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Table of Contents
Out of Range Serial Numbers--Peter Huntoon
The National and First National Banks of Huntsville, Alabama--David Hollander
Michigan Obsolete Notes--Clifford Thies
Gideon Fairman’s Engraving of Audubon’s Grouse--Bernhard Wilde
Uncoupled Joe Boling & Fred Schwan
SPMC Obsolete Database Update—Shawn Hewitt
Stolen Money--Carlson Chambliss
$1 Novelty Checkbook with Errors and Analysis--Ed Zegers
Spectacular $50 Skip Changeover Pair—Jamie Yakes
Paper Money
Vol. LVI, No. 6, Whole No. 312 November/December 2017
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Exciting information about the
2018 International Paper
Money Show
again in KC!!!
Peter A. Treglia LM #1195608
John M. Pack LM # 5736
Peter A. Treglia
John M. Pack
Brad Ciociola
1231 E. Dyer Road, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 • 949.253.0916
123 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 • 212.582.2580 •
California • New York • New Hampshire • Hong Kong • Paris
SBG PM EldoradoAnnounce 171011 America’s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer
800.566.2580 East Coast Offi ce • 800.458.4646 West Coast Offi ce
Stack’s Bowers Galleries will be o ering Part 1 of the Eldorado Collection of Colombian
Coins and Paper Money this January in New York City. is incredible collection will
be featured alongside other world coins and paper money as part of the rm’s o cial
auction of the 2018 New York International Numismatic Convention, January 12-13 at
the Grand Hyatt Hotel. e sale will be followed by several other extraordinary o er-
ings from e Eldorado Collection in the upcoming year.
e Eldorado Collection represents a multi-generational e ort to build the nest pos-
sible collection of Colombian numismatic items and includes currency issued over 200
years. e paper money collection, the nest-ever o ering of its kind, examines Co-
lombia’s broad range of genres, series, issuers, and themes. e notes cataloged in this
sale, and in future sales, are perhaps the most fascinating in all Latin America. e coin
collection was built with a special focus on gold from Gran Colombia, including the
rare and popular issues of Ecuador.
For more information, please call Lawrence R. Stack or Vicken Yegparian at 800-566-
2580. All information as it becomes available will be posted on
Stack’s Bowers Galleries is Pleased to Present Selections from
e Eldorado Collection
of Colombian Coins and Paper Money
in our Offi cial NYINC Auction • January 12-13, 2018
Terms and Conditions
PAPER MONEY (USPS 00-3162) is published every
other month beginning in January by the Society of
Paper Money Collectors (SPMC), 711 Signal Mt. Rd
#197, Chattanooga, TN 37405. Periodical postage is
paid at Hanover, PA. Postmaster send address
changes to Secretary Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal
Mtn. Rd, #197, Chattanooga, TN 37405.
©Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. 2014. All
rights reserved. Reproduction of any article in whole or
part without written approval is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are
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and requests for additional copies of this issue to the
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LVI, No. 6 Whole No. 312 November/December 2017
ISSN 0031-1162
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Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability,
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The SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
typographical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint that
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upon prompt notification.
Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email—
Visit the SPMC website—
Out of Range Serial Numbers
Peter Huntoon ................................................................ 421
The National and First National Banks of Huntsville, Alabama
David Hollander .............................................................. 426
Michigan Obsolete Notes
Clifford Thies .................................................................. 440
Gideon Fairman’s Engraving of Audubon’s Grouse
Bernhard Wilde ............................................................... 447
Uncoupled Joe Boling & Fred Schwan ................................... 458
SPMC Obsolete Database Update ........................................ 466
Stolen Money
Carlson Chambliss ........................................................ 469
$1 Novelty Checkbook with Errors and Analysis
Ed Zegers ...................................................................... 474
Small Notes—Spectacular $50 Skip Changeover Pair ........... 477
Interesting Mining Notes—David Schenkman ...................... 479
Obsolete Corner--Robert Gill ................................................. 482
Chump Change--Loren Gatch ................................................ 485
Presidents Message .............................................................. 486
Editor’s Report ....................................................................... 487
New Members ......................................................................... 488
Money Mart .............................................................................. 490
SPMC Statement of Ownership, Management & Circ. ....... 491
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
VICE-PRESIDENT--Robert Vandevender II, P.O. Box 2233,
Palm City, FL 34991
SECRETARY--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
Greenwood, SC 29649
Mark B. Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Loren Gatch 2701 Walnut St., Norman, OK 73072
Joshua T. Herbstman, Box 351759, Palm Coast, FL 32135
Steve Jennings, 214 W. Main, Freeport, IL 61023
J. Fred Maples, 7517 Oyster Bay Way, Montgomery Village,
MD 20886
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
PUBLISHER-EDITOR--Benny Bolin, 5510 Springhill Estates Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln.,ssex, CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC i s
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show.
Information about the SPMC,
including the by-laws and
activities can be found at our website, .The SPMC
does not does not endorse any dealer, company or auction house.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at
least 18 years of age and of good moral character. Members of the
ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for
membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC
member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must
be from 12 to 17 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Junior membership numbers will be preceded by the letter “j” which
will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member
has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $39. Dues for members in Canada and
Mexico are $45. Dues for members in all other countries are $60.
Life membership—payable in installments within one year is $800
for U.S.; $900 for Canada and Mexico and $1000 for all other
countries. The Society no longer issues annual membership cards,
but paid up members may request one from the membership director
with an SASE.
Memberships for all members who joined the S o c i e t y
prior to January 2010 are on a calendar year basis with renewals due
each December. Memberships for those who joined since January
2010 are on an annual basis beginning and ending the month joined.
All renewals are due before the expiration date which can be found on
the label of Paper Money. Renewals may be done via the Society
website or by check/money order sent to the secretary.
Pierre Fricke—Buying and Selling!
1861‐1869 Large Type, Confederate and Obsolete Money!
P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776 ;;
And many more CSA, Union and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Contact or call 888.8Kagins to speak directly to Donald Kagin, Ph.D. for a FREE Apraisal!
Consign Your Currency with The Offi cial Aucti oneer
of the ANA Nati onal Money ShowsTM
For more information about consigning your currency to Kagin’s Auction for the ANA National Money Show
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March 8-10, 2018
Irving Convention Center
Dallas, TX (Irving, TX)
Experience the Kagin’s Di erence:
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• 0% Seller’s fee for $25,000 consignments and $1,500 per lot
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• 99% and 100% sell through for the last two auctions
• Innovative marketing and exposure outside as well as inside the coin industry as we did
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• Free ANA and club memberships and educational reference books
Currency already consigned:
– The largest collection of Federal Reserve Notes
and Federal Reserve Bank Notes in decades
– Colonial and Confederate Currency
– Small Size and Error banknotes
– National Bank Notes
– Western Assay Receipts
– Hundreds of lots of U.S. Large Size Currency
– Fractional currency
– The largest and fi nest collection of
Encased Postage Stamps
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100% Sell Through
Kagin’s only produces two auctions a year so your consignment will receive up to four months of
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Boutique style sessions limited to 500 lots allow us to highlight your collection and tell your
numismatic journey, or as a buyer, to focus in on just the currency you need.
Kagins-PM-Ad-Mar2018-NMSCons-10-14-17.indd 1 10/15/17 11:55 PM
Doug Murray has documented a handful of large size Federal Reserve Notes and Federal Reserve
Bank Notes with signature combinations that bear serial numbers that are so far out of range from their
peers that they stand out as anomalies in census listings. They comprise legitimate but highly specialized
collectible varieties for those willing to understand and search for them.
Table 1 is a list of Murray’s discoveries along these lines. He and I have independently examined the
data pertaining to the face plates used to print these notes in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing plate
ledgers in order to determine if there were any obvious reasons that could explain why notes printed from
them were numbered so late. The likely explanations would be (1) delayed use of the plate or (2) a plate
that was finished late and out of sequence with its peers. The latter are called late-finished plates by small
note collectors.
Table 1. Recognized occurrences of out‐of‐range large size FRBN and FRN serial numbers.
Friedberg High Observed Observed Out‐of‐Range Serial Expected Signatures on
No. Type Normal Serial with (Face Plate Number) the Out‐of‐Range Note
855a FRN 1914 $5 White‐Mellon type a C99152941A C11311208B (524) White‐Mellon type c
855b FRN 1914 $5 White‐Mellon type b C98530738A C11310770B (599), C11313490B (600) White‐Mellon type c
877 FRN 1914 $5 Burke‐Glass I12282899A I18003998A (64) White‐Mellon
936 FRN 1914 $10 Burke‐McAdoo I6113882A I11959888A (34) White‐Mellon
783 FRBN 1918 $5 T‐B‐Hardt‐Passmore C682888A C1568134A (3), C1581443A (3) T‐B‐Dyer‐Passmore
Neither of these explanations held for any of the seven notes listed on Table 1. We found that all
the face plates listed were used normally alongside their peers at the same time and that none were finished
late or out of sequence. The only explanation remaining was that production from them was simply
numbered late.
This takes us to a detail that attends the production of Federal Reserve notes that has been well
The Paper
Figure 1. The normal serial numbers for a Fr 855a note end at a bit over C99--A.
This note carries a CB block serial that is well over one million higher - CB started
at C10000001B - that represents some left over FR 855a stock numbered late within
Fr 855c stock that was being processed at the time. Doug Murray photo.
Stockpiling Caused
Out-of-Range Serial Numbers
in the Large Size FRNs and FRBNs
Peter Huntoon
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
documented in the small size Series of 1934 $5s. There was a hiatus in the production of FRN $5s between
1937 and 1941-2. The $5 backs printed through 1937 had a very distinctive yellow-green color, whereas
backs printed from 1941 forward were blue-green. However the first of the notes numbered in the 1941-2
group had yellow-green backs. A check of the face plates revealed that many of those plates had been
canceled back in the mid-1930s. Obviously what had occurred was that unnumbered mid-1930 vintage
stock, which had intaglio back and face printings, had been stockpiled and numbered and sealed in 1941-2
when production of the $5s resumed (Huntoon, 1997).
Overages always occur in print runs so spoilage can be accommodated. The deliveries consist of
perfectly printed stock in the quantity specified on the orders. Spoilage is destroyed as mutilated. Now the
question is what did they do with any excess good stock?
The Bureau of Engraving always has operated frugally because both the paper and printing
technology are expensive so instead of destroying excess sheets, they were stockpiled so that they could be
appended to future orders. The notes treated in this article reveal that the practice began during the large
note era. It created a somewhat burdensome problem because there were twelve Federal Reserve Districts
and several denominations, all of which had to be stored separately.
The ideal is that the excess sheets would be the first to be withdrawn and numbered the next time
an order for that district and denomination came through. We collectors generally wouldn’t recognize that
it happened because numbering was sequential from the previous printing so as serials in our census are
recorded we would see continuity and have no idea that one order terminated and the next began.
The foregoing assumes that the stockpiles were handled first-in, first-out. But a recurring common
problem with industrial stockpiles is that often first-in becomes last-out simply because the first-in gets
piled in the back with younger material in front, or, when small qualities are involved, the first-in gets
buried at the bottom of a stack with younger material piled on top. The front or top material gets processed
first when the stockpile is withdrawn.
It appears that this is what happened when the sheets containing the notes listed on Table 1 were
numbered and sealed. The notes represent residual sheets that were processed out-of-order during a
subsequent requisition. The result was that large numbers of notes printed from younger plates with new
signatures or new plate varieties intervened.
The $5 FRN Series of 1914 White-Mellon Fr 855a and b notes listed on Table 1 involve a wrinkle
that is particularly revealing. They were numbered when the Fr 855c variety was current.
Those sheets could not have been numbered on the same overprinting presses as the Fr 855c sheets
because the Treasury seal was moved closer to the portrait on the Fr 855c notes. This means that as the Fr
Figure 2. This FR 936 $10 Burke-McAdoo note carries Fr 939 White-Mellon serial
numbers that are almost 6 million higher than the last normal Burke-McAdoo notes.
It represents a spectacular and currently unique example of this late-numbered
variety that was caused by delayed numbering of a stockpile. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
855a and b sheets were withdrawn from the stockpile, they had to be recognized and sent as a batch for
numbering on a press that was configured especially to handle them.
Through good fortune, a serial number ledger exists for the period during 1928 when these late-
numbered sheets were processed. The entries of supreme importance to this discussion are the following.
Date Serial Numbers Quantity Pressman
Jan 25, 1928 C11209001B-C11308000B 100,000 Kessler
Jan 25, 1928 C11308001B-C11316000B 8,000 Zuendel
Jan 26, 1928 C11316001B-C11364000B 48,000 Kessler
The middle entry for 8,000 notes encompasses the Fr 855a and b notes listed on Table 1, which
obviously were numbered on a different press manned by Zuendel than the Fr 855c notes before and after
run by Kessler.
Doug Murray, who truly knows how to worry this material, points out with respect to the Fr 877
and Fr 936 $5 and $10 Minneapolis late-numbered notes listed on Table 1 that both involve situations where
seal placement was not an issue. He notes that both notes happened to be numbered close to the end of
4,000-note bricks; respectively $5 I18003998A (I18000001A-I18004000A) and $10 I11959888A
(I11956001A-I11960000A). He asks could it be that these notes were from small groups of remainder
sheets where sheets with younger signatures were piled on top of them?
There are four very important considerations in all of this. First is that it takes a very dedicated
collector to recognize from census data that the late-numbered varieties occurred. Second, it takes a diehard
with unrelenting patience to attempt to find examples or to collect the specimens that have shown up in the
census. Third, the late-numbered varieties tend to be scarce to very rare because their supply was very
limited. And fourth, the examples in Table 1 do not represent every one of these occurrences. Of course the
process that created them wasn’t limited to the examples that Murray found. Others are out there waiting
to be discovered.
These notes certainly are subtle as collectable numismatic varieties go. In order for people to
comprehend what you have, the ideal is to assemble a suite of notes that bracket your late-numbered note
so they can see that it indeed appears to be out of sequence. The alternative is to display your late-numbered
note with a copy of the information on Table 1 to explain it.
Will other collectors find these varieties exciting or will they elicit a ho-hum? Our market will
decide. If you like the concept, you are in for a life-long pursuit because they did not occur with regularity
and the examples that are known are very scarce to downright rare.
References Cited and Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1914-1929, Ledger and historical record of Federal Reserve Note plates, FRN
Figure 3. This $5 Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank Note with Hardt-Passmore bank
signatures carries Dyer-Passmore serial numbers that are almost 900,000 higher than
expected. Currently two of these have been reported and they are the only FRBN that
have been demonstrated to be late numbered. Doug Murray photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Series 1914 faces and backs: Record Group 318, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1915-1929, Ledger and Historical Record of Federal Reserve Bank Currency plates,
FRBN Series 1915 and 1918: Record Group 318, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Jan 9, 1924-Jun 30, 1932, Schedule of the delivery of U. S. notes, silver certificates,
gold notes, Federal Reserve Notes: Record Group 318, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Huntoon, Peter, 1997 Nov-Dec, U. S. small-size $5 mules: Paper Money, v. 36, p. 179-190.
Spectacular run of
Mismatched Serials on $1
Series of 2001 FRNs
by Peter Huntoon
Bob Liddell obtained five consecutive
notes from a spectacular run of
mismatched serials that was found in
the $1 Series of 2001 New York BB
block. The problem was caused by the
second number wheel in from the right
in the righthand serial number register.
Notice that usually—but not always—
it was sticking to the right-most wheel
so it turned simultaneously with the
right wheel. Each time this happened,
the right serial jumped by 10 thus
accounting for the growing disparity
between the right and left numbers.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Central States
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The National and First National Banks of Huntsville, Alabama,
by David Hollander
Yes, I am addicted to collecting National Banknotes, and because I live in Alabama, it has to be Alabama
National Banknotes. And because I live in Huntsville, clearly Huntsville, Alabama, National Banknotes are the
highest priority. As one thing led to another, the history of the note‐issuing Huntsville National Banks, particularly
the lives of the Presidents and Cashiers, became very important to me.
Huntsville’s National Banks.
Like most of the country’s national banks, the story of those in Huntsville is one of extended families and/or
business relationships. Four note issuing National Banks were based in Huntsville, Alabama. (See Table 1.)
Table 1: Huntsville Was Home to Four National Banks During the Note Issuing Period
No. Title Chartered Fate
1560 The National Bank of
September 15, 1865 Liquidated, July 3, 1889
4067 The First National Bank of
June 22, 18891 March 23, 1985, changed to a Domestic
Branch of a Domestic Bank2
4689 The Farmers & Merchants
National Bank of Huntsville
January 25, 1892 Liquidated, March 16, 1905
8765 The Henderson National
Bank of Huntsville
June 1, 1907 August 31, 1985, changed to a Domestic
Branch of a Domestic Bank3
Many officers of The National Bank of Huntsville, The First National Bank of Huntsville, and The Henderson
National Bank of Huntsville were related through family ties. Those of The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of
Huntsville came to Huntsville to initiate business opportunities.
Because The First National Bank of Huntsville was a successor to The National Bank of Huntsville, this article
includes material about those two banks, including glimpses of their histories, their senior officers (Presidents and
Cashiers), their banknote issues, and NOT their architecture or histories of their buildings. Future articles will
address The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of Huntsville and The Henderson National Bank of Huntsville.
In Alabama, only The First National Bank of Selma4, Charter Number 1537, was older than The National Bank
of Huntsville. The National Bank of Huntsville was the successor to the old state bank, The Northern Bank of
Alabama (Figure 1). That bank suspended specie payment5 in September 18616, based on two Alabama General
Assembly acts7, and was subsequently closed.
Figure 1: The Northern Bank of
Alabama Was Approaching the
End of Its Corporate Existence
When the Bank Was
Photographed in 1862.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
On September 15, 1865, the United States Comptroller of US Currency, Freeman Clarke, authorized The
National Bank of Huntsville to begin business.8 The new bank, capitalized at $50,000, opened on Thursday,
October 5, 1865 (Figure 2)9, in the rented historic bank building located at 216 West Court Square. The Directors
were MAJ William Holding Echols, Algernon Sydney Fletcher, Oliver Beirne Patton, MAJ James Richardson Stevens,
Herman Weil, and James Hervey Mastin. The monthly building rent during 1865 was $100. For the year of 1866
the building was leased for $2,000.10
Mr. Mastin was the bank’s President (Table 2) and Mr. Theophilus Lacy (Table 3), the Cashier, a continuation
of his previous position as the Cashier of The Northern Bank of Alabama. Their families were united by the
marriage of Mr. Mastin’s son to Mr. Lacy’s daughter.
In 1867 the bank bought the property and building from The Northern Bank of Alabama for $30,000.
Table 2: The National Bank of Huntsville Had Two Presidents.
Year President Born Died Spouse
1865‐1882 James Hervey
11/1/1812 8/13/1894 Mary Jane Erskine
1882‐1889 MAJ James
Richardson Stevens
9/6/1833 4/5/1903 Martha “Mattie” Lee
JAMES HERVY MASTIN (Figure 3): Mr. Mastin was born November 1, 1812, in Newton, Virginia, and came to
Huntsville in 1829 from Maury County Tennessee.11 In 1834 he graduated from the University of Alabama.12 He
returned to Huntsville to open a drug store, followed by a dry goods business. He became a Director of The
Northern Bank of Alabama, the President of the Madison Turn Pike Company, and the first President of The
National Bank of Huntsville. He listed his profession as “Merchant and Planter.” Mr. Mastin married Mary Jane
Figure 2: The National Bank of
Huntsville Opened for Business
on October 5, 1865.
Figure 3: James Hervey Mastin,
President, 1865‐1882
Figure 4: MAJ James Richardson
Stevens, President, 1882‐1889
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Erskine (March 23, 1825‐November 23, 1909) on November 8, 1843, and they had five children (Kate Erskine,
William John, Mary Irby, Alexander Erskine, and Frank). He died August 13, 1894 and is buried in Huntsville’s
Maple Hill Cemetery.
MAJ JAMES RICHARDSON STEVENS (Figure 4): MAJ Stevens was born September 6, 1833, in Caswell County, NC.
He was 6 years old when his parents moved to Kentucky. There he received his education in the area schools,
mostly in Penbrook and Hopkinsville. At 18 he worked at his uncle’s, Edward Richardson’s, store in Brandon,
Mississippi, as a salesman, and succeeded his uncle in the business in 1860. In July 1861, he entered the
Confederate Army as a member of Company I, Sixth Mississippi Regiment, and was elected its Third Lieutenant.
He participated in the battle of Shiloh, and, after this battle, when the regiment was re‐organized, was elected its
Major. He fought at Corinth, Fort Gibson, Fort Hudson, Baker's Creek and in the siege of Vicksburg, where he was
captured July 4, 1863. After the war, he returned to Brandon, and re‐opened his business and conducted it until
1874, when he moved to Huntsville.
In Huntsville MAJ Stevens engaged in mercantile business until 1880, when he retired. He was elected
President of The National Bank of Huntsville in January 1881. He was one of the incorporators of The North
Alabama Improvement Company (later, after it failed, to be re‐organized as The Monte Sano Company), and was a
Director and its Treasurer.13 He was also one of the incorporators and a Director of The Decatur Land, Iron and
Furnace Company. In 1887 MAJ Stevens sold a parcel of land to the city of Huntsville to develop a park, now the
major city park, known as the Big Spring Park.14
In December 1867 MAJ Stevens married Martha “Mattie” Lee Patton (March 22, 1843‐December 22, 1875),
daughter of Dr. Charles Patton, of Huntsville. They had one son: James Richardson Stevens, Jr.15 MAJ Stevens died
April 5, 1903 and is buried in Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery.
Table 3: The National Bank of Huntsville Had Two Cashiers.
Year Cashier Born Died Spouse
1865‐1874 Theophilus
Henry Lacy
1/1/1804 2/10/1874 May W. Harris and Frances
“Frannie” Hardeman Binford
1874‐1889 Joseph Martin ~1822 3/16/1896 Virginia O. White
THEOPHILUS HENRY LACY (Figure 5): Mr. Lacy was born in Rockingham County, NC, January 1, 1804. On February
4, 1846, Alabama passed an act that placed the State Bank and its Branches in the hands of three Commissioners
and Trustees and appointed an officer to assist at each of the five institutions. Mr. Lacy was appointed to that
position for the Branch Bank in Huntsville.16 In 1859 he became the Cashier of The Northern Bank of Alabama and
resided with his family on the second floor of the bank, as required at the time by state law. When the bank was
reopened as The National Bank of Huntsville in 1865, Mr. Lacy was elected as its Cashier, a position he retained
for the rest of his life.17
On April 24, 1835, Mr. Lacy married May W. Harris (November 8, 1817‐January 25, 1836).18 On December 13,
1838, he married Frances Hardeman Binford (March 30, 1820‐March 10, 1891). They had 10 children, all born in
On November 10, 1870, one daughter, Fannie Binford Lacy married William John Mastin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Hervey Mastin (the bank President). One son, Theophilus Lacy, became a guest of the state after he was
found guilty of embezzling funds.20 Mr. Lacy died February 10, 1874 and is buried in an unmarked location in
Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery.
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JOSEPH MARTIN (Figure 6): Mr. Martin was born in the Greater London, England, area around 1822. He arrived
in Huntsville in the 1850’s, became a United States citizen in 1854, and was declared bankrupt in 186521. He
married Virginia O. White (1832‐March 19, 1879) of Huntsville on October 23, 185722 and had six children (Sallie23,
Lillian, Joseph, Virginia, Charles Cabaniss24, and Carrie)25. Mr. Martin was a Notary Public with commissions on
January 30, 1871, and again February 16, 1877. In October 1883, his son, Charles, apparently eloped, when still a
teenager, to marry Ada Jamar in Fayetteville, Tennessee, “a Gretna Green for young Huntsville lovers.”26 In 1884,
Joseph Junior married Carrie L. Harrison in a formal ceremony.27 His daughter, Carrie (called “Gypsey”) was an
accomplished amateur artist and dabbled in painting, needlework, and carving.28 In June 1890 Mr. Martin was a
Director of Home Protection Fire Insurance Company of Huntsville.29 In the same year he was the Treasurer of
Southern Building and Loan Association.30 His obituary stated that he had been in declining health for months and
on Monday morning, March 16, 1896, he went downstairs into the bank, felt faint, and was taken upstairs to his
residence where he died at noon. He is buried in Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery.31
The National Banks had almost no control over the design of the banknotes with the sole exception being the
title block. (Figure 7). The surviving banknotes from The National Bank of Huntsville are excessively rare, with only
two notes known currently (Table 4).
Figure 5: Theophilus Henry Lacy,
Cashier, 1865‐1874
Figure 6: Joseph Martin,
Cashier, 1874‐1889
Figure 7. The Title Block Was the Only
Design Element the Bank Could Impact.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Table 432: Only Two Notes Are Known to Have Survived from The National Bank of Huntsville.
Series Denomination Serial Numbers
Printed Total Value Known
Original $5, printed in sheets of four 1‐2450 9,800 $49,000 1
Original $10 and $20, printed in sheets of
three $10’s and one $20
1‐2120 $10=6360
1875 $5, printed in sheets of four 1‐1730 6,920 $34,600 1
1875 $10 and $20, printed in sheets of
three $10’s and one $20
1‐1514 $10=4542
$10 and $20, printed in sheets of
three $10’s and one $20
1‐1033 $10=3099
Totals: 35,388 $316,950 2
Total Unredeemed Notes in 1910: $1,765
Based on its Treasury Number (D223701) the $5 Original Series Note (Figure 8) was printed in 186533 and
currently is the earliest existing national banknote from the State of Alabama. The only surviving $5 Series of 1875
note (Figure 9) from the bank was printed in 1876.34
On July 3, 1889, The National Bank of Huntsville was liquidated. Records from 1897 indicate that $44,900 had
been issued, $40,827 retired, leaving $4,073 in banknotes outstanding.35 By 1910 the amount outstanding had
been reduced to $1,765.36
Figure 8: The Sole Surviving National Bank of Huntsville Original Series Note Has a Pedigree that Goes from the
John Morris (of Birmingham) to the Jerry Loegler (of Cullman) Collection and Was Sold at a Lyn Knight Auction
April 25, 2003, for $4,313.37
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Figure 9: Bob Cochran (Huntsville and St. Louis, MO) Bought the Sole Surviving National Bank of Huntsville
Series 1875 Note August 26, 1977, at a Kagin Auction for $750. It Was Re‐Sold by Bob’s Heirs January 7, 2016, at
a Heritage Auction for $4,230.
On July 5, 1889, the board of The National Bank of Huntsville voted to change its name to The First National
Bank of Huntsville38 and sold it the bank property for $20,000.
Robert Elias Spragins and Shelby S. Fletcher bought 51% of the bank’s stock in 1910.39 The families of the
bank’s Presidents and one of its Cashiers (Tables 5 and 6) were united through marriage.
Table 5: The First National Bank of Huntsville Had Three Presidents during the National BankNote Issuing Period
Year President Born Died Spouse
1889‐1899 MAJ James Richardson
Stevens, Sr.
9/6/1833 4/5/1903 Mattie Lee Patton
1899‐1909 MAJ William Holding
Echols, Sr.
3/11/1834 11/13/1909 Mary Beirne Patton
1909‐1935 COL Robert Elias
10/14/1861 10/17/1935 Susan "Susie"
Patton Echols
MAJ WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, SR. (Figure 10): MAJ Echols was born in Huntsville, March 11, 1834. His father
served several terms as Mayor of Huntsville, and was for some years Probate Judge of the county.40 In 1854 MAJ
Echols entered West Point Academy, and after graduating in 1858, was an engineer in the United States Army. In
1861, he resigned and entered the engineering corps of the Confederate Army, with the rank of Captain, and soon
rose to the rank of Major. He was stationed at Fort Jackson, on the Mississippi River, at Savannah, and at
Charleston. After the war, he was a civil engineer on the Memphis & Charleston Railroad. Then he became book‐
keeper in the Bell Factory Cotton Mills, near Huntsville, and afterward was secretary, treasurer, and
superintendent, a position he held until the mills were closed in 1884. Between 1883 and 1886 MAJ Echols was
the Postmaster of Bell Factory, Alabama.41 During that period he was appointed a Director of The Huntsville
National Bank. In April 1887, he complained that Huntsville was too slow in adopting electric lights and petitioned
for rights‐of‐way on Echols Street for electrical lighting.42
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MAJ Echols was married in January 1859 to Mary Beirne Patton (November 18, 1838‐June 8, 1924), daughter of Dr.
Charles Hayes Patton. They had two sons and one daughter. Their daughter, Susan Patton Echols, became the
wife of COL Robert Elias Spragins. MAJ Echols died November 13, 1909, and is buried in Huntsville’s Maple Hill
COL ROBERT ELIAS SPRAGINS (Figure 11): COL Spragins was born in Huntsville on October 14, 1861, and
graduated from the University of Alabama. In 1883 he began a law practice in Huntsville. On September 26, 1899,
he was named a delegate to the Southern Industrial Convention.43 He married Susan Patton Echols (February 17,
1864‐March 28, 1918), MAJ Echols’s daughter. He was a Madison County44 delegate to the Alabama Constitutional
Convention of 1901 (May 21‐September 3, 1901), and served as the Madison County State Senator from 1903 to
1915.45 In 1911 he became the first chairman of the Alabama Highway Commission.46 In 1911 and 1913 he was on
the State Democratic Committee.47 He was active in supporting the war effort at home and in 1918 headed the 4th
Liberty Loan Campaign.48 From 1916 to 1920 and again from 1921 until his death COL Spragins had the advisory
position of Madison County Attorney.49 In 1922 he was one of the trustees of the Boyd Spring Rod and Gun Club.50
During the same year “R. E. Spragins and Paul Speake, Attorneys” were located on the West Side of the Huntsville
Public Square at Number 12. The bank was on the main floor at the same address.51 In 1933 he, along with Mr.
John E. McEachin, were the Madison County delegates at the convention to ratify the 21st Amendment to the
United States Constitution. After the death of MAJ Echols, COL Spragins became the president of The First
National Bank of Huntsville, a position he held until his death, October 17, 1935.52 He is buried in Huntsville’s
Maple Hill Cemetery.
Table 6: The First National Bank of Huntsville Had Several Prominent Cashiers During National Banknote Period.
Year Cashier Born Died Spouse
Joseph Martin ~1822 1/1/1896 Virginia O.
Oliver Beirne Patton,
11/19/1846 12/11/1909 Elizabeth
“Bettie” Irvine
Cyrus Frank Sugg 4/4/1855 1/8/1911 Laura Belle
Figure 10: MAJ William Holding
Echols, Sr., President, 1899‐1909 Figure 11: COL Robert Elias Spragins, President, 1909‐1935
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Year Cashier Born Died Spouse
Robert Strong Pulley 12/9/1859 7/12/1916 Sarah “Sallie”
E. Taliaferro
Raphael Semmes, Jr. 12/29/1882 11/26/1966 Louisa
Harry Coltart
12/29/1887 7/16/1954 None
MR. OLIVER BEIRNE PATTON (Figure 12): Mr. Patton was born November 19, 1846, in Huntsville, educated at the
University of Virginia, and inherited his father’s large estate, which he further developed and managed. His wife,
Miss Bettie White (1847‐March 7, 1918), was the daughter of the Honorable Addison White of Huntsville.53 Mr.
Patton and his wife were an important part of the Huntsville social scene and hosted gala evenings. For example,
in September 1885 a large (more than 120 guest) cotillion was held at their residence in honor of Captain E. F.
Miller of Kentucky, and Misses Sunie and Shelby White.54 He became the Cashier of The First National Bank of
Huntsville upon the death of Joseph Martin. His sister, Miss Mary Beirne Patton, married MAJ Echols. Mr. Patton
died December 11, 1909, and is buried in Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery.
MR. CYRUS FRANK SUGG (Figure 13): Mr. Sugg55 was born April 4, 1855, came to Huntsville from Kentucky,
established, and was the Secretary/Treasurer of the first electric light plant (The Huntsville Gas Light Company)
soon after becoming connected with The Huntsville Ice Company. From 1895 he served as the
Secretary/Treasurer of The Southern Ice Exchange. On March 4, 1901, he was appointed as a Madison County
Commissioner to the newly created District 5 and resigned July 1, 1902.56 Mr. Sugg became the Cashier of The
First National Bank Huntsville after Mr. Patton died.57 He married Belle McCutchen (October 15, 1855 – December
4, 1938) December 19, 1876. Mr. Sugg died January 8, 1911, and is buried in the Bowling Mausoleum, Greenwood
Cemetery, Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee. (His sister, Sallie, was married to James Mortimer
MR. ROBERT STRONG PULLEY (Figure 14): Mr. Pulley was born in Huntsville December 9, 1859, the second oldest
of nine children. On May 12, 1885, he married Sallie Taliaferro (1866‐May 4, 1934). Mr. Pulley was the Vice
President of Huntsville’s first bicycle club in response to the new bicycle fad sweeping the nation.58 In 1895 he
started The Madison Loan and Trust Company with his brothers, Edward Lackey Pulley, a Huntsville lawyer, and
Charles H. Pulley.59 On November 21, 1904, he became a Madison County Commissioner.60 In April 1907, prior to
becoming the Cashier of The First National Bank of Huntsville in 1911, he was active in a mercantile business on
Figure 12: Oliver Beirne Patton,
Cashier, 1896‐1909
Figure 13: Frank Cyrus Sugg,
Cashier, 1909‐1911
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the south side of the Huntsville public square. On July 22, 1916, he left his office in the bank and went to his
country home complaining that he was not feeling well. While there he suffered an attack of “acute indigestion”61
and went to the hospital. However, the doctors were unable to save his life and he died that day.62 He is buried in
Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery.
MR. RAPHAEL SEMMES, JR. (Figure 15): Mr. Semmes, born December 29, 1882, in Memphis, Tennessee, was the
grandson of the famous Confederate States Admiral, Raphael Semmes. He was educated at various schools in
Mobile, Alabama, and in 1914 became a Teller at The First National Bank of Montgomery. While in Montgomery
he married Louise Gertrude Thornton (May 9, 1887‐March 22, 1963). He came to Huntsville and was elected the
Cashier of The First National Bank of Huntsville after the death of Mr. Pulley. In 1922 he had offices in the bank at
Number 12 on the West Side of the Huntsville Public Square. He had a separate business upstairs, “Coldwell &
Company, Raphael Semmes, Representative, Investments.”63 In 1925 he became the President of the Huntsville
Board of Trade (which consolidated two years later with the Chamber of Commerce).64 In the same year he was
the President of the Fair Association.65 In 1927 Mr. Semmes was listed as a member of the Huntsville Farmers
Market Board.66 He remained the bank Cashier until 1929. In 1937 he was appointed the Vice President and
Secretary of Monroe, Inc., a company that specialized in the design and production of letterheads.67 Mr. Semmes
died November 26, 1966 and is buried in Huntsville’s Maple Hill Cemetery.
MR. HARRY COLTART68 LANDMAN (Figure 16): Mr. Landman was born December 29, 1887, in Madison, Alabama,
to James Henry and Fannie Carruthers Landman. He had two brothers, three half‐brothers, and two half‐sisters.69
The local newspaper noted that the popular Assistant Cashier had a “nice Atlanta and vicinity holiday” during the
summer of 1915.70 On May 9, 1917, he was among the first group of men to go to Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, for
World War I military service.71 He became a cashier somewhat naturally since his grandfather, James Henry
Landman, had been a cashier at Bradley, Wilson & Company in Huntsville prior to the Civil War.72 In 1922 Mr.
Landman was one of the reigning Huntsville tennis champions.73 He never married, but he did participate in many
social events in the city. For example, he attended the 1930 Valentine’s Day Party at Huntsville’s Russell Erskine
Hotel and the weekly bridge game at the same hotel.74 Federal relief money (to ease the Depression) began
flowing into Huntsville in 1932. Mr. Landman was designated the person to receive and disburse the funds
through the Red Cross.75 He was promoted to a Vice‐President of the bank, probably in 1948, a position he still
held in 1951.76 He died July 16, 1954. His place of burial is unknown.
It is surprising that only nine large size notes are known currently (Table 7) for The First National Bank, particularly
when considering that 158,460 were printed. This represents a survival rate of less than 1 in 17,600 notes,
whereas, typically, the rate for all Alabama national banks is 1 in 4,810.77
Figure 14: Robert Strong Pulley,
Cashier, 1911‐1916
Figure 15: Raphael Semmes, Jr.,
Cashier, 1916‐1929
Figure 16: Harry Coltart
Landman, Cashier, 1929‐1948
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Table 778: All Surviving Large Size Notes from The First National Bank of Huntsville Are Scarce.
Series Denomination Serial Numbers
Printed Total Value Known
1882 Brown Back $10 and $20, printed in sheets
of three $10’s and one $20
1‐3817 $10=11,451
1902 Date Back $5, printed in sheets of four 1‐5000 20,000 $100,000 1
1902 Date Back $10 and $20, printed in sheets
of three $10’s and one $20
1‐7900 $10=23,700
1902 Plain Back $5, printed in sheets of four 5001‐18697 54,788 $273,940 2
1902 Plain Back $10 and $20, printed in sheets
of three $10’s and one $20
7901‐17101 $10=27,603
Large Size Totals: 158,460 $1,419,840 9
Total Large Size Notes Unredeemed in 1935: $2,170
1929 Type 1 $5, printed in sheets of six 1‐5256 31,536 $189,216 6
1929 Type 1 $10, printed in sheets of six 1‐2762 16,572 $165,720 8
1929 Type 1 $20, printed in sheets of six 1‐642 3,852 $77,040 8
1929 Type 2 $5, printed in sheets of six 1‐8162 8,162 $40,810 7
1929 Type 2 $10, printed in sheets of six 1‐4570 4,570 $45,700 3
1929 Type 2 $20, printed in sheets of six 1‐1392 1,392 $27,840 7
Small Size Totals: 66,084 $514,790 39
Figures 17 through 21 are representative survivors of The First National Bank of Huntsville.
Figure 17: The Only Known Surviving 1882
Brown Back from Any Bank in Huntsville Is in
Very Fine Condition and Was Sold for $2,585
January 7, 2016, at a Heritage Auction.
Figure 18: This Is the Only First National
Bank of Huntsville 1902 $10 Date Back
Known to Have Survived and Was Last Sold
January 12, 2008, at a Heritage Auction for
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Figure 19: Only Two First National Bank of
Huntsville $20 1902 Plain Backs Are Known.
This One Was Sold at a Heritage Auction
January 7, 2016, for $1,116.25.
Figure 20: Small Size Notes from The
First National Bank of Huntsville Are
Scarce, but Not Rare.79
Figure 21: The Very First Type II Note
from The First National Bank of Huntsville
Has Survived.80 It Was Sold at a Heritage
Auction on January 12, 2016, for $528.75.
Sources and Notes
1 Floyd, W. Warner, Form 10‐300, Revision 6‐72, United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, National Register of
Historic Places Inventory‐Nomination Form, signed July 19, 1974, Certified October 25, 1974.
2 Federal Reserve System, National Information Center,
3 Federal Reserve System, National Information Center,
4 The First National Bank of Selma went into receivership April 30, 1867. No surviving notes are known although there is urban legend of a
single note existing.
5 The New York Times, Southern Items from Louisville, October 8, 1861.
6 Acts of the Called Session of the General Assembly of Alabama, Act 4, Section 7, enacted February 2, 1861, Montgomery: Shorter & Reid,
State Printers, 1861, Page 9.
7 Acts of the Seventh Biennial Session of the General Assembly of Alabama, Acts 105 and 106, Montgomery: Shorter & Reid, State Printers,
1860, page 86.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
8 Record, James, A DREAM COME TRUE, VOLUME I, MADISON COUNTY, John Hicklin Printing Company, copyright 1970, Page 139.
9 The First National Bank Building 1835‐1951, Huntsville, Alabama, brochure, 216 West, privately printed by The First National Bank of
Huntsville, Alabama, 1951, no page numbers.
DESCRIPTIVE DATA, DISTRICT NO. 16, Project HABS No. 16‐405, Auburn, Alabama: Historic American Buildings Survey, Ala. Polytechnic
Institute., 1936, Page 2.
11 Chapman, CHANGING HUNTSVILLE, 1890‐1899, reprinted by the Historic Huntsville Foundation, Inc., P. O. Box 786, Huntsville, Alabama,
1989, Page 171.
M. D. J. Slade, 1842, No page numbers.
13 The Huntsville Weekly Mercury, April 8, 1903, Page 8, Column 3.
14 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 65.
15 Smith, A. Davis, and T. A. DeLand, NORTHERN ALABAMA: HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL, Birmingham, Alabama, Copyright 1888, Page
16 Garrett, William, REMINISCENCES OF PUBLIC MEN IN ALABAMA, FOR THIRTY YEARS. Atlanta, Georgia: Plantation Publishing Company’s
Press, 1872, Page 673.
17 A community established south of the Tennessee River by three Virginia‐born brothers, Hopkins, John, and Theophilus Lacy, took on their
name and became the site for a U.S. post office in February 1831. “Lacy’s Spring” became “Lacey’s Spring” when the postal seal furnished
by Washington officials inserted an “e” into the name.
18 May W. Harris Lacy is buried in the Lacy Cemetery on what is now Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
19 Mary F. Lacy was born November 15, 1841. She died June 12,
1912. Mary married James T. Gee on October 19, 1863 in Huntsville. Pattie Staunton Lacy was born December 24, 1842. She died December
23, 1887, in Huntsville. Sue B. Lacy was born and died in Huntsville. Theophilus Lacy, Jr. was born June 16, 1846. He died December 25,
1901, in Burnsville, Dallas County, AL, and was buried in Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, AL. Theophilus married Mary Newell Pettus,
daughter of Senator Edmund Winston Pettus and Lucinda Chapman on June 27, 1871, in Selma, AL. Mary was born May 18, 1854, in Selma,
AL. She died July 26, 1927, in Plantersville, AL, and was buried in Old Live Oak Cemetery, Selma, AL. Susan Gee Lacy was born September 29,
1848 and died about 1865. Fannie Binford Lacy was born January 11, 1851. She died July 16, 1878, in Huntsville. Fannie married William
John Mastin, son of James Hervey Mastin and Mary Jane Erskine, on November 10, 1870. William was born November 26, 1847, in
Huntsville. He died November 22, 1914, in Huntsville. Leila Lacy was born March 22, 1853 and died after 1892. She married John Taylor
Morris on October 15, 1873. Sally Louise Lacy was born July 31, 1855 and died February 16, 1887. John Hugh Lacy was born January 4, 1858,
and died after 1892. John married Clara Louise Hannis. William Binford Lacy died after 1892.
20‐1585. Mr. Lacy’s son, Theophilus Lacy, was sentenced to 16 years in prison for the
1913 embezzlement and grand larceny of $90,000 from convict leasing funds while he was the Chief Clerk of the Convict Board. This affair
negatively impacted the second term of Governor Emmet O’Neal.
21 INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD AND CUSTOMS JOURNAL, VOLUME VI, New York: P. VR. Van Wyck, Editor and Proprietor, Office, 95 Liberty
Street, Page 190.
22 Marriage License, State of Alabama, Madison County, dated October 23, 1857, Madison County Records Office.
23 The United States 1920 Census indicates that Sallie was in the Insane Patients Bryce Hospital in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
edited by Former Governor Allen D. Candler and General Clement A. Evens, Volume II, Atlanta: State Historical Association, Copyright 1906,
the biographical synopsis of Charles C. Martin has at least one obvious exaggeration: “He is a son of the late Joseph Martin, former
president of The First National bank of Huntsville…”
25 United States 1870 Census, Huntsville, Alabama, enumerated August 16, 1870.
26 The Huntsville Weekly Democrat, October 10, 1883.
27 The Huntsville Weekly Democrat, January 16, 1884.
28 The Huntsville Weekly Democrat, July 3, 1895.
29 The Daily Mercury, July 1, 1890. It was noted in the article that Southern Building and Loan Association was organized in the Spring of
1889 and was doing well.
30 The Daily Mercury, October 10, 1890.
31 The Huntsville Weekly Democrat, March 18, 1896.
32 Kelly, Don C., NATIONAL BANK NOTES, A Guide with Prices, SIXTH EDITION, The Paper Money Institute, Inc., P. O. Box 85, Oxford, Ohio
45056, Copyright 2008, Page 33.
33 Huntoon, Peter, UNITED STATES LARGE SIZE NATIONAL BANK NOTES, published by the Society of Paper Money Collectors, P. O. Box 3681,
Laramie, WY 82071, Printed by Modern Printing, Laramie, WY 82070, Page 254.
34 Ibid., Page 256.
STATES, DECEMBER 6, 1897, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1897, Treasury Department, Document No. 1986A., Comptroller of
the Currency, Volume I, Page 474.
36 Op. Cit., Kelly, Page 33.
37 All prices realized at auction include fees such as commission, postage, and so forth.
38 Op. Cit., Burkhardt, Page 2.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
V, AND ROBERT E. SPRAGINS LINES, Huntsville, Alabama, Copyright 1956, Page 140.,
40 Op. Cit., Smith, A. Davis, and T. A. DeLand, Page 282.
41 Op Cit., Record, Volume I, Page 297.
42 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 65.
43 The Republican, September 30, 1899, No. 1, Page 2, Column 3.
44 The other Madison County delegate was Mr. Algernon Sydney Fletcher.
45 Op. Cit., Record, Volume I, Page 262.
46 Mr. Spragins served two terms: 1911‐1915 and 1915‐1919.
47 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 709.
48 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 167.
49 Op. Cit., Record, Volume I, Page 245.
50 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 182.
51 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 548.
Publishing Company, Copyright 1921, Reprinted 1978, The Reprint Company, Publishers, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29304, Page 1608.
53 Op. Cit., Smith, A. Davis, and T. A. DeLand, Page 278. Note: Addison White (May 1, 1824 – February 4, 1909) served the state of Kentucky
in the United States House of Representatives between 1851 and 1853. After the Civil War, he moved to Huntsville, Alabama.
54 The Huntsville Daily Mercury, September 3, 1885. The cotillion was called a “german” in the usage of the time.
55 At some point, Mr. Sugg began using Cyrus rather than Frank, and signed his name, “Cyrus F. Sugg.”
56 Op. Cit., Record, Volume I, Page 160.
57 Mr. Sugg died at his home in Huntsville on January 9 1911. Acute indigestion was named as the cause of death which came suddenly a
moment after arising from the breakfast table.
58 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 79.
Printing Company, 1895, Pages 891‐895.
60 Op. Cit., Record, Volume I, Page 160.
61 It is very likely that the root cause of Mr. Pulley’s “acute indigestion” was from being vastly overweight, namely he became morbidly
obese in his later years.
62 The Huntsville Daily Times, July 23, 1916, Page 3.
63 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 548.
64 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 191.
65 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 706.
66 Op. Cit., Record, Volume I, Page 249.
Company, Inc., Copyright 1949, Page 754.
68 The “Coltart” name could be from Colonel John Gordon Coltart (January 26, 1826‐May 16, 1868), 26th/50th Alabama Infantry or from his
older brother Robert Wilson Coltart (1823‐September 1879), the Confederate States Marshal for the Northern District of Alabama, and
afterwards mayor of Huntsville for several terms.
70 The Huntsville Daily Times, August 1, 1915.
71 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 166.
72 HUNTSVILLE DIRECTORY, CITY GUIDE AND BUSINESS MIRROR, 1859‐1860, Huntsville: Coltart & Son, No. 10 Commercial Row, 1859,
Reprinted by the Strode Publishers, Huntsville, Alabama 1972, Page 69.
73 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 182.
74 The Huntsville Daily Times, February 16, 1930, Page 5, and March 30, 1930, Page 6.
75 Op. Cit., Record, Volume II, Page 217.
76 Op. Cit., The First National Bank Building 1835‐1951, Huntsville, Alabama.
77 Hollander, David B., TRIAL CENSUS OF KNOWN ALABAMA BANK NOTES, Copyright 1999‐2017. October 16, 2017.
78 Op. Cit., Kelly, Page 33.
79 Charles Cataldo Collection, Huntsville, Alabama.
80 Heritage Auctions, Auction 3541, Lot 24380, January 12, 2016, ex‐Bob Cochran Collection. Sold for $528.75, including fees.
Many thanks to the Huntsville Madison County Public Library for access to their archives and to William Gunther for his important
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
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Michigan Obsolete Notes
by Clifford F. Thies
The Dirty Dozen
Dr. Wallace G. Lee, a founding member of the
Paper Money Collectors of Michigan, has written
two well‐researched and beautifully illustrated
books bound into one, Michigan Obsolete Bank and
Scrip Notes of the 19th Century, and Michigan
National Bank Notes, 1863‐1935 (Krause, 2007).
Gary Pecquet of Michigan Central University, John
Dove of Troy University and I drew upon Dr. Lee's
work in our own research on Michigan's Wild Cat
Bank era, published in Essays in Economic and
Business History. In this article, I'd like to add a few
things to what Dr. Lee says about Michigan's Wild
Cat Banks. In a follow‐up article, I'll comment of
the mining company scrip that circulated in
Michigan's upper peninsula. My research on
mining company scrip was motivated specifically
by Dr. Lee.
Michigan's experience with Wild Cat Banks
was one of the more colorful and tragic episodes
in banking during the period sometimes described
as the Free Bank Era, from the expiration of the
charter of the Second Bank of the United States
until the National Bank era began during the Civil
War. Just the expression "Wild Cat Banks" is
evocative! Dr. Lee devotes a couple paragraphs on
p. 13 to the origins of the term. For some people,
the term refers to unsound or reckless banking,
which banks were often located “where only the
wildcats roamed.” John Bartlett, as in Bartlett's
quotations, attributes the term to the depiction of
a panther on an early Michigan banknote. (Sorry, I
can't verify this.) William H. Dillistin, who wrote "a
discourse on wildcat banks and wildcat bank
notes," traces the term to the offer of bounties for
the skins of wildcats in various frontier states.
But, whatever the origin of the term, Wild Cat
Banking has come to signify the utter collapse of
Michigan's banking system and the subsequent
prostration of the state's economy for something
like a decade. How could such a catastrophe
Following the expiration of the charter of the
Second Bank of the United States, states were free
to experiment in banking. Many of them used
banks to promote rapid economic development. In
the states on the old Northwest, banks were used
to finance internal improvements such as canals
and railroads. In the states of the New South,
banks were used to enable planters to acquire
land and slaves. In Michigan, Stevens T. Mason, the
Boy Governor, envisioned three railroads crossing
the lower peninsula of the state, connecting Lake
Huron with Lake Michigan. The state was to be
populated by pioneer farm families and dotted
with rural villages and towns. For a time, the
vision seemed to be coming together. State bonds
were sold, construction got underway, immigrants
arrived, villages and towns sprang up. But,
interest on the bonds came due faster than tax
revenue came in, and soon additional bonds could
not be sold. The massive amount of paper money
issued by the many new banks getting underway
in the country could not sustained by the limited
amount of gold and silver, resulting in a financial
panic and a general suspension of specie
payments by the banks.
At this point, according to Alpheus Felch, who
was a member of the state legislature at the time,
“The public seemed imbued with the idea that to
relieve them from the galling burden of
indebtedness and to restore activity and
prosperity to the business world, nothing was
needed but extensive bank issues.” The new issues
of bank notes were to come from a new form of
bank, Free Banks, as authorized by a general
banking law. The capital for these Free Banks was
to be based on mortgages. Felch would later
become one of the commissioners charged with
enforcing the provisions of the general banking
law. At a later time he would be elected an anti‐
bank Governor, and then, after serving as
Governor, write a history in which he recounted
his heroic but frustrated effort to prevent
swindlers from organizing Free Banks.
That's not how things transpired in real time.
In real time, as reported in the newspapers, the
new Free Banks were viewed with enthusiasm.
“This new bank [Bank of Oakland] has now gone
into operation … we learn that the bank has been
liberal in its discounts and will contribute greatly
to the general wealth and prosperity of Pontiac,”
said one newspaper. “The Bank of Coldwater has
this day gone into operation with every prospect
of permanent utility to the stockholders and the
community around it,” said another newspaper.
Even when the new banks started to get into
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trouble, the bank commissioners diminished the
extent of their problems. “[T]he officers of the
Farmers & Merchants Bank of St. Joseph are
determined to discharge their duties faithfully and
fearlessly to the public.” The real problem wasn't
the new banks, but the old banks, described as
"Whig monopoly banks." These Whig monopoly
banks supposedly attempted to discredit the new
banks by organizing a few fraudulent ones. The
old banks “have found it necessary to make an
effort to render the general banking law
unpopular with the people, and to produce a
political change at the same time, to put into
operation some six or eight fraudulent banks.” My
coauthors and I figure that there were exactly 12
Wild Cat banks among the 43 Free Banks that
were organized (see Table 1). If only these banks
had been shut, the loss to the people of the state
would have been only $350,000, as opposed to $1
million, and the recession might not have turned
into a depression.
As the new Free Banks were being forced into
suspension, a new scheme was hatched to support
a new round of borrowing: a large, multi‐branch
state bank of the kind approved in Illinois (the
Bank of the State of Illinois) and Mississippi (the
Mississippi Union Bank). The state legislature
suspended the operation of the general banking
law, meaning no new Free Banks could be
organized, and approved a charter for a new state‐
owned bank. However, the bonds that were
supposed to provide the capital for the bank could
not be sold. At this point, the state legislature was
kind of out of ideas as to how to relieve the people
of the state from all the debts they had piled upon
themselves, but not completely. The legislature
had one more trick up its sleeve. Repudiate the
charters of the Free Banks, the good ones, the bad
ones, all of them. Then, all the debts owed to them
would be wiped out.
As everybody who knows anything about
banks knows, banks have everything backward.
While ordinary people think of bank notes as an
asset, banks think of bank notes as a liability. And,
while ordinary people think of loans from a bank
as a debt, banks think of these loans as an asset.
Therefore, as crazy as this sounds, when all the
debts owed to banks are wiped out, the banks
have no assets with which to make good on their
bank notes. When the supreme court of the state
upheld the repudiation of the charters of the Free
Banks by the state legislature, the mass of Free
Bank notes “fell in a dead loss on the community.”
“All hope which the holders of bills may have had
of realizing anything upon them vanished forever
… Many of the bills…were then given away
promiscuously. Children used them to play with
and, in the rural districts, where paper hangings
were scarce, people used them to paper their
Many of the bank notes of the good Free
Banks and the Wild Cat Free Banks, have survived
to the present day, as well as blanks from some
Free Banks that were in the process of being
organized at the time the general banking law was
The twelve Michigan Wild Cat Free Banks
(defined as having at least two of the following
three characteristics: (1) the bank issued a large
amount of notes, (2) the bank was closed by the bank
commissioners either while being organized or soon
after commencing business or soon after a change in
ownership, and (3) there is no indication that its notes
circulated at par within the state).
Allegan, Bank of
Clinton Canal Bank
F&M Bank of Pontiac
F&M Bank of St. Joseph
Farmers Bank of Genesee County
Farmers Bank of Sandstone
Jackson County Bank
Kensington, Bank of
Lapeer, Bank of
Lenawee County Bank
Shiawassee Exchange Bank
Wayne County Bank
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
A non‐Wild Cat Free Bank. A large amount
of bank notes of this bank were
outstanding at the time the state
legislature repudiated its charter.
According to its receiver, the bank had
more than enough assets to make good on
all its liabilities. But, the bank notes and
other liabilities being worthless, weren't
turned in, and therefore weren't
Famers Bank of Sandstone ‐ a Wild Cat
Free Bank (one of the twelve) Notice,
above the name of the bank, "Real Estate
Detroit & St Joseph Rail Road Bank ‐ a
Wild Cat Free Bank (one of twelve). This
bank note was to circulate in and around
Cincinnati, Ohio, where it was supported
by a local broker.
Farmers Bank of Genesee County ‐ a
Wild Cat Free Bank (one of the twelve)
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Bank of Lapeer ‐ a Wild Cat Free Bank
(one of the twelve)
Lenawee County Bank ‐ a Wild Cat Free
Bank (one of the twelve)
Clinton Canal Bank ‐ a Wild Cat Free Bank
(one of the dozen)
The Iron Man of 1876
A delightful section of Dr. Wallace G. Lee's
compendium of Michigan paper money concerns
mining company scrip. As I was flipping through
the pages of this section, I came across the name
of Samuel J. Tilden in his capacity of President of
the New York Iron Mine Co.
Tilden, like Al Gore, won the
popular vote but lost a
Presidential election. In the
election of 1876, multiple
sets of Electoral College
votes were submitted from
three states. To resolve the
controversy over which
votes to accept, the
Congress organized a
special commission. The
commission voted 8 to 7
along party lines to accept the votes cast for the
Republican candidate. Following up on the entry
on the New York Iron Mine Co., I found out that
among the issues during the 1876 Presidential
election was Tilden's involvement in mining
company scrip.
As a lawyer, a director and an investor, Tilden
had become involved in a number of railroad and
mining enterprises. Among them was the New
York Iron Mine Co. of Michigan's upper peninsula,
of which he was president and principal owner.
The mine of this company, third in output in the
region, was known as the "Tilden Mine." The
company was organized in 1865 and continued in
operation until 1919. During this period, the
upper peninsula had a booming mining industry,
principally iron and copper, with the first mines
being opened during the 1840s. During the early
Samuel J. Tilden
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
part of this period, the upper peninsula was an
isolated region, with few banks or merchants. Its
isolation was especially pronounced when winter
set in and the waterways froze, prior to railroads
being extended there.
As happened with other mining operations in
isolated places from the mid‐19th century to the
early 20th century, the mining companies of the
upper peninsula opened company stores and
issued scrip. In Michigan, the practice can be
traced to the 1840s. The first iteration appears to
have been ended by the state’s clamp down on
scrip. The practice resumed around 1853, grew
extensive during the Civil War, and continued
until the 1870s. During these years, “iron money”
enjoyed a general circulation in the upper
Judging from the experience of the Iron Cliffs
Co., mining company scrip changed from company
store money into a full‐blown medium of
exchange following the Panic of 1857. As one of
the ways the Iron Cliffs Co. dealt with the hard
times following the Panic of 1857, the company
resorted to paying workers in scrip suitable for
use as a hand‐to‐hand currency. Numerous
specimens reproduced by Dr. Lee indicate that
this new form of scrip involved checks payable to
the bearer on demand at the company’s bank or
drafts payable to the bearer on demand at the
treasury of the company, in denominations
suitable for a hand‐to‐hand paper currency.
The use of iron money greatly increased
during the 1860s for lack of coins (due to the
suspension of specie payments), the tremendous
demand for iron and copper, and a dearth of
banks. From 1857 to 1868, from 3 to 5 private
bankers operated in the upper peninsula. The first
bank ‐ a national bank ‐ was organized in 1864. By
1874, there were five national banks, two state
banks and 12 private bankers in the region.
Following the Panic of 1873, the Iron Cliffs Co.
added another wrinkle to its issue of iron money,
making it payable only after 60 days. This form of
money was referred to as due bills. Workers were
told they would either have to accept this form of
payment or be laid off. With the hard times and
the winter coming in, workers faced a difficult
choice. Many choose to leave the region. Among
those who stayed, there was unrest that was only
quelled upon the arrival of two companies of
militia from the lower peninsula. Nevertheless, a
majority of the mines remained opened.
Initially, the scarceness of money caused
some to question the propriety of tying money to
gold. “Why regulate the supply of money by the
standard of gold coin?” asked the Portage Lake
Mining Gazette. But, soon, the hard money position
won out. “Gold and silver are the only safe
measures on which to base money value on,” said
the very same newspaper a few months later.
The use of iron money as a general medium of
exchange in the upper peninsula came to a sudden
halt during 1874. Upon a complaint, the
Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
determined that the bank note‐like bills issued by
the mining companies were subject to a
prohibitory tax of 10 percent per year retroactive
to when they were first issued. This tax was part
of the banking acts of the 1860s and was designed
to replace the mass of state bank notes in
circulation with a uniform national currency. "The
'iron currency' company drafts for small amounts,
which have been so long in use in this section, are
doomed and are being retired rapidly," said the
Bankers Magazine.
The tax assessment represented an
existential threat to the mining industry.
Fortunately for the industry, a relief bill was
lobbied through Congress by Peter White. White
had previously operated as a private banker in the
upper peninsula, and then served as President of
the First National Bank of Marquette when it was
organized. The industry continued in business
albeit without issuing money, and the region
switched over to conventional forms of currency
and banking services. It is clear that each of the
ten copper mining companies, and at least twenty
of the twenty‐three iron mining and iron furnace
companies that had issued scrip redeemed their
notes. There are questions regarding three
companies that failed soon after the Panic of 1873.
During the election of 1876, Republican
newspapers ran a series of articles excoriating
Tilden for his involvement with iron money.
These articles generally used exaggeration,
supposition and innuendo, rather than outright
falsehood. As one Republican newspaper put it,
"Tilden, in common with other mine‐owners,
began to manufacture and issue shinplasters [a
derogatory reference to scrip] . . . Tilden alone
soon had $4,000,000 in circulation . . . Tilden and
the others who were engaged in these frauds upon
labor . . . were selling to miners from company
stores goods at shinplaster prices for which they
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
paid greenback prices so that their profits were
Democratic newspapers responded in a
variety of ways such as by publishing testimonials
from persons from the upper peninsula: "All the
mining companies issued a kind of due bill,
payable on presentation at their treasuries, the
New York Company among the others. These due
bills circulated about here as money, and were
received by all merchants and dealers. If they
were presented at the counters of any of the banks
they were discounted, but if presented at the
Treasury of the Company they were received at
par value. A few of the companies, I believe, were
unable to redeem all; but the New York redeemed
every dollar."
With the election, the voters of the upper
peninsula gave a clear endorsement of Tilden.
From 1872 to 1876, support for the Democratic
ticket increased by as much in the upper
peninsula as it did in the lower peninsula. This
increase was not enough, however, to put the state
into the Democratic column.
All images below are from eBay.
The Quincy Mine was a copper mining
company. Notice the revenue stamp affixed
to this draft.
Keweenaw, Michigan 1865. Pennsylvania‐
Mine. $5‐Paybable to Sam‐Hill. Sam Day
1864‐$5. Central Mining Co.
Eagle Harbor, Michigan
This note isn't payable on demand, but only
after four months. It is a "due bill" typical of
upper peninsula mining company scrip
issued after the Panic of 1873, rather than a
sight draft.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
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by Bernhard Wilde
Peck and Newman discover a vignette of Audubon’s drawing.
A 2010 article by naturalist Robert M. Peck and numismatist Eric P. Newman discusses an early John James
Audubon1 (Figure 1) drawing as his first to appear as an engraved vignette on obsolete United States paper currency.2
Fig 1. 1826 portrait of John James Audubon by John Syme Fig. 2. Portrait of Colonel Gideon Fairman by Thomas
The authors reveal a July 12, 1824 entry in Audubon’s diary3 of
a meeting in Philadelphia with Gideon Fairman4 (Figure 2), an
engraver of the firm of Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co.
(FDU) at the time. Audubon recorded in his diary that he
presented Fairman with a drawing of a running grouse that was
to be used on a State of New Jersey bank note. The authors of
this paper have searched unsuccessfully for a New Jersey bank
note printed by FDU that might have this vignette.
Newman did find an FDU sample sheet that contains a
small vignette (as in Figure 3) of what looks like a grouse, and
was probably printed about this time. The running bird is in the
style of Audubon’s early drawings. Figure 4 shows a hand-
colored print pulled from Audubon’s 6th copper plate that
appears in his The Birds of America.5 This print is labelled as the “Great American Hen” with the common name of
“Female Wild Turkey” and is therefore not the Pinnated Grouse discussed by Peck and Newman and mentioned by
Audubon in his meeting with Fairman. However, it certainly resembles the bird in Fairman’s engraving. The stance
of the running bird and the blades of grass behind it are very similar. The engraving of Figure 4 was produced in 1827
about three years after Audubon’s journal entry. The water color with the addition of the young hens must have been
Fig. 3. Close-up of the grouse vignette from Figure 13.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Fig. 4. Audubon’s “Great American Hen and Young.”
produced between 1824 and 1827. This does seem to imply that
Audubon was the source for Fairman’s vignette. Peck and
Newman mention that this vignette (Figure 3) also appears on two
other FDU sample sheets printed in the early 1830’s.
Since Newman could not find this vignette on any New
Jersey obsolete note, he turned to the other states. Although he
again could not find any FDU printed issued note with the grouse
vignette from any state, he found the vignette on two different
proofs, where it appears at the bottom center of each. The first
was a $3 proof (Figure 5) from The Bank of Norwalk in Norwalk,
Ohio6. This note (OH-350-UNL) is not listed in the Haxby
catalog7 but is listed in Wolka8 as W2005-21. This unique proof
first appeared in Christie’s 1990 auction9 of the American Bank
Note Company (ABNC) archives. It was the 4th proof note (check
letters C) from a sheet with denominations of $1-1-3-3 and
Haxby catalog numbers of G4-G6-G12-UNL. The 3rd note from this sheet is also a $3 note (check letter B) but is
significantly different from the unlisted $3 proof with the grouse vignette. The note with the grouse was later sold at
Smythe’s first Schingoethe auction in 2004 and presently resides in the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education
Society collection in St. Louis. The
imprint on this note is Draper,
Underwood, Bald & Spencer
(DUB&S), a printing company that
existed between 1833 and 1835 and
was the successor of Fairman’s
company. Thus DUB&S must have
inherited the FDU plates which
probably included the die plate for the
Audubon grouse vignette. There is no
known issued note matching this
proof. This note therefore was not
produced by FDU but by its successor
Fig. 5. Audubon’s grouse on a proof for the Bank of Norwalk, Ohio. about a decade after Audubon’s
meeting with Fairman.
The second note discussed by Peck and Newman with the grouse vignette is from a $5 note from The Bridgeport
Bank of Bridgeport, Connecticut, listed in Haxby as CT-25-G84. Haxby shows an image of a proof note which looks
like the one owned by the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society collection and that appears in the Peck
and Newman article. Haxby also prices the note in issued condition, although neither Newman nor I have seen a copy
of an issued note. The imprint from this note is again not FDU but DUB&S plus N. & S. S. Jocelyn. The latter
company existed between 1834 and 1850, and, according to David Bowers,10 had connections with DUB&S in 1841.
Christie’s 1990 auction also had two progress proofs of this note with the Audubon vignette but only with the earlier
DUB&S imprint. These progress
proofs certainly preceded the final
DUB&S and N. & S. S. Jocelyn
notes. Figure 6 shows one of these
progress proofs owned by myself.
This is why I became interested in the
Audubon vignette hunt.
In summary, although Peck and
Newman did find the grouse vignette
on sample sheets with the FDU
imprint, produced after the Audubon
meeting with Fairman, they had not
found any notes (proof, remainder or
Fig. 6. Audubon’s grouse on a progress proof--Bridgeport Bank of CT. issued) with the FDU imprint. They
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Fig. 8. The FDU imprint on the Bank of Montreal proof.
found two later proofs that did not have the FDU imprint, but had those of printing companies that inherited the FDU
plates. It is also important to note that the pre-1824 FDU sample sheets did not have the grouse vignette. This
strengthens their argument that this vignette is from an Audubon drawing.
Discovery of Fairman’s grouse vignette on a Canadian bank note.
After this story broke in the summer of 2010, I noticed that I owned one of the Connecticut progress proofs with
the grouse vignette.11 Since the Peck and Newman article seemed to have an interesting solution to a long standing
mystery and since I liked Audubon’s prints, I decided to see if I could find other impressions of the grouse vignette,
especially on a bank note with the FDU imprint. Although I spent considerable time searching the Haxby and
dedicated state catalogs, I too could not find any notes with the FDU imprint. At the beginning of 2011, I noticed a
chartered bank note proof from the Bank of Montreal, Canada on eBay that had the grouse vignette at the lower
center. This note had been sitting on eBay for several months without being recognized as an important note in the
Peck and Newman Audubon story. I acquired this proof with check letter D as shown in Figure 7. Not only did this
note have the grouse vignette, but,
to my delight, it also had the FDU
imprint at the bottom left, an
enlargement of which is shown in
Figure 8. Much of my summary of
the Peck and Newman article and
the details of this discovery was
published in the September 2011
issue of the Canadian Paper Money
Given the engraved date of 1st
June 183_ and the FDU imprint,
Fig. 7. The National Bank of Montreal (payable at Quebec) proof with check letter D. On
the left is a portrait of Christopher Columbus.
this proof was, in 2011, the earliest
known bank note with Audubon’s
grouse vignette. It is probably
from the late 1820s or early 1830s since Fairman died in 1827 and the FDU partnership became Draper, Underwood
& Co. (DU)13. Since the plate, and the subsequent proofs, retained the FDU imprint, it was either engraved before
Fairman’s death or maybe it was not
changed to DU as a memorial to
Fairman and his relationship with
Audubon – just a speculation.
The Charlton catalogue of
Canadian Chartered Bank Notes14 lists this $5 proof “Payable at Quebec” as CH-505-12-04-18P and indicates that
there are no known issued notes. There are also no known proofs nor issued notes of the corresponding $5 Montreal
issue of this note. The catalogue shows an image of the Quebec proof with a B check letter. This proof seems to be
the same one that resides in the National Currency Collection at The Currency Museum of the Bank of Canada15.
Christie’s 1990 auction of foreign proofs16 from the ABNC archives lists a single sheet of four proofs, all $5 notes,
with check letters A-B-C-D. I was also able to obtain the proof with
check letter C from the September 9, 2011 Heritage auction17.
Someone must own the fourth proof from this sheet, with check letter
A. For a more detailed discussion of why most of this Montreal
printing plate was probably created before 1830 see Reference 12.
Upon closer examination of the central vignette (Figure 9) on
the Bank of Montreal note, I noticed that “G. Fairman” appears in
the lower right of the vignette. Although an engraver’s signature on
bank notes is relatively rare, Gideon Fairman was known to sign
some of his engravings. This probably originated when engravers
signed their work for book plates in the early 19th century, typically
in the lower right corner. This beautiful vignette appears on an 1824
FDU sample sheet, without the grouse vignette. The banks must have
Fig. 9. Central vignette of the Bank of Montreal
proof signed by G. Fairman.
found the vignette extremely pleasing since it was subsequently used
for many other FDU obsolete bank notes.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Discovery of the Grouse vignette on issued notes.
Given Audubon’s mention of his drawing appearing on a New Jersey bank note, Newman concentrated on
finding such a vignette on the bank notes of New Jersey. Although Haxby lists over 60 FDU bank notes from New
Jersey, none seemed to have the grouse vignette. The State Bank at Trenton and The State Bank at Camden had notes
printed by FDU in the early 1820’s. Newman speculated that these issued notes might all have perished due to their
destruction because of numerous counterfeits being produced on these banks. The banks certainly could have
destroyed the genuine notes; however, under these circumstances, the counterfeit notes usually survive. No
counterfeits, with either the FDU imprints nor the grouse vignette, are cataloged by Haxby or known to exist from
these banks.
The strongest indication that the State Bank at Trenton series of notes in the early 1820’s did NOT have the
grouse vignette is that there are genuine notes dated June 7, 1824. This date is over a month before the July 12, 1824
meeting of Fairman and Audubon. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that Fairman would consider putting the grouse
vignette on a note (maybe a higher denomination) from this bank since he must have just finished producing the $1-
1-2-3 plate (Haxby NJ-560-G6-G6-G12-G16, the only sheet sold at Christie’s 1990 ABNC archives auction) for The
State Bank at Trenton. It is more likely that Fairman showed Audubon a newly printed note from The State Bank at
Trenton at their meeting on July12 as an example of what the finished product might look like. Finally, the new FDU
notes of 1824 replaced the earlier notes from Maverick and Leney (M&L). These M&L notes were the ones that were
actually counterfeited and are the only ones listed as counterfeits for this bank in Haxby.
The FDU notes of The State Bank at Trenton were altered to many New Jersey and Maryland notes; however,
this most probably occurred after 1825 when The State Bank at Trenton was having serious financial problems. It
suspended payment on May16, 182518 and finally closed its doors in 1827. The $1, 2, and 3 FDU notes of The State
Bank at Trenton were altered to corresponding notes of The State Bank at Camden listed in Haxby as NJ-65-A5, A25
and A40. But again, this alteration was done after 1825 after the failure of the The State Bank at Trenton. These notes
do not have the grouse vignette. According to Haxby, The State Bank at Camden did have FDU notes with
denominations of $1, 2, 3, 5, and 10. All but the $1 and $10 notes are listed as SENC (Surviving Example Not
Confirmed). The $1 note does not have the grouse. Christie’s auction did have proofs with denominations of $1 (G6),
$2 (G18), $3 (G28), and $5 (G34). In addition, there were $1, 2, and 3 notes labelled by Christie’s as unlisted in
Haxby. Since many of the listed SENC and unlisted notes have not seen the light of day for some time, there might
still be some surprises coming from The State Bank at Camden. Even if The State Bank at Camden burned some of
the altered notes of The State Bank at Trenton it received for deposit, it could not have burned all the other altered
notes from the many other banks.
After publishing my results of the grouse vignette on the Bank of Montreal notes, I decided to do a more
exhaustive search of online auction archives and their catalogs - in particular, the sales by Smythe of the thousands
of rare obsolete notes from the Herb and Martha Schingoethe collection. Lot 1505 of Part 1 (2004)19 of their collection
yielded the first result. Figure 10 shows a $3 issued note (dated 1 May 1857) from The Long Island Bank that has the
grouse vignette at bottom center. This
note with the same serial number of
6396B and stated to be from the
White Oak Collection was later sold
at Stack’s auction on March 23rd,
2009. Haxby lists this note as NY-
325-G40a and indicates that there are
five different versions of this $3 FDU
note. The earliest note listed is G6
(SENC) of the unregistered issue
period (1824-43) of the chartered
bank issues (1824-45). Haxby
Fig. 10. The grouse vignette on an 1857 issued note the Long Island Bank (G40a). describes the bird at the bottom
center as a “chicken.” The next note
(G24, SENC) of the registered issue period (1843-45) is the same as G6 except that it has a black registration overprint
and a handwritten signature on the back. The next three $3 FDU notes are from the free banking period (1845-60’s).
G40 (1845-50’s, SENC) is the same as G6 but with the addition of the pledge “secured by pledge of public stocks”
and the oval New York state die replacing part of the old design with registration in the Controller’s Office (Figure
11). G40a (1850’s, SENC) is the same as G40 except that the registration statement is changed from the comptroller’s
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office to the Bank Department. Lastly, G40b (1860’s, SENC) is the same as G40a but with the addition of the ABNCo
monogram. The time span of these FDU notes ranged from 1824 to the 1860’s. All five versions of this note are listed
as SENC in Haxby, usually an indicator of rarity. It is no wonder that Newman and I had trouble locating these notes
from Haxby’s catalog alone.
Fig. 11. The grouse vignette on an 1857 issued note from the Long Island Bank (G40).
Discovery of the Grouse vignette on the earliest and
Haxby unlisted proof notes.
Given the existence of these two issued Brooklyn notes,
albeit not from the 1820’s as Newman had anticipated, an
immediate look at Christie’s 1990 auction catalog from the
ABNCo archive sale was warranted. Lots 1090-2 list a total
of 27 proof notes on seven sheets from The Long Island Bank
of Brooklyn with denominations of $1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50, and
100. There was one $3 note of each of G6 and G40 listed. In
addition, there was another $3 note that was not listed in
Haxby. Unfortunately, the Christie’s catalog had no images
of these $3 notes. A check of the census of proofs sold at
auction at BrokenBankNotes.com20 indicated that only two
$1 proofs had sold between 1990 and 2014; that is, the proof
notes that could verify an 1824 issuing of the grouse vignette
were being held in strong hands. In February of 2016, I
received an email from that the
collection of Dr. Alan York of coins and bank notes from
Brooklyn were going to be sold by Roland of New York on
March 11, 2016. Never having heard of Roland, I almost did
not check out this auction. However, the Brooklyn
connection was intriguing. To my surprise, this Roland
auction (lots 415 to 421) contained all the 27 proof notes from
the 1990 Christie’s auction of proofs. Not only was there the
G6 and what at first glance looked to be the G40 $3 proofs,
but also another Haxby unlisted $3 proof with the grouse
vignette. In addition, a $20 unlisted note had the grouse
Figure 12 shows the $1-1-2-3 proof sheet (NY-325-G2-
G2-G4-G6) with the bottom $3 note showing the grouse
vignette. Notice that the check letters for this sheet are $1C-
1D-2B-3B. In particular, the $3 proof note has the B check
letter like the two issued notes discussed above. This
combination of check letters would be extremely unusual for
The next discovery, shown in
figure 11, with serial number 424,
was lot 1387 from Smythe’s auction
of the 14th Schingoethe collection on
April 4th, 2008. This note was
described by Smythe as Haxby G6
with a pheasant at bottom center;
however, it has the New York seal
on the left with registration in the
Comptroller’s Office and is dated
July 1, 1851. Therefore, this note is
not G6 but G40!
the first plate. It indicates that another plate probably Fig. 12. Proof sheet of the Haxby Listed (G2-G-2-G4-G6) Long
Island Bank Notes.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
preceded this plate. Figure 13 shows the proof sheet from the actual first plate with check letters of $1B-1A-2A-3A.
Comparison of the two sheets indicates that maybe
the first sheet was not acceptable to The Long Island
Bank. This is indicated by the fact that almost the whole
sheet was redesigned. Except for the grouse vignette, the
left Washington and Franklin panels, the fish, running
dear, and four counters, the rest of the notes were
replaced with new vignettes, counters, and borders. The
most obvious replacement was the vignette of the man on
a horse carrying a spear with the vignette of an
“allegorical figure (Mercury?) on galloping horse” (re
Haxby) in front of several Roman buildings. It is very
obvious that the latter vignette is significantly wider than
the first vignette shown in Figure 13. This horizontal
crowding necessitated reworking of most of the sheet.
However, keeping the small grouse vignette must have
been important to Fairman.
The first vignette of the man on the horse (Figure
14) was a stock vignette seen on FDU sample sheets (e.
g. Figure 18). It was used on several obsolete notes
including on the $20 note from The Connecticut Bank in
Bridgeport (CT-40-G100) printed by DUB&S plus N. &
S. S. Jocelyn in the 1830’s. The connection of this printer
with the Norwalk and the Bridgeport proofs discussed
above is certainly interesting. The vignette was also used
in late 1824 (a few months after the Audubon/Fairman
meeting) on the first notes from The Bank of the State of
Alabama at Cahawba21 (AL-5-G2-G2-G4-G6). Although
Haxby does not show an image of these notes, he does
describe the central vignette as having an “Arab on
prancing horse, lance in raised rt. hand.” Haxby lists the
latter two notes (in 1988) as proofs that sold before the
1990 Christie’s auction, which also contained several
copies. Maybe the Long Island Bank did not approve of
an image of an Arab on horseback carrying a lance,
Fig 13. Proof sheet of the Haxby unlisted Long Island bank notes.
pirates of North Africa had just finished in 1815.22 The
Alabama layout and all the vignettes, except the small ones
at the bottom, are the same as those of the first plate of The
Long Island Bank. It looks like Fairman reused this plate to
create the notes of The Bank of the State of Alabama at
Cahawba, especially since the Alabama bank needed them
on very short order.
Examination of a very high-resolution scan of the
central vignette (Figure 14) of the first Long Island plate
reveals the signature of “G. FAIRMAN” like the one found
on the Bridgeport note seen in Figure 9. In addition, there is
a signature of “INMAN’ in the lower left corner, typically
the placement of the name of the artist upon which the
engraver based his work. Henry Inman (Figure 15) was an
American portrait, genre, and landscape painter.23 In 1823
Inman setup a studio in lower Manhattan at the future site
of the World Trade Center. There he concentrated on
miniatures, especially for bank note vignettes.24 This
especially since the Second Barbary Coast Wars with the
Fig. 14. “Arab on Horse” with signatures of Inman (lower left
and Fairman (lower right)
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indicates that Inman was the sketch artist on which some of the Fairman engravings
were based during the time of the Audubon interaction. It turns out that Inman did
a portrait of Audubon in 1833 that closely resembles the portrait done by John Syme
shown in Figure 1. Inman’s portrait of Audubon was engraved by British engraver
Henry Bryan Hall and appears on an 1888 membership certificate in The Audubon
Society shown in Figure 16. We see a very strong connection between Audubon,
Fairman and Inman.
It is crucial to tie these proof notes from The Long Island Bank to the July 12,
1824 entry in Audubon’s diary of his meeting with Fairman in Philadelphia.
According to Henry R. Stiles25, through the efforts of Leffert Lefferts, The Long
Island Bank was incorporated on April 1, 1824. Lefferts became its first president
and served until 1846. On August 3, 1824, the notes of The Long Island Bank were
put into circulation. Fairman must have been given the contract for printing bank
notes shortly after April 1, 1824. Thus, he was deeply involved with this effort at
the time of his meeting with Audubon. He probably already had a vignette picked
for the bottom center of the $3 note and decided to substitute Audubon’s grouse at
the last moment. From July 12th to August 3rd is only three weeks. This is quite fast,
Fig. 15. Jacob Hart Lazarus’s 1837
portrait of Henry Inman.
Fig. 16. Membership certificate in The Audubon Society with portrait of
easily be true since almost all the notes (35 out of 38) from
The Long Island Bank are listed in Haxby’s 1988 catalog as
SENC (Surviving Example Not Confirmed). Wouldn’t it be
exciting to find one of these Haxby unlisted notes actually
issued by the bank? For now, all we have are the proofs.
We end this section with the other two proofs27 from
the Roland/Christie’s auctions that also have the grouse
vignette (Figure 17). At first glance, the $3 proof seems to
be NY-325-G40 like the issued one in Figure 11. They both
have the New York Seal; however, the statement “in the
Comptroller’s Office” is curved in the issued version and
straight in the proof. Additionally, the proof does not have
the statement “Secured by Pledge of Public Stocks” at the
top of the seal as the issued note. This indicates that this
proof is another unlisted $3 note as are all four notes from
this proof sheet of $1C-1D-2B-3B sold at the
Christie’s/Roland auctions. A more detailed analysis of all
proofs &issued notes from the different sheets of $1-1-2-3
notes reveals that there are at least seven different versions
especially since he had to redesign the whole
plate of Figure 13 to that of Figure 12.
However, one must remember that Jacob
Perkins and Gideon Fairman had recently
perfected the sideographic engraving method26
of creating vignette die plates to transfer rolls
and then to the banknote plates. Since all but
the grouse vignette were stock items for which
the vignette die plates and transfer rolls already
existed, this was a very fast process. Things
just happened much quicker 200 years ago.
There is even the possibility that notes from
the first plate circulated for a short time and
were then replaced by the second plate’s notes.
Haxby might just not have known about the
first plate’s notes, given the potentially very
short circulation time of such notes. This could
Fig. 17. Haxby unlisted $3 & $20 proofs with the grouse vignette.
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of these sheets, two more than Haxby lists. The lack of the pledge statement on the $3 proof of Figure 17 probably
indicates that this proof was created before the one with the pledge statement, especially since the later versions in
this series did have the pledge. The bank’s charter renewal came up in 1843. Most probably this plate was created for
a charter under the New York Safety Fund which did not require the pledge. In 1845, The Long Island Bank issued
notes under the Free Banking laws that required the pledge shown on the note in Figure 11 (G40).
For the Long Island Bank, Haxby lists no $20 notes; thus, the proof shown on the bottom of Figure 17 is also
unlisted, as mentioned in Christie’s auction. It comes from a sheet of $5A-5B-10A-20A proofs corresponding to
Haxby G8-G8-G10-UNL. The full analysis of all the Long Island Bank proofs and issued notes certainly deserves
another paper.
Finally, there is a $1 proof (G36a)28, without the grouse vignette, in the census that did NOT come from the
Christie’s auction. This $1 proof corresponds to the $3 issued note G40a of Figure 10. This means that the
corresponding $3 proof, with the grouse vignette, might still exist. Happy hunting!
A Census of grouse vignette impressions.
Before the 2016 Roland auction of Dr. York’s Long Island Bank note proofs, there were very few images
available of Audubon’s grouse on actual bank notes. The 1990 Christie’s auction catalog of these exact same proofs
had no images of the grouse on the Long Island proofs nor of any other bank. Images of the two issued Long Island
notes appeared in the Smythe (2004, 2008) and Stack’s (2009) auctions. The only actual image of the grouse in the
1988 Haxby catalog was of the Bridgeport $5 proof which preceded the Christie’s auction in 1990. The sheet of four
$5 proofs from the Bank of Montreal with the grouse was also auctioned by Christie’s in 1990. The Bank of Canada
acquired the B position of this note in 1991. The image of this proof (B) was first published in the 1996 edition of
Charlton’s catalogue. The note was not even listed as known in the 1989 edition of Charlton. In 2011 after the Pick
and Newman story was published, the D position showed up on eBay and the C position at Heritage. The Bank of
Norwalk proof sold at Christie’s, (without an image) and then again in the 2004 Schingoethe Smythe auction, this
time with an image. Over the years, many sample sheets from FDU and its successor (DUB&S) have been sold with
the grouse vignette.
Table 1 shows the results of a census of notes and sample sheets that I have created since the breaking of the
Audubon grouse story by Peck and Newman in 2010. During the end of 2010, I counted about seven known
impressions of the grouse vignette. Within a few months, others surfaced and there were about seventeen impressions
when I wrote the article on the Canadian Bank of Montreal proofs in 2011. Now in 2017, there are over 32
impressions. This includes the two late-issued notes and the four proofs from The Long Island Bank of Brooklyn.
The latter proofs really were the new breakthrough in this story. The $3 proof (Figure 13) that is not listed in Haxby
was probably the first impression of the vignette, except maybe for a few possible vignette die imprints. It would be
neat to actually find the vignette die plate from the huge archives of plates made available in the last decade or so.
Then there are the four proofs of the Bank of Montreal, the three proofs from The Bridgeport Bank, and the one from
Table 1. A current census of notes and sample sheets with the grouse vignette.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
The Bank of Norwalk. This makes a total of fourteen bank notes, twelve of which are proofs and two are issued. All
eight of the notes from The Long Island Bank of Brooklyn have the FDU imprints even though many were
created/modified (as late as the 1860’s) after the company evolved to have different partners after the death of Fairman
in 1827. The rest of the impressions come from three different FDU sample sheets, one having two impressions each.
There are also a handful of cutout impressions mounted on cards that are not listed in Table 1. I suspect that more
impressions will surface in the future, maybe even from other banks’ proofs sold in the 1990 Christie’s auction of the
ABNCo archives.
One wonders if Audubon’s first commercial venture with Fairman ever resulted in any royalties received by him
for the grouse drawing. A closer reading of Audubon’s journals might reveal some information.
I highly recommend reading the Peck and Newman article, especially to get a better feeling for why this vignette
probably is an engraving from an Audubon drawing. Since some of the above analysis is speculative, additional
information or insight into this
Audubon story would be
welcome. I can be contacted at or through the
publisher of this journal.
We end this story by
showing an 1826 FDU sample
sheet (Figure 18). Newman
showed a different copy of this
sheet. He thought that the sheet
might be printed closer to 1824.
The sheet does not have an actual
date. It comes from the March
2015 Archives International
Auction29 and is mounted on large
heavy stock paper. Although
Figure 18 only shows “1826” in
the top margin, the lot description
says, “Writing on the top excess
margin states: Specimens of
American Engraving - 1826.” Of
course, the sheet could have been
printed earlier. Some relevant
vignettes to this story have been
circled in red.
The census in Table 1 shows
several entries with zero known
notes. These refer to suspected
notes that should have the grouse
vignette given the above analysis.
I believe that some of these notes
will be discovered in the future.
Other notes might tell even more
of the story of Audubon’s first
Fig. 18. c. 1826 FDU sample sheet with the grouse vignette.
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1 Public domain image at This portrait was the first one ever engraved of
2 Robert M. Peck and Eric P. Newman, “Discovered! The First Engraving of an Audubon Bird,” Journal of the Early Republic,
Volume 30, Number 3, Fall 2010. For one of the many announcements of this article see; The E-Sylum, Vol. 13. No. 31,
August 1, 2010, Article 7
3 Maria R. Audubon, Audubon and His Journals, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1899, p. 56.
4 Public domain image at
5 Image courtesy of This
engraving by William Home Lizars is found in Audubon’s 1827-38 book The Birds of America.
6 An image of the Ohio note can be found in Peck and Newman’s article listed in Reference 2 or in their condensed article in
Money on Paper, Bank Notes and Related Graphic Arts from the Collections of Vsevolod Onyshkevych and Princeton
University, Princeton University Library, 2010, p. 35. The image is also available online at Lot 2819 of the October 22, 2004 Smythe auction
presented the first image of this note with the grouse.
7 James A. Haxby, Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank notes 1782-1866, Krause Publications, 1988.
8 Wendell Wolka, A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip, Society of Paper Money Collectors,
9 Christie’s Auction Catalog, Important Early American Bank Notes, 1810-1874, from the Archives of the American Bank Note
Company, September 14-15, 1990.
10 Q. David Bowers, Obsolete Paper Money Issued by Banks in the United States, 1782-1866, A Study and Appreciation for the
Numismatist and Historian, Whitman Publishing, LLC, 2006, p. 385.
11 See the Collectors Universe currency forum for an early discussion of the Peck and Newman discovery at , July 30, 2010. Also see The E-Sylum, Vol. 13.
No. 32, August 8, 2010, Article 7
12 Bernhard Wilde, “Did Audubon’s First Engraved Vignette of a Bird Appear First on a Canadian Chartered Bank Note?”
Canadian Paper Money Newsletter, Volume 19, Number 3, September, 2011, p. 90.
13 William H. Griffiths, The Story of American Bank Note Company, ABNC, 1959, p. 31.
14 R. J. Graham, The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Bank Notes, 8th Edition, Charlton Press, 2014.
16 Christie’s, “Important World Bank Notes and Artwork, from the Archives of the American Bank Note Company,” November
28-29, 1990, lot 367.
17 .
18 William M. Gouge, A short history of paper money and banking in the United States, Printed by T.W. Ustick, Philadelphia,
1833, p. 76.
19 Smythe auction of The Herb and Martha Schingoethe Obsolete Currency Collection, Part 1, October 22nd and 23rd, 2004.
20 Greg Davis and Bernie Wilde, “Creating a Data Base of Obsolete Proofs”, in Paper Money, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2009; ; Bernie Wilde and Greg Davis, “Census of Obsolete Proofs
from the ABNC Archives,” talk given at the June 18, 2010 IPMS, Memphis, available at
21 William H. Brantley, Banking In Alabama, 1816-1860, Volume 1, 1961, p. 444.
22 See for example:
23 Metropolitan Museum of Art.
24 Artists of America, Published by Baker and Scribner, New York, 1846.
25 Henry R. Stiles, A History of the City of Brooklyn, Volume 2, 1869.
26 Mark D. Tomasko, The Feel of Steel, American Numismatic Society, New York, 2012; Bernhard Wilde, “Origin of
Vignettes on The Bank of British North America Notes,” Part 3: “Wigwam in the Forest,” CPMS Journal, Vol. 51, No. 146,
September 2015, p. 88.
27 Images courtesy of Roland New York Auction. The Estate of Dr. Alan York: Coins, Medals & Paper Money, March 11,
2016, New York. Also see: and other lots
28John J. Ford Jr. Collection, Part X, Stack’s Auction, May 26, 2005, lot 4059.
29 Archives International Auctions, XXIII, March 10, 2015. Also see:
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U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money’s
Odd Couple
Summer Acquisitions
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
Fred and I talked for ten seconds about this
month’s subject while we were in Denver at the
ANA—we decided it would be summer acquisitions.
So, let’s see what the good fairy brought.
The first item is a really stunning counterfeit of the
recent Colombian 50,000 peso note. Actually, I
received two fakes of that note in Denver. One is a
really wretched inkjet copy with no attempt to replicate
any of the security features. The other one is the
stunner. Figure 1 shows the note under discussion.
Every feature that a consumer would look for with
the naked eye is copied. All that
keeps it from being a supernote is
that there is no intaglio printing, no
true OVI, and the serial numbers
are lithographed. I assume that the
counterfeiters used several
different serial numbers on each
sheet. That still gives them only a
limited number of serials, so a
merchant with a crib sheet would
be able to identify the bad notes
pretty quickly, but when handled in
onesies and twosies, the litho serial
would work. The fakers even
added a feature that is missing
from the genuine notes—BOTH
serials are UV-reactive (on the genuine note, only the
red serial is reactive).
Let’s start with those serial numbers. Figures 2-4
show the serials of a genuine note (letterpress), the
teenager’s beer money (inkjet), and the professional
counterfeit (lithographed). Those colored dots at the
It is commonly said that numismatic activity slows
in the summer months. I am not sure about that, but I
do know that for me, I do plenty of treasure hunting in
the summer. I travel to Memphis (OK, Kansas City),
Colorado Springs (for the seminar) and the World’s
Fair of Money.© While these events offer plenty of
opportunities to find things, the events are often only
the tip. I try to find side adventures that often also lead
to acquisitions or—at least—hunts. To facilitate my
treasure hunting, we (Judy and I) drive to these events.
Even if I cannot find material, I try to find collectors to
visit. We have fun.
Joe and I decided to take a different approach with
this issue and simply have a show’n tell session with
treasures from our summer adventures. The good news
is that I found some interesting and nice things this
summer. Interesting and nice certainly does not mean
expensive! Indeed, the items that I have selected are in
the very modest category as to price. This is mostly by
chance. This morning I pawed through a pile of stuff on
my desk looking for a few pieces and after selecting
these items, I found that they were all in the modest to
low value range, yet they were at least to me of high
In my research on military money, I watch for
photographs of the various notes in use. The most
common images are of payday activities and poker
games—often also on payday! I have been fortunate to
find some great news photographs, but another source
of such images is postcards. They certainly are not
common, but I have payday and poker postcards. This
summer I found a card with a little twist. The card is
titled “A Quiet Game.” About seven soldiers are
engaged in a game with about the same number of
I am not an expert in the area, but based upon the
uniforms, my guess is that the photograph is from the
early 1900s, but there is another clue. At least two of
the notes in the game are Series 1899 $1 silver Boling continued on page 460
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
certificates! It has the distinctive design bearing the
nickname “black eagle.” One is clearly visible in the
foreground. It is in the upturned hat of the fellow who
seems to be making a play. The fellow to that player’s
right seems to be putting a bet in. It too is a black eagle.
The corporal to the left (facing right) has some
papers in his lap that I cannot identify. They kind of
look like government bonds, but they just do not fit
well enough for me to make that conclusion.
There is a little bit of interesting information on the
back. The card was printed in Germany, as were most
color post cards at that time. The card was published by
H. T. Cook of New York City. It is number one of a
presumed series of cards. That now gives me something
else to look for!
At the same shop where I found the card (see
below), I also found some things for my World War II
war bond collection. I am a serious collector of this
material, so my interest extends to ephemera and sales
material. Among items of even lesser direct interest, I
found two wonderful (to me) items. They are ink
blotters advertising the sale of “U. S. War Savings
Bonds & Stamps.”
There is no end to the possibilities of finding and
collecting such items. Here is what I especially liked
about this pair: (1) they are colorful and have aviation
and naval vignettes; (2) they were issued as advertising
pieces by the same advertiser (Decatur Paper House,
Decatur, Ill.) in two different colors; (3) the messages
were printed on ink blotters—items that are all but
forgotten today. I really like having more than one
variety of something that other collectors do not have
or want at all!
I have one more thing to tell you about all of the
above items. It has been sort of a secret so please do not
tell anyone. I bought the card at an unusual place. The
name of the establishment is “Overlord Shop.” Is that
clue enough? It is a militaria store in St Louis! The
name of the business is actually “Overlord Military
Collectibles,” but “Overlord Shop” is much more
descriptive. I am sure you recall that Overlord was the
name of the 6 June 1944 landings in Normandy.
The shop is wonderful. It is of modest size, but
jammed with stuff. Granted, much of the material is
uniforms, patches, and small equipment of wide
variety. Also included are many paper items. If you are
looking for black eagle notes, in spite of my luck, you
will probably waste your time going there. If you are
willing to dig a bit, there is no telling what you will
I have been to the shop a few times and always
have fun. I stopped on my way to the ANA Summer
Seminar. Collector friend Dave Frank met me there, as
he has in the past. We had a great time, then lunch.
Remember, do not tell anyone.
I am sure that I do not need to explain that a short
snorter was a World War II (mostly) souvenir note
made by groups or even individuals signing a note. By
their very nature, short snorters are unique. In a few
cases, souvenir notes were printed and labeled as short
snorters. These manufactured short snorters were then
sometimes signed and sometimes not.
In 2014 Aitken, Arva, and Freeland (Kathy)
published American Red Cross in World War II
Collectors’ Guide. It is a very interesting little book
and was quite popular—sold out rather quickly. It
includes a remarkable array of World War II
numismatic and other materials. It is a catalog of the
type of stuff that you might find at the Overlord Shop!
Anyway, therein is a discussion about short snorters.
One of the little things to look for on short snorters is
signatures of women. When you find those they often
include “ARC” (American Red Cross).
One of the short snorters in the book has the
heading “Burma Roadster Don.” The description with
the short snorter states that the personnel who worked
on or traveled the 717 mile road often called
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themselves Burma Roadsters. At least two of the
signatures on Don’s short snorter are of ARC women.
At the Philippine Collectors’ Forum at the Denver
World’s Fair of Money© I was excited to find another
Burma Roadster short snorter. It is very similar to the
one in the book. It has the distinctive Burma Roadster
title, but instead of a name, the title line includes the
date February 18, 1944. With one possible exception no
ranks or organizations are
included with the signatures.
One of the signatures in the
top left margin seems to be
Boling. The first name is
completely illegible, but that
is to be expected because the
last name is not real clear.
Boling is good enough for me.
Of course I wanted the
note the instant that I saw it.
The owner gifted it to me.
Here is what happened.
Somewhat earlier in the
meeting, the owner and I had made a modest
transaction where I bought a trench art coin (gasp). He
wanted X amount. I gave him X plus 50%. He objected.
I insisted and we went about our business. Then I found
the Burma Roadster note. He only hesitantly allowed
that he might let it go. I said how much? He said well, I
did not want to take the extra money earlier so you take
it and we are even. I snatched it, as you can imagine.
Actually, I would rather have paid him 150% of
whatever he wanted for the Roadster note too, but more
important was not letting it get away, so I gratefully
took it. My preference might be a bit crazy, but when I
have a good source of material, I like to reinforce the
appropriate behavior, which is to offer me the
My final item is somewhat less obscure than those
that I described above, but I think still unusual to many
collectors. In discussing the blotters above, I stated that
I collect World War II war bonds. This is a main-line
collecting area for me. The diversity of varieties and
ways to collect the bonds make them very attractive.
Joe and I introduced the first listings of the United
States’ (and other countries’ too) war bonds in our 1995
World War II Remembered. I love them.
The bond in question is the most common basic
bond of the war. It is a simple $25 bond. We have to
point out that it is the small size variety because the $25
bond was also issued earlier in a large size. Like I said,
this is a very common bond by variety. But look more
The most important point that makes this bond so
interesting to me is that it was issued/sold by the
Boeing Aircraft Company in Seattle (see the issuer’s
stamp at lower right). Of course Boeing is and was a
major aircraft manufacturer. Its products were very
important to the war effort. There is more. The bond
was sold to Lena Magrum of Seattle. I try to find bonds
from all states and territories (send me some of those
territories and I will pay the 150% mentioned above),
so Washington is a nice find. The fact that the bond
was sold to a woman adds some interest in general, but
a woman at an aircraft manufacturer raises the notion
that Miss Magrum was a Rosie the Riveter. Even if she
was not actually a riveter, the description rather covers
her. I have not worked at researching Miss Magrum,
but that possibility exists.
There is still more. The bond was payable to Miss
Magrum OR Mrs. Bertha Mueller in Hettinger, North
Dakota (population ca. 1948, 1145) ! The state jumped
out at me. North Dakota! Sure, the bond was not sold
there or even sent there, but it appears on the bond,
which is good enough for me. You can use your
experience with national bank notes as a guide to the
desirability of a bond by state. Of course, you should
also keep in mind that I might know of one other
collector who cares. I look forward to addressing this
approach to bond collecting in some future installment
So there you have it. Some of the interesting items
from my summer. I have a stack of fall acquisitions,
and will soon start on my winter finds. This is so much
Boling continued:
far right are part of the note design, not a digital
artifact. Note the absence of the ink ridges at the edges
of the numerals on the counterfeits. We won’t look at
the inkjet piece any longer—it will be just as ugly in
any other photos.
Now for the OVI “50" in the upper corner of the
note. Figures 5-6 show the intaglio optically variable
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
ink with its golden crystals that change color as the
angle of incident light changes. The “50” on the
counterfeit has been printed on an embossing press that
raises the paper on the face of the note just like the
intaglio press used for the genuine note (it also
embosses the back of the note, much more
conspicuously than the genuine note shows—see figure
7). The ink used has glitter in
it that simulates the OVI very
well—except that it does not
change color.
Next the watermark and
the see-through registration
element. Figures 8 and 9 show
the genuine and counterfeit watermarks and the book
with pink pages. The counterfeit watermark is not as
bold as the genuine one, and it is not a true watermark.
I can find no evidence using white or UV light that it is
printed on the face or the back, so it must be laminated
into the paper (I also can find no place that the
lamination is failing, but the note is not yet very heavily
circulated). Look at the pink pages in the book. Go
back to figure 1 and you will see that the pages are
white on the note’s face. The pink is on the back of the
note, and is visible as see-through registration when the
note is on a light box. That registration is perfect on
this counterfeit—very difficult to do without a press
that prints both sides of the note simultaneously. (I
doubt that the counterfeiters have invested the capital
needed for such a press.)
Now the interrupted security thread, which is at the
bottoms of figures 8 and 9. Again at figure 1, you can
see that the thread appears intermittently across the
note. But on a genuine note it is embedded in the paper
where it is not showing on the surface, so on the
counterfeit it has to appear to be continuous when
viewed on a light box. Again, the registration between
the counterfeit’s hot-foil-stamped portions and the
segments where it is supposed to be buried in the paper
fibers is excellent. But the buried part has been
simulated with pale gray printing between each of the
foil segments. Figure 10, if you can make it out, shows
the gray printing just below the BR element at the right,
between the book and the
serial number. The letters “0
MIL P” are in this gap, with
the first and last letters only
partly in gray, merging with
the same letters in the foil
segments on either side.
When held to a light, that pale gray ink simulates a
thread buried in the paper—and does so very credibly.
Figures 11 and 12 show how the spurious note
deals with progressive intaglio colors and
microprinting. On the genuine note (fig 11) the intaglio
ink changes color from violet to puce fairly abruptly—
it really is not truly progressive, gradually changing
shade from one to the other. The counterfeit
accommodates this by fading the violet, using dots. The
microprinting is beneath the large letters (those are the
letters IL of MIL PESOS on the face). You can see that
the lithographed counterfeit actually has more legible
microprinting than the intaglio genuine note.
Microprinting was not invented to defeat lithography—
it is intended to defeat digital copying. (And on this
particular note, the intaglio microprinting is definitely
How about UV features? See figures 13-15. While
the counterfeit is again a bit less bold (figure 14), the
UV is certainly strong enough to fool a cashier with a
UV lamp under her counter. You can also see the green
serial number as UV-reactive in that photo, whereas it
is black in figure 13 (the genuine note). Figure 15
shows the UV features on the backs—less successful
on the part of the counterfeit (on the left in this photo),
but still present. These guys did not miss a trick.
Figure 5 Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8 Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11 Figure 12
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
As I said, every naked-eye security feature has
been replicated very convincingly—a really
professional job.
Moving on. Figures 16 and 17 show face and back
of an altered German note, doctored to replicate the
Persian-overprinted notes used during WWI. This is the
first time I have encountered such a note with
letterpress overprints—heretofore they have been inkjet
and silkscreen.
Figures 18-20 show the first character (right end) of
the face overprint in those three technologies—
letterpress, inkjet, silkscreen. This would be a very
deceptive fake if the serial block were not wrong. Only
block J was used for this issue. This counterfeiter has
used a block W note—fortunately for us. I will now
have to do a character-by-character comparison with
any other letterpress overprint I come across to identify
this faker’s work when he uses the correct block.
Next is another counterfeit made to circulate.
Figure 21 (below) shows a genuine 1949 Philippine 20
peso note (intaglio). Figure 22 (below) shows a
lithographed example that was detected and
unofficially cancelled. Figure 23 shows a letterpress
counterfeit that I already had in my collection. It would
not fool any careful observer, as can be seen in figure
24. The lithographed piece, seems to have fooled many
people before being identified—it is well-circulated.
Figure 17 Figures 13-15
Figure 16
Figures 18, 19, 20
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Figures 25-27 show Bonifacio’s cravat and part of
his name. Notice the feathering on the letters of his
name in figure 25. This is characteristic of high speed
intaglio printing, where the plate wiping is not nearly as
precise as found on hand-printed spider press products.
When printing the latter, the plate printer is very adept
at getting all of the excess ink removed from the plate.
On high speed presses, where the wiping is done with
paper or with water, you get those small bits of ink
escaping from the grooves in the plate, and creating this
signature effect visible only at high magnification. The
lithographed note does not show feathering. On the
letterpress note, excess ink is present simply because it
builds up on letterpress plates as more and more notes
are printed, and ends up being deposited in places
where it is not wanted (such as in the field to the right
of the knot).
Figures 28-30 (below) show that generally more
fine detail can be derived from an intaglio plate than
from the other two technologies, despite the loss of
detail in the microprinting of figure 11.
Last we come to another very well-done counterfeit
for circulation, from over 70 years ago. This note was
in a group of three in a recent Heritage Tuesday night
sale. Fortunately, HA gives sufficiently high
magnification capability that the almost flyspeck
diagnostic was visible.
Figure 31 is a five-pound note from WWII Egypt.
In figure 32 I hope you can see the small figure of a
policeman directing traffic. On the top note (genuine)
his right arm is extended. On the bottom note
(counterfeit) the right arm is mostly absent. This can be
seen more clearly in figures 33 and 34.
Figure 23 above and 24 below
Figure 41
Figure 32
33 (left)
and 34
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To determine that this is not simply a minor plate
defect, we look for other evidence. Figures 35
(genuine) and 36 (no arm) show differences in the
serial number fonts. Figures 37 and 38 show the
carriage under the second tree to the left of the bank
entrance. Hopefully you will be able to see that the
wheels have spokes in figure 37, while in figure 38
there are merely blobs of ink, and everything else is
also much less distinct.
The counterfeit is intaglio face and back and
faithfully includes the progressive intaglio colors
(green to violet to green—see figure 31). It is hard for
printers to regulate where the color transitions occur in
a progressive impression, which is why the colors at the
right in figure 32 are different—the change from violet
to green occurs farther to the right on the top note.
There are also differences in the UV characteristics
of the genuine and counterfeit notes. I have three of one
and two of the other. The fakes are violet under UV and
the genuine pieces are more olive brown. My two fakes
are dated a few days apart.
If anyone knows who made this counterfeit, please
let me know. Yes, knowledge has its benefits. The one
shown here cost a bit over $25. The first one I put into
my collection cost over a dozen times that.
These are just a few of the counterfeits I acquired
this summer—the supply is inexhaustible.
Figures 35 and 36
Figures 37-38
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Adding Data to SPMC’s ODP
by R. Shawn Hewitt
In the two prior editions of Paper Money, I
introduced the Society’s Obsoletes Database Project
(ODP) and explained how to use it. Hopefully, over
the last couple of months you’ve had an opportunity
to take a better look at our website
(\obs). We’ve hit some new
milestones, as we now have nearly 5,000 notes
ODP is designed for active participation by all
SPMC members. Even if you don’t have a single note
to post, you can still add to our body of knowledge;
all you need are eyes and fingers, and a desire to help
our worthy mission.
I always like to start with some background
information to help paint the big picture, and then
connect the dots to bring it all home. The first thing
we’ll hit upon in this discussion is the concept of roles.
For the ODP website, there are three primary roles
than can be assigned to each user who logs in. The
roles are end‐user, State Expert (SE) and
administrator. Each of these has different
permissions of what they can do on the website.
Most SPMC members will be end‐users by default,
but even that role enables you as a member to access
nearly all corners of the website; non‐members can’t
get past the home page.
State Experts have the ability to vet and correct
any of the information that has been posted within
their designated space, that is, their declared states
of interest. State Experts are listed on our FAQ page.
Finally, those with the administrator role (just a few
of us) have the keys to whole system. The thing to
remember throughout is that 1) you really can’t break
anything, so be bold and try out ODP to its full extent,
and 2) if you ever can’t do anything or need help, use
the forum, or find someone at the next higher role to
answer your questions. There is always an answer.
Okay, you have some obsoletes you’d like to add
to our database. How do you do it? The first thing to
do is to scan them into JPG files. A resolution of
300dpi to 600dpi is fine. Lower resolution may be
acceptable, but that inhibits end‐users from viewing
note detail. Higher resolution means larger files and
longer download times. Like many things in life,
balance is the key.
You should next check the status of your state(s)
in the FAQ section (see the FAQ link in the menu bar).
If a state status is listed as “stable,” it is more or less
ready for you to add your notes. The issuers are
generally complete, as well as the designs of notes.
Go ahead and enter your notes as described below.
States that are not listed as stable are currently works
in progress. We either have SEs working on building
the lists of issuers and designs, or no SEs at all. In this
case, we could definitely use your assistance in
building these lists. Please contact me at so that we can make the
most of your contribution.
If your state is stable and you have your images,
the answer of how to upload depends primarily on
how many you have and how you have tracked them
in the past. We’ve built in several options for
uploading images and data. Following is the rough
breakdown. See which one best describes your
situation, and then refer to that section:
1) I have about 50 notes or fewer
a. I know what I have. See “+Note – Manual
b. Not sure what I have. See “+Note – Ask for
2) I have more than 50 notes
a. I have my collection cataloged in a
spreadsheet. See “Spreadsheet”
b. I have not cataloged my collection, but know
what I have.
i. I have time to create a spreadsheet. See
ii. I don’t have time to create a spreadsheet.
See “+Note Gallery”
c. Not sure what I have. See “+ Note Gallery”
+Note – Manual Entry
This is the quick and easy method for uploading
small numbers of images to ODP. The link, labeled
“+Note”, is found just to the right of the search bar on
the home page. Clicking the link will kick off what we
call the Wizard, which is a four‐step process to gather
your information.
Images: Step 1 asks you upload your front
image and back one if you have it. Click Browse to
select the image from your drive, and Upload to
complete the process. You can optionally provide
credit for your source of the picture – either yourself
(if you scanned it) or someone else as appropriate.
We always encourage giving credit where credit is
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
due. Once you are finished with uploading, click “Add
More Details” to proceed.
Issuer: In step 2 you are prompted for basic
information about the issuer. All of this, in most
cases, should be plainly visible by simply reading it off
the note. Start by selecting the state from the pull‐
down menu, then the city. When you go the pull‐
down to select the issuer, only those issuers known
from that location are listed. If your state is identified
as stable in the FAQ, there is a very good chance that
your issuer will be there. Go ahead and select it, and
then click “Use Selected Issuer” at the bottom of the
panel. If you have an unreported issuer, you can click
“Suggest New Issuer” to create a new entry.
Design: Step 3 is about selecting the
appropriate design. Because most designs are unique
to the denomination, we start by selecting the
denomination from the pull‐down list. That will filter
the design options and present only those that are
relevant. Click the radio button next to the
appropriate description – it will expand to show more
details so you can be certain of your selection.
Conclude this step by clicking “Continue” at the
bottom. Again, if the option available does not match
the note, you have the opportunity to add one using
the “Suggest New Design” link to the right.
Note: The final step guides you through
entering information that is specific to your note. This
section asks for a lot of details, but don’t despair if
you don’t know the answers. Just do the best you
can, and later we can work on fixing the entry if
necessary. In addition to selecting the format (proof,
issued, remainder), serial number, date and grade,
you can optionally add signatures and provenance
data. If this is one of many highly similar notes (e.g.,
a hoard of remainders) you can adjust the census
count from 1 to an appropriate number. This will
automatically change the rarity rating based on your
estimate of the number of notes known. You can also
add comments and credits as you see fit. When
you’re done, click the box at the bottom to certify
your entry and click “Submit Note for Approval”.
Once you’ve gone through all the steps, you
won’t see your note listed among the other entries
until one of our SEs has reviewed your information
and officially approved it for publication. It will them
be identified as published and visible to all users.
+Note – Ask for Identification
This method is the same as the previous section,
but after any of the steps you can click “Request for
Identification”. Doing so will put your entry into the
Unidentified Notes section of the website (see below
for more about this), where others can review the
entry and update as appropriate.
+Note Gallery
This is the best option if you have a large
collection of images, but have not compiled a
spreadsheet of what you have. Essentially, the idea is
to crowd source knowledge to gather data
surrounding the notes. From the top menu bar, click
on “Note Galleries” to examine the existing galleries.
You’ll see several that have been set up. Click on the
title of any one of them to drill inside and view a
matrix of images that typically fits a theme, like what
Bill Gunther has done with his “Alabama State Notes”
gallery. He used this method to upload his Alabama
To create a new gallery, go back to the home
page and click “+Note Gallery”. You’re prompted for
a gallery title, and the first image. After the first
image has been uploaded, look for “Add a new file”
just below it to add more. The credits field will
populate the entire list with the same source, but that
can be edited individually later as needed. Finally,
you can entire a description if you wish to tell a story
about your gallery. Hit “Save” to complete the
creation of your gallery. You can later click on the
“Edit” tab when viewing the gallery to make further
changes or add notes to it.
Notice that in your newly created gallery there is
a blue button labeled “Create a Note” under each of
the images. This is where you or anyone can apply
their knowledge and build data around the note, as
clicking the link kicks off the Wizard, just like we saw
in the previous section, but with the image already
entered as part of step 1. You just continue with steps
2, 3 and 4. Completing step 4 will route the note for
approval by the appropriate SE, and when finished,
the blue button will change to a white one labeled
“View Note”.
For those who have large collections and are
very organized, we want to take advantage of all the
work you’ve done so far. More than likely, you have
the data about your notes in an Excel spreadsheet or
similar database. Our spreadsheets will have some
more columns than yours, but importing your data
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
will definitely save some work. We’ve found that
every situation is somewhat unique, so start by
contacting me and we can take it from there.
Unidentified Notes
The thing that makes this project so challenging
is that obsoletes are non‐standard in nature. The
broad definition of them goes way beyond state bank
notes, to include all kinds of private issues. In some
cases, when you look at an obsolete note, it is not
even clear who is the issuer. To help account for
mavericks (unidentified issuers) and just plain
unusual notes, we’ve created a system that allows
others to chime in, so to speak, to catalog those
strange ones.
On the top menu bar there is a link to the
“Unidentified Notes” page. Whenever someone has
gone through the Wizard and clicked on the “Request
for Information” button, the note entry will end up
here. Anyone can propose a description of the notes
in question, and anyone can cast a vote in favor of one
of the already‐present descriptions. It’s not a
democracy, however, as the number of votes does
not decide the winner. After a period of time, the
SE(s) in charge will render a decision on the most
accurate description.
What’s Next
This article summarizes the ways in which you
can add information about the notes in your
collection to SPMC’s Obsoletes Database Project. We
have many contributors so far, but many more are
needed to make the database as meaningful as
possible. In our next installment, we’ll cover what I
think is perhaps the best feature of ODP, the Set
Registry. This functionality allows users to essentially
store their collections virtually, track them in multiple
ways, share with others, and potentially compete
with other collectors for best‐of‐category awards to
be presented at the next International Paper Money
Show. You’ll want to stay tuned for this riveting finale
of our series in our next edition of Paper Money.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
by Carlson R, Chambliss
I very much regret to report that almost my
entire collection of foreign paper money was stolen
from my home in Kutztown, PA on the afternoon of
August 24, 2017. As far as I am concerned, this
crime should be regarded as a “home invasion
robbery” rather than as some type of burglary. It
was carried out by two men, both white and in their
early thirties, claiming to be water inspectors. I was
expecting a parcel from UPS at this time, and most
unfortunately I unlocked my front door without
demanding beforehand ID or telephoning to the
Borough of Kutztown to confirm that these
individuals were indeed bona fide. Within one or
two seconds I realized that I had made a dreadful
mistake. Since I am now 76 years old and
temporarily have a fractured left wrist, I was in no
way in a position to resist their instructions once the
front door had been opened. My home is a ranch-
type house with a large basement. One of the
criminals took me to the basement where I was
instructed to operate various pieces of plumbing
equipment using my hands (and fingers) and not his.
He was not armed and did not shout at me, but I think
that it was obvious to both of us that I might be
facing grievous bodily harm or even my murder
should I attempt to escape from his control. In the
meantime his partner searched through the two rooms
– the living room and the computer room – which
had the bulk of my paper money Some coins were
lying exposed in a third room, but this room seems
not to have been touched. One tray of about two
dozen Israeli silver commemorative coins was taken
along with a number of heavy bronze medals, but the
thefts were very largely restricted to banknotes, most
of which were from countries other than the U. S.
Some U. S. $1 and $2 FRNs were taken including a
couple of district sets and some star notes, but again
these were not of much importance.
The greatest percentage of notes stolen were
either from Latin America or from the Philippines.
Mexico was strongest in the first group, so let me
begin with these. The notes were either from the
Banco de Mexico issued between 1936 and 1992 or
notes of the Revolutionary period. Almost
everything was in very high grade, but none were
slabbed. The notes printed by the ABNC included all
denominations from 1 P to 1000 P plus a single
10,000 P note of 1978. The collection was arranged
by date or series letters for each denomination. The 1
P notes began with notes with series letters A, C, D,
and E, these series having no dates. The 5 P and 10 P
notes began the scarce issues of 1936, and the 20 P
with the issue of 1937. The 50 P and 100 P notes
were Allende and Hidalgo types only beginning with
1944 and 1945, respectively. The 500 P and 1000 P
notes began with 1958. I recorded only relatively
few serials for these, but I do have all of the series
letters for the ~160 notes in this group. Several of
these notes appeared in an article I wrote for Paper
For the BdeM-printed notes of 1969 – 1992 I did
not record the serials or series blocks for the notes,
but all denominations from 5 P to 100,000 P were
present. That included all date varieties for 20,000 P
(5), 50,0000 P(6), and 100,000 P (2) notes. There
was also a set of the 10nP to 100nP notes of 1992 in
the old designs. There were also partial packs of the
common 10 P, 20 P, 50 P, and 100 P notes of the
1970s vintage.
There was a compact collection of
Revolutionary notes from 1913 to 1918. There were
five “Bancos” including el Banco del Estado de
Chihuahua (1913) 5P, 10P, and 20P. A very nice
Carranza Infalisifiables set of 1915 is present, as is a
Monclova set of 1913 to 20P. There are some 80
Revolutionary notes in all – mostly very high grade.
The “Dos Caritas” note for 50P is CU and scarce. It
has red stamping on back. There are a dozen “Eagle
on Lake” notes from either Mexico City or Veracruz.
The sets for Sonora and for Sinaloa go to 20P. There
are also a couple of notes each from Oaxaca and
The notes of Brazil are concentrated on the years
1943-94, and there is a comprehensive array of these
for these years. About half were printed by either
ABNC or TDLR. The later issues include the very
scarce 50,000 cruzeiros reais of 1994 (WPMC #242).
Almost all of the notes in this group are CU.
Unfortunately I do not have serial numbers for these,
but several were illustrated in articles that I wrote for
Paper Money. The Dominican Republic was also
very strong including five specimen sets. Two of
these were the 1978 specimen sets with serials *836
and *2742. There was also a scarce Columbus 500P
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
specimen note of 1992. The regularly issued notes
ranged in dates from 1987 to 2014. There were two
each of the 500P and 1000P notes. Another very
strong country is Nicaragua with notes dating from
1968 to 2012. The Sandinista issues are quite
complete, and the post-inflation issues of 1991-2005
are well represented. There are two different sets (6
notes each) of the polymer currency of 2007-12.
There was also a nice range of notes from
Argentina with the San Martin types of 1943-69 well
represented from 5P to 10,000P. The best of these is
a 500P note (WPMC #268) in CU with red numerals.
The Uruguay notes include three unissued notes
(WPMC 67A, 68A, 68B) and three high value notes
(WPMC 71, 72, 73). The Venezuela group includes
a new set dated 2016 of the 500B to 20,000B notes
and a set of packs of the 2B to 100B notes of 2007.
The earlier notes include all denominations from 1B
to 50,000B. The Chilean notes include a set of the
1000P to 20,000P for 2012. The Honduras group
includes a group of CU notes ranging from 1 L to
500 L. There are a fair number of notes from
Colombia and Paraguay, but only a few each from
Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, or El Salvador. Actually all
Latin American republics are represented in this large
collection except for Panama. I am estimating the
total value of the Latin American notes at rather more
than $20,000.
The finest single country collection that was
stolen in its entirety was of the Philippines. It
consisted almost entirely of notes of the Central Bank
from 1951 to 2014 and of the WWII period of 1941-
45, the so-called “guerilla notes.” There were a few
Japanese Occupation notes, but not the rarities, and
the American period was almost entirely absent. I
have written several articles in Paper Money in
which I gave used illustrations of many of my
Filipino notes. The modern section begins with a
complete set of 10 of the fractional notes and 33
different of the peso notes from 1 P to 500 P
including six specimens. The so-called “Pilipino”
and “Ang Bagong Lipunan” series was also well
represented with numerous signature, replacement,
and specimen varieties. There were a total of more
than 70 of these notes plus a pack of the Marcos 10 P
election notes in the QN block. I do have the serial
number block letters, at least, for all of these. The
1978 Maltese Cross specimen set is number *1293.
The so-called “New Design” notes issued
between 1985 and 2010 included more than 90
different varieties plus a number of duplicates. All of
the numerous commemoratives for 50P and 100P
were there as well as a few for 20P, 200P, and 500P.
This group of notes abounds in fancy serial numbers,
and I had sets of ten with “solid” of 111111, 222222,
333333, etc. up to a one million note with 1000000.
These sets I had for 20P. 50P. 100P. 500P. and
1000P, which usually were dated 2007, 2008, or
2009. There was also a set of ten 200P notes with
serials 000001, 000002, etc. up to 000010. There
were also two sets of six issued in 2009 that honored
the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Philippine
Central Bank both with normal and with replacement
serial numbers. Other items of this period included a
pair of 500P with “up and down ladder” serial
numbers. I also had the 2000P notes of 1998-2001 in
both the normal and very large formats. This portion
of the collection concluded with two sets of the “New
Generation” notes, one dating 2010 with matching
low serials and one with later dates. All together
there were rather more than 300 different notes of the
1951-2014 period in this collection, almost all of
which were CU. I am estimating the value of this
part of the collection at about $8000.
The other extensive part of my Filipino
collection was of the emergency notes of WWII that
were produced between 1941 and 1945. There were
well over 200 different varieties plus numerous
duplicates especially from Mindanao, Iloilo, and
Negros. The serial number data that I have on these
items are very good, since I was comparing what I
had with the serial number ranges given by Neil
Shafer. Among the best notes were the 10c, 1P, and
2P notes with revenue stamps from Cagayan that
were previously in Neil Shafer’s collection. There
was a full set of eight of the Culion Leper Colony
notes plus an unissued block of four of the 1c value.
High denomination notes were present for some
issuers. These included 50P, 100P, 500P for Negros,
50P and 100P (2) for Iloilo, 100P (2) and 500P for
the Luzon USAAFFE. There was a 2P note from
Brooke’s Point, Palawan dated 19.4.1943 (cat.
#S915) and a 0.20P Ilocos Norte dated 20.5.1942
(cat. #S293). Both Misamis Occidental and the
Mountain Province were well represented. The same
was true of notes for Cebu, Iloilo, Negros, and
Mindanao. Full sets of the notes printed on lead
plates for Apayao and for Cagayan were present
along with the small format mimeographed notes
from Apayao issued in 1943. Strictly local issues
included notes from Balangiga and Oras on Samar.
Fortunately I do have serial number data on many of
these notes, and I can share them will any parties who
would like more information. It is difficult to
estimate the total value of this portion of my
collection, but surely it would exceed $5000. I am
truly heartbroken over the total loss – hopefully
temporary – of my entire collection of Filipino notes.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
It has been reduced from an exhibit quality holding to
a total void.
My holdings of African notes were not as
comprehensive as those of some other countries, but
they did include some important items. Foremost
among these were the 10/- and one pound notes of
Rhodesia dated 16.11.1964 (WPMC #24, 25). Both
were in gem CU condition, and their value can be
estimated at about $1000 each. Regrettably I did not
have serial number data for these. For Zimbabwe
there were two sets of Traveller’s Cheques, a full set
of “Second Dollar” notes (32 – nos. 33-64), “Third
Dollar” notes (27 – nos. 65-91), plus numerous other
notes or bearer cheques. In the past couple of years
there have been large price increases on the values of
several of the hyperinflation notes. I do have serial
numbers on a few of these. There was also a
substantial number of notes from Zambia especially
of notes with the “fish eagle” design. This even
included a set of notes in the new kwacha currency
dated 2014 or 2015. The group from Zaire included
nine specimen notes. There were also a fair number
of notes from Kenya and from Malawi. In West
Africa the Gambia was well represented with a
number of notes including a 50 dalasi of 1989
(WPMC #15). Although there were no rarities, a
rather wide variety of other African countries was
represented. Altogether I am estimating the value of
these African notes at about $4000 with about half of
this in the two rare Rhodesian notes of 1964.
I have written a couple of articles for Paper
Money of the notes of North Korea, and I have
proposed completely re-doing much of the listing for
these. Regrettably all of my North Korean notes
were taken. The most valuable of these were my 50
and 100 won notes for 1959. The serials on these are
700538 and 328091, respectively. The more recent
issues were very well covered including packs of the
200, 500, 1000, and 5000 won notes of the 1992-
2007 types. Iraq was another country that was well
represented, and this included WPMC nos. 67-73, the
lithographed 74-89, and the postwar engraved 90-96.
There were comparatively few European notes
in this holding, but some oversize notes of Germany
and Russia were taken along with various notes from
Western European nations. I had a fair number of the
German 10,000 mark notes of 1922 (WPMC nos. 70
and 71) along with various others of the inflation-era
notes. There were a number of packs of inexpensive
banknotes from countries such as Cambodia, and
these were taken. At least 3000 banknotes were
taken in all, and a large plastic laundry tub of mine
was stolen to contain all of this.
Oddly enough my holdings of a few countries
were spared, probably because they were in a box
that was somehow overlooked. This included my
notes from Jamaica, Guyana, Laos, Iran, Pacific
Islands, and most of my notes from Eastern European
countries. My valuable collections of notes from
New Zealand, Israel, and Palestine were not
involved, since they are stored in a bank safety
deposit box. I also have some Mexican notes in there
including the large-size Banco de Mexico notes of
the 1930s, my three 100 peso Madero notes of 1936-
42, and all the post-1994 new peso notes.
One box of notes was taken, however, that
contained items that will prove almost impossible to
replace unless they are recovered from this theft.
This contained souvenir notes of the various meetings
of military currency enthusiasts. Some of this is even
quite well printed, and the scarcest of these items
have both very limited printings and often fairly large
FRN-cash values (up to $100 or more per note). My
collection was one of the most complete of these, and
replacing all but the most available of these items
will prove next to impossible unless, of course, my
examples of these do show up. In one year at
Memphis I did a fairly large exhibit on these unusual
items. Other “funny money” items, however, were
far less valuable. Many hundreds of my replica
MPCs were taken even though these items were
clearly marked Copy on their backs.
The value of the “special currency” distributed
at military money gatherings is very difficult to
estimate, but it would be extremely difficult to
replace. So let’s say $2000 or so for this. The value
of the other notes stolen was probably about $3000
with a substantial percentage of this for the North
Korean notes. As was previously noted a few USA
currency items ($1 and $2 notes including a couple of
district sets) were taken, but their value totaled only
about $500. There are also the silver coins and large
bronze medals that I am figuring at $1500.
Altogether the total value of the entire theft comes to
something like $45,000. This is a very conservative
estimate that represents the actual replacement cost of
the items, although quite a few of them are not
I believe this was some sort of contract job. The
two criminals came looking for banknotes, and they
showed far less interest in what coins I had on hand.
Only a comparatively small number of stamps were
taken despite the huge numbers of these in my house.
So long as I made no attempt to resist they made no
attempt to injure me, but being held captive in the
basement of one’s own house by a felon while his
partner loots an important and valuable portion of my
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
holdings is not an experience that I would wish on
even the worst of any enemies that I might have. The
emotional scars that this incident have left on me
have been severe, and only the recovery of a large
portion of what was stolen and the arrest and
prosecution of the criminals involved will remove
them. I have now installed a fairly elaborate security
alarm system, and almost all coins and banknotes
have been removed to a different location, but this is
almost always a case of closing the barn door after
the horse has escaped.
Very soon after the criminals left, I did contact
the Kutztown Police, and this case is now referred by
them as case # 81-17-005116. Their telephone
number is 610 – 683 - 3545.
I can be contacted at P. O. Box 804, Kutztown,
PA 19530, tel. 610 – 683- 6572 and my Gmail
address is
A particularly important contact is Doug Davis,
P. O. Box 14080, Arlington, Texas 76094. His
telephone number is 817–723–7231. His email is He has extensive
experience in both police work and numismatics and
is probably the person most qualified in the entire
country to handle numismatic & syngraphic crimes
such as this.
What I do want to do most of all is to recover
all, or at least a large portion thereof, of the
significant notes that were stolen. I am prepared to
pay a substantial award for the recovery or for
information leading to the recovery of these notes.
As is obvious from my summary of the contents,
however, this holding also contains numerous notes
of little consequence. Unless my stolen collections of
countries such as Mexico or the Philippines are
recovered essentially intact, I see little point in trying
to build new collections from scratch of these items.
I do have extensive serial number data on some
of the stolen notes and will be happy to share these
with any interested party. Please do note that the
banknotes that I have described were in my
possession until August 2017, and any note that was
already in your possession prior to then cannot be one
of my stolen notes. Please do pay attention to items
similar to what I have described being offered,
especially at “bargain” prices. I have given Mr.
Davis far more serial number and series letter data
than I am putting into this article, but I can send these
data to any party if they would be desired. I have
now had a fairly extensive career as a writer on paper
money, and thus I have acquired a fair amount of
notoriety on this subject. Hopefully this allows one
to share informative details on this topic with
interested persons, but unfortunately in this case it
clearly led to a desire within some evil individual to
rob me of the notes themselves. I hope that this case
resolves itself before it turns me into an embittered
cynic. I do wish to continue my activities in
syngraphics, but it appears that in this field, at least,
the researcher must remove himself at most times to a
substantial distance from the objects being
I regret having to write so bitter and cynical an
article, and I most sincerely regret not having
exercised much more caution in working with these
items, but I am afraid that flaunting one’s interest in
this field is most definitely ill advised and even
dangerous. Please do wish me luck in recovering
those items that are rightfully mine. Until this matter
is resolved I shall probably have to take a leave of
absence from writing articles for Paper Money, but I
hope that I can resume this activity.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
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The Check List and Record Book of United States Paper Money is a convenient
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Volume 9 is the first on the Mid-Atlantic states. Earlier volumes studied New
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• •
$1 Novelty Checkbook (with Errors) and Analysis
by Ed Zegers
Recently, while reviewing my Error Currency Collection, I had the pleasure of discovering a
currency novelty item which I had obtained from an estate about ten years ago. I had completely forgotten
about this piece. Let me describe it for you and then you can decide if you want to continue reading this
It is a hard-bound blue checkbook style collection of $1 US Federal Reserve Notes. The
waffled cover reads “Happy 50th Birthday Stu Grabiner” in gold letters and the back cover is plain. As you
open this checkbook, there is an elite unmarked page made of a satin wallpaper cloth (with a moiré pattern
visible as you shift it from side to side). Next, there are fifty consecutive $1 FRNs, and all in crisp new
condition. While that alone may not be enough to pique anybody’s interest, let me go a little further and
also tell you that they are Series 1988a from the Richmond (E /”5”) District, and the “G” block. This item
was probably produced in or around 1992 - 1993.
Still, this well-to-do novelty item holds minor interest for most collectors. However, to continue
my story, I have inspected each note carefully. Then I discovered that thirty-two of the fifty notes are errors.
I had not viewed the reverse of the notes when I first obtained them, just the note faces which were all fine.
I located the green ink smears down the left edge of the back-side of the affected notes.
As Ink-Smear (printing machine wiping failures) errors go, these are small in comparison to some
that I have seen, but, as you can see from my scan and in the spread-sheet of data that I created, some not
6 8/16 X 2 9/16"
Checkbook with Gold
Major “Dark” Ink
Spots on FRN Back.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
so obvious facts become evident. Using known BEP production practices for the series, I found that two
sheets are missing. BEP machinery printed these notes using the 4-plate rotary press system on engraved
back-plates. Therefore, following every fourth Back Plate Serial Number, the first is again repeated, and so
forth until a back-plate change occurs. This patter/process is also true for the 2nd printing of the black-ink
faces and serials. The 3rd printing is when the Green FRN Serials and Seals are added to faces of those
sheets. Because of these known facts we can observe that exactly two sheets, each with differing FP & BP
serials, are missing from our sequence (in differing places). This tells us that at some point after both the
faces and backs had been printed, a BEP inspector removed one (or more) sheets, interrupting the sequence
of repetition, i.e. (they had to be pulled after they were printed in order to be missing from the rotational
Spreadsheet and Technical Analysis of BEP Production Data.
Checkbook Style $1 FRNs w/Errors (Analysis)
Sheet Rot Series
Dist FRN Serial Blk PP FP # BP # Comment
1 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 551 G H3 H491 203
2 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 552 G H3 H492 202 Normal
3 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 553 G H3 H456 206 Normal
4 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 554 G H3 H486 205 MAJOR/DARK (Scanned)
5 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 555 G H3 H491 203 Normal
? Sheet absent from 3rd Printing Rotation! H492 202
BEP QC removed after 2nd
6 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 556 G H3 H456 206 MAJOR/DARK
7 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 557 G H3 H486 205 MEDIUM
8 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 558 G H3 H491 203
9 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 559 G H3 H492 202 Normal
10 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 560 G H3 H456 206 MEDIUM
11 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 561 G H3 H486 205
12 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 562 G H3 H491 203
13 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 563 G H3 H492 202 Normal
14 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 564 G H3 H456 206
15 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 565 G H3 H486 205 Normal
16 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 566 G H3 H491 203
17 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 567 G H3 H492 202 Normal
18 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 568 G H3 H456 206
19 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 569 G H3 H486 205 Normal
20 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 570 G H3 H491 203 Normal
21 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 571 G H3 H492 202 Normal
22 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 572 G H3 H456 206 MAJOR/DARK
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Sheet Rot Series
Dist FRN Serial Blk PP FP # BP # Comment
23 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 573 G H3 H486 205 MAJOR/DARK
24 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 574 G H3 H491 203 Normal
25 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 575 G H3 H492 202
26 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 576 G H3 H456 206 MEDIUM
27 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 577 G H3 H486 205 MEDIUM/DARK
28 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 578 G H3 H491 203 Normal
29 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 579 G H3 H492 202
30 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 580 G H3 H456 206 Normal
31 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 581 G H3 H486 205 MEDIUM/DARK
32 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 582 G H3 H491 203 MEDIUM/TRACE
33 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 583 G H3 H492 202
34 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 584 G H3 H456 206
35 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 585 G H3 H486 205 MAJOR
36 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 586 G H3 H491 203 MAJOR/DARK
37 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 587 G H3 H492 202
38 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 588 G H3 H456 206 MEDIUM
39 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 589 G H3 H486 205 MAJOR/DARK
40 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 590 G H3 H491 203
41 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 591 G H3 H492 202 Normal
42 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 592 G H3 H456 206 MEDIUM
43 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 593 G H3 H486 205 Normal
44 1 1988a E / "5" 62319 594 G H3 H491 203 Normal
45 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 595 G H3 H492 202 Normal
46 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 596 G H3 H456 206 MEDIUM
47 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 597 G H3 H486 205 Normal
? Sheet absent from 3rd Printing Rotation! H491 203
BEP QC removed after 2nd
48 2 1988a E / "5" 62319 598 G H3 H492 202
49 3 1988a E / "5" 62319 599 G H3 H456 206 MEDIUM
50 4 1988a E / "5" 62319 600 G H3 H486 205 MEDIUM/DARK
*Conclusion--Some BEP QC inspection was done following the 2nd printing, because two different sheets are
missing from the normal "3rd printing" rotation as evidenced by the data of columns "A & B" above!
My thanks to the members of the “Coin Talk” web site and their opinions about this item. Please
share your thoughts and personal items of a like nature so that I/we may learn more about this type of error.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Spectacular $50 Skip Changeover Pair
By Jamie Yakes
Shown here is the first reported changeover that skips two series and doesn’t involve $1 Silver
Certificates. It’s a pair of $50 Boston Federal Reserve Notes: A Series of 1934 Julian-Morgenthau face
with serial A03325032A paired to a Series of 1934C Julian-Snyder face with serial A03325033A (see
figure below). Plate data are 1934 face 2 and back plate 138, and 1934C face 14 and back plate 103.
Dealer Phillip Thomas found the pair in a short pack of $50 Boston notes and offered it for sale
on Ebay in August 2017.1 It’s atypical of most changeovers: It was created sometime after 1948 when the
BEP assembled batches of $50 Boston sheets for serial numbering from smaller batches of 1934 and
1934C sheets. They had printed the notes over a span of at least five years: the 1934 note as late as 1944,
and the 1934C in 1948 or 1949. The pair received serial numbers in 1950.
A changeover pair is two notes of contemporary but different types that have consecutive serial
numbers. They can involve pairings of different face or back plate varieties, or both, such as different
series and signatures, micro and macro plate numbers, or wide and narrow designs. They appeared among
large- and small-size notes from the late-1910s to the early-1950s, when intaglio plates included series
dates and treasury signatures. Visually, series changeovers have the greatest allure owing to the obvious
distinction between signatures and dates on the two notes.
It was customary for the BEP to mix plates from consecutive series on four-plate printing presses
during sheet printing as they transitioned between types. For instance, one press could have two 1934 and
two 1934A faces. Finished sheets pulled off those plates would cycle repeatedly through both types, e.g.,
1934-1934-1934A-1934A, etc., as they were stacked into piles. When those sheet piles proceeded to serial
numbering, they received consecutive serial numbers that linked the changeovers distributed throughout
the batches.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
The BEP most often used consecutive series concurrently, so a majority of changeovers will be
consecutive, such as 1928A/1928B or 1934B/1934C. Skip changeovers—those with non-consecutive
series—are rare because comingling of plates from three or more series was uncommon. High-profile
instances included the mixed use of Series of 1928B, 1928C, 1928D, and 1928E $1 Silver Certificates
during the mid-1930s, which resulted in 1928A/1928C, 1928B/1928D, and 1928B/1928E changeovers.
Additionally, comingling among a few types of 1934-series Federal Reserve Notes occurred during the
late-1930s and early-1940s. A good example was the concurrent use of $5 1934, 1934A, and 1934B
Cleveland faces in 1945-46,2 which resulted in 1934/1934B skip changeovers.
Unlike traditional changeovers, the $50 Boston pair was created by entirely different means. It
involved construction of even-numbered, counted batches (such as 1,000 sheets) for numbering from
various piles of recently printed 1934C sheets, and 1934s pulled from prolonged storage.
The BEP used 1934 $50 Boston faces 1 to 4 from November 25, 1935 until May 28, 1942.3 They
replaced face 4 with 1934A faces 5 and 6 that June, and continued to use those five faces until July 8,
1944.4 None were used after that date. They ceased numbering $50 Boston notes a few days later at serial
A02940000A, and didn’t resume numbering that type until 1948.5
In the interim, they placed into storage stocks of leftover, unnumbered 1934 and 1934A sheets. In
early 1946, they produced 1934B faces 7 to 10, which they certified in March, but never used on press.6
In July 1948, the BEP resumed printing $50 Boston sheets when they used 1934C faces 12 to 16
on press from July 26-28. They sent the same plates to press once again from June 29-July 1, 1949.7 Sheet
handlers proceeded to combine the new 1934C sheets with stockpiled 1934 and 1934A sheets, and
forwarded those batches to the numbering division for serial numbering. The BEP delivered another half
million $50 Boston notes through 1951, serials A02940001A to A03468000A.8 Serial A03120001A was
the first delivered in 1950, the year the $50 Boston changeover was numbered.9
Data for the other notes in Thomas’s partial pack show serials lower than A03325032A on 1934s,
and those higher than A03325033A on 1934Cs.10 It’s possible each type extended for hundreds or
thousands of notes; if so, Thomas stumbled upon the needle in the haystack! More may lurk, however.
The comingled use of 1934 and 1934A faces in 1942-44 created changeovers11 that may have been
numbered in 1948-51. In addition, 1934A sheets contained in the pre-1944 stockpiles made possible
1934A/1934C changeovers.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association supported this research. Phillip Thomas provided
data on the $50 notes discussed herein.
1. Phillip Thomas, email to author, September 20, 2017.
2. U.S. Treasury. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Ledgers Pertaining to Plates, Rolls, and Dies, 1870s-1960s
(Entry P1). Volume 41. Record Group 318: Records of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. National
Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.
3. U.S. Treasury, Ledgers, Volume 147.
4. U.S. Treasury, Ledgers, Volume 147.
5. “First Serial Numbers on U.S Small Size Notes Delivered during each year 1928 to 1952.” Prepared by the O&M
Secretary, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, April 1952. BEP Historical Resource Center, Washington,
6. U.S. Treasury, Ledgers, Volume 147.
7. U.S. Treasury, Ledgers, Volume 147.
8. “First Serial Numbers on U.S Small Size Notes Delivered during each year 1928 to 1952.” O&M Secretary.
9. “First Serial Numbers on U.S Small Size Notes Delivered during each year 1928 to 1952.” O&M Secretary.
10. Thomas, email to author, September 21, 2017.
11. One pair is reported that was numbered in 1942-43: 1934A, A01441068A/1934, 01441069A. (Lindquist, Scott,
and John Schwartz. The Standard Guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money, 10th ed. Iola, WI: Krause
Publications, 2011.)
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
by David E. Schenkman
I write a column for Scrip Talk, the newsletter of the
National Scrip Collectors Association (NSCA), and the
topic of a recent article was a very unusual “Pay
Check” token from the Union Mining Company Fire
Clay Mine, which was located at Mount Savage,
Maryland. Of all the tokens listed in the two volumes
of the coal token catalog, which total some fifteen
thousand varieties, this is the largest and heaviest
piece by a good margin. Struck in brass, it is 50mm in
diameter and over 3mm thick.
Mount Savage is located in Alleghany
County, at the foot of Savage Mountain. It came into
existence in 1837, when the Maryland and New York
Coal and Iron Company was incorporated for the
purpose of using locally mined ore to manufacture
iron. The venture wasn’t successful, and in the mid‐
1840s it was purchased by a group of investors and
renamed Mount Savage Iron Company.
The catalog, Money & Banking in Maryland,
which was written by Denwood N. Kelly, Armond M.
Shank Jr., and Thomas S. Gordon, and published by
the Maryland Historical Society in 1996, lists two
denominations of Mount Savage Iron Works notes;
an undated fifty cents denomination and a crude 75
cents note dated 1846. They are illustrated in the
catalog and are obviously quite different in style.
Shortly after my article was published I
received a call from Garrett Salyers, a long‐time
collector of Kentucky iron company notes. He was
quite surprised when he read it, since two
denominations of Mount Savage notes are in his
collection and he purchased them as Kentucky
notes. As he pointed out, in addition to the
denominations he owns, a five dollar note is
illustrated in Earl Hughes’ catalog, Kentucky Obsolete
Notes and Scrip, which was published by SPMC in
1998. The two larger notes are dated in the 1870s,
although the fifty cents piece is undated. Garrett’s
question was, “are you sure the notes are from
As it turned out, companies by the same
name operated in both Kentucky and Maryland.
However, in 1868 the Maryland firm ceased to
operate as such; it had been taken over by the Union
Mining Company, and was being operated as Mount
Savage Fire Brick Works. Therefore, the listing of the
75 cents note in the Maryland catalog, which was
issued in the 1840s, is no doubt correct. The others
are definitely from Kentucky.
The Mount Savage Furnace in Kentucky was
located in Carter County, near Hitchins. Named for
Edward Savage, it was built in the late 1840s and
operated until the start of the Civil War. In 1870 it
was reopened under ownership of the Lexington and
Carter Mining Company. In 1874 the furnace blew
out; it reopened soon thereafter, but in the 1880s
was closed for good. During the 1870s coal was
mined by the company for use at the furnace.
The illustrated twenty five and fifty cents
notes are signed by Evan T. Warner, as treasurer.
Mount Savage Iron Company twenty‐five cents note.
Courtesy of Dennis Lashley, President ‐‐‐Mount Savage (Maryland)
Historical Society
Fifty Cents Mount Savage note. Garrett Salyers collection.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Garrett had researched the name and found him
listed in the Carter County, Kentucky tax records; in
1873 he owned eight hundred acres of land. The
book, Notable Men of Tennessee, which was
published in 1905, provides a wealth of information
concerning his life. Warner was born on April 7,
1847. Following service as a captain in the State
Guards during the Civil War, while still a teenager, he
became involved in the operation of the furnace at
Mount Savage, Kentucky. Later he invested heavily
and very successfully in real estate. He was also
involved in railroad contracting, and in 1890 was
secretary and treasurer of the LaFollette Coal, Iron
and Railway Company, and superintendent of the
Tennessee Northern Railway. Five years later he
moved to LaFollette, and in 1897 was elected mayor
of the town. Warner died on December 27, 1900.
A one dollar note exists, and like the two
highest denominations is dated 1871 and signed by
H. G. Craig, as treasurer. The imprint on these three
notes is Ehrgott & Krebs Lith. Cincinnati, O. Craig was
still treasurer in 1876, and during that year the
company exhibited pig iron and hot blast charcoal
iron in the “Metallurgical Products” category, and
iron ores in the “Minerals, Ores, Stone” category at
the Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. It isn’t clear
when Warner was the firm’s treasurer, but the
twenty five and fifty cents notes are undated and
bear no imprint, suggesting that they were printed at
a different time than the three larger
denominations. Hopefully other denominations or
varieties will eventually surface.
Interestingly, while corresponding with the
president of the Mount Savage Historical Society in
Maryland, who owns one of the two known
examples of the Union Mining Company token, he
sent me a scan of the twenty‐five cents note
illustrated herein. He had picked it up locally, and
assumed it was an issue of the Maryland firm.
Obviously this isn’t correct, but what an odd
I welcome readers’ comments. Write to me
at P.O. Box 2866, La Plata, MD 20646. If a reply is
desired, please enclose a self‐addressed, stamped
One dollar Mount Savage note. Author’s collection.
Two‐dollar Mount Savage Company note. Courtesy of Heritage Auctions.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The Mechanics and Farmers Building and Loan Association
by Robert Gill
Well, the end of this year is in sight, and I’ve
been fairly successful in adding to my obsolete sheet
collection during it. By the time you read this article,
Dallas based Heritage Auctions will have completed
another sale of the Eric P. Newman holdings. I have
been anxiously waiting to see what sheets I can
acquire from it. I’ve done very well in the past in
being able to nab some of Mr. Newman’s legendary
collection, and hopefully, that will continue on. And
now for the subject of this article.
In this issue of Paper Money, I’m going to share
with you a South Carolina sheet that came into my
possession several years ago. And that is on The
Mechanics and Farmers Building and Loan
Association, which was located in Columbia, Richland
County, South Carolina.
According to American Building Association
News, Volume 42, dated January 1st, 1922, the only
building associations doing business in South
Carolina at the end of the Civil War were The
Columbia Association and The Capital Association.
Thereafter, The Mechanics and Farmers Building and
Loan Association was organized.
This association was enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the State of South
Carolina, and the Act was approved on February 15th,
1872. The association's reason for existence was to
be “for the purpose of making loans of money, by
certificate or otherwise, secured by mortgage of real
estate or personal property, or by the conveyance of
the same, to their members or stockholders or other
persons, by the name and style of The Mechanics
and Farmers Building and Loan Association, of
Richland County, South Carolina. The capital stock
shall consist of two thousand shares, which shall be
paid in successive monthly installments of one dollar
on each share so long as the corporation shall
The Mechanics and Farmers Building and Loan
Association had the distinction of being the only
building and loan association in Columbia that issued
currency. The issue was made under the authority
of an act of the legislature. The United States
Government, however, under The National Banking
Act of 1865, had levied a tax of 10% on the use of
non‐U. S. Government issued currency, which was
prohibitory, and the association had to call in its
circulation after a very short time of circulation.
Historical details about the operations of this
association are vague, but we do know from an
article in The Daily Phoenix (Columbia, South
Carolina newspaper) dated March 25th, 1875, that
prominent, local citizen, R.D. Senn, was President.
I talked to my good friend / obsolete specialist
Hugh Shull about how the group of sheets from this
association came into the Obsolete market. He said
around 1998‐99 a small group surfaced. South
Carolina Obsolete specialist, Austin Sheheen, Jr., also
knew of it. A short time later, Grover Criswell ended
up with the group in his possession, which totaled
about 31 sheets. Hugh acquired about half of them,
and ended up cutting the sheets and selling the
notes as singles. Later, with only about 12 sheets
remaining intact, Austin had them in his possession.
He then sold them to Hugh one or two a year, until
all were gone.
So that is the history of this beautiful,
fascinating sheet (notice in the second scan the
striking backside). Like so many times, a small group
will surface and is absorbed by the obsolete world,
usually ending up as singles. Then along comes a
sheet collector like myself, and appreciates, even
more so, what he has because of the rarity, in sheet
form. What a fascinating hobby!
As I always do, I invite any comments to my cell
phone number (580) 221‐0898 or my personal email
Until next time… HAPPY COLLECTING.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
In Memoriam: Money
This September, in the pages of the Bank
Note Reporter Neil Shafer complained about how the
current international fad of issuing commemorative
banknotes aims less to genuinely honor some person
or event, and more to extract money from gullible
collectors. “Commemorative notes are all the rage”,
he began, and these recent issues have included not
only the rather unfunctional 7 dollar denomination
from Fiji (celebrating its rugby team), but the
absolutely nonsensical 100 dong note from Vietnam
which, at the current exchange rate, is worth less than
one-half of an American cent.
These schemes pay off thanks to the seignoriage
booked by issuing authorities when collectors pay
face value, and even a premium, for commemorative
paper (issued in 2016, that otherwise worthless
Vietnamese note went on sale for about 1 U.S.
dollar). Collectors are easy marks because of their
propensity to buy and hold, but their appetite for
pointless novelty has limits. For years, coin collectors
have complained about how U.S. Mint products have
swamped the numismatic market, and this syndrome
burdens the Eurozone as well. There, bland and
uniform banknotes are counterbalanced by the frantic
gimmickry of national mints, which calibrate their
output to events like Berlin’s World Money Fair. The
rule of caveat emptor ought to be enough to guide the
tastes of collectors, but I worry about the long-term
impact of what might be called the Franklin Mint-
ization of the hobby. Arguably, the present poor
condition of stamp collecting was aggravated by the
flood of phony issues by the United Nations and
other entities, which contributed to the price bubble
and collapse by the late 1970s. How unfortunate if
such excesses were to cast a similar pall over the
collector’s market for paper money.The
commemorative currency fad also overlooks a basic
truth about paper money: all notes already function as
commemoratives, in the sense that choices about
portraits and vignettes reflect what symbols and
themes a nation regards as expressive of its identity.
The debate about whether Harriet Tubman ought to
replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 can’t be
understood without appreciating the stakes involved
in how the United States reckons with its historical
legacies, laudable and otherwise. As William
Faulkner wrote, “the past is never dead. It’s not even
past.” This is particularly appropriate in the case of
paper money, which in its everyday circulation
reinforces the meanings of its symbolic
representations. We keep the past alive, as it were, by
carrying it around in our pockets.
Banknote redesigns can be good measures of
how nations have attempted to rethink what they are
about. Canada, Australia and New Zealand are all
notable for having revamped their currency
iconography to project a more inclusive and
multicultural sense of national identity, in particular
to recognize the status of previously-maligned
aboriginal peoples. These attempts at currency
inclusivity can easily be caricatured as exercises in
political correctness, especially when they descend
into hair-splitting about which marginalized group
most deserves the next open spot on the national
currency, but overall I think such historical
rethinking is good, and those countries are better
places for having undertaken it.
Another way to approach this issue is to think
not about who deserves to grace a nation’s currency,
but about those figures of history infamy who in
whatever way did manage to achieve some measure
of monetary immortality. As I looked around for who
might belong to this rogue’s gallery, I quickly
discovered that another collector had beaten me to
the task (you can find his online discussion thread
“Dictators and bad men on banknotes” on the Coin
Talk forum). While Hitler and Stalin never made it
onto currency, Mao continues to grace China’s 100-
Yuan note. If not utterly wicked like the first two,
Mao’s misguided economic policies did lead to the
deaths of millions of his fellow citizens. Others
definitely belong on that list of bad hombres: Mobutu
Sese Seko (immortalized on the despised “Prostate”
notes), Idi Amin (feeder of crocodiles), and Saddam
Hussein (where to begin?). I like that Belgium’s King
Leopold also appears on the list, given his
sanctimonious ravaging of the Congo Free State.
While the roster of deplorables tails off into
garden-variety dictators, the fact that such bad men
have lived on as banknote portraits highlights how
nations aren’t always in control of the images they
seek to portray to themselves and to the rest of the
world. That Andrew Jackson, no slouch when it came
to ethnic cleansing, persists on American currency is
a genuine problem. Old Hickory, a hard-money man,
was a hater of banks as well as of Indians, and his
soul must chafe at the ignominy of his likeness
appearing on legal tender fiat currency. Better
perhaps to grant him peace by finally releasing him
from that intaglio prison.
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
President’s Column
Nov/Dec 2017
It’s great to have a board of governors that is
committed and motivated to make changes for the
betterment of SPMC. I’d like to tell you about a
few of them and what they’re up to.
I recently appointed Loren Gatch as the chair
our Education Committee. Loren is a
professional educator, being a professor of
political science at the University of Central
Oklahoma. I’m sure you’ve seen his weekly
column News & Notes over the last couple years
on the SPMC website – it’s a compilation of
interesting news stories related to our hobby. I
tapped Loren at this time because it’s been about
fifteen years since we last made major changes to
the way we approach our educational mission. So
much has happened over that time in the possible
means of outreach. Loren’s experience makes
him perfect with the job. He, along with other
EC members, are drafting a new mission
statement for SPMC, rewriting the grant
application process and redefining our
educational outreach. Fairly soon we should be
able to make the grant application forms available
on our website, along with the details about this
important aspect of our organization. Thank you,
A longstanding concern in the hobby has
been the downtrend in membership in SPMC and
related collector organizations. The Marketing
Committee, chaired by Gary Dobbins, has done
admirable work by recently arranging an
advertising exchange program that will hopefully
stem the trend. But that is likely not enough.
Wendell Wolka has recently approached me and
thinks there should be a committee dedicated to
this specific concern, or as he calls it, the
Elephant in the Room. I think he is right, and we
are in the early stages of building a team to slay
this elephant. Thank you, Wendell, for stepping
up to the task!
Many others board members have found
niches for which they are well suited. I thank
each and every one of them for their dedication to
SPMC. We couldn’t do it without them.
On another note, I’m pleased to announce
that the board has approved proposed updates to
the SPMC website, and work has begun to this
end. Some of these are security enhancements,
but others address some shortcomings of the
website that I hope to rectify, including the
membership joining and renewal processes.
We’ve also asked for a refresh to the look of the
site as well. I anticipate that we should see these
changes by end of year.
Finally, as administrator for the Obsoletes
Database Project (ODP) website, I’d like to report
the latest work and where we are heading. With
the assistance of Russell Kaye, we have uploaded
a great deal of issuer and design information for
New York. Our data guru, Mark Drengson,
continues to work with Dennis Schaufleutzel to
import his massive database of Tennessee
obsoletes into ODP. That has been a long time in
coming but will be a huge success once it’s in
place. For functionality, we’re going to build in
some reporting capabilities in the coming months
that will further make it a useful place to track
your collection. I’ll be talking more about that in
the next edition of Paper Money, but in the
meantime, be sure to read my article in this issue
on how to import your data.
I hope you are enjoying your fall, and can
find some meaningful additions to your
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
P_a_p_e_r Money * Nov/_D ec 2017 * Whol_e N_o_._3_1_2
Editor Sez
Changes are
Many, many changes are happening in life
right now, my life! By the time you read this my
son (Brandon who many of you know as the little
blond headed boy who followed me around at
Memphis and other places), will be married.
Now I know the duties, responsibilities and
financial duties of the father of the groom usually
extend to rehearsal dinner and a little more, but I
decided to help out more and, well—anyone
want to buy some really good fractional
experimentals? Hah! Actually, his new life is
going to be great. They are living close enough
to see quite often so our nest won’t be too
empty. He has started a new job as marketing
director and social media guru for an early
childhood curriculum company. He will also be
substitute teaching one day a week for extra
cash. His wife is a teacher in an autism center
supported by Easter Seals. So that is the big
change for me.
Some changes you will notice (if you are
sharp eyed) are some formatting changes on
some of the columns/articles. One of our
members sent me some really neat changes to
make Paper Money more professional looking.
Such as less margins to decrease white space
along with doing indents differently and font
choices. One big one was to use a columnar
format for articles. This really does look better
and will be used more as time passes. Many of
the articles in this and the next issue were sent
in pre-formatted so I did not change them, but
will work to do so in the future.
If you have any ideas that you think will
make the journal better, either visually or
content-wise, please let me know.
This issue is nothing to “grouse” about!
Yes, a joke. There is a wonderful article by
Bernhard Wilde about the grouse vignette and
its’ discovered use on a Canadian banknote!
Cool stuff! We also have a lengthy article on
Nationals and information on the 2018
International Paper Money Show that will once again
be held in Kansas City.
The end of a year means the beginning of a
new one. 2018 is building up to be a very good one
for the hobby. We start off with FUN and NYINC in
early January followed by many other great shows
and opportunities to make this (YOUR) hobby more
enjoyable. If you want to be a bigger part, write
something for Paper Money. It is not hard, just write
about what you know, like and collect.
Texting and Driving—It can wait!
W_l]om_ to Our
N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk—SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 09/05/2017
14664 Daniel Novak, Website
14665 Michael Mosiello, Website
14666 Mike Grieneisen, Website
14667 John Paschetto, Q. David Bowers
14668 Cari Murphy, Website
14669 James Oscarson, Website
14670 George Otoole, Jason Bradford
14671 Lisa Daniels, Hugh Shull
14672 Eric Whitehead, Website
14673 Enrico Aidala, Various Trainmen
14674 Mark Gilbert, Website
14675 Keith Nower, Coin World
14676 Donald Dethlefsen, Numismatic News
14677 Paul Hendry II, Jason Bradford
14678 Daniel Selby, Website
14679 Joseph Sullivan, Website
Life Memberships
LM435 Alan Lasecki, Jeff Brueggeman
NEW MEMBERS 10/05/2017
14680 Mike Moore, ANA
14681 Matt Parsons, Tom Denly
14682 Ernest Westlund, ANA
14683 Mychael Colyar-Long, ANA
14684 Rex Nelson, Frank Clark
14685 Richard Muir, Website
14686 Mark Schroeder, ANA
14687 Gary Overfield, ANA
14688 David Lok, Website
14689 Steve Parker, Website
14690 Nico Ribbens, IBNS
14691 Bill Roope, Website
14692 Brandon Marree,
14693 Gilbert Gibson, Website
14694 Michael Atkins, Website
14695 Arthur Siciliano, Website
Life Memberships
For Membership questions,
dues and contact information
go to our website
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money”
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,,
1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
(712) 332-5859
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5:30
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg’s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
S implified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Come join a group dedicated to the are
fractional fanatics!
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact Dave Stitely, membership chair
Box 136, Gradyville, PA 19039.
Small Currency
Large Currency
Foreign Currency
4-3/4"x2-1/4" $21.60
5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60
6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75
7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75
9 x 3-3/4" $26.75
8 x 5 $32.00
9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00
100 500 1000
$38.70 $171.00 $302.00
$41.00 $190.00 $342.00
$42.50 $190.00 $360.00
$48.00 $226.00 $410.00
$48.00 $226.00 $410.00
$58.00 $265.00 $465.00
$58.00 $265.00 $465.00
Obsolete Sheet
End Open
National Sheet
Side Open
8-3/4"x 14-1/2" $20.00
100 250
$88.00 $154.00 $358.00
8-1/2"x17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
StockCertificate 9-1/2"x12-1/2" $19.00
End Open
$83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size 18" x 24"
End Open
Foreign Oversize 10" x6"
Foreign Jumbo 10"x8"
$82.00 $365.00 $665.00 $1530.00
$23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
$30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
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___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
United States Paper Money
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Small Size Type
National Currency
Specimens, Proofs,Experimentals
FrederickJ. Bart
(586) 979-3400
POBox2• Roseville,MI 48066
Buying & Selling
• Obsolete • Confederate
• Colonial & Continental
• Fractional
• Large & Small U.S. Type Notes
Vern Potter Currency
& Collectibles
Please visit our Website at
Hundreds of Quality Notes Scanned,
Attributed & Priced
P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
WORLD PAPER MONEY. 2 stamps for new arrival
price list. I actively buy and sell. Mention PM receive $3
credit. 661-298-3149. Gary Snover, PO Box 1932,
Canyon Country, CA 91386
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
“LAWRENCE” (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
WANTED: Republic of Texas “Star” (1st issue) notes.
Also “Medallion” (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
$ MoneyMart $ ___________________________________________________________Paper Money * Nov/Dec 2017 * Whole No. 312_____________________________________________________________
~ U N I T E D S T / J T E S S t a t e m e n t o f O w n e r s h i p , M a n a g e m e n t , a n d C i r c u l a t i o n
~ P O S T / J L S E R V I C E ® ( A l l P e r i o d i c a l s P u b l i c a t i o n s E x c e p t R e q u e s t e r P u b l i c a t i o n s )
1 . P u b l i c a t i o n T i t l e
2 . P u b l i c a t i o n N u m b e r
4 1 9 - 9 4 0
4 . I s s u e F r e q u e n c y
5 . N u m b e r o f I s s u e s P u b l i s h e d A n n u a l l y
7 . C o m p l e t e M a i l i n g A d d r e s s o f K n o w n O f f i c e o f P u b l i c a t i o n ( N o t p r i n t e r ) ( S t r e e t , c i t y , c o u n t y , s t a t e , a n d Z I P + 4 ®)
4 5 0 F A M E A V E
H A N O V E R , P A 1 7 3 3 1
8 . C o m p l e t e M a i l i n g A d d r e s s o f H e a d q u a r t e r s o r G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s O f f i c e o f P u b l i s h e r ( N o t p r i n t e r )
9 . F u l l N a m e s a n d C o m p l e t e M a i l i n g A d d r e s s e s o f P u b l i s h e r , E d i t o r , a n d M a n a g i n g E d i t o r ( D o n o t l e a v e b l a n k )
P u b l i s h e r ( N a m e a n d c o m p l e t e m a i l i n g a d d r e s s )
7 1 1 S I G N A L M T N R D # 1 9 7
C H A T I A N O O G A , T N 3 7 4 0 5
E d i t o r ( N a m e a n d c o m p l e t e m a i l i n g a d d r e s s )
5 5 1 0 S P R I N G H I L L E S T A T E S D R .
A L L E N , T X 7 5 0 0 2 - 5 8 0 8
M a n a g i n g E d i t o r ( N a m e a n d c o m p l e t e m a i l i n g a d d r e s s )
3 . F i l i n g D a t e
1 0 / 1 / 2 0 1 7
6 . A n n u a l S u b s c r i p t i o n P r i c e
$ 2 5 . 0 0
C o n t a c t P e r s o n
T e l e p h o n e ( I n c l u d e a r e a c o d e )
9 7 2 - 7 2 7 - 2 3 9 5
1 o . O w n e r ( D o n o t l e a v e b l a n k . I f t h e p u b l i c a t i o n i s o w n e d b y a c o r p o r a t i o n , g i v e t h e n a m e a n d a d d r e s s o f t h e c o r p o r a t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w e d b y t h e
n a m e s a n d a d d r e s s e s o f a l l s t o c k h o l d e r s o w n i n g o r h o l d i n g 1 p e r c e n t o r m o r e o f t h e t o t a l a m o u n t o f s t o c k . I f n o t o w n e d b y a c o r p o r a t i o n , g i v e t h e
n a m e s a n d a d d r e s s e s o f t h e i n d i v i d u a l o w n e r s . I f o w n e d b y a p a r t n e r s h i p o r o t h e r u n i n c o r p o r a t e d f i r m , g i v e i t s n a m e a n d a d d r e s s a s w e l l a s t h o s e o f
e a c h i n d i v i d u a l o w n e r . I f t h e p u b l i c a t i o n i s p u b l i s h e d b y a n o n p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n , g i v e i t s n a m e a n d a d d r e s s . )
F u l l N a m e I C o m p l e t e M a i l i n g A d d r e s s
5 5 1 0 S P R I N G H I L L E S T A T E S D R .
A L L E N , T X 7 5 0 0 2 - 5 8 0 8
1 1 . K n o w n B o n d h o l d e r s , M o r t g a g e e s , a n d O t h e r S e c u r i t y H o l d e r s O w n i n g o r H o l d i n g 1 P e r c e n t o r M o r e o f T o t a l A m o u n t o f B o n d s , M o r t g a g e s , o r
O t h e r S e c u r i t i e s . I f n o n e , c h e c k b o x D N o n e
F u l l N a m e
C o m p l e t e M a i l i n g A d d r e s s
1 2 . T a x S t a t u s ( F o r c o m p l e t i o n b y n o n p r o f i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s a u t h o r i z e d t o m a i l a t n o n p r o f i t r a t e s ) ( C h e c k o n e )
T h e p u r p o s e , f u n c t i o n , a n d n o n p r o f i t s t a t u s o f t h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d t h e e x e m p t s t a t u s f o r f e d e r a l i n c o m e t a x p u r p o s e s :
D H a s N o t C h a n g e d D u r i n g P r e c e d i n g 1 2 M o n t h s
D H a s C h a n g e d D u r i n g P r e c e d i n g 1 2 M o n t h s ( P u b l i s h e r m u s t s u b m i t e x p l a n a t i o n o f c h a n g e w i t h t h i s s t a t e m e n t )
P S F o r m 3 5 2 6 , J u l y 2 0 1 4 [ P a g e 1 o f 4 ( s e e i n s t r u c t i o n s p a g e 4 ) ] P S N : 7 5 3 0 - 0 1 - 0 0 0 - 9 9 3 1
P R I V A C Y N O T I C E : S e e o u r p r i v a c y p o l i c y o n w w w . u s p s . c o m .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P a p e r M o n e y * N o v / D e c 2 0 1 7 * W h o l e N o . 3 1 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 9 1
1 3 . P u b l i c a t i o n T i t l e
1 4 . I s s u e D a t e f o r C i r c u l a t i o n D a t a B e l o w
S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7
1 5 . E x t e n t a n d N a t u r e o f C i r c u l a t i o n
A v e r a g e N o . C o p i e s
N o . C o p i e s o f S i n g l e
E a c h I s s u e D u r i n g
I s s u e P u b l i s h e d
P r e c e d i n g 1 2 M o n t h s
N e a r e s t t o F i l i n g D a t e
a . T o t a l N u m b e r o f C o p i e s ( N e t p r e s s r u n )
1 1 1 2
1 0 4 9
( 1 )
M a i l e d O u t s i d e - C o u n t y P a i d S u b s c r i p t i o n s S t a t e d o n P S F o r m 3 5 4 1 ( I n c l u d e p a i d
1 0 5 7
1 0 0 2
d i s t r i b u t i o n a b o v e n o m i n a l r a t e , a d v e r t i s e r ' s p r o o f c o p i e s , a n d e x c h a n g e c o p i e s )
b . P a i d
C i r c u l a t i o n
( 2 )
M a i l e d I n - C o u n t y P a i d S u b s c r i p t i o n s S t a t e d o n P S F o r m 3 5 4 1 ( I n c l u d e p a i d
( B y M a i l
d i s t r i b u t i o n a b o v e n o m i n a l r a t e , a d v e r t i s e r ' s p r o o f c o p i e s , a n d e x c h a n g e c o p i e s )
a n d
O u t s i d e
P a i d D i s t r i b u t i o n O u t s i d e t h e M a i l s I n c l u d i n g S a l e s T h r o u g h D e a l e r s a n d C a r r i e r s ,
t h e M a i l )
( 3 )
S t r e e t V e n d o r s , C o u n t e r S a l e s , a n d O t h e r P a i d D i s t r i b u t i o n O u t s i d e U S P S ®
4 2
3 7
( 4 )
P a i d D i s t r i b u t i o n b y O t h e r C l a s s e s o f M a i l T h r o u g h t h e U S P S
( e . g . , F i r s t - C l a s s M a i l ® )
c . T o t a l P a i d D i s t r i b u t i o n [ S u m o f 1 5 b ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) , a n d ( 4 ) ]
1 0 9 9
1 0 3 9
d . F r e e o r
( 1 ) F r e e o r N o m i n a l R a t e O u t s i d e - C o u n t y C o p i e s i n c l u d e d o n P S F o r m 3 5 4 1
N o m i n a l
R a t e
D i s t r i b u t i o n
( 2 ) F r e e o r N o m i n a l R a t e I n - C o u n t y C o p i e s I n c l u d e d o n P S F o r m 3 5 4 1
( B y M a i l
a n d
F r e e o r N o m i n a l R a t e C o p i e s M a i l e d a t O t h e r C l a s s e s T h r o u g h t h e U S P S
O u t s i d e
( 3 )
t h e M a i l )
( e . g . , F i r s t - C l a s s M a i l )
( 4 )
F r e e o r N o m i n a l R a t e D i s t r i b u t i o n O u t s i d e t h e M a i l ( C a r r i e r s o r o t h e r m e a n s )
1 3 1 0
e . T o t a l F r e e o r N o m i n a l R a t e D i s t r i b u t i o n ( S u m o f 1 5 d ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , ( 3 ) a n d ( 4 ) )
1 3 1 0
f . T o t a l D i s t r i b u t i o n ( S u m o f 1 5 c a n d 1 5 e )
1 1 1 2
1 0 4 9
g . C o p i e s n o t D i s t r i b u t e d · ( S e e I n s t r u c t i o n s t o P u b l i s h e r s # 4 ( p a g e # 3 ) )
h . T o t a l ( S u m o f 1 5 f a n d g )
1 1 1 2
1 0 4 9
i . P e r c e n t P a i d
( 1 5 c d i v i d e d b y 1 5 f t i m e s 1 0 0 )
9 8 . 8 3 % 9 9 . 0 5 %
* I f y o u a r e c l a i m i n g e l e c t r o n i c c o p i e s , g o t o l i n e 1 6 o n p a g e 3 . I f y o u a r e n o t c l a i m i n g e l e c t r o n i c c o p i e s , s k i p t o l i n e 1 7 o n p a g e 3 .
P S F o r m 3 5 2 6 , J u l y 2 0 1 4 ( P a g e 2 o f 4 )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P a p e r M o n e y * N o v / D e c 2 0 1 7 * W h o l e N o . 3 1 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 9 2
~ U N I T E D S T J J T E S , S t a t e m e n t o f O w n e r s h i p , M a n a g e m e n t , a n d C i r c u l a t i o n
~ P O S T J J L S E R V I C E ® ( A l l P e r i o d i c a l s P u b l i c a t i o n s E x c e p t R e q u e s t e r P u b l i c a t i o n s )
1 6 . E l e c t r o n i c C o p y C i r c u l a t i o n
A v e r a g e N o . C o p i e s
N o . C o p i e s o f S i n g l e
E a c h I s s u e D u r i n g
I s s u e P u b l i s h e d
P r e c e d i n g 1 2 M o n t h s
N e a r e s t t o F i l i n g D a t e
a . P a i d E l e c t r o n i c C o p i e s
b . T o t a l P a i d P r i n t C o p i e s ( L i n e 1 5 c ) + P a i d E l e c t r o n i c C o p i e s ( L i n e 1 6 a )
1 0 9 9
1 0 3 9
c . T o t a l P r i n t D i s t r i b u t i o n ( L i n e 1 5 f ) + P a i d E l e c t r o n i c C o p i e s ( L i n e 1 6 a )
1 1 1 2
1 0 4 9
d . P e r c e n t P a i d ( B o t h P r i n t & E l e c t r o n i c C o p i e s ) ( 1 6 b d i v i d e d b y 1 6 c x 1 0 0 )
9 8 . 8 3 %
9 9 . 0 5 %
1 8 I c e r t i f y t h a t 5 0 % o f a l l m y d i s t r i b u t e d c o p i e s ( e l e c t r o n i c a n d p r i n t ) a r e p a i d a b o v e a n o m i n a l p r i c e .
1 7 . P u b l i c a t i o n o f S t a t e m e n t o f O w n e r s h i p
1 8 I f t h e p u b l i c a t i o n i s a g e n e r a l p u b l i c a t i o n , p u b l i c a t i o n o f t h i s s t a t e m e n t i s r e q u i r e d . W i l l b e p r i n t e d
0 P u b l i c a t i o n n o t r e q u i r e d .
i n t h e ~ c r v / 0 4 ' l 4 J t 1 i s s u e o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n .
1 8 . S i g n a t u r e a n d T i t l e o f E d i t o r , P u b l i s h e r , B u s i n e s s M a n a g e r , o r O w n e r
D a t e
1 0 / 1 / 2 0 1 7
I c e r t i f y t h a t a l l i n f o r m a t i o n f l ! r n i s h e d o n t h i s f o r m i s t r u e a n d c o m p l e t e . I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t a n y o n e w h o f u r n i s h e s f a l s e o r m i s l e a d i n g i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h i s f o r m
o r w h o o m i t s m a t e r i a l o r i n f o r m a t i o n r e q u e s t e d o n t h e f o r m m a y b e s u b j e c t t o c r i m i n a l s a n c t i o n s ( i n c l u d i n g f i n e s a n d i m p r i s o n m e n t ) a n d / o r c i v i l s a n c t i o n s
( i n c l u d i n g c i v i l p e n a l t i e s ) .
P S F o r m 3 5 2 6 , J u l y 2 0 1 4 ( P a g e 3 o f 4 )
P R I V A C Y N O T I C E : S e e o u r p r i v a c y p o l i c y o n w w w . u s p s . c o m .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P a p e r M o n e y * N o v / D e c 2 0 1 7 * W h o l e N o . 3 1 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 9 3
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Fr. 192b $50 1864 Compound Interest Treasury Note
PMG Very Fine 30 Net
Monrovia, CA - $5 1882 Brown Back Fr. 470
The First NB Ch. # 3743
Fr. 2221-K $5,000 1934 Federal Reserve Note
PCGS About New 53PPQ
Fr. 167a $100 1863 Legal Tender
PCGS Extremely Fine 40
Fr. 146* $20 1880 Legal Tender
PMG Very Fine 30
The Doug Murray Collection Fr. 229*-A $1 1899 Solid Star Silver Certificate
PMG Very Fine 20
The Doug Murray Collection
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Highlights from our Official 2018 FUN Auctions
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Paul R. Minshull #AU4563; Heritage #AB665
& AB2218. BP 20%; see 44410
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