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Table of Contents
4---The National Bank Note Series of 1882 & 1902 Post-Date Back Transition--Peter Huntoon
20--Mr. Roebling's Bridge--Terry Bryan
30--Some Thoughts & Considerations on Small-Size $500 & $1000 FRNs--Carlson Chambliss
39--Small Size Notes--$5 SC 1934A H-A Mule Rehashed--Jamie Yakes
42--A Rare College Currency Bank--Robert Gill
44--Uncoupled--Joe Boling & Fred Schwan
51--Chump Change--Loren Gatch
52--President's Column--Pierre Fricke
53--Editor Sez--Benny Bolin
55--Prominent Signatory Reference Guide--Roger Barnes
69--Membership Report--Frank Clark
Paper Money
Vol. LIV, No. 1, Whole No. 295 January/February 2015
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
MPC Fest is Coming!
Pierre Fricke offers David Hogan CSA Collection
Pierre Fricke, P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776;;
T‐4 PF‐2 PCGS XF‐45 App – eye appeal! T‐6 PF‐1 PCGS VF‐35 and choice for grade!!
T‐12 PF‐1 PCGS About Uncirculated 50 T‐15 PF‐1 PCGS VF‐30 CC – gorgeous!
T‐23 PF‐2 PCGS VF‐30 CC – great color and cut! T‐31 PF‐1 PMG XF‐40 – super presentation!
T‐43 PF‐1 PCGS VF‐25, choice color and trim! T‐47 PF‐1 PCGS VF‐35 App
Minor edge repair
More CSA – including high grade/eye appeal T‐7, 16, 22, 26, 30, 37, 38, 45, and 56!
Price on Request (POR) – or see
Space 1 Time 3 Times 6 Times
Full color covers $1500 $2600 $4900
B&W covers 500 1400 2500
Full page color 500 1500 3000
Full page B&W 360 1000 1800
Half page B&W 180 500 900
Quarter page B&W 90 250 450
Eighth page B&W 45 125
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol.. LIV, No. 1 Whole No. 295 Jan/Feb 2015
ISSN 0031-1162
Benny Bolin, Editor
The National Bank Note Series of 1882 & 1902
Post-Date Back Transition
Peter Hunton ............................................... 4
Mr. Roebling’s Bridge
Terry Bryan ............................................................ 20
Some Thoughts & Considerations on Small-S9ze
$500 & $1000 FRNs
Carlson Chambliss .................................... 30
Small Size Notes--$5 SC 1934A H-A Mule Rehashed
Jamie Yakes .......................................................... 39
A Rare College Currency Bank
Robert Gill ............................................................. 42
Uncoupled—Joe Boling & Fred Schwan .......................... 44
Chump Change—Loren Gatch ........................................ 51
President’s Column—Pierre Fricke .................................... 52
Editor Sez—Benny Bolin ................................................... 53
Prominent Signatory Reference Guide—Roger Barnes .... 55
Membership Report—Frank Clark ..................................... 69
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC is
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show in
Memphis, TN. Information about the
SPMC, including the by-laws and
activities can be found at our website, .The SPMC
does not does not endorse any dealer, company or auction house.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at
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Memberships for all members who joined the Society
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month joined. All renewals are due before the expiration date which
can be found on the label of Paper Money. Renewals may
be done via the Society website or by check/money
order sent to the secretary.
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
VICE-PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
SECRETARY--Benny Bolin, 101-C North Greenville Ave. #425,
Allen, TX 75002
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
Greenwood, SC 29649
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Jeff Brueggeman, 1032 Lower Brow Rd., Signal Mountain, TN
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238 Pierre
Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731, Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
Kathy Lawrence, 5815 Clendenin Ave., Dallas, TX 75228
Scott Lindquist, Box 2175, Minot, ND 58702
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
PUBLISHER-EDITOR-----Benny Bolin, 101-C N. Greenville Ave
#425, Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 1211
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln.,
Essex, CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
Auction Representation
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
The National Bank Note
Series of 1882 and 1902 Post‐Date Back Transition
The purpose of this article is to explain how the transition from the date back to post-date
back national bank note designs was implemented; specifically, who made the decisions, the
protocols that governed the actions, the timing of critical events and the outcome.
The Series of 1882 and 1902 date back to post-date back changeover was the most complex
of any series-type transition during the large size national bank note era. National bank
legislation did not specify that new designs had to be adopted or when a bank received the new
notes; instead those decisions followed protocols established by Treasury officials.
Figure 1. This spectacular note is the top note from the very first sheet of 10-10-10-10 Series
of 1902 plain backs printed. Photo courtesy of Andrew Shiva.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Series of 1882 value backs and Series of 1902 plain backs were the creation of Treasury
officials following the expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Act. Their
purpose was to indicate that national bank notes no longer were secured in part by the deposit of
securities other than U. S. Treasury bonds.
The Aldrich-Vreeland Act was passed July 1, 1908, with the objective to introduce a
degree of elasticity into the national bank note money supply. Under its terms, bankers could
deposit municipal bonds and certain forms of commercial paper to secure additional issuances of
national bank notes if they had a need to boost their circulation above their traditional bond-
secured circulation.
One of the terms of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act was that national bank notes issued after its
passage had to carry a security clause that acknowledged that the notes were backed in part by a
lower class of paper than United States bonds. This gave rise to the “or other securities” clause.
All banks got them whether they went on to subscribe for emergency currency or not.
In addition, Treasury officials at the time also decided to change the backs of the notes to
carry dates in order to further distinguish them. Series of 1882 and 1902 date backs were the
result because both series were current when the act went into effect.
The terms of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired on June 30, 1915. Treasury officials used
the precedent of the introduction of the date back designs when the act went into effect to eliminate
them when the act lapsed.
They returned the security clause on the faces of the notes to its earlier form, and at the
same time removed the dates from the backs. However, unlike the rather abrupt startup of the
date back issues in 1908, the phase-out of the date backs spanned almost eleven years. The drawn
out transition was driven by cost and waste avoidance. Specifically, it would have been costly
and burdensome to change the security clauses on the many thousands of affected face plates, and
Figure 2. The language in the security clause dictated what type of back was on national bank notes
after expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act but before date back feed stock was used up at the BEP.
“Or other securities” resulted in date backs, otherwise the notes carried value or plain backs. All
the notes had value or plain backs after the old feed stock was depleted.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
it would have been wasteful to cancel the huge stocks of unissued date backs held by the
Comptroller of the Currency and the large inventory of preprinted one-sided date back feed stock
at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Treasury officials from the Secretary of the Treasury on down to the Director of the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing knew the Aldrich-Vreeland Act was going to expire so they began
serious deliberations on how to handle the transition beginning many months before it occurred.
Their objective was to comply with existing laws, yet avoid unnecessary costs.
Joseph E. Ralph, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, carefully documented
the practical ramifications of the transition. On March 8, 1915, he wrote Secretary of the
Treasury William G. McAdoo to explain the situation as he perceived it. He was acutely familiar
with the “or other securities” clause on the current date back notes because he presided over the
crash program to alter some 9,000 face plates to carry the clause when the Aldrich-Vreeland Act
was passed in 1908. He also pointed out that as of March 2 the Comptroller had on hand
15,236,911 unissued sheets of date backs with a face value of $643,339,060, at least two-thirds of
which would still be in inventory on June 30th.
Figure 3. Joseph E. Ralph was the director of the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing from 1908 to 1917.
Ralph argued successfully for the use of “or other
securities” face plates and consumption of existing
finished and unfinished stocks of date back nationals as
an economy measure after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act
expired. BEP photo.
He argued as follows for the continued use of the plates and continued issuance of the date
back sheets after expiration.
If these notes could be used and the present plates could be
continued in use for printing currency required by the banks after
June 30, there would be an immense saving to the Government for
the reason that the alteration made in the plates in 1908 put them in
such condition that it would be impracticable to make another
alteration in the same part of the plate, and consequently, if the
language on the notes should be changed, new plates would have to
be made to replace all except such new plates as have been made
since 1908 and which could be altered. The cost of making new
plates that would be required and altering those that are in condition
to permit alteration would be $316,871, and if there should remain
on hand in the Comptroller’s Office on July 1, 15,000,000 sheets
with the present language that could not be used and these notes
should be cancelled, there would be an additional loss of $625,950,
or a total loss of $942,821 if it should be decided that the language
on the notes issued after July 1 should be changed to eliminate the
words “or other securities.”
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Figure 4. William Gibbs McAdoo was Secretary of the Treasury
from 1913 through 1918, having been appointed by Woodrow
Wilson. One of Treasury’s most forceful secretaries, he decisively
set policy to minimize waste by authorizing continued use of
existing “or other securities” face plates and consumption of
finished and unfinished stocks of date back nationals. He married
Wilson’s daughter Eleanor at the White House May 7, 1914.
Wikipedia photo.
Secretary McAdoo was a decisive man of action, so the next day he sent this memo to
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury William P. Malburn.
Referring to the attached letter from Mr. Ralph, my judgment is that
we ought to preserve the plates as they are and continue to issue the
currency as it is. I will discuss this with you shortly. Meantime
please advise me if there are any legal reasons why the course I
suggest should not be pursued.
This all-important memo established the policy that would be followed. The boss had
spoken so Malburn labored to develop justification to rationalize McAdoo’s directive. Malburn
analyzed the law and the practical realities that Treasury faced. He sent Ralph a letter on March
12th that would allow the poor fellow to sleep well again. The emphasis is mine.
It would be impossible, therefore, if the notes now on hand did not
continue to be used, as well as the plates, to supply the demand for
national bank notes after June 30, 1915. As the addition of the
words “or other securities” cannot give the idea that the notes are
better secured than they actually are, but the contrary, no one can
be injured in any way by having those words on the notes. These
words, therefore, may be disregarded as superfluous. This is
contrary to the condition when the Act was adopted, as if the notes
had not contained these words, they might have carried a
misrepresentation on their face.
Figure 5. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury William Peabody
Malburn, who served in this capacity from 1914 to 1917, wrote
the policies to be followed for printing and issuing national bank
notes after expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act. He also
approved models for the post-date backs on behalf of Secretary
McAdoo. Library of Congress photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Malburn then went on to issue the following directive.
You are authorized to continue to use the plates you now have on
hand after that date, but any new plates which are prepared should
contain the words “This note is secured by United States bonds,”
omitting the words “or other securities.” The dates 1902 and 1908
on the reverse side of these notes should be omitted in the future.
Ralph responded by submitting models of backs for all of the post-date back
denominations in both the 1882 and 1902 series on March 15th.
Malburn followed up with a general Treasury memorandum dated April 20th that added
specificity to his March 12 letter to Ralph.
After June 30, 1915, the national bank notes will be printed from the
same plates that have been used heretofore, and bearing the words
“or other securities.” The present backs, the expense for preparing
which is not reimbursable, will be used until they are worn out, and
as worn out will be replaced by new backs on which the numbers
“1902-1908” and “1882-1908” will be omitted, and, in the 1882
series plates will be replaced by the words “five dollars,” “ten
dollars” etc., according to the denomination of the notes. The 1902
notes do not lend themselves as well to this change, and the
denomination of the notes will be omitted.
As the plates for the faces of the notes are worn out, or as banks
order new plates, and such new plates are prepared, the words
“secured by United States bonds or other securities” will be changed
to “secured by United States bonds deposited with the Treasurer of
the.” With these exceptions the notes will be identical.
McAdoo delegated the task of
approving the models of the post-date
back designs to Malburn who signed
off on them April 22nd. Notice
Malburn’s signature on the approved
$100 value back model shown on
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Model of the Series of
1882 value back $100 submitted by
BEP Director Joseph Ralph on April
15, 1915, and approved by Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury William
Malburn April 22nd. Photo courtesy
of the National Numismatic
Collection, Smithsonian Institution.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
The tenor of Malburn’s directives guided procedures at both the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing and Comptroller of the Currency’s office. The big deal was that date back notes were
going to continue to be printed and issued. They were, and the last of them were printed in
February 1926, just a few months shy of 11 years after the act expired! Some were sent to banks
right up to the end of the large note era in 1929.
There was a system to how things were handled, actually a fairly straightforward system.
It just didn’t produce simple results!
The clerks at the Comptroller of the Currency’s office continued to issue Series of 1902
date back sheets to banks after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired until stocks of them ran out.
Series of 1882 issuing-banks received date backs until either stocks of them ran out or the charter
of the bank was extended, whichever came first.
Obviously the policy to use up the date backs included existing stocks of date back sheets
in the Comptroller’s inventory. But it also included newly printed date back sheets that continued
to arrive from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing after June 30, 1915.
Figure 7. Series of 1902 “or other securities” 50-50-50-100 faces continued to
be printed on date back feed stock until February 1926, because the preprinted
inventory of such backs was huge at the time the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired
in 1915. Photo courtesy of the National Numismatic Collection, Smithsonian
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing adopted the following protocols that were executed
faithfully, with the singular exception of printings for three banks that were issuing the Series of
1882 10-10-10-10 combination. These hard and fast rules applied across the board so there was
no ambiguity about the outcome.
Printings from all back plates with dates ceased before June 30, 1915. However, a large
feed stock remained that consisting of sheets with back impressions but without faces. Those
feed stocks continued to be used until they were consumed.
New back plates began to be certified at the beginning of June and were available for all
sheet combinations by the middle of July. See Table 1. Printings from the heavily used
combinations started before the Aldrich Vreeland Act expired on June 30.
Table 1. First availability of Series of 1882 VB and 1902 PB back plates.
Series of 1882 Value Backs:
New 82 VB Back Plates
Last Date Back Lowest Plate First Plate
Serial Number 82DB Back Plates Altered to 82VB Serial Number Certified
5-5-5-5 135 none 136 Jun 1, 1915
10-10-10-10 23 none 24 Jul 12, 1915
10-10-10-20 114 none 115 Jun 4, 1915
50-50-50-100 18 none 19 Jul 14, 1915
Series of 1902 Plain Backs:
02DB Back Plates Altered to 02PB New 02PB Back Plates
Last Date Back Range of Plate First Plate Lowest Plate First Plate Date First 02PB
Serial Number Serial Numbers1 Certified Serial Number Certified Plate Available
5-5-5-5 434 297-430 May 28, 1915 435 Jun 5, 1915 May 28, 1915
10-10-10-10 80 54-74 Aug 16, 1915 81 Jun 9, 1915 Jun 9, 1915
10-10-10-20 336 243-328 Jun 2, 1915 337 Jun 17, 1915 Jun 2, 1915
50-50-50-100 40 19-40 Aug 3, 1915 41 Jul 10, 1915 July 10, 1915
1. Not all the Series of 1902 plates within the ranges listed were altered owing to the plates having been canceled or otherwise
The old feed stock was to be consumed before the new backs were used, except in cases
where new face plates without “or other securities” were employed. The dates for the various
changeovers varied depending on series and combination.
All existing “or other securities” face plates were left as was. All orders for national bank
note sheets printed from them continued to be mated with preprinted backs with dates until they
ran out. New backs were then used.
New face plates without “or other securities” began to be certified three weeks before the
Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired. Orders printed from them always were mated with new backs no
matter when the order was processed. Consequently there was Series of 1882 value back and
Series of 1902 plain back production in some of the plate combinations before the stocks of
backs with dates were depleted.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Sheet Serial Numbering
In a break from tradition, Treasury sheet serial numbering did not revert to A1 with the
advent of the new backs. Instead orders using new backs were inserted into the stream of
on-going date back production and numbered in sequence.
Similarly, bank sheet numbering did not revert to 1 either. The result was that bank sheet
serial numbering progressed across the changeovers when the new backs began to be used.
All new national bank note face plates were made without “or other securities” starting the
second week of June 1915. Four categories of plates were impacted: (1) plates for new banks,
(2) plates for extending banks, (3) plates for banks undergoing title changes and (4) duplicate
plates. However, as expected, the pivotal date associated with production from them was July 1,
1915, the day following expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act. How July 1st came into play
depended on the type of plate.
Printings from the new plates for newly chartered banks and banks undergoing title
changes commenced before the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired. However, great care was used to
time the first deliveries to the Comptroller’s office from those plates so that they arrived on or after
July 1st.
July 1st also is the key date for understanding when new plates began to be made for
extending banks. However July 1st is unrelated to first deliveries in this situation. Instead,
extending banks received plates with the new clause if their date of extension was July 1, 1915 or
later. This applied to banks extending for either a first or second time.
There are a number of interesting firsts and lasts associated with the changeover to the
post-date back types.
The highest charter number to appear on Series of 1902 “or other securities” notes was
10735, assigned to The Citizens National Bank of Athens, Tennessee.
The last Series of 1902 “or other securities” face plate that was made was a 5-5-5-5 for The
First National Bank of Bonners Ferry, Idaho (10727), which was certified June 15th. The first
with a new clause was a 5-5-5-5 certified June 10th for The Slatington National Bank,
Pennsylvania (2293), an extending bank.
The honor of the first printing from a plate for a new bank bearing a new clause went to The
First National Bank of Hebron, North Dakota (10741). The 10-10-10-20 plate for it was certified
June 15th and sent to press before expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act, but the initial printing of
500 sheets was not delivered to the Comptroller until precisely July 1.
Similarly, the first title change plates with the new clause were made for The
Hartford-Aetna National Bank, Connecticut (1338). The bank was previously called The
Hartford National Bank. The 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 plates with the new title were certified
June 12th, and, as with the Hebron sheets, first printings arrived at the Comptroller’s office July 1.
The first plate made with a new clause for an extending bank was prepared for The First
National Bank of Hubbard, Texas (5008). Through
serendipity, July 1 happened to be the date of extension
for the bank, so a perfect July 1, 1915 was the plate
date on its 10-10-10-20s. The plate wasn’t certified
until July 17th.
Figure 8. Through chance, the date of extension for The
First National Bank of Hubbard, Texas (5008), happened
to be July 1, 1915. As a result the 1902 plain backs from
the bank carry a plate date of July 1, 1915, which marked
the first official day of the 1902 plain back era.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
The end of the date back printings from “or other securities” face plates occurred abruptly
when the stocks of the pre-printed backs with dates ran out. However, the changeovers for the
various sheet combinations occurred on different days. See Table 2.
Table 2. Dates of delivery from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to the Comptroller of the Currency in
1915 for the notes in the national currency census that bracket the last date back deliveries for the sheet
combinations listed.
Series of 1882
last reported date back note
5-5-5-51 Jul 30 $5 R618383-6186-C Ishpeming, MI (5668)
10-10-10-202 Aug 24 $10 T481867-10149-F Decatur, IL (5089)
first reported value back note
5-5-5-5 Aug 5 $5 R624055-7393-E Edwardsville, IL (5062)
10-10-10-20 Aug 27 $10 T485478-14590-F Mount Vernon, NY (5271)
Series of 1902
last reported date back note
5-5-5-5 Jul 6 $5 M288586B-9004-A Minneapolis, MN (710)
10-10-10-103 Jul 9 $10 N104544-12357-G Fort Smith, AR (3634)
10-10-10-20 Jul 7 $10 N852144B-7966-B Minneapolis, NM (710)
first reported plain back note
5-5-5-5 Jul 6 $5 M297141B-13459-G Lewiston, MT (7274)
10-10-10-10 Jul 19 $10 N107789-1-A4 Vian, OK (10573)
10-10-10-20 Jul 7 $10 N847078B-11340-C5 Muskogee (9701)
Jul 8 $20 N856832B-5028-A Muskogee (10321)
1. The changeover serial numbers computed from BEP annual reports are R622662/R622663.
2. The changeover serial numbers computed from BEP annual reports are T484648/T484649.
3. The changeover serial numbers computed from BEP annual reports are N107788/N07789.
4. This note is the top note from the first sheet of Series of 1902 10-10-10-10 plain backs printed.
5. This plain back has a lower Treasury serial number than the last reported date back, which demonstrates that there
was mixing of types for a day or so during the changeover.
The Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired on June 30. The date back feed stocks for the heavily
used Series of 1902 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 combinations were gone within seven days, followed
by 1902 10-10-10-10s on July 19th. It took until the first and fourth weeks of August for stocks of
the Series of 1882 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 backs to be used up.
In great contrast, feed stocks for the Series of 1882 10-10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100
combinations never were depleted. Similarly, the 1902 50-50-50-100s didn’t run out until
February 1926, almost 11 years after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired.
One of the best documented changeovers involves the Series of 1902 10-10-10-20s. The
data on Table 2 reveal that it occurred within the orders delivered to the Comptroller on July 7,
1915. There was some back and forth mixing of the two types of backs that day as revealed by the
Treasury serial numbers on Table 2.
The mixing probably occurred a couple of days earlier when the faces were being printed
and the sheets were numbered. In this scenario some pressmen were given the last of the preprinted
date backs, others the new plain backs. The orders were then assembled in charter number order
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without regard to the backs and numbered. Similar mixing probably took place within the 1882
5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 and 1902 5-5-5-5 combinations on the days when the date back feed
stocks ran out for them as well.
It was possible to independently compute the exact changeover Treasury serial numbers
for the Series of 1902 10-10-10-10 combination from annual totals in the Annual Reports of the
Director of the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. The changeover from date to plain backs was
Through a miracle of survival a Series of 1902 plain back bearing Treasury serial N107789
is in the census, and is owned by Andrew Shiva. It is the top note from the first sheet of Series of
1902 plain back 10-10-10-10s printed, an honor that fell to The First National Bank of Vian,
Oklahoma, charter 10573. See Figure 1.
The Vian note was received at the Comptroller’s office on July 19, 1915, thus fixing the
date for the delivery of the 1902 10-10-10-10 date to plain back changeover. The note happened
to be printed from a new Series of 1902 face plate certified July 3rd without “or other securities”
and represented a late initial order placed by the bankers. Their bank had been chartered in 1914.
The result is a curious 1902 plain back note printed from a new face plate but bearing a plate date
of June 16, 1914, which preceded expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act! The plate date was the
organization date for the bank.
One joker teased the smooth changeover between back types during the transition. A
protocol that had to be followed was that face plates with new security clauses had to be mated
with new backs.
This meant that printings from new face plates mated with new backs were streamed into
ongoing date back production until the old backs were consumed. The result was interspersion of
1882 value back and 1902 plain back orders within the date back printings. Treasury sheet serial
numbering progressed through the sequences in the order they were printed.
Intermixing of date and post-date back orders occurred throughout Series of 1882 10-
10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100 production until the end of the series. The same thing occurred
with Series of 1902 50-50-50-100 orders through February 1926.
In contrast, intermixing appears to have involved production from only three face plates in
the other combinations; specifically, one case within the Series of 1902 5-5-5-5 combination and
two within the Series of 1902 10-10-10-20 combination.
The Series of 1882 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 date back printings after expiration of the
Aldrich-Vreeland Act were unaffected by the use of new plates without “or other securities”
because no new plates for those combinations were made after expiration. Similarly no printings
from new 1902 plain 10-10-10-10 face plates occurred before the 1902 10-10-10-10 date back
feed stock ran out.
Intermixed Low Denomination 1902 Plain Backs
I attempted to identify every 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882 value back and every
5-5-5-5, 10-10-10-10 and 10-10-10-20 Series of 1902 plain back printing that occurred during the
critical period before date back feed stocks for these combinations ran out. These printings are
important because they had to be inserted into the stream of on-going date back printings and
numbered sequentially with Treasury sheet serials. As a result, they carried Treasury serial
numbers lower than the changeover serials bracketed on Table 2.
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Potential candidates included production from new face plates made for: (1) new banks,
(2) banks having their charters extended, (3) existing banks undergoing title changes and (4)
duplicate plates. I could identify all except those involving duplicate plates. Duplicate plates, if
any were made during this period, were invisible to me.
Figure 9. The Series of 1902 10-10-10-20 face plate for The First National Bank of Hebron, North
Dakota (10751), was the first without “or other securities” for a new bank sent to press before
stockpiles of backs with dates ran out. Plain back stock was used for the 500-sheet printing as per
protocol and the sheets were numbered with Treasury serials in sequence within on-going date
back production. The order was printed before the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired, but not
delivered to the Comptroller until July 1, the day after the act expired. Photo courtesy of the
National Numismatic Collection, Smithsonian Institution.
I found only three instances where production from new 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 Series of
1902 face plates was numbered before date back stocks ran out for the respective combinations.
Included were sheets from the 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 title change plates for The Hartford-Aetna
National Bank, Connecticut (1338), and the 10-10-10-20 plate for The First National Bank of
Hebron, North Dakota (10741). Hartford plates were certified June 12th, the Herbron June 15th.
These orders were actually printed a few days prior to the end of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act
on plain back stock that had been printed even earlier. These cases unambiguously reveal that
Series of 1902 plain back production commenced before the act expired.
Significantly, however, the production from these three plates was not scheduled for
delivery to the Comptroller’s office until July 1st, the day after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired.
Clearly BEP officials were carefully adhering to the letter of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act by not
delivering the notes sooner. The sheets were unambiguously logged into the bank ledgers as 1902
plain backs.
Figure 10. Expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act resulted in omission of “or other securities”
from new national bank note face plates. The Series of 1902 plate for the Atlantic National Bank of
the City of New York was certified July 23, 1915 as the first Series of 1902 50-50-50-100 plate without
the clause. The first printing of 120 sheets from it arrived at the Comptroller’s office on August 5,
1915, the first of its kind. No $50 or $100 02PB notes are reported from the bank. Photo courtesy
of the National Numismatic Collection, Smithsonian Institution.
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1882 & 1902 50-50-50-100 Printings
The Series of 1882 and 1902 50-50-50-100 date back printings are particularly interesting
because there were large pre-printed stocks of backs with dates for both when the
Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired.
There were sufficient Series of 1882 50-50-50-100 date backs to last to the end of the series
in 1922. As a result, every printing using an “or other securities” face plate was mated with date
There were only two banks that used new Series of 1882 50-50-50-100 face plates. They
were The Winters National Bank of Dayton, Ohio, charter 2604, and the Canal-Commercial
National Bank of New Orleans, Louisiana, charter 5646. The Dayton 50-50-50-100 replaced an
obsolete 50-100 plate whereas the New Orleans bank got a new plate as the result of a title change.
The new plates were respectively certified January 20 and September 25, 1919.
Printings from both were mated with value backs. The value back printings were
interspersed within on-going date back printings and serial numbered in sequence with the date
backs. The last 50-50-50-100 value back was delivered to the Comptroller October 4, 1920 and
bore Treasury sheet serial A170859. In contrast, 50-50-50-100 date back deliveries continued
until September 2, 1921, ending with Treasury serial A172139. The complete list of intermixed
50-50-50-100 value back Treasury serials was A161090-A162489, A164670-A165169,
A168320-A168719, A169880-A170279 and A170460-A170859.
In the case of the Series of 1902 50-50-50-100s, an order to print a million backs with dates
was sent to the BEP on August 7, 1914. That was a tremendous number for an infrequently used
combination and the fact is it took until 1926 for all of those backs to be used up. Consequently
every printing involving an “or other securities” face plate was mated with date backs until the
stock ran out. Only then were “or other securities” 1902 50-50-50-100 face printings mated with
new backs.
The first Series of 1902 plain back printing in the 50-50-50-100 combination was for the
Atlantic National Bank of the City of New York, charter 1080. The bank had undergone a title
change from The Merchants Exchange National Bank of the City of New York. The plate with
the new title was certified July 23, 1915 and, of course, didn’t have “or other securities.” The first
printing from it consisted of 120 sheets that were received at the Comptroller’s office on August 5.
As other new 50-50-50-100 face plates were made, printings from them also were mated with new
backs. These plain back printings were streamed into the on-going date back production until
February 1926 when the date backs ceased.
The last Series of 1902 date back 50-50-50-100 printing from the old feed stock was for
The Northern National Bank of Ashland, Wisconsin, charter 3607. It consisted of sheets 1221-
1339, which were printed without Treasury serial numbers or regional letters. They arrived in the
Comptroller’s office on February 15, 1926. Of course, the Ashland plate carried the “or other
securities” clause.
1882 10-10-10-10 Value Backs
The handling of the Series of 1882 10-10-10-10 combination was a virtual repeat of the
Series of 1882 50-50-50-100s, save for three extraordinary exceptions. There was sufficient
stock of the lightly used preprinted 10-10-10-10 date backs to see the series through to its close in
1922. Consequently the only banks that should have received 10-10-10-10 value backs were
those that utilized new face plates.
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Only one bank in the country qualified. The Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank of San
Francisco, charter 5105, required three replacement face plates after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act
Figure 11. The Wells Fargo Nevada
National Bank of San Francisco was
one of only four banks to issue 10-10-
10-10 value backs. The explanation
was that the San Francisco notes
were printed from a new plate
without “or other securities,” which
protocol dictated had to be mated
with value backs. Photo courtesy of
Heritage Auction Archives.
expired. The first was the EE-FF-GG-HH certified March 29, 1916. Production from it and the
others that followed was faithfully mated with value backs and numbered in sequence with
ongoing date back production.
Eleven other Series of 1882 issuers received printings from 10-10-10-10 plates after the
Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired, but none of them required new face plates. Therefore all of their
printings should have been mated with date backs.
However, for some inexplicable reason, the production for banks in Chickasha, Oklahoma,
Holyoke, Massachusetts and Lawrenceburgh, Indiana were randomly switched to value backs
during the 1917-1921 period. They represent the only exceptions to any of the protocols
established to handle production after the Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired. These three peculiar
issuers are shown as having received value backs on Table 3 along with the normal San Francisco
Table 3. List of the 25 banks that issued the Series of 1882 date back 10-10-10-10 combination and the four
that went on to issued value backs.
Charter Date Backs Value Backs First Value
State Town Number Issued Issued Back Delivered
The following could not have issued value backs owing to when they went out of business or when their charters were
LA New Orleans 1778 1-2701
MN Minneapolis 2006 1-27263
NJ Newark 2040 1-14104
MN Northfield 2073 1-1958
KY Paducah 2093 1-8432
CA San Jose 2158 1-2086
PA McKeesport 2222 1-20665
MA Gloucester 2292 1-4463
TX Austin 2617 1-7445
MO St. Louis 4178 1-53471
KS Kansas City 4381 1-4711
NY New York 4645 1-26435
MA Melrose 4769 1-4017
TX Hempstead 4905 1-982
The following were eligible to issue value backs if new face plates were made for them during the value back era:
CA San Francisco1 5105 1-341000 341001-423500 Apr 10, 1916
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MA Boston 5155 1-309832
DE Frederica 5421 1-1638
OK Chickasha2 5431 1-10700 10701-14050 Mar 28, 1917
VA Culpepper 5591 1-6065
FL Pensacola 5603 1-34542
OK Mountain Home 5656 1-3819
GA Columbus 2338 1-19761
MA Holyoke2 2430 1-29750 29751-35020 Jul 25, 1917
IA Des Moines 2583 1-52745
IN Lawrenceburgh2 2612 1-10875 10876-11086 Oct 8, 1921
1. Three new 10-10-10-10 plates: certified March 29, 1916, August 30, 1916, March 20, 1917.
2. Anomalous value back issuers because no new 10-10-10-10 new plates were made for them.
The protocols, or in one case a mistake, resulted in a small handful of very peculiar Series
of 1902 printings that only the most diehard variety collector could appreciate. Consider the
following two situations.
The National Park Bank of New York (891) utilized Series of 1902 5-5-5-5, 10-10-10-10
and 10-10-10-20 plates during the red seal era. The 10-10-10-20 plate was used to produce
42,000 sheets of 10-10-10-20 red seals.
All three plates were altered to carry the “or other securities” clause to allow them to be
used to produce date backs. However, the 10-10-10-20 plate was not used during the date back
Two orders of plain backs were printed from the plate in 1923, 4,000 delivered to the
Comptroller January 27-30 and 1,000 on February 9th. The numbering convention was for bank
sheet serial numbers on plain backs to continue in sequence from the date backs. However,
without date back printings, the bank numbers should have started at 1 and progressed to 5,000.
Someone in haste checked the ledgers to obtain the last 10-10-10-20 date back serial and
mistakenly mistook the 42,000 red seal total for date back production. The result was that the
5,000 sheets of plain backs were numbered 42,001 to 47,000. The sheets were issued to the bank.
This is the only case that I have found were this happened.
A very esoteric occurrence involved cases where “or other securities” face plates happened
to go to press for the first time during the 1902 plain back era so that the first sheet from them
began with bank sheet serial number 1. The queer resulted was a number 1 sheet with an “or other
securities” face but plain back.
There were two ways this could occur. Banks, like The National Park Bank, could have
had a red seal plate duly altered to carry “or other securities” but then not used to print date backs.
Alternatively, a bank organized during the date back era could have ordered an “or other
securities” plate, and then never applied for circulation from it during the date back era. In either
case, subsequent 1902 plain back orders would begin with bank sheet serial 1.
It only happened three times in the entire country. The Fifth National Bank of New York
(341) and The Second National Bank of Philadelphia (213) utilized Series of 1902 10-10-10-20
plates during the red seal era but skipped date back printings. The Bank of Athens National
Banking Association, Ohio (10479) ordered a 10-10-10-20 during the date back era but did not
follow through with an order for date back notes. Plain back production from these three plates
yielded the special breed of serial number 1 notes described. None are reported.
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The primary finding here is that preprinted date back feedstock was consumed for printings
from “or other securities” face plates before production was switched to new backs. The dates
when the changeovers for the different sheet combinations arrived at the Comptroller’s office
varied greatly.
In contrast, all face printings involving new face plates without “or other securities”
utilized new backs. These printings were interspersed within on-going production of date backs
and numbered with Treasury sheet serial numbers in sequence until the old date back fed stock ran
Variety collectors should note that no face plates without “or other securities” were mated
with date backs.
The fact that the date back stock ran out at different times for the different sheet
combinations led to simultaneous arrivals of both date and post-date back sheets for the same bank
in the same deliveries from the BEP to the Comptroller’s office. A good example is an order for
The American National Bank of Fort Smith, Arkansas, charter 3634, that arrived on July 9, 1915.
In it were Series of 1902 plain back 5-5-5-5 sheets 13050-13550 and date back 10-10-10-10 sheets
Of course it also was common for shipments to banks from the Comptroller’s office to
contain a mix of types. In the cases of banks that were issuing the long lived Series of 1882
10-10-10-10 and 50-50-50-100 date back combinations, those sheets were being shipped side-
by-side with 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 value backs, providing the bank was using either of the
latter. In the extreme, some banks were receiving 1902 50-50-50-100 date backs until 1929 from
printings that had finally ceased in 1926.
Unraveling the transition to the post-date back issues has vexed national bank note
researchers from the outset because bank sheet serial numbering on the new notes did not revert to
1 within the various sheet combinations. Compounding our inability to see what happened was
the fact that BEP schedules showing daily deliveries are missing for 1915. Those important
records listed the bank, series, type, sheet combination, and Treasury and bank sheet serial
numbers for every printing. The breakthroughs presented in this article came when Lee Lofthus
found Treasury documents that outlined the protocols to be followed in handling the transition.
These were in Bureau of the Public Debt files in the National Archives.
The dates listed on Table 2 are based on reported serial numbers from the national bank
note census operated by the National Currency Foundation. That analysis was made possible by a
search function provided by the foundation whereby I was able to list all the known notes from a
given series and sheet combination in Treasury serial number order. Then it was easy to pinpoint
the changeovers between backs. Next I went to the National Currency and Bond Ledgers to
determine when those sheets were delivered from the BEP to the Comptroller.
Obviously my ability to pinpoint the timing of the changeovers was limited by reports in
the census. Therefore it was possible only to bracket the exact changeover day. However, the
pattern was clear that the changeovers were abrupt. That is they took place within a day or so as
the old back stocks ran out. The bracketing dates for the changeovers presented on Table 2 will
close as critical new notes are reported to the census.
The National Currency and Bond Ledgers contain a record of when printings were received
for each bank. However two problems render many of those records from the 1915 era useless.
(1) Treasury sheet serials were not recorded on the forms. (2) Worse is that the harried clerks
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failed to write the year for hundreds of entries. Sometimes the entire date is missing.
The result was that pioneer compiler Louis Van Belkum was unable to determine the
82DB/82VB and 02DB/02PB changeover serial numbers for about 1,200 sheet combinations as he
abstracted the issuance data for the banks. We have slowly resolved many of them using serial
numbers from the ambiguous printings on observed notes and by other sophisticated means.
Currently there remain 500 ambiguous ranges for 400 banks. New reports will allow us to whittle
away at them.
The Central States Numismatic Society and the Society of Paper Money Collectors sponsored
the research upon which this article was based.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1875-1929, Certified proofs lifted from national bank note printing plates: National
Numismatic Collection, Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1908-1922, Annual reports of the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing:
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, Orders for national bank note backs: Record Group 318, Central
correspondence files, file labeled National Bank Note Backs (450/79/10/05 box 13), U. S. National Archives,
College Park, MD.
Bureau of the Public Debt, various dates, Correspondence file labeled Currency Designs National Bank Notes
pertaining to designs following expiration of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act: Record Group 53 (450/54/01/05
box 10, file K712), U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1935, National currency and bond ledgers: Record Group 101, U. S. National
Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, Dec 25, 1915-Dec 24, 1923, Schedules of national bank notes to be delivered
(incomplete): Record Group 101 (550/63/01/03-04 boxes 2-8), U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
National Currency Foundation,
by Terry A. Bryan
Collectors of Obsolete Currency often study the
vignettes that decorate these notes. The engraved
designs became more beautiful and complex as
bank currency developed into a major circulating
medium in the United States and Canada. Some
of the most interesting currency vignettes are the
topical ones. The White Bear and the various
Santa Claus vignettes are famous examples.
Many articles have been written about them.
Topical vignettes portrayed events,
scenes and stories that related the picture on
the bank note to familiar references in the
public mind. Often community pride was symbolized in the designs on local money. Whether or
not the bankers had the topicality of a vignette under consideration when they picked it out for
their currency, or whether they merely considered a vignette attractive, the notes that we preserve
deserve a close look at the pictorial material thereon.
I had owned the relatively common obsolete notes from the Farmers & Mechanics Bank of
Milford, Delaware for decades before I looked closely at the vignettes. The large central scene was
of a bridge over a river. The
mountainous scenery was obviously
foreign to Delaware. A suspension
bridge over a gorge bore trains on
an upper level and a stagecoach on a
lower tier. A spectacular waterfall
was in the background. Was this a
real landscape?
Yes, this was a real bridge. It
is an image of the Niagara River
Suspension Bridge engineered by
John A. Roebling, and completed in
1855. I had no idea that such a thing
was possible at that early date. The history of the bridge recounts that no one else thought it was
possible, until Roebling did it. It was the first successful railroad suspension bridge in the world.
Bridging over the Niagara River Gorge was discussed for a long time before funds and
engineering science made it a reality. Canadian political and business interests proposed the
project in the 1830s in what was then the Province of Upper Canada. John Roebling bid
unsuccessfully for the job in 1847. Another engineer built a successful temporary suspension
roadway over the gorge in 1848. The first ropes were pulled across the gorge after a kite ran a
fragile string across the cliffs. The engineer was fired after he began collecting tolls for himself.
Roebling was hired to erect a more durable structure.
David McCollough, in his marvelous book about Roebling’s Brooklyn Bridge, wrote about
the Niagara International Suspension Bridge, “It carried a railroad. That thought alone was enough
to command the respect of anyone who knew a little about bridge engineering or recalled when it
had been built. But even if a person were ignorant of such things, the sight of a moving train held
Mr. Roebling’s Niagara Suspension Bridge vignette on a bank
note by Toppan, Carpenter & Co. “Nothing short of miraculous.”
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aloft above the great gorge at Niagara by so delicate a contrivance was, in the 1860’s, nothing short
of miraculous. The bridge seemed to defy the most fundamental laws of nature.”
In an odd sidebar to the Niagara Bridge development, the Niagara Suspension Bridge Bank
of Queenston, Ontario issued currency in Canada dated 1836‐1841, using a vignette of an imaginary
suspension bridge. The standard references stop short of calling this a fraudulent banking
operation, but no profits went into bridge development.
Growth and development on both sides of the Niagara River demanded a railroad crossing
point. The New York Central and the Great Western Railway of Canada chose John Roebling’s
proposal for their bridge. It would replace the existing flimsy carriage bridge with a double‐decker
bridge. The old bridge would facilitate construction and then would be taken down when the new
one was complete. Roebling had such confidence in his engineering skills, that he took partial
payment in company stock for this and many other commissions.
John Augustus Roebling (1806‐1869) came from Germany in 1831. He was a founder of a
German settlement which became Saxonburg in western Pennsylvania. His success in secondary
school, and his parents’ sacrifices allowed him to attend university
in Germany, where he was a bright student of engineering.
Roebling understood the mathematics of force and resistance,
mastered the materials science of the day, and was known to be a
dogged and meticulous worker.
Canals were the engineering challenges of his early career.
He built canal aqueducts and bridges. Canal aqueducts would carry
the entire canal over natural obstacles; they were huge projects.
Roebling was also involved with ordinary bridge construction and
railroad building. Some canal companies would avoid expensive
lock mechanisms by hauling the flat‐bottomed boats on flatcars up
inclined planes. Thick hemp hawsers were being used for these
lifts. Rope maintenance became a major expense of canal
operation. Roebling saw that metal wire rope could be applied to
this canal mechanism, and he began manufacturing wire rope for
many different industrial purposes in Saxonburg in 1841.
The wire rope factory was moved to Trenton, New Jersey in
1846. Roebling held patents for many of the processes and
innovations in production. He ultimately invented huge machines to
twist and weave metal into great lengths of cable. In the future, his
sons would develop a steel mill to supply the gigantic wire rope
operations, necessitating the new company town of Roebling, New
Jersey, just south of Trenton.
A visit to the town of Roebling, New Jersey is a gratifying
experience. As a major industrial site, there is not much to see. The
vast steel works has been cleared away by the environmental cleanup
after the company was sold. Tourists are treated to a comprehensive
education in local history at the Roebling Museum, staffed by
dedicated and enthusiastic descendents of former company
employees. Most of the homes and facilities erected by the
paternalistic industrialists still stand. Employees rented affordable,
substantial homes. Churches, stores, and recreational facilities were built. Learning about the story
of the Roebling clan, from Germany, to western Pennsylvania, to Trenton, to building the town of
Roebling, New Jersey is worth a visit to the Roebling Museum.
The Niagara River Suspension Bridge required four years and $ 400,000.00 to build. Among
the obstacles overcome were terrible weather and a cholera epidemic. When the first train crossed
A section of the Niagara
Bridge cable in the Roebling
Museum. The cable was in
good condition when the
bridge was demolished after
42 years of heavy service.
John Augustus Roebling, 1806‐
1869, portrait in the Roebling
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in 1855, it was a major public event. Trade between Canada and the United States grew and
continued growing.
Nathaniel Currier (soon to be partnered with James Ives) published a popular lithograph of
the bridge in 1856. Both Currier and Ives
loved New York scenes, and many prints
were sold. One author referred to the
partners as having “the gift of a moment in
history, when they held a mirror to a nation’s
dreams”. Wide distribution of inexpensive
lithographed prints was their business
model, and currency collectors can contrast
their printing methods with the labor‐
intensive methods of engraving.
Other artists and photographers
loved the bridge, and loved the view of the
Falls from the bridge, 2 miles upstream. The
Maid of the Mist tour boat was in business in
the 1850s, and the boat ride and a stroll or
carriage ride over the bridge were obligatory experiences for the tourist.
Roebling’s understanding of the design requirements of suspension bridges led him to
become the major proponent and authority on the subject. Other engineers’ bridges failed because
of inadequate stiffness of the truss structure. Roebling’s iron wire rope was many times stronger
than the previous cables and chains used in bridge engineering. His introduction of steel wire rope
permitted the modern spans that we so casually drive across today.
The truss, the actual bridge surface, was stiffened with wooden timbers fastened into X‐
shapes. The currency vignette shows this faintly. The
engraving suggests the visibility of the coach traffic on
the lower level. Because of the skittishness of horses on
bridges, the walls may have been partially curtained. In
some photographs, thin cloth sides appear to be present,
perhaps sufficiently flimsy to minimize wind resistance.
Other photos suggest no side curtains on the lower road.
Perhaps these were raised to permit a tourist view of the
Falls. A photo of the lower entrance gives the impression
of a square tunnel,
not an airy open
bridge. A tourist
could choose to cross
on the sidewalks of
the upper level,
accessed by stairs beside the stone towers.
The Niagara Bridge did not sway under heavy loads
any more than structures of more traditional design, but one
tourist, Mark Twain, found the passage across worth writing
about. He wrote in a letter, “You drive over to Suspension
Bridge, and divide your misery between the chances of
smashing down 200 feet into the river below, and the chances
of having a railway‐train overhead smashing down onto you.
Either possibility is discomforting taken by itself, but, mixed
together, they amount in the aggregate to positive unhappiness.”
The popular Currier lithograph of the Niagara Bridge,
with great similarity to the bank note vignette.
Bracing made the span into a huge box
girder providing the stiffness lacking in
other engineers’ bridges.
Carriages and pedestrians traversed
the long corridor, almost two tenths
of a mile, from shore to shore.
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The Roebling bridge was a great success. Once thought impossible, large numbers of trains
crossed above and busy road traffic below, all paying tolls…for 42 years. It was a symbolic success
as well. Engineers and industry were a source of pride to the public of both nations. Bridges are a
romantic and photogenic image today, but in the mid‐1800s these huge projects were linked with
national chauvinism. If we could build such bridges and factories, we could do most anything.
In an early report to the bridge company directors in 1852, John Roebling stated, “It will no
longer suit the spirit of the present age to pronounce an undertaking impracticable. Nothing is
impracticable which is within the scope of natural laws.”
Toppan, Carpenter & Company was always in need of imagery for engraved vignettes. The
Currier print of the Niagara Bridge was an ideal composition for their purposes. It was a nice scene,
and it was a very recognizable image. It did not take long for the lithograph to be converted to the
vignette, or alternatively, an artist or photographer might have been dispatched to the bridge.
Vantage points were limited, and the lithograph was the most accessible view. It is reasonable to
assume that the lithograph influenced the vignette design in some way. Danforth, Wright &
Company was producing a very similar vignette at about the same time. Both engravings bear a
resemblance to the Currier print. The compositions all included some fanciful aspects, however.
The vignette perspective was altered, making the bridge look shorter and the gorge less
precipitous than the real scene. Because of the lenses used, some of the photographs also
foreshorten the bridge span. Actually the clear span was 825 feet (16/100 mile), about ten times
the height of the stone towers. The bridge was 250 feet above the River. The currency vignette
does not do justice to the scale of the bridge. The Currier lithograph is drawn from a slightly
different angle, and represents the scale of the bridge somewhat better than the vignette. The
vignette gives a mistaken impression of the view of Niagara Falls. Other contemporary images of
the bridge attempt to show realistic perspective, but the artists were hampered by the lack of a
place to view the bridge at right angles. The Currier print is more faithful
to the placement of the Falls at a greater distance and partly around a bend
in the River. It must still have been a magnificent sight to the mid‐century
carriage tourists. Photos from the river give a better hint as to how
impressive the bridge was.
The design of the bridge in some pictures was simplified by
showing only two cables. Actually, a pair of cables supported each deck,
with the railway deck tied to the main cables close to the tracks. This was
another Roebling innovation. The lower deck was built first. This working
bridge facilitated the addition of the upper train deck. Each deck was
suspended independently, yet tied together with stiffening braces.
Also, the vignette pictures a train on the bridge approach on the left
while a train crosses from the right. Actually, trains could only run in one
direction at a time. The bridge was not wide enough, or of enough
capacity, for two trains at once.
Toppan, Carpenter & Company
designed a currency vignette shortly
after the bridge was finished.
Differing track widths of
the two countries were
resolved by Roebling’s use
of three rails.
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A critical logistical problem was circumvented by Roebling, inasmuch as Canadian and
United States’ tracks were of different standard gauges (gauge=width apart of the rails). The upper
deck of the bridge featured three rails. All trains used one common rail, and the other two rails
accommodated the different widths between wheels.
Probably the first use of the Toppan, Carpenter Roebling bridge vignette was by the
Zimmerman Bank in Canada in the late 1850s. Notes from their branches in Elgin and nearby
Clifton used the
vignette. Clifton,
Ontario was the village
terminus of the bridge
on the Canadian side.
Today, both ends of the
bridge would be within
the two cities named
Niagara Falls. Samuel
Zimmerman was a real
estate developer,
businessman and
banker in the Clifton
area. Financial and
political misfortune
caused his bank to close. The Zimmerman Bank reopened as the Bank of Clifton (1859‐1863), and
similar notes are found from this short‐lived bank operation.
Canadian Chartered
Bank Notes are
considerably scarcer than
U.S. Obsolete Currency.
Many fewer banks
participated in currency
issue in Canada, although
the era lasted considerably
longer, ending in the 1940s.
The remainder notes from
the Bank of Clifton are
relatively common
representatives of the
Canadian private bank
issues, just as the Farmers & Mechanics Bank Notes from Milford, Delaware are common, compared
to most Delaware Obsolete Note issues. In any case, a nice example of this bridge vignette is
obtainable at a reasonable cost.
The Farmers & Mechanics Bank of Milford, Delaware was in business from 1861, and it
The bridge opened trade and development to the whole region of Canada.
Banker Zimmerman had good reason to use the image of the bridge. (Heritage
A young Queen Victoria graces a Clifton bank note. This bank
succeeded Zimmerman’s in the Canadian village terminus of the bridge.
Ones, Threes and Fives from the
Farmers & Mechanics Bank of
Milford, Delaware all show the
Niagara Falls scene.
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closed out gradually in 1865 and 1866. The founder, William N.W. Dorsey was a developer, shipper
and businessman. Currency was issued in denominations of One, Three, Five, Ten and Twenty
Dollars. Some of the Ones, Threes and Fives are printed in green on the reverse, which is quite
unusual among Delaware Obsolete Currency. The lowest three denominations have the Niagara
River Bridge vignette. Pride in the Nation’s accomplishments might have been a factor, but it is
unknown as to why banker Dorsey selected this vignette.
The Five Dollar notes from Delaware used the same vignettes, counters and layout as the
Zimmerman Bank and Bank of Clifton Fives. Charlton makes the assertion that the plate was
altered by the American Bank Note Company for the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Milford. All
three banks were legitimate in their day, and it seems unlikely that the security‐conscious ABNCo.
might recycle a plate in this way. Close inspection of the Ontario and Delaware five dollar notes
reveals that all the design elements are in slightly different relation to each other. Even with a
completely new plate, the use of the same general appearance of the notes would seem to be a
serious breach by the bank note engravers. The Milford, Delaware Fives are definitely not
alterations, and it suggests an odd circumstance that notes from two different countries look
substantially the same.
Mr. Dorsey’s daughter kept a diary during the years of the Civil War. Among the homey
entries, war news and songs that the boys are singing in the camps, the girl mentions Papa sitting at
the dining room table signing bank notes. The Farmers & Mechanics Bank closed fairly soon after a
robbery cleaned out all the high denomination currency and gold coins. No one was ever caught.
Mr. Dorsey apparently made good on the bank’s obligations, and he continued in successful
business ventures after the bank closed. Presumably because of the bank robbery, the Ten‐ and
Twenty‐Dollar notes are very much scarcer than the lower denominations.
Various auctions supplied other bank notes with the
same bridge vignette. A Three and Five Dollar note from the
Citizens Bank of Middletown, Delaware, and a Five Dollar
note from the Bank of Wilmington and Brandywine in
Wilmington, Delaware were purchased. The presence of the
Winterhalter portrait of Queen Victoria on the $3 gave a clue
to its altered nature. These Delaware notes had been altered
from the Bank of Clifton, Ontario. The extensive erasures and
additions were subtle. One might guess that the crooks
would not worry that the average person in the United States
would recognize a picture of the Queen.
Fives from the Clifton, Canada, and
the Milford, USA banks used the
same three vignettes and the same
three counters. Charlton opines
that the plate was merely altered
by ABNCo., but there are slight
differences in the placement of the
design elements.
Wilmington and Middletown, Delaware banks were victimized by
alterations of Bank of Clifton, Ontario notes. Many U.S. citizens
might not recognize Queen Victoria on the altered $3. The $5 notes
are identical to the layout of the Milford, Delaware fives.
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Other rare Canadian Chartered Bank Notes contain a different vignette of the Roebling
Niagara bridge. The Canada Bank (of Toronto), and the International Bank of Toronto issued notes
in the 1850s. The Roebling bridge vignette by Danforth, Wright & Company is identical at first
glance. An obvious major difference is that the train is headed to the right, toward the Canadian
side. A different youthful portrait of Queen Victoria is found on the Toronto One Dollar notes.
These notes are also known to have been fraudulently altered to the Bank of Toronto, with notes
dated 1858 and 1861.
The Niagara River Suspension Bridge outlived its engineer. Heavier train loads exceeded
the limits of the remodeled structure in the 1890s. The bridge was dismantled in 1897 and
replaced with a steel arch bridge at the same location. The Roebling wire rope cables were still in
excellent condition at the end. Anne Marie Linnabery of the Niagara County, New York Historical
Society, and Barry Virgilio of the Niagara Falls Office of the New York State Division of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation report that the subsequent construction of the Whirlpool
Rapids Bridge wiped out all signs of the Roebling bridge. Innovative engineering was involved both
at the construction and at the replacement of the Roebling bridge. The steel arch Whirlpool Rapids
railroad bridge was built up under the floor of the older bridge. The floor of the improved old
bridge was incorporated into the new structure, permitting minimal interruption of traffic. The
remains of the old bridge were taken away, since the towers and cables were no longer needed.
Because of the popularity of Currier and Ives images, the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge
continued to be pictured on calendars and prints long after the
structure was gone. In the 1930s and 40s, the prolific
American chinaware manufacturer, Homer Laughlin,
produced sets of Currier and Ives dishes. The meat
platter features the bridge as the central design.
A lithographic vignette of another
bridge is related to the Roebling bridge story.
Cornelius Vanderbilt objected to the tolls for
passage of his trains over the Niagara bridge.
He built a competing bridge, one of the first
steel cantilever railroad bridges in America, just
downstream of the Roebling bridge. The Niagara
River Bridge Company share certificate carries a
vignette of this Michigan Central Railway Bridge, with
Roebling’s structure in the background.
(Roebling’s creation is pictured much further
away than it actually was.)
John Roebling contributed his skills to
many railroads, canals and bridges. The Cincinnati, Ohio to Covington, Kentucky suspension bridge
is a notable example that still stands, and it has been named for him in recent years. Roebling
The International Bank of Canada used the Danforth, Wright vignette, and notes were altered to the Bank of
Toronto. In contrast to the more common TC&C vignette, the falls are closer and the train is returning to
Canada. (from a Website no longer found)
Homer Laughlin China Company added the Niagara Bridge
image to a platter. This odd souvenir was available up to
the 1950s.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
designed the Brooklyn Bridge; it is about twice the span of the Niagara River project. During the
surveying in New York City, Roebling experienced a crushing foot injury, and died of tetanus in
The Brooklyn Bridge was completed by Roebling’s son,
Washington. Again, the impossible was tackled successfully.
Massive stone towers were needed offshore on both sides of the
treacherous East River. From conception to completion, the project
took over 16 years. Terrible conditions sickened and killed the sand
hogs digging and blasting in huge pressurized caissons deep under
the water. Washington Roebling’s health was ruined by episodes of
“the bends”, from repeated depressurization. The success and
reputation of the late father and the talents of John’s three sons grew
the wire rope, steelmaking and engineering businesses into major
industrial enterprises. Ultimately, Roebling wire cable was supplied
for elevators (For the Empire State Building, for example.), San
Francisco cable cars, and other bridges ( e.g. The Golden Gate), and
for the Navy. Roebling was the major supplier of these products to
the world for decades. Competition and corporate raiding led to sale
and dissolution of the company, and some of the huge empty
buildings are being adapted for historic and commercial sites today.
Today’s engineer has an undisputed place in aiding the progress and prosperity of the
United States. In the 19th century, such skills were not so common that they were taken for granted
as they are now. Like the motto of the United States Armed Forces, and quoted by numerous
others, we now know that the impossible merely “takes a little longer”. This realization only began
to dawn on the public mind as a result of the work of men like John Roebling. Those Industrial
Revolution‐era Americans of the early 1800s could not get enough of the next biggest marvel of
man’s genius. Some of them even wanted the pictures to appear on their money.
I hope this article encourages you to take a closer look at your Obsolete Currency.
Niagara River Suspension Bridge Vignettes,
1.Rawdon, Wright & Hatch vignette: a fanciful suspension bridge with a tower in the gorge.
2.Danforth, Wright & Company vignette: Roebling Niagara Bridge with a train running to the right.
A knarled treetop overlaps the bridge image.
3.Toppan, Carpenter & Company, ABNCo. vignette: Roebling Niagara Bridge with a train running to
the left, and other differences from the Danforth vignette.
4. Lithograph of stock certificate vignette by Wells, Sacket & Rankin. Vanderbilt’s RR bridge with
Roebling bridge in background, upriver.
Obsolete Bank Notes:
CANADA: (Pick Numbers) [Charlton Numbers]
Bank of Clifton, 1859‐1863 (Toppan,Carpenter, ABNCo. vignette)
One Dollar (Pick S1657, etc.) [Charlton 125‐10‐02‐02]
Three Dollars (S1658, etc.) [125‐10‐04‐04]
Five Dollars (S1659, etc.) [125‐10‐02‐06]
Bank of Toronto, 1856‐1865 (Danforth, Wright vignette)
One Dollar [715‐28‐01] (Altered from International Bank of Canada)
Canada Bank, Toronto, 1855 (Danforth, Wright vignette)
John Roebling did not live to see
the completion of his greatest
achievement, the iconic
Brooklyn Bridge. This medal is
one of many opening day
souvenirs from 1883.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
One Dollar (S1581) [65‐10‐04]
International Bank of Canada, Toronto, 1858‐1859 (Danforth, Wright vignette)
One Dollar (S1815, S1823) [380‐10‐04‐04]
Niagara Suspension Bridge Bank, Queenston, 1836‐1841 (Rawdon, Wright & Hatch vignette)
One Dollar (S1893, etc.) [535‐10‐06‐02]
Three Dollars (S1894, etc.) [535‐10‐08‐06]
Five Dollars (S1895, etc.) [535‐10‐08‐12]
Ten Dollars, 1841 (S1905, etc.) [535‐10‐08‐18]
Zimmerman Bank, Elgin Branch, 1854‐1859 (Toppan, Carpenter, ABNCo. vignette0
One Dollar (S2051, etc.) [815‐10‐02]
Three Dollars (S2052, etc.) [815‐10‐06]
Five Dollars (S2053, etc.) [815‐10‐10]
Ten Dollars (S2054, etc.) [815‐10‐12]
Twenty Dollars (S2055, etc.) [815‐10‐16]
Zimmerman Bank, Clifton Branch, 1854‐1859 (Toppan, Carpenter, ABNCo. vignette)
One Dollar (S2072) [815‐14‐02]
Three Dollars (S2073) [815‐14‐04]
Five Dollars (S2074) [815‐14‐06]
Ten Dollars (S2075) [815‐14‐08]
Twenty Dollars (S2076) [815‐14‐10]
UNITED STATES: (All are Toppan, Carpenter vignette)
Bank of Wilmington & Brandywine, Wilmington, Delaware 1810‐1865
Five Dollars (Haxby DE‐85‐A20) Altered from Clifton, Ontario
Citizens Bank, Middletown Delaware, 1859‐1865
Three Dollars (Haxby DE‐25‐A15) Altered from Clifton, Ontario
Five Dollars (Haxby DE‐25‐A20) Altered from Clifton, Ontario
Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Milford Delaware, 1861‐1865
One Dollar (Haxby DE‐30‐G2, G2a,b,c)
Three Dollars (Haxby DE‐30‐G4, G4a)
Five Dollars (Haxby DE‐30‐G6, G6a,b)
Bonfante‐Warren, Alexandra. Currier & Ives, Portraits of a Nation. MetroBooks:New York. 1998.
Graham, R.J., editor. Canadian Bank Notes: A Charlton Standard Catalogue. Charlton Press:North
York. 2011.
McCullough, David. The Great Bridge. Simon & Schuster:New York. 1972.
Pick, Albert. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money (Volume One). Krause:Iola. 1986.
Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Delaware. L. J. Richards: Philadelphia. 1888. (Nicholas Clemens, research assistant), the Niagara County, New York Historical Society website. (Roebling, New Jersey)
Zink, Clifford W. The Roebling Legacy. Princeton Landmark Publishers: Princeton. 2011.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
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States Currency
by: Carlson R. Chambliss
The collecting of small‐size $500 and $1000 Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) has
gained popularity in recent years in part because these notes have actually become more
affordable with time. Admittedly they cost more in current dollars than they did when they
were in active circulation in the 1930s through the 1960s, but today one is dealing with far
cheaper dollars than was the case at that time. These notes are well researched, but I find
that a fair amount of misinformation still appears in print about them. One important
factor is that we still do not have a good idea as to how many of these notes still exist. The
Treasury Department continues to quote figures of 284,000 and 165,000 for the numbers
outstanding of $500 and $1000 FRNs, respectively, but there are many reasons why I do
not accept these as valid. Although censuses do exist for the star notes for these types, no
one has attempted complete censuses for all of the existing $500 and $1000 FRNs of Series
1928, 1934, and 1934A. Certainly these total in the tens of thousands for all varieties taken
together, and that is reason enough why few persons wish to attempt detailed censuses for
these notes.
Let us begin with what we do know with certainty. Both $500 and $1000 FRNs
were printed for all twelve districts in Series 1928. The faces of the $500 notes all bear
check numbers of 2 or 3, while those for the $1000 notes bear numbers of 1 or 2. Some
years ago Peter Huntoon was able to establish the reason for this apparent discrepancy.
The first printings of the 1928‐type $5 through $100 FRNs all featured district seals with a
large number rather than a letter. Some confusion arose particularly with notes from the
Richmond and Kansas City districts, whose numerals were 5 and 10, respectively. Thus it
was decided to switch to the district letters A through L, and these are still in use today.
This order was implemented on September 26, 1929, and all work on plates with
numerical district seals ceased after then. Work had already begun on the number 1 plates
for the $500 notes but not on those for the $1000s. Thus further work on these plates was
cancelled for the $500 face plates, but no such action was needed for the $1000 plates.
Two face plates were prepared for each district, and these are always numbered 2 or 3 for
Figure 1 - Face and back of a Series 1928 $500 note from Kansas City. Sometimes a printing of 510,720 notes has
been reported for this district, but that makes no sense since the highest reported serial number is 15 687. The
correct printing total is 51,720. Note that when these last two numbers are compared, the number of notes that
apparently were issued is only about 30% of those that were printed. This is typical for several of the issues of the
Series 1928 notes, where the presence of the gold clause on these notes led to these items not being issued.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
the $500 notes, but numbers 1 and 2 could still be used for the $1000 face plates. The back
plates were numbered 1 though 4 for both denominations, and the same plates were also
used for the Series 1928 gold certificates. All of these plates were of the “micro” size, of
course, and thus no mule notes are possible for any of the Series 1928 notes.
The face plates of the $500 and $1000 notes of Series 1934 all bear a check number
of 1 (a “micro” number), while for Series 1934A the check number is 2 (a “macro” number).
For the $500 notes back check numbers of 1 though 12 were used. All of these are “micro”
numbers. For the $1000 notes there were eight back check numbers, but 1 through 4 are of
“micro” size while 5 through 8 are “macro” size. For $500 FRNs all Series 1934 notes are
non‐mules, while all Series 1934A are mules. There is no reason to repeat this in places
such as auction catalogs, since mule Series 1934 $500s or non‐mule Series 1934A notes of
this denomination are quite impossible. For $1000s, however, Series 1934 notes with back
numbers of 5 through 8 are mules, while for Series 1934A notes those with back numbers
of 1 through 4 are the mules. I have found the mule notes of Series 1934 to be abundant,
and I expect that they exist for all twelve districts. Mule $1000 notes certainly do exist for
Series 1934A, but they seem to be fairly scarce, and perhaps they do not exist for all eleven
districts of this series. (There are no Series 1934A $1000 notes from Dallas.) At the
present time, however, few collectors seem to be interested in mule vs. non‐mule varieties
for $1000 FRNs, and I have not noted any significant price differences between them.
The production of Series 1928 $500 and $1000 FRNs began in November, 1929, and
apparently deliveries to the U. S. Treasury continued until March, 1933. According to BEP
records totals of about 1,685,000 $500 and 1,103,000 $1000 notes were printed. Notes
Figure 2 ‐ The back check numbers 4 and 12 that appear on $500 notes. As can
be seen both are of the “micro” size, and so all Series 1934 notes are non‐mules
and all 1934A notes are mules.
Figure 3 - The back check numbers 3 and 8 that appear on $1000 notes. The
numbers 1 through 4 are “micro” size, while the numbers 5 through 8 are
“macro” size. This leads to both mule and non‐mule varieties in both the Series
1934 and 1934A $1000 notes.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
were printed for all twelve districts in both denominations. The only one for which there
seems to be some confusion are the Kansas City $500s. The number of these notes that was
printed is 51,720, although sometimes a much larger figure is quoted. Apparently this is
nothing more than a typographical error that was carried from one edition of some
catalogs to others. The Series 1928 notes, of course, feature the gold clause, and that
became a significant issue after March, 1933. The Schwartz‐Lindquist catalog quotes the
highest serial numbers that are known for each district in this series, and typically these
are only 30% ‐ 40% of the numbers that were printed for the $500 notes and rather less
than half the printing totals reported for the $1000 notes. It is well known that many 1928‐
type FRNs featuring the gold clause were destroyed in 1946, but unfortunately we do not
have a breakdown as to their denominations or districts. Certainly, however, many $500s
and $1000s were included in this group. I do, however, have a record of the numbers of
$500 and $1000 notes that were in circulation in June, 1935, which is prior to the release of
any Series 1934 high denomination notes. These data come from a book entitled Banking
and Monetary Statistics that was published by the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System in 1943 and which contains a wealth of data on currency circulation up
through 1941. In mid‐1935 the total circulation of $500s and $1000s was about 226,000
and 224,000 notes, respectively, but these totals include only notes held outside of the
Treasury and the Federal Reserve banks. No Series 1934 notes had been distributed at this
time, and so these data refer only to Series 1928 notes. Many notes were also held at that
time in government hands but I would be surprised if more than about 500,000 to 600,000
of each denomination were actually issued in Series 1928 for either of these
The largest production of Series 1928 notes was for the Chicago district, and that is
certainly supported by current sales data. New York should be second, but Series 1928
notes from St. Louis seem to be at least as abundant despite their much lower printings
(299,000 / 332,000 for New York vs. 66,000 / 60,000 for St. Louis). Although New York is
the major center in this country for securities transactions, Chicago has always dominated
the commodities markets. It is my feeling that the latter transactions were handled much
more frequently with cash at that time than were securities transactions, and this would
have resulted in a heavy demand for high denomination notes. The reasons for the high
survival rates of these notes from St. Louis are more obscure. The scarcest of the Series
1928 $500 and $1000 notes appear to be those from Minneapolis and Boston. The
Minneapolis district had by far the lowest printings, but those for Boston are in line with
those of several other districts. The apparent rarity of these notes might not be real.
Unless we know about how many Series 1928 $500 and $1000 notes exist in toto we are in
no position to establish the rarity of any specific district. Although a few Series 1928 $500
and $1000 notes from Boston have fetched high prices at auctions, there have also been a
fair number of “no sales.” I would caution anyone planning to acquire one of these notes to
exercise caution until more data are known about their actual populations.
Most Series 1928 $500 and $1000 notes were printed with dark green (forest
green) Treasury seals and serial numbers, but Schwartz and Lindquist indicate that three
or four of each denomination exist with light yellow green (lime green) seals and numbers.
These are less common, but their premium values are fairly modest. I shall discuss the star
notes for this series later on in this article.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
The production and delivery of Series 1934 $500 and $1000 FRNs did not begin
until late in 1935 The official printing figures that I have seen for these notes are 917,600
for the $500s and 925,500 for the $1000s. Initially these notes were printed with yellow
green seals and numbers, but this gave way to notes with dull blue green features.
Sometimes this shade is called dark green, but it really isn’t. Also for all Series 1934 FRNs
(including $5s through $100s as well) there are numerous notes with intermediate shades.
The early printings are somewhat scarcer than the later ones, but the premiums are quite
modest on these. For $1000s both non‐mules and mules are common, and I suspect that all
12 districts exist in both forms.
For Series 1934 the printings from New York are larger than those from Chicago for
both denominations, but notes from Chicago are certainly at least as abundant as those
from New York in the marketplace. Notes from Dallas or Minneapolis are certainly scarcer,
but there is not much difference in the collector values of the different districts. Provided
one has an adequate amount of cash assembling a district set of the notes of this series
should prove to be not too difficult. I shall return to the star notes for this series.
Series 1934A $500 and $1000 FRNs parallel the Series 1934 notes, but there are no
$500 notes from Boston and no $1000 notes from Dallas in this series. All notes of this
series have dull blue green seals and serial numbers, and their serial numbers continue
with those of Series 1934. For many years there was a controversy over the status of Series
1934A $500 notes from Atlanta. Actually there should have been none whatsoever. BEP
records indicate that a total of 46,200 were printed in Series 1934 for this district, and
there are also official records indicating that a total of 103,200 $500 notes for Atlanta were
printed for both series. Thus the printing of Series 1934A $500 notes is 57,000. According
to Schwartz and Lindquist the highest serial number recorded for a Series 1934A $500 note
from Atlanta is 102801, a number that is in perfect agreement with the total of 103,200
reported by the BEP. How this silly mistake could have continued in catalogs for as long as
it did puzzles me. An even sillier error was a statement sometimes made in earlier years
that $500 FRNs exist in Series 1928 and 1934 only and that none were printed for Series
1934A. An examination of even a small sample of $500 FRNs would doubtless have
revealed at least a few of the very common Series 1934A $500 FRNs. Apparently very few
persons collected high denomination notes before the 1970s, and thus most persons
including both collectors and dealers paid hardly any attention to them.
The production totals that I obtained using these statistics are 887,900 for the
Series 1934A $500s and 645,100 for the $1000s of this series. The highest known serial
numbers of these notes often do approach the totals printed for Series 1934 and 1934A,
and so it seems certain that a much higher percentage of these notes were actually issued
than was the case with Series 1928 notes. As is the case with the Series 1934 notes none of
the districts appears to be truly scarce in Series 1934A, and thus none of them have
appreciable premiums. The “controversial” Series 1934A $500 note from Atlanta, in fact, is
seen more often than is its Series 1934 counterpart.
There is a huge amount of overlap in the serial numbers for almost all of the 1934 /
1934A pairs where this is possible. Obviously this cannot occur for $500s from Boston or
$1000s from Dallas, but for the other 22 possibilities, Schwartz and Lindquist report
overlapping serial numbers for 17 of these. Changeover pairs, however, are very rare for
high denomination notes, and this is an important factor to consider when estimating total
populations for these items If $500 and $1000 notes were as abundant as is claimed in
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
official records, then changeover pairs would be very common which they most definitely
are not.
One note to be on the lookout for is a counterfeit of the Series 1934A $1000 FRN
from Philadelphia. Although very few counterfeits of high denomination notes were made,
this one is an exception. It was printed on genuine paper that was obtained by bleaching
$1 notes with the proper chemicals. The engraved features are of fairly good quality, but
the serial number together with the letters C ‐‐‐‐ A is 32 mm long rather than the correct 30
mm. Also the district numerals “3” that appear in the corners are not properly formed.
Counterfeiters rarely focused on $500s and $1000s, however, since they were little used in
everyday trade and were subject to careful scrutiny when presented as payment.
Star notes for $500 and $1000 FRNs do exist, and their populations do give us some
idea about the numbers of normal notes as well. For the Series 1928 notes, replacement
notes were printed in advance for all districts, but these would have only been issued in the
event of spoilage in the printing runs of the normal notes. The official totals reported are
10,800 for the $500s and 8,880 for the $1000s of this series. Clearly not all were needed in
many cases. At present only some seven or eight $500 and about 15 or 16 $1000 star notes
are known in Series 1928. For Series 1934 and 1934A we do not have figures for the
numbers of replacement notes that were printed, since they were included in the totals of
the normal notes. For Series 1934 $500s the total at the present time is just about 100,
while for the Series 1934 $1000s it is about 105. It appears that Series 1934 star notes
were sometimes used to replace spoilages in Series 1934A, and so fewer Series 1934A star
notes are known. At the present the totals are 38 known $500 notes from this series (6
districts) and 14 known $1000 notes. The latter are all from Chicago except for a unique
replacement note from New York. Thus the totals for all known star notes are about 145
for the $500 FRNs and about 135 for the $1000 FRNs for all three of the series.
Typically something like one star note is released for every 100 normal notes that are
printed. The “star rate” varies from issue to issue, however, since it is dependent on the
amount of spoilage encountered in a given issue. For high denomination notes it would
seem that special care would have been involved in their production, and this might have
resulted in a lower than average rate of spoilage, but spoilage rates of under 0.5% (i.e., one
star note for every 200 normal notes produced) would have been unusual. New star notes
are still being discovered, but it seems unlikely that totals exceeding 200 examples for each
denomination will be recorded for these notes at any time in the foreseeable future.
Largely on the basis of the known numbers of star notes I concluded some time ago that the
Figure 2 - Face and back of a Series 1934 $1000 replacement note from Philadelphia. Star notes are known for all 12 districts
of Series 1934 $1000s, but they are known for only two districts of Series 1934A. It seems that Series 1934 star notes were
often used to replace spoilages in Series 1934A for the high denomination notes.
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total numbers of normal $500 and $1000 FRNs probably does not exceed about 25,000 and
20,000, respectively, for all three series of these notes combined. Fortunately there are
additional factors to look at when estimating total populations for these notes.
Although populations of 284,000 $500s and 165,000 $1000s are often quoted as
being the populations of these notes, I feel that these totals are grossly inflated. If these
totals were valid, there would be a huge number of changeover pairs. As I have already
noted, there is a huge amount of overlap in the serial numbers of the Series 1934 and
1934A notes. Thus very large numbers of changeover pairs must have been printed. Less
than a dozen of these, however, are currently known.
Another problem arises with the survival ratios of these notes that would be the
case if their total numbers ran into the hundreds of thousands. For Series 1934/1934A
$500 notes the survival ratio would be about one note for every seven that were issued.
For the $1000s this ratio would be about one in ten. With survival ratios this high there
would be a great many unbroken sequences of consecutively numbered notes. There is,
however, only one known intact pack, which is a pack of Series 1934A $500s from New
York. There is also a long sequence of Series 1934A $1000 notes from Chicago, and a few
other long sequences involving several dozen notes each are known. But the comparative
rarity of full packs or extended runs of consecutive notes makes survival ratios as high as
one in seven or one in ten seem extremely unlikely.
All production of $500 and $1000 FRNs ceased by July, 1945, and as might be
expected the data for 1945 show the maximum circulation for these notes. Reports of the
production of 4116 $500 and 1368 $1000 FRNs in Series 1934B or 1934C have appeared in
official records, but these are evidently typographical errors or else they were some
unusually late printings of Series 1934A notes. Some years ago Allen’s Coin Shop in Ohio
even ran adverts offering to buy them, but naturally there were no takers. These issues do
exist, however, as specimen or proof notes.
On June 30, 1945 the circulations of $500 and $1000 FRNs outside the Treasury and
the Federal Reserve System were reported as 908,000 and 801,000, respectively. Using
data obtained in government sources or in earlier editions of the World Almanac the
following table can be assembled:
$500 n %/year $1000 n %/year
1945 908 ‐‐‐‐ 1945 801 ‐‐‐‐
1950 736 ‐ 4.23% 1950 588 ‐ 6.34%
1955 614 ‐ 3.71 1955 438 ‐ 6.03
1960 498 ‐ 4.23 1960 316 ‐ 6.75
1970 445 ‐ 1.15 1970 262 ‐ 1.88
1980 326 ‐ 3.16 1980 190 ‐ 3.28
1990 299 ‐ 0.86 1990 173 ‐ 0.95
2000 286 ‐ 0.44 2000 166 ‐ 0.41
2014 284 ‐‐‐‐ 2014 165 ‐‐‐‐
The numbers outstanding (in thousands) are for the notes that were held outside
the Treasury or the Federal Reserve System, but for most of these years only an utterly
negligible number were held at the Treasury. The exponential decay rates per annum are
my calculations using these data, and they assume that the rate is the same for each year in
a given 5‐year or 10‐year interval. Up until the 1940s the numbers of $500 and $1000
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
notes in circulation were approximately the same, but after 1945 the numbers of $1000
notes declined at a faster rate than did their $500 counterparts. Typically the rates of
redemption between 1945 and 1960 were about 4% per annum for the $500s and about
6.5% per annum for the $1000s. I feel that the census date for 1960 are probably OK, since
these notes were still in active circulation and the Treasury Dept. would have had a serious
interest in keeping track of how many of these notes were still outstanding.
Once a given type of currency becomes obsolete, or to use the official term “currency
no longer being issued,” the Treasury Dept. soon loses interest of just how many notes are
outstanding. Since 1960 the Treasury has claimed that about $50 million in NBNs (national
bank notes) are still outstanding, but there must have been large redemptions of these
notes in the 1960s at a time when most Series 1929 NBNs carried little or no premiums. As
is well known the Federal Reserve ceased to pay out high denomination notes in 1969, and
I feel that it had already begun to lose interest in these notes earlier in that decade. The
census data for 1970 are only down modestly from those of 1960, but a sharp reduction
should be expected. There still was very little collector demand for these notes, and when a
given type of note is no longer issued there is always a superstition (quite incorrect) among
some individuals that the notes in question might cease to be valid currency. This might
have been particularly true of the high denomination notes. Since persons holding them in
the 1960s and 1970s would have been unable to sell them at a premium in the numismatic
market, and since they paid no interest, and also since there was an unfounded superstition
that such items might actually be demonetized, I expect that redemptions of high
denomination notes in the 1960s and 1970s were actually much higher than they had been
in previous years.
People would have ceased turning in these notes once they had acquired a premium
value, but that did not occur until well into the 1980s. In 1983‐84 I acquired my first $500
and $1000 notes for my collection, and both of these were in choice CU condition. They
were a Series 1928 $500 from Chicago and a Series 1934 $1000 from Minneapolis, and the
prices that I paid were $625 and $1160, respectively. Actually it was probably not until the
late 1980s before items such as these would have begun to acquire significant premiums.
Thus I feel that the rates of redemption of about 2% per annum or a bit less that are
indicated for the years 1960 – 90 in the data given above are gross underestimates of the
rates at which these notes were being removed. I do have data from the 1930s for currency
that was being removed at that time (gold certificates after 1933, Series 1929 FRBNs after
1934, and NBNs after 1935), and these indicate redemption rates of between 17% and 22%
per annum for the reductions of these currency types between those years and 1941.
Although this now becomes pure speculation, let us consider the data for the year
1960 as valid, i.e., 498,000 $500s and 316,000 $1000s The question then is what annual
percentage rate of decline is most realistic for the years 1960 to 1990? If it is 8% per
annum, then the reduction would be a factor of 10.0 implying population of 50,000 for the
$500s and 32,000 for the $1000s by the year 1990. If it were 10% per annum, then the
reduction would be a factor of 17.4, thus implying a populations of about 28,500 $500s and
18,000 $1000s, which are figures that are much more in line with my earlier estimates
based on star note census data. If the decline rates were only 7% per annum, then the
reduction would be by a factor of 7.6 implying populations of about 65,000 $500s and
42,000 $1000s. These figures seem fully high to me, but some dealers that I have spoken
with feel that my estimates of 20,000 to 25,000 $500s and 15,000 to 20,000 $1000s are too
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
low. Perhaps totals of 40,000 $500s and 25,000 $1000s will prove to be close to the
correct amounts, but only a detailed census will straighten this out. What about the years
1990 to the present? By this point these notes had gained premiums that were large
enough to warrant their sale to dealers or collectors rather than just to turn them into
banks, and I feel that the very low rates of decline in the numbers of notes outstanding after
this date do seem realistic. For the past 15 or 20 years hardly any changes in the numbers
outstanding of high denomination notes have been reported. Doubtless some high
denomination notes are still being turned in, but the Treasury no longer has much interest
in them.
These totals, of course, include all three series. How do these totals break down for
the individual series? Actually more notes were printed for Series 1928 than for either
1934 or 1934A, but many of the 1928 notes were never issued, and undoubtedly many
others were removed once the 1934‐type notes that lacked the gold clause became
available. One can look at auction records and at the numbers of notes that have been
“slabbed” to get some idea of how these might break down. I feel that the ratios of survival
of the Series 1934 and 1934A notes are more or less the same, and thus their present‐day
populations would be in proportion to the numbers of notes that were printed for each
series. For the $500 notes my estimates of the breakdowns would be about 10% ‐ 46% ‐
44% for the 1928, 1934, and 1934A notes, respectively, while for the $1000 they would be
about 15% ‐ 50% ‐ 35% for these three series. As we have already seen, during the 1930s
the numbers of $500 and $1000 notes outstanding were very nearly the same, and so we
should expect that the numbers of survivors of Series 1928 $500 and $1000 notes would be
approximately equal with only a slight edge given for the $500s. My “guestimates” of the
total numbers of existing Series 1928 $500 and $1000 FRNs are about 4000 and 3500,
respectively. Does anyone out there want to attempt a full census? Such a project would
definitely be of interest to the syngraphic community, but it would require a lot of work.
Doubtless more collectors are adding the high denomination FRNs to their
collections, and there are various approaches that can be followed. The simplest approach
is to obtain just one note of each denomination, but many persons will go for six notes –
one each of the three series in both denominations. Persons from California might try this
by acquiring only notes from the San Francisco district, while collectors from Georgia might
attempt to acquire such a group with notes only from Atlanta. At the present time it seems
that supplies of these notes are adequate to meet demand, but much more work needs to
be done on just how rare or how abundant are some of the varieties of these notes.
Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, Banking and Monetary Statistics, Washington, DC,
Hessler, Gene and Chambliss, Carlson, The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money, 7th Edition,
BNR Press, Port Clinton, Ohio, 2006
Huntoon, Peter, Paper Money, March‐April, 2010, p. 90
Schwartz, John and Lindquist, Scott, Standard Guide to Small‐Size U. S. Paper Money, 1928 to Date,
9th Edition, Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 2009
Shafer, Neil, A Guide Book of Modern United States Currency, Whitman Publishing Co., Racine,
Wisconsin, 1965
Sullivan, Stephen M., Small‐Size High Denomination Notes, 2nd Edition, Bonnerdale. Arkansas, 2008
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
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including the Bebee and Harry Bass Jr. collections. A
Series of 1934A H-A block micro back mules are classic small-size $5 Silver Certificate
rarities. The note shown here is the fifth reported and is owned by collector Robert Calderman. It has
the usual micro back found on this variety: back 905.
Mules originated during the
BEP's transition from micro to macro
plate serials that began in late 1937.
This change was initiated by Secret
Service officials who wanted the plate
serials increased in size to make them
easier to read.1
The BEP started making macro
plates in 1937 and ceased producing
micro plates in 1946. The first $5 macro back was plate 938 used on January 5, 1938. Thereafter, the
use of $5 micro backs slowly waned and eventually yielded to macro backs as the predominant
$5 backs in service.
The end of $5 micro backs was approaching by mid-1939, and only three were still in use that
August: plates 902, 905, and 938. Backs 902 and 938 were dropped by November, but back 905
persisted into 1940. It was finally dropped on Feb. 5, closing the book on $5 micro backs.
Serial numbering for $5 Silver Certificates was about halfway through the G-A block by the
beginning of 1940. The H-A block commenced sometime around May. Amazingly, enough sheets
from back 905 lasted into the spring to be overprinted with the first few million H-A block serials;
the highest reported serial is H10998115A.
It is possible that sheets from some other $5 micro plates used in 1939 also may have lasted
into 1940: G-A mules numbered in December 1939 are known with micro back 901, a plate last used
on January 27, 1939.2
The low number of H-A mules produced was a confluence of simple facts: (a) Probably less
than 1% of $5 backs available in 1940 were micro backs; (b) $5 SC sheets weren't sitting around
very long as $5 SC production was high, as the Treasury was actively increasing their silver
certificate assets at the time; and (c) $5 SC serial numbering just happened to enter the H-A block as
the remaining micro back sheets were being routed to the numbering presses.
Most reported notes are low grades--the finest known is an EF sold from the Jim Thompson
collection back in the late 1990s. Regardless, owning a 1934A H-A mule is on the dream list of
many $5 SC collectors, and I don't think any of them would be real picky about condition!
Sources cited:
1. Huntoon, P., "Origin of macro plate numbers laid to Secret Service." Paper Money 51, no. 4 (2012,
July/Aug): 294, 296, 316.
2. Yakes, J., "$5 1928C LT F-A Mules and 1934A SC H-A Mules." Paper Money 46, no. 6 (2007, Nov/Dec):
Small Notes
by Jamie Yakes
$5 SC 1934A H-A Mule Rehashed
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
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Boston, MA. Boston Bank. $50 Proof.
From the Peter Mayer Collection Part II.
Realized $8,812
Bu alo, NY. Manufacturers and Traders Bank.
$3 Proof. From the Peter Mayer Collection Part II.
Realized $17,625
Fr. 151. 1869 $50 Legal Tender Note.
PMG Very Fine 20. Realized $41,125
Fr. 1175a. 1882 $20 Gold Certifi cate.
PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ. Realized $199,750
Fr. 2400. 1928 $10 Gold Certifi cate.
PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ.
Realized $4,259
Earlville, IL. 1882 $5 Brown Back. Charter #3323.
PMG Gem Uncirculated 66EPQ Star.
Realized $10,575
Fr. 299. 1891 $10 Silver Certifi cate.
PCGS Gem New 66PPQ.
Realized $16,450
Fr. 307. 1878 $20 Silver Certifi cate.
PMG Very Fine 20 Net.
Realized $30,550
Oswego, NY. Marine Bank. $10 Proof.
From the Peter Mayer Collection Part II.
Realized $9,987
Waverly, NY. Waverly Bank. $20 Proof.
From the Peter Mayer Collection Part II.
Realized $10,575
Malden, MA. Malden Bank. $100 Proof.
From the Peter Mayer Collection Part II.
Realized $11,750
Salem, MA. Salem Bank. $10 Proof.
From the Peter Mayer Collection Part II.
Realized $21,150
Bourse Information: Patricia Foley
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The Obsolete Corner
A Rare College Currency Bank
by Robert Gill
When I'm choosing a sheet from my Obsolete Currency collection to use as subject
matter for my next article in Paper Money, I try to pick one that the average paper money
enthusiast probably has not seen before. And for this edition, I believe I've selected one
that not only the average paper money lover has never seen, but perhaps one that the
advanced lover has also never had the privilege of laying eyes on. And that is my sheet
on The New York Central Academy Bank.
The New York Central College, located in McGrawville, New York, was started in
1849. It was notable because it educated blacks as well as whites in the time of southern
slavery and northern segregation. But because of a scandal and the outbreak of a small
pox epidemic, it closed in early 1860. After its death, a private school was held in the
building for a short time.
At a public meeting held in the Baptist Church on February 15, 1864, a stock
company was formed to purchase, for $6500.00, the property of Gerritt Smith, who had
become owner of the Central College location. On this property The New York Central
Academy was started with P.H. McGraw as its president. But because of the free school
system introduced in the state soon afterwards, the academy began to have financial
struggles. In 1868 it was transferred to the Union School District.
As I've directed my interest over the years to Bank Note and Scrip sheets, I know
virtually nothing when it comes to College Currency. When the opportunity was
presented for me to obtain this sheet, I took it because of its color and unusual layout.
The pink tint with green protectors caught my eye immediately. And the 50-1-10-5
layout was something that I was sure that I wanted to own. When I took possession of
the sheet, I began to research what I had. And immediately I ran into the preverbal
brick wall. I went to a copy of Shingoethe's excellent book "College Currency", but I
found that it is not listed. When I contacted my friend Hugh Shull, he said that he'd
seen maybe a couple of notes on this bank over the years, but not a sheet.
The eye appeal of this sheet is all there for me. Although it was not printed by one of
the premier printing companies of the time, the pink tint and green overprint protectors
sets it off. And with its overall rarity, this piece will definitely be in my collection for a
long time.
So, in closing, I'm hoping that one of our readers can supply me more history about
this fabulous piece of paper money. As I always do, I'd like to encourage someone that
might have some knowledge, or would just like to make a comment, to contact me at
my personal email address
Until next time, HAPPY COLLECTING.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money’s
Odd Couple
More on Printing
and other stuff
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
This month Fred is taking a break from
discussing bank note printers, and I am
continuing the discussion of printing
We left off talking about printing that
leaves prominent deposits of ink on the
paper—tall enough to cast shadows when
properly illuminated. Intaglio and silk screen
were the two covered first. Next is laser
printing, or Xerography in general.
The “ink” in a laser printer is not ink as
one normally thinks of it—a viscous fluid.
Rather, it consists of very finely divided
plastic spheres (much smaller than grains of
sugar or salt—more like dust). The paper
being printed upon receives an electrostatic
charge where the image is intended to
appear, and the plastic dust (called toner) is
applied to the paper. It sticks where the
charge is, and falls away elsewhere. The
paper, with the toner sticking to it, is passed
under a heating element, which melts (fuses)
the plastic and makes it adhere to the paper.
As soon as the heat is removed, the plastic
solidifies. If you do a long printing job on a
laser printer, you will feel the heat in the
stack of sheets when you remove them from
the output tray.
This now-solid block of plastic, when
viewed at high magnification, can be seen to
be sitting on the surface of the paper, very
Boling Continued on page 48
It is the time of the year when an old
collector’s fancy turns to MPCFest! Visions
of replacements abound. Thoughts of rarities
dominate and serial number studies are
updated. It is also the time of the year when
I take a time-out here in Paper Money and
tell you about the upcoming MPCFest.
I do not know when I first thought of
having an MPC event, but it got serious in
1999. I was talking with Harold Kroll on the
phone and confessed my idea for such an
event. He jumped in immediately with “If
you have it, I will attend!” Well, that did it.
We agreed and started preparing.
We invited serious collectors whom we
knew. I found a motel here in metro Port
Clinton, Ohio and we called it a plan. In
February 2000 we held MPCFest I. Twelve
collectors attended.
The motel that I found was on the Lake
Erie shore—the lake was frozen solid. The
frozen lake did not matter, because once the
Festers arrived on Friday, they did not leave
the motel until the event was over on
Sunday. That was an original concept that
has continued. The motel did not have a
meeting room, but management agreed to
give us a sleeping room and to remove the
bed! That sounded wonderful—and it was.
Beyond a doubt, the biggest topic of
discussion at Fest I was Fest II and the
tradition was begun.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
The basic idea was to have an event that
featured military payment certificate
collecting. It would not be a show in the way
that we know coin and paper money shows.
I knew that we could not have a bourse-
based event, but I thought that we could
develop enough activities to have a weekend
of fun for keen collectors.
I love the name MPCFest, which
spawned “Festers” to mean those of us who
attend. Nonetheless, I am not entirely happy
with this name, as it sells the Fest short. The
Fest is about far more than military payment
certificates. It is easy to say that anything to
do with military numismatics is embraced at
MPCFest, but even that is far from clear.
MPC, JIM, AMC, BMA, BAFSV (military
payment certificates, Japanese invasion
money, Allied military currency, British
military authority, British armed forces
special vouchers) are all popular and well
represented at most Fests. You would
probably guess that United States HAWAII
and North Africa notes are appropriate Fest
topics. Less obvious are Canadian, United
States, Japanese (and other) victory, defense,
and war bonds. Even World War II
emergency coinage and military-use stamps
find their way into our programs.
Many unique facets of the Fest (but
probably not all of them) will be included in
this report. To start with, Festers are paid to
attend. Pay call is held on Friday evening
just before taps. Each Fester is paid based
upon how many Fests s/he has attended.
They are paid in the then-current series of
military fest certificates (MFC)! This is the
currency used throughout the weekend! It is
valid in payment for various goods and
A series of MFC is valid until converted,
in the tradition of MPC. Basically, some
kind of fiscal emergency is necessary to
trigger a conversion. Amazingly, for each of
the past fifteen years there has been such an
emergency requiring a conversion on
Saturday afternoon. There are rumors that
these conversions are planned. I understand
these rumors, but we have had black
markets, counterfeiting, security breaches,
and other threats to the integrity of the
circulating series, requiring its retirement in
favor of a new series.
Officially, the Fest runs from Friday
evening through Sunday afternoon. Festers
pay a registration fee that covers room,
meals and participation in all events. Meals
are served in the mess hall (hotel lobby), so
we do not leave the premises (named Camp
Leo May in honor of the first of the original
Festers to pass to the great bourse).
But to say that the Fest starts on Friday
evening is an understatement. Starting with
Fest III, we have had a preshow. It is a
traditional (sort of) bourse. At least it looks
like a traditional bourse. The first thing that
you will notice is that it is on Friday only.
Since it is on Friday—before the Fest—it is
open to the public. I am sure that it is the
only such bourse in the country. Every year
I receive calls from potential visitors
confirming the Friday-only schedule. The
bourse features dealers selling material
related to the Fest—you know, the same old
alphabets, MPC, AMC, JIM, BMA, MFC
etc. On the one hand this material might
limit the visitors, but it is perfect for the
Festers, and every year we have some
participation from the public. Most years a
collector drives to Ohio from Connecticut
(or is it Massachusetts?) to attend our
bourse, then drives home because he must
work on Saturday. When we first started the
bourse, we decided to give a $5 gift to
everyone who came to the Fest bourse. It
was a complete failure. The people who
came did not believe it. This was made
worse by the fact that the print publications
listed our admission price as $5, because
they just could not deal with an entry on
their show-listing form of -$5.
And many festers arrive early and stay
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
after, making it a five- or six-day event for
the truly dedicated souls. (The basic
registration fee is adjusted for the overflow
days, and meals are taken at local diners—
including the Liberty Diner at the Port
Clinton air museum.) Mostly these added
days are devoted to setting up and tearing
down the Fest, but admiring the collections
of fellow-Festers always seems to intrude.
Listed below are the three major
activities of a Fest, with respect to the
amount of time allocated to each. There are
many other activities, and many different
Festers have many different favorites. If we
could rank the favorites, I think that the
overall favorite would not be any of the
activities, but the fellowship enjoyed
1) March Madness, to determine the
national champion military money collector
2) Staff briefings
3) Charity auction
We hold a knowledge-based tournament
each year to determine the national
champion collector in military numismatics.
Pride is on the line. The event is organized
and run by Jim Downey and Bill Myers,
who are both three-time champions and have
now retired from competing.
In keeping with the military theme, we
have staff briefings on Friday evening and
Saturday. These briefings look remarkably
like what coin and paper money shows call
presentations, programs, lectures, or the like.
The depth and breadth of these briefings is
remarkable. We have had major discoveries
and short presentations about recent finds.
Steve and Ray Feller are the training officers
for the Fest. This father-daughter team has
brought organization to the chaos that we
had in the early years when I ran the
briefings, along with everything else. Do
you see the trend? Like Tom Sawyer, I have
been able to get others to take over and
wildly exceed my low standards!
On Sunday morning we hold a charity
auction. We raise money for scholarships to
the military numismatics summer seminar
class held by the American Numismatic
Association in Colorado Springs. The
military seminar ran for fourteen
consecutive years 2001-2014 and the fund
awarded about forty scholarships! We are all
rightly proud of this. After this long string
we are altering the schedule to offer the
class every other year starting in 2016.
Since Fest II, an annual challenge coin
has been issued at the Fest. Remarkably,
every year each Fester performs at least one
good deed and is rewarded with that year’s
“coin.” You will see Festers around the
world challenge and reply with their Fest
challenge coins. Versions of the medal are
used for annual awards. Usually the basic
medal is executed in several varieties, and a
.999 fine silver edition is awarded as a
participation medal for playing in March
Madness. All of this means that the set of
fourteen (so far) different medals in multiple
varieties constitutes a formidable collecting
Many books have been released at
MPCFest, and likely the trend of book
releases will continue. Of the wide array of
books released, the most interesting to bring
to your attention is Al Glaser’s catalog of
Fest money. Yes a catalog of Fest money. It
is an amazing
book. In fifteen
years of Fests, we
have had more
than fifteen issues
of military fest
certificates and
related issues
(including Allied
fest certificates
and others). Al
produces a
beautiful and
masterful new
edition every year. I love this book.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Saturday night late features a re-
enactment poker game. All in the spirit of
history, of course. It is a tournament-style
Texas Hold’em event. Entry is paid with
MFC. The winner receives the highest value
savings bond issued that year (this year it
will be a $16,000 bond). Yes indeed, a
$16,000 savings bond! $16,000 MFC! The
winner also receives the traditional
champion’s bracelet. It is usually a great
game and always a lot of fun. I am very
proud and happy to have a bracelet. For the
non-gambling Festers, the USO has a movie
(the movie-watchers get to bed earlier than
the poker players).
Some interesting Fest twists. Louise and
Joe Boling were married as part of the
activities of Fest VI (known since as Sex
Fest). Later, Fester Cuneyd Tolek proposed
to Fester Kris Gilmore (accepted). Fester
Ray Feller (a multiple poker champion
bracelet winner) attended fest with her two-
week old son Leo (she and Michael had
celebrated their engagement at an earlier
Fest). We have had Festers from four
countries. We have had a Fester who
counterfeited British white notes in
Sachsenhausen, and one who designed MPC
series 692 at the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing, and one who managed the military
exchange POG programs for Iraq and
Afghanistan. Fest offers once-in-a-lifetime
opportunities to meet such individuals.
Nowadays, attendance has stabilized at
about 50. We would love to have you come.
I think that any collector could (and should)
have a good time. However, unless you are
really adventurous, if you collect only
modern web-press notes, you might want to
come just for the Friday bourse. To make
things easier, Fest headquarters has issued a
$16 MFC discount certificate redeemable
toward a first-time Fest registration. You
may use the certificate here in Paper Money
by cutting it out, or you can bring the entire
copy of the magazine.
The 2015 Fest (Fest XVI) will be 13-15
March at the Holiday Inn Express, Catawba
Island, Ohio (don’t worry - even when the
lake is not frozen, Catawba Island requires
no over-water passage for access). There is
even a story about the hotel—Ray Feller
calls this the greatest hotel in the world and I
will not argue with her (I do not recommend
doing that in any event). The service that we
receive is remarkable. You can make a Fest
reservation by calling Kim at 419-732-7322.
I will also be happy to talk to you about the
Fest, at 419-349-1872.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Boling Continued:
much like the mounds of ink applied from
an intaglio plate. Laser-printed images have
texture that can be felt by one’s fingers. The
tactile properties of a laser-printed
counterfeit can be very deceptive. So how
do we distinguish such a product?
Remember my mantra—20x is your best
friend in counterfeit detection. Not all of
those tiny plastic spheres stay where they
are supposed to be while the paper is
moving from the toner application station
through the toner fusing station. At high
magnification a few of them may be seen
sitting outside the image pattern—little
runaways. See figure 1 (below). This green
serial number is composed of a mix of blue
and yellow toner. Some of the blue toner is
seen to be creeping away from the main
image. At higher magnification one can see
yellow toner sneaking away as well, but it
blends into the paper in this photo.
If the reproduction of this photo is
sufficiently precise, you will also be able to
see another characteristic of laser toner - it
reflects light back at you. In this photo the
reflections are at the lower left corner of the
“2” and the lower edges of the “6”s. If you
hold a laser-printed note at a shallow angle
to a light source, you will see the light
reflected from the surface of the image.
Other printing technologies do not show this
effect. Inkjet in particular is quite dull when
viewed using this technique.
One more example of laser printing—
see figure 2. The toner was stacked so high
on these letters that it was flattened as the
paper left the fusing station before it re-
What happens if you fold a laser-printed
note? That plastic coating that composes the
image cracks and breaks, leaving a
distinctive white line. See Figure 3 (below),
a well-circulated Jordanian 20 dinar note. A
laser-printed circulating counterfeit quickly
becomes very identifiable. Sure, you can get
lines like this through intaglio ink after hard
circulation, but those lines will be filled with
dirt. This circulated laser-printed note has
not been out long enough for dirt to
accumulate—all you get is stark white lines.
If you see a note looking like this coming
your way, try to divert it.
There is another kind of printing that
uses plastic spheres, but in a somewhat
different way. Business cards that imitate
the feel of intaglio are quite common, but
the only people still using real intaglio for
business cards are security printers. They
want to advertise their work. The rest of us
buy much cheaper products that use
thermography. Each card is printed using
ordinary ink. While the ink is still wet, the
card is run under a bath of transparent
plastic spheres that stick to the ink (these
balls are not as tiny as laser toner particles).
The card is baked, melting the plastic over
the letters and giving it that “raised,
intaglio” feel.
Fig. 2
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
See Figure 4 (below). You can see places
where the plastic balls clumped, such as in
angles and curves. Since they are transparent
after being fused, that doesn’t detract from
the overall appearance of the product. I have
not seen counterfeits printed using this
process, but perhaps a reader has.
Akin to laser printing is another digital
process, inkjet printing. As the name
implies, inkjet ink must be very fluid, so that
it can be sprayed onto the target paper in the
shape of the desired image. If the paper is
soft and porous, the fluid ink will soak into
it and stray “outside the lines” just like
errant laser toner—but with an entirely
different look. See Figures 5-7.
These are two pieces of Burma JIM offered
on eBay by an Indian seller who didn’t
“know much about these pieces.” I
recognized that they are an overprint never
used by the Japanese, and therefore of
interest to me as fakes. When I received
them, I was astounded to see that whoever
made these used two different printers—one
laser, one inkjet. Figure 6 is the 10 rupee
note, using laser. You can see some of the
toner trying to escape around the edges,
especially in the tight curve at top center.
With the right lighting, you can also see the
toner built up above the surface of the paper.
Figure 7 (below) is the same image, made
using an inkjet printer. Look at the way the
ink has migrated out of the image—like
water dropped on newsprint. This is bank
note paper (though admittedly not top-of-
the-line paper). But you would never see this
kind of ink dispersal in a genuine overprint.
When you see this, you know you are
looking at a product made to deceive.
Inkjet images are usually quite flat.
Occasionally in a very densely-colored part
of a note the ink can build up a bit, but it
never approaches intaglio relief. Any
reproduction of an intaglio note using inkjet
will be immediately detected at 20x. It is
only when copying notes that are originally
lithographed that an inkjet image might be
potentially deceptive. Know what you are
looking for. If you don’t find it, invest more
minutes in examining the suspicious piece.
Next time—how do printers deal with
multi-color images?
Fig. 6
Fig. 5
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
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Chump Change
Loren Gatch
Who Wants to Be a
(M) (B) (Tr)illionaire?
For the last issue, Carlson Chambliss wrote a
nice piece on the banknotes of Zimbabwe’s episode of
hyperinflation, which culminated in the 100 trillion dollar
note of early 2009, a denomination which, however large,
if anything understated the actual inflation since, as the
third of four series of Zimbabwean dollars, the
cumulative inflation had been tucked into the rebasing of
previously debased dollars into each new series. Steve
Hanke and Nicholas Krus have published through the
Cato Institute a definitive table of historical episodes of
hyperinflation, which assigns pride of place to postwar
Hungary. By July 1946, that country’s inflation rate hit a
monthly high of 4.19 x 1016 %, implying a daily inflation
rate of 207%, with prices doubling every 15 hours.
Coming in second, Zimbabwe’s rate by November 2008
reached 7.96 x 1010 %, which implied a daily rate of 98%
and a doubling of prices every 24.7 hours. By contrast,
Weimar Germany’s iconic hyperinflation peaked at
‘only’ 29,500% in October 1923, with a daily rate of
20.9% and prices doubling at the leisurely rate of 3.7
days—plenty of time to wheel your wheelbarrow full of
notes & inflict pain on your favorite creditors!
Chambliss’s account was on my mind when I
recently wheeled some of my own undergraduates
around, upon the promise of some extra credit (that’s
called grade inflation) to hear a campus talk by a visiting
Oklahoma politician. Stripped of its bromides, his
message was something like: capitalism good, socialism
bad—a thesis which I find sensible as far as it goes. But
then, of all things, our Sooner Solon reached into his
jacket pocket to pull out a fistful of those same
Zimbabwean notes, finishing his thought with the cry,
“and this is what will happen thanks to quantitative
easing!” I don’t think this guy will get elected to the
Federal Reserve Board anytime soon, but the coincidence
alone made my day. Yet in the eyes of my students, for
whom quantitative easing might as well be some new diet
fad, I saw less alarm than a look of being impressed with
all those zeros on a 100 trillion dollar note. It was like the
latest Kim Kardashian photo shoot: you weren’t entirely
sure that the, ah, figure was real, it was still hard not to
take a good, appraising look at it.
Long ago, Irving Fisher coined the term “money
illusion” to name the human propensity to confuse
nominal and real values. When it comes to
denominations, I’ve fallen for it over and over. Of the
board games I played in my youth, “Monopoly” always
struck me as particularly lame since the highest bill was a
measly $500 and the worst soaking was a $2000 rent for
a hotel on Boardwalk. Back in 1935 when the game came
out that might have been a big deal, but now it wouldn’t
even pay the monthly rent on a Manhattan studio
apartment. Far more satisfying, I thought, was “The
Game of Life”, in which you were grubstaked $10,000
just showing up, and whose notes went up to a cool
$100,000. The only proper sport I was ever good at was
pinball, and there too denominational creep was
insidious. When the gaming technology went from
electro-mechanical to solid state and then digital, point
tallies rose into the many millions! But the new
technology brought disproportionately higher threshold
scores for free games, and with that my confidence in my
own pinball wizardry drained away. I couldn’t win for
Everyone got the joke in 2002 when, inspired
by Howard Stern’s radio show, the Nashua Pride of
minor league baseball put on a “Who Wants to be a
Turkish Millionaire” night, where a lucky fan took
home the real equivalent of less than one U.S. dollar.
Yet belonging to a nation of trillionaires didn’t make
average Zimbabweans particularly happy. Indeed,
hyperinflation on that scale disrupts the ability to
reason about economic values and undermines the
moral basis of economic exchange. The Weimar
episode eroded German ideals of sobriety and hard
work. Its inflation made short-termism rational;
encouraged living for the moment; and engendered
cynicism about what’s real. In Germany’s case, wrote
Elias Canetti, “an inflation cancels out distinctions
between men which had seemed eternal and brings
together in the same inflation crowd people who would
have scarcely nodded to each other in the street”.
Inflation has this leveling effect, but not in a healthy,
democratic sense. It eliminates social distinctions only
to leave society as a mass of desperation, punishing
those who played by the rules and rewarding those who
game them. Being at the center of Europe, Germany’s
agony affected world history. Perhaps it’s just as well
that Zimbabwe suffered on the periphery.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
President’s Column
January/February 2015
We are in the middle of the annual holiday
season as I write this where we turn our attention to
the festivities of the occasions and enjoy more time
with family and friends. Gift giving picks up and
people with numismatists in the family look for gifts
for their loved ones with this passion. One needs not
a large budget to give a great gift. An SPMC
membership is a great gift of knowledge and
camaraderie and quite affordable. Paper money
examples that your loved one / friend enjoys is
another. There are many examples of beautiful paper
money that are great gifts and in a good price range
for giving to multiple children or adults. Finally,
books make a super gift as they are substantial and
affordable. Books can introduce someone to the
wonderful world of paper money or supplement a
long time collector’s library. Yes, Christmas has
passed, but Valentine’s Day, birthdays, Mother’s and
Father’s day approach!
Speaking of books, we helped one of our
own members who is writing a book on obsolete
currency of a particular focus (I will not pre-
announce it here ). He leveraged the resources of
the Society to help his with research with one of our
educational grants. He is using the publishing
roadmap and guidance we offer would be authors and
self-publishers to get his book printed and in the
market. We published this in a couple of issues of
Paper Money magazine, but if you cannot find it
please email me – . While
the Society is not in the publishing business these
days, we have contacts, grants and advice that can get
you published which is easier today than ever.
The late fall brings a smaller show circuit (at
least for me) with Baltimore being the primary
feature. This show is held three times a year of
which I attend twice – in March and October or
November. This year it fell early on Halloween
weekend. I’ve never spent Halloween at a coin and
currency show before, but it was interesting with
some people dressing up (at least one or two as
coins!). These shows are a couple of major shows
that do have a currency dealer presence and some
paper money presentations on the agenda at times.
We do not have an SPMC presence beyond member
dealers and collectors set up or perusing the floor and
attending the events. I did introduce a few relatively
new collectors to SPMC though at my table. While
FUN, Memphis and ANA Summer remain the big
three, with a solid SPMC presence at some Georgia
and North Carolina shows, it would be great if we
could do more at Baltimore or Long Beach for the
west coast people.
We are looking for a couple of new
governors of SPMC. This is a great chance to step up,
contribute to the hobby and make a difference! We
have a great team on the board of SPMC and I can
think of no better way to get out from in front of the
computer screen or smart phone to meet and help the
people of the numismatic community. It is fun,
rewarding and does not take too much of your time.
Board members contribute and lead significant
projects and are recognized with various SPMC
awards over their years of service. Board members
lead, set the tone, and make decisions of policy for
the organization. Of course, you don’t have to be a
board member to be more involved and several
SPMC members who are not also make major
contributions as well.
Additionally, Benny Bolin will be
relinquishing his duties as secretary of SPMC after
the Memphis 2015 show. With his responsibilities as
editor of Paper Money magazine, he has plenty to do
and focus on to continue to deliver the high quality
work he and our authors, contributors, columnists and
advertisers produce. We need a volunteer to hold this
important office. Please contact me if you or
someone you know is interested.
One of the things that our hobby enables is
the ongoing study of history, bringing our past from
founding through trying times (e.g., Civil War, World
War, and Depression) and through good times
recalling what makes us who we are. And it is not
just about American history. The next generations
coming up do not learn history like we did and things
like novels and numismatics can bring history to life
for the younger (and older too!) generations in a way
that elementary and high school classes did not.
Getting involved (exhibits, lead an SPMC research
effort, communication, meetings, represent paper
money to young numismatist programs with the
ANA, etc…) and working with young numismatists
in paper money is another opportunity for us as
members and governors of the SPMC.
Happy Hunting on the Paper Trails of Numismatics!
Pierre Fricke
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Editor Sez
What happened
to my article?
Over the past
year, I have learned a lot
about being an editor. While it is an
overall fun job, there are a lot of
challenges that go along with it. One
of those is taking an article submitted
by an author and making it
publication ready—in my eyes. As
editor, I feel it is my job to make all
articles as interesting to as many of
our members as we can and to make
it aesthetically pleasing in the
process. Most of the time that entails
working with the authors, making
suggestions and getting an
agreement to where our two
viewpoints meet. But, sometimes
that is totally changing wording,
moving pictures, etc. And sometimes
that is almost totally re-doing an
article and at other times refusing an
article until it has had major
revisions. At time I have to refuse an
article as the content does not meet
the requirements of the journal.
Sometimes, authors have a great
article that has to be delayed for a
number of reasons. Unfortunately,
one of these is that I lost it. At times,
I do lose things (my mind to name
one) so if you have a question about
the status of your article, email me. I
hate to admit it, but at times I receive
an email with an article attached,
save the article but don’t send back
an acknowledgement that I got it.
Very few articles will not be accepted
and almost any not accepted will be
due to a subject matter that does not
fit with the goals of the SPMC or are
for a commercial endeavor. My
opinion is that if you (the author) like
it, some of our members will be
interested in it as well.
So the question is, “how should I
send an article?” I normally do all the
articles in WORD in order to make
changes, place illustrations, etc. I then
have to convert them to PDFs for the
printer. All articles should be sent in
WORD if at all possible. My computer will
not convert WordPerfect. I can accept
typewritten articles, but be advised, this will
prolong the time for them to be published
due to my having to re-type them or scan
them with an OCR program and make
corrections. All illustrations should be Jpeg
as other forms are too large. They need to
be 300dpi minimum. Please make a note in
the body of the article “FIGURE 1” or
something of this nature and send the
pictures separately as it may look good on
your computer, but by the time it gets to
mine, placement, size, color, etc. may
need to change.
Finally, what size articles are
needed? Actually, this is easy—any size.
Many of the heavily researched articles are
up to 15-16 pages and some nice articles
are only 1-2 pages. What is needed most
are articles in the mid-range 5-8 pages, but
any length will be accepted. In the case of
extremely long articles or lists, they may
have to be spread out over more than one
issue, but I will always clear this with you.
So, please keep writing and we will
continue to have a wonderful journal.
On another note—you may (or may not)
know that besides being the editor, I also
serve the SPMC as secretary. Both jobs
along with my two real jobs are getting to
be a little too much. So, I will be giving up
the position of secretary unofficially at the
2015 Memphis meeting and officially on
Jan 1, 2016. If you are interested in taking
over, please let me know and we can talk
about the position.
Texting and Driving—It can wait!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Complete Whitman Encyclopedia
Massachusetts Set!
EarliEr VolumEs
NoW BaCK iN sToCK!
Volumes 3 and 4 together, only $99.95
State-chartered American banks issued their own
money from 1782 to 1866, before the modern era
of National Banks and the Federal Reserve. These
two volumes of the Whitman Encyclopedia of
Obsolete Paper Money cover the entire state of
Massachusetts, from Abington to Yarmouth.
Explore the history of every Massachusetts town
and city, as well as of every bank in those towns
that issued this uniquely American currency.
Each note is studied, and hundreds are pictured
in full color, with information on grading, rarity,
values, significant auction results, advice for
collectors, and more.
Previously sold out;
now available again!
Order your copy of
Volume 1, $39.95
(an introduction and
overview of obsolete
paper money, for
collectors and
historians), and
Volume 2, $49.95
Connecticut, Maine,
and New Hampshire).
• 928 pages total • Hardcover
• 1,500+ images
• Covering 125 towns and cities,
331 banks, and 8,445 notes
To order, please call toll-free: 1-800-546-2995 • Online at
• Email: • Mention code OC at checkout to receive
FREE SHIPPING • Offer valid through 02/28/2015
A $139.90 value for
ONLY $99.95!
Doty’s final book is a beautiful
work of art as well as an engagingly
written masterpiece of numismatic
scholarship. Featured in the
Wall Street Journal and positively
reviewed in numerous publications.
Winner of a 2013 NLG award.
From Dr. Richard Doty
Pictures From a Distant Country:
Seeing America Through Old Paper Money
• 296 pages • Full Color • $24.95
• HardCover witH dustjaCket
This is the foundational modern textbook on
obsolete paper money. By Q. David Bowers;
foreword by Eric P. Newman. Awarded
“Best Specialized Book, U.S. Paper Money”
(Numismatic Literary Guild, 2007); winner of
the Wismer Literary Award (Society of Paper
Money Collectors, 2007); winner of the PCDA
Literary Award (Professional Currency Dealers
Association, 2006).
• Full color • 616 pages • $69.95
• Hardcover with dustjacket
Obsolete Paper Money
Winner of three national literary awards
Compiled by Roger Barnes
Represented herein are persons of colonial, provincial, state, and/or national stature who signed early
paper money of America, as identified by Eric P. Newman in the 5th (2008) edition of his book, The
Early Paper Money of America. Information presented includes: full name (not necessarily that as
signed, occasionally with spelling variations), notoriety in an abbreviated code (explained below with
the exception of some that are clearly understood), and the currency that Newman reports were signed
by a person with that name. Some abbreviations are:
AC Articles of Confederation (1778) signatory
CC(__) Continental and/or Confederation Congress delegate (state representing)
CC(__) Pr President thereof
Cntrfeiter Counterfeiter
DI Declaration of Independence (1776) signatory
Dipl Diplomat
DNA Did Not Attend
Loyalist Prominent Loyalist
RW Revolutionary War notable
SAC Stamp Act Congress (1765)
USC United States Constitution (1787) signatory
USCon United States Constitutional Convention delegate
USSCt United States Supreme Court member
__C State constitution signatory
__Con State constitutional convention member
__ConCom State constitutional convention drafting committee member
__Gov Provincial, colonial, or state governor
__Jurist Provincial, colonial, or state jurist
__Legis Provincial, colonial, or state legislator
__SecSt Provincial, colonial, or state secretary of state
__Treas Provincial, colonial, state, or national treasurer
Several caveats: First, signatures themselves have not been examined to prove the connection between
the actual note signatory and the person of notoriety, particularly considering probable amanuenses.
Second, every attempt has been made to distinguish between fathers and sons who bear the same name.
Third, ongoing research will undoubtedly reveal still other signatories, that achieved some stature
worthy of inclusion. Fourth, more detailed biographies of each person can be found, often by simple
research, and written for these persons.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Adams, Andrew
Allen, Eleazer
NCLegis / NCJurist
NC/00/00/34/5, NC/00/00/35, NC/04/04/48
Allen, Jr., William
Alston, Willis
Andrew, Benjamin
GA/00/00/76OrGrSeal, GA/00/00/76Fract$,
GA/00/00/BlGrSeal, GA/00/00/76Gold,
GA/00/00/76Undated, GA/00/00/77NoRes
Arnold, Jonathan
CC(RI) RI/07/02/80
Ashe, John Baptista
CC(NC) / NCLegis NC/05/10/80
Avery, Waightskill
DI(Mecklenbrg) NC/05/10/80
Bache, Richard
PALegis / POGen
PA/06/01/80, PA/04/20/81
Bache, Theophylact
Bacot, Peter
SC/06/01/75, SC/00/00/87
Baldwin, Loammi
RW / MSJurist
Barnes, Cornelius (Surname) CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, CC/07/22/76
Bayard, John Bubenheim
PALegis / CC(PA)
CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75
Bedford, Gunning (Emmery), Jr.
Bee, Thomas
CC(SC) / SCLegis
SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/01/01/70, SC/04/10/74
Berwick, John
Bingham, William
Dipl / CC(PA) / PALegis
Blair, John
USCon / USC / USSCt / VALegis / VAConCom
VA/04/07/62, VA/00/00/70, VA/07/11/71,
VA/04/01/73, VA/03/04/73 act, VA/09/00/73
Borden, Joseph
Boudinot, Elias
CC(NJ) / ChPres / USMintDir
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Bowdoin, James
MSConPres / MSConCom / MSC / MSBnkPRes
MSMerchNts/11/30/33, MSSilverBnk/08/01/40,
MSBnk/07/05/84, et seq., MSBnk/12/2/84
Bowler, Metcalfe
SAC/Loyalist / RILegis / RIJurist / Tory Spy
RI/03/01/66, RI/02/28/67, RI/05/03/75, RI/06/16/75,
RI/06/29/75, RI/11/06/75, RI/06/00/80, RI/07/02/80
Braxton, George
VALegis VA/04/05/59, VA/05/24/60
Brearley, David
RW / USCon / USC / NJJurist / USJurist NJ/06/09/80, NJ/01/09/81
Brewton, Miles
SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/00/00/67Written,
SC/04/10/74, SC/04.05/xx/75
Broome, John
NYConCom NY/09/02/75
Brownson, Nathan
CC(GA) / GAGov GA/00/00/76Undated
Bryan, George
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
Buckingham, Joseph
CT/07/10/33Redated, CT/05/08/40Redated,
Bull, Jr., William
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Bull, William
SCLtGov SC/06/30/16, SC/04/05/40, SC/09/19/40, SC/06/30/48
Bulloch, Archibald
CC(GA) GA/00/00/75
Burnet(t), William
CC(NJ) NJ/07/02/46, NJ/06/22/56
Cabot, George
MSCon MSBnkUS/00/00/92, et seq.
Cadwalader, Lambert
CC(NJ) / RW / PALegis / USLegis PA/07/20/75
Cannon, Daniel
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Carroll, Daniel
CC(MD) / AC / USCon / USC CC/02/17/76, CC/11/02/76, CC/02/26/77
Caswell, Richard
CC(NC) / RW / USCon(DNA) / NCCon /
NCLegis / NCGov
NC/12/00/68, NC/12/00/71, NC/08/21/75, NC/08/08/78,
Chester, John
CC(CT) CT/05/10/44>CT/05/10/70, CT/10/11/77>CT/07/01/80
Chevalier, Charles F.
GA/00/00/76Undated, GA/09/10/77
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Chiffelle, Philotheos
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Chiswell,, John
VALegis VA/12/11/55
Cist, Charles
RW Printer CC/05/20/77, CC/04/11/78
Clark, Abraham
CC(NJ) / DI / USCon(DNA) NJ/02/20/76
Clarke, John
DECon DE/05/01/77
Clarkson, Matthew
CC(PA) / RW / NYLegis / BnkNYPres /
CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, PA/10/01/55,
PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57, PA/07/01/57,
PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59, PA/05/01/60,
Clay, Joseph
CC(GA) GA/00/00/73
Clymer, Daniel
Rare sig
CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76,
Clymer, George
CC(PA) / DI / USCon / USC / USTreas / USLegis PA/06/18/64
Coates, Samuel
HospPres / BankPres PA/04/03/72, PA/03/25/75
Cogdell, Richard
NCLegis NC/08/21/75, NC/08/08/78
Collins, Thomas
DECon/DEGov DE/01/01/76
Coombe, Thomas, Rev.
RW Tory CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76
Corbett, Thomas
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Cranch, N.
USJurist CC/04/11/78, CC/09/26/78
Creevey (Crerry), Hans
Rare Sig CC/11/02/76
Cruger, John Harris
NYCMayor / Loyalist / RW
NY/08/25/74NYC, NY/08/02/75NYC,
NY/01/06/76NYC, NY/03/05/76NYC
Dart, Benjamin
SCLegis SC/00/00/67Written, SC/01/01/70
Dawes, Thomas
RW / MALegis
MA/06/18/76(?), MA/10/16/78, MA /00/00/79,
De Hart, John
CC(NJ) NJ/09/08/55
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
DeLancey, Oliver
(1718-1785) NYGov / Loyalist NY/03/25/55
DeRosset, Lewis
NC/03/09/54, NC/07/14/60, NC/04/23/61, NC/12/00/68,
Dickinson, Henry
MDTreas MD/06/28/80
Dickinson, Philemon RW / CC(DE) / NJLegis /
USLegis NJ/06/09/80, NJ/01/09/81
Doughty, William
SCLegis SC/03/06/76
Douxsaint, Paul
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Drayton, William Henry
CC(SC) / SCLegis / AC SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/00/00/60(2nd)
Dupont, Jr., Gideon
SCLegis SC/04/10/74, SC/06/01/75, SC/06/10/75
Eddis, William
Loyalist MD/04/10/74
Edwards, John
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Edwards, Pierrepont
CC(CT) / CTCon CT/10/11/77
Ellery, William
CC(RI) / DI / AC RI/03/18/76
Elliott, Benjamin
SCLegis SC/04/07/70
Evance, Thomas
SCLegis SC/01/01/70
Ewen, William
GA/07/08/65, GA/00/00/66-7WrittenDate,
GA/00/00/75, GA/00/00/76Sterling,
GA/00/00/76LtBlSeal, GA/00/00/76/MaroonSeal,
GA/00/00/76OrGrSeal, GA/00/00/76Gold,
GA/00/00/76Undated, GA/00/00/77NoRes
Eyres, Richard
RW CC/09/26/78
Farr, Jr., Thomas
SCLegis SC/04/10/74, SC/06/10/75
Few, William
RW / CC(GA) / USCon / USC / GALegis /
USLegis / USJurist / BkPres
GA/00/00/76Sterling, GA/05/04/78, GA/00/00/78
Fisher, Hendrick
SAC NJ/02/20/76
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Foster, Jedidiah
MSCon MS/05/25/75
Foster, Theodore
RILegis / USLegis RI/05/22/77
Fraser, Alexander
SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written
Gadsden, Christopher
SAC / CC(SC) / RW / SCLegis SC/00/00/60(2nd), SC/04/10/74
Gaillard, Jr., Theodore
SCLegis SC/06/10/75, SC/02/08/79
Galloway, Joseph
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
Gardner, Henry
MATreas MA/05/25/75, MA/07/08/75, MA/00/00/81
Gardner, Joseph
CC(PA) PA/04/10/77Bl & Red/Bl, CC/09/26/78, CC/01/14/79
Gervais, John Lewis
CC(SC) / SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Gibbes, William Hasell
SCLegis SC/06/01/75, SC/06/10/75, SC/03/06/76, SC/00/00/77
Gibbes, William Hasell
SCLegis SC/04/10/78
Gibbons, William
GA/00/00/75, GA/00/00/76Sterling,
Gillon, Alexander
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Gilman, John Taylor
CC(NH) / NHLegis / NHGov / NHTreas NH/04/29/80
Gilman, Nicholas
CC(NH) / USCon / USC / NHTreas / US Legis /
NH/06/20/75, NH/07/25/75, NH/08/24/75,
NH/11/03/75, NH/00/00/77, NH/04/29/80
Green, James
NCCon NC/08/08/78, NC/04/17/80
Green, Jr., James
NCCon NC/05/10/80
Habersham, Joseph
CC(GA) GA/01/09/82
Hall, George Abbot
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Hall, Lyman
CC(GA) / DI / GAGov GA/01/09/82
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Hamlin, Jabez
CT/05/10/75, CT/06/01/75, CT/07/01/75, CT/06/07/76,
CT/06/19/76, CT/03/01/80, CT/06/01/80, CT/07/01/80
Ham(m)ond, Charles
MD/00/00/33, MD/06/02/40, MD/10/01/48,
MD/04/06/51, MD/07/14/56
Hart, John
NJLegis / CC(NJ) / DI NJ/02/20/76, NJ/03/25/76
Harvey, John
NCLegis NC/12/00/71
Harwood, Benjamin
MDTreas MD/06/28/80, MD/08/08/81
Hasell, James
NCJurist / NCGov NC/12/00/68
Hawkins, Benjamin
CC(NC) / USLegis NC/08/08/78, NC/04/17/80
Hayne, Isaac
RW SC/04/07/70
Haywood, William
NCTreas NC/04/02/76
Hazard, Jonathan J.
CC(RI) / RW RI/09/05/76, RI/05/00/86
Hazlehurst, Isaac
RW CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76
Hill, Green
NCLegis NC/04/01/76
Hill, Joshua
DECon DE/05/01/77
Hindman, James
MDTreas MD/07/26/75
Hohendorf, W.
GALegis GA/09/10/77
Hopkinson, Francis
CC(NJ) / DI / NJLegis / PAJurist PA/03/20/71
Horry, Daniel
SCLegis SC/01/01/70
Horry, Jr., Elias
SCLegis SC/06/10/75, SC/03/06/76
Horry, Thomas
SCLegis SC/06/10/75
Houstoun, John
CC(GA) GA/00/00/75, GA/00/00/76Undated
Howard, John E.
RW / CC(MD) / MDGov / MDLegis / USLegis CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, CC/07/22/76, CC/04/11/78
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Hubley, Adam
RW / PALegis CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, PA/04/03/72, PA/07/20/75
Huger, Benjamin
SCLegis SC/04.05/xx/75
Huger, Daniel
CC(SC) / SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written
Huger, John
SCLegis SC/03/06/76, SC/05/01/86, SC/00/00/86Charleston
Humphreys, Charles
CC(PA) / Quaker / PALegis
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
PA/05/01/60, PA/04/03/72
Humphreys, Richard
Educator PA/10/25/75
Huntington, Jabez
RW CT/10/11/77
Izard, Ralph
CC(SC) / SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Jackson, William
Rev / USCon-Secy / Geo Wash Secy / Newsp
Fndr & Ed
Jacobs, Benjamin
Jewish CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, CC/07/22/76, PA/04/10/77
Jacobs, Joseph
Jewish PA/06/18/64
Johnson, Philip
VA/06/08/57, VA/10/12/58, VA/04/05/59,
VA/05/24/60, VA/04/07/62, VA/03/04/73,
VA/07/17/75, VA/09/01/75
Johnston, Samuel
CC(NC) / NCLegis / NCGov / NCTreas /
Jones, George
GATreas GA/10/16/86
Jones, John
DECon DE/05/01/77
Jones, Noble (1724-1805)
GA/05/01/60, GA/03/25/62, GA/07/08/65,
GA/00/00/66-7WrittenDate, GA/00/00/68-70TaxCert,
GA/00/00/69, GA/00/00/73, GA/00/00/(74)
Jones, Noble Wymberley
CC(GA) GA/00/00/69, GA/00/00/73
Kean, John
CC(SC) CC/05/20/77
Knight, Nehemiah
RILegis / USLegis RI/05/00/86
Knox, Andrew
NCLegis NC/08/21/75
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Kuhl, Frederick
PACon, PALegis
CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76,
Ladson, Robert
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Langworthy, Edward
CC(GA) / AC GA/06/08/77
Laurens, Henry
CC(SC)-Pr / AC / USCon(DNA) / SCLegis / Dipl SC/00/00/60(2nd), SC/00/00/67Written
Leger, Peter
SCLegis SC/11/15/75, SC/03/06/76
Levy, Benjamin
Jewish CC/02/17/76, CC/11/02/76, CC/02/26/77
Lewis, Mordecai
Bank Depositor
CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76,
Lispenard, Leonard
SAC NY/09/15/55
Livingston, Philip
SAC / CC(NY) / DI NY/09/15/55
Livingston, Robert R.
SAC / CC(NY) / NYConCom NY/04/20/56
Lockwood, Richard
DECon DE/05/01/77
Long, Pierce
CC(NH) NH/06/28/76, NH/07/03/76
Loocock, Aaron
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Lott, Abraham C.
NYTreas NY/02/16/71, NY/03/05/76
Lowndes, Rawlins
SCLegis / SCJurist
SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/05/16/52, SC/00/00/60(1st),
Lynch, Thomas, Sr. (1727-1776)
SAC / CC(SC) / SCLegis SC/00/00/67Written, SC/04,05/xx/75
Manigault, Gabriel
SCTreas SC/00/00/31, SC/05/29/62
Manigault, Peter
SCLegis SC/07/06/57, SC/00/00/60(1st), SC/00/00/67Written
Manlove, Boaz
Tory DE/01/01/76
Mat(t)hew(e)s, John
SCLegis / CC(SC) / AC / SCJurist / SCGov SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/03/06/76
McKinly, John
DEGov DE/01/01/76
McQueen, John W.
SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/00/00/60(2nd), SC/11/15/75
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Meredith, Samuel
CC(PA) / USTreas CC/05/10/75, PA/04/20/81
Middleton, Arthur (1742-1787)
CC(SC) / DI / SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written
Middleton, Henry
CC(SC)-Pr / SCLegis SC/04-05/xx/75
Middleton, Thomas
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Mifflin, Thomas
CC(PA)-Pr / RW / USCon / USC / PALegis /
Miles, Samuel
RW PA/10/01/73
Moore, James
RW / SCLegis SC/05/08/03
Morris, Cadwalader
CC(PA) / BnkFndr PA/06/18/64, PA/04/03/72, PA/04/20/81
Morris, Samuel C.
CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, CC/07/22/76,
PA/07/20/75, PA/12/08/75, PA/04/25/76
Morton, John
SAC / CC(PA) / DI / PALegis / PAJurist PA/04/03/72
Moseley, Edward
NCJurist / NCTreas NC/00/00/15, NC/10/19/22, NC/11/27/29, NC/04/04/48
Motte, Isaac
CC(SC) / SCLegis SC/06/10/75, SC/06/10/75
Motte, Jacob
SCLegis / SCTreas SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/06/01/75, SC/03/06/76
Moultrie, Alexander
SCLegis SC/06/01/75, SC/03/06/76
Moultrie, William
RW / SCLegis SC/00/00/60(1st)
Neufville, John
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Nevill, Samuel
NJ/09/08/55, NJ/01/26/56, NJ/04/12/57, NJ/06/14/57,
NJ/11/20/57, NJ/05/01/58, NJ/04/10/59, NJ/04/12/60,
NJ/04/23/61, NJ/04/08/62
Nicholas, Robert Carter
VA/03/00/56, VA/06/08/57, VA/04/12/58,
VA/10/12/58, VA/04/05/59, VA/11/21/59,
VA/03/11/60, VA/05/24/60, VA/04/07/62,
VA/04/01/73, VA/03/04/73, VA/07/17/75, VA/09/01/75
Nixon, John
RW PA/06/15/67, PA/03/01/69
Nourse, Joseph
USBdWar / USTreas CC/05/20/77, CC/09/26/78, CC/01/14/79
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
O'Bryen, William
GATreas / CC(GA)
GA/00/00/75, GA/00/00/76Sterling, GA/00/00LtBlSeal,
GA/00/00/76OrGrSeal, GA/00/00/76Fract$,
GA/00/00/BlGrSeal, GA/00/00/76Gold,
GA/00/00/76Undated, GA/00/00/77NoRes,
GA/06/08/77, GA/09/10/77, GA/00/00/78
Oliphant, David
SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written
Ord, John
PAJurist CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, CC/07/22/76
Osgood, Samuel
CC(MA) MA/05/05/80, MA/07/05/84
Otis, Samuel A.
CC(MA) / MSCon MA/06/18/76
Parker, John
CC(SC) / SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/01/01/70, SC/03/06/76
Parker, William
SCLegis SC/06/01/75, SC/00/00/77, SC/02/14/77
Parsons, James
SCLegis SC/00/00/67Written, SC/04/07/70
Partridge, George
MA/06/18/76, MA/10/18/76, MA/10/16/78,
Payne, Benjamin
CT/05/10/70, CT/10/10/71, CT/06/01/73, CT/01/02/75,
CT/05/10/75, CT/06/01/75, CT/07/01/75, CT/06/07/76,
CT/06/19/76, CT/03/01/80, CT/06/01/80, CT/07/01/80
Pendleton, Edmund
CC(VA) / VALegis VA/06/08/57, VA/10/12/58
Peronneau, John
SCLegis SC/04/10/78
Pettit, Charles
CC(PA) / RW / NJLegis / NJSecyState / PALegis/
InsCoPres / UofPATrustee
Pinckney, Sr., (Colonel) Charles (1731-1782)
SCLegis SC/00/00/67Written, SC/04/10/74, SC/06/10/75
Pinckney, Jr., (Governor) Charles (1757-1824)
RW / SCLegis / CC(SC) / USCon / USC SC/04/10/78 SCGov / SCCon / Dipl / USLegis
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth (1746-1825)
SCJurist / SCLegis / RW / USCon / USC / Dipl SC/04/07/70
Pitkin, William (1725-1789) (fa. d. 1769)
RW / CTJurist / CC(CT) CT/05/10/70>CT/06/19/76, CT/06/01/80, CT/07/01/80
Porcher, Peter
SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written
Porcher, Philip
SCLegis SC/04/07/70
Porter, Alexander
DECon DE/05/01/77
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Potter, John
Cntrfeiter RI/12/02/40
Powell, Robert W.
SCLegis SC/11/15/75, SC/02/14/77
Prioleau, Jr., Samuel
SCLegis SC/03/06/76
Randolph, Edmund Jennings
CC(VA) / RW / VAGov / USCon / VALegis /
USAtrnyGen / USSecyState
Randolph, John
VA/06/08/57, VA/10/12/58, VA/04/05/59,
VA/03/11/60, VA/05/24/60, VA/04/07/62
Randolph, Peyton
CC(VA)-Pr / VALegis / VAAtrnyGen
VA/12/11/55, VA/03/00/56, VA/06/08/57,
VA/04/12/58, VA/10/12/58, VA/04/05/59,
VA/11/21/59, VA/03/11/60, VA/05/24/60,
VA/04/07/62, VA/00/00/70, VA/07/11/71,
VA/04/01/73, VA/03/04/73
Rapley, Richard A.
SCLegis SC/06/01/75
Read, Jacob
CC(SC) SC/04/10/78
Read, James
USNavy CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75
Richardson, Joseph
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
PA/05/01/60, PA/06/15/67, PA/03/01/69
Rittenhouse, David
Scientist, et al. / PACon / PATreas / USMint (Dir) PA/03/21/83
Roberdeau, Daniel
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
PA/05/01/60, PA/06/15/67, PA/03/01/69, PA/03/20/71
Robinson, John
VALegis / VATreas VA/06/00/55, VA/12/11/55, VA/03/00/56
Root, Jesse
RW / CC(CT) / CTCon / CTJurist
CT/05/10/75, CT/06/01/75, CT/07/01/75, CT/06/07/76,
Rutledge, John
SAC / CC(SC) / USCon / USC / SCLegis SC/07/25/61, SC/00/00/67Written
Salvadore, Francis
Jewish / SCLegis / RW SC/11/15/75
Saunders, Roger Parker
SCLegis SC/00/00/31
Savage, Thomas
SCLegis SC/06/01/75, SC/03/06/76
Scott, John Morin
CC(NY) / NYConCom NY/04/02/59
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Sellers, Nathan
Schrivener CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, CC/07/22/76
Seymour, Thomas
RW / CTLegis
CT/01/02/75, CT/05/10/75, CT/06/01/75, CT/07/01/75,
CT/06/07/76, CT/06/19/76
Sharpe, William
CC(NC) NC/08/08/78, NC/04/17/80
Shippen, William
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
Shubrick, Thomas
SCLegis SC/05/29/62
Simons, Maurice
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Skinner, Stephen
NJTreas NJ/04/08/62, NJ/12/31/63, NJ/04/16/64
Smith, Benjamin
RW / SCLegis SC/00/00/60(1st), SC/00/00/67Written
Smith, Daniel
NJ/05/15/55, NJ/09/08/55, NJ/04/10/59, NJ/04/12/60
Smith, Jonathan Bayard
CC/05/10/75, CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76,
Smith, Joseph
NJ/06/22/56, NJ/03/25/76
Smith, Richard
NJ/03/25/33, NJ/12/31/63, NJ/04/16/64
Smith, Robert
NJJurist NJ/03/25/76
Smith, Roger
SCLegis SC/04.05/xx/75, SC/11/15/75, SC/03/06/76
Smith, Thomas
CC/11/29/75, CC/02/17/76, CC/05/09/76, PA/10/01/55,
PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57, PA/07/01/57,
PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59, PA/05/01/60,
PA/06/01/80, PA/03/21/83
Smith, William
CC(PA) PA/12/08/75, PA/04/25/76, PA/03/16/85
Smyth, John
NJ/05/15/55, NJ/01/26/56, NJ/06/22/56, NJ/04/12/57,
NJ/06/14/57, NJ/11/20/57, NJ/05/01/58, NJ/10/20/58,
NJ/04/10/59, NJ/04/12/60, NJ/03/25/76
Squier, Samuel
CTLegis CT/10/11/77
Starkey, John
NCLegis / NCJurist / NCTreas
NC/04/04/48, NC03/09/54, NC/00/00/56-7,
NC/05/28/57, NC/11/21/57, NC/05/04/58, NC/12/22/58,
NC/07/14/60, NC/04/23/61
Stanly, Nathaniel
CT/07/10/33, CT/07/10/33Redated, CT/05/08/40,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Stevens, John, Junior
NJTreas NJ/03/25/76
Stirk, Samuel
CC(GA) GA/00/00/76Sterling
Swann, John
CC(NC) NC/03/09/54, NC/07/14/60, NC/04/23/61
Swann, Samuel
NCLegis NC/04/04/48, NC/03/09/54, NC/07/14/60, NC/04/23/61
Sykes, James
CC(DE) / DECon DE/01/01/76
Talcott, Joseph
CT/07/12/09, CT/07/12/09AR, CT/07/12/09Redated,
CT/12/1/24, CT/11/7/27, CT/10/00/28, CT/05/00/29,
CT/07/10/33, CT/07/10/33Redated, CT/05/08/40,
Telfair, Edward
CC(GA) / AC / GAGov / USLegis
GA/00/00/75, GA/00/00/76Sterling,
Thompson, E.
NHLegis NH/06/20/75, NH/07/25/75, NH/08/24/75, NH/06/28/76
Thompson, John
DECon DE/05/01/77
Thomson, Charles
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
PA/05/01/60, PA/03/10/69
Tilghman, Tench
RW CC/02/17/76
Timothy, Peter
SCLegis SC/00/00/77
Toomer, Anthony
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Townsend, Paul
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Treadwell, John
CC(CT) / CTCon CT/10/11/77
Tucker, Samuel
NJCon NJ/02/20/76
Vivree, Joseph
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Wade, Nehemiah
GA/00/00/76Sterling, GA/00/00/76Fract$,
GA/00/00/76BlGrSeal, GA/00/00/77NoRes,
GA/06/08/77, GA/09/10/77, GA/00/00/78
Waller, Benjamin
VA/06/08/57, VA/10/12/58, VA/04/05/59,
VA/05/24/60, VA/04/07/62
Walton, George
CC(GA) / DI / USCon(DNA) / GAJurist / GAGov GA/00/00/75, GA/01/09/82
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Notoriety Notes Signed
Ward, Henry
SAC RI/05/03/75, RI/06/16/75, RI/06/29/75, RI/11/06/75
Ward, John/Joshua
SCLegis SC/03/06/76, SC/00/00/77
Waring, Benjamin
SC/00/00/50-69Written, SC/01/01/70, SC/06/01/75,
Waring, Thomas
SCLegis SC/03/06/76
Weare, Meshech
NHLegis / NHJurist / NHPr NH/04/03/42, NH/04/03/55, NH/07/01/62, NH/01/01/63
Weyman, Edward
SCLegis SC/11/15/75
Wharton, Thomas
PA/10/01/55, PA/01/01/56, PA/10/01/56, PA/03/10/57,
PA/07/01/57, PA/05/20/58, PA/04/25/59, PA/06/21/59,
PA/05/01/60, PA/06/18/64, PA/06/15/67, PA/03/01/69
White, Phillips
CC(NH) / NHLegis NH/01/26/76, NH/06/28/76, NH/07/03/76
Williams, Elisha
CT/10/10/71, CT/06/01/73, CT/01/02/75, CT/05/10/75,
CT/06/01/75, CT/07/01/75, CT/06/07/76, CT/06/19/76,
CT/03/01/80, CT/06/01/80, CT/07/01/80
Williams, John
CC(NC) / AC / NCLegis / NCJurist CC/02/17/76, CC/09/26/78, CC/01/14/79
Williamson, William
SCLegis SC/07/25/61
Wilson, James
CC(PA) / DI / USCon / USC / PAConCom /
CC/04/11/78, CC/01/14/79
Wiltbank, John
DECon DE/05/01/77
Wood, Joseph
CC(GA) GA/06/08/77
Wragg, William
SCLegis SC/00/00/50-69Written
Wylly, Alexander
GA/00/00/55, GA/00/00/62, GA/03/25/62,
GA/07/08/65, GA/00/00/66-7
Wylly, Richard
GA/00/00/76Sterling, GA/00/00/76LtBlSeal,
GA/06/08/77, GA/09/10/77, GA/00/00/78
Wyllys, George
CT/07/10/33Redated >CT/06/19/76, CT/03/01/80,
CT/06/01/80, CT/07/01/80
Wyllys, Hezekiah
CT/07/12/09AR, CT/07/12/09Redated, CT/12/1/24,
CT/11/7/27, CT/10/00/28, CT/05/00/29, CT/07/10/33,
Yates, Jr., Abraham
NYConCom NY/06/22/75, NY/06/15/80
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
W_l]om_ to Our N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk—SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 11/05/2014 - 14310 - 14313
14310 Mike Perry, (C), Scott Lindquist
14311 Patrick Plomp, (C & D, Netherlands,
World, MPC, Errors, Ephemera),
14312 Daniel Cunningham, (C, US Large,
Small, Confederate, Errors), Website
14313 Sameer Khurana, (C & D), Website
13126 Dave Undis, (C), Jason Bradford
14115 Nick Motto, (C & D), Bank Note Reporter
14119 Loc Bui, (C), Jason Bradford
NEW MEMBERS 12/05/2014 - 14314 - 14321
14314 Paul Worm, (C), Frank Clark
14315 Dennis Burdick, (C), Jason Bradford
14316 Grant Davis, (C), Website
14317 Jim Sabia, (C), Jason Bradford
14318 Lee Herron, (C, Confederate, Georgia
& South Carolina Obsoletes), Pierre Fricke
14319 Rodney Charlton II, (C), Website
14320 Joseph Goleniowski, (C), Website
14321 Charles Lipcon (C), US Black Book
14128 Richard Keaton, (C, US Large & Small,
Nationals), Website
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15¢ per word Authors can request a free one-time ad. Contact the Editor (A)
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbre-
viations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
checking copies. Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad
in recognition of their contribution to the Society. These ads are
denoted by (A) and are run on a space available basis. Special: Three
line ad for six issues only $20.50!
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with
description (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142 (294)
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale. For list contact. (294)
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some duplicate notes,
prefer trade for other Stamford notes, will consider cash.
Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-1779;
WORLD PAPER MONEY. 2 stamps for new arrival price list. I actively buy
and sell. Mention PM receive $3 credit. 661-298-3149. Gary Snover, PO
Box 1932, Canyon Country, CA 91386 (288)
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444 Forestville, NY.
Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469 Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-
FREQUENT PAPER MONEY AUTHOR (Joaquin Gil del Real) Needs a
copy of the Mar/Apr 1997 issue of the SPMC journal to complete his col-
lection. Contact me if you can assist in this matter. (A)
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes for yours I need.
Have many in the low printings. Free list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71,
Perkiomenville, PA 18074. (288)
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence"
All 27 grading factors expained clearly and in detail.
Now available at
Buying only $1 Hawaii Overprints. White, no stains, ink, rust or
rubber stamping, only EF or AU. Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531-
2702. (291
$$ money mart
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
United States Paper Money
special selections for discriminating collectors
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Error Notes
Small Size Type
National Currency
Star or Replacement Notes
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
Bart, Inc.
(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 • Roseville, MI 48066
You are invited to visit
our web page
For the past 13 years we have offered a
,good selection of conservatively graded.
reasonably priced currency for the collector.
All notes are imaged for your review
(708) 784-0974
The Collectorama Show
OCTOBER 17 ‐ 19, 2014
FEBRUARY 13‐15, 2015
The Lakeland Center
701 West Lime Street, Lakeland, FL 33815
Web Site:
Ed Kuszmar ‐ 561‐392‐8551
2290 NW Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 9
Boca Raton, FL 33429
Mail: PO Box 294049, Boca Raton, FL 33429
We buy and sell many different and unusual
U.S. Currency items and Neat Paper Americana.
We do not buy or sell third party graded Currency.
For more information call Ed Kuszmar – 561‐392‐8551
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg’s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
Simplified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. New members will also get a copy of Rob
Kravitz’s 1st edition “A Collector’s Guide to Postage
and Fractional Currency” while supplies last.
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact William Brandimore, membership
chairman at 1009 Nina, Wausau, WI 54403.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money”
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,,,
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $21.60 $38.70 $171.00 $302.00
Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9-1/2" x 12-1/2" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18" x 24" $82.00 $365.00 $665.00 $1530.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar® Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the
equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 51010, Boston, MA 02205 • 617-482-8477
ORDERS ONLY: 800-HI-DENLY • FAX 617-357-8163
See Paper Money for Collectors
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.
“The Art & Science of Numismatics”
31 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60602
312/609-0016 • Fax 312/609-1305
A Full-Service Numismatic Firm
Your Headquarters for
All Your Collecting Needs
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
*Large size notes
*Large size FRNs and FBNs
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-7505
See out eBay auctions under
user ID DBRcurrency
1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
(712) 332-5859
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5:30
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Jan/Feb 2015 * Whole No. 295_____________________________________________________________
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC’s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.’s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
James A. Simek – Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Annual Sales Exceed $900 Million ❘ 850,000+ Online Bidder-Members
3500 Maple Ave. ❘ Dallas, TX 75219 ❘ 800-USCOINS (872-6467) ❘
Paul R. Minshull #AU4563; Heritage #AB665 & AB2218. BP 17.5%; see 30993
Now accepting consignments for our Offi cial Auctions of FUN 2015
Contact one of our currency specialists today 800-872-6467, Ext. 1001
Ruckersville, GA- Ruckersville Banking Co. $5 G6 Remainder
The Alan Dorris Collection of Georgia Obsolete Currency
Savannah, GA- Bank of Commerce $500 Oct. 1, 1857 Proof
The Alan Dorris Collection of Georgia Obsolete Currency
Cape May, NJ - $10 1882 Brown Back Fr. 490
The First NB Ch. # (E) 5839
Savannah, GA- Central Railroad and Banking Co. of Georgia
$500 Proof
The Alan Dorris Collection of Georgia Obsolete Currency
Double Back Error Fr. 2027-E $10
1985 Federal Reserve Note
PCGS Extremely Fine 40
Pennsylvania Aug. 10, 1739 5s
PCGS Apparent Choice
About New 55
Fr. 1 $5 1861 Demand Note
PMG Choice Very Fine 35
30993_3531_3532 SPMC_NovDec2014_Con2FUN.indd 1 9/26/14 9:40 AM
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