Paper Money - Vol. LX - No. 5 - Whole #335 - Sep/Oct 2021

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Table of Contents

The End of Silver Certificates--Peter Huntoon

William Fraser White--Charles Derby

Plate Letter Placement Glitches--Doug Murray and Peter Huntoon

Color Watermarks from Domtar--Roland Rollins

William D. Nutt--Nick Bruyer

Robert Dowd: Currency as Art--Rick Melamed

The Numismatic Side of the Siege of Mafeking--Steve Feller

official journal of The Society of Paper Money Collectors This Issue Dedicated to Fred Reed LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM Consign Your U.S.and World Paper Money to STACK?S BOWERS GALLERIES 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ? 800.458.4646 470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 ? 800.566.2580 ? ? California ? New York ? New Hampshire ? Oklahoma ? Hong Kong ? Paris SBG BNR AucSol 210716 America?s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer For decades Stack?s Bowers Galleries has been a market leader in United States and world paper money. In 2021, our strong prices realized have made headlines at every turn. Whether you have an entire cabinet or just a few duplicates, our experts are just a phone call away and ready to assist you with realizing top dollar for your currency. Let us share our success with you! Fr. 167a. 1863 $100 Legal Tender Note. PCGS Banknote Choice Uncirculated 63. Realized $264,000 Fr. 376. 1891 $50 Treasury Note. PMG Extremely Fine 40 EPQ. Realized $156,000 Cincinnati, Ohio. $100 1875. Fr. 460. The Metropolitan NB. Charter #2542. PMG About Uncirculated 55. Realized $144,000 Fr. 2221-K. 1934 $5000 Federal Reserve Note. Dallas. PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ. Realized $180,000 PANAMA. Republica de Panama. 10 Balboas, 1941. P-24a. PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ. Realized $48,000 CHINA--FOREIGN BANKS. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank. 25 Dollars, 1907. P-S296s. Specimen. PMG Choice Very Fine 35. Realized $33,600 CANADA. Royal Canadian Bank. 2 Dollars, 1865. CH #635-10-04-06. PMG Very Fine 25. Realized $30,000 ISRAEL. Anglo-Palestine Bank Limited. 50 Palestine Pounds, ND (1948-51). P-18. Very Fine. Realized $25,200 Official Auction Winter Whitman Coin Expo Baltimore, Maryland ? November 2021 Official Auction N.Y.I.N.C Show New York City ? January 2022 Contact Us Today About Consigning to an Upcoming Paper Money Auction West Coast 800.458.4646 East Coast 800.566.2580 a_oM_om            W?????&??????????? ??? ^??????? ?????????>????d?????????????????K???????D????? 32%R[6DQ$QWRQLR7;SLHUUHIULFNH#EX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRPZZZEX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRP $QGPDQ\PRUH&6$8QLRQDQG2EVROHWH%DQN1RWHV IRU VDOH UDQJLQJ IURPWRILYHILJXUHV 341 The End of Silver Certificates?Peter Huntoon William Fraser White?Charles Derby Plate Letter Placement Glitches?Doug Murray & Peter Huntoon William D. Nutt?Nick Bruyer The Numismatic Side of the Siege of Mafeking?Steve Feller Color Watermarks from Domtar?Roland Rollins SPMCAwards Robert Dowd; Currency as Art?Rick Melamed 356 364 328 350 352 372 396 Paper Money * Sep/Oct 2021 * Whole No. 335 321 Contents, Advertisers, Hall of Fame Columns Advertisers SPMC Hall of Fame The SPMC Hall of Fame recognizes and honors those individuals who have made a lasting contribution to the society over the span of many years.? Charles Affleck Walter Allan Doug Ball Joseph Boling F.C.C. Boyd Michael Crabb Forrest Daniel Martin Delger William Donlon Roger Durand C. John Ferreri Milt Friedberg Robert Friedberg Len Glazer Nathan Gold Nathan Goldstein James Haxby John Herzog Gene Hessler John Hickman William Higgins Ruth Hill Peter Huntoon Don Kelly Lyn Knight Chet Krause Allen Mincho Clifford Mishler Judith Murphy Dean Oakes Chuck O?Donnell Roy Pennell Albert Pick Fred Reed Matt Rothert Herb & Martha Schingoethe Hugh Shull Glenn Smedley Raphael Thian Daniel Valentine Louis Van Belkum George Wait D.C. Wismer From Your President Robert Vandevender 323 Editor Sez Benny Bolin 324 Uncoupled Joseph E. Boling & Fred Schwan 325 Chump Change Loren Gatch 380 380 Obsolete Corner Robert Gill 387 Cherry Pickers Corner Robert Calderman 388 Quartermaster Column Michael McNeil 390 New Members Frank Clark 393 IFC 385 321 385 340 386 348 392 355 392 371 401 Stacks Bowers Galleries Pierre Fricke Lyn F. Knight PCGS Richard Whitmire Jim Ehrhardt Denly's DBR Currency 379 Fred Bart FCCB ANA Higgins Museum Bob Laub PCDA Heritage Auctions OBC 379 Fred Schwan Neil Shafer Paper Money * Sep/Oct 2021 * Whole No. 335 322 Officers & Appointees ELECTED OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert Vandevender II VICE-PRES/SEC'Y Robert Calderman TREASURER Robert Moon BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mark Anderson Robert Calderman Gary Dobbins Matt Drais Mark Drengson Pierre Fricke Loren Gatch William Litt J. Fred Maples Cody Regennitter Wendell Wolka APPOINTEES PUBLISHER-EDITOR Benny Bolin ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell Wolka LEGAL COUNSEL Megan Reginnitter LIBRAIAN Jeff Brueggeman MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Shawn Hewitt WISMER BOOk PROJECT COORDINATOR Pierre Fricke From Your President Robert Vandevender II 2IILFHUV $SSRLQWHHV (/(&7('2)),&(56 35(6,'(17?6KDZQ+HZLWW VKDZQ#VKDZQKHZLWWFRP 9,&(35(6,'(17? 5REHUW9DQGHYHQGHU,, UYSDSHUPDQ#DROFRP 6(&5(7$5