
Paper Money - Vol. XIII, No. 5 - Whole No. 53 - September 1974

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444 ; 4•4111 Li A /41iiia wen Au PoAsciiPIMINOUAlltMENT LA rnitsomut atoticA auk a biz *air Ri Paper honey BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE society of Pape *Hey Collector, Vol. XIII No. 5 Whole No. 53 September 1974 The little-known paper money of Monaco as described by Raymond deVos on pages 195-200. ppofESSIONk NuMISMIITIsis 41110 •Ifte UNCUT SHEETS OF EIGHTEEN A Word about the great scarcity of "Sheets of Eighteen": Shortly before the Honorable John W. Snyder's term of office expired, we sent an order to the Treasury Department for several 1935D $1.00 uncut sheets. However, our order was not filled until the late Hon. George W. Humphrey became the new Secretary-but, departing from previous policy, we were sent only one sheet- with a refund for those not supplied. Then, not long after that, Mr. Humphrey issued a stop order to discontinue issuing uncut sheets-thereby unfortunately bringing to an end the great service that had been rendered to note collectors for so many years. This explains why many of the printed sheets-and no doubt earlier sheets as well, never reached collector's hands. SO-Now You Know-Why these rare sheets are valued so highly. As this goes to press-we are happy to offer the following-each a Superb Crisp New Sheet: 1935D $1 Silver Certificate. Clark/Snyder. 102 Sheets printed-but the number that were issued is a big unresolved question. We have just two sheets-each 1,149.50 1935E $1 Silver. Priest/Humphrey Rare and in big demand 969.50 1953 $5 Silver. Sigs. as last. 100 printed-likely not many exist today 2,089.50 1953 $10 Silver. Same Sigs. 100 printed-not a great many are known to exist 2,249.50 1953 $2 Legal. 100 Sheets printed-scarce and elusive sheet 1,899.50 1953 $5 Legal. 100 Sheets printed-very few seem to exist 2,199.50 SPECIAL-Above SIX-Complete (have just the one set) 9,949.50 RARE CUT SHEETS OF FOUR Beautiful cut sheets of four-when reconstructed, they form a -following mostly one-of-a-kind: LEGAL TENDER 1880 $1 F-30. Rosecrans/Jordan. Small Red Seal 749.50 1880 $2 F-56. Tillman'/Morgan 949.50 1880 $5 F-74. Rosecrans/Jordan. Large Red Seal 1,449.50 1880 $5 F-79. Rosecrans/Nebeker. Small Red Scalloped Seal 899.50 1880 $5 F-80. Tillman/Morgan. Each note is personally auto- graphed by D. N. Morgan 1,349.50 1880 $10 F-110. Rosecrans/Nebeker. Scarce "Jack-Ass" Sheet 1,649.50 1880 $20 F-136. Rosecrans/Hyatt. Large Red Spikes seal. Very Rare Sheet 3,949.50 1880 $20 F-140. Rosecrans/Nebeker. Small Red Scalloped seal _1,849.50 1880 $20 F-141. Tillman/Morgan. Each note is personally auto- graphed by D. N. Morgan 2,749.50 1880 $50. F-161. Rosecrans/Huston. Large Brown Seal. Single Notes Retail g $1,600.00. Possibly not more than two or three such sheets exist 6,949.50 1917 $1 F-38. Elliott/White. Only 249.50 1917 $1 F-39. Rare "Star Sheet" 649.50 1923 $1 F-40. Superb and Rare 489.50 1923 $1 F-40. "Star Sheet", with low Nos. *4209D/*4212D Very Rare Sheet 1,349.60 sheet as originally issued. Majority of these are Very Rare SILVER CERTIFICATES 1891 $1 F-223. Tillman/Morgan. Small Red Scalloped seal 1,149.50 1891 $10 F-299. Sigs. & Seal as last. Single notes retail at $450.00 2,499.50 1891 $20 F-320. Lyons/Roberts. Small Red seal. Very Rare Sheet 2,949.50 1891 $50 F-334. Vernon/Treat. Small Red seal. Singles Retail at $950.00. Cut sheet is far rarer 5,449.50 1899 $1 F-236. Speelman/White. A nice sheet g a cheap price 189.50 1899 $2 F-253. Napier/McClung. Now scarce in sheets 449.50 1923 $1 F-238. Woods/White 159.50 COIN NOTES 1890 $5 F-359. Rosecrans/Huston. Large Brown seal. From the James M. Wade Collection-and Very Rare 5,499.50 1891 $1 F-351. Tillman/Morgan. Small Red seal. Very scarce Sheet 949.50 1891 $2 F-357. Sigs. & Seal as last. Now rare in sheets 1,949.50 1891 $5 F-364. Bruce/Roberts. Small Red seal 1,989.50 1891 $10 F-369. Rosecrans/Nebeker. Seal as last 2,449.50 SPECIAL-Above Four 1891 Sheets 6,499.50 + + + + TWO-DENOMINATION SHEET + + + + 1914 $20 Obverse + $10 Reverse Federal Reserve. A Great Rarity (possibly Unique). Similar Single "Two-Denomi- nations" Notes when very seldom offered, bring $3,900.00 or more. This Splendid Museum Sheet Priced at only 16,449.50 JUST OFF THE PRESS - POSTPAID Friedberg's New 8th Edition "Paper Money of the United States." A MUST-Lists Hundreds of Price Changes. To Get Yours Now-please Call or Write for Price. Pick's "Catalog of European Paper Money." New 2nd Ed. .1 16.95 First Edition-While a few lasts 10.95 Correction-Huntoon /Van Belkum's "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period 1863/ 1935"-Should have been offered in last month's ad for 13.50 It PAYS to Know Your Paper Money. IF you have to say "I Didn't Know That," it can be very Costly. Send $1.00 for our Big Book Catalog (Free with Order.) ANCO DE LUXE CURRENCY ALBUM They are finally here-a Handsome Custom Made Album-Gold Embossed Cover. Capacity 96 Large (or Small Size) Notes. Covers in Blue-Brown-Green-Red or White. Please Specify Color desired. Price (Add $1.50 Postage) 12.95 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please Add $1.00 under $100.00. Nebraskans Add Sales Tax. SASE for our Bargain List of Small Size Notes & Accessories. Please Remember, we both Lose IF Your Business does not come to Bebee's! MEMBER: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN. Others. Bebee's, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 SOd LIVA OFPAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC .arsolcre.;.; , Founded 1961 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen- nell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621. Second class postage paid at An- derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip- tion to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to non-members are $10.00 a year. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. © Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc., 1974. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. ADVERTISING RATES Space Outside 1 Time Contract Rates 3 Times 6 Times Back Cover $40.00 $108.00 $204.00 Inside Front & Back Cover 37.50 101.25 191.25 Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75 Half-page 20.00 54.00 102.00 Quarter-page 12.50 33.75 63.75 Eighth-page 8.00 21.60 40.80 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; en- gravings & artwork at cost 5% copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The 15th of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 15 for March issue). Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver- tisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic mate- rial and publications and accessories related thereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. Papa litatte9 Official Bimonthly Publication of THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS, INC. Vol. XIII - No. 5 Whole No. 53 September 1974 BARBARA R. MUELLER. Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 Tel. 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica- tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership and changes of address, should be addressed to the Secretary at P. 0. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310. IN THIS ISSUE: THE PAPER MONEY OF MONACO —Raymond deVos 195 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARTERED IN VIRGINIA — Elvin B. Miller 201 NOTES FROM STANLEY GIBBONS CURRENCY —Colin Narbeth 202 AUTOGRAPHED CURRENCY — Larry Sanders 203 MORE NUMISMATIC POLITICAL GRAFFITI 205 AUTOGRAPHED NOTES 206 EXCERPTS FROM DYE'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR 207 TYPE I "B" SUFFIX—TYPE II "B" PREFIX M. Owen Warns 209 SPECIMEN BANKNOTES —C. W. Hill 209 WORLD NEWS AND NOTES —M. Tiitus 211 PAGING THROUGH YESTERYEAR —Forrest Daniel 212 PAPER MONEY MARKET REPORT—ACTION AT AUCTION 213 AUTHORIZATION TO PRINT FIRST AMERICAN PAPER MONEY 218 THE FIRST PAPER MONEY 219 FEDERAL RESERVE CORNER —Nathan Goldstein II 221 OBSOLETE NOTE USED IN MILWAUKEE BANK'S ADVERTISING 221 A REVIEW: THE NEVADA "SIXTEEN" — Barbara R. Mueller 223 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. SPMC CHRONICLE 224 SECRETARY'S REPORT — Vernon L. Brown 226 MONEY MART 227 Cociety of Pape,. Iitotev Collectem OFFICERS President J Roy Pennell, Jr. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson. S. C. 29621 Vice-President Robert E. Medlar 4114 Avenue Q, Lubbock, Texas 79412 Secretary Vernon L. Brown P. 0. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33310 Treasurer M. Owen Warns P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis 53201 APPOINTEE'S Editor Barbara R. Mueller Librarian Wendell Wolka Attorney Ellis Edlow BOARD OF GOVERNORS Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W. Daniel, James N. Gates, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Harry G. Wigington, Wendell Wolka. One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage research about paper money and publication of the re- sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following publications are currently available: OBSOLETE BANK NOTE LISTING SERIES Hard-covered books profusely illustrated Texas Obsolete Notes and Scrip by BOB MEDLAR Postpaid to members, $6.00 Others, $10.50 Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip by HARLEY L. FREEMAN Postpaid to members, $4.00 Others, $5.00 Vermont Obsolete Notes and Scrip by MAYRE B. COULTER $10.00 postpaid —Dealers—Write for Quantity Prices to J. Roy Pennell, Jr. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621 When making inquiries, please include stamped, self-addressed envelope. Society Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem- bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian—Wen- dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III . 60521. Back Issues of PAPER MONEY $1.00 each while they last All issues from Vol. 4, No. 2, 1965 (Whole No. 14) to date. Earlier issues are in short supply. A limited supply of bound books containing two years each also available for $12.50 per book. Vols. 5 and 6 (Nos. 17-24) ; or 7 and 8 (Nos. or 9 and 10 (Nos. 33-44). volume- Specify 25-32) ; The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an- nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char- acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis and are $8.00 per year, payable in U.S. Funds. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. Send remittances payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. J. ROY PENNELL, JR. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29621 Be Sure To Include Zip Code! The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935 by M. 0. WARNS-PETER HUNTOON-LOUIS VAN BELKUM This is a hard-covered book with 212 large pages and 329 illustrations. $9.75 Postpaid $12.00 to Others Send remittance payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. M. 0. WARNS P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201 Be Sure To Include Zip Code! WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 195 Jhe aper money of Monaco By RAYMOND de VOS T HE lack of small change and low denominationcurrency in the post-World War I period was felt in Monaco as much as it was in France. An immediate solution was a decision by the government of Monaco allowing the emergency money issued by the Chamber of Commerce of Nice to be considered as legal tender within the Principality. This measure had two great disadvantages. It gave the profits of seigneu- rage to the city of Nice, and it was not in accord with the policy of self-sufficiency and sovereignty of the Principality. On the 16th of March 1920, in council, it was decided that an issue of national currency was warranted, and, on the 20th of March of the same year, Prince Albert I proclaimed, in a formal resolution, his endorsement of the Council plans. Originally it was the intention to print 50 centimes notes and 1 and 2 Franc notes. The 2 Franc note was dropped from the program in favor of a 25 centimes note, but no official reasons for this change were given. The banknotes are interesting since they are entirely a "home" product. The designer, F. Aureglia, the en- graver, A. Berthe, and the printer, Chene, were all resi- dents of Monaco. Although functioning in a sense as emergency money, the banknotes were a government issue by the Treasury and guaranteed by the governing authorities of the Principality. Of the 2 Franc note there remains only a completed drawing of the obverse and an incomplete pencil sketch of the reverse. The other remaining original documents are the preliminary sketches of the obverse and the reverse of the 50 cen- times note. There were two separate issues of the 25 centimes note, one in maroon, the other in lilac. For the lilac issue a method of validating the note was used which consisted of embossing the seal of the Commune of Monaco on each one. This was done by hand in the Treasury office with a small hand press, and it was a very tedious and time-consuming task. This validating was discontinued after the first few thousand notes since the embossing was barely visible and therefore of little importance to the user, and the face value of the note hardly justified the cost of the clerical operation. The 50 centimes note had only one issue. It was printed in blue on white paper, and notes issued were numbered. The 1 Franc note had two issues. The first was brown on a yellow background. On the obverse of this note the entire background was formed by the w o r d s PRINCIPAUTE DE MONACO in small letters, repeated and closely spaced all in yellow. Then it was over- printed in brown on the second run. thus leaving the words visible in the empty space (see illustration). Since this printing gave rise to some problems of registration, a new note was adopted which was green on a white background with the denomination, fusees in the shield and lettering in orange-brown color. Both the 50 centimes and the 1 Franc notes have series letters, but these are meaningless. In the 50 centimes they go from series A to series H, and the 1 Franc notes go from series A to series E. Since these letters ap- peared on each complete sheet printed, any one day's run would have an equal number of notes from each series. The paper used for these banknotes was of poor quality. The 25 centimes was printed on a slightly thicker stock than the others, but equally lacking in rag content. As could be expected. a few foldings and some handling would rapidly render the note useless. and the survival rate was very low. The notes were printed in the establishment Chene. Mr. Chene died sometime before and the printery was under the direction of his widow, hence, on the notes we read Imp. Vve A. Chene (Veuve A. Chene) . After each day's run, the notes were bundled and taken to the Treasury office by a government employee. They were then put into stock and numbered only as needed for issue. The lowest starting serial number is not known. nor is the last serial number. No records were PAGE 196 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 Preliminary sketch of the obverse of the 50 centimes note by F. Aureglia. Unfinished sketch of the reverse of the proposed 2 Franc note. Obverse of the 25 centimes note. Embossed shield and crown is visible in center of note. This is a photo of the lilac issue. The maroon issue is identical but does not exist with emboss- ing. Size: 70mm x 50mm. Preliminary sketch of the reverse of the 50 centimes note by F. Aureglia. Completed drawing of the obverse of the proposed 2 Franc note. Signed F. Aureglia. Reverse of the 25 centimes note. Le Meister Etat to YclesiVr v c s 'idiom istalliOaAltaatairr A 1.* taelmiwpavir Miasma DI* ri ..... La al otc••11111- WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 197 Obverse of the 50 centimes note. Reverse of the 50 centimes note. This is an unnumbered specimen but note the presence of series letter "C". Color: Blue. Size: 100mm x 65mm. Obverse of the first issue of the 1 Franc note. Color: Brown. Size: 110mm x 70mm. Reverse of the first issue 1 Franc note. Obverse of the second issue of the 1 Franc note. Color: Green. Size: 110mm x 70mm. Reverse of the second issue 1 Franc note. PAGE 198 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 Uncut sheet of the obverse of the second issue 1 Franc green notes. Uncut sheet of second issue 1 Franc green notes showing reverse. It can be seen that all series letters from A to E are present on each sheet. WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 199 Obverse of the 25 centimes ESSAI note. The words NON REMBOURSABLE are printed in orange-brown color. Reverse of the 25 centimes ESSAI note. The word ESSAI is printed in orange-brown color. In all other respects the note is similar to the one used as legal tender. Obverse of the 50 centimes ESSAI note. The words NON REMBOURSABLE are printed in orange-brown color. Reverse of the 50 centimes ESSAI note. The word ESSAI is printed in orange-brown color. In all other respects the note is similar to the one used as legal tender with the excep- tion of the series letter, which is omitted. Obverse of the ESSAI note of the first issue 1 Franc. This note was not distributed and only a few are known. Reverse of the first issue 1 Franc ESSAI note. Observe presence of series letter. Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53PACE 200 Obverse of the 1 Franc green ESSAI note. Orange-brown color is used for the words NON REMBOURSABLE. A minor variant exists with smaller letters. kept of these numbers since the counts were made only of the total number of notes issued for circulation and not by the numbers on the notes, or even the series letters. Notes without numbers often appear for sale and these are from the leftover stock in the Treasury after demonetization. By law these notes should have been incinerated along with all redeemed notes, but apparently some came into the hands of collectors or souvenir hunters. The total amount turned in for redemption was slightly less than four thousand francs, not including a few hundred forged notes. No attempt was made by the Treasury to break down the redemption figure by denomination. Occasionally notes overprinted with the word ESSAI are found on the market. These notes were printed in small numbers and distributed to all banks and change offices in order to familiarize the personnel with the appearance of the banknotes. Since they had no value they did not circulate. and today are found generally in excellent condition, having spent most of their life lying dormant in some forgotten desk drawer or cigar box. No estimates as to the number of ESSAI notes can be given since practically no control was exercised over their printing and distribution. In some instances it was discovered that the freshly printed notes intended for circulation would be wrapped in a sheet of ESSAI notes, a very convenient piece of wrapping paper for the printer. The ESSAI type of the first issue 1 Franc note, brown on yellow, was not generally distributed, and only a few examples are known. Reverse of the 1 Franc green ESSAI note. A minor variant exists with the word ESSAI in smaller letters but also in orange-brown color. Observe omission of series letter. In the mind of the collector the question as to the rarity of these notes will arise. To summarize, except for the 1 Franc brown ESSAI note and the embossed 25 centimes note, none are rare. Scarce perhaps, hard to locate surely, but obtainable. In general it can be said that all numbered notes are scarcer than the unnum- bered ones, and that the most difficult note to find will be the 1 Franc brown issue, this in view of the low number of notes printed initially. The most commonly encountered notes are the 50 centimes and the 1 Franc green without numbers, next the ESSAI notes of these denominations. The 25 centimes are a bit harder to find, both in regular and ESSAI type, but they can he found if one is patient enough. It is doubtful that any large hoards of notes exist now since the demand during the last few years would have brought them on the market. The quantities stocked by souvenir shops and antique dealers have been exhausted some time ago and these merchants evidently have been unable to replenish their stock. since they no longer offer notes for sale. I hope that this short dissertation on the paper money of Monaco will be as interesting and informative to the collecting fraternity as it is to me. If it answers some questions or solves some problems which may have come up in connection with this paper money then I will have achieved my goal by being able to share my knowledge and the results of my research with others. Raymond de V os Monte Carlo, Monaco June 1974 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Denoini- Year of Number Date of Date of Size of nation Color issue Printed issue recall note 1 Franc Brown 1920 52,000 28.4.1920 30.4.1926 110mm x 70mm 1 Franc Green 1920 447,500 28.4.1920 30.4.1926 110mm x 70mm 50 Cnts Blue 1920 400,000 28.4.1920 30.4.1926 100mm x 65mm 25 Cnts Maroon 1920 150,000 28.4.1920 30.4.1926 70rnm x 50mm 25 Cnts Lilac 1921 150,000 28.4.1920 30.4.1926 70mm x 50mm Issued during the reign of H.S.H. Prince Albert I Recalled during the reign of H.S.H. Prince Louis II Designer : F. Aureglia Engraver : A. Berthe Printer : Chene press Treasurer : A. Noghes Minister of State: R. le Bourdon WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 201 The First National Bank Chartered in Virginia By ELVIN B. MILLER (Editor's Note: The following article originally appeared in The Virginia Numismatist, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1974, and is reprinted here by permission of the author and Mr. Don Roberts, editor of the official publication of The Virginia Numismatic Association, Inc.) Virginia's First National Bank Chartered When It Was Not Part of The Union. —ATIONAL Bank Notes came into being through the National Banking Act of February 25, 1863. Soon — after the passage, National Banks began to be organized in most of the states and territories then in existence. The first National Bank to be organized in Virginia was The First National Bank of Norfolk, Charter Number 271, on February 3, 1864. But if you will remember, the Civil War was in progress at this time and was not over until the spring of 1865. At the time the bank was organized, parts of Virginia, including Norfolk, were occupied by the Union Forces. This brings forth some very interesting questions about the conditions at the time and about the organizers. To give a better picture of Norfolk in the spring of 1864, we would like to go back to April 12, 1861, and give an abbreviated history of Norfolk from that time until the organizing of the first National Bank to be chartered in Virginia. Saturday, April 12, 1861, a dispatch arrived in Norfolk telling of the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Sunday, April 20, one rumor had it that the Frigate Cumberland was about to bombard the city, another that the Navy Yard was to be destroyed, and still another that all the vessels were to be scuttled. At the Navy Yard were the Merrimack, the Pennsyl- vania, the Columbus, the Delaware, and the New York; these vessels would have been invaluable as a nucleus to the Confederate Navy. But General William B. Taliaferro, at the head of The Richmond Grays and six companies from Petersburg, lacked the guns to contend with the warships. A Federal officer, under a flag of truce, was conducted to the Atlantic Hotel where he gave assurance that none of the vessels would be removed and that not a shot would be fired. The conference was no sooner over than Commodore Charles S. McCauley, in command at the Navy Yard, gave orders for the scuttling of all the Federal vessels except the Cumberland. All that after- noon and evening the Federals worked at destroying the Navy Yard and prepared to fire the buildings and ships. At 3:20 A.M. the Cumberland moved out into the river and in a few moments the flames shot up. After the Federals had gone, General Taliaferro took immediate steps to fortify Norfolk and Portsmouth. The first actual encounter with the Federal Navy took place on May 19, 1861, when a shot from the Monticello landed in the midst of a gun battery at Sewells Point. Next, a powerful Federal fleet assembled in Hampton Roads and maintained a complete blockade and so stopped all direct trade with foreign countries and other Virginia ports. The Merrimack, sunk and partly burnt, had been trans- formed by the Confederates into a strange vessel, looking like a submerged house with only the roof above water. She had been covered with a bomb-proof network of rail- road iron and her sides sloped in; her armament was of the heaviest and best-rifled cannon known. President Lincoln, Secretary Stanton, and General McClellan, in the meantime, were preparing to hurl the great Army of the Potomac against Virginia in an effort to capture Richmond. Before the expedition could move, the absolute mastery of the Chesapeake Bay had to be assured. But early in March this mastery was challenged by the Merrimack, now called the Virginia. The story of the success of the Virginia is known to everyone who has even a passing knowledge of Civil War history. The only trouble was that the Virginia could not lift the blockade. She was not a seagoing vessel and would have foundered the moment she got outside the capes. She could not go to Baltimore or Washington because she drew too much water. She was suited only for fighting in Hampton Roads. At 8:30 on the morning of March 9th the Virginia opened fire on several Federal ships but joining the battle was the Federal ironclad Monitor. After a day of inten- sive fighting, the Monitor retired to shallow water where the Virginia could not follow. The first battle between ironclads is freqently misunder- stood. The Monitor did not save Washington and New York, because they were never in danger from the Virginia; she did not even win the mastery of Hampton Roads. More important, she did not clear the way for McClellan's invasion of the Peninsula. In other words, it was not the Monitor, but the limitations of the Virginia itself which put such narrow restrictions on her activities. The Virginia could only defend the mouth of the James, Nansemond, and Elizabeth Rivers, and this she did until the day of her destruction. Next, McClellan landed one hundred thousand men on the peninsula and pushed on toward Richmond. Also, General Burnside was now operating in the Albemarle region. All this made Norfolk untenable. General Huger's Division was urgently needed by General Johnston at Richmond, so the order to evacuate the city was given on May 2, 1862. Early on the morning of May 10th, General John E. Wool, accompanied by President Lincoln, Secretary Stan- ton, and Secretary Chase landed a large body of troops at Ocean View and marched on Norfolk. Within sight of Norfolk the army was halted by Mayor Lamb with a flag of truce. The Mayor stated that the Confederates had evacuated the city, so Norfolk became an occupied area of the Union Forces. The Virginia with most of her armor removed still had too much draft to float up the James to Richmond, so she was grounded near Craney Island and set on fire. T HE days that followed were full of anxiety, hard-ship and humiliation for the people of Norfolk,which was under military rule for 13 months. Then in June, 1863, civil law was resumed under the authority of Governor F. H. Peirpoint. When Virginia seceded in 1861, the people of the western part of the state, de- claring this action of no effect, organized a government to replace the one in Richmond. They elected Peirpoint governor and received recognition from President Lincoln as the legal government of Virginia. Later, when West Virginia was formed, Peirpoint made Alexandria his capital, and at once took measures to restore civil rule in the small part of Virginia under Federal control. Peir- point permitted none but Union men to vote, and the newly-elected mayor, councilmen, and justices were, of course, hostile to the Confederacy. Eventually, some southern sympathizers took the oath of allegiance, for no ministers, physicians, lawyers, or merchants were PACE 202 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 permitted to pursue their vocations without it. It was either take the oath of allegiance or starve. In November, 1863, General Benjamin F. Butler was appointed to the command of the eastern district of Virginia and North Carolina. General Butler was notorious for his severity at New Orleans. He was in command when Mumford was hung at the New Orleans Mint. At Norfolk, the provost marshal and the provost court took over the functions of the civil courts, and so the city came under military rule again. Arbitrary orders were issued to levy taxes on business and to issue licenses to traders. General Butler, by vote of the Union men, overthrew even the pretense of civil government. Some of his orders were: a charge of one per cent on all goods shipped into his military district, a tax on all vessels leaving his district, and a tax for the privilege of catching oysters. On March 7, 1864, an order was issued that every fourth dog in the Norfolk district be killed, but the owner could save the dog by paying two dollars for a license. From all indications the Butler regime was corrupt and oppressive. No man could do business without a permit from the military authorities, and permits were distrib- uted to those who offered the highest bribe. In the spring of 1865, some of the Confederate men came home bearing the parole of General Grant. By the order of General Bulter these men were arrested on the street, dragged before him, and there he cut the buttons from their uniforms. The people of Norfolk accepted the outcome of the war in good faith, but the bitterness has hardly yet died out. The name of Butler will ever be infamous in Norfolk. I T was during General Butler's occupation that theFirst National Bank of Norfolk was organized andchartered. There were one thousand shares of stock authorized at a value of one hundred dollars each. The list of subscribers to this stock contained 37 names. To further describe these men the following letter gives us a clear picture: HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA Provost Marshal's Office Norfolk, Va. Feb. 4, 1864 Maj. Gen. R. F. Bulter: Sir : I have examined the "List of Subscribers to Stock in the First National Bank" proposed to be started in this place, and recognize among the number some of the most respected and responsible Union men of the place. Considering all things it is probably as fair a list as can be got, at this time. Very respectfully, Your ob. Servt. (unreadable) Lt. Col. & Provost Marshal Thirty-six of the subscribers listed their residence as Norfolk. The other one listed his home as Philadelphia. This subscriber, Charles C. Rhodes, stands out as he bought 47 per cent of the stock offered compared to 53 per cent to the other 36 subscribers. Very little is known about the bank after it was chartered, at least by this collector, until it was placed in receivership on June 3, 1874. At this time there are no notes known to be in the hands of collectors. References : - Norfolk Historic Southern Port, Thomas J. Wertenbaker First National Bank of Norfolk, Va., Charter No. 271 National Archives, Record Group 101, Comptroller of the Curenc3i Additions by Don Roberts E thought that you might be interested in how this article came about. Some time back a number of VNA ragpickers were having a talk session in Reed Walton's coin shop (Reed is mighty nice about letting us take up floor space that way). Reed had just obtained a small group of National Bank Notes and we were looking them up in the book, to get some information on the banks that issued them. We had wondered before about the first National Bank in the state of Virginia being started in Norfolk during the Civil War, when Virginia as such was not even a part of the Union. The subject came up again, and this time some of us thought that it would be interesting to see what we could find out about the bank. During the next VNA convention it was brought up during the annual ragpickers get- together after the banquet, and others became interested. After the meeting, Brent Hughes suggested to Elvin Miller that some information might be available from the Comptroller's Office in Washington. Elvin wrote them and did get some information: date of charter, names of first stockholders, date charter revoked, etc., but this raised as many questions as it answered. Who and what was man named Rhodes from Philadelphia that took out over 40% of the stock? We still have no information on him. Why did the bank only last 10 years? Where was the bank building and who were its officers? We have talked to a number of people and have obtained some more information, but much of it is fragmentary and some is contradictory. In a later article, we hope to bring you some of the information received to date, and are still looking for more. If any of our readers can help us in this project, it will be most appreciated. Even tell- ing us where to look will be helpful, since many records from this time are scattered. Notes from Stanley Gibbons Currency By COLIN NARBETH As first published in Gibbons Stamp Monthly, London Always feel the paper of a note Sometimes it is not paper. There are over a hundred thousand different town and city emergency (notgeld) issues of Germany. Most of them are worth a few pence each. But some are made of linen, cloth and even velvet. They are worth much more. Among the world's great rarities are the Boer war issues by Major Birbeck who signed notes for the Uping- ton Border Scouts on torn-up khaki shirts and any piece of cloth he could get hold of. Signatures are always worth looking at. The early paper money of America is an exciting treasure hunt for experts who have studied signatures. These notes were signed by well-known people in order to make the recipi- ents have some trust in the notes. Hand-signed notes of Pennsylvania can be found with the signature of F. Hopkinson, one of the American leaders who signed the Declaration of Independence. Signatures of Joseph Borden (Delegate to the Stamp Act Congress of 1765) and David Brearley (signatory to the United States Constitution of 1787) are among the more common famous signatures to be found. One such signature always worth having is that of John Mease who signed the Continental Currency notes of 1775 when America was still called "The United Colonies". He was a Lieutenant with Washington and was in charge of the detail whose job it was to keep the camp fires burning at Trenton to fool the British while Washington and his main force crossed the Delaware and surprised the British on Christmas Eve. Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 53 PAGE 203 atdOgitaphRd etelt41211Ey By LARRY SANDERS BY "AUTOGRAPHED currency," I mean that onwhich someone has written his name, date, etc. across the front or back of the note. The idea of inscribing or autographing a note proba- bly dates back to the issuance of currency itself, but more commonly it is associated with World War II, where men of the same fighting group (infantry, artil- lery, etc.) wrote their names on a note, usually a one- dollar bill, and agreed to get together after the war and. discuss old times. Usually each man would have his own dollar bill and pass it around to the others for their signatures. Notes signed in this manner became popularly known as "short-snorters." Such notes will sometimes be covered front and back with signatures, or may well just have one or two individuals' auto- graphs, such as that of a commanding officer. An ex- ample is shown herein. "Short-snorter" autograph of Maj. Gen. P. R. Hawley, Chief Surgeon, European Theater of Operations, during W.W. II. The above usage of currency for short-snorters by no means predates the pen-autographed and pen-signed notes as autographed currency per se, but the short- snorters are the most common of autographed notes held by collectors today. Speaking in terms of pen-autographing, the practice became popular among appointed officials whose sig- natures appear on a note by way of machine printing such as those of the Register of the Treasury, Secretary of the Treasury who replaced the Register in signing currency, although the office of Register is still in exis- tence today], and the Treasurer of the United States) to hand-autograph notes above their machine-printed signatures. These notes were often given to close friends or associates. It might be observed that the majority of notes in existence autographed in this manner are one-dollar bills, especially when the official provided the notes himself. This practice may have tended to become fairly expensive if the official's tenure in office was long. To differentiate between pen-autographed and pen- signed notes we might use as an example the Fractional Currency note such as is shown here, with the signatures of Colby and Spinner. Pen-signed note with the signatures of Register Colby and Treasurer Spinner. A pen-signed note such as this is one that bears the signature of one or usually both of the Treasury officials which are required to make United States currency legal tender. None of this early United States paper money has printed pen-inscribed signatures of the Treasury officials. These notes were personally handwritten on by either the Treasury officials themselves or by clerks who were employed to sign the official's name with the notation "For the," preceding "Register of the Trea- sury", or "Treasurer of the United States." Observe that in the example shown the appointed officials them- selves signed the note. In contrast to the above, a pen-autographed note is one that hears the autograph of a Treasury official whose machine-inscribed name is printed on it, as in the several examples shown herein. An autographed note is often rejected by collectors, no matter what the condition, because it has been auto- graphed. and being so is termed "damaged." Herein is what I believe to be the fallacy in collecting notes of this nature. Many individuals who are lucky enough to own a note autographed by a Treasury official highly prize it as an addition to their collection. The autograph does, in fact, give a greater value to the note, and the majority of collectors and dealers will recognize this. The amount of rarity is. of course, geared to the individ- uals who signed the note. Pen-autographed and pen-signed notes are not com- mon, yet not all of them are expensive. The expense put on the individual autograph, depends, as stated be- fore, on how many notes the official signed while in office. Only the currency market can judge that. I believe that autographed currency, pen-autographed and pen-signed included, will and possibly is at this time developing its own circle of enthusiasts within the al- ready growing hobby of syngraphics. It is my feeling that a real challenge to the collector is to assemble a set of currency (large or small) with all the officials per- sonally signed autographs above their matching printed names. If anyone has ever seen a collection of currency such as this, I'm sure they will so state it was quite interesting and impressive. The collecting of pen-autographed currency is by no means held only to large-size currency, as many think C 11591851 A , Inors4 /111K.7.1k tr.if n"ares.r.le PAGE 204 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 it is. Since Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon did in May of 1927, approve the changeover to modern- size currency, there seem to have been more officials than before who obliged family, friends and more cur- rently collectors by autographing notes for them. (Need- less to say, collectors must send in their own currency.) Included in my collection and shown here is a note I purchased from the late Mr. William A. Philpott. This particular note was autographed for him by Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder. The occasion for the autographing was a party held in the honor of Mr. Snyder at El Paso, Texas. The note was also, as can be seen, dated by Mr. Snyder. Pen-autograph note of Lee W. McClung, Treasurer of the United States. Pen-autographed note by John W. Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury. Returning to short-snorters once again, it can be- come very interesting (if not downright frustrating) at times to send a note to someone such as a prominent state dignitary and face the dilemma of receiving the note returned unsigned, or sometimes worse yet, not receiving the note back at all! One such note of partic- ular interest to me is the one shown here, signed by Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew. It took about three months to get this note signed. Notice that Mr. Agnew saw fit to sign it on the back rather than the front. "Short-snorter" autograph of Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew. Many times notes I sent out for autographs were re- turned with a very kind letter stating the recipients did not think it proper to sign United States currency. One such letter I received came from President Harry Tru- man. Concerning the Federal regulation on signing United States currency, the following information was given to me by Mr. David H. Martin, Legal Counsel for the United States Secret Service, Department of the Trea- Pen-autograph note of D. N. Morgan, Treasurer of the United States. sury. Mr. Martin stated that there are two Federal statutes relevant to the signing of currency, which are sections 333 and 475 of title 18, United States Code. Section 333 prohibits, among other things, mutilating, defacing, disfiguring, perforating, uniting or cementing together any Federal Reserve note with the intent to render such note unfit to be reissued. Section 475 of title 18, United States Code, prohibits writing, printing, or otherwise impressing upon any obligation or security of the United States any business or professional card, notice or advertising, whatever. Section 8 of title 18, United States Code, defines the term "obligation or security of the United States", to include all the various forms of paper currency of the United States. It is the Treasury Department's position that the mere fact that an individual writes his own name on currency is not sufficient by itself to make the practice illegal. The intent required by section 333 must be present. However, the attaching or writing of advertisement of any kind on paper money would be prohibited by 18 U.S.C. 475. Pen-autograph note of Elizabeth Rudel Smith, Trea- surer of the United States. .cnitrism2Etalithatiaroir taklysit surtgittpilLtAfatiet I 30664 .?38 A 9 THE UNITED STATES 0EAMERHA 'NOV 5 ,1968 YOUR V4CC1 Ili 1 INDEPENDE'NTS,OF ONE OPPORTUNITY 0 EXPRESS YOUR PIM CHOICE,MIS COCCI ES'C , M• atG01[': VI:f111/1)NIF""MOARK WITH YOU nN II -A _ . On.M. 4?....CVAL WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 205 Pen-autograph note of Dorothy Andrews Elston, Trea- surer of the United States, and David M. Kennedy Sec- retary of the Treasury. Pen-autograph note of Joseph W. Barr Secretary of the Treasury. Pen-autograph note of Romana Acosta Banuelos, Trea- surer of the United States. One might also, if he has the time and patience, send out foreign notes for the autograph of the various offi- cials who sign currency. I have but one, which is shown herein. Pen-autograph signature of Mr. Arthur Clarke, Finan- cial Secretary for the Government of Hongkong. It became quite a task to find the current whereabouts of Mr. Clarke, but with the help of the U. S. Depart- ment of State and Counsel General of Ireland, I did succeed in locating him. It took me approximately four months to get his autograph. As I mentioned, I have only one foreign note signed, although I did send out about 15, of which ten have been returned with statements that the officials are prohibited from signing currency. All in all, it is very interesting to correspond with various foreign countries' governments requesting their officials to sign currency for a collector. My interest in autographed currency collecting was nurtured by Mr. Theodore Kemm, a well-known currency dealer in New York City. It is very gratifying to know that there are prominent people in the currency field willing to take the time and help those of us whose interest in currency is other than just collecting the notes themselves. I hope to at a later date to write a more comprehen- sive article on autographed currency collecting and comparative rarities of signatures on small-size currency. Should anyone have anything of interest to contribute. I would be most happy to correspond with them. (More autographed notes on Page 206) More Numismatic Political Graffiti Larry Sanders continues to submit more contemporary satirical political "notes" of the kind described in his article in PAPER MONEY No. 51, pages 118-119, while mention of similar notes of past years can be found in dealers' advertisements. The Dick Gregory note from the presidential cam- paign of 1968 shown here is more subdued in tone than most such graffiti. Perhaps these notes should be classi- fied as numismatic political Americana; at least our fellow-hobbyists in the American Political Items Col- lectors organization are becoming more and more cognizant of them. (Continued on Page 222) E 01828999 5 3999 8 t ;' 19 L . . • ...ors PYSLIC A1.0 0.0.0•7! immard44"THE UNITERSTVTE*OFAIIEltiC.t , XPNI1XPIENIMOIL:11111,11tISIMISIMIC INT I ,01 / rVW-s■TIT0110.-16k• . '1'111: uNITEI) sT.vrEs or AMERICA E 5072,2704 C r00.1. 000.3. Pl01.10 wm14r-47"f'rvm1Tult)srEVIVES. OM 11 1111EXILIOEIBILILIGRIICOLIELIIMME 311110MILIE , .4..4111,0,11,11 5 IMIEEMIEIMUratitiC I WOMB '1'11 1: UNITED STATES OF AM ERICA PAGE 206 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 autoipaphrwl 71011246 Mitchell Hrynyshen of Wilmington, Delaware has gathered this assemblage demonstrating the progression in recent years of the Elston-Kabis-Kennedy series signatures. Also shown at the bottom is a note with autographs of both former President Nixon and former Vice-President Agnew. WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 207 It's in the Books— Excerpts from Ilye's Counterfeit. Detector. July. 1884 Ediliou Donated to SPMC Library by Morey Perlmutter (Continued from July, 1974) U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND THEIR COUNTERFEITS The Treasury Notes of the United States are printed in the same general manner as the bills issued by the Na- tional Banks. The designs of these notes are varied, and the imitations of them are numerous, and some very dangerous. Counterfeits of the older issues of Treasury Notes are often accepted, because comparatively few of the genuine are in circulation and most persons are un- familiar with them. HOW TO DETECT COUNTERFEITS OF U. S. TREASURY NOTES Beware of United States Treasury Notes or imitations of the same, of the same series, denomination and check letter given in "Dye's Government Counterfeit Detector," in the table entitled "Counterfeits of United States Trea- sury Notes," regularly published on page sixty-four and as per index, in the body of the work. Such notes are counterfeited, or counterfeits. To discriminate, observe the rules given under the table aforesaid in the body of the work, and in case of doubt refer to the "Special Points" which are thereunder enumerated. BRITISH AMERICAN CURRENCY AND ITS COUNTERFEITS For the protection of its subscribers, "Dye's Govern- ment Counterfeit Detector" publishes as per index an account of British American Currency and Banks, with a complete descriptive list of counterfeits of Canadian bills. By reference to said account and list in the manner obviously indicated by their form and composition all such counterfeits may be detected, the character of other worth- less bills discovered, and the rates of discount upon un- current funds ascertained. THE OLD PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS By the "old" photographic process used in producing counterfeit bills and notes, the seal and numbers (unless previously removed), as well as the whole of the back of the note, were copied and appeared in black on the photograph. These were then tinted with pens and brushes by hand in attempted imitation of the colors of the genuine. On counterfeits thus produced, the black can be seen under the tint, which on the seal, is blotted and covers the white lines that appear in the genuine. The numbering is also blurred with color and the tinting on the back of the note is badly done and often incom- plete. The only plate used in this process is the ordinary glass "negative," and the printing is done by sunlight on "sensitized" paper. Of course the same number will be shown on all copies from the same negative; but as a negative of any note can be made in a few minutes the detection of photographic counterfeits depends upon a critical observation of their character and appearance. There are various photographic processes known to counterfeiters, from some of which danger is to be appre- hended; but the black part of all notes printed from "negative plates" by sunlight, may be removed by a solu- tion of cyanide of potassium, and unless perfectly new is off color, and shows the reddish brown peculiar to faded photographs. THE NEW PIIOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS By the "new" photographic process used for producing counterfeits of bills and notes, the seal and numbers and the color work on the back, whether pink, carmine, chocolate, or green, are first entirely removed from the note to be imitated. All but the black having been washed out of the note a negative of the same is taken and from that photographs are printed by sunlight on "sensitized" paper. To produce the color work on these photographs an engraved cut or plate of the seal and the tinted part of back is used and the tints are clearly "surface printed" in their places. The numbers are also printed in colors from separate engraved figures used in combination and changeable, so that unlike the numbers photographed and then tinted by hand in the old process, these figures are well done and run in a series. This "new" process is far more dangerous than the "old," so far it has been used only in producing experimental imitations of the five dollar bills of three National Banks. TEN INSTRUCTIVE SIGHT GUIDES 1. U.S. Treasury Notes, dated 1862 and 1863, have no jute or fibre in the paper. All Treasury Notes, series of 1869 to 1879 inclusive, were printed on distinctive fibre paper. All Treasury Notes, Series of 1880, are printed on the new paper, having a red and blue silk thread running from end to end, one at the top and the other at the bottom of the notes, and shreds of red and blue silk fibre scattered through the paper. 2. Very few National Bank Bills bearing the Red Pointed Seal have any fibre in the paper; but the National Bank Bills, Series of 1875 (all of which have the Red Scalloped Seal), are either printed on jute fibre paper, or the new silk line paper, above described, used for the Treasury Notes, Series of 1880, and all National Bank Bills, Series of 1882, bearing the Brown Scalloped Seal, are also printed on the same silk line paper as the Treasury Notes, Series of 1880. 3. All counterfeits of U.S. Treasury Notes, dated in 1862 and 1863, bear the Red Pointed Seal; the most dangerous counterfeits on U.S. Treasury Notes, between Series of 1869 and Series of 1879 inclusive, are the Fifties and Five Hundreds, Series of 1869, and the C plates Fives and Tens of the Series of 1875. 4. All counterfeits of National Bank Bills bear the Red Pointed Seal, except some Photographic Fives and the Pittsburgh Hundred, which have the Red Scal- loped Seal, the late photographic counterfeit of the fives of The First National Bank of Milwaukee, Series of 1882, which bear the Brown Seal. 5. All U.S. Treasury Notes, Series 1880, bear the large Brown Seal, and all Treasury Notes bearing this Seal can be taken with entire freedom from sus- picion, until otherwise notified through the agency of DYE'S GOVERNMENT COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. 6. All the new issues of National Bank Bills, Series of 1882, having brown backs, and bearing the Brown Scalloped Seal on the face, can also be handled with entire freedom from suspicion; except the Fives of the First National Bank of Milwaukee, of which a poor photographic counterfeit has ap- peared. 7. The U.S. Government does not retire genuine National Bank Bills when only a Photograph, Lithograph, Acid Etching or Pen-made Counterfeit of them is issued. Such frauds should be detected at a sight glance. 8. The Check-letters, A B C D, etc., referred to in the body of this DETECTOR, are all printed in black on the face of the U.S. Treasury Notes and National Bank Bills, as well as on the Dominion of Canada Bills. 9. The latestissue of the Dominion of Canada One and Two Dollar Bills have the following distinctive features on the back and face: Those made payable PAGE 208 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 on the back at Toronto, have red; Montreal, blue; St. John, black; and Halifax, green figures on the face. The new issue of the Dominion of Canada Four Dollar Bills have the seal of the Finance Department printed in red on the lower right face of the notes. 10. The most dangerous counterfeits on the Government and Bank Bills, in the Dominion of Canada, are on notes issued in the Province of Ontario. COUNTERFEIT SILVER CERTIFICATES $10 PENWORK. The original counterfeit silver certif- icate of $10 was received at the office of "Dye's Government Counterfeit Detector," and forwarded for examination to the Secret Service Division of the Treasury Department. This $10 counterfeit was made by the same method used in producing the imitation of the $20 issue of the same class of securities. The work is coarse and sketchy, still effective, the expression being well preserved. The paper is poor, yet near the proper tint, and the super- ficial resemblance of the whole to the genuine is quite remarkable. No part of this counterfeit will bear close inspection or a moments comparison with the genuine certificate, but at first sight it would be dangerous to most persons, especially if taken at night by gas-light or at any time in a shaded place. Since the first issue of these "pen-made" counterfeits, a surprising number of them have been passed in various parts of the country, and as the "artist" who produces them has not been arrested they will doubtless still be accepted, from time to time, by the careless and hurried. $10 & $20 PHOTOGRAPHS. On January 21, 1882, the Secret Service Division notified the public of the appearance of counterfeits of the denomination of $10 and $20, the production of the photographic art. They were printed on ordinary bank note paper and one-eighth of an inch shorter and narrower than the genuine. The tens all bore the Treasury Number B109016, Check Letter D, series of 1880, and the twenties, B675,114, Check Letter B, series of 1880. The Seal and X's, which in the genuine are of pink color, had been photographed black on the counterfeits, like the rest of the note. To imitate the genuine, the counterfeiter had colored those designs by hand in a very bungling manner, the black underneath being easily discernible, giving the ap- pearance of dirty red to the work. This color could be readily disturbed by the application of moisture. $20 PENWORK. On May 20, 1881, the Secret Service Division, by information furnished from the office of "Dye's Government Counterfeit Detector," was enabled to publish an account of a new counterfeit of the silver certificate, from which notice the following is a quotation: "Washington, May 20, 1881. A counterfeit silver certifi- cate, of the denomination of $20, has been received at the office of the Secret Service Division of the Treasury De- partment. It is pen-made, and its execution is such that an ordinary judge of money should detect the fraud on sight. The paper is of ordinary bank note quality, being thinner than that upon which the genuine certificate is printed, and in color darker. The counterfeiter has imi- tated the distinctive paper of the government by drawing two parallel lines throughout the length of the note. Defects and omissions: There are so many defects and omissions in the spurious certificate when compared with the genuine that it would be futile to enumerate them, seeing they are the product of the pen and not of the plate. It is sufficient to state that the Treasury number can be wiped off by the aid of a damp sponge. The dia- mond-shaped figure between each letter of the word "certificate" on the back, which in the genuine is geometri- tally exact in its duplication, is in the counterfeit utterly destitute of uniformity either in shape or size. 'Engraved and printed at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing' appears under the word 'certificate' on the back, also outside of the border at the right end of the face of the note. It does not appear at either place in the counter- feit." $20 Series of 1880, check letter C; signed B. K. Bruce, Register of the Treasury, and Jas. Gilfillan, Trea- surer. In this counterfeit silver certificate, which is shorter than the genuine note, there is no distributed fibre or parallel silk threads in the paper as in the gen- uine, and the paper itself is thick and stiff. The words "silver certificate" appear in panels twice in the upper border on the face of the note. In the panel to the left in the counterfeit the letters RT and F in the word certif- icate are engraved the "wrong side up." In the counter- feit there are no periods dividing the initials in K. B. Bruce. On the lower left corner the check letter C is without an accompanying number, and in the name Gilfillan only the first "i" is dotted. On the back of the note the word "taxes" is plainly spelt "tares" and the word "Engraved" is spelt "Engravod." The color of the seal is brick red, it should be verging on brown. The foregoing salient points, if carefully noted, will for the present protect the public. While the note should not deceive careful handlers of money, especially when the geometric lathe-work is examined, yet among the hurried and careless, because of its fair appearance it may work great damage. It has been definitely ascertained that only two sets of Treasury numbers have been used on said certificates, viz., B1467X and B1487415X. FOR SALE CRISP UNCIRCULATED $1.00 Federal Reserve Bank Note Fr. 735 Please write to: WAYNE W. MOSER P. 0. Box 4123, Trenton, New Jersey 08610 SPMC PMCM 36 PAGE LIST OF BROKEN BANK NOTES, STOCKS, BONDS AND CHECKS 24c IN STAMPS NEIL SOWARDS 548 HOME AVE., FT. WAYNE, IND. 46807 1311141fgr111--- THE CHASE NATIONAL HANG Of THE CITY Of NEW YORK Nel9 1,0,04 rvt FIVE 11111LLAION F0476228 Tmog..)3JW. MA Of AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST ANN MINES ASSOCIATION i SAN tRANCISCO CA,0411110. ,... FIVE I )011.1.AIIS 8029043 130 13 14 LI k 14"1516111 ,1 AWL TIONAILVIIIIIIIIHEINCY Irmo nwomositarswespriollnalirm WW1. 15044 8029043 13 0 4 4 WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 209 Type I "II" Suffix Type II "II" Prefix Two National Banks Issuing Over a Million $5 Notes Each Using a Different Serially Numbered Type By M. OWEN WARNS Type I—"B" suffix Type II—"B" prefix The distinction of being the only National Bank to issue over a million type I "B" suffix $5 notes belonged to the Chase National Bank of New York, N. Y. (now the Chase Manhattan Bank). Serial numbers started with A000001A and ended with A999999A. The printing of the millionth note saw the "A" suffix changed to "B," the first number being A000001B and continued through F057756B for a total of 6,346,530 notes amounting to $31,732,650. The only other National Bank to top the million mark in issuing $5 notes was the Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association of San Francisco, Cal. However, these were type II serially numbered notes. They started with serial A000001 (no suffix letter) and ended with A999996, and continued from that point us- ing the "B" prefix with B000001 through B172602. The total of "B" prefix notes was 1,172,598, amounting to S5,862.990. In passing we observe with interest that while the Bank of America issue 1.172,598 notes with the "B" prefix, this amount was 5.173,932 less than the 6,346,530 "B" suffix notes issued by the Chase National. At least six copies of the Bank of America "B" prefix notes have been reported. while only one note from the Chase National with the "B" suffix has been reported to date. Our thanks to Lou Van Belkum for permitting use of his specimen for this article. REFERENCE: The National Beak Notes Issues of 1929-1935, Warns, Huntoon, and Van Belkum, 1973. SPECIMEN BANKNOTES By C. W. HILL (The following first appeared in and is reprinted here by courtesy of the British magazine COIN MONTHLY, July 1974 issue.) ONE of the books written in recent years about paper money seems to have more than a sentence or two about specimen notes. These are notes which have word SPECIMEN pin-perforated in them or printed across their design. They are normally intended, when new notes are being introduced, for distribution to other banks or foreign ministries of finance which need to be informed of the issue, and they are also occasionally given to the press or government information services for publicity purposes. Sometimes the printers of banknotes apply the word "specimen" to proofs or to sample notes which illustrate the progress of production or serve as advertise- ments to prospective clients. Specimens of postage stamps are similarly distributed, the overprint sometimes being accompanied by cancellation bars. The attitude of philatelists to specimen stamps is curi- ously ambivalent. Some collectors reject them as not being normal postage stamps and so not suitable for inclusion in an orthodox collecton. Other collectors favour them for precisely the same reason, that they are unusual and cannot be obtained over the post office counter in the normal way. The prices of specimen stamps reflect this ambivalence. Generally speaking, specimens of old and valuable issues are cheaper than the normal stamps, while the converse is true of modern issues. Since the latter are usually obtainable without difficulty at a percentage above their face value, examples overprinted SPECIMEN are re- garded as more desirable. Because they are more elusive, they are also more expensive. A study of auction sales catalogues and dealer's price- lists seems to show that the same market considerations prevail in the case of banknotes. Judging by prices, it would appear that collectors prefer to have normal ex- amples of the older issues, particularly those of the British local banks, rather than specimens of the same notes. On the other hand, modern notes overprinted SPECIMEN seem to command higher prices than normal examples, simply because they are less frequently offered. One factor which must also be taken into consideration, however, is condition, as this has a market effect on bank- note prices. It may well be that specimen notes are, taken overall, in better condition than normal notes, because the former are more likely to have been filed for reference while the latter will probably have seen some circulation. This factor sometimes makes true comparisons difficult but tends to confirm my view of the matter. Given the choice of a normal old note in first class condition and a specimen of the same issue in the condition, the col- lector is likely to choose the normal rather than the specimen. But given a choice between a normal modern or current note in uncirculated condition and a specimen of the same issue in the same condition, the average collector is likely to choose the specimen. Determining the point in time at which old notes end and modern notes begin is the most difficult decision of all. Perhaps August 1914, when Britain introduced £1 and 10s Trea- sury notes to replace the sovereigns and half-sovereigns then in circulation, marks the watershed between old and modern. PAGE 210 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 WORLD NEWS AND NOTESANGOLA: A new series of five notes, alldated 24 Nov 1972, has been placed into circulation by Banco de Angola. The previous two series of notes, con- sisting of identical denominations, and almost identical sizes, have not been withdrawn. The portrait of Marechal Carmona adorns the fronts of all five denominations of the new series; Car- mona is also the subject of the water- mark of all five notes. Details: 20 Escudos, 130x63mm, red & multicol- ored, with Gossyplum Hirsutum on the back; 50 Escudos, 135x67mm, green mc, with another plant on the back; 100 Escudos, 142x70mm, chestnut brown & mc, with still another plant on the back; 500 Escudos, 150x75mm, blue & mc, with huts by a rock forma- tion; and 1000 Escudos, 158x80mm, mauve & mc, with waterfalls and more flora and fauna on the back. ARGENTINA: To go with the 50 and 500 Pesos reported in PM-50, Banco Central de la Republica Argentina has placed into circulation the 1000 Pesos of the series. Predominantly brown, the front of the 1000 P features the same aged portrait of General San Martin as the other two notes; the na- tional coat-of-arms watermark and the 155x75mm size are also the same. Variety is tolerated on the backs: The 1000 Pesos depicts a palace with flag, with a monument in front of it. BERMUDA has placed new $20 and $50 notes into circulation. These notes, dated 1 April 1974, are similar to the 1970 series, except that the title "Ber- muda Government" has been replaced by "Bermuda Monetary Authority"; the new notes also have new signa- tures. CAMEROON: The new 5000 Francs note sports a new title, "Republique Unie du Cameroun," replacing "Republique Federale du Cameroun." This is also the first time English has been incor- porated. In fact, the English title, "United Republic of Cameroon" ap- pears slightly smaller under French; denomination in English has also been added. A native and a rail-crane dominate the front of the 163x86mm, yellow & mc note, while a mask, a building on stilts, tower, etc., appear on the back. The watermark fea- tures a head of an antelope. CANADA, on 3 June 1974, released the fourth of a series of new notes into circulation. The new $1 note includes the engraved portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the front, just like the $20 already in circulation, and the $2 which will be issued later. The other two denominations of the new series are the $5 and $10. The new series of Canadian notes utilizes color more extensively than the 1954 series, and it also features higher re- lief of the engraved areas. The fronts depict the Canadian coat-of-arms in full color. The back of the $1 note portrays Parliament Hill as seen from across the Ottawa River; the fore- ground features pulpwood activity, you know, a seeming "river" of logs floating down the actual river. (Info courtesy of the Canadian Paper Money Society. For more info on this organi- zation, write to the General Secretary: Mr. Jordon R. Bowcott, Box 35110, Station E, Vancouver, B C V6M 4G1 CANADA.) EQUATORIAL AFRICA: While not a country, per se, it is an issuer of notes for various countries in, well, central Africa, or thereabouts. Also, there are relationships among many former French African Colonies, currency- wise, notably among several countries which now issue their own currency, as well as the 'West African Monetary Union, Inc. but I haven't yet untangled the situation to my satisfaction, and mention this here only for general in- formation purposes. Equatorial Afri- ca's "Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale" currently provides paper currencies for the following four countries: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC (Re- publique Centrafricaine) CHAD (Republique du Tchad) CONGO (BRAllAVILLE) (Republique Populaire du Congo) GABON (Republique Gabonaise) Moreover, currencies with titles other than "Banque . . . Centrale" are legal tender in these four countries. Among them: Afrique Francaise Libre Caisse Centrale de la Francaise Libre Caisse Centrale de la France d'Outre- Mer (Outre-Mer Overseas) Institut d'Emission de I'Afrique Equa- toriale Francaise et du Cameroun Banque Centrale Etats de I'Afrique Equatoriale Banque des Etats de I'Afrique Centrale Ah! Finally! The main characters of this entry are four new 5000 Francs notes, each having one of the four country names as titles on their re- spective fronts, while all have the same issuer's title "Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale" on their back sides. All four notes are yellow and multi- colored, 163x86mm, and the back de- signs are all identical, not only to each other, but also to the Cameroon 5000 Francs (q.v.!). Also, all have the same antelope's head watermark. Va- riety is realized on the front sides, with various portraits and background subjects. Eventually, I imagine, each will be listed under the respective in- dividual country. GUINEA: Banque Centrale de Republique de Guinee notes, all with 1971 date, now circulate in that country. All four denominations contain the water- mark of a dove. Details: 10 Sylis, 130x7Omm, brown and multicolored, features a portrait of a man in modern business suit and glasses on the front, and workers carrying bunches of ba- nanas down a path in a banana field; 25 Sylis, 143x78mm, dark brown & mc, depicts a native in hooded blanket on the front, and a native herdsman among bovine animals on the back; 50 Sylis, 155x83mm, green & mc, has a man with hat and what appears to be a T-shirt on the front, while the back is dominated by a dam and asso- ciated long-view surrounding scenery; 100 Sylis, 170x92mm, violet & mc, has a portrait of a man in fancy cere- monial clothes on the front, and earth- moving heavy machinery on the back. The previous series, undated, but with a law date of 1 March 1960, and fea- turing President Toure, was demone- tized in 1972. The current series, however, still retains the same law date in addition to the date, or more precisely, the year of issue. ICELAND appears to be phasing out notes with the title "Landsbanki Islands- Sedlabankinn," and to be replacing them with the title "Sedlabanki Is- lands." The 500 and 1000 Kronur with the new title had appeared earli- er; they also have the 5000 Kronur denomination with the new title, but I do not recall the existence of this denomination with the previous title. In any case, the new issue involved here, at this point in time, is the 100 Kronur with the new title. Basically, the design remains the same: The date of the law has been changed from 1957 to 1961, and there is a change in signatures, but President Sveinn BjOrnsson still shares the blue-green & me front with a solitary church- type building, and the green back still features the desolate mountains, mounted shepherds, and a herd of you know what, who collectively seem to be posing for the camera. Incidentally, all the "worthless" money fans will be delighted to learn that all 5, 10, 50, 100, and 500 Kronur notes with law dates 1928 and 1957 were de- monetized in 1972. INDONESIA: Bank Indonesia is currently issuing only the series dated 1968 comprising of the following 11 denom- inations; 1, 2 1/2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 and 10,000 Rupiah. All the notes in this series have a na- tive boy at the left, and the national coat-of-arms on the front. Sizes vary in groups, while colors and back de- signs vary altogether. All Indonesian notes dated 1952 or earlier have been demonetized, and all other series, in- cluding the West Irian "set" of five notes, have been taken out of circu- lation. LAOS: 100 Kip, 144 x 75mm, brown and multicolored, with watermark of a Tricephalic elephant and parasol with seven tiers; a portrait of a military officer shares the front with a build- ing, while two oxen pulling an oxcart share the back with electrical power transmission-line towers. Also: 500 Kip, 164x82mm, red & mc, with watermark the same as on the 100 kip; the same officer, but this time he WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 211 by M. Tiitus shares the front with similar corner perspective of a similar, yet subtly different, building; the back features a power dam. MAURITANIA: Banque Centrale de Mauritanie recently issued the first three notes for this new note-issuing country. For details, please see PM- 50. The purpose of this entry is to inform that Mauritania (like Togo, q.v.) no longer depends on the West African Monetary Union, q.v., for its paper currency, though I imagine that various notes will circulate concurrent- ly, at least for the time being. MOZAMBIQUE: Banco Nacional Ultra- merino has issued new 100 and 1000 Escudos notes, dated in Lisbon on 23 May 1972, and measuring 150x8Omm, and 170x85mm, respectively. Both contain a watermark of de Gago Coutinho. The front of the blue and multicolored 100 Escudos features a double portrait, you know, two people who certainly weren't photographed simultaneously, but nevertheless appear side-by-side; there's a word for this phenomenon in numismatics (for de- finition of "numismatics", consult your dictionary). The back of the 100 E contains a cameo of something which I can't figure out, and a portrait of somebody who looks somewhat like Churchill, but undoubtedly isn't. (Can I help it if the underexposed reproduc- tion I am looking at has SPECIMEN right across the chap's face?) The back of the 1000 Escudos also has two men, in the cameo, one with either four eyes or goggles on top of his hat who is either carrying the other man in a sling, or giving him a ride in a motor- cyle sidecar. NORWAY: 10 Kroner, 1973, 123x65 mm, predominantly blue, is slightly smaller than the previous 10 Kroner note. A man with a hypnotic look and Norway's coat-of-arms appear on the front. The nation's two primary industries, shipping and fishing, are represented on the back with a ship and either a fisherman holding a net, or a statue of same. SPAIN: As promised in PM-51, here are additional details on the new 500 Pesetas note dated 1971. Front: Portrait of de Jacinto Verdaguer at right, blue and multicolored. Back: View of a section of a town nestled among mountains. The watermark of the 144x86mm note is that of the portrait subject. TOGO: Like Mauritania, q.v., this country no longer is listed among the coun- tries that the West African Monetary Union issues paper currency for. How- ever, I have not yet seen any new issues which would qualify as ex- clusively Togo's (Togoan?). TUNISIA issued new 1/2, 1, and 5 Dinars notes, dated 3-8-1972, sometime in 1973. All have the portrait of Presi- dent Bourguiba at the right on the front; the Pres is also the watermark subject. The 1/2 Dinar measures 140 x70rnm, is brown and multicolored, and features a rooftop view of a city and harbor. The 1 Dinar is 150x75 mm, mauve & mc, with a girl in native dress, albeit without face veil, on the back. The 5 Dinars, 160x80 mm, green & mc, features a super- position of various buildings & ruins, and cacti. The front of the 5 Dinars contains something meriting special mention: It is an architectural product akin to the Houston Astrodom e. (How's this for a super-narrow col- lecting specialty: Climate controlled stadia?) WEST AFRICAN MONETARY UNION. Comments similar to those found at the beginning of the EQUATORIAL AFRICA entry, q.v., are appropriate here. No new notes have been issued, but "Banque de I'Afrique Occidentale" has recently dropped Mauritania and Togo from among its wards, retaining the following five: DAHOMEY (Dahomey) IVORY COAST (Cote d'Ivoriel NICER (Niger) SENEGAL (Senegal) UPPER VOLTA (Haute Volta) Currencies with titles other than "Ban- que de l'Afrique Occidentale" are legal tender in these five countries. Among them: Banque de I'Afrique Occidentale Institut de'Emission de I'Afrique Oc- cidentale Francaise et du Togo Banque Centrale des Etats de I'Afrique de I'Ouest Literature SECURITY PRINTERS, published by CCRT, compiled/coordinated by R. H. Rathjen. Check Collectors Round Table, as most SPMC members know, is an organization devoted to checks and related syngraphic items, founded several years ago by Robert G. Flaig of Cincinnati (a city whose other claim to fame is Johnny Bench). Al- most since its incepticn, CCRT has en- joyed substantial g r ow t h, relatively speaking, considering the newness of the hobby, attributed in no small part to the interesting and chatty quarter- ly, "The Check List," produced by the tireless founder. "Security Printers" is the first non- periodical publication of CCRT. The 21-page study, pre-punched for 3- ring binders, lists four categories of security paper items: Checks, drafts, deposit certificates, etc . . . Colonial, Continental, and Fractional currencies and scrip . . . Stocks & bonds, and . . State and federal bonds, revenues, stamps, warrants, and ration material. Essentially, this is a highly systematic listing of printers, listed alphabetically by firm name, including the firm ad- dress, dates of first and last produced items when available, and including a letter-coded reference as to the type of documents produced. The earliest date I noted was 1702. The booklet has been distributed as a free bonus to all members. Non- members may order the booklet for $2.00 ($2.50 to Canada; $3.00 to overseas). Further info re CCRT is available from the Membership Se c re t a r y : Larry Adams, 969 Boone Circle, Boone, Iowa 50036. STANDARD CATALOG OF WOR LD PAPER MONEY, by Albert Pick, will be marketed by Krause Publications Inc., through a cooperative publishing venture with Ernst Battenberg Verlag, Munich, the publishers of previously issued continent catalogs by Mr. Pick. Since the subject matter will be con- fined to official and/or government issues, "currencies" would better serve the title than "money" . . . ah, the inertia of language and its users! With the first edition scheduled for the market early in 1975, all (!) cur- rencies of the world, since 1900 and sometimes even earlier, will be in- cluded, and that means also USA, Canada, Germany, etc., for which highly specialized catalogs a I read y exist. Still, the idea has great merit, even if the areas which collectors are still thirsting for have been reduced to a pittance (Africa, parts of SE Asia, Russia, and some colonies) . There is something to be said, you see, for having everything neatly in a single volume. Valuations in this ex- tensively illustrated catalog will be given in USA funds, for two degrees of condition: F-VF and Unc for modern issues, etc., and VG and VF for rarities. As is usual with such initial efforts, the first couple editions may be rapidly replaced by subsequent- "improved"—e di tions. Although I have been asked to be on the panel of so-called professionals (a misnomer since professionals receive salaries, commissions or fees) who help with valuations, as a collector above all else, I hope the publisher will exercise wisdom and planning, and not resort to such rapid planned obsolescence as he did with the first edition of "Stan- dard Catalog of World Coins." Col- lectors' budget priorities lean toward notes—we are not book collectors— books are nice, but strictly secondary. SVENSKA MYNTHANDBOKEN, Third Edition, by Olof J. Andersin, et al Essentially a catalog of Swedish coins, this book does have a nice section on Swedish paper currencies, 1859 to date, and some great illustrations which compensate the owner who doesn't maneuver in Swedish. Priced at 16.50 Kronor (check current ex- change rate), the book is available from: Lembit AB, 141 02 Huddinge 2, SWEDEN People ALLEN NEW CCRT PRES Congratulations to Professor H. Don Allen, Truro Nova Scotia, for being PAGE 212 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 named president of Check Collectors Round Table! And all this without any bloodshed, or Nixinger flying to Gen- eva! Prof. Allen replaces Bob Flaig, founder and first president, who re- signed to be able to devote more time to publishing "The Check List," the CCRT quarterly journal. Among his varied syngraphic accomplishments, Prof. Allen served as the second president of the International Bank Note Society (Mr. Jimmie N. Law- rence, South Africa, whom most peo- ple think of as the first pres of IBNS, due to the length of his service, was actually third; the first was the late Dr. Walter M. Loeb) . .11•-••■■-■ ■••■■•■■••■■••••••••••■•• ••■■•■■•■■■■M•••••■-■•■••-■.••••■■•■••■■•■■•••■•■••■■■ .11•■••••••-■•■.■•■■•-■ .11■■•••■!■■•■■■■••■••■•■•■•••■•••••••■■ Paging Through Yesteryear Five Bad Twenties (Whether the following amusing story is fiction or fact would be dif- ficult to prove at this late date but it does give some insight into the quality of expertise which is always available. The story, quoted from a Chicago newspaper, was distributed by the Western Newspaper Union as pre-cast filler type for use by weekly newspapers. This is how it appeared in the April 29, 1910, issue of the Sykeston (North Dakota) Tribune.— Forrest W. Daniel.) A noted lawyer of one of the southern states, famous not only for his brilliant mind and legal ability, but also for his rigid code of honesty, used to tell this story on himself: Soon after the Civil War the judge was called on to defend a man ac- cused of passing counterfeit money. The old lawyer, after investigating the matter and satisfying himself that the man was innocent of any intent to do wrong and had only paid out money which he had received in good faith, undertook the case. When the case came up for trial the jury was so impressed by Judge 's plea for his client and his explanation of the circumstances that a verdict of not guilty was rendered without de- lay. The acquitted man was very grate- ful to Judge and, after thanking him profusely for getting him out of the ugly scrape, said: "J u d g e, I'll never forget what you've done for me, and some day I hope to be able to prove my gratitude. But the only thing I can do now is to pay your fee, and I'll pay what- ever you ask. How much is it?" "Well, I think about $1,000 will be fair," replied the judge. "That's fair enough, sir," agreed the client, "but, judge, the only money I've got is the same kind of money that I have just been prosecuted for spending. Some of that money is good and some of it is the counter- feit that was worked off on me, and I don't know t'other from which. Now, I will pay you $1,500 in the bills that I have got, and you do the best you can with it." As there seemed nothing else to do, the judge agreed to this, and the client paid him the $1,500 in hills and left him. The judge took the $1,500 to his bank and explained the circumstances to the cashier and asked him to take out the bills which he as an expert pronounced good. The cashier did so, and the judge deposited the accepted bills to his credit, and then, taking the package of doubtful money to another bank, he made the same explanation and request of the cashier, the bank receiving on deposit the money which, as experts, they pronounced good. "And do you know," said the judge, "after I had visited six banks I had got rid of all the money except five t we n t y-dollar bills, which all the banks agreed were counterfeit, and my fee in the case, instead of being the $1,000 which I originally charged the man netted me $1,400, and I've always had a suspicion that if there had been a few more experts in the town I would have got rid of those last five twenty dollar bills." "What became of the five bad twenties?" some one asked the judge. "I'm not sure," replied the old lawyer. "My wife asked me for them, and shortly afterward she made a trip to Washington. When she returned she showed me a brand new hundred dollar bill, which she said she got at the United States treasury. But I never asked her any questions. I knew the treasury department had experts too."—Chicago Record-Herald. Paper Money Preferable to Gold Coin (Collectors of Canadian tokens are familiar with several tokens which bear the legend "Pure Copper Pref- erable to Paper," inferring that the intrinsic value of the copper in a penny or half penny token is greater than the speculative value of many of the bank notes and merchants' scrip notes which served as money in the provinces. Paper money long passed at a discount from silver or gold in the United States. But times change. The following syndicated filler appeared in the Sykeston with Forrest Daniel (North Dakota) Tribune on January 3, 1908. The headline reads "Why bankers don't like gold coins and prefer to handle paper."—Forrest W. Daniel) "Of the different kinds of American money now in circulation the gold coins of all denominations are the most disliked in my business," said a prominent New York banker. "Take the greenback, a silver or a gold certificate or a national bank note to your bank and it is received and placed to your credit without a moment's delay. No so with gold. A few days ago a gentleman brought to our bank upward of $3,000 in gold of different denominations and was much provoked because we would not receive it and give him credit with the amount the face of the coin rep- resented. This we could not do be- cause the law requires that gold shall be redeemed only at its actual value. Coins carried in the pocket for any length of time naturally lose some- thing by abrasion—probably but a fractional part of a cent on a ten dollar piece, but it is a loss neverthe- less—and therefore bankers cannot give credit for gold deposits until the coin shall have been weighed. In the case mentioned my friend took his gold to the subtreasury and was compelled to wait nearly an hour be- fore he could get notes for it. "Every coin had to be passed through the scales, and after the weighing process had been completed three of the coins—two five dollar pieces and a ten dollar piece—were returned to him as short in weight. Before returning short weight coins the department stamps on the face of each coin a cross. The owner is either left to send the coins to the United States mint for redemption or again put them into circulation. Eventually the coins with crosses on their faces will go to the mint and be redeemed at their actual value. In many instances there may not be more than several cents' shortage on $50 worth of coins. Business men, however, naturally ob- ject to the inconvenience and get rid of their gold as fast as possible."— New York Press (A question: Are any of these cross-marked gold coins held in modern collections?—FWD) 30 24 FIJI Overprinted Issue, on Reserve Bank of New Zealand £1, 1st August 1934. 'Government of Fiji—£1 One Pound £1—This Note is Legal 150 115 Tender in Fiji Only' nearly F 30 33 12 9 FINLAND Finlands Bank, 20 Markkaa, 1898 good F ... 25 19 FRANCE 20 14 Domaines Nationaux, Assignat for 25 livres,Serie 620. Law of 16th December 1791 good F 12 16 Mandat Territorial, 25 Frs., sheet of four im- pressions from Series 4 and a single note 20 16 from Series 8. All handsigned VF 25 26 Petain Type, 'Winter Help' set for internees, World War II; 50c., 2, 5, 10 and 20 Francs EF 20 15 WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PACE 213 PAPER MONEY MARKET REPORT action at auction area. Obverse bears vignette of the port of Swatow good EF 25 18 Domestic Military Bond for $100, issued by the Military Government of China, 1st Octo- ber 1917 VF 15 10 COLOMBIA Banco De Santander, 1, 5 and 10 Pesos, 1st June 1873. Unissued. Reverses bear the in- scription `Expedido conforrne al Decreto del Gobierno Provisional, No. 6, de 6 de Enero de 1900' good F DENMARK Note for One Rigsdaler Courant, Copenhagen, 1804. Handsigned. Printed in black on pale blue nearly VF 50 36 36 27 Great Britain. Specimen Proof of the 'Plan for preventing the Forgery of Banknotes sub- mitted to the Bankers'. Printed by Perkins, Fairman & Heath VF £40 36 Scotland—Commercial Bank of Scotlan d, Proof Cheque for the Standard Life Assur- ance Company, 18—. Printed in blue on white. Also a Proof Cheque, for the same branch, printed in black, 18— F Ireland—The National Bank. Proof notes for £1, £3 and £5, Dublin, 1879 1871 and 1875 respectively. The £1 is hole-cancelled. Some pencil markings. Printed by Perkins Bacon VF AUSTRIA Amstetten, Anti-Semetic notgeld. 10, 20 and 50 heller, 16/4/1920 VF Allied Military Currency, 50 groschen, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Schilling. Series of 1944 VF—EF BRITISH WEST AFRICA West African Currency Board, £5/100 shill- ings, 26th April 1954 nearly EF BULGARIA (All descriptions and summaries are taken from the auctioneer's publications.) Stanley Gibbons Auctions, Sale of April 24, 1974, Lon- don. England. World Paper Money (Prices in pounds sterling) 19th CENTURY PRINTER'S PROOFS Est. Value EGYPT The National Bank of Egypt, £E100, 1948 about F 60 35 ETHIOPIA State Bank of Ethiopia, $500 'Specimen' (Two halves), 1961 UNC 85 68 50 gold Leva notes. Obverse and Reverse sides printed separately. Hole-cancelled. Pre- viously mounted along one edge otherwise EF 30 19 FRENCH COLONIES—NEW HEBRIDES Noumea. Banque de L'Indochine, 5 Frs. Free French Issue about F 18 14 CANADA Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail Road. Lower Canada, Half sheet of three notes; 7 1/2d. 15d. and 2/6d. (Half a Dollar), Mon- treal, 1st August 1837 EF Distillerie De St. Denis, note for 30 sous (One Shilling and Threepence), 9th October 1837. Handsigned good F The International Bank of Canada, One Dollar, September 15th 1858. Handsigned. No. 13129 fair The Bank of Montreal, $5, Montreal, 2nd January 1923 F CHILE Banco Central de Chile, 1,000 pesos, 10.3.1937 and 1,000 pesos, 28.11.1945 good F—VF CHINA Wan I Ch'uan Bank: A small commercial bank which operated in Peking and Tientsin, notes for 5 & 10 dollars, 1905 EF The Chip Yah Bank, Swatow, 1914, $5 (equal to 50 Hao Yang local currency). Issued by a commercial monetary shop in the Swatow GERMANY Allied Military Currency, 1,000 Mark, Series of 1944 good EF 60 40 35 25 GERMAN EAST AFRICA Deutsch Ostafrikanische Bank, 5, 10, 50 and 25 18 100 Rupien, Daressalam, 15 Juni 1905 fair 23 19 GREAT BRITAIN (TREASURY NOTES) 20 16 1st Issue Bradbury £1 (T4), No. 095054 VF 30 38 15 10 GREAT BRITAIN (BANK OF ENGLAND NOTES) £50 Harvey (B205), 18th December 1918. No 39761 F 90 60 £50 Mahon (B213), 20th July 1926. No, 96757 21 15 VF 80 75 GREAT BRITAIN—ENGLISH PRIVATE BANKS Child & Co., note for £9.12s. This was the first private bank in England to issue printed 18 19 notes and its history can be traced back to the Goldsmiths of Elizabeth I. (Most of the Royal Accounts were at this bank.) Dated 1805, and handsigned, a rare item good F 60 80 Republic of Liberia, One Dollar, Monrovia, February 18 1864. Handsigned. Very scarce. Small hole. Fair Pathet Lao (Communist) 2nd Issue, following the battle of the "Plain of Jars". Values of 100, 200 and 500 kip. Scarce F good VF .... 15 14 LIBERIA LAOS YUGOSLAVIA National Bank of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 10,000 Dinar, 6th September 1936. Very rare EF 100 75 Prisoner of War Camp (W.W.II), 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 38 50 and 100 dinars nearly EF 18 13 VENEZUELA Banco Mercantil Y Agricola. Proofs for 10, 20 and 100 Bolivares. Undated EF 60 40 PAGE 214 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 Treasury Department, Monrovia, "Good For" $49-34, 1869. Handsigned VF 60 42 15 17 NORWAY Note for 6 Rigsbank Skilling. Christiania, 28 22 1814. Handsigned VG 16 16 Steffans Note. Emergency W.W.II issue by Col. W. Steffans, under authority from the Bank of Norway. These notes only circulated for two weeks. 10 Krone, Voss, 14th April 25 18 1940. Very rare F 95 100 Narvik Sparebank, note for 5 Kr., dated 38 28 Narvik, 15th May 1940. These notes were used to pay soldiers as well as civilians. Very rare nearly EF 70 50 PALESTINE28 23 Palestine Currency Board, One Palestine Pound, Jerusalem, 1st January 1944 EF 18 22 Palestine Currency Board, £5, Jerusalem, 1st 22 1780 54 January 1944 F The Anglo-Palestine Bank Ltd., 500 mils, £1, 21 16£5 and £10, 1948 F-about EF PARAGUAY 28 18 El Tesoro Nacional, 2 and 4 pesos, handsigned. War of Annihilation issues, 1864-70 F 22 15 SOUTH AFRICA 55 44 Boer War. Women's Laager (Camp) Pass. No. 46. `Available for One Day only. To be given up on return'. Scarce EF 30 24 SOUTH WEST AFRICA Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial & Over- seas), 10/-, 2nd January 1951. No. 214691 nearly VF 40 29 GREAT BRITAIN-SCOTLAND North of Scotland Bank Limited, £5, Aber- deen 1st March 1928 F The Stirling Banking Company, note for Five Pounds Sterling, dated 12th October 1818 Handsigned VG GREAT BRITAIN-GUERNSEY The States of Guernsey, 5/-, 25th March 1941. No. 2168 fair The States of Guernsey, £1, 1st January 1943. No. 2355 F GREAT BRITAIN-JERSEY States of Jersey, W.W.II 10/-, No. 19036 nearly EF GREAT BRITAIN-ISLE OF MAN Ramsey & Isle of Man Bank, £1, unissued, 18-. Repaired but very attractive fair GREECE (CASSA MEDITERRANEA) W.W.II Italian Issue for Greece, 1,000 Drach- me VF GREECE (IONIAN ISLANDS) Italian World War II Issue for the Ionian Islands, 500, 1,000 and 5,000 Drachme. Very scarce EF GREECE Political Committee of the National Liber- ation 25 Drachme, dated 5th June 1944 F .... 25 23 GUATEMALA El Banco Colombiano, 1 Peso, 17th April 1900, hinge marks on reverse, otherwise good VF 25 16 SOUTHERN RHODESIA Banco Di Santo Spirito Di Roma, note for 4 Scudi, 1795. Also Republica Romana, 1798- 99, Assegnati note for 10 Paoli. Corner damage otherwise F Torino, Biglietti delle Finanze, 50 Lire 1799 about EF President Garibaldi "Fund raising" note of 1861, unissued but with Brescia hand stamp. See Mini 254. Extremely rare (RRR). With descriptive leaflet in Italian. Mounted on card otherwise good VF Southern Rhodesia Currency Board, 5/-, 1st October 1945 (large type) nearly F Southern Rhodesia Currency Board, 10/-, 15th March 1946. No. 099, 639 good F SPAIN Printer's Proof in sepia showing a seated woman before an industrial scene. Each corner carries the denomination '25'. Laureate head watermark good VF Ajuntamento de Barcelona, set of five notes EF El Banco De Espana, 50 peseta s, 1902 Printer's Proof sheet, bearing four impres- sions, in black nearly EF SPANISH COLONIES (CUBA) El Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba, 5 pesos, 15.5.1896, 15.2.1897 and the 'Plata' overprint 20 13 type good VF-EF El Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba, 10 pesos, 35 33 Havana, 15th May 1896. Two notes, one with the `Plata' (Silver) overprint good VF SWEDEN Riksens Standers Bank, 20 Riksdaler, un- 250 320 issued, 182- EF ISRAEL State of Israel, 50 and 100 prutot, 1952. First signature type scarce F 15 16 Bank of Israel, £110 and £150, 1955 UNC 42 36 Kiryat Chain, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250 and 500 prutot. Camp notes used in the local restaurant EF 18 12 Masada, Camp notes for 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Agorot and 1, 3 and 5 Israeli Pounds. Used in the camp's Tourist Restaurant good VF 20 17 Meshek (Settlement) Jagur, 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 Agorot and £11, undated F-VF 18 13 ITALY 18 14 25 18 20 13 30 23 45 34 12 8 18 12 45 35 WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 215 Almanzar's Coins of the World, Inc., Sale of April 26- 27, 1974, Houston, Texas. Among the paper money lots were 54 specimen and trial color notes which sold at an average price range of $80. Although many of the notes included parts of the British world and Europe, the selection of Latin Amer- ican notes dominated the auction. The top money- getter was Lot No. 91, a Mexican Banco De Hidalgo specimen set made up of 50 centavos, 1, 5, 10 Pesos of 1883. The set of four notes sold for $650. Lot No. 64, a complete set of pre-Castro 1 Peso notes of the 20th century, Series 1934 to 1960, once subject of an article entitled "Cuban Paper Money 1 Peso Note Series 1934 to 1960" in Paper Money No. 43, sold for $275. Among the offerings were two early notes of Ecuador and Venezuela. The Ecuador was Lot No. 67, Banco Particular De Descuento I Circulacion De Guayaquil, 10 Pesos note dated 23 de Deciembre de 1862. Notes of this bank are suspected to be the rarest of any bank of Ecuador since it redeemed all of its notes and issued very few. Pick's catalog, in fact, does not price the 10 Sucre note, but lists it as rare. This lot went at $260. The Venezuelan note, Lot No. 133, 5 Pesos Banco Nacional De Venezuela, December 6 de 1841, sold for $255 in just barely About Very Good condition. Among the specimen and trial color notes of Latin America, the colorful specimens of Costa Rica and Honduras were highly contested on the floor. Lot No. 57, Banco Nacional De Costa Rica, 100 Colones, black on multicolor, a statue of an ancient god in center, reverse reddish-brown with ceremonial altar of the Guetar culture, the god of the rain and its attributes, sold for $165. Lot No. 58, 2 Colones similar to P103, but grey and green underprint instead of brown, with famous painting of Mona Lisa in center, sold for $200. Honduras notes, Lot No. 83. a specimen 10 Lempiras, brown on multicolor, Indian with bow and arrow at left, sold for $115; Lot No. 86, again El Banco De Honduras, 50 Centavos, 27 de Mayo de 1922, mission in center, head of steer at left, went for $125. Specimen notes of Bolivia did not fall behind the others in popularity. Specimen color trials, 100 Bob- vianos 1928, sold for $132; 500 Bolivianos for $165; and 1000 Bolivianos for $220. Lot No. 1, a specimen of Angola, Banco De Angola, 1000 Angolares, sold for $190. An unsigned note of Cape of Good Hope Bank 5 Shillings Sterling, dated 182- for Ebden & Company, sold for $140. Mayflower Coin Auctions, Inc., Sale of June 22, 1974, Boston, Mass. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Est. Value Fractional Currency Shield Fr. 1383 Pink Background, complete shield framed, few horizontal f olds but otherwise remarkably clean and fresh, historical item and extremely rare on pink background. 3c Fr. 1226 Light background, new. 3c Fr. 1226 as above, complete full uncut sheet (25), small stain and light vertical folds between notes, other- wise crisp and clean, rare. 50c Fr. 1356 Red reverse, with sur- charge "S-2-6-4", fibre paper, auto- graphed signatures of Colby and Spinner. Crisp uncirculated rarity, one of the finest known. 350.00 THE BANK of the UNITED STATES $1000 Crisp signed note, dated Dec. 15, 1840, with usual repayment schedules stamped on reverse. Ex. fine, scarce. $2000 Another crisp note, dated Dec. 15 1840, signed with usual repayment schedules stamped on reverse. Ex. fine, rare. $5000 Signed note, dated Dec. 15, 1840, usual repayment schedule stamped on reverse, several folds but still Very Fine and ex. rare. DEMAND NOTES OF 1861 $5 Fr. 1 Payable at New York, fresh and bright colors, lightly folded, still Ex. Fine and rare. Catalogues as very good $450. 1,500.00 1,100.00 219 $5 Fr. 2 Payable at Philadelphia, another fresh note with good colors, some folds but extremely pleasing and rare. Catalogue VG for $425. 1,250.00 1,300.00 221 $5 Fr. 3 Payable at Boston, lightly folded but good colors and again certainly Very Fine. Ca a- logues VG for $500 1,500.00 1,000.00 LEGAL TENDER NOTES $1 Fr. 37a Series 1917, Burke and Elliott, signatures reversed, crisp un- circulated. 135.00 160.00 $5 Fr. 63 Series 1863, similar to above note but issued by both A.B.N. and National Bank Note Co., one serial number. Uncirculated and rare. 200.00 425.00 $5 Fr. 86 Series 1907, Napier and Thompson, rare signature combina- tion, choice very fine. 225.00 160.00 $10 Fr. 95 Series 1863, Chittenden and Spinner, second obligation, one serial nu m b e r. A very attractive note although several pinholes and slight soiling from circulation, still very fine plus 200.00 150.00 $20 Fr. 127 Series 1869, Allison and Spinner, crisp uncirculated note, ex. rare type and in great demand. 1,350.00 1,500.00 $100 Fr. 166 Series 1862, Chittenden and Spinner, a remarkable circulated note with several Treasury punch marks to indicate Counterfeit. Ac- compained by original letter signed Spinner and dateline "Treasury of the United States, March 31, 1864". The text of the letter refers to the counterfeit note returned herewith, "it is a very dangerous affair, and I hope you will be able to arrest the fellows who are engaged in the issuing of them." Certainly an inter- esting and probably the most his- torical item in this whole collection. Rare. 2,000.00 475.00 COMPOUND INTEREST TREASURY NOTES $10 Fr. 190 Colby and Spinner, Aug- ust 15, 1864, Certainly one of the finest of these notes in existence without any trace of oxidation or deterioration as is usually found. Strictly Extra Fine. Catalogues as a Fine only at $1250. 2,500.00 2,000.00 $50 Fr. 192 Chittenden and Spinner, July 15, 1864, stamped "Counterfeit" $3000.00 $3800.00 25.00 40.00 600.00 375.00 425.00 125.00 160.00 200.00 180.00 250.00 475.00 PACE 216 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 of Marseilles, Ills. crisp uncirculated, r re $5 Fr. 404 Series 1875, Schofield and Gilfillan, the Green County National 750.00 180.00 Bank of Carrollton. Ills., uncirculated three times with acid ink that has eaten through the paper. Still a re- markable historical item that has seen circulation as a genuine note. Rare. $20 Fr. 197 April 1864 Chittenden and Spinner. Fine to Very Fine and certainly of the highest rarity. While this note has a few tiny marginal tears and creases, it is without doubt a real beauty to be deeply cherished by its new owner. Catalogues as a Fine only at $2000. This note is worth and should realize in excess of 3,500.00 $10 Fr. 214 Scofield and Gilfillan 1879, large red seal, portrait of Franklin upper left, denomination at upper right. Catalogues Fine at $750 but this note is strictly uncirculated, rare 2,250.00 SILVER CERTIFICATES $1 Fr. 224 Series 1896, Tillman and Morgan, Educational Note, new and crisp 130.00 $2 Fr. 247 Series 1896, Tillman and Morgan, the Educational series, light vertical fold, very fine plus 250.00 $2 Fr. 248 Series 1896, Bruce and Roberts, the Educational note, uncir- culated beauty 400.00 $5 Fr. 268 Series 1896, Tillman and Morgan, the Educational Series, crisp uncirculated, rare 425.00 $5 Fr. 270 Series 1896, Lyons and Roberts, another Educational note, light vertical fold, still an attractive note about uncirculated rare 350.00 $5 Fr. 282 Series 1923, Speelman and White, the so-called "Porthole" note, crisp uncirculated. 225.00 $10 Fr. 289 Series 1880, Bruce and Wyman, uncirculated, rare 550.00 TREASURY OR COIN NOTES $1 Fr. 352 Series 1891, cut sheet of four notes in serial sequence, 4 pieces uncirculated 500.00 $20 Fr. 372 Series 1890, Rosecrans and Huston, a real gem flawless note in crisp uncirculated condition. Low serial number A5. Certainly one of the highlights of this collection and worth a bid considerably in excess of catalogue 1,500.00 $10 Fr. 367 Series 1890, Rosecrans and Nebeker, crisp uncirculated gem, large brown seal 625.00 $1 Fr. 380 Original Series, Colby and Spinner, Naumkeag National 250.00 $1 Fr. 382 Original Series, Allison and Spinner, The Moniteau National Bank of California, Mo., crisp uncir- culated, rare, without charter number 250.00 $1 Fr. 383 Series 1875, Allison and New, the Home National Bank of Milford, Mass., uncirculated 250.00 $2 Fr. 387 Original Series, Colby and Spinner, the Hartford National Bank of Hartford, Ct. This is the famous Lazy Deuce note, crisp uncirculated 900.00 $5 Fr. 394 Original Series, Chittenden and Spinner, the First National Bank of Worcester, Mass., some pin-holes but still fresh and very fine plus 200.00 $5 Fr. 399 Original Series, Jeffries and Spinner, the First National Bank 325.00 550.00 325.00 350.00 SECOND CHARTER PERIOD-BROWN BACKS $5 Fr. 474 Tillman and Morgan, the National Bank of Orange County at Chelsea, Vt., two notes with consecu- tive numbers both Ex. fine 150.00 525.00 $10 Fr. 480 Bruce and Wyman, the 3,700.00 First National Bank of Newport, N. H., three notes cut from same sheet, A, B, and C, crisp uncir- culated 375.00 800.00 3,400.00 THIRD ISSUE-BLUE SEALS-DENOMINATION SPELLED OUT A SPECTACULAR MATCHED PAIR OF DOUBLE DENOMINATION NOTES $10 Obverse, $20 Reverse Double Denomination Note, signed Lyons and Roberts, the First National Bank of Barry, Ills. A fantastic and extreme- ly rare error note in new condition. Ex Grinnell collection 5,000.00 4,600.00 $20 Obverse, $10 Reverse. Double Denomination Note as above. The companion piece, same bank and signatures, truly a remarkable pair, impossible to duplicate to-day, also in new condition. Rarity 5,000.00 5,000.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKNOTES 400.0 $1 Fr. 735 Teehee-Burke, Cook- Young, Minneapolis, choice very fine note, star number, rarity 600.00 510.00 300.00 $2 Obverse, $1 Reverse, DOUBLE DENOMINATION, Chicago Federal 1,150.00 Reserve Bank Note. Has seen some circulation but is in very fine plus condition. A spectacular error note of the highest rarity 4,500.00 2,600.00 $500 Fr. 1132 Burke-Glass, Boston, 575.00 crisp uncirculated, rare 1,600.00 NATIONAL GOLD BANK NOTES OF CALIFORNIA $5 Fr. 1136 Allison and Spinner, the First National Gold Bank of San Francisco, beautifully preserved for this rare issue, has been folded but much superior to most, catalogues VG for $425 800.00 1,050.00 $5 Fr. 1136 Another as above, same bank and signatures, not quite as fresh as the above note but still above average for this series and in great demand. Better than very good 600.00 500.00 REGULAR ISSUES-AUTOGRAPHED SIGNATURES $1 Fr. 28 Series 1880, Scofield and Gilfillan with additional autographed 400.00 signature of Gilfillan, uncirculated 50.00 55.00 $1 Fr. 29 Series 1880, Bruce and Gilfillan with additional autographed 375.00 signature of Gilfillan, uncirculated 50.00 62.50 $1 Fr. 35 Series 1880, Tillman and Morgan with additional autographed signature of Morgan, uncirculated 70.00 65.00 1,200.00 $1 Fr. 350 Series 1891, Rosecrans and Nebeker with additional autographed signature of John Burke, a later Treasurer of the United States, about 260.00 uncirculated 100.00 70.00 $1 Fr. 350 Series 1891, Rosecrans and Nebeker with additional autographed 290.00 190.00 650.00 700.00 4,800.00 775.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES-FIRST CHARTER PERIOD 575.00 tont Vat- 1111 1111 1. 4'5'12.°N,4 TERRiro HY P(///)//// 4// ///./// in NI ER CHAN DtSE :VOTE IN NI, I 1(1,0 1720'.31}..rnr ,, NATIONAL CURREN-or 0., -till C)r, 5•4=--r v'cits(tc()1( 1 klI t, 'Cm= a 7::773■_^s-t3 WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 217 signature of John Whelsey, Asst. Treas., uncirculated 125.00 100.00 $1 Fr. 352 Series 1891, Bruce and Roberts with additional autographed signature of Roberts, uncirculated 125.00 130.00 $2 Fr. 757 Series 1918, Teehee-Burke, Baxter-Fancher, C l e v e l a n d, with autographed signatures of both Baxter and Fancher, uncirculated 110.00 95.00 $20 Fr. 823 Series 1918, Elliot-Burke, Bell-Wellborn, Atlanta, with auto- graphed signature of Jack Dempsey on reverse. Well circulated but still interesting 62.50 SMALL-SIZE SILVER CERTIFICATES $10 Fr. 1700 Series 1933, serial num- ber 00000014A. Probably the rarest of all the small size notes, light folds but still extremely fine 1 ,500.00 1,350.00 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES $20 Series 1969-A, a remarkable Error Note, without Treasury seal, serial numbers, etc. Has been in cir- culation, but still a spectacular and rare showpiece 200.00 235.00 GOLD CERTIFICATES $20 Fr. 2402 Series 1928, crisp uncir- culated 100.00 85.00 $100 Fr. 2405 Series 1928, crisp uncir- culated 300.00 275.00 $100 Gold Bond, Liberty Loan of 1917, signed Teehee and McAdoo, due June 1947 with all 57 coupons attached, payable in gold, folded to pocket size, scarce. 500.00 410.00 (Dealers are invited to submit sale catalogs and lists of prices realized to the Editor for inclusion in future issues.) WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Ore.:2'on, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, Neu; Mexico, Colorado: Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefierson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. 11571 FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES • Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available WARREN IIENDERSON P. 0. BOX 1358, VENICE, FLA. 33595 PAGE 218 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 Authorization to Print First American Paper Money 0.411- Itzt, E. up" eligett* Teti k tA z illa ef ciftwei et c-cli-2iff oirce zeia 4 af,inre-x)r,a-,Q a'Y 4.64. a 4S•• e-Pe eeigot 4.401-r3ec.,901./o, • G 3 y oe.YfeeA _, '23 ,14,cc , ..1 16".7. 1./aftC) ittr a472.1,,,hi•r, /1C.-*C;04:24, )4„ 1-5 ` ific7/ Original rough design for the 1690 notes rrte" t,,o, tt r ,1 C.,..t--(4..CinD. ., CP/Atier teti Prel Oft.irtitivroes Coarht ., ■tof;.0,,tcfAlotortK; 5? tr.9, /e r 044,,ta #.4,- gaysdr, fift gt,,t Ose,,►.renre ea.. • ;,,,C,„,,,e :,14 .,..4,.., , trt 1,VoDstsj ta'yts1). „,'!.#411G „we( *i. 1 Cloda/P, .in"-• 4114 d C ki,„,„„peofw, 4reSP,4E1!- Cel,,,eef ..., „..A ..,.,. .3),Asic ,o. 4,-..coir,c.► , , tiiii?.......it 47 ,,,•,,.:Diee...4.0 logritto .10 ..„; „,,,,,,„14,..1144r1/40. 2 41194:0: paese «4,747 z er4.0.••■•ett wr ...V 111r..A.:44P *erg* "fess Are.,444,,,A,„„, me, .4tAtlidi), se. t&7„Art of)41.1 letrt..,:r 14,A,,. oft c lir, it :; . Aii lir;' ,, .54 :40,1.1, t 5 o re 471 ad I. 49.-or.roi)roci -""f;i0A9 44r-aF4 4,44 )C 1,t41 ' 9 4-.41;' 4,, iter,re ,, , , , , If1SP •so //moat dyst.&-lfeelli it,,,, eHels4) et4' Aci ?gra ft -',ece v Iva- kart,. 410'.: 'ras , r 1 )5 5te CO ,,, of,r,...r. #'7,497 , ,,, **AILUP:lra_ lifetA4 01.--i Alry:i)e' A & 'fri t OP 7 ot,' I:4* / .770,47, r 44.,iatAtfly " t: i,,:/.. ,...c t.,4.6..... ..,6,. , -,,, Air,..ei -Apo to ell),tiop , ,* 4 Oa Ir 4* PP 0 " - 0,,,d,t1Arear 17.9 - chl,sP ge , i,..„4,44. A esso,r,r, 'ffitgla IAA .€44146110ed „'ZIA,7 P , ii■ Moil. ; 0 5 '4 ,,91* ,7.4)0.0.41D ....., 60me,/ ,..t CA,' t*ttniotit ', alhoodc. • e42.p. aft—A. eel A Cr., Hr.-2,1A ,,.;i: 00:,,,,,,,A.1 I, Art, tweliefulr" 40.-.... 7- /a—r rat »4., e yr>onotisv: t-; ),Aaht, pitZere*-- I. -1 /ILL Yovv:itht;),:„...e nt. , . A IL-.6-fw4"vo, 4, mostaftwasswilkoz,vwcwvigr."1-4,4„, Original manuscript of the committee report recommending is- suance of the notes WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 219 OM Fitzgerald (SPMC 3179), specialist in Colonial and Continental currency, has sub- mitted the text of the authorization to print the first American paper money—E7,000 in indented Colony or Old Charter Bills approved Dec. Jo, 1690 to pay military expenses for an action against Canada. Preceding the order is the following report of a committee designated to make arrangements for the issuance. Major Elisha Hutchinson, Captain Samuel Sewall, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Captain Penn Townshend, Captain Samuel Hayman, Mr. James Taylor, Mr. Nathanael Oliver, Captain Andrew Belcher, Captain Samuel Legg, and Mr. John Clarke are desired forthwith to use their endeavours to procure the sume of three or Four thousand pounds in money upon Loan for the present paying off the Seamen and Souldiers at their Return from Canada, and for other Emergencies, upon the publique Credit; and this Court do hereby Engage half the publique Rates now agreed to be made & Levyed, and the Countrys part of all such Plunder as they shall recover from the Enemy at Canada &ra and bring home with them; And all moneys ariseing upon Impost, as Security to such Gentlemen who shall advance money on that Accompt until they be fully repaid. And the above named Gentlemen are appointed a Committee to receive the Countrys part of plunder into their hands and make sale thereof to the most advantage, Rendring an Accompt of the produce of the same to the Gen Court. Novembr 7th 1690 past in ye affirmative pr ye Deputies John Clark Cler. Consent(' to by the Govr and Assistants Isa Addington Secry Text of the authorization : "Whereas (for the maintaining and defending of their Majesties interests against the hostile invasions of their French and Indian enemies who have begun and are com- bined in the prosecution of a Bloody war upon the English of their Majesties Colonys and plantations of New England) this Colony bath necessarily contracted sundry considerable debts, which this Court taking into consideration and being desirous to approve themselves Just and honest in the dis- charge of the same and that every person who hath credit with the country for the use of any of his estate, disburse- ments, or service done for the Public, may in convenient time receive due and equal satisfaction; withal considering the present poverty and calamities of the country And (through scarcity of money) the want of an adequate measure of Commerce, whereby they are disadvantaged in making pres- ent payment as desired; Yet being willing to settle and adjust the accompts of the said debts, and to make payment thereof, with what speed they can. It is ordered by this Court that Major Elisha Hutchinson, Major John Phillips, Captain Penn Townsend, Mr. Adam Winthrop and Mr. Timothy Thornton or any three of them, be and are hereby appointed and impowered a Committee for the granting forth of Printed Bills in such forms as is agreed upon by this Court (none under five shillings nor exceeding five pounds in one bill) unto all such persons who shall desire the same, to whom the Colony is indebted, for such sum or sums of money as they shall have debentures from the Committee, or Committees that are or shall be appointed to give out the same, Every of which Bills accord- ing to the sums therein expressed shall be of equal Value with money, and the Treasurer and all the Receivers sub- ordinate to him shall accept, and receive the same accordingly in all Publick Payments; No more of Said Bills, to be Printed or granted forth than for the Sum of Seven thousand Pounds; And the Colony is hereby engaged to Satisfy the Value of Said Bills as the Treasury shall be enabled, And any person having of Said Bills in his Hands, may Accord- ingly return the same to the Treasurer, and shall receive the full Sum thereof in Money, or other Public Stock at the Money Price as Stated for that time And if any of said Bills be worn in any Persons hands, so as they desire to renew them, returning them to the Committee, they shall have new ones of the same numbers and sums given out. The forme of the Bill agreed upon. No 20S This Indented Bill of Twenty shillings due from the Massachusetts Colony to the Possessor shall he in Value equal to Money and shall be Accordingly Accepted by the Treasurer, and Receivers subordinate to him in all Publick Payments, and for any stock at any time in the Treasury Boston in New England Decemr loth 169o. By Order of the General Court { Locus Sigilli } Committee" Shown here also is a copy of the rough design for the bills and the original manuscript of the committee report. (The following first appeared in the March, 1922 issue of The Numismatist.) The First Paper Money Colonial Massachusetts the Pioneer in Thus Satisfying War Debts A OT only did the embattled farmers of Massachusettsfire the "shot heard round the world" in 1775, but,in 1690, when financially embarrassed, they fired a shot, fatal to the world, by issuing the first paper money, called by them "bills of credit," ever put forth by any country or State. Now that such vast clouds of paper money are blowing over the Continent of Europe, it is of interest to note the circumstances which compelled the colony to take this step, as well as those which about 50 years later enabled them to withdraw this dangerous currency. William Phips, a down-east Yankee, in 1687 enriched King James II and some of his nobles, as well as him- self, by the raising of treasure to the value of two million dollars off the coast of Hispaniola from the wreck of a Spanish galleon; and before he left London to return to Boston, King James made him a knight and in 1690 he commanded the expedition against Canada sent out by the Colony. The colonial government had relied on the success of this expedition and upon the enemies' treasure to bear its charges; but it was a disastrous failure; the returning soldiers were on the verge of mutiny for want of their pay and the colonial treasury was bare of its PAGE 220 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 specie. This was not an unusual condition of the treasury, since for years the colony had had the greatest difficulty in retaining specie enough within its limits to accommodate its trade, domestic and foreign. In 1652 it had established a mint in the hope of retain- ing a uniform metallic currency; but, notwithstanding all its efforts, the silver kept slipping away and the "water Baily, or searcher appointed in every port-towne" was empowered by law to "search any suspicious persons or vessels, chests, trunks, or other things, in order that money should be kept from going out of the land." These officers then had quite as full powers as "dry officers" now can exert to keep alcoholic beverages from coming into the country, and the ancient officials were as un- successful as the modern in accomplishing their mission; even though one-half of the forfeited money went to them, their efforts were in vain. Before the establishment of the mint British sterling coin at sterling value was the currency of the colony, and later the mint for some years coined silver shillings, six- pences and threepences at the rate of six shillings to a heavy piece-of-eight. These pine tree shillings are well known to every reader of Hawthorne's story, telling how Mint Master Hull gave as a dowry to his buxom daughter, Miss Betsy, on her marriage to Chief Justice Sewell, her weight in them. In 1630 the pine tree shilling had not been coined for some years, but it was still the nominal measure of value. Spanish and Mexican dollars furnished the circulating medium of the colony, called "pieces-of-eight," a coin familiar to readers of pirate stories. This was the real "dollar of our daddies" and was commonly rated at six New England shillings. At the time of the passage of the order for this first issue of paper money the business world was familiar with the custom of transferring accounts in banks by bills of credit, and London goldsmiths furnished credit with their notes, which circulated as currency, but paper money, as we know it, was for the first time issued on December 10, 1690, by the order of the General Court of the Colony. This order limited the first issue to £7,000, "to be in value equal to money and to be accepted in all public accounts." As has always happened, the limit of notes to be issued was again and again extended. When first issued they were received by the people with distrust and were passed at a discount of from 20 to 35 per cent.; the soldiers re- turning from Canada, who had to take them for their pay, lost seven or eight shillings in a pound when they "put off the bills." Thus our forefathers were started on the dreary experiment of relying on a paper currency, not redeemable in specie on presentation, and for more than 50 years orders were passed by the General Court for the issue of all kinds of paper money; so that old tenor bills, new tenor bills, middle tenor bills, merchants' notes, all of different values, confused trade and drove specie out of circulation, for silver, like gold, is also a coward and snob and will not associate with a poorer currency. There were constant disputes on the subject of the currency between the royal governors and the General Court, the governors being always against any schemes which would further inflate it; and these disputes, together with the attempt to enforce the navigation laws, created a feeling of hostility between the people and the represen- tatives of the Crown. Thus the state of mind was being produced which John Adams called "the real American Revolution." The French war caused the colony to make its first issue of rag money, but a later French war led to the calling in of the bills of credit which were then in cir- culation to the amount of £1,900,000. The province had incurred great expenses for the expedition against Louis- burg, and the British Government, in 1748, after long negotiations, firmly conducted by one William Bolland, a Yankee appointed a special agent by the province, voted to reimburse the colony for the expenses of the success- ful expedition which had captured the Fortress of Louis- burg and granted the sum of £183,649, the equivalent of £244,860 "lawful money of Massachusetts," In June, 1749, Bolland was handed the order for this money, and with Sir Peter Warren received it on behalf of the colony. These agents purchased Spanish silver and copper coins which they shipped in chests to Boston, con- ducting the whole business with caution and thrift. In September, 1749, the people of Boston (to quote from Palfrey), "little used to the sight of money, saw 17 trucks laden with 217 chests full of Spanish dollars, dragged up King Street, followed by 10 trucks bearing 100 casks of coined copper." In six months' time the redemption of the bills of public credit was begun at their depreciated value of about seven paper shillings to one silver one. In this return to specie payment there was no shock to trade; a good currency was insensibly substituted for a bad one, and every branch of business was carried on to a better advantage than before. The colony, by redeeming the currency at its depreciated value, made the task an easy one, and it also made provi- sion that after a year's time no bills should be legal tender, giving an interval for debtors to pay in the depreciated currency which those receiving it could have redeemed at its then value. Today the flood of paper money that has been issued in central and eastern Europe with no provision for redemp- tion has so disorganized rates of exchange that trade is conducted with the utmost difficulty and is almost on the basis of barter. Nor is there any prospect of stabilization or the redemp- tion of this paper currency on any basis until these coun- tries are able to secure metallic currency from the out- side as did the Massachusetts Colony 241 years ago. Some day when satisfactory security is offering, the great stock of gold in the United States will be drawn on for this purpose. AUSTRALIAN NOTES ACTS The Australian Notes Act of 1910 made it an offense for any bank to issue or circulate notes issued by a state, and such notes ceased to he a legal tender. At the same time the issue of notes by the trading banks them- selves was effectively discouraged by a Bank Notes Tax Act which imposed a tax of ten per cent per annum on all notes issued by banks. However, it was not until and such notes ceased to be legal tender. At the the Commonwealth Bank Act of 1945 that persons, in- cluding states, were expressly prohibited from issuing bills or notes payable to bearer on demand and intended for circulation. Under the Australian Notes Act, the Treasurer of the Commonwealth became in 1910 the issue authority for Australian notes; since 1913 Australian notes have been designed and printed in Australia. In 1920 the Note Issue Department of the Commonwealth Bank of Aus- tralia was created and the assets and liabilities of the Treasurer under the Australian Notes Acts were trans- ferred into that Department. Under the 1959 legisla- tion the function is continued in the Reserve Bank which, through its Note Issue Department, is now the issue authority for Australian notes. WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 221 Federal. Reserve Corner HE last Corner picture the doubly printed $1 Federal Reserve note from the St. Louis district. Every- one in the district has been on the ball trying to turn up a second note, but to date there has been no report of such a find. It is impossible to know whether an entire sheet was double printed, or just the top row and possibly a portion of a second row?). A report has been received of another similar note, but from a different district. However, confirmation has not been received. As this is being written, the first of the new Series 1974 Federal Reserve $1 has appeared. Chuck O'Donnell sent along the first, which was put on sale in Washington. The new signatures of Francine Neff. Treasurer, and William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury, are quite different from other signatures that have appeared. The face plate numbers have been started back at "1." while the reverse plates continue in the older series of num- bers, now in the 1700s. In the next column, it is hoped that a listing of the ending serial numbers for the Series 1969D will be available. We have not received the $5 listings as we had hoped, but these will also be made available when received. The June 22nd sale of Mayflower Coin Auctions, Boston, brought some excellent prices and set some new records. There were not many of small-size notes, but let's take just a few lots as examples: Lot 621 was a Si Silver Series 1928 with serial B00000007A, CU, catalog value $17.50, which sold for $52.00. Lots 626. 627. 628 were Series 1935A $1 SC with "R" and "S" overprints. The first lot brought $120 and the other two $110 each. Lot 631 was a scarce Series 1933 $10 Silver with serial 00000014A. with light folds but ex- tremely fine: it brought $1,350. tot 635 was a $20 FR Series 1969A, an error note without Treasury Seal. serial numbers, etc., circulated, but still "spectacular." With an estimated value of $200, it went for $235. One last group. and interesting, was a lot of two $1 SC with yellow seal (North Africa) as lot 642, about uncir- culated. which brought $26. This is getting to be a much better note, and prices are sure to rise. In the large notes. there were some interesting items. and I am certain this portion will be covered elsewhere. This column would appreciate all reports from readers as to the new Series 1974 notes appearing in the other districts. Your assistance will be appreciated and will enable a complete report here each issue. Work has started on the 11th Edition of the "Hewitt- Donlon Catalog." All suggestions as to changes in values_ format, etc., are most welcome. Please send them along at once. NATHAN GOLDSTEIN II P. 0. Box 36 Greenville, Miss. 38701 Obsolete Note Used in Milwaukee Bank's Advertising A newspaper advertising campaign conducted during 1974 by the Marine National Exchange Bank of Mil- waukee and its associated Marine Banks of Wisconsin featured a reproduction of a $10 Wisconsin Marine & Fire Insurance Co. note. Under the headline "Would you take 'George Smith's Money' in place of gold or silver? Almost everyone did," the following text appeared: The time, the 1840's. Without "George Smith's Money," most Wisconsin business would have been crudely conducted by barter. What was George Smith's Money? Certificates of deposit issued by the Wiscon- sin Marine and Fire Insurance Company . . . the first of the "Marine Banks," founded by George Smith. Aside from United States gold and silver currency— very little of which found its way this far west the only reliable medium of exchange consisted of these certifi- cates. No other banknotes were as widely accepted in the West and South as "George Smith's Money." The book George Smith's Money by Alice E. Smith. published in 1966 by the State Historical Society of Wis- consin, was cited as the source of the historical infor- mation. Different copy was built around a reproduction of a small newspaper notice of Aug. 12, 1839, which read: INSURANCE rir HE Wisconsin Marine & Fire Insurance Companyhave commenced business in Milwaukee, and are ready to enter into Contracts of Insurance at low rates of premium. The Company will also receive money on deposit, and transact other monied operations, in which, by their charter they are allowed to engage. The directors, with the view of affording every safe encouragement to those who may be inclined to keep deposit or current accounts with the Company, have agreed to allow Interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum on all sums taken on deposit account by them, and which accounts may be operated upon at any time depositers may deem proper. Special rates of Interest to be allowed on sums deposited for long and stated periods. ALEX. MITCHELL, Secretary. Milwaukee, August 12th. 1839. y7tf. "This small notice changed the course of Wisconsin history," said the accompanying headline, which was followed by this text: August 12, 1839. The Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insurance Company the first "Marine Bank"—opened for business. Two insurance policies were written. But most people came in to make deposits . . . and received certificates promising payment on demand. So began Wisconsin's most experienced bank. .Vit RESSII/E vt,A p,N C I PAT1 ON Boiva ,1 BHALL 0P THE LAW PINL lANU- `ahis is to certify that the bearer has •invested in the cause of liberty Qadtadart". PACE 222 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 These early Marine bankers earned the respect and trust of their customers and continued to attract sub- stantial deposits which in turn were loaned to Wisconsin pioneers for farm land, to fledgling Wisconsin industries which sought advice and funding. In 1840, the Marine backed Wisconsin's first brewery, in 1842, the first tannery, then the first paper mill, and the first railroad. Numismatic Political Graffiti (Continued from Page 205) Described in a recent Don Kelly price list was the following satirical political "banknote": 1892—Presidential campaign. "Democrat Wild Cat Money." Large note (9 x 3 3/4 ) depicts Grover Cleve- land and a couple of wildcats, one of which serves as part of the "bank" title "The Cleveland (Wildcat) Bank." "Promises whenever it D- - -n pleases, to pay bearer FIVE DOLLARS in money, coon skins, or cord wood at the option of the Bank." The 1892 Democratic platform included a recommendation to repeal the 10% tax on private hank notes. This note has enjoyed con- siderable circulation, perhaps because it reads at the bottom, "Receivable in payment for five cent drinks at twenty five cents each." Described and pictured in a recent political items sale catalog (illustration marred by overlapping political buttons) was a "Progressive Emancipation Bond" for $1 from the 1924 presidential campaign of Robert M. LaFollette of Wisconsin and Burton K. Wheeler of Montana. PARAMOUNT, LONDON Our specialised PAPER CURRENCY DEPARTMENT is now in operation. We are building stock and would appreciate the opportunity of making offers for items you may have for sale. We are particularly interested in LATI N AMERICAN paper currency issues in addition to rare notes of the world. TRY US OUT NOW Write to our Paper Currency Department: PARAMO it-teltmill-41a eom <4inded 238-245 Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2 Telephone: 01-839 2507 WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 223 A Review The NEVADA "Sixteen" National Banks And The Mining Camps That Sired Them By M. OWEN WARNS Published by the Society of Paper Money Col- lectors, Inc., 1974. 403 pages, 455 illustrations. $15 to members, $17.50 to non-members, from M. 0. Warns, Treasurer, SPMC, P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, WI 53201 C ATALOGS and handbooks, useful as they may be,are not usually regarded as exciting, colorful read- ing matter. But Owen Warn's "Nevada Sixteen" is not the usual catalog-handbook, although it contains all the available information about the National Bank Note issues of the Sagebrush State. Instead, it is a pictorial history that delineates the role of paper cur- rency in the overall economic and social growth of the area. This large, impressive volume is a visual delight, since the author lets memorabilia of Western Americana tell the story as much as possible. He writes in his preface that "this study is not confined to Nevada Na- tional Banks but rather, in narrative form will be found the inspiring saga of the creation of the State of Nevada, the colorful background of its mining camps, their diffi- cult early struggles, its ragged continuing growth from the recurring discoveries of unimaginable wealth in rich deposits of gold and silver ores, on through Terri- torial status to its ultimate achievement . . . long-desired Statehood. "Included are chapters covering 'Virginia City,"Rhyo- lite. the Queen of the Bonanza Road,' `Bank of Califor- nia."The Nevada Bank of San Francisco,' `Wells Fargo,' the documented story of an unusually constituted wildcat bank closed by the bank examiners of the State of Nevada. the Sutro Tunnel and other interesting side- lights. These special sections afford the reader an insight into Nevada's romantic and adventuresome past. "When the actual assembling of the material gathered over a period of some 27 years began, it was the author's intention to limit scope of this work to the studies of the National Banks of the State of Nevada. It soon became evident such a limitation was not possible. The many facets of Nevada's early constitutional struggles, the take-over by the out-of-state financial institutions, the development through untold hardships of the rip- roaring mining camps whose records lay buried deep in Nevada's glorious past, speaking out grudgingly only now and then ever so softly in whispers eagerly wel- comed and heard only when by good fortune they came to light . . . presented a challenge I was not prepared for. The deeper I delved into the early Nevada scene, the deeper I became engrossed, the project originally scheduled to take a few months to complete extended itself over four years. M. Owen Warns, author of The Nevada "Six- teen" and long-time treasurer of SPMC. "This has become a study with dual objectivity, thus presenting to the reader a peek into the backgrounds created by the mining camps whose environments be- came the settings for the National Banks that followed. To the latter, the object of this work is primarily directed. "No other State of the 48 States having circulated National Bank Notes up to the close of the National Bank Note issuing period, May 31, 1935, is known to command a greater fascination to National Bank Note collectors than those circulated by the National Banks of Nevada. "The State of Nevada was without a National Bank from October 4, 1869, to 1880, when the First National Bank of Nevada in Austin, chartered in 1865, closed its doors four years later. Eleven years passed before the State of Nevada was to have another National Bank. This occurred in 1880, when the First National Bank of Reno (2478) was chartered; it lasted 16 years until 1896, when it was taken over by the Washoe County Bank, thus leaving the First National Bank of Winne- mucca (chartered in 1886) the only National Bank to operate in the State for the next seven years. The State of Nevada had but three National Banks chartered dur- ing the 38-year period of 1865 to 1903! In this re- spect, Nevada was unique among the other States in the number of banks chartered. "Herein will be found the factual information and data covering the Nevada 16 National Banks chartered during the National Bank Note issuing period of 1865 to 1935. On the statistical side reliable data are given from the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency and the National Archives in Washington, the Superin- tendent of Banking, State of Nevada, The Nevada His- torical Society, The California Historical Society, The First National Bank of Nevada in Reno, The Bank of California National Association, Bank of America Na- PAGE 224 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 tional Trust and Savings Association, The Bancroft Li- brary and the University of California." A cursory perusal of the book yields illustrations of old maps, pertinent documents, newspapers, photographs of original bank buildings and street scenes. There are pictures of bankers and robbers, the latter including Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The giants of the silver and copper mining industry come to life. And included in the album are enough photos of checks, bonds, scrip and warrants to delight any checkophile, along with the expected pictures of rare notes and sheets, including the only known specimen of a Nevada first charter note. When I first heard of this project a couple of years ago and contributed what little expertise I possess, I had no conception of the scope of the hook. Owen had been talking Nevada for years and had made several research trips there. In return, officials of the Nevada Historical Society visited Owen in Milwaukee to view his unique material, some of it unknown to them. One of them, F. C. Gale, Assistant State Archivist, wrote the following commendatory letter to Owen on June 21, 1974: "I have just concluded a review of your manuscript, `The Nevada Sixteen National Banks and Their Mining Camps.' There can be no question that the vast amount of information to be found in this volume will have great significance both nationally and to the students of western banking history, particularly to those interested in the early days of Nevada. Many unpublished facts and much history can be found within its many pages. The in- depth study of Nevada's sixteen national banks and the mining camps that sired them is a major contribution to our State's history." In spite of all this activity, I was as stunned when I saw the completed work as anyone will certainly be when his copy arrives. This book will take its rightful place as a leader among all SPMC publications, admir- ably exemplifying our Society's purpose in the numis- matic world. BARBARA R. MUELLER. SPMC Chronicle Two More Members Honored Smedley and Affleck Named Numismatic Ambassadors TWO PAPER money pioneers were honored recentlyby Krause Publications of Iola, Wisconsin in their "Numismatic Ambassador" awards program. These awards, given to "persons who share spare time and knowledge with others, by answering questions of beginning collectors and presenting informative pro- grams at coin-related and civic gatherings, who above all have earned the respect of other collectors because of knowledge and faithful service," went to Glenn Smedley and Charles Meek. Charles Affleck (r.) receiving Numismatic Ambassador award from Chester Krause of Krause Publications. Glenn Smedley (r.) receiving Numismatic Ambassador award from Cliff Mishler of Krause Publications. Mr. Smedley, former president of SPMC, charter mem- ber number three, and long-time governor of the So- ciety, is one of the best-known numismatists in America. His love for the hobby has been amply demonstrated by his unselfish service to many organizations, especially the ANA, of which he is currently a governor, too. His special interests lie in the educational program field, and he labored mightily on the ANA Library catalog. Glen does not play to the galleries; he attends con- ventions and meetings primarily to work, not to pose for the cameras. His wise counsel is always much ap- preciated at SPMC meetings and his vision has helped insure a prosperous future for our organizations. Mr. Aifieck. SPMC number 150, is best known for his studies of the obsolete paper money of Virginia and two monumental books on the subject. A past presi- WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PACE 225 dent of the Virginia Numismatic Association, he trav- eled extensively along the eastern seaboard during the 1950s and 60s as an active exhibitor and hobby worker. Membership Participation Column SYNGRAPH I-CHAT Although very few members are participating thus far, we have had several suggestions for the column name, most of them centering around the new term "syn- graphics" for our hobby. So it seems to be the consen- sus to use the title "Syngraphi-Chat" first suggested by C. John Ferreri and seconded by Tom Fitzgerald. Now, who can suggest a subject to chat about? The Winner's Circle Stephen. R. Taylor (3258), whose display of frac- tional currency was shown in the July, 1974 issue, re- ceived best-in-show at the second annual Maryland State Numismatic Association convention in Salisbury, June 8-9, 1974. The exhibit in this instance differed some- what from the earlier display. JAR& World Paper Money Catalog Announced as Joint Venture A new definitive reference work, the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, authored by Albert Pick, will be marketed in an English-language edition by Krause Publications, Inc., through a cooperative publishing ven- ture with Ernst Battenberg Verlag, publishers of Munich, West Germany. The new catalog, a companion volume to the popular Standard Catalog of World Coins published by Krause Publications, is planned for release early in 1975, accord- ing to publisher Chester L. Krause. All notes in the large 8 1/2 by 10%-inch format catalog are to be priced in U.S. funds in two condition degrees, Fine-Very Fine and Crisp Uncirculated for modern notes, and Very Good and Very Fine for the earlier rarities. Valuations are to be supplied by a panel of professional dealers in world paper money coordinated by the Krause Publications staff, according to Clifford Mishler, senior editor, and Russ Rulau, coordinator. Pick, curator of the extensive paper money collections of the Bavarian Mortgage and Exchange Bank of Munich, is the author of European Paper Money Since 1900, Paper Money Catalogue of the Americas, Papiergeld Sammeln (Paper Money Collecting) and other works. The first public announcement of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money was made by publishers Chester L. Krause and Dr. Ernst Battenberg in the U.S. and Germany in mid-June. Krause chose the Convention of International Numismatics in Los Angeles, June 21-23, as his forum. The extensively illustrated catalog is to include all major types of governmental notes of the world since 1900 (earlier in many cases). The joint publication effort of a leading North American and leading European numismatic publishing house was termed a pioneering effort in American-European col- laboration by the publishers. Battenberg publishes a series of "Weltmunzkatalog" (World Coin Catalog) references in annual editions. Price and ordering details for the new catalog will be available after a feasibility study is completed, possible by late September, Krause indicated. Distribution of the catalog will be along the same channels used successfully with the Standard Catalog of World Coins. Complete convention coverage together with re- ports of officers, lists of awards and the status of the Society will be published in the November issue. WANTED WRIT1ERS FOR PAPER MONEY This is your magazine. Help keep it viable. Enhance your specialty and syngraphic reputation. The Editor is always open to suggestions— but needs articles NOW! Where are our writer-students? We can guarantee publication no later than the second issue after submission. No charge for photography. Subjects crying for coverage: • Confederate-Civil War material • Current currency • Colonial-Continental currency • All worldwide areas • Obsolete notes • U. S. large-size notes Or what did you have in mind? Special writing ability not necessary— Just the facts, ma'm or sir The Editor will smooth your way. Write today to Barbara R. Mueller, EDITOR 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 PAGE 226 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 53 No. 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 J4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 SECRETARY'S REPORT New Member Roster VERNON L. BROWN, Secretary P. 0. Box 8984 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33310 Dealer or CollectorNew Members Nick P. E. Tutelo, Craig Dell Road, New Kensing- ton, Pa. 15068 Robert W. Hearn, P. 0. Box 233, Hackensack, N.J. 07602 Charles A. Wahl, 6520 Camino Abbey, Tucson, Ariz. 85718 Bruce E. Barks, 705 East Church, Panora, Iowa 50216 H. G. Oppegard, P. 0. Box 218, Gilby, N. Dak. 58235 Patrick J. Toland, 2613 Garfield Ave., So., Minne- apolis, Minn. 55408 Richard Lee Day, 1504 Marlowe Dr., Apt A-1, Clarksville, Ind. 47130 Robert J. Douchis, 6713 Ransome Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207 Arnold L. Shay, 205 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, Pa. 19096 William M. Holland, 10902 Clermont Ave., Garrett Park, Md. 20766 Ralph A. Fobair, 1605 Gentry Blvd., Gering, Nebr. 69341 Richard L. Salzer, RR #3, Box 791, Knox, Ind. 46534 Robert A. Mason, 1506 Fincke Ave., Utica, N.Y. 13502 James V. Fastiggi, 701 Old Boston Post Rd., Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543 Melvin P. Hennisch, M.D., 7 Nichols Place, Briar- cliff Manor, N.Y. 10510 Eleanor B. Conklin, P. 0. Box 440, Rutherford, N.J. 07070 Dennis B. Deutsch, P. 0. Box 797, Devils Lake, N. Dak. 58301 Richard L. Christian, 3351 Elmwood Street, Cuya- hoga Falls, Ohio 44221 Robert D. West, 121 Wilmar Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15238 John C. Schulenburg, 2381 Cedar St., Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 F. L. Kretschmar, 109 Idleworth Drive, Coraopolis, Pa. 15108 Joseph Orgill, Jr., 75 Goodwyn Place, Memphis, Tenn. 38111 L. James Higgins, Jr., 825 Humbolt St., Reno, Nev. 89502 Frank Roza, Jr., 603 N. Carson, Carson City, Nev. 89701 Robert J. Thuemling, 1182 W. 8th St., Lorain, Ohio 44052 Ulf Johansson, P. 0. Box 400 22, S-951 04 Lulea, Sweden Edward J. Winkes, 13695 Grand River, Detroit, Mich. 48223 Dr. Henry B. Gotten, 2250 Washington, Memphis, Tenn. 38104 Benjamin Taub, P. 0. Box 423—Correo Central, Buenos Aires, Argentina Luis Guillermo, P. 0. Box 423—Correo Central, Buenos Aires, Argentina Specialty C U. S. C U. S. large and small-size notes C C National Bank Notes C U. S. C Broken bank notes C U. S. small-size notes C Lithuania C C Brazil, Spain, Indonesia C, D Nebraska National Currency C Broken bank notes of Indiana; National Bank Notes, Series 1929 C U. S. small-size notes C Fractional Currency C France, French Colonies, Germany C National Bank Notes C National Currency of South Dakota C U. S. small-size notes C Military Currency C British Commonwealth and Scandinavia C Silver Ctfs, large & small-size C Old U. S. paper money C Nevada bank material C, D National Bank Notes C U. S. large and small-size notes; Stock ctfs. C C U. S. and Canada C C, D Latin America C, D Latin America Change of Addresses 3591 Thomas H. Adams, 5500 Morro Way, Apt 47, La 191 Mesa, CA 92041 3881 Thomas Becker, 7471 Lockwood St., Dayton, Ohio 3943 45415 3425 Vern H. Christensen, 2500-10th St., Waukegan, 3179 Ill. 60085 Arthur D. Cohen, 104 Surburban Court, Rochester, N.Y. 14620 Joe C. Elliott, P. 0. Box 10225, Kansas City, Mo. 64111 T. J. Fitzgerald, 1060 U.S. 1, S.W., Vero Beach, Fla. 32960 WHOLE NO. 53 Paper Money PAGE 227 2969 Dennis L. Huff, 809 Hiawatha Dr., Elkhart, Ind. 46514 662 Peter W. Huntoon, P. 0. Box 3681, Laramie, Wyo. 82071 3391 Paul T. Jung, 7 Curiosity Ct., Walkersville, Md. 21793 423 George W. Killian, 40 Windrush Valley Rd., Fair- port, N.Y. 14450 1945 Louis C. King, Rt. 4, Box 575, Seaford, Del. 19973 2842 A. L. Lewis, 3819 Locarno Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 3482 Hardie Maloney, 3 Neron Pl., New Orleans, La. 70118 1207 Robert S. Marshall, 44 Fordyce Manor, St. Charles, Mo. 63301 2730 Allen Mincho, P. 0. Box 9, Cold Spring, N.Y. 10516 2151 George A. Nicholson, 4880 Locust St., NE, Apt 122, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33703 2720 Alan M. Swanwick, 3509 Linda Lane, Baldwins- ville, N.Y. 13027 4056 Noel Wiggins, 1707 E. Lindell St., W. Frankfort, Ill. 62896 3505 Samuel T. Young, Box 465, Lebanon, Va. 24266 Reinstatement 3818 Dr. Joseph F. Marcelli, 28 Locust Ave., Troy, N.Y. C, D 12180 1141 Howard Carter, M.D. 1907 A. F. Smith Deceased 2065 John R. Wiggin Moved Left No Forwarding Address 3009 Michael J. Rogers MONEY MART FOR USE BY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ONLY PAPER MONEY will accept classifield advertising from members on a basis of 5c per word, with a mini- mum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, sell- ing, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in na- ture. At present there are no special classifications but the first three words will be printed in capital letters. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the So- ciety of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jeffer- son, Wis. 53549 by the 10th of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Oct. 10, 1974 for Nov., 1974 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbrevia- tions, figure combinations and initials counted as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count: WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U. S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N. Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U. S.; FRN counted as one word each) (Because of ever-increasing costs, no receipts for MONEY MART ads will be sent unless specifically requested.) WANTED: VERMONT OBSOLETE paper money Please describe fully and send price wanted and quantity available. Interested in singles, sheets or entire collec- tions. William L. Parkinson, Woodbine Road, Shelburne, VT 05482 (55) WANTED INDIANA OBSOLETE before 1861, especial- ly Indian Reserve Bank, Kokomo, Ind. Louis H. Haynes, 1101 E. Fischer, Kokomo, IN 46901 (55) UPGRADE YOUR MPC collection. Trade your duplicate notes, gold coins, commemoratives for hi-value MPC notes. Pricelist SASE. Make offers. Mervyn H. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 3507, Hampton, VA 23663 (57) MILITARY CURRENCY WW2 wanted: Allied, Axis, Japanese Invasion/Occupation and U. S. Military Pay- ment Certificates. Edward Hoffman, P. 0. Box 8023-S, Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 (59) FOR MY COLLECTION: wanted U. S. MPC 5 dollars series 471, 5 dollars series 481, all replacement notes prior to series 611 wanted. Also San Bernardino Nationals. Write or ship. Gary F. Snover, P. 0. Box 3034, San Bernardino, CA 92413 (56) GREENBACK LABOR PARTY satirical notes and re- lated items wanted. L. Candler Leggett, P. 0. Box 9684, Jackson, MS 39206 (55) WANTED FRN $1 series 1969D, District 2, B543 and District 8, H543, star or any block letter. F. Edward Burke, 7862 Seward Ave., Mount Healthy, OH 45231 (53) NEW MEXICO, COLORADO company store scrip wanted. Would like to hear from collectors having such scrip, or information, for current research project. Also wanted: 1907 Clearing House Certificates and related material. Art Curths, P. 0. Box 1091, Albuquerque, NM 87103 (53) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: Nationals, obsolete and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondolet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, Mo. 63037 (54) GEORGIA BROKEN BANK notes wanted by serious collector. Willing to pay fair price. Especially want early and rare pieces. Gary L. Doster, Rt. 2, Box 18A Watkinsville, GA 30677 (54) MONEY MART WANTED: PENNSYLVANIA OBSOLETE notes and scrip. Banks, Boroughs, Water Companies, Transportation, Mining, Druggists, Merchants, etc. Individual notes or collections. Correspondence invited. Paul S. Seitz, Glen Rock, PA 17327 (55) CONNECTICUT CURRENCY W AN T E D: Colonial, obsolete, scrip, large-size Nationals (uncirculated), mis- cellaneous Connecticut paper items. Buying single pieces or lots. Send with prices or describe. Also need Con- tinental Currency. Richard J. Ulbrich, Box 401, Cheshire, CT 06410 (57) WANTED: SANTA CLAUS on obsolete notes, checks, scrip, etc. I also want National Currency on the Saint Nicholas National Bank and the National Banks of Green- wood and Whiteland, Indiana. Old Indiana bank checks are wanted. Joseph Seiter, 2117 Winchester Dr., India- napolis, IN 46227 (54) WANTED: POSTAGE STAMP scrip money, Civil War stamp envelopes (Necessity money), cardboard chits, fractional currency. J. Lieske, P. 0. Box 71, La Canada, CA 91011 (54) BELLEVUE, OHIO FIRST National Bank Notes wanted. Epecially first or third charter notes. Gerald C. Schwartz, 2i0 Northwest St., Bellevue. OH 44811 (54) SMALL SIZE COLORADO Nationals wanted: Collector will pay highest prices for needed notes. Have many Nationals to trade. Send for lists. John Parker, P. 0. Box 3004, Denver, CO 80201 (56) WANTED: MACON, GEORGIA obsolete currency in quantities. Also Milledgeville, Georgia. Send for offer or priced. Richard Moody, 300 Hillcrest Ave., Warner Robin, Georgia 31093 (58) WYOMING, DAKOTA TERRITORIES wanted. Buy. Sell. Trade: currency, postal-monetary related historical items, Wells Fargo, Pony Express. Frontier Mint, Box 1305, Cheyenne, WY 82001 SUTLER SCRIP AND tokens wanted: Send or describe, with price. Richard J. Ulbrich, P. 0. Box 401, Cheshire, CT 06410 (56) ENCASED POSTAGE WANTED (Civil War era). Top condition only. Send insured or describe, with price. Richard J. Ulbrich, P. 0. Box 401, Cheshire, CT 06410 (56) WANTED: ALL STOCK and bond certificates (singles or quantities). Also Nevada and California paper items. Ken Prag, Box 431 PM, Hawthorne, CA 90250 (58) SELLING COLLECTION OF all different 996 Germany P.O.W. notes of World War I (1914-1918) ; Dr. Arnold Keller catalogue of same included. Correspondence invited. Michael M. Byckoff, P. 0. Box 786, Bryte, CA 95605 (57) PRIVATE COLLECTOR HAS extensive collection of small size SC's and USN's in all denominations. Over 2,000 notes and 350 different blocks. Mostly CU with many scarce and rare notes. Some miscellania. Send large SASE for detailed catalogue. Thanks. Graeme M. Ton, Jr., 203 47th St., Gulfport, Miss. 39501 BOOK: AMERICAN BANK Note Company, 1959, with all the magnificent plates. Beautiful volume. $49.50. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 20 PIECES COAL mine scrip from 20 different companies $9.75. 20 stock certificates from 20 different companies $9.75. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 NEW LONDON-3, 10, 20, 50 uncut sheets to trade for other obsolete or large currency. Cornell Galleries, 1801 East Columbus, Springfield, MA 01103 (55) DO YOU HAVE all your block-letters or ending numbers on your sets? Send 25c for 10-page sample price list, $1 for complete list for 1974 listing Silver Certificates, legals, FRN Dillons through Shultz by blocks, Copes, radars, end-sets, low and fancy serials, errors. Send want list. James Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (53) MISSISSIPPI AND SOUTHERN States obsolete notes and scrip or anything relating to Mississippi wanted. L. Candler Leggett, P. 0. Box 9684, Jackson, MS 39206 (55) DELAWARE OBSOLETE NOTES and scrip wanted; also research information and photos of Delaware notes. Collect other Delaware items. Cash or trade. Terry A. Bryan, 452 E. Loockerman St., Dover, Del. 19901 (54) WANTED: VIRGINIA OBSOLETE paper money issued by banks, counties, cities, and private scrip issues. Virginia proof bank notes especially wanted. Richard Jones, P. 0. Box 1981, Roanoke, VA 24009 (53) BUY OR TRADE small-size $5 Federal Reserve Notes before 1969, uncirculated only. Specify price or trade offer. David D. Levy, 1000 Grove St., Evanston, IL 60201 "SELLING" • Broken Bank Notes • County and Private Scrip • Odd and High Denominations • Historical Signatures Joseph Smith Sam Houston • Depression Currency • Unlisted Notes • Confederate Notes • U. S. Fractional and Specimen Notes • Encased Postage Please send your 8c SASE and indicate your specific area of interest. Receive my quarterly list relative to your particular interest. "WANTED" • Your duplicate Broken Bank and Confederate Notes (need quantity). Will purchase out- right or accept in trade for my notes. (1) Ship your notes for offer, or (2) Send your list with asking prices. DON EMBURY P. 0. BOX 66058, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 Sixteen NATIONAL BANKS 403 PAGES 455 PHOTOS AND THE MINING CAMPS THAT SIRED THEM By M OWEN WARNS Foreward by GLENN B. SMEDLEY Nevada Historical Society MEMBERS OF THE "WILD BUNCH" ( standing) Bill Carver, Harvey Logan. (Kid Curry) (seated) Harry Longabaugh, Ben Kilpatrick, Butch Cassidy Harvey Logan, (Kid Curry) was slain in Colorado in 1903. Bill Carver was slain in Texas about the same time. Ben Kilpatrick was killed during a train robbery in Texas in 1912. Harry Longabaugh, (The Sundance Kid) and Butch Cassidy were slain in a shoot-out in Bolivia. in 1909. PRINTING 500 NUMBERED COPIES It is said that the above picture was taken shortly after the robbery of George Nixon's First National Bank of Winnemucca. Nev. by members of the "Wild Bunch." The Winnemucca loot set the stage for a splurge of new derby hats and fashionable clothes with stylish vests complete with the then considered elegant genteel vest watch chains and gold charms. S.P.M.C. MEMBERS ONLY $15.00 - SAVE $2.50 (PRECE TO NON-MEMBERS $17.50) DEALER'S COST-4 to 6 copies—$11; 7 to 11 copies—$10: 12 or more copies—$9.00 Mail Your Check To M. O. WARNS Publication Fund POST OFFICE BOX 1840, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53201 RARE 1929 SMALL SIZE NATIONAL BANK NOTES Charter Denomination Number Bank Condition Price $10.00 5771 1st N.B. of BARRY, ILL. VG $105.00 $10.00 3593 CANTON N.B., ILL VG $ 95.00 $10.00 6724 1st N.B. of EAST PEORIA, ILL. VG $ 75.00 $20.00 4826 1st N.B. of MONTECELLO, ILL. VG $ 73.00 $10.00 2100 EDGAR COUNTY N.B. of PARIS, ILL. VG $ 82.00 $20.00 5187 BEDFORD N.B., IND. F $ 80.00 $10.00 (TY2 I 13305 OLD 1st N.B. in BLUFFTON, IND. VG $ 61.00 $20.00 6986 CITIZENS N.B. of DELPHI, IND. F $105.00 $10.00 8014 THE BRIGHT N.B. of FLORA, IND. VF $108.00 $20.00 2067 CITY N.B. of GOSHEN, IND. F $ 91.00 $20.00 7411 1st N.B. of LI NTON, IND. VG $ 70.00 $10.00 7758 MARION N.B., IND. VG $ 67.00 $20.00 11782 1st N.B. of M I LROY, IND. VG $ 99.00 $ 5.00 10234 CITIZENS N.B. of MULBERRY, IND. VF $ 85.00 $20.00 363 1st N.B. of PERU, IND. AU $ 78.00 $10.00 10551 PEOPLES AMERICAN N.B. of PRINCETON, IND. F $ 72.00 $50.00 4764 CITIZENS N.B. of SOUTH BEND, IND. VF $ 82.00 $20.00 5392 PEOPLES N.B. & T. CO. of SULLIVAN, IND. F $ 95.00 $20.00 7375 CITIZENS N.B. of TELL. CITY, IND. VG $104.00 $ 5.00 2148 CITIZENS N.B. of WINCHESTER, KY. VG $ 74.00 $10.00 5831 CITIZENS N.B. of WESTERNPORT, MD. VG $ 65.00 $10.00 (TY2 ) 428 1st N.B. of EASTHAMPTON, MASS. CU $ 90.00 $ 5.00 ( TY2 11014 2nd N.B. of MALDEN, MASS. XF $ 68.00 $10.00 4446 1st N.B. & T. CO. of PORT HURON, MICH. XF $ 55.00 520.00 12333 1st N.B. of CLAYTON, MO. VF $140.00 $100.00 11344 FIDELITY N.B. & T. CO. of KANSAS CITY, MO. VF $165.00 $ 5.00 13408 STEPHEN N.B. of FREMONT, NEB. VG $ 80.00 $10.00 2960 1st N.B. of FRIEND, NEB. VG $ 98.00 $10.00 2780 1st N.B, of WAHOO, NEB. XF $ 91.00 $50.00 1452 NATIONAL STATE BANK of NEWARK, N.J. VG $120.00 $10.00 (TY2 ) 13174 PLAINFIELD N.B., N.J. F $ 88.00 $20.00 5260 RAHWAY N.B., N.J. VG $ 99.00 $10.00 1447 HARRISON N.B. of CADIZ, OHIO XF $101.00 $20.00 2817 3rd N.B. of CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO VG $121.00 $ 5.00 6843 DENNISON N.B., OHIO VF $125.00 $10.00 5618 1st N.B. of DI LLONVI LLE, OHIO VG $ 99.00 $20.00 4336 CITIZENS N.B. of IRONTON, OHIO VF $ 75.00 $20.00 142 1st N.B. of MARIETTA, OHIO VG $ 80.00 520.00 4164 CITIZENS N.B. of MARIETTA, OHIO VG $ 93.00 $20.00 1322 ALLENTOWN N.B., PA. CU $ 50.00 $10.00 2384 ANNVILLE N.B., PA. CU $ 82.00 $10.00 459 1st N.B. of BELLEFONTE, PA. VG $ 85.00 $10.00 4481 2nd N.B. of CONNELSVILLE, PA. VG $ 98.00 $20.00 11407 1st N.B. of DAVI DSVILLE, PA. ( S/N A000004A) VG $130.00 $10.00 5044 1st N.B. of GROVE CITY, PA. VG $ 82.00 $20.00 5255 CITIZENS N.B. of IRVIN, PA. VG $103.00 $20.00 3987 CONESTOGA N.B. of LANCASTER, PA. VG $ 80.00 $10.00 (TY2 5666 1st N.B. of SAYRE, PA. F $ 91.00 LOWELL C. HORWEDEL POST OFFICE BOX 2395, WEST LAFAYETTE, INDIANA 47906 A.N.A. #66572 S.P.M.C. #2907 OBSOLETE NOTES $5 City of Omaha. ship, Unc. 15.00 $1 Nemaha Valley Bank, Brownsville, VGD-F 15.00 $2 Nemaha Valley Bank, passing train, Fine 15.00 $5 Same, Fine 15.00 $1 Bank of Tekama, Fine 22.50 $5 Same, Fine 22.50 $1 Western Exchange, B.H. Colony, Indian family, Unc. 5.00 $2 Same, Indian & horse, Unc. 5.00 $3 Same, hunting buffalo, Unc. 7.00 $5 Same, paddle steamer. Unc. 5.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE 10e Blaisdell, Wentworth, Unc. 4.00 5c, 10c, 50c Blaisdell, set of 3 pieces, Unc. 14.00 2c, 3c, Concord, strip of two, Unc. 7.50 $1 Piscatanua Exchange, Portsmouth, Unc. 10.00 $3 Same, EXF 25.00 $20 Same. Unc. 10.00 $1 Farmington Bank, Unc. 5.00 $2 Same, Tine. 5.00 $2 Concord Bank, 1821, tine. 20.00 $4 Cheshire Bank, Keene, 1807, corner gone, GD 15.00 NEW JERSEY $1 People's Bank, Patterson, VF 15.00 $2 Same, GD 10.00 $6 Same, signed, Uric. 32.50 $6 Same, unsigned, Unc. 29.00 $7 Same, Unc. 29.00 5.00 $8 Same, Unc. 29.00 6.00 $9 Same, Une. 29.00 7.50 $1 Merchants Bank, Trenton, Lincoln portrait, GD 12.00 6.00 $2 Sashington Banking Co., Hackensack, 1833, VGD 12.00 7.00 $5 Same, corner missing, GD 4.00 3.00 5c S.W. & W.A. Torrey, in black, train, EXF 7.50 4.50 5c Same, in red, train. Unc. 7.50 4.00 $2 Hoboken & Grazing. GD 3.00 2.00 $1 Union Co. Bank, Plainfield, Une. 9.00 7.50 $3 Same, Unc. 22.50 9.00 $5 Same, Une. 17.50 7.00 $5 Same, signed, Fine . 15.00 8.00 $20 Same, Une. 25.00 9.50 10c City of Newark, red, Fine 3.50 9,50 10e Same, green, Fine 2.50 17.50 $1 Comm. Bank, Perth Amboy, VGD 5.00 5.00 $1 Egg Harbor, green, Une. 7.00 6.00 $5 Same, red, VF 5.00 7.00 $20 Delaware Bi idge Co., Unc. 15.00 7.50 $1 Morris Co. Bank, paper aged, Unc. 15.00 6.00 $1 State Bank, New Brunswick, girl in circle, Unc. 5.00 10.00 $1 Same, dog's head, Une. 5.00 67.50 $2 Same, state arms, Une. 8.00 12.00 $3 Same. state arms, Unc. 15.00 45.00 $5 Same, Washington & Franklin, Unc. 7.00 7.00 $10 Same, Unc. 10.00 8.00 $20 Same, Une. 10.00 4.00 $50 Same, Unc. 20.00 8.00 10.00 NEW YORK CITY 20.00 5.00 $5 Atlantic Bank, 1858, GD 7.00 10.00 $5 Bank of America, 1861, red ends, F-VF 15.00 8.00 $5 Bulls Head, horses, GD 7.00 9.00 $1 City Trust, 1839. Fine 6.00 10.00 $2 Globe Bank, 1840. Fine 10.00 8.00 $100 Same, 1840, VF 17.50 5.00 $5 Manhattan Bank, 1814, Fine 15.00 10.00 $2 Mechanics Bank, 1814, Fine 18.00 $2 Merchants Bank, 1826, AU 10.00 $3 Same, 1826, EXF 10.00 $5 Same, 18...., Unc. 5.00 4.50 $5 Same, 1815, signed by Varick. Fine 18.00 4.00 $1 New York Loan, 1838, Unc. 8.00 5.00 $10 Same, 1838 Fine $4.00, EXF 6.00 6.00 $20 Same, 1837, Unc. 7.00 10.00 $2 North River Banking, 1840, Fine 8.00 10.00 $5 Same, 1840, VGD 6.00 10.00 $2 Phenix Bank, has been mounted, proof 40.00 25.00 $5 Same, Peter Maverick. light foxing, proof 50.00 25.00 $1 Red Hook Bldg., 1838, Unc. 7.00 15.00 $2 Tradesman Bank, 1861, GD 12.00 18.00 $5 Same, 1856, GD 8.00 25.00 $3 Union Bank, no date unsigned, edge frayed, Unc. 15.00 25.00 $1 Western Exchange, 1837, EXF 15.00 NEW YORK STATE 25.00 $5 Bank of Albany, GD 5.00 15.00 $10 Same, GD 7.50 18.00 $10 Same, 1813, coins left, rare counterfeit, Fine 25.00 35.00 $5 Mechanics & Farmers Bank, Albany, 1847, VGD 10.00 7.00 $2 Bank of Albion, 1862, VGD 6.00 7.00 $2 Same, green overprint, VGD 7.00 10.00 $2 Steuben Co., Bath, 1853, GD 4.50 7.50 $5 Buffalo City Bank, corner missing, GD 3.00 15.00 $2 Catskill Bank, 1825, VGD 10.00 10.00 $5 Same. 1860, GD 5.00 17.50 $5 Bank of Corning, 1846, VGD 12.00 MICHIGAN Al Adrian Insurance, Adrian, VGD $3.50, Unc. $2 Same, VGD $4.00, Unc. $5 Bank of Pontiac, Pontiac, Good $1 Bank of McComb, Mt. Clemons, red ONE VF $2 Same, red TWO, VF $5 Same, red FIVE, VG $5 Peninsular Bank, Unc. 25c W. S. Marsh. Albion, commission scrip , tine. $1 Bank of Clinton, Fair $2 Same. GD $1 Bank of Michigan, Detroit, 1837, Liberty and shield, VG-F $1 State Bank, Detroit, Unc. $2 Same, buffalo hunt, Une. $3 Same, portrait, Unc. $5 Detroit Bank, Detroit 1806, left end has been cut off, AU $10 Same. has been laminated AU $5 Central Mining, 1866, VF $5 Same, 1867, VF $10 Same, 1866, EXF-AU $10 Same, 1866, larger size either state arms, GD $3.00, EXF $5 Same, 1869, larger size state arms, F-VF $3 Bank of Tecumseh. nude and eagle, Une. $10 Same, red X, Indian, 1867, rare, GD $1 Bank of Monroe, Ceres, Fine $4 Same, mounted on cardboard, Fine $1 Bank of Washtenaw, Unc. $2 Same, Line. $5 Same, Unc. $10 Same, Unc. $1 Bank of Ypsilanti, Fine $2. 3, 5, 10 Bank of Manchester, set, F-VF $3 Merchants & Mechanics Bank, Unc. $10 Same, Unc. $1 Miller's Bank of Washtenaw, Unc. $2 Same, Unc. $3 Same, Unc. $5 Same, Unc. $1 Bank of Michigan, Marshall, Unc. $3 Same, Unc. MISSISSIPPI 25e State of Mississippi, 1864, VGD $5 Same, 1862, train, red FIVE, VGD $10 Same. 1862, train, green TEN, VF $10 Same, train, red TEN, VF $5 Exchange Office, Holly Springs, La. notes on back, EXF $10 Same, EXF $20 Same, EXF $25 Miss. & Alabama R.R., plain backs, F-VF $25 Same, Fancy backs, VF $50 Planters Bank, Natchez, Indian drawing bow, VF $100 Same. Washington & Franklin, edge tear, VF $20 Union Bank, Jackson, 1839, ship, VF $20 Vicksburg Water Works, 1838, Fine NEBRASKA $10 Brownville Bank, haying, Good $2 Bank of Desota, steamship, Unc. $3 Same, semi-nude running, Unc. $2 Waubeek Bank, Desota, shipping & industry. Unc. $1 Bank of Florence, Indian family, Unc. $2 Same, Indian brave, Unc. $3 Same, feeding horse, Unc. $3 Same, another one but has been laminated, Unc. $1 Omaha City Bank & Land Co., Indians hunting deer, Good $1 City of Omaha, Indians on horseback, Unc. $3 City of Omaha, arms. Unc. MASSACHUSETTS $1 Appleton Bank, Lowell, 1847, steamship, Fine $25.00 $1 Same, 1853, blacksmith, VP 20.00 $10 Mass. Bank, Boston. 1843, hole canceled, VG 18.00 $3 Cochituate Bank, Boston, 1850, Good 3.00 810 Same, 1857, VGD 3.50 $50 Same, 1853, EXF 15.00 15c Young's Hotel, Boston, GD-VGD 5.00 $5 Comm. Bank, Boston, 1840, Neptune, VGD 8.00 $5 Tremont Bank, Boston. 18 proof 50.00 $50 Union Bank, Boston, 18...., proof 60.00 $10 Atlantic Bank, Boston, 1852, red 10, VG-F 10.00 $5 Franklin Bank, Boston, 1836, Fine 10.00 $10 Franklin Bank, Boston, 1836, VF-EXF 12.00 $20 Franklin Bank, Boston. 1836, EXF 10.00 $1 Webster Bank, Boston, 1853, Webster porthole, Fine 25.00 $5 Same, Good 15.00 $2 Dorchester Bank, Milton, 1832, Fine 11.00 $10 Hampshire Manuf., Ware, 1848, Unc. 15.00 $10 Essex Bank, Haverhill, Fine 8.00 $5 Hadley Falls Bank, Holyoke. VG-F 11.00 $3 Andover Bank, Andover, ship, V. Good 10.00 $5 Adams Bank, N. Adams, Good 3.50 $1 Rockland Bank, Roxbury, Good 8.00 25c Massasoit Bank, Fall River Brayton, Unc. 4.50 5c, 10c, 25c Blake & Alden, Boston, the set, UNC. 14.00 5c. 10c Charles Pointer, Boston, each Unc. 4.00 GORDON HARRIS 101 CORDON PKWY., SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13219 Series VG-F F-VF VF-EF CU Series VG-F F-VF VF-EF CU 461 5c .60 .85 641 5c .35 .45 .65 10c .60 .85 2.00 10c .35 .70 25c 12.00 25c .60 .70 1.35 50c 6.00 9.00 50c .70 .85 2.75 $ 1 2.00 2.75 $ 1 2.50 5.50 $ 5 6.50 10.00 $ 5 7.50 18.00 $10 14.00 19.00 $10 18.00 26.00 65.00 471 5c 1.25 2.50 651 $ 1 6.50 10c 1.50 3.00 $ 5 24.00 25c 6.00 8.50 $10 33.00 50c 13.00 $ 1 7.50 11.00 661 5c .20 .25 .30 .45 $ 5 $10 (WRITE-2 available) 175.00 275.00 10c .25 .30 .40 .55 25c .65 1.75 50c 1.25 1.75 2.25 472 5c .25 1.00 1.60 $ 1 1.25 3.75 10c 1.45 7.50 $ 5 5.25 6.75 25c 6.00 9.50 510 90.00 50c 4.00 6.50 $20 58.00 $ 1 4.50 8.00 $ 5 $10 21.00 240.00 32.00 55.00 681 Sc .10 .15 .35 10c .15 .20 .25 .45 7.5c .35 .50 1.75 481 5c .25 .35 .60 3.00 50c .75 3.50 10c .35 .45 .75 4.50 $ 1 1.35 4.75 25c 2.50 13.00 $ 5 6.50 8.50 16.00 50c 6.00 510 18.00 26.00 $ 1 4.00rt 5.00-$7 rt $20 35.00 52.00 $ 5 70.00 $10 24.00 692 Sc .35 Complete GEM Set of 7. WRITE. 10c .4525c 1.25 521 5c .35 .65 .90 6.50 50c 1.75 10c .40 .75 1.10 $ 1 3.50 25c 1.35 2.25 3.50 s 5 18.00 50c 2.25 3.25 5.00 $10 32.00 $ 1 3.00 4.50 7.00 28.00 $20 32.00 55.00 $ 5 $10 325. 0 485.00 185.00 260.00 HAWAII 1 6.00 13.00 541 5c .20 .25 1.75 5 15.00 10c .85 1.25 6.00 10 16.00 25c 1.10 2.25 7.50 20 32.00 50c 4.50 $ 1 5.75 7.50 26.00 AFRICA $ 5 WANTED 1 5.50 *$115.00 15.00 $10 WANTED 5 26.00 10 16.00 25.00 591 5c 3.25 4.25 11.00 10c 25c 2.25 4.75 3.25 4.25 5.50 7.00 22,00 REPLACEMENTS 50c 40.00 Series 541 50c VG-F $38.00 $ 1 4.50 6.00 95.00 Series 692 $1 VF 33.00 - $20 VF+ $52.00 $ 5 WANTED POW (U.S. and German) and Concentration $10 185.00 Camps. Scrip (German ) -Many Scarce- Rare GBM pieces. WRITE . 611 5c 1.35 2.00 5.50 10c 25c 1.75 6.50 9.50 WANTED 50c 2.25 11.00 All MPC Grades not listed or marked WANTED. $ 1 2.75 18.00 ALL REPLACEMENT NOTES. $ 5 38.00 Please add 50c for orders under $15, or SAE if you $10 110.00 do not want Air- Insured. HARRY M. COLEMAN BOX 3032 (PH. 602-298-1013) TUCSON, AZ 85701 • • WHEN YOU THINK C-A-N-A-D-A THINK CHARLTON NUMISMATICS Innovators In The Field of Canadian Numismatics • Appraisers • Consultants • Licensed Auctioneers MONTHLY FEATURE • Western Collateral & Ephemera, Numismatica, Et Al. WE CARRY A DIVERSIFIED LINE OF UNITED STATES HISTORICAL ANTIQUITIES WITH A "FRON- TIER - FLAVOR. SERIOUS COLLECTORS ARE AWARE OF THE OBVIOUS COMPLEMENTARY AND ADJUNCTIVE NATURE OF SUCH ARTIFACTS TO NUMISMATISTS, EXONUMISTS, SYNGRAPHISTS AND PHILATELISTS. TO CITE A FEW EXAMPLES, WE RECENTLY SOLD AN 1876CC DOUBLE- EAGLE TO A FIREARMS COLLECTOR, AND, CONVERSELY, A COLT .45 “PEACEMAKER" TO A GOLD COIN SPECIALIST; A LARGE-SIZE PAPER MONEY COLLECTOR WAS PLEASED TO RECEIVE A WELLS FARGO RECEIPT FOR THE SHIPMENT OF - GOLD COIN - FROM DRYTOWN, CAL. (1867) TO THE GOLD BANK OF D.O. MILLS IN SACRAMENTO; THE CONNECTION IS OBVIOUS, AND THE COMBINATION POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! WE WELCOME YOUR WANT-LISTS FOR ALL TYPES OF PAPER ITEMS, INDIAN ARTIFACTS, WELLS FARGO MATERIAL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, PRE- 1898 FIREARMS, BROADSIDES, BADGES, COVERS, TOKENS, COINS, PONY EXPRESS AND GOLD- RUSH ITEMS, ETC., AND OTHER CATEGORIES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION COVERING THE EN- TIRE SPECTRUM OF RELATED MATERIAL. THIS RAPIDLY-EXPANDING SEGMENT OF ADJUNC- TIVE COLLECTING IS STILL IN THE EMBRYONIC STAGE, BUT PROMISES TO SPREAD BEYOND ITS AVOCATIONALLY RESTRICTIVE BARRIERS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL DEMAND IN TO- DAY'S ANTIQUE MARKET. M. PERLMUTTER, P. 0. Box 476, Newton Ctr., Mass., 02159. 1-617-332-6119 Charlton Numismatics WINTER AUCTION is scheduled December 6 & 7, 1974 and, as usual, will be held in Toronto's luxurious Hyatt Regency Hotel, 21 Avenue Road. Friday night session starts at 7 p.m. and Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. We are especially interested in choice and unusual Canadian Paper Money, Hudson's Bay material, historic numismatic items, decimals, tokens. Material submitted must be received by Sept. 14, 1974, for listing. Our catalogues are considered by paper money authorities to be valuable library references. Phone or telex (Mrs.) Ingrid Smith for further information. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING CONTACT CHARLTON FOR • EITHER PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE Members of Our Firm Have Travelled Thousands of Miles To Successfully Negotiate Countless Transactions BANK REFERENCES SUPPLIED ON REQUEST CHARLTON NUMISMATICS LTD. 299 Queen St. West — Toronto, M5V 1Z9, Canada TEL: (416) 362-5281 TELEX: 06-219750 ANA PNG CNA • • an M1'14)13111 Bank WANTED: RARE LARGE-SIZE NOTES We require RARE large-size notes in any grade; type notes in CU only (no Federals, please), in $1 through $100 denominations. We also need all grades large-size NATIONAL BANK NOTES (requirements subject to change without notice), mainly FIRST CHARTER $1, $2 and $5; SECOND CHARTER brownback $5s, and THIRD CHARTER RED SEALS $5, $10 and $20. TOP DEALER PRICES PAID FOR REQUIRED MATERIAL. We also pay top dealer prices for required "AMERICANA" WESTERN, INDIAN & TERRITORIAL items of mid-1840s to mid- 1890s ONLY, such as: broadsides, Gold Rush, Pony Express and Wells, Fargo memorabilia; documents, letters, coins, bars, books, autographs, checks, bonds, certificates, drafts, covers, pre-1898 firearms, etc. (No "Wells Fargo" buckles or reproductions of any kind, please.) WRITE or CALL (collect) first and describe what you have to offer. As dealers, we also have on hand a fine selection of notes and Western collateral for sale. Your inquiries are respectfully solicited. Reprints of the 1944-46 Grinnell Sales Catalogues, hard cover, 700 pg. a "must" for ANY library. Originally $25; NOW only $10.00 Postpaid. M. PERLMUTTER P. 0. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MA. 02159 Phone: 1-617 332-6119 Specializing in U. S. LARGE paper currency, Series 1861-1923, and Western "Americana." Researchers, Dealers and Appraisers. Contributors to the leading publications and trends in the field of U. S. paper money. Members of SPMC (948), ANA, ANS, PMCM, CCRT and other leading syngraphistic, numismatic, exonumistic and philatelic organizations. MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED • Will Buy Any Condition If I Need The Bank. Keenly interested in Uncut Sheets & other material pertaining to National Banks from 1863-1935. List information and prices in first letter and send for prompt action to: • FRED SWEENEY KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 BOX 10144 eceei EalgeeLod forthese faces if you want to SELL if you want to AUCTION if you want to BUY if you want to APPRAISE TER JliteNa 2145 50th Street LUBBOCK,TEXAS 79412 (806) 747-3456 ANA-LM, SOPMC, INBNS, TNA WANTED IOWA IOWA IOWA IOWA NATIONAL BANK NOTES From the following IOWA cities and towns: Adair Estherville Holstein Marshalltown Afton Floyd Ida Grove Nashua Belmond Fort Madison Ireton Northboro Blockton Garden Grove Jesup OBrighton Gilmore Lansing range City Brooklyn Goldfield Lawler Sanborn Clutier Grafton Lineville Sutherland Coin Hamburg Linn Grove Wesley College Springs Harlan Lisbon Dike Harris Macksburg Please state condition and price or send insured for my fair offer to WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOBOJI, IOWA 51355 ANA Life #109 SPMC #2950 Nntiolial 1 owassoft WANTED KANSAS NATIONALS TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series $10 pay 300.00 Any Original Series $20 pay 450.00 Any Series of 1875 $50 pay 1750.00 Any Series of 1875 $100 pay 1750.00 Any Brown Back $100 pay 400.00 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 pay 400.00 Any 1882 Value Back $5 pay 300.00 Any 1929 Type II $50 pay 500.00 We will pay the above prices for VG or better notes and cor- respondingly more for notes XF or better. CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $300 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in any condition. #2192 #3473 3791 #2640 #3512 #3805 #2954 #3563 #3807 #2990 #3564 #3812 #3002 #3567 #3833 #3035 #3569 #3835 #3090 #3594 #3844 #3108 #3667 #3852 #3194 #3695 #3853 #3199 #3703 #3880 #3249 #3710 #3900 #3265 #3737 #3928 #3384 #3751 #3963 #3386 #3758 #3992 #3394 #3769 #4150 #3431 #3775 #4288 #3440 #3776 #9097 #3443 #3787 #11887 There are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals Joe Flynn, Sr. Coin Co., Inc. BOX 3140 2854 W. 47th STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE 913-236-7171 UNCUT SHEETS OF FOUR CONNECTICUT City Bank of New Haven (1-1-2-3) $35.00 City Bank of New Haven (5-5-5-10) 30.00 City Bank of New Haven (50-100-20-20) 40.00 Bank of New England (3-5-10-20) 22.50 Stonington Bank (5-5-10-20) 22.50 GEORGIA Bank of Augusta (4-4-4-4) 50.00 MAINE Seasport Bank (1-2-3-5) 45.00 NEBRASKA West Exch. Fire & Marine (1-2-3-5) 35.00 Same, Two Signatures (1-2-3-5) 75.00 NEW YORK Redford Glass Co. (25-25-50-75) 35.00 OHIO Post Note, Payable James Monroe (1-2-3-5) 40.00 PENNSYLVANIA Allegheny Furnace (5-5-10-25-50c-$5) 10.00 Indiana Iron Works (50-25-10-5-5c-$1) 10.00 Indiana Iron Works (50-25-10-5-10c-$5) 10.00 RHODE ISLAND New Eng. Comm. Bank (1-1-2-3) New Eng. Comm. Bank (50-100) TEXAS Wash. County, Brenham (50c-$1-2-3) VERMONT Vt. State Bank, Woodstock (1-1-2-3) 35.00 West River Bank (1-2-3-5) 40.00 WISCONSIN Corn Exchange Bank (1-2-3-5) 45.00 ALABAMA $100 State Note, Cr. 12, Unc. 15.00 Same AU $14.00, VF 12.00 $50 State Note, CR. 13, tine. 14.00 Same AU $13.00, VF 12.00 CALIFORNIA 25c Chestnut Wood's College Bank, Santa Cruz, Feb. 4, 1884, Unc. $1 Similar, Feb. 4, 1884, Unc $20 San Francisco : "Due The Bearer", Unc., Unsigned, Undated (18. ) $5 San Francisco C.H. Cert., S116 $20 San Francisco C.H. Cert., N/L, (Orange Seal on Blue Paper) 15.00 $1 Los Angeles C.H. Cert. 1907, Signed (Ed Pauley), Fine 25.00 CANADA $2 Bank of Clifton, Unc., C512 25.00 $3 Colonial Bank, Canada, VG, C603 25.00 $1 Farm. Joint Stock Bank, VG, F101 15.00 $2 Farm. Joint Stock Bank, Good, F102 15.00 $3 Farm. Joint Stock Bank, Good, F103 30.00 $1 Bank Western Canada, Good, W101 15.00 GEORGIA $4 State Note, Good, CR27 7.50 $4 Bank Commerce, Savannah. AU 22.50 $50 State Note, EF-AU 30.00 $4 Bank Augusta, Unsigned, Unc., A730 14.00 $3 Merch., Planters Bank, Fine, M756 9.00 ILLINOIS $10 First Natl. Bank, Quincy, VG 30.00 2.50 Canal Indebtedness, VG, C/C 25.00 $100 Canal Indebtedness, F, C/C 1437 15.00 $2 Branch State Bank, F. C/C B159 15.00 $10 Branch State Bank, F, C/C B170 9.00 $50 Branch State Bank, VG, C/C B184 18.00 INDIANA $2 American Bank, line., 1856 40.00 $1 Citizens Bank, Good, C201 7.50 $3 Citizens Bank, AU, C209 20.00 $5 Citizens Bank, VF, C213 9.50 $10 Commercial Bank, EF, C427 10.00 $1 State Bank. Ind. Richmond, GD, 184? 25.00 LOUISIANA $1 Louisiana State Bank, Unc., 1861, Signed, Surcharged "Redeemable In Confederate Notes", $20.00 ; Similar $2, Unc. 22.50 $1 N.O. Jackson & Great Northern RR Co., N554, G-VG, $5.50: Fine 6.50 $1.50 Similar, Train, Fine, N/L 17.00 $1.50 Similar, Lady, VG, N559 17.00 $2 Similar, Train, Fine, N565 7.50 $2 Similar, Lady, Fine, N/L 7.50 $2 Sim., Surcharge "Two", N569 7.50 $3 Similar, Train, Fine, N572 13.50 $3 Similar, Lady, Fine, N/L 15.00 $3 Similar, Surcharged "Three", N578 15.00 MISSOURI $5 Terre Haute, Alton & St. Louis RR. Co., 1859, Train, Unc., Signed 15.00 $10 Similar, Lady, $15.00 ; $10 Train 15.00 Partial Listing Only. Send 10c SASE for Lists : Confederate, Frac- tional, or Broken Bank Notes-Scrip-Depression Money (Specify). Approvals with References. DONALD E. EMBURY P. 0. BOX 66058, LOS ANGELES, CA 90066 , 15.00 25.00 60.00 35.00 35.00 125.00 10.00 SMALL-SIZE Minnesota National Currency WANTED Adrian, National Bank of Adrian #9033 Barnum, First National Bank #11761 Brewster, First National Bank #10946 Canby, First National Bank #6366 Cold Spring, First National Bank #8051 Cottonwood, First National Bank #6584 Deer River, First National Bank #9131 Grand Meadow, First National Bank #6933 Halstad, First National Bank #7196 Hendricks, First National Bank #6468 Hcndricks, Farmers National Bank #9457 Kerkhoven, First National Bank #11365 Le Sueur, First National Bank #7199 Lanesboro, First National Bank #10507 Madison, First National Bank #6795 Mankato, National Bank of Com- merce #6519 Mapleton, First National Bank #6787 McIntosh, First National Bank #6488 Menahga, First National Bank #11740 Minnesota Lake, Farmers Na- tional Bank #6532 Osakis, First National Bank #6837 Park Rapids, Citizens National Bank #13692 Pipestone, Pipestone National Bank #10936 Roseau, Roseau County National Bank #11848 Sauk Center, First National Bank #3155 Stewartville, First National Bank #5330 Staples, First National Bank #5568 Verndale, First National Bank #6022 Windom, Windom National Bank #6396 NEW ENGLAND BROKEN BANK NOTES, SHEETS, SCRIP — SINGLES OH COLLECTIONS — smssms WA N TED ssmsssss WORLD PAPER CURRENCIES wanted for a research and exhibit collection I have been putting together for over 5 years. If you have had enjoyment collecting this type of material and when the time comes to sell, would you not like to see this same material remain avail- able for the enjoyment of others rather than be sold and dispersed into the "four winds"? Consider selling your collection or duplicates to someone who knows, appreciates, and will exhibit this material. Paying generously for nice material. Please con- sider contacting me. I know you will be glad you did. Duplicates for sale or trade—will send on approval. C. JOHN FERRERI P.O. BOX #33, STORRS, CONN. 06268 AND OTHER SYNGRAPHIC COLLECTORS ITEMS FOR MY ORIGINAL INSTANT MAIL BID SALES SPEED OF RESULTS: Faster than most other auctions anywhere in the world. FREQUENCY: If your consignment arrives too late for one sale, there will be another sale in 30 to 45 days. RATES: Competitive commission rates. Ask For Full Details Today! M. TEI11 S BOX 259, MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA 94025 USA A.N.A. 1-203-429-6970 S.P.M.C. SELLING? Would you try to sell your stamp collec- tion to a coin dealer? Don't make the same mistake with your U. S. paper money. We are a full-time dealer spe- cializing exclusively in U. S. paper money. Need we say more? • BUYING? Our current ten-page comprehensive price list of large and small U. S. paper money is yours for the asking. • State price and condition or send for my fair offer. I have many notes in stock as well What do you need? JOHN R. PALM Deephaven 18475 THORPE ROAD, WAYZATA, MINN. 55391 THE VAULT P. 0. BOX 2283 PRESCOTT, ARIZ. 86301 NORTH CAROLINA Obsolete & State Notes 4.00 Bank of Cape Fear. 1855. Washington Br. F. 822.00 5.00 Bank of Cape Fear. 1859. Salem Br. F. 10.00 5.00 Bank of Clarendon, 1855. Red FIVE 6.00 1.00 Bank of Fayetteville. 1855. Fine 6.50 5.00 Bank of Fayetteville. 1853. Fine 8.00 5.00 Bank of Lexington. 1859. V. F. 5.25 10.00 Bank of Lexington. 1859. V. F. 8.00 2.00 Bank of Mecklenburg. 1875. V. G. 18.00 5.00 Miners & Planters Bank. 1860. Fine 4.50 10.00 Bank of North Carolina. 1859. Fine 12.00 4.00 Bank of Washington. 1861. Red & black. V. F. 16.00 5.00 Bank of Washington. 1858. V. F. 7.50 20.00 Bank of Washington. 1852. Fine 12.00 20.00 Bank of Washington. 1861. Red & black. F. 8.50 50.00 Bank of Washington. 1861. X. F. 11.00 4.00 Bank of Wadesborough. 1860. Red & black. F. 20.00 20.00 Bank of Yanceville. 1853. V. G. 14.00 50.00 Bank of Yanceville. 1853. V. G. 15.00 5.00 Criswell No. 87. V. F. 9.00 50.00 Criswell No. 118. A. Unc. 18.00 10.00 Criswell No. 122. Unc. 6.00 5.00 Criswell No. 123. X. F. 4.50 5.00 Criswell No. 124. X. F. 6.00 3.00 Criswell No. 127. Tine, 11.00 Many other obsolete and colonial notes in stock. Also want to buy paper money of all kinds. RICHARD T. HOOBER ANA 9302 P. 0. Box 196, Newfoundland, Penna. 18445 FREE LIST of POPULAR SCARCE RARE WORLD PAPER MONEY Now Available! MHR'S COIN CABIN DEPT. PM 9728 SEAVIEW AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11236 "FOR SALE" PAPER MONEY AND OBSOLETE CURRENCY LARGE AND SMALL USA CURRENCY LARGE AND SMALL NATIONAL CURRENCY "RADAR" SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "UNUSUAL" SERIAL NUMBER NOTES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CURRENCY CONFEDERATE AND CIVIL WAR ERA PAPER ITEMS EARLY U.S. CANCELLED CHECKS BROKEN BANK NOTES Above price lists available for a large-size, self-addressed and stamped envelop e. Please, state your interest so I may send the lists of your choice. Prompt attention to every request. Satisfaction guaranteed. Robert A. Condo P. 0. Box 304, Drayton Plains, Michigan 48020 ANA-LM 813, SPMC 2153 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES! Harry wants to buy currency er- rors . . . large and small-size notes . . . also interested in buying Na- tionals-Uncut sheets . . . Black Charter No. Red Seals. Harry is selling error notes. Please write for list or specify notes .. . a large selection of error notes available. HARRY E. JONES P. 0. BOX 42043 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44142 Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD O. JANNEY LM No 415 P. 0. Boo 143 Waukesha, Wisc. 53186 Society Certified Professional Numismatists ARIZONA STATE OR TERRITORIAL NATIONALS WANTED All Banks, All Series, Any Condition, Except Washed or Doctored Notes. Top Prices Paid (or Many Trades!) Top Prices for WYOMING Nationals too. PETER HUNTOON P. 0. Box 3681, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC #38 WANTED "LAZY TWO" GRAND RAPIDS, WIS. "PAPER MONEY OF THE 20th CENTURY" • By DR. A. KELLER Published by I.B.N.S. 1st Installment in Loose-Leaf Form $6.00 Postpaid—Limited Supply • JIM'S COINS, DEPT. PM 2207 S. RIDGELAND AVE., BERWYN, ILL. 60402 WANTED Maryland National Bank Notes Contact: JOE ELLIOTT RARE COINS P. O. BOX 10225 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 WANTED SOUTH CAROLINA CURRENCY I am anxious to purchase obsolete notes, scrip, bonds and stock certificates. Will buy singles or collections. Highest prices for items need in my collection. Bill McLees P. 0. Box 496, Walhalla, SC 29691 WANTED SMALL-SIZE MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL BANK NOTES Send description of notes and prices. Michael Iacono Worldwide Banknotes $1.00 Gets You My 92-Page Stocklist, Largest Fixed Pricelist of Foreign Banknotes in the World (Overseas airmail $2.00) Have you foreign banknotes to sell? I am a buyer for all worthwhile paper money. If you are buying or selling it will pay you to contact me. GARY F. SNOVER Currency of the World P.O. BOX 3034, SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. 92413 NATIONAL BANK NOTES If you have National Bank Notes to sell or want to buy Nationals, it will pay you to contact me. Lists sent out about every 10 weeks. I am always in the market for notes. CURTIS IVERSEN P. 0. BOX 1221 SIOUX CITY, IOWA 51102 Phone 712-255-6882 or 712-365-4514 168 SPRING ST., MEDFORD, MASS. 02155 SPMC ANA PMCM I NEED CINCINNATI PAPER MONEY I WANT TO BUY ALL TYPES OF CINCINNATI AND SOUTH- WESTERN OHIO PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COL- LECTION. I Need—OBSOLETE BANK NOTES FIRST CHARTER NATIONALS SECOND CHARTER NATIONALS I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. I WILL BUY COM- PLETE ACCUMULATIONS OR COLLECTIONS TO OBTAIN NOTES OF INTEREST. I Also Collect — OHIO FIRST CHARTER NATIONALS NEW YORK CITY NATIONALS OTHER US ISSUES BEFORE 1890 WILLIAM P. KOSTER SPMC #3240 ANA #70083 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE CINCINNATI, OHIO 45243 I NEED SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY I WANT TO BUY ALL TYPES OF SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. I Need — PROOF NOTES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES S.C. NATIONAL BANK NOTES CITY, TOWN & PRIVATE SCRIP I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. PLEASE WRITE FOR MY DETAILED WANT LIST. I Also Collect — PROOF NOTES WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN NOTES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIGNETTES USED ON BANK NOTES COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS BANK NOTE REGISTERS J. ROY PENN 11-41L, JR. SPMC #8 ANA #11304 P. 0. BOX 858 ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 WATCH FOR DATE DONLON'S NEXT MAIL BID SALE IT WILL FEATURE COLLECTION OF THE LATE THOMAS F. MORRIS, II NUMISMATIST, PHILATELIST, WRITER. WE ARE HONORED TO HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO DIS- POSE OF THIS MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF UNITED STATES AND CANADIAN PAPER MONEY, OBSOLETES, VIGNETTES AND PROOFS. TOM INHERITED SOME OF THIS MATERIAL FROM HIS DAD WHO WAS A FORMER CHIEF OF THE BUREAU OF EN- GRAVING AND PRINTING. A COMPLETE INFORMATIVE, ILLUSTRATED CATALOG WILL BE ISSUED WELL BEFORE THE SALE. $2.50 WILL IN- CLUDE PRICES REALIZED. ORDER TODAY. DONLON CATALOG "U. S. LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY" First, Second or Current Third Edition, $3.95 ppd. Deduct 50c each if more than one catalog is ordered at same time. List of Prices Realized June 24 Mail Bid Sale $1.00 WILLIAM P. DONLON P. 0. Box 144, Utica, New York 13503