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Table of Contents
Anomalous Securities Clause--Peter Huntoon
Duplicated Back Plate Serials on Series 2009A $100 FRNs--Joe Farrenkopf
Albania 1 Lek 1976--David Lok
Yellowstone Merchants National Bank--Frank Clark
Register of the Treasury Signature on U.S. Currency--Lee Lofthus & Peter Huntoon
A Confederate Train Note Date Set--Michael McNeil
The Life of Hiram Vail & his Obsolete Notes--Charles DiComo, PhD
Styles of Paper Money Collecting--Ed Zegers
Fractional Plate Numbers on Specimen Notes--Rick Melamed
Uncoupled--Joe Boling and Fred Schwan
Small Notes--Jamie Yakes
Come See
What?s Inside
Paper Money
Vol. LVIII, No. 3, Whole No. 321 May/June 2019
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
1231 E. Dyer Road, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 ? 949.253.0916
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Fr. 2220-F. 1928 $5000 Federal Reserve Note.
Atlanta. PCGS Very Fine 30 PPQ.
Realized $129,250
Deadwood, South Dakota. $10 1882 Brown Back.
Fr. 487. The American NB.
PCGS Very Fine 30 PPQ. Serial Number 1.
Realized $64,625
Fr. 202a. 1861 $50 Interest Bearing Note
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25.
Realized $1,020,000
Fr. 346d. 1880 $1000 Silver Certificate of Deposit.
PCGS Currency Very Fine 25.
Realized $1,020,000
Fr. 183c. 1863 $500 Legal Tender Note
PCGS Currency Very Choice New 64 PPQ.
Realized $900,000
Fr. 187b. 18803 $1000 Legal Tender Note
PCGS Currency Choice About New 55.
Realized $960,000
Ketchikan, Alaska. Small Size $5. Fr. 1800.
The First NB of Ketchikan. Charter #4983.
PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ*.
Realized $90,000
Auction: August 13-16, 2019 | Consign U.S. Currency by June 24, 2019
Fr. 379a. 1890 $1000 Treasury Note,
PCGS Currency About New 50.
Realized $2,040,000
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
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Vol. LVIII, No. 3 Whole No. 321 May/June 2019
ISSN 0031-1162
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Benny Bolin, Editor
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Anomalous Securities Clause
Peter Huntoon ............................................................... 156
Duplicated Back Plate Serials on Series 2009A $100 FRNs
Joe Farrenkopf. ............................................................ 164
Albania 1 Lek 1976
David Lok ...... ............................................................... 170
Yellowstone Merchants National Bank
Frank Clark .................................................................. 174
Register of the Treasury Signature on U.S. Currency
Lee Lofthus & Peter Huntoon ...................................... 176
A Confederate Train Note Date Set
Michael McNeil ............................................................ 186
The Life of Hiram Vail & his Obsolete Notes
Charles DiComo, PhD .......................................... ....... 190
In Memoriam ........................................................................ 195
Styles of Paper Money Collecting
Ed Zegers ..................................................... ............. 196
Fractional Plate Numbers on Specimen Notes
Rick Melamed ............................................................ 199
Uncoupled?Joe Boling & Fred Schwan .............................. 209
Quartermaster Colum .......................................................... 214
Cherry Pickers Corner ........................................................ 218
Chump Change .................................................................... 220
Small Notes?Melon?s Two Signatures ................................ 221
Obsolete Corner .................................................................. 222
Bank Note History Project.................................................... 224
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
VICE-PRESIDENT--Robert Vandevender II, P.O. Box 2233,
Palm City, FL 34991
SECRETARY--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
Greenwood, SC 29649
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Steve Jennings, 214 W. Main, Freeport, IL 61023
J. Fred Maples, 7517 Oyster Bay Way, Montgomery Village,
MD 20886
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Ctr., FL 33571
PUBLISHER-EDITOR--Benny Bolin, 5510 Springhill Estates Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex, CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The Annual Meeting of the SPMC i s
held in June at the
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Memberships for all members who joined the Society prior
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are on an annual basis beginning and ending the month joined. All
renewals are due before the expiration date which can be found on the
label of Paper Money. Renewals may be done via the Society website or by check/money order sent to the secretary.
And many more CSA, Union and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
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Anomalous Securities Clause
on some $10 1902PB St. Louis Nationals
Dave Grant, a collector of metro St Louis nationals and ephemera, blew me out of the water with
the scans of the three Series of 1902 blue seal plain backs illustrated on Figure 1. Observe that all are from
The National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis and all were printed from the same 10-10-10-10 plate lettered
QQ-RR-SS-TT. The joker here is that the middle one in the sequence has an obsolete ?or other? security
This is the first example ever to turn up in either the Series of 1882 or 1902 where the securities
clause was changed on a plate from the same bank bearing the same title with the same plate letters.
This is the most exciting?and unanticipated?technical variety I have seen in decades in the
national bank note series. And it shouldn?t have happened.
Suspecting he had overlooked something obvious, Dave asked if I could explain it or document
how it happened. He had an idea that turned out to be correct, but he wanted to see what I came up with
before he would divulge it to me. The purpose of this article it to explain the situation. Frankly, I haven?t
had this much fun running something down in the National Archives in many years. I learned a lot in the
process, so will pass those insights along as well.
The Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Act that was passed in 1908 and expired in 1915
allowed national banks to issue currency secured by paper other than U. S. Treasury bonds. This gave rise
to the Series of 1882 and 1902 date back issues. The securities clause used on all of them stated that the
notes were ?secured by United States bonds or other securities? instead of the former ?Secured by United
States bonds deposited with the Treasurer.? Every existing face plate was altered to carry the ?or other
securities? clause and, of course, it was placed on new plates as well. If the change was made on an existing
plate, the plate letters were changed as well.
When the act expired and the Series of 1882 value backs and 1902 blue seal plain backs ensued,
the decision was made by Secretary of the Treasury William McAdoo to allow the ?or other securities? face
plates to continue in production until they wore out (Huntoon, 2015). Only new or duplicate plates made
thereafter carried the ?deposited with the Treasurer? clause. The result was that Series of 1882 value back
and Series of 1902 blue seal plain back notes sport both clauses, so collectors rarely pay attention to them.
However, there were two immutable technical protocols that were followed. (1) No existing ?or
other securities? plates were to be altered to carry ?deposited with the Treasurer.? (2) Once the plate with
?or other securities? wore out, successive plates of the same combination were to carry ?deposited with the
The scans that Dave sent were from a duplicate plate made for the bank in October 1915 after the
Aldrich-Vreeland Act expired so it should have carried the ?deposited with the Treasurer? clause, and
initially it did.
Dave?s Conundrum
With his strong interest in varieties available from the biggest banks in the country, it?s natural that
Dave?s favorite is his hometown?s National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis. The NBC was among the
largest issuers in the country and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing ate up plates supplying it with notes
in both the 1882 and 1902 series.
The bank was issuing from 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-10 plates during the Series of 1902 era, and we
The Paper
Peter Huntoon
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
will focus on the 10-10-10-10s. The charter of the bank was extended on December 11, 1909, so its first
Series of 1902 notes consisted of date backs. These were, of course, followed by plain backs.
Believe it or not, between 1909 and 1928, the BEP had to make twenty-five 10-10-10-10 plates to
keep the bank supplied with its $10 1902 notes. This is a treasure trove for a guy like Dave because aside
from all the overprint varieties that can occur, there also is a rich lode of plate letter varieties to add to the
The 1902 10-10-10-10 plates for the bank cycled all the way through the alphabet four times and
were beginning on the fifth pass when the series ran out. The plate letters from the first pass stand alone as
Figure 1. These notes are in serial number order and all are from the QQ-RR-SS-TT plate, yet the middle one
carries an obsolete ?or other? securities clause.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
A, B, C, D, etc., the second pass used double letters, AA, BB, CC, DD, the third, fourth and fifth passes used
subscripted letters beginning at A3, A4 and A5.
The last ?or other securities? plate was II-JJ-KK-LL certified August 26, 1914. Plate MM-NN-OO-PP
came along on August 5, 1915 with ?deposited with the Treasurer? followed by QQ-RR-SS-TT on October
22, 1915.
One of his favorite varieties from NBC are the plain backs paired with obsolete ?or other securities?
faces. While common for even mid-sized banks, this variety seems to be less frequently encountered for
the large issuers because those plates wore out quickly and were replaced by new ones with the current
securities clause. Consequently, he was delighted to land note 581652-TT. As he was logging in his new
prize, he saw that he had a note from MM-NN-OO-PP bearing serial 526365-PP but it had the ?deposited with
the Treasurer? clause. Odd.
Then lightning struck. He purchased 571941-TT, which carried ?deposited with the Treasurer.? This
was not supposed to happen. He hurriedly examined the images on the National Currency Foundation
census and Heritage auction archives and came up the hits for plate QQ-RR-SS-TT listed on Table 1.
Table 1. Recorded notes from the 10-10-10-10 Series of 1902 QQ-RR-SS-TT
plate for The National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis, Missouri, charter
4178, for which images are available.
Serial Serial Position Securities Clause
N235013 556120 SS deposited with the Treasurer
N235624 556731 TT deposited with the Treasurer
N236072 557179 RR deposited with the Treasurer
N477045 568295 RR deposited with the Treasurer
N483966 571941 TT deposited with the Treasurer
N499054 576309 TT deposited with the Treasurer
N510705 581410 QQ or other securities
N510947 581652 TT or other securities
N519595 586400 SS deposited with the Treasurer
N598837 595872 RR deposited with the Treasurer
No ambiguity?the clause was cycling with the wrong one in the middle. This is when he contacted
me and delightedly dropped this bomb in my lap.
The first thing I did was pull up the proofs for the bank and I found two for the QQ-RR-SS-TT plate,
both with the correct ?deposited with the Treasurer? clause. There was no ambiguity that both proofs came
from the same plate based on the plate margin markings. Clearly, we weren?t dealing with two plates, where
one was a mis-lettered duplicate.
There was only one QQ-RR-SS-TT plate and it was first certified October 22, 1915. That proof bore
two sets of initials in the lower margin; respectively, siderographer FWMcN (Frank W. McNally) and plate
finisher JMB (James Mark Butler).
The second proof represented a re-certification of the plate that was dated August 1, 1916. Oddly,
it had no notation explaining what had been done to it. Generally, when we find a second proof from a 1902
plate, ?heads re-entered? is scrawled in one of the margins indicating that the heads were refurbished after
they began to show wear.
In this case, the second proof carried two additional sets of initials in the lower margin; respectively,
HLC (Harvey L. Cote) and JAM (John A. Mooney). See Figure 2. Both were siderographers, but it only
takes one siderographer to re-enter a plate, so clearly an intermediate proof was missing.
There was only one avenue open to me. I had to dig out the plate ledger in the National Archives
in order to see what had occurred. That proved to be definitive.
The plate ledger revealed that the plate had been re-entered July 8, 1916 to refurbish wear on the
portraits after 21,000 sheets had been printed from it. The re-entry probably was carried out by
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
siderographer Harvey L. Cote based on the placement of his initials in line with those of JMB and FWMcN
in the lower margin of the second proof. He mistakenly grabbed an obsolete full-face generic roll to re-
enter McKinley?s portraits. This caused him also to lay-in the ?or other securities? clause. The mistake
wasn?t noticed, so the plate was used from July 22 to 31, 1916 to print at least 5,000 sheets with the mistake.
Somehow the problem was discovered and the plate sent for repairs. That work probably was
carried out by siderographer John A. Mooney. Significantly, as shown on Figure 3, the repair was flagged
in the plate ledger by a rubber stamped ?Altered? in front of the re-certification date of August 1, 1916. Of
course, the alteration referred to correcting the securities clause.
The essential production data surrounding plate QQ-RR-SS-TT are listed on Table 2. The notes with
the wrong securities clause were delivered to the Comptroller of the Currency during July 1916 and shipped
to the bank in September. Three notes with the error have been reported; specifically, N510705-581410-
QQ, N510910-581615-QQ and N510947-581652-TT, all from a delivery of 1,000 sheets from the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing to the Comptroller on July 26, 1916. The sheets containing the reported errors were
shipped to the bank on September 11.
The plates used to print large size nationals were steel. The intaglio images on them were laid-in
from transfer rolls lifted from hardened dies. The rolls were made of soft steel that were rolled back and
forth over the dies until the intaglio image on the die was picked up as a negative that stood in relief on the
surface of the roll. Once the roll was hardened, it could be used to lay-in the image on innumerable printing
plates. When a plate exhibited wear, it was a routine matter to refurbish it by using the roll to re-enter the
design. The first place where wear became evident on the typical plate was the delicate portraits, so re-entry
of portraits was routine.
The plate ledgers for the 1902 plates are rife with records of such re-entries, some plates being re-
entered two or three times. National bank notes plates were not hardened because they generally were not
heavily used. This allowed them to be re-entered and altered with minimal hassle.
Figure 2. There are two proofs for the QQ-RR-SS-TT plate, the original dated Oct 22, 1915, and a second dated
Aug 1, 1916, both of which have the correct security clause. The odd thing about the August proof is that it has
two additional sets of siderographer initials, HLC and JAM; respectively, Harvey L Cote and John A. Mooney,
but no notation indicating what had been done to the plate. It is obvious that an intermediate proof with the
wrong security clause is missing. Photos from National Numismatic Collection, Smithsonian Institution.
Figure 3. Entry from the plate ledger for the Series of 1902 10-10-10-10 QQ-RR-SS-TT plate for The National
Bank of Commerce of St. Louis. Oct 15, 1915 was when the plate was begun, 10-22-15 when it was certified, 7-
8-16 when re-entered, and 8-1-16 when altered.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
One fact became clear as was I working with the plate ledger containing the data for the 1902
plates for The National Bank of Commerce. Only a small percentage of the re-entries listed in the ledger
are represented by certified proofs in the BEP proof holding in the National Numismatic Collection. This
explains why a proof for the July 8, 1916 re-entry with the securities clause error was missing. Proofs for
re-entries were not routinely saved.
I always have assumed that they simply used a vignette roll to re-enter the portraits. This is
demonstrably the case for the majority of vignette re-entries because upon close examination minor
differences can be observed between the placement of the new and old vignettes on the before and after re-
entry proofs. Minor slop in positioning the portraits was hardly noticeable so wasn?t a concern.
However, the re-entered heads on $10 Series of 1902 proofs do not exhibit discernable placement
slop. It is clear that the siderographers were using full-face generic rolls for the $10s?rolls that contained
everything except the bank-specific information. This made sense because by doing so they eliminated
centering problems peculiar to McKinley?s portrait. This practice was news to me thanks to this project.
McKinley?s portrait is delimited by an enclosing fine black circle surrounded by a white band of
uniform width. It would be all but impossible to re-enter that vignette perfectly in order to preserve both
the line and band so they used a full-face generic roll instead. I never even thought of this previously, but
it is a practical solution. It also created the opportunity for the siderographer to lay-in the wrong securities
clause on the St. Louis plate thanks to use of the wrong generic roll.
A highly technical point must be made. The image on a roll stands in relief and those raised
elements press or re-press the image into the surface of the plate. If there is a part of the roll that contains
no image, that part of the roll will pass over the plate without leaving a mark. All the bank-specific items
are missing from a generic full-face roll so when one is used to refurbish a portrait, it has no impact on the
bank-specific items that are on the plate such as the charter numbers, bank title and Treasury signatures.
A legitimate question is how could the siderographer accidentally use an obsolete roll? Wouldn?t
they have gotten rid of them when the 1902 plain backs came along in July 1915?
The answer is no. There were many perfectly serviceable ?or other securities? plates that were in
concurrent use all the way to the end of the series in 1929 because the decision had been made to continue
using them until they wore out. Consequently, when the portraits on one of them started showing wear, the
siderographers had to use a roll with the obsolete clause to re-enter them. Those old rolls were lurking
around waiting for the opportunity for someone to mistakenly use one like happened here!
The point is that in the affairs of men, if it can happen, it will. This represents a remarkable
occurrence and to my knowledge it is unprecedented. The only way it could have been discovered was for
some collector like Dave to obtain several notes from the same plate and notice the oddity among them.
Carefully think this situation through because it cuts two ways. In this case a siderographer rolled
in an obsolete ?or other securities? clause onto a plate with ?deposited with the Treasurer.? One could just
as well have accidentally used a modern roll and rolled in ?deposited with the Treasurer? onto one of the
still serviceable ?or other securities? plates. The definitive evidence for either is finding two notes from the
same plate with different clauses.
The question is, was this St. Louis case a one-time occurrence or are more awaiting discovery?
Table 2. Production data for the 10-10-10-10 Series of 1902 blue seal plain back sheets for
The National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis, Missouri, charter 4178, during the period when
the QQ-RR-SS-TT plate was in use.
Receipt by
Comptroller Sheets Treasury Sheet Serials Bank Sheet Serials Reported Notes
Oct 13, 1915 1000 N215584-N216583 546666-547665
Oct 14, 1915 1000 n/a 547666-548665
Oct 15, 1915 2000 N218284-N220283 548666-550665 549381 high MM-NN-OO-PP
Oct 16, 1915 1000 n/a 550666-551665
Oct 18, 1915 1000 n/a 551666-552665
Oct 19 1915 2000 n/a 552666-554665
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Oct 20, 1915 1000 n/a 554666-555665
Oct 22, 1915 QQ-RR-SS-TT certified
Oct 29, 1916 MM-NN-OO-PP canceled
Nov 4, 1915 1000 N234559-N235558 555666-556665 556120 low QQ-RR-SS-TT
Nov 5, 1915 1000 N235559-N236558 556666-557665
Nov 6, 1915 1000 N236559-N237558 557666-558665
Nov 8, 1915 1000 N237559-N238558 558666-559665
Nov 10, 1915 1000 N238559-N239558 559666-560665
Nov 11, 1915 1000 n/a 560666-561665
Jun 15, 1916 1000 N454291-N455290 561666-562665
Jun 16, 1916 1000 N456691-N457590 562666-563665
Jun 19, 1916 1000 N452591-N463590 563666-564665
Jun 20, 1916 1000 N464591-N465590 564666-565665
Jun 21, 1916 1000 N467991-N468990 565666-566665
Jun 22, 1916 1000 N471241-N472240 566666-567665
Jun 23, 1916 1000 N476416-N477415 567666-568665
Jun 24, 1916 1000 N478316-N479315 568666-569665
Jun 26, 1916 1000 N480441-N481440 569666-570665
Jun 28, 1916 2000 N482691-N484690 570666-572665
Jun 30, 1916 1000 N487941-N488940 572666-573665
Jul 3, 1916 1000 N492076-N493075 573666-574665
Jul 5, 1916 1000 N495411-N496410 574666-575665
Jul 6, 1916 3000 N498411-N501410 575666-578665 576309 normal
July 8, 1916 QQ-RR-SS-TT re-entered with wrong securities clause
Jul 22, 1916 1000 N502811-N503810 578666-579665
Jul 25, 1916 1000 N507611-N508610 579666-580665
Jul 26, 1916 1000 N509961-N510960 580666-581665 581410, 581615, 581652 errors
Jul 28, 1916 1000 N512611-N513610 581666-582665
Jul 31, 1916 1000 N514111-N515110 582666-583665
Aug 1, 1916 QQ-RR-SS-TT altered where securities clause corrected
Aug 1, 1916 1000 N516761-N516760 583666-584665
Aug 2, 1916 1000 N517861-N518860 584666-585665
Aug 11, 1916 1000 N518861-N519860 585666-586665 586400 normal
Oct 4, 1916 1000 N569361-N570360 586666-587665
Oct 5, 1916 1000 N572031-N573030 587666-588665
Oct 9, 1916 1000 N574581-N575580 588666-589665
Oct 10, 1916 1000 N579031-N580030 589666-590665
Oct 11, 1916 2000 N582531-N584530 590666-592665
Oct 12, 1916 2000 N586031-N588030 592666-594665
Oct 16, 1916 1000 N595131-N596130 594666-595665
Oct 17 1916 1000 N598631-N599630 595666-596665
Oct 18, 1916 1000 N603231-N604230 596666-597665
Oct 20, 1916 UU-VV-WW-XX certified
Oct 28, 1916 QQ-RR-SS-TT canceled
Nov 3, 1916 1000 N619681-N620680 597666-598665
Nov 4, 1916 1000 N622681-N623680 598666-599665
Nov 6, 1916 2000 N623681-N625680 599666-601665 599895 high QQ-RR-SS-TT,
600369 low UU-VV-WW-XX
Nov 8, 1916 1000 N626781-N627780 601666-602665
Nov 9, 1916 1000 N628781-N629780 602666-603665
Nov 10, 1916 1000 N631281-N632280 603666-604665
Nov 11, 1916 1000 N633281-N634280 604666-605665
Nov 13, 1916 1000 N634281-N635280 605666-606665
Nov 14, 1916 1000 N636881-N637880 606666-607665
Nov 15, 1916 1000 N641381-N642380 607666-608665
Nov 16, 1916 1000 N642381-N643380 608666-609665
Nov 17, 1916 2000 N645881-N647880 609666-611665
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References Cited and Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1875-1929, Certified proofs lifted from national bank note face plates: Division of Numismatics,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, Record of National Currency face plates: Record Group 318, (450/79/18/02
container 112 & 03 container 118), U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, National currency schedules of work to be delivered: Record Group 101,
(550/63/01/03 box 1), U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1935, National currency and bonds ledgers: Record Group 101, (550/901/12/04 & 05 vols. 18,
20, 24)
Huntoon, Peter, Jan-Feb 2015, The national bank note Series of 1882 and 1902 post-date back transition: Paper Money, v. 54, p.
Meet Matt Draiss?Candidate for SPMC board
My name is Matt Draiss and I am a 22-year
old coin dealer, bank historian, promoter, and
collector from Athens, NY. My love affair with
paper money started when I was about 16. I was
buying and selling coins but was unaware of just
how deep the field of national/obsolete/scrip bank
notes was. I began to talk to my mentor in rare
coins, Bill Panitch, of Albany, NY, about the
concept of local currency. He introduced me to
Bob Moon, who has been my mentor in national
bank notes for several years. These two men,
along with Russell Kaye, helped me start and
accumulate a collection of knowledge, bank
notes, and contacts within the field. For a short
time, I was interested in collecting all of New
York state, but at the advice of Wendell Wolka, I
narrowed down my interest in collecting to just
Greene County, New York. We have the usual
handful of national banks, obsolete banks, and
merchant scrip issues. I am working on building
as complete of a collection as possible by variety,
signature, and type.
I believe that if I was given the honor and
privilege of serving the SPMC board of governors
in 2019 that I could make a difference. You see,
being 22 and a promoter in the coin industry, I
have an enormous amount of energy! We need to
boost the interest of the younger generations, as
well as the pedestrian public, to realize that "bank
notes in your backyard" is an incredible part of
history that is undervalued, under-collected, and
under-studied. Most people have no clue that
local currency is even a concept. My goals are to:
1. Listen to the SPMC membership about
what changes should be done. You will have been
the one to put me in office, so you are my boss!
2. Assist the board with routine tasks split
among the current officers.
3. Specifically be involved with the obsolete
bank note database in obtaining files, pictures,
and editing information. This would be focused
on my specialized area of New York state, along
with soliciting donated content from other state
4. Encourage the collecting masses to join
SPMC as a member and to realize the fun of
currency collecting.
5. Have fun doing all of this!
My professional experience with
numismatics has been working in the wholesale
trading department of a major northeastern coin
company, building my business of Matt Draiss
Rare Coins, and numerous internships with
several top coin dealers. I have conducted
numerous award-winning presentations and
reports on national and obsolete bank notes. In
2010, I was awarded the Dr. Benjamin Sartoris
Award from the Albany Numismatic Society for a
talk given about obsolete bank notes. In 2017, I
was awarded 1st place in the Kenneth Bressett
Young Numismatic Literary Contest for my
research report on the Greene County National
Bank of Hunter, an unreported, red-seal only
issuing national bank. I have done promotions on
the national level to recover one of these notes. In
2018, I was awarded 3rd place again in the
Bressett Award for my research report on the
Mountains National Bank of Tannersville. I was
honored to share with the Cairo Historical Society
this past summer a lecture about the local
currencies of Greene County. If elected to the
SPMC board, I promise to serve YOU!
#MakeNationalsGreatAgain #MattyD2019
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
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Duplicated Back Plate Serials of Series 2009A $100
Federal Reserve Notes
By Joe Farrenkopf
The first Series 2009A $100 Federal Reserve Notes were serialed in October 2011 at the Western Currency
Facility in Fort Worth, Texas. An oddity of Series 2009A production at Fort Worth was the pairing of some Series
2009A face plates with back plates from the previous Series 2009. Those pairings resulted in some ?duplicated? back
plate serials of Series 2009A notes.
Plate Making
The portrait, vignettes, lettering and borders that make up the design of a note are engraved on separate dies and
are then put together like a puzzle to form a master die, which is a single image of the complete face or back of a
note. The master die is used to make individual molds that are exact replicas of the master image; those molds are
then used to reproduce the master image multiple times (32 or 50 depending on the denomination) to create a master
plate. Engravers next cut in additional items into the master plate such as series, quadrant numbers and signatures.
Finally, from that master plate, hundreds of identical printing plates are made, with each note image an exact match
of the master die.
Plate Serials
On each printing plate, a small serial number is engraved inside every note image to identify the plate from
which the note image was produced. For example, Fig. 1 is a Series 2009A $100 note with back plate serial 558.
Figure 1: Face and back of a Series 2009A
$100 Federal Reserve Note plus a close-up
of the lower right back of the note showing
plate serial 558.
Prior to the introduction of new currency designs with Series 1996, back plates were not created for or assigned
to any one series; back plate serial numbering did not reset regularly, and plate serial numbers simply increased
sequentially over time independent of series changes. Starting with Series 1996, each new series has been assigned
its ?own? set of back plates, commencing with 1 at the start of a new series. Thus, a back plate engraved with plate
serial 1 was created specifically for Series 2009 $100 notes. Likewise, when production of Series 2009A began, a
back plate engraved with plate serial 1 was created specifically for Series 2009A $100 notes. (More correctly, two
back plates with plate serial 1 were produced ? one for the facility at Fort Worth and one for the Eastern Currency
Facility in Washington, DC.)
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Because every note image on a printing plate was made from the same master die, all of the engraved design
details match on every note produced from that plate. The plate serials, which are not engraved into the master plate
but are added last only to each individual printing plate, are positioned in generally the same location on each note
image but can exhibit slight variations from one note image to the next and from one plate to the next. For example,
Figure 2 depicts two Series 2013 $10 notes from Fort Worth face plate 23. The top note is from plate position B3
while the bottom note is from plate position C3. Notice how the spacing between the quadrant letter and plate serial
on the note from plate position C3 is wider than the spacing on the note from plate position B3.
Figure 2: Two Series 2013 $10 Federal Reserve Notes printed from Fort Worth face plate 23.
Note how the spacing between the quadrant letter and the plate serial is not the same for both notes.
Now consider that every note printed from the same plate position on the same plate will exhibit no variation in
the location of the plate serial. That is, all Series 2013 $10 notes printed from Fort Worth face plate 23, plate position
C3, will exhibit the same wide spacing between the quadrant letter and the plate serial.
Similarly, the plate serials of all notes printed from the same back plate will be identically positioned, like those
of the two Series 2013 $5 notes from plate position B3, serials MD70679230B and MD73937546B, shown in Fig 3.
Figure 3: Two Series 2013 $5 Federal
Reserve Notes from plate position B3 and
with back plate serial 213.
Both notes have back plate serial 213, as shown in figure 4. Notice how both the plate serial and design elements
in the border scrollwork are in perfect alignment because both notes were printed from the same back plate.
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Figure 4. Close-up of the lower right back
of two Series 2013 $5 Federal Reserve
Notes from plate position B3 and with
plate serial 213. Note how the border
design and plate serials align exactly.
That consistency is what makes it possible to detect that certain Series 2009A $100 notes from the same plate
position and bearing the same back plate serial were actually printed from different plates.
Series 2009A $100 Notes with Back Plate Serial 112
Figure 5 depicts two Series 2009A $100 notes from plate position A4, serials LB92068403E and LK56835799A.
Figure 5: Two Series 2009A
$100 Federal Reserve Notes
from plate position A4 and with
back plate serial 112.
Both notes have back plate serial 112, as shown in Figure 6. However, notice that while the design elements in
the border scrollwork are in perfect alignment, the plate serials are not. That misalignment reveals that despite being
from the same plate position and bearing the same back plate serial, the two notes were actually printed from different
back plates. Indeed, the top note was printed from a Series 2009A back plate while the bottom note was printed from
a Series 2009 back plate. To understand how this came about, it is necessary to look briefly at the chronology of the
colorized $100 note.
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Figure 6. Close-up of the lower right
back of the two notes shown in Figure 5.
While the border design of both notes
aligns exactly, the plate serials do not.
The reason is that the top note was
printed from a Series 2009A back plate
while the bottom note was printed from
a Series 2009 back plate.
Series 2009 $100 Federal Reserve Note Production
Serialing of the new colorized $100 Federal Reserve Note began as Series 2009 in February 2010 at both the
Fort Worth and Washington, DC, printing facilities. Those notes were initially expected to be put into circulation a
year later,1 but production problems delayed their release for nearly five years beyond their initial expected release.
According to an October 2010 press release from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the issue date of the
redesigned $100 note would be delayed while the Bureau of Engraving and Printing worked to resolve problems
related to newly incorporated ?cutting edge? anti-counterfeiting technologies that evidently contributed to ?sporadic
creasing of the paper . . . which was not apparent during extensive pre-production testing.?2 In addition to finding a
solution to eliminate the sporadic creasing of the paper, the BEP also had to find a mechanism to inspect
approximately 1.1 billion of the new colorized $100 notes that the Federal Reserve Board had refused to accept due
to quality concerns.3
In order to meet the continuing high demand for $100 notes, the BEP reverted in late 2010 to producing the
previous design while it searched for solutions to fix the problems with the new colorized design. The BEP continued,
meanwhile, to produce small quantities of Series 2009 $100 notes as it tested potential fixes. By late summer 2011,
the BEP was ready once again to ramp up production of the new colorized design. The last Series 2009 $100 notes
were serialed in September 2011, and the first notes of a new Series 2009A were serialed in October 2011. Although
the note design and signatures had not changed, the BEP designated those notes as a different series to represent a
new production cycle.4 In accordance with that new series designation, plate serials started over at 1.
Simultaneous production of both the old and new design $100s continued for almost a year and a half, although
production of Series 2009A was significant during that time. Especially notable was the month of September 2013
when the BEP serialed 191 runs of $100 notes, as compared with a more typical monthly volume on the order of 20
to 40 runs; the scheduled release date of Series 2009A notes was fast approaching.
Although Series 2009A was the second series of colorized $100 notes, on October 8, 2013 it became the first
such series to be released into circulation. Notes from the previous Series 2009, most of which had been serialed
between February 2010 and October 2010, had been set aside until the BEP could implement a mechanism to examine
notes individually to determine which ones would meet the Federal Reserve Board?s quality standards. In 2014, the
BEP installed its Single Note Inspection (SNI) system, which allowed for individual notes to be inspected and
problem notes culled, leaving only good notes for issuance into circulation. First reports of those good Series 2009
$100 notes finally reaching circulation began to occur in late 2015. In 2016, the BEP estimated that approximately
0.6 billion of the 1.1 billion notes that the Federal Reserve Board did not accept back in 2010 would be deemed
satisfactory to the Federal Reserve5 and eventually issued.
It is notable that more than three years after Series 2009 $100 notes began to be released into circulation, no
regular notes from the earliest production of the series appear to have been satisfactory to the Federal Reserve; based
on data recorded from observed notes in circulation, regular notes serialed from February 2010 through about mid-
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
April 2010 are absent from the data. At the opposite end of the series, notes serialed after October 2010 (save for a
single run serialed at Washington, DC, in June 2011) are absent from the data.
Series 2009 Back Plate Serial Numbers of Fort Worth $100 Notes
Of Series 2009 $100 notes produced at Fort Worth, plate serial numbers of observed regular notes that ultimately
entered circulation range from 34 to 103 (face) and from 22 to 84 (back) (see figure 7).
Plate change record logs from the BEP show, however, that back plates higher than 84 were used at Fort Worth. In
particular, plates 85 through 101 were on the presses from late August 2010 through June 2011, the time period when
the BEP had largely halted production due to the paper creasing problem. Those plates collectively printed more
than 33.1 million sheets, enough to serial 33 100,000-sheet runs, which happens to be the number of runs serialed at
Fort Worth after October 2010. Given that no notes serialed at Fort Worth after October 2010 have appeared in
circulation, it would seem that 84 is the highest Series 2009 Fort Worth back plate to be found . . . except for the
oddity of some Series 2009A face plates being paired with some Series 2009 back plates.
BEP plate change record logs show that in April and May 2012, Series 2009 $100 back plates 102-105-107-108
were together on the press at Fort Worth; those plates were subsequently replaced by Series 2009 $100 back plates
109-110-111-112, which were together on the press in May and June 2012. But how could that be given that the last
Series 2009 $100 notes had been serialed more than six months earlier in September 2011? It turns out that sheets
that were back-printed using those eight plates were then face-printed with Series 2009A face plates as part of Series
2009A production.
Meanwhile, the BEP also prepared Series 2009A $100 back plates with plate serials 102, 105, 107, 108, 109,
110, 111 and 112. BEP plate change record logs show that in September and October 2012, Series 2009A $100 back
plates 103-104-105-111 were together on the press at Fort Worth and that Series 2009A $100 back plates 106-108-
109-110 and 112-113-115-116 were on the press in October and November 2012. (Series 2009A back plates 102
and 107 were never used.) That means six back plate serials ? 105, 108, 109, 110, 111 and 112 ? exist for both series
and are found in two different groupings of Series 2009A Fort Worth notes, one group produced using Series 2009
back plates and the other group produced using Series 2009A back plates.
How to Determine the Series Plate from Which a Note was Printed
It is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye the series plate from which a note with back plates 105, 108, 109,
110, 111 and 112 was produced. The location of the back plate serial is essentially the same for both series, although
under magnification like that seen in Figure 6, minor placement differences may be detectable. Instead, the simplest
way to know if your note was printed from a Series 2009 back plate or a Series 2009A back plate is by the serial
number block or face plate serial. That?s because $100 notes with Series 2009 back plates 105, 108, 109, 110, 111
and 112 were serialed in May through August 2012 while $100 notes with Series 2009A back plates 105, 108, 109,
110, 111 and 112 were serialed several months later in October through December 2012. Table 1 identifies the FRB
Figure 7: A close-up of the face and back
of a Series 2009 $100 Federal Reserve
Note showing face plate serial 103 and
back plate serial 84.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
and blocks where back plates 105, 108, 109, 110, 111 and 112 have been observed and lists those blocks by the series
plate used; the table also identifies the range of face plate serials paired with those back plates.
Table 1 ? Blocks where Series 2009A $100 Fort Worth notes with back plate serials 105, 108, 109, 110,
111 and 112 have been observed.
Back?Plate?Serial? Series?2009?Back?Plate? Series?2009A?Back?Plate?
Face?Plate?Serials? 44?to?75? 110?to?149?
And thus it is worth noting that while Series 2009 $100 notes from Fort Worth exhibit back plate serials as high
as 84, in fact the highest Series 2009 $100 Fort Worth back plate serial to be found is actually 112 ? it?s just that one
has to look for that back plate on Series 2009A $100 notes.
Great appreciation goes to Derek Moffitt for reviewing this article and providing astute editorial advice.
1. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, ?U.S. Government Puts Public Education for New $100 Note into High Gear,? news
release, July 21, 2010,
2. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, ?Federal Reserve announces delay in the issue date of redesigned
$100 note,? news release, October 1, 2010,
3. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2011 Annual Report: Budget Review,
4..USPaperMoney.Info, ?Series 2009A $100,? accessed March 7, 2019,
5. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2016 Currency Budget, December 16, 2015,
6. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, ?U.S. Currency: How Money is Made,? accessed March 7, 2019,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
1 Lek 1976
by David Lok
Rozafa Castle in the city of Shkoder
Albania is a country whose land has been
long fought over and whose people have proven
repeatedly that they were there to stay. They have
had many invasions and occupations, and yet the
people still claim their land as their own, no
matter who may have thought they were in charge
at the time. One of the major cities in Albania is
Shkoder, located about 17 miles inland from the
Adriatic Sea, in the Northwest border of Albania,
along the shore of Lake Skadar (Shkoder), which
is shared with the country of Montenegro. The
Bojana River flows from Lake Skadar into the
Adriatic Sea, past Rozafa Castle which is located
to the southwest of Shkoder atop a hill between
the Bojana and the Drin Rivers.
Shkoder was first inhabited in the Bronze
Age (3000 BC ? 1200 BC). The fortress ruins
atop the 430-foot hill are mostly left over from
the last build up by the Venetians who held the
area from 1396-1478. Yet the hillside had a
fortification much earlier than that. The hillside
and the fortress have provided a nearly
impregnable haven for the people of Shkoder
many times, as the country was invaded and
under siege. A large part of the reason that
Albania was fought over was its location and
proximity to the rest of Europe and the Italian
peninsula. The river emptying into the Adriatic
Sea, north-east of the heal of Italy?s boot, was one
of the best places for military forces to congregate
while trying to conquer the rest of Europe, or to
try and stop an invading force. In times of peace,
it proved to be a viable port to cut short longer
trade routes on land.
Recorded military
actions in the area around
Shkoder included the Roman
invasion in 168 BC. In order
to secure trade routes, the
area was colonized and
became known as the Roman
province of Illyricum. As it
was an important town along a favored trade
route, the Romans also started minting coins in
Shkoder between 211-197 BC. This would enable
them to exchange coinage with their trading
partners, likely in the Roman?s favor.
Nevertheless, being under Roman rule
didn?t put an end to the military action and
violence. While many wars would continue to
plague most of Europe, the turbulent history of
military conquest for the important trading port
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around Shkoder would continue far longer than in
most of the rest of the continent. In 1101, there
was a Crusade that included Shkoder. In 1214,
after the Fourth Crusade, it was conquered by the
frighteningly named ?Despotate of Epirus?.
In 1396, Venice tightened their control of the
trade route and took over Shkoder. While under
the Venetian occupation, Shkoder had their
hilltop fortress reinforced in an effort to dissuade
future attempts by others to take over the port
city. Their reinforcement and updating of the
already ancient fortress would prove to be an
important asset in the near future against the
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror.
Mehmed earned the title ?Conqueror? for a
reason. He already had an impressive list of
important conquests before heading to Shkoder,
including important kingdoms such as
Constantinople, Serbia, Morea, Wallachia,
Bosnia, Moldavia, etc.
Mehmed the Conqueror eventually made his
way to Shkoder in 1478, and settled in for a siege,
setting up camps, and sacking other nearby cities.
This siege was to turn out to be one of the most
important for the struggle of power and control
between the Europeans and the Ottomans. The
trade routes not only controlled the goods and
money, but also the culture, religion, and political
influence in the area as well. However, the
Rozafa Fortress stood high on the hill, right in
Mehmed?s way.
Most Albanians in the area fled the
approaching Ottoman army, fleeing into the
mountains or into the castle itself. About 1,600
men, along with a few women, were inside the
fortress, awaiting the onslaught from the Ottoman
forces that some say were more than 300,000 in
number. The siege began with a 19-day long
bombardment of artillery on the fortress. The
Ottoman cannons were cast onsite and lobbed
cannon balls as heavy as 830 pounds at the
Rozafa fortress walls. The constant two-week
long bombardment must have been catastrophic
for the defenders. After the artillery fire stopped,
the Ottomans stormed the fortress but were
beaten back five times. The castle, situated high
and well placed for defense, along with its
reinforced walls, weathered the attacking army,
causing the Ottoman forces many more casualties
than they were inflicting. Despite their
advantageous position within Rozafa Castle, the
demoralizing effects of artillery and the
dwindling supplies and food made it clear that a
truce needed to be made. In January 1479, the
Venetian and Albanian forces surrendered. The
small number of defenders held out valiantly
against the Ottoman army, but given the
overwhelming force of the attackers, it would
never have been able to outlast them.
A peace agreement was signed between the
Ottomans and the Venetians, officially
surrendering Shkoder to the Ottoman Empire, as
long as the citizens were unharmed. Venice was
also forced to pay 100,000 Ducats for war
reparations, and an additional 10,000 ducats
annually to continue trading in the area. The
remaining defenders of the fortress castle were
allowed to return to Venice or to Shkoder.
While under Ottoman control, Shkoder
remained an important city for trade and strategic
purposes. Albania and the City of Shkoder would
remain under Ottoman control for 434 years
when, in 1913, during WWI, it was captured by
forces from Montenegro. In 1916, it was
Map showing Europe and the location of Albania
and Shkoder.
Rosafa Castle Ruins.
Photo by Peter Fen?a on / CC BY-NC-ND
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
occupied again, this time by the Austro-
Hungarian army, and then by France in 1918, as
WWI ended. During WWII, it was invaded by
Italian forces, and then occupied by German
forces when Italy succumbed to the Allies. After
WWII, Albania found itself tied to the
Communist leadership of the Soviet Union. It
remained an independent country, but under the
heavy influence of Soviet leadership. Ties
strengthened between Albania and China in the
1960?s, when China slowly opened up to some
eastern European countries and the
international connection helped bolster
Albania?s place within the Iron
Curtain. When communism failed throughout
the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Albania
was able to voice more of its own will and
democratic reforms took place. Though now in
ruins, Rozafa Castle still sits on the hilltop of
Shkoder, and is a popular tourist destination.
There is a famous legend concerning Rozafa
Castle and a woman who was buried within its
walls. Three brothers were on the hilltop and
trying to build the castle. Each day they worked
hard, piling stones on top of each other, making
strong walls. When their lunch was brought to
them at the top of the hill by one of their wives,
they would take a break and then continue to
work until the day?s end. They would rest through
the night, but in the morning when they returned
to their castle, all their hard work was undone,
and the stones lay back on the ground. Day after
day they worked, and night after night, all their
hard work was undone. Frustrated, the brothers
sought the advice from an elder, who told them
they needed to make a sacrifice, and entomb
someone within the walls. Unless this was done,
said the wise old man, the castle could not be
built. The brothers agreed to make a sacrifice, but
they could not decide who should be buried
within the castle walls.
After much discussion, they agreed that it
must be one of their wives. They decided that
whomever it was that brought their lunch the next
day would be the one that would be sacrificed.
They swore to each other that they would be silent
to their wives about this agreement, to be fair to
each other and not to frighten their wives away.
The three brothers returned home that night, but
only the youngest kept his word and did not tell
his wife of the plan. The two other brothers broke
their promise to each other, and told their wives
not to deliver their lunch the next day.
The next day as the brothers all met at the
castle and started again to rebuild the walls they
watched eagerly to see who would bring them
their mid-day meal. When they finally saw a
female figure approaching, the two older brothers
were relieved, but the younger brother?s heart
sank. It was his beloved wife, Rozafa.
The youngest brother explained to his
beloved the pact the three of them made, and that
she was to be sacrificed within the castle walls.
The devoted wife listened to her husband and,
knowing that there was nothing she could do,
agreed. She was, however, worried about their
infant son, who needed a mother?s love and care,
so she agreed to be sacrificed as long as her
conditions were met:
Leave my right eye exposed
Leave my right breast exposed
Leave my right hand exposed
Leave my right foot exposed
For the sake of our newborn son
So that when he starts crying
Let me see him with one eye
Let me caress him with one hand
Let me feed him with one breast
Let me rock his cradle with one foot
May the castle breastwork be walled
May the castle rise strong
May my son be happy.
Rozafa Castle from the Skoder Valley
Photo by Ed from / CC BY-NC-SA
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
View of Shkoder from Rozafa Castle
Photo by Burn Osoleil on / CC BY-NC-SA
A guide to the Ancient World by Michael Grant ISBN 0-7607-0425-2
The front of the banknote shows a couple appreciating
their harvest.
Rozafa Castle is commemorated on the back of Albania?s 1
Lek banknote issued in 1976.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
The Yellowstone-Merchants National Bank
of Billings, Montana
by Frank Clark
The Yellowstone National Bank was organized
in June 1891 with charter number 4593.
I believe it was named for the Yellowstone
River Basin that covers much of Montana and also
extends into North Dakota and Wyoming. The
Merchants National Bank was chartered in March
1909 and it received charter number 9355. The
Yellowstone with a capital of $100,000 and the
Merchants with a capital of $250,000 consolidated
on October 7, 1921 with a total capital of $350,000.
The name settled on for the consolidated institution
was the Yellowstone-Merchants National Bank and
its charter number was 4593. It was also decided that
they would occupy the quarters of the old
Yellowstone National Bank. The officers of the
combined bank was a mixture from both charter
numbers. Chairman of the Board Lewis C. Babcock
was formerly the president of the Yellowstone. Other
officers who moved over from the Yellowstone were
Vice President W.A. Selvidge, Vice President W.L.
Clark and Assistant Cashier F.E. Hanley. Officers
from the Merchants who remained with the new
consolidated title were President Roy J Covert, Vice
President Charles M. Bair, Vice President Edroy H.
Westbrook, Vice President George M. Hays, Cashier
Dean A. White and Assistant Cashier W.J. Tobin.
The Yellowstone-Merchants would voluntary
liquidate on October 23, 1923. Its circulation was
assumed by the Midland National Bank of Billings,
charter number 12407.
This is a rare bank title as both Track & Price
and the National Bank Note Census list the same two
notes and that does not include the $20 that
accompanies this article. Both of the two previously
enumerated notes are $10 1902 Plain Backs and they
both last appeared at auction in 2005.
Kelly, Don C. National Bank Notes Sixth
Edition. Oxford, Ohio: The Paper Money Institute,
Inc., 2008.
Van Belkum, Louis. National Banks of the Note
Issuing Period 1863-1935. Chicago: Hewitt Bros.
Numismatic Publications, 1968.
"Montana Banks Consolidate." Bankers
Magazine, September 1921, page 613.
The Yellowstone-Merchants National Bank $20 1902 Plain Back.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
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Register of the Treasury
Signature on U. S. Currency
Purpose and Overview
The purpose of this article is to explain the role of the Register of the Treasury and why the signature
of the Register of the Treasury was replaced by that of the Secretary of the Treasury on Treasury currency
at the startup of the small note era in 1928.
Register of the Treasury
The office of the Register of the Treasury came into being as an officer in the Treasury Office under
the Continental Congress in 1780 (Walston, 2013). The office was carried over to the United States Treasury
Department by the enabling act providing for the Treasury passed by the First Congress in 1789. The duties
of the Register grew to keep all accounts of receipts and expenditures of public money and of all debts due
to or from the United States, sign and issue government securities, and take charge of the registry of vessels
under United States laws (Black?s Law Dictionary).
For decades the Register held the most important bookkeeping position in the Treasury. The
Register reported to the Secretary of the Treasury, a cabinet position. Power and prestige in the executive
branch falls off with distance from the President, thus, the Register was in the enviable third tier.
The scope of the work and the status of the Register?s office was diminished through legislation
and reorganizations over the decades following the Civil War as various responsibilities were transferred
to other divisions within Treasury. The debt management functions were transferred to a newly titled
Division of Loans in 1868, the latter being renamed the Division of Loans and Currency in 1876. Congress
created the Bureau of Navigation within the Treasury Department in 1884 to consolidate administration of
laws pertaining to shipping, so that bureau absorbed many of the functions pertaining to vessels previously
handled by the Register?s office (Walston, 2013).
The Dockery Act of 1894, which centralized accounting functions, transferred the duties and
records relating to documenting the receipt and expenditure of public funds from the Register?s office to a
new entity within the Treasury Department called the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants. This
narrowed the scope of the Register?s duties primarily to recording the issuance of bonds and other securities.
However, his office continued to have a role in the redemption of Treasury currency.
Lee Lofthus
Peter Huntoon
Figure 1. The Signatures of the Register of the Treasury and Treasurer of the United States
were used to convey the authority and obligation of the Treasury on U. S. currency from the
inception of the legal tender issues beginning in 1862. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Three distinct Treasury offices were involved in redemptions of Treasury currency at the time. The
Division of Redemption in the Treasurer?s office received currency from the sub-treasuries and banks. They
sorted and counted it by class and denomination. The notes were then cut in half lengthwise as a protection
against theft. The lower halves were sent to the Secretary of the Treasury?s Division of Loans and Currency
and the upper halves were sent to the Register?s office where each verified the counts. Once the three counts
were reconciled, the halves were sent to the Destruction Committee. The Register?s office also was
responsible for counting fractional currency that came to the Treasury for redemption.
The verification count performed by the Register?s office was discontinued June 16, 1913. This
terminated the Register?s involvement with currency operations. At this point, William S. Broughton,
Assistant Chief of the Division of Loans and Currency, pointed out that it seemed inappropriate for the
Register?s signature to continue to appear on currency (Broughton, Nov 24, 1913).
In 1919, Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass, a Woodrow Wilson appointee, effected a
reorganization of the Department of the Treasury in order to better handle the greatly increased work load
imposed on it by World War I. To this end, he established the Fiscal Assistant Secretary, who reported
directly to him, to oversee three administrative divisions: a newly created Commissioner of the Public Debt
as well as the existing Comptroller of the Currency and Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits. The
Register of the Treasury, Division of Loans and Currency and other debt officers were placed under the
supervision of the Commissioner of the Public Debt (Glass, 1920, p. 239-242).
Subsequent to the creation of the Division of Public Debt, the Treasury Department recommended
to Congress in 1920 that the Register should cease to be a Presidential appointee with Senate confirmation.
Instead, the position should be a civil service position where the candidate would be appointed by the
Secretary of the Treasury and would report to the Commissioner of the Public Debt (Houston, 1920, p. 42).
Implementation of the recommendation was delayed so Harley V. Speelman became the last of the
Presidentially-appointed Registers, being confirmed by the Senate January 23, 1922.
William S. Broughton was named the first Commissioner of the Public Debt on November 16, 1919
and served in that capacity until he retired in 1945 (Cantor and Stabile, 1990). Newly installed Secretary of
the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon changed the name of the Division of Public Debt to Public Debt Service
in 1921 to reflect its growing responsibilities (Walston, 2013). The mission of the Public Debt Service was
to supervise the sale and redemption of Treasury and Federal Reserve debt as well as the issuance and
redemption of Treasury currency. Broughton?s Division of Loans and Currency assumed the massive World
War I Liberty Loan Bond program that previously had been administered by the Register. Broughton had
a primary role in everything pertaining to currency including currency design during his tenure.
Figure 2. Series of 1914 Federal Reserve notes were the first U. S. currency to carry the
signatures of the Secretary of the Treasury. The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913
gave the Secretary of the Treasury authority over the form of the notes and it was deemed at
the time that those were the logical signatures to convey that the notes were the obligation of
the Federal government. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon made sweeping changes to the organization of the
Department in 1923 by creating a new position called the Undersecretary of the Treasury who oversaw a
lieutenant called the Assistant Secretary in Charge of Fiscal Offices. Broughton?s Public Debt Service
answered to this Assistant, and the Register in turn answered to Broughton as before. The Register had
become a civil service position with greatly diminished responsibilities and was now buried within the
executive hierarchy.
The Office of the Register finally was abolished in 1956, and its remaining duties were assumed
by the Public Debt Service.
The Register of the Treasury was appointed by the President until the early 1920s so it was a plumb
patronage position often used for political advantage by the President and party in power to appeal to
specific constituencies. Post-Civil War Republican presidents beginning with James Garfield in 1881
awarded the office to accomplished blacks to solidify black loyalty to the party. It thereby became the
highest executive office held by blacks during that era.
Blanche K. Bruce, a senator from Mississippi, was the first and continued to serve under President
Arthur after Garfield?s assassination. He was appointed again by President McKinley in 1898 after a hiatus
of a dozen years. The complete list is the following.
Register Official Term of Office Republican President
Blanch K. Bruce May 21, 1881-June 5, 1885 Garfield, Arthur
December 3, 1897-March 17, 1898 McKinley
Judson W. Lyons April 7, 1898-April 1, 1906 McKinley
William T. Vernon June 12, 1906-March 14, 1911 Taft
James C. Napier May 18, 1911-March 31, 1913 Taft
The practice ceased abruptly when Democrat Woodrow Wilson assumed the Presidency in 1913.
Wilson installed fervent southern segregations into a couple of key cabinet positions including Secretary of
the Treasury William G. McAdoo. McAdoo presided over the segregation of the U. S. Treasury including
the BEP. Register James Napier, who resigned in protest, was replaced by Gabe E. Parker, a part-Native
American Choctaw from Oklahoma.
Register?s Signature on Currency
There are two classes of U. S. currency: Treasury currency and bank currency.
Treasury currency is currency that Congress authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to issue. It
included demand notes (1861-1862), legal tender notes (1862-1971), gold certificates (1863-1934), silver
certificates (1878-1963) and Treasury notes (1890-1893).
Congress also authorized the issuance of bank currency, which encompassed national bank notes
(1863-1935) and Federal Reserve notes (1913-present). Federal Reserve bank notes, an emergency
supplemental currency with backing similar to national bank notes, were current during 1915-1923 and
1933-1934, with additional uses of stocks of fit and previously unissued small size Federal Reserve bank
notes during 1942-1943.
The difference between these classes of currency was who was obligated to redeem the notes into
legal money. The Treasury itself carried the obligation for all Treasury currency. The bankers were
obligated in the case of the bank currency, although ultimate liability for Federal Reserve notes rests with
the United States.
Beginning with legislation authorizing the issuance of $50,000,000 in demand notes passed July
17, 1861, Congress specified that the notes be ?signed by the First or Second Comptroller, or the Register
of the Treasury, and countersigned by such other officer or officers of the Treasurer as the Secretary of the
Treasury may designate.? This was immediately amended by a supplemental act passed August 5, 1861
that stipulated that the notes be ?signed by the Treasurer of the United States, or by some officer of the
Treasury Department, designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, for said Treasurer, and countersigned
by the Register of the Treasury, or by some officer of the Treasury Department, designated by the Secretary
of the Treasury, for said Register.? A large force of clerks was hired to hand sign the demand notes on the
behalf of the Treasurer and Register.
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The important point is that it became established early on that the Register and Treasurer were the
designated officials who signed currency on behalf of the government. The selection of those two officials
made sense at the time because the Treasurer placed Treasury currency into circulation and the Register
was charged with recording it as a liability on the government?s books.
The Acts of February 25 and July 11, 1862 authorizing the issuance of legal tender notes solidified
this tradition by stating that those issues ?shall bear the written or engraved signatures of the Treasurer of
the United States and the Register of the Treasury.?
In the case of national bank notes, the Acts of February 25, 1863 and June 3, 1864 provided ?notes
shall express upon their face that they are secured by United States bonds, deposited with the treasurer of
the United States, and issued under the provisions of this act, which statement shall be attested by the written
Figure 3. The decision to use the Secretary of the Treasury?s signature on small size notes was
approved by Secretary Mellon on May 12, 1928 while Register W. O. Woods? and Treasurer
Frank White?s signatures were current. See Figure 4. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
Figure 4. Plates for small size $1 Series of 1928 silver certificates began to be made November 3, 1927 with a
large ONE to the left that carried the then customary signatures of Register W. O. Woods and Treasurer Frank
White (top). A new master plate was begun July 10, 1928 after the use of the Register?s signature was dropped
that bore the signatures of Secretary A. W. Mellon and newly appointed Treasurer H. T. Tate, and production
plates began to be certified on July 25th. However, the design was abandoned in September 1928 (Huntoon,
2007). National Numismatic Collection photos.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
or engraved signatures of the treasurer and register, and by the imprint of the seal of the treasury.? Thus,
the tradition was established for using the signatures of the Register and Treasurer on bank currency as
Subsequent legislation creating Treasury currency was mixed on the issue of authorizing signatures.
The Act of March 3, 1863 providing for first gold certificates contained language similar to the earlier acts
that specified the use of the Register?s signature. Other legislation was silent on the issue, such as occurred
with the Bland-Allison Act of February 28, 1878 that authorized the first silver certificates. More
commonly, though, authority over the design of the notes was given to the Secretary of the Treasury, thus
by default yielding to the Secretary discretion over the signatures.
The Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 gave the Secretary of the Treasury discretion over
all aspects of the design of Federal Reserve notes except for labeling the districts from which they were
issued; specifically, ?Such notes shall be in form and tenor as directed by the Secretary of the Treasury
under the provisions of this Act and shall bear the distinctive numbers of the several Federal reserve banks
through which they are issued.?
By 1913, owing to the diminished role the Register had with respect to currency, it seemed
appropriate to observant Treasury officials to use the signatures of the Treasurer and Secretary instead of
the Register. Secretary of the Treasury William McAdoo signed off on the concept so his signature and that
of Treasurer John Burke appeared on the first Series of 1914 Federal Reserve notes. This represented the
first appearance of the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury on U. S. currency.
In contrast, Federal Reserve bank notes issued under the authority of Section 18, of the Federal
Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, retained the signatures of the Register of the Treasury and U. S.
Treasurer as signers for the government. National bankers could sell bonds they used to secure their
circulations to Federal Reserve banks thus allowing the Federal Reserve banks to replaced those national
bank note circulations with an equal amount of Federal Reserve bank notes. Section 4 of the Act stated:
?such notes to be issued under the same conditions and provisions of law as relate to the issue of circulating
notes of national banks secured by bonds of the United States.? This language was used to grandfather the
use of the Register and Treasurer signatures onto the Federal Reserve bank notes consistent with the
language in the National Bank Act. The same logic carried over to the Series of 1929 Federal Reserve bank
notes authorized by the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933
Signature Change
Public Debt Service Commission
Broughton, who was a primary behind-the-
scenes official involved with Secretary Andrew
Mellon?s initiative to reduce the size of the
currency, began arguing forcefully in 1927 that
the Register?s signature on Treasury currency
should be replaced by that of the Secretary of
the Treasury on the coming small notes. His
central point was that the Secretary was the
chief financial officer of the nation and as such
?It seems to me most appropriate for an
obligation of the United States to be given in
the name of the Secretary? (Broughton, May
20, 1927). Besides, at this point the Register
was no longer involved with any aspect of
currency issues, either Treasury or bank
Broughton continued to press for the use of the Secretary?s signature on the coming small notes in
a March 17, 1928 memo to Henry Herrick Bond, President Coolidge?s appointee to Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury in charge of Fiscal Affairs. He pointing out the precedent for using the Secretary?s signature
on Federal Reserve notes. He followed up on May 5th by pointing out that although the Legal Tender Acts
Figure 5. William S.
Commissioner of the
Public Debt, was the
primary person
behind the move to
replace the signature
of the Register of the
Treasury with that of
the Secretary of the
Treasury on small
size Treasury
currency. U. S.
Treasury photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
specified that the Register?s signature should be used, subsequent legislation stated that United States notes
?shall be in such form as the Secretary may deem best.? Broughton was of the opinion that this sweeping
statement effectively gave the Secretary discretion over all aspects of currency designs including the
signatures, so Treasury could disregard the Register provisions in the early acts.
A Treasury lawyer, initials indecipherable, wrote a memo to Bond on May 7th affirming that
Broughton?s take regarding the use of signatures on Treasury currency was correct, but the law pertaining
to national bank notes left no ambiguity that the Register?s signature had to be used on them. Furthermore,
the legislation authorizing Federal Reserve bank notes implied but did not spell out that the Register?s
signature should be used on them as well because they ?shall be issued and redeemed under the same terms
and conditions as national bank notes.?
Broughton noted in his
memo of May 5th to Bond that
Secretary Mellon ?stated he would
prefer not to make the change. Mr.
Hall [Director of the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing] and I,
however, felt the matter was of
sufficient importance to present to
you for such further consideration as
you may deem appropriate.?
On May 15, 1928 Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, signed off on replacing the signature
of the Register with that of the Secretary on the small size Treasury currency in the historic document
shown as Figure 10 that is transcribed below.
Figure 6. Secretary of the Treasury
Andrew W. Mellon (left), Director of
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Alvin W. Hall (standing) and Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury in charge of
Fiscal Affairs Henry Herrick Bond
(right) inspect sheets of the new small
size currency. Each was instrumental
in bringing the conversion to small
size currency to fruition in 1929.
Library of Congress photo.
Figure 7. The Woods-Tate Register-Treasurer signature combination was the
last to be used on large size Treasury currency and it was used only on $1 Series
of 1923 silver certificates. Register W. O. Woods went on to become Treasurer
in 1929. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Treasury Department
Assistant Secretary WSB [William S. Broughton]
Washington 5/16/28
May 12, 1928
At the present time three kinds of United States currency, namely, United States notes, gold certificates,
and silver certificates, are issued with the engraved facsimile signatures of the Treasurer of the United
States and Register of the Treasury.
The signature of the Register of the Treasury is not required by law and inasmuch as the Secretary of
the Treasury is charged with these issues and the Treasurer is the active agent for the issue it is more logical
that the signatures of the Secretary and the Treasurer should express the obligations of the United States.
In connection with the issues of the new small sized currency it seems appropriate to revise the matter
of signatures so that all currency with the exception of National bank notes will have the same signatures.
I accordingly recommend for your approval replacing of the engraved facsimile signatures of the
Treasurer of the United States and the Secretary of the Treasury on United States notes, gold certificates
and silver certificates, instead of the signatures of the Treasurer of the United States and the Register of
the Treasury.
Henry Herrick Bond
Assistant Secretary
APPROVED: May 15, 1928
A. W. Mellon
Secretary of the Treasury
Register Continued to Sign Bank Note Currency
The authorization to replace the Register?s signature with that of the Secretary could not apply to
bank currency because the Register?s signature was specifically called for in the National Bank Act.
Consequently, the Register?s signature continued to be used on the Series of 1929 national bank notes, even
though such use in the words of Broughton was an anachronism. Someone in the Treasury Department
could have petitioned Congress to pass a resolution or act to amend the language in the National Bank Act,
but there is no record that anyone wanted to press the issue.
When the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933 was passed that called for the
immediate release of supplemental Federal Reserve currency, Commissioner Broughton and BEP Director
Alvin W. Hall turned to the existing blank national bank note stock that was in inventory at the BEP. The
Federal Reserve bank information was hastily overprinted on it.
There was no hesitancy in using that stock in part because the emergency currency was secured by
the deposit of collateral similar to that used for national bank currency and the earlier large-size Federal
Reserve bank notes. The national bank note stock carried the signatures of a Register and Treasurer as
required by law for bank currency. This fact may well have tilted the selection of the national bank note
stock over Federal Reserve note stock for use for the emergency issues.
End of an Era
The last printings of currency with the Register?s signature occurred on the last Series of 1929
Figure 8. $1 Series of 1928 silver
certificate plates with the
revised design, where the
Treasury seal was overprinted
to the left, began to be made on
October 2, 1928. They carried
the signatures of Treasurer H.
T. Tate and Secretary A. W.
Mellon. The notes began to be
released into circulation on
January 10th, 1929. National
Numismatic Collection photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
national bank notes printed in early 1935 before that class of currency was phased out then.
However, only about a third of the Series of 1929 Federal Reserve bank notes printed in 1933-4
were issued during the banking emergency. The rest of it along with fit notes removed from circulation
after the emergency remained in government vaults. Ultimately, as an economy measure, those stocks were
released between the last days of 1942 and early 1944 to alleviate a currency shortage that developed during
World War II (Huntoon and Lofthus, 2010). These late releases gave the Register?s signature a reprieve
before use of that signature on currency faded into history.
References Cited
Bond, Henry Herrick, May 12, 1928, Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary to Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon,
requesting authorization to replace the Register of the Treasury signature on Treasury currency with that of the Secretary
of the Treasury: Bureau of the Public Debt correspondence files, Series K Currency, K724.5, Record Group 53, U. S.
National Archives, College Park, MD.
Broughton, William S., Assistant Chief, Division of Loans and Currency, November 14, 1913, Memorandum to the Chief Clerk of
the Division of Loans and Currency reporting on the findings of a committee charged with examining the control over
the reserve vault in the Treasury: Bureau of the Public Debt correspondence files, Record Group 53, box 17, U. S.
National Archives, College Park, MD.
Broughton, William S., May 20, 1927, Memo from the Commissioner of the Public Debt to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Charles S. Dewey arguing for replacement of the Register?s signature with that of the Secretary of the Treasury: Bureau
of the Public Debt correspondence files, Series K Currency, K724.5, Record Group 53, U. S. National Archives, College
Park, MD.
Broughton, William S, March 17, 1928, Memo from the Commissioner of the Public Debt to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
Henry H. Bond pointing out the precedent of using the Secretary of the Treasury?s signature on Federal Reserve notes:
Bureau of the Public Debt correspondence files, Series K Currency, K724.5, Record Group 53, U. S. National Archives,
College Park, MD.
Broughton, William S, May 5, 1928, Memo from the Commissioner of the Public Debt to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Henry
H. Bond pointing out that the introduction of the coming small size notes afforded a convenient opportunity to preplace
the Register of the Treasury?s signature with that of the Secretary of the Treasury on Treasury currency: Bureau of the
Public Debt correspondence files, Series K Currency, K724.5, Record Group 53, U. S. National Archives, College Park,
Cantor, Jeffrey A., and Donald R. Stabile, 1990, Biography, William S. Broughton, first Commissioner of the Public Debt, 1919-
1945: in, A history of the Bureau of the Public Debt 1940-1990: Government Printing Office., p. 213-215.
Glass, Carter, 1920, Annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the finances for the fiscal year ended June 30:
U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Houston, Daniel F., December 6, 1920, Estimates of appropriations for service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1922 (annual
budget request of the Executive Branch sent to Congress): U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Huntoon, Peter, Sep-Oct 2007, The Series of 1928 design that failed: Paper Money, v. 46, p. 323-328.
Huntoon, Peter, and Lee Lofthus, Jan-Feb 2010, The World War II issuance of Series of 1929 Federal Reserve bank notes: Paper
Money, v. 49, p. 12-22.
United States Statutes, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Unknown, May 7, 1928, Memo from a Treasury staff lawyer to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Henry H. Bond spelling out the
legislated requirements for Treasury signatures on U. S. currency: Bureau of the Public Debt correspondence files, Series
K Currency, K724.5, Record Group 53, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Walston, Mark, 2013, Birthplace of Bureaus, the United States Treasury Department: Treasury Historical Association, Washington,
DC, p. 107.
Figure 9. The signature of the
Register of the Treasury already
was on the generic faces of
Series of 1929 national
currency, which helps explain
why that stock was used to print
the emergency Federal Reserve
bank notes in 1933-4. Heritage
Auction Archives photo.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Figure 10. The decision to replace the Register?s signature with that of the Secretary of the Treasury on
the coming small size Treasury currency was rendered on May 15, 1928 in this historic Treasury
Department memo prepared by Assistant Secretary Henry Herrick Bond that was signed by Secretary of
the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon and initialed in the upper right corner by Commissioner of the Public
Debt William S. Broughton. Photo of the document in the U. S. National Archives.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
A Confederate Train Note Date Set
by Michael McNeil
Collectors often specialize in
subtle varieties of Confederate Treasury
notes, and among these specialists W.
Crutchfield Williams, II, stands out.
Probably the world?s foremost authority
on Confederate Train notes, otherwise
known as Types-39 and -40, he carefully
assembled and documented a collection
of these notes by date of issue. He used
Raphael Thian?s Register of the
Confederate Debt as his reference, an
invaluable resource to serious collectors
of Confederate Treasury notes originally
published in 1880 and republished by
Dr. Douglas Ball in 1972.1
The label ?Train? notes by
collectors is an obvious reference to the
central vignette of a steam engine and
passenger cars, a vignette seen on many
other contemporaneous bank notes and
bonds in both the North and the South.
The Train notes were interest-bearing at
7.30% per year, hence their other
nickname, ?seven-thirty? notes. The
Treasury-note Bureau hand-signed these
notes for the Register and Treasurer and
hand-dated them on the front. These
dates are recorded by Thian in the
Register along with their respective
serial number runs. Images of those
dates and serial numbers in Thian?s
Register can be seen in Figure 2.
The Register was compiled by
Thian from the original, hand-written
registers of the Confederate Treasury-
note Bureau. Thian and his clerks
experienced some issues when
transcribing these registers and one of
those issues showed up as a serious
problem for Crutchfield Williams. After
spending years he failed to find a note
with the date of July 11th, 1862 on the
front of a note; see the red arrow in
Figure 2 at the end of this article. He
appealed to the Trainmen, a group of
collectors and dealers with deep
experience in these notes, and no one
had a note dated July 11th. After careful
Figure 1, the Confederate Treasury Type-39 note, dated July 25th, 1862, serial number 22348, which
resolved an error in Thian?s Register and completed a date set of these notes. Image courtesy Randy
Shipley and W. Crutchfield Williams, II
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
observation by Crutchfield of what was
probably thousands of notes, he came up
empty-handed for the date of July 11th.
Eventually he discovered a note, Figure
1, with a serial number of 22348, which
was in the correct range for Thian?s
listing of July 11th for serial numbers
22301-22400; but this note was dated
July 25th, 1862 and signed by W. T.
Snead for Register and A. S. Watts for
Treasurer. On page 38 of the Register,
Thian lists Snead and Watts as having
signed serial numbers 22001-22500 and
this note fits the run. As it turns out,
Crutchfield correctly predicted that the
error of the date listing was Thian?s.
The author had the great fortune
to examine some microfilms, which
were in the original possession of Philip
Chase, passed on to Dr. Douglas Ball,
and are now in the possession of Pierre
Fricke. These films contained images of
portions of the original, hand-written
registers of the Treasury-note Bureau.
Although the focus was poor and the
contrast was terrible, they are a priceless
resource. In addition, they provide
strong evidence that the original
registers may still exist in the National
Archives. Page headings of the original
Register can be seen in Figure 3, with
column headings on the left for the
Officers of Register ?A. W. Gray,? the
Officers of Treasurer ?T. L. Crouch,? an
illegible heading, and the date on the
note ?Sept. 2nd, 1861.? On the right we
see columns for the start and end of the
serial number run ?24701 to 27800,? the
total number of notes signed ?3000,? the
face value of each note ?$5,? the total
dollar value of the notes ?15000,? the
plate position or plen of the note ?H,?
and the date these notes were signed.
From this evidence, we can deduce that
these were Type-33 notes, which appear
on page 28 of Thian?s Register, under
Figure 3, headers of pages in the original, handwritten Register of the Confederate Debt
Figure 4, Register entries for July 25th, 1862, signed by A. S. Watts and W. T. Snead, showing the ditto
marks which Raphael Thian?s clerks interpreted as July 11th.
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the heading ?$5-H to K (number black).?
Of interest is that the Bureau kept track
of each plen separately, even though
multiple plens, H to K, were signed on
the same sheet with the same serial
number. The sheets were cut apart and
the notes then separated by plen in serial
number runs of 100 each.
As luck would have it, the author
found images of the Train note issues in
Chase?s microfilms. Figure 4 shows
cropped images of the entries for A. S.
Watts, for Treasurer, and W. T. Snead,
for Register, on July 25th, 1862. The first
entry for July 25th (second line on the
right) lists serial numbers ?22,101 to
22,200.? The next line lists the serial
number run of interest, ?22,301 to
22,400,? and then we see ditto marks,
where the middle ditto mark is larger
and looks much like the number ?11.?
This is the source of Thian?s
typographical error in his published
version of the Register, vindicating
Crutchfield?s theory that he had, indeed,
completed a date set of Trains. There are
no notes dated July 11th. The serial
numbers incorrectly attributed by Thian
to that date are correctly dated July 25th
and are signed by Snead and Watts.
Collectors who specialize in
Train notes can make this correction in
their volume of Thian?s Register. The
author has noted another discrepancy
(red arrow) for the September 23rd date
of issue. Notes have been observed by
the author bearing this date and the serial
numbers 52717, 52828, and 52877,
extending the range of the serial number
runs listed for that date. Finally,
although the Register lists January 8th,
1863 as the last date, it is well known to
collectors that notes exist with dates on
the front as late as July 16th, 1863.
Randy Shipley has noted that all such
notes dated January 16th fit the run
1. Thian, Raphael Prosper. Register of the Confederate Debt, Quarterman Publications, Lincoln, MA, 1972,
190 pages.
2. Shipley, Randy. Personal communication to the author, February 2017. Mr. Shipley has noted that all
notes observed by him and dated January 16th, 1863 fitted this serial number run and were signed by A. W.
Gray for Treasurer and W. Hancock for Register. Thian?s Register, page 38, shows these men signing all
notes in serial numbers 69001-69500. It is interesting that the serial number run 69401-69500 is not listed
on page 37 of the Register under the date of January 16th, 1863.
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Figure 2, serial number runs and dates of issue for Type-39 and Type-40 Treasury notes.
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The Life of Hiram Vail and the Obsolete Notes produced for his
Banking & Collection Office in Amenia, New York
by Charles J. DiComo, PhD
In this issue of Paper Money, I will explore the life of Hiram Vail, the proprietor of the Banking and
Collection Office of Amenia, New York, as denoted on the obsolete currency being highlighted in this article
(Figure 1).
Figure 1. 5 Cents Note (98 x 54
mm design), Hiram Vail?s
Banking and Collection Office,
Amenia, N.Y., Nov. 1st, 1862, No.
?3207? in black ink, signed ?H
Hiram Vail (1797-1869) was an influential resident of Amenia, New York - located ~90 miles north of
New York City along the Connecticut border in the northeastern corner of Dutchess County. He was born on 10
March 1797 in Beekman, Dutchess Co., NY to Israel Vail (1774-1823) and Charity Hall (1775-1850), one of nine
children. On 22 November 1821, he married Matilda Doughty (~1802-1886), and they had three children: Caroline
M. Vail (1822-unk.); Elizabeth Ann Vail (1826-1852); and Albert Doughty Vail (1835-1898).
The first mention of Hiram?s involvement in the local community was his appointment as Postmaster of
Verbank in Dutchess Co., NY on 23 April 1835 (Figure 2). In 1837, he was appointed as an Agent of the Dutchess
County Mutual Insurance Company for Union Vale, which meant he could receive applications for insurance. He
subsequently took on the role of a Surveyor for Union Vale from 1838 to 1842 and then for Amenia in 1843
(Poughkeepsie Eagle, Dec. 15, 1838, pg. 3; Aug. 05, 1843, pg. 4).
Figure 2. U.S. Appointments of U.S. Postmasters: Hiram Vail, Verbank, Dutchess Co., N.Y. 1835.
Hiram?s most noteworthy appointment came in 1840 when he took the role the 2nd Steward of the Amenia
(Methodist) Seminary (Figure 3). He succeeded 1st Steward David Clark and held the title for 18 years until 1858.
Interestingly, he was an original trustee of the Seminary when it opened its doors in the autumn of 1835 on Cook?s
Hill under the direction of a 23 Trustee Board. It was here at the Seminary that he was affectionately referred to as
good old ?Uncle Hiram? (if students were orderly and respectful, but mischievous and idle were likely to learn his
honest estimate of them). According to many, he held the school together. His wife Matilda was also a friend of the
students. In 1888, the Seminary closed its remarkable history after fifty-three years, having enrolled students from
every State in the Union, and at one time students from the Island of Cuba and South America.
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Figure 3. The Amenia Seminary, Amenia, NY.
Built in 1835; it was directed by the Methodist
Church and had a high reputation and many
noted graduates.
During his tenure at the Seminary, Hiram managed to keep himself quite active across the region. He served
as Postmaster (PM) in Amenia from 8 June 1841 to 19 October 1844. My research shows that he replaced Elijah D.
Freeman, who had been removed from office (Poughkeepsie Eagle, 09 Jul. 1841, pg. 2). Postal records show that
Hiram was well compensated in his first two years as PM, earning $254.69. Following his postal duties, Hiram was
ready to enter the world of politics and became the Amenia Town Supervisor, with neighbors George Conklin (?44)
and Luke Stanton (?45) as his town clerks.
He then attended the Dutchess County Whig Convention in the spring of 1846 (New York Tribune, Apr. 08,
1846, pg. 4), and for the next two years was a Member of the Whig Central Committee of Dutchess County. He
must have missed his time as Amenia Postmaster, when for a second time on 2 May 1849 he was granted the
position and held it for nearly four years until 5 April 1853 (Figure 4).
Figure 4. U.S. Appointments of U.S. Postmasters: Hiram Vail, Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1841 ? 1845.
It was during this stint as PM that we see Hiram enter the banking world. In 1850 he is listed as ?Cashier,
Dutchess County Bank, Amenia, Capital $50,000.? in Bankers? Magazine and Statistical Register (Vol. 5, Jul.
1850?Jun. 1851, pg. 1033). Hiram moved up the ranks quickly, whereby 1851 he is listed as ?President of Dutchess
County Bank, Amenia? in The New York City Directory for 1851-1852 (10th Publication, NY Doggett & Rose, 59
Liberty, pg. 68).
Hiram was now a pillar in the Town of Amenia. In 1852 with 10 other local men, he formed the Amenia
Times Association Company and began publishing the ?Amenia Times? (Figure 5), a weekly paper which ran for
many years with famous Biographer, Editor, Essayist, Journalist, Lecturer, and Poet Joel Benton (1832-1911) as
Editor. In 1912, the Amenia Times was renamed the Harlem Valley Times and only a few years ago ceased being
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Figure 5. Masthead of
the Amenia Times,
Vol. V, No. 30,
October 22, 1856.
It is worth noting that Hiram maintained his 2nd Steward position at the Amenia Seminary until 1858 (an
18 year stint). His role as President of the Dutchess County Bank of Amenia ended after a 12 year stint when the
bank closed in November of 1863, with Capital of $50,000; Circulation of $72,696; and Security in N.Y. stock.
In the Annual Report of Banking in the NYS Section, Table 7 on page 63 is a list of Banks which closed
business, withdrawn their securities, given bond for the redemption of notes presented within six years, name of
owner or principal in bond, and of the sureties, and the time when obligation to redeem outstanding circulation will
expire. Table 7 is reproduced below:
Name of
Location Principal
in Bond
Residence Securities in
When Time to
Redeem Expires
County Bank
Amenia Hiram Vail Amenia John K. Mead,
Henry W. Peters,
A.P. Mygatt
Nov. 6, 1863
Prior to the close of the Dutchess County Bank, Hiram established a ?Banking and Collection Office? in
Amenia as evidenced by the issuance of notes. The earliest note I am aware of, and which I recently acquired in
late-2017, is shown in Figure 6.
It is a 25 Cents note on thin grey, unwatermarked paper, with a printed design measuring 85 x 48 mm and
was most likely locally printed. There is a central agricultural-themed design showing a plow, pitchfork, rake, wheat
shafts and a barn in the distance flanked by two hollow ?25?s. This note is dated October 1st, 1862 and payable to
?the bearer TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, in current funds, when like checks are presented to amount of ONE
DOLLAR? at the Bank of Pawling.
Pawling, ~22 miles south of Amenia along Route 22, which served as a drover?s road since before the
American Revolution, has a rich history from the early 18th century when Quaker settlers purchased the land known
as "The Oblong? to the Army Air Corp Convalescent hospital created from the Pawling School and Green Mountain
Lakes Camp during World War II. From an online search of the Heritage Auctions archive (, I have
located 5? and 10? notes from this series with the analogous central design.
Figure 6. 25 Cents Note (85 x 48 mm design),
Hiram Vail?s Banking and Collection Office,
Amenia, N.Y., OCT. 1st, 1862, No. ?157? in
magenta ink, signed ?Hiram Vail?.
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This October 1862-dated note is not listed in the 1894 illustrated 4th edition of the Standard Paper Money
Catalog (Scott Stamp & Coin Co, New York, NY), suggesting it might not yet have been discovered. What are
listed in the 1894 4th edition are the 10? note in Figure 7 and the impressive uncut sheet in Figure 8.
Figure 7. 10 Cents Note (98 x 54 mm
design), Hiram Vail?s Banking and
Collection Office, Amenia, N.Y., Nov. 1st,
1862, No. ?1452? in magenta ink, signed
?H Vail?.
The listing in the 1894 4th edition Standard Paper Money Catalog is reproduced here:
Amenia. Hiram Vail?s Bkg and Collection Office (on Bank of Pawling). 1862. Nov. 1.: 5? Train r.;
5? Female and shield. (wrong, see 50?); 10? Horses r.; 25? Cattle l.; 50? Train r. (wrong listing,
it is Female & Shield l.)
Figure 8. Uncut Sheet of Hiram Vail's Banking and
Collection Office Notes, Amenia, N.Y. Nov. 1st, 1862
(shown with permission of Robert Gill).
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Hiram Vail had sheets of 12 printed for his November 1862-dated Banking and Collection Office notes in
four denominations (5?, 10?, 25? and 50?), with four different scenes (a Train, Horses, Cattle, and a Female with
Shield, respectively); where the 5? and 10? were in quadruple per sheet and the 25? and 50? were in duplicate. He
utilized the well-known lithographers and publishing firm of Snyder, Black and Sturn, located at 92 William Street
in NYC (Figure 9). These notes are an evolution in quality and design from his earlier 5?, 10?, and 25? notes.
Figure 9. Lithographer and Publishing Firm
?Snyder, Black and Sturn, 92 William St. N.Y.?
notation on Hiram Vail's Banking and
Collection Office Note, Amenia, N.Y. Nov. 1st, 1862.
My research has revealed that Hiram Vail was a prominent
figure in the Town of Amenia who had a rich life filled with
accomplishments, charitable work and service; as a husband and
father; with careers as a Surveyor, Steward, Town Supervisor,
Publisher, Postmaster and Banking President. He passed on 23
October 1869 at age 72 in Amenia and was interred at the Amenia
Island Cemetery. His wife Matilda passed on 4 January 1886 nearly
17 years later and is buried alongside him (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Headstone of Hiram
Vail (1797-1869) and Matilda
Doughty (~1802-1886).
Amenia Island Cemetery,
Amenia, Dutchess Co., NY.
In closing, Hiram left for us these beautiful artifacts to
research and study. In my collection I have ~12 ?H. Vail? signed and
magenta-numbered 5? and 10? notes from November of 1862. At
the time of publication, I have not seen a 50?-signed note from the
November 1862 series, nor been able to locate a 50? note from the
October 1862 series, presuming it exists. I would be most interested in hearing from those wishing to share examples
from their collection.
The author wishes to thank Robert Gill for encouraging me to join the SPMC and for sharing his uncut sheet of
Hiram Vail?s Banking and Collection Office obsolete notes. Additionally, the author credits the Amnenia Historical
Society (, in particular Betsy Strauss, for kindly providing detailed census and demographic
information on the Vail family. Any errors or an omission is the author?s responsibility. He can be contacted at
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In Memoriam
Steve Whitfield
Col. Steven Kent Whitfield 78,
(U.S. Army, Retired) passed away on
Monday, March 4th after a long
He was born in Providence, RI to
George E. & Grace K. Whitfield in
November 1940. He proudly served
26 years as an officer and engineer in
the U.S. Army. During his military
career he attended Ranger School,
Airborne School, Command General
Staff College, completed two tours in
Vietnam, and was awarded 2 Bronze
Stars, the Silver Star, the Legion of
Merit Medal, the Meritorious Service
Medal, the Army Commendation
Medal, Defense Service Medal,
Vietnam Campaign and Service
Upon retiring from the military,
he continued his work in the
engineering field. He was a
passionate historian and numismatist
and is a published author on these
Steve was SPMC LM#249 and
served the society as a governor from
1982-87 and again from 1995-2001.
He was the recipient of an Award of
Merit in 1980 and 1991, a literary
award in 1992 and Best of Show
exhibit award in 1982
He was the author of the Kansas
Obsolete Notes, an SPMC publication
in 1980 and a revision Kansas Paper
Money, an Illustrated History in
April 2009.
Steve will be buried with honors
at Arlington National Cemetery in
Washington, D.C.
Dottie Freeman
Dorothy "Dottie" Freeman (nee
Monteith), of Chester Heights, PA,
formerly of Glenolden, PA, passed
away peacefully, after a long battle
with cancer, on April 1, 2019 at the
age 81.
Dottie is survived by longtime
partner Allan Teal behind whose table
she was seen at many shows. Her
knowledge of the notes in the cases
and her general bright, happy mood
will be sorely missed.
During high school Dottie was a
member of the field hockey team,
participated in the band as a
majorette, and enjoyed weekend
dances at Holy Cross. She was a
proud graduate of the 1955 class of
Glen-Nor, the last graduating class.
Post high school, she worked at the
Delaware County National Bank
where she met her future husband
Frank Freeman. Antiques came into
Dottie's life in the 1960's. Dottie had
found her niche. She was an avid
collector and accomplished dealer.
Randy Shipley
James Randall ?Randy? Shipley,
66 of Mooresburg, TN, peacefully
passed on February 26, 2019 at
Holston Valley Medical Center
following a lengthy illness.
A long-time CSA and obsolete
currency dealer, he was a fixture at
many shows and will be missed by
He was a 1971 graduate of
Dobyns Bennet High School,
attended Emory and Henry
University, and completed his law
degree at Memphis State University.
He had a deep love of archeology,
history and baseball.
He was preceded in death by his
parents, Frank and Mildred Poore
Shipley; brother, Dane Shipley.
Randy is survived by his wife,
Angela Graham Shipley; daughter,
Amy Shipley; son, Nathan Shipley
and wife Rhea Myerscough;
grandsons, Danny and James; sister,
Karen Andis and husband Bobby;
niece, Ashley.
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Styles of Paper Money Collecting
by Ed Zegers, SPMC #2676
I have observed several Styles of Paper Money
Collecting over the past the past 55 years (1963 ? 2018).
I personally started collecting Paper Money when the US
Government decided to remove silver from the circulating
US coins. That decision was followed up by the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing (BEP) in Washington, DC,
replacing all denominations of Silver Certificates (SC) to
the Federal Reserve Note (FRN).
This change was done during an era when the public
could easily go directly to the Treasury Cash Room in the
Treasury Department in Washington, DC and exchange
SC?s for silver coin(s) or packets of silver shavings.
I soon learned that the new Green Seal notes that I
was seeing were from/for the ?Richmond? (#5) district
and that they could be traded for other FRN district notes
(1 ? 12). At first, I was able to get new notes from local
banks, probably because the government was actively
removing all SC?s from circulation. I began by answering
ads in the Coin World publication and trading with other
collectors in the twelve Federal Reserve Districts. Back
then I exchanged (at face value) with guys who wanted
special styles of notes on crisp uncirculated stock from the
BEP uncirculated 100-note packs. It was fun back then as
the collectors from across the country were as interested
as I was. Exchanges were at face value and the postage
was only $.05, with a letter mailed by 5pm in Washington,
DC and it would reach New York City (NYC) by 10am
delivery the very next day!
I learned that there are as many styles of collecting
as you can imagine. Some collectors search for low serial
numbers or high serial numbers; trips (3) quads (4), quints
(5), up the line thru solid (8), some with 4 the same digits
in the start, middle, or end, and some with birth-day or
special dates, district ending numbers (1 ? 12), radars, etc.
After a while error notes began to appear, then the Barr
signatures, COPE processing, and WEB-Printing notes
and now anything goes and it does not surprise me. I think
by now you can get the picture. I settled on collecting the
Star Replacement Notes and Engraving Errors. As time
and the FRN Series advanced (1963 > 2017) there was
more and more to look for. I was fortunate that my
collection of $1 FRN notes were both covered within
Today I want to discuss one interest of error note
collecting. Back in October of 2014, the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing facility in Washington, DC
printed Series 2013 $1.00 Star Replacement notes for the
#2 New York ?B? Federal Reserve District. At first, the
DC note range was a short run of 250 thousand notes
(Short-Run). Then in November, BEP printed 6.4 million
additional notes with the serial range from 3.2 million
through 9.6 million (in normal 3.2m star-note runs).
Other than the small amount of the production for the
first run, nothing seemed unusual. That is until June and
July of 2016 when the BEP second southern facility at
Fort Worth, TX printed three full runs of 3.2 million $1
notes for the #2 New York ?B? Federal Reserve District
Series of 2013 starting with serial number one (1) and
ending at the 9.6 million mark. It was not long after the
BEP Monthly Production report published in July 2016
that the interested collecting community realized that
these serial numbers overlapped each other and that two
$1 Star-notes with the exact same serial numbers for the
same #2 New York ?B? Federal Reserve District were
This brings me to the reason for writing this report.
Several fellow collectors (4) and I have been searching for
the items and trying to assemble a matched pair of $1 Star-
replacement $1 FRN?s with one being printed by the DC
facility and the other by the Texas, FW facility. In our
eyes, this pair would certainly be a collector?s dream as it
would show a pair of Error Star-notes with the same serial
numbers with only difference being a small ?FW?
appearing on the Face Plate Serial Number. I believe that
this opportunity has never happened before? So, we
agreed to start recording and sharing data for each of the
notes that we found. We now have about 1500 serials in
our data base. Two of the four contributors do not use a
computer and tracking is tediously done by myself and
another, from reports by phone or letter for data for each
of the new finds and then added to the master list which
is in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet form. (Note: we will
be happy to exchange data with other interested
I am happy to tell you that as of December 22, 2018,
my friend Richard McAllister of NYC has come as close
to achieving that pairing... His 2013 #2 New York ?B?
Federal Reserve District notes are five (5) digits apart?
B0753 0005* DC and B0753 0010* FW! (see scan
If you desire to share in this interesting search
project, please contact for data
An Update
Gentlemen, Gentleladies, Collectors, and Dealers
(and the few that are trying to make a fast-buck on
YouTube), today is January 26, 2019 and I need to update
my previous discussion about the United States $1 series
2013 double printing Error for the New York district ?B-
After many months and years and the searching of
hundreds of thousands of Federal Reserve Notes looking
for a ?Matched-Error-Pair? of 2013 B-Star Replacement
Note serial numbers, one from the DC plant and the other
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
from the Fort Worth facility. I can now report that my
small group of five dedicated and ambitious searchers
have found an almost-set. It was discovered in the list of
1776 serials recorded by us. Our group of dedicated
collectors is from around the United States and has finally
captured two notes which may just be the closest to a
?Matching-Pair? as might ever be found.
The two notes were first reported for our data-
records, then shipped to me for scanning, so I know that
they really do exist!
As fate would have it, Jay Cook and Richard
McAllister each offered their latest B-* note data for
recording and then when the data was assembled and
examined these serials emerged; B0699 4077*, Face Plate
Position A1, Face Plate Serial FWA107, and Back Plate
serial 90 found in New York and B0699 4078*, FPP A1,
FP Axx, and BPxx found in Takoma, Washington. The
other data/team members are Karol Winograd in
Jacksonville, Florida, Gregory McNeal in Kingwood,
Texas, and myself from Maryland.
Our previous pair (with a 5-digit separation) have
now been bettered, BUT, there is still an opportunity to
The left note is the #2 New York item that was printed in DC and the right Fort Worth note has the small ?FW? located
on the Face Plate Serial Number in the lower right corner.
The left note is the #2 New York item that was printed in FW and the right note in DC.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
by Rick Melamed
In previous issues of the FCCB Newsletter and
the SPMC Paper Money Magazine we explored plate
numbers on regular issue fractionals in great detail,
focusing mainly on inverted/mirrored sheet plate
numbers and 4th issue seal plate numbers. One area not
researched, however, is the plate numbers found on
Specimen notes. This article will explore that area of
research, as well as Proofs, Essays and Experimentals.
Plate numbers were the accounting method that
the U.S. Treasury employed to keep track of the plates
used in note production. There was only one plate
number per fractional production plate, and they were
generally positioned on the selvedge or in strategic
quadrants, so when the sheets were cut into individual
notes, they were usually trimmed away. Usually but
not always. Some escaped the scissor by sheer luck
and some survived because of the obvious appeal in
preserving a plate number when cutting the sheet into
individual notes.
Plate number notes on non-regular fractionals are
scarce. Like regular issue fractionals, plate numbers
on Specimens are found in the nether regions of the
note; in the corner or in the margin. When they do
arise, it?s only on wide margin Specimens; we have
found no plate numbers on any narrow margin variety
(though a few examples show up Experimentals). We
urge any member of the FCCB or SPMC having an
image of a Specimen, Essay, Proof or Experimental
plate number not contained in this article to please
send an image to me at We
would gladly post any new images in an upcoming
I?d like to take a moment to expound on the
beauty of Specimen fractionals. In some ways,
Specimens were the proof coins of fractionals from
that era. Aside from testing design concepts, it was an
opportunity for the U.S. Treasury to showcase their
workmanship. A well preserved wide margin
Specimen fractional is a thing of beauty. Colors are
more vivid and the sharpness of the impression
elevates the overall quality to the next level. A gem
Grant Sherman Specimen is truly an artistic triumph.
As for the number of plates used and their
sequencing, we are fortunate that Martin Gengerke
discovered a backup journal at the U.S. Treasury to
give us that detail. The full charts are available in Rob
Kravitz?s book A Collector?s Guide to Postage &
Fractional Currency ? 2 Edition ? 2012. The charts
contain complete plate number information on the 2nd
and 3rd issue.
1st Issue: There are no example of plate numbers on 1st issue wide-margin Specimens.
2nd Issue: Of the 353 plates used for the 2nd issue, only 23 plates were used for specimens. 8 of the 353 plates
were considered auxiliary plates. 2nd issue Specimens with plate numbers are scarce; only 9 varieties are known to
Specimen Plate Number 5?: 1, 7, 334 (Obv); 4, 335 (Rev);
The 5? obverse only displays a partial plate #334. Check out the mirrored #335 and regular plate #7 on the 5? reverses.
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Specimen Plate Number 10?: 12, 84, 336 (Obv); 3, 88, 337 (Rev)
The 2nd issue 10? obverse contains plate #2. Note
how the frame line crosses over the actual plate number. Is that sufficient
evidence that the plate made its way to the engraver with the sheet plate
number already incised? It seems unlikely that the plate number would be
engraved onto an area that was already designed.
Specimen Plate Number 25?: 4, 286, 116, 339 (Obv); 8, 345 (Rev).
Shown is a #8 on the 25? reverse. For the obverse an inverted plate #339 and ? of a plate #4 are shown.
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Specimen Plate Number 50?: 4, 5, 341 (Obv); 6, 113, 123, 342 (Rev)
From F.C.C. Boyd?s personal collection (later part of the John Ford collection) is a captivating 2nd issue 50?
obverse with plate #5 in the lower right corner. The 50? reverse has plate #6.
Two examples of 2nd issue Experimentals with partial plate numbers are known. Since Experimentals were
produced before the regular issue was released, it is assumed separate plates were used.
3rd Issue:
3 Cents:
Specimen Plate numbers: 10 and 69 (WM Obv, dark curtain); 14, 70 (WM Rev); 71 (WM Obv, light curtain). Only
five plates were used in the production of 3? Specimens. A plate #10 on this 3? dark curtain specimen is extremely
scarce. Only 3 examples are known. No 3? reverses were found containing a plate number.
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5 Cents:
5? Specimen Plate number: 3, 7, 19, 62 (Rev); 1, 14, 18, 32, 61 (Obv).
The green and red reverses both have plate #19; the obverse shows #18.
10 Cents:
On 3rd issue 10? Specimens, the following plate #s were used:
Specimen Plate number: 2, 9, 23, 66, 71, 128 (Obv); 3, 11, 17, 64, 130 (Rev).
The obverse Specimens shown have plate #71 and #9
The 10? obverse has plate #71 in the lower right
corner. Spinner?s flashy signature intersects the ?7?.
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The 10? Specimen has an inverted #11 in the
upper right corner. The tails on the ?11? numeral
have flags which explains the existence of an invert.
A red reverse with an inverted #11 exists as well.
This 10? obverse proof is an exquisite and
desirable note (Milt #3P10F.2b). These examples
without the bronze surcharges are very rare; found
only in proofs and in Presentation books. The
mirrored plate #9 on bottom margin is icing on the
cake. This example pedigrees to Boyd/Ford.
The 10? reverse (Milt #3E10R.2) is a rare
proof note printed on Bristol board, a thick
cardboard material. About 5 examples are
known. In the upper left corner is plate #30; a
number used for regular issue (#30 was not used
for Specimens).
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Specimen notes were sometimes printed in sheets of eight;
some were made in sheets of twelve. Examples that have a plate
numbers rotated 90?, were eight subject sheets. Five notes were
stacked horizontally and three notes were flipped 90? and stacked
vertically. The plate number was in the middle area of the sheet.
In rare occurrences (as shown on the Grant/Sherman and Fessenden
below) the plate number on a single vertical note is captured
resulting in the numeral flipped on its side.
15 Cents (Grant/Sherman): The Grant/Sherman?s used 19 plates for their production. Just plates 1, 2 & 3
were used for the wide margin; hence, the only exhibiting plate numbers. Since they were never made for regular
issue, they only exist as Specimens. It would have to wait until the 4th issue before the 15? denomination was produce
for the general stream on commerce.
Plate numbers: 1 (WM Rev); 2 (WM Obv); 3 (WM Obv - printed signatures); 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17,
18, 19 (NM Obv); 4, 5, 8, 9,12, 13, 14, 15 (NM Rev).
Plate #2 on the upper right corner is hand signed by Jefferies/Spinner. The plate #3 shown is a printed
Colby/Spinner signature.
The pair of Grant/Sherman reverses exhibiting plate #1 is fascinating. The top note has the plate #1 rotated 90?.
By observing the position of the ?1? we can deduce that the vertical positioning of the note was in the right column
of the sheet (of 8). The 2nd example has a regular plate #1 positioned normally indicating it was cut from the sheet?s
left column of horizontal notes. The juxtaposition of the ?1? from normal to rotated is a delightful fractional anomaly.
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25 Cents: Plate numbers on Fessenden Specimens are exceedingly rare. A total of 150 plates were used for the 25?
Fessenden. Just 10 were used for Specimens.
Specimen Plate number: 1, 4, 13, 72, 85, 116 (Obv); 8, 12, 72, 84 (Rev).
The Fessenden Specimen reverse has plate #12 in the upper right corner. The note on the left (green) and on the
right (red) have the exact same plate numeral design indicating that the same plate was used for red and green reverses.
These at the only known plate numbers of Fessenden Specimens.
The Fessenden obverse has the #13 rotated 90?
to the right. By its position, we can deduce that the
note was cut from a vertical column of 3 notes. It is
interesting to observe that Grant/Sherman reverse
with the rotated plate number shown on the prior
page was positioned on the right side of the sheet;
the Fessenden shown here has the vertical column
on the sheet?s left side.
The 2nd obverse is a partial plate #13 in the
upper left corner ? with only the ?3? visible. Not
being rotated means it would have been a horizontal
note from the right side of the sheet.
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50 Cents: Plate numbers on Spinner and Justice Specimens show up with a little more frequency. The #17 & 42
Spinner obverse and #15 reverse are scarce but several examples of each exist.
Spinner Obverse Plate Number: 17 (Printed Sig.), 41, 42.
Justice Obverse Plate Number: 16 (Printed Sig.), 19, 76, 87, 93
Type 1 Reverse Plate Number: 6, 15, 70, 88; Type 2 Reverse Plate Number: 21
(Note: Treasury plate number charts for plate #5 do not indicate if used for Spinner or Justice Specimen obverses)
The printed signature on the
Spinner obverse with plate #17 is a nice
example, as is the autographed version
with plate #42.
Plate number examples on Justice
obverses are scarcer than their Spinner
counterpart. The only known
occurrences are on the #93 & #16 shown
on the left.
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Only one plate was used for the Type 2 reverse. Wide margin Type 2 Specimen reverses are exceedingly rare;
a total of 4-5 are known to exist. The Boyd/Ford example showing plate #21 is likely unique. The added bonus is
that it was signed by James Gilfillan, the 13th Treasurer of the United States; serving from 1877-1883. It is fortunate
that Gilfillan dated his signature indicating the years he was Treasurer. It is also indicative that he signed the Type 2
reverse well after the Specimen was issued and considerably after fractional currency was taken out of production.
Only 5 plates were produced for 3rd
issue 50? reverses. 4 plates were used for
the Type 1 reverse. Shown is a prominent
#15 on both a green and red back.
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4th Issue
There are no Specimens nor plate number charts for the 4th (and 5th issue). However, there were proof plates
made and a few of those have plate numbers. They were all printed on India paper and mounted on cardboard. None
of them have the red Treasury seals. For the sake of space, we are showcasing just the proof.
Plate numbers on Specimens are quite rare and considerably undervalued. We had to peruse over 1,000 notes
to find as many as we did. We are not likely to increase the identified count very much, since narrow margin
Specimens never exhibit plate do numbers.
Thanks must be extended to Stacks Bowers and Heritage for their wonderful auction archives that contain a
great wealth of information and high quality images. They make any researcher?s job a whole lot easier. Also, thanks
to my son David and his assistance in editing.
The 15? Columbia obverse is the final
note design (less the red seal). It displays
plate #1789 on the top. The sequence of the
4th issue proofs (1789, 1802 and 1796) is
indicative of an overall 4th issue numbering
These are as rare as can be, most likely
1-2 pieces are known with the wide margin.
It is unfortunate that we do not have proofs
for the Dexter, Stanton of 10? Liberty.
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U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money?s
Odd Couple
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
Word War I (part 4)
Continuing where we left off, we move to the
realm of official counterfeiting. This is state-on-
state activity?one government counterfeiting the
notes of another.
Britain counterfeited one German homeland
note that I am aware of, but I have never found an
example. It was the common 20 marks note dated
21 April 1910, SCWPM #40b, with serial numbers
F3530xxx. The silk threads at the right end of the
note are printed rather than being buried in the
paper, and the note itself is presumably also
lithographed, rather than being principally intaglio.
If one of you readers finds one, please let me know.
But Britain also counterfeited a note of a
German colony in Africa. Remember the movie The
African Queen? The action took place in German
East Africa. The two people on the Queen were
trying to destroy or damage a German gunboat on
Lake Tanganyika (renamed Lake Wittelsbach for
the story).
In real life, the German garrison was cut off
from its currency supply in Berlin and had to print
notes locally. Eventually they were forced to take to
the woods, where they continued to print very crude
one-rupee notes that they called buschnoten.
The British chose to counterfeit a locally-
produced 20-rupien note. This was not hard to do,
since they had the same kinds of printing equipment
locally available that the Germans had. Figures 1
and 2 are the face and back of an original German
note. The printed serial number on the back (0363)
matches the hand-written number on the face. The
signatures are hand-signed. Figures 3 and 4 are one
of the British counterfeits. Notice that the serial on
the back is not repeated correctly on the face. The
signatures are printed and are not the same as on the
handsigned note. I don?t know the significance of
that; twenty individuals signed the bush notes.
See Boling Page 211
Errror MPC
I like error notes. Most everyone does, I think.
There is at least one person who does not like errors
from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Many
years ago?I think it was in the 1970s?I attended a
presentation at a paper money show. It probably
was in Memphis, but I am not sure of that either. I
do remember the presentation. Bob Leuver was the
director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
and the speaker at the event.
He introduced his talk by lamenting the glee
with which we collectors treated errors. He said that
errors should be shunned in favor of beautiful, well-
produced notes! I understand this idea from his
point of view, but I really like MPC errors. Forgive
me Bob.
At least from a pure numerical point of view
most MPC errors were printed by contractors rather
than by the BEP itself. Overall MPC errors are
scarce. They are much more scarce than
corresponding errors in silver certificates, Federal
Reserve notes and the like. Basically, that is
because as part of the life cycle of military payment
certificates, series were withdrawn and destroyed.
Errors routinely went into the incinerator upon
Of course, we can analyze MPC errors in the
same way we do for other types of paper money.
We can consider them by the type of error, such as
inverted back or mismatched serial numbers and the
like. With MPC, I think that we can also do some
generalizations by series. I have never really
thought about this before, so I will try to figure it
out as we go, but first a few overall comments. At a
minimum, there are some cherry-picking
opportunities by series.
Before I go there, I need to elaborate a bit on
the overall rarity of MPC errors. While most of the
types of errors that you would expect to find do
exist, some of the classics have not been reported in
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
any collection and very possibly do not exist even if
some of them likely were printed.
No double denomination military payment
certificates are known in collections. MPC were
never printed with more than one denomination to a
sheet, so double denominations?if any exist?were
created by mingling sheets of backs before printing
the faces rather than by simply rotating a sheet.
Mismatched serial numbers are fairly common in
FRNs and other types, but unknown in MPC. In
addition to the matter of conversions, most MPC
had only one serial number so no mismatches could
occur. Of course, the difficulty of finding a
mismatch is compounded by the difficulty of
noticing it even if you have one in your hands.
Now let us try the series-by-series analysis.
We will do this in two parts. We will cover the
series that were printed by contractors now and the
BEP printed series next time.
Series 461 was printed by Tudor Press in great
haste in 1946. It was also printed in large numbers,
yet I do not know of a single error in this series.
Series 471 was printed only a few months later
by Tudor Press. I only know of one error in
collections for this entire series. It is a fractional
note that is missing the entire red face printing. This
is a particularly interesting error, but not for a
reason that you are likely to suspect. Color-missing
fakes are also known. Those have probably been
created by removing the red ink with solvents. In
such cases, the red ink is missing from both sides, a
telltale sign that the note has been manipulated. The
possibility of having a color missing from both
sides of a note is miniscule.
Series 472 was printed in 1947 by Tudor. This
is an important series. Errors in this series are
relatively common even if they are minor. The
notes are often found with the image area a bit off
center. This off-center aspect might cause you to
pass the note for your type collection but look at the
edge of the paper very closely. Does the adjacent
note show however slightly? If so, put it in your
error collection! Such minor errors are usually
simply spent by other collectors of United States
paper money, but they are loved by MPC
There is more. Five-cent replacements are
relatively common for this series. Do this same
inspection for replacements, they too can be found
with a bit of the adjacent note! You certainly want
to add any of those to your collection!
Series 481 was printed by Tudor Press and
Forbes Lithograph. It is very similar to Series 472
in that it has some minor errors. Be sure to look at
the position numbers of the fractional
denominations. They drift a bit. If the number
touches the frame design of the note, it qualifies as
a keeper. Just as with the Series 472, this error can
be found on replacements! Of course, I really like
Series 521 was printed by Forbes Lithograph. I
only know of one error for this series, but it is a
good one and it makes a good point. The error in
question is the fifty-cent denomination with the
back registration substantially off from top to
bottom. More than one example of this error from
the same sheet are known! The point is that it is
Series 471 $1 with letterpress text shifted up
Series 472 with adjacent note showing at bottom
(above) and at left (below)
Position number (56) shifted right
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important to flip notes over and look at the back. As
boring as this is, it can be worth the effort.
Series 541 was again printed by Tudor Press.
Most extant MPC errors are from this series. Joe
picked a fractional note from circulation in Japan
that had a bit of the adjacent note showing. I think
we might have looked at this piece in the past. The
errors range from minor things like drifting position
numbers as with the Series 481 above to missing
serial number and more. Partially turned digits are
fairly common this this series on both regular and
replacement certificates. A $10 certificate is known
without a serial number at all.. a serial number at
This concludes the series that were printed by
contractors. Next time we will look at the series
(and errors) that came out of Washington.
Boling continued;
Figure 2
Figure 3
Series 521 50 cents face correctly aligned with
shifted back
Series 541 replacement with elements obstructed.
Series 541 replacement w/letterpress text shifted left.
Series 541 replacement with partially turned numeral.
Series 611 famous invert with inverted face tint.
Notice the halo effect above the portrait caused by
the inverted blue tint.
Figure 1
Figure 4
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Apparently, whoever was numbering the British
notes turned the stack over and started with the
number that had been visible on top of the pile,
running backwards thinking that he was duplicating
the numbers on the backs, but actually running in
the opposite direction. Thus, at best only one of the
British fakes would have a properly matching
number from back to face (if the pile contained an
odd number of notes). Whether they realized their
error is not known to me. What is known is that the
counterfeits are very scarce.
Well, maybe not so scarce. Rosenberg thought
that the high-grade examples with mismatched
serials were modern replicas unless they showed a
particular plate flaw. What you see in figures 3-4 is
one that he considered to be a replica for collectors.
Figure 5 is a copy of the page from Die deutschen
Banknoten ab 1871 (4th edition). On the upper note
of that pair, notice the black spot on the outside of
the wirework frame at left. Rosenberg believed that
the original British plate had that defect, which was
not repeated by the modern counterfeiter.
Rosenberg?s catalog has now been taken up by
Hans-Ludwig Grabowski. The fifth edition of the
book says that the high-grade pieces in the market
are remainders liberated from a British source in the
1970s, and the black spot is not mentioned at all. I
will continue to look for a piece with the black dot.
Notice that the serial number of the ?fake? in figure
5 (4916) is within the same strap of 100 notes as my
piece (number 4995).
Moving a few hundred miles northeast, we
come back to the Ottoman Empire. We last
discussed them when we looked at the Gallipoli
overprints of the second series Bradbury treasury
notes. There is also a relatively common counterfeit
of a Turkish 10 livres note of the period. This fake
is usually attributed to the British; I have never seen
any period documentation one way or another.
The original note is fairly scarce. It went
through several dates, and five printings of the date
that was counterfeited, with the 2nd-5th being
indicated by an added cartouche on the back
showing which printing the note came from.
Figures 6 and 7 are of the only genuine example of
the correct date that I have been able to acquire; it
happens to be of the fourth printing (quatrieme
emission in a pentagon at left back).
Figure 8 shows the watermark in a genuine example
of a better grade piece of a different date (the
watermark in my rag is pretty faint).
Figures 9 and 10 are of the alleged British
counterfeit; note the dieuxieme emission (second
issue [printing]) in a box at the left end of the back.
Figure 11 shows it on a light box?no watermark,
but several areas of mold in the paper are visible. If
you are buying one of these, try to get a piece with
minimum mold and foxing.
When buying this without benefit of a light
source, there is also a plate diagnostic that is fairly
easy to see in most images (but it is on the back, so
if your vendor does not show you the back, just
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
walk away). On a genuine note the small numerals
?10? in Roman and Arabic script within the six
small stars in the left edge read correctly from the
inside of the note, looking out.
Figure 11
On the counterfeit, they are inverted?they read
correctly from the outside of the note looking
toward the center. See figures 12-13 (figure 12
being the genuine note).
Figure 12
Figure 13
Next issue we stay in the Middle East and look at
Persian overprints on German notes. Once rare,
these are now easy to find?if you will settle for a
fake overprint.
Editor Sez
I hope as you read this issue of
Paper Money, that you are already
making plans to attend this year?s
edition of the International Paper
Money show in Kansas City. Lyn Knight
and his staff have been working diligently to put
on another blockbuster show. Unfortunately, for
the first time in 35 years, I will not be at the show.
I am a nurse at Allen High School and the choir is
doing a ten-day tour of Italy and they want me to
go along. I love history and a free tour to Rome,
the Vatican, Florence, Venice and my favorite?
Pompeii! While it will be sad not to be with you
at the show, can you really blame me? I hope not!
Back to KC, I know it will be great. Bob
Moon and Bob Vandevender have been working
hard to improve the exhibit experience (see last
issue for details and an app). Peter Huntoon has
put together another great speaker series including;
Joseph Boling?WW I Resulted in Many Emergency
Paper Money Issues?and the Counterfeiters Followed
Right Along
Nick Bruyer?The First U.S. Demand Note (It's not
what you think!)
Robert Calderman?Introduction to Small Size U. S.
Currency Collecting
Steve Carr?First Names on Ks National Bank Notes
Mark Drengson?Launch of the SPMC
National/Obsolete Bank Note History Project
Ray and Steve Feller?Money of Neutral Nations in
World War II
Pierre Fricke?A tales from each side of the Civil
War: United States Demand Notes and Mysterious CSA
Fantasy Issues
Peter Huntoon?Nuclear Silver: When Treasury
collided with Physics
Roger Urce?Japanese Puppet Banks in China
Jamie Yakes?Small-Size 12-Subject Changeover
What an absolutely great line-up. Thanks and
congrats to Peter for another great job!
Many people commented that the last issue
was the best they may have ever had the privilege
of reading. I agree and give all the credit to our
wonderful authors and columnists. Please vote for
them at Reward their efforts!
The outlook remains great for the quality. I have
great articles on Isle of Man Internment Camp
money; Counterfeit $100 notes; Quaker Bankers,
just name a few?Exciting times ahead!!
Figure 9
Figure 10
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
The Quartermaster Column No. 6
by Michael McNeil
Most people
look beyond their own self interest and
act to protect the groups to which they
belong. But some actions, even those
altruistically motivated, have
consequences, and sometimes the
consequences are dire. Such is the history
of Capt. John H. Jones, Assistant
Quartermaster to the 19th Regiment
South Carolina Infantry.
The 19th South Carolina Infantry
was organized during the winter of 1861-
1862.1 John H. Jones enlisted at Camp
Hampton on January 3rd, 1862 as a 2nd
Lieutenant in Company H (with many
men from the Abbeville District), and by
May 25th he was detailed as an Acting
Assistant Quartermaster (acting without
bond). The unit participated in the
Corinth Campaign during April to June
and the Kentucky campaign from August
to October, at which time Jones was
promoted to Capt. & AQM.
The Battle of Stones River at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, the location of the
court-martial of Capt. John H. Jones, Asst. Quartermaster of the 19th
Regiment South Carolina Infantry. image courtesy Wikipedia
wagons to haul commissary stores, and among
those were wagons belonging to the 19th
Regiment. In an act of loyalty to his unit, Capt.
Jones retrieved his wagons returning them to his
unit?s yard, and for this action he was court-
martialed. He was convicted on December 23rd
and relieved of his command.
Illuminating documents relating to this
court martial are found in Jones? files in the
National Archives. Brig. Gen?l. Samuel
McGowan (with no connection to the 19th SC
Infantry) wrote a letter on Jones? behalf on
The back of the Type-41 Treasury note with the
endorsement of John H Jones on a date only 10 days
after he was formally relieved of his commission as a
Captain and Assistant Quartermaster by court-
martial. image: McNeil
The 19th Regiment was involved in the st
June 22nd, 1863, laying out the details of the
issue in which it strongly appears that Jones
acted in good faith. By June 24th, 1863 Jones had
returned to South Carolina and signed a sworn
statement before the Magistrate of the Abbeville
District Court House: ?I John H. Jones, lately a Capt AQM in
action at Murfreesboro from December 31 ,
1862 to January 3rd, 1863. Some time prior to
that engagement, an officer had commandeered
the 19th Regt S(outhern) C(arolina)
V(olunteers) do solemnly swear, that, in
the Court Martial lately held at
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Murfreesboro Tennessee, before which I
was tried for issuing an order that my
wagons, should return to my camp, I did
not, nor did I intend to, plead guilty to
?the specification? charging that I
?knowingly & willfully disregarded the
orders etc.
?At the trial I expressly refused to plead
guilty to the specification. Using in the
Court these very words ?Gentlemen I
can not plead guilty to the specification,
because the order I issued was not a
wilfull disregard of orders? & I entirely
deny that I have ever done a wilfull
wrong. I thought I was only doing my
duty. If it was wrong to issue the order
for my own wagons, it was an
unintentional error.?
A note was written on July 29th, 1863 on
the cover of the court martial proceedings,
stating that ?Upon review of the proceedings by
the Secretary of War (James Seddon), the
sentence was set aside, by reason of their
informality, & a new trial awarded Capt.
Jones.? Jones had apparently given up hope by
this time, and the note of July 29th continues, ?He
has never reported, so that a new trial could be
given him...after his dismissal, and has never
been heard of since. The original record has been
lost or mislaid.?
The intervention by high ranking
officers in favor of Jones continued, and none
other than Gen?l Braxton Bragg, commander of
the Army of the West, wrote Special Order No.
237 on September 3rd, 1863 stating that, as the
court martial had been set aside by the Secretary
of War, Capt. Jones ? hereby released from
arrest, and will rejoin his regiment.?
A letter of September 4th, 1863 from Col.
J. F. Pressley, commander of the 10th and 19th
South Carolina Regiments, sheds light on Jones?
attitude after his dismissal:
?Yesterday I received notice that Capt.
J. H. Jones AQM 19th SCV...had been
restored to duty and ordered to report to
his Regt. As the Regt now has two
AQMs I would beg...the Gen?l to what I should do
with them [the two AQMs]. ...Capt.
Jones left the service and went to his
home in Jolene on the 21st day of January
1863. ...During the whole of that time
[from January to September] he gave no
notice to the Regt that he was even
attempting to be reinstated. I
would therefore recommend that he be
placed in some detached duty as I have
nothing of substance for him to do.?
Gen?l Braxton Bragg, Commander of the Army of
the West and close friend of President Jefferson
Davis. image courtesy Wikipedia
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Jones was placed in other commands in
Virginia. In 1864 he served at a horse infirmary
camp and at Rockfish Depot, Nelson County, on
the Orange and Alexandria Rail Road. Jones?
last purchase, approved by Gen?l R. E. Lee, was
for the procurement of forage. His last
document, a travel expense voucher, was dated
November 19th, 1864 at Petersburg, Virginia.
Petersburg would be the focal point of the
collapse of Lee?s army and the fall of Richmond
the following spring.
Only two examples of Treasury notes
endorsed by John H. Jones are known. The
illustrated endorsement reads:
Jany 31 1863
Jno C H Jones
Both the illustrated example and the discovery
note bear the same date and the inclusion of an
extra initial ?C? in his signature, which is not
found on any other documents. These two notes
were perhaps received by Jones in his
termination pay?note the date of issue of
January 31st, just ten days after Col. Pressley
stated that Jones ?left the service and went to his
home.? Note also that Jones did not use his
former title of ?Capt.? The story of Capt. John
H. Jones is a cautionary lesson in unintended
consequences. It is also a lesson about success?
who you know is usually much more important
than what you know, and Capt. Jones had the
support of one of the Confederacy?s highest
ranking generals.
The author found the illustrated note at
the Kansas City International Paper Money
Show on a holdered note which failed to mention
the endorsement, and which should have been
known to the holdering establishment (they own
two of the author?s books on these
endorsements). This rare endorsement was
purchased for the value listed on a white sticker,
the value of a typical note in decent condition.
Knowledge is power.
? carpe diem
1. See the detailed history of the 19th South Carolina Infantry at
2. The image of Gen?l Braxton Bragg is courtesy of Wikipedia, By Unknown, restoration by Adam Cuerden, image from
the United States Library of Congress.
3. The image of the Battle of Stones River, courtesy of Wikipedia, in the Public Domain, United States Library of
4. McNeil, Michael. Confederate Quartermasters, Commissaries, and Agents, pp. 369-372.
The front of the Type-41 Treasury note endorsed by John H. Jones, former Capt. & Asst. Quartermaster of the 19th
Regiment South Carolina Infantry. image: McNeil
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Central States
Numismatic Society
78th Anniversary Convention
April 24-27, 2018
(Bourse Hours ? April 24 ? 12 noon-6pm
Early Birds: $125 Registration Fee)
Schaumburg, IL
Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel &
Convention Center
Visit our website:
Bourse Information: Patricia Foley
(414) 698-6498 ?
Hotel Reservations:
Schaumburg Renaissance Hotel - 1551 North Thoreau Drive ? Call (847) 303-4100
Ask for the ?Central States Numismatic Society? Convention Rate.
Problems booking? - Call Convention Chairman Kevin Foley at (414) 807-0116
Free Hotel Guest and Visitor Parking.
? Numismatic Educational Forum
? Educational Exhibits
? 300 Booth Bourse Area
? Heritage Coin Signature Sale
? Heritage Currency Signature Sale
? Educational Programs
? Club and Society Meetings
? Free Hotel Guest and Visitor Parking
? Complimentary Public Admission:
No Pesky
Sales Tax in
for? a? year? or?more,? chances? are? you? own? at? least? one?
notes.? ?For? those?select? few?collectors?who?count?their?
at? countless? shows? across? the? country? proud? by?
year? and?while? I? occasionally? hear? grumbles? of? disdain?
soon? be? an? amazing? two? decades? since? the? currency?
market? experienced? its? first? grading? company?
offer? snazzy? holders? to? protect? our? notes? for? future?
standard? in? the? industry? helping? both? dealers? and?
collectors? identify? notes? quickly? and? easily,? allowing?
bourse? transactions? to? take? place? at? a? lightning? pace!?
of? determining? if? a? note? is? a? Superb?Gem?or? an?AU58!?
Third? party? graded? notes? ultimately? give? collectors? a?
safety?net.?Protecting? them? from?getting?hosed?buying?
raw?notes?with?advertised?grades? that?have?been,? let?s?
??With? all? that? said,? the? old? adage? still? holds? true? and?
holder.?? ?Surprisingly,?even? if?a?note? is?already?slabbed?
to?spot?treasure.? ?Let?s?examine?a?$10?Silver?Certificate?
that,? while? already? graded,? became? a? prized? trophy?
popular? Greensheet? guide? values? the? above? Fr.1702?
example? at? $165? and? while? this? note? might? appear?
signature?combination?are?properly?displayed.? ?At?$195?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
computer? screen.? ?What?makes? this? example? a? trophy?
collecting?world.? ? Brought? on? by? cost? saving?measures?
during?WWII,?retired?plates?that?were?only? intended?to?
rotation? creating? numerous? and? heavily? sought?after?
the? submission? form? specifically? designated? for? variety?
their? job?and?accurately?and?conservatively?graded?this?
retailer?was? also? unaware? since? their? sales? description?
would?magically? know? every? possible? variety? on? every?
is?a? little? too?much?to?ask?for? in?my?mind?and?with?the?
???At? the? next? major? show,? I? resubmitted? the? silver?
certificate? back? to? PMG? and? for? a? very? reasonable? re?
holder? and? variety? attribution? fee,? the? note? is? now?
While? this? plate? number? can? be? found? on? circulated?
examples? for? a? modest? premium,? uncirculated?
higher!? This? note? which? appeared? common? and?
opinion,? this? note?would? easily? fetch? a? cool? $1,000.? ?A?
price? offered? on? the? coin? dealer?s? website.? ? For? the?
dedicated? collector,? studying? these? varieties? can? be?
share?? Your? note? might? be? featured? here? in? a? future?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
When Institutions Fail
Next to my office desk is a bookshelf, and on
the very top sits a haphazard pile of old red books?
literally, ?Red Books?, or Guide Books to United
States Coins, by one R. S. Yeoman. Rather than
residues of my misbegotten youth, these volumes I got
at some library book sale, and then promptly ignored.
Inspired (or at least made to feel guilty) by Marie
Kondo?s decluttering philosophy, I?ve been casting an
appraising eye around my office, asking the Kondo
question: Does anything in this room, books or
otherwise, ?spark joy?? And the answer is, I have
absolutely no idea, unless you find joy, as I do, in the
act of hoarding itself.
As a publishing venture, the ?Red Book? is, of
course, alive and kicking, even if Richard S. Yeoman
himself has been gone for over thirty years. More than
a mere book, the Yeoman volume is a fixture of the
hobby. It?s what I would call an institution, in the sense
that it orients collectors around a list of desirable
objects and their possible prices. It may not be the most
informed authority on specialized numismatic topics,
but in one volume, it represents the best general
introduction to the hobby in the United States. In
particular, the Red Book signals to those people, young
and old, who have not yet taken up the pastime: this is
what collecting United States coins is all about.
The importance of institutions like the Red
Book appears most apparent when I imagine what
would happen to the hobby if that volume somehow
went away. Two recent developments more relevant to
the paper money field raise similar issues. The first is
the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing of F + W Media,
while the second is the demise of PCGS Currency, a
major third-party grader of paper money. Both are
examples of institutions failing. I want to discuss the
publisher in these paragraphs, and the grader in a
subsequent column.
F + W Media is, of course, the company that
had acquired Krause Publications in 2002. Whether
because of bad luck, bad strategy, or bad management,
F + W Media has failed, and the status of its stable of
collector-oriented publications is now in doubt. This
includes such stalwarts as Numismatic News, Bank
Note Reporter, and of course the various volumes of
We don?t yet know what bankruptcy will mean
for these brands. Chapter 11 could bring the
reorganization, sale, or outright liquidation of F + W?s
properties. No one publication is necessarily
indispensable, but the Krause catalogs come closest to
representing a collective benefit to the hobby. It?s not
their prices that are important (these change); it?s the
reference and attributive functions that these catalogs
provide. In particular, the ?Pick numbers? that the
Krause catalogs record for existing notes, and generate
for new issues, literally define the hobby in the sense
that they guide readers towards what to collect in the
first place.
While there might be better alternatives to the
Pick scheme, what makes it valuable is that everyone
treats it as authoritative. Up to now, the Pick
numbering system has outlived Albert Pick, Just as
Friedberg numbers have outlived Robert Friedberg.
Hugh Shull built on the system created by Grover
Criswell. Yet if such continuity were to be interrupted,
I fear that a basic support for the hobby would begin to
I don?t want to sound hysterical about the
problem. Paper money collecting has all sorts of niches
that have generated plenty of guide books to orient
their fans. Auction house catalogs also play a role,
particularly when it comes to the attribution and
provenance of pricier stuff. Organizations like the
SPMC do their part by crowdsourcing online
compendia like the Obsoletes Database Project.
It makes a difference if a catalog covers
material that is specific to an historical era. Stale
catalogs are still perfectly serviceable if the type of
collectible is, in principle, fixed. As a long-time
devotee of depression scrip, I rely on the Mitchell-
Shafer catalog even though it is well over thirty years
old. Its prices are now irrelevant, but the context and
attributions it provides are still indispensable.
However, what about parts of the hobby that are more
dynamic, and require up-to-date revisions? The various
Krause catalogs serve to assimilate the flood of new
coin and currency issues that the world generates every
year. Each item gets its number, and each one of those
numbers in a sense defines and extends the boundaries
of the hobby for the benefit of all collectors. If that
service were no longer provided, then the enterprise of
collecting would, ever so slightly, begin to lose its
focus. In addition, the longer that service wasn?t there,
the fuzzier would everything notaphilic appear to be.
(to be continued)
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
$ m a l l n o t e $
Mills?s Letter Details Mellon?s Two Signatures
By Jamie Yakes
One of my earliest columns discussed a change made to Secretary Andrew Mellon?s signature
used on early small-size currency.1 There were two distinct styles, and the obvious difference between
them is the longer tail on the ?n? on the earlier signature. The BEP paired them exclusively with the
signatures of different treasurers: The earlier with Mellon and the latter with Woods. A one-page letter
from Undersecretary of the Treasury Ogden L. Mills to William P. G. Harding, Governor of the Boston
Federal Reserve Bank, described the change.2 His letter is pictured here.
1. Yakes, Jamie. ?Mellon?s
Two Signatures.? Paper
Money 50, no. 4 (2011,
July/Aug): 301.
2. Mills, O., Undersecretary
of the Treasury, letter to W.
Harding, Governor, Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston,
October 30, 1929, regarding
changes to Secretary
Mellon?s signature. Record
Group 53-Bureau of the
Public Debt: Entry UD-UP
13, ?Historical Files, 1913-
1960,? Box 12, File K723.
National Archives and
Records Administration,
College Park, Maryland.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The State of North Carolina
by Robert Gill
By the time you are reading this, spring will be
upon us. I am sure glad the cold weather is over.
Even though our Southern Oklahoma Winter was
relatively mild, it still played havoc with my
arthritic body. I guess it's just part of growing old!
Since my last article, the Obsolete World
received a real treat. During the first week of
March, Stacks Bowers Galleries auctioned a
collection of thirty-seven uncut sheets of Illinois
currency. Not only were virtually all of the sheets
probably unique, but many of the notes comprising
them are listed in the Haxby reference as SENC
(Surviving Example Not Confirmed). It was a real
fun time for me to compete with other collectors /
dealers in trying nab a few new prizes. I was able
to acquire five of them. I would liked to have been
successful on more, but considering the group
hammered for over $100,000 with the buyer's fee
added, I felt very fortunate to do as well as I did.
But now, let's look at the sheet from my
collection that I'm sharing with you in this issue of
Paper Money. That is an incredibly rare sheet
issued by the State of North Carolina during the
Civil War.
My good friend Hugh Shull, in his book, A
Guide Book of Southern States Currency, tells us
that in November of 1789, North Carolina became
the 12th state to ratify the Constitution of the
United States of America.
Because of sentiment to the "Southern Cause",
state delegates met at a convention in State
Capital, Raleigh, on May 20th, 1861. They voted
to dissolve the State's association with the Union
by repealing the State's ratification of the
Constitution. On the next day, May 21st, North
Carolina was admitted to the Confederate States of
State of North Carolina Treasury Notes were
issued during the Civil War years of 1861 thru
1865. These were authorized by a total of fourteen
acts of the North Carolina General Assembly, and
ordinances enacted by the Secession Convention.
In several cases, previously authorized amounts
were subsequently altered or annulled. In many
cases, issued notes of the same type were
authorized by as many as three different acts and
ordinances. Of the $13 million authorized, only
about $7.8 million was actually issued.
As you can see in the scans of my sheet, it has
a couple of stunning traits. First of all, with the
exception of the common Louisiana sheets, the
high denomination is very rarely seen, in sheet
form, on any of the old banks during obsolete days.
And notice in the second scan there is a North
Carolina bond on the backside. Because of a
scarcity of paper in the South during the War
Between the States, it was common practice to
print paper money on the backside of paper that
already had something printed on one side.
The rarity of this sheet cannot be expressed
enough. According to Hugh, my sheet, and the
one that is pictured on the back cover of his book,
are the only two known to exist. In addition, until
my sheet became known, it was not known what
the bond looked like, as the other existing sheet
was printed on the backside of the coupon-portion
of a bond. And to add to the rarity, even "singles"
from this issue are scarcely encountered.
So there it is. A true cornerstone of any
Southern States Collection, and one that I'll enjoy
owning for many years to come.
As I always do, I invite any comments to my
personal email or my cell
phone (580) 221-0898.
Until next time, HAPPY COLLECTING.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
The Bank Note History Project
by Mark Drengson
As part of its educational mission to promote the
study and appreciation of paper money and related
financial history, the Society of Paper Money Collectors
( is sponsoring the Bank Note History
The purpose of the Bank Note History Project is to
stimulate research and help organize historical
information related to U.S. bank notes that were issued
during the National Bank Note Era (1863-1935) and
Obsolete Bank Note Era (1782-1866). This project is
focused on two of the primary historical aspects of these
'Hometown' bank notes: The Banks that issued them,
and the Bankers who signed them.
The Bank Note History Project consists of two
online components: The Banks & Bankers Database and
the Bank Note History Wiki.
The Banks & Bankers Database is a structured,
searchable database with historical data on all 14,348
National Banks that were chartered between 1863 and
1935. It also includes all of the Presidents & Cashiers
listed in the OCC reports from 1867-1935, as well as
many other potential bank note signers (VPs & Asst
Cashiers) based on data from Bankers Directories, etc.
Many Obsolete Banks and Bankers from 1782-1866 are
also available with more being added over time. A
Search website provides an easy-to-use interface into
the data with links to the Bank Note History Wiki (as
well as other online sources) to make that historical
information for Banks and Bankers easily available. The
search website requires SPMC membership to access
the database.
The Bank Note History Wiki is a crowd-sourced,
searchable content website (very similar to Wikipedia)
for creating and organizing historical information on the
National and Obsolete Banks & Bankers from 1782-
1935. This is a Public/Open access Wiki, so anyone can
View the information. Users who have set up an account
on the wiki website (with a confirmed email address) are
allowed to add new pages or Edit existing wiki pages.
The Bank Note History Wiki is primarily focused on
two topics: Bank Histories and Banker Biographies.
Featured Bank Notes illustrate this by providing a link
to the issuing Bank's History page, as well as links to the
Bio pages for the signing Bank Officers. A Bank Note
History Home page can also be setup for each State,
focusing on the Banks, Bankers and Banking History of
that State.
Visit the Bank Note History Project now to see
who signed your bank notes!
Mark Drengson will be giving a talk introducing
the Bank Note History Project at p.m. Saturday at the
Kansas City/IPMS show on June 15.
2019 IPMS--KC
Join us at the International Paper Money Show in Kansas City
June 13-16
Sheraton KC at Crown Center?816-841-1000
Exhibits, speakers, bourse and all the fun and education a paper
money enthusiast can imagine.
??s? contact Doug Davis
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
May/June 2019
It?s that time of year
when preparations are
underway for the
International Paper Money Show in Kansas City. In
my President?s Column one year ago, I outlined a
multitude of reasons of why you should attend, so I
will refer you to that if you have still not decided to
make the trip. Instead, I will try to get you up to date
on what is new.
We are excited, as there have
been some changes in the works for
how we do exhibits at the IPMS, with
respect to judging and awards. The
previous issue of our journal covered
these changes, and they are on the
website as well. Our hope is that these
changes will draw interest in more and
higher quality exhibits at our main
forum. Be sure to make contact with
our exhibit chairman, Robert Moon
( for more
information on showcasing your
You may have noticed that the
Bank Note History Project is now live.
See the press release in this issue with
more details. This is a tremendous
resource in particular for national bank
note collectors, allowing them to
identify signers of their notes and
further research national banks of
interest. In addition to the raw data,
which is searchable, there is also the wiki portion of
the project that is essentially a Wikipedia of the
subject. As a user, you can both read and make
contributions. Be sure to check out the special
workshop that Mark Drengson will have at the IPMS
to demonstrate the site and explain how you can
make the most of it.
I?d also like to ask for your participation in
voting for literary awards and registry sets of the
Obsoletes Database project. In each and every issue
of Paper Money we bring you the highest quality
research and articles in the hobby. I was especially
impressed with the recent January/February issue.
All of our authors devote a lot of time to their work,
so it?s the least we can do, to spend a few minutes
and acknowledge this effort by casting votes for your
favorite articles. Just the same, the registry sets on
ODP are a great way to learn and appreciate
banknotes. Voting for both of articles and sets can
be done on our website, at and
As you get ready for IPMS, be sure to purchase
your tickets in advance for the SPMC Breakfast
online at our website (, under the
Outreach tab. The tickets this year honor Hall of
Fame inductee Peter Huntoon with a youthful
portrait and look really great. You get one of these
with your purchase.
Also, sign up for the free FRB KC Tour.
Participants last year were rather impressed with our
customized tour, and got to see a lot of notes you
don?t see every day. The link to sign up is also under
the Outreach tab on our home page.
Details of all the IPMS Kansas City events can
be found on the SPMC calendar at
With that said, I hope you will come to Kansas
City for the IPMS, and stop by our club table to say
hello. I?m looking forward to it!
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
NEW MEMBERS 03/05/2019
14895 Andrew Loulis, Frank Clark
14932 Philip Block, Website
14933 Larry LaFerriere, Pierre Fricke
14934 Jerome Biedny, Frank Clark
14935 David G. Kantor, Tom Denly
14936 Warner Talso, Frank Clark
14937 Allan Maierson, Gary Dobbins
14938 Benjamin Simpson, Website
14939 Bob Pearson, Gary Dobbins
14940 Matt Foltz, Patrick Heller
14941 Joe Corrado, Website
14942 Peter Lesnik, ANA Ad
NEW MEMBERS 04/05/2019
14943 Aaron Taylor, Website
14944 Charles Hill, Website
14945 Jorge Gonzalez, Website
14946 Forest US, LLC, Website
14947 Shawn Christensen, Robert Calderman
14948 Peter S. Walters, Robert Calderman
14949 George Balazs, Robert Calderman
14950 Peter Rizzardi, Minneapolis Coin Show
14951 Gerald Chase, Pierre Fricke
14952 Roland Rollins, BNR
14953 Bruce Ramer, ANA Ad
14954 David Gersten, ANA Ad
14955 Robert Sutton, Frank Clark
14956 Frank Doran, Jeff Brueggeman
14957 Philip DeAugustino, Frank Clark
14958 Dan Guthrie, Website
14959 Ed Godfrey, Tom Denly
Life Memberships
Reward our authors and columnists!
Vote for your favorite articles and columns that appeared in Paper Money in 2018.
Go to
You must be a member and only one vote per category per member.
Voting is open May 1-31.
Also vote for your favorite obsolete registry set in the obsolete database.
Go to
Voting is also open May 1-31.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
United States Paper Money
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Small Size Type
National Currency
Specimens, Proofs,Experimentals
FrederickJ. Bart
(586) 979-3400
POBox2? Roseville,MI 48066
Buying & Selling
? Obsolete ? Confederate
? Colonial & Continental
? Fractional
? Large & Small U.S. Type Notes
Vern Potter Currency
& Collectibles
Please visit our Website at
Hundreds of Quality Notes Scanned,
Attributed & Priced
P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
?LAWRENCE? (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
WANTED: Republic of Texas ?Star? (1st issue) notes.
Also ?Medallion? (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
Wanted DC Merchant Scrip. Looking for
pre-1871 DC merchant scrip (Alexandria,
Georgetown & Washington). Send photo/price/
description to
$ MoneyMart $?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg?s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
S implified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Come join a group dedicated to the are
fractional fanatics!
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact Dave Stitely, membership chair
Box 136, Gradyville, PA 19039.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 X 21/4 $28.40 $51.00 $228.00 $400.00
Colonial 51/2 X 31/16 $25.20 $45.00 $208.00 $364.00
Small Currency 65/8 X 27/8 $25.45 $47.00 $212.00 $380.00
Large Currency 77/8 X 31/2 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Auction 9 X 33/4 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Foreign Currency 8 X 5 $38.00 $68.50 $310.00 $537.00
Checks 95/8 X 41/4 $40.00 $72.50 $330.00 $577.00
10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet--end
open 83/4 X 141/2 $23.00 $101.00 $177.00 $412.00
National Sheet--side
open 81/2 X 171/2 $24.00 $108.00 $190.00 $421.00
Stock Certificate--end
open 91/2 X 121/2 $21.50 $95.00 $165.00 $390.00
Map & Bond--end open 181/2 X 241/2 $91.00 $405.00 $738.00 $1,698.00
Photo 51/4 X 71/4 $12.00 $46.00 $80.00 $186.00
Foreign Oversize 10 X 6 $23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
Foreign Jumbo 10 X 8 $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
*Large size notes
*Large size FRNs and FBNs
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-7505
See out eBay auctions under
user ID DBRcurrency
1507 Sanborn Ave. ? Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
Open from Memorial Day thru Labor Day
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size).
You may assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
Out of Country sent Registered Mail at Your Cost
Mylar D? is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar? Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the
equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 29, Dedham, MA 02027 ? 781-326-9481
ORDERS: 800-HI-DENLY ? FAX-781-326-9484
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * May/June 2019 * Whole No. 321_____________________________________________________________
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC?s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
? Hosts the annual National Currency and Coin Convention during March in Rosemont, Illinois.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
? Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
? Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the International Paper
Money Show, as well as Paper Money classes and scholarships at the A.N.A.?s Summer Seminar series.
? Publishes several ?How to Collect? booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
? Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Bea Sanchez ? Secretary
P.O. Box 44-2809 ? Miami, FL 33144-2809
(305) 264-1101 ? email:
Jackson, MS- State of Mississippi
$100 Jan. 8, 1862 Cr. 1Ab
PMG About Uncirculated 53
Searcy, AR- H.K. Abernathy $2 Sept., 1862 Rothert UNL
Extremely Fine-About Uncirculated
Richmond, VA- Virginia Treasury Note
$100 Aug. 13, 1861 Cr. 1 Jones VT02-06
PCGS Apparent Choice About New 55
Scottsville, VA- Bank of Scottsville $10
April 18, 1861 G18b Jones BS15-28
PCGS Very Fine 25
Visit to view the collection or place bids online.
Selections from The Leonard Glazer Collection
of Civil War Dated Currency & Related Items
New Orleans, LA- Louis Hubert /
Confederate States Bakery $1
PCGS Choice New 63
Tintypes of Triple-Armed SoldiersCivil War Sixth Plate
Tintype of a Western
Theater Federal
Paul R. Minshull #16591. BP 20%; see 52955
Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40+ Categories
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