It is a reference for collectors of obsolete notes
and a necessity for all paper money dealers. It is likely
to remain the standard reference for obsolete notes until
the complete listings of each state are released by the
Society of Paper Money Collectors under their recently
announced program for revision of the D. C. Wismer
lists published from 1922 to 1936 in The Numismatist.
The 2,188 illustrations of North American Currency alone
are worth its purchase price. Its author certainly be-
lieves in the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand
words." It is hoped that the notes chosen by the Wismer
researchers for illustration will differ from Criswell's,
thereby giving the maximum picture coverage to this
field, one of the most interesting specialties in numis-
"Lith. by Ed. Mendel,
Important Correction
Please note the following correction in Fred R. Marckhoff's article in Vol. 3, No.
4. On Page 84 an error was made in the caption for Variety 9. It should read: "Edw.
Mendel," etc. The superior letter "w" was omitted. Without it, the variety is identi-
cal to Variety 8.
Paper Money PACE 45
Message from the
It is very heartening to see the interest growing in
currency collecting.
Within the last year, Mr. William P. Donlon, one of
our Board of Governors, released a Priced Catalog of
U. S. Small Size Paper Money; Mr. Jack Friedberg came
out with the 5th Edition of Paper Money of the United
States; Col. Grover Criswell had a new edition released
on Confederate and Southern States Currency; Mr. B. M.
Douglas, another member of our Board of Governors,
issued a fine catalog on Colonial and Continental Cur-
rency; and Mr. Raymond Toy will soon release a new
edition of his work on World War II and Military Cur-
rency. All are a credit to the editors and very valuable
to the collector.
The following members say they are willing to assist
other members with currency from their Federal Re-
serve District if postage is sent along with the face
amount of notes: Messrs. Chuck O'Donnell, George W.
Killian, James A. Greene, and Thos. C. Bain.
A get-together of SOPMC members was held at the
F.U.N. Convention at Miami Beach in January with a
luncheon, and 29 attended. Special awards were given
to SOPMC members who had exhibits. We hope to have
these at other meetings before the year is over.
President, SOPMC
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. will hold the fourth Annual Meeting with a dinner
on August 27, 1965, in the Castilian Room of the Shamrock Hilton Hotel at 6 p.m. in Houston,
Texas. As required in our by-laws, it is held in conjunction with the American Numismatic Associ-
ation Annual Convention.
There has been a very rapid increase of interest in paper money during the last year, and six
books on paper money alone have been published and released during the same period. All of
the books are certainly worth a place in any currency collector's library. The Society owes a debt
of gratitude to all the authors and also to those who assisted them.
Our Society has more than doubled in membership during the last year and with the increased
interest in paper money, our rate of growth should continue during the next year.
During the business meeting the Board of Governors will be elected. They, in turn, will elect
officers for 1966. There are several items on the agenda to be discussed and out of the discussion
should come several ideas that should improve the organization. This meeting will give you a
great opportunity to meet paper money collectors from all over the United States, Canada, Mexico
and other countries. We hope you will be there.
It has been a pleasure to serve you during the past year, and I am looking forward to meeting
many of you in Houston.
Mr. Hirsh N. Schwartz, Schulenburg, Texas, is the Chairman of Arrangements, so you can
send him your check for $5 for a reservation. See you in Houston.
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
Proposed New Constitution and By-Laws of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
At the annual meeting of the Board of Governors in Cleveland last year, it was
decided to up-grade our Constitution and By-Laws.
Mr. Ellis Edlow, our attorney, was asked to draw up the new Constitution and
By-Laws after consulting the Board of Governors and many members. This has been
done, and Mr. Edlow is to be commended. The Board of Governors and many mem-
bers made suggestions, and we certainly appreciate the interest shown. It was im-
possible to incorporate all suggestions, but most are included. In this issue you can
read the proposed new Constitution and By-Laws of the Society of Paper Money
Collectors, Inc., that will be voted on at our annual meeting in Houston, Texas in
August. It is hoped that many of you will attend.
THOS. C. BAIN, President
Constitution and By-Laws of The Society of Paper Money Collectors
SECTION 1. The name of this organization is "Society of
Paper Money Collectors," being incorporated under the laws
of the District of Columbia.
SECTION 2. The purpose of the Society shall be:
A. To promote, educate and encourage the study and col-
lection of paper money.
B. To cultivate fraternal collector relations.
C. To encourage research and publish books and articles
pertaining to the study of paper money.
D. To disperse information and knowledge in a society
E. To advance interest and prestige and promote meetings
and exhibits at conventions.
F. To encourage more realistic and consistent market
SECTION. 3. The fiscal year of the Society shall be from
January 1st to December 31st.
SECTION I. The Society shall be composed of regular mem-
bers and honorary members.
SECTION 2. Any individual over 18 years of age and of
good moral character and reputation who is interested in
paper money as related to numismatics, shall be eligible for
regular membership.
SECTION 3. Application for membership shall be made on
forms prescribed by the Society.
SECTION 4. Applications, together with the first year's
dues, shall be sent to the Secretary who, if he finds no objection
to admitting the applicant, shall issue the proper form of mem-
bership card. Should the Secretary have reason to question
the admission of any applicant to membership, it shall be sub-
mitted to the Executive Board for final decision.
SECTION 5. The annnual dues for regular membership shall
be $4.00 payable in advance and subject to change by a ma-
jority vote of the Executive Board.
SECTION 6. Honorary membership may be conferred by
the Executive Board upon the written nomination of at least
three members thereof, upon any person who has rendered the
Society or the field of numismatics a particularly or noteworthy
service and who is considered deserving of this honorary title.
SECTION 7. Members dropped for non-payment of dues
may be reinstated by the payment of the current year dues.
However, should reinstated member desire original membership
number, he shall also pay all dues in arrears, or the sum of
$5.00, whichever is less. Should he also desire all of Society's
magazines issued since expiration of his original membership
and such are available, all dues in arrears shall be paid by
SECTION 8. Any member violating these By-Laws, com-
mitting any unfair or unethical act in his dealings with fellow
numismatists or against this or other numismatic organizations,
unjustly defaming the character of any other member of the
Society, interfering with the activities of the Society, being
convicted of a felony, or engaging in conduct unbecoming to a
member shall, by a majority vote of the Executive Board, be
expelled from membership. Such action shall not be taken by
the Board, however, without first notifying the accused in writ-
ing of the complaint against him and allowing him a period
of 30 days to present in writing such evidence and/or argu-
ments as may be desired in defense, for consideration by the
Board. All complaints are to be submitted to the Board in
writing and signed by the complainant.
SECTION 9. No debts shall be contracted in the name of
the Society without the approval of a majority of the Execu-
tive Board, provided, however, that without such approval the
President may incur debts for the benefit of the Society up to
the aggregate amount of $100.00, the Secretary and the Treas-
urer may purchase and pay for stationery, postage and supplies
incidental to their offices and the Editor may incur the normal
expenses incidental to his office. Such expenditures shall be
accounted for in the report of the Treasurer to be rendered at
the annual meeting of the Society.
SECTION I. The Society shall have a president, vice-presi-
dent, a secretary, a treasurer, an Immediate Past President,
and a 12-member Board of Governors.
SECTION 2. The officers and Board of Governors shall con-
stitute the Executive Board who shall manage, operate and
conduct the affairs of the Society.
Paper Money PAGE 41
SECTION 3. A total of 12 members of the Board shall be
elected from the membership-at-large by a majority vote of
society members in attendance at a regular meeting of the
SECTION 4. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and
Treasurer shall be elected by the Board of Governors from
among its own members or from the membership-at-large.
SECTION 5. The officers and the Board of Governors shall
have the usual duties delegated to their respective offices to
conduct the affairs of the Society and shall serve without com-
pensation, except as may be authorized by the Executive Board.
SECTION 6. All officers and governors shall be elected for
a period of two fiscal years of the Society on a basis that elec-
tions to the Board of Governors shall be staggered, 6 elected
one year and 6 elected the following year, to allow for a con-
tinued personnel carry-over in the administration of the Soci-
ety. All officers may be reelected.
SECTION 7. All officers and governors must be members of
good standing in the Society and shall hold office until their
successors take office.
SECTION 8. The President shall preside at all meetings
and generally supervise all matters of business, or of interest to
the Society. In the absence of the President at any meeting,
the next highest officer present shall preside.
SECTION 1. The President may appoint such committees
as he deems necessary or proper for the conduct of the affairs
of the Society.
SECTION 2. The President may appoint with the approval
of the Board of Governors, other personnel to posts required
in the Society, such as editor, historian, curator or others,
as may be designated by the Board as necessary.
SECTION 3. In case of a vacancy occurring in the office of
President, the Vice-President shall succeed. A vacancy in any
other elective office shall be filled by appointment by the
Executive Board until the next annual election.
SECTION 1. The Society shall maintain continuous affilia-
tion in the American Numismatic Association.
SECTION I. The Society of Paper Money Collectors shall
hold its annual meeting each year during the time and at the
place of the annual convention of the American Numismatic
SECTION 2. The Executive Board shall meet in open ses-
sion during said convention to conduct the affairs of the Soci-
ety. Five members of the Executive Board shall constitute a
quorum at any of its meetings.
SECTION 3. Special meetings of the Executive Board shall
be called by the President when such a meeting, in his opinion,
is considered necessary and a 2/3 vote of those present at said
special meeting shall govern.
SECTION 4. Robert's Rules of Order shall apply at all
SECTION I. It shall be the duty and responsibility of all
members of the Executive Board and committee personnel to
keep paramount, the purpose and objectives of this Society
and to devote their energies to the accomplishment of these
SECTION 1. Alterations or amendments to these by-laws
shall be by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board.
New Library Additions
Our thanks go to member Hal Norris for the follow-
ing books, all beautifully bound by the Norris Book-
binding Co.. Greenwood, Miss. See Winter 1965 issue
PAPER MONEY for borrowing procedure.
B-1 Bureau of Engraving and Printing. A Brief His-
tory of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. 7 pp.
1961, 2 copies. 15c
C-2—Christoph, Art, and Krause, Chet. United States
Postage & Fractional Currency, 1862-1876. 40 pp. 1958,
Illus. 2 copies. 15c
F-1—Federal Reserve System Board of Governors.
The Federal Reserve System. "Purposes and Functions."
238 pp. 1961, 15c
M-2—Muscalus, John A. Dictionary of Paper Money.
16 pp. 1947, Illus. 15c
R-1—Rothert, Matt. A Guide Book of United States
Fractional Currency. 81 pp. Illus. 1963, 2 copies, 15c
T-1—Treasury Department. Facts About United States
Money. 16 pp. 1960, 2 copies, 15c
EARL HUGHES, Librarian
It's in the Books
By Earl Hughes, Librarian
QUESTION: What is Union Military Scrip?
ANSWER: "In 1867 Kansas repaid its citizens for
property losses sustained in the Jayhawker Raids, just
prior to the Civil War, with a currency known as Union
Military Scrip, issued at Topeka in denominations from
$1.00 to $1,000." —Fred Marckhoff in "Early Currency
of the West" (Frontier Times, Sept. 1964)
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
Identification of Currency for Collection Purposes
By George
As collectors talk or correspond about their hobby,
there is always a problem of exactly identifying the
particular piece under discussion. Various methods have
been suggested to identify currency. One method assigns
consecutive numbers to various major varieties. Such
a system is fine if you have an exceptional memory
and/or if you have the necessary reference always avail-
able. Another method uses a coded numbering system
which indicates denomination and such date as whether
or not the bill is a Silver Certificate, U. S. Note or
Federal Reserve Note, etc. However, a recent system
so proposed still requires a fine memory (and/or chart)
to associate a catalog number with a particular note.
There is proposed herein a different numbering system
which instantly provides the reader with far more infor-
mation without need for as much memory work as re-
quired by former systems. The new system is also
readily expandable by the simple addition of suffixes to
add considerable detailed information indicative of such
things as:
series year
series year letter
the type of note, i.e., Silver Certificate, U. S. Note, etc.
serial number
Federal Reserve district for Federal Reserve Notes
front plate number
plate position on uncut sheet
rear plate number
Virtually all the above information may be copied
directly from the original note.
For many collectors much of the detailed information
would be superfluous. However, each collector is entitled
to concern himself with as much detail as he desires. A
universally recognized means for conveniently com-
municating specialized detail is long overdue.
It is believed that nearly every collector will always
want to be able to identify at least the denomination, type
(i.e., Silver Certificate, etc.) and series year. Accord-
ingly, if you were identifying one of the new $1 Federal
Reserve Notes the following designation is suggested:
1 F 1963--which means:
1 denomination ($1)
F Federal Reserve Note
1963 series year
— no letter following series year
Later when signatures change and a letter follows the
series year a bill might be identified as: 1 F 1963 A; note
that the dash is replaced by the "A" as printed on the
W. Killian
With some bills there are important sub-varieties. For
example, the 1 S 1935 D (S now stands for Silver
Certificate) has two different backs. Accordingly, a digit
may be added to indicate the particular sub-variety in
question. For this item of information either a memory
or a reference must be consulted. In the present example
a "1" (one) will be used to indicate the first type back
(i.e., the so called Type I or narrow reverse) and a "2"
(two) for the other back. Thus there are two varieties
of $1 1935 D's as follows:
1 S 1935 D 1 and
1 S 1935 D2
The $1 1935 G exists with and without the motto "In
God We Trust" on the back. For these bills a similar
designation would be used thus:
1 S 1935 G 1
(without motto)
1 S 1935 G 2
(with motto)
Some collectors are interested in the letters that make
up the serial number and/or the number itself. Thus a
suffix can be added with as much detail as may be re-
quired. For example, you could add B. . . D if it is de-
sired to indicate only the first and last letters of the
serial number, or B80609793D to indicate the full serial
If more detail is required, it might to be specify front
plate numbers. (These are the small digits located at
the lower right, not the preceding letter, only the digits).
If this information is given the required digits might be
added thus:
5 F 1950 C - B80609793D 251 which means:
5 $5 denomination
F Federal Reserve Note
1950 series year
C series year letter
major variety, or no sub-variety known to
B B the specific serial number and letters
251 the front plate number
Next it may be desired to know the issuing district
if the note is a Federal Reserve Note. This information
is actually already given by the first letter of the serial
number. In the illustrated case the bill is from the
second or "B" Federal Reserve Bank (which is New
York, New York).
Another detail which may be desired is identification
of the original position of the note on the uncut sheet.
By mathematical analysis the position could be deter-
mined, as there is a relationship between the position
and the serial number. However, to avoid work it is
believed that in this case redundancy is desirable, and
the letter or letter and digit appearing in the upper left
corner of the front of the bill should be added to the
Paper Money PAGE 49
designation. The illustrated case would now be: 5 F 1950
C - B . . .D 251 Q, where the "Q" indicates original posi-
tion. Note that the letter preceding the front plate num-
ber was not given as it is always the same as the position
About all that is left is the rear plate number which
may be added to give 5 F 1950 C - B . D 251 Q: 2408.
Note the use of the colon ( :) before the rear plate
number. The colon is used to indicate that any informa-
tion following the colon comes from the reverse of the
bill, or more specifically, to remove any doubt which
might make one think the position was Q2 and the rear
plate number 408. Of course, there is no such position
as Q2, but the position might have been E2 if we had
been talking about one of the new $1 Federal Reserve
Notes. Accordingly, use of the colon is recommended.
Also the use of space between the various items of in-
formation is suggested.
Although it has not been stressed, it is believed that
it should be noted that the sequence of providing the
information in the identifying number provides a number
having groups of numbers and letters which alternate.
For example the parts of the identification are made up
as follows:
Part No. Number Letter Meaning
1 x denomination
2 x type (i.e. Silver Certificate,
U. S. Note, etc.)
3 x series year
4 x series year letter (use "-" if
no letter)
5 x sub-variety (use "-" if only
one type)
6 x first letter of serial number
(which is Federal Reserve
District if it is a Federal
Reserve Note)
7 x serial number; use ". .." if
number is not an important
8 x last letter of serial number;
(use "*" for either letter
if there is a star in place of
the letter.)
9 x front plate number
[x] x position letter (and digit if
II :x rear plate number; note use
of colon.
Part 1: The denomination is listed as I, 5, 10, etc. for $1, $5,
$10, etc.
Part 2: S = Silver Certificate
U = U. S. Note
F = Federal Reserve Note
G = Gold Certificate
B = Federal Reserve Bank Note (National Currency)
N = National Bank Notes (National Currency)
3: as printed on the bill
4: as printed on the bill
5: arbitrary designations. If arbitrary designation is not
known the use of "0" is suggested and a word or note
at the end may be used. For example, the Hawaii
bill with the brown seal might have its designation end
with "Hawaii" or "brown seal". Other examples will
readily occur to those with extensive knowledge of
our currency.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11: as printed on the bill.
The foregoing method of describing currency is in-
tended to relate only to the so called "small size" (pres-
ent size) currency.
Naturally the sequence of providing the information
must always be the same. As noted, the sequence has
been chosen to alternate between numeric and alphabetic.
Also it is believed that the details have been listed in the
approximate order of their importance to most collectors.
Those collectors who do not need detailed information
can stop the identification after any part they choose.
For example, the general public stops after part one, the
One very specialized group of collectors will be con-
cerned with the charter number of the various National
Banks as printed on the face of the National Bank Notes
(designated "N" in Part 2 of the description). Such
numbers have up to five digits and indicate the specific
issuing bank. For those interested in this detail it is
suggested that the applicable digits be placed either at
the very end or perhaps more conveniently between
Parts 2 and 3.
It is believed that use of the proposed system would
define modern U. S. currency with sufficient precision for
nearly all collectors and dealers without the need to
resort to long descriptive phrases and to memorize long
lists of arbitrary numbers. In most cases bills could
be discussed and/or advertised using only the first
four parts, i. e., the denomination, type and series year.
However, the remaining parts of the designation may
be used when expedient.
Comments concerning the proposed system would be
welcomed by the author.
It's in the Books
By Earl Hughes
QUESTION: Are any chartered banks of Canada still
ANSWER: "Of the 98 banks which opened since 1800
and were in operation for a time, only nine remain;
thirty nine failed; fifty paid off and gave up or were
absorbed. The nine are, The Bank of Montreal, Bank
of Nova Scotia, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, La Banque
Provinciale du Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, The
Canadian Bank of Commerce, Banque Canadienne
Nationale, The Imperial Bank of Canada, and Barclay's.
The Bank of Toronto and The Dominion Bank merged
a few years ago. Previous to that time they had both
been carrying on an honorable banking business for
about one hundred years." —The Guide Book of
Canadian Coins Paper Currency and Tokens. Third
Edition. By H. C. Taylor and Somer James
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
The Small $1 United States Legal Tender Note
By H. N. Schwartz
Paper money collectors are not bothered with the date
problem confronting coin collectors today. Dates on
currency never meant anything in most instances, and
we certainly have another case in hand to prove it.
There was only one issue of the one dollar United
States Legal Tender Note, and this was the series of 1928.
The quantity printed was small, 1,872,012 pieces; these
were printed from April 26, 1933, to May 5, 1933, over
a period of nine days.
As has been written many times before, the only way
one can tell when a bill was printed—its earliest date—
is to look at a chart showing when the Secretary of the
Treasury and the Treasurer of the United States, whose
names appear on the bill, were in office. The date when
the bill was actually put into circulation is a secret of
each bill.
The one dollar 1928 series Legal Tender United States
Note was signed by W. H. Woodin, Secretary of the
Treasury and Walter 0. Woods, Treasurer of the United
States, who were in office beginning March 4, 1933. The
bill could not have been printed before this date, even
though the bill is inscribed Series of 1928 on its face,
and so it was that the first note was printed April 26,
1933. All were then held for ten years until 1943, when
they were released in Puerto Rico.
Due to the war, there was a shortage of one dollar
notes, so the Legal Tender Notes were sent to Puerto
Rico for circulation there. It was thought that if the
notes were released in the United States the Red Seal
and the obligation might cause confusion, whereas in
Puerto Rico the natives couldn't read the inscription.
However, according to Wm. A. Philpott, Jr.. the first
5,000 of these notes were retained when they were first
printed by the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Woodin.
The first ten sheets (120 notes) were issued uncut. How-
ever, sheet No. 1 was cut when the first note went to
President Roosevelt. The other notes were passed out to
Mr. Woodin's many friends. Some of the first ten sheets
were cut by Mr. Woodin, and some were cut by others
who received them. There were three known uncut sheets
existing upon Mr. Woodin's death: sheets Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
Incidentally, sheet No. 3 was given to Mr. Philpott and
he reports that it is now in the museum at Boys Town,
Omaha, Nebraska. The notes distributed in Puerto Rico
were soon worn out except for those retained by the
bank clerks. The original notes numbering A00005000A
and under are very scarce.
W. H. Woodin's name also appeared on the 1928-C
$1 Silver Certificate with W. 0. Woods and on the $1
Silver Certificate Series 1928-D with W. A. Julian.
Legal Tender Notes are now issued in only $2 and $5
Nineteenth Century American Bank Note Engravers
By Everett Cooper
Born in New York City on March 27, 1775, and died
on November 14, 1848. Tanner learned his trade as
an apprentice to the patriarch of the famous engraving
family, Peter Rushton Maverick. Apparently after his
apprenticeship he engaged in business in Philadelphia.
The directories of Philadelphia list him for the period
from 1800 through 1820 and probably later. He gained
recognition as a stipple and line engraver. His brother
Henry was also a member of the engraving firm of Tan-
ner, Vallance, Kearny & Co. Benjamin Tanner was a
partner in the following Philadelphia bank note engrav-
ing firms: (1) Tanner, Vallance, Kearny & Co., begin-
ning 1816; (2) Tanner, Kearny & Tiebout, beginning
1817; (3) Tanner, Kearny & Co., beginning 1820.
Born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey in 1780; date of
death not known. Like many of the prominent early
nineteenth century bank note engravers, he was appren-
ticed to Peter Rushton Maverick, beginning in 1798.
When he became a journeyman engraver, he went to
Philadelphia about 1810, and was involved in partner-
ships with Benjamin Tanner and John Vallance. These
Philadelphia bank note engraving partnerships continued
until some time past the year 1823.
Paper Money PAGE 51
No. New Members
New Membership Roster
Dealer or
Collector Specialty
1159 Mrs. George Wasserman, 2121 N. Bayshore Dr., Apt. 610,
Miami, Fla.
1160 John W. Shannon, 2233 Barlad Dr., Jacksonville, Fla.
1161 Samuel S. Mack, 1418 East Lake St., Minneapolis 7,
1162 Robert Babbish, Bear Brook Road, Princeton Jct., N. J.
1163 Richard J. Hurley, Box 456, Dannemora, N. Y. 12929
1164 David Goodwin, 5336 Alcove Ave., North Hollywood,
Calif. 91607
1165 Alfred C. Werner, P. 0. Box 114 - Kendall Br., Miami,
Florida 33156
1166 T. J. McGonigle, Box 411 Rt. I, Hopewell, Virginia
1167 E. L. Large, P. 0. Box 73, Lydia, S. C. 29079
1168 Mrs. Bertha M. Hall, 1788 Algonquin Parkway, Louis-
ville, Ky. 40210
American Numismatic Association, John J. Gabarron,
Librarian, P. 0. Box 3011, Lincoln 10, Nebraska
1169 Stephen Konicki, 3055 Crestline Drive, Steubenville, Ohio
1170 Glenn E. Martin, Route 2, Princeton, Ky. 42445
1171 John F. Nelson, 1236 Groton, Anaheim, California 92801
1172 Albert I. Donn, P. 0. Box 1173, Manchester, Conn. 06044
1173 W. A. Woodward, South Star Route #I, Box 38, Chad-
' ron, Nebraska 69337
1174 Donald A. Rathbun, 5001 Marathon Drive, Madison,
Wisc. 53705
1175 Roy L. Marion, Route #4, Blountville, Tenn. 37617
1176 Sam A. Marcell, 4520 University Ave., San Diego, Calif.
1177 Warren Delaney, Box 117, Palos Heights, Illinois
1178 Laura O'Reilly Doud, 340 South H St., Oxnard, Calif.
1179 Dick Naylor, 21 Barrett, South Burlington, Vt.
1180 Bruce N. Robinson, Rt. 1, Box 125 F, Matthews, N. C.
1181 Henry Christensen, 95 River St., Hoboken, N. J. 07030
1182 Donn A. Fisher, c/o 616th ACW Sq. Box 49, APO New
York, N. Y. 09277
1183 Maurice A. Lonzisero, 4199 Boston Rd., Bronx, N. Y.
1184 James Blankinship, 1705 - 35th St., Sheffield, Alabama
1185 James J. Conway, 12A Jeffery Road, Aldan, Pa. 19018
1186 Herman J. Harjes, 370 Congress Ave., East Williston,
N. Y.
1187 R. B. Hamilton, 269 Tropic Dr., Lauderdale By the Sea,
Fla. 33308
1188 Edward A. Lamprey, 553 Cabot St., Beverly, Mass.
1189 Doug Thompson, P. 0. Box 1639, Huntington, W. Va.
1190 Wayne S. Rich, P. 0. Box 391, Concord, N. H..03302
1191 Martin Vink, 12419 South Perry Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60628
1192 I larold A. Bertholf, 6145 Jefferson Road, Ashtabula, Ohio
1193 S. J. Bhole, 4506 Harrison St. NW, Washington, D. C.
1194 Ell Kay C. Larson, Munich, North,Pakota 58352 ,
1195 Paul A. Hand, 680 Woodruff Drive, Whiteland, Ind.
1196 Leonard Heise, 644 N. John St., Fort William, Ontario,
C Florida paper money & CS
C, D Coins & currency of the world
New Jersey national currency
Paper money
General, US
US small size currency
Large size US
Paper in general
'C, D
FPN, MPC, Conn. obsolete & scrip
$2 bills
C, D
C, D
C, D
One dollar silver certificates
Varieties & oddities
US, foreign paper money
Paper money
Small currency
Small size US
C, D
Pennsylvania & Florida currency
C, D
US currency
New Hampshire
US currency
C, D
Central and South American notes
US currency
Small size US
Fractional, national bank notes, and broken
bank notes
Canadian and US
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
1197 J. Harry Henderson, Jr., P. 0. Box 1907, Alexandria,
Louisiana 71302
1198 Clement E. Globis, P. 0. Box 2136, Chicago, III. 60609
1199 John J. O'Hare, 2194 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. 14214
1200 Jeff Stewart, P. O. Drawer 25, Newton, N. C.
1201 Benjamin B. Du Bose, P. 0. Box 993, Atlanta, Ga. 30301
1202 John J. Mette, 6266 Bischoff Place, St. Louis, Mo. 63139
1203 Dr. Frank Douglas Stickney, P. 0. Box 607, Comanche,
Okla. 73529
1204 R. J. Evans, 119 Berger Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. 13205
1205 C. Morris, 1850 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11223
1206 Robert R. Andrews 11, 77 Mayo Ave., Needham, Mass.
1207 Robert S. Marshall, 120 E. Division - Apt. J, Wood Dale,
Illinois 60191
1208 Raymond H. Rathjen, 4047 Graham St., Pleasanton, Cal.
1209 Ronald J. Roberts, 112 Madison Ave., Detroit, Mich.
1210 Robert F. Braun, Jr., 24310 Scotia, Oak Park, Mich.
1211 Wm. J. Kerr, 619 Steele Ave., Dayton, Ohio 45410
1212 John J. Collins, 543 Hamilton St., Somerset, N. J. 08873
1213 Bernard Feinberg, 5301 West Lawrence Ave., Chicago,
Illinois 60630
1214 Harold E. Johnson, 1518 W. 107th St., Chicago, Illinois
1215 Martin Roberts, 1650 S. Albion, Denver, Colo. 80222
1216 Don T. Thrall, 610 Arlington Ave., Berkeley, Cal. 94707
1217 Mrs. W. S. Gandy, Sr., Rt. 1, Box 400, Edwards, Miss.
1218 A. H. Holmes, P. 0. Box 4893, St. Louis, Mo. 63108
1219 John Komi, 1130 - 9th St. North, Fargo, N. D. 58102
1220 William F. Revlbach, 11809 Jesse Ave., Cleveland, Ohio
1221 Thomas B. Hamilton, P. 0. Box 1056, North Decatur,
1222 Forest Armstrong, P. 0. Box 212, Los Alamos, Cal.
1223 Henry H. Clifford, 639 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif.
1224 Howard F. Snure, Jr., 302-304 W Second St., Duluth 2,
1225 Fred W. Boyd, P. 0. Box 545, Hobbs, N. M. 88240
1226 August C. Ulrich, 304 Trenton Blvd., Sea Girt, N. J.
1227 Paul W. Hotaling, 10 Gunnison Park Blvd., Oneonta,
N. Y. 13820
1228 A. L. Hodson, 373 West Broadway, Winona, Minn. 55967
1229 John Kearns, Rt. #5, Marion, Indiana
1230 Thomas E. Werner, 505 No. Walnut St., West Chester,
1231 Raymond W. Barstow, P. 0. Box 1837, Fairbanks, Alaska
1232 Henry D. Blumberg, P. 0. Box 109, Little Falls, N. Y.
1233 George M. Rubly, 99 Roosevelt Ave., Massapequa Park,
N. Y.
1234 Robert J. Rooks, 2338 Beecher Circle, S. W., Atlanta II,
1235 Wm. E. Hilbush, P. 0. Box 9574, Richmond, Virginia
1236 Francis G. Kilmer, 138 Fleetwood Ave., Albany, N. Y.
1237 Paul E. Gearland, 17556 Park Ave., Melvindale, Mich.
1238 Nelson Metz, 23 Ellen St., Oswego, N. Y. 13126
1239 K. B. Witherspoon, 224 Crestwood Drive, Danville,
1240 Jeff Wexler, 42 Carman Ave., Cedarhurst, N. Y. 11516
1241 Basil A. Wapensky, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
104 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
C, D
Silver certificates
Silver certificates
C, D
Small size national bank notes
C, D
Atlanta and Georgia notes
Colonial, Continental, broken bank
$3 notes, obsolete Michigan & Texas, national
Small size US
Large size US
Gold certificates, small size US
Type notes
C, D
Large $1 notes
C Mint errors
C, D
Obsolete currency
National currency of California
Silver certificates and star notes
Silver certificates, $2 notes, unusual numbers
C, D
$1 Silver certificates
Silver certificates and legal tender
C, D
Georgia obsolete notes
C, D
Western US coin & currency
Small size US
US currency
C, D
National bank & gold certificates
Errors and unusual numbers
C, D
Fractional currency
National currency
Small size $1 notes
New York state bank notes
German notgeld
C, D
US and obsolete currency
C, D
Confederate & Southern States
C Obsolete currency, Bank of United States
Paper Money PAGE 53
C, D
C, D
C, D
C, D
C, D
C, D
C, D
C, D
1242 Arnold R. Schnick, 401 North Joliet St., Hobart, Indiana
1243 Shirl A. Dillon, 319 West 23rd Street, Tyrone, Pa.
1244 Alfred W. Bender, 725 McReynolds Ave., Danville, Ill.
1245 Elizabeth S. Cordes, 385 Madison Hill Road, Clark, N. J.
1246 Wesley L. Neal, Jr., 1405 Burke, Pasadena, Texas
1247 Ray Austrian, 229 East 53rd St., New York 22, N. Y.
1248 Dr. Robert R. Wadlund, P. 0. Box 1960, Delray Beach,
1249 Eric L. Ross, 428 E. Pershing Ave., Lebanon, Pa. 17042
1250 Leo J. Dean, 28 Morrow Ave., Lockport, N. Y. 14094
1251 Linda Sisson, Rt. 3 Box 135, South Haven, Mich. 49090
1252 E. Ron Hatch, 1544 La Palme Avenue, Chomedey,
Quebec, Canada
1253 John D. Mullen, 49 Hardwick Street, Brighton, Mass.
1254 Mrs. Albert D. Bell, 5154 Lexington Avenue, Eric, Penn.
1255 E. K. Tyson, Route 1, Box 137, Odessa, Florida 33556
1256 Harold E. Baker, 101 Northwood Road, Des Moines,
Iowa 50312
1257 Irving M. Moskovitz, 17338 Wyoming, Detroit, Mich.
1258 William C. Marquand, 169 6th Avenue, Fruitport, Mich.
1259 Gerald K. Cullen, 432 Liberty Street, Peoria, III. 61602
1260 Donald J. Gunnett, 2330 Pleasant View Dr., York, Penn.
1261 A. A. Candelori, 116 Anderson Street, Trenton, New
Jersey 08611
1262 Clint White, Jr., 701 Moore Avenue, Sikeston, Missouri
1263 Harvey Kroer, Luverne, North Dakota 58056
1264 Richard L. Kruse, Rt. I Old Branchville Rd., Ridgefield,
1265 Ronald E. Scholz, Sr., 30235 Robert St., Wickliffe, Ohio
1266 Dick J. Pasco, 1216 Ritner St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19148
1267 Hugh M. Caraher, 312 Mercer St., "Turtle Creek, Pa.
1268 Murray Kessler, 308 South 1st. St., Lebanon, Pa.
1269 Lt. William A. Nelson, USS Monrovia (APA-3I), c/o
Fleet Post Office, New York, N. Y.
1270 Melvin L. Deterich, 26068 Kennedy Ridge, North Olm-
sted, Ohio 44070
1271 M. D. Stiman, 27 Robyns Avenue, Westbrook, Maine
1272 Clement F. Bailey, P. 0. Box 126, Iola, Wisconsin 54945
1273 Dorothy J. Hathaway, Route 3 Box 241, Wilmington,
N. C.
1274 I lenry H. Thomas, 1631 Williams Way, Norristown,
Penna. 19401
1275 Mrs. Gladys H. Maxwell, 1926 Shardell, St. Louis, Mo.
1276 Leon Lucas, Sturges Road, Peckville, Penna.
1277 Donald H. I lunger, P. 0. Box 155, Arnold, Pa. 15068
1278 Dan Hortenstine, R. R. I, Ramsey, Illinois 62080
1279 David Nairn, Woolstock, Iowa 50599
1280 A. B. Cardwell, Rt. 1, Ringgold, Texas
1281 Robert E. Marrin, 1172 Anderson Ave., Bronx, N. Y.
1282 John T. Misch, 33145 Vine St., Apt. I, Eastlake, Ohio
1283 R. Gordon Rudolph, 2144 Martin Ave., Fremont, Ohio
1284 Frank N. Skinner, 376 Pleasant St., Roselle, Illinois
1285 Mrs. Frances Maksim, Box 54, Diamond, Ohio 44412
Fractional currency
Large size $1 & $2
Small size US
Custom framed pictures of paper money
Colonial & Continental currency
Minor issues, coins, paper
US currency
US & obsolete paper currency
Michigan broken bank notes, Muskegon Na-
tional Bank notes
US small size notes
Civil War, Canadian, broken bank notes &
Early type & small size $1 & $2
Large size notes
Type US currency, foreign
Domestic coins and transportation tokens
1929 national currency, gold certificates (paper
World War II Emergency Series
US coins and bills, Canada coins
US paper money
Small currency and Japanese military
US paper money and US coins
Small US currency
US coins & currency
Paper money
Postage & fractional currency
Small notes, 1928 to date
Silver certificates and national currency
. Large currency
US money
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 14
1286 Paul E. Berube, 910 N. Manhattan Ave., Mahatten, C Small size paper money and silver dollars
Kansas 66502
1287 Harry W. Pardee, 331 Howard Ave., Rockville, Mary- C US & foreign
1288 Paul W. Gremillion, Sr., 3016 Charles Dr., Chalmette, La. C Any pre-1935 series hills
1289 Fulton Thompson, P. 0. Box 410, Jackson, Mississippi C
1290 David Halsted, 10660 Carnegie, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 C
1291 Samuel Segal, Jr., 860 Lakeview Dr., Miami Beach, Fla. C, D Small bills
1292 Allen J. Richardson, 2915 S. Seminole. Amarillo, Texas C Small notes US
Change of Name or Address
928 Robert N. Arvidson, 1197 Supi Ave., Topanga, Cal.
298 Ben 0. Anderson, 2100 Inner Circle South, St. Peters-
burg. Fla. 33712
635 Maj. Walter F. Rogers, Quarters S-2, Marine Corps
School, Quantico, Va.
913 Richard M. Maglin, 180 Hall Road, Hampton, Va.
325 Donald B. Hoge, 5743 Braisvalley Dr., Houston, Texas
40 Harold L. Bowen, Alden Park Manor Apt. 612A, 8100
E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit 14, Mich.
662 Peter I luntoon, P. 0. Box 4051, Tucson, Arizona 85719
314 Konstantin A. Jansson, 624 - 16th Ave., San Francisco,
Cal. 94118
136 Edwin P. Janzen, 2372 Palermo Drive, San Diego, Cal.
623 James M. Knight, 1500 North 3rd St., Clinton, Iowa
927 Kenneth C. Miller, Wathena Kansas 66090
T. G. Beatty, Librarian, 74 St. Claire Ave., Ottawa 5, Change From
Ontario, Canada Arthur D. Graham, P. 0. Box 226, Hull, Quebec, Canada
821 Jack E. McGill, 853 School St., Lombard, Illinois 60148
884 Howard Lisech, 101 Lockheed Blvd., Alexandria, Va.
491 Fred Lamb, 1501 Pine St., Waco, Texas 70700
96 Gary E. Nathan, Rt. #1, Farmersville, III. 62533
281 Major Alvin E. Naumann, 618 Patricia Drive, San An-
tonio, Texas 78216
285 S. J. Serxner, 1214 Shakespeare Ave., Apt. 6 F Bronx
N. Y. 10452
312 Richard D. Brandt, 452 Sutton Ave., Hackensack, N. J.
92 Maurice M. Burgett, 10 N. Douglas, Apt. H, Belleville,
264 Mrs. Ina May Miller, 108 Branchport Ave., Long Branch,
N. J. 07740
175 B. R. Buckingham, 109 Stewart Holmes, Helena, Mont.
343 Edward B. Kirk, 821 Atwater, Bloomington, Ind. 47403
1069 Michael J. Kotsobos, 6 Howard Ave., Binghamton,
N. Y. 13904
742 Jerome H. Remick, P. 0. Box 8, Haute Ville, Quebec,
P. 0., Canada
807 George F. Pollock, Jr., Route 2, Box 21, Burton, Wash.
1019 Albert Hawthorne, P. 0. Box 181, Hamilton, Ontario,
503 George J. Schlesinger, 2847 N. 85th St., Milwaukee, Wisc.
175 B. R. Buckingham, 109 Stewart Homes, Helena, Mon-
tana 59601
114 Theodore Kemm, 915 West End Ave., New York, N. Y.
720 Thomas R. Don, 98 Main St., Winsted, Conn.
t5641111!.N rc4:$1*/U Ie./
() I?1 1/• /
:14 ;YLktattk inliollalli.U11 '
0' ft riprof
INS rows
Paper Money PAGE 55
521 Albert J. Pohobich, 1747 Collamer, East Cleveland, Ohio
298 Ben 0. Anderson, 2100 Ulmer Circle St., Pinellas Pt.,
St. Petersburg, Ha. 33712
884 Lt. Howard Lisech, 101 Lockheed Blvd., Alexandria, Va.
491 Fred Lamb, 1501 Pine, Waco, Texas
1055 Donald E. Sabo, P. 0. Box 72, Northbrook, Ill. 60062
621 William C. Carrig, 99 Avon Street, New Haven, Conn.
166 Matt Rothert, P. 0. Box 10, Camden, Arkansas
1205 C. Morris, c/o Flatbush High School, 1609 Avenue J,
Brooklyn, N. Y. 11230
556 L. C. Leggett, P. 0. Box 2385, Jackson, Miss., 39205
924 Leo N. I lall, 1788 Algonquin Parkway, Louisville, Ky.
466 Herbert H. Seidler, 3530 Los Pinos Drive, Santa Barbara,
Cal. 93105
288 Dwight L. Musser, P. 0. Box 428, Indian Rocks Beach,
Fla. 33535
C, D Foreign
533 Margaret H. Sanford, 3041 North New Jersey, Indian-
apolis 5, Ind.
50 Arthur Hegel, 543 No. Vista, Los Angeles, Cal. 90036
721 Tom O'Brien, 11227 Stonybrook Drive, Grand Blanc,
Mich. 48439
655 William E. Swigart, Jr. Museum Park, Huntingdon, Pa.
557 S. J. D. Oswald, 3 Brentwood Lodge, Winnipeg 9, Mani-
toba, Canada
497 H. E. Plew, Jr., 557 Lincoln Boulevard, Santa Monica,
Cal. 90402
753 Emil P. Uhor, 844 Clifton St., Follansbee, W. Va. 26037
818 Dr. Bartley D. Rhea, 200 West Gonzalez St., Pensacola,
Fla. 32501
778 Wellington V. Smith, 93 Walbert Drive, Rochester, N. Y.
(Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts)
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon-
tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian,
Jefferson Territories!
Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded.
Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental;
CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade.
U 37031313 A 9 17 LS t•37 B
U47031313 A s
2,1Lca. :4=
e .„4,Nro
$95.00 EACH
OBSOLETE NOTES—Singles and uncut sheets, "over 200 differ-
ent uncut sheets in stock."
CONFEDERATE CURRENCY—price list by type number avail-
L. S. CI,
We don't have everything but we have helped out many a
collector and we are constantly buying any kind of paper money
whenever offered at a reasonable price.
We do have some price lists available free. Ask for them.
BUT we would appreciate your want list by variety, city,state or country or catalog number if listed so wecan serve you better. We will then quote or send
notes on approval.
we also do some business in land grants, documents,
stock certificates, early checks, medals, politicals,
stamped envelopes, Lincolnia, maps, early newspap-
ers, Civil War historical material. Correspondence
Phones Office 52 3-0501 Res. 52 2-3630 area code #305
1861 TO DATE
Probably have Largest Stock Paper Money
available on East Coast United States today.
Lists available and complete for a Ten
Cent Stamp.
Member S. P. M. C., A. N. A., R. C. D. A.
and many others.
Will buy or sell. Price your notes. I price
mine. For List send to
NEW YORK, N. Y. 10008
P. S.
Will trade for other currency needed, proof sets, silver dollars,
bu rolls. Will accept 7 bu rolls Kennedy halves or 7 1964
proof sets for a bill. $1 FRN 0000 plain or star notes $6
each. Pair plain or star same numbers but different districts
$50. New $1 FRN Richmond District Fowler signature plain
$2 star $3. Bundle 100 1957B $1 Silver certificates $150.
915 West End Avenue
New York, N. Y. 10025
Member Society Paper Money Collectors #630
American Numismatic Association R-53295
Reference—Northwestern Bank, Statesville
Phone—Area Code 704 873-7462
F.1500 X.F. $12.50
F.1600 Unc 12.00
F.1610 Unc 32.00
F.2300 Unc 6.00
F.2306 X F 5.00
F.1525 Unc 27.00
F.1527 Unc 21.00
F.1528 Unc 20.00
F.1650 Unc 20.00
F.1651 Unc 13.00
F.1653 Unc 15.00
F.1654 Unc 13.00
F.1950c Unc 15.00
F.1951c Unc 17.00
F.1952c A.U. 13.00
F.1955c Unc 15.00
F.1956c Unc 15.00
F.1959c Unc 9.50
F.1960c Unc 8.00
F.1801 Unc. (Scranton ) 28.00
F.1860c A.0 21.00
F.2000c Unc 22.00
F.2001c Unc 17.00
F.2002c Unc 17.00
F.2002c Unc. ( It.
seal( 17.00
F.2008c A.0 16.00
F.2400 X.F. 22.00
P. 0. Box 196, Newfoundland,
Penna. 18445.
Please note new address. Many
other notes in stock
P. 0. Box 214 . . . Phone 726-J
ANA 45409 SPMC 823
MNA 14
Ever Demand Silver?
I did and I can provide you with one of
the most unique examples of our
monetary system ever offered.
Each Silver Pak contains .77 ounces
of pure silver bullion paid on demand
by U. S. Treasury in exchange for
one dollar silver certificate. Sealed in
cellophane and encased in a snap lock
holder for display. Certificate num-
bers and dates of redemption provided.
Member A.N.A. and S.P.M.C.
1 Pak $2.25; 2 Paks $4.00;
5 Paks $9.50
Leo Eickhoff, Jr.
Box No. 9641
Kirkwood, Mo. 63122
Please describe shield,
frame, and state price
in first letter.
Write to:
Mike G. Brownlee
A.C. 214 - RI 2-2526
305-1 U Chase Nat'l, NYC 20.00
U Nat'l City, NYC 20.00
U Central, Peoria, Ill. #F000001A
305-2 U Sterling Nat'l, NYC 20.00
U Wichita Nat'l, Wichita Fails, Texas 24.00
310-1 U 1st Nat'l, Lone Wolf, Ok.
#F000001A 75.00
U American Nat'l, Cheyenne, Wyoming 45.00
310-2 U Bishop Nat'l, Hawaii (Rarity 8) 100.00
U Anglo-California Nat'l, S. F. 30.00
387 VG Nat'l Bank of Commonwealth, N. Y.
387 VG Nat'l Shoe & Leather Bank, N. Y.
405 VF Union Bank, Baltimore, Md. 75.00
477 AU
1st Nat'l Brigham City, Utah 195.00
589 XF Anglo & London Paris, S. F., Calif.
U Mellon Nat'l Pittsburgh, Pa. 90.00
598 U 1st Nat'l Jersey City, N. J. 27.50
482 AU
Citizens Nat'l Newport, N. H.
485 XF 1st Nat'l Denison, Iowa
490 U 1st Nat'l Brigham City, Utah
545 AU Fort Collins, Colorado
577 VF Lowry Nat'l, Atlanta, Ca.
621 AU Tootle-Lemon Nat'l, St. Louis, Mo.
431 AU 2nd Nat'l, Richmond, Indiana 350.00
642 U Bank of Calif. Nat'l. Association, S. F.
650 XF 1st Nat'l Jersey City, N. J. 52.50
16 U 75.00, C 25.00 42 U 260.00 273 F 12.50
18 VG 20.00 48 U 87.50 281 AU 40.00
26 U 45.00 57 U 27.50 851 U 17.50 AU 15.00
36 AU 10.00, VF 6.00 58 XF 15.00
38 U 22.50 246 AU 200.00 TEN DOLLARS
XF 8.00
AU 8.00
AU 11.00
248 U 250.00
753 U 60.00
757 U 85.00
772 U 200.00
3 F 300.00
63 U 125.00
3 digit serial
122 AU 55.00
123 VG 60.00
366 XF 300.00
892 VF 60.00
910 U 32.50
911 U 27.50
1173 AU 57.50 F 25.00
722 U 42.50 69 U 180.00
730 U 70.00 2 digit serial 79 U 52.50 TWENTY DOLLARS
733 U 75.00, AU 60.00 80 U 60.00 Autograph 90.00 969 AU 45.00
736 VG 20.00 81 U 57.50 970 XF 40.00
87 AU 18.50 971 XF 40.00
91 AU 15.00 U 20.00 1187 AU 85.00 F 35.00
%Im o
1227 U Obv. Cr Rx. Specimens. Close
trimmed, perhaps from shield. 40.00
1282 U Specimens, as above. Buff paper 150.00
1230 AU Obv. Specimen, from shield.
Wide margins with glue on
corners. Nice
1229 VF 15.00 1265 U 5.00 1266 U 5.00
DOLLARS 201-20
201-2 9.75 H-201 6.50 105-1 27.50 A210-2 27.50
201-3 10.50 A-201 7.50 105-2 50.00 210-4 (XF) 250.00
102-4 17.50
201-12N 4.50 102-5 14.50 205-3 50.00 510-6B 20.00
610-1 (VF) 30.00
201-18 3.00 102-12 3.50 505-3B 25.00 TWENTY DOLLARS
505-6LB 18.00 620-1 120.00
All notes carry the usual HAAS guaranty of "Satisfaction or Refund."
Add 25c for Postage & Insurance on orders under $25.00.
NEW YORK, N. Y. 10038
212-WOrth 2-3794
Truly the
Nicest Notes obtainable all Superb Centering (also those starred * which are not well centered, but still Beautiful
Notes) . All Prices OK through June 1 5th only.
Fast disappearing. Limit 1 each. This experimental Issue is one of our most under-rated
series. Limit 1 set. "R" Unc. Wanted. Will trade "S"
PMC Donlon # Series for "R"
600 201-01 928 16.50 1609 R201 1935A Red "R"-1610 5201 1935A
601 201-02 928A 10.50 Red "S" The Pair 99.50
602 201-03 928B $9.00* 12.50
603 201-04 928C 250.00 SPECIAL WAR ISSUES
604 201-05 928D $125.00* 165.00
604 201-06 928E Pay $275.00
Wtd. 2300 H 201 Hawaii $5.75* 7.75
606 201-07 934 11.50 2306 A201 Europe, etc. $9.00* 14.50
611 201-10 935B 13.50 1500 101-1 $24.00* 35.00
612 201-11 935C
. . . . 7.50 Low # under 5,000 $30.00* 45.00
613 201-12W 1935D Wide reverse 5.50
613 201-12N 1935D Narrow rev. 5.00 1963 FED. RESERVE SERIES
614 201-13 1935E 4.50
615 201-15 1935F 4.00 1900A -L 50-1 A-L Set (12) nice centering .... 15.75
201-17 1935G
201-18 1935G Motto
618 201-20 1935H 3.00 1963 Set (12), all with Star $24.50* Nice 29.75
619 201-14 1957 2.50 1963A Set (12) Write
620 201-16 1957A 2.50 Most 1963A $1 Stars. Write
621 201-19 1957B 2.50
Splendid Set (38) above $1.00 Notes (The FRB are all
1957B Granaham & Dillon. The rare Note with Stars). Singly sells for $1,150.00 or more. Includes TOM'S
"dual numbers." While few lasts 65.00 Deluxe Album. Just the one set 1,065.00
Provides space for the entire issue of small size $1
Notes. Indeed Beautiful Album, Descriptive List
upon request 12.50
Album Pages for new 1963A $1.00 FRB issue
which will appear soon. This not contained in
album above 3.50
1896 Silver Certificates-our Most Beautiful Issue and indeed a MUST for a "Prize Winning Exhibit." We offer from our
Large Choice Stock the nicest Sets your Money can buy. Also Sets that are not perfectly centered but otherwise are Gem
Each Note Is Housed in a Plastic Holder *Crisp Unc. Gem Unc.
1896 $1.00 History Instructing Youth $ 87.50 $ 99.00
1896 $2.00 Five Female Group
275.00 325.00
1896 $5.00 Electricity-an Allegorical Group 350.00 395.00
Complete Set (31. You'll say they are the Nicest you've ever seen 695.00 750.00
WHAT ELSE? Please send your Want List for reasonable prices on any items we can supply. We
may have just the Notes you require. Our stock, one of the finest in the country for the past quarter
of a century, contains many exceedingly rare items such as: Set (4) Napier 6- Thompson $1, $2, $5
Silver, $5 Legals (all low #); Set (5) : 1875 $1 Legals A-B-C-D-E. These will be sold only as a set,
likely this Winter, in a Sale of Very Rare Notes including many duplicates of the personal collection
of Aubrey E. Bebee.
WANTED TO BUY: Most Territorial Notes (but especially Arizona, Idaho, Indian, Nebraska, Okla-
homa, Washington) - Double Denominations - National Gold Banks - Interest Bearing - Nice 1st, 2nd
Charters - Demand - Rarities in Coin, Legal, Federal Reserve - Uncut Sheets. Please price any items
you have for sale.
All offerings subject to prior sale. 100% Satisfaction Always. Any items returnable in 3 days for
full refund. Add 50c to orders less than $35.00. Now in our 26th year. Please give us a try-
You'll wonder why you didn't sooner.
Bebee's, Inc.
Curiosities ... and values
in paper money
HERE ARE just two of the 2,188 illustra-
tions: a curious $3.00 bill issued by the Bank
of St. Mary's, Columbus, Georgia, valued at
$18.00 (VG) or $22.00 (new). At right, the
Hawaiian $5.00 note, 1934A Series ... value,
$50.00 (VG) or $125.00 (new). Not all dol-
lars depreciate, as this book, North American
Currency, shows!
For the Dedicated, Informed Hobbyist
A Comprehensive, Up-To-Date and Definitive Book on
With Current Valuations
Years of research and compilation have
now produced a new reference work on
paper money of the North American
This is a manual for collectors of paper
money. But it is more than that: the hun-
dreds of Broken Bank Notes illustrated and
priced give it unique and extraordinary
A Coming Paper Money Room?
Here is a volume which anticipates the
`hot" speculation about a coming boom in
caper money. The author, Grover C. Cris-
well, Jr., an international expert in this field,
has provided a most fascinating and care-
fully documented coverage of this important
section of numismatics.
5 Books in One
Profusely Illustrated
A nationally-known collector who saw
pre-publication proofs called this work "five
books in one," because of its intensive and
thorough exploration of all facets of Paper
Among many exclusive features of North
American Currency you will find how to
organize and catalogue your own Bank notes
. . . many other ideas which alone, are
worth the price of admission.
This book, which you will be proud to
show to fellow collectors (but NOT to lend
around, we are sure!) is excellent in print-
ing, reproduction and binding.
Important Current Valuations
One single added feature makes this
North American Currency book indispen-
sable: its comprehensive and realistic cur-
rent valuations.
It is almost a condensed encyclopedia of
the subject: 912 pages with 2,188 illustra-
tions of the paper money of the United
States, Canada and Mexico.
The price of this comprehensive and at-
tractive volume is $15.00. The edition is
fairly limited. Please order your copy now.
If not on sale in your area write Krause Pubncauuns — Iola — Wis. for nearest source.
Scarce Texas Currency
$ 1.00 Indian Brave Left Fine $10.00 Very Fine $15.00
5.00 Indian Brave Seated Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
10.00 Hercules at Left Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
20.00 Indian Left Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
50.00 Steamship Fine 9.75 Very Fine 12.50
10.00 Ship Left-Lamar Signature Fine 9.75 Very Fine 13.50
Houston Signature Fine 12.25 Very Fine 15.75
50.00 Sailor & Flag-Lamar Signature Fine 9.75 Very Fine 13.50
Houston Signature Fine 12.50 Very Fine 15.75
100.00 Criswell CF1 Very Fine 17.50
500.00 Criswell CF5 Very Fine 22.50
100.00 Criswell CF7 Very Fine 17.50
1000.00 Criswell CF12 Very Fine 27.50
100.00 Criswell CF14 Very Fine 25.00
25.00 Criswell AW3 Fine 17.75 Very Fine 22.50
50.00 Criswell AW4 Fine 18.00 Very Fine 23.50
Complete set of Navy Notes AW 3 & 4 Fine 32.50 Very Fine 41.50
$320.00 Texian Loan, Criswell 36A, First Texas Bond. Signed by Stephen F. Austin
Ext. Rare, small triangle cut cancel missing. Nice appearing - $112.50
$100.00 Republic of Texas, old mill at center, Very Fine 17.50
500.00 Republic of Texas, Mercury & Sailor, Fine cut cancel 17.50
Washington County, Texas, Uncut Sheet of Four Notes, 8.50, 1.00; 2.00; 3.00; Unc. Unsigned 17.50
Other Texas Items For Sale: Texas Residents Add 2% Sales Tax
John N. Rowe III, P. 0. Box 2381, Dallas, Texas 75221
PO SIM U. S. Currency Exclusively
S.P.M.C. No. 74
A.N.A. No. 4295
Life Member No. 101
P. 0. BOX 144
Phone 315-735-2525.
Scarce and Attractive Uncut Sheets
These show pieces will enhance the value and interest in any collection or exhibit. All
have been obtained from important collections. None have been released by the
Treasury Dept. in many years.
The year's best seller and best dollar value. Thousands have said so!
Most collectors use two or more copies, as check lists and for reference.
Only One Dollar. Order today.
Also singles, duplicates, uncut sheets, andbank packs, large and small. Please quote
prices with description and quantity. No bids or offers. Appraisals at moderate fee.