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Table of Contents
The 1st National Bank of Princeton, MN--Shawn Hewitt
Uncoupled--Joe Bowling & Fred Schwan
Brazil's National Treasury Notes--Carlson Chambliss
Venable's Hotel, Huntsville, AL--David Hollander
Mystery of Face Plate 307 Solved--Jamie Yakes
$500 Counterfeit Program--Bob Ayers
Treasury Signatures on National Bank Notes--Peter Huntoon
Paper Money
Vol. LVI, No. 2, Whole No. 308 March/April 2017
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Lucius Chittenden
Who signed your National?
B(lanche) K(elso)
A(lbert) U.
E(nos) H(ook) Nebeker
William Tecumseh
William Starke
James Carroll
A masterful and massive,
years long research
project by Peter Huntoon
outlines them by bank!
Terms and Conditions
PAPER MONEY (USPS 00-3162) is published every
other month beginning in January by the Society of
Paper Money Collectors (SPMC), 711 Signal Mt. Rd
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paid at Hanover, PA. Postmaster send address
changes to Secretary Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LVI, No. 2 Whole No. 308 March/April 2017
ISSN 0031-1162
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Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email—
Visit the SPMC website—
The 1st National Bank of Princeton, MN
Shawn Hewitt .................................................................. 88
Uncoupled—Joe Boling & Fred Schwan ................................. 93
Brazil’s National Treasury Notes
Carlson Chambliss ......................................................... 99
Venable’s Hotel, Huntsville, AL
David Hollander .............................................................. 106
Small Notes—Mystery of Face Plate 307 Solved
Jamie Yakes ................................................................... 114
New Members ........................................................................ 115
Interesting Mining Notes--David Schwenkman ...................... 116
Obsolete Corner--Robert Gill ................................................. 118
Chump Change--Loren Gatch ................................................ 122
Presidents Message .............................................................. 123
Editor’s Report ....................................................................... 124
$500 Counterfeit Program
Bob Ayers ....................................................................... 125
Treasury Signatures on National Bank Notes
Peter Huntoon ................................................................128
Money Mart .............................................................................. 170
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Pierre Fricke—Buying and Selling Confederate and Obsolete Money!
P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776;;
And many more CSA, Southern and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
VICE-PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
SECRETARY—Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood,
SC 29649
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Jeff Brueggeman,711 Signal Mtn. Rd #197, Chattanooga, TN
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238 Pierre
Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Loren Gatch 2701 Walnut St., Norman, OK 73072
Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731, Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
Scott Lindquist, Box 2175, Minot, ND 58702
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
Joshua Herbstman, Box 351759, Palm Coast, FL 32135
Fred Maples, 7517 Oyster Bay Way, Montgomery Village, MD 20886
PUBLISHER-EDITOR---- Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC is
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show.
Information about the SPMC,
including the by-laws and
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MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at
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ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for
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Junior membership numbers will be preceded by the letter “j” which
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DUES—Annual dues are $39. Dues for members in Canada and
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Life membership—payable in installments within one year is $800
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but paid up members may request one from the membership director
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Memberships for all members who joined the S o c i e t y
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January 2010 are on an annual basis beginning and ending the
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can be found on the label of Paper Money. Renewals may
be done via the Society website or by check/money
order sent to the secretary.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
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Dallas, TX. $50 1929 Ty. 2.
Fr. 1803-2. Mercantile NB. Charter #13743.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64.
Fr. 181. 1880 $100 Legal Tender Note. PMG Very Fine 30 Net.
Fr. 1601. 1928A $1 Silver Certificate.
Solid Serial Number T33333333A.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63EPQ.
Fr. 2180-F. 2006 $100 Federal Reserve Note.
Test Note Error.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64EPQ.
San Francisco, CA. $5 1902 Red Seal. Fr. 587. Citizens NB.
Charter #7713. PMG Very Fine 25.
Medicine Lodge, Kansas. $5 1882 Brown Back. Fr. 467.
The First NB. Charter #3253. PMG Very Fine 30. Serial Number 1.
Honolulu, HI. $100 1929 Ty. 1. Fr. 1804-1.
Bishop FNB. Charter #5550.
PMG About Uncirculated 55.
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Lot 3239
Fr. 2408. 1928 $1,000 Gold Certifi cate.
PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58.
Lot 3021
SC-158. February 8, 1779. $90 Colonial Note.
PMG About Uncirculated 55 EPQ.
Lot 3038
T-32, PF-1. 1861 $5 Confederate Note.
PMG Very Fine 30.
Lot 3115
Palatka, Florida. Palatka Atlantic NB. Fr. 1801-1.
1929 $10 Type I. Charter 13214.
PMG Very Fine 25. Serial Number 1.
Lot 3135
Tampa, Florida. American NB. Fr. 624. 1902 $10
Plain Back. Charter 7153. PMG Fine 12 Net.
Foreign Substance, Paper Damage.
Lot 3140
Lincoln, Illinois. The First National Bank.
1865 $2 Original Series, Charter 2126.
PCGS Very Choice New 64 PPQ.
Lot 3159
Fr. 107. 1880 $10 Legal Tender Note.
PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 69 EPQ.
Lot 3185
Fr. 263. 1886 $5 Silver Certifi cate.
PMG Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ.
Lot 3187
Fr. 263. 1886 $5 Silver Certifi cate.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64.
Lot 3237
Fr. 2231-B. 1934 $10,000 Federal Reserve Note. New
York. PCGS Apparent Choice New 63.
Pinholes Filled. Ex: Binion’s Hoard.
Kagins PM ANA Curr 02-07-17
From the Offi cial ANA Nati onal Money Show Aucti on
Kagin-PM-ANA-Curr-02-04-17.indd 2 2/7/17 10:38 AM
The First National Bank of Princeton, Minnesota
Charter 4807
by R. Shawn Hewitt
$5 1882 Brown Back (#2) issued
by The First National Bank of
Princeton, Minnesota (charter
4807) signed by S. S Petterson,
cashier and Frank Hense,
Princeton Brown Back (#593) signed by
George Newbert, assistant cashier and T.
H. Caley, vice president.
History: The Bank
The First National Bank of Princeton, Minnesota (charter 4807) was one of the shortest lived national
banks in the state, having been organized on October 18, 1892 and liquidating just 14 months later on December
18, 1893. Recent research in a contemporary newspaper, the Princeton Union, reveals the story of this esoteric
Frank Hense became president of the Mille Lacs County Bank in July 1890. It was the first and only
bank in this rural and sparsely populated county, and Hense saw opportunities for growth as the local
agricultural economy expanded. While Hense called the Princeton area his home, he frequently traveled west
to Centralia, Washington to nurture other
businesses, including another banking enterprise,
The First National Bank of Centralia.
On the local scene, competition in the
banking business ramped up dramatically in the
summer of 1892. When Hense heard talk of
another bank being organized in town, backed by
many of the town’s leading citizens, he upped the
stakes and opted to go national. The Citizens State
Bank opened before Hense could fully convert his
operations into a national bank, but only by a few
weeks. The First National Bank of Princeton was
capitalized at $50,000 while the competition was
much smaller. It opened under the new title on
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Monday, October 31, 1892. While Hense tended to business in Centralia, cashier Swan S. Petterson managed
the operations.
It did not take long for the first shipment of National Currency to arrive in Princeton. National bank
notes promoting the home town would be yet another competitive edge, and Petterson took advantage of the free
advertising that came with them in an eye catching story in the Union on December 8:
A pile of sheets of five dollar bills several inches high lying on the paper cutter in the Union office last
Saturday morning excited the cupidity of the editor, and had it not been for the restraining presence of
Cashier Petterson of the First National Bank the editorial “we” might have turned up missing. The
“boodle” in question had just been received from Washington by the First National, and as the notes
were printed in sheets of four Mr. Petterson utilized our keen-bladed paper-cutter in severing and
trimming the same. The notes bear date of Oct. 18, 1892 and are signed by S. S. Petterson as cashier
and T. H. Caley as vice president of the bank, and on the upper left hand corner of the note is an
excellent vignette of the late President Garfield. We volunteered to take charge of the currency but
Cashier Petterson declined our offier with thanks.
While the First National Bank had bragging rights for its financial power, its physical presence did not
carry the same weight. The structure did not compare well to the newly built two-story Citizens State Bank, a
vignette of which proudly appeared on its newspaper advertisements immediately adjacent to Hense’s ads.
The dry spring and summer of 1893 led to predictable events in many small towns. Old wood-framed
buildings were susceptible to fire, and late in the evening on Thursday, August 3 a business block of downtown
Princeton was victimized. The inferno claimed several
businesses. The brick walls of the First National Bank
proved to be a flimsy barrier to the progression of the fire that
night. The bank building was a total loss, but the safe
withstood the ravages and kept its vital records intact, and
saved its remaining inventory of national bank notes.
Within days a makeshift office of the bank was
established within the same building as the Citizens State
Bank. The newspaper was quick to point out that the two
institutions had not consolidated, but that negotiations were
pending to that end. Hense came to the conclusion that
continued competition in the face of this loss would not be a
productive use of his capital. He sold his interest and merged
the First National Bank in November, and in the
reorganization, cashier Petterson was promoted to president
of the new Citizens State Bank.
This began a turbulent period of time for Frank Hense. A year later he closed his national bank in
Centralia. He returned to Minnesota in 1895 to open a bank in Aitkin, about 75 miles due north of Princeton.
While in Aitkin he was indicted by a grand jury in
Washington State on the charge of larceny in
connection with his failed Washington bank, although
Minnesota Governor Clough refused the demand for
extradition. Hense resigned his position with the
Aitkin County Bank in 1897. He continued to live in
Aitkin for the remainder of his life, being a judge of
probate, occasionally stopping in Princeton to see his
old friends, as observed by the Union.
Swan S. Petterson took a page from the Hense
play book and converted his state bank into the second
First National Bank of Princeton (charter 7708) in
1905. He was president of the bank until it closed in
the Great Depression.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Statistics: The Issue
The First National Bank, while capitalized at $50,000, opted to maintain a
minimal circulation of only $11,250. This was accomplished with an initial
shipment of 562 ½ sheets (2,250 notes) of $5 Series of 1882 Brown Backs, the only
denomination and type employed by the bank. Another 35 ½ sheets (142 notes)
were delivered to the bank in the summer of 1893 to replace worn notes that were
returned for redemption, totaling 598 sheets (2,392 notes) with bank serial numbers
After the bank closed, its outstanding circulation continued to decline, as
noted in the books of the Comptroller of the Currency. In 1910, the last year for
which the circulation was tracked, it had the smallest outstanding circulation of any
Minnesota bank, at only $105 or just 21 $5 notes.
Collector’s Experience: The Notes
A note from charter 4807 was on my want list the first day I discovered (in
the late 1970s) that Princeton had a national bank, being one of only three note-
issuing banks in Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, where I was born and grew up. I
did not realize at that time how greatly the odds would be stacked against me in this
I learned that surviving national bank notes from charter 4807 were found
only in the dreams in serious collectors. John Hickman’s records (in the late
1980s) had a notation of single well circulated note with no serial number recorded,
but no collector had seen it and there was no confirmation of a note in existence.
With a miniscule outstanding circulation in 1910, how could any notes have survived for collectors to
appreciate? I thought I would never live to see a note from this elusive home county bank.
The unthinkable happened in a 2006 Lyn Knight auction. The first ever national to publically appear on
charter 4807 was offered to the collecting community. Thought to be unique, the note fetched over $20,000.
The winning bid was well over my budget and the note became part of Gil Sem’s comprehensive Minnesota
collection. It bore bank serial number 2 and was signed by Frank Hense and S. S. Petterson. Interestingly, a
note from the short-lived First National Bank of Centralia, Washington, also signed by Hense, was offered in
that same sale. Apparently a descendant of Frank Hense decided to sell these keepsakes. The dots were not all
connected at that time, but this number 2 note would be the first of a small but powerful storm of notes to
Only a few months later, at the ANA convention in Denver, I was walking the show. That in itself was
serendipity, as the convention happened to be coincident to an already-planned vacation in Colorado. Among
the dealer showcases was a collection of Minnesota national bank notes which looked vaguely familiar. Dead in
the center of one case was another $5 Brown Back on Princeton. This one was serial number 593, from the “A”
plate position, and signed by George Newbert as assistant cashier and T. H. Caley as vice president. After
frantic searching for the dealer in charge, it was none other than Richard Melamed, son of longtime collector
and friend Mort Melamed. Not surprisingly, the notes were not for sale, rather for show, but the revelation of
another Princeton note was beyond my comprehension. It was offered to Richard by private treaty about the
same time the number 2 note was auctioned, also for a substantial ransom.
An opportunity to purchase serial number 593 arose in August 2011, when Richard’s collection was to
be sold by Lyn Knight. While the collection had several notes of interest, the $5 Brown Back was my highest
priority. After expecting serious competition, the note opened and closed with a single bid. The note was
coming home.
But that was not the end of the story. A few months later, at the 2012 FUN auction by Heritage, another
note from the same sheet (plate position “B”) was offered, along with a Series of 1902 Red Seal from Mora,
Minnesota signed by George Newbert. What was transpiring became apparent. Descendants of George
Newbert, assistant cashier of the Princeton bank and cashier of the Mora bank, were selling their family
keepsakes. Sheet 593, signed and likely saved as an uncut sheet by Newbert, was cut to give mementoes to
family members many years ago. With two high grade notes from the same sheet now being known, there was
the distinct possibility that the rest of the notes existed as well.
Year Outstanding
1893 11,250
1894 6,740
1895 4,290
1896 2,690
1897 1,120
1898 570
1899 325
1900 240
1901 195
1902 190
1903 170
1904 170
1905 170
1906 120
1907 120
1908 115
1909 115
1910 105
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Delightfully, this proved to be the case. Notes from plate positions “C” and “D” were offered by Heritage in
their next two sales. The last note was brought home about a year after the first note was acquired. What was
once considered an impossible dream became a reality. A cut sheet of national bank notes from charter 4807
actually existed, and it was reassembled after perhaps a century of separation. The final reward for patience was
that the total cost of acquiring all four notes was under the sale price of the first single note that was sold in
2006. It remains the only reported sheet of Brown Backs, cut or uncut, from the state of Minnesota.
The final chapter of this story was written in January 2017, when the number 2 note, long held by collector Gil
Sem, came to auction at the FUN show as part of his statewide collection was sold through Heritage. I was able
to acquire this note, a beautiful choice very fine specimen, and thereby obtain examples of all four signatories
from this institution. Persistence and a lot of luck helped this collector beat the odds.
Back of $5 Brown Back on charter 4807.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Lee Lofthus for annual circulation data gleaned from comptroller records.
The International Paper Money Show
is all new in 2017!
June 9-11 (dealer set-up June 8)
After 40 years in Memphis, the IPMS is moving to historic Kansas City. With a new start in a new city, the
show is getting a makeover to appeal to a wider audience in the collecting community. The International Paper
Money Show is an annual gathering of collectors and dealers that began in 1977. Over the last 40 years, the
convention has been located in Memphis, TN. But for the 41st annual show, the IPMS is relocating to Kansas
City and becoming even more interesting with several new additions to the show.
Location: Sheraton Crown Center, 2345 McGee Street, Kansas City, MO 64108
IPMS Contact: Doug Davis, Bourse Show Chairman. Call: 817.723.7231 or email
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Archives International Auctions, LLC
1580 Lemoine Avenue Suite 7
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 USA
tel. 201-944-4800
Archives Intl
We Seek Consignments For Upcoming Auctions:
U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily, Coins,
Security Printing Ephemera & Philatelic Material
We Purchase U.S. , Chinese & Worldwide
Numismatic & Philatelic Properties
From Single Rarities To Large Estates
Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
1904 Shanghai Branch $100 High Grade Rarity
Government of Newfoundland $1·1920 High Grade Rarity
Wall Street October 2016 Auction
Hold to History
American Banknote Company 1866 Stock Certificate
SOLD for $12,000
Yonkers New York $10 DB Number 1 Note
SOLD for $6000
The United States, Act of October 12,1837
Interest Bearing Proof Treasury Note
SOLD $28,800
Russo-Asiatic Bank 1913-17 Banknote Rarity
SOLD for $12,000
U n c o p u l e d :
Paper Money’s
Odd Couple
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
This month we travel to Egypt. Actually, we
have already been there—recall the fake
truncated serial number “error” note that we
looked at two issues back, from 1924. This
month we are post-WWII.
In 1956 troops of both Great Britain and
France were deployed to take custody of the
Suez Canal as Gamal Abdel Nasser flexed his
nationalistic muscles. The operation did not last
long—the UN scolded both aggressors and
things quieted down. But troops needed to be
paid, and neither occupier wanted to enrich
Nasser’s economy with an influx of hard
currency. Expedient currencies were created.
Because the operation was small and short,
it was years before examples of these filtered
into collector hands. Indeed, some of the British
notes and tokens were not associated with the
Suez operation until the late 1970s—years after
they were discovered. The French pieces were
somewhat easier to classify—their legends
announced their purpose.
The French diverted occupation notes from
the Saar region of Germany, which they still
controlled in 1956, to the Suez incident, with
two legends blacked out and another added. The
added one said “Forces Françaises en
Méditerranée Orientale”—French Forces in the
Eastern Mediterranean.
As you might expect, the Suez-related notes
are scarce. Because the underlying occupation
notes are less scarce, the Cheshire faker has
created templates to add overprints to turn $7
notes into $100 notes.
Boling continued on page 95
Shortly after I became infatuated (a chronic
condition) with military payment certificates
(MPC) in 1972, I started collecting British
armed forces special vouchers (BAFSV).
Relative to MPC, with thirteen full series to
collect, BAFSV had only a few series. Both
issues owed their very existence to overdrafts by
the respective forces in Germany, where many
millions of dollars (and pounds) were lost to
illegal activities. Overdraft is a polite word for
black market. I do not know for sure whether the
Americans or the British first came up with the
idea of issuing a military money to their forces
for pay, but it was the British who acted first.
Indeed, in Congressional testimony about the
use of MPC, the use of BAFSV by the Allies
was described.
The time difference was not much. The
British issued canteen money, as they called it,
in August 1946 and MPC was issued in
September. However, the first US use of a
controlled currency had been in July 1946—
using Allied military currency yen notes in
series A. Those notes had originally been
intended as supplemental yen for areas outside
homeland Japan, and had seen so little use that
they were pulled back and stockpiled for future
use if needed. So—call it a draw.
Jump forward to the start of my MPC
collecting in 1973. Thirteen series of MPC were
confirmed in collections, although they were not
well documented by today's standards. BAFSV,
on the other hand, were hardly documented at
all. The first two series were confirmed and
more-or-less well known, although it took me a
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
very long time to find first series five and ten
shilling notes for my collection.
The really interesting part of the story is that
small value notes—5, 10, and 50 new pence—
were known from the sixth series! Somehow we
were able to confirm that this sixth series was
then still in use in Berlin (remember, we are
talking about 1973). I know that I am wandering
quite a bit, but I just cannot stop myself! At
about this time, a five pound BAFSV from the
second series was in a mail bid auction of the
International Bank Note Society! I was stunned.
I went all out to buy it and got it for $95.
Obviously, I still remember this. It was not long
until I learned that the five pound notes were
then still being used in Berlin! Eventually, we
figured out that the full issue being used by the
British in Berlin consisted of the 5, 10, 50 new
pence from the sixth series and the one and five
pound notes of the second series!
What happened to the third, fourth and fifth
series and why the combination second/sixth
series in Berlin? The answer to the second
question was that the minors in the sixth series
notes had been issued when Britain had
decimalized the currency. That meant that we
would never see the unissued series (assuming
they were denominated in the now-obsolete old
pence and shillings).
Then the first real lightning bolt hit. A
dealer in England offered for sale some third
series six pence notes! That was a staggering
find, it seemed to me. I am sorry that I cannot
remember his name right now because I would
like to give him credit, but I cannot. If I
remember it in the future, I will give him a shout
out in a future column. (That is a privilege of
having a column.) He died quite a few years ago
so I would really like to give him the credit.
I am not sure what denomination was found
next, but I do remember finding—and
purchasing—the first one pound voucher of the
third series. It was at a summer convention of
the American Numismatic Association. Stanley
Gibbons of stamp collecting fame was then a
major dealer in paper money. They had the first-
seen one pounder of the third series. It was in
poor condition, but they were nonetheless very
proud of it. I was young, I was eager, and I
really wanted that note. You can guess what
happened. Of course I went home with it.
That big purchase really fired up my
research. That is when I developed the theory
that the third series had been used by the British
in the Suez incident in 1956. The key to this
conclusion was the French Tresor Français
issues that were overprinted Forces Françaises
en Méditerranée Orientale in 1956 for the Suez
occupation. These notes were relatively well
known and are ostensibly the subject of this
Even without the Internet, it was not too
difficult to read up on the Suez incident. The
conclusion that if the French had a special issue,
the British would too, was not difficult. If you
take that as an assumption, what would the
British have used? It sure seems easy today to
assume that it was the third series. I wrote an
article for the Bank Note Reporter proposing my
theory. I am not sure when that was and it is not
really important here.
Not too much happened over the next
decade except that a few more pieces were
found and the prices therefore slumped. Still, I
was very happy to have what I did. Jump ahead
to the mid-1980s. I was in the Army and
stationed in Germany. Specifically, I was
stationed in northern Germany. My unit was not
only the farthest north of any American unit, we
were within five miles of the border with
One day a British officer came into my
office. I was a bit surprised, but happy to make
his acquaintance. He wanted a favor. He wanted
to purchase some things from our small (tiny)
post exchange. Ration cards were required for
his intended purchase and he did not have one,
but he was an Allied officer in Germany on
official duty. Basically, he was authorized to
shop in our PX, but I was not certain of all of the
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
My new friend was in Germany
participating in an exercise. His actual station
was with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in
England. As we drove to the PX, I introduced
him to the idea of BAFSVs. He had never heard
of them. I pressed.
I told him of the mysteries associated with
the third series. He seemed interested, but he
also was polite and wanted a favor. I extracted a
promise from him to walk down the hall at
MOD to find the answers. He obtained his
merchandise and promised to get the answers to
my questions. I thought that it was a day well
Of course I misplaced his address so that I
could not hound him, and after a few months of
not hearing from him, I more or less gave up.
The timing was perfect. After giving up, I was
subject to being pleasantly surprised, which I
was when a nice package of photocopies arrived.
He had done great work. There is a book that has
detailed information of the sort that I was
seeking. I believe (but am not certain) that the
book he copied is an internal document of the
British military finance corps (by whatever
name it is correctly called). He had sent me
pages from the relevant portions.
First and foremost, the document not only
confirms that the third series was used during
the Suez incident, it does it in absolutely great
detail. It describes how many trucks (lorries)
moved how many boxes of notes on what date
for shipment to the Suez on what ship. I had
never seen such detail. It was wonderful.
There was additional great information that
was included just by chance above the text re the
third series. There it describes the historical
legacy of Allied military currency at the end of
World War II. Specifically, it goes on to
describe the various Allied issues including
Allied Danish kroner. That was the first time
that we had heard that this kroner issue was part
of the Allied military currency system, although
we did know the notes.
I wrote another article about these
discoveries for the Bank Note Reporter, and here
I am doing it again! The newest twist that I have
for you probably will not surprise you. Over the
decades, I have misplaced the photocopies. I
want to find a copy of the original book. We
need that book! Who out there has the contacts
at MOD or the Internet savvy to identify and
find a copy?
Boling continued
Figure 1 is such a concoction. The entire
overprint is inkjet. The two black boxes
obliterate text relating to the occupation zone
where they were originally used. The three lines
of text identifying the new users are at bottom
center. No changes were made to the back.
This fraud merchant is getting very good at
matching fonts and making his “overprints” look
legitimate. The black boxes are so good that you
cannot tell which is inkjet and which is
letterpress with the naked eye, and even at 20x
magnification it is difficult. The next two photos
show the replica (Figure 2) and the original
(Figure 3). The letterpress original is slightly
Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 1
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
more crisp along its edges. It’s easier to identify
the bad notes using the text overprint, where he
did not quite manage an exact duplication of the
original font (and where it is easier to
distinguish the two printing technologies, but
you still have to use high magnification for that).
Figures 4 and 5 show the replica and original
fonts in part of the first line of the overprint.
Notice especially the cedilla below the letter C.
Figures 6 and 7 show two letters R in the third
line of text. The replica has great honking tails
on the Rs—the original is a more delicate
design. These tails are the easiest defect to
distinguish in an online auction listing. If the
seller declines to provide any magnification
capability, assume that he is hiding something,
and don’t bid.
For the Suez incident, the British issued
Series 3 of their version of military payment
certificates, British armed forces special
vouchers (BAFSVs). There are no fraudulent
versions of the ones used in Egypt (no overprints
were involved), but I am going to piggy-back on
their use in Egypt to look at another theater of
war where overprints were used. This gives our
despicable printer another opportunity to harass
Force T was an independent British element
operating in the Far East during the occupation
of Japan. They used BAFSVs. For reasons we
don’t understand, they overprinted theirs to
distinguish them from those being used by the
British Commonwealth Occupation Force
(BCOF) in Japan. The Force T notes are about
as scarce as the French notes for Suez.
Figure 8 shows a modern inkjet version of
the overprint.
Figures 9 and 10 show the inkjet and the
typeset (letterpress) versions of two letters SS in
the first word of the overprint. Notice the stair
steps coming down the diagonal portions of each
S in figure 9 and that the two letters touch at the
bottom. In figure 10, the genuine overprint, there
are no steps and the letters do not touch.
Figures 11 and 12 show the letters NL in the
last word of the overprint. Again, figure 11 (the
inkjet version) has stair steps and the two letters
touch. In Figure 12, the genuine example, there
are no steps and the letters do not touch.
Figure 13 shows both versions—inkjet
above, typeset below. In the bottom (genuine)
Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 6 Figure 7
Figure 9 Figure 10
Figure 8
Figure 11 Figure 12
Figure 13
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
example, look at the word ONLY and note the
relative narrowness of the N and that the letter L
does not extend under the upper left arm of the
Y. Above, in the inkjet version, L and Y are
snuggled up closely so that the L extends under
the Y. One can do that in a digital file, but not
with conventional type. In the genuine version, a
line extended up from the right edge of the L
would not intersect the arm of the Y. This is
probably your best way to separate good from
bad in online images.
Let’s go back to Egypt. Yet another form of
WWII British military currency is the series of
notes known as BMA—British Military
Authority. These were for civilian use in
liberated areas controlled by the British.
A subset of BMA are £1 notes overprinted
are from a group of serial numbers all from
block 39Z. Serials 000001-000025 were
overprinted Bulgaria, and 26-50 Greece, 51-75
France. It was long speculated that these were
essays for notes to be issued in those areas, but
never used. We now have other information.
Ruth Hill had a habit of keeping
correspondence about notes in the holders with
them. She owned 39Z 000075. When it was sold
three years ago, it came with a most interesting
fragment of a letter. The writer (now unknown)
said that these were for a deception operation
run by the British in Cairo.
Selected officers received a note with
instructions to let it be seen locally, but to not
spend it. The hope was that local informants
would pass on to the Germans that troops were
carrying currency for [Bulgaria-Greece-France],
in hopes that the Germans would move troops
anticipating an attack in one of those locations,
and stay away from Morocco/Algeria, the actual
next invasion point.
These overprinted notes are much sought
after. Naturally, it’s simplicity itself for the
Cheshire faker to imitate them. Naturally
further, he’s too dumb to realize that anyone
seeking one of these knows exactly what serial
numbers should be on them, and he makes no
attempt (yet) to replace the pre-existing number
on a note that he uses for his swindle.
Figure 14 is the inkjet overprint; figure 15 is
Ruth Hill’s piece (with letterpress overprint). I
don’t need to show you 20x for this piece—just
read the serials.
Once again, when buying a note with an
overprint, if it comes from Warrington,
Cheshire, UK, leave it alone.
Figure 14
Figure 15
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
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by Carlson R. Chambliss
Brazil’s paper money issues have a long and varied history. Government paper money goes at least as
far back as 1833, and notes were produced in a wide variety of formats and sizes and from a wide variety of
printers. The basic unit of currency was the real, but this was so small a unit that the plural form reis was
always used. One thousand of these was a milreis and a thousand of that unit was referred to as um conto de reis
in Portuguese with that denomination or its equivalent being the highest value for banknotes until well after the
milreis had been abandoned as a unit of currency. Generally the lowest denomination for banknotes was 1
milreis, but between 1893 and 1901 a few notes were issued for only 500 reis (quinhientos reis). These might
have caused some confusion, however, since 500 milreis notes of about the same size and physical appearance
would also have been in normal circulation. In the late 19th century the milreis was worth about fifty cents in
American money, and silver coins for 500, 1000, and 2000 reis were in regular use. Brazil was somewhat
unusual for most large nations in the pre-WWI days in that its currency was not readily convertible to gold on
demand. Gold coins for 10,000 and 20,000 reis were minted, but they were sold at a premium over banknotes or
silver coins. By the 1910s, in fact, the value of the milreis had declined to about 30 U. S. cents. During the
1920s and 1930s Brazil experienced a modest degree of inflation, and the last silver coin issued for general
circulation was a 5000 reis piece depicting the aviation pioneer Santos Dumant and dated 1936-38 that was
worth about 30 US cents at the time. Since then coinage has played an increasingly minor role in Brazil’s
currency. At times there have been no circulating coins at all.
In 1942 it was decided to rename the basic Brazilian currency unit the cruzeiro (the Southern Cross),
and this was equivalent to one milreis. Older notes for from 5 to 500 milreis were surcharged with values in the
new currency, but these showed the diverse design and size characteristics of most Brazilian notes of earlier
years. There was also an issue at about the same time of small-format one milreis notes, but in this case they
were not surcharged. In the following year a completely new series of notes that were of uniform size and
similar designs was introduced, and thus 1943 is an excellent year to begin a description of Brazil’s new paper
money. The period I shall consider in this article is 1943-67, but two important changes occurred in the last
couple of years of this date range. In 1965 the Banco Central do Brasil was formed, and some of the 5000 and
all of the 10,000 cruzeiros notes of this vintage acknowledge this. All earlier notes acknowledge that they are
emissions of the National Treasury (Tesouro Nacional). In 1966 Brazil decided to convert its currency from
cruzeiros to cruzeiros novos at a rate of 1000 to 1. In 1966 new notes were issued that were surcharged in the
new currency, but their designs are also identical to the (old) cruzeiro currency. Banknotes of entirely new
designs were introduced in 1970.
It so happens that I was in Brazil in 1969. At that time the exchange rate was about 4000 (old) cruzeiros
to the dollar, but the circulating paper money was a complete mess. Apparently no paper money had been
printed after 1967, and nearly all of the lower denomination notes were in tatters. Values ran as low as one
centavo (or 10 old crs), but these absurd rags had face values of only one quarter US cent. Only some of the
5000 and 10,000 crs notes (or 5 and 10 crsN in the new currency) were in reasonably decent condition. Bear in
mind, however, that the highest value note had an exchange value of only about $2.50 in US currency. (From
here on I am going to use the abbreviation crs for the full word cruzeiros.)
As has been noted, the Brazilian paper money of 1943-67 displays a high degree of uniformity, but there
are some peculiarities. For the most part there were two printers, the American Bank Note Co. (ABNC) of New
York and Thomas de la Rue (TDLR) in London. The word Estampa (printer in Portuguese) usually appears of
these notes as an ordinal number (either blank or 1a for the ABNC and 2a for TDLR), and these firms also
placed their imprints at the bottom of each note. It seems that there were no special designators for replacement
notes. With one exception only all Brazilian notes of this vintage are 156 x 66 mm in size, which makes them
identical in format to current U. S. currency. The 10,000 crs notes are somewhat larger measuring 164 x 72
mm. In 1961 and 1962 the Casa da Moeda do Brasil printed a limited number of 5 crs notes, and they are
designated Estampa 3a. Apparently this “experiment” in local printing was not very well received, and the
___________________________________________________________Paper Money *March/April 2017* Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Brazilian Treasury soon returned to the two foreign firms. Since 1970, however, almost all Brazilian notes have
been printed in Brazil.
All Brazilian paper money of the 1943-67 period (and for some decades prior to this as well) bears a
series number. This is an ordinal number, and usually both the ABNC and TDLR used the same sequence for
notes of a given design. These numbers can run well into four digits, and it would be foolish to attempt to
collect these notes by series number as there are far too many of them. The serial numbers have six digits, but
the first digit is always a zero, and so the series (i. e., serial number blocks) are only 100,000 notes each. On
most of these notes there are two printed signatures, that of the Director of the Office of Amortization on the left
and that of the Minister of Finance on the right. On the last of these issues the former signature on the left has
been replaced by that of the President of the Central Bank. The earliest notes of these types did not bear printed
facsimile signatures but rather were autographed by hand. This practice had also been used on many earlier
Brazilian notes.
All Brazilian notes of 1943-67 bear portraits on their faces. For the 1 cr value this portrait was of the
Marques de Tamandare (1807-1897), who is considered the patron of the Brazilian Navy. The 2 crs portrays
the Duke of Caxias (1803 – 1880), an important army leader of the Imperial period. The 5 crs shows the Baron
do Rio Branco (1845 – 1912), a diplomat who was chiefly responsible for the treaties specifying the borders of
Brazil with its numerous South American neighbors.
The 10 crs note depicts Getulio Vargas (1882 – 1954),
who was president of Brazil from 1930‐45 and from 1951‐54 and thus during much of the time that these
notes were in use. The 20 crs portrays Deodoro da Fonseca (1827 – 1892), who was the first president of the
Brazilian Republic after the overthrow of the Empire in 1889. The 50 crs depicts Princess Isabel (1846 – 1921),
who was a strong advocate for the abolition of slavery in Brazil. The 100 crs portrays Dom Pedro II (1825 –
1891), who was Emperor of Brazil from 1831 to 1889. The 200 crs depicts Dom Pedro I (1798 – 1834), who
chose to remain in Brazil rather than return to Portugal and was the first Brazilian Emperor from 1822‐ 1831.
A one cruzeiro note printed by the ABNC and issued in 1944.
It has a bold autograph on its face and bears no printed
facsimile signatures.
A 50 cruzeiros note printed by the ABNC and issued in 1956.
It bears the printed signatures of Lemos and Lopes. Depicted
is Princess Isabel, the daughter of Dom Pedro II who was an
anti-slavery crusader in Brazil for many years.
A 200 cruzeiros note printed by TDLR and issued in 1960.
It bears the signatures of Carrilho and Almeida. Depicted
is Dom Pedro I, the father of the beloved Dom Pedro II.
His decision to remain in Brazil and not to return to his
throne in Portugal is regarded as the act that resulted in
Brazilian independence in 1822.
A five cruzeiros note printed by TDLR and issued in 1950.
The ordinal number 2a refers to the second printer, i. e.,
TDLR. Depicted is the Baron de Rio Branco, a diplomat
who was most responsible for negotiating and charting
Brazil’s frontiers with all of the countries with which
Brazil has common borders.
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The 500 crs shows Dom Joao VI (1767 – 1826), who was King of Portugal from 1816 to 1826. The 1000 crs
portrays Pedro Alvares Cabral (1467 – 1520), who discovered Brazil and claimed it for Portugal in 1500. The
two high value notes appeared only much later among these issues. The 5000 crs depicts Joaquim Jose da
Silva Xavier (1746 – 1792), better known as Tiradentes (= Tooth‐Puller), an early leader in the struggle for
Brazilian independence. The 10,000 crs portrays Alberto Santos Dumont (1873 – 1932), the famous Brazilian
aviation pioneer.
These notes are quite colorful, as numerous approaches to enhance their designs were used. The
faces of all the notes printed by the ABNC were bright blue with multicolored underprints. The serials and
series numbers are always in red. For the 5000 and 10,000 crs notes a strong red underpint appears on the
former, and for the latter the face design was largely gray rather than bright blue. On the notes printed by
TDLR each denomination has a different face color. The face of the 5000 crs is now entirely carmine rose,
while for the 10,000 crs the dominant color is red brown. This variety, however, exists only with a surcharge
for 10 crsN.
As might be expected, the backs of the 1 and 2 crs notes depict the naval and army academies,
respectively. The backs of the other values depict either historical scenes or allegories. Historical views
include the Conquest of the Amazon (5 crs), the first mass in Brazil (1000 crs), the Cry for Independence at
Ipiranda (1822, on the 200 crs), and the trial of Tiradentes (1792, on the 5000 crs). The 10,000 crs notes
depict one of Santos Dumont’s flying machines. The other values depict various allegories on their backs.
Usually the ABNC and the TDLR notes have backs with the same colors for a given value, but there are
exceptions. For instance on the 20 and 100 crs notes printed by the ABNC the backs are dark red and red
brown, respectively, while on the TDLR printings for these values the colors are reversed with brown and red
for these respective denominations. A distinction is made for some of the earlier printings by TDLR of the 2
crs notes where the backs are in ochre rather than the normal yellow orange.
Up to 1960 all of these notes are inscribed Valor Recebido (value receivable) at the lower borders, but
after this date all notes are inscribed Valor Legal (legal value). I am not clear as to why this distinction was
deemed necessary.
Up until 1950 the notes of these types do
not bear printed facsimile signatures but rather
feature large ink autographs that were applied by
employees of the National Treasury. These were
intended as some sort of control measure before
the notes were placed into circulation, but they
hardly seem effective as anti‐counterfeiting devices.
Far too many persons signed these notes to make
any of the signatures recognizable. Also these
signatures are subject to fading, and they can be
chemically removed. Notes without autographed
signatures should not in my opinion be regarded as
either errors or as distinct varieties worthy of being
collected as such. Far too many signature types exist, of course, for persons to collect these notes in this
fashion. Between 1944 and 1948 all of the notes in circulation were the ABNC printings with these signatures,
and then they were supplemented by notes of 5 crs through 1000 crs printed by TDLR during 1948‐50. The
higher values of these notes are decidedly scarce, and the 200 and 1000 crs of the TDLR printings with
autographed signatures are without doubt the rarest varieties of this entire series of notes. Fake autographed
notes are not a problem, however, since the underlying engraved notes lack any spaces for engraved
signatures, and thus producing alterations from the more available notes with printed signatures is not
Between 1953 and 1960 both the ABNC and TDLR produced a large number of notes, all of which are
inscribed Valor Recebido and feature engraved signatures. On these notes a total of seven different signature
combos were used. The position of the Director of the Bureau of Amortization (Caixa de Amorticao) seems to
A two cruzeiros note printed by TDLR in 1956. The
signatures are those of C. S. Lemos and J. M. Alkimin.
Portrayed is the 19th century military leader the Duke of
Caxias. The production of 1 and 2 cruzeiros notes was
terminated in 1958 due to inflationary pressures.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money *March/April 2017* Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
have had a much longer tenure than did the Minister of Finance, since nearly all of these notes were signed by
a single person, Claudionor de Souza Lemos. Between 1961 and 1965 there were five combos with these
officials on notes marked Valor Legal. Most notes issued in 1966‐67 feature the signatures of the President of
the Central Bank paired with the Minister of Finance, and there were three such combos. These include nearly
all of the surcharged notes, but a few of 1 crN and 5 crsN notes use older combos. The last of the notes of
these types bear the signature of Antonio Delfim Netto as Minister of Finance. He is a well‐known Brazilian
economist who developed price indexing as a technique for curbing the adverse effects of inflation on
individuals. This technique was also widely used by Israel to lessen the adverse effects of inflation in that
country during the late 1970s and 1980s.
A curious error appeared on three of the low value surcharged notes of 1966. The signer at the right
was identified as Minstro rather than the correct Ministro da Fazenda. This error was soon corrected, but
these notes, however, are quite common and command little or no premiums.
As has been noted, during 1960‐61 a number of 5 crs notes were printed locally by the Brazilian mint.
On their faces an Indian of the Amazon region is shown, while the back side portrays giant Victoria Regia water
lilies. There are two different signature combos and a total of 111 series with 75 having the first signature
combo and 36 the second. These notes were soon dropped either due to difficulties of production or to lack of
appeal for these designs. Since these notes are inexpensive and since there are not too many different series,
this note is often collected by series numbers by Brazilian specialists. In theory all of the series should be
equally abundant, but the specialty catalogs that pay attention to such details list some series as being worth
as much as ten times the value of the most abundant of these series. . .
The notes of 1961‐67 are all inscribed Valor Legal, and these were printed by both the ABNC and TDLR.
Not all denominations were printed by both firms. Inflation had removed the 1 and 2 crs notes from
circulation, and in 1963 5000 crs notes were introduced while 10,000 crs notes made their debut in 1966. The
surcharged notes in the new currency soon appeared, and both firms were involved in making them.
A five cruzeiros note printed and issued by the Brazilian mint
in 1960. Only 11,100,000 notes of this type were printed, and it
is the only note of the 1943-67 types that portrays a non-
European Brazilian.
The Victoria Regia water lilies are found in the Amazon
region and are noted for their huge leaves that can be several
feet across. Despite their interesting designs, these notes were
phased out of circulation after only about a year in use.
A note of this series for 100 cruzeiros that was printed by
TDLR and issued in 1963. It portrays Dom Pedro II, who was
Emperor of Brazil for most of his life.
A Valor Legal note for 1000 cruzeiros that was printed by the
ABNC and issued in 1962. Portrayed is Pedro A. Cabral, the
Portuguese explorer who discovered and claimed Brazil for
Portugal in 1500.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money *March/April 2017* Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Banknotes that were surcharged utilized series numbers that were not used on notes valued solely in the old
currency. Brazilian specialists make a distinction between notes with series numbers that are “sandwiched”
between notes in the old currency only and those that are surcharged. For instance the 10,000 crs notes of
the ABNC were printed in series 1‐493 and in series 561‐590, while these notes surcharged were printed in
series 494‐560 and in series 591‐2700. Notes of the former type with serials 561‐590 sell at a huge premium in
the specialist market, and notes of the latter type with 494‐560 also sell at a substantial premium in this
market. Aside from these varieties, there are no Brazilian notes printed in 1961‐67 that should be regarded as
scarce. The 5 crs notes printed by TDLR also feature a number of these “sandwiched” varieties for the two last
signature combos, but all of these items are quite common.
Since the series numbers are given for all of these notes in standard sources, most notably the
Catalogo de Cedulas do Brasil by Amato, Neves, and Schutz, it becomes an easy matter to determine how
many notes of a given type were printed. Remember that there are 100,000 notes per series number for each
note of a given type. For the notes issued with autographed signatures the numbers of note series issued per
type were as follows:
ABNC 1 cr 1000 series 20 crs 460 series 500 crs 160 series
2 crs 500 50 320 1000 230
5 500 100 235
10 330 200 320
TDLR 5 crs 500 100 crs 115
10 435 200 30
20 370 500 120
50 115 1000 90
The 200 crs note printed by TDLR and with hand signatures is regarded as bring the rarest of all of the issues of
the 1943‐67 period. The 1000 crs note by TDLR is also very scarce in higher grades. The total face value of the
notes printed for this series is 61.8 billion cruzeiros with an average face value of about 106 crs per note.
For the Valor Recebido notes with printed signatures that were issued in 1953‐61, the data are as
ABNC 1 cr 2690 series 200 crs 350 series
2 crs 635 500 100
50 400 1000 700
100 525 CdM 5 111
TDLR 2 crs 1045 TDLR 20 crs 1205 200 crs 80 series
5 1800 50 420 500 1180
10 1920 100 100 1000 700
Despite identical printings the 1000 crs note of this type printed by the ABNC is much scarcer than the variety
printed by TDLR. The 500 crs printed by TDLR comes with four signature varieties. Three are relatively
common, but the Lemos‐Lopes variety is one of the scarcest notes of the entire series. Clearly the 5 crs note
printed by the Brazilian mint was put aside in some quantity, since it is much more available than its relatively
low printing would imply. The total face value of the notes printed in this period is 228.8 billion cruzeiros with
an average face value of about 164 crs per note.
For the Valor Legal issues of 1961‐66 the printings were generally larger than before and the higher
denominations of 5000 and 10,000 crs were introduced. The series data are as follows:
ABNC 10 crs 600 series 100 crs 800 series 1000 crs 2500 series
20 800 200 900 5000 1650
50 500 500 2770 10,000 524
TDLR 5 crs 2400 50 crs 200 1000 crs 800
10 690 100 200 5000 2200
20 700
___________________________________________________________Paper Money *March/April 2017* Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
The relatively large printings of this series coupled with notes for 5000 and 10,000 crs results in a much larger
total for these issues. The total face value is 2.954 trillion cruzeiros with an average face value of about 1620
crs per note.
For the surcharged notes that were issued in 1966‐67 the data are as follows:
1 c / 10 crs 2000 series 1 crN / 1000 crs 1000 series
5 c / 50 crs 1100 5 cr N / 5000 crs 1250
10 c / 100 crs 1100 10 crN gray blue 2176
50 c / 500 crs 900 10 crN brown 2100
The issue of these notes is totally dominated by the high values, and the total face value issued was 5.065
billion (new) crs or 5.065 trillion (old) crs. The average face value for a note in this series was 4.36 (new) crs or
4360 (old) crs.
Over the years 1943 to 1969 Brazil had experienced a fairly modest degree of inflation at the beginning
of this epoch to fairly series inflation by the 1960s. When it was created in 1942, the official value of the
cruzeiro was pegged at 5.41 U. S. cents or 18.38 to the dollar. The high denomination notes for 200, 500, and
1000 crs thus had quite respectable values of about $10, $25, and $50 in American money. Over the period
that we are discussing the value of the cruzeiro declined initially rather slowly during the 1940s and early
1950s but then at a more rapid pace during the 1960s. Between 1945 and 1969 the free market exchange
rates (cruzeiros per dollar) were as follows:
1945 19.5 1957 80 1962 380 1966 2200
1950 26.5 1958 125 1963 620 1967 (2720)
1955 67.5 1960 183 1964 1230 1969 (4100)
All of these data refer to October 1st of the year in question. The data for 1967 and 1969 are in parentheses,
since these data were quoted at that time in new cruzeiros at 2.72 and 4.10 per dollar, respectively.
Another measure to look at is the cost of living index which doubled between 1947 and 1953
(equivalent to 13% per year inflation). It doubled again between 1953 and 1957 (equivalent to 20% annual
inflation). The next doubling took only three years (or 25% per year), while between 1960 and 1963 the
inflation rate was about 50% per year, and between 1963 and 1966 it reached 65% per year. A degree of
stability set in when the new cruzeiro was introduced, and Antonio Delfim Netto was able to apply his
economic schemes. Thus between 1968 and 1974 inflation averaged only about 20% per year. Quite possibly
the radically new banknote designs of the early 1970s inspired a degree of confidence in the new currency that
had been lost to some extent with the heavy use of the ABNC and TDLR products.
The really serious hyperinflation in Brazil, however, did not occur until the decade of the 1980s when
things got totally out of hand.. In 1989 and 1990 the annual inflation rates in Brazil were 1390% and 2940%,
respectively, which are equivalent to monthly rates of 25% and 33%. In 1994 the reasonably stable real (plural
reais) was introduced, and this monetary madness finally came to an end.
As I have noted, I was in Brazil in 1969 at a time when the old notes (the Valor Legal and the
surcharged notes, at least) were still in circulation. The 1, 2, and 5 (old) cruzeiros notes were no longer in use,
but notes for 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 (old) crs and for 1c, 5c, and 10c (surcharged) were used as small change
items of minimal value. There were a few of the new coins in circulation, but there were nowhere near
enough of these. A conversion of $50 or $100 in US money would result in one obtaining a huge pile of very
dirty, stained, and torn low value Brazilian notes. Bear in mind that the highest note was only for 10,000 crs
(or 10 crsN), and this note was only worth about $2.50. Purchasing items such as meals in quality restaurants
or paying hotel bills required stacks of banknotes. Notes for denominations such as 50,000 or 100,000 (old) crs
were desperately needed, but the Brazilian Congress was reluctant to authorize them because that would
acknowledge that the inflation was getting out of hand. Venezuela has the same problems these days. The
cost of production of new notes for 200 (old) crs or less or 10 c (new) or less would have exceeded their face
values, and clearly the Banco Central was not doing this. I never saw a small‐change note that was better than
VG‐F condition, and most were much worse. (The same thing apparently has been taking place in Venezuela
up to at least the beginning of this year.) Fortunately enough notes in nice condition had already been put
aside for collectors, so that the trash that was in circulation in the late 1960s was very largely destroyed. By
___________________________________________________________Paper Money *March/April 2017* Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
the early 1970s the new series of Brazilian notes was in general use, and these were supplemented by
adequate numbers of coins. I expect that the Banco Central simply destroyed all of its stock of 1943‐67 notes
that were still on hand. Many were in such bad shape that they might even have refused to redeem many of
them when these items were turned in by individuals.
The notes of Brazil issued in 1943‐67 are an interesting series to collect. I expect that most collectors of these
would go for at least the signature varieties since there are no more than three or four of these for a note of a
given type. A few notes – most especially the 200 and 1000 crs notes printed by TDLR with autographed ink
signatures – are very scarce and are certainly worth a few hundred dollars each when in choice condition.
Most notes of these types, however, are very much less expensive than are these two. By my count there are
a total of 120 varieties (including signatures) for the 1943‐67 issues. The “sandwich” varieties that I previously
mentioned would add six varieties to these. The four involving 5 crs Valor Legal note are quite common and
also very cheap, but the two 10,000 crs (or 10 crsN) items would be very much scarcer. One might be tempted
to expand his/her collection to include the series varieties, but as I have shown in this article, there are so
many of these that collecting even the most common types in this fashion would be an arduous task. The
Valor Legal 5 crs note printed by TDLR is so common that it often shows up in the cheapest “junk boxes” at
prices of no more than 50 cents or so per note in CU grade. But be warned! As I have noted, there are 2400
series varieties of this type and doubtless many of these are far scarcer than are others of this type. The only
major type note that Brazilian specialists seem to go for in this fashion is the locally printed 5 crs note of 1960‐
61 where obtaining all 111 series of this note does pose a real but feasible challenge.
You will find the Brazilian notes of 1943‐67 to be a fascinating series of notes to collect regardless of
how you approach the task. The notes in this group range from extremely common to decidedly scarce. There
are no extreme rarities, but several types can only be described as very scarce to rare when in high grade.
Amato, Claudio Patrick., das Neves, Irlei Soares, and Schutz, Julio Ernesto, eds., Cedulas do Brasil, 1833 a 2011,
5th Edition, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2011
Chambliss, Carlson R., “Brazil’s Hyperinflation Reflected in its Currency,” Bank Note Reporter, Krause
Publications, April, 1996
Cuhaj, George S., ed. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, General Issues, 1368 – 1960, 12th Edition,
Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 2008
Cuhaj, George S., ed. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Modern Issues, 1961 – Present, 20th Edition,
Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 2014
Data on annual inflation rates and on cost of living indices can be gleaned from the annual reports published by Europa
Publications Limited in London and from the annual supplements of the Encyclopedia Britannica that are published yearly.
Economic data for many nations referring to the years prior to 1914 are generally available in the Encyclopedia Britannica,
Eleventh Edition that was published in 1910-11. My article on Brazilian currency that was published in 1996 gives a fairly
thorough survey of these data for Brazil for the late 1930s to the early 1990s.
A note for 5000 cruzeiros that has been surcharged five new
cruzeiros. This note was printed by the ABNC and it bears
the signature of the President of the Central Bank. Portrayed
is the freedom fighter Tiradentes who was executed in 1792.
A note for 10,000 cruzeiros that has been surcharged 10 new
cruzeiros as were all examples of this variety. It was printed
by TDLR. Although the previous note makes reference to the
National Treasury, this note refers only to the Central Bank.
Depicted is the famous Brazilian aviation pioneer, Alberto
Santos Dumont.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money *March/April 2017* Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Venable’s Hotel, Huntsville, Alabama, 1862
Each of the two known issued and verified Huntsville, Alabama, Venable’s Hotel 50 cent notes, Rosene
136‐11, is in terrible condition. (See Figures 1 and 5.) The first is from the Walter B. Jones sale2; the
second found in a mixed lot in September 2003. They are owned by a Huntsville collector.
Both notes are dated July 22, 1862, with the “July 22” being hand‐written and the “1862” printed.
Rosene indicates that the date on the issue is “18__, part ink.”3 It is possible that he had seen neither of
the issued pieces and only had a printer’s proof to study.
The signature on both notes is that of “J. M. Venable.”
Figure 1: The front of the
Walter B. Jones Venable’s
Hotel note is fairly
The note’s vignette (Figure 2) is unusual: it depicts a settee and chairs, but two of the chairs and one
foot‐stool are turned over and the entire vignette is printed upside‐down! Probably the upside‐down
picture was merely an error on the part of the printer. When the note is rotated by 180 degrees, the
scene becomes clear, but still there still appears to be a perspective problem with one of the chairs. The
vignette is not unique to the Venable’s Hotel scrip. Rather, at least several other Alabama notes (by
what appears to be the same printer, who remains unknown4) have this unusual scene. These include
the Huntsville Johnson House 5 cent, Rosene 130‐25, and Princeton, Alabama6, Rosene 282‐4 through
282‐77. It is plausible that the printer inadvertently produced a large amount of paper having only this
error and, rather than destroy the paper that was quite valuable because of wartime shortages,
continued to use it until his stocks were exhausted.
by David Hollander
Figure 3: The left vignette shows a settee and accessories when rotated by 180
degrees. (For clarity, the vignette on the right is from a Princeton, Alabama note.)
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
The back of the note (Figure 3) is quite interesting: of course the printed “50” value is very obvious and
clear. But, less discernable is the fact that the scrip was printed on paper used for Bank of Alabama $100
bonds. (See Figure 4 for an enlargement of the area.) The bond paper has a printed serration guide for
Figure 2: The back of the Venable's Hotel scrip is revealing.
The 20 Princeton, Alabama, and the 5 Huntsville Johnson House notes that were examined had no value,
no Alabama bond printing, nor any printed serrations on the back. As a cost saving measure, it is entirely
possible that Mr. Venable had agreed to use the printer’s cheapest stock, which was the paper printed
on the State Bank of Alabama blank $100 bonds.
Figure 3: The Venable's Hotel scrip are printed on unissued
Bank of Alabama $100 bonds.
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Figure 4: The other Venable's Hotel note has a date identical to the first notes, July 22, 1862.
The second known Venable’s Hotel note (Figure 5) has been backed with paper to preclude further
deterioration. When held to light, it has the same reverse as the first note’s, including the Bank of
Alabama bond printing. (See Figure 6.)
Figure 5: Held to light, both notes show the same back, including the Alabama bond indications.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Facts about Mr. Venable and the hotel.
Mr. James Monroe Venable was born in Farmville, Prince Edward County, Virginia, on April 10, 1810. His
father was Abraham (August 26, 1780‐?); his mother, Elizabeth Taylor (1782‐July 25, 1855).
On December 20, 1831, Mr. Venable married Matilda W. Hoffman in Rockbridge County, Virginia.8
During the years 1834‐1837 the James Monroe Venable family probably lived in Tennessee since his two
oldest girls were born there. Sometime before 1840 the Venable’s moved south since the younger
James was born in Alabama, and the family is recorded in the 1840 United States Census for Madison
County9 It lists the Venable home as 11 persons, including 5 Free White Males, 3 Free White Females,
1 Male Slave, and 2 Female Slaves.
The 1850 United States Census, enumerated on December 14, 1850,10 indicates that the Venable
household, probably a boarding house, consisted of James and Matilda, their four children (Sarah
Elizabeth, May 9, 1834‐July 23, 1922; Esterline H., August 10, 1837‐February 24, 1915; James Joseph,
June 21, 1841‐August 1897; and Victor A., 1842‐June 19, 186111), Matilda’s mother (Elizabeth Hoffman)
and two sisters (Esterline and Chartten), and ten others. He owned one slave in Virginia.12 Mr. Venable’s
occupation was noted to be a “Tinner.” Two of the other occupants were also Tinners.
Figure 6: Mr. Venable was the proprietor of Venable’s Hotel that was also a boarding house.13
In 1856 the Railroad Hotel was built for $2,376 by the Memphis & Charleston Railroad Company. It was
located on the north end of Church Street across from the railroad passenger depot. Additions were
made to enlarge the facility in 185714. Most likely the railroad leased the building to Mr. Venable. He
was the proprietor and his business became known as Venable’s Hotel. (See Figure 7.) Not only was the
establishment a hotel, but also it served as a boarding house with a number of local citizens living there
on a semi‐permanent basis.15
The 1860 Census16 shows a much smaller household: James and Matilda, three of the children (Esterline
H, who later married a minister, Joseph Pitts; Victor A., who died of typhoid fever when he was 21 while
training with the Madison Rifles in Pensacola17 on June 19, 186118; and James Joseph, who worked with
his father), and Henry and Mattie Thornburg. (His elder daughter, Sarah Elizabeth19, had married John
Hunn Swift in Huntsville on June 13, 1855.) Mr. Venable’s occupation was recorded as “Landlord.” He
still owned a slave, this one in Huntsville.20
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
On April 11, 1862, the Union Forces occupied Huntsville. Sometime during the occupation, after
September 1864, Venable’s Hotel closed.
Prior to 1866 Mr. Venable went into the grocery business. (See Figure 8.) The hotel was renovated and
reopened in 1866 as the Donegan21 Hotel.
In July of the same year the Internal Revenue Service assessed Mr. Venable a tax of $20.92 on his
income of $418.54 and $1.00 on his gold watch valued at $100.00.22
The 1870 United States Census lists both Mr. Venable and his son, James, as “Hotel Keeper.” The family
seems to have been living in the hotel (presumably the Donegan Hotel) because, along with the family,
at least 40 names are included in the census listing. The names include a Corn Merchant, Lawyer,
Druggist, Coal Dealer, and other professionals boarding at the hotel.23
In 1873 the Memphis & Charleston Railroad Company sold all of its property along the railroad tracks,
including “…that valuable property in Huntsville known as the Donegan Hotel...”24
Mr. James Monroe Venable died June 22, 1873; his wife, Matilda, had died of “Consumption”25 March 1,
1872. Both are buried in Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery. (See Figure 9.)
The hotel was razed in the late 1890’s and made way for the Dilworth Lumber Company, a lumber
Figure 7: After Venable's
Hotel closed, Mr. Venable
became a grocer.
Figure 8: James and Matilda Venable
are buried in Maple Hill Cemetery in
Huntsville, Alabama.1
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
1 Rosene, Walter, Jr., ALABAMA OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIP, Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., c. 1984,
Page 56.
2 Heritage Auctions, Walter B. Jones Collection, September 21, 2001, Auction Number 269, Lot 5683. Price realized,
including Buyer’s Premium, was $165.00.
3 Ibid, Page 56.
4 There are other Alabama obsolete notes that are clearly the work of the same printer. These include The Easley
Hotel 50 cent note of 1862 (Huntsville, Alabama, unlisted in Rosene), the Huntsville James Hickman issue of 1862
(Rosene 127‐1 and others), and the Huntsville J. M & T. I Humphrey issue of 1862 (Rosene 128‐1 and others).
However, the furniture vignette is not known on any of the surviving specimen.
5 Op. Cit., Rosene, Page 52.
6 Princeton, Alabama, is circa 25 miles east‐north‐east of Huntsville in Jackson County, Alabama.
7 Op. Cit., Rosene, Page 109.
8 Virginia, Marriages, 1740‐1850 [database on‐line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc,
1999. Original Data: Dodd, Jordan R., et. al., Early American Marriages: Virginia to 1850. Bountiful, UT, USA:
Precision Indexing Publishers.
9 “United States Census, 1840, Madison County, Microfilm: #M704‐13, AL,‐ (File 5 of 5), Copyright 2006 by Linda Doty,
10 "United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch
(‐YXZ : accessed 26 March 2016), James M Venable, Huntsville,
Madison, Alabama, United States; citing family 546, NARA microfilm publication M432 (Washington, D.C.: National
Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).
11 Rice, Charles, Hard Times, The Civil War in Huntsville and North Alabama, 1861‐1865, Boaz, Alabama: Boaz
Printing Company, Copyright 1994, Page 28.
12 1850 Slave Schedule, Prince Edward County, Virginia.
13 From the James C. Pryor Estate of Huntsville, Alabama.
14 The Historic Huntsville Quarterly of Local Architecture & Preservation, Spring 1981, Page 16.
15 The Huntsville City Directory, 1859‐1860.
16 "United States Census, 1860", database with images, FamilySearch
(‐778 : accessed 26 March 2016), James M Venable, 1860.
17 Chadick, Mary Jane Cook and Nancy M. Rohr, Incidents of the War: The Civil War Journal of Mary Jane Chadick,
SilverThreads Publishing, Copyright November 1, 2005, Page 196.
18 Record, James, A Dream Come True, The Story of Madison County and Incidentally of Alabama and the United
States, Huntsville, Alabama, 1970, Page 128.
19, Sarah Elizabeth Venable Swift, May 9, 1834‐July 23, 1922. Her tombstone indicates she is
buried in Madura, South India. Her husband, John is buried in Maple Hill Cemetery. He died on June 30, 1873,
sometime after which, apparently, Sarah Elizabeth became a missionary in India.
20 1860 Slave Schedule, Huntsville, Alabama.
21 This was James J. Donegan, the president of the Northern Bank of Alabama until it was closed during the Federal
occupation in 1862. He was also president of D. Patton & Company and one of the owners of Bell Factory, a textile
mill. The 1860 United States Census indicated that his real estate was valued at $138,000 and his personal
property at $275,000.
22 1866 IRS Schedule for Division Number Two, Collection District Number Three of the State of Alabama, Page 22.
23 United States Census, 1870", database with images, FamilySearch
24 The Historic Huntsville Quarterly of Local Architecture & Preservation, Winter 1998, Page 31.
25 U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850‐1885.
26 Op. Cit., The Historic Huntsville Quarterly, Spring 1981, Page 16.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
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The Mystery of Face Plate 307 Solved
By Jamie Yakes
New research of how the Bureau of Engraving and Printing produced Series of 1934A intaglio
faces1 has elucidated the heretofore mysterious life of late-finished $5 silver certificate face plate 307.
From 1936 to 1942, Bureau personnel used it as a Series of 1934 master plate, then altered it into Series
of 1934A master plate, and finally finished it as a 1934A production plate. It joins four 1934A Federal
Reserve note faces that followed the same fate.2
The BEP’s transition in 1938 to the Series of 1934A was the critical event that altered the course
of face 307. The 1934As heralded the use of macro plate serials on intaglio currency printing plates after
the BEP fulfilled the request of Secret Service officials in late 1937, whose field officers found it difficult
to read the small, or micro, plate serials then being used. The BEP made the plate serials more legible by
increasing the size of the numerals so macros appeared almost twice the size of micros.
The BEP utilized the single difference between 1934 and 1934A intaglio faces—the A in
1934A—to simplify production of 1934A faces. They simply etched As into 1934 plates by the same
process used to add plate serials to finished plates, thereby making them 1934As. This way they bypassed
the need to produce 1934A master intaglio dies and could proceed directly to electrolytic platemaking of
1934A plates.
This process deviated from traditional platemaking, which required a master intaglio die that
contained a complete image of the subject note and a roll lifted from that die. Sidereoagraphers prepared a
master intaglio plate by transferring the image from the roll 12 times into a blank steel plate. Electrolytic
platemakers used the master plate to prepare a small group of mirror-image electrolytic altos, and those
altos to prepare dozens of electrolytic bassos that were copies of the master plate, and would eventually
became production plates. They always reserved one or two bassos as masters, which was the case with
A platemaker started electrolytic plate 134023, a 1934 $5 silver certificate face assigned plate
serial 307, on April 6, 1936, and when finished made it the master basso for making 1934 altos. In
January 1938, they altered it into a 1934A master basso, along with electrolytic faces 562 to 587, all of
which were made as 1934s in November 1937, but altered into 1934As. The first 1934A plate directly
sourced to basso 134023 was face 588, started on January 7 and certified on the 25th.
Plate 134023 lasted as a master until 1942, when platemakers certified it as a production plate on
July 3 with macro 307s, alongside contemporary macro plates with serials in the 1660s. It was sent to the
plate vault and logged to the pressroom for seven pressruns from July 9, 1942 to June 3, 1943. All 307
Proof of $5 silver certificate face plate 307 made in July 1942, four years
after it was altered into a Series of 1934A face from a 1934.
(Courtesy National Numismatic Collection.)
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
sheets have macro backs and K-A block serials. During 1942-43, the BEP was overprinting silver
certificates with yellow seals for use by U.S. armed forces in North Africa and Europe, but continued to
print batches of blue seals. Face 307 sheets received both overprints, but are more common with yellow
seals. Star notes with face 307 are rare; the blue-seal star is unique.
The BEP canceled face 307 on June 19, 1943, after six fruitful years of service. During its time as
a master basso, it produced altos that yielded over 200 1934 and 1,100 1934A faces. Today, collectors
prize $5 face 307 notes as one of the few plate varieties found on war-overprinted notes. Now they can
appreciate the full scope of 307’s history.
Sources Cited
1. Yakes, J. (2016). [How the BEP made 1934A FRN face plates]. Unpublished raw data.
2. _____. “Altered 1934A $5 and $10 Federal Reserve Note Master Plates.” Paper Money 56, no. 1
(2017, Jan/Feb): 54-56.
W_l]om_ to Our
N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk—SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 01/05/2017
14583 Bill Reass, Pierre Fricke
14584 Anne Ahlert, Charles Derby
14585 Corey Reynolds, Gregg Bercovitz
14586 Brad Fravel, Frank Clark
14587 Kevin Winger, Website
14588 Alan Schlieper, Website
14589 Alexander Lucas, Website
14590 Ira Zuckerman, Scott Lindquist
14591 Jordon Kalilich, Website
14592 John Busowski, Website
Life Memberships
NEW MEMBERS 02/05/2017
14593 David Ressler, 8ebsite
14594 David Kurtz, Website
14595 Elmer Powell, Frank Clark
14596 Ben Karnefsky, Website
14597 Steven Roach, Website
14598 Robert Bowes, Jason Bradford
14599 Dick Punchard, Website
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14605 Vacant
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03580 Harry M. Corrigan, Frank Clark
04901 Frank R. Trask, Frank Clark
05112 Samuel L. Smith, Frank Clark
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LM433 Ibrahim Salem, Mark Anderson
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
by David E. Schenkman
Is It or Isn’t It?
Long ago I learned that not all mining notes include mention of a mine in their inscriptions. In
numerous instances a “supply company” was associated with, or owned by, a mining company. Some
mercantile companies were also owned by mines. This was prevalent in some parts of the country more
than in others. For example, in Colorado the vast majority of all known coal mine‐related notes were
issued by supply companies. In most instances I have been able to determine, without a great deal of
research, whether a supply or mercantile company note should be included in the catalog of coal mining
notes I have been compiling for many years.
A far greater challenge is a note which only includes the name of a merchant. Naturally, name‐
only notes from many parts of the country are not considered because they are from areas where there
was no mining. But what about an area where mining is the major industry? Listed from the town of
Wellston in Wendell Wolka’s tome, A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip,
are notes from three merchants, and all are mining companies. If any other note from Wellston
surfaced, I’d immediately suspect that it was mining related, unless something in its legend indicated a
completely different type of business.
My library includes all the state paper money catalogs that I know of, and I’ve poured through
them in search of listings of mining notes. Recently, while looking up a note in Richard T. Hoober’s
Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes and Scrip, I happened to see his listings for the town of Orefield. The one
issuer that he cataloged was James F. Kline, and Hoober listed ten and twenty‐five cents denominations.
There was no illustration, but they were described as having a soldier left, Ceres in the center, and dated
Nov. 1, 1862.
I was immediately interested. After all, it stands to reason that a town by that name would have
something to do with mining. I wasn’t able to find much information about Kline, but a listing in the
1874‐1890 Geological Survey of Pennsylvania was for Jas. Kline’s iron ore mine, at Orefield, located one
mile south of Siegersville. The town’s name was “derived from the extensive deposits of limonite (iron
ore) once mined here.” according to an online source.
That was enough for me. I searched through various dealers’ web sites, and thanks to Vern
Potter was able to purchase the illustrated note. Issued on the Bank of Catasauqua, it pictures Major
General George B. McClellan within an oval at the left side, and bears the imprint “Fried Enseote” Print.”
I assume that is the mark of Das Friedensboten, a German newspaper which was located in nearby
Allentown, Pennsylvania.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
I also learned that Kline was born on October 20, 1837 at Klinesgrove, Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania. On December 15, 1862 he enlisted in the army and was commissioned as a second
lieutenant in Company D, 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. He was eventually promoted to first
lieutenant, and was discharged on December 12, 1865. Kline died on June 4, 1888 in Newark, New
Jersey and was buried at Danville, Pennsylvania.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so far, and probably I should have left well enough alone,
but I continued to search for more information on Kline and his mining activities. Surprisingly, there is no
listing for him in the 1882 Pennsylvania State Gazetteer and Business Directory. I found the illustrated
portrait of Kline on an Internet site, and thought it interesting that although
obviously taken at a later time, it somewhat resembles the portrait on the
note. Possibly because Kline was an admirer of General McClellan he
adopted his distinctive style of mustache.
So, there are unanswered questions. It is certainly possible that
Kline operated a mine prior to his enlistment in the army. But why would
he have issued notes six weeks before doing so? And, why would these
notes depict Ceres, the goddess of agriculture? A mining scene would
certainly seem more appropriate. Obviously more research is needed, and
for the time being this note will remain in my “possibly mining related” file.
Comments, questions, suggestions (even criticisms) concerning this
column may be emailed to or mailed to P.O. Box
2866, La Plata, MD 20646.
Watch the website for
a way to vote for your
favorite author(s), articles, books,
and columns.
Reward them with your vote!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The Philadelphia Bank
by Robert Gill
In this issue of Paper Money I'm going to share with you a very rare Obsolete sheet that came in to my
possession several years ago. And that is on The Philadelphia Bank. And first, the history on this
incredible old piece of paper money.
The Philadelphia Bank originated at a meeting held in the counting house of John Welsh, No. 31
South Wharves, in the city of Philadelphia, on August 3, 1803. Although not chartered, it began business
on September 19, 1803, in a rented building on the south side of Chestnut Street between Third Street and
Whalebone Alley. It received its charter on March 5, 1804. When this bank was projected in the summer
of 1803, there were only three banks in Philadelphia, and only about forty banks in the entire country.
Philadelphia was then the chief city of the United States in size and splendor, its chief seaport, and had
been the national capitol, which was only recently removed to the newly founded city of Washington. Its
leading trades were shipbuilding and the export of flour, sending away 400,000 barrels annually.
The need for more banking capital was felt, and this necessity, together with some dissatisfaction
caused by existing banking methods, led a large body of merchants to suggest the formation of another
bank. The crystallization of this motive into the actual organization of The Philadelphia Bank, and the
procuring of the charter from the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, are generally attributed to the
guiding genius of John Welsh. He was a leading merchant in the prime of his life. For over a half
century he was a director of the institution, until his death at the age of eight-four. Mr. Welch was always
called “the Father of the Bank”, and held a very prominent part in its management. His portrait appeared
as a vignette on some of the bank’s notes.
The bank started operation in a house leased for two years, which was across the street from The Bank
of North America. It also had the option to purchase the house and property any time during the two year
period, but it never exercised that option, as it did move elsewhere.
With the exception of an early pro tempore president, prominent Philadelphian George Clymer was
this bank’s first president. The bank very soon began correspondence with banks in other cities relative to
opening accounts and exchange of notes.
In May of 1806, a committee was appointed to prepare a plan for a permanent location. From this
came the first building that this institution owned. By 1808, The Philadelphia Bank was in business on
the corner of Fourth and Chestnut Streets. This new Philadelphia building acquired great fame, and was
regarded as a conspicuous monument to the city.
During its life this bank survived strenuous times caused by the War with England. The suspension of
specie payments caused great inconvenience, but was necessary for the bank to continue business.
During more than two decades following the War, the finances of Philadelphia and of the country were
dominated by the second Bank of the United States. But The Philadelphia Bank, during this period,
continued along with its regular business, growing in esteem and strengthening its position by
conservative management. It also suffered its share of bank robberies, the Panics of 1837 and 1857, but
was able to survive.
The bank’s charter expired on March 5, 1824, but was extended for the length of its life. After a long
and successful duration of business, it became The Philadelphia National Bank on October 4, 1864.
The pictured scan of five dollar notes was printed by Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co. This
printing company was formed from the Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co. in 1823. In 1828 it became the
Draper, Underwood & Co. From this, it is understood that this sheet was printed sometime between 1823
and 1828. This particular $5.00 note is listed as SENC in Haxby (with the wrong printer’s imprint), and
unlisted in Richard Hoober’s “Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes and Scrip”.
Notice that I've also had the enjoyment of finding a sheet of remainder checks on this old institution.
As I always do, I invite any comments to my cell phone (580) 221-0898 or my personal email address
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___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Chump Change
by Loren Gatch
James Stephen George Boggs, 1955‐2017
Some deaths get to me, not because I have
any particular acquaintance with the people in
question, but because their passing takes me back to
where my head was at the time I first learned of their
existence. J.S.G. Boggs, the notorious money artist,
was one of those sorts of people. Back in the 1980s,
when as an adult I first tumbled down the rabbit hole
of money as an object of fascination, Boggs was just
embarking on his celebrated career of drawing and
spending his own currency—those “Boggs bills” that
provoked sharp questions about the nature and basis
of value, and which raised the ire of various national
authorities besides. His untimely death late this
January at the age of 62 saddened me, but it also
turned some old lightbulbs on in my head. I pulled
off my shelf and re-read Lawrence Weschler’s superb
monograph* on Boggs, both as a small tribute to the
artist’s legacy and to experience again how he arrived
at that distinctive intersection of money and art.
The origin story has it that, while sitting in a
Chicago diner some time in 1984, Boggs’ doodles of
currency on a napkin attracted the attention of a
waitress, who accepted it in payment for a cup of
coffee, giving him ten cents in change. This first
transaction established the template for his
subsequent artistic career, which entailed Boggs’
repeated attempts to spend his renditions of official
currency at various locales. Far from trying to palm
them off as if they were counterfeits—as
unauthorized and illicit imitations of the real deal—
Boggs openly proffered them as artistic creations, as
aesthetic originals in their own right. His notes
represented the genuine article, whereas official
currency merely consisted of so many—
reproductions. Boggs dispersed his creations as if
they were ‘only’ money, even to the point of
pocketing change from the transactions and insisting
on receipts to document them. Indeed, Boggs’
escapades are better understood as a form of
performance art: rather than simply create alternative
banknotes for satirical or political effect, Boggs
sought to turn economic exchange itself into an
aesthetic experience, thereby revealing the self-
validating dynamics of faith and trust that lie at the
heart of otherwise-impersonal economic exchanges.
Boggs could have directly sold his notes for
official money, as if they were merely pieces of art,
but for the most part he did not as that would have
contradicted the larger significance of his project.
Instead, what Boggs sold were the traces of his
transactions—the change, the receipts, and other
evidences—to collectors of his work, inviting them to
contact the original recipients of his currency
creations to negotiate sales that would reunite the
currency, the change, and sundry documentation into
a single artistic installation.
As Boggs’ modus operandi became better
known, collector demand for his notes bestowed
windfall profits on those recipients intrepid enough to
have accepted them in payment for the original
transactions. Like Bernard von NotHaus of Liberty
Dollar fame, Boggs’ enterprises also ran afoul of the
law, and in three separate countries at that. While von
NotHaus openly challenged the Federal Reserve,
Boggs had a slyer and perhaps more subversive
agenda. Rather than questioning the government’s
monopoly of money, Boggs wanted to show how
value, aesthetic as well as economic, is created by
human judgments and choices, and not decreed by
government fiat.
At the time I first learned about Boggs, I had
become interested in the history of depression scrip
during the 1930s, and in the unfolding of modern
local currency experiments like Ithaca Hours. Thus,
the idea of people and communities creating their
own money outside of the realm of the law seemed to
me entirely plausible, even intuitive. Boggs endured
his own encounters with the law, and while I rooted
for him throughout his legal travails, I also
understood why public authorities were discomfited
by his antics. Boggs’ own sense of justice was
nuanced. As Weschler tells it, while Boggs
disapproved of the 19th century trompe l’oeil painter
John Haberle for having caved in to Secret Service
pressure to refrain from painting banknotes, he also
condemned Emanuel Ninger (“Jim the Penman”) for
drawing banknotes only to cheat the unwary. Ninger
stole from the innocent, whereas Boggs never meant
to rip anyone off, even if that sense of honor meant
nothing to the authorities who sought to shut his
operation down. And even then, in a more extended
sense the legal ordeals these various authorities put
Boggs through themselves represented, like the
change and receipts of his transactions, part of the
documentary record that validated his original
intuitions about money and value. If art requires any
suffering, then Boggs endured his fair share.
*Boggs: A Comedy of Values (University of Chicago
Press, 1999).
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
President’s Column
Mar/Apr 2017
It seems like every time I write this column, at
least for three of the six issues per year, it is snowing
outside! This time we have a blizzard. Great time to
read about paper money and study my collection.
Editor Benny Bolin never writes that it is snowing
outside in his column (well, he is in Texas and I in
Massachusetts). Well, I one upped him this time. I am
finishing this column at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly
Hills, CA after attending the landmark Ira and Larry
Goldberg early American Copper sale Sunday
February 12. It’s 75 outside, dry, and sunny!
Foolishly, we will get on a plane this Saturday after
the Long Beach show and go back to New England…
maybe I should stay till April?
We did get away for a few weeks in
December and January. Beyond family and holidays,
we attended the FUN show in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
This venue is not a very familiar one to me having
only attended one other FUN show here. The beach
was most of a mile away and we chose that hotel to
enjoy some downtime on the beach away from the
everlasting New England winter! The show started off
very strong for me and there was a robust attendance
on Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, there was an
airport terrorist incident and tragedy which killed
several people, disrupted travel for many more and
through panic into the airport. Luckily, we were not at
the airport and our prayers and thoughts go out to
those killed or injured and their families. The SPMC
meeting went on as planned Saturday morning. We
had something like a dozen or so members and one
non-member in attendance. I gave a talk introducing
collecting Confederate paper money. These meetings
are fun, with introductions, what’s happening on the
floor, the discussion and presentations. I encourage
more of you to attend. We ended up driving to Tampa
and getting back north Sunday.
We have another member under consideration
for the Board of SPMC, Fred Maples. Mr. Maples is a
computer systems analyst, and active hobbyist,
antique paper money researcher and collector. He has
focused on collecting and researching Maryland’s
paper money, particularly that state’s National Bank
Notes, and spent a decade researching the material for
his recently published book: Maryland Paper Money:
An Illustrated History 1864-1935. Mr. Maples’
writings have also appeared in Paper Money and Bank
Note Reporter. With approval of the Board and no
objections, Fred will be appointed to fill one of the
vacant slots before the Kansas City show. We still
have another Board slot open and need volunteers
willing to lead and make difference in the paper
money hobby! Please contact me, Pierre Fricke,
The Kansas City International Paper Money
Show on June 9-11 grows closer as we move into the
new year! It will be held at the Sheraton Kansas City
Hotel at Crown Center 2345 McGee St, Kansas City,
MO 64108. We are working to set up our honored,
time-tested breakfast tradition on Friday morning,
however, have run into high prices at the hotel (more
than $40 per person). We are working to make
alternative arrangements for both the breakfast and the
board meeting. Don’t forget to get your exhibit
applications in or speaking proposals! See their web
site .
We are also planning the annual Thomas Bain
Raffle held at the SPMC Breakfast. I’ve always had a
great time at the Breakfast and the Raffle – a lot of
great comradery and joking around occurs – we do
have a great time! The Board discussed the annual
solicitation for raffle items; Gary Dobbins’ previous
solicitation letter process and approach will be again
led by Gary, aimed at both dealers and non-dealers.
Please consider donating to this Raffle. It makes the
breakfast even more fun and helps the Society fund
the events at the Kansas City Show. Thank you in
advance for your support!
The SPMC has been approached by the Eric
Newman Portal project to add back issues of our
Paper Money magazine. The Newman Portal is a
project hosted by Washington University in St Louis
at this link Per the Portal, “The
all-seeing eye is emblematic of the Newman
Numismatic Portal, the goal of which is to freely share
a vast online store of both printed and virtual
numismatic resources. Books, periodicals, ephemera,
as well as online forums and auction offerings will be
captured in one location, freely available, and
searchable from anywhere in the world. With
unprecedented knowledge at their disposal, collectors
and researchers will gain greater appreciation for
numismatic science and more clearly discern fact from
fiction.” The SPMC Paper Money magazine is one of
the benefits of membership, so we will carefully
consider all the plusses and minuses of digitizing
Paper Money and making it more broadly available.
One compromise is to contribute all back issues up to
five years ago, and refresh the Newman Portal each
year. Please feel free to contact me with your ideas
and input.
Have a great numismatic spring! Pierre Fricke
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Editor Sez
Well, spring has sprung
although it has been
springing from spring to
winter almost daily here in
the great country of Texas. It
has been a weird weather season.
One day it is cold and the next day it is
warm enough to turn on the A/C (air
conditioner for those of you in the
great frozen north). No wonder so
many people are sick—myself
included. I have had a case of
bronchitis that I just cannot shake for
almost a month. Finally went to the
doctor (nurses think, know, we know it
all) and got meds but they did not do
too much. Oh well.
This is the second issue of the
new year and it is a big one. Thanks in
no small part to a massive article by
Peter Huntoon that caps an almost 5
(yes five) year research project on
Treasury signatures on National Bank
Notes. He has them all listed in tables
so I put the article at the back so that if
you wanted to take those pages out
you could without sacrificing the entire
issue. The next issue is well on its
way and it has a little bit of everything,
obsoletes, confederates, etc. What I
really need are some large size and
more national articles. Any size will do
but 3-6 pages would be great. Write
about your geographic national
collection, your favorite town or about
all the buffs and chiefs you have. How
about an article on all the $500 and
$1000 notes you have. Got a few
postcards?, Large size? Let’s see ‘em!
How about those Canucks—an article
on Canadian banknotes?
Make plans now to attend the
new IPMS in KC in June. The board is
working hard to continue on the
tradition of the SPMC breakfast and
Tom Bain Raffle but we are running into a
few issues related to some who think $40 for
breakfast if a bargain—NOT. Those details
will be on our website as soon as we finalize
them and in the next edition. If you want to
donate to the Tom Bain Raffle, contact me or
any governor and we will gladly take your
donation that is a charitable write-off!
Check the website around the end of
March as we will be posting the 2016 article
and books for you to vote on. Our authors do
not get paid for their submissions so reward
them with your vote. Also, if you have a
deserving individual for one of our service
awards, please let President Fricke know.
Our service awards include;
Nathan Gold award for meritorious
Founders Award for exemplary
service in the last year
Forest Daniel Literary Award
Also, every year we have an election for
board members. Unfortunately most years
there is not a full slate so there is no
contested election. This year, we confirm our
two new members, Joshua Herbstman and
J. Fred Maples along with current
incumbents Loren Gatch and Mark
Anderson. Not only will these four seats be
up for election for a three year term, but we
also have a vacant position if anyone is
interested in applying to fill it.
It is integral for us to have a full slate
of governors to do the business of the
society so join us!
Until early May—May your end of
rainbow gold pots be filled with gold
certificates and your pockets change be
silver chiefs and paper buffs.
Texting and Driving—It can wait!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
$500 Counterfeit Program
by Bob Ayers
In 2015 I became interested in the old Soviet program to counterfeit US 1914 $100 Federal Reserve Notes.
After some flailing around, I contacted Doug Murray, who very graciously provided me with all the research he had
done on the program. Doug also said that he had stopped actively compiling a list of serial numbers of these
counterfeits. He steered me to several original sources about the program - and I was hooked! I read all I could find
and then turned to the Freedom of Information Act to see what was held in official files about this old Soviet
operation. I submitted several requests in a manner that I thought would ensure no relevant information would be
I was quite surprised to discover that one of the releases of FOIA information contained no information at all
about the Soviet operation to counterfeit 1914 $100 FRNs. Instead, it covered another program, namely one that
counterfeited United States 1882 and 1922 $500 Gold Certificates.
The released files were incomplete and contained letters from the US Embassy in Berlin Germany, the Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, and an amazingly large number of translations of investigative
reports from the Commissioner of Police, German Central Office for the Suppression of Counterfeiting.
While the Germans were simultaneously investigating a related program to counterfeit British £100 notes, I
tried to use only the material relating to the counterfeiting of US Gold Certificates in this article.
It was very hard to arrange all the material in chronological order, given the time it had taken to translate the
German reports and the delayed reporting of these translations in US channels. As I tried to piece the time-line
together, I sometimes found myself chuckling at the behaviour of the bureaucrats involved.
The US Embassy in Berlin met with the German police, who seemed to want to investigate the counterfeits
immediately. The Embassy was reluctant to give the OK to the German police and instead passed the question of
what to do back to the State Department, who in turn consulted the Treasury. The latter then told State to instruct the
Embassy to tell the Germans to do whatever they thought needed to be done. Things never change.
What follows is my best effort to tell the story of the counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates.
On October 8, 1930, George A. Gordon, then Charge d’affaires in the US Embassy Berlin reported that a person
signed into the Embassy visitors’ book as “G”, “S”, or “L” Frank. Frank asked to see the Ambassador but was sent
to Mr Gordon instead. Frank said he owned a house at Bulow Strasse 99 that he rented out. One of his tenants,
whom Frank refused to name and was subsequently referred to as “X”, had told Frank that there was a “gigantic plot
afoot in Russia to counterfeit American bills or bank notes to the extent of billions of dollars”.
Frank went on to tell Gordon that a Soviet courier, on his last trip to Berlin, had given “X” two $500 US bank
notes. “X” had suggested that Frank might wish to pass this currency and make some money but he, Frank, had
declined and said he was going to report the approach to the American Embassy.
Frank told Gordon he had no wish to be involved in this counterfeiting program and wanted simply to report it
to the Embassy and then leave the Americans to get on with it. Frank suggested that “X” might want to sell
information or counterfeit bank notes to the Embassy.
Frank then pulled two $500 notes out of his wallet and showed them to Gordon, who said he was not qualified
to determine whether the notes were bogus. He asked Frank to leave the notes behind, but Frank adamantly refused
to do so and left.
The Embassy contacted the Berlin official, Kriminal Kommissar von Lieberman, who specialised in counterfeit
investigations. Several courses of action as to what to do about the counterfeit $500s were discussed with the
German Police.
After this discussion, Gordon did what all good State Department officials do – on October 13, he wrote to the
State Department seeking guidance on whether to buy the counterfeits.
State promptly forwarded Gordon’s letter to the Treasury asking if they wanted to buy the counterfeits.
Subsequently, on November 5, State Department sent the Treasury a copy of a “strictly confidential” dispatch no.
547, dated October 13, from the US Embassy in Berlin in which the walk-in of Frank and the initial reporting of the
counterfeit $500 notes was made.
On November 11, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury replied, saying that the US Secret Service (which
reports to the Treasury dept) had reported that counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates were known to be in circulation
overseas but had never been seen in the United States. The letter also said the few specimens that had been detected
in foreign bank shipments had been traced to Greece, but their place of origin was unknown. The note was described
as being a “gold certificate of the Series of 1922 (old size currency). Check letter “C”, face plate 2, h. V. Speelman,
Register of the Treasury, Frank White, Treasurer of the United States, portrait of Lincoln”.
The letter further stated, “This is an extremely dangerous counterfeit printed from photo-etched plates of
excellent workmanship on bleached genuine paper. The most outstanding characteristic indicating its spurious
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
quality is the Lincoln portrait, which is shaded too heavily and reflects a sooty appearance, the top part of the portrait
oval reveals a rough curve where the cross-hatch lines converge. The ornate medallions upon which the serial
numbers are impressed are executed in a pale shade of orange instead of the bright tint which features on the genuine
notes, and the large word GOLD which blends with the legend above the Treasury seal is likewise printed in a light
orange tone. The paper seems to have been softened as a result of the blending process”.
This letter closed with the statement that “The Department will appreciate it if Mr. Gordon is instructed to ask
Mr Von Lieberman to make such investigations as might be deemed appropriate and inform our Embassy of the
results thereof for the benefit of this Department. In the event counterfeit United States currency differing from that
described above is involved, the Department would appreciate a specimen thereof or if that is not practicable, as
detailed a description as may be obtainable, indicating particularly whether the note is of the new or older size
On January 5, 1931, the American Embassy in Berlin telegraphed the State Department saying “An
investigation by the police today, after a conference with the Reichsbank, indicates that the matter may be very
serious. If this American note is counterfeit, it is pronounced an extremely clever one. This note is valuable for
protection and further investigation. Strongly urge its purchase at the prices indicated”.
On January 6, a Treasury Department draft of a proposed reply to the Embassy in Berlin was prepared. The
draft reply stated, “The Treasury Department sees no advantage in purchasing the counterfeit five hundred dollar
note from Mr Arnoldt (not further identified) but is anxious to receive an accurate description of the bill.
Representatives of the Treasury Department are due to attend a conference on the suppression of counterfeiting at
Geneva March fourth and will visit Berlin shortly before that date”.
Fortunately, saner heads eventually prevailed at Treasury. An Under-Secretary of the Treasury Memorandum
dated January 7 states, “After conference with Chief Moran and the Secretary, I requested Assistant Secretary Castle
to cable Mr Sackett (U. S. Ambassador in Berlin) to acquire the American counterfeit note and state that after we had
the opportunity to study it, we would determine whether it was advisable to send someone over. I also suggested it
would be advisable for Sackett to inform British as to the counterfeit £100 note”.
On January 12 the US Embassy in Berlin, after being directed to purchase the bank note, transmitted the $500
Gold Certificate serial number D46420 to the Treasury.
While some of the original material is missing, the next part of the story of the purchase of the bogus note is
seen in a Department of State “Strictly Confidential” letter to the Secretary of the Treasury. This letter refers to the
November 5 letter to the Treasury forwarding the report from the US Embassy in Berlin and conversations between
State and Treasury officials. It then refers to Embassy dispatch 703 of January 12 1931, which forwarded the $500
Gold Certificate to the Treasury. The letter ends with the rather abrupt sentence, “This note was purchased by the
Embassy upon authorization of the Treasury Dept communicated January 7, 1931 by Mr. Mills and Mr. Castle”.
I can only assume there was a bureaucratic squabble as to which Department’s budget had to absorb the cost of
purchasing the $500 note: the State Department, whose Embassy made the purchase, or the Treasury Department,
who instructed State to do so. The question of who actually absorbed the cost of purchasing the counterfeit $500
note is lost to history.
Meanwhile, it appears that Von Lieberman had received the US guidance to investigate the counterfeits (or had
elected to do so on his own initiative), and the investigation rapidly picked up momentum.
On January 17, in “Report #1”, Von Lieberman, Chief of Police, German Center for Combatting Counterfeiting,
Berlin wrote a summary report that attributed the counterfeits of British £100 notes, under simultaneous investigation
by the Germans, to the Russians in Moscow. He said, however, that the German Center for Combatting
Counterfeiting and experts of the Reichsbank were unable to determine whether the $500 Gold Certificates that had
been purchased by the US Embassy and provided to the German police for analysis were counterfeit owing to their
high quality.
On January 24, the Secretary of the Treasury sent a letter to the US Secretary of State reporting that the $500
note purchased by the US Embassy was indeed counterfeit. This is an interesting letter in that it shows that the State
department (and its Embassy in Berlin) were now working with the German police and simply informing the
Treasury department as they thought appropriate.
On February 23, in “Report #3” Von Lieberman reported that counterfeit $500 notes had continued to appear
in small quantities in Europe. The focus of the investigation turned to a chocolate factory owned by one Arkady
Urelsky-Udinseff. When confronted with the accusation that he was passing counterfeit $500 notes, Udinseff
declared himself to be guilty. Pressed by the German Police to reveal where the plates were for making the
counterfeit banknotes, Udinseff initially refused to do so. According to the German Police, they then “convinced”
Udinseff that it would be in everyone’s interest if the plates could be discovered before they could do more harm.
Under Udinseff’s guidance, the concrete floor of his chocolate factory was broken and dug up and a round metal
box containing 90 $500 notes of both types (i.e. 1882 and 1922 $500 Gold Certificates and 66 British £100 notes).
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
The Police also located 30 genuine US banknotes that had been bleached and eight half-sheets of such paper. Two
plates for the British £100 notes, seven plates for the two types of counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates, and a rather
large number of smaller parts were discovered hidden inside a chocolate cake.
On February 25, the German Police issued “Report #5” in which the results of the raid on Udinseff’s chocolate
factory were itemized. (See attachment entitled “Confiscated Currency Characteristics and Serial Numbers.)
On March 10, the Embassy in Berlin transmitted “Strictly Confidential” Dispatch 796 to State, forwarding two
500 Gold Certificates that the Embassy had received from the German Police. The Embassy explained, “The 500
dollar American notes consisted of two series, one of 1882 and one of 1922. Upon my request, Von Liebermann
delivered to me one sample of each – No. D77165 of the 1992 series; and no. E 56995 of the 1922 Series”.
Almost three weeks later, on April 1, the State Department finally forwarded the Embassy Dispatch with the
two Gold Certificates, to the Treasury Department.
The story of the counterfeit $500 Gold certificates appeared to end with the raid on the chocolate factory and
confiscation of notes and plates. It seemed that the only issues that continued to concern authorities, both German
and American, was whether the Soviet Government was behind the counterfeiting.
The tale does not, however, end there. For on May 11, 1932 - over a year after the raid on the chocolate factory
- the Secret Service forwarded two counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates to the Secret Service Headquarters. The letter
stated, “Enclosed herewith are two counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates surrendered to this office yesterday by the
CHASE NATIONAL BANK, New York, as having come from the BANCA COMMERCIAL ITALIANA, Trieste,
Italy. The CHASE NATIONAL BANK is desirous of complying with a request from the Italian bank that these notes
be returned for reclamation purposes. Will you kindly inform me whether or not this request can be complied with?
Signed Alan G. Straight”
On May 12 the two notes were returned to Alan Straight with the instruction to return them to the Italian bank
as they had requested.
On January 19, 1933 - two years after the raid on the chocolate factory - the German Police sent a letter to the
US Secret Service. This letter, from the German Commissioner of Police, was addressed directly to the Secret
Service Division of the Treasury. It states, “I have the honor to enclose two counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates, Nos.
D-46452E and D-77139E, with request that you furnish us with an expert opinion as to their exact character. The
notes have been stopped as counterfeit by the Reichsbank to which they were delivered by the International
Commercial Bank of Kattowitz, Poland”.
The significance of these last two referenced reports of Gold Certificates appearing in Italy one year, and in
Poland two years, after the January 1931 German Police raid on the Berlin chocolate factory clearly indicates that
more $500 Gold Certificates were produced and passed than were confiscated in the raid.
While the serial numbers of the two notes discovered by the Chase Bank were not reported, the other two
reported by the German Police in 1933 were identified by series and serial number. The 1882 series note with the
serial number of D-46452 falls into the gap between notes numbered D-46451 and D-56453 confiscated in the
chocolate factory raid. The 1882 Series note numbered D-77139E (sic) reflects the lowest serial number of the $500
gold certificates with the corrected red Treasury Seal. The closest numbered known counterfeits from the chocolate
factory raid are numbered: D-77135, D-77143, D-77145 and D-77152.
Another point to reinforce this author’s belief that more notes were passed can be substantiated by the note that
was purchased by the Berlin Embassy and sent to State Department in January 1931. This note bears the serial
number D46420. An examination of the serial numbers of notes confiscated in the chocolate factory raid shows the
serial numbers of the 1882 notes with the corrected seal begins with note number 46437. This suggests that the 17
counterfeit notes between D46420 and D46437 are missing.
While one may draw their own conclusions of how many $500 Gold Certificates were produced that were not
confiscated in the raid, we can be fairly confident that there were at least five (one purchased by the Berlin Embassy,
two found by the Chase Bank and two found in Poland and sent to the German Police). It is unfortunate that the serial
numbers of the two notes confiscated by the CHASE Bank were not recorded. It is also very clear from the serial
numbering of the two notes discovered by the German Police in January 1933 that these two notes were produced
during the original counterfeiting program of 1930/1931.
While unlikely, it is possible that some of these counterfeit $500 Gold Certificates have ended up in someone’s
currency collection. I would caution any prospective purchaser of an 1882 or 1922 Gold Certificate to examine it
carefully against the detailed information contained in the attachment.
Lastly, there seem to be many interconnections between this counterfeiting program and the counterfeiting of
1914 $100 Federal Reserve Notes. The timing of these two programs (around 1930), their location (Berlin) and even
some of the same players involved suggest to me, at least, that there is a connection between the two counterfeiting
efforts. Perhaps that will be my next to question to explore.
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Treasury Signatures on National Bank Notes
Table 1, which is appended to this article, is a comprehensive listing by series and bank of the
rare and scarce signature combinations found on national bank notes. Tables 2 and 3 list the banks that
issued Series of 1902 notes bearing the semi-scarce Napier-Thompson and Napier-Burke combinations.
The original language in the National Bank Act stated “Such notes shall express upon their face
that they are secured by United States bonds, deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, by the
written or engraved signatures of the Treasurer and Register, and by the imprint of the seal of the
Treasury; and shall express upon their face the promise of the association receiving the same to pay on
demand, attested by the signatures of the president or vice president and cashier.”
The presence of the treasury signatures and treasury seal certified that the bonds had been
deposited as the first step in monetizing the notes although technically the notes were not considered
monetized until signed by the bank officers. The treasury signatures served to sanction the notes as
legitimate money issued under the purview of the U. S. Treasury as authorized by Congress.
When a treasury signer left office, his signature continued to be used until his successor took
office. The periods during which the various signature combinations were current are listed on Table 4.
The protocol adopted by the Comptroller’s office was that the treasury signatures on large size
national bank notes were those current on the plate date written in script within the bank title block. There
were exceptions.
The Paper Column
Peter Huntoon
Figure 1. The 5-5-5-5 Original Series plate for The Farmers & Mechanics National
Bank of Mercer, Pennsylvania (2256), was altered into a Series of 1875 during the
critical period between May 1 and June 17, 1885, when the Bruce-Jordan
combination was current. It was the only Series of 1875 plate that bore Bruce-
Jordan signatures.
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The selection of plate dates was somewhat convoluted and changed over time, a topic treated in
Huntoon (2002). Suffice it to say that batch dates were used that reflected when banks were chartered
until August 1870 and from then until 1882 when plates were ordered. Thereafter most plates carried one
of the following: date of organization, date of charter, date of extension or date of title change. Batch
dates continued to be used for new plate combinations ordered mid-series from 1882 through March
Plate dates often did not correspond to when plates were manufactured or altered. For example,
the plate dates were left unchanged during 1908-9 when Series of 1882 and 1902 face plates were altered
for printing date backs by inclusion of the words “or other securities.” The oldest dates on the Series of
1882 plates that were altered in 1908-9 were from the late 1880s coupled with Rosecrans-Huston
Great care was taken prior to 1911 to mate signature combinations with plate dates. This is
illustrated by what happened with the Series of 1882 10-10-10-20 plate for The Central National Bank of
Washington, District of Columbia (2382) and 5-5-5-5 for The Annville National Bank, Pennsylvania
(2384). Both were made in anticipation of extensions of the corporate lives of the banks and respectively
bore extension dates of April 12 and April 18, 1898. They were certified for use on March 15 and March
2, respectively, so they carried Bruce-Roberts signatures. However, Blanche Bruce left office on March
17th and was replaced by Judson Lyons April 7th. Bruce’s signature was replaced by Roberts on both,
and the plates were recertified for use on April 23 and April 22, respectively, before being sent to press.
Table 4. Dates during which treasury signature combinations
were current on national bank notes.
Register Treasurer Period when Current
Lucius E. Chittenden Francis E. Spinner Apr 17, 1861 ‐ Aug 10, 1864
S. B. Colby Francis E. Spinner Aug 11, 1864 ‐ Oct 4, 1867
Noah L. Jeffries Francis E. Spinner Oct 5, 1867 ‐ Apr 2, 1869
John Allison Francis E. Spinner Apr 3, 1869 ‐ Jun 30, 1875
John Allison John C. New Jun 30, 1875 ‐ Jul 1, 1876
John Allison A. U. Wyman Jul 1, 1876 ‐ Jun 30, 1877
John Allison James Gilfillan Jul 1, 1877 ‐ Mar 31, 1878
Glenni W. Scofield James Gilfillan Apr 1, 1878 ‐ May 20, 1881
Blanche K. Bruce James Gilfillan May 21, 1881 ‐ Mar 31, 1883
Blanche K. Bruce A. U. Wyman Apr 1, 1883 ‐ Apr 30, 1885
Blanche K. Bruce Conrad N. Jordan May 1, 1885 ‐ Jun 7, 1885
William S. Rosecrans Conrad N. Jordan Jun 8, 1885 ‐ May 23, 1887
William S. Rosecrans James W. Hyatt May 24, 1887 ‐ May 10, 1889
William S. Rosecrans J. N. Huston May 11, 1889 ‐ Apr 24, 1891
William S. Rosecrans Enos H. Nebeker Apr 25, 1891 ‐ May 31, 1893
William S. Rosecrans Daniel N. Morgan Jun 1, 1893 ‐ Jun 30, 1893
James F. Tillman Daniel N. Morgan Jul 1, 1893 ‐ Jun 30, 1897
James F. Tillman Ellis H. Roberts Jul 1, 1897 ‐ Dec 2, 1897
Blanche K. Bruce Ellis H. Roberts Dec 3, 1897 ‐ Apr 6, 1898
Judson W. Lyons Ellis H. Roberts Apr 7, 1898 ‐ Jun 30, 1905
Judson W. Lyons Charles H. Treat Jul 1, 1905 ‐ Jun 11, 1906
William T. Vernon Charles H. Treat Jun 12, 1906 ‐ Oct 31, 1909
William T. Vernon Lee McClung Nov 1, 1909 ‐ May 17, 1911
James C. Napier Lee McClung May 18, 1911 ‐ Nov 21, 1912
James C. Napier Carmi A. Thompson Nov 22, 1912 ‐ Mar 31, 1913
James C. Napier John Burke Apr 1, 1913 ‐ Oct 1, 1913
Gabe E. Parker John Burke Oct 1, 1913 ‐ Mar 23, 1915
Houston B. Teehee John Burke Mar 24, 1915 ‐ Nov 20, 1919
William S. Elliott John Burke Nov 21, 1919 ‐ May 1, 1921
William S. Elliott Frank White May 2, 1921 ‐ Jan 24, 1922
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Mating of treasury signatures with plate dates was so ingrained; it is worthwhile to dispense with
the exceptions at the outset in order to clear the table of them.
Original Series Exceptions
Three banks chartered at the beginning of the Jeffries-Spinner era, which lasted from October 5,
1867 to April 2, 1869, used plates bearing a December 24, 1867 plate date, but those plates carried
obsolete Colby-Spinner signatures. Those issuers were Davenport, Iowa (1671), Atchison, Kansas (1672)
and Warner, New Hampshire (1674). The Colby-Spinner notes issued from them represent the earliest
known examples where the signature combination was not mated to the plate date.
Series of 1875 Exceptions
There were three systematic groups of exceptions to the mating of signatures and plate dates
within the Series of 1875.
(1) Current treasury signatures were added, but the date left unchanged, when Original Series
plates were altered into Series of 1875 plates. The alteration of an Original Series plate into a Series of
1875 form could be greatly delayed if the stock of Original Series sheets for a given combination was
large or orders from the bank for the combination were not forthcoming for a number of years. The result
was the appearance of some very young treasury signatures coupled with early plate dates.
A good example involved the last Original Series 5-5-5-5 plate that was altered into a Series of
1875. That plate was for The Nokomis National Bank of Nokomis, Illinois (1934). The Series of 1875
version was certified for use November 29, 1890. The 1872 vintage Allison-Spinner signatures on it were
replaced by the 1890 Rosecrans-Huston combination; however, the 1872 plate date was retained.
Figure 2. The 5-5-5-5
Series of 1882 plate for
The Annville National
Bank, Pennsylvania
(2384), carrying an
April 18, 1898 date of
extension and Lyons-
Bruce signatures was
certified on March 2,
1898. Roberts replaced
Bruce on April 7
necessitating that the
plate be altered to
show Roberts’
signature in order to
conform to the plate
date. The plate was
recertified with the
change on April 22.
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The very last Original Series plate to be converted into a Series of 1875 was the 10-10-10-20 for
The Marine National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2237), bearing an April 15, 1875 plate date and
Allison-Spinner signatures. The Series of 1875 version ended up with Rosecrans-Nebeker signatures of
1891-3 vintage.
(2) Current treasury signatures were used, but the plate date was left unchanged, when
replacement plates were made during the early part of the Series of 1875 era. This practice appears to
have ceased by the end of 1878. Thereafter the signatures and date on replacement plates were the same
as found on the plate that was being replaced.
(3) Current treasury signatures were added to some, but not all, Series of 1875 plates that were
reentered during 1878. The plate date was left unchanged. Afterward, the signatures and date were left as
was on reentered plates. Reentry refers to the process of refurbishing worn design elements, usually the
The odyssey of the Original Series 5-5-5-5 plate for The Union National Bank of Weymouth,
Massachusetts (510), is worth recounting. It started life with a plate date of September 8, 1864 and Colby-
Spinner signatures. These were changed to Allison-New when the plate was altered into the Series of
1875 form. Next the plate was reentered in June 1878 resulting in yet a third pair of signatures, this time
Figure 3. This progress proof exhibits the tooling marks left as Colby-Spinner
signatures were being removed during the alteration of an Original Series into a
Series of 1875 plate. Bruce-Wyman signatures were used on the Series of 1875
version. Notice that the Printed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing medallion
hadn’t been placed above the title yet either.
Figure 4. The Original/1875 plate for this Weymouth, Massachusetts, bank eventually carried three different
sets of treasury signatures, although the plate date remained September 8, 1864. The Original Series version
carried Colby-Spinner signatures who were in office on the plate date. The Allison-New combination came
along when the plate was altered into the Series of 1875 form. The Scofield-Gilfillan combination was used
when the plate was reentered in 1878.
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Series of 1902 Exceptions
Careful mating of signatures with plate dates was ignored on Series of 1902 plates for a dozen
new banks between 1915 and 1921, and for a couple of hundred extending banks between 1911 and 1922,
after which extensions ceased. In all such cases, the previous signature combination continued to be used
instead of the current. The net effect was that use of a given signature combination started late and
finished late. See Tables 5 and 6 at the end of this article for a listing of all of these oddities.
These delays occurred because personnel in the Comptroller’s office began to assign arbitrary
startup dates for the use of new signature combinations. Furthermore, the startup dates could be different
depending on whether the bank was new or extending. Examples of formal orders authorizing such
startup dates appear in the Napier-Thompson section.
Table 1 at the end of this article is a listing of the banks and their sheet combinations that bear the
scarcest signature combinations found on national bank notes. The following sections explain the factors
that converged to create them.
Figure 5. This Series of 1902 plain back from Clifton, Arizona (5821), carries an
extension date of May 14, 1921, and Elliott-Burke signatures. The Elliott-White
combination became current on May 2, so the Elliott-Burke signatures are mismated
with the plate date. This type of date-signature mismatch occurred occasionally
between 1911 and 1922, whereas it was scrupulously avoided at other times.
Figure 6. The First National Bank of McGehee, Arkansas (13280), was the first of
only four banks to receive notes with the very scarce Jones-Wood signature
combination on large size nationals. Notice the 1929 plate date.
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Short Joint Tenures
The most obvious reason for scarce combinations were those that were current for brief periods.
The two shortest were Bruce-Jordan (38 days) and Rosecrans-Morgan (30 days); respectively, May 1-
June 7, 1885 and June 1-30, 1893.
The Farmers & Mechanics National Bank of Mercer, Pennsylvania (2256), was the only bank in
the country to receive Series of 1875 notes with Bruce-Jordan signatures. By chance, the 5-5-5-5 Original
Series plate for the bank was altered into a Series of 1875 during the critical May 1-June 7, 1885 window
so the Bruce-Jordan combination landed on its $5 notes.
The Rosecrans-Morgan combination appeared on the Series of 1882 brown back issues from only
eleven banks. Seven were chartered and the other four extended during their June 1-30, 1893 tenure. Nine
survived beyond 1908 to issue Rosecrans-Morgan Series of 1882 date backs as well.
The relatively short lived Woods-White, Woods-Tade and Jones-Woods combinations at the end
of the Series of 1902 are very scarce. They are found only on plates for new banks because extensions no
longer were occurring and title changes at that time no longer resulted in new plate dates and signatures.
Adding to their scarcity is the fact that at that time many new banks eligible to receive notes elected not to
issue under the terms of an act passed June 21, 1917 that absolved bankers of the obligation to purchase
bonds to secure circulations. Consequently, the number of issuers using notes bearing these treasury
signature combinations was small.
Cap on Issues
One of the rarest treasury signature combinations on national bank notes is Jeffries-Spinner.
Theirs was not a case of rarity attributed to brief service together; rather it was caused by a paucity of
bank organizations during their joint tenure.
Figure 7. This is the only reported Jeffries-Spinner note bearing bank sheet serial
number 1. The Jeffries-Spinner combination is not rare owing to a short joint
tenure in office, but rather for a lack of charterings caused by a limit on national
bank circulation in effect during their service. Only 14 banks received notes with
this signature combination.
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The Noal L. Jeffries-Francis E. Spinner signature combination was used only on Original Series
notes. Only 14 banks in the country received notes with the combination but not all of the plates made for
them used it.
Jeffries and Spinner served together between October 5, 1867 and March 15, 1869; however,
their signatures remained current through April 2, 1869, because John Allison didn’t assumed office after
Jeffries’ departure until April 3rd. Under normal circumstances such a year and a half period was long
enough that many hundreds of banks should have been chartered and received notes with their signatures.
However, fate in the form of a very technical constraint caused their signature combination to become
among the rarest on nationals.
The National Bank Acts of February 25, 1863 and June 3, 1864 placed a $300 million cap on total
national bank circulation, a number that was reached in 1866. The officers of new banks organized
thereafter had to agree to waive their right to receive circulation. The profit to be made on circulation was
a major incentive for organizing a national bank so without it few bankers bothered.
The result was that new organizations practically ceased beginning in 1866; a situation that
prevailed through July 1870. The Civil War was over, confidence in national currency was rising, and
profits from circulation were excellent. The brake on the system was the limit on total circulation.
The numbers of new banks chartered during this period were a paltry 39 in 1866, 10 in 1867, 13
in 1868 and 8 in 1869. National bank organizations had cratered from 944 in 1865. Consequently, the
demand for new plates - plates that would bear Jeffries-Spinner signatures - dropped to a trickle.
Most of the banks chartered during the Jeffries-Spinner era that received circulation did so under
provisions of an 1865 amendment to the National Bank Act that called for apportionment by state of half
the total $300 million circulation based on population. Consequently, the Comptroller moved circulation
to under-represented states so new banks chartered in them were able to get notes.
Four banks chartered during the Jeffries-Spinner era sidestepped the cap on circulation through an
arcane technicality. They moved.
There were no provisions in national banking law that permitted bankers to move prior to May 1,
1886. The only way they could relocate to greener pastures was to win passage of a special act or
resolution of Congress allowing for the move.
If they chose to avoid the hassle of gaining Congressional approval, their only other option was to
liquidate their existing bank and organize a new one in the new locale. Four banks did just that in 1868
during the Jeffries-Spinner era.
They were The First National Bank of Downington, Pennsylvania (338) to The First National
Bank of Honeybrook (1676); The First National Bank of New Brunswick, New Jersey (208) to The
Princeton National Bank (1681); The Second National Bank of Des Moines, Iowa (485) to The Pacific
National Bank of Council Bluffs (1684), and The First National Bank of Plumer, Pennsylvania (854) to
The First National Bank of Sharon (1685).
Comptroller of the Currency Hiland R. Hulburd treated the new banks as reincarnations of the
predecessors. He thereby allowed each to take out circulation as fast as the circulation of the predecessor
came in for redemption, thus circumventing consideration of the $300 million cap. If, however, the
bankers bought bonds for their new bank in excess of those held by the predecessor, circulation could not
be taken out against the overage.
When the smoke cleared, twenty-one banks with charter numbers between 1671 and 1691 were
eligible to receive notes with Jeffries-Spinner signatures. Most got them for at least some of their plate
combinations. However, two things caused other signatures to appear on their plates.
Three of the banks chartered at the beginning of the Jeffries-Spinner era used plates bearing a
December 24, 1867 plate date, but those plates mistakenly carried obsolete Colby-Spinner signatures.
Those banks were Davenport, Iowa (1671), Atchison, Kansas (1672) and Warner, New Hampshire
Four of the eligible banks had to defer issuing until Congress raised the cap on circulation by
another $54 million in the Act of July 12, 1870. When plates finally were ordered for them, they bore
younger batch dates coupled with Allison-Spinner signatures owing to the delay.
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From 21 eligibles, the list of anointed got winnowed down to 14.
Some of the remaining fourteen banks that did receive Jeffries-Spinner notes ordered other
Original Series plate combinations after the Jeffries-Spinner era. They carried younger batch dates so had
Allison-Spinner signatures. This explains why some of the Original Series plate combinations used by
those banks are missing from the Jeffries-Spinner list on Table 1.
The Jeffries-Spinner signatures did not survive beyond the Original Series because the Original
Series plates were made by the bank note companies. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing put the
current treasury signatures on those plates when they were altered into Series of 1875 forms.
Prior to his stint as Register of the Treasury, Noel F. Jeffries (1828-1896) served in the Civil War,
first as a lst Lieutenant in the Adjunct 59th New York Infantry. He left the service on March 13, 1865, at
the rank of Brevet Brigadier General, noted for faithful and meritorious services in the recruitment of the
Armies of the United States.
Discontinued Series.
A series was considered to be discontinued when it no longer was assigned to new banks. The
Series of 1875 was discontinued in 1882 and the Series of 1882 in 1902. However, the last banks to
receive notes from those series continued issuing them until 1902 and 1922, respectively. Discontinued
series led to the creation of most of the rarest signature combinations found on nationals.
Series of 1875
There were only three ways new signatures could get on Series of 1875 plates after the series was
discontinued in 1882. They resulted from (1) alterations of Original Series plates into Series of 1875
plates, (2) title changes and (3) orders for new plate combinations. These circumstances yielded all the
Series of 1875 entries on Table 1.
The protocols in these situations were as follows. Current signatures were placed on the altered
Original Series plates although the old plate dates were left as was. New plates were made following title
changes that carried title change dates and corresponding current signatures. New plate combinations
made through March 1898 carried batch dates and signatures that reflected when the plates were made.
The bank note companies were required by Congress to turn over the printing of national bank
notes to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing beginning in 1875. Bureau personnel altered the existing
Original Series plates into Series of 1875 plates in order to distinguish the notes printed by the Bureau.
Those that were altered from late 1882 forward gave rise to most of the entries for the Bruce-Wyman and
Rosecrans-Jordan Series of 1875 entries on Table 1.
The rarest of Series of 1875 signature combination is Rosecrans-Hyatt, which was current
between May 24, 1887 and May 10, 1889. Five banks received them, four because of title changes and
one through alteration of an Original Series plate.
Figure 8. Only five banks received Rosecrans-Hyatt signatures on their Series of
1875 notes. This $100 resulted from a title and town name change from The South
Pueblo National Bank of South Pueblo, Colorado.
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Notice that a significant percentage of the scarce Series of 1875 Rosecrans-Huston, Rosecrans-
Nebeker and Tillman-Morgan occurrences on Table 1 owe their existence to state admissions. The state
version of those plates carried admission day as the plate date, a special type of title change date.
Series of 1882
The use of post-1902 signature combinations on Series of 1882 notes was limited solely to
production from title changes plates. That story was made considerably richer thanks to the advent of the
different backs. The date backs came online in 1908 and the value backs in 1915. Successively fewer
banks were still issuing the series at each of these junctures, which lofted the rarity of the post-1902
signature combinations on the date and value backs through the roof.
An example involves the unique Lyons-Treat occurrences in the date and value back issues from
The First National Bank of Hereford, Texas (5604). These two rarities came about because the title of the
bank was changed from The Hereford National Bank on February 17, 1906.
Only two banks used Parker-Burke Series of 1882 date back plates, The First National Banks of
Gaffney, South Carolina (5064) and Woonsocket, South Dakota (5946). Both resulted from title changes
in 1914. The Woonsocket bank went on to issue value backs, yielding for it the distinction of being the
only bank to issue Parker-Burke value backs.
Figure 9. A title change to The First National Bank in 1906 resulted in a new 10-10-
10-20 plate, yielding for this bank in Hereford, Texas, the distinction of being the
only one to issue Series of 1882 date and value backs with Lyons-Treat signatures.
Figure 10. A title change to The First National Bank in 1914 caused this bank in
Gaffney, North Carolina, to be one of two banks in the country to issue Series of
1882 date backs with Parker-Burke signatures, but the only one to issue $5s.
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All Vernon-Treat Series of 1882 notes, regardless of back, resulted from title changes. Most came
about when Oklahoma and Indian Territory plates were altered into state plates. The state versions of the
plates used November 17, 1907, admission day, as the plate date. The Oklahoma plates moved Series of
1882 notes with Vernon-Treat signatures off the rare list.
Series of 1882 Vernon-Treat notes are rarities outside Oklahoma because only six other banks
utilized the combination. They were Sheridan, Indiana (5296), Hattisburg, Mississippi (5176), Hornell,
New York (2522), Grove City, Pennsylvania (5501), Spokane, Washington (4044) and Waupaca,
Wisconsin (4424), all because of title changes during the critical Vernon-Treat window.
The Vernon-Treat story was repeated for the Vernon-McClung Series of 1882 date and value
backs thanks to the admissions of New Mexico and Arizona in 1912. The totals for the rest of the nation’s
Vernon-McClung issuers were only seven date back and five value back banks.
An examination of the popular Napier-Thompson signature combination will illustrate how
treasury signatures were handled during the latter part of the Series of 1902 era. Carmi Thompson served
as U. S. Treasurer from November 22, 1912 through March 31, 1913, a period of a little over four
months. His signature appeared with that of longer serving James Napier who was Register of the
Treasury from May 1911 to October 1913.
Thompson was appointed by Republican President William Howard Taft to fill the vacancy left
when Lee McClung resigned November 12, 1912. His short tenure resulted from Democrat Woodrow
Wilson’s election in 1912 and appointment upon assuming office of John Burke to the Treasurer post in
March 1913.
Figure 11. A change in town name from Fort Howard to Green Bay in January,
1910, resulted in a new 10-10-10-20 plate for this bank, yielding in the process the
only Series of 1882 date back notes with the Vernon-McClung signature
combination. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
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The Napier-Thompson signature combination always has commanded a significant premium on
large size type notes. The reason is that the number of plates bearing his signature was small so printings
were correspondingly modest. The combination didn’t even make it to several type note denominations.
In contrast Thompson’s signature on Series of 1902 blue seal date and plain back national bank notes is
fairly easy to acquire.
How Napier-Thompson Signatures Got On Notes
A grand total of 132 banks received notes from Napier-Thompson plates during the Series of
1902 date back issues. 112 of those banks went on to issue Napier-Thompson Series of 1902 blue seal
plain backs. A list of them appears on Table 2.
No Series of 1882-issuing banks received Napier-Thompson notes. To be eligible, such a bank
needed to undergo a title change during the Napier-Thompson era, but none did.
The Napier-Thompson combination technically was current from November 22, 1912 to March
31, 1913. It was placed on plates for the three traditional reasons: (1) new banks based on the date of
organization, (2) extending banks based on the date of extension, and (3) banks undergoing title changes
during the Napier-Thompson era.
In addition, banks that already were receiving notes with the combination that underwent titles
changes after April 1919 received Napier-Thompson notes with the new title because the Napier-
Thompson-era plate dates were copied onto those plates. Two of them involved town name changes;
specifically, Grand Rapids to Wisconsin Rapids for The Citizens National Bank (10330) in 1920, and
Austin to Chicago for The Austin National Bank (10337) in 1921.
Banks with dates of organization inclusive of November 22, 1912 and March 31, 1913 received
Napier-Thompson plates. There were 76 such banks in the 10290 to 10446 charter number range.
The combination was used on the plates for 49 extending banks. However, there was a wrinkle
associated with these because use of the signature combination began late and finished late.
Consequently, the dates of extension on the notes with their signatures are inclusive of January 3 and
April 13, 1913, instead of November 22, 1912 and March 31, 1913. The result is that the extending banks
with their signatures fall in the ranges 2070-2112 and 4838-4916.
On the front end, 14 banks extending between November 26 and December 30, 1912 that should
have gotten Napier-Thompson notes actually got notes with the obsolete Napier-McClung combination.
These were South Dakota (2068), Minnesota (2073), New Jersey (2076), Pennsylvania (2078), Minnesota
(4821), West Virginia (4828), Oklahoma (4830), Pennsylvania (4832), Massachusetts (4833),
Pennsylvania (4836), Ohio (4839), Ohio (4842), Maine (4844) and Ohio (4853).
On the back end, six banks with April 1913 extensions received Napier-Thompson instead of
Napier-Burke notes. These are Montana (2106), Massachusetts (2108), Texas (4900), Indiana (4901),
Figure 12. The Series of 1902 blue seal plain backs from First National Bank and
Trust Company of Santa Barbara, California, are the only trust company notes in
the country with Napier-Thompson signatures. The plate was made in 1927
following a title change. The 1913 plate date was copied from the previous plates.
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Iowa (4902) and Pennsylvania (4910).
Assignment of Signatures
Authority for whose signatures appeared on national bank notes rested with the Comptroller of
the Currency. Here is the letter from that office authorizing the startup of the Napier-Thompson era on
national bank notes (Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1912).
Treasury Department
November 23, 1912
Hon. J. E. Ralph
Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing
In compliance with your request in letter of November 22, you are hereby authorized to place the
signature of Carmi Thompson, Treasurer of the United States, on all plates for newly organized
banks, bearing date of November 22, 1912, and subsequent thereto, so long as he fills the position
of Treasurer, and that all plates where there is an extension of charter from and after January 1,
1913, contain the name of Mr. Thompson.
T. P. Kane
Deputy and Acting Comptroller
The practice of using an arbitrary starting date for a new signature had precedence with the
startup of the earlier Napier-McClung combination. Documentation I found to this effect was a memo
dated May 16, 1911, from BEP Assistant Director F. E. Ferguson to the Superintendent of Orders stating
“The same substitution of names will be made on National currency plates beginning with organization
date of May 28, 1911” (Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1912). Napier assumed office May 18th.
Two common signatures on large size notes are those of Register of the Treasury James C. Napier
and Treasurer John Burke. Napier served from May 18, 1911 to October 1, 1913; Burke from April 1,
1913 to January 5, 1921. Both terms of office were sufficiently long that their signatures got on plenty of
printing plates in both type and national bank note series.
The big deal, though, was that Napier was leaving as Burke was arriving so the two overlapped
for only six months between April 1 and October 1, 1913. Only six other signature combinations were
current for shorter periods during the large note era.
Although their signatures are common when mated with other officials, they are decidedly scarce
when paired. Type note collectors have long recognized that the Napier-Burke combination is a rarity.
The fact is that the combination didn’t make it to most type note plates. It appeared only on gold notes;
specifically, $100 and $10,000 Series of 1882 and $1000 Series of 1907 gold certificates, and Series of
1900 $10,000 certificates of deposit.
Figure 13. One of the most sought notes from California is from wide-spot-in-the-
road Seeley, charter 10462. Seeley notes sport the elusive Napier-Burke combination
owing to the date of organization for the bank.
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The Napier-Burke combination is available on national bank notes, but only on Series of 1902
date and plain backs from 85 banks. This compares to 132 banks that received Napier-Thompson notes.
The Series of 1882 was still in use during the Napier-Burke era, but the only way an 1882-issuing
bank could receive notes with the combination was if the bank received approval for a title change while
the combination was current. It didn’t happen.
Table 3 is a list of the banks that received Napier-Burke Series of 1902 notes along with the
cause. Six banks didn’t make it to the list that belonged. They were the first banks extended during the
Napier-Burke era that were given Napier-Thompson signatures as documented in the Napier-Thompson
section. They had plate dates inclusive of April 7-13, 1913.
Examples of plates bearing the wrong treasury signatures have been found. Doug Walcutt (1998)
found two examples involving Series of 1882 brown backs. The 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 plates for The
First National Bank of Huntington, Pennsylvania (31) bear the date July 21, 1882, but carry Bruce-
Wyman signatures. Wyman didn’t assume office until April 1, 1883, so the signatures should have been
Bruce-Gilfillan. Similarly, the 5-5-5-5 plate for The American Exchange National Bank of New York
City, New York (1394), with a plate date of July 1, 1885, has Rosecrans-Huston instead of Rosecrans-
Jordan signatures.
The preparation of the Huntington plates was delayed almost three years after the bank was
extended. The 5-5-5-5 plate for New York was ordered long after other combinations were in use for the
bank. The young signatures on the plates indicates that someone wasn’t paying attention to detail when
they were ordered.
Walcutt (1996) found a particularly odd twist on the $5 Series of 1875 E-F-G-H replacement
plate for The Commercial National Bank of Providence, Rhode Island (1319), which was certified
January 7, 1881. It was customary at the time to update the treasury signatures but leave the plate date as
was. However, when the treasury signatures were updated from Allison-New to Scofield-Gilfillan in this
case, the date also was changed from August 1, 1865 to January 5, 1881.
Of course other mistakes were made with signatures and some were caught. A great situation
revolves around the Series of 1882 50-100 plate for The First National Bank of Rome, Georgia (2368).
BEP Director Claude Johnson sent a letter to Comptroller James Eckels on June 17, 1897 explaining that
the recent first shipment of 112 sheets for the bank carried a plate date of August 16, 1897 but obsolete
signature of Treasurer Daniel Morgan (BEP, 1862-1912). Morgan left office June 30th and had been
succeeded by Ellis Roberts. Johnson pointed out that the order from the Comptroller’s office called for
the wrong signature and BEP personnel didn’t notice the error at the time. He requested that the
Comptroller send an order to reprint the notes with the correct signature. The corrected 50-100 plate was
Figure 14. This New York plate, which was used, has the wrong signatures mated
with the plate date of July 1, 1885. They should be Rosecrans-Jordan instead of
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certified August 14th and replacements sent.
What sets the Rome case apart and makes it particularly interesting is that in 1903 the bankers
ordered 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 plates. The Comptroller’s clerks, probably using the original record card
for the 50-100 plate, mistakenly ordered the new plates with Morgan’s signature. This time no one
noticed so as shown on Figure 18 the low denominations have Morgan’s signature whereas the high have
Roberts’ despite the fact that all carry the same plate date!
The treasury signatures found on national bank notes generally were those in office concurrent
with the plate date. There were exceptions in the Original Series, Series of 1875 and Series of 1902.
The Original Series exceptions involved three banks that were assigned a plate date of December
24, 1867 that carried obsolete Colby-Spinner signatures instead of Jeffries-Spinner. The Series of 1875
exceptions involved updating the signatures when: (1) plates were altered from the Original Series, (2)
replacement plates were made prior to the end of 1878, and (3) plates were reentered during 1878. The
Series of 1902 exceptions involved plates made between 1911 and 1922 where an obsolete combination
appeared on notes with dates that followed the change, a situation that was especially prevalent on plates
for extended banks.
The rarest signature combinations on national bank notes were caused by: (1) pairs of office
holders who served together for brief periods, (2) a cap on issues during the Jeffries-Spinner era, and (3)
discontinuances of the Series of 1875 and 1882.
When you study Table 1, you will discover that there were only three ways a new signature
combination could come about within the Series of 1875 after the series was discontinued for new banks
in 1882; specifically, (1) when an Original Series plate was altered into the Series of 1875 form, (2) a
bank underwent a title change, which included statehood admissions, and (3) a bank ordered a new plate
combination. The list was reduced to title change plates and late-ordered combinations within the Series
of 1882 after it was discontinued for new banks in 1902.
The Bruce-Wyman combination nicely illustrates the interplay between causes within the Series
of 1875. Bruce and Wyman served together for twenty-five months between April 1, 1883 and April 30,
1885. Their signature combination was the first new one to come along after the Series of 1875 was
discontinued in 1882. All the Series of 1875 denominations issued with the combination are listed as
rarities in currency catalogs. Forty-three banks issued notes with the combination, the majority the result
of Original Series alterations. The breakdown was 30 resulting from Original Series alterations; nine from
title changes and four from late-ordered plate combinations.
Figure 15. When the Original Series $5 plate for this Providence bank was altered into a
Series of 1875, Bureau of Engraving and Printing personnel not only updated the
signatures to Scofield-Gilfillan but also updated the plate date to January 5, 1881, which
was out-of-character.
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It is surprising that the combination is a rarity with 43 issuing banks because that population
sounds like plenty of banks. Careful examination of Table 1, though, reveals that the list is dominated by
small to tiny issues, which, when coupled with their antiquity, combined to produce rarity.
Distinguishing between the different backs in the Series of 1882 is extremely important. For
example, sufficient numbers of Tillman-Morgan plates were made for Series of 1882 brown and date back
issuers to classify them as readily obtainable. However only 34 of those banks issued value backs, thus
making value back Tillman-Morgan notes scarce.
Similarly, it is imperative to distinguish between the denominations that were involved. For
example, only eleven banks received Series of 1875 notes with the Rosecrans-Nebeker combination and
eight got Tillman-Morgan. However, only one of each received $5; respectively, The United States
National Bank of the City of New York, New York (2507) and The Westminster National Bank of
Gardner, Massachusetts (2284). Both came about as the result of title changes late within the series.
Of the five banks that received Lyons-Treat Series of 1882 brown backs, only The National Bank
of Toledo, Ohio (4585), got $50s and $100s. Those rarities also were the result of a title change.
Figure 16. Eight banks received Series of 1875 notes with Tillman-Morgan signatures,
the last combination used on the series. This Gardner, Massachusetts, bank was the only
one to utilize $5s.
Figure 17. Only five banks received Lyons-Treat Series of 1882 brown backs, all because
of title changes. Only this Toledo bank got $50s and $100s.
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The Central States Numismatic Society, Society of Paper Money Collectors, and National
Currency Foundation sponsored this project.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1912, Correspondence to and from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing:
Record Group 318, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1875-1929, certified proofs of national bank note face and back plates: National
Numismatic Collections, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1912, Receipts of national bank currency from the engravers: Record Group 101,
U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Huntoon, Peter, Mar-Apr 2002, The mystery of plate dates and treasury signatures on national bank notes: Paper
Money, v. 41, p. 51-69.
Walcutt, Doug, 1996, Varieties of national bank notes, part nine: The Rag Picker, v. 31, no. 3, p. 16-25.
Walcutt, Doug, 1998, Varieties of national bank notes, part seventeen: The Rag Picker, v. 33, no. 2, p. 6-26.
Figure 18. All three
Series of 1882 plates for
The First National Bank
of Rome, Georgia (2368),
carried a plate date of
July 4, 1897, but the
lower denominations
mistakenly bear the
obsolete signature of
Treasurer Daniel N.
Morgan who left office
on June 30.
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Table 1. Rare, scarce and unused signature combinations by
series on national bank notes.
A = Original Series plate that was altered into a Series of 1875 plate
C = new plate combination for the bank
E = extended bank
N = plate for a new bank
S = statehood ‐ handled on plates as a type of title change
T = title change
The plate dates enclosed in ( ) were those engraved on the Original Series plates that
were left unchanged when the plates were altered into Series of 1875 plates.
Consequently, they do not correlate with the treasury signatures that were placed on
the plates at the time the plates were altered.
Sheet Serials
Combination Issued Plate Date Cause
Original Series
Jeffries‐Spinner October 5, 1867 ‐ April 2, 1869
14 banks
denominations issued: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20
1673 Royalton VT National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4165 Feb 25, 1868 N
1675 Boston MA National Security Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐5000 Feb 25, 1868 N
1676 Honeybrook PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐10 1‐1375 Jun 15, 1868 N
1677 Springfield MO Greene County National Bank
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐4000 Dec 3, 1868 C
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5750 May 28, 1868 N
1680 Columbia SC Carolina National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4900 Sep 10, 1868 N
1681 Princeton NJ Princeton National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5000 Aug 25, 1868 N
1682 Raleigh NC State National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2500 Aug 25, 1868 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2300 Sep 10, 1868 N
1683 Mankato MN First National Bank
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐4300 Aug 25, 1868 N
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4575 Aug 25, 1868 N
1684 Council Bluffs IA Pacific National Bank
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐4000 Dec 3, 1868 C
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐7250 Sep 10, 1868 N
1685 Sharon PA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5000 Sep 10, 1868 N
1686 Faribault MN First National Bank
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐1700 Dec 3, 1868 N
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4075 Dec 3, 1868 N
1688 Hillsborough NH First National Bank
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐2300 Mar 15, 1869 N
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2775 Mar 15, 1869 N
1690 Austin MN First National Bank
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐1300 Jan 20, 1869 N
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4775 Jan 20, 1869 N
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1691 New York NY Union Square National Bank of the City
1‐1‐1‐2 1‐2520 Mar 15, 1869 N
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐990 Mar 15, 1869 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐472 Mar 15, 1869 N
Series of 1875
Bruce‐Wyman April 1, 1883 ‐ April 30, 1885
43 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
507 Lock Haven PA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐900 (Sep 1, 1864) A
541 Philadelphia PA National Bank of the Northern Liberties
50‐100 1‐79 (Oct 28, 1864) A
570 Philadelphia PA Tradesmens National Bank
50‐100 1‐266 (Nov 18, 1864) A
590 Fall River MA Fall River National Bank
50‐100 1‐300 (Dec 2, 1864) A
634 Salem MA Asiatic National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐575 (Dec 22, 1864) A
702 Fitchburg MA Rollstone National Bank
50‐100 1‐450 (Jan 1, 1865) A
738 Franklin OH First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐440 (Jan 26, 1865) A
863 Urbana OH Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐585 (Apr 1, 1865) A
893 Saratoga Springs NY First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐278 (Apr 20, 1865) A
(no proof, signatures not confirmed)
898 Dayton OH Dayton National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐100 (Apr 20, 1865) A
922 Mt. Pleasant IA National State Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐483 (Apr 20, 1965) A
957 Taunton MA Taunton National Bank
50‐100 1‐334 (May 10, 1865) A
999 Maquoketa IA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐370 (May 10, 1865) A
1083 Groton NY First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐285 (Jun 20, 1865) A
(no proof, signatures not confirmed)
1019 Owego NY First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐374 (Jun 1, 1865) A
1111 Richmond VA First National Bank
50‐50‐50‐100 1‐40 (Jul 1, 1865) A
1205 Battle Creek MI First National Bank of the City
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐250 (Jul 1, 1865) A
(incomplete proof, signatures not confirmed)
1307 Amsterdam NY First National Bank
50‐100 1‐31 (Aug 1, 1865) A
1380 Poughkeepsie NY Merchants National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1095 (Aug 1, 1865) A
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐418 (Aug 1, 1865) A
50‐100 1‐130 (Aug 1, 1865) A
1403 Winterset IA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐865 Apr 18, 1883 T
1493 Lancaster KY First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐341 (Sep 1, 1865) A
1577 Muscatine IA Merchants Exchange National Bank
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5‐5‐5‐5 1‐100 (Nov 1, 1865) A
1603 Clarksville TN First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐395 (Aug 15, 1871) A
1604 Attleborough MA Attleborough National Bank
50‐100 1‐16 (Jan 1, 1866) A
1613 Augusta GA National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2250 (Jan 1, 1866) A
1741 San Francisco CA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐250 Feb 20, 1884 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4599 Feb 20, 1884 T
50‐100 1‐4339 Feb 20, 1884 T
1744 Burlington IA Merchants National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1040 (Jan 16, 1871) A
1774 New Orleans LA State National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2500 (Feb 15, 1871) A
1865 Rolla MO First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1285 (Sep 1, 1871) A
2014 Sacramento CA National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co.
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3223 Sep 15, 1883 T
2089 Bangor ME Veazie National Bank
50‐100 1‐67 (Mar 15, 1873) A
2143 Hancock MI National Bank
20‐20‐20‐20 1‐1154 (May 15, 1874) A
2164 Louisville KY Citizens National Bank
50‐100 1‐1719 (Aug 15, 1874) A
2193 Petaluma CA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2866 Apr 17, 1884 T
2209 Morganfield KY National Bank of Union County
50‐100 1‐586 Dec 13, 1884 C
2231 Oakland ME Messalonskee National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1729 Apr 15, 1884 T
2232 Attleboro MA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1478 (Mar 25, 1875) A
10‐10‐10‐10 1‐548 (Mar 25, 1975) A
2249 Jenkintown PA Jenkintown National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5767 (May 15, 1875) A
2315 Cincinnati OH National La Fayette Bank
50‐100 1‐3045 Jul 1, 1884 T
2349 Fort Worth TX First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1687 Mar 3, 1884 C
2443 Franklin NH Franklin National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐6518 Apr 22, 1884 C
2494 Waterbury CT Manufacturers National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2718 Nov 18, 1884 C
2536 Nebraska City NE Merchants National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐925 Apr 12, 1884 T
Bruce‐Jordan May 1, 1885 ‐ June 7, 1885
1 bank
denomination issued: 5
2256 Mercer PA Farmers and Mechanics National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2991 (Jun 15, 1875) A
Rosecrans‐Jordan June 8, 1885 ‐ May 23, 1887
21 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50
1682 Raleigh NC State National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐110 (Aug 25, 1868) A
1736 Selma AL City National Bank
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5‐5‐5‐5 1‐185 (Jan 16, 1871) A
1738 Leesburg VA Loudoun National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐260 (Dec 1, 1870) A
1762 Washington IA Washington National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐248 (Jan 16, 1871) A
1778 New Orleans LA New Orleans National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐250 (Feb 15, 1871) A
1780 Flint MI Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐241 (Feb 15, 1871) A
1785 Kewanee IL First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐249 (Feb 15, 1871) A
1800 Cheyenne WYT First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐665 (Mar 15, 1871) A
1868 Charlestown WV First National Bank of Jefferson County
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐250 (Sep 15, 1871) A
1912 Wooster OH National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐250 (Jan 15, 1872) A
1928 Georgetown DC Farmers and Mechanics National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4250 (Feb 15, 1872) A
1980 Pomeroy OH Pomeroy National Bank
10‐10‐20‐50 1‐192 (May 15, 1872) A
1990 Pulaski TN Giles National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐301 (Jun 15, 1872) A
2024 Santa Fe NMT Second National Bank of New Mexico
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐441 (Aug 15, 1872) A
2059 Salt Lake City UTT Deseret National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐275 (Nov 15, 1872) A
2142 Schwenksville PA National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1300 (May 15, 1874) A
2152 Brockton MA Home National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐650 (Jun 15, 1874) A
2154 Belleville IL First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1820 (Jun 25, 1874) A
2188 Evansville IN Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐250 (Oct 15, 1874) A
2189 Waco TX Waco National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐238 (Oct 15, 1874) A
2244 Sharon PA Sharon National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐50 (Apr 15, 1875) A
(no proof, signatures not confirmed)
Rosecrans‐Hyatt May 24, 1887 ‐ May 10, 1889
5 banks
denominations issued: 10, 20, 50, 100
1865 Rolla MO National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐85 (Sep 15, 1871) A
1950 Fort Smith AR First National Bank
100‐100 1‐101 Dec 24, 1887 T
2106 Missoula MTT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐440 Feb 26, 1889 T
2189 Waco TX First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1562 Jan 15, 1889 T
2541 Pueblo CO Central National Bank
50‐100 1‐191 Feb 6, 1889 T
Rosecrans‐Huston May 11, 1889 ‐ April 24, 1891
33 banks, 34 titles
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
1814 Montgomery AL First National Bank
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5‐5‐5‐5 1‐112 (May 15, 1871) A
1833 Pueblo CO First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 12751‐12899 Feb 1, 1890 S
1882 Joliet IL Will County National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐714 (Oct 10, 1871) A
1890 Greensburg IN Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐876 (Nov 15, 1871) A
1934 Nokomis IL Nokomis National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐141 (Feb 15, 1872) A
2025 Middletown ON Merchants National Bank
50‐100 1‐530 Mar 3, 1890 C
2100 Paris IL Edgar County National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐534 (Apr 15, 1873) A
2106 Missoula MT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 441‐681 Nov 8, 1889 S
2110 Laramie City WY Wyoming National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4351‐4841 Jul 10, 1890 S
2126 Lincoln IL First National Bank
50‐100 1‐650 Feb 26, 1890 C
2129 Central City CO First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 9051‐9105 Feb 1, 1890 S
2155 Rock Island IL Peoples National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐984 (Aug 15, 1874) A
2179 Colorado Springs CO First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4976‐6428 Feb 1, 1890 S
2300 Trinidad CO First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1351‐8761 Feb 1, 1890 S
2304 Boston MA Winthrop National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5024 Jan 23, 1890 T
2310 Pueblo CO Stockgrowers National Bank
10‐10‐10‐10 1751‐2866 Feb 1, 1890 S
2377 Fargo ND First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2926‐4407 Nov 2, 1889 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1201‐2128 Nov 2, 1889 S
2380 Walla Walla WA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 18751‐21229 Nov 11, 1889 S
2391 Deadwood ND First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 6777‐9578 Nov 2, 1889 S
2434 Bismark ND First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2021‐3064 Nov 2, 1889 S
2461 Deadwood ND Merchants National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2851‐3110 Nov 2, 1889 S
10‐10‐10‐20 681‐1170 Nov 2, 1889 S
2476 Fort Benton MT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2131‐2195 Nov 8, 1889 S
2476 Great Falls MT Northwestern National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1500 Apr 15, 1891 T
2514 Fargo ND Red River Valley National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2601‐3892 Nov 2, 1889 S
2518 Laramie City WY Laramie National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1631‐1684 Jul 10, 1890 S
2548 Valley City ND First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2651‐4388 Nov 2, 1889 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐121 Nov 2, 1889 C
2566 Butte City MT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1181‐5797 Nov 8, 1889 S
2570 Grand Forks ND First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1303 Jun 25, 1890 T
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2580 Jamestown ND James River National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 801‐1619 Nov 2, 1889 S
2585 Mandan ND First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2801‐5322 Nov 2, 1889 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐139 Nov 2, 1889 C
2645 Mitchell SD First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1031‐1897 Nov 2, 1889 S
2652 Cheyenne WY Stock Growers National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4651‐9685 Jul 10, 1890 S
10‐10‐10‐20 901‐2296 Jul 10, 1890 S
2732 Helena MT Merchants National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2701‐4549 Nov 8, 1889 S
2752 Miles City MT First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2251‐4214 Nov 8, 1889 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐199 Nov 8, 1889 C
Rosecrans‐Nebeker April 25, 1891 ‐ May 31, 1893
11 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
2110 Laramie WY Wyoming National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐209 Jan 28, 1892 T
2151 Oneonta NY Wilber National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1774 Jun 15, 1891 C
2237 Pittsburgh PA Marine National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐688 (Apr 15, 1875) A
2261 Allegheny PA German National Bank
50‐100 1‐1458 Mar 8, 1892 C
2518 Laramie WY Laramie National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐431 Feb 8, 1892 T
2507 New York NY United States National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐6704 Jun 17, 1891 C
2546 Pueblo CO Western National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4351 Feb 4, 1893 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1296 Feb 4, 1893 T
2558 Greensburg PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3060 Nov 10, 1891 C
2641 Albuquerque NMT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐7468 Aug 8, 1891 C
2750 Lincoln NE Lincoln National Bank
50‐100 1‐31 & 51‐55 Jul 20, 1891 C
2761 East Saginaw MI Home National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4162 Oct 3, 1892 C
50‐100 1‐1333 Oct 3, 1892 C
Rosecrans‐Morgan June 1, 1893 ‐ June 30, 1893
Tillman‐Morgan July 1, 1893 ‐ June 30, 1897
8 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
2284 Gardner MA Westminster National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐361 Jun 12, 1894 T
2362 Manchester NH Second National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1300 Jan 4, 1895 C
2423 Columbus OH Fourth National Bank
50‐100 1‐38 Nov 21, 1896 C
2430 Holyoke MA City National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2542 Mar 3, 1896 C
2529 Zanesville OH Citizens National Bank
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50‐100 1‐1034 Jan 23, 1896 C
2584 Danville IL Second National Bank
50‐100 1‐1329 Jul 28, 1893 C
2597 Ogden UT First National Bank
50‐100 1281‐2167 Jan 6, 1896 S
2641 Provo City UT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1341‐1475 Jan 6, 1896 S
Series of 1882 Brown Backs
Rosecrans‐Morgan June 1, 1893 ‐ June 30, 1893
16 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
563 Philadelphia PA Union National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐8250 Jun 30, 1893 C
1156 New Castle PA National Bank of Lawrence County
50‐100 1‐3282 C
1365 Elgin IL First National Bank C
50‐100 1‐2196 Jun 21, 1893
1827 Boston MA National Bank of the Commonwealth C
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐14829 Jun 20, 1893
2114 Fayetteville TN First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2410 Jun 10, 1893 E
2116 Griggsville IL Griggsville National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1220 Jun 3, 1893 E
2118 Austin TX First National Bank
50‐100 1‐1028 Jun 26, 1893 E
50‐100 1121‐1671 Jun 26, 1893 E
2119 Plymouth IN First National Bank of Marshall County
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5600 Jun 20, 1893 E
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2980 Jun 20, 1893 E
4753 Lowell MA Traders National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐20240 Jun 10, 1892 C
4832 Philipsburg PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐7490 Jun 22, 1893 T
4923 Ephrata PA Farmers National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐9590 Jun 2, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3124 Jun 2, 1893 N
4924 Itasca TX Citizens National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐525 Jun 5, 1893 N
4925 Liberty NY Sullivan County National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2875 Jun 5, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐720 Jun 5, 1893 N
4926 Frostburg MD Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐6550 Jun 7, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2460 Jun 7, 1893 N
4927 North East PA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐3100 Jun 8, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1130 Jun 8, 1893 N
4928 Owatonna MN National Farmers Bank
50‐100 1‐2043 Jun 21, 1893 N
Lyons‐Treat July 1, 1905 ‐ June 11, 1906
5 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
3623 Dallas TX American Exchange National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2265 Jul 29, 1905 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐12585 Jul 29, 1905 T
4414 Waupaca WI First National Bank
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐301 May 3, 1906 T
4585 Toledo OH National Bank
50‐100 1‐1065 Aug 1, 1905 T
5052 McAlester IT First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1200 May 24, 1906 T
5604 Hereford TX First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1700 Feb 17, 1906 T
Vernon‐Treat June 12, 1906 ‐ October 30, 1909
56 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
2522 Hornell NY Citizens National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2500 Mar 21, 1907 T
4044 Spokan WA Exchange National Bank
50‐100 1‐4500 Jan 16, 1907 T
4424 Waupaca WI Old National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐200 Jan 17, 1907 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐158 Jan 17, 1907 T
plus 53 Oklahoma banks with charters from 4348 to 6061 that received state notes from
Vernon‐Treat plates with November 16, 1907 statehood admission plate dates.
Series of 1882 Date Backs
Rosecrans‐Morgan June 1, 1893 ‐ June 30, 1893
9 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
2114 Fayetteville TN First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1480 Jun 10, 1893 E
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1363 Jun 10, 1893 E
2116 Griggsville IL Griggsville National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐344 Jun 3, 1893 E
2119 Plymouth IN First National Bank of Marshall County
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2039 Jun 20, 1893 E
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1448 Jun 20, 1893 E
4753 Lowell MA Traders National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐9102 Jun 10, 1892 C
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐5761 Jun 10, 1892 C
50‐100 1‐124 Jun 10, 1892 C
4923 Ephrata PA Farmer=s National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4015 Jun 2, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3024 Jun 2, 1893 N
4925 Liberty NY Sullivan County National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1668 Jun 5, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1165 Jun 5, 1893 N
4926 Frostburg MD Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐3042 Jun 7, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2431 Jun 7, 1893 N
4927 North East PA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1117 Jun 8, 1893 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐901 Jun 8, 1893 N
4928 Owatonna MN National Farmers Bank
50‐100 1‐341 Jun 21, 1893 N
Lyons‐Treat July 1, 1905 ‐ June 11, 1906
1 bank
denominations issued: 10, 20
5604 Hereford TX First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3700 Feb 17, 1906 T
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Vernon‐Treat June 12, 1906 ‐ October 30, 1909
94 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
2522 Hornell NY Citizens National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐7600 Mar 21, 1907 T
4044 Spokan WA Exchange National Bank
50‐100 1‐1005 Jun 16, 1907 T
4424 Waupaca WI Old National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐205 Jan 17, 1907 T
5176 Hattisburg MS First‐National Bank of Commerce
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐35500 Aug 8, 1908 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐23200 Aug 8, 1908 T
5296 Sheridan IN First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4500 Jan 20, 1909 T
5501 Grove City PA Grove City National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐9400 Aug 1, 1908 T
plus 88 Oklahoma banks with charters from 4348 to 6058 that received state notes from
Vernon‐Treat plates with November 16, 1907 statehood admission plate dates.
Vernon‐McClung November 1, 1909 ‐ May 17, 1911
1 bank
denominations issued: 10, 20
4783 Green Bay WI McCartney National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4533 Jan 29, 1910 T
Napier‐McClung May 18, 1911 ‐ November 21, 1912
16 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
2127 Memphis TN Central‐State National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3216 May 1, 1912 T
2436 Las Vegas NM First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐3800 Jan 6, 1912 S
2454 Las Vegas NM San Miguel National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2600 Jan 6, 1912 S
2614 Albuquerque NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐12500 Jan 6, 1912 S
50‐50‐50‐100 1‐2586 Jan 6, 1912 S
4851 Prescott AZ Prescott National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐150 Feb 14, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐120 Feb 14, 1912 S
5220 Roswell NM First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2300 Jan 6, 1912 S
5244 Alamogordo NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐105 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐46 Jan 6, 1912 S
5487 Carlsbad NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐700 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐520 Jan 6, 1912 S
5698 Lexington NC First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1900 Nov 4, 1911 T
1401‐1900 type uncertain
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1420 Nov 4, 1911 T
1021‐1420 type uncertain
5713 Clayton NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1700 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1180 Jan 6, 1912 S
5720 Tempe AZ Tempe National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐380 Feb 14, 1912 S
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
5767 Roanoke Rapids NC First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2060 Jul 1, 1912 T
50‐50‐50‐100 1‐196 Jul 1, 1912 T
5777 Beaver Springs PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1160 Jun 13, 1912 T
1061‐1160 type uncertain
5821 Clifton AZ First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1250 Feb 14, 1912 S
6028 Elizabethtown KY First Hardin National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐5400 Aug 5, 1911 T
6081 Santa Rosa NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1000 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1300 Jan 6, 1912 S
Napier‐Thompson November 22, 1912 ‐ March 31, 1913
Napier‐Burke April 1, 1913 ‐ October 1, 1913
Parker‐Burke October 1, 1913 ‐ December 31, 1914
2 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
5064 Gaffney SC First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1820 Jul 6, 1914 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1465 Jul 6, 1914 T
5946 Woonsocket SD First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐700 Apr 27, 1914 T
Series of 1882 Value Backs
Tillman‐Morgan July 1, 1893 ‐ June 30, 1897
34 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
2313 Kirkwood IL First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3401‐3429 Dec 7, 1895 E
2324 Palmer MA Palmer National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 7851‐8277 Feb 13, 1896 E
10‐10‐10‐20 5881‐6252 Feb 13, 1896 E
2329 Connellsville PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 9001‐9193 Mar 26, 1896 E
2331 Flemington NJ Flemington National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 8001‐8146 Apr 22, 1896 E
2332 Geneseo IL Farmers National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3001‐3097 Apr 1, 1896 E
10‐10‐10‐20 2181‐2225 Apr 1, 1896 E
2333 Souderton PA Union National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 8501‐8675 Apr 27, 1896 E
2337 Towanda PA Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 11751‐12374 Jun 2, 1896 E
10‐10‐10‐20 9001‐9468 Jun 2, 1896 E
2340 Milford DE First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 5251‐5500 Jul 27, 1896 E
10‐10‐10‐20 2941‐3220 Jul 27, 1896 E
2342 Norwalk CT Central National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 9061‐9360 Aug 22, 1896 E
8661‐9060 type uncertain
2343 Mount Holly NJ Union National Bank at
10‐10‐10‐20 8801‐9600 Sep 10, 1896 E
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
2350 Youngstown OH Mahoning National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 26501‐27205 Mar 16, 1897 E
10‐10‐10‐20 11401‐11947 Mar 16, 1897 E
2357 Beatrice NE First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 5801‐6131 May 12, 1897 E
2366 Quakertown PA Quakertown National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 8001‐9157 Jun 26, 1897 E
7501‐8000 type uncertain
5028 Sistersville WV Farmers and Producers National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 6351‐6424 Dec 21, 1895 N
10‐10‐10‐20 3961‐4053 Dec 21, 1895 N
5037 Mechanicville NY Manufacturers NB
5‐5‐5‐5 5651‐5845 Apr 16, 1896 N
10‐10‐10‐20 3721‐3832 Apr 16, 1896 N
5038 Tionesta PA Forest County National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3151‐3319 Apr 25, 1896 N
5039 Steubenville OH Commercial National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 9751‐10000 May 4, 1896 N
10‐10‐10‐20 6001‐6185 May 4, 1896 N
5040 Tionesta PA Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4201‐4415 May 11, 1896 N
10‐10‐10‐20 2301‐3330 May 11, 1896 N
5043 Elkland PA Pattison National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3751‐4115 Jun 2, 1896 N
10‐10‐10‐20 2651‐2863 Jun 2, 1896 N
5044 Grove City PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 9501‐9720 Jun 16, 1896 N
5046 Washington DC Riggs National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 85831‐98827 Jun 27, 1896 N
5053 Walden NY National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 5826‐6250 Dec 14, 1896 N
5576‐5825 type uncertain
10‐10‐10‐20 4141‐4351 Dec 14, 1896 N
3941‐4140 type uncertain
5055 Charlotte NC Charlotte National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 23001‐23790 Jan 2, 1897 N
5057 Mount Vernon IL Ham National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 7001‐8011 Feb 11, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 5301‐5890 Feb 11, 1897 N
5062 Edwardsville IL First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 6901‐8104 Mar 3, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 4961‐5596 Mar 3, 1897 N
5063 Windom MN First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2901‐3295 Apr 26, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 2141‐2353 Apr 26, 1897 N
5066 Philipsburg PA Moshannon National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 9401‐10043 May 8, 1897 N
5068 Port Jefferson NY First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3901‐4996 May 15, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 3021‐3725 May 15, 1897 N
5069 Coraopolis PA Coraopolis National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 4441‐5032 May 18, 1897 N
5070 East St Louis IL Southern Illinois National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 11001‐12090 May 25, 1897 N
5073 Kittanning PA Merchants National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 8001‐9251 Jun 5, 1897 N
5076 Logansport IN City National Bank
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
10‐10‐10‐20 14501‐16646 Jun 23, 1897 N
5077 Nazareth PA Nazareth National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 9401‐10708 Jun 25, 1897 N
9001‐9400 type uncertain
5081 Decorah IA National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2801‐2993 Jul 16, 1897 N
Tillman‐Roberts July 1, 1897 ‐ December 2, 1897
12 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
2371 Rockland ME North National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 6901‐8108 Sep 7, 1897 E
2375 Kokomo IN Howard National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 10583‐15055 Nov 29, 1897 E
10‐10‐10‐20 9601‐10640
5084 Ebensburg PA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4501‐5386 Aug 9, 1897 N
4301‐4500 type uncertain
10‐10‐10‐20 3181‐3628 Aug 9, 1897 N
3021‐3180 type uncertain
5085 Waynesburg PA Peoples National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 6101‐6914 Sep 4, 1897 N
5087 Fargo ND Fargo National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3076‐3855 Sep 7, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 2161‐2605 Sep 7, 1897 N
5088 Vinton IA Farmers National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2451‐2735 Sep 21, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1861‐1996 Sep 21, 1897 N
5089 Decatur IL Millikin National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 15251‐18657 Sep 28, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 10001‐12041 Sep 28, 1897 N
5092 Woodsville NH Woodsville National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4151‐5310 Oct 9, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 3041‐3675 Oct 9, 1897 N
5093 Catonsville MD First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4551‐5778 Oct 20, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 3341‐4161 Oct 20, 1897 N
5094 Union City IN Commercial National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1421‐1479 Oct 25, 1897 N
5098 East Liverpool OH Citizens National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 9751‐11860 Nov 15, 1897 N
10‐10‐10‐20 5601‐6842 Nov 15, 1897 N
5102 Kutztown PA Kutztown National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2821‐3512 Nov 26, 1897 N
2701‐2820 type uncertain
Bruce‐Roberts December 3, 1897 ‐ April 6, 1898
13 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
2376 Olean NY Exchange National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 34501‐37844 Dec 7, 1897 E
2378 Nyack NY Nyack National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 10001‐13304 Mar 1, 1898 E
10‐10‐10‐20 6961‐8616 Mar 1, 1898 E
2380 Walla Walla WA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 7501‐9147 Mar 19, 1898 E
10‐10‐10‐20 5801‐6743 Mar 19, 1898 E
5099 Crestline OH First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 2801‐3250 Dec 4, 1897 N
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
5100 Franklin OH Franklin National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 4341‐4512 Dec 8, 1897 N
5102 Kutztown PA Kutztown National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4201‐5375 Dec 17, 1897 N
4051‐4200 type uncertain
5103 Coshocton OH Coshocton National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 3501‐4118 Dec 21, 1897 N
5104 Alma KS Alma National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2401‐2614 Dec 23, 1897 N
5107 Kirksville MO National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2941‐3629 Dec 30, 1897 N
5108 Clayton NY National Exchange Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 4251‐5164 Dec 30, 1897 N
4001‐4250 type uncertain
10‐10‐10‐20 3241‐3818 Dec 30, 1897 N
3041‐3240 type uncertain
5109 Leonard TX First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 4641‐5143 Jan 18, 1898 N
5118 Easton PA Northampton National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 8901‐11149 Mar 8, 1898 N
5123 Lake Mills IA First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 3201‐3923 Feb 21, 1898 N
10‐10‐10‐20 2181‐2609 Feb 21, 1898 N
Lyons‐Treat July 1, 1905 ‐ June 11, 1906
1 bank
denominations issued: 10, 20
5604 Hereford TX First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 3701‐5819 Feb 17, 1906 T
Vernon‐Treat June 12, 1906 ‐ October 30, 1909
63 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
2522 Hornell NY Citizens National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 7601‐12156 Mar 21, 1907 T
5296 Sheridan IN First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2375 Jan 20, 1909 T
10‐10‐10‐20 4501‐5864 Jan 20, 1909 T
5501 Grove City PA Grove City National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 9401‐13552 Aug 1, 1908 T
plus 60 Oklahoma banks with charters from 4348 to 5985 that received state notes from
Vernon‐Treat plates with November 16, 1907 statehood admission plate dates.
Napier‐McClung May 18, 1911 ‐ November 21, 1913
13 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 10
2436 Las Vegas NM First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2601‐4894 Jan 6, 1912 S
2454 Las Vegas NM San Miguel NB
10‐10‐10‐20 2601‐5345 Jan 6, 1912 S
2614 Albuquerque NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 12501‐40530 Jan 6, 1912 S
5220 Roswell NM First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2301‐5500 Jan 6, 1912 S
5487 Carlsbad NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 701‐1450 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 521‐880 Jan 6, 1912 S
5698 Lexington NC First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1901‐2210 Nov 4, 1911 T
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
1401‐1900 type uncertain
10‐10‐10‐20 1421‐1534 Nov 4, 1911 T
1021‐1420 type uncertain
5713 Clayton NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1701‐3715 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1181‐2323 Jan 6, 1912 S
5720 Tempe AZ Tempe National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 381‐639 Feb 14, 1912 S
5767 Roanoke Rapids NC First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 2061‐5960 Jun 13, 1912 T
5777 Beaver Springs PA First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1161‐2457 Jun 13, 1912 T
1061‐1160 type uncertain
5821 Clifton AZ First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1251‐2895 Feb 14, 1912 S
6028 Elizabethtown KY First Hardin National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 5401‐12782 Aug 5, 1912 T
6081 Santa Rosa NM First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1001‐3950 Jan 6, 1912 S
10‐10‐10‐20 1301‐3360 Jan 6, 1912 S
Napier‐Thompson November 22, 1912 ‐ March 31, 1913
Napier‐Burke April 1, 1913 ‐ October 1, 1913
Parker‐Burke October 1, 1913 ‐ March 23, 1915
1 bank
denominations issued: 10, 20
5946 Woonsocket SD First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 701‐1615 Apr 27, 1914 T
Teehee‐Burke March 24, 1915 ‐ November 20, 1919
4 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
2524 Cincinnati OH Lincoln National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐14390 Jan 11, 1918 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐7600 Jan 11, 1918 T
5176 Hattiesburg MS First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐300 Jan 18, 1918 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐120 Jan 18, 1918 T
5212 Marietta OH Central National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1190 Feb 21, 1918 T
5545 Gallatin TN First and Peoples National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2835 Jan 22, 1916 T
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2146 Jan 22, 1916 T
Elliott‐Burke November 21‐1919 ‐ May 1, 1921
Elliott‐White May 2, 1921 ‐ January 24, 1922
Speelman‐White January 25, 1922 ‐ September 30, 1927
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Backs
Woods‐White October 1, 1927 ‐ May 30, 1928
17 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
13142 Jefferson City MO Exchange National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4715 Nov 8, 1927 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2058 Nov 8, 1927 N
13144 Witt IL National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1029 Nov 17, 1927 N
13145 Webster NY Webster National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐3927 Nov 1, 1927 N
13146 Chicago IL National Builders Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐9525 Nov 14, 1927 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐4907 Nov 14, 1927 N
13154 Caldwell OH Noble County National Bank in
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1226 Dec 12, 1927 N
13155 Paragould AR New First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1069 Dec 17, 1927 N
13160 Glen Lyon PA Glen Lyon National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐3145 Dec 12, 1927 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2199 Dec 12, 1927 N
13162 Joplin MO Conqueror First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4135 Jan 3, 1928 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐2158 Jan 3, 1928 N
13171 Smithfield OH First National Bank at
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐602 Jan 17, 1928 N
13193 New York NY Bank of America National Association
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐75451 Mar 26, 1928 N
10‐10‐10‐10 1‐50572 Mar 26, 1928 N
50‐50‐50‐100 1‐2445 Mar 26, 1928 N
13195 Mobile AL Mobile National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐22469 Mar 24, 1928 N
13198 West Union OH National Bank of Adams County
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐638 Apr 5, 1928 N
13200 Santa Ana CA Commercial National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐3030 Apr 7, 1928 N
13202 Bangor WI First National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐415 Mar 17, 1928 N
13205 Beach Creek PA Beach Creek National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐260 Apr 25, 1928 N
10‐10‐10‐10 1‐115 Apr 25, 1928 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐126 Apr 25, 1928 N
13209 Lafayette LA Commercial National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐4175 Apr 21, 1928 N
13210 Guron AR First National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐480 May 19, 1928 N
Woods‐Tate May 31, 1928 ‐ January 21, 1929
9 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
13220 Buffalo NY East Side National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐8352 Jun 6, 1928 N
13223 Albany GA City National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐2508 Jul 2, 1928 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐1508 Jul 2, 1928 N
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
13230 Seattle WA Pacific National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐10849 Aug 9, 1928 N
13237 New York NY Dunbar National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐3960 Aug 17, 1928 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐754 Aug 17, 1928 N
13252 Newton MA Newton National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐5127 Jul 31, 1928 N
13261 Poultney VT First National Bank in
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐469 Nov 12, 1928 N
13264 Saint Louis MO South Side National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐11917 Dec 5, 1928 N
13268 Unionville MO National Bank
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐63 Dec 12, 1928 N
13274 Siloam Springs AR First National Bank in
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐840 Jan 14, 1929 N
Jones‐Woods January 22, 1929 ‐ May 31, 1933
4 banks
denominations issued: 5, 10, 20
13280 McGehee AR First National Bank in
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐6018 Feb 6, 1929 N
13292 New York NY Brooklyn National Bank
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐13040 Feb 11, 1929 N
10‐10‐10‐20 1‐5026 Feb 11, 1929 N
13304 New York NY Kingsboro National Bank of Brooklyn
5‐5‐5‐5 1‐1250 Feb 25, 1929 N
13307 Niles MI City National Bank and Trust Company
10‐10‐10‐10 1‐625 Mar 21, 1929 N
Table 2. Series of 1902 blue seal date and plain back national bank note titles that carry the
Napier‐Thompson signature combination. The combination was used only on the titles listed for the
E = extended bank
N = new bank at the time the plate was made
T = title change
T* = title change during the post Napier‐Thompson era where the plate date was copied
W = plate date lies outside the Napier‐Thompson November 22, 1912‐March 31, 1913 range.
Ch No Location Bank Name Plate Date Cause
1413 MD Baltimore The Merchants‐Mechanics National Bank of Dec 28, 1912 T
2075 GA Griffin The City National Bank of Jan 3, 1913 E
2075 GA Griffin The First National Bank of Jan 3, 1913 T*
2088 MN Rochester The Union National Bank of Feb 12, 1913 E
2093 KY Paducah The City National Bank of Jan 15, 1913 E
2098 OH Springfield The Lagonda National Bank of Mar 15, 1913 E
2098 OH Springfield Lagonda‐Citizens National Bank of Mar 15, 1913 T*
2100 IL Paris The Edgar County National Bank of Mar 24, 1913 E
2102 OH Caldwell The Noble County National Bank of Mar 18, 1913 E
2104 CA Santa Barbara The First National Bank of Mar 13, 1913 E
2104 CA Santa Barbara First National Trust and Savings Bank of Mar 13, 1913 T*
2106 MT Missoula The First National Bank of Apr 11, 1913 EW
2108 MA Watertown The Union Market National Bank of Apr 11, 1913 EW
2112 MA Boston The First Ward National Bank of Mar 24, 1913 E
3276 MI Sturgis The Sturgis National Bank Jan 22, 1913 T
4348 OK Guthrie The First National Bank of Dec 9, 1912 T
4838 AL Talladega The Isbell National Bank of Jan 3, 1913 E
4845 CO Cripple Creek The First National Bank of Jan 22, 1913 E
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
4846 NY Glens Falls The Merchants National Bank of Jan 31, 1913 E
4848 TX Fort Worth The American National Bank of Jan 15, 1913 E
4849 TN Columbia The Maury National Bank of Jan 26, 1913 E
4850 PA Belle Vernon The First National Bank of Jan 17, 1913 E
4851 AZ Prescott The Prescott National Bank Jan 26, 1913 E
4852 IN Muncie The Merchants National Bank of Feb 4, 1913 E
4856 MD Hagerstown The Peoples National Bank of Jan 23, 1913 E
4858 NY Port Henry The Citizens National Bank of Feb 7, 1913 E
4859 MN Saint James The First National Bank of Jan 31, 1913 E
4860 KS Newton The Midland National Bank of Feb 4, 1913 E
4862 OK Oklahoma City The State National Bank of Feb 3, 1913 E
4863 TX Pittsburg The First National Bank of Feb 8, 1913 E
4865 TX Dublin The Dublin National Bank Feb 10, 1913 E
4866 TX Beeville The Commercial National Bank of Jan 17, 1913 E
4867 OH Hicksville The First National Bank of Feb 13, 1913 E
4869 NY Tonawanda The First National Bank of Feb 15, 1913 E
4870 NY Morris The First National Bank of Feb 15, 1913 E
4872 NJ Princeton The First National Bank of Jan 30, 1913 E
4877 PA Verona The First National Bank of Feb 25, 1913 E
4879 PA Warren The Warren National Bank Feb 23, 1913 E
4880 NY Hempstead The First National Bank of Mar 3, 1913 E
4881 IA Hartley The First National Bank of Feb 22, 1913 E
4882 IN Noblesville The First National Bank of Mar 1, 1913
4883 PA Pittsburgh The Lincoln National Bank of Mar 2, 1913 E
4884 OH Girard The First National Bank of Mar 1, 1913 E
4885 IA Osage The Farmers National Bank of Feb 25, 1913 E
4886 CA San Diego The Merchants National Bank of Mar 4, 1913 E
4887 PA Reading The Reading National Bank Jan 27, 1913 E
4889 IA Forest City The First National Bank of Feb 20, 1913 E
4891 IA Audubon The First National Bank of Mar 14, 1913 E
4894 PA Beaver Falls The Farmers National Bank of Feb 3, 1913 E
4896 NC Mount Airy The First National Bank of Mar 28, 1913 E
4897 IA Cresco The First National Bank of Apr 7, 1913 EW
4900 TX Hillsboro The Citizens National Bank of Apr 12, 1913 EW
4901 IN Vincennes The Second National Bank of Apr 12, 1913 EW
4902 IA Blanchard The First National Bank of Apr 13, 1913 EW
4910 PA Pittsburgh The Columbia National Bank of Apr 3, 1913 EW
7989 TX Garland The State National Bank of Jan 23, 1913 T
8470 GA Lavonia The First National Bank of Jan 10, 1913 T
8734 LA New Orleans The Hibernia National Bank of Jan 16, 1913 T
8946 PA Sligo Sligo National Bank Feb 21, 1913 T
10290 IN Anderson The Peoples State National Bank of Nov 23, 1912 N
10293 CA Selma The Selma National Bank Nov 22, 1912 N
10294 ID Hagerman The First National Bank of Nov 23, 1912 N
10296 IL Divernon The First National Bank of Dec 5, 1912 N
10298 OK Keota The Keota National Bank Dec 6, 1912 N
10299 CA Yuba City The First National Bank of Dec 9, 1912 N
10303 GA Rome The Exchange National Bank of Dec 19, 1912 N
10304 OK Tecumseh The Tecumseh National Bank Dec 14, 1912 N
10305 IL Rogers Park The Rogers Park National Bank Dec 16, 1912 N
10306 TN Petersburg The First National Bank of Dec 10, 1912 N
10307 AL Geneva The Farmers National Bank of Dec 20, 1912 N
10309 CA Woodlake The First National Bank of Dec 7, 1912 N
10310 FL Gainsville The Florida National Bank of Jan 4, 1913 N
10311 OK Snyder The Kiowa National Bank of Jan 6, 1913 N
10312 CA Fowler The Fowler National Bank Dec 28, 1912 N
10313 PA Petersburg The First National Bank of Jan 10, 1913 N
10314 OK Sasakwa The First National Bank of Jan 2, 1913 N
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
10315 SC Columbia The National State Bank of Jan 10, 1913 N
10316 DC Washington Federal National Bank of Jan 15, 1913 N
10316 DC Washington Federal‐American National Bank of Jan 15, 1913 T*
10317 OK Snyder The First National Bank of Jan 2, 1913 N
10318 IL Allendale The Farmers National Bank of Jan 15, 1913 N
10319 IL Des Plaines The First National Bank of Jan 11, 1913 N
10320 TX Poth The First National Bank of Jan 16, 1913 N
10321 OK Muskogee The Exchange National Bank of Jan 27, 1913 N
10322 WI Stone Lake The First National Bank of Jan 24, 1913 N
10323 TX Lometa The First National Bank of Jan 11, 1913 N
10324 CA Mountain View The First National Bank of Jan 16, 1913 N
10325 VA Fredericksburg The Planters National Bank of Feb 4, 1913 N
10326 MS Columbia The Citizens National Bank of Jan 2, 1913 N
10327 TN Knoxville The American National Bank of Feb 6, 1913 N
10328 CA Orosi The National Bank of Feb 5, 1913 N
10329 NY Long Island City Commercial National Bank of Feb 5, 1913 N
10330 WI Grand Rapids The Citizens National Bank of Dec 30, 1912 N
10330 WI Wisconsin Rapids The Citizens National Bank of Dec 30, 1912 T*
10331 TX Dallas The Merchants National Bank of Feb 10, 1913 N
10332 OK Cushing The Farmers National Bank of Jan 27, 1913 N
10333 GA Claxton The First National Bank of Feb 10, 1913 N
10334 TN Jackson The Security National Bank of Feb 10, 1913 N
10335 PA Orbisonia The Orbisonia National Bank Feb 14, 1913 N
10336 AL Decatur The City National Bank of Feb 21, 1913 N
10337 IL Austin The Austin National Bank Feb 7, 1913 N
10337 IL Chicago The Austin National Bank of Feb 7, 1913 T*
10338 MS Summit The Progressive National Bank of Feb 13, 1913 N
10339 OK Afton The First National Bank of Feb 24, 1913 N
10340 NE Fairbury The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Feb 8, 1913 N
10341 ID Burley The First National Bank of Feb 20, 1913 N
10342 OK Tulsa The American National Bank of Feb 12, 1913 N
10343 OK Bennington The Bennington National Bank Mar 4, 1913 N
10344 VA Richmond The Broadway National Bank of Feb 10, 1913 N
10345 OR Eugene The United States National Bank of Feb 13, 1913 N
10346 FL Panama City The First National Bank of Feb 26, 1913 N
10347 OK Achille The First National Bank of Feb 15, 1913 N
10348 WV Hinton The Citizens National Bank of Mar 11, 1913 N
10349 OK Henryetta The Miners National Bank of Feb 20, 1913 N
10350 TX Richmond The First National Bank of Feb 19, 1913 N
10351 NY Frankfort The Citizens National Bank of Dec 17, 1912 N
10351 NY Frankfort Citizens First National Bank of Dec 17, 1912 T*
10352 CA Merced The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Jan 4, 1913 N
10353 PA New Florence The New Florence National Bank Jan 29, 1913 N
10354 IA Harlan The Harlan National Bank Feb 24, 1913 N
10355 IL Waukegan The Waukegan National Bank Mar 7, 1913 N
10356 OK Foraker The First National Bank of Mar 15, 1913 N
10357 CA Bakersfield The National Bank of Mar 6, 1913 N
10358 NY Babylon The Babylon National Bank Jan 24, `913 N
10359 KS Attica The First National Bank of Mar 19, 1913 N
10360 TX Victoria The Victoria National Bank Mar 31, 1913 N
10364 CA Hardwick The First National Bank of Mar 31, 193 N
10367 MO North Kansas City The National Bank of Jan 13, 1913 N
10369 WV Keystone The First National Bank of Mar 27, 1913 N
10371 IA Bode The First National Bank of Mar 29, 1913 N
10372 CA Arcata The First National Bank of Mar 29, 1913 N
10374 NY Redwood The Redwood National Bank Feb 12, 1913 N
10376 NJ Keansburg The Keansburg National Bank Mar 24, 1913 N
10378 CA Orland The First National Bank of Mar 5, 1913 N
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
10382 MN Ironton The First National Bank of Mar 31, 1913 N
10383 PA Clarks Summit The Abington National Bank of Mar 7, 1913 N
10384 MO Holden The First National Bank of Mar 29, 1913 N
10397 IL Brownstown The First National Bank of Mar 17, 1913 N
10446 NY Heuvelton The First National Bank of Mar 28, 1913 N
Table 3. Series of 1902 blue seal date and plain back national bank note titles that carry the
Napier‐Burke signature combination. The combination was used only on the titles listed for the
E = extended bank
N = new bank at the time the plate was made
T = title change
Ch. No. Location Bank Name Plate Date Cause
252 PA Pittsburgh The First‐Second National Bank of Apr 21, 1913 T
906 KY Lexington The First and City National Bank of Aug 8, 1913 T
2114 TN Fayetteville The First National Bank of Jun 9, 1913 E
2116 IL Griggsville The Griggsville National Bank May 13, 1913 E
2117 NY Ellenville The Home National Bank of May 6, 1913 E
2119 IN Plymouth The First National Bank of Marshall County at Jun 19, 1913 E
2125 WI Chippewa Falls The First National Bank of May 1, 1913 E
2126 IL Lincoln The First National Bank of Jul 29, 1913 E
2127 TN Memphis The Central‐State National Bank of Jul 26, 1913 E
2128 IL Shelbyville The First National Bank of Aug 21, 1913 E
2129 CO Central City The First National Bank of Sep 15, 1913 E
2130 IA Red Oak The First National Bank of Sep 24, 1913 E
3417 WA Tacoma The National Bank of Sep 2, 1913 T
4319 AL Jacksonville The First National Bank of Apr 7, 1913 T
4857 PA Patton The First National Bank of Sep 13, 1913 E
4868 ME Portland The Chapman National Bank of Sep 16, 1913 E
4904 IL Carbondale The First National Bank of Apr 15, 1913 E
4905 TX Hempstead The Farmers National Bank of Apr 15, 1913 E
4907 MA Springfield The Springfield National Bank Apr 22, 1913 E
4908 PA Reynoldsville The First National Bank of Apr 20, 1913 E
4912 WI Stevens Point The Citizens National Bank of Apr 27, 1913 E
4913 PA New Kensington The First National Bank of May 6, 1913 E
4914 NY Matteawan The Matteawan National Bank May 9, 1913 E
4915 PA Athens The Farmers National Bank of May 1, 1913 E
4916 MN Wadena The Merchants National Bank of May 15, 1913 E
4917 PA Newport The First National Bank of May 8, 1913 E
4918 PA Pittsburgh Western National Bank of May 18, 1913 T
4919 PA Blairsville The Blairsville National Bank Jun 9, 1913 E
4920 IL Decatur The National Bank of May 16, 1913 E
4921 IA Waukon The First National Bank of Apr 22, 1913 E
4922 TX Atlanta The First National Bank of May 13, 1913 E
4923 PA Ephrata The Farmer's National Bank of May 27, 1913 E
4925 NY Liberty The Sullivan County National Bank of May 29, 1913 E
4926 MD Frostburg The Citizens National Bank of May 24, 1913 E
4927 PA North East The First National Bank of Jun 3, 1913 E
4928 MN Owatonna The National Farmers Bank of May 29, 1913 E
4929 VT Chelsea The National Bank of Orange County at Sep 9, 1913 E
4930 IL Normal The First National Bank of Jul 3, 1913 E
4937 WI Appleton The Citizens National Bank of Jun 1, 1913 E
6535 IL Chicago The Drovers National Bank of May 22, 1913 T
8230 ND Lidgerwood The Farmers National Bank of Sep 6, 1913 T
8827 CA Los Angeles Security National Bank of Sep 2, 1913 T
9966 CA Alhambra The Alhambra National Bank May 27, 1913 T
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
10416 SD Henry The First National Bank of Apr 30, 1913 N
10417 NJ Lyndhurst The First National Bank of May 20, 1913 N
10418 TX Krum The First National Bank of Jun 26, 1913 N
10419 IN Fishers The Fishers National Bank Jul 5, 1913 N
10420 TX Freeport The Freeport National Bank Apr 23, 1913 N
10421 AL Enterprise The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Jul 2, 1913 N
10422 AR Green Forest The First National Bank of Jun 7, 1913 N
10423 AL New Decatur The Central National Bank of Jul 10, 1913 N
10424 OK Broken Bow The First National Bank of Jul 3, 1913 N
10425 ND East Fairview The First National Bank of Jun 19, 1913 N
10426 TX Omaha The First National Bank of Jul 7, 1913 N
10427 CA Riverbank First National Bank of Jun 26, 1913 N
10428 IA Mason City The Security National Bank of Jul 16, 1913 N
10429 ID Rupert The First National Bank of Jul 29, 1913 N
10430 NJ Westville The First National Bank of Jul 16, 1913 N
10431 OK Tishomingo The Farmers National Bank of Jul 23, 1913 N
10432 OR Paisley Paisley National Bank of Jul 14, 1913 N
10433 KY Whitesburg The First National Bank of Jul 14, 1913 N
10434 AR Morrilton The First National Bank of Jul 19, 1913 N
10435 CA San Diego The Union National Bank of Jul 23, 1913 N
10436 OH Haviland The Farmers National Bank of Aug 1, 1913 N
10437 OK Braggs The First National Bank of Aug 1, 1913 N
10438 MT Plentywood The First National Bank of May 12, 1913 N
10439 AR Judsonia The First National Bank of Jul 3, 1913 N
10440 NJ Minotola The First National Bank of Jul 25, 1913 N
10441 AL Boaz The First National Bank of Sep 1, 1913 N
10442 OK Hydro The Farmers National Bank of Aug 9, 1913 N
10443 MT Baker The First National Bank of Aug 19, 1913 N
10444 NY Forestville The First National Bank of Sep 3, 1913 N
10445 IL Mounds The First National Bank of Aug 29, 1913 N
10446 NY Heuvelton The First National Bank of Mar 28, 1913 N
10447 AR Horatio The First National Bank of Aug 15, 1913 N
10448 KY Bowling Green The Warren National Bank of Sep 8, 1913 N
10449 TN Ripley The First National Bank of Sep 6, 1913 N
10450 WV Worthington The First National Bank of Apr 14, 1913 N
10451 HI Paia The First National Bank of Jul 29, 1913 N
10452 PA Strausstown The Strausstown National Bank Jul 19, 1913 N
10453 CA Gardena The First National Bank of Sep 10, 1913 N
10455 WV Wheeling The Citizens National Bank of Jun 7, 1913 N
10456 NY Jeffersonville The First National Bank of Sep 8, 1913 N
10459 AR Stuttgart The First National Bank of Sep 25, 1913 N
10462 CA Seeley The First National Bank of Sep 5, 1913 N
Table 5. New banks that received Series of 1902 notes with
obsolete treasury signature combinations. The obsolete
signature on the notes is the one shown in boldface.
Plate Date
Parker‐Burke/Teehee‐Burke1 (Mar 23/Mar 24, 1915)2
9 cases
10720 Citizens NB Cicero IL Mar 25, 1915
10727 FNB Bonners Ferry ID Mar 25, 1915
10721 FNB NcVille ND Mar 30, 1915
10731 FNB Yreka CA Apr 17, 1915
10734 Citizens NB Hendersonville KY Apr 21, 1915
10736 FNB Nashwauk MN Apr 22, 1915
10745 FNB Rosedale MS Apr 24, 1915
10741 FNB Hebron ND Apr 27, 1915
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
10735 Citizens NB Athens TN Apr 29, 1915
Teehee‐Burke/Elliott‐Burke (Nov 20/Nov 21, 1919)
1 case
11548 FNB Dawson Springs KY Nov 21, 1919
Elliott‐Burke/Elliott‐White (May 1/May 2, 1921)
Elliott‐White/Speelman‐White (Jan 24/Jan 25, 1922)
2 cases
12112 Citizens NB Lodi CA Jan 28, 1922
12115 Richfield NB Richfield MN Jan 31, 1922
1. Boldface = obsolete signature combination on notes. Italics = combination current on
the plate date.
2. Changeover dates between the signature combinations. Boldface = day when the
new combination became current.
Table 6. Extended banks that received Series of 1902 notes
with obsolete treasury signature combinations. The obsolete
signature on the notes is the one shown in boldface.
Plate Date
Vernon‐McClung/Napier‐McClung1 (May 17/May 18, 1911)2
7 cases
18343 NB Franklin TN May 26, 1911
4573 FNB Marshfield WI May 19, 1911
4586 FNB Kalispell MT May 24, 1911
4611 FNB Cape Girardeau MO May 24, 1911
4596 Old Second NB Aurora IL May 26, 1911
4583 FNB Arlington NE May 27, 1911
4628 FNB Elizabeth City NC May 27, 1911
Napier‐McClung/Napier‐Thompson (Nov 21/Nov 22, 1912)
14 Cases
2068 FNB Yankton SD Nov 26, 1912
2073 FNB Northfield MN Dec 14, 1912
2076 N Union B Dover NJ Dec 20, 1912
2078 FNB Conshohocken PA Dec 29, 1912
4821 FNB Wadena MN Nov 29, 1912
4833 Merchants NB Haverhill MA Dec 7, 1912
4830 FNB El Reno OK Dec 8, 1912
4839 FNB Arcanum OH Dec 11, 1912
4828 NB Davis WV Dec 21, 1912
4836 Clearfield NB Clearfield PA Dec 21, 1912
4853 Fourth NB Cadiz OH Dec 22, 1912
4844 York County NB York Village ME Dec 24, 1912
4832 FNB Phillipsburg PA Dec 30, 1912
4842 Old Phoenix NB Media OH Dec 31, 1912
Napier‐Thompson/Napier‐Burke (Mar 31/Apr 1, 1913)
7 cases
2106 FNB Missoula MT Apr 11, 1913
2108 Union Market NB Watertown MA Apr 11, 1913
4910 Columbia NB Pittsburgh PA Apr 3, 1913
4897 FNB Cresco IA Apr 7, 1913
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
4900 Citizens NB Hillsboro TX Apr 12, 1913
4901 Second NB Vincennes IN Apr 12, 1913
4902 FNB Blanchard IA Apr 13, 1913
Napier‐Burke/Parker‐Burke (Oct 1/Oct 1, 1913)
Parker‐Burke/Teehee‐Burke (Mar 23/Mar 24, 1915)
14 cases
2242 Havana NB Havana IL Mar 25, 1915
2248 FNB Oakland CA Mar 30, 1915
2252 FNB Millersburg PA Apr 5, 1915
2256 Farm & Mech NB Mercer PA Apr 7, 1915
2255 Orange NB Orange MA Apr 13, 1915
2250 Bristol NB Bristol CO Apr 14, 1915
2251 Greenville Greenville PA Apr 15, 1915
2257 Second NB Red Bank NJ Apr 17, 1915
2295 Merchants NB St. Johnsbury VT Apr 27, 1915
2261 German NB Allegheny PA Apr 30, 1915
4997 FNB Washington NC Apr 11, 1915
4996 Central NB Spartenburg SC Apr 17, 1915
4994 FNB Vandalia IL Apr 18, 1915
5000 E Pittsburg NB Wilmerding PA Apr 27, 1915
Teehee‐Burke/Elliott‐Burke (Nov 20/Nov 21, 1919)
Elliott‐Burke/Elliott‐White (May 1/May 2, 1921)
104 cases
2530 New Holland NB New Holland PA May 5, 1921
2536 Merchants NB Nebraska City NE May 14, 1921
2528 FNB Hastings NE May 23, 1921
2531 Mercer NB Harrodsburg KY May 25, 1921
2532 FNB El Paso TX May 28, 1921
2533 Citizens NB Crawfordsville IN May 28, 1921
2539 FNB Manistee MI Jun 16, 1921
2540 FNB Cambridge IL Jun 17, 1921
2543 FNB Bainbridge NY Jul 6, 1921
2544 Potters NB East Liverpool OH Jul 11, 1921
2547 Denton NB Denton MD Jul 15, 1921
2548 FNB Valley City ND Jul 16, 1921
2550 FNB Quincy MI Jul 18, 1921
2545 FNB Poultney VT Jul 19, 1921
2546 Western NB Pueblo CO Jul 26, 1921
5878 Monaca NB Monaca PA May 2, 1921
5825 American NB Beaumont TX May 4, 1921
5827 FNB Gallatin MO May 4, 1921
5852 FNB Jackson MN May 4, 1921
5847 FNB Whitesboro TX May 6, 1921
5823 FNB Berlin PA May 6, 1921
5815 FNB Malta IL May 7, 1921
5816 N Exchange B Castleton NY May 7, 1921
5824 FNB Crandall TX May 8, 1921
5850 FNB Mart TX May 8, 1921
5968 FNB Monongahela City PA May 9, 1921
5822 FNB Ontario OR May 10, 1921
5821 FNB Clifton AZ May 14, 1921
5836 Citizens NB Dublin TX May 14, 1921
5842 Home NB Thorntown IN May 15, 1921
5912 FNB Prescott IA May 15, 1921
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
5849 FNB Waldron AR May 17, 1921
5866 FNB Warren MN May 18, 1921
5848 FNB Pitcairn PA May 20, 1921
5884 Chelsa NB Atlantic City NJ May 20, 1921
5862 Paulding NB Paulding OH May 21, 1921
5879 Citizens NB Monaca PA May 22, 1921
5880 Farm & Mer NB Cambridge MD May 22, 1921
5921 Hackensack NB Hackensack NJ May 23, 1921
5869 FNB Newton IL May 24, 1921
5877 Fourth NB Montgomery AL May 24, 1921
5881 Farmers NB Somerset KY May 27, 1921
5902 FNB Eufaula OK May 27, 1921
5854 FNB Flaudreau SD May 29, 1921
5874 Peoples NB Hoosick Falls NY May 29, 1921
5882 FNB Thorndale TX May 29, 1921
5863 FNB Hanford CA Jun 1, 1921
5861 Peoples NB Farmington ME Jun 3, 1921
5856 FNB Gilman IL Jun 4, 1921
5853 Llano NB Llano TX Jun 5, 1921
5908 FNB Houston PA Jun 6, 1921
5859 Farmers NB Alexandria MN Jun 7, 1921
5910 Citizens NB Worthington MN Jun 7, 1921
6109 FNB Swissvale PA Jun 7, 1921*
5865 FNB Roby TX Jun 8, 1921
5923 NB Anadarko OK Jun 8, 1921
5876 FNB Chicago Heights IL Jun 11, 1921
5889 N Fowler B Lafayette IN Jun 11, 1921
5873 FNB Manilla IA Jun 14, 1921
5896 Citizens NB Houghton MI Jun 14, 1921
5868 FNB Lehigh IA Jun 15, 1921
5935 FNB Wetumpka OK Jun 15, 1921
5883 FNB Roseville IL Jun 17, 1921
5893 FNB Hope ND Jun 17, 1921
5907 FNB Argyle MN Jun 18, 1921
5903 FNB Alderson WV Jun 19, 1921
5955 FNB Chelsea OK Jun 19, 1921
5885 FNB Oxford NC Jun 20, 1921
5905 FNB Anadarko OK Jun 20, 1921
5932 FNB Kemp TX Jun 20, 1921
5901 FNB Elk Point SD Jun 22, 1921
5906 FNB Payette ID Jun 22, 1921
5891 FNB Valley Junction IA Jun 24, 1921
5900 Citizens NB Bowling Green KY Jun 27, 1921
5920 FNB Fredericktown PA Jun 27, 1921
5895 Northfield NB Northfield MN Jun 28, 1921
5894 FNB Thief River Falls MN Jun 29, 1921
5897 Graham NB Graham TX Jun 29, 1921
5898 FNB Salem SD Jul 5, 1921
5911 FNB Cleveland OK Jul 5, 1921
5909 Dothan NB Dothan AL Jul 6, 1921
5929 FNB DeQueen AR Jul 6, 1921
5916 FNB Arlington SD Jul 8, 1921
5913 USNB Johnstown PA Jul 9, 1921
5926 FNB Seabright NJ Jul 9, 1921
5931 State NB Lowell IN Jul 11, 1921
5974 Broadway NB Scottdale PA Jul 12, 1921
6018 Purcellville NB Purcellville VA Jul 12, 1921
5918 FNB Alexandria SD Jul 16, 1921
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
5914 FNB Lawton OK Jul 18, 1921
5924 Peoples NB Margaretville NY Jul 18, 1921
5967 Eufaula NB Eufaula OK Jul 18, 1921
5936 FNB Northport NY Jul 20, 1921
5928 FNB Wolcott NY Jul 23, 1921
5927 Citizens NB Los Angeles CA Jul 24, 1921
5949 FNB Thermopolis WY Jul 24, 1921
5981 FNB Paulsboro NJ Jul 24, 1921
5938 Citizens NB Crandall TX Jul 29, 1921
5961 FNB Pawhuska OK Jul 29, 1921
5941 Farmers NB Pilger NE Jul 30, 1921
5956 Peoples NB Monessen PA Jul 30, 1921
5933 Chilton NB Chilton WI Jul 31, 1921
5952 Baxter NB Baxter Springs KS Jul 31, 1921
5942 Langlade NB Antigo WI Aug 1, 1921
Elliott‐White/Speelman‐White (Jan 24/Jan 25, 1922)
94 cases
2644 FNB Newton IA Jan 30, 1922
2643 City NB South Norwalk CT Jan 31, 1922
2637 FNB Durango CO Feb 4, 1922
2628 Van Wert NB Van Wert OH Feb 8, 1922
2634 Fulton NB Lancaster PA Feb 8, 1922
2645 FNB Mitchell SD Feb 8, 1922
2642 Searsport NB Searsport ME Feb 14, 1922
2647 N Exchange B Waukesha WI Feb 14, 1922
2636 FNB Appleton City MO Feb 15, 1922
2649 Citizens NB Parkersburg WV Feb 16, 1922
2651 FNB Richfield Springs NY Feb 16, 1922
2661 Millerton NB Millerton NY Feb 18, 1922*
2681 Streator NB Streator IL Feb 22, 1922*
2667 Sellersville NB Sellersville PA Feb 23, 1922*
19 FNB Portsmouth NH Mar 2, 1922*
2679 Shenandoah NB Shenandoah IA Mar 3, 1922*
2648 Fergus Falls Fergus Falls MN Mar 4, 1922
2659 FNB Bangor PA Mar 14, 1922*
2705 FNB Georgetown OH Mar 24, 1922*
2669 NB West Grove PA Mar 25, 1922*
2663 State NB Maysville KY Mar 27, 1922*
2674 FNB Stillwell MN Mar 28, 1922*
2657 Watertown NB Watertown NY Mar 29, 1922*
6227 FNB Port Clinton OH Jan 25, 1922*
6141 FNB Zelienople PA Jan 27, 1922*
6187 FNB Portales NM Jan 27, 1922*
6130 FNB Hugo OK Jan 29, 1922*
6139 State NB Mount Pleasant TX Jan 30, 1922*
6179 FNB South River NJ Jan 30, 1922*
6124 FNB Waubay SD Jan 31, 1922*
6188 FNB Gulfport MS Feb 1, 1922*
6196 FNB Friendsville MD Feb 1, 1922*
6137 Grand Valley NB Grand Valley CO Feb 4, 1922*
6146 FNB Athens AL Feb 6, 1922*
6149 FNB Leroy KS Feb 6, 1922*
6127 N Kittanning B Kittanning PA Feb 8, 1922*
6126 Fauquier NB Warrenton VA Feb 11, 1922*
6150 Gatesville NB Gatesville TX Feb 12, 1922*
6190 Caribou NB Caribou ME Feb 12, 1922*
6131 Union NB Minersville PA Feb 13, 1922*
6170 FNB Middlebourne WV Feb 13, 1922*
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
6219 St. Charles NB St. Charles IL Feb 14, 1922*
6157 FNB Rolla ND Feb 15, 1922*
6175 FNB Freeland PA Feb 15, 1922*
6209 American NB Ebensburg PA Feb 17, 1922*
6143 FNB Kinmundy IL Feb 19, 1922*
6158 FNB Jermyn PA Feb 19, 1922*
6140 FNB Mesquite TX Feb 21, 1922*
6151 FNB Willmar MN Feb 24, 1922*
6154 FNB Benson MN Feb 24, 1922*
6144 FNB Mt. Savage MD Feb 26, 1922*
6162 Berwick NB Berwick PA Feb 27, 1922*
6165 Tremont NB Tremont PA Feb 27, 1922*
6160 Montgomery NB Mount Sterling KY Mar 1, 1922*
6183 FNB Farmington NM Mar 1, 1922*
6159 FNB Yukon OK Mar 5, 1922*
6161 FNB Cashion OK Mar 5, 1922*
6205 FNB Keyser WV Mar 5, 1922*
6212 FNB Troupe TX Mar 6, 1922*
6215 Valparaiso NB Valparaiso IN Mar 6, 1922*
6156 FNB Edmond OK Mar 8, 1922*
6246 Parksley NB Parksley VA Mar 8, 1922*
6172 Monticello NB Monticello IN Mar 10, 1922*
6185 FNB White Rock SD Mar 10, 1922*
6180 FNB Sylvester GA Mar 11, 1922*
6210 FNB Courtenay ND Mar 11, 1922*
6171 FNB Lindsay OK Mar 12, 1922*
6198 Port Richmond NB Port Richmond NY Mar 12, 1922*
6202 Citizens NB Pocomoke City MD Mar 12, 1922*
6271 FNB Enloe TX Mar 12, 1922*
6174 Carnegie NB Carnegie PA Mar 13, 1922*
6167 City NB Fulton KY Mar 15, 1922*
6218 FNB Hankinson ND Mar 15, 1922*
6249 FNB Burton OH Mar 15, 1922*
6169 FNB Livingston TX Mar 17, 1922*
6176 FNB Henderson TX Mar 17, 1922*
6239 Yorkville NB Yorkville IL Mar 17, 1922*
6173 City NB Tuscaloosa AL Mar 18, 1922*
6220 FNB Everett PA Mar 18, 1922*
6270 FNB Sutersville PA Mar 20, 1922*
6193 Sheffield NB Sheffield PA Mar 21, 1922*
6182 Clarion County NB Edenburg PA Mar 22, 1922*
6199 FNB Hills MN Mar 22, 1922*
6225 FNB Drayton ND Mar 22, 1922*
6232 FNB Ralston OK Mar 22, 1922*
6230 American NB McAlester OK Mar 25, 1922*
6186 Manuf & Trade NB Buffalo NY Mar 26, 1922*
6197 FNB Carthage TX Mar 26, 1922*
6207 FNB Louisville GA Mar 26, 1922*
6250 FNB Hooversville PA Mar 27, 1922*
6248 FNB Latonia KY Mar 28, 1922*
6224 Planters & Mer NB Commerce TX Mar 29, 1922*
6208 FNB Long Prairie MN Mar 31, 1922*
6288 FNB Tucumcari NM Mar 31, 1922*
1. Boldface = obsolete signature combination on notes. Italics = combination current on
the plate date.
2. Changeover dates between the signature combinations. Boldface = day when the
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
new combination became current.
3. Charter numbers 2705 or less are banks extending for the second time, 4573 and
above are banks extending for the first time.
* = Series of 1902 notes with 1901 or 1902 plate dates were issued to the bank prior to
its being extended in 1921 or 1922.
Figure 19. Only eleven banks in the entire country received Series of 1875 notes with
Rosecrans-Nebeker signatures, but of those only The United States National Bank of New
York got $5s. The bankers didn’t order a 5-5-5-5 plate until 1891 so it carried an 1891 batch
date that dictated that the plate carry Rosecrans-Nebeker signatures.
Figure 20. The First National Bank of Woonsocket, South Dakota (5946), underwent a title
change from The Citizens National Bank in 1914, yielding for it a10-10-10-20 plate bearing
the title change date of April 27, 1914 with Parker-Burke signatures. That plate when on to
produce the only Series of 1882 Parker-Burke value backs in the entire country.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis
of 15¢ per word(minimum charge of $3.75).
Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word count:
Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as
separate words. Editor does NOT check copy. 10%
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in
recognition of their contribution to the Society. These
adsare run on a space available basis.
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
WORLD PAPER MONEY. 2 stamps for new arrival
price list. I actively buy and sell. Mention PM receive $3
credit. 661-298-3149. Gary Snover, PO Box 1932,
Canyon Country, CA 91386
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
“LAWRENCE” (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
WANTED: Republic of Texas “Star” (1st issue) notes.
Also “Medallion” (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
We could all use a few extra bucks. Money Mart ads can help you sell duplicates, advertise wants,
increase your collection, and have more fun with your hobby.
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
Take it from those who have found the key to “Money Mart success”
Put out your want list in “Money Mart” and see what great notes become part
of your collecting future, too.
ONLY$20.50 / YEAR ! ! ! (wow)
$ MoneyMart $
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money”
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,,
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Small Currency
Large Currency
Foreign Currency
4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $21.60 $38.70 $171.00 $302.00
5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open
8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00
National Sheet
Side Open
8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Stock Certificate
End Open
9-1/2" x 12-1/2" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open
18" x 24" $82.00 $365.00 $665.00 $1530.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
Out of Country sent Registered Mail at Your Cost
Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar® Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the
equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 29, Dedham, MA 02027 • 781-326-9481
ORDERS: 800-HI-DENLY • FAX 781-326-9484
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
*Large size notes
*Large size FRNs and FBNs
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-7505
See out eBay auctions under
user ID DBRcurrency
1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
(712) 332-5859
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5:30
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
Maryland Paper Money: An Illustrated History, 1864-1935
This 348-page hardcover book documents Maryland’s national
currency era of banking from 1864 to 1935. Almost 300 photos of
surviving notes are shown, including many rarities from the
landmark Marc Watts Collection of National Currnecy.
“This is a wonderful specialized work on Maryland nation bank and
their notes that is destined to be the guidebook for generations to
come.” Mark Hotz.
Available for purchase online at and
Foreign Oversize
Foreign Jumbo
10" x 6" $23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
10" x 8" $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg’s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
Simplified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Nst ew members will also get a copy of Rob
Kravitz’s 1 edition “A Collector’s Guide to Postage
and Fractional Currency” while supplies last.
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact William Brandimore, membership
chairman at 1009 Nina, Wausau, WI 54403.
United States Paper Money
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Small Size Type
National Currency
Specimens, Proofs,Experimentals
FrederickJ. Bart
(586) 979-3400
POBox2• Roseville,MI 48066
Buying & Selling
• Obsolete • Confederate
• Colonial & Continental
• Fractional
• Large & Small U.S. Type Notes
Vern Potter Currency
& Collectibles
Please visit our Website at
Hundreds of Quality Notes Scanned,
Attributed & Priced
P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
Advertise your
products here.
Only $45/issue
Contact Benny Bolin, Editor
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * March/April 2017 * Whole No. 308_____________________________________________________________
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC’s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.’s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
James A. Simek – Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Selections From the Jeffrey S. Jones Collection of Small Size Currency
Consignment deadline: March 13
Contact a Heritage Consignment Director today 800-835-6000
Front and Back Specimen Pair
Fr. 1654 $5 1934D Silver Certificates
Fr. 1605* $1 1928E
Silver Certificate
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ
Fr. 1604* $1 1928D
Silver Certificate
PMG Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ
Fr. 1603* $1 1928C
Silver Certificate
PMG Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ
Fr. 1700 $10 1933
Silver Certificate
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ
Fr. 2405* $100 1928
Gold Certificate
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63
April 26-May 2, 2017 | Chicago | Live & Online
Paul R. Minshull IL #441002067; Heritage Auctions #444000370.
BP 17.5%; see 44404
Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40 Categories
Immediate Cash Advances Available
1 Million+ Online Bidder-Members
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