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Table of Contents
The Well Traveled Turk--Peter Huntoon
2017 SPMC Hall of Fame
Images of Value--Artwork Behind U.S. Security Engraving--Mark Anderson
Raphael Thian's Register of the Confederate Debt--Michael McNeil
City of Des Moines Scrip--Marv Wurzer
Quincy Mining Company Scrip Varieties--Dave Gelwicks
$500 Counterfeit Program-Pt. II--Bob Ayers
Star Notes-An Examination of Production and Scarcity--Joe Farrenkopf
What Became of Series 1988A Web Star Notes--Joe Farrenkopf
Paper Money
Vol. LVI, No. 3, Whole No. 309 May/June 2017
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Two Eras Ending
Two New Eras Being Ushered In!
Kansas City, the
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Join us for the
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A Fond Farewell
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Fr. 1700. 1933 $10 Silver Certi cate.
PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ.
Realized $105,750
Salem, New Jersey. $100 Original. Fr. 454a.
e Salem National Banking Company.
Charter #1326. PMG Choice Very Fine 35 Net.
Realized $164,500
Fairbanks, Alaska. $5 1902. Fr. 598. First NB.
Charter #7718. PCGS Superb Gem New 68 PPQ.
Realized $129,250
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Fr. 1191. 1882 $50 Gold Certi cate.
PCGS Extremely Fine 40.
Realized: $411,250
Fr. 193a July 15,1864 $100 Compound Interest
Treasury Note. PCGS Very Fine 25. Apparent.
Realized $282,000
Fr. 167b. 1863 $100 Legal Tender Note.
PCGS Very Fine 25.
Realized: $352,500
Terms and Conditions
PAPER MONEY (USPS 00-3162) is published every
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Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LVI, No. 3 Whole No.309 May/June 2017
ISSN 0031-1162
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The SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
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upon prompt notification.
Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email—
Visit the SPMC website—
The Well-Traveled Turk
Peter Huntoon ............................................................... 177
SPMC 2017 Hall of Fame ....................................................... 184
Images of Value: Artwork Behind U.S. Security Engraving
Mark Anderson .............................................................. 187
Raphael P. Thian’s Register of the Confederate Debt
Michael McNeil .............................................................. 189
City of Des Moines Scrip; Money to Burn
Marv Wurzer .................................................................. 201
Quincy Mining Co. Scrip Varieties
Dave Gelwicks ............................................................... 205
$500 Counterfeit Program—Pt II
Bob Ayers ...................................................................... 213
Uncoupled Joe Boling & Fred Schwan .................................. 215
Tom Bain Raffle Frank E. Clark III ........................................ 221
KC IPMS Happenings ........................................................... 222
Star Notes: An Examination of Production and Scarcity
Joe Farrenkopf .............................................................. 224
What Became of Series 1988A Web Star Notes
Joe Farrenkopf .............................................................. 244
Small Notes—Fantastic Life of $20 Back Plate 204 .............. 247
Interesting Mining Notes—David Schenkman ..................... 249
Obsolete Corner--Robert Gill ................................................ 251
Chump Change--Loren Gatch ............................................... 254
Presidents Message ............................................................. 255
Editor’s Report ...................................................................... 257
New Members ....................................................................... 258
Money Mart ............................................................................ 259
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Pierre Fricke—Buying and Selling Confederate and Obsolete Money!
P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776;;
And many more CSA, Southern and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
VICE-PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
SECRETARY—Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood,
SC 29649
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Jeff Brueggeman,711 Signal Mtn. Rd #197, Chattanooga, TN
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238 Pierre
Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Loren Gatch 2701 Walnut St., Norman, OK 73072
Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731, Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
Scott Lindquist, Box 2175, Minot, ND 58702
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
Joshua Herbstman, Box 351759, Palm Coast, FL 32135
Fred Maples, 7517 Oyster Bay Way, Montgomery Village, MD 20886
PUBLISHER-EDITOR---- Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC is
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show.
Information about the SPMC,
including the by-laws and
activities can be found at our website, .The SPMC
does not does not endorse any dealer, company or auction house.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at
least 18 years of age and of good moral character. Members of the
ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for
membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC
member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must
be from 12 to 17 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Junior membership numbers will be preceded by the letter “j” which
will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member
has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $39. Dues for members in Canada and
Mexico are $45. Dues for members in all other countries are $60.
Life membership—payable in installments within one year is $800
for U.S.; $900 for Canada and Mexico and $1000 for all other
countries. The Society no longer issues annual membership cards,
but paid up members may request one from the membership director
with an SASE.
Memberships for all members who joined the S o c i e t y
prior to January 2010 are on a calendar year basis with renewals
due each December. Memberships for those who joined since
January 2010 are on an annual basis beginning and ending the
month joined. All renewals are due before the expiration date which
can be found on the label of Paper Money. Renewals may
be done via the Society website or by check/money
order sent to the secretary.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
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FR 107 1880 $10
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FR 216 1886 $1
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FR 300 - 1891 $10 “Tombstone”
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The Paper
The Well-Traveled Turk
Peter Huntoon
This is the story of two
vignettes, “Pocahontas Presented at
Court,” also known as
“Introduction of the Old World to
the New,” and “Turk on Cushion
Smoking Pipe.” For the sake of
brevity, they will be called
Pocahontas and Smoking Turk in
this article.
Pocahontas (Figure 1) is
thought to be the larger and earlier
engraving, whereas the Smoking
Turk (Figure 2) is a derivative die
made using the image of the Turk
lifted from Pocahontas and
embellished to serve as a
standalone 1-1/4-inch diameter
Most of the Pocahontas
engraving was used for the right
vignette on early $10 legal tender
notes produced at the Bureau of
Engraving. The Smoking Turk
found its way onto tax paid revenue
Figure 1. Original engraving of Pocahontas Presented at Court
attributed to engraver Stephen Alonzo Schoff. Photo courtesy of
Mark Tomasko.
The attribution for both
came from Margaret Richardson and Barbara Bither of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Historical
Resource Center from BEP die cards that list Stephen Alonzo Schoff as engraver of Pocahontas and credit
Louis Delnoce with the Smoking Turk. Be forewarned that both die cards were made in 1869 and contain
transcribed information.
An early Treasury ledger at the Bureau lists September 1864 as the date of entry for Pocahontas.
The Smoking Turk was logged in during August 1868. The dies were renumbered in 1869, respectively 168
and 896. The BEP Historical Resource Center has a Congressional report compiled in July 1868 that lists
existing Treasury dies that has 168 but stops at 850. This provides additional confirmation that the Smoking
Turk came second, and that the August 1868 date is consistent with its completion.
Engraving historian Mark Tomasko advises that Schoff did freelance work for both the Continental
and National bank note companies, and he believes, based on the 1864 date of the die, that Pocahontas was
executed at one of those companies and later acquired by the Treasury. He suspects that it was more likely
done at the National Bank Note Company, but does not have proof. Schoff possessed the requisite skills to
make it.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Figure 2. Turk on Cushion Smoking Pipe, BEP die no. 896.
My acquaintance with these vignettes
began with the Smoking Turk illustrated on
Figure 2. The disarray in the smoker’s
surroundings makes it quite evident that the pipe
was not charged with tobacco. Hashish pretty
obviously was the inspiration. I consider it to be
one of the finest engravings for capturing a
scene that I have ever seen.
The first use made of the vignette was
on three pound Manufactured Tobacco 96-cent
tax paid stamps issued in 1869. They were
followed in 1870 by identical looking stamps,
an example appearing here as Figure 3. The
difference between the two is that the large open
letters US straddling the vignette on the 1869
issue is a green tint, whereas the US was
incorporated into the black intaglio design for
the 1870 version.
The next incarnation of the vignette
came 21 years later when it was more
appropriately used on a set of three fabulous
Series of 1891 Prepared Smoking Opium tax paid stamps denominated in 4, 8 and 16 ounces (Figure 4).
Those taxes were figured at the rate of $10 per pound.
Now here is where the story gets both embarrassing to me but interesting. Greg Alexander wrote
asking if I was aware that the Smoking Turk also appeared on the right vignette on the faces of $10 Series of
1869 through 1880 legal tender notes. He even sent a link to a photo of one of the notes. Greg is a revenue
stamp and vignette collector who is a member of the board for the Northwest Philatelic Library in Portland,
Huh – what’s this!
I pulled the photo up, and I’ll
be darned. As shown on
Figure 5, there was my old
friend the Smoking Turk
snuggled up against the
lower right corner of the
I’ve seen those
notes in the flesh. I’ve
looked at them in auction
catalogs. Furthermore, I’ve
sorted the face plate proofs
for them at the Smithsonian.
But I never noticed the Turk!
The truth is that I had never
Figure 3. 1870 3-lb Manufactured Tobacco tax paid stamp.
really looked at the engravings on the notes!
Greg went on to say he was very interested in the vignette on the $10s because he was a
correspondent of the great great grandson of the engraver who the BEP credits with producing it. The
descendent is Rhode Island artist Jonathan Small, and the engraver was Stephen Alonzo Schoff. The Schoff
attribution was provided by Small from information supplied by Merl Moore, an art historian affiliated with
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
the Smithsonian American Art Museum, who obtained it from the die cards held by the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing Historical Resource Center.
It was obvious that I better learn something about Schoff’s vignette. I quickly learned that the
engraving is entitled “Introduction of the Old World to the New” or “Pocahontas Presented at Court.” The
court is that of England’s King James I and his wife Queen Anne.
I contacted Mark Tomasko to determine what he knew about the two vignettes. He immediately
responded that he thought the Smoking Turk was a lift from the larger Schoff engraving. He concluded that
if the Delnoce attribution for the Smoking Turk is correct, Delnoce used a standard Perkins roll transfer of
the Turk to a new die and engraved the foreground and background elements that made the new 1-1/4-inch
diameter vignette so distinctive.
The transfer of an available figure or detail from a die made by another engraver and placing it in a
new composition was widely employed in the banknote engraving trade. The skills of siderography made
the job easy.
Tomasko advised that it was common practice in the trade to extract figures from larger vignettes
for use on smaller scenes as needed. This was done both at the Bureau and at the bank note firms. Tax paid
revenue stamps exhibit many examples.
Hessler and Chambliss (2006, p. 117) attributed the engraving of Pocahontas to W. W. Rice based
on art prepared by Theodore August Liebler (1830-1890). I contacted Hessler who advised that the
attribution came from early collectors, but Richardson’s and Bither’s attribution to Schoff appears to be
based on better information.
We have not discounted the possibility that Schoff was working from art prepared by Liebler.
Tomasko has Theodore Liebler’s scrapbook with many proof vignettes of both his work and others along
with some of his original drawings. Pocahontas Presented at Court is not among them. Tomasko went on to
Figure 5. Series of 1869 $10 legal tender face where the right vignette displays the Smoking Turk.
Photo courtesy of Heritage Auction Archives.
Figure 4. 1891 4-oz Prepared Smoking Opium tax paid stamp. This fabulous tax stamp is 12 inches long and
1.5 inches high.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
say that Liebler was a freelance lithographer in New York who had a talent for doing wash drawings for
bank note vignettes for various companies. Otherwise little is known about him.
A careful analysis of the Pocahontas and Smoking Turk renderings reveals that Schoff’s engraving
was lifted intact; including the modest puff of smoke from the Turk, for use on the $10, although the
cushion the Turk is resting against is slightly retooled. The primary difference on the tax paid stamps is the
cloud of smoke being exhaled by the Turk.
Figure 6. To-scale comparison between the Smoking Turk as he appeared on the 1869 legal tender $10 face and
the tax paid 1869-1870 3-lb Manufactured Tobacco stamp.
Now a little history is in order.
The scene being captured on Schoff’s engraving is John Rolfe presenting his wife Pocahontas to
King James I and his court in 1616. Pocahontas was the daughter of Native American chief Powhatan, a
beauty whom Rolfe married in 1614 who bore him a son.
Bare-footed Pocahontas is on the left wearing a feather headdress and elaborate Native American
robe complete with feathered trim draped across her shoulders and breasts. John Rolfe is holding her hand,
guiding her to her presentation. Queen Anne - Anne of Denmark - is seated with left hand touching her chin
looking on with bemused curiosity. King James I, or possibly one of his ministers, is the bearded man
standing behind the Turk. Usually King James I is portrayed in far more flamboyant dress, causing me to
question if he is present in the scene, but it would be hard to image him not being there.
John Rolfe (1585-1622) earned access to the king’s court by emigrating to Jamestown in the
Colony of Virginia and using seeds taken with him to successfully cultivated tobacco on a large scale.
Tobacco was thus emerging as a major export crop from the colony. Not only was he rich, he was feeding
the coffers of the empire through trade and tribute.
The British had a particular reverence for crops like tobacco that were addictive, because such
commodities, which could be readily transported by sea, translated into very long term, highly lucrative
worldwide trade. The British already had learned to enjoy the bounty of marketing caffeine in the form of
tea, and later in the 19th century they would hone those propensities to their loftiest levels through the
Chinese opium trade. Clearly the tobacco industry was being viewed with relish, and that is where the
Smoking Turk comes in.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Not only was the curious new world princess being received at court, it was only appropriate that
the commodity that gained the Rolfes entree to the court in the first place be on display.
There is little question that the smoker is of Middle Eastern bearing and dress. I would have thought
it would be more appropriate if he were a Native American. At least in the presence of the Queen, he is
exhaling a tasteful puff instead of the cloud of smoke in Delnoce’s rendering for the tax paid stamps.
The three documented uses for the Smoking Turk transformed him into a Native American stand-in
on the 1869-1880 legal tender notes, a Turk on the 1869-1870 tobacco tax stamps, and finally into an opium
addicted Chinaman on the 1891 opium tax stamp; each playing to prevailing stereotypes of the respective
periods. His image, even though distinctively Middle Eastern, morphs within the fertile imaginations of
beholders into the perfect character for each context! That=s good artistry - taking advantage of our only
too-human ability to see what we want to see - to stereotype - something every spin master and advertiser
Similarly, in fairness, you may well ask what place does Pocahontas meeting the King of England
in 1616 have on a piece of U. S. currency conceived just after the Civil War when everything in American
consciousness was grappling with redefining concepts of national identity.
There is much in this image that resonates as “American” even if the scene predates the United
States by 160 years. There is the notion that we of “American” ancestry are passing on such a high level of
civilization to Native Americans that they are fit to intermarry with us as well as to meet royalty in England
or Europe, that an “American” entrepreneur can rub shoulders in any court with the best of them, and that
tobacco is a major “American” export crop.
Here is art transcending and merging our conception of where we came from with our current sense
of self and future aspirations. Transference is a real psychological phenomenon. We’ll make this image an
American icon! We’ll even incorporate Pocahontas Presented at Court into the tapestry of our own national
myth. Sure, we’ll buy in. If this isn’t American reality, it’s close enough and that’s good enough!
Stephen Alonzo Schoff
Jon Small, great great grandson of
Schoff, provided this distillation of Schoff’s
life and career.
Schoff was born January 16, 1818, in
Danville, Vermont, third of eight children of
John Chase and Eunice Nye Schoff. The
family moved to Newburyport,
Massachusetts, around 1825. Schoff began a
five-year apprenticeship with Oliver Pelton, a
Boston engraver, in the firm of Terry, Pelton
& Co. at age 16 in 1834. The Terry, Pelton &
Co. dissolved in 1837, so Oliver Pelton
organized the Boston Bank Note Co. with new
partner Joseph Andrews. Schoff transfer his
apprenticeship to Joseph Andrews, and
together in October 1839 they sailed for
Europe where they toured Netherlands and
Belgium before arriving in Paris in December.
Schoff studied in Paris in the atelier of
Paul Delaroche and befriended many
Figure 7. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
records reveal that Stephen Alonzo Schoff
(1818-1904) engraved Pocahontas Presented at
Court. Photo courtesy of Jon Small, Schoff’s
great great grandson.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
American artists including Asher B. Durand, John F. Kensett, Benjamin Champney, G.P.A. Healey, John
Vanderlyn and John Casilear. He shared a flat with John F. Kensett and Thomas P. Rossiter, before his
return to the U.S. in the summer of 1841.
He won his first large commission shortly upon his return to engrave John Vanderlyn’s painting
Caius Marius on the Ruins of Carthage for the Apollo Association. He also found work in 1841 with the
bank note firm Draper, Toppan & Co. in New York. He married Maria Josephine Rosalina Hastings in
Williamsburg, NY, in 1843.
His next large commission, a large engraving for the American Art-Union, The Return of
Columbus to Cadiz after Emanuel Leutze, was never finished because he worked too slowly and as a result
he lost a great sum of income upon which he was relying.
He was elected as an Associate Member of the National Academy of Design in 1844, and by
1848 was back in Boston working with Toppan, Carpenter & Co. In 1852 he was working for Danforth,
Bald & Co. in Boston. Around 1853 he rented a studio in the Liberty Tree Building, still standing, in
Boston. This was the same address as Toppan, Carpenter & Casilear with whom he also worked. He
engraved the portrait of Walt Whitman for the second edition of Leaves of Grass in 1859. From 1859 to
1862 Schoff worked on a portrait of William Penn in armor for the Pennsylvania Historical Society. He met
and became friends with the artist William Morris Hunt who assisted him with design of the Penn portrait.
The Continental Bank Note Co. was formed in 1863 and at some point, soon after Schoff started
working with them. He also was finding work around that time with the National Bank Note Company.
Schoff was requested in an August 30, 1869 letter from George B. McCartee, Chief, Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, to supply “a specimen of your portrait engraving suitable for bank note work, and
to hear from you what salary you would expect should your specimen work prove satisfactory.” He
replied on September 1st, and on September 3rd received an offer of employment starting at once “at a
compensation of fifty dollars per week.” He began working at the Bureau on October 25th.
He took a leave from the BEP in October 1870, in which he returned to Newtonville,
Massachusetts, and in May of 1871 he left the BEP to resume his career full time in the private sector. At
this time, he was finding bank note work in New York City, traveling there from Massachusetts for weeks at
a time.
In 1878 Schoff engraved a portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson, which G.F.C. Smillie described as the
“best piece of portrait engraving executed in America.” Schoff did freelance work for the Continental and
National bank note companies, and continued to do so with the American Bank Note Company after
Continental and National were merged with ABNC in 1879. He also found a good deal of work with the
John A. Lowell Bank Note Company.
Around 1880, at the urging of Sylvester Rosa Koehler, Schoff started doing more etchings with a
freer touch than he previously had in his engravings. In 1882 he engraved a large plate The Bathers after
William Morris Hunt’s Painting. His wife died in 1882. In 1886 Schoff had four etchings published in S.R.
Koehler’s American Art. Sometime around 1890 he started engraving the calendars for the New England
Mutual Life Insurance Co., which were printed by the ABNC.
He moved from Newtonville to Greenfield, Massachusetts, in 1892, where he lived in a hotel run
by his son Alfred, where he continued doing engravings, mostly the calendars, until 1902. He lived in
various western New England hotels run by Alfred until he died in 1904 in Norfolk, Connecticut.
Margaret Richardson of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Historical Resource Center provided
the following list of BEP dies that she could attribute to Schoff during his 1869-1871 tenure there. This list
should not be considered comprehensive.
1. MISC 168: vignette, Introduction of the Old World to the New (Pocahontas Presented at Court by
John Rolfe) used on $10 Series 1869-1880 United States Notes,
2. MISC 1017: vignette, Justice (Female Figure with Scales, Shield and Sword) used on $500 Series
of 1869 United States Notes.
3. MISC 1018: vignette, Liberty (Female Figure) used on $20 Series of 1869-1880 United States
4. MISC 1049: vignette, Americans at Valley Forge.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
5. MISC 1069: vignette, Head of Anson Burlingame used for the $5,000 5% Regular and Coupon
Bonds (unknown series date)
6. MISC 1086: vignette, General George H. Thomas used for 1871 10 Gallon Tax Paid Stamp.
7. MISC 1119: vignette, Head of Madison used for the $500 Funding Loan of 1885 coupon face.
8. MISC 1135: vignette, Head of Edwin M. Stanton used for $100 Series 1881 5% Coupon Bond and
Series 1872 4 oz. Tobacco Stamp.
9. MISC 1186: vignette, Head of General George H. Thomas used for the $10,000 4 1/2% Regular
Bond, Unknown Series; and on an “Invitation to Unveiling of Statue” (presumably a statue of
10. MISC 1237: vignette, Tarleton Pursued by Col. Washington at the Battle of the Cowpens.
Luigi Delnoce
According to Hessler (1993, p. 99-102) Luigi
(Louis) Delnoce was born in 1822 in Italy and died in the
Bronx, New York, in 1890. He began his professional
career as an engraver in 1848, studied under John
Casilear from 1851 to 1855, and executed engravings for
the major bank note companies and the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. He ranks in the top tier of
vignette engravers.
Among his most famous vignettes on U. S.
currency are those that appeared on Original/1875
nationals; including, Stars and Stripes ($2 face), Loyalty
(right vignette $20 face), prayer for victory (right
vignette $50 face) and Battle of Lake Erie (left vignette
$100 face). His Landing of Columbus was an early
version of that engraving that appeared on the backs of
some of the $5s.
Hessler in his book provides a list of his
engravings that were used on type notes.
The premise that threads through this article is
Figure 8. Engraver Luigi (Louis) Delnoce
(1822-1890) is credited with adapting the
Smoking Turk for use on the vignettes used for
the tax paid revenue stamps. Photo from Gene
Hessler’s The Engraver=s Line, p. 99, used with
that the Smoking Turk was lifted by Delnoce from
Schoff’s Pocahontas. I did not find hard
documentation for or against this. Rather the
evidence is circumstantial and turns primarily on the
timing of the entries of the engravings into the BEP
inventory. However, either engraving could have
been made at a bank note company so may have been in existence for some time before being turned over to
the BEP.
The overriding concept in play is that engravers borrowed parts of engravings from each other and
the Smoking Turk is about as fine an example of this as can be found.
Could it be that Delnoce engraved the Smoking Turk and Schoff, who needed a smoking Native
American, borrowed him because he was the right size and available? Who would quibble about the
substitution of a Turk for a Native American at that time?
Schoff was eminently capable of producing a Native American smoker, but the Turk might already
have been available from the equally capable Delnoce so why not use him? This one point - the distinction
between Turk and Native American - is the strongest argument for such a lift by Schoff from Delnoce. The
fact is that the use of a Turk in Schoff’s Pocahontas appears to inconsistent with the scene.
I prefer the notion that Delnoce lifted the Turk from Schoff, a preference based on the fact that all
Delnoce had to do was flesh out his engraving around the existing figure. If, on the other hand, Schoff had
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
lifted the Turk from an independent Delnoce engraving, it seems too convenient that the Turk just happened
to be the right size to serve Schoff’s needs.
We may never know, but one should keep an open mind until definitive documentation reveals
itself. It has been my experience in this game that every time I make an assumption or speculate,
documentation discovered later proves me wrong! Often the truth is more nuanced than the either/or
choices that appear to be so attractive.
Some Enlightening Web Surfing and Sources
Hessler, Gene, 1993, The Engraver=s Line: BNR Press, Port Clinton, OH, 437 p.
Hessler, Gene, and Chambliss, Carlson, 2006, The Comprehensive catalog of U. S. paper money: BNR Press, Port
Clinton, OH, 672 p.
Huntoon, Peter, July 2005, Evocative vignette on 1891 opium tax stamp: Banknote Reporter, v. 33, p. 36, 38, 40.
Tomasko, Mark, 2009, The Feel of Steel, The Art and History of Bank Note Engraving in the United States: Bird &
Bull Press, 177 p.
Hall of Fame
The Society of Paper Money Collectors
is Proud to Announce the 2017 Class of
the SPMC Hall of Fame:
Chuck O'Donnell
Judith Murphy
Fred Schwan
Joseph Boling
Daniel Valentine
These great friends have distinguished themselves presonally and/or professionally above and beyond in their service
to the hobby and will be formally inducted into the Hall at Kansas City in June.
We thank them for their pioneering contributions, their generosities and unflagging support.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Lyn Knight Currency Auct ions
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Fr. 379a $1,000 1890 T.N.
Grand Watermelon
Sold for
Fr. 183c $500 1863 L.T.
Sold for
Fr. 328 $50 1880 S.C.
Sold for
$287,500 Lyn Knight
Currency Auctions
Deal with the
Leading Auction
Company in United
States Currency
Liberty Loan Bond Collectors
Support the SPMC
This bond has been generously donated by Joshua Herbstman in memory of his late father.
It will be featured in the IPMS Kansas City auction with proceeds going to the SPMC.
This $50 Fourth Liberty Loan carried a 4 ¼% interest rate, and would have started with coupon #5. The
Fourth Liberty Loans (long format) are the most commonly found Treasury Bonds of any issue within
numismatics. This series has also the distinction of being the only federal bond issue within American history
to default on its terms. The Fourth Liberty Loan was to be payable, "in United States gold coin of the present
standard of value." However, in 1933 Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 which suspended payment
in gold, a year before the Fourth Liberty Loan was to be called. Despite a legal challenge to the default,
(wherein the Supreme Court acknowledged a violation of the 14th Amendment), the Fourth Liberty Loan was
not redeemed at the original terms of its issuance. The high court felt that to pay bondholders at a 1918 gold
value would be an unjust enrichment. About 100 of these bonds are estimated to exist today.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Images of Value: The Artwork Behind U.S. Security Engraving 1830s‐1980s
through the eyes of Mark Anderson
On February 22nd, at the historic Grolier Club in New York City, an exhibit opened which is a
feast for the eyes and minds of all in our numismatic community interested in the history and
beauty of engraving. Curated by our fellow long‐time SPMC member Mark Tomasko, who has long
had a passionate interest in the underlying art and the evolution of the process of engraving, the
exhibit is built into 10 large individual vitrines and two standing display cases, each of which
represent a “chapter” in a remarkable story. The story is told by a remarkable range of original
wash drawings and paintings, period photographs and prints used in making engravings, as well as
the final printed form on which the engravings were utilized. The breadth of documents which
benefitted from these beautiful works of art is well represented: banknotes, certificates, coupons,
and even fabric labels, from of course the United States but also an extensive range of other
countries, from Argentina to China to one of this reviewer’s personal favorites, Spain.
Laid out in the Grolier Club’s large ground‐floor
exhibit area and open to the public daily until April 29th,
visitors can enjoy a variety of thoughtfully and precisely
curated individual “histories,” virtually all of which
provide visitors with the artistic context or source for a
vignette [be it a painting or drawing or printed
illustration], the “working art” created by the bank‐note
companies, the proofs of the vignettes, and examples of
final work, if extant, in which the work was commercially
utilized. A private collector, long time Society members are
well aware of Mark’s research and scholarship, frequent
and delightful contributions over many years to Paper
Money, and his painstaking efforts to document the source
art, artists, designers, engravers and bank note firms
behind each engraving or complete product. What is
perhaps less familiar to many is the extent to which Mark
has been able to locate the physical pieces, and assemble
and tell these stories with the original objects at hand.
As one tours the room, one moves through the
logical eras Mark has identified as the pivotal evolutions
which led to the United States’ acknowledged world leadership in security engraving. This
leadership, achieved by the late 1850s, is amply supported by a series of objects which are logically
organized, beautiful and interesting unto themselves, and meticulously attributed, and whose
significance is briefly but completely annotated.
The exquisite miniature drawings of Asher Durand, George Hatch, Henry Inman, and
Thomas Birch illustrate the era when artwork needed to be drawn in small scale to suit the
engraving process. When photography later liberated the artwork from miniature dimensions, then
began the golden age of the wash drawings of the 1850s to the 1870s. Works of this era by F. O. C.
Darley, James Smillie, and Walter Shirlaw illustrate the high standards of the day, with marvelous
allegorical and genre works, including Darley's drawings of Union Civil War soldiers.
By the twentieth century photographs had become a common source for the images used in
bank note and other engravings. The exhibit tells this story as well, displaying photographs of
Chinese subjects turned into engravings for Chinese bank notes produced by American Bank Note
Company. Other striking period photos and the resulting engravings include a panorama of Lower
Manhattan in 1904, as well as the remarkable portrait of Evelyn Nesbit, the celebrity center of one
of America’s most lurid scandals [the murder of famed architect Stanford White in 1906], a portrait
which ultimately became a decorative engraving for coupon bonds.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Fine picture engraving, particularly
bank note engraving, for much of the rest of
the 20th century was epitomized by the
work based on the art of painters Alonzo
Foringer and Robert Lavin. Foringer, a
muralist, is a star of the show, with several
original oils of allegorical females from the
1910s to the 1940s on display in this
exhibit. The engravers of that day arguably
created the best allegorical engravings of
the twentieth century from Foringer’s
work, and this “marriage” of inspirational
original art and superior engraving has
never been equaled. These works have
graced the stocks and bonds of hundreds of
U.S. companies and at least 50 different
notes issued by foreign banks and
governments. Lavin followed in Foringer’s
footsteps, producing both allegorical
paintings and what Mark refers to as
“Capitalist Realism” during the 1960s to the 1980s. His allegorical works and paintings of working
individuals were the leading source for the engravings on stocks and bonds in the last quarter of
the 20th century, and examples of his and other artists’ work are well represented in the exhibition.
Paper Money’s press deadline and mailing date will make it difficult for our members to see
the exhibit before it closes, although the event was prominently written up by the New York Times
and has been featured in news at our website. In conjunction with his exhibit, Mark is conducting
Wednesday lunchtime tours of the exhibit throughout its run, provided a lecture and panel
discussion at the Club on March 7th, and has produced a full‐color, 173 page catalogue of the exhibit.
Comprehensively illustrated with most everything displayed, and with a preface by William H.
Gerdts, the book complements the exhibit beautifully. As an added treat, and Mark has repeated his
practice established with his last book [The Feel of Steel]. Every copy of the catalogue comes with an
intaglio printing of a Robert Savage engraving entitled “Abundance.” Created for American Bank
Note from an Alonzo Foringer painting, the print is tipped in as a frontispiece. The book is priced at
$40, and those interested in a copy are can acquire it in person at the Grolier [see above] or by mail
from Oak Knoll Books [310 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE 19720;302.328.7232].
Lastly a word about the Grolier Club of New York. Founded in 1884, it is America’s oldest
and largest society for bibliophiles and enthusiasts of graphic arts. Named after Jean Grolier, a
Renaissance‐era book collector renowned for enjoying and sharing his personal library with
friends, the Club seeks to foster study, collection, preservation and appreciation of books and works
on paper. Located in the heart of New York City’s midtown district, at 47 East 60th Street [between
Park and Madison Avenues] New York, NY 10022, it is open to the public free of charge Monday
through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Further information can be found at
or by contacting the Exhibitions Manager, Jennifer Sheehan [, 212‐838‐
6690] or Public Relations Consultant Susan Flamm [, 212‐289‐2999].
Mr. Tomasko has created a wonderful, one‐of‐a‐kind event, a treat for all who enjoy and
appreciate art, the many sciences and skills which go into creating engraved art and its marvelous
timeless products.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Raphael P. Thian’s Register of the Confederate Debt
by Michael McNeil
Raphael Prosper Thian, a Federal civil servant of sixty-one years, fifty of which were served in
the Adjutant General’s Office, established a group of clerks to organize and transcribe the documents of
the Confederate Treasury Department. In fact, we are indebted to Thian for his efforts to prevent these
documents from being destroyed after the fall of Richmond. Congress eventually provided the funds to
publish his work in five volumes; the Appendix to these volumes is the Register of the Confederate Debt.
This Register, republished by Dr. Douglas Ball in 1972, may be found occasionally in Ebay
auctions.1 It is an indispensable tool for advanced collectors, as it lists all of the serial number runs from
the beginning of production in early 1861 until the middle of 1864 when the record ended; production
continued until the middle of February 1865. The start and end of every serial number run, typically in
multiple blocks of 100 numbers, is accompanied by the signer for Register and the signer for Treasurer.
As a point of interest, these entries represent real, not engraved, signatures on the Treasury notes. One
value of this list is that it helps in the identification of counterfeit notes, and there were many such notes,
perhaps as much as a fifth of the circulating notes. Some of these counterfeits are amateurish and obvious,
but others could easily pass as genuine. The Treasury Department kept the Register for the precise
purpose of identifying counterfeits. Today, we can use the Register to help decipher the sometimes
illegible signatures and hand-numbering of the notes; we sometimes find such misinterpreted serial
numbers on the holders of Confederate Treasury notes. The Register allows us to compare a serial number
with the signature pair on the note, and this usually resolves the confusion; the most common error is
deciphering a serial number “3” or “5”.
Dr. Ball literally photocopied Thian’s Register in his 1972 reprint. Thian’s clerks had the same
problem deciphering the hand-written numbers and names of signers as we do today, and the Register
contains more than a few typographical errors. There are many ways to understand and correct these
errors. Online access to microfilms of the original, hand-written Register is not known to the author, but
Philip Chase obtained some microfilms of the original Register and those were examined by the author,
courtesy of Pierre Fricke, who obtained them from Dr. Ball. The author also spent many hours hand-
entering a sizeable amount of the Register into an Excel file, then sorting the entries by sequential serial
number runs for typographical errors. Many were found.2 This article describes some of the errors and
corrections found by the author over a period of fifteen years while observing tens of thousands of
Confederate Treasury notes. Readers may also refer to the book published by the author as a visual aid to
the identification of the signatures.3
In an earlier article in Paper Money magazine, the author collaborated with W. Crutchfield
Williams, II, to describe how to use the Register.4 Here follows a quick review. The important key
identifiers of a Confederate Treasury note, as shown in Figure 1, are:
1. Date on the note
2. Denomination
3. Series number
4. Plate Position Identifier
5. Serial number
6. Signature “for Register”
7. Signature “for Treasurer”
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
A section of page 32 of Thian’s Register is shown in Figure 2 below. The circled features relate to the
Treasury note above, serial number 162665, and its numbered key features for identification:
The circled date on the illustrated page of the Register in Figure 2 is the date of the Congressional
Act authorizing the issue. The date on the note will be different. Here is a list of the relevant dates:
Issue Date of the Act Date on the note
First March 9th, 1861 various, hand dated
Second May 16th, 1861 July 25th, 1861
Third August 19th, 1861 September 2nd, 1861
T-46, error dated September 2nd, 1862
Fourth April 17th, 1862 T-38 error dated September 2nd, 1861
T-39 to T41, various, hand dated
T-42 to T-45 June 2nd, 1862
Fifth October 13th, 1862 December 2nd, 1862
Sixth March 23rd, 1863 April 6th, 1863
Seventh February 17th, 1864 February 17th, 1864
The next hurdle for the collector is Thian’s organization of the Register, which is not at all easy to
correlate with the modern Type system. Here follows an updated and corrected list of the Types and the
pages where they are found in the Register. The author has abandoned the confusing Bradbeer references
and now refers only to the Criswell Types; the reader may refer to Pierre Fricke’s latest catalog for a
description of the numerous varieties.5
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Type Denom. Page Number and Title in the Register
1 $1,000 6 A.-(Montgomery), signed by Clitherall & Elmore
2 $500 6 A.-(Montgomery), signed by Clitherall or Jones & Elmore
3 $100 6 A.-(Montgomery), signed by Clitherall & Elmore
4 $50 6 A.-(Montgomery), signed by Clitherall & Elmore
5 $100 6 B.-(Richmond), signed by Tyler or Jones & Elmore
6 $50 6 B.-(Richmond), signed by Tyler or Jones & Elmore
7 $100 7 $100-B, $100-C
8 $50 7 $50-B, $50-Bb, $50-C
9 $20 7 starting $20-B, ending p. 8 $20-D
10 $10 9 $10-A, $10-B, $10-C
11 $5 9 $5-B, $5-Bb
12 $5 10 $5-F to I
13 $100 10 starting $100-A, ending p. 11 $100-A1 to A8
14 $50 11 starting $50-A, ending p. 12 $50-A9-A16
15 $50 11 $50-A (Southern Bank Note Company)
16 $50 12 $50-wA to zA, $50-wA to zA (2d series), $50-1A to 4A
17 $20 12 $20-A (green)
18 $20 12 starting $20-A, ending p. 16 $20- A19 to A26
19 $20 16 $20-A (Southern Bank Note Company)
20 $20 17 starting $20-1 to 8 (1st series), ending p. 20 $20-1 to 10 (3d series)
21 $20 20 $20-W to Z
22 $10 21 starting $10-A and B (number black - Southern Bank Note Co.)
23 $10 21 $10-A (number red), $10-A1
24 $10 22 $10-H to K
25 $10 23 $10-W to Z (number red)
26 $10 23 starting $10-W to Z (number red), ending p. 24 $10-W to Z, 2d series)
27 $10 21 starting $10-Ab, ending p. 22 $10- A9 to A16 intermixed with T-28
28 $10 21 starting $10- A9 to A16, ending p. 22
29 $10 23 $10-A to H
30 $10 24 starting $10-1 to 8 (1st series), ending p. 27 $10-1 to 10 (4th series)
31 $5 28 $5-A and B, $5-C (number black - Southern Bank Note Co.)
32 $5 28 $5-A (number red), $5-AA
33 $5 28 $5-H to K, L to O (number black)
34 $5 28 starting $5-H to K (number red), ending p. 29 $5-W to Z
35 $5 28 $5-Ab
36 $5 29 starting $5- 9A to 16A, ending p. 34 $5- 9A to 16A (3d series)
37 $5 34 starting $5-A to H, ending p. 35 $5-1 to 8 (2d series)
38 $2 39 starting $2-1 to 10 (1st series) dated 1861, and ending p. 40
39-40 $100 35 starting $100-A, and Ab to Ah, ending p. 38 $100-Aa to Ah
41 $100 37 starting $100-W to Z, ending p. 39
42 $2 39 starting $2-1 to 10 (1st series), ending p. 42 $2-1 to 12 (3d series)
43 $2 40 starting $2-1 to 10 (2d series), ending p. 41
44 $1 42 starting $2-1 to 10 (1st series), ending p. 45 $1-1 to 12 (3d series)
45 $1 42 starting $1-1 to 10 (1st series), ending p. 44 $1-1 to 10 (2d series)
46 $10 27 starting $10-I to P ending p. 28
49 $100 46 $100-A to D (1st series), $100-A to D (2d series)
50 $50 46 $50-wA to zA (3d series)
51 $20 47 $20-A to H (1st series)
52 $10 47 starting $10-A to H (1st series), ending p. 52 $10-A to H (4th series)
53 $5 52 starting $5-A to H (1st series), ending p. 57 $5-A to H (3d series)
54 $2 57 starting $2-A, ending p. 59 $2-B to I (2d series)
55 $1 59 starting $1-A, ending p. 62 $1-B to I (2d series)
56 $100 62 starting $100-A to D May Issue, ending p. 102 $100-A to D Jan. (1864) Issue
57 $50 62 starting $50-wA to zA May Issue, ending p. 106 $50-wA to zA Feb (1864) Issue
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
58 $20 63 starting $20-A to H May Issue, ending p. 87 $20-A to H October Issue
59 $10 63 starting $10-A to H May Issue, ending p. 107 $10-A to H February (1864) Issue
60 $5 66 starting $5-A to H May Issue, ending p. 111 $5-A to H February (1864) Issue
61 $2 112 starting $2-A to H (1st series), ending p. 114 $2-A to H (3d series)
62 $1 114 starting $1-A to H (1st series), ending p. 118 $1-A to H (3d series)
63 $0.50 177 50c., A to I (1st series), 50c., A to I (2d series)
64 $500 118 $500-A to D
65 $100 118 starting $100-A to D, ending p. 122 $100-A to D (2d series)
66 $50 122 starting $50-wA to zA, ending p. 128 $50-wA to zA (4th series)
67 $20 128 starting $20-A to D, ending p. 145 $20-A to D (11th series)
68 $10 145 starting $10-A to H, ending p. 161 $10-A to H (10th series)
69 $5 161 starting $5-A to H, ending p. 172 $5-A to H (7th series)
70 $2 178 $2-A to H
71 $1 178 $1-A to H
72 $0.50 178 50c., A to I (1st series), 50c., A to I (2d series)
The author’s new spreadsheet of the Register includes an analysis of all of the First and Second
Issues and a portion of the Third Issue up to page 27 of the Register.2 The method for finding
typographical errors in the serial number runs is shown in Figure 3. The entries for each row included the
Register page number, the signer for Treasurer, the signer for Register, the Type number, the
denomination, the Series or plate position letters or numbers (also known as “plens”), the start of the
serial number run, the end of the serial number run, the number of notes per sheet with the same serial
number and denomination, and the calculated total number of notes in a specific run. Figure 3 shows an
example from the start of the Second Issue for T-7 notes with plate letters B and C:
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
After the set of data was constructed in Figure 3, the
serial number runs for the notes were copied to a different
sheet and the runs were resorted in numerical order. Then a
simple calculation was performed where the ending value of a
run was subtracted from the starting value of the next run; the
value of this subtraction would be “1” if the runs were
consecutive. In Figure 4 the Thian Register entry for “20201-
20800” produced an error of 201 serial numbers seen in the
far right column, indicating a typographical error (highlighted
in yellow) with a correction in the far left column (not
knowing which run is in error). The results for notes with
plate letter C and its correction may be observed in the
highlighted cell in Figure 3. With this correction, the accurate
quantity of total notes issued, 37,155, is seen in red font at the
bottom of Figure 3. This total agrees with Thian’s total as
well. But this exercise was expanded to many pages of the
Register and it showed significant errors in the totals of issued
notes. These corrected values may be found in the table
included in the author’s article in the 2017 January/February
issue of Paper Money magazine.6
This type of analysis was extremely useful with the
more complex issues. A good example would be the T-14 $50
notes, which are very difficult to understand with their
overlapping serial numbers and complex forms of plate
position letters and numbers, but they become clear when laid
out in this manner along with cropped images of the different
The author has also included corrections of the listed
signers from more than a decade of observations, and
although the author has most assuredly not found all of the
errors, the new Excel file is a good start. With the inclusion of
images of the various Types and their details, the Excel file
grew to 70Mb in size. Collectors and researchers may email
the author for a copy which will be delivered via Dropbox. No
charge will be made, and no guarantee of accuracy is made.
The courtesy of giving credit to the author when this work is
cited is requested. See Note 2 for restrictions.2
It is hoped that the National Archives will see fit to
find the original Registers and make high resolution digital
copies of them. The quality of the Chase microfilms of select
portions of these Registers is very poor and the images in this
article cropped from those microfilms required extensive
enhancement to make them at all legible. Perhaps a future
researcher with both the time and financial means can work
with the National Archives to make this happen.
Let’s look at some of the Register’s issues, starting
with the list of signers. Page 3 contains a list of the signers
“for Treasurer.” The actual Treasurer, E. C. Elmore, and the
actual Registers, A. B. Clitherall, C. T. Jones, and R. Tyler,
signed the T-1 through T-6 notes and are not included in these
lists of signers “for” Treasurer or “for” Register.
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Here are the errors of the signers “for Treasurer” on page 3: “E. W. Jones” is a typographical
error, and it is also seen on page 9 at the end of the listings for plen A, T-10 notes. Philip Chase’s
microfilms of the original Register confirm this to be the ubiquitous signer, J. W. Jones, as in Figure 5:
The correct entry for “Miss M. L. Savage” is “Miss Parkie Savage.” The correct entry for “Miss
A. S. Stuart” is “Miss A(delaide) L(ewis) Stuart.” The correct entry for “Miss V. M. Tyler” is “Miss M.
V. Tyler.”
Here are the errors of the signers “for Register” on page 4: “W. H. Brown” is missing from the
list but appears on pages 29, 34, 35. He appears in the original Register of the Treasury-note Bureau as
seen in Figure 6:
“W. G. Harvey” is missing from the list but appears many times starting on page 71. “M.
Johnson” is missing from the list but is commonly seen starting on page 64. The entry for “M. S.
Johnson” is genuine and rare, and only seen on page 51 where many coupon signers of the bond division
were transferred to help with the production of the T-52 Series 4 notes.10 The four known Johnson
signatures for Register are very different in style. The correct entry for “Mrs. S. L. Pelot” is “Mrs.
S(arah). E(lizabeth). Pelot”; she is the great-great-grandmother of the author. The listings for Pelot in the
serial number runs are also incorrectly listed as “L. Pelot.” The correct entry for “Miss Parkie Savage” is
“Miss M. L. Savage,” the names for Savage having been reversed on pages 3 and 4. The two signatures
for Savage are correct in the listings of the serial number runs.
The transcription error rate for names with a similar sound is quite large. The author has kept a
database of 515,000 notes signed by Sarah Pelot and found that 6.1% of the serial number runs were
incorrectly attributed; some runs assigned to Pelot were actually signed by Miss A. P. Pellet, and vice
versa.7 This was determined from the observation of many thousands of notes signed by Pelot. The error
is probably with Thian, but there are no microfilms of the Register in this 1864 time frame to prove it.
Another example is the listing on page 39 of N. A. Bass and A. S. Watkins for a great many T-41 serial
number runs, which are signed by men with the alliterative names of T. W. Bell and W. B. Walston. In
this case the error is not with Thian but rather the Treasury-note Bureau itself; the Chase microfilms of
the original Register show the same error. Observations of thousands of T-41 notes have never produced
an example signed by Bass and Watkins. Figure 7 shows a typical incorrect entry of N. A. Bass and A. S.
Watkins in the original Register of the Treasury-note Bureau for two serial number runs of T-41 notes.
Page 5 of the Register contains an interesting analysis of the male and female signers of the
Treasury notes. At least one entry is in error, the entry for the “Highest number of partners” for the Act of
February 17th, 1864, which lists a total of 40 partners. The author’s analysis of 515,000 notes signed by
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Sarah Pelot indicates that she had 48 partners.7 This may be the result of more fluidity in partners in the
latter half of the 1864 issue for which there are no published records. The author has reconstructed about
95% of the serial number runs signed by Sarah Pelot in the period for which there is no data in the
Register.7 An analysis of these entries showed that Pelot worked from May 9th, 1864, a date very close to
the commencement of work by the Treasury-note Bureau at Columbia, South Carolina, to approximately
February 2nd, 1865. Sherman arrived at Columbia on February 15th, 1865, shelled the train station on
February 16th burning the last car in the train loaded with the equipment of the Treasury-note Bureau, and
burned the city on February 17th. Pelot’s employment spanned nearly all of the period not documented by
the Register and serves as a good model for the pairing of the signers.
Page 6 of the Register is a listing of the T-1 to T-6 Montgomery and Richmond issues signed by
the Treasurer and the Register, not the clerks who signed “for” them on subsequent issues. E. C. Elmore
signed as the Treasurer on all of these notes. A. B. Clitherall declined to make the move to Richmond,
Virginia, when the Confederate capitol was relocated there from Montgomery, Alabama, and he was
temporarily replaced by C. T. Jones until Robert Tyler assumed the role of Register. Although C. T.
Jones’ signature is well known on T-2 notes, it was Marvin Ashmore who pointed out that Jones also
signed a single-known T-5 note on August 12th, 1861, and more importantly, Ashmore’s careful
inspection of the Register also indicated that Jones probably signed two T-6 notes. This motivated the
author to graphically analyze the Register by volume of notes and dates of issue, seen in Figure 8 (below).
Clitherall resigned one day before the last Montgomery notes were issued, and observation of
extant T-2 notes issued on July 23rd, 1861, indicates that Clitherall signed serial numbers 577 to 583.
Jones signed serial numbers 584 to 607 dated July 27th, 1861.8 Marvin Ashmore’s T-5 note, serial
number 2103, was issued on August 12th, 1861. The Register shows that Ashmore’s note was part of a run
of just nine notes from serial number 2101 to 2109. The only other notes issued on that day were just two
T-6 notes serialized 2101 and 2102, with the implication that Jones signed those as well. As Ashmore has
pointed out, C. T. Jones was an Assistant Register of the United States Treasury, and Treasury warrants
with his signature are known from 1858; he held a similar position in the Confederate Treasury
With the exception of missing records for April, 1863, the quantities of notes, their serial
numbers, and signers are complete up to the middle of 1864, when for unknown reasons the Register
abruptly ends, even though production continued until mid-February 1865. In the process of
reconstructing Pelot’s output the author kept records of the highest serial numbers observed for all
denominations in the February 17th, 1864 issue.7 Thian included his own estimates of these serial numbers
on page 178 of the Register in an effort to calculate the total Confederate debt. Here follows the author’s
data relative to Thian’s record on page 178:
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$500: The maximum serial number of this denomination has been well researched by Dr. Steve
Feller in a series of articles.9 Dr. Feller lists 38386 as the highest known serial number; the author owns
serial 38385. Thian lists 37607 as the highest serial he observed.
$100: Thian observed serial number 32561 in Series 2. The author owns serial number 44770
with the genuine signatures of S. Johnson and M. Gist.
$50: Thian observed serial number 44166 in Series 4. The author has observed serial number
43928 and has no reason to question Thian’s observation.
$20: Thian observed serial number 78456 in Series XI. The author has observed serial number
39573 with genuine signatures, and questions this very large discrepancy. Many Series XI $20 notes exist
without serial numbers or signatures.
$10: Thian observed serial number 79841 in Series 10. The author owns serial number 71417 and
71430 with signatures which may be genuine and serial number 71469 which is numbered but has no
signatures, and believes that 71430 likely represents the upper limit of genuine notes.
$5: Thian observed serial number 7698 in Series 7. The author has observed many notes just
below this number and has no reason to question Thian’s observation.
$2: Thian observed serial number 102799. The author has observed many examples with higher
serial numbers, including 117952 with the genuine signatures of J. Connor and J. Wilson.
$1: Thian observed serial number 74800. The author has observed many examples with higher
serial numbers, including 85250 with the genuine signatures of F. Jones and M. Allen.
It is useful to recall that when Sherman burned the Treasury-note Bureau in February 1865, the
result was that a great many unsigned sheets of notes of almost all denominations were turned loose on
the public. Some of these sheets were numbered and signed by amateur counterfeiters who had no idea
how to serialize a sheet, numbering the notes on a sheet consecutively, when of course all numbers on a
correctly-numbered sheet would be the same, but have different plate position letters to make them
unique. Such a consecutively-numbered T-68 sheet with counterfeit, unlisted signatures “for Register” is
shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. A crop of the
image of a genuine whole
sheet with counterfeit
numbers and signatures.
Consecutive serial numbers
48799 on Plate Letter B and
48800 on Plate Letter C are
obviously counterfeit, as
genuine numbers would
have been the same for all
eight notes on the sheet,
Plate Letters A to H, where
the plate letters make each
note unique. The counterfeit
signature resembles no name
in the Register. It has also
been observed on individual
notes with another
counterfeit signature for
Treasurer. The serial
numbers are in a plausible
Image courtesy HA. com.
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Some T-68 Series 10 notes have plausible serial numbers but obviously counterfeit signatures
with unlisted names in the Register and are written in a cramped hand. Nearly all genuine signatures are
large, fluid and rushed at this late date for Series 10 notes. Some notes exhibit crude imitations of genuine
signatures. Figure 10 shows an example.
Only one new genuine signature has been observed in the February 17th, 1864 issue, and all
examples have been observed on $100, $10, and $5 notes with serial numbers which would place the
signature in the January 1865 time frame; that signature, shown in Figure 11, is M. Selden “for Register.”
The new signature is compact like that of a new signer, but its correlation with several genuine
countersignatures for Treasurer shows that it is genuine and different from the ubiquitous M. Selden “for
Some signatures are nearly illegible on notes signed just before the fall of Columbia, but they are
not counterfeit. The signature of L. Courtney in Figure 12 is a good example. It is nearly illegible on this
late T-68 Series 9 note, but it is fluid and not written in a cramped hand. The style shows a normal
progression from earlier, better-formed examples, and it occurs with genuine countersignatures. The
normal trend of signature styles is small and careful in the earliest examples at the beginning of
employment progressing to large, fluid, and much more open examples in later work.
$100 T-65 Series II notes can be found with very high printed serial numbers in the range of
96000 without signatures, and a few have counterfeit signatures, as seen in Figure 11. These were likely
cut from stolen sheets after the fall of Columbia, and none have been observed with genuine signatures.
The highest observed serial number with genuine signatures is 44770.
Figure 10. A serial number in a
plausible range but a fictitious
name “for Register” and a crude
imitation of the signer L. C.
Minor “for Treasurer. “ A great
many such notes exist with
counterfeit numbers and signers,
and all are probably cut from
sheets stolen after the fall of
Columbia in February 1865.
Image courtesy HA. com.
Figure 11. New signer,
M. Selden “for
Register,” $100 Series
II, serial 41454, plen C.
Figure 12. The genuine, but
rushed, signature of (Mrs.) L.
Courtney “for Register” and
(Miss) M(issouri) Godwin
“for Treasurer, $10 Series 9,
serial number 96493, plen B.
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Of importance to collectors is the great likelihood that forgeries exist of serial number “1” for T-70 and T-
71 notes for which there are no records in the Register of the signers. Uncut, stolen sheets are a prime
candidate. More dangerous are notes with genuine signatures on which the serial number was
inadvertently omitted. The forgery can sometimes be ascertained by looking at the printer’s imprint. Both
denominations were printed by Hoyer & Ludwig in Richmond at the beginning of issue with two imprints
reading “Engraved by Keatinge & Ball, Columbia, S.C.” on the bottom margin and “Litho’d by Evans &
Cogswell” on the left in vertical print. These imprints ranged from serial 1 to about serial 37893 for the T-
70 notes; the highest serial observed for T-71 notes is 41272. At some point after those serial numbers the
imprint reads “Engraved & Printed by Keatinge & Ball” only at the bottom margin. Any note bearing
serial number “1” with only the imprint “Engraved & Printed by Keatinge & Ball” at the bottom margin
is an obvious forgery. Such a note has been observed with genuine, fluid, later-style signatures. The
signers of the first 100-serial block T-70 notes were I(sabel). De Leon and E(tta). Kelly. Caveat emptor.
The most significant errors in the Register relating to the quantity of issued notes probably reside
on page 178, where Thian recorded the highest serial numbers he observed. These high serial numbers
will continue to be refined with time, but observations are fraught with the existence of counterfeit
signatures and serial numbers on stolen, genuine sheets. The author believes that Thian’s highest-
observed serial numbers for T-67 and T-68 notes may reflect such forgeries.
The evidence lies in three T-68 notes, two of which are illustrated in Figure 14. Both notes are
$10, Series 10 issues, the last series of T-68s. The note illustrated at top, serial number 71417, and an un-
illustrated note, serial number 71430, exhibit the late-style signatures of E. Coffin and L. Holmes.
Although these notes have large,
fluid signatures, they have some
disparity with the originals; if
genuine, they probably define an
upper serial number limit. The note
illustrated at bottom, exhibiting
serial number 71649 in the same
style of script as the other notes,
has no signatures. All of the many
notes observed by the author with
higher serial numbers exhibit
obviously counterfeit signatures
similar to those in Figure 10. Thian
may have recorded a note with
forged numbers and signatures. It is
not impossible, but highly
improbable that serial number
71469 was part of continuous run
but had the unfortunate luck to be
missing both signatures.
Figure 13. The signatures are counterfeit on this $100, Series II, note with serial number 96211 plen D. The
signature of E. Coffin is a crude attempt at the real signature of this genuine signer, and the signature “for
Treasurer” in not listed or known. Serial number 96204 plen D also shows these signatures.
Image from the author’s collection.
Figure 14. Images from the author’s collection.
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Lastly, Figure 15 (at left)
shows an extreme example of the range
of a genuine signature, that of Miss
Kate Korff “for Treasurer” on the right
side of each note. Korff’s signature on
the $1 T-71 note, serial number 1217,
was signed during the very beginning
of T-71 issues, and the $2 T-70 note,
serial number 111773 was signed
towards the very end of the T-72 issue.
Note the size and fluidity of the later
signature, which is 41% of the height of
the T-70 design. While Korff’s
signature is an extreme example, it
stands in contrast to the cramped style
of the signatures in Figure 10, typical of
counterfeit signatures on stolen sheets.
The Register is a gold mine for
the serious collector and researcher of
Confederate Treasury notes. Spend
some time with it and your efforts will
be rewarded; it may also save you from
financial grief.
1. Thian, Raphael Prosper. Register of the Confederate Debt, edited by Dr. Douglas Ball, Quarterman Publications, Lincoln, MA,
1972, 190pp.
2. McNeil, Michael. Register of Confederate Treasury Notes, an Excel file named “Register1861_150525,” updated January
2017, Mead, Colorado. The author requests that he be given credit in citations of this work, which he places in the Public Domain
with one important exception: the images of Treasury notes and cropped images of those notes are courtesy of Pierre Fricke and
may not be reproduced without his permission — email him at This work was created by the author entirely
by hand-entry extending over many hundreds of hours; optical character readers (OCR) will not convert the typeface used by
Thian’s publisher from the 1870s. Future researchers are welcome to add to this database. The author will send a copy free of
charge via Dropbox. Email the author at:
3. McNeil, Michael. Signers of Confederate Treasury Notes 1861-’65, self-published, Mead, CO, 2003, 156pp. Out of print.
4. McNeil, Michael and Williams, W. Crutchfield, II. A Cross Reference for Criswell to Thian, Paper Money, 2005, Vol. XLIV,
No. 235, January/February, pp. 62-67.
5. Fricke, Pierre. Collecting Confederate Paper Money, Field Edition 2014, published by Pierre Fricke, Sudbury, MA, 2014.
6. McNeil, Michael. An Architecture of Confederate Treasury Notes by Series, Printer, Place, and Denomination with Dates and
Quantities Issued, Paper Money, 2017, Vol. LVI, No. 307, January/February, pp. 39-45. See Tables 4a and 4B.
7. McNeil, Michael. The McNeil Collection of Confederate Treasury Notes signed by Sarah Pelot for the Register, an Excel
spreadsheet and analysis of 515,000 Treasury notes named “170118_McNeil Collection.” The bottom of the first sheet contains
the highest known serial numbers of the February 17th, 1864 issue with genuine signatures. The bottom of the second sheet shows
Pelot’s number of partners for Treasurer. The author will send a copy free of charge via Dropbox. Email the author at:
8. Collecting Confederate Paper Money, Field Edition, 2014, p. 124.
9. Feller, Steve. 2363 Note Survey on T-64 CSA $500 Notes: What Was the Last Note Issued?, Paper Money, 2016, Vol. LV, No.
302, p. 118.
10. Ball, Douglas B., and Simmons, Henry F., Jr. Comprehensive Catalog and History of Confederate Bonds, BNR Press, Port
Clinton, Ohio, 2015, p. 284. This list contains all of the coupon signers known to the author. A great many of these signers
appear on T-52 Series 4 notes. This list can be compared with the Register to find correlations.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
City of Des Moines Scrip
Money To Burn
by Marv Wurzer
One of the more difficult Iowa obsoletes to find in issued form is the City of Des Moines “city
scrip” notes of the late 1850s. In fact, they may well be non‐existent. Dean Oakes’ 1983 book, Iowa
Obsolete Notes and Scrip, indicates “the note is not known to have survived, although it is thought to
have been issued.”1 In his recently published update (2015), Oakes reiterates that issued notes are
unknown.2 In my research, I have found nothing to indicate anything to the contrary. The City of Des
Moines notes apparently only survive in proof form. There are eight proofs currently known in
existence for each of the four denominations. Each denomination has four black and white proofs (see
the $1 and $2 notes in this article) and four proofs with a red overprint of the respective denomination
bannered across the lower half of the proof (see $3 and $5 notes pictured in this article).3
Generally, little is found about the City of Des Moines notes. However, as with most obsoletes,
there is a story to tell, however brief it may be. You just have to find it.
The “new” city of Des Moines was organized on January 28, 1857, as a successor to what had
formerly been known as Fort Des Moines. The initial set of city ordinances were twenty‐nine in
number. The preamble of the last and twenty‐ninth ordinances reflected the rather shaky economics of
the times:
“Whereas: Owing to the present scarcity of money, it is found impossible to
collect sufficient of the taxes due the city to defray current expenses, and to pay
outstanding indebtedness; and
Whereas, it is impolitic and unwise for the city to pay the rate of interest
demanded on loans; and
Whereas, it seems probable that if warrants on the city treasury were issued in a
form to render them readily negotiable, parties holding them would be enabled to
dispose of them readily to taxpayers and others; and
Whereas, by the general circulation of convenient warrants, taxpayers would
become possessed of means by which to pay their taxes ….4
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These were tough times in Iowa. The belief in the eastern U.S. was that “Iowa credit was so low
that were the State put up at auction, it would not bring enough to pay the taxes.”
Iowa Governor Ralph P. Lowe in 1858 encapsulated the problem:
“It is needless to disguise the fact that we are greatly in debt …. Possessing
millions of produce and other good property we have no money or available credit to
meet our liabilities.”5
The warrants were to be on bank note paper “and in the form and with designs usual to bank
notes, the style of the same when in blank being:
State of Iowa
The city of Des Moines will pay the bearer (one, two, three, or five as the case
may be) dollars at the office of the city Treasurer, out of any moneys in his hands, not
otherwise appropriated.”6 (Emphasis added.)
The “city warrants” were issued in $1, $2, $3, and $5 denominations “not exceeding in the
aggregate the amount of taxes assessed for the current year.”7 Some of the results of this directive are
the proof notes that appear within this article. $50,000 of the scrip was issued in accordance with the
city ordinance in 1857. The local press was enthusiastic at the introduction of the “scrip.” The following
appeared in the Tri‐Weekly Iowa State Journal (Des Moines), January 15, 1858:
“We have been favored with a sight at our new City Scrip. It is a handsome
engraving, and intrinsically is no doubt better for our local purposes than much of the
stuff which has been circulating amongst us. We do not know what arrangements have
been made with our bankers; but in the absence of sounder currency, we recommend the
use of the Scrip in ordinary business transactions.”
However, in an 1865 decision involving litigation over the City of Des Moines “scrip,” the Iowa
Supreme Court wrote that the scrip seemed “not to have realized the high anticipations which its
emission had inspired.”8 In fact, it didn’t. The notes were issued in $1, $2, $3, and $5 denominations
“not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of taxes assessed for the current year.”9 The notes were
only in general circulation around the city and did not gain much traction or popularity outside the city.
As the ordinance indicated, the scrip existed to satisfy city liabilities to vendors in a negotiable and
recognizable format. In the ideal situation, these holders would pass the scrip on to taxpayers who
would eventually pay their taxes with it. In essence, the city was pre‐spending its tax collections. The
city gave the scrip to vendors expecting the scrip to be presented and be redeemed by the local
population as payments for taxes due. The notes, purely a local currency, were withdrawn from
circulation in just two years.
The terms of payment of the scrip (at “office of the City Treasurer out of any monies in his hands
not otherwise appropriated”) made the “readily negotiable” goal of the originating city ordinance
unattainable. The City rarely had money. If it did, it was always already “appropriated.” Other less
formalized types of interest bearing city warrants were often given in partial redemption of the city
scrip. In 1860, less than three years after its authorization, the city issued orders for the complete
redemption of city scrip.10
Disgruntled holders of “ordinary” city warrants brought the 1865 Iowa Supreme Court case
referenced above. They held interest‐bearing warrants received in exchange for the city scrip in the
redemption. The city sought to avoid payment of these warrants by making the argument that the
ordinary city warrants given by the city in redemption of illegal and void scrip were therefore also illegal
and void. (The city argued that the Iowa Constitution prohibited the issuance of scrip to circulate as
money.) Despite the court’s holding that the scrip was “illegal, we have no doubt,” the Supreme Court
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was not buying the city’s argument. It held against the city. The court was not about to let the city use
its illegal issuance of scrip as a defense against the creditors. The court found that the city had issued
the scrip as payment of a bona fide indebtedness and intended the scrip to circulate as money.
Lampson P. Sherman – City of Des Moines Treasurer (1858‐1860)
The scrip/notes provided a signature line for the City Recorder and by its
Mayor. But crucial in this process was the City Treasurer who was charged with
making payment on presentation by the bearer “out of any moneys in his hands,
not otherwise appropriated.” The Treasurer of the City of Des Moines in the
1858 to 1860 period happened to be a member of the soon‐to‐be well‐known
Sherman family. Lampson P. Sherman was a former mayor of Fort Des Moines
and played an integral part in the founding of the city. He was the city’s first
newspaper publisher, active in politics and a founding father of Des Moines.
Lampson’s brothers are pictured below. His brother John (on the left)
was a U.S. Senator from Ohio, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President
Hayes and U.S. Secretary of State under President McKinley. Lampson’s brother Hoyt (on the right) was
a well‐known early banker in Des Moines. However, the best‐known member of his family was his
brother William Tecumseh Sherman (middle), the famed Civil War General. He became commanding
general of the U.S. Army (1869‐1883) succeeding Ulysses S. Grant when Grant assumed the U.S.
presidency in 1869.
After his stint as City Treasurer, President Andrew Johnson appointed Lampson in 1867 as
Collector of Internal Revenue for Iowa’s Des Moines area district. With brotherly help, he held this post
until 1884. His term was to have ended earlier during President Grant’s second term, but intervention
by General Sherman saved his position.
“I have seen the President and explained to him the removal of Lamp [Lampson].
He [Grant] assured me that he knew nothing of it whatever, & only signed the papers
presented to him … and that he would recall the nomination [of Lampson’s proposed
replacement].” ‐Letter from General William Tecumseh Sherman to Senator John
Sherman, March 15, 1873.
Grant withdrew the nomination of Lampson’s replacement two days later.
Papers found in Lampson’s estate after his death shed some additional light on why issued scrip
of the City of Des Moines appears to be nonexistent. Although the city had ordered the redemption of
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the scrip within a year or two after its issuance, the question lingered as to what had been done with the
issued, redeemed scrip. The answer was found among Lampson’s papers, specifically in the name of the
issuer of the following receipt:
“Received of L. P. Sherman, Treasurer of the City of Des Moines, One Hundred
and Twenty‐nine Dollars of City Script, which has been signed and in circulation.
J. A. Williamson
G. W. Cleaveland
J. H. McClelland
Committee Appointed to Burn the Same
February Twenty‐first, 1859.”11 (Emphasis added.)
Lampson Sherman likely received many of these receipts from the “burn” committee while the
City Treasurer. By specific appointment of a “burn” committee, the City of Des Moines went to the
extent of making sure all scrip surrendered to Sherman as the City Treasurer, “which has been signed
and in circulation,” became “money to burn.” (It is a bit ironic that a different type of burning would
later play a significant role in his brother’s (General Sherman’s) legacy.)
If any issued scrip does survive, which now appears unlikely, it has managed to do so because its
holder or holders in 1859‐1860 failed to answer the call to redeem, thereby avoiding the authorized City
of Des Moines monetary bonfires.
1 Oakes, Dean G. Iowa Obsolete Notes and Scrip, Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. (1983), pp. 2, 38‐39.
2 Oakes, Dean. Iowa Obsolete Notes & Scrip – A Revision of Original 1982 Book, (2015), p.50.
3 Ibid.
4 Brigham, Johnson. Des Moines : The Pioneer of Municipal Progress, and Reform of the Middle West, S.J. Clarke
Publishing Company Chicago (1911), p. 156.
5 Iowa Historical Record, State Historical Society, Iowa City, Iowa (1899) p. 61.
6 Ibid., at 157.
7 Ibid.
8 Clark v. The City of Des Moines, 19 Iowa 199, at 226.
9 Brigham.
10 Ibid., at 226.
11 Andrews, L.F. Pioneers of Polk County, Iowa and Reminiscences of Early Days – Vol. I, Baker‐Trisler Company, Des
Moines (1908), p. 161.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Quincy Mining Company Scrip Varieties
by Dave Gelwicks
Many articles and much history have been written about the Quincy Mining Company, the copper
mining giant of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Quincy was known throughout Michigan's copper boom as
Old Reliable since it paid stock dividends from 1867 to 1921.
Through various internet search methods, and a personal review of some of the Quincy archives
at Michigan Technological University’s Van Pelt and Opie Library, it appears that very few paragraphs
have been dedicated to the various scrip details issued by the mine to pay employees and merchants
whose labor and supplies kept the Quincy mines running for over 100 years. Dr. Wallace Lee lists 7
different Quincy scrip types and mentions office location variations of each.1
This article will describe many examples of Quincy mine scrip and concentrate on the various
permanent plate changes, as well as a few hand-written changes, during the years when this scrip was
distributed. National Bank Notes, issued by the United States government starting in 1863, eventually
replaced the mining scrip shown in this article.
Quincy Shaft No. 2 circa 1900
Fig. 1--The first scrip type known to this
author is shown in Fig. 1. Abbreviated:
Quincy Mining Com'y. , located at Quincy
Mine, Lake Sup. No. 18, January 28, 1858.
It reads: At sight pay to the order
of R. Sheldon & Co. The sum of One
Thousand one hundred fifty-three 73/100
Esq., Treasurer of Quincy Mining Co., New
York City. Signed C.C. Douglas,
Ransom Sheldon was one of the first merchants to set-up stores in the cities of Houghton and
Hancock Michigan to service the miners and the mine owners with supplies. Christopher Columbus
Douglas was the mine superintendent in 1858.
This collector often wonders if pieces No. 1-17 still exist in other’s possessions or have those
been destroyed leaving this as the oldest piece of scrip to survive all those years?
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The back of No. 18 is shown in Fig. 2 and shows how R. Sheldon signed this money over to L.
Edgerton & Dunning in the same manner we would re-assign a check still today, 157 years later. The
scrip type displayed in Fig. 1 is the rarest to locate for today's collector.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3--Lady Liberty in the left margin, the color red in the full-name header and the formal address of
No. 4 Hanover Street, New York
were added by July 1858 and
shown in Fig. 3. The
Superintendent's signature was
removed and the Clerk's added.
The previous scrip type (Fig. 1)
existed at least through No. 129,
June 9, 1858. Fig. 3 scrip, No. 34
is payable at sight to Thomas F.
Mason for four thousand dollars
in 1858 dollars! Mason was one of
the original founders of the
Quincy Mining Company.
Fig. 4--Until this piece the
scrip’s printer was not
identified but Wm. D.Roe &
Co. 59 Wall St. N.Y. is shown
on the bottom left of Fig. 4.
Significant changes here also
include the mining scene
vignette on the left replacing
Lady Liberty, the entire note
is printed in blue, the notes are
now labeled as OFFICE
QUINCY MINING COMPANY, Quincy Mine, Lake Superior with Superior spelled in full. The address
also changed to No. 3 Hanover St. New York. This note was payable to C.C.Douglas ten days after sight.
Note that John Simpkins, Esq. is listed as Treasurer and N.S. Simpkins, Jr. is now the Clerk signing
each note. This note No. 259, dated June 9, 1859, is an early example of these changes.
From other notes in this collection it is known that the blue scrip was printed through at least No.
1799 dated August 24, 1861 and the next type shown in Fig. 5 was dated May 9, 1862.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Fig. 5--A pattern begins to
develop at this time showing that
the printing plates and new scrip
were issued with each main
office change or personnel
change of the Treasurer whose
name was printed on the Quincy
scrip. This Fig. 5 variety
eliminated the blue print
switching to all black, added W.
Hart Smith, Esq. Treas. and No. 51 Exchange Place, New York. The printer changed to John J.
Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers St., N.Y. and this firm would remain the for the balance of the scrip
known and also shows on many other Quincy paper items.
The United States government began taxing the mining company scrip by issuing tax revenue
stamps with the Revenue Act of 1862. These tax revenues were to support the Civil War. Fig. 6 (below)
shows the 5-cent and 3-cent
George Washington variety
revenue stamps on the left side
of the note partially covering
the mining vignette. These
stamps were hand-stamp
cancelled at QUINCY MINE
notes are also collected by
stamp collectors for both the
revenue stamps and their
respective cancellations.
Note in both Figs. 5-6 where the bottom address begins to the right of the mining vignette below
the treasurer's name.
Fig. 7--The next variety, dated
December 22, 1864 shown in Fig. 7,
is very similar to Figs. 5 and 6 except
the font size has changed. It becomes
more difficult to read the printer’s
identification on the lower left corner
and other words below the date have
been made smaller. The numeral after
the No. is now printed in blue, no
longer hand written.
Fig. 8--The only noticeable difference in
another variety (Fig. 8) is the location of the
printing of the address now tucked tightly in the
left corner just below the vignette, next to the
left hand margin. The font has also been slightly
increased but the rest of the note appears
unchanged compared to the example in Fig. 7.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Fig. 9--The note shown in Fig. 9
has another address change but at
this time the plate had not been
changed: No. 51 Exchange Place
has been changed by hand-
scratching-out 51 and changing to
43 in red. This started at least on
May 14, 1869 and continued as a
black stamped numeral change No.
43 until at least October 1, 1869 as
shown in Fig. 10 (below).
Fig. 10
Fig. 11--It appears that at
least by Nov. 20, 1869 the plate
had formally been changed to
show No. 43 Exchange Place as
the official address but now New
York had been dropped from the
address as displayed in Fig. 11.
Fig. 12--Another address
changed caused the same hand
changes until the plate could be
changed. Fig. 12 shows the 3
scratched out changing No. 43 to No.
4 and Exchange Place being changed
to Exchange Court, and New York
written in cursive. This is known to
have happened from at least May 9,
1870 through December 22, 1870
when the address was formally shown
as No. 4 Exchange Court New York,
as seen in Fig. 13.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Fig. 13--Fig. 13 also shows the 2-
cent revenue stamped embedded
in gold in the center of the note
for the first time. It should also be
noted that the “W.H.S. TREAS.”
stamp (for W. Hart Smith) stamp
cancellation continues the address
confusion by still listing his
address as 51 Ex. Place, which
was two address changes prior!
Fig. 14--Major changes
occur within the 2.5 years since the
last example and the scrip example
shown in Fig. 14. On this note dated
April 20, 1873 the imbedded 2-cent
revenue stamp is smaller, the mine
location left of the date now shows
Hancock, Lake Superior, Mich.,
Wm. Rogers Todd is now Treas. and
the main office now shows No 60
City Exchange. Boston. and the
printer’s identification has moved to
a bottom-center location.
Fig. 15--Fig. 15, dated January 14,
1878, has red overprint on the
address now showing a return to No.
4 Exchange Court, New York
lasting at least until March 17, 1879
as verified in this scrip collection.
Fig. 16--Fig. 16, dated July 24,
1879, officially shows the Bloomfield
plate change to 4 Exchange Court
New York. This continued at least
through Dec. 29, 1879 verified by
other notes in this collection.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Fig. 17--The example in Fig. 17 shows
another plate change for the address to
52 Broadway Room 70 New York dated
March 28, 1889. This example lasted at
least through December 23, 1889 on
other notes reviewed.
The various types of notes are summarized in Table 1 and listed by a numeral system designed as
a future reference for those collectors trying to assemble a set of all the Quincy scrip known by this
author. QMC. Each note is defined by the following details:
QMC No. (Quincy Mining Company assigned number in this paper)
Lee Reference No. (from Michigan Banknotes, Dr. Wallace Lee 1)
Corporate Office Address (Eastern States financial district area)
Printer (length of name in millimeters defines many changes)
Treasurer (as engraved on printing plate per type)
Signature (physical signature on that note shown)
Mine Location
QMC Lee Corporate Address Printer Treasurer Signature Mine Location
1 Unknown Unknown John Simpkins C.C. Douglas Quincy Mine, Lake Sup.
3 1 No. 4 Hanover Street, New York Unknown John Simpkins J.P. Ovid Quincy Mine, Lake Sup.
4 4 No. 3 Hanover St., New York Wm.D. Roe, 59 Wall St. N.Y. John Simpkins
Simpkins, Jr. Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
5 No. 51 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith
Simpkins, Jr. Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
6 5 No. 51 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.N. Wright Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
7 No. 51 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.N. Wright Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
8 Same as QMC 7 but printer in far left left‐hand corner
9 No. 51x43 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.M. Foster Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
10 No. 51x43 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.M. Foster Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
11 No. 43 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.N. Wright Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
12 6 No. 4 x3 Exchange Place xx Court, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith A.J. Coney Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
13 No. 4 Exchange Court, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith A.J. Coney Quincy Mine, Lake Superior
14 No 60 City Exchange, Boston
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. Wm. Rogers Todd
Kloeckner Hancock, Lake Superior, Mich.
15 No. 4 Exchange Court, New York (red overprint)
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. Wm. Rogers Todd
Kloeckner Hancock, Lake Superior, Mich.
No 60 City Exchange, Boston
16 4 Exchange Court, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. Wm. Rogers Todd
Kloeckner Hancock, Lake Superior, Mich.
17 7 52 Broadway, Room 70 New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 72 Chambers
St., N.Y. Wm. Rogers Todd
Kloeckner Hancock, Lake Superior, Mich.
$10 Green Notes
18 2 No. 43 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 70 & 72
Chambers St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith A.J. Coney Hancock, Mich.
19 No. 4 x3 Exchange Place xx Court, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 70 & 72
Chambers St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith A.J. Coney Hancock, Mich.
$20 Yellow Notes
20 No. 51 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 70 & 72
Chambers St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.N. Wright Hancock, Mich.
21 No. 51x43 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 70 & 72
Chambers St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith J.M. Foster Hancock, Mich.
22 3 No. 43 Exchange Place, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 70 & 72
Chambers St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith A.J. Coney Hancock, Mich.
23 No. 4 x3 Exchange Place xx Court, New York
John J. Bloomfield, Stationer, 70 & 72
Chambers St., N.Y. W. Hart Smith A.J. Coney Hancock, Mich.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
During a certain period of time, the Quincy Mining Company also issued scrip in fixed $10 or
$20 denominations. It is estimated that these fixed dollar amounts were much easier to distribute than the
handwritten notes described above. These notes are shown in Figs. 18-23 and exhibit addresses and plate
changes similar to the notes previously described.
The $10 green notes state: At sight pay to my own order…The $20 yellow notes state: At sight pay to the order of...
The remaining fixed denomination notes seem to be in the 1865-1870 range but this author has found no
documentation defining their start or end dates except by comparing it to the scrip addresses shown in Table 1.
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
Fig. 20 Fig. 21
Fig. 22 Fig. 23
In the Table 1 item descriptions reference is given to both the item No. on pages 495 – 498 in Dr. Lee’s
book1 and to the length in millimeters of the Printer’s name. Another way to reference plate changes is by measuring
the total width of the Printer’s name and also the length of the indentation from the left margin of the note to the first
letter in the Printer’s name.
This research has attempted to document each Quincy Mining Company scrip change from 1858 -1889. If
you know of other scrip existing which shows other addresses, mine locations or other details not described here the
author would certainly hope to see, or to learn of, such items so this record could remain as complete as possible.
1. MICHIGAN OBSOLETE BANK & SCRIP NOTES OF THE 19TH CENTURY by Dr. Wallace Lee, Edited by Clifford
Mishler, Krause Publications 2006.
2. OLD RELIABLE an Illustrated History of the Quincy Mining Company by Larry D. Lankton & Charles K. Hyde, Quincy
Mine Hoist Association publisher, 1982.
4. Quincy Mining Company Collection, MS-001 The Michigan Technological University Archives, Houghton, MI summer 2015.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Central States
Numismatic Society
78th Anniversary Convention
April 25-28, 2018
(Bourse Hours – April 25 – 12 noon-6pm
Early Birds: $125 Registration Fee)
Schaumburg, IL
Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel &
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Visit our website:
Bourse Information: Patricia Foley
(414) 698-6498 •
Hotel Reservations:
Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel - 1551 North Thoreau Drive • Call (847) 303-4100
Ask for the “Central States Numismatic Society” Convention Rate.
Problems booking? - Call Convention Chairman Kevin Foley at (414) 807-0116
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• Heritage Currency Signature Sale
• Educational Programs
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• Free Hotel Guest and Visitor Parking
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No Pesky
Sales Tax in
Confiscated Currency
Characteristics and Serial Numbers
by Bob Ayers
(Translated from German report of articles confiscated on February 20
1931 from the Berlin factory of Arkady Uralsky-Udinseff, with
additional information added by the author.)
1882 $500
Obverse: Plate numbers B4 and A4
Reverse: Plate Number 2
Signatures: Tehee- Burke
Identifying characteristics:
Obverse: Very well reproduced. The masculine portrait as a whole makes a somewhat sooty
and untidy appearance. The fold in the face which runs almost vertically between mouth and the left
half of the beard – as seen by the observer - is joined to the shadow which is done in hatching and
runs down diagonally from the corner of the nose; on genuine notes it is drawn detached. The oval in
the background isn’t rounded; at the point where the hatching meets, the line is jagged in parts.
In the left-hand upper corner above the portrait the small delicate lettering is irregular. In the
text: “Under Chap. 290 Sec. 12” the second down stroke in the letter “n” and the first part of the
following “d” and the figures “2” and “0” came out noticeably smaller, the final stroke of the letter
2a” is drawn too far downwards. The type of the line below it, which is slightly curved, shows similar
irregularities, though somewhat less.
The Treasury seal, printed in red, is sometimes put the wrong side around, so that the legend
reads wrongly, beginning at the right in mirror writing: the key in the inside field is placed with the
handle to the left.
Reverse: The imprint gives the impression of a genuine well-worn print; sometimes it is
produced as thicker and more brownish. In the word “hundred” of the written denomination, the
second down stroke of the letter “h” and the first down stroke of the letter “n” appear shorter at the
top because of the light.
a. Red Treasury Seal in mirror writing (bit of key turned to the right, as seen by the observer).
Serial Numbers:
D 63012
D 63014
D 63015
D 63021
D 63022
D 63025
D 63027
D 63042
D 63044
D 63045
D 63047
D 63049
D 63050
D 63051
D 63052
D 63054
D 63057
D 63059
D 63070
D 63071
D 63072
D 63074
D 63077
D 63079
D 63091
D 620 95
D 63097
D 63102
D 77160
D 77163
D 77164
D 77165
D 77190
D 77192
D 77194
D 77195
D 77196
D 77200
D 77202
D 77203
b. Red Treasury Seal correct (bit of key turned to the left as seen by the observer).
Serial Numbers:
D 46437
D 46440
D 46444
D 46447
D 46451
D 46453
D 46455
D 46473
D 46475
D 77135
D 77143
D 77145
D 77152
Editors note—I want to
express my apologies to Mr.
Ayers for omitting this
portion of his article “$500
Counterfeit Program” from
the last issue of Paper
Money. Please refer to it on
pages 125-127.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
1922 $500
Obverse: Plate number D2 and C2
Reverse: Plate Number 5 also ineligible
Identifying characteristics:
Signatures: Speelman-White
Obverse: Very well reproduced. The masculine portrait as a whole makes a somewhat sooty
and untidy appearance. The fold in the face which runs almost vertically between mouth and the left
half of the beard – as seen by the observer - is joined to the shadow which is done in hatching and
runs down diagonally from the corner of the nose; on genuine notes it is drawn detached. The oval in
the background is not smoothly rounded; at the point where the hatching meets, the line is jagged in
parts. The orange colored foundation with the word “gold” is sometimes carried out in a pale orange.
On the first note that was submitted, the Treasury seal was turned around so that the legend
reads wrongly, beginning on the right, in mirror writing; the key in the inside field is placed with the
handle towards the left.
Reverse: The imprint is good without immediately discernible deviations. In the word
“hundred” of the written denomination, the second down stroke of the letter “h” and the first down
stroke of the letter “n” appear shorter at the top because of the light.
a. Red Treasury Seal in Mirror writing (bit of key turned to right, as seen by observer).
Serial Numbers:
E 2550
E 2563
E 2575
E 35203
E 35210
E 35223
E 35230
E 35235
E 35238
E 35245
E 35265
E 35295
E 56958
E 56962
E 56965
E 56972
E 56986
E 56995
E 68257
E 68274
b. Red Treasury Seal Correct (Bit of key turned to the left as seen by observer).
Serial Numbers:
E 40834
E 40838
E 40845
E 40849
E 40861
E 40870
E 40876
E 40889
E 40896
E 68273
E 68275
Plates and Spare parts Recovered:
1. One steel Plate showing the obverse of a $500 of the department series July 12, 1882, with the
portrait of Lincoln. On the plate the serial letter has obviously been removed, presumably to
be replaced by another.
2. One steel plate showing the obverse of an American $500 note of the series of 1922 with the
portrait of Lincoln and the serial letter C.
3. One steel plate showing the reverse of an American $500 note.
4. One steel plate showing the reverse of an American $500 note and, in addition, a part of the
reverse of this note which had been begun. On this part which had been begun there is a
Russian word in handwriting which translated means “neue” (new)”.
5. Another non-flexible plate showing the reverse of an American $500 note.
6. One steel plate bearing the inscription “Gold”.
7. Another steel plate bearing the inscription “Gold”.
8. One small plate showing the Treasury seal with natural writing.
9. One small plate bearing the inscription “The National City Bank of New York”.
10. 47 types showing single figures and letters.
11. Five types showing two figures.
12. Three types showing three figures
13. One type showing four figures.
Author’s note: items 14– 23 are excluded as they are a list of plates and parts for counterfeiting the
British £100 notes.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money’s
Odd Couple
Banknote Companies
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
The first weekend of April saw military
money enthusiasts gather at Camp Leo May,
Catawba Island, Ohio for the 18th incarnation of
MPCFest. Along with over twenty educational
programs (known as staff briefings), Festers
enjoyed re-enacting several aspects of 20th
century military life, such as pay call, use of
military currencies, calls to buy savings bonds,
and no-notice changes of the money in
Since Festers are also collectors (by
definition), some attention is paid to serial
numbers on the notes that pass through their
hands. Anyone who has attended a YN auction
at the ANA Summer Seminar knows that yours
truly has a fascination with the number 8 (which
actually arose before I was associated with
collecting oriental monies). Being an aficionado
of serial number 8 notes, I was approached by a
Fester who is assisting in the liquidation of the
numismatic estate of Bob Olson, a fellow Fester
who died late last year. The liquidator handed
me a Series 161 $17 military Fest certificate
with serial number A00000008★. He said he
had found it in Bob’s collection and thought I
might like it.
It took me only a second to see that his note
is not an original product of the Great Lakes
Bank Note Company, the semi-security printer
that produces MFC. For one thing, Series 161
had been printed on a special linen-finish paper
(linen texture on one side only, used for the
faces of the notes). Next, the image was
relatively fuzzy—clearly not a laser printer
product. Third, one could see elements of the
face and back designs showing through on the
Boling continued on page
We have told you about MPCFest in the
past. Well, the eighteenth Fest is now history. It
was indeed a great event. MPCFest is unlike any
other numismatic event. It is not a bourse. That
is one of the reasons that we did not call the Fest
a show. Collectors think bourse when they see
the word “show.” We do, however, have a
bourse as a pre-Fest. The bourse is from 10am-
3pm on Friday. Even though we did not have the
bourse in the early years, it has now become an
institution in its own right. The bourse is named
after SPMC member David Seelye, who was the
bourse chairman (“commander” and “do it all”
would be more like it) over the entire life of the
bourse. The fact that the bourse is only Friday
makes it a unique event, but the greater point is
that the bourse specializes in, of course, military
numismatics. I do not think that there was a
single Morgan dollar for sale! There were
however many treasures and lots of commerce.
MPCFest is a celebration of the very
unofficial specialty known informally as military
numismatics. The Fest started in 2000, when
twelve collectors got together in a hotel room in
Port Clinton, Ohio to overdose on military
payment certificate lore and discuss every other
aspect of military numismatics. That event was
literally in a hotel room, where we moved a bed
out of the way and sat on the floor! It sounds
terrible. It was wonderful.
Here we are seventeen years later and in
many ways the Fest is similar to that first
gathering. Here are the major events:
* contest to crown the national champion.
We call it March Madness. The NCAA has
stolen that from us so we might change it.
* pay operations, including a conversion (as
needed, and they always have been)
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
* presentations that we call staff briefings, in
line with our military reenactment theme
* dining-in, complete with toasts to
deserving organizations and offices
* military poker game reenactment
* scholarship auction
I will tell you a bit about each of these, but
first I will mention some minor events. During
the bourse we have informal meetings for
collectors of war bonds, Japanese invasion
money aka JIM, and even military stamps!
These events are well attended, sometimes with
as many as twenty participants! We have a sing-
along led by Kathy Freeland on Saturday
afternoon featuring patriotic songs. I cannot
vouch for the quality of the singing, but I can
attest to the gusto with which it is done. Thank
you, Kathy. On Saturday morning we take
battalion and company pictures (see battalion
picture above). There is more. The time is really
Friday night starts with dinner in the hotel—
once the Fest starts, we do not leave the hotel.
As mentioned above, this dinner includes toasts.
Friday’s dinner is also our annual anniversary
party, where we recognize the long marriages of
many Festers. While we recognize golden
anniversaries, we have a really unique wedding
couple at the Fest. Fellow columnist Joe Boling
and his bride, Louise (both Festers—unusual in
itself), were actually married at Fest six! Since
they honored everyone by having their big day
at the Fest, we honor them each year at the Fest.
My own wife, Judy, has gotten into the
action by leading the wives who are not
interested in Festing on excursions around
northwest Ohio. She has been remarkably
innovative in doing this, but I have figured out
the secret: she includes eating and shopping!
These women call themselves Tiger Lilies. They
are also welcome to and do participate in many
of the core Fest events.
After dinner we have recognition of fallen
Festers and introductions, then we move to the
central events. Each year we crown the national
champion military collector in a quiz tournament
featuring head to head competition. The
preliminary rounds are held on Friday evening,
with the finals on Saturday night. The early
rounds often include some humor and some
mismatches, but that combination has resulted in
some major upsets. Any possible hurt feelings of
defeated Festers are soothed with the award of a
special participation medal. It is a fine silver
version of the annual Fest challenge coin. This
silver version is available only by participating
in our March Madness.
Staff briefings also begin on Friday evening.
These are presentations much like you might
find at a coin club meeting or show, except that
we have lots of them: usually 25-35. They are
uniformly wonderful, but they range widely in
just about every way. Some are simply a show
and tell, although the item is usually very
carefully selected for this unique group. Others
are much more elaborate. The printed Fest
program includes summaries and images
introducing each staff briefing.
The briefings are coordinated and run by the
Fellers—Ray and Steve—although this year Ray
could not attend the event as she is nearing
delivery of a new Fester. The new Fester’s older
brother attended his first Fest when less than a
year old.
Friday night concludes with pay call. Yes,
Festers are paid to come to the Fest! We pride
ourselves on being very different from other
events, but this must certainly seem extreme.
Festers are paid in MFC (military Fest
certificates). These certificates have been issued
since the first Fest and are negotiable for various
things at the Fest. They are now hotly collected
by many Festers and even a few non-Festers.
The MFC is created in the tradition of MPC, and
the entire undertaking is a reenactment of the
MPC system that died in 1973.
The highlight of the briefings is the keynote
presentation on Saturday afternoon after chow.
This year’s keynote presenter was Larry “Ski”
Smulczenski. He gave a riveting account of a
research trip that he (and I) made in 1999 to the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. He showed
the group pictures of unissued art and military
payment certificate designs.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
In an amazing coincidence, for each of the
past 17 Fests there has been some sort of
emergency on Saturday afternoon relating to the
MFC. Counterfeiting, black marketing, or other
irregularities have necessitated the withdrawal
(conversion) of the then-current MFC.
Amazingly, it happened again this year. Series
161 MFC was withdrawn for unstated reasons,
although counterfeiting was reported.
After evening chow the new MFC is
unveiled and Festers receive their converted
funds. This year Series 161 was replaced by
Series 171. These activities set up the big
Saturday evening events.
The major Fest events are held at Camp Leo
May. The hotel (the Holiday Inn Express,
Catawba Island) calls it the Bay Shore Room,
but we have renamed it for Leo May, who was
the first of the original twelve Festers to go to
the great bourse in the sky. The “sweet sixteen”
meet in Saturday’s March Madness finals. By
this time the competition is much more serious,
with seats in the final four in sight.
The final four this year were Harold Kroll vs
two-time former champion Neil Shafer and
Steve Feller vs defending champion yours truly,
Joe having been eliminated in the round of
sixteen. The semi-finals were both very exciting,
with Neil and me moving through to the finals.
Neil is not only a two-time former champion,
but the recipient of every important award in
numismatics and my mentor. Of course it was an
honor to appear with him in the finals. Last year
I had prevailed and won the national
championship, but it was not head-to-head with
Neil. I was excited and humbled, but I wanted to
win. It was an exciting match up, just as the
semis had been.
We were tied at three with four points
needed to win. He beat me to the bell by a
nanosecond for the right to answer the final
question and ascend to the national
championship. After the contest, Neil stated that
he was going to retire from March Madness
competition, just as the two previous three-time
winners—Jim Downey and Bill Myers—had
done. I have stated, and state again, that I do not
want Neil to retire—I want a rematch!
After the national championship, annual
awards are presented. Of course you know that
Neil received the award as national champion.
The Fest recognizes the most outstanding staff
briefing, as determined by vote, with the Bob
Olson award. The award itself was named only
this year for Fester Bob Olson, who died since
Fest 16. The presentation of the first Bob Olson
award was made in an emotional talk by Jim
Downey, who had originally created the award.
The first Bob Olson award for Excellence in
Training went to Cuneyd Tolek. The
presentation had been on the secrets and lore
integrated into the designs of MFC Series 161.
The final award of the evening is the highest
award of the unofficial fraternity of military
numismatists. It is the Ray Toy Award for
Service. Ray Toy was the leader in the 1960s
and ’70s in promoting the collection of military
payment certificates, Allied military currency,
and other military money. He wrote and
published the first wide-spread catalogs on the
subject that are the direct forebears of World
War II Remembered.
The 2017 Ray Toy Award for Service was
presented by the 2016 recipient, David Seelye,
to Al Glaser. Glaser is an enthusiastic collector
of MPC and MFC. He has been a Fest first
sergeant since such positions were created. You
might be amazed to learn that he has created a
catalog of military Fest certificates! I must tell
you, it is a wonderful book. Currently, it is
available only in an electronic format. I had a
discussion with Al on this point. We are going to
work toward having hard copies available for
Fest XX in 2019.
The annual Fest poker championship is
played late Saturday night. Compared to the
other events described above and below, this
sounds like a silly event, but it is hotly contested
with pride at stake. Entry is by payment with
MFC only. The winner received an $18,000 Fest
bond, a silver bracelet, and, most importantly,
bragging rights!
I am very fortunate to have won the
tournament in the early years when we did not
have so many Festers. This year I was knocked
out of the tournament on the first hand. Yes, the
very first hand. To make matters worse, I was
defeated by my kid brother, Brad. Oh well, that
meant that I could go to bed instead of playing
extremely late. Robert Drew won the event.
Brad was second, using my chips to good
Sunday morning is reserved for the
Smulczenski Scholarship Auction. At the
auction we raise money for scholarships to the
American Numismatic Association Summer
Seminar class in military numismatics. The
auction is named for Larry Smulczenski, who is
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
an original Fester and one of only three who
have attended all eighteen Fests (with Harold
Kroll and yours truly). The auction was his idea
and he organized, ran, auctioned, shipped, and
otherwise did all of the work for fifteen years
before retiring from the post.
As usual the auction had a wonderful and
varied offering of material, and as you would
expect, very different from what you would find
in other sales. Auction invoices are settled in
FRNs, not MFC. This year the sale raised over
$2000. Over the life of the program, more than
40 scholarships have been awarded. The next
military numismatics class will be in 2018. We
would love to have your support in financing
scholarships or to see you there as a student!
After the auction, many Festers head for
home, but others (about a dozen each year) stay
over to Monday or longer. Sunday afternoon is
field trip time. Over the years we have visited a
restored WWII submarine, two air museums,
two military museums, a play dealing with
WWII, a lighthouse tour, and other historical
attractions. There is never a dull moment at Fest.
A major point of discussion this year was
the upcoming Fest XX in 2019. Everyone is
excited about making that a really landmark
event. We have developed some ideas, but can
always use more. Certainly, I will beat the drum
from my soap box here in Paper Money.
Boling continued:
opposite sides of the note, a symptom of inkjet
printer ink soaking through the paper.
It turned out the courier had also noticed that
the note is counterfeit, but had no explanation of
how Bob happened to have carried it home from
Fest last year. No counterfeits were reported at
last year’s conclave. Had there been, it would
have been grounds for immediate withdrawal of
Series 161 in exchange for Series 162 or some
earlier-printed series being held in war reserve.
Finance mavens report that no $17 MFC
were issued in pay packets this year, yet one
Fester came to me with two more examples of
this same note, with the same serial number.
Clearly somebody produced them and placed
them into circulation knowing that they would
find their way to me as a collector of serial #8
notes (and that I would identify them as
counterfeits). If the objective was to cause a
disruption in the Fest finance system this year, it
failed. I leave it to the MPs and CID to
investigate further.
So let’s discuss what made this counterfeit
instantly recognizable to a practiced observer.
These points will also apply to fakes of notes
originally made using more advanced security
printing technology.
Figures 1-4 show a genuine note (serial #
A00000008A) and the copy, made from a star
note of the same series (which is apparently in
the hands of whoever made the copies).
Hopefully, you will be able to see the greater
degree of sharpness and brightness in the
original (laser printed) piece.
The fake (printed by inkjet) is considerably
more muddy. If the editor does not crop the
images too closely, you may also be able to see
that the fake is cut irregularly, especially on the
bottom and right end, indicating that it was
hand-cut from a sheet, not guillotined.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
I examined these notes under UV
illumination to see if there was any significant
difference, and there was not—both notes
exhibit the bright white paper used for office
products at this time (but not for bank notes).
Even the laser printer could not cope with all
of the micro-printing on the back of the original
note (legible at the left end, but reduced to a
series of illegible dots at the right end). The
inkjet printer is not able to reproduce the micro-
printing with any degree of clarity. Those
names, by the way, are the names of the sailors
who died on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor.
Figures 5-6 show the original note at left and
right ends of the back (actually top and bottom,
if you orient the note vertically as intended by
the designer), at 20x magnification.
Figures 7-8 show the fake at the same
positions in the design.
Figures 9-10 show the upper right corner of
the face at 20x. Note the drastic difference in
clarity. Had the inkjet piece been printed from
the original digital file used as input to the laser
printer, it might look better, but would still not
be as good.
The all-around illumination of Figure 9 does
not show the texture of the paper on the face of
the note.
Figures 11-12, shot with side illumination,
show the texture of the face of the original piece,
and the lack of same on the face of the
Finally, figures 13-14 show the vertical gray
bar at the left end of the face of each note. You
can see that what appears to the eye to be gray is
actually fine black lines. The inkjet printer fails
utterly at keeping them distinguishable. That is
the source of the much fainter gray line at the
right end of the back of the spurious note
(hopefully visible on the journal page). That is
the inkjet ink soaking through the paper.
The face image is a tribute to military
payment certificates (first issued in 1946,
seventy years before the Fest held in 2016). The
prime-number denomination is tied to the
number of the Fest that year—the 17th. The
designers of MFC pay little attention to the
difficulties they create for finance clerks by
choosing such unusual denominations. Series
161 also had 17¢ and 34¢ fractional notes.
We’ll get back to non-fantasy notes next
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
SPMC Breakfast and
Tom Bain Raffle
June 9, 2017 at 7:30am
See website for tickets
Tom Bain Raffle
by Frank E. Clark III
I was glad to see on the SPMC website that a venue for our society's breakfast at the Kansas City
International Paper Money Show was secured at Harvey's at Union Station located at 30 West Pershing Road.
The date and time is Friday June 9, 2017 at 7:30am. The price remains the same as in previous years at $20.
Harvey's is three-tenths of a mile from the show location at the Sheraton Crown Center. Besides the buffet
breakfast and the camaraderie, SPMC awards will be bestowed and the closing act will be the much anticipated
and always fun Tom Bain Raffle.
Tom Bain was the second SPMC president and his term in office was 1963-65. In the years before the
society's banquet/breakfast was established at the International Paper Money Show at Memphis, it was held at
the American Numismatic Association's annual convention. Tom hit upon the idea to hold a raffle of donated
items to help out our society's bank account. The raffle produced a small profit at the 1964 convention in
Cleveland. The next year at the 1965 ANA convention in Houston, Tom brought Dallas dealer Mike Brownlee
into the fold. Brownlee donated several Texas notes for the raffle which helped increase the SPMC coffers.
The gathering at the 1966 banquet in Chicago saw a net profit of $86. The 1967 Miami luncheon saw a loss, but
the succeeding years produced profits such as $111 in 1971, $252 in 1972, and other increases throughout the
decade. Tom's last eponymous raffle was during the St. Louis ANA convention in 1979 with the lucky winners
in total taking home over $3,000 in prizes.
Tom was born on March 25, 1906 in Caldwell, Texas. He received both bachelor and master's degrees
in engineering from Texas A&M University. He served in the Pacific during World War II. I did not meet Tom
until the mid-1970s when he was one of the few paper money dealers who set up at the coin shows in the Dallas
area. In fact, Bain and fellow SPMC charter member John Rowe were staples at these shows. Tom was also a
member of the Dallas Coin Club having been president in 1959. He always had about ten lots of paper money to
start off the club's monthly auctions.
Tom passed away on October 21, 1985. The last two notes I got from Tom he had acquired at the May
1984 Texas Numismatic Association convention. He called me up shortly thereafter and I went over to his
house to pick up one large and one small Dallas National Bank Note.
At this point, I would like to borrow a description of Tom Bain that Wendell Wolka used in another
article about the Tom Bain Raffle that can be found in the society's January/February 2001 40th anniversary
issue of Paper Money. Wendell wrote, "Tom's hallmark was that huge unlit cigar that he could move in his
clinched jaw like a semaphore flag!" How very true.
Items for the Tom Bain Raffle are donated by the members. You can always
bring your donated items to the breakfast or give them to me or other members at the
show, such as Pierre Fricke, Mark Anderson, Wendell Wolka, or Benny Bolin.
Heritage Auctions has been generous over the years supplying many raffle items. The
last two years have seen raffle ticket sales of over $1100 each.
I look forward to the breakfast and raffle every year and encourage everyone
to attend. Even if you do not donate to the Tom
Bain Raffle, you can always purchase raffle tickets,
which are only a $1. John Wilson is our hawker and
there are quantity discounts. Wendell Wolka is the
master of ceremonies, having succeeded Tom and
does a “masterful job” which is
always entertaining, especially when
someone wins and opens one of our
"mystery box" prizes.
Twin Cigar Towers!
Bain and Amon Carter
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
2017 International Paper Money Show Speakers and Exhibits
As usual, this year’s IPMS will have a wide variety of educational experiences for attendees. Peter
Huntoon has put together an amazing slate of speackers and Martin Delger and Robert Moon will have an
equally amazing exhibit area.
Speakers include;
Joseph Boling – The making of a specialist--converted to numismatics and wandered its paths for many
years specializing in such areas as pre-Meiji monies, military emissions, Imperial bonds, and finally
extra-legal paper.
Steve Carr – National banks and notes from the other Kansas City—Mr. Carr will show you that
there is another KC and it had banks that issued some of the most interesting nationals in Kansas.
Carlson Chambliss – 106 years of Hawaii currency from scrip to WW II—He will illustrate and
breathe life into the Hawaiian currency, scrip and many other Hawaiian fantastic notes.
Lee Lofthus – Are the published outstanding National Bank Note data any good?—the big picture--
he will tell you just where these numbers came from, what they mean and the gapping pitfalls built into
Peter Huntoon – George Casilear’s patented lettering on large-size U. S. currency—designer,
inventor and Chief Engraver at the BEP whose patented lettering process dominated every new series of
currency produced at the BEP from 1873 to 1885.
Roger Urce – Currency of the first Indochina War—He will simplify a complicated area of currency.
Wendell Wolka – Old tales connected to obsolete paper money and banking—In the way only
Wendell can he will tell tales from the obsolete bank note era such as he has been bringing to life for us
for the past several decades.
Jamie Yakes – Series of 1928 Federal Reserve Notes—He will demonstrate that these notes are flush
with history, intrigue and color!
Collector exhibits have long been a favorite at the IPMS. Some of
the best collector showcases of material are presented and placed.
Due to a space limitation this year, competitive exhibits are limited
to a maximum of seven(7) cases. The society gives out a best in show
award named for Stephen Taylor as well as two runners up. The
Julian Blanchard award for the best exhibit featuring vignettes,
proofs and/or specimens as well as an award for the best one case
exhibit are also given out. Contact exhibit chairs Martin Delger or
Robert Moon for an application ASAP as these are on a first come-
first reserved basis.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
To order, please call toll-free: 1-800-546-2995
Mention code V9 at checkout to receive FREE SHIPPING
Offer valid through 07/31/2017
Expand your Knowledge of
Counterfeiting and Technology of Paper Money
For centuries legitimate authorities and equally determined
rogues have fought in an attempt to improve (or copy) the
technology and security of paper money. Now, in Counterfeiting and
Technology, their stories are captured in vivid detail from colonial
times to the present. Paper-money historian Bob McCabe explores
the lives of the innovators who made brilliant advancements in the
chemistry and ingenuity of America’s paper money. Counterfeiters,
mostly unknown or unrecognized for their dishonest cleverness
until now, are finally brought to light. McCabe details the beginning
and evolution of the U.S. Secret Service and the men who sought
to capture the villains. And he follows the technology of American
currency—from paper-making to fugitive inks to roller presses—from
early colonial attempts to the modern era.
Counterfeiting and Technology presents the history of paper
money in a way that’s never been seen before. It combines chemistry
and artistry, inventions and escapades, tales of arrest and daring
escapes. Collectors and historians of American money will love this
engaging and informative narrative about our
nation’s paper currency.
$39.95 • 480 pages • Hardcover
Full Color • 8.5 x 11 inches
By Bob McCabe • Foreword by Larry Adams
Colonial Money
Colonial paper money
from Georgia. The 1s-6
d note of 1775 (top) be
the vignette of a sheaf
of wheat. The “lighthou
se” certificate of 1769
(bottom) bears early an
ti-counterfeiting codes
around the border.
Although the Massachu
setts Bay Colony paper
money was a successful
experiment in the last
decade of the 17th cent
ury, it was not immedi-
ately adopted elsewhere
in the colonies. South
Carolina became the s
econd colony to issue
paper money but put it
off until 1703, when it
became necessary to sup
port a military expedi-
tion. Connecticut, New
Hampshire, New York,
and New Jersey all print
ed money in 1709, again
to fund military expedit
ions, and Rhode Island
followed in 1710. Nor
th Carolina first issued
notes in 1712, Pennsylva
nia in 1723, Maryland in
1733, Georgia in 1735
, Virginia in 1755, and
Vermont held out until
1781.1 The Crown did
not oppose the emission
of paper money in the
colonies and in fact oft
en encouraged it so the
colonies could pay for Br
itish military operations
against their French, Ind
ian, or Spanish enemies.
To the British, it was far
better to have the colo-
nies pay for these oper
ations out of their own
pockets than to burden
the Crown, and each
emission of notes was ev
entually paid back to the
colonial treasury—at lea
st in theory—by higher
taxes levied against the c
There were many milita
ry conflicts in British
America during the 18t
h century that required
emergency funding or in
volved expenses beyond
the capacity of a colony’s
treasury to pay. Conse-
quently, the colonies issu
ed a profusion of differ-
ent notes to solve thes
e and other problems.
Once a colony began i
ssuing paper money, it
soon discovered other re
asons to emit new issues.
Many of these notes wer
e traded or exchanged in
other colonies where th
e ordinary citizens and
merchants knew so littl
e about them that they
had trouble telling genui
ne notes from those that
were counterfeits. On to
p of this, many of these
notes had such simple
designs and were so
crudely printed that it
was easy to copy them.
When plates were occa
sionally engraved with
more-elaborate designs
to deter counterfeiting,
would-be counterfeiter
s sent the real notes
abroad to professional en
gravers, usually in Eng-
land or Ireland, who t
hen made high-quality
counterfeit plates and s
ent them back to their
American customers. Fin
ding suitable paper was
always a problem for leg
itimate printers until the
first American paper
mills were established
around 1729, and even t
hen, good-quality paper
continued to be in scarc
e supply until long after
Colonial Counterfeiting
Chapter 2
-43.indd 26
2/19/16 11:56 AM 167
Chapter 10: The Bad Boysoperation run by Chief Whitley and were impris-oned in the Ludlow Street Jail.102 Ballard cooper-ated with the police by giving them the address of his plant. When federal agents raided the Rivington Street tenement, they found only a few items of incriminating evidence—$3,500 of coun-terfeit U.S. currency; a partly engraved plate for a $1,000 Treasury Note; and engraving tools. The next day, Mrs. Effie C. Cole, the wife of Miner’s co- conspirator Henry C. Cole, working in the inter-est of her husband’s release, gave detetives the address of a second counterfeiting plant. Secret Service agents went immediately to 438 West 54th Street, arrested Llewellyn Williams, a printer, and found the fol-lowing: a large transfer press of the type used in bank-note companies, said to have cost $10,700; a second, smaller transfer press, said to have cost $1,200; two large roller presses for printing notes; and two smaller presses for the same purpose. There were ten full sets of original bed-pieces for making transfer rolls, a full set of Treasury seals for stamping red seals on the notes, two full sets of engraver’s tools, such as gravers, burnishers, calipers, etc., an unfinished plate for the $1,000 Treasury Note, finished plates for the front and back of a $20 greenback, and finished plates for the $10 National Bank of Poughkeepsie, New York, on steel. In addition, they captured a full set of steel plates for the “Lincoln head” 50-cent Fractional Currency; a second set of steel plates of the Lincoln-head scrip, but of superior quality; set of steel plates for making seven impressions t one time of the “Stanton head” 50-cent frac-tional notes; another set of the Stanton-head
notes, on a steel plate to print ten impressions at a time; and a set of the Stanton-head notes on copper, for making five impressions at a time. There were numerous steel transfer rolls for making these notes; $45,000 in counterfeit money, in denominations of $2, $5, $10, $20, and $100; a large quantity of type for changing bank-title lines; 150 pounds of fiber paper; a quantity of pulp used in making fiber paper, still in the vat; and other devices for making fiber paper. And finally, there were inks and pigments for making inks, ink rollers, wiping cloths, etc.103
The Stanton-head 50-cent fractional note. (F-1376.)
Tom did not like sitting in jail, and on the night of November 15, 1871, he and two others escaped under mysterious circumstances.104 Some thought Miner, being afraid of Ballard’s testimony, paid for his escape.105 For nearly three years, Tom was a fugitive from justice, and no trace could be found of him, even though a reward of $5,000 was offered. About two years after his escape, coun-terfeit $500 U.S. Treasury Notes began turning up. From the superior quality of the notes, the Secret Service thought it had to be the work of Tom Ballard, and they soon traced the bills to Buffalo, New York, but could not find the maker. The agents began looking for his brothers. A counterfeiter arrested in Michigan turned out to be Benjamin Ballard. Soon after, William Ballard
Henry Cole.
Hiram C. Whitley,
the second chief
of the Secret Service.
C10_TheBadBoys_143-215.indd 167
2/17/16 3:29 PM
a call-to-action for collectors, dealers, and
historians of obsolete paper money and 19th-
century American banking to volunteer for
the multiple-volume Whitman Encyclopedia
of Obsolete Paper Money. Images, historical
research, market analysis, and general
insight are welcome for the Mid-Atlantic
states, the Midwest, and territories. Anyone
interested in volunteering can contact
Whitman Publishing at obsoletes@whitman.
com. Volunteers will be credited in the books’
–Thank you!
by Joe Farrenkopf
Why are notes from certain modern star runs more difficult to find than one would expect, given
their published run size in monthly BEP production reports? Take Series 1999 $5 Kansas City star notes
for example.
A single standard-sized run comprising 3.2 million notes appeared in the June 2002 production
report and was designated for note replacement. While notes from a star run of that designation and size
are usually relatively plentiful because they are issued in full straps of 100 notes at a time, notes from that
particular Kansas City run do not seem to be especially abundant.
Another case of a difficult-to-find star run is Series 2009 $1 Boston star notes from the first run.
That run, comprising just 640,000 notes,
appeared in the September 2010 production
report and was designated for sheet replacement.
Sheet-replacement star runs are generally tough
to find to begin with because their production
size is often one-fifth or one-tenth the size of a
standard-sized note-replacement star run, and
notes from such runs are typically found just one
or two at a time in new straps of 100 regular
notes. Even so, notes from that particular
Boston run seem scarcer than their reported population suggests they should be.
A myriad of factors can play a role in the overall scarcity of a given star run. This examination
considers the starting point for assessing scarcity: the published run size.
The BEP produces star notes to replace notes from regular production for a variety of reasons
such as research, testing, or because of damage during production. Star notes are produced either for
replacement of individual sheets or for replacement of entire straps of individual notes. Sheet-
replacement stars are 16-subject half-sheets that are used to replace a single 16-subject half-sheet prior to
the sheet being cut into individual notes. The production size of a sheet-replacement star run is variable,
but quantities of 10,000 and 20,000 sheets, yielding 320,000 and 640,000 notes, respectively, were the
most common during the 1991 to 2014 period. By comparison, note-replacement stars are individual star
notes banded in straps of 100 that are used to replace a single strap of 100 notes in which damaged or
defective individual notes have been found prior to being shipped to a Federal Reserve Bank for release
into circulation. The standard production size of a note-replacement star run is 100,000 sheets, yielding
Image courtesy
of eBay
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
3.2 million notes, although runs of smaller sizes are produced regularly, particularly for higher
denominations. While several references to note-replacement star runs will be made in this article, the
focus here will be primarily on sheet-replacement star runs.
BEP production reports from 1991 through 2014 reveal that spoilage was greater at the Eastern
Currency Facility (ECF) in Washington, DC than at the Western Currency Facility (WCF) in Fort Worth,
as evidenced by the rate of star note production.
For example, in the production of $1 notes at the ECF from September 1991 through July 2014,
one standard-sized (100,000-sheet) note-replacement star run was produced for every 84.2 regular runs of
200,000 sheets. The comparable figure for the WCF from April 1992 through February 2013 was one
standard-sized note-replacement star run for every 118.5 regular runs of 200,000 sheets.
During those same periods, the equivalent of one partial (20,000-sheet) $1 star run designated for
sheet replacement was produced for every 49.6 regular runs of 200,000 sheets and for every 61.1 regular
runs of 200,000 sheets at the ECF and WCF, respectively.
The BEP produces star runs on an as-needed basis, although production reports show that the
timing of star note production during the 1991 to 2014 period was somewhat more irregular at the WCF
than at the ECF. It was more common for the WCF to produce note-replacement star runs in “clumps.”
That is, there were a number of occasions when two standard-sized note-replacement star runs appeared
in the same monthly report, and several other times when two or three of those types of star runs appeared
in reports just two or three months apart, well before the first of those runs would have been exhausted
and a new run needed.
By contrast, the production of sheet-replacement star runs was spaced at more regular intervals at
both production facilities. Indeed, in analyzing the timing of sheet-replacement star runs in the monthly
production reports, one finds that their appearance is remarkably predictable. That predictability makes it
possible to assess the accuracy of the BEP’s monthly production reports, at least with respect to published
sizes of sheet-replacement star runs, which in turn provides clues to answer the question posed at the
beginning of this article.
Although the BEP normally publishes the size of every star run, it does not publish the actual
number of star sheets or notes that are ultimately used from the run. But the appearance of sheet-
replacement star runs at regular intervals suggests that a new sheet-replacement star run is produced
because the previous such run has been or is nearly exhausted. If true, then it is possible to count the
number of sheets from the star run as those sheets are used to replace sheets from regular runs. That
count in turn makes it possible to estimate the rate of sheet replacement needed for the regular runs.
In the early 1970s, the BEP implemented its COPE system for overprinting serial numbers on
currency sheets. Prior to COPE, serial numbers were applied to full 32-subject sheets before those sheets
were cut into individual notes. With COPE, 32-subject sheets without serials are trimmed and cut in half
lengthwise, creating two unserialed 16-subject sheets. Those half-sheets are stacked into two piles of
10,000, and then serial numbers are applied to the half-sheets before being cut into individual notes. At
every stage of the printing process, currency sheets are routinely inspected several times to ensure that
printing requirements are accurate. Certain sheets in every production run are known internally at the
BEP as “reader sheets” and are regularly pulled out of production for inspection. A reader sheet may be
returned to the stack, or more commonly it will be replaced with a sheet from a previously serialed sheet-
replacement star run. Reader sheets that are routinely replaced with star sheets include the first two sheets
from every stack of 10,000 half-sheets (i.e., those whose serials end in 0000 and 9999, often referred to as
“rollover” sheets by collectors), as well as the second-to-last half-sheets of the completed production run
(i.e., sheets with serial numbers 00000002, 03200002, 06400002, etc.). The BEP implemented the
routine replacement of the 0000/9999 reader sheets in order to reduce the number of defective notes that
were periodically created at the start of the overprinting of each stack of 10,000 half-sheets. That routine
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
replacement is the reason that notes whose serials end in 0000 and 9999 are generally not found in
circulation. [See Fig. 1.]
Fig. 1 – This strap of 100
notes (Series 2006 $1 K*1, a note-
replacement star run) shows the routine
replacement of the last two notes in the
strap – so-called “rollover” notes with
serials ending in 9999 and 0000 – by
two notes from a sheet-replacement star
run (Series 2006 $1 D*1). Image
courtesy of Greg Muselli.
That routine replacement also makes it possible to calculate the remaining number of sheets, or
excess, from a sheet-replacement star run that are available to replace damaged/defective sheets in the
regular runs. Dividing the excess by the number of stacks serialed in between two sheet-replacement star
runs gives the excess rate of the earlier star run. That rate can be expressed mathematically as
Excess Rate = (P – (2*S + R)) ÷ S
where P is the published run size of the earlier sheet-replacement star run (in 32-subject sheets); S is the
equivalent number of 32-subject 10,000-sheet stacks serialed in between two sheet-replacement star runs;
and R is the number of runs of regular blocks and note-replacement star runs serialed in between two
sheet-replacement star runs.
As an example, consider Series 2003A $1 New York star run 1 (I’ll use shorthand notation in the
form B*1 where B is the Federal Reserve Bank, * is the block, and 1 is the process or run number), which
appeared in the May 2005 BEP production report as a sheet-replacement star run produced at the ECF.
The published size of that star run was 10,000 sheets. The next $1 sheet-replacement star run produced at
the ECF was Series 2003A Atlanta run 2 (F*2) in Nov 2005. During the period May 2005 through Oct
2005, the ECF produced 117 runs of regular blocks (200,000 sheets per run), 1 standard-sized run of note-
replacement stars (100,000 sheets) and 1 partial run of note-replacement stars (60,000 sheets). All of
those runs combined used 2,356 10,000-sheet stacks. The routine replacement of the first two sheets from
every stack of 10,000 means 4,712 star sheets were used to replace sheets whose serials ended in 0000
and 9999. An additional 119 star sheets were used to replace each run’s second-to-last sheet. The
remaining 5,169 star sheets would have been available to replace damaged/defective sheets in those runs.
Dividing the excess 5,169 star sheets by the 2,356 stacks yields a figure of 2.19 excess star sheets
used per stack. This can be shown using the above mathematical expression with P=10,000, S=2,356 and
Excess Rate = (10,000 – (2*2,356 + 119)) ÷ 2,356 = 2.19
So for the period May 2005 through Oct 2005, the combination of the fixed sheet rate of 2 sheets
per 10,000-sheet stack (i.e., the routine replacement of the first two sheets from each stack) as well as an
additional fixed sheet rate of 0.05 for the replacement of serial number 2 sheets in 119 runs, plus the
excess rate of 2.19 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack results in an average sheet replacement rate of 4.24 star
sheets per 10,000 sheets. A typical run of 6.4 million regular notes, then, would have contained roughly
2,714 B*1 notes.
In the absence of hard data from the BEP to confirm whether 5,169 B*1 sheets were used for
replacing damaged/defective sheets, there are a couple of mechanisms that can be used to assess whether
that estimated excess rate of 2.19 is reasonable:
1) Compare the estimated excess rate with a known excess rate for another sheet-replacement run;
2) Compare the estimated excess rate with the (likewise unknown) estimated excess rates for lots
of other sheet-replacement star runs.
The first mechanism would appear not to be possible given that the BEP does not publish the
actual number of star sheets that are ultimately used from a given sheet-replacement star run. However,
an exception exists. In late 1996, the BEP revived production of $2 notes when it printed 24 regular runs
(200,000 sheets each) of Series 1995 $2 Atlanta notes plus two partial note-replacement star runs (F*1b:
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
16,000 sheets and F*2: 20,000 sheets) as well as one small partial sheet-replacement star run (F*1a: 4,000
sheets). At the end of production, only 1,761 of the 4,000 sheet-replacement star sheets had been used as
replacements for that quantity of regular runs. That precise figure is known because in 2002, the BEP
made available for public sales the unused portion of the sheet-replacement star run F*1a. As part of the
advertising for those sheet sales, the BEP explicitly identified the quantity for sale – 4,478 16-subject
sheets (the equivalent of 2,239 32-subject sheets) – as the unused portion of the sheet-replacement star
run. Thus, the known figure of 1,761 sheets can be used to calculate the known excess rate for Series
1995 $2 F*1a notes. That number of replacement sheets used in 24.18 regular runs yields a figure of 1.59
excess star sheets used per stack, which means the actual sheet replacement rate for Series 1995 $2 notes
was 3.64 (2 + 0.05 + 1.59) star sheets per 10,000 sheet-stack. This shows the estimated excess rate for
Series 2003A $1 B*1 notes to be of similar magnitude as the known excess rate for Series 1995 $2 F*1a
The second mechanism is easily applied once estimated excess rates are calculated for all sheet-
replacement star runs. Those estimated excess rates are displayed in Table 1 for all sheet-replacement
star runs produced between September 1991 and September 2014. It should be noted that across all
denominations (excluding Series 2009 and Series 2009A $100s), 58% of all excess rates are between 1
and 4 star sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. That percentage is even slightly higher (60%) across
denominations that had (more or less) continual production (i.e., $1, $5, $20). This suggests that, were
the exact number of replacement star sheets known, the actual excess rate would likely fall in the 1 to 4
range most of the time.
Some uncertainty of the estimated excess rate is due to the coarseness of the reported printing
date of a star run. Production reports do not provide sufficient detail to know if the star run was produced
at the beginning of the month, during the middle of the month, or at the end of the month. For purposes
of standardizing calculations, I assumed in every case that the star run was produced at the beginning of
the month and was therefore available for use in other regular runs produced during that same month.
This is known to be true in at least once instance. The BEP monthly production report from February
2014 included the Series 2009 $1 Dallas sheet-replacement star run (K*1). Notes from that star run were
reported in circulation as early as February 20 2014 (a full month before the production report was
published on March 20!) as replacements in a rollover strap from the F-M block. Unfortunately the
specific run in which the K*1 notes were found was not documented. However, given that the first four
runs of the F-M block had appeared in the January 2014 monthly production report, one speculates that
the K*1 star notes were not found in one of those runs since the star notes presumably did not yet exist.
That leaves the next seven runs of the F-M block, which appeared together with the K*1 notes in the
February 2014 monthly production report. Despite this one example, the lack of precise information
about when during the month a sheet-replacement star run is produced necessarily introduces an
unknown, but probably small amount of error in the estimated excess rate. But what factors might
explain the more extreme outliers, those whose estimated excess rates are significantly farther outside of
the 1 to 4 range (shaded in Table 1 using orange and red to designate high and extreme excess rates,
One factor might be that use of a sheet-replacement star run was delayed for two or three months
after appearing in the monthly production report. Such a delay would have a more significant effect on
the estimated excess rate because the count of regular runs produced between two sheet-replacement star
runs would be lesser than the actual number of regular runs produced. Those cases might be identifiable
if a series of consecutive estimated excess rates alternated between high and low.
Another factor might be that a higher-than-usual number of sheets from regular runs were
damaged or defective, causing the supply of sheets from the sheet-replacement star run to be exhausted
sooner than expected. Such a situation would necessitate the production of a new sheet-replacement star
run earlier than usual, which would in turn result in a higher estimated excess rate.
Still another factor might be that, like Series 1995 $2 F*1a, the published run size was not the
number of sheets that were actually used from the sheet-replacement star run. For example, using F*1a’s
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
published run size of 4,000 sheets yields an excess rate of 6.2 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack, which falls
outside the typical 1 to 4 sheet range and is close to four times higher than the actual excess rate.
Data from observed notes can help determine if the last factor is likely to be a contributor. The
dataset must be sufficiently large, randomly mixed and well distributed throughout its reported
population. Under those conditions, if the dataset contains noticeable gaps of missing sheets or if there is
an absence of notes from one or more quadrants, that may be an indication that portions of the sheet-
replacement star run were discarded before use, which in turn would result in a more extreme estimated
excess rate.
And that brings us back to the question posed at the beginning of this article: Why are notes from
certain modern star runs more difficult to find than one would expect, given their published run size in
monthly BEP production reports? With respect to sheet-replacement star runs specifically, upon
examining the excess rate of the sheet-replacement star run and compiling data from observed notes from
the run, the basic answer appears in many cases to be that the actual number of sheets used from the star
run is smaller than the published run size, evidently because the remaining sheets from the star run were
discarded before use and never entered circulation. Consequently, fewer notes from the run are available
to be found than the published run size would indicate.
Collectors frequently use the published run size to gauge relative scarcity of both sheet-
replacement and note-replacement star runs. However, it turns out that the published run size often is not
an accurate indicator of the number of notes actually issued from the run and therefore is not always a
reliable measure to assess the scarcity of a particular star run. A better assessment of the relative scarcity
of a star run will take into account the published run size, the run’s excess rate (in the case of sheet-
replacement stars), and additional supporting data from observed notes.
The accuracy of the relative scarcity of a sheet-replacement star run can begin to be assessed as
soon as the next sheet-replacement star run is listed in a production report, even before notes from the
former run have been found and documented. If an excess rate calculates high, that could signal that there
was a problem with the run. In such cases, a focused effort by the collecting community should be
undertaken to document observed notes from the run when they do appear in circulation as the recorded
data may reveal discrepancies between the published run size and the actual quantity of sheets used.
The most extreme cases of inaccurate scarcity assessment involve both sheet-replacement and
note-replacement star runs that don’t seem to exist or, conversely, that exist but never appeared in
monthly production reports. A few star runs apparently were skipped altogether by the BEP given that
their serial ranges never appeared in the monthly production reports while at least one higher serial range
from the same block did, and that no examples of notes from those unreported serial ranges are known to
exist. A list of those runs is shown in Table 2a. Conversely, star runs listed in Table 2b have been found
in circulation but never appeared in monthly production reports. Lastly, several star runs appeared in the
monthly production reports and yet are missing from circulation – no examples of notes from those runs
are known to exist. A list of those runs is shown in Table 2c. It is worth noting here that a significant
proportion of U.S. currency, particularly higher denominations, is shipped for use overseas, which could
be a reason why one or more missing star runs have not been found in circulation in this country. Even
so, the expansion of the internet over the last 20 years has made it more likely that notes shipped overseas
will eventually find their way onto on-line auction sites and related venues that reach a global audience.
In this context, the continued absence of these star runs is the basis for assuming today that none of the
runs in Tables 2a and 2c exist. Having said this, scans of notes that would document their existence
would be greatly appreciated.
While most star runs listed in monthly production reports are known to exist, a surprising number
of them exhibit discrepancies between their published run size and their apparent actual run size, i.e., the
actual quantity of sheets used. Some of these sheet-replacement star runs are examined here in greater
detail, starting with those produced at the ECF followed by those produced at the WCF.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
$1 1988A B*3 – B06400001* to B09600000*
The March 1992 monthly production report listed this run as “40,000 16-Subject Sheets Only.”
No subsequent production report has specified sheet-replacement star runs in quantities of 16-subject
sheets, so there has been some uncertainty in how to interpret this particular entry. A run size of 40,000
full-size sheets would be unusually high for any sheet-replacement star run during the 1991 to 2014
period. Indeed, the excess rate based on a 40,000-sheet run calculates to 14.6 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack, which is rather extreme and suggests a problem. If the run size was actually 20,000 full-size sheets
(the equivalent of 40,000 16-subject sheets), which was much more typical for the period, the excess rate
recalculates to 6.3 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. That figure, though much better, is still somewhat high,
so something else might not be quite right. (See related side article “What Became of Series 1988A $1
Web Star Notes? A New Explanation.”)
$1 1988A F*3 – F06400001* to F09600000*
This is a well-known and well-documented sheet-replacement star run as it was the only star run
serialed using web-press stock. For more information about this star run and web notes in general, see
Bob Kvederas’s book The Standard Handbook of $1 Web-Fed Test Notes – 1988A, 1993, 1995. The
published run size of F*3 was 20,000 sheets, and the corresponding excess rate of 6.5 sheets per 10,000-
sheet stack is somewhat high and is indicative of a problem. The related side article “What Became of
Series 1988A $1 Web Star Notes? A New Explanation” provides an in-depth look at this one-of-a-kind
run and attempts to explain its high excess rate.
$1 1993 B*2 – B03200001* to B06400000*
$1 1995 A*1a – A00000001* to A03200000*
$1 1995 F*3a – F09472001* to F09600000*
The published run sizes of B*2, A*1a and F*3a were 20,000 sheets, 10,000 sheets and 4,000
sheets, respectively. While the excess rates of all three are not inordinately high, they are elevated, with
A*1a being the highest at 6.6 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Not knowing precisely during the month
when these runs were produced likely contributes in part to the elevated excess rates. Another
contributing factor could be the production of web notes during the period in which these sheet-
replacement star runs were used, although the relationship between web notes and non-web sheet-
replacement star notes is unclear. More data is needed from notes in these runs to assess their overall
elevated excess rates.
$1 1995 B*1 – B00000001* to B00640000*
$1 1995 B*3 – B06400001* to B06720000*
$1 1995 B*6 – B16000001* to B16320000*
$1 1995 B*7 – B19200001* to B19840000*
The published run size of B*1 and B*7 was 20,000 sheets while the published run size of B*3
and B*6 was 10,000 sheets, but there is nothing remarkable about any of their excess rates: 2.6, 1.6, 2.2
and 2.1 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack, respectively. What is notable about B*3, B*6 and B*7 is that no
notes from any of these serial ranges are known. In 2008, an analysis of face and back plates of notes
with serials in the range B00000001* through B00640000* revealed that B*3, B*6 and B*7 were all
contained within that range. That is, all three runs were printed and issued but had been incorrectly
serialed, beginning at B00000001* instead of their published starting serial. The result was notes with
serials from B00000001* through B00320000* were printed four times (initially in B*1 and then again in
B*3, B*6 and B*7), and notes with serials from B00320001* through B00640000* were printed twice
(initially in B*1 and again in B*7).
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
$1 1995 F*4a – F11136001* to F11520000*
The published run size of F*4a was 12,000 sheets, and like B*1, B*3, B*6, and B*7, there is
nothing remarkable about its excess rate of 2.8 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. But also like B*3, B*6 and
B*7, no notes from the published serial range[1] for F*4a are known. Evidently this run was likewise
incorrectly serialed, beginning at F09856001* instead of its published starting serial. The note-
replacement star run F*4b, produced that same month and comprising 48,000 sheets, spanned serial range
F09600001* through F11136000*. The overlapping serial ranges of each star run resulted in the
duplication of serials from F09856001* through F10240000*. It is unclear how the two runs ended up
with overlapping serials, although it is curious to note that 35 data points recorded from both runs appear
to show a gap in the serials of note-replacement start run F*4b that corresponds to the serial range of
sheet-replacement star run F*4a. That missing serial range suggests that BEP personnel had become
aware of a problem and subsequently discarded the duplicate serials from F*4b before use. One additional
oddity about F*4a is that of the 11 data points recorded from that run, all notes with sheet numbers above
4,000 are from quadrants 1 and 2 while all notes with sheet numbers below 4,000 are from quadrants 3
and 4. Additional data from notes in these two runs is needed to form a conclusion about what may have
[1] The August 1996 monthly production report erroneously listed the serial range of F*4a as spanning
F11360001* to F14080000*, which corresponds to a run size of 85,000 sheets rather than 12,000 sheets. That serial
range also overlaps into the serial range reserved for F*5, which begins at F12800001*.
$1 1999 C*3 – C06400001* to C07040000*
The published run size was 20,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 13.9 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack is rather extreme and suggests a problem. The 11 data points recorded from this run show no sheet
numbers under 10,000. More data is needed from notes in this run to determine if sheet numbers under
10,000 really are non-existent, making the actual run size just 10,000 sheets.
$1 1999 E*2 – E03200001* to E038400000*
The published run size was 20,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 10.9 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack is very high. Two factors are likely contributors. Some sheets from this run were used as
replacements in regular runs, perhaps on the order of 7,000 to 8,000. Then when Series 1999 ended and
Series 2001 began, the BEP diverted for public sales an unspecified number of unused sheets from this
run. In addition, of 35 data points recorded from this run, sheet numbers under 10,000 are absent. More
data is needed from notes in this run to determine if sheet numbers under 10,000 really are non-existent,
making the actual run size just 10,000 sheets.
$1 2003 E*1 – E00000001* to E00320000*
$1 2003 F*1 – F00000001* to F00320000*
The published run sizes were 10,000 sheets each. Unfortunately their individual excess rates
cannot be determined because they were produced during the same month, so it is not possible to separate
out usage from each run. The collective 20,000 sheets from both runs yield an excess rate of 6.1 sheets
per 10,000-sheet stack, which is fairly high. The 73 data points recorded from E*1 and 52 data points
recorded from F*1 do not show any obvious missing sheet numbers or plate positions, so it is not readily
apparent why the excess rate is that high.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
$1 2003 B*1 – B00000001* to B00320000*
The published run size was 10,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 10.8 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack is very high. However, the 49 data points recorded from this run do not show any obvious missing
sheet numbers or plate positions, so it is not readily apparent why the excess rate is that high.
$1 2003 D*1 – D00000001* to D00320000*
The published run size was 10,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 6.3 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack
is somewhat high. The 60 data points recorded from this run show one small gap in the 3,000 to 4,000
sheet number range, but more data is needed from notes in this run to determine if sheet numbers in that
range really are non-existent.
$1 2006 B*3 – B06400001* to B07040000*
Arguably the most bollixed star run of any produced between 1991 and 2014, the published run
size was 20,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 39.4 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack is beyond extreme.
Several oddities contribute to this extraordinary excess rate. The oddity that caught the most attention
from collectors was mismatched serials on notes from plate position H2. The left-hand serials of those
notes (correctly) begin 0671 while the right-hand serials (incorrectly) begin 2671. The second oddity is
less appreciated but significantly stranger. Observed serials on notes from every fifth plate position – E1,
B2, G2, D3, A4 and F4 – show them to be 100,000 higher than they are supposed to be. In the case of
notes from position F4, the serials actually fall
outside of the published range for the run; the
highest serial for the run should have been
07040000, but notes from position F4 begin
0709xxxx. Whereas notes with the mismatched
serials have one incorrect serial, notes from
positions E1, B2, G2, D3, A4 and F4 have two
incorrect serials. The third oddity is that the
monthly BEP report listed B*3 as a sheet-
replacement star run, yet when notes from this run surfaced, they were found both as individual notes
from sheet replacements as well as in full straps of 100 notes, which implies that a portion of the run was
used for note replacement. More peculiar still is that some straps from this run were found to contain
sheet replacement notes from this same run! So many oddities defy explanation. Finally, of 159 data
points recorded from this run, sheet numbers under 10,000 are absent. Given all of the other irregularities
of this run, the fact that 10,000 sheets are probably non-existent isn’t surprising. Reports of the problem
notes to the BEP and/or discoveries of the problems at the BEP likely resulted in the BEP destroying any
unused portion of the run, reducing the actual run size to 10,000 sheets (or fewer).
$1 2009 A*1 – A00000001* to A00640000*
The published run size was 20,000
sheets, and the excess rate of 16.3 sheets per
10,000-sheet stack is extreme and suggests a
problem. Of the 34 data points recorded from
this run, sheet numbers under 10,000 are absent.
More data is needed from notes in this run to
determine if sheet numbers under 10,000 really
are non-existent, making the actual run size just
10,000 sheets.
$1 2009 B*2 – B03200001* to B038400000*
The published run size was 20,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 7.4 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack
is high. Of the 21 data points recorded from this run, sheet numbers under 10,000 are absent. More data
is needed from notes in this run to determine if sheet numbers under 10,000 really are non-existent,
making the actual run size just 10,000 sheets.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
For denominations of $5 through $100 produced at the ECF, more data is needed from notes from
most sheet-replacement star runs before speculation can be made as to why the excess rate of some of
those runs is high. Refer to Table 1 for a list of those runs that have high excess rates. Some of those
runs warrant further comment despite the need for more data.
$5 1999 DG*2 – DG03200001* to DG03520000*
Published run size: 10,000 sheets; Excess rate: 13.1 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Comments:
Very high excess rate. The ECF produced $5 notes through July 2005, and then all $5 production was
done at the WCF for the next eight years. Probably only about one-third of DG*2 had been used as sheet
replacements at the time that the ECF ceased production of $5s. According to internal BEP
documentation, at least 5,185 of the remaining sheets were purchased by a company called Universal
Syndications, which resold the sheets to the public. (See also $10 2003 DA*1 and $20 2004A GA*1.)
$10 2003 DA*1 – DA00000001* to DA00416000*
$20 2004A GA*1 – GA00000001* to GA00384000*
Comments: The published run sizes of $10 2003 DA*1 and $20 2004A GA*1 were 13,000 sheets
and 12,000 sheets, respectively. An excess rate cannot be calculated for either, however, because neither
run was used to replace sheets from regular runs. The ECF produced regular runs of $10 notes through
September 2005, and save for DA*1, all $10 production has been done at the WCF since then. The final
$10 sheet-replacement star run at the ECF (DK*1) appeared in the August 2005 monthly production
report but may never have been needed as no notes from that run are known to exist. That makes it all the
more curious as to why DA*1 was produced three months later in November 2005. Meanwhile, the
appearance of $20 GA*1 in the November 2005 monthly production report is peculiar because a new $20
sheet-replacement star run (EA*4) comprising 18,000 sheets had appeared in the prior monthly
production report. Not enough production of regular notes in between would have necessitated a new
sheet-replacement star run so soon. It turns out that both $10 DA*1 and $20 GA*1 owe their existence to
the fulfillment of a large purchase order of uncut sheets made in fall 2005 by a company called Universal
Syndications. Over the course of the next twelve months, that company purchased from the BEP uncut
sheets in every denomination from $1 to $50 and worth a total face value of $16.5 million. The request
from Universal was so large that it far exceeded the BEP’s inventory of public sales sheets. As a result, in
November 2005 the BEP began special production runs to fill this extraordinary request. The Series 2003
$10 DA*1 and Series 2004A $20 GA*1 runs were among those special production runs. Although they
were both designated as sheet-replacement star runs in the BEP monthly production reports, according to
Mr. Kevin Brown, marketing manager at the BEP, neither run was used for replacements in regular
production runs and were only made available through public sales. In that twelve-month period,
Universal purchased 12,000 16-subject sheets from the $10 DA*1 run – nearly half of the entire run – for
resale to the public, plus a couple of hundred $10 sheets from each of Series 1995 F*1 and Series 2004A
GB*1. Of $20 sheets, Universal purchased 8,450 16-subject sheets from the $20 GA*1 run plus the
equivalent of 3,229 16-subject $20 sheets from the Series 1996 AL*3 run. Remaining sheets from the
$10 DA*1 and $20 GA*1 runs that Universal did not purchase were sold to the public by the BEP.
$50 1990 G*1a – G00000001* to G03200000*
Published run size: 32,000 sheets; Excess rate: 14.1 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Comments:
Extreme excess rate. This run was listed in the March 1992 BEP monthly production report, the first
report to distinguish sheet-replacement star runs from note-replacement star runs. The report identified
this run as comprising 32,000 sheets plus 8,000 notes, ostensibly meaning 32,000 sheets for a sheet-
replacement star run and 8,000 sheets for a note-replacement star run. A run size of 32,000 sheets for a
sheet-replacement star run is unusually large, and at that time in particular, sheet-replacement star run
sizes for the two largest denominations ($50 and $100) were more commonly 4,000 and 8,000 sheets. It
may be that the production report reversed the two figures by mistake and that 32,000 sheets were
designated for note replacement while 8,000 sheets were designated for sheet replacement. In that
scenario, the excess rate using a run size of 8,000 sheets calculates to 1.9 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack, a
figure that is more in line with typical excess rates.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
$50 2001 CB*1 – CB00000001* to CB00320000*
Published run size: 10,000 sheets; Excess rate: 11.4 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Comments:
Very high excess rate. The ECF produced $50 notes through February 2004, and all $50 production has
been done at the WCF since then. Probably less than one-third of CB*1 had been used as sheet
replacements at the time that the ECF ceased production of $50s, and the BEP likely discarded the
remaining unused portion of this sheet-replacement star run.
Through 2013, the ECF produced six sheet-replacement star runs of the redesigned colorized
$100 note, three for Series 2009 and three for Series 2009A, and the excess rate of all six is extreme. I
suspect that unlike the high excess rates for many of the $1 sheet-replacement star runs being attributable
to discarded portions of the runs, the high excess rates of the colorized $100 sheet-replacement star runs
are probably attributable mostly to the high spoilage rate of regular note production. Data recorded from
notes from these runs will reveal if that guess is correct.
$1 1993 K*2 – K03200001* to K06400000*
This run is notable not because there is a discrepancy between its published run size and its actual
run size based on data from observed notes, but rather because there is no discrepancy – its extremely
large published run size appears to be accurate. The published run size was 100,000 sheets, and the
excess rate of 2.1 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack is neither high nor low. Up until December 1990, BEP
monthly production reports identified the total number of notes produced for a star run, but the reports did
not explicitly identify star runs as either sheet-replacement or note-replacement. Beginning in January
1991, the figure used in the reports was changed from the total number of notes produced to the number
of sheets used in the run. Then beginning in March 1992, the production reports were further refined to
distinguish the portion of a run that was designated for note replacement from the quantity of star sheets
that were produced for sheet replacement. During the fourteen months in between, though, the reports
listing the number of sheets in the run created ambiguity as to whether the star run was for sheet
replacement, for note replacement, or both. In cases involving star runs comprising 100,000 sheets, the
estimated excess rate is extremely high in nearly every instance. Further, the appearance of a new sheet-
replacement star run well before the 100,000-sheet star run would have been exhausted leads to the
conclusion that most of those runs had to have been used either exclusively or primarily for note
replacement. The one exception is Series 1993 $1 K*2. Not only is its excess rate “just right,” another
three-and-a-half years of continuous regular note production went by before the next sheet-replacement
star run appeared in the monthly production reports. Had K*2 not been produced for sheet replacement,
several sheet-replacement star runs would have been needed during that time. Further, the quantity of
regular notes produced in that time would have supported a sheet-replacement star run of 100,000 notes.
Supporting this observation also is that data recorded from notes in this run show many pairs of
consecutive notes. This is significant because sheet-replacement stars are frequently found in pairs due to
the regular replacement of pairs of reader sheets. No sets of three or more consecutive notes appear in the
data, which is not to say that that couldn’t happen. But multiple consecutive star notes are more typically
seen in note-replacement star runs since those stars are disbursed in 100-note straps.
$1 1995 K*2 – K03200001* to K03360000*
The published run size was unusually small at 5,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 0.3 sheets per
10,000-sheet stack is unrealistically low. Of 14
data points recorded from this run so far, all
serials fall within the published range, and no
obvious gaps in the sheet numbers are present,
so that small amount of data doesn’t indicate
any discrepancies with the published run size.
The extremely low excess rate instead could be
attributable more to the coarseness of the
monthly production reports. For example, if
this run was produced at the end of the month
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
rather than at the beginning, the 38 regular runs that were produced in that same month would have been
associated with the previous sheet-replacement star run, and the calculated excess rate for K*2 would
become a more realistic value of 1.6 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack.
$1 2009 B*1 – B00000001* to B01280000*
The published run size was 40,000 sheets, which is out of the ordinary; except for 1993 K*2 and
1995 K*2, the WCF always used 20,000 sheets for its $1 sheet-replacement star runs. Additionally, the
excess rate of 8.2 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack is high and suggests a problem. Of the 35 data points
recorded from this run, sheet numbers under 20,000 are absent. More data is needed from notes in this
run to determine if sheet numbers under 20,000 really are non-existent, making the actual run size the
usual 20,000 sheets.
$1 2009 K*1 – K00000001* to K00640000*
The published run size was 20,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 23.5 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack is beyond extreme – the highest, in fact, for any $1 sheet-replacement star run produced at the WCF.
Not enough data has been recorded from this run to ascertain whether any sheet numbers are missing, but
barring any out-of-the-ordinary action by the BEP, the data will almost certainly show gaps eventually.
That’s because this was the final sheet-replacement run for 32-subject $1 note production, and probably
only 3,000 to 3,500 sheets from the run had been used by the time all $1 note production switched over to
50-subject sheets. If the BEP does not issue the unused sheets from this run as full straps, this run could
turn out to be the scarcest of any sheet-replacement star run produced at the WCF.
$1 2009 L*1 – L00000001* to L00640000*
The published run size was 20,000 sheets,
and the excess rate of 7.8 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack is high and suggests a problem. The 21 data
points recorded from this run do not show any
obvious missing sheet numbers. However,
missing from the data are any notes from plate
positions in the left half of the run. More data is
needed to determine if notes from quadrants 1 and
2 really are non-existent, making the actual run
size just 10,000 sheets.
$2 2003 I*2 – I03200001* to I0384000*
The published run size was 20,000 sheets, and the excess rate of 36.4 sheets per 10,000-sheet
stack is beyond extreme. The most probable reason is that the BEP simply does not produce enough $2
notes to need that large of a sheet-replacement star run. Only 19 regular runs plus 1 standard-sized note-
replacement star run of Series 2003 $2 notes were produced. And even when production of Series 2003A
$2 notes began three years later, there should have been ample quantities of sheets from I*2 remaining to
be used as replacements for the entire production of Series 2003A and beyond. But a small sheet-
replacement star run of Series 2003A $2 notes appeared in the production reports midway through that
series, suggesting the remainder of I*2 had been destroyed before being exhausted. More data is needed
from notes in this run to determine the actual run size.
$2 2003A F*1 – F00000001* to F00320000*
The published run size was 10,000
sheets, and the excess rate of 15.1 sheets per
10,000-sheet stack is extreme and suggests a
problem. One of the major contributing factors
in this case is the same as that of Series 1995
and Series 2003 $2s, namely a sheet-
replacement star run of that size is too large for
the limited number of regular runs of $2 notes
that the BEP produces. Of 70 data points
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
recorded from notes in this run, gaps appear in several sheet ranges of the run (sheet numbers under
2,000, between 4,000 and 5,000, and between 6,000 and 8,000 are absent), indicating that the actual run
size is likely fewer than 5,000 sheets and probably is closer to about 3,000 sheets. A run size of 3,000
sheets would result in a more typical excess rate of 3.1 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack.
$2 2009 B*1 – 00000001* to 00128000*
The published run size was 4,000 sheets, but since the run was still being used in 2014, it is not
possible to calculate its excess rate yet. However, portions of the run may eventually prove to be non-
existent; of 61 data points recorded from notes in this run, sheet numbers between 1,000 and 2,000 are
absent. More data is needed from notes in this run to determine the actual run size.
For denominations of $5 through $100 produced at the WCF, more data is needed from notes
from most sheet-replacement star runs before speculation can be made as to why the excess rate of some
of those runs is high. Refer to Table 1 for a list of those runs that have high excess rates. Some of those
runs warrant further comment despite the need for more data.
$20 1996 AG*3 – AG06400001* to AG09600000*
Published run size: 100,000 sheets; Excess rate: 16.7 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Comments: Extreme
excess rate. The published run size is extreme for a sheet-replacement star run, but this could be a case
similar to AL*1a where the run size was in fact 100,000 sheets but that only a portion, say 20,000 sheets,
was designated for sheet replacement while the remainder was designated for note replacement.
$20 1999 BG*3 – BG06400001* to BG07040000*
Published run size: 20,000 sheets; Excess rate: 0.9 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Comments:
Very low excess rate. Unlike most of the other star runs whose excess rate is high, BG*3 is one of a few
runs whose excess rate is notably low. Some $1 sheet-replacement star runs produced at the WCF have
very low excess rates, but because the overall excess rate of sheet-replacement star runs at the WCF is
generally lower than at the ECF to begin with, most of the cases of low excess rates at the WCF are not
outliers comparatively speaking. The very low excess rate for $20 BG*3 is suspect, however, because
significant production of regular notes continued after BG*3 should have been exhausted. In order to
figure out what happened with BG*3, it is necessary to look at the larger picture of $20 note production at
the WCF.
There were two significant gaps in $20 note production at the WCF in 2001 and 2002. The first
period in which no $20 notes were produced there was from March 2001 through September 2001. Then
in October 2001, BG*3 appeared by itself as a sheet-replacement star run, the first since AL*3. The
excess rate for AL*3 indicates that star run would have been close to being exhausted when BG*3
appeared. Coupled with the knowledge that a good amount of AL*3 was later made available for public
sales (see $10 2003 DA*1 and $20 2004A GA*1), the appearance of BG*3 suggests that the BEP was
preparing for a new production round and that BG*3 would be used right away. Indeed, AL*3 would not
have had sufficient quantities remaining for the two months of production that followed the appearance of
BG*3. A second, even longer production gap lasted from November 2001 through August 2002, after
which production of Series 2001 began. Presuming that BG*3 had been in use since October 2001, that
run would have been exhausted by approximately March 2003. Production of $20 notes continued,
though, and 76 more regular runs of 200,000 sheets plus one note-replacement star run of 100,000 sheets
were produced from April 2003 through June 2003. For that level of production, there had to be another
sheet-replacement star run, but none ever appeared in the production reports.
The note-replacement star run that appeared in the April 2003 production report was Series 2001
CG*1 and was published as a standard-sized (100,000-sheet) run. Given that CG*1 appeared right about
the time when a new sheet-replacement star run would have been expected, perhaps CG*1 was actually
the missing sheet-replacement star run even though its reported run size was entirely too large for that run
type. Searching for notes from CG*1 to see what the data from that run might reveal proved to be
surprisingly difficult. Of the just seven notes from that run that I was able to locate, all seven examples
have sheet numbers limited to the 60,000 to 80,000 range. The fact that it was not easy to find notes from
a run purported to comprise 100,000 sheets combined with the observation that the sheet numbers of the
seven notes found so far are restricted to a 20,000-sheet range raises the possibility that CG*1 may have
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
actually been a sheet-replacement star run comprising 20,000 sheets rather than a note-replacement star
run comprising 100,000 sheets. Much more data from this run is needed to determine which is correct,
and reports of notes from CG*1 would be greatly appreciated.
$50 2004 EG*3 – EG06400001* to EG07040000*
Published run size: 20,000 sheets; Excess rate: 7.1 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. Comments:
High excess rate. A portion of this run was made available for public sales. Of the 15 data points
recorded from this run, sheet numbers under 10,000 are absent, and the right half of the run (quadrants 3
and 4) appears to have been serialed using half-sheets from the left half of the run (quadrants 1 and 2) by
The WCF first started producing $100 notes in 2007. Most of the $100 production there has been
for the redesigned colorized $100 note, and the excess rate of nearly every sheet-replacement star run
printed through 2014 is high to extreme. Like the colorized $100 notes produced at the ECF, I’m
guessing these high rates are attributable largely to the high spoilage rate of regular note production rather
than to portions of the sheet-replacement star runs being discarded.
The concept of the excess rate does not apply to note-replacement star runs because unlike sheet-
replacement star runs, there is no routine replacement of straps using note-replacement star straps.
Assessment of the relative scarcity of a note-replacement star run can still be made, though, by taking into
account the published run size and examining data from observed notes in the run. A much larger dataset
will generally be needed for most note-replacement star runs due to their typically larger published run
size. As with sheet-replacement star runs, the dataset must be randomly mixed and well distributed
throughout its reported population. Under those conditions, if the dataset contains noticeable gaps of
missing sheets or if there is an absence of notes from one or more quadrants, that may be an indication
that portions of the note-replacement star run were discarded before use, effectively reducing the run size.
Table 3 lists several note-replacement star runs in which portions of the run may not exist based on the
examination of serial data from those runs. Scans of notes from those runs would be welcome to help
confirm the existence of those presently missing portions.
In preparation for the transition from 32-subject sheets to 50-subject sheets, the BEP in fall 2012
implemented a new system for overprinting serial numbers on currency sheets, starting with the $1
denomination. Different quality inspection capabilities with the Large Examining and Printing
Equipment, or LEPE, system have rendered unnecessary the routine replacement of reader sheets. Hence,
the formula for calculating the excess rate of a sheet-replacement star run serialed using COPE is not
applicable to runs serialed using LEPE since the concept of the
excess rate does not exist for sheet-replacement star runs printed
using LEPE. For collectors, an interesting byproduct of the new
system is that for the first time in some 20+ years, $1 notes with
serials ending in 0000 and 9999 are turning up regularly in
The first sheet-replacement star run produced with
LEPE, Series 2009 $1 H*1, comprised 10,000 sheets and was
produced in October 2012. (One other 32-subject sheet-
replacement star run (Series 2009 $1 B*5) and two 32-subject
note-replacement star runs (Series 2009 $1 J*1 and J*2) were
produced with LEPE before $1 note production switched
entirely to 50-subject sheets in November 2014.) According to
internal BEP records, H*1 was finally exhausted in early June
2014 after having been used to replace sheets in 275 runs of regular blocks (200,000 sheets per run) and 2
partial runs of note-replacement stars (20,000 sheets each). Assuming that H*1 was used in its entirety,
its 10,000 sheets would have been used as replacements in 5,504 10,000-sheet stacks, for an average sheet
Image courtesy of Jim Futrell
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
replacement rate of about 1.8 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. That rate is comparable to the excess rates
with COPE. Although just a single data point, if H*1 were representative of all sheet-replacement star
runs using LEPE, it would mean that half as many sheet-replacement star runs would be needed with
LEPE than with COPE since half of the star run is not used for the routine replacement of reader sheets.
This suggests that in the future, sheet-replacement star runs could be produced half as often as they are
with COPE or else in smaller run sizes.
This large-scale analysis of star note production necessitates a substantial quantity of data recorded from observed
notes. I thank everyone who contributed to the 27,000+ note dataset, especially Karol Winograd, Greg McNeal, Derek Moffitt,
Ron Baker, Bob Kvederas and Dean Davis. I am grateful to everyone who took the time to respond to my many inquiries in the
course of conducting this research, including Kevin Brown, Jim Hodgson, Bob Kvederas, Greg Muselli and Robert Vandevender.
And I am appreciative most of all to Derek Moffitt for his critical eye in reviewing this text, asking thought-provoking questions
and offering astute advice.
“FRN deterrents recommended.” Bank Note Reporter Apr 1994 (vol. 22, no. 4): 16.
“BEP provides long-awaited answers.” Coin World 15 Aug 1994 (vol. 35, issue 1792): 10, 12.
“Seeks web-fed information.” Coin World 29 Mar 1993 (vol. 34, issue 1720): 27.
“Mysteries of Series 1995 $1 B-Star Notes.” Paper Money Jan/Feb 2010 (vol. XLIX, no. 1): 43-52.
Kvederas, Bob Jr., & Bob Kvederas Sr. The Standard Handbook of $1 Web-Fed Test Notes – 1988A, 1993, 1995. 2nd ed. 2004.
Table 1 – Estimated excess rates for sheet-replacement star runs, 1991 to 2014
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Table 2a – Star runs that were never listed in monthly production reports and also have not been found in
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Table 2b – Star runs that were never listed in monthly production reports but have been found in circulation
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Table 2c – Star runs that were listed in monthly production reports but have not been found in circulation
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Table 3 – Note-replacement star runs in which portions of the run may not exist
Image courtesy of
Greg Muselli
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
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What Became of Series 1988A Web Star Notes?
A New Explanation
by Joe Farrenkopf
The third run of Series 1988A $1 Atlanta star notes (F*3) is an oddity among sheet-replacement star
runs. It was the only star run produced using web-fed stock, and its excess rate of 6.5 sheets per 10,000-
sheet stack is somewhat high and is indicative of a problem. Although the published run size was 20,000
sheets – a typical quantity for the time – data recorded from observed notes strongly suggest that notes from
no more than 5,000 sheets were released into circulation. According to Mr. Bob Kvederas, author of The
Standard Handbook of $1 Web-Fed Test Notes:
“This was prior to BEP personnel realizing that the replacement notes had been printed on Web
Press Test Note stock. As these notes first surfaced, quick-witted collectors sent letters to the BEP
asking if replacement star notes had been produced on Web Press Test Note stock. The BEP officially
denied printing any.”
Specifically, the BEP’s July 29, 1994 response letter to Mr. Kvederas stated:
“We apologize for the delay in responding to your letter dated March 31, 1994. Your
inquiry concerned the existence of star notes printed on the web-fed currency press. I consulted
with experts here at the Bureau and was told that, at this time, no web-fed notes have been
overprinted as star notes. Sheet-fed star notes replace web-notes when necessary.”
The BEP’s response to Mr. Kvederas’s inquiry is perplexing because Mr. Kvederas and other
collectors had notes from F*3 in hand. Indeed, notes from F*3 had been known for more than a year before
the BEP’s response letter to Mr. Kvederas. One of the earliest researchers of web notes, Mr. Robert
Vandevender, reports having found circulated F*3 notes in the April to June 1993 timeframe and that CU
F*3 notes were available for sale at the International Paper Money Show in Memphis in June 1993.
In his book, Mr. Kvederas goes on to say:
“Once the BEP realized that in fact they had overprinted Web Press Test Note stock, an
investigation probably ensued. Any Web Press star notes still at the BEP would then have been
destroyed. This rumor has been circulating for years and never been officially explained by BEP
One wonders whether the apparent contradiction between the BEP’s response letter to Mr. Kvederas
and the presence of F*3 notes in circulation might be attributable to a misunderstanding or
miscommunication between personnel at the BEP. The modifying phrase “at this time” in the second
sentence of the response letter is especially curious, for if star notes had never been printed using web-fed
stock, that phrase would have been unnecessary. The presence of that phrase suggests otherwise.
According to monthly production reports, the last Series 1988A web notes were serialed in October
1993. The first Series 1993 web notes were not serialed until May 1995. Meanwhile, two significant articles
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
about the web-fed press appeared in the August 15, 1994 issue of Coin World magazine. One of those
articles stated that the web-fed press was not [then] in production and had last been used on May 17 [1994].1
The communication between Mr. Kvederas and the BEP occurred in the middle of the period when web note
production had been halted for what was then an unknown length of time. Perhaps the letter from the BEP
was not so much a denial, per se, but instead was a reflection of what was happening at the BEP at that
particular moment in time. That is to say, maybe the BEP’s letter was acknowledging that no web-fed star
notes had been printed recently (say, between March and July 1994, which we know now to be true) and that
web note production (were it to resume in the future) would use sheet-fed stars as replacements (because
unbeknownst to us, the BEP had by that time already destroyed any remaining web star sheets and had also
made a decision not to produce any more web stars).
In support of that conjecture, I’ll offer another explanation as to why the bulk of F*3 may have been
destroyed before being issued into circulation. This new idea takes into account the excess rate for F*3.
It is difficult to come up with a satisfactory explanation as to how the published run size, the
apparent run size and the excess rate for this run all mesh together. The sheet range of some 79 data points
recorded from this run spans fewer than 4,600 sheets – less than a quarter of the published run size – and no
significant gaps appear in that range. Had F*3 been used for sheet replacement from the time of its
production in June 1992 until the BEP discontinued its use prematurely when the next sheet-replacement star
run (E*1a) was serialed in September 1992, F*3 would have been used to replace sheets in as few as 84.5
and possibly as many as 116.5 runs. The problem is that the now-known figure of 4,600 star sheets would
not have been enough to replace just the reader sheets in 116.5 runs, let alone have any remaining star sheets
left to replace the defective sheets in those runs. And if F*3 was used in the minimum of 84.5 runs, there
would have been enough star sheets to replace reader sheets, but the supply of star sheets remaining to
replace additional defective sheets in those runs would have been insufficient. In order to replace 4,600
sheets, the run size of F*3 would have to have been closer to 10,000 sheets, give or take. Yet had 10,000 star
sheets been used and only 4,600 managed to enter circulation, it means the remaining 5,400 would have to
have been destroyed after having been inserted into 16-subject-sheet stacks of serialed sheets and then cut
and packaged into individual straps. Entire runs from the period would be non-existent had that occurred,
but data recorded from several thousand notes document the existence of nearly every run serialed at that
Furthermore, Coin World published a letter from Mr. Vandevender in its March 29, 1993 edition in
which he sought information from other collectors about web notes that they had found in circulation. What
is significant about Mr. Vandevender’s letter and its publication date is that the letter explicitly stated that no
web-fed star notes had been found. This is curious for two reasons. First, had F*3 been used in the BEP’s
usual manner as any other sheet-replacement star run, its final use of the (now known) 4,600 sheets would
have been about the same time that E*1a was serialed in September 1992. One would expect that at least
some notes from F*3 would have turned up in circulation by the following March if all 4,600 sheets had been
interspersed in anywhere from 84.5 to 116.5 regular runs produced the previous summer. That they were
still unknown some six to nine months after their presumed use leads directly to the second curiosity,
namely, that the apparent discontinued use of F*3 in September 1992 occurred long before web stars were
found in circulation. If true, then it means that the BEP did not halt usage of F*3 as a result of receiving
inquiries from collectors. Why, then – and when – did the BEP stop using web star sheets?
It seems that another approach is needed to explain the published run size, the apparent run size and
the excess rate for F*3. As a possible way to explain the incongruity between those three parameters,
consider that the BEP may have handled F*3 differently than ordinary sheet-replacement star notes. Web
notes were, after all, experimental in nature. In particular, whereas Mr. Kvederas posited the idea that the
serialing of star notes on web-fed stock was either accidental or unintentional, I suspect just the opposite is
true, namely that their production was in fact purposeful and that the BEP restricted the use of F*3 to
replacement of sheets in web runs only. If true, then it would mean that the use of web star sheets was
carefully controlled, in which case F*3 was neither accidental nor unintentional. It also means that instead of
being halted in late summer 1992, use of F*3 could have continued for more than a year after it was
produced given that web note production was sporadic and occurred into late 1993. Speculating that F*3
was used only in web runs resolves three problematic observations:
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
1) No notes from F*3 had been found (by collectors actively searching for web notes) in circulation
some six to nine months after the monthly production reports indicated that (at least 4,600 sheets) would
have been used. When collectors finally began finding notes from F*3 in spring 1993, just 16 web runs had
been serialed – a fraction of the 84.5 to 116.5 regular runs that were serialed during summer 1992. Instead of
entering circulation en masse, notes from F*3 would have been entering circulation at a comparative trickle,
hence their slowness to be found by collectors.
2) The excess rate of 6.5 star sheets per 10,000 sheets relies on the assumption that F*3 was used for
replacement in 116.5 runs serialed in summer 1992. Yet for that excess rate to be reasonable, the run size of
F*3 would have to have been more than double the number of sheets actually observed. Limiting use of F*3
to web runs exclusively requires a recalculation of the excess rate, because only 7 web runs were serialed in
summer 1992. Exactly how many web runs F*3 may have been used in is unclear; just 29 more Series
1988A web runs were serialed after September 1992, and Series 1993 and Series 1995 account for only 12
additional web runs. Mr. Kvederas received reports of non-web replacement star notes in new straps of
Series 1988A web notes. Meanwhile, Mr. James Hodgson, another early researcher of web notes, reports
finding F*3 notes in new straps of Series 1988A web notes from the F-L (serialed July 1992), A-G (serialed
June 1993) and G-Q (serialed August 1993) blocks, but only non-web replacement star notes in new straps of
Series 1993 web notes from the C-A (serialed June 1995) block. If F*3 was used only in Series 1988A web
runs before the remainder of the run was destroyed – which seems possible given the observations of early
web note researchers plus the BEP’s response to Mr. Kvederas’s inquiry – the maximum number of runs F*3
would have been used in is 36. The number of 10,000-sheet stacks from those 36 web runs along with the
apparent run size of 4,600 sheets results in an excess rate of 4.3 sheets per 10,000-sheet stack. That figure is
still elevated, and would be higher still if F*3 was used in fewer than 36 web runs. The elevated recalculated
excess rate is likely attributable to the greater spoilage rate of sheets produced using the experimental web
press technology2. And now, in this scenario, subtracting the number of web star sheets used to replace
reader sheets from the apparent run size leaves a sufficient quantity of web star sheets to replace additional
defective web sheets, which wasn’t the case with the original assumption of how F*3 was used.
3) The excess rate of Series 1988A B*3, the sheet-replacement star run that immediately preceded
F*3, is unexplainably high even after adjusting for the apparently erroneous published run size. Shifting F*3
to web runs exclusively means another sheet-replacement star run would have to have been available for the
113.5 non-web runs produced in summer 1992. It happens that B*3 would have had sufficient quantity
remaining to be used until the point that the next sheet-replacement star run (E*1a) was produced in
September 1992. The recalculation of the excess rate for B*3 following that adjustment results in a “just
right” value of 2.2 sheets per 10,000 sheets.
Given the various observations presented here and taking into account the excess rate for F*3, it
seems probable that use of F*3 was likely different than other sheet-replacement star runs and was limited to
web runs exclusively. If correct, the reason why the BEP destroyed much of the run is probably rather
simple: not enough regular web runs were produced to use up a sheet-replacement star run of 20,000 sheets.
While the BEP could not have known how short-lived the web-fed press would be at the time that F*3 was
produced, ultimately a run of 5,000 sheets would have sufficed. It appears that at some point in 1994 when
the future of the web-fed press was in question, the BEP decided to destroy the approximate 15,000 unused
sheets from F*3 rather than keep them in stock for use in any web runs that might be produced in the future.
(It turns out that there would have been a sufficient quantity of the run remaining to be used in all of the
Series 1993 and Series 1995 web runs.) In an attempt to substantiate this hypothesis, I sent a letter of inquiry
to the BEP in hopes of obtaining documents that would reveal what became of F*3. Alas, the response from
the BEP stated that no records responsive to my request could be located. And so the mystery and intrigue
of F*3 remain.
1In a report to Congress on March 4, 1994, BEP Director Peter Daly reported that the second module in the web-fed press –
an automated on-line inspection system – had been delivered the previous year and was [presently] undergoing a series of test trials.
But as no more Series 1988A web notes were serialed after October 1993, it is not known what became of sheets that were printed on
the web-fed press during the seven-month period from November 1993 to May 1994.
2As of May 1994, the spoilage rate for the web-fed press when producing notes for circulation averaged 28 percent. By
comparison, the FY94 standard for sheet-fed spoilage was 6 percent.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
The Fantastic Life of $20 Back Plate 204
By Jamie Yakes
As a master electrolytic basso Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) personnel utilized $20
back plate 204 as the source of most $20 back plates with plate serials between 206 and 489. When
finished in 1944 as a production plate (Fig.1), they used 204 for the next two years to produce a plethora
of mules on 1934-series $20 Federal Reserve Notes. Its history parallels that of other late-finished small-
size plates.1,2
The life of 204 began when the BEP started making new-gauge plates in 1934. These plates had
wider vertical margins between subjects and would replace the old-gauge plates then in use with narrower
gutters that caused excessive sheet spoilage. The first $20 backs of the new type were plates 203, 204, and
205, all made in late 1934.
Plate 203 was the new-gauge steel master that plate makers used to prepare two electrolytic altos
in December, respectively assigned serials 204 and 205. They finished 203 and 205 as production plates
in January 1935, and made 204 the master basso from which they produced 20 altos from March 1935
until October 1942.
Twenty-dollar backs 206 and 207 were the first plates directly sourced from 204, on July 11,
1935. The last were serials 488 and 489 on November 12, 1943. Until 1939, platemakers had alternated
altos made from 203 and 204 for making $20 backs; that August, beginning with back 349, they used
altos sourced solely from 204.
Platemakers ceased using 204 as a master basso in February 1944, when they began using plate
3480 (serial 490, never certified) as the new electrolytic master basso on February 10. They finished plate
204 as a production plate and certified it on March 18, 1944, with the 204s etched into each subject in the
macro numerals common in 1944. Pressmen logged it to the pressroom for nine rotations from April 4,
1944 to October 2, 1946, and canceled it October 3.
Back 204 notes are possible for most kinds of Series of 1934, 1934A, and 1934B $20 Federal
Reserve notes, except three: 1934 New York and Chicago, and 1934A Minneapolis, because use of those
faces had ceased before 204 went to press. Series of 1934 and 1934A San Francisco 204 sheets received
green-seal and Hawaiian brown-seal overprints. Star notes are possible for all kinds that had regular serial
numbers printed (Fig. 2).
Figure 1. Proof of $20 back 204 lifted when the plate was certified in 1944.
The “CI” at top denotes the plate was a chromed (C) electrolytic iron (I)
plate. (Courtesy of National Numismatic Collection).
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Although unreported, Series of
1934C 204 notes may yet be an undiscovered
variety. New York 1934C faces were first
sent to press October 9, 1944, just a week
after 204 was permanently dropped from
service. It is plausible that 204 sheet stocks
were still available and possibly overprinted
with those faces.
BEP personnel severed all ties to
back 204 when they dropped from press the
last plate traceable to it, serial 489, on
August 6, 1948. A few months earlier, the
BEP had revamped the White House vignette
and platemakers began producing new steel
master plates of the new design. By July,
they were producing $20 backs sourced from
those master plates, and pressmen were
loading them onto the printing presses. Backs
with the older-style White House—serials
586 and lower—were considered obsolete
and never used again.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association supported this research.
Sources Cited
1. Huntoon, Peter, and Yakes, Jamie. “Salvaged Plates: Late-Finished and other Exotic Plates Explained.” Paper
Money 52, no. 6 (2013, Nov/Dec): 427-437.
2. Yakes, Jamie. “The Extraordinary First Ten Years of Micro Back 637.” Paper Money 55, no. 3 (2016, May/Jun):
Sources of Data
U. S. Treasury. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Ledgers Pertaining to Plates, Rolls, and Dies, 1870s-1960s.
Volumes 44, 139, and 147. Record Group 318: Records of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. National
Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.
Figure 2. Scarce 1934 $20 Atlanta star note with back
plate 204. (Courtesy of Robert Calderman.)
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Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
by David E. Schenkman
The Coal Mine Scrip of Caleb S. Malty
Born on August 10, 1811 in New Haven, Connecticut, Caleb S. Maltby lived a long and
prosperous life. Although he moved to Baltimore after completing his education, he maintained a
residence in New Haven throughout his life. His first commercial venture in Maryland was as an oyster
packer, in partnership with Daniel Holt. An article concerning the increasing oyster trade in the December
1, 1848 The Baltimore Sun newspaper reports that “Messrs. Holt & Maltby, at their establishment on the
city block, alone put up in cans and kegs, upwards of a thousand gallons per day, designed for exportation
to our own western country and to foreign ports. Besides these they send off great quantities barreled up
in the shell, all through the great west.” The company had twenty-five employees, including five that
were kept busy just making tin cans.
The Kingston Coal Company was established by Maltby circa 1856. Work progressed at a slow
pace, but by April, 1858 coal was being shipped via the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railway. Kingston
Township in Luzerne
County was the first listed
location for the mine, but
eventually the town where
the miners’ homes were
built was named Maltby.
Maltby’s numerous
advertisements in the
Baltimore Sun newspaper
proclaimed that he had the
“best anthracite coal field
in the state. The coal is
brilliant, bright and
beautiful in appearance,
clear of all impurities, purely white ash, of remarkably dense texture, square fracture, and admirably
adapted to manufacturing and domestic purposes.” Maltby’s mine was operated by William G. Chase, and
his sales were managed by William McClymont & Company in Baltimore.
Baltimore business directories from the mid-1870s to the mid-1880s list C. S. Maltby &
Company as oyster and fruit packers, and manufacturers of shell lime, at the foot of West Falls Avenue.
Also, in partnership with various other men (Maltby seems to have had a number of business associates
over the years), wholesale grocers and commission merchants at West Falls Avenue and Block Street.
And, he is listed as owner of the Maltby House, a hotel at 180-184 West Pratt Street which also served as
Maltby’s residence.
On June 15, 1882 it was reported that “the coal works of Caleb Maltby, of Maltby Station, were
sold yesterday to the Lehigh Valley Co., and that work has been suspended there for a few days on
account of the change.” Four years later the co-partnership between Maltby and two other men, which had
operated under the name C. S. Maltby & Company in Baltimore, was dissolved. The business was
continued by Maltby by himself, under the same name.
Although he was nearly eighty years old in 1890, he was in the headlines of a newspaper article
titled “The New Hotel Project. “ It was announced that Maltby would be heading up a syndicate planning
to build a huge hotel at the corner of Broad and Market streets in Philadelphia. Evidently he already
owned a hotel in that city.
“Maltby Colliery of the Lehigh Valley destroyed” was the headline in the April 5, 1897 issue of
the Wilkes Barre Record, which went on to report “the breaker was originally built by Caleb S. Maltby of
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
New Haven, Conn., from whom the colliery derived its name. There were in those times no advanced
means for controlling quicksand, which abounds in that vicinity and Mr. Maltby, could not operate the
colliery and sold the breaker to the Lehigh Valley Coal Co.” Damage was estimated to be between
$50,000 and $60,000.
Maltby never knew this. He died three years earlier, on June 2, 1894, leaving an estate valued in
the millions. He was buried at the Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven.
I have found nothing to suggest that Malty issued any numismatic items for his various
enterprises in Baltimore. However, he did issue a note for his mining company. It is listed as 212-1 and
attributed to Malty Mines, the location shown on the note, in Richard T. Hoober’s Pennsylvania Obsolete
Notes and Scrip, which was published by SPMC in 1985. Hoober gives the date on the note as 1890, but
in fact it is 1870. Only the 10 denomination is listed and it is assigned an R5 rarity, but it seems to be
much rarer than that. I haven’t seen other denominations, although it seems logical to assume that they
were printed.
Comments, questions, suggestions (even criticisms) concerning this column may be emailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 2866, La Plata, MD 20646.
Kansas City—Here We Come!!
(images courtesy of Heritage Auctions)
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
The Obsolete Corner
Buffalo, New York's Benjamin Rathbun
by Robert Gill
I’ve have now been writing articles for my The Obsolete Corner column for about a year and a half.
I hope our readers have recognized my passion for obsolete sheets. When a sheet comes on the market that I
don’t have, I very seriously try within my means to acquire it. And within the last few months a really rare one
came my way via a small, weekly internet auction.
When casually looking at my pictured sheet, a person would assume, as I did, that it is simply a sheet of
bank notes on The Commercial Bank that was located in Buffalo, New York. But after receiving it, I ran into
the proverbial brick wall when trying to research it. When referring to James Haxby’s reference on Buffalo,
New York’s Commercial Bank, the notes on the sheet were not listed. So I went to the one place that I thought I
might get some information. I contacted my good friend Hugh Shull, who probably knows as much about
Obsoletes as anyone. He immediately responded that he might have seen one of these sheets many years ago,
and that these notes are not bank notes, but are actually private scrip. He pointed out to me that I had
overlooked on each note there is only one signature line, instead of the two that are on a bank note; one for each
the President and Cashier. He then led me to Gordon L. Harris’ New York State Scrip and Private Issues. And
on page 28, there they were. The notes were prepared for Buffalo, New York’s Benjamin Rathbun. And what a
history this man had!
The person who had the greatest physical impact on 1830s Buffalo, New York, was Benjamin Rathbun
who looked more like a clergyman than the master builder he was. Though he kept a low profile, never before
or since has there been a builder in Buffalo who matched his empirical accomplishments.
Most of Buffalo in the 1830s, in fact, could be said to have been Rathbun-built. He was known to
Buffalonians as the "Municipal Napoleon". Ten percent of the population of Buffalo was on his payroll. In
1835 alone, he put up 99 buildings, 52 of them stores, and 33 dwellings. He built the first American Hotel on
the west side of Main Street below Court Street, and in the same year, put up the United States on the Terrace.
Rathbun built the jail and the four-story Webster Block that was located on Main and Perry Streets. The Darrow
Block on Washington Street was also one of his many accomplishments. For Henry Sizer, he built a fine
residence on the northwest corner of Niagara Square at Delaware Avenue, that years later became the
headquarters of Spencer Kellogg & Sons.
For the Unitarians, he built a church at the corner of Franklin and Eagle Streets. That building still stands
today as the headquarters of the Abstract Title, the lone remaining monument to the otherwise long-gone
Rathbun Empire.
To support his seemingly endless building program, Rathbun operated stone quarries, brick plants, and
machine shops. He had grocery stores and dry-goods establishments. He ran stagecoaches and horse-drawn
omnibuses. He had his own private bank that issued bank notes over his signature.
But Rathbun, caught up in the speculative excess that was rampant in the growing city, had moved too far,
too fast. Not only did he borrow beyond his very substantial means, he borrowed on notes to which were forged
the names of the most affluent Buffalonians. When the smoke of the scandal had cleared, and the extent of the
skullduggery was sorted out, it was found that he had a total of $1.5 million in forged notes.
Rathbun had not done the forging himself, but he was aware of it. His brother, Lyman, masterminded the
forging and his nephew, Lyman Rathbun Howlett, was the master forger. Buffalonians, never dreaming that
young Howlett was up to no good, knew him as a cute little fellow of 14 or 15 who rode a pony about the
streets. Actually, he was so clever that he could execute a forgery under the very eyes of the bankers, and he
was riding his pony on what turned out to have been his errands of mischief.
By the time the Rathbun bubble burst, young Howlett and his Uncle Lyman were long gone. Benjamin
Rathbun took the rap for all of them. While he was awaiting trial, he was incarcerated in the very jail he had
built for Buffalo. Found guilty at a trial in Batavia, he was sent to Auburn Prison for five years. When he had
served his time, Rathbun went into the hotel business in New York. Buffalonians still thought so highly of him
that, to many of them, to stay at any hotel in New York, other than Rathbun's, was unthinkable.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Rathbun's downfall caused tremors in Buffalo's financial community. And it was devastating to the 2,500
or so employees whose families counted on Rathbun paychecks for the bread on their tables. His shattering
collapse in 1836 ended those paychecks, and gave Buffalo a head start on the financial panic that swept the
country in 1837.
Benjamin Rathbun eventually moved to Fort Washington, New York, where, on July 19, 1873, he died at
the age of 83.
So, there it is. What a history. And knowing the history behind why these old pieces of paper exist means
as much to me as owning them. WOW. What a hobby!
As I always do, I invite any comments to my cell phone number (580) 221-0898, or my personal email
Until next time... HAPPY COLLECTING.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
Looking Backward: 2061-1961
(with apologies to Edward Bellamy)
Any discussion of the outlook for paper money
collecting usually veers into a requiem for the hobby,
which boils down to this cruel inevitability: Old guys are
getting older and fewer in number, and on their
deathbeds their spouses wonder if maybe it would have
been more economical, after all, just to have let them
take mistresses rather than accumulate expensive piles of
Obsoletes, Nationals, and other weird bits of paper.
But does it have to be this way? With the
SPMC’s centennial a mere 44 years away, what might be
the high notes of a retrospective on the previous century
of collecting? Here’s what my future self might have
On the occasion of the 85th annual International
Paper Money Show and the centenary of our Society, it
is my privilege to look back on the transformations that
have made our hobby what it is today.
Obviously, technological innovation drove many
of these changes. Thanks to the invention of the Direct
Cortical Interface, financed by Silicon Valley’s Peter
Thiel, Neil Shafer was the first among many eminent
paper money authorities to upload their consciousnesses
into the Newman Numismatic Portal. By 2025, not only
was the collective wisdom of the Society’s thereby
preserved, but the activities of these researchers
continued unabated. Joe Boling’s avatar still administers
his ever-popular Summer Seminars on “Forgery of
Quantum Optical Money” at the ANA headquarters in
Colorado Springs which, thanks to the advance of global
warming, possesses some of the finest beachfront
property in the Mountain West. And who can forget the
year 2031, when Peter Huntoon’s army of internet bots
ferreted out from government archives the last possible
knowable fact about Nationals? Fortunately the
resulting existential crisis for our Society lasted only
briefly, as we found other topics to publish about in our
From our perspective of 2061, it’s hard to
imagine how seriously people took, at the turn of the
century, the death of cash, and thus the demise of
currency collecting. What worrywarts! In fact, those
years ushered in a golden age of scripophily. Few
foresaw that even cryptocurrencies might become a
legitimate object of collector interest. In particular, after
the impasse in 2019 over Bitcoin’s “hard fork”,
producing a permanent divergence in the block chain, an
entirely new subset of the hobby emerged, as enthusiasts
pursued increasingly rare variants of that medium.
Throughout these years, geopolitics has always
mattered. Carlson Chambliss’s avatar has faithfully
chronicled the various issues of marijuana-backed
currency of the Second California Republic, as well as
the holographic emissions of the Uighur Insurrectionary
Government. The collapse of the Eurozone brought back
many old favorites in new denominations and colors—
including Scotland’s. Not to toot my own horn, but my
own catalog of FEMA concentration camp scrip has
recently appeared in its 5th edition, and now includes
previously-unknown and extremely rare examples from
the Third Trump Administration.
In retrospect I’ve got to admit that there were
moments when we all thought our hobby might die.
When Chinese replicator technology became widely
available by the 2040s, it seemed as if the very premise
of collecting was in doubt. If any object could be
potentially be reproduced without limit, then what would
be the point of holding on to anything? Ironically, the
very third-party grading services (TPGs) that we had so
often maligned turned out to be our saviors.
In particular, grading outfits like Oculus-PMG
were crucial in reinvigorating the business model of
collecting. As TPGs shifted from grading coins and
currency to distinguishing real items from Chinese
replicants, it became only logical to designate TPGs
themselves as certified repositories of all authentic
collectibles, granting access to their owners through
proprietary holographic imagery. And from there it was
only a short step to creating entirely new markets that
allowed collectors to buy and sell fractional shares in
the most coveted numismatic items.
In 2061 we take this for granted, but you have to
remember a darker and almost forgotten past when only
the rich could afford to buy and enjoy genuine
numismatic rarities. Markets in collectible shares not
only democratized access, but also introduced a degree
of liquidity that encouraged even further collector
interest. True, once algorithmic traders became active in
our markets, the ride was sometimes wild, especially
during the 2532 crash in the share prices of Educational
Deuces. My grandkids’ college fund still hasn’t
All in all, it’s been a good century. As for my
fellow avatars and facsimiles at SPMC, I look forward to
seeing you all again at the IMPC on Jupiter’s Europa
moon. Lyn Knight’s decision to relocate there from
Kansas City is long overdue, and just getting there will
be half the fun. As Benny Bolin always reminds us,
Texting and Teleporting—it can wait!
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
President’s Column
May/June 2017
This is my last of twenty‐four columns I’ve
had the pleasure and honor of writing for Paper
Money magazine! Four years fly by and it was Editor
Fred Reed who asked me for my first column.
Unfortunately, Fred experienced health issues and
fortunately, we had Benny Bolin step up and carry the
ball forward wonderfully with an award‐winning
magazine. I hope all of you have found this column
interesting and informative. I’ve tried to keep you up
to date with the Society and the world of paper
money through the lens of a president, collector and
dealer who also had a full‐time job during his tenure.
It was Judith Murphy and Mark Anderson
that pulled me onto the board in the mid‐00s. I was a
willing traveler, but never had really thought about
board membership. I was honored to join the Board
of the Society and was surrounded by long time
veterans of the hobby, many of whom are still board
members and/or are active. I learned a lot about our
wonderful hobby as well as learned about how a
robust numismatic organization operates.
One of the first things we needed to review
was the dues structure of the Society when I became
president. While we were still strong financially,
creeping cost increases (printing and shipping the
magazine as well as new investments in online
properties) were beginning to eat into our financial
foundation. Rather than let it incrementally
deteriorate and force more dramatic action later
(such as going from 6 to 4 magazines, reduced online
work, etc.), we stepped up, did the analysis and
concluded that a raise to $39 for standard annual
paper magazine membership would be necessary for
the long run. So, we did it quickly and decisively and
that was that. We are financially sound and I thank
Treasurer Bob Moon for keeping us in great shape!
Another major endeavor was a new web site.
Certainly, Bob Schreiner did a wonderful job with the
earlier generation technology and we appreciate his
contribution to this day. However, it was time to
update the technical base into the 2010s and do
some other modernization around online
memberships, Paper Money magazine, awards,
forums, a calendar, and other community activities.
Vice President Shawn Hewitt led the charge into this
expanded online presence with help from too many
to list here. The end result was meeting all of the
above goals with an easy to use and updated web site
that will carry the Society forward for some time. We
remain open to suggested improvements and
implement them as best as we can.
I’ve already mentioned the transition from
Fred to Benny Bolin as the Editor of Paper Money
magazine. Six months into my presidency, Fred Reed
had a serious health incident which took him off the
paper money playing field. It was a traumatic event
to me both as president and personally, having
known, worked with, and co‐authored a book with
Fred. Your Board stepped into action to fill the great
void left by Fred. Benny Bolin graciously stepped up
and filled Fred’s large shoes magnificently. We all
appreciate what Benny has done as well as Fred’s
long standing contributions and wish Fred well.
One of our newer Board members, columnist
Loren Gatch, created a monthly newsletter called
SPMC News and Notes sent by email giving us a peek
into all the news and events he can gather about the
paper money hobby. Loren also includes links to
interesting and related web sites. If you are looking to
keep up on the goings on in paper money, bonds,
stocks and other ephemera, Loren’s newsletter is for
you. Great work!
With the evolution of the Board as described,
we needed a new secretary. The traditional role of
secretary had two parts – meeting minutes and
membership administration leadership. Jeff
Brueggeman stepped up to the membership rolls
leadership along with his SPMC librarian
responsibilities. Frank Clark continues as membership
recruiting leader. Mark Anderson took on the role of
recording the meeting minutes and helping track
actions board members take on. These three
gentlemen have done a yeoman’s job and the Society
would not run as well without their work.
Gary Dobbins, chair of the SPMC Marketing
Committee, along with Shawn Hewitt and others,
have led the marketing efforts for SPMC. Activities
here include press releases, promotional activities
and outreach to other clubs and press channels. This
remains a focus for SPMC to enlist a growing
membership base and all help and volunteer efforts
are appreciated and benefit the paper money hobby
at large.
One of the major projects of the SPMC is the
obsolete currency database project led by Shawn
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Hewitt with major work by others such as Wendell
Wolka, data specialist Mark Drengson, and many
State Experts. A lot of progress has been made and
the database is available to members . This is a wonderful
resource for our members and opportunities abound
to add more to it. We welcome volunteers to add
information about states and notes not present or
add to existing entries as needed.
Other board members and Society members
have been very helpful at the Memphis shows, on
committees and helping with regional meetings. The
list is too long to enumerate, but I also thank Bob
Vandevender, Joshua Herbstman, Scott Lindquist,
Mike Scacci, Judith Murphy, Ron Horstman, Mack
Martin, Dennis Schafluetzel, and many others for
their contributions to the hobby and to the Society.
Incoming President Shawn Hewitt, currently the
Society’s Vice President, will bring his own long
experience and love of the paper hobby to the job
beginning this June, and like all who have held this
role, will need your continued support.
The Kansas City International Paper Money
Show on June 9‐11 grows closer as we move into the
New Year! It will be held at the Sheraton Kansas City
Hotel at Crown Center, 2345 McGee St, Kansas City,
MO 64108. We have agreed to hold our annual
breakfast at Harvey’s at Union Station in Kansas City,
a 0.3 mile walk via skybridge from the hotel. We have
negotiated an excellent rate and will pass the savings
onto the members with a $20 breakfast charge. This
will be a great fun event as always and I look forward
to seeing you there!
Sign up for the breakfast on the SPMC web
anniversary‐spmc‐breakfast‐kansas‐city‐2017 .
See the Kansas City show web site here .
Have a great numismatic summer and see
you in KC!
Pierre Fricke
Pierre Fricke
“Happy Trails to You!”
As the board prepares to say good-
bye to President Fricke, we thank
him for all he has done, his hard
work on behalf of the SPMC and his
leadership. We look forward to
continuing to work with him as past
president and wish him strength,
knowledge, courage and luck in his
new position for SPMC—AWARDS
Speaking of Leadership
The SPMC has an opening for one
more governor on the board. If you are
interested, contact President Fricke or VP
Hewitt. Terms are for three years and are
integral for the continued smooth running of
the society.
Also, at Memphis, four of our current
governors are up for re‐election. Our two
newest governors, Herbstman and Maples
will be affirmed by the board for a three‐year
Also, governors Anderson and Gatch
are up for re‐election and both have agreed,
so unless issues arise related to their
character (and quite the characters they both
are), they will be reaffirmed by the board.
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Editor Sez
Kansas City—
Here we come!
I hope the city knows what
they are in for with a bunch of paper
money collectors coming to their fine
city. It will never the same! This is an
exciting time as we embark on a new
journey, an IPMS that is not in Memphis.
Many of us are so ingrained in that
Memphis way, that we will find it strange
to be in a new place. But, I encourage
each and every one of you to join us—it
will be fun!
I want to start off with a BIG
apology to three of our main
To David Schenkman for
consistently spelling his name
incorrectly. I know that happens to
me as in the paper business Bolin
always comes out Boling or Boline!
David—my sincere apologies.
To Joe Boling and Fred Schwan—I
seem to have an inordinate difficult
time formatting their column. This
one you will see has no figure
numbers on the illustrations—those
anchors are a real weight around my
But on to things I cannot mess
up. We have two new board members
who are diving right in and working to
keep your society strong—Josh
Herbstman and J. Fred Maples.
Welcome aboard and hope you enjoy
this journey as much as the rest of us!
We will also see a changing of
the guard in KC as we bid adieu to
President Fricke who has served so
faithfully and competently for the past
four years and now gets to enter the
office everyone on the board strives to
have—awards chair!
We will also usher into a new era, the
Hewitt era as VP Hewitt takes over the reins of
leadership as new President and a new VP is
The board is strong and working for you
so let us know if you have ideas on how we
can improve the Society and especially how
we can grow it.
In KC, besides a very busy and active
bourse, many of the same things will be
happening. Peter Huntoon has put together an
excellent slate of speakers which will be both
very educational and entertaining. On Friday
morning, the SPMC breakfast and Tom Bain
raffle will occur. Due to the very unrealistic
price to hold these events at the hotel, the
board opted to have it off-site. It will be at
Harvey’s in Union Station, a mere 0.3 mile
walk from the hotel. Wendell Wolka will again
be our emcee and we hope to have some good
(and maybe more entertaining than good)
prizes in the raffle. Go to the website & buy
your ticket now for this unforgettable event!
Lyn Knight will also have an auction
and one of the featured items is a Liberty Loan
bond that was donated to the SPMC by Joshua
Herbstman in memory of his father with
proceeds going to the Society.
As usual, exhibits will be a major part of
the show. Chairman Delger and his able
assistant Robert Moon will put together a
wonderful area. Unfortunately, due to space
constraints, there is a seven (7) case limit for
competitive exhibits. The Society will also bring
back its one-case award.
So, a lot is happening and will happen
on the IPMS front! Make plans to join us in
Texting and Driving—It can wait!
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
W_l]om_ to Our
N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk—SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 03/05/2017
14609 Charles Bryans, Frank Clark
14610 Gene Bula, Frank Clark
14611 Willie Hammack, Frank Clark
14612 Tim Putnam, Frank Clark
14613 Stephen Flowers, Website
14614 John Jones, Frank Clark
14615 Steve Zeller, Website
14616 Robert Groves, Frank Clark
14617 Ronald Simonson, Website
14618 Eddie Broussard, Website
14619 Donald Harms, Jason Bradford
14620 Emmett Ey, Website
Life Memberships
NEW MEMBERS 04/05/2017
14621 Theron Hunter, Frank Clark
14622 Jerry Reiley, Frank Clark
14623 Chris Steenerson, Peter Huntoon
14624 Patrick Walters
14625 Paul Stettnisch, Frank Clark
14626J Cole Hendrickson, Website
Life Memberships
for your favorite articles, column, books
go to
You must be a member and must sign in to vote.
Only one vote per member per category.
For Membership questions, dues and contact information go to our website
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis
of 15¢ per word(minimum charge of $3.75).
Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word count:
Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as
separate words. Editor does NOT check copy. 10%
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in
recognition of their contribution to the Society. These
adsare run on a space available basis.
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
WORLD PAPER MONEY. 2 stamps for new arrival
price list. I actively buy and sell. Mention PM receive $3
credit. 661-298-3149. Gary Snover, PO Box 1932,
Canyon Country, CA 91386
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
“LAWRENCE” (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
WANTED: Republic of Texas “Star” (1st issue) notes.
Also “Medallion” (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
We could all use a few extra bucks. Money Mart ads can help you sell duplicates, advertise wants,
increase your collection, and have more fun with your hobby.
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
Take it from those who have found the key to “Money Mart success”
Put out your want list in “Money Mart” and see what great notes become part
of your collecting future, too.
ONLY$20.50 / YEAR ! ! ! (wow)
$ MoneyMart $
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money”
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,,
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
*Large size notes
*Large size FRNs and FBNs
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-7505
See out eBay auctions under
user ID DBRcurrency
1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
(712) 332-5859
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5:30
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
Advertise your
products here.
Only $45/issue
Contact Benny Bolin, Editor
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $21.60 $38.70 $171.00 $302.00
Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 100 250
Obsolete Sheet 8 - 3/4" x 14 -1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00
End Open
National Sheet 8 -1/2" x 17 -1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Side Open
Stock Certificate 9 -1/2" x 12 -1/2" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
End Open
Map & Bond Size 18" x 24" $82.00 $365.00 $665.00 $1530.00
End Open
Foreign Oversize 10" x 6" $23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
Foreign Jumbo 10" x 8" $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
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Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg’s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
Simplified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Nst ew members will also get a copy of Rob
Kravitz’s 1 edition “A Collector’s Guide to Postage
and Fractional Currency” while supplies last.
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact William Brandimore, membership
chairman at 1009 Nina, Wausau, WI 54403.
United States Paper Money
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
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FrederickJ. Bart
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POBox2• Roseville,MI 48066
Buying & Selling
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Hundreds of Quality Notes Scanned,
Attributed & Priced
P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
Advertise your
products here.
Only $45/issue
Contact Benny Bolin, Editor
Paper Money * May/June 2017 * Whole No. 309
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC’s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.’s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
James A. Simek – Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
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