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Table of Contents
Series 1929 FRBNs Released During WWII--Lee Lofthus, Jamie Yakes, Peter Huntoon
The 1935A $1 Silver Certificates--Richard Weil
The Henderson National Bank of Huntsville, Alabama--David Hollander
The Treasury Clerk Goes to War--Nick Bruyer
Series of 1928 $100 FRNs with Inverted Stars--Peter Huntoon
New Hampshire Scrip-A Book Review--Loren Gatch
Uncoupled-Joe Boling & Fred Schwan
Quartermaster Column--Michael McNeil
Obsolete Corner--Robert Gill
Small Notes—Banks Issue New $1 Federal Reserve Notes (1963)--Jamie Yakes
Cherry Pickers Corner--Robert Calderman
Chump Change--Loren Gatch
President’s Message
2018 Paper Money Index
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