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Table of Contents
Hutton & Freligh, Part II
Large Size Type Note Signature Changeover Protocol
Fernando Fernandez--Mexican Banknote Engraver & Printer
A 131 year old Mystery Solved
The Earliest surviving Confederate Note
B. Lask--Huntsville, AL 1862
North Africa/Vichy France
Secretary Barr Gets His Notes
Paper Money
Vol. LV, No. 6, Whole No. 306 November/December 2016
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Happy Holidays to All
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John M. Pack
Brad Ciociola
Brad Ciociola
Fr. 212b. 1864 $500 Interest Bearing Note.
PMG Very Fine 25 Net.
Realized $352,500
Fr. 1700. 1933 $10 Silver Certificate.
PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ.
Realized $105,750
Pueblo, Colorado. $1 Original. Fr. 382.
The Peoples NB. Charter #2134.
PMG Very Fine 25 Net.
Realized $49,350
Fr. 1175a. 1882 $20 Gold Certificate.
PCGS Very Choice New 64 PPQ.
Realized $199,750
Salem, New Jersey. $100 Original.
Fr. 454a. The Salem National Banking
Company. Charter #1326.
PMG Choice Very Fine 35 Net.
Realized $164,500
T-2. Confederate Currency. 1861 $500.
PCGS Very Fine 25 Apparent.
Realized $35,250
Fr. 2221-H. 1934 $5000
Federal Reserve Note. St. Louis.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Realized $258,500
Fairbanks, Alaska. $5 1902. Fr. 598.
First NB. Charter #7718.
PCGS Superb Gem New 68 PPQ.
Realized $129,250
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania.
Bank of Catasauqua. ND (18xx).
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LV, No. 6 Whole No. 306 November/December 2016
ISSN 0031-1162
Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email—
Visit the SPMC website—
Hutton & Freligh, Part II
Charles Derby ............................................................ 399
Large Size Type Note Signature Changeover Protocol
Peter Huntoon ............................................................ 414
New Members ....................................................................... 423
Fernando Fernandez—Mexican Banknote Engraver & Printer
Cedrian Lopez-Bosch .................................................... 424
A 131-year old Mystery Solved
Kent Halland & Charles Surasky .................................. 430
The Earliest Surviving Confederate Note
Steve Feller .................................................................. 443
B. Lask—Huntsville, AL, 1862
David Hollander ............................................................ 450
Uncoupled—Joe Boling & Fred Schwan .............................. 456
Small Notes—Sec’y Barr Gets His Notes
Jamie Yakes ................................................................. 462
Obsolete Corner
Robert Gill ..................................................................... 466
Interesting Mining Notes
David Schwenkman ...................................................... 468
Chump Change
Loren Gatch .................................................................. 470
Presidents Message ............................................................ 472
Editor’s Report ..................................................................... 473
Money Mart ........................................................................... 474
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
VICE-PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
SECRETARY—Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
Greenwood, SC 29649
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Jeff Brueggeman,711 Signal Mtn. Rd #197, Chattanooga, TN
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
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Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731, Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
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Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
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Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
PUBLISHER-EDITOR---- Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
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Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Pierre Fricke—Buying and Selling Confederate and Obsolete Money!
P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776;;
And many more CSA, Southern and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC is
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show.
Information about the SPMC,
including the by-laws and
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does not does not endorse any dealer, company or auction house.
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ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for
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DUES—Annual dues are $39. Dues for members in Canada and
Mexico are $45. Dues for members in all other countries are $60.
Life membership—payable in installments within one year is $800
for U.S.; $900 for Canada and Mexico and $1000 for all other
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but paid up members may request one from the membership director
with an SASE.
Memberships for all members who joined the S o c i e t y
prior to January 2010 are on a calendar year basis with renewals
due each December. Memberships for those who joined since
January 2010 are on an annual basis beginning and ending the
month joined. All renewals are due before the expiration date which
can be found on the label of Paper Money. Renewals may
be done via the Society website or by check/money
order sent to the secretary.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Hutton & Freligh and the Making of Mississippi
Treasury Notes during the Civil War
(Part II with part I appearing in the May/June 2016 issue of PM)
by Charles Derby
Mississippi Realizes It Needs Currency
It was nearing the end of 1861, and the war, though only months old, was lasting longer
than many Southerners had expected or planned for. Like other states, Mississippi needed
currency to conduct its business. So, on December 19, 1861, the Mississippi Legislature
passed an act that authorized the production of $5 million in “cotton-pledged” notes. “Cotton-
pledged” meant that the State of Mississippi promised to the bearer of the notes future cash
payments in exchange for cotton.
Section 1 of this act listed specifics about the notes themselves, including that the notes
were to be printed from engraved plates, listing the denominations to be produced, specifying
the text to be printed on the notes, how they were to be signed, how they were to be delivered
to the State Treasurer, and how the State would pay for them.
The remaining 18 Sections of this Act specified other details about these notes, such as
the terms of advancement, rates to be paid for the cotton received, how the cotton was to be
delivered to the State, bookkeeping and deposition of received funds, and penalties for failure to
comply with terms.
The Act and Section 1 (Laws of the State of Mississippi 1861/1862) read:
CHAPTER XIV. An act to be entitled an act authorizing the issuance of
Treasury Notes, as advances upon cotton.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the
Governor and Auditor of the State shall contract for printing upon engraved
plates of Treasury notes of the denomination of one, two and a half, three, five,
ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred dollars, to be advanced upon cotton at the
rate of five cents per pound, in the mode and manner hereinafter prescribed.
Said notes shall be signed by the Treasurer, and countersigned by the auditor,
and shall read, on their face, as follows:
“On demand, after proclamation to present, the State of Mississippi will pay to
the bearer, the sum of ____________ dollar [s] out of proceeds of cotton
pledged for redemption of this note, at the Treasurer’s office in Jackson,
Mississippi. Issued _________ day of ___________ 186_.
_____________ Auditor of Public Accounts _____________ Treasurer”
“Receivable in payment of all dues to the State and counties, except the
Military Tax.”
The plates so engraved shall be deposited, in a sealed and soldered box, in the
office of the Treasurer ; and the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant on
the Auditor, who shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer, for the payment of
the sum due for the engraving and printing of said plates which shall be paid
out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Provided, the amount of notes
authorized to be issued by this act shall not exceed the sum of five millions of
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Fig. 10. Gov. John J. Pettus.
Courtesy of Mississippi Dept
of Archives & History
The State Auditor Finds that the Government Cannot Carry out this Act as Written
Fifteen days after passage of the act authorizing issuance of cotton-pledged notes, on
January 13, 1862, Mississippi State Auditor Andrew Boyd Dilworth and Mississippi Supreme
Court Chief Justice Cotesworth Pinckney Smith reported in a memorandum to Mississippi’s
governor John Jones Pettus that their investigations revealed it was impossible to fulfill in a
timely fashion the actions specified in the act of December 19th. Specifically, they had expected
to have the notes engraved in New Orleans, but learned that this would take nearly six months
to complete.
They solicited proposals from printers for a more timely production. They received
only two proposals. One was from John Douglas of New Orleans to use lithography, and the
second was from Hutton & Freligh of Memphis to use electrotyping. The two proposals included
examples of the notes to be produced and the rates to be charged.
Dilworth and Smith’s report (Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of
Mississippi 1861/1862) reads:
Sir: After full inquiry and consultation with professional engravers in the city of
New Orleans, respecting the engraving and printing upon plates the five millions
of dollars of the Treasury notes of the State of Mississippi, we found that the job
could not be executed short of the 1st July next, and believing such delay would
defeat the whole object of the bill providing for the same, declined entering into
any contract. But being anxious to facilitate the design of the Legislature, to give
relief to the people at as early a day as possible, received two propositions – one
from Messrs. Hutton & Freligh, Memphis, Tenn., to execute the work by
electrotype, a specimen of which, with rates of charges, is herewith annexed,
marked “A ;” the other from Mr. John Douglas, New Orleans, La., to do the work
by lithograph, a specimen of work, with charges, also annexed, marked “B.”
All of which is respectfully submitted to your excellency.
Pettus Informs the Legislature and Makes Two
The day after receiving the letter from Dilworth and Smith,
on Jan. 14, 1862, Governor Pettus (Fig. 10) communicated to the
Mississippi Legislature Dilworth and Smith’s findings. He also made
two recommendations. One was his preference that Douglas receive
the contract over Hutton & Freligh. The other was that a new bureau
be created and funded to manage production and issuance of the
Treasury notes.
Pettus’ message (Journal of the House of Representatives
of the State of Mississippi 1861/1862) reads:
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives.
I herewith transmit to the Legislature a report made to me by Judge C. P.
Smith and Hon. A. B. Dilworth, who visited New Orleans for the purpose of
making the necessary arrangements for issuing the Treasury notes to be
advanced on cotton, provided for by act of the Legislature at your recent
session. From their report and accompanying documents it will be seen that the
requisite number of notes printed from “engraved plates” as required by the act
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
above referred to, cannot be prepared and issued in time to meet the wants of
the people or the expectations of the Legislature, as it will require several
months to engrave the plates and print the notes in the manner prescribed by
your recent act.
If the Legislature should deem it expedient to authorize the printing in the
manner prescribed by John Douglas, engraver in New Orleans (proposition and
specimen of work herewith submitted,) these Treasury notes may be prepared
and ready to issue in six weeks. Mr. Douglas proposes to print by lithograph,
and commence the work at once if his proposition is accepted. He also asks an
advance of two thousand dollars, and I suggest the propriety of paying the
expenses of issuing these notes out of any funds which may be received from
Richmond, as our Treasury notes cannot be used at par in New Orleans.
Another proposition was received from Messrs. Hutton & Freligh, of Memphis,
Tenn., to print by electrotype. Terms and specimens of work herewith submitted.
Should either of these modes of printing be authorized by the Legislature, I am
informed the work could be accomplished in time to meet the wants of the
people of this State. The lithographing proposed by Mr. Douglas I think the best.
I respectfully suggest to the Legislature that the act providing for issuing these
Treasury notes be further amended so as to provide for a separate bureau to take
charge of the printing and issuing these notes. The labor of the present
departments of the State Government have [sic] been more than doubled by the
existing war. For this and other reasons I feel confident that the interest of the
State would be promoted by organizing a distinct and separate department to
manage this important branch of State service. If objections are made to this
that additional offices must be created and additional expenses incurred in
salaries, A very small per cent. on the amount advanced, say one-fourth of one
per cent., paid by parties to whom advances are made, would probably be
sufficient to pay the salaries of these additional officers.
Mississippi Legislature Amends the Act of December 19th
Fifteen days after Pettus’ request, on January 29, 1862, the Mississippi Legislature
passed a supplemental act that authorized contracting a printer who would produce cotton-
pledged using electrotyping rather than engraved plates, and authorized hiring staff to produce
notes, including clerks to sign for the auditor and treasurer. Given the specification of
electrotyping, it is clear that in the two weeks since Pettus recommended contracting with
Douglas, something changed to favor Hutton & Freligh.
This supplemental act (Laws of the State of Mississippi 1861/1862) reads:
CHAPTER CCXIV. AN ACT supplemental to an act passed at the present
session of the Legislature, entitled an act authorizing the issuance of Treasury
Notes as advances upon Cotton.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That in order
to expedite the issuance of the treasury notes authorized to be issued in the act
to which this is a supplement, it shall be lawful for the governor and auditor to
contract for their printing upon plates to be electrotyped from the engraved
plates upon which said governor and auditor are now required by said act to
have said notes printed ; and said notes when so printed upon said electrotyped
plates, shall be signed, countersigned and issued, and in all respects be
considered as though they had been directly printed upon said engraved plates
as in said original act provided.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the auditor and treasurer are hereby fully
authorized and empowered to employ such number of clerks as they may deem
necessary to sign and countersign said notes for said auditor and treasurer
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
respectively, so as conveniently to furnish said notes after they shall be printed
according to the applications that may be made for them under the operation of
said act to which this is a supplement, and the signatures of such clerks for
said auditor and treasurer respectively, when so employed and duly authorized
and empowered by said auditor and treasurer shall be of the same force and
effect as though the same were directly signed by said auditor and treasurer.
Mississippi Legislature Authorizes Production of Faith-of-the-State-Pledged Notes
On that same day, January 29, 1862, the Mississippi Legislature passed another act,
this one authorizing the production of $2.5 million in faith-of-the-state-pledged Treasury notes,
to be specifically used as a military fund. These notes did not involve a promise for future cash
in lieu of a pledge of cotton. Rather, they relied on the citizens’ good faith that the state would
eventually be solvent, and the notes were fundable in bonds when given in amounts greater
than $500.
This act specified that notes were to be printed using electrotyped plates, the text to be
printed on the notes, and denominations to be printed. It also stated that, unlike the cotton-
pledged notes, these notes were not backed by any specific funds, but rather by “the faith of the
state of Mississippi.” It also specified how the Governor would pay for printing of the notes, and
that the auditor and treasurer were authorized to hire clerks to produce the notes. The specifics
of this law indicate that faith-of-the-state-pledged notes were also to be printed by Hutton &
Freligh, though not mentioned by name.
The Act and relevant sections (Laws of the State of Mississippi 1861/1862) read:
CHAPTER CCLXV. AN ACT authorizing the issuance of Treasury Notes on
behalf of the State.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, That the
Governor and Auditor of this State are hereby required, as soon as possible, to
contract for the printing upon electrotype plates, of two and a half millions of
dollars of the Treasury Notes of this State, which notes, signed by the
Treasurer, and countersigned by the Auditor of Public Accounts, and
ornamented with such designs as the Treasurer and Auditor may adopt, shall
read on their face as follows :
"The State of Mississippi promises to pay to bearer ______________ dollars
at the Treasury Office.
Issued __________ day of __________ 186_.
________________ Auditor, _________________ Treasurer.
And on some portion of the face of said notes shall be inserted as follows :
"Faith of the State pledged ;" "Fundable in bonds bearing eight per cent.,
payable in ten years, when not less than five hundred dollars are presented."
"Receivable in payment of all dues to the State." Said notes shall be printed in
denominations of five, ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred and five hundred dollars,
and in such proportions of each as the said Governor and Auditor may
determine. Said plates shall be soldered up in a tin box and deposited in the
office of the treasury.
Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said notes, when procured, shall be
deposited with the Treasurer, in the treasury of the State, and shall constitute a
military fund to be expended in the defense of the State. All sums heretofore
appropriated for military purposes, may be paid out of the said fund, and the
Governor of this State is hereby authorized to draw his order upon the Auditor,
who shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer, in favor of such persons and in
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
such sums, and for such purposes as he may deem necessary in providing for
the military exigencies and general defense of the State.
Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the faith of the State of Mississippi is hereby
pledged for the ultimate redemption and payment of the notes and bonds
authorized to be issued by this act.
Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That all funds which now are or which hereafter
may be, in the treasury, not otherwise appropriate, and all funds which may be
obtained from the Confederate States in discharge of their indebtedness to this
State, are hereby appropriated as far as necessary, in the payment of the debt
contracted for the printing of said notes, and the Governor is authorized to
draw his order on the Auditor who shall draw his warrant on the treasurer for
the amount of said debt. In addition to the said appropriation, the Governor is
hereby authorized, if in his opinion it may be necessary, to procure the printing
of said notes at the earliest period, to execute the bond of this State for the
amount of said debt, bearing ten per cent per annum interest from its date, and
payable at such time as he may agree and for the payment of said bond, the
faith of the State is hereby pledged.
Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby
authorized to employ the service of such clerks as may be retained in their
offices, under any previous law, in carrying out the purposed of this act ; and
should said clerks be insufficient, then the said Auditor and Treasurer are
hereby authorized to procure the services of such clerks as may be necessary
to that end ; Provided, the pay of said clerks shall not exceed the rate of eight
hundred dollars a year for the time they may be so employed, and any money
in the treasury not otherwise appropriated is hereby appropriated to their
Contract for Production of the Faith-of-the-State-Pledged Notes
One month after passage of these acts, on March 1, 1862, Governor Pettus and the
new auditor, A. J. Gillespie, entered into a contract with Hutton & Freligh for the production of
the notes. The contract specified that these notes were to be printed for four cents per note and
produced strictly according to the referenced act of January 29th “authorizing the issuance of
Treasury Notes on behalf of the State.”
The contract (John J. Pettus Correspondence and Papers) stipulated the following:
Whereas the Legislature of Mississippi, by act entitled “An act authorizing the
issuance of Treasury notes on behalf of the State,” approved 29th January 1862
directs the Governor and Auditor of Public Accounting to contract for printing upon
Electrotype plates two and a half millions of dollars of the Treasury notes of this
State, the Governor and Auditor aforesaid have this day made and entered into the
following contract with W. M. Hutton and J. H. Freligh … viz the said Hutton &
Freligh agree and bind themselves to print and furnish for the consideration of four
cents per bill or notes as many bills or notes, and of the various denominations
authorized to before by said act as the Governor many direct. The same to be
executed in a workmanlike manner, upon good bank paper, in all respects according
to the directions of said act, and subjected to the approval of the Governor and
Auditor aforesaid. They further agree and bind themselves, without additional
compensation to furnish the plates upon which said bills or notes may be printed to
be deposited in the Office of the State Treasurer as required by said act.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
[signed, with seals, on 1st day of March 1862 by John J. Pettus, A. J. Gillespie, W.
M. Hutton, J. H. Freligh, and A. N. Kimball]
Governor Pettus Reports on Production of Cotton- and Faith-of-the-State-Pledged Notes
Pettus reported to the Mississippi Legislature that Hutton & Freligh were awarded the
contract for producing by electrotyping both the cotton-pledged and faith-of-the-state-pledged
series. He explained that they were chosen because they were the only printers that could
produce the notes of the type and in the time required by the State. He reported the production
cost was 4 cents per note.
In addition, he reported that 657,156 cotton-pledged notes were printed at a cost of
$26,286.24, and 205,295 faith-of-the-state-pledged notes for $8,211.80. Thus Hutton & Freligh
were paid $34,498.04 for 862,451 notes.
Pettus’ message (Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi
1862/1863) read:
GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, Columbus, Mississippi, Nov. 3 1863.
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives:
I sent Hon. A. B. Dilworth, as agent for the State of Mississippi, to the city of
Memphis to make contracts with Messrs. Hutton & Freligh, the only persons known
to me in the country in condition at that time to print the Treasury notes for the
“Cotton Loan” in the manner provided. Contracts for printing the Treasury notes for
the advance on cotton, of the denominations specified in the act approved 19th
December, 1861, upon electrotype plates as directed by the supplemental act
approved January 29th, 1862, and also for printing the Treasury notes to be issued on
State account for military purposes, provided by an act approved January 29th, 1862,
were made with them at a cost of four cents per note. Of the notes to be used as an
“advance upon cotton” there were printed six hundred and fifty seven thousand, one
hundred and fifty-six, which at a cost of four cents per note amounted to the sum of
twenty-six thousand, two hundred and eighty-six dollars and twenty-four cents,
($26,286.24;) and for the notes to be issued for military purposes there were printed
two hundred and five thousand, two hundred and ninety-five, at a cost of eight
thousand two hundred and eleven dollars and eighty cents, ($8,211.80) making the
total aggregate cost of printing the notes amount to the sum of thirty-four thousand,
four hundred and ninety-eight dollars and four cents, ($34,498.04.) The great demand
for change notes of the cotton money made it necessary to have a large proportion of
these printed. This caused the disproportion in the cost of printing the five million
“cotton money” and the two and one-half millions of Treasury notes.
Documents do not show why Pettus passed over John Douglas, despite Pettus’ earlier
preference him. Presumably, it was because Douglas could not fulfill the terms of his proposal,
in either cost or time. It is understandable that Pettus initially preferred Douglas, as he was a
well-known engraver and printer in New Orleans. In 1861 and early 1862, Douglas had a
substantial record of printing money and other financial documents. He had produced bonds,
government warrants, and other fiscal paper for the Confederacy, notes for Louisiana and
Georgia, and notes for railroads such as the New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern Rail Road
Co. and the Mississippi Central Rail-Road Co. Yet his New Orleans business was relatively
small and of limited productive capacity. His printing activities took a hit when New Orleans was
occupied by Federal troops on April 24, 1862. But clearly Hutton & Freligh in Memphis had
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Figure 12. Examples of Mississippi faith-of-the-state-pledged Treasury notes.
established a strong regional reputation as printers, including with the Confederate government
and in printing private scrip. Pettus and other Mississippi government officials must have been
impressed by their credentials and ability to produce the notes in a timely fashion.
Hutton & Freligh produced the cotton-pledged notes in denominations of $100, $50, $20,
$10, $5, $3, $2.50, and $1 as specified in the December 19th 1861 act. However, they
produced the faith-of-the-state-pledged notes in denominations of $50, $20, $10, and $5,
differing from the January 29th 1862 act which also specified $100 and $500 note
denominations. Why and how did this change occur?
Figure 11. Examples of Mississippi cotton-pledged Treasury notes.
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Fig. 13. Letter from Hutton & Freligh to Gov.
Pettus on May 15, 1862. From John J. Pettus
Correspondence MF #1218. Courtesy of
Mississippi Dept of Archives and History.
One hint comes from Pettus’ address to the Legislature on November 3, 1863, during
which he said that the State had an unexpected demand for change notes: “The great demand
for change notes of the cotton money made it necessary to have a large proportion of these
printed. This caused the disproportion in the cost of printing the five million “cotton money” and
the two and one-half millions of Treasury notes.”
An exchange of telegrams and letters between the Governor and Hutton & Freligh in mid
May 1862 explains this change, as described in the next section.
Hutton & Freligh Produce Additional “Fifties & under” Notes
On May 15, 1862, Hutton & Freligh wrote a letter from Grenada, responding to a query in
a telegram from Pettus the previous day (Fig. 13). Pettus asked to receive details about planned
production of “Fifties & under” notes. They told
him that they planned to arrange notes of $50 and
under in sheets of $100, with each sheet having
one $50 note, one $20 note, two $10 notes, one
$5 note, one $3 note, and two $1 notes. They
ended by asking Pettus to telegram if he desired
another arrangement of notes on a sheet. Several
features of this letter are noteworthy. First, the
letterhead shows that Hutton & Freligh used a
dual billing of Southern Monthly Magazine and
Southern Publishing House, showing the
importance of their literary magazine in their eyes,
and their economical use of scarce paper.
Second, this letter shows that Hutton & Freligh
had already moved to Grenada, and thus they
printed these notes in Grenada sometime after
May 15th 1862. Third, these sheets are probably
the same referred to by Kraus (2003): “A partial
sheet [of faith-of-the-state-pledged notes] exists
with the corner note position unprinted indicating
a $100 note was intended but not printed.” This
sheet and this letter from Hutton & Freligh,
together with a lack of extant $100 denomination
faith-of-the-state-pledged notes, help to explain
the assertion of Kraus (2003) and Shull (2005)
that the $100 denomination faith-of-the-state-
pledged notes do not exist. Fourth, this letter by
Hutton & Freligh raises a curiosity. They were proposing that these “Fifties & under” note sheets
should include $50, $20, $10, $5, $3, and $1 denomination notes
Why did they propose these denominations? They do not correspond to denominations
produced in either cotton- or faith-of-the-state-pledged series? The faith-of-the-state-pledged
series were: July 1862: $10, $5 (note: Shull 2006 and Criswell 1992 list Cr29, a $20 note dated
July 1 1862, but its existence is doubtful according to records); and November 1862: $50, $20,
$10, $5. The cotton-pledged notes were: March/April/May 1862: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5,
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$2.50, $1; and November 1862: $3, $2.50, $1. So, if these “Fifties & under” note sheets were
produced as suggested by Hutton & Freligh, to include $50, $20, $10, $5, $3, and $1
denomination notes, then one possibility is that they were produced for the November 1862
series, which included the November faith-of-the-state-pledged notes ($50, $20, $10, $5) and
the November cotton-pledged notes ($3, $2.50, and $1).
This makes sense except that Hutton & Freligh’s plan did not mention producing $2.50
notes. Perhaps these were printed in a different run, according to a separate agreement whose
documentation is missing, but referred to by Pettus as needed (“The great demand for change
notes of the cotton money made it necessary to have a large proportion of these printed.”) In
any case, this letter is the most likely explanation for Hutton & Freligh’s deviations from the
directives of the Mississippi Legislature. It resulted in their not printing $100 and $500 notes in
faith-of-the-state pledged notes.
When, Where, and How Were the Notes Printed?
The Mississippi cotton- and faith-of-the-state-pledged notes not only lack a printer’s
name but they also lack a print date and location. Thus, it is not known when or where they
were printed. We know that the contract for the faith-of-the-state-pledged notes was March 1st
1862, and the contract for the cotton-pledged notes was probably before then, probably at least
by early February 1862.
The first of the cotton-pledged notes were hand signed and dated by representatives of
the auditor and treasurer on March 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 (MS Cr9, 10, and 11C). These first notes
probably were produced in late January or February 1862. Some notes ($10, $5, $2.50) were
dated April 1. During that time, because Hutton & Freligh were in Memphis, these early notes
apparently were printed there.
However, Hutton & Freligh had left Memphis, fleeing the Federal invasion of Tennessee,
and relocated to Grenada during the first two weeks of April. Most of the cotton-pledged notes
are signed on May 1 or November 1, with some on April 1. The faith-of-the-state-pledge notes
were mostly dated July 1, November 1, 1862, or even later – January 1, 1863. Unless Hutton &
Freligh printed all of their notes quickly in Memphis, finishing by early March before moving to
Grenada and having the notes signed later after production, then Hutton & Freligh must have
printed some in Grenada. This seems the more likely scenario.
Hutton & Freligh’s use of electrotyping was an advanced form of typography in which
printing blocks were made of a hard material (Tremmel 2007). After a wooden block of the
image was made, the image was transferred to a soft medium, such as wax, which was then
coated through electrolysis with a layer of copper. This metal shell was removed from the mold,
fitted into a block, and used as part of a plate for printing. An advantage of this technique was
that many copper plates could be made from the engraver’s original block.
The Mississippi Treasury notes themselves have multiple layers of printing (Shull 2006).
They have a colored undertint, either gray or pink. Then, printed on top of that is a colored
underprint of the words “COTTON PLEDGED” or “Faith of the State Pledged” and the
denomination, in either green or drab according to Shull (although Kraus 2003 distinguishes
between brown and gray rather than lumping these as drab). The drab underprint was used on
the earliest notes, during March 1–7, 1862, and the green underprint was used on all later
notes. The remainder of the printing was done in black ink. All notes are printed uniface, most
on plain paper. Because paper was becoming scarce, some were printed on backs of auditor’s
bills or fractional notes of the Mississippi Cotton Company.
The quality of the production of these notes is not high, as revealed by many of the
notes’ features and as seen in the examples in Figures 11 and 12. The undertint often does not
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
cover the entirety of the note’s surface, leaving some of the printed text or vignettes partly over
colored tint and partly over the uncolored paper. The lettering is often indistinct and in some
cases even missing, because the printing type was worn down and ink was increasingly scarce.
The vignettes are not of high quality and, like the lettering, are sometimes faint.
Hutton & Freligh published nearly one million Mississippi treasury notes. Yet this
massive endeavor was not even mentioned in Freligh’s obituary, and it appears that this was
unknown, overlooked, or forgotten by many at that time, as it almost has been up to now. Many
details to this story remaining missing, such as how Hutton & Freligh found the enormous
quantities of paper and ink necessary for production.
Vignettes of Hutton & Freligh’s Paper Money
The vignettes on these Mississippi notes and scrip help tell two stories. The first story
comes from their subject matter. These images tell of a life familiar to Southerners: railroads,
steamboats, sailors, slaves picking cotton, farmers, farming equipment, and produce. The
vignettes also include classical images, not specific to Southerners but an important part of their
culture: Justice, Freedom (according to Shull 2006, or Athena according to Kraus 2003),
Industry, and Agriculture (through the goddess Ceres). They also include romanticized images
of Indians.
The vignettes also tell a second story: the professional life of printers and the impact of
the war on them. At the time of the production of the Mississippi Treasury notes, Hutton &
Freligh were regional printers, with most work in Memphis. With the publication of the Southern
Monthly and William Hardee’s Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, they had a somewhat broader
sphere of influence. Nonetheless, most of their work was done quickly and cheaply, as
evidenced by the use of electrotyping for printing paper money. Consequently, their product
was not of high quality. This is true of the artwork on their money – the vignettes.
Did Hutton & Freligh’s team include engravers who made their own artwork, or did
Hutton & Freligh acquire reproductions of engravings from other printers? Answers to these
questions are in comparing the images on Hutton & Freligh’s notes with notes of others using
these same vignettes. Three examples are provided in Figure 14.
In each row is a set of three images of the same vignette, with the identities of the notes
listed in the figure legend. In each row, the left image is from Hutton & Freligh’s Mississippi
Treasury notes; the center image is from a note of another printer produced during the war; and
the right image is from a high-quality, pre-war note produced by one of the major national
engraving companies.
These three examples show that the left and center pair of vignettes are so similar, even
when scrutinized in fine detail, that they were printed from plates taken from the same
engraving. Their images are identical to other poor-quality reproductions, suggesting that Hutton
and Freligh appreciated was was cheap and available. The poor quality of the scrip of Hutton &
Freligh and their contemporaries is clear when theirs is compared to pre-war examples shown in
the right column. Extending this analysis to the other vignettes in Hutton & Freligh’s work shows
the same pattern. Thus, at least for most of their vignettes, Hutton & Freligh neither produced
their own artwork nor made their own engravings, but rather used copies of others’ work. This is
no discredit to Hutton & Freligh; it was typical of the time, as documented by Bowers (2006),
Doty (2013), and others. Too, Hutton & Freligh saved money by using many of the same
vignettes on the Mississippi Treasury notes and their private scrip, as demonstrated by
comparing the scrip notes on Figure 8 with Mississippi Treasury notes on Figures 11 and 12
and Table 1. Vignettes used on both scrip and Mississippi Treasury notes include slaves picking
cotton, steamboats, railroads, sailor boy with oar, Indian looking right, and the dog head.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Figure 14. Three examples of
vignettes on Hutton & Freligh’s
Mississippi notes and their
origins. Top row: Left,
Mississippi cotton-pledged, $5,
May 1, 1862, Hutton & Freligh,
MS-Cr18; Center, Hillsville
Savings Bank, Hillsville, VA, 15
cents, April 26, 1862, St. Clair’s
Powers Press, Wytheville, VA
(Courtesy of Heritage
Auctions); Right, Metropolitan
Bank, Washington DC, $5, Feb.
3, 1854, Wellstood, Hanks, Hay
& Whiting, NY (Courtesy of
Heritage Auctions). Middle row:
Left, Mississippi cotton-
pledged, $2.50, May 1, 1862,
Hutton & Freligh, MS-Cr20;
Center, L. Merriman Dry Goods
Dealer, Ohio, 25 cents, Nov. 1,
1862 (Courtesy of Heritage
Auctions); Right, New England
Commercial Bank, Newport RI,
$10, 1850s, New England Bank
Note Co., Boston (Courtesy of
Heritage Auctions). Bottom
row: Left, Mississippi cotton-
pledged, $2.50, May 1, 1862,
Hutton & Freligh, MS-Cr15;
Center, G. W. Holt, New
Orleans, LA, 50 cents, January
1, 1862 (Courtesy of Heritage
Auctions); Right, Erie and
Kalamazoo RailRoad Bank,
Adrian, MI, $10, 1854, Toppan,
Carpenter, Casilear & Co., New
York & Phila. (Courtesy of
Heritage Auctions).
Finally, of all the vignettes from Hutton & Freligh’s Mississippi treasury notes and private
scrip, two vignettes stand out, and are shown in Figure 15. The image to the left is on
Mississippi cotton-pledged $50 notes, and the image to the right is on Mississippi cotton-
pledged $10 notes and Mississippi faith-of-the-state-pledged $20 and $5 notes. These
vignettes stand out because they are rarely seen on paper money or other printing of the time.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Figure 15. Two vignettes
from Hutton & Freligh’s
Mississippi Treasury
notes that, unlike most of
their vignettes, were
rarely used by other
printers of obsolete
Hutton & Freligh in 1863 and After
At the end of 1862, Grant was moving south towards Grenada. Some evacuated the
town, like John McClanahan and the Appeal, in November (Ellis, 2003). But in December, the
Confederates attacked Grant and caused him to change paths and strategies, moving
southwest towards Vicksburg. This spared Grenada, briefly, before it was sacked twice by
Federal troops – once in August 1863, and again on January 1, 1865. In both cases, Federal
raids led to the burning of railroad stock and equipment, supporting buildings and supplies, and
other military targets. Undoubtedly, there was significant damage to private property and
Between the end of 1862 and the end of the war, the record of professional activities of
Hutton & Freligh is scarce. No documentation of business between Hutton & Freligh and the
Confederates has been found, nor records of printing of books, journals, or other materials. It
appears that Hutton & Freligh remained in Grenada until the end of the war. One of Freligh’s
daughters died there in 1865. Presumably Hutton & Freligh remained in the printing business,
although it was undoubtedly limited in Grenada.
After the war, both Hutton and Freligh moved back to Memphis, but it appears that they
pursued independent ventures. Articles in The Memphis Daily Appeal show both were involved
in printing and both were well-respected citizens.
Hutton was listed in Memphis directories and censuses over the decades after the war
as a printer, as were several of his sons who lived with and worked for him. In 1867, Hutton
sold advertising timetables for railroads. He was elected in 1885 as an emeritus member of the
International Typographical Union, and he was active in the Episcopal Church. He died in
Memphis in 1910.
Freligh, in the partnership of Freligh & Hite, published Merchants’ Exchange Prices
Current in 1866. He was secretary of the Chamber of Commerce till 1867. In 1869, he and his
family embarked on a three-year adventure, living in Rio de Janeiro where he was owner and
editor of Brazilian World, an English-language newspaper meant for export to the rest of the
world. Upon his return, Freligh “settled down to a very quiet life. He had a strong literary taste
and was a close student of natural philosophy and political economy, and he contributed
frequently for the daily papers” (from his obituary). Among his activities as J. H. Freligh & Co.,
he was publisher’s agent and sold books such as American Cyclopædia and The Military
Operation of Gen. Beauregard from 1861 to 1865. He was active in the Democratic Party. He
died in 1885.
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Freligh’s obituary encapsulates the influence that he and Hutton had on their world and
the effects of the war on many:
“[I]n his time [he] exercised a large influence in his sphere of life, and was highly
esteemed and respected…At the break of the war he was a member of the firm of Hutton
& Freligh, which was publishing the Southern Monthly. He espoused the Southern cause
and sacrificed his property and interests…. He was one among the last of a former
generation, and although he took an interest in public affairs and appeared on the streets
almost daily…he was but little known to the new generation that has come upon the
stage since the war.”
Bernath, Michael. 2010. Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Intellectual Independence in the Civil War South.
University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill.
Bowers, Q. David. 2006. Obsolete Paper Money: Issued by Banks in the United States 1782-1866: A Study and
Appreciation for the Numismatist and Historian. Whitman Publishing, LLC: Atlanta, Ga.
Cooper, Everett. 1969. Paper Money Issued by Railroads in The Confederate States of American (concluded). Paper
Money Vol. VIII, No. 3 - Whole No. 31 - Summer 1969, pp. 82-86.
Criswell, Grover C., Jr. 1992. Confederate and Southern States Currency: A Descriptive Listing, Including Rarity and
Values. BNR Press: Port Clinton, Ohio.
Doty, Richard. 2013. Pictures From a Distant Country. Seeing America Through Old Paper Money. Whitman
Publishing, LLC: Atlanta, Georgia.
Dubay, Robert W. 1975. John Jones Pettus. Mississippi Fire-Eater: His Life and Times 1813-1867. University Press
of Mississippi: Jackson, Mississippi.
Ellis, Barbara G. 2003. The Moving Appeal. Mr. McClanahan, Mrs. Dill, and the Civil War’s Great Newspaper Run.
Mercer University Press: Macon, Georgia.
Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee. County Histories. 1886-1887. The Goodspeed Publishing Co.: Nashville, TN.
Gunther, Bill. 2013. The Many Design Changes of Johnson House Merchant Scrip, Huntsville, Alabama. Paper
Money Vol. LII, No. 6 - Whole No. 288 - November - December 2013, pp. 418-423.
Hughes, Earl. 1998. Kentucky Obsolete Notes and Scrip. SPMC.
John J. Pettus Correspondence and Papers, 1859-1863. Letter of March 1, 1862, IUF #1218. Mississippi Department
of Archives & History. Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Jackson, Mi.
Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi, at a Regular Session thereof, held in the city of
Jackson, November and December 1861 and January 1862. Cooper & Kimball, State Printers: Jackson,
Mississippi, 1862. Pp 430-431.
Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Mississippi, December Session of 1862, and November
Session of 1863. Jackson, Mississippi. Publisher, Cooper & Kimball Steam Printers and Binders. 1864. Pp
Keating, John M. 1888. History of the City of Memphis and Shelby County Tennessee: With Illustrations and
Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Citizens. 2 Volumes. D. Mason & Co., Publishers:
Syracuse, New York.
Kraus, Guy Carleton. 2003. Mississippi Obsolete Notes and Scrip. SPMC.
Laws of the State of Mississippi Passed at Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature Held in the City of Jackson,
November & December 1861, & January, 1862. Jackson, MS. Cooper & Kimball, State Printers, 1862.
Leggett, L. Candler. 1975. Mississippi Obsolete Paper Money and Scrip. Krause Publications: Iola, WI.
Shull, Hugh. 2006. Guide Book of Southern States Currency. History, Rarity, and Values. Whitman Publishing, LLC:
Atlanta, Georgia.
Tremmel, George B. 2007. A Guide Book of Counterfeit Confederate Currency. History, Rarity, and Values. Whitman
Publishing, LLC: Atlanta, Georgia
Wakelyn, Jon L., editor. 1996. Southern Pamphlets on Secession November 1860 – April 1861. University of North
Carolina Press: Chapel Hill.
Acknowledgments. I thank Bill Gunther, Dennis Schafluetzel, and especially Barbara Ellis for comments
on a draft of the manuscript, and Dennis for providing images of Tennessee scrip.
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Central States
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The Paper
Large Size Type Note
Signature Changeover Protocols
Created Collectable Varieties
Peter Huntoon
When new Treasury officials were appointed there were protocols that governed what was to
happen after their signatures were added to the printing plates used to print large size type notes. These
protocols dictated how the notes with the new signatures and those with the old were to be processed at
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing during the transition.
The protocols evolved over time so processing changed. Fascinating but somewhat
technical collectible varieties were associated with each protocol.
The principal years when changes in protocol occurred were 1911 and 1919, respectively
when the Napier-McClung and Elliott-Burke combinations became current. The Napier-
McClung change was caused by a simple tweak in how the notes were numbered. The Elliott-
Burke change was driven more fundamentally by the use of power presses to print currency
faces. You will see that the way the notes were numbered between 1911 and 1919 was
inconsistent, a fact that adds a bit of complexity and richness to this tale.
The $1 Series of 1899 silver certificates will be profiled here because there were no
breaks in their production so they were caught up in every change that will be discussed in this
article. Consequently if you understand what occurred with the 1899 $1s, you will be able to
recognize the same occurrence at the same time in the other type notes. Table 1 lists the Treasury
combinations and serial number block letters for the 1899 $1s.
Figure 1. E47748890 is a Lyons-Roberts serial number that landed on this Lyons-Treat
note when some Lyons-Treat sheets were accidentally placed in the Lyons-Roberts
production stream during the changeover between the signature combinations. This is the
only reported example. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Table 1. Treasury signature combinations, dates when current and serial number block letters used
for them during the issuance of $1 Series of 1899 Silver Certificates.
Register Treasurer Period when Current SC 1899 $1 Block Letters
Judson W. Lyons Ellis H. Roberts Apr 7, 1898‐Jun 30, 1905 no letter A B D E
Judson W. Lyons Charles H. Treat Jul 1, 1905‐Jun 11, 1906 H K
William T. Vernon Charles H. Treat Jun 12, 1906‐Oct 31, 1909 M N R T
William T. Vernon Lee McClung Nov 1, 1909‐May 17, 1911 V X Y
James C. Napier Lee McClung May 18, 1911‐Nov 21, 1912 Y Z AA BB EE HH
James C. Napier Carmi A. Thompson Nov 22, 1912‐Mar 31, 1913 DD
James C. Napier John Burke Apr 1, 1913‐Oct 1, 1913 none printed
Gabe E. Parker John Burke Oct 1, 1913‐Mar 23, 1915 KK MM NN RR
Houston B. Teehee John Burke Mar 24, 1915‐Nov 20, 1919 RR TT UU VV XX YY ZZ BA DA
William S. Elliott John Burke Nov 21, 1919‐May 1, 1921 DA EA HA MA NA RA
William S. Elliott Frank White May 2, 1921‐Jan 24, 1922 DA EA HA KA MA NA
Harley V. Speelman Frank White Jan 25, 1922‐Sep 30, 1927 HA KA MA NA RA TA VA XA
The term type note refers to Treasury currency for the purposes of this article,
specifically to legal tender notes, silver certificates and gold certificates, all of which were
current during the period of interest. Federal Reserve notes and Federal Reserve Bank notes are
classified as bank currency along with national bank notes. The numbering of bank currency
differed from type notes when there were changes in Treasury officials, so this discussion does
not apply to them.
The Treasury signatures were engraved on large size type note plates during the entire
period under discussion. This was troublesome for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing because
when one or both Treasury officials changed, the Bureau had on hand printing plates that
suddenly became obsolete. Of course, they made new plates with the new officers, but that took
time. They also had the option to change the signature(s) on the existing serviceable plates.
The general pattern was that the higher the denomination, the more likely it was that
signatures would be altered on still serviceable plates. In contrast it was unusual for them to alter
signatures on high-demand low-value type note plates because they would be consumed in
relatively short order. In fact there was only one instance when signatures were altered in the
Series of 1899 $1 silver certificates. It occurred during December 1909 when ten Vernon-Treat
plates were altered to Vernon-McClung. The updating of signatures ceased altogether in 1915
after some higher value Parker-Burke plates were altered to Teehee-Burke.
The Bureau could not suddenly stop production when a signature change came along
while everyone waited for new or altered plates to come on line. They had no option but to
continue printing because the Treasury needed the notes to meet public demand. Obviously this
meant that they had to continue using plates with obsolete signatures during a transition period
that lasted variable lengths of time depending on the type note under consideration.
Pre-1911 Protocols
Usually new plates were made for most current type notes when a new Treasury official
was appointed. The obsolete plates continued in production alongside the new in the heavily
used types until they wore out.
The production from the two was rigidly segregated. Printings from the obsolete plates
continued to be numbered in sequence with their predecessors. In the case of on-going $1 1899
Lyons-Roberts production during 1905, serial numbering continued sequentially in the current E
serial number block. However the production from new Lyons-Treat face plates was assigned to
the entirely new H-block, so numbering of the Lyons-Treat notes commenced at H1.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
This protocol eliminated waste. The duration of concurrent production depended on the
size of the inventory of plates with obsolete signatures.
The separation of the notes by signature combination during these transition periods
resulted in a rare and unexpected variety that classifies as a significant but subtle error. Doug
Murray found a $1 1899 Lyons-Treat note that bears serial E47748890, but the E-block was the
last assigned to Lyons-Roberts production. Obviously some Lyons-Treat sheets were misplaced
in the Lyons-Roberts stream during the transition period. It took an eagle eye to spot it.
Change in 1911
A minor change occurred that had a significant impact when the Napier-McClung
combination became current in May 1911. Production from the now obsolete Vernon-McClung
plates was separated from that of Napier-McClung, but the difference was that the Napier-
McClung notes were numbered in sequence with the Vernon-McClung notes that had been
produced before Napier took office. This happened in the middle of the Y-block. The changeover
serial numbers were Y51404000/Y51404001.
This created a dilemma revealing that what happened might have been a mistake. The
question was how were the Vernon-McClung notes that were printed after the changeover to be
The solution devised was to accumulate the Vernon-McClung production until the last of
the Vernon-McClung plates left the presses. It was then inserted as one large group into the on-
going sequence of Y-block serial numbers, thus creating a sizable out-of-sequence group of notes
with Y68------ serial numbers surrounded by current Napier-McClung’s.
The transitions involving the next two 1899 $1 signature combinations, Napier-
Thompson and Parker-Burke, were handled using the pre-1911 protocol. Specifically each was
assigned a new serial number block so those notes began respectively at D1D and K1K. Alas,
this throwback to the pre-1911protocol did not hold.
When the Teehee-Burke plates came along in July 1915, serialing of the Parker-Burke
notes was in the RR block. The new Teehee-Burke notes were appended in sequence to it, which
yielded changeover serials at R4966000R/R49660001R.
Figure 2. Simultaneous printings from obsolete Vernon-McClung plates were
accumulated after Napier-McClung production began at Y51404001 until the
last of the obsolete plates left the presses, then were inserted out-of-sequence as a
batch into the Y block. These notes are distinguished by having serial numbers
that begin Y68. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Once again they were faced with the problem of on-going production, this time from
obsolete Parker-Burke plates. But there was a lot more of it than had occurred previously in the
Vernon-McClung case. Once again they resorted to the same solution. All the Parker-Burke
production was accumulated until the last of those plates left the presses. Then it was inserted en
mass into the RR block. This huge out-of-range group of 4,608,000 notes bearing serials
R68736001R to R73344000R was carefully labeled Parker-Burke in the midst of the Teehee-
Burke entries in the delivery ledger for the series.
Things were about to change radically.
Figure 4. The Vernon-Treat/Vernon-McClung changeover in 1906 occurred at
about serial D82870000. Continued production from obsolete Vernon-Treat
plates was accumulated following the changeover and numbered as an out-of-
sequence batch in the E-block with serials beginning E25-------. Three
specimens from this group are reported. Doug Murray photo.
Figure 3. Continued production from obsolete Parker-Burke plates after the
Teehee-Burke combination became current at R49660001R was accumulated
and inserted as an out-of-sequence batch at R68736001R-R73344000R once the
last of the Parker-Burke plates left service. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
The Elliott-Burke signature combination became current on November 21, 1919, a
seminal date when it came to handling transitions between signature combinations. Big changes
had been afoot at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Demands for ever increasing output had
all but overwhelmed the Bureau thanks to Liberty Loan Bond production during World War I so
there was tremendous pressure to streamline procedures.
The long and short of it was that beginning with the Teehee-Burke/Elliott-Burke
changeover the BEP employees no longer would concern themselves with the signatures that
were in the production stream. Ongoing production from plates bearing the obsolete combination
would be commingled with that from the new, and all of it would be numbered in sequence
without regard to the signatures. This radical shift away from segregating production by
signature combination was an efficiency measure driven by technology. Consequently it is
necessary that we delve into how the faces were printed in order to understand the motivation
behind the change. The next three paragraphs summarize information from the BEP 100th
anniversary volume (BEP, 1952).
All faces were printed on flatbed presses that utilized one 4-subject plate prior to 1919.
By 1919 production also was coming from four-plate power presses. High demand type notes
such as the $1 1899 silver certificates were being printed simultaneously on both types of
Four-plate power presses had been patented in 1876 and the BEP placed its first one in
service during 1878. Some were used to print currency backs up through 1889. Labor was
adamantly opposed to them and galvanized Congressional support to resist their use.
Congressional meddling with royalties in 1889 caused their discontinuance; however, in 1898
some were again purchased for printing backs for silver certificates, legal tender notes and
Treasury notes. Then their use for printing currency and bonds was outlawed by Congress in
An act in 1912 lifted the restriction against printing currency backs on the presses. This
was followed in 1917 and 1919 by further lifting of restrictions driven by the overwhelming
demand for both Liberty Loan bonds and currency. Eight-subject power press currency plates
came on line in 1918, which supplanted the 4-subject plates that had been used previously on the
$1 1899 faces were being printed on both the old flatbed presses and power presses by
1919. The 8-subject sheets coming off the power presses were cut in half and fed through 4-
subject Harris numbering and sealing machines along with the 4-subject sheets from the old
flatbed presses.
Change in 1919
Table 2. Recognized occurrences of pre‐1919 late‐numbered production of large size type notes from
plates with obsolete signatures.
High Serial
Fr. Number at Observed Serials from Number
No. Type New Combination Changeover Late‐Numbered Group Reported
229 & 229a SC 1899 $1 Vernon‐McClung Napier‐McClung Y51404000 Y68426490‐Y68955387 7
232 SC 1899 $1 Parker‐Burke Teehee‐Burke R49660000R R68736001R‐R73344000R1 37
273 SC 1899 $5 Vernon‐Treat Vernon‐McClung D82870000 E25116858‐E25207640 3
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
The important development in 1919 was the decision to cease segregating production by
signature combination in order to simplify processing. Consequently obsolete Teehee-Burke and
current Elliott-Burke plates were in simultaneous use on both types of presses for as long as
Teehee-Burke plates lasted. Furthermore plates with the different signature combinations
routinely were mixed on the same power press. All of this commingled production flowed into
the DA block after the first Elliott-Burke serial, which was D44712001A.
Mixing of plates with different signature combinations on the same power press ushered
in the phenomenon of signature changeover pairs. The production from the power presses left the
presses as a single stack of sheets where the sheets in the stack cycled through the four plates that
were on the press. If the plates were 8-subject, the stack was cut in half and the respective halves
were fed separately through the 4-subject Harris numbering, sealing and separating machines.
Serial numbers were applied sequentially down the half sheets. Either forward or backward
changeover pairs were created as numbering passed between successive sheets bearing different
signature combinations.
Occasionally production from obsolete plates overwhelmed that from current plates. For
example the Speelman-White combination in the $1 Series of 1899 silver certificates began to be
numbered in the latter part of the HA block in 1922. However so many obsolete Elliott-White
plates remained in the plate inventory, they preferentially were sent to press so most of the notes
printed in the HA and succeeded KA block carry Elliott-White rather than Speelman-White
Better yet is the fact that there were many dozens of even older still-serviceable and even
new Elliott-Burke plates in the plate vault at the start of the Speelman-White era. They hadn’t
been used up during the previous Elliott-White period. They too were fed into the mix of plates
on the presses. The result was that Elliott-Burke, Elliott-White and Speelman-White notes were
in simultaneous production for the next couple of years.
Figure 5. Elliott-Burke/Teehee-Burke backward changeover pair created when plates with
different signature combinations were mixed on 4-plate power presses after power presses began
to be used to print currency faces in 1919. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
But there was an even better wrinkle associated with the old Elliott-Burke plates than
their use well into the Speelman-White era. They were used continuously until December 17,
1921. Then none were sent to press again until August 2, 1922, a gap of eight months. In contrast
Elliott-White and Speelman-White production was non-stop through that period.
Half the Elliott-Burke plates sent to press when production resumed in August had seen
some service but the others were brand new. The last of them made it to March 2, 1923, beyond
the last of the younger Elliott-Whites!
These usage patterns had to have interesting numismatic impacts and indeed they did.
You will find from Table 1 that there was concurrent numbering of the three signature
combinations from the HA block forward, but ironically the older Elliott-Burke production
outlasted that of Elliott-White. Specifically, the last Elliott-White notes were numbered in the
NA block in contrast to the Elliott-Burkes making it all the way into the RA block.
The eight-month gap in Elliott-Burke production from December 1921 to August 1922
reveals itself in the fact that no Elliott-Burke notes were numbered in the KA block. The gap
between the earlier and later groups of Elliott-Burke notes has been narrowed to H40797764A-
M42098443A based on reported specimens. This range will narrow further but you can stop
looking for KA Elliott-Burke notes because they just weren’t around to be numbered then. If you
are a die-hard aficionado of Series of 1899 $1 blocks, you now have well-defined early and late
groups of Elliott-Burke notes mixed in with unbroken runs of concurrent Elliott-White and
Speelman-White notes!
Napier-McClung/Napier Thompson Changeover
The transition to the short-lived Napier-Thompson combination was the most unusual of
the signature changes in the $1 1899 silvers. Napier and Thompson served together from
November 22, 1912 to March 31, 1913.
The Napier-Thompson combination was not used on most type notes. It appeared only on
1899 $1, $2 and $5 silver certificates; 1907 $5 legal tender notes; and 1882 $100, 1906 $20 and
1907 $10 gold certificates. Also it was used on Series of 1902 date and plain back national bank
note plates for 132 banks.
The Napier-Thompson era was followed by Napier-Burke, another short-lived
combination that lasted from April 1 to October 1, 1913. The story of the Napier-
Figure 6. Use of plates with obsolete Treasury signatures until they wore out
resulted in production of Elliott-White notes well into the Speelman-White era. The
last of the Elliott-White notes were numbered in the NA block. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
McClung/Napier-Thompson transition cannot be told without bringing in the Napier-Burke
No Series of 1899 plates were made with the Napier-Burke combination. Instead, it was
used solely on Series of 1882 $100 and $10,000 gold certificates, Series of 1907 $1000 gold
certificates, and Series of 1900 certificates of deposit, as well as Series of 1902 date and plain
back national bank plates for 85 banks.
For some reason Napier-McClung $1 1899 production shouldered aside all but token
quantities of Napier-Thomson printings and totally supplanted Napier-Burke printings. Here is
what happened.
The $1 Series of 1899 Napier-McClung/Napier-Thompson changeover followed pre-
1911 protocols. Specifically there was concurrent production from the plates from both
combinations and it was carefully segregated. The Napier-Thompson notes were numbered
separately in the newly dedicated DD block so commenced with serial D1D. Napier-McClung
notes continued to be numbered in their on-going BB block. All other similarities ended here.
Forty-three Napier-Thompson $1 1899 plates were made. The first was certified
December 4, 1912 and the last March 25, 1913, respectively bearing plate serial numbers 8594
and 9034. The plate numbers represent a range of 341 plates. The other 298 were new Napier-
McClung plates among which the Napier-Thompsons were mixed.
Where it really gets peculiar is that after they stopped making Napier-Thompson plates,
they didn’t move on to making Napier-Burke plates, but instead continued making more Napier-
McClung plates. Consequently Napier-McClung plates were made all the way until October 11,
1913 just a couple of days before the first Parker-Burke plates started coming on line. We are not
talking about a few more Napier-McClung plates to fill the Napier-Burke void. The total number
involved was another 845 plates ending with plate serial number 8979.
Serial D6740000D was reached in the Napier-Thompson block, but that number was
dwarfed by on-going Napier-McClung production that continued well after the Napier-
Thompson printings ceased.
Napier-McClung production was being numbered in the BB block when Napier-
Thompson production commenced. It continued until the BB block was finished, then consumed
the entire EE block, and finally ended after chewing through a fifth of the HH block. The last of
the Napier-McClung plates wore out well into the Parker-Burke era!
We have found no explanation for this very curious state of affairs.
Figure 7. Obsolete Elliott-Burke plates survived into the Speelman-White era so
the last notes from them were numbered in the RA block in 1923. Ironically the
stock of obsolete Elliott-Burke plates had lasted longer than the younger stock of
Elliott-White plates, which also were being used up. Three Elliott-Burke RA-block
notes have been reported. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Precedence Setting
The practice of mixing plates with obsolete and current signature combinations on the
same power press begun in 1919 set a precedent for how plates with obsolete signatures would
be handled for the next 35 years. The change bridged the conversion to small notes so was
employed throughout the 1928 and 1934 series because those plates also carried Treasury
signatures. Mixing of plates lasted until 1953 when the last of the 1928 and 1934 plates went out
of service. By then all denominations in all classes had been converted to overprinted signatures.
The news in 1919 wasn’t that they used up plates with obsolete signatures following
signature changes. There was nothing new in that. The new wrinkle was that they stopped
dividing the sheets based on signatures and numbering the two streams separately. Instead they
commingled the sheets with the different combinations and numbered them as they came. The
change was an efficiency measure. A primary motivation for taking the step was the lifting of a
Congressional ban on the use of four-plate power presses to print currency faces.
Abandonment of the practice in 1953 also was technology driven. By then the phase-in of
signature overprinting of Treasury signatures begun in 1935 on $1 silver certificates had been
spread to all denominations and classes of currency.
The use of plates with different signature combinations on the presses and numbering the
sheets as one stream gave rise in 1919 to signature changeover pairs and multiple signature
combinations from the same serial numbering blocks.
At its best, three different Series of 1899 signature combinations were being printed
simultaneously for a time during the first half of the Speelman-White era. They were obsolete
Elliott-Burke and Elliott-White, and current Speelman-White. The three combinations were
mixed within the HA, MA and NA serial number blocks. Any combination of forward or
backward changeover pairs is possible between them.
The phenomenon reached its zenith in the $1 silver certificates during 1934 when 1928A,
1928B, 1928C, 1928D and 1928E plates, each with different signature combinations, were on the
presses at the same time. All five were being numbered together in the JB block. There were
different mixes of those plates on the same press so collectors have found several varieties of the
possible changeover pairs.
The protocols and timing of events outlined here apply across all classes and
denominations in the large note series. For example the $1 Series of 1917 legal tender issues
spanning the Elliott-Burke, Elliott-White and Speelman-White era exhibit the same basic
complexity found in the $1 1899 silver certificates. All three signature combinations appeared in
the MA block.
Just as has been well-documented in the small note series, variable usage patterns through
time & tapering off of the usage of plates with obsolete signatures created rare blocks for various
signature combinations among the affected type notes. These are slowly being mapped out.
Reference Cited and Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1863-1929, Certified proofs of type note face plates: National
Numismatic Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1962, History of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1962: U.
S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 199 p.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Custodian of Dies, Rolls and Plates, 1869-1917, Record of
miscellaneous plates in the United States and miscellaneous vault, several ledgers: Record Group
318, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD., and Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Historical Resource Center, Washington, DC.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Custodian of Dies, Rolls and Plates, 1917-1953, Ledger and historical
record of stock in miscellaneous vault, 4-8-12 sub faces, silver certificate Series 1899-1935 all
denominations: U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Numbering Division, 1910-1928, Final receipts for notes and
certificates: Record Group 318, vols. NC01 & NC02, U. S. National Archives, College Park,
MD.; vols. NC03-NC09, Bureau of Engraving and Printing Historical Resource Center,
Washington, DC.
W_l]om_ to Our N_w
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk—SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 09/05/2016
14543 Caitlyn Trautwein, (C), Website
14544 Corey Scharer, (C), Website
14545 Neal Herman, (C), Website
14546 Vincent Iannetta, (C), ANA
14547 John Junker, (C), ANA
14548 Michael Koehler, (C), Jason Bradford
14549 John H. Jewell, (C), Website
14550 Awsan Al-Mohaini, (C), Website
14551 Charles Gordon, (C), Website
LM430 David Zlowe, (C), Website
NEW MEMBERS 10/05/2016
14552 Dave Wong, (C & D), Tom Conklin
14553 Grayson Gwaltney, (C), Website
14554 Steve McConnell, (C), Website
14555 Larry Neal, (C) Tom Denly
14556 Carl Casino, (C), Tom Denly
14557 Michael Tallent, (C & D), Website
14558 Dennis Brock, (C), Website
14559 David Wells, (D), Jerry E. Jones
14560 Ahmad Alomari, (C & D), Website
14561 Michael Shores, (C & D), Jason
14562 Mark Brown, (C), Website
14563 James Quinn, (C), Website
Life Memberships
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Fernando Fernández, a Mexican banknote engraver and printer…
…and his relationship with the Bank of Mexico
by Cedrian López‐Bosch1
I recently became intrigued with an item auctioned in Mexico City (figure 1). I’ve never
been interested in promotional notes, but this one had something that drew my attention: it
looked too similar to the ABNCo.‐printed banknotes issued by the Bank of Mexico to be a
coincidence. However, in more than two years researching this Bank’s emissions, I didn’t recall
coming across the name of the promotional note’s engraver and printer: Fernando Fernández.
There were not many references about him online. Most sites reproduced the same story,
Frida Kahlo’s father asked his friend Fernando Fernández to take her as a drawing and engraving
apprentice at his atelier in 1925. Another telling anecdote was that he imported some English
presses that were used to print Pound banknotes in the 19th Century, and would later reproduce
engravings from Francisco Toledo and José Luis Cuevas in Mexico. I also found a promotional
stamp presenting Fernández as a Banknote Engraver in Mexico and New York, with an image
previously used in Mexican banknotes (figure 2). As I dug further, a couple of friends told me that
a few years ago a box of files belonging to Mr. Fernández was sold by the
pound, and I decided to track those items. I found a few, dispersed through
different buyers. There were some advertising cards, pictures and manuals
of banknote printing presses, patents, stationery, greeting cards, small
intaglio prints, patterns and guilloches samples, professional and private
correspondence, and a few invoices. Apparently there were also letters
mentioning that Fernández worked for, or tried to bring U.S. engravers to
Mexico (including John Wallace), and that he was related to the engraving of
the vignette used in the ABNCo. 20 pesos banknote, but I wasn’t able to see
any of those documents yet. Finally, one of the file’s owners talked about
Fernández’s relationship with Mr. Alfonso Quiroz Cuarón, the head of the
Department for Special Investigations at the Bank of Mexico. In the next
pages there is a summary of these findings with some illustrations of the
materials I managed to see.
Figure 1‐‐Promotional note by Fernando Fernández.
Figure 2‐‐Promotional
stamp by Fernando
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Born in 1886, Fernández
was trained as engraver in the US and
established in his hometown of Puebla,
where he got married in 1908. He
worked for the Ministry of Finance’s
Government Printing Office, under
Carranza’s Constitutionalist movement
and became head of the engraving
department. There, he designed the one
and two pesos notes that were printed
in Mexico complementing the so‐called
non‐counterfeitable bills (figure 3) as
well as post stamps2 (figure 4). He was
also related to procurement issues
purchasing machinery and inputs, and
was commissioned by the Finance
Ministry in early 1918 to arrange with
the ABNC the technical details of the
printing of the banknotes for the Banco
de la República Mexicana, the first
attempt of a single emission bank after
the Mexican Revolution, which was never established. Later on he started an import and export
company of printing equipment, paper, and special inks for
banknotes, while he also made some steel engraving in
Mexico City and in New York. The Great Depression
eventually forced him to settle in Mexico permanently.
In 1929, he founded the company Grabados
Fernando Fernández with his son, Rubén Fernández, whose
signature, by the way, appears on the auctioned promotional
note. The company still exists and prints stationery and
business cards, but apparently no relatives work there
anymore and no one there seems to have kept any track of
their history or archives.
As deeply involved in the security printing world as he was,
he would have been able to market in different countries
some American and English state of the art printing presses
from Waite, W.H. Chapman & Co. and R. Hoe & Co.3 (figure 5),
and security printing machinery produced by himself, such as pantographs, geometrical lathes,
manual and hydraulic transfer machines, etc. He held a 1939 Mexican patent for a security tab for
cheques (figure 6), and two US patents for an intaglio printing apparatus he invented in 19414 and
an additional method of plate printing in 1944.5 With such an equipment in his company, he was
one of the best equipped security printers in Mexico.
Figure 3—Newspaper article at Pueblo’s front page with
Fernández’s portrait and reproduction of models for the
non‐counterfeitable bills he designed. HNDM
Figure 4—Stamps designed by
Fernando Fernández. Images from
TIEV’s philatelic collection
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
But when and how
did he become involved with
the Bank of Mexico?
Apparently that happened
after several attempts, in
different moments and
capacities over a 40‐year
period. As part of a research
project I’m currently
undertaking, I was able to
find at the Bank’s historical
archives a translation of a
reference letter sent in 1926
by the Reichsdrückerei
(German National Printing
Office) to the Mexican chargé
d’affaires in Berlin, stating
that he was proficient in steel
engraving, and that he had
trained their employees in the
use of geometrical lathes and
transfer machines.6 I managed
to find some records from his
trip to Germany earlier that
year, and among his
correspondence there were
some letters from one of his
trainees, describing with detail the
kind of work he taught.
Nevertheless, there is no sign of any specific job resu lting from this letter.
Almost a decade later, when Mexico changed from large to small‐size banknotes, the Bank of
Mexico approached (and/or was approached by) different security printers, including Mr.
Fernández. In a letter addressed to Mr. Gonzalo Robles, General Director of the Bank, dated
December 12, 1935 he sent a promotional note suggesting that Mexican paper money could be
engraved and printed locally (figure 7).7 The description seems to point out that this might be from
the same printing or even the one auctioned, as the letter has a second signature of Fernández,
with a handwritten legend saying that the promotional note was returned to him. ABNCo.
remained as the sole printer of the Bank of Mexico’s banknotes and to my knowledge all the
engravings were made by this company’s employees, not by Fernández, thus this second approach
was also fruitless.
A third attempt occurred in the late fifties. Since the creation of the Bank of Mexico, in
order for a banknote to be issued this institution had to comply with a set of requirements. This
was certified by a Government comptroller or inspector and then the banknotes were sent to the
Ministry of Finance to be stamped with two seals, one from this Ministry and another one from
Figure 5—Printing simple using R. Hoe & Co. rotary steel plate press from Mr.
Fernando Fernández’s files. Image courtes of Siddharta Sanchez‐Murillo.
Figure 6—Fernando Fernández’s Mexican security tab and
patent. Image courtesy of Clemente Juárez.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
the Bank, alongside other features (series letters,
dates, signatures, etc.). This work was done at
the Ministry’s security printing office where
Fernández worked around 1915, an office
currently known as Talleres de Impresión de
Estampillas y Valores (TIEV). During the 1950s,
with a growing GDP in the country, the capacity
of the TIEV was rapidly overloaded, putting
pressure on the Bank of Mexico to fulfill the
demand for banknotes. Thus, the Bank
considered purchasing its own printing presses to
print those seals, of course with strong
opposition from TIEV´s Union. At the end of that
decade, Mr. Fernández presented a memo
recommending that the Bank purchase the up‐to‐
date machines, and offering his services to create
the original plates, training and overseeing the
personnel that could do the printing.8 This would
increase this process’ efficiency, productivity and
security. Again, it is not clear whether he
succeeded, as these seals continued to be
printed at the TIEV until the bank established its
printing factory, except for the lower
denomination notes which were requested to be
fully finished by the ABNCo. Nevertheless, it might
be possible that the Bank could have purchased some printing machines to print the other
features such as dates and countersigns, which were initially printed by the TIEV.
While I haven’t been able to determine whether Fernández was directly involved with the
Bank of Mexico in the fight against counterfeiting, he was certainly close to Mr. Quiroz Cuarón, in
charge of this task at the Bank. Through the intermediation of the latter, he gave expert advice
authenticating notes and identifying forgeries for some Central American banks, and did some
steel engravings for other clients in the region.
Finally, in the early sixties when the Bank of Mexico decided to establish its own printing
factory, one of the challenges was not only to design the banknotes & engrave the plates for them,
but also to train the Mexican personnel. The design of the first notes was made by Reyes Santana,
a Mexican designer who was trained a few years before at the Giori Engraving Institute in Milan,
but the engravings were made by different engravers in Europe, including Mr. Mario Baiardi. The
the first note to be printed at the Bank of Mexico’s Banknote Printing Factory was the 10 pesos
note bearing the image of national hero Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and other symbols of the
independence, and the person in charge of bringing the design to the Organization Giori was
precisely Mr. Fernando Fernández in 1965, who was requested to “watch the techniques used to
make the original plates both intaglio and offset”9. I assume the invoices in his files dated between
February and August 1965 (figure 8) correspond precisely for these professional services rendered
to the Bank of Mexico.
Figure 7—Letter of Mr. Fernando Fernández
presenting a promotional note to the Bank of
Mexico. AHBanxico.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Thus, it seems that after several attempts, Mr.
Fernández (who was convinced his true calling was as a
banknote engraver and printer) managed to work for the Bank
of Mexico. I don’t know whether he performed any other
activity, although his company printed the 50‐anniversary
commemorative book about the headquarters of the Bank of
Mexico in 1975 (figure 9).
Should anyone have further information about Mr.
Fernández activity in the security printing industry, particularly
related to Mexico, I would appreciate if you could share it with
Banco de México, El edificio del Banco de México 1925‐1975, México, Grabados Fernando Fernández, 1975.
203 pp.
Banco de Mexico’s Historical Archives
Fernando Fernandez’s personal archives (in private collections)
Mexico’s National Digital Newspaper Archives
Stamp and Security Printing Workshops’ Philatelic collection
1 I want to thank (in alphabetical order) Joe Boling, Mark Clark, Clemente Juárez, Mario Moncada, Gabriel Saborío,
Siddharta Sánchez Murillo, Fred Schwann and Mark Tomasko for helping me putting together this puzzle.
2 Several stamps between 1915 and 1918 are attributed to him for the Great Men and Venues and Monuments stamp
series. Nevertheless, a newspaper article also mentions others bearing archeological sites, which were issued until the
mid‐1920s. El Nacional, “El arte del grabado retrospectivo aplicado a los valores mexicanos constituye una novedad y
honra al obrero nacional”, January 19th, 1917, p. 1 [Online:
Pagina=1, retrieved May 1st, 2016].
3 According to one of the promotional items by R. Hoe & Co. in these files, this company branded itself as “the largest
printing machine manufacturers & engineers in the world for bank notes, postage stamps, bonds. etc.” See Fred
Schwan’s section of “Uncoupled” in Paper Money #296, March‐April 2015.
4 US 2351030 A
5 US 2427556 A
6 AHBanxico, Box #3892, File #12.
7 Idem.
8 AHBanxico, Box #3916, File #10
9 AHBanxico, Box #3897, File #7
Figure 9—Engraving from the BoM
50th Anniversary Book
Figure 8—Invoice to the Bank of
Mexico. Image courtesy of Siddharta
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COVER_Layout 1 2/1/15 7:32 PM Page 1
We are constantly looking to purchase U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Stocks, Bonds,
Stamps, Coins and Postal History from individual better items, to large estate collections
We will also consider suitable consignments for our live,
internet and mail-bid auctions held regularly throught the year
A 131‐Year Old Mystery Solved!
New Research Identifies
The Official First Date of Issue For Type II Postal Notes
by Kent Halland and Charles Surasky
Collectors of U.S. Postal Notes, an early form U.S. Money Orders, know when the notes were
first officially issued. And they know the series’ final day of issue. What has eluded researchers and
collectors are the dates the other designs were first officially released for use.
New research has uncovered and assimilated some key facts that support more than 40
years of research into this increasingly popular series. And we can now identify the mysterious
“Official first date of issue” of the Type II design. However, there is one reported Postal Note
seemingly in conflict of the “official” first date, a note that has not surfaced in years and has not been
available for study. More on this note later in this article.
The United States officially began issuing Postal Notes on September 3, 1883. The initial
design, known as Type I, was printed on yellow banknote paper. The issuing clerk was required to
hand write the note’s value (from $0.01 up to the series’ $4.99 statutory maximum), then confirm
its value by punching holes through the corresponding numbers representing dollars, dimes and
Like their direct ancestors, Postage and Fractional Currency Notes, Postal Notes were
produced by private banknote companies under contracts awarded by the U. S. government. Type I
notes, as well as Types II, II‐A and III were engraved and printed by the Homer Lee Bank Note
Company of New York. Its contract commenced in 1883 and concluded in 1887. Type IV notes were
engraved and printed from 1887 to 1891 by the American Bank Note Company, also located in New
York. Type V notes were printed by Philadelphia’s Dunlap & Clarke from 1891 to 1894 (see Chart
One). All Postal Notes were printed on paper supplied by Crane and Company, the Dalton,
Massachusetts firm that became the government’s prime contractor for security paper in the late
Chart One‐‐Production Contract Information
Supply Private Dates of PN Types
Contract Contractor Contract Produced__
First Homer Lee September 3, 1883 to I, II, II‐A, III
Bank Note Co. September 2, 1887
Second American September 3, 1887 to IV
Bank Note Co. September 2, 1891
Third Dunlap & September 3, 1891 to V
Clarke June 30, 1894
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Widespread publicity and the increasing popularity of “collecting” led to the public’s
acquisition of numerous first day and low serial number notes. As instruments of commerce, Postal
Notes were also popular with the public because they were easier to obtain and less expensive than
Money Orders, albeit with less security.
During the 12‐year series, more than 70,824,000 Postal Notes were issued. The
overwhelming majority were issued, delivered and redeemed, then returned to Washington, D.C.,
where they were accounted for and destroyed. Official government statistics pinpoint 475,891
Postal Notes still outstanding at the close of the 19th Century. However, only an estimated total of
2,000 examples have survived into the 21st century. Many of the survivors have face values of only
one or two cents, suggesting they were acquired by collectors, souvenir‐hunters and postal
Homer Lee’s Second Design
The first design’s shortcomings led the government, with the assistance of Homer Lee’s
engraving and printing staff, to sharply alter the layout and to change the issuing process. It
reduced the note’s size and switched to a creamy white paper. Like the Type I notes, Type II notes
required the “punching” of the number of dimes and cents to indicate the note’s value. But the
number of dollars – if any – were indicated by dollar coupons located at the note’s left, and the
locations for both the issuing and redeeming (paying) Money Order Office date‐stamps were moved
to the reverse (see Illustrations 1 and 2 ((below)) for examples of Type I and Type II Postal Notes,
All Type I Postal Notes were
printed on 6 3/8 by 3 ¼ inch
yellow Crane & Co. banknote
The design required
“punching” of the year and
month of issue, as well as the
dollars, dimes, and cents in the
correct columns. The obverse
had locations for both issuing
(top circle) and paying
(bottom circle) office hand‐
stamps. This serial number 1
note was issued for 50 cents
at Chelsea Station in Boston,
Massachusetts, and was
redeemable only there and in
Boston, Massachusetts. This
note was never redeemed.
(Image courtesy of Heritage
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Type II Postal Notes were
reduced in size to 5 5/16 by 3
3/8 inches (without the dollar
coupons) and printed on a
creamy white Crane & Co.
banknote paper. Each note’s
face value was indicated by
“punched” holes for the dimes
and cents, with coupons at the
note’s left end cut to indicate
the number of dollars. The
locations of issuing and paying
postmaster’s hand‐stamps
were moved to the reverse.
This serial number 2334 note
was issued at Woburn, MA in
the amount of three dollars,
and was payable at South
Dennis (MA). However, it was
accidentally redeemed in
South Yarmouth,
Massachusetts. This note
survived because it was
rejected for reimbursement by
the government’s auditor. The
reason: it was redeemed by
D.D. Kelley at the wrong
location, and returned to Peleg
P. Akin, postmaster at South
Yarmouth, who suffered an
expensive lesson regarding
improper payment of Postal
Notes! (Image courtesy of
Heritage Auctions.)
The changes that led to the creation of Type II Postal Notes were not the last in this series.
Subsequent design changes are catalogued as Type III, Type IV and Type V. Collectors also
recognize a transitional use of Type II notes issued after passage of the Law of 1887. These notes
are catalogued as Type II‐A.
When Were The “Middle” Designs First Issued?
We know the first and last day of issue for the series because the government’s
announcements were printed in newspapers throughout the nation well in advance of those events.
That publicity stimulated the public’s collecting activities, leading to numerous extra “first day”
(September 3, 1883) and “last day” (June 30, 1894) notes being saved.
But what about the “first” and “last” dates for the “middle” types, known as Type II, III and
IV? Our goal here is to determine the official “first date of issue” for the Type II design, so we will
leave the other dates for future research. For now, collectors must continue to depend on the data
assembled into Chart Two.
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Unfortunately for 21st Century collectors and researchers, the government made no public
announcements regarding the introduction of Type II notes. That led us to: 1) examine the known
notes and/or available note data; 2) organize the data by design and dates of issue, and 3) locate
documents related to Postal Notes that provide clues. Finally, following our previous three steps,
we built and tested a theory about a possible initial introduction date for the design.
During the last 40+ years, organized collectors have cataloged each Postal Note observed,
reported, sold at auction, offered on eBay, etc. This coordinated effort, exhaustively maintained for
decades by the late J. Noll, had located 1,460 Postal Notes, including 122 examples of the Type II
design, by June of 2004. (Noll classified both Types II and II‐A by the Higgins & Gage number
“HGOJ2,” but indicated the transitional Type II‐A notes by entering “Any M. O. Office” in lieu of a
paying post office.) Noll’s 2004 compilation, his last, required more than 100,000 keystrokes – a
herculean effort by any measure.
Examination of the dates of issue of the notes from Noll’s original database, plus about 350
previously unreported notes through an ongoing effort by numerous individuals and contributors,
has led to the development of the data in Chart Two.
When studying Chart Two, be mindful that many of the notes were recorded long ago by
researchers – often looking at mediocre quality black and white images faxed to them over 2.4k
baud modems! (There were no affordable digital cameras, nor was there email access, nor was
anyone able to attach an image to a text message because the Internet did not exist forty years ago!)
Much of the data too, was likely collected and recorded on paper in cursive writing ‐‐ probably with
Noll’s easily corrected #2 pencil. The number of observed and reported Postal Notes limited an in‐
depth study as well. With that in mind as more data surfaces, inconsistencies with the “old data” are
to be expected, and when encountered, should be addressed and corrected if possible. We will do
exactly that later in this article.
Chart Two‐‐Observed Issuance Period of Postal Notes by Type
Design Earliest & Latest Reported Notes
Type I Sept. 3, 1883 to Feb. 26, 1885
Type II Feb. 16, 1884* to March 10, 1888
Type II‐A Jan 22, 1887** to Sept. 8, 1888
Type III Sept. 8, 1887 to June 11, 1894
Type IV Jan. 26, 1888 to May 9, 1894
Type V Feb 15, 1892 to June 30, 1894
*Earliest Type II date will be changing soon!
**Earliest Type II‐A possible is January 3, 1887, the date the new law was passed.
Note: Chart Two data is based on “Index of U.S. Postal Notes in Collectors Hands” Seventh Edition
(2004), a census manually compiled by James E. Noll, plus subsequent input of numerous collectors
and researchers through November 15, 2015. A new edition of a “census” is currently in
preparation. An update of this chart will be published after the new census is completed.
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An Unexpected Clue
Last November, co‐author Kent Halland discovered a relevant piece of Postal Note data in
an obscure location. While using the Google Books search engine, he found the following paragraph
in “Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1887.” While the
entire section on page 687 of that document is interesting to Postal Note collectors, we have
highlighted the portion relevant to this article:
“Postal Notes—One of the outgrowths of the money-order system, as well as a
substitute for fractional currency produced by the exigencies of the civil war, is the postal
note. Its aim is the utmost convenience in the payment of sums of less than $5 through
the agency of the mails. The law by which the postal note was authorized was signed by
the President March 3, 1883, and the issue was begun simultaneously at all money-order
offices on Sept. 3, 1883. The postal note was not designed to take the place of the money-
order. In the money-order the Government is responsible for the payment to the true
payee, while in the case of the postal note it assumes no responsibility whatever, but pays
the money to the holder, who by his possession of it is prima facia owner. A note is
issued for any sum from one cent to $4.99 inclusive, and the uniform fee is three cents.
The postmaster who is called upon to issue a postal note enters in the body of the note the
name of the office drawn upon, and the amount. In every instance he is required to write
out the full number of dollars, but may insert figures for the number of cents; and his
signature must be written, not stamped. With a plyer-punch the requisite figures are
canceled, and the note is ready for the sender. The postmaster must also enter in the stub
of his book the amount in figures, the date of issue, and the name of the money-order
office drawn upon. On April 25, 1884, a circular was sent out by the post-office
department, giving notice of a new design known as the coupon order, which was
issued to supersede the note of 1883. The popularity of the postal note is shown by the
following statement of its growth up to the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 1886.”
FISCAL YEAR. Number Issued. Value.
1884 3,689,237 (10 mos.) $ 7,411,992.48
1885 5,058,287 $ 9,996,274.37
1886 5,999,428 $11,718,010.05
Additional research found that Nicholas Bruyer had mentioned the same document in his
award‐winning four‐part treatise published in the Society of Paper Money Collectors Paper Money
magazine from the Fall of 1973 to May, 1974.
As it turns out, a copy of the April 25, 1884 document Bruyer had mentioned was in his
personal collection. It sold 37 years after publication of his articles at Heritage Auctions’ 2011
January Tampa FUN Signature Currency Auction #3512 (lot 15827.) Illustrations 3 and 4 are
cropped images of the front cover and the pertinent paragraph from that document. Images of the
full pages of the document can be viewed at the website. But be aware: there are two
images shown for the auction lot (possibly a rear cover of a September, 1895 Official Postal Guide)
that might not belong to the 1884 document!
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Cropped image of front
cover of Superintendent’s
April 25, 1884
(Image courtesy of
Heritage Auctions.)
Cropped image from page
three of Superintendent’s
April 25, 1884
(Image courtesy of
Heritage Auctions.)
The April 25, 1884 pamphlet was distributed to postmasters at Money Order Offices to
announce both the upcoming release of the “new design recently adopted,” and to provide detailed
instructions to postmasters for properly remitting and paying the newly designed notes. As done
with the announcement of the Type I Postal Notes in newspapers during 1883, the Post Office
Department used simplified facsimile images of the new note rather than actual images in the
instructional pages of the pamphlet. (We intentionally omitted the facsimile note images.)
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There it is: Washington, D.C. officially alerted the nation’s postmasters that a new Postal
Note design would be delivered “…when the present supply of each office shall have been sufficiently
exhausted…” The first possible date of issue for the new design – the Type II notes ‐‐ was April 25,
Although being superseded, the larger, yellow notes, known today as Type I, would continue
to be valid for issuance, and the new design (Type II) would be distributed for issuance. So it is
evident both Types would be in use simultaneously at different locations until existing supplies of
Type I notes were exhausted.
Not clearly stated in the notice: any new requisitions received for blank Postal Notes would
be filled using books of Type I notes ‐‐ if such notes were held in reserve stock by the Postal Note
Agency. The Money Order Offices for which there was no reserve stock would require newly
printed notes to fulfill their orders. The latter offices then would be the first to receive the newly
approved Type II design – the reduced size notes described in the Appletons paragraph as the
“coupon order.”
Referring again to Chart Two it is obvious the Postal Note Agency and some post offices had
a very large quantity of the Type I notes on‐hand, or issued Type I notes at a very slow rate. We
draw this conclusion because the latest known date of issuance for a Type I Postal Note extends for
months AFTER the earliest known Type II survivor!
So the new design, the Type II notes, were first shipped to many, but not all, of the
requesting offices throughout the nation sometime around April 25th, 1884. We now have a key
“official” clue to the initial introductory date of the new, smaller Postal Notes, but it is only one clue
at this point.
Does This Clue Confirm Recent Data?
Does this new information confirm or refute previous research? And what does the current
census of known Postal Notes suggest when compared with this new fact? Finally, what key piece of
information is needed for all Postal Note enthusiasts to recognize April 25, 1884 as the Official first
date of issue of the Type II notes?
Does the newly‐located information arising from Appletons’ Cyclopaedia and the Instructions
Concerning Issue and Payment of Postal Notes of the New Design confirm, or at least generally
support, the data taken from the surviving notes? It does, but with ONE exception!
Thousands of Type I and Type II Postal Notes were issued on a daily basis starting on the
second design’s first date of public availability – which should be on or immediately after the April
25th, 1884 announcement date. Of the thousands of notes, only one reported Type II survivor seems
to be dated before April 25th. It is the Pipe Stone, Minnesota, serial number 4056, dated February
16, 1884 in Jim Noll’s 2004 Index. For brevity, we will refer to this note as “#4056” hereafter.
Before discussing #4056, some other significant early Type II notes need to be mentioned,
all of which support our conclusion that April 25th, 1884 was the “official” first date of issue.
The study of Jim Noll’s 2004 data, as well as actual notes that have surfaced since ‐‐ with
particular emphasis on serial number 1 notes and change‐over dates or change‐over pairs ‐‐ yields
absolute proof the new Type II notes were being issued by Money Order Offices less than one
month after April 25, 1884.
An important factor in our analysis of these notes is determining the average issue rate (per
week) for each of the issuing post offices, then comparing them to the issuance data from Pipe
Stone. This rate is shown in parenthesis below the information for each of the other early Type II
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Working in reverse chronological order, we found seven significant Type II Postal Notes:
1. The first and only serial #1 is:
La Moure, Dakota Territory—Type II, #1, July 31, 1884.
(Average issue rate cannot be calculated without additional data.)
2. The earliest (reported, but unconfirmed) change‐over pair is:
Akron, OH—Type II #3501, June 20, 1884
Akron, OH—Type I #3500, June 19, 1884
(Average issue rate of 84 per week.)
3. The earliest known in 1974, per the second segment of Bruyer’s articles is:
New York, NY —Type II #20368, June 3, 1884
(Average issue rate of 508 per week.)
4. The next earliest New York, NY is:
New York, NY —Type II #20320, June 2, 1884
(Average issue rate of 508 per week.)
5. There are two locations with change‐over dates. They are:
North Springfield, MO—TYPE II #501, May 23, 1884
North Springfield, MO—TYPE I #498, May 23, 1884
(Average issue rate of 13 per week.)
6. and
Hartford, CT—Type II #3502, May 22, 1884
Hartford, CT—Type I #3500, May 22, 1884
(Average issue rate of 93 per week.)
7. The earliest note issued after the Superintendent’s announcement, is:
Baltimore, MD—Type II #9502, May 16, 1884.
(Average issue rate of 259 per week.)
When Postal Notes were requisitioned by an issuing office, the time required for the Postal
Note Agency to receive and fulfill the order (for Postal Notes not currently in Homer Lee’s reserve
stock) is estimated to be as much as three weeks. That closely matches the lapse of time between
the April 25, 1884 Superintendent’s announcement and the issue date of the Baltimore, Maryland
Postal note #9502 issued May 16, 1884. (It may have survived because it was among the first of the
Type II notes that Baltimore received. Has anyone seen #9501?)
Why Large Money Order Offices May Not Have Received the “New”
Type II Notes before Smaller Offices
At the time of Bruyer’s articles, many Postal Note experts believed the first date of issue for
the Type II design was on or about June 3, 1884. Most likely this theory was based on the date of
issue of the earliest known Type II note: New York, NY, serial # 20368. Why? A long‐standing
assumption has been the large city post offices consumed more Postal Notes and placed
requisitions more often than smaller offices. Therefore these larger offices would likely receive any
new types of notes before the smaller offices.
We now believe that assumption was incorrect. The large post offices were actually less
likely to obtain any new style notes earlier than the smaller post offices! Here’s the reason why:
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On March 18, 1887, F. M. Cockrell, Chairman of the Select Committee of the Senate
requested a report from Postmaster General William F. Vilas. The report, dated June 15, 1887,
provides operations information for all departments and agencies within the Post Office
Department ‐‐ including the Postal Note Agency.
Although this document was produced three years after our 1884 focus time, it explains the
operation of the Postal Note Agency in detail. From it we learn that at least 4,000 books of Postal
Notes were kept in reserve stock to fulfill orders from the largest post offices. A table in the 1887
report shows for 1884, there were 4,865 Postal Note books ordered for reserve stock, used in part
to fulfill 3,712 requisitions for 13,755 Postal Note books supplied to postmasters.
We know that Postal Note books were being produced with 500 notes per book during the
entire period of time prior to the 1887 report, and the data for change‐over Type II notes from
North Springfield, MO and Hartford, CT does indeed confirm this. (Smaller books containing 300,
200, and 100 Postal Notes were not available until the American Bank Note Company’s contract
commenced on September 3, 1887.)
The following information is excerpted from the June 15, 1887 report, but with paragraph
sequence changed or paragraphs and text omitted to facilitate reading. Bold text is the authors’
“This agency was established in 1883 by authority of the act of March 3 of that
year, and it serves as the representative of the Department, at the place where postal notes
are manufactured, for the distribution thereof to postmasters. The agent is under bond for
the faithful performance of his duties; is furnished, at the expense of the contractors, the
Homer Lee Bank Note Company of New York, with office and desk room; and is
required to see that all the stipulations of the contract are faithfully performed. To him is
sent the daily order for postal notes from this office. He requires the contractors to print
the necessary books, and when they are finished receives and examines them to see that
they are correctly numbered and printed. He then prepares invoices and blank receipts to
accompany them, and, under his direction, the books, invoices, and receipts are packed
and sealed, and taken by the contractors to the post-office in New York City for
transmission by registered mail.
The postal-note agency acts as an intermediary between the Post-Office Department
and the contractors for inspection and furnishing supplies of blank postal notes; has
custody of the stock of distinctive postal-note paper; receives from the contractors' books
of postal notes, and transmits the same to postmasters; and, in general, serves as the
representative of the Postmaster-General at the place of business of the contractors.
One clerk . . . is assigned to the duty of receiving requisitions from postmasters for
postal notes and of making out the orders therefore upon the contractors, the Homer Lee
Bank Note Company, of New York. All requisitions received each day from postmasters
are arranged in alphabetical order by State, and then according to the names of the post-
offices in each State, and the correctness of the consecutive numbers asked for by the
postmasters is verified.
The contractors are required by the terms of their contract to keep in stock, as
a reserve, not less than 4,000 books of postal notes (which it has been customary to
have printed for the larger offices—those that need the supplies most), and a further
division of the requisition is therefore made for convenience into two parts, one
containing those from offices books for which are not in reserve and must therefore
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be printed, and the other those from offices having books in the reserve stock. The
books which it is proposed to supply are charged to the respective postmasters by . . . in a
set of registers containing an account with every money-order office and entries of all the
consecutively-numbered postal notes ever supplied to them. The requisitions are then
entered upon an "order" directing the postal-note agent at New York City to cause
the books called for to be printed and mailed to the respective postmasters, and the
said order furthermore contains entries of books of advance numbers to be printed
and placed in the reserve stock to replace all the books ordered out of that stock.
This order upon the postal-note agent is transmitted from this office daily after it is
recorded by the book-keeper.”
To further support our belief that the large city post offices did not receive the new notes
the soonest ‐‐ because the notes came from books with pre‐assigned serial numbers in Homer Lee’s
“reserve stock”, we can look to Chicago, Illinois. Quite by accident, the Chicago office issued a Type I
note on the date of the Superintendent’s announcement, and another Type I almost a month later.
By some quirk of fate, both notes survived:
Chicago, IL ‐‐ Type I #14322, April 25, 1884.
Chicago, IL ‐‐ Type I #15943, May 22, 1884.
In fact, the earliest reported Chicago, IL Type II note known is #20979, dated August 16,
1884! (Chicago had an average issue rate of 420 notes per week.)
Take another look at the serial numbers of the earliest known New York (#20320) and
Chicago (#20979) Type II notes. They were issued from books with serial numbers beginning at
“20001” and “20501” respectively. The New York note was issued from its 41st book (of 500 notes),
while the Chicago note is from the 42nd book produced in New York by Homer Lee’s eponymous
bank note company and delivered to it by the Postal Note Agency.
The close proximity of the serial numbers made us wonder: Did these massive cities receive
20 books (10,000 notes) of Type I notes before the September 3, 1883 inaugural date? And did the
Postal Note Agency dutifully place another 20 books of Type I notes for each into its reserve? Based
on a brief article in the August 24, 1883 Daily Los Angeles Herald, we believe that’s exactly what
happened. (The author cited an incorrect amount for a note’s maximum value and neglected to say
the purchaser had to select the Money Order Office.) That article proves that nearly 20,000 Type I
Postal Notes had to be issued by the New York office (and, by extension, the nation’s other major
cities) before it could receive its first delivery of the new Type II design! (Authors Note: The
quantity of Postal Notes held in reserve by the Postal Note Agency was proportional to the “size” of
each Money Order office, so the reserve could range anywhere from 10,000 notes to as few as 500.)
The New Postal Notes
New York, Aug. 23. – The Evening Post says: The Postoffice (sic) here has
received the new postal notes in books of 500 each, to the number of
10,000, and will be ready to issue them at the date fixed by the Department,
September 3, 1883. None can be issued before this date. The largest sum
for which any single certificate or note can be issued is four dollars and
ninety cents, and are good on presentation to any money order office in the
United States. They will be paid to bearer thereof without identification or
questions asked, at any time within three months after the date of the issue.
They will also be redeemed by the same office that issued them, thus
making them negotiable as currency in same city where made.
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The Key to Solving the Mystery: Pipe Stone, Minnesota #4056
Based on the evidence presented so far, and while expressing our deep respect for, and
appreciation of Jim Noll’s efforts, the authors believe either some information he received was
illegible or incorrect, or he erred when entering the Pipe Stone #4056 data into his database.
(Other, similar errors in his database have previously been located and corrected based on study of
notes that have re‐surfaced, or our study of notes with adjacent serial numbers.)
In support of this belief, we offer the following arguments:
1) If #4056 is indeed a Type II note and is indeed dated Feb 16, 1884, why or how was
it issued before the April 25, 1884 Superintendent’s announcement?
Would Postmaster‐General Gresham or Superintendent MacDonald allow delivery
of the all‐new Type II Postal Notes to a Money Order Office in rural Southwestern Minnesota
(or anyplace else) more than two months before distributing instructions for their issue and
payment? Doing so would invite confusion and mistakes in Pipe Stone and among the
6,000+ Money Order Offices in operation at the time!
Clearly, the intention of the April 25th announcement was to make all postmasters
aware of the upcoming design change to avoid as many mistakes as possible when issuing
or paying the new notes. We believe it is highly unlikely any Type II Postal Notes were
shipped by the Postal Note Agency in advance of the announcement.
2) Perhaps the #4056 serial number was typed incorrectly and it was really #405,
#406 or #456? In each of those cases, the note’s serial number would be under 500, and
therefore must be a Type I because the Post Office Department was only delivering Postal
Notes in books containing 500 notes! (Pipe Stone was a Money Order office in operation on
September 3, 1883, and therefore, would have received its book of 500 Type I Postal Notes
before that date.)
3) The most plausible explanation is the date of issue for #4056 in Noll’s Index is in
error because the serial number and date listed for this note result in a nearly impossible
statistical aberration when calculating Pipe Stone’s “Average Weekly Issue Rate.”
An analysis of #4056 data as it exists in Noll’s Index, yields an issue rate of an
astounding 170 Postal Notes per week between September 3, 1883 and February 16, 1884!
This is more than that of either Hartford, CT or Akron, OH – much larger cities!
To put this data in perspective, we compare the town of Pipe Stone with a nearby
town also issuing Postal Notes during the same period—namely, Sioux Falls, Dakota
Territory, a town EIGHT TIMES the size of Pipe Stone, and less than fifty miles distant. Sioux
Falls was also a Money Order office on September 3, 1883, so both towns began issuing
Postal Notes on the inaugural date of the series.
The U.S. Census records indicate Pipe Stone, Minnesota had a population of 222 in
1880 and 1,232 in 1890. By comparison, Sioux Falls, Dakota Territory’s population was
2,162 in 1880 and 10,177 in 1890 when known as Sioux Falls, South Dakota. (The Dakota
Territory became North and South Dakota when entering the Union in 1889.) Both towns
grew at roughly the same rate (five‐fold) during the 1880’s.
A reported and recently confirmed Type II Postal Note #7834 was issued on
February 23, 1887 at Sioux Falls, Dakota. This serial number and date combination provide
an average issue rate of only 43 Postal Notes per week between September, 1883 and
February, 1887.
The highest serial number Postal Note known and verified from Pipe Stone, MN is
#11378, issued December 30, 1893. Doing the math for this note yields a more realistic
average issue rate of 21 Postal Notes per week between September 3, 1883 and December
30, 1893.
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If we do the math “backwards” (using simple algebraic manipulation) for #4056 but
substitute the average issue rate derived from Pipe Stone #11378, we can approximate the
week number that #4056 was likely issued (using September 3, 1883 as week 1). The
calculation predicts #4056 was issued sometime around the 192nd week, or May, 1887,
more than a three year difference from the date in Noll’s Index! Allowing for a small amount
of variation from the predicted date (perhaps three of four months in either direction), it is
plausible the note could have been issued on February 16, 1887.
This analysis supports the authors’ premise that #4056 was issued in 1887 rather
than 1884, and Mr. Noll simply typed a “4” instead of a “7” when entering the date into his
database ‐‐ a common ten‐key data entry error all of us have made at one time or another!
4) Finally (after this article had been through several drafts), we located records of
postmasters for Pipe Stone, Minnesota. Postmaster D. E. Sweet served from November,
1877 until November 15, 1886, and postmaster John Stuart served from November 15,
1886 to January 23, 1890. The name of the postmaster who signed #4056 is listed as John
Stuart in Noll’s Index, so this is irrefutable evidence that the date recorded for #4056,
February 16, 1884 in Noll’s Index must be incorrect!
The typographical error in Noll’s 2004 Index for the Pipe Stone #4056 date means the
earliest Type II Postal Note for inclusion in Chart Two will become the note #9502, issued in
Baltimore on May 16, 1884. This note is shown below.
This Baltimore Type II note #9502,
issued for one cent and payable at
Towson, MD, is very likely the 2nd note
from a new book based on its serial
number. Perhaps the postmaster saved
this note and its predecessor as
souvenirs from the first booklet
containing the “new type” of Postal Note
issued in Baltimore. Has anyone seen
Baltimore #9501? (Image courtesy of
Heritage Auctions.)
If you happen to have a copy of Jim Noll’s Index, you should place a notation adjacent to Pipe Stone,
MN #4056 indicating the date is incorrect.
After 40 years of research, we believe the mystery of the “Official first date of issue” of
the Type II Postal Note design has been solved! The date will be hereinafter be recognized as
April 25, 1884, based on the documents in existence, the Postal Notes we have verified by
inspection, and the evidence that shows the date for #4056 in Jim Noll’s Index is incorrect.
Moreover, the Type II Postal Note #9502 from Baltimore, MD issued May 16, 1884 will replace
Pipe Stone #4056 as the earliest known Type II note until it is replaced by a Type II Postal Note
dated earlier.
Unless Pipe Stone, Minnesota #4056 surfaces, we cannot be 100% certain of its date. We
invite readers, collectors, researchers, and sleuths to help us locate the missing Postal Note so
we can enter the correct date in the updated “census” currently in preparation.
If you know the whereabouts of Pipe Stone #4056, please contact us.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
About the Authors
Kent Halland collects and researches unusual numismatic items including Postal Notes of
1883‐1894 and Money Orders of 1864‐1900. You can contact him at
Charles Surasky is the author of numerous articles related to Postal Notes. You can contact
him at
Additional Reading
“Index of U.S. Postal Notes in Collectors Hands” Seventh Edition (2004) compiled by James E. Noll
“A Forgotten Chapter: The United States Postal Note”, by Nicholas Bruyer
Paper Money, Vol. 12, No. 4, whole no. 48, pages 171‐178;
Paper Money, Vol. 13, No.1, whole no. 49, pages 20‐29;
Paper Money, Vol. 13, No. 2, whole no. 50, pages70‐76;
Paper Money, Vol. 13, No. 3, whole no. 51, pages 109‐111;
Coin World Almanac, Eighth Edition. Pages 239‐240.
“The First and Last Postal Notes 1883‐1894”, by Charles Surasky
Paper Money, Vol. 23, No. 5, whole no. 167, pages 154‐157
“Redeemed Postal Notes: Great Rarities" by Charles Surasky
Paper Money, Vol. 47, No. 6, whole no. 258, pages 440‐451
“The U.S. Postal Notes of 1883‐1894: The Three Key Pieces of Federal Legislation”, Charles Surasky,
“The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money,” fifth edition. Gene Hessler. Pages 387‐389.
Postal Notes ‐ The First Issues 1883‐94, by Peter Martin, pp 306‐332 of book entitled Pacific 97
Handbook, World Philatelic Exhibition, The Congress Book 1997, Sixty‐Third American Philatelic
Congress, June 7, 1997.
“Priced Catalogue of Postal Stationery of the World” (popularly called the “Higgins & Gage Catalog.”)
Section 18, pages 44‐45.
Google Books:
“Appletons’ Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events of the Year 1887.”, NEW SERIES,
VOL. XII, WHOLE SERIES, VOL. XXVII., published by D. Appleton and Company, 1, 8, and 5 Bond
Street, New York, 1888.
Senate Report 507, Part 3, 50th Congress, 1st Session, March, 1888 entitled REPORT OF THE SELECT
COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. Published by the Government Printing Office,
Washington D.C., 1888
“An illustrated history of the counties of Rock and Pipestone, MN”, Arthur P. Rose, NORTHERN
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
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A Great Note Finally Obtained: The Earliest Surviving Confederate Note
A Somewhat Frequent Series on Wonderfully Historic Confederate Notes
by Steve Feller
In April 1982 I was the under bidder for a Type Three (T-3) $100 Confederate States
“Montgomery” note. The lot went for $446.25 with juice in a NASCA auction. At the time I was a newly
minted assistant professor of physics at Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and my salary then was not
sufficient to allow me to get into a bidding war. The note was worn and damaged but it had a few extra
special things going for it including serial number 6. It was dated April 5, 1861.
Fast forward 34 years and I’m in the phased retirement portion of my career. Just recently on
August 13, 2016 the same note sold for almost 20 times what it went for in my youth. This time it has
joined my collection.
T-3 with Serial Number 6
This T-3 is dated April 5, 1861, the first day the CSA signed notes.
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The T-3 note has a wonderful vignette featuring a vintage train.
Stack’s Bowers described the note as follows:
T-3. Confederate Currency. 1861 $100. PCGS Fine 12 Apparent. Repaired Splits, Upper Left
Corner Replaced.
No. 6, Plate A. This is the lowest recorded serial number of any T-3 according to the census in
"Collecting Confederate Paper Money" by Pierre Fricke. It is also the third lowest serial number of all
recorded Montgomery’s. This example was issued from New Orleans on April 20th, 1861 by N.J.
Delaplaine. The note was later redeemed at the Custom House in New Orleans where the sum of $100.55,
being principal and interest, was paid to the holder as seen by the large stamp on the back. A large stamp
cancellation is seen on the face reading "CANCELLED BY F.H. HATCHER, COLLECTOR N.
ORLEANS." The green tint remains strong on this note despite the level of circulation and repairs
mentioned by the grading service. Bold blue stamped serial number 6s are seen at left and right making
this a noteworthy yet affordable key note for the Confederate type set. From the Old Virginia
Certainly this is a fair description but it is by no means complete. Let us delve deeper.
An invaluable resource to any collector of Confederate States notes is the small book Register of
the Confederate Debt by Raphael P. Thian first published in 1880 under a longer title but reprinted with
the shorter title by Quarterman Press in 1972. In it the author lists every serial combination with signers
that were known to the author from the so-called Rebel Archives held in Washington, D.C. Included in
this are the serials signed for the Montgomery’s as well as the dates that these notes were signed. Below
is a scan of the relevant section of Thian’s book:
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___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
We see that the very first signing of Confederate notes took place on April 5, 1861-the same date
that is on my new note. On that date just nineteen T-3s and five T-4s were signed. This a modest start for
the new nation and summed to just $2150 in face value. By the end of the war the total would be on the
order of billions of dollars issued. It is easy to confirm that my newly obtained note squarely falls in the
beginning part of that very first day’s signed lot of notes. Interestingly the Decorah Republican a weekly
Iowa newspaper reported on the first issue of the Confederate Treasury Notes. On April 10, 1861 the
paper had this small article:
Montgomery, April 4, 1861
Treasury Notes of Confederate States were issued to-day. The first bonds of one thousand dollars sold at
20 percent premium.
The reported date, curiously was given as one day before the actual one listed in Thian and
confirmed in the image of my T-3 serial #6 $100 dollar note.
Furthermore, according to Pierre Fricke’s census published in his recent book on Confederate
Notes, Collecting Confederate Paper Money: Field Edition 2014 only three notes from the first day of
signing have survived. These are serials 6, 12, and 16 of T-3. No T-4 notes are known to have survived
from the first day of signing. Thus, my note illustrated above is the lowest surviving serial note from
the first day the Confederacy signed and issued its currency notes!
Wayne Hilton’s wonderful new book Collecting Confederate Currency: Hobby and Investment,
Volume One: Criswell Types 1-4, “The Magnificent Montgomery’s” (2012) has a most interesting chapter
on the intrigues involved in the printing of the Montgomery’s. Basically the first printing of 607 sheets of
the T-1,T-2,T-3, andT-4 notes were legally obtained from the National Bank Note Company of New York
City as it arrived in Montgomery on April 2, 1861 ten days before hostilities broke out at Fort Sumter.
After the attack on Fort Sumter President Lincoln established a blockade on goods going from the North
to the South. The second issue of 1000 sheets of T-3 and T-4 notes arrived in the Confederate capital on
May 3, 1861 well after the civil war commenced and just barely made it out of New York at that. Bonds
and stocks printed in the North were, in fact, confiscated around that time. We further learn that the early
Montgomery’s were sent out in smallish batches to various Southern cities with $10,000 sent to New
Orleans. The serial 6 note that is the focus of this discussion was likely one of these notes as interest
commenced on this note when issued from New Orleans on April 20, 1861, at one cent per day.
It was subsequently redeemed 55 days later on June 14,
1861 when the note was paid off for $100.55 as seen on the
back of the note shown below. As can be seen below the
principal and interest were paid at the New Orleans Custom
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
The Custom House in New Orleans circa 1892 (Wikipedia)
What was happening in the run up to the civil war on the day the note was signed? The New
York times is now running excerpts from the diary of George Templeton Strong (1820 – July 21, 1875).
Wikipedia notes that he “was an American lawyer and diarist. His 2,250-page diary, discovered in the
1930s, provides a striking personal account of life in the 19th century, especially during the events of
the American civil war…” From his entry of April 5, 1861 we read:
No material change in public affairs, or if any, for the worse. Secession fever certainly gaining
in Virginia. Rumors of a projected outbreak or revolutionary coup d’etat at Richmond. A dash at
Washington is again talked of as likely to be tried. Then, of course, comes war, at once, and on what
seems a tolerably plain case — bloodshed in an open rebellion against both state and federal authority.
But would even this aggression stiffen up the spiritless, money-worshipping North? Strange the South
can’t kick us into manliness and a little moderate wrath. Southerners rule us through our white slaves of
Fifth Avenue and Wall Street.
There are symptoms of a decisive move by the Administration. Great stir in army and navy.
Governor’s Island, Fort Hamilton, and Brooklyn Navy Yard full of business. Troops moving, no one
knows whither. Ships getting ready for sea in hot haste and sailing with sealed orders, some say for Fort
Pickens (Pensacola), and others for Fort Sumter. Abandonment of Fort Sumter is not determined on,
according to present reports; and Pensacola is to be reinforced anyhow. Bellicose rumors abound today.
Colonel Keese and Colonel Henry Scott were off early this morning, I hear. Curtis tells me they were very
doleful and despondent half an hour or so at Dr. Van Buren’s Thursday evening party. Forsyth, one of the
“C.S.A.” Commissioners, was expected, but was summoned to Washington by his colleagues yesterday
afternoon. All this looks as if things were coming to a crisis.
Virginia will secede within three months. Amen! We cannot live together. Her dictatorial arrogance is
unbearable. Let her go in peace, if that be possible.
As it happened it was not possible and over 600,000 Americans lost their lives in the most tragic
of American wars. The serial number 6 T-3 note was there at the beginning and as the earliest surviving
Confederate note it is a most significant piece of American history. It was worth the wait.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
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B. Lask, Huntsville, Alabama, 1862
by David Hollander
The Huntsville, Alabama, B. Lask Store Scrip issue is different, very different, from any other Huntsville
scrip. Only a single survivor exists and little is known about its history. The piece was Lot 18442 of the
Heritage Auctions Sale 3541, January 6‐12, 2016, and sold for $1,762.50 (including buyer’s fee) from the
estate of Robert Cochran to a Huntsville collector.
Figure 1: The front of
the ONLY Known
Surviving B. Lask
Huntsville Note is an
The paper is finer, the printing has different fonts, the green color is unusual, and the fact that the back
is printed is scarce for Alabama scrip. Because Mr. Lask worked out of Cincinnati, Ohio, one may assume
that it was printed in that area. The barrel of “French Brandy” on the right is incompatible with a Dry
Goods Store and may have represented his subconscious aspirations.
Figure 2: The Back of the
B. Lask note Is Finely
Who was B. Lask? Did he have a dry goods business in Huntsville called “Market Square”?
Mr. Benno Lask was born in Czempin, Prussia (now Poland, between Berlin and Warsaw) on April 30,
1834. His father was Louis; his mother, Charlotte.
Records indicate that he arrived in New York City aboard the ship Hermann (Ocean Steam Navigation
Co.) from Bremen, Germany, on August 30, 18551. Apparently, he returned home for a visit because he
left Hamburg, Germany, on November 14, 1860, and arrived again in New York City via Southampton,
England, aboard the ship Saxonia (Hamburg‐American) on December 7, 18602. The 1860 United States
Census reports Mr. Lask as a resident of 744 Ludlow Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio, and lists his occupation as
a merchant. (There is some inconsistency in the census data.)
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Mr. Lask may have learned of Huntsville opportunities from Solomon Schiffman, who lived in Cincinnati
for several years prior to going to Huntsville and opening a dry goods and clothing store on the north
side of the downtown square. He formed a partnership with his brother, Daniel, in 1860, “S. Schiffman
and Co.”3 However, it is not clear what the name of Mr. Schiffman’s store was because the 1859‐1860
Huntsville Directory does not contain his name. (Doris Kirschtein and Marsha Kass Marks note that Jews
moved from Cincinnati to Huntsville after the Civil War.4) There is no mention of “Disharoon’s Store”
(indicated on the scrip) although a number of Clothing and Dry Good’s stores are listed5
Huntsville succumbed to the Union Forces on April 11, 1862.6 The citizens were very likely devastated
that it happened so early in the war. (On the other hand, the current population is pleased that there
was little destruction because today’s Huntsville has more antebellum houses than Alexandria, Virginia.)
Naturally, the situation set the stage for the entry of the Yankee Carpetbaggers, who hoped to capitalize
on the basic shortages, panic, and high prices caused by the northern interlopers. On July 3,1862, while
staying at the Huntsville Hotel, Mr. Lask petitioned (Figure 3) the Provost Marshal, Lt. Col. S. W. Burke,
of the Union Army in Huntsville to be allowed to open a dry goods store in Huntsville.7
It is unknown if the petition was successful. The only known surviving note related to Mr. Lask’s
Huntsville business ideas [shown in Figures 1 (the front) and 2 (the back)] is dated August 25, 1862, not
two months after the petition. Maybe this note was a printer’s proof or a customer sample. Possibly it
was ordered while the petition was being considered. The rarity of the note and the high grade of this
specimen lead one to believe it was never produced in quantity and never used in trade.
Figure 3: Mr. Lask petitioned the Union Provost
Marshal to open a dry goods and ladies' shoe
store in Huntsville.
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In any case, because of the withdrawal of the Union troops August 31, 18628, Mr. Lask’s plans may have
been thwarted, and he may have been forced to seek his fortunes elsewhere. Without protection none
of the Yankee Carpetbaggers would have enjoyed staring at the faces of unhospitable Southerners.
The 1865 and 1866 Directories of Nashville, Tennessee, list Mr. Lask’s business address as 8 South Union.
His merchandise included “Dry Goods, Boots, Notions, etc.”9
During the same period (October 1865 and October 1866) there are two IRS Tax Assessments for Mr.
Lask originating in Rome, GA. Most likely, these were for his Nashville inventory.10
On September 6, 1864, Mr. Lask was naturalized and became an American citizen and on June 4, 1867,
Mr. Lask married Ellen Falk (born in Pennsylvania on January 1, 1842, and died May 15, 1914) in
Manhattan, New York.11 They lived at various addresses in New York City (including 322 East 67th Street)
with their seven children (Louis, Moses, Charles, Lottie, Bertha, Albert, and Fredrick), other relatives,
and a servant.12
Mr. Lask filed an application for a United States Passport on September 24, 1869 (Figure 4), in which it
was noted that he was 5’ 2” tall, had gray eyes, black hair and a dark complexion.13 When comparing
the signature on the Application (Figure 4) with that on the Petition (Figure 3) with that on the Store
Scrip (Figure 1), it is apparent that the signature on the Store Scrip is very different from the other two.
Therefore, the Store Scrip was signed probably by someone other than Mr. Benno Lask.
There is one Tennessee Supreme Court Case involving Mr. Lask: 1881, A. & J. Trounstine et als vs B. Lask
et als, Debt Dispute.
Mr. Lask moved to Manhattan, New York, probably in the late 1860’s. He spent the last 25+ years of his
life in the liquor business, thereby achieving his possible subliminal dream indicated in the note’s barrel
of “French Brandy” (Figure 1).
There are a number of New York City directory listings for him:14
1. 1875, Liquors, 99 Liberty Street; home 874 Lexington Avenue
2. 1876, Liquors, 92 Liberty Street; home 160 E 66th Street
3. 1879, Wine, 92 Liberty Street; home 160 E 66th Street
4. 1883, Liquors, 92 Liberty Street; home 318 E 69th Street
5. 1886, Liquors, 92 Liberty Street; home 318 E 69th Street
6. 1888, Liquors, 92 Liberty Street; home 318 E 69th Street
7. 1890, Clerk, 318 E 69th Street and Berthold Lask, Clerk; home 327 E 68th Street
8. 1894, home 318 E 69th Street; living with Anna Lask and Pauline Lask
9. 1899, home 318 E 69th Street; Louis Lask, Jeweler, home 114 E 107th Street and Men’s
Furnishings, 1934 3rd Avenue
10. 1900, Clerk; home 318 E 69th Street (listed as Bernhard Lask).
Mr. Lask appears in the Report of Delinquent Jurors (Number 10631) for the Quarter ending March 31,
1901, showing that his $100.00 fine was “Remitted” on February 4, 1901.15
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Figure 4: Application for passport with description of Mr. Benno Lask stating he was short and had a
dark complexion.
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Mr. Benno Lask died in Manhattan on July 6, 1904 and was buried in Washington Cemetery, the largest
Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.16 He was a Jewish, Prussian, immigrant to the United States,
who lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, Nashville, Tennessee, and New York City, New York. He became a
naturalized American citizen, married, and had seven children. He operated a liquor store in Manhattan
and intended to open a Dry Goods store in Huntsville, Alabama, in 1862. Not only is it unknown if more
than a single note of the B. Lask Store Scrip was printed or used, but also there is no evidence that the
store ever existed.
1 "New York Passenger Lists, 1820‐1891," database with images, FamilySearch
(‐F36 : accessed 23 February 2016), B Lask, 1855; citing NARA
microfilm publication M237 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.); FHL microfilm.
2 "United States Germans to America Index, 1850‐1897," database, FamilySearch
(‐P32 : accessed 23 February 2016), B. Lask, 07 Dec 1860; citing
Germans to America Passenger Data file, 1850‐1897, Ship Saxonia, departed from Hamburg & Southampton,
arrived in New York, New York, New York, United States, NAID identifier 1746067, National Archives at College
Park, Maryland.
COMMUNITY” 1852‐1982, The Huntsville Historical Review, Volume 12, July‐October 1982, Numbers 3 & 4, Page 9.
HUNTSVILLE, The Huntsville Historical Review, Volume 5, October 1975, Number 4, Page 4.
5 Huntsville Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror, Volume I.‐1859‐’60, Huntsville: Coltart & Son, No. 10
Commercial Row, 1859.
Southern University Press, Birmingham, Alabama, Reprinted 1966, page 96.
7 U.S., Union Provost Marshals’ Papers, 1861‐1867.
8 Rice, Charles, HARD TIMES, THE CIVIL WAR IN HUNTSVILLE AND NORTH ALABAMA, 1861‐1865, Boaz Printing, Inc.,
Boaz, Alabama, Copyright 1994, page 120.
9 U. S. City Directories, 1822‐1995 (database on‐line). Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc.,
10 U. S. IRS Tax Assessments Lists, 1862‐1918 (database on‐line). Provo, UT, USA:
Operations Inc., 2008.
11 "New York Marriages, 1686‐1980," database, FamilySearch (‐DGL :
accessed 23 February 2016), Benno Lask and Ellen Falk, 04 Jun 1867; citing reference; FHL microfilm 1,544,027.
12 "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch
(‐NJ5 : accessed 23 February 2016), Benno Lask, New York, New
York, New York, United States; citing enumeration district ED 616, sheet 96B, NARA microfilm publication T9
(Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 0897; FHL microfilm 1,254,897.
13 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, DC; NARA Series: Passport Applications,
1795‐1905, Roll#: 163‐01Sep1869‐31Dec1969.
14 Op. Cit., U. S. City Directories.
15 Whalen, John, Corporation Counsel, The City of New York Law Department Report for Quarter Ending March 31,
1901, New York: Martin R. Brown Company, Printers and Stationers, Nos. 49 to 57 Park Place, 1901, page 515.
16 "New York, New York City Municipal Deaths, 1795‐1949," database, FamilySearch
(‐QCG : accessed 23 February 2016), Benno Lask, 06 Jul 1904; citing
Death, Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, New York Municipal Archives, New York; FHL microfilm
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Whitman Encyclopedia of
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The Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money is a multiple-volume
study of currency issued by American banks from 1782 to 1866, before
the modern era of National Banks and the Federal Reserve.
In volume 4, the “Dean of American Numismatics,” Q. David
Bowers, has compiled decades of research from 18th- and 19th-century
bank reports, contemporary newspapers, and other primary sources.
He gives the history of every bank that issued this uniquely
American currency in the New England state of Massachusetts, from
Hallowell to Yarmouth (volume 3 covers Abington to Greenfield).
Each note is studied, and more than 800 are pictured in full color, with
information on grading, rarity, values, significant auction results, advice
for collectors, and more.
The Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money is a
monumental work. Essential for collectors, it is equally valuable for
American historians. Volume 4 is an immersion in the life of New
England and our nation from the Revolution to the Civil War.
“A new and eagerly awaited series, the Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money
is a treasure trove of information, vivid illustrations, and key data illuminating the
wonderfully decorative and colorful currency issued by American banks from 1782
to 1866.” — Anne E. Bentley, curator, Massachusetts Historical Society
Inside volume 4: How to use this book • The obsolete bank notes of Massachusetts,
from Hallowell to Yarmouth, including Proofs, remainders, and uncut sheets, and
counterfeit, spurious, and altered notes • Glossary • Bibliography • Detailed index
New England, Part 2
Massachusetts, Book 2
Hallowell to Yarmouth
Cover_ObsoletePaper_V4.indd 1 10/13/14 9:30 AM
New England, Part 3: Rhode Island and Vermont
104 towns and cities,
267 banks, and 5,044 individual notes
Volume 5: New England, Part 3: Rhode Island and Vermont
$69.95 / $87.81 Canada
Printed in China
The Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money is a multiple-volume
study of currency issued by American banks from 1782 to 1866, before
the modern era of National Banks and the Federal Reserve.
In volume 5, the “Dean of American Numismatics,” Q. David
Bowers, has compiled decades of research from 18th- and 19th-century
bank reports, contemporary newspapers, and other primary sources.
He gives the history of every bank that issued this uniquely
American currency in the New England states of Rhode Island and
Vermont. Each note is studied, and more than 1,300 are pictured in full
color, with information on grading, rarity, values, significant auction
results, advice for collectors, and more.
The Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money is a
monumental work. Essential for collectors, it is equally valuable for
American historians. Volume 5 is an immersion in the life of New
England and our nation from the Revolution to the Civil War.
“ These volumes provide collectors, both seasoned and new, with vital information,
as well as many adventures, whether by armchair, bourse floor, or auction
catalog.” — Michele Orzano, Senior Editor, Coin World
Inside volume 5: How to use this book • The obsolete bank notes of Rhode Island
and Vermont, including Proofs, remainders, and uncut sheets, and counterfeit,
spurious, and altered notes • Glossary • Bibliography • Detailed index
New England, Part 3
Rhode Island and Vermont
Cover_ObsoletePaper_V5.indd 1 3/3/15 9:46 AM
New England, Part 2
Massachusetts, Book 1
Abington to Greenfield
$69.95 / $76.59 Canada
Printed in China
The Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money is a multiple-volume
study of currency issued by American banks from 1782 to 1866, before
the modern era of National Banks and the Federal Reserve.
In volume 3, the “Dean of American Numismatics,” Q. David
Bowers, has compiled decades of research from 18th- and 19th-century
bank reports, contemporary newspapers, and other primary sources.
He gives the history of every bank that issued this uniquely
American currency in the New England state of Massachusetts, from
Abington to Greenfield (volume 4 covers Hallowell to Yarmouth).
Each note is studied, and more than 700 are pictured in full color, with
information on grading, rarity, values, significant auction results, advice
for collectors, and more.
The Whitman Encyclopedia of Obsolete Paper Money is a
monumental work. Essential for collectors, it is equally valuable for
American historians. Volume 3 is an immersion in the life of New
England and our nation from the Revolution to the Civil War.
Inside volume 3: How to use this book • The obsolete bank notes of Massachusetts,
from Abington to Greenfield, including Proofs, remainders, and uncut sheets, and
counterfeit, spurious, and altered notes • Glossary • Bibliography • Detailed index
“ . . . a host of interesting stories about the banks, their notes, and the era they
represent. This encyclopedic series is designed not just for specialists and collectors
of paper currency, but also for all who enjoy learning more about various aspects of
our nation’s financial history. . . .”
— Anne E. Bentley, curator, Massachusetts Historical Society
51 towns and cities from
Abington to Greenfield, 169 banks,
and 3,945 individual notes
Volume 3: New England, Part 2: Massachusetts, Book 1
Abington to Greenfield
New England, Part 2: Massachusetts, Book 1
Abington to Gr enfield
Cover_ObsoletePaper_V3.indd 1 10/13/14 9:31 AM
U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money’s
Odd Couple
North Africa/ Vichy France
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
I thought I would show a couple of doctored
pieces this issue, one acquired this summer and
one a year before that.
But first, a correction to last issue’s column.
Of the five MPC counterfeits that I showed, the
first was from series 471 (red and blue); I called
it series 461. Please make the corrections in your
issue number 305 (Sept-Oct 2016), page 319.
Fred will tell you about the background of
the French POW notes shown below, probably
used in Algeria during WWII. I collect Morocco,
and since the exact locale of use for these has
not been confirmed, when I saw some well-used
examples of the low denominations offered on
eBay, I thought I would acquire them for my
Moroccan collection—on spec, as it were.
I managed to outbid my competition, and the
notes arrived. The ten francs piece is very dirty
(and faded), but something did not look right
about it—there are shiny lines visible around the
borders, which I could not quite figure out. But
when I illuminated the note from behind, as if I
were looking for a watermark, all became clear.
The note had evidently had ragged edges,
and to clean those up, someone had trimmed the
note right down to the frame lines (it turns out to
be very well aligned face to back). Then an open
rectangle of paper was cut to exactly match the
dimensions of the trimmed note, and that frame
had been glued to the trimmed piece, thus
making new margins for the note. The paper
used for the new margins is brown, closely
matching the dirty color of the original note.
But, it is considerably thicker than the original
paper, so when held to the light, the new frame
is very apparent—it is darker and more dense
Boling continued on page 459
It has been a very busy travel summer for
me. I made it to the west coast from Ohio twice,
and had some shorter trips too. It was altogether
great—and hectic. Certainly I had plenty of
collecting adventures because I not only find
numismatic treasures everywhere, I can usually
find World War II numismatic information. It is
a gift that I have! Ultimately, I will certainly
write about some of those adventures, but today,
Joe has led us in a different direction.
The above travels have already had an
impact on our studies because while I was out of
contact, Joe had to make the decision on the
subject for this edition without consultation. He
did great! It was his idea to consider the
wonderful République Française prisoner of war
issue for North Africa. I really like these notes. I
was going to say that they are my favorites, but I
am trying to discipline myself to not say that. It
seems that just about every World War II issue
is my favorite when I am addressing it. Here are
some of the things that I particularly like about
these notes.
They have distinctive designs. This is
particularly true of the two low denominations.
The designs of the two high denominations are
not nearly as attractive as the lower
denominations. Indeed the differences in the
styles might be telling us something. Perhaps the
higher denominations were added after the lower
denominations. See below and next page.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Adding to the difficulty of researching the
overall issue is the fact that the high values are
quite rare. While I have seen only a few of each,
I can vividly remember the first time that I saw
one. It was in the Ruth Hill collection. No, not
when the notes were sold, but when she showed
me her set of all four denominations at her home
in the 1970s. From that moment I wanted to
obtain one of the high values.
In a unique twist, the serial number appears
on the back of the low values while it appears in
a more traditional position on the high values.
What constitutes the face versus the back of a
note? That question is not always easily
answered. Usually, the major design elements
(such as a portrait), major legends, and serial
numbers appear on the face. To me it seems
fairly easy to call the serial number side of the
low values in this series the back because the
portrait and scenic elements appear on the other
side. Also, the printer’s imprint is on the side
that I am calling the face, opposite the serial and
signature. The high-value pieces also have the
printer’s imprint opposite the serial and
signature. Did the printer consider the side with
his identification to be the face? Considering the
designs, there is little to distinguish the two
sides on the high-denomination pieces, except
that colors of the unsigned side seem to be a
little more dull for both of them.
I like very much that the notes were printed
locally by letterpress in several colors.
There are many other things that we do not
know about these notes. That is something that I
like, because it means that we have research to
do and research is fun! We do not know with
precision when or where the notes were issued.
Certainly, we do not know how many were
We have some information that I feel we
have not adequately exploited. Based on the
imprint on the small values, the notes were
printed by E. Imbert in Algiers. Furthermore,
they were designed by J. Pavrolles, based on the
same imprint. We ought to be able to find out
something about this printer, and maybe even
about the artist.
I really have only one new thing to report
about these notes, but it is a rather large and
multifaceted thing. A remarkable group of
proofs of the 10 francs note has been found.
Even though the group was found more than ten
years ago, I do not believe that its discovery has
been reported (figure 9 below).
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
The group consists of eight color trials!
That is in itself quite remarkable and each sheet
is beautiful to behold, but there is more. The
format as you can see is quite interesting, with
both sides printed uniface on a sheet but with the
two sides oriented 180 degrees apart. It does not
seem possible to me that this configuration was
used for production, but neither does it seem
likely to me that if the printer made special
proofs for approval by the customer or a similar
purpose that the sides would be oriented the way
that they are. I love it.
A wonderful rubber stamp was applied to
each sheet. It gives the date “19 Juin 1943,”
location “Alger,” and most interestingly the
printer “A Imbert.” Did you notice that this is A.
Imbert while
the imprint on
the notes is E.
Imbert? The
imprint is on
both the issued
notes and on
the proofs. The A in the stamp is quite
unambiguous. The E on the notes is a little less
clear. Because of stray marks on the plates,
some issued notes seem to have a B rather than
an E for the leading initial, and the proof could
be read as a G. What does it all mean? I do not
have an answer.
And it gets worse. The designer name
Pavrolles on the low denomination issued pieces
is quite clearly Favrolles on the proofs. Closing
the upper right of the F to make a P would be an
easy modification to the plate. Was that done
after the proofs were examined by the issuer? I
am sure we will never know. See figures 10 and
11 (below). And the high-denomination notes
have yet another variation on this name—on the
50 francs note available to us, the designer is
indicated as xxOC. P VRILLON (the x’s are for
letters that are illegible). The 100 francs note’s
designer name is completely illegible—poorly
I can report the colors of the 10 francs
proofs. They are:
red and black red and green
blue and olive green and brown
green and black green and blue
red and green green and blue
This leads to more questions. Did you notice
the duplications in the color listing? I don’t have
all eight pieces in hand any more, and cannot
say whether the green/blue and red/green pairs
were distinctly different shades that did not get
adequately described (so as to differentiate
them), or whether an error of transcription
occurred (for instance, reporting a green/blue
and blue/green pair with the same color order
rather than being consistent in naming the
central elements before the frame). Are there
more colors? Do similar proofs exist for the
other denominations? We don’t know.
Notice one more curiosity. The red/black
proof shown here is in only those two colors.
The issued 10 francs note is in three colors—red,
dark blue, and black. Only the beard and the
words DIX FRANCS are in black on the face,
and the same words, the serial, and the signature
and signer’s title are in black on the back. All
other “dark” elements of face and back are in
dark blue.
How in the world did these remarkable
artifacts survive? Which do you like better, the
adopted or unadopted colors?
This is all that I have to offer at the moment.
We would certainly be happy to have your
answers to some of the questions, or, failing that,
comments or even more questions.
Some illustrations contributed by Dave Frank.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Boling continued:
than the main body of the note. The shiny lines
are the dried glue attaching the new borders to
the body of the note.
Figures 1 and 2 show the note as received
Figure 3 (below) shows the note on a light box,
so that the added paper is visible as a dark
border all the way around. If the magazine’s
image quality is good enough, you will see three
horizontal watermark lines on each end, where
the paper that was added has a watermark that is
missing from the original paper.
Figure 4 is a 20x photo of the lower right
corner of the face, showing the glue buildup
where the new frame is attached to the original
paper, and figure 5 shows glue lines extending
along the top and bottom of one side of the note,
a quarter-inch in from the edges, reflecting light
back into the camera lens. If you look back at
figures 1 and 2, you may see a somewhat milky
vertical region in the center of the note face and
back. Apparently the original note had some
tears there, that have also been repaired with the
same glue.
As a result of the original margins having
been cut away, the designer’s and printer’s
names have been removed from the note. Figure
6 (below) is the face of an intact piece that
shows those names. See Fred’s side of the
column for a discussion of what those names
are. The five francs note that came with the
repaired ten francs piece shows no signs of such
Figure 1(above –face) and figure 2 (below—back)
Figure 5
Figure 4
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Figure 7
Moving on. Four years ago a dealer offered
me an Egyptian note with partial serial numbers.
He knew it was a counterfeit of “unidentified
printing method,” and said he had another
identical if I wanted two of them. I wrote back
that if they were vintage, I was interested, but
that if they were modern digital copies, my
interest did not extend beyond $10 each. His
response was “My first transaction in WPM was
in 1959.... Would I be knowingly wasting my
time and yours with a ‘modern digital copy?’”
He sent one of the notes. After examination, I
determined that it was indeed an inkjet copy of
an original note. Before printing the copy, the
image had been doctored to remove the final
three digits of each serial number. I sent him
several 20x photographs to support my finding.
He asked for the note back and I have not heard
from him since.
Last year I ran across another such piece in a
dealer’s stock, offered as an original note (I
believe he had not noticed the truncated serials).
After showing him what he had, I was able to
buy the piece as a modern digital fake (figure 7).
Figure 8 is a PMG-VF25 example of a genuine
piece. Note the rounded corners of figure 7
(simulating considerable circulation). Those
corners have been cut with scissors, not worn
down naturally.
Figures 9-10 are the upper right corners of
the replica and genuine notes. Notice the sharp
angles around the corner of the replica—cut with
scissors. Note also the screen of dots over the
entire margin. Compare that with figure 10,
which shows no dots and a black border along
the edges—circulation dirt, missing from the
replica. All those blue, red, and yellow dots (the
yellow will not be visible in the magazine) are
put there by the image processing software used
to create the replica note. Those colors represent
the off-white (pale tan) color of the borders of
the note that was being copied. They are
invisible to the naked eye, or even with 4x
magnification, but they are clearly visible at 20x.
Figures 11-12 are the lower left corners of
the same notes. In figure 11 you see the same
screen of dots, except at the far left edge, where
the copy is wider than the original note and the
faker has not trimmed off the unprinted part of
the note—shown as a sliver of white along the
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
left edge. Again, the genuine note shows black
edges from circulation dirt, and a fairly well-
developed cluster of fuzz right on the corner,
from circulation damage (figure 12).
Figure 13 shows a portion of the left edge of the
replica, again not trimmed to match the actual
extent of the note that was being copied, so that
there is another sliver of white along the edge
that did not receive the screen of “toning” dots.
You can see that the original note had a small
margin tear, which has not been replicated on
the copy.
Figures 14-17 show the date and three digits
of the serial number on both the replica and the
genuine notes. These elements are printed by
letterpress on the genuine note. You can see how
ugly the inkjet product is in figures 14 and 16.
Watch for more examples of this fake
serial number error. You don’t want to be paying
genuine money for one. Watch also for more
digital copies that do not have doctored serials;
the treatment of the corners is a good place to
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14 Figure 15
Figure 16 Figure 17
Figure 11
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___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Secretary Barr Gets His Notes
By Jamie Yakes
Joseph Walker Barr served as United States Treasury Secretary for 29 days from December 21,
1968 to January 20, 1969 at the tail end of Lyndon Johnson’s presidency. Johnson appointed him to
replace Henry Fowler who resigned that December.
As secretary, Barr would get his signature on U.S. currency, which presented a predicament for
Treasury officials. His term would end when president-elect Richard Nixon took office in late January
and appointed his own secretary. As such, Treasury officials and those within the Federal Reserve System
debated whether it was practical to make plates with Barr’s signature only to use them for a short time
before switching to plates with the new secretary’s signature.
Since 1914, every sitting treasury secretary had his signature on U.S. currency and Treasury
officials wanted to continue that streak. We know how this story ended: Barr’s signature appeared on
Series 1963B $1 Federal Reserve Notes printed during 1969. A concurrent change in printing technology
sealed the Treasury's decision to produce Barr notes, in spite of the
impending end to his appointment.
Barr’s Political Career
Joseph Barr’s life centered on economics and finance. He was born
January 17, 1918 in Bicknell, Indiana, into a family that traced its roots to
Ireland at least as far back as the 1760s. Banking, farming and politics
developed as central facets of Barr family life.
He studied economics at DePauw and Harvard universities, where
he earned an undergraduate degree in economics in 1939 and masters
degree in theoretical economics in 1941. After graduating, he served in
World War II as a submariner, and received a Bronze Star for his part in
sinking a German submarine near Anzio, Italy. He was discharged in 1945
with the rank of lieutenant commander.
After the war, he returned to Indiana to help manage many of his
family’s businesses. He became active in local politics, and in 1958 was elected
to Congress as a Democrat to represent Indiana’s 11th District in the House of
Because of his educational background, Barr gravitated to positions in numerous finance and
economic congressional committees, including a position on the influential House Banking and Currency
Committee. His Congressional tenure ended when he lost his House seat in the November 1960 election.
Barr remained in government circles, however, and in 1961 was appointed Assistant Treasury
Undersecretary to Treasury Undersecretary Henry Fowler and tasked with handling correspondence
between the Treasury and Congress. He served three years in that position until becoming Chairman of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Committee (FDIC) in January 1964 (see Figure 1), where he spent four
years improving the conditions of commercial banks.
When Lyndon Johnson appointed Fowler Treasury Secretary in January 1968, he tapped Barr as
his undersecretary in recognition of his extensive experience in finance. When Fowler resigned that
December, Barr was appointed to complete the term as secretary on December 21 (see Figure 2).
Barr’s tenure ended a month later on January 20, 1969, when President Richard Nixon took office
and appointed David M. Kennedy treasury secretary. Kennedy had previously served as chairman and
president of the Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company in Chicago. His signature would appear on
Series 1969 notes issued later that year.
Figure 1. Joseph W.
Barr as FDIC
chairman in 1964.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
After leaving the Treasury Barr worked for numerous private financial companies. He served as
vice chairman, president and chairman of the American Security and Trust Company in Washington, D.C.
until 1974. After American, he worked briefly as president of the Franklin National Bank of New York.
From 1977-81, Barr served as chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. Afterwards,
he bided his time tending his farm in Hume, Virginia, and served as a director for organizations such as
Sallie Mae, Conrail and Georgetown University.
On February 23, 1996, while vacationing in Mexico, Joseph Barr succumbed to heart failure and
died at age 78.
Officials Debate
Protocol dictated the BEP design and produce new currency plates for each treasury secretary.
Since 1914, no secretary had served less than nine months in office, which provided ample time to
produce new intaglio dies, make production plates and print notes while that person still reigned.
Barr’s short term presented a challenge because there was a good
chance he would be out before the BEP even started printing notes with his
signature! The decision facing Treasury officials about putting his
signature on currency centered on following precedent rather than abiding
to law. When Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913,
section 16 required the design of Federal Reserve notes to be in the “form
and tenor as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury.” No signatures were
required, but Treasury officials applied the same precedent followed for all
currency since the 1870s.1
A majority of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
disapproved putting Barr’s signature on currency. “The Board had not
approved the Treasury plan and...the Chairman of the Board was strongly
opposed to the entire undertaking,” wrote John R. Farrell, Director of
Operations for the Federal Reserve System.2 They considered the
Treasury’s plan a perverse handling of currency because Barr was a lame-
duck secretary waiting out the end of the term.
Fiscal Assistant Treasury Secretary John K. Carlock promptly
dismissed the Board’s objection: Here, section 16 ruled and Treasury didn’t require the Federal Reserve
Board’s approval for anything in this matter.
However, Treasury officials knew that soon after the BEP began making Barr plates they would
have to focus their efforts on preparing Series 1969 plates with Treasurer Dorothy Elston-Secretary
Kennedy signatures. Time wasn’t enough to prepare Barr plates for all denominations and districts, and it
would be unwise to print low quantities of notes bearing his signature and create an instant collector item.
Treasury officials wanted to avoid creating any disruption with a short run of Barr notes.3
They decided to use Barr’s signature along with Treasurer Kathryn O’Hay Granahan’s on $1
notes designated Series 1963B and not prepare similar plates for $5 and higher denominations. They also
planned to order the BEP to print a substantial amount of the notes to avoid artificially creating a rarity.4
Serial numbering would continue from Series 1963A.
Intaglio Signatures
A significant change of how the BEP applied signatures made it more palatable to print Barr
notes in the short time frame Treasury officials faced. In 1968, the BEP reverted to adding treasury
officers’ signatures directly to intaglio printing plates and ceased printing them using typographic
overprinting presses. This change reduced the amount of materials and most importantly time they would
need to prepare plates with Barr’s signature.
Figure 2. Barr’s official
portrait as Secretary of
the Treasury. (Courtesy
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Adding signatures to intaglio face plates was standard practice in plate production since the
1870s. But it was abandoned in 1935 for $1s and by 1953 for all other notes because it resulted in costly
waste when plates became obsolete on account of old signatures. Small-size plates were never altered to
have current signatures, and although it was the practice to continue using obsolete plates, large quantities
often were destroyed simply because of the obsolete signatures.
Starting with the $1s the BEP began printing signatures using typographic overprinting presses
following the intaglio face and back printings. In separate steps, typographic presses were used to apply
the bank seals, signatures and series dates in black ink, and then the treasury seals and serial numbers in
green ink.
Adding signatures to intaglio plates again became economical after all currency production was
converted to dry-intaglio printing of 32-subject sheets. Dry-intaglio printing yielded numerous economies
over the wet-intaglio method previously used for 12- and 18-subject sheets. Because sheets remained dry,
wetting and drying steps were eliminated. And dry sheets didn’t shrink, which made it possible to
increase the sheet size and boost yield.
The BEP began testing two sheet-fed rotary presses capable of handling 32-subject sheets in
1955.5 At the time they were printing currency from 18-subject sheets. Using 32-subject sheets proved so
successful they procured eight additional presses in 1957, and in July began printing Series 1957 $1
Silver Certificates with the new presses.6 They purchased more presses in 1965 and expanded production
to other denominations by 1968.
The BEP resumed adding signatures to master plates starting that autumn with Granahan-Fowler
signatures on Series 1966 $100 United States Notes.7 Series of 1963B $1 Federal Reserve Notes were the
second type to have intaglio signatures.
Figure 3 nicely contrasts the distinction between notes printed with overprinted and engraved
signatures. The last $1 series with typographically overprinted signatures were Series 1963A Granahan-
Fowler notes.
Barr Notes
A Treasury department press statement on January 8 announced “that an issuance of $1 Federal
Reserve Notes, Series 1963B, will bear the signature of Joseph W. Barr.... The issuance means that every
Secretary of the Treasury since 1914, when the signature requirement was initiated, will have signed a
currency series.”8
The first 1963B $1 plate was serial 1003 completed on January 10, 1969 (see Figure 4). Printing
of notes began on January 11 and the first shipment of finished notes was sent to the Richmond Federal
Reserve Bank January 16.9 Deliveries continued until November 1969.10
Figure 3. Treasury signatures are immovable when they are part of the intaglio plate (right).
(Courtesy Heritage Auction Archives.)
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
The BEP printed 459 million
notes for New York, Richmond, Chicago,
Kansas City and San Francisco in the ten
months Barr plates were actively used.
They also printed 12 million star notes
for those districts except Kansas City.
To date, Barr notes have the
lowest printage of any series of $1
Federal Reserve Notes. But that doesn’t
mean they are scarce. The public knew that
Barr’s appointment would be brief and the
Treasury would be producing 1963B $1s, and they anticipated the circulation of the notes and saved them.
Barr was a flash in the pan as Secretary of the Treasury--his tenure is the shortest ever--but his legacy
endures on paper!
This research was supported by the Professional Currency Dealers Association. Peter Huntoon
and Derek Moffitt provided information critical to this article.
Sources Cited
1. Yakes, Jamie. “Treasury Signatures on United States Currency.” Paper Money 52, no. 5 (2013,
Sep/Oct): 346.
2. Federal Reserve Board Correspondence, John. R. Farrell, Federal Reserve Board Operations Director,
to Federal Reserve Records Division, January 9, 1969.
Accessed August 28, 2016.
3. Ibid.
4. Federal Reserve Board Correspondence, P. D. Ring, Federal Reserve Board Operations Assistant
Director, to Federal Reserve Records Division, January 9, 1969.
Accessed August 28, 2016.
5. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances, Fiscal Year 1957, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (1958): 82.
6. ___, Fiscal Year 1958, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (1959): 95.
7. ___, Fiscal Year 1969, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. (1970): 84.
8. Treasury Department Press Statement, January 8, 1969.
Accessed August 28, 2016.
9. Goldstein, Nathan. “The Thirty Day Series.” Paper Money 8, no. 2 (1969, Mar/Apr): 42.
10. Accessed August 28, 2016.
Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Certified proofs lifted from Federal currency plates, 1863-1985:
National Numismatic Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, D.C.
Fig. 4. Series 1963B $1 face 1003, the first Barr plate.
(Courtesy National Numismatic Collection.)
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The National Lincoln Monument Association
by Robert Gill
In this issue of Paper Money I'm going to share with you a very interesting Obsolete sheet in
my collection, which also holds a very important place in our nation's history. And that is on the
National Lincoln Monument Association.
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865. Less than two years after his death, on
March 30 of 1867, the National Lincoln Monument Association was incorporated by the U.S.
Congress to a build a memorial to honor the 16th President. The Association’s duty was “it
should be a proper organization, with rules and regulations, to proceed to collect funds, and make
all necessary plans and arrangements to erect a suitable monument to that Great and Good Man,
somewhere within the public grounds in the City of Washington”.
The Association commissioned sculptor Clark Mills to create, for the northeast corner of the
Capitol grounds, a monument "commemorative of the great charter of emancipation and
universal liberty in America." Mills proposed a multi-tiered, 36-figure, bronze sculpted
monument that would have, at its peak, a seated Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation.
Although a national fund-raising effort was started, for political and practical reasons, the
Association and Mills never completed this idea.
The project languished until 1901, when a site in a swamp next to the Potomac River was
chosen as the location for the monument. A decade later, in February of 1911, Congress
formally authorized the design, as we know it today, of the Lincoln Memorial. Three years after
that, in 1914, actual construction began when the first stone was put into place on February 12th,
Lincoln’s birthday. It then took more than six additional years of work until the building of the
memorial was finished in 1922. So, fifty five years after it initially began, the memorial to
President Lincoln was finally completed and dedicated by President Warren G. Harding.
Accordingly, in addition to the iconic landmark being a fitting tribute to President Lincoln, it is
also symbolic of the pace at which our government gets things done!
When the building of the Lincoln Memorial was finally completed, two of President
Lincoln’s most important speeches would be found on the inner walls of the memorial; the
Gettysburg’s Address on the north wall, and his Second Inaugural Address on the south wall.
The National Lincoln Monument Association should not be confused with a citizens association
of the same name, which successfully, and in a considerably shorter period of time, oversaw the
construction of Lincoln's tomb in Springfield, Illinois.
These notes were actually a means of donating to the National project of funding a monument to
honor President Lincoln. They were engraved and printed by the Treasury Department. Very
seldom do we have the opportunity to see one of these notes as a single, let alone a sheet of them.
This piece definitely holds a very important place in my collection of Washington D.C. notes.
As I always do, I invite any comments to my cell phone (580) 221-0898 or my personal email
Until next time... HAPPY COLLECTING.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
by David E. Schenkman
Another Rare Iowa Coal Mining Note
My last column discussed a rare mining note issued by the Hiteman Supply Company of Burlington,
Iowa. This time we will take a look at another rare coal related note from the same state. My interest in mining
notes from that state stems, in part, from the fact that there are so few of them. Until the illustrated note
surfaced in a Heritage sale earlier this year, I had only recorded notes from four Iowa companies. I feel sure
there are others out there awaiting discovery.
The Kirkville Supply Company was a typical company store. It stocked items such as boots and shoes,
clothing, dry goods, furniture, groceries, hardware, toiletries, etc., and was the main business in a small Iowa
town by the same name that prospered during the 1880s due to the many coal mines in operation during that
time. The town was named for John Kirkpatrick, a farmer who had moved to Iowa in 1844. Four years later he
laid out the town on land that he had purchased. Kirkpatrick never engaged in mining; he was part owner of a
grist mill and a creamery.
An Internet history of the county relates an amusing story concerning the early days of Kirkville. A
man from a nearby town rented a two story building, opened a saloon on the first floor, and lived above it. The
citizens of Kirkville didn’t approve of the clientele attracted by the new enterprise, and one night while the
owner was away, they placed a keg of powder under the foundation and lit the fuse. Problem solved.
In 1879 Oliver Mayhew Ladd opened coal mines in nearby Laddville. Two years later the Ottumwa
and Kirkville Railway Company was incorporated to access the Kirkville coal mines, with Ladd serving as
secretary and John Cleveland Osgood (who later was one of the founders of the Colorado Fuel and Iron
Company) as vice president. During the mid-1880s the railway company owned $10,000 worth of stock in the
Wapello Coal Company, and more than $44,000 worth of Kirkville Supply Company stock.
The population of Kirkville in 1870 was less than three hundred. By the mid-1880s that number had
increased to over seven hundred, primarily due to the influx of miners. An 1887 Portrait and Biological Album
of Wapello County, Iowa described the town as “surrounded by a rich agricultural region, with an inexhaustible
supply of coal. Here are located the mines of the Wapello Coal Company, in which are employed 450 men,
and who mine an average of 900 tons of coal per day.” It added that the miners’ pay averaged $2.50 per day.
Despite the 1887 “inexhaustible supply of coal” prediction, by 1890 the mines were worked out.
Without the coal mine there was no need for the railroad, so in 1890 the track was taken up and by the end of
the year the corporation was dissolved. Of course after that the population started to dwindle, and by 1910
Kirkville once again was a farming community of about three hundred.
Dated July 1st, 1884, the illustrated note was signed by Oliver Mayhew Ladd. The imprint, as close as
I can make it out, is “The J. M. W. Jones Staty & Prtg Co. Chicago.” The Kirkville Supply Company’s office
was undoubtedly in nearby Ottumwa, the town named on the note.
Comments, questions, suggestions (even criticisms) concerning this column may be emailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 2866, La Plata, MD 20646.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
WW2 USA POW Chits Wanted
Excursion Island, AK Camp Perry, OH
Camp Cooke, CA Camp Madill, OK
Fort Ord, CA Fort Reno, OK
Trinidad, CO Fort Sill, OK
Farragut, ID McAlester, OK
Fort Benjamin Harrison, IN Indiantown Gap, PA
Camp Phillips, KS Tyson, TN
Concordia, KS Camp Howze, TX
Fort Warren, MN Camp Wallace
Fort Leonard Wood, MO Fort Sam Houston, TX
Weingarten, MO Hill Field, UT
Clinton, MS Ogden, UT
Fort Crook, NE Rupert Ogden, UT
Scottsbluff, NE Toole, UT
Mitchell Field, NY Ettinger, VA
Pine Camp, NY Fort Eustis, VA
Sampson, NY Peary, VA
Shanks, NY Ashford General Hospital, WV
Any POW chit from;
Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island,
South Dakota, West Virginia.
If you have any of these available for purchase, a trade may be
possible also, please contact me.
David E. Seelye ANA LM IBNS
P.O. Box 13117 NI LM PCDA
Prescott, AZ 86304-3117 SPMC 585-305-4848 cell
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Chump Change
by Loren Gatch
Taking Serial Numbers Seriously
The launch, in late September, of Britain’s new £5 note bearing Winston Churchill’s portrait
featured the usual scramble by collectors seeking low serial number specimens, and the usual squawking
by the mainstream media about how much those crazy collectors will pay for them. By coincidence, a few
days later I received the latest edition of Frederick J. Bart’s Executive Currency catalog, packed with
nearly fifty pages’ worth of “fancy” serial numbered notes—low numbers, “solids”, “repeaters”,
“ladders”, “radars”, and permutations thereof—and the prices asked did make me sit up and notice. Of
course, low numbers are by definition unique. Writing in 2011, Dave Undis highlighted how rare other
fancy notes are by calculating the odds of their appearance. The eight-digit serial number on modern
American currency yields 99,999,999 possible serial numbers; I’ve reproduced Undis’s results below:
Fancy Serial Number Type Number of Occurrences in a
99,999,999 Note Run
Odds that a Random Note
Will Be this Type
Solid 9 1 in 11,111,111
Ladder 6 1 in 16.666.667
Radar 9,990 1 in 10,010
Repeater 9,990 1 in 10,010
Super Radar 90 1 in 1,111,111
Super Repeater 90 1 in 1,111,111
Radar Repeater 90 1 in 1,111,111
Double Quad 90 1 in 1,111,111
Seven-in-a-Row 180 1 in 555,556
Seven-of-a-Kind 720 1 in 138,889
Binary 11,430 1 in 8,749
Source: David Undis, “How Rare Are Fancy Serial Numbers?” Paper Money (July/August 2011), p. 297.
A reasonable rule of thumb is that, the more serious the collector, the more significant become
small differences between specimens, be they by grade, mint mark, variety or some other attribute. While
I’ve never collected by serial numbers myself, I can understand why other collectors might. Undis has
even established a website,, that caters to this collecting interest. Late last year
Stephen Colbert did a slightly-mean sendup of this niche of the currency market (“I had no idea you could
get rich collecting money”), but any publicity is good publicity.
The very idea of the serial number is intriguing, since it defines the uniqueness of otherwise-
interchangeable currency units, making them versatile in unexpected ways. Tearing a note in two, with
the serial number printed on each half, creates proof of identification that allows two strangers to
recognize each other (the American mafia used to do something similar as a way of upholding bargains).
For law enforcement, the ability to track serial numbers helps fight money laundering and other criminal
uses of cash. The largely fruitless attempts to discover hijacker D.B. Cooper’s whereabouts involved
tracking his ransom money by serial numbers. During the Gulf War of 1990-1991, thanks to knowing
their serial number range, the Kuwaiti government was able to invalidate banknotes seized by the
invading Iraqis. Economists have proposed ways of shrinking or expanding the money supply by
cancelling notes by serial number or by paying out extra notes as if certain numbers were winning lottery
tickets. In China and elsewhere in Asia, serial numbers bearing strings of 8s are said to augur good luck
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
(conversely, 4s bring bad juju). Above all, serious research into currency of the sort published in Paper
Money can hardly avoid treating serial numbers as important variables for understanding the history and
production of banknotes.
Back in the mid-1980s when I lived in New York City, one of my roommates was a chain-
smoking recluse (I figured the cancer risk was outweighed by the blessings of rent control on the Upper
East Side) who was convinced that banknote serial numbers contained cryptographic secrets that would
be revealed if she could only break the code. As her many workbooks filled up with abstruse
calculations, she next fixated on the meanings hidden in car license plates. Eventually, her steganographic
obsessions drove her mind in darker directions, and after we parted ways she ended up convalescing at the
Institute for Living.
To this day, focusing on serial numbers, even just as a collector, has for me a faint whiff of the
obsessive-compulsive about it; at the very least they would seem to be the province of math nerds.
Indeed, why stop at Undis’s list of fancy numbers? Mathematically-inclined collectors might be on the
lookout for transcendental numbers like Pi (only out to eight places), Euler’s Number, or the Golden
Mean (Phi). Other number series out to eight places on American currency might include the first six
prime numbers (13571113) or the first seven Fibonacci numbers (11235813). Collecting all the prime
serial numbers up to eight places would be massively impractical, but for the record the largest one
possible is 99999989.
As for the new Churchill Fiver, the very first serial number, ending in 00001, went as a gift to
Queen Elizabeth. Number 17 fetched £4,150 at a charity auction hosted by the Bank of England. Now that
is some serious money.
Track & Price Announces World Paper Money Software Upgrade
Track & Price, a one‐of‐a‐kind collection of software tools, has released an updated software version of its
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Estimating the price of multiple note lots has also never been easier! 40‐50% of WPM auction lots consist
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Track & Price is a highly trusted tool used by auction houses throughout the world. The U.S. software is
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We invite you to try a Free Trial of Track & Price. Simply go to and select the
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___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
President’s Column
November/December 2016
The summer and a lot of the autumn will
have flown by as you read this in November. It’s
been a few hectic months since the Memphis
show. We’ve been rolling through the late
summer and autumn shows and we’ve seen some
good shows with a lot going on in paper money. I
did not go to ANA this year as it was in effectively
the same location as the three times per year
Long Beach show which I did attend in
September. SPMC does not maintain a presence
at Long Beach, but dealers and members do
attend and we did have some good discussions at
my table. I also passed out a bunch of SPMC new
member applications which is something we all
should encourage!
Backing up into August, the Blue Ridge
show was held and it was very active including an
SPMC meeting led by Dennis Schafluetzel and his
talk on Tennessee bank notes of the Civil War.
We had good attendance, told some great stories
and Dennis did an outstanding presentation. This
is what SPMC is about – education, fun and
I attend the Virginia Numismatic
Association show and met a long time
Confederate paper money collector and SPMC
member and others as well. We had a great
discussion about the old time collectors and
researchers as well as about interesting tidbits
about paper money as well. There also was
interest in the SPMC and hopefully we will have
some new members!
There is news developing with the two
Chicago paper money shows as well – CPMX and
PCDA. Governor Robert Vandevender clarified
what is happening with the Rosemont shows. The
2016 PCDA show will take place this coming
November as scheduled, but as CPMX show is
being discontinued. The 2017 PCDA show will be
moved to March 2nd thru 4th, 2017. While it will
be held at the Crowne Plaza in 2018, the
organization is looking at alternative venues
starting in 2018.
VP Shawn Hewitt reports that we are
making good progress on the obsolete database
project. State experts are entering southeastern
state data to the database. Bill Gunther has done
a great job with Alabama, and this week we
anticipate that DC note data will go live. With the
DC data, our developer is completing code that
will allow spreadsheet data to be imported (an
alternative to manual entry via the Gallery),
which will make it easier for our state experts.
The Ohio folks are presently working on their own
spreadsheet of note data which can be imported
with the same mechanism when they are ready.
As we transition from development to
production, we will want to do more marketing
and are looking for people to help spread the
word – articles, Facebook, etc. Please contact me
or Shawn.
Editor Benny Bolin also reported on Paper
Money Journal at the SPMC September board
conference call. The bill September/October issue
is higher, due to mailing and dues envelopes.
Three submitted and suitable articles are on
hand, each exceeding 30 pages in length and will
be featured in upcoming Journals. No special
issues contemplated at present; effort will be to
include “something for everyone” in each issue.
Benny repeated his continuing need for articles of
3‐ 5 pages in length, and suggested that articles
based on exhibits seen in Memphis, even if
partially based on coins might prove of interest to
SPMC members.
I want to encourage members to use our
web site – . This is a wonderful
resource for all of us as well as promotion for our
hobby and Society. Please use your membership
points to advertise, contribute to the blogs and
forums, and update and use the calendar of
events. The more of us that contribute and use
our web site the better it gets for all!
Have a great numismatic holiday season!
Pierre Fricke
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Editor Sez
Those two numbers maybe
should be reversed as I will talk
about them in reverse order.
60—is this really the defining age to
become a senior citizen? I am writing this
column on my 60th birthday and certainly feel
like a senior citizen, but I know I cannot get
government assistance for 5+ more years.
Ahhh—but there will now be no questions as to
when I can get the senior discount at buffets,
movies and the like. I used to think 60 was
ancient, but now it is the new 59!
17—this is my 17th issue of PM that I
have done totally. The Jan/Feb 2014 issue was
done by Fred and I just edited the blue line
proofs. It only seems like yesterday that I
volunteered to do this job and over the ensuing
34 months and 17 issues, I feel I have learned
a lot. Thanks to all those who have taught me
how to do this, Peter Huntoon and Joe Boling
just to name a couple. It has been very
rewarding and frustrating at the same time.
So, I wanted to put out there some of
what I have learned that I need for authors in
the hopes that you will write an article for us.
First and foremost, I apologize for not
being very good at acknowledging receipt of
your articles. I seem to be busier than I should
be with my day job (school Nurse) and so I let
this lapse at times. Please feel free to email
again if I don’t answer you back. The only thing
I probably won’t be able to answer is when your
article will be printed. My goal is to make each
issue of interest to all our members so I try to
include as much diversity as I can. While an
issue may have a focus (like last month’s MPC
focus), I don’t think it is fair to all to just do one
type (although I loved Fred’s fractional focus
issues). I hope to solve some of this uncertainty
by publishing in each column some of the
highlights of the next issue (see end of column).
I do read and respond to constructive
criticism, so send it if you have some—but keep
it constructive. I will admit I did not respond well
to ones like “the article by ___ was the worst
written and edited article I have ever read!” Sorry
but not only am I not a professional editor, but also
try my best to protect my authors as they are the
true lifeblood of this tome.
Hopefully, this will be the last issue where I
split an article. It is with extreme consternation that
not only did I split Mr. Derby’s Hutton & Freligh
article into two parts, but I totally forgot to include
the second part in the next issue! But, one thing I
won’t do for sure is to split an article with ads.
Totally uninterrupted reading.
How do you submit to me? I can now take
most any format, but it is easiest for me if you
submit it in WORD and put placeholders in for
where images should go (just a fig.1 here in red or
some such) and then submit the pictures at the
end or in a separate submission, clearly labeled of
course. I also need the captions at the end or
separately (not on the image). Speaking of
images, I really need these as JPEGS as they are
smaller and easier to work with than TIFFs or other
formats. If you cannot submit JPEGS, I have found
how to convert these. Also, if anyone knows
how to get rid of that **#%$ and the extra
space by the image/caption, I would greatly
appreciate the passing of that info.
You can also submit to me a version of
your article with the images and captions to show
me how you envision you want it to look, but due
to margins, need to keep white-space at a
minimum and those blasted anchors, I really need
it as outlined above.
I always try to send authors a proof of the
final version so look these over and let me know of
changes needed.
In the upcoming issues, I have four large
articles that will comprise the majority of the next
four issues, so I still am in need of shorter articles
(especially 3-5 or 6 pages long).
The next issue I hope to have an in-depth
article on Confederate paper money with possibly
Paper Money’s first ever fold-out! The next issue
will have a multi-year work by Peter Huntoon that I
think you will find even more amazing than his
normal amazing articles. I then have long articles
on Star notes and obsoletes.
2017 is almost here--I bid all a Happy New Year!
Benny Texting and Driving—It can wait!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis
of 15¢ per word(minimum charge of $3.75).
Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word count:
Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as
separate words. Editor does NOT check copy. 10%
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in
recognition of their contribution to the Society. These
adsare run on a space available basis.
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
WORLD PAPER MONEY. 2 stamps for new arrival
price list. I actively buy and sell. Mention PM receive $3
credit. 661-298-3149. Gary Snover, PO Box 1932,
Canyon Country, CA 91386
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
“LAWRENCE” (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
WANTED: Republic of Texas “Star” (1st issue) notes.
Also “Medallion” (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
We could all use a few extra bucks. Money Mart ads can help you sell duplicates, advertise wants,
increase your collection, and have more fun with your hobby.
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
Take it from those who have found the key to “Money Mart success” Put
out your want list in “Money Mart” and see what great notes become part of
your collecting future, too.
ONLY$20.50 / YEAR ! ! ! (wow)
$ MoneyMart $
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money”
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,,,
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
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Large Currency
Foreign Currency
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5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open
8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00
National Sheet
Side Open
8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Stock Certificate
End Open
9-1/2" x 12-1/2" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open
18" x 24" $82.00 $365.00 $665.00 $1530.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
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ORDERS: 800-HI-DENLY • FAX 781-326-9484
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
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Phone: 858-679-3350
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See out eBay auctions under
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1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
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Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5:30
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History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
Maryland Paper Money: An Illustrated History, 1864-1935
This 348-page hardcover book documents Maryland’s national
currency era of banking from 1864 to 1935. Almost 300 photos of
surviving notes are shown, including many rarities from the
landmark Marc Watts Collection of National Currnecy.
“This is a wonderful specialized work on Maryland nation bank and
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Available for purchase online at and
Foreign Oversize
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10" x 8" $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
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Large Size Type
Error Notes
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National Currency
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
(586) 979-3400
POBox2• Roseville,MI 48066
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2016 * Whole No. 306_____________________________________________________________
Central States
Numismatic Society
78th Anniversary Convention
April 26-29, 2017
(Bourse Hours – April 26 – 12 noon-6pm
Early Birds: $125 Registration Fee)
Schaumburg, IL
Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel &
Convention Center
Visit our website:
Bourse Information: Patricia Foley
(414) 698-6498 •
Hotel Reservations:
Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel - 1551 North Thoreau Drive • Call (847) 303-4100
Ask for the “Central States Numismatic Society” Convention Rate.
Problems booking? - Call Convention Chairman Kevin Foley at (414) 807-0116
Free Hotel Guest and Visitor Parking.
• Numismatic Educational Forum
• Educational Exhibits
• 300 Booth Bourse Area
• Heritage Coin Signature Sale
• Heritage Currency Signature Sale
• Educational Programs
• Club and Society Meetings
• Free Hotel Guest and Visitor Parking
• Complimentary Public Admission:
No Pesky
Sales Tax in
January 4-10, 2017 | Fort Lauderdale | Live & Online
Select Highlights From Our Official FUN 2017 Auctions
Paul R. Minshull #AU4563; Heritage #AB665 & AB2218. BP 17.5%; see 40574
Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40 Categories
Immediate Cash Advances Available
1 Million+ Online Bidder-Members
Consignment Deadline: November 14
Contact a Heritage Consignment Director today. 800-872-6467 Ext. 1001 or
Visit to view the catalog and place bids beginning early December.
Fr. 2231-G $10,000 1934 Federal Reserve Note
PMG About Uncirculated 50
Fr. 210 1861 $1000 Interest Bearing Note Face Proof Hessler HX-115D
Hastings, MN - $5 Original Fr. 397a
The Merchants NB Ch. # 1538
PMG Very Fine 20
From the Gilmore Sem Collection Part I
Clearfield, PA - $50 1875 Fr. 446 The County NB Ch. # 855
1862 $10,000 Temporary Loan Certificate Face Proof
Hessler HX-143E
Fr. 151 $50 1869 Legal Tender
PMG Very Fine 25
From A Private New York Collection, Part II
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