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Table of Contents
Changeover from 12 tp 18 Subject Plates--Peter Huntoon & Jamie Yakes
Choctaw Corner: A Dead Town in Alabama--Bill Gunther
Nicaraguan Paper Money--Carlson Chambliss
Series of 1882 & 1902 National Bank Replacement Note--Peter Huntoon & Shawn Hewitt
Unserialed Replacement Sheet Notes--Joe Farrenkopf
Kansas City Happenings and Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
Paper Money
Vol. LVII, No. 4, Whole No. 316, July/August 2018
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
SPMC?s 2018
Hall-of-Fame Class
Martin Delger,
Neil Shafer,
Hugh Shull,
Matthew Rothert,
Louis Van Belkum
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Fr. 345c. 1880 $500 Silver Certificate.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 20.
Fr. 346d. 1880 $1000 Silver Certificate.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25.
Fr. 376. 1891 $50 Treasury Note.
PCGS Currency Gem New 65PPQ.
Fr. 202a. 1861 $50 Interest Bearing Note.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25.
Fr. 204. 1863 $100 Interest Bearing Note.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25.
Fr. 1179. 1905 $20 Gold Certificate.
PCGS Currency Gem New 65PPQ.
Serial Number 1.
Fr. 1218d. 1882 $1000 Gold Certificate.
PCGS Currency Extremely Fine 45.
Petaluma, CA. $20 1875. Fr. 1157.
The First National Gold Bank. Charter #2193.
PCGS Currency Extremely Fine 45.
Fr. 1204. 1882 $100 Gold Certificate.
PCGS Currency Extremely Fine 40.
Fr. 1a. 1861 $5 Demand Note. Handwritten ?For The.?
PCGS Currency Extremely Fine 40 PPQ.
Fr. 115. 1901 $10 Legal Tender Note.
PCGS Currency Choice About New 58 PPQ.
Serial Number 1.
Fr. 198a. 1863 $50 Interest Bearing Note.
PCGS Currency Extremely Fine 40.
Fr. 340. 1880 $100 Silver Certificate.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 35.
Fr. 378. 1891 $100 Treasury Note.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 35.
PAPER MONEY (USPS 00-3162) is published every
other month beginning in January by the Society of
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#197, Chattanooga, TN 37405. Periodical postage is
paid at Hanover, PA. Postmaster send address
changes to Secretary Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LVII, No. 4 Whole No. 316 July/August 2018
ISSN 0031-1162
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Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email?
Visit the SPMC website?
Changeover from 12 to 18 Subject Plates
Peter Huntoon & Jamie Yakes ...................................... 220
Choctaw Corner: A Dead Town in Alabama
Bill Gunther. .................................................................. 230
Kansas City Happenings ..................................................... 233
Nicaraguan Paper Money
Carlson Chambliss ........................................................ 235
Series of 1882 & 1902 National Bank Replacement Notes
Peter Huntoon & Shawn Hewitt ...................................... 242
Unserialed Replacement Sheet Notes
JoeFarrenkopf ................................................................... 252
Uncoupled?Joe Boling & FredSchwan????????..?258
Mea Culpa--Rick Melamed .................................................... 264
Kansas City Awards ............................................................ 269
Small Notes?$10 NY Late-Finished Face 169 Varieties ..... 272
Quartermaster Column?Michael McNeil .......................... 274
Obsolete Corner--Robert Gill.......................... ..................... 276
Interesting Mining Notes-- David Schenkman...................... 278
Chump Change--Loren Gatch ............................................... 279
Presidents Message ............................................................. 281
Editors Sez ........................................................................... 282
New Members ....................................................................... 283
2018 SPMC Board of Governor?s Meeting Minutes .......... 284
Money Mart .............................................................................. 287
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
VICE-PRESIDENT--Robert Vandevender II, P.O. Box 2233,
Palm City, FL 34991
SECRETARY--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
Greenwood, SC 29649
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Robert Calderman, Box 7055 Gainesville, GA 30504
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Loren Gatch 2701 Walnut St., Norman, OK 73072
Joshua T. Herbstman, Box 351759, Palm Coast, FL 32135
Steve Jennings, 214 W. Main, Freeport, IL 61023
J. Fred Maples, 7517 Oyster Bay Way,
Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
PUBLISHER-EDITOR--Benny Bolin, 5510 Springhill Estates Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln.,ssex, CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC i s
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show.
Information about the SPMC,
including the by-laws and
activities can be found at our website, .The SPMC
does not does not endorse any dealer, company or auction house.
MEMBERSHIP?REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at
least 18 years of age and of good moral character. Members of the
ANA or other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for
membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC
member or provide suitable references.
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be from 12 to 17 years of age and of good moral character. Their
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Junior membership numbers will be preceded by the letter ?j? which
will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member
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DUES?Annual dues are $39. Dues for members in Canada and
Mexico are $45. Dues for members in all other countries are $60.
Life membership?payable in installments within one year is $800
for U.S.; $900 for Canada and Mexico and $1000 for all other
countries. The Society no longer issues annual membership cards,
but paid up members may request one from the membership director
with an SASE.
Memberships for all members who joined the S o c i e t y
prior to January 2010 are on a calendar year basis with renewals due
each December. Memberships for those who joined since January
2010 are on an annual basis beginning and ending the month joined.
All renewals are due before the expiration date which can be found on
the label of Paper Money. Renewals may be done v i a the
Society website or by check/money order sent to the
P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776 ;;
And many more CSA, Union and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
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The Changeover from 12- to 18-Subject Plates
Peter Huntoon
Jamie Yakes
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing announced on April 28, 1952 that they were converting
currency production from 12- to 18-subject sheets (Hall, 1952, p. 1). The conversion for all classes and
denominations was accomplished by September 9, 1953 when the last production from 12-subject plates
was delivered (Hall, 1953, p. 65).
The changeover to 18-subject plates resulted directly from the development of non-offset inks.
Once printed, these inks set rapidly enough that when the sheets came off the press and landed on the pile,
the ink did not transfer to adjacent sheets. The story of the inks is highly technical so without going into the
chemistry of inks we will focus on processing and how non-offset inks allowed for larger plate size.
The conversion program began with $1 silver certificates. $1s always led the charge when
innovations came along because they comprised the highest volume product so BEP management
traditionally attempted to maximize their technological gains by bringing the $1s along first.
Furthermore, when innovations did occur generally the first plates to be affected were the backs
because backs were printed first. This almost was true for the 18-subject changeover. One of the 18-subject
$1 face plates beat the first back plates to certification by a day; otherwise the tradition of backs-first
The changeover from $1 12- to 18-subject plates involved a brief experimental phase followed by
a gradual switch from 12- to 18-subject production during which both types of plates were in use.
Consequently, the changeover story for the $1s is the most complex and most interesting.
The biggest hurdle faced by the Bureau was that there were no 18-subject bicolor rotary
overprinting presses to apply the series, Treasury signatures, seals and serials. This did not deter Director
Hall?s aggressive push to use the larger plates. As an interim measure, they purchased flatbed typographic
presses to do the overprinting until they could design and have built rotary presses.
They utilized two types of flatbed overprinting presses. The first acquired were mono-color presses
that were used in tandem where one applied the black overprint and the other the blue. Next came bicolor
presses that applied both colors simultaneously.
Both types of flatbed overprinting presses were used through April 1954. The mono-color tandem
pairs appear to have been used exclusively for overprinting $1 silver certificates, whereas the bi-color
presses appear to have been employed for all the other classes and denominations (Martin and others, 2015).
Newly designed and built 18-subject rotary overprinting presses came on line in March 1954. By
then all production was in 18-subject form so within a period of about 10 days all of it was being processed
by the new machines.
Printing from intaglio plates is a challenging undertaking because the image to be printed is from
grooves cut into the surface of the plate rather than ridges standing in relief on the plate. Thus the ink is
held in the recessed grooves and the paper must be pressed under great pressure so that it deforms downward
The Paper
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
into the grooves sufficiently to pick up the ink. Traditionally it was the practice to use wetted paper in order
to soften the paper so that it would deform more easily.
Here is the agonizing process used to print the backs and faces before the advent of non-offset inks.
1. The paper was wetted.
2. The back was printed.
3. A tissue was inserted between the printed sheet and the previous sheet to prevent offsetting of
the ink.
4. The sheets were dried to set the ink but, at the same time, the paper itself dried.
5. The tissues were removed.
6. The paper was rewetted.
7. The face was printed.
8. Tissue was inserted.
9. The sheets were dried.
10. The tissues were removed.
Figure 1. 12-subject $1 silver certificate plates on a 4-plate power press. There are four plates that move
counterclockwise around the press. The tower between the printer and women at the far corner inks the plates.
The roll of paper in front of the printer wipes the excess ink from the plates. The roll of paper to the right
polishes the plates. The women with her back towards us feeds the sheets. The black roller in front of her
presses the sheets against the plates as the plates and paper pass under the roller. The women in the far corner
removes the printed sheets from the press and interleaves them with tissues. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Finally, after a period that usually took 10 days, the generic back- and face-printed sheets then
progressed on to the numbering and sealing presses where the individual notes were simultaneously cut
from the sheets and collated.
The 10-step process outlined above does not include the onerous security counts and quality control
inspections at each handling! Now that you have the picture, imagine pushing 196,372,000 sheets through
this process, which is exactly what was done during fiscal year 1952 (Hall, 1952, p. 84).
The big bottleneck of inserting and removing the tissues could be eliminated if they could develop
non-offset inks. Furthermore it would be unnecessary to dry the sheets so they could move directly from
the back to the face printings without rewetting the paper. The typical processing time of 10 days between
back and face printings could be eliminated so the faces could be printed within a day of the backs, and all
but 2 inspections and counts eliminated (BEP, 1962, p. 157-159).
Now consider a further innovation. Instead of receiving dry paper from the paper mill, what if the
mill delivered wet paper in sealed containers so that the BEP could get rid of their wetting machinery (BEP,
1962, p. 163).
BEP chemists worked for years to develop non-offset inks and finally succeeded first with non-
offset green ink in 1950, and then non-offset black ink in 1952. The tedious wetting and drying operations
could now be eliminated. Differential paper expansion and shrinkage was minimized using mill-wet paper
thus giving the sheets greater dimensional stability. At last, plate size could be increased to more than 12-
The power presses at the BEP carried four plates that circulated around the bed of the press, each
passing through a different station as they moved to the impression roller that pressed a sheet against the
plate. There were inking, wiping, polishing and printing stations, all operating simultaneously as the plates
The BEP had a huge fleet of the 4-plate power presses that they were automating, so rather than
buy new machines that could handle really large sheets, they asked how many subjects could they squeeze
onto the working surfaces of their existing presses. The answer turned out to be 18. This alone would boost
output by 50%. Concurrent automations such as automated plate wiping, automated feeding and centering
of sheets, and automated sheet takeoff, greatly increased productivity well beyond the initial 50% gain from
increased plate size. Clearly the development of non-offset inks yielded an entirely new horse race.
$1 18-Subject Experiments
The BEP plate makers produced two full sets of four experimental 18-subject $1 back and face
plates plus a spare of each in May 1952 to test the concept of 18-subject production. These plates were
identical in all respects to the production plates that followed. There was nothing on them to reveal that
they were experimentals such as EP in front of the plate serial numbers as we usually observe on more
modern experimental plates.
The experimental plates are listed on Table 1. The term iron electrolytic on the table refers to plates
made using electrolytic deposition of iron in the duplication process. Iron was the primary metal used in
1952 in contrast to nickel today. Those labeled steel were made by traditional Perkins roll transfer
technology from a master die.
Figure 2. Detail showing the plate
serial numbers from the first $1 silver
certificate 18-subject back and face
plates. These were experimental
plates made in May 1952. We don?t
know if production from these plates
reached circulation, but it is likely.
Photo courtesy of the National
Numismatic Collection, Smithsonian
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Treasury? Plate? Certification?
Plate?No.? Serial?No.? Date?? Type?of?Plate?
162567? 5689? May?14,?1952? steel?
162581? 5690? May?15,?1952? steel?
162583? 5691? May?15,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162385? 5692? May?20,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162595? 5693? May?22,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162582? 7463? May?12,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162584? 7464? May?20,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162590? 7465? May?22,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162596? 7466? May?22,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
162600? 7467? June?4,?1952? iron?electrolytic?
Hall (1952, p. 58) chronicled that the first paper for printing 18-subject currency was received in
the wetting section, processed on May 21, 1952, and sent to the experimental room for printing. Printing of
18-subject currency was started in Section 1 on June 16, 1952. By the end of the fiscal year on June 30,
27,647 back impressions and 22,664 face impressions already had been printed from the experimental
Processing of the sheets could not proceed owing to the lack of 18-subject overprinting capability.
However, the viability of 18-subject intaglio back and face production was demonstrated so 18-subject $1
production plates began to be made.
What is unknown at this time is whether production from the experimental plates ultimately was
sealed, numbered and issued. Let us know if you find these plate serial numbers on your notes. Such a find
would not be a surprise.
12- to 18-Subject Changeover
The first 18-subject production plates began to be made in July 1952, but it took a year before all
classes and denominations were switched to the new size. In the meantime 12-subject plates continued to
be made as needed, and printings continued from 12-subject plates.
Table 2 summarizes the changeover in the manufacture of plates for all classes and denominations.
The cutoff between the plate sizes was abrupt in time for all but the $1 faces and backs, although one early
18-subject back plate was made for both the $10 and $20 denominations.
12?Subject?Plates? 18?Subject?Plates?
Plate? Date Plate? Date?
Den? Series? Serial? Certified? Series? Serial? Certified?
1? 1935? 7500? Sep?12,?1952? 1935? 7469a? Jul?11,?1952?
5? 1934D? 2171? Aug?21,?1952? 1953? 1? Mar?31,?1953?
10? 1934D? 257? Sep?7,?1952? 1953? 1? Apr?21,?1953?
2? 1928G? 516? Sep?24,?1951? 1953? 1? Mar?26,?1953?
5? 1928F? 683? Jul?24,?1951? 1953? 1? Mar?31,?1953?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
5? 1950? 144? Aug?28,?1951? 1950A? 145? Apr?1,?1953?
10? 1950? 187? Jan?28,?1953? 1950A? 166b? Feb?13,?1953?
20? 1950? 105? Nov?26,?1951? 1950A? 106? Apr?2,?1953?
50? 1950? 22? Dec?19,?1952? 1950A? 23? Jun?9,?1953?
100? 1950? 22? Dec?22,?1952? 1950A? 23? Jul?9,?1953?
1 5735? Oct?14,?1952 ? 5694a? Jul?10,?1952?
2 390? Apr?14,?1952 391? Mar?26,?1953?
5 2096? May?28,?1952 ? 2097? Mar?31,?1953?
10 1456? Jan?8,?1953 ? 1448c? Feb?13,?1953?
20 821? Jan?2,?1953 ? 815d? Jul?1,?1953?
50 166? Aug?8,?1944 ? 167? Jun?9,?1953?
100 132? Jul?28,?1944 ? 133? Jul?9,?1953?
a. See?Table?3?for?mixed?12??and?18?subject?$1?faces?and?backs.
b. 18?subject?$10?faces?166?and?181?were?made?prior?to?12?subject?187,?which?was?the?last?12?subject?plate.
c. 18?subject?$10?back?1448?was?made?prior?to?12?subject?1456,?which?was?the?last?12?subject?plate.
d. 18?subject?$20?back?815?was?made?prior?to?12?subject?821,?which?was?the?last?12?subject?plate.
We have arrived at the point where we can examine the changeover from 12- to 18-subject plate size
for the all-important $1 silver certificates. One overriding constraint overshadowed this changeover;
specifically, production of $1s could not cease while the BEP retooled. The 18-subject plates had to be
phased in while the 12-subject plates were phased out. There would be 15 months of simultaneous
production from both, where some of the power presses were set up for 12-subject production and others
Both $1 12- and 18-subject plates were made during the transition. Table 2 reveals that the first non-
experimental 18-subject $1 silver certificate face and back plates were certified respectively on July 11 and
10, 1952, whereas the last 12-subject face and back plates were certified September 10 and October 14,
1952 (BEP, various dates). The back and forth numbering of the plates is detailed on Table 3.
Faces? No.?Subjects? Backs? No.?Subjects?
7462?and?lower? 12? 5688?and?lower? 12?
7463?7467? 18?experimentals? 5689?5693? 18?experimentals?
7468? no?proof? 5694?5698? 18?
7469?7472? 18? 5699?5700? no?proofs?
7473?7474? no?proofs? 5701?5702? 12?
7475?7476? 12? 5703?5704? no?proofs?
7477? no?proof? 5705? 12?
7478?7481? 12? 5706? no?proof?
7482? no?proof? 5707?5714? 12?
7483?7488? 12? 5715?5733? 18?
7489?7491? 18? 5734?5735? 12?
7492? no?proof? 5736?and?higher? 18?
7493?7498? 18?
7499?7500? 12
7501?and?higher? 18?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
The manufacture of 18-subject plates for all the other classes and denominations began in March
1953. The changeovers were abrupt as shown on Table 2, except for a single early 18-subject back plate
for both the $10 and $20 denominations.
The delivery data on Table 4 demonstrates that there was simultaneous 12- and 18-subject
production for all but the low demand types during the transition period. The conversion was completed
with delivery of the last 12-subject Series of 1950 $100 Federal Reserve notes for New York on September
9, 1953 (Hall, 1953, p. 65).
Last?12?subject? First?18?subject?
SC? $1? Oct?16,?1953? Nov?20,?1952?
$5? Oct?1,?1953? May?12,?1953?
$10? Apr?14,?1953? May?12,?1953?
LT? $2? May?6,?1953? May?4,?1953?
$5? Apr?27,?1953? May?6,?1953
FRN? $5? Sep?1,?1953? Jul?6,?1953?
$10? Oct?1,?1953? Apr?3,?1953?
$20? Sep?1,?1953? Aug?13,?1953?
$50? Aug?28,?1953? Dec?7,?1954?
$100? Sep?9,?1953? Dec?8,?1954?
18-Subject Overprinting
Because the Bureau did not possess 18-subject overprinting presses at the beginning of July, 1952,
they planned to acquired ?suitable flatbed cylinder presses? to accommodate overprinting of the $1 silver
certificates on an interim basis (Hall, 1952, p. 1). The cylinder on each press was an impression roller that
pressed the sheet against the flat bed of the press, which contained the inked elements. The first were mono-
color presses operated in tandem, one for each overprinted color, and were used to overprint $1 silver
certificates (Martin and others, 2015).
One characteristic of these presses was that 36 serial numbering registers were mounted in or on
the flat bed of the blue presses along with the 18 seals. A press of similar design had been used to seal and
number 4-subject national bank note sheets between 1926 and 1929 (Hall, 1926, p. 6-7).
The first recorded use for the tandem flatbed presses involved the overprinting of $1 Series of
1935D star notes on July 29, 1952 when serials *00000001D through *00144000D were printed (BEP,
undated). The GG serial number block was assigned to the first regular 18-subject production with first
deliveries to the Treasury on November 20, 1952 (Hall, 1953, p. 65). This was followed by the NG block
for 18-subject production.
Figure 3. $1 Series of 1935D
star note from the first group
of 18-subject notes that were
numbered July 29, 1952,
which included serials
*00000001D to *00144000D.
The sheets were fed through
newly acquired mono-color
flatbed cylinder presses
operated in tandem, the first
used to print the black and
second to print the blue colors.
Photo courtesy of Derek
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
All the GG block notes were Series of 1935D. The changeover to the narrow back designs already
had taken place so all GG production was of the narrow variety. The NG block bridged the 1935D and E
series. Serials up through N46944000G were 1935Ds and those beyond were 1935Es. The intervening HG
through MG blocks were assigned to 12-subject 1935D production. There was no 1935E 12-subject
The Bureau had ?five one-color and four two-color typographic presses? in operation by June 30,
1953 (Hall, 1953, p. 42-43) as other denominations and classes of currency began to be converted to 18-
subject format. Of course, the appeal of the two-color presses was that both colors could be applied
simultaneously on the same press. The first overprints from the two-color presses probably consisted of the
first 18-subject Federal Reserve notes that were delivered on April 3, 1953, which were $10s (Hall, 1953,
p. 65).
The first of the 16 newly designed 18-subject bicolor rotary overprinting presses came on line in
March 1954. Their one-pass overprinting capability, coupled with the greater speed of rotary presses,
materially increased production rates. These machines arrived fairly early during the Series of 1935E $1
silver certificate era so most of the Series of 1935E notes were numbered on them.
All 16 of the new 18-subject rotary overprinting presses were in operation by April (Holtzclaw,
1954, p. 92). Consequently, the use of the flatbed cylinder overprinting presses - both tandem mono-color
and single two-color - ceased in April 1954.
The last batch of Series of 1935E star notes printed on the tandem flatbed presses consisted of 4444
and 8/18 sheets bearing numbers *6112001D-*61200000*, which were numbered on April 1, 1954. That
printing had been preceded by rotary press star printings, the first of which occurred on March 20th, so
there was a transition period lasting at least 10 days during which both the flatbed and rotary overprinting
presses were in use (BEP, undated).
The 18-subject sheets, regardless of press, were numbered consecutively through the stack rather
than down the half sheets. Consequently, consecutive notes had the same plate position letter, rather than
cycling through the letters on a given half sheet as before. The notes generally were numbered in production
units of 8,000 sheets (144,000 notes) so serial numbering advanced by 8,000 between the subjects on a
given sheet. Numbering progressed from the high to low serial numbers within the production units.
Neither the 18-subject flatbed nor new bicolor rotary presses possessed the capability to cut the
notes from the sheet in contrast to their 12-subject rotary predecessors. The notes had to be cut using
guillotines as a separate operation.
The change from 12- to 18-subject sheets allowed for major restructuring in how the work
progressed through the BEP, and greatly streamlined and reduced costly counts and inspections.
Figure 4. The GG serial number block was the first assigned to 18-subject Series of 1935D $1
production. Notice that this note is from the Q plate position from the new row of subjects on the
right side of an 18-subject plate.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Obviously, the change required retooling in many guises, including the design and construction of
entirely new overprinting presses to accommodate the larger sheet size. By numbering through the stack,
they eliminated the need to separate and collate the notes within the overprinting presses as individual
sheets were numbered. Instead they could wait to separate the notes after all the sheets in a given batch
were numbered. The result was that the 18-subject overprinting machines were far simpler than their 12-
subject predecessors, and, more importantly, much faster.
The entire interlinked chain of innovations chronicled here was about increasing economic
efficiency through improved processing speed. The thing that set the whole in motion was the development
of non-offset inks. We found it astonishing that something as seemingly benign as reformulating ink recipes
could have such major ramifications.
Figure 5. Fully automated 4-plate power press printing 18-subject backs. The 4 plates are traveling
counterclockwise around the bed of the press. The plates are inked to the left of the printer. The roll of paper
with dark smears of ink wipes the plates. The clean roll to the left polishes the plates. The vacuum mechanism
in the foreground lifts, places and centers unprinted sheets onto the plate. A sheet, half of which is visible, is
moving with a plate toward the printer where on the way it is being pressed by the impression roller against
the plate. The printed sheets are discharged to the left of the printer where a takeoff device moves them toward
the right and stacks them directly under his gaze. Notice that he is looking into a plastic housing that encloses
the takeoff mechanism. This housing prevents drying of the paper so that the still wet work can be passed off
to the press behind him, which prints the faces before the paper dries. Even though the paper remains wet, the
non-offset inks set and do not offset onto adjacent sheets in the finished pile. Bureau of Engraving and Printing
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
References Cited
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1962, History of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1962: U. S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 199 p
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, Certified proofs of intaglio printing plates: National Numismatic
Collection, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, undated, Ledger showing serial number press runs for $1 Series of 1935D and E
silver certificates: Bureau of Engraving and Printing Historical Resources Center, Washington, DC.
Hall, Alvin W., 1926, Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC, 22 p. plus appendices.
Hall, Alvin W., 1952, Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, fiscal year ended June
30, 1952: Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, DC, 115 p.
Hall, Alvin W., 1953, Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, fiscal year ended June
30, 1953: Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, DC, 87 p.
Holtzclaw, Henry J., 1954, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, p. 87-96; in, Annual report of the Secretary of the
Treasury on the state of the finances for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1954, U. S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC, 781 p.
Martin, James, Peter Huntoon, Bob Liddell, Jamie Yakes, Derek Moffitt, Doug Murray, Nov-Dec 2015, Mono-color
18-subject overprinting operations created distinctive errors on $1 Series of 1935D and E silver certificates:
Paper Money, v. 54, p. 394-401.
Shafer, Neil, 1967, A guide book of modern United States currency, 2nd edition: Whitman Publishing Company,
Racine, WI, 160 p. containing data from Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Summary of small size serial
numbers printed: U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD (318/450/79/18/1 v. 62).
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
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Choctaw Corner: A Dead Town in Alabama
by Bill Gunther
The only thing left of the town of Choctaw
Corner, in Clarke County, Alabama, is a highway
historical marker showing the direction to the once
vibrant community. The historical marker is located
west of Thomasville on County Road 48 near the
community of Bashi. Here is what the sign says:
?CHOCTAW CORNER, Established by
Choctaw and Creek Indians about 1808 as
the northern limit of boundary line between
their lands. This line begins at the cut-off in
South Clarke County, follows the
watershed between Alabama and
Tombigbee Rivers without crossing
water. The disputed territory boundary was
settled by two ball games, one between the
warriors and one between the squaws of
each tribe. The Choctaws won both games
clearing forever their title to the lands.?1
The town of Bashi is located 1.3 miles south of the
Marengo County line and about nine miles north
west of the town of Thomasville,
Alabama. When a railroad bypassed
Choctaw Corner in the 1880s, most of the
residents of Choctaw Corner moved
toward the railroad route and created the
town of Thomasville in 1888. The
railroad was directly responsible for the
demise of Choctaw Corner. One vestige
of Choctaw Corner is the Choctaw Corner
Cemetery, now located in the north-west
corner of Thomasville.2
A couple of less depressing remnants of
Choctaw Corner are the two pieces of scrip shown
below, issued by the merchant firm of Carleton and
Slade. It is their story that we recount here.
The Scrip of Carleton & Slade
The two notes shown below are unlisted in
the major reference work on Alabama Obsolete
Notes and Scrip.3 The 10 cent note was sold at
Auction in 2015 and at that time was the only note
known from Choctaw Corner.4 A second note from
Choctaw Corner, the 25-cent note shown below,
became available on eBay in November of 2016.
Both notes exhibit some damage, but the two shown
here are the only two notes known in the collector
community and thus are considered rare.
Carleton & Slade
The company of Carleton and Slade in
Choctaw Corner was formed in 1852 and continued
until it failed in 1867.5 The two principals were
Alexander B. Carleton and William H. Slade. The
enterprise was, by all accounts, successful, doing
some twenty-thousand dollars per year in business.6
However, the extensive use of credit and rapid
devaluation of the Confederate currency eventually
led to the failure of many businesses after the war.
Ball commented on the use of Confederate currency
that ?during the (period of) depreciation the decrease
Carleton & Slade, 10 cents, No date (1862).
Image courtesy of Heritage Auctions.
Carleton & Slade, 25 cents, August 20, 18(62?).
Image courtesy of eBay.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
in value was so rapid that merchants could not turn
over goods fast enough to save themselves from
loss?Merchants were obliged to fail, as debts due to
them were paid in a currency that became worthless
before they could pay their own debts.?7 Carleton
and Slade both became farmers after the war (1870).
Alexander Byard Carleton8
Alexander Byard Carleton was born on
February 16, 1816 in Wilkes, North Carolina.
Alexander?s father, Ambrose, relocated the family to
Alabama sometime between 1816 and 1818 when
Alexander?s brother, Harrison, was born in Clarke
County. The Carleton family was among the first to
settle in Alabama while it was still a Territory and a
year before it became a State in 1819.
Alexander was the sixth oldest of eight
children born to Ambrose and Prudence Carleton.
There were seven boys and one girl, the oldest being
born in 1806 and the youngest born in 1821.
Alexander had the distinction of outliving all but one
of his siblings, passing away in 1870 at the age of 64.
The longest living sibling was brother Montgomery
who died at the age of 73.
Alexander Carleton ?commenced business
at Bashi in 1843.? He reportedly had a bell shop that
was connected to his store.9 On March 22, 1845,
Alexander Carleton became a Justice of the Peace
and on August 16, 1847 he became Postmaster in
Bashi, Clarke County.10 Interestingly, his younger
brother George followed him as Postmaster on
August 24, 1852. This was the same year that
Carleton and Slade began their business in Choctaw
Corner and may be why Alexander did not seek
reappointment as Postmaster. Their business was
referred to by Ball as a ??large and once prosperous
business house?.11
Alexander Carleton was said to often be at
?Grove Hill as administrator of estates and tending
to matters of business. He is a moralist and not a
church member, and used to meet the principal
lawyer of Grove Hill with the dignity of an old
Roman Judge. He still retains his urbanity and
dignity.?12 Ball also noted that Carleton was
referred to as a very intelligent and enterprising man,
sociable, hospitability, and pleasant as a friend.
There is no 1860 Census record for Carleton
or any record of a marriage, but the 1870 Census
record shows five children ranging in age from 5 to
28 but no spouse. In 1880, Alexander lists his
marital status as ?widower?. The oldest child listed
in the 1870 Census was born in 1842, suggesting a
marriage occurred in 1841 or 1842. The youngest
child, born in 1864 or 1865, suggests the wife may
have passed away between 1865 and 1870. The
1870 Census shows Carleton as a farmer with real
estate valued at $300 and a personal estate valued at
$250. No death record for Alexander Carleton could
be located.
William H. Slade13
Alexander Carleton?s business partner was
William H. Slade. He was born in South Carolina on
February 17, 1817 and was one year and one day
younger than Carleton. It appears his family moved
to Alabama by 1837 when his brother was born in
Wilcox County. William Slade married on May 13,
1847 to Amanda Eleanor Vick. She was born in
Alabama and only 16 years old at the time she
married while William was 30 years old. The 1850
Census shows that the Slade family was living in
Clarke County and he was a small merchant, with
real estate valued at only $200. They had a young
son, Henry, who was born in June of 1850.
As noted earlier, Slade became a partner
with Carleton in 1852. By 1860, the Slade?s had
become rather well off, with real estate valued at
$8,000 and a personal estate of $40,300. While no
1860 Census record of Carleton could be found, we
presume his relative wealth would be at least equal
to that of Slades. The Slades had a second son,
Willie, born in 1858, followed by Bennie in 1862,
Earnest in 1863 and Millie in 1869. In 1870, William
H. Slade reported his occupation as a ?farmer?, with
a personal estate valued at $2,300, a loss of $38,000
in his personal estate likely the direct result of the
war. It is interesting that in 1870, Slade did not list
owning any real estate, or at least any real estate that
had any value.
Farming, it seems, was a fall back
occupation for many merchants whose businesses
failed following the end of the war. All it took was
land and a strong back. However, farming must not
have been too enjoyable an occupation for Slade
since he reported his occupation in 1880 as ?Justice
of the Peace.? No death record for either William
Slade, or his wife Amanda, could be located.
No record of either Carleton or Slade
enlisting in any state militia or Confederate unit
during the Civil War was found, perhaps because of
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
their ages, 43 and 42 respectively, in 1860. Those
ages would have excluded them from service at the
beginning of the war.14 An interesting fact shows
the town of Choctaw Corner cast the third largest
number of votes for secession in Clarke County in
January of 1861.15 The ?yeas? and ?nays? totaled
154 (98 for, 56 against) in Choctaw Corner,
compared to a total vote of 903 (733 for, 170 against)
in the County. That makes Choctaw Corner?s voting
population 17 percent of the voting population in
Clarke County. If that ratio holds true for the
population in general (15,049 in 1860), Choctaw
Corner would have had a total population of around
2,558 (15,049* .17) in 1860.
As the prospect for war increased, a
volunteer company was organized in Choctaw
Corner. This company, as well as a second one in
Grove Hill (the Grove Hill Guards), made their way
to Jackson, Alabama on the Tombigbee River where
the steamer ?Cherokee? waited for their arrival. The
troops left Jackson amid ?the most deafening shouts
and cheers from boat and shore. As the beautiful
steamer moved majestically away we noticed many
tearful eyes.?16
After the war, economic recovery in
Alabama included a strong focus on rebuilding and
adding railroads to the infrastructure. By the late
1880s, plans had been developed for a railroad that
would connect Birmingham with Mobile and would
pass through Clarke County. However, when the
plans were revealed it was noticed that the railroad
would bypass Choctaw Corner to the east in an
unsettled area. Merchants in Choctaw Corner
recognized the advantages of being closer to a
railroad for rapid shipment of goods and improved
travel and decided to move closer to the railroad.
These merchants were the first settlers in what would
become Thomasville in 1888. Choctaw Corner, once
the largest trade center in Clarke County in the
1850?s was replaced by Thomasville by the 1890s
and Choctaw Corner slowly faded away.
3Walter Rosene, Alabama Obsolete Notes and Scrip (Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1984).
4Heritage Auctions Archives (
5Timothy Horton Ball, A Glance into the Great South-East, or Clarke County, Alabama, Grove Hill, Alabama, and its
surroundings, from 1540 to 1877. 1882. British Library Historical Print Collections. Reprint. P. 470.
6Ball, p. 471.
7Ball, p. 295.
8The following data are derived from Census records via
9Ball, p. 470.
11Ball, p. 471.
12Ball, p. 471.
13The following data are derived from Census records via
14Margaret Wood, ?Civil War Conscription Laws,? Library of Congress, November 15, 2012. Males between 18 and 35
were required to serve for three years effective April 1862.
15Ball, p. 295.
16Ball, pp. 269-262.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
KC Happenings
Many?coveted?treasures?could?be?found?on?the?bourse Do?we?really?want?to?know?what?these?guys?are?up?to?
SPMC board at the club table Fractional Collectors Club Table? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
As always, Peter? ? ?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
by Carlson R. Chambliss
Unlike some of the other Central American
countries Nicaragua had neither extensive mines nor
mints in the colonial period or in the 19th century as an
independent state. The first Nicaraguan coin dates
only from 1878. During the 1880s some notes were
issued by the National Treasury, and in 1888 two
private banks controlled from London began to issue
notes. One of these, however, promptly failed, thus
leaving the Banco de Nicaragua as the only
commercial bank in the country, although the National
Treasury notes saw a wider circulation than did the
notes of this bank. All Nicaraguan notes of this
vintage are far from common, however. These notes
were denominated in pesos and in fractions thereof, but
a paper peso from Nicaragua traded at a large discount
from a Mexican silver peso or a U. S. dollar at this
American economic interests in Nicaragua have
long been strong, particularly since Nicaragua was
seriously considered along with Panama as a country in
which a trans-oceanic canal could be built. Such a
canal would take advantage of the large but relatively
shallow Lago Nicaragua that drains into the Caribbean
Sea. After successfully completing the sea-level Suez
Canal in 1869, the French engineer Ferdinand de
Lesseps (1805-94) began work on a sea level canal in
Panama in 1882. This project, however, was ruined by
muddy landslides and by high mortality among the
workers from tropical diseases, and all work ceased in
1889. The Americans resumed work on a canal
through Panama that featured locks in 1904, but
serious consideration was also given at that time to the
possibility of a canal through Nicaragua.
Heavy U. S. involvement in the affairs of
Nicaragua began in 1912 when the U. S. Marines were
stationed there to control various insurgencies. They
were to remain in Nicaragua for the next two decades.
Adolfo Diaz, who was president from 1911-17 and
again from 1926-29 along with Emiliano Chamorro (in
office 1917-21) are often regarded as U. S. puppets.
The U. S. was also responsible for establishing the
National Bank of Nicaragua Inc., and this title (in
English) appears at the top of each note above its
Spanish-language equivalent up to 1941. This notice
served as a rather unsubtle reminder of who was really
in charge of the economic affairs of Nicaragua at this
These notes were denominated in cordobas, the
new currency that was introduced in 1912 at the rate of
12.5 old pesos to the cordoba. It was valued at one
dollar in U. S. funds. In 1912 there was a limited
mintage of only 35,000 one cordoba silver coins, but
these evidently had a very limited circulation. The
notes in circulation included fractionals for 10, 25, and
50 centavos, as well as all seven denominations from
one to 100 cordobas. High-value notes for 500 and
1000 cordobas were added in the 1940s and 1950s.
This currency unit was named for Francisco Hernandez
de Cordoba (ca. 1475-1526), the Spanish explorer who
founded the Nicaraguan cities of Grenada and Leon.
It was initially planned to keep the cordoba
pegged to the U. S. dollar at a rate of one-for-one, but
since Nicaragua relies almost exclusively on
agricultural exports for its income, the value of these
items naturally went down in the 1920s and 1930s. For
quite a few years the exchange rate was seven to the
dollar, and by the time of the fall of the Somoza regime
in 1979, the rate was down somewhat to ten to the
dollar. For more than 60 years, however, the cordoba
was a reasonably stable currency, and the Nicaraguan
economy was subject to only modest inflation.
Between 1912 and 1934 the United States
exercised enough influence in Nicaraguan politics to
keep ?friendly? persons in office as president. In
addition to Adolfo Diaz and E. Chamorro these
included Juan B. Sacasa (president from 1933-36) and
the head of the newly formed National Guard,
Anastasio Somoza Garcia (1896-1956), whom I shall
refer to as Somoza Sr. One person who did not fall
into the plans of ?friendly cooperation? was Augusto
Cesar Sandino (1895-1934), a revolutionary leader
who was very much at odds with the U. S. Marines and
with Somoza and his National Guard. Sandino?s revolt
began in 1927 at a time when Nicaragua was in effect
under occupation by the U. S. Marines. Eventually he
was assassinated in an ambush that was arranged by
The 45-year period between 1934 and 1979 is
often referred to as the Somoza Era. Although
nowhere near as brutal as was Trujillo in the
Dominican Republic, Somoza was exceptionally
greedy, and with time a large portion of the total
economic output of Nicaragua fell into his hands or
those of his cronies. The basic infrastructure of the
country remained little developed, and Nicaragua
continues to remain a nation with a great deal of
seasonal unemployment since a large portion of the
workforce serve as laborers who harvest products on
plantations at only certain times of the year. Somoza
had received much of his training in the USA, and he
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
spoke American English with total fluency. There is
some debate as to whether FDR ever said, ?Somoza is
an S. O. B., but he is our S. O. B.? Nonetheless the
USA could always rely on Nicaragua for a ?friendly?
vote at the UN, the OAS, or in other international
Fractional notes for 10, 25, and 50 centavos were
in general use between 1912 up to the 1940s when they
were replaced by cupronickel coins. The notes of 1
cordoba to 100 cordobas used a wide variety of designs
up through the 1940s, but all featured the national coat
of arms on their back sides. Almost all of these were
printed by the ABNC. Several of the higher values of
these years are impossibly rare at least when in decent
condition. Between 1953 and 1960 a new series of
banknotes appeared that were uniformly 156 x 66 mm
in size, i.e., identical to those of current American
notes. This set did not include a 2 cordobas note, but it
did include both 500 and 1000 cordobas values. The
coat of arms was no longer printed on the backs of
most of these, and the printer was TDLR. All of these
notes carry the signature of the president of Nicaragua,
and these are signed by either A. Somoza or his son
Luis A. Somoza. This set is at least collectible,
although the higher values are rare when in nice
condition. These notes are inscribed Banco Nacional,
but the demeaning (in my opinion) English-language
title has been dropped, as it was on the last bunch of
notes with older designs that were printed after 1945.
In 1956 the elder Somoza was assassinated. He
was succeeded by his elder son Luis Somoza (1922-
67). This individual had a reputation for being milder
and less corrupt than his father, but he was seriously
obese. Luis Somoza died of a heart attack in 1967,
although his presidential term of office had already
expired in 1964. The Somozas often used puppet
presidents to fill out interim periods between their own
terms of office, but throughout the Somoza Era much
of the real power lay with the National Guard and the
person who controlled it, i.e., either the elder Somoza
or his younger son Anastasio Somoza Debayle (1925-
80), whom I shall refer to as Somoza Jr. During his 15
years of rule the younger son had a reputation of being
more thuggish and more corrupt than was his father.
In 1962 the name of the bank of issue was
changed to the Banco Central de Nicaragua. The notes
issued in 1962 all bear the designation Series A. The
signature that appears on the left side of these notes is
that of Luis A. Somoza. A portrait of Somoza Sr.
appears on the 1000 cordobas value of this series, and
all values feature a portrait of Francisco Cordoba on
their backs. The next issue was Series B, and these
were dated 1968. They were printed by TDLR rather
than by the ABNC. The signature in this case is that of
Somoza Jr., who signed them as A. Somoza. For this
series there are no 500 or 1000 cor notes. The notes of
Series C are dated 1972 and include values for 2, 500,
and 1000 cor. They are all signed by A. Somoza. The
20 cor note depicts on back a vignette depicting the
abrogation of the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty. This treaty
which was passed in 1916 gave the United States a 99-
year lease on the territory of any canal that might be
built through Nicaragua as well as the right to establish
military bases in that country. This was clearly an
infringement of Nicaraguan sovereignty, and the treaty
was eliminated in 1970. The same designs are found
on the notes of Series D that are dated 1978. Only 20
and 50 cor notes were issued in this series, and they
proved to be the last group of notes issued by a
Somocista regime.
In 1972 the city of Managua was devastated by a
very strong earthquake that leveled much of the city
and killed about 10,000 people. A great deal of
international aid flowed into Nicaragua, but a
substantial amount of this was diverted by Somoza Jr.
and his cronies. One of their sharpest critics was the
newspaper editor Pedro Chamorro (1924-78), who also
exposed a corrupt blood bank that was being run by
some cronies of Somoza. Eventually Chamorro was
murdered, and it is commonly believed that the son of
Somoza Jr. was involved in this assassination. Prior to
this an armed opposition had been formed as far back
as 1961. This was known as the Frente Sandinista de
Liberacion Nacional (FSLN). Its founders were Carlos
Fonseca (1936-76) and Tomas Borge (1930-2012).
Initially the FSLN was engaged in small-scale
operations such as bank robberies, but by the later
1970s this had developed into full-scale war with
Somoza?s National Guard. Very serious fighting took
place around the northern city of Esteli, and on July 19,
1979, the day after Somoza Jr. had fled the country, the
opposition forces including most especially the FSLN
entered the capital city Managua.
Although the Sandinistas rarely used the death
penalty, one assassination that they did carry out was
that of Somoza Jr. A seven-man hit squad travelled to
Paraguay where Somoza Jr. was living in exile, and
assassinated him during an assault on his car in 1980
that utilized a variety of weapons including machine
guns, grenade launchers, and a bazooka. Although
some Latin American dictators such as Juan Peron,
Fulgencio Batista, Marcos Perez Jimenez (Venezuela),
or Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (Colombia) were able to retire
into peaceful exile, this did not prove to be the case for
Anastasio Somoza Debayle.
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Although the Sandinistas ruled as part of a
coalition of liberal and left-wing elements, they wasted
little time in implementing many of their economic
policies. One of the first things that they did was to
confiscate all of the properties that had been owned by
the Somoza family. The new currency continued to be
printed by TDLR, but price controls were proclaimed
and restrictions were placed on the use of 500 and
1000 cordoba notes of the old regime. The 50 cor note
now portrays Carlos Fonseca rather than the 19th
century diplomat Maximo Jerez, and the back of this
note depicts a mass rally in Managua on the day of its
liberation in 1979. The first Sandinista notes were in
Series E. The 50, 100, and 500 cor notes initially were
printed in intaglio in the style of the earlier series, but
soon these were replaced by lithographed notes for 10,
20, 50, and 100 cor along with engraved notes for 500
and 1000 cor. These notes were printed in an entirely
different style that had no margins, but all of these
were still printed by TDLR. The signature of the
Minister of Finance has replaced that of the President.
The 20 cor note now portrays German Pomanos (1937-
79), a Sandinista leader killed in the recent civil war.
The 1000 cor note of Series E depicts Sandino himself
along with the primitive house in which he was born.
This note initially had an exchange value of about $US
20, and it is fairly scarce when in CU condition, but
circulated examples are easy to come by.
The Series F and G notes were dated 1984 and
1985, respectively. Attempts at price controls
undertaken when a regime is being subjected to a
variety of sanctions that result in severe shortages
coupled with also having to deal with the hostility and
sabotage of the so-called Contras, is a guaranteed
recipe for hyperinflation, and indeed there was a huge
amount of inflation at this time. No notes for less than
50 cor were now being issued. The 500 and 1000 cor
notes of Series F are intaglio, while in Series G they
are mostly lithographed. Some of the 1000 cor notes
of Series G were engraved, but that process was soon
dropped. Series G also included a colorful engraved
note for 5000 cor that featured a portrait of Benjamin
Zeledon (1879-1912), an idealist and military leader
who staged a brief revolt against the American-
dominated government of his day.
The 50 cordoba notes of Series D and E that were issued in 1978
and 1979, respectively. The frame designs are identical, but the
former portrays Maximo Jerez, a 19th century politician, while
the latter has Carlos Fonseca, one of the founders of the FSLN.
Note also that on the latter note, the year 1979 is referred to as
the Year of Liberation
These two 1000 cordoba notes have identical color schemes and
the same basic designs. The face portrays Augusto Sandino,
while the back depicts his primitive place of birth. The Series E
note was first issued in 1980 when the exchange rate was about
20 cordobas to the dollar. By the time that Series G notes were
issued in 1987, the exchange was down to about 3000 cordobas
to the dollar. Note also that the Series E note has seven digits in
its serial, whereas Series G has nine digits. There was also a
Series F note and a Series G note printed by lithography instead
of intaglio as is the case with this example.
These two 5000 cordoba notes were issued about 18 months apart
in 1987 and 1988, respectively. Both had face values of about $1
U. S., but the first is in the old currency, while the second is in the
so-called 2nd cordoba that was valued at a rate of 1000 to the old
units. Both were worth about $US 1 at their times of issue.
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These notes were actually issued in 1987, and in that
year surcharged notes for 20 K, 50K, 100K, and 500K
(i. e., 20,000 to 500,000) cor were also issued. The so-
called 1st cordoba was replaced in 1988 by a 2nd
cordoba, but the former unit went out more with a
whimper than with a bang. By late 1987 and early
1988 inflation was running at as high as 14,000% per
annum or 240% per month.
Things were going very badly in the late 1980s
for Nicaragua. The Sandinistas were proving
themselves incompetent, and they were facing armed
opposition from the so-called Contras. This group was
a highly diversified bunch of persons who included ex-
Somocistas together with ex-Sandinistas who had
become disillusioned by what was happening in
Nicaragua. Although the Sandinistas did make
progress in some of their education and health
programs, there was much criticism of their human
rights abuses and their intrusions into traditional
societies such as that of the Miskito Indians on the
Caribbean coast. In the USA there was also much
criticism of the clandestine support that the Reagan
administration was giving to the Contras. Although the
Sandinistas could be accused of gross incompetence in
several of their policies, they were hardly the
murderous Stalinists that were portrayed by some
individuals in the Reagan administration. In 1989 a
peace agreement was finally agreed upon between the
Sandinistas and their opponents, which along with
other things called for elections to be held in 1990.
In February, 1988 a new cordoba was introduced,
and the older notes were exchanged for the new notes
at a rate of 1000 to 1. Although these notes were dated
1985, they were in fact issued three years later. The
denominations ranged from 10 to 1000 cordobas, and
the term ?cordobas nuevos? was not used. The 100 cor
note portrays the young poet Rigoberto Perez Lopez
(1929-56), who was the assassin of Somoza Sr. All
notes are lithographed except for the first printing of
the 1000 cor notes that are engraved. These are in the
FA serial number block, but they seem to be much
scarcer than the later notes of this value that are
lithographed and bear numbers in the FC block.
Inflation continued to rage, however, the nicely
engraved 5000 cor note of Series G was subtly
overprinted so that it could be used as a 5000 cor note
in the new cordoba currency. In 1989-90 five of the
values of the notes dated 1985 were surcharged with
new values ranging from 10,000 cor to one million cor.
Various errors including inverted surcharges are often
found on these notes.
Contemporary with these surcharged notes were
four different small-size notes (135 x 59 mm) that were
lithographed by a more local firm. Portrayed are two
19th century figures, Cleto Ordonez (1778-1839) and
Jose D. Estrada (1787-1869), the latter best known for
his victories against the American filibusterer William
Walker in the 1850s. The 20K and 50K cor notes were
issued in 1989, while the 5 and 10 million cor notes
were released in 1990. These notes circulated side-by-
side with the surcharged issues used in the last binge of
hyperinflation in Nicaragua. Although often
considered as Sandinista issues, the notes of 1990 were
actually issued by the newly installed government of
Violeta Chamorro.
The elections held in Nicaragua in 1990 were by
all accounts regarded as honest. Daniel Ortega and the
FSLN lost out to Violeta Chamorro, the widow of the
murdered editor Pedro Chamorro, who headed a
Surcharges for 20,000 1st cordobas and for 200,000 2nd cordobas
that were issued in 1987 and in 1990, respectively. The first is on
an unissued Series F 20 cor, note, all examples of which were
surcharged. Inverted surcharges are frequently encountered on
notes that were surcharged in 1989 and 1990.
These colorful but rather crudely lithographed notes are the last of
the hyperinflation notes for Nicaragua. Shortly after issue they
were exchanged for one and two cordobas oro, valued at 20 and 40
cents U. S., respectively.
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coalition of diverse parties. One of the first priorities
of the new government was to end the runaway
hyperinflation Substantial foreign assistance was
necessary to stabilize the currency, but that was soon
forthcoming from a wide variety of sources. A new
unit, the cordoba oro, was established. It was valued at
five million of the cordobas of 1988, or five billion of
those used prior to that date. Initially it was hoped that
the value of this new unit could be set equal to that of
the U. S. dollar, but in 1991 a rate of five cordobas
oros to the dollar was established.
The hyperinflation that Nicaragua had endured
between 1979 and 1991 was more severe than that
experienced by any other Latin American republic over
a comparable amount of time. In effect the exchange
rate for the cordoba had gone from ten to the dollar at
the beginning of 1979 to 25 billion to the dollar by late
in 1991. Over a total of 13 years this amounts to a rate
of 430% per annum or about 15% per month. Since
no coins had circulated for several years, fractional
notes in the new currency were needed and large
numbers of 1, 5, 10, and 25 centavos notes were
issued. These remain extremely common today.
Ironically the same three individuals who signed the 5
and 10 million cordoba notes also signed these items a
few months later.
In addition to the fractional notes, normal size
notes were also issued for ?, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100
in cordobas oros. This designation continued for the
notes of 1991 and 1992, but the meaningless term oro
(= gold) was dropped for all later issues. Various
figures from Nicaraguan history appeared on these
notes including Augusto Sadino on the 20 cor and
Pedro Chamorro on the 50 cor note.
Miguel Larreynaga (1772-1847) who advocated
Central American independence early in the 19th
century appeared on the 10 cor, while the well-known
journalist and poet Ruben Dario (1867-1916) appeared
on the 100 cor note.
So far as I know, all issues of Nicaraguan
banknotes issued since 1991 remain valid as currency.
Nicaragua continues to suffer from a variety of
economic problems and the income spread between the
wealthiest people and the poorest people in this
country remains among the widest found in any Latin
American republic. The new cordoba that started out
with a value of five per dollar is today trading about
just about 30 to the dollar. Over 27 years this amounts
to a rate of depreciation of about 6.8% per annum,
which is just about what the current inflation rate is in
that country.
In recent years Nicaraguan banknotes have been
printed by several firms in a variety of countries.
These include TDLR and Harrison in the United
Kingdom, the CBNC in Canada, Oberthur in France,
and Giesecke & Devrient in Germany. In addition to
the persons already mentioned, other persons portrayed
have been the Indian chief Diriagen who resisted the
Spanish in the 16th century, Rafaela Herrera who
resisted the British in the 1760s, and Jose Santos
Zelaya, who was president from 1893 to 1909 and
resisted pressure from the Americans for a canal route
and other concessions.
These post-inflation notes issued in 1997 and 1991 honor Jose
Santos Zelaya, who served as president from 1893 to 1909, and
Pedro J. Chamorro, whose murder in 1978 helped trigger a nation-
wide revolt against the Somoza regime.
The current 100 cor notes are on paper rather than polymer
plastic, although four values of this set are printed on the latter
substance. Both sides of these notes honor the poet Ruben Dario.
The face depicts the Dario Monument in Managua, while the back
side shows the Leon Cathedral where the poet is buried. One of
these notes also mentions the centenary of the introduction of the
cordoba as the currency unit of Nicaragua. It would seem,
however, that most citizens of this country would want to forget its
extremely bumpy ride during the years 1979-91.
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New issues of banknotes were issued in 2002 and
again in 2006, but all of these remained printed on
paper. In 2007 provisions were made for printing
some of the notes on polymer plastic, but the notes
themselves were not issued until 2012. These notes
also have the same width, but their lengths vary with
denomination. In 2014 a second version of these notes
was issued, but some of these differ from the first set
only in the figures in the transparent windows. The
100 and 500 cordobas notes are still on paper rather
than on polymer plastic. No portraits are featured, but
the 100 cor note depicts the Dario Monument on its
face and the Leon Cathedral (where Dario is buried) on
its back. The 500 cor note depicts the crude house
where Sandino was born on its face. Very recently two
different designs of notes for 1000 cordobas have been
issued. One of these features poetry by Ruben Dario
on both sides, while the other features a vignette of
Hacienda San Jacinto, a feature that has previously
appeared on several Nicaraguan banknotes. Both are
largely bluish green in color.
Violeta Chamorro served as president until 1997.
She was followed by two individuals each serving five-
year terms, but in 2007 Daniel Ortega was elected
president, and he has served in that office ever since.
A law was passed allowing for the re-election of a
sitting president, and he has taken advantage of that
provision. Ortega today, however, is much less
Marxist in his views than previously was the case. The
big issue in Nicaragua these days is does the country
want to attempt the construction of a canal? This
would be quite beyond the capabilities of the
Nicaraguans themselves, but the Chinese are
expressing a significant amount of interest in such a
project. The San Juan River that drains Lake
Nicaragua is too narrow and shallow to serve as a
canal, and so a ditch would have to be dug between the
Caribbean and the lake in the low relief land of
southeastern Nicaragua. Lake Nicaragua itself would
also require channelization, since it is mostly fairly
shallow. A lock system would then be required
between the western end of the lake and the Pacific
Ocean. All in all this would be an enormous project,
and there would be numerous environmental factors to
be considered.
P. S. The past year has been a truly disastrous one for me. In addition to the previously mentioned robbery
which by the way included all of these Nicaraguan notes ? now recovered, an even worse experience occurred in
late December. At that time I fell on black ice and broke both my left arm and my left hip. I was hospitalized for
almost two months. Since October of last year I have also been taking blood thinning drugs such as warfarin.
Hopefully this ordeal will come to an end, but I still have a very sore left arm and I often now walk with a cane. I
do hope to see many of you again in Kansas City in June.
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Series of 1882 and 1902 National Bank
Replacement Notes
printed after mid-1903
Introduction and Purpose
Make-up sheets always were used to replace misprinted national bank note sheets. They were
printed with the identical serial numbers as on the sheet being replaced.
The purposes of this article are to explain what we now know about large size national bank note
replacement notes and how you can spot them. The information presented here revises and expands on
information that first appeared in Huntoon and Hewitt (2012).
Candidate make-up replacement notes must meet these two requirements:
(1) the note was serial numbered after mid-1903 and
(2) old font numerals were used to print the serial numbers.
All blue seal Series of 1882 and 1902 notes meeting these requirements qualify. However, only
Series of 1882 brown backs and 1902 red seals printed after mid-1903 qualify, so you must screen their
Treasury serial numbers against the table presented below.
Make-up notes have long been recognized in the Series of 1929. Simek and Huntoon (2012) provide
considerable information about the production of them wherein they explain that extra sheets were printed
with everything except serial numbers during each print run. The extras were used as necessary to replace
defectives caught by inspectors on which operators using paging machines entered the necessary serial
A unique convergence of circumstances allows us to identify large size make-up replacement
national bank notes printed during the period between late 1903 and at least 1920. The technique utilizes
differences between the font used to print the serial numbers on regular production notes and that used to
print the replacements during that period.
Both regular production and make-up replacement national bank notes were numbered in sheet
form on paging machines prior to September 1903. Consequently, differentiating between the two on the
basis of the font is not possible for replacement notes made prior to September 1903.
Figure 1. This attractive red seal from Los Angeles is particularly special because it is from a
10-10-10-20 make-up sheet substituted for a misprinted sheet during the manufacturing process
in 1904. The distinguishing feature is the font used to print the sheet serial numbers. The note is
from the first sheet in a 600-sheet printing bearing bank sheet serials 3201-3800. Photo courtesy
of Heritage Auction Archives.
The Paper
Peter Huntoon
Shawn Hewitt
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Automated rotary numbering machines were introduced in 1903 that radically improved the
numbering process. The numbering heads in the new machines utilized a different font than found on the
paging machines, so as shown on Figure 2 the difference forms a ready and reliable basis for distinguishing
between the two.
It appears that the old fonts in the paging machines were replaced by new around 1920, so thereafter
this diagnostic for spotting the replacements no longer works.
Make-up Sheets
The purpose for make-up replacements was to preserve the continuity of serial number sequences
in order to maintain counts for accounting purposes. There were four situations where the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing employed make-up sheets in the large size series. Three of these involved
substitutions of make-ups for misprinted sheets. The make-ups carried identical serial numbers as found on
the defectives in the cases of all the replacements.
(1) National bank note sheets misprinted during the manufacturing process were replaced with
make-up sheets.
(2) National bank note sheets found to be defective after delivery to the Comptroller of the Currency
were rejected by the Comptroller?s office, and the BEP replaced them with make-up sheets. This practice
was discontinued during the Series of 1902 blue seal plain back issues. Thereafter the defective sheets were
simply canceled by the Comptroller?s clerks so the sequences of sheets sent to the banks had telltale gaps
in the serial number sequence.
(3) Make-up sheets were used to replace all misprinted type note sheets found during the
manufacturing process prior to the introduction of star notes beginning in 1910, and for $500 and higher
denomination notes to the end of the large note era (Murray 1996).
(4) Paging machines were employed to number type notes having 1-, 2- and 3-digit serial numbers
and certain limited issue star note printings, which, of course, were identical to make-up notes.
Numbering Technology
The overprints on national bank notes consist of two parts: (1) serial numbers and (2) seals and
charter numbers. Both were overprinted at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
The sheets were numbered on numbering machines and next the seals and charter numbers were
overprinted on topographic presses. The two operations were combined on flat-bed typographic presses in
1926 (Hall, 1926, p. 6-7).
Prior to 1903, the numbering was carried out on the paging machines shown on Figure 3. Nationals
came in 2- and 4-subject sheets, each with a Treasury and bank sheet serial number. The device held a
numbering head that the operator used to stamp the respective numbers onto the sheet one at a time.
The automatic rotary numbering machines shown on Figure 4 were installed in mid-1903, and
began to be used to number national bank notes around September. They too printed only the serial
numbers. It was the advent of these rotary presses with their new number fonts that allow us to distinguish
between the regular production and make-up replacement notes.
Figure 2. Comparison between the old style
(top) and new style (bottom) serial number
fonts found on 1903-1915 vintage national
bank notes. The old-style font was used to
print make-up replacement sheets on
paging machines. The differences between
digits 2, 3 and 4 are especially pronounced.
Notice the droopy 2, exaggerated cross
hatch in the 3, and particularly long
diagonal sloping line in the 4. Minor
differences also are apparent between
digits 1, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
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Figure 3. Women
numbering 4-subject
sheets of Series of 1886
$5 silver certificates on
paging machines at the
Bureau of Engraving
and Printing. Paging
machines of this type
were used to add the
serials numbers to
make-up replacement
national bank note
sheets. Next the seals
and charter numbers
were added on
topographic presses.
Photo courtesy of the
Bureau of Engraving
and Printing Historical
Resource Center.
Figure 4. Numbering 4-subject sheets
of Series of 1902 red seals on rotary
serial numbering machines
introduced in 1903 at the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. Only the
Treasury and bank sheet serial
numbers are being applied in this
operation. The seals and charter
numbers were added later on
typographic presses. Photo courtesy of
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Historical Resource Center.
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Figure 5. This spectacular
number 1 sheet from
Moravia, New York, is a
make-up replacement,
easily recognized by the
distinctive 2 and 4 in the
Treasury serial number.
Number 1 sheets were at
the top of their piles, so
were the sheets most
commonly damaged and
replaced of all serial
numbers. Notice how well-
formed the serial numbers
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The quality and crispness of the make-up serial numbers on large nationals is exceptional. In
comparison, those found on Series of 1929 notes are quite sloppy. The numbers on the Moravia sheet
illustrated here as Figure 5 are precisely placed and perfectly formed.
National bank notes meeting the following criteria are replacements.
1. The note must have a blue seal or, if a Series of 1882 brown back or 1902 red seal, it must have a Treasury
serial number greater than these:
Sheet Combination 1882 Brown Backs 1902 Red Seals
5-5-5-5 H705403H A530328
10-10-10-10 all qualify all qualify
10-10-10-20 E538996E B241777
50-100 B474307 A92661
2. The serial numbers must be composed of old style numerals as shown on Figure 2.
Series of 1882 brown backs without regional letters don?t qualify because all were printed before
1903. The serial numbers listed above will be adjusted as new observations are made.
We occasionally find make-up replacement notes with a new or non-traditional font numeral mixed
in among the old-style numbers. These appear to represent cases where worn or damaged number wheels
were swapped out and replaced by wheels made by other suppliers. See Figure 6.
Rejected Misprints
Occasionally the clerks in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency found misprinted sheets.
They rejected them and ordered perfect replacements from the BEP up until the beginning of the 1902 plain
back era.
This created an onerous, tedious situation at the BEP. The face plate for the affected bank had to
be checked out of the plate vault so the necessary image could be printed on an appropriate back drawn
from preprinted back stock. Then the new sheet had to be forwarded down the line for application of the
same serial numbers as on the rejected sheet and finally be overprinted with the seals and charter numbers.
We located reject orders requesting replacements for misprints among the correspondence files of
the director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the National Archives. One is reproduced here as
Figure 7.
Figure 6. The 4 in the Treasury serial number on this New York make-up replacement note
printed in 1919 is not an old-style font character. All the other numerals in both serials are old
font. The occasional anomalous numeral such as this probably was printed from a new number
wheel made by another supplier that was used to swap out a worn or damaged wheel in the
numbering head on the paging machine.
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Figure 7. Order from Deputy Comptroller of the Currency Fowler to BEP Director Ralph requesting that a
Series of 1902 date back 10-10-10-20 make-up sheet be prepared to replace a misprint found by his clerks.
Notice the distinctive droopy 2 in the Treasury number and the 3s with exaggerated cross hatch in both numbers
that were stamped on the order. It wasn?t long after this order was executed that the distinctive fonts used to
make serial numbers on replacement sheets were replaced.
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The letter illustrated reached BEP Director Ralph, who in turn bounced it down the line until it and
the make-up sheet that it called for arrived at the numbering division. The paging machine operator dialed
in the appropriate numbers called for and tested them on the most convenient piece of paper available before
affixing them to the make-up sheet. The spectacular result was the perfectly printed serial numbers on the
order form!
Notice that the numbers were printed with the telltale old-style font that we use to distinguish make-
up replacement sheets.
The discovery of how to distinguish between make-up and regular production notes outlined here
is a great tale of numismatic deductive sleuth work worth telling.
Co-author Hewitt started to recognize that numbers from two different fonts were used on Series
of 1902 red seals. The older font appeared on all the earliest notes in the series, but then appeared rather
randomly later on. He then wondered if the older font might somehow have been used exclusively on make-
up notes during the latter printings for the series.
At first, he attempted to find examples of notes printed after late 1903 with old style numbers. He
knew from work on the Series of 1929 nationals that the most replaced sheets were the number 1 sheets or
Figure 8. Significant pair of St. Louis brown back $10s from the same press run from the same
plate position wherein the top note bears replacement sheet serial numbers and the bottom note
has conventional numbers. Notice the distinctive droopy 2's in the Treasury serial number and
exaggerated cross bar on the 3 in the bank serial number on the top note. Photos courtesy of
Heritage Auction Archives.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
first sheets in successive printings because those sheets were most susceptible to damage. He focused on
serial number 1 Series of 1902 red seals and on notes with serial numbers that looked like first numbers in
successive print runs. This yielded a surprising number of examples and gave him confidence that he was
indeed looking at replacements.
His was no small effort. He ground through images of some 4,000 notes in auction catalogs and
various auction archives, especially those in the Heritage Auction Archives and the National Currency
Foundation census websites. The search tools available on the National Currency Foundation website made
the study feasible because through them he was able to isolate the notes of interest that he had to view.
A critical test had to be passed. Hewitt had to find a pair of notes both of which were from the same
serial numbering press run and the same plate position wherein the serial numbers on the respective notes
exhibited different fonts. Such a pair would prove conclusively that a substitution had been made.
A hand full of such pairs has been identified. A spectacular uncirculated Series of 1882 example
from St. Louis is shown on Figure 8. Another example is a pair of Series of 1882 brown back $5s from The
First National Bank of Donora, Pennsylvania, charter 5835, with serials T45064T-1-A and T45385T-322-
A, where the number 1 is the replacement. The Donora notes can be viewed on the National Currency
Foundation website.
Icing on cake though is the consecutive pair of number 1 and 2 Series of 1902 $5s from the A plate
position from the Oklahoma City bank illustrated on Figure 9 that was printed in 1910. The 2 and 3 in the
Treasury number on the number 1 note reveals that it is a make-up replacement. Compare those numerals
with their counterparts on the number 2 note printed on a rotary press.
Collectors have long recognized Series of 1929 replacement notes, but have been frustrated by not
being able to readily identify their counterparts in the large size series. We are chipping away at solving
Figure 9. The number 1 note in this consecutive Oklahoma City pair from the same plate position is a make-
up replacement note. All the numerals in the serial numbers on the number 1 note are old font whereas those
on the number 2 are new font. Compare especially the 2s and 3s. Photos courtesy of Heritage Auction Archives.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
that problem by at least providing a protocol for recognizing the ones made after mid-1903 and at least into
Over the last five years co-author Hewitt has found 155 replacements after viewing more than
10,000 images of notes printed during the critical 1903 to 1920 window where circumstances allow us to
identify them. The replacements are sprinkled through all the series and types that were current then. Some
interesting statistics are revealed from this research.
Amazingly about 20 percent of the number 1 Series of 1902 red seals and date backs that are
illustrated in the National Currency Foundation census from the critical window are replacements. This
finding demonstrates that those vulnerable sheets at the top of their stacks were frequently damaged, which
is consistent with what we see in the 1929 series. In contrast, for non-number 1 notes, the replacements
account for a mere 0.1 to 0.5 percent of the total viewed depending on type and denomination.
References Cited and Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1914, Central correspondence files of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Record Group 318,
locator 450/79/10/5 box 13, national currency, defective: U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Friedberg, Arthur L., and Ira S. Friedberg, 2013, Paper money of the United States, 20th Edition: Coin and Currency Institute, New
York, 328 p.
Hall, Alvin W., 1926, Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for the year ended June 30:
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Heritage Auction Archives website:
Hessler, Gene, and Carlson Chambliss, 2006, The comprehensive catalog of U. S. paper money, 7th edition: BNR Press, Port
Clinton, OH, 672 p.
Huntoon, Peter, and R. Shawn Hewitt, Sep-Oct 2012, Identification of Series of 1882 and 1902 national bank replacement notes
printed in the 1903-1915 period: Paper Money, v. 51, p. 378-384.
Murray, Douglas D., Michael Tauber and Tom Conklin, 1996, The comprehensive catalog of United States large size star notes:
BNR Press, Port Clinton, OH, 128 p.
National Currency Foundation website:
Simek, James A., and Peter Huntoon,
Mar-Apr 2012, Series of 1929
national bank replacement
notes: Paper Money, v. 51, p.
Figure 10. This Binghamton, New York, $5 Series of 1902 plain back is an archetypical
make-up replacement as revealed by the old font serial numbers. Notice especially the
telltale 3s and 4s. This note numbered in 1920 is the youngest replacement note
identified to date. We will not be surprised if even younger examples are discovered.
Figure 11. Series of 1902DB tough
denomination for a replacement!
The 2s in both serials are the
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
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Unserialed Replacement Sheet Notes
by Joe Farrenkopf
You?re likely familiar with star replacement
notes such as the 2013 $10 Federal Reserve Note
pictured below.
But did you know that there is a second type of
replacement note?
Printing and handling imperfections can occur
throughout all stages of Federal Reserve Note
production. When such imperfections are found
during the offset printing and plate printing stages,
imperfect sheets are simply discarded without
replacement. But when imperfections are found
during the serialing stage, those sheets are replaced
to maintain an accurate count of sheets, which are
gathered into piles of 100 at the end of the serialing
process (Bureau of Engraving and Printing n.d.).
After the serial numbers, Federal Reserve seal,
the Department of the Treasury seal, and the Federal
Reserve identification numbers have been
overprinted on a sheet, the sheet is computer-
inspected for defects. A sheet flagged as defective is
pulled for examination by a Bureau of Engraving and
Printing worker. If the sheet is confirmed to be
defective, that sheet will be replaced by another sheet
from a supply of previously serialed star sheets. Star
sheets are identical to regular production sheets
except that the star serial number sequence is
unrelated to the serial number sequence of the
regular notes, and more notably, the serial number
suffix character is a star rather than a letter.
Occasionally a sheet is damaged just prior to
being loaded into the serialing press, or a sheet could
1Unserialed replacement sheet notes are often found
disproportionately in the lowest sheet numbers of a press
run because normally within the last 10,000 sheets of the
run, all of the accumulated bad sheets from the run are
exchanged for good sheets. Further, after the initial
exchange, any additional bad sheets generated are
misfeed while going into the press. And sometimes
sheets with small defects are discovered immediately
prior to serial overprinting. In such circumstances,
the sheet may need to be replaced. The replacement
sheet is not taken from the supply of star sheets,
however, since the serial numbers hadn?t yet been
applied to the damaged sheet that was removed.
Rather, the replacement sheet comes from a supply
of previously face- and back- printed but unserialed
sheets. Notes that come from that supply of sheets
are the second type of replacement note. When the
replacement sheet passes through the serialing press,
it is overprinted with the next set of regular serial
numbers for the press run.
At the start of a new series, a small supply of
unserialed sheets is set aside for such replacement
purposes. As production of the series continues and
that supply is used up, a new small supply of
unserialed sheets is set aside for replacement
purposes. This practice continues throughout the life
of the series. Like sheet-replacement star sheets,
these unserialed replacement sheets can be inserted
at any point during a press run as needed1. Yet unlike
star sheets, which are identified by the star suffix in
the serial number, these unserialed replacement
sheets are indistinguishable from all other sheets
because they have no special markings of any kind,
and their serial numbers are in sequence with the
press run. The only way to know if a note came from
an unserialed replacement sheet is by examining
serial and plate data from other notes in the series. It
is sometimes possible to identify an unserialed
replacement sheet note by its plate serial numbers.
In determining whether a note may have come
from an unserialed replacement sheet, three factors
need to be evaluated: (1) the atypicality of the note?s
plate numbers in the press run; (2) the plate number
chronology of the series; and (3) the presence of the
plate numbers outside of the press runs where those
plate sequences are typically found.
exchanged at the end of the press run in order to complete
the run, usually a small amount in the last 100 sheets or
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Plate Number Atypicality
As an example, consider the three notes
pictured below. All are Series 2013 $10 Federal
Reserve Notes from the MG-B block, press run 7,
whose serial range spans 38400001 through
Data recorded from other notes in press run 7
shows that about 85% of the run is composed of face
plate/back plate sequence 88-89-90-91/45-46-47-48
while the remaining 15% of the run is composed of
face plate/back plate sequence 99-100-101-102/53-
54-55-57. The face plates of the second and third
notes pictured above (101 on MG39400001B and 90
on MG39604459B) belong to one or the other of
those two sequences. But the face plate of the first
note pictured above (70 on MG39205952B) oddly
does not belong to either of those two sequences.
Indeed, face plate 70 belongs instead to face plate
sequence 70-71-72-74; the back-plate number of the
note is 43, which belongs to back plate sequence 40-
The atypical plates of the first note pictured
raise the possibility that the note came from an
unserialed replacement sheet.
Plate Number Chronology
Next, the production chronology of the series
needs to be examined. That?s because prior to the
serialing stage, sheets that do not meet quality
standards (e.g., those with ink spots or smears, ink
deficiencies, etc.) and sheets that are damaged during
the face and back printing stages are removed, but
are not replaced. The remaining good sheets are
collated into batches of 20,000 half-sheets for serial
overprinting. Because a varying number of sheets is
removed at each step of the manufacturing process,
including offline inspection, the resulting new batch
of 20,000 half-sheets could be made up of sheets
from two or more consecutive input loads. This is
seen in run 7 of the MG-B block, which comprises
more than one set of face and back plate sequences
in the last load of the run. But in the absence of a
sufficient amount of data, one cannot know if the
MG-B note with face plate 70 merely reflects the
combining of a third input load. Hence, it is
necessary to look at the chronology of the series.
Face plate/back plate sequences 88-89-90-
91/45-46-47-48 and 99-100-101-102/53-54-55-57
appear primarily in press runs that were serialed June
2016 through October 2016 plus February 2017 (a
brief hiatus of $10 production occurred in late
2016/early 2017). Had face plate/back plate
sequence 70-71-72-74/40-42-43-44 been
contemporaneous with those other two sequences,
notes with face plates 70, 71, 72 and 74, and with
back plates 40, 42, 43 and 44 would also appear in
press runs serialed around the June 2016 to February
2017 time frame. Yet data from observed notes show
that face plate/back plate sequence 70-71-72-74/40-
42-43-44 appears primarily in press runs that were
serialed much earlier ? in October and November
2015. The note pictured below, serial
MF68493485C, with face plate 70, is such an
example; it belongs to the MF-C block, run 11,
serialed in October 2015.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Thus, face plate/back plate sequence 70-71-72-
74/40-42-43-44 was not contemporaneous with 88-
89-90-91/45-46-47-48 and 99-100-101-102/53-54-
55-57. It is worth noting that the vast majority of
notes with face plate 70, like the note from the MF-
C block, run 11, did not come from an unserialed
replacement sheet. So, the appearance of a note with
face plate 70 in a press run serialed many months
later than most notes with face plate 70 is another
indicator that the MG-B note with face plate 70 could
have come from an unserialed replacement sheet.
Presence of Plate Sequences Outside their Typical Press Runs
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing is
essentially a manufacturing facility that mass
produces a product (currency) and sells that product
to its customers (the Federal Reserve Banks). As a
general rule, the BEP manages its inventory using
the first-in, first-out method, meaning that sheets
usually travel from the back-printing stage to the face
printing stage to the serialing and finishing stages in
relatively quick succession; that is, while rare
exceptions exist, sheets are not typically stored in
quantity for any length of time between production
stages. Storage may occur following occasional
production stoppages, but upon resumed production,
the stored sheets are usually serialed and finished
first followed by the new production.
Because of using the first-in, first-out method,
when worn plates are removed from a press and are
replaced by new plates, the transition between old
and new plate sequences in the data tends to be fairly
abrupt. That is, once sheets from the old sequence
are used up, the old plate sequence usually
disappears completely from the data in a short time
frame. For example, in Series 2013 $10 FRNs, face
plate sequence 26-27-29-31 first appears in the MA-
A block, run 6, serialed in October 2014. After those
plates were worn, they were replaced by plates 32,
33, 34 and 35. Face plate sequence 32-33-34-35 first
appears in the MD-A block, run 12, serialed in
February 2015. The MD-A block, run 12, is also
where the last notes with face plate sequence 26-27-
29-31 show up. In this instance, the transition
between face plate sequences 26-27-29-31 and 32-
33-34-35 occurred within a single press run.
For a larger example, consider one segment of Series 2013 $10 FRN production in which sixty-five press
runs were serialed from October 2015 through July 2016:
Oct 2015 MFC block, runs 2 through 11 (serials 06400001 to 70400000)
MKA block, runs 13 through 15 (serials 76800001 to 96000000)
MKB block, runs 1 through 2 (serials 00000001 to 12800000)
Nov 2015 MFC block, runs 12 through 15 (serials 70400001 to 96000000)
MFD block, run 1 (serials 00000001 to 06400000)
Feb 2016 MAA block, runs 8 through 10 (serials 44800001 to 64000000)
MHA block, runs 8 through 10 (serials 44800001 to 64000000)
Mar 2016 MJA block, runs 6 through 7 (serials 32000001 to 44800000)
Apr 2016 MBC block, runs 6 through 15 (serials 32000001 to 96000000)
May 2016 MBD block, runs 1 through 4 (serials 00000001 to 25600000)
MCA block, runs 12 through 15 (serials 70400001 to 96000000)
MDA block, runs 14 through 15 (serials 83200001 to 96000000)
Jun 2016 MDB block, runs 1 through 4 (serials 00000001 to 25600000)
MEA block, runs 14 through 15 (serials 83200001 to 96000000)
MEB block, runs 1 through 4 (serials 00000001 to 25600000)
Jul 2016 MGB block, runs 3 through 9 (serials 12800001 to 57600000)
Figure 1 illustrates this segment of production, with different colors representing different face plate
sequences (or combination of sequences on occasions when a single plate had to be replaced):
Color Face Plate Sequence
Red 62-67-69-68
Orange 70-71-72-74, then 76-71-72-74
Yellow 77-78-79-80
Green 81-82-83-84, then 81-86-83-84, then 81-87-83-84, then 81-87-92-84
Blue 93-94-95-97, then 93-98-95-97
Purple 88-89-90-91
Pink 99-100-101-102, then 99-103-101-102
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Figure 1. Serial and plate data recorded from a random sampling of 2,602 Series 2013 $10 notes serialed
from October 2015 through July 2016 reveals the evolution of face plate sequences during that time frame.
The areas on the graph in red, for example,
identify the press runs where face plate sequence 62-
67-69-68 is found. That means notes from those
press runs will have either face plate serial 62 or 67
or 68 or 69. For example, the note pictured below,
serial MF28920407C, with face plate 62, belongs to
the MF-C block, run 5, which falls in the red region
of the graph.
Two or more colors within a single press run
means that more than one face plate sequence is
found in that press run.
Notice in Fig. 1 how the horizontal transition
between colors is generally sharp; there isn?t much
overlap between colors, and once a color ends, it
doesn?t usually show up elsewhere. The two
exceptions in the figure are the orange sequence 70-
71-72-74 (and 76-71-72-74) and the purple sequence
99-100-101-102 (and 99-103-101-102).
Let?s start with the purple sequence, which
needs some explanation. At times during FRN
production, only one pair of face and back presses
will be in operation. When that is the case, the plate
sequences in the data will be largely self-contained.
That is, a single plate sequence will be found in many
consecutive press runs with little overlap on either
the beginning or the end of the sequence?s
appearance. This phenomenon is seen in Fig. 1 at the
juncture of the red/orange regions, the
orange/yellow, yellow/green, and green/blue
regions. A single pair of face and back presses was
in operation for several months, and the evolution of
face plate changes on the face press was as follows:
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
? 62-67-69-68 replaced by 70-71-72-74
? 70 replaced by 76, resulting in sequence 76-71-72-74
? 76-71-72-74 replaced by 77-78-79-80
? 77-78-79-80 replaced by 81-82-83-84
? 82 replaced briefly by 85, which was quickly
replaced by 86, resulting in sequence 81-86-83-84
? 86 replaced by 87, resulting in sequence 81-87-83-84
? 83 replaced by 92, resulting in sequence 81-87-92-84
? 81-87-92-84 replaced by 93-94-95-97
? 94 replaced by 98, resulting in sequence 93-98-95-97
These transitions occurred on the same face
press, which is the reason Fig. 1 shows abrupt
changes between color regions.
But sometimes two (or more) pairs of face and
back presses will be in operation simultaneously.
When that is the case, two sets of plate sequences
will appear in the data, usually intermingled. This
phenomenon is seen in Fig. 1 in the purple regions.
About mid-way through production of the green
sequences, a second pair of face and back presses
was put into operation producing $10 FRNs while
the first pair of presses continued to produce $10
FRNs. The second pair was loaded with face plates
88, 89, 90 and 91 (reflected in Fig. 1 by the purple
regions), and the second press remained in operation
partway through the pink sequences. It is not the
case that the blue and pink regions of Fig. 1 (and to
a lesser degree the green region) reflect ceased
production of those sequences where the purple
regions appear. Rather, the purple regions reflect
concurrent production with the blue and pink regions
as a result of two pairs of presses being in operation
simultaneously. Indeed, notice how there is little
overlap between the pink and blue regions. That?s
because those sequences were on the same press; that
is, 93-98-95-97 (blue) was replaced by 99-100-101-
102 (pink). But the purple regions are overlaid on
top of both the blue and pink regions in an intermixed
fashion because 88-89-90-91 was on a different face
Now look at the orange sequence, which mostly
spans 7+ adjacent press runs (MFC10 through
MAA8). Notice that an instance of orange also
precedes that grouping by several press runs
(MFC3), plus a few scatterings of orange show up
many months and many press runs later (in MEB1,
MGB7, and MGB8). This is an important point in
the context of unserialed replacement sheet notes,
because it isn?t the case that just any sequence will
turn up scattered throughout the data like the orange
sequence does in this example. Only sequences from
the supply or supplies of unserialed sheets set that
were aside for replacement purposes will turn up
scattered elsewhere in the data. Further, while the
orange sequences have turned up as late as the
pink/purple sequences, it is expected that a large
enough sample of notes would reveal the orange
sequences to be present within the yellow, green and
blue sequences as well. The presence of the orange
sequence 70-71-72-74 in multiple places elsewhere
in the series is the third indicator that the MG-B note
with face plate 70 came from an unserialed
replacement sheet.
In summary, unserialed replacement sheet notes
can sometimes be identified by their plate serial
numbers because:
a) the note?s face/back plate numbers may be
atypical of the plate numbers of other notes from the
same press run; and
b) the face/back plate numbers of the note
appear in a press run that was serialed much later
than most notes that bear those same face/back
plates; and
c) the sequences to which the face/back plate
numbers belong are found scattered throughout
many press runs outside of the press runs where the
sequences are otherwise typically found.
Other Unserialed Replacement Sheet Sequences
In Series 2013 $10 FRNs, four face plate/back
plate sequences have been identified as having been
used for unserialed replacement sheets:
Face Plate Sequence / Back Plate Sequence
1-2-3-4 / 1-2-3-4
22-23-24-25 / 19-20-21-22
70-71-72-74 / 40-42-43-44
106-111-108-109 / 59-61-62-63
In the prior Series 2009 $10 FRNs, three face
plate/back plate sequences have been identified as
having been used for unserialed replacement sheets:
Face Plate Sequence / Back Plate Sequence
1-2-3-4 / 1-2-3-4
42-43-45-46 / 34-35-37-38
64-61-57-60 / 46-55-56-57
Unserialed replacement sheet notes are found in
other denominations as well. For example, three
Series 2013 $5 FRNs are pictured below. The first
note (MJ92800479A, face plate 85) is from an
unserialed replacement sheet; the second note
(MJ92804329A, face plate 131) is from the same run
as the first note but is not from an unserialed
replacement sheet; and the third note
(ML14726430E, face plate 85) has the same face
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
plate number as the first note but is not from an
unserialed replacement sheet.
The three criteria for determining whether a
note comes from an unserialed replacement sheet
bear this out: a) the early portion of the ML-E block
(much of run 1 plus runs 2 through 4) is composed
of face plate sequence 85-90-92, so the note
ML14726430E with face plate 85 is consistent with
other notes in run 3; by contrast, the last portion of
the MJ-A block (runs 12 through 15) plus the
beginning of the MJ-B block (run 1) is composed of
face plate sequence 124-130-131, so the note
MJ92800479A with face plate 85 is atypical of other
notes in the same run; b) notes from the early portion
of the ML-E block were serialed in February and
March 2015 while notes from the last portion of the
MJ-A block and the beginning of the MJ-B block
weren?t serialed until June 2016; and c) face plate
sequence 85-90-92 is found regularly in notes
serialed between February 2015 and June 2015, but
multiple individual instances of notes from that
sequence have turned up much later (November
2015, June 2016).
Relative Scarcity
The quantity of sheets that the BEP sets aside
for the unserialed replacement sheet supply isn?t
precisely known, but it is possible to estimate that
quantity and ascertain whether that quantity is
variable in the same way that it is with replacement
star runs. A starting assumption would be that the
supply amounts to a typical half-load (10,000 sheets)
or whole load (20,000 sheets), which is the common
quantity for many sheet-replacement star runs.
Sequences identified in Series 2013 $10 FRNs and
in other series show that the supply of unserialed
replacement sheets was replenished either after
approximately 60 to 70 press runs or after
approximately 110 to 120 press runs. During the
period April 1992 through February 2013, one
partial (20,000-sheet) sheet-replacement star run was
produced at the Western Currency Facility in Fort
Worth for every 61.1 press runs of regular $1 FRNs
(Farrenkopf 2017, 225). If that figure is comparable
for $10 FRNs, that suggests that unserialed
replacement sheet batches are set aside in quantities
of one load (20,000 sheets) or two loads (40,000
sheets) at a time. In comparing the scarcity of
unserialed replacement sheet notes found in
circulation with the scarcity of star replacement
notes found in circulation, those figures seem
consistent; that is, unserialed replacement sheet
notes aren?t common, but they do seem to turn up
slightly more often than the typical sheet-
replacement star note.
So, if you?ve never paid much attention to the
plate numbers on the notes in your collection or the
notes you receive in change, take a look sometime
and consider that your note might just have come
from an unserialed replacement sheet!
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. n.d. ?How
Money is Made.? Accessed March 18, 2018.
Farrenkopf, Joe. 2017. ?Star Notes: An
Examination of Production and Scarcity, 1991 to
2014.? Paper Money LVI, no. 3 (May/Jun): 224-242.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money?s
Odd Couple
Finds at MPCFest XIX
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
Parallel to Fred?s material in this issue, I also
acquired some interesting items at the Fest XIX
First is an example of a note (actually only part
of a note) that provided documentary evidence of
the source of the odd-colored ?100 military yen
notes that populated junk boxes after WWII. The
first military ?100 notes were homeland notes
(intaglio) with overprints identifying them as
military notes. The next ones were lithographed
notes using the intaglio designs, but with the
military markings included in the printing plates.
Both of these had black faces, and red-brown, then
brown, backs. The odd ones had orange faces and
backs. Unconfirmed reports were that they were a
local printing in Hong Kong after shipments of
homeland-produced notes were cut off by the Allied
naval blockade.
The proof we had been searching for was a
QSL card (an acknowledgement of contact between
amateur (?ham?) radio operators) that was printed
on unfinished versions of the orange notes. The
main face plate had not been printed. These
unfinished pieces were further overprinted with the
template to be filled in by the ham operator
documenting a radio contact. In small print at the
bottom of the template is the line ?(Incomplete
Japanese Military Yen seized in Hong Kong in
1945).? Ward Smith had one of these in his
collection that had not been filled in. In this year?s
Fest auction was the first used one I have seen. See
figures 1 and 2 for the original note, and figure 3 for
the QSL card. Smith?s was for the same radio
station, VS6AL (it is illustrated in Schwan-Boling
on page 595).
Another interesting acquisition is the note in
figure 4, a 100-mark note of the Allied military
currency series for occupied Germany. This one is a
locally-made counterfeit, with the serial number
See Bolin pg. 260
I had a great time at MPCFest XIX. I believe
that everyone did. There were many highlights, but
one certainly was the opportunity to add to my
collection. The Fest has two main events for
acquiring goodies. These two are not surprisingly
the bourse and auction. Additionally, of course, are
the near-constant opportunities for commerce
between Festers.
The bourse is unique on several counts. First, I
am quite sure that it is the only bourse in the
country and probably the world that is held on
Friday only. Even on Friday it is short, from 10 to 2
or 3. The short hours are possible because there are
not many dealers. The short hours are also
necessary because there is so much else to do. Short
hours, few dealers?sounds like disaster. To the
contrary, the dealers have specialized material and
the Festers are specialized collectors. In addition to
things that I bought and sold, I saw many items that
were new to me.
The Sunday morning auction must also be
unique for its timing, but its best argument for being
unique is again the material. The auction is a charity
auction where money is raised to support
scholarships to the ANA Summer Seminar. The
idea was borrowed (stolen) from the auction at the
Summer Seminar. Because the auction is held at the
Fest, the material tends to be of interest to Festers.
Just like the auction in Colorado Springs, additional
strange things can and do show up. T shirts, C
rations, MREs, and other items have set world
record prices. Still, legitimately numismatic and
interesting things can be found in the auction.
The headline item was a newly-found example
of a famous error. It is a Series 692 $20 certificate
that is missing two colors. Even with the missing
colors, most collectors would miss the error on a
circulated piece if they did not know the secret! The
known notes are all from the same sheet and,
therefore, have telltale serial numbers. The key to
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
look for is a serial number that ends in 27. Not all
certificates that end in 27 will have the error, but
thus far, all of the errors are from the sheet ending
in 27. (If we ever find the error on a note that does
not end in 27, it likely to be within a few numbers
(sheets) of 27.)
The really amazing thing about this error is that
it was first discovered by finance officers in
Vietnam who attempted to find and withdraw
examples from circulation. They found a few, as
have collectors since then. Three or four are known
in collections. The error sold in the Fest auction for
$1760 (including juice).
In my pile of stuff from the Fest, I find that I
obtained (purchased or traded for) what amounts to
a World War II check collection. By most accounts
they do not amount to much in terms of value, but I
like them all. Three of the four relate to war savings
items. This is an area of special interest to me as I
have mentioned several times here in Paper Money.
The first check is a government check of the
Province of Newfoundland. Most significantly, the
account is for savings certificate redemption. The
check is for $6 in 1953. It seems quite clear to me
that this check was for the redemption of
Newfoundland War Savings Certificates that were
sold during World War II. It could have been for
two $3 or one $6 certificate. The redemption was
probably done by mail because in person
redemptions would likely have been paid with cash.
Many years ago, I wrote to the Bank of Canada
enclosing a copy of a war savings certificate that
was in my collection. I implied that I had inherited
the certificate from a long-lost uncle. The response
was quite interesting. I was told that if I sent the
certificate, that the bank would send me a check
made out to the long-lost uncle.
I thought that it was a very efficient method for
the bank to use. If I were indeed an heir, I would
have a way to cash the check. If not, I could not
cash it. In either case the bank was relieved of any
additional administrative responsibilities. I think
that this check was issued in the same way.
Furthermore, it is altogether possible that such
checks might be issued today.
The check was issued by the Province of
Newfoundland, but the war savings certificates
were issued by the colony of Newfoundland. This
tells us that when Newfoundland joined Canada in
1949, the new province retained responsibility for
the redemption of the certificates. It also likely that
similar checks were issued before that date. I will
hold a place in my collection for one of those!
Next, I have a ragged United States treasury
check dated February 26, 1944 for all of $1.25. It
might seem unusual, but it is actually fairly
common to find a government check from the war
period for this amount! The purchase price of a $25
war bond was $18.75. People sent in $20 and
received a refund of $1.25. Sure enough the check
has a memo ?WAR BOND REFUND.? The check
has an interesting payee: Robert T. Handfield or
Treasurer, US. Why the Treasurer bit? I have seen
these checks before. I might even have one (or
some?) hidden away here in the black hole, but I
had never before noticed this curious text.
The answer is on the back. Below the normal
instructions found on government checks is an
additional interesting statement: ?If this check is
applied to purchase of a War Savings Bond in favor
of the named payee, no endorsement is necessary.?
Then there is a place to enter the serial number of
the bond purchased.
In a manner similar to the Province of
Newfoundland check above, this seems like a
system designed to sell more bonds with minimal
administrative effort.
The next item might catch you off guard. It is a
cancelled check drawn on the Winters National
Bank & Trust Co of Dayton, Ohio. The account at
Winters belonged to the Ohio Yellow Cab
Company. Most importantly for me, the check is
annotated (twice) with typewritten text ?Employees
War Bond Account!? The details of the check are
interesting too. It is dated 6 April 1944, in the heart
of the war, only a few weeks after the government
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
refund check above. It is made out to Fitzhugh
Smith for all of $1.88. The check number is 117.
That seems like a very low number of checks for so
late in the war, and the amount is oddly low too. I
would love to be able to figure out that this unusual
amount was for refund of a bond purchase in a way
similar to the above government check, but I
The final check in my new collection in quite
different. It is a Bank of France check payable to
the port of Le Havre, France for 500,000 francs.
Most significantly the check is dated 19 August
1944, and has a rubber stamp of the German navy,
which I take as being official approval of the check.
Le Havre is a commercial seaport in the north of
France on the English Channel. It was taken by the
Germans in June 1940 and held until 11 September
1944, only shortly after the check was written. I am
not sure what the check is trying to tell us, but it is
certainly a fascinating piece of history.
All four of these checks will make it into the
manuscript for the next edition of World War II
Remembered. Indeed, I will drop them into the
manuscript as soon as I make the scans for this
column. That means that if you have additional
information relating to these or other wartime
checks, we would be delighted to have it now.
typed on the note rather than being printed (figures
5-7). In figure 5 the note on the left has the typed
serial number.
Figure 5
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
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A serial number with a leading dash is a
replacement note if the colophon (a script F) of the
Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Corporation is
present (see figure 8), but it isn?t on the counterfeit.
That tells us that the note is meant to emulate the
Soviet-printed Allied mark currency, most of which
used the leading dash (the Soviets did not realize
that the specimen notes they received as models
were all replacements, so they used the dash on all
of their printings until they ran out of serial
numbers, after which they used a leading ?1? to
avoid duplicate numbers). Although the typed
numerals are a form of letterpress (the same
printing technology used for printed serials), there
is a qualitative difference between the two (see
figures 6-7, which also show the difference in the
font design for the numerals ?3? and ?9?).
The last piece did not come from the auction,
but from the other opportunities for acquisition that
Fred also mentioned. It is a propaganda note based
on the Nazi Behelfzahlungsmittel fifty reichspfennig
note. The original notes are uniface, so the British
prepared a series of propaganda pieces that copied
the note face faithfully and bore a message in
German on the back meant to demoralize German
troops. The British pieces had the same watermark
as the originals. We don?t know whether they had
the paper made to match the originals, or found a
stock of paper in Britain with the correct
In any event, the piece I found at Fest is a copy
of the British piece on unwatermarked paper,
lithographed in the wrong color (brown instead of
red and light brown), and with severe loss of detail
in the note?s features. This could have been a
second-generation version of the propaganda piece,
or a modern replica made to bilk collectors. I
believe it is the latter. See figures 8-10. The replica
piece is at the bottom, with the watermark showing
in figure 10. The replica paper is mottled, but has
no recognizable watermark.
Fest was festive, as always. Join us next year
for fest XX. Watch this space for announcement of
Figure 6 Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
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Mea Culpa!
By Rick Melamed
While doing research one must always strive to be accurate when publishing. In this case, I presented
erroneous information and I would like to set the record straight. A fellow SPMC member recently contacted me
about my 2nd issue surcharge article from a previous issue of Paper Money. The following notes, which have
Milton Friedberg numbers, are not Treasury issued Experimentals, but rather, counterfeits. I presented them as
legitimate; they are in fact not genuine.
When researching the article, I observed in the John Ford sale (Part XIX ? October 11, 2007), lot 331 was an
Experimental fractional with just surcharges on the face and back. Nowhere in the auction description did it
mention this note was a counterfeit. The cataloguer cited Milton 2C50FR.1b with the following heading:
In hindsight I should have checked Milton?s encyclopedia to verify its authenticity. Milton?s cataloging,
while intimidating at first, becomes clearer with more familiarity. The following, from Milton?s encyclopedia
explains his numbering system:
The 2nd counterfeit Experimental (Milton
2C50FR.1a) cited in my original article as genuine
(and not from the Ford sale) is a forger?s progress
proof. It is the same note as above, but with the
crimson shield added. The verso is the same blank
paper with just the bronze oval. Both contain the
?18-39? and large ?50? surcharges.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
If these were Treasury issued Experimentals, Milton Friedberg may have designated this as 2E50FR.1a and
2E50FR.1b. I suspect that since auction companies never sell counterfeits at auction (and risk the wrath of the
Secret Service); the cataloguer used the code ?ODD BOND PAPER? instead of the verboten counterfeit
designation. The ?C? in 2C50RF.1a/b is an obvious reference to its counterfeit nature ? frankly, I just missed it.
At the Kansas City IPMS show in June 2018 former FCCB and SPMC president Benny Bolin (current SPMC
Paper Money Editor) and counterfeit fractional expert Art Paradis explained to me my mistake. Just to be sure,
Art previously observed the note under 40X magnification stating that the paper was not consistent with Treasury
Department standards. Both Benny and Art opined that this was in actuality a Counterfeiter?s Experimental.
Apparently the forgers did some test sheets of just the bronze surcharges and another with the crimson shield
added. With all that effort to produce a counterfeit they messed up the usual ?63? and it came out looking like an
inverted ?39.?
Finally, for those who might think that a note with just surcharges on both sides (with no other design) is a
counterfeit, then the following should prove of interest. It is a legitimate Experimental, Milton 2E10FR.3. The
?T-1-18-63? and fiber paper is consistent to our expectations of a regular 2nd issue Fr. 1249.
Thanks to Benny Bolin and Art Paridis for their gentle and patient explanation of my mistake. Also to
Heritage for the image of the 10? Experimental. Lastly, I?d like to offer my sincere apology to my fellow club
members for my mistake.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Kristenstad - A Texas Utopia
by Frank Clark
Pictured is a $10 Depression Scrip Note from
the settlement of Kristenstad, Texas with a printed
date of 1933. Socialism was practiced at this small
central Texas settlement. The Standard Catalog of
Depression Scrip of the United States list the
following denominations for Kristenstad: $1, $2.50,
$5, $10, $50 and $100. The $1 is listed only as a
"sample" note. "Sample" is printed in large letters in
red ink diagonally across the face of the note. The
other five denominations are listed as unissued and
cancelled with the word "Sample." The $10 note that
accompanies this article is of this variety. The
following has been added to the face in all
denominations of this issue. "Sample" and "Sample;"
are typewritten on the face on the "On Demand" line
and on the "Number" line respectively. Also, along
the payer signature line is typewritten its non-
obligation clause, "Sample; This form not issued as
an obligation;" Mr. Kristensen's typewriter probably
lacked a colon (:) key and he therefore used the
semicolon (;) key in its place. All of these added
inscriptions are "barred" off along the top and bottom
with red ink lines. The faces of these notes are
otherwise utilitarian, while the back has a vignette of
an overflowing cornucopia along with the wording
of, "Exchange what you don't
need for what you do need"
and "America is, in fact, a
Land of Plenty." The payer
signature line is at lower right
and in this case, it is between
the two added red ink
lines. The note would have
been signed by John B.
Kristensen, the founder of
Kristenstad, if the note had
been issued. The listings in
The Standard Catalog of
Depression Scrip of the United
States leads one to believe that
not a single note of this issue
actually performed any
circulation duties. I would like
to point out that Kristensen's
name is sometimes seen
Americanized in print as either
"Cristiansen" or "Christensen."
You can also find 5, 10, 25, 50
Cents and $1 "Good for
Coupons" for merchandise
issued by The Rainbow
Marketing Association, Inc. of Kristenstad. The
coupons were originally issued in $20 booklets.
Also, the same denominations for the same purpose
were issued in round metal disk form. These
medium of exchanges were necessary, as the
community operated non-profit store did not accept
United States paper money or coin.
John B. Kristensen, with the help of a deferred
payment plan, took possession of 6000 acres of
heavily wooded land along the Brazos River near
Granbury on January 1, 1928. The land was mostly
in Hood County with a small amount in Johnson
The settlement was called "Kristenstad" using
Kristensen's Danish family name. It translates into
English literally as, "Kristen's homestead." The
community was intended to become self-sufficient
as much as possible with "sell much, buy little" and
"work if you eat" being their guiding
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
maxims. Farmers and others were recruited for this
purpose from as far away as at least North
Dakota. Many were actually dispossessed Texas
farmers who were interested in the cheap land and
other settlers were idealists who had read press
accounts in scattered newspapers across the nation
about the "Texas Utopia."
The new settlers would be integrated into the
community when they arrived. They could buy
unoccupied land for $40 an acre at 6% interest and
without a down payment. Next, the land would be
cleared and the trees sent to the community saw
mill. The trees would be turned into lumber so that
the newcomer could use it to build his new
home. Native stone was also employed in the
construction of homes. The sawmill also produced
charcoal from the wood by-products. A chair factory
was built in order to use the wood that was too small
for lumber, but was also too good to burn into
The community bought the Southern Diaryman,
which was a monthly publication of twenty pages
with a circulation of 25,000. Next, a print shop was
built to print the magazine. The Depression
Scrip discussed in this article is without an imprint
and might have been printed in their print shop.
Three corporations conducted the community's
business. They were The Rainbow Marketing
Association, Inc., The Cooperative Association, and
The Loan Company. Wood products, dairy
products, peanuts, pigs and cattle were sold to
provide money for supplies that were bought on the
outside at wholesale prices and then sold through
their non-profit cooperative store.
The local industries in the community were
operated during the non-farming times. Workers
would earn scrip at the rate of $2 per day. The scrip
could be exchanged for stock in the industries if the
receiver wanted to do this.
It is said that the population probably peaked in
the winter of 1932 at 200 or so citizens with around
1200 acres under cultivation. Many settlers only
stayed for a short time and moved on due to
disillusionment. The farm life in the settlement was
especially hard. Non-luxuries included outdoor
plumbing, wood stoves and kerosene
lamps. However, it is stated by several that no one
ever went hungry.?
The Great Depression only accelerated
Kristenstad's decline. Farm prices weakened and a
drought in the area did not help matters. The chair
factory burned to the ground and markets for the
community's finished products dried up.?
There was an attempt to get federal aid for the
settlement with the help of Dallas banker and
insurance executive, Homer F. Mitchell. However,
that plan eventually failed. Even the Kristensen
family moved to the nearby hamlet of Rainbow
in Somervell County in 1936. The excuse given to
the few hardy souls who remained in Kristenstad,
was that the oldest Kristensen child, who was going
into the eighth grade, needed to continue his
education beyond the small school provided by the
settlement. Kristensen was still able to manage
Kristenstad from Rainbow with frequent
visits. Even so, his popularity continued to
decrease. This was highlighted one day by a
disgruntled settler attack who threw a bottle of acid
on Kristensen's car while Kristensen sat in it.
John B. Kristensen died suddenly in his Rainbow
home on June 30, 1937 at the age of 61. His final
resting place is at Squaw Creek Cemetery near
Rainbow. The small school in Kristensen closed the
next year and John's widow returned the land to the
previous owner. She and her five children moved to
Dallas. The land for Kristenstad now is a large
pecan orchard. Very little remains of the
settlement outside of the school building. This
experiment in socialism or as Kristensen called it,
"pure Americanism," failed. Today, it is
remembered mostly by its numismatic relics.
Fickle, Mary. "Texas' Lost Utopia." Texas Parade
Magazine May 1971.
Fowler, William E. "Trade Tokens of Texas."
Token and Medal Society, Volume 13 Number 2
April 1973.
Hammond, C.M. "Kristenstad: A Practical Utopia."
The Texas Weekly Newspaper August 29, 1931.
Hunt, Vaudrene R. Smith. "Toward a History of
Kristenstad." Hood County, Texas Genealogical
Society, Grandbury Depot 1978.
Mitchell, Ralph A. and Neil Shafer. "Standard
Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States of
the 1930s Including Canada and Mexico." Iola,
Wisconsin: Krause Publications, Inc. 1973.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
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Lancaster, Ohio. 1902 $100 Red Seal.
Fr. 686. The Fairfield NB. Ch.#7517.
PCGS Extremely Fine 45PPQ. Serial Number 1.
From the John Whitney Walter Collection
Ketchikan, Alaska. $5 1929 Ty.2 Fr. 1800-2.
The FNB of Ketchikan. Ch. # 12578.
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65EPQH
Fr. 1700. 1933 $10 Silver Certificate.
PCGS Gem New 66PPQ.
Fr. 2010-B. 1950 $10 Federal Reserve Note.
PCGS Very Choice New 64PPQ.
Additional Overprint on Face Error.
United States of America. ND (18xx).
Act of March 3, 1893.
$10,000. Department of the Interior
Cherokee Nation Bond.
Extremely Fine. Specimen.
From the John E. Herzog Collection of
United States Treasury Bonds ? 1861 to 2000
United States of America. August 8, 1868.
$10,000 Registered Bond.
Loan of March 3, 1865.
Choice Very Fine.
From the John E. Herzog Collection of
United States Treasury Bonds ? 1861 to 2000
United States of America. November 16, 1861.
$100 Registered Bond.
Loan of July 17 & August 15, 1861.
Very Fine.
From the John E. Herzog Collection of
United States Treasury Bonds ? 1861 to 2000
United States of America. ND (18xx).
Act of February 25, 1862.
$50 Registered Bond. Loan of 1862.
Uncirculated. Proof.
From the John E. Herzog Collection of
United States Treasury Bonds ? 1861 to 2000
Service Awards in KC
The International Paper Money Show (IPMS) is not only about buying and selling currency, but
is also a time for the society (and other societies) to recognize and reward members for
outstanding service, literary awards and excellence in exhibiting.
Doug? Davis? received? the?
Founders? Award? for? support?
Armand?Shank?and?Mack?Martin? (not?
present)? received? the? Education,?
Research? and? Outreach? award? for?
their?work?on? the?Obsolete?Database?
SPMC? award?the?Nathan? Gold?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Literary and Exhibit Awards in KC
Awards were also given out for literary excellence, top articles in different categories (voted on
by the membership via the web), book of the year and for excellence in exhibiting.
Book of the Year (Wismer Award)
Truth Seeker: The Life of Eric P. Newman
Len Augsburger, Roger Burdette, Joel Orosz
Runners Up
Images of Value?Mark Tomasko
Florida Nationals?William Youngerman
Favorite Column
Uncoupled?Joe Boling & Fred Schwann
Runner Up?Jamie Yakes
Dr. Glenn Jackson Award
Bernard Wilde
Articles appearing in PM in 2017
Federal (Misc).?Bob Ayers World?Carlson Chambliss
Runner up?Rick Melamed Runner Up?Carlson Chambliss
Small Size?Peter Huntoon & Doug Murray
Runner Up?(tie) Carlson Chambliss, Joe Farrenkopf, Jamie Yakes
Nationals?(tie) Shawn Hewitt & D. B. Hollander Obsoletes?Doug Nyholm
Runner Up? Bill Gunther
Confederate?Michael McNeil
Runner Up?Michael McNiel
Exhibit Awards
Stephen R. Taylor Best in Show?Shawn Hewitt
Runners Up?Bob Moon, Jim Simek
Julian Blanchard Award?Nancy Wilson
Best one-case exhibit?Jerry Fochtman
IBNS Amon Carter Award?Neil Shafer
PCDA John Hickman Award?Jim Simek
BNR Most Inspirational Award?Robert Calderman
Thanks? to?all?of?our?other?exhibitors??Robert R. Moon, Frank E.
Clark III, Robert Gill, Michael Scacci, Michael Dougherty, Ron
Horstman, Joseph Ridder, Steve Sweeney, Benny Bolin, Roger Urce,
John & Nancy Wilson, Jerry Fochtman, Robert W. Liddell III,
Shawn Hewitt, Fred Bart ,Robert Calderman, James Simek
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
SPMC Breakfast & Tom Bain Raffle
The SPMC held its annual breakfast and Tom Bain Raffle on Friday morning of the show. Due to the
popularity of the venue last year, we again held it at Harvey?s in Union Station. The acoustics were a
challenge, we have been assured will be overcome next year. Almost 80 people attended and had a great
breakfast. After the breakfast ever ebullient and always entertaining emcee Wendell Wolka held the
audience in rapt anticipation for their number to be called for the great prizes offered. Due to the acoustics
challenge, he had a special mouthpiece to help him out.
The ticket for the event featured a commemorative likeness of Eric P. Newman and ticket chair Bob
Vandevender and Treasurer sold tickets at the stairwell entrance.
Thanks to all of our Raffle donors?Mark Anderson, John & Nancy Wilson, Hugh Shull, Heritage Auctions,
Bruce Smart, Pierre Fricke, J. Fred Maples, John Park, Lee Quast, Jerry Fochtman, Bob Kvederas, Sr/Jr, Mike
Scacci, Wendell Wolka, Mike Crabb and to anyone I left off, I sincerely apologize.
Who needs a microphone when you
have a MUSK?!?
A table full of raffle prizes Neil and Joe tearing tickets hoping for
the big prize
Tickets, Tickets,
Get Yer Tickets
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
$10 New York Late-Finished Face 169 Varieties
By Jamie Yakes
Small-size collector Randy Vogel has discovered a spectacular Series of 1934A $10 Federal Reserve
Note changeover pair on New York with late-finished face 169 (Fig. 1). The particulars are B04288284D-
position L-face 169 and B04288285D-position G-face 389. Coupled with finds from collector Robert
Calderman, we now have a complete set of possible varieties with face 169: B-C and B-D block notes, a star
note, and a changeover pair (Fig. 2).
Ten-dollar New York face 169 is one of four new late-finished plates announced to the collecting
community in 2017.1 The other were $5 New York 58, $5 Philadelphia 39, and $5 San Francisco 52. Each plate
originally was a 1934 $10 FRN master plate that in 1938 the BEP altered to a 1934A master plate, and then in
1944 finished as a production plates and used for sheet printings.
Face 169 started life as $10 New York Series of 1934 plate 9 in August 1934, when the BEP prepared
eight $10 steel intaglio plates for New York at the onset of Series of 1934 production. They designated plate 1
as the master and lifted from it four electrolytic altos in September. They started making electrolytic bassos in
October, beginning with plates 9 and 10 on October 3. They made plate 9 a master, and for the next three years
altos from plate 1 and 9 would spawn all the $10 1934 New York production plates, ending with plate 168 in
June 1937.2
In January 1938, the BEP began etching macro serial numbers on finished plates,3 and designated those
FRN faces the Series of 1934A. Series of 1934 faces had micro plate serials; otherwise 1934 and 1934A faces
had identical designs. Because of this on February 8 the BEP simply altered plate 9 to a 1934A by etching an
?A? after each ?SERIES OF 1934? located on all 12 subjects. They reassigned it plate serial 169, which was the
first serial for $10 New York faces, and designated it the 1934A master.4
Over the next six years, the BEP lifted 10 altos from 169, which directly and indirectly spawned all the
1934A production plates made through April 1945 inclusive of serials 170 to 478. The indirect plates were a
small batch made in March 1944 from altos lifted from face 418, which itself was derived from 169 on February
22, 1944. The BEP had designated 418 the new master for $10 1934A New York faces, and finished face 169 as
a production plate on March 15.5
Face 169 became part of the large rotation of $10 faces the BEP had been sending to press since the late
1930s. They initially sent it to press on March 21, and used it for six press runs until November 21, 1944.6 They
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
canceled it the next day. Face 169 sheets moved through the numbering division to receive serial numbers from
the high B-C and low B-D blocks. The reported range currently is B87540284C to B21570316D.7
The companion note to 169 in the changeover pair is from plate 389. Plate 389 was a progeny of 169,
started in June 1943 and certified on July 13. It endured nine press runs from September 28 to December 2,
1944. Five of those runs overlapped runs for 169, so at some point those two plates straddled the same press,
possibly numerous times.8
Two other plates would have occupied the other two spots on the four-plate press with 169 and 389. It is
impossible to know which ones, though they?ll have serials between 377 and 449, inclusively.9 This is important
because as the pressman?s assistant lifted sheets from all four plates and stacked them, sheets from 169 became
sandwiched between sheets from 389 and one of those two other faces. Vogel?s L-position 169 is the sixth note
from the half-sheet. The first note from position G with serial B04288277D was part of another changeover pair
with the L-position note from a different sheet. Does that pair exist, or was it long ago separated?
Sources Cited
1. Yakes, Jamie. ?Altered 1934A $5 and $10 Federal Reserve Note Master Plates.? Paper Money 56, no. 1 (2017, Jan/Feb): 54-56.
2. Record Group 318-Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Entry P1, ?Ledgers Pertaining to Plates, Rolls and Dies, 1870s-1960s,?
Container 147. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.
3. Huntoon, Peter. ?Origin of macro plate numbers laid to Secret Service.? Paper Money 51, no. 4 (2012, Jul/Aug): 294, 296, 316.
4. Container 147.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Author?s observations.
8. Container 147.
9. Ibid.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
The Quartermaster Column
by Michael McNeil
Benny Bolin graciously
extended me an invitation
to write a column about the
Confederate quartermasters,
commissaries, and agents
whose endorsements
occasionally grace the backs
of T-39 and T-40 ?Train? notes and T-41
?Hoer? notes. I am a member of the
Trainmen, a group of collectors who have
worked for years to identify these officers
and have sought to understand some of
their history.
These treasury notes bore interest at
7.30% per year and the only requirement for
a disbursement was a date of issue on the
back of the note to provide a starting date
for the interest the government would pay.
Endorsements of issue by the many
government depositaries are relatively easy to
find. More rarely do we find endorsements
by military quartermasters, commissaries,
paymasters, and surgeons, who sometimes
thought to include their name, rank, title, and
more rarely, their military unit or place of
The first issue of this column will tell
the story of a rather rare endorsement, but
there will be future stories of many
officers whose endorsements are easily
found at shows and online auctions. The
information for these stories is primarily
sourced from the new book, Confederate
Quartermasters, Commissaries, and Agents.
While the book is written in an academic
style, war brings out the best and the worst
in the participants and this column will
focus on the more colorful stories of these
officers and agents. As Randy Shipley
would often say, holding a note with these
endorsements is like holding history in your
A Bidding War for a Confederate Quartermaster
A T-41 note endorsed by Major John A.
Harman crossed the Heritage auction block
in September 2014 for $5,581, a price
several times that of a typical new discovery
of a military officer. The author of the book
on this subject, Confederate Quartermasters,
Commissaries, and Agents, was as astounded
by this auction as anyone else. What did the
bidders in this auction know that wasn?t
obvious to the collectors who specialize in
these endorsements?
The illustration of the endorsement on
the back of the note shows that Major
Harman was a Chief Quartermaster in
General Robert E. Lee?s 2nd Corps, Army
of Northern Virginia. The military history
of Harman on pages 318-320 in
Confederate Quartermansters,
Commissaries, and Agents is based on
research of Harman?s original documents
from the National Archives, made available
online by the website No details
emerged from these documents that would
explain the stratospheric auction price.
Page 592 in the second volume of
Shelby Foote?s monumental work, The
Civil War, A Narrative, suggested an answer
to the Heritage auction bidding war. Lee lost
the Battle of Gettysburg and retreated
towards the Potomac river on the night of
July 4th, 1863. The victorious Union
General Meade made constant excuses to
his commanding officer Halleck about his
refusal to pursue Lee. President Lincoln
grew increasingly impatient as well. On
July 14th Meade finally overcame his
inertia and moved against Lee, who had
become trapped at the swollen edge of
the Potomac River. Lee was extremely
vulnerable, but Meade?s caution had given
Lee precious time. Foote rarely mentions a
quartermaster, but he credits ?...Jackson?s
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
old quartermaster, Major John Harman,
who managed the army?s extraction and
landed it safe on the soil of Virginia,
having improvised pontoons by tearing
down abandoned houses for their
timbers....? John Harman saved Robert E.
Lee?s army just in the nick of time as
Meade?s army arrived to meet the last
remnant of Lee?s troops crossing the river. It
is quite possible that Meade?s inaction and
Major John Harman?s initiative to save
Lee?s army might have extended the war
by two years. There were apparently other
collectors who knew Shelby Foote?s story
about Major Harman and recognized this
as a significant endorsement, paying dearly
to acquire it.
Confederate Treasury notes are
interesting in their own right, but sometimes,
with notes endorsed by men like John
Harman, we are indeed ?holding history in
our hands.?
Michael McNeil
The front of the Type 41 Treasury note endorsed by Major John a. Harmon. Image courtesy
The back of the Type 41 note with an Interest Paid
stamp at Richmond and an endorsement which reads:
?Paid out on the 27
th of February 1863. Joh A.
Harman, Maj & Ch. QM 2
nd Corps, A(rmy)
N(orthern) V(irginia).?
Image courtesy
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The James River and Kanawha Company
by Robert Gill
Wow! What a week. As I write this, my wife and
I have just returned from MONEY 2018 KANSAS
CITY. Last year was the first year for the Annual
International Paper Money Show to be held in Kansas
City, and it was a big success. But I think this year
was even better! Dealers were commenting on how
they were having a good show with their sales, the
exhibits were very good, and most of my "paper money
friends" were there. I also, as I always do at shows,
met some new ones. I was only able to add one sheet
to my collection, but it is a tough one. I'm already
looking forward to seeing what Kansas City has in
store for us next year. And now, let's look at the sheet
that I've chosen to share with you.
In this issue of Paper Money, we?re going to look
at a sheet from my collection that is by no means rare.
There was a group of approximately fifty of them that
surfaced about twenty years ago. But this company,
supported by a couple of men who would later become
very important to our nation, had an interesting history.
And that is The James River and Kanawha Company.
The creation of Virginia?s canal system began in
1746, spurred on by the support of George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson. The goal was to create an
economical and reliable way for farmers living on the
interior of the state to transport their goods to market.
To achieve this, existing rivers were widened, dams
were created to control water levels, bridges and
aqueducts were erected, and a lock system was
established. The James River Company was chartered
to raise capital for this venture. For a time, it was very
successful, producing significant returns for its
investors. However, the citizens of Virginia demanded
that the company also maintain and / or improve the
canal structure. When the company was unable, or
unwilling to comply, the state managed to obtain the
charter in 1820. The state intended to further improve
the Kanawha River, and to connect the existing canal
to the western part of the country, via the Ohio River.
The invention of the railroad, however, would
eventually cast doubt upon the wisdom of this scheme.
Joseph Cabell became the leading proponent of the
canal system. He, along with his longtime friend, John
Cocke, was able to convince the state to consider a
joint / private charter in 1832. The charter was
conditioned upon the procurement of five million
dollars in private capital. It took Cabell and his
supporters nearly three years to interest enough
investors in the project.
Finally, in 1835, the General Assembly officially
granted a charter to The James River and Kanawha
Company. Cabell was elected as its first president.
Canal construction was divided into three divisions.
Ultimately, the plan was to connect Richmond to
Covington. Further, railroad lines were to be added
after the final division was completed in order to link
towns to the waterways.
Unfortunately, the company was faced with a
myriad of technical and economic problems;
subscribers refused to pay, flooding was continual,
working conditions were deplorable, creating sever
labor shortages, and early work on the canal proved to
be defective, requiring nearly continuous repair work.
The demise of the company was further hastened by
the Civil War. In 1863, General Sheridan and his
troops razed many of the bridges and canals, and most
of the company?s operating documents were destroyed
during the burning of Richmond. This alone wasn?t
fatal, but without the funds for repairs, the problems
worsened. The combination of these difficulties,
coupled with increasing competition from railroads,
finally became too great. The James River and
Kanawha Company was terminated by the General
Assembly in 1880. The original vision of connecting
Virginia with the Ohio River came up short, as the
canal ended at Buckhannon, in Western Virginia (later
became West Virginia). Its assets were subsequently
sold to The Richmond & Allegheny Railway
So, there's the history behind why this old sheet of
paper money exists. Like so many enterprises in the
early years of our great country, this company was
probably doomed to fail as soon as it was created. But
because our forefathers had the character to not give
up, other projects continued to be created to take its
place. And because of our American "we don't give
up" attitude, our great nation is what it is today.
As I always do, I invite any comments to my cell
phone (580) 221-0898, or my personal email address
Until next time... HAPPY COLLECTING.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
You will not find Copper City on a map of New Mexico,
and according to the web site it ?is not only
gone, its exact location is in doubt.? It goes on to say that in
1883 a post office was established in the town, which was
located in Sandoval County, but it was discontinued seven
years later. During its short heyday, however, there was a
population of more than five hundred residents, a school,
various stores, a hotel, restaurant, and of course several
Mining towns such as this sprout up quickly when a
significant quantity of ore is discovered. An article in the
December 29, 1882 issue of the Albuquerque Journal
newspaper advised readers ?That Copper City is to be the
great copper producing section of the southwest there is no
longer any reason to doubt. There is in that vicinity already
as great a quantity of ore in sight as there are (in) many
districts where much more development work is being done.
When Copper City is connected with the outside world by a
railroad, its resources will be very rapidly developed.?
This sort of news travels fast, and it usually creates a
rapid influx of merchants and workers to an area. A typical
example is an announcement in the July 19, 1883 issue of the
Albuquerque newspaper that ?Reese and Loebner yesterday
loaded up all their goods at the Monarch Billiard Hall and
shipped them to Copper City where they will at once open a
saloon. Copper City is growing every day and men moving
into that thriving camp show their business foresight.?
To the best of my knowledge, the San Miguel Supply
Company note was unknown until the illustrated example
was sold by Heritage Auctions as lot 18488 in its October
2015 sale of the Eric Newman collection, where it fetched a
price of over two thousand dollars. As the cataloguer pointed
out, ?Western and New Mexico Territory National Banknotes
have been avidly collected, and many have achieved
significant realizations at auctions. New Mexico scrip from
this period, like this note, is even rarer.? I agree, and feel very
fortunate to have been able to acquire it.
Information concerning short-lived companies such as
this is nearly as rare as the notes they issued. The San Miguel
Supply Company was the company store for the San Miguel
Mining Company, and they are both listed in the 1887 and
1889 lists of ?Mines and Mining Firms of New Mexico,?
which were published in the Executive Documents of the
House of Representatives. The fact that the post office was
closed after 1890 indicates that by this time the mines had
shut down and the miners had moved on to greener pastures.
James E. and Barbara H. Sherman, in their 1975 book
Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of New Mexico, relate that
?a tale is told of buried treasure at Copper City. Two partners,
Harris Dupont and F. D. Thompson, worked a mining claim
near Copper City. Greed took hold of Dupont, and he began
quietly caching away more than his share of the mine?s
profits. One day when Dupont had gone to town for supplies,
Thompson discovered the hidden coins and realized he had
been cheated. Thompson kept this discovery from Dupont
while awaiting the perfect opportunity to deal out revenge.
One afternoon, while Dupont was leaning over to inspect
some mine equipment, Thompson hit him on the head with a
hammer, killing him instantly. Covering the mine entrance
and burying the gold coins, Thompson made a hasty
departure for Texas. An innocent sheepherder who stumbled
across Dupont?s body and stole the miner?s watch later was
hanged for Thompson?s revengeful crime. Years later
Thompson returned to recover the money he had buried but
was never able to find it.? The story might have nothing to do
with the San Miguel Mining Company, but it is interesting
The 1886-dated note was printed by the J. M. W. Jones
Stationery and Printing Company, located at 76-82 Sherman
Street in Chicago, Illinois. This firm?s advertisement in a
1902 directory tells us they were blank book manufacturers,
railroad printers, and lithographers and electrotypers. I can?t
think of any other mining notes bearing the imprint of this
Comments, questions, suggestions (and even criticisms)
concerning this column may be emailed to or mailed to P.O. Box 2866, La
Plata, MD 20646.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
The Silver Certificate After a Half Century
This past June marks fifty years since the United
States Treasury stopped redeeming silver certificates in
?silver payable to the bearer on demand.? The milestone
brought back memories. In 1968 I was old enough to be
annoying bank tellers with my own incessant demand
for penny rolls in search of wheat cents, cleaning out
the neighborhood banks like some numismatic
Dillinger. My parents, seeing that I had taken up an
innocuous hobby that might shield me from the
oncoming cultural tsunamis of sex, drugs, and rock &
roll, were indulgent, and fronted me financially. At my
tenth birthday they gifted me a peculiar little album
called ?The Silver Story?, a leatherette display folder
that held a silver certificate, two cheap silver dollars
(one Morgan, one Peace), and a little supply of silver
granules representing the amount of silver one could get
in exchange for a dollar. A text insert described the final
years of the silver certificate.
Most likely my parents picked up that overpriced
bit of instant nostalgia from the coin department at
Woodward and Lothrop. My young mind was hugely
impressed by those silver dollars, much less so by the
petri dish of granules, which looked rather like chewed-
up pieces of gum spat out by some mint employee.
While I don?t think I cared or understood much about
the certificate itself, half a century later that?s what
interests me now. Some commentators marking the
occasion have waxed sentimental about the final
disappearance of currency that was ?backed? by
anything, but this is a serious misreading of the history
of this remarkable currency. These certificates were
never ?backed? by silver. Rather, their issue and
circulation always reflected the ebb and flow of silver
politics, and the power of silver-mining states, in
American history.
The Bland-Allison Act of 1878 mandated the
coinage of bulky dollars that piled up at the Treasury, as
people preferred the more convenient paper certificate
that circulated in their stead. The Treasury Note of
1890, issued to purchase the silver states? mining output
and ostensibly backed by silver bullion, stated on its
face that it was redeemable in ?coin?, language vague
enough to allow the government to maintain the gold
standard and yet still throw a sop to silver.
While resulting in some of the prettiest examples
of American currency, silver certificates created no
small amount of monetary mischief in the 19th century.
Despite their promise to represent silver dollars, the
certificates were just another form of fiat money whose
mounting volumes tested the credibility of country?s
commitment to gold. A federal law of 1882 allowed
national banks to hold silver certificates as reserves, yet
bank clearinghouses resisted using them in settlements.
Like national banknotes, the certificates weren?t legal
tender. But unlike United States Notes, they were
receivable for duties on imports, as were the Notes of
1890. Since the country otherwise relied upon customs
duties to bolster its supply of gold coin, this paper
circulation nearly ended the gold standard in 1895, if a
Morgan-organized bond syndicate to secure gold from
Europe hadn?t come to the rescue.
These currency distinctions were characteristic of
the ramshackle monetary arrangements of the time. In
the words of a Sound Currency author from 1896, ?our
currency system?is like one of those old country
mansions which have been so altered in the course of
generations that of the original structure but little can be
recognized?the result may be picturesque, but it is
hardly consistent and harmonious.?
The defeat of William Jennings Bryan in 1896 and
the Gold Standard Act of 1900 formally ended agitation
for a silver standard, but silver politics, and the silver
certificate, lived on. In a sequence of utter futility, the
Pittman Act of 1918 required those unwanted silver
dollars to be melted, the bullion sold to Great Britain for
use in India, and then replaced through renewed
coinage of metal purchased at an inflated price! These
shenanigans continued into the 1930s, thanks to the
Thomas Amendment to the Agricultural Adjustment
Act (1933) and the Silver Purchase Act (1934).
Together, these laws assured that the federal
government would keep issuing silver certificates as a
pretext for propping up the price of the metal.
Legal distinctions between the various types of
American currency disappeared in the 1930s, and
thereafter United States Notes and silver certificates
differed only in that they were emissions of the
Treasury, rather than obligations of the Federal Reserve.
Distribution of the descendants of the original
Greenback ended in 1971. Silver certificates persisted
only so long as the market price of silver remained
below their face value, but once it rose beyond that,
their use became untenable. With their disappearance,
the ?country mansion? that is the currency of the United
States became simpler, but also much less interesting.
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Wednesday, August 22, 10AM ? Friday, August 31, 10AM
online at
1875 Colorado National Bank of Denver $5 Note, PMG
Very Fine 20; 1934 $500 Federal Reserve Note,
Fr. 2201a-D, PCGS About New 50; Confederate
Packing-House 5 Cent Note; 1882 The First National
Bank of Malden Brown Back $5 Note; 1902 The First
National Bank of Chicago Date Back Uncut Sheet
Coins & Currency at auction
Kyle Johnson 508.970.3191
MA LIC. 2304
President?s Column
July/August 2018
I?m two for two at IPMS KC. Last year, at the
first International Paper Money Show held in Kansas
City, I was able to pick up some unique Minnesota
obsoletes for my collection. We did it again this year!
Check out this charming, previously unreported piece
of scrip:
I was also able to pick up a winner at the auction
and a super rare pre-star replacement Black Eagle on
the bourse floor. We?ll try for a three-peat next year!
All these are icing on the cake. The IPMS lived
up to its reputation as the premier currency show in
the country. In addition to the bourse floor and
auction opportunities to buy and sell, there was the
Federal Reserve Bank tour, the SPMC breakfast, a
packed seminar agenda with twelve presentations by
leading researchers, 91 exhibit cases and the award
ceremony, and the SPMC Hall of Fame induction. I
just wish I had more time to participate in all these
Let me touch on some of our awards this year.
I look forward to the SPMC breakfast each year
as this is our opportunity to recognize deserving
individuals in the hobby. The Nathan Gold award, our
version of a lifetime achievement award, went to
Pierre Fricke for his many contributions in the CSA
field, as well as his long-time service to SPMC. We
were pleased to recognize Doug Davis, the IPMS
bourse show chairman and founder of the Numismatic
Crime Information Center, with the Founders Award
bestowed for outstanding service.
With the President?s Award, I thought Robert
Calderman and Gary Dobbins were especially
deserving for embracing the priorities we identified
last year in outreach, by setting up SPMC tables at
more regional shows. Loren Gatch took one of these
home as well, for his work on ERO foundational
Top recruiters for the year were once again
longtime missionaries to the hobby Laura Kessler and
Jason Bradford of PCGS Currency, along with Robert
Calderman. They earned the Nathan Goldstein
The ERO Award (formerly the Social Media
Award) went to Armand Shank for building on
Maryland on the ODP website and Mack Martin for
his work on Georgia over the last year.
Our editor, Benny Bolin, presented several
literary awards at the breakfast. The winners, selected
by you the membership with our online voting, can be
found on the SPMC website.
One important take-away from our SPMC board
meeting is that in the coming year, in time for the next
IPMS, we will start a new initiative to up the stakes in
our exhibit judging and correspondingly in the awards
we present for those exceptional exhibits. Watch for
details from our exhibit committee members Robert
Moon, Wendell Wolka, Robert Vandevender and
Robert Calderman.
We also discussed starting a speaker?s program at
the FUN show in January, aimed at introductory
topics to the hobby. Those who volunteered to give
talks are Robert Moon (nationals), Pierre Fricke
(Confederate), Wendell Wolka (obsoletes) and Robert
Calderman (small type). Many thanks to these
individuals for their part in building the Society and
proselytizing our hobby.
With that, it?s time for me to pack away the
banknotes and rebalance for the summer. I?ve always
told my two daughters that they need know their
passion and find their balance. I plan to spend the
summer somewhere in the sunshine with family and
friends. I hope you have a great summer!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Editor Sez
KC was FUN!
Hopefully you were all able
to join us for the 2018 IPMS in
Kansas City. If not, you missed a
great time and show. Once again
KC was a great venue and the Sheraton was
nice. After the show, my wife (Kim) and I went
to Eureka Springs and stayed a couple of
extra nights in a treehouse! Yes, the squirrels
were honored! That was neat, but I want to
go back and stay in one of the castle rooms or
the hobbit caves!
While IPMS has now become a time of
fun, meetings and mingling with old friends, I
was able to buy a few notes. My collecting
focus has changed drastically and am now
primarily only collecting fractional currency
look-a-likes and fractional manuscript notes,
pickings are slim. But, it is still a wonderful
time and one I would not miss for the world.
Well almost?Seems the HS choir is going on
a ten-day trip to Italy next summer and they
need a nurse and have asked me to go. But it
is during the same time as the IPMS?now
that is a quandary in that this would be the
first I have missed since 1985! Oh well we will
save that for a later day.
Kansas City was great. I got to meet up
with many old friends, made new ones and
got to see a LOT of paper money. This show
was pretty much my swan song as far as
exhibiting goes. I have place at least one and
most years two exhibits since my second
IPMS in 1986. My collecting focus has
changed to mostly research and literature, so
not a lot of notes to exhibit. Speaking of
exhibits, we must say a JOB WELL DONE to
new exhibit chair Robert Moon (and his able-
bodied assistant Frank Clark). Bob had some
incredibly big shoes to fill, those of long time
exhibit chair Martin Delger. He did a great job
and has wonderful ideas for next year?and
he won an SPMC runner-up exhibit award for
his exhibit on ?How to Get Your Wife
Interested in National Banknotes.?
Peter Huntoon once again did a great job
coordinating the speaker series. Many great
and educational presentations were done and
much knowledge was gained.
Club meetings were of course held. My
group, the Fractional Currency Collectors Board
(FCCB) met for dinner at a wonderful KC BBQ
joint and it was quite the time.
And we had the honor of installing five new
members to the SPMC Hall-of-Fame. I have
been privileged to know four of them. All have
contributed extensively to the hobby, but three
have had a hand in shaping my collecting career.
I started collecting coins in 1964 and sold all
of them and moved into paper money in 1982. I
got one of Hugh Shull?s early catalogs and was
forever hooked. For some reason, I started
collecting South Carolina obsoletes and he has
been a wonderful dealer friend, mentor and all
around good guy ever since.
Martin Delger of course was bourse chair
when I started exhibiting and as a fellow
fractional collector, gave me lots of tips and
advice on exhibiting and collecting in general. I
missed seeing Martin but wish him well.
Matt Rothert was the man responsible for
getting ?In God We Trust? placed on our paper
money. But to me he was more than that. I only
had the privilege of meeting him once or twice at
my early IPMSs, but his knowledge of fractional
currency was substantial. His Guidebook of
United States Fractional Currency? was one of
my earliest references and it was my true early
I have known Neil Shafer for many years,
primarily through our overlapping service on the
SPMC board and he is a true gentleman.
I never met Mr. Vanbelkum, but have many
pieces of correspondence between him and Milt
Friedberg on fractional.
To all five of these men, we say a hearty
CONGRATULATIONS on a well-deserved honor.
To finish, I just wanted to share a funny with
you. When I got home from my Arkansas trip
post KC, I had a letter in my mail that had an
FCCB return address on it (mine from when I
was newsletter editor). I looked at it and it seems
I had sent our members a one page note about
Tom Denly buying the third complete set of
fractional ever put together. It was postmarked in
Dallas on Aug. 7, 2000. It had a yellow RTS
sticker on it due to unable to forward that was
dated 6/3/2018. It had been in the hands of the
USPS for 18 years and finally made it back to me
with a 33? stamp! Glad it wasn?t real important!
Texting and Driving?It can wait!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
W_l]om_ to Our
N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk?SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
14774 Kelly Prinkki, Jason Bradford
14775 Gary Braisted, Robert Calderman
14776 Dan Dieter, Website
14777 Roddie Cook
14778 Robert Christiansen, Website
14779 Kyle Mullins, Jason Bradford
14780 Howard Sparks, Coin World
14781 John Lyons, Robert Calderman
14782 Karl Zimmerman, Robert Calderman
14783 Joe Bargowski, Jason Bradford
14784 Larry Scoggins, Website
14785 Jeffrey Jennings, Jason Bradford
14786 Jeff Poulson, Website
14787 Kraig Tripp, Robert Calderman
14788 David Harris, Shawn Hewitt
14789 Tom Havelka, Robert Calderman
14790 Jack Libman, Website
Life Memberships
14791 Brad Rogers, Website
14792 Edmund Ackerman, Website
14793 Nedf CPS, Website
14794 Kimberly Modrall, Jhon E. Cash
14795 Warren Pollard, Website
14796 William Lynch, Website
14797 Leonard Ballas, Website
14798 Patrick Bain, Website
14799 Matt Miller, Jason Bradford
14800 John Shannon, Jason Bradford
14801 James Polis, Website
14802 Gerald Bracken, Website
14803 Jacob Emmons, Website
14804 Jack Overmeyer, Don Kelly
14805 Boris Antipin, Website
Life Memberships
LM437 Wayne Jenevein, Pierre Fricke
LM438 Brian Kaufman, Website
LM439 William May, Website
For Membership questions, dues and contact
information go to our website
Summer is here! Time for Watermelons!!!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
? Three?returned?checks?have?been?received.?Two?for?INSF?Funds?and?one?for?forgery.?Members
? Financial?report?was?given?and?the?Society?is?in?good?financial?shape.
? Breakfast??$1280?in?tickets?were?sold.?The?breakfast?cost?was?$1444?and?$1201?in?raffle?tickets
? Advertising?checks?for?all?PM?advertisers?have?been?sent?in?to?Mr.?Moon.
? A?change?in?dues?submissions?has?been?completed.?Dues?will?now?be?send?directly?to
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
? The?normal?6?issues?were?published?in?2017
? 496?pages?not?counting?covers
? 46?articles?not?including?columns,?society?news?or?ads
? 340?pages?of?original?articles
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211,Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
?LAWRENCE? (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
WANTED: Republic of Texas ?Star? (1st issue) notes.
Also ?Medallion? (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
pre-1871 DC merchant scrip (Alexandria, Georgetown
& Washington). Send photo/price/description
Buying & Selling
? Obsolete ? Confederate
? Colonial & Continental
? Fractional
? Large & Small U.S. Type Notes
Vern Potter Currency
& Collectibles
Please visit our Website at
Hundreds of Quality Notes Scanned,
Attributed & Priced
P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
LargeSize Type
National Currency
Specimens, Proofs,Experimentals
FrederickJ. Bart
POBox2? Roseville,MI 48066
$MoneyMart $?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
?I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money?
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg?s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
S implified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Come join a group dedicated to the are
fractional fanatics!
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact Dave Stitely, membership chair
Box 136, Gradyville, PA 19039.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 X 21/4 $28.40 $51.00 $228.00 $400.00
Colonial 51/2 X 31/16 $25.20 $45.00 $208.00 $364.00
Small Currency 65/8 X 27/8 $25.45 $47.00 $212.00 $380.00
Large Currency 77/8 X 31/2 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Auction 9 X 33/4 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Foreign Currency 8 X 5 $38.00 $68.50 $310.00 $537.00
Checks 95/8 X 41/4 $40.00 $72.50 $330.00 $577.00
10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet--end
open 8
3/4 X 141/2 $23.00 $101.00 $177.00 $412.00
National Sheet--side
open 8
1/2 X 171/2 $24.00 $108.00 $190.00 $421.00
Stock Certificate--end
open 9
1/2 X 121/2 $21.50 $95.00 $165.00 $390.00
Map & Bond--end open 181/2 X 241/2 $91.00 $405.00 $738.00 $1,698.00
Photo 51/4 X 71/4 $12.00 $46.00 $80.00 $186.00
Foreign Oversize 10 X 6 $23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
Foreign Jumbo 10 X 8 $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
*Large size notes
*Large size FRNs and FBNs
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-7505
See out eBay auctions under
user ID DBRcurrency
1507 Sanborn Ave. ? Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size).
You may assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
Out of Country sent Registered Mail at Your Cost
Mylar D? is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar? Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the
equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 29, Dedham, MA 02027 ? 781-326-9481
ORDERS: 800-HI-DENLY ? FAX-781-326-9484
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/August 2018 * Whole No. 316_____________________________________________________________
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC?s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
? Hosts the annual National Currency and Coin Convention during March in Rosemont, Illinois.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
? Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
? Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the International Paper
Money Show, as well as Paper Money classes and scholarships at the A.N.A.?s Summer Seminar series.
? Publishes several ?How to Collect? booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
? Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Bea Sanchez ? Secretary
P.O. Box 44-2809 ? Miami, FL 33144-2809
(305) 264-1101 ? email:
Paul R. Minshull #LSM0605473; Heritage Auctions #LSM0602703 &
#LSM0624318. BP 20%; see 48408
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Deadline: July 16
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Fr. 181 $100 1880 Legal Tender
PMG Very Fine 30
Vermont February 1781 20s
PCGS Extremely Fine 40
From the Cherry Blossom Collection
Continental Currency April 11, 1778 $5
PCGS Superb Gem New 67PPQ
From the Cherry Blossom Collection
Continental Currency May 10, 1775 Marbled Edge $20
PCGS Extremely Fine 40
From the Cherry Blossom Collection
August 18, 1775 4s
PCGS Choice New 63
From the Cherry Blossom Collection
Fr. 196a $10 1863 Interest Bearing Note
PMG Very Fine 25
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