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Table of Contents
4-Subject Large Size Plates Altered into 8-Subject Forms--Doug Murray & Peter Huntoon
WWII Isle of Man Internment Camps--Steve Feller
A Tale of Two Quaker Bankers--Nicholas Bruyer
The First National Bank in Arizona Territory--Peter Huntoon & Dawn Teresa Santiago
KC Service, Literary and Exhibit Awards
Lee McClung--Frank Clark
Cherry Pickers Corner
Quartermaster Colum
Chump Change
The Obsolete Corner
Small Notes—NY 1934 & 1934A FRNs
Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
J. Roy
F. C. C.
Paper Money
Vol. LVIII, No. 4, Whole No. 322 July/August 2019
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
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August 13-16, 2019 | Rosemont, Illinois
Granger, Texas. $5 1902 Red Seal. Fr. 587.
The First NB. Charter #6361.
PMG Very Fine 30.
Serial Number 1.
Alachua, Florida. $10 1902 Date Back.
Fr. 618. The First NB. Charter #8980.
PMG Very Fine 20.
Fr. 233. 1899 $1 Silver Certificate.
PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58.
Serial Number 1.
Beaumont, Texas. $20 1882 Brown Back.
Fr. 504. The Citizens NB. Charter #5841.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ.
Block of (12) Fr. 1328.
50 Cent. Third Issue.
PCGS Currency
Choice About New 55 PPQ.
From the Caine Collection.
Fr. 1310a. 50 Cent. First Issue.
PCGS Currency Choice About New 58 PPQ.
From the Caine Collection.
Wolfborough, New Hampshire.
$5 1882 Brown Back. Fr. 468.
The Lake NB. Charter #1486.
PMG Very Fine 30.
Fr. 148. 1862 $50 Legal Tender Note.
PMG Very Fine 20.
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. LVIII, No. 4 Whole No. 322 July/August 2019
ISSN 0031-1162
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Benny Bolin, Editor
Editor Email?
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4-Subject Large Size Plates Altered into 8-Subject Forms
Doug Murray & Peter Huntoon ..................................... 231
WWII Isle of Man Internment Camps
Steve Feller. ................................................................. 239
A Tale of Two Quaker Bankers
Nicholas Bruyer ............................................................ 256
The First National Bank in Arizona Territory
Peter Huntoon & Dawn Teresa Santiago .................... 269
KC Service, Literary and Exhibit Awards .......................... 275
Uncoupled?Joe Boling & Fred Schwan .............................. 279
Lee McClung
Frank Clark ................................................................. 284
Book Review?New Tennessee Obsolete Book
Benny Bolin ................................................................. 285
Cherry Pickers Corner ........................................................ 286
Quartermaster Colum .......................................................... 288
Chump Change .................................................................... 291
The Obsolete Corner ........................................................... 292
Small Notes?NY 1934 & 1934A FRNs ................................ 294
President?s Column ............................................................. 297
New Members ...................................................................... 298
Editor Sez ............................................................................. 299
Board of Governors Meeting Minutes ............................... 300
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Officers and Appointees
PRESIDENT--Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731,
Minneapolis, MN 55458-0731
VICE-PRESIDENT--Robert Vandevender II, P.O. Box 2233,
Palm City, FL 34991
SECRETARY--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mtn., Rd. #197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
TREASURER --Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court,
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Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 5439, Sun City Center, FL 33571
PUBLISHER-EDITOR--Benny Bolin, 5510 Springhill Estates Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
ADVERTISING MANAGER--Wendell A. Wolka, Box 5439
Sun City Center, FL 33571
LEGAL COUNSEL--Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex, CT 06426
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR--Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX, 75011-7060
Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and
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the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
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P.O. Box 1094, Sudbury, MA 01776 ;;
And many more CSA, Union and Obsolete Bank Notes for sale ranging from $10 to five figures
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
4-Subject Large-Size Plates Altered into
8-Subject Forms
during 1923-1925
Doug Murray
Peter Huntoon
Overview and Purpose
This article describes an economy measure that was undertaken during 1923-5 to couple two 4-
subject plates into an 8-subject form so that they could be used optimally on power presses. Congress had
just lifted the last of its restrictions on the use of power presses to print currency. The concept was applied
where the Bureau had unused or, in some cases, little-used stocks of still serviceable 4-subject printing
Existing 4-subject plates were salvaged from the plate vault and altered so that they could be
coupled. In addition, the last of the 4-subject plates that were being made at the time were completed so
that they could be coupled.
The discoverer of this process was Doug Murray, who is the most accomplished researcher to tackle
large size U. S. type notes. However, the voice that will tell the story is that of Peter Huntoon who has
followed Doug?s odyssey through this topic and who helped him pull together documents he needed to
flange up his research.
Doug?s focus has been on varieties and to that end he has added dozens of Friedberg numbers to
the catalog during his career. To accomplish this, he had to meticulously record notes, help build the census
of large size type notes, and delve into Federal and company records to understand printing protocols,
Figure 1. Murray?s Series of 1922 $10 gold note printed from position H on 8-subject face plate 225 but back
from 4-subject plate 171 that had been paired side-by-side with another 4-subject back plate to print the feed
stock used for the face printing.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
processes and machinery at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the Treasury Department and private
bank note companies.
Doug considers the topic at hand to be his last piece of unfinished business in his 45-year pursuit
of large size type notes. The story that follows was set in motion in 1998 so his pursuit of it took exactly 20
The breadth of the work undertaken by the Bureau to alter these plates was enormous because it
involved at least the 872 plates summarized on Table 1. We will explain the process and put it into context,
although there is a chance that we missed some of affected plates.
Doug started to recognize these plates in 1998 as he was researching another topic dear to his heart,
a class of mules he defined years before.
The BEP changed the position of the plate serial numbers on the backs of large size type notes at
the start of the Elliott-White era in May 1921. Numbering of the plates with the new variety restarted at 1.
Back plates with the numbers in both the old and new positions were used simultaneously. As a
result, Murray defined a class of mules where Elliott-Burke faces were mated with backs printed from plates
with the numbers in the new position and where Elliott-White and Speelman-White faces were mated with
backs with the numbers in the old position. These mules have won listings in the Friedberg catalog.
All the gold certificate back plates with numbers in the old position in the upper right corner were
4-subject. As he recorded the mule varieties in the $10 Series of 1922 Speelman-White gold certificates, it
was clear that those backs had been printed from 4-subject plates, but he suddenly realized that some had
face plate letters E, F, G and H.
How could this be possible? Specifically, how could notes whose faces were printed from 8-subject
plates be on feed stock from 4-subject back plates?
The variety was so peculiar, he set out to buy the very next one that he saw go by. Lightning struck
on September 11, 1999, when he got to purchase from Glen Jorde the Series of 1922 Speelman-White $10
gold certificate illustrated on Figure 1; specifically, H41334932 from face plate 225, plate position H, back
plate 171 where the back plate serial number is in the upper right corner as on earlier notes.
He set out to determine how the variety came about. Consequently, the next time he was at the
National Archives, he looked up the plates used to print his note in the BEP plate history ledgers. It was no
surprise to him to observe that face plate 225 was an 8-subject plate. It had to be in order to carry position
letter H, the bottom subject on the right side of the printed sheet. That plate was certified November 21,
1924, six years after the Bureau started using 8-subject plates.
He then looked up the back plate for completeness. He confirmed that back 171 was indeed an old
4-subject plate that had been certified October 7, 1918.
Table 1. Summary of the 4- to 8-subject plates that were altered for use on power presses during
1923-1925 era. All the face plates are Speelman-White.
Back/ 8-Subject Certification Dates No. of Altered
Class Series Den Face Arrangement First Last 4-Sub Plates
SC 1899 1 back head-to-toe 4/14/1923 9/5/1924 575
SC 1899 1 face toe-to-head 1/15/1924 2/11/1924 40
SC 18 9 2 back head-to-head 3/15/1924 3/27/1924 16
SC 899 5 back head-to-toe 6/4/1924 6/5/1924 16
LT 1917 1 back head-to-head 7/24/1923 10/12/1925 80
LT 1917 2 back head-to-head 8/20/1923 11/3/1923 24
LT 1907 5 back head-to-head 1/18/1924 1/21/1924 10
LT 1901 10 back head-to-head 11/27/2023 7/14/1924 40
GC 1907 10 back head-to-head 8/17/1923 11/7/1923 44
GC 1906 20 back head-to-head 9/25/1923 10/15/1923 27
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
The paradox of an 8-subject face on a 4-subject back gnawed at him.
In due course, he visited the Numismatic Division of the Smithsonian Institution to get a look at
the proof for 171 to see if it could help him figure out what was going on. I happened to be there at that
time. He went right for the 1907-1922 $10 gold back proofs. In short order he came up with two 4-subject
proofs for plate 171, one certified October 7, 1918, the second November 7, 1923. Hum, what was done to
cause a second certification? Look as he did, he couldn?t find any differences between the images on the
But this guy is a careful observer. He noticed that one side of the second proof did not have a
perfectly straight cut. Then he noticed the same thing on a number of other duplicate proofs that were dated
1923. The irregular cuts switched back and forth between the left and right sides of the proofs. Puzzle time!
He attempted to match the cuts between the proofs and sure enough he found some definitive
matches. When a match was found, both proofs in the pair had the same 1923 certification date. It didn?t
take rocket science for him to deduce that a pair of plates had somehow been mated to produce the 8-subject
form that was used not only to print the proof, but also the production sheets that yielded his note. It became
obvious that after the 8-subject proof was lifted from the 8-subject form, they then cut the thing in half and
filed the respective halves in order of the different plate serial numbers found on the respective halves.
He was very excited by this discovery and corralled all of us who were there and attempted to
educate us as to the significance of it. I found the whole business to be quite curious but very esoteric. Some
of us were in the midst of sorting the proofs, a project that stretched across several years, so we went back
to that task. I filed knowledge of his curious finding in the back of my mind.
Scope of the Phenomenon
In due course, Murray found the same phenomenon on other type notes. One variety that he is
particular proud of discovering were $2 Series of 1899 Speelman-White silver certificates mules printed
from backs 1083 and 1084. These were two particularly old 4-subject back plates begun respectively in
1918 and 1921 with serial numbers in the lower right corner instead the more modern lower left corner.
Both plates had been used but were still serviceable before being altered into 8-subject forms on March 17,
1924. They were then paired to print exotic Speelman-White mules. Plate 1083 was on the left side and
1084 on the right.
A couple of years later, my wife Kathleen, Mark Hotz and I were sorting the $1 1899 faces of which
there are more than 27,000, the largest number of any large size type note. One day, I came across two 8-
subject Spellman-White toe-to-head proofs lettered A-B-C-D on each side. A quick glance revealed that
one had plate numbers 90395-2441/90397-2443; the other 90400-2446/90401-2447.
The memory of Murray?s finding flooded back. Someone at the BEP had failed to cut these two
proofs in half and file the respect halves in plate serial number order. As it turned out these are the only two
surviving examples that we have found of such conjoined 8-subject proofs.
I told Murray about them, so he had to look into the $1 1899 SCs. The poor guy ultimately
discovered that he had to log in more than 600 1899 $1 back and face plates into his inventory of the variety.
Subsequently we realized that this type of thing was restricted to the 1923-5 period. So just what
was going on?
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing was in a great push to convert from 4-subject to 8-subject
currency printing plates for their high-volume types in 1923. The 8-subject plates were made specifically
for use on power presses. Power presses utilized four plates that circulated around the bed of the press
where they passed through stations that successively inked, wiped and printed the sheets.
Organized labor had been resisting the use of such labor-savings power presses at the Bureau since
1878 when the first steam press was tested at the Bureau. In due course Congressional allies had passed
legislation prohibiting their use to print currency. The restrictions on the use of the presses were lifted
gradually. For a time, only backs of currency could be printed on power presses and the high demand backs
began to be printed from 8-subject plates. Faces began to be printed on the power presses in 1918 with
acquiescence of the printer?s union during World War I as the Bureau staggered under the crush of printing
WW I Liberty Loan bonds.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
An Act of Congress dated January 3, 1923, formally cleared all impediments. It stated: ?Hereafter
the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to print from plates of more than four subjects each upon power
presses the fronts and backs of any paper money, bonds, or other printed matter now or hereafter authorized
to be executed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.?
The 4-subject plates were designed for use on single plate presses of which the Bureau still had a
huge room full. Four of them could be mounted on the 4-plate power presses. However, the power presses
worked optimally with four 8-subject plates.
Once the gloves were off in 1923, Bureau management under Director Louis A. Hill acted swiftly
to move as much of the work on the high-demand Treasury currency as possible to the power presses. They
simultaneously ramped up production of 8-subject face plates for the high-demand types, which at the time
consisted of steel plates made by traditional roll-transfer technology because Hill had disbanded the
electrolytic unit. However, they found themselves with a large inventory of unused or lightly used 4-subject
steel plates of several types, most of which were backs.
Altering Pairs of 4-Subject Plates into 8-Subject Forms
They quickly seized upon altering pairs of 4-subject plates to create 8-subject forms that could be
mounted on the power presses. The respective plates within each pair were altered by milling one side of
each plate so that the two could be abutted to create an 8-subject form. Thus, there was a left and right plate
in each pair where left and right as used here refers to the side of the printed sheet lifted from the 8-subject
Most of the 4-subject plates were altered in pairs, one left and the other right. Once this work was
completed, a proof was lifted from the resulting 8-subject form, cut in half, and the halves filed in plate
serial number order with the original proofs from the same plates.
Generally, the pairs of plates were kept together as a unit that was mounted on one of the four
positions on the press. The pair continued to be used in successive press hitches as long as both halves
remained serviceable. When the pair wore out, both halves were canceled together. Consequently, the pairs
are fairly easy to track through the plate history ledgers.
However, occasionally one of the plates in a given pair would have to be swapped out and replaced
owing to wear. The swap-outs unambiguously demonstrate that the plates within the pairs were not
physically joined; instead, they served side-by-side. Their abutting edges were carefully machined so that
they fit snuggly. The joint collected ink, which printed as a fine joint-line down the center of the 8-subject
sheets. This was readily trimmed away when the sheets were cut in half prior to numbering the halves on
the 4-subject Harris serial numbering, severing and collating presses then in use.
The vast majority of 4- to 8-subject conversions involved back plates. However, there was a sizable
group of Series of 1899 $1 Speelman-White silver certificate face plates as well. Murray has meticulously
Figure 2. Two hollow stars were added next to the Treasury plate number on 4-subject back plates to reveal
that they had been machined to fit next to another one to create an 8-subject form for use on power presses. If
bold centering guides were used adjacent to the 2nd and 3rd subjects, their placement revealed whether the plate
was fashioned into a right or left plate in the pair. In this case, the guide is to the left so it is the left plate in the
head-to-toe pair. Note: the silver certificate $1 faces were printed from toe-to-head plates.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
gone through the proofs as well as the plate history ledgers to identify as many of the 4-subject plates that
were altered to produce the 8-subject forms as possible. At this writing, he has cataloged almost 900 of
them as listed on Table 1.
Most of these plates were unused prior to being altered for use in pairs on the power presses.
However, there were exceptions such as some 4-subject $10 1907 and $20 1906 gold certificate and $2
1899 SC back plates that had been in the plate inventory for years and had been used. The printing of $10
and $20 gold notes had been suspected at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917. Production of
those denominations resumed in fiscal year 1922 in the new Series of 1922.
As production of $10 and $20 gold certificates continued to ramp up during 1923, the still
serviceable 4-subject Series of 1907 and 1906 back plates in the plate vault were altered for use on the high-
capacity power presses. This, of course, resulted in Murray?s $10 discovery note.
One fun possibility with the Speelman-White gold certificates is that it is possible to find notes
with the same back plate serial number, one a mule printed from an 8-subject form comprised of two paired
old 4-subject plates with plate serial number in the upper right corner and the other a non-mule printed from
a new 8-subject plate with the same number in the upper left corner.
The Big Picture
Bureau personnel weren?t exclusively altering the old 4-subject plates into 8-subject forms during
the 1923-1925 period. They never stopped making regular 8-subject plates of the same kind. Those
produced under Hill?s administration were steel plates made by the roll transfer process. Wallace W. Kirby
took over as Director of the BEP on an interim basis in February 1924. He not only continued the alterations
of the 4-subject steel plates and production of regular new 8-subject roll-transfer steel plates, but also
reactivated the electrolytic unit and had it turn out new 4- and 8-subject electrolytic plates. All the plates
were pressed into service.
Kirby was followed by Director Alvin W. Hall at the end of 1924, who accelerated Kirby?s pace
and worked toward full adoption of electrolytic plates for the high-volume types. This raised some
ambiguities in this study because both 4- and 8-subject electrolytic plates were being made for the high-
volume types. Of course, the 8-subject electros were being used on the power presses, but the 4-subject
electro proofs often are stamped POWER. It is possible they were used on old power presses that could
only accommodate 4-subject plates. It is also possible that some of those 4-subject electros were finished
so they could serve side-by-side on the power presses. We simply don?t know.
Special mention is warranted for the $1 Series of 1917 legal tender plates listed on Table 1. These
4- to 8-subject alterations dating from 1925 are the youngest we have found. This may seem peculiar
because $1 Series of 1923 LTs already were in production and they were being cranked out on the high-
volume power presses from 8-subject plates.
An urgent problem faced by the Treasury Department was a consequence of the Pittman Act of
April 22, 1918, which mandated that huge quantities of silver dollars in storage in the Treasury be melted
and the resulting bullion sold to Great Britain for use in coining money for India. Equally huge volumes of
silver certificates had to be redeemed to offset the melted silver dollars that backed them.
Figure 3. Sometimes they put either a
1 (left plate) or 2 (right plate) in the
corners of plates to indicate the
position of the plate in the 8-subject
form. The numbers were used on
some regular 8-subject plates as well.
JCF was James C. Filgate who was
the siderographer who laid-in both of
these plates. Note: the legal tender $1
faces were printed from head-to-
head plates.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
The only $1 Treasury currency in use during the period leading up to the Pittman Act was silver
certificates. But even before the Pittman melts, the Treasury was experiencing a chronic shortage of $1s.
This compelled Treasury Secretary McAdoo to resume issuing $1 legal tender notes beginning with Series
of 1917s, which became available from the BEP on July 1, 1918. They were the first $1 legal tender notes
printed since 1896.
Then came the new Series of 1923 LTs, the first to arrive on January 3, 1924. However, the BEP
kept right on printing 1917s because there was sizable inventory of those plates. On April, 1924, William
S. Broughton, Commissioner of the Public Debt, requested Assistant Secretary of the Treasury C. S. Dewey
to authorize BEP Director Alvin Hall to continue to use all completed $1 Series 1917 LT plates as well as
to finish and use any that weren?t yet finished (Broughton, Apr 24, 1924).
The Bureau already was printing the last of the 1917s from 8-subject plates on power presses, so
they had a major incentive to sweep-up the last of their 4-subject 1917 plates in the plate vault and alter
them into 8-subject forms for use on power presses. The last of the 1917 LT $1s arrived on December 22,
1925, many printed from the 4- to 8-subject conversion back plates. Ironically, they arrived two months
after the last of the 1923s!
A glitch developed when the last nine 4-subject steel $1 1899 back plates were altered for use on
power presses. This involved plates 2987, 2991 and 3004 through 3010. Plate 3010 was the last 4-subject
1899 steel back plate. The plate serial numbers had been assigned to pieces of steel in August 1922 but the
plates weren?t actually made until September 1924. They were finished on September 5 almost six months
after the last of their predecessors.
At that time, there was a huge push to crank out $1 silver certificates because silver certificate
production was ramping up concurrent with production of new silver dollars following the end of the great
Pittman silver dollar melt of April 1918 through May 1919. These nine plates had just been laid-in and were
immediately paired into 8-subject forms as BEP personnel were turning over every rock to meet the demand
for the silvers.
Four pairs were made from the group plus one spare, namely 3010. All were sent to the press room
on September 8, 1924 except for 3010. It is obvious that the four pairs were mounted on the same power
press. Things didn?t work out though. All were returned to the plate vault September 10th and canceled
September 11th, including 3010.
A look at the proofs revealed why. The wrong sides of all those plates had been milled so when the
pairs were abutted, they came out head-to-toe instead of toe-to-head on the press. Had they been used, every
note printed would have had inverted backs! The fact that those plates were in the press room for three days
hints strongly that they saw at least limited use before the problem was discovered. We?ll never know that
We have been examining a process that was employed as an expedient over a three-year period
during the height of the transition from use of 4- to 8-subject plates for production of the high-demand type
notes. The alteration of two 4-subject plates into 8-subject forms was an economy measure that allowed the
Bureau to consume its existing valuable inventory of 4-subject plates rather than scrap them.
Figure 4. Shown is the top of a proof from an altered 1917 LT 4-subject back plate complete with two hollow
stars to indicate that it had been altered for use in an 8-subject head-to-head pair and a numeral 1 to indicate
that it was the left plate in the pair. The design of the 1917 backs was so symmetrical, they put TOP in the upper
margin to help pressmen correctly position the plates on the presses.
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Of course, the process could be employed for any type notes that were printed from 8-subject plates
on the power presses. By 1923, the $5 through $20 Series of 1914 Federal Reserve notes were being printed
from 8-subject head-to-toe back and toe-to-head face plates. Similarly, many 5-5-5-5, 10-10-10-10 and 10-
10-10-20 backs for Series of 1902 national bank notes were printed from 8-subject steel plates on power
presses. The resulting sheets were then cut in half and the halves used as feed stock for the face printings
on one-plate, 4-subject presses. However, we haven?t found evidence that any FRN or NBN 4-subject plates
were altered into 8-subject forms.
Sources Cited and Sources of Data
Broughton, William S., Apr 24, 1924, Memorandum from the commissioner of the Public Debt to Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury C. S. Dewey requesting him to authorize BEP Director Alvin Hall to continue to print Series of 1917 LT notes:
Bureau of the Public Debt, Series K Currency, Record Group 53, box 11, file ?Currency Designs.? U.S. National
Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various, Certified proofs lifted from currency plates: National Numismatic Collection, Museum
of America History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various, Historical Records of Plates in the United States and Miscellaneous Vault & Ledgers
and Historical Record of Stock in Miscellaneous Vault - 4-8-12 sub faces: Record Group 318, U. S. National Archives,
College Park, MD.
United States Statutes, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.
Andrew Pollock
2019 SPMC Founder?s Award recipient
by Peter Huntoon
In 2018, the Newman Numismatic Portal received an unprecedented
accession from Andrew Pollock III wherein Pollock had compiled a yearly listing of
bank presidents, cashiers, total bank resources and national bank circulations that he
abstracted from every one of the 73 annual reports of the Comptroller of the
Currency for all 14,348 national banks chartered from 1863 through 1935.
Pollock compiled this incredible data set by typing over a half million lines
of data into an Excel spreadsheet, a task for which he set a goal of entering an average of 500 entries per day
continuously over a three-year period. He typically worked 80 hours per week to maintain this pace.
He is not a paper money collector but worked for Bowers & Merena. However, he was challenged
by the task of compiling this wealth of data when he became acquainted with the Comptroller of the
Currency annual reports and discovered that they were available on-line through the Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis FRASER document archives. His feat ranks with Louis Van Belkum?s Herculean compilation
of the national bank note issuance from the National Currency and Bond Ledgers in the National Archives
during the 1960s and 1970s, except Pollock?s compilation is larger and took considerably more time.
Pollock earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry at Worchester Polytechnic Institute in
1979, then worked as a chemical technician for several years until joining Bowers & Merena in 1987.
During his pre-numismatic career, he worked for Badger, a division of Raytheon, in Weymouth, MA, from
1980 to 1983 in their process development department.
He resumed schooling, this time at the University of Kentucky, to study biology between 1983 and
1984, then returned to Quincy, MA, to work for H. V. Shuster evaluating pharmaceuticals, dietary
supplements and other consumer products between 1985 and 1987. Then it was on to Bowers & Merena.
Juggling work and study before leaving Bowers & Merena, he then earned his Masters of Library
Sciences degree from Simmons College in 1999 and in 2000-2001 served as the archivist at the Kingston
Public Library in southeastern Massachusetts where he oversaw the local history room and created findings
aids for some of the repository?s collections. He now resides in New Hampshire.
He has justly established himself as a giant in the field of numismatics and national bank note
currency in particular. His is one of the greatest research gifts to national bank note collecting ever
assembled and is free for download from the Newman Numismatic Portal.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
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New Information on the World War II Douglas
Promenade Internment Camps on the Isle of Man
by Steve Feller
Recent online auctions and sales have yielded much new information on the money and life at Isle of Man World
War II internment camps that lined the seaside promenade in and near the island?s capital, Douglas.
In the spring of 1940 Britain, as they had done in World War I, initiated civilian internment and POW camps
on the Isle of Man. Altogether, there were more than a dozen World War II camps on the island of which at least 9
issued money. Of the camps in Douglas this article deals with interesting information on the Sefton Camp, the
Central Promenade Camp, the Palace Camp, the Metropole Camp, and the Onchan Camp as one walks from the
center part of Douglas north out towards the village of Onchan (see maps below).
My brief descriptions of the five camps are updated from the book1 Silent Witnesses: Civilian Camp Money of World
War II by Ray and Steve Feller. Much more information may be found there regarding the money of all Isle of Man
A. The Sefton Camp
The Sefton Camp was on Harris Promenade, Douglas, along the street where the Sefton Hotel and Gaiety Theatre
are. The camp was never large, housing at its height only 377 internees. All of the notes from this camp were 56x30
mm and said, Sefton I.C. at the top center, with the denomination in the bottom center. At the bottom they also say,
Douglas I.O.M. There is a serial number at the left, running vertically. The back has a stamp phrase shown below in
bits and pieces. The composite reads Sefton Internment Camp Accounts Office, although none of these notes show it
Map of Great Britain and Ireland. Note the
central location of the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea.
The camps along the seaside in and near Douglas,
IOM (Manx Museum)
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The notes shown are from the Dr. Al York collection they were auctioned last year in New York.
A New Year?s card2 from the Sefton
Internment Camp Accounts Office.,
December 1940.
A New Year?s card of 1940-41 from the Sefton Camp depicts two new notes since Silent Witnesses came out,
leading to five known denominations altogether. The new denominations are one shilling and two shillings and six
pence. Shown below is a summary of the known issues from the Sefton Camp.
Silent Witnesses # shillings/pence
IM-1455 -/0.5 salmon pink
IM-1456 -/1 sea green
IM-1457 -/6 azure blue
IM-1458 1/- red
IM-1459 2/6 yellow
?, 1, and 6 pence notes of
the Sefton Camp
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In 1998, Coe College student Eric Hammarsten and I had dinner at the Sefton Hotel. Below is an image of the front
door of the hotel as we approached the hotel. This was part of a research trip during which several numismatic
discoveries were made. Fuller descriptions are given in Silent Witnesses and an article in the I.B.N.S. Journal3. Today
it is a five-star hotel to serve well-heeled customers on an island that has a large financial sector.
The Sefton Camp, December 1998,
after a significant renovation
A circa 1900 postcard of the Camp
Sefton and Gaiety Theatre site.
Front door of the Sefton Hotel, 1998
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B. Central Camp
The Central Camp was located a bit north of the Sefton Hotel. According to Pam West3 the camp consisted of
?The Empress Hotel and 34 surrounding adjacent properties.? Upon closing early in 1941, its remaining inmates
were transferred to the Onchan Camp.
No notes are known from the Central Camp. However, postal items are known, see below. This is a good place
to mention that the postal history of the camps is extensive with philatelic items being more plentiful than numismatic
C. Palace Internment Camp
The Palace Camp was put together from 29 holiday hotels in Palace Terrace, Queen?s Promenade, Douglas. The
camp ran from July 1940 to 1942, housing mostly Italians, though later on there were other nationalities, including
Finnish and Japanese prisoners. There were several types of notes that came in booklet form. Only three booklets
have been found, and they are incomplete. Many of the pieces in collections came from these booklets. The notes
measure 84x48 mm. There is a serial number at the top, under which it says Palace Internment Camp. There is a
denomination in numerals at the lower left and right, and it is written out between them. The notes came from the
?Examiner? Printing Works in Douglas.
Many people dream of the proverbial needle in the haystack find on Ebay. Imagine my excitement when I saw
the following ebay lot (unedited) and image:
Vintage WWII period circa 1942
civilian internment papers (Onchan)
these are particularly rare and unique
as they are the papers (including pay
slips) for ?Barbato Forte?
restaurateur during the period and
also owner of a large ice cream chain
?Fortes? after the war, Mr. Forte
being an Italian living in England and
as such he was interred at the palace
internment camp due to national
safety measures applied during the
war, the documents are presented in
the original hand made leather wallet
that was carried and used by Barbeto
Forte during the period.
A newspaper wrapper
sent to the Central
Camp in Douglas, IOM.
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This picture certainly got my attention! It shows four internment camp notes and an assortment of original camp
Luckily, my numismatic friends didn?t see it and soon the lot joined the Feller collection.
For the Palace Camp it had 2 notes: a one penny and a previously unknown ? penny note. The same piece is
now listed in Pam West?s new book on the Isle of Man4
Here are closeups of the discovery piece:
Discovery half penny note from the Palace Camp found in the internment camp wallet on ebay.
Outside and inside of wallet made and used by Barbato Forte in the Palace Camp and Onchan Camp on the Isle of
The other items in the wallet are discussed with the Onchan Camp items.
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Here is the ?Home Office? note stamped at the Palace Camp taken from the wallet. These were used in many of the
camps and are known with various camp overprints.
Cover from the Palace Camp, March 19, 1941.
Palace Camp site in late 1998 Palace Camp site during the war (Manx Museum)
D. Metropole Camp
The Metropole Camp was in use from 1941 until 1945. It was also sometimes referred to as ?S? Camp, and sat
on the waterfront in the capital city of Douglas. The camp was made up of four hotels on Queen?s Promenade:
Alexandra, Metropole, Milne?s Waverley, and Dodsworth?s. There were two types of scrip used in Metropole, both
printed by the Douglas branch of Norris Modern Press.
In 1998 Eric and I, on a lark, walked into the Metropole Hotel, part of the Metropole Camp site. We could
literally smell the dusty history in our nostrils. We asked if there were any things left from the war period. The
manager, in his eighties and fully aware of the hotel?s role in the war, asked if we would like a bag filled of old
newspapers, Red Cross items, and other such items that they had found under the floorboards! What a thrill we felt
when it was given to us! Most of this historic material was given to the museum after scanning by Eric Hammarsten.
Some of it is shown below.
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The following images are from the hoard of artifacts discovered at the Metropole Hotel.
German POW newspaper announcing the atomic bombs
dropped on Japan, August 11, 1945.
The Metropole Hotel bespoke history.Metropole Camp site where we found artifacts from the
camp days. This was December 1998 just before its
German Red Cross (Deutschen Roten Kreuz) wrapping
discovered at the Metropole Camp in 1998.
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Here are some details on the money used at Metropole.
Type 1. Made on cloth-lined pasteboard. 31 mm diameter circles. Four chits to a card. The cards measure 67x68 mm
for the ?-penny and 73x76 mm for the penny. States camp name and denomination.
An issued note and an unissued block of four are shown below. Note the color change of the face from blue to pink.
Type 2. Made on white paper with a blue back. States, Metropole Internment Camp, Douglas. Promise to Pay the
Internee the Sum of followed by a denomination. There is a serial number at the lower left and upper right.
Issued one penny note of Metropole Camp Unissued set of four one-penny notes of Metropole Camp.
Face of 10/-. Note the error in mismatched serial
numbers (Hilary Guard).
Back of 10/- scrip (Hilary Guard).
Face of 1/-/- note (Hilary Guard).
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Some printer?s trials remain and are shown below.
Site of the Metropole Hotel on a pre-
World War II postcard.
A recent discovery has led to new numismatic
finds from the Metropole Camp as well as
other camps5. From Robert Hendry of the Isle
of Man we learn:
The discovery is a variety of train tickets
and passes for workers from the camps who,
along with escorts travelled to farms
throughout the island.
After a while, it occurred to someone that
local farmers needed labor, as there was a
move to grow more food on the Island.
Internees were in desperate financial straits,
so were allowed to volunteer to work on local farms and would be sent by train from Douglas to the nearest station.
To ensure they would not make a break, there was an escort on the train, but as they went to different farms, the
farcical nature of this is manifest.
The parties of internees would be marched to Douglas station where the escort would hand over a slip of paper
with the name not of the prisoner but of the farmer who they had been consigned to, the number of internees and the
station. The Isle of Man Railway (IMR) accepted this as a ticket warrant and charged the camp the necessary fare,
the camp offsetting it as an expense against the profits of hiring out the labor, the internees receiving a small sum for
their work. HM Forces tickets which were paper tickets measuring approximately 3 x 4.5" were used, with the details
entered by hand.
A small stock of these internment camp warrants for the Metropole Camp survive. Each is 'individual' as it will
be for a different date and party of Internees, which can vary from 1 or 2 to 14 or more. The warrants are on odd
slips of scrap paper, but ALL have a 2 x 1.25" oval METROPOLE INTERNMENT CAMP rubber stand within a
double ring, which is dated. Sometimes the inking is very faint if several warrants had been stamped, but if the rubber
stamp had been inked it can be over inked.
Printer?s trial (Hilary Guard).
Printers trial and issued back of 1/-/- notes (Hilary Guard)
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Santon and Port Soderick Metropole Warrant
These destinations were the major ones for internees, if the surviving material is a representative sample of the
whole, and the names of individual farms/farmers recur.
Apart from the main destinations, there can be other interesting variations
Metropole CROSBY Warrant
This was a less common destination.
UNSTAMPED 'Rubber stamped' WARRANT
The Metropole warrants were written on scraps of paper and to give them some semblance of 'officialdom' were
rubber stamped as we have seen. A handful, and it is a tiny quantity, seem to have been inadvertently issued without
being hand stamped. The IMRCo could reasonably have rejected a scrap of paper with an order to send someone
somewhere as invalid if it had no recognizable official element to it! You could have written it, or I could have, after
all! As the soldiers who escorted the prisoners would be on the same duty day after day, and as the booking clerks
would know them, and it would mean a day's work would be lost, it seems that everyone accepted as valid a rubber-
stamped document without the rubber stamp!
Quite clearly, it IS a variant, just as a stamp that was lacking one of the inks in the printing process is a variant,
but one that only makes sense if it is displayed with comparable properly completed warrants, as it is otherwise just
a scrap of paper that could have been written by anyone.
METROPOLE WARRANT on back of official government Offers of Assistance form of 9/38
The majority of Metropole
warrants are on scraps of plain
white paper, as paper was rationed
and in short supply, but during the
war, surplus or superseded forms
could be used. This variant of the
Metropole warrants looks very
smart as they are on an attractive
pink paper, and when you turn it
over you find it is an 'Offer of
Assistance' form printed by the
government in 1938 and which
has been formed in half to provide
paper stocks!
Very few survived. If the
Metropole Camp issued warrants, it
is reasonable to suppose that other
camps did, but so far, I have seen no
Shown is a map of the Isle of Man
train system followed by the
Metropole handwritten train passes.
Railway map of the Isle of Man
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Warrant for three internees and one escort (crossed out) for
Mrs. Maddrell, the Ballakissack Farm in Santon (a station
on the Southern line of the IMR, see railway map above).
Train pass for two internees and an escort to go to
Kimig, Ballona Union Mills, November 17, 1942
Warrant for five internees and one escort for a farm near
Ballasalla (a station on the Southern line of the IMR, see
railway map above)
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The train station at Ballasalla,
IOM (Robert Hendry)
Various warrants for a total of 12 internees for farms near
Santon (most), and Port Soderick, see railway map prior
Various warrants for a total of four internees and two
escorts for farms near Ballasalla, see map above. Note the
Metropole Camp is handwritten.
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Other camp railway tickets
Warrants for April 13 and 14,
1943 for Santon for a total of
twenty internees and three
escorts. See railway map above.
IMR railway tickets for (left) eight aliens from the Marrieth Camp and 1 escort from Port St. Mary to Castletown,
Oct 3, 1941. The purpose here was for women internees to shop; (right) eight internees and one escort from Douglas
to Crosby, September 11, 1944. Since there were six camps on Douglas it is not known from which camps these
came from.
Railway tickets from Peveril Camp in Peel to various farms. Top: 4 internees, bottom: 7 internees
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E. Onchan Internment Camp
Onchan was the first and largest camp on the Isle of Man, established just north of the capital, Douglas. An area
of 60 houses was chosen for the camp. The householders were given a letter on May 23, 1940, telling them to evacuate
by May 31. Also, they had to leave many of their household goods, such as cutlery and sheets. The houses were then
surrounded by barbed wire to form the camp.
Onchan was known as the best male internment camp because the houses used to be a boarding school, and so
it had its own football (soccer) field and tennis courts. At first, the camp was for ?enemy? aliens, mostly from
Germany. Many of the inmates were professional artists, professors, students, and musicians. According to
Campbell6, these men were employed at farms, land reclamation, watch repair, and toy-making. The inmates had
many hobbies that earned them money as well, including cooking, bookbinding, tailoring, and hairdressing. The
Reverend Canon J. Duffield was interned at Onchan. He was later interviewed by the Imperial War Museum in
London, where he commented on the activities the inmates invented to keep themselves occupied: They had concerts,
put on plays, and the morale I think was very good. The men did their best to stay optimistic that they would be
released soon.
The items below are ones from Onchan Camp that originated in the camp-made wallet described above.
They include:
a) an identification card for Barbato Forte of Company A House 52
b) a card that identifies Barbato Forte as a fireman in House 52.
c) the face and back of one of two ?Home Office? notes found in the wallet. It is stamped for the Onchan Camp and
dated January 1942.
Barbato Forte
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Based on the wallet holding two Palace Camp notes and two general Home Office over stamped Onchan notes
it is likely that Mr. Fortes was transferred circa 1941 to Onchan from the Palace Camp, since the HO notes were
issued after the individual camp currencies.
Here is another camp related
document from Onchan: the letter
shown at left was purchased at
Colin Narbeth?s wonderful shop
shown on next page) near Leicester
Square on Cecil Court, London.
They always have interesting items
including the Isle of Man
internment camp monies.
Letter from the Camp Commander
of Onchan.
This letter from the camp
commander at Onchan regards the
issuance of both notes and coins at
the camp. While the numbers of
coins and notes have been
published previously, they are
interesting to see here in the letter.
The one pence coins were
made in a number greater than the
sum of all other denomination
combined. We also learn that the
coins and the notes were issued the
same day, October 7, 1940. It
seems it was possible to order the
sets of the money directly from the
camp. Non-negotiable souvenir
examples of the notes exist.
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The wonderful Colin Narbeth and Sons shop on Cecil Court,
Leicester Square, London. Colin is member one of the
International Bank Note Society.
Finally, many camps had their own magazines. Collector Hilary
Guard gave us a few during our 1998 visit. Here is a lovely
piece of artwork from the Christmas issue of 1941 of the Camp
Parade of the Hutchinson Camp also known as P camp. The
piece is entitled Three at Euston Station and it was drawn by
inmate W. Schmeidler.
1?Ray and Steve Feller, Silent Witnesses: Civilian
Camp Money of World War II (BNR Press: Port
Clinton, OH) 2007.
2?Bernard Osborne, Isle of Man Postal History of
20thCentury Internment Mail, (The Isle of Man
Postal History Society, Ceredigion, IOM) 2015.?
3?S.A. Feller and E. Hammarsten, ?A Numismatic
Adventure on the Isle of Man,? I.B.N.S. Journal 38
(1) (1999) 18.
4?Pam West and Alan Kelly, Isle of Man Paper
Money, (Pam West, British Notes, Ringwood, UK)
5?The story of the train tickets is edited from
information supplied by Robert Hendry of the Isle
of Man.?
6?Lance K. Campbell, Prisoner of War and
Concentration Camp Money of the Twentieth
Century, Second Edition (BNR Press: Port Clinton,
OH) 1993.?
Three at Euston Station drawn by inmate W. Schmeidler.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
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A Tale of Two Quaker Bankers
By Nicholas J. Bruyer
Copyright 2019
Brothers Cyrus P. and Richard J. Mendenhall
were born to a Quaker family on a North Carolina
plantation. They were raised according to the
religious values of non-violence and the abolition of
slavery. When those values were put to the test,
they chose very different paths.
The Mendenhall family name is deeply woven
into the history of Guilford County, North Carolina.
Their ancestors came to America with William
Penn in 1682. In 1762, James Mendenhall left
Pennsylvania to farm the fertile lands along the
Deep River in North Carolina. Eventually the place
was named for him: Jamestown.
Richard Mendenhall?s Quaker plantation house is
preserved today as a historical landmark (Wikipedia)
Richard Mendenhall was born to James in
1778. He continued the family?s prosperous
tannery business. He also had a lumber mill, an inn
and a store where the various products of the
plantation, including fruits, vegetables and flowers,
were sold.
He and Mary Pegg Mendenhall had eight
children, including three sons: Cyrus Pegg, born in
1817; Nereus, born in 1819; and Richard Junius,
known as Junius by his family, born in 1828. All
were raised with the values of the Quakers, also
known as The Society of Friends. Central to these
values were non-violence and the equality of all
people, regardless of race. Quakers applied their
beliefs to the blacks and the Native Americans they
lived among.
Unlike their slave-owning neighbors, who
lived lives of relative ease, the Mendenhall children
gained valuable skills working the family tannery,
lumber mill, farm, store and inn. Oldest son Cyrus
and young Junius were especially fond of the
orchards and gardens and learned about agriculture
from their father. Quaker plantations of this era
were self-sufficient, raising crops including corn,
wheat, flax and cotton in addition to fruits and
Each of the Mendenhall children were sent off
to attend the New Garden Boarding School. The
town of New Garden was the center of Quaker life
in North Carolina. Opened in 1830 to foster Quaker
education, in 1837 it became the only co-
educational school in the state. It eventually
became Guilford College.
Opposition to slavery mounted among the
Quakers in the early 1800s. Richard Mendenhall
became an outspoken abolitionist. He helped
found, and served as president of, the
Manumission Society of North Carolina.
Manumission is the practice of voluntarily
abolishing slavery by releasing one?s slaves.
To counter manumission, North Carolina
passed laws allowing a freed slave to be
kidnapped and sold back into slavery, even if they
had paperwork documenting their freedom. The
only way to guarantee a slave?s freedom was to
transport them away to free soil.
When they weren?t running their various
businesses, Richard and a fellow Quaker, Levi
Coffin, spent evenings and Sundays teaching
anyone, including slaves, how to read and write.
This infuriated their slaveholding neighbors.
Finally, Levi Coffin could stomach no more of
the hostility. In 1826, he left Guilford County for
Indiana. Yet his presence continued to be felt
throughout the South for decades to come. He
became a ?Conductor? and unofficial leader of a
secret group known as the ?Underground Railroad?.
Over the next twenty years, Coffin helped more
than 2,000 slaves escape.
As the oldest son, Cyrus Mendenhall grew up
well educated, skilled and brimming with ambition.
He had a commanding presence, standing six feet
four inches and weighing over 200 pounds. He
dreamed of life beyond the plantation and turned his
eyes to Greensboro, the business hub of Guilford
County. He read law under his uncle, a former
Quaker named George Mendenhall. About 1840 he
moved ten miles from Jamestown to Greensboro to
practice law.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Cyrus P. Mendenhall,
oldest son of Quaker
abolitionist Richard
Mendenhall (North
Carolina Friends
Historical Collection,
Guilford College)
Cyrus? boundless energy, business sense and
honesty quickly earned a place for him. He
became the attorney of Guilford County and in
1844, at age 27, was elected Mayor of Greensboro.
He helped replace Greensboro?s run-down
courthouse with a new one. He started free public
schools, helped found the Greensboro Female
Academy and was president of its Board of
His love of horticulture led Cyrus to build a
large nursery business named West Green
Nurseries. He planted so many magnolia trees in
Greensboro that it became known as the ?City of
Cyrus found the life in Greensboro
exhilarating. No longer did his world revolve
around the demands of the plantation, the daily
struggle to compete against slave labor, and his
father?s crusade against slavery.
As mayor, Cyrus met important people
such as John Motley Morehead, Governor of North
Carolina from 1841 to 1845. His state was
considered backward, partly due to a lack of rail
transportation. Morehead spearheaded the creation
of a state-owned railroad. Cyrus lent his support
and worked hard to help Morehead. In 1849, the
state legislature passed an act to incorporate the
North Carolina Railroad.
Cyrus? youngest brother, Junius, watched his
oldest brother?s meteoric rise with awe and envy.
At age 20 in 1848 Junius attended the New
Garden Boarding School. In 1850, he finished
his education at the Friends? Boarding School
(today known as the Moses Brown School) in
Providence, Rhode Island.
Junius contemplated his future. Should he
return to his father?s farm, follow his oldest
brother?s footsteps, or go west? During his summer
vacation at Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire,
he formed a lasting friendship classmate Cyrus
May 8, 1851, shook the Mendenhall family to
its core. Richard Mendenhall, the gravitational
center of the family?s spiritual, moral and
intellectual values, died. His passing created a void
that each member of the family would soon deal
with in their own way.
For Cyrus Mendenhall, the loss of his father
was both deeply sad, yet liberating. He plunged
deeper into the business opportunities of
Greensboro. Two months after his father?s death
construction began there on the North Carolina
Railroad. Gov. Morehead hailed it as ?the tree of
life? for the State. Morehead was appointed
president of the railroad and became known as ?the
Father of Modern North Carolina?. For assisting
Gov. Morehead, Cyrus became the NCRR?s
Secretary and Treasurer, eventually serving on its
Board of Directors.
For Junius Mendenhall the loss of his father
came just as he was deciding his future. He
resolved to pursue adventure out west. He moved
to Ohio, where he found work for a railroad and
learned to be a surveyor.
Junius kept in touch with his family and felt
their pull. The NC Railroad was hiring surveyors
and Cyrus could get him a position. Middle brother
Nereus already was on a survey crew. If he was
going to be a surveyor, Junius reasoned, why not do
it alongside his brother and close to his family and
In 1853, Junius returned to North Carolina as a
surveyor for the NCRR. As he watched slaves toil
on the rail construction he soon realized it was a
mistake. His Quaker values would not allow him to
be a part of it.
His brother Nereus, walking in his father?s
footsteps, railed against slavery and was nearly
jailed for possessing an anti-slavery
publication. Meanwhile his brother Cyrus
achieved financial and social success as he
immersed himself ever deeper into southern society.
At age 35, Cyrus was one of the most eligible
bachelors in Guilford County. His social circle led
him to Miss Nancy Staples, daughter of a wealthy
Virginia plantation owner. Col. Abram Staples was
a Baptist. In 1854, Cyrus married Nancy and with
her came a dowry of 35 slaves. Cyrus was
disowned by the Quakers for marrying out of unity.
It was a stunning turn of events for Junius.
The next year he left North Carolina for good. Like
thousands of Quakers before him, he voted against
slavery with his feet. When it became clear that the
Northwest Territory would be permanently free of
slavery, entire Quaker communities sold out and
moved there.
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1858 newspaper ad of Beede & Mendenhall, Minnesota
Territory (
Cyrus Beede?s father, Stephen, was cashier of the Carrol
County Bank in Sandwich, New Hampshire.
(Image courtesy Q. David Bowers from collection of
David Sundman).
Junius joined a railroad crew in Muscatine,
Iowa as a surveyor. A month later he was promoted
to head the crew. By the fall of 1855 his crew
worked its way to Des Moines.
From there Junius left the crew and spent the
winter of 1855-56 in the office of Dewey & Tubby,
civil engineers and land agents. They told him of a
huge real estate boom up the Mississippi river in the
towns of St. Paul and St. Anthony. Enterprising
men were making fortunes!
Perhaps he was influenced by William
Winfred Wales, the first Quaker ?Friend? to settle
in Minnesota. A North Carolinian, Wales arrived at
the Falls of St. Anthony in 1851. In 1856 he
published An Immigrants? Guide to Minnesota,
which received wide circulation. Wales was twice
elected mayor of St. Anthony.
With the spring thaw, Junius Mendenhall took
a steamboat up the Mississippi to St. Paul. There he
boarded a stagecoach to St. Anthony, where he
tossed his steamer trunk into a wheelbarrow. After
paying the 10-cent toll fare, he trudged across a
wooden bridge over the Mississippi river. As he
crossed the bridge, he stopped to take in the view.
On either side of the Mississippi water mills tapped
the power of St. Anthony falls. A half-dozen
steamboats were docked up and down the river,
unloading their cargoes into newly built
Already there were six lumber mills straddling
the falls at St. Anthony, producing a million board
feet of lumber a month. The air was thick with the
smell of newly sawed white pine. Buildings were
being hammered together everywhere. Muddy
streets were crisscrossed with the ruts of wagons
and carriages.
At the end of the bridge, he entered Bridge
Square in the new town of Minneapolis. He made
his way to a boarding house. It was April 25, 1856
and Junius was 28 years old.
With his distinctive plain coat, broad brimmed
hat and use of the obsolete ?thee?, ?thy? and ?thou?
in his vocabulary, Mendenhall immediately stood
out from the other pioneers. With few Friends in
the area, Quakers were something of a novelty.
One of Junius? first jobs was for the Union
City Town Site Company. As a surveyor and he
helped plot the site for Rapid Waters, later known
as Watertown.
Junius wrote enthusiastically to his Quaker
schoolmate Cyrus Beede, urging him to join him in
the boomtown of Minneapolis. Like Junius, Cyrus
Beede had ventured west. In 1852, he bought a
farm just north of Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Cyrus Beede?s father, Stephen Beede, was
cashier of the Carroll County Bank in Sandwich,
New Hampshire (later to become the Carroll
County National Bank). Beede was well educated
in banking and was eager to put his skills to use.
He packed his bags and joined Junius in
On August 1, 1856, the two Quakers opened a
land, loan and private banking business under the
name of Beede & Mendenhall. It was located on
the corner of First Street and Bridge Square, across
the river from St. Anthony and east of the new city
Up to then just two banking firms existed in
Minneapolis: Snyder & McFarlane, having
commenced business on October 9, 1855; and
Curtis H. Petit, who opened his doors a few weeks
later, on November 1.
According to Isaac Atwater in his book,
History of the City of Minneapolis, Beede &
Mendenhall?s new business ?went swimmingly;
times were brisk, many new comers were arriving,
(land) values were increasing, and sales of real
estate frequent. The banking firm loaned many
thousands of dollars on securities which were
considered good?.
A chronic cash shortage was a major obstacle.
With no state banking law, no local banks could
issue paper money. The pioneers were forced to
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The Farmers Bank of Elizabeth City, NC
(NC State University Collections)
rely on out-state bank notes, many of doubtful value
or even spurious.
Beede & Mendenhall could loan money for as
much as 5% per month, and 10% if past due. They
invested in a lumber mill and numerous real estate
Regarding early banking in Minnesota Sydney
A. Patchin wrote; ?A spirit of optimism pervaded
the territory. One editor in the summer of 1856,
after mentioning that it was a common thing to buy
lots in St. Anthony and Minneapolis one day and
sell them the next at an advance of from fifty to
seventy-five per cent, declared that it was
impossible for any land at the prices then prevailing
to deteriorate in value? Apparently everything was
at the high tide of prosperity; most of the people
were living beyond their means, in an atmosphere
of feverish excitement, basing all their hopes on the
outcome of the most fantastic project, a condition of
affairs certain to prove disastrous to all concerned?.
Sure enough, a year later the Panic of 1857
struck. Excessive speculation in railroad stocks was
one cause of the financial bubble popping. Several
railroads suspended construction or shut down.
Grain prices collapsed from $2.19 to $.80 a bushel,
causing banks to foreclose on farmers. The sinking
of the S. S. Central America in September, taking
with it 30,000 pounds of gold from California,
contributed to the cash shortage.
According to Minneapolis pioneer John H.
Stevens, ?The year 1858 opened under gloomy
circumstances. Trade was depressed, currency
depreciated, business paralyzed, real estate
valueless, and financial ruin to all classes seemed
inevitable. The crops of 1857 were poor. The flow
of immigration ceased? no one could borrow
money, for no one had it; and yet the people were
hopeful. The fractional currency issued by the
merchants and bankers was a convenience.?
Corner lots in Minneapolis that sold for $3,000
in May of 1857 could not find a buyer at $300.
Business failures surged and those who survived
were hard pressed. Thousands of recent immigrants
turned around and fled.
The value of most deeds and securities Beede
& Mendenhall held as collateral for their loans
collapsed. As Isaac Atwater put it, ?The panic of
1857 blighted the glowing prospects, not only of
(Beede & Mendenhall) but of the entire business
community; yet they held on, preserving their credit
and doing such business as was possible under the
adverse conditions?.
Back in Greensboro, the same panic that
caused a crash of business for Junius Mendenhall
created an opportunity for his brother Cyrus.
The Farmers Bank of North Carolina was
chartered in 1852 in the coastal town of Elizabeth
City. It issued circulating notes in the usual
denominations, as well as notes of $4, $6, $7 and
Elizabeth City?s primary commerce was
shipping on the Dismal Swamp Canal. Built with
slave labor in 1796, it connected the Albemarle
Sound to the Port of Norfolk, Virginia. In 1855,
construction began on a new channel, the
Albemarle-Chesapeake Canal. Its planned opening
in 1859 would bypass Elizabeth City and threatened
to devastate its shipping industry.
The Panic of 1857 compounded the
commercial threat to the city, forcing the Farmers
Bank to temporarily suspended specie payments.
By July of 1858, local merchants refused to accept
the bank?s paper money. In September the local
newspaper reported the notes were severely
depreciated and opined, ?We sincerely wish the
Bank would use some means to relieve the people
and save its own credit. It is bad business at
Cyrus Mendenhall saw an opportunity to buy
the bank ?on the cheap?. In the fall of 1858, he
and his partners scooped up the Farmers Bank at a
bargain price. They reorganized it as the Farmers
Bank of Greensboro, recapitalizing it at $400,000.
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Cyrus Mendenhall signature on Farmers Bank notes with
?Greensboro? prominent. Note vignette of woman pointing
to ?Union?. Vignette of happy slaves with cotton is ironic
given Mendenhall?s Quaker upbringing.
Worthless note of the American Bank of Dover Hill, IN,
endorsed and reissued by Beede & Mendenhall, Minneapolis
In December they moved the home office to
Greensboro, keeping Elizabeth City as a branch.
Cyrus Mendenhall became president and William
Addison Caldwell became cashier.
They redeemed and retired virtually all the
bank?s old Elizabeth City circulation, punch-
canceling the notes and storing them in the
bank?s vault. Mendenhall ordered new plates
from the American Bank Note Company, with
?GREENSBORO? larger than ?The Farmers
Bank?. The message was unmistakable.
When the new canal bypassing Elizabeth City
opened, the dire predictions failed to materialize. A
year later Elizabeth City?s economy was humming,
the bank?s assets were solid and its reputation was
restored. Cyrus Mendenhall made a killing.
Worthless Bank Notes Become the Most Valuable
In Minneapolis, the partners of Beede &
Mendenhall were pulling every string they could to
stay afloat.
With a severe cash shortage and no authority
to issue bank notes, they resorted to buying
worthless notes of fraudulent Indiana banks,
endorsing them on the face and re-issuing them as
their own. Their endorsement guaranteed
redemption ?in exchange (for other notes) or Gold
at current rates.? Worthless notes so endorsed
included those of the American Bank of Dover Hill
and the Citizens Bank of Gosport, Indiana.
Another Minneapolis private banker, Curtis H.
Petit, reportedly endorsed and re-issued over
$20,000 in worthless notes. That Beede &
Mendenhall honored their endorsed Indiana notes is
attested to by their rarity today, as few survive.
Beede & Mendenhall advertised in North
Carolina for land and investments in Minnesota.
By capitalizing on the Mendenhall family?s
reputation, the firm tapped a network of Quakers
and others.
In March 1858, Minnesota Territory passed its
first banking law and on May 11, 1858, Congress
admitted Minnesota to the Union. That same year
Junius Mendenhall married Abby Swift, from
Massachusetts, and Cyrus Beede married Martha
Pickrell of Oskaloosa. Both were Quaker women.
In 1859, Cyrus Mendenhall may have helped
his brother Junius with a loan. A biographical
sketch said Junius financed his business with capital
from a bank in North Carolina. Despite
considerable losses, Beede & Mendenhall secured
enough cash to honor their obligations and in doing
so earned respect and trust.
At this time, only three banks remained in
Minneapolis: Sidle, Wolford & Company, Beede &
Mendenhall, and Rufus J. Baldwin.
Cyrus Beede was held in such high regard that
he was elected to the Minneapolis city council and
became its second president. Yet in the spring of
1860, something happened that caused him to quit
the city council and leave Minneapolis with his new
wife and baby girl. He returned to his farm in
Oskaloosa, Iowa, leaving behind his banking
Following his return to Oskaloosa Beede
helped organize, and become cashier of, the First
National Bank of Oskaloosa. But after it closed in
1868 he found his true calling.
Cyrus Beede
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Today Confederate rifles produced by Cyrus Mendenhall?s
MJ&G factory are prized by collectors (Heritage Auctions)
In 1869 President U. S. Grant, fed up with the
corruption that plagued the military?s management
of Indian reservations, transferred them out of the
Department of War. He enlisted churches to
propose staff for a new Indian Department.
The Society of Friends was given
responsibility for the Central Indian
Superintendence. In 1870 as the Plains Indian wars
raged, Cyrus Beede became its Chief Clerk. For
almost forty years, Beede served the Indian
Department, capping his career under McKinley
when he became U. S. Indian Inspector. He visited
nearly every state and territory. Gen. Phil Sheridan,
a ruthless warrior who conducted cavalry operations
against the Indians, met Beede early in his new
career. The sharp-tongued Sheridan characterized
him as ?a little too simple for this earth.?
As the financial panic dissipated, Junius
Mendenhall continued the banking business. Yet
larger and more sinister storm clouds were
gathering. With the election of Abraham Lincoln to
the Presidency on Nov. 6, 1860, the fragile
relationship between slave and free states
unraveled. Lincoln prophetically declared; ?I
believe this government cannot endure permanently
half slave and half free.?
A month later, South Carolina seceded. As
pro- and anti-slavery passions boiled over, North
Carolina?s Quaker community faced gut-wrenching
prospects. Only about a third of North Carolina?s
white people owned slaves, so most adopted a ?wait
and watch? posture as other southern states left the
On Feb. 28, 1861 North Carolina narrowly
voted against holding a secession convention.
Guilford County voted 2,771 to 113 against, with
Cyrus Mendenhall among them. Then Fort Sumter
was bombarded on April 12 and Lincoln called for
troops to put down the rebellion. North Carolina?s
governor replied, ?You can get no troops from
North Carolina?. Days later Virginia voted to
secede, leaving North Carolina ringed by
Confederate States. Realizing that neutrality was
not an option, on May 20 it became the last state to
As Nereus Mendenhall?s daughter, Mary, later
wrote of the Quakers, ?We had been a little band of
believers in peace in the midst of war, of antislavery
abolitionists in the heart of slave territory, of hearts
almost to a unit loyal to the Union in the midst of
Although opposing secession, Cyrus
Mendenhall stayed, but not for religious reasons.
His business, civic and social lives were entwined
into southern society. In 1860 he won election to
the NC House of Commons. His slave ownership
had grown to 46.
Doubtless Junius Mendenhall received
inquiries from Quakers eager to cash out of North
Carolina and move to Minnesota. Among them
were his sister and brother in law, the Nathan
Branson Hills. Hills? brother in law, Dr. Alfred
Lindley, also came to Minneapolis.
As skirmishes and battles broke out in Virginia
and South Carolina, North Carolina raised troops
and sought arms. As an agricultural state, it quickly
ran out of weapons and had little means to produce
them. By the fall of 1861 North Carolina had five
regiments with no guns.
The state put out a contract for 10,000 rifles.
Amazingly, Cyrus Mendenhall did what should
have been unthinkable for a Quaker: He helped
arm the Confederacy. He formed the partnership of
Mendenhall, Jones and Gardner (MJ&G), and built
a factory. In July 1862, they began delivering
rifles. MJ&G continued production through
October 1864, producing 2,239 military rifles.
A thousand miles away in Minneapolis, Junius
Mendenhall faced far different circumstances. He
needed a new partner. The war was driving money
out of circulation just as business was picking up.
And most of the banks authorized to issue paper
money under Minnesota?s new banking law had
failed or were in trouble.
Rufus Judd Baldwin, one of the three
Minneapolis bankers, became Mendenhall?s
partner. A New Yorker and attorney, Baldwin
came to Minnesota in 1857. Like Mendenhall, he
first worked as a surveyor. He then opened a
private bank in Minneapolis at the Cataract House,
a new hotel located on the corner of Washington
and Sixth Avenues.
Minnesota passed a state banking law in 1858
to alleviate the lack of sound currency by chartering
note-issuing banks. All but two of them backed
their currency with Minnesota State Railroad bonds.
At first the State accepted these bonds to secure the
banks? currency at 95% of face value. After all,
reasoned the State, how could it not accept its own
bonds as collateral? Shortly thereafter, the
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
In 1862, Junius Mendenhall issued a scrip note for 5 cents
(Author?s collection)
State Bank of Minnesota $5 note issued Sept. 1, 1862 and
signed by Junius Mendenhall and Rufus Baldwin
(Minnesota Historical Society)
marketplace valued them at 50%. As the bonds fell,
so too did the value of the so-called ?railroad bank?
notes. Of sixteen banks organized, in just one year
nine failed and others tottered.
As the St. Paul Pioneer and Democrat opined
on Dec. 9, 1858: ?we doubt if any one would be
foolish enough to expect currency to circulate based
on such security as (Minnesota railroad bonds). We
warn the people of Minnesota against it, if they do
not wish to suffer the evils of a depreciated and
dangerous currency.?
In the midst of this calamity, Mendenhall and
Baldwin looked for opportunity. Mindful of his
brother?s success with the Farmers Bank, no doubt
Junius Mendenhall shared the story with his new
partner. Could they duplicate Cyrus? success by
acquiring one of Minnesota?s note-issuing banks?
The State Bank of Minnesota at Austin was
established in 1858 by its sole shareholder, Albert
L. Pritchard, with capital of just $25,000. It was
one of two banks that backed its currency with Ohio
State 6% bonds instead of the depreciating
Minnesota railroad bonds. The Ohio bonds traded in
New York at full face value or better. It had issued
bank notes since April 9, 1859.
Pritchard was a New York attorney, financier,
railroad executive and land speculator who came to
Watertown, Wisconsin in 1845. He advertised 400
Watertown lots for sale in 1854, the same year he
founded the Bank of Watertown. That institution
lasted for over 100 years.
Pritchard probably started the Austin bank
expecting a railroad to reach the town and spark a
boom. In 1858, the Minneapolis & Cedar Valley
Railroad cut a grade to Austin?s county of Mower.
After that? nothing. Short of capital, the railroad
could not even pay interest on its debt. The State
foreclosed on them and attempts to reinvigorate the
railroad failed.
Pritchard sought to relocate his bank to the
more promising town of Rochester. On March 16,
1860 the State authorized the move.
But it never happened. Instead, it seems that
Mendenhall and Baldwin offered to buy the bank
from Pritchard. However, they needed to again
amend the law to change the bank?s relocation from
Rochester to Minneapolis.
Perhaps Rufus Baldwin?s 1860 election to the
Minnesota State Senate helped get the law changed.
On March 6, 1861, the legislature authorized the
State Bank to move to Minneapolis. There were
two conditions: The bank was prohibited from
using Minnesota State Railroad bonds as collateral,
and it had to change the name on its bank note
printing plates from ?Austin? to ?Minneapolis?.
The Little Bank that Could
In August 1862, the State Bank of Minnesota
moved about 100 miles north to Minneapolis.
Mendenhall and Baldwin each put up half of the
$25,000 capital. Baldwin contributed his private
bank assets to the business. Mendenhall became
president and Baldwin cashier.
When the State Bank reopened a few months
later, just two chartered banks were still active in
the entire state.
Before the bank opened, Junius Mendenhall
had other urgent business. The lack of coinage due
to the Civil War had crippled business. In January
1862, he issued five-cent scrip under the name R. J.
Mendenhall. The notes, lithographed by B. F.
Corlies & Macy, were decorated with hunting
scenes and overprinted with a green lace security
print. They were ?Redeemable in Currency when
presented in sums of Five Dollars and Upwards? at
Mendenhall?s banking house. He must have
honored them, since not one issued note is reported
to survive.
In April of 1862, Junius was elected Treasurer
of the City of Minneapolis. Immediately he took
steps to address the lack of coins by persuading the
town council to issue fractional scrip. Dated Aug.
1, 1862, the notes were signed by city council
President S. H. Mattison and town clerk S. A.
Savory. Mendenhall personally endorsed the back
of each note.
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Civil War scrip issued by Quaker grocer O. M. Laraway
payable at the bank of R. J. Mendenhall with Quaker date
?1st.10th.Mo.? (Heritage Auctions).
The Union troop transport Massasoit docked at Elizabeth City
Aug. 24, 1863 (Library of Congress)
Junius Mendenhall as city treasurer endorsed the backs of
these Minneapolis city scrip notes. (Heritage Auctions).
On Aug. 24, 1863, Union sailors ransacked the Farmers Bank of
Elizabeth City, taking armloads of notes. This remainder likely
was forged by a 103rd Pennsylvania Infantryman.
That Mendenhall continued to operate his real
estate and private bank after buying the State Bank
is attested to by scrip notes of O. M. (Orlo Melvin)
Laraway. Laraway was a Quaker grocer located on
Bridge Square by Mendenhall?s office. The scrip,
in denominations of 5, 10 and 15 cents was dated
?1st 10th Mo. 1862? in the Quaker style, meaning
the first day of October 1862, and payable at R. J.
Mendenhall. Like Mendenhall?s 5-cent scrip,
Corlies & Macy printed the notes. Five years later
Laraway became city treasurer.
The State Bank of Minnesota under
Mendenhall and Baldwin soon became the
largest bank in Minneapolis, with $34,229 of its
notes in circulation.
In 1863, Mendenhall moved the bank into the
city?s first permanent bank building at the corner of
First Street and Bridge Square. A two-story
structure clad in blue limestone, it had masonry
vaults fitted with the most massive and impregnable
safes in the city. It became known as the
?Mendenhall bank building? and occupied that
corner until 1879.
Meanwhile, down in North Carolina Cyrus
Mendenhall struggled with the changing fortunes of
the Confederacy.
A top priority of the Union was to cut off
Confederate trade with Europe. In September of
1861, Gen. Ambrose Burnside launched a naval
assault. He blocked more than 80% North
Carolina?s coast for the rest of the war. On Feb. 10,
1862, Burnside seized Elizabeth City.
Cut off from its parent in Greensboro, the
Elizabeth City bank still kept its doors open during
the war. Communication between it and
Greensboro must have been difficult, but possible.
Cyrus Mendenhall continued to honor notes from
the branch whenever presented at his Greensboro
On August 24, 1863, a few hundred of the
103rd Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
arrived in Elizabeth City aboard the transport
steamer Massasoit. Some sailors disembarked and
paid a visit to the Farmers Bank. What happened
next was recalled by one of the soldiers, Luther S.
?A large quantity of bank-notes, both signed
and unsigned, were confiscated by the sailors and
lavishly distributed to the soldiers. These notes
were finely executed in both design and engraving.
It was an easy matter to palm them off on the
illiterate, white and black, in districts first invaded
by the Federal troops. The garrison at Plymouth
(NC), for a time, found foraging made easier by
using this spurious money. The parties robbed
would catch their chickens for the ?Yanks,? while
the latter stood quietly by.?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
After learning of old notes stolen from the Elizabeth City branch
of the Farmers Bank, Cyrus Mendenhall alerted the public
A slave named Charles fled the MJ&G gun
manufactory to find freedom during the war
During a 3-day stay in the neighboring town
of Tarboro, ?men (who) were fortunate enough to
have the Elizabeth City Bank money found ample
opportunity to use it here with advantage.?
The news reached Greensboro weeks later.
Horrified at the fraud, Cyrus Mendenhall had
warnings printed in various newspapers to alert the
Cyrus Mendenhall had other problems.
Stymied by a lack of parts, he expanded his MJ&G
rifle business to include selling merchandise from
blockade-runners in Charleston, South Carolina. A
July 1862 MJ&G ad specified payment in cash,
?Confederate Money Preferred?.
After Lincoln enacted the Emancipation
Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, the number of slaves
escaping from the Confederacy surged. The labor
shortage caused the MJ&G gun manufactory to use
skilled slaves, as evidenced by an advertisement
offering a $100 reward for the return of Charles, a
23-year-old blacksmith.
The Confederacy lacked funds to build and
maintain a fleet of blockade-runners. It called upon
each state to establish a private navy, funded by
patriotic entrepreneurs. On Jan. 1, 1864, the North
Carolina Volunteer Navy Company was organized,
with Cyrus Mendenhall as president. They raised
$1 million in capital and sent an agent abroad to
purchase a suitable vessel. But the war was turning
against them; the Volunteer Navy never sailed.
Battles raging across Virginia were yielding
huge casualties. Entire regiments were wiped out.
When the first train from the newly completed
Danville, Virginia line arrived in Greensboro on
May 21, 1864, it was filled with Yankee prisoners,
wounded soldiers, refugees and Confederate troops.
Many more such trainloads of human cargo would
soon reach Greensboro.
Cyrus Mendenhall?s businesses were
struggling. In June, he put up for sale 360 acres of
orchards containing 1,200 fruit trees. In December
1864, MJ&G was dissolved and its gun
manufacturing equipment auctioned off.
That same month the ladies of the Note
Signing Bureau of the Confederate Treasury
boarded a train in Columbia, South Carolina and
arrived in Greensboro in the middle of the night.
Freight deliveries to the army sank to a crisis
level. Goods to fill 150 rail cars sat in Greensboro
awaiting shipment to General Lee?s army while his
soldiers starved.
On April 9, 1865, Gen. Lee surrendered the
Army of North Virginia. Two days later the entire
Confederate leadership, led by Jeff Davis, arrived in
Greensboro by rail. They found the town filled
with wounded soldiers. In the courthouse alone
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In 1865, Guilford County printed bonds on the
backs of remainder sheets of notes from Cyrus
Mendenhall?s bank.
In 1865, Cyrus Mendenhall became a director of the
Raleigh National Bank. Its founder and president was
infamous swindler George W. Swepson. (Author?s
about 200 wounded were laid in rows on the bare
floor with no bedding of any kind.
The Confederate treasury, as well as the state
treasuries of Virginia and North Carolina, were
loaded onto rail cars destined for Greensboro.
Story has it that millions of dollars worth of
Confederate silver and gold were secretly buried
along the railroad tracks. There is documentation
that almost $100,000 in Confederate gold was
found and taken by an Ohio cavalry unit.
Union forces under General Sherman bore
down on Greensboro. On April 14, Lincoln was
fatally wounded at Ford?s Theater in Washington.
The next day Pres. Jefferson Davis fled Greensboro
for parts south.
On April 26, General Johnson?s Army of
Tennessee surrendered and Guilford County
collapsed in chaos. Soldiers, deserters, prisoners,
criminals and civilians, all hungry and desperate,
roamed the countryside to take whatever they could.
Mobs plundered the Confederacy?s Greensboro
Cyrus Mendenhall?s bank was in poor shape.
Confederate currency was worthless, most loans
were uncollectable and the collateral for others
were impaired. Cyrus struggled to keep his bank
afloat, redeeming its notes at less than 50 cents on
the dollar.
In the midst of financial distress, Guilford
County needed to raise money by selling bonds.
Yet it lacked even the paper to print them. Cyrus
Mendenhall supplied it with sheets of his unused
$3-$4-$5-$10 Greensboro bank notes. $100 bonds
and coupons were printed on the blank backs of the
sheets and issued. Today they are sometimes
described as sheets of notes printed on the backs of
city bonds, but in fact, the reverse was the case.
During the war, the Union had created the
National Bank system and was taxing privately
issued bank notes at 10%. Reading the writing on
the wall, Cyrus Mendenhall helped found, and
became a director of, the second National Bank in
the state. The Raleigh National Bank of North
Carolina was authorized to commence business on
Sept. 12, 1865. George W. Swepson, its largest
shareholder, was president.
A month later, the fate of his Farmer?s Bank
was sealed. North Carolina had soaked up $8.4
million, about one third of all the state banks?
capital, through the sale of war bonds. In October,
the State repudiated its debt, including $4 million in
unpaid interest. Every bank in the state was forced
into liquidation.
In June of 1866, bank notes of the Farmers
Bank were trading at an 85% discount. Nine
months later cashier W. A. Caldwell announced the
bank was being sold at auction. In July 1867 a
notice in the Elizabeth City newspaper advertised
that the Farmers Bank branch had been converted
into a ?Bar and Liquor House? called ?The
The Civil War was kinder to Junius
Mendenhall. His State Bank of Minnesota came
through the war financially stable and growing. In
December of 1865, they reorganized as the State
National Bank of Minneapolis with charter number
1623 and capital of $100,000.
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The State Bank of Minnesota became the State National
Bank. This #1 note is signed by Rufus Baldwin and Junius
Mendenhall (author?s collection).
That same month Mendenhall, Baldwin and
their bookkeeper, Thomas A. Merphy, formed a
new enterprise, the State Saving Association.
Junius Mendenhall was its president and each
partner owned a third of the business.
Over the next five years, Junius busied himself
elsewhere. He was secretary and treasurer of the
Minneapolis Board of Education from 1868 to
1875. In 1869, the city named the new Mendenhall
public school in his honor.
He helped organize the Minneapolis Street
Railway, the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway
and the Minneapolis Gas Company.
He did many real estate transactions and
helped develop the new town of Fergus Falls,
Minnesota. With partner George B. Wright, he
bought land along the Otter Tail River, where they
sold lots and built the first sawmill, dam and bridge.
Like Cyrus, Junius had a deep love of
floriculture. On the spacious grounds adjoining his
Minneapolis mansion on Stevens avenue he built
extensive greenhouses to raise and sell a wide
variety of flowers and plants.
As Junius spent less time in the bank, in 1870
he and Rufus Baldwin decided to part company.
Baldwin would move the State National and run it
under his ?especial control?. Mendenhall would
remain at the existing ?Mendenhall Bank Building?
at Bridge Square, re-open his private bank and
take over the State Savings Association.
On January 7, 1871 The Minneapolis Tribune
reported the relocation of the State National Bank
to its new home in the Nicollet House, at the corner
of Washington Avenue and Nicollet Street. The
net effect of the separation, as noted in the story,
was to create another bank for the city, since
Mendenhall continued his private bank at the old
Ads for the State National featured Baldwin?s
name in large bold type. Mendenhall advertised his
private bank and sold Northern Pacific Railroad
bonds for the New York firm of Jay Cooke & Co.
On April 9, 1873, Mendenhall formally
resigned as president of the State National Bank.
Thomas Asbury Harrison, vice-president and a
shareholder in the First National Bank of St. Paul,
became the bank?s new president.
Asbury Harrison became involved with the
bank more or less by accident. He lent a
shareholder (probably Junius Mendenhall) money
and accepted stock in the State National Bank as
collateral. After meeting some shareholders and
directors, he was asked to become its president.
When Harrison dug into the details of the
bank?s financial condition, he was surprised to find
it weak. As J. Wesley Hill wrote of Harrison in a
biographical sketch, ?After spending several
sleepless nights over the sad condition of things, the
first night after making up his mind to pay every
creditor in full if it took all he had to do it, he slept
as sweetly as a child. This episode cost him several
years of anxious toil.?
Harrison invested considerable capital in the
bank to restore its health. This occurred at just the
right moment. When Jay Cooke & Company?s
bank failed on September 18, 1873, it popped a
speculative bubble in railroads. It?s doubtful the
State National Bank would have survived without
Harrison?s help.
Unfortunately for Junius Mendenhall, the
Panic of 1873 landed on him like a ton of bricks.
Perhaps owing in part to his relationship with Jay
Cooke & Co. and his advertisements for Northern
Pacific Rail Road bonds, On Oct. 1 there was a run
on his private bank and savings association. He ran
out of cash and was forced to suspend both
The cash Mendenhall paid out included
$34,531 entrusted to him by the Minneapolis Board
of Education. He quickly assured everyone that he
had a surplus of assets backing the deposits. As he
sold them, everyone would be paid in full. His
assurances were met with skepticism.
As it turned out, the State Savings Association
was started by Mendenhall, Baldwin and Merphy
with no capital paid in whatsoever, despite
advertising a capitalization of $25,000. Moreover,
no shares were ever issued to the owners. And as to
the trustees it proudly advertised, none of them ever
actually acted in that capacity.
Deposits into the savings association were re-
deposited in the State National Bank. When
Mendenhall and Baldwin split up in 1871, the
savings association?s assets went to Mendenhall?s
private bank.
The 600 depositors of the State Savings
Association were owed $117,000. A court ruled
that Junius Mendenhall was personally liable for all
of it, in addition to the liabilities of his private bank.
It was a bad time for him to try to liquidate his
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Junius Mendenhall named his Minneapolis mansion
?Guilford Place? in honor of his childhood home. Behind it
were acres of greenhouses.
investments; the panic dried up cash and depressed
real estate values.
Mendenhall spent the next five years fending
off lawsuits and selling assets. By 1877, he still
owed the Board of Education over $7,000. On May
16, 1878, he filed for bankruptcy, listing liabilities
of $118,042.
Meanwhile Asbury Harrison planned to
transform the State National Bank. On July 5,
1877, Rufus Baldwin resigned as cashier. Harrison
replaced him with associate Joseph Dean.
On December 31, 1877, the State National
Bank closed and opened the next day as the
Security Bank of Minnesota in a new building at
Hennepin Avenue and Third Street. Capital tripled
to $300,000. Asbury Harrison was its president and
his older brother, Hugh G. Harrison, was vice
president. Joseph Dean continued as cashier.
The Security Bank later obtained a federal
charter as the Security National Bank. In 1915, it
merged with the First National Bank of
Minneapolis to become the First and Security
National Bank. It was the largest bank in the U.S.
west of Chicago.
Shortening its name to First National Bank, in
the 1920s it gobbled up local banks and converted
them to branches. In 1929, it became a holding
company, the First Bank Stock Corporation, with
35 banks in Minnesota and surrounding states.
More acquisitions followed and in 1997, it became
U.S. Bancorp, also known as US Bank.
Although Junius Mendenhall lost his bank and
most of his fortune, he spent the rest of his life
rehabilitating his reputation. He paid off most of
his debts and continued to deal in real estate
through R. J. Mendenhall & Co. His love of
horticulture led him to become the first florist in
Minneapolis, with a greenhouse covering two full
blocks on Stevens Ave. between 18th and 19th
streets (today across from Stevens Square Park).
He said he could not bear to sell his flowers,
preferring to give them away.
First and foremost, to his last day Junius
remained true to his faith. On Dec. 31 1902, the
Minneapolis Journal published excerpts from a
presentation Junius gave at the Friends meeting
house. He proudly spoke of the Quaker?s stand
against slavery:
?More important than the opposition of all
Friends to war, more important than their work
for the Indian, had been their influence against
slavery? The Manumission society was
established by Friends in North Carolina in 1816,
chiefly through the efforts of Charles Osborn.
This North Carolina Friend was the first man in
America to proclaim the doctrine of immediate
and unconditional emancipation.?
When Junius Mendenhall passed away on Oct.
19, 1906, he was praised as a pioneer banker,
horticulturalist, and advocate for education.
What became of his older brother, Cyrus?
Like his brother, he lost his bank but not his
will to succeed. He converted the shuttered MJ&G
rifle factory into the Oakdale Cotton Mill. As of
1867, he still served on the board of directors of the
North Carolina Rail Road.
He resumed his West Green Nursery and
Gardens, selling fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs
and plants.
He tried becoming a merchant broker, but
seems not to have succeeded. In the fall of 1865, he
formed a business with the president of the Raleigh
National Bank, George W. Swepson. Swepson,
Mendenhall & Co., was a commission broker of
cotton, tobacco and other southern agricultural
products with an office run by Swepson?s brother,
R. R. Swepson, at 79 Pearl Street in New York
Apparently, the business came to nothing, as
they dissolved it in April 1866. It was just as well.
Two years later Swepson and a New Yorker named
Milton S. Littlefield defrauded North Carolina of $4
million by issuing fraudulent railroad bonds.
Littlefield, who became known as the ?Prince of
Carpetbaggers?, and Swepson perpetrated one of
Richard Junius Mendenhall
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
the most spectacular swindles in the state?s history.
There was even a word created for him,
?swepsonize?, to signify whatever evil was current.
Swepson never was convicted of any crime for
his great fraud, which historians have attributed to
his ability to buy off officials. Swepson reportedly
bribed state legislators by giving them ?trouble
free? loans through the Raleigh National Bank.
Cyrus remained immensely popular in
Greensboro, again elected mayor 1874. In 1880, he
was a judge of the U.S. Circuit Court in the western
district of North Carolina. He also helped found,
and was president of, the Greensboro Female
College (today Greensboro College).
On June 21, 1883, the Greensboro North State
newspaper reported that Cyrus was quite ill and
staying at home. On July 6th of the following year,
he passed away at 68.
After the Civil War, did Cyrus and Junius
reconcile their differences over slavery? It is
known that Junius made several trips back to North
Carolina to visit his family in the years after the
war. Perhaps the brothers met to discuss their
mutual love of horticulture? Perhaps the abolition
of slavery brought closure to the differences
between the brothers? We may never know.
Atwater, Isaac, History of the City of Minneapolis, Vol. 2, Munsell & Company, Publishers, New York, NY 1893
Benedict, Michael Les, The Fruits of Victory: Alternatives in Restoring the Union, 1865-1877. University Press of
America, Lanham MD 1986
Browning, Mary A., & Koehler, Patricia M., Oakdale Cotton Mills, Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, NC, 2009.
Camp Randall Armory
Charles F. and Rhoda M. Coffin Collection, 1831-1919,
Curtiss-Wedge, Franklyn, The History of Mower County, Minnesota: Illustrated, H. C. Cooper & Co, Chicago, 1911.
Daniel, Forrest W., Endorsed Notes Were Used in Minnesota, Paper Money Magazine, whole #172, July-Aug 1994 pp.
Deep River Meeting House, National Register of Historic Places,
Democratic Pioneer newspaper, Elizabeth City, NC Oct. 16, 1855; Sep. 29, 1859; Nov. 6, 1857; Jul. 6, 1858; Sep. 7, 1858;
Sep. 21, 1858; Dec. 12, 1858.
Dickey, Luther S., History of the 103d Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865, Published by L. S.
Dickey, Chicago, 1910
Eliason, Adolph O., The Beginning of Banking in Minnesota, from a presentation made to the ?Executive Council?, May
11, 1908. Library of Congress.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, Spring 1988, Rolnick, Arthur J. & Webber, Warren E., Explaining
the Demand for Free Bank Notes, p. 21
Fripp, Gayle Hicks, Greensboro: A Chosen Center, American Historical Press, Sun Valley, CA, 2001
Gatton, T. Harry, Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press, 2006
Hill, J. Wesley, Twin City Methodism, A History, biographical sketch of Thomas Asbury Harrison, D. D. Price Brothers
Publishing, Minneapolis, MN 1895
Hilty, Hiram H., Toward Freedom for All: North Carolina Quakers and Slavery, Friends United Press, Richmond, Indiana
Hofsommer, Don L., The Tootin? Louie: A History of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway, University of Minnesota Press,
Minneapolis, MN 2005
Hudson, Horace B., A Half Century of Minneapolis, The Hudson Publishing Company, Minneapolis, 1908
Hyde, C. W. G. & Stoddard, Wm, History of the Great Northwest and It?s Men of Progress, The Minneapolis Journal,
Minneapolis, 1901
Minnesota, State of, Journal of the House of Representatives, during the 2nd session of the Legislature, 1859/60
Minnesota State Legislature, Journal of the Senate, 2nd session, 1859/60
Minnesota Territorial Pioneers Association, Proceedings and Addresses at the Second Annual Mid-Winter Reunion, Vol. 1.
Harrison & Smith, 1899
Obituary of Cyrus Beede published Feb. 1, 1908 in unnamed Oskaloosa, Iowa newspaper
Patchin, Sydney A., The Development of Banking in Minnesota, Minnesota History Bulletin, Vol. 2 No. 3, Aug. 1917, pp.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Mahaska Co., Biography of Cyrus Beede, Iowa, 1887
Shutter, Marion Daniel, Progressive men of Minnesota. The Minneapolis Journal, Minneapolis, MN 1897
Stevens, John H., Personal Recollections of Minnesota and Its People, and Early History of Minneapolis, Minneapolis,
MN 1890
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The First National Bank in
Arizona Territory
Peter Huntoon
Dawn Teresa Santiago
The First National Bank of Tucson was the first national bank organized and chartered in Arizona
Territory, events that occurred respectively on January 24 and March 1, 1882. The bank opened April 17,
1882. It was the only bank in the territory to issue Series of 1875 notes and only $5s were issued.
The C note in superb gem condition has been discovered from the first sheet sent to the bank as
well as to the territory! Jess Lipka reeled in this whale.
The Comptroller of the Currency sent a total of 2,120 sheets (8,480 notes) to the bank between
March 28, 1882 and January 13, 1885 to maintain its circulation, which topped out at $30,600 during 1883.
The bank was liquidated January 31, 1885 to be reorganized as the Bank of Tucson.
The signers on the note are Pinckney Randolph Tully president and Barron M. Jacobs cashier. Their
personal stories and that of the founding of the bank follow.
The First National Bank of Tucson was the outgrowth of two pioneering Tucson mercantile firms,
Tully-Ochoa and the Mark I. Jacobs Company, the principals of which joined to organize the Pima County
The Paper
Figure 1. The First National Bank of Tucson was the only bank in the Territory of Arizona to
issue Series of 1875 notes. This note is from the first sheet delivered to the bank and territory.
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Bank in 1879. They nationalized the bank in 1882, but found it advantageous to relinquish their national
charter and to reorganize as the Bank of Tucson in 1885.
The information that follows pertaining to Pinckney R. Tully comes from the three websites labeled
Tully, Tucson Officeholders and Ochoa.
Two scholars have written definitive works on the Jacobs: Gerald Stanley (1971) and Dawn Teresa
Santiago (1988), who respectively treated the Jacobs mercantile and banking ventures. Both mined
extensive troves of the Jacobs? papers at the Arizona Historical Society (10 boxes) and Special Collections
at the University of Arizona Library (22 boxes and 175 volumes of correspondence). The material that
follows on the Jacobs? mercantile business is taken from Stanley and that on their banking career from
The president of The First National Bank was
Pinckney Randolph Tully who was born in Mississippi,
March 25, 1824. His family struck out to Oregon by wagon
train in 1845, but they were forced to abandon their trip
because his father died in western Missouri. Tully went on to
Santa Fe in 1846 and then to California in 1849. He returned
through Arizona where he was attacked by Indians and
received a scalp wound.
For a time, Tully was a post trader at Fort Thorn, New
Mexico Territory, on the west bank of the Rio Grande. From
there, he moved on to Mesilla, New Mexico Territory, in 1854
where he developed a partnership with Estevan Ochoa, a
merchant and freighter who had stores in Mesilla and Las
Cruces. They formed the freighting and mercantile firm of
Tully & Ochoa.
One of their early business ventures involved having
Tully take a large supply train to Tucson in 1858. After the
goods sold out in just a few hours, they decided to open stores
in Tubac, south of Tucson, and Tucson. Ochoa moved to
Tucson in 1860. Their Arizona operations were interrupted by
the Civil War, when the commander of a Confederate column
that reached Tucson summoned Ochoa to swear allegiance to
the Confederacy. This he wouldn?t do. Ochoa was loyal to the
Union, having immigrated from Chihuahua to the United
States after the Mexican-American War. He was given a
horse, a rifle, 20 rounds of ammunition and sent packing back
to the Rio Grande through hostile Indian country.
Following the war, Tully & Ochoa reopened a store
in Tucson in 1866. They secured a number of lucrative
government contracts supplying Indian reservations and
military outposts. Their freighting business became highly
regarded because they brought goods to Arizona and New
Mexico from as far away as Kansas City, Missouri. The firm's armed convoys, which frequently had to
fight off Apache attacks, became a primary link during the 1860s and 1870s between Tucson and the outside
world. The firm also operated a stagecoach line between Yuma and Santa Fe.
The freighting business collapsed with the arrival of the railroad to Tucson in 1880.
Tully served as mayor of Tucson during 1882 while The First National Bank was being founded
and remained on the city council during 1883-4 while it was in operation.
The story of the Mark I. Jacobs Company began in San Diego where Polish immigrant Mark Israel
Jacobs, who was born in 1816, established himself in the United States in 1851 in a general merchandise
Figure 2. Pinckney R. Tully from the
mercantile and freighting firm Ochoa &
Tully was installed as president of The First
National Bank of Tucson. He was serving as
mayor of Tucson at the time. Photo from
Sonnichson (1982, p. 94).
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business. He was drawn to the states by the allure of the gold rush. He moved his family to San Bernardino
in 1857 where he operated a store and hotel.
When he learned that the Arizona territorial capital was to
be moved from Prescott to Tucson on November 1, 1867, he
saw opportunity in the government and military payrolls that
would stimulate the economy of the town. He sent two of his
sons, Lionel M. and Barron M. with a wagon load of
merchandise to establish a mercantile business there, a trip that
took two months. Lionel and Barron were in their twenties at
the time, with Lionel being the older.
What they found on their arrival was a town of about
1,300 people, three quarters of which were Mexican-
Americans, living mostly in one-story flat-roofed adobe
buildings scattered along dusty streets on the east bank of the
Santa Cruz River. They rented an empty store on the corner of
Main and Mesilla streets, set up the Mark I. Jacobs Co. and
began to scrape together a financial empire from the dust.
Mark moved his remaining family to San Francisco in
1868. There he purchased supplies, arranged for their transport
to Tucson, and the sons sent remittances for more. The logistics
were daunting. The routine that developed was for Mark to
purchase 10 to 15 tons of supplies about every two months. The
cargo was loaded onto a steamer bound for Yuma, Arizona,
which is located
upstream from the
mouth of the
Colorado River.
The material had to
be offloaded onto a
flat-bottom river
steamer at the
mouth of the river
and transported
upriver to Yuma.
At Yuma, the load was transferred to freight wagons bound for
Tucson along the Gila road. Transit times ranged from two to
three months.
They tested an alternate route between 1872 and 1874
using the port at Guaymas, Mexico, with overland haulage
northward through Hermosillo and the border crossing at
Nogales, Arizona. This added a hundred miles to the overland
part of the trip but it cut a month in transit time and was
cheaper. However, customs issues developed and that avenue
was abandoned.
The Tucson merchants seldom had cash sales equal to
more than a third of their gross sales. Instead they bartered their
goods for stables such as wheat, flour and cattle that they sold
to military posts thereby compounding their profits.
Tucson was without a formal bank, so it was natural
for the Jacobs brothers to enter into the exchange and bullion
business, which they did in February 1870. They purchased
Figure 3. Mark I. Jacobs, the San Francisco
patriarch of the Jacobs family, shipped
goods and capital to his sons Lionel and
Barron who established and operated the
Mark I. Jacobs Company in Tucson,
Arizona Territory. Their enterprise
developed into a banking business that gave
rise to The First National Bank of Tucson.
Photo from University of Arizona
Southwestern Jewish Archives.
Figure 4. Lionel M. Jacobs was the eldest
of the Jacobs brothers who were the
principals in organizing The First
National Bank of Tucson. Photo from
University of Arizona Southwestern
Jewish Archives.
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greenbacks in Tucson at 65 to 85 cents on the gold dollar, whereas Mark in San Francisco could sell them
for 86.5 to 89 cents. At the time, they were turning $100 to $250 per week. By the fall of 1870 they renamed
their Tucson business Mark I. Jacobs & Company, Money, Bullion and Exchange Brokers. By December
they ventured into making short term loans at 3% per month. 1872 found them dealing in Mexican gold and
silver coin, which circulated in Arizona, particularly in the outlying mining districts.
In 1875 the brothers bought out their father and
renamed their Tucson firm L. M. Jacobs & Company. They
increasingly learned and took on additional banking functions,
including making collections for creditors and providing for the
safe deposit of customer?s papers and valuables.
The economic prospects and population growth for
Tucson brightened as the Southern Pacific Railroad approached
from the west, reaching Yuma in 1877 and silver was
discovered in what became Tombstone with Tucson serving as
the supply center. The first formal bank in the territory, The
Bank of Arizona, was opened in Prescott that year by Martin
Kales and Solomon Lewis. On December 24, 1878, along with
other stockholders, the Jacobs who held a majority interest filed
the articles of incorporation for the Pima County Bank, and the
bank opened January 1, 1879 with Lionel as cashier.
Pinckney Tully, co-owner of the prosperous
mercantile-freighting firm of Tully & Ochoa, was brought in
during January 1880 and elected president, with Lionel vice-
president and Barron cashier. The railroad arrived in Tucson
that spring, which was good for the export of cattle and crops.
The bankers next established a branch in Tombstone called
Agency of the Pima County Bank. At this point the Jacobs were
fully committed to the banking business, so they liquidated their
mercantile firm and sold the last of its assets in May 1880.
The early 1880s were golden for the southern Arizona economy. Production at the Tombstone silver
mines was peaking, and agricultural and business was growing. The Jacobs decided to nationalize the Pima
County Bank, which they accomplished in early 1882. The First National Bank was capitalized at $100,000.
A big incentive for doing so was that it would facilitate getting the bank qualified as a Federal Depository,
so that it could handle all the government and military transactions in the territory.
Although the Jacobs retained majority ownership, they spun off and reorganized their Tombstone
agency as the Cochise County Bank. By 1883 Lionel focused his energy on managing the Tombstone bank
whereas Barron managed the Tucson operation.
Silver prices continued to decline through the early 1880s. Passage of the Bland-Allison Act in 1878,
which obligated the Treasury to purchase between $2 and $4 million worth of silver per month for coinage,
failed to stabilize silver prices owing to overproduction throughout the west. Worse for Tucson, the silver
mines in Tombstone began to flood as the miners dug ever deeper below the water table. As the mines began
to close and the economy soured, a competing private bank, Hudson & Company with main office in Tucson
and branch in Tombstone, failed May 9, 1884. Deposits flowed out of The First National Bank and Cochise
County Bank.
After Hudson & Company failed, a man named David Henderson set himself up as D. Henderson,
Banker, in Tucson, in the belief that Tucson could still support a second bank. This competitor opened
November 17, 1884. Previously Henderson and his brother had operated a mercantile store in Prescott in the
late 1870s, which they moved to the silver mining town of Globe.
Downsizing of The First National Bank was imperative, so the Jacobs liquidated the bank January
31, 1885, and reorganized as the Bank of Tucson, with half the capital of the former. Barron continued to
manage the Tucson bank whereas Lionel supervised the Tombstone bank. Barron was a more cautious
Figure 5. Barron M. Jacobs served as
cashier of The First National Bank of
Tucson, the key management position in
the bank. Photo from Arizona Historical
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individual than his brother and operated the Bank of Tucson very conservatively, resulting in flat to slow
growth. In contrast Lionel employed an aggressive manager named Albert Springer who cultivated business
with the copper interests in Bisbee and Sonora, Mexico, and cattlemen throughout southeastern Arizona. By
diversifying, he caused the fortunes of the Cochise County Bank to rebound.
The First National Bank of Tucson was history, but not the involvement of the Jacobs brothers in
national banking. The Henderson of D. Henderson, Banker, sold a share of his bank to former Tucson
postmaster Merrill P. Freeman in 1886 so he could pursue other opportunities. Freeman sensed that both
Henderson and the Jacobs were casting beyond banking or at least beyond banking in Tucson, so he proposed
that they merge the Bank of Tucson and D. Henderson, Banker.
Thus, the Consolidated Bank of Tucson was born and opened June 23, 1887. Barron Jacobs was
named president, Henderson vice-president and Freeman cashier. Henderson filed incorporation papers for
the bank on April 15, 1888, effective April 2nd.
The story gets a bit complex over the next couple of years.
Concurrently Lionel Jacobs and Henderson had organized The San Diego National Bank, charter
3780, on July 29, 1887. Lionel set up residency in San Diego at the Horton House on D Street between 3rd
and 4th streets, whereas the bank was on the northeast corner of 5th and H. Lionel served as operations
manager in the capacity of cashier and Henderson held the presidency.
Unfortunately for Lionel, his right-hand man Albert Springer had moved on from the Cochise County
Bank in Tombstone and banking prospects there continued to diminish as the economy of Tombstone
The Consolidated merger joined the Jacobs and Henderson under one umbrella in Tucson, each
carrying imposing personalities to the venture along with Freeman who was developing into a very able
banker in his own right. Differences in personal styles were inevitable that caused internal friction. In time
Freeman?s loyalties more closely aligned with the Jacobs than with Henderson.
The San Diego bank did not last long, because the economy in San Diego at that time was on the
brink of collapse. The bank was liquidated on November 7, 1888, after barely over a year in business. Lionel
moved to San Francisco.
In Tucson, Freeman became seriously ill in late 1888 and moved to San Francisco to recover.
Henderson approached him in January 1889 with the proposition that he buyout Henderson?s interest in the
Consolidated Bank. Freeman demurred, so instead Henderson emerged as cashier of the Consolidated Bank
in February 1889.
In June 1889, it was announced in the press that Henderson sold his interest in the Consolidated to
Lionel Jacobs, whereupon Lionel returned to Tucson to become cashier. Lionel simultaneously liquidated the
Cochise County Bank in Tombstone, possibly to raise some of the money to buy Henderson?s interest, but
more likely to put the money from the Tombstone bank to better use.
In the meantime, Merrill Freeman was regaining his health in San Francisco and he pulled together a
group of investors to organize another bank in Tucson. One was Samuel Hughes, a prominent Tucsonan and
former stockholder in The First National Bank. Their bank was called The Santa Cruz Valley Bank and it
opened August 1, 1889. Hughes served as president and Freeman returned to Tucson as cashier to run it.
In a surprising upset, Henderson bought out the Jacobs? interest in the Consolidated Bank and
installed himself as president in March 1890. He quickly applied for a national charter, which was granted
April 15, 1890, giving rise to The Consolidated National Bank of Tucson, charter 4287. The Consolidated
National Bank formally opened April 19th.
Once out of The Consolidated Bank, the Jacobs bought control of Freeman?s Santa Cruz Valley Bank
in May of 1890, wherein Barron Jacobs replaced Hughes as president, Hughes became vice president and
Freeman remained cashier. The next step was for them to nationalize, which they did on October 10, 1890
under the title The Arizona National Bank of Tucson, charter 4440. The new bank opened with its national
title on October 30th.
The Consolidated National under Henderson was the larger, but The Arizona National under the
Jacobs carried their cachet and prospered. Henderson was gone as president of the Consolidated in 1891,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
having been replaced by H. E. Lacy. Lionel Jacobs replaced Freeman as cashier of The Arizona National in
Lionel and Barron retired from active banking in 1912. Lionel was 72 and Barron 66. Lionel died
February 7, 1922 and Baron November 15, 1936. Pinckney Tully died November 10, 1903 at age 79.
Ultimately, The Arizona National Bank was merged into The Consolidated National Bank on August
4, 1928.
The convoluted history of early Tucson banking as viewed through the prism of these men reveals
the fluidity of corporate structures and shifting personal alliances that such entrepreneurs use as they claw
their way to wealth. These are not sentimental types. To understand the path that each pursued, all you have
to do is follow the money, or more correctly, follow the opportunities that their money sought in an ever-
changing financial environment.
Lipka?s note is beyond remarkable. It is so perfect and fresh, even the most finicky type collector
would classify it as a superior specimen for its type.
Four of these $5s have been reported. I owned the 1-D note, the cut of which perfectly matches the
bottom of Lipka?s note. Mine had been carried as a pocket piece in the wallet of one of the bankers for a long
time so it has strong creases and wear commensurate with that fate. Amon Carter owned the 2-D note, a
pressed vf, and Dewitt Prather owned 1013-A, an off unc with the upper right corner tip missing. Clearly and
thankfully the bankers saved these notes.
The numismatic importance of Lipka?s note cannot be overstated. It is the finest survivor of its type
and it is from the very first sheet issued in the Territory of Arizona.
It probably ranks in the top 10 of all nationals, and for certain would make anyone?s top 20 list based
on its condition, location and type.
References Cited and Sources of Data
Santiago, Dawn Teresa, 1988, The banking operations of Lionel and Barron Jacobs in Tucson, Arizona, 1867-1913:
University of Arizona Department of History Master of Arts thesis, 187 p.
Sonnichson, Charles L., 1982, Tucson, the life and times of an American city: University of Oklahoma Press, 369 p.
Stanley, Gerald, April 1971, Merchandising in the southwest, the Mark I. Jacobs Company of Tucson, 1867 to 1875:
American Jewish Archives, v. 23, p. 86-102.
Tucson Officeholders:
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Service Awards in KC
The International Paper Money Show (IPMS) is not only about buying and selling currency, but
is also a time for the society (and other societies) to recognize and reward members for outstanding
service, literary awards and excellence in exhibiting. (All photos courtesy of John and Nancy Wilson)
Mark Anderson along with Russell
Kaye and Dennis Schaflutzel were
awarded the ERO award for their
work on the Obsolete Database
Clifford Mishler was awarded the
SPMC?s highest honor, the Nathan
Gold Award for long-term service
to the Society
Peter Huntoon accepted the
Founders Award on behalf of
Andrew Pollock
Mark Anderson
announces the
2019 HoF class
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Literary and Exhibit Awards in KC
Awards were also given out for literary excellence, top articles in different categories (voted on
by the membership via the web), book of the year and for excellence in exhibiting.
Book of the Year (Wismer Award)
Obsolete Paper Money: A Guide with Prices
Don Kelly
Favorite Column
Uncoupled?Joe Boling & Fred Schwann
Runner Up?Obsolete Corner?Robert Gill
Articles appearing in PM in 2018
Large/Small Size?Doug Murray, Lee Lofthus, Peter Huntoon World?Carlson Chambliss
Runner up?Lee Lofthus Runner Up?Carlson Chambliss
Federal (Misc).?Rick Melamed Obsoletes?Shawn Hewitt
Runner up?Rick Melamed Runner Up?Ronald Speiker
Nationals?Shawn Hewitt, Peter Huntoon Confederate?Michael McNeil
Runner up?Frank Clark Runner Up?(tie) Charles Derby,
Steve Feller
Exhibit Awards
Stephen R. Taylor Best in Show?Robert Moon
Runner Up?Terry Bryan
Julian Blanchard Award?Jerry Fochtman
Best one-case exhibit?Jerry Fochtman
World Paper Money?-Gary Dobbins
Federal Issues?Jerry Fochtman
Non Federal Issues?Terry Bryan
National Banknotes?Robert Moon
Related Fiscal Items?John Parker
Thanks to all of our other exhibitors??Robert R. Moon, Frank E. Clark
III, Robert and Beverly Gill, Michael and Danielle Dougherty, Joseph
Ridder, Steve Sweeney, Roger Urce, John and Nancy Wilson, Jerry
Fochtman, Robert Calderman, Bill Brandimore, John Parker, John Grost
and Cristina Cruz-Grost, Tim O?Keefe, Michael McNeil, Gary Dobbins,
Terry Bryan, Neil Shafer
Obsolete Database Awards
State Collection?(tie) Bill Gunther, Shawn Hewitt
Type Collection?Benny Bolin
Jerry Fochtman receiving one of his
THREE exhibit awards!
Favorite Columnist Joe Boling &
Fred Schwann (not in attendance)Confederate Author
Michael McNeil
Jerry Fochtman receiving his Best
of Show Exhibit Award,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
SPMC Breakfast & Tom Bain Raffle
The SPMC held its annual breakfast and Tom Bain Raffle on Friday morning of the show. Due to the
popularity of the venue last year, we again held it at Harvey?s in Union Station. We were assured that
the acoustics problem was fixed, but alas, it was not. We do have a fix in for next year! After the
breakfast always entertaining emcee Wendell Wolka held the audience in rapt anticipation waiting for
their number to be called for the great prizes offered. He had a very special prize courtesy of Tom Denly;
one quart of First Run Massachusetts Maple Syrup. Given TSA requirements, Tom wisely left the prize at
home to be mailed later. He not so wisely entrusted the certificate to claim this raffle prize with Raffle Host
Wendell Wolka who, in the frenzy of raffle activities, completely spaced on the fact that he had to draw a
number for said prize but had not! After the event, Wendell unilaterally awarded the prize to an attendee
who had previously publicly expressed her great love of the "golden elixir of the gods which has no match
any place on earth!" (ed. Note?all his words, not mine!) (all photos courtesy of John and Nancy Wilson).
The ticket for the event featured a commemorative likeness of Peter Huntoon.
Peter seemed to be happy with the design.
As the great KarWolka calls the last
prize, helper Dobbins tries to remind
him of the Denly elixir prize to no avail.
Table full of raffle prizes. I won the red box
of books even though I was in Italy!
Emcee Wolka and helpers Dobbins and
Musk pick numbers and award prized.
Bruce Smart donated the BIG prize of the raffle, an Unc.
1899 $1 FRBN on Kansas City. The Society extends its great
gratitude to Mr. Smart for such a wonderful donation.
Thanks to all of our Raffle donors?Mark Anderson, Fred and Doris Bart, Frank Clark (Heritage), Gary Dobbins,
Donna Love, Fred Maples, Bob Moon, Dean Oaks, John Parker, Lee Quast, John Schwartz, Hugh Shull, Bruce
Smart, John and Nancy Wilson, Wendell Wolka and to anyone I left off, I sincerely apologize.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Lyn Knight Currency Auct ions
If you are buying notes...
You?ll find a spectacular selection of rare and unusual currency offered for
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Notes... Error Notes... Military Payment Certificates (MPC)... as well as
Canadian Bank Notes and scarce Foreign Bank Notes. We offer:
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We strongly recommend that you send your material via USPS Registered Mail insured for its
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U n c o u p l e d :
Paper Money?s
Odd Couple
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
World War I (part 5)
Last issue we talked about WWI emergency issues
and counterfeits in Africa and the Middle East. The
next geographic stop I promised would be Persia,
with the overprinted German marks prepared at the
behest of Oskar von Niedermeier (figure 1 shows a
20 mark note in that series). However, those were not
really emergency issues; rather, they were von
Niedermeier?s attempt to make money on the war.
Furthermore, the fakes of these notes, which are
prolific today, were not made a century ago; they are
mostly the product of an eBay seller in Texas. We?ll
take them up in some other issue.
That leaves us with notes of fractured states
following the war. The Austro-Hungarian empire
dissolved when the war ended, leaving Austria,
Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and the several regions
that became Yugoslavia. None of these had self-
identified paper money issues immediately available,
so notes of the old monarchy were converted for use
by application of adhesive or overprinted
redesignations. Those were quickly counterfeited.
See Boling page 281
MPC Errrors part II
Last time we discussed error military payment
certificates created by the private contractors. The
Bureau of Engraving and Printing had great difficulty
with Tudor Press in printing Series 541 and we have
been rewarded with errors for our collections. The
problems extended into the printing of Series 591.
The contract for printing this series was awarded to
Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing Corporation.
Tudor Press had submitted the low bid, but was not
awarded the contract because of the poor
performance on the printing of Series 541. Forbes
seems to have done a fine job on Series 591. No
errors have been reported for the series and the files
at the BEP do not indicate any problems.
Nonetheless, after Series 591 the BEP printed MPC
in-house. The following series were printed at the
Bureau: 611, 641, 651, 661, 681, 691, 692, and 701.
The first Bureau error for discussion is the
spectacular Series 611 $5 invert that we discussed
last time. It should have been discussed in this
installment. That was my error. Brain cramp. There
are only two other errors to discuss. They both are
from Series 692 and they are great. Actually, they
both are spectacular, but in very different ways.
First, we will consider the visually spectacular $5
certificate. Several of the contractor-printed issues
had serial number shifts. They were all minor. This
one is not at all minor. This piece has three serial
numbers! Of course it was only intended to have two.
These notes were printed in sheets of 50 so at least 49
Figure 1
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
more were printed, but only this one example has
been reported in collections. This error has been
known since the late 1970s.
The other error is found on the $20 certificates
also from Series 692. It too is spectacular but, believe
it or not, it is spectacular in a subtle way! Can that
be? Let me explain.
The error is missing two tints on the face. An
orange tint on a complete note ?squares off? the
edges of the face design and a blue tint forms the
word ?dollars? in the field to the left and ?MPC? in
the field to the right. See the illustrations for
comparison of error and complete notes.
The existence of this error was reported in the
second edition of Military Payment Certificates (now
called Comprehensive Catalog of Military Payment
Certificates, with the fifth edition in preparation). A
second example was found and reported in the fourth
edition of the catalog. The second example provided
some important new information. It was accompanied
by a teletype message dated 17 November 1970 from
HQ USARV (US Army, Vietnam) to eighteen
subordinate finance organizations. The message
includes a wealth of information and insight about
currency operations in Vietnam.
The subject of the message is ?Faulty $20 MPC
script [sic] Series 692.? The text of the message
?1. This headquarters has received notification that
some genuine $20 MPC script [sic] (Series 692)
which are not completely printed have been placed in
?2. The two bills uncovered to date are missing: A.
The brown border and interlocking brown wavy lines
across the front of the bill.
?B. The blue printed ?MPC? and ?DOLLARS? on the
front of the bill, and the blue interlocking wavy lines
on various portions of the front of the bill.
?3. The back of the bills appear to be correct. The
bills react properly under ultraviolet light.
?4. The serial numbers of the bills and the
corresponding plate [sic] numbers are E03063027E,
plate 33, and E02863027E, plate 8.
?5. All disbursing activities should:
?A. Redeem these bills from persons presenting them
to your activity.
?B. Report the serial number and plate number to this
headquarters ASAP.
?C. Turn the bills into central funding for
?D. Alert cashiers so that these type bills are not
placed into circulation.
?6. Central funding will redeem the bills and
maintain them on a segregated basis until disposition
instructions are received from this headquarters.
?7. This headquarters will request disposition
instructions from the U. S. Treasury. [This is a really
crazy statement. If such instructions were ever
requested, I would certainly love to see it, and
especially the response.]
?8. Protective markings are cancelled upon the
issuance of a new series of MPC.?
Series 692 MPC was issued on 7 October 1970.
Therefore the error was discovered after the series
had been in circulation fewer than 45 days. Word of
this error made its way all the way back to the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing in a memo dated 15 March
1971 that is still on file.
The description clearly describes the error in
question. Such errors are certainly not common. They
are created when two sheets stick together during
printing. The bottom sheet then does not receive the
printing in question. By coincidence in this case it
was a combination of colors the absence of which
was not easily noticeable. The serial numbers listed
are of particular interest. The serial number of the
second collector-discovered piece is E02919027E
with position 15. The serial number of the first
collector-reported piece is E02879027E, position 10.
You may have noticed that the last three
numerals are the same in each case?these two plus
the two cited in the USARV message. This is not
some extraordinary coincidence. Twenty dollar
military payment certificates are printed in sheets of
50, and all four known notes are from the same sheet
of 50 notes. Position numbers on the sheet indicate
the relative location of each certificate on the sheet.
The serial numbers of the error certificates
demonstrate that they came from the eighth unit of
8,000 sheets. This group of sheets started with serial
number E02800001E (in position 1) through
E03200000E (in position 50). All four of the reported
errors are from sheet 7027 of this eighth unit.
If the finance officers had recognized that the two
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
notes mentioned in the message were from the same
sheet, it might have been possible for them to
determine from their records where the shipments
with the remainder of the sheet had been sent. Having
done this they might have been able to isolate their
search. Indeed, since the series had been in
circulation for such a short time it is possible that the
error notes could have been found in finance vaults.
The pieces that have been reported in collections
were apparently found after the message was sent.
They are in circulated condition. This indicates that
they were not found in finance offices by serial
number analysis but were taken from commerce.
Probably the two pieces cited in the message were
also found this way.
There is some exciting news to end this report.
Sharp-eyed collector Danny Straessle has found two
examples of this great error! The serial numbers are
E02887027E (position 11) and E03063027E (position
33). If you are a sharp-eyed reader the second
number here should have caught your attention. Yes,
E03063027E is one of the two errors reported in the
1970 teletype message! So, while Danny found two
errors, he only added one serial number to the list of
known pieces. We certainly would like to know
where this remarkable certificate has been for the
past nearly fifty years and how it came to light now,
but we are unlikely to ever know. Still, it is a great
find and in preparation for this column, I had an
email exchange with Danny about these errors. He
confirmed that both were not only eBay purchases,
but were classic buy it now moments. Way to go
Danny! He also told me that he has nicknamed these
certificates ?teletype notes? or ?teletype errors.? I like
both of these. Nicknames are great. Notes that have
nicknames are special. Danny?s success might inspire
the rest of us to be more vigilant.
To recap, the known serial numbers are:
E02863027E (8) listed on message, whereabouts
E02879027E (10) first reported piece in collections
E02887027E (11) most recent discovery (featured lot
in MPCFest auction, 2018)
E02919027E (15) second reported piece in
E03063027E (33) listed on message and in a private
Correspondence with collectors about these
errors will be most welcome. Obviously reports of
additional pieces in collections are of interest. If
anyone has any idea of how to obtain copies of
additional relevant message traffic, that would
certainly be of great interest as well.
Boling continued;
In Czechoslovakia the old notes were revalued 100:1.
Figure 2 shows a 1 korun sticker applied to a 100
korun note of the defeated state. Figure 3 shows a
counterfeit of the stamp below the genuine piece.
Figures 4 and 5 show portions of the stamp at 20x
magnification. Both are letterpress, but the
counterfeit is a half-tone cut prepared
photographically from a genuine example of the
stamp. Copying processes don?t like empty space;
dots have been created for the open areas of the
design. They are not obvious to the naked eye but can
be seen if the stamp is examined closely and can
certainly be revealed by magnification.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4 Figure 5
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Figure 6 shows a 10 korun stamp printed directly
on a 1000 korun note of the empire. Figure 7 shows a
contemporary counterfeit of the stamp, cancelled
with a rubber stamp that says Timbre Faux (stamp
Figure 8 shows a modern inkjet copy of the stamp
that is a gross failure, so the faker further doctored
the piece with the inkjet word ?pad?l?n?? (forgery) to
make it look like it was an old fake that had been
detected by authorities and cancelled with the huge
black overprint.
Figure 9 shows all three together. You may be
able to make out the sawtooth edges of the large
black overprint?this faker?s inkjet printer cannot
cope with smooth curves and diagonal lines and
creates a stairstep pattern along those edges.
Over in Austria, Dr. Julius Meczarosz, a
displaced Hungarian, decided to counterfeit the new
Czech 500 korun note. He printed a lot of them?
when he was apprehended in Vienna in 1921, the
police seized 60,000 notes, and we do not know how
many were circulated before the law caught up with
the operation. That?s about $1 million in 1921
dollars. Figures 10 and 11 show Ruth Hill?s pair of
these notes, the genuine one on top and the
counterfeit below (illustrations courtesy of Heritage
Auctions?this pair sold for $15,275, a bit beyond
my budget).
The plate differences are subtle, but the counterfeit
paper has no watermark. You can see the diagonal
grid pattern included in the plate for the back of the
counterfeit, to simulate the watermark. There is also a
diacritical mark missing from the letter C at the top
face (in the legislation clause). The C should have a
small v sitting on top of it, thus: ?.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
The Meczarosz counterfeit is worth $600-800 by
itself, so naturally somebody has counterfeited it as
well?a second-generation counterfeit. Figures 12
and 13 show the face and back of this piece, the date
and provenance of which I do not know (I first saw
one of these in 2003 or 2004).
You can see in figure 13 that the simulated
watermark is missing from the printed image?and it
is also missing from the paper.
Figure 14 shows the two faces together?you
should be able to see that the bottom piece (the
second-generation fake) is somewhat less crisp than
the Meczarosz piece.
Figures 15 and 16 show the letter C that should
have the diacritical mark over it. The Meczarosz
version is letterpress?the unknown replica is four-
color process lithography. You can see why the
image of the later piece does not look as crisp as the
first-generation replica.
To conclude this stage, we turn to Hungary?also
using obsolete notes of the Austro-Hungarian empire
as vehicles for their initial post-war issues. Figure 17
shows an empire 100 korun note reconfigured as a
Hungarian 100 korun note.
Figure 18 shows a cancelled counterfeit of that
same overprint. You can see several typographic
differences in the two overprints. The first and last
letters of Magyarorszag (Hungary) are the most
obvious in this pair, where the cancellation X
obliterates some of the letters in the counterfeit.
Next issue we go to the big bad actor in
WWI?Germany itself. I am not aware of any
national-level emergency issues during the war but
following the war Germany was an economic basket
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15 Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
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Lee McClung
All-American Football Player and Treasurer of the United States
by Frank Clark
Thomas Lee "Bum" McClung was born on March
26, 1870 in Knoxville, Tennessee. He went to
secondary school at Phillips Exeter Academy in
Exeter, New Hampshire. He graduated in 1888 and
matriculated into Yale University. He was known as
"Lee" at college and afterwards. He played both
baseball and football for Yale, but it was on the
gridiron where he was the most successful. He played
halfback for four years. Those teams compiled a
record of 54-2. They outscored their competition
2,269 to 49 during those four years. McClung
personally is credited with scoring 176 points in 1889
and a total of 494 points for all four years
combined. He was the captain of the Yale football
team of 1891 that went 13-0, scored 488 points and
allowed a grand total of zero points on defense. He
was a consensus All-American in 1890 and 1891. He
was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame
in 1963.
After college graduation, he spent time
travelling and became the first football coach at the
University of California. He coached for only one
season and compiled a record of 2-1-1.
McClung would next go into the railroad
business. He worked first for the St. Paul & Duluth
Railroad Company. His next stop in railroads was
with the Southern Railway Company. He stayed there
until December 1904 when Yale hired him as treasurer
of the university. This position led to him being
appointed as the Treasurer of the United States by
President William Howard Taft. President Taft was a
class of 1878 graduate of Yale.
McClung's term began on November 21, 1909
with a salary of $8,000 annually. During his tenure,
McClung emphasized withdrawing of worn and dirty
banknotes at a higher rate so that the paper money in
circulation would be sanitary. McClung served with
the following two Registers of the Treasury, William
T. Vernon from November 9, 1909 to March 14, 1911
and James C. Napier August 15, 1911 to November
21, 1912. McClung resigned on November 21, 1912
shortly after the defeat at the polls of President Taft by
Woodrow Wilson. His resignation was prompted by
disputes between himself, Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury Abram Piatt Andrew and Secretary of the
Treasury Franklin MacVeagh. President Taft
demanded a truce between the three warring Treasury
officials until after the election of 1912. There was a
truce, but it ended with the election.
McClung took a trip to Europe in 1914. He
was there when World War I broke out. He left the
continent for Great Britain. He was admitted to a
London hospital with typhoid fever and died on
December 19, 1914. His body was returned to the
United States on board the steamer, St. Paul. It left
Liverpool on December 26, 1914. The funeral service
took place at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New
York on January 4, 1915. The body was next returned
to his hometown of Knoxville for services at his
sister's house and to be buried at Old Gray
Cemetery. McClung never married.
The Washington Post of January 17, 1915
said of McClung in his obituary, "Ah! A remarkable
athlete, a wonderful football player, a loveable
classmate, a diligent student, a manly man-a type Yale
men idealize for emulation. Such was Lee McClung."
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Book Review
Tennessee Obsolete Paper Money 1800-1959
By: Dennis Schafluetzel & Tom Carson
Paul Garland?s The History of Early Tennessee
Banks and Their Issues, published in 1983 covered
obsolete currency issued by banks, the state and local
governments but did not cover Tennessee merchant
scrip. Schafluetzel and Carson have incorporated
those notes into this latest book. Their original scope
was to cover the merchant scrip but with the R. M.
Smythe sale of the Schingoethe collection, the
authors decided to incorporate all Tennessee
obsolete notes into the book. All the information has
been input into a website which, when all the books
have been sold, will become the primary for new
information and notes. Individual banks and scrip
listed on the website have additional bibliography
and references to minimize the book?s size and cost.
The book is hard-bound
with an attractive book light
gray cover and striking green
lettering. Published in an 8 x
11 format it tops out at almost
550 pages.
After acknowledgements,
it has a table of contents by
city with issuer page numbers.
A section on grading including
the PMG grading scale is next
and then a how-to section, a
place and name ID section and
a two-page bibliography.
Due to the number of notes found after
Garland?s book was published, the sequential
numbering system had to be abandoned and a new
system developed. It incorporates elements for issuer
place, type and name, denomination, type number
with sub-type and a general class. The system is
outlined very nicely & easily understood in the text.
The notes section is profusely illustrated with
very clear and easily readable pictures. Each note is
described, and the provenance of the pictured note is
listed. Below the narrative description is a table that
lists the Schafluetzel number, rarity and prices in
VG, VF and Proof. Each note, where possible, is
pictured, described and priced by itself, rather than
all denominations in one table. Obviously, there are
some notes that are only known by auction
descriptions and therefore have no image available.
One of the best aspects of the book is that
whenever possible, a history of the issuer is given, a
trait that is not so important to some present-day
At the end
of the book, is a
detailed index
that allows you
to find a note by
name of issuer.
That is followed
by two
appendices that
allow for
conversion of
Garland and
Haxby numbers
to the new
Overall, the
book is a
addition to the
obsolete books
that are currently
available. It is
easy to read,
illustrated and a
highly recommended addition to any obsolete library
regardless of primary state focus.
The book retails for $110 (plus $10 domestic
postage). For more information or to purchase, send
a check to Tom Carson; 436 Lakecrest Drive;
Harrison, TN 37748; or Dennis
Schafluetzel; 5208 W 11th Street; Greeley, CO
auction? jam?packed? full? of? notes? waiting? to? be? won.?
Between? January? and? June? there? seems? to? be? a? new?
auction? literally?every? few?weeks!? If?you?attend? shows?
hooks? in? deep? and? long? gone? are? the? days? of? auction?
rooms? packed? deep? to? the? point? of? bursting?with? live?
The? live? auction? rooms? seem? rather? docile? these? days?
auction? that?had?a? standing? room?only? floor?alive?with?
phone?while? sitting? in? the? live? auction? room?with?my?
some? very? recent? show? consolidation,? and? while? the?
at? auction? can? be? a? very? risky? endeavor? without? the?
benefit? of? viewing? auction? lots? in? hand? prior? to?
committing? proxy? bids.? If? you?ve? taken? a? break? from?
and?support?the?hobby?by?attending?a? few?shows?once?
rewarding? experience!? The? comradery? amongst? fellow?
a? quick? task? to? thumb? through? and? find? your? favorite?
section?of? specialty?and? locate?what? lots? you?need? for?
your? collection.? For? others? like?me,? I?d? rather? look? at?
every?page?and?see? if? there?are?a? few?diamonds? in? the?
hundreds?of? lots?waiting? to?be?won? throughout?all? the?
to? really?dig? in? that?deep,? sometimes? your? investment?
years? ago.? ? There?was? no? image? listed? in? the? auction?
too? exciting? on? the? surface.? ? As? you? are? already?
group?of? three?ungraded? consecutive?1928F?D?A?Block?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Uncirculated.? ?While? there?was?no?picture? listed? in? the?
sure,?but? for?some?reason? I?started?with?$5?s?and? then?
went? up? in? denomination? all? the? way? to? the? $100?s?
I? just? begun? to? give? them? the? attention? they? rightly?
deeper? and? you?might? just? find? the? rest? of? the? story!??
Pictured?below? is? the?online?photo?of? the? lot?of? three?
Taking?a?closer? look,?these?notes?are? instead? the?much?
scarcer?1928E? series?with? the? Julian? ??Vinson? signature?
While? this? alone? is? not? that? earth? shattering? of? a?
discovery,? you? may? have? already? noticed? the? true?
a?Radar?Serial?Number!? ?While? consulting? those? in? the?
know,? I? found? there? were? no? radars? or? repeaters?
at? $300? before? the? buyer?s? premium.? ? Common? place?
series? of? 1928D? and? 1928E? examples? slabbed? in? 64Q?
most?buyers.? ?This? led?me?to?believe?there?was?a?good?
chance? this? lot? may? not? see? a? whole? lot? of? action.??
Fortunately,? my? hypothesis? held? true? during? the? live?
place? the?opening?bid?and? to?my?pleasant? surprise,?no?
Notes? back? in? these? days?were? not? printed? anywhere?
near? the?massive?quantities? they?are?now?produced? in?
in?high?regard.? ?These?notes?are?attractive?and?popular?
even? in?circulated?condition,?but?as?a?CU?example?they?
challenging.?Many? factors? are? involved? including? type,?
current? demand.? ? The? fancy? radar? serial? number? note?
pictured?here? including?bookends,? after? grading?CU?or?
the?offerings.? ?You?may? just? find?yourself?a? treasure?or?
to?share??Your?note?might?be?featured?here? in?a?future?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
The Quartermaster Column No. 7
by Michael McNeil
Many Prussians and Poles
emigrated to the United States
before the Civil War to escape the nearly constant
warfare in that region of Europe. Among them was
Henry Edmund Loebnitz, born circa 1832. Texas is
noted for its German community in the Hill Country
around Austin. Caught in the American Civil War,
Loebnitz enlisted on August 22nd, 1861 at the age of
29 as a 2nd Lieutenant at Victoria, Texas. On
December 17th he was appointed by Brig. Gen?l H. H.
Sibley as Capt. & Assistant Quartermaster in the 4th
Regiment Texas Cavalry, Army of New Mexico.
The Army of New Mexico was formed in
Texas to rout Union forces in New Mexico and
Arizona. Brig. Gen?l Sibley led the Army of New
Mexico in the capture of Albuquerque and Santa Fe
in March of 1862, but failed to capture Union
supplies, living off the land and alienating the local
population. Sibley ultimately retreated back to Texas.
Unable to obtain a bond while in the field in
New Mexico, Loebnitz had served in his role as an
Acting Assistant Quartermaster and was later
dropped from the rolls of bonded Quartermasters. By
December 9th of 1862 he had obtained a bond and
was reinstated, but he noted that he had not obtained
a confirmation of receipt of that bond from the
Quartermaster General, perhaps the result of
Richmond?s difficult communications with the
distant Trans-Mississippi District.
After Sibley?s retreat to San Antonio the 4th
Regiment Texas Cavalry was reassigned to Colonel
Thomas Green?s unit, and on January 1st, 1863,
Green led his men on the river steamer Bayou City,
assisting in the recapture of Galveston. The only
known Treasury notes with his endorsement were
issued on February 9th, 1863. Later in the spring
Green?s unit participated in considerable action in
Louisiana.1 Loebnitz was on detached duty in
Louisiana where he was reported to be in ill health.
On January 21st, 1864, Loebnitz applied to
Maj. Benjamin Bloomfield for a transfer to a position
in Houston, citing his poor health from field service:
?The injury received, has caused me
spells of sickness from time to time, and
leaves me less able to attend to Business
which requires much exercise, particularly on
Loebnitz obtained that transfer, working for
Maj. Bloomfield, who literally wrote the manual for
Confederate Quartermasters. Bloomfield wrote this
recommendation in an effort to obtain a promotion
for Loebnitz as a Depot Quartermaster:
?Capt. Loebnitz is an efficient and
laborious officer, prompt in the discharge of
his duties, & courteous to all with whom he
has business. Capt. Loebnitz is a citizen of
Texas since 1849, and born in Prussia. His
character is unimpeachable.?
One of the remarkable documents in the
National Archives is a printed copy of Special Order,
No. 156, dated June 4th, 1864 at Houston, by
command of Maj. Gen?l J. Bankhead Magruder, and
signed by Loebnitz as ?Official.? This special order
pertained to new duties assigned to Capt. Loebnitz,
and it was professionally typeset and printed. The
cost to have such an order printed was perhaps
justified by making public notice of an effort to
A portion of the Special Orders at Albuquerque, New Mexico
detailing the duties of Capt. H. E. Loebnitz as the Quartermaster
of the Army of New Mexico, where for a very brief time in March
of 1862 Albuquerque was a part of the Confederacy.
?Surprise and Capture of the United States Steamer Harriet
Lane by the Confederates under General Magruder, and the
Destruction of the Flagship Westfield in Galveston Harbor,
Texas, January 1st, 1863.? USS Harriet Lane is shown at
center, USS Westfield at left, and the Confederate gunboats
Neptune and Bayou City at right.
image: U. S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Photo #: NH59142
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
resolve outstanding debts, but in all of the roughly
20,000 Confederate documents I have read in the
National Archives files, printed orders are an extreme
On October 12th, 1864, Loebnitz was
assigned to duty in Houston as Acting Chief
Quartermaster, a job which included the management
of workshop production of military supplies. Records
indicate he held that job at least through March of
1865. He was paroled at Houston, Texas on June
22nd, 1865.
Endorsements by Loebnitz are quite rare,
with only two known at this time. The illustrated
example exhibits a double endorsement, which is also
rare?the endorsement of Col. Peter Cavanaugh
Woods is seen at the top.
Secession from the Union was not supported
by all Texans, and an impassioned plea to stay in the
Union was made by none other than the famous and
very prescient Sam Houston:
?Let me tell you what is coming. After the
sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and
hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win
Southern independence if God be not against you, but
I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in
the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined
to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery,
impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder
climates. But when they begin to move in a given
direction, they move with the steady momentum and
perseverence of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear
is, they will overwhelm the South.?2
Henry Loebnitz leaped from the frying pan of
Prussian warfare directly into the fire of the
American Civil War. ? carpe diem
1. These two sources are worth reading for more detail:
https:://, and
3. McNeil, Michael. Confederate Quartermasters,
Commissaries, and Agents, see Loebnitz, pp. 421-424.
Special Orders detailing the duties of Capt. H. E. Loebnitz,
AQM. image:
The back of the Type-41
Treasury note with the
February 9th, 1863 re-issue
and endorsement of H. E.
Loebnitz, A.Q.M. The note
was originally issued at
Jackson, Mississippi on
January 1st. 1863. The
endorsement of Col. P. C.
Woods is seen at the top,
and a manuscript Interest
Paid endorsement to
January 1st, 1864 is seen at
the bottom. image:
The front of the Type-41
Treasury note endorsed by
Henry Edmund Loebnitz,
Capt. & Asst.
Quartermaster of the 4th
Regiment Texas Cavalry,
Army of New Mexico.
image: McNeil
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
When Institutions Fail?Part II
Catalogs and other reference works are
essential institutions of numismatics. In my previous
column I used the bankruptcy of F+W Media, a major
publisher of numismatic works, as an opportunity to
explore how their disappearance might harm collectors
and students of numismatics alike. Earlier this year, the
sudden demise of PCGS Currency, a major Third Party
Grader (TPG) of banknotes, has raised similar issues.
In some ways, the travails of PCGS Currency
are more interesting because TPGs are a relatively new
feature in the field of numismatics. First established
during the 1970s for coins, their activities spread later
to encompass banknotes and currency. TPGs do a
number of important things. First and foremost, they
arbitrate the inevitable disputes between buyers and
sellers over what grade to give a coin or note. Second,
TPGs authenticate the material they grade, especially
for high-value items. Third, and related to the first two
services, TPGs help with attribution by labeling the
materials they grade, according to catalog number,
variety, and provenance. Fourth and finally, they seal
the coin or note in a tamper-resistant holder, ensuring
that all that information?grade, authentication, and
attribution?corresponds to the correct item.
TPGs do these things for a fee, and millions of
dollars have been spent getting various collectibles
?holdered? or ?slabbed?. Critics of this argue that
collectors ought to develop the expertise to judge their
own material. Also, by encouraging people to buy the
grade, not the note, TPGs tend to commodify the
hobby, contributing to cost escalations across small
differences at the highest grades. While I have some
sympathy for these views, I think they ignore the real
value such services provide. Much as even
sophisticated investors consult rating agencies like
Moody?s to tell them how risky bonds are, collectors
can rely on TPGs? assessments before they commit to
But it?s not enough for a TPG to grade an item
and be done with it. The service presumes that the TPG
stays in business to offer follow-up benefits like cert
verification, population reports, and registry sets.
Above all, the confidence collectors have in the grade
may depend on the sheer persistence of the company
that bestowed the grade in the first place. It would
seem that, if a grading company were to disappear, that
shouldn?t affect the validity of the judgments it made
about the coins and notes that it graded. Those
judgments are independent of the existence of the
company that made them. But what if they aren?t
At the end of last January, we experienced a
test of this proposition when PCGS Currency suddenly
shut down its operations. In the United States, currency
grading under the PCGS label was done not by
Collectors Universe, Inc., the owner of that brand, but
by another party, K3B, Inc., who had licensed the
PCGS name. For reasons that are unclear, that
agreement was not renewed and the PCGS Currency
website went dark. This event flummoxed currency
collectors and dealers alike. In the short run, what
would become of all those notes in transit, or otherwise
in the process of grading? In the medium term, how
would collectors access cert verifications to confirm
information about holdered notes? What would
become of the online set registries that collectors
assemble with pride? And over the long haul, what
would happen to the trust that the numismatic market
accords to PCGS grades, if PCGS Currency itself were
no longer in business? Paper Money Grading (PMG) a
competitor, was quick to offer a crossover service to
owners of PCGS-graded notes to take advantage of that
Since PCGS Currency?s closure, the
individuals behind it have re-invented themselves as
Legacy Currency Grading, Inc. promising to maintain
continuity with all the benefits provided by their
predecessor. This may, or may not, succeed. However,
this episode raises questions not just about PCGS-
graded notes, but about the long-term viability of
professional grading itself. This is a real issue, given
the vast sums people spend on third-party certification.
In contrast, the cost of any single catalog represents a
minor, one-time expense for a collector. As F+W
Media shows, no catalog publisher lasts forever.
Neither, for that matter, will grading companies. Will
collectors really tolerate the expense of repeatedly
having the grades bestowed by some defunct TPG
recertified by its successor? That would not seem
reasonable to me.
Maybe forty years from now, none of these
TPGs will exist. By then, our grandchildren will be
happily collecting holograms of their favorite notes,
certified on the blockchain, while the original objects
will be sequestered permanently in vaults, protected
against the ravages of climate change. And looking
back, maybe those grandchildren will wonder why we
foolishly wasted millions of dollars paying for
encapsulated opinions that weren?t designed to stand
the test of time.
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The Edgar County Bank
by Robert Gill
As I write this, I have just returned from the
International Paper Money Show that was held in
Kansas City. I was able to acquire only one two-note
scrip sheet for my collection, but the trip was still well
worth it. Not only did I get to see friends that I only
see once a year, but I also got to personally meet a
couple that I know only thru email contact. I'm already
looking forward to seeing what's waiting for me at next
year's show.
In my last article, I mentioned that recently there
were thirty-seven rare, uncut sheets of Illinois Obsolete
Currency auctioned by Stacks Bowers Galleries in their
official auction of the Whitman Coin & Collectibles
Spring Exposition, held on March 1st, 2019. I was able
to acquire five of them. In this article, I will share with
you one of them.
In this issue of Paper Money, I'd like for us to
look at The Edgar County Bank, which operated in
Paris, Illinois, during the 1850s and 1860s. When
researching an old obsolete bank, I'm sometimes
fortunate enough to come across enough information to
be able to have a glimpse into the goings-on of it. But
quite often I run into the proverbial "brick wall". And
that is just what kept happening to me as I tried to
gather knowledge on this old institution. When doing
research, I have several different means that I use to try
to gain information. Doing a Google internet search
sometimes gives me success. I also try to contact a
local historical society or museum in the area of my
subject. Because of the extreme rarity of notes on this
Bank, it appeared that I was well on my way to that
"wall" when I got a very satisfying phone call.
I had tried to make contact with the local
Historical Society in the area of Paris, Illinois, via
email. And then fortunately, after a few days, an
associate of that Society contacted me. He didn't have
very much information, but was able to help me
somewhat. He has interest in this old Bank, and even
owns some artifacts from it. But even with his input,
I'd still like to find out more about this institution, and
how this intriguing sheet of paper money has survived,
and found its way into my possession.
The Edgar County Bank was established in
October of 1855. Authorized capital was set at
$50,000. Its officers were H. Sandford, President, and
George E. Levings, Cashier. The Directors were Mr.
Sandford, W. P. Dole, William Kile, William Maxley,
and William Laughlin. This Bank owned and occupied
a building on the east side of the square in Paris.
During the life of this institution, the security of
the bills of banks in Illinois was largely based upon the
stocks of many Southern states. It was seen that should
the South adopt ordinances of succession, inaugurate
war, and withdraw from the Union, the value of the
stocks held for security would become greatly reduced,
and in fact, become worthless.
During the summer of 1862, when gold began to
rise in value, brokers started to buy and sell it like any
other commodity, and as it continued to rise and
fluctuate in value, the expectations and hopes arose and
fell correspondingly. This, the Civil War, and other
factors, brought on the troubles of banking business in
Illinois. All things culminated early in 1863, and
Illinois banks lost heavily. The Edgar County Bank
was able to sustain for a short time longer, but finally
closed its doors in 1866.
In 1885, the First National Bank secured
ownership of the building of The Edgar County Bank,
and began its successful career as a banking institution.
This sheet is very likely unique. Its rarity can
easily be recognized as Stacks Bowers Galleries has
handled only one example of each the $2 and $3 notes,
while the Heritage Auctions archives reveal that its
auction house has never handled any notes on this
Bank. The Haxby reference, at the time of its 1988
printing, only listed the $1 note (with a different
printer's imprint), with all other notes listed as SENC
(Surviving Example Not Confirmed). And Frank
Sprinkle, in his publication, Master List of Uncut
Sheets of Obsolete Bills, makes no mention of ever
seeing this sheet.
So there she is. An extremely rare sheet of paper
money that's at least one hundred and fifty years old,
and in a very nice state of preservation. What else
needs to be said?
As I always do, I invite any comments to my
personal email address or my
cell phone number (580) 221-0898.
So, until next time, I wish you HAPPY
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
$ m a l l n o t e $
New York 1934 & 1934A $100 Federal Reserve Notes
By Jamie Yakes
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing used plates from five series?1934, 1934A, 1934B, 1934C
and 1934D?to print $100 Federal Reserve Notes. Printings of $100 notes for New York bucked that
trend. From 1934 to 1951, the BEP printed over 18 million New York $100s, the most for any district,
and did so using only 1934 and 1934A plates (Figs. 1a and 1b).
New York $100s turned on supply and demand: To 1944, the BEP had printed over 1.5 million
sheets of New York $100s, mostly 1934As, a supply sufficient to fill orders from the New York bank into
the 1950s. Though the BEP made Series of 1934B, 1934C, and 1934D plates for New York, they never
needed to use them.
The BEP prepared only four 1934 New York $100 face plates, serials 1-4, all in January 1935, and
immediately sent them to press in a push to produce 1934 notes for the bank. The quartet endured 12
press rotations over the next four years until dropped on May 19, 1939, and canceled on May 26.1
The same month they canceled the 1934s, they finished 1934A faces 5-8 and immediately sent those
to press. That grouped had two press runs, in September 1939 and May-June 1940. In July 1940 they
finished faces 9-12 and added them to the presses along with the other 1934As. They dropped all eight
plates on August 2.2
Records show the BEP delivered 5,280,000 finished New York $100s to the Treasurer through the
end of 1940.3 Fewer than 4 million were 1934s, including anything numbered to mid-1939. They printed
about 340,000 sheets from the four 1934 faces, equivalent to just over 4 million notes.4 The highest
observed 1934 serial is B03922329A,5 indicating those 1934 sheets were rapidly consumed once the
plates were dropped from press.
Production of New York $100s resumed in 1942-43, when the BEP sent to press faces 5-11 and 13.
They had prepared face 13 in February 1942 to replace plate 12, which they canceled in 1940.6 Thus, they
maintained their plate count at eight and could operate two full presses of four plates each for sheet
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
From March to July 1944 the BEP produced nine new 1934A plates (serials 14-22), and sent
those to press along with the other 1934A faces. On August 8 they dropped all 17 plates and never again
used New York $100 faces.7 To this point they had produced 15,278,892 1934A sheets8 and delivered
17,686,000 finished notes.9 Considering 4 million of those notes were 1934s, there remained about
130,000 unsealed and unnumbered 1934A sheets.
As a formality of preparing plates with signatures of new treasury officers, the BEP made 1934B
Julian-Vinson faces 23-31 in 1945-46; 1934C Julian-Snyder faces 32-36 in 1947-48; and 1934D Clark-
Snyder faces 37-41 in 1950 (Figs. 2a-2c).10 They never used any of them. They made final deliveries of
678,000 New York $100s during 1951,11 all from stocks of unfinished 1934A sheets. The last serial was
Though they bear only the Julian-Morgenthau signature combination, New York $100s still offer
collectible varieties. Four are possible: yellow-green and blue-green seals, and macro and micro mules.
Changeover pairs are also possible, but will be rare.
The BEP printed seals and serials on FRNs with a yellow-green ink until late 1937, when they
changed to a blue-green ink that became routine in 1938. Production of 1934 notes straddled the change
and are possible with both colors. The last 1934 serial printed with yellow-green ink will be around
B021xxxxxA;13 anything higher will have blue-green seals and numbers. Because they printed no 1934A
New York $100s until 1939, all those notes will have blue-green seals and serials.
The BEP used $100 macro backs (serials 113 and higher) beginning in June 1944.14 That lagged use
of 1934 New York faces by five years so all those notes will be non-mules with micro backs (serials 112
and lower). They printed most 1934A sheets prior to 1944, and most of those also will have micro-backs,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
but in this case will be mules. For about three months in 1944 production of macro-back sheets
overlapped the final use of 1934A New York faces, so a small amount of 1934A macro-back non-mules
were printed. Listings in the Heritage Archives substantiate the disparity: Among over 200 lots of 1934A
New York $100s are only three non-mules: serials B13049234A, B15398178A, and B17225081A.15
Star notes will mirror the pattern of regular notes. The BEP printed 164,000 stars on 1934 and 1934A
sheets, at an approximate 7:1 ratio in favor of 1934As. They printed 20,000 by 1936, all 1934s with
yellow-green seals. The rest were 1934As printed after 1939, and possibly all mules: Heritage shows 24
1934A stars, all with micro backs.16
Changeover pairs will be a difficult find among New York $100s. There was a three-week gap in
1939 between the last use of 1934 and first use of 1934A faces, meaning plate press changeovers were not
created. Plate press changeovers occurred during sheet printing when at least two kinds of plates shared
the same press. Sheets pulled and stacked from those plates alternated between the types throughout the
entire stack.
Changeovers of New York $100s instead will be the less common stacked kind, whereby the BEP
combined small stacks of sheets into large stacks for numbering and sealing, which resulted in only a few
changeovers between types.17 The BEP briefly numbered 1934 and 1934As types concurrently, and the
overlap between the high 1934A and low 1934 serials is only about 80,000 serials.18 The BEP possibly
could have combined stacks of 1934 and 1934A sheets into larger piles, but it?s unknown whether that
1. Record Group 318-Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Entry P1, ?Ledgers Pertaining to Plates, Rolls and Dies,
1870s-1960s,? Container 147. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.
2. Ibid.
3. ?First Serial Numbers on U.S Small Size Notes Delivered during each year 1928 to 1952.? Prepared by the O&M
Secretary, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, April 1952. BEP Historical Resource Center, Washington, D.C.
4. Author?s estimate. Data from Bureau of Engraving and Printing plate summary cards, provided by Hallie
Brooker, Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Email communication November 8, 2017.
5. Heritage Auction Archives.
Accessed August 27, 2018.
6. Record Group 318, Container 147.
7. Ibid.
8. Brooker. Email communication November 8, 2017.
9. ?First Serial Numbers...,? O&M Secretary.
10. Record Group 318-Bureau of Engraving and Printing: Entry P1, ?Ledgers Pertaining to Plates, Rolls and Dies,
1870s-1960s,? Container 144. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.
11. ?First Serial Numbers...,? O&M Secretary.
12. Shafer, Neil. A Guide Book of Modern United States Currency, 2nd ed. Racine, WI: Whitman Publishing
Company, 1967: 142.
13. Estimated based on data in ?First Serial Numbers...,? O&M Secretary.
14. Record Group 318, Container 144.
15. Heritage Auction Archives.
realized.s?ic=Tab-Resources-AuctionArchives-122214. ?Fr. 2153-B?. Accessed August 27, 2018.
16. Heritage Auction Archives.
realized.s?ic=Tab-Resources-AuctionArchives-122214. ?Fr. 2153-B*?. Accessed December 10, 2018.
17. Yakes, Jamie. ?Spectacular $50 Skip Changeover Pair.? Paper Money 56, no. 6 (2017, Nov/Dec): 477-
18. Heritage Auction Archives. Highest 1934: B03922329A,
012417&lotPosition=0|18, ?Fr. 2152-B.? Lowest 1934A: B03849315,
light-staining/a/33091-21387.s?ic4=GalleryView-Thumbnail-071515. ?Fr. 2153-B? Accessed August 27,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
President?s Column
July/August 2019
What a great time! I just returned
late yesterday from the International
Paper Money Show in Kansas City and while my
schedule was packed, I thought this was one of the
most fun shows I?ve been to in a long time.
Really, it is what you make of it.
I arrived on Wednesday in the late afternoon, and
this time my wife Cheryl came along to share the
room (previously plans to share with a currency buddy
having fallen through) and we met up right away with
Mark Drengson (another Minnesota guy) to go out for
dinner. Our first culinary excursion was at Jack
Stack?s, a 15-minute walk from the hotel. We thought
the food was good, but not outstanding. We left
thinking we?ll have to do better tomorrow evening.
Thursday started out with the FRB KC tour,
which had about ten attendees. This year again our
host was Eric, a youthful guide enthusiastic about
currency. He even brought along part of his collection
to show us. After the tour it was time to hit the bourse
floor and set up the SPMC table. We were in our
familiar spot right across the aisle from Pierre Fricke,
former SPMC president, with his massive inventory of
Confederate and Obsolete Notes. I?m often tempted
to lose my collecting focus and buy a note from him
just because it?s so cool. I also dropped off part of an
estate I was trying to sell with Glen Jorde. Glen?s
inventory equally complements Pierre?s, but with
nationals and type. His table was quite busy
throughout the show. Later Thursday Cheryl and I
again met with Mark and also Robert Vandevender,
Nancy Purington and Bob Hastings for dinner, this
time driving a short way to Q39. Standing in line, I
got a mysterious text from Jeff Brueggeman saying
only ?get the ribs.? That was good advice as they
were fantastic. Adding a side of bacon wrapped
shrimp & a glass of Pinot made this a meal to
remember. A bit later Cheryl & I got a game of
Spades going in the hotel lobby. I partnered with
Vendevender & Cheryl with Hastings. My team lost.
Friday morning started with the SPMC breakfast,
this time again at Harvey?s. When making the
reservation this year, the previous manager told me
they installed a new sound system to address to poor
acoustics. Problem solved, so I thought. What he
didn?t say is that the system they installed was for
music, not voice. Argh! So, I want to apologize for
the poor sound. The solution for next time is to rent a
room in Union Station that Harvey?s will cater to. It
will cost us more, but we?re not going to raise the
price as we owe this to you to get it right. Back at the
floor I was busy with club business and a bit of
shopping. My only regret is that I did not have time to
attend the many seminars. I heard they were
On Friday evening we ate at the hotel restaurant
(not too bad), and stayed close as some of our group
wanted to attend the auction. Cheryl and I played
Spades again, and this time I partnered with Hastings.
My team lost. From 8pm to 11pm we met for the
annual bull session hosted by Mike Dougherty for
lovers of nationals and such. I really enjoy that!
Saturday was another packed day, started by the
SPMC board meeting where we got a lot of business
done, including bringing on new board member Matt
Draiss. Welcome, Matt! Then, it was getting ready
for the exhibit awards and working the floor in search
of some treasures. The search paid off. I found a neat
Minnesota-related Nebraska note in Denly?s enormous
inventory of Obsolete Notes! Then, Don Mark
brought me an expected Minnesota note in low grade,
but the price was right. Later, I got a couple upgrades
of Minnesota scrip at Hugh Shull?s table. At noon I
hosted an impromptu SPMC membership meeting ? it
was not supposed to be on the program, but that?s
okay, it was still worthwhile. At 2pm Mark Drengson
began his talk on the Bank Note History Project,
which was well attended. The video of that
presentation will be made available on the SPMC
website, thanks to David Lisot. Closing out the
afternoon was the announcement of the exhibit
winners hosted by SPMC vice president Vandevender.
The quality of the exhibits this year was again
outstanding, and we thank all who participated. The
names of the exhibit winners will be posted on the
SPMC website soon. Saturday evening began with
the SPMC Hall of Fame dinner, where we inducted
five individuals this year. That was a very nice time.
We finished the evening with more cards. This time I
partnered with Cheryl. My team lost ? but it wasn?t
my fault! I think this will become an annual tradition,
as I have yet to prove my proficiency with bidding
games. While this was going on, Glen picked up a
note for me in the auction.
The point of my summary is that if you come
only to shop for notes and then go home, you?re
missing a lot. There is so much more to this hobby
than the notes themselves. While it did appear that
this may have been an off year in terms of dealer
attendance due to various reasons, many people I
know did well and enjoyed the IPMS thoroughly. We
are in waiting mode to see what Lyn Knight?s plans
are for next year, but whatever they may be, I know I
will be there.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
W_l]om_ to Our
N_w M_m\_rs!
\y Fr[nk Cl[rk?SPMC M_m\_rship Dir_]tor
NEW MEMBERS 05/05/2019
14960 Bruce Pronovost, Robert Calderman
14961 Andrew Lydic, Joseph Crespo
14962 Dana Schneider, Website
14963 Craig Smith, Jason Bradford
14964 Randall Guynn, Frank Clark
14965 Scott Bruder, Robert Calderman
14966 Thomas Stillman, Website
14967 James Waters, ANA AD
14968 Marc Lane, ANA Ad
14969 Joseph Piento, ANA Ad
14970 Angela Emerson, Website
14971 Bill Williams, Pierre Fricke
NEW MEMBERS 06/05/2019
14972 Jack Carpenter, Website
14973 Bill Souder, Frank Clark
14974 Mark Klein, ANA Ad
14975 Peter Goldberg, Website
14976 Harry Lumer, Paper Money Forum
14977 Joe Larson, Larry Adams
14978 Roger Piasecki, Frank Clark
Dues Remittal Process
Send dues directly to
Robert Moon
SPMC Treasurer
104 Chipping Ct
Greenwood, SC 29649
The mailing label of each issue of Paper Money
has the date your dues are due.
Please remit them on time to avoid any missed
You may also pay your dues online at
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Editor Sez
Italy was great!
But I did miss you in KC
Hello and I hope you all had a good
time at the IPMS in Kansas City. For
the first time since 1984, I was not able to
attend. It seems I was offered the chance of
a 10-day, all-expense paid tour of Italy as
the nurse for our high school choir. For
some this was a no-brainer, but for me, the
mere thought of missing an IPMS made it a
very hard decision. In the end, I figured this
was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.
I have to admit in retrospect, it was the right
decision. We toured Venice, Verona,
Florence, Sienna, Civita di Bagnoregio (no I
did not make that up/down walk to
Bagnoregio), Pompeii and Rome. I love
history and the sights were incredible. We
visited many cathedrals, basilicas and
churches as well as museums and other
sights including Romeo & Juliet?s balcony
and Juliet?s statue in Verona. We did a
gondola ride in Venice?kinda scary at how
unstable it seemed, but we managed not to
tip it over, even when the gondolier shook it
to show us how steady it was! The paintings
and sculptures were all unbelievable,
especially the statues Michelangelo did
including ?David.? Pompeii has always been
a fascination for me but to see it with
Vesuvius in the background was something
else. It was covered in 18 feet of volcanic
ash in 2 days! More amazing was what was
left! One house we went into had the same
types of plants in the garden (they actually
excavated the roots and then figured out
what they were and planted more of the
same!) It also still had a mural showing the
famous story of Actaeon seeing the goddess
Diana bathing in a grotto and her turning
him into a deer whereby his own dogs tore
him apart. Simply amazing it has survived
this long. Then, on to Rome. What a city. To
see it was breathtaking, but the cr?me-de-la-
cr?me was the Vatican. The Sistine Chapel
is truly indescribable and St. Peter?s Basilica
overwhelming. To see so many paintings,
sculptures and final resting places of so many
people like St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Catherine,
Raphael, Michelangelo, etc. was hard to imagine.
And looking out over St. Peter?s square that we
have seen so many times, WOW! Those of you who
know me well, know I am not an exercise nut and
actually consider that a dirty word?but?I walked
over 96,000 steps (42.3 miles) in nine days! My feet
will never be the same!
While I was soaking in the sights and history,
there was a paper money show going on. From all
reports, I hear it was a great one. Lyn did another
outstanding job. I missed seeing all the people
which is what I enjoy most. While it is increasingly
harder to find new notes that I collect, the
camaraderie is what is so special.
The new exhibit program seemed to work out
well and as usual exhibit chair Moon did a great job
coordinating that program. The SPMC breakfast
and Tom Bain Raffle was again a success despite
the same sound issues at Harvey?s. Hopefully we
will have this problem solved next year.
Thank you to all of our authors and columnists
for making 2018 such a successful year with Paper
Money. I have entered us into both the ANA and
NLG literary competitions and the winners will be
announced in August at the ANA show.
You will note two long articles in this issue by
two new authors. I decided to put them in this one
as they have been waiting a long while to get
published. They are both very good articles. Also,
Peter Huntoon and Doug Murray have an article
that took them three trips to the National Archives
and over a year to prepare. I encourage you to
write an article for publication. I especially need 1-
3 page articles, but longer ones will be welcomed as
Texting and Driving?It can wait!
O Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Minutes of the SPMC Board of Governors Meeting
Saturday, June 15
Members Present: S. Hewitt, Pres., R. Vandervender, VP, R. Moon, Treasurer, J. Brueggeman, Membership
Secretary/Librarian, F. Clark, Membership Director, R. Calderman, G. Dobbins, P. Fricke, Immediate Past Pres.,
L. Gatch, W. Wolka, M. Anderson, Recording Secretary
Call to Order/Quorum Determination:
A quorum having been determined as being present, Pres. Hewitt called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Pres. Hewitt reported that Governor Scacci has resigned his seat for personal reasons; his term was scheduled
to expire in 2021. Also, Governor Brueggeman has relinquished his seat, which opens up an additional governor slot.
Current governors Dobbins, Vandervender, and Jennings are up for re-election. S. Hewitt is also up for re-election of
a two-year term as President. M Anderson moved for re-election of these governors and S. Hewitt as President. W.
Wolka seconded, no discussion, unanimous.
Pres. Hewitt reported on a new candidate for Governor, Mathew Draiss. Mr. Draiss is a NY area commercial
numismatist who collects New York Nationals and has expressed interest in the SPMC?s mission and governance.
We are informed he will soon be relocating to Patchogue, Long Island, to work for a retail coin dealer. Anderson
moved for election; Wolka second. No discussion, unanimous.
Pres. Hewitt also reported that while currently wrapping up a few activities and not inclined to join the board
at the moment, William Litt has indicated his inclination to offer his candidacy in 2021.
Reports/Old Business:
? Financial Report:
? R Moon cited results recently provided via e-mail to the Board for the 9 months ended 3/31/19, and
reported that the Society remains in stable and solid financial condition.
? Operations for the past 2.5 months similarly stable, with no surprises.
? W. Wolka has recently remitted ad revenue, and a $1,000 check was cashed to provide award prizes
for the new exhibit program. We remain in collection mode with respects to amounts due from PCGS.
We are owed $2,025 for ads run in the 2017-18 fiscal year. Ads for the 2018-19 fiscal year have not
yet been billed.
? This year?s Breakfast was a solid success; 62 attendees and six [paid] no-shows combined for $1,320
in ticket revenue. Raffle ticket sales proceeds were a record $1,325, for total revenue of $2,645. The
restaurant gave us a discount due to sound system problems, so after expenses of $847, we cleared
roughly $1,800. M Anderson cited the smooth assumption by G Dobbins of raffle responsibilities.
Restaurant contact has agreed to work with SPMC and Union Station to move our event into a
windowed space in the station for next year; this will cost us a ?few hundred? dollars, but all agreed
this expense warranted based on our three years of poor experience with the restaurant?s sound
system, Amtrak announcements, and the sound challenges of the open space.
? Membership Director?s Report: F. Clark reported that the website remains the top new membership
producer for the SPMC [55 new memberships from May 16th, 2018 to May 20th, 2019]. The top individual
[human] recruiter is Robert Calderman [23 new members for the period]. New membership activity [total of
172 new members] comparable to last year, but ANA ads are also ?clearly working.? Life members have
climbed to 447, an increase of 11.
? Membership Secretary?s Report: J. Brueggeman opined that ?membership is maintaining.? Facebook is
helping. Group engaged in discussion of Social Media channels and the value of posting pictures that
highlight SPMC activities.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
? Editor?s Report: M. Anderson, in absence of Editor Bolin, offered B. Bolin?s submitted report to wit:
? Paper Money still flourishing, with the help of regular authors and
? Editor Bolin continues to seek constructive criticism, ideas for other suitable content readers would
like to see, areas for improvement, etc.
? 2018 had 6 issues, made up of 448 pages [not including the 4 pages of covers each issue], publishing
43 original articles by 22 different authors, in 259 pages of original articles and 97 column pages
(does not including Society news).
? Financially, cost per issue remains fairly constant.
? Strong backlog of articles is maintaining, particularly 10+ page articles; 2 to 8 page articles are
always needed.
? Paper Money for 2018 has been entered in American Numismatic Association "Best Specialty
Publication" contest and NLG writing competitions. Results will be unveiled at the 2019 ANA in
? The SPMC website is updated with latest edition of the journal - downloaded as soon as the first
paper copies are mailed and Governor Gatch e-mails members via MailChimp when new issue is
? W Wolka provided an advertising update, observing that based on current advertiser ranks, if all
current advertisers renew, annual revenue of $27,800 can be anticipated. We have collected $20K of
this amount to date.
? Marketing Committee: Committee:
? Chair G. Dobbins observed that relationship with ANA is really working well and he is very happy
with what has been built.
? His conversations with CoinAge about a possible exchange of ads have ended for the moments
[CoinAge has discontinued the conversation].
? Unrelated to this, G Dobbins is interested in increasing his show representation activities, and
respectfully requested that the Marketing Committee Chairpersonship be considered for re-
? Website Report:
? S. Hewitt reported that the SPMC website is stable, and has been since update of a year ago.
? The Bank Note History Project has been added to the many features available at the site, and a voting
mechanism [for Governor election] may also be added.
? Member statistics by category [online only, paper only] were submitted for Junior, Regular [US,
Canada & Mexico and Other], and Life [US, Canada & Mexico and Other] members.
? We are honoring 29 token redemptions for memberships provided under the PCGS program which
have not yet been paid for.
? J Brueggeman offered that the site?s graphic ads are, in his view, effective and inexpensive.
? Website spending during fiscal 2019 [7/1/18 to 6/30/19] was $4,268. Of this, $2,267 went to
maintenance and enhancements of the existing capabilities, and $2,001 for the Bank Note History
project [$972 for website development and $1,029 to reimburse M Drengson for five years? worth
of hosting].
? Obsoletes Database Project Report: S. Hewitt reported continued progress. Data recently uploaded
includes images from R Kaye and D Schafluetzel] and work on Michigan [J Robertson], Mississippi [J
McClure], Connecticut [D Melnick], Iowa [S Hansen] New York [M Draiss] expected in the coming months.
Other SEs [State Experts] will be adding images, and volunteers to process gallery images are solicited. Next,
year, added data uploads, promotion of the site via Paper Money and other outlets, and exploration of a photo
recognition app are anticipated. To date, the Society has invested $25,875 in this effort, but we are ?over the
hump.? 2018-19 spend was zero, and there are no invoices pending.
? Report on ERO: Regarding his outreach project, L. Gatch led a discussion of how suitable paper money
hobby videotapes [seminars, convention interviews, etc.] might be made accessible and promoted at the
website. Quoted cost to us to utilize recent Lisot videotape of M. Drengson?s recent presentation on the Bank
Note History project is $250. While not initially requested, discussion led to budget authorization of $1,000,
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
to be allocated by L Gatch to acquire and install suitable video content at SPMC website. Motion: Anderson,
second Wolka, unanimous.
? Publications Committee Report: Committee Chair P. Fricke reported that while he has been in personal
transitions over the last year or two [both in career and home relocation], there has been very little activity
on the part of the committee. Publishing world has transitioned away from ?physical books? to e-alternatives.
Committee is currently a committee of one; R Calderman and W Wolka volunteered to join and have been
? Report of SPMC Librarian:
? J. Brueggeman reported encountering some late book return issues, and welcomed the recent
donation of the New Hampshire scrip book.
? L Gatch asked whether scanning [for addition to the library] important research materials should be
considered. P Hewitt suggested this was an interesting idea and suggested L Gatch start with a
suitable example for consideration and discussion.
? Report of Audit Committee: M. Anderson noted that M. Scacci?s recent departure from the Board has
interrupted the reliable flow of this report. R Moon reported that he has requested from the Society?s bank
all the usual confirmations and can supply them to the Board. M. Anderson to follow up.
? Report on Awards: VP Vandervender reported two new judges have been added to his ?team.? The new
exhibit judging system adopted by the SPMC seems to be working well. After the 4 p.m. exhibit awards
announcement ceremony we will know more. Awards from the Friday morning breakfast are being mailed
to the recipients unable to attend the breakfast in person.
? Kansas City 2019 Exhibits: Exhibit Chair R Moon reported that despite a slow start, he was very pleased
by the final tally and quality of exhibits and exhibitors. Several new players resulted in 18 exhibitors
displaying 21 exhibits.
? Hall of Fame: M. Anderson has stepped in to assist with HoF activities; HoF banquet to be held this evening
at Pierpont?s. Invitees include Board members and all living HoF members. This year?s class includes F.C.C.
Boyd, Lyn Knight, J. Roy Pennell, Austin Sheheen, and George Wait. Austin is unable to attend the
ceremony, due to flooding being experienced in his part of the country.
New Business/Other:
? 2020 FUN Speakers Forum: This event - a first-ever in 2019 - was a big success and will be repeated in
January 2020. R Moon to co-chair this year.
? In support of Lyn Knight?s continuing sponsorship of the IPMS, and most particularly, the substantial
resources devoted to the educational aspects of the show, speaker?s forum, exhibits etc., the Board voted
[motion Anderson, second Wolka, unanimous] a $1,000 stipend, unchanged from previous years.
? ANA Rosemont: The SPMC will have a club table at the bourse in August, and will hold a Saturday morning
membership meeting. R Moon has details. We will also again sponsor Treasure Trivia; S Hewitt to source
the traditional giveaway to junior table visitors.
? Upcoming Projects: P Hewitt noted that ANA has recently used some interesting new Marketing/Social
Media initiatives to grow membership, which he would like to review to see if there are ideas for the SPMC
to utilize.
? Nationals Anonymous: M Anderson noted that M Dougherty has for several years and at personal expense
hosted an open discussion forum at each IPMS, focused primarily but not exclusively on National Bank Note
collecting developments and practices. Insofar as this event is essentially educational in nature, M Anderson
suggested that a supporting stipend in the amount of $100 might be suitably be paid to M Dougherty. Moved
Wolka, seconded Moon, unanimous.
? At 9:59 a.m., there being no further business to attend to, a motion was made and seconded [Calderman,
Wolka, unanimous] and the meeting was adjourned.
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
United States Paper Money
Buying and Selling
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Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
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P.O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Phone: 310-326-0406
(Free Speech Motto). Kenneth Casebeer, (828) 277-
TRADE MY DUPLICATE, circulated FRN $1 star notes
for yours I need. Have many in the low printings. Free
list. Ken Kooistra, PO Box 71, Perkiomenville, PA 18074.
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of
the State of Indiana, and related documents, reports,
and other items. Write with description (include
photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
FOR SALE: College Currency/advertising notes/
1907 depression scrip/Michigan Obsoletes/Michigan
Nationals/stock certificates. Other interests? please
advise. Lawrence Falater.Box 81, Allen, MI. 49227
WANTED: Any type Nationals containing the name
?LAWRENCE? (i.e. bank of LAWRENCE). Send
photo/price/description to
WANTED: Republic of Texas ?Star? (1st issue) notes.
Also ?Medallion? (3rd issue) notes. VF+. Serious
stains, ink, rust or rubber stamping, only EF or AU.
Pay Ask. Craig Watanabe. 808-531- 2702.
Vermont National Bank Notes for sale.
For list contact.
WANTED: Any type Nationals from Charter #10444
Forestville, NY. Contact with price. Leo Duliba, 469
Willard St., Jamestown, NY 14701-4129.
"Collecting Paper Money with Confidence". All 27
grading factors explained clearly and in detail. Now
available .
Stamford CT Nationals For Sale or Trade. Have some
duplicate notes, prefer trade for other
Stamford notes, will consider cash.
Wanted Railroad scrip Wills Valley; Western &
Atlantic 1840s; East Tennessee & Georgia; Memphis
and Charleston. Dennis Schafluetzel 1900 Red Fox
Lane; Hixson, TN 37343. Call 423-842-5527 or email
Wanted DC Merchant Scrip. Looking for pre-1871
DC merchant scrip (Alexandria, Georgetown &
Washington). Send photo/price/description to
$ MoneyMart $?
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
Fractional Currency Collectors
Join the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB)
today and join with other collectors who study, collect
and commiserate about these fascinating notes.
New members get a copy of Milt Friedberg?s updated
version of the Encyclopedia of United States Postage
and Fractional Currency as well as a copy of the
S implified copy of the same which is aimed at new
collectors. Come join a group dedicated to the are
fractional fanatics!
New Membership is $30
or $22 for the Simplified edition only
To join, contact Dave Stitely, membership chair
Box 136, Gradyville, PA 19039.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 X 21/4 $28.40 $51.00 $228.00 $400.00
Colonial 51/2 X 31/16 $25.20 $45.00 $208.00 $364.00
Small Currency 65/8 X 27/8 $25.45 $47.00 $212.00 $380.00
Large Currency 77/8 X 31/2 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Auction 9 X 33/4 $31.10 $55.00 $258.00 $504.00
Foreign Currency 8 X 5 $38.00 $68.50 $310.00 $537.00
Checks 95/8 X 41/4 $40.00 $72.50 $330.00 $577.00
10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet--end
open 83/4 X 141/2 $23.00 $101.00 $177.00 $412.00
National Sheet--side
open 81/2 X 171/2 $24.00 $108.00 $190.00 $421.00
Stock Certificate--end
open 91/2 X 121/2 $21.50 $95.00 $165.00 $390.00
Map & Bond--end open 181/2 X 241/2 $91.00 $405.00 $738.00 $1,698.00
Photo 51/4 X 71/4 $12.00 $46.00 $80.00 $186.00
Foreign Oversize 10 X 6 $23.00 $89.00 $150.00 $320.00
Foreign Jumbo 10 X 8 $30.00 $118.00 $199.00 $425.00
DBR Currency
We Pay top dollar for
*National Bank notes
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*Large size FRNs and FBNs
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Phone: 858-679-3350
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ORDERS: 800-HI-DENLY ? FAX-781-326-9484
___________________________________________________________Paper Money * July/Aug 2019* Whole No. 322_____________________________________________________________
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
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The Professional Currency Dealers Association
? Hosts the annual National Currency and Coin Convention during March in Rosemont, Illinois.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
? Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
? Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the International Paper
Money Show, as well as Paper Money classes and scholarships at the A.N.A.?s Summer Seminar series.
? Publishes several ?How to Collect? booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
? Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Bea Sanchez ? Secretary
P.O. Box 44-2809 ? Miami, FL 33144-2809
(305) 264-1101 ? email:
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Kingsburg, CA - $50 1902 Date Back Fr. 669
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Salem, NC - $5 Original Fr. 397a
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