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Table of Contents
Territorial National Bank Note--Peter Huntoon
Arkadelphia Exchange--Charles Derby
Sherlock Holmes and the ABNCo Mystery--Greg Ruby
Townsend Test Scrip--Loren Gatch
Banknotes of Zambia and Malawi--Carlson Chambliss
Wait 2389--End of the Obsolete Era in N. J.--David Gladfelter
Series 1934A $20 Philadelphia FRNs--Jamie Yakes
Paper Money
Vol. LVII, No. 5, Whole No. 317 September/October 2018
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Territorial National Bank Notes
1231 E. Dyer Road, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 ? 949.253.0916
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Fr. 337b (W-3616). 1878 $100 Silver Certificate.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25. Fr. 379a (W-4580). 1890 $1000 Treasury Note.
PCGS Currency About New 50.
Fr. 1215d (W-4206). 1882 $500 Gold Certificate.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 35.
Types of Fr. 183. 1862 $500 Legal Tender Notes.
Face and Back Proofs. PCGS Currency Very
Choice New 64 and Very Fine 25.
Fr. 188 (W-4970). 1878 $5,000 Legal Tender Note.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25. Specimen.
Fr. 212e-I (W-3305). 1865 $100 Interest Bearing Note.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25.
Fr. 213 (W-1510). 1879 $10 Refunding Certificate.
PCGS Currency Choice About New 58 PPQ.
The Joel R. Anderson Collection of United States Paper Money Part III
The Caine Collection of Federal Proofs and Essays
The Caine Collection of Federal Proofs and Essays is the most diverse to have been formed
since the Schermerhorn holdings. It includes incredible rarities, many of which are unique
and have not been available publicly for decades. World class pedigrees are the norm and the
catalog promises to become a standard reference for this numismatic specialty.
Types of Fr. 1160-1166. 1870 $50 & $100 National
Gold Banknotes. Boston, Massachusetts. Kidder
National Gold Bank, Charter #1699. Face Specimens.
PCGS Currency Gem New 65 PPQ.
Fr. Unlisted. ND (186x) $5 Demand Note. Essay
Face Proof. PCGS Currency Very Choice New 64.
Fr. 2412. 1934 $10,000 Gold Certificate.
Face Specimen Proof. PCGS Currency New 60.
PAPER MONEY (USPS 00-3162) is published every
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changes to Secretary Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LVII, No. 5 Whole No. 317 September/October 2018
ISSN 0031-1162
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Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email?
Visit the SPMC website?
Territorial National Bank Notes
Peter Huntoon ............................................................... 292
Arkadelphia Exchange
Charles Derby. .............................................................. 310
Sherlock Holmes and the ABNCo. Mystery
Greg Ruby .................................................................... 318
Townsend Test Scrip
Loren Gatch ...................................................................... 326
Banknotes of Zambia and Malawi
Carlson Chambliss ...................................................... 336
Wait 2389?End of the Obsolete Era in N.J.
David Gladfelter .......................................................... 343
Uncoupled?Joe Boling & FredSchwan????????..?345
Cherry Pickers Corner?Robert Calderman ....................... 352
Quartermaster Column?Michael McNeil ............................ 355
Small Notes?Series 1934A $20 Philadelphia FRNs ........... 357
Obsolete Corner--Robert Gill ................................................ 359
Chump Change--Loren Gatch ............................................... 361
Presiden/Editor Message .................................................... 362
New Members ....................................................................... 363
Money Mart .............................................................................. 364
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
VICE-PRESIDENT--Robert Vandevender II, P.O. Box 2233,
Palm City, FL 34991
SECRETARY--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
Greenwood, SC 29649
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Robert Calderman, Box 7055 Gainesville, GA 30504
Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr., Dallas, TX 75238
Pierre Fricke, Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
Loren Gatch 2701 Walnut St., Norman, OK 73072
Joshua T. Herbstman, Box 351759, Palm Coast, FL 32135
Steve Jennings, 214 W. Main, Freeport, IL 61023
J. Fred Maples, 7517 Oyster Bay Way,
Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
PUBLISHER-EDITOR--Benny Bolin, 5510 Springhill Estates Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln.,ssex, CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC i s
held in June at the
International Paper Money Show.
Information about the SPMC,
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be from 12 to 17 years of age and of good moral character. Their
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Junior membership numbers will be preceded by the letter ?j? which
will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member
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DUES?Annual dues are $39. Dues for members in Canada and
Mexico are $45. Dues for members in all other countries are $60.
Life membership?payable in installments within one year is $800
for U.S.; $900 for Canada and Mexico and $1000 for all other
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but paid up members may request one from the membership director
with an SASE.
Memberships for all members who joined the S o c i e t y
prior to January 2010 are on a calendar year basis with renewals due
each December. Memberships for those who joined since January
2010 are on an annual basis beginning and ending the month joined.
All renewals are due before the expiration date which can be found on
the label of Paper Money. Renewals may be done via the Society
website or by check/money order sent to the treasurer.
P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776 ;;
And many more CSA, Union and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
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National Bank Notes
When I used to look from my house across the scores of miles of unobstructed vistas that comprised
the Laramie Basin of Wyoming, I could imagine the hopes of the pioneers who crossed here on the Overland
Trail in the 1860s. Transportation was arduous, Indians a threat, and the unknown over the next hill a
constant anxiety. Yet the adventurous pressed on. They were seeking opportunity and many wanted elbow
room. They found both, and they also found strength that only successfully living on the edge can provide.
The territorial nationals created by their dreams and labors are a small but very significant testament to their
Territorial notes occupy an exalted position in desirability and
rarity among national bank note collectors. The special allure of the
western territorials is tribute to the concept of a frontier. The island
territorials conger up romantic visions of exotic tropical paradises. The
territories and possessions containing banks that issued national bank
notes are listed on Table 1.
The primary purposes of this article are to define exactly what
constitutes a territorial note, and to explain what happened to the
territorial plates and unissued territorial notes in the Comptroller of the
Currency?s inventory once the territorial period ended. It will be
demonstrated that upon admission to statehood, the protocol for
handling territorial plates changed in 1889 from their continued use to
altering them into state plates. The peculiarities involved with labeling
found on some territorial notes will be addressed.
Westward expansion of the United States across the continent
Figure 1. Note signed by Chauncey B. Root and Edward Ivinson that passed through the doors
of the bank illustrated on Figure 3.
Figure 2. Edward Ivinson.
The Paper
Peter Huntoon
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
was rapid. It was as if the original 13 states
were situated adjacent to a void, so people
rushed to fill it. By the early 1800s, our
emerging culture elevated the conquest of
the west to a right. The western lands were
viewed as a gift that were open to hard
working people willing to secure them with
their labor.
The Federal government facilitated
the expansion by securing title to the lands
from England, France, Russia, Spain and
various Indian tribes through treaties,
purchases, annexations and wars. All the
institutions of the government, capitalism
and religion were bent to accomplish the
task. Immigrants came from all over to take
advantage of the opportunity presented, but
most were from Europe, most were
Caucasian, and most were Christian.
The emerging doctrine found voice
in editor John O?Sullivan in the July-August
1845 issue of the Democratic Review (De
Voto, 1943) who was writing in support of
the annexation of Texas from Mexico during
the administration of James Polk. In his
words, it was ?our manifest destiny to
overspread the continent allotted by
Providence for the free development of our
yearly multiplying millions.?
This lofty prose resonated with the expansionists, particularly because it made clear that God had
provided the opportunity and, by implication, sanctioned the enterprise. Manifest destiny was quickly recast
in more eloquent form through the crucial addition of a bit of the flag as ?It is the country?s manifest destiny
Table 1. Dates of organization and dates of statehood for territories containing banks that issued
national bank notes.
Date of Organic Act Date of Change
Territory or Date of Organization in Status New Status
Alaska, District May 17, 1884 Aug 24, 1912 territory
Alaska Aug 24, 1912 Jan 3, 1959 49th state
Arizona Feb 24, 1863 Feb 14, 1912 48th state
Colorado Feb 28, 1861 Aug 1, 1876 38th state
Dakota Mar 2, 1861 Nov 2, 1889 39th & 40th state
Hawaii Apr 30, 1900 Aug 21, 1959 50th state
Idaho Mar 3, 1863 Jul 3, 1890 43rd state
Indian May 2, 1890 Nov 16, 1907 part of 46th state
Montana May 26, 1864 Nov 8, 1889 41st state
Nebraska May 30, 1854 Mar 1, 1867 37th state
New Mexico Sep 9, 1850 Jan 6, 1912 47th state
Oklahoma May 2, 1890 Nov 16, 1907 part of 46th state
Puerto Rico Dec 10, 1898 Jul 25, 1952 commonwealth
Utah Sep 9, 1850 Jan 6, 1896 45th state
Washington Mar 2, 1853 Nov 11, 1889 42nd state
Wyoming Jul 25, 1868 Jul 10, 1890 44th state
Figure 3. The Wyoming National Bank of Laramie City,
Wyoming Territory (2110), taken about 1875, 15 years
before statehood. Photo courtesy of the American Heritage
Center, University of Wyoming.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent
which Providence has given us for development of the great
experiment of liberty.?
What is astonishing is that the 48 contiguous states
were fully settled within the next 50 years. The last of the
territories established to prepare those lands for statehood
completed the job on February 14, 1912, with the admission
of Arizona to the union.
The expansionists saw the end coming before the
turn of the century, so many set their sights beyond our
borders. It was an easy leap to extend the vision of manifest
destiny to colonial aspirations. The purchase of Alaska in
1867 launched this movement. We annexed Hawaii by a
contrived invitation and then quickly took several Caribbean
and Pacific islands from Spain as booty from the Spanish-
American War of 1898.
As the west opened, on the one hand there were vast
natural resources to be exploited, on the other there were Native Americans who came with the land. The
indigenous people didn?t find the doctrine of manifest destiny appealing, but then they had no voice in its
formulation. Zealous Americans attempted to maintain as clear a conscious as possible. They rationalized
that they were justified in their conquests because the opportunity to acquire new land that Providence was
providing to them was also obligating them to impart the benefits of civilization, Christianity and liberty
on the savage heathens they were overrunning. Similar sanctimonious sentiments were voiced as the
country geared up to become a colonial power.
In fact, the presence of ubiquitous indigenous populations was not a major concern to colonists. By
the 19th century, sociologists had a long record of European experience with the impacts of colonization
on natives, and it demonstrated that room was created for the newcomers. Stated succinctly, ?it was
axiomatic that aborigines perished before the march of civilization? (Lee, 1966, p. 172). The American
experience was an approximate 90 percent dieback of the pre-contact populations. The culprits on the
American continent were disease and genocide, whereas disease prevailed in Hawaii.
Hawaii affords an excellent closed system where population statistics are available, albeit
imperfect, to observe this phenomenon, and where adequate records document the causes. The following
discussion is summarized from Lee (1966) and Wright (1972).
Captain James Cook, upon finding the islands in 1778, estimated the native population at 300,000
to 400,000, figures viewed by most historians as over estimates. In 1823, missionaries estimated the
population at 142,050. By the 1850s the population had dwindled to 70,000; in 1900 it was less than 30,000.
Notice, the 1900 population was about ten percent of the low pre-contact estimate.
The official census in the late 1930s reveals that there were 21,000 full-blooded Hawaiians, 40,000
Figure 4. Engraving by Robert Hinschelwood
used on a $100 Spanish-American War Bond.
Figure 5. Our turn of the century stamps reflected our budding colonial aspirations, an international extension
of manifest destiny. Porto Rico, Cuba, Guam and the Philippines were added through the Spanish-American
War, with Guam and the Philippines providing the contemplated Hawaii-Wake-Guam-Philippine chain of naval
coaling stations needed to reach our Asian toehold in Shanghai, China.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
part-Hawaiians, 155,000 Japanese, 52,000 Filipinos, 29,000 Chinese, 7,000 Koreans, 30,000 Portuguese,
8,000 Puerto Ricans, 68,000 Caucasians, and 5,000 other. The grand total in the 1930s was 415,000, or a
population somewhat above Cook?s high estimate. The dieback of Hawaiians did indeed created space for
their successors, and none of them had to be shot as on the mainland. How did this happen?
Captain Cook?s crew left syphilis, the first major killer. Cholera or bubonic plague arrived in 1800,
peaking in 1805 with a loss of half the population; syphilis continued unchecked. Missionaries reported
that in the early 1800s, the population was so debilitated by disease, the people were incapable of caring
for their young, so infanticide became widespread. Epidemics of dysentery, measles, whooping cough and
influenza hit in 1848. Smallpox arrived in 1852 killing 10,000, followed by notable additional outbreaks in
1861, 1873 and 1882.
By mid-century, the native population was so debilitated, the colonial sugar plantation owners were
forced to import laborers from anywhere they could find them. This accounts for the Japanese, Filipinos,
Chinese, Koreans, Portuguese and Puerto Ricans in the 1930 census. The Chinese brought leprosy to the
islands in 1852, which caused serious havoc among the Hawaiians. Wright (1972, p. xiv) summed it up:
?Tourists come to Hawaii to bask in tropical sunshine and absorb the romantic glamour of this Paradise of
the Pacific, untroubled by what had happened to the Hawaiians who used to own the place.?
A territorial national bank note is any note that carries the designation Territory, Terr., Ter. or T.
within its title block.
The following were territorial plates that did not carry a territory label despite the fact that the
bankers used ?Territory? on their Organization Certificates. The notes correctly carry territorial plate dates.
Ch. Location Bank Series Plate
1417 Nebraska Nebraska City The Otoe County National Bank of Orig 10-10-10-20
4862 Oklahoma Oklahoma City The State National Bank of Oklahoma City 1882BB 10-10-10-20
5117 Alaska Juneau The First National Bank 1902PB 10-10-10-20
Of course, the notes printed from them qualify as territorials. Similarly, the territory label was omitted from
the overprints on the Series of 1929 issues from Alaska and Hawaii. They too are territorials.
Last, but not least, how should notes from the District of Alaska and Island of Puerto Rico be
classified? They are not territorials. They are grouped here with their territorial cousins because those
remote lands did not possess the status of states.
Post-statehood printings and issuances of territorial notes occurred. Notes continued to be printed
from Nebraska and Colorado territorial plates for years after statehood. Similarly, existing stocks of
territorial notes in the Comptroller of the Currency?s inventory continued to be sent to banks following
statehood until those stocks were depleted. The rule of thumb is that if a territorial location is specified on
Figure 6. The First National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu was the largest territorial bank and
now accounts for a quarter of the reported large size territorial notes.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
the note, it is considered a territorial no matter when it was printed or shipped to the bank
Existing Nebraska and Colorado territorial plates continued to be used long after statehood. It is
apparent that no one in the Department of the Treasury involved with the issuance of national bank notes
viewed territory labels on the notes as a problem at the time those states were admitted.
Nebraska became a state on March 1, 1867. However, as shown on Table 2, printings continued to
be made from all the territorial plates after statehood, including Series of 1875 printings. A total of 162,140
Nebraska territorials were printed. Of the 155,232 actually issued, only 43,400 were printed before
statehood, meaning that 72 percent of those issued were printed after statehood.
An extreme example is the 20-20-20-50 combination for The First National Bank of Omaha. Of
the 1,300 Original Series territorial sheets issued, only the first 100 were printed before statehood!
Nebraska territorials were being printed as late as February 1885 from the Series of 1875 10-10-
10-20 plate for The Otoe County National Bank of Nebraska City (1417). The last were sent to the bank in
May 1885, 18 years after statehood.
The Original Series 5-5-5-5 plate for Omaha (1633) was the only Nebraska Territory plate that was
altered into a state plate, an event that occurred in 1874. Territorial printings had been made from the plate
as late as 1870. Probably its alteration was triggered by the fact that the bankers placed an order for 1-1-1-
2 and 20-20-20-20 plates then and someone thought it desirable to bring the labeling on the old 5-5-5-5
plate into conformity with the state labels on the new plates. It was the first time a territory to state alteration
was carried out, but it was a one-off event.
Currently there are eight reported Nebraska territorial notes, representing a survival rate of 1 per
19,404 issued. Three of the eight were printed after statehood.
Figure 7. Title blocks from proofs from the three territorial plates that carried no territorial label. Notice that
the plate dates on each are territorial dates. Notes from the plates, of course, qualify as territorials. National
Numismatic Collection photo.
Figure 8. Ultra-rare Nebraska territorial that was only the third reported when I bought it
from Hal Birt (Glass Shoppe Coins) in Tucson in 1975. It was printed in 1875, eight years after
statehood, and was in the last shipment of 1-1-1-2s sent to the bank on July 26, 1875.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Table 2. Listing of the Original Series and Series of 1875 territorial and state sheets issued by the three Nebraska
banks that were chartered during the territorial period. All serial numbers are sheet numbers.
Last Printed
Before Last
Combination Plate Date Deliveries to Comptroller 3/1/67 Printed Shipments to Bank Issued
(209) The First National Bank of Omaha
Original Series
1-1-1-2 Jan 2, 1865 Jan 16, 1866-May 31, 1873 3000 8400 Jan 20, 1866-Feb 26, 1874 1 - 8400
5-5-5-5 Feb 20, 1864 Apr 11, 1864-May 21, 1873 2000 5425 Apr 13, 1864-Mar 19, 1874 1 - 5425
10-10-10-10 Feb 20, 1864 Jul 19, 1866-Jul 15, 1875 600 2050 Jul 24, 1866-Jun 3, 1876 1 - 2050
20-20-20-50 Feb 20, 1864 Jul 19, 1866-Jul 15, 1875 100 1300 Jul 24, 1866-Oct 3, 1876 1 - 1300
Series of 1875
5-5-5-5 Feb 20, 1864 Apr 19, 1881 500 none none
10-10-10-10 Feb 20, 1864 Nov 1, 1876-Apr 18, 1881 2500 Nov 25, 1876-May 11, 1881 1 - 2090
(no shipments to bank after July 14, 1877, until 501-2090 sent on May 11, 1881)
20-20-20-50 Feb 20, 1864 Mar 10, 1877-Apr 15, 1881 1250 Mar 22, 1877-May 11, 1881 1 - 1245
(1417) The Otoe County National Bank of Nebraska City
Original Series
1-1-1-2 Aug 15, 1865 Nov 23, 1866-Jul 26, 1875 1500 4800 Dec 10, 1866-Aug 2, 1878 1 - 4800
5-5-5-5 Sep 1, 1865 Nov 7, 1865-Jan 13, 1875 500 1350 Nov 14, 1865-Apr 28, 1875 1 - 1350
10-10-10-20 Sep 1, 1865 Dec 12, 1865-Jul 1, 1875 400 1900 Dec 18, 1865-Aug 7, 1875 1 - 1900
(no territory label on plate)
Series of 1875
1-1-1-2 Aug 15, 1865 Jan 14, 1876-Oct 29, 1878 800 Aug 2, 1878-Nov 21, 1878 1 - 360
5-5-5-5 Sep 1, 1865 Nov 3, 1875-Mar 9, 1881 1700 Nov 6, 1875-Apr 25, 1885 1 - 1399
10-10-10-20 Sep 1, 1865 Oct 6, 1875-Feb 25, 1885 1560 Oct 6, 1875-May 15, 1885 1 - 1489
(no territory label on plate)
(1633) The Omaha National Bank
Original Series
5-5-5-5 Feb 14, 1866 Mar 6, 1866-Nov 14, 1870 2750 7000 Mar 15, 1866-May 12, 1875 1 - 7000
Original Series
1-1-1-2 Jan 15, 1874 Jan 19, 1874-Jan 26, 1874 2000 Mar 19, 1874 only 1 - 2000
5-5-5-5 Jan 15, 1874 Jan 14, 1874 only 7750 May 12, 1875-Sep 25, 1883 7001 - 7750
20-20-20-20 Jan 15, 1874 Jan 15, 1874-May 3, 1875 2250 Mar 19, 1874-Aug 7, 1879 1 - 2250
Series of 1875
5-5-5-5 Jan 15, 1874 Sep 3, 1879-Aug 1, 1884 175 Oct 16, 1883-Dec 8, 1885 1 - 171
Figure 9.
Notice ?Neb.
Ter.? in the
script postal
location and
the territorial
plate date.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
A policy was adopted in 1889 during the tenure of Comptroller of the Currency Edward Lacey
whereby existing territorial plates were altered into state plates upon admission. The admissions of North
and South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho and Wyoming produced a flood of such alterations in 1889
and 1890. The altered plates carried statehood day as their plate date. This practice was followed from then
Some Series of 1875 Colorado Territory plates were still in use in 1890, so the Comptroller?s clerks
ordered that they be altered into a state form along with additional printings when unissued stocks of sheets
from them became depleted. Oddly, the plate date used on the altered plates was arbitrarily chosen as
February 1, 1890, instead of reaching back to August 1, 1876, which was Colorado statehood day.
Five plates for five banks were thereby altered, See Table 3. The first was the 5-5-5-5 Series of
1875 for The First National Bank of Colorado Springs (2179) certified March 26, 1890. The last was the 5-
5-5-5 Series of 1875 for The First National Bank of Central City (2129) certified January 17, 1893.
Ironically, the state plates for the 39 banks chartered in Colorado between 1876 and 1889, carried
plate dates that predate February 1, 1890. These include Series of 1875 plates for charters 2351 through
2694, and Series of 1882 plates for charters 2930 through 4172. The earliest were the plates for The German
National Bank of Denver (2351) that were dated 1876.
Surviving Series of 1875 Colorado state notes are about five times rarer than Original/1875
Colorado territorial notes.
Figure 10. $10 Series of 1875 proof from the 10-10-10-10 plate for The Stockgrowers National
Bank of Pueblo, Colorado Territory (2310). Colorado was admitted August 1, 1876, yet the
last printing from this territorial plate was received at the Comptroller?s office on August 26,
1884, eight years after statehood. The plate was then altered into a state plate in 1890. National
Numismatic Collection photo.
Figure 11. Notice the Feb. 1, 1890 plate date used when this Colorado Territory plate was altered into
a state plate. National Numismatic Collection photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Table 3. Colorado Territory plates that were altered into state plates, sheet serials issued from each, and the dates
when the state versions of the plates were certified for use. * = altered plate was E-F-G-H, others were A-B-C-D.
Date State
Sheet Serials Issued Plate Certified
(1833) First National Bank of Pueblo
Series of 1875
5-5-5-5 territory* 1 - 12750
5-5-5-5 state 12751 - 12899 Jun 28, 1890
(2129) First National Bank of Central City
Series of 1875
5-5-5-5 territory* 1 - 9050
5-5-5-5 state 9051 - 9105 Jan 17, 1893
(2173) First National Bank of Colorado Springs
Series of 1875
5-5-5-5 territory 1 - 4975
5-5-5-5 state 4976 - 6428 Mar 26, 1890
(2300) First National Bank of Trinidad
Series of 1875
5-5-5-5 territory 1 - 7225
5-5-5-5 state 7226 - 8761 Apr 10, 1891
(2310) Stockgrowers National Bank of Pueblo
Series of 1875
10-10-10-10 territory 1 - 1750
10-10-10-10 state 1751 - 2866 Oct 18, 1890
The transitions from territory to state were treated as title changes within the Comptroller?s office.
It was the policy of the office to issue old-title sheets until they were depleted before sending sheets with
the new title. Consequently, territorial sheets were sent to the banks until supplies ran out, the banks went
out of business or the bank?s charters were extended.
Arizona nicely illustrates the impact on survivability of territorial notes printed before but shipped
after statehood. A total of 365,494 Arizona territorials were issued and 44,790 of those were shipped after
statehood. Those sent after Arizona was admitted February 14, 1912, represent a little over 12 percent of
the total. Table 4 contains a complete list of them.
Figure 12. Territorials were sent to the banks after statehood until supplies were exhausted.
Series of 1902 10-10-10-20 date back sheets 187 to 460 for this Tombstone bank continued to
be shipped until June 29, 1915, more than three years after statehood.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Table 4. Arizona territorial national bank notes shipped to the banks after statehood. Statehood day was February
14, 1912.
Ch. Town Bank Series Sheet Comb. Bank Serials Notes Last Shipment
3728 Phoenix NB of Arizona 02DB 10-10-10-20 3405-5300 7584 Mar 19, 1913
4287 Tucson Consolidated NB 02DB 10-10-10-20 250-1000 3004 Apr 17, 1913
02DB 50-100 560-740 362 Jun 1, 1917
4440 Tucson Arizona NB 02DB 10-10-10-20 462-1500 4156 Jun 27, 1914
4729 Phoenix Phoenix NB 82DB 10-10-10-20 3683-3766 336 Feb 24, 1912
4851 Prescott Prescott NB 82DB 5-5-5-5 3792-4500 2836 Oct 30, 1912
82DB 10-10-10-20 2549-3200 2608 Oct 30, 1912
5720 Tempe Tempe NB 82DB 10-10-10-20 295-910 2464 Jan 10, 1916
5821 Clifton First NB 82DB 10-10-10-20 936-1250 1260 Feb 6, 1913
6439 Tombstone First NB 02DB 10-10-10-20 187-460 1096 Jun 29, 1915
6579 Globe First NB 02DB 10-10-10-20 3942-5300 5436 May 8, 1913
6591 Nogales First NB 02DB 10-10-10-20 1692-2240 2196 Mar 26, 1913
6633 Douglas First NB 02DB 5-5-5-5 1616-2583 3872 Sep 6, 1913
02DB 10-10-10-20 916-1700 3140 Jan 28, 1914
7591 Yuma First NB 02DB 10-10-1020 1441-2000 2240 Feb 13, 1913
9608 Yuma Yuma NB 02DB 10-10-10-20 2051-2600 2200 Dec 21, 1912
In general, the smaller the bank?s circulation, the longer it took to use up existing territorial stocks.
The small Tempe (5720) and Tombstone (6439) banks followed this trend. Their last territorial shipments
were sent on January 10, 1916 and June 29, 1915, respectively. The First National Bank of Tempe (5720)
maintained a very modest circulation through the large note era so the few sheets printed for the bank went
a long way. Two-thirds of the Series of 1882 date back territorials printed for the bank arrived after
The last shipment of Arizona territorials consisted of Series of 1902 date back $50s and $100s for
The Consolidated National Bank of Tucson (4287) in 1917. The bank began using them in 1910 and
received shipments concurrently with 10-10-10-20 sheets until February 28, 1913. By then 589 50-100
sheets had been received. The bankers ceased using high denominations in 1913 and didn?t resume their
use until 1916. A total of 740 territorial Series of 1902 date back 50-100 sheets had been printed for the
bank, so the Comptroller sent the remaining sheets, serials 590 through 740, beginning November 14, 1916
and ending June 1, 1917. No $50 or $100 state notes were printed for the bank thereafter, or for any other
Arizona bank for that matter.
One of the Consolidated 1902DB $50s is known to have survived, A331350-512-A. It is shown on
the Comptroller?s ledger to be the only outstanding $50 from all the $50 Series of 1882 brown back and
Series of 1902 date back notes issued from the bank.
A total of 44 Arizona territorials have been reported at this writing. Six, or 14 percent, were shipped
after statehood. They were the following.
Den Series Town Ch No Serial Date Shipped
10 1902DB Tucson 4440 X609113-827-A Jan 29, 1913
20 1902DB Tucson 4440 X609180-894-A Mar 31, 1913
5 1882DB Prescott 4851 H659138-3951-E Apr 27, 1912
10 1902DB Tombstone 6439 M280512-221-E Jul 23, 1912
10 1902DB Tombstone 6439 Y495102-438-D Apr 6, 1915
10 1902DB Nogales 6591 B714200A-1949-D Aug 7, 1912
Alaska remains special. It had two organic acts. The first on May 17, 1884 created the District of
Alaska. The second on August 24, 1912 established the Territory of Alaska. However, the reality is that the
national bank notes issued by the three Alaska national banks often carried the wrong designation for the
place at the time they were printed.
The First National Bank of Juneau (5117) was organized in 1898 during the district period, yet its
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Series of 1882 notes carried a territory label because that is how its organizers filled out their organization
certificate. Ironically, through serendipity, the territory labels on the Series of 1882 notes for the bank self-
corrected in 1912 when Alaska was designated a territory. It turned out that the 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882
Juneau plate was the only Alaska Territory plate that was made.
When the corporate life of The First National Bank of Juneau was extended in 1918, Alaska was a
territory but the new Series of 1902 10-10-10-20 plate made for it simply read Alaska.
The second bank chartered in Alaska was The First National Bank of Fairbanks (7718) during 1905.
It was organized during the district period, which was correctly noted by its organizers, so its Series of 1902
plates were correctly labeled as such. However, those plates were not altered to reflect Alaska?s new status
as a territory in 1912, so the Series of 1902 notes printed thereafter were technically mislabeled.
No territory label appeared on the Series of 1929 issues for Juneau, Fairbanks or Ketchican, the
three Alaska banks that issued that series. Omission of territory from them was an editing prerogative
exercised by the clerks in the Comptroller of the Currency?s office.
The officers for seven territorial banks selected ?The State National Bank of? for their title.
Obviously, they were anxiously anticipating admission. They were:
South McAlester 5537 The State National Bank of
New Mexico:
Albuquerque 7186 The State National Bank of
Artesia 9468 The State National Bank of
Figure 13. The word Territory
was omitted from the
overprints on the Series of 1929
notes printed for the Alaska
and Hawaii territories.
Figure 14. A few optimist bankers eager for their locations to gain statehood organized under
State National Bank titles.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Oklahoma City 4862 The State National Bank of
Shawnee 6416 The State National Bank of
Blackwell 7583 The State National Bank of
Wanette 8304 The State National Bank of
The handling of the Series of 1882 10-10-10-20 plate for The State National Bank of Oklahoma
City was exceptional because the notes printed from it did not carry a territorial label.
Note-issuing national banks could have been established anywhere in the United States or its
possessions. Beyond the contiguous 48 states, only Alaska with three banks, Hawaii with six, and Puerto
Rico with one, were chartered.
Numerous entrepreneurs began the process of organizing banks under national charters during the
glory days of the American colonial period during the first decade of the 20th Century. The following are
titles reserved during that period by organizers who never completed the process (Comptroller of the
Currency, 1901-1908 and various dates).
The First National Bank of Cape Nome
The First National Bank of Valdez
The First National Bank of Cardenas
The First National Bank of Havana
The United States National Bank of Havana
The First National Bank of Santiago
The First National Bank of Hilo
The Kohala National Bank
The First National Bank of Lihue
The United States National Bank of Colon
The First American National Bank of Panama
The First National Bank of Panama
The United States National Bank of Panama
The Panama Canal National Bank of Panama City
Philippine Islands:
The First National Bank of Manila
The United States National Bank of Manila
Porto Rico:
The Humacas National Bank
The First National Bank of Mayaguez
The American National Bank of Ponce
The First National Bank of Ponce
The First National Bank of Ponce de Leon, Ponce
The Ponce National Bank
The United States National Bank of Ponce de Leon
The American National Bank of San Juan
The First National Bank of San Juan
The National Bank of Commerce of San Juan
The Porto Rico National Bank of San Juan
The San Juan National Bank
The West Indian National Bank of San Juan
The ?Virgin Islands National Bank? at St. Thomas (14335) was organized April 15, 1935 and
chartered April 30. Its charter was only 15 beyond the last to issue Series of 1929 national bank notes!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
A total of 609 territorial or possession banks were chartered during the note issuing era. Three did
not issue: Tulsa, IT (7085), Comanche, IT (8361) and Schofield Barracks, HT (11050). The two Indian
Territory banks were chartered respectively on January 4, 1904 and September 12, 1906. Each liquidated
within a few weeks. The Schofield Barracks bankers declined to exercise their note-issuing privilege.
The net result was 606 issuing territorial banks, 605 of which issued large size notes and four of
which issued small size. The First National Bank of Ketchikan, AK (12578) received only Series of 1929
Table 5 is a list of all the territorial banks that moved, experienced town name changes, or obtained
title changes. These added additional towns and titles to the territorial stable.
The 606 issuing banks received from the Comptroller of the Currency 5,905,794 large size and
898,890 small size territorials. The face value of the large notes was $55,677,300 and that of the small notes
$9,315,430. Such numbers seem impressive but sink into insignificance if contrasted with the issuances
from a few of the largest mainland metropolitan banks.
The total number of territorial notes sent to the various territories seem to indicate that there should
be enough of them to go around. However, most in those totals were replacements for earlier territorials
that wore out in circulation. The fact is that surviving territorial notes from most of the issuing banks
represent genuine numismatic rarities.
There was only one truly large territorial issuer and that was The First National Bank of Hawaii at
Honolulu, which underwent two title changes during the Series of 1929 era. It alone accounts for over a
quarter of the reported large size territorials and well over 95 percent of the small size territorials. The
remaining notes in the territorial census are spread thinly over the remaining 605 banks from virtually
unheard-of places such as Bisbee, Arizona Territory; Mayville, Dakota Territory; Prior Creek, Indian
Figure 15. Fort Sill was established in 1869 north of what became Lawton, which was opened to settlement on
August 6, 1901. The bankers who organized The First National Bank of Fort Sill in March 1901 quickly
renamed their bank The City National Bank of Lawton five months later. National Numismatic Collection
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Territory; and Texico, New Mexico Territory. The fact is that no territorial notes have been found from
more than half the issuers.
Table 5. Territorial banks that experienced moves, town name changes and bank name changes. The date when
the new title was approved by the Comptroller of the Currency is listed.
Moves or town name changes:
Indian 5052 South McAlester The First National Bank of
McAlester The First National Bank of May 24, 1906
5404 Oakland The Cotton National Bank of
Madill The First National Bank of Jan 29, 1901
6804 Spokogee The First National Bank of
Dustin The First National Bank of Feb 18, 1905
New Mexico 8617 Sunnyside The First National Bank of (did not issue)
Fort Sumner The First National Bank of Oct 8, 1907
8662 Engle The First National Bank of (did not issue)
Cutter The First National Bank of Sep 7, 1907
Oklahoma 5753 Fort Sill The First National Bank of
Lawton The City National Bank of Aug 3, 1901
6113 Leger The First National Bank of
Altus The First National Bank of Aug 9, 1904
7159 Leger The Altus National Bank of
Altus The Altus National Bank of Feb 24, 1905
Washington 2924 New Tacoma The Tacoma National Bank of
Tacoma The Tacoma National Bank of May 12, 1887
Bank name changes:
Arizona 6591 Nogales The Sandoval National Bank of
The First National Bank of Dec 16, 1903
Hawaii 5550 Honolulu The First National Bank of Hawaii at
Bishop First National Bank of July 6, 1929
Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Nov 3, 1933
Indian 5404 Oakland The Cotton National Bank of
Madill The First National Bank of Jan 29, 1901
5950 Wapanucka The Farmers National Bank of
The First National Bank of Apr 20, 1903
6171 Lindsay The Citizens National Bank of
The First National Bank of Apr 24, 1903
6928 Durant The Choctaw-Chickasaw National Bank of
The Farmers National Bank of Sep 8, 1905
Montana 2106 Missoula The Missoula National Bank of
The First National Bank of Feb 26, 1889
New Mexico 6714 Roswell The Roswell National Bank of
American National Bank of Jan 15, 1906
7503 Hagerman The Hagerman National Bank of
The First National Bank of May 9, 1907
Oklahoma 5354 Chandler The Chandler National Bank of (did not issue)
The First National Bank of May 22, 1900
5462 Lexington The Lexington National Bank of
The First National Bank of Jun 2, 1904
5587 Alva The Exchange National Bank of
The First National Bank of Jan 22, 1903
5753 Fort Sill The First National Bank of
Lawton The City National Bank of Aug 3, 1901
8140 Frederick The Frederick National Bank of (not issue)
The First National Bank of Mar 22, 1906
A few small hoards have skewed the survival rates for a few of the territories. Two hoards greatly
increased the availability of Alaska notes, a group of $5 Series of 1902 red seal sheets from Fairbanks and
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
a small group of water damaged Juneau Series of 1902 plain backs. Only three other small hoards materially
affected territorial survival rates, a group of $5 Series of 1875 Central City, Colorado Territory (2129) black
charter notes that turned up decades ago, and two other early discoveries containing $1 Original Series
Pueblo, Colorado Territory and $1 and $2 Original Series Yankton, Dakota Territory (2068) notes. Half of
the surviving Wyoming Territory notes are from The Wyoming National Bank of Laramie City (2110),
most of which were saved by the bankers there, including a sheet of Series of 1875 $5s. Many of these
hoard notes, especially from Yankton, Pueblo and Laramie City, are in remarkable condition.
Otherwise territorial notes have dribbled in one at a time from highly diverse sources.
Idaho territorials were unknown before 1972 when the astute Dave Dorfman recognized and bought
a $5 Series of 1875 First National Bank of Idaho, Boise City (1668), serial N442232-1772-C in fine to very
fine condition, from a new purchase made by a dealer at a midwestern show. This fabulous discovery note
was sold for $12,000 as lot 92 in the May 4, 1973, session of the RARCOA Central States Numismatic
Society Auction in Peoria, Illinois. It was the first territorial to clear $10,000.
Nebraska territorials are particular rare owing to the antiquity of those issues. All are low grade.
One of the last to come in was an Original Series ace from The First National Bank of Omaha (209)
purchased for a few dollars from a dealer?s junk box in 1998 and 1999 by a fellow who was willing to stoop
to looking there.
There remains one eagerly anticipate territorial type note that has yet to be discovered, a Series of
1902 red seal from Hawaii. Only 4,356 of them were issued between The First National Bank of Lahaina
Figure 16. Indian territorial from a small settlement located 25 miles northeast of Tulsa in what
is now northeastern Oklahoma. Who could ask for a neater note?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
(8101) and The Baldwin National Bank of Kahului (8207).
If you are a condition crank?one of those who believe history should deliver perfect uncirculated
or at least suitably high-grade notes into your hands?you don?t belong in the territorial game. The average
grade of the surviving territorials is less than fine. A significant percentage of territorials exist in wretched
condition. A number of truly significant territorials are impaired with such horrors as faded seals, large
separations along folds, glue spots the size of dimes, or a thorough cover of dirt. A few have been found in
pieces. Such is life, these notes represented a vulnerable breed that generally circulated almost to oblivion
under the most adverse of conditions in the nether reaches of the frontier before most were redeemed. You
simply have to respect and appreciate those few that survived.
The greatest Wyoming territorial that I had the privilege to own was a $2 Original Series on The
Wyoming National Bank of Laramie City (2110) that I brought in from the cold in January 1975. It bears
serial 907 of exactly 1,000 issued in the entire territory. The note grades fair. It is bright enough on the back
but the Treasury seal is completely faded, there are bad tape skins on both ends of the back, and a split
extends about a third of the way up the center fold. Such a dog would disgrace a condition fanatic, yet the
late Tom Mason, the early primer collector of Wyoming nationals, acclaimed that the note as the ultimate
Wyoming national. It would have been redeemed long ago had it not been taped to the underside of a glass
counter in harsh sunlight for decades in a successor bank in Laramie.
The implication is obvious. The wear that gives the notes their pedigrees detracts little from them
when considered in light of the virtually insurmountable odds against their survival as work horses at the
end of civilization?s tether. Why should they be new? They weren?t designed to be presentation pieces to
be placed on the mantel like some hot house plant.
Early collectors, and some dealers and collectors these days, did not and still do not, appreciate
such notes. As a consequence, several of the greatest rarities have been doctored and continue to be doctored
so owners who can?t live with a little dirt and wear can place them without shame in albums side by side
with high grade notes from New York. Our game always delivers up what the buyers demand.
Probably a third of the reported territorials have been doctored. A couple of the greatest rarities on
my favorite territory, Arizona, have been grossly impaired through doctoring. The archetypical example is
the $50 Series of 1902 date back issued from The Consolidated National Bank of Tucson, Territory of
Arizona (4287). This pen-signed note graded about very fine but had a stain that penetrated through the
paper from the center of the back a bit into the title block. Some butcher erased at the stain on the back, but
of course all he succeeded in doing was to gouge out the paper. This amazing note was then trimmed and
pressed. Why was this such a crime? Only a handful of Series of 1902 date back $50s were issued in the
territory, 740 to be exact, and all were pressed into service by this bank. The redemption records for the
Figure 17. Only one bank issued $2s in Wyoming Territory and there were
only 1,000 of them, with this the sole reported survivor. It grades fair. Are
you sophisticated enough to appreciate it?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
bank reveal that every single $50 issued by this bank was redeemed except this remarkable specimen.
On February 1, 1967, I added my first territorial to my budding collection. The note was a $20 red
seal from The Citizens National Bank of Alamogordo, Territory of New Mexico (8315), that looks XF. I
reached for it, paying $175, and it represented what seemed like an unattainable dream for a 24-year old
newbie collector. To say the least, I was excited. I sincerely hope that you will experience the thrill of a
comparable discovery?in numismatics or elsewhere. Such luck makes life worth living!
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1875-1929, Certified proofs from national bank note face plates: National Numismatic
Collections, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1912, Receipts of national bank currency from the engravers: Record Group 101, U. S. National
Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1935, National currency and bond ledgers: Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives, College
Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1901-1908, Applications for the organization of national banks: Record Group 101, U. S. National
Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, annually, Annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency: Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC.
Comptroller of the Currency, various dates, Incomplete applications for national banks: Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives,
College Park, MD.
Continental National Bank Note Company, 1863, Proof of $5 Original Series First National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska Territory
plate: National Numismatic Collections, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
Lee, W. Storrs, 1966, The islands: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, NY, 408 p.
Wright, Theon, 1972, The disenchanted Isles: Dial Press, New York, NY, 304 p.
Figure 19. In my
opinion this is the
most spectacular
Idaho Territorial
that has been
discovered. Can you
see the basis for my
judgement? Photo
courtesy of Jess
Figure 18. Does this illustration even need a caption?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Table 6. Reported large size territorial notes as of June 2018.
Number Number Survival Number Percent
of Notes of Notes (1 per # of Reported Reported
Territory Reported Issued Issued) Banks Banks Banks
Territory of Alaska 2 6792 3396 1 1 100
Alaska - unlabeled 7 6224 889 1 1 100
Territory of Nebraska 8 155232 19404 3 2 66
Territory of Idaho 8 76524 9565 8 5 62
Territory of Washington 13 244654 18819 40 10 25
Island of Porto Rico 14 15414 1101 1 1 100
Territory of Wyoming 16 97848 6115 11 5 45
Territory of Montana 37 280764 7588 25 11 44
Territory of Arizona 45 365494 8122 18 15 83
Territory of Utah 48 221208 4608 17 10 58
Territory of Dakota 51 412118 8080 74 22 29
District of Alaska 68 57424 844 1 1 100
Territory of Colorado 83 476306 5738 13 10 76
Territory of Oklahoma 124 631752 5094 158 69 43
Indian Territory 162 942276 5816 175 80 45
Territory of New Mexico 172 902352 5246 55 34 61
Territory of Hawaii 289 1013412 3506 5 4 80
Total or Average 1147 5905794 5148 605 280 46
Figure 20. There was one note-issuing bank in Porto Rico, which utilized Series of 1902 red
seals and blue seal date backs. This note is from the first shipment of 10-10-10-20 sheets sent
to the bank on December 20, 1902. Andrew Shiva photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
No Bank? No Problem! The Arkadelphia Exchange, Arkansas
Charles Derby
Arkansas was without banks during the Civil War
because it did not trust them. After Arkansas
became a state in 1836, its legislature established
two banks: the government owned State Bank of
Arkansas and the publically owned Real Estate
Bank of Arkansas.1,2 But with the Panic of 1837,
the suspension of redemption of their bank notes
in specie in 1839, and continued printing of new
notes, bank currency lost its value, and by 1844
both banks closed. The loss of trust in banks
became legislated in 1846, with a state
constitutional amendment that ?No bank or
banking institution shall be hereafter
incorporated, or established in this State.? This
was the law in Arkansas until after the Civil War.
Still, people needed currency for commerce, so
private institutions, essentially unincorporated
local banks owned and operated by local
merchants and stockholders, printed money and
backed it. In Arkansas, these institutions were
called ?exchanges,? and they existed in most
cities and towns. Currency bearing the term
?Exchange? is known to have been used in
Murfreesboro, Helena, Washington, Magnolia,
Eunice, Batesville, Fort Smith, Searcy, and
Powhatan.2 In some cases, such as the
Washington Exchange Company and the
Columbia Exchange Company in Magnolia,
seven or eight stockholders or merchants are
listed on the notes, representing those
participating in the exchange. In other cases, such
as the Fort Smith Exchange, the name of a single
company ? Mayers & Bro. ? is listed on the note.
In yet other cases, such as the Searcy, Arkansas,
Exchange, no names or merchants are printed,
and only the signature gives a hint as to the
merchants involved. The focus of this article is
the currency from the Arkadelphia Exchange, of
which a 50-cent note is shown in Figure 1.
Arkadelphia is situated on a bluff overlooking the
Ouachita River in Clark County in southwest
Arkansas. Clark County was established in 1818
as Arkansas? third county, named after the
famous explorer William Clark.1,3,4 Originally
named Blakelytown for one of its early settlers,
Arkadelphia was given its name, meaning "arc of
brotherhood," when it became the county seat in
1842. Arkadelphia grew as it became the market
for farms that sprang up along the Ouachita
River?s flood plains and surrounding areas, and
by 1860, Arkadelphia was the seventh most
Figure 1. Arkadelphia Exchange 50 cent note from June 12th, 1862, signed by I. W. Smith and printed by John N. Harris.
From Heritage Auctions.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
populous town in Arkansas. During the Civil
War, Arkadelphia became a depot for salt and
ordnance works. With its commercial interests
and without state or bank currency, Arkadelphia
looked to its citizens for notes, and the
Arkadelphia Exchange was their answer.
Arkadelphia Exchange Notes
Rothert2 lists six types of notes from the
Arkadelphia Exchange: R11-1 (10 cents), R11-2
(25 cents), R11-3 (50 cents), R11-4 and R11-5
($1), and R11-6 ($2), and he shows images of
R11-1, R11-2, and R11-5. Rothert also lists six
print dates: Jan. 1, 1862; May 16th, 1862; June 12,
1862; July 25th, 1862; Jan. 1, 1863; and 186_ with
the rest to be filled in by hand. Since some notes
have the same date (for example, R11-1 and R11-
2 are both July 25th, 1862), there are many more
than six types of notes. A 15-cent note has also
been reported, with a different date than those
listed above, January 18, 1862. In fact, almost
every note that I have examined differs from
others in some way. Examples of Arkadelphia
notes are shown in Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4. Figure
2 shows four varieties of $1 notes: the first is
R11-5; the rest are R-UNL, and all have different
dates. Figure 3 shows two varieties of 10 cent
notes, identical except for the border: the 10 cent
note with an ornate border is the R11-1 plate note
in Rothert, and the other with a simple double
straight-line border. Many notes have a wavy line
border shown for the 50 cent note in Figure 1. Yet
other notes, including other examples of this 50-
cent note, as well as notes in Figure 3, have
borders that are partially wavy lines and partially
Figure 3. Arkadelphia Exchange 10 cent notes. Top is the
R11-1 plate note from Rothert. Bottom is R-UNL, similar to
R11-1 but with a different border. The border of R11-1 is
identical to the border of the $1 Jan. 1st, 1863, note at the
bottom of Fig. 2.
Figure 2. Arkadelphia Exchange $1 notes. Top is R11-5
(courtesy of Rodney Kelley), the rest are R11-UNL. Middle
and bottom from Heritage Auctions.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
simple lines. Figure 4 shows the 15-cent note
(R11-UNL). Most notes were hand signed by ?I.
W. Smith,? with an example enlarged at the top of
Figure 5. Two notes ? the $1 R11-5 note and the
15-cent note have what appears to be identical
signatures that may be stamped rather than hand
signed (middle two notes in Figure 5). One note
(bottom of Figure 5) appears to have a signature
other than I. W. Smith. A complete description
of the diversity of notes from Arkadelphia
Exchange is needed.
John N. Harris, Printer of the Arkadelphia
Exchange Notes
The 10 and 25 cent fractional notes dated July
25th, 1862 (R11-1 and R11-2, respectively), have
the imprint ?J. N. HARRIS, PRINT.? Rothert
describes similar 50 cent (R11-3) and $1 (R11-4)
notes, but I have not seen these notes to confirm
that they have the same imprint. Although other
Arkadelphia exchange notes do not bear an
imprint, similarities in the fonts and text in these
notes strongly suggest that they were all produced
by the same printer. Even the $1 note at the
bottom of Figure 2, with different shape and
general appearance than the others, has the same
border and text font as the 10-cent note at the top
of Figure 3. The 25 cent Arkadelphia Exchange
note (R-UNL, and bearing the date January 18th,
1862, not listed in Rothert 2) is very similar to a
25 cent note from Chicot County Exchange, as
shown in Figure 6, revealing that ?J. N. HARRIS,
PRINT.? was responsible for these notes from
Eunice, a town that disappeared in a flood in
?J. N. HARRIS, PRINT.? refers to John N.
Harris.5 John Harris was born in Alabama in
1821. He probably served in the Mexican War,
and then moved to Arkadelphia soon thereafter,
by 1850.4 He married Elizabeth Ann Davenport
(1837-1897) in 1851 when she was only 14 years
old. Elizabeth was born in Alabama to James
William Davenport (1806-1853) and Laurena
Rogers Davenport (1810-1837). In 1850,
Elizabeth was living in Caddo, Clark County,
with her deceased mother?s brother, Wylie
Newton Rogers (1813-1891) and his wife,
Melissa Janes Rogers (1824-1890). By 1860, at
37 years old, John Harris was a newspaper
Figure 4. Arkadelphia Exchange 15 cent note. R11-UNL.
Courtesy of Rodney Kelley.
Figure 5. Signatures from 4 notes. Top to bottom: 50-cent
(Fig. 1), $1 R11-5 (top Fig. 2), 15 cent (Fig. 4), and $1 R11-
UNL (bottom Fig. 2).
Figure 6. 25 cent notes from Arkadelphia Exchange and
Chicot County Exchange. Both are R-UNL and likely from the
same printer, ?J. N. Harris Print.? From Heritage Auctions.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
publisher and job printer, had acquired a
respectable personal wealth of $1,000 in real
estate and $2,000 in personal estate, and was the
father of four children.7 John and Elizabeth
eventually had 8 children. Harris worked for
Arkadelphia?s first newspaper, The Arkadelphia
Sentinel, and its publisher, Robert L. Pegues,
which was established in September 1850.4
Harris later became the proprietor of the
newspaper, The Arkansas Traveler. The story of
The Traveler is told in Allsopp8. The Traveler
was first published in Arkadelphia in 1852. The
Traveler was started by James A. Warner, who
ran it for 18 months before selling out to Samuel
M. Scott. In turn, Scott ran The Traveler for three
years before selling it in 1857 to Harris,
Davenport, & Co., with John Harris as lead
partner and one of his wife?s family members,
probably her father James Davenport, as junior
partner. John Messenger was hired as editor. It
was during this time, in 1862 and 1863, that
Harris printed the Arkadelphia Exchange notes
from his job print business associated with The
Traveler. Harris sold The Traveler during the
Civil War to Rev. J. E. Cobb, and it was
discontinued shortly thereafter. After the war,
Harris again purchased The Traveler and co-
published it with D. Dyer (probably Don Dyer,
son of Nicholas Dyer, postmaster and leading
citizen of Arkadelphia6) and hired Lou T.
Kretschar as editor. The Traveler?s post-war run
was short before it closed for good.8 In 1870, John
Harris was still in Arkadelphia and working as a
printer.7 By 1880, at age 59, he was living in
Missouri, Clark County, and ?keeping hotel.?7
John Harris died October 28, 1892, in Gurdon,
Clark County. John?s legacy as printer and
newspaper publisher lived on in his son, Samuel
Scott Harris (1859?1919), who John named after
Samuel Scott from whom he purchased The
Traveler in 1857. John taught the printing and
newspaper business to son Scott, who, after
working at The Traveler with his father, and later
working at The Arkadelphia Daily News and The
Arkansas Gazette, founded his own newspaper,
The Gurdon Times, in 1894, two years after the
death of his father.8
Isaac Williams Smith, Signer of the
Arkadelphia Exchange Notes
The Arkadelphia Exchange notes bear the
signature ?I. W. Smith.? The man behind the
signature is Isaac Williams Smith (Fig. 7).5,7,9 He
was born on
January 13,
1818, in Johnson
County, Illinois.
His mother and
father both died
by 1835, so in
November 1837,
at the age of 19,
he left Illinois
and moved to
Arkansas where
his older brother,
Willis S. Smith
had settled in 1833 (Fig. 8). Willis lived in
Greenville, which was the Clark county seat at the
time, where he quickly established an upstanding
reputation. He was elected Clark County?s first
sheriff in 1836 and served as the county?s
assessor and collector. When Isaac joined Willis
in Greenville, he was elected constable, then
deputy sheriff serving under his brother. The fact
that the brothers were over 6 feet tall must only
have helped them in their official duties. Isaac
married Angelina Janes (1820-18630) on August
1, 1839, in Clark County. Angelina was sister to
Melissa Janes Rogers, thus connecting Isaac
Smith to John Harris through marriage. Though
Isaac and Angelina had 11 children, only two
survived into adulthood. Angelina died in
January 1863, and Isaac remarried in October
1865 to Mary F. Dickens (1841-1883). They had
three children. Isaac and Willis both resigned the
sheriff?s office in 1844. Willis had learned
medicine and established a medical practice
while also farming at his Rawl?s Hill plantation
near Whelen Springs (Fig. 8).1,6
Figure 7. Isaac Williams Smith.
From 5.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Isaac held the elected position of clerk of the
circuit and county court in 1846-1856, as well as
several other public offices. In 1856-1862, he was
a merchant working for Barkman, Kingsbury, &
Co.9 In 1858, Isaac received a license to practice
law, and in the same year, he helped establish the
Arkansas Institute for the Education of the Blind.9
In 1862, he filled in as county clerk when the
current clerk resigned, and also served as the
county?s representative in the Arkansas Senate
until the end of the war. From 1865-1874, he
practiced law and farmed in Beech Creek
township, near Willis?s plantation. In 1874-1886,
Isaac was elected judge of the county and probate
court. In 1886, he was again elected to represent
Clark County in the State Legislature.10 In 1894-
1896, he again served as county judge.
Obviously, the people trusted Isaac, and he in turn
felt an obligation to serve his community. As
clerk and judge of the county court, Isaac spent
many years in the Clark County Courthouse in
Arkadelphia (Fig. 9).3 Built in 1844 after
Arkadelphia became the county seat in 1842, this
building served as the court house until 1899
when the new and current courthouse was
constructed. Isaac wrote and signed many Clark
county documents as clerk and judge, and these
are still accessible today. An example is shown in
Figure 10.
Isaac died in 1894 at his farm. His
obituary11 reveals that he died ?of general debility
after a brief illness.? The author of his obituary
described Isaac as ?amongst the bright galaxy of
all the old time pioneers, there was no character
more untarnished, no nature more genial, no
nobler, no better perhaps.?He was a practical
pains taking, matter of fact thorough going,
industrious, sober business man, and certainly he
demonstrated and exemplified
during the half century and more he
lived in Clark county, that he was
supremely an honest man. Although
possessed of great energy and force
of character, his was, withal, a
generous, kindly disposition; and so
extraordinary indeed, was he
endowed with social qualities.? A
biographer9 concluded, ?No name is
justly entitled to a more enviable place in the
history of Clark County?for it is borne by a man
who has been usefully and honorably identified
with the interests of this county, and with its
advancement in every worthy particular.?
What Was the Arkadelphia Exchange, and
Why Did Isaac Smith Sign their Notes?
What merchants were involved in the
Arkadelphia Exchange? Since the names of
stockholders or merchants associated with the
Exchange were not printed on the notes, the only
clue on the notes themselves is the signature of
Isaac Smith. A key to this puzzle is that when
Smith signed the notes in 1862, he was working
for Barkman, Kingsbury, & Co.9 This company
was owned by James E. M. Barkman (1819-
1865) and Thomas Dwight Kingsbury (1821-
1875). While Smith had a respectable $3,300 real
estate and $3,200 personal estate in 1860,
Barkman and Kingsbury were much wealthier:
Barkman owned $30,000 real estate, $35,350
personal property, and 28 slaves, and Kingsbury
owned 25,000 real estate, $11,000 personal
Figure 8. Dr. Willis Smith (left) and his Rawl?s Hills Plantation (right).
From 6.
Figure 9. Clark County Courthouse, where Isaac Smith
spent years as county clerk and judge. From 3.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
estate, and 13 slaves.7 James Barkman was the
son of Jacob Barkman, one of Arkadelphia?s
original settlers who migrated to the region in
1811. Jacob Barkman (Fig. 11), a businessmen
and plantation owner, generated substantial
wealth,1,3,4,6 but it was James who as a planter and
entrepreneur became extraordinarily wealthy.
In 1860, James built an expansive mansion
that stands today (Fig. 11).1 James served in the
Arkansas State House of Representatives in
1854,6 and when the Civil War began, he enlisted
on July 27, 1861, as 1st lieutenant in the 2nd
Arkansas Mounted Rifles, Company F.13
Thomas Kingsbury?s brother, George Steele
Kingsbury, was a sergeant in the same company
as James Barkman. Barkman was discharged in
May 1862 when the regiment reorganized at
Corinth, Mississippi.13 Thomas Kingsbury?s
father, Dr. Samuel Kingsbury, was also an early
settler of Arkadelphia who died in 1826 when
Figure 10. Document written and signed by Isaac W. Smith as clerk
of the Clark County Circuit Court in 1854. From
Figure 10. Document written and signed by Isaac W. Smith as clerk of the Clark County Circuit Court in 1854.
Figure 11. Left, House of
James E. M. Barkman, built
in 1860. From 12. Right,
James? father, Jacob
Barkman, one of the original
settlers in Clark County.
From 4.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Thomas was only 5 years old.5,6 During the war,
Barkman, Kingsbury & Co., besides all of its
many other business activities, sold blankets,
guns, and other items from to Arkansas troops,
even those as distant as in Virginia.13 It is a
reasonable speculation that it was the wealthy
merchants James Barkman and Thomas
Kingsbury who organized and financed the
Arkadelphia Exchange, and Isaac Smith signed
its notes in his capacity as employee of Barkman,
Kingsbury, & Co.
A Final Note from Isaac W. Smith
Postwar Arkansas continued to experience hard
economic times, a dearth of banks (only three
national banks existed between 1862 and 1882),
and a lack of circulating currency. Consequently,
cities and counties were forced to issue their own
warrants and currency. The note in Figure 12 is a
$10 warrant from Clark County, issued by the
county treasurer, Jacob Lawson Stroope, to Isaac
Smith, payable ?out of any money in the Treasury
appropriated for county expenditures.?
1 Encyclopedia of Arkansas History & Culture. Butler
Center for Arkansas Studies, Central Arkansas Library
System, Little Rock
2 Rothert, Matt Sr. 1985. Arkansas Obsolete Notes and
Scrip. The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
3 Clark County Historical Association.
4 Clark County, Arkansas: Past and Present. 1992. Clark
County Historical Association, Arkadelphia.
5 Records in
6 Syler, Allen B, Wendy Richter, Krist Smith, Velma Seale,
Laverne Todd, editors. 2002. Through the Eyes of Farrar
Newberry. Clark County, Arkansas. Clark County Historical
Association, Arkadelphia.
7 U.S. Censuses, accessed through
8 Allsopp, Fred William. 1922. History of the Arkansas
Press for a Hundred Years and More. Parke-Harper
9 Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of
Southern Arkansas. 1890. The Goodspeed Publishing Co.,
Southern History Press.
10 Arkansas Historical Commission. http://ahc-
11 Obituary of Isaac W. Smith (1894 newspaper article,
accessed through
12 Arkadelphia Regional Economic Development Alliance.
13 Christ, Mark K. 2002. Getting Used to Being Shot At. The
Spear Family Civil War Letters. University of Arkansas
Press, Fayetteville.
**Thanks to Rodney Kelley and Bill Gunther for their
comments on this work.
Figure 12. 1875 Clark County Treasury Warrant (R13-2), paid to I. W. Smith. From Heritage Auctions.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
By Greg D. Ruby
One of John Richard Flanagan's three illustrations in The Adventure of the Three Garridebs,
as published in the October 25, 1924 issue of Collier?s.
I was first introduced to the famous consulting
detective Sherlock Holmes, in The Adventure of the
Three Garridebs, in my fifth-grade reading class.
A few months earlier, I had just started collecting
coins. Early in the story, an eccentric collector is
polishing an ancient Greek coin when Holmes and
Watson visit his home. Later, we discover a
counterfeiter?s printing press in a secret basement
of that collector?s home.
I was intrigued by what I had read and
mentioned this to my family. A few weeks later, I
was given a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories
by my grandfather for Christmas. I remember
curling up in my bed, reading The Adventure of the
Red-Headed League. This story involved an
attempt to rob a bank that had recently deposited
30,000 French gold coins in its vaults. I was now
hooked on the tales of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle authored 56 short
stories and 4 novels featuring the detective and his
companion over 40 years, from 1887 until 1927.
The publishing company of Doubleday & Doran
issued a revised second edition of its Complete
Sherlock Holmes after Doyle?s death in 1930.
Doubleday asked a New York literary magazine
columnist, Christopher T. Morley, to provide an
introduction to the new edition.
As Morley was growing up in Baltimore at the
turn of the 20th century, he became a fan of Holmes
and would head down to the central branch of the
Enoch Pratt Free Library to read the stories shortly
after they were published in Collier?s. After stints
with Ladies? Home Journal and the Philadelphia
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Evening Public Ledger, he began working for the
New York Evening Post.
While at the Post, Morley began a column,
The Bowling Green, in the newspaper?s pullout
Saturday Review of Literature and continued as a
columnist when the SRL became a stand-alone
publication in 1925. Still an aficionado of the
Holmes stories, he occasionally included some
Sherlockian items in his columns. Remember, at
this time, there were still about a half-dozen
Holmes stories not yet published!
Morley was very much a social person and
enjoyed forming ?clubs? and inviting like-minded
individuals to gather for lunch or dinner. On
January 6, 1934, a group of 15-20 people gathered
for a cocktail reception at New York?s Duane Hotel
to celebrate Sherlock Holmes? birthday. (This date
also happens to be the birthday of Morley?s
younger brother, Felix.) From this modest
beginning, the Baker Street Irregulars would
become a literary society dedicated to the memory
of the great consulting detective. The BSI would
hold its first dinner on December 7 of that year and
a second dinner on January 6, 1936.
The BSI would not gather again until January
30, 1940, at New York?s Murray Hill Hotel, and
this is where our mystery begins. A General Motors
executive, Edgar W. Smith, had begun a
correspondence with Morley several years earlier
and volunteered to arrange future BSI Dinners.
Morley accepted the offer, and the BSI has its first
dinner in four years.
221B: Studies in Sherlock Holmes, edited by Vincent
Starrett. Photograph courtesy of Ray Betzner
One of the highlights of the 1940 BSI
Dinner was that each of the 35 attendees
would receive a copy of Vincent Starrett?s
newly published work 221B: Studies in
Sherlock Holmes. Starrett was unfortunately
unable to attend the dinner, as noted in the
minutes of the dinner taken by Smith:
The Gasogene-Tantalus read a
telegram received from Mr. Vincent
Starrett, whose unfortunate absence from
the meeting can be compared only with the
intolerable absence of Mrs. Hudson from
the Baker Street scene. The meeting voted
spontaneously to send greetings and a fully
autographed copy of the book to Mr.
Starrett, an action which, in the
preoccupations which ensued, was
probably not accomplished.
Baker Street Irregulars 1940 Dinner at the Murray Hill Hotel, New York
Photograph ? Baker Street Irregulars and courtesy of the
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Allan M. Price, at right, at the 1940 BSI Dinner
One gentleman who attended the 1940 BSI
Dinner was Allan M. Price, Manager of Domestic
Sales for the American Bank Note Company. Price
had attended the two previous BSI Dinners in 1934
and 1936, and would attend the next one in 1941.
Price was also a member of Morley?s Three Hours
for Lunch Club, which was a predecessor to the
BSI. Price would pass away on February 16, 1943.
Now, let?s move ahead 73 years -- Saturday,
January 12, 2013, to be precise. The annual dinner
of the Baker Street Irregulars held at the Yale Club
in New York City is just one event in what is now
referred to as the Sherlock Holmes Weekend,
which runs from Wednesday through Sunday. The
dinner (now with 160 attendees) is followed by a
market on Saturday, at the Roosevelt Hotel, where
vendors sell books, collectibles and other items of
Sherlockiana to the several hundred who trek to
New York for the weekend.
One vendor, Javier Doria, a dealer of
antiquities from Madrid, had a flurry of activity at
his table in the Merchants Room. He was offering
for sale two brass ?plates? with symbolism found
on U.S. currency, along with images and emblems
of Sherlock Holmes. Both plates were mounted on
wooden plaques, one with handles, giving it the
appearance of a serving tray. Each references the
January 30, 1940, BSI dinner, while the second
plate also indicates that it was presented in Toronto
on July 11, 1940.
I call this first plate as the ?New York? plate
and will refer to the second as the ?Toronto? plate.
The ?New York? plate is mounted on a dinner tray,
likely made of oak, and measures approximately
18.25 x 26.5 inches, with brass-and-wood handles
at each end. The plate design features Holmes?s
profile, after a popular drawing by Frederic Dorr
Steele (the illustrator of the Holmes stories
appearing in Collier?s), centered in a magnifying
glass device, with the engraved thumbprints of
?Partners in Crime? Vincent Starrett and Harold S.
Latham (a trade editor at Macmillan) on either side.
Reliefs of The Great Seal of the United States and
the Annuit C?ptis seal found on the reverse of the
United States one-dollar bill are at the upper
corners next to the inlaid obverse and reverse of an
1895 Victoria shilling. At the upper center is ?The
Macmillan Company / 221b Studies in Sherlock
The ?New York? plate,
with handles.
Photograph courtesy of
Heritage Auctions.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Holmes 221b / January 30 1940 New York? and
?The Baker Street Irregulars? is under Holmes?s
profile. Engraved along the bottom edge is ?The
Broad Street Irregulars ? Lambie & Barrowman ?
American Bank Note Co.?
On the back of the tray, is a mounted oval
wooden label marked ?United States of America,?
with an Asian character enclosed in a triangle
beneath it. Additionally, three items are pasted to
corners: a partial review of Charlie Chan at the
Race Track rubber stamped ?Avenue de Colmar /
Schlumpf / Mulhouse,? a newspaper photo of a
recreation of the interior of 221b Baker Street with
brief description, and a label with barely legible
holographic pencil notations. Some additional text
is carved directly into the wood, and a small brass
mount is attached.
The ?Toronto? plate is mounted to a walnut
board and measures approximately 19.5 x 29.5
inches. The plate design follows the same currency
motif as its New York predecessor, with the same
The Great Seal of the United States and the Annuit
C?ptis, with six 1895 Victoria shillings inlaid (one
of which is surrounded by the legend Allan M.
Price / Holmes Maker). Centered on the plate is an
engraving of Holmes in profile, after the popular
drawing by Frederic Dorr Steele within a
magnifying glass device surrounded by words ?Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Agent 1895.? At the
upper center is ?The Baker Street Irregulars / The
Macmillan Company / Studies in Sherlock Holmes
/ January 30 1940? with ?221 B? on either side of
the date. Surrounding the central Holmes figure are
eight radiating lines, four per side, bearing the
fancifully named dishes served at the BSI dinner
such as Ice Cream and Petit Signs of Four. Further
there is a larger medallion of Queen Victoria below
the Holmes profile and two engraved fingerprints
at the extreme right and left, unlabeled though
likely belonging to Starrett and Latham, the
?Partners in Crime? of the January 1940 plate.
Mounted directly on the board beneath the plate is
the label ?With the Compliments of / The
Macmillan Co. / 11 July 1940, Toronto.?
On the back of the plaque is a square section
of heavy cardboard measuring 6.5 x 5.5 inches,
with a central watercolor showing through a
beveled opening. There are numerous stamps and
notes. It seems to have been addressed like a letter:
?C/o Stanley Hopkins OBE / Theodore Fischer /
Galerie Fischer [a Swiss auction house]
Haldenstrasse 19 / Luzern / Telephone
Until that Saturday in January 2013 in the
Merchants Room, no one in the Sherlockian world
was aware of these plates? existence. The minutes
of the 1940 BSI Dinner make no mention of them.
In writings about the BSI history, the 1940 dinner
has been described at length (Arthur Conan
Doyle?s son, Denis, attended and was somewhat
taken aback that his father was considered by the
attendees to be the literary agent for Dr. Watson
The ?Toronto? plate
Photograph courtesy
of Heritage Auctions
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
and not the author of the stories), and attendees
were interviewed for their recollections. Once
again, no mention of these plates appeared in those
A few general comments and observations
about these two plates:
* Both plates, in the bottom right corner,
bear the words American Bank Note Company. In
addition, the ?Toronto? plate specifically mentions
Allan M. Price, an ABNCo employee. It would
seem logical that he was involved in some way
with the manufacture of these two plates.
* Also, both plates have the words Lambie &
Barrowman centered on the bottom. Arthur Conan
Doyle was an ardent advocate of Oscar Slater, who
was convicted and imprisoned in 1909 for a murder
in Scotland the previous year. Helen Lambie was
the victim?s maid, and Mary Barrowman was a
witness at the crime scene. Both testified against
Slater. Slater?s conviction was set aside in 1928 by
the Scottish Court of Criminal Appeal.
* In the bottom left corner of both plates are
the words The Broad Street Irregulars. The
headquarters of the American Bank Note Company
was located at 70 Broad Street in New York.
ABNC occupied the building from its construction
in 1908 until vacating the property in 1988. The
building is still standing today. Perhaps there were
additional fans of Sherlock Holmes at ABNCo in
addition to Price?
* The border on the wooden plaque for the
?Toronto? plate matches the border on the brass
plate itself. This would seem to indicate that the
plate and plaque were both made when it was.
* It is this author?s opinion that neither brass
plate was manufactured in time for the January
dinner. Arrangements for the dinner began as a
result of a letter dated December 30, 1939, from
Morley to Smith. Smith sent out postcards to
invited guests on January 9, a mere three weeks
before the dinner. Would this have been enough
time for Price to make the necessary arrangements
to produce the ?New York? plate? The ?Toronto?
plate includes the menu items from the January
dinner. Would these items have been known before
that first dinner to guests, or perhaps the plate was
made afterward as a commemorative, using the
menu card from that dinner?
Several weeks had passed since the 2013
Sherlock Holmes Weekend, when another buzz
began about the plates. A United Kingdom auction
house, Mullock?s, was slated to auction off two
Sherlock Holmes plates on May 21, 2013. One
plate was familiar to us and the other not.
The ?Toronto? plate was consigned but did
not sell. The ?New York? plate was not consigned,
and according to some reports, was purchased by
someone who had viewed it in New York and acted
as an agent for an unknown party. A third plate was
consigned, totally different from the first two. This
third specimen was not displayed in New York, as
its owner sent it to a third party who considered
purchasing it but ultimately declined.
I refer to this third plate as the ?Bank Note?
plate. The design is an etched plate in the form of
a bank note featuring the profile of Sherlock
Holmes (after Steele) and bearing the legend
?American Bank Note Company ? Principal Office
78-86 Trinity Place New York.? The plate
measures approximately 23x14cm and is inlaid
into a wooden tray measuring approximately
41?23 cm. On the outer rim of the tray is a plaque
reading: ?BSI Institute of Higher Studies ? and
Felix kept on walking on Broad St and never a
crossword ? FVM Wardman Park Hotel 1943?
American Bank Note Company Headquarters at 70 Broad Street in
New York
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
A few general comments and observations
about this third plate:
* It makes no mention of the Baker Street
Irregulars, the Broad Street Irregulars or the two
witnesses in the Oscar Slater trial.
* Its design is much closer to that of an actual
banknote and features some classic ABNCo cherub
* The address of
78 ? 86 Trinity
Place in New York
was the principal
address of
ABNCo from
1882 until it
moved in 1908 to
headquarters and
printing plant
facilities. At the
time of the BSI
Dinners, this
address was the
New York Curb
Exchange (now
known as the
American Stock
* The references on the rim of ?BSI Institute
of Higher Studies ? and Felix kept on walking on
Broad St and never a crossword ? FVM Wardman
Park Hotel 1943? appeared to be added later.
Christopher Morley?s brothers, Felix and Frank,
are referenced. All three Morley brothers were born
in the Philadelphia area and graduated from nearby
Haverford College. Broad Street is a major street in
downtown Philadelphia. Felix was the creator of
the crossword puzzle that appeared in the Saturday
Review of Literature (the original ?entrance exam?
required for admittance to the initial BSI gathering.
Frank Morley was a resident of Washington, DC?s
Wardman Park Hotel at times, but not in 1943.
This third tray is the most intriguing to the
author. With the discovery of all three plates
around the same time, it would be natural to assume
they were manufactured in close proximity time-
wise. With the first two plates referencing events in
1940, why would the third plate have an address for
ABNCo that had not been used in over 30 years?
Is it possible that the ?Bank Note? plate was
actually made while ABNCo was located at Trinity
Place? If this were the case, that would mean the
plate was produced while Conan Doyle was still
writing new Sherlock Holmes stories!
All three plates feature the vignette by
Frederic Dorr Steele of William Gillette as Holmes.
Gillette started portraying as Holmes on the stage
in 1899. Steele illustrated the Holmes stories for
Collier?s beginning in 1903, with The Hound of the
Baskervilles. Steele would not meet Gillette in
person until 1905. Since the Trinity Place offices
were in use until 1908, this does provide a brief
The ?Bank Note? Plate. Photograph by Mullock?s
William Gillette as Sherlock Holmes
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
window of opportunity for the ?Bank Note? plate
to be produced there.
Unfortunately, it appears that the ?Bank Note?
plate might have been manufactured in the 1930s.
Andrew Malec, a Sherlockian expert on Frederic
Dorr Steele?s work, has been unable to find any use
of this vignette of Gillette as Holmes until 1929,
when Gillette began his farewell to the stage tour.
So, we are left with several unanswered
questions about these three plates:
* Did the Manager of Domestic Sales for
ABNCo, Allan M. Price, have the clout with the
staff within ABNCo?s Printing Plant to have these
plates made as a ?side project??
* Each plate is currently unique. This would
seem to be much effort exerted for a minimal
return. Brass was in high demand during World
War II. Could additional plates have been made
and then later melted for the war effort?
* Was the ?Bank Note? plate made in
conjunction with the other two plates, or was it a
totally separate project?
Both the ?New York? and ?Toronto? plates
were sold on October 8, 2014, by Heritage
Auctions. Hammer price was $7,187.50 for each
one and included a 25% buyer?s premium. It is
believed that both were purchased by the same
anonymous bidder. The ?Bank Note? plate was
sold via private treaty in 2014 and resides within a
private collection in the United States.
Thanks to Jon Lellenberg for his assistance
with this research. If anyone has additional
information, or other theories, about these plates,
the author would welcome correspondence at
American Bank Note Company Printing Plant, 1201 Lafayette Avenue in the Bronx, 1909 ? 1985
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
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Sales Tax in
?Shortcuts to Utopia?? Townsend Test Scrip
During the Great Depression
By Loren Gatch
Of the various kinds of scrip used in the United
States during the 1930s, one variety issued as late as
1937 sought not to remedy hard times, but to test the
feasibility of an idea: Dr. Francis Townsend?s plan for a
national old-age pension. Townsend?s basic idea was to
issue all retired citizens a monthly payment that had to
be spent within thirty days. Funding for the pensions
would come, in part, from a broad-based, national
transactions tax. Townsend maintained that the surge of
economic activity stimulated by the pension payments
would make the idea affordable, if not self-financing.
Derided by President Roosevelt and the Democratic
Party as ?shortcuts to utopia?, versions of the Townsend
Plan were promoted by a national network of thousands
of clubs with millions of members that comprised the
Townsend movement. While the Townsend Plan never
became law, Dr. Townsend?s advocacy and the political
weight of his followers shaped the early politics of
Social Security, pushing that program in a more
generous direction than it otherwise would have gone.
The Townsend Plan was not a monetary panacea,
in the sense that it did not propose that retirees receive
pensions in special scrip or other currency. Nonetheless,
it did share notions present in other, more overtly
monetary schemes, namely a concern with the velocity
of money and a faith in the economic potency of the
money multiplier. Thus, Townsend?s ideas have been
classed along with other monetary reform proposals of
those years such as Irving Fisher?s stamp scrip, Major
Douglas?s Social Credit, or the California ?Ham and
Eggs? initiative of 1938.
In early 1937, several local Townsend clubs did
embark on precisely the sort of scrip experiments that
the national movement had avoided. Beginning with
Townsendites in Chelan, Washington, a scattering of
clubs across the country sought to test Townsend?s ideas
on a small scale by issuing to selected individuals an
amount of purchasing power, either in the form of an
especially earmarked supply of official currency or
other checks and scrip, with the proviso that the
individuals spend those funds as quickly as possible. In
turn, local merchants pledged to assess themselves a
transactions tax on the turnover of these designated
funds. If the ideas underlying the Townsend Plan were
sound, the reasoning went, then the surge in business
ought to generate a tax revenue sufficient to replenish
the funds initially paid out?a pension perpetual motion
The results of these ?Townsend Test? scrip issues
were not particularly auspicious. Indeed, the
experiments themselves were repudiated by Dr.
Townsend and the national movement, claiming they
distracted from the political goals of electing Townsend-
friendly legislators and getting a pensions bill through
Congress. Nonetheless, they were encouraging enough
to the intrepid organizer of the first Chelan test, Isom
Lamb, that he sought unsuccessfully to scale up
Townsend-inspired scrip, in Utah and elsewhere, in the
form of the United Prosperity Plan, Inc.
The Rise and Spread of the Townsend
In its origin story, the Townsend Movement began
with the depression experiences of Dr. Francis Everett
Townsend, a retired physician in Long Beach, CA. The
loss of his wealth in the 1929 crash along with the
everyday spectacle of the indigent elderly led him in
September 1933 to write a letter to the local newspaper
calling for the creation of a plan whereby everybody
over the age of 60 would be automatically eligible for a
$200 a month pension, with the proviso that each person
spend the whole amount at the end of 30 days. Pensions
would be funded by a 2% ?transactions tax? on most
economic activity in the country?something like a
modern-day value added tax (wages and salaries would
be exempt). People on such pensions would be
forbidden from working, to reallocate their jobs to
younger applicants. The original plan caught on in
popularity, and in February 1934 Townsend formally
established the Old Age Revolving Pensions, Ltd., as his
organizational vehicle.
Left: Francis Townsend, founder of the movement bearing his
name. Right: A period postcard highlighted its independence
from party politics.?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
While this plan underwent many modifications over the
years, its economic premise remained fundamentally
fantastic, with respect to its realism. For Townsend
argued that his pension plan, rather than being a fiscal
burden, would represent a great economic stimulus to
the country. As old people spent their pensions on a
specific schedule, the injection of purchasing power
would increase the national income, thus lightening the
burden the pensions would otherwise impose upon the
nation. Indeed, Townsend contended, funding old
peoples? retirement would result in a spending stimulus
that would eliminate unemployment.
Despite its fiscal extravagance, the plan appealed
to ordinary older Americans because it styled itself as a
pay-as-you-go plan that didn?t propose to tax the rich.
Unlike the schemes of other agitators like Huey Long or
Father Coughlin, the Townsend Movement was radical
without attacking anybody, cloaking itself in patriotic
and religious symbolism and centering upon the
virtuous figure of Townsend himself, who assumed a
cult-like status in the eyes of his middle-class, Protestant
As one student of the Townsend Movement, Edwin
Amenta, observed of the 1930s, ?concocting anti-
Depression remedies was becoming a national pastime?,
and Townsend?s proposal was not unusual for the time.
To Amenta, the real innovation of the Townsend Plan
was not its ideas, but the mobilization strategy followed
by Townsend?s confederate, Robert Earl Clements. A
former real estate man, Clements was the organizational
genius behind the rapid transformation of the Townsend
Plan into a nationwide movement. Using the sales skills
of his previous profession, Clements built the national
movement by delegating the organization of local
Townsend Clubs to agents working on commission. In
turn, the many rivulets of club dues and newspaper
subscriptions produced a growing and lucrative stream
of revenue that financed the expansion of the national
movement, personally enriching Clements and Francis
Townsend?s family.
From its beginnings in early 1934, the Townsend
club network grew with extraordinary rapidity. By 1935,
the movement claimed some 3,000 clubs around the
country, though its support always remained strongest
in California and the Pacific Northwest. Politicians
noticed, and the Townsend movement became involved
in the national debate over Social Security, with Dr.
Townsend himself appearing before Congress that year
in support of an unsuccessful bill, introduced by
Representative John S. McGroarty of California, that
would have established a national pension scheme along
Townsend?s lines.
Despite its program being panned by authorities,
the Townsend movement thrived throughout the 1930s.
The millions of elderly members of the Townsend club
network certainly didn?t see themselves as members of
a special interest. Attacks upon Townsend?s ideas and
Townsend himself only reinforced his followers?
convictions. Though hostile to Roosevelt and willing to
solicit Republican support, Dr. Townsend tried to stay
above partisan politics in a way that both kept his
reputation unsullied and made him a martyr in his
followers? eyes when attacked by conventional
politicians and other critics.
Robert Clements? organizational genius imparted
to the movement a certain vitality even in the face of
legislative frustration. In Edwin Amenta?s words, ?the
Townsend Plan anticipated the techniques of
Tupperware and Amway.? Despite the passage of Social
Security in 1935, the movement continued to grow,
reaching nearly 8,000 clubs and 2 million members by
early 1936. Organizationally, the Townsend Plan
combined an extremely top-down policy direction with
a decentralized membership and financial structure.
While the thousands of individual clubs didn?t dictate
policy, they were expected to contribute financially, via
dues and subscriptions, to sustain the cause. Internally,
clubs mobilized their supporters by providing them with
opportunities for socialization, fellowship, and
purposive activity that overcame the frequent loneliness
of old age. Club members were particularly encouraged
at meetings to envision the cornucopia of goods they
could purchase with their new pensions. Indeed, the
movement partook in no small way of the fervor of
evangelical Christian revivalism, with the upright and
slightly-sanctimonious Dr. Townsend leading his flock
to the Promised Land.
The Townsend Test Scrip of 1937
In March 1936, Clements parted ways with the
Townsend Plan, selling his share of the Old Age
Revolving Plan Ltd. to Dr. Townsend for considerable
personal profit. Thereafter, the movement experienced
some organizational turmoil, as Townsend abandoned
his figurehead position to assert more direct control over
the organization and flirted with more divisive public
figures like Father Coughlin and the Rev. Gerald L. K.
Smith. Townsend also embarked on a more partisan
political style, stumping for William Lemke?s
ineffectual third-party candidacy in the Presidential
election of that year.
In this environment, with membership growth
stalling and club revenues to the national organization
plummeting, individual clubs struck out on their own
with unsanctioned scrip initiatives. The first scrip plan
was put into effect in January 1937 by the Townsend
club in Chelan, Washington, a small town in the apple-
growing part of the state. Isom Lamb, the supervisor of
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Chelan?s club, staked $200 on a six-month scheme
whereby a pensioner chosen by lot would be given that
amount of money, with instructions to spend it as
quickly as he or she could. In turn, local businesses
agreed to pay a two-cent tax on each time one dollar of
that money was spent within the community; as the
funds circulated, the resulting tax payments would build
up a fund which, at the end of a month, would be
available for the next eligible recipient, and so on. At
least Lamb seemed to think it was feasible: ?I believe
this tax each month will produce enough revenue to add
at least one new pensioner each month?and before the
guaranteed test of six months is over we shall see all
eligible under the Townsend Plan provisions in Chelan
receiving the maximum $200 a month.?
A person of great energy, Isom Richard Lamb
evangelized the Townsend Test experiment to other
Washington communities even as he ran Chelan?s. The
Chelan undertakings represented the original, extreme
version of the idea, one that Townsend himself and his
organization had backed away from by the late 1930s.
Several assumptions would have to come true for it to
work. The original funds would have to be a net addition
to the community?s purchasing power. The funds would
have to remain in the community, and not leak out for
external transactions. The rapidity with which they
circulated had to compensate for the withdrawal of 2%
tax on each transaction. Each earmarked dollar of the
fund would have to be spent fifty times to accumulate
its replacement by month?s end. This meant that
merchants pay the tax not only on the original
expenditure by the lucky pensioner, but on every
subsequent use of the earmarked funds throughout local
commerce. This would have required extraordinary
levels of cooperation among the citizens of Chelan to
The first recipient of these test funds was one
Curtis C. Fleming, a 63-year-old unemployed orchard
worker chosen by popular contest at a Chelan dance
hall, where the entry ticket gave each attendee one vote
in the selection of the winning candidate. Fleming duly
received $200 in one-dollar bills that were enclosed in a
paper sleeve so that their distinct status could be
identified for taxing purposes. In an article in Paper
Money from Spring 1972, Robert S. Vanderwende
described the arrangement thus:
[t]he currency had attached, stapled in all four
corners, a printed slip, the same size as the currency. At
the top of the slip was printed: ?This is a Chelan,
Washington, Townsend Test Dollar. Please write your
name and the date it entered your hands on space
below. Spend locally. If this bill entered your hands 30
days after the first date, please tear off this slip and give
to Miners & Merchants Bank, Chelan.?
Upon receipt of the tagged notes and applying their
own signatures, merchants would then set aside the
requisite two percent tax. Dogged by national reporters
who chronicled each of his expenditures, from his wife?s
visit to the beauty parlor to utilities and grocery bills,
Fleming dropped some $82 the very first day. Merchants
in turn maintained their separate ?kitties? into which the
tax revenues were to flow.
As Fleming?s spending spree went on into the third
week of January, the Chelan Townsend Test
encountered a problem: souvenir hunters were taking
the tagged notes out of circulation, some of which had
already accumulated up to ten signatures. Isom Lamb
also alleged that a rival Townsend group in nearby
Wenatchee, known as the ?McGroarty Boosters?, were
hoarding the notes to sabotage the experiment. In
response, the mayor of Chelan appealed to businesses to
collect two percent on all transactions, tagged notes or
no, to accumulate the necessary funds for the next
month. Indeed, Lamb suggested that a general sales tax
might generate enough revenue to provide for multiple
Why a rival group would have sought to disrupt the
test is not entirely clear, though the letter Lamb claimed
to have received from the other Townsend group
expressed concern that the failure of an unimpeded test
of Townsend scrip would have cast a shadow over the
larger movement. In an editorial, the New York Times
seemed to expect as much, anticipating that the failure
of Chelan?s ?one-man Townsend plan? would reveal the
fallacies in the national plan. In any case the national
Townsend leadership had never approved the tests and
would soon repudiate them once it became apparent that
Isom Lamb wanted to substantially expand the
In this press photo, Isom Lamb sends the Flemings
on their spending ways.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Given the difficulties of using sleeved dollar bills,
the first Chelan test generated a measly $23 in tax,
barely a tenth of what Townsend Test promoters had
hoped for. At the beginning of February, Isom Lamb
again fronted the funds for a second experiment, but
with some changes. To head off sabotage as well as
souvenir hunting, for this second round Chelan adopted
a different method. Mrs. Retta Freeman, a shop keeper
fallen on hard times, was chosen to receive and spend
the second $200, this time in the form of checks drawn
upon the Miners & Merchants Bank in round amounts
ranging from ten cents to one dollar. Upon receipt of a
check, merchants were required to endorse the back and
set aside the appropriate tax. This new arrangement was
hardly less inconvenient than the old one, and the checks
themselves were hardly immune to extraction by
collectors. But at least the funds behind any uncashed
checks ultimately remained in the bank.
Thanks to publicity generated by the Chelan test,
clubs in other communities around the country moved
to undertake their own experiments in early 1937,
copying to varying degrees the details of the Chelan
precedent. Those communities nearest Chelan had been
the focus of Lamb?s evangelism. In Brewster, a town a
few miles north of Chelan, Dave Sampson, a 61-year-
old unemployed laborer and father of 11, was chosen to
receive $200 in checks made out simply to the name
?Prosperity.? The club in Cle Elum, to the southwest of
Chelan, issued $400 in checks to two of its members.
Other experiments undertaken elsewhere garnered
national attention, as reporters followed the spending
habits of their fortunate guinea pigs. The Townsend club
in Greenfield, Massachusetts, announced it would hand
out $200 in tagged bills to one of its own members, Mrs.
Carrie Saben, subject to the same transaction tax. Each
of the bills was accompanied by a slip which stated,
?This is a Townsend dollar. Each time it
changes hands the person receiving it is requested to
pay 2 cents as a voluntary transaction tax to the
person paying it, who in turn is requested to pay the
2 cents to Mrs. Carrie E. Sabine or to the W.L.
Goodnow store at 238 Main Street, Greenfield,
Mass., for the Greenfield Townsend club. Check a
square below each time the dollar changes hands.?
In inaugurating the program, the president of
Greenfield?s club did not shortchange on the rhetoric.
?And just as those few scattering shots at Lexington
foretold the booming of the cannon at Bunker Hill?so
the spending of this $200 in Townsend fashion among
the merchants of Greenfield will foretell a bigger, better
day when the Townsend plan is a law and not a
dream?Mrs. Saben, you are our beloved herald of
better times. God speed you on your sacred errand.?
In Moberly, Missouri, a local stationer proposed to
bankroll the issue of $1,200 in ?Townsend Money?,
upon which would be levied a three percent tax. The Hot
Springs, South Dakota club chose Rufus Pack, a 77-
year-old painter, to spend $200 for the first of a three-
month experiment. Instead of tagged currency, the club
would convey to the pensioner the equivalent in scrip,
backed by standard funds in the club?s treasury. To foil
the impact of souvenir hunters, the scrip was to be called
in and reissued at certain dates, allowing abstracted
specimens to be replaced with new ones. A club in
Sarasota, Florida, issued 500 cards which participating
merchants were to punch with each transaction. Once a
card was completely punched, it could be redeemed with
the merchants for the cumulative tax. Fulton, New
York?s club raised $200 which it then used to back an
issue of scrip divided evenly among four lucky
At about the same time that Carrie Saben began her
spree, the town of Bergenfield, New Jersey undertook
its experiment not so much out of any fervent local
belief in the Townsend Plan but for the sheer publicity.
After raising $200 by selling 25-cent chances to local
citizens, the winner was chosen by lot to receive a like
amount of ?Townsend Recovery Plan Revolving Fund
(Dollar) Notes? drawn on the Bergenfield National
Bank & Trust Co. Harry C. Fichter, a thirty -year-old
home builder from Tenafly, hardly qualified as a
?pensioner?, but his ticket drawn by the spin of a wheel
at a Townsend club social entitled him to the windfall.
Other clubs looking into running their own Townsend
tests included those in Ogden, Utah; Middleboro and
Springfield, Mass; Cleveland, Ohio; the California cities
of San Jose, Ontario, and Santa Cruz; and Harlingen,
A Townsend-Chelan Test check (image courtesy of Lake
Chelan Historical Society)?
Bergenfield, New Jersey?s Townsend scrip
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
The Townsend Stamp Scrip of Eugene and
Springfield, Oregon
Unlike the use of circulating checks in Chelan and
Brewster, the Townsend club of Lane County, Oregon
undertook at the beginning of February to issue actual
scrip. While it is unclear as to whether Isom Lamb had
any specific influence upon this choice of medium,
carrying out a Townsend test using the stamp scrip
method was an intuitive way of implementing a version
of the movement?s core ideas, and moreover brought
together two fads, one new and one old. Instead of
merchants endorsing the instrument, as in Chelan or
Brewster, and accumulating the two-percent tax receipts
themselves, under the Lane County plan tax stamps
could be purchased in advance and affixed to the back
of the note, much as was done during the national stamp
scrip boom five years earlier.
In the Lane County experiment, forty businesses in
the city of Eugene contributed $400, which was placed
in trust at the First National Bank of Eugene as backing
for the scrip. The notes came in two denominations: 50
cents (with space on the back for fifty 1-cent stamps)
and 1 dollar (with space for fifty 2-cent stamps). The
orange and blue scrip features a portrait of Townsend,
gaunt and bespectacled, from which an obvious halo
radiated across the face of the note, reflecting the
characteristic reverence that members felt towards their
leader. Framed by typical Townsendite slogans, the field
of the note is otherwise taken up with a list of the
participating Eugene merchants and the terms and
conditions of the scrip?s use. Notes were to circulate
until they accumulated the full complement of
?L.C.T.T? stamps, when they could be redeemed for
their face value in cash at the bank. Between December
1 and December 31, 1937, notes could be duly
redeemed, whatever the quantity of stamps they sported.
On the afternoon of the 31st, however, the note became
invalid, with ownership of the funds backing it reverting
to the Lake County Townsend club. These rules had the
effect of allowing for some sort of test of the Townsend
plan while anticipating the actions of souvenir hunters
who had proved to be such a nuisance in Chelan. The
two lucky recipients of Eugene?s scrip, Mrs. Calvin E.
Hill and Henry Folz, duly went on their spending sprees.
Using stamp scrip instead of endorsable checks or
some sort of improvised money sleeve proved superior
with respect to collecting the transaction tax, as opposed
to relying upon merchants to maintain their separate
?kitties?, as in Chelan. However, the same problems that
disrupted so many stamp scrip experiments between
1932 and 1934 were present in this new undertaking as
well. Who would pay for and apply the stamps, the
merchant or the customer? How could the experiment
prevent collusive cheating whereby buyers and sellers
exchanged scrip, but without using stamps? Moreover,
testing the core premise of the Townsend Plan?
namely, that an increase in the velocity of money would
provide such an economic stimulus that the plan would
be, to some substantial extent, self-financing?required
that stamping should take place according to time, and
not transaction. This had been, after all, Professor Irving
Fisher?s recommendation in 1933, when he put forth his
national plan for stamp scrip. Yet, most of the hundreds
of stamp scrip experiments undertaken during 1932-34
were of the transaction variety instead. Of these, only a
few ended successfully, in the sense that customers and
merchants cooperated in supplying and affixing the
necessary stamps to most of the scrip notes. Users of
stamp scrip had to be mobilized and motivated to use it
properly, and success required that experiments be
conducted on a small scale. Attempts to scale up stamp
scrip experiments beyond a few hundred to a few
thousand notes invariably ended badly, as when Charles
Zylstra tried to expand the precedent of Hawarden,
Iowa, or when Winfield Caslow peddled his ?Recovery
Certificates? in Chicago (see Paper Money, Mar.- Apr.
The apparent purpose of the various Townsend
Tests was not to seriously propose a monetary version
of the good doctor?s national plan, but simply to test the
proposition that a particular pensioner?s grant of $200,
in whatever form, would generate additional business of
a volume sufficient, if taxed at 2% per transaction, to
produce a self-sustaining fund available to the next
pensioner. Some experiments varied in their details
from Townsend?s formula. Following Eugene?s
example, the Townsend club in Springfield, Oregon
issued its own scrip in March 1937. Apart from adopting
almost identical language with respect to when and how
the scrip should be redeemed, the Springfield club
planned to issue only $100 worth of scrip, to be divided
among four different club members.
Lane County Townsend scrip circulated in Eugene,
Oregon. Spaces for stamps appear on the reverse.?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Given the good humor with which some of these
Townsend Tests were reported upon nationally, the
atmosphere in which they were undertaken resembled
more a contest than a serious experiment. Choosing the
winning participants, by lot or some other kind of vote,
was itself part of the fun. Once underway, the spending
habits of the winners were usually subject to droll
scrutiny by the newspapers, with the expectation that
part of the game entailed unloading their purchasing
power as soon as possible. C. C. Fleming?s purchases
were documented in minute detail. Harry Fichter blew
through his allotment in twelve days, starting off with
linoleum flooring for his mother. Carrie Saben took the
entire month, beginning with some haberdasheries for
her husband, upon whom she doted.
Some spenders encountered pitfalls and larger
problems. Retta Freeman, the second Chelan tester, had
her monthly state pension of $17.50 a month
temporarily docked, as state law required recipients to
be indigent. Rufus Pack in South Dakota simply
couldn?t unload his funds within thirty days: a set of
false teeth that he had ordered did not arrive in time,
leaving him with sixty dollars unspent. Carrie Saben had
to pause in her shopping to recover from an automobile
accident. John S. Adams, one of the two Cle Elum
?testers?, alas died with $25 left to spend. Isom Lamb
declared that the remaining balance of this allotment
should go towards funeral expenses.
The substance of any serious experiment, though,
lay not in getting people to spend money in a hurry, but
in assuring that the earmarked funds continued to
circulate as rapidly as possible, after their initial
expenditures, to build up transaction tax receipts.
Chelan?s experience showed how difficult this could be,
sabotage or no. After both Fleming and Freeman had
gone through their allotments, only $67.40 remained to
finance the next recipient. Bergenfield merchants
managed to collect only $26.40 in tax receipts, and that
included five dollars contributed by the National City
Bank of New York, which wanted specimens of the
scrip for its currency collection. Carrie Saben produced
some $19.77 for her club. Halfway through its month,
Cle Elum?s test produced less than half of the sum
necessary to replenish the pension fund. Yet once these
various ?testers? ran through their $200 grubstakes, the
publicity faded to the detriment of the tests. In Eugene,
for example, the local paper reported that the first piece
of scrip was turned in, completely stamped, barely two
weeks after the experiment began. Yet the next
newspaper mention of Eugene?s Townsend Test scrip
did not occur until late December, when the Townsend
club announced that remaining scrip would be called in
for redemption, whether stamped or not. After a peak
circulation of $700, some $200 was still outstanding.
Isom Lamb Markets his Prosperity Plans
Generally, the paltry tax take from Townsend Tests
around the country seemed to disprove the viability of
the Townsend Plan, but this did not dissuade Isom Lamb
from pursuing bigger ambitions. Francis Townsend
himself had dismissed the Chelan episode as ?useless
because it is confined to a single locality.? Indeed, Lamb
countered, it was the very smallness of scale that had
doomed the various experiments. By the end of
February, with the second phase of Chelan?s test coming
to an end, Lamb proposed a national version of
Townsend scrip, whereby upwards of ?100,000? people
would receive $1 ?bonds? issued against funds
deposited in banks. In this stamp scrip scheme,
pensioners would be obliged to spend their $200 in
bonds within thirty days. Each bond would have to be
validated with a two-cent stamp applied every three
days to keep circulating and would be retired after
accumulating fifty-five stamps (with a ten percent
margin for plan expenses). No bond could remain
outstanding for more than seven months.
While these features seemed to address the velocity
problem encountered in Chelan and elsewhere, what
really distinguished Lamb?s proposal was his evident
readiness to market the bonds to pensioners in exchange
for their upfront $200 investments, in real money.
Rather than undertake light-hearted experiments in
which ?testers? won the opportunity to embark on
isolated community-financed spending binges, Lamb
had converted the premise of the Townsend Tests into a
marketable annuity that promised an indefinite series of
$200 monthly payments in scrip based on a single
investment of $200 actual dollars. Investors were
promised that they would double their money, in terms
of the scrip?s purchasing power, month after month, all
financed by the financial magic of continual stamp
Only on the most extravagant assumptions as to
scrip turnover could Lamb?s plan be anything but a
pyramid scheme. At this point, alarmed that Lamb was
using his relationship with the Townsend Plan to fleece
the elderly, the national organization disavowed their
Springfield, Oregon?s Townsend scrip was modeled on Eugene?s.
Spaces for stamps appear on the reverse.?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
former organizer, and a Wenatchee gathering of
Townsendites voted to remove Lamb as their delegate.
On top of this, the Chelan Chamber of Commerce issued
a report sharply critical of its Townsend Tests,
concluding that they ?proved that needy old people can
spend $200 in one month, nothing else.? Lamb also
bickered with Chelan authorities about the size of the
tax take, claiming that the low reported numbers did not
include the funds set aside to finance Retta Freeman?s
purchases, as well as those of her successor. Taking
those sums into account, Lamb claimed, the Chelan tests
were actually working. Nonetheless, by the beginning of
March 1937, Lamb was out of Chelan and out of a job.
Though repudiated by the national Townsend
leaders, Isom Lamb was careful himself not to break
with the organization, as he needed his association with
the Townsend movement to sell his bonds to elderly
investors. Indeed, he defended his plan on the grounds
that it was unfolding now, whereas the prospects for the
Townsend Plan ever becoming national law were
uncertain at best. At the beginning February Lamb had
recruited Townsendites in Ogden, Utah to start a test in
that town; with his Washington state links severed,
Lamb relocated to Utah to continue organizing on behalf
of his bond plan, now styled as the ?Utah Prosperity
Though not himself from Utah, Lamb?s credibility
was helped by the fact that he was Mormon, and that his
wife, Miriam, was a Utahn and had family in Parowan.
Invited to promote his ideas in Utah by Con Theuson,
the state Townsend manager, Lamb encountered such
receptive audiences that he effectively took over the
Townsend clubs in Weber County, converting them into
vehicles for promoting and using his prosperity bonds.
Establishing his headquarters in Salt Lake City, Lamb
embarked upon a recruiting effort to build support for
his bond plan across the state, using the same
organizational techniques by which the Townsend
movement itself had spread.
Initially, Lamb proposed six Townsend Tests in
Logan, Brigham, Ogden, Price, Richfield, and Provo,
mobilizing the local club?s members to undertake the
necessary solicitation of business support, first to accept
the prosperity bonds in payment for goods and services
and second to purchase the necessary stamps. Business
cooperation on that scale was a tall order, and Lamb
tried to ease this by establishing redemption facilities at
which merchants could convert their bonds into cash
without any further need to apply stamps. By the third
week of March, Lamb officially launched the ?Utah
National Prosperity Plan?, now completely separate
from the Townsend movement, with an organization of
that name incorporated under Utah law by Jeremiah
Stokes, a Salt Lake City attorney and author who ten
years previously had himself been convicted of
securities fraud. Stokes additionally served as treasurer
of the plan. Miriam Lamb served as vice president, and
J. D. Lamb, identified as Isom?s brother, was installed
as ?national cashier.? Investors recruited from the ranks
of Utah Townsendites were invited to join the plan with
a membership fee of 50 cents a month, which would
make them eligible to be chosen to receive $200
allotments of Lamb?s prosperity bonds whose
circulation, Stokes maintained, would generate
proceeds from prosperity stamps sales such to assure the
pensioner ?a perpetual income of $200 a month.?
The scrip is an attractive product of the Utah Bank
Note Co. (founded in 1935, and still in business as UBN
Printing Services), with black text on green safety paper
and an ornate green border framing the text announcing
the entity, the location of its headquarters, and the name
and amount of the denomination. At the center of the
note is a somber triptych of facsimile portraits of (from
left to right) Isom Lamb, Miriam Lamb, and Con
Thueson, above which is a banner bearing the Latin
expression ?Viam Ducimus? (We Lead the Way).
Underneath the portraits are instructions as to how the
note should circulate. To the left of the note are fields
identified where the pensioner is to apply an ink
thumbprint, and in which city the bond?s redemption
office can be found. To the right of the note, underneath
a vignette of the prosperity stamps which are to be
affixed to the back, are the signatures of Isom Lamb
(President) and Jeremiah Stokes (Treasurer).
So far, Lamb?s prosperity plan represented just a
more extensive and ambitious version of the earlier
Townsend Tests. But there were two important
differences. First, in addition to acquiring bonds by
being chosen to receive their gratuitous allotments,
members could actually ?self-finance? by purchasing
their initial supply of bonds for $200 in real money,
secure in their expectations that the stamp sales
generated from the bonds? circulation would provide
them with an indefinite monthly income of $200
A Pension Prosperity Bond of the Utah National Prosperity Plan,
Inc. These probably went into circulation in late March, 1937.
Spaces for stamps appear on the reverse. A similar note issued
in May replaces the word ?Utah? with ?United?, reflecting the
organization?s change of name.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
(presumably also denominated in bonds). Secondly,
members who so purchased their bonds were
encouraged to recruit others to do the same, with the
proceeds of those later sales reimbursing the earlier
bond purchasers. Thus, what Lamb and his associates
were embarking upon was not merely yet another
experiment with ?velocity dollars?, but a scheme of
chain marketing based upon the fantastic premise that
Lamb?s bonds would circulate so quickly that the
investor-members of the Utah National Prosperity Plan
would double their money in one month.
In launching this scheme, the publicity given to
lucky volunteer bond recipients became the hook that
brought in self-financers prepared to pay upfront.
Lamb?s entry into Utah split the Townsend movement
there, but significant numbers of Townsendites
migrated into Lamb?s prosperity plan, providing staff
for the new enterprise. In addition to Con Thueson, the
president, vice-president, and secretary of the Weber
County Townsend organization all joined with Lamb
and vouched for his legitimacy among Townsend
supporters. To expand their sales outreach, plan officials
conducted classes in which attendees were promised
their own $200 a month in bond salaries for recruiting
new pensioner-investors. By the end of March, the first
six pensioners in Ogden signed contracts, paying the
plan $200 in exchange for the monthly equivalent in
bonds, as did seven others Salt Lake City.
As Isom Lamb embarked that spring upon a
speaking tour to spread his financial gospel throughout
Utah, a number of problems emerged. The Ogden
Chamber of Commerce came out against the plan,
urging merchants not to participate in Lamb?s
?uneconomic and entirely unworkable brainstorm.? The
city commissioners of Ogden voted to refuse to accept
bonds in payment to the city. Likewise, the Weber
County medical association declared that its members
would not accept bonds in payment for their services.
Without pronouncing on the merits of the plan, the LDS
Church advised that it did not endorse use of the bonds
and was otherwise not connected with scheme. In
particular, the Church announced it would not accept the
bonds in payment of tithes, as this would have required
the Church to purchase the stamps necessary to keep
them circulating.
Of all these headwinds, opposition from organized
business interests would have been particularly
problematic, as merchants? cooperation was essential in
maintaining the circulation and stamping of the
prosperity bonds. On top of all this though came a blow
from the state of Utah in the form of a letter in mid-April
from A. Ezra Gull, the director of the state?s securities
commission, advising the public that while the UNPP
was a Utah corporation, it had not secured permission to
market its ?fiat money? bonds to investors. Gull
questioned ?the advisability of paying $200 for bonds
for which a market has not been established.? Lamb
struck back with a libel suit against Gull, claiming
moreover that as a charitable enterprise the UNPP was
not obliged to register its bonds with the state.
Pending a resolution of this conflict, Lamb and his
group continued its recruitment, expanding beyond Salt
Lake City and Ogden to establish a presence in Provo,
Price, Brigham and other cities. By early May at least
sixty members of the plan received their first $200
installment in bonds. With an eye towards operating in
other states, the group altered its name by substituting
?United? for ?Utah?, a change that was duly reflected in
subsequent printing of its prosperity bonds. A third
version of Lamb?s bonds, issued in late August 1937,
features a single portrait of Isom Lamb and the name
?United Prosperity Plan, Inc.? In addition to stumping
around the state and promoting his ideas via a weekly
radio program, ?Isom Lamb?s ?Now!??, Lamb even
prevailed upon the first two Chelan testers, C.C.
Fleming and Retta Freeman, to travel to Salt Lake City
to provide their testimonials on behalf of the scheme.
Conflict with the authorities came to a head in late
June, when Utah?s Secretary of State called for the
plan?s officers to appear before him to argue why their
corporate charter shouldn?t be revoked. Even as he
pushed back against opposition by the state and the
Chamber of Commerce, Lamb had incorporated the plan
in California as well, and sought permission from
officials there to market the bonds. By July, Lamb and
Gull had agreed to drop actions against each other if the
UNPP would formally apply for the state?s permission
to issue bonds.
Lamb delayed providing the state with an audit of
the plan?s accounts, and for good reason. Before the
state could settle with the UNPP, Lamb and the
organization of which he was president parted ways
when it was revealed that Lamb had taken $17,000 from
its reserves, ostensibly to fund his expansion activities
in California. Whether this was true or just an excuse for
theft, Lamb?s actions crippled the plan?s ability to
A Prosperity Trade Certificate issued by the United Prosperity
Plan, Inc. Dated August 19, about the time of Isom Lamb?s
departure from the organization.?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
redeem its bonds, leading desperate investor-members
of the plan to assess themselves additional contributions
to restore their backing.
With Isom and Miriam Lamb having fled back to
the Los Angeles area, J. D. Lamb, Thueson, Stokes, and
the remaining leaders in Utah unsuccessfully pursued a
civil suit against their former boss, seeking return of the
funds. In late September they concluded a settlement
with state authorities, reincorporating their plan as an
organization ?to carry on Christian, social and charitable
work?, and changing its name back to ?Utah?. While it
was unclear if the reconstituted plan could dig itself out
of the financial whole in which Isom Lamb had left it,
the question was rendered moot when the federal
Securities and Exchange Commission weighed in. On
October 18 a federal court in Utah enjoined Lamb and
his confederates from selling prosperity certificates
without seeking their registration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission. With that, Lamb?s ambitions to
strike it rich were permanently put to rest.
Ultimately, some twenty different Townsend clubs
(including Isom Lamb?s prosperity bonds) either
considered or actually embarked upon scrip
experiments. Though the Townsend movement?s local
flirtation with scrip ended in 1937, popular interest in a
pension scheme involving scrip continued into 1938,
with California?s electoral struggle over the ?Ham and
Eggs? initiative (see Paper Money, Nov.-Dec. 2008). As
with other reform movements with a monetary element,
like Sinclair Lewis?s ?End Poverty in California?
campaign of 1934 (see Paper Money, Jan.- Feb. 2012),
Dr. Townsend opposed them as either distractions from
his own agenda, or unacceptably radical. Despite the
lack of any decisive legislative victories, Townsend and
his army of the elderly continued to be a factor in
pension politics at the state and national level. In 1938,
efforts were mounted to create pension plans in eight
states, though Townsend himself opposed these as well.
Generally, Dr. Townsend had an unfortunate habit of
attacking not only opponents of old-age pensions, but
those proposing pension plans that competed with his
own. In this way, he alienated potential allies for the
broader cause. Nonetheless, Edwin Amenta credits the
Townsend movement with having pushed Roosevelt
and the Democrats in 1939 to consider revisions to the
original Social Security Act that accelerated payments
and made them more generous. By the 1940s, however,
the movement declined in relevance and became
marginal to the subsequent politics of Social Security.
Amenta, Edwin, When Movements Matter: The
Townsend Plan and the Rise of Social Security.
(Princeton University Press, 2008).
Committee on Old Age Security, The Townsend
Crusade (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund,
Daily Herald (Provo, Utah), various dates, 1937.
Eugene (Oregon) Guardian, various dates, 1937.
Gatch, Loren, ?A Satirical Note on the ?Ham and Eggs?
California Scrip Movement of 1938-1939?
Paper Money (Nov-Dec 2008), pp. 459-461.
Gatch, Loren, ?A Professor and a Paper Panacea: Irving
Fisher and the Stamp Scrip Movement of 1932-
1934? Paper Money (March-April 2009), pp. 125-
Gatch, Loren, ?Ending Poverty in California and the
?Sinclair? Dollar??, Paper Money (Jan-Feb 2012),
pp. 46-50.
Holtzman, Abraham, The Townsend Movement: A
Political Study (New York: Octagon Books, 1975).
La Grande (Oregon) Observer, various dates, 1937.
New York Times, various dates, 1937.
North Adams (Mass.) Transcript, various dates, 1937.
Ogden (Utah) Standard-Examiner, various dates, 1937.
Post-Register (Idaho Falls, Idaho), various dates, 1937.
Patch, B. W. ?Agitation for Pension and Scrip Schemes?
Editorial Research Reports Vol. II (1938).
Provo (Utah) Evening Herald, various dates, 1937.
Salt Lake (Utah) Telegram, various dates, 1937.
Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune, various dates, 1937.
Vanderwende, George S. ?The Chelan-Townsend Test
Fund and its Checks? Paper Money (Spring 1972),
pp. 88-89.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
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by Carlson R. Chambliss
In the November/December, 2014 issue of
Paper Money I presented an article entitled
?Zimbabwe?s Plunge into Monetary Madness.? The
policies of Robert Mugabe and his cronies drove this
once fairly prosperous nation (by African standards)
into hyperinflation and bankruptcy, and Zimbabwe has
yet to recover from the numerous errors in its economic
mismanagement. The other two components of the
defunct Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland both
became independent in 1964 as Zambia and Malawi, but
both achieved independence with the full support of the
United Kingdom and the international community.
Both of these nations replaced the previously used
Federation notes with new notes in 1964, and for both
countries the denominations of the notes included 10/-
.?1 and ?5. All three countries (including Rhodesia)
declined to issue ?10 notes, although they had been in
use while the Federation was still an established entity.
The Federation pound was at par with sterling,
which was worth $US 2.80 at that time. In 1967,
however, Great Britain devalued its pound to $US 2.40,
and shortly thereafter Zambia and Malawi decimalized
their currencies (in 1968 and 1971, respectively). As
was typical of most currency changeovers in the British
Empire, the new unit was the equivalent of 10/- in the
former currency. Both Zambia and Malawi termed their
new currency unit the kwacha, which means ?dawn? in
either the Chinyanja language of Zambia or the closely
related Chichewa language of Malawi. Both of these
languages are Bantu languages that share many common
characteristics with other languages spoken in this part
of Africa. For the fractional units, however, Zambia
chose the name ngwee meaning ?light? or ?bright,?
while Malawi chose the name tambala, which is the
Chichewa word for ?rooster,? whose crow at dawn is a
familiar sound. It also was the icon of the Malawi
Congress Party that soon was to become the sole legal
political party of Malawi.
Zambia is a mineral-rich country, and by far its
most important resource is copper, of which Zambia is
a major world producer. In order to keep its economy
afloat, Zambia must export all of the copper that it
mines, and copper is a commodity whose market price
is highly volatile in world markets. In the case of
Zambia currently about 85% of its foreign currency
earnings come from copper, and at times this figure has
been as high as 95%. When copper prices are down the
economy of Zambia can go into a tailspin.
Zambia?s first banknotes were issued in 1964 in
denominations of 10/-, ?1, and ?5. As one might expect
they were printed by the foremost British securities
printing firm, Thomas De La Rue. All three notes
feature the coat of arms of Zambia on their faces, a
design that closely resembles that of the former
Northern Rhodesia. In 1963 a trial design for a ? note
prepared by Harrison and Sons included a portrait of
Queen Elizabeth II, but this design was rejected. A few
of these trial notes exist in printed form, and they do
command very high prices.
In the 1960?s only a few enthusiasts were collecting
foreign banknotes, and relatively few of the Zambian
notes of 1964 were saved in any grades. They are
especially scarce in CU condition. Specimen notes do
exist, and these are less expensive than are the issued
notes when the latter are in CU grade. This issue was in
use for only four years, and only one signature variety
exists for each value.
In 1968, the first of the decimal notes were issued,
and between 1968 and 1992 all Zambian notes bore a
portrait of Kenneth Kaunda (1924 - ), who was president
of Zambia from 1964 to 1991. The first decimal notes
resembled the previous issue, but there were two new
values for 50 ngwee and 20 kwacha that would
correspond to 5/- and ?10 in the former currency. These
notes are less rare than are the pre-decimal notes of
1964, but they are still expensive when in high grade. In
1969 the designs of these notes were modified
somewhat, but the sane five denominations were issued.
The issue types of 1969, however, have more than one
signature type, and the later varieties are rather more
abundant than are the earlier issues.
Although the Zambian notes of the 1960s would
have made superb investments, at the time there was far
more interest in the postage stamps of this country. Both
Zambia and Malawi have issued stamps in a responsible
fashion, but most of the early postal issues of these
countries are worth little more today than what they sold
for as new issues in the 1960s. Stamp collecting has
been undergoing a steady decline in popularity over the
past couple of decades, but in the 1960s in contrast to
philatelic issues there was amazingly little information
available about the banknotes of many countries, and
this would apply especially to the newly independent
nations of Africa.
In 1973 a 5-kwacha note was issued for the first
time, and in that year, there was also a special
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
commemorative 1-kwacha note for the inauguration of
the Second Republic. During the 1970s there were also
new types of notes for 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 kwacha, all of
which feature Kenneth Kaunda and the Zambian coat of
arms on their faces. There was also an essay note for 20
kwacha that depicts the National Assembly building on
its back. The British firm of Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co.
printed two of the values, while TDLR printed a new 20
kwacha note that was rejected. Probably the Bank of
Zambia people preferred the BWC product to the new
TDLR design and thus chose to reject the latter.
The economy of Zambia was affected drastically
by Ian Smith?s unilateral declaration of independence
for Rhodesia late in 1965. As British colonies the two
Rhodesian entities had closely interlocked relations, but
Kaunda chose to boycott Ian Smith?s Rhodesia as much
as was possible. Previously all of Zambia?s copper for
export abroad had been shipped by rail to Portuguese-
controlled Benguela (Angola) or Beira (Mozambique),
or to Durban in South Africa. Zambia has good relations
with China and with Tanzania, and so the Tan-Zam (or
TAZARA) Railroad was built with a great deal of
Chinese help linking Zambia with Dar Es Salaam in
Tanzania. This was a huge engineering project that was
not completed until 1975. As a nation adjoining
Rhodesia, Zambia was increasingly subject to raids
from its southern neighbor. Also, oil prices became
much higher during the 1970s, while the price of copper
declined sharply on international markets.
Although Zambia was a fairly democratic country
by African standards, the United National Independence
Pary (or UNIP) of Kenneth Kaunda dominated the
country?s politics, and it was made the sole legal party
of Zambia in 1973. This was when the so-called Second
Republic was inaugurated. Zambia was becoming, in
fact, a dictatorship. There were some arrests and some
censorship, but this was a very mild affair compared
with what happened in some other African nations.
During these years a great deal of effort was devoted to
improving the educational system at all levels in
Zambia. A very important financial project involved the
Zambian government acquiring a controlling interest in
the various mining companies of Zambia, most of which
were still owned by British interests. A very large
undertaking was replacing all of the mining engineers
and other technical personnel of European race with
Africans with adequate training, and the Zambia
government had to admit that numerous problems were
encountered involving the ?Africanization? of its skilled
labor force.
For the first 15 years or so of its independence the
currency of Zambia remained reasonably stable. In
1972 the value of the kwacha even reached as high as
$1.55 which was above its official parity, and in 1980 it
still was exchanged at a rate of about $1.30 per U. S.
dollar. By then, however, Zambia was affected both by
lower copper prices coupled with much higher oil
prices. The national debt for this country became quite
large, and the currency rapidly began to lose value. In
1985 the exchange rate was about 2.3 kwacha per dollar
and by 1987 and 1989 the exchange rates had fallen to
about 8.7 and 12.9 per dollar, respectively. During the
1990s the value of the currency declined sharply with
mean exchange rates per $1 US of 29, 62, 160, 435, and
770 in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively.
As a result of the sharp decline in the value of the
kwacha, the banknote issues of the Kaunda
administration printed between 1980 and 1991 become
far more abundant and are both fairly inexpensive and
readily obtainable. The notes first issued in 1980 depict
a smiling portrait of President Kaunda together with a
perching image of a fish eagle on their faces. The fish
eagle has become the iconic symbol of the Bank of
Zambia, and all notes issued since 1980 have depicted
this bird on their faces.
In 1986 a 50-kwacha note was added to this set, and
on its back the ?Chainbreaker? statue that stands outside
the National Assembly in Lusaka is featured. All
Zambian notes issued after 1986 have incorporated this
symbol into their back designs. The notes of 1980-86
were printed by TDLR, but a new printer was chosen for
the series of notes that were printed between 1989 and
1991. On their faces these notes include the Zambian
coat of arms along with a Kaunda portrait and a fish
Most Zambian banknotes issued prior to 1992 depict a
smiling portrait of Kenneth Kaunda along with the
Zambian coat of arms. An image of a fish eagle was
added in 1980, and all notes issued in 1986 and later years
depict the Chainbreaker statue that stands outside the
National Assembly building in Lusaka.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
eagle in flight. The first bunch of these range in face
value for 2 to 50 kwacha, but in 1991 notes for 100 and
500 kwacha were added for the first time. Due to
inflation, however, the 500 kwacha note had an
exchange value of only about $US 5 or 6 at the time of
issue, and its value soon fell well below those levels.
Since the end of Kaunda?s administration late in
1991, the Bank of Zambia has chosen not to depict
portraits of current presidents on its notes. All feature a
perching fish eagle on their faces together with a circular
seal at the lower left that gives the date of issue of the
note. Each note features a different animal on its back,
and antelopes, zebras, elephants, aardvarks, lions, and
leopards are all represented.
In 1992 a new series of banknotes was introduced, and the same
basic designs were used for the next two decades despite much
inflation. Each denomination features a different animal on its
back. For the 1000 kwacha note this was an aardvark. The
highest value for this series was for 50,000 kwacha. Beginning
in 2003 the 500 and 1000 kwacha notes were printed on polymer
plastic, and most of these were produced in Canada.
Initially all of these notes were dated 1992,
although in 1996 a new governor took office at the Bank
of Zambia, but the 1992 date was continued. Since
2001, however, these notes are dated annually, and most
years from then on have been utilized. The initial issue
of notes was for 20, 50, 100, and 500 kwacha, but in
1996 notes for 1000, 5000, and 10,000 kwacha were
added. No coins were in circulation at this time, and
they did not make their appearance again until 2012.
With ongoing inflation 20,000 and 50,000-kwacha notes
were added in 2003. The 20 kwacha note, which saw
little use, was phased out after 1996, but the heavily
used 500 and 1000-kwacha notes were drastically
modified in 2003 by being printed on polymer plastic
rather than paper. None of the other denominations
were converted to polymer. All notes of these types
featured at least a vertical thread and a watermark, but
metallic and holographic strips, zones printed in special
inks, holographic impressions, etc., were added in later
years. As might be expected the 20, 50, and 100-kwacha
notes were relatively simple, while most of the higher
values featured an increasingly complex array of
security features.
Initially all of the notes of the 1992-2012 types
were printed by TDLR, but other printers such as
Oberthur in France and Giesecke & Devrient in
Germany produced many of the later issues. The
polymer plastic notes were mostly printed in Canada
either by the British American Banknote Co. or by the
Canadian Banknote Co. Eventually the German firm
also printed some of these. There were some problems
encountered with the first bunch of polymer notes
printed in 2003. The serial numbers wore off both the
500 and 1000 kwacha notes quite easily, but this matter
was soon corrected before this series of 2003 was
completed. Only three persons signed as governor of
the Bank of Zambia during this entire period, but the
numerous varieties arise from the different dates on
these notes. Incidentally during the Kaunda
administration there were no less than nine different
governors of the Bank of Zambia, all of whom signed
notes. All together there are some 80 varieties in the
entire issue of notes from 1992 to 2012, but none of
them are rare. Getting all of these in choice condition
would be a challenging project, however, especially for
some of the 20,000 and 50,000-kwacha values.
I was in Zambia in 2001 to view a total solar
eclipse. At that time the exchange rate was about 3500
kwacha to the dollar. There was no black market, but
different rates were offered by banks for $100 FRNs of
the USA depending upon whether they were of the new
(Series 1996 or later) or the older types (Series 1993 or
earlier). The more recent notes were exchanged for the
kwacha at a better rate. Apparently, the bank officials
were worried about the so-called ?super hundreds? that
were being printed in the Middle East. Interestingly
sellers of souvenirs to visitors preferred their own
money to lower denomination USA currency. By 1999
the 20-kwacha notes were no longer in circulation, but
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
there were plenty of well-worn 50 and 100-kwacha
notes. The 500 and 1000-kwacha notes were still
printed on paper and usually also well-worn, while the
5000 and 10,000-kwacha notes were usually in fairly
decent condition. In a poor country such as Zambia,
these notes represented serious money to many of their
holders, and they did not change hands as often as did
the lower denomination notes. Except for a relatively
small downtown business district the streets of Lusaka
were not lit by streetlamps, and in such a city foreign
visitors did not venture from their hotels at night.
In 2012 the Bank of Zambia did a 1000-to-1
conversion. Notes in the old currency dated 2012 were
still printed alongside notes in the new currency, but
there was no confusion since the former were in values
of thousands of kwacha whereas the new notes were
denominated for far lower amounts. The term ?new
kwacha? is not used on these notes that are in
denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 (new)
kwacha. The designs are essentially the same as before
except that there were no 2000 or 100,000-kwacha notes
in the old series.
It seems that several different securities printing
firms are being used. I have noted Giesecke & Devrient
(Germany), Oberthur (France), and J. Eschedde
(Netherlands). There also are coins for 5, 10, and 50
ngwee, and for 1 kwacha. These are the first coins that
Zambia has used for several decades. The currency has
softened a bit over the past two decades, and the
exchange rate is now very nearly 10 (new) kwacha to
the dollar. When first issued the new notes were dated
2012, but notes dated 2014 and 2015 are also in
circulation. Thus, we can expect the annual dating of
Zambian notes will continue. This could become rather
confusing if different printers work on the same values
in a given year.
We now turn to the second of the African countries
under consideration in this article. Malawi is much
smaller in area than is Zambia, but it has a much higher
population density. Both the words Malawi and Nyasa
refer to the large and deep freshwater lake that
constitutes much of the surface area of this nation.
Some of this lake is also shared with Mozambique and
Tanzania, but the Malawi portion represents about 22%
of the area of the nation, whose total area is about the
same as is that of the state of Pennsylvania. Malawi
lacks significant mineral resources, but its fertile soil
yields cash crops of which tobacco, tea, and sugar are
the most important. For a few years Malawi also tried
to export maize (corn), but nearly all the maize grown
there was necessary for domestic consumption. Malawi
is far more rural than is Zambia, and in fact only five
settlements (Blantyre, Lilongwe, Zomba, Mzuzu, and
Kasungu) are large enough to be considered as cities.
For the first three decades of its existence as an
independent state Malawi was under the very firm rule
of Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda (1898-1997). Banda
had total control of the Malawi Congress Party, the only
legal political party in Malawi for three decades, and in
1971 he was proclaimed President for Life. Banda was
a firm anti-Communist, and Malawi was one of very few
African nations to have diplomatic relations with South
Africa at a time when that nation was still under
Apartheid rule. Banda?s regime has sometimes been
described as a totalitarian state, but in any case, it was
Banda alone who decided what he thought was good for
Malawi. All adult Malawians were required to be
members of the Malawi Congress Party, and there was
considerable friction between Banda and the Jehovah?s
Witnesses over this issue. No opposition to Banda?s
government was permitted inside Malawi, and many
persons with differing political views chose exile or
were imprisoned for long terms.
The first set of Malawian notes ? for 5/-. 10/-. ?1,
and ?5 ? were issued in 1964. These all bear the
signature of the governor of the Reserve Bank of
Malawi, but a couple of years later a second issue was
released that bore also the signature of the general
manager of the bank. This set included only the three
lower values. For all of the notes of the Banda era the
faces of the notes were essentially the same. They
portrayed a facial portrait of Hastings Banda together
with a view of Lake Malawi. Banda was already well
into his 60s when he took control of Malawi, and the
In 2012 the Zambian kwacha was revalued at a rate of 1000 (old)
to 1 (new). The 2 kwacha and 100-kwacha notes were for values
that had not appeared in the previous series. The former was
printed by Oberthur in France, while the latter was produced by
Enschedde in the Netherlands.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
same portrait was used up to 1994 by which time he was
already in his 90s. The backs of most of these notes
depict workers picking tobacco, tea, or cotton. As is the
case with Zambian notes, the early notes of Malawi are
expensive especially when in high grade. The first
decimal notes ? for 50 tambala, 1, 2, and 10 kwacha ?
closely resemble the earlier notes in design, and all
issues of 1964-71 were undated. In 1973 there was
another series of undated notes ? for 50 t, and 1, 5, and
10 kwacha ? that moved Banda?s portrait from the left
side to the right side of the note. There was no 2 kwacha
note in this issue, and that proved to be the case for all
later issues of Malawian notes. All notes of the Banda
era feature a watermark of a rooster, the icon of the
Malawi Congress Party.
Beginning in 1974 Malawi notes are dated, and
there are numerous printed dates between 30.6.1974 and
1.1.1994, which proved to be the last date for the notes
for the Banda era. A 20-kwacha note was added in
1983, and the 50 tambala notes were phased out after
1986. Notes for 50 kwacha were added in 1990 and for
100 kwacha in 1993. The dated notes now carry only
the signature of the governor of the reserve bank. The
backs of these notes no longer feature just agricultural
scenes, and the University of Malawi in Zoma,
government buildings including the Reserve Bank
headquarters in Lilongwe, the Independence Arch in
Blantyre, and elevators for holding maize are now
depicted. For the most part the dated notes are
considerably lower priced than are their undated
counterparts, and only a few of the dated notes in CU
condition should prove expensive for most collectors.
The WPMC recognizes 32 different designs for all of
the notes of Malawi from 1964 to 1994. If one considers
the different dates as major varieties, this total increases
to rather more than 70 notes.
For the first 15 years of independence the currency
of Malawi proved very stable. Between 1970 and 1980
the Malawian kwacha was officially valued at $US 1.20,
and its market value held close to this amount. In 1972
it even rose a bit to a rate of $1.30 in U. S. currency.
After 1980, however, the value of the Malawian kwacha
began to fall, but its decline in value was nowhere near
as rapid as was the case for the Zambian currency. By
1986 the exchange rate was about 2.3 kwacha to the
dollar, and by 1991 this rate had increased to 2.8 per
dollar. By 1994 this rate was up to 8.7 per dollar, and
by 1997 and 2000 the rates were up to about 20 and 44
per dollar, respectively. The Malawian economy was
strengthened by heavy overseas remittances, and under
Banda?s rule many Malawian workers were employed
in the mining industries in South Africa.
Eventually Hastings Banda, who was by then more
than 90 years old, agreed to hold honest elections, and
he was voted out of office in 1994. The winner was
Bakili Muluzi, who was the president of Malawi from
1994 to 2004. His regime was far less dictatorial than
was that of Banda, but there was a significant amount of
corruption. On June 1, 1995 a new set of banknotes
portraying Muluzi on their faces was issued. These
were in six values ranging from 5 to 200 kwacha. The
backs of these notes are similar to those of the Banda
era, but the 200 kwacha note (not previously issued)
depicts a herd of elephants. The watermark is now that
of a fish rather than the rooster that appeared on all
Malawian notes of the previous three decades. The
Muluzi notes were only in circulation for about two
years, but they should prove easy to obtain and fairly
Apparently either Muluzi himself or officials at the
reserve bank decided to drop his portrait and replace it
with that of John Chilembwe (1871-1915). Chilembwe
was a Baptist pastor, who had received some training in
the United States. He objected strongly to the forced
labor practices then prevailing in the British-controlled
Nyasaland Protectorate (the predecessor of Malawi),
and in 1915 he led a small-scale revolt against colonial
rule. This revolt was soon suppressed and Chilembwe
was killed, but he is regarded as a hero today by most
Malawians. The Chilembwe notes were in use for about
For three decades all notes of the Reserve Bank of Malawi had
essentially the same face design, a portrait of Hastings Banda
together a sunrise scene over Lake Malawi. Banda was 66
years old in the year of independence (1964), and he was
therefore 96 years old by 1994. His portrait remained the
same, however, on all of these notes. Depicted here are a
1-kwacha note from 1986 and a 5-kwacha note from 1990.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
15 years, and they bear dates from 1. 7. 1997 to
31.1.2011. The denominations of the previous Muluzi
issue were used, but a 500-kwacha note was added in
2001. The higher values depict government buildings
or monuments, but the three lower values depict village
scenes or tea harvesting on their backs. The watermark
used on all notes is that of John Chilembwe. There was
one commemorative issue that was issued for the 40th
year of Malawian independence in 2004. The face
depicts the Independence Arch in Blantyre, while the
back features the University of Malawi in Zomba.
Chilembwe?s face still appears on this note in
watermark form. Quite a bit of inflation occurred while
this series was in use, and the 5 and 10-kwacha notes
were discontinued after 2004 and 2006, respectively.
By 2006 the exchange rate for the kwacha stood at about
135 per $1 US, and so these two values were worth less
than a dime each. It is an easy matter to obtain a basic
type set of these notes, although acquiring all 46 date
varieties will require some patience. Over the interval
that these notes were in production there were four
different governors of the Reserve Bank of Malawi,
while additional security features (mostly in the form of
holographic strips) were added to the higher values, and
this makes for as many as nine distinct varieties for a
given denomination.
In 2012 Malawi introduced an entirely new series
of notes. There was also a new issue of coins for 1, 5,
and 10 kwacha, and the notes are for 20, 50, 100, 200,
500, and 1000 kwacha. These notes which are much
smaller than their predecessors all feature depictions of
the Reserve Bank of Malawi and a cichlid fish on their
faces together with the portrait of a noted Malawian.
The notes were printed by TDLR. (I should note that
Lake Malawi has more endemic species of fishes than
does any other freshwater lake in the world, and many
tropical fish marketed throughout the world can trace
their origins to this lake.) The watermarks on these
notes are of the persons portrayed. The three higher
values feature holographic strips, but the three lower
values function in commerce only as small-change
notes. Initially all notes of this series were dated
January 1, 2012, but several values have been reprinted
with more recent dates. In 2016 a note for 2000 kwacha
was added to this series. Both it and the 500 kwacha
note portray John Chilembwe, but the 1000 kwacha
depicts Hastings Banda, who is still respected by many
Malawians despite his hard-line rule.
The last few years have not been kind to the
Malawian kwacha. In early 2013 it stood at about 360
to the dollar, but by mid-2016 the exchange was about
730 per $1 US. At the present time the exchange has
dipped to about 800 per dollar, and thus the new 2000
Between 1997 and 2011 all Malawian notes portrayed the early
rebellion leader John Chilembwe (1871-1915). The 100-kwacha
note features government buildings in the capital city Lilongwe
on its back. The back designs of these notes largely continued
with those that were in use during the Banda years.
In 2012 a new series of notes was introduced by the Reserve Bank
of Malawi. The 1000 kwacha note features a portrait of Hastings
Banda, who is still respected by many Malawians despite the
dictatorial nature of his regime. The 2000-kwacha note was
added in 2016 and includes a portrait of John Chilembwe
together with a map of Malawi. At current exchange rates this
note has a face value of only $US 2.50, and so additional notes
will be needed for this series in the near future.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
kwacha note has a face value of only about $2.50.
Higher denomination notes will clearly be needed in the
very near future.
There seems to be something about this part of
central Africa that leads to longevity among its political
elite. (Is it the climate perhaps?) Both Kenneth Kaunda
and Robert Mugabe are well into their 90s, but both men
are still living. Kaunda lives in comfortable but not
lavish retirement in Lusaka. Hastings Banda died at the
ripe old age of 99, and his career as party leader and
president did not really begin until he was past 60 years
of age. Both Banda and Kaunda had been active in
political organizations, however, well before their
respective countries became independent.
Both Zambia and Malawi continue to face
economic difficulties. Zambia?s major problem is that
it is far too dependent on just one commodity, viz.,
copper. Copper is often associated with other metals
and in this part of Africa the other metal is cobalt, but it
the case of Zambia, copper is by far the most important
product that comes out of the ground. In the western
USA mining firms such as Kennecott or Phelps Dodge
will close down their mines if the price of copper falls
too low, but Zambia does not have this option, since it
cannot lay off its entire industrial workforce. It also
cannot afford to store its mined copper in a huge ?Fort
Knox? type depository, while waiting for higher market
prices to develop before selling. In the case of Malawi,
which has no mineral resources to speak of, only cash
crops such as tobacco, tea, sugar, and cotton provide
much foreign exchange. The health risks of tobacco are
now known worldwide, and consequently demand and
prices are in decline. The country is subject both to
droughts and heavy rains that lead to floods, and both of
these factors can be devastating to commercial
agriculture. It turns out that a very high grade of
cannabis can be grown in Malawi, but I have yet to hear
of any country that bases its economy in large part on
the legal cultivation and export of cannabis.
Because of its higher degree of urbanization and
industrialization Zambia has a gross domestic product
that is about three times that of Malawi, but there is still
a large amount of poverty in both nations. More
Malawians work abroad than is the case for Zambians,
and so the remittance income is a major component in
the Malawian economy. The population of Zambia has
grown from about 2.8 million at independence to about
17 million today, while that of Malawi has increased
from about 3.2 million at that time to today?s figure of
about 18 million. These correspond to growth rates of
3.40% and 3.25% per annum, respectively. Such rates
of population growth are quite typical of African
countries, although they are very high by the standards
of Western nations.
Both countries are functioning democracies today,
although they experienced different regimes in their
past. Although more autocratic towards the end of his
rule, the Zambia of Kenneth Kaunda could best be
described as a mild dictatorship or ?guided democracy.?
The regime of Hastings Banda was far more dictatorial,
and Banda controlled several of the enterprises of
Malawi, but the money earned from these was very
largely plowed back into developing the infrastructure
of that nation. Little of it went into private foreign bank
accounts or to the building of lavish palaces, etc.
Despite the fairly responsible managements of their
reserve banks, both nations have experienced a high
degree of inflation since about 1980. At that time the
Malawian kwacha was worth about $1.20 in U. S.
currency, while the Zambian unit was valued slightly
higher at about $1.30 U. S. Today these units stand at
about 10,000 per dollar in Zambia and about 800 per
dollar in Malawi. Over an interval of 38 years this
corresponds to a decline in the value of the kwacha of
28.2% per annum for Zambia and 19.8% per annum for
Malawi. In the case of Zambia for the most part the
exchange rate for the kwacha has been more stable, but
Zambia suffered a real binge of inflation during the early
1990s when the value of its currency plummeted. These
rates are not exactly hyperinflation of the type
experienced by several other African nations (most
especially Zimbabwe), but the inflation that both
countries have experienced is both severe and ongoing.
In any case we can look forward to many new issues of
their banknotes.
Excellent references on both Zambia and Malawi
are to be found on the Internet. These include detailed
biographies of key persons such as Kenneth Kaunda and
Hastings Banda.
For detailed statistical information an excellent
source is ?Africa South of the Sahara,? which is a
reference book that is published annually by Europa
Publications, Ltd., in London.
For additional information refer to:
Chambliss, Carlson R., ?Zimbabwe?s Plunge into
Monetary Madness? in Paper Money, Nov./Dec., 2014,
p. 422
Cuhaj, George S., ed., World Paper Money,
Volume Three, 1961-Present, 20th Edition, Krause
Publications, Iola, Wisconsin, 2014
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
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Fr. 379a $1,000 1890 T.N.
Grand Watermelon
Sold for
Fr. 183c $500 1863 L.T.
Sold for
Fr. 328 $50 1880 S.C.
Sold for
$287,500 Lyn Knight
Currency Auctions
Deal with the
Leading Auction
Company in United
States Currency
by David D. Gladfelter
? Shown here is what may be the last obsolete bank note to have been issued for circulation in the state of
New Jersey ? or at least the last such note to survive until the present. Issued by the Trenton Banking Company
on June 1, 1865, signed by President Philemon Dickinson and countersigned by Cashier Thomas Johnson Stryker,
it retains most of its original brightness and color, with a few light folds vertically and horizontally.
This bank has had a long history of sound operation. Chartered by the New
Jersey Legislature on December 3, 1804, it was New Jersey?s second bank and
remained a state bank until 1958, when it consolidated with the First Mechanics
National Bank of Trenton. In an address marking the bank?s 150th anniversary in
1954, then President Sydney G. Stevens said:
After the turbulent Civil War years, the question of becoming a
national bank was considered for the first time, in 1865. On April 11,
the directors passed a resolution that it would be to their interest to
organize as a national bank. However, after further consideration, on
May 16th, the directors voted against this action by 5 to 3. In subsequent
years the same question was taken up several times, but it was never
approved. In more modern times the possibility of joining the Federal
Reserve System has been studied frequently but no affirmative action ever
has been taken. Apparently, a spirit of independence is part of the fiber of
the institution?s being.
Notes of state banks that were paid out by any bank after July 1, 1866,
were made subject to a 10% tax by a March 3, 1865 amendment to the National Bank Act. This amendment was
a deliberate attempt to drive state bank notes out of circulation. It is therefore somewhat surprising that the bank
officials issued the note shown here, knowing that it would have to be called in within 13 months. Fortunately,
the holder of this note saved it for posterity.
George Wait, in New Jersey?s Money, lists as #1423 a genuine $2.00 note of the Mechanics Bank at
Newark with a printed date of June 1st, 1866 (also listed by James Haxby as NJ-365 G12e). Since this bank
converted to the Mechanics National Bank of Newark on June 9, 1865, the foregoing listings must be erroneous.
Interestingly, the earliest known genuine New Jersey bank note was also issued by the Trenton Banking
Company, on November 20, 1806. That note was illustrated in the July/August 2001 issue of this publication. A
note mentioned in that article thought to have been issued earlier proved to be a counterfeit.
Philemon Dickinson
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money?s
Odd Couple
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
A Well Done Fake
A week or so ago a specialist in African notes
sent me a link to a current eBay lot in a prominent
grading company slab (and a starting bid of $380)
with a comment that it has a serial number defect
that we both know. The defect identifies it as a
counterfeit. I have rarely seen this particular fake
in circulated condition, so I don?t know if it was
made primarily to circulate (which it did) or
primarily for sale to collectors (which it has done
often). Figure 1 is a genuine example of the note;
figure 2 is the counterfeit under discussion; and
figure 3 is the back, which is the same for both
genuine and counterfeit examples.
See Boling page 349
Fun With the Hobby
I am writing this report from my hotel room at the
annual convention of the American Numismatic
Association. Nowadays the association likes to call
this mega event the World?s Fair of Money? or
sometimes Worlds Fair of Money or even some
other variations, but it is still the annual convention
of the association and to me I like the old name
much better. Still, I understand that times do
change and that old fogies can be problems.
In the days when I was first starting in paper
money, the ANA convention was the really big
annual paper money event. Do I mean in the days
before the Internet? No, I mean in the days before
Memphis! In most ways the convention is not the
paper money show that it once was, but it is still a
really big event and important to the paper money
The major auction houses have done an
amazing job producing significant sales of paper
money for the conventions. This year is no
exception to this new trend. In the old days the
auctions often had no paper money. This year, and
most, we have entire catalogs of paper money. Of
course, the expansion of auctions in general
paralleled the changes that I am talking about.
Tonight Stack?s-Bowers is selling the John
Herzog collection of government bonds. It is a
great collection representing sixty years of
collecting! The collection starts in the early 1800s
and goes through World War I Liberty Loan bonds.
It is these latter bonds in particular that excite me.
After all, this is the one hundredth anniversary year
of the end of the Great War. I regret that when I
started collecting United States war bonds I did not
go beyond World War II. Although I have never
Figure 1 above and Figure 2 below
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
collected the Liberty Loan bonds, I have always
liked them! I will be sitting there trying to keep
from buying my first example and will be taking
notes, but those are not the real reason that I will be
The auction includes a really special bond. It is
a Fourth Liberty Loan $50 Loan short coupon bond
serial number one! Oh my. What a great piece that
is. Quite correctly Stack?s-Bowers has a five-figure
estimate on the piece. I cannot possibly justify
spending so much money on a World War I bond.
Heck, I seldom justify spending that kind of money
on a new car! Of course, we generally do not have
justifications for the collecting purchases that we
make. We usually avoid thinking about purchases
in that way altogether.
The catalog states that this is the first public
offering of this spectacular piece and that it is the
only known number one. I am sure that the
cataloger got those things right, but I am also sure
that I have seen it some place. Perhaps John
(Herzog) displayed this bond at one of the
Strasburg stock and bond shows that I attended. We
also know that there is a World War II serial
number one bond. It is a $10 soldier?s bond. We
have discussed that bond here in the past.
I have made my way to the viewing room. On
the way through the hall, I picked up a complete set
of catalogs for what are being called official
auctions. The stack is about eight inches tall and
weighs a ton?OK, 20 pounds at least. The room is
not quite bedlam but is very busy.
I got settled at lot viewing with a very nice
woman who arranged to have the Herzog bonds
brought over. Since they are mostly large there was
a bit of confusion about where they were, but in due
course the collection was in front of me for study.
I wanted to jump ahead to see?and hold?the
number one, but I resisted that urge.
That was a good decision because all of the
bonds are really beautiful. Throughout my
collecting career, I have seen most of these by type,
but I have never seen such a great collection.
Finally, I was holding the object of my desire. It
lived up to my expectations. In fact, it exceeded
them. Of course, it looks just like the image in the
catalog, but it is even more exciting to see it in
person and there was even a small surprise. The
bond has a really nice embossed Treasury seal. I
should not have been surprised, but I was a bit since
this seal does not show in the photograph in the
catalog. The seal is on all the issued bonds, but I
was nevertheless thrown off a bit. That was reason
enough for me to really want the bond even as I
knew that I would (could) not buy it.
We (wife Judy and I) got to the auction room
early and enjoyed some refreshments that were
provided. When the scheduled start time
approached, I was surprised by the lack of activity
in the room. Where was all of the competition?
Was John Herzog not going to be there? The
surprises turned to worry, and I jumped into action
and found the problem. We were in the wrong
room! With two ?official auction? companies and I
do not know how many auctions going on by those
two companies, there were FOUR auction rooms!
The Herzog family was indeed in attendance.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
John was gracious as always. He autographed
catalogs and copies of his book about his life on
Wall Street, A Billion to One. I had heard of this
book, but not seen one. I obtained a copy and am
making a note to review it here ?one of these days.?
The major collectors and dealers whom I expected
would be interested and some whom I did not know
were all there. We settled in to wait and watch?
and wait.
The auction started out slowly and continued
that way as the auctioneer?s pace gave respect to
each piece. Of course, buyers were spread among
the floor, the Internet, and the phone bank at the
back of the room. Hammer prices too were spread
around the estimates, but overall the estimates
seemed quite good, although pre-sale estimates
mean little (nothing, actually). Ah, that is another
subject that we can discuss here one of these days.
I had no bids to place before THE lot, so I just
entered results in my catalog and watched. Finally,
the moment arrived. It opened low at $5000,
indicating that not many serious bidders had
submitted their bids in advance. Again, that does
not mean anything. I actually was able to place two
bids and there was a lull in the bidding at about
$7500 with me holding the lead. For a fleeting
moment I thought that I not only might buy it, but
I might steal it! Of course, that thought evaporated
as the real bidders jumped in and took it higher than
I could go. It sold for $11,000. Of course, the real
price is about $13,000 with the juice. Almost
instantly I felt remorse in not having gone for it. I
thought then?and I think now?that it was a
The good news was that there was another item
for me only a few hundred lots deeper in the sale I
have not told you about. The description of lot
10531 from the Stack?s-Bowers sale:
Johnson Island, Ohio. Sutler Johnson
Island. ND. $5. PMG 12 Net. Keller OH SJ500.
White paper. Middleton, Strobridge & Co.
Cincinnati. Center, horses frightened by
lightning copied from obsolete notes, arched
above SUTLER JOHNSON ISLAND. Lower left,
seated Union and shield. Lower right, farmer
with sheaf of wheat. Signature space for ?Post
Sutler.? Very rare, but the signature is illegible
due to soiling and wear. One of the most
important sutler issues, north or south, as this
was a POW camp used mainly for Confederate
officers. Conditions here, excepting the Lake
Erie winter weather, were better than most
POW camps in the war. Over the course of this
Sandusky Bay island?s prison life, some 10,000
men passed through with as many as 3,200
populating toward the end of the war. Odd
escapes of course across the ice towards
Canada were attempted. The camp even hosted
a few Confederate generals. The site still exists
for visitors. A very important Sutler issue of
which few examples are known. This is the
Keller plate example and the only $5
denomination we have seen from this issuer.
Last seen in our February 2015 Americana
Auction where it realized $3818.75..
You might quite rightly feel that this piece
seems to be quite a bit out of character for me. I do
not own any ?obsolete notes? (in the SPMC/19th
century local money sense, as all MPC are
Out of character, that is, until you learn that
Johnson Island and therefore the POW camp are
about fifteen miles from my home! With this being
a local site, we often get opportunities to attend
events relating to the camp. Extensive
archeological studies continue at the camp, and
numismatic finds (coins) have been made. I do not
believe that any of these finds have been reported
in numismatic literature. Contrary to the
implication in the lot description, nothing of the
camp itself remains, but there is a cemetery. It is
open to the public and is quite interesting, with a
great location overlooking Sandusky Bay. I have.
visited it many times and have taken many visitors
there, including Festers.
The island is small and entirely residential.
There are no commercial establishments
whatsoever. The island can be reached by a short
causeway that was built in the 1960s. At some time
in the past there was commercial activity on the
island. At the center of the island is an abandoned
quarry. In recent years the quarry was opened to
Sandusky Bay and luxury homes were built around
the newly-created waterfront.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
I know a bit of uncommon local/oral history
about the island. When I was a Cub Scout, my den
mother told me that her grandmother (or perhaps it
was great grandmother) lived on the mainland near
the island. She was the teacher for the guards?
children, and when the bay was frozen, she walked
across the ice to teach her charges. I have always
thought that there was no way to verify this tale,
but I might be able to at least find out if there were
any children of the guards and if a school was run.
If there was, then it might even be possible to find
the name and to connect it to my den mother.
Another task.
I have wanted one of the Johnson Island sutler
notes since I first learned of their existence. That
was a long time ago?like forty years. In all of that
time I have never had a chance to buy one until
today. According to the catalog description of this
note, it appeared in a past Stack?s-Bowers sale, but
it was not a numismatic auction and I did not know
about it. I think that Wendell Wolka had one, but I
missed that sale too.
I did not plan on missing this time, especially
after I failed to buy anything from the Herzog
collection. There is not a lot to tell you about the
actual sale of the lot except that after I got my card
up the competition continued for an agonizingly
long time.
I am very happy to have won it and expect to
give it a good home. Though I am happy, I am not
satisfied. I would like to find some other
denominations and would even be pleased to have
a nicer example of the $5.
Now that my auction work is finished, I have
had some time to walk the bourse floor, look, chat,
and look some more. I have found very little paper
money to tempt me, but I have had a great time
talking to friends such as Neil Shafer, Joel Shafer,
Roger Urce and many others. Unfortunately, I
cannot say the same about Joe. He works his tail
off at these conventions as chief (exhibit) judge. He
has worked in that capacity for twenty years or
more and works that job with the same dedication
he gives to everything he does.
All in all, it has been a great convention and I
still have two days remaining! Next year?s edition
will be in Chicago. If you have never attended one
of these big conventions (or even if you have),
please consider giving it a try.
Boling continued
The note purports to be from Mali, part of the West
African States complex (WAS). The same note was
used by eight former French colonies,
differentiated only by an alphabetic letter
overprinted in two locations on the note?s face (D
for Mali). I have the same counterfeit from five of
those issuers, and I expect it was probably made for
all of them.
It is a fairly sophisticated counterfeit. There is
a real watermark in the paper (the watermark is not
printed on or laminated between two thin layers of
paper in a sandwich). The embedded security
thread and foil security thread are both correct (not
printed). The paper is UV dead, with UV-reactive
threads in it that match the behavior of genuine
paper in both color and thread dimensions. It shows
a correct four-letter UV-reactive overprint on one
end of the back. The printing is well-done, and the
see-through registration is very accurate.
But the counterfeit falls short in five areas.
There are no intaglio plates face or back; the date
(first two digits of the serial number) is usually
incorrect for the signatures used; the optically
variable ink (OVI) is a simulation; the portions of
the note that should be line lithography are
screened (covered with dots at high magnification);
and the serial number font is incorrect.
When buying the note online, you may be able
to use the date/signature error (if the back of the
note is shown) or the serial font error (if the
numeral ?4" is included in the serial number) to
identify a fake. If neither of these eyeball
diagnostics is available, then assume the piece
being offered is a fake unless the seller guarantees
it (including offering a return privilege).
So, what are the diagnostics? We?ll start with
the serial numbers. Figures 4 (genuine) and 5
(counterfeit) show three of the ten digits that can
appear in a SN. The open top of the ?4? is the most
Figure 3
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
easily identifiable difference; you have to have a
good image of the ?1? to see the difference in the
flag, and the difference in the ?8? will probably
never be discernable in an on-screen image.
There are also noticeable differences in the
numerals 2,5,6, and 9 (see figures 6 and 7 for
genuine and counterfeit). In each case the free
curve with a knob on the end loops back toward the
center-line of the numeral on the counterfeits.
The signatures are on the back of the note. The
pair found on all of this group of counterfeits
(figure 8) is identified as #29 in both the Standard
Catalog and The Banknote Book. That pair appears
on genuine notes only on notes dated 1998 and
1999. The first two digits of the serial number are
the issue year. You should be able to see in figure
2 that the counterfeit is indicated as a 1996 note. It
cannot have signature pair 29; the correct
signatures would be as seen in fig. 9 (pair 28). The
counterfeiters bounced all around with their dates;
I have this counterfeit from various WAS issuers
dated ?96, ?98, and ?01. If you see the signatures of
figure 8 on an incorrectly dated note (not 1998 or
1999), you are looking at a fake.
So much for the things you can see in an
illustration. For the other diagnostics, you will need
to have the note in-hand and mostly use your 20x
magnification capability. UV illumination does not
help with this counterfeit?it matches the genuine
notes feature for feature.
Start with the OVI. That feature on these notes
is fairly small (to the right of the upper serial
number), and it?s not easy to pick up the change in
shade (green to gray-blue) unless you get the
lighting just right. But your 20x glass will show
you whether you are seeing the bright crystals that
give the OVI its color-shifting capability (figure
10) or a dull matte gray-green with very little life
in it (figure 11).
Now for the intaglio plates. The face has two
colors of intaglio?dark brown and blue. The face
and the tower are brown; the brown plate also
overlies the entire headdress but appears black
because of the lithographed dark blue color under
it. The back also has two intaglio colors?the same
dark brown, and black. The counters in the upper
corners are black, and the black becomes dark
brown as it moves down into the vignette. The bank
initials at right are also brown.
Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 6 Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10 Figure 11
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Moving to the tower, it is dark brown intaglio
on the genuine note, and dark violet lithography on
the counterfeit. But look at the horizontal blue tint
lines to the left of the tower (figures 12-13). On the
genuine those are solid blue lithography. On the
counterfeit they are composed of blue and red dots.
At the chief?s right eye, the genuine intaglio
(figure 14) shows bold color and continuous lines.
The counterfeit (figure 15) shows screening dots
throughout. It is lithographed.
Below the chief?s right shoulder (blue intaglio,
figure 16) is a reticulated pattern. On the genuine
piece the top line in that pattern is red-brown. On
the counterfeit (figure 17) that line is blue. You can
also see a difference in the pattern in the center of
the geometric shapes at the bottoms of those
Again, for lithographed tints, the background
behind the main title on the genuine face (figure
18) shows broad pink stripes; the counterfeit
(figure 19) shows a screen of pink dots throughout
the same region.
Finally, a feature that will not be very
helpful?the watermark. Figures 20-21 show the
genuine and counterfeit notes. You can see that the
watermark of the counterfeit is a reasonable
facsimile of the original?all the more true for
watermarks, which are not terribly consistent even
in good notes. Somebody went to a lot of expense
to manufacture this paper with a true watermark
and an embedded thread.
Despite all the problems I have pointed out,
this has been a very successful counterfeit. Many
collectors have no suspicion that they have this
weed in their garden?especially when it is in a
plastic slab.
My thanks to the late Weldon Burson, IBNS
Hall of Fame, who introduced me to this
counterfeit eight years ago.
Figure 12 Figure 13
Figure 14 Figure 15
Figure 16 Figure 17
Figure 18 Figure 19
Figure 20 Figure 21
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Welcome? to? Cherry? Picker?s?
Corner,? a? new? column? dedicated? to?
exciting? endeavor,? full? of? adventure? and? rife? with?
collectors? will? agree? that? nothing? beats? the? hunt!?
Thirty?five? years? ago,? I? began? collecting? stuff.? The?
others,? I? sure?wish? I?had?discovered? currency?earlier.?
can? relate? to,? whether? it? be? reality? or? just? in? their?
the?mail?and? then? suddenly?discovering? that? the?one?
note? you? desperately? need? for? your? collection? is?
highlighted? in?bold?at? the?bottom?of?page?#314? is?an?
day? of? the? auction? to? arrive? and? even? make? the?
in? the? auction? room? to? bid? on? your? note? live? and? in?
person.? Although,? the? note? is? not? technically? yours?
quite?yet,? in?your?mind?you?have?already?staked?your?
claim.?The?day? finally?arrives,? the?auction? is?now? live,?
the?screen? like? fireworks!?Even?still?you?are?ready? for?
battle,? unswayed? by? the? fact? that? the? high? estimate?
ceiling?has? just?been?shattered.?You?hold?your?bidder?
away?and?you?stand?alone?victorious!?You?ve?done? it,?
the? note? is? yours,? but? then? reality? quickly? creeps? in.?
Your? currency? purchasing? budget? has? now? been?
won?your?note.?Not?a?bad?day? for?any? true? collector?
Now? imagine? that?you?are? in?a?brick?and?mortar?
coin? store.? An? old? dusty? shop? that?s? been? there? for?
decades.? You?ve? visited? this? location? plenty? of? times?
and? you? know,?with? confidence,? that? you? have? seen?
everything? they?have? to?offer?at? least?a?dozen? times.?
cool? new? note? to? take? home?with? you.? You? ask? the?
the? back? that? you? can? see,? but? I?m? not? done? pricing?
everything?yet.??Oh?man,?now?we?re? talking!?He?said,?
anything.?Even?a? ratty?old? Fr.40?will?do? the? trick.?Oh?
the?No?Access? ??Employees?Only?door?with?a? thick?D?
pages?of?garbage?VG?1957?$1?SC?s? in? the?back?of? the?
binder.?He?sets? the?heavy?book?down? in? front?of?you?
just?give?me?a?shout? if?there?s?something?here?you?re?
interested? in.?? You? quickly? open? the? cover? to? reveal?
page?after?glorious?page?of? tantalizing?paper?money!?
Miraculously,? the? material? is? even? organized.? Large?
Type,?Nationals,?Obsoletes,? Confederate,? Fractionals,?
MPC?s? and? even? some? early?Numeral? Seal? Small? Size?
notes? in?CCU!?There?must?be?at? least?eighty?pages?of?
back? to?back?notes? in?here!?Perusing? the?wares,? you?
notice?dozens?of?original?premium?quality?notes? that?
and? suddenly? get? hit? between? the? eyes.? Only?Mike?
Tyson? in? his? heyday? could?ve? landed? a?heavier? blow.?
you? thought? you?d? never? find.? If? this? note?was? ever?
offered? at? public? auction,? you? genuinely? feared? you?
of? the?winning?bid.?Now?you?have? found? it,? the?note?
look? up,? still? reeling? and? all? you? can? muster? is? a?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
bit?and?you?point? to? the?note?you?ve?been?staring?at,?
your? face?with?your?sleeve.? ?He?comes?over?closer? to?
?Okay? I?ll?take?this?one!??A?near? Impossible?note? that?
purchase? if? it? found? it?s?way? to?auction,?now? lands? in?
your? lap? for? less? than?half? the?price?of?a? tank?of?gas!?
?Cherry? Picking?? in? our? hobby?s? context? can? be?
defined? as:? Locating? high? caliber? examples? of?
market?value.?Whether?you?buy? the?note? that?breaks?
to? get? an? amazing? deal? on? every? note?we? need,? but?
Below? is?a?note?that?was?a?near?earth?shattering?
for?only? $19.95!? The? story? told?here?may?have?been?
1934A? $5? Federal? Reserve?Note?Mules? are? rare?
rarest? for? the? entire? five?dollar? denomination.? The?
defining? feature? that?make? these? so? special? is?micro?
the? Macro? Era.? At? the?
request? of? the? Secret?
Service? whose? anti?
counterfeiting? efforts?
sought? a? plate? number?
large? enough? to? be? seen?
without? requiring?
magnification,? the? plate?
numbers?were? increased? in?
the?Micro? Era? that? had? been? retired? and? stored? for?
gave? new? life? to? old? plates? that?were? on? hand? and?
suitable? for?use.?The? rare?$5? FRN?mules?on? series?of?
of? known? examples? is? rather? shocking.? For? all? nine?
like? to? share??Your?note?might?be? featured?here? in?a?
what? you? paid? and? where? it? was? found? to:?
More? detailed? information? on? Bp.637? can? be?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
The Quartermaster Column
by Michael McNeil
With the Civil War
approaching its end in February
of 1865, Major James Gardiner
Paxton, Quartermaster at the
post in Lynchburg, Virginia,
received a request to report on
the business under his charge.
These reports usually contain a
few pages of mundane listings of office hours,
employees, and production rates of goods, but
Paxton seemed to sense the final opportunity
presented to him to vent the frustrations of his
office. He wrote an unprecedented 28-page report
of the activities which later established him as the
driving force behind what Dr. G. Terry Sharrer of
the Smithsonian Institution called ?...the first
important American contribution to veterinary
James G. Paxton, born on November 4th,
1821, was commissioned as a Captain & Assistant
Quarter Master on September 17th, 1861. He was
stationed in various places in Virginia and what
later would become West Virginia, among them
Jacksons River, White Sulphur Springs, Salem, and
Dublin. He was promoted to Major, taking rank on
August 16th, 1862, and reporting as Quarter Master
to Gen?l Albert Gallatin Jenkins. Most of the
Confederate Type-40 and -41 Treasury notes
endorsed by Paxton are dated in early 1863 during
his time with Gen?l Jenkins. At a very collectible
Fricke rarity of R-10 they can be found with a little
diligence at paper money shows and online
auctions. Maj. Paxton and his 11-year-old son,
James Gardiner Paxton, Jr., were killed when their
passenger car ran off the railroad track into a deep
ravine on August 7th, 1870.
Paxton was stationed at the post of
Lynchburg, Virginia from October 1st, 1863 until
March 20th, 1865. Charged with restoring to health
the worn-out horses and mules of Gen?l Robert E.
Lee?s Army of Northern Virginia, it was here that
Paxton?s great work was accomplished. Horses and
mules were the cars and trucks of their time, and
they would last less than 15 months before being
replaced by fresh animals, which of course were in
very short supply. A letter from Paxton dated
November 12th, 1863 remarked that ?...animals
from beyond the [enemy] lines were purchased with
Paxton brought many thousands of horses
and mules back to health and vigor, noting that the
?Animals are kept in the army until life is almost
extinct....? He kept meticulous records and
calculated the numbers and percentages of animals
rehabilitated and those lost to sickness: 24.58% of
horses and 11.25% of mules were lost to Glanders
& Farcy disease. Realizing the potential gain of
controlling this disease, he enlisted the services of
the Lynchburg physicians Dr. John J. Terrell and
Dr. John R. Page, who carefully studied the disease
and determined that it was infectious. They
discovered early symptoms and recommended
quarantine of sick animals to prevent the spread of
the disease, a method which worked well and
eventually culminated in the eradication of the
disease by 1945. The Smithsonian identified these
physicians as the source of this groundbreaking
veterinary work, but we now know from Paxton?s
report that he was the instigator of the project.
Caring for many thousands of animals in
western Virginia and North Carolina, Paxton?s
officers and agents proved the effectiveness of the
quarantine of animals with early symptoms.
Paxton?s frustration grew out of his superior
officers? reluctance to quarantine sick animals
enroute to his jurisdiction, believing ?...that fully
19/20 [95%] of the animals lost by Glanders as
reported, ...contracted the disease before their
arrival.? Paxton?s file in the National Archives
contain several letters to Paxton from his superior
officers with a tone which spoke of a total
The back of the Type 40 note with a bold endorsement which
reads: ?Issued Jan 19, 1863, James G. Paxton, Maj. & QM.?
image Pierre Fricke
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
breakdown in communication: ?If you wish to be
relieved of this duty, let me know at once & I will
assign some other officer....? Paxton used the
census of 1850 to show that horses and mules were
far too scarce a commodity in the Southern states to
allow the preventable losses of those animals to
Glanders & Farcy disease, but his data and concerns
fell on deaf ears.
The Quartermaster General thought enough
of Paxton?s work to have a thousand copies of it
printed as a circular and distributed to other
quartermasters. A long search has not turned up a
single copy of this work; if any readers possess a
copy, please email the author at Paxton had hard data to
prove his case, but his superiors thought their
opinions had more value. Today we think that ?fake
news? is a new problem, and we unfortunately
teach in our public schools and universities that
everyone?s opinion has equal value, which of
course makes fake news all the more believable.
But Paxton?s 28-page venting of frustration shows
that mankind has valued opinions over data for
centuries. It is a human condition.
You can find the story of Major Paxton and
the transcription of his report in more detail on pp.
560-569 in Confederate Quartermasters,
Commissaries, and Agents.2 When you find a
Treasury note endorsed by Maj. Paxton, you are
holding the signature of the man who drove the first
important veterinary work in America.
2. McNeil, Michael. Confederate Quartermasters, Commissaries, and Agents, published by Pierre Fricke, 2016.
The front of the Type 40 Treasury note endorsed by Major James G. Paxton. image Pierre Fricke
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Series of 1934A $20 Philadelphia FRNs
By Jamie Yakes
Dealer Phil Thomas recently asked me to
investigate why Series of 1934A $20 Philadelphia
stars are seemingly non-existent. He got the note
shown in figure 1 earlier this year and found few
past sales. Being unfamiliar with the type, I did
some research and found the unexpected.
Series of 1934A $20 Philadelphia notes?
regulars and stars?were never printed in large
numbers. Except for a single press run of one plate
in 1942, use of those faces was confined mostly to
1944-45, which coincided with increased printings
of $20 Philadelphia notes. The BEP predominantly
used 1934 faces until 1945, so production of 1934A
sheets ultimately was dwarfed by the heavy use of
1934 faces and production of those sheets.
The BEP commonly used 1934 faces well
into the 1940s for many types as a cost-saving
measure during World War II. For $20
Philadelphias, they printed less than four million
notes each year to 1942,1 and had enough usable
1934 faces on hand to provide sufficient sheets.
They finished 1934A faces 29 to 36 in November
and December 19382 as part of their effort to
prepare macro plate serials faces for all types, but
never used them at the time.
After 1942, annual printings of $20
Philadelphia notes increased to between six million-
eight million for the next few years.3 The BEP
finished six more 1934A faces, serials 37 to 42, in
May and June 1942 in anticipation of those
increased orders, but only used face 29 for a single
press run in July and August.4
By 1944 the BEP started sending all the
1934A faces to press along with 11 1934 faces to
print sheets for larger orders in 1944-45. The 1934
faces still did the heavy lifting during that period:
They had twice as much press time as 1934As,
when most 1934A faces had only one or two press
runs.5 By mid-1945 Series of 1934B Vinson-
Morgenthau plates started supplanting 1934 and
1934A Julian-Morgenthau plates across all types.
The BEP used the last 1934A $20 Philadelphia
faces in December 1945 and carried a few 1934s
into February 1946.
Series of 1934A Philadelphia notes are
tough. The Small-Size Guide6 lists 3.4 million
1934A notes and over 53 million 1934s ?printed,?
numbers recorded by Chuck O?Donnell in the
1960s from the BEP?s plate summary cards.7 Those
numbers are misleading, however, as they actually
represent the quantity of unnumbered notes (in
sheets of 12) printed from those plates. Not all were
numbered, so actual quantities of printed notes will
be fewer. Regardless, probably 5-10% of the 50
million notes numbered through 1946 were 1934As.
Serial number ranges for observed 1934A
Philadelphia $20s also are misleading, as they
indicate more notes than are real. Diehard variety
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
in the range of 15 million-25 million. Numbered
notes from sheets printed during 1944-45 will have
serials greater than 35 million. Heritage Auctions
Galleries shows two stars: one from 1942 with face
29 and serial C00269833?, and the other of 1944-
45 vintage with serial C00409247?.8 Thomas?s star
is of the latter vintage with serial C00448147?.
Two back plate varieties are possible with
$20 Philadelphia 1934A faces. Late-finished back
204 was on press from April 1944-October 1946,
and those sheets were available to be printed with
1934A Philadelphia faces.9 A true rarity will be
micro back mules (with back plate 317 or less). The
BEP dropped the last $20 micro back in October
1942,10 so micro back sheets were available to be
mated with face 29 during its 1942 summertime
press run. None are currently known.
1. ?First Serial Numbers on U.S Small Size Notes
Delivered during each year 1928 to 1952.?
Prepared by the O&M Secretary, Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, April 1952. BEP
Historical Resource Center, Washington, D.C.
2. Record Group 318-Bureau of Engraving and Printing:
Entry P1, ?Ledgers Pertaining to Plates, Rolls and
Dies, 1870s-1960s,? Container 147. National
Archives and Records Administration, College Park,
3. ?First Serial Numbers...? O&M Secretary.
4. Container 147.
5. Ibid.
6. Lindquist, Scott, and John Schwartz. The Standard
Guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money, 10th ed.
Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 2011.
7. Email communication from Peter Huntoon, August 10,
8. Heritage Auction Galleries.
15001. Accessed, August 10, 2018.
9. Yakes, Jamie. ?Fantastic Life of $20 Back Plate 204.?
Paper Money 56, no. 3 (2017, May/Jun): 247-248.
10. Record Group 318-Bureau of Engraving and
Printing: Entry P1, ?Ledgers Pertaining to Plates,
Rolls and Dies, 1870s-1960s,? Container 43.
National Archives and Records Administration,
College Park, Maryland.
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___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The West Feliciana Rail Road
by Robert Gill
Well, the Fall season is vastly approaching
us, and this year?s Southern Oklahoma summer
was it?s usual. But the hot weather did not deter
me from acquiring a few new pieces for my
Obsolete sheet collection. I?m looking forward
to seeing what might come on the market for
me to nab in the coming months.
But now, let?s look at an incredibly rare
sheet that I acquired several years ago. And
that is on The West Feliciana Rail Road, head
quartered out of Woodville, Mississippi. The
quality of this sheet is not very good, but its
rarity is virtually unobtainable, as it's the only
surviving sheet that "in the know" Obsolete
people are aware of.
Conceived in 1828 by several planters
and bankers, The West Feliciana Rail Road
spanned all of twenty-seven miles when
completed in 1838. Remnants of the original
tracks are still visible today in remote areas of
West Feliciana Parish between Bayou Sara
and Woodville, Mississippi.
In the years between 1835 and 1860, the
very rich, fertile farmland adjoining the
Mississippi River between Memphis and New
Orleans was home to more millionaires than
any other area of the United States at that
time. Their vast fortunes were the product of
many great cotton producing years in the
South, and West Feliciana Parish was the
zenith of accomplishment in this culture.
Innovations were needed to keep pace with
the increased productions enjoyed across the
South, hence the hurried railroad charter on
March 25th, 1831, by the Louisiana
The overwhelming expectation of
impending prosperity and the urgent need for
faster, more dependable transportation of
cotton to the packets waiting at Bayou Sara's
wharves produced this first standard gauge,
and first interstate railroad system. Though
not eagerly embraced by all whose path she
crossed -- inadequate funding, some
incompetent craftsmen, planters who refused
to have their fields split, the town fathers of
Bayou Sara demanding the potentially
explosive "iron horse" not to run too close to
town -- The West Feliciana Rail Road did
succeed. In 1842, the wood-clad iron rails
reached Woodville, Mississippi, at a cost of
$25,000 per mile. What a bargain!
In 1889, the Louisville and Nashville
Railroad claimed this line, and at one point,
the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley laid claim
as well. In 1892, the Illinois Central Railroad
absorbed the system until it was discontinued
in the 1970's.
From its inception in 1828 until 1892,
Mr. Edward McGehee, and later his son, J.
Burruss McGehee, were very ardent backers
of The West Feliciana Rail Road, as was
Gerald C. Brandon, Governor of Mississippi,
who championed this noble effort. These
gentlemen and others witnessed the arduous
struggle during the years of the War Between
the States, and the devastation that existed
afterward. The West Feliciana Railroad Bank
was established, and money issued, as well,
during their watch.
So, there's the history behind this old
railroad company, and its importance to the
South. And because of its existence, this
fabulous sheet of paper money remains for us
"paper enthusiasts" to enjoy.
As I always do, I invite any comments to
my cell phone number (580) 221-0898, or my
personal email address
Until next time.... HAPPY
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
?News & Notes? at Four Years
Now in its fourth year, SPMC?s weekly blog
?News & Notes? chugs along, appearing weekly both
on the Society?s website and as an email sent to some
six hundred online subscribers. At this point, the blog
is a routine production that takes me a few hours each
week to piece together. But to call it routine doesn?t at
all imply that I?ve grown indifferent to it. To explain,
I thought it would be worthwhile to recount how
?News & Notes? came about and how it?s put
Like many other enterprises, the Society
entered the Internet Age by developing an online
presence for its members. A good website should both
serve its members and reflect their activities. In my
experience, any website that doesn?t offer routine
evidence of updating and change raises a red flag
about the energy of the organization behind it. So,
when I got involved with SPMC governance some
four years ago, I thought that adding a little bit of
yeast to the website seemed like a good first project.
The question was, what would that project
look like? By temperament, I?m a conservative, which
means that when I think about doing something, I look
to see how it has already been done well and do
likewise. In this instance, Wayne Homren?s E-Sylum
really stands out to my mind as the best example for
how an online presence can bridge the virtual and
physical worlds of collecting, while encouraging
active engagement from a discerning readership.
Other online aggregators, such as Scott
Purvis?s CoinWeek or Ursula Kampmann?s
CoinsWeekly, are good at developing and publishing
content, but that would be beyond the capacity of a
single individual like myself, working only a few
hours a week. Also, unlike Homren, I don?t have the
time or ability to pull together numismatic and
bibliomaniacal (?) news, provide perspective on it,
and cultivate the online community that contributes so
much worthwhile material to his site. To that extent,
E-Sylum serves at once as a news aggregator, a
publisher of original content, and a bulletin board for
a lively constituency of collectors and scholars. It?s in
a class by itself.
If I couldn?t aspire to do all that, I reckoned,
then a simple approximation of one part of it might
do, and that was the aggregating of news links,
without providing commentary, about anything
relevant to paper money and its collection. And that?s
basically what ?News & Notes? is.
My original plan, and one which I have
mostly stuck with, was to divide up the weekly news
about paper money into three categories: (1) paper
money and currency as a collectible and as a factor in
public affairs; (2) the industry that produces paper
money?banknote printers, security paper producers,
and ancillary firms; and (3) any criminal activity
associated in some way with paper money. This last
category includes, naturally, counterfeiting, but also
any frauds and scams that involve paper money as a
prominent focus.
The weekly routine?and a routine it has to
be?begins with Google News alerts set to selected
keywords, with links sent to my email inbox. After
working through those, I turn to collector and industry
websites for additional material. Finally, if there?s
time, I?ll nose around for sources in French, Spanish,
and German.
Of the three types of news, the first is the
easiest to sort. Numismatic publications provide
feature stories, auction news, and other items. Some
are more link-friendly than others, but that is their
commercial choice. A few collectors? blogs are
impressively up-to-date in their coverage of new
banknote issues. More broadly, general news about
currency?for example Venezuela?s monetary
travails, or India?s demonetization of high-value
banknotes?invariably shows up in the weekly links,
and incidentally underscore how relevant money and
currency remains to a wider public audience.
Industry-related links have tended to be fewer
in number, consisting of press releases by companies,
analyst reports, or other news related to the technical
production of paper currency.
Finally, the theme of money and crime proved
more haphazard than I?d have thought. Yes,
counterfeiting is a chronic problem, but most cases of
it are squalid and uninteresting, in the sense that any
fool with a printer can produce some illegal facsimile
of currency. Thus, the blog has focused on more
systematic counterfeiting operations?Peru or North
Korea, for examples?and on currency-related crimes
that involve more than the ordinary level of perfidy, or
about which there might be some interesting twist.
Together, those three elements make up
?News & Notes? in its current form. If you are not a
subscriber to the email, you can find the blog version
posted every Tuesday on the SPMC website. If you
are a subscriber, check your spam folder in case you
are missing it!
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
President?s Column
Sep/Oct 2018
Every two months your SPMC Board of Governors
meets via conference call, or in person at the annual
International Paper Money Show in Kansas City, to
discuss club business and set an agenda for things we
think are relevant and important for the organization to
accomplish. We met again last evening, as I write this,
and I?m pleased at the direction we are going. We have
a lot of good minds and hardworking individuals running
this ship.
As we wind down on projects that have been in the
works for a while, like the recent website upgrade, the
construction of the Obsoletes Database Project website,
outreach initiatives, etc., we begin to look toward new
objectives. One that began at our meeting in June was
our intention to raise the standards for our exhibits
judging, and correspondingly to improve the quality of
the awards we make for them. At last night?s call, the
team of Wendell Wolka, Robert Moon and Robert
Vandevender provided a progress report and I heard
some very good ideas. I?m already excited for next
year?s IPMS. If you like to exhibit your notes and tell an
interesting story to go along with them, this is your call
to get started now. I promise, the awards will make it
worth your while.
Also, on the call we discussed the possibility of web-
based publishing for a book project we are aware of. I
feel it?s none too early to get our feet wet in this area, for
if we wish to continue to publish high quality paper
money references, we need to deliver our products in
21st century fashion. I am hopeful we are up for the
Finally, on the call last night, I was reminded why I
decided to get involved in SPMC governance to begin
with, several years ago. It?s a long story, and I won?t get
into the details, but I remembered this: In some ways
our hobby is a church for me, a sanctuary from the grind
of the real world. It?s a place where I can fellowship
with friends who have similar interests. In this venue --
for the most part -- gone are the divisive things, the
politics that pull us apart. If you share this sentiment, I
would encourage you to get more involved in your
hobby: get your friends and colleagues to join SPMC;
attend shows at the regional and national level; attend
seminars; conduct research on your favorite notes; set up
exhibits; write articles or stories about your experiences.
After all, your hobby is what you make of it.
With that said, I am headed back into enjoying what?s
left of summer. On the horizon for fall are lots of road
trips to college, high school and club soccer games for
my daughters. Life is good.
Editor Sez
I am sharing Shawn?s space
this month as neither of us are as
verbose as we usually are.
KC is over, and it was great.
Summer FUN and the ANA are over
and by the time you get this Long Beach will be
done also. Lots of great times at shows this year
and lots of just plain fun. This issue is a really cool
one for me as it has a neat article that incorporates
the mysteries of Sherlock Holmes. There is also a
topic addressed we don?t often see?depression
scrip and some neat research by Peter on Nationals
from Territories. That along with our second
column on Confederate Quartermasters and we are
introducing a new column on Cherry-Picking by
Robert Calderman. I also had two articles submitted
on the same thing?Zambian notes! Rarely do I get
a world submission except from Mr. Chambliss, but
two the same month, same country?wow! Even
though they did not overlap much, I decided to do
one this issue, one the next.
Putting this issue together was quite a
challenge, not due to the complexities of the issue
(which are always a challenge), but due to personal
challenges. I had to start back to school on August 1
and over the summer they had to re-do my clinic, so
I got to move back in?while preparing for the
5,000+ students to arrive. Along with that, Brandon
and his wife were all set to go for their delayed
honeymoon (which of course, for some reason, I
seemed to have paid for) and then BOOM?a little
weather disturbance named LANE comes on board.
I tell you what, trying to plan around a hurricane is
a problem. But, in the end, they were able to change
to go to Tampa and Orlando with very little expense
to me. Whew?crisis averted.
In this issue?s envelopes, you will find a
return of dues envelopes. Years ago, all
memberships expired at the end of December. Then
when we changed to our current system, we did not
use the envelopes. If you will keep these envelopes
until your dues are due, they are pre-addressed, and
it will be easier for you to keep on track.
Until next month?happy collecting and
enjoy the upcoming shows and the hobby!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
W_l]om_ to Our
N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk?SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 07/05/2018
14806 Daniel Luchansky, Jason Bradford
14807 David Rafanowicz, Website
14808 Samuel Muska, Website
14809 Matt Draiss, Website
14810 Matthew Richter, Website
14811 Jacek Teller, Website
14812 Anthony Sarto, Website
14813 Terry Elledge, Jason Bradford
14814 Dan Sumpter, Robert Calderman
14815 Larry Veneziano, Robert Calderman
14816 Thomas Thome, Jason Bradford
14817 Viktor Engel, Website
14818 Paul Whaley, Website
14819 Jeff Lundy, Jason Bradford
14820 Bruce Scherker, Joseph Muskus
14821 Suzanne Trammell, Website
14822 Brad Schmidt, Jason Bradford
14823 Jeffrey Brockberg, Higgins Museum
14824 Clauson Wilson, Jason Bradford
14825 William Sudduth, Jason Bradford
14826 Daniel McKenna, ANA Ad
14827 William Johnson, ANA Ad
14828 David Lee, Jason Bradford
14829 Mitch Damp, Jason Bradford
14830 Tyrone Fay, ANA Summer Seminar
Life Memberships
NEW MEMBERS 08/05/2018
14831 Madhu Thakker, Jason Bradford
14832 Carl Lester, Website
14833 Peter Catanzano, Frank Clark
14834 Thomas Herzfeld, ANA Ad
14835 Andre Rivard, Website
14836 Paul Tomaka, Website
14837 Allan Bogutz, Website
14838 Peter Bertram, Frank Clark
14839 Andrew Yates, Website
14840 Mark Dombrowski, Website
Life Memberships
New Dues Remittal Process
Send dues directly to
Robert Moon
SPMC Treasurer
104 Chipping Ct
Greenwood, SC 29649
This issue of Paper Money has a dues envelope
in it. Use it to send your dues in when your
mailing label states they are due.
You may also pay your dues online at
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211,Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
?LAWRENCE? (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
WANTED: Republic of Texas ?Star? (1st issue) notes.
Also ?Medallion? (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
pre-1871 DC merchant scrip (Alexandria, Georgetown
& Washington). Send photo/price/description
Buying & Selling
? Obsolete ? Confederate
? Colonial & Continental
? Fractional
? Large & Small U.S. Type Notes
Vern Potter Currency
& Collectibles
Please visit our Website at
Hundreds of Quality Notes Scanned,
Attributed & Priced
P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
LargeSize Type
National Currency
Specimens, Proofs,Experimentals
FrederickJ. Bart
POBox2? Roseville,MI 48066
$MoneyMart $?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
Florida Paper Money
Ron Benice
?I collect all kinds
of Florida paper money?
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available,
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg?s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
S implified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Come join a group dedicated to the are
fractional fanatics!
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact Dave Stitely, membership chair
Box 136, Gradyville, PA 19039.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 X 21/4 $28.40 $51.00 $228.00 $400.00
Colonial 51/2 X 31/16 $25.20 $45.00 $208.00 $364.00
Small Currency 65/8 X 27/8 $25.45 $47.00 $212.00 $380.00
Large Currency 77/8 X 31/2 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Auction 9 X 33/4 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Foreign Currency 8 X 5 $38.00 $68.50 $310.00 $537.00
Checks 95/8 X 41/4 $40.00 $72.50 $330.00 $577.00
10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet--end
open 8
3/4 X 141/2 $23.00 $101.00 $177.00 $412.00
National Sheet--side
open 8
1/2 X 171/2 $24.00 $108.00 $190.00 $421.00
Stock Certificate--end
open 9
1/2 X 121/2 $21.50 $95.00 $165.00 $390.00
Map & Bond--end open 181/2 X 241/2 $91.00 $405.00 $738.00 $1,698.00
Photo 51/4 X 71/4 $12.00 $46.00 $80.00 $186.00
Foreign Oversize 10 X 6 $23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
Foreign Jumbo 10 X 8 $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
*Large size notes
*Large size FRNs and FBNs
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-7505
See out eBay auctions under
user ID DBRcurrency
1507 Sanborn Ave. ? Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size).
You may assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
Out of Country sent Registered Mail at Your Cost
Mylar D? is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar? Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the
equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 29, Dedham, MA 02027 ? 781-326-9481
ORDERS: 800-HI-DENLY ? FAX-781-326-9484
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * September/October* Whole No. 317_____________________________________________________________
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC?s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
? Hosts the annual National Currency and Coin Convention during March in Rosemont, Illinois.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
? Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
? Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the International Paper
Money Show, as well as Paper Money classes and scholarships at the A.N.A.?s Summer Seminar series.
? Publishes several ?How to Collect? booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
? Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Bea Sanchez ? Secretary
P.O. Box 44-2809 ? Miami, FL 33144-2809
(305) 264-1101 ? email:
To consign to an upcoming auction, contact a Heritage Consignment Director today.
800-872-6467, Ext. 1001 or
September 5-7 & 10-11, 2018 | Long Beach | Live & Online
Highlights from our Official Long Beach Signature Auction
Visit to view the catalog or place bids online.
Paul R. Minshull #LSM0605473; Heritage Auctions #LSM0602703 &
#LSM0624318. BP 20%; see 48409
Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40 Categories
Immediate Cash Advances Available
1 Million+ Online Bidder-Members
San Diego, CA - $20 1882 Brown Back Fr. 494
The Consolidated NB Ch. # 3056
PMG Extremely Fine 40
Rochester, NY - $50 1902 Red Seal Fr. 665
The NB of Rochester Ch. # (E)8026
PMG Extremely Fine 40
Massachusetts August 18, 1775 4s
Sword in Hand Note
PCGS Choice New 63
St. Francisco, CA- Miners Bank of Savings
of Alta-California $1 in Gold Dust 18__ Remainder
PCGS Very Fine 30
T2 $500 1861 PF-1 Cr. 2.
PCGS Extremely Fine 45PPQ
Continental Currency May 10, 1775 $20
PCGS Extremely Fine 40
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