Paper Money - Vol. VI, No. 3 - Whole No. 23 - Summer 1967

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11-3 {).3 11.3 _r...s French Point, Mo., July let, IS62. 4 le • ," I .3Due the Bearer Vt. a • raa• ) (25 e 4r. f -sr Aes 14441,0' • — 4 ',II -I r WHEN PRESENTED IN SUMS OF Ea3 /143P„.7t 7 ${0, $20 or $50, , Tontedtrate anon Merchant's scrip from French Point, 31o., 1862. Ste article on its multiple redemp- tion on Page 73. VOL. 6 1967 No. 3 Whole No. 23 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF Cociety cif Papep litehey Collectem © 1967 by The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc. itozxxxxy. r. .smcma.,r. any.•o cm.a., rar:xxxxxx.:. Paper litehq DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF CURRENCY a 4 -.4.. ...!?7, .9 ,C7 1-17' _ I ■■ l .t. . . ' . It : I.Itt P .t '. e*. x. , i(■,,I > t,..,,u, k?) \ . ,_, , ,,1, ,Lsi,,t, , <, .. 14z- ---xf t ' C!P""•,- T. R. LIVINGST():\ & ( ti..., ___ , •....,,,,,..../Neow, "...- .........* RESPONSIRP KNOWLEDGE PROFESSION NUMISMIITISts %ulio•INc. lichee's, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 U. S. SMALL SIZE NOTES All Superb, Crisp Unc. if not otherwise stated. # Indicates margin trifle close. If y1111 haven't tried Bebee's "Pedigreed Notes," there's a Pleasant Surprise awaiting you. $1 SILVER CERT. 201-1 1928 AU $6 12.95 201-2 1928A AU $5 8.95 201-3 1928B AU $5 11.95 201-4 1928C Write 201-5 1928D $175# 179.00 201-6 1928E Wtd. Write 201-7 1934 $7.50# 8.95 201-8 1935 10.50 201-9 1935A AU $2 3.65 201-10 1935B AU $5 8.95 201-11 1935C AU $2 4.50 201-12W 1935D Wide 4.50 201-12N 19351) Narrow 3.75 201-13 1935E 2.95 201-14 1957 2.25 201-11 1935E 2.50 201-16 1957A 2.25 201-17 19350 2.25 201-18 1935G Motto 3.25 201-19 1957B 2.25 201-20 193511 2.50 Above Last 10 24.95 RED "R" & "S" ISSUE I3201, S201 Gem Pair 145.00 Another Pair # 127.75 $5 SILVER CERT. 203-3 1934B 57.50 205-5 1934D 14.95 205-4 1934C 17.50 Auto. by Georgia Neese Clark 25.75 201-6 1953 11.95 205-8 1953B $7.50# 8.50 205-1 1934 AU $10 18.50 205-2 1934A AU $9 14.95 205-7 1953A Star $10 8.95 102-1 102.-6 102-8 102-9 10_-2 102-3 102-4 102-5 102-7 102-10$10 SILVER CERT. 102-11 102-12210-1 1933 Wanted Write 102-13210-2 1934 AU $16 34.75 102-14210-3 1934A 29.00 210-4 1934B Wanted Write 210-5 1934C 22.50 210-6 1934D 19.50 210-7 1953 29.00 210-8 1953A 25.75 210-9 1953B $21# 24.50 1 $1 LEGAL TENDER 105 105 - 2 101-1 1928 $22.50# 27.50 105-3 Low # under 5,000 27.95#, Nice 32.50 105-4 105-5 It,5-6 105-7 7.95 10;-0 65.00 105-9 33.50 100-10 Wanted 105-11 Write 105-12 Wanted 105-13 $2 LEGAL TENDER 1928 43.50 192SA Wanted Write 192813 Wanted Write 1928C $15# 21.50 1920D $13# 16.95 1920E 24.75 192SF $11# 16.00 1928G 7.95 1953 5.95 1953A 5.65 1953B 4.25 1953C No Mot. 3.25 1963 Motto 2.95 1963A 3.25 $5 LEGAL TENDER 1928 AU $11 19.95 1928E EF $15 59.00 1928B AU $11 25.95 1928(1 19.00 19281) Wanted 1928E AU $9 18.00 1928F 17.50 1953 14.95 1953A 11.95 19 ■313 8.95 1953C No Motto 7.95 1963 Motto 6.25 1963A Wtd. HAWAIIAN ISSUE 11201 1935A $6.75# nice .... HSO5-1 1934 $5 NORTH AFRICA 11505-2 1934A $5 A201 1935A $1 12.95 11510 1934A $10 A205-2 1934A $5 19.50 11520-1 1934 $20 F-U A210-2 1934A $10 32.50 11520-2 1934A $20 $1.00 FEDERAL RESERVE SETS 19(58 Granahan-Dillon, 1963A Granahan-Fowler Either Set. Complete Sets (12) Superb Crisp Une. Set 2# mateh Complete Set, all 12 Districts $14.75 $15.75 Complete Set, all "Stars," 12 Districts 18.75 21.75 Both Sets - on all 48 Notes, the last 2 # match, Just a few in stock. Single Notes, any Dist. $1.50, "Stars." each ....$1.90 INVESTMENT SPECIALS Closing out remaining Sets at these Bargain 1'rices-Sept., Oct. only 1963 G-D Set (12); 10 Sets only $139.75, "Stars" 169.75 1963A G-F Set (12); 10 Sets only $137.75, "Stars" 166.95 LAY-AWAY PURCHASES All of the Above Items may be purchased on our Convenient Lay-Away Purchase Plan ($100.00 Minimum no Carrying Charge). Initial Payment 10%, and 10% each month for remaining 9 months. Items will be packaged and held in our Large ADT (former North Side Bank) Vault and will be shipped upon receipt of Final Payment. Hundreds are taking advantage of this Proven Method of Buying Notes! How about you? IMPORTANT BOOKS -- POSTPAID Your Name in Gold Free, if desired. Improve your "Numismatic I. Q." and add much Pleasure and Profit to your Hobby! How? By buying the Best Standard Works from Bebee's, as thousands the World over do. Send 50c for Supply Catalogue listing over 450 Books (Free with Book Order). "The Early Paper Money of America" (Newman) 15.00 "Banknotes of the World" (Sten): Volume I (Aden thru China) 200 pages 7.50 Volume II-expected in October 7.00 Vols. III and IV later this year-write for Publication date and Prices. "Paper Money of the United States" New 6th Edition 12.50 "Guide Book of Modern U. S. Currency" (Shafer). New 2nd Edition 1.95 "Catalogue of U. S. Small Size Paper Aloney" (Donlon). New 4th Edition 1.10 "North American Currency" (Criswell). Special Sept.-Oct. only ($15.00) 11.95 "Descriptive History of National Bank Notes 1863-1935" (Dillisten) 5.95 "World War II Axis Military Currency" (Toy & Meyer) 2.50 "World War II Allied Military Currency" (Toy) 2.00 "State Bank Notes of Michigan" (Bowen) ($12.50) Thru Oct. only 9.95 "Depression Scrip of the United States" (Happen & Mitchell) 7.10 "Dictionary of Paper Money" (Muscalus). New revised Edition 2.95 "United States & Foreign Encased Stamps" (Slabaugh) 1.10 "Catalogue of World Transportation Tokens and Passes Except North America' (Smith) 5.00 Minimum Order $5.00 (except Books). Buy "Where you get the Best for Less"-at Bebee's (where else) ! If not already a "Bebee Booster" how about a Trial Order now. Both Sets. all 24# match $30.95 41.95 67.75 Papas titenel VOL. 6 NO. 3 THIRD QUARTER 1967 WHOLE NO. 23 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS Editor Barbara R. Mueller, 523 E. Linden Dr., Jefferson, Wis. 53549 Research Consultant, Obsolete Currency Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun Direct only manuscripts and advertising matter to Editor. Direct all other correspondence about membership affairs, address changes, and back numbers of Paper Money to the Secretary, Vernon L. Brown, 7178 E. Tropical Way, Plantation, Fla. 33314 Membership in the Society of Paper Money Collectors, including a subscription to Paper Money, is available to all interested and responsible collectors upon proper application to the Secretary and payment of a $4 fee. Entered as second-class matter July 31, 1967, at the Post Office at Anderson, S. C. 29621 with additional mailing privileges at Federalsburg, Md. 21632, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Non-member Subscription, $5.00 a year. Published quarterly. ADVERTISING RATES One Time Yearly Outside Rear Cover $37.50 $140.00 Inside Front & Rear Cover 35.00 130.00 Full Page 30.00 110.00 Half Page 17.50 60.00 Quarter Page 10.00 35.00 Schedule for 1967 Advertising Publication Deadline Date Issue No. 24 Nov. 15, 1967 Dec. 15, 1967 CONTENTS Single Presentations of Female Allegories on United States Currency, by Howard W Parshall 71 Almost Identical Notes, by Paul A. Reardon 72 Multiple Redemption of Merchant's Scrip, by Maurice M. Burgett 73 Notes with Altered Serial Numbers Appearing on Market 74 Muled Varieties of Small Size Notes. by Peter Huntoon 75 The $2 U. S. Note Is Now Dead, by Hirsh N. Schwartz 75 Collectors of Paper Money in the 18th and 19th Centuries, by Dr. Arnold Keller 76 Record Keeping for Paper Money Collectors 78 Bank Notes Engraved by Harrisons in the United States, by William J. Harrison 79 Some Thoughts on Mounting and Display, by Richard D. Palmer 84 The Microscopic Pantograph, by Forrest W. Daniel 85 A Review: Encased Postage Stamps U. S. and Foreign 85 DeWitt Clinton Notes, by M. H. Loewenstern 86 An 18th Century Note of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, by Alfredo P. Marcon 87 The Signatures on Our Currency, by Hirsch N. Schwartz 88 First Malaysian Bank Notes, by Jerome H. Remick 88 A Federal Reserve Ncte Puzzle, by M. H. Loewenstern 89 A Two-State National Bank, No. 1893, by Louis Van Belkum 89 Auction Prices Realized 90 A Review: World War II Axis Military Currency 91 Massachusetts Wismer Reprint Nearing Completion 94 Current Currency in Albania 94 THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS, INC. The Trading Post 83 SPMC Member Suffers Robbery 89 Neil Shafer Wins Gold Award for New Guide Book 91 From the Library 91 Secretary's Report 92 Cociety o( Paper money Collector44 OFFICERS President George W. Wait, Box 165, Glen Ridge, N. J. 07028 Vice-President William P. Donlon, Box 144, Utica, N. Y. 13503 Secretary Vernon L. Brown, 7178 E. Tropical Way, Plantation, Fla. 33314 Treasurer I. T. Kopicki, 5088 S. Archer Ave., Chicago, Iii. 60632 APPOINTEES-1967-68 Librarian Earl Hughes Attorney Ellis Edlow BOARD OF GOVERNORS-1967-68 Thomas C. Bain, William P. Donlon, Harley L. Freeman, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M. Gould, Warren S. Henderson, Alfred D. Hoch, Richard T. Hoober, Morris Loewenstern, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Matt Rothert, Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. 0. Warns. Important Notice Paper Money Is A Copyrighted Publication =• No article originally appearing in this publication, or part thereof or condensa- ▪ tion of same, can be reprinted elsewhere without the express permission of the Editor. Although your Officers recognize the publicity value to the Society of occasional re- g. prints. they cannot allow indiscriminate use of the material from PAPER MONEY in other publications even when condoned by the author. Therefore. authors should contact the Editor for permission to reprint their work elsewhere and to make ar- rangements for copyrighting their work in their own names. if desired. Only in this way can we maintain the integrity of PAPER MONEY and our contributors. 1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117 WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 71 Single Presentations of Female Allegories on United. States Currency By Howard W. Parshall Female allegory engraved in 1901 for the $10 United States Note, series 1901. United States currency between the years 1861 and 1929 is replete with male and female allegorical figures, early American scenes, popular works of art and designs of the American eagle. This article is designed to call attention to a single portion of this rich and attractive ornateness which is a part of our paper money history. Each note which presents a full view of a single female allegory is herein briefly described and listed. Every type, denomination. and series of currency is examined with the exception of the Compound Interest Treasury Notes and Fractional Currency. Single female allegories do not appear on Silver Certi- ficates, Treasury (Coin) Notes, or Gold Certificates of any denomination or series. On Federal Reserve Bank Notes, series 1918, and Federal Reserve Notes, series 1914, the same allegory (figure of Panama between two ships) appears on the $50 note on the back. With the above exception, these single allegories appear exclu- sively on the Demand Notes, Legal Tender Notes and National Bank Notes. The appearance or absence of these allegories reflects changes in the engraving art over a hundred year period. Each of the Demand Notes of 1861 presents a single fe- male allegory on the front. With the appearance of the Legal Tender Notes in 1862, the newly introduced de- nominations ($1, $2, $50, $100, $500. and $1,000) failed to present a single allegorical figure. However. when these notes were redesigned in 1869, single female alle- gories appeared on three denominations ($20, $50, and $500). With the exception of the redesigned $500 Legal Tender Note of 1874, all single female presentations ap- pear on notes engraved in the 1860's. The other type of United States currency replete with single female allegories is the National Bank Notes. Of those engraved and first issued in 1863, as the original series, four denominations ($2, $10, $100, and $500) present single female allegories. Every allegory we have presented up to this point ap- pears only on the front of the notes. With the one ex- ception noted (1874), single female allegories do not appear on notes engraved between 1869 and 1901. From 1901 to 1914, five allegories appear on four types (Legal Tender Notes, National Bank Notes, Federal Reserve Bank Notes and Federal Reserve Notes), three denomina- tions ($10, $20 and $50) and four series (1901, 1902, 1914 and 1918) of currency. These allegories appear only on the back of these notes. Allegorical figures and scenes do not appear on cur- rent size notes of any denomination or series. Denomi- Type nation Demand Series Notes $5 1861 Legal Tender Notes $5 1862 Legal Tender Notes $5 1863 Demand Notes $10 1861 Legal Tender Notes $10 1862 Legal Tender Notes $10 1863 Demand Notes $20 1861 Legal Tender Notes $20 1862 Legal Tender Notes l20 1863 Legal Tender Notes $10 1901 Legal Tender Notes $20 1869 Legal Tender Notes $20 1875 Design Description I. Statue of Columbia on top of U. S. Capitol Statue of Columbia on top of U. S. Capitol Statue of Columbia on top of U. S. Capitol 2. Female representing Art Female representing Art Female representing Art 3. Liberty holding sword and shield Liberty holding sword and shield Liberty holding sword and shield 4. Female between columns 5. Victory advancing hold- ing shield and sword Victory advancing hold- ing shield and sword IPACit , 72 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 Victory advancing hold- ing shield and sword Victory advancing hold- ing shield and sword 6. Female holding Statue of Mercury 7. Female holding sword and balances 8. Female in foreground of battlefield Female in foreground of battlefield Female in foreground of battlefield Female in foreground of battlefield 9. Female holding American flag Female holding American flag 10. Female, representing Lib- erty, soaring on eagle Female, representing Lib- erty, soaring on eagle Female, representing Lib- erty, soaring on eagle II. Liberty by Fasces Liberty by Fasces Liberty by Fasces 12. Female representing the Spirit of Navy Female representing the Spirit of Navy 13. Female holding Fasces and shield 14. Female holding Fasces and torch 15. Female figu re seated, train passing in back- ground 16. Figure of Panama be- tween two ships Figure of Panama be- tween two ships a. The Federal Reserve Bank seal to the left of Washington's portrait b. The Federal Reserve district numbers in the four "corners" c. Usually, but not necessarily, the obverse and reverse plate numbers. To date, I have been able to match only two notes of a given set. These are: $1 FRN 1963 Stars 1963 Regulars F00006634* E31111113A J00006634* J31111113A Another way of collecting matched serial numbers is to seek two notes of the same district but of different series. In this category I have: $1 FRN-D4 1963 D00004210A 1 FRN-D4 1963-A D00004210A These notes are a step up in the "almost identical" cate- gory, since the bank seal and district numbers are the same. The differences are: a. The series designation b. The signature of the Secretary of the Treasury c. The obverse and reverse plate numbers I also have two additional $1 FRN's with serial number 00004210A-a 1963 Minneapolis (I-9) and a 1963-A Philadelphia (C-3). The differences between the four- some are, of course, a combination of all those previously mentioned. Quite a bit further along the road to identicality are a pair of Series 1957-A $1 Silver Certificates: L96096096A N96096096A Here, the only differences are: a. The prefix letter of the serial numbers 1914 b. The obverse and reverse plate numbers Legal Tender Notes $20 1878 Legal Tender Notes $20 1880 Legal Tender Notes $50 1869 Legal Tender Notes $500 1869 Legal Tender Notes $500 1874 Legal Tender Notes $500 1875 Legal Tender Notes $500 1878 Legal Tender Notes $500 1880 National Bank Notes $2 Original National Bank Notes $2 1875 National Bank Notes $10 Original National Bank Notes $10 1875 National Bank Notes $10 1882- All issues National Bank Notes $100 Original National Bank Notes $100 1875 National Bank Notes $100 1882- All issues National Bank Notes $500 Original National Bank Notes $500 1875 National Bank Notes $10 1902- All issues National Bank Notes $20 1902- All issues National Bank Notes $50 1902- All issues Federal Reserve Bank Notes $50 1918 Federal Reserve Notes $50 REFERENCE Robert Friedberg, Paper Money of the United States, (Fifth Edition), The Coin and Currency Institute, Inc., New York, 1964. Almost Identical Notes By Paul A. Reardon Since the release of the $1 Federal Reserve Notes in the fall of 1963, many currency collectors, both old and new, have been turning to the collection of low serial number notes. As these notes became more and more available from the different districts, a fascinating side- line developed—that of trying to match the serial num- bers of a set. While notes matched by serial numbers in this way exhibit quite a number of readily apparent differences, they can still form a starting point for a discussion of "almost identical" notes. The differences in this case would be: To the uninitiated, these notes begin to appear identical, designation and the signatures are the same on both since the remainder of the serial numbers, the series notes, as are the smaller sheet position letters and quadrant number (upper left). A coin dealer to whom I showed this pair—needless to say, he did not specialize in currency—said at first glance that they must be counterfeits. The cream of the "almost identical" crop in my collection is a pair of $10 FRN's, Kansas City, Series 1963 J00000050A, and J00000050* The only difference between these two notes is the suffix after the serial number-A on one; * on the other. The signatures, series designation, Federal Reserve Bank seal and district numbers, obverse and reverse plate numbers and sheet position letters and quadrant number are all the same on both notes. I believe this is as "identical" as two notes can ever get - legally. (Correspondence is cordially invited with anyone who has matching numbers to those mentioned in this article.) aWHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 73 Multiple Redemption of Merchant's Scrip By Maurice M. Burgett 2.raG.:; _ French Point, Mo., July let, 1862. Due the Bearer P,44 4i) it WREN PRESENTED IN SUMS OP $10, $20 or $50. n Tonftderatt rontp„ & 'Um, Cs). ?‘A., kJ; At T. R. LIVINGSTON CU. An intriguing piece of merchant's scrip, of which only two examples are known to exist, may serve to give to the casual observer of today a glimpse into the com- mercial practices of rural America a century ago. This note, of the unusual denomination of $1.25, was issued by one T. R. Livingston at the frontier hamlet of French Point, Missouri, on July 1, 1862, and is inscribed "Re- deemable in Confederate currency, when the sum of 10, 20, or 50 dollars is presented." French Point was actually little more than the store operated by Mr. Livingston, who, in partnership with his brother-in-law, William Parkinson, also owned a lead mine and smelter in addi- tion to the mercantile enterprise. Located in Jasper County, Missouri, French Point later became a busy mining town with the appropriate name of Minersville, finally becoming Oronogo, which is the name it bears today. The note itself is rather crude in appearance and was very likely prepared by some newspaper publishing con- cern in the vicinity. To judge from its denomination, it was probably only one of several values issued, al- though no other denominations have appeared at the time of this writing. However, an unusual feature of the note is the inscribed statement that it could be re- deemed not only at French Point or at the headquarters of the issuer, but also at another store within the boundaries of the Cherokee Nation, over a hundred miles to the southwest! This store was owned by Joel Mayes Bryant, a well- read, self-educated Cherokee who had come to the Indian country in the early thirties with a small band of tribes- men who wished to move as far as possible from the white man. In time, Mr. Bryant's store became the nucleus of a small community which was given the name "Coo-Y-Yah" and was later re-named Pryor Creek. It is today a prosperous small city called Pryor and boasts a population of over eight thousand persons. Incidentally, Mayes County, of which Pryor is the county seat, was named for Joel Mayes Bryant. The reason for the aforementioned redemption pro- vision becomes obvious when we remember that the rural southwest was, at this time, an area in which very little money could be found in circulation. What currency existed was mostly in the form of due bills or scrip notes issued by traders and storekeepers. As a means of alleviating this critical shortage of a circulating medium, many merchants redeemed each other's scrip. The issu- ing merchants would, at a later time, either exchange notes which had been redeemed or would give the re- deemer supplies for them, so it is evident that this practice was a down-to-earth method of making the available money do double or even triple duty. In one known instance, six different stores located in three states redeemed each other's paper in this manner, printing on the notes the names and locations of all members of the combine in order to facilitate redemption. This was a far cry from the unscrupulous parties who issued "wildcat" paper in the thirties in the hope that it would never be presented for redemption. These honest frontier merchants realized that their business success depended, to a great extent, upon the value of their notes and took every possible precaution to make them literally "as good as gold." The fact that only a small number of these notes is known to exist today can be considered evidence that almost all such issues were redeemed and destroyed, and most of the surviving specimens are in well-worn condition. It is, of course, impossible to determine how many of the early storekeepers issued these "multiple- redemption" notes, but at this time only four Indian Territory merchants are known to have engaged in the practice. In addition to Bryant, they are: F. H. Nash of Fort Gibson: J. P. Kingsbury of Boggy Depot and Doaks- v ille: and B. F. Epperson, who was located in the Chictaw Nation near the Texas border. To the numis- matist who is interested in research, the writer can recommend the field here briefly touched upon as a fascinating one, which should prove rewarding in pro- portion to the time expended. II'All**11)911T,1111111:94 !!!■,, - w_tetwomvpikomixintomil A0000092 .* N'....11,11,T.N.J , I , qua. vxiv rev= te. NI11,111... nivwxwn „ MINICDNATIAAailt ‘vorcamowasualzijaimowww. , 4r24.1 1,7 tw3 C[0,11,1ES 71.1.1 . 7 NE. nOtts VCI.P570 10•114e .1!,1111JAVOi1111141TNI 1111))54',EV OVANititlekg s A0000000611 ONE SilIGIGIE111DOLIALIetr` ,-• PArmisac Irovnw Nut:Aurae 11111KNIAND PAGE 74 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 Notes with Altered Serial Numbers Appearing on Market Allegedly altered one dollar United States Note series of 1928, believed to have been altered from serial number A00000920A. It is possible to detect a difference in the shape of the first five "zeroes" when com- pared with the sixth. Also, the plate position "B" is incorrect for serial number A0000002OA. Second allegedly altered bill to appear recently is this one dollar Silver Certificate series of 1928. Note the difference in the shape of the fifth and sixth (altered) "zero." Plate position L is also incorrect for serial number A00000006A. The reverse of t he altered one dollar United States Note series of 1928, showing plate number 2. Low numbered back plates were not used in the production of this issue in 1933, and the position of this number indicates it was the first numeral in a four-digit plate number. WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 75 $50 1934A (*), 1934B (*), 1934C (*), 1934D (*) 1950 (*) $100 1934, 1934A, 1934B, 1934C, 1934D, 1950 SPMC member-dealer Thomas B. Ross of Norwalk, Conn., has released to numismatic publications informa- tion about a U. S. Note and a U. S. Silver Certificate that have altered serial numbers. The former is a one dollar "red seal," with the incorrect back plate number "2." Its position is also incorrect, indicating that it originally was the first numeral of a four-digit number. The serial number A00000020A was altered from a three- digit number, probably A00000920A. Moreover, the plate position is B instead of H, as it should be before the 20A number. The Silver Certificate series 1928 (Tate-Mellon) has the serial number A00000006A altered from A00000996A and the face plate position L. If it really were A00000006A, the face plate position would have been F instead of L. In both instances, the altered numerals do not re- semble the genuine oval "zeroes" used on the Bureau's numbering machines. Muled Varieties of Small Size Notes By Peter Huntoon A muled note has been defined as any note having micro plate numbers on the obverse and legible plate numbers on the reverse, or legible numbers on the ob- verse and micro numbers on the reverse. The difference between micro and legible plate numbers can be seen by comparing the size of the numerals used on any $1 1928 or 1934 with those used on any $1 1957 or 1963. If the size of the plate numbers is the same on both the obverse and reverse, the notes are considered normal or non-muled. For more information regarding the cause of muled notes, see Hutchins (PAPER MONEY: Vol. 1, No. 4) or Huntoon (PAPER MONEY: Vol. 6, No. 2). Below is a revised list of the series that contain muled varieties. The underlined issues, if muled, have micro obverse plate numbers and legible reverse numbers. The remaining issues contain muled varieties with legible ob- verse plate numbers and micro reverse numbers. An asterisk following a series indicates that all notes of that issue were muled. LEGAL TENDER NOTES $2 1928D $5 1928B, 1928C, 1928E SILVER CERTIFICATES $1 1935, 1935A $5 1934, 1934A, 1934B, 1934C $10 1934, 1934 yellow seal (*), 1934A FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES (not all districts issued all varieties) $5 1934, 1934 Hawaii, 1934A, 1934B, 1934C $10 1934, 1934A $20 1934, 1934 Hawaii (*), 1934A , The following collectors would appreciate your bring- ing to their attention any muled varieties you have that are not shown above. Rev. Frank Hutchins Peter Huntoon 924 West End Ave. P. 0. Box 4051 New York, N. Y. 10025 Tucson, Arizona 85717 As more information becomes available on muled varie- ties in Federal Reserve Notes, we will try to tabulate them by district. The $2 U. S. Note Is Now Dead By Hirsh N. Schwartz The first $2 U. S. Legal Tender Note was authorized by an Act of Congress on July 11, 1862. None has been printed since June 30, 1965. The last note was signed by Kathryn O'Hay Granahan and Henry H. Fowler and was of the 1963-A series. Somehow or other the discontinuance of the $2 bill reminds me of the passing of an old friend who tried to serve his fellow man but just couldn't make the grade. Society just wouldn't let it in the door, in spite of the fact that it was called to our attention by the powers that be that we would have saved millions by using it. Instead of having to spend many $1 bills every time we made a purchase over a dollar, we could have used half as many notes with the $2 bills. Stop and think how many one dollar bills this would have saved. However, very few people would have it around be- cause of too many superstitious stories. Those who car- ried the $2 note would tear off one or more of its corners. Some connected the bill with the "devil" since the word "deuce" was on it. Some people were gullible enough to believe that having it around would be a forerunner to having twins in the family. Many other reasons were given to keep the curse of unpopularity on the bill. It was known as the "black sheep" of U. S. currency. Now suddenly the news comes that it is no more and everyone wants to remember the little fellow. Premiums were immediately announced upon its passing. Reminds me of the town critter in whom no one could see any good but he had more flowers at his funeral than a lead- ing citizen did. The Treasury announced with the pass- ing of the $2 bill that there were enough on hand to run well into 1967. However, if you contact the banks and various Federal Reserve Districts, you will receive the uniform answer, "Sorry, the S2 note is no more." Only a few tattered and worn out bills remain. May it rest in peace. Who knows, its ghost may some day appear in the form of the $2 Federal Reserve Note which has been authorized by a bill signed into law on June 4, 1963. but none has been printed thus far. Incidentally, it also was to bear the head of Thomas Jefferson. PAGE 76 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 Collectors of Paper Money in the 18th and 19th Centuries By Dr. Arnold Keller Comparatively speaking, American numismatists have always taken more interest in and accorded more respect to paper money than their European counterparts. While paper money came into usage on both continents at about the same time, in America it more quickly became an important part of the monetary system. It is only in the last few decades since the first World War and even more so since the second holocaust that European collec- tors have manisfested greater interest in paper money. Nevertheless there have been a few important collectors since the very inception of paper money. The first was AUGUST LUDWIG SCHLOEZER (1735-1809), a professor of theology, Oriental languages, geography and history at the University of Giittingen. He was also known as the father of statistical science. Numismatically significant was his work called "Staatsanzeigen" I memories about state affairs) published in the years 1774-93. In it is brought together information about current paper money in Denmark, Russia, and France and other European states. These notes were illustrated. In some instances, such as that of the Royal Prussian Bank 4 pound banco note, the illustrations provide the only source of informa- tion extant since the notes themselves have long since disappeared. A rather anonymous collector is known only as the engraver or printer Rance from the tables of French assignats that he published in 1796. At the same time the assignats were circulating, small notes were issued by merchants and municipalities to fill the void left by the disappearance of metal coinage. At least 6,000 varieties of these "billets de confiance" were issued and collected, for as early as 1834 a collector's list was printed and with each succeeding year more literature appeared. The first useful compilation of these local issues was published by a Frenchman, Capitaine ACHILLE COLSON in the Revue Franciase de Numismatique 1852. Although it is now out of date, no comprehensive replacement has appeared. A Prof. Lafaurie of the Sorbonne was work- ing on a new version before World War II but lost his manuscript in flight from the Nazis in 1940. The Colson collection, which formed the basis of the listing, was first sold to J. B. CHARVET. Then in 1883 it was sold at auction by P. Chevallier in Paris. The sale catalog mentioned 2,400 notes issued by 802 com- munities. Evidently the collection was sold in its entirety to E. COURIOT for 4,050 francs. The catalog of a collection belonging to a Mr. MAURIN dated Sept. 1, 1841, is mentioned in a publication by Mr. Montjean in 1932. Other French collectors were a Mr. SAUSSAYE, named in 1846 by E. Cartier, and M. LAGRENEE, a judge in Versailles who assisted Colson. Largest of the Billets de Confiance collections belonged to M. GENTIL-DES^ AMPS, a judge at Lille. His 6,000 small notes and complete series of assignats was the basis of the articles he wrote between 1847 and 1849. Follow- ing his death in 1862, a son Achille continued the collec- tion. Finally a son-in-law, HENRY DE BRUIJN of Rotter- dam, received it. He is known to have had it as late as 1913. His wife died the following year, and he passed away Dec. 15, 1921. In spite of his having 11 children, living mostly in Rotterdam, I have been unable to find a trace of the collection. Still another French collector was H. REYNARD- LESPINASSE who wrote about small notes in 1867 and did a history of the assignats in 1871. Parisian coin dealer CHARLES LOUIS VAN PETEGHEM (1827-91) published a "Guide pour l'amateur des Assignats." August Ludwig Schloezer Possible evidence for the existence of German collec- tors in the early 19th century is found in the following episode: During the occupation of the fortress Erfurt in 1813 the city issued 2, 3, 4, 8 and 12 groschen and 1, 2 and 5 taler notes. Two variations exist for all denomina- tions. Type I has no printer's name, while type II bears VIM Max Donebauer Franz Sedlakovich WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 77 the inscription "Gezeichnet, in Holz geschnitten and gedruckt von Joh. Immanuel Uckermann" (designed, en- graved in wood and printed by . . .). Some pioneer collectors believe that the type II was made at a later date for collectors, indicating that even then numismatists had items made to order. However, the notes with the name are now rarer than without, while an 1878 dealer's list indicates that the type II was really the first issue. At any rate, there is a better proof of public interest in paper money in the first half of the 19th century. Women of the time embroidered pillowcases with designs of paper money. One such case bears a reproduction of a Prussian one taler note of 1824. The sale of cases already stamped with the designs was widespread. It is said that a swindler once bought cattle from a naive peasant with the patterns for paper money embroideries! A sure indication of the existence of collectors is seen in the printed reproductions of German notes current in the 1860s. Twenty to 30 notes were decoratively printed on one sheet and framed under glass. I once tried to remove the paper for my collection but could not separate it from the glass. The 1848-49 period of issuance of small local notes in Austria and Hungary encouraged many collectors. An inflationary period caused by poor harvests, high military expenses and a revolution drove gold and silver coins from circulation and even minor coins were hoarded. Thus municipal authorities and merchants issued small notes to take their place; eventually there were more than a thousand different from 400 places. The first sign of a collection of these is found in the auction catalog of the Gen. MARETICH DE RIV ALPON collection. The general died in 1861 and his collection was sold to three parties in Vienna in 1863-64. DR. WILHELM SCHLESINGER, one of the buyers, specialized in revolution commemorative coinage pieces and traveled widely to augment his collection. It, in turn, was dispersed in 1894 by the Viennese dealer Cubasch. Freiherr von Helfert Information about Schlesinger comes from Jos F ALEXANDER FREIHERR VON HELFERT (1820-1910), an Austrian historian and minister. He wrote abo the paper money of the Eger region in the Nu smatic Journal of Vienna 1874/5 (pp. 230-353). A contemporary was DR. ANTON TOBIAS, librarian of the city of Zittau. In an article about Bohemian notes of 1848, he told of seeing tables in rural inns on which framed collections of these notes were displayed. It would seem, then that it was customary to collect these notes in the decade following 1848. I have heard that the note printing firm of Franiek Bros. in Carlsbad used the remainders of the notes as wallpaper for a small pavilion in their garden. A well-known collector of the coins of Bohemia and Moravia, MAX DONEBAUER, also collected paper money. Donebauer, who was born in 1838 and operated the sta- tion restaurant in Prague, was famed as a numismatist as early as the 1860s. After his death in 1888, his brother Fritz catalogued and reproduced the notes in the collec- tion. It is believed that the entire collection was later sold to FRANZ SEDLAKOVICH. Like Donebauer, Sedlakovich was a member of the Vienna Numismatic Society (from which the photo- graphs shown here were obtained ). At one time he lived at Esseg (now Osijek) in Croatia. where he was in the lumber business. In 1894 he bought large quanti- ties of notes from the dealers Zschiecke and KOder in Leipzig, but the death of his wife evidently caused him to lose interest and he sold it all the same year. The catalog of the collection nowhere mentions his name. I was able to obtain it only through friends in Vienna who knew the numismatic history of those years. Two collectors obtained the greater part of the Sedlakovich accumulation, one of them at the end of his collecting career, the other at the beginning. The former was DR. ADOLF EHRENFELD, a Viennese banker who had collected since the 1870s. He exhibited at the Dr. Adolf Ehrenfeld Theodor Rohde PAGE 78 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 exposition of 1888 marking the 40th year of Franz Joseph's reign. The Emperor himself expressed great interest in the collection. As a result, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ordered its consulates in a letter of Aug. 30, 1889, to ask note-issuing banks in their districts to send specimens of their notes to Dr. Ehrenfeld. In spite of this unprecedented official aid, Dr. Ehrenfeld only gathered about five thousand notes. The last date of notes in the collection is 1893. Nothing more was heard of it until 1927, when his family pub- lished an 82-page catalog. Thereafter the collection was offered for sale and it was acquired for a bargain price by DR. V. HOSCHECK-MUHLHAIMB of Vienna, who already possessed a fine collection of modern notes. The ulti- mate fate of the collections is unknown, although it is believed that it was forcibly taken by the German Reichs- bank during World War II. The collector who bought part of the Sedlakovich col- lection at the start of his career was GEORGE PFLUMER of Hameln (1845-1922). His father was an inveterate collector of many objects, while the son collected stamps, coins, maps and books. He wrote extensively on the coinage of Hameln. While traveling on business, he started his note collection. He hoped to devote all his time to the collection after his retirement but eye prob- lems prevented this. I acted as agent in the sale of his collection to the MARQUESS OF BUTE in London. Un- fortunately it was destroyed there in a 1942 air raid. It contained about ten thousand specimens, which were listed in a catalog dictated by Pfliimer's daughter. How- ever, the list has many errors. Another famous Viennese collector was THEODOR ROHDE (1836-1912), director of the Austrian Dynamite Nobel Society. He began as a general coin collector and then specialized in the Byzantine series. After achieving near-completion, he sold the collection. He then turned to late Roman empire coins, especially those of the Emperor Aurelian. In 1900 he began collecting old Austrian notes and achieved near-completion here, also, publishing the results of his labors in the monthly journal of the Viennese Numismatic Society. Rohde himself sold the collection to a Hungarian, KOLOMAN V. UJHELY, who died shortly thereafter, leav- ing it to his three daughters. Disagreeing about its disposition, they divided it into three parts. The part containing the Austrian notes was sold to a Viennese dealer named Herrenfeld, who subsequently sold some to the coin cabinet in Vienna and some to a collector named FRANZ KOHLBERGER. The rest of the collection remained in Hungary, although 1,200 Bohemian notes of 1848 were sold to a collector in Brno, Czechoslovakia, in 1935, for only a thousand shillings. George Pfliimer Another Austrian collector was the dealer DR. WALLA, who specialized in the Bohemian notes. His collection was first sold to COL. V. MULLER-WANDAU and later to Mr. Kohlberger and myself. (To be continued.) Record Keeping for Paper Money Collectors SPMC member Raymond Rathjen has devised the fol- lowing record keeping set-up for his collection and com- mends it to others: On an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet punched for a three-ring binder, he marks off 30 lines running hori- zontally across the longer dimension. Then he marks in 15 columns with these headings: Ref. Book (Donlon, Friedberg, etc.) ; No.; Location; Denomination; Type; Series; Serial No.; Plate No. Front/Back; Date of Pur- chase; Cost; Seller; Condition; Remarks. Such records are especially useful for insurance purposes and can be varied to suit individual needs. itt../:(.../„/•'/,5 .77s )ofite— 1 .14 . 41/44,0-/-- or e/k4/• • ( oz. • 4 41.4.-, • /gee 1.-t. WHOLE NO. 28 Paper Money PAGE 79 Bank Notes Engraved by Harrisons in the United States By William J. Harrison Collectors of obsolete bank notes have various objec- tives. Some concentrate on the notes of one state; others collect only three-dollar bills; still others are interested principally in the portraits of famous persons shown on the notes. The late William H. Dillistin, at one time an officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was noted as a collector and authority on counterfeit, spurious and altered notes. Surely any reason for collecting is valid if it stimulates, entertains and educates the collector. In my particular case I was bitten by the genealogical bug one day while looking through one of my wife's family Bibles. I began to wonder about my own an- cestors, who they were, when they came to America, how they earned their living. To my amazement I discovered that the early Harrisons were a family of engravers, and my curiosity was sharply aroused when I learned that they engraved bank notes. Like other engravers of that period, the Harrisons produced practically everything else in the field of engraving including maps, portraits, illustrations, bookplates, title pages and stock certificates. But as bank note engravers the Harrisons continued through three generations, from 1794 to 1905, or just about one hundred and ten years. My advantage, or disadvantage, over some of my fellow collectors whose ancestors were artists, engravers or de- signers, was that I had no idea what was in store for me to discover. I had neither family diaries nor journals to guide me. But I did have the true enjoyment of digging out the facts myself. which was for me an educa- tion in the processes of original research. Now I can highly recommend making a collection and study of bank notes based on the work of any one engraver or firm of engravers. It is a rewarding and satisfying experience which can lead to other fields beyond the limits of numismatics. WILLIAM HARRISON, SR. According to Stauffer in his American Engravers Upon Copper and Steel, my ancestor William Harrison, Sr. came to Philadelphia in 1794 with several sons under an engagement to engrave for the Bank of Pennsylvania. His obituary in "Poulson's Advertiser" of October 19, 1803 begins: "Died on the 18th of the prevailing [yellow] fever Mr. William Harrison Sr., late engraver to many of the principal banks in the United States. . . ." In the Dreer Collection of the Pennsylvania Historical Society in Philadelphia a receipt signed by William Harrison, Sr., for engraving a bank note plate reads as follows: In spite of this evidence that he worked for the banks, I have yet to find a bank note bearing the imprint of William Harrison, Sr. as engraver. It is amusing that the conclusion of William Harrison, Sr.'s obituary ad- vertises his son William, Jr. . . . "while we regret the loss which science sustains by a deprivation of mature genius, we enjoy a satisfaction in being able to recom- mend to the patrons of the fine arts Mr. Harrison Jr.. an artist whose degree of execution as an engraver has raised him to a superior eminence in the line of his profession." William Harrison Sr. receipt for payment for engraving post note. Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23PAGE 80 The following chart shows the relationship of the Harrison engravers: During the time he lived and worked in Georgetown he was probably teaching his sons to engrave, since some II. William Harrison, Jr.— ca. 1780-ca. 1845 III. Chas. Peter Harrison 1783-1854 IV. Samuel Harrison 1789-1818 VI. David R. Harrison VII. Thos. F. Harrison ca. 1802-1870 VIII. Wm. F. Harrison ca. 1810-ca. 1880 IX. Charles Harrison 1813-1905I. William Harrison, Sr.— ca. 1750-1803 X. Milton Harrison V. Richard Granville Harrison— ca. 1818-ca. 1885 1793-1870 Xl. Virgil Harrison (Twin brother) WILLIAM HARRISON, JR. The name of William Harrison, Jr. as an engraver first appears along with that of his father on maps published in London in 1790, which were signed "W. H. and Harrison Junior sculp." His earliest work in this coun- try is the map of the State of New York in Mathew Carey's American Atlas of 1795, which is signed "Harri- son Junior sc." During his first years in the United States he worked with his father, but he was also asso- ciated in 1798, 1799 and 1800 with James Aiken in Philadelphia, with whom he collaborated in producing such outstanding works as the United States Naval Com- mission of that period. The earliest bank notes engraved and signed by William Harrison, Jr., so far as I know, are the first issue of notes of the Trenton, New Jersey Banking Company in 1805. The minutes of early directors' meetings of that bank describe the plates ordered as well as their cost. Indeed, many histories of old banks contain valuable information about their early issues of paper money, a source of data which should not be overlooked. William Harrison, Jr. continued to turn out a con- siderable amount of work in Philadelphia until September 1819, when he removed to Georgetown, D. C. Although he did some bank note work signed W. Harrison sc., Georgetown, D. C., he probably went there to fulfill some sort of contract or commission to engrave for the United States government, a possibility which is indicated by the numerous maps engraved for the Engineers Corps of the Army. One of his finest engravings of this period is the large and now rare MAP OF THE UNITED STATES INTENDING CHIEFLY TO EXHIBIT POST ROADS AND DISTANCES, by Abraham Bradley, which is imprinted, "Engraved and printed by W. Harrison, Georgetown, D. C." Abraham Bradley, Jr.. in addition to his position as Assistant Postmaster General, was President of the Union Bank of Georgetown, for which the first series of notes was engraved by William Harri- son, Jr. of the maps which have a Georgetown imprint are signed "Wm. Harrison and David R. Harrison." It is interest- ing to note that the name of William Harrison, Jr. first appeared on a map along with his father's signature, while that of David Richardson Harrison. eldest son of William, Jr., first appeared on a map which he helped his father to engrave. CHARLES PETER HARRISON Charles Peter Harrison, another son of William Harri- son, Sr., was born in London in 1783, and like his brothers was taught engraving by his father. Although the Harrisons were primarily engravers, they were also expert in printing from the copper plates which they engraved. Evidently Charles P. Harrison was the most proficient of the sons in this work, as the first listing of his name in the Philadelphia directory of 1806 describes him as a "copper plate printer." Many of the bank notes engraved by his brothers William and Richard are in- scribed "Printed by C. P. Harrison." as are some of the plates of D. Edwin, one of the finest stipple portrait en- gravers of the time. In 1818, he was in business with his brother-in-law James Porter, to whom he taught copper plate printing and who later followed the music printing and publishing trade. In 1820 and 1822, Charles P. Harrison was listed in the Philadelphia directory as an engraver and copper plate printer, but about 1822 he removed to New York City with his family, and there he worked as an engraver and printer until his death on November 27, 1854. That he made some attempt to have his sons Gabriel and Lafayette follow in his business footsteps is indicated in the New York directories of 1838 and 1839, which list "Harrison & Sons, engravers" at 27 Wall Street along with "C. P. Harrison, engraver" at the same address. The notes of the Newark Whaling, Sealing & Mfg. Co. of Oct. 25, 1837, and the New York Joint Stock Exchange Company of Sept. 15, 1837, are products of this period, being signed "C. P. Harrison & Son, New York." Neither son of Charles P. Harrison, however, seemed to care WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 81 Charles P. Harrison, by J. J. Barralet, 1804. enough for engraving to continue with it as a career. Gabriel Harrison, the elder son, became an actor and author, while Lafayette, the younger son, built and man- aged Irving Hall and also managed Steinway Hall during the first years of its existence. SAMUEL HARRISON Samuel Harrison, born in England in 1789, was also a pupil of his father but apparently did not join him and the rest of the family in the engraving of bank notes. In fact, his entire short career was devoted to map en- graving, and only one example of work other than a map has yet been found bearing his signature. He worked for F. Lucas & Cushing of Baltimore and for John Melish, Philadelphia, with whom he published the 1818 and 1819 Travelers Directory Through The United States as well as many of the Melish maps. Although he died July 18, 1818, when he was but thirty years old, he might well have attempted some bank note work of which I have as yet no record, and if so I can only hope that further search will bring it to light. RICHARD GRANVILLE HARRISON Richard Granville Harrison, born in England in 1793, was the youngest of the four sons of William Harrison, Sr. to follow his father's profession. Since he was only ten years old when his father died, he probably com- pleted his training and study under his elder brother William. The earliest signed work of Richard Granville Harrison which I have found is the title page of Works of Robert Burns published by F. Lucas & J. Cushing of Baltimore in 1814. Later he did various kinds of engraving in- cluding portraits and some woodcuts for Godey's Lady's Book, but he was principally a bank note engraver. Richard G. Harrison must have started his career of banknote engraving about 1815, for a series of Western Pennsylvania and Ohio bank notes dated 1815-16 and 1817 bears his name as engraver along with that of his brother Charles P. Harrison as printer. The imprint of these two Harrisons' signatures on some of the notes, such as those of the Westmoreland Bank of Pennsylvania in Greensburg, series of 1815, shows them working in Pittsburgh. It seems likely, therefore that the brothers made a trip through western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio to engrave for banks springing up in that part of the country and made their headquarters in Pittsburgh. If this was the case, then Richard Granville Harrison and Charles P. Harrison may well have been, as Stauffer has suggested, the first engravers and certainly the first banknote engravers actually to engrave plates west of the Alleghenies. During the panic of 1837, when banks suspended specie payments, a variety of scrip was issued. A large volume of such paper money was printed by E. Morris and by Manly & Orr of Philadelphia among others. Engravings by R. G. Harrison often appear on this scrip, particularly the portraits of Washington and Franklin, which were first used on the Kensington Savings Institu- tion notes. The early steam train with two cars and the vignette of a picture called "The Kill," showing an Indian with a tomahawk in his upraised hand standing over a fallen antlered deer, were both shown on R. G. Harrison's business card printed in the form of a bank note. The train was also used on the notes of the Eastern Shore Railroad Co. of Maryland, and "The Kill" was used on the Southern Loan Co. of Philadelphia one- dollar notes, both notes bearing R. G. Harrison's imprint. This scrip was first printed with engraved lathe work and small vignettes at each end, a vignette in top center of the note, usually with two blank medallions or counters on each side. Later these sheets of four or five blank notes were printed by type with the denomina- tions in the medallions and the name of the town or city, company or even person issuing the note or promise to pay printed below the center vignette. On scrip showing the Washington and Franklin portraits it is often possible to make out the signature of R. G. Harrison in very small block letters below the portraits. Very few bank notes dated after 1840 have been found bearing the signature of R. G. Harrison, but portraits and vignettes which he engraved were later used on notes hearing different engraving firm names. The fact that during his career he used various forms of signature on his work has led to some confusion concerning his iden- tity. Although he had twin sons Milton and Virgil who were in business together in Philadelphia as engravers and publishers from 1840 to 1855, and who also worked PAGE 82 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 for various banknote firms, he had no son Richard Jr., and there was therefore only one Richard Granville Har- rison engraver. He died in Philadelphia Sept. 3, 1870. Richard G. Harrison, Self-Portrait DAVID RICHARDSON HARRISON David Richardson Harrison was born in Philadelphia, Feb. 23, 1801. After working with his father William Harrison, Jr. in Georgetown, D. C., he moved about 1827 to New York City, where his name first appeared in the 1828 directory as an engraver living at 28 Charlton Street. From 1829 to 1858, the business address of David R. Harrison was often the same as that of some other engraver or firm of engravers, indicating that he probably worked for different engraving companies be- fore the formation of the American Bank Note Company. In 1858 he became an employee of the American Bank Note Company and continued to work for them until he died on March 23, 1886. Although David R. Harrison became the leading script engraver for the American Bank Note Company, it has not been possible to determine any specific bank note or stamp on which he worked, but it would be reasonable to suppose that in almost thirty years of engraving for the company he must have worked on currency or stamps. THOMAS FOSTER HARRISON This second son of William Harrison, Jr. seems to have worked with his brothers throughout most of his career. From 1838 to 1841, he lived in New York City and worked at No. 1 Wall Street with his brother Charles. Beginning in 1843. Thomas worked in Cincinnati, Ohio with his brother William Foster Harrison. Their address was South East Corner of Main and Third Street, which was the business address of Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, for whom they worked. In 1865, Thomas was still working at that address, which was then also the address of the American Bank Note Company, George T. Jones, Supt. Again the same frustrating difficulty is encountered in determining the work of any one engraver who worked for the large engraving companies; I have been unable to find any bank notes bearing the signature of Thomas F. Harrison as engraver. WILLIAM FOSTER HARRISON Although this son of William Harrison, Jr. started his engraving career in New York City, he too went to Cincinnati in 1843, where he was in charge of the first Rawdon. Wright and Hatch office in that city. An ad- vertisement in Cincinnati in 1841 by Charles Cist (Cin- cinnati, 1841) reads: RAWDON, WRIGHT & HATCH Bank Note Engravers by Wm. F. Harrison Corner of Third and Main Streets Cincinnati I have no reason to believe that any of the Harrison engravers were tempted by counterfeiting, but the unwit- ting involvement of William F. Harrison in a notorious banknote transaction is described in Dye's Book of Bank Note Plates published in 1853 in Cincinnati. Below a picture of a spurious $100 note of the Planters Bank of Tennessee appears as an explanation the story of one Capt. Pollock who was introduced to Wm. F. Harrison by a "highly respectable citizen." Pollock ordered a full plate of four notes to be engraved for the Planters Bank of Alabama at Wetumpka, in the denominations of 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. After Pollock acquired the completed plate from Harrison he had Alabama and Wetumpka hammered out and the plate re-engraved with Tennessee and Nashville. Hundreds of these spurious notes were supposed to have been printed and circulated before Pollock was apprehended, but to date I have been unable to find or to see one, and I should like to know if other collectors have ever found any of these notes. There are various notes in collections, including my own, which are counterfeits of those engraved by Harri- sons and others, but I do not consider such notes unde- sirable. Rather I feel that counterfeit notes add interest to any collection. CHARLES HARRISON This youngest son of William Harrison, Jr. worked for various engraving firms and for a while was in busi- ness in New York City for himself as well as with his brother Thomas. Eventually he joined the staff of the American Bank Note Company where he became noted as a "square letter engraver." Of all the Harrisons, Charles surely must have had the longest career, for he was still engraving for the company as late as 1905 when he was 87 years old. At least one of his eight sons, Cyril Harrison, became an engraver. He worked for a time in the 1880's for the Homer Lee Bank Note Com- pany of New York as a letter engraver along with his brother David Harrison who worked as a transferrer. WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 83 Richard Granville Harrison's business card on bank note paper. Note vignettes of early train and "the kill" later used on scrip printed by E. Morris and by Manly & Orr of Philadelphia and others. These then were the Harrisons who engraved some of the bank notes circulated in the United States in the early 1800's. A check list of those notes which are in the writer's collection, or which he has seen or which have been reliably recorded will follow in another issue. This check list is by no means considered complete. There are numerous obvious gaps where from plate letters or denominations listed it is apparent that there must have been other denominations or notes with other plate letters issued in the series. Any corrections or additions to the list will be welcomed with appreciation. (To be continued.) * The Trading Post * As announced in No. 22, The Trading Post is being discontinued as of this issue because of lack of interest. It will be restored if and when a sufficient number of members signify an intention to use its facilities. 2. U. S. LARGE NATIONAL BANK NOTES 4. U. S. SMALL FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES 1. U. S. LARGE NOTES Robert W. Skadow 6319 N. Oak Park Ave. Chicago, III. 60031 3. U. S. SMALL NOTES Earl E. Keller, Jr. 419 Morgantown St. Uniontown, Pa. 15401 5. FOREIGN CURRENCY 6. OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Colonials, Continental, Confederate. Broken Bank Notes, Scrip, etc.) C. J. Affleck 34 Peyton St. Winchester, Va. Byron Cook P. 0. Box 181 Jackson, Miss. 39205 James L. McKee 158 Lakewood Dr. Lincoln, Nebr. 68510 John E. Tidwell 408 Cunniff Parkway Goodlettsville, Tenn. 37072 7. MILITARY CURRENCY (War, Occupation. Concentration Camp and Emergency Issues) 8. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 9. MISMATCHED SERIAL NO. NOTES PAGE 84 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 Some Thoughts on Mounting and Display By Richard D. Palmer In addition to currency, I have a long standing interest in stamps and coins. The problems of effective display for whatever purpose are much the same. Since paper currency is the least known of the three, I have thought about ways to bring out the interest and beauty of currency and, at the same time, to tie it in with the other two hobbies. It is my feeling that both stamp and coin collectors are prime prospects for our field if we can just get our message across. The best messenger, of course, would be the bills themselves. The solution—decorative frames for wall or desk—is not startling but perhaps I can make some suggestions that expand your horizons. While what I propose does seem obvious, the fact remains that usually when I have a bourse table, mine is the only one featuring framed material. Indeed, collectors are so conditioned to having frames confined to the exhibit area that they seem surprised to discover that mine are for sale. Selling, however, is incidental to my motives and to this article. I am not speaking now of the large display cases used for exhibit. I use the inexpensive metal-border frames found in most variety stores. The 8 by 10 size is suit- able for two small to medium bills or one large. The 11 by 14 size is best for two to four large bills or a grouping of the small. For the background, I use the colored thin card available in stores handling art supplies. A quarter sheet will provide backing for four of the 11 by 14 size frames. Black, red and blue seem to be the most attractive, although I have a few frames using green and yellow. Other useful materials are gummed letters and numerals, peelable stamp hinges for mounting, as- sorted gummed seals such as flags and the Liberty Bell, and some cutting tools. With these plus a good eye and some imagination, you are in business. Let me give you a recent illustration. I came across a copy of Life magazine with a cover illustration of Gen- eral MacArthur's famed military cap. The cutting tool quickly removed the cap from the cover. Using in this case the next largest frame to the sizes noted above, I mounted the cap on blue card to the top center. Directly below, I used one of the Philippine Victory bills. To the side of the cap and below the Victory note, I mounted various denominations from the Japanese Allied Military Government series. The cutting tool was employed to make a hole for the Philippine one-half peso MacArthur coin. Additional items to complete the frame included four flag seals, two U. S. postage stamps honoring Cor- regidor, and the stamps for victory and honorable dis- charge. The results provided considerable visual satis- faction and combined material from three hobbies around a single theme. I must confess that this activity does lend itself to rather free mutilation of magazines and books. I once purchased a paperback book primarily to obtain a fine oval portrait on the front cover and the coat of arms on the back. Both are now in frames with appropriate notes, but the book remains yet to be read. This Churchill was combined with a cutting from a splendid full-color portrait of Queen Elizabeth pirated from anoth- er unread book. Notes were used from the reigns of George V, VI and the Queen. It did seem a shame to ig- nore Prince Philip, so I made an oval cutting from a Ca- nadian post card, took a marching Highlander from a Scotch whisky ad, and, lacking notes on Scottish banks, I used three contemporary Commonwealth notes, one with the Queen just to remind the viewer who is the boss. On both of these frames, I placed the portraits on the right side and the notes on the left. The most versatile stamps for use with currency are our Overrun Nations series of 1943-44, the Champions of Liberty series starting in 1957, which included Bolivar, Kossuth, San Martin, Masaryk, Garibaldi and Paderew- ski, and the American Credo set of 1960-61, with famous quotations by Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Lin- coln. These stamps are multi-colored except for the 4- cent values of the Champion set. They are all available from auctions or dealers for a modest markup over face. You no doubt can recall many notes featuring the states- men involved. One of my small frames contains 500 and 1000 Kr. notes from Czechoslovakia with a red card backing. In between the notes, I use the 8-cent Masaryk stamp flanked on both sides by the 5-cent Czech flag stamp. Of course, material from the countries concerned is equally desirable. My Canadian frame has a current size bill showing the reverses in each corner, while the center is a first day cover of the new Canadian flag stamp. I have used several sheets overprinted by the Czech government in exile during World War II in conjunction with notes overprinted for use in Bohemia, Slovakia, and during the liberation period. Don't overlook the possibilities of the excellent en- gravings available from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Send for their list of items available. The official engravings of the Presidents often correspond with the currency vignettes. The 11 by 14 engraving of Lincoln (cost, 55 cents) provides sufficient space for either the large or small $5 note using the identical vignette. Other subjects include the Lincoln Memorial, Mt. Vernon, the Capitol and the White House. Two fine color prints are available for the Presidential and Treas- ury Seals. The Presidential is in yellow and blue. Cut it out and mount it on a red backing with notes above and below, and you will have a frame that will be ad- mired by all whether they collect currency or not. Not all frames should be "jazzed up" with color. Our very early obsoletes have a dignity about them that ought to be preserved, and color will tend to detract from the notes. For these, I use a black card backing and gold or silver gummed letters to title the frame. Some silver ball point pens or white lead pencils will work effectively enough to permit some information to be placed beneath the notes if such is desired. Many of the small fraction- WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 85 als of the 1862-63 period can be worked up effectively with stamps, tokens and pictures pertaining to the Civil War. The Army and Navy stamp series of 1936-37 present military leaders on the two 3-cent values and the 4-cent Army. The latter features Lee and Jackson; the color is Confederate gray. Coin magazines with their color plates provide another source. You may not want to mount both gold certifi- cates and a gold coin, but why not use a color plate of a gold coin? One of my favorite frames contains a large picture of a silver dollar. The backing is blue. Above and below the centered picture is a large and cur- rent size silver certificate; genuine silver dollars are mounted on each side. Did you ever consider using framed currency instead of the inevitable cup or trophy for exhibit awards? Use gummed letters to indicate the purpose of the frame. For the note, why not a National from your community or an obsolete from your area or state? Or relate the bill to the category. For a show in Algona, we used for first place in the coin division and for best of show notes featuring coins in the design. A note with scenes from ancient Greece was used in the antique division; a military theme seemed appropriate for guns. In my area, incidentally, a surprising number of gun collectors have currency as an additional interest. The recipients were well pleased with these "something different" awards. And really, isn't such an award more interest- ing, more useful for display and more appropriate than the typical plastic and metal creations? I only attend two or three shows as a dealer-exhibitor in a year's time, but I have no reason to believe that public and trade reaction would be any different if my activities covered a larger area. I have to admit that I do more talking than selling as the frames bring out the questions more than routine displays. After all, everyone can see the frames, but only a fraction will sit down and go through albums. I always put up a little sign welcoming questions on paper currency, and I really get them. I am sure that collectors have been developed as a result. Sales, incidentally, are often made to coin dealers who want the frames for their shops or others who would like them for office, store, den or for use as gifts. Ours is a wonderful hobby with so many display possibilities alone or in conjunction with other fields. I hope that the above may encourage you to "wake the world and tell the people" and have fun while doing it. The Microscopic Pantograph By Forrest W. Daniel Over the years many systems have been devised and proposed for the detection and prevention of counterfeit- ing. In many cases the deviser's ingenuity has been exceeded only by his zeal, but the complexity of the process has made it impractical. A microscopic pantograph was displayed at the great International Exposition of 1862 in London, with the suggestion that secret writing be placed on bank notes in writing so small it could only be detected by use of special lenses. In the classification "Philosophical In- struments and Processes," the machine was one of the many curiosities of the exhibition and was described in "Cassell's Illustrated Exhibitor" in the following manner : "One of the most curious instruments in this extra- ordinary collection is a machine exhibited by Mr. Peters, for microscopic writing, which is infinitely more wonder- ful than Mr. Whitworth's machine for measuring the millionth of an inch, which excited such astonishment in 1851. With this machine of Mr. Peters it is stated that the words 'Matthew Marshall, Bank of England,' can be written in the two-and-a-half millionth of an inch in length, and it is actually said that calculations made on this data show that the whole Bible can be written twenty - two times in the space of a square inch. We must leave a detailed description of this most extraordinary instrument to another occasion, and content ourselves now with simply saying that the words to be written microscopically are written in pencil, in ordinary char- acters, on a sheet of paper at the bottom of the instru- ment. But the pencil with which this is done communi- cates by a series of levers and gimbals with another minute pencil and tablet at the top, by means of which the ordinary writing of the pencil and the pencil for the microscopic writing both move in unison, though the motion of the latter is so graduated that a stroke of a quarter of an inch at the bottom is only a stroke of a quarter of a millionth of an inch at the top, the shape and character of both marks being, nevertheless, pre- cisely alike in outline. As a matter of course, the micro- scopic writing at the top is only visible under powerful magnifiers, and the object of the machine is chiefly to mark bank notes with certain minute signatures, for the prevention of forgery. Such a precaution, no doubt, would prove an effectual stopper on counterfeit notes, if only all tradesmen supplied themselves with micro- scopes to examine them, just as a little ordinary care would now detect any forgery." A Review Encased Postage Stamps U. S. and Foreign By Arlie R. Slabaugh Under the sub-title "The Use of Stamps as Money," Arlie Slabaugh has made yet another significant contri- bution to numismatic and philatelic literature. The section on the Civil War encased stamps contains much pertinent information about their inventor, John Gault, as well as a detailed catalog. In the Miscellaneous section the author brings the sub- ject right down to the 1954 series of stamps encased. In the foreign section he admits that the listing may not be complete, but the information he has gathered is worth the modest one dollar price for the entire booklet. It is available from Hewitt Bros., 7320 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. Ill. 60648. BARBARA R. MUELLER k,•■ WHIM*t S NO * I 4 CO 1 151U(. it IOIt 04t 11311111rat tiraMium PAGE 86 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 DeWitt Clinton Notes By M. H. Loewenstern $1,000 Legal Tender Note depicting Clinton. M. H. Loewenstern Collection DeWitt Clinton, whose portrait is on the above Legal Tender Note of 1880, was a very interesting figure dur- ing his time. Born in Little Britain, New York, on March 3, 1769, he was admitted to the bar in 1790 and became secretary to his Uncle George Clinton (first Governor of the State) for a period of five years. In 1802, DeWitt Clinton was elected to the Senate, resigning in 1803 to become mayor of New York City. Clinton for the next ten years promoted public education, city planning and relief of the poor. He was a very popular man and ran for President of the United States in 1812, but was defeated by James Madison. As Canal Com- missioner, DeWitt Clinton was largely responsible for the Erie and Champlain-Hudson Canals. DeWitt Clinton served as governor of New York from 1817 to 1821. He was again elected governor in 1825, and continued in this office until his death in 1828. He was one of the founders of the New York Historical Asso- ciation and was president of this great association in 1817. After the passing of Clinton, his vignette was used on many bank notes of New York. All of these banks went under sooner or later due to financial stress, periods of war or panic. Some of the bank notes portraying Clinton were those of the Clinton Bank of Buffalo, New York (opened Aug. 1, 1856). The $1 note portrayed a full- length statue of Clinton, the $2 note a portrait such as the one on the above Legal Tender Note. Other portraits of Clinton were on $50 and $1,000 notes of the Clinton Bank of New York City (opened 1840, failed in 1844) ; the $1 and $5 notes of the National Commercial Bank of 1865; the $1 note of the Merchants Bank, New York (opened March, 1853) ; the $5 note of the Phoenix Bank, New York (opened 1850) ; the $2 note of the Exchange Bank (opened July 1851). The $2 note, illustrated here, on the defunct Niagara County Bank, New York, (opened 1850) depicts the same vignette as that used on the 1880 Legal Tender and on the $1,000 note, which is still valid. Recently Mr. William P. Donlon's DeWitt Clinton note was illustrated with an article stating that one authority thought only two of the 1880 $1,000 notes were in exist- ence. To the writer's knowledge the following exist: the H. E. Spain note No. A170690 illustrated in Frank Lim- pert's U. S. paper money book; the Friedberg paper money book note with serial No. A-162909; the Donlon Niagara County Bank, N. Y., note depicting Clinton. M. H. Loewenstern Collection .11-pnereeer,,1 .R,Ibteeie-ei Laellsee..... le,e. ,..elteerentitee-. ,pes. ,..riat.a. C,r1Wl AW'rel 946.4 etevhgebr.:- "pr/+f3.4 :40;eee 4marrin..7,fr.e.441,41, .rer.66. 414 Ai.1.;,k,(.1Air.r, ..).rell;;Iereseene open.,..e.terWet 1-.; e/Are r .1/r frrxii 1;r pe; It7ParZeer, eltreeftele ee5e,,eveAl:m enfiurrrato 1 fuleipele;,,ilivrieals/ro,i 4,/ev.sferi payamr+44,6 pi*ifcreifrer prirou.‘aeX;n7rtre47/,-,p.,r (4.7ryki.fermew,' ///;//ii/./ft,.1,1,4.• Paper Money PAGE 87WHOLE NO. 23 note No. A162391; and the note illustrated above, No. A156404, belonging to the writer. Clinton's vignette also appeared on the 1869 and 1878 series. To the writer's knowledge the only 1869 issue is the one illustrated in Friedberg's paper money book. In any event all the DeWitt Clinton notes are scarce but this article may bring out one or two more. An 18th Century Note of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany By Alfredo P. Marcon Illustrated here are the obverse and reverse of a rare and interesting specimen of a note (or a proof), size 26.6 x 14.6 mm., complete with matrix, made to be put into circulation throughout the Grand Duchy of Tuscany during the decade 1760-1770, between the reigns of Francis Stephen of Lorraine and his son Peter Leopold. Such a note was given to H.R.H. Consignee on transfer of a pound (gms. 339510) of coins (paoli and testoni) of the Pontifical State coined before the year 1700. The blank spaces of the note, to be filled in with pen, were reserved for the date and the cashier's signature as well as the beneficiary's name and amount, expressed in Tuscan liras. As we can see, the bill could be cashed at the ex- piration of six months from the date of issue or con- sidered valid "at sight" if utilized for payments whose beneficiary was, even if indirectly, the same issuing State. On the reverse of the illustrated specimen there is an unusual reproduction of a boar hunt scene, a work by the famous Florentine engraver, Stefano della Bella (1610-1664). This reproduction is mentioned in Alex de Vesme's book Le Peintre Graveur Italian, Milano, Hoepli, 1906, page 195, n. 736. In fact, on the lower right side of the scene, we can see the artist's signature. Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23PAGE 88 The Signatures on Our Currency By Hirsh N. Schwartz Have you ever tried to account for the variance that exists in the names on the different series of our paper currency? Of course, most people are only interested in our currency from the standpoint of what it will purchase rather than whose name is on a note and why it is there. However, collectors whose hobby it is to study our currency know that these signatures are important in de- termining the approximate date of issuance and realize that, contrary to what the man on the street thinks, the date on the bills means very little in determining when the bill was actually issued. For instance, $1 Silver Certificate, the $2 United States Note and the $5, $10 and $20 Federal Reserve Notes of 1928 series have the signatures of Tate and Mellon and were therefore issued between 4-30-28 and 1-17-29, while the $5 United States Note, the $50, $100, $500, $1,003, $5,000 and $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes of the 1928 series have the signatures of Woods and Mellon and were therefore issued between 1-18-29 and 2-12-32, and the $1 United States Note signed by Woods and Woodin al- though the 1928 series was issued between 3-4-33 and 5-31-33. Therefore, one can readily see that a note of the 1928 series has many different signatures depending on who was in office when the note was actually issued. A note of any particular series might have many different signa- tures. The signatures have no fixed relation to any one series, but the signatures can only be used to approximate the time of issuance. For further example, Woods and Mellon appear on the 1928-A $2 U. S. Note, but Woods and Mills appear on the 1928-A $5 U. S. Note. Woods and Mills are on the 1928-B $2 U. S. Note, while Julian and Morgenthau are on the 1928-B $5 U. S. Note. How- ever, both the $2 U. S. Note and the $5 U. S. Note of the 1928-C series bear the same names of Julian and Morgenthau. This would mean that the 1928-A $5 U. S. Note and the 1928-B $2 U. S. Note were issued approximately at the same time, just as the 1928-C series of $2 U. S. Note and $5 U. S. Note were issued at the same time, although the former notes had two different serial dates. The signature of W. A. Julian is indeed an interesting one. He was Treasurer of the United States from June 1, 1933, to May 29, 1949. He served for 16 years, the longest term of any Treasurer, and had more different Secretaries than any other Treasurer; these four were W. H. Woodin, Henry Morgenthau. Jr., Fred M. Vinson and John W. Snyder. Incidentally, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. served the longest term as Secretary of the Treasury- 11 years, 6 months and 22 days. Naturally, Julian's name can be found on more issues of our paper money than any other Treasurer due to his long term of office. His signature appears on the various series of notes from 1928-B through 1935-C and can be found on the following denominations of our currency of the different series: The $1 Silver Certificate, series of 1928-D and E; 1935; 35-A, 35-B and 35-C The $2 U. S. Note series of 1928-C, D, E and F The $5 U. S. Note series of 1928-B, C, D and E The $5 S. C. Note series 1934, 34-A, B and C The $10 S. C. Note series of 1933 and 33-A The $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 Federal Reserve Notes of 1934 The $500, $5,000 and $10,000 Federal Reserve Notes of 1934 The $1,000 Federal Reserve Note of 1934 and 1934-A There were also the following "special" issues on which his name appeared: The $1 Silver Certificate Hawaii series of 1935 The $5, $10 and $20 Federal Reserve notes issued only by the San Francisco District on Hawaii 1934 and 1934-A series The $1, $5 and $10 Yellow Seal Silver Certificate of North Africa & European Invasion, series of 1934, 1934-A and 1935-A The $1 Silver Certificate of the 1935-A series of the Ex- perimental Issues with the Red "Red" and "S" A collection of the W. A. J ulian signature notes would be a most interesting and valuable one. Speaking of value, it might be interesting to determine which of the smaller notes, signed by Julian, are the rarest. A few are 1928-E $1 Silver Certificate, signed by Julian & Morgenthau; the 1934-B $5 Silver Certificate, signed by Julian and Vinson; the 1933 $10 Silver Certi- ficate, signed by Julian and Woodin and the 1933-A $10 Silver Certificate, signed by Julian and Morgenthau, listed as "unknown." First Malaysian Bank Notes Issue June 12, 1967 Mr. Chew Keng Ban, of G.P.O. Box 177, Singapore, informs us that the first bank notes for Malaysia were issued on June 12, 1967, in the denominations of $1 (blue), $5 (green), $10 (red), $50 (blue and gray) and $100 (violet). They show the portrait of the first Yang di*Pertuan Agong (king) of Malaysia on the right side of the obverse and a watermark on the left. The Malaysia dollar equals 33c U. S. Although Singapore is no longer a member of Malaysia, it will also use the new coinage and bank notes. Coins of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50c denominations were issued at the same time. JEROME H. REMICK ,ciiimm we,* R. w.f.* aimm_z_Lirr ii-rfP7--, f4Altmtlittilort,,*Igo" IV& WILL PAY TO IiLE IttiZAN411)41, WAV1111..11.,i)l d110,741: c wt WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 89 A Federal Reserve Note Puzzle By M. H. Loewenstern These two Philadelphia Federal Reserve Notes are interesting because they have consecutive serial numbers but are signed by different Secretaries of the Treasury. According to Mr. W. A. Philpott, Jr's. table of signatures on U. S. currency (Page 305 of Friedberg's U. S. paper money book), the tenure of office of JULIAN- MORGENTHAU, JR. was from January 1, 1934, to July 22, 1945. The period for JULIAN-VINSON was from July 23, 1945, to July 23, 1946. It appears that the note signed by JULIAN-MORGENTHAU, JR. (which has the larger serial number of the two notes) was issued before the JULIAN-VINSON note. The combine of JULIAN-VINSON could not have signed any notes before their term began on July 23. 1945, which is one day after the term of JULIAN-MORGENTHAU, JR. had expired. What's the explanation Mr. Philpott? A Two-State National Bank, SPMC Member Suffers Robbery No. 1893 The national bank that carriers charter number 1893 is listed in Friedberg's Paper Money of the United States as belonging in the District of Columbia. This is partly true, but not completely. The bank was originally chartered in the state of Maryland as "The Citizens' National Bank of Hagerstown, Maryland" on October 18, 1871. The bank was permitted by an Act of Con- gress on May 1, 1874 to change its name and location to "The Citizens' National Bank of Washington City, Dis- trict of Columbia." The bank continued operations at this site until November 7, 1904, when it consolidated with the "National Metropolitan Citizens Bank of Wash- ington, D. C." At the time of its close, the bank had a circulation of $60,000, of which $8,041 was outstanding on October 31, 1910. LOUIS VAN BELKUM White River Junction. Vt. member Richard South- gate was the victim of an unusual robbery on June 22, 1967. Mr. Southgate and another collector were doing business in the former's apartment in the evening when two masked burglars forced themselves in and bound the two men and Mrs. Southgate. In addition to taking the collections, they robbed their victims of their cash. The robbery was believed to be the first of its type in Vermont in many years. although such an occurrence is all too common in other parts of the country. SPMC member Charles Affleck calls attention to an article in the April 1967 issue of the Virginia Numis- matist, official publication of the Virginia Numismatic Association, that is of special interest to paper money collectors. Author Howard E. Spain reports on the confirmed existence of the almost mythical $500 Virginia Treasury note and says that its owner claims it was once in the Colonel Green collection. Paper MoneyPAGE 9 0 WHOLE NO. 23 Auction Prices Realized (Continued from PAPER MONEY No. 22, Page 64.) GOLD CERTIFICATE 1933 F.1211-$100.00 1882 Napier and Thompson. Red seal. Extremely Fine 250.00 U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Stack's Sale of April 23, 1966 (Friedberg References) 3c NOTES Lot 1987 F.1226-3c With light background. Uncirculated $ 16.00 1988 F.I227-3c With dark background. Uncirculated 26.00 5c NOTES 1989 F.1228-5c Perforated edges. With ABN monogram. About Uncirculated 25.00 1992 F.1230-5c Plain edges. With ABN monogram. Uncirculated 8.00 1995 F.I232-5c Without surcharges. Uncirculated 11.00 1996 F.1233-5c Surcharge "18-63." Uncirculated 11.00 1997 F.1234-5c Surcharge "18-63-S." Very Fine 8.00 1998 F.I235-5c Fibre pape r. Surcharge "18-63-R-l." About Uncirculated 31.00 1999 F.1236-5c Red reverse. Uncirculated 25.00 2000 F.1237-5c Red reverse. With design letter "A." Uncirculated 40.00 2001 F.I238-5c Green reverse. Uncirculated 16.00 2002 F.1239-5c Green reverse. With design letter "A." Uncirculated 19.00 10c Nous 2003 F.1240-10c Perforated edges. With ABN mono- gram. Uncirculated 29.00 2004 F.1241-10c Perforated edges. Without monogram Uncirculated 30.00 2006 F.I242-10c Plain edges. With ABN monogram Uncirculated 12.00 2008 F.1243-10c Plain edges. Without monogram. Very ine 20.00 2009 F.1244-10c Without surcharges. Uncirculated 10.00 2010 F.1245-1Cc With surcharge "18-63." Very Fine 5.00 2014 F.1249-10c With s u r c h a r g e "18-63-T-1." Fibre paper. Fine to Very Fine 14.00 2015 F.1252-10c Red reverse. Design numeral "1." Un- circulated 31.00 2016 F.I253-10c Red reverse. Autograph signatures of Colby and Spinner. Uncirculated 23.00 2017 F.1254-10c Red reverse. Autograph signatures of Jeffries and Spinner. Uncirculated 43.00 2018 F.1255-10c Green reverse. Uncirculated 11.00 2019 F.I256-10c Green reverse. Design numeral Uncirculated 13.00 2021 F.1257-10c Large red seal. Plain paper. Uncir- culated 8.00 2023 F.1259-10c Large red seal. Paper with violet fibres and blue ends. Extremely Fine 5.00 2024 F.I261-10c Smaller red seal. Paper with violet fibres and blue ends. Uncirculated 9.00 2025 F.1264-10c Green seal. Uncirculated 12.00 2027 F.1265-10z Red seal. Long key. Uncirculated 8.00 2029 F.1266-10c Red seal. Short key. Uncirculated 8.00 2034 F.I269-15c Large red seal. Paper with violet fibres and blue ends. Uncirculated 27.00 25c NOTES 2035 F.I279-25c Perforated edges. With ABN mono- gram. Uncirculated 45.00 2036 F.1280-25c Perforated edges. Without monogram Uncirculated 36.00 2037 F.1281-25c Plain edges. With ABN monogram Uncirculated 17.00 2039 F.1282-25c Plain edges. Without monogram. About Uncirculated 40.00 2041 F.1283-25c Without surcharges. Uncirculated 14.00 2043 F.1284-25c With surcharge "18-63." Very Fine 6.00 2044 F.1285-25c With surcharge "18-63-A." Uncirculated 17.00 2046 F.I289-25c With surcharge "18-63-T-1." Fine 10.00 2048 F.I291-25c Red reverse. Uncirculated 16.00 2049 F.I292-25c Red reverse. Design letter "A." Uncir- culated 36.00 2050 F.I294-25c Green reverse. Uncirculated 9.00 2052 F.1295-25c Green reverse. Small design letter "A " Uncirculated 15.00 2053 F.1296-25c Green reverse. Large design letter "A." Uncirculated 16.00 2054 F.I297-25c Green reverse. Fibre paper. Reverse surcharge "M-2-6-5." Uncirculated 50.00 2056 F.1298-25c Green reverse. Fibre paper. Design letter "A." Reverse surcharge "M-2-6-5." Very Fine 31.00 2057 F.1299-25c Green reverse with surcharge "M-2-6-5." The two ornamental designs on obverse surcharged in heavy solid bronze, and not merely outlined. Fibre paper. Uncirculated, but paper is dull 10 2058 F.1301-25c Red seal. Plain paper. Uncirculated 310.00 13.00 2059 F.1302-25c Red seal. Silk fibre paper. Uncirculated 13.00 2061 F.1303-25c Large red seal. Paper with violet fibres and blue ends. Extremely Fine 10.00 2062 F.1307-25c Smaller red seal. Paper with violet fibres and blue ends. Very Fine 8.00 2063 F.13C8-25c I ong key. Uncirculated 7.00 2064 F.1369-25c Short key. Uncirculated 9.00 34.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 8.00 16.00 31.00 63.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 31.00 27.00 2082 F.I328-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Autograph signatures of Colby and Spinner. Un- 31.00 circulated 15c NOTES 2030 F.1267-15c Large red seal. Plain paper. Uncir- culated 2033 F.I268-15c Large red seal. Paper with pink fibres Uncirculated 22.00 50c NOTES 2066 F.1310-50c Perforated edges. With ABN monogram Uncirculated 2067 F.1311-50c Perforated edges. Without monogram Extremely Fine 2069 F.1312-50.: Plain edges. With ABN monogram Uncirculated 2070 F.1313-50c Plain edges. Without monogram. Ex- tremely Fine 2072 F.1317-50c With surcharge "18-63-A." Extremely ine 2073 F.I318 50c With surcharge "18-63-I." Uncirculated 2074 F.1320-50c With surcharge "18-63-0-1." Fibre paper About Uncircuated, dark texture 2075 F.1321-50c With surcharge "18-23-R-2." Fibre paper. Uncirculated 2076 F.1322-50c With surcharge "18-63-T-1." Fibre paper. About Uncirculated 2078 F.1324-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Uncirculated 2079 F.1326-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." With design numeral "I" on obverse. Uncirculated 2080 F.I 327-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." With design letter "A" on obverse. Uncirculated WHOLE NO. 23 Paper Money PAGE 91 2084 F.1329-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Autograph signatures of Allison and Spinner Uncirculated 65.00 2086 F.1330-50c Red reverse with surcharge "A-2-6-5." Autograph signatures of Allison and New. Un- circulated, but dark textured paper 550.00 2087 F.1331-5Gc Green reverse. Without reverse sur- charges. Uncirculated 17.00 2090 F.1334-50c Green reverse. Design letter on obverse. Fine 14.00 2091 F.I335-50c Green reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Uncirculated 18.00 2093 F.1339-5Cc New style green reverse. Without sur- charges. Uncirculated 22.00 2095 F.1340-:0c New green reverse. Design numeral "I" and letter "A" en obverse. Extremely Fine . 30.00 2096 F.1341-50c New green reverse. Design numeral "1." About Uncirculated 15.00 2097 F.1342-50c New green reverse. Design letter Uncirculated 30.00 2098 F.1343-50c Red reverse. Without surcharges. Un- circulated . 31.00 2100 F.1344-50c Red reverse. Design numeral "I" and letter "A" on obverse. Uncirculated 100.00 2101 F.1347-50c Red reverse. Design numeral "I"' on obverse. Uncirculated 23.00 2102 F.1350-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Ob- verse design letter "A." Uncirculated 36.00 2103 F.1355-50c Red reverse without surcharges. Auto- graph signatures of Colby and Spinner. Uncir- culated 35.00 2104 F.1356-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6 ,5." Auto- graphed signatures of Colby and Spinner. Uncir- culated 45.00 2105 F.1357-50c Red reverse. Surcharge "S-2-6-4." Fibre paper. Extremely Fine 103.00 2106 F.1358-50c Green reverse. Without surcharge. Un- circulated 25.00 2107 F.1360-50c Green reverse. Design numeral "I." Uncirculated 27.00 2108 F.1361-50c Green reverse. Design letter "A." Un- circulated 27.00 2109 F.1362-50c Green reverse. Reverse surcharge "A-2-6-5." Compact spacing. Very Fine 10.00 2110 F.1364-50c Green reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Compact spacing. Design numeral "I" on obverse. Uncirculated 25.00 2112 F.1365-50c Green reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Design letter "A" on obverse. Extremely Fine 20.00 2113 F.1366-50c Green reverse. Surcharge "A-2-6-5." Wide spacing. Uncirculated 25.00 2116 F.1374-50c I lead of Lincoln. Red seal. Plain paper. Uncirculated 2119 F.1376-50c Bust of Stanton. Red seal. Blue end paper. Uncirculated 18.00 2121 F.1379-50c Bust of Dexter. Green seal. Uncirculated 19.00 2123 F.1381-50c. Bust of Crawford. Red seal. Uncir- culated Neil Shafer Wins Gold Award for New Guide Book SPMC member Neil Shafer has authored a new edition of his A Guide Book of Modern United States Currency, published by the Whitman Publishing Co., Racine, Wis., for $1.75. It incorporates the numbering system de- veloped by SPMC Vice-President Wm. P. Donlon for use in his catalogs. Mr. Shafer's book contains new illustrations, new val- ues and a reworked section on errors. The different cate- gories of error and freak notes are valued according to the particular kinds of errors which are available. Na- tional bank notes are valued according to a rarity scale w ithin the various states. Mr. Shafer has also been selected as winner of the Nathan Gold Memorial Award for 1967. The award was established in 1961 for numismatists who have made a concrete contribution toward the advancement of paper money collecting. Mr. Shafer is an associate editor of the Whitman Numismatic Journal and author of A Guide Book of Philippine Paper Money. Other SPMC winners of the Gold award were the late Fred Marckhoff, Arlie Slabaugh, Wm. P. Donlon, Grover C. Criswell, and Matt H. Rothert. A Review World War II Axis Military Currency By Raymond S. Toy and Bob Meyer A companion to Ray Toy's World War II Allied Mili- tary Currency has appeared to cover the issues from the other side of the conflict. The new, 98-page paperback catalog covers military currency issues of Albania, Bohemia-Moravia, Germany, Guernsey and Jersey, Greece under German control, Hungary, Italian issues for Egypt, Ionian Islands, Greece and the Sudan, as well as separate listings for Slovakia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Yugo- slavia, Croatia and Slovenia. Japanese military cur- rency for China, Burma, Malaya, Oceania, the Philip- pines and Sumatra are covered in a section edited by Mr. Meyer. This priced catalog is available for $2.50 from Mr. Toy at 992 Hacienda Drive, El Cajon, Cal. 92020. Barbara R. Mueller for copies of The Essay-Proof Journal. M. David Orrahood, M. D. for his Check List U. S. Coal Tokens. This is a preliminary listing and Dr. Orrahood requests collectors who have any information about coal tokens (and paper scrip) to write him at Box 1355, Owensboro, Ky. 42301. J. Roy Pennell for his Obsolete Bank Notes of North Carolina. C. F. Warren for Historical Account of Vermont Paper Currency by Terrence G. Harper, and for A History of Currency in South Africa by Miss E. M. Shaw. EARL HUGHES, Librarian Route 2, Box 203-A Mitchell, Ind. 47446 From the Library OUR THANKS TO . . 33.00 Charles Agleck for copies of The Virginia Numismatist for February and April 1966. Maj. Sheldon S. Carroll, Curator, Bank of Canada for the booklets, The Story of Canada's Currency and The 13.00 Counterfeit Detector. PACE 92 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 23 SECRETARY'S REPORT New Membership Roster No. New Members 2001 Philip Cermi, P. 0. Box 1, Elwyn, Pa. 19063 2002 Richard S. Stockwell, 1626 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 2003 Otis E. Marler, 3502 Aransas St., Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 2004 Brian P. Szinyakovice, 4726 W. Washington Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisc. 53208 2005 Don Duska, 960 West 25th St., Erie, Pa. 16502 2006 William F. Ryan, 262 East 239 St., Bronx, N. Y. 10470 2007 William S. Rigdon, 1318 Euclid St. Apt. 10, Santa Monica, Calif. 90404 2008 John F. Burke, 8204 Pacific Ave., Wildwood Crest, N. J. 08260 2009 J. A. Barrow, 501 E. Cleveland, Greenwood, Miss. 38930 2010 Robert L. Sampson, 187 East 39 St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 11203 2011 K. P. Austin, P. 0. Box 828, Salisbury, Md. 21801 2012 Alexander J. Barna, 2051 South 58th St., Philadelphia, Penn. 19143 2013 Charles P. Renninger, 3233 N. E. 34th St., Fort Lauder- dale, Fla. 33308 2014 Herman Heckman, 16 Young Ave., Croton-on-Hudson, N. Y. 10520 2015 John D. Morris, P. 0. Box 581, Forest Park, Ga. 30050 2016 Warren E. Hardaker, 611 Sunset Court, Davis, Calif. 95616 2017 John T. Kugler, 4804 lnadale Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90043 2018 William K. Bish, 2003 McClaskey Lane, Eureka, Calif. 95501 2019 H. E. Duncan, 3204 Green Terrace, Shreveport, La. 71108 2020 Ruby E. Wade, 2103 St. James Dr., Charleston, S. C. 29407 2021 Charles J. Brockman, Jr., 336 Hill St., Athens, Ga. 30601 2022 Donald Quincer, 1505 3rd St. S. W., Wadena, Minn. 56482 2023 William J. Soost, 1 Greenwood Dr., Bordentown, N. J. 08505 2024 James F Ward, 15 S. Lime St., Lancaster, Pa. 17602 2025 Bill Ziemba, 303 Cable St., Buffalo, N. Y. 14206 2026 Joseph Horka, Jr., 4714 Osman Place, New York, N. Y. 10470 2027 Arthur N. Goodman, 518 American Nat. Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 55101 2028 Daniel D. Ray, P. 0. Box 13, Scottville, Mich. 49454 2029 Angelo R. Turrini, 914 Irwin St., San Rafael, Cal. 94901 2030 George Daudelin, Sugarbush Rd., Warren, Vt. 05674 2031 Clarence B. Jeffcoat, Route 1, Box 41I-E, Conway, S. C . 29526 2032 August R. Reinhardt, Lewistown Locker, Lewistown, Illinois 61542 2033 William R. Foshee, 8848 Elmonte Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. 46226 2034 Jack E. Bayha, 7564 Chardon Rd., Kirtland, Ohio 44094 2035 Robert B. Link, 402 Delaware Ave., Glen Burnie, Md. 21061 2036 John C. Nichols, Rt. 3, Rupert, Idaho 83350 2037 Burton U. Krouner, 6 Maplewood Dr., Plainview, N. Y. 11803 2038 Henry Pierre, 7948 W. Davis St., Morton Grove, Illinois 60053 2039 Raymond S. Toy, 992 Hacienda Dr., El Cajon, Calif. 92020 2040 Wesley E. Young, 1026 Austin Ave., Akron, Ohio 44306 2041 Newton J. Cummings, P. 0. Box 397, Malta, Mont. 59538 2042 R. M. Brink, 2202 W. Kings Hwy., San Antonio, Tex. 78201 2043 J. C. Lang, Room 1240 Louviers Bldg., Wilmington, Del. 19898 Dealer or Collector Specialty C, D Silver certificates C Small size Federal Reserve notes C National currency C Large & small silver certificates, $2 bills U. S. large & small size notes U. S. currency & U. S. fractional U. S. large & small size notes ($1) C, D C Small size U. S. Silver certificates C, D National bank notes U. S. currency C, D C Silver certificates, Federal Reserve notes Paper money Large & small U. S. C C All types C Small size U. S. Silver certificates & obsolete U. S. colonials & Confederate notes C U. S. & Canadian Silver certificates & U. S. notes C, D Obsolete notes of Lancaster, Pa. & Penna. C Error notes Small paper money & U. S. notes C, D National currency C C North American $2 notes C, D National bank notes C Broken bank & Confederate notes C, D Large & small type currency C Modern foreign currency Small size notes C C Small size Federal Reserve notes C $1 Federal Reserve notes, $1 silver certificates & fractional currency C, D W. W. 11 military currency Current U. S. currency C, D National currency C, D Large currency (U. S.) C U. S. currency Paper Money PAGE 93WHOLE NO. 23 2044 Leonard M. Owen, 3602 North 52nd St., Omaha, Neb. C, D Nebraska & Iowa obsolete bank notes 68104 2045 Steven E. Grossnickle, West Mason St., Polo, Illinois C Old denominations 61064 2046 John W. Tunnell, 646 Field Ave., Taft, Tex. 78390 C U. S. 2047 Paul E. Hicks, 105 Lowry Lane, Bristol, Tenn. 37620 C 2048 John R. Deal, School of Nursing, Willard State Hospital, Willard, N. Y. 14588 C U. S. small size currency 2049 Paul L. Haudrich, 14860 Carrollton Dr., Bridgeton, Mo. C Large U. S. & "Western" currency 63042 2050 Raymond F. Hatfield, R. R. #3, Lebanon, Ohio 45036 C Warren County Ohio national's obsolete 2051 William C. Metcalf, 2350 S. Downing St., Seaside, Oregon C U. S. & Canadian 97138 2052 William C. Councell, P. 0. Box 655, Manila, Philippines C U. S. & Philippine paper money 2053 E. Harold Langdon, 1724 Georgia St., Napa, Cal. 94558 C Position numbers 2054 Libero Zampieri, 30 Nelson St., Barre, Vermont 05641 C U. S. & Canadian; colonial & continental cur- rency; Vermont broken bank notes 2055 Buddy Gordon, P. 0. Box 17556 E. Atlanta Sta., Atlanta, Ga. 30316 C Small notes (U. S.) 2056 LT JG A. W. Heine, USS Eversole DD789, EPO San C, D $1 Silver certificates Francisco, Cal. 96601 2057 Roy L. Baker, 1215 S. Owasso, Tulsa, Okla. C, D Large national currency 2058 Trevor L. Thor, 711 West Street, Three Rivers, Mich. C U. S. large & fractional; obsolete state notes 49093 2059 Harry A. Stamp, 6218 S. Budlong Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. C U. S. & foreign paper money 90044 2060 George H. Wettach, 17-20 Well Drive, Fair Lawn, N. J. C U. S. - General 07410 Change of Address 1071 John Porter, R. D. #5, Augusta, Maine 04330 1711 Eugene 0. Rains, 1509 So. Valrico Rd., Valrico, Fla. 33594 961 Stanley J. Solson, 244 W 74th St., New York, N. Y. 10027 636 Miss Yolanda Lujan, 15000 Dorchester, Dolton, Ill. 60419 740 Mary Lois Leath, 114 W. Green Ave., I larbor City, Cal. 90710 704 Alex Kapor, P. 0. Box 130, Highbridge Sta., Bronx, N. Y. 10452 803 George E. Svoboda, 1757 W 51st St., Chicago, 111. 60609 498 Paul G. Conmy, P. 0. Box 242, Fargo, N. D. 58102 567 J. M. DuPont, 391 Valley Rd., Watchung, N. J. 07060 699 James N. Heine, 2527 Skyline, Lemon Grove, Cal. 92045 171 John F. Nelson, 1501 4th Ave., No., Great Falls, Mont. 59401 49 Lorenzo La Pierre, 183 Fillebrook, Ley Tonstone, Lon- don, England 1632 John N. Abernathy, 1645 36th St., Orlando, Fla. 32805 1215 Martin Roberts, 4401 E. Evans, Denver, Colo. 80222 842 Chuck O'Donnell, P. 0. Box 123, Williamston, N. J. 08094 1119 Herb Weston, 601 Jonesboro Rd., West Monroe, La. 71291 208 R. Harvey Anselm, 940 San Pablo, Wichita, Kans. 67207 1338 William McGreevy, 32 El Portal, Greenbrae, Cal. 94901 1063 George W. Hart, 1203 Bancroft Ave., Colonial Beach, Va. 22443 610 Leonard E. Buckley, 3752 Bel Pre Rd. Apt. 11, Silver Spring, Md. 20906 56 Maurice Sklar, P. 0. Box 8466, Universal City, Cal 91608 595 Bill Waites, 48 Hawk St., Kitimat, B. C., Canada 1706 Joseph D. Rivnyak, 2295 East Main St., Bridgeport, Conn. 06610 1290 David Halsted, 2719 E. 116th, Cleveland, Ohio 44120 342 Col. Grover C. Criswell, Jr., Rt. #2 Box 112, Crita, Fla. 32627 1786 Conrad C. Tindell, 8827 E. Artesia Blvd. SP53, Bell- flower, Calif. 90706 Resignations 1680 David L. McDanels 1236 Francis G. Kilmer 1813 William Stagles 1082 D. M. Keefer 1734 Richard E. Kupper 1639 Ernest E. St. Laurent 1668 Irving Keiser 1783 Mrs. Henry 0. Severson 1445 Larry A. Yurkovich Paper Money 1033 Joseph V. Pernicano 1444 Stephen M. Bezark 1011 Paul Oricks 1176 Sam A. Marcell 1414 J. T. Hamby 1456 Kenneth M. Haught 1602 Neville F. Hodson 1532 Charles H. Walsh 1349 Milton H. Hartwell 1604 E. Foedish 1512 Harvey Blicksilver 1711 Eugene 0. Rains 1659 Arnold McDermott, MD 1369 Mrs. Richard Shanklin 765 Mrs. Henrietta B. Wilson Deceased 1727 H. H. Whitsitt Dropped-Address Unknown 1180 Bruce Robinson 959 Joseph E. Halicki 1438 Frank Joseph 716 Lt. W. L. Heise PAGE 94 WHOLE NO. 23 Massachusetts Wismer Reprint Nearing Completion Maurice Gould and Elmon R. Johnson are working toward completion of the Massachusetts section of the SPMC catalog of obsolete bank notes, known as the "Wismer List." Now is the time for all collectors to send listings of the Massachusetts notes in their collec- tions to Mr. Gould at P. 0. Box 2407, Sepulveda, Cal. 91343. Only in this way can a high degree of completion and accuracy be achieved. Current Currency in Albania Put into circulation in early 1966 were seven new paper notes expressed in "heavy" leke, according to a revaluation dated Aug. 16, 1965. All were issued by the Banka e Shtetit Shqiptar of Tirana (the National Bank of Albania 1, which was founded in 1925 with Italian aid. All the notes are numbered serially in red ink, with a two-letter prefix, and all are dated 1964. Designs seen thus far are as follows: 100 leke—size 174 x 94 mm.; purple; obverse shows a hydroelectric project; reverse shows oil derricks, a refinery and two workers. 50 leke—size 163 x 89 mm.; reddish brown; obverse shows marching men and women carrying flags and rifles; reverse shows a building under construction. 25 leke—size 148 x 84 mm.; blue; obverse shows a peasant girl and a combine harvesting wheat; reverse shows a tractor and farm implement. 10 leke—size 134 x 74 mm.; green; obverse shows a woman in a spinning mill; reverse shows students at a school and men and women in native costume. (One, three and five leke notes were also issued.) Did You Know That — The number "1" appears on the front of our first one dollar Legal Tender Notes (Series 1862) 61 times, on the back 72, for a total of 133 times. It appears on the front of our last one dollar Legal Tender Notes (Series 1928) four times, on the back six, for a total of ten times. An eagle appears on the back of every Gold Certificate of each series and denomination between 1882 and 1922, except on the $50 notes of 1913 and 1922. Michael B. Kromeke WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. 176 HENDRICKSON AVE., ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. WANTED To replenish my constantly changing stock, I will buy, or trade for, any of the following currency: NATIONAL BANK NOTES large and small LOW SERIAL NUMBERS UNUSUAL SERIAL NUMBERS ERRORS — FREAKS STARS MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES BLOCK LETTERS PLATE NUMBERS FOREIGN . . . AND REGULAR ISSUES I have thousands of varieties of the above types of currency. Send your Want Lists. I keep these on file, when I cannot supply, and advise when available—without commitment. I ALSO WANT THE FOLLOWING—AT TOP PRICES: $1.00 1963 $1.00 $1.00 Any Denomination and Series A 0000 A 1928 Star (LT) 1935A R Star 03000001 00004810 G 0000 A 1928C Star 1935A S Star 00000022 00006665 J 0000 A 1928D Star $2.00 00000027 00006572 K 0000 A 1928E Star 1928 Star 00000031 00008779 L 0000 A 1934 Star 1928A Star 00000041 00008888 F 000 ., A 1935 Star 1928B Star 00000243 28282828 G 000 Star 1928C Star 00002004 31313131 H 0000 Star 00004321 77777770 99999999 37383940 HARRY M. COLEMAN Box 3032 Tucson, Arizona 85702 ANA 53009 SPMC 955 PMCM 303 FOREIGN CURRENCY 1. ALLIED MILITARY CURRENCY: FRANCE 100 francs 1944 very good, each $ 1.50 2. BRITISH WEST AFRICA W. African Currency Beard, Lagos 1937 10 shillings, very good $ 4.00 3. CHINA: Provincial Bank of Honan 1921 (111R) green and red stiff paper. This note is being offered by other dealers at $4.00 ea. Ours are all crisp uncirculated at only each $ 1.25 4. SPANISH BANK GAF THE ISLAND OF CUBA: 10 Pecos 1896 fine; 5 Pesos 1896 very good; 1 Peso 1896 fine and 10 cent. 1883 very good; 4 pcs. sold only as a set $17.50 5. GERMAN EMPIRE colorful set 50, 100 and 1000 marks, 19,:8-1914, fine .75 6. BANK OF KOREA 100 Won 1950, crisp unc , low price, each .60 7. MEXICO, OAXACA 1915 Cne Peso block printed on ledger paper. X.F. each $ 1.00 8. PHILIPPINE INVASION by Japanese 1000 Pesos, purple "PU" V.F. each .75 9. RUSSIA 1917 large 1000 Roubles; 5 1/2" x 81/2" very good each EOc, 2 for $ 1.00 10. Rare EL ESTADO DP. SONORA, MEXICO $5 SON P37. Catalogs in Cr swell's "North American Currency" at $10.00. Ours are crisp unc each $ 2.50 HELEN H. WILLIAMSON ORLEANS COIN SHOP SPMC #1850 ANA #20431 P. 0. Drawer 2347 New Orleans, La. 70116 PAPER MONEY U. S. LARGE SIZE CURRENCY U. S. SMALL SIZE CURRENCY U. S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY LIST AVAILABLE STAMP PLEASE THEODORE KEMM 915 West End Avenue New York, N. Y. 10025 1967 ILLUSTRATED EDITION WORLD WAR ii AXIS MILITARY CURRENCY by Raymond S. Toy and Bob Meyer =L. AI NOW - - - no excuse for not col- lecting the most over- looked paper money series of our time- approx. 1000 different World War Two mili- tary notes. Just released, 1st Edition, "World War Axis Military Currency" ($2.50 postpaid) to complete the listings of all known World War Two military issues with illustrations and valua- tions (2nd Edition "W. W. II Allied Military Currency" still availabie —$2.00 postpaid). 98 Pages. 80 Illustrations. Valuations on most notes Order from your dealer or: FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SERIES I buy and sell anything in the FRACTIONAL CURRENCY SERIES SINGLES SHEETS SHIELDS SPECIMENS PROOFS Try a specialist in this series for all your needs. SELL TO A SPECIALIST FOR THE BEST PRICE.RAYMOND S. TOY 992 Hacienda Drive, El Cajon, Calif. 92020 'Thomas E. Werner 505 N. WALNUT ST. WEST CHESTER, PA. NOTICE to collectors in European area: For your convenience, the firm of Mevius & Hirschhorn, Utrechtsestraat 115, Amster- dam, Holland is my exclusive distributor for both of these books. WANTED Obsolete Paper Money of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia i HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF OBSOLETE AND U. S. CURRENCY FOR SALE OR TRADE. Please Send Me Your Want Lists. J. ROY PENNELL, JR. P. 0. BOX 3005 ANDERSON, S. C. 29621 WANTED For Private Collection IOWA BROKEN SANK NOTES & LARGE & SMALL NATIONALS Interested in all, but especially the following FRIEDBERG NUMBERS: 380-93; 409-464; 558-586 ALL DATED REVERSE BILLS AND RED SEALS DEAN OAKES R.F.D. 2 Iowa City, Iowa SPMC 1322 LMANA 510 I r UY A 1°) 00 N EW 00K Historical Account of Vermont Paper Currency and Banks 1781-1867 by yours truly $2.00 p.p. FEW OBSOLETES FOR SALE: Uncut sheet $1, 1, 2, 3, Citizens Bank La. $1 5.00 Uncut sheet $3, 5, 10, 20, Bank of New England, Connecticut $22.00 State of Pa. single notes: $5 Northwestern Bank—Warren $7.00 $10 Northampton Bank—Allentown $5.00 $20 Towanda Bank $10.00 City of Richmond, Va. 25c, 30c, 50c, 60c. 75c set VG stained $14.00 Canadian Fractional—Charlton No's. 1, 1 b, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Good to Unc. Catalogs $90 . . . I'll take $70.00 Have many more—foreign too: write for list. Thanks. T. G. HARPER RFD #1 SACO, MAINE 04072 SPMC-ANA-CNA The Society of Paper Money Collectors is pleased to announce the publication of "Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip" by HARLEY L. FREEMAN. This is a hard covered book of 103 large pages, profusely illustrated. PRICE TO SPMC MEMBERS $4.00 OTHERS $4.75 POSTPAID Send remittances payable to the Society to: J. ROY PENNELL, JR. BOX 3005 ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 Old Obsolete Sheets Bank of England. Conn. 1-1-2-5 A. U. $ 7.50 Stonington Bank. Conn. 5 - 5 - 5 - 10 A. U. 14.75 City Bank of New Haven. 50-100-20-20 A. U. 32.50 Norfolk Bank. Conn. 1 - 1 - 2 - 3 A. U. 300.00 Bank of Augusta, Ga. 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 A. U. 14.25 Louisville, Ky. Sheet of 3 Checks. 186- 9.75 Frankfort Bank. Ky. 10-5-5-5 A. U. 19.75 Boylston Nat. Bank. Boston. Sheet of 3 Checks 188- A. U. 3.75 International Trust Co. Boston. Sheet of 3 Checks 188 - A. U. Colorful Sheet 7.50 Bank of Macomb County. Mich. 5 - 5 - 5 - 10 A. U. 33.50 Lumbermens Bank of E. L. Fuller & Co. Mich. 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 A. U. 450.00 Farmington Bank. N. H. 2 - 1 A. U. 14.75 Allentown, Pa. Sheet of 3 Checks. 185 - A. U. 4.75 Bank of Montgomery County. Pa. Sheet of 5 Checks 183- A. U. Very Desirable 7.75 I am interested in UNCUT Colonial Sheets of the French Revolution. Please describe and quote. Frank F. Sprinkle P. 0. Box 864 Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 NEW LISTS Write for my new list of large size U. S. paper money. Fractional currency list also available. If you collect obsolete notes, please tell me the states which interest you. G. W. WAIT BOX 165 GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY 07028 "Texas Confederate County Notes & Private Scrip" By HANK BIECIUK and BILL CORBIN The only exclusive reference work on these notes. Book was the winner of an award from the historical society. Over 100 pages, profusely illustrated. $3.50 postpaid Also have a few copies of Vol. 1, No. 1 of PAPER MONEY (the first issue) . $1.00 each postpaid. HANK BIECIUK BOX 1235 KILCORE, TEXAS Obsolete Uncut Sheets Tallahassee Railroad Co., Fla. 1 - 1 - 2 - 3, Unc. $60.00 Bank of Augusta, Ga., 10-20-50-100, Unc. 60.00 Bank of Whitfield, Ga., 1 - 2 - 5 - 5, Unc. 40.00 Farmers Bank of Ky., 10 - 10 - 10 - 10, Unc. 35.00 Stonington Bank, Conn., 5 - 5 - 10 - 20, Unc. 25.00 The Dixon Hotel Co., III., 2 - 3 - 5 - 5, Unc. 85.00 Frankfort Bank, Ky., 5 - 5 - 5 - 10, Unc. 33.00 Western Exchange Ins. Co., Nebr., 1 - 2 - 3 - 5, Unc. 85.00 Citizens Bank of La., 1 - 1 - 2 - 3, Unc. 15.00 Citizens Bank of La., DIX. 10 - 10 - 10 - 10, Unc. 90.00 Canal & Banking Co., La., 50 - 50 - 100 - 100, Unc. 35.00 Searsport Bank, Me., 1 - 2 - 3 - 5, Unc. 50.00 Louisiana State Bank, 5 - 5 - 5 - 5, Unc. 70.00 Hagerstown Bank, Md., 5 - 5 - 10 - 10, Unc. 30.00 Bank of Macomb County, Mich., 5 - 5 - 5 - 10, Unc. 40.00 Bank of New England, Conn., 3 - 5 - 10 - 20, Unc. 16.00 State Bank of Illinois, 10 - 10 - 20 - 50, Unc. 85.00 Franklin Silk Co., Ohio, 1 -1 -2-3 Unc. 22.00 Franklin Silk Co., Ohio, 5 - 5 - 5 - 10, Unc. 30.00 Adrian Insurance Co., Mich., 1 - 1 - 2 - 3, Unc. 25.00 Baldwin & Dodge, Iowa, 1-1-1-1, Unc. 40.00 Missouri Defense Bond, 1 - 1 - 1 - 3, Unc. 70.00 Cooper Shop Vol. Saloon, Phila., Pa., 4 Checks 10.00 Millers Bank of Washtenaw, Mich., 1 - 2 - 3 - 5, Uric. 50.00 Omaha City Bank & Land Co., Nebr., 1-1-2-5, Unc. 60.00 West River Bank, Vt., 1 - 2 - 3 - 5, Uric. 25.00 Windham County Bank, Vt., 1 - 1 - 2 - 5, Uric. 80.00 Many other sheets and singles in stock. Want lists solicited. Also want to buy. RICHARD T. HOOBER P. 0. Box 196 Newfoundland, Penna. 18445 Knight Currency Offerings LARGE SIZE ONE DOLLAR NOTES (Friedberg numbers) 16 1862 Unc 77.50 230 1899 Unc 16.50 18 1869 Unc 100.00 237 1923 Unc 14.50 34 1880 Unc 47.50 238 1923 Unc 20.00 38 1917 V F 12.50 351 1891 F 35.00 40 1923 E F 27.50 352 1891 Unc 85.00 218 1886 Unc 90.00 380 1865 F 40.00 223 1891 E F 47.50 710 1918 Unc 40.00 224 1896 E F 67.50 713 1918 Unc 30.00 228 1899 Unc 18.00 715 1918 E F 32.50 237 $1 S.C. 3 consecutive numbers (M16512731D - 33D) E. F. 33.00 Gem Uncirculated type set of large one dollar notes - Legals 16, 18, 40; Silver 218, 224, 228, 237; Treasury 352; National 380; Fed Res Bank 710, All ten major types 675.00 SMALL SIZE ONE DOLLAR NOTES (Donlon numbers) All Uncirculated 101-1 1928 25.00 201-10 1935B 10.95 201-17NM 1935G 2.95 201-1 1928 14.50 201-11 1935C 5.50 201-18WM 1935G 3.25 201-2 1928A 9.50 201-12W 1935D 4.95 201-19 1957B 1.50 201-3 1928B 12.50 201-12N 1935D 4.50 201-19 * Star 2.50 201-4 1928C Wanted 201-13 1935E 3.50 201-20 1935H 2.50 201-5 1928D Wanted 201-14 1957 1.50 A201 N. Africa 10.50 201-6 1928E Wanted 201-14* Star 2.50 H201 Hawaii 6.95 201-7 1934 9.50 201-15 1935F 2.50 R201 Regular Wanted 201-8 1935 12.50 201-15' Star 3.50 S201 Special 57.50 201-9 1935A 4.50 201-16 1957A 1.50 R201-S201 Set 125.00 201-16 * Star 2.50 Type set of small one dollar notes - 101-1, 201-1, 201-7, 201-8, 201-14, 501-1 ; An uncirculated set of first issue types 62.50 Complete set of small one dollar notes - the 1928C is VG with two small edge tears, the 1928D and 1928E are Fine plus. All the rest including the R and S, Hawaii and North Africa are Uncirculated. The 1963 and 1963A Federal Reserve sets have the last two numbers matching. The complete set of 50 notes in Donlon holders and housed in a FLIP - UP ALBUM 745.00 SPECIAL - Set of Unc. San Diego Clearing House Certificates 1, 5, 10, and 20 dollar notes (See page 998 in the August 1967 issue of the NUMISMATIST). The set only 37.50 Our fall price list is now available. Those not on our regular mailing list may obtain one by sending a large stamped, self - addressed envelope to us. New York residents, please add sales tax for your area. JOHN J. O'HARE WILLIAM G. LAHTI KNIGHT CURRENCY CO. P. 0. BOX 74, STA. H, BUFFALO, N. Y. 14214 Roy L. Baker Offers Large National Currency Fr, # 472 650 653 650 650 663 652 650 653 6'79A 652 643 657 654 659 652 621 624 624 624 626 624 613 625 624 633 627 632 624 624 626 631 626 621 613 626 624 631 624 626 633 624 624 624 632 627 626 626 630 628 621 606 587 587 587 605 589 587 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $ 2 O. 0 0 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20,00 $20.00 $20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 S10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 S 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Montgomery, Ala, Newport, Ark. Sari Francisco, Calif, Newport, Delaware Madison, Georgia Albany, Georgia Cedar Rapids, Iowa O'Fallon, Illinois Catlettsburg, Kentucky Paducah, Kentucky McMinnville, Oregon Spartanburg, S. C. San Angelo, Texas Salt Lake City, Utah Crisp Unc. S. Kemmerer, Wyoming Torrington, Wyoming Fayetteville, Ark. Sonora, Calif. Meriden, Conn. Dist. of Col. Dist. of Col. Dist. of Col. Fort Dodge, Iowa Sumner, Iowa Everly, Iowa Clinton, Iowa Rossville, Illinois Perkin, Illinois Wabash, Indiana Mitchell, Indiana Edmond, Kansas Alpha, Michigan Duluth, Minn. Ridgeway, Missouri Ridgeway, Missouri Durham, No. Carolina Lebanon, New Hamp. Spartanburg, So. Carolina Charleston, So. Carolina Elizabethton, Tenn. Johnson City, Tenn. Athens, Tenn. Springfield, Vermont Derby Line, Vermont Saltville, Virginia Bristol, Virginia Danville, Virginia Spokane, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. Bluefield, West Virginia Parkersburg, West Virginia Hartford, Conn New London, Conn. Bloomington, Illinois Worcester, Mass. Nashua, New Hampshire Salt Lake City, Utah Pittsburgh, Penna. 1881 E F. Crisp A. U. V G. V G. V F. E F. (Rare) V G. Unc. V G. (Scarce) Good V F. E F. Fine Lists as Rare Fine Fine E F. (Rare) V G. Fine V F. V G. Good Good Fine Scarce Good V G. E F. Fine Fine V G. V F. A U. V F. Crisp Unc. A U. Fine Fine Fine V G. V F. V F. V G. A U. E F. V G. V G. V G. V F. Fine V F. V F. Crisp. Unc. E F. V G. V G. V F. V G. Fine $135.00 47.50 35.00 35.00 47.50 150.00 40.00 • 45.00 45.00 85.00 130.00 45.00 37.50 250.00 125.00 125.00 150.00 22.50 27.50 45.00 25.00 20.00 30.00 45.00 47.50 30.00 27.50 27.50 25.00 26.00 25.00 27.50 22.50 95.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 25.00 47.50 37.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 60.00 50.00 27.50 27.50 27.50 20.00 17.50 17.50 27.50 50.00 17.50 Fr. #575 Very Rare $5.00 El Reno, Okla. Value on Back ... Fine $275.00 1 Sheet of 6- $10.00 Notes on the First National Bank of Forest Grove, Oregon, Ser. #A000001A Char. #8036, Crisp Unc., RARE State $650.00 Fr. # MISCELLANEOUS LARGE NOTES 1214 Gold Cert. Crisp Unc. $375.00 1183 Gold Cert. Crisp Unc. 125.00 678 $50.00 Brownwood, Texas V F. 125.00 684 $50.00 Ottumna, Iowa V F. 125.00 122 Lewis and Clark Fine 25.00 225 George & Martha Washington V G. 25.00 247 Fulton & Morse Fine 90.00 270 Grant & Sheridan V G. 90.00 281 OnePapa Fine 22.50 ALL ORDERS SENT AIR-MAIL INSURED; REFUND IF NOT SATISFIED. REF.: UTICA SQUARE NATIONAL BANK, TULSA, OKLA. ROY L. BAKER 1215 So. OwassoTULSA, OKLA. 74120 Phone: LU 2-5986 KNOWLEDGE pROFESSIONk NUMISMATISTS %WU) • !tic NTEGR1TY P.N.G. 65 NUMISMATIST P. 0. BOX 2381 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75221 LIFE MEMBER A.N.A. 402 gohn 91. Row, III REPUBLIC OF TEXAS NOTES AND WARRANTS Numbers by Criswell. holder. Fine-Very Fine Condition with each piece housed in an acetate PI 65.00 H15A 35.00 A9 175.00 AW7 35.00 P2 65.00 H16 25.00 AW1 30.00 AW8 25.00 V2 17.50 H17 12.50 AW2 25.00 AW9 20.00 Cl 25.00 H17A 12.50 AW3 25.00 AW10 30.00 C2 20.00 H18 17.50 AW4 30.00 W1 60.00 C3 17.50 H19 17.50 AW5 25.00 W2 60.00 C4 15.00 H21 17.50 AW6 35.00 W3 20.00 C5 17.50 H21A 12.50 $1 Bank of Texas 12.50 C6 65.00 H22-H27 Ea. 60.00 Uncut sheet 4 notes 50.00 HW1 25.00 CFI 12.50 $1 Kelsey Douglass 10.00 HW1A 25.00 CF2-4 None $2 Kelsey Douglass 12.00 HW2 15.00 CF5 17.50 $3 Kelsey Douglass 15.00 HW3 15.00 CF6 30.00 $5 Kelsey Douglass 12.00 HW4 15.0C CF7 12.50 Uncut sheet $2-2-3-5 65.00 HW5 15.00 CF7A 17.50 $3 Bank of Texas 30.00 HW6 25.00 CF9 30.00 $10 Commercial and Agri. Bank 100.00 HW7 15.00 CF 1 0 12.50 $1 Briscoe Harris 100.00 HW8 25.03 CF11 22.50 $3 Briscoe Harris 100.00 HW9 15.00 CF12 30.00 Set-Kelsey Douglass 65.00 HWI 0 15.00 CF14 75.00 HW12 25.00 Al 8.95 SPECIAL STARTER SETS H3A 45.00 A2 9.95 $1 thru $100 Republic Notes (A1-A8)H4 45.00 Very Fine 69.50 H9 60.00 A3 12.95 $10, $20, $50 Government Notes Sam H10A 60.00 A4-A7 Ea. 6.95 Houston issue 39.50 H14 100.00 A8 16.95 10 Different Republic of Texas 95.00 PROFESSIONch. NUMISMATISTS S. P. M. C. No. 74 P. 0. BOX 144 KNOWLEDGE In The DONLON Spotlite! SILVER CERTIFICATES!! Accepted in Trade at Highest Possible Offer! Trade in those tired, worn-out, beat-up, soiled, blue seal certificates, $1, $5, and $10 denomination, for choice collector's items. Advise quantity, for best possible offer. If not ready to purchase. Credit Memo will be issued. WILL PURCHASE FOR CASH UNCIRCULATED CERTIFICATES! Please note! This copy is being written in late July, well in advance of publication date. It is diffi- cult to predict the future market, but you may be sure Donlon's allowance or cash buying price will be the highest possible. BUY NOW! Sets Uncirculated Silver Certificates! These prices guaranteed on;y while present supply lasts. $1 Last ten issues, 201-12W to 201-20, new with 10 holders $ 19.95 $1 18 different issues, includes all except 201-4, 201-5, 201-6 $ 84.50 $1 The above set with last two digits matched on 18 notes $ 97.50 $5 Complete set of 8 issues, 201-1 to 201-8 $1 54.5C $10 certificates also available, about unc. and NEW. Also single notes in all denominations. Your Want List will have prompt attention. But don't delay! Buy now! Holders included with all of above sets. SAVE $2.00. Order the Donlon Flip-Up album for small size notes, regular $10.50, with any order from above, only $8.50. Or the large size, regular $12.50, only $10.50 with any order from above specials. Whitman's "Modern U. S. Currency" by Shafer and Donlon, $1.75. Just out! Donlon's cata- log, 1967 ed., 4th printing. $1. The above two books, special $2.60, ppd. Friedberg's "Paper Money of the United States" $12.50 ppd. WANT TO BUY LARGE SIZE U. S. CURRENCY, ALL ISSUES, IN CHOICE CONDITION ONLY. DESCRIBE FULLY AND PRICE. Please do not ask for offers on these items. WILLIAM P. DONLON United States Currency Exclusively and Full Time! A.N.A. 4295 Life Member No. 101 UTICA, NEW YORK 13503