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‘Spending Uncle
Sam’s Money’
by T. Dart. Walker, c. 1890s
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 401
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Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. L, No. 6 Whole No. 276 November/December 2011
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011
Visit the SPMC web site:
Pilgrim Vignettes on Obsolete Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
By C. John Ferreri
The Paper Column: Large Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes . . .415
By Peter Huntoon
Who Were They? Tracing Names on Alabama Notes . . . . . . . . . 435
By Bill Gunther
SPMC Hands Out Awards at Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
By John & Nancy Wilson
Quest for the Confederate Litho Stones: Followup . . . . . . . . . . . 449
By Col. Crutchfield Williams and Tom Carson
The Buck Starts Here: “Dr. Livingstone, I Presume’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
By Gene Hessler
Small Notes: Series 1928A Gold Certificates Do Not Exist . . . . . 461
By Jamie Yakes
Update on Type-64 CSA $500 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
By Steve Feller
society News
Information and Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402
Your Subscription to Paper Money Has Expired If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Remember SPMC in year-end gift giving; donations are tax deductible . .448
President’s Column by Mark Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .458
Looking In On SPMC Doings at 2011 ANA Convention by Bob VanRyzin 454
Wanted: Website Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .457
Money Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .457
Introducing Paul Herbert & John Davenport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478
The Editor’s Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478
Please Be Advised
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Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276402
Society of Paper Money Collectors
PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
vICE-PRESIDENT Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
SECRETARY Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731, Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1, Plover, WI 54467
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Lawrence Schuffman, P.O. Box 19, Mount Freedom, NJ 07970
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 118162,
Carrollton, TX 75011-8162
CONTRIBUTINg EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADvERTISINg MANAgER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEgAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
52514, Atlanta, GA 30355
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
BuyiNG aND seLLiNG
P.o. Box 2522, Lexington, sc 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FaX: (803) 996-4885
csa and obsolete
csa Bonds, stocks &
auction representation
60-Page catalog for
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit
organization under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis International Paper Money Show.
Up-to-date information about the SPMC, including its bylaws and activities
can be found on its web site SPMC does not endorse any
company, dealer, or auction house.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
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DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
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from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
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after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
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November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 403
. . . Last year in SPMC’s 50th year
due to the generous donation of a member
we offered five prizes for NEW authors
for short (1,200 words or less) articles
The five WINNERS
will be announced in the Jan/Feb 2012 issue
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276404
WHEN COLLECTING OBSOLETE BANKNOTES, EVERYTHINGis about history. No matter what the visual on the note is you can bet itwill be the historic legacy that captures your attention. The vignettes ofpeople, places, things, historical events and art that were commissioned
to appear on these banknotes remain today a window into the culture of our ances-
tors of the 19th Century. These show us what they thought was interesting and
important in their lives. One of the events that was recalled was the “Landing of the
Pilgrims,” one of American history’s earliest notable events. This event was not doc-
umented very often on obsolete paper money so I have attempted to bring together
the various vignettes of this event on the many different issues I have been able to
record. Although it was the Pilgrims themselves who were the focal point of each
vignette, their ship, the Mayflower, is also represented on every note and die proof
The Pilgrim Story
The story of the English Pilgrims starts in their mother country, England.
After embarking at Plymouth in old England this band of “Separatists” as they were
first called, went on to Holland, and then 12 years later to the “New World” in search
of religious freedom. Others had been here before but there was yet to be a perma-
nent colony of Englishmen on these northern shores. They landed in the area now
named Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod on November 11th, 1620, but stayed
only long enough to see if the land was fit for farming and if drinking water was
Pilgrim Vignettes
on Obsolete Notes
By C. John Ferreri
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 405
abundant. They decided that this would not be a good enough place to build a set-
tlement so they picked up their belongings, re-boarded the Mayflower and set off in
search for a more suitable shore.
On November 21, 1620, they engrossed and signed the Mayflower
Compact, the first Constitution enacted in the New World. This was necessary
because they were beyond the jurisdiction of the Virginia Colony and the mouth of
the Hudson river where they first intended to settle. On December 16th, 1620, they
arrived at a place they could call home. This shore had a good harbor, fertile fields
and fresh water. They named it Plymouth, after the town in England where their
journey began. Their first winter was very trying and some perished. The local
Indians actually brought them provisions and subsequently saved many others from
meeting the same fate. It was only a year later when they would celebrate a good
harvest with a day of “thanksgiving.”
It is hard to mention Pilgrims without mentioning Plymouth Rock. While
this may or may not have played a part in the lore of the Pilgrims, I mention it only
because it does appear in many of the vignettes used on banknotes. This piece of
granite was left as a deposit on the beach in Plymouth. Its origin was only a few
miles north of Plymouth in a rock outcrop in the Dedham area which formed 680
million years ago. As a glacier once pushed through this area this piece became dis-
lodged and ended up about knee deep at high tide almost at its present resting
place. Over the years it has succumbed to water and sand erosion from the sea and
vandalism by souvenir hunters. Its size now is only a fraction of what it originally
was at the end of the ice age. Actually there is no written mention of a “rock” in
many contemporary writings of the Pilgrims. Knowledge of its pertinence only sur-
faced about 140 years after they supposedly used it as the stepping stone to a new
Plymouth Rock, while presently regarded as America’s most famous step-
ping stone is not without competition, the closest being Dighton Rock in the
Taunton (Massachusetts) River. Inscriptions on Dighton Rock lend credence to a
brief Portuguese habitation in the early 1500s that would be less than 30 miles from
the Plymouth Colony. Across the country, inscriptions on rock have been found
attesting to important explorations by both Europeans and Mediterranean explor-
The Banknotes and Vignettes
Die proof by toppan, carpenter and co. some of these proof impressions escaped
destruction and are available today. if one is lucky the exact image that appears on the
banknote might be found. Die proofs were made for a few reasons. the working die had
to be tested on various types of paper before it was put into use and also these impres-
sions were annotated with either the name of the engraving company or title of the die or
even both in order to preserve a copy for company records or to give to their salesman
for distribution to prospective clients.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276406
If you joined SPMC before 2010 and are not a Life Member and you have not renewed, you
will find a “Dec” on your mailing label. That means this is your LAST ISSUEof Paper Money if
you do not renew your membership/subscription to SPMC NOW. You can use the renewal enve-
lope enclosed in your Sept/Oct issue or your own envelope to renew, but YOU MUST RENEW
If you became a member of SPMC since January 2010, something other than “Dec” will
appear on your label. You must renew BEFORE that date or your membership will expire, so please
renew NOW so you won’t forget. Your membership will be extended for one year past the due date
so you will get full value for your dues dollars, and you will save SPMC the time and expense of
billing you later.
Your subscription expired if . . .
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 407
a second die proof by the same engraving company shows a slightly different represen-
tation of the “Landing.” in 1858 the toppan, carpenter & company along with others
merged to become the american Banknote company, a prime player in the production of
banknotes and securities for more than the next 100 years. it has since sold off its
archives of hardware and plates a few years ago so it is now possible in some instances
for collectors to even obtain a steel die
to match both the die proof and
the banknote in his collec-
this vignette, “Landing of the
Pilgrims,” is an engraving by charles
Burt as shown on the reverse of a $1
original series National Bank Note. this
engraving would probably be the one
most familiar to paper money collectors
today due to its exposure on National
currency. However this particular
engraving does not appear on any issue
of paper money from the state banknote
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276408
The Bank of Cape Cod opened in 1856 and became a national bank in 1865.
The Mayflower Compact was actually drawn up and signed on board before the
Pilgrim Fathers settled on land. This document had become the first constitution to
be used in this country. And at this time John Carver as Governor of the Plymouth
Colony became the first elected official in America. It is fitting that a bank from the
Cape chose to use this vignette. The male portrait on the right is that of Lemuel
Shaw, a 30 year Massachusetts Chief Justice, 1830-1860.
the vignette title, “signing the
First constitution on Board the
Mayflower, 1620” appears at the
bottom of the center vignette.
Here can be seen John carver
signing that first constitution.
Below: the citizens union
Bank opened in 1833 and
became the scituate National
Bank in 1865. again this
vignette was chosen. the por-
trait on the left is of Henry clay.
this bank chose to display
other historic events on its
notes, also. For additional
information please see the
proper Haxby volume.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 409
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The Old Colony Bank opened in 1832 and became a national Bank in
1865. This note is interesting in that we can see a shelter, men cooking, and others
about to collect furnishings from the boat that has returned from the Mayflower,
which can be seen in the distance. Also on the right of the vignette we see Samoset, a
Pemaquid Indian chief from coastal Maine just walking into their midst and about
to surprise the Pilgrims with his command of the English language learned from
fishermen who occasioned this coast. As he approaches the unsuspecting settlers,
above him in a pine tree, an osprey or eagle, probably attracted by the cooking food,
watches patiently. Even with provisions within reach this Native American asked
the Englishmen not for food but for “beer.” They not only were astonished that the
Red Man could speak English but also that he had asked for some of that sacred
brew that sustained then during their journey. Samoset had learned about beer from
previous encounters with east coast fishermen and explorers. Above all this is the
date 1620 and a view of Plymouth Rock where the small boat is being secured. The
Mayflower remains in the distance.
Note the three different imprints on the note of the New England
Banknote Company, the Patent Stereotype Steel Plate and the “ABNCo” of the
American Banknote Company in the center but just below the vignette. The origi-
nal printing plate was probably produced in the 1830s or ’40s by the New England
Banknote Co. It is called a Stereotype Steel Plate, albeit a later version. This type of
plate was invented by Jacob Perkins of Newburyport in about 1810. The American
Banknote Co. was an association of many smaller companies that came together in
1858. Very often their logo will appear on notes alongside imprints of the earlier
engraving companies.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276410
the date, “1620” appears twice in
this vignette and samoset
appears at the right, coming to
welcome the englishmen.
Plymouth rock is evident at the
water’s edge
this enlarged view shows in
detail the activities of the group of
Pilgrims. everyone has a job to
do in order to make the colony
secure for the coming winter.
although samoset could speak
some english. another indian
named squanto, a Pawtuxet
indian who also could speak
english, proved to be even more
helpful. twelve years earlier
squanto had been kidnapped by
fisherman and brought back to
europe. there he learned to
speak english. He subsequently
was able to return to his home in
New england where he met the
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 411
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Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276412
as difficult as it is to locate
a proof quality example, it
is even much harder to find
a circulated example of a
note with a Pilgrim
vignette. Very few have
ever surfaced. this bank
opened in 1803 and
became the Plymouth
National Bank in 1865. this
note is hand-dated January
1, 1864.
this note has the smallest
vignette on an obsolete
banknote of the “Landing”
noted to date. it is in the
upper left hand corner of
the note. this engraving
somehow escaped notice
by Haxby and the banknote
detectors he partially relied
on for the descriptions of
many notes and is not
mentioned in his descrip-
tion of this note.
sometimes the less obvi-
ous part of a note turns out
to be the most interesting!
the enlarged vignette
plainly shows the
Pilgrims in their special
hats stepping from their
shallop to the “rock” and
then to the shore, unload-
ing their provisions. the
Mayflower is in the dis-
tant background and
somewhat hard to see.
413Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276
Henry Sargent (1770-1845), a famous American painter who studied under
Benjamin West and John Singleton Copley executed the work on which this vignette
is based in Boston about 1820 and donated it to Pilgrim Hall in Plymouth where it
resides today. The key to this painting lists the name of each subject pictured. A few
of the prominent subjects shown are; Samoset the Indian and John Carver and his
wife Katherine, the two people closest to Samoset. William Bradford is to the left of
the Carvers and Myles Standish with the Pilgrim style hat is to the right. The
Mayflower had two dogs aboard, an English Mastiff and an English Spaniel which is
the one shown in this vignette.
this vignette is identical
to the second die proof
seen earlier. the same
vignettes could have been
used on other denomina-
tions from this bank as
well. the casco Bank
opened in 1824 and
became a national bank in
a proof note is an
intaglio impression on
soft paper pressed on
copper or steel plates
primarily made to be
shipped to the bank for
a final inspection
before ordering their
notes. the proofs
come out best if high
grade soft india paper
is used because of the
sharp impression it
leaves. usually proofs
like the business
“strikes,” were execut-
ed in a four-note for-
the Plymouth Bank
opened in 1803 and it
too became a national
bank 1865.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276414
Obtaining an obsolete banknote with special historical significance was
always rewarding to me. This topic is one of the most interesting I have come
across. Looking back at the time involved in trying to assemble a collection of notes
with Pilgrim vignettes, I have come to the conclusion that collecting notes with the
popular vignettes of Santa Claus, might be less of a challenge. There are more
vignette types of Santa Claus notes than Pilgrim notes. And, more banks issued
Santa Claus notes than Pilgrim notes, seemingly 3-4 times as many. If you can find
room in your collection for a note with historical significance, try to obtain one of
the Pilgrim issues. Like I said before, “it’s all about history.”
Durand, Roger H. Interesting Notes About History. Privately printed, 1990.
Haxby, James A. Obso lete Bank Notes, 1782-1866, 4 vols. Iola, WI: Krause
Publications, 1988.
Various other pamphlets, monographs and Internet sources.
top: a different vignette used by
the old colony Bank shows the
date 1620 above. the indian to the
left could possibly represent
samoset but more likely,
Massasoit, a wampanoag chief.
samoset was originally sent by
Massasoit to welcome the new trav-
elers. this same engraving also
appears on notes of the Massosoit
Bank. we also see Plymouth rock,
again. this seems to be a progres-
sion proof, which is an impression
of a note not fully constructed. as
you can see, the engraver’s imprint
(name) has not yet been added to
the plate.
above: this is an almost identical
note to the previous old colony
proof note. the date, “1620” is not
evident and the note is payable to
Myles standish. the portrait of the
indian along with washington’s
portrait have also been left off.
this bank operated from 1833 to
1843) (image courtesy of a private
415Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276
EXPLAIN the origins of the Series of 1915 and 1918
Federal Reserve Bank Notes; and, (2) definitively list all
the different plates that were made, reveal which were
actually sent to press, and identify varieties that were printed but
are unreported.
Two definitive sources were used to make this compila-
tion, the certified proofs in the National Numismatic Collection
and a plate history ledger in the National Archives. Experts Doug
Murray and Carlson Chambliss engaged me in a very lively dialog
to resolve discrepancies between these findings and previous catalog
The large size Federal Reserve Bank Notes initially were
intended to replace National Bank Notes. The Federal Reserve Act
of 1913 gave national bankers the option to sell their circulation
privilege to the Federal Reserve System beginning in 1915. This
would take the form of the Federal Reserve Banks purchasing the
bonds the bankers used to secure their circulations. In turn, the
Large Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes
Figure 1. Fabulous model of a series of 1915
Federal reserve Bank Note that sports a red seal
and serial numbers with pasted-on and hand-
drawn elements. important is a delicately penciled
note that unfortunately does not reproduce in this
image stating: “approved as to serial number
(should be district number) + letter in each corner,
as to date of bank charter (should be date of orga-
nization), as to signature of register, as to omis-
sion of lines. wm G Mcadoo.”
All you really wanted to know about
the Paper column
By Peter Huntoon
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276416
Federal Reserve Banks would use those bonds to secure their own circulations.
Some bankers eventually took advantage of this offer, but such sales never
materialized into the expected flood hoped for by Treasury officials. Consequently
the Series of 1915 FRBNs sputtered along in rather small numbers, thus accounting
for their scarcity today.
Key Pittman, Senator from Nevada, won passage of the Pittman Act in 1918
that provided for the melting of up to 350 million old silver dollars in the Treasury
and the sale of the resulting bullion, coupled with the eventual replacement of those
coins with newly minted silver dollars using the production from western mines.
Provisions in the act called for the temporary issuance of Federal Reserve Bank Notes
to offset the redemption of Silver Certificates as the old silver dollars that backed
them were being melted but before production of the new cartwheels caught up.
The Pittman Act breathed life into the Federal Reserve Bank Note series,
and resulted in the Series of 1918 issues. However, that new vigor, and partially
Figure 2. the initial purpose of
Federal reserve Bank Notes was
to replace National Bank Notes.
series of 1915 Federal reserve
Bank Notes are scarce because
national bankers were prevented
from selling the bonds that
backed their currency to Federal
reserve Banks because of a
defect in the Federal reserve act
of 1913. consequently, plates for
many authorized denominations
for many districts were not made,
and many plates that were made
were not used. No $100 series of
1915 notes were printed,
although plates were
made for Boston and
New york.
Figure 3. Highly unusual
$10 series of 1915 FrBN
with penned signed
Federal reserve Bank
signatures of acting
secretary cross and
Governor Miller. these
notes generally have rub-
ber stamped or overprint-
ed signatures. (Photo
courtesy of Heritage
auction archives)
417Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276
redefined purpose for the use of FRBNs, was short-lived because the western miners
flooded the mint with new silver. The Treasury flooded the country with Silver
Certificates as the new silver was coined into new dollars beginning in 1921, and the
coins were deposited in the Treasury to secure that circulation.
The country was in the midst of the post-WW I agricultural depression in
mid-1923, so the total stock of money in circulation was eleven percent below its
1920 high. Even so, the total stock of silver dollars had rebounded to 492 million
and Silver Certificate circulation to $365 million, respectively 86 and 78 percent of
their 1917 values before the Pittman melts.
There no longer was a need for FRBNs to compensate for redeemed Silver
Certificates, so the issuance of FRBNs was contracted accordingly. Large size FRBNs
were discontinued October 17, 1923.
FRBNs never succeeded in replacing significant volumes of National Bank
Notes. If Treasury officials were going to get rid of National Bank Notes, they would
have to resort to more draconian measures. Specifically, in 1935, the Treasury sim-
ply called the last of the bonds that were used to secure the nationals, and that was
the end of them.
There is richness in the large size Federal Reserve Bank Notes that is mani-
fested in the different series, denominations and signature varieties that were issued.
The series were defined by the legislation that authorized them. First, the Federal
Reserve Bank Notes were linked to National Bank Notes yielding the Series of 1915.
But soon most of them became linked to $1 and $2 Silver Certificates, producing the
Series of 1918!
It is the purpose of this article to draw out these linkages so that you can
more fully appreciate what the large size FRBNs are about, why there are two differ-
ent series of them, why $1 and $2 FRBNs exist, and why the series disappeared. This
is interesting stuff!
Figure 4. this pair of proofs con-
sisting of unissued $50 series of
1915 and 1918 atlanta Federal
reserve Bank Notes illustrates
the differences that can occur
between notes from the different
series. (1) the upper left series
occurs in either 1 or 2 lines. (2)
the security clauses differ. (3)
the size of the district letters and
numbers differ. (4) the act dates
differ. (5) the placement of the
plates letters differ. (6) the size
and placement of the titles for the
bank officers differ. (7) the
placement of the organization
date differs. (8) an embellish-
ment occurs between the bank
signatures on the series of 1915.
(9) the bank secretary signed the
series of 1915, whereas the bank
cashier signed the series of 1918.
(10) the bank signatures had to
be affixed to the series of 1915
notes at the banks.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276418
Differences Between 1915 and 1918 Notes
Figure 4 illustrates that several differences can be found between the Series
of 1915 and 1918 notes, some very minor, some major. Some differences don’t
occur on every denomination.
One significant difference between the series is that the bank secretary
signed the Series of 1915 notes, whereas the bank cashier signed the 1918s. This led
to an unexpected surprise on a newly discovered $5 Series of 1915 from Atlanta.
The note has McCord-Bell bank signatures, where Bell signed as Secretary. Bell also
signed as cashier on the Series of 1918 notes beginning in 1919. Obviously, he was
promoted. Ironically he was again paired with McCord on the Series of 1918 vari-
Series of 1915
Section 18 of The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, gave officers
of national banks the opportunity to get out of the note-issuing business. Part of
that section read as follows:
After two years from the passage of this act, and at any time during
a period of twenty years thereafter, any member bank desiring to retire
the whole or any part of its circulating notes, may file with the Treasurer
of the United States an application to sell for its account, at par and
accrued interest, United States bonds securing circulation to be retired.
The Federal Reserve Board could at its discretion require the Federal
Reserve Banks to purchase those bonds as well as other U. S. bonds bearing the cir-
culation privilege so long as the total amount purchased did not exceed $25,000,000
per year. The bonds thus purchased were to be apportioned between the twelve
Federal Reserve Banks based on their relative capitals and surpluses.
Figure 5. occasionally a new
series of 1915 note is discovered
with unexpected bank signatures
such as this $5 from atlanta with
the Mccord-Bell combination.
Bell signed as bank secretary on
this piece. His signature also
occurs as the cashier on many
series of 1918 notes, including
being paired with Mccord again.
(Photo courtesy of Heritage
auction archives)
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 419
The circulation privilege was a designation by Congress that certain Federal
bonds could be used by national banks to secure their note issues. The important
thing from the perspective of this discussion about Federal Reserve Bank Notes is the
following in Section 18:
The Federal reserve banks purchasing such bonds shall be permit-
ted to take out an amount of circulating notes equal to the par value of
such bonds.
Upon the deposit with the Treasurer of the United States of bonds
so purchased * * * any Federal reserve bank * * * shall be entitled to
receive from the Comptroller of the Currency circulating notes * * *
equal in amount to the par value of the bonds so deposited. Such notes
shall be the obligations of the Federal reserve bank procuring the same,
and shall be in form prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and to
the same tenor and effect as National Bank Notes now provided by law.
They shall be issued and redeemed under the same terms and conditions
as National Bank Notes, except that they shall not be limited to the
amount of the capital stock of the Federal reserve bank issuing them.
Thus were born Federal Reserve Bank Notes. The potential impact on the
National Bank Note system was that if the bankers complied, half a billion dollars
worth of National Bank Notes - about 2/3rds of them - could be done away with in
20 years by gradually converting them into Federal Reserve Bank Notes on a one-to-
one dollar basis.
What these provisions did was to set in motion a process that would begin
phasing out National Bank Notes, but preserve the total amount of bond secured
currency in circulation. The incentive for converting from National Bank Notes to
Federal Reserve Bank Notes was that the Federal Reserve Bank Notes were consid-
ered to be more desirable as monetary instruments.
The problem with National Bank Notes turned on the concept of elasticity.
The maximum value of National Bank Notes that a national bank could issue was a
fixed percentage of the capitalization of the bank. Those percentages were changed
from time to time by amendments to the National Bank Act, but the net result was
that the stock of National Bank Notes in circulation was rather inflexibly fixed by
the capitalization of the banks. Consequently National Bank Note circulation was
inelastic; that is, the supply of nationals did not expand or contract as the business
needs of the country changed, either seasonally or within business cycles.
In contrast, once the bonds were in the hands of a Federal Reserve Bank, the
minimum amount of currency that could be issued against them was not limited by
the capitalization of the Federal Reserve Bank. Instead, provisions were built in that
allowed for elasticity. It was the elasticity of the Federal Reserve Bank Notes that
Congress and the Treasury desired.
Federal Reserve Bank Notes should have come into existence in volume after
December 23, 1915, two years after passage of the Federal Reserve Act. It was then
Figure 6. series of 1915 $20
plates were made, notes printed,
but none issued for Philadelphia,
cleveland, richmond and san
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276420
that the bankers could start selling their bonds to the Federal Reserve Banks.
However, not much happened!
One shortcoming of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was that the framers
failed to repeal the provisions in the National Bank Act that required an initial mini-
mum deposit of bonds with the Treasurer to secure a circulation before a national
bank could be chartered. So, even though the Federal Reserve Act allowed the
national bankers to sell their bonds to the Federal Reserve Banks, the bankers could-
The result was that about the only bonds that the Federal Reserve Banks
could acquire to secure their FRBNs were those bearing the circulation privilege that
were available on the open market. Consequently, the Series of 1915 Federal Reserve
Bank Note issues were small, issued only by a few districts, and in only a limited
number of denominations. See Table 1. The first appeared in February 1916.
Clearly the National Bank Act had to be amended to do away with the
required minimum bond deposit, so this action was taken in an amendment to the
Federal Reserve Act enacted June 21, 1917. The concept of Federal Reserve Bank
Notes finally became viable. We notice in the National Currency and Bond Ledgers
that national bankers began to sell their bonds to the Federal Reserve Banks begin-
ning in mid-1917.
Table 1. Numbers of production plates made for the Series of 1915 Federal Reserve Bank Notes.
All were 4-subject plates. All have blanks for the signatures of the bank president and secretary.
Boldface = printings were made from these plates and notes were issued with various added Federal
Reserve signatures.
Boldface Italics = printings were made from these plates, but apparently none of the notes were issued.
All others = plates were made but not used.
$5 $10 $20 $50 $100
Boston 1 1 1 1 1
New York 1 1 1 1 1
Philadelphia 1 1 1
Cleveland 1 2 1
Richmond 1 1 1
Atlanta 1 1 1 1
Chicago 2 1 1
St. Louis 1 1 1
Minneapolis 2 2
Kansas City 4 4 1
Dallas 3 2 1
San Francisco 2 2 1
Figure 7. $5 and $10 series of
1915 plates were made and notes
printed for Minneapolis, but none
were issued.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 421
The high point for the Series of 1915 was attained near the end of October
1917 when there were just under $13 million worth of them in circulation
(Philpott, 1963). Clearly the national bankers were not finding it advantageous to
sell their bonds in large numbers.
Series of 1918
The big boost for FRBNs came with the passage of the Pittman Act of April
23, 1918. But, that act had nothing to do with National Bank Notes! The Pittman
Act superficially appeared to be an outrageous and rather convoluted sop to western
silver mining interests, while hiding behind the loftily stated purpose of conserving
gold stocks in the Treasury.
The gist of the act was that it allowed the Treasury to melt existing silver
dollars and sell the bullion, or to convert the bullion into subsidiary U. S. coins.
The melted dollars were to be replaced by new dollars from domestically mined sil-
The fact is that the Pittman Act greatly benefited the silver mining industry
for several years, but it also helped the Treasury unload a huge amount of silver at
an inflated price, thereby greatly augmenting the flow of foreign gold into the
Treasury. The sale of the silver materially aided our WWI British ally, which was
the underlying objective of the legislation. The United States had declared war on
Germany on April 6, 1917, so had cast its lot with Britain.
The Treasury had plenty of silver dollars in storage, which many viewed as
a great surplus, and had issued a corresponding plethora of Silver Certificates
backed by them. However, silver prices and production had been sinking prior to
the war.
Figure 8. the $2 series of 1918
FrBN has always been a favorite
type owing to the battleship on
the back. the fact that this partic-
ular piece is a star note doesn’t
detract from its appeal. (Photo
courtesy of Heritage auction
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276422
In contrast, Britain’s colony India, which was on a silver monetary standard,
was suffering an acute shortage of the metal during the war. The problem was that
Indians had an insatiable appetite for the metal, but it was not flowing to India from
England owing to export embargos on gold and silver needed to support the British
war effort. Consequently the bullion value of the silver rupees surpassed the legal
tender value in India, so rupees were internally hoarded and melted down to make
jewelry. This created a potentially violent destabilizing crisis as rupees vanished
from circulation (Hammond and Jenks, 1921, p. 222-225).
The British negotiated with the U. S. Treasury to fix the price of silver bul-
lion at $1 per ounce, which was above market value and almost double the pre-war
value, and to purchase large volumes for export to India at that price to alleviate the
Indian shortage. The Pittman Act was the result, and it called for the melting of as
many as 350 million old silver dollars taking up space in the Treasury. This would
require the redemption of an equal value in Silver Certificates that were secured by
them. The bullion was to be sold, and it was sold to England. However, equal num-
bers of new silver dollars were to be made from domestically produced silver as it
became available.
Leavens (1939, p. 147) reveals that 295 million silver dollars were melted
yielding 200 million fine ounces of silver that were shipped to India as fast as it could
be readied. Another 11 million were allocated to subsidiary U. S. coinage.
Sections 5 and 6 of the Pittman Act contained the following tradeoff provi-
sions to compensate for a contraction in the amount of outstanding Silver
Certificates that would occur because of the delay between the melting of the old sil-
ver dollars and minting of the new coins. Notice that $1 and $2 FRBNs were called
for because most of the Silver Certificates that were going to be redeemed were $1
and $2 notes.
(Section 5) In order to prevent contraction of the currency, the
Federal reserve banks may be permitted or required by the Secretary of
the Treasury, to issue Federal reserve bank notes, in any denominations
(including $1 and $2) * * * in an aggregate amount not exceeding the
amount of silver dollars melted or broken up and sold as bullion under
the authority of this act.
* * *
(Section 6) As and when silver dollars shall be coined out of bul-
lion purchased under the authority of this act, the Federal reserve banks
shall be required * * * to retire Federal reserve bank notes issued under
authority of section 5 of this act, if then outstanding, in an amount equal
to the amount of silver dollars so coined * * *.
Figure 9. chart showing the num-
ber of silver dollars in the
treasury (white bars), value of
silver certificates in circulation
(stippled bars), and value of
Federal reserve Bank Notes in
circulation (black bars) on June
30 of the years shown. Notice
that as silver dollars were melted
under the terms of the Pittman
act between 1918 and 1920, there
was a corresponding contraction
in the silver certificates backed
by them, but an offsetting
increase in Federal reserve Bank
Notes. the trends reversed when
silver dollars began to be minted
beginning in 1921 using western
silver purchased under the
Pittman act. (Data from secretary
of the treasury, 1935, tables 39
and 40).
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 423
British gold from the silver sales, coupled with arms sales to England and
other European allies, led to a very favorable flow of gold into our economy and
Treasury. The Federal Reserve Banks bought short term U. S. gold bonds and cer-
tificates of indebtedness from the Treasury to secure their Federal Reserve Bank
Note issues, and pressed their notes into circulation to offset the Silver Certificates
that were redeemed to compensate for the silver shipped to India.
The Pittman Act authorized the one-year gold notes and certificates of
indebtedness that the Federal Reserve banks purchased from the Treasury and then
deposited with the Treasurer to secure their circulations. Notice that this mecha-
nism was virtually identical to the bonds purchased by national bankers that were
deposited with the Treasurer to secure National Bank Note circulations.
A new Series of Federal Reserve Bank Notes -- the Series of 1918 -- came
about bearing a revised security clause acknowledging the additional backing by cer-
tificates of indebtedness and one-year gold notes. The legal distinction between the
Series of 1915 and 1918 is the wording in the security clause on the faces located
just under the upper border.
Below, Figure 10. one-year gold-
bearing treasury notes like this
were among the securities deposit-
ed with the treasurer by the
Federal reserve Banks. they
secured series 1918 Federal
reserve Bank Notes issued to off-
set silver certificates redeemed
under the terms of the Pittman act.
Bottom, Figure 11. treasury
certificates of indebtedness with
backs like this were among the
securities deposited with the
treasurer by the Federal reserve
Banks to secure their series of
1918 Federal reserve Bank Notes.
Like treasury notes, they
were purchased by the
banks to offset silver
certificates redeemed
under the terms of the
Pittman act. it is very
doubtful that this denomi-
nation was used because
only three of these would
have greatly exceeded
the peak combined circu-
lation of all the FrBNs
from all 12 banks! this
particular back is printed
in yellow.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276424
TheNew York Times (August 25, 1918) announced that the first New York
$1 and $2 FRBNs began to circulate on August 24, 1918. The notes bore the signa-
tures of Governor Benjamin Strong and Cashier L. F. Sailer of the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York. However, it was noted that Sailer had been promoted to Deputy
Governor so Laurence H. Hendricks already had taken his place as cashier.
The $1 and $2 Series of 1918 FRBNs were issued from all 12 districts, and
$5s from all districts except Richmond. Clearly the emphasis was on the small
denominations, which primarily offset Silver Certificate redemptions under the
terms of the Pittman Act. Table 2 reveals that use of the higher denominations was
very spotty.
FRBN circulation peaked at $236,597,570 million on January 1, 1921.
(Philpott, 1963, p. 7) However, bond sales by national banks to the Federal Reserve
Banks had been meager, so only about five percent of the Series of 1918 notes on
that date represented notes issued against bonds purchased from national banks.
In the meantime, the mints began to purchase domestically produced silver
at the inflated $1 per ounce rate, greatly stimulating mine output. Mintage of new
silver dollars began in 1921. Ironically, the entire program paid for itself in the
form of seigniorage gains as the new bullion was minted into new silver dollars.
The new dollar coins served as backing for new Silver Certificates, so the
FRBNs became redundant. As before, the public preferred to carry Silver
Certificates and let the cumbersome silver dollars reside in the Treasury.
The flood of new Silver Certificates quite literally drove out the Federal
Reserve Bank Notes as per section 6 of the Pittman Act. They were discontinued
October 17, 1923. Only $16,282,000 worth of them in circulation at that time were
obligations of the Federal Reserve Banks. The rest were in the process of being
retired with funds deposited into the Treasury redemption account from the pro-
ceeds of the sales of the bonds owned by the Federal Reserve Banks that were used to
Figure 12. $1 and $2 series of
1918 Federal reserve Bank Notes
were authorized in the Pittman act
to serve as substitutes for $1 and
$2 silver certificates that would
have to be withdrawn from circula-
tion during the period spanning
the time between when silver dol-
lars in the treasury were melted
and newly produced domestic bul-
lion could be coined into new dol-
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 425
Table 2. Production plates made for the Series of 1918 Federal Reserve Bank Notes.
Dates are the certification dates for the first plate made of the variety. $1s are a mix of 4- and 8-subject plates,
the rest were 4-subject plates. All carry facsimile signatures of the bank president and cashier.
Boldface= plates were made and notes printed, but the variety is unreported.
Boldface italic = plates were made but no notes printed.
$1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50
Teehee-Burke Bullen-Morse 8/8/18 2/20/18 8/21/18
Teehee-Burke Willet-Morss 9/18/19 9/16/19
Elliott-Burke Willet-Morss 2/27/20 4/19/20 1/11/21
New York
Teehee-Burke Sailer-Strong 7/8/18 7/16/18
Teehee-Burke Hendricks-Strong 7/24/18 9/16/18 8/6/18 8/10/18
Elliott-Burke Hendricks-Strong 5/15/20 2/18/20
Teehee-Burke Hardt-Passmore 8/5/18 8/20/18 8/18/18
Teehee-Burke Dyer-Passmore 10/28/18 10/4/18 10/22/18
Elliott-Burke Dyer-Passmore 2/21/20 3/17/20
Elliott-Burke Dyer-Norris 4/17/20 5/13/20
Teehee-Burke Baxter-Fancher 8/7/18 9/8/18 8/15/18
Teehee-Burke Davis-Fancher 2/6/19 2/14/19 3/4/19
Elliott-Burke Davis-Fancher 1/10/20 3/31/20 7/7/20
Teehee-Burke Keesee-Seay 8/24/18 8/23/18 9/9/18
Elliott-Burke Keesee-Seay 3/26/20 5/13/20
Teehee-Burke Pike-McCord 8/19/18 9/6/18 8/28/18
Teehee-Burke Bell-McCord 2/1/19 2/7/19
Teehee-Burke Bell-Wellborn 9/20/19 12/1/19
Elliott-Burke Bell-Wellborn 1/3/20 4/17/20 6/16/20 5/18/20 5/21/20 5/18/20
Teehee-Burke McCloud-McDougal 7/30/18 8/15/18 8/23/18 8/15/18
Teehee-Burke Cramer-McDougal 5/3/19 5/8/19 6/13/19
Elliott-Burke Cramer-McDougal 2/16/20 5/4/20
St. Louis
Teehee-Burke Attebery-Wells 8/16/18 8/23/18 8/29/18 8/15/18 9/27/18 10/14/18
Teehee-Burke Attebery-Biggs 4/30/19 3/7/19 6/7/19
Elliott-Burke Attebery-Biggs 2/11/20 2/14/20
Elliott-Burke White-Biggs 8/14/20 7/13/20 7/23/20
Teehee-Burke Cook-Wold 8/26/18 9/3/18 9/6/18
Teehee-Burke Cook-Young 11/28/19
Elliott-Burke Cook-Young 5/27/20 6/24/20 11/19/20
Kansas City
Teehee-Burke Anderson-Miller 8/18/18 8/29/18 9/6/18
Elliott-Burke Anderson-Miller 3/25/20
Elliott-Burke Helm-Miller 7/16/20 6/24/20 6/23/20
Teehee-Burke Talley-vanZandt 8/21/18 8/29/18 9/6/18
Elliott-Burke Talley-vanZandt 5/27/20 6/11/20
Elliott-Burke Lawder-vanZandt 7/28/20 7/30/20
San Francisco
Teehee-Burke Clerk-Lynch 8/6/18 8/21/18 8/29/18
Teehee-Burke Clerk-Calkins 8/28/19 11/5/19
Elliott-Burke Clerk-Calkins 1/13/20 4/14/20
Elliott-Burke Ambrose-Calkins 10/25/20 1/12/21
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276426
back them. All the remaining outstanding FRBNs became obligations of the
Treasury redemption account after October 1923.
Unused Plates and Unissued Printings
As shown on Table 1, plenty of plates were made for the Series of 1915 that
never were sent to press. Similarly, there are no shortages of printings that never
were issued. In fact, of the 40 different plate varieties made for the series, notes
reached circulation from only 13, just a third.
No issuances were forthcoming from half of the Federal Reserve Banks;
specifically, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond and St. Louis!
The explanation was that the government officials greatly overestimated the likeli-
hood that national banks would opt to sell their circulation privileges to the Federal
Reserve System.
In contrast, all the Federal Reserve districts got involved in issuing the
Series of 1918, but mainly because they had to issue some $1s and $2s in response to
the Pittman Act. All the districts except Richmond issued $5s. Only a sparse smat-
tering of higher denomination plates were ordered and used because the demand for
the higher denominations was slight. The result was that most printings of the high-
er denominations were modest to very small.
Table 2 reveals that, as happened in the Series of 1915, a few Series of 1918
plate varieties were made and never used, and a few others were sent to press but no
notes were issued, or if they were, they haven’t turned up yet.
The officers in the Boston district were forever optimistic and had a $50
plate made in both the Series of 1915 and 1918, but neither saw service.
Minneapolis ordered eight $5 1918 Elliott-Burke Cook-Young plates, numbers 5
through 12, but they never were used.
Dallas ordered three $2 1918 Elliott-Burke Lawder-VanZant plates, num-
bers 10-12, but only number 10 was sent to press, and that only between August 4,
1920 and August 17, 1920. Is it any surprise that none have turned up? Probably
none reached circulation.
Similarly, two $5 1918 San Francisco Teehee-Burke Clerk-Calkins plates
were made, numbers 6 and 7, and each had short press runs respectively lasting
between November 6-12, 1919 and November 7-12, 1919. These were preceded by
Teehee-Burke Clerk-Lynch $5 printings from plates 1-5. Of all of these printings,
no notes have been reported from plates 5-7. Probably they weren’t issued, which
torpedoed all of the Teehee-Burke Clerk-Calkins $5s.
If you like chasing rarity, it is worth studying the estimated printings in the
catalogs for these two series.
Figure 13. eight Minneapolis $5
series of 1918 production plates
were made with elliott-Burke
cook-young signatures, but none
were used.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 427
Key Pittman
Key Pittman, a Democrat, was a U. S. Senator from Nevada from 1913 to
1940. He was educated as a lawyer, but joined the Klondike gold rush and worked
as a miner until 1901. He moved to the mining district of Tonopah, Nevada, in
1902, where he practiced law. His brother was governor of Nevada. Pittman was a
man who looked out for the best interests of western miners, and there were plenty
of them in Nevada!
The fact is, Pittman did not author the Pittman Act. Leavens (1939, p.
145-146) provides the following account.
The British Government * * * on
behalf of the Government of India,
began negotiations with the United
States Government to arrange for the
control of American silver production,
and for the rationing of the product
between the British and American
Governments at a fixed price.
Conferences were held with American
silver producers, and after investiga-
tions of costs a general agreement was
reached that $1.00 per fine ounce
would be a fair price. This was above
the current market, but would allow
for production from some mines that
could not operate at a lower price on
the basis of current costs.
Figure 14. three Dallas $2 series
of 1918 plates, numbers 10, 11 and
12, were made with elliott-Burke
Lawder-VanZandt signatures.
only plate 10 was used, and that
for only one press run, but no
notes are reported from the print-
Figure 15. two san Francisco $5
series of 1918 plates, numbers 6
and 7, were made with teehee-
Burke clerk-calkins signatures.
Both plates were used for less
than a week each in November
1919, but no notes have been
reported from them.
Figure 16, opposite. Democrat
senator Key Pittman from Nevada.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276428
The quantity of silver that could be allotted to India from new
American production, however, was quite inadequate for her needs, and
it was urgent that more silver be procured. It was suggested that some of
the 500,000,000 silver dollars lying in the Treasury as a reserve against
Silver Certificates in circulation might be spared to meet the Indian
emergency. The Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Board
drew up a bill.
* * *
The bill, after being presented to the Banking and Currency
Committee of each House, was given to Senator Pittman to be intro-
duced in the Senate, and generally has been called by his name, although
he was not the author of it.
An amendment from the floor by Senator A. B. Fall of New Mexico
added the requirement that the silver to be purchased be “the product of
mines situated in the United States and of reduction works so located.”
(Leavens, 1939, p. 146).
Rocha and Myers (2008) related this story of Pittman’s death.
U.S. Senator Key Pittman died on November 10, 1940, only five
days after winning reelection. For years stories have circulated that
Pittman actually died before the election. His friends, so the story goes,
kept his body in a bathtub filled with ice at Reno's Riverside Hotel so
that his Senate seat could remain Democratic (Pittman's successor would
be appointed by Governor Edward Carville, who like Pittman was a
* * *
The real facts, though, are more elaborate and just as disreputable.
According to a 1977 interview * * * with Pittman's personal physician, *
* * the elderly senator suffered a heart attack while engaged in a pre-elec-
tion drinking spree at the Riverside. The physician, Dr. A. J. "Bart"
Hood, was summoned by courier (no telephones were used to avoid
eavesdropping operators) and examined the senator on the evening of
November 4. Dr. Hood told Pittman's political lieutenants that there
was nothing he could do to save Pittman. Quietly, the senator's cronies
moved him into Washoe General Hospital. * * *
Democratic leaders chose to keep the facts secret and issued a cover story
that Pittman was temporarily ill, thus allowing Nevadans to go to the polls on
November 5 and elect a dying man.
National Bank Notes
The initial purpose of the Federal Reserve Bank Notes was to replace a half
billion dollars worth of inelastic National Bank Notes at the rate of $25 million per
year over a 20-year period. That amount represented about 2/3rds of them at the
time the enabling legislation was passed. But it didn’t happen. There still was
money to be made by national bankers in issuing their own notes.
Less subtle means eventually were employed to get rid of them. Congress
began to impose sunset clauses on the duration of the circulation privilege awarded
to many of the bonds used to secure National Bank Notes, and that limit was 1935.
The rest of the bonds used to secure them were simply called for redemption by the
Treasurer in 1935. That one-two punch was the end of the National Bank Notes.
$1 and $2 National Bank Notes
Treasury officials were concerned that serious shortages of $1 and $2 notes
might develop as the melting of the silver dollars took place under the terms of the
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 429
United States Paper Money
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(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 • Roseville, MI 48066
U.S., All types
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Obsolete notes relating to coal and other types of mining.
Top prices paid for anything I can use. I’m also seeking
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David E. Schenkman, PO Box 366, Bryantown, MD 20617
phone: 301-274-3441
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FACT: The people who buy and sell notes
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We’re in the RESULTS business, not just the
impressions business.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276430
Pittman Act and equal numbers of small denomination Silver Certificates were with-
drawn from circulation. The bulk of the $1 and $2 notes in circulation consisted of
Silver Certificates, with a small fixed volume of Legal Tender Notes comprising the
The $1 and $2 Federal Reserve Bank Notes authorized in the Pittman Act
were specifically intended to offset the loss of the low denomination Silver
However, there already was a perception before WWI that there weren’t
enough low denomination notes in circulation, including $5 notes. The July 12,
1882, amendment to the National Bank Act specified that $5 notes could not be
issued to banks in amounts of more than one third of their total circulation.
Consequently, Comptroller of the Currency John Skelton Williams, beginning with
his first annual report in 1914, recommended that legislation be enacted to repeal the
restriction on the amount of $5 notes that national banks could issue (Williams,
1914, p. 20).
Williams’ recommendation finally was acted upon in 1917, when an act was
passed October 5th that gave him his wish and more. Section 3 of that act states:
That from, and after the passage of this Act, any national banking
association, upon compliance with the provision of law applicable there-
to, shall be entitled to receive from the Comptroller of the Currency, or
to issue or reissue, or place in circulation notes in denominations of $1,
$2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 in such proportion as to each of said
denominations as the bank may elect; Provided, however, That no bank
shall receive or have in circulation at any one time more than $25,000 in
notes of the denominations of $1 and $2.
The limit on $5s was repealed, but also $1 and $2 National Bank
Notes were authorized as well! It is clear that Congress was concerned
about the perceived shortage of $1s and $2s even before the Pittman Act.
Figures 17a and 17b (opposite).
Models for series of 1917
National Bank Notes provided for
by the act of october 5, 1917.
the back of the $1 series of 1918
FrBN notes authorized 6 months
later was patterned after this
unused $1 NBN back.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 431
Williams (1917, p. 80) wrote: “As there were 7,671 national banks in exis-
tence on October 31, 1917, it is evident that it will be possible to add to the bank
circulation the sum of $191,775,000 in notes of the denominations of $1 and $2.”
The $1 and $2 models shown were prepared for these new denominations.
Notice how similar the proposed $1 NBN is to the issued $1 FRBN.
It doesn’t appear that preparation of actual notes progressed much beyond
the model stage. An explanation was forthcoming from Williams (1918, p. 124) a
year later.
While the recent amendment to the law authorizes the issuance of
national-bank notes of the denominations of $1 and $2, no 1s and 2s
have been issued under that amendment, mainly because of the extraor-
dinary demands on the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the engrav-
ing and printing of Government securities, etc., and by the issuance of
1's and 2's by the Federal reserve banks.
The work load he was referring to at the Bureau was production of World
War I liberty loan bonds.
The $1 and $2 Series of 1917 National Bank Notes never were produced;
the explanation being that issuance of Series of 1918 Federal Reserve Bank Notes
accommodated the demand for the small denominations.
Small Size FRBNs
Congress once again turned to Federal Reserve Bank Notes as the newly
inaugurated Roosevelt administration grappled with the banking crisis of 1933.
Series of 1929 FRBN notes were authorized by the Emergency Banking Act of
March 9, 1933, with terms similar to those governing the earlier large size issues,
except some of the securities that were allowed for backing were softer. So, $285
million worth of those notes were pumped into the economy to alleviate the severe
shortage of currency caused by hoarding.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276432
The Treasury again turned to Federal Reserve Bank Notes during 1942-3
when the booming economy of World War II created a huge demand for additional
currency. However, in this case, they were used simply as an economy measure.
$625 million worth of the Series of 1929 FRBNs printed in 1933-4 had not been
issued, representing two-thirds of the printing. They had not been destroyed, so as
the demand for Federal Reserve Notes grew during WWII, they were rolled out by
the Federal Reserve Banks as substitutes for Series of 1934 green seal Federal Reserve
Notes. It was claimed that this action saved some $300,000 in printing costs, and
preserved crucial raw materials that otherwise were needed to support the war effort.
The small size FRBNs released during WWII can’t be considered emergency
money in the traditional sense of that term. Rather they should be considered as
simple substitutes for green seals.
The release of the Series of 1929 FRBNs didn’t go without notice by conser-
vative Congressmen who harbored concerns that the Roosevelt Treasury was playing
fast and loose with the money supply owing to the “or other securities” clause on the
notes. Their concerns were voiced in hearings, but by then the existing supply was
However, the conservatives saw to it that Federal Reserve Bank Notes
would not reappear. Section 3 of an Act passed June 12, 1945, voided the provisions
by which the Federal Reserve Banks could issue Federal Reserve Bank Notes. That
section stated:
All power and authority with respect to the issuance of circulating
notes, known as Federal Reserve bank notes * * * shall cease and termi-
nate on the date of enactment of this Act.
The large size FRBNs, and their small size counterparts issued during the
Great Depression, were backed by bonds or other securities, the same as National
Bank Notes. They looked like National Bank Notes, and they stated on their faces
and backs that they were national currency. Even the obligations on the backs of the
large size FRBNs and NBNs were identical.
The two classes of currency were virtually identical. The main difference
between them was that provisions in the Federal Reserve Act gave FRBNs elasticity,
whereas there were no such provisions in the National Bank Act.
The purchase of bonds bearing the circulation privilege from national
bankers by the Federal Reserve banks did not cease with the phase-out of the large
size Federal Reserve Bank Notes in 1923. Instead, the Federal Reserve Banks contin-
ued to buy the bonds and added them to their reserves, which were used to back reg-
ular Federal Reserve Notes.
Photos of all proofs and models are courtesy of the National Numismatic
Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. Access
Figure 18. small size Federal
reserve Bank Notes were printed
in 1933-4 for use during the
emergency Banking crisis of
1933-4. they utilized existing
incomplete series of 1929 National
Bank Note stock. More than
2/3rds of the notes printed weren’t
issued during the crisis, so they
were released during world war ii
to supplement the supply of
Federal reserve Notes.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 433
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 09/05/2011
13606 Anthony James MD, 1318 North Main St, Temple, TX
76501 (C, $1 and $5 Large and Small Notes), Website
13607 Rod Sintow (C), Website
13608 Hakon Hagelund, Hovlandveien 9e, N-3225 Sandefjord,
Norway, (C, Norway and World), Frank Clark
13609 Scott Abramowitz (C), Jason Bradford
13610 Advantage (C), Jason Bradford
13611 Robert Alpigini (C), Jason Bradford
13612 Christopher Amaya (C), Jason Bradford
13613 James Bonn (C), Jason Bradford
13614 Joseph Broadnax Sr. (C), Jason Bradford
13615 George Carpenter (C), Jason Bradford
13616 John Cea (C), Jason Bradford
13617 Glenn Conover (C), Jason Bradford
13618 Philip Deaugustino (C), Jason Bradford
13619 Todd Drummond (C), Jason Bradford
13620 Michael Emmer II (C), Jason Bradford
13621 Eric Engstrom (C), Jason Bradford
13622 Brad Fenn (C), Jason Bradford
13623 Kevin Fink (C), Jason Bradford
13624 Kevin Green (C), Jason Bradford
13625 Rick Hall (C), Jason Bradford
13626 Timothy Halpin (C), Jason Bradford
13627 Dr. Zsolt Harsanyi (C), Jason Bradford
13628 Rebecca Hershey (C), Jason Bradford
13629 Bernardo Higuera (C), Jason Bradford
13630 Edward Knapp (C), Jason Bradford
13631 Bruce Kuehnle (C), Jason Bradford
13632 Frank Kula (C), Jason Bradford
13633 Lawrence Lizanich (C), Jason Bradford
13634 Rodney Lukowski (C), Jason Bradford
13635 Roger McKinney (C), Jason Bradford
13636 Edward Mendlowitz (C), Jason Bradford
13637 David Minard (C), Jason Bradford
13638 Scott Morris (C), Jason Bradford
13639 Robert Norris (C), Jason Bradford
13640 William Paschal (C), Jason Bradford
13641 James Saloney (C), Jason Bradford
13642 David Shafarow (C), Jason Bradford
13643 Jeffrey Weant (C), Jason Bradford
13644 Kenneth Weiner (C), Jason Bradford
13645 Larry Whitten (C), Jason Bradford
13646 Stephen Wood (C), Jason Bradford
13647 Donn Wray (C), Jason Bradford
13648 Robert Young (C), Jason Bradford
13649J Joseph Paunessa (C), Judith Murphy
13650 Kevin Foley (C & D), Mark Anderson
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 09/05/2011
13606 Anthony James MD, 1318 North Main St, Temple, TX
76501 (C), $1 and $5 Large and Small Notes), Website
13607 Rod Sintow (C), Website
13608 Hakon Hagelund, Hovlandveien 9e, N-3225 Sandefjord,
Norway, (C, Norway and World), Frank Clark
13609 Scott Abramowitz (C), Jason Bradford
13610 Advantage (C), Jason Bradford
13611 Robert Alpigini (C), Jason Bradford
13612 Christopher Amaya (C), Jason Bradford
13613 James Bonn (C), Jason Bradford
13614 Joseph Broadnax Sr. (C), Jason Bradford
13615 George Carpenter (C), Jason Bradford
13616 John Cea (C), Jason Bradford
13617 Glenn Conover (C), Jason Bradford
13618 Philip Deaugustino (C), Jason Bradford
13619 Todd Drummond, 5430 Rocky Hill Dedeaux Rd, Kiln,
MS 39556 (C), Jason Bradford
13620 Michael Emmer II (C), Jason Bradford
13621 Eric Engstrom (C), Jason Bradford
13622 Brad Fenn (C), Jason Bradford
13623 Kevin Fink (C), Jason Bradford
13624 Kevin Green (C), Jason Bradford
13625 Rick Hall (C), Jason Bradford
13626 Timothy Halpin (C), Jason Bradford
13627 Dr. Zsolt Harsanyi (C), Jason Bradford
13628 Rebecca Hershey (C), Jason Bradford
13629 Bernardo Higuera (C), Jason Bradford
13630 Edward Knapp (C), Jason Bradford
13631 Bruce Kuehnle (C), Jason Bradford
13632 Frank Kula (C), Jason Bradford
13633 Lawrence Lizanich (C), Jason Bradford
13634 Rodney Lukowski (C), Jason Bradford
13635 Roger McKinney (C), Jason Bradford
13636 Edward Mendlowitz (C), Jason Bradford
13637 David Minard (C), Jason Bradford
13638 Scott Morris (C), Jason Bradford
13639 Robert Norris (C), Jason Bradford
13640 William Paschal (C), Jason Bradford
13641 James Saloney (C), Jason Bradford
13642 David Shafarow (C), Jason Bradford
13643 Jeffrey Weant (C), Jason Bradford
13644 Kenneth Weiner (C), Jason Bradford
13645 Larry Whitten (C), Jason Bradford
13646 Stephen Wood (C), Jason Bradford
13647 Donn Wray (C), Jason Bradford
13648 Robert Young (C), Jason Bradford
13649J Joseph Paunessa (C), Judith Murphy
13650 Kevin Foley (C & D), Mark Anderson
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 75011
1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
(712) 332-5859
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5:30
Open from mid-May thru mid-September
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276434
to them was provided by curator Richard Doty. Doug Murray reviewed the manuscript.
References Cited and Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Certified proofs of Federal Reserve Bank Notes: National Numismatic
Collections, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC,
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Plate history ledger for the Series of 1915 and 1918 Federal Reserve
Bank Notes, vols. 2 & 3: U. S. National Archives, Record Group 318 (318/450/79/17/01),
Hammond, John Hays, and Jeremiah W. Jenks. Great American Issues, Political, Social, Economic. New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1921, 274 p.
Hessler, Gene and Carlson Chambliss. The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money, 7th edition.
Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press, 2006, 672 p.
Leavens. Silver Money. Bloomington, IN: Principia Press, 1939, 439 p.
“New Banknotes Appear,” New York Times, August 25, 1918.
Philpott, W. A. “Federal Reserve Bank Notes, Series 1915-1918,” Paper Money, v. 2, no. 4 (1963), pp. 5-
Rocha, Guy, and Dennis Myers. “Myth #3, Key Pittman on ice,” 2008,
Secretary of the Treasury. Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Fnances for
Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1935. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1935,
471 p.
United States Statutes, re. The Federal Reserve, National Bank and Pittman Acts and amendments.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, various dates.
Williams, John S. Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1914-1918.
Figure 19. the series
of 1918 FrBNs primari-
ly consisted of the
small denominations,
so most of the banks
didn’t use the $10 and
higher denominations.
However, $50 plates
were made for Boston
but never used. $50s
were printed for
atlanta and st. Louis,
but none of the atlanta
notes were issued.
Next month, we will open nominations
for SPMC Board of Governors
Two spaces are already vacant on the Board
SPMC needs an infusion of new leaders
to guide the Society through its next decades.
If you love your hobby and want to help -- Step up!
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 435
attracted to the hobby by iconic vignettes or familiar places of issue.
As a collector of Alabama notes for more than 35 years, it was a Bank
of Selma note that caught my eye (Haxby, G2A, Rosene 292-1). It was
located in a coin shop in Brighton, England in 1976. I found it quite intriguing
that this old banknote from my adopted state of Alabama would be lying in a coin
shop 4,500 miles away! It was my first purchase.
I continued to add to my collection over the ensuing years, always search-
ing for banknotes or scrip from different cities and issuers in the State. Occasionally
I would take notice of the personal names appearing on the notes, but not until the
last few years have I earnestly began to research these individuals. The use of the
internet and genealogy tools has made the research task much easier and many
pleasant surprises await discovery. Offered as evidence, here are some surprising
historical facts derived from researching those whose names appeared on three par-
ticular Alabama “notes.”
Note #1, source: Personal collection (r-unl., H-unl., shull cr. #c30)
Who were they?
Tracing Names on Alabama Notes
By Bill Gunther
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276436
This note is a $10 Alabama Comptrollers Warrant (R1-4, Cr. C30, H-Unl.)
payable to a Frederick Weedon and signed by Samuel Pickens, Comptroller Public
Accounts.1 This warrant was issued June 18, 1821, at Cahawba, the second capital
of Alabama (1820-1826). Although it does not show, it was most likely printed by
Allen & Brickell.2
Rosene reports that these warrants circulated, but at a discount, and essen-
tially served as “money”.3 There are two names to explore on this note: Frederick
Weedon and Samuel Pickens.
Samuel Pickens
Samuel Pickens, Jr. (1791–1855) was Comptroller of Public Accounts from
1819 to 1829. He came from a very prominent family in the early history of the
U.S. and the South. He and at least two brothers came to Alabama from North
Carolina when the area was still a part of the Mississippi Territory. It appears that
the oldest brother, James Pickens (1775-?), was the first to arrive in the territory,
showing up on a petition to Congress from the Mississippi Territory in 1810.4
Samuel and another brother, Israel (1780-1827), probably arrived at the same time
(1817), and settled in the territorial capital, St. Stevens, in Washington County. By
the 1820 Census, James Pickens had moved to Monroe County, not too far from St.
Stevens. The Pickens family, like many others, had contracted “Alabama Fever,” the
term used to explain the migration from east-coast states to Alabama. The Pickens
“clan” was among the earliest settlers to Alabama.
Samuel’s brother, Israel Pickens, had the political “bug” and had served in
the North Carolina Senate (1808-1810) and the U.S. House of Representatives from
North Carolina (1811-1817). His political connections led to his being named reg-
istrar of the land office at St. Stevens, Alabama Territory, from 1817 to 1821.
Following Israel’s settlement in St. Stevens, he and his brother James were elected to
serve as members of the state’s constitutional convention (1819). Israel then went
on to became the state’s third governor and served two two-year terms (1821-1825).5
Samuel Pickens served as Comptroller Public Accounts under his brother, Israel.
The Pickens extended family includes Andrew Pickens, Governor of South
Carolina from 1816-1818, who was a first cousin of Israel, James and Samuel.6 The
father of this Andrew Pickens (it is a popular name in the Pickens family tree!) is
General Andrew Pickens of Revolutionary War fame. Following his service as
Governor of South Carolina, Andrew Pickens moved to Alabama and became the
first president of the Bank of the State of Alabama from 1823 to 1826.7
Governor Andrew Pickens’ son (General Pickens grandson) was Francis W.
Pickens (Samuel’s second cousin), who would also serve as Governor of South
Carolina from 1860-1862. It was early in Francis Pickens’ term as governor that he
authorized the shelling of Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861), ushering in the Civil War.
Lucy Pickens, the third wife of Governor Francis W. Pickens, was the only woman
to appear on Confederate States of America currency. Her likeness is on the 1861 $1
(T-44), and the $100 notes of 1862 (T-49), 1863 (T-56) and 1864 (T-65). She also
appears on the 1861 $1,000 Confederate bond (CR 91).
Samuel Pickens married the year after leaving the Comptroller’s office and
he and his first wife settled in Hale County, Alabama. Widowed twice, he and his
third wife had seven children, three of whom were named Samuel, James and Israel!
He died in 1855 at the age of 64. When his wife died in 1873, the Pickens estate
(known as Umb ria ) was valued at more than $11 million (2007 dollars) .
Unfortunately, Umbria burned to the ground in 1971.8
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 437
Frederick Weedon
Frederick Weedon (1784-1857) was born in Baltimore, MD to William and
Sarah Weedon.9 He studied medicine in Europe and practiced medicine for some
time in Baltimore. He moved to Alabama in 1816 at the age of 32, and in 1817 mar-
ried the daughter of a wealthy planter in the Huntsville (Madison County) area.
Huntsville was emerging as a center of cotton plantations and the area attracted a
large number of early immigrants to the state. Apparently Frederick Weedon was
also attracted by the federal land sales which began in Alabama Territory as early as
Weedon was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives and served
from 1819 to 1821 representing Madison County. It is apparently this service
which prompted the issuance of this comptroller’s warrant for $10. The date of the
warrant, June 18, 1821, was the last day of the session suggesting that this was likely
a per diem payment made to members of the general assembly.10
Frederick Weedon was most likely related to General George Weedon who
served with George Washington during the Revolutionary War.11 General Weedon
had no children and it is possible that he was Frederick Weedon’s uncle.12 This
argument is supported by the fact that General Weedon lived in Fredericksburg, VA
and it is certainly plausible that William Weedon (Frederick’s father) honored his
brother by naming his son after the Virginia town. Additional evidence for this
hypothesis is the fact that both William Weedon and General George Weedon were
born in Virginia.
Interestingly, Israel Pickens tenure as Governor (1821-1825) overlapped by
one year the service of Frederick Weedon. Pickens was a strong advocate of the cre-
ation of a state bank and Frederick Weedon had earlier been instrumental in this
effort since it was he who, in 1820, introduced a bill titled “An Act to
Establish a Bank in the Town of Cahawba,” later changed to “An Act to
Incorporate the Subscribers to the Bank of the State of Alabama.”
However, this effort failed when the state was unable to raise the required
private capital. It was some time later (1824) before the bank became a
reality, but ultimately this is the bank that Andrew Pickens later served as
Frederick Weedon returned to private life in Madison County
after serving in his last term in the General Assembly in 1821. But by
1827 Weedon had relocated to the area near Tallahassee, and by 1834 to
St. Augustine, FL.14 He became the mayor of St. Augustine in 1835.
Growing fears of conflict with the Seminoles (the “Second Seminole War,”
1835-1842) led Frederick Weedon to enlist in the Florida Mounted Militia
as a Captain (and physician) in 1836. It is in this capacity that Weedon
was destined to meet Osceola (1804-1838), the famed Seminole leader who
had harassed the U.S. Army in Florida for several years. Interestingly,
Osceola was an Alabama Tallasee (part of the Creek nation) who, like
many others, had fled to Florida rather than be relocated to the west.
Under a white flag of truce setup by General Thomas Jesup,
Osceola was finally captured. According to Wickman, this violation of a
flag of truce helped to gain much support and a lasting legacy for Osceola
among the American public.15 At the time Osceola was captured, he was
suffering from frequent high fevers and Capt. Frederick Weedon was
assigned to his care. Osceola was then transferred to a prison at Ft.
Moultrie, South Carolina, and Capt. Weedon accompanied him on the journey. On
January 30, 1838, the 34 year-old Osceola died of apparent complications from
malaria. It was not until 1843 that it became apparent that Frederick Weedon had
Dr. Fredrick weedon, date
unknown. (Patricia r.
wickman, Osceola’s Legacy,
tuscaloosa: the university of
alabama Press, 1991), p.118.
seminole chief osceola, 1838.
(Patricia r. wickman,
Osceola’s Legacy, 1991)
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276438
removed Osceola’s head before burial, for apparent medical research. There has been
much written on the missing head of the Seminole leader! But that’s another story.
Dr. Frederick Weedon died at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas in the
Florida Straits at the age of 73. For health reasons, he was living with a daughter and
her physician husband at the time.
The rich histories of Samuel Pickens and Frederick Weedon come alive just
by looking at the $10 Comptroller’s Warrant of 1821!
Note #2, source: r-unl., shull unl. H- unl. Personal collection.
Note #2 is also a comptroller’s warrant payable to Jack Shackelford and
signed by Samuel Pickens. Issued in 1828, this form of warrant is a different style
from those issued in 1820-22. The amount is to be taken “out of the fund
of the university,” a reference to the fact that funds were available in this
account from the sale of lands granted to the state by the federal govern-
ment for the creation of a seminary of learning. We have already met
Samuel Pickens so let us explore Jack Shackelford.
Another physician, Dr. Jack Shackelford was born in 1790 in
Richmond, VA to Richard Shackelford and his third wife, Johanna.
Another “victim” of Alabama fever, Shackelford moved to Alabama from
South Carolina in 1818 and settled in Shelby County (southeast of
Birmingham) and became a successful cotton planter.16 It is not clear
exactly how or when he received any formal medical training, but the lack
of a formal medical education was apparently not an unusual circum-
stance in the early days of the Alabama Territory.17
Shackelford became active in local politics and was elected first to
the Alabama House of Representatives from Shelby County (1820, 1821)
and then to the Alabama Senate from Bibb and Shelby Counties (1822,
1823, 1824).18 Interestingly, Shackelford and Weedon would have
known each other since they both served in the General Assembly in 1820
(Weedon in the House and Shackelford in the Senate). Shackelford was a popular
person, one observer noting that in one of his elections, he received all but one vote
from those cast in Shelby County.19 This popularity apparently extended into the
Senate as he was appointed one of three Senate members to a committee to investigate
the creation of a state bank. Indeed, he was asked to chair that committee. Although
Brantley described Shackelford as representing the Shelby and Bibb counties “neu-
tral” faction with respect to the creation of a new state bank, Shackelford introduced a
new bill that created the Bank of the State of Alabama.20
Shackelford was also a member of newly created Trustees of the University of
the State of Alabama (University of Alabama). Officially the university was created in
Dr. Jack shackelford, date
unknown. (stephen L.
Hardin, Texian Illiad, p. 237)
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds of Florida paper money”
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,,,, hugh shull
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 439
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $21.60 $38.70 $171.00 $302.00
Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9-1/2" x 12-1/2" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size
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by Steve Whitfield
The Banks, Bankers and Merchants
City Notes, Bank Notes and Scrip
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276440
the 1819 constitution and the sale of land donated by the federal government as part
of statehood was to fund the “seminary of learning.” However, Governor Pickens was
able to maneuver the Trustees into supporting his plan to sell the university lands and
use the proceeds to fund his Bank of the State of Alabama. The delays caused by this
diversion of funds resulted in university not officially opening until 1831.
Shackelford apparently dropped out of state politics following the 1824 ses-
sion and returned to Shelby County. Unfortunately as a result of personally guaran-
teeing a loan for a cousin, he lost much of his wealth. He then moved north to
Courtland, AL (Lawrence County), where over time he was able to resume his medical
practice and restore his wealth and reputation.21
In 1831 he became one of the early financial supporters of the creation of the
Tuscumbia, Courtland, and Decatur Railroad and was elected treasurer of the compa-
ny.22 Reportedly, this railroad was the first to be built west of the Alleghenies.23 The
railroad was completed in 1832, and allowed shippers of cotton to bypass the shoals
(Muscle Shoals, AL) and get their product to market in New Orleans much quicker.
The railroad was sold in 1850 to the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, which even-
tually became part of the Norfolk Southern Railroad in 1982.24
tuscumbia, courtland and Decatur railroad (r-333-unl. Denomination, H-unl.).
(Personal collection)
In 1835, General Sam Houston ran an ad in the local Courtland paper call-
ing for volunteers to help fight for Texas independence from Mexico. The plea
promised “liberal bounties of land” for those who came to aid of “their brethren.” It
is unclear whether Shackelford was responding based on patriotism or the promise of
land, but he quickly raised a company of men from Courtland. Local women joined
in the effort to support the men and sewed “uniforms” with bright red trousers. This
uniform led to the company becoming known as the “Red Rovers.” They left for
Texas in late 1835, arriving in early 1836.25
The Red Rovers then marched to Goliad to join a Texas regiment that was
under the command of a Colonel James Fannin. Capt. Shakelford would later argue
that it was Col. Fannin, whose poor decisions resulted in the regiment being sur-
rounded on the prairie by a superior Mexican force. Seeing no hope of escape,
Fannin surrendered and they were marched back to Goliad. Under orders from Santa
Anna, they were split into four groups and marched in different directions believing
they were all being moved to other locations. Instead, they were marched into the
woods and, under orders from Santa Anna, shot. The massacre at Goliad occurred on
March 27, 1836, some 21 days after the fall of the Alamo. More men were killed at
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 441
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Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276442
Goliad (342) than at the Alamo (est. 257-187).26 Many believe that these two inci-
dents created the determination of the Texans to “avenge those men who had died for
the cause of Texas independence”.27
Because Capt. Shackelford was a doctor, his life was spared so that he could
treat the Mexican wounded. By April 21 he was able to escape and make his way back
to Courtland arriving on July 9, 1836. Shackelford County, Texas was created in
1858 in his honor. He died in Courtland in 1857.
Note #3, Merchant Script (unknown issuer), R-Unl., H-Unl., 1862
This note is merchant scrip issued in 1862 at Sterling, AL for 25 cents. It has
a number of obvious problems that suggest it is unworthy of collector interest.
However, notes in far worse condition have been actively bid for during many curren-
cy auctions because of rarity. Since no other notes of this issuer have surfaced, it
would seem that rarity alone would win some hearts over. In spite of its condition,
this note reveals a remarkable story.
The first step in tracking this note’s history is to identify the town of issue.
That seems easy enough since the name “Sterling” appears above the date in the left
corner. However a quick “Google” for a “Sterling, Alabama” produced no results.
The next step was to search contemporary maps available on-line at the University of
Alabama. Again, no Sterling appeared. In both of the above searches, however, the
town of Mt. Sterling kept appearing. Was it possible the note was in fact from Mt.
Sterling and the “Mt.” was part of the missing corner? If so, Mt. Sterling was located
in southwest Alabama in Choctaw County.
The next step was to try and identify the person who signed the note, a “C.
M. Lay.” Using, and searching the 1860 Census records, a person
with that exact name was located in Cherokee County, Alabama, in north-east
Alabama. However, the distance between Choctaw County and Cherokee County is
some 200 miles and that makes it unlikely that “C.M. Lay” of Cherokee County
would have had some connection to Mt. Sterling in Choctaw County. That observa-
tion strongly suggested that the note was in fact from a place called Sterling and if so,
the town may have disappeared like many others over the years. Since “C. M. Lay”
was located in Cherokee County, Alabama, it provided a renewed focus for the search
for a Sterling in Cherokee County.
A check with the Cherokee County Commission, the state highway depart-
ment and the local Chamber of Commerce for possible information on a Sterling pro-
duced no results. Although these sources were unable to confirm that “Sterling” exist-
ed in Cherokee County, they did indicate that the Lay family name was a prominent
name in the early history of Cherokee County.
In discussions with the County Commission, a suggestion was made to dis-
cuss my question with a genealogist with the Cherokee County Library.28 This person
was able to determine that indeed a post office in Sterling was established in 1857, dis-
continued in 1868, reestablished in 1876, and permanently discontinued in 1893.
The note is dated 1862 which fits into a period when Sterling had a post office. That
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 443
finally established the fact that C. M. Lay was the correct person and that he lived in
Cherokee County, Alabama.
Sterling was located about 5 miles from the Georgia border along what is
now State Highway 9, and about 20 miles from Rome, GA where the note was print-
ed by Mason’s Job Office.
C.M. Lay
So just who was C. M. Lay? His full name was Cummuns
(also spelled Cumins) M. Lay and he was the oldest child of a river-
man, John Lay, and his wife, Mary Lay, of Tennessee.29 He was
born in Tennessee in 1828, but by 1838 the family had moved to
Cedar Bluff, Cherokee County, AL near the Coosa River (Cedar
Bluff was the nearest “big” town to Sterling). The Coosa River is
formed at Rome, GA at the junction of the Oostanaula and Etowah
rivers, then flows west toward Sterling and then southward toward
Wetumpka where it joins the Tallapoosa to form the Alabama
River. The Coosa River played an important role in early trans-
portation of both people and goods in Alabama. As an experienced
builder of “flatboats,” John Lay brought this experience with him
and established himself as a reputable builder of boats for use on
the Coosa River.
A reference to John Lay provides us with our first glimpse
of C. M. Lay: As reported in the “Early Gadsden History”:
“Flatboats from the upper Coosa and its tributaries fre-
quently assembled at John Lays’ where convoys were formed
and put under the command of Captain Lay who took them
down the Coosa and over the one hundred miles of danger-
ous rapids between Greensport and Wetumpka which could
only be navigated during high waters and even then it
required extraordinary skill and knowledge of the river to
prevent floss of the boats. … Cummins Lay, the son of John
Lay, made many trips with his father and became equally
famous as a river Captain.”30
By the mid-1840s, steamboats began to replace the flatbottom boats and by
1863 C. M. Lay now appears as a captain on two different steamboats (the Laura
Moore and the Alphretta).31 Although a vignette of a train hauling cotton appears
on the note, it seems more likely that this merchant scrip was a change note used on
one or both of these steamboats.
A typical run on the Coosa River would send cotton down from Rome to
Wetumpka and bring merchant goods up river. As the river neared Wetumpka,
there were a series of rapids known as “the devil’s staircase.” These rapids made the
river impassable except during very high water. At this point, shipments had to be
portaged around the rapids and then reloaded on boats on the Alabama River in
order to reach Mobile and New Orleans. Cummins Lay became famous in 1863
when he took the Laura Moore down the entire length of the Coosa from Rome to
Mobile, over the “devil’s staircase,” to escape the approaching Union army, a feat no
one else had accomplished.32
Cummins Lay died in Texas in 1867. His son, William Patrick Lay (1853-
1940) was known to accompany his father on many of the trips up and down the
Coosa River and became a very familiar with the potential of the river to generate
electricity. He pursued this dream and at the age of 52 founded the Alabama Power
Company in 1906. Alabama Power Company is now the largest provider of electric-
ity in Alabama and is a part of the collection of southern utilities known as the
Southern Company. A popular 12,000 acre reservoir created in 1914 on the Coosa
River was named for William Patrick Lay in 1929.33 Such a remarkable story from
such an ugly little note.
William Patrick Lay, son of
C.M. Lay and founder of
Alabama Power Company.
(Coosa-Alabama River
Improvement Association,
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276444
Surely there are many more remarkable stories waiting to be discovered if you
will just ask, “Who where they?”
End Notes
1 Where appropriate, I have included catalog references noted as “H” for Dr. James Haxby,
United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-1866, vol. 1, Krause Publications, 1988; “R” for
Walter Rosene, Alabama Obsolete Notes and Scrip , Society of Paper Money Collectors,
1984; “T” and “Cr” for standard references to Type and specific confederate notes in
Grover Criswell, Confederate and Southern States Currency, 1976; and “S” for Hugh Shull,
A Guidebook of Southern States Currency, Whitman Publishing, 2007.
2 Shull, p.6, shows a similar note in which “Allen & Brickell……print.” shows below the bot-
tom border. Rosene as well states this note has “”R&B imprint.” This has apparently been
trimmed off on this example.
3 Rosene, Alabama Obsolete Notes and Scrip, p. 4.
4 Results of search of They cite Territorial Papers of the U.S., vol. 6, p. 113,
Family Number: 18.
5 National Governors Association, This site has short biographies of all gover-
nors, past and present.
6 While one source states that Andrew and Israel were brothers, see William Brantley’s
Banking in Alabama: 1816-1860, vol. 1, Privately Printed, 1963, p. 98; another source,
E.M. Sharp, “The Israel Pickens Family and Pickens Origins,” 1963, available on the web,
clearly indicates that Andrew was the first cousin of James, Israel and Samuel.
7 William H. Brantley, Banking in Alabama: 1816-1860, vol. 1, Privately Printed, 1963, p.
8 Marc R. Matrana, Lost Plantations of the South, Oxford, MS.: University of Mississippi
Press, 2009, p. 120.
9 Patricia R. Wickman, Osceola’s Legacy, Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1991.
Wickman devotes an entire chapter to the life of Frederick Weedon.
10 Dates of sessions and members of the House and Senate are listed in the appendix of
William Brantley, Three Capitals, Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1947, pp. 228-245.
11 Wickman notes that after one of two brothers who emigrated to America from England
died, “The colonial branch of the Weedon family descended from the surviving brother.”
Osceola’s Legacy, p. 115.
12 George H. S. King, “General George Weedon,” William and Mary Quarterly, pp. 237-252.
13 Brantley, Banking in Alabama, pp. 26-27.
14 Wickman, pp.115-124.
15 Wickman, p. 45.
16 James L. Noles, Jr., “Dr. Jack Shackelford and the Red Rovers,” Ancestry World Tree
Project, 2000, p. 1.
17 James L. Noles citing Albert Burton Moore, History of Alabama and Her People, 1927.
18 Dates of sessions and members of the House and Senate are listed in the appendix of
William Brantley, Three Capitals, Boston: The Merrymount Press, 1947, pp. 228-245.
19 Noles, p. 2.
20 Brantley, p. 137.
210 Noles, p. 1.
22 Noles, p. 2.
23 Wayne Cline, Alabama Railroads, Tuscaloosa: the University of Alabama Press, 1997, p.
24 See
25 Noles, p. 3.
26 Goliad deaths from Stephen L. Hardin, Texian Iliad, Austin: University of Texas Press,
1994, p. 174 and Alamo estimates from
tle.htm .
27 Hardin, p. 174.
28 Joan Williams, Cherokee County Public Library, citing Mrs. Frank Ross Stewart, Cherokee
County History, vol. 4B, 1981.
29 (rootsweb, Lay-L Archives).
30 “Early Gadsden History,”
31 Dennis Nordeman, “Civil War Riverboats,” at
32 Wetumpka, Alabama was the home of the Pigeon Roost Mining Company (R-350),
Wetumpka Real Estate Banking Company (R-351), Wetumpka and Coosa Railroad
Company (R-353), the Wetumpka Banking Company (R-354, the Wetumpka Insurance
Company (R-356), and the Wetumpka Trading Company (R-357).
33 Historic Market Database ( Search “Lay”.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 445
Camaraderie, awards and an entertaining raffle highlighted the Society of
Paper Money Collectors’ Breakfast and Tom Baine Raffle, marking this year the
organization’s 50th anniversary. The breakfast was held on June 10 at the Crowne
Plaza Hotel in Memphis.
The first to receive honors were Lyn Knight and Martin Delger, as
Professional Currency Dealer Association President Sergio Sanchez, Jr. presented
PCDA’s 2011 President’s Awards to Knight, owner of the International Paper
Money Show, and Delger, exhibit chairman
for Memphis.
SPMC President Mark Anderson
thanked Knight for his contributions to
Memphis and presented Benny Bolen an
SPMC President’s Award for his services to
Bolen then announced four annual
awards, including the Nathan Gold Award
for Lifetime Achievement, which this year
went to Allen Mincho. Also presented were
the Nathan Goldstein Recruitment Award,
which was won by Jason Bradford; the
Wismer Award for “Book of the Year,” given
to Confederate Treasury Certificates: The
Collector’s Guide to IDRs written by George
B. Tremmel, Pierre Fricke, and John Martin
Davis, Jr.; and the Forrest Daniel Literary
Award of Excellence, which was presented to
Q. David Bowers.
Book and top article awards were
also handed out, many of them presented on
June 11 during the general membership
meeting at the Marriot Hotel. Receiving Honorable Mention book awards were
Money on Paper: Bank Notes and Related Graphic Arts by Princeton University,
edited by Dr. Alan Stahl and The Greenback: Paper Money and American Culture,
by Dr. Heinz Tschachler.
Taking honors for their contributions to SPCM’s Paper Money were:
• Dr. Glenn Jackson Award, “Indian Princess Vignette Used on Obsolete
Currency,” by Joseph Gaines.
SPMC hands out awards
to deserving members at
By Robert VanRyzin, Editor Bank Note Reporter
SPMC Treasurer Bob Moon
poses with his “most imspira-
tional” award-winning exhibit
of a complete collection of
Paper Money, 1961-present.
Moon included analyses of the
yearly issues. (Photo by Nick
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276446
• First Place Awards—Peter Huntoon, Lee Loftus, Joaquin Gil del Real,
Clifford Thies, Gary M. Pecquet, and David Beach.
• Second Place Awards—Peter Huntoon, Lee Loftus, Joaquin Gil del Real,
Karl Kabelac, and Joe Gaines.
Among the plentiful exhibits at Memphis, the
Stephen R. Taylor “Best in Show Award” winner was
Dennis Schafluetzel for “Railroad & River Hub Gives Rise
to Power Bank of Chattanooga in 1850s: Civil War and
Pre-War Notes.” Honorable Mentions went to “Santa
Claus on Banknotes, Stock Certificates and Die Proof
Vignettes,” by Nancy Wilson and “Fac-Similes of
Southern Notes by S.C. Upham,” by Raymond Waltz.
John Jackson won the Julian Blanchard Exhibit
Award, which goes to the best exhibit featuring proofs,
essays and vignettes.
Mark Anderson was honored by Bolin for being a
first-time exhibitor, and ANA President Clifford Mishler
presented Anderson with the ANA’s Presidential Award.
Receiving a Star Exhibitor Award for exhibiting at all 35 Memphis shows
was Martin Delger.
The “Most Inspirational Exhibit Award,” presented by Bank Note Reporter,
was given to Robert R. Moon for “50 Years of Paper
Money 1961-2011.”
A full listing of the IPMS Memphis exhibitors
and their exhibits titles follows:
• Robert R. Moon, “50 Years of Paper Money 1961-
• Martin J. Delger, “The Merger of Three Local
Banks of Kalamazoo, Michigan.”
• Ron Horstman, “Liberty the Vignette.”
• Pierre Fricke, “Confederate Paper Money.”
• Weldon Burson, “Counterfeits and Fakes in West
African Currency.”
• Benny Bolin, “William Pitt Fessdenden” and
“Vignettes on Southern Carolina Obsoletes.”
• Carlson R. Chambliss, “The United States Notes
of 1862 and 1863,” “The Paper Money of Yemin,” and
“Military Payment Certificates of the United States.”
• Roger Urce, “Coupons of the Sino-Vietnam War
• Rocky Manning, “First National Bank of
Manning, Charter 3455.”
• James Potter, “$1.00 United States Notes.”
• Frank E. Clark III, “Packers National Bank.”
• Dennis Schatfluetzel, “Railroad & River Hub Gives Rise to Powerful Bank
of Chattanooga in 1850s – Civil War and Pre-War Notes.”
• James Warmus, “Modern World Specimens.”
For additional 50th anniversary Memphis photo coverage,
see the Sept/Oct 2011 issue of Paper Money
Lyn Knight (left) receives his
Presidential award from
PCDA’s Sergio Sanchez.
Pierre Fricke (left) receives his
Wismer award from SPMC
President Mark Anderson.
• R. Shawn Hewitt, “Minnesota Superlatives – Extreme Obsoletes.”
• Nancy Wilson, “Santa Claus on Banknotes, Stock Certificates and Die
Proof Vignettes.”
• John Wilson, “Wisconsin Black Charter.”
• Dan Freeland, “Selected Michigan Nationals – Bank Stock.”
• Mack Martin, “State of Georgia – Treasury Notes & Certificates.”
• Sandy Martin, “Queen Elizabeth II – Portraits Portrayed on Currency.”
• Mark Anderson, “Swedish Private Bank Sedlar.”
• William G. Rau, “Two Michigan National Banks that Left One Town for
• Michael J. Dougherty, “The National Bank of Cambria County with
Ladies’ Names.”
• Larry Schuffman, “Civil War Artifacts.”
• Doug Murray, “1862 First ‘Block’ $1 - $20 Legal Tender Notes.”
• Neil Schafer, “The Only Philippine Emergency Packet Known Today” and
“Emergency Small Change Notes of Shanghai 1939-1940.”
• John Jackson, “Banco De Londresy Mexico.”
• Charles A. Dean, “The Holston National Bank of Knoxville, Tennessee.”
• Joseph Ridder, “One Dollar United States Notes by Series and Signature.”
• Richard Dreger, “The First National Bank of Okanogan,
• Michael Sullivan, “19th Century Bank Note Company Sample
Engraving Sheets.”
• Raymond Waltz, “Fac-Similes of Southern Notes by S.C. Upham.”
• Eric Vicker, “Western Pennsylvania National Currency.”
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 447
Above left to right: Exhibit
chairman Martin Delger poses
with exhibit award winners Ray
Waltz and Nancy Wilson.
Below left to right: Exhibit
award winners Dennis
Schafluetzel, John Jackson,
and Martin Delger, who has
exhibited at each of the
Memphis International Paper
Money shows.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276448
Remember SPMC in your year-end gift giving;
Your donations are federal tax deductible: IRS says
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 449
Perhaps I read the story (the four part article “Quest for the Stones,” which
culminated in the July/August issue of Paper Money) wrong; but, I was under the
impression that the story of the Crosland brothers and lithographic stones they liber-
ated was actually part of the exodus from Anderson, SC. After reading the
Confederate Veteran article by W. F. Spurlin, Camden, Ala. that Editor Fred Reed
sent I have a different take on the events and a few questions come to mind.
W. F. Spurlin mentions the last days of the Treasury Note Bureau at
Columbia, S. C., and he makes the generally accepted statement that “when
Sherman’s army approached that city it was thought advisable to take the remains of
the last issue of Confederate money to prevent its falling into the hands of the
Captain S. G. Jamison made the decision to remove as much of the equip-
ment, supplies and printed notes from the city as possible. We also know that
Edward Keatinge didn’t do much to help, and that several train cars loaded with
materials never made it out of the station and were pillaged by people in Columbia.
A car was burned perhaps on purpose or by accident likely before the Yankees
arrived to pillage the city. We know that what was saved was sent up the road some
50 miles and eventually made it to Anderson, SC where more notes were ultimately
printed, signed and perhaps disbursed.
It is almost as if Mr. Spurlin places the Crosland brothers and Captain
Sprague in the role of brigand by stating the two brothers and the Captain “formed a
partnership.” At the very least these men seem to have seized an opportunity to
escape during the chaos that reigned in the last hours of Columbia before the
Yankees arrived. Their relationship doesn’t seem to be one of private soldier, officer
and government employee acting in concert by official capacity with that statement.
Add to it his comment that J. H. Crosland “beat the Treasurer signing his own name,
but no attention was paid at this time to signatures.” In the recounting of the subse-
quent brawl and shooting death of J. H. Crosland, W. F. Spurlin gives us a mater of
fact account on how some men reacted during the last days of the Confederacy.
We already knew that J. H. Crosland was an employee of the Treasury Note
Bureau from previous research. Mr. Spurlin gives his account which supports our
research. He was, like all able bodied Treasury employees, exempted from Military
service except as necessary for local defense. It seems to me that he would have been
detailed to help with the removal of materials and equipment in Columbia before the
Yankees arrived. With this activity taking place prior to the imminent arrival of Old
Union troops. he most likely wasn’t assigned to take his place at the fortifications
around the city.
W. A. Crosland is found on the Confederate rolls as Private, Co. B, 19th
Battalion, South Carolina Cavalry. The 19th Cavalry Battalion wasn’t formed until
January 1865 with the consolidation of five independent cavalry companies. This
unit served in the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and is said to
have skirmished in various conflicts in South Carolina. The Park Service says that
the unit was active in the North Carolina Campaign and later surrendered with the
Army of Tennessee. The commander of the unit was a Lieutenant Colonel William
L. Trenholm.
I wondered if Colonel Trenholm might have been kin to Secretary of the
Treasury George A. Trenholm. I searched Thian’s correspondence compilation and
found that he was the son of George Trenholm. There is a letter from W. L.
Trenholm to C. G. Memminger dated February 28, 1861. He wrote a letter
Quest for the Confederate litho Stones: Followup
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276450
announcing his visit to Montgomery and his intention to introduce another man to
the Treasury Secretary. The letter concerns the formation of a line of steamers to run
between Charleston and Liverpool. He wrote, “The pertinence of such an enterprise
to the future political condition of this country suggested the propriety of some com-
munication between the parties engaged in it and the Government, and, in obedience
to the wishes of my father and other citizens whose judgment is entitled to the utmost
respect.” Was this unit part of the troops assigned to the evacuation and protection
of the men, women, equipment and supplies of the Treasury Note Bureau? With the
final destination of the Treasury Note Bureau Anderson, S. C., a location likely decid-
ed on by Treasury Secretary Trenholm where his family and business held financial
interest, most likely Trenholm’s son, Lt. Colonel W. L. Trenholm was part of the
escort to that location.
There are only two Spragues listed on the Park Service rolls with rank of
Captain. There is a J. Kemp Sprague who was Captain of the 1st Missouri Infantry.
His unit wasn’t anywhere near Columbia S. C. near the end of the War. His unit par-
ticipated in the Battle of Allatoona which was part of Hood’s Franklin-Nashville
Campaign October 1864, and they likely would have retreated with Hood’s forces to
Tupelo, Mississippi where Hood resigned his command in January 1865. They had
participated in the defense of Mobile but that was earlier in the year during August
1864 and prior to that the Battle of Atlanta in July 1864. Could this Captain
Sprague have become separated and gone east to Columbia? It is possible I suppose,
but not likely that this man would have left his friends and set out alone unless he
had been injured and sent in that direction to recover from wounds. If that were the
case it would be logical for him to head west with the Crosland brothers as their
direction was toward home even for him.
There is also a Captain Fred H. Sprague ACS 5th North Carolina Infantry.
That unit ceased to exist as an effective fighting unit after it lost more than half of the
473 men who took the field at Gettysburg in 1863. The unit was also present at the
Battle of Mine Run in Virginia November 27–December 2nd, 1863. This was the last
action between Union and Confederate forces for that year. There is no information
available for 1864 or 1865 other than the fact that when the unit surrendered there
were only 7 officers and 76 men and of those only 48 were armed. Fred N. Sprague is
also listed on the General and Staff Officer rolls as Acting Commissary. I believe
these to be the same man as the initials H and N are easily confused when trying to
transcribe period handwriting and sometimes even printing. It is quite possible that
Captain Sprague was no longer attached to a specific unit and/or had been detailed
by the War Department to serve in or around Columbia with supply logistics.
Did W. A. Crosland and his brother J. H. Crosland use the Treasury Note
Bureau evacuating Columbia as a way to make good their own escape? Could they
have hatched a plan to head home instead of traveling with the rest of the men and
women of the Note Bureau out of Columbia and eventually on to Anderson? W. F.
Spurlin says “The two Crosland brothers, with their partner Sprague, made their way
through the country from Columbia to Camden, Ala., buying anything that their
Confederate money (unsigned) would buy.” Was Captain Fred H. Sprague a willing
party to their plan or had he become an unsuspecting participant in the beginning?
Spurlin went on to say “Soon after their arrival in Camden, the home of the Crosland
brothers, a disagreement occurred on the question of dividing spoils, which was fol-
lowed by a general fight between the three partners.” Clearly Spurlin suggests that
Sprague was complicit in their activities. The fight he states was over who would take
custody of “an iron-gray mare” which he stated “was the bone of contention” and
that the horse was a “fine animal.”
I believe these men hatched a plan to escape Sherman’s soldiers who
approached Columbia from the south, southeast and perhaps east. Sprague couldn’t
head back to North Carolina as Yankees were pressing down through Virginia and
other Yankee cavalry were spread throughout the countryside between Columbia and
home. An employee of the Treasury Note Bureau driving a wagon in custody of
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 451
notes, printing stones and pieces of a printing press wouldn’t be questioned given the
circumstances of their departure. That he was accompanied by a cavalry soldier for
protection and an officer of the Commissary of Subsistence would lend even more
credence to their story. None of these men would be suspected of shirking their duty
to Country and State.
Going back to the first paragraph Mr. Spurlin states emphatically that the
vignette on the T68 1864 $10 “was designed to represent Captain Bragg’s battery
while in Mexico when ordered to ‘give them a little more grape,’ Crosland being a rel-
ative and admirer of Captain (General) Bragg.” It was stated in the article that the
caps on the heads of the men in the drawing more closely resemble the Confederate
kepi than the caps worn during the Mexican War. It wasn’t at all unusual to change
some small detail of a drawing, picture, painting or sculpture when creating an
engraving to be used as a vignette for notes.
Going back to the third paragraph Mr. Spurlin says that “three lithographic
stones on which the last impression was made” were taken from Columbia and this
gives me pause. We have been searching for evidence of the existence of full size
printing stones. Many have assumed that only the $20 to $1 notes were printed eight
subjects to a sheet using lithographic stones as printing plates; but, I have found evi-
dence that the backs of $100s and $50s and all the tint plates were printed litho-
graphic in 1862 and most likely all the way through the end of the War. In fact many
if not most of the $20s attributed to Keatinge & Ball (T51) were printed by the
Scotchmen by lithography and not from metal plates by K&B. The 1864 $500, $100
and $50 were printed four to a sheet and most likely from metal (copper) plates. But,
it is very possible that some of the final emissions from Anderson which would have
included $100s and $50s were printed using transfers from metal plate to lithograph-
ic stone. We know for a fact that Edward Keatinge had most if not all of the metal
plate presses in his shop and the only items S. G. Jamison was able to get from that
shop were some plates and dies.
The fifth paragraph at right above Mr. Spurlin’s image says, “As to the final
disposition of the remaining unsigned Confederate bills, the lithographic stones, and
the piece of press, all must have been destroyed, as the residence formerly occupied by
the Crosland family was burned some years ago.” This statement forced me to
relook at the third paragraph. I thought it said part of three presses, but it actually
says “with part of one of the three presses.” There were no presses taken from
Keatinge & Ball’s shop. There were quite a few presses taken from the Government
shop of Evan’s & Cogswell and there were probably more presses in the building that
had been run by the Scotchmen, although likely all of those as well as all of the equip-
ment once owned by Colonel Duncan were now part of the Treasury Note Bureau.
Why was there a comment about three presses? Did he mean three presses for three
stone plates the men had in their possession? Whose shop were those three presses
originally located? How is it that the men only loaded part of one of those three
presses? I guess this is another mystery for which no answer will be found.
Just under the image of Mr. Spurlin he continues, “The three lithographic
stones, each slightly larger than an ordinary brick, are still in possession of the
‘We have assumed that only the $20 to $1 notes were printed eight
subjects to a sheet using lithographic stones as printing plates; but, I
have found evidence that the backs of $100s and $50s and all the
tint plates were printed lithographic in 1862 and most likely all the
way through the end of the War.’
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276452
Crosland family, as I learned recently from Dr. J. H. Crosland, of Montgomery, Ala,
a son of W. A. Crosland, now dead.” This sentence directly contradicts the previous
sentence where he said “all must have been destroyed.” Still another statement in the
above sentence contradicts what we have assumed or I assumed was the size of litho-
graphic stones. Full size printing stones weigh in at 135 plus or minus pounds and
are roughly 20” X 30” X 4” in dimension. Here he states the three stones were each
slightly larger than an ordinary brick. I have quite a few old brinks that are over 150
years old. They came from the chimney at our family’s ‘Home Place’ in Mississippi.
My father, his father and his grandfather were brick masons and the family owned
two brick manufacturing plants. Those bricks, standard for the time, were roughly
81⁄2” x 4” x 21⁄2”. The so-called lithographic stones of this story could not be the stones
we have been searching for. They could not have been used to print any notes much
less the final emissions of the Confederacy at Columbia or even at Anderson. Mr.
Spurlin says his recollection is “that the denominations were $100, $50, and $5.”
What I believe Mr. Spurlin saw were not printing stones but must have been either
complete design Master Stones or Transfer Stones.
I stated early in the article that I had seen three intact lithographic stones.
The smallest of the three was roughly 10” x 10” and it was a Transfer Stone because
all the text and design parts were positive. The largest stone which was closer to 20”
x 30” x 4” was a Master Stone where all the design parts including text were negative.
The other stone was a printing stone with a complete page of text and it was a nega-
tive image. Mr. Spurlin describes a stone that would have held only one complete
design of a note which would be roughly 71⁄2” x 31⁄2” and would center well on an 81⁄2” x
4” surface.
Mr. Spurlin continues stating “I had those three stones in my possession for
several months with other exhibits at the Columbian Exposition, Chicago.” I believe
this statement is your proof that W. F. Spurlin was some sort of official and present
for most if not all of the World Fair which was open to the public for six months
from May 1st through October 30th, 1893. Mr. Spurlin is quoting a recollection
with that statement. The date of this Confederate Veteran article is December 1913.
Just prior he gave a statement of new information when he said the three stones “are
still in possession of the Crosland family, as I learned recently from Dr. J. H.
Crosland, of Montgomery.” Clearly the stones were not left in Chicago and were
returned to the family that loaned them for the exhibit. If there are Crosland family
members still in or around the Montgomery area, I believe it is likely someone in the
family still has one or all of those stones!
Clearly W. F. Spurlin is recounting hearsay passed on to him by members of
the Crosland family as well as his own War experiences. He says, “At the time of the
surrender I was fifty or sixty miles east of Columbia, S. C., with a few members of
Company F, 53rd Alabama Cavalry, the command being disorganized and scattered.”
He went on to say that “we went by way of Columbia to Augusta, Ga., where we were
honorably discharged and paroled about the 10th or 15th of May, 1865.” W. F.
Spurlin was Private Co. F, 53rd Alabama Partisan Rangers. His unit had participated
in the Battle of Atlanta and the Defense of Savannah and lastly the Carolina
Campaign in 1865. Mr. Spurlin was well aware of the hardships encountered by sol-
Old men may forget or leave out general details of events in the past
but certain facts are retained and never forgotten. The detail
about the size of the stones is a key piece to this puzzle. Those small
stones could not have been printing stones; but, they could have
been Master or Transfer stones.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 453
diers and of the mindset of the men around him. He also recounts hearsay regarding
the fight between Captain Sprague and the Crosland brothers and subsequent death
of W. A. Crosland that he probably garnered from conversation with members of
both the Caldwell and Crosland families. Who was right and who was wrong isn’t
speculated upon. He only lets us know, “This deplorable tragedy ended the contest.
Young Caldwell was never arrested. This was in the beginning of those awful
Reconstruction times.”
Old men may forget or leave out general details of events in the past but cer-
tain facts are retained and never forgotten. The detail about the size of the stones is a
key piece to this puzzle. Those small stones could not have been printing stones; but,
they could have been Master or Transfer stones. Whether the three men this story
refers to left Columbia and headed directly for Camden, Alabama is without question
unknown. It is entirely possible that they traveled the 50 miles north of Columbia
and remained there for a couple of weeks and eventually ended up in Anderson.
From there they traveled on to Camden, Alabama prior to or during the raid on that
city May 2nd, 1865. However, Mr. Spurlin seems fairly certain the men left
Columbia eventually reaching Camden where they argued over the “spoils” they
obtained by issuance of “their Confederate money.” He makes a point of stating the
money was unsigned in one sentence; but, he also makes the statement that W. A.
Crosland was proficient at writing so is he presenting all the facts and letting the
reader decide if there was intent to defraud by the three men. It seems to me that he
is when he states “a disagreement occurred on the question of dividing spoils.”
There is lost treasure of physical objects as well has historical anecdote. We
have had the pleasure to speculate on both with Tom Carson’s discovery of the bro-
ken stone he brought to Memphis June 2010. Do all of these parts fit together?
Maybe and maybe not; but, without question, all these parts have something to do
with Tom’s “Quest for the Stone.” It just might not be the same stone from the same
time and place in the history of the Final Days of the Confederate Treasury Note
Thanks for sending this article Fred and for publishing the parts of Tom’s
“Quest for the Stones!” Thank you too Tom for allowing me to be part of this pro-
ject along with you, George and all the others who helped put this project together.
-- Best Regards, Col. Crutch Williams
Keep up the quest. Find the stones. I am not a Confederate Collector and
was just starting a quest to find history. I have communicated with the family and
they have not heard of the stones. WA became a prominent architect and developer
in Montgomery. JH (WA’s son) was a dentist (past president of Alabama Dental
Association) in Montgomery. In 1906 there as an article in New York Times that JH
had seriously shot a Cpt. Wiley, son of Congressman Wiley. Hank found that JH and
sister Nan had never married and lived together. WA died before the Spurlin article
and Nan moved back to Camden from Montgomery. Nan got all of JH’s estate. When
she died she gave her estate to her remaining brothers WA and Tunstal. I have talked
to the grandson of one brother. I get the feeling there may have been a family embar-
rassment. The family was prominent in Montgomery, but all left Montgomery.
According to the Grandson (Bill), he had never heard of the stones. The other grand-
son is sorta of the family historian according to Bill, but he will not communicate.
You would think the stones would have been prominent family information. Spurlin
was a jeweler in Camden. Nan had moved back to Camden by the time of the Spurlin
article. He would have had direct access to the family.
I have communicated with a lot of “historians” in Camden. No one knew
about the stones. Anyone out there, have at it. My quest has ended without finding
the stones. Hopefully someone will.
-- Tom Carson
‘Quest’ author Tom Carson replies . . .
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276454
Looking in on SPMC doings
at 2011 ANA convention
Photos by John & Nancy Wilson
SPMC President Mark Anderson mans the well-stocked joint SPMC-New York Numismatic Club booth at the
American Numismatic Association’s World’s Fair of Money held during August at Rosemont, IL. According to
ANA this was the largest bourse floor in ANA convention history (although the mammoth Houston Astro Hall
comes to mind), but club booths were placed at the far extremity of the irregularly-shaped hall, limiting foot traffic
and leaving club reps to mostly chat among themselves during the show.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 455
Above left: About two dozen members
and guests heard SPMC President Mark
Anderson detail his family’s personal
banking history in the early 20th Century
at the SPMC Membership Meeting at the
2011 Rosemont ANA Convention. Above:
Closely examining the poster created by
Andrew Shiva, consisting of title blocks
from National Bank Notes in his outstand-
ing Memphis International Paper Money
Show display, are Judith and Claud
Murphy. Left: ANA President Clifford
Mishler presents Paper Money Editor Fred
Reed an ANA Presidential Award.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276456
Once again Paper Money
was honored by the ANA,
receiving a Second Place
Award in ANA’s
“Outstanding Specialty
Numismatic Publication”
After SPMC Editor Fred Reed
could not pick up the Society’s
award due to a scheduling con-
flict, ANA President Clifford
Mishler tracked down Reed to
present the award. Ironically
this presentation occurred at
the Token and Medal Society
banquet. The token collectors
were in good spirits over the
“intrusion,” however since
Mishler is a founder of TAMS
and since Reed is also
Editor/Publisher of TAMS
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 457
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276458
Dear Fellow Paper Money Lovers:
This magazine, Volume L, Number 6, Whole Number 276,
represents our last printed communication this year, the year
2011 being the 50th anniversary of the Society whose publica-
tion you hold in your hands. While I write this in mid-August,
just back from the 2011 ANA, this issue and this column will
arrive in your mailbox a couple of months from now, and is the
last of our six installments you will or have received during our
anniversary year. It is my fervent hope that you feel we have
properly and honorably celebrated our first half century.
After two-plus years at writing this column, I hope that
those of you I have not met personally have perhaps gotten to
know me a little bit. As such, I hope you know how seriously I
take the continuing obligation I feel to that portion of our mem-
bership which, for whatever reason, does not frequent the con-
ventions or shows and educational events that we are involved
with and/or sponsor. It is partly that sensitivity that underlies
the small gift enclosed in this month’s magazine. We who travel
to a show or two have spoken of and celebrated the Society’s
50th all year, at various venues - Florida, Memphis, and most
recently again in Rosemont. While these events have been apt
and fun, they are also evanescent, and it seems that every one of
our members should have an appropriate souvenir of their mem-
bership in, and involvement with, the SPMC during this special
year. Such a souvenir should be tangible. It should be respectful.
It should be reverential of our mission and the hobby. It should
be beautiful.
By now, one hopes that it is clear that all this refers to the
card enclosed with this issue of the magazine. A great friend to
the Society and to the hobby in general, over many, many years,
Mike Bean has once again lent his creative and increasingly rare
talents, as well as his quite amazing “library” of vignettes, inks,
and papers to create our 50th Anniversary gift to ourselves.
Perhaps most of all, we should be grateful to Mike for his extra
dose of patience in working with your somewhat finicky presi-
dent. Mike, who has an awe- inspiring collection of printing
equipment and engravings, went an extra mile at our urging,
arranging to get hold of a lovely and less frequently seen central
vignette. He located a “50” counter. He went to the well in order
to reproduce the SPMC logo vignette. He then passed every one
of the 1700 cards produced through seven processes each in
order to arrive at the elegant enclosure which is now yours.
While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we all behold dif-
ferently, it is my sincerest hope that you enjoy the appeal of this
offering even half as much as I do.
Our choice for the appealing central vignette is historically
important and deserves a few words [and I thank Mark Tomasko
for sharing guidance and knowledge on the topic]. Entitled “The
Reapers,” it is a product of the engraving skills of Alfred Sealey,
with etching by James D. Smillie. Engraved in 1860, it is die
number 76 in the original American Bank Note Co. series. The
original artwork has been attributed in at least one source to
Simon Julien, but the veracity of that is the subject of some very
interesting current research. Interestingly, this same image was
engraved in a considerably larger size in 1874 by G. F. C.
("Fred") Smillie, and titled "The Reapers No. 2". The heads of
the subjects in that larger version were then turned into two
additional vignettes, "Reapers No. 3" and "The Reapers No. 3,"
the latter vignetted in an oval with elaborate scroll work.
In last month’s column, I promised to complete my report
on the Board’s activities during the Memphis Show in June.
Since much of that prospective report to you was included in my
opening remarks at our membership meeting at the ANA in
Rosemont, I hope you will allow me to “dovetail” these two
reports as one:
We had a very fine membership meeting and birthday cele-
bration in Rosemont. After a [thankfully] brief rendition of
“Happy Birthday” and individual small birthday cakes for all
present, courtesy of Judith and Claud Murphy, we opened dis-
cussion with observations on the Society’s fiscal health in a very
topsy - turvy economic environment. In sum, the Society’s cur-
rent balance sheet is liquid and strong, with healthy reserves to
support the future expense of producing the magazine for our
life members, to continue the Wismer project, build the new
website, sponsor original research, and publish new paper
money texts as may emerge in the future. We would of course
like a stronger rate environment, but are in the enviable place of
not having to take risk to continue to satisfy our mission. We
discussed our Educational Grants program, and ideas as to how
it might be expanded in the future. And while we have not yet set
a launch date, we discussed the enormous amount of work that
has gone into the Society’s new website, summarizing the
improved functionality and features that we can expect, and
asked for help in supporting some of the member benefits, such
as blogs and forums. Lastly, there was a presentation on “Small
Town National Banks and Capital Formation during the Unit
Bank Era.” (Editor’s note: an excellent presentation with
archival and family research by the descendant of one such
national banker, who also happens to be your Society’s
President, incidently.)
As we move into the last two months of the Society’s 50th
year, I hope you share my admiration for the accomplishments
of our Society in its first fifty years. We all owe so much to the
vision, the tenacious perseverance, and hard work of the
founders back in 1961. The continuing relevance of the original
mission, as espoused in the by-laws, is remarkable. For five
decades, Board members, officers, and volunteers have worked
creatively and doggedly to expand the Society’s reach and broad-
en what we do for the membership. There is a legacy of seminal
catalogues of paper money not only published, i.e., made possi-
ble by the SPMC, but made better by the expertise brought to
each author’s selfless work. The painstaking contributions by
numerous authors have been worked over and integrated by each
editor into the magazine, each editor building on the superb
work by each predecessor. It is no accident that Paper Money has
consistently been recognized as an outstanding journal.
In sum, we as collectors, as members, as officers, as gover-
nors, as volunteers, as speakers, as researchers, and as friends
owe so much to all who have made the Society what it is today. I
would like to believe we have aptly and proudly celebrated this
milestone by recognizing the hard work and accomplishments
which brought us to this point, and I look forward to many
more with all of you.
Happy 50th Birthday, Society of Paper Money Collectors,
and Here’s to You!
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15¢ per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbre-
viations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
checking copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same
copy. Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition
of their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are
run on a space available basis. Special: Three line ad for six issues =
only $20.50!
CHINA CURRENCY BUYER!, 1853 thrugh 1956. Singles to Packs.
$2 to $2,000 notes wanted. All singles, groups, packs & accumulations
needed. Package securely with your best price or just ship for our FAST
Top Offer! Send to G. Rush Numi, P.O. Box 470605, San Francisco, CA
94147. Contact Full-Time Numismatists since
1985. Member ANA, FUN, IBNS, FSNC, SPMC (279)
WANTED; 1778 NORTH CAROLINA $40. Free Speech. Obsolete:
Wheatland Furnace. Notgeld: 1922 Chemnitz 5 Mark. N.d. Magdeburg 50
Mark (Sozialisierungs). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-1779; Casebeer (283)
WANTED 1862 Private Scrip Notes with Jefferson Davis in Circle
printed in Memphis. Send photocopies. Frank Freeman, Box 163,
Monrovia, MD 21770. (281)
PHOTOGRAPHERS’ MONEY WANTED. Advertising notes (Handbills that
resemble currency). Daguerreotypists of the 1840s to modern times. or NM Graver, 276 Brooklawn Dr., Rochester,
NY 14618 (276)
denomination, or type. Email: (276)
ERROR NOTES AND OTHER SMALL-SIzE U.S. currency. Buy, sell, trade
my duplicates for yours. - (276)
WRITING A NUMISMATIC BOOK? I can help you with all facets of bring-
ing your manuscript to publication. Proven track record for 40 years.
Create a legacy worthy of your efforts. Contact Fred Reed
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with
description (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142 (276)
WANTED: 1/0 BINARY SMALL-SIzE NOTES. All possible combinations of
1’s and 0’s in 8-digit serial numbers. Doug Merenda, 215 W. Troy St.
#1009, Ferndale, MI 48220. (278)
WANTED TO BUY: Small Change Notes Dated March 12, 1792, Which
Were Issued by “The Union Society” Located in Smithtown, New York.
Anthony Bongiovanni, Box 458, Rocky Point, NY 11778 (274)
paper. Please offer. Thank you., 608-233-2118,
James Essence, 702 N. Midvale Blvd B-2, Madison, WI 53705 (278)
NORSE SKI GODS ULLR and SKADI pictured on medals and
tokens sought by R.Jordan, Freitagstrasse 32, 97422 Schweinfurt,
Germany. (A)
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 459
We could all use a few extra bucks. Money Mart ads can help you sell duplicates,
advertise wants, increase your collection, and have more fun with your hobby.
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
* Additional charges apply for longer ads; see rates on page above -- Send payment with ad
Take it from those who have found the key to “Money Mart success”
Put out your want list in “Money Mart”
and see what great notes become part of your collecting future, too.
(Please Print) ______________________________
$$ money mart
‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume;’
Scots notes depict adventurer
In 1964, as part of a concert tour, I spent three
months Africa, and ever since I have been fascinated with
that continent. A few months ago I enjoyed reading Into
Africa,The Epic Adventures of Stanley & Livingstone, by
Martin Dugard.
Henry Morton Stanley was born as John Rowlands.
He took the name of Stanley from a friendly employer in
New Orleans where, after months of brutal treatment as a
hand on an English vessel,
he left without pay or in
the vernacular “he jumped
Years later after
Stanley had worked at dif-
ferent jobs as he looked for
a way of making a living
here and abroad, oppor-
tunist James Gordon
Bennett, Jr. publisher of
the New York Herald sent
Stanley to find Livingstone
in Africa.
With poor communication in Africa and little better
outside, missionary and self-styled explorer Dr. David
Livingstone (1813-1873) was assumed lost in central
Africa as the curious Englishman looked for the source of
the Nile. Others had and would also claim to have found
the source of the famous river.
A century after his death, Dr. David Livingstone was
honored in his native Scotland by having his portrait
placed on a £10-pound note, P( ick) 207 for the
Clydesdale Bank. This bank note was produced at
Thomas De La Rue in England. The engraver selected to
execute this portrait was Joseph Lawrence Keen.
Mr. Keen has engraved paper money and postage
stamps while employed at Waterlow & Sons and Thomas
De La Rue. He came out of retirement to engrave notes at
Harrison’s for Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Zambia.
Mr. Keen provided valuable information that I was
able to use in The International Engraver’s Line. After
numerous letters and telephone calls Mr. Keen and I had
become extremely good friends. In 2000 he came to the
U.S. and we shared ten days discussing his career and his
work. With his fantastic memory he was able to identify
work by some of his colleagues.
In 1988 a new £10-pound note, P219 for the same
bank was issued with a different portrait of the mission-
ary-explorer. This portrait is based on a photograph by an
unknown photographer; the photo is in the archives of
Bettmann/CORBIS. This portrait was engraved at
Thomas De La Rue by Stanley Doubtfire. The back of this
note shows Blantyre, Livingstone’s birthplace.
Mr. Doubtfire and Mr. Keen were colleagues at
Thomas De La Rue. I have never met Mr. Doubtfire,
however, we also have become good friends through our
correspondence that has gone on for more than five years.
Each of these engravers have engraved bank notes and
postage stamps for more
than 60 countries, and for
both I have the utmost
If you would like to
have an example of one of
the notes that recognized
Dr. Livingstone, the
Doubtfire example is the
least expensive.
Burton, Speke,
Livingstone and others
claimed one of the following, Lake Victoria, Lake
Tanganyika, the Lualaba and other rivers, as the source of
the Nile. According to author Martin Dugard, it took
20th century satellite photography to determine that the
source of the Nile is in the mountains of Burundi.
When Livingstone died, Susi and Chuma,
Livingstone’s devoted African servants carried his remains,
packed in salt, to Zanzibar, the point of embarkation into
East Africa, and for the return to Europe. The two ser-
vants received little or no thanks, but in 1874 a friend of
Livingstone’s brought the two to England where they
received medals from the Royal Geographical Society.
Reprinted with permission
from Coin World, June 26, 2004
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276460
A Primer for Collectors
Starts Here
A portrait of missionary and explorer David Livingstone,
engraved by Joseph L. Keen appears on this £10 note from
The Treasury never printed Series of 1928A $10 and $20
Gold Certificates. Although popular references list them as
delivered during March and April 1933, this is based on misin-
The photo below is of a page from the BEP plate ledger for
1928A $10 Gold Certificate faces. It shows plate serials 1 to 9,
and other information, such as plate numbers, cancel dates, sent-
to-press dates and dropped from press dates. Most of this page is
blank—if the plates were used, the press operators would have
recorded the sent-to-press dates and dropped-from-press dates in
the respective columns.
However, the four pages where 1928A $10 and $20 face
plates are listed are all blank. The BEP used none of the plates.
President Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102 on April 5,
1933, removed gold from circulation, and the BEP delivered the
last Gold Certificates to the Treasury on April 27. These were
Series of 1928. They never had the chance to get Series of 1928A
plates on the presses.
Source: Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Treasury
Department, Records of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing,
Plate history ledgers for United States currency plates: National
Archives, College Park, MD, Record Group 318.
Political activists today have a way of reminding the body
politic that Uncle Sam has no money except from what the gov-
ernment collects from individuals and corporations. However, a
century ago another view prevailed, illustrated by T. Dart
Walker in a watercolor painting on board shown on the cover of
this issue of Paper Money.
According to the Office of the U.S. Senate Curator: “This
view of the Senate Chamber was painted by T. Dart Walker in
the late 1890s after observing a busy congressional work day.
The scene was then engraved for the front cover of the December
23, 1899, issue of Leslie’s Weekly and titled ‘Spending Uncle
Sam’s Money: Senators Introducing the Customary Batch of
Miscellaneous Bills at the Opening of the Session of Congress.’
Walker was born in Indiana, studied in Paris, and was known as
an illustrator and marine artist. His work appeared in popular
magazines of the period, such as Harper’s Weekly, the Graphic,
and the Illustrated London News, and included scenes of politi-
cal life, national events, and everyday activities.
This painting measures 23 inches by 18.5 inches (54.8 X 47
cm). It is signed “T. Dart. / Walker / Washington in the lower
left corner. It is cataloged by the Senate Curator as Cat. no.
34.00002.000. A 360-degree virtual tour of the U.S. Capitol is
available at
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 461
Small Notes
by Jamie Yakes
Series 1928A Gold Certificates do not exist
T. Dart Walker’s ‘Spending Uncle Sam’s Money,’ an 1890s view
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276462
Letter to the Editor: Why ignore modern fake deterrents?
Author responds: To each his own!
SPMC literary award winners appreciate recognition
Editor, SPMC:
I got behind in my reading this summer, and have only this week read the past three issues of Paper Money. I
refer to the lead article in the March/April issue by Eugene Rosner on devising a type set of small-size U.S. notes. I can-
not believe, with all the attention paid to three shades of green in the 1928/34 Treasury seals, and other relatively minor
differences between notes, that Mr. Rosner could completely ignore the addition of watermarks, polymer security
threads, and optically variable ink (not to mention microprinting and the intaglio devices next to the portraits on the
four high-denomination colorized notes). Now perhaps a case could be made for including the latter devices with the
overall description "color," but the other elements I have named were not associated with the introduction of color --
they all preceded it, and they did not all appear simultaneously. OK, even the watermarks could be linked to the gener-
ic description "new" under portraits, but a watermark is not a portrait, and the new Fed seal got separate billing when
the new heads were introduced, so why not the watermarks? And that still leaves polymer threads and microprinting as
having been introduced independently from the "big heads," and as having created distinctly different notes -- witness
the BEP's education campaigns associated with their introduction, trying to get the public to pay attention to these new
Yes, the selection of elements is completely up to the beholder, but it boggles the mind that such significant
changes to our notes (finally) would not be considered worthy of inclusion in a list of elements defining types.
-- Joseph E. Boling
Hi Fred,
I believe I answered this question on p.85, 2nd paragraph from the bottom. This is a very personal set of fea-
-- Eugene Rosner
Hi Fred,
I was excited to find in my mail the SPMC's Literary Award of Merit for my book The Greenback: Paper
Money and American Culture. What a nice gesture! My sincere thanks to you and the Society.
I pasted a copy of the letter on my office door for all here to see.
Have a great day!
-- Heinz
Heinz Tschachler
English and American Studies
University of Klagenfurt
A-9020 Klagenfurt
Just receivesd envelope with latest awards from SPMC.
Please extend my thanks and appreciation to Benny and SPMC staff. Also to you.
Mine ego is so inflated I could fly to New York!!!!
Again, my thanks to you and all.
-- Joaquin
Joaquin Gil del Real
Panama City, Panama
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 463
Lyn Knight Currency Auct ions
If you are buying notes...
You’ll find a spectacular selection of rare and unusual currency offered for
sale in each and every auction presented by Lyn Knight Currency
Auctions. Our auctions are conducted throughout the year on a quarterly
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Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276464
Introduction to the Update on the Type-64 CSA Note Survey
For the past several years I have been keeping track of the serial numbers on
Criswell Type-64 Confederate States of America notes [1,2,3,4]. In this article, as of
July 16, 2011, I report on serial number information from 1641 examples of this
issue. In an earlier article in Paper Money [1] I reported on observations from 976
notes (as of September 15, 2007); in additional I report earlier data that contained
the first 604 observations (as of Dec 23, 2005). The serials have ranged between 8
and 38386. I am more convinced than before that serial 38386 is near to or might
just be the very last note issued from this type. This assertion remains the focus of
this update article.
Is this the last CSA note issued? Note the serial number 38386.
A Statistical Look at the Type-64 CSA Note
The graph following displays all 1641 serials in order of serial number along
with two earlier versions of the data, one after 976 and one after 604 observed notes.
1641-Note Survey
Update on Type-64 CSA $500 Notes:
What Was the Last Note Issued?
By Steve Feller
Do color ads in
Paper Money
Just Did! . . .
Isn’t it time that YOU
advertised in Paper Money?
Get noticed
Advertise notes in full color
465Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276466
Graph of 1641 notes observed to July 16, 2011.
Graph of 976 notes observed to September 15, 2007.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 467
An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our area
of interest ranges from issues of
The Province of New Hampshire,
The Colony of New Hampshire,
the State of New Hampshire
(1709-1780), issues of the
New Hampshire state-chartered
banks (1792-1866), and National
Bank Notes issued by New
Hampshire banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a book under
the imprimatur of the Society
of Paper Money Collectors, with
help from the New Hampshire
Historical Society, the
Smithsonian Institution,
and others.
The authors of the present book, holding
a rare Series of 1902 $10 National Bank
Note from West Derry, New Hampshire.
$1 Ashuelot Bank
of Keene, NH, 1862
If you have New Hampshire currency, old records,photographic images or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical interest,
please contact us at the address below, or send us
an e-mail at Both of us are
avid collectors and welcome offers of items for
sale. We will pay strong prices for items we need.
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E-mail: (Your e-mail will be forwarded to both authors.)
Visit the NH Currency Study Project website:
www.nhcurrencycom. Find a listing of New Hampshire
banks that issued currency, read sample chapters, and more.
Apart from the above,
David M. Sundman is President of
Littleton Coin Company, and
Q. David Bowers is Co-Chairman
of Stack’s Rare Coins. For other
commercial transactions and
business, contact them at their
firms directly.
New Hampshire
Colonial Note:
Thirty Shillings,
November 3, 1775
We look forward to hearing from you!
Series of 1902 $5
Plain Back from the
Indian Head National
Bank of Nashua
Seeking currency, images, and
NHCS_SPMCJournal_09:Layout 1 7/8/09 3:38 PM Page 1
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276468
Graph of 604 serials observed by December 23, 2005
Note the full coverage of the serial number range, without obvious gaps or
large ranges of missing serials, especially for the 1641-note case. The equations
shown are for the best fit straight lines and are consistent with these sets of serial
numbers being highly linear. Note that the R2 value continues to increase as more
notes are seen from of 0.9949 to 0.99638 to 0.99792. This number indicates ever
more linearity and implies the data cover the serial range extremely uniformly. The
slopes of the straight line fits are 67.147, 40.33691 and 23.85543 and are close mea-
sures of the average separation between any given pair of the serials. The actual aver-
age separation for the current 1641 note case is 23.4 as we continue to add precision
to the data.
A measure of the amount we could expect the average to vary is known as the
standard deviation and is 26.1 for the current results. This means that about 2/3 of
the separations will fall within 26.1 of the average separation of 23.4. Very few fall 2
or 3 standard deviations from the mean; for example a mere 40 pairs of notes are sep-
arated by more than 100 serials and only 3 pairs surpass 150 serials. This means that
it is almost a sure thing that the final serial seen, 38386, will not be more than 50 or
so off from the true end serial. As more numbers are observed we will get more and
more sure of this.
Next we come to the relative frequency of the notes. This is defined by the
number observed divided by the total number printed, including the serial letters.
Three versions of the notes were identified by Criswell: Type 489, 489A, and 489B
[5]. These were supposed to be regions of dark, light, and dark red printings but it is
not precise. The frequency and other data are shown in the following chart and bar
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 469
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Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276470
Serial Range # Printed Type # Seen Frequency
1-6000 24000 489A 245 0.0102
6001-33000 108000 489 1116 0.0103
33001-38386 21544* 489B 280 0.0130
Total 153544* 1641 0.0107
In the Table I assumed the Type 489B notes ceased production with the last
serial observed, 38386.
We see in the above graph that the Type 489B have have survived with the
most frequency (30% more than the other types) whereas Types 489 and 489A are
observed with the same relative frequency.
You can make a difference.
Remember SPMC in your year-end gift giving.
Help support the Society’s educational 501(C) 3 activities.
Your deducation is tax deductible. See p. 448 for info.
Make out your check to the SPMC Treasurer and mail today.
All gifts will be acknowleged. Thank you.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 471
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276472
The figure shown below is a snap shot of the serials in order for CR 489B
(Serials greater than 33000). As can be seen these notes have even lower differences
between serials than Types 489 and 489A with a slope of just 18.5. This more strong-
ly supports the idea that 38386 is very close to the end of the run, since the Type
489B have such a small average separation.
To show the fullness of the data another way I display a differential version
of the data in the graphs below. The vertical scale is the difference between a given
serial and the one preceding it in the set of observed numbers (labeled “change”) and
the horizontal axis is each note’s serial number.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 473
Note two things: the uniform spread of the serial number separations and
the abrupt end of the data at or near 38386. The fit line for the current data has a
very low R2 value of 0.003715 which means that the differences show no apparent
functional relationship to serial number; i.e. the set is a nearly uniform set of differ-
ences as might be expected from random observations). Since the last report the
greatest single difference has fallen from about 300 to 186. As mentioned above the
average separation is 23.4 and most separations are below 50.
The randomness of the data may also be displayed by looking at the serial
letters. There were four notes to a sheet with the top note having a serial letter of A
and the bottom note being D. The next plot shows the serial letter distribution for
the observed notes and it displays an essentially even spread among the four letters.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276474
This also was true after 976 viewed notes:
Serial letter distribution after 976 notes
Raphael Thian gives two related pieces of information in his book, Register
of the Confederate Debt [6]. First, the serial number with the last recorded signature
combination for the Type-64 notes is 32900. Second, the last observed serial number
by Thian was 37607, and he indicates his data are incomplete although he had access
to thousands of Confederate notes. Once again, from this it is reasonable to suppose
that my observed last serial of 38386 is near or perhaps at the end of the issued notes.
A final bit of information may be gleaned from both the 1641 and 976
observed serials. I looked at the last six groups of one thousand serials (this consti-
tutes the entire range of Criswell 489B notes, the ones often that come with the mar-
velous dark red ink) and counted how many notes there were in each group of a thou-
sand serials. I observed the following:
Group of Thousand Serials 976 Note Set 1641 Note Set
33001-34000 30 47
34001-35001 32 64
35001-36000 34 56
36001-37000 39 49
37001-38000 35 49
38001-last note (38386) 13 15
For the current data set Criswell 489B notes (with the range of serial num-
bers 33001 to 38000) there is on average 53 observed notes per 1000 serials with only
a small variation in the numbers observed. The sudden drop to 15 serials above
38000 is a clear indication that the serials stopped abruptly. Extrapolating the rate of
observed notes of 53 per 1000 to the range above 38000 and using the fact that 15
notes have been observed above 38000 leads to a predicted end of the serial range to
be 38000 + (15/53)*1000 or 38283. This is fairly close to 38386 indicating that it is
close to the end.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 475
Other Interesting Comments
An interesting check of the data base occurred when I observed the following
listing in a recent Hugh Shull catalog: “T-64 CR 489 $500 Washington-Jackson-Flag A Neat
Uncirculated Pair Consecutive Numbered 39043 & 39044 UNC…[7].” I couldn’t wait to get
to Memphis to check the notes out in person to see if this could be so; my analysis said this
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276476
would be almost unthinkable since it was over 600 serials above my end serial of 38386. Sure enough the pair was
wrongly numbered in the catalog!
An error note was seen that has two different serials 33527 and 33528. This was entered into the database as
I conclude with more confidence than I had in my last article in Paper Money [1] that the illustrated note with
serial 38386 must be very near the end of the run for the Type-64 notes. It is surely the case that the note featured in
this article is from near the end of the war and, to my knowledge has the highest known serial number for a Type-64
$500 note. If another note was found above 38386 a reasonable estimate of its value would be within one standard
deviation of the mean change. This yields a range of serials from 38386 to 38412.
I will continue my study. Since the last article I’ve made 1641-976 = 665 observations in a period of about 45
months or about 15 a month. Similarly, in the 21 month prior to September 2007 I saw 976-604 = 372 new serials or
just about 18 per month. I do note that I’m seeing more and more duplicates as well. This tells me that the rate of new
observations likely will slow soon. Of course, there are many T-64s in collections, institutions, and especially the
Smithsonian with its world’s largest repository of Confederate Currency of inherited notes from the Rebel Archives [8].
Thus, it is quite likely that there are several thousand surviving notes out there.
If readers have additional serial number and letter reports I would be pleased to receive them at
[1]. Feller, Steve. “A Survey of Nearly 1000 Type-64 Confederate States of America $500 notes: What Was the
Last Note Issued?,” Paper Money, vol. XVII no. 1, Whole Number 253 (2008), pp 11-18.
[2] Feller, Steve. “The Criswell Type 64 Confederate States of America Note, I.B.N.S. Journal, vol. 42 no. 3
(2003), pp 41-42.
[3] Feller, Steve. “The Criswell Type 64 Confederate States of America Note: A Statistical Update,” I.B.N.S.
Journal, vol. 43 no. 2 (2004), pp 54-55.
[4] Feller, Steve. “Is This the Last Confederate Note Issued?” I.B.N.S. Journal, vol. no. 4 (2005), pp 31-32.
[5] Criswell, Grover C. Comprehensive Catalog of Confederate Paper Money. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press,
[6] Thian, Raphael P. Register of the Confederate Debt. Lincoln, MA: Quarterman Publications, 1972.
[7] Shull, Hugh. Hugh Shull Presents: CSA Obsolete Banknotes, Scrip, Bonds, Checks, and Paper Americana, 2nd
Edition, 2009.
[8] Reed, Fred. “Shades of the Blue and the Grey,” Bank Note Reporter, July 2011.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 477
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Official Announcement
Purpose: The Society of Paper Money Collectors is char-
tered “to promote, stimulate, and advance the study of
paper money and other financial documents in all their
branches, along educational, historical and scientific
The George W. Wait Memorial Prize is available
annually to assist researchers engaged in important
research leading to publication of book length works in
the paper money field.
George W. Wait, a founder and former SPMC
President, was instrumental in launching the Society’s
successful publishing program. The George W. Wait
Memorial Prize is established to memorialize his achieve-
ments/contributions to this field in perpetuity.
Award: $500 will be awarded in unrestricted research
grant(s). Note: the Awards Committee may decide to
award this amount to a single applicant, or lesser amounts
totaling $500 to more than one applicant. If, in the opin-
ion of the Awards Committee, no qualifying applicant is
found, funds will be held over.
Prior Award Winners: Both individuals and groups have been
awarded the Wait Memorial Prize. Each received the maximum
award. 1st annual Wait winner was Robert S. Neale for a book
on antebellum Bank of Cape Fear, NC. The 2nd went to Forrest
Daniel for a manuscript on small size War of 1812 Treasury
Notes, published in our S/O 2008 issue. Gene Hessler was hon-
ored for a book on international bank note engravers. Honorees
also included R. Shawn Hewitt and Charles Parrish for a book
on Minnesota obsolete notes, Michael Reynard for a book on
check collecting, Matt Janzen on Wisconsin nationals, Tom
Carson and Dennis Schafluetzel on Tennessee scrip, and J. Fred
Maples on Maryland banknotes. Twice no awards were made.
Eligibility: Anyone engaged in important research on paper
money subjects is eligible to apply for the prize. Paper Money for
the purposes of this award is to be defined broadly. In this con-
text paper money is construed to mean U.S. federal currency,
bonds, checks and other obligations; National Currency and
National Banks; state-chartered banks of issue, obsolete notes,
bonds, checks and other scrip of such banks; or railroads,
municipalities, states, or other chartered corporations; private
scrip; currency substitutes; essais, proofs or specimens; or similar
items from abroad; or the engraving, production or counterfeit-
ing of paper money and related items; or financial history in
which the study of financial obligations such as paper money is
Deadline for entries: March 15, 2012
A successful applicant must furnish sufficient information to
demonstrate to the Society of Paper Money Collectors Awards
Committee the importance of the research, the seriousness of the
applicant, and the likelihood that such will be published for the
consumption of the membership of SPMC and the public gener-
The applicant’s track record of research and publication
will be taken into account in making the award.
A single applicant may submit up to two entries in a single
year. Each entry must be full and complete in itself. It must be
packaged separately and submitted separately. All rules must be
followed with respect to each entry, or disqualification of the
non-conforming entry will result.
Additional rules: The Wait Memorial Prize may be awarded to a
single applicant for the same project more than once; however
awards for a single project will not be given to a single applicant
more than once in five years, and no applicant may win the Wait
Memorial Prize in consecutive years.
An applicant who does not win an annual prize may submit
an updated entry of the non-winning project in a subsequent
year. Two or more applicants may submit a single entry for the
Wait Prize. No members of the SPMC Awards Committee may
apply for the Wait Memorial Prize in a year he/she is a member
of the awarding committee.
Winner agrees to acknowledge the assistance of the Society
of Paper Money Collectors and the receipt of its George W. Wait
Memorial Prize in any publication of research assisted by receipt
of this award and to furnish a copy of any such publication to
the SPMC library.
Entries must include:
• the full name of the applicant(s)
• a permanent address for each applicant
• a telephone number for each applicant
• the title of the research project/book
• sufficient written material of the scope and progress of the
project thus far, including published samples of portions of
the research project, if appropriate
Entries may also include:
• the applicant’s SPMC membership number(s)
• the applicant’s e-mail address (if available)
• a bibliography and/or samples of the applicant’s past pub-
lished paper money research
• a photograph of each applicant suitable for publicity
• a publishable photograph(s) of paper money integral to the
applicant’s research
• a statement of publishability for the project under considera-
tion from a recognized publisher
Judging: All entries must be received by March 15, 2012. All
entries must be complete when submitted, and sufficient return
postage should be included if return is desired. Address entries
to SPMC, attn. Fred Reed, George W. Wait Memorial Prize,
P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162
The single, over-riding criterion for the awarding of the
Wait Memorial Prize will be the importance of publication of
the applicant’s research to SPMC members and general public.
All decisions of the Awards Committee will be final.
Announcement of the awarding of the Wait Memorial Prize
will be in the May/June 2012 issue of Paper Money.
11th Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276478
Introducing Paul Herbert & John Davenport
Don t get me started. To prepare for this, my first “Back
Page” column, I reviewed several recent back issues of Paper
Money. With predictable delight, I read again David Beach’s
story about art work on cigar boxes, Peter Huntoon’s highly
readable essay about paper money during the Depression, Fred
Reed’s article about Smileage Chits, and the history of the Food
Coupon program by Tom Conklin and Peter Huntoon. There’s
that darn Huntoon again, magically pulling from his bag of
finely researched articles just one more enjoyable offering.
Paper Money is replete with educational and interesting
articles. That’s why I love the magazine and why it stands alone
as the only magazine of which I keep back issues. Where it falls
short, however, is when it publishes opinion pieces. Opinion
pieces should be short letters to the editor, not articles. I don’t
want to read an opinion; I want to
learn something new, and not just
what someone thinks.
The particular opinion pieces
sticking in my craw, poking me with
every keystroke, relate to the opina-
tions to change the images of the peo-
ple pictured on U.S. currency. Why, I
ask, do we need to change the images on our currency? What’s
wrong with big Ben nodding from his perch on a C-note, or
Alexander Hamilton (the bastard brat of a Scotch peddler,
according to John Adams) riding the $10?
Abe Lincoln is all over, so what’s the problem with being
on the $5, and how can anyone possibly suggest we have seen
enough of George Washington? And I’m perfectly fine with
Jackson and Grant too.
So why the push, according to a couple Paper Money arti-
cles, to change? Change for the sake of change? Would the
change do anything to make our currency stronger? Safer or
more recognizable?
Would it deter counterfeiting? No, no and hell no! All it
would do and the only thing is stir up controversy, unnecessary,
ugly, good-for-nothing controversy. Americans wouldn’t agree
about who should go on the new currency. We can’t agree on
Don’t get me wrong, I’m ready for a good fight, a real con-
troversy when there s something worth fighting for, but this
issue isn’t worth more than the 400 words I’m using here. We
have plenty of serious problems already, why seek out another?
What next, rename the DC monuments and memorials
dedicated to Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln? But don’t get
me started.
A few months ago I was in Granville, OH researching an
old bank. Along with boxes of correspondence from the offi-
cers, the local historical society still had a ledger with entries
beginning in 1816. Digging through these files, I found a
remainder $100 note from the bank. It is the first example
known. Not that this is the first discovery note I’ve seen in a
historical society’s archives. The same thing happened in
Chillicothe, except that note was completely unlisted, not just
not known to have survived. The Granville note at least had a
number. It is 1211-22 in Wendell Wolka’s Ohio book with the
notation “No description available at present.”
As I sent Wendell the good news (and the Paper Money edi-
tor a brief article on the discovery), it occurred to me that the
amount of knowledge being created in our hobby is astounding.
The SPMC Book Project is a major
part of this, but so are the various cen-
suses, articles published here and else-
where, self-published books and even
auction catalogs. I think a major, but
enjoyable, challenge for our hobby
going forward is finding a way to
make all of this new information
accessible to as wide an audience as possible.
Of course, this goal is far more difficult than it would seem
at first blush. Without even considering the intellectual proper-
ty issues, there is the wide spectrum of formats this information
takes on -- databases, books, articles, auction catalogs, even (or
especially) one-paragraph notes in Paper Money clarifying a
misconception or identifying an item, or a photograph of a
bank no longer standing. Many censuses have implemented
subscription-based updates, but does that model translate to,
say, SPMC books?
I don’t know what the best way to compile, present and
disseminate all of this data might be. There probably isn’t a sin-
gle “best way.”
But making progress would increase the enjoyment of this
hobby for all, bring new collectors and researchers into the fold,
and create a wealth of information for us all. And although I
certainly don’t expect Wendell to write a new edition every time
a new discovery is made, I hope future collectors are able to find
the following listing:
1211-22 (L) ONE HUNDRED across end; (C ) C ; woman
seated with liberty pole and hat next to state seal; C ; (R ) 100;
woman pouring drink for seated farmer; 100. Uniface Date:
18__ printed Imprint: Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, New-York.
Type: G Rarity: MO
We will suspend “The Editor’s Notebook” this time around to introduce two of the six applicants for the “job”
of “Back Page” op-ed columnist, so ably filled by Bob Schreiner and Steve Whitfield in years past. Initially, my plea for
a co-pilot here drew yawns, but the subsequent whine in the last issue brought forth six SPMC members’ interest. Thus
far however only two, Paul Herbert and John Davenport, have actually supplied a sample column. These both appear
below. Let the Editor know what you think, or better yet do a better job yourself. -- Fred Reed, Editor/Publisher
Paul Herbert hates
opinion pieces
John Davenport
applauds research
‘Don’t get me started’ Progress increases enjoyment
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276 479
Buying & Selling
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$17 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $23 for those in foreign locations.
Paper Money • November/December 2011 • Whole No. 276480
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
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The Professional Currency Dealers Association
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.’s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
James A. Simek – Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207
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Annual Sales Exceed $700 Million | 600,000+ Online Bidder-Members
3500 Maple Avenue | Dallas, Texas 75219 | 800-872-6467 |
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