
Paper Money - Vol. LX - No. 1 - Whole #331- Jan/Feb 2021

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Table of Contents

Act of 1863 Gold Certificates

Deseret Currency Association

 No County for Old Men or Their Money

 The End of Legal Tender Notes

 The American National Bank of Baltimore, MD

David A. Schulte and the Mutual-Profit Coupon System

Postal Currency Sheet w/ Associated Note

 S. 3288--Authorizing a New Currency


2020 Index to Paper Money

official journal of The Society of Paper Money Collectors 1863 Gold Certificates 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ? 800.458.4646 470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 ? 800.566.2580 Info@StacksBowers.com ? StacksBowers.com California ? New York ? New Hampshire ? Okalhoma ? Hong Kong ? Paris SBG PM Mar2021 HLs 201130 America?s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM Contact Us to Consign Your U.S. Paper Money! 800.458.4646 West Coast ? 800.566.2580 East Coast ? Consign@StacksBowers.com March 24-26, 2021 Consign U.S. Paper Money by January 25, 2021 Consign Alongside These Highlights in the Stack?s Bowers Galleries March 2021 Baltimore Auction Fr. 127. 1869 $20 Legal Tender Note. PMG Extremely Fine 40. Fr. 151. 1869 $50 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Banknote Choice Very Fine 35. Fr. 167a. 1863 $100 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Banknote Choice Uncirculated 63. Fr. 328. 1880 $50 Silver Certificate. PMG Choice Extremely Fine 45. Fr. 342. 1880 $100 Silver Certificate. PCGS Banknote Choice Very Fine 35. Fr. 376. 1891 $50 Treasury Note. PMG Extremely Fine 40 EPQ. Fr. 378. 1891 $100 Treasury Note. PMG Fine 12. Fr. 377. 1890 $100 Treasury Note. PCGS Banknote Choice Extremely Fine 45. Fr. 1132-B. 1918 $500 Federal Reserve Note. New York. PMG Choice Very Fine 35. a_oM_om            W?????&??????????? ??? ^??????? ?????????>????d?????????????????K???????D????? 32%R[6DQ$QWRQLR7;SLHUUHIULFNH#EX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRPZZZEX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRP $QGPDQ\PRUH&6$8QLRQDQG2EVROHWH%DQN1RWHV IRU VDOH UDQJLQJ IURPWRILYHILJXUHV 22 Act of 1863 Gold Certificates--Huntoon, Murray, Bruyer Deseret Currency Association--Douglas Nyholm No Country for Old Men or Their Currency--Charles Derby The American National Bank of Baltimore, MD--J. Fred Maples S. 3288--Authorizing a New Currency--Lee Lofthus & Peter Huntoon The End of Legal Tender Notes--Peter Huntoon Zouaves--Terry Brant Postage Currency Sheet w/Associated Note--Rick Melamed 44 53 6 29 36 61 62 46 Mutual-Profit Coupon System--Loren Gatch Paper Money * Jan/Dec 2021 * Whole No. 331 1 Contents, Advertisers, Hall of Fame Columns Advertisers SPMC Hall of Fame The?SPMC?Hall?of?Fame?recognizes?and?honors?those?individuals?who? have?made?a?lasting?contribution?to?the?society?over?the?span?of?many?years.? Charles Affleck Walter Allan Doug Ball Joseph Boling F.C.C. Boyd Michael Crabb Martin Delger William Donlon Roger Durand C. John Ferreri Milt Friedberg Robert Friedberg Len Glazer Nathan Gold Nathan Goldstein James Haxby John Herzog Gene Hessler John Hickman William Higgins Ruth Hill Peter Huntoon Don Kelly Lyn Knight Chet Krause Allen Mincho Judith Murphy Chuck O?Donnell Roy Pennell Albert Pick Fred Reed Matt Rothert Neil Shafer Austin Sheheen Herb & Martha Schingoethe Hugh Shull Glenn Smedley Raphael Thian Daniel Valentine Louis Van Belkum George Wait D.C. Wismer From Your President Shawn Hewitt 4 Editor Sez Benny Bolin 5 Uncoupled Joe Boling & Fred Schwann 56 Quartermaster Column Michael McNeil 66 Cherry Pickers Column Robert Calderman 68 Obsolete Corner Robert Gill 70 New Members Frank Clark 74 2020 Paper Money Index Terry Bryan 75 Stacks Bowers Galleries IFC Pierre Fricke 1 Fred Bart 20 Vern Potter 20 ANA 21 Lyn Knight 28 Bob Laub 31 Kagins 43 Jim Ehrhardt 60 Higgins Museum 60 FCCB 60 Denly's of Boston 72 DBR Currency 72 PCDA 81 Heritage Auctions OBC Paper Money * Jan/Dec 2021 * Whole No. 331 2 No F.U.N.? Join the SPMC on ZOOM Due to the unfortunate cancellation of Winter FUN, the board of directors of the SPMC are planning a business meeting followed by an array of educational seminar presentations. Tentative planned for Saturday February 27, 2021 More details to follow on the webpage so check the webpage often for updates. Tentative partial speaker list includes ? Wendell Wolka ? Pierre Fricke ? Robert Calderman ? Shawn Hewitt ? Benny Bolin Paper Money * Jan/Dec 2021 * Whole No. 331 3 Officers & Appointees ELECTED OFFICERS PRESIDENT Shawn Hewitt shawn@shawnhewitt.com VICE-PRES. Robert Vandevender II rvpaperman@aol.com SECRETARY Robert Calderman gacoins@earthlink.net TREASURER Bob Moon robertmoon@aol.com BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mark Anderson mbamba@aol.com Robert Calderman gacoins@earlthlink.net Gary J. Dobbins g.dobbins@sbcglobal.net Matt Drais Stockpicker12@aol.com Pierre Fricke pierrefricke@buyvintagemoney.com Loren Gatch lgatch@uco.edu Steve Jennings sjennings@jisp.net William Litt Billlitt@aol.com J. Fred Maples maples@comcast.net Cody Regennitter cody.regennitter@gmail.com Wendell A. Wolka purduenut@aol.com APPOINTEES PUBLISHER-EDITOR Benny Bolin smcbb@sbcglobal.net ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka purduenut@aol.com LEGAL COUNSEL Megan Regennitter mreginnitter@iowafirm.com LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman jeff@actioncurrency.com MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark frank_spmc@yahoo.com IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Pierre Fricke WISMER BOOK PROJECT COORDINATOR Pierre Fricke From Your President Shawn Hewitt 2IILFHUV $SSRLQWHHV (/(&7('2)),&(56 35(6,'(17?6KDZQ+HZLWW VKDZQ#VKDZQKHZLWWFRP 9,&(35(6,'(17? 5REHUW9DQGHYHQGHU,, UYSDSHUPDQ#DROFRP 6(&5(7$5