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Paper liteft4
cocieq 4 Paper !honey CoIlectom
Vol. XIV No. 1
Whole No. 55
Jan./Feb. 1975
Which is the real George Washington? Bill Koster tells, in his article on counterfeiting, Page 7.
Star Sets
(12) 29.75
(12) 28.75
( 4) 9.75
(12) 27.75
(11) 25.75
( 9) Write
Soon Write
Soon Write
Six Star Sets 144.75
Star Sets - Last
2 Nos. Match
Beautiful Crisp New Sheets of Twelve-"Leaders" in Today's Great Rarities. These Potential "Best of Show" Winners can put
Your Collection in the "Blue 'Ribbon Class". Just One or Two of most-So Subject to Prior Sale. WANTED-Perfect CN Sheets
(4, 6, 12, 18). Call or Write.
1928 $1 Tate/Mellon. Quantity issued is unknown but Very
1928C $1 Woods/Woodin. Only 11 Sheets issued so Rarer
than 1928E Sheets
1928D $1 Julian/Woodin. Only 60 Sheets issued-Far Less
Exist today
1928E $1 Julian/Morgenthau. Only 25 Sheets issued but
many were cut up and likely Less than 10 now Exist
1934 $1 Sigs. as last/ Only 25 Sheets were issued-Now Very
1935 $1 Sigs. as last. 100 Sheets issued
1935A $1 Same Sigs. 100 issued
1935B $1 Julian/Vinson. 100 issued
1935C $1 Julian/Snyder. 100 issued
1935D $1 Clark/Snyder. Scarce
Above Complete Set of all $1 Sheets-A Great Museum
1928 $1 Woods/Woodin. Small Red Seal. Only Eight Sheets
1,699.50 were issued-and This, the Seventh Sheet Issued, indeed a
Great Rarity and Truly an Exciting "Museum Show Piece"
10,449.50 is Priced Far below the Astronomical Price Range of
many Coins of Lesser Rarity 9,989.50
5,449.50 1928C $2 Julian/Morgenthau. Only 25 Sheets issued-but Far
Less Exist today 1,989.50
1928D $2 Julian/Vinson. Only 50 Sheets issued-Very Rare 1,649.50
1928F $2 Julian/Snyder. 100 Sheets issued but like others,
many have been cut up 1,149.50
1928G $2 Clark/Snyder. 100 issued 989.60
Above Five Sheets-A Great Opportunity to acquire these
Rarities 14,989.50
SPECIAL=These Two Great, Exciting Collections-Priced
36,689.50 at 49,998.50
Superb Crisp New Sets-Buy
1963 Granahan/Dillon (12) 24.75
1963A Granahan/Fowler
(12) 2.2.75
1963B Granahan/Barr ( 5 ) 8.75
1969 Elton/Kennedy (12) 18.75
1969A Kabis/Kennedy (12) 18.75
1969B Kabis/Connally
(12) 17.75
1969C Banuelos/Connally (10) 15.75
1969D Banuelos/Schultz (12) 16.75
1963/1969D=All 8 Sets (87) 138.75
NOW at these Low Prices
Sets - Last
2 Nos. Match
1963/1969D (87)=Each Note with the Same Last Two Numbers 169.75
1963/1969B (63) Star Sets-Each with the Same Last Two
Numbers 174.75
Please Write for our List of $1 F.R. Blocks -I- Also Small
Size Notes & Accessories.
Wanted - STAR NOTES - Wanted
Paying Liberal Premiums for Packs (100) 1969B Dist. 9; 1969C Dist.
9-11-12: 1969D Dist. 1-2-6. Can Use Several Packs of Each. Please
Call-or Write.
Beautiful Album pages for following Sets:
$1.00 Federal Reserve Sets-1963, 1963A, 1969, 1969A, 1969B,
1969C, 1969D each $2.95
$1.00 Block Set Pages-1963, 1969, 1969A, 1969B, 1969C,
1969D each 6.95
1963A, $13.95, 1963B 3.50
Deluxe 3-ring custom made binder-each 4.95
1935A $1 Red "R" & "S" Special Issue Notes. Superb Crisp
New : Red "R" $99.75 ; Red "S" $69.75; The Pair 154.75
Similar Pair-Crisp New (not as well Centered) 124.75
A Handsome Durable Album. Size "10x11%". Gold Embossed
Cover. Capacity 96 Large or Small Size Notes. Covers in
Blue-Brown-Red-Green. (Specify Color desired). Price (Add
$1.50 Shipping Charge) 12.95
Send $1 for our Big Book Catalog (Lists over 100 on Paper
Money). FREE with Order.
Friedberg. "Paper Money of the United States". New 8th
Ed.-DUE in DEC.
Van Belkum. "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period
Warns. "The Nevada 'Sixteen'." Price $17.50; but SPECIAL
to SPMC Members
Donlon. "U.S. Large Size Notes 1861/1923". 3rd, Latest Edition
Hewitt/Donlon. "Catalog of Small Size Paper Money". New
11th Ed.
Kemm. "The Official Guide of U.S. Paper Money". New 1975
O'Donnell. "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper
Money". 4th Ed.
(Third Edition of O'Donnell's Catalogue-While few Lasts $2.95)
Shafer. "Guide Book of Modern U.S. Currency". 6th Edition 2.65*
Werlich. "Catalog of U.S. & Canada Paper Money". New 1974
Edition 3.95*
Schwan/Toy. "World War II Allied Military Currency". New
1974 Ed. 3.50
Toy/Meyer. "World War II Axis Military Currency". Out-
of-Print 5.75
SPECIAL-Both Books 7.75
SPECIAL-Above BIG Six, STARRED * 19.75
Add 50c to Book Order for "Special Handling"-Faster P. 0. Service.
"Aubrey and Adeline Bebee and their Stall extend to all, Very Best Wishes for a
Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of Peace-Good Health and Happiness".
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please Add $1 under $100.00. Nebraskans add Sales Tax. BUY ON OUR E - Z PAYMENT
PLAN. No Carrying Charges. Pay 1/4 Down, then 1/4 every 30 Days for the Next 3 Months. All Note Orders are Shipped Via
'14 - 41
‘1 11.1)•INe'
Bebee's, inc.
"Pronto Service"
4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111
Founded 1961
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
PAPER MONEY is published every other
month beginning in January by The Society
of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen-
nell, Jr., P. O. Box 858, Anderson, SC
29621. Second class postage paid at An-
derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry
office, Federalsburg, MD 21632.
Annual membership dues in SPMC are
$8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip-
tion to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to
non-members are $10.00 a year. Individual
copies of current issues, $1.75.
© Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc.,
1975. All rights reserved. Reproduction
of any article, in whole or in part, without
express written permission, is prohibited.
Vol. XIV - No. 1
Whole No. 55
Jan./Feb. 1975
225 S. Fischer Ave.
Jefferson, WI 53549
Tel. 414-674-5239
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions
expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC
or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy.
Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica-
tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.)
Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership,
changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary
at P. O. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310.
Contract Rates
Space 1 Time 3 Times 6 Times
Back Cover $40.00 $108.00 $204.00
Inside Front &
Back Cover 37.50 101.25 191.25
Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75
Half-page 20.00 54.00 102.00
Quarter-page 12.50 33.75 63.75
Eighth-page 8.00 21.60 40.80
25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; en-
gravings & artwork at cost + 5%; copy
should be typed; $2 per printed page typing
Advertising copy deadlines: The 15th of the
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in advance if possible.
PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver-
tisements but accepts copy in good faith,
reserving the right to reject objectionable
material or edit any copy.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to
paper currency and allied numismatic mate-
rial and publications and accessories related
All advertising copy and correspondence
should be addressed to the Editor.
M. Owen Warns 3
—Howard W. Parshall 4
—Charles G. Colver 5
--William P. Koster 7
M. Tiitus 18
—Nathan Goldstein II 19
—Gene Hessler 20
—Robert H. Lloyd 22
—Harry G. Wigington 24
—Brent Hughes 26
—Richard T. Hoober 28
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vernon L. Brown 33
Cociell of Paper honey Collector-6
President J Roy Pennell, Jr.
P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29621
Vice-President Robert E. Medlar
4114 Avenue Q, Lubbock, Texas 79412
Secretary Vernon L. Brown
P. 0. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, Fla, 33310
Treasurer M. Owen Warns
P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis 53201
Editor Barbara R. Mueller
Librarian Wendell Wolka
Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W. Daniel, James
N. Gates, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E,
Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell,
Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns,
Harry G. Wigington, Wendell Wolka.
When making inquiries, please include stamped,
self-addressed envelope.
Society Library Services
The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem-
bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in
the official Membership Directory available only to members
from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER
MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian—Wen-
dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III. 60521.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization
under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an-
nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants
must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char-
acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a
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will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the
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Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic
organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants
should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary
will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such
as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done
business, or bank references, etc.
DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis and
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the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already
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October 1st will have their dues paid through December of
the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a
copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which
they joined.
One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage
research about paper money and publication of the re-
sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following
publications are currently available:
Hard-covered books profusely illustrated
Texas Obsolete Notes and Scrip
Postpaid to members, $6.00
Others, $10.50
Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip
Postpaid to members, $4.00
Others, $5.00
Vermont Obsolete Notes and Scrip
$10.00 postpaid
—Dealers—Write for Quantity Prices to
J. Roy Pennell, Jr.
P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621
Back Issues of PAPER MONEY
$1.00 each while they last
All issues from Vol. 4, No. 2, 1965
(Whole No. 14) to date. Earlier
issues are in short supply.
A limited supply of bound books containing two volume-
years each also available for $12.50 per book. Specify
Vols. 5 and 6 (Nos. 17-24) ; or 7 and 8 (Nos. 25-32) ;
or 9 and 10 (Nos. 33-44).
Send remittances payable to
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
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Be Sure To Include Zip Code!
The National Bank Note Issues
of 1929-1935
This is a hard-covered book with 212
large pages and 329 illustrations.
$9.75 Postpaid
$12.00 to Others
Send remittance payable to
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201
Be Sure To Include Zip Code!
R. I.Three-signature note—First National Bank, Woonsocket,
'National giant
401413.344X, '
1-paU-__ e
1 /1 1//1/1 /if/ ///
f. .
"Jos. E. Cole Vice Pres't."
Paper Money PAGE 3
The Vice - President Note of 1865 . . .
THE NATIONAL Bank Note with three officers'signatures shown here is the first of its kind which
we have seen. Whether the third officer's signa-
ture was added intentionally becomes a matter of con-
jecture at this late date. Whether this particular note
and those notes of other denominations from this bank
bearing the third officer's signature were placed in gen-
eral circulation is also a matter of conjecture. How-
ever, the copy illustrated does show moderate wear in-
dicating circulation. The obvious question then arises:
Was the third signature added before the note was
This note could be unique in two respects. First, it
is the only such note which has survived. Second, the
issuing bank, charter 1402, seems to have been the only
National Bank to employ three officers' signatures on
its notes. If you have a similar note, please report it
to the author, who is indebted to David J. Levitt for
bringing this unusual specimen to our attention.
The note. Friedberg #380. dated Aug. 15, 1865, is
from the original printing of first charter notes by the
American Bank Note Co. It bears. in addition to the
hank officers' signatures, those of S. B. Colby, Secretary
One Dollar "Original Series" Nationals WITH Charter Number
fitrifiiirs IiitYlttitteiNationaltianit 7s( `
ny,Kurl v N. •
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
of the Treasury, and F. E. Spinner, Treasurer of the
United States. The charter number 1402 was omitted,
the normal practice for notes printed during this period.
( However, some did have the numbers; see Howard
Parshall's article in this issue.) The serial number
A421784, the hank tally number 1467, and the Treasury
seal are in red. The penned signature of E. Morris,
president, is in black, while the signatures of Jos. E.
Cole, vice-president, and R. G. Randall, cashier, are in
brown ink. The bank itself was liquidated early in 1902.
Visible (hopefully) in the enlargement of the Cole
signature is what appears to he the intentionally printed
position title "Vice Pres't." in an old English style type
face. This tends to indicate that the third signature was
not an afterthought or a whim. Rather it reflects a
definite and permanent approach conceived to create an
aura of trust, security and prestige for the banking busi-
ness. Several theories can be advanced for the reasons
that prompted the addition of the third signature, viz.—
(A) Jos. E. Cole was a vain or important personage
in Woonsocket.
(B) Jos. E. Cole wanted recognition for a consider-
able financial interest he put into the bank's capitaliza-
(C) The bank wanted to impress the public with the
strength of its leadership in view of the prevalent and
numerous bank failures at the time.
(D) The president of the bank could have been
stricken with a terminal disease with no prospect for
recovery: such a situation could have resulted in the
bank officers' decision to add the signature of the vice-
president to any new notes that remained in the vault
at the time. This action would have created an over-
lapping, face-saving sense of security designed for public
as well as customer consumption.
One can be imaginative into the wee hours as to what
the actual reason was for adding the vice-president's
signature; your guess is as good as ours! In passing
we might ponder about the Treasury Department's
action in the matter. This was an irregularity. It would
be of interest to learn the facts. Perhaps in the future
an industrious researcher will take time to satisfy his
curiosity by visiting the National Archives and ferreting
out the facts from the voluminous cache of records of
the Comptroller of the Currency that would shed light
on the circumstances surrounding the bank's involve-
ment in this highly unusual incident.
IOR YEARS this collector of National Currency
has read and heard it said: "The bank charter
number overprint on Original series one and two
dollar notes first began to appear in about 1873." This
article proposes to show that some of the one dollar
notes printed as early as 1865 carried the bank's charter
According to William H. Dilliston in his booklet
"National Bank Notes in the Early Years" (reprint from
The Numismatist) page 14, the first million sheets of
one and two dollar Nationals were issued between March
28, 1865 and October 4, 1865. The U. S. Treasury serial
numbers were RED and without prefix letter or suffix
bracket. The second million sheets carried BLUE U. S.
Treasury serial numbers, also without prefix letter or
suffix bracket. These notes were issued between October
4, 1865 and March 23, 1866.
Between March 23, 1866 and August 19, 1875, four
and one-half million additional sheets of notes were
issued to the banks with RED serial numbers, prefix
letters A, B. C, D. E (ended 543882), and suffix brackets.
The Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Buffalo,
New York, is one example of the charter number over-
print on notes issued as early as the summer of 1865.
Illustrations of one dollar Nationals on this bank may
be examined on page 11 of John A. Muscalus' booklet.
"National Bank Notes of Buffalo and Vicinity, 1865-
Paper Money PAGE 5
The earlier issue one dollar note (Treas. #513787
RED Bank #756) does not carry the bank charter, while
the second one (Treas. #579625 RED, Bank #47821
carries Charter 453. Since the first million sheets of
one dollar Nationals were issued by October 4, 1865,
we are able to establish the date of issue as having
occurred prior to that time.
This collector has been informed of the existence of
a one dollar National on the First National Bank of
Provincetown, Massachusetts, with charter number 736
overprinted and having the BLUE (Treas. #285635)
U. S. Treasury serial number. Even though this is the
only note known to the writer which contains both the
BLUE serial number and bank charter number, it sup-
ports his belief that a few banks received one dollar
Nationals with charter number overprinted between
1865 and 1873.
At the present time, the writer has recorded 79
Original series one dollar Nationals with charter num-
bers. The U. S. Treasury serial numbers are known on
only 20 of these notes. The total quantities of notes
with serial numbers reported for each serial series are:
RED, three notes; BLUE, one note; RED Prefix C, one
note; RED Prefix D, five notes; RED Prefix E, ten
notes. The absence of U. S. Treasury serial numbers
on the vast majority of notes reported is unfortunate.
However, the writer is of the opinion that the addition
of the bank charter number to the Original series one
and two dollar notes first became wide-spread with the
"D" prefix.
There appears to be little question that a few banks
between 1865 and 1873 received sheets of one and two
dollar Nationals with the bank charter number over-
printed on the notes. This practice seems to have be-
come popular and widely practiced by 1873. One of the
important changes in the printing of the "1875 Series"
notes (October 16, 1875 to December 13, 1878) was
the addition of the bank charter number on every note
Research on these early notes has been neglected until
recently. The writer would appreciate any additional
information, especially U. S. Treasury serial numbers,
on the notes listed at the close of this article.
Send information to: Howard W. Parshall, P. 0. Box
191. Pineville, Louisiana 71360.
Listed below are one dollar "Original Series" nationals
reported to this writer which have the bank charter num-
ber overprinted.
Illinois, Lincoln First N. B., #2126
Minnesota, Winona, Merchants N. B., #2268
Ohio, Newark, First N. B., #858
Dakota Territory, Yankton, First N. B., #2068, (Treas. #D395394)
Montana Territory, Helena, First N. B., #1649
Wyoming Territory, Laramie City, Wyoming N. B., #2110
Connecticut, Birmingham, Birmingham N. B., #1098 (Treas. E151772)
Connecticut, Hartford, City N. B., #1377 (Treas. #E126633)
Illinois, Macomb, First N. B., #967
Illinois, Alton N. B., #1428 (Treas. #E509985)
Illinois, Winchester, Peoples N. B., #1821
Illinois, Marengo, First N. B., #1870
Illinois, Kansas, First N. B., #2011 (Treas. #E480864)
Illinois, Chicago, Home N. B., #2048
Illinois, Lincoln, First N. B., #2126
Indiana, Centerville, First N. B., #37
Indiana, Lafayette, LaFayette N. B., #2213
Iowa, Dubuque, Commercial N. B., #1801
Iowa, Monroe, First N. B., #2215
Kansas, Atchison, First N. B., #1672
Kansas, Paola, First N. B., #1864
Kansas, Emporia, First N. B., #1915
Kansas, Emporia, Emporia N. B., #1983
Louisiana, New Orleans, Union N. B., #1796 (Treas. #D833405)
Maine, Augusta, First N. 13., #367
Maine, Gardiner, Oakland N. B., #740
Massachusetts, Springfield, Second N. B., #181
Massachusetts . Third N. B., #308
Massachusetts, Weymouth, Union N. B., #510
Massachusetts, Salem, Naumkeag N. B., #647
Massachusetts, Waltham, Waltham N. B., #68.8
Massachusetts, Provincetown, First N. B., #736 (Treas. #285635
Massachusetts, Taunton, Taunton N. B., #957
Massachusetts, Boston, N. Union B., #985
Massachusetts, Hyannis, First N. B., #1107
Massachusetts, Fitchburg, Wachusett N. B., #2265
Minnesota, Faribault, Citizens N. B., #1863
Minnesota, Winona, Merchants N. B., #2268 (Treas. #E472275)
Missouri, St. Louis, St. Louis N. B., #1112
New Hampshire, Portsmouth, First N. B., #19 (Treas. #C583876)
New Hampshire, Concord, First N. B., #318
New Jersey, Freehold, Freehold N. Banking Company, #951
New Jersey, Newark, Manufacturers N. B., #2040 (Treas. #D284935)
New York, Fishkill Landing, First N. B., #35
New York, Geneva, First N. B., #167 (Treas. #E230780)
New York, Portchester, First N. B., #402 (Treas. #359433 RED)
New York, Buffalo, Farmers and Mechanics N. B., #453 (Treas.
#579623 RED; #579625 RED)
New York, Lockport, Niagara County N. B., #639
New York, Troy, Troy City N. B., #640
New York, Poughkeepsie, Fallkill N. B., #659
New York, Buffalo, Third N. B., #850 (Treas. #D124156)
New York, Troy, N. State 13., #991
New York, Saratoga Springs, Commercial N. B., #1227
New York, New York, Continental N. B., #1389
New York, Haverstraw, N. B. of Haverstraw, #2229 (Treas. #E388611)
North Carolina, Fayetteville, Peoples N. B., #2003
Ohio, Youngstown, First N. B., #3
Ohio, South Charleston, First N. B., #171
Ohio, Pinesville, First N. B., #220 (Treas. #E8878)
Ohio, Athens, First N. B., #233
Ohio, Ironton, Second N. B., #242
Ohio, Ravenna, Second N. B., #350
Ohio, Newark, First N. B., #858
Ohio, Tiffin, N. Exchange B., #907
Ohio, Springfield, Mad River N. B., #1146
Ohio, Plymouth, First N. B., #1904
Ohio, Napoleon, First N. B., #1917
Ohio, Sandusky, Third N. B., #206
Pennsylvania, Allentown, First N. B., #161
Pennsylvania, Athens, First N. B.. #1094
Rhode Island, Newport, Newport N. B., #1492 (Treas. #E415130)
Rhode Island, Wickford, Wickford N. B., #1592 (Treas. #D869455)
Rhode Island, Providence, Manufacturers N. B., #1283
Rhode Island, Warren, N. Warren B., #1419
Tennessee, Bristol, First N. B., #2167
Vermont, Burlington, Merchants N. B., #1197
Vermont, Manchester, Battenkill N. B., #1488 (Treas. #E156714)
Wisconsin, Appleton, First N. B., #1749
"Note - Worthy Names"
ANK officers' signatures on U. S. National Bank
Notes offer an intriguing study. The longevity
of the series saw the signatures evolve from a
primitive quill pen type with its distinctive flourish clear
through to a wholly-printed signature from engraved
printing plates.
Naturally the earliest notes are the most interesting.
With relatively few notes to sign, the bank officers,
president and cashier, took pen in hand and accom-
plished the deed quickly. Unfortunately, many times
the quality of the ink used was not too good, and the
images have long since faded entirely away. Some-
times one sees notes offered as "rare unsigned" while
actually it is just a case of "disappearing ink" effect.
Now and then we find a nice note with the old signatures
"helped a bit," but remember, ball-point pens were
unheard of during the large-size note era.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
WASHINGTON, D. C. ITovewiber 19, 1900.
Mr. Ward T. Huston,
34. Clark Street, Chicago, Ill.
Dear Sir:--The Comptroller of the Currency holds that it is
not necesnary under tne law for officers of national banks to sign the
circulating notes in
law required pen and
ink; that they may use fac simile stamps. The
ink until 1802 when an act was pass ed making the
notes of national banks good whether signed by bank officei's or not.
Since then the officers have been given latitude, and while the presi-
dent or vice president and the cashier must sign they can do so as they
please. Very truly yours,
Photocopy of letter dated 1900 relative to legality of signing National Bank Notes by facsimile
Increased issues caused busy bankers to delegate the
signing of their notes, usually to a lesser officer. Thus,
many notes bear a name and a handwritten "a" for
"assistant" before cashier, or a "v" for "vice" ahead of
president. Sometimes almost anyone handy in the bank
would do the honors, in a sense forging the actual offi-
cers' signatures. Many of us have heard time and time
again the tale of the early banker who loved to carry a
sheet of unsigned notes in his coat pocket. Entering
a place of business, he would whip out the sheet, cut or
tear off a note, sign it with flourish, and tender it to the
bewildered salesperson.
Ever-increasing issues led first to the fountain pen,
and then to the development of a gang pen. This was
a method of attaching four pens, controlled by a hand-
held master, and signing all four notes in the sheet at
one time. Eventually even this method became too slow
and arduous. Finally the rubber stamp signature was
authorized and became commonplace. Just about any-
one could perform the task and still get a reasonable
facsimile of the official handwriting. Usually stamped
signatures can be distinguished by bad placement,
tilting, poor inking, smearing, unusual (stamp pad)
color inks and a blotchy appearance. Normally, stamp
pad .ink does not tend to fade like many of the pen inks,
one thing to be said in its favor.
Many early bankers had very distinctive handwriting.
showing many a flourish. Sometimes a large note will
be referred to as a "vanity," due to the extra-large
signatures. Occasionally such a signature will extend
across half or More of the face of the entire note. Over-
lapping onto the note below was common, and many
notes show the remnant at the top even after cutting.
Upon examining banker's signatures, one must soon
conclude they possess the worst handwriting of any
profession with the possible exception of medical doctors!
Some bank officers may be traced about from bank to
bank or to another town by their distinctive signatures.
Some show a move from cashier to the president posi-
tion during the note-issuing period while others might
indicate a family-owned bank with both positions bearing
the same surname. Very few notes are signed by
women bankers but a few do bear reference to a pro-
fession such as "Dr."
Autograph collectors would revel at some of the famous
names found handwritten on early bank notes. Names
such as J. P. Morgan come to mind. Take heed though,
the Charles Curtis signing the Bank of America, New
York, notes is not the same man as U. S. Vice-President
Curtis under Herbert Hoover.
With the advent of small size notes in 1929, the his-
toric period of hand signatures came to an end. All
officers' names were engraved into the plates and printed
on sheets of six notes in a single operation. Exit for-
ever autographed bank notes.
The small capital letter and number which appear in
the upper left-hand corner just below the denomination
numeral on the face of a Federal Reserve Note are re-
ferred to as the plate position number. This designates
the position of the note on the 32-subject face plate
from which a particular bill was printed.
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Paper Money PACE 7
A Superb Counterfeit
. . . a counterfeit so deceptive that we must now ask,
"Are there any genuine $100 Compound Interest Notes
in existence?"
FEW months ago I was asked by Bill Donlon to
verify the authenticity of a $100 Compound
Interest Note, the one offered by him in his June
28, 1974 Mail Bid Sale. After some investigations and
study, it was concluded without doubt that this note was
counterfeit. In looking at illustrations of other notes of
this type and in light of the characteristics of Donlon's
known counterfeit, more suspicions have been raised.
Based on a preliminary assessment of the notes as can
be seen from their photographs, Friedberg's illustration,
Hessler's illustration and also the note sold at the ANA
Auction in New Orleans in 1972 all appear to he coun-
terfeit. These latter allegations could only be confirmed,
however, from a study of the actual notes and not merely
from photographic illustrations.
As PAPER MONEY readers well know, our Federal
Government first printed currency to fund the Civil War.
This activity was started in the midst of widespread
counterfeiting of the then circulating commercial and
state hank issues. And in spite of safeguards against it,
the Federal issues also came to be widely counterfeited.
So widely, in fact, that it was reliably estimated in 1867
that about one-third of all paper money then in circula-
tion was counterfeit! This situation was discussed in
Fig. 1. Face of the $100 Compound Interest Note known to be counterfeit.
Fig. 2. Reverse of the above note.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
previous articles on counterfeiting which were published
in PAPER MONEY (Whole Nos. 72 and 73, 1972).
The first good counterfeits to appear in quantity were
of the $50 Legal Tender Note, Series of 1863. The $100
notes as well as the smaller notes of this series were also
copied. Counterfeits of $10, $20, and $100 National
Bank Notes also began to circulate widely.
A counterfeit of the $50 Compound Interest Note be-
came troublesome at the close of the Civil War. Today,
this note is recognized as having been successfully copied
in quantity and occasionally one is seen at a numismatic
event. The $100 Compound Interest Note, however,
does not carry this same reputation. This note has not
been recognized as having been widely counterfeited,
although counterfeit detectors of that era identify one
counterfeit series as follows:
Plate "B," dated May 15, 1865 (plates captured March,
The existence, today, of known counterfeit copies of
the $100 Compound Interest Note has not previously
been documented, to my knowledge. On the other hand,
the scarcity of genuine copies of this note, since one
known copy is verified as counterfeit and three others
are suspect, offers new intrigue for the syngraphist.
Counterfeits of the Civil War era were, for the most
part, produced by hand engraving .. . meticulous copy-
ing of the genuine. The majority of these counterfeits
were not particularly good and could be detected with
a little care. As I have described in previous articles,
the hand engraving of vignettes and other features of
the notes produced copies that frequently looked very
much like the real thing but which were not exact dupli-
cates. The geometric lathe work on these early notes,
which played a large part in making them difficult to
counterfeit effectively, was especially hard to copy on a
freehand basis or with some simple drafting machine.
In that period, counterfeits were judged and detected
by comparison of engraving features on a suspect note
with those on a copy known to be genuine. For this
reason, the publishing of counterfeit detectors flourished.
(Heath's detectors are commonly seen today and appear
now and then in currency sales.) These were helpful
to bankers, commercial houses, etc., by providing im-
pressions of plates obtained from the Treasury Depart-
ment, obviously genuine, for comparison with a suspect
Precisely the same technique was used to examine the
$100 note submitted by Mr. Donlon. Comparison of
features of that note with known genuine vignettes clearly
indicated that it was a counterfeit, as illustrated in this
article. The main vignettes on this $100 note are not
found in detectors of counterfeit currency but rather in
bond detectors. The three main vignettes on the face of
this note were located, in the genuine version, in
"American Bond Detector and Complete History of the
United States Government Securities," The American
Bond and Currency Detector Company, Washington,
D. C., 1869. This document covers U. S. bonds of all
types, issued in a surprisingly large number of series,
from 1861 through 1868. And of course, the Compound
Interest Notes were legally considered as bonds although
they did circulate to some extent as currency.
The front and back of the Donlon note are shown in
Figures 1 and 2. The condition is Fine-Very Fine,
which is fortunate because, among other things, it per-
mits a detailed photographic study of the engraving de-
tails. (In contrast, most counterfeits from this period
approach the "rag" condition, presumably because they
were artifically aged by their makers before passing
them, in order to reduce the chance of detection as a
fake.) There are features evident in Figure I which,
once recognized, will identify the note as counterfeit,
as will he described later.
When I first examined this note in Bill Donlon's office,
it looked legitimate, or at least I wanted to think that it
did. The reverse appeared to be excellent in every de-
tail and the face also, except for the two denomination
medallions at the upper right and left containing the
"100." In these, the geometric lathe work did not
appear as uniform and well-formed as it should be; the
1-0-0 also appeared a hit crudely formed . . . but much
better than on many other counterfeits I had seen. And
the back was so perfect. "Maybe over-inking had con-
tributed to the problem or maybe since this engraving
was made in the early days of U. S. securities production,
things for some other reason were not quite up to snuff.
After all, the reverse appeared to be perfect." Only
after a comparison with the genuine as shown in Figures
3a versus 3b could the counterfeit nature of the note be
positively established. But when the two are compared
side by side, the difference is quite obvious.
High magnification photographs of other areas of the
note are both interesting and revealing . . . and also
convincing. Washington's portrait is compared in
Figure 4. At close range, there are several differences,
the most obvious of which are the eyes and the mouth
(consistently tough spots for counterfeiters). More
subtle, however, is another difference which will become
important later: Hold Figures 4a and 4b at arm's
length and note the predominance of Washington's left
eyelid, which is accentuated by the dark shadow of the
left eyebrow. This is a characteristic feature, about
which we say more.
Closeup views of the statue of Justice, a vignette
shared with some of the 500 fractional currency notes,
are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Eye problems again pre-
dominate; the counterfeit Justice looks cross-eyed.
The mouth is also poor, there is an extra lock of hair
on the left side of the face, as viewed, and the strings
holding the balance pen are too prominent. But we
have to marvel at a guy (presumably, but could be a gal)
who would painstakingly copy dot for dot the line for
line in actual size and come up with an engraved copy so
good ... must have taken months and months. But may-
be it seemed really worth the effort to those people .. .
and worth the risk, too. In that era, a $100 note would
buy about what $1,000 will buy today. And for most, the
$100 was a lot harder to come by than is $1,000 today.
I am reminded that in 1870, for example, the standard
wage in the machine tool industry here in Cincinnati was
12¢ per hour with straight time for overtime including
Saturdays and Sundays when worked . . . foremen were
a. Counterfeit
b. Genuine
a. Counterfeit
b. Genuine
Paper Money PAGE 9
Fig. 3. Close-up view of the denomination medallion
of the counterfeit note (upper left corner) compared
to a genuine impression. Observe the fuzziness both
of the boundaries and the intersections of the geo-
metric lathe work patterns.
wealthier: 14 to 150 per hour! When a few "C" notes
equaled a year's earnings, maybe this meticulous effort
seemed worth it.
Sort of sidetracked. Another comparison, perhaps
showing the best of the three counterfeit vignettes, is
shown in Figure 7. Subtle differences can be seen, but
there is one positive telltale. In the genuine, the stars
in the field of the flag are shown both above and below
the panel which the female figure is holding. In the
counterfeit, stars are absent below the panel. Without
an observation of that difference, it would be very diffi-
cult to look at a copy of this vignette and know for sure
whether it was "good" or "bad." This one is an excel-
Fig. 4. The central vignette of Washington. The de-
fective eyes and mouth are most obvious. The promi-
nent left eyelid on the counterfeit, once recognized,
provides a quick means of identification.
lent, but not perfect, likeness of the original except for
the omission of the stars.
The back of the note is another story. I thought it
looked genuine when I first saw the note at Bill Donlon's
office. And after a much more detailed look under a
binocular microscope and with high magnification
photographs, I still think it looks good. Figures 8a and
8b show some of the details. Note, in Figure 8a, the
precision of the geometric lathe work. The lines are
smooth and continuous with rounded curves; the inter-
sections of these lines are uniform, clear and distinct.
In contrast, the intersections of the lines that make up
a lathe work pattern in a known counterfeit are fuzzy
a. Counterfeit
b. Genuine
a. Counterfeit
b. Genuine
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Fig. 5. Vignette of Justice in close-up. Here again the
eyes and mouth are poorly copied. An extra lock of
hair may be seen at the right side of the head.
and irregular, as may be seen by comparing Figure 3a
with 3b. Likewise, the details in Figure 8b look too good
to have been copied by hand engraving, even when done
with the aid of a drafting machine. The face of the note
is counterfeit, without question. But one wonders about
the back.
We know that these notes were usually printed by
several companies, one doing the face, one doing the
reverse (usually printed first) and a third source, the
U. S. Treasury, affixing the seal and serial numbers. In
this regard, the basic printing of the National Bank Notes
was done at three different sources as a security measure.
The two-color reverse (black and green) plus the face
comprised the three basic printings of these notes which
Fig. 6. An extreme close-up of the head of Justice.
Note that the actual geometric differences between the
counterfeit and genuine are small but that even these
small differences result in a different total appearance.
were done at separate printing locations . . . separate
banknote companies . . . until the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing absorbed this work in the 1875-78 era.
Well, anyway . . . the point to this train of thought is
that this note might be a counterfeit face printed on a
stolen reverse copy of a genuine impression! Records
do indicate that banknotes were stolen in various stages
of production before reaching the Treasury for the im-
printing of the seal and for that matter, stolen from the
Treasury building itself before distribution to the sub-
treasuries and banks. For my part, this is pure specula-
tion. If someone comes up with a $100 Compound
Interest Note or a $100 One Year Interest Bearing Note
with a legitimate face, the examination of the other side
will tell the story.
a. Counterfeit
b. Genuine
Paper Money PAGE 11
Fig. 7. Close-up of the left vignette on this note. The
counterfeit copy is very good but lacks stars on the flag
in the area under the panel or shield that the figure
is holding. This is a means of rapid detection on this
particular note.
After ascertaining that the Donlon note was counter-
feit. some interesting observations were made. An
examination of the Friedberg illustration of this note,
Fr. 193, and also of the One Year Interest Note, Fr. 199,
showed differences between them. The vignettes of the
One Year note look like the genuine, while those of the
Compound Interest Note resemble the counterfeit ver-
sion. There are three or four features discernible in the
1) Washington's left eyelid/eyebrow stands out on Fr.
193 as it does on the known counterfeit, but not so
on Fr. 199.
Fig. 8. Close-up of two areas of the reverse of this note.
The appearance is excellent. As explained in the text,
the Donlon note might be a counterfeit face printed on
a stolen, genuine impression of the reverse plate.
2) The illustration of Fr. 193 lacks the stars as does
Figure 7a. Fr. 199 appears to have stars in the area
under the panel as shown in Figure 7b.
3) In the central vignette, Washington is standing be-
fore a wood-trimmed Victorian couch (not from
Washington's era, but rather from the time that the
v ignette was engraved!). Note that the outline of
the wooden frame to Washington's right is much
more pronounced on Fr. 193 and also on the counter-
feit Donlon note than on the illustration of Fr. 199.
4) There is also a mechanical difference that can be a
telltale. The position of the center of Justice's hand
balance with respect to the border of the "100"
medallion above it is shown on the known counterfeit
note in Figure 9. The position is the same in the Fr.
193 illustration of the Compound Interest Note.
This relative positioning is different . . . or appar-
ently so . . . on the illustrated copy of Fr. 199, This
difference is also shown in Figure 9.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Fig. 9. Close-up of the right end of this counterfeit
$100 Compound Interest Note. Note the position of the
center of the balance which Justice is holding in rela-
tion to the medallion above it. In the genuine, the
center of the balance is shifted to the left as indicated
by the vertical dashed line in the illustration.
Since the designs and master plates for both of these
notes were the same but since there are geometric differ-
ences. one must be hand-copied counterfeit. lacking, as
always, in being a precise copy of the original. Stacking
up all of the evidence, it appears that the $100 Com-
pound Interest Note illustrated by Friedburg as his Fr.
193 is counterfeit but that the One Year Interest Note
illustrated as Fr. 199 is genuine.
Looking further, four illustrations of the $100 Com-
pound Interest Note were readily located (no presump-
tion is made that this is a complete list) in my files.
These are listed below with certain characteristics:
Donlon - June 28,
1974 Sale
4,13, 78226
May 15, 1865
Friedberg Illustration
(Fr. 193)
.3, 70013 May 15, 1865
Hessler Illustration
(H 1137) .3, 70119 May 15, 1865
ANA 1972 Sale,
Lot No. 1081
"B" 75237 May 15, 1865
Interestingly, from my point of view (since I am not the
owner of one of these notes I. all four of them appear to
have been printed from the same plate. While some of
these illustrations are small. Washington's prominent
eyebrow, the frame of the couch behind him, and the
mechanical positioning illustrated in Figure 9 all appear
to confirm this conclusion. The fact that all four notes
bear plate letter "B" as well as the issue date of the
historically recorded counterfeit series is not the basis
of judgment, but is supporting evidence.
One of the four notes is known to be counterfeit. The
other three mentioned above strongly appear to be, but
one could not be certain unless the actual notes were
examined. This raises a fascinating question: Are
there any genuine $100 Compound Interest Notes in
existence? It is certain that if one or more genuine
copies of this elusive note are uncovered, they are rarer
than has been estimated by numismatic studies and
appraisals made to date.
The Treasurer of the
Confederate States of America
(The following originally appeared in the April, 1919 issue of
The Numismatist
T is not the intention of THE NUMISMATIST to become
a biographical dictionary, but it would seem proper
to make a single departure from the beaten paths of
numismatics on account of one bill of the Confederate
issues (my No. 30, THE NUMISMATIST for December, 1917,
page 490). The hunt for the name of the man shown on
this bill was the longest, hardest and most elusive of any
research work I have ever done, and when at last the
portrait was found to be that of John Elliott Ward,
Mayor of Savannah, Ga., in 1854, and at that A MAN
COUNT OF HIS BELIEF, the placing of his portrait
on Confederate money partook of the nature of a hugh
joke. I therefore present a portrait and brief history of
the man whose portrait should, I believe, have been
placed on the note—the Treasurer (and the only Treas-
urer) of the Confederate States of America, the Hon.
Edward C. Elmore, who personally signed all the bills
issued at Montgomery, Ala., before Richmond was made
the permanent headquarters of the Confederacy.
The subject of this sketch was a very modest man, who
invariably avoided the limelight of publicity so eagerly
sought by mediocre public men. He has, therefore, never
till now received the full measure of commendation to
which his ability and record as a public official entitle
him. He was in every sense of the term a representative
business man and typical gentleman of the old school.
His features bore the expression of firm resolution, the
calm, quiet repose of self-possession, and a high order of
intelligence and character.
Mr. Elmore had been well trained in the best schools
of the banking business of the day, in which, to personal
integrity and scrupulous exactness in details, were added
the graces and accomplishments of a culture more general
than the one single thought and engrossing purpose of a
money changer. Because of his high personal character
and known integrity he was a representative among the
financiers of Montgomery, Ala., and readily received the
endorsement of the best known men of that city when
suggested as a proper custodian of the money and securi-
ties of the Confederacy. Without hesitation, President
Jefferson Davis, on the approval of Secretary Memminger,
sent in the name of Mr. Elmore to the Provisional Con-
gress as Treasurer, and he was at once confirmed, his
appointment being the first among those having charge
of the several subdivisions of the Treasury Department.
When one thinks of the enormous sums needed to fit
out and maintain the Confederate army, to construct a
navy where none had existed, to provide for the civil
branch of the service, supplying purchasing agents and
diplomatic representatives abroad with funds, it can be
easily understood that his duties called for a man of
large capacity. Environed as he was, and constantly
annoyed by the large number of quartermasters, com-
missaries, disbursing officers and politicians, all clamoring
for money, he was under the most trying conditions, a
self-poised, calm, deliberate gentleman, courteous to all,
and most affiable in his manner. It is an error to sup-
pose that he had only to receive, count, keep and pay out
the money of the Confederate Government. As Treasurer,
(Continued on Page 25)
Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 55 PAGE 13
athan attfraDil
(All descriptions and summaries are taken from the
auctioneer's publications.)
Stanley Gibbons Auctions, Sale of June 24, 1974, Lon-
don, England.
World Paper Money
(Prices in pounds sterling)
135 Court Circular, dated Vienna August 1808.
announcing the issue of 5 Gulder notes and
containing a proof of the notes inside. GF £25 19
137 Three printer's test pulls for Neumarkt,
Salzburg and Steinwald VF 12 8
138 Withering. Four printer's test pulls for the
10, 50 and 75 Keller values. In black, gold
on light blue, gold on dark blue and violet
and ochre. Also a sheet of four impressions
in green showing a sower. VF 16 13
181 Five Shillings Sterling, 1840, No. 1283, York
Factory, Rupert's Land. These notes were
issued between 1821 and 1870 and most were
payable at Hudson Bay House, London. VG 40 36
182 1/- Hudsons Bay Company 2480 Issued at
the York Factory, March 1846. Cancelled. F 150 135
215 Ming Dynasty, 1 Kwan (1,000 cash) note,
circa 1368-99, printed on Mulberry bark. Is-
sued by the Emperor T'AitsuHung Wa
Ming. Condition excellent for this note 650 500
216 Ming Dynasty, 1 Kwan (1,000 cash), circa
1368-99. Excellent condition and, of course,
very rare 650 400
463 Bank of Venezia, 10 Ducati, issued 1st Octo-
ber 1798 during the occupation of Venice
VF 55 40
499 Newfoundland Government 1 Dollar Cash
Note 1901. 05619. GF 300 320
516 Palestine Currency Board, £5 set of 3, dated
30th Sept. 1929, F; 20th Sept. 1939, GF; 1st
Jan. 1944. VF 78 60
523 El Banco Paraguay y Rio de la Plata, 1
peso, 25 centavos, Ascuncion, 26th Decem-
ber 1889. Unusual denomination. F 15 12
524 Republica Del Paraguay 5 pesos 26th Dec.
1907. Currency note with proof vignette, EF 45 34
.1)L, t ATI
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B:orot r oofr iiro Boar,
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591 Government of the Straits Settlements, 5
Dollars 1st Sept. 1898. 52711. VG 150 130
600 Collection of early to modern Swedish
Banknotes including a selection of the Rik-
sens Standers Bank issues covering the pe-
riod 1803 to 1849. Also a representative
selection of the Swedish Riksbank issues of
the 1869-1968 period. Varied condition. (42) 375 260
602 General Gordon Note for 20 piastres, issued
and hand-signed by General Gordon during
the siege of Khartoum in 1885. Very rare
GVF 75 90
560 Government of Seychelles, 500 King George 659 Territory of Western Samoa £5 'Specimen'
VI, 6th January 1951. No. 147576. Small Issued pre-W.W.II. A very rare note nearly
rust spots. Very scarce. F 42 38 VF 600 475
"44316;f0T-D: (Ag5:5sxr.
gocp4-AeTA /,4„,„; ,
f',4! Nee'4.//, j a,
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Almanzar's Coins of the World, Inc., Sale of Sept. 12,
1974, Houston, Texas.
IANA. 1 Boliviano. Obv. Winged Mercury in large
circular watermark in center of note. Black with
purple filigrees & red serial no. Rev. green. 136x
67mm. 11 de Mayo de 1911. Cartiere Pietro Mili-
ani-Fabriano Italia. Series K-1. Three signatures,
EF. Similar note sold in Farouk auction sale for
$200.00 200-300.00 $230.00
34 BCB8. IMPERIO DO BRAZIL. 500 Reis. Obv.
Shield with crown left, seated woman right, man's
portrait top center. Black on orange background,
red serial numbers. Rev. bank name & denomina-
tion. Orange. 167x75mm. No date. Printer ABNC.
Serial # 29344. Series 16. Estampa la. Signature
handwritten across bottom of obverse. V-VF, V.
Rare 200.00+ 60.00
35 BCB9. IMPERIO DO BRAZIL. 500 Reis. Obv.
Portrait of man with seated women left & right
in center. Black on magenta background, blue
serial nos. Rev. Bank name & denomination. Ma-
genta. 152x72mm. No Date. Printer ABNC. Se-
rial # 70748. Series 76A. Estampa 2A. Signature
handwritten across bottom of obverse. Unbeliev-
ably nice for a note this age, very rare. CU
250.00+ 66.00
42 BCB28. IMPERIO DO BRAZIL. 2,000 Reis. Obv.
Top center, seated woman with horn of plenty,
farm scene in background. Black on white paper
with green denomination, black serial no. Rev.
Plain. White. 176x100m. 1° de Junho de 1833.
Printer Perkins, Bacon & Co. Serial # 14165. Se-
ries X. Signature handwritten across face of note.
Irregular left border. Extra Fine 150.00+ 40.00
43 BCB47. IMPERIO DO BRAZIL. 5,000 Reis. Obv.
Seated woman with symbols of trades, 2 children
to right at top center. Black on white paper, red
denomination, black serial no. Rev. plain. Off
white. 185x92mm. No date. Printer Perkins, Bacon
& Co. Serial 18132. Series. Signature hand-
written on face of note. V Good 100.00+ 33.00
44 BCB66. IMPERIO DO BRAZIL. 10,000 Reis. Wom-
an seated with shield & sword top center. Black
on white & tan background, black serial no. Rev.
Plain. White. 190x119mm. No Date. Serial # 14476.
Series 1A. Printer Perkins, Bacon & Co. Signa-
ture handwritten. EF-F 50-80.00 15.00
86 P70A. NO THESOURO NACIONAL. 10,000 Reis.
Obv. Alfonso Augusto Moreira Pena center. Blue
on multicolor background. Rev. Coastal scene.
Green. 185x85mm. No date. Printer ABNC. Se-
rial # 044599. Series 21A. Estampa 16A. Signa-
ture handwritten across face of note. W/Brazil.
AU 35-45.00 38.50
2 Dollars. Obv. Tucan bird left, waterfall center,
ship right. Green on multicolor background. Rev.
man's portrait center. Green. 152x85mm. Jan.
1942. Printer W & S. Serial # D/7 67010. 3
Printed signatures. Abt CU 40-70.00 52.00
217 China Specimen Note. 10,000 Yuan. 157x64mm.
Obv. maroon. Rev. grey. 1947. Printer Security
Banknote Co. Serial # 000000 (in red). Series 1A.
CU 35.00
286 P73. 50 Pesos Fuertes. Obv. Woman with branch
leaning on table with lion & lamb. Date is rubber
stamped. Green, red & black. 208x115mm. 15
de Mayo de 1896. Overprint- "PLATA" in red
on rev. EF 80-150.00 45.00
287 Cuba-Puerto Rico. REPUBLICA DE CUBA. 1000
Peso Bond. Obv. Dark green on light green. Rev.
Blue print. 280x170mm. Serial # 2153. Signature -
Jose Morales Lemus. Very rare. Legend on front
in Spanish in 13 lines is translated in English on
reverse as follows: The Republic of Cuba, through
Jose Morales Lemus, President of the Central Re-
publican Junta of Cuba and Porto Rico, acting un-
der special authority, hereby acknowledges itself
bound to the Bearer in the sum of One Thousand
Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of seven
per centum per annum from the date hereof, said
interest to be paid at the time and upon the condi-
tions following, viz.-after the ratification of a
treaty of peace between the Government of Spain
and the Republic of Cuba; or after the overthrow
of the authority of the Spanish Government in
the Island of Cuba; or after the recognition by the
Government of the United States of America of
the political independence of the Island of Cuba,
and on the 31st day of July of the year succeeding
that on which such ratification, overthrown of
Spanish authority or recognition of independence
should take place, the said Republic will pay in
the city of New York the interest then accrued
hereon, and there after will pay as well the in-
terest accruing hereon semi-annually on the 31st
days of January and July in each year, as the
said principal sum of One Thousand Dollars ten
years after the first payment of interest. The Gov-
ernment of said Republic reserves the right to pay
the principal hereof on any interest day succeed-
ing the first payment of interest. And to the per-
formance and payment of this obligation the honor
and faith of the people of Cuba is hereby pledged
in the name of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, Presi-
dent of the Republic. New York this first day of
June A.D. 1869. EF 250-350.00 385.00
IC:Er'42iM3714, 44 9,13 EMWMt
Paper Money PAGE 15
100 Sucres. Obv. Seated woman overlooking city
with mountains in background. Grey on light
green and yellow. Rev. Seated woman in center
of round seal. Green. 195x88mm. Printer Security
Banknote Co. Serial # 0000. This is the first note
of this type we have encountered and we suspect
it to be extremely rare. CU ....200-300.00 210.00
335 GP31-10A. P63b 100 Pesos. Obv. Quetzal bird right,
harvest scene center, arms upper left. Black print
on multicolor background with red serial no 209x
118mm. 20 de Febrero de 1910. Printer ABNC.
Abt. CU 30-45.00 73.00
GO. 100 Peso Stock Certificate. Obv. Coat of Arms
center, seated woman to either side. Black &
orange. 275x190mm. -de 18- Printer ABNC. Se-
rial # 18008 (red). Unsigned, undated. Tear in
upper right hand corner. V. Fine, Rare .... 99.00
488 GP59-5. P27. 500 Pesos. Obv. 2 seated women
with symbols of agriculture, commerce & industry.
Black print, orange background, black serial nos.
174x99mm. 15 de Febrero de 1926. Printer. W &
S. Overprint: series & serial no (blue). Series
A (blue), series c (black). Two sets of serial
numbers, upper blue lower black. V. Fine+
60-100.00 88.00
530 Guatemala Specimen Set. BANCO DE GUATE-
MALA. Set consists of 50 Centavos, 1 Quetzal, 5,
10, 20, 100 Quetzales. All notes 1974 with over-
print MUESTRA across face in red. Multicolor
notes. All with serial numbers. Notes unsigned.
CU 100.00+ 135.00
541 P712, 714, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, & 721. BANCO
DE MEXICO. 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 & 1000 Pesos.
Set of Mexican notes all CU. 1 peso 1958; 5, 10, 20
pesos 1961; 50 & 100 Pesos 1963. 500 & 1000 Pesos
1961. A nice collection by denomination. CU.
Should realize 200.00+ 253.00
542 Morocco Specimen. BANQUE D'ETAT DU MA-
ROC. 5000 Francs. Obv. Castle walls in center,
watermark of lion at left. Dark Red. Rev. Stone
bridge in center. Dark Red. 167x80mm. Printer
TDLR. CU (RR) 60-100.00 121.00
603 Gould-Higgie 510, P11, Bank of Porto Rico/ Banco
de Puerto Rico, 10 dollars (Diez Dolares) Obv.,
black print, grey border on white background,
orange seal w/ Paschal Lamb in center on right,
bust of Columbus at left, Rev., sepia, allegorical
figure in center. This note rates as one of the
rarest of Puerto Rican notes, so rare, that the only
one we could find illustrated was in Gould-Higgie
catalog but that particular specimen was in poor
raggedy condition and even in that condition it
was evaluated in 1962 at $100.00. All other Puerto
Rican notes were then evaluated in price ranges
of $7.50 to $50.00 each. (Wouldn't it be nice if
we could still obtain them at these prices.) Much
water has passed under the bridge since this book
was published and notaphilia is no longer a child
in numismatics but a new gradually increasing
force in the hobby. We read in Coin World July
7, 1971, of a note from this same bank but in a
higher denomination (100 dollars) from the Wil-
liam P. Donlon's collection having sold in an auc-
tion at $8,750.00. We do not intend to come near
111,7 di if
100,4Arrr , le oblv
At! *
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
this mark nor are we asking for an astronomical
bid, however we feel that it will be more than
reasonable for this numismatic treasure to exceed
the bid of (VFine) 1 000.00+ 1,430.00
notes were the actual notes which were the subject
of a two-page write-up from THE COINS AND PAPER
MONEY OF EL SALVADOR, by Alcedo F. Almanzar
and Brian R. Stickney. These notes were a form of
money issued by El Salvador in 1877 and only 60,000
Pesos were authorized for payment to government
troops, employees, and offices. However, the authors
were able to obtain documentation which is illustrated
in the book of extractions taken from Salvadorian news-
papers in 1877 in which different shops were advertis-
ing to accept them as regular currency. Since publica-
tion of the book the authors have been unable to turn
up any other pieces of this money which no doubt
emphasizes their rarity.
635 Alm-Stick 125, 1 PESO-PAPEL MONEDA DEL
and blue w/ red serial number (top-left). Radi-
ant shield encircled. Reverse: Brown shield in
center w/legend around "REPUBLICA DEL SAL-
VADOR". 180x82mm, Abril 1° de 1877. Reverse
has 3 black overprints. (The spotted areas on
obverse are penetration of the 0/P on reverse
Very Fine, should realize in excess of
200.00+ 500.00
636 Alm-Stick 130. 1 PESO DEUDA NACIONAL-RE-
PUBLICA DEL SALVADOR. Obverse: Black and
blue w/ red serial number (top left). National
shield w/sunburst. Reverse: Brown National shield
in center w/legend "REPUBLICA DEL SALVA-
DOR" around shield, 215x127mm, Abril 1° de 2877.
Obverse has 3 black overprints. Very Fine, should
realize in excess of 200.00+ 520.00
699 P14, 15 & 16, Banco Mercantil Y Agricola. Speci-
men set. 3 notes. unsigned, undated, pre 1940, each
has serial no and blank stub at left, Similar to
Pick numbers listed, 10 Bolivares is orange & mul-
ticolor w/herd of cattle in center, 20 Bolivares is
green & multicolor w/harbor scene in center, 100
Bolivares is purple & multicolor w/woman and
globe in center. A very rare set, CU
225.00+ 265.00
727 BANCO DE LA REPUBLICA-1, 2, 5, & 10 Pesos
188. ., Ber-Darg 42. 43. 44. & 45. Set of 4 notes
as follows: 1 Peso-1 Dollar, black on green, mules
on side of hill, bridge. locomotive & railcars, moun-
tains in background; 2 Pesos-2 Dollars, black on
green, locomotive exiting from mountain tunnel
Paper Money PAGE 17
in center, rev., Washington's portrait in oval frame
in center; 5 pesos-5 Dollars, black on green, por-
trait of Washington in oval in center; 10 Pesos-10
Dollars, black on green, portrait of Washington
in oval lower left corner, portrait of woman in
armor in lower right corner. An unusually attrac-
tive and rare set depicting in its themes a president
of the United States and trains, a very popular
collecting subject. This is the only occasion we
know of where a U.S. President is portrayed on a
Latin American banknote. This might be a life-
time opportunity for the serious and advanced
notaphilic collector to obtain a set of this rarity,
unusual characteristics and beauty. The set ranges
in scale of rarity from R3 to R5 in the CATALOG
Beresiner/ Dargent. Also note that the photo in
their catalog is marked as a specimen note with
serial no. of 000. The set we are offering is in
fact a uniformly numbered set with serial no. 485.
Set is uncirculated and should realize in excess of
500.00+ 1,200.00
665 Hungarian Funds used in America 1862, EGY FOR-
INT, uncut sheet of 4 notes, undated, Black on
white, 3 standing women under denomination at
left, seated woman w/ stone tablet at right, EF
13-20.00 16.50
668 Toy-Schwan 60. U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
5 Cents, Series 611, deep blue print, violet & green
background, 110x55mm, Lot of 10 notes with con-
secutive serial numbers, CU 20-30.00 24.00
669 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 90-120.00 127.55
670 Toy-Schwan 61, U.S. Military Payment Certificate,
10 cents, green print, blue-green background, Lib-
erty in profile, 110x55mm, Lot of 10 notes w/con-
secutive serial numbers, CU 25-35.00 32.55
671 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 100-150.00 143.00
672 Toy-Schwan 62, U.S. Military Payment Certificate,
25 cents, Series 611, light brown print, blue-green
background, Liberty in profile, lllx56mm, CU
4-8.00 7.50
673 Toy-Schwan 63, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
50 cents, Series 611, dark red, green, & yellow
underprint, Liberty in profile, 110x54mm, CU
4-8.00 8.50
674 Toy-Schwan 64, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
One Dollar, Series 611, aqua blue, deep orange
background, lllx67mm, Woman wearing tiara at
left, CU 9-12.00 10.50
675 Toy-Schwan 67, U.S. Military Payment Certificate,
5 cents, purple, deep & light blue background.
head of lady at left, lllx56mm, lot of 10 notes
w/consecutive serial No. CU 4-6.00 5.00
676 Same as above but lot of 100 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 40-55.00 24.00
677 Toy-Schwan 68, U.S. Military Payment Certificate,
10 cents, Series 641, green print, deep red numbers,
red & blue-green background, head of lady at
right, lot of 10 notes w/consecutive serial num-
bers, CU 4-6.00 5.50
678 Same as lot # 677 but a lot of 100 notes w/consecu-
tive serial numbers, CU 30-50.00 33.55
679 Toy-Schwan 69, U. S. Military Payment Certifi-
cates, 25 cents, light red print, dark green numer-
als, light blue-green background, 111x55mm. Lot
of 10 notes, w/consecutive serial numbers, CU
5-10.00 5.50
680 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 30-45.00 33.55
681 Toy-Schwan 70, U. S. Military Payment Certifi-
cate, 50 cents, orange print, brown numerals, aqua
background, woman's head at left, 111x55mm, lot
of 10 notes w/consecutive serial numbers, CU
8-15.00 12.50
682 Same as above but a lot of 100 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 100-150.00 110.00
cate, 5 Dollars, Series 661, blue on brown and red,
woman standing in center, 137x67mm, Lot of 10
notes w/consecutive serial numbers Unc
55-75.00 55.00
683 Toy-Schwan 82, U. S. Military Payment Certifi-
5 cents, green on blue & aqua, blue, nuclear sub-
marine above water at right, 111x55mm, lot of 10
notes w/consecutive serial numbers, CU
1-3.00 3.00
685 Toy-Schwan 85, U.S. Military Payment Certificate,
686 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 8-15.00 12.00
687 Toy-Schwan 86, Military Payment Certificate, 10
cents, purple, aqua & dark blue, nuclear subma-
rine above water at right, 110x57mm, lot of 10
notes w/consecutive serial numbers, CU
2-4.00 3.00
688 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 10-20.00 10.00
689 Toy-Schwan 90, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
5 Dollars, purple, light green, yellow & blue, sailor
in center, 135x65mm, EF 4-8.00 7.50
690 Toy-Schwan 91, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
10 Dollars, blue and tan, soldier w/rifle in center,
silhouette of sentry at right and left, 155x65mm,
EF 10-20.00 13.20
691 Toy-Schwan 92, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
20 Dollars, Brown on pink & blue, portrait of sol-
dier in center, 155x65mm. EF 20-30.00 21.75
692 Toy-Schwan 93, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
5 cents, reddish brown, pink & tan, mythological
figure w/war helmet sitting at left, 110x56mm. lot
of 10 notes w/consecutive serial numbers, CU
3-5.00 5.50
693 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, CU 15-25.00 12.00
694 Toy-Schwan 94, U. S. Military Payment Certificate,
10 cents, Black numerals, blue border, orange &
green background w/aqua vignette, mythological
figure with war helmet sitting at left, 110x55mm,
Lot of 10 notes w/consecutive serial numbers.
Unc. 5-25.00 10.00
695 Same as above but a lot of 50 notes w/consecutive
serial numbers, Unc. 20-40.00 38.00
Lester Merkin Sale of Sept. 11, 1974, New York, N. Y.
The nation may be having economic trouble, but there
was certainly no indication of it at the recent Lester
Merkin auction, where many records were broken by
wide margins. The recent trend toward buying choice
and rare numismatic properties continued its frenzied
pace, as there seemingly was no limit to bids on top
An outstanding collection of fractional currency
opened the sale, and it was soon apparent that most lots
would go to the standing room-only floor, as lot after lot
was knocked down for double or triple the opening bid,
often at several times catalog.
The accent was definitely on condition in the regular
issue notes: a gem perforated edge 5c, lot 4, brought $105,
over double catalog; lot 11, a second issue 5c, also a gem,
sold for $62.50, nearly triple catalog. Ten-cent notes also
did well: F-1247, a second issue note, sold for $80, fully
four times catalog. A second issue 25c note surcharged
S-18-63 realized $125, over four times catalogue. The ex-
tremely rare 25c, F-1300 set a new record at $900. Third
issue 50c notes did well, highlighted by the rare Allison
and New F-1330 (missing one corner) at $1250. A record
was also set by the Lincoln 50c, at $110, over double
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Specimen notes followed, and more records fell, particu-
larly for superb items. First issue specimens did especi-
ally well, as did the rare 15c Grant and Sherman essays.
Lot 151, the 15c with engraved signatures and green re-
verse, both exceptionally choice, went for $320. Shortly
afterward, a new record for a fractional specimen was
set when lot 177, a 50c, autographed by Allison and Spin-
ner, as yet unlisted by Friedberg, went for $1100, eclips-
ing the record set at the Rothert sale for the 15c no
signatures. Lot 183 (F-1357a-SP) was a close challenger
at $950, despite its low catalog value of only $200. The
50c specimen of the third issue, second type reverse,
brought $550, as collectors wisely ignored its low catalog
value of $50. The rare experimental pieces, lots 192, 193,
and 194, brought $250, $200, and $325 respectively, over
triple their most recent auction records. A unique first
issue essay, not in the Crofoot Collection in the Smith-
sonian, ended the specimen section, going for $900.
Sheets and strips brought excellent prices, and the
high prices for the vignettes and peripheral material
evidenced the increasing knowledge and interest of collec-
tors in this series.
by M. Tiitus
AFGHANISTAN has issued new 20 and
100 Afghanis notes. Both feature
President Douad and the republic's
seal on the front. Both are dated
1352 (19731 . The predominately
blue and purple 20 Afs depicts the
Kabul River flowing through the old
city of Kabul on the back. The red,
purple and light blue 100 Afs has the
mosque of Herat.
CHINA, Communist: 5 Jiao, 1972,
115x5Omm. Happy workers busy in
a textile plant.
HONG KONG, Mercantile Bank Limited:
100 Dollars, 158x88mm, dragon
watermark. Predominant colors are
red and multicolored. Panoramic aerial
view of islands is featured on the
front. A girl holding a shield with
her left hand and a spear with a
pennant in her right hand (Standing
Liberty?) is on the back.
HONG KONG, The Hongkong and Shan-
ghai Banking Corporation: 100 Dollars,
160x89mm, lion head watermark.
Predominant colors are red multi-
colored. Coat of arms is on the front.
Back includes a building, two lion
statues, and a design or seal incorpo-
rating a dragon.
QATAR, The Qatar Monetary Agency:
1 Riyal, 141x6Omm, dark red multi-
colored; 5 Riyals, 146x64mm, brown
& multicolored; 10 Riyals, 151x-
65mm, green & multicolored; 100
Riyals, 162x70mm, olive green &
multicolored; 500 Riyals, 167x73mm,
bluish-grey & multicolored. All have
falcon's head watermark. All fronts
have complex Arabic artwork designs
(all different). Backs, in above order,
have: harbor; two modern buildings;
a different modern building; still dif-
ferent building; and a mosque.
SPAIN: 1000 Pesetas, 17 Sep 1971,
153x94rnm. The green & multicolored
note features Jose Echegaray's por-
trait on the front and as the water-
mark subject. The back is dominated
by a building with a truncated corner
you know, where the main entrance
faces the corner of a block so the
building looks good on the institu-
tion's (Unido de Emision) logo.
SWAZILAND, The Monetary Authority
of Swaziland: (Further details) 1
Lilangeni, 2, 5, and 10 Emalangeni,
all 1 50x69mm. The predominant
colors of the four notes, respectively,
are reddish-brown, pink, green, and
blue. The fronts feature King Sob-
huza II (75th birthday was on 22
July 74). At least the two lowest
denominations feature ten topless na-
tive chicks in "traditional" dress.
Printed by Thomas De La Rue. This
new currency is designated to be at
par with the South African Rand.
1910 - Contemporary Comments on -
Notes on Bank of England Notes
From the April, 1910 issue of The Numismatist
IHE custom of indorsing English
bank notes, even when they pass
in some trivial purchase, is a
surprise to most Americans who go
abroad for the first time. It is an
old custom and one which has led to
many curious inscriptions on the
A debtor in prison wrote on the
back of a £10 note "The first debt
I have honestly paid for a year,"
while a prodigal son turned the tables
against himself when he wrote on £20
note "The last of thousands left by
my father, who slaved to earn them."
In 1759 the Bank of England began
to issue £10 notes as well at £20, till
then exclusively used. It was not till
thirty years after that £5 notes were
brought out and in 1797 there were
£1 and £2 notes but they ceased in
1821 owing to the immense amount
of forgery they led to, says the Queen.
H u n d r e d s if not thousands were
hanged for counterfeiting notes of
such small sums.
A curious bank note designed by
Hone has prison chains across one
end, is signed by Jack Ketch, a row
of malefactors hanging with ropes
around their necks appears on the
face and a series of criminals' heads
on the other side, together with the
words "Until the resumption of cash
payments or the abolition of the
punishment by death." The "£" which
in the corner usually preceded the
amount and the value of the note was
formed of rope.
From April 5, 1829, the £5 note
has been the lowest procurable from
the Bank of England. Of late the
desirability of once more issuing the
£1 note has been discussed.
In 1827 a £1,000 note was the
highest, but £50,000 notes have been
issued, and there is a story of a cer-
taro tradesman keeping such a one
by him as a curiosity, while a gentle-
man framed one, which his executors
promptly cashed at his death. There
is a family tradition about the visit
of a certain church functionary at a
house, when some disputed point had
to be settled by reference to the Bible,
and the one belonging to the deceased
mother was brought down from a
shelf, dusty and unused, but within
was found a note for £40,000.
The Bank of England note of to-
day has taken some time and many
inventions to bring it to its present
condition. The numbering machine
was first employed in 1809 steel, plate
engraving was supplanted by the
siderographic machine, and that by
electrotype s u r f a c e printing. The
great aim is to prevent forgery, the
paper employed being unique, and the
water mark and private marks are
all in favor of the banker.—New York
Paper Money PAGE 19
Federal. Reserve Corner
THERE still have been no further reports of double printed faces on the $1 Federal Reserve Note. It
is doubtful whether another example from the
sheet which printed the St. Louis district note will be
We now are finding an entirely new type of error.
This is a faceless note, with only the overprinting to be
seen. At least two sheets (16 notes each) were printed,
but all have not been found or reported. These were
COPE overprinted, and at least two half sheets were
processed, in error. One note had serial L 99115310 C
while another had L 98615306 C. Can anyone report
other serial numbers, which are same endings as these
two. .. or different ones to mean a third or more sheet
was processed?
The Series 1974 $1 Federals are reported from all
districts except Minneapolis. The last two to show were
Boston and St. Louis. To date there have been no star
notes. although we will have some printed when the
New York, Chicago, and San Francisco districts change
to suffix "B" after the first 100 million "A" suffix are
On the Series 1974 we have two important changes
that are worth noting. First, the serial numbers on the
$1 have been turned hack to "1." and the face plates
were also started back to "1." Whether all districts will
be found with plate "1" is not known, and some could
well be in very short supply. So obtain these inter-
esting first plates when possible. The first printings
were combinations of plates 1, 2, 3, 4.
On the higher denominations, $5 up, we find the serial
numbers continue with the next higher number from the
last Ser 1969C serial. However, here again the face
plates are changed back to "1." This is a new first with
regard to the higher denominations, and it is understood
that this procedure was initiated at the request of
Treasury Secretary Simon.
The higher denominations for Series 1974 are being
printed and released. The $10 from Boston was the
first to show, and since then there have been reports of
some $20 and $50 notes, but no $5 as yet. All new items
appearing in this series will be welcome additions to
the current listing and will be reported here. Your re-
ports are all needed, so please send them directly to me.
Thanks for your continued cooperation.
The 11th edition of the "Hewitt-Donlon Catalog of
Small Size Paper Money" has been released. For those
members unable to obtain it locally, or who may wish an
autographed copy, I will be happy to supply it again at
82.25 postpaid. This offer is made solely because in so
many localities this valuable guide is not available.
P. O. Box 36
Greenville, Miss. 38701
Grading U.S. Notes
Paper money grading and condition description are
always thorny problems for syngraphists. Recently
Nathan Goldstein II gave his set of standards in his Coin
World column "Paper Money Periscope." Briefly stated,
these standards are (for U. S. government, not broken,
bank notes) :
"Uncirculated" or "New" (Unc.)—perfect condition
with no marks or creases and with designs on both sides
well centered (equally proportioned borders on all four
"AU" or "Almost Uncirculated"—perfectly clean note
that shows some slight imperfection as evidence of some
"Extra" or "Extremely Fine" (EF)—similar in gen-
eral appearance to upper two grades but with slight
creases or folds in one or two corners that do not impair
the design, and with no evidence of washing.
"Very Fine"—an acceptable condition for circulated
notes showing some wear which did not, however, result
in cuts or tears. Pin holes may be present in older notes.
"Fine"—lowest acceptable grade for all but scarce
notes. Some stains, discoloration and creasing is very
"Good"—lowest acceptable grade for very scarce notes,
showing heavy circulation, considerable stains, slight
tears and numerous pin holes.
*110 • 0 11111 0•
Correction to the Article
"Cyrus Durand - Inventive
J. Sarton Is J. Saxton
In the article of the above title by Craig J. Turner
which appeared in the November 1974 PAPER MONEY,
Whole No. 54, the author referred several times to
"Joseph Sarton" as being on the staff of the U. S. Mint.
This was an error in transcription. The correct spelling
is Saxton.
The error was pointed out by Eric Newman and N.
M. Graver, both of whom referred to the Eckfeldt and
DuBois Manual of Coins and Bullion of 1842. Mr.
Graver added the following sidelight about Saxton. who
designed scales and spent his career with the Philadelphia
Mint and later the National Department of Weights and
Measures in Washington, D. C.:
"My special interest in photographic history recently
drew me to the Pennsylvania Historical Society in
Philadelphia, where America's oldest photograph is
preserved. This same Saxton captured a view from the
Mint window on a piece of polished coin silver plate in
a cigar box camera fitted with a magnifying glass for
a lens. This image, produced on Oct. 16, 1839, was not
the first instance of Daguerre's process in America, but
is now the oldest extant. (Newhall, B., The Daguerreo-
type in America, N. Y. Graphic Society, 1961, p. 24)."
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
SPMC Bicentennial Feature
Alexander Hamilton and the
tnited States Treasury
Warrant Number 1
(.7,/ at -if-Arid of kw/ 7//:
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Paper Money PAGE 21
An engraving of Hamilton by Chas. Burt, used on $20
U. S. Notes of 1869, 1875 and 1878.
T HE financial genius of Alexander Hamilton might nothave been displayed were it not for the lack of
authority of the Continental Congress to levy taxes.
The colonists were able to raise locally the small amounts
necessary for public expenditures; however, as the intensity
of the American Revolution increased, expenditures soared.
To raise revenues, loans of all types were made, both
domestic and foreign.
Commencing in 1775, $241,552,780 in Continental Cur-
rency was issued. By 1780, $4o of these notes could be
redeemed for $1 in new Continental note. Counterfeit
Continental notes made by the English only contributed
to the depreciation of notes issued by the Continental Con-
gress. A few of our states currently hold weekly and/or
monthly lotteries in order to raise revenue. This might
seem like an innovation for this country ; however, the
Continental Congress held similar lotteries almost two
hundred years ago. Unfortunately, this form of legitimate
gambling didn't seem to help eliminate the debt created
by the War for Independence.
To rescue the new United States from the financial
morass following the Revolution, our first President needed
a Secretary of the Treasury who could put the nation on
sound financial footing, someone who could find a solution
to the following: a foreign debt of $11,710,000; a domestic
debt of $27,383,000 plus interest ; and an unliquidated debt
of $2,000,000.
Following the Revolution, Alexander Hamilton proved
himself extremely qualified in matters of finance. In 1784,
he drafted the Act of Association of the Bank of New York,
which would he chartered in 1791. In 1799, four years
after he left office, Hamilton along with Aaron Burr would
he instrumental in establishing the Manhattan Company,
forerunner of The Chase Manhattan Bank.
As we know, he recommended the founding of a national
bank, and such a bank was established in 1791 under the
name of The Bank of the United States. (This legendary
bank is a story in itself.) The year 1791 was a busy one
for Hamilton, as on January 21, as Secretary of the Trea-
sury, he gave a monetary report to Congress, leading to
the adoption of our present decimal system and the estab-
lishment of a mint.
Alexander Hamilton first came to George Washington's
attention in 1776 as an artillery commander. At the age
of twenty in 1777, Hamilton was promoted to lieutenant-
colonel and was appointed Washington's aide-de-camp. So
in 1789, with no money in the Treasury and a monumental
debt outstanding, President Washington chose him as his
Secretary of the Treasury.
Almost immediately the new Secretary decided to nego-
tiate a loan with the Bank of New York. An illustration
of U. S. Treasury Warrant No. I, the first installment of
$20,000 for the loan of $200,000, accompanies this article.
The fires set by British torches during the War of 1812
destroyed many documents, including a listing of how the
first installment was put to use. There is a record of an
appropriation of $20,000 for Indian Treaties, so the first
installment could have well been the money spent for this
purpose. By making additional loans from the Bank of
New York, Hamilton was able to erase all foreign and
domestic debts incurred during the fight for freedom.
Hamilton's philosophy concerning borrowing was that ". . .
the creation of debt should always be accompanied with
the means of extinguishment."
Warrant No. 1, approximately 12 x 9 inches, a document
which represents the rescue from what was most certainly
considered an insurmountable debt and the first step toward
the beginning of a sound U. S. financial system, is held by
the Bank of New York.
So when we handle a $io hill we should be thankful
to the man whose image is seen thereon. And, if on occasion
the ghost of Alexander Hamilton walks through the U. S.
Treasury Building, and if he has any suggestions on how
to cure inflation, I'm certain words from the financial
genius should not he ignored.
The small number in the lower right-hand corner of
a Federal Reserve Note relates to the face plate from
which a note was printed. This is referred to as the
plate serial number. This number is assigned in sequen-
tial order at the time the plate is manufactured. It can
be used to determine the number of the press plate from
which a particular note was printed. The letter pre-
ceding the plate serial number is always the same as the
letter in the upper left-hand corner.
IV(VIVIC, i itnicsMiatittax,
*7 +0
Eittytql littfisirLuttis,
1'1 t 11 (),
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1 2-B
aricaiticia.vt.irtscpilrkasic aluvirir:
ITE11) ST.1■11.1_1'
PG7C'.':,CCD 2-B
EiNtAjj INCLIMMISAtitij /6
tanftRolime. idiorasac
itescoalkattimr. micranrs ,
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Additional Comments on
Plate Varieties
ILLUSTRATED herewith, perhaps for the first timein detail, are the three varieties of plates to be found
in the Series of 1914 Federal Reserve Notes. In the
early editions of books on currency there is no mention
of the differences in these plates. Now both the Donlon
and Friedberg volumes list the known varieties but with
little attempt to evaluate the separate issues.
Notice that all three illustrated notes are found in
the third block of the New York bank's FIVES. Collec-
tors of blocks who would like a real challenge will find
this series not too costly while containing many
"sleepers." Due to their relatively plain appearance,
the Federal Reserve Notes have never enjoyed the favor
of collectors. Admittedly, the older series are much
more colorful.
The top note shows the usual design and positioning
of the district symbol ( number-letter). Each quadrant
of the face has either a large or small district symbol
used to identify fragments sent in for redemption. This
note is variety "a" in Friedberg. It was in issue until
1927 for most banks.
The second variety, known as variety "b," seems to
have been issued quite early in the series, then drops
from sight. and reappears just before the end. The
change is that the engravers, possibly sensing that the
lower left corner was a bit crowded, used the smaller
district symbol at lower left, as used also in the upper
left and lower right.
The third variety shows the greatest change, coming
into circulation in 1928 and 1929. The writer called
attention to this plate change in THE NUMISMATIST for
August, 1928, page 462. Since this alteration occurred
so late, only some 18 months before the release of the
small-size currency, just five banks needed new plates
at this time. This is variety "c" in Friedberg.
It is generally accepted that this third variety is the
scarcest, with the "b" variety coming next. A recent
check of a dealer's stock at a bourse table showed only
three of this variety in a stock of 35 notes.
It is quite likely, with the coming of the smaller notes
and the financial recession of 1929, that very few of
this last variety were put aside by collectors. And
possibly many of those that had been saved were spent
during the depression years that followed. Certain it
is that very few crisp notes are in hands of dealers today.
Those large notes in circulation after July 10, 1929,
were supposed to be allowed to "wear out" in daily use
before being retired. Actually they did not; the retire-
ment of large currency notes took place very rapidly.
Doubtless many very fine and crisp notes were returned
by banks for cancellation.
We are indebted to Mr. Thomas C. Bain for bringing
further attention to this change in THE NUMISMATIST
for December, 1958, page 1487. Mr. Bain's informa-
tive article gives the approximate dates of issue for the
three varieties of the White-Mellon issue. Besides
mentioning the smaller number of banks that issued the
later varieties, Mr. Bain shows the need for further
study if we are to determine the relative scarcity of the
The small district symbol found on the White-Mellon
"b" variety in the lower left hand corner is mentioned
by Mr. Bain as being shown on the $20 note illustrated
on page 112 of Paper Money of the United States by
Robert Friedberg. This seems to be the only illustra-
tion of the "b" variety in current publications. Inci-
dentally, Friedberg's illustration of the Federal Reserve
Bank Note of the Series of 1915 shows the use of the
small district symbol in all four quadrants of the note.
It is this variety "b" that poses very interesting
questions. According to Friedberg it was widely used
on the Series of 1914 in their first appearance with red
seals. ( See catalog numbers 832 to 843 on page 129,
6th Edition of Paper Money of the United States.)
The variety "b" is listed for all banks except Richmond,
Atlanta and Minneapolis. When it comes to the blue
seal issues released after May 9, 1915, there are no
variety "b" notes listed for Burke-McAdoo, Burke-Glass
or Burke-Houston issues. But with White-Mellon issues.
the "b" variety reappears for all banks except Atlanta
and Minneapolis.
White &
Mellon Totals
10 5
6 5
7 4
2 0
0 0
25 14
Paper Money PAGE 23
The detail of these varieties are shown in the table:
(Presently known)
Red Seals
Burke &
Blue Seal
Burke &
Burke &
Burke &
12 9 12 12 12 12
10 12 9 12 12 12 12
20 12 6 12 12 12 12
50 12 7 12 12 12 12
100 12 8 12 12 12 12
60 39 60 60( ?■ 60 60
( 7) Two persons expressed doubt that a full set of this issue could
be assembled today.
The writer feels it is almost incredible that the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing, making such wide use of
the "h" variety in 1914 and 1915, made no further
plates in this style until 1927, a span of about 12 years.
Two questions might be posed at this point:
First - Did the Bureau stop the use of "b" variety
plates as soon as the use of blue seals was contemplated?
Second - Did the Bureau find that all of the plates of
"b" variety used to print the red seal notes were worn
and unfit on May 9, 1915, so that all were scrapped, and
any existing printed stock from these plates was de-
stroyed, not to be used thereafter?
From the catalog listings. the answer to the first
question would appear to be "yes." This is open to a
reasonable doubt. Blue seal issues from "b" variety
plates are "suspect."
The writer thinks that the answer to the second ques-
tion could likely be "no." Close examination of the
blue seal issues from 1915 to 1921 could possibly re-
sult in "new" listings. Knowing the economy that is
practiced in the Treasury Department (one of the few
Departments that really tries! ), it seems not unreason-
able to believe that some of the "b" plates used in 1915
could have made stock to be overprinted with blue seals
in the Burke-McAdoo series. However, if it can be
shown that the "b" variety plates were the first to be
used in printing the red seals, and the "a" plates fol-
lowed, then we may safely assume all of the blue seal
issues came from "a" plates. This would mean some
correcting in the catalog. An intensive study of the
plate numbers would help.
The writer recommends that close attention be given
to all "Burke" issues. The finding of one note of "b"
variety issued after May 9, 1915 and before June 2,
1921 would be a sure indication that "Burke" blue seals
exist on these plates.
This bit of research could be as interesting and re-
warding as the recent excellent work done on the
National Bank Notes by authors Huntoon, Slabaugh and
Van Belkum.
The Numismatist, Dec. 1958, p. 1487, Thos. C. Bain,
"Federal Reserve Notes, 1914 Series." Excellent article
on the "a-b-c" varieties, White-Mellon notes.
Paper Money of the United States, R. Friedberg, 6th
Edition, Pp. 129-134.
United States Paper Currency, W. P. Donlon, Federal
Reserve Notes.
The Numismatist, Aug. 1928, p. 462, author's announce-
ment, Variety "c".
Machine Readable Paper Money
According to World Coins magazine, August 1974 issue,
automated money handling systems to feature machine
readable paper money are to be designed and produced by
American Bank Note-Security Systems, Inc., 60% owned
by the American Bank Note Co., subsidiary of the New
York-based International Bank Note Co.
The remaining 40% of the firm will be held by Inter-
national Security Systems S.A., Luxembourg; Giesecke
& Devrient G.m.b.H., Munich; Gesellschaft far Automa-
tion Organization G.m.b.H., Munich; Security Printing
S.A., Glarus, Switzerland; and Papierfabrik Louisenthal
G.m.b.H., Tegernsee, Germany.
Primary customer for the automated notes will be the
Bundesbank, central bank of West Germany. (Giesecke
& Devrient, one of the group, is an old-line security
printing firm, at one time headquartered in Leipzig,
which has produced many postage stamps, particularly
in the early days of stamps.)
In Review
Derzhawni Hr•shi Ukrainy 1917-1920 Rokiw (Paper Money
of the Ukraine, 1917-20), by Mykola Hnatyshak, with a
catalog and supplement by Stepan Kikta. Ukrainian
Museum-Archives, Inc., Cleveland, 1973 (4176 Spring
Crest Dr., Brooklyn, OH 44144), 356 pp. Illus., Map.
Card cover, $8.00 (with English and German summaries.)
The first part of this important reference work on
Ukrainian paper money is a reconstruction of Prof.
Hnatyshak's proposed book which was to have been
published in 1928. Circumstances prevented the publica-
tion of the book at that time, and the manuscript was
later lost. The Ukrainian Museum-Archives has finally
brought to the public Prof. Hnatyshak's reconstructed
manuscript. It is further enhanced by the additional
material and catalog compiled by the editor, Stepan Kikta,
who provides a detailed catalog of Ukrainian paper money,
the first of its kind.
Prof. Hnatyshak presents a monograph on the money
of the independent Ukrainian Republic and Monarchy of
the years 1917-1920. A history of the governments in the
Ukraine, monetary systems, printing and nomenclature
of the banknotes, forgeries and copies provided by the
enemies of the independent Ukraine are discussed. The
author gives a detailed description of each banknote, and
further describes postagestamp coinsubstitutes on which
is printed on the ungummed reverses "Circulates in lieu
of coins" in Ukrainian.
Mr. Kikta provides further valuable information on
financial policies, artists and designers of the banknotes,
the history of numismatics in the Ukraine, postage stamps
of independent Ukrainia and coins which have circulated
within the ethnological borders of the Ukraine.
The book is illustrated with a complete collection of
Ukrainian banknotes, including those issued under Nazi
occupation, stamps, and some other printed Ukrainian-
related papers. A bibliography and an index is provided.
Stepan Kikta's "Specialized Catalog of Paper Money of
Ukraine, 1917-1920," which can be purchased separately
for $1.50, is presented on 20 separately numbered pages
in English, German and Ukrainian.
The book should be well received despite the Ukrainian
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
An Impeachment Era Satirical Note
7,10R the second time in the history of our nation,
we have experienced the trauma of a Presidential
impeachment crisis. Most Americans know little
of Andrew Johnson, the first President involved, his
fight for political life, and the events before and after
his impeachment trial. However, Americans and the
world know well the events which have occurred in the
past 18 months. History did not see another full impeach-
ment, but for the second time in 200 years, our Consti-
tution has been put to a severe test.
Students of post-CiVil War history know well the
turbulent times which immediately followed that conflict.
The South was crushed and had neither the direction
nor the wherewithal to pull itself up again. Lincoln's
assassination was a deathblow for the already downed
South. He had cherished no ill-feelings for the Southern
States. His only desire had been to preserve the Union
and make a lasting peace. Lincoln had his own plan
for reconstruction for the South, but his untimely death
brought its termination.
His successor, Vice-President Andrew Johnson, had a
plan of his own, which, briefly stated, embraced the
following: Provisional governors were appointed and
instructed to call conventions to amend the State con-
stitutions. Only white citizens could vote for delegates
to the convention. but any man who had held office
before the war and afterwards served the Confederacy
was disfranchised from the convention. After the con-
vention met, they were required to do three things: First,
to repeal the ordinances of secession; second, to abolish
slavery in the State: third, to repudiate forever all debts
incurred in carrying on the war. This was quickly done
in each State, after which officials and legislatures were
elected. The legislatures met, ratifing the Thirteenth
Congress met in December, 1865, and refused to
recognize the President's reconstruction plan. It claimed
that in dealing with the Confederate States during the
war, it had recognized them as being out of the Union.
Now they were not States but territories conquered by
the armies of the United States and subject to the
control of the Congress only. The State governments
which President Johnson had organized were permitted
to continue: but the names of these States were left off
the rolls of Congress and their Senators and Represen-
tatives refused admission. Congress passed the Four-
teenth Amendment, which gave the Negroes the right to
vote and denied this right to a large section of Southern
whites. The President vetoed this and other hills relat-
ing to the South, but the Congress overrode his veto.
Southern States were required to ratify this amendment
in order to be readmitted to the Union.
Tennessee ratified it and was readmitted; however,
ten other Southern States refused to ratify. Congress
then passed the Reconstruction Act in March, 1867. This
Act divided the South into five military districts. Each
district was under the command of a Federal general.
Another convention was held in each State, at which
Negroes were given the right to vote for delegates and
to sit as members. As constitutions were drawn up, found
acceptable, and the conventions ratified the Fourteenth
Amendment, the States were readmitted.
The commanding generals of the districts removed the
governors and other officials of the States, appointing
Army officers to fill their posts, and held elections. To
assist the generals, the Bureau of Freedmen, Refugees,
and Abandoned Lands, commonly called the Freedman's
Bureau, was placed at their disposal. A large number
of agents, taken from commissaries' and quartermasters'
departments of the Federal army, were brought South,
filling posts in various county Bureaus. These individuals
were largely responsible for the ensuing troubles in the
reconstruction period. They came South with nothing
more than the clothes on their backs and a carpet
traveling bag. Many became rich quickly, imposing
heavy taxes and burdens on the citizens they represented.
For this reason, these individuals became known as
"carpetbaggers." In seven states, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and
Arkansas, carpetbag legislatures ratified the Fourteenth
Amendment and those States were readmitted. How-
ever, in Virginia, Texas, and Mississippi the new con-
stitutions were rejected by popular vote.
All political acts of Congress had been bitterly opposed
and promptly vetoed by President Johnson. Congress.
with equal promptness, passed each act over his veto.
The President made a tour throughout the northern
states, delivering public speeches in strong tones, in
which he denounced Congress, stating that it was not
a true Congress. One of his greatest complaints was
that Congress had refused to admit the representatives
from ten States. When Congress met, fearing that the
President would prevent the carrying out of the re-
construction laws, it passed certain acts to limit his
power. One which brought matters to a head was the
Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited the President
from removing a member of his cabinet or any official
whose appointment had been confirmed by Congress.
In violation of this act, the President removed from
office Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, and was
impeached by Congress for high crimes and misde-
meanors. He was tried before the Senate and acquitted
on May 26, 1868.
Another act of Congress intended to limit his power
to grant pardons by general proclamation. Notwithstand-
ing this, on December, 25, 1868, President Johnson is-
sued a general amnesty proclamation, granting pardon
to all who had taken part on the side of the Confederacy
during the war.
The illustrated note ties in directly with reconstruction,
impeachment, Freedman's Bureau. pardons, vetoes. and
the general corruption of this period. I suspect that the
Union general pictured was probably the military
governor of one of the five military districts, and this
note originated from that area. However, it does bear
a resemblance to General Benjamin F. Butler, known
in the South "affectionally" as "Beast Butler." Butler
was a principal organizer in the House of Represen-
tatives of the Republican impeachment attempt. On the
Paper Money PAGE 25
Fantasy satirical note (obverse) referring to impeachment issues.
Reverse of satirical note with reference to "A. Tailor."
reverse of this satirical note. reference is made to
President Johnson in stating, "Counterfeiting or altering
this note is vetoed by a tailor." Johnson had been a
tailor in Tennesse prior his political career.
he was obliged to have a perfect knowledge of the legisla-
tion of the Congress, especially of the appropriations of
the public funds made by the enactments of that body.
All requisitions made upon the Treasury, and even war-
rants approved by the Comptroller and sanctioned by the
Secretary of the Treasury, were subject to his review be-
fore being paid. Secretary Memminger often called him
in consultation, and had a very high estimate of his opin-
ions. Indeed, there was much in the character of these
two men that made them congenial. Both had been
trained in legitimate financial methods, possessing a high
sense of personal honor, and neither would descend to the
level of an unscrupulous manipulator of artificial values.
The conservative methods of these financial representa-
tives of the Confederate Government are plainly evidenced
in the supplementary recommendations of Secretary
Meniminger, and Treasurer Elmore's exhibits which ac-
companied the messages of President Davis to the Con-
federate Congress.
In the fall of 1861, Baron Erlanger, the financial agent
of the Confederacy at Paris, paid a visit to Richmond to
confer with Secretary Memminger, and through him with
President Jefferson Davis, in regard to negotiating Con-
federate bonds in the financial centers of Europe. The
Baron made a minute examination of Mr. Elmore's office,
particularly his system of checks and balances, expressing
his highest commendation. Before returning to his
The only item on the note I haven't been able to
associate at this point is the "4-11-44" reference. How-
ever, the note certainly illustrates the feeling that must
have been running high among the people.
banking office in Paris he addressed a note to Mr. Elmore,
through Secretary Memminger, in which he offered him
a position in his Paris office, WITH A SALARY IN
After considering the Baron's tempting offer Mr. Elmore
declined it, stating in his letter to Secretary Memminger
that if his services were as valuable as the Baron was
pleased to estimate them, he considered it his duty to
render them to his struggling country. Before filing this
letter Secretary Memminger wrote on the back of it "A
TRUE PATRIOT." The family and descendants, who
furnish a good deal of the material for this sketch, take
the greatest pride in recalling this incident, as well they
Few men have lived who placed a higher estimate on
personal honor than Edward C. Elmore and no one was
ever readier to defend this honor when assailed. Some
now living can recall the severe and envenomed criticisms
of the administration of President Jefferson Davis by Mr.
Daniels, editor of the Richmond Examiner. As long as
these did not assume the form of personal attacks, they
were suffered by the officials of the Government. Either
encouraged by this great forbearance, or by an enemy of
the Confederate cause, Mr. Daniels at last singled out Mr.
(Continued on Page 34)
RER—Continued from Page 12
Gochise qoot 8,01
T"btnbstoiie, 4tizolik
ordet oft_skAA,ri,
Delobig 8&T)k
ti ewYork, 11,Y: I
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Brent Hughes'
"Chats About Checks"
One of the fascinating aspects of check collecting is the wide range of interesting items that
continually show up. Unusual designs, amounts, restrictions, autographs, paper and a host of other
factors make the finding of a hoard an exciting adventure. Many people are unaware that a check
does not have to be payable in money at all as illustrated by this Ration Check, "payable" in
sugar, from World War II. Originated by the Office of Price Administration, these checks were
used to transfer points in various goods from one account to another. There were also checks
for gasoline, coffee, processed foods, meat, fats. fish, cheese and possibly others.
A rich silver strike led to the establishment of the town of Tombstone, Arizona. Two years
later it had a population of 7,000 which kept 100 saloons going full blast. The town's reputation
for wickedness was such that Virgil Earp felt it necessary to bring in his brother Wyatt from
Dodge City, Kansas to help establish some semblance of order. Climax of the effort was the
West's biggest shoot-out, known to history as the "Battle of the 0. K. Corral." The fight occurred
on October 26, 1881 when the three Earp brothers, Virgil, Wyatt and Morgan, teamed with "Doc"
Holliday, gambler and gun-fighter, and tangled with the Clantons and McLowrys at the town livery
stable. When the smoke cleared, Billy Clanton and two McLowrys were dead and almost every-
body else was wounded.
The town residents did not care for such activity by the Earps and eventually sent them pack-
ing. Until the mines became unprofitable, the town prospered. At one time it had five newspapers
including the famous Epitaph, and quite a few banking house including the Cochise County Bank
which issued the check shown here. The unusual type-face used is interesting to check collectors
who enjoy finding such items which recall the colorful past of Tombstone, "the town too tough
to die."
Foreword by GLENN B. SMEDLEY
The town of Sutro was located at the portal of the Sutro Tunnel. Passing thru it was a short-line oper-
ated railroad that consisted of a horse pulling a gondola car on a 3-foot narrow gauge track; it was estab-
lished in 1869. Twelve years later 2 locomotives and a dozen gondola cars were added. Shortly thereafter
the owner moved to California, taking the railstock with him and selling what was left to Joe Douglass in
1882, who in turn acquired a cheese box-like "dinky" locomotive whose engineer's cabin appeared to be
twice the size of the boiler, and named it after himself, the "JOE DOUGLASS." At the same time the
railroad became known as the Dayton, Sutro & Carson Valley R.R. The road was abandoned in 1896 as
a result of the slowdown in the Comstock's ore production. It is estimated this railroad made some
50,000 trips during its 27-year span of operation thru the Carson River valley (6 trips a day) which
could be considered quite an accomplishment for a railroad that started out "engineless" and with a single
gondola car. One could safely remark without fear of contradiction, that it was indeed a remarkable "one-
horse" operation!
Mail Your Check To M. O. WARNS Publication Fund
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 55
Paper Money Pioneer
D. C. Wismer
0 most of us working on the obsolete note proj-
ect to update the monumental task started by
D. C. Wismer many years ago, his name is some-
thing of a mystery, surrounded by legend. To a very
few of us, who knew him personally as a regular
attendant at the Philadelphia Coin Club meetings for
more than ten years, he was a man always eager to
share his knowledge with others through his many
addresses to the club and his writings. One talk given
before the club membership was published in the May,
1939, issue of The Numismatist, which recounted his
many experiences with coin and note collecting from
the time he displayed an active interest about 1885.
David Cassel Wismer was born in Hilltown Town-
ship, Bucks County, Pennsylvania March 25, 1857, the
youngest of seven children. He was educated in a small
country school and then worked at his brother Jacob's
country store in Silverdale. He later returned to his
father's farm, which was then owned by another brother,
Joel. On September 19, 1878, he married Annie R.
Roberts, and located at West Point, Pennsylvania, where
he learned the machinist trade.
He was instrumental in organizing the West Point
Public Library. contributing generously his time, money
and books. After the Blizzard of '88, he moved to
Quakertown, where he started a machine and repair
shop of his own, and where he gradually became in-
volved in numismatics. Following a few other moves,
he settled finally in Hatfield, Pennsylvania in 1919. The
Wismer marriage was blessed with seven children, of
which Mrs. Edward F. Osmun was the youngest, and
who resided with him until his death, May 31, 1949.
The accompanying picture was taken outside a coin
shop, on a Philadelphia street, in the autumn of 1939;
he was then aged 82 years.
During the American Numismatic Association Con-
vention held in Philadelphia, in 1941, Mr. Wismer was
elected to Honorary Membership No. 36 for having
compiled his "Descriptive List of Obsolete Paper Money,"
state by state, which had appeared serially in The
Numismatist from the June, 1922 issue. concluding in
1943. He was an enthusiastic collector of paper money
for more than 51 years.
S our SPMC-sponsored obsolete note project con-
tinues to expand, those of our members who are
working so diligently in this great effort must
come to the realization that the listing of approximately
20,000 notes (excluding private scrip, which he did not
include), together with their descriptions, was truly an
outstanding contribution in this area of research. A
man of rather modest means, he had no thought of per-
sonal gain for his labors. Although he was interested
in stamps. coins and books, he was especially fond of
the old bank notes. Dealers would set aside in a cigar
box such notes as might come their way, awaiting Mr.
Wismer's visit. They were always glad to dispose of
the unwanted notes at five or ten cents each. Almost
without fail, D. C. would know at a glance whether or
not he had ever seen a similar note, when such would
be shown for his examination, and was often compli-
mented by his friends on his remarkable ability right
up to his final illness.
He was always quick to correct the use of the term
"broken bank notes." In a letter to a correspondent, he
wrote, "I have some bank notes to ofter but none are
broken. Some are torn and ragged. If you want bank
notes, say bank note! There are only hank notes and
scrip in my collection. In order to give you an under-
standing of some of the Civil War scrip notes, I am
sending you one unsigned, that Joshua Fiero, Jr., used
at Catskill, New York, when he needed it for change,
on the Tanner's Bank. It was a check they would pay
a man if he would present sufficient number of them
amounting to $5.00. Thus, his account would be charged
by the bank, just as with any other check. The fact
of the Tanner's Bank being willing to pay them gave
the scrip a local currency. Do you understand? You
may keep the Joseph Fiero, Jr., scrip note with my
compliments." Use of the word "broken" came into
rather broad usage when some banking groups, such as
the Suffolk Bank and it affiliates. would stamp on a
note the words, "broken bank note," denoting that the
bank had closed. Some thoroughly good notes were
also stamped in this manner in an effort to denigrate the
currency of competitors!
In September, 1948, he and Mrs. Wismer, then 88
years of age, celebrated their seventieth wedding anniver-
sary. The family, including four great-grandchildren and
many friends helped to celebrate the occasion. He was
truly a friend to all who knew him.
Paper Money PAGE 29
SPMC Chronicle
If you have paid your 1975 dues, you have probably
received your new membership card by now. This card
was printed for us by the American Bank Note Company.
In the rosette at the left is the year in which the Society
was founded, 1961. In order to see the date hold the
card just below your eye level and rotate the card slowly.
It is easier to see in sunlight. This is a type of security
printing known as a "latent image." We are probably
the only organization in the world with this on our
membership cards.
We are indebted to our president, J. Roy Pennell, Jr.,
for arranging with the American Bank Note Co. to
furnish these engraved cards to the society.
Don't you want one of these new membership cards?
In case you have not yet mailed in your dues for 1975,
may I suggest that you do so now. Mail your check
for $8.00, along with your renewal notice. to our
Treasurer, M. 0. Warns, P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee,
Wis. 53201.
Your cooperation in payment of dues, or in letting
the Secretary know if you are not going to renew your
membership, will be appreciated.
VERNON L. BROWN, Secretary
In Memoriam
C. J. Affleck
On September 21, 1974, shortly after he was pictured
in PAPER MONEY receiving the Numismatic Ambassador
Award, Charles J. Affleck passed away at the age of 82
years. Best known for his two-volume work on the
paper money of Virginia, he found great fulfillment in
his retirement years by researching the philatelic and
numismatic issues of the Confederacy and his native
state. He received the Nathan Gold award for his Vir-
ginia catalog. In addition, he was a driving force in
the development of the Virginia Numismatic Associa-
Membership Participation Column
Lack of Interest in Exhibiting Obsoletes
At the last two ANA conventions in which I exhibited
the lack of entries in the obsolete currency category has
made me wonder why there have not been more competi-
tive exhibits in this class. I was not able to attend the
convention in New Orleans so I don't know how many
were entered there. I do know that at Boston in 1972 and
Bal Harbour in 1974 there were only two. Could it be
that collectors of this type of material are not proud of
their collections or that they lack the competitive spirit
to exhibit? Admittedly, putting an exhibit together re-
quires a lot of hard work and some imagination. How-
ever, I have found that in researching the material for
my exhibit the added knowledge acquired has been worth
every minute of the time spent. All of this pays off when
you win your initial award, and that doesn't have to be
a first place to make you feel it was all worthwhile.
It is only through competition that you can learn what
goes into the making of a successful exhibit. The remarks
some judges put on the score sheets are a big help (but
not enough of the judges take the time to do this and that
is one of my pet gripes). Observe from other exhibits
how color is used and get your imagination going as to
arrangement and design, but most of all get a good de-
scriptive title and use all the information you can to
make your exhibit understood by the viewer, be he a
syngraphist or a novice. These last two elements are most
Why not get the ultimate enjoyment from the collection
that you have spent so much time and money on by ex-
hibiting it so that others can enjoy it also? My exhibit
of Colonial notes and Continental currency has rewarded
me with many enjoyable hours in my retirement in re-
searching and planning. I sincerely hope this letter will
stimulate more interest in the exhibit phase of syn-
graphics, thereby creating more healthy competition.
I would have to agree with my friend from Florida,
Toni Fitzgerald, when he mentions the fact that too few
collectors exhibit in the obsolete and colonial money
categories. From my own experience I find perhaps one
or possibly two entries at any given show, but most of
the time no entries at all. This is a shame, as the sub-
ject matter alone makes for such an interesting exhibit.
Perhaps I am biased in my opinion but I specialize in
obsolete currency and find it the most interesting and
educational segment of syngraphics.
Could it be that most collectors think that an obsolete
currency exhibit could not stand the test next to the other
coin and paper money exhibits? I have proved that wrong
time and again, most recently at the New England
Numismatic Association Convention in Worcester, Mass.
last October, where my exhibit of obsolete notes won the
best of show honors.
I think it is time for us collectors to reevaluate the
possibilities in this field. Let's give those judges and the
public something better to look at than silver dollars
and foreign gold coins. Let's get out there and show
them a syngraphic history of America as depicted on
our paper money of the 1800s. Yes, let's show them the
educational and aesthetic impact of an exhibit that could
easily stand up to that of any coin exhibit.
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