
Paper Money - Vol. LIX - No. 6 - Whole #330 - Nov/Dec 2020

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Table of Contents

Duplicated National Bank Titles--Peter Huntoon

CSA Watermarks--Richard Melamed & Benny Bolin

The First National Bank in Utah Territory--Peter Huntoon

Mining Vignettes on Obsolete Notes--Jerry Dzara

Mason's Job Office of Rome, Georgia--Charles Derby

Farmers & Merchants NB of Baltimore--J. Fred Maples

The Vivandière--Terry Bryan

Small-Town Postal Note Rarities-Kent Halland & Bob Laub

$1 1918 Out-of-Range Numbered Note Discovery--Peter Huntoon

"/OL 'lJX _No. 6 WHOLE _No. 330 ?ov /?EC 2020 WW.SPMC.OR ????d?????????????????K???????D????? 32%R[6DQ$QWRQLR7;SLHUUHIULFNH#EX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRPZZZEX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRP $QGPDQ\PRUH&6$8QLRQDQG2EVROHWH%DQN1RWHV IRU VDOH UDQJLQJ IURPWRILYHILJXUHV 403 Duplicated National Bank Titles--Peter Huntoon CSA Watermarks--Richard Melamed & Benny Bolin The First National Bank in Utah Territory--Peter Huntoon Mason's Job Office of Rome, Georgia--Charles Derby Small-Town Postal Note Rarities-Kent Halland & Bob Laub Mining Vignettes on Obsolete Notes--Jerry Dzara $1 1918 Out-of-Range Numbered Note Discovery--Peter Huntoon The Vivandiere--Terry Bryan 426 439 389 413 422 441 448 437 Farmes & Merchants NB of Baltimore--J. Fred Maples Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2020 * Whole No. 330 385 Contents continued Columns Advertisers SPMC Hall of Fame The?SPMC?Hall?of?Fame?recognizes?and?honors?those?individuals?who? have?made?a?lasting?contribution?to?the?society?over?the?span?of?many?years.? Charles Affleck Walter Allan Doug Ball Joseph Boling F.C.C. Boyd Michael Crabb Martin Delger William Donlon Roger Durand C. John Ferreri Milt Friedberg Robert Friedberg Len Glazer Nathan Gold Nathan Goldstein James Haxby John Herzog Gene Hessler John Hickman William Higgins Ruth Hill Peter Huntoon Don Kelly Lyn Knight Chet Krause Allen Mincho Judith Murphy Chuck O?Donnell Roy Pennell Albert Pick Fred Reed Matt Rothert Neil Shafer Austin Sheheen Herb & Martha Schingoethe Hugh Shull Glenn Smedley Raphael Thian Daniel Valentine Louis Van Belkum George Wait D.C. Wismer From Your President Shawn Hewitt 387 Editor Sez Benny Bolin 388 Uncoupled Joseph E. Boling & Fred Schwan 450 Chump Change Loren Gatch 456 Small Notes Jamie Yakes 457 Obsolete Corner Robert Gill 460 Cherry Pickers Corner Robert Calderman 462 Quartermaster Column Michael McNeil 464 New Members Frank Clark 468 Stacks Bowers Galleries IFC Lyn F. Knight 402 Gunther/Derby 411 DBR Currency 411 FCCB 413 Denly's 413 Jim Ehrhardt 420 Vern Potter 420 Kagins 421 Kagins 421 Bob Laub 424 ANA 425 Higgins Museum 436 Fred Bart 454 Whitman 455 PCDA 469 Heritage Auctions OBC Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2020 * Whole No. 330 386 Officers & Appointees ELECTED OFFICERS PRESIDENT Shawn Hewitt shawn@shawnhewitt.com VICE-PRES. Robert Vandevender II rvpaperman@aol.com SECRETARY Robert Calderman gacoins@earthlink.net TREASURER Bob Moon robertmoon@aol.com BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mark Anderson mbamba@aol.com Robert Calderman gacoins@earlthlink.net Gary J. Dobbins g.dobbins@sbcglobal.net Matt Drais Stockpicker12@aol.com Pierre Fricke pierrefricke@buyvintagemoney.com Loren Gatch lgatch@uco.edu Steve Jennings sjennings@jisp.net William Litt Billlitt@aol.com J. Fred Maples maplesf@comcast.net Cody Regennitter cody.regennitter@gmail.com Wendell A. Wolka purduenut@aol.com APPOINTEES PUBLISHER-EDITOR Benny Bolin smcbb@sbcglobal.net ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka purduenut@aol.com LEGAL COUNSEL Megan Regennitter mreginnitter@iowafirm.com LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman jeff@actioncurrency.com MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark frank_spmc@yahoo.com IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Pierre Fricke WISMER BOOK PROJECT COORDINATOR Pierre Fricke From Your President Shawn Hewitt I trust you enjoyed the refreshing changes in our inaugural redesigned edition of Paper Money. As we move forward, I anticipate a continual evolution of the look, as we proceed with our experiment. What you see is the result of a few hundred dollars on new software and many volunteer hours of hard work. Our financially conservative approach to improvements means that it will take a little longer to get where we want to be, so please bear with us. I?ve been reading about how other numismatic organizations are faring through the COVID-19 crisis, and I hadn?t realized how bad it is. Many of them rely on revenue from a sponsored convention for a significant share of their budget, and with these events being cancelled, their finances are directly impacted. You may be wondering how SPMC is doing financially. Our ship is steady. We own no conventions and are therefore not affected by event cancellations to this extent. That being said, it has been on my mind for a while that, for the sake of our long-term health, we need to build a formal giving program. We?ve been blessed with many years of financial support from the National Currency Foundation, a one-time gift from the Eric P. Newman Educational Society, and numerous smaller donations from SPMC members ? see https://www.spmc.org/donors-wall). With those funds and our relatively small endowment, we?ve been able to add value to SPMC membership by investing in initiatives like the Obsoletes Database Project and Bank Note History Project. That goes above and beyond the fine research and articles you read in every issue of Paper Money. I?d argue that dollar for dollar, we provide among the best of returns on investment in the hobby. As we approach the end of the year, I?d like to encourage you to make SPMC a regular benefactor of your charitable donations. Speaking of fund raising, the H.G. ?Bill? Corbin Silent Auction of Paper Money Journals that was advertised in the previous issue is now closed, and realized a total of $807. Thanks to Gary Dobbins for the logistics, including picking up the journals, storing them, and mailing them out, and to Bob Moon for taking and recording the bids. As we look forward to 2021, we very much hope that we can soon return to attending our favorite numismatic shows and conventions. At the top of the list in January is the Florida United Numismatists (FUN) convention in Orlando. As of now, we?re planning to be there with a couple speakers and a membership meeting. That would be great to be back in the saddle again. 2IILFHUV $SSRLQWHHV (/(&7('2)),&(56 35(6,'(17?6KDZQ+HZLWW VKDZQ#VKDZQKHZLWWFRP 9,&(35(6,'(17? 5REHUW9DQGHYHQGHU,, UYSDSHUPDQ#DROFRP 6(&5(7$5