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TreaLtrer of Loans
Paper !Honey
5iviety Viva Notel Co!haw
Vol. XIV No. 6
Whole No. 60
Nov./Dec. 1975
Loan certificate signed by Francis Hopkinson, one of the "Three H's" of
America's early financial establishment, whose stories are told by Gene
Hessler in this issue.
"The King of Museum Show Pieces"
1934-D Federal Reserve Two-Denomination Note l$5 Obverse, $10 Reverse ) . Superb Crisp
New. This Great Rarity - Price only $4,795.00
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New "Cut-Sheet" of Four. Single Notes Bring Over $6,000.00. This Truly Great
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SPECIAL=The Pair 1,789.50
Superb Crisp Sets-Buy NOW at these Low Prices
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1974 Neff/Simon (12)
1963/1974.--All Nine Sets
Star Sets - Last
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1963/1974=All Nine Sets (99) + Each with the Same Last Two Numbers 184.75
1963/1969D=All Eight Star Sets (83) + Each with the Same Last Two Numbers 189.75
Beautiful Album Pages for Following Sets : (deduct 15% if you also order $1 Federal Sets).
$1 Federal Reserve Sets--1963, 1963-A, 1969, 1969-A, 1969-B, 1969-C, 1969-D, 1974 each 2.95
$1 Block Set Pages-1963, 1969, 1969-A, 1969-B, 1969-C, 1969-D, each
1963-A, $13.95 ; 1963-B 3.50
Deluxe 3-Ring Custom made Binder-each 4.95
Save $$$'s on Books (Orders $20 or more) = Deduct 10% Discount (Or 15% IF you also Include a Currency Order. Send $1
for our Big Book Catalogue (Lists over 100 Books on Paper Money). For Fast P. 0. Service Add 50c Special Handling.
Bradbeer, "Confederate & Southern States Currency". Reprint
Criswell. "North American Currency". 2nd Ed. Incl. Canadian
& Mexican Currency. Illus'd. Values
Friedberg. "Paper Money of the United States". New 8th Ed
Hessler, "The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money"
Illus'd., Values It's Terrific
Pick. "The Standard Catalog of World Paper Money". 20,000
Notes, Listed & Priced. 4,000 photos
Van Belkum. "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period
1863/1935". List all Charter Banks (14,343)
Warns. "The Nevada Sixteen National Bank Notes". An Ex-
citing Work
14.50 Kagin/ Donlon. U.S. Large Size Paper Money 1861/1923"
New 4th 3.50*
15.00 Hewitt/Donlon. "Catalog of Small Size Paper Money". 11th Ed 1.95*
Kemm. "The Official Guide to U.S. Paper Money". 1976 Ed.
17.50 O'Donnell. "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper
Money". 4th Ed. All You'll Want to Know about Block Col-
20.00 letting. Special-Net 8.95*
Shafer. "Guide Book of Modern U.S. Currency". 6th Ed.
15.00 Werlich. "Catalog of U.S. & Canada Paper Money". New 1974
Ed. 3.95*
SPECIAL=The Above BIG Six, Starred *, NET 18.95
Discounts shown Applies only to Book Orders ($20 or more)-All
17.50 Currency Prices are NET.
1935A $1 Red R & S Special Issue Notes i Red R=$98.75 ; Red S $79.75). Superb Pair 154.75
Similar Pair=also Crisp New (But not as well Centered) 124.75
Ask for our List of Small Size Notes, Sheets, Etc.-and Accessories.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please add $1.00 under $100.00. Nebraskans Add Sales Tax. All Note Orders are Shipped by
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State Specialty. Why Not give us a Try-You're Sure to become a "Bebee Booster".
MEMBER: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN, Others.
lichee's, inc.
"Pronto Service"
4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111
Founded 1961
PAPER MONEY is published every other
month beginning in January by The Society
of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen-
nell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC
29621. Second class postage paid at An-
derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry
office, Federalsburg, MD 21632.
Annual membership dues in SPMC are
$8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip-
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Advertising copy shall be restricted to
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All advertising copy and correspondence
should be addressed to the Editor.
Official Bimonthly Publication of
Vol. XIV - No. 6
Whole No. 60
Nov./Dec. 1975
225 S. Fischer Ave.
Jefferson, WI 53549
Tel. 414-674-5239
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions
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Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica-
tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.)
Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership,
changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary
at P. 0. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
—Gene Hessler 283
—Dr. Michael Kupa 289
— Forrest W. Daniel 293
— M. Owen Warns 294
—Brent Hughes 295
— Louis H. Hughes 296
— Nathan Goldstein II 297
— Mike Carter 298
—Graeme M. Ton, Jr. 301
— Charles Rogers 302
— Paul H. Johansen 304
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
—Wendell Wolka, Librarian 306
— Harry G. Wigington, Secretary 312
Cociet9 of Paper ',Coq Co&curd
President Robert E. Medlar
220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Vice-President Eric P. Newman
6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105
Secretary Harry G. Wigington
P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Treasurer C. John Ferreri
P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Editor Barbara R. Mueller
Librarian Wendell Wolka
Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E. Medlar,
Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn
B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Harry G.
Wigington, Wendell Wolka
When making inquiries, please include stamped,
self-addressed envelope.
Society Library Services
The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem-
bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in
the official Membership Directory available only to members
from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER
MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian Wen-
dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III. 60521.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization
under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an-
nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18
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as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done
business, or bank references, etc.
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the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already
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October 1st will have their dues paid through December of
the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a
copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which
they joined.
One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage
research about paper money and publication of the re-
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publications are currently available:
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71 Vol. 7, 1968, No. :3 (No. 27) 12, 1973, No. 4 (No. 48)
q Vol. 7, 1968. No. 4 (No. 28)
q vol. 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49)
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q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 2 (No. 301 17 Vol. 13, 1974, No. 3 (No. 51)
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We have the following books for sale:
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Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum
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The above prices are for
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Paper Money PAGE 283
SPMC Bicentennial Feature
Hamilton Hillegas Hopkinson
The Three Ws
of Our Young Nation's Financial Establishment
Curator The Chase Manhattan Bank Numismatic/Syngraphic Collection
Y JUNE, 1775 the American Revolution was under
way. Those who favored independence contributed in
many different ways—many with their lives. Three
men in particular, each contributing to the cause in his
own way, would eventually hold Treasury positions. All
had last names beginning with the letter H and the images
of all three have been used to grace United States paper
Alexander Hamilton
HE FIRST name that comes to mind is that of
Alexander Hamilton. In 1775, Hamilton had been in
this country for only three years, having landed in
Boston in 1772 after leaving the island of Nevis in the
West Indies. Looking back, one can see that he was destined
to be involved in finance. At the age of 12, the precocious
Hamilton was working in a counting house; one year later
he was managing the affairs of his employer. Hamilton
was blessed with charisma, intelligence and the ability to
think quickly, and these qualities overshadowed the fact
that he was an illegitimate child. But as a recent writer
mentioned, being illegitimate, Alexander Hamilton was able
to choose his own relatives.
As young Hamilton was completing his studies at King's
College in 1775, at the age of 18, he was caught up in
the fervor of the Revolution, speaking out at gatherings,
attempting to persuade those who weren't yet certain which
way the wind was blowing. He entered the army as a
commander of an artillery unit and one year later was
George Washington's aide-de-camp. Following his resig-
nation in 1781, he was appointed receiver of taxes in New
York by Robert Morris, served one term in the Congress,
and practiced law in New York. In 1784, Hamilton drafted
the Act of Association of the Bank of New York, which
would be chartered in 1791.
To rescue the new United States from the financial morass
following the Revolution, our first President needed a
Secretary of the Treasury who could put the nation on
a sound financial footing, someone who could find a solution
to the following: a foreign debt of $55,710,000; a domestic
debt of $27,383,000 plus interest; and an unliquidated debt
of $2,000,000. All eyes turned to Hamilton, but George
Washington had already made up his mind to appoint his
former aide. So in 1789, with no money in the Treasury
and a monumental debt outstanding, President Washington
chose Hamilton as his Secretary of the Treasury.
Almost immediately the new Secretary decided to negotiate
a loan with the Bank of New York. Thus, Loan No. 1 was
Alexander Hamilton
made with the bank the Secretary had helped establish, not
because there was any collusion, but because he knew it
was the soundest hank to approach.
Two years after Hamilton assumed his office he was suc-
cessful in obtaining a charter for the Bank of the United
States after much opposition from Madison and Jefferson.
After two charters and much harassment from President
Andrew Jackson, the Bank of the United States lost its status
as a national bank and became a Pennsvlvaina state bank.
It seems that 1791 was a busy year for Hamilton. His
January 21 report led to the adoption of our present decimal
system and the establishment of a mint.
In 1799, four years after Hamilton resigned from the
cabinet he and Aaron Burr, the man who would later kill
him in a duel, established the Manhattan Company. (The
fateful duel took place in 1804 in Weehawken, N.J.)
Michael Hillegas
mOST collectors of paper money are familiar with thename of our first Treasurer, Michael Hillegas. The
parents of Michael Hillegas fled to Germany from
France during the persecution of the Huguenots. They
came to the colonies in 1727, and two years later Michael
was born in Philadelphia.
Michael Hillegas
As Hamilton, at an early age Hillegas went to work in
a counting house . . . his father's. Although he was ex-
tremely successful as a sugar refiner and manufacturer of
iron, he was also quite active in municipal and national
affairs. In 5774, Hillegas became the treasurer of the Com-
mittee of Safety, a committee which had Dr. Benjamin
Franklin as its president. These two famous men not only
worked together but were buried within a few feet of
each other in the churchyard of Christ Church where
Hillegas served as vestryman.
On June 29, 1775, the first Continental Congress appointed
Michael Hillegas and George Clymer as Treasurers. Due
PACE 284
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
Hamilton on $2 United States Note 1862
to the frequent emissions of paper money issued as the
Revolution got under way and the responsibility of the
Treasurer's office to provide food, clothing and equipment
for the Continental Army, it was necessary to have two
Treasurers. However, one year later George Clymer took
a seat in the Continental Congress, leaving Michael Hillegas
alone. The office of Treasurer has been occupied by one
person ever since. In July of 1781 the office of the Treasury
would absorb the office of Treasurer of Loans, an office
held by the third man to be discussed here.
Michael Hillegas held the position of Treasurer until
September 1I, 1789, and during this time he contributed
much of his personal wealth to the cause of freedom. In
1781, he subscribed 4,000 to the formation of the Bank of
North America, which later aided our Treasury.
There were times when diversion and relaxation were
necessary, and Hillegas found both in music. He found
time to author "An Easy Method For The Flute" and
John Adams wrote that "Hillegas is one of our Continental
Treasurers, is a great musician and talks continually of
the forte and the piano, Handel and songs and tunes. He
plays the fiddle."
It seems inappropriate that a man who held the important
position of Treasurer 200 years ago is immortalized on
only one $io note. But the third man under discussion was
acknowledged to an even lesser degree.
Francis Hopkinson
HE LAST of these Treasury officials whose name
began with "H" was a writer, statesman, inventor,
and musician; he was knowledgeable in the field of
heraldry, designed some of the Continental currency, served
as Treasurer of Loans and signed the Declaration of
Independence. Many refer to him as a minor Franklin,
and he was, living in the shadow of the elder statesmen.
His name—Francis Hopkinson. He was born in Philadel-
phia on September 2 1 , 1737, and was baptized at Christ
Church where he would later serve as organist. This was
the same church at which Michael Hillegas served as
The musical accomplishments of Hopkinson were many.
In 1781, the same year the Bank of North America was
organized with the help of Michael Hillegas, George Wash-
ington attended the performance of Hopkinson's cantata
Michael Hillegas on $10 gold certificate 1907
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Paper Money PAGE 28 5
Bill of Exchange $600 or 3,000 livres dated 1782, for interest on loan, signed by Michael
Hillegas, Treasurer.
written to celebrate the alliance between France and
America. Wm. Billings is considered to be the foremost
colonial composer; however the first composition written
by a native of the colonies was "My Days Have Been So
Wondrous Free," written by Francis Hopkinson. The
creative talents of the minor Franklin were also expressed
in prose and poetry that was published in his lifetime, and
like so many activists, Hopkinson was a pamphleteer.
Francis Hopkinson's political life began on June 28, 1776,
when he returned to Philadelphia to represent New Jersey
in the Second Continental Congress. Hopkinson had moved
to Bordentown, N. J. in 1713 after his marriage to Nancey
Borden. Although the new delegate and Thomas Jefferson
were to become close friends, the older statesman com-
mented on the size of Hopkinson's head, saying to a col-
league, ". . . it is not bigger than an apple."
Francis Hopkinson affixed his signature to the Declaration
of Independence, an act he predicted in an essay, "A Pro-
phesy," which was written before he came to Congress. All
the signers of this famous document have been visually
recorded on John Trumbull's painting which is the subject
for the back of the $1.30 First Charter National Bank Note.
The gentleman standing in the center with his hand on his
hip is John Adams and at his elbow is Francis Hopkinson.
Thus in a very small way Hopkinson is pictured on our
paper money.
The Chairmanship of the Continental Navy Board was
the first appointment Hopkinson received after arriving at
Congress, a position he held from November 1776 until
August, 1778. One month before he left this position,
Hopkinson was appointed Treasurer of Loans, a most
important position at a time when the new government was
delighted to accept loans of any amount. In July, 5779,
the multitalented statesman, author and musician became
Judge of the Admiralty for Pennsylvania, which meant two
positions were administered simultaneously.
Francis Hopkinson held the office of Treasurer of Loans
until July 23, 1781 when he resigned. The office of Trea-
surer was extended to include the duties of Treasurer of
Loans, and the signature of Michael Hillegas followed that
of Francis Hopkinson.
It was Thomas Jefferson who recommended Francis
Hopkinson for the position of Director of the Mint, a
position in which Hopkinson had expressed an interest and
would have undoubtedly received had he lived. The man
who became the first Director of the Mint, David Ritten-
house, was a friend of Hopkinson. ( If Hopkinson had
PACE 286
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
Francis Hopkinson
become Director of the Mint, that other group of collectors
would have been able to claim him.)
Earlier in 1770, having a keen interest in heraldry, Francis
Hopkinson was appointed to design the seal for the Ameri-
can Philosophical Society. During the year he signed the
Declaration of Independence he designed or assisted in de-
signing the Great Seal of New jersey. Six years later he
designed the seal for his alma mater, the University of the
State of Pennsylvania. The seal was used until 1791, when
a merger brought about the University of Pennsylvania.
One of his most important accomplishments, known only
to a few, was designing the first American Flag. For 15o
years the colonies had flown Britain's flags, the Union and
the red Meteor, a flag of solid red with the union in the
upper canton. By 1775, other designs to identify army
regiments began to appear; a flag to signify one unified
army came later. The earliest unofficial (American) or
Grand Union flag was the British Meteor flag, with, how-
ever, six horizontal white stripes superimposed on the red
field. A colonial note dated April 2, 1776 from North
Carolina displays such a rendition. By coincidence this
arrangement of colors is almost the same as the British
East India Company flag which had five red and four
white strips. The U. S. Navy flew the Grand Union flag
in 1776, but it also flew the American Stripes, a banner
of stripes alone, seven red and six white.
Descriptions such as Grand Union flag, Union flag, Con-
gress flag and Colours of the United States all refer to
the same flag, and writings from the period include all the
above. Following the Revolution the flag including the
British Union began to lose acceptance. The Flag Resolution
of June 14, 1777 stated the flag would consist of "13 stripes
alternate red and white, that the Union be 13 stars white
in a blue field." However, it did not specify how the stars
were to be arranged. This resolution "was preceded and
followed by other actions dealing with routine naval activities
referred to Congress by its Marine Committee. As was
the custom of Great Britain, from which so much of
American procedure follows, the Great Union Flag had
been used at sea and over fixed fortresses on land." It
would therefore seem that the new flag was intended as a
naval flag.
The flag that is attributed to Francis Hopkinson is one
with the familiar 13 stripes and stars in rows of 3-2-3-2-3
on a field of blue. There is no evidence to substantiate
the myth concerning Betsy Ross and the first American
flag. However, records in the Pennsylvania Archives prove
she received payment for making the Pennsylvania Navy
Colors in May, 1777.
On May 25, 178o, Francis Hopkinson submitted the fol-
lowing letter to the Board of Admiralty:
"Gentlemen :
It is with great pleasure that I understand that my last Device of
a Seal for the Board of Admiralty has met with your Honours'
Approbation. I have with great Readiness, upon several Occasions
exerted my small Abilities in this Way for the public Service, &, as
I flatter myself, to the Satisfaction of those I w ish'd to please,
The Flag of the United States
7 Devices for the Continental Currency
A Seal for the Board of Treasury
Ornaments, Devices & Checks for the new Bills of Exchange
( in Spain & Holland )
A Seal for the Board of Admiralty
The Borders, Ornaments & Checks for the new Continental Currency
now in the Press,—a Work of considerable Length
A Great Seal for the United States of America, with a Reverse.
For these Services I have as yet made no Charge, nor received any
Recompense. I now submit it to your Honour's Consideration, whether,
a Quarter Cask of the Public Wine will not be a proper and a
reasonable Reward for these Labours of Fancy and a suitable Encourage-
ment to future Exertions of a like Nature."
The Board of Admiralty presented the letter to Con-
gress, and the Congress asked Francis Hopkinson to "state
his account." This was done immediately. Here is a partial
list from Hopkinson's account:
The Naval Flag of the United States
9 £540
Seal For The Board of Treasury 3 18o
Seal For the Board of Admiralty 3 18o
Checks & Certificates 2 120
New Currency in the Press
5 300
Great Seal of the States with a reverse
10 600
The second column refers to a letter Hopkinson sent
immediately after sending his first account which included
the figures as seen in the first column. In the second letter
Hopkinson wrote, ". . . this charge was made in hard
money to be computed at 6o to 1 in Continental."
As is well known, Continental notes were then in the
stage of an escalating depreciation. In May, 178o, the same
month Hopkinson submitted his bill, Congress passed an
act whereby previously issued notes would be redeemed at
40 to 1 new issue, or f specie dollar. In April 1781, the
legislature adopted a scale of depreciation, stating notes
issued in May 178o would be redeemed at 59 to f. De-
Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 60 PAGE 287
which tbey iiroutife to pay to nearer, on
?Fhb ,!nterel; annually, at the hate of Six tier Cent. per Znnum,, agreea5le
to a 4efolation cf the United past
1779.! Wunels my Hand ttw
Dowiri 1/2,1'
Tr,afacer of Loans
0/. "A --;"*.'
Receipt of 7.12
2tbe .Tiven-ni.vth Pay of June,
Mai of d'Inno t8
.• YU°.
.or ir°01t -ktitlf1141:314 is,e$ 4 44: ¢i+; NXN11,- VAL% 4', 4441
":4$47441NOPAT,0114ANI.SkAlit tftlitlitoillii: IN 'mu!imarr 1.1,1141'N't: fA Ire; AN 44 L. PUN ;
74:4444‘411 04 a 4414N 44ENTA•1•41.4.411r61,14441toleiternt.'...
Loan certificate signed by Francis Hopkinson, Treasurer of Loans
Francis Hopkinson, to left of John Adams (man with hand on his hip) in Trumbull's painting
of the Declaration of Independence.
signer Hopkinson wanted to make it clear his account meant
hard money but to cover himself he made a computation
at 6o to I, in the event he was paid in Continental notes.
And, allowing for possible delays, he computed his account
at a figure that turned out to he realistic.
Numerous letters were exchanged between Hopkinson
and the Congress, but Congress won. He was never paid.
As for the design for the Great Seal of the United States,
which Hopkinson submitted, it has been established that
Charles Thomson and William Barton were the major
contributors of the accepted 1782 version. (This completes
our look at the Treasury Trio of three H's, with one last
remark, and that is why I purposely did not indicate the
title for this talk in advance, which would have been "H
H H." I was fearful you might stay away assuming I
was going to talk about a possible Presidential nominee.)
(This is a transcript of the lecture given by the author at the SPMC
annual banquet at Los Angeles on August 22, 1975)
(Notes and certificates shown by courtesy of Chase Manhattan Bank
Money Museum)
(Portraits by courtesy of New York Public Library Collection)
PAGE 288
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
CHILE. Revaluation caused by infla-
tion was responsible for the introduction
on Sept. 29, 1975 of a new monetary
unit, the peso, to replace the previous
escudo at the rate of 1,000 to one. The
Banco Central de Chile will introduce
5, 10 and 50 pesos notes. The Chilean
inflation rate of the last 15 years was
exceeded only by the German rate in
1923 and the Hungarian in 1946. Ac-
cording to Irving Berlin, currency
analyst with ContiCommodity Services
in Dallas, Texas, one of the new pesos
will equal one million of the pre-1960
COSTA RICA. An overprint on the
1968 five colones note to commemorate
TRAL DE COSTA RICA 1950 1975."
The same basic note and four others
were overprinted in 1971 to commemo-
rate the 150th anniversary of the na-
tion's independence.
CANADA. The sixth in the new
series of currency—the two dollar de-
nomination—was released to chartererd
banks at Bank of Canada Agencies
across the country on August 5, 1975.
The design includes the same engraved
portrait of Queen Elizabeth II as ap-
peared on the $20 and $1 notes. The
scene on the back shows a group of
Eskimos preparing for a hunt. The
dominant color of the new note is terra
cotta. Other features of the new $2
note are similar to those of the $50,
$20, $10, $5 and $1 bank notes al-
ready issued, including the Canadian
coat-of-arms in color, the more exten-
sive use of color and the higher relief
of the engraved areas than in notes of
the 1954 series.
INDIA. Through the courtesy of J.
B. Desai of Ahmedabad we illustrate the
5 rupee value of the new Indian "im-
proved bank notes" and the following
report from the Reserve Bank of India:
The Reserve Bank of India issued a
new series of improved bank notes in
the denominations of Rs. 5, Rs. 10 &
Rs. 20 with effect from March 24,
They will be followed by notes
in other denominations later.
the designs of the new notes are basically
identifiable as Indian, they incorporate
a number of security features in the
form of rosettes, guilloches, ornaments,
geometrical lines and tints, the prints
and lines being reproduced with such
clarity that forgery will be very difficult.
The new notes with improved watermark
layout are printed on thicker paper,
treated with a special resin to increase
its wet strength and durability. The
main Ashoka Pillar watermark is smaller
and surrounded by a chain of spinning
wheels. The five rupee note is printed
on both sides by the improved dry-offset
process, while the 10 and 20 rupee
notes are printed by the intaglio process
in conjunction with dry, offset & letter
press process. In the case of the new
10 and 20 rupee notes, the portions
printed in intaglio stand out in bold re-
lief and can be identified by passing the
fingers across the printed area. Both
processes are being used for the first
time. The new notes, unlike those is-
sued recently, are printed up to the
edges, eliminating the paper white border
along the length and width on both
sides. This change facilitates identifica-
tion of denomination in packets and
bundles. In conformity with the im-
proved style of printing, the styles of
numbering and the numbering types have
also been changed. The sizes, however,
remain unaltered and the security thread
appears in the same position as in the
existing notes.
URUGUAY. A new monetary unit,
the nuevo peso, was introduced July 1,
1975 to replace 1,000 of the "old"
pesos. First note in the new currency
is a N$5 overprinted with the new de-
nomination in black at the left side of
the face on a previously unissued 5,000
peso denomination. The Buenos Aires
TINA I produced the note for the Cen-
tral Bank of Uruguay. The 158 x 170
mm. brown, rose and iridescent note
portrays Jose Artigas on the face; the
reverse shows a modern building in
FACSIMILES. A rash of reproduc-
tions or imitations of bank notes have
hit the market recently. One group of
199 world notes is being produced in
post card format in Spain. The U. S.
distributor claims that nearly a hundred
of the early notes are unlisted in Pick's
Standard Catalog. A full set sells for
S21. Meanwhile, "Numismatic News
Weekly" reports that reproductions of
Austrian bank notes of the 1759 through
1921 period are being advertised and
sold in Europe by a Cologne, West Ger-
many firm. There are 150 different
facsimile notes being manufactured.
The distributor notes that the fac-
similes cost only 10 per cent as much
as the original notes, as catalogued in
the Pick-Richter specialized reference
on Austrian notes.
The principal distributor is located in
Cologne, but he maintains an outlet in
Vienna, Austria.
The imitations of rare Austrian notes
are advertised as being in actual size of
the originals, and bearing the original
date of issue. They are otherwise not
specifically described in the literature
currently being mailed to North Ameri-
can collectors and dealers by the West
German firm.
Another Spanish production are hard
plastic imitations in actual color of cur-
rent Italian notes in miniature.
In Review
Price List: From Regency Coin and
Stamp Co., 101 Lindsay Bldg., 228
Notre Dame, Winnipeg 2, Manitoba,
Canada, the August 1975 edition of
"Paper Money of the World." Free to
SPMC members. Contains 52 pages of
British Commonwealth, military and
occupation currency, European issues in-
cluding 18th century French notes, Ger-
man notgeld, and a specialized offering
of Brazil including the rare series of
1833. Also listed for sale are more
than a hundred syngraphic reference
Belgian Catalog: The most recent re-
lease in the IBNS series of catalogs of
paper money of the 20th century covers
notes issued by Belgium and its colonies.
Offset printed, 8 1/2 x 11, punched for
loose-leaf binder, 282 pages. Edited by
Augusta Maes, formerly curator of the
numismatic collection of the National
Bank of Belgium. Information from
Fletcher Warren, Box 156, Willow
Grove, PA 19090.
Emergency Paper Money of Silesia
1914-1924. A volume in the continu-
ing series of books on the metal and
paper money of Germany and surround-
ing countries issued during and follow-
ing World War I. 264 cities listed,
notes illustrated, estimated values. In-
formation on this and other volumes
from Hans and Beate Rauch, P. 0. Box
60321, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles,
CA 90060.
"Le Papier-Monnaie du Maroc". 62-
page soft-cover book with 164 illustra-
tions of all types and varieties of Moroc-
can bank notes, authored by Maurice
Muszynski and Helmut Schweikert.
Available from the latter, 47 Avenue
G a m be t t a, F-94700 Maisons-Alfort,
France. Includes background informa-
tion, maps, emergency notes, foreign
issues, US issues 1943-44, etc. In
The well-known 19th c e n t u r y
American engravers Toppan, Carpenter,
Casilear & Co. of New York and Phila-
delphia once produced notes for Swit-
zerland's Bank of St. Gallen.
Paper Money PAGE 289
Notes of the Hungarian Independence War
Budapest, Hungary
THE Hungarian Independence War of 1848-49 oc-casioned the first distinctly Hungarian money since
1526. Led by Lajos Kossuth, the world-famous
Hungarian patriot and president of the first Hungarian
Republic, the war was waged against the Hapsburg
dynasty, hereditary rulers of the country from the 6th
century onwards.
The Privileged Austrian National Bank, of course,
refused to supply the Constitutional Hungarian Govern-
ment with money, so Kossuth, as the first Minister of
Finance, quickly promulgated various forms of money
for use within Hungary and later issued notes abroad
to raise funds for the continuation of the struggle.
In order to raise about five million silver florins for
the capital of the Hungarian National Bank, the first
issue of the so-called KAMATOS UTALVANY (interest-
bearing legal tender treasury bills) appeared at the mid-
dle of 1848. They were printed in black on und.erprint-
ings of various colors, giving a bicolor effect, and with
or without coupons and with various handw ritten dates.
They were signed by the State Cashier-in-Chief Ference
VOlgyi and State Controller Endre Endrey by author-
ization of the Finance Minister.
These hills appeared in three denominations:
A. For a loan of six months, without coupon.
50 Forint, light blue underprinting, black inscriptions
on white paper, 232 x 130 mm.
100 Forint, light brown underprinting, black inscrip-
tions on white paper, 232 x 130 mm.
500 Forint, light gray underprinting, black inscrip-
tions on white paper, 232 x 130 mm,
B. For a loan of 12 months, with coupon.
50 Forint, yellow underprinting, black inscriptions on
white paper, 185 x 130 and 47 x 130 mm.
100 Forint, pink underprinting, black inscriptions on
white paper, 185 x 130 and 47 x 130 mm.
500 Forint, light gray underprinting, black inscrip-
tions on white paper, 185 x 130 and 47 x 130 mm.
C. As above, but after six months the coupon was cut off.
50 Forint, 185 x 130 mm.
100 Forint, 185 x 130 mm.
500 Forint, 185 x 130 mm,
D. Cut-off coupons from the bills listed in "C" above.
1 Ft. 15 kr., 130 x 47 mm.
2 Ft. 30 kr., 130 x 47 mm.
12 Ft. 30 kr., 130 x 47 mm.
The so-called Conventional ( silver ) Florin was the mone-
tary standard in Hungary during the Independence War,
and contained 60 krajczar.
atamais ro.wns earibirer. iSteva
M.:stake kaask
atfaSt4 t," k.asi.
4 ! e
ass.. pas* v
500 Forint interest-bearing legal tender treasury bill
with coupon
Since the exigencies of the war and accompanying
economic and political events prevented the planned es-
tablishment of the Hungarian National Bank. ba7k notes
had to he issued by the MAGYAR. KERESKEDELMI
BANK (Hungarian Commercial Bank) in Pest, where
the silver backing was deposited. These notes, redeem-
able in silver, of course, were issued for a sum of four
million silver florins.
The notes did not bear dates and were signed by the
Minister of Finance Lajos Kossuth. Chief of State Trea-
sury Ference VOlgyi, and Bank Cashier Janos ROgler in
1 Forint, brownish gray underprinting, black inscrip-
tions on white paper, 126 x 89 mm. Put into cir-
culation Oct. 8, 1848.
2 Forint, red underprinting, black inscriptions on
white paper, 97 x 128 ram. Put into circulation
Aug. 6, 1848.
Fractional parts of one-half, one-quarter and one-eighth
of both notes were also circulated to relieve the shortage
of specie caused by hoarding.
The Independence War required a huge amount of
money and the silver-hacked bank notes were not suffi-
cient for this purpose. Therefore, Kossuth, authorized
by the Hungarian Parliament, issued a sort of state note
with a date of Sept. 1, 1848, signing it in facsimile as
Minister of Finance.
5 Forint, grayish brown underprinting, reddish brown
inscriptions on white paper, 134 x 98 mm. Inscrip-
tions also known in dark brown. Put into circulation
Sept. 6, 1848.
10 Forint, gray underprinting, black inscriptions on
white paper, 145 x 110 mm. Put into circulation
March 24, 1849 in Debrecen.
• ...4•■••
Ss RSV. 6 10666.6.6
66161466 66.6 6046,
Mk 446
66.66. .5 ,1666
aw, MSS
73: 4r.1:
men batMjegy
Mirom Imszart egy fmintra aziimitvit, minder
Magyar keresketichni Bank
Altai rksirmiknr eziiet penzre
PAGE 290
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
5 Forint state note, front
5 Forint_ state note, back
100 Forint, gray underprinting, black inscriptions on
white paper, 185 x 120 mm. Put into circulation
Oct. 22, 1848.
Most wars cause some specie shortage. The metal
coins usually have an intrinsic value, so the populace
hoard them in the hope of preserving capital for the
Thus, the National Honved Defensive Committee
( Orsazgos Honvedelmi Bizottmany I, as the Hungarian
Government led by Kossuth, was obliged to issue the
so-called KINCSTARI UTALVANY (state treasury note)
in small denominations to alleviate the shortage of "small
change" in circulation. The notes were dated Jan. 1,
1849 and were signed in facsimile by Chief of State
Treasury Ference
15 peng6 krajczar, wine red underprinting, black
inscriptions on white paper, 100 x 71 mm. Put into
circulation Feb. 15, 1849.
30 peng6 krajczar, gray underprinting and black
inscriptions on white paper, 100x71mm. Put into
circulation Jan. 26, 1849.
( A pengii krajczar is a silver krajczar. )
Meanwhile, the new Hapsburg emperor had broken
up the Hungarian Kingdom into dependent parts of
the Austrian Empire by means of the Constitution of
Olmiitz in March 1849. The Constitutional Hungarian
Government of 1848 replied with the Declaration of
Independence of Hungary on April 14, 1849 in Debrecen,
a country town in eastern Hungary, where a provisional
settlement with the allied army of the Austrian and
Russian empires was made. From this time on there
was no royal crown in the Hungarian state arms.
Out of this situation appeared a new KINCSTARI
UTALVANY (state treasury note) dated July 1, 1849
at Budapest and signed in facsimile by Kossuth as Gov-
ernor of Hungary and Ference Duschek, a Minister of
Finance. The notes were printed in Szeged, a country
town in southern Hungary, where the then-government
was situated.
2 pengii forint, black inscriptions without underprint-
ing on white paper, 122 x 83 mm. Put into circula-
tion at Szeged July 26, 1849.
The last issues of Kossuth in Hungary were two
KINCSTARI UTALVANY (state treasury note ) dated
"Budapesten 1849-ki julius 1-en" and signed by Kossuth
as Governor of Hungary and Bertalan Szemere as Prime
Mnister in facsimile. These notes were printed in Arad,
a country town in southern Hungary, and put into cir-
culation during the first week of August. 1849.
2 peng6 forint, black inscriptions on white paper with-
out underprinting, 122 x 83 mm.
10 pengii forint, black inscriptions on white paper
without underprinting, 135 x 105 mm.
Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 60 PAGE 291
CA) 7/{3
Pei for int i.
2 Forint bank note, back
2 Forint bank note, front
30 pengo Krajczar state treasury note, front 30 pengo Krajczar state treasury note, back
Pet zint.
Lien pgnrjrgy minden magyar thiladaltai ea 1,..,aMziatakIma
6t eztist forint
Itirent lititEzafft 11trintrit niinfilf:5. I
nOvmmiati ff1rIfiffo 1' 1,11tal!flittatty fitful hiztorsitta(il,
la rest sepVirttlftfr 1. , :ft 1 , t ,
t"r r 11.‘
. .
14,4 timopint.
Kinestdri utalvitny
flarminez pengo linyczarra,
May, 10t darabitit egp forintra
piaztizaltn41 magyar pdittegytk inint mindenkor
!AWE, 4i6 minded' Sizet4s gyanfint
adin 194941.1anuAr 1411.;
Az orrozilgos honyf'ilf11,11 bizolltnany' rendcletib61,
a. d3,
i jigyek nyalez i.1!Vre ter-
jedhetii lairt11iiiiizt. , • kiiinettetnek.
Terfitlicer mit 91actiatrier Dieter 92rtin tyrant alit
Seder artIt 3ntueu tefiraft.
rielito znakov zralsvniti a : riasledniei 118, 09ei.
roko rozdilii 1.2alarstroni sa treseti.
spotiToritelji kazne se
preduZ".iviin na °sank godinah.
tbaA541)inwroiSA iEAtAofi attierepa ApitT
0117 aril cc tva to„Ninci.
t?, ew.4
=,. -,;441.ft?
PAGE 292
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
After the collapse of the In ar effort, all the Kossuth
notes were gathered by the Austrian imperial military
forces; all without a clause of redempton in Austrian
currency were burned in public.
During this "Freedom War" Kossuth issued approxi-
mately 60 million silver florin in various types of paper
The Hungarian Government minted coins, too, in gold,
silver and bronze, in very small quantities.
Bangladesh Deceivers
Illustrated here are some of the Bangladesh notes de-
scribed by M. Tiitus in PAPER MONEY No. 51.
Taka—First Issue: Map, brown, green, orange.
1 Taka—Second Issue: Handful of grain, violet, lavender, gold.
Coat-of-arms on the back.
1 Taka—Third Issue: Girl working, purple, green, gold. Hand
ful of grain and arms on the back.
TWO P 0 1;),A No..
B Y a 3, a lit of tbe Colony ofNito-Tori, tiM Biz. all lit
rt.( bved in all Payment, its sr",
for TWO POUNDS,..,
Fey 'IN
Paper Money PAGE 293
(From time to time under this title will be printed photo-
graphs or identification of notes which have some puzzling
aspect and about which information is sought from the
membership. Please address comments to the Editor.)
How Many Varieties?
PPARENTLY there are several varieties of the two
pounds notes of New York dated February 16.
1771. The cataloguer of the Colonial Collection
in the Altman-Hafner Sale, Pine Tree Auction Company,
Inc., April 28, 29, 30, 1975, counted two of them in that
sale: Lots 354 and 355. Not counting the color of the
serial numbers, the dfferences are in the type-set por-
tion of the notes and could result from the printer not
having had enough types of a single style to make the
bottom row of stars all of the same design.
Lot 354 has no comma after February in the date and
a bottom border of stars; 26 have 12 points and one
(number 21. under the D in Death) has only eight.
Lot 355 has a comma after February and a bottom bor-
der consisting only of 12-pointed stars. The cataloguer
notes that Newman does not list two varieties for that
note, and acknowledges that that might lead to the pre-
sumption that one is counterfeit; but, not knowing which
to condemn, states that until further evidence appears
both may be accepted as varieties of the genuine.
In The Early Paper Money in America, first edition,
Newman does not cite a counterfeit of the £2 note of
February 16, 1771. although the other six denominations
of that issue are noted as having been extensively counter-
feited. So, strictly by that book, an argument can be
made for varieties of genuine notes.
Kenneth Scott, in Counterfeiting in Colonial New
York, quotes a contemporary newspaper as stating, ". . .
it appears that every Denomination of the said Bills,
have been counterfeited: . . ." That report described a
false ten-shilling bill and said, ". . . in general it may
be observed that the true Bills are printed with Printing
Types, the Counterfeits with Copper-plate, the Letters of
which are disproportioned in Size and Shape, and stand
irregularly, easily discernible by nice inspection." Scott
mentions counterfeits of other values but has no citation
of a false two-pound note of the February 1771 emis-
A third two pounds note, serial No. 36295. has no
comma after February, and has a bottom border entirely
of 8-pointed stars. Is this note beyond the pale, or is
it just another variety? And. how many varieties can
be justified?
Varieties of this kind can be caused by the method of
printing the notes. The text is set in type with stereo-
type designs at the top and sides; the whole being letter-
press printed. If the printed sheet contained several
denominations of notes, fewer stars would have been
needed for the bottom border. suggesting fewer varie-
ties than might have been the case if the entire sheet
was made up of notes of one denomination. With an
entire sheet of two pounds notes more stars would be
needed, and if the printer ran short of 8- or 12-pointed
stars, the other might have been substituted to fill out
the form. If an uncut sheet were known, the position
of each variety might be learned. Knowledge of the
numbering system might also provide a clue if a suffi-
cient quantity of the notes survive to be compared.
Newman's catalogue states the issue of two pounds
denomination was limited to 5,000 notes. With serial
numbers running beyond 36,000 it is apparent there
were many later printings to provide replacements. The
later printings were probably reset from new type, pro-
viding the opportunity to substitute available stars for
others worn badly in earlier printings.
The unknown factors to be resolved concerning the
two-pound notes of New York dated February 16, 1771,
are the determination of the number of varieties of the
genuine that exist, whether or not the issue was counter-
feited, and the distinguishing characteristics of all true
and false notes.
"One Signature" Obsolete Notes
A query from Larry Sanders about the reason for a
$1 Stonington (Conn.) Bank 1831 bank bearing one sig-
nature only brought the following response from George
"Usually a collector encounters notes that are fully
signed (and were not paid) or remainder notes that were
not signed at all. My theory is that since two signatures
were required and sometimes both the cashier and the
president were not in office at the same time, each one
signed notes in anticipation of use by the other. In other
words, if a prospective borrower came in to see either
of those officers, the one making the loan had merely
to sign the required number of notes previously signed
by the other officer. Aside from the Stonington Bank,
the most commonly encountered "one signature" notes
seem to be of the State Bank of New Brunswick, N.J."
Pt • IR 6111-A, IL f•II-at.1111,11E
Bin Of
TOE Ell,
011111A1 Bin
17.4 ' i 1 . • inilLIAIBPii
49A •
Alrx■rti *v. o' iacAciTIT:riVT
„, 414 ::
THE FIRST 91101172P
,,, BS
- 6000502E
nutovem or. Iscur.rto
TEN 1101,1Altili
PAGE 294
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
More Nevada Bank Notes Recently Reported
A. $20 small-size note on the Nevada First National Bank of
Tonopah. Only 92 sheets were printed. This note was
found by Edward B. Hoffman and is only the second small-
size note to be reported on this bank; the other is a $10
shown in the "Nevada Sixteen" publication. On the re-
verse side is a rectangular stamp in faded purple ink read-
C. This is the first small-size $10 note of the First National
Bank of Winnemucca to come to our attention; 1404 sheets
of this value were printed.
B. Reverse of the note shown in "A". The note may have
found its way to Ireland during World War II, carried
there by an American. A key to the identity of the owner
may be the black inked signature of J. P. Briody.
D. Although both the $10 and $20 type 2 notes have been
reported for the Ely National Bank, charter 9310, the above
$10 type 1 is the first we have come across. We are
indebted to Vernon Oswald for bringing both this and the
Winnemucca notes to our attention.
Four Interesting California Varieties
E. The First National Bank of La Verne, originally chartered
during 1909 as the First National Bank of Lordsburg,
changed its title on Nov. 9, 1917. There were two ship-
ments of type 1 small-size notes but they differed in the
bank titles. The first shipment, as shown here, had the
title spaced correctly—LA VERNE.
F. On the second shipment of notes to the First National Bank
of La Verne, the name was incorrectly spaced as LAVERNE.
. E005704A
1 3 87 7 A002575
Wal PAY TO P.. SWIG ON 13(10013
A002575 13877
Fkr1111111C TINIIMPLalalt.ft '
p4011 WOO PO
. .
RIC/101011D. VP..
, •
.•••••c- m.o.( ••••ec. mm•••,,iiie.:,:••••.x.....31 ,110171.6.111L_.11NtwoMMAC-.7.11.00=1111610 ■•••••••••••=-7/11X 4•714C 7•1•Kilk••=711.1...11C.2.46.411C ,•••■.•
••c?- -•
o •To l'Iff: fl'itutin ov L",7 • • • a-•••,•• •• -•---i—iii- — $ •:77 /2 . 1 ;
, ,... -,4--P .4.44,2,1,7-f-d ,;-. -t-ri-
• • . • • •
'''...;.7.--.---.-7.7.7----1) 0 LLAit S I
"-- . ,
NO. 869, U. M. W. of A.
j . , ..., )
• •
Bo ONE. 10\VA 7P1•08:
• •
•tit.I. ...- NR:‘,01,,LA ,,,,. at >\, l'41- LT'leti.1g
41011C..101,4•7•C71••,00•IC MI•PPP00F7•Tid•PP•C'7••K -•PP•CM•••VSP•C'_11040, .... 700P ,1000C '70 14 P. -0+0,C .7•C•010•CY10•0 3,1C. ..7 ,0pe 0.10/C .111PR 081C-
•• • • ••• • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •
•• • BOoN3D,Jo.A.ATA
• • • • • • •
••••• •
- .193 '-4. I '
Paper Money PAGE 295
C. When the Oilfields National Bank of Brea, charter 13001,
liquidated in March, 1934, it was succeeded by a newly
titled bank—the Oilfields National Bank in Brea and was
granted charter 13877.
H. The Oilfields National Bank in Brea: Federal regulations
necessitated a change in the name of the reorganized bank.
This was achieved by substituting the word "in" for "of."
BRENT HUGHES "Chats About Cheeks"
Like most things in our economy, bank checks have been subjected to a tax at various times.
To help finance the Civil War, a tax of 2c was imposed on each check, with payment proved by
pasting on a special stamp. Imposed in 1862, this tax was not repealed until 1882. It was again
imposed in 1898 to finance the Spanish-American War. Check collectors have long been familiar
with the various stamps used for this purpose, and many people specialize in this field.
But few people remember that a similar tax was imposed during the great Depression of the
nineteen-thirties. This time, however, no adhesive stamp was used. Instead the bank simply charged
the customer for the tax and passed the proceeds on to Uncle Sam. In some cases the bank used a
rubber stamp to indicate that the tax had been paid, as shown on this check of The Citizens National
Bank of Boone, Iowa.
and trmarrei
thr filtt
st,*+: o it t r 'r!' •
UNE rtoitAft,
AR / 7
StAtrli of INDIANA
At fort Mani *outban (rn
y wrontAit,
the fork Illaunt 5'onthern itaIL iii (ro.
FortWayne SouthernRailRoadC?
PAGE 296
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
The Fort Wayne & Southern
R. R. Co.
The Railroad That Never Laid a Rail
JOHN STUDEBAKER of Bluffton, Indiana and DavidHaines of Muncie first proposed building a railroadfrom Fort Wayne to Muncie and then on to Louis-
ville, Kentucky. They were apparently successful in their
initial endeavour as on Jan. 15, 1849 the Fort Wayne
and Southern Railroad Co. was incorporated under the
laws of Indiana. Twenty-five men were named in the
incorporation papers as officers. The capital stock of the
new corporation was $500,000, with the option of
increasing it to $750,000 if required. Shares were to
be issued in denominations of $25 each.
Very little is known about the corporations's oper-
ations during its short existence, as there are no records
to research. We do know that the road was surveyed
and some property was purchased. One source says
that 63.51 miles of grading and construction work was
done. In those days, the railroads paid for property
and labor by scrip, paper money or stock issues. I have
seen in a friend's collection a certificate for four shares
of stock, par value of $25 each. The man named on the
certificate lived near Fort Wayne along the route of the
road, so this stock could have been for a land purchase;
labor was usually paid for in scrip or paper money.
Seven notes were issued by this "railroad." The first
issue was dated Sept. 8, 1854. These "deer notes", so-
called because of the center vignette, are categorized as
scrip and are very rare. They were issued only in $1,
$3, and $5 denominations.
The second issue consists of notes dated Oct. 2, 1854
and printed by Toppan, Carpenter & Co. of Cincinnati.
There are two types of the one-dollar: Type A and
Type B, with these distinguishing letters found at the
right of center just below the word "Indiana." Type B
is the scarcer. Like the first issue, the second was
released in the $1, $3 and $5 denominations only. All
the paper of both issues was signed by D. Thomas,
Secretary, and W. Coleman, President.
It is believed that this corporation lasted only a year
or two and then went bankrupt. However, the sheriff's
sale was not held until Jan. 20, 1866, about twenty
years later. It is definitely known that the Fort Wayne
and Southern did not lay one rail on the line from Fort
Wayne through Muncie to Louisville. Therefore, this
definitely was "the railroad that never laid a rail."
Interestingly enough, the inscription at the top of the
scrip reads "States of Indiana and Kentucky," while
that on the second issue states "incorporated by the
States of Indiana and Kentucky." The promoters had
intentions of being a veritable "Southern Railroad", it
After the sheriff's sale of 1866, seven other bank-
ruptcies, mergers and foreclosures brought the line down
to the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railway System.
The first issue—the so-called "deer notes"
The second issue, $1, Types A and B
rtWayne SouthernRaillittailC.
Paper Money PAGE 20
The second issue, $3 and $5
That was a merger by the Van Sweringen brothers of
Cleveland and was known as the "Nickel Plate Line."
A few years ago the Nickel Plate merged into the Norfolk
& Western, which is running over the territory now, so
somewhere along the way the rails were laid!
All seven of these notes are very desirable obsolete
paper money collector's items. I know of only four sets
of the first issue in the state of Indiana. which indicates
their rarity. As for the stock. it's like some of my pur-
chases on the New York Stock Exchange the past few
years—worthless. I don't give investment advice, but
it would appear that the Fort Wayne and Southern Rail-
road would have been a poor investment, as it was bank-
rupt within two years of organization.
Indiana State Laws, General & Local, 33rd Session, 1848-
The Nickel Plate Story, by John A. Rehor
The Nickel Plate Road, by Taylor Hampton
Special thanks to Donald A. Schramm, L. D. Beaver, Dr.
Jack M. Vorhies, Howard B. Morris and the Muncie,
Indiana; Lima, Ohio; and Fort Wayne, Indiana His-
torical Societies.
Federal Reserve Corner
THE new Series 1974 Federal Reserve dollars havenow appeared in all 12 districts. Minneapolis was
the last one, and in the larger districts several new
blocks have appeared. Of course, the "A" suffix has
shown up for all districts, but we also have the following:
B-B. B-C. B-D. C-B. E-B, F-B, F-C. G-B, and L-B.
For the record, there have been a great many different
-groups" of COPE produced notes, which are mainly for
New York, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and San
Francisco. However, production has been mainly for
New York and there are a large number of breaks with-
in the range of serials, which make for very interesting
The star notes for the Series 1974 are also quite un-
usual. Only six districts have been printed. as of July
31, 1975. Not a single district (so far I has a starting
point of 00000001, but all were printed in the last process.
where a block ends ( the 25.000th brick). In this
printing the upper left quadrant of the sheet ( A 1 thru
H 11 contains regular notes, while the other three quad-
rants, with serial numbers starting at 00 160 001 *, com-
plete the 20,000 sheet run.
We find that for districts New York, Philadelphia,
Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, and San Francisco the star
notes all start with serial number 00 160 000* and end
with the listing as follows for the different districts:
First printing for New York ends with B 01 280 000 *:
but the second printing starts with B 01 440 001 * to B
02 560 000 *: and third printing with B 02 720 001 * to
B 03 200 000*. To date only these New York stars
have appeared on the scene (and from the first group).
Philadelphia ended the first run with C 00 640 000 *,
and the same ending was found for both Richmond. At-
lanta. and San Francisco. Chicago ended with G 01
920 000 *.
Reports of these stars will be appreciated as they come
on the scene. For the record, the hard-to-find Minne-
apolis $1 stars, Series 1969 B, are starting to appear in
the Series 1974 notes. There was an adequate printing,
and with everyone on the "watch", there should be
enough to go around at reasonable prices. In this in-
stance, it will pay to wait a while and not pay an
exhorbitant price!
The regular "syngraphics" press will carry listings of
the COPE printings, and for those interested, this is a
very fertile field and brings a real challenge to the col-
lecting of our current notes.
Your comments and reports always are welcome. I
regret that I was unable to attend ANA. but have had
some really glowing reports of our banquet, speaker,
etc. They are always GREAT! See you next issue!
P. 0. Box 36
Greenville, Miss. 38701
PAGE 298
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
The $2 Educational Note
A tong Creation and A Quick Death
"To most men the beauty of a United States note de-
pends less on the artistic value of the picture engraved
upon it than on the size of the plain number stamped
upon its face".
THIS quotation from a report in the New York Heraldof January 13, 1895 would come to haunt the fam-
ous "Educational Series' . of 1896 and its truth
prove to be both their demise and that of the future of
artistically attractive United States currency.
The series of 1896 Silver Certificates, better known to
most syngraphists as the "Educational Series," is prob-
ably the best known and one of the most popular issues
of all United States paper money, and well it should be.
The beautiful allegorical designs of every note in the
series, which distinguish them from every other U.S.
issue, along with a relatively short circulation life, have
created a mystique which has added to the collector
appeal. No other issue of United States currency has
received more criticism at issue or more praise today
than these notes.
This article will deal with the $2 note, which perhaps
had more problems during design and plate manufacture
than the other two notes of the series I three if you
count the unissued $10).
In 1893, when Thomas F. Morris reported to the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing as its Chief of En-
graving, the artists who would submit the designs for
the new issue of Silver Certificates had already been
chosen. The subjects for the new notes had also been
somewhat determined in a general sense. but had not
yet been laid out in design.
The artists had been chosen by the Treasury Depart-
ment not by open competition, but by their prominence
in the field of art. The Treasury Department chose this
method of designer selection because it was felt that
experienced artists could do a better job of creating the
allegorical designs for the new certificates. The fee
paid these artists was $800 a design.
Will H. Low was selected to design the $1 and $2
denominations, Walter Shirlaw the $5 and $10, and
Edwin Howland Blashfield the $50 certificate. All of
these artists had proven records in the field of allegorical
painting. In the end. however, it would be Thomas F.
Morris who would have the major hand in the final de-
The choice of Will H. Low for the $1 and $2 designs
had been influenced by the fact that he and Edwin Blash-
field had been working on decorative murals for the
new Library of Congress, Mr. Low was very happy
to receive the commission for designing two of the new
Silver Certificates. He saw the move by the Treasury
Department as one to "better the quality of designs on
our paper currency," as a chance to "put a work of art
in the hands of every man who buys a loaf of bread."
He also realized the design must be practical and meet
Treasury Department standards. These standards were
imperatives of bank note design which would prove to
be the major factor in both design problems and friction
between Mr. Morris and the artists.
The major function of paper money is not to display
art but to be a medium of exchange. To be a successful
medium of exchange it must meet the standards to com-
bat counterfeiting, which is the major reason currency
has art on it at all. Art is a deterrent to successful
counterfeiting. Too much art of the wrong kind can
lend itself to easing the counterfeiting process by mak-
ing changes in the design on counterfeit notes unrecog-
nizable, or better put. lost in the shuffle of design. Also,
too much art can upset the second standard, that of being
easily recognizable as to denomination. This last stan-
dard would prove to be a major complaint of the public
regarding the Educational Series.
With 25 years experience in banknote design I Ameri-
can Banknote Company and other prominent private
banknote companies ), Thomas F. Morris knew that
mural art had to be reduced to note size without too
much distortion and also had to conform to the tech-
niques of engraving. transfer, and plate manufacture.
This all had to be accomplished without changing the
original design. Mr. Morris realized the difficult posi-
tion in which he was. He would be between artists and
their intended designs, and the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing's "musts" for currency production.
,-,-;■! \I
Paper Money PAGE 299
Will. H. Low's design for the $2 note was not used;
instead Edwin H. Blashfield's $50 design was substituted
for this denomination. Probably one critical factor in
favor of the Blashfield design being used for the $2 de-
nomination was a letter written by Alfred Jones to
George F. C. Smillie.
Alfred Jones was probably one of the most respected
and admired late 19th century engravers, staying at the
top of his field for more than forty years. One of his
best known pieces of work was the engraving of the
1887 Franklin one-cent stamp designed by Thomas F.
George F. C. Smillie was a long-time friend of Thomas
F. Morris and came to the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing with his high recommendation as a pictorial and
portrait engraver. During the design and engraving
period for the new certificates, Mr. Smillie and Mr. Mor-
ris had many disagreements, partly because Morris
felt that Claude M. Johnson, Chief of the Bureau, valued
the opinion of Smillie more than his own on design
problems and ideas. Also, Smillie had tended to side
with the artists when Morris had differences with them.
The above-mentioned letter dated April 3, 1895, ex-
pressed Jones' admiration for the Blashfield design of
the $50 note. In the letter he stated that "it would be
a pleasure to engrave the one (the $50 design) I saw
on his easel today." This letter probably prompted
Smillie to suggest to Johnson that the $50 design be
placed on the $2 denomination. I personally feel that
the letter, along with the facts that Low had already
designed the new $1 note, that it had been decided to
hold production on a new $50 note, and that both
Blashfield and Morris respected the opinions of Alfred
Jones, led to the $50 design being placed on the new
$2 Silver Certificate.
We find however, in a letter dated April 18, 1895, from
Blashfield to Smillie, that Blashfield strongly opposed
the change in denomination of his design. He stated
that his pyramid design would become unbalanced with
a change from a double denomination (50) to a single
digit denomination (2). He did write that a change
to a 10 or 20 was feasible and would not upset the bal-
ance of the composition. The letter went on to say
that if a change were made to a $2 then it would not
be his design compositionally and he could not endorse
it. Blashfield's letter continues:
"I cannot now insist too emphatically upon the artistic
principle that figures and groups cannot be considered
as separate from numerals, labels and other integral
portions of a note; there must be absolute interdepen-
dence or you will not have a good design. Certain
changes within certain limits, it would be always pos-
sible to make so that an artist could furnish a design
which could at will be suited to three or four different
denominations if the need arose but the limits would
"I am sorry to occasion delay but delay seems to me
better than an imperfect design."
In a letter dated June 23, 1895, from Blashfield to
Smillie, he sends his recommendations for the locations
of the seal, signatures and serial numbers and once
again speaks of denomination:
The original design for the $2 note by Will H. Low.
The Blashfield design for the $50 Educational Note
which, in the end, was used for the $2 denomination.
"In what I hope will be full satisfaction of the count-
ing necessity, I have placed two numerals in the upper
corners in shields. I have used fifties simply because
it was all I could think of. I have declined the two as
you know and I do not wish to in any way infringe upon
the wishes of Shirlaw, and if he admits a change to
a ten it will be easy for the Bureau to change the
numeral. Otherwise I hope my note will be reserved
till later."
(Note: Shirlaw was originally chosen to design the $10
Eventually however, Blashfield had a change of mind
and his $50 design was used for the new $2 note. This
was the first of a long line of problems to come con-
cerning the new $2 Silver Certificate. There were prob-
lems with leafage design being too small, borders being
too dark and bold, shading too dark and incorrectly
done, scrollwork and corner design lacking, and too
much lettering. Morris, noting that Blashfield was not
a banknote designer but an artist, went to Johnson with
that argument and his own proposed design for the
face surrounding Blashfield's vignette. Johnson pre-
sented the design to Blashfield, but the artist was very
much opposed to Morris making the design. Johnson.
however, told him that the design he had so far presented
was unsatisfactory and that if he could not come up
with something better, then they would use the Morris
design. He went on to say that the vignette was beau-
tiful but as in the case of the Shirlaw design for the
$5 note, they had let Shirlaw have his way with the
borders and he kept piling on the color until it was
too - dark. The design thus- - had.' to . be done all_ over
again, but if they had listened to Morris' suggestions
about the borders, it would have been all right. - He
did not want the same thing to happen to the $2 design.
PAGE 300
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 60
Finally Blashfield accepted the Morris design for the
borders, but he asked Johnson if he could take it to
the studio to use as a pattern and see what he could
come up with. When Morris heard this he objected,
saying that Blashfield just wanted to use his design and
take the credit for it. Johnson decided to go ahead and
let Morris finalize the design for the $2 face.
The finalized design for the face of the $2 Series of
1896 Silver Certificate consisted of five female figures
representing "Science Presenting Steam and Electricity
to Industry and Commerce." It was engraved by Charles
Schlecht and George F. C. Smillie. The back bore the
portraits of Robert Fulton and Samuel F. B. Morse,
probably engraved by Lorenzo Hatch. The remainder
of the back was designed by Thomas F. Morris. Even
at the time of issue Morris was still unhappy about the
light and shade on the face of the note, but wishing to
avoid a confrontation with Mr. Johnson he ignored the
In the end we find that Blashfield was extremely happy
with the finished product. In a letter dated January
28, 1896, after the issue of the $2 note, he expressed
his gratitude for the cooperation of the Bureau and
praised it for the engraving work. He closes with a
postscript asking if it would be possible for the Bureau
to supply him with a proof of the note.
From the day of issue the $2 as well as the other
two denominations of the new Silver Certificates received
an unfavorable reception. An article from the August
7. 1896 issue of the New York World stated that the new
$2 and $5 Silver Certificates would be released to the
public on Monday August 10th. and described Blash-
field's design as "five partly nude females in graceful
poses" (this had been one of the fears of Thomas Mor-
ris—that the public would feel that the figures were too
scantily clad).
Other problems soon came to light: The different de-
nominations were too hard to recognize. One denomina-
tion could be easily mistaken for another, particularly
in the case of the $2 and $5. The public as well as the
newspapers blamed this on the fact that the notes had
too much design as well as engraving. Another com-
plaint was that the new certificates were not nearly as
durable as other issues. They wore out too quickly
and after they were folded a number of times and car-
ried in a pocketbook they were easily torn. Bank em-
ployees complained that the creases and wear made it
almost impossible to read the numerals.
The Brooklyn Eagle had still further observations and
complaints. It stated that the notes were so over-en-
graved that they were easily counterfeited. It pointed
out that the more simply designed issues of the past
were much better for use in transactions and much
harder to counterfeit.
There was great pressure on Secretary of the Treasury
Carlisle from banks, businesses, and the general public
to withdraw the notes from circulation. In response
to the public outcry he set plans in motion for the Bureau
to correct the major problems of over-black faces and
insufficient light and shadow contrast. Because of the
just-completed national elections, he decided to leave
the fate of the new notes to the new, incoming Secretary
of the Treasury, Lyman J. Gage.
Thomas Morris had at other times been commissioned
to make revisions, but none gave him the satisfaction as
that of redoing a whole new series of currency. The Wash-
ington Times of May 1. 1897, stated that new plates were
currently being made at the Bureau to remedy the
problem of the notes being printed too dark and the
number too indistinct. But, the same day the Phila-
delphia Inquirer stated that the notes would be called in.
On May 3rd a Washington news release to all metropoli-
tan newspapers was headlined, "Gage Cancels Certifi-
cates." and then went on:
"Secretary Gage has determined to cancel the new one-
dollar, two-dollar, and five-dollar silver certificates out-
standing as they come into the Treasury. The total
foots up $16,280,000 in ones, $8,144,000 twos, and
$30,000,000 fives-$54,424,000 in all. It may take years to
wipe out the entire issues and substitute bills.
"It can be said authoritatively, however, that no more
of the so-called 'new certificates' will be printed.
"Neither will fresco painters be called in to make designs
for the substitutes. The Bureau of Engraving and
Printing had been endeavoring to force these certifi-
cates into circulation."
Engraver's proofs of the progressive steps taken to
reach the final design. These proofs were offered for
sale in the auction of the Thomas F. Morris, II collec-
tion by William P. Donlon (see March/April issue of
Paper Money page 82).
As a eulogy to these beautiful notes, I offer the fol-
lowing words from Thomas F. Morris, II's book entitled
The Life and Work of Thomas F. Morris 1852-1898:
"In retrospect it seems just to attribute to the artists
themselves a heavy share of the responsibility for the
failure of the silver certificate issue. As talented and
widely recognized authorities in fresco painting the
artists thought it unnecessary to study the miniature
medium in which rich designs in oil must ultimately
appear, and the processes by which they were produced.
V Eit
S 09040785 C
S 46789096 C
-01,11...avoNsets.*To OKTISNO,
M.4.1120.15,1".3,110,11% Dr.,111..1i
S 714671965 C
Paper Money PAGE 301
In the case of the 1896 certificates the artists not only
rejected the counsel of a bank note designer who knew
production techniques; they actually insisted on adapt-
ing the bank note to their esthetic standards, oblivious
to the pitfalls in engraving, transfer, and printing.
Enamored of the beauty of their designs, they acted
as if people were going to stand around admiring them,
as they would a mural, rather than put them to use in
the market place."
Today the 1896 Educational Notes hold a place in
stature and beauty that no other issue of U. S. currency
can claim. Prices for specimens climb higher and high-
er with each passing year (see March/April 1975 issue
of PAPER MONEY page 82). Where will it end? My
guess is it will not. The future is today bright for the
1896 Certificates and holds many record-breaking prices
for this issue. In any condition the notes are a good
investment, a beautiful piece of workmanship, and quite
a conversation piece in the world of paper money his-
tory and collecting.
1. Morris, Thomas F., II, The Life and Work of Thomas
F. Morris 1852-1898, 1968.
2. Hessler, Gene, The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S.
Paper Money, Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illi-
nois, 1974.
3. Donlon, William P., Mail Bid Sale of the Thomas F.
Morris, II Collection, 1974.
Letters and photographs reprinted with permission
of The Essay-Proof Society.
They must have liked him. They used him for about
He was used for the most famous experimentals of
all, the "R" and "S" issue.
He changed his blue seal for a wartime issue of brown.
They tacked the surcharge HAWAII on his back and
sent him to circulate in the Pacific.
About the only thing they didn't do with him was to
mule his plates, but he was a bit far back in the pack
for that to happen.
Yes, they issued him into regular production also.
Probably a Westerner, as he's found on several of the
"short snorter" notes picked up in the Pacific during
He's a most interesting block—the $1 Silver Certificate
1935A SC block!
He had 1,184,000 notes issued of the Experimental
"R" for regular paper content, and another 1,184,000
of the Experimental "S" for special that signified the
paper content being tested. Then he had 15,000,000
printed with the brown seal HAWAII used throughout
the Pacific—much more than any other block; about
40% of HAWAII's are in the SC block.
This left him with 82,632,000 for regular circulation,
minus the error notes replaced by star notes. Surely
not a short-run issue, but today he is a bit difficult to
find in any grade.
It's significant that he's the ONLY block that carries
his own identity SC for Silver Certificate Maybe that's
why they liked him so much. . . .
He's my choice for the Type note in the Silver
Multicolored Money for U. S.?
At the- 1975 ANA convention, James A. Conlon, Director
of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, said in regard
to multicolored currency: "We have done much research
and experimentation, but we have not produced any de-
signs, simply working models."
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