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Table of Contents
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
VOL. XL, No. 1
What's The Best Way
To Sell Your Paper Money Collection?
,1;;/1, , ;
The best way to sell your collection is to consign it to
someone you trust. Your currency collection probably took years
to acquire. Each purchase was thoughtfully considered, each note
carefully stored, and handled with respect. The sale of your collec-
tion should be accomplished in the same manner. Carefully, and
At Smythe, we care about our consignors, our bidders, and
our staff members. We don't misgrade your lots, or sell them long
after midnight, or during convention hours. We strongly support
the show organizers and local clubs that work hard to make
paper money shows successful, and we are proud that we have
consistently been selected as one of the Official Auctioneers of the
Memphis International Paper Money Show.
We illustrate every major note, using boxes or color where
appropriate. Each note is carefully graded and researched by our
nationally-recognized, full-time paper money experts.
Our rates are flexible and highly competitive. There are no lot
charges, photo charges or minimum charges on Federal Currency.
If you are thinking of selling, take advantage of the strongest
currency market we have seen in years, and take this opportunity
to showcase your better single items, or your entire collection, in
the next R. M. Smythe auction.
See Us At Close To 40 Shows This Year! We will be planning to attend almost every major numismatic
show, represented by Stephen Goldsmith, Douglas Ball, Kevin Foley, or Martin Gengerke. If necessary, we
will travel to see your collection. Call 800-622-1880 for further information.
Stephen uolasmen
26 Broadway, Suite 271, New York, NY 10004 •
2001 Auction Schedule
• January 18-21, 2001
• February, 2001
• March 1-2, 2001
• May, 2001
• June, 2001
14th Annual Strasburg Stock
& Bond Show & Auction,
Strasburg, PA.
Stock & Bond Mail Bid Only
Auction, New York, NY
Chicago Paper Money Expo
& Auction, Chicago, IL
Autographs & Coins Auction
New York, NY.
Memphis International
Paper Money Show & Auction,
Memphis, TN
To Consign, please call Stephen Goldsmith at 800-622-1880.
To Subscribe: Only subscribers can be fully assured of receiving
our fully-illustrated thoroughly-researched catalogues. Do you
need to check on the status of your subscription? Call Marie Alberti
at 800-622-1880 or 212-943-1880. A one year subscription to all
RMS catalogues is $87.50 ($125 overseas). Other subscription
plans are available. Call today for further information.
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper
Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage is
paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address
changes to Secretary Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box
793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941.
CD Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2001.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in
whole or in part, without express written permis-
sion, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY
are available from the Secretary for $15 postpaid.
Send changes of address, inquiries concerning
non-delivery, and requests for additional copies of
this issue to the Secretary.
Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere
and publications for review should be sent to the
Editor. Accepted manuscripts will be published as
soon as possible; however, publication in a specif-
ic issue cannot be guaranteed. Include an SASE for
acknowledgment, if desired. Opinions expressed
by authors do not necessarily reflect those of the
Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper
only), double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins.
The author's name, address and telephone number
should appear on the first page. Authors should
retain a copy for their records. Authors are encour-
aged to submit a copy on a 3 1/2-inch MAC disk,
identified with the name and version of software
used. A double-spaced printout must accompany
the disk. Authors may also transmit articles via e-
mail to the Editor at the SPMC web site
( Original illustrations are pre-
ferred. Scans should be grayscale at 300 dpi.
Jpegs are preferred. Inquire about other formats.
• All advertising copy and correspondence
should be sent to the Editor
• All advertising is payable in advance
To keep rates at a minimum, all advertising must
be prepaid according to the schedule below. In
exceptional cases where special artwork or addi-
tional production is required, the advertiser will be
notified and billed accordingly. Rates are not com-
missionable; proofs are not supplied.
Advertising Deadline: Copy must be received by
the Editor no later than the first day of the month
preceding the cover date of the issue (for example,
Feb. 1 for the March/April issue). With advance
approval, camera-ready copy, or electronic ads in
Quark Express on a MAC zip disk with fonts sup-
plied, may be accepted up to 10 days later.
Space 1 time 3 times 6 times
Outside back cover $375 S990 $1800
Inside cover 315 825 1500
Full page 250 660 1200
Halt page 125 330 600
Quarter page 65 165 300
Eighth page 35 85 150
Requirements: Full page, 42 x 57 picas; half-page
may be either vertical or horizontal in format.
Single-column width, 20 picas. Except covers,
page position may be requested, but not guaran-
teed. All screens should be 150 line or 300 dpi.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper cur-
rency, allied numismatic material, publications,
and related accessories. The SPMC does not guar-
antee advertisements, but accepts copy in good
faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable
material or edit copy.
SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo-
graphical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint that
portion of an ad in which a typographical error
occurs upon prompt notification. •
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 1
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XL, No. 1 Whole No. 211 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2001
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Information & Officers 2
President's Column: Welcome to SPMC's 40th Year 1961-2001 3
By Frank Clark
SPMC Thanks Our Sponsors and Patrons 4
Editor's Notebook 4
Society of Paper Money Collectors Celebrates 40 Years of Collecting/Camaraderie 5
By Bob Cochran
That's The Way It Was 8
By Hank Bieciuk
How the First Five SPMC Member Es Were Assigned 8
By George W. Wait
SPMC & TAMS Share STM & OPMC Heritage, Medal 10
By Dr. George Fuld
Many Early SPMC Members Still Active in Hobby and Society 11
Membership Milestones 15
How the SPMC Logo Came to Be 18
By Forrest Daniel and Brent Hughes
ABNCo Provides SPMC Members With Unique ID Cards 30
By Fred L. Reed III
Our Membership: Who Were We? Who Are We Now? 34
By Fred L. Reed III
Top Recruiters One Key to Society Growth 35
Society Magazine Paper Money Thrives for Four Decades 38
By Fred L. Reed III
A Society Tradition, Tom Bain Raffle Raises Funds and Fun 42
By Wendell WoIka
SPMC Publishing Efforts Span 34 Years, 20 Books
By Bob Cochran and Fred I.. Reed III
Just Who Was D.C. Wismer Anyway? 50
By Ted Hammer
1985: SPMC Sponsors Cherry Hill Show 58
By Bill Horton
Paper Money Salutes Longtime Advertisers 72
SPMC Salutes Longtime Members 82
A New Word For Our Fraternity 86
By Gene Hessler
Let's See What Hessler Says 86
By David Ray Arnold
Directories Controversial 87
SPMC Officers, 1961-2001 88
Compiled By Bob Cochran
Earlier Days of Collecting: Personalities and Occurrences 89
By Neil Shafer
Tucked Away Brown Back Is One of Life's Prizes 89
By Robert R. Andrews
Some Society Officers Chalked Up Lengthy Service 91
Sends His Regards 92
By Jeffrey L. Goodall
SPMC Award Winners and Honorees, 1961-2001 94
Compiled By Bob Cochran, Gene Hessler, George Tremmel & Fred L. Reed III
Society Honors Authors, Exhibitors, Recruiters and Workers 98
By Fred L. Reed
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit
organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It
is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association.
The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date infor-
mation about the SPMC and its activities can be found on
its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at
least 18 years of age and of good moral character.
Members of the ANA or other recognized numismatic soci-
eties are eligible for membership; other applicants should
be sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable ref-
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership
must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral
character. Their application must be signed by a parent or
guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preceded
by the letter "J" which will be removed upon notification
to the Secretary that the member has reached 18 years of
age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $24. Members in Canada and
Mexico should add $5 to cover postage; members through-
out the rest of the world add $10. Life membership—
payable in installments within one year is $500, $600 for
Canada and Mexico, and $700 elsewhere.
Members who join the Society prior to October 1
receive the magazines already issued in the year in which
they join. Members who join after October 1 will have
their dues paid through December of the following year;
they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine
issued in November of the year in which they joined.
Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper Money.
Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX
VICE-PRESIDENT Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 569,
Dublin, OH 43017
SECRETARY Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149,
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 361, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-0361
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-
Steven K. Whittield, 14092 W 115th St., Olathe, KS 66062
EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box
2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Richard J. Balbaton, P.O. Box 911, North
Attleboro, MA 02761
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant,
MO 63031
Hollander, 406 Vicluta PI, Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Whitfield, 14092 W. 115th St., Olathe, KS 66062
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX (803) 432-9958
Welcome to
40th Year
You have certainly noticed this is a
very special issue of Paper Money com-
memorating our 40th anniversary. Your
Editor, Fred Reed, had the initial idea
and I thought it made very good sense to
look back on our
first 40 years
before we go
much further into
the future. This is
a great time to
review our organi-
zation, and recog-
nize as many peo-
ple as possible
who have con
tributed to making SPMC so great over
the years. Also, the listing of SPMC
memorabilia, while no doubt incomplete,
was needed to keep track of our identity
as a numismatic organization. I consider
myself very fortunate to be your
President as we achieve this milestone.
Only paid-up members received this issue.
Additional copies may be purchased for $15 P/P
while they last. A limited edition of case bound,
sewn hard cover copies with gold foil stamped
covers may be ordered until Feb. 15 at $50 incl.
P/I. Make checks payable to SPMC and mail them
to the Editor.
I want to thank all of the contribu-
tors and advertisers. Your help made this
issue possible. Special thanks go to Bob
Cochran for delving through every issue
of Paper Money to compose a detailed his-
tory of SPMC, and to Fred Reed for
compiling statistical data and pulling
everything together. What monumental
tasks both of them pulled off?
Most of all, I want to thank our
membership for renewing their dues year
by year. Without you, there would be no
SPMC. Now, get ready to enjoy this
very special issue and relive the memo-
ries. I just wish that those members who
have passed on to bourse eternal could
share this moment with us.
Frank Clark, President
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Society Awards Have Taken a Number of Forms Over the Years
By David D. Gladfelter
SPMC Officers, Project Chairmen, Award Winners, 1961-2001
Compiled By Bob Cochran, Gene Hessler & Fred L. Reed III
SPMC Service Has Its Grins 106
By C. John Ferreri
Thanks to All the Members 106
By Donald L. Benson
A Trial Listing: Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia
Compiled By Fred L. Reed III
Money Mart
SPMC Privately Issued Souvenir Card by Mike Bean, facing
Three-Year SPMC Statement of Operations 132
Compiled by Mark Anderson, SPMC Treasurer
Remembering Early Paper Money Collectors I Knew
By Robert H. Lloyd
The Olden Days of Paper Money Collecting 134
By Steve Whitfield
Let's Take the Time to Record Some of These Happenings
By Roman L. Latimer
Remembering the International Branch of the SPMC Tree 136
By Peter Robin
Congratulations SPMC 136
By James N. Treadaway
Happy Anniversary SPMC 136
By David M. Sundman
Remembering 'Mr. In God We Trust': Matt Rothert 138
By Fred L. Reed III
How I Was Inspired to Seek to Put the Motto IGWT on Our Currency 140
By Matt Rothert Sr.
SPMC Helped Him Start Out, and Other Remembrancess
By Harry Jones, Bruno Rzepka, John A. Parker & Robert C. Wagner
The Big Spender 143
By Peter Huntoon
Longs to Make It to Memphis 144
By Ralph Osborn
=13 Was Lucky for Harry 144
By Harry J. Forman
Dealers With Whom I Have Dealt
By Dewitt G. Prather
Longtime SPMC Members Share Their Recollections
By Joe Lasser, Howard Schein, Robert Hendershott, Milton Friedberg, & Warren Henderson
Some Reflections on SPMC and Paper Money Collecting
By Larry Adams
The Early Days of SPMC
By Forrest W. Daniel
University Stint Led to Lifelong Affection for Things U.S. 150
By Harold Don Allen
Reminiscences Are Sweet for Many SPMC Vets
By Gary Hacker, Gene Hessler, John Glynn, Leon Bookman, & Q. David Bowers
History in Your Hand
By John T. Hickman
John Hickman Knew 'Itch Would Return'
By Toni Snyder
SPMC Supplied Me Info
By Lloyd Deierling
Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Salesman from Iowa?
By Ron Horstman
$120 to Baldy, $140 to Bushy, $120 to Baldy
By Tom Denly
SPMC Memories: Reminiscences of Some Ragpickers
By Wayne Homren, Frank Clark and Dennis Forgue
BEP Visit Led to Lifelong Paper Money Affair
By Nathan Goldstein II
Thanks for All the Memories & the Education
By Fred L Reed III
Magazine Brings Back Memories to Former Editor 158
By Barbara Mueller
Bill Donlon Was Memorable
By Charles Kemp
Advertiser Index
4 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC Thanks Our
Sponsors & Patrons
who helped us publish this
40th anniversary
commemorative issue
of Paper Money:
• Michael Bean • Spider Press Printing •
• Krause Publications • BNR Press •
• Alan Dorris & C. Vernon Valiance •
• European American Bank • Harlan J. Berk •
• Wendell Wolka • Lyn Knight • Dover Litho •
• J. Roy Pennell • Kagin's • Cliff Mishler •
• International Bank Note Society •
• Tom Denly • Len Glazer • Bruce Hagen •
• Currency Auctions of America •
• Fractional Currency Collectors Board •
• R.M. Smythe • Stanley Morycz •
• Allen Mincho • Dennis Forgue •
• Memphis Coin Club • Chet Krause •
• Remy Bourne • Hugh Shull • Fred Reed •
• Lowell Horwedel • Crutch Williams •
• Franklin Freeman • Mark Anderson •
• Carl Warner • John Parker • Arri Jacob •
• Scott Lindquist • Harold Don Allen •
• Frank Clark • Judith & Claud Murphy •
• Numismatic Bibliomania Society •
• Currency Club of New England •
• International Bond & Share Society •
• American Society of Check Collectors •
• Mansfield Numismatic Society •
• Currency Club of Chester County •
• David D. Gladfelter • Mauro Magnani •
• Ralph Osborn • Coin World • Pam West •
• Austin Sheheen • Peter Huntoon •
• Harry Jones • Steve Whitfield •
• Charles Parrish • Dallas Coin Club •
• N.B. Buckman • Peter Robin •
• C. John Ferreri • Forrest Daniel •
• Tim Kyzivat • Joe Gilio • Lee Quast •
• William Graham • DeWitt Prather •
• Currency Club of Long Island •
• Paper Money Collectors of Michigan •
• Eastern States Numismatic Association •
If this issue of Paper Money seems "full," that's because it
is. We're crammed to the gills with historical and commem-
orative insights into SPMC's four decades serving the paper
money collector. Although at 164 pages this is the largest
issue of our journal ever -- more than twice the size of the
largest previous issue, a double issue at that -- it could have
been larger still. The first time I laid it out, it was a whop-
ping 220 pages! I used every trick I knew to shoehorn that
content into the issue. If it seems cramped, you know I tried
my best not to "lose" anything in the transition.
Working on this issue made me repeatedly humble, rec-
ognizing the herculean efforts of so many of our outstanding
volunteer officers and members over the years. So many
individuals have contributed to SPMC's success, that any
compilation is bound to have overlooked deserving individu-
als. In our defense, we honestly opened up the pages of this
issue to the entire membership months ago.
I personally owe a great debt to Past President and
Secretary Bob Cochran for providing the lead story. Bob's
yeoman effort brings to life SPMC's many ups and fortunate-
ly few downs over the years. Additionally, Bob compiled the
basic lists of officers and award winners in this issue, helping
PM to recognize the efforts and contributions of many of
you. Bob wasn't alone, of course; dozens of others stepped
up to help your Editor in this task. I would thank especially
Frank Clark, Wendell Wolka, Steve Whitfield, Ron
Horstman, Gene Hessler, C. John Ferreri, Brent Hughes,
and Forrest Daniel, who repeatedly dug deeper to help ferret
out important but regrettably obscure details from our past.
A special tip of the hat is gratefully extended to Mike
Bean and Spider Press Printing, good friends to the Society
for many years, who donated the souvenir card you found
tucked into this issue. Additional plaudits are due to Beth
Deisher at Coin World, Ed Rochette at ANA, and Dave Kranz
at Bank Note Reporter for loaning photos. I would also thank
the readers who answered my call to share their reminis-
cences, their photos, and their memorabilia in this issue.
Your unique perspectives on our Society's history add much
to the story we have to tell.
The Society also owes gratitude to the generosity of
dozens of special friends and collector groups who purchased
commemorative ads to help finance this large issue. You are
listed at left. Thank you one and all. For the most part, you
are SPMC members too, and your dollars allowed our 50
authors space to bring out important aspects of SPMC's his-
tory. We also recognize the outstanding job our printer does
(and has done now for 18 years!). Dover Litho's owner Mike
Frebert and staff greatly contribute to our enjoyment of our
hobby each time they crank up the presses for Paper Money.
The Society's Board has other exciting plans percolating
for the remainder of its 40th anniversary year. So stay tuned
for details, but in the meantime feast on this issue. It should
occupy you for a while.
A carbon copy of the original Constitution and By-Laws of SPMC.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 5
Society of Paper Money
SPMC exists because a group of dedicated people worked
long and hard to make it happen. There is NO way I can do jus-
tice to every person who rightfully deserves mention in the space
allotted. For me personally, this was a wonderful trip through
great memories of nice people. If I've omit-
ted a significant event or failed to mention
someone who contributed to YOUR memo-
ries, the blank pages of future issues of Paper
Money are waiting for you to fill them.
The first issue of Paper Money, the
"Official Publication of Society of Paper
Money Collectors," is dated Winter, 1962.
On the first page is The President's Message;
in part, it reads:
"Long an elusive dream, the Society of
Paper Money Collectors is now a reality.
Conceived at the 1961 American
Numismatic Association Convention last
August, the Society has grown to the present
membership of 343. The 'Poor Relation' of
numismatics has finally begun to 'walk.'"
These were the words of Hank Bieciuk,
first President of SPMC, and also the first
Editor of Paper Money. This first issue was-
n't much, only 16 pages - a tentative
Constitution and By-Laws, three short arti-
cles, and no advertisements; most of the issue was a listing of the
Charter Members. But it was a start!
In order to do justice to the founding (and founders) of
SPMC, we must look back a few years before the 1961 ANA con-
vention in Atlanta, Georgia - our "Official" birthday!
Early Collectors
Even into the early 1950s, the number of serious collectors
of paper money (that we know of now) was quite small. The pio-
neers are familiar names to most of us: George Blake, Frank
Limpert, D.C. Wismer, Col. E.H.R. Green, William A. Philpott,
Jr., William P. Donlon, and of course, Albert A. Grinnell.
Another collector and pioneer researcher who is often overlooked
is Robert H. Lloyd, who contributed valuable information about
small size currency for successive generations of collectors.
Donlon recounted the sales of the Grinnell Collection by
Barney Bluestone during the period 1944-1946. Among the col-
lectors and dealers attending in addition to Donlon were Fred C.
Boyd, Herman Crofoot, Dr. Chandler, Robert N. Batt, Richard
Saffin, Harley Freeman, G.A. Siegwart, William C.L. Hoffman,
James Wade, Fred R. Marckhoff, and Jesse M. Taylor. Imagine,
the greatest collection of U.S. currency ever assembled auctioned
off to fewer than a dozen bidders!
Reference material was available, but incomplete. George
Note: When your Editor was planning this issue, and seeking an author to provide a Society history, one individual
sprang readily to mind. The likely candidate was not only an author of more than 100 previous articles in these
pages, but had been an active officer for many years. Looking back on the four exciting decades of our Society's his-
tory is Past President and longtime former Secretary Bob Cochran, who enthusiastically accepted the Editor's chal-
lenge. Drawing upon his many years of active membership, as well as conversations with oldtimc members, contem-
poraneous articles, and accounts in our journal, Paper Money itself, Bob spins an exciting chronicle of our past which
hopefully augurs an equally exciting future for our Society. -- Editor
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6 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Clockwise from near right: W.A. Philpott, J. Roy
Pennell , Art Kagin and with an employee in
1938, and Albert A. Grinnell were pioneers in
our hobby in the early days. Below: Vernon L.
Brown with youthful collectors at the Chase
Manhattan Bank collection in the 1950s.
Blake wrote U.S. Paper Money in 1908. This was
updated and augmented by Frank Limpert in
1948 with U.S. Paper Money Old Series, 1861-
1923. Wayte Raymond published the first edi-
tion of The Standard Paper Money Catalogue in
1940. Robert Friedberg published the first edi-
tion of his Paper Money of the United States in
1953, building upon the earlier works previously
mentioned. David C. Wismer's classic series of
articles about obsolete bank notes was serialized
in The Numismatist over a period of many years
in the 1920s and 1930s. Another scholar/
researcher, Dr. John A. Muscalus, published his
findings regarding obsolete notes and scrip in a
series of pamphlets and booklets.
STM & OPMC The First "Paper" Group -
(sort of)
As early as 1952, the idea of developing a
club for token and medal collectors was a topic of conversation
among James Curto, Max M. Schwartz, Maurice Gould, Dr.
George Fuld and Melvin Fuld. In October of 1960, some mem-
bers of the Middle Atlantic Numismatic Association met informal-
ly during that organization's annual show and discussed the possi-
bility of forming such a club. The idea "caught fire."
A meeting was scheduled for the Michigan State Numismatic
Convention in Detroit, to organize the new group. The meeting
took place on November 19, 1960. In attendance at the meeting
were James Curto, Lucy Kelly, Q. David Bowers, Clifford
Mishler, Harry Lessin, Joseph Lucas, Earl Rankhauser, Charles
N. Ricard, George D. Hatie, Thomas W. Fruit, Walter Minkle,
Jr., Ruth Hammel and Henry Spangenberger.
Mr. Curto presented a tentative outline of the purposes of
the proposed organization, which would welcome collectors of
"Tokens, Medals and Paper Money." The first slate of officers
contained some very familiar names, many of whom became char-
ter members of SPMC: President, Dr. George Fuld; Vice
President, James J. Curto; Second Vice President, Max M.
Schwartz; Secretary/Treasurer, Mrs. Lucy A. Kelly; Curator-
Historian, Clifford Mishler. The Board of Governors included
John Ford, Paul M. Fouts, Harley L. Freeman, Melvin Fuld, Paul
Hamm, and Art Kagin. Editor was Dr. George Fuld. Assistant
Editors were Nathan Eglit, Fred R. Marckhoff, Ralph Mitchell,
Eric P. Newman, Russell Rulau, and E. Ward Russell. Legal
Counsels were Ellis Edlowitz and Harry Lessin.
It was decided to incorporate as a non-profit organization
under the laws of the District of Columbia. Edlowitz and Lessin
were asked to draft a proposed set of by-laws, and to prepare the
paper necessary to pursue incorporation.
A recommendation to become a corporate mem-
ber of the ANA was accepted from the floor. An initi-
ation fee of $1 and annual dues of $2 were established.
A quarterly bulletin devoted to the objectives of col-
lectors of tokens, medals and obsolete currency of
colonial and modern America was proposed and
passed. The new Editor, George Fuld, asked for arti-
cles and manuscripts.
An "annual meeting" of the new organization was
scheduled to take place during the 1961 ANA show,
August 16-19, in Atlanta. At that time, it was hoped
that a bronze commemorative medal would be avail-
able to all the club's members. A silver version of the
medal would be available to each member by sub-
scription only, at a cost of $3.
The founding committee voted to contact the
ANA Board of Governors about establishing two
annual awards. These awards would be presented by
the organization at the ANA convention to honor the
best exhibits in the Token and Obsolete Paper
Currency categories. (This was done, and the ANA
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 7
Early on SPMC attracted visionary and dedicated paper money
enthusiasts including clockwise from above: Cliff Mishler and
Glenn Smedley, George Wait, Brent Hughes and Harry Forman,
Chet Krause and Charles Affleck; and (below) Hank Bieciuk, first
SPMC President/Editor.
established the D.C. Wismer Award for Best Exhibit of Obsolete
Paper Currency.)
The official name of the new organization was The Society
of Token, Medal and Obsolete Paper Money Collectors.
A Short Existence
The first issue of the Quarterly Bulletin of STM & OPMC
was dated April 1961, and
mailed to approximately
300 Charter Members. It
contained about six pages
of news (including most of
the details above), a two-
page reprint of a bibliogra-
phy of references about
tokens and medals, and an
eight-page installment by
Ralph A. Mitchell and
Russell Rulau entitled
"Embossed or Shell Store
The second issue of
the quarterly bulletin is
dated July, 1961. The Editor reported that the Society had
approximately 425 paid-up members. The proposed commemo-
rative medal was illustrated and described. The issue contained
the second installment of the article about embossed shell cards,
the first installment of an article about Vermont Colonial
Currency submitted by Ted N. Weissbuch, and other articles
about Hard Times, Alaska and Michigan tokens.
This would be the last issue of the Quarterly Bulletin of the
Society of Token, Medal and Obsolete Paper Money Collectors.
SPMC Created!
Even before the meeting which established STM & OPMC,
Glenn Smedley had planned and hosted an informal luncheon to
discuss the possibility of a separate paper money organization.
This meeting took place in 1960, during the ANA Convention in
8 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Boston. There was a fair amount of interest expressed by those
present (about a dozen collectors), and they agreed that they
would meet during the ANA convention the following year to
(hopefully) finalize the details of the new
In the meantime, all promised to
inform other paper money enthusiasts
about the planned meeting. Those pre-
sent for that first meeting were Hank
Bieciuk, James J. Curto, Glenn B.
Smedley, Dr. Julian Blanchard, and
George Wait. Bieciuk, Smedley and
Wait were paper money enthusiasts.
Blanchard was an active member of the
Essay-Proof Society, and a pioneer in the
research into bank note design and
engraving. Curto was primarily a token
specialist, but he was also an active collec-
tor of sutler and merchant scrip.
The 1961 ANA Convention was
held August 16-19 in Atlanta, Georgia.
The "unofficial host" of the convention
was Atlanta coin dealer Blaise Dantone.
One night during the show, the Dantone
family hosted a party of some 320 con-
vention-goers at their home. Glenn
Smedley had scheduled a meeting of
paper collectors to follow up on the
meeting in Boston the previous year.
Smedley was an ANA officer, and he
received an invitation to the Dantone
party. When he told Dantone that he had
scheduled a meeting of people interested
in starting a paper group, Dantone told
him, "Invite all your
paper money collectors
to the party and hold
your meeting here!"
Grover Criswell
told me that the meeting
to organize SPMC took
place in the basement of
Dantone's house. This
was confirmed some
years later by Matt
Rothert, who related the
following story in the
pages of this magazine:
"A meeting of all
the paper money collec-
tors who were interested
in starting an organiza-
tion was called for that
same evening. The for-
mation of such a group
had been discussed at the
ANA convention in
Boston the previous year,
and Blaise had asked that
the meeting be held in
his home.
"The outcome of
this meeting was the
appointment of a steer-
ing committee to draft the by-laws of this new organization, to be
named the Society of Paper Money Collectors. This committee
was composed of H.R. (Hank) Bieciuk of Kilgore, Texas, chair-
man; Dr. Julian
Blanchard, James J.
Curto, Eric P.
Newman and Glenn
Smedley. They were
to report back to the
collectors in atten-
dance. We all signed
a paper with name
and address, and we
became charter
"When Blaise
called the meeting
we found that there
were too many col-
lectors to sit in the
living room so he
asked us to go to the
basement playroom,
which was larger.
There were not
enough chairs in the
basement room, so I
obligingly decided to
sit on a small cocktail
table instead of a
chair. I weighed a
bit more than I do
now, and the table
could not hold me.
BANG! I went right on through to
the floor with one leg of the table
penetrating me in a most painful spot.
I limped (hobbled) over to a soft seat
and am surprised that I could remem-
ber the rest of the proceedings.
"After seeing a doctor I drove
home (to Arkansas) sitting on a 'rub-
ber donut,' which I still have as a
remembrance of the eventful day
when the Society of Paper Money
Collectors was formed."
The five men who attended the
meeting in Boston in 1960 were hon-
ored by the new organization. The
membership numbers assigned to
each were: (1) Hank Bieciuk, (2)
James J. Curto, (3) Glenn B. Smedley,
(4) Dr. Julian Blanchard, (5) George
W. Wait.
Positive reaction to announce-
ments of the new organization was
immediate. Applications for mem-
bership came from collectors who had
seen reports of the formation of the
new group. Others found out about
SPMC from people who had attended
the Atlanta gathering, or heard about
SPMC from fellow collectors or deal-
ers. Some of these new members
That's The Way It Was
By Hank Bieciuk, #1
In 1961 we met in Atlanta at the home of Blaise
Dantone, an Atlanta attorney. Our needs and desires were
cussed and discussed at length, but no one charged forward
to grab the reins and lead the charge. I had come to Atlanta
to introduce my book on Texas currency, and suddenly my
name was suggested and nominations ceased! At that point,
I was elected President and Editor of a non-existent organi-
zation and publication by acclamation. Lo and behold,
SPMC was born.
Amongst the duties of this new creation was the cre-
ation of a magazine, the publishing of it, finding contribu-
tors or articles, etc. Since I had full-time employment and
wrote a weekly column for Coin World, things were a bit
hectic. Somehow, the magazine and I both survived for
about two years when another Editor, Barbara Mueller,
took over.
I am quite certain that during this time some toes were
stepped upon and some egos were bruised. Such things do
happen, and we were no different than anyone else. Be that
as it may, many deserved recognition during this period.
Who was the "founding father" of the Society of Paper
Money Collectors? That is very difficult to answer! All I can
say is "that's the way it was."
--Adapted from Paper Money, Jan/Feb 1993
How the first five SPMC
member #s were assigned
By George W. Wait, #5, HM5, HLM5
The holders of the first five numbers were the men
who met during the 1960 ANA Convention in Boston to
explore a paper group. Glenn Smedley should really be
considered the father of the SPMC because prior to the
1960 ANA Convention, he wrote some of us and suggested
we get together at Boston to explore the possibility of an
organization. At the luncheon meeting were Messrs.
Bieciuk, Blanchard, Criswell, Smedley and Wait. At that
meeting we thought that someday we might have as many
as 200 members!
Doc (Julian) Blanchard and I assigned the first num-
bers. If I recall correctly, we offered #1 to Glenn Smedley
since it was his original idea, but he modestly declined with
the suggestion that the President and Vice President should
have first consideration. Tom Bain was not an original offi-
cer, but he was made Second Vice President after the merg-
er with the World Paper Money Club.
Believe me, the early years were rough and many times
our survival was in doubt, but we hung in, and now the
Society has exceeded all expectations. Doc would be
--Adapted from Paper Money, May/June 1986
9PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
40th Anniversary
J. Roy Pennell, Jr.
P.O. Box 836
Anderson, South Carolina
The Society OF Token, Medal &
Dr. George Fuld
P.O. Box 6047
Baltimore 31, Maryland
Nathan Eglit, Fred R. Marckhoff,
Ralph Mitchell, Russell Rulau,
E. Ward Russell.
Obsolete Paper Money Collectors
Wellcome to our first official publication. This bulletin has been delayed, but
I believe ell of you can understand some of our growing pains. In addition,
the editor is now en the publishing business, on bear with me. For a society
Dirac conceived many years ago, bot only launched five months ago, I believe
we have mndo impressive progress. Obviously we have made mistakes, we have hurt
some feelings and we're for from perfect--however only comments and participa-
lion from our members can steer us onto the right path. So let us hear your
gripes, suggestions (and compliments too, if there ore any). The objects of our
Society arc sec forth elsewhere—so no need to repeat them in no opening editor-
ial. But let me emphasise, or primary object is not personal gain in any form
for come selected individual.,
hot to help promote and dissemiaute information,
interest and literature in the general field of tokens, medals and obsolete
paper money or exonumia (a coined word to be discussed later). Although there
has been !MAW comment, both pro nod con on the inclusion of obsolete paper money
in the society, at this time it in the unanimoos feeling of the oro-tem board
members that it should be included in the realm and objects of the society. We
have published articles in Coin World, as all of you undoubtedly know, and fully
intend to publish articles in other journals besides Coin World, unless a d
cision to the contrary is reached at the first Annual meeting. All members of
the Society are now receiving Coon World, if anyone is nor--please let us know
immediately. We have reprinted acme articles from Coin World herewith, and if
there Is any demand from members for reprints of any articles, it will be done
in the next issues. Let me point out strongly, that all articles to far pub-
lished have been ones of r,•_ 1411e, in terest only. For instance w might have a
general article on game counters in one of the regular journals,
but detailed
cafal.ogs and valuations (if possible) will only be published in our quarterly
journal. foentmally, these detailed articles may he reprinted in book form,
such as nor sister society the American Vecturist Association has done (The
AVA'a ''Atwood Catalog of Transportation.Tokenc . ), But now, this is just in
formative stages. Articles in preparation will mentioned later in this issue--
let to sour suggestion. for others (ant of course volunteers).
Now on with the showt11 GJF
The ides of forming a Society for token and medal collectors was discussed many
Congratulations TAMS, it's uour 40th anniversary, too
SPMC & TAMS share STM & OPMC heritage, medal
By Dr. George Fuld, #344
As mentioned in our first bulletin, we are going to have a Society medal struck commemorating our first annual meet-
ing to be held in conjunction with the American Numismatic Association convention in Atlanta, Georgia, August 16-19,
A FREE copy will be mailed to each paid up member of the Society with the September bulletin. An artist's sketch of
the medal is shown herewith. It consists of an appropriate obverse, with a reverse designating the first annual meeting of
the Society, held in conjunction with the ANA convention in Atlanta.
The free medal will be struck in oxidized bronze. Members-only may order -- if they wish a silver specimen of the
medal, one only at $3 per copy.
All orders must be received by August 15, 1961 --
send them to the Secretary, Mrs. Lucy A. Kelly, 3410
Ford St., McKeesport, Pa. (To keep costs down, Mrs.
Kelly will NOT acknowledge orders -- your cancelled
check will be your receipt.)
The Society medal will
not be available to non-
The commemora-
was designed by the
Shawnee Hills Medal-
lists of Harrisburg, Ill. It
was conceived by Roy C.
Small, and executed by Robert
R. Barron, one of the staff's talented artists.
The medal will be struck thru the kind cooperation
of Mr. 'William Bryant of Wendell-Northwestern, Inc. of
--Adapted from STM&OPMC Quarterly Bulletin,
Vol. 1, No. 1(April, 1961) and Vol. 1, No. 2 (July, 1961)
Note: Size is 34 mm.
Mintage of the bronze
medal is estimated at 300
or so. Silver medal
mintage is unknown, but
George Fuld reported in
the Sept. 1961 issue of
TAMS Journal that "silver
medals ordered by the
members offset the total
cost of the bronze
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
came from the Society of Token, Medal & Obsolete Paper Money
Collectors. That group changed its name and continued opera-
tion. It is now known as the Token and Medal Society, which is
also celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.
Society Treasurer Glenn B. Smedley established the first
SPMC bank account in November, 1961, at Lawndale National
Bank of Chicago. SPMC was officially on its way!
During the Michigan State Numismatic Convention held in
Detroit in November of 1961, a meeting was held between offi-
cers of the new Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) and
The World Paper Money Club (WPMC). The topic was a
merger of the two groups. A mail vote was held, and the member-
ship of the WPMC approved the merger by nearly 100 per cent.
This merger was effective January 1, 1962. WPMC members
could join SPMC for only the $3 annual dues.
As part of the agreement, five members of WPMC became
members of the SPMC Board of Governors: Dr. Walter M.
Loeb, James Kirkwood, Dwight L. Musser, and Peter Robin.
Additionally, Thomas C. Bain became 2nd VP of SPMC, and
Musser became foreign paper money editor of SPMC.
The merger of the two groups at the end of 1961 left SPMC
with 343 Charter Members.
President Hank Bieciuk conducted SPMC's first official
meeting during the joint 1962 ANA and Canadian Numismatic
Association Convention in Detroit. A dealer from Kilgore (later
Dallas), Texas, Bieciuk specialized in obsolete notes. In addition
to being the Society's first President, he was also it's first Editor.
Approximately 100 members attended the Society's first
annual meeting in Detroit. Six new board members were elected
to take office later in the year. Bieciuk announced that the Society
had a membership of 448, a number that exceeded most every-
one's expectations. Much of the meeting dealt with ways the
organization could enroll more members, and improve the quality
of Paper Money.
"Increase of interest in collecting paper money shown by
recent trends. Everyone who has had even half an eye on recent
numismatic trends will have to agree that there has been an
upsurge of interest in paper money. Along with an increase in
collecting paper money, a steady growth in literature on the sub-
ject has taken place." -- Coin World, March 29, 1963
The official corporate seal of The Society of Paper Money
Collectors incorporated in the District of Columbia, 1964.
Many early SPMC members
still active in hobby & Society
According to first President Hank Bieciuk, the first 343
individuals to join the Society were considered "Charter
Members." They were listed as Charter Members in the first
issue of Paper Money. Incredibly 39 of these longtime collec-
tors are still members of SPMC.
Of the Charter Members, the First 125 members of
SPMC were: 1-Hank Bieciuk, 2-James J. Curto, 3-Glenn B.
Smedley, 4-Dr. Julian Blanchard, 5-George W. Wait, 6-
H.G. "Bill" Corbin, 7-Brent Hughes, 8-.7. Roy Pennell Jr.,
9-Chet Krause, 10-D. Wayne Johnson, 11 -Ben Rutman, 12-
M.H. Loewenstein, 13-Harry J. Forman, 14 -Joseph Reinis,
15-W.A. Philpott, 16-John Swanson, 17-Earl Hughes, 18-
Herbert Oechsner, 19-Ernest Johnson, 20-Julian Marks,
Also, 21-Kingsley Falkenberg, 22-Robert Comely, 23-
Larry Richardson, 24-Paul Seitz, 25-Frank Spencer, 26-Dick
Krotz, 27-Ralph Osborn, 28-Pat Provenza, 29-Nelson
Riegel-, 30-Robert Friedberg, 31-Leonard Stark, 32-Arlie
Slabaugh, 33-Ray Rennick, 34-John Heflin, 35-M. Owen
Warns, 36-Al D. O'Rear, 37-Claude Rankin, 38 -Floyd
Janney, 39-William H. Dillistin, 40-Harold L. Bowen,
Also, 41-Walter Loeb, 42-A.P. "Del" Bertschy, 43-
Harley L. Freeman, 44-Alexander Sullivan, 45-Lloyd
Thompson, 46-Thomas F. Morris, 47-Fred Marckhoff, 48-
William Harrison, 49-Lorenzo LaPierre, 50-Arthur Hegel,
51-Allan Lieberman, 52-Jack Preston, 53-Carl Roethke, 54-
Roswell Burrows, 55-Sidney W. Smith, 56-Maurice Sklar,
57-George L. Freese, 58-Howard Spain, 59-Vernon
Saunders, 60-Robert H. Dickson,
Also, 61-James A. Brown, 62-Wayne Kramer, 63-Lucius
Ruder, 64-Fred Hill, 65-Aaron Feldman, 66-Cornell Hunter,
67-Edward K. Bell, 68-Kenneth Paxton, 69-Maurice Gould,
70:William Moose, 71-John Skribiski, 72-W. H. Edwards,
73-John Tracy Walker III, 74 -William P. Donlon, 7S-
Charles Altz, 76-Josiah Hatch, 77-Warren S. Henderson,
78-E. Burnell Overlock, 79-Philip H. Chase, 80-B.M.
Also, 81-Thomas Warfield, 82-Ellis Edlowitz, 83-
Stanley Janusz, 84-Bill Logan, 85-Jasper L. Robertson, 86-
John McKnight Brown, 87-Leo Laky, 88-Lewis
Hopfenmaier II, 89-Jake Sureck, 90-William Stumpp, 91-
Ernest Littrell, 92-Maurice Burgett, 93-Louis S. Werner,
94-Louis Spirt, 95-I. T. Kopicki, 96-Gary Nathan, 97-Jim
Grebinger, 98 -Larry Miller, 99-Howard Street, 100-Karl
Also, 101-Mrs. Louise Campbell, 102-John Skandera,
103-Byron Cook,104-Minerva Lauer, 105-Arthur C. Matz,
106-Bernard Helfer, 107-W.H. Mason, 108-Robert Jones,
109-L.P. Leonard, 110-H. W. Gooding, 111-Harold
Salmanowitz, 112-Toni Bain, 113-M. Clay Purdue, 114-
Theodore Kemm, 115-John Hamrick, 116-Dean S. Davey,
117-Richard Jones, 118-Casimir X. Urbanski, 119-Ivor S.
LeBane, 120 -Alfred Bach, 121 -Forrest Daniel, 122 -Art
Kagin, 123-J. Wayne Hamilton, 124-George Hatie, 125-
Merral A. Fox.
Note: Bold Face indicates still active in SPMC
For additional active Charter Members See Page 82
12 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
In discussing the quarterly journal, President Bieciuk empha-
sized the need for more advertising and additional articles for
publication. Articles need not be lengthy, he stressed. "Where
desirable and possible, they should be accompanied by good quali-
ty, glossy photos to illustrate the subject matter," the
President/Editor said.
Bieciuk reported that the Board of Governors
had met earlier and adopted a resolution addressed to
the ANA. The resolution requested ANA change
their classifications of paper money exhibits to (1)
U.S. Currency, (2) Foreign Currency, and (3)
Obsolete Currency, such as Broken Bank Notes, State
Notes, Confederate and Colonial Notes. A Canadian
member in attendance objected to the term "foreign"
being used for exhibits of Canadian notes. Treasurer
Right: A portion of the Society's carbon copy of the
original Articles of Incorporation filed in Washington,
D.C. in 1964; below, early SPMC VP Dr. Julian
Blanchard; bottom, dealer and author William P.
Donlon, who succeeded Blanchard as Society Veep.
Smedley expressed sympathy with the man's opinion,
but doubted that any further changes would be made.
Discussion was held on the possibility of a merg-
er with the Essay-Proof Society, but was ruled out
because of the philatelic emphasis of that group. The
President also reported that the Society's Initiation
Fee had been discontinued by vote of the Board.
In a move that turned out to be quite prophetic
and incredibly beneficial for future collectors, the
members present had a lengthy discussion about
establishing a committee to evaluate paper money of
all types. Specifically,
a recommendation
was expressed that an
up-to-date listing of
"Broken Bank Notes," along with
Canadian and foreign notes, be
generated. There was great inter-
est, but no firm action was taken
at the meeting. However, this
idea would come to fruition as
the Society's "Wismer Project."
Issue # 2 of 1963 featured
the first of many exceptional arti-
cles which added to collectors'
knowledge of the entire currency
and banking process, compli-
ments of Forrest W. Daniel.
In the summer of 1963 , the first Treasurer's Report appeared
in Paper Money. From nothing in November of 1961, the bank
balance in 1962 showed $1,126.46. A year later it was $1,918.58,
plus another $176.25 still due from advertisers!
"The Society of Paper Money Collectors is well on its way to
bigger and better things, reports Fred R. Marckhoff, Coin World
correspondent, and a director of that organization.
"The year 1963 was a banner one for paper money collectors.
Several new valuable reference works appeared together with very
worthwhile articles in the leading coin journals.
"The recent issuance of new one dollar Federal Reserve
Notes increased interest in paper money greatly."
-- Coin World, April 15, 1964
The first issue of Paper Money for 1964 featured an
announcement by new President Tom Bain naming SPMC's first
employee! Barbara R. Mueller, who once described herself as "a
philatelist who was dragooned into numismatics by the late Dr.
Julian Blanchard of the Essay-Proof Society," began the first of
two tours of duty as the Editor of Paper Money.
Hank Bieciuk's efforts as Editor of Paper Money did provide
the basis for Ms. Mueller's improvements, and he did (in my per-
sonal opinion) a wonderful job of getting both our fledgling orga-
nization AND journal off the ground! However, Ms. Mueller's
professional background as an editor was tremendously beneficial
to our fledgling organization, and her "touch" began to show
T he BEST Pap er Money Books
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IENU [Dress
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 13
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Above top left, hardworking early SPMC stalwarts at the 1966
Annual Meeting: (Seated L-R) Barbara Mueller, William A. Donlon,
George Wait. (Standing L-R) Tom Bain, J. Roy Pennell, Nathan
Goldstein, Richard T. Hoober, Ellis Edlow, James T. Grebinger, and
Maurice Gould. Top right: Tom Bain. Above (L-R): Albert Pick
and Forrest Daniel; Nathan Goldstein and James Conlon, BEP
Director. Left, 1966 SPMC cardboard promotional sign.
"The information-packed Winter 1964 issue of Paper Money,
official publication of the SPMC, the first issue under the direc-
tion of the society's new editor, Barbara Mueller, features articles
by such well-known paper money authorities as Fred R.
Marckhoff, William P. Donlon, Forrest W. Daniel, Earl Hughes
and Maurice M. Gould." --Coin World, June 3, 1964
This same issue announced the beginning of the SPMC
Library. Earl Hughes volunteered to house the library until a per-
manent appointee could be found.
At the annual meeting, President Bain announced that the
Society had been incorporated as a non-profit corporation under
the laws of the District of Columbia. Ellis Edlow, SPMC Legal
Counsel, was asked to make the necessary revisions to the
Society's By-Laws.
I/ 0,c, P/7- At- f rfr" R°C)/14 77
6th Annua
Meeting Luncheon
cedetv of Paper Money Collectors
FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1966 — 12:30 P.M.
This meeting and Luncheon will be held in conjunction
with the American Numismatic Association Annual
Take this opportunity to meet Paper Money Collectors
from all over the U. S. and abroad.
Bring your duplicate notes and swap with others in
Clockwise from top left: Eric Newman, Grover Criswell, Harley
Freeman and Barbara Mueller.
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 21
Also at the annual meeting, the details of the "Wismer
Project" were provided to the membership. The goal was to
update the entire "Obsolete Notes Listings by States" which was
published in The Numismatist from 1922 to 1936. The chairman
of the project was Fred R. Marckhoff, assisted by George Wait
and Dr. Julian Blanchard. A "four-way" description of each note
to be cataloged was to be provided: (1) the bank or issuer, (2)
exact date, (3) engraver or lithographer, and (4) denomination.
To date SPMC has published 15 volumes in this project, and
other authors have used the SPMC format to produce 10 addi-
tional reference works.
Later in 1964, an article in Paper Money provided the defini-
tive explanation of the differences between the correct term
"Obsolete Note" and the incorrect term "Broken Bank Note,"
when referring to currency and scrip issued prior to 1866. David
C. Wismer's daughter, Elizabeth Wismer Osmun, shared some of
his views on this subject with the rest of the SPMC membership:
"I have some bank notes to offer but none are broken; some
are torn and ragged. I would be greatly obliged to you if you
would discontinue the use of the term 'broken bank notes."'
"After the bank notes were discontinued in 1866, they were
called 'obsolete bank notes' until about 1905. A paper money
dealer then saw a note stamped 'broken bank' and started to call
all the old notes 'broken bank notes' because he knew that many
of the banks were in operation, and he could get the notes cashed
by the bank of issue." (1939)
Membership Milestones:
1964 - "the corporation shall have only one class of
members" Stit Article of Incorporation
1969 - First Honorary Memberships
1972 - First Junior Memberships
1975 - First Associate Memberships
1983 - First Life IVlemberships
1983 - First Honorary Life Memberships
Price of Memberships through the years:
1961-1965 - $ 3
1961 Initiation Fee +$1
1965-1971 - $ 4
1972 Initiation Fee +$2
1971-1973 - $ 5
1975 Associate Member- $2
1974-1977 - $ 8
1977 Initiation Fee +$2
1977-1981 - $10
1990 Canada/Mexico +$5
1981-1985 - $12
1990 International +$10
1985-1986 - $15
1983-1998 LM $300
1986-1996 - $20
1997-Canada/Mexico LM $600
1996- - $24
1997-International LM $700
1998- UV $500
Society Growth By Year
Highest SPMC # at EOY
1961 - 268
1962 - 477
1963 - 602
1964- 1089
1965- 1610
1966 - 1880
1967 - 2250
1968 - 2450
1969- 2730
1970- 2970
1971 - 3390
1972- 3700
1973- 3990
1974 - 4280
1975 - 4630
1976- 4871
1977- 5196
1978 - 5489
1979- 5769
1980- 6039
1981 - 6259
Society Growth By Year
Membership a/o June
1962 - 448
1963 - 566
1964 - 727
1965- 1236
1966- 1354
1967- 1534
1968- 1554
1969 - 1553
1970- 1685
1971 - 1893
1972- 1969
1973- 2039
1974- 2042
1975- 2122
1976- 2028
1977- 2059
1978 - 2088
1979- 2204
1980- 2250
1981 - 1917
1982- 6459 1982- 1893
1983- 6639 1983- 1913
1984- 6879 1984 - 2040
1985- 7069 1985- 2073
1986- 7389 1986 - 1897
1987- 7549 1987- 1873
1988- 7729 1988- 1786
1989- 7889 1989 - 1763
1990- 8069 1990- 1743
1991 - 8199 1991 - 1645
1992- 8369 1992- 1632
1993 - 8569 1993- 1628
1994- 8829 1994- 1654
1995 - 9099 1995- 1735
1996 - 9237 1996- 1702
1997- 9461 1997- 1665
1998- 9701 1998- 1676
1999- 9937 1999- 1697
2000- 2000- 1633
23 :J-01.-72
SPMC's bank book in the early years.
"A number of you have written me and asked how you can
obtain a sample copy of Paper Money, quarterly organ of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors. A limited number of back
issues can be sent to those interested for only $1 each.
"Address your inquiry and payment to J. Roy Pennell Jr., Box
858, Anderson, SC. If you wish a copy of the SPMC information
sheet and application form, I can send that to you for a stamped
envelope, or return postage."
--Nathan Goldstein II, Coin World, August 25, 1965
By Winter of 1965 the
annual dues had risen to $4.
The 1000th member was
enrolled, Dr. Conway Bolt.
Treasurer Glenn Smedley
reported that the balance in the
treasury was $4,853.59.
On January 31st 1966,
"Wismer Project" Chairman
Fred R. Marckhoff suffered a
heart attack and passed away.
In addition to his contributions
to the obsoletes project, he
authored more than a dozen
articles published in Paper
Money, and others published in
historical journals. He had
served since almost the begin-
ning of the Society as Assistant
Editor of the journal, as well as
a member of the Board of
Governors. In 1964 he won
the Howland Wood best-of-
show award at the ANA
Convention for his exhibit of
obsolete paper money of the
Indian Territory.
President George Wait
selected Richard T. Hoober Sr.
to take over the Obsolete
Currency Project. Appearing in
the last issue of Paper Money for
1966 was the first article by a
collector/researcher we would
hear from often, and learn quite
a bit from; his name was Peter
Huntoon, and his topic was
(what else?) National Bank
The volume, quality and variety of articles from our mem-
bers continued to grow. Issue number 22, the Spring of 1967, was
32 pages! It announced the Society's 2000th member, Dr.
Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli, Curator of Numismatics at the
Smithsonian Institution.
Sadly, the same issue announced the passing of one of
SPMC's "Founding Fathers," Dr. Julian Blanchard, at the age of
81. He had become a serious collector of stamps in the 1930s, and
had become enamored with the relationship between stamps and
paper money. He was drawn to the engraving aspects of both, and
was a charter member and officer of the Essay-Proof Society. He
was known for his spectacular exhibits of die proofs of vignettes
and notes featuring the vignettes.
That issue was also significant because it contains the first
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
mation for everyone interested in National Currency -- Melvin
Owen (M.O.) Warns. Mr. Warns would later chair the 1929
article submitted by a man who would contribute important infor-
Nationals Project, which has as its goal to establish a data base of
the known notes of each bank, which issued Series 1929 notes.
This project has recently been modified to identify which Type of
note is being reported. It is now being headed by David
The last issue of Paper Money for 1967 announced the publi-
cation of the Society's first book in the Wismer series, Florida
Obsolete Notes and Scrip by Harley
L. Freeman. The price was $4
for members, $4.75 for non-180461 members. Among the new offi-
cers was Secretary Vernon
Brown, who would hold that job
for many years.
In 1968 SPMC received tax
exempt status, and the Julian
Blanchard Award was estab-
lished. It provides for an annual
award for the best exhibit featur-
ing (a) Proof Notes, (b) Tie-in of
stamps and paper money, or (c)
Matching vignettes on paper
money with other vignettes, such
as on mounted die proofs, patri-
otic envelopes, etc.
That same year, the second
book in the Wismer series, Texas
Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by Bob
Medlar, was published. The
issue price was $6; nice copies of
this book now sell in excess of
In 1968 and 1969, SPMC
Charter Member Maurice M.
Burgett must have set some
kind of a record. His exhibit,
"Currency of the Confederate
Indians," won First Place at the
conventions of the Indiana
Numismatic Association,
Kentucky Numismatic
Association, Missouri
Numismatic Association, Illinois
Numismatic Association (also
Best-of-Show), Arkansas
Numismatic Association,
Central States Numismatic
Society (also Best-of-Show), St. Louis Numismatic Society, and
the Missouri Numismatic Association (again!). The exhibit also
won the D.C. Wismer Award at the 1970 ANA show. Maurice
later authored the Wismer book cataloging the Obsolete Curren° ,
and Scrip of the Indian Territory and Oklahoma.
In 1969, SPMC and the International Bank Note Society dis-
cussed the possibility of a merger at the ANA Convention.
During the IBNS meeting Russell Rulau offered a resolution that
the two groups merge "because it is an utter fallacy to try to run
an organization without sufficient funds, without sufficient mem-
bers, and with overlapping memberships."
Members of other paper groups were present at the meeting,
and expressed support for this resolution, including Peter Robin
and Mad Titus of the International Paper Money Club, and
ACCOUNT Society of Paper Money
°I Collectors
14-01-68 5,000.00 5,000.00 23A
2 7-01-68 50.00 INT 5,050.00
3 6- 2 7-6 8 1,500.00 3,550.00 23B
3 .540 INT 3,585.50
6 1-01-6 9 35.Ii5 INT 3,621.35
74-01-69 364 INT 3,657.56
34-02-69 4Z.00 3,699,56 23A
9 4- 02-69 4 2 . 00 COR 3,657.56 23A
14 7-01-59 36.5h INT 3,694.14
• • -
36.94 INT 3,731.08
. ,
37;50 I:7
44.44.. •
5,768 ;so
3,31:3.02. 13A
134-01-70 42,07 INT - 3,855,09
147-01-70 43,431 INT 3,898. 70
1.60-01-13 :Ji! .11 WI 3,942.81
41, 1I11- 3,937..4 2
INT 4,032.53
4-0 -1-71 45.62 INT 4,070.15
6.1:4 4,1.24 .27:)
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Congratulations SPMC
Alan Dorris &
C. Vernon Valiance
Hamlet, NC
Forrest Daniel pulling a proof as a tramp printer.
18 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
How the SPMC logo came to be
On August 27, 1965, at its annual meeting in Houston,
Texas, Society of Paper Money Collectors Board Members
approved the initials "SPMC" as the short reference to this
organization. Prior to this time, the numismatic press and
many members had used the somewhat ungainly monogram
SOPMC, reminiscent of the old, defunct STM & OPMC.
At the 1972 annual meeting, President J. Roy Pennell Jr.
"displayed to the members a new emblem for the Society
which had been adopted by the Board of Governors. The
emblem depicts currency being peeled from a printing plate. It
was suggested by Forrest Daniel and executed by Brent
At the 1973 annual meeting, Secretary Vernon L. Brown
recommended "that the date of founding, 1961, or the date of
incorporation, 1964, be added to the emblem adopted last
year." After discussion the Board adopted adding the date of
the society's organization, 1961.
On Nov. 26, 1975, Past
President J. Roy Pennell for-
warded the artwork for the
emblem to the new Society
Secretary Harry Wigington. "I
think you should have it,"
Pennell wrote.
To commemorate the 40th
anniversary of SPMC, we asked
the two people responsible for
our logo how it came to be.
Here are their responses.
By Forrest Daniel, #121
The inspiration for the
SPMC logo design probably
came from my having been a
tramp (itinerant) printer for
many years until the trade dis-
appeared about 1976. For six
and a half years I pulled proofs
and corrected galleys for the
Dekalb Daily Chronicle. In
1956 they took pictures of the
various jobs in the shop for some kind of presentation. The
picture (above) is me pulling a proof; before I turned blond.
Some of my better notes had been purchased by that time.
The SPMC Emblem
The official emblem of the Society of Paper Money
Collectors was presented to the membership at our 12th
Annual Meeting at New Orleans in 1972.
Earlier in the year the Governors of the Society received
about a dozen proposed designs drawn by Governor Brent
Hughes, a graphic artist and designer. The governors were
asked to choose their favorite designs and reply to President J.
Roy Pennell, Jr. The letter included the usual statement that
the governors could suggest alternate designs if they chose to
do so. I sent in a proposal.
Every one of Governor Hughes' designs would have been
acceptable, and thus posed a difficult choice. As I recall most of
them were round with a map, printing press or other appropri-
ate symbol with the name of the Society circling a central
I thought the Society monogram "SPMC" should be the
dominant feature of the logotype and came up with the idea
to demonstrate the printing process by showing a proof of the
monogram being pulled from an intaglio printing plate.
Since I am not an artist, a rough sketch of the asymmetrical
design was drawn and sent to President Pennell.
When I arrived at the convention hall in New Orleans
with an armload of plaques and awards, I met Roy and asked
where I could store the awards until our meeting. He gave me
a key to his room to leave them there. He said there was a
folder on the dresser that I should look into while I was in the
In the folder was a professional rendition of my sketch.
Mr. Hughes had added the "INC." to our name and eliminat-
ed a design that would have become too small in reduction.
The emblem was exhibited at the
Annual Meeting on August 18, 1972,
and first appeared on the cover of
Paper Money, Vol. 12, No. 1 (1973) at
The SPMC logotype and mem-
bership card, later, brought me eight
hours of prior-learning credit in design
and engraving when I needed a quickie
college diploma.
By Brent Hughes, #7
I don't know who first suggested
that our Society have an emblem or
logo. Memory fades and things are
recalled in bits and pieces. I had to dig
through my set of back issues of Paper
Money to see exactly when the emblem
was announced, and found it featured
on the cover of Vol. 12, No. 1, First
Quarter, 1973.
The Editor at that time was the
very efficient Barbara Mueller, who
would serve us so well for so long.
The publisher was listed as J. Roy Pennell, Jr. of Anderson,
SC, who was also serving as President of the Society at the
He was also handling book sales and obviously being one
of the work horses of our group. Roy is a good friend of
many, many years and I appreciate all the things he has done
to get me involved in numismatics.
I believe it was Roy who first contacted me about design-
ing an emblem. The year was 1972, as I recall. It had been a
trying time at the FBI where I was employed as a graphic
artist. J. Edgar Hoover, the only director the Bureau had
ever had, died suddenly in early May and the agency was
floundering like a rudderless ship. Those of us nearing retire-
ment age were a little nervous about the future since the
Nixon White House staff was a tough bunch capable of any-
In any event, I recall spending several evenings at home
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 19
eTOPTHE.4(y Oite9
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VOL. 12
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Whole N. 45
Society 4 Paper Money Collectom
© 073 by The Society © Ps, Money Collectors, Inc
Our new Society logo first appeared on the cover of Paper Money
with the first issue of 1973. At its recent St. Louis Board Meeting,
our Executive Board voted belatedly to honor its creators, Messrs.
Hughes and Daniel, with Awards of Merit for their creation.
making thumbnail sketches of various ideas. I wanted some-
thing symbolic of that most beautiful of printing processes,
the intaglio or steel-plate engraving as produced by the mas-
ters in the field. No other engraving technique approaches
the quality of intaglio, as most paper money collectors know
from examining their notes.
There was an immediate minor problem because, in the
early years of our Society, many people had referred to it as
the SOPMC. I thought the "0" should be dropped, and used
SPMC in the design. SPMC is now generally used by most
Next came the fact that when you look at an intaglio
plate, you see that the image is reversed. When it is inked and
an impression on paper is pulled, the image comes out cor-
rectly, of course. I wanted to portray both the inked plate
and the pulled impression in a logical way.
I finally came up with a rendering of the paper being lift-
ed off the plate which provided a prominent "SPMC". I
arranged the plate and paper inside a rectangle in such a way
that I could include the full name of our Society just slightly
off center. It was something different, to say the least.
When the Editor put my design on the cover of Paper
Money, she supplied the following caption: "The long-
promised official Society of Paper Money Collectors emblem
drawn by Brent Hughes will be a reverse engraving concept
adapted from the traditional intaglio printing plate for bank
notes. It will be available in a useful variety of sizes for offi-
cial stationery, publications, awards and advertising."
One difficulty in designing items such as this is that you
can never anticipate how people will use them. There is a limit
as to how much an emblem can be reduced in size before it
becomes illegible.
One can never anticipate how very fine lines will repro-
duce, and my master drawing suffered when reduced for use in
The logo of the American Numismatic Association sur-
vives severe reduction very well: the large "ANA" on a high-
contrast disk is legible long after the full name of the organiza-
tion is difficult to read. The emblem used by the Professional
Numismatists Guild does not reduce too well, nor does the one
used by the International Association of Professional
Numismatists. Our emblem, like those mentioned, has been
reduced too far by publishers trying to squeeze in a lot of text.
The rendering of our Society logo on the 25th
Anniversary souvenir card that the American Bank Note Co.
produced for SPMC and IBNS is the best reproduction of it
that I have seen.
It shows what I tried to portray in my master drawing:
almost all of the black ink on the plate being picked up by the
paper under pressure, leaving just enough on the plate to be
This is pretty subtle stuff which was lost when the logo
was used in publications. The edge of the plate base is also
filled in when greatly reduced.
At some point after our emblem was introduced, someone
added the words "Established 1961" to the base of the plate. It
was a good idea, but I don't know if it was ever officially adopt-
Could my logo design be improved? Certainly. But it is
not a high priority matter. Members should concentrate their
attention on contributing articles for our magazine so that new
members will have an incentive to join and continue to be
Most members do not attend the meetings and their only
contact is through the magazine. Paper Money is a publication
to which all members should contribute so that all members
can benefit. Think about your collecting specialty in paper
money and tell the Editor about it in typed form. He will do
the rest.
Finally, let me mention that I appreciate whoever reserved
membership #7 for me when our Society was founded. I
assume it was Roy Pennell since he is listed as #8. Many peo-
ple have mentioned my low number and assumed that I was
one of the "Founding Fathers" of our Society. I was not. In
fact, I was unable to attend the 1961 ANA Convention where
the founding took place. I am glad that I was able to con-
tribute the emblem and hope that it will continue to serve the
Society well.
I treasure the memory of many of our members who have
passed on. Among them are my very good friends Charlie
Affleck, Ben Douglas and Walt Mason. I have enjoyed collect-
ing paper money and getting to know so many people in the
I'm sure that I join many others in wishing our current
Editor well. May his next mail delivery be packed with out-
standing articles which he can edit for Paper Money. I'm sure
he would like to hear from you.
Indeed, he would -- Editor.
Vernon L. Brown, Secretary
P.O. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33310
OCT 2 0 1970
Dear Member:
Welcome to our Society of Paper Money Collectors. We feel that you will
enjoy your membership. If you have any questions regarding our Society,
please write and I will try to answer them. A self-addressed envelope
will be appreciated.
As a member, you will receive our quarterly publication, ''Paper Money".
We think that you will enjoy the various articles in it. We are always in
need of articles for it, and hope that you will write an article for it. Please
contact our Editor, Miss Barbara Mueller, 523 East Linden Drive, Jefferson,
Wisconsin 53549, regarding articles and advertising in "Paper Money".
Your help will make our publication better.
Each member receives a full year' s Volume of "Paper Money" for the year
in which he or she joins. Copies already issued will be mailed to you, and
issues released after you join will be mailed by our printer. Please let us
know as soon as possible if you change your address as the Post Office will
not forward magazines (unless you guarantee forwarding postage).
We have a few of the old issues for sale to members at $1 each. A list of
available copies is enclosed with this letter,
Very truly yours,
• :z1' year.
Vernon L. Brown,
Secretary Vernon L. Brown welcomes new members.
Sheldon Carroll and James E. Charlton of the Canadian Paper
Money Society.
However, apparently nothing came of this resolution, as both
groups are still going strong today. Even without the merger,
SPMC boasted approximately 1,700 members that fall, proclaim-
ing itself "the third largest numismatic group in the world, sur-
passed only by the ANA and the CNA."
In 1970, the Society published The National Bank Note Issues
of 1929-1935. This 212-page book was the result of many years of
cataloging work by M.O. Warns, with assistance from Johnny 0.
Bass, John 'F. Hickman, Richard L. Hood, and John T. Waters.
Data about surviving notes was provided by many SPMC mem-
bers, and additional mate-
rial from principal authors
Louis Van Belkum and
Peter Huntoon. For the
first time, information
from many sources was
combined into one refer-
ence. This book was so
popular with collectors
that it was updated and
reprinted in 1973!
Former SPMC
Treasurer I.T. Kopicki of
Chicago passed away on
September 12, 1970. Mr.
Kopicki worked at the
Lawndale National Bank
& Trust Company in
Chicago for 47 years,
retiring as an Executive
Vice President. During
the time that large size
National Currency was
issued, Mr. Kopicki
signed several sheets of
his bank's notes as an
Assistant Cashier. As far
as I can determine, he is
the only SPMC member
who signed large size
In October 1970, an
exhibit featuring the col-
lection of SPMC officer
and Charter Member J.
Roy Pennell, entitled
"South Carolina Paper
Money 1770-1933:
Colonial Bills to Depression Scrip," was placed on display at the
Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. This honor was a
recognition of the depth and quality of Roy's collection, and the
choice was made by Dr. Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli, a fellow
SPMC member.
Also in October, Charter Member #20 Julian S. Marks
passed away. He was a prolific exhibitor, and won the coveted
Amon Carter Award for his exhibit of paper money at the 1961
ANA Convention in Atlanta. The Lewis M. Reagan Memorial
Foundation established an award in Mr. Marks' name for
exhibitors of paper money at subsequent ANA conventions.
The first issue of Paper Money for 1971 featured a copyright-
ed article by William T. Anton Jr. and Morey Perlmutter. They
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
discovered a proof for an unissued $500 Treasury Note of 1891
featuring' a portrait of Major General William Tecumseh
William P. Donlon sold his research and personal collection
in 1971. He did so by mail bid sale, the first of 12 that he held.
Donlon recollected that he had made his first purchase of paper
money from Abe Kosoff in 1931. He published reference catalogs
on U.S. currency for many years.
At the SPMC meeting in August, the membership was 1893,
a gain of 208 over the preceding year. Member David Hakes had
recruited nearly 80% of the new members. A new membership
directory had been printed and distributed to the members. The
Board of Governors
voted to raise the annual
dues to $5, and to begin
accepting Junior mem-
bers beginning in 1972.
William A. Philpott
Jr., Charter Member and
prolific contributor to
Paper Money, passed away
at the age of 86 on
October 10, 1971. "Mr.
Phil" had been selected
as the winner of the
SPMC Nathan Gold
Award at the ANA
Convention just two
months earlier. He had
researched Federal
Reserve Bank Notes and
Federal Reserve Notes
extensively, and his dis-
coveries were incorporat-
ed into all the subsequent
catalogs of U.S. currency.
He, along with several
other noted collectors
and dealers from Texas,
secured a solid place in
the collecting fraternity
for the Society of Paper
Money Collectors. Even
today, among the "old-
timers," "Mr. Phil" sto-
ries still make the rounds
at shows.
The year 1972 also
marked the first article
from Brent H. Hughes,
who has since filled the pages of Paper Money with valuable infor-
mation about Confederate currency (both genuine and especially
counterfeits) and the famous counterfeiters of the 19th Century.
Another SPMC luminary had an article published in Paper
Money for the first time in 1972. Wendell Wolka wrote about a
bank run in Indiana, his home state. The article was a harbinger
of things to come, as Wendell was later the main author of the
Society's Indiana obsolete notes catalog. He has also served in a
variety of offices, including President; even today he is the SPMC
Vice President and chairman of the Awards Committee.
William P. (Bill) Koster first wrote about counterfeit U.S.
currency in 1972, and over the next 20 years he submitted several
other articles which provided valuable information for all collec-
COIN --- saki. beg- Smyth. holds two Memphis auctionsAffirm YT
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19264 Buffalo nickel
5700 in EF40
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Scimt.G.idensU1Sr PEI MONEY
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tiumismatic iNews
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We're proud to have served the numismatic hobby
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Mint strikes three! ',MSC— B NK NOTE REPORTER
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We wish you many years of success
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World Coin News
Ces.ate lWWhe , U. WCt. ...MI
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The Complete kolortostloo Seems lot Cole Woolen
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
.',04 - \
_ ..
cWaa,n, g:Oket;
4,471,-.4 led aozozauinee %'i dea4‘
cm c7tvr2c^irj^, 044,-, 10, /97/
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY22
Top left: Maurice Gould. Head table includes (L-R) Forrest Daniel, Eric Newman, Albert Pick, Chet Krause, Gene Hessler, and J. Roy
Pennell. Bottom: Aubrey Bebee; Dr. John Muscalus; and Abe Kosoff addresses an audience that includes Bill Benson and Gene Hessler.
tors about "bogus" National currency and Legal Tender issues
which still fool collectors and dealers alike.
The third book of the Wismer series was published in 1972.
It was Vermont Obsolete Notes and Scrip, authored by Ms. Mayre
Burns Coulter. Interestingly, Ms. Coulter was not an active col-
lector of Vermont notes or scrip. However, she was a resident of
New England, and was assigned the task of producing the book by
the late Fred R. Marckhoff, first coordinator of the Wismer
Ms. Coulter told me that after Mr.
Marckhoff passed away, George W.
Wait assisted her with research and note
descriptions, as well as furnishing pho-
tographs of many of the notes listed.
Wait's instructions to Ms. Coulter were
simple: "Get the book done. I'll make
it look good." Others who helped her
to produce a quality book were Eric P.
Newman, K.P. Austin, Richard T.
Hoober Sr., James Du Pont and Libero
The following year, 1973, ushered in a pleasant surprise: the
new SPMC logo! It was suggested by Forrest Daniel and execut-
ed by Brent H. Hughes: "a reverse engraving concept adapted
from the traditional intaglio printing plate from bank notes."
SPMC members proudly display this symbol, and it's featured on
our membership cards.
The second issue of Paper Money in 1973 featured an impres-
sive 18-page listing of Montana Bank Notes, Drafts, Scrip and
Warrants, authored by Harry G. Wigington. Roland S.
Carrothers, who wrote several authoritative articles published in
early issues of the journal, passed away unexpectedly in March.
Barbara Mueller found it necessary to relinquish the Librarian's
position, and it was quickly placed in the capable hands of
Wendell Wolka.
Gene Hessler made his Paper Money writing debut in the last
issue of 1973, with an article entitled "Story of an Unissued 810
Silver Certificate." The subtitle was
"The 'Buffalo Bill' That Beat a
Battleship." SPMC would benefit from
Gene's many impressive articles and his
dedicated service to the organization
over the coming years. Nicholas Bruyer
submitted the first of his many articles
over the years, which educated all of us
about enigmatic United States Postal
Issue 49 was the first for 1974, and
marked a significant event for SPMC.
For the first time, the Society was committed to publishing six
issues of Paper Money annually! This proved beyond a doubt that
our membership was up to the task of providing our Editor with
enough material to produce an issue every other month! The
issues of Paper Money from the late 1960s through the 1970s fea-
ture a wonderful variety of articles about a wide range of topics,
U.S. and world, notes, scrip, engravings/engravers, etc. It's quite
clear to me that the collectors were truly enjoying themselves and
taking advantage of the opportunity to share what they knew with
November 27, 1970
Mr. Vernon L. Brown
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Post Office Box 8984
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33310
Dear Mr. Brown:
A brief acknowledgment, with sincere thanks, of your
letter of November 20 forwarding to me my honorary member-
ship card in the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
As you know I have indicated in the past, paper money
collecting is our favorite branch of numismatics.
Best regards.
James A. Conlon
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
their fellow SPMC members.
One of the best of these is "Style and Design in French
Banknotes," by Richard E. Dickerson in issue 49. A regular col-
umn by M. Titus, "World News and Notes," provided informa-
tion about new international issues. Mr. Titus also took advan-
tage of the opportunity to "editorialize" in his columns, many of
which are still quite interesting reading today!
Future Editor Gene Hessler was interviewed on NBC's
"Today" show by Gene Shalit. They discussed his new book, The
Comprehensive Catalog of US. Paper Money. This work, now in its
6th edition, is considered by many to be the best overall catalog of
U.S. currency, and the easiest to use.
The Society published its latest book, The Nevada "Sixteen"
National Banks and the Mining Camps that Sired Them. The book
contained 403 pages, 455 photographs, and took author M.O.
displays. He was also a Charter Member of the Essay-Proof
Society, and many of his articles appeared in that organization's
excellent journal.
Lyn F. Knight announced the opening of a firm bearing his
name in Kansas City, Kansas. Knight had begun his numismatic
career 13 years earlier as president of P & I Coins of Sioux City;
later he was associated with House of Stuart, Ltd., of Kansas City,
Kansas. I wonder whatever became of him?
Two SPMC members were chosen Numismatic
Ambassadors by Krause Publications, and the honors were well-
deserved. The first was Glenn Smedley, SPMC "Founding
Father" and former President of the Society, who was honored for
a virtual lifetime of contributions to the hobby. The other was
Charles Affleck of Virginia, who authored a classic two-volume
catalog of Virginia Obsolete Paper Money and Scrip. Both men were
BEP Director James A. Conlon acknowledges his
Honorary Membership in SPMC.
truly "Ambassadors" of numismatics, encourag-
ing collectors and research wherever they went.
"For paper money collectors who do not
already know it, there is an organization especial-
ly for them. And currently, The Society of Paper
Money Collectors, as the organization is called,
based out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, is looking for
new members.
"Last year the SPMC endorsed a proposal
submitted to the government for the printing of a
special series of notes to commemorate the
Bicentennial celebration in 1976.
"Also, it has approved the re-issuance of the
$2 note, a suggestion that was made at the soci-
ety's annual 1971 meeting by James A. Conlon,
director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
"Dues are $8 and include a subscription to
Paper Money magazine. All interested should fill
nut the adjacent form and mail, along with a
check for $8, to Vernon L. Brown, Secretary."
--Coin World, August 28, 1974
Warns 20 years to compile. Printing was limited to 500 copies.
Warns described in great detail the story of banking in the
Territory and State during the period 1865-1935.
Charles Colver of California was named the first
"Numismatic Ambassador" by Krause Publications in 1974.
Charley began collecting at the age of seven, and formed a
remarkable collection of California National Currency notes. His
qualities set the standard by which modern candidates for the
honor are judged: Extraordinary leadership abilities, devotion,
sincerity, patience, perseverance and the ability to get things done.
Charter Member Thomas F. Morris II passed away in
March. He was the son of Thomas F. Morris, a stamp, bank note
and security designer at the American and Homer Lee Bank Note
Companies. In addition, the senior Morris served for five years
(1893-1898) as Chief of the Engraving Division of the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. His son carefully preserved unique
design material of his father, and shared it by written word and
SPMC member William H. McDonald was
recognized by the Canadian Numismatic Association with its J.
Douglas Ferguson Award. McDonald was cited as "the prime
organizer and first president of the Canadian Paper Money
Society, serving in that office from 1964-1969, guiding the Society
through its formative years, and insuring it was established on a
firm foundation."
Apparently Editor Barbara Mueller did not entirely enjoy the
ANA convention that year. She wrote an editorial, correctly
resenting the description of small (compared to the ANA) organi-
zations as "splinter groups." The 1960s and 1970s spawned many
of these specialized organizations, most of which held their annual
meetings during the ANA convention. Ms. Mueller bemoaned
the fact that most of the meetings of "splinter groups" were sched-
uled for the same time, therefore depriving many collectors of the
chance to visit with "sister" organizations.
In particular, she was disappointed that she could not attend
the IBNS meeting, featuring a presentation by that group's presi-
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
.. ,*...'
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dent (and SPMC member) Mrs. Ruth Hill. Ms. Mueller
expressed the hope that SPMC would consider holding its annual
meeting at a state or regional show. Fortunately, we didn't have
to wait much longer. (I wonder if Mike Crabb and the members
of the Memphis Coin Club read her column.)
At the time, ANA was receiving a complimentary subscrip-
tion to Paper Money. When annual dues notices went out that
Fall,. the ANA's notice was marked "Complimentary," but the
organization sent in a check for $8 anyway. After consultation
with SPMC Secretary Vernon L.
Brown, Society Treasurer M.O.
Warns "decided to take their money
... in view of the treatment SPMC
has experienced." The ANA Library
was made a regular member of
SPMC. In 1992 ANA converted to
Life Membership in SPMC.
In 1975, the new SPMC logo
was featured on membership cards
for the first time. The cards were
printed for SPMC through the cour-
tesy of the American Bank Note
Company, and feature a latent image.
The image is the date of the SPMC
founding, 1961, and can be found in
the rosette by holding the card at eye
level and rotating it slowly. It is
believed that SPMC is the only orga-
nization in the world with such a
membership card!
Paper Money editor Barbara
M. Owen Warns requests data for the
Society's 1929 Nationals project.
- . -
, . 1•7 0‹......1'
i ..:
Top L-R: Peter Huntoon, M. Owen Warns, Earl Moore, Warren
Henderson. Bottom L-R: Floyd Janney, George Hatie, John Morris;
Vernon L Brown.
Mueller issued a plea for news and information about world paper
money, as well as a request for articles about world topics from
Charter Member Nathan Goldstein continued his regular
column, "The Federal Reserve
Corner." This was a popular feature, as
members reported new districts issuing
notes, and (as always) the many error
notes which slipped past the inspectors
at the BEP.
As the Bicentennial approached,
more interest was shown for Colonial
and Continental notes. Don Kelly
described and illustrated a rare New
York counterfeit in his first article ever
in our journal. Other fine articles this
year came from Charles E. Kirtley,
Virgil Culler, and Gene Hessler.
In February, 1975, SPMC member
Stanley Morycz, who was also Philatelic
Director for Paramount, published an
article on the benefits of SPMC mem-
bership and an application in the
Paramount Journal. His effort netted
SPMC 30 new members. About the
same time another article in Coin World
"swamped" Secretary Brown with appli-
cations, he said.
The fourth book in the Wismer
Project series was published in 1975.
Minnesota Obsolete Notes and Scrip, by
R.H. "Rocky" Rockholt, provided
ANA -27042
April 5, 1984
Steven Whitfield,
407 Cumberland Drive
Huntsville, A1.35803
Steven, i±esponse to your adv., in
Paper Mon y I should like to inquire about
2 R.I. notes, namely -
1284 Warwick $5, Ty-2 cies - 00
13901 Prov.
$50. Ty-2 cies - 110 3
In the ongoing study of the small size
National Hank Notes we nave all notes sur-
acdd except the 2 notes listed above.
All I would like to know does both or one
of the notes exist. I don'd care to know
who would owns them, I want to know if you
have ever seen or heard of these 2 notes.
NLG Appreciatively
(WW//////' /(
, ////// ,!5 ) 4
Congratulations SPMC
And Thanks for the Memories O
Thanks for the many new friends I've met 0
Thanks for the Greats like Tom Bain, Amon Carter, George Wait, Bob Medlar, Grover Criswell, Glenn Jackson,
and a host of others O
Thanks for the laughs and the good times we have shared O
Thanks for all the dealers whose friendship, perseverance, and patience is appreciated 0
Thanks for all the collectors who share my collecting passion 0
Thanks for Memphis and the other shows where it all comes together 0
Thanks for all those neat notes that I rationalized I could somehow really afford O
Here's to Forty More!
Always Interested in Obsolete Notes and Scrip and related items such as checks, drafts, documents, printing
plates, bank histories and the like from Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois
Collector prices paid for items that I need. Write or e-mail me with what you have to offer (a photocopy or scan
helps immensely) for an immediate response.
Wendell Wolka
P.O. Box 569
Dublin, OH 43017
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Place your order now and save $3 on a
copy of the new SPMC book
The Nevada "Sixteen"
National Banks and The Mining Camps
That Sired Them
At the pre-publication price of $12.00
only to our membership. Members price
on publication will be $15.00.
Numismatic News
WEEKLY PHONE 715 445-2217 IOLA, WIS. 54945
June 9, 1972
Society of Paper Money Collectors
P. 0. Sox 8984
Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
Dear Vernon:
The labels we received were in fact ungummed, however we were
able to use them.
I believe all elements of the program were met time-wise so
no harm has been done. It is my understanding we are paying
for renting the list so please forward your billing to us.
Chester L. Krause
26 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
much-needed information and illustrations about many elusive
notes and banks in that state.
Brent Hughes contributed a wonderful article about a note
that is still unknown -- the Confederate $10 Manouvrier. Albert
Pick educated us about the Government Notes of Bavaria. Peter
Huntoon shared his joy in finding what he called The Ultimate
Wyoming Territorial Note, a $2 Original Series note issued by
the Wyoming National Bank of Laramie City. Richard T.
Hoober Sr. submitted the first installment of The Financial
History of Colonial Pennsylvania.
Another nice article
about world currency came
from distinguished numis-
matist Dr. Michael Kupa of
Hungary, describing
Serbian banknotes over-
stamped by the Austro-
Hungarian Monarchy.
Steven K. Whitfield
was a regular contributor at
this time; many fine articles
about banks, hankers and
paper money from his
adopted home state, Kansas,
were appearing in our jour-
Gene Hessler, who was curator of the Chase Manhattan
Bank Numismatic Collection, created 65 two-minute vignettes
entitled "Money Facts." Several radio stations in New York were
airing the programs.
To illustrate the growth of our journal, the
September/October 1975 issue was 56 pages, and contained sig-
nificant articles by 20 different authors, covering U.S. currency
from Colonial times to the present, and several solid articles about
world paper money!
Former SPA/IC Governor and well-known dealer Maurice M.
Gould passed away in November. He was an early member and
active booster of SPMC.
The year 1976 marked the 15th year of Paper Money. C.
Turner, G. Ton, Jr., N. Shafer, M. Carter, R. Ekeblad, J.R.
Lasser, C. Kemp, F. Schwan and others contributed articles.
President Bob Medlar, who had taken the Society's reigns
the previous summer in Los Angeles, vowed to expand the
SPMC's network of regional meetings based on his experience
with annual get-togethers of SPMC members at recent Texas
Numismatic Association conventions.
The fifth book in SPMC's Wismer series was introduced at
the annual meeting in Los Angeles. Mississippi Obsolete Notes and
Scrip by L. Candler Leggett had been anxiously awaited by many
collectors. As with the previous books, no values were placed on
notes; rather, a rarity scale was applied uniformly throughout the
book. Contributors to the
book included some stellar
names from the SPMC
membership, including
Byron Cook, Dr. D.C.
Montgomery, Fulton
Thompson, Richard T.
Hoober Sr., Frank Hannah,
Grover Criswell, Paul
Garland, George Wait and
Roy Pennell.
Leonard Finn an-
nounced the proposed for-
mation of a currency collec-
tor's club for the New
England states, and asked
anyone interested to contact him. The Currency Club of New
England is now one of the most active regional paper groups in
the world.
SPMC member Philip A. Pfeiffer published a book entitled
Pensacola's Currency Issuing Banks and Their Bank Notes, 1833-1935.
M.O. Warns provided the first centerfold for an issue of
Paper Money, a reproduction of the stock certificate of the
Centennial International Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876. His
12-page article also illustrated the Visitors' Certificate, tickets
purchased by visitors to the Exhibition, notes from and informa-
tion about the two National Banks chartered in Philadelphia and
Virginia, Illinois, which chose Centennial for their name.
Stunning news appeared very subtly in the May/June issue.
Long-time Editor Barbara R. Mueller announced her resignation
from that office due to a sudden deterioration of her health. She
Above: an order card for M. Owen Warns' 1974 SPMC
book. Left: Chet Krause writes Society Secretary Vernon
L. Brown about a mailing matter.
reminded the membership that when she took over in
1964, Paper Money contained only 28 pages per issue, and
was only published four issues per year. The May/June
issue contained 68 pages, and was one of six issues for
that year!
Because of the resignation of Ms. Mueller, the
July/August and September/October 1976 issues of Paper
Money were combined, the only time that's been done.
Doug Watson introduced himself to the membership as
the new Editor. Watson began his career on the staff of
a newspaper in Monroe, Wisconsin. He was later
employed by Krause Publications beginning in 1964. He
held positions in the advertising department, and was
later promoted to art director. He left Krause in 1974 to
form his own company, Watson Designs.
At the time he took over as Editor of Paper Money,
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 27
Clockwise from above left: Bob Lemke, Arlie Slabaugh, Neil
Shafer models his lengthy short-snorter, Bob Charles, Chuck
O'Donnell, and "Twin Smokestacks" Tom Bain and Anion Carter.
Watson was also producing the journal of the Civil War Token
Society and TAMS Journal. (This is somewhat ironic remembering
that SPMC had once been part of the STM & OPMC, which
became The Token and Medal Society [TAMS] after the ragpick-
ers bolted to form SPMC!)
The first issue with Watson at the helm contained articles by
Hessler, Hughes, Warns, Johansen, and a new (to SP/VIC) author,
Walter Breen. Noted researcher Breen began a series of articles
entitled "New Looks at Old Notes," with a nine-page detailed
look at our first Greenbacks. Hughes' contribution was the first
of several articles the prolific author has written about the bogus
Confederate notes produced by Philadelphian Sam Upham.
Approximately 125 members attended the SPMC luncheon
held during the ANA Convention in New York in August.
George Wait announced that his book about New Jersey money
would be available for purchase about six weeks later. The speak-
er for the meeting was Eric P. Newman, who discussed paper
money and scrip of New York from Colonial times to the Civil
Austin Sheheen, publisher of Bank Note Reporter, offered the
Society a page in his publication monthly for publicity and
Part II of the Huntoon article about Basic Plate and
Overprint Varieties on 1st and 2nd Charter Nationals appeared in
the last issue of 1976, including much data uncovered by W.K.
Raymond. I've talked with Peter extensively about the time he
has spent going through the currency ledgers and the files of the
Comptroller of the Currency; I'm not sure I would have been up
to the task. However, I think Doug Walcutt must have been stim-
ulated by the publication of this research, as he has accumulated
an enormous amount of additional information in recent years
that builds upon Huntoon's first articles.
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January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY28
At left from top: Dewitt Prather (top); Homer Brooks; BEP
Director Robert Leuver displays the 1984 SPMC ANA Souvenir
Banquet ticket; Doug Murray and Joseph Mikolajczyk; J.T. Walker
Ill; Ralph Osborn; Dr. Mikaly Kupa; Doug Watson. Above: Yasha
Beresiner; and Byron Johnson.
SPMC President Bob Medlar announced that beginning with
the first issue of 1977, Paper Money would be printed by the offset
method. This change would give the Editor more versatility in
layouts, photo reproductions and overall graphic design. Our
advertisers would also benefit because the ads would no longer
need to be engraved! Seven regional meetings were announced
for 1977, and we were up to member 4831.
Another small article announced the creation of a new show:
"Memphis Coin Club to host First Paper Money Convention!"
Our "splinter group" was about to have a home of its very own!
Articles in the March/April issue came from Breen, C. Kemp,
Warns, and Kirtley. In May/June, we heard from Breen, Burgett,
John Isted, S. Roakes, B. Adams, Dr. N. P. Aspen, and, for the
first time, Roger H. Durand.
Durand's byline would be seen often in Paper Money over the
coming years. Roger has an outstanding collection of obsolete
currency, and he has researched and written about notes for more
than 30 years. His first piece for SPMC was entitled, "Pssst, Got
Change for an Eight?" it included an illustrated listing of all the
denominations of obsolete notes and scrip that he had recorded,
ranging from 1 cent to $20,000.
As promised, SPMC co-published New Jersey's Money, writ-
ten by one of the group's founders, George AV Wait. This book
is different from the others in the Wismer Project series. In addi-
tion to a marvelous listing of New Jersey's obsolete currency, it
includes a history of money and banking in the state, as well as an
updated listing of Colonial New Jersey notes. It also contained a
complete list of New Jersey's National Banks (with charter num-
ber, charter year, and all the types of notes issued by the respective
banks). Finally, the book contained a listing of all New Jersey
Depression Scrip.
This issue, by the way, features on the back cover the famous
Upside-Down advertisement by the late William P. Donlon. He
had been denied a table at the ANA Convention, so he placed his
photograph upside-down in his ads to call attention to his protest.
an &to,
06 seitoen,
the co/lecten,
a6ellow colleete,i/
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 29
your forty
years of
and respect
for our financial
Thank you for the
privilege of partnership
There's a reason people bank here_
CZYc-&—c--, Society of (-6--;616-
Taper Money Collectors
certifies that
is a member for the year 19
INWM6iIRMi6M Tam11 I I
1 I 0I
Early style membership card signed by first Secretary George W. Wait.
30 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
ABNCo provides SPMC members with unique ID cards
By Fred L. Reed III, #4912
At its 1973 annual board meeting, Secretary Vernon L.
Brown recommended that the Society emblazon its new
emblem on its membership cards.
Later in the meeting, President J. Roy Pennell Jr.
"announced that the American Bank Note Co. was going to
donate to the society 12,000 steel-engraved membership cards
showing our emblem" and an intaglio printing plate.
The following year, when the Society met for its annual
meeting in Bal Harbor,
FL, President Pennell
"showed the board a
xerox copy of the
membership card
which the American
Bank Note Co. has
printed for us and
which will be available
by October, when dues
for 1975 will be
accepted. The
ABNCo will provide
the Society with
enough cards to last us
for several years."
Officers were
inpatient for the new
cards to arrive. On
Oct. 2, Secretary
Vernon L. Brown
wrote President Pennell: "Where? Where are the 1975 mem-
bership cards promised by ABNCo?" Two weeks later,
Brown finally received 2,520 of the new cards printed intaglio
in #42 Green ink. On Oct. 22, Secretary Brown forwarded a
specimen of the cards to President Pennell, saying "You indi-
cated that the organization date, 1961, was going to be in the
green seal, but durned (sic) if I can find it."
He also forwarded samples to other members of the
Executive Board. On Oct. 24 M. Owen Warns wrote Brown:
"Cards are nice. Should have 1961 on them."
Pennell replied on Oct. 31. "Dear Vernon, the 1961 is in
the rosette at the left. Hold the card just below your eye level
and rotate the card slowly. It is easier to see in sunlight.
"This [is] a type of security printing known as a 'latent
image.' We are probably the only organization in the world
with this on our membership cards."
On Nov. 12 Brown wrote to Warns, explaining to him
Pennell's description of the guilloche. "I tried this and by
holding [the] card below eye level I could see '1961.'" Brown
Several days later Brown wrote to Pennell that he was
preparing to write to Editor Barbara Mueller, passing along
information on the new membership card along with "an
appeal for payment of 1975 dues, for publication in the
January issue of Paper Money."
Editor Mueller published a photo of the new card on
page 29 of the Jan/Feb issue. "We are indebted to our
President, J. Roy Pemiell Jr., for arranging with the American
Bank Note Co. to furnish these engraved cards," she wrote.
She also printed Brown's explanation of how to view the latent
image. "Don't you want one of these new membership
cards?" she asked. "Then mail your dues now," she added.
The next fall, Past President Pennell wrote the new
Secretary Harry Wigington on Nov. 26: "I have checked with
the ABNCo and they are going to send you about 2,600 mem-
bership cards for 1976. They will be unsigned, so you can
hand sign them or get them off-set printed with your name
and 1976." He then warned, "Be sure to remember to stamp
the Charter Members cards
in red. Some members con-
sider it a personal affront if
this is not done."
On Dec. 7 with renewals
piling up, Wigington wrote
Pennell that he had "not
received new cards from
ABNCo, so am having to use
old cards, which I am stamp-
ing over Vernon's name with
mine. Not as nice," he wrote.
Four days later, Pennell
responded that he would con-
tact ABNCo about the cards.
On Dec. 29th some cards
finally arrived, but due to a
mis-communication Vernon
Brown's name was imprinted
on them again, leaving a dis-
gruntled Harry Wigington to
overstamp his name on additional cards as well.
By the March/April Paper Money, the situation had not
improved. "There will be a temporary delay in the mailing of
the 1977 membership cards to the members who have paid
their dues," Wigington wrote. "This is a result in the delay of
the cards from ABNCo," the frustrated officer added.
In 1979 the card supply was running short. New Society
President Wendell Wolka called J. Roy Pennell on Sept. 24
and instructed him to "have 6,000 membership cards done up.
Del's (Secretary A.P. 'Del' Beaudreau) signature copies are
enclosed. Let's just put `19--' of the year on the cards."
Wolka also informed the SPMC Secretary that "Roy said
he'd get right on this. Try to hold out!"
Pennell responded to Wolka on Oct. 4. "Dear Wendell,
the ABNCo had 7,900 membership cards. They are sending
them all to Del Boudreau. This should last us three years."
Cards were actually shipped on Oct. 23. The count according
to the ABNCo shipping ticket was precisely 7,875 cards.
In October 1986 new Society Secretary Bob Cochran
wrote to President Larry Adams that he had received "several
thousand membership cards" from predecessor Gary Lewis.
Shortly thereafter, Cochran sent 2,000 of the cards pre-
signed to the Paper Money printer, Dover Litho for inclusion
in the magazine with the dues renewal mailing. Due to a
computer glitch, membership cards were inadvertently mailed
to ex-members, too. Cochran had to furnish additional cards
to the mailer to take care of the needs of current members.
In recent years as the supply of ABNCo cards has dwin-
dled, the Society has opted not to send annual cards to renew-
ing members. Then Secretary Bob Cochran raised the issue
, • I
P.O. BOX 8984
— LOT 1
— 2520
G1'-!' /1 7 -
ABNCo ships the first of its unique membership cards to SPMC.
PA PER MONEY(Amur -roils
One of 24,000 SPMC membership cards bearing Secretary Bob
Cochran's signature during the 12 years he served in the position.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 31
in the March/April 1996 Paper Money. "Has
the annual membership card outlived its
usefulness?" he asked. Currently only new
members receive the unique intaglio card.
This has given rise to numerous complaints
from veteran members, many of whom save
their society cards from year to year. The
board discussed acquiring durable onetime
plastic cards for annual members, but deter-
mined instead to offer members the option
of purchasing plastic name tags instead.
Life Members
Secretary Vernon L. Brown was an
early proponent of instituting a Life
Membership category. As early as 1973, he
proposed a conversion fee of $500 for regu-
lar members with at least five years good
standing with the Society.
It took another decade for that view to
be shared by a majority of Board Members,
despite appointing Forrest Daniel to chair a
LM Committee in 1975, and Roger Durand
a second committee in 1981. The Board
finally instituted the Life Membership category in 1983 and
established a fee of $300 to generate sufficient revenue to
provide services to the member annually thereafter.
Initially, a Life Member conversion retained his/her
original membership number, preceded by the designation
LM. Thus hypothetically member #3333 became LM3333
upon payment of Life Membership fee.
This led to dissention from some Life Members who felt
that a separate LM numbering system ought to be instituted.
At a Board Meeting, Governor Toni Denly forcefully argued
in favor of a separate LM numbering system. Establishing
new, low LM numbers would serve as an incentive, Denly
felt, and members who converted would eventually take pride
in the seniority of these low LM numbers.
Denly's argument was persuasive. The Board agreed
with his premise, and the entire system was overhauled.
Since Denly had been the first one to step forward and pay
his Life Membership fee, he was accorded LM1. Other num-
bers were reassigned similarly. Several members were
allowed to receive special numbers significant to them, and
remaining num-
bers were assigned
by lottery.
At its Nov.
14, 1986, Board
Meeting at the St.
Louis Paper
Money Show, dis-
cussion centered
on furnishing Life
Members with a
different type of
membership card.
Ron Horstman
was instructed to
look into the feasi-
bility of an
engraved metal
LM card. The
Executive Board also approved LM certificates at the meeting.
Commencing in January, 1987, Life Member numbers
were generally assigned chronologically according to when the
entire fee was paid.
The following June, 1987, at its Memphis Board Meeting,
Roger Durand circulated a proposed design for metal Life
Membership cards. The board voted to purchase 150 of these
cards at that time. These cards were made by Trophy House,
Grand Forks, ND, which had produced Society awards and had
our logo.
Initally Life Member fees were deposited in the Society's
general accounts. Ron Horstman, among others, recognized
that these funds should be segregated into a separate interest-
bearing account to generate the necessary annual revenues to
subsidize Life Member services, such as Paper Money. Over a
several year period, Horstman actively and successfully cam-
paigned to force transfer of sufficient funds into such an
account. Finally at its June, 1990, board meeting Treasurer
Dean Oakes reported that the LM Fund was at par.
At its 1992 Memphis Board Meeting, it was reported that
an anonymous donor had contributed
funds to purchase an additional 50
engraved LM cards. The Board
adopted the policy of furnishing cards
only if LM was paid IN FULL.
At that meeting the Board also
voted to recognize annually those
members who enjoyed 25-year con-
tinuous memberships with certifi-
At its 1997 St. Louis meeting,
Gene Hessler noted that paid up LMs
are eligible for two souvenir cards as a
bonus. In late 1997, the Board was
apprised that the $300 fees no longer
generated enough income to fund
LM's benefits. They raised the fee to
$500 commencing in 1998, and also
raised fees for international LMs. •
HOB MEDLAR - 220 Alamo Plaza
San Antonio, Texas 78205
December 18, 1977
Roy Pennell
P. O. so. 858
Anderson, S. 1. 29622
Deer Roy;
With considerable regret I received your letter of the 10th of December,
wherein you resigned as Publisher for the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
You have given 13 years of hard dedicated work in controlling our publica-
tion, Paper Money, shipping the back issues of Paper Money end storing and
shipping all our books. For this, I know the entire membership will join
me in saying "Thank You".
January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
At left from top, Bob Medlar accepts J. Roy Pennell's resignation as
Paper Money publisher; Ron Horstman, Mrs. Ruth Hill, and Mike
Crabb at a Memphis show opening; Ed Fleischmann, Tom DeLorey,
and John Hunter examine a paper money souvenir card.
"He claims he's not a collector, but the senior vice president
of the American Bank Note Co., has the CB handle of `Ragpicker'
and his educational forum address at the first annual Memphis all
paper money convention attracted a standing room only audience.
"Even though he also claims 'all collectors are crazy,' there
was good reason for the hundred-odd collectors to turn out for
Robert (Bob) Charles' talk -- he brought along his slides, offering
an inside look at his company's facility and products, both past
and present."
--Fred Reed, Coin World, June 22, 1977
Another member who has submitted many articles to Paper
Money made his first contribution in 1977. Ronald L. Horstman
related the tragic story of the Steamer Ruth. In 1863, this steam-
er was carrying 52.6 million in Legal Tender Notes to be paid to
the Union troops serving under General Grant. A fire broke out
on the ship, and 26 people, including the paymaster and two
clerks assigned to guard the currency lost their lives. The only
surviving trace of the currency was two fragments, which now
reside in the collections of the Missouri Historical Society.
A recap of the first International Paper Money Show in
Memphis was included. According to all present, the Memphis
show was fantastic, superb, (and) long overdue. Mike Crabb and
the Memphis Coin Club attracted about 80 dealers and nearly 950
collectors. SPMC hosted a luncheon which was well attended,
and Grover Criswell chaired an educational forum. President Bob
Medlar made up special pins for Society officers to wear. He
encouraged their use in Memphis and at ANA that summer.
As members who attended those early Memphis Shows can
attest, Past Society President Tom Bain and fellow Texan, Amon
Carter Jr., both smoked very large "stogies." They had adjoining
tables right inside the entrance door to the bourse room.
Attendees had to walk down a very long hallway from the hotel
proper to reach the bourse and exhibit area. Upon turning left
right inside the entrance, the first impression one got on entering
the room was a memorable view of the "Twin Smokestacks."
Bob Charles of the American Bank Note Company presented
a slide program featuring items from the company's archives,
which elicited much groaning and salivating among the audience.
Nathan Goldstein recounted some of the milestones in the history
of collecting paper money. The attendance prize, a Crisp
Uncirculated Series 1929 note from the Union Planters National
Bank & Trust Co. of Memphis, was won by (appropriately, in my
opinion) one of SPMC's (a) founders and (b) most dedicated
members, George W. Wait.
The only complaints heard were that the show only lasted
two clays! SPMC had a table at the entry to the bourse area,
which was ably staffed by Wendell Wolka and others. They
signed up 10 new members for SPMC.
Supplement IV of "1929-1935 National Bank Note
Varieties" appeared. M.O. Warns reported 654 previously
unknown notes accounted for by members in about 18 months.
Seymour Kashin wrote about the unusual "Project Turnkey"
scrip. The U.S. government hired Walter Kidder Construction to
build an airbase in South Vietnam; part of the deal was that
Kidder was required to pay its employees 5% of their pay in scrip.
These notes became a footnote to the Vietnam War.
_TO) riT) On
frJ `V1710 TO? 1-0
cr JL Inc.
(718) 268-3221
\ SI(
«)1.1 I.( I ()RS
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Charter Member
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
&fah) of Pap.) Money Colladom
Check One
q REGULAR, 18 years of age or olde
Signature of Parent or
Society 4 Papa money Colled000
DUES 5r 1976
Payable in U.S Fund,
Please re.t promptly. Payable lama, I and not later titan
April 15. 1976 if you do no sa,5 your membership to expire.
If you have already paid your 1976 dues please disregard this
Sant! o8 ONao Immuy cdkame
Paper Money Specialities only
This includes $2.00 initiation fee.
Succeeding years are $8.00.
Dues are payable in U.S. Funds .
Make remittances payable to:
Mail Application and check to..
Harry G. Wigington, Secretary
P.O. Box 40821 Harrisburg, Pa. lh 1 I
SPMC application
and dues renewal
envelope from the
Total International 25%
34 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Our Membership:
Who were we?
Who are we now?
By Fred L. Reed III, #4912
Over its four-decade history, SPMC members' interests
have changed dramatically, reflecting the changing nature of
our hobby itself, according to a straw poll of new members'
interests as reflected on member applications 40 years apart.
When SPMC began, the nation was in the throes of a
five-year-long Civil War Centennial celebration. Our hobby
and many early Society members shared an intense interest in
that great historical epoch.
Authors like Grover Criswell catered to this appetite, and
large numbers of early SPMC members collected Confederate
and Southern States notes. Twice as many new SPMC mem-
bers expressed that interest then (one in five) compared to
recent members entered on the Society's rolls (one in ten).
Today these new members are much more likely to be
interested in America's "Home Town" bank notes, National
Currency from their own areas. One in seven new SPMC
members today collects Nationals. That's three times as great
an interest in Nationals today as four decades ago (one in 23).
No doubt, the great NBN references which have appeared
during that time, including several published by SPMC, have
helped to spur on that interest.
The composition of the Society has changed in other
ways over the past 40 years. Slightly more new members rep-
resented themselves as dealers or collector/dealers in 1961
than forty years later. Many fewer new members express an
interest in foreign materials of late. It was one in four. Today
it is one in 10. The falloff in Canadian interest among new
SPMC members is notable. The strength of other collectors
groups catering to the international collector no doubt
accounts for part of this change.
Collectors of obsoletes have become much scarcer, too,
even though SPMC has expended a great deal of effort in that
genre as have other authors. They were one-in-two of new
members. Today only one-in-four express that interest.
The biggest growth, not unexpectedly, has been in the
Federal currency arena. When SPMC was founded only one
in five had an interest in Federal currency. Today it's nearly
two in three. Then as now Large Size type notes and
Fractional Currency were popular, but great growth has visit-
Charter Members (343) of SPMC were:
Collectors: 269 80.5%
Dealers: 23 6.7%
Collectors & Dealers: 42 12.5%
No preference: 9
Collecting interests indicated by Charter Members of SPMC:
U.S. exclusive: 219
U.S. and foreign: 44
Foreign: 49
No preference: 31
U.S. general: 92 U.S. General: 30%
Colonials & Continentals: 14
CSA: 36
Southern State: 26
Obsoletes: 66
Uncut Sheets: 4
Encased Stamps: 1
Fractionals: 14
Silver Certificates: 5
FRNs: 1
NBN: 15
Small Size: 12
Large Size: 19
Errors: 1
Total U.S.: 306
Worldwide/Foreign General:
Canada: 11
Mexico: 3
Latin America: 5
Caribbean: 1
British: 2
japan: 2
Chinese: 3
Russia: 1
Malaya: 1
Borneo: I
Australia: 1
Poland: 1
Baltic States: 3
Finland: 1
German: 1
Saudi Arabia: 1
Israel: 1
World War II: 8
Total foreign: 86
Total Obsoletes: 48%
Total U.S. Federal: 22%
SPMC Governor David A. Hakes
gets the Society some publicity
in a television interview with
39 Audrey Creecy.
Colonials & Continentals: 12
CS A: 21
Southern State: 10
Obsoletes: 27
Uncut Sheets: 1
Encased Stamps: 1
Checks: 5
Stocks & bonds: 4
Fractionals: 24
Silver Certificates: 11
FRNs: 3
NBN: 45
Small Size: 39
Large Size: 55
Errors: 10
MPC: 6
Gold Certificates: 5
High denominations: 2
The Lore of
At left, an
brochure from
the 1970s.
Below 1960s
George W.
Wait and
Vernon L.
Top Recruiters One Key
To Society Growth
1965 Nathan Goldstein
1966 Nathan Goldstein
1970 Nathan Goldstein (59)
1971 David A. Hakes (159)
1972 David A. Hakes (28)
1973 David A. Hakes (42)
1974 David A. Hakes (67)
1975 David A. Hakes (28)
1976 David A. Hakes (23)
1977 Bob Medlar (28)
1978 Bob Medlar (48)
1979 Bob Medlar (49)
1985 Larry Adams (49)
1986 John Wilson (C) (21)
Richard Balbaton (D) (19)
1987 Richard Balbaton (D) (37)
John Wilson (C) (29)
1988 Richard Balbaton (23)
1989 Bob Cochran (33)
1990 Tom Denly (30)
1991 Ron Horstman (32)
1992 Ron Horstman (43)
1993 Tom Denly (36)
1994 Stanley Morycz (46)
1995 Stanley Morycz (87)
1996 Stanley Morycz (26)
1997 Frank Viskup (33)
1998 Frank Viskup (21)
1999 Frank Viskup (40)
2000 Tom Denly (60)
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211 35
ed such specialties as Error notes, Star notes, Web notes,
MPCs, and Small Size type during this period. Additional
collectors have taken up Gold and Silver Certificates, Federal
Reserve Bank Notes and Federal Reserve Notes. All of this
interest is reflected in popular books catering to and helping
abet growth in these arenas.
Numbers such as these are more than merely interesting.
They are important to the Paper Money Editor when planning
issues of our journal. We are constantly on the alert for excel-
lent worldwide topics, while continuing to present our "bread
and butter" genre. As always, if you haven't seen your special-
ty in these pages recently, pick up your pen and write! As the
numbers show, others will be interested in your expertise.
These numbers are also important to your Society
Officers and Board when implementing programs for the
membership. Our Society needs to continue to reflect its
members' interests to remain relevant. As those interests
evolve, so must the thrust of our organization.
Most recent members (327) of SPMC are:
Collectors: 245 81.4%
10 3.3%
Collectors & Dealers: 46
No preference: 26
Collecting interests indicated by recent members of SPMC:
U.S. exclusive: 199
U.S. and foreign: 18 7.8%
Foreign: 15
No preference: 105
US general: 40 U.S. General: 12%
Total Obsoletes: 24%
Total U.S. Federal 64%
Web notes: 4
Star notes: 4
$2 s: 3
Serial #s: 3
Total U.S.: 336
Worldwide/Foreign General: 14
Total International: 10%
Canada: 3
Germany: 4
France: 1
Britain: 1
Baltic States: 1
Greece: 1
Ethiopa: 1
Other foreign: 9
Total foreign: 35
Rising majestically above the fabled
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January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY36
At left from top, John Hickman emphasizes a point; Amon Carter
and John Rowe; Dr. Glenn Jackson, Jack Vorhies, and Gene
Hessler. At bottom, Memphis' Rivermont Holiday Inn hosted the
first International Paper Money Shows.
"'The way to have a short Winter is to have a big note due in
the Spring,' John Hickman told attendees at the SPMC annual
banquet Aug. 25, 1977, during the recent ANA convention in
Atlanta, GA."
--Fred Reed, Coin World, Sept. 14, 1977
At the Board meeting during the ANA, George Wait
announced the publication of Maine Obsolete Paper Money and
Scrip. Bob Medlar said that future Board meetings would be held
during the paper money show in Memphis, and that the annual
clues had been raised to $10. Coin World was credited for produc-
ing 42 new members, and Bank Note Reporter another 18.
Byron Johnson announced that the ANA Certification
Service (ANACS) would begin to authenticate certain types of
paper money as time, technology, and other circumstances per-
mitted. In essence, all currency issued in the U.S. would be
accepted, except notes covered by the counterfeiting provisions of
the U.S. Code; this meant that no issues of the current U.S.
Government would be accepted for authentication.
The last issue for 1977 featured works by G. Doster, J.
Lasser, M. Carter, and S. L. Smith. Wismer project coordinator
Richard T. Hoober Sr. was forced to resign that position, due to
increased activity at his business. Wendell Wolka graciously
agreed to replace him.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 37
Happy Anniversary, SPMC!
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j. U. $towell Printing Co. .
June 13, 1975
Mr. Vernon L. Brown
P. O. Box 8984Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 333 10
Dear Mr. Brown:
We are very sorry to hear that you are re-
tiring as secretary of the Paper Money and we too
have enjoyed working with you over the past eight
years. Your splendid cooperation has made our job
much easier.
It is all right with us to wait until June
30th to send us the list of the new members.
Kindest regards in your future endeavors.
dull A. Moran
a14141411111 , 11IITAW11i141141114111.11.11W114141.141111141 , 11,41 , 1141 , 11V141, 1141
Society 21 Paper !Muni Cellectope
4 Papet, iitettel
New World
38 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Society magazine Paper Money thrives for four decades
By Fred L. Reed, #4912 III
As the principal membership benefit, our Society magazine
Paper Money registers the temperature of the Society's health
every time it rolls off the presses and arrives at members'
homes, offices and businesses.
Fortunately, SPMC "Founding Fathers" recognized the
importance of this publication as the common tie which binds
all members' interests together. Early on, they established a
quality journal to present members' research, news, advertising,
and other information important to the membership individual-
ly and collectively.
This is the 211th issue of Paper Money. For nearly 40
years, we can unequivocally report, both Society and magazine
are (to borrow Treasurer Mark Anderson's phrase) in "better
than fine shape," thank you.
Paper Money Milestones:
Winter 1962 - First Issue (c. 1/62, 16 pages, at right)
1962-1973 - Quarterly (publication 4x per year)
1967 - Paper Money accorded 2nd Class mailing status
1970 - Money Mart replaces Trading Post
Spring 1972- First Two-Color Cover (Vol. XI #1)
1972 - Began accepting 1/8 page ads
1972 - Cloth-bound copies of Volumes I-X offered
Summer 1972 - 60-page issue sets size record
1974- - Bimonthly (publication 6x per year)
1974 - Agreement with University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI
Jan/Feb 1977 - First offset printing (previously letterpress)
1986 - Paper Money cut to 32 pages for economy
1999 - Desktop page makeup introduced
2000 - Research Exchange introduced
Largest issues of Paper Money:
Jan/Feb 2001 - 164 pages
July/Oct 1976 - 76 pages (double issue)
Nov/Dec 1976-Jan/Feb 1979 - 64 pages
Paper Money Editors:
The first Editor of Paper Money was Hank Bieciuk, the first
President of SPMC. Issues 1-8 (Winter 1962 to Fall, 1963) each
list Hank as the Editor, with all of the following as Assistant
Editors: Charles Affleck, Foster W. Rice, Arlie Slabaugh, Fred
R. Marckhoff, and
Dwight Musser.
(8 issues, 176
Issues 9-63
( W i n t e r
1964/Volume 3
#1, to May/June
1976/Volume 15
#3) have Barbara
R. Mueller as
Editor. Barbara
also served as
Editor of The
Essay-Proof journal
for many, many
years. (55 issues,
2568 pages)
Issue 64/65
1976/Volume 15
#4/5) to Issue 75 (May/June 1978/Volume 17 #3) have Doug
Watson as Editor. Doug had been with Krause Publications
and worked in business for himself; he returned to Krause in
1978. (12 issues, 716 pages)
Issue 76 (July/August 1978/Volume 17 #4) to Issue 111
(May/June 1984/Volume 23 #3) once again have Barbara
Mueller as Editor. (36 issues, 1960 pages) (Total: 91 issues,
4528 pages)
Issue 112 (July/August 1984/Volume 23 #4) Gene Hessler
begins as Editor. Gene's last issue was Issue 198 (Nov/Dec
1998 Volume 37 #6). (87 issues, 3636 pages)
Marilyn Reback, an assistant Editor of The Numismatist,
served as Editor from Issue 199 (Jan/Feb 1999 Volume 38 #1) to
Issue 203 (Volume 38 #5). (5 issues, 176 pages)
Current Editor Fred Reed commenced with Issue 204
(Nov/Dec 1999 Volume 38 #6). (8 issues, 420 pages)
Printers of Paper Money
1962-1980 J. W. Stowell Printing Co., Federalsburg, MD
1980-1982 Camden Co., Camden, SC
1983- Present Dover Litho Co., Dover, DE
Paper Money Authors:
Who's the most prolific author published in the pages of
this magazine, Paper Money?
Is it Forrest Daniel? Or Peter Huntoon? Or Gene Hessler?
Daniel, who has written exhaustively about counterfeiting,
as well as about Canadian notes, Nationals, Fractionals,
Confederate issues and a variety of scrip and related items, has
been a member of SPMC since the dawn of the Society. He
joined our ranks 40 years ago and has been busy since sharing
his enthusiasm for a wide range of syngraphic items.
Huntoon, known for his extensive and scholarly contribu-
tions to National Bank Note collecting, has also contributed
articles on a wide range of other classes of U.S. currency as well
PAPER MONEY, January-February 2000
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 39
Paper Money
• 1994 •
as errors and collector profiles of fellow members. Pete, who
came aboard 37 years ago, has also been busy. He's penned
three of SPMC's books on Nationals.
Hessler, who is the relative newcomer of this illustrious
trio -- having come aboard only 30 years ago -- has been busy
since adding to our store of knowledge about engravers, curren-
cy design, worldwide topics and basic collecting. Of course, he
also served us 14 years as this publication's Editor, making all
the rest of us look good and sound articulate.
According to the comprehensive Paper Money index com-
piled recently by member George Tremmel (updated to the
current issue), by my count Forrest and Peter and Gene have all
had more than 130 articles published in these pages.
Let's put Daniel's and Huntoon's and Hessler's accom-
plishments into perspective. Say that you -- a new author --
produced an article which was accepted and published in this
magazine EVERY issue for the next 20 years: You would still
be several years behind these stalwarts -- even if they rested on
their current laurels, which none show any signs of doing.
Through this issue, I count 'em up this way:
Peter Huntoon
137 Howard Parshall 17
Forrest Daniel 137 Harry Wigington 16
Gene Hessler 137 Frank Hutchins 15
Bob Cochran 115 Bob Medlar 14
M. Owen Warns 70 George W. Wait 15
Brent Hughes 61 George Killian 14
Richard Hoober 48 C. John Ferreri 12
Barbara Mueller
46 Richard Banyai 12
Wendell Wolka
42 Fred Marckhoff 12
Frank Clark 38 Bruce Smith 12
Jerry Remick 36 M. Titus
Fred Reed 34 Maurice Burgett 11
Roger Durand 33 Richard Kelly 11
Robert H. Lloyd 31 Michael Kupa 11
Larry Adams 30 Dave Grant 11
Nathan Goldstein II 27 David Ray Arnold 10
Steve Whitfield
Everett Cooper Philpott
Milton Friedberg 20 Austin Sheheen
Ron Horstman
20 Many
Who's the most honored Paper Money author?
Once again, it's either Peter Huntoon or Forrest Daniel.
Both have received an amazing 10 SPMC Literary Awards for
their contributions to the Society magazine. In fact, Daniel
captured the very first Literary Award that the Society
bestowed in 1964. Daniel's haul is all the more outstanding,
when one considers his long service as Chairman of the Awards
Committee which precluded his winning in those years.
Hessler, whose job as Editor precluded his receiving Society
laurels for many years, has nabbed four SPMC Lit Awards and
an incredible eight ANA and NLG prizes for our journal.
Huntoon, whose first Lit Award was an Honorable
Mention laments that the Society no longer bestows such hon-
ors. "We seem to have dropped those, and they were a good
idea to stimulate beginners," he said. It sure worked for Pete!
Huntoon's and Daniel's hauls of Lit awards far outdis-
tance their nearest competitors, who are nevertheless esteemed
in their own rights.
Total 1st 2nd 3rd HM
Daniel 10 5 3 2
Huntoon 10 4 3 2 1
Cooper 4 2 2
Hessler 4 2 1 1
Grant 4 2 2
Cochran 4 1 3
Moon 4 4
Koster 3 1
Arnold 3 1 1
Glynn 3 2
Hughes 3
Warns 3
Note: Members of the Awards Committee are ineligible for
recognition while serving on that committee. Rules also pre-
cluded officers from receiving these awards prior to 1982.
Paper Money Awards
• NLG Best Club Publication, 1982
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1992
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1993
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1994
• NLG Best Club Publication, 1994
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1995
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1997
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1998
• ANA Best Specialty Publication, 1999
• NLG Best Club Publication, 2000
21 10
21 10
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40 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
In the first issue of Paper Money for 1978, Peter Huntoon
reported the discovery of an Alaska Territorial National! Still
unique, it is an 1882 $20 Date Back from The FNB of Juneau,
Territory of Alaska. It was sold to J.L. Irish (who, with this note,
is the only person to ever form a complete territorial collection).
The Irish Collection was auctioned a few years ago, and this note
sold for about $60,000.
Prolific exhibitor Maurice M. Burgett, Charter Member #92,
was awarded two First Place Awards and the Howland Wood
Clockwise from top left: Roman Latimer, William Mross, John
Jackson, Dr. Bernard Schaaf; Larry Adams and Paul Garland; and
an early Memphis International Paper Money Show at the River-
mont. Below: the Society's first souvenir card was issued in 1979.
Memorial Award at the 1977 ANA Convention. Mart Delger
reported the discovery of a previously unknown fractional note at
the Memphis Paper Money Show. Other great articles came from
Hessler, T. Knebl, H. Parshall, F. Daniel, R. H. Lloyd, D.
Murray, and T. Vavra.
The March/April issue contained articles by Huntoon, J.
Ferreri, F. W. Daniel, U. Forrester, and the beginning of an
ambitious project by Bruce W. Smith, a "Trial Listing of
Missouri Obsolete Notes and Scrip."
An article by H. Corrigan led off the May/June issue, plus
those of Warns, R.T. Hoober Sr., Adams, and Smith. Shocking
news was the resignation of the new Editor, Doug Watson. He
announced his return to Krause Publications as Production
Coordinator, and Barbara Mueller was convinced to resume the
position. She agreed, but stipulated that she would concentrate
on editing; through the courtesy of Krause Publications, Watson
agreed to handle all the layout and graphic design work for each
issue using Krause's facilities.
"SPMC plans a Saturday morning breakfast meeting at the
second Memphis paper money show. The largest paper money
collectors organization in the world, SPMC previously has held its
annual meetings at the ANA convention held every August.
AL INCOLN NOTES / CHECKS & cways wanted
SPMC140 >ku)
Fred Reed •
or POB 118162 Dallas, TX 75011-8162
c_Pc_P cJ,
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Bibliomania Society
Founded in 1980, NBS is a non-profit
organization promoting numismatic
literature and research. For more info
please see our web site at
Membership is $15 annually in North
America, $20 elsewhere. Members
receive The Asylum, a quarterly
journal. To join, send your check to:
Dave Hirt, NBS Secretary-Treasurer
5911 Quinn Orchard Road
Frederick, MD 21704
Best Wishes
For Our 40th
Ralph Osborn #27
Congratulations SPMC
Happy 40th
Currency Club of Chester County
Meets 3rd Thursday 7 p.m.
Applications from N.P. Aspen
420 Owen Rd.
West Chester, PA 19380
Sell Harry Your Mistakes
Buying Error Notes
Harry E. Jones
P.O. Box 30369
Cleveland, OH 44130
PNG 440-234-3330
Congrats to SPMC
on its 40th
Here's to 40 more!
Steve Whitfield
The Pay Toilet Lock Company
New Hay .
73t1.5 MLIA uARNEY, & M. BESSE CARNEY 4, 41, teee91,:e
bede4‘3,,Woreil 0,1 /i;" e:(4 44,4ei
,lo-/ 1/1/4;/ ,1d
,,/,,,ii,,,i/Gij 74/4•4frwiot ; te -
3"W 1-e'Wh71--
'74 /Cs'e.4,06%nianignr nomn corn.,t atzt. arlelo r1 r
8 ,Octoter /125•
Above, among author Wolka's favorite raffle prizes were the Pay Toilet
Lock Company stock certificates which dominated the late-1980s Tom Bain
Raffles. Below, a real Tom Bain-Tom Bain Raffle from the 1970s.
42 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
A Society tradition, Tom Bain Raffle raises funds and fun
By Wendell Wolka, #2584, LM269
Many of my fond reminiscences are connected with the Tom
Bain Raffle, which is still held annually at the Society's Memphis
breakfast. For virtually the entire life of the Society, the Tom Bain
Raffle has been there to serve the needs of the Society and its
In the very beginning, the Raffle was the brainchild of its
namesake, Tom Bain. The Society was new and struggling finan-
cially. He sold chances to those in attendance at SPMC's annual
function that was, at the time, held in conjunction with the
American Numismatic Association's annual convention.
Tom was SPMC President in 1964, when a raffle at the ban-
quet helped the Society to show a small profit on the affair. The
following year Tom convinced fellow Texas dealer, Mike
Brownlee to donate a number of Texas notes for the banquet raf-
fle. According to Secretary J. Roy Pennell "Tickets were sold and
both our Society and many members benefitted by his generosity."
In 1966 the raffle netted $86, although the Miami luncheon
still operated at a loss. By 1971 the raffle had picked up steam.
Tom put together a set of door prizes, which he and friends donat-
ed. Prior to the business meeting, chances were sold for $1 each.
Twenty-five lucky people walked off with prizes, and the Society
banked $111. The next year the ante was up to $252.
The "Tom Bain Project," as it was officially known on the
Society income ledger, garnered $420 in 1973, and $382 in 1974.
The raffle was so popular at these early SPMC gatherings that at
Barbara Mueller's insistence it was moved to the end of the affair
to keep attendees from leaving before the awards were presented.
In 1975 more than $1,000 worth of donated material was
given out. The Society's pot was $338 at the New York City ANA
luncheon in 1976. Tom's last raffle was in 1979 at the St. Louis
ANA. Winners took home nearly $3,000 worth of goodies, and
the Board voted Tom an Award of Merit for his exemplary service
to the Society with the raffle.
In many of these early years, Tom was ably assisted by Chuck
O'Donnell, Steve Taylor and others. Chuck rounded up prizes
from willing donors and raced around the banquet room delivering
the goods to the lucky ticket holders. Chuck was forced to step
down in 1980 at Cincinnati due to ill health, and Taylor and I
filled in. One of the prizes was a Coin World 20th anniversary $20
short snorter that Martin Delger won.
My first exposure to the Raffle was when Tom, himself, was
still running it. I always remember that huge cigar with which
Tom was able to seemingly send Morse Code, as he had it
clinched in his mouth.
Tom was one of the most colorful "characters" I have ever
had the pleasure to meet. Tom was a graduate of Texas A&M and
worked in the oil fields of South America during the 1930s.
During World War II, Tom "flew over the hump" in Southeast
Asia, ferrying supplies into China.
Tom's hallmark was that huge unlit cigar that he could move
in his clinched jaw like a semaphore flag! When Tom passed
away in 1985, I inherited this pleasurable task and have done it
ever since.
Over the years, the Tom Bain Raffle has provided thousands
of members and guests some smiles, a laugh or two, and some
truly "memorable" stuff, err, valuable door prizes. There have
been several "eras" in the evolution of the "hallmark door prize,"
which epitomizes the Tom Bain Raffle.
Back in the '70s, the first of these was the Texas Treasury
Warrant-era. Torn had about 427,612 of these and supplemented
a lean supply of other items whenever necessary. Tom provided
all sizes, shapes, and descriptions of these, and a persistent long-
term winner could have put together a pretty good set of
One year Amon Carter, Jr. won a "throw-away" lot at the
Raffle that was composed of some common world notes. Amon,
whose personal wealth allowed him to buy most anything that he
wanted -- but never changed his warm, friendly personality --
immediately inspected what he had won. He was as happy as a
child on Christmas morning when he saw that he had received a
note in this lot that bore a new issuance date for him. Worth?
Maybe a dime at the time, but Amon was a collector -- and a
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January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Buying, Selling, Auctioning
U. S. Paper Money Since 1935
Now Soliciting Consignments
for Our 2001 Auction Sales
123 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019
Web Site:
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
J1 American Numismatic Society. America's Currency: 1780-1866. New York, 1986. 142pp., illus.
J2 Anderson, William G. The Price of Liberty... The Public Debt of the American Revolution.
Charlottesville, 1983. 180pp., illus. The standard reference pertaining to the various debt certificates of the American colonies.
J3 Ball, Douglas B. Comprehensive Catalog and History of Confederate Bonds. Port Clinton, 1998. 288pp., illus.
J4 Bart, Frederick J. Comprehensive Catalog of United States Paper Money Errors. Port Clinton, OH. 1994. 190 pp., illus. Paper.
J5 Bressett, Kenneth. Guide Book of United States Currency. Racine. 2nd ed., 1995. 336 pp., illus.
J6 Cambell. Lance K. Prisoner of War and Concentration Camp Money of the 20th Century.
2nd ed. Port Clinton, OH 1993. 200 pp., illus. Hardbound.
J7 Carothers, Neil. Fractional Money. Wolfeboro, 1988 reprint of the 1930 work. 373 pp., illus. Paper.
J8 Chambliss, Carlson R. U.S. Paper Money - Guide Handbook. Port Clinton, 1999. 479 pp., illus. A useful book in obtaining both
historical information as well as ideas with which to build collections in all categories of the U.S. currency field.
J9 Criswell, Grover C. Confederate and Southern States Bonds. 2nd ed., Florida, 1980. 374 pp., illus.
J10 . Confederate War Bonds. 1993-1994 Edition. Salt Springs, FL. 1992. 76 pp., illus. Paper
J11 . Colonel Grover Criswell's Guide to Confederate Money. Salt Springs, FL. 1991. 58 pp., illus. Paper.
J12 . Comprehensive Catalog of Confederate Paper Money. Port Clinton, OH. 1996. 352 pp., illus.
J13 Friedberg, Arthur L. and Ira S. Paper Money of the United States. 15th ed. Clifton, 1998. 300 pp., illus.
J14 Hessler. Gene. The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money. 6th ed. Port Clifton, OH.1997. 505 pp., illus. Hardbound.
J15 . U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes. Portage, 1979. 224 pp., illus.
J16 Hodder. Michael and Bowers, Q. David. The Standard Catalogue of Encased Postage Stamps. Wolfeboro, 1989. 191 pp., illus. Paper.
J17 Huntoon, Peter. United States Large Size National Bank Notes. Laramie, WY. 1995. 283 pp., illus.
J18 Keller, Kenneth. Sutler Paper Money. Rockford, 1994. 245 pp., illus. Paper.
J19 Kelly, Don C. National Bank Notes - A Guide with Prices. Oxford, OH. 1997. 596 pp., illus.
J20 Kleeberg, John M., ed. Money of Pre-Federal America. New York, 1992. 253 pp., illus.
J21 McCusker, John J. Money and Exchange in Europe & America 1600-1775. Chapel Hills, 1978. 367 pp. Paper.
J22 Mitchell, Ralph A. and Shafer, Neil. Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States. Iola, 1984. 318 pp., illus. Paper.
J23 Murray, Douglas D. Comprehensive Catalog of United States Large Size Star Notes - 1910-1929. Port Clinton, 1996. 128 pp., illus. Paper.
J24 Newman, Eric P The Early Paper Money of America. 4th ed. Iola, 1997. 487 pp., illus.
J25 Oakes, Dean and Schwartz, John. Standard Guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money - 1928 to Date. 2nd ed. Iola, 1997. 339 pp., illus. Paper.
J26 Prather, Dewitt G. United States National Bank Notes and their Seals. Charlotte, 1986. 199 pp. illus.
J27 Rust, Alvin E. Mormon and Utah Coin Currency. Salt Lake City, 1984. 247 pp., illus.
J28 Schingoethe, Herb and Martha College Currency - Money for Business Training. Iola, 1993. Illus.
J29 Schwan, Fred. Comprehensive Catalog of Military Payment Certificates. Port Clinton, OH. 1997. 222 pp., illus.
J30 Schwan, Fred and Boling. Joseph E. World War II Remembered. Port Clinton, OH. 1995. 864 pp., illus.
J31 Scott, Kenneth. Counterfeiting in Colonial Rhode Island. Providence, 1960. 74 pp., illus.
J32 . Counterfeiting in Colonial Connecticut. New York, 1957. 244 pp. plus 24 plates. Paper.
J33 Slabaugh, Arlie R. Confederate States Paper Money. 8th ed. 1993. 128 pp., illus. Paper.
J34 Sullivan. Stephen M. U.S. Error Note Encyclopedia. Melbourne, 1997. 431 pp., illus.
J35 Thian, Raphael P The Register of the Confederate Debt. Lawrence, 1972. Reprint of the classic 1880 work. 190 pp.
J36 . Same. Lincoln, MA. 190 pp. A later reprint than the book offered above.
J37 Cassell, David. United States Pattern Postage Currency Coins. Miami, 2000., 225pp., illus. This book is by far the most exhaustive reference
regarding this area of pattern collecting. The author makes valuable corrections to both Judd and Pollock.
J38 Harlow, Thompson, R. Connecticut Engravers: 1774-1820. Hartford, 1971. 4Opp., illus. Paper. Printed in the October 1971
Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin
J39 Krause, Chester L. and Lemke, Robert F. Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money. 18th ed. Iola, 1999. 214 pp., illus.
The new edition of this popular, versatile reference.
J40 Oakes, Dean and Schwartz, John. Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money - 1928 to Date. 3rd ed. Iola, 1999. 352 pp., illus.
Paper. The new edition of this popular, highly regarded reference.
341 O'Brien, Donald C. Abner Reed: A Connecticut Engraver. Hartford, 1979. 16pp., illus. Paper. Printed in the January 1979 Connecticut
Historical Society Bulletin. Also included is an article entitled "Stephen Johnson: Patriot Minister" by Bruce Stark.
J42 Slabaugh, Arlie R. Confederate States Paper Money. 9th ed. Iola, 1998. 246 pp., illus. The new expanded edition of this book,
now including a useful section on Southern States Currency.
When ordering books, please add $3.50 for the first item and $2.00 for each additional title or volume. All books are shipped
via 4th Class Mail unless otherwise requested. Please call for 1st Class or Air Mail rates.
123 WEST 57th STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019-2280
82 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC salutes longtime members
Many SPMC members have achieved great seniority with the Society. An
amazing number of members have been with SPMC for virtually all of its 40
years. Several hundred of our senior members will be celebrating the following
anniversaries as Society members during this year. Congratulations to all of
40 Years
Brent H. Hughes (7), J. Roy Pennell Jr. (8, HLM8), Chester L. Krause (9),
Harry J. Forman (13), Larry D. Richardson (23), Ralph Osborn (27), N. A.
Rieger (29), Arlie Slabaugh (32), Raymond C. Rennick (33), Floyd 0. Janney
(38), J. Tracy Walker III (73), Charles G. Altz (75), Warren S. Henderson (77),
Laurence A. Miller M.D. (98), Richard Jones (117), Forrest W. Daniel (121),
Arthur M. Kagin (122), Nathan Goldstein II (133), James N. Treadaway (169),
James T. Mitchell (174, LM285), Merrill V. Youkin (181, LM303), Arthur D.
Cohen (191), Dr. Robert D. Currier (202), W. Philip Keller (205), Leon H.
Bookman (218), Norman Brand (220, LM132), Clark E. Nixon (234, LM227),
Clyde F. Mackewiz (250), Neal F. Carlson (256, LM156)
39 Years
John H. Miller (269), John J. Ford Jr. (278), William C. Hatcher (286), Robert
P. Payne (287), Eric P. Newman (290), Peter G. Robin (292), Clifford Mishler
(294, LM142), John N. Rowe III (306), Marvin D. Ashmore (307), Arnold R.
Anderson (319), Roland C. Casanova (364), L.J. Waters (415), Lawrence Falater
(460, LM35), Barbara R. Mueller (464, HLM2)
38 Years
Ruth Springer (479), Larry Marsh (493), J. W. Schneider (506), William E.
Benson (524), James L. McKee (546), James R. Hosler (564), Thomas S.
Gordon (567), Robert B. Erickson (583), Richard L. Hood (592), Bill Wakes
37 Years
Vernon Bosley (609, LM17), Andrew P. Beck Jr. (640), Peter W. Huntoon
(662), Neil Shafer (681, LM30), Jerome H. Remick (742), Bobby Sowell (752,
LM18), B. Al. Stuart M. D. (766, LM92), Q. David Bowers (780), George F.
Pollock Jr. (807), LTC William J. Pardee (827), George T. McDuffie (836),
Dewitt G. Prather (862), Wayne L. Nauka (887), Howard Schein (911), Richard
D. SteM (940), Morey Perlmutter (948), Joseph Persichetti (966), Michael D.
Warmbier (970), Harry H. Schultz (994), William R. Martin (1013), Neville L.
Brugh (1054), George L. Verrall (1079)
36 Years
Dennis Forgue (1096), Bryan Burnett (1114), L. J. Kaczor (1118), Michael
Miller (1123), Howard Pardee (1133), Joseph Gilio (1143, LM271), William T.
House (1149), Glenn E. Martin (1170), James J. Conway M.D. (1185), Herman
J. Harjes (1186), Wayne S. Rich (1190), Martin Vink (1191), Robert R. Andrews
II (1206), Robert S. Marshall (1207), Jasper D. Payne (1300), Leo Eickhoff
(1318, LM154), Dean Oakes (1322), Jim Pittman (1333), R. H. (Rocky)
Rockholt (1354), Milton R. Friedberg (1370), Peter A. Graubarcl (1373), Gary
D. Hacker (1388), Gordon Harris (1449), Eugene 1-1. Hiser (1462), Walter D.
Allan (1477, LM311), Jack K. Paul (1504), Ronald Horstrnan (1526, LM12), Dr.
Paul R. Peel (1538), Douglas G. Johnson (1561), Raymond K. Oakes (1566),
Frank R. Hannah (1586), Richard Hickman (1590), Don C. Kelly (1594)
35 Years
Frank G. Burke (1613), John J. Nichols (1655), Tom Conklin (1662, LM33),
Irving Golden (1664), Bruno Rzepka (1672), Douglas B. Ball (1675), George M.
Shubert (1682), James R. Weiland (1689), William B. Warden Jr. (1716,
LA4232), Stanley W. Scieszka (1733), Dr. Herman Al. Aqua (1736), Mrs.
Katherine M. Carson (1762), Edward I. Oliver (1777), George Conrad (1805),
Joe E. Compton (1819), Raymond H. Greenleaf (1824), Charles G. Johnson Jr.
(1833), Ira Rezak M.D. (1841), John W. Veirs M.D. (1843), Paul E. Peffer
(1862), Harold N. Galpern (1868), Terry A. Bryan DMD (1872)
34 Years
Ronald D. Winegarden (1888), Ralph Burnworth (1892), David Schlingman
(1991), Dr. Donald W. Schleicher (1997, LM52), Paul L. Haudrich (2049),
Thomas F. Franke (2083), Joseph F. Petrosius (2105), William Anton Jr. (2127),
Chas. L. Van Diviere Jr. (2147), Jerry E. Tralins (2148), Vernon 1I. Oswald
(2152), Arthur C. Leister (2155), Nelson R. Hilbert Jr. (2157), Emory M.
Robinson (2182), Philip B.D. Parks (2200, LM4I), Austin Al. Sheheen Jr. (2207,
LM122), Charles Lotcpeich (2221), Samuel L. Adkins (2227)
33 Years
Robert H. Lloyd (2251), Jerry K. Lorenzen (2265), Dr. James W. Fletes (2270),
Larry D. Adams (2278), Robert C. McCurdy (2281), Edwin 0. Schlesinger
(2332, LM312), Harry E. Jones (2350), Lyn F. Knight (2391, LM182), Leon
Silverman (2417, LA4141), Donald W. Watts (2419), Dr. Alan York (2435),
Richard J. Balbaton (2446), Milton S. Lewis (2448), Charlton H. Buckley (2449)
32 Years
Carl R. Anderson (2471), Norman F. Johnson M. D. (2479, LM139), Anthony
Nicolazzo (2497), John W. C. Manser (2515), Samuel R. Roakes Jr. (2517,
LM57), Robert A. Crowell (2521), Roman L. Latimer (2540), Robert E. Tansky
(2542), Harry R. Valley (2563, LM51), C. John Ferreri (2570), Ralph E. Plumb
(2580), Wendell Wolka (2584, LM269), Allen T. Everett (2598), John 1-lanik
(2621, LM32), George B. Tremmel (2623), Charles A. Dean (2649), Steven K.
Jennings (2714, LA4103), Allen Mincho (2730)
31 Years
Raylene Morrow Junkins (2754), Lawrence F. McGrail (2758), Glen 1. Jorde
(2759), Joseph S. Bonk (2763), John F. Golden (2767), Norman E. Decker
(2797), Frank Levitan (2800), Ray Patterson (2805), Julian M. Leidman (2807),
Dale Ennis (2808), Roger H. Durand (2816), Leland W. Stickle (2828), John E.
Panek (2833), Stanley Czerminski (2839, LM19), Richard H. Anderson M.D.
(2865), James F. Stone (2866), Thomas M. Flynn (2867), Frank Bennett (2877,
LM235), Edward Fellows (2880), J. Franklin O'Brien (2895), Armand M. Shank
Jr. (2898, LM78), Lowell C. Honvedel (2907, LM34), David M. Walsworth
(2916), George F. Ross (2920), Steven K. Whitfield (2930, LM249), William
Hill (2932), Dennis L. Huff (2969)
30 Years
James C. Vosburgh Jr. (2972), Jeffrey L. Ferrand (2983), Nelson Page Aspen
(3004), Stanley Morycz (3013), Edward Kuszmar (3027), Roger J. Radtke (3066),
Michael E. Tauber (3089), Ross L. Woodman (3108, LM304), Warren Jackson
(3120), Richard J. Ulbrich (3137), James A. Sparks Jr. (3144), Gene Hessler
(3157, LM100, HLMIO), Michael Robelin (3165), Peter S. Janak (3171), Colin
R. Bruce II (3175), Dr. Harold Don Allen (3221, LA420), Jerry Williams (3233),
Douglas D. Hunter M.D. (3239, LA439), William P. Koster (3240), George
Decker (3242, LM120), Stephen R. Taylor (3258), John Glynn (3267), Willis E.
Karner Jr. (3276), Michael A. Crabb Jr. (3285, FILAR), Robert C. Korosec
(3303, LM21), Jack M. Vorhies (3314), Arthur L. Goldstein (3316), Charlton E.
Meyer Jr. (3325), Harry J. Williams (3331), John L. Schwartz (3333), Stephen
Tebo (3353, LM38), James Hedges M.D. (3367, LM64), Charles E. Kirtley
(3369, LM180), Harold A. Wells Jr. (3379, LM58), Deutsche Bundesbank
Geldmusei (3382), Edward B. Hoffman (3386)
29 Years
Herbert P. Hicks (3392), Gerome Walton (3395), Elvin B. Miller (3435), Ernest
C. Wilkens (3449), Robert J. Galiette (3462), Carl Cochrane (3463, LM125),
Gary F. Snover (3467), William S. Lavick (3468), George H. Kwatcher (3469),
Bill Horton (3474), Philip L. Cucinotta (3477), David Halaiko (3485), James J.
Hoskovec (3537), Edward Marijan (3541), R. Craig Bittner (3552), Herbert
Schingoethe (3555), George H. Labarre (3561), LM300), Michael B. Scacci
(3579), Harry M. Corrigan (3580), Jack H. Fisher (3582), Russell A. Hibbs M.D.
(3586), Tom Sheehan (3593, LM287), William W. Burkhardt (3594), Don
Fisher (3597), Zollie Kelman (3599), Ed Leventhal (3602, LM208), Fred V.
Lester (3605), Aubrey T. Haddock (3633), Joe L. Hensley (3637), John Parker
(3641), David Faulkner (3642), A. Raymond Auclair (3643), John Ferm (3653,
Donald Mark (3655), Samuel A. Whitworth (3681), Richard M. Kirka (3687)
28 Years
Rodney L. Kelley (3703), George A. Flanagan (3711), Walter Rosene Jr. (3747),
James D. Trent Jr. (3750), John Kenneth Purcell (3780), Radford Stearns (3794,
LM36), Fred Schwan (3795, LM317), Peter A. Boyer (3808), David Schneider
(3823), R. W. Volkers (3838), Michael Al. Ostrander (3852), Winfield A. Becker
Jr. (3857), Gary W. Potter (3858), Leonard Garland (3893), Roy G. Lindgren
(3907), Carmen D. Valentino (3933), Stephen Schroeder (3944), Arnold H.
Selengut (3958), K. Edward Jacobi (3959), Richard Dreger (3962, LM280),
Joseph E. Boling (3967), Tim Fleming (3976), Charles Kemp (3980, LM62),
Michael Kovac (3981)
27 Years
Roland H. Swett (3996), Sam H. Bettis (4000), Bob Waszilycsak (4001, LA4150),
Robert W. Ross III (4024, LM59), J.R. Lasser (4043, LM23), Charles T.
Koehler (4044), C. M. Nielsen (4048), S. D. Reiss (4055), Clinton Hollins
(4076), William L. Rohning (4080), Robert W. Hearn (4132), Robert A. Mason
(4143, LM276), Eleanor Conklin (4146, LM194), Martin Rogan (4167), Barney
W. Hill (4179), William Kleinschmidt (4181), Carletta E. Mosby (4190),
George H. Carman (4226), Leo Thurn (4255), Charles E. Straub (4256), C.
Robert Jackson (4264), G.B. Eddy (4267), Jules E. Topfer (4269), Alex G.
Perakis (4277)
26 Years
American Numismatic Association Library (4290, LA4113), Thomas E. Caton
(4293, LM53), Richard A. Moeller (4295, LM104), Charles T. Rodgers (4302),
Newell D. Ueland (4316), David R. Meyers (4324), Allan W. Maki (4331),
Newark Museum (4345), Wayne R. Freese (4360), Jervis C. Rowe (4363),
Theodore J. Von Zwehl (4369), Arthur Aron (4386), Len Glazer (4388), Bob
Kosmo (4397), Irving Carol (4399), Emmett H. Brooks (4403), Lynn A. Phillips
(4406), Victor Fickling (4408, LM281), Tom E. Gettman (4437), Forrest
Meadows (4439), Bob Steele (4462), Victor M. Marchioni (4473), D.R. Sullivan
(4479), Claud B. Murphy Jr. (4486, LA4261), Mel Steinberg (4496), Dennis E.
Steinmetz (4505), Richard Allen (4536, LM40), J. Owen Wheeler (4547),
Kenneth L. Hallenbeck (4548), Robert G. Lanphear (4549), Byrd Saylor III
(4553), James Andel (4562), James E. Noll (4563), Tim Kyzivat (4575, LM223),
John F. Veldhuis (4591), Jerry R. Roughton (4599), William C. Vaughan (4622),
Alfred I-Iortmann (4630)
25 Years
David W. Moore (4664, LM67), Gerald A. Schmidt (4690), John P. Ameen
(4728), William J. Skelton (4736), Wallace G. Lee (4742), Martin J. Delger
(4762), Lou Rasera (4773), Dean Paul Davis (4776), Peter G. Parkhurst (4779),
Douglas D. Murray (4683, LM250), Leon Christodoulou (4791), W.G.
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
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What's The Best Way
To Sell Your Paper Money Collection?
The best way to sell your collection is to consign it to someone you trust. Your currency
collection probably took years to acquire. Each purchase was thoughtfully considered, each note carefully stored,
and handled with respect. The sale of your collection should be accomplished in the same manner. Carefully, and
At Smythe, we care about our consignors, our bidders, and our staff members. We don't
mis-grade your lots, or sell them long after midnight, or during convention hours. We strongly support the show
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We illustrate every major note, using boxes or color where appropriate. Each note is
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Our rates are flexible and highly competitive. There are no lot charges, photo charges or
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If you are thinking of selling, take advantage of the strongest currency market we have
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To Consign, call 800-622-1880 or 212-943-1880 and ask for Jay Erlichman, Stephen Goldsmith (U.S. Coins),
Diana Herzog (Autographs). David Vagi (Ancient Coins), Dr. Douglas Ball (CSA, Obsolete and Colonial Currency),
and Martin Gengerke (Federal Currency), or Kevin Foley (Federal Currency) at 877-210-1727. Now accepting
consignments for all future auctions.
To Subscribe: Subscribers can be fully assured of receiving our fully-illustrated
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26 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 • Toll Free: 800-622-1880
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Stephen Goldsmith
Kevin Foley MEMBER
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Kirchner (4816, LM160), Paul L. Koppenhaver (4828), Lawrence A.
Smulczenski (4836), Robert Azpiazu Jr. (4844), John W. Wilson (4861, LM127)
24 Years
Robert Goller (4888, LM222), W. Crutchfield Williams II (4900, LM25), Frank
R. Trask (4901), Fred L. Reed III (4912), David H. Klein (4916), Jeffrey F.
Poyer (4921), Douglas K. Hales (4924), Charles W. Leach (4926), James E.
Skalbe (4954), Eugene F. Bright (4961), C. E. Temple (4968), Dennis Luck
(4980), State Historical Society Of Wisconsin (4988), Sheldon Chapman (4989),
Barry Wexler (5000), Alan J. Moser (5002, LM89), Alan L. Dorris (5016,
LA4292), W. L. Vaughan (5028), James H. Cohen (5029), John F. Foster (5030),
Jerald L. Cohen (5032, LM94), Albert F. Kaminsky Jr. (5042, LM26), D.B.
Hollander (5052, LM27), Pauline Miladin (5054), William R. Acker (5062),
Thomas A. Reilly (5064), Joseph J. Adamski (5069), R. Logan Talks (5071),
Robert M. Rozycici (5101), Stephen Tannenbaum (5106, LM292), Dana Linett
(5107, LA/1161), William W. Millar (5136, LM305), Robert A. Kvederas Sr.
(5137, LA4720), Lee R. Hartz (5142), Joseph Ridder (5145, LM 288), Joseph F.
Gregory (5147), Lewis E. Morris (5151), John P. Vertrees Jr. (5160), Mark
Campbell (5166), Guy C. Kraus (5181), Lloyd Deierling (5190, LM137),
Haywood Watts (5196, LM108)
23 Years
Ridgely Coghlan (5200), Robert H. Baumann (5207), Neil A. Chiappa (5233,
LM177), David A. Brase PhD (5241), Leon Thornton (5246), Arthur L.
Sherwood (5248), L. Peyton Humphrey (5249), Carl Allen (5251), Clarence A.
McKee (5254), Michael Wheat (5278, LM111), Missouri Numismatic Society
(5293, LA/170), LTC Peter Morey (5347), Brian Kesmer (5360, LM65), Eliot
Lewiskin (5367), Jere P. Brehm (5377, LM73), Wayne J. Liechty (5376),
Stephen Goldsmith (5391), Charles Alan Hilton (5393), Jerry L. Artz (5398),
Dr. Charles F. Phillips Jr. (5424), Louis Winterfield (5426), Robert A. Vlack
(5428), Barry M. Applebaum (5431), Frank J. Urhiha (5435), Robert Shaw
Hewitt (5473, LM85)
22 Years
Steven A. Feller (5494), Pete Fulkerson (5555), Keith Edison (5574), Leonard
Lashaway (5578, LM289), Bob Cochran (5579, LM69), George W. Perz (5584),
WilliamHatchett (5589, LM82), Thomas Snyder (5592, LM45), Donald W.
Hitchcox (5611), R. Yancy Green (5619), James M. Lee (5657), John Mieg
(5659), Alan R. Hoffman (5684), Vernon L. Potter (5697), Harton S. Semple Jr.
(5720, LM107), Thomas P. Rockwell (5726), Dorothy Victorson (5745), Allen
Berk (5763), Ashley E. Chase (5769)
21 Years
James Kubo (5771, LM54), Tom Denly (5773, LM1), Edwin F. Marker (5786),
Gregory Hair (5789), Idy Jones (5812), Bruce D. McLean (5818, LIV1102),
William Litt (5827, LM282), John M. Snoderly (5842), Ed Chauncey (5847,
LM318), Dustinn Gibson (5851), Margaret B. Stefanoff (5855), Lee E. Poleske
(5859), John Pilibosian (5870), Joyce M. Jensen (5893), John T. Hamilton III
(5897), Frank E. Clark III (5900, LM193), Delane Ramsey (5909), John
DePalma (5910), Harold Nogle Jr. (5926), John B. McCarthy (5934, LA4101),
Frank C. Dwornik (5939), Jeff Byrd (5947, LM318), David R. Koble (5952),
Richard A. Waszkiewicz (5954), Michael Kotora (5957, LM189), G. Robert
Ganis (5958), Denwood N. Kelly (5960), Arlyn Vonk (5975), Gerald Loegler
(5990), Walter Wiegand (5996), Wayne K. Hoimen (5998), Joe Wilhauk (6002,
LM310), James J. Boyer (6007, LA460), Scott H. Williams (6017), Lawrence
Henling (6019, LM56), Ronald J. Benice (6026), A. A. Armstrong Jr. (6037)
20 Years
Mark A. Sims (6042, LM86), Nick Magnano (6051), Jim Hodgson (6055,
LM243), Eric Moore (6065, LM152), John M. Stuber (6066), Mike Fink (6079),
Jerry Dzara (6082), Leonard W. Harsel (6098), Roland Rivet (6104), Nancy
Wilson (6114, LA4140), Thomas R. Durkin (6120), Jim Sazama (6133), Charles
R. Savidge (6139), Hartley G. Johnson (6141), Bertram Cohen (6148, LM42),
Rev. Joseph W Baker (6173, LM49), Hershel Katz (6182), Lowell Yoder (6184),
Bank of Canada National Currency Collection (6195), Irwin Tyler (6210,
LM71), Darrell D. Crotty (6215), Bob Whitten (6218), Bob Reed (6221), Les
Winners (6232), Ken Barr (6233, LM50), Peter Plath (6243), Brian Christian
(6246), Joseph Apelman (6248), Maj. Wesley E. Duran (6251)
19 Years
William S. Nawrocki (6261), Lester Maul( (6272), Edward Von Stein (6282),
John F. Strayer Jr. (6288), Essie Kashani (6290), Phil Iversen (6316), Thomas
Sturges (6324), Fields Luther Parks III (6326), Douglas B. McDonald (6343)
William H. Serocky (6351), Jack W Bonner III (6367, LM176), Ronald Faught,-(63 Georgette73, LM9), Georgee Cornio (6377), Mike F. Schaun (6379), Efrain Archilla-
Diez (6380), Roger Urce (6383), R.L. Rea (6384, LA29), Martin Garringer
(6393, LM. 272), Norman G. Peters (6403), Kenneth Podrat (6411), R.W.
(6415), Robert McCabe (6426), Don H. Ketterling (6438, LM88),
Joe Sande (6442), James L. Jackson (6448), Howard Cohen (6449), Randall
Suslick (6452)
18 Years
John Wixson (6463), Alan Goldsmith (6466, LM37), Tom Kanawyer (6468,
LNli 4), Stephen Coulter (6501), Harry Warren Jr. (6504, LM10) Paul
Angenend (6512), Grey Roberts (6522), Randall W. Ockerman (6525), Jesse
Patrick (6530), Steven Ferguson (6532), J.J. Sullivan (6535), Richard D 'ockter(6546), Eric Jackson (6552), Allan D. Watson (6559), Richard Ponterio (6564),
Meyer P. Avers (6568), Albert Duroe (6579), David Laties (6588), Rich Hegluncl
(6601), Michael V. Stratton (6608), Jerome W. Hannigan (6619), j
(6626), Dan Sickels (6635), Eric J. Vicker (6638), Robert L. Heni
17 Years
R.M. Waltz (6666), Detroit Public Library (6680), Richard E. Badwey- (6682,
LM14), Dave Wilson (6687), John W. Jackson (6691, LMI90), Greg R. Super
(6692), L.E. Phillips Memorial Library (6693), Michael J. Sullivan (669 5 ), J.
Phillip Darby (6697), T.J. Amine] (6699), Robert Lockwood (6705), Robert T.
, Ralph
S t o lbe r(g67(3657)2,4D) , oCn ahiedt Levis
M(67c3InI t)i,rAelic617riale01),CSoultzraan 7(6N73a27Ln iV1(6172115)),
(6736), Robert Butler (6751), Jerry Hammer (6764), Paul A. Andrews (6769),
Frederick Fleischer (6781, LM184), John C. Mitchell (6783), Ronald Jones
(6787), Dave Eakin (6794, LM48), Benny T. Bolin (6795), Bob Hatfield (6803),
Normand Robillard (6818), John Zabel (6822), Victor Norris (6854), Brian F.
Gibbons (6857), Allan Taylor (6876)
16 Years
Randy Haynie (6880, LM81), David M. Gray (6883), Kevin Foley (6889),
Donald KOlkinan (6892), F. Carl Braun (6896, LM273), Cyrus Smith (6900),
John Baker Jr. (6901, LM207), Stan Klein (6902), Jay Benton (6903), John Paul
Sarosi (6908), Morris Lawing (6916), Frederick Angus (6919), James Jach (6922,
LA/115), Lawrence J. Gentile (6925), Jeffrey P. Antonuk (6935), James J. Cowell
Jr. (6949, LM47), Raymond Bisordi (6968, LM68), George Springer (6971),
Howard A. Cohen (6973), Samuel G. Kosko (6974, LM124), Charles D. Moore
(6976), James Warmus (6977), John Martin Davis Jr. (6978, LM251), Tom
Carson (6984), Duncan MacLean (6986), James Carlson (6987), Colin Narbeth
(6997), Professional Currency Dealers Assn. (7000, LA466), William Aleshire
(7001), Frank C. Kiehne (7004), W. Russell Bowie Jr. (7006), William Kelly
(7008, LA/1254), Doug Walcott (7012, LIV155), Robert Bauman (7015), Carlisle
Branch (7025), Rosenberg Holger (7030), Steve Lanster (7040), Joseph E.
Haenn (7068)
15 Years
Tim Sear (7077), Steve Porath (7078), James A. Vander HeLM7094, LA4196),
Henry McCarl (7111, LM233), Kenneth L. Edlow (7141, LM44), William B.
Brandimore (7147), Dan Hamelberg (7160), Michael Niebruegge (7165),
Nathan Lee Allred (7196, LA4106), Richard N. Nachbar (7242), Douglas J.
Gorga (7252), M.S. Kazanjian (7253), Richard Hegel (7256), Myron E. Harmon
(7257), Earl L. Hogard (7284), Lee Quast (7297), Mark Anderson (7300),
Norman Drexler (7303), Hugh Shull (7320, LM6), Virgil Gottardo (7328),
Bernard Pawlicki (7341), Joseph Klodzinski (7342, LM63), Jim C. Mogg (7346),
Mark Volcjak (7356), Bruce Hedani (7370), Lynn Shaw (7371), Sheldon T.
Rabin (7378), James Hatch (7387, LA461), James Sorn (7388, LM75)
14 Years
Gilmore Sem (7390), David Marsh (7391), Brian Silsbee (7404), David B.C.
Tucker (7405), Jeffrey L. Goodall (7414, LM112), Franklin Freeman (7418),
Robert Lefever (7425), Steve Sherman (7436), C. Kirk Page (7438), Richard
Ainsworth (7443), Peter Mayer (7452, LM293), Frederick Fitch Jr. (7454),
Charles Parrish (7456, LM114), Emilio Dressi (7457), Kerry K. Wetterstrom
(7469, LM79), Gene F. Mack (7471), Julius Glaser (7472), Carl Bombara (7474,
LM195), Paul G. Mench (7477), Art Bermingham (7479, LA495), Robert C.
Hastings (7480, LM93), Ken Zimmerman (7484), Tom Minerley (7493), Henry
A. Scheuermann (7506), Keith Harrison (7513), John Bergman (7523), Loren E.
Toombs (7530), Thomas P. Gavin IV (7533), Charles E. Blackmon (7535),
David C. Hanson (7541), Gregory M. Myers (7549), Director Bureau Engraving
and Printing (LM46)
13 Years
Allan L. Teal (7551), Ron Yeager (7569), Alvin Z. Macomber (7571), David Bick
(7578), John Gavel (7579), Trevor W. Wilkin (7587), Francis Hough (7589),
Gary L. Bleichner (7595), John R. Stone (7599), Peter Pallas (LM72), James J.
Vermeulen (7610, LM206), Gaylen D. Rust (7615, LM270), Thomas D.
Robertson (7619), Donald Koehler (7625), Bruce R. Hagen (7628), Noel D.
Rooney (7637), Chiyo Peterson (LM76), C.V. Valiance Jr. (LM80), David M.
Stouffer (7643), Warde H. Dixon (7655, LM83), Larry Rafferty (7656), John W.
Stevens (7658), Walter G. Fortner (7661, LM87), Greg Pineda (7669), Michael
Nuremberg (7670), Don Janofskey (7676), Jimmy D. Gilbreath (7690), Philip V.
Sarcione (7693), George McCoy (7695), Jerome Weinstein (7702), Ralph B.
Draughon Library (7703), LeRoy A. Pieper (7704), Theodore Batcher (7718),
Jeff Rose (7727), Gene D. Mintz (LA484)
12 Years
Ian A. Marshall (7731, LM118), Glenn McDonald (7731, LM105), Dick Naven
(7735), Jerry Yahalom (7741), Norman B. Buckman (7744), Lee Manske (7748)
Eugene Wisakowsky (7755, LM133), Edward Hamm Jr. (7758), Robert N. Eddy:
Jr. (7760), Gary G. Stevenson (7764), Thomas P. Gardner (7771), Douglas
Babyak (7785), Douglas Corrigan (7788), Kent M. Fisher (7789), Judith Murphy
(7792, LM262), John R. Stella (7795), James F. Mason III (7799, LM298), Bob
Bolduc (7807, LM147), Philip Feder (7809), David L. Carpenter (7828, LM99),
Russell Larimore (7830, LA4101), Lance K. Cambell (7836, LM135), 'DavidGel .
wicks (7844), Keith Bauman (7853), Phil Olson (7860), Jan Siedlecki ' (7861)
Jeff Bachman (7869, L109), Carmine J. Tabacco (7874), Dorothea W.
Seymour (7880), Ernie W. Feierabend (7885), Mark D. Tomasko (7888),
Oesterrelehise National Bank (LM90), Jeffrey F. White (LA491)
Russell Kaye
i(e3(,9s74K ju899,7;j42de, ,k,eRIL(107:(94:2119d9260)42,E1);,):a (rislieRe91RYso5De. g8D;Her, sscaRVku(oi s7enbk n9cesc3orhelti.
t7c) ,)h9, eA6,D) (,a7Rev rii7td6c910,H3C,
RHy ILK.a3el erool pii6tnej)hsr:
Covington (LM97), Robert Warren (LM98), Roy Lagomarsino (7980), Francis
The Treasury, Singapore
1-krold Don Alien
SPMC Life Member 20
Charter Member and Past President
International Bank Mote Society
;Mohr/ pa //d. //am 7.11/41
P.O. BOX 20173
j.a.parker.anc @
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
on 40 Years of Service
to the Paper Money Hobby
I am a collector of the Scarcer Territorial, State and National Bank Notes
Dealer and collector offerings are invited
send photocopy, description and price
Chet Krause
P.O. Box 158 • Iola, WI 54945
PH: 715-445-4908
krausec @
7 ace 4,44 aasac ns a 4 n 7 444777 a7. 47 n 4a 44 44 444 a 474
86 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
C. Marinelli (7984, LM153), Frank H. Payne (7991), Marilyn Rehack (7993),
Quintin Ham (8000, LA4110), Gordon Lew (8035), Charles Blayle (8039),
David Gladfelter (8046, LM179), Lawrence U. Cookson (8049, LM231), Robert
Herr (8059), Steve Weiner (8068)
10 Years
Bob Kalinowski (8070, LA4117), Dan Paysner (8070, LA4119), James P. Potter
(8073, LM245), Robert N. Birnbaum (8076, LMI 15), Steven G. Potach (8079),
W. David Melnik (8080), Joseph D. McCarthy (8086, LM307), David F.
Cieniewicz (8095, LA1316), John A. Sheaffer Jr. (8107, LA4134), G.A.
Vandercook (8126), Barry A. Smith (8128), Dale B. Smith (8129, LM277),
Sherill Blackman (8130, LM308), Frank S. Viskup (8133), George J.
Schweighofer (8136), James Girasa (8146), Rob Evangelisti (8148), Joe S. Graves
(8152, LM166), Matt Tudor (8153), Don DeFino (8154), John B. DeMaris
(8161), David Grant (8168), Pat Barnes (8171), Paul Cuccia (8177), Kevin M.
Palm (8181), Arri S. Jacob (8185, LM126), Michael Robinson (8188), Thomas
F.X. O'Mara (8190, LM138), Robert W. Liddell III (8191, LM116), Cecil
Brighton (8195)
9 Years
Bureau of Engraving and Printing (8200 LA4144), Ray Anthony (8202), Vance
Potcat (8207 LM252), Charles K. Heilman (8209), Mark J. Altschuler (8211),
John Ciafrani (8221), P.W. Coombe (8223), Mark Rielly (8232), Carl Kanciruk
(8233), John H. Hendrix (8243), John P. Galassie (8244), Phillip B. Lamb (8248
LM313), Bednar Consulting Group (8252), Daryl Crotts (8255 LM203), Gary
P. Roessler (8261), John D. Coupe (8268), Carroll Blizzard (8272), John
Fitzgerald (8278), Robert L. Gould (8279), Robert French (8285), Jules
D'Hemecourt (8290), Patrick Cyrgalis (8297 LM202), Donald Gilletti Jr.
(8299), James E. Kenney (8303), Gordon Raspe (8304), Dan M. Lesicko (8308),
Joseph Maguire Jr. (8311), Tomasz Sluszkiewicz (8314), Steven Malast (8319
LM263), James A. Titus (8320), Cora Feintuch (8321), Steve Goldberg (8324),
Henry Castorino (8325), Terry Trantow (8328), Philip R. Byrnes (8329),
Michael D. Vicari (LMI23)), James W. Janz (8331), Donald Dekalb (8334),
John J. Nyikos (8341), Roberti. Kravitz (8348 LM294), Robert W. Feller (8361
LM197), Eustolio G. Perez (8363 LM178), James C. Ehrhardt (8364), Karl
Vandervoort (8365), James A. Simek (8368 LM290)
A New Word for Our Fraternity
By Gene Hessler, #3157, LM100, HLM10
During the preparation of the first edition of The
Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, c. 1972-73, a
learned friend and classical scholar expressed a desire for a
word that would identify those who study and collect paper
money and other fiscal paper, a word other than numismatics.
After some thought on the subject, I contacted the
Reverend Richard Doyle, Chairman of the Department of
Classical Languages at Fordham University in New York.
About a month later a new word was coined and introduced to
the English language.
Reverend Doyle submitted "syngraphics" as the appropri-
ate word for our discipline and community. The word comes
from the Greek syn, meaning with or together (as in syna-
gogue -- a place where people come together), and graphikos,
which means to write. In Latin, syngrapha means a written
agreement to pay, a promissory note, or a bond.
The Oxford Dictionary defines paper money as "a written
promise to pay." In the same source syngraph is defined "as a
written contract or bond signed by both or all parties, an
obligation or bond between two or more."
The first paper money in the western world was a hand-
written goldsmith receipt.
The art of engraving began in the 15th century. Etching
and other methods by which copies of an original design are
printed from a plate, block printing or the like is referred to as
the graphic arts. Today bank notes are no longer handwritten,
but are made from engraved, photoengraved and lithographed
Therefore, syngraphics is interpreted as the collecting of
paper money, and since a serious collector studies what is col-
lected, he or she is a syngraphist. The definition holds up with
the original and the current definition of paper money. Thus,
the science of paper money collecting and the study thereof is
on a level equal to the study of coins and stamps.
Syngraphics was soon embraced by our fraternity, at least
by some members. Some were indifferent and others were
even hostile. I received letters and read letters to editors about
that "bastard" word.
"What's wrong with ragpicker?" was one response.
There is nothing wrong with this colloquial term. However,
as serious observers and students, we deserve to have and
should be proud and glad to accept and use this and other
terms that are exclusive to our fraternity.
For example, the world of coins has obverse and reverse,
and security paper has the traditional face and back when
describing each side of a note. Most of us began as collectors
of coins and often find it difficult to break the habit of using
obverse and reverse when describing paper money.
Soon after the word syngraphics was introduced, I
received a telephone call from a member of Mensa, the inter-
national organization made up of members with high IQs. I
was flattered that they were interested and wanted to know
more about syngraphics.
However, I did not submit the word to any dictionary,
assuming that it would eventually appear in one or more.
In late 1999, I finally got around to submitting the word
and examples of uses as required to the Oxford Dictionary. I
was told the word syngraphics would appear in the next edi-
tion. For acceptance, even new words, at times, require lobby-
I am not adamant about the use of syngraphics; however,
I will defend it as an appropriate and perfectly legitimate word
that describes our exclusive fraternity that is made up of col-
lectors of all types of fiscal paper and related documents.
Until the 1960s, paper money collectors were those
"other numismatists." Since the founding of this Society,
paper money collectors have established themselves as a defi-
nite force in the collecting field. We are here to stay: We are
Let's See What Hessler Says
By David Ray Arnold Jr., #1320
We were fortunate to have Gene Hessler serve as editor.
His own writing is publishable elsewhere and his contributions
to Paper Money have helped the journal attain its quality.
I have long held an anecdote about Gene, and this is the
time to relate it. My files contain a few letters from former
directors and others in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
My inquiries have always been replied to courteously and fully.
A few years ago, I had once again asked for information
and materials (If anyone can ask about something obscure, I
can). The official who replied first apologized for the delay,
explaining that in the attempt to help me he had decided to
see what Gene Hessler had on the subject.
I could not help but laugh. The august Bureau, sur-
rounded by its own archives, had turned to the meticulous
researcher who was our Journal's editor!
Their action was logical, but it points up the trust and
respect enjoyed by Gene Hessler.
Society oif Paper Morey
JUNE 30, 1970
Constitution and By•Lows
Membership Directories are a somewhat controversial sub-
ject for many hobby organizations. A number of collectors
desire such lists, especially those that detail interest areas,
because this information is helpful in corresponding with fel-
lows of like interests. Other collectors value privacy and do not
wish to participate in these endeavors.
During its four decades, SPMC has published five mem-
bership directories. The
very first issue of Paper
Money included a com-
plete listing of Charter
Members and their inter-
ests. Another was pub-
lished in 1966. The
pamphlet (at right) was
published in 1970.
Measuring only 5 1/4 by
7 inches, the 72-page list
included a message from
President Glenn B.
Smedley, officer infor-
mation, Society Consti-
tution and By-Laws, as well as a Library Catalog between buff-
colored card covers.
Three years later, SPMC published a full-sized (8 1/2 by
11 inch) 96-page, paper-covered publication, that also included
a geographical breakdown of Society members and historical
information on meetings and members. Several other proposals
for updated directories were voted down in the 1980s by the
Society's Executive Board. Finally, in 1994 SPMC once again
published a full-size directory, offering members the opportuni-
ty to opt-in or opt-out of the listing. This 48-page, card-cov-
ered publication included advertising.
In recent years (including as recently as the St. Louis Board
Meeting several months ago), the Board has turned down sug-
gestions to publish additional directories, citing the difficulty in
obtaining the necessary permissions from individual members,
the tremendous amount of work involved, and the reality that
such listings quickly become dated.
Crutch Williams
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 87
' fragments of financial History"
- 30035 Mirano (Venezia) ITALY
Via della Vittoria. 19/10
Tel./Fax: +390 41 / 57.28.856
David D. Gladfelter
Collector & Student
of New Jersey's
Historic Paper Money
228 Winding Way
Moorestown, NJ
08057 New Jersey Iron Works and Mill Pond by William Kneass
88 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Compiled by Bob Cochran, #5579, LM69
President Secretary
Hank Bieciuk 1961-1963 George W. Wait 1961-1964
Thomas C. Bain 1963-1965 J. Roy Pennell, Jr. 1964-1967
George W. Wait 1965-1969 Vernon L. Brown 1967-1978
Glenn B. Smedley 1969-1971 Harry Wigington 1978-1979
J. Roy Pennell, Jr. 1971-1975 A.R. "Del" Beaudreau 1979-1981
Robert E. "Bob" Medlar 1975-1979 Robert Azpiazu, Jr. 1981-1984
Wendell W. Wolka 1979-1983 Gary Lewis 1984-1986
Larry Adams 1983-1987 Bob Cochran 1986-1998
Roger H. Durand 1987-1989 Fred L. Reed, III 1998-
Richard J. Balbaton 1989-1991
Austin M. Sheheen, Jr. 1991-1993 Editor
Judith Murphy 1993-1995 Hank Bieciuk 1962-1965
Dean Oakes 1995-1997 Barbara Mueller 1965-1976
Bob Cochran 1997-1999 Doug Watson 1976-1978
Frank Clark 1999- Barbara Mueller 1978-1984
Gene Hessler 1984-1998
First Vice President Marilyn Reback 1999
James J. Curto
1961-1963 Fred L. Reed, III 1999-
Second Vice President Assistant Editor
Thomas C. Bain 1961-1963 Charles Affleck 1962-1963
Fred Marckhoff 1962-1966
Vice President Dwight Musser 1962-1963
Dr. Julian Blanchard 1963-1965 Foster Wild Rice 1962-1963
William P. Donlon 1965-1969 Arlie Slabaugh 1962-1963
J. Roy Pennell, Jr. 1969-1971
Robert E. Medlar 1971-1975 Contributing Editor
Eric P. Newman 1975-1979 Gene Hessler 1999-
Larry Adams 1979-1983
Roger H. Durand 1983-1987 Advertising Manager
Richard J. Balbaton 1987-1989 Bob Cochran 1999-2000
Austin M. Sheheen, Jr. 1989-1991 Robert Schreiner 2000-
Judith Murphy 1991-1993
Dean Oakes
Robert R. Moon
Frank Clark 1995-1999 Earl Hughes 1964-1968
Wendell W. Wolka 1999- Barbara R. Mueller 1968-1973
Wendell W. Wolka 1973-1989
Treasurer Walter FormerRoger H. Durand
1994-1999Glenn B. Smedley 1961-1965 Richard J. Balbaton 1999-
James L. Grebinger 1965-1967
I.T. Kopicki
M. Owen Warns
1969-1975 Historian - Curator
C. John Ferreri 1976-1979 Earl Hughes 1961-1965
Roger H. Durand 1979-1983
James F. Stone 1983-1986 Attorney
Dean Oakes 1986-1993 Ellis Edlow 1961-1974
Tim Kyzivat 1993-1997 Robert J. Galiette 1983-
Mark Anderson 1997-
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Earlier days of collecting: personalities and occurrences
By Neil Shafer, #681
The old saying goes: When everyone is playing baseball,
you play soccer. How true that was for about a 20-year period
from the early 1950s through 1975. Even good U.S. type
coins could be bought for relatively low prices, while paper
money of almost any kind went for virtually nothing.
Confederate? A dollar or two for most pieces, with the
better 1861 pieces worth a few hundred dollars, quite a
sum for the time.
Colonial and Continental? I recall purchasing a
three-piece group in Phoenix from a downtown coin
dealer for the princely sum of $7.50 for all three! Of
course they were high grade or else I would not have
bothered. The year? 1950! You can see the one I still
have from those three at right.
Ben Douglas, well-known Washington, D.C. deal-
er from the 1950s to around 1970, had a large selection
of obsoletes from all over, and at prices you would not
believe. To bad that I did not know enough about
them at the time to dig in with all I had. Ben also had a
lot of Confederate and Southern States notes in stock, so
much so that he co-authored a book with Brent Hughes on
some of those issues.
He also dealt in large size U.S. notes. One time he
showed me a stack of the 1899 Indian Chief $5 Silver
Certificates that was at least two inches high, all VF or better.
He let me have
one at face value
because there were
so many he could
not afford to keep
them all in stock!
World notes
were even lower in
the esteem of col-
lectors in those
years. Nothing
was worth any-
thing, so if you
blundered onto
what was a good note you still bought it for a pit-
tance. Trouble was that information on what was
good was also practically non-existent, so you
never knew for sure what you were looking at.
In 1965 I did see an interesting-looking
Chinese note in the window at RARCOA in
downtown Chicago. Bill Pettit was in charge of
foreign coin and paper sales at the time, and he
tried to offer items that at least appeared unusual.
Well, this time he really did have something I
wanted, so I bought it at the full purchase price of
$4.50. It also appears as an illustration with this
narrative at left.
Collecting and searching is still fun, but it
certainly is different now, wouldn't you agree? +
Tucked away Brown Back is one of life's prizes
Robert R. Andrews, #1206
In the course of 50 years of collecting coins and paper
money, many "prizes" have shown up when least expected. I'd
like to share this one with you because it was of special interest
to me.
Some time ago the father of a friend of mine passed away.
Among the items his daughter had to dispose of was an old roll
top desk he had kept in the back of his store. After my friend
acquired this desk, it sat in a back bedroom for several years.
She could not, however, figure out how to open a door of
the center cubbyhole. One day while trying once again to
open this little door, her hand caught onto a small device and
the door opened. She had no idea what she would find in this
Much to her surprise, my friend's father had tucked away
more than twenty $100 dollar bills. When she separated a few
remaining bills she found several series 1899 Black Eagles and
oh yes, a "different" note with a Brown Back.
I was elated when she called me to get some idea of the
value of these notes. I told her there were not many collectors
of $100 bills, but the Brown Back interested me very much. I
asked her on the phone the bank name and city, and she
replied "The First National Bank of Bath, Maine."
I told her to turn the note over and she would find a large
2743 in the center, which is the charter number of the bank.
"How did you know that?" she asked? I told her I have a spe-
cial interest in Maine notes, have collected several from there,
but this one from Bath, Maine, caught my attention because
my wife is from Bath, Maine, and we were married there.
Upon asking her if the note was for sale, she said she
would first see if her children had any special interest in it.
Several months passed before she called to tell me it was for
sale. We arrived at an agreed upon price. Now I have the note
and it has been graded "Fine".
I called Don Kelly to ask for more details on the note. He
told me of the few Brown Backs reported on this bank, mine is
the first and only $5 accounted for. This made me doubly
By the way, it is not for sale!
90 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Publicity Chairman
Larry Adams 1979-1983
C. John Ferreri
Larry Adams 1987-1988
Robert Moon 1989-1991
Mike Crabb
Robert Moon 1993
New Member Coordinator
Ronald L. Horstman 1981-1995
Judith Murphy 1995-1996
Frank Clark
Wismer/Publication Coordinator
Fred Marckhoff
Richard T. Hoober, Sr. 1966-1973
George W. Wait 1973-1977
Wendell W. Wolka 1977-1983
Richard T. Hoober, Sr. 1983-1990
Roger H. Durand
Steven K. Whitfield
SPMC Publisher/Book Sales
J. Roy Pennell
Harold Hauser 1978-1980
Fred Sheheen/Camden Company 1980-1982
Richard Balbaton 1982-1993
1929 Nationals Coordinator
Arlie Slabaugh
Lee F. Hewitt 1967-1968
M. Owen Warns 1969-1986
Torn Snyder 1988-1997
Ken McDannel
Frank Bennett 1997-1999
David Hollander 1999-
SPMC Bank Note Photo Archivist
Joe Kinney 1981-1987
1962: (Original Governors) Julian Blanchard, Harold L.
Bowen, Ben Douglas, Amon G. Carter, Jr., Phillip H.
Chase, James Kirkwood, Walter M. Loeb, Dwight L.
Musser, Eric P. Newman, William A. Philpott, Jr., Peter
1962-1963: Julian Blanchard, Charles J. Affleck, Ben Douglas,
Amon G. Carter, Jr., James Kirkwood, William A.
Philpott, Jr., Robert H. Dickson, Michael Kolman, Jr.,
Morris H. Loewenstern, Julian Marks, John H. Swanson.
1963-1964: Hank Bieciuk, Julian Blanchard, Charles J. Affleck,
Ben Douglas, James Kirkwood, Robert I-I. Dickson,
Michael Kolman, Jr., Morris H. Loewenstern, Julian
Marks, John H. Swanson, Arlie Slabaugh, Fred R.
1964-1965: Thomas C. Bain, Julian Blanchard, William P.
Donlon, Ben Douglas, Nathan Goldstein II, George D.
Hatie, Morris H. Loewenstern, Fred R. Marckhoff, Paul S.
Seitz, Arlie Slabaugh, Glenn Smedley, George W. Wait.
1965-1966: Thomas C. Bain, Dr. Julian Blanchard, William P.
Donlon, Ben Douglas, Nathan Goldstein II, George D.
Hatie, Morris Lowenstern, Fred R. Marckhoff, J. Roy
Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M.
Owen Warns.
1966-1967: Thomas C. Bain, Dr. Julian Blanchard, Ben
Douglas, Harley Freeman, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice
M. Gould, Alfred D. Hoch, Richard T. Hoober Sr., Morris
Lowenstern, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, M.
Owen Warns.
1967-1968: Thomas C. Bain, William P. Donlon, Harley L.
Freeman, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M. Gould,
Warren S. Henderson, Alfred D. Hoch, Richard T.
Hoober Sr., Morris Lowenstern, Charles O'Donnell, J.
Roy Pennell, Jr., Matt Rothert, Glenn B. Smedley, George
W. Wait, M. Owen Warns.
1968-1969: Thomas C. Bain, William P. Donlon, Harley L.
Freeman, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M. Gould,
Warren S. Henderson, Alfred D. Hoch, Richard T.
Hoober Sr., Morris Lowenstern, John H. Morris, Jr.,
Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Matt Rothert,
Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns.
1969-1970: Thomas C. Bain, William P. Donlon, Harley L.
Freeman, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M. Gould, James
L. Grebinger, Alfred D. Hoch, Richard T. Hoober Sr.,
Brent H. Hughes, John H. Morris, Jr., Charles O'Donnell,
J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait,
M. Owen Warns.
1970-1971: Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, William P. Donlon, Nathan Goldstein II, James L.
Grebinger, William J. Harrison, Richard T. Hoober Sr.,
Brent H. Hughes, Robert E. Medlar, Charles O'Donnell,
J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait,
M. Owen Warns.
1971-1972: Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M. Gould, David A.
Hakes, William J. Harrison, Richard T. Hoober Sr., Brent
H. Hughes, Robert E. Medlar, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy
Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M.
Owen Warns.
1972-1973: Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, James N. Gates, Nathan Goldstein II, Maurice M.
Gould, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Brent H.
Hughes, Robert E. Medlar, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy
Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M.
Owen Warns.
1973-1974: Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, James N. Gates, Maurice M. Gould, David A.
Hakes, William J. Harrison, Brent H. Hughes, Robert E.
Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy
Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M.
Owen -Warns.
1974-1975: Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, James N. Gates, David A. Hakes, William J.
Harrison, Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles
O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George
W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Harry G. Wigington, Wendell
W. Wolka.
1975-1976: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown,
Forrest W. Daniel, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison,
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Some Society officers chalked up lengthy service
Some Society officers have chalked up lengthy
terms of service. In case you wondered who served the
longest at the various Society posts, here's the rundown:
Longest service as President: 4 years
4 (Wait, Pennell, Medlar, Wolka, Adams)
Longest service as Vice President: 4 years
4 (Donlon, Medlar, Newman, Adams, Durand)
Longest service as Secretary: 12 years
12 (Cochran); 11 (Brown); 3 (Wait, Pennell, Reed)
Longest service as Treasurer: 7 years
7 (Oakes); 6 (Warns); 4 (Smedley, Durand, Kyzivat,
Longest service as Governor: 22 years
22 (Wolka, Ferreri); 20 (Crabb); 19 (Colver,
Taylor); 18 (Bain); 17 (Oakes); 14 (Wait, Pennell,
Warns, O'Donnell, Hessler, Horstman); 13
(Smedley); 11 (Whitfield); 10 (Medlar, Friedberg)
Longest service as Editor: 17
17 (Mueller); 14 (Hessler); 3 (Bieciuk)
Longest service as Librarian: 16
16 (Wolka); 5 (Mueller, Durand)
Longest Service as New Member Coordinator: 14
14 (Horstman); 5 (Clark)
Longest service as Wismer Chairman: 14
14 (Hoober), 9 (Whitfield); 8 (Durand); 6 (Wolka)
Longest service as 1929 NBN Coordinator: 17
17 (Warns); 9 (Snyder); 3 (Slabaugh)
Longest service as Photo Archivist: 6 (Kinney)
SPMC Elections:
Officers are elected by the Board, but over the years, gov-
ernors have been chosen in a variety of ways:
1961-1975 - Election by Board Members
1976-1977 - Election by Members at Annual Meeting
1978- - Election by Members in Mail Ballot*
Note: *if required. The Board amended the Society By-Laws
SPMC greeen and white plastic officer name badge. Size: 3x1.75
A number of individuals have served the Society in a
variety of roles through the years. Top multiple office
holders are:
Multiple Offices (Exclusive of Governor)
5: Durand (President, VP, Treasurer, Librarian,
Wismer Chairman)
4: Pennell (President, VP, Secretary, Publisher)
4: Wolka (President, VP, Librarian, Wismer Chairman)
4: Balbaton (President, VP, Librarian, Book Sales)
3: Wait (President, Secretary, Wismer Chairman)
3: Adams (President, VP, Publicity Chairman)
3: Oakes (President, VP, Treasurer)
3: Cochran (President, Secretary, Advertising Manager)
3: Clark (President, VP, New Member Coordinator)
3: Murphy (President, VP, New Member Coordinator)
in 1977 to provide for direct election of SPMC Governors.
The first direct election in 1978 brought in 800 ballots, about
In many years, however, the number of
candidates equalled the number of board vacancies, in which
case the President directed the Secretary to cast a single ballot
in favor of each, and no direct election was held.
Below 1992 "Call for Nominations," and 1986 SPMC ballot.
Directors: q Nancy Wilson
q Charles Colver
q Roman Latimer
q Nelson Page Aspen
q Dean Oakes
0. Roger Durand
q Thomas Denly
q Bernard Schaaf
q Wendell Wolka
q Robert Cochran
Vote for 5 (five) candidates from the above listed slate.
Please return ballot back to the Secretary in the enclosed special envelope. The ballots will remain sealed until
the SPMC General Membership Meeting at the International Paper Money Convention, June 20-22, 1986 in Mem•
phis, TN, where they will be opened and counted.
Call for Nominations
for 1992
Each year five members are elected to three-year terms on the
SPMC Board of Governors. The following governors' terms ex-
pire in 1992: Austin M. Sheheen, Ir., Dean Oakes, Charles
Colver, Milton k Friedberg, and Wendell W. Wolka.
A nominating committee has been established, and if you
have any suggestions for candidates, please contact the
chairman. In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot
in the following manner
(I) A written nominating petition is submitted, which has
been signed by ten current SPMC members:
(2) An acceptance fetter from the person being nominated is
submitted with the petition,
(3) Any nominating petitions (and accompanying letters) MUST
Ballots for the election will be included in the March/April
1992 issue of Paper Money. They will be counted at Memphis
and announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the
Intemational Paper Money Show.
Nominees should send a portrait-photo and a brief biog-
raphy with their letter of acceptance.
Ron Horstman, Chairman Nominating Committee
PO. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139
Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J.
Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M.
Owen Warns, Harry G. Wigington, Wendell Wolka.
1976-1977: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Michael Crabb, Jr.,
David A. Flakes, Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy
Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M.
Owen Warns, Wendell Wolka.
1977-1978: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, J.
Roy Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J.
Thomas Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka.
1978-1979: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, J.
Roy Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns,
J.Thomas Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka.
1979-1980: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Paul Garland, Peter
Huntoon, Richard Jones, Robert Medlar, Charles
O'Donnell, Jasper Payne, Stephen Taylor, Harry
Wigington, J. Thomas Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka.
1980-1981: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Paul Garland, Peter
Huntoon, Richard Jones, Robert Medlar, Charles
O'Donnell, Jasper Payne, Stephen Taylor, Harry
Wigington, J. Thomas Wills, Jr., -Wendell Wolka.
1981-1982: Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, A.R. Beaudreau,
Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Roger H. Durand, C.
John Ferreri, Paul Garland, Peter Huntoon, Richard Jones,
Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes, Jasper Payne, Stephen
Taylor, Harry Wigington.
1982-1983: Larry Adams, Walter Allan, A.R. Beauclreau,
Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Martin Delger, Roger
H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr., Peter
Huntoon, Richard Jones, Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes,
Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, Harry Wigington, John
1983-1984: Larry Adams, Walter Allan, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., Martin Delger, Roger H. Durand, C.
John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr., Peter Huntoon, Roman
L. Latimer, Dean Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, Steven
Whitfield, John Wilson.
1984-1985: Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr.,
Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr.,
Peter Huntoon, Charles Kemp, Roman L. Latimer,
Donald Mark, Dean Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, Steven
ANUtfield, John Wilson.
1985-1986: -Walter Allan, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr.,
Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Jr.,
Charles Kemp, Roman L. Latimer, Donald Mark, Dean
Oakes, Bernard Schaaf, Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield,
John Wilson.
1986-1987: Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Thomas W.
Denly, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William
Horton, Jr., Peter Huntoon, Charles V. Kemp, Jr., Donald
Mark, Douglas Murray, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor,
Steven Whitfield, John Wilson, Wendell Wolka.
1987-1988: Richard J. Balbaton, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., Thomas W. Denly, Roger H. Durand, C. John
Ferreri, Gene Hessler, Ronald Horstman, William
Horton, Jr., Douglas Murray, Dean Oakes, Stephen
Taylor, Frank Trask, John Wilson, Wendell Wolka.
1988-1989: Nelson Page Aspen, Richard J. Balbaton, Charles
Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Milton R.
Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ronald Horstman, William
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Horton, Jr., Robert R. Moon, Dean Oakes, Austin NI.
Sheheen, Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, Wendell Wolka.
1989-1990: Nelson Page Aspen, Bob Cochran, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg,
Gene Hessler, Ron Horstman, Robert R. Moon, Judith
Murphy, Dean Oakes, Bob Raby, Austin M. Sheheen, Jr.,
Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, Wendell Wolka.
1990-1991: Nelson Page Aspen, Bob Cochran, Charles Colver,
Michael Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg,
Gene Hessler, Ron Horstman, Robert R. Moon, Judith
Murphy, Dean Oakes, Bob Raby, Austin M. Sheheen, Jr.,
Stephen Taylor, Frank Trask, Wendell Wolka.
1991-1992: Nelson Page Aspen, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Gene Hessler, Ron Horstman,
Robert R. Moon, William F. Mross, Judith Murphy, Dean
Oakes, Bob Raby, Austin M. Sheheen, Jr., Stephen Taylor,
Wendell W. Wolka.
1992-1993: Nelson Page Aspen, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene
Hessler, Ron Horstman, Robert R. Moon, William F.
Mross, Dean Oakes, Bob Raby, Stephen Taylor, Frank
Trask, Wendell W. Wolka.
1993-1994: Frank Clark, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr.,
C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ron
Horstman, John Jackson, Robert R. Moon, William F.
Mross, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor, Wendell W. Wolka.
1994-1995: Frank Clark, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr.,
C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ron
Horstman, John Jackson, Robert R. Moon, William F.
Mross, Stephen Taylor, Wendell W. Wolka.
1995-1996: Frank Clark, Charles Colver, Mike Crabb, Raphael
Ellenbogen, C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene
Hessler, Ron Horstman, John Jackson, Tim Kyzivat,
Robert Moon, William F. Mross, Dean Oakes, Stephen
Taylor, Steven K. Whitfield, Wendell W. Wolka.
1996-1997: Frank Clark, Raphael Ellenbogen, C. John Ferreri,
Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ron Horstman, John
Jackson, Tim Kyzivat, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor,
Wendell W. Wolka, Steven K. Whitfield, Wendell W.
1997-1998: Mark Anderson, Frank Clark, Raphael Ellenbogen,
C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ron
Horstman, Tim Kyzivat, Judith Murphy, Dean Oakes,
Stephen Taylor, Steven K. Whitfield, Wendell W. Wolka.
1998-1999: Mark Anderson, Frank Clark, Raphael Ellenbogen,
C. John Ferreri, Milton R. Friedberg, Gene Hessler, Ron
Horstman, Judith Murphy, Dean Oakes, Fred L. Reed III,
Stephen Taylor, Steven K. Whitfield, Wendell W. Wolka.
1999-2000: Mark Anderson, Frank Clark, C. John Ferreri,
Gene Hessler, Ronald L. Horstman, Arri Jacob, Judith
Murphy, Fred L. Reed III, Robert Schreiner, Stephen
Taylor, Steven K. Whitfield, Wendell W. Wolka.
2000-2001: Mark Anderson, Benny Bolin, Frank Clark, C.
John Ferreri, Gene Hessler, Ronald L. Horstman, Arri
Jacob, Judith Murphy, Fred L. Reed III, Robert Schreiner,
Steven K. Whitfield, Wendell Wolka.
Sends his regards
By Jeffrey L. Goodall, #7414, LM112
I still enjoy my Paper Money, but haven't been active with
paper for the past eight years. I got a bit busy with the USAF.
Now I'm in my second career, so I just might bring out the old
paper and get the itch again. Best to all SPMC members. 1.
THE ENGRAVERS LINE by Gene Hessler. Hard cover. A complete history of the
artists and engravers who designed U.S. Paper Money. $75.50 plus $3.50 postage. Total
price $79.00.
NATIONAL BANK NOTES by Don Kelly. The new 3rd Edition. Hard cover. Over
600 pages. The new expanded edition. Gives amounts issued and what is still outstanding.
Retail price is $100.00. Special price is $65.00 plus $4.00 postage. Total price $69.00.
U.S. ESSAY, PROOF AND SPECIMEN NOTES by Gene Hessler. Hard cover.
Unissued designs and pictures of original drawings. $14.00 plus $2.00 postage. Total price
Stanley Moryez
P.O. BOX 355, DEPT. M • ENGLEWOOD, 011 45322
Edition. Hard cover. 579 pages. The new Edition. $32.00 plus $3.00 postage. Total price
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94 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC Award Winners and Honorees 1961-2001
Compiled by Bob Cochran, Gene Hessler, George Tremmel & Fred L. Reed III
Through the years SPMC has recognized its members and
outside individuals for significant achievements and contribu-
tions to our hobby. These honors take various means, recogniz-
ing authors, exhibitors, and others whose efforts have con-
tributed to the success of the Society. Awards were originally
presented at SPMC annual meetings held in conjunction with
annual American Numismatic Association conventions. In
recent years, the Society's annual meeting and honoring of its
members have shifted to the annual Memphis International
Paper Money Show.
Honorary (Life) Members
Honorary Members were first recognized by the Board in
1967. Later when the Society established Life Membership,
these distinguished honorees were then accorded Honorary
Membership for Life:
Honorary Member #1 Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun (Regular #193)
Honorary Member #2 Thomas C. Bain (Regular #112)
Honorary Member #3 Glenn B. Smedley (Regular #3)
Honorary Member #4 William P. Donlon (Regular #74)
Honorary Member #5 George W. Wait (Regular #5)
Honorary Member #6 Charles J. Affleck (Regular #150)
Honorary Member #7 Barbara R. Mueller (Regular #464)
Honorary Member #8 James A. Conlon (Director BEP)
Honorary Member #9 J. Roy Pennell Jr. (Regular #8)
Honorary Member #10 Edward H. Weitzen (Regular #1090,
Chairman ABNCo)
Honoraiy Member #11 Robert P. Charles (VP Sales, ABNCo)
Honorary Life Member #1 Robert L. Hendershott
Honorary Life Member #2 Barbara R. Mueller (Regular #464)
Honorary Life Member #3 Tom Bain (Regular #112, HM2)
Honorary Life Member #4 Mike Crabb (Regular #3285)
Honorary Life Member #5 George W. Wait (Regular #5, HM5)
Honorary Life Member #6 M.Owen Warns (Regular #35)
Honorary Life Member #7 [Director of BEP]
Honorary Life Member #8 J. Roy Pennell (Regular #8)
Honorary Life Member #9 [President of ABNCo]
Honorary Life Member #10 Gene Hessler (Regular #3157,
LM 100)
Honorary Life Member #11 Judith Murphy (Regular #7792,
Nathan Gold Award Winners
The Nathan Gold Award is sponsored by Bank Note
Reporter (before 1971 by Numismatic News) and SPMC for "sci-
entific study of U.S. paper money." The award was established
in 1961 by Chester L. Krause to perpetuate the aims and collect-
ing ideals of the late Nathan Gold, one of the country's foremost
pioneers in currency research. Presented at SPMC annual meet-
ings as a lifetime achievement award, selections have been made
by the SPMC Awards Committee since 1971. Recipients have
Fred Marckhoff (1961), James Kirkwood (1962), Arlie
Slabaugh (1963), Matt Rothert (1964), Grover Criswell Jr.
(1965), William P. Donlon (1966), Neil Shafer (1967),
Eric P. Newman (1968), Charles J. Affleck (1969),
Raymond S. Toy (1970); William Philpott Jr. (1971), Dr.
Arnold Keller (1972), Dr. John A. Muscalus (1973), Gene
Hessler (1974), Albert Pick (1975), Louis W. Van Belkum
(1976), Michael A. Crabb (1977), George W. Wait Jr.
(1978), Dr. Glenn E. Jackson (1979), Chuck O'Donnell
(1980), Thomas C. Bain (1981), Peter Huntoon (1982),
John Hickman (1983), Barbara Mueller (1984), M. Owen
Warns (1985), William R. Higgins Jr. (1986), Don C.
Kelly (1987), J. Roy Pennell Jr. (1988), Chester L. Krause
(1989), Gene Hessler (1990), Grover Criswell Jr. (1991),
Forrest Daniel (1993), Martin Delger (1994), John
Hickman (1995), Fred L. Reed 111 (1996), Brent Hughes
(1997), Milton R. Friedberg (1998), Bob Kvederas Sr. and
Bob Kvederas Jr. (1999)
SPMC Annual Award Winners
1964 (ANA)
Ben Douglas Literary Awards: (1st-$10 gold piece) Forrest
Daniel "National Currency Notes of New Mexico and
Arizona;" (2nd-52.50 gold piece) Ernest S. Craighead
"Private Issues of the Civil War."
D.C. Wismer Award: Fred R. Marckhoff.
1965 (ANA)
Ben Douglas Literary Awards: (1st-S10 gold piece) Edward R.
Barnsley "The Treasury of North America;" (2nd-$5 gold
piece) Richard A. Banyai "Monetary Reform and Recovery
of Post-War Germany 1945-1955."
Outstanding Service Awards: William P. Donlon; George W.
Wait; Mrs. Elizabeth Smart.
Top Recruiter: Nathan Goldstein II.
1966 (ANA)
Fred Marckhoff Literary Awards: (1st-S10 gold piece) Dr.
Herbert Eccleston "The Morris Canal and Its Currency;"
(2nd-$5 gold piece) Forrest W. Daniel "Bank Holiday
Scrip of Carrington, North Dakota."
Top Recruiter: Nathan Goldstein II.
1967 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Everett K. Cooper "Confederate Money, A
Survey of the Source and Use of Paper;" (2nd) Joseph
Persichetti "Federal Reserve Bank Notes, Series of 1929;"
(Honorable Mention) Forrest W. Daniel and Peter
Awards of Merit: Harley L. Freeman for Florida Obsolete Notes
and Scrip; Barbara R. Mueller for outstanding work as
Editor; Nathan Goldstein II, for unceasing promotion of
SPMC in his Coin World column "Paper Money Periscope."
Honorary Membership: Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun (daughter
of D.C. Wismer) "for her continuing great efforts as con-
sultant on the Wismer project," Thomas C. Bain and
Glenn B. Smedley.
1968 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Dr. Arnold Keller "Collectors of Paper Money in
the 18th and 19th Centuries;" (2nd) William J. Harrison
"Bank Notes Engraved by Harrisons in the United States;"
(Honorable Mention) Richard Banyai, M.O. Warns,
Maurice M. Burgett, and Joseph Persichetti.
Awards of Merit: "for their excellent books in the paper money
field" to William P. Donlon, Neil Shafer and Theodore
Julian Blanchard Award: George W. Wait (exhibit of foreign
proof notes with matching vignettes).
Outstanding Service Awards: Ellis Edlow, James Grebinger,
Richard T. Hoober, and J. Roy Pennell, Jr.
1969 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Forrest W. Daniel "Running Antelope -
Misnamed Onepapa;" (2nd) Harry G. Wigington
"Obsolete Paper Currency, Drafts & Scrip of California,"
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 95
(3rd) Milton R. Friedberg ''New Information on Fractional
Awards of Merit: Robert E. Medlar, and Dr. John A. Muscalus
"for their contributions to paper money collecting."
Julian Blanchard Award: Walter D. Allan (display of bank
notes with matching vignettes).
D.C. Wismer Award: Robert M. Hawes.
Honorary Membership: William P. Donlon, George W. Wait
and Charles J. Affleck.
1970 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Roland S. Carrothers "Silver Certificates - A
Minor Variety, The Change-Over Pair;" (2nd) Everett K.
Cooper "Paper Money Issued by Railroads in the
Confederate States of America;" (3rd) William A. Philpott
"Rare Signatures on Large Size U.S. Currency."
Awards of Merit: Vernon L. Brown "excellent work as
Secretary;" M. Owen Warns "outstanding work as
Treasurer and work in preparing The National Bank Note
Issues of 1929-1935."
Julian Blanchard Award: George Wait (proof notes and
matching die proofs).
D.C. Wismer Award: Maurice Burgett.
Top Recruiter: Nathan Goldstein II.
Honorary Membership: Barbara R. Mueller and James A.
Conlon (Director of BEP).
1971 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Michael M. Byckoff "Paper Money Issued in
Russia During World War 1, 1915-1918;" (2nd) Peter
Huntoon "1882 and 1902 Series National Bank Note
Varieties Due to Large Circulation;" (3rd) Roland
Carrothers "Silver Certificates - The Mule and the
Common Bank Plate Numbers."
Award of Merit: Maurice M. Burgett "for his work on the
Kansas obsolete note listing" published in the Society jour-
nal Paper Money.
Julian Blanchard Award: Thomas F. Morris.
D.C. Wismer Award: W. Phillip Keller.
Top Recruiter: David A. Hakes.
1972 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Peter Huntoon "The Rare 1882 Denomination
Reverse $50 and $100 Notes;" (2nd) William T. Anton, Jr.
and Morey Perlmutter;"The $500 Treasury (Coin) Note,
Series 1891;" (3rd) Frank A. Nowak "Series 1923 One
Dollar Bills."
Awards of Merit: Dr. Albert Pick "for his many contributions
to paper money collecting and especially for his book
European Paper Money Since 1900;" George W. Wait "for his
tireless behind-the-scenes activities on behalf of SPMC."
Julian Blanchard Award: Walter Allan.
D.C. Wismer Award: Maurice Burgett.
Top Recruiter: David A. Hakes.
Special Tribute: Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harrison "for their
work on the compilation of the 10-year Paper _Along Index."
1973 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Dr. Richard E. Dickerson "Counterfeiting in
Germany After World War I;." (2nd) William P. Koster
"Counterfeiting of Early U.S. Legal Tender Notes and
Fractional Currency;" (3rd) Carl E. Mautz "The Clearing
House Currency of Portland, Oregon."
Awards of Merit: Mayre Burns Coulter "for her book Vermont
Notes and Scrip;" Richard T. Hoober "for his years of service
to SPMC and director of the Wismer revision project;"
William J. Harrison "for compiling the comprehensive
index to the first 10 years of Paper Money;" Nathan
Goldstein II "for his long service on the Board of
Governors and his promotion of the Society in other publi-
Julian Blanchard Award: Walter Allan.
D.C. Wismer Award: Tj. Fitzgerald.
Top Recruiter: David A. Hakes.
1974 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Peter Huntoon "The Types of 1882 and 1902
National Bank Notes;" (2nd) William P. Koster"
Counterfeit-Proof (?) Currency Designs of 1869 and Later
Years;" (3rd) Albert Pick "The Last Issues of Paper Money
Circulated By German Commercial Banks in 1924-25."
Award of Merit: Harry G. \Vigington "for work on the
Wismer revision project and in compiling the lists of obso-
lete notes of California and Montana which have been pub-
lished in Paper Money."
Julian Blanchard Award: T.J. Fitzgerald (Colonial &
Continental currency).
D.C. Wismer Award: T.J. Fitzgerald.
Top Recruiter: David A. Hakes.
1975 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Nicholas Bruyer "The United States Postal
Note;" (2nd) Raymond de Vos "The Paper Money of
Monaco;" (3rd) Brent Hughes "Jay Cooke, Patriot
Awards of Merit: R.H. Rockholt "for compiling and writing
Minnesota Obsolete Notes and Scrip;" M. Owen Warns "for his
many years as Treasurer of the Society, and for his contri-
butions to numismatic literature, his book Nevada 'Sixteen'
National Banks and the Mining Camps that Sired Them, and
his contributions to The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-
1935;" Vernon L. Brown "for his years of labor as Secretary
of the Society and other valuable contributions."
D.C. Wismer Award: Val Pasvolsky.
Top Recruiter: David A. Hakes.
Honorary Membership: J. Roy Pennell Jr.; Edward H.
Weitzen (Board Chairman, ABNCo); and Robert P.
Charles (VP Sales, ABNCo).
1976 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) William P. Koster "A Superb Counterfeit: The
$100 Compound Interest Note;" (2nd) Charles V. Kemp,
Jr. "The Freedman's Savings Bank;" (3rd) Virgil Culler
"Chronology of the Minuteman Notes."
Awards of Merit: L. Candler Leggett "for his book Mississippi
Obsolete Paper Money and Scrip;" Barbara R. Mueller "for her
years of dedicated service to the Society as Editor and
Julian Blanchard Award: Dr. Glenn Jackson.
Top Recruiter: David A. Hakes.
1977 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Joseph R. Lasser "Members of the Continental
Congress who Signed Continental Currency;" (2nd) Peter
W. Huntoon "Basic Plate and Overprint Varieties on the
First and Second Charter National Bank Notes;" (3rd)
Gene Hessler "New York's First Currency Printer."
Award of Merit: George W. Wait "for his book New Jersey's
Julian Blanchard Award: Dr. Glenn Jackson.
D.C. Wismer Award: Maurice Burgett.
Top Recruiter: Bob Medlar.
1978 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Roger H. Durand "Psst, Got Change for an
Eight?" (2nd) Samuel L. Smith "The Bahamas
Government Treasury Notes of 1868-1869;" (3rd) Walter
96 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Breen - New Look at Old Notes."
Award of Merit: Doug Watson for his graphic improvements
to Paper Money and new SPMC brochure."
Julian Blanchard Award: Walter Allan.
Top Recruiter: Bob Medlar.
1979 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Gene Hessler "New Information About the U.S.
$3 Legal Tender Note;" (2nd) Richard T. Hoober
"Philadelphia Clearing House Certificates;" (3rd) Harry
M. Corrigan The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
Co-Operative National Bank of Cleveland."
Awards of Merit: Wendell W. Wolka, Jack M. Vorhies, and
Donald A. Schramm for their work on the book Indiana
Obsolete Notes and Scrip," Thomas C. Bain "for his service to
the Society, and in faithfully conducting the annual raffle
for SPMC."
Julian Blanchard Award: Nancy Wilson.
Top Recruiter: Bob Medlar.
1980 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Ben E. Adams "The Raynolds Brothers: Pioneer
Bankers of the West;." (2nd) Richard Kelly "French-Style
Numbering Explained;" (3rd) Tom Knebl "Postage Due."
Awards of Merit: Charles "Chuck" O'Donnell "for his numer-
ous contributions to the field of paper money collecting;"
Steven Whitfield and Maurice Burgett "for their work on
Indian Territory/Oklahoma/Kansas Obsolete Notes and Scrip;"
Peter Huntoon "for his book Territorials: A Guide to U.S.
Territorial National Bank Notes;" Robert Medlar "for his ser-
vice to the Society;" Murray Teigh Bloom "for his program
at the 1979 meeting."
Julian Blanchard Award: Martin Delger.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Dr. Glenn Jackson.
1981 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Forrest Daniel "James Swan's Plan for Paper
Money;" (2nd) M. Owen Warns "Unique No. 1 Tonapah,
Nevada Red Seal National Bank Note Surfaces After 73
Years;" (3rd) R. Logan Talks "A Study of 1928 United
States Notes."
Award of Merit: Roger H. Durand "for his work on the book
published in cooperation with SPMC, Obsolete Notes and
Scrip of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations."
Julian Blanchard Award: Douglas Hales.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Douglas Hales.
1982 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Peter Huntoon "The Paper Column," regular
feature in Paper Money; (2nd) John Glynn "Ob Ost Notes
used in Lithuania."
Award of Merit: Dean Oakes "for his work on the Society's lat-
est book, Iowa Obsolete Notes and Scrip."
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Joe Boling and Steve
Whitfield (tie).
1983 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) Richard Kelly "The National Bank of Egypt:
It's Foundation and First Twenty Years;" (2nd) John
Glynn "Money Used by Polish Officers in German Prison
Camps in World War II;" (3rd) Ray Miller "The Debt
Funding of Montana Territory."
Award of Merit: Forrest Daniel "for his continuing contribu-
tion to the hobby through his research and writings."
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
1984 (ANA)
Literary: (1st) William S. Dewey "The Old Torrey Store in
Manchester, New Jersey and its Currency;" (2nd) Everett
K. Cooper - "Confederate Paper Money in the Trans-
Mississippi;" (3rd) John Glynn "Epitaph for the British
One Pound Note;" (Honorable Mention) Forrest Daniel
"Two Discount Coupons from Dakota Territory."
Awards of Merit: Walter Rosene, Jr. "for authoring Alabama
Obsolete Notes and Scrip;" Wendell Wolka "for excellent ser-
vice to the Society."
Julian Blanchard Award: Dr. Glenn E. Jackson.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Nancy Wilson.
1985 (Cherry Hill)
Literary: (1st) Gene Hessler - "The Educational Note
Designers: Blashfield, Low and Shirlaw;" (2nd) Harry E.
Wigington "The Illinois Country Currency;" (3rd) M.
Owen Warns "Analysis of the 14000 Series of National
Bank Notes."
Awards of Merit: Matt Rothert, Sr. "for his book Arkansas
Obsolete Notes and Scrip;" Richard T. Hoober, Sr. "for his
book Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes and Scrip;" Neil Shafer and
Ralph A. Mitchell "for their work The Standard Catalog of
Depression Scrip;" Robert Azpiazu, Jr. "for his outstanding
work as Secretary;" William Horton, Jr. "for his work as
chairman of the first International Paper Money
Julian Blanchard Award: Dr. Glenn E. Jackson.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Tie Martin Delger and
Gene Hessler (Memphis).
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Howard Berlin (Cherry
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Larry Adams.
1986 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Peter Huntoon "The Wyoming Bank
Massacre;" (2nd) Bob Cochran "The Crocker National
Bank;" (3rd) Robert R. Moon "The National Banks of
Kinderhook;" (Honorable Mention) Brent Hughes "A
Confederate Mystery."
Awards of Merit: Paul Garland "for his book The History of
Early Tennessee Banks;" Gerome Walton and Leonard M.
Owen "for their book A History of Nebraska Paper Money
and Banking."
Julian Blanchard Award: Dr. Glenn E. Jackson.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Howard Berlin.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: John Wilson
(Collector); Richard Balbaton (Dealer).
1987 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Everett K. Cooper "Texas Civil War Currency;"
(2nd) Bob Cochran "Organized Labor and Their Banks;"
(3rd) David Ray Arnold "From the Bright Mohawk
Awards of Merit: Alvin E. Rust "for his book Mormon and
Utah Currency;" Dewitt G. Prather "for his book United
States National Bank Notes and Their Seals;" Joe Kinney "for
his work on the SPMC photo collection, which has since
been donated to the Higgins Museum in Okoboji, Iowa;"
Roy and Chiyo Peterson "for their many years of photo
coverage at Memphis and many other shows."
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Nancy Wilson.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Richard Balbaton
(Dealer); John Wilson (Collector).
1988 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Henry N. McCarl "An Introduction to
Confederate and Southern States Counterfeit Currency;"
(2nd) Robert E. Cochran "Genuine 'Counterfeits?'" (3rd)
Ronald L. Horstman "Demand Notes in St. Louis."
Award of Merit: Martin Delger "for his superior efforts at
organizing and managing exhibit programs, especially at the
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
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Nathan Gold
Nathan Goldstein labored inten-
sively and successfully to recruit
new members for the fledgling
SPMC. Twice Society "Founding
Fathers" honored him with Awards
of Merit for his efforts. Goldstein
would be an ideal candidate for
whom to name the Recruitment
Award in the future.
98 January/February 2001 • \A/hole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Society honors authors, exhibitors, recruiters and workers
By Fred L. Reed III, #4912
SPMC bestows a variety of awards, most on an annual basis
to deserving individuals. They include:
Julian Blanchard Memorial Exhibit Award
Awarded to the exhibit in Memphis (formerly at ANA)
which best typifies the relationship between proofs, specimens,
essais, stamps and bank notes and other syngraphic items. Notes
may be of any kind and of any period or country.
When Julian Blanchard (Charter Member #4) joined
SPMC, his express interest was "paper money and stamps with
similar designs." He pursued that interest here and in the
Essay-Proof Society, of which he was President, with a particu-
lar zeal. He served SPMC as Vice President and Governor, and
was Awards Chairman when he died on Easter Sunday 1967.
The award was established through a gift of Blanchard's
nephew, Charles F. (#401), who donated $1,225 to endow the
presentation of an
annual award in his
uncle's memory.
First presented
in 1968, this award
was originally an
engraved silver
bowl. In 1974-6 the
award was opened
to "any outstanding
exhibit in any field"
because of a dearth
of exhibits in areas
of Blanchard's inter-
est, however the
practice of awarding
it to exhibits outside
Blanchard's metier
ceased almost
immediately. In some years since, the Blanchard Award has not
been presented at all.
Multiple winners have included:
Gene Hessler 10 John Jackson 3
Walter D. Allan 5 George W. Wait 2
Glenn Jackson 5
Dr. Glenn Jackson Memorial Award
At its Dec. 1, 1989, St. Louis Board Meeting, the Executive
Committee approved Gene Hessler's suggestion that SPMC
institute an award to honor the memory of Dr. Glenn E. Jackson
This award is open to any author in any numismatic publi-
cation for an outstanding article about bank note essais, proofs,
specimens, and the engravers who created them. It is presented
only if someone qualifies in the view of the Awards Committee.
When presented, the award consists of a certificate, which
includes an engraving by the American Bank Note Co.
A dentist, Dr. Glenn Jackson was famous for his writings on
engravers and vignettes in The Essay-Proof Journal, and for his
exhibits displaying common usage of vignettes on a wide variety
of syngraphic items. He was honored with the Nathan Gold
Memorial Award, five Julian Blanchard Memorial Awards, and
the inaugural 1980 SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award.
Jackson died in 1989. The award commenced in 1991.
Multiple winners have been:
Walter D. Allan 5 Mark Tomasko 2
Gene Hessler 2
Nathan Gold Memorial Award
Established and formerly presented (1961-1970) by
Numismatic News, now by the Bank Note Reporter and SPMC.
Presented to a person(s) who has
made a concrete contribution
toward the advancement of paper
money collecting. Since 1971,
selection has been made by the
SPMC Awards Committee,
although recipients need not be
members of SPMC to be chosen.
Nathan Gold was one of the
country's foremost pioneers in
paper money research, and a con-
tributor to Robert Friedberg's
Paper Money of the United States. He
was also a friend of Chet Krause's,
and the numismatic publisher
sought to memorialize his friend's
contributions to the hobby with the award, which originally was
a rolled metal scroll mounted on a plaque.
Although it is often termed a "lifetime achievement" award,
this honor may be presented more than once to a singleindivid-
ual. It fact, Grover Criswell, Gene Hessler and John Hickman
have won it twice.
Vice President's Recruitment Award
It has often been said that new members are the "life blood"
of an organization, and SPMC is grateful to members who
"spread the gospel." Fortunately through the years, a great
many individuals have shared their enthusiasm for paper money
and our Society with hobby acquaintances.
Recruiting was imper-
ative at the onset of SPMC
and as fate would have it
Charter Member #133,
Nathan Goldstein II was
on the Board of Governors
in the early years. At the
time he also penned the
very popular column
"Paper Money Periscope"
in Coin World. Goldstein
laced his informative
columns with references to
SPMC, its benefits and our
journal, Paper Money. At
his own expense, he mailed
Society brochures to hun-
dreds of his readers who
requested information on
the Society.
Goldstein was named
Chairman of the Member-
ship Committee in 1969 to
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Dr. Glenn Jackson with the first SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award.
spur recruitment. His efforts were so fruitful that "Founding
Fathers" twice awarded him Awards of Merit for his success.
Another early stalwart was SPMC Governor David A.
Hakes. In 1971 Hakes placed second individually in the ANA's
"National Coin Week" Competition for his promotion of
SPMC, Iyhich included an article by Hakes published in Coin
Worlel. The article brought in 120 new members to SPMC,
among 159 Hakes recruited for the Society that year!
In 1978 the Board voted to present a plaque to the top
recruiter annually commencing the following year. In 1986
when Roger Durand was Vice President he attempted to revive
recruitment efforts. A VP's plaque was presented initially. John
Wilson (C) and Dick Balbaton (D) won it the first two years. In
recent years a cash prize of $100 has been offered, although sev-
eral winners have gratiously donated it back to the Society.
From being known as the VP Recruitment Award, usage has
morphed its title in common parlance into the VIP Recruitment
Award. Either way, several outstanding supporters of the Society
have won the recruitment award multiple times.
They include (Note: Records are fragmentary):
David A. Hakes 6 Stanley Morycz 3
Nathan Goldstein 3+ Frank Viskup 3
Tom Denly 3 Ron Horstman
Richard Balbaton 3 John Wilson 2
SPMC Award of Merit
Presented to an SPMC member or members who, during
the previous year, rendered significant contributions to the
Society which bring credit to the organization.
This award succeeded and incorporated an "Outstanding
Service" award that was also presented in the early years of the
Society. A Special Tribute Award has also been presented.
It may be awarded to the same person in different years for
different contributions. In fact 16 honorees have won it twice.
They are: Vernon L. Brown, Maurice Burgett, George W.
Wait, NI. Owen Warns, Barbara Mueller, Neil Shafer, Nathan
Goldstein, Forrest Daniel, Brent Hughes, Richard Hoober Sr.,
Peter Huntoon, Bob Medlar, Tom Denly, Roger Durand, Steve
Whitfield, and Wendell Wolka.
In 1974 when the Society was consolidating its award pro-
gram, replacing certificates with plaques, and recodifying rules
for future awards, Awards Committee member Glenn Smedley
was of the opinion that the Outstanding Service Awards of 1965
and 1968 were equivalent to the Award of Merit.
If that were so, we could add to the list of two-time winners
William Donlon. In that case, George Wait and Dick Hoober
would become three-time honorees. Apparently longtime
Secretary Vernon L. Brown's opinion that they were distinct
prevailed, although the Outstanding Service Award was appar-
ently never resumed.
SPMC Memorial Best of Show Award
In 1979 at its June Board Meeting, Society governors voted
to establish an award for the best exhibit at Memphis. The fol-
lowing January, funds having been received in the memory of
deceased members Bill Donlon and Maurice Burgett, the Board
determined to use these funds to establish the exhibiting award.
It was first presented in 1980 to Dr. Glenn Jackson (left).
Multiple winners have been:
Nancy Wilson. 3 Roger Durand 2
Raphael Ellenbogen 2 Howard Berlin 2
George W. Wait Memorial Prize
This paper money research and publication monetary prize
was established by the SPMC Board last year upon the sugges-
tion of Fred Reed following the death of its namesake on April 7.
Initially it carries a $500 monetary stipend annually. A single
honoree may claim the entire prize, or several awards totalling
$500 may be presented. If no applicant is deemed worthy by the
SPMC Awards Committee, the award will be carried over.
George W. Wait (Charter Member #5) was both President
and Secretary of the Society, and a longtime Board Member.
Author of two books in the Wismer series (New Jersey and
Maine), Wait also chaired the Wismer Committee, and received
many of the Society's highest honors. An avid proponent of
paper money research and publication, it was natural for SPMC
to perpetuate Mr. Wait's memory with such an award as this.
The prize is open to anyone in any field of paper money
research. As of this date, the application period for the 1st
Annual Wait Memorial Prize is open until March 15th. Prior to
establishing this award, the Board granted a similar sum in 1999
to Robert S. Neale for his book on The Bank of Cape Fear.
SPMC D.C. Wismer Memorial Award
This award's namesake David Cassel Wismer pioneered the
cataloging of obsolete notes in the pages of The Numismatist.
Although Wismer was deceased long before the coming of
SPMC, "Founding Fathers" memorialized him and his efforts
with our Wismer Project to catalog obsoletes as he did compre-
hensively state-by-state.
His daughter Mrs. C. Elizabeth Osmun (#193, HM1) took
an active part in the Society in its early years as a consultant to
the Wismer project. In 1964 and 1965 she contributed funds to
provide an exhibit award for obsolete notes in her father's honor.
The initial winner in 1964 was Fred R. Marckhoff for his display
"Paper Money of the Indian Nations." Multiple winners have
included Maurice Burgett (3) and Tom Fitzgerald (2).
SPMC continued to fund this award at least through 1977,
contributing $15-$20 annually for that purpose, although Board
Members frequently complained that ANA failed to credit our
doing so.
100 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Memphis show:" Aubrey and Adeline Beebe "for their many
contributions to the hobby culminating in the donation of
their paper money collection to the ANA."
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Richard Balbaton.
Honorary Membership: M. Owen Warns.
1989 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) David Ray Arnold, Jr. "The Calmady Children:"
(2nd) Rodney Battles "John S. Fillmore, U.S.A.
Paymaster;" (3rd) Ronald L. Horstman "The First
Greenbacks of the Civil War."
Award of Merit: James Hatay "for his Standard Catalog of U.S.
Obsolete Bank Notes."
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Roger Durand.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Bob Cochran.
1990 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Bob Cochran "Alabama:" (2nd) Peter Huntoon
and Doug Walcutt "National Banks Chartered Under the
Act of February 25, 1863;" (3rd) Robert R. Moon "A
History of the Banks of the City of Hudson, New York."
Awards of Merit: Roger H. Durand "for many years of service
to the Society and for his book Interesting Notes about
Denominations;" Thomas Denly "for publicity work and for
recruiting new members."
Special Literary Award: Michael J. Hodder and Q. David
Bowers "for their Standard Catalog of Encased Postage
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Tom Denly.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: C.M. Nielsen.
1991 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Stephen Schroeder "A Brief History of Free
Banking in Minnesota;" (2nd) David Ray Arnold, Jr.
"Heroes and Humbug: State Scrip of South Carolina;" (3rd)
Peter Huntoon and William K. Raymond "National Gold
Banks and National Gold Bank Notes."
Award of Merit: Steven Whitfield "for continuing research
about Kansas obsolete notes and previous service to the
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
Dr. Glenn Jackson Memorial Award: Gene Hessler.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Ron Horstman.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: James Simek.
1992 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Steven K. Whitfield "The Lawrence Bank;"
(2nd) Forrest Daniel "Minnesota's Road Building;" (3rd)
Andrzej Mikolajczyk "Paper Money in Partitioned Poland."
Award of Merit: Tom Denly "for recruiting over 150 SPMC
members since recruiting records have been kept."
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Ron Horstman.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Roger Durand.
1993 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) C. John Ferreri "America's First Historical
Vignettes on Paper Money;" (2nd) Brent H. Hughes
"Some Troublesome Counterfeits;" (3rd) Robert R. Moon
"The Brief History of the Germantown National Bank."
Awards of Merit: Richard Jones "for his contribution to
Virginia Obsolete Paper Money."
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Walter Allan.
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Tom Denly.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Doug Walcutt.
1994 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st Tie) Charles Surasky "The First and Last Postal
Notes 1883-1894;" and David Grant "The Bankers World's
Fair National Bank;" (2nd) Thomas F. Eagan "Peter
McCartney, Counterfeiter;" (3rd) Dean Oakes - "Iowa
Obsolete Notes and Scrip."
Awards of Merit: Gene Hessler "for his book The Engraver's
Line;" Brent Hughes "for his years of literary contributions
to Paper Money;" Peter Huntoon "for his years of literary
contributions to Paper Money."
Julian Blanchard Award: John Jackson.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Walter Allan.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Stanley Morycz.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: John Jackson.
1995 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Stephen Goldberg "Sorting the Issues of New
York City;" (2nd) Gene Hessler "Two Unique Interest-
Bearing Notes;" (3rd) Robert R. Moon "Why I Collect
New York State Nationals."
Julian Blanchard Award: Walter Allan.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Walter Allan.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Stanley Morycz.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Raphael Ellenbogen.
1996 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st Tie) Forrest W. Daniel "Legal Tenders, 5-20
Bonds and Politics;" and Mark Tomasko "The Work of
Kenneth Guy;" (2nd) C. John Ferreri - "In Search of a
Portrait of the First President of the U.S. on State or
Federal U.S. Paper Money;" (3rd) David Grant "National
Currency from the National Bank of Commerce in St.
Awards of Merit: Mary Lou Stubbolo and Gretchen Wagner
"for their 15 years of technical contributions to the produc-
tion of Paper Money;" George B. Tremmel "for preparing
the Paper Money Index."
Julian Blanchard Award: John Jackson.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Walter Allan.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Stanley Morycz.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Raphael Ellenbogen.
1997 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Forrest W. Daniel "The Printer's Devil Note;"
(2nd) Ronald J. Benice "The Banks of Sing Sing;" (3rd)
Stephen M. Goldberg - "Sorting the Issues of New York
Award of Merit: Zeljko Stojanovic "for Paper Money of Serbia
and Yugoslavia."
Julian Blanchard Award: John Jackson.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Gene Hessler.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Frank Viskup, Jr.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Nancy Wilson.
1998 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) John Martin Davis, Jr. "The Last Bond of the
Lost Cause;" (2nd) David D. Gladfelter and William S.
Dewey "Bergen Iron Works Scrip;" (3rd) Peter Huntoon
"U.S. Small-Size $5 Mules."
Award of Merit: Don Kelly for his revised National Bank Notes.
Julian Blanchard Award: Benny Bolin.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Mark Tomasko.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Frank Viskup, Jr.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Ron Yeager.
1999 (Memphis)
Literary: (1st) Kevin Lafond "John Davenport and His
Merchant Scrip;" (2nd) Forrest Daniel "Post Check Notes
- Double Duty Convertible Currency;" (3rd) Dave Grant -
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
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Collector Since 1928
Professional Since 1933
Founding Member PNG, President 1963-64
ANA Life Member 103, Governor 1983-87
ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988
Art Kagin
in 1941-2
102 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
"A Survey of the Bank of Latvia Bank Note Issues During
the 1920s."
Awards of Merit: Earl Hughes "for his efforts producing
Kentucky Obsolete Notes and Scrip," Judith Murphy "for
supervising regional programs;" Glen Johnson "for estab-
lishing the Society's web site;" Frank Levitan and Lyn F.
Knight "for the generous donation of 53,500 to the Society
from the proceeds of the special edition catalog of the
Levitan Collection."
Julian Blanchard Award: Mark Tomasko.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: VValter D. Allan.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Frank Viskup, jr.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Tom O'Mara.
2000 (Memphis)
Literary: (lot) Dave Grant "A Curious Pair of Wichita
Nationals;" (2nd) Ron Benice "Florida Currency During
Reconstruction;" (3) Marvin Ashmore "A Portrait of John
Awards of Merit: Fred Reed "for his tremendous efforts in
restoring the normal schedule and for his willingness to
assume the editorship of the Journal;" Bob Cochran "for his
initiative in creating and assuming the Advertising Manager
for the journal.
Julian Blanchard Award: Gene Hessler.
Dr. Glenn E. Jackson Memorial Award: Mark Tomasko.
Vice President's Recruitment Award: Tom Denly.
SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award: Mark Rabinowitz
2000 (St. Louis)
Awards of Merit: Forrest Daniel and Brent Hughes "for con-
ceiving, designing and executing the SPMC logo, which has
served the Society and its membership so well for so long;"
Michael Frebert and Dover Litho Printing Co. "for the
excellence of its printing of our Society journal, Paper
Monty, for 18 years, and for going beyond the call of duty to
help us return the magazine to its normal publishing sched-
ule earlier this year."
Society awards have taken a number of forms over the years
The first awards distributed by the Society were gold coins in
the years 1964 and 1965 donated by Charter Member Ben
Douglas for the best articles published in Paper Money. The fol-
lowing year the Society donated the gold coins in 1966 in the
name of deceased paper money researcher Fred Marckhoff.
Beginning in 1967 Certificates were substituted.
During the early 1970s, when Forrest Daniel chaired the
Awards Committee, plaques were created to acknowledge hon-
orees, and at that time plaques were also furnished to certificate-
holders. Trophies, and in the case of early Julian Blanchard
Award winners silver bowls, engraved clocks and mounted curren-
cy have also been used to honor various achievements.
Shown, veteran SPMC members David D. Gladfelter and
William S. Dewey celebrate selection of their article "Bergen Iron
Works Scrip" as 2nd Place Literary Award winner in 1998. Their
article appeared in Paper Money issue no. 189.
In that year the Society Awards Committee decided to aban-
don the plaques which had been given out for many years, in favor
of a large mug engraved with the SPMC logo and the appropriate
Winners tell us that it was a popular decision. This photo
shows David (left) and Bill (right), hoisting their awards in a toast
to themselves and their fellow SPMC members.
By David D. Gladfelter, #8046, LM179
Between us, Bill and I have 155 years of experience, some of
it in numismatics! As you can see from the photo, we are breaking
in our SPMC award mugs with a drink of sparkling cider (the
alcohol-free kind) at his house in the Fall of 1998.
I'm particularly pleased with this scene because Bill and I had
corresponded about this article for quite a few years. By this time
Bill (who was ANA librarian in the 1940s, and more recently a
Krause "Numismatic Ambassador") had turned 90. I thought it
might be time to move the article to the front burner.
We sent drafts back and forth, and we had a number of
phone calls. When we both agreed it looked right, I sent it in to
Gene Hessler, who ran it.
The award mugs were a big surprise. They just landed on my
porch one day without any advance warning. The awards commit-
tee didn't have Bill's address to send him his own mug, as Bill had
let his membership lapse. So I called him. It was just as well as it
gave us a chance to get together for a celebration.
David D. Gladfelter and William S. Dewey
We took a lot of photos like the one above, which are great
reminders of the event.
Bill has a perfect place to put his award. Being an engineer
and volunteer chairman of his local water and sewer authority after
he retired, lie already had an award plaque with a golden spigot on
it for his service on the authority. The mug can go under the
spigot in case there is ever a drip.
With respect to writing articles for Paper Money, one writes
about one's own interests -- even paid writers who take assign-
ments from editors do this. But to me, this makes for the most
interesting articles for our readers. My main reason for collecting
is that collectibles have stories to tell if you take the trouble to dig
them out.
Another article in the making is one on which I had long cor-
respondence with Bob Lindesmith. To this day, the article hasn't
been written, and now Bob is gone. Fortunately this did not hap-
pen in the case of my article with Bill. Thank goodness.
No one can afford to collect everything, but it costs nothing
but your dues to read the stories told by fellow collectors about
their interests. A note in a catalog is pretty dull, but a note as a
piece of history, or thing of economic value, or example of engrav-
ing skill and design becomes symbolic of its time and place. +
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211 103
SPMC Officers, Project Chairmen, Award Winners
and Additional Honorees 1961-2001
Compiled by Bob Cochran, Gene Hessler and Fred L. Reed III
Note: In the listing that follows, certain abbreviations
have been used to economize space: AC=Awards
Chairman; AM=Award of Merit; BL=By-Laws Chairman;
BOS=Best of Show; DCW=D.C. Wismer Award;
E=Exhibiting Award; FC=Finance Committee Chairman;
GC=Grading Committee Chairman; GJ=Glenn Jackson
Award; HLM=Honorary Life Membership; HM=Honorary
Membership; JB=Julian Blanchard Award; L=Literature
Award; LI=Library/ Index Chairman; LM=Life Member;
LMC=Life Member Chairman; MR=Member Recruitment
Chairman; NC=Nominating Committee Chairman;
NG=Nathan Gold Award; OS=Outstanding Service Award;
PA=Patrons Association Coordinator; PC=Publications
Chairman; PP=Privacy Policy Chairman; RA=Recruitment
Award; RC=Regional Coordinator; RT=Retention
Coordinator; SC=Slides Chairman; SL=Special Literature
Award; ST=Special Tribute; WC=Wait Award Chairman;
#=Membership Number; i.e. AM79 is Award of Merit in
1979, or L88-2nd is 2nd place Literature Award in 1988.
Adams, Larry: #2278; President (83-87); Vice President (79-83);
Governor (75-84); AC (76-79); Publicity Chairman (79-83);
RA (85); RC (79-81); SC (81); L80-1st
Affleck, Charles: #150; HM6 (8/15/69); Governor (62-64);
Assistant Editor (62-63); 1-IM69; NG69
Allan, Walter: #1477; LM311; Governor (82-86); NC (84); GJ93;
G194; GJ95; GJ96; GJ99; JB69; JB72; JB73; JB78; JB95
Anderson, Mark: #7300; Treasurer (97- ); Governor (97-01);
PP (00)
Anton, William: #2177; L72-2nd
Arnold, David Ray: #1320; L87-3rd; L89-1st; L91-2nd
Ashmore, Marvin: #307; L00-3rd
Aspen, Nelson Page: #3004; Governor (88-93); AC (89, 92)
Azpiazu, Robert: #4844; Secretary (81-84); AM85
Bain, Torn: #112; 1-1M2 (8/11/67); President (63-65); 2nd VP
(61-63); Governor (64-82); AC (64); NC (66, 68); AM79;
H1167; NG81
Balbaton, Richard: #2446; President (89-91); Vice President (87-
89); Governor (87-89); Librarian (99- ); Book Sales (82- 91);
PC (86-87); Publisher (82-91); RA (86-87)
Banyai, Richard: #657; L65-2nd; L68-HM
Barnsley, Edward: #1361; L65-1st
Battles, Rodney: L89-2nd
Beaudreau, A.R. Del: #2447; Secretary 79-81; Governor (81-83)
Beebe, Adeline: AM88
Beebe, Aubrey: #192; AM88
Benice, Ronald: #6026; L97-2; L00-2m1
Bennett, Frank: #2877; LM235; 1929 NBN Chairman (97-98)
Berlin, Howard: E85-BOS; E86-BOS
Bolin, Benny: #6795; Governor (00-01); JB98
Boling, Joe: #3967; E82-BOS
Bieciuk, Hank: #1; President (61-63); Governor (63-64); Editor
Blanchard, Julian: #4; Vice President (63-65); Governor (62-67);
AC (65-66); namesake of an exhibiting award
Bloom, Murray Teigh: AM80
Bowen, Harold: #40; Governor (1962)
Bowers, Q. David: #780; SL90
Breen, Walter: #3778; L78-3rd
Brown, Vernon: #224; Secretary (67-78); Governor (70-76);
AM70; AM75
Bruyer, Nicholas: #3448; L75-1st
Burgett, Maurice: #92; author Indian Territory/Oklahoma
Wismer book (80); DCW70; DCW72; DCW77; L68-HM;
AM71; AM80
Byckoff, Michael: #274; L71-1st
Carrothers, Roland: L70-1st; L71-3rd
Carter, Amon Jr: #320; Governor (62-63)
Charles, Robert P.: HA/111 (8/21/75); HM75
Chase, Phillip: #79; Governor (1962)
Clark, Frank: #5900, LM193; President (99- ); Vice President
(95-99); Governor (93-01); New Member Coordinator (96- ),
MR (96- ); NCO()
Cochran, Bob: #5579; LM69; President (97-99); Secretary (86-
98); Governor (89-91); Advertising Manager (99-00); AC (94);
BL (86); NC (94, 98); A1400; L86-2nd; L87-2nd; L88-2nd;
L90-1st; RA89
Colver, Charles: #3793; Governor (77-96); NC (81, 85)
Conlon, James A.: HM8 (8/21/70); H1V470
Cooper, Everett: #986; L67-1st; L70-2nd; L84-2nd; L87-1st
Cormier, Roland: #3040; PA (86-89)
Corrigan, Harry: #3580; L79-3rd
Coulter, Mayre B.: author Vermont Wismer book (73); AM73
Crabb, Mike: #3285; HLM4; Governor (76-96); Publicity
Chairman (92); NC (78, 83); NG77
Craighead, Ernest: L64-2nd
Criswell, Grover: #342; NG65, NG91
Culler, Virgil: L76-3rd
Curto, James J.: #2; 1st VP (61-63)
Daniel, Forrest: #121; Governor (70-76); AC (71-75); LMC (75);
NC (75); AM83; AMOO; L64-1st; L66-2nd; L67-HM; L69-
1st; L81-1st; L84-HM; L92-2nd; L96-1st; L97-1st; L99-2nd;
Davis, John Martin: #6978; LM251; L98-1st
de Vos, Raymond: #1390; L75-2nd
Delger, Martin: #4762; Governor (82-84); RC (83); AM88; E85-
BOS; JB80; NG94
Denly, Tom: #5573; LM1; Governor (86-88); PA (84-86); AA490;
AM92; RA90; RA93; RA00
Dewey, William S.: L84-1st; L98-2nd
Dickerson, Richard: #2944; L73-1st
Dickson, Robert: #60; Governor (62-64)
Donlon, William: #74; HM4 (8/15/69); Vice President (65-69);
Governor (64-66, 67-71); NC (65); 0S65; AM68; HM69;
Douglas, Ben: #80; Governor (62-67); literary award sponsor
Durand, Roger: #2816; President (87-89); Vice President (83-
87); Treasurer (79-83); Librarian (94-99); Governor (81-88);
Wismer Chairman (91-92); FC (86-87); LMC (81); MR (83-
87); PC (84, 97); author Rhode Island Wismer book (81);
AM81; AM90; E89-BOS; E92-BOS; L78-1st
Eagan, Thomas: L94-2nd
Eccleston, Herbert: #196; L66-1st
Edlow, Ellis: #82; Attorney (61-74); BL (65); 0S68
Ellenbogen, Raphael: #3922; Governor (95-99); RT (98-99);
E95-BOS; E96-BOS
Fenwick, Charles: PC (84-85)
Ferreri, C. John: #2570; Treasurer (76-79); Governor (79-01);
AC (93); NC (86-88); Publicity Chairman (83-86); L93-1st:
L96-2 nd
Fitzgerald, T.J.: #3179; DCW73; DCW74; JB74
Former, Walter: #7661; LM87; Librarian (89-93)
Frebert, Michael (Dover Litho Printing Co.): AMOO
Freeman, Harley: #43; Governor (66-70); NC (67); author
Florida Wismer book (67); AiM67
104 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Friedberg, Milton: #1370; Governor (88-91, 92-99); AC (93);
L69-3rd; NG98
Galiette, Robert: #3462; Attorney (83- )
Garland, Paul: #1237; Governor (79-82); AM86
Gates, James: #2390; Governor (72-75)
Gladfelter, David: #8046; LM179; L98-2nd
Glynn, John: #3267; L82-2nd; L83-2nd; L84-3rd
Goldberg, Stephen: #8324; L95-1st; L97-3rd
Goldstein, Nathan: #133; Governor (64-73); MR (69-70); AM67;
AM73; RA65; RA66; RA70
Gould, Maurice: #69; Governor (66-74); AC (67-68)
Grant, David: #8168; L94-1st; L96-3rd; L99-3rd; L00-lst
Grebinger, James: #97; Treasurer (65-67); Governor (69-71);
Hakes, David: #2128; Governor (71-77); RA71; RA72; RA73;
RA74; ILA75; RA76
Hales, Douglas: #4924; JB81; E81-BOS
Harrison, William: #48; Governor (70-76); LI (71); NC (74);
AM73; L68-2; ST72
Harrison, Mrs. William: ST72
Hatie, George: #124; Governor (64-66)
Hauser, Harold: Publisher (78-80)
Hawes, Robert M.: #1513; DCW69
Haxby, James: AM89
Hendershott, Robert: HLM1
Henderson, Warren: #77; Governor (67-69)
Hessler, Gene: #3157; LM100; FILM10; Governor (87-01);
Editor (84-98); Contributing Editor (99- ); AC (96); PC (92-
93); A11194; E85-BOS; GJ91; GJ97; JB82; JB83; JB87; JB88;
JB89; JB90; JB91; JB92; JB93; JBOO; L77-3rd; L79-1st; L85-
1st; L95-2nd; NG74; NG90
Hewitt, Lee F.: 1929 NBN Chairman (67-68)
Hickman, John: #1590; NG83; NG95
Higgins, William R.: #2950; NG86
Hoch, Alfred: #120; Governor (66-70)
Hodder, Michael: SL90
Hollander, David: #5052; LM27; 1929 NBN Chairman (1999- )
Hoober Sr., Richard: #349; Governor (66-72); Wismer
Chairman (66-73, 83-84); author Pennsylvania Wismer book
(85); AM73; AM85; L79-2nd; 0S68
Horstman, Ronald: #1526; LM12; Governor (87-01); New
Member Coordinator (81-95); MR (87-95); NC (89-93); L88-
3rd; L89-3rd; RA91; RA92
Horton, William: #3474; Governor (82-89); RC (82); AM85
Hughes, Brent: #7; Governor (69-74); AM94; AA/100; L75-3rd;
L86-111/1; L93-2nd; NG97
Hughes, Earl: #17; Librarian (64-68); Historian-Curator (61-65);
author Kentucky Wismer book (98); AM99
Huntoon, Peter: #662; Governor (79-85, 86-87); co-author NBN
Issues of 1929-1935 (published by SPMC 70); Territorials: A
Guide to Territorial NBN (SPMC 80); US Large Size NBN
(SPMC 95); AM80; AA/194; L67-HM; L71-2nd; L72-1st; L74-
1st; L77-2nd; L82-1st; L86-1st; L90-2nd; L91-3rd; L98-3rd;
Jackson, Dr. Glenn: #540; JB76; JB77; JB84; JB85; JB86; E80-
BOS; NG79; namesake of a literary award
Jackson, John: #6691; LM190; Governor (93 -97); AC (95); E94-
BOS; JB94; JB96; JB97
Jacob, Arri: #8185; LM126; Governor (99-01)
Johnson, Glen: #9108; LM230; AM99
Jones, Richard: #117; Governor (76-83); AM93
Keller, Dr. Arnold: #338; L68-1st; NG72
Keller, W. Phillip: #205; DCW71
Kelly, Don: #1594; AM98; L80-2nd; L83-1st; NG87
Kemm, Theodore: #114; AM68
Kemp, Charles: #3980; LM62; Governor (84-87); L76-2nd
Kinney, Joe: #772; Photo Archivist (81-87); AM87
Kirkwood, James: #148; Governor (62-64); NG62
Knebl, Tom: L80-3rd
Knight, Lyn: #2391; LA/1182; AM99
Kolman, Michael: Governor (62-64)
Kopicki, I.T.: #95; Treasurer (67-69)
Koster, William: #3240; GC (78); L73-2nd; L74-2nd; L76-1st
Kraus, Guy: #5181; author Mississippi Wismer book (01)
Krause, Chester: #9; NG89
Kvederas, Bob Sr.: #5137; LM220; NG99
Kvederas, Bob Jr.: #9236; NG99
Kyzivat, Tim: #4575; LM223; Treasurer (93-97); Governor (95-
Lafond, Kevin: #8442; L99-1st
Lasser, Joseph: #4043; LA/123; L77-1st
Latimer, Roman: #2540; Governor (83-86)
Leggett, L. Candler: #566; author Mississippi Wismer book (75);
Levitan, Frank: #2800; AM99
Lewis, Gary: #3111; Secretary (84-86)
Loeb, Walter: #41; Governor (1962)
Loewenstern, Morris: #12; Governor (62-69)
Marckhoff, Fred: #47; Governor (63 -66); Assistant Editor (62-
66); Wismer Chairman (1965-1966), DCW64; NG61
Mark, Donald: #3655; Governor (84-87)
Marks, Julian: #20; Governor (62-64)
Mautz, Carl: #2729; L73-3rd
McCarl, Henry: L88-1st
McDannel, Ken: #1836; 1929 NBN Chairman (72-87)
Medlar, Bob: #471; President (75-79); Vice President (71-75);
Governor (70-76, 79-83); NC (72); author Texas Wismer
book (68); AM69; AA/180; RA77; RA78; RA79
Mikolajczyk, Andrzej: L92-3rd
Miller, Ray: L83-3rd
Mitchell, Ralph: AM85
Moon, Robert: #5766; Vice President (1995); Governor (88-95);
Publicity Chairman (89-91, 93); L86-3rd; L90-3rd; L93-3rd;
Morris, John: #277; Governor (68-70)
Morris, Thomas: #46; JB71
Morycz, Stanley: #3013; 7383; RA94; RA95; RA96
Mross, William: #6117; Governor (91-96)
Mueller, Barbara: #464; HM7 (8/21/70); HLM2; Editor (65-76,
78-84); Librarian (68-73); AM67; AM76; HM70; NG84
Murphy, Judith: #7792; LM262; HLM11; President (93-95);
Vice President (91-93); Governor (89-92, 97-01); New
Member Coordinator (95-96); RC (96- ); AM99
Murray, Douglas: #4683; LM250; Governor (86-88)
Muscalus, John: #1347; NG73
Musser, Dwight: #288; Governor (1962); Assistant Editor (62-
Nagel, Bob: Essay Contest Winner (87)
Neale, Robert S.: #9752; Research Grant Recipient (99)
Newman, Eric: #290; Vice President (75-79); Governor (1962,
73-76); RC (77); NG68
Nielsen, C.M.: #4048; E90-BOS
Nowak, Frank: #933; L72-3rd
O'Donnell, Chuck: #3473; Governor (67-81); AM80; NG80
O'Mara, Thomas F.X.: #8190; LM138; E99-BOS
Oakes, Dean: #1322; President (95-97); Vice President (93-95);
Treasurer (86 -93); Governor (81 -99); AC (81); author Iowa
Wismer book (82); AM82; L94-3rd
Osmun, C. Elizabeth Wismer: #193; HM1 (8/11/67); 1-1/V167;
D.C. Wismer Award sponsor (64-65)
Owen, Leonard: #2044; AM86
Pasvolsky, Val: ##1568; DCW75
Payne, Jasper: #1300; Governor (79-82); NC (80)
Pennell, J. Roy: #8; HA/19 (8/21/75); HLM8; President (71-75);
Vice President (69-71); Secretary (64-67); Governor (65-79);
Publisher (65 -78); AC (69); NC (70, 77); HM75; 0S68;
Perlmutter, Morey: #948; L72-2nd
Persichetti, Joseph: #966; L67-2nd; L68-HM
Peterson, Chiyo: LM76; AM87
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1890 $1,000 "Grand Watermelon" Note
$500 1880 Legal Tender
Serial #1 Washington Brownback
1882 $1,000 Gold Certificate
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Peterson, Roy: #1801; LM31; ANI87
Philpott, William: #15; Governor (62-63); L70-3rd; NG71
Pick, Albert: #352; ANI72; L74-3rd; NG75
Prather, Dewitt: #862; ANI87
Rabinowitz, Mark: #9518; E00-BOS
Rally, Bob: Governor (89-93)
Ranes, Jimmie: #9635; NC (01)
Raymond, William: #3526; L91-3rd
Reback, Marilyn: #7993; Editor (99)
Reed, Fred: #4912; Secretary (98- ); Governor (98-01); Editor
(99- ); NC (99); WC (00- ); AMOO; NG96
Rice, Foster Wild: #132; Assistant Editor (62-63)
Robin, Peter: #292; Governor (1962)
Rockholt, R.H. "Rocky": #1354; author Minnesota Wismer
book (73); AM75
Rosene, Walter: #3747; author Alabama Wismer book (84);
Rothert, Matt: #166; Governor (67-69); author Arkansas Wismer
book (85); AM85; NG64
Rust, Alvin: AM87
Schaaf, Bernard: #565; Governor (83-86)
Schramm, Donald: #2160; co-author Indiana Wismer book (78);
Schreiner, Robert: #8781; Governor (99-01); Advertising
Manager (00- )
Schroeder, Stephen: #3944; L91-1st
Seitz, Paul: #24; Governor (64-65)
Shafer, Neil: #681; AM68; AM85; NG67
Sheheen, Austin: #2207; LM122; President (91-93); Vice
President (89-91); Governor (88-92); PC (89-91)
Sheheen, Fred (Camden Company): Publisher (80-82)
Simek, James: #8368; LM290; E91-BOS
Slabaugh, Arlie: #32; Governor (63-65); Assistant Editor (62-63);
1929 NBN Chairman (65-68); NG63
Smart, Mrs. Elizabeth: 0S65
Smedley, Glenn: #3; HM3 (8/11/67); President (69-71);
Treasurer (61-65); Governor (64-77); AC (70); NC (69);
Smith, Samuel: #2611; L78-2nd
Snyder, Tom: #5592; LM45; 1929 NBN Chairman (88-97)
Stearns, Radford: #3794; LM36; PC (82)
Stojanovic, Zeljko: #9212; LM286; AM97
Stone, James: #2866; Treasurer (83-86)
Stubbolo, Mary Lou: AM96
Surasky, Charles: L94-1st
Swanson, John: #16; Governor (62-64)
Talks, R. Logan: #5071; L81-3rd
Taylor, Stephen: #3258; Governor (79-83, 85-00); PC (88); RC
Toy, Ramond: NG70
Tomasko, Mark: #7888; GJ98; GJ00; J1399; L96-1
Trask, Frank: #4901; Governor (87-91, 92-93)
Tremmel, George: #2623; AM96
Van Belkum, Louis: #707; co-author NBN Issues of 1929-1935
(published by SPMC 70); NG76
Viskup, Frank: #8133; RA97; RA98; RA99
Vorhies, Jack: #3314; co-author Indiana Wismer book (78);
Wagner, Gretchen: AM96
Wait, George: #5; HM5 (8/15/69); HLM5; President (65-69);
Secretary (61-64); Governor (64-66, 67-79); NC (71, 73);
Wismer Chairman (73-77), author New Jersey Wismer book
(76); author Maine Wismer book (77); 0S65; AM72; AM77;
HM69; JB68; JB70; NG78; namesake of publication award
Walcutt, Doug: #7012; LM55; E93-BOS; L90-2nd
Walton, Gerome: #3395; AM86
Warns, M. Owen: #35; HLM6 (6/25/88); Treasurer (69-75);
Governor (65-79); 1929 NBN Chairman (72-87); editor of
NBN Issues of 1929-1935 (70); author The Nevada Sixteen (74);
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
AM70; AM75; HNI88; L68-HM; L81-2nd; L85-3rd; NG85
Watson, Doug: Editor (76-78); AM78
Weitzen, Edward H.: #1090; HM10 (8/21/75); HM75
Whitfield, Steven: #2930; LM249; Governor (82-87, 95-01); AC
(82-88); Wismer Chairman (92- ); author Kansas Wismer
book (80); ANI80; AM91; E82-BOS; L92-1st
Wigington, Harry: #830; Secretary (78-79); Governor (74-76,
79-83); NC (76, 82); AM74; L69-2nd; L85-2nd
Wills, J. Thomas: #2511; Governor (77-81)
Wilson, John: #4861; LM127; Governor (82-88); RC (86-89);
RA86; RA87
Wilson, Nancy: #6114; LM140; JB79; E84-BOS; E87-BOS; E97-
Wolka, Wendell: #2584; LM2 69; President (79-83); Vice
President (99- ); Librarian (73-89); Governor (74-81, 86-01);
Wismer Chairman (77-83), AC (97-01); NC (79, 95-97); PA
(83-84); RC (93); co-author Indiana Wismer book (78); author
Ohio Wismer book (02); AM79; AM84
Yeager, Ron: #7569; E98-BOS
SPMC service has its grins
By C. John Ferreri, #2570
I was sorry to hear about George Wait's passing last year.
George was the one who collared me for the treasurer's post
back in 1975. I served eight years. I took over from M.O.
Warns and Harry Wigington (RIP) was the new secretary.
Roy Pennell was just finishing up as President and Bob Medlar
(RIP) took over.
George was a fine gentleman as was Dick Hoober, Sr.
Dick was the first dealer ever to contact me through the
SPMC membership list. Over the years I bought plenty of
notes from these two gents.
I bought almost all of George's New England notes.
When it came time for his Maine collection to be sold, he
knew I couldn't afford it so he gave me both the notes AND
three years to pay for them. The last time I saw him and his
lady friend Ann Marie must be 15 years ago. Lots of nice
Working on behalf of the Society can have its lighter
moments. I can remember several comical letters I received
when I was the Society Treasurer in the 1970s. One was from
a member in Uganda who wrote in English quite well, but did-
n't quite write what he meant. He apologized that it had taken
him so long to write because of the war in his country. I never
could figure out what he wanted, except that he'd read some-
thing in Paper Money about salaries at the U.S. Treasury
Department during the Civil War. He addressed the letter to
Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase and sent it to my
address. He proceeded to state his qualifications, and then
asked what the maximum and minimum salary he would get. I
didn't quite know how to answer the man.
Another time a deceased member's spouse wrote us to
discontinue sending the magazine as her husband would no
longer be reading it. I guess we dropped the ball, and did not
discontinue sending the magazine. A year later she wrote
again asking us to discontinue sending it. In her own words,
she said something like "He can't use it. He's still dead!" +
Thanks to all the members
By Donald L. Benson, LM241
I am looking forward to our 40th anniversary, and con-
gratulations to all the members for making this possible.
etttlitg. T
Et) ietir E T. a L 113 E ItT
r7e Oetleee/ K'4 Af;V-1. on Dernincl,
6/47.r: Q)4. 13, Mrile,c/iud/efet (ye
6th Annual
Meeting & Luncheon
Society of Paper *Hey Collectors
2 I
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
A Trial Listing
Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia
Compiled by Fred L. Reed III, #4912
Through its nearly 40 years, the Society of Paper Money
Collectors has published a vast array of memorabilia in the
form of souvenir cards, souvenir tickets and other items bear-
ing its logo or associated with its various activities. These
items commemorate events at our annual meetings and at
occasional regional gatherings, as well.
Since cataloging is a natural activity for many Society
members, and since a catalog of these SPMC ephemera has
never been undertaken, it was deemed auspicious to attempt
such a listing for our 40th anniversary celebration. The cata-
log that follows is the result of months of search and research
by a number of Society members.
The cataloger was greatly assisted in preparing this listing
by Frank Clark, Ron Horstman, Wendell Wolka, Steve
Whitfield, John and Nancy Wilson, C. John Ferreri, Forrest
Daniel, Dennis Forgue, Bruno Rzepka, Nathan Goldstein,
Mike Bean, Bill Horton and Lee Quast.
An attempt was made to include all SPMC memorabilia.
While a great variety of items have been uncovered thus far,
this catalog should be considered a "trial" listing at present.
The working criteria for inclusion of items was tickets, cards,
and pins. Other items such as flyers, brochures, membership
cards, pens, name tags and additional items carrying our
Society logo could have easily been added, but since most of
those items are already illustrated in other sections of this pub-
lication, they are not duplicated here.
Because of their historical value, privately published items
which were issued in conjunction with SPMC activities are
also cataloged here. So for instance, you will also find some
souvenir cards produced by Society members William Doovas,
John Wilson, Ron Horstman and Mike Bean. Whether one
considers them "SPMC" memorabilia or not is a personal
choice. We deemed it worth noting their existence.
While it is suspected that not every SPMC affair had sou-
venir tickets, it is hoped (and doubtless will happen) that
unknown items will be discovered in the future in drawers,
envelopes or used as bookmarks. Therefore, if any member
comes across an item not cataloged here, Paper Money and its
Editor would welcome your sharing these additional items for
publication in future issues of our journal.
1965 ANA
SPMC 1965 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
Society of Paper Money Collectors
5th Annual Meeting and Dinner
Friday, August 27, 1965
Cocktails 6 p.m. —Nile Room, Shamrock Hotel
Dinner 7 p.m.—Castilian Room, Shamrock Hotel
H. N. Schwartz,
General Chairman
Price $5.00
The earliest SPMC souvenir ticket discovered thus far
admitted the bearer to a cocktail party and dinner at
Houston's Shamrock Hotel August 27, 1965, during the ANA
convention. The ticket is uniface, printed in black on an off-
white card stock. Numbering was also overprinted in black.
The ticket was perforated at its left end, presumably to cancel
it. The stub may also have served a door prize purpose.
Size: 3.75 X 2
Price: $5.00
1966 ANA
SPMC 1966 Souvenir Luncheon Ticket
The Society issued a special souvenir ticket for its 6th
Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the 1966 Chicago ANA
Convention. Bruno Rzepka handled the arrangements, and
Lou Goldstein did the printing at no cost to SPMC. Its face
shows a 6 1/4-cent scrip note issued by George T. Gilbert,
Rochester, Ill., May 1, 1844, printed in bronze on both yellow
card stock and buff paper stock. The back of the ticket is
imprinted with the society information in black, and reveals a
stub for a drawing. The serial number is blue Tearing off the
stub, of course, would cancel its face design. Luckily this spec-
imen was not defaced. The meal was held at 12:30 in the
Florentine Room of the Pick-Congress Hotel.
Size: 6.5 x 2.5
Price: $4.50
1967 ANA
SPMC 1967 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
Price: $6.50
1968 ANA
SPMC 1968 Souvenir LuncheonTicket
Price: $4.00
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108 January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
1969 ANA
SPMC 1969 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
9th Annual MEETING and DINNER
- Society Of Paper Money Collectors •
Pennsylvania Room East, Sheraton Hotel
Philadelphia, Pa. August 15th, 1969
Dutch Treat Cocktails 6:30 P.M., Delaware VaL Suite
DINNER 1:30 P.M. S7.50 Per Person
Ticket Printing Courtesy Of
The ninth Annual SPMC Meeting and dinner was held at
the Philadelphia ANA Convention August 15, 1969, the last
time ANA convened in "The City of Brotherly Love" before
2000. Members met for a cocktail hour in the Sheraton
hotel's Delaware Valley Suite, and then adjourned to the
Pennsylvania Room East for dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets were
printed in black on stiff, light blue cardboard through the
courtesy of local coin dealer and Society Charter Member
Harry Forman. They were numbered in black at right end.
Size: 3 7/8 x 2 5/16
Price: $7.50
1970 ANA
SPMC 1970 Souvenir Luncheon Ticket
312iLth– CwuwL 9nfLeiliZtk
Dutch - Treat Cocktails — 11:30 a.m.
Luncheon, August 21, 1970, 12 O'Clock
Tiara Room $5.00
Attendees at the Society's 10th Annual Meeting gathered
at St. Louis' Chase-Park Plaza Hotel for an 11:30 reception
and noon luncheon August 21, 1970. Souvenir tickets were
offset printed in the form of an unissued c. 1852-7 Bank of
America $3 proof note, originally printed by Toppan,
Carpenter, Casilear & Co. The central vignette depicts
Columbia and an eagle. At lower right, a female portrait on
the original note is replaced by a visage of Glenn B. Smedley,
the founder of SPMC and its then current President, a
Chicago resident. Tickets were printed in black on light blue
card stock. They were hand-numbered in red ink on the back,
which provides the meeting details.
Size: 5 x 2 1/8
Price: $5.00
1971 ANA
SPMC 1971 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
Price: $7.50
1972 ANA
SPMC 1972 Souvenir Luncheon Ticket
Price: $6.00
1973 ANA
SPMC 1973 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
Price: $10.00
1974 ANA
SPMC 1974 Souvenir Luncheon Ticket
Price: $7.50
1975 ANA
SPMC 1975 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
Price: $12.50
1976 ANA
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by William Doovas
auverikawa alma s
4 -1101AMCII`EEmeet
-HiTrOa 11311101410S3I4IS0IIINQnot 'too;
9013 N103911-1dW3W
Look This is the Place
for COIN & PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS in the Northeast to get a
jump on the Convention Season. Join us again this year for the largest
gathering of Coin & Paper Money Dealers and Collectors in the New York/
New England Area.
Prospect Street School Gymnasium65 65 Prospect Si., Si corner of High Si. 65Willimantic, Conn.
TABLES Sun., March 11, 2001.9 a.m. - 4 p.m. TABLES
28th Annual Show65
The "Biggest" little
coin and paper
money show in
New England
B.f. el Exhibition
Public Invited
Free Admission
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
SPMC member William Doovas (#1719) issued a large
souvenir card for the "Society of Paper Money Collectors
16th Annual General Membership Meeing" August 26, 1976,
and luncheon the following day at the New York City ANA
Convention. The sheets were offset printed on one side of a
buff colored card with a three-quarter reproduction of a $10
New York Federal Reserve Bank Note sheet that had been
given to VIPs on March 13, 1933, according to an information
sheet which accompanied the souvenir sheet. Of course, the
reproduction size was determined by the allowable dimensions
for reproducing U.S. currency. It is believed that the sheet
illustrated on the card was from the Doovas Collection.
Size: 11 1/2 x 16
Printed: 400
1976 ANA
SPMC 1976 Souvenir Luncheon Ticket
1977 Memphis
SPMC 1977 Souvenir Luncheon Ticket
When the Memphis Coin Club took the plunge and
sponsored the "First Paper Money Convention," at the
Holiday Inn - Rivermont "overlooking the Mississippi River,"
one of the featured events was an "SPMC Luncheon - 12:30
Saturday." Convention name badges were overstamped in
blue block letters "S.P.M.C." as admission tickets to the
SPMC affair. On the example shown, the overprinting is
upside down vis-a-vis the the badge, although the ink is such a
light blue that it hardly reproduces (see applied arrow above).
It is not known whether all tickets were stamped upside down.
The badge itself was offset printed on white, glossy card stock.
It bears the legend: "Memphis Coin Club 'First Paper Money
Convention'" in black, sans serif lettering. The note shown is
a Third Charter $10 on the Southern National Bank of
Memphis, charter #12 348. It bears a portrait of William
McKinley. This issue set the standard for IPMS admission
badges, as each successive issue has sported a different
Memphis-related note.
Size: 4 X 2.5
1977 Memphis
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by William Doovas
SPMC member William Doovas again issued a souvenir
card, this time for the 1st Memphis International Paper
HUNTSVILLE ALABAMA paper wanted: Nationals, obsoletes,
merchant scrip, checks, postcards, etc. Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031. Life Member SPMC. (212)
NYC WANTED: Issued NYC, Brooklyn, Williamsburgh obsoletes,
any obsoletes from locations within present-day Manhattan,
Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten Island. Steve Goldberg, Box 402,
Laurel, MD 20725-0402. (212)
(Winter 1965); Vol. 8 #I, issue 29 (First Quarter 1969); Vol. 27 #6,
issue 138 (Nov/Dec 1988); Vol. 33 #1, issue 169 (Ian/Feb 1994). Bob
Cochran, Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031. (212)
BUYING SMALL SIZE FRNs 1928 $500, $100 Gem UNC. 1928,
1934 Packs of $1000. All Gold Certificates, Gem. Jeff Tanner, P.O.
Box 2265 Sedona, AZ 86339 (213)
WANTED: (1) DEPRESSION SCRIP from 1930s; (2) Rail-
road/transportation tickets, passes, and timetables from 1930s or earli-
er. Dan Benice, Box 5708, Cary, NC 27512. 919-468-5510. (211)
EXCHANGE BANK OF VIRGINIA issued by Abingdon Branch
Wanted. Also, Washington County Virginia Notes. Tom Merrihue,
P.O. Box 25, Emory, VA 24327. 540-944-3581 (214)
WANTED MICHIGAN NATIONALS, both large and small size,
on these banks: Algonac, Almont, Alpena, Bay City, Boyne City,
Capac, Cheboygan, East Saginaw, Evart, Flint, Greenville, Hart,
Ionia, Ithaca, Lapeer, Ludington, Manistee, Marine City, Millington,
Petoskey, Port Huron, Reed City, Saginaw, St. Johns, Traverse City,
Vassar, and Yale. Dan Freeland, P.O. Box 292, Mayville, MI (211)
The Currency Club of Long Island
Congratulates the SPMC
On Its 40th Anniversary
Currency Club of Long Island
P.O. Box 297
Sayville, New York 11782
JUNE e-S, 1977
Based on a Washington Evening Our photograph, this engraving of the Capital was completed
by BEP engraver Louis S. Schofield on December 7, 1927.
During the change over to Philippine size currency, this vignette was adopted as part of the
$50 Uniform Currency Back. It first appeared on the back of the $50 Federal Reserve Note Series
of 1928, when reduced size currency was first released to the Americon public on July 10, 1929.
This same engraving of the Capitol, with very minor changes, has appeared on all reduced
size (Philippine size) 550 notes to this day.
.CoryrIert 1917 tIV■17.1. 1im Junes Doe.■TSPESERVID ORB!, ..gravlag ol VAGPItal sr, 1,e ww6C . BurtAlu or
40000604 1 A
AVV214:11;:11;.: -
19199116-11.11:Cri:KiE9,9 :
Atlanta, Georgia
August 23-28, 1977
N! 000115
lanuary/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Money Show held June 4-5, 1977. Doovas' design was a stan-
dard BEP black intaglio card of the U.S. Capitol [note the
issuer twice identities it as the Capital (sic)] by engraver Louis
S. Schofield, surprinted with historical information on the use
of this engraving on currency. The card bears both the BEP
imprint and Doovas' copyright for his contributions.
The card shown has been marked SPECIMEN, one of 12
unnumbered cards the issuer released in addition to numbered
cards which he sold. It bears on its back the legend: "This
Souvenir Card was not prepared by the BEP or with BEP
endorsement of any nature. It was prepared by W. Doovas.
More info is on sheet entitled NOTICE." Specimens were
then hand-numbered in blue ink.
The pink information sheet referred to on the back of the
card is a disclaimer notice specifying precisely Doovas' contri-
butions and what items he was copyrighting. Among its seven
clauses is the statement, "The above information should be
retained with The Card so that no one, now or in the future,
will receive any misconceptions or misrepresentations, in any
way, concerning the nature and/or origin of The Card."
Purchasers were required to sign the notice. The card was
contained in a 9 1/2 x 6 1/2 inch white envelope also over-
printed with Doovas' title and commentary.
Doovas issued other cards of this type, including cards for
the 1978 ANA Convention, and for the 1980 Greater New
York Paper Money Convention, that are not being cataloged
with SPMC memorabilia.
Size: 8 x 6 Price:
Printed: Sold:
1977 ANA
SPMC 1977 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
1977 ANA
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by William Doovas
SPMC member William Doovas issued a four-panel sou-
venir card brochure for the Atlanta ANA Convention. The
cover is "Dedicated to the Members of the Society of Paper
Money Collectors at the American Numismatic Association
86th Anniversary Convention" held in Atlanta, August 23-28,
1977. Inside are three-quarter reproductions of the back and
face of a low numbered $2 U.S. Note sheet, with Tate-Mellon
signatures. According to the back panel of the souvenir card,
the sheet had been presented to VIPs July 10, 1929. The back
panel also reprints a contemporary newspaper account of the
release of the notes. Once again, it is believed that the sheet
ege•ke ',wade rh"Wok, toed ...knew' ad Asa
annum, in ageenhh. 1,4 a, ad SI:pr.. , Aaff.:1 Iarta 9, 1837,
ray droeme,m,t 7, , 47,/
J//1 //(111/ f e./iP)/e
Established 11.58
C' r'sYnteeit0./ 1 -i 4n.
The cenind shineurts from a painting illonhis Frightened by a Siam" by the arum. Alfred de I /rid. 1.0. 04,4•EvIll//re 47/
S -
Tht ofilwaukce County Bank opened 1902-63 reo closed 1864-05. and had an
outsLanding citculation of 5235 a of 10/111871. The 55 and 510 unilace scrnaindar
shear .413 printed by the Americana Nate Com pane nd her
several very
bcauriful Wean,. on n including a viewB nf Meows Yetis. The portrayed sheet resides
m the Nancy & John Wilson collection.
Thy owe: of Cliflon openedos 1639 and had tem differentmum 0 notes.
00 52
nit,. note was from the Second Issue, 1960-61. and was primed 7y the NOW York
Bank Note Company. The Bank closed in 1861. The outstanding vignette on this nom
depicts Sc. Naos, Slaying the Dragon. The portrayed note resides in the Neil Shafer
In C nfnectinn wish 95th ANA Convention in Milwaukee, Wivonsin.
G60:, ,11ilittaither Ctitutto)---z
sl ats 31 3 s its
*Myatt fC
1 tic Milwaukee County Bask opened 1861.63 and closed IA64.03. and hic an
outstending circulation of 9235 as of 10/1/1871. Thc 05 end SIO unit,. remainder
sheet sem pooled by In American Bank NOM Company, and ban seem, 0000
beautiful mg:notes on tneluding a view of Niagara retie. The portrayed sheet minks
in the Nancy & John Wilson collection.
I ot Rank of Clifitut npond in 10.59 and had me diftssant di fly. S2
unifacc note W35 from dle Second UM, 186061! and was printed by the New YOrk
Bank Note Company. The Bank closed in I66.1. The outstanding vignette un this nuts
depicts ga. Grotty Slaying doe Deem—". The rearmed non intiMit in the Nell Shafer
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211
failed to renew for the subsequent year. It was even alleged
that certain individuals also signed up barely interested (or
even non-existent persons) for Society membership merely to
acquire the ABNCo souvenir cards from those memberships.
At least two individual sponsors were confronted for alleged
fraudulent recruiting. Both claimed they were not trying to
buy up souvenir cards, but merely extending a courtesy to the
individuals sponsored for membership in SPMC.
1986 ANA
SPMC Souvenir Breakfast ticket
Member John Wilson provided an intaglio admission
ticket for the affair.
Price: 510.00
1986 ANA
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
At its 1985 Memphis Board Meeting, SPMC Governors
passed John Wilson's resolution to plan a 25th Anniversary
Banquet at the 1986 Milwaukee ANA Convention. The event
actually staged was a breakfast for which Wilson issued a sou-
venir card.
The card was produced by SPMC members John and
Nancy Wilson and Tom Snyder in conjunction with a joint
SPMC-IBNS "Ragpickers Breakfast" August 8, 1986, at the
Milwaukee ANA Convention. The card celebrates the 25th
anniversary of both groups. Attendance at the breakfast was
approximately 100.
Printed by thermography at Snyder's Olympic Speed
Printing company, the card's face depicts a $5-$10 remainder
sheet on the Milwaukee County Bank (ca. 1865), and a $2
Bank of Clifton note from 1861. The card's reverse provides
excellent historical information on SPMC and IBNS. John
Wilson told the cataloger that more than 50 hours went into
the preparation of these excellent historical summaries.
The gray card show above was distributed at the break-
fast. All were distributed at that time. At left is a similar white
card, printed only in black without color overprinting, which
was given out at the SPMC general meeting to the approxi-
mately 50 in attendance. White cards were subsequently sold.
The card backs differ somewhat in legend, typography and
Size: 8.5 x 14
Price: $5.00
Printed: 450 (200 presented to SPMC)
1986 ANA
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
Once again SPMC members John and Nancy Wilson
produced a souvenir card for an SPMC regional meeting, this
time held at the ANA's 95th Convention, August 9, 1986, at
MECCA. Speaker for the event was Dr. Glenn Jackson, who
presented an illustrated lecture on bank note engraver
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY122
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COI I FCTORS - thanks for attending the SPMC
Regional Meeting held in Conjunction with the Milwaukee 95th ANA at MECCA, August 6-10,
1986. Speaker Is Dr, Glenn Jackson of Watertown. CT., who will present a slide/talk program
on Lorenzo Hatch, Bank Note Engrave,
Meeting and Educational Program will be hold in Rm
E.6. al BM All
on 8/9/86.
This Limited Edition Offset Souvenir Card will be presented to
everyone In attendance at the meeting. This is card e9 in the John a Nancy Wilson sores
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Lorenzo Hatch. The Wilsons chose a Rawdon, Wright,
Hatch & Edson advertising sheet for the card's vignette, illus-
trated by portraits, counters, medallions and vignettes. The
card's reverse reproduces the RWH&E price list. Cards were
printed by photocopying the documents onto pale blue light
card stock. A commemorative inscription on the card face
provides details of the meeting and the information: "This is
card #9 in the John & Nancy Wilson series." The card was
distributed to attendees at the meeting.
Size: 8.5 X 11 3/8
1986 ANA
ABNCo Issued Blue Vignette Souvenir Sheet
SPMC received several hundred (reports say 900-950)
large blue press-setup, vignette sample sheets from ABNCo to
be used for fund raising and membership promotion. Sheets
included a variety of portraits, vignettes and counters. Sales
commenced at the 1985 SPMC Cherry Hill show. They were
then offered in Paper Money, and continued to be sold at the
1986 ANA Convention. According to Treasurer James Stone,
sheet sales raised about $1,500 for Society coffers in 1986-87.
Wendell Wolka wrote Bob Cochran Feb. 10, 1987, that
sheets remained for use in a promotion to recruit new mem-
bers. Not all sheets were dispersed in that manner back then.
Recently Wolka reported to the cataloger that a quantity of
these sheets still remains available at $25 postpaid, insured,
limit one per member. Please address all inquiries to Wolka
(address on page 2). (Note: Only small detail shown above.)
Size: 27 x 20
Price: $15/$25 (still available)
1987 Memphis
SPMC 1987 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
Once again the Society turned to a cut down ABNCo
intaglio engraving for its banquet ticket. Shown on its face is a
hosted by
Professional Currency Dealers Association (PCDA)
Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC)
International Bank Note Society (IBNS)
OCTOBER 29, 30, 31 & NOVEMestki 1. 1987
S 0 ' 1' 11. 1sT T 8 5. 0
..1‘,4;..4, bit). untt be rcetibeb rot.
al Prarr eicirr3 the
-, tesoutt(exchange
S t. Louis) Ir .1; Oct': 1819.
The rare Missouri Exchange Bank SO het, note rephodcw.ed ado, way cs$cced in St. Luu,s in1819.
Articular example Is an unsigned remainder felt over after the bank closed its doors. Around October 1,
1819 William M. O'Hara 8 Co. received a charter and commenced a banking operation. Notes were
Issued In denominations at .12 1/2, .25, SO, /5, 11.00, $2.00 and 15.00. These notes featured newly
developed 'geometrical lathe designs' and were printed by Maverick 8 Durand of New York. This Issue
was very popular and always &waled at par .
The bank's clowntail came on December 20, 1820 when the Missouri censorial lawninkers yaaaeu
leg/Station forbiding the circulation of private bank notes. This Law was to take effect on Apnl 1. 1921.
Before the bank ceased operation, virtually all extant notes were redeemed at face value. O'Hara Ha Sr.
Louis in May 1821 to settle some unfinished business at the Post of Arkansas. He developed a fever
and liver disorder and passed away on August 21, 1821.
The portrayed note resides in the Ronald Bombe.. ,ollechwh aid is rewcwkli,ew with chs pm,cossion.
This of [set souvenir card is being issued by Nancy 8 John Wilson of •MIlwaukee to
commemorate the Second SL Louis Paper Money Convention It is Number 12 in law series, and
everyone who attends the convention will receive a copy
Classic Money Prints
by the BEP and ABNCo
Genuine intaglio prints of our large
size money, using the original steel
engraved plates from their archives.
Lee Quast
Box 1301, High Ridge, MO 63049
Phone 314-276-1162 - Fax 636-376-2992
Filtsl.Nuattiog BMW'
The Paper Money Collectors of Michigan
was established in 1965.
We have members throughout the U.S.
Dues are $8 annually.
We produce the Rag Picker quarterly.
Note in the Collection of Dr. Wallace Lee.
Dewitt Prather
SPMC #862
Author: United States National Bank
Notes and Their Seals
Wishes SPMC Members
40 More Years of Success
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211
This certifies that the Banknote Intaglio
printing on the face of this document was
printed in 1989 by the American Bank
Note Company.
Attested to by: ''116/6‘,07‘
Salvatore F. D'Amate
American Bank Note Company
$100 Bank of the State of Indiana note, issue-dated July, 1,
1857, printed in black intaglio with red security tint. The note
was originally engraved by Bald, Cousland & Co. SPMC sou-
venir overprint and IPMS badge vignette appear at ends on
back in black. This ticket recycled unsold 1984 SPMC sou-
venir cards. Speaker was William Wills. Patrons Association
coupons were also honored.
Size: 8 x 3.75
Price: $20.00
1987 ANA
SPMC 1987 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
1987 St. Louis
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
To mark the Second National & World Paper Money
Convention in St. Louis October 29-November 1, 1987,
SPMC members John and Nancy Wilson issued a souvenir
card displaying a 50-cent Missouri Exchange Bank in St. Louis
unissued remainder, issue-dated Oct. 1, 1819. The note, from
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-7= —
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lititteb ttites
7fie 1,1.1-rr.o rom,
,34 7."
NOVEMBER 10, 11, 12, 13, 1988
IP* z.
1.32-ATR. urPiqra,.
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY124
the collection of Ron Horstman, had originally been printed
by Maverick & Durand of New York. Cards were photo-
copied on a light, pale blue card stock. A legend on the card's
face describes the note illustrated. The card's back included
extensive information on the show, the auction, and a meeting
schedule. Cards were distributed to convention attendees. It
is #12 in theWilsons' series.
Size: 8.5 X 11
1988 Memphis
SPMC 1988 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
that the• Ban knote Intaglio
to face of this document was
)84 by the American Bank
Ivatore F. D'Arnato
cerican Bank Note Company
The Society once again turned to cutdown, recycled sou-
venir cards for its 1988 Memphis Banquet ticket. And again it
was the $100 Bank of the State of Indiana note that served as
host for the souvenir of the June 25 affair. Banquet informa-
tion and IPMS badge vignette were overprinted in black on
the respective ends of the card back. Fred Schwan was the
Size: 8 x 3.75
1988 ANA
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
For the July 20, 1988 SPMC meeting at the 97th ANA
Convention in Cincinnati, OH, SPMC members John and
Nancy Wilson issued a Souvenir Card illustrating various
types of obsolete U.S. currency. Illustrated by photocopying
in black on a light weight, off-white card stock, are a six
shilling New Jersey Colonial note, a Continental $50 note, a
$5,000 Bank of the United States issue, a Kirtland Safety
Society Bank $5 note, a Series 1864 $500 Confederate Note,
and an 1815 U.S. Treasury Note. All notes illustrated were
from the Wilsons' collection. The card back includes histori-
cal information on the various classes of currency, and infor-
mation on the SPMC regional meeting. Cards were distrib-
uted to those attending the meeting. This is #15 in the
Wilsons' series.
Size: 8.5 X 14
1988 St. Louis
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by Ron Horstman
Issued by SPMC member Ron Horstman (LM12) for the
3rd annual PCDA/SPMC St. Louis National and World
VEMBER 10, 11, 12, 13, 1988
Glaindriang nankin Rouses
mums tomal ,
34th Annual "FUN" Convention
Orange County Convention Center
January 5 - 8, 1989, Orlando, Florida
This Offset Souvenir Card is being issued to commemorate both the 34th Annual FUN
Convention and the Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) & International
Bank Note Society (IBNS) Joint Regional Meeting, being held in conjunction with the
convention. The Paper Money Meeting will be at the Convention Center on Friday,
January 6. 1989, at 5,30 P M., in meeting room 8 C & G. After a short business
meeting a slide program on "Small Size • Red Seals' will be presented by SPMC
Governor, Dc Nelson Page Aspen. The general public is invited and encouraged to
attend not only this educational program but also the many others being held at this
"Outstanding" Convention. A distinctive printing of this card (limited to 100), will
be given away at the conclusion of the combined SPMC/IBNS meeting. Information
on FUN membership can be obtained from Maude Brown, P. O. Box 2256, Clearwater
FL. 34617; on SPMC from Ronald Horstman, P 0. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO. 63139:
on IBNS from Milan Alusic, p 0. Box 1642, Racine, WI. 53401.
As far as is known this $3 note, on the Central Bank of Troy, N. York, exists only
as a proof. The note was printed by Baldwin, Adams & Co, New York and portrays a
young lady on lower right, a Seal on lower left and a Santa Claus / St. Nicholas
vignette in the upper center. The note is dated May 1, 1853. Because the
denomination "3" is laying down, the note is referred to as a Lazy Three The
original proof resides in the Nancy & John Wilson collection.
This specially prepared Card is presented to you in appreciation of your attending
the FUN Convention and the Paper Money Meeting. This card is limited to 1,100
copies, was produced by Nancy & John Wilson of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is 016
in their Series. On behalf of the FUN, SPMC & IBNS Officers we want to wish
everyone a healthy, happy & prosperous 198P See you at the "90W FUN event.
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Paper Money Show Nov. 10-13, 1988. Horstman was the
show General Chairman and also an SPMC Governor. This
card was sold at the SPMC Table at the show, and proceeds
donated to the Society.
Horstman selected a $10 note on the Bank of the State of
Missouri at St. Louis originally printed by Draper, Toppan,
Longacre & Co. of New York as the vignette for the card.
This Bank, organized in 1837 in St. Louis, had 11 branches.
In 1866 the parent bank became the National Bank of the
State of Missouri in St. Louis. Shown at right is Daniel
Size: 10.5 x 8
Printed: 300
Sold: 300
1988 St. Louis
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by Ron Horstman
SPMC member Ron Horstman also issued a second style
of souvenir card for the Nov. 10-13, 1988, 3rd annual
National and World Paper Money Convention held in St.
Louis, of which he was show chairman. The vignette repro-
duces in black an unissued Clarks' Exchange & Banking
Houses $100 sight draft on a light-weight buff-colored card.
The Clarks operated in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and
St. Louis. Appropriately, this draft is on the St. Louis office,
originally printed by the New England Bank Note Co. of
Boston. The SPMC official seal is impressed at upper left on
the specimen shown (indicated by the applied arrow).
Size: 11 x 8 3/8 Price:
Printed: Sold:
1988 SPMC Certificate
SPMC 1988 Patrons Association Coupon
Board Members instituted a "Patrons Association" in
1983 to raise additional money for the General Fund. Donors
were able to exchange coupons for goods and services from the
Society, i.e. banquet admissions, souvenir cards, discounts on
Society books, and pre-payment of annual dues. Amounts in
excess of the fair market value of the coupons redeemed were
regarded as tax deductible gifts to the Society.
Illustrated on the following page is one such redeemed
coupon printed on a GOES 455 standard lithographed form.
This particular coupon was redeemed for a Society souvenir
This coupon entitles. Ire'ex,e /W3/GE sonic " ,/ 39 receive
one AT2e--Z-,_5; e L"?.y.ep
This coupon has an
expiration date of v.. w- 7' 196 9 This coupon will be redeemed
subject to the limitations outlined below.
- Teda coupon 4 not Mrsderohlo
TIlla coupon Ms no cash value and Is rodeemshlo poods and stokes orthe
- TIM coupon la sold end ofthout ralue after Me above mole -anon data
- coupon Ls voId ff Imonmerta COMPleted. skined, or Mend.
AiakredAti4A341/4 -44k.-Air
card. The Patrons Association lasted until 1989. Receipts
totaled $1,000 -$1,500 annually.
Size: 8 x 6
1989 FUN
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
The Wilsons again commemorated an SPMC regional
meeting by issuing a souvenir card. The event this time was
held at the Florida United Numismatists Convention, Jan. 5-
8, 1989. Shown is a proof $3 note on the Central Bank of
Troy, NY, originally printed by Baldwin, Adams & Co. The
central vignette illustrates St. Nicholas and his sleigh, a
favorite image of the Wilsons. The card was reproduced in
black by photocopying the note on light weight, buff colored
card stock. The legend on the card provides information on
the SPMC event, an illustrated talk on Small Size Red Seal
Notes by Dr. Nelson Page Aspen. Historical information on
APRIL 20 (PNG DAY), 21 • 23, 1989
/,/ whipolt-ars
• - _
This Offset Souvenir Card, Ls being isimed m mamemorate both the 50th CSNS Convention and
the educational an:grams being held in conjunction with the show. All the programs will be held at
the Convention Center on Saturday, April 22nd and the general public Is Invited to attend.
Sponsors for the erents are listed above. 9:00 a m. - Commemorative Society meeting featuring a
program by Mr. Commem. Anthony Stalatek. 10:30 a. m. • IBNS SPMC meeting featuring a
program by YENS Editor Mike Payton on -Why I Collect Paper Money' 030 ro. you are invited
to atimal ooh Open ANA Club Representatives meetIngbeing chaired by Regional Coordinators Paul
Miller and John Wilson. We invite you to attend and comment on how we can make our great ANA
even greater. 1:35 CSNS Educational Forum feattning20 minute presentations by:
Butcher-Coins of the Bible & Christianity. Gene Hessler • G. F. C. Stodge, Bank Note Engraver;
Nancy John Wilson • Building a Numismatic Exhibit, Harry X Hensel - Early Days of CONS.
This diversified program was arranged by Convention General Chairman Ralph Hardman and
Raymond 0. Lam= echo will be moderator. Information on CONS membership can be obtained from
Robert E. Douglas. P. 0. Box 223, Hiawatha, Iowa 52233; on SPMC from Ronald Horstman, P. O.
Box 6011, St. Louis, MO. 63139: on IBNS from Milan Al ask, Et O. Box 1642. Racine, WI. 53401.
and on the Commemorative Society from Pat Bost. 1836 Teton Pass. El Cajon, CA. 92019.
The above reproduced 52 note on the Merchants Bank of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas is dated
August 21, 1854, numbered 454 and is signed by Lucien Ayer as President and a Mr. Raymond as
Cashier In mad Zaclutry lkylon at left two maidens representing Agriculture & Commerce and at
bottom Imprint W. L. Ormsby. Newyork. This bank never opened and large amounts of the notes
were °imitated in eastern banks until the fraud was discovered. This 'wildcat . bank also issued
denominations of 61,65 and 810. About 50 to 100 notes are known for each denomination.
This free appreciation card is Iltaited to 1,100 copies 1100 distinct for DINS i SPMC meeting), was
produced by Nancy &John Wilson, and is al7 in their Series. The CONS Officers & Committee for
this 50th Convention thank you for attending and wish you a happy health., and safe convention.
South Shore Coin chth of Milwaukee Invites you to the 510CSNS Convention from April F$1980.
hosted by
Trofesstonat Currency Dealers Association
Society >f Paper Money Collectors
international Dante Note Society
at the
NOVEMBER 30, DECEMBER 1, a, at 3, 1989
This Souvenir Card is being issued to commemorate the 4th Annual St. Louis Paper
Money Convention being hosted by the PCDA, SPMC and IBNS. It was produced by
Nancy & John Wilson of Milwaukee, wisconsin and is Number 21 in their series. It
is limited to 300 copies. The State of Missouri $4.00 Defence Bond portrayed above
was printed by Keatinge & Ball of Columbia, S. C. It was issued under the Act of
November 5, 1861 to provide for the Defence of the State of Missouri. Since there is
no signature, number or date on the note, it is referred to as a Remainder. For
information on the PCDA write to Kevin Foley, P. O. Box 573, Milwaukee, WI. 53201;
for SPMC, Ron Horst-nen, P. O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO. 63139; and for the IBNS,
Mil. Alusic, 11 0. Box 1642, Racine, WI. 53401. On behalf of the show committee
have n Happy Holiday Season. Look for the 5th Annual National & World Pan.
Money Convention November 8. 9, 10 &11, 199n wt 1,„,,i,
January /February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY126
the note and addresses of Society officers are also listed.
According to the legend, the issue was limited to 1,100 cards,
which were distributed to attendees of the convention and the
Society meeting. This is #16 in the Wilsons' series.
Size: 8.5 X 11
Quantity Printed: 1,100
1989 CSNS
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
The Wilsons card for the SPMC regional meeting at the
April 20-23, 1989 Central States Numismatic Society
Convention in Overland Park, KS, illustrates a Merchants
Bank $2 note, issued at Ft. Leavenworth Aug. 21, 1854. The
note was originally printed by W.L. Ormsby, and was repro-
duced by photocopying in black on light brown card stock.
Vignettes include Agriculture and Commerce, and Zachary
Taylor. Speakers at the CSNS educational forum included the
Wilsons and Gene Hessler. The card's legend describes the
note, provides details on the convention, and addresses for
inquiries. According to the legend, the card was limited to
1,100 copies, including "100 distinct for the joint
IBNS/SPMC meeting." This is #17 in the Wilsons' series.
Size: 8.5 X 11 Quantity Printed: 1,100 (100)
1989 Memphis
SPMC 1989 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
The $100 Bank of the State of Indiana note served yet
again as the host for the SPMC June 24 souvenir Banquet
ticket. This time, however, an insert was printed giving infor-
mation on the occasion, which was "circulated" with a cut-
down souvenir card note.
Size: 8 x 3.75 Price: $20.00
1989 St. Louis
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
The 4th annual St. Louis National & World Paper
Money Convention, Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 1989, was commemorat-
ed on this card produced by John and Nancy Wilson. They
selected an unissued $4 Missouri Defence Bond remainder,
originally printed in South Carolina by Keatinge & Ball for
the card's vignette, which they reproduced by photocopying in
black on a light weight, buff-colored card stock. Information
beneath the illustration provides details on the note, the show,
and the Society.
Size: 8.5 X 11
1990 Memphis
SPMC 1990 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
It is unclear what the souvenir ticket for the 1990 banquet
was. John Wilson provided this State Bank of Indiana $100
cutdown souvenir card overprinted "S.P.M.C." in blue on
back. Nathan Goldstein supplied yet another example. These
may be the last gasp of the retained 1984 souvenir cards. Can
hosted by
Professional Currency Dealers Association, .society of Paper
Money Collectors & International Pank,Note Society
at the
NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10 & 11, 1s90
This Souvenir Cord is limited to 500 copies sod is hemp issued to eitioommuiste the
5th Annual St. Louis Paper Money Convention, being hosted by the PCDA. SPMC,
and IONS. It was produced by Nancy & John Wilson of Milwaukee, WI. and is No 24
in their series. The 85.00 Bank of the State of Missouri Note portrayed above resides
in the Ronald Horstman collection and was reproduced with his permission. It was
printed by Tolman, Carpenter & Co., Philad. & N. Y. This bank was Chartered in
1837. The State of Missouri owned 507E of the stock. This note was payable at the
:ape Girardeau Branch. Portrayed at left is John Henderson, U. S. Senator from
Missouri, and at the right Robert Barnes, Bank President. The center vignette is
Kanes Arctic Expedition." The Signatures: A. S. Robinson. Cashier, and Robert A.
Barnes, President. In 1865 the bank converted to the National Bank of the State of
Missouri and was assigned Charter No. 1665. Because of incompetent management
the bank closed in 1877. For information on the PCDA write to Kevin Foley P 0.
Box 573, Milwaukee, WI. 53201; for SPMC, Ron Horstman. B O. Box 6011. St. Louis,
MO 33139; and for the IBNS, Milan Alusic. P O. Box 1642, Racine, WI. 53401.
moth cow/emit." drugraliis tvill be on Seduitiay, in Room 270 of the G,..,
Center. The public is invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. At 11:00
an IONS meeting a-ill feature Armen Youssefi who will give a program on 'The
Story of Currency in Kuwait." Neil Shafer will also give a short talk on the upcoming
Christie's sale of the world portion of the ABNCs archives. At 2:00 p.m. an SPMC
meeting will feature Richard Balbaton who will give a program on 'A Look at the
Banknotes and Scrip Issues of France. l'he committee wishes everyone a great show.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
This certifies that the Banknote Intaglio
printing on the face of this document was
printed in 1984 by the American Bank
Note Company.
Attested to by: :
Salvatore F. D'Amato
American Bank Note Company
any Paper Money reader provide conclusive information on the
matter? Details, as they become available, will be published in
a future issue of our journal.
Size: 7 3/4 x 3.5
1990 St. Louis
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by John Wilson
The Wilsons issued two cards for the 5th annual St. Louis
National & World Paper Money Convention, Nov. 8-11,
1990. The one above displays a $5 Bank of the State of
Missouri note, issued Sept. 1, 1859 from the collection of Ron
Horstman. The note was originally printed by Toppan,
Carpenter & Co., portraying U.S. Senator John Henderson
(L), and bank President Robert Barnes (R). The central
vignette is Kane's Arctic Expedition. According to the legend on
the card, the bank was chartered in 1837, with the State of
Missouri owning half interest. The bank converted to a
National Bank in 1865, charter #1665. The note depicted was
payable at its Cape Girardeau Branch. Horstman's note was
reproduced by photocopying in black on light-weight buff-
colored card stock. The SPMC meeting featured an illustrat-
ed talk by Dick Balbaton on French currency. This card was
limited to 500 copies, distributed free to attendees at the show.
The Wilsons' other card (not illustrated) was issued for the
IBNS meeting at the show, and included an actual Kuwait 1
dinar note (Pick 11) mounted in a currency holder on the card
to commemorate a talk on Kuwaiti currency. That card was
limited to an edition of 60.
Size: 8.5 X 11 Quantity Printed: 500
1991 Memphis
SPMC 1991 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
This is another recent year where collective resources
have not yet produced what if anything served as a souvenir
ticket for the 1991 SPMC Banquet. Find us one and we'll
illustrate it in a future issue of Paper Money.
Size: Price: $20.00
1991 ANA
SPMC 1991 Souvenir Banquet Ticket
A '
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A cutdown 1983 ABNCo black intaglio engraving of a
$100 Banking House of F. Argenti & Co., San Francisco,
California, note originally engraved by Rawdon, Wright,
Hatch & Edson was used for the banquet ticket. On its face is
rubber-stamped in red a circular message: "Happy Centennial
ANA / Chicago August 13-18, 1991" surrounding "John
Wilson / General Chairman / Nancy Wilson / Governor."
Size: 8 x 3.75
1992 Memphis
SPMC 1992 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
SPMC AW • ; I:- : :
. • .:1 / .1...(ILVI..Tyl.,
, 0
, / 16th IPMS, MEMPHIS, TN
/ } /:'
' JUNE 21, 1992, ADMIT QM
t ' -1 - '
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- / -._ - i w i/J , • ,(,.. /,
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,//, -PArrAc.-PPrrqAvr :=3-0:vriii :1,-.1r,,s•.,
\//, ///, /7 TEN DOLLARS , /7/ /44'/N4.
' , ,, 4/, / (:'
J' 1! IS arroulit
111.AAAN:- .7114 APO, 01"
'4 4;4'
Arizona Territory was settled long aver government taxes mane private ....wads
obsolete. Yet, a shortage of United States currency caused a number of traders and
merchants to issue their own scrip, e.g. the Lord &Williams onedollar note reproduced
above. Dr. Charles H. Lord and W.W. Williams migrated to Arizona Territory in the
1860's. In 1875 they opened the first bank in the territory which they operated along
with a thriving mercantile business. Between 1876 and 1879 Lord B. Williams issued
scrip in 5.10.25 and 50-cent and one dollar denominations. The notes were printed by
Thalrneasinger, Stationers. New York City. As was common practice in thosedays, the
design was copied from another banknote company's work. Model for the Indian.
reproduced to the left from an original die. was by the Continental Bank Note
Company, none incorporated into the American Bank Note Company, New York.
Thin kertifies mat ow li.ograpnic and
Banknote Intaglio printing on the face
of this document wm printed in 1983 by
the American Bank Note Company.
Anemcd to by:
Salvatore F. D'Amato
American B11111,,....Comomny
19th Interramonal Paper money Show
Memphis, Tennessee
Snnety of Paper Money Collectors
Break!. & Tom Ban, Raffle
rid, June Is. 1095 - 7.30 A. M.
Cook County Convention tenter
Admit One - $10.00
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY128
Once again a cutdown 1983 ABNCo black intaglio
engraving of a $100 Banking House of F. Argenti & Co., San
Francisco, California, note originally engraved by Rawdon,
Wright, Hatch & Edson was used for the banquet ticket. The
card was over-stamped on its face in black with the SPMC
breakfast information.
Size: 8 x 3.75
Price: $12.00
1993 Memphis
SPMC 1993 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
JUNE ,1993 , ADMIT 9RE t
, t
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— ( 0 (
o ,
(,„ ,/,,„,„,//„ ,-„Z„ „7-,- ,,-„/ Y/- • ...49:;,,, ,,,,,4/.,7
4. //, 4,y,,, , onellujulfed //Ai ,,,rev,
/,,, 0
Yet again, a cutdown 1983 ABNCo black intaglio engrav-
ing of a $100 Banking House of F. Argenti & Co., San
Francisco, California, note originally engraved by Rawdon,
Wright, Hatch & Edson was used for the banquet ticket. The
card was over-stamped on its face in black with the SPMC
breakfast information.
Size: 8 x 3.75
Price: $12.00
1993 Memphis
SPMC 1993 Souvenir Reception Ticket
The Society held a reception and cocktail party at the
1993 Memphis show. John Wilson volunteered to provide
suitable tickets. Paper Money would like to illustrate one.
1994 Memphis
SPMC 1994 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
A cutdown 1984 ABNCo black intaglio engraving of a
$10 Michigan State Bank note, originally printed by Rawdon,
Wright, Hatch & Edson, was used for the breakfast ticket. Its
reverse bears the SPMC legend printed in blue at one end. At
right is the IPMS badge vignette.
Size: 8.25 x 3.75
Price: $6.00
Tnis certifies tnat the banknote Intaglio
printing on the face of this document was
printed in 1989 by the American Bank
Note Company.
Attested to by: •
Salvatore F. D'Amato
American bank Note Company
1994 Memphis
SPMC 1994 Souvenir Reception Ticket
Once again John Wilson provided souvenir tickets, but
the compiler has not been able to come up with one to illus-
trate as yet. Perhaps you can help, so we can illustrate the
item in a future issue of Paper Money.
1995 Memphis
SPMC 1995 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
A cutdown 1983 ABNCo lithographic and banknote
intaglio print was used as a very large breakfast ticket. The
face shows a Lord & Williams, Tucson, Arizona Territory, $1
scrip c. 1875-1879, which originally was printed by
Thalmessinger, Stationers, New York City. The Indian
vignette was copied from a Continental Bank Note Co. design.
A Tennessee seal is at left on the reverse, and the SPMC
commemorative data is printed in black at the right end.
Size: 10.25 x 5
Price: $10.00
• 619-273-3566
We maintain the
CI Colonial Coins
• Colonial Currency
U Rare & Choice Type
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William Youngerman, Inc.
Rare Coins & Currency
"Since 1967"
P.O. Box 177, Boca Raton, FL 33429-0177
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Pa 1
SPMC Awards Breakfast
Amu Om,
SMIALNO 6 9 C, 0
• •
Friday —June 16,2000
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY130
1996 Memphis
SPMC 1996 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
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A cutdown 1980 ABNCo black intaglio engraving with
green security tint of a $3 Bank of the Ohio Valley,
Cincinnati, ca. 1860, note was used for the ticket. The origi-
nal note was an ABNCo product. SPMC breakfast informa-
tion rubber-stamped on its face at left end. Signed by Dean
Oakes, Tim Kyzivat, and a few by Frank Clark.
Size: 8.5 x 3.5 Price: $7.00
Note: At its Memphis Board Meeting, Ron Horstman
expressed the opinion that the Tom Bain Raffle had lost its
original purpose. He stated that SPMC should price tickets to
equal the cost of the breakfast, so that raffle proceeds could be
put to another purpose. A committee was appointed, and tick-
et prices have raised gradually in recent years.
1997 Memphis
SPMC 1997 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
A cutdown 1979 ABNCo black intaglio engraving of a
$10 Exchange Bank of St. Louis note, with brown denomina-
tion and counter ornamentation was used for the breakfast.
This attractive note was originally an ABNCo product. The
card was originally printed for the 1979 St. Louis ANA
Convention. SPMC breakfast information was rubber-
stamped on its face at left end. Tickets were furnished by
John and Nancy Wilson. Signed by Dean Oakes, Tim
Kyzivat. Some were also countersigned by Frank Clark. One
of the raffle prizes at the Tom Bain auction was a 1966 SPMC
luncheon ticket.
Size: 7.5 x 3.75 Price: $7.00
1998 Memphis
SPMC 1998 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
A cutdown 1984 ABNCo green intaglio engraving of a
countersunk Colorado National Bank of Denver advertise-
ment originally prepared by NBNCo was used as the breakfast
ticket. The SPMC information was rubber-stamped in black
at one end on its face.
Size: 8 x 3.75 Price: $8.00
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1999 Memphis
SPMC 1999 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
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A cutdown 1982 ABNCo black intaglio engraving of a $3
note on The Tremont Bank, Boston, Mass., issued dated April
1, 1856, was utilized for the breakfast. The note was origi-
nally printed by Danforth, Wright & Co. The SPMC infor-
mation is rubber-stamped in black at one end on its face. The
ticket is countersigned by Frank Clark, Mark Anderson and
countersigned by Bob Cochran.
Size: 9 x 3.5
Price: $8.00
2000 Memphis
SPMC 2000 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
Printed intaglio in brown and green, with the distinctive
blue International Plate Printers, Die Sinkers and Engravers
Union seal at the bottom of the card, these souvenir tickets
were donated by Mike Bean, Lee Quast and John A. Parker.
Signed by Frank Clark and Mark Anderson. Leftover tickets
were sold for $12.
Size: 8 x 5
Price: $12.00
Volume XL
Number 1
Jan/Feb 2001
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. was founded in Atlanta, GA in 1961
"to promote, educate and encourage the study and collecting of paper money."
During its four decades, the Society has published more than 200 issues of its
award-winning magazine, Paper Money, and 20 books on a variety of syngraphic
subjects. Annual meetings are held in June at the Memphis International Paper
Money Show. The Society co-sponsors an annual show in St. Louis in the Fall,
and regional events are staged throughout the year at various conventions. These
get-togethers offer illustrated lectures and camaraderie. SPMC's nearly 2,000
members come from all walks of life, and from all states and many nations around
the globe. Anyone, 12-years-old or older, of good moral character may join
SPMC. Annual dues are $24 in the U.S. ($29 in Canada and Mexico, or $34 else-
where). Updated information on the Society is available around-the-clock at
WWW .SpMC. o rg
1961 - SPMC - 2001
Frank Clark, President
Wendell Wolka, Vice President
Fred L. Reed III, Secretary
Mark Anderson, Treasurer
Bob Cochran, Past President
Fred L. Reed, Editor
Gene Hessler,
Contributing Editor
Robert Schreiner
Advertising Alanager
Mark Anderson,
Benny Bolin, Frank Clark,
C. John Ferreri,
Gene Hessler,
Ronald L. Horstman,
Arri Jacob, Judith Murphy,
Fred L. Reed III,
Robert Schreiner,
Steven K. Whitfield,
Wendell Wolka
Card reproduced
one- half size
Spidrn Ppetis
7, O. Pax 1146
2001 Paper Money
Privately Issued Souvenir Card by Mike Bean
Printed intaglio and offset in black and green, this card
was an insert in the 40th Anniversary Commemorative Issue of
Paper Money, January/Febraury, 2001, issue #211. It was print-
ed and donated to the Society and its membership by SPMC
member Mike Bean (#9702) and Spider Press Printing, Olney,
MD as a salute to the Society's anniversary celebration. Mike
Bean frequently gives demonstrations of his printing tech-
niques at conventions. Only members in good standing of the
Society received this card as an extra benefit of their member-
ship during the anniversary year. Devices include the Society
Logo, designed by Forrest Daniel and Brent Hughes, and an
engraved intaglio Dollar Sign medallion. Historians believe
the dollar sign evolved from book keeping practices for
accounts in Spanish pesos or "Piece of Eight." A commemo-
rative inscription suggested by Paper Money Editor Fred Reed,
Society officers, and printer's imprint also appear. Additional
cards will be furnished to new members while supplies last.
Size: 8 x 10 Quantity Printed: 2,700 +
Spider Press Printing
Plate Printing - Die Stamping - Siderography
Custom engraved note cards, business cards and souvenir cards.
Specializing in bank note style engraving
and 19th century intaglio printing techniques.
Antique 19th century 'Spider Press' exhibitions.
Michael Bean P.O. Box 1146
Plate Printer
Olney, MD 20830
Paper Money
40th Anniversary
Commemorative Issue
Soo En'
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 131
132 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Three-Year SPMC Statement of Operations
Compiled by Mark Anderson, SPMC Treasurer, #7300
Statement of Cash Activity
12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
Cash Received Ended 6/30/1998 Ended 6/30/1999 Ended 6/30/2000
Dues - Annuals $35,327.50 $39,232.50 $34,216.89
Dues - Life Members 24,125.00 1,954.00 2,906.00
Publication Fund 837.00 2,598.59 $4,286.10
Interest 1,198.02 2,144.78 8,214.67
Advertising 9,757.79 3,428.72 17,079.26
Sale of Magazines 108.25 72.00 66.80
Sale of Huntoon Book 2.605.50
Sale of Kentucky Book 3,452.00 2,493.33
Memphis Breakfast 1,502.00 216.00
Raffle Proceeds 998.00 785.00
Miscellaneous 298.21 521.00 2,408.99
Total Cash Received $77,709.27 $54,944.92 $70,179.71
Cash Disbursements
Printing of Magazine $22,023.00 $26,519.49 31,213.15
Editorial Fees/Journal Prep 12,265.11 13,487.80 10,881.35
Expenses - President 1,006.04 1,533.40 2,121.13
Expenses - Secretary 2,384.49 3,280.29
Expenses - Treasurer 1,200.00
Expenses - Activity Director 500.00
Expenses - Membership Director 415.10
Memphis Breakfast 1,633.82 1,200.00 1,935.91
Expenses - Kentucky Book 1,773.82 2,576.51
Huntoon Book 2,000.00
Library Expenses 149.67
Other 903.79 1,427.86 1,359.59
Total Cash Disbursed $42,905.17 $51,375.02 $49,511.13
Net Cash Received for Period $ 34,804.10 $ 3,569.90 $ 20,668.58
Funds Balance $190,411.10 $193,981.00 $214,649.58
Statement of Fund Balances
General Fund - Investments (CDs) $ 24,284.69 $165,000.00 $205,000.00
Cash on Hand 166,126.41 28 981.00 9,649.58
Total Funds $190,411.10 $193,981.00 $214,649.58
Less Committed Fund Balances:
Wismer/Publication Fund $30,369.33 $32,884.74 $35,591.74
Life Membership Fund $78,575.52 $80,529.52 $82,654,52
Total General Funds Available $81,466.25 $80,566.74 $94,403.63
Wismer/Publication Fund:
Balance brought forward $25,248.65 $30,369.33 $32,884.74
Contributions Received 837.00 2,598.59 5,067.10
Sale of Huntoon Book 2,605.50
Sale of Kentucky Book 3,452.00 2,493.33
Cash Disbursements (2,576.51) (2,000.00)
Expenses - Kentucky Book (1,773.82)
Balance $30,369.33 $32,884.74 $35,951.74
Life Membership Fund:
Balance brought forward $54,450.52 $78,575.52 $80,529.52
Cash Received 24,125.00 1,954.00 2,125.00
Balance $78,575.52 $80,529.52 $82,654.52
133PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Any Quantity, Any Condition.
Ship in confidence to:
Steve Pomex
(Member ANA, SPMC, IBNS)
PO Box 2, Ridgefield Park, NJ — 07660
Tel: 201-641-6641 / Fax: 201-641-1700
RR's, Mining, Banking, etc. etc.
Something For Everyone
P.O. Box 3116, Key Largo, FL 33037
Phone or Fax (305) 853-0105
Thank you SPMC
for making this
great hobby even greater!
Always interested
in Dallas and Denton,
Texas Nationals
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
Must be CU. Paying $20 plus $3 P/I each
Bruce E. Keener
3435 E. Prospect Road
York, PA 17402-8685
1890; 1903; 1926; 1927; 1930; 1932
1935; 1954; 1956; 1964; 1978; 1981
specialized in Poland, Russia & E.Europe
ATS notes
Free Price List
Tom Sluszkiewicz
P.O.Box 54521, Middlegate Postal
Buying & Selling
National Bank Notes, Uncut Sheets, Proofs,
No. 1 Notes, Gold Certificates, Large-Size
Type Error Notes, Star Notes.
Commercial Coin Co.
P.O. Box 607
Camp Hill, PA 17001
Phone 717-737-8981
rifiN .roa.Por-Al24'"
FIVE Di ■13. kitS
Life Member ANA 639
ifiretek Nrrixertson & (Company 50-302
134 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Remembering Early Paper Money Collectors I knew
By Robert H. Lloyd, #2251
I joined the ANA in 1926 and the ANS in 1931, but I
must have joined SPMC rather late, I think. It must have
been in the mid-sixties. I really miss the old-timers like Tom
Bain, although I still enjoy reading Peter Huntoon. Here are
some brief reminiscences of early paper money collectors.
George H. Blake:
For years the "dean"
of collectors, and
long-time Treasurer
of the ANA. I corre-
sponded with him in
1926, and had the
pleasure of meeting
him at the Rochester
ANA Convention in
1928 in his hotel room. I was able to add to my type set of $1
and $2 large notes. In "Syngraphic Vignettes" a few years ago,
1 related a story about Blake under "hoards." His 1908 book
U.S. Notes was our only guide until Friedberg came out with a
hard bound book.
William A. Philpott, Jr.: Longtime Secretary of the Texas
Banking Association. "Phil" was a real gentleman, and a plea-
sure to deal with -- for a banker. I looked forward to seeing
him in person at the ANA Convention. He purchased out-
right my collection of Buffalo National Bank Notes, complete
as to banks. Later he took my nine large size Tonawanda
Nationals, mostly crisp, for $72. Today each would bring 20
times that figure. His life philosophy was published in a
brochure written just weeks before his death.
William P. Donlon: A fine gentleman, and a good dealer.
The late Jesse Taylor and I
instructed him in the lore
of "Block Numbers," which
was new at that time.
O'Donnell's book was not
yet at the printers.
B. Max Mehl: I will
not forget our good visits at
the conventions. Mr. and
Mrs. Mehl were at our
table at the 1928 convention. Max ordered champagne for the
newly weds, the Lloyds. I had bought coins from him since
Albert A. Grinnell: I met him for the first time in 1928 at
the Detroit Coin Club. I was living in Ann Arbor then. The
illustrated check (above) is one of several that survived. He
took my note for his notes. And I paid ten dollars a month
until the debt was paid! He was mentioned in "Syngraphic
Vignettes" several years ago when I described rescued hoards
from the Buffalo Federal Reserve branch bank.
The Olden Days of Paper Money Collecting
By Steve Whitfield, #2930, LM249
The first paper money I collected was during 1959/61,
while I worked as a bank teller in New England. People were
still bringing in the occasional large sized note and redeeming
it. After I got over my amazement that such things had ever
existed, I saved as many of them as I could get my hands on.
That was tough when my salary was only $75 gross, every two
weeks. However, if I could not swing the note I would carry it
as vault cash, until I could afford the note.
I went back to college in 1961 and was forced to sell all
my collectibles, as I needed the cash for tuition. So my cur-
rency, coins and mint U.S. stamps all went to a coin dealer, for
a pittance. In later years I would wish I had borrowed against
the notes, as collateral, rather than selling them, but hindsight
is always great.
I did manage to keep a single note that I had retrieved
from my teller cash drawer in 1959. It is a 1928 A $1 note in
AU condition. It was lying in the drawer; back side up and so
caught my attention. I have the note today.
After college I was married, had a daughter and went into
the Army. There was no time and certainly no money for a
hobby. For awhile at Fort Lewis my monthly salary as a 2nd
Lieutenant was $240, exactly enough, if I didn't have to pay
taxes, to cover the $240 per month apartment rent.
In 1968, we found ourselves stationed at Fort Belvoir,
VA. Our immediate neighbor was an avid coin collector and
he took me to weekly coin auctions held at a coin shop in Falls
Church. I was soon interested in paper money again, but had
few funds to pursue the hobby.
I joined the SPMC in 1969 or 1970, right after returning
from a second tour in Vietnam. I had been interested in paper
for a long time, but had not done anything about joining an
In 1970, on my return from Vietnam, I was stationed at
the University of Kansas as an ROTC instructor. I had just
joined SPMC and the first copy of Paper Money I received had
a photo of a Lawrence, Kansas, obsolete note on the cover.
This was a completely new field for me. It inspired me to
learn all that I could about these obsoletes. That started a life-
long quest for information, illustrations and seeking out
Kansas obsolete notes.
For more than 30 years I have continued the hunt, occa-
sionally finding a bit of information, the whereabouts of
another rare note, or the opportunity to wipe out my bank
account by buying a note I simply had to own. The quest led
to an update of the Wismer Kansas book in 1980, revisions in
1990 and a current 2001 effort.
I have done exhibits and made presentations about Kansas
obsoletes in many different locations, made a lot of friends
along the way, and had a lot of fun doing it.
I corresponded with and met many of the famous person-
alities of the hobby, from Philpott, Kosoff, Donlon and
Criswell to Newman, Muscalus, Wigington and Lindsay.
There were many others, too numerous to mention, and of
course I know all the current celebrities in paper money. And
they all know what I am looking for.
I strongly encourage anyone serious about this hobby to
exhibit and write articles for your journal or other numismatic
publications in order to get the most out of this great hobby. v
WAS 9 ,s._()
..\°SThis engraving, printed from a plate prepared from the original master die, is a replica of the
back of the 1896 51 Silver Certificate. It complements the faceprioutic—l'ef thists, deZtir, and
serMs which was issued as a souvenir card in 1971.
Portraits were placed on the backs of notes of the 1896 Educational Series becaum the face
esigns were very detailed and extended over the entire obverse of the notes.
, ,-\,13ar ea
the time. The portrait of Martha Washington vea
s o es Burt in 78, and
back was designed and executed by Thomas F. Mo ri Chief of the Engraving Division of the
Wash n's portrait was engraved by Alfred Seeley in 186
ly wo an whose portr- a hasSur ng 1975, Inte nars ever appeared on United States rr
l Women's Year, it is particu r
LIT o co erovookr ,
&(riXi L(17-""fr'-,
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 135
Let's take the time to record some of these happenings
By Roman L. Latimer, #2540
Thanks for requesting "Old Days" items. It is a shame
that we all have shared in so many wonderful stories that are a
part of this great hobby of ours but
are not recorded and are thus lost
Many years ago, George
Nicholson, and a few others, were
recounting events of the past when
I suggested to George that we
should write up these happenings.
George replied, "Forget it, as
no one would believe it."
Now, after the passage of time
and many of my old buddies who
are no longer with us, I wish we
had taken time to record some of
these happenings.
One occasion comes to mind
that might be of interest. It con-
cerns the SPMC banquet at the
1975 ANA Convention in Los
Angeles. These banquets were a
big event for us, not only at the
ANA and later at Memphis, but at
many other numismatic meetings,
too, such as the TNA shows.
The Bureau of Engraving and
Printing had started printing sou-
venir cards featuring paper money
Bob Medlar, Amon Carter Jr., Art Leister, Dick Sara, William
P. Donlon, William Doovas, George Decker, Grover
Criswell, Robert P. Jones, Dave Levitt, and Aubrey
E. Bebee.
Also, Chet Krause, Forrest Daniel, J. Roy
Pennell, Dick Bowman, John Jay Pittman, Harry
Jones, Torn Bain, Gene Hessler, V. H. Oswald,
SPMC VP Eric P. Newman, George A. Nicholson,
Curtis Iverson, John Rowe, David Hakes and Dale
Also, Jack Everson, Paul Kagin, Dean Oakes,
Paper Money Editor Barbara Mueller, David
Dorfman, Gerome Walton, Charles Colver, Chuck
O'Donnell, Lyn Knight, Jake Sureck and of course
After this show, there were a few others of our
fraternity who continued doing the same. I recall
at one of the Memphis shows that someone dis-
played many of these autographed cards.
As the one in 1975 who may have been one of
the first to kick off the many that followed, I
thought it might be of some interest to the mem-
in 1970. At the LA SPMC banquet, I
idea to obtain the autographs of many
of the banquet.
I brought a card with me and hit the head table of digni-
taries for signatures. Then I tried to obtain these, now rare
autographs, of as many other members and dealers as I could.
Signatures on the card included: BEP Director James A.
Conlon, ANA President Virgil Hancock, SPMC President
Photographs were also taken at the banquet. I enjoyed
being seated at the table I was since the group were all great
friends. They included Dick Bowman and his wife, Dean
Oakes, Amon Carter, John Hickman, Gerome Walton, Bill
Doovas, Jack and Marg Everson and me.
So let's record some of these "Old Days" happenings
from this great hobby now before they are lost forever.
thought it might be an
of the gang at the time
136 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Remembering the international branch of the SPMC tree
By Peter Robin, #292
I have the honor to hold a low three-digit membership
number because at the time of the founding of SPMC a sister
organization had been in existence for a number of years, the
Maryland Foreign Paper Money Club.
We were invited to merge with the Society soon after its
founding. As an officer of MFPMC, I was given a retroactive
Charter Membership.
The early issues of the SPMC Journal were much slim-
mer than today, and there was little reason for the then Editor
to use limited space for non-U.S. related stories or articles.
Our little group (perhaps 50 people at the time) settled
for occasional local meetings when they could be arranged,
and many also joined the International Bank Note Society,
which was established just a few months earlier in 1961.
Much progress -- from the point of view of the interna-
tional bunch -- has been made over the years. It is no longer a
surprise to see an interesting and detailed article appear from
time-to-time on some facet of the subject in Paper Money.
The pictures are of a typical get-together at the Baltimore
home of Alexander J. Sullivan. All but Mort Shafer (Neil
Shafer's brother), Arthur Matz, and I have died since that day
in 1967, but all are fondly remembered.
Clockwise from top right: A.J. Sullivan, Peter Robin, and Richard
Hauck; Howard Kramer, John Koerber and Arthur Matz; Mrs. A.B.
(Ruth) Hill; Ted Grau at Sullivan's home, c. 1967.
Congratulations SPMC
By James N. Treadaway, #169
Forty years already?! Wow!
I regret that I was never able to attend an SPMC meeting.
I enjoy Paper Money and have kept all of the issues as well as
the 25-year pin I received. This has been a great run, and I
look forward to many more years as a member.
Happy Anniversary SPMC
By David M. Sundman, LM163
I may be a Life Member, but I'm only 52, so I'll defer to
the members with more memories! But happy anniversary
(708) 784-0974
tkitifl 1 PCDA, SPMC
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 137
Congratulations SPMC
Judith & Claud
We Buy & Sell
Paper Money, checks, bonds,
stocks, letters, old postcards,
stereoviews, cdv's
If it's old and it's paper, we have it!
Box 24056
Winston-Salem, NC 27114
fax: 336-699-2359
Buying and Selling Nationals
from all states.
Price lists are not available.
Please send your want list.
Paying collector prices for better
California notes!
P.O. BOX 1161
Fremont, California 94538
(510) 490-1751
Fax: 9510) 490-1753
Oregon Pioneer Albums & Sleeves
SafeKeeper Albums
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Many Sizes of MYLARTm Sleeves in Stock
Custom Albums Also Available
Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed
Call, Fax, or Write Now
6802 SW 33RD Pl.
Portland, OR 97219
503-245-3659 Fax 503-244-2977
17N 4:011%1 t:I
138 January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Remembering 'Mr. In God We Trust': Matt Rothert
By Fred L. Reed III, #4912
I first met "Mr. In God We Trust," Matt Rothert, in the
mid-1960s at a coin show in Oklahoma City. It was probably
at an Oklahoma Numismatic Association convention or maybe
an Oklahoma-Kansas show. I "knew of Mr. Rothert from his
Whitman black book, A Guide Book of United States Fractional
Currency. Then as now I am an avid Civil War collector. His
handbook was priced at only a dollar, right in a teenager's
price range at the time, so my copy of his book was well read.
This first meeting was more than 35 years ago, but since
it was at my first large coin show after moving to Oklahoma
from New York, it was
very eventful and I
made many memories.
I'd already been a
collector for a decade,
belonged to local coin
clubs, won auction lots
in sales held by Art
Kagin, Abe Kosoff,
Lester Merkin, Ben's,
Michael Kolman at
Federal Brand and oth-
ers. I had also become a
charter member of the
Civil War Token
Society. I'd corre-
sponded with Melvin
and George Fuld and
other luminaries. My
early articles on Civil War numismatics had been published in
The Blue and the Gray, the Journal of the Civil War Philatelic
Society, and Li7171'S Weekly Stamp News.
Although I was just a teenager, I thought I was pretty "big
stuff' numismatically. I was not so big in reality, however:
my parents had to drive me to the downtown hotel location,
where they dropped me off for a day of exploration. I would
take the bus home later in the clay.
I had a job as a sacker at a local grocery store, so I had
money in my pocket. I remember buying some Civil War
tokens and a Confederate note, probably spending all of $8-
$10 on my treasures. But there was more than a bourse to
shows back in those days. I also remember viewing great
exhibits, including several outstanding paper money displays.
I believe Maurice Burgett had his Oklahoma notes there; and,
Matt Rothert, his Arkansas currency. Also, I met Coin World
Editor Margo Russell and, of course, Mr. Rothert at the show.
Matt was prominent at the time, of course, because he
had initiated and championed the cause which had culminated
in the adoption of the phrase "In God We Trust" as our
National Motto, and its placement on our paper money.
The motto IGWT was big news at the time. Series 1963
notes had recently introduced IGWT to the larger denomina-
tions ($5 and $10), but mostly I had experience with the $1
notes that were more in my price range. I got a Series 1957
Silver Certificate that had first sported the motto as a gift
when I was about 10. I collected both varieties of 1935-G
Silver Certificates, With Motto and Without Motto, from cir-
culation. There was a lot of misunderstanding about the two
types, and a lot of controversy, too. I can remember newspa-
pers carried stories about the "atheist dollars," and some
thought the No Motto notes were counterfeit to boot. They
were not, of course, and I must confess, I preferred finding the
rarer With Motto notes in circulation for obvious reasons.
I was delighted to meet Mr. Rothert, who had written the
Fractional Currency book and been instrumental in adding
IGWT to our currency. Matt was Life member #219 of the
ANA, and he had championed the cause of putting IGWT on
our paper money in the March, 1954, issue of The
Numismatist. When I
met him a decade or
so layer, he was in
Oklahoma City in his
official capacity as
President of the
Association. I believe
I heard him speak on
the adoption of the
motto and its use on
our paper money at
the show that day.
I spent a long,
glorious day at the
show. The upshot of
my meeting Mrs.
Russell and Mr.
Rothert was that they both sponsored my application for
Junior Membership in ANA, filling out the application right at
the show. I can't remember if Margo grabbed Matt or vice
versa to countersign the application, but at any rate I was
awarded number J-55484, effective Sept. 1, 1965.
After college, marriage, and military service, I returned to
Oklahoma State University with the GI Bill, a lovely daughter,
and a patient wife who had a job, for graduate study in history,
philosophy and the humanities. In 1974 I was writing a gradu-
ate history thesis on Civil War numismatics, so I corresponded
with "my friend" Matt Rothert asking for his assistance. In the
intervening decade, I'd let my ANA membership lapse, so in
addition to graciously assisting me, Matt and his lovely wife
Janet re-sponsored my ANA affiliation -- a thoroughly grown-
up number 83330. Two months later Matt also sponsored my
membership in the American Numismatic Society, to which I
still proudly belong these many years later.
My graduate history thesis on the Confederacy's re-circu-
lation of counterfeit Federal currency as an act of war was a
great success with my advisor Dr. LeRoy H. Fischer, the emi-
nent Civil War historian. It has never been published, but
readers of this magazine may see parts of it in the future.
Another decade went by during which I'd spent six years
at Coin World working for that same Margo Russell, but by
then had moved on to Texas. At that time I was working on
the Civil War Encased Stamp book, so I turned to my
"friend," and Matt got me permission to use the H.K. Crofoot
items in it. I got to examine them at the Smithsonian in 1986.
I was also writing an article on the adoption of the motto
U.5. Ara, ,71al,
Ima,tri NI:
CYnali c Rothert, err.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
"In God We Trust" on our coins and currency. Once again I
turned to Matt. By then, Rothert had become a revered elder
statesman of numismatics. He had won the Robert Friedberg
Award. He had won the Farran Zerbe Award. He had been
Chairman of a U.S. Assay Commission. Rocky Rockholt had
purchased his Fractional Currency collection, and Bowers and
Ruddy had sold his U.S. and foreign coins and paper money
for record prices.
As SPMC members know, Matt was also a great friend to
our Society. SPMC Charter member #166, he served several
years as Governor of this Society. He authored our Arkansas
Wismer book, won the Nathan Gold Memorial Award and the
SPMC Award of Merit.
One of his last published
pieces was for this very
magazine, Paper Move)', in
which he described finding
an Arkansas note which
bore the spiritual motto
which had become his per-
sonal credo.
I talked with him as a
friend, and interviewed him
as a reporter. We also cor-
responded at length about
the process and his involve-
ment in it. It had been dur-
ing the Cold War when his
campaign began.
Americans were travel-
ling widely abroad and car-
ried our paper currency,
but not necessarily our
coins, across the globe
where it was universally
accepted. A devout man
and a lifelong Gideon,
Rothert personally trusted
in God, and felt our notes
should carry the same spiri-
tual affirmation of faith as
our coins throughout the
world, too.
He furnished me his
original letters and corre-
spondence from various
officials during the time he
had waged the campaign to
have IGWT placed on our
currency. This included
correspondence with Arkansas Senator J.William Fulbright,
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and
Currency; Senator Absalom Willis Robertson, banking com-
mittee member and father of more recent Presidential aspirant
Pat Robertson; and Secretary of the Treasury George W.
Humphrey. He also shared with me the original bill "To
Provide that all United States Currency shall hear the inscrip-
tion 'In God We Trust.'"
As many in this audience know, Matt had a prodigious
correspondence as an ambassador for our hobby, and his per-
sonal stationery bore his letterhead reading: "Matt Rothert,
Sr. 'In God We Trust"' above his Camden, Arkansas, address
and telephone number. In one letter he wrote me, Matt
noted that one of his favorite poems was William Cullen
Bryant's "To a Waterfowl."
Mr. Rothert told me he often prayed a quatrain in
Bryant's own words:
"He who, from zone to zone,
Guides thru the boundless sky thy certain flight,
In the long way that I must tread alone,
Will lead my steps aright."
Talk about one man making a difference. The 84th
Congress passed the law, approved by President Eisenhower
on July 11, 1955, ordering "In God We Trust" to appear on
all the coins and currency of
the United States. The mea-
sure was so popular with the
public that Congress passed a
joint resolution a year later
making this spiritual aphorism
our National Motto by law.
Congress declared: "Be it
enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of
the United States of America
in Congress Assembled, That
at such time as new dies for the
printing of currency are adopt-
ed in connection with the cur-
rent program of the Treasury
Department to increase the
capacity of presses utilized by
the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing, the dies shall bear, at
such place or places thereon as
the Secretary of the Treasury
may determine to be appropri-
ate, the inscription 'In God
We Trust,' and thereafter this
inscription shall appear on all
United States currency and
The Coinage Act of 1965
embodied this sentiment,
although the motto was already
on our circulating coins, of
course. When I wrote my arti-
cle on Matt in August, 1982, I
calculated that the motto "In
God We Trust" that Rothert
had championed had by then
appeared on 62 billion pieces
of U.S. paper money, circulated in the 25 years since its intro-
duction October 1, 1957!
How many more notes have spread that message around
the globe since then, I'll leave to the readers to determine.
Rothert's personal conviction for trusting in God had
become a national standard proclaimed throughout the world.
I was proud to have known this man. My article on him
proved a great success. It helped launch a business newsletter
that shortly won a national publishing award. I certainly
gained insights into the inner workings of this wonderful gen-
tleman, Matt Rothert, in collaborating with him on it. In one
of his letters to me dated March 11, 1982, Matt put down on
140 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
paper his own recollections of those momentous events more
than a quarter century earlier which had altered the designs of
all our paper money.
Matt has since passed on, having left his indelible legacy
on the notes we collect and on those of us who collect them,
but I'm sure he wouldn't mind me sharing his reflections from
that letter with the membership at this time:
How I was inspired
to seek to put the motto
`In God We Trust'
on our nation's currency
By Matt Rothert, Sr., #166
The initial inspiration came to me on Sunday, June 21,
1953, while attending church in Chicago. I was there for the
June furniture market. As I placed a bill in the collection plate
it occurred to me that the coins in that plate had "In God We
Trust" on them, but the bills did not.
How many more bills are used now than coins, the oppo-
site of 1864 when the motto was placed on coins. The wide
distribution of our paper money, at home, and especially
abroad made it one item that could pierce the Iron Curtain,
and carry our message of faith everywhere in the world.
The Lord put these thoughts in my heart and gave me the
determination to see them through to completion, even
though ow health was not the best. As always when we mast
in God, he gives us the
strength to carry on.
My first speech on this
idea was given before the
Arkansas Numismatic Society,
of which I was President, I
spoke on November 1, 1953,
and a resolution was passed
there. I wrote my friend
(from days together at meet-
ings of the National
Association of Manufactur-
ers), Mr. Sinclair Weeks, who
became Secretary of Com-
merce, and also Secretary of
the Treasury Humphrey, and President Eisenhower.
Secretary Humphrey, after long consideration, said he
could not put this maxim on our bills, as Secretary Chase had
done on our coins 90 years earlier, without a law being passed
through both houses of Congress.
This made my heart sink!
At the annual convention of the American Numismatic
Association in Cleveland in August 1954, this large body
passed a resolution to this effect. I contacted my good friends,
Senator J. William Fulbright, and Senator John McClellan,
both of Arkansas, and my Congressman Oren Harris, and set
the wheels in motion.
Very providentially my friend Senator Fulbright was
made chairman of the Senate Banking and Currency
Committee, before which this bill would come. I had Senator
Fulbright introduce this bill in the Senate, and Congressman
Oren Harris introduce it in the House.
I found out later that Congressman Charles Bennett of
Florida had put in a similar bill before Harris, but no one had
put one in the Senate except Fulbright.
In the meantime I had written about 1,000 letters, many
while convalescing from illness, to organizations, groups, etc.,
including the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Rotary and all other service clubs, and individuals, all at my
own expense. Many of my friends obtained additional publici-
In 1955 the bill had passed the House, but was not on the
floor of the Senate as the session was about to end! Senator
Fulbright told me that Senator Mike Monroney of Oldahoma
was the chairman of the sub-committee that must get this bill
on the floor. So I called my friend Mike Monroney. He had
operated a furniture store in Oldahoma City, and I had often
called on him as President of the Camden Furniture
He promised he would
get the bill out before the end
of the session. On the last day
it came out and passed unani-
mously. Several Senators tried
to add amendments, but they
were voted down.
Senator Fulbright wired
me the great news. This wire
was forwarded to me in
Chicago, where I was again
attending the Furniture
Market, just two years after the
God-given inspiration.
Much later I found out
that Congressman Bennett's
bill was introduced in
Congress before Oren Harris'
bill was put in, so it was
Bennett's bill that was actually
passed since under the usual
procedures of Congress the
first bill introduced on the
same subject was given priori-
It may be that Judge
Carroll, President of the
Florida Bar Association, who
gave the idea to Bennett and also was very high in American
Legion leadership, may have had his inspiration from Legion
channels which I solicited.
A recent magazine article by a news correspondent in
Afghanistan, talking to some rebel soldiers, asked them what
they thought of the United States. They replied that they
respect our nation because "In God We Trust" is on our coins
and paper money. This motto is seen by many in Communist,
non-communist and large and small countries all over the
world every day.
I have made many talks on this subject, and I point out
that I have had operations for a bursting appendicitis, for ton-
sillitis, gall bladder, open heart surgery with four bypasses,
after three heart attacks, and cancer of the prostate cured by
cobalt treatment, have four wonderful children, all happily
married, and so my personal motto is:
Matt Rothert, Sr.
'Mr. In God We Trust'
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 141
Den! y's of Boston
Salut es the Great
0 f the World
Tom Den'
142 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC helped him starting out, and other remembrances
By Harry Jones, #23 50
The thing I remember most about the "Old Days" is
eagerly awaiting
each month's
publication of
new members in
Paper Money.
The picture of
me is from an
error note cata-
log that I put
out in 1976. I
got many of my
first-time error
customers from
SPMC's "New
Members" list.
first started
dealing in error
currency around
1967, I had very
few contacts to offer notes to so SPMC was very helpful in
that respect.
By Bruno Rzepka, #1672
I joined SPMC in 1965. My mentors were Glenn
Smedley and Jim Grebinger. In 1966 ANA was meeting in
Chicago, and Glenn (who was SPMC President) was busy with
ANA business so he asked me if I would handle the SPMC
lunch. I was flattered and honored with his request. I pro-
ceeded to make arrangements for the printing with the help of
Lou Goldstein, who worked as a printer. Lou printed posters,
stationery, and tickets for the lunch at no cost to SPMC.
In the 1980s, I also helped Wendell Wolka sort out bent
souvenir cards sent to us by ABNCo for the Memphis Paper
Money Show. Being an error collector, I bought many nice
notes, including Albert A. Grinnell's "favorite" error note, a
Series 1899 $1 Silver Certificate with the title printed
"Treasurer of the United State." This engraving error was
thoroughly authenticated by the Secret Service. It was owned
by Colonel Green before Grinnell, and both Frank Limpert
and William Philpott wrote about it. One of the best things I
could have done was to join SPMC. Happy anniversary!
By John A. Parker, LM128
One of my favorite persons to talk to at Memphis was the
late John Hickman. One time, I bought a California bank
charter from a bank note collector in south Georgia. The
bank charter was from Wilmington, CA, so I proceeded to
look for a bank note from that bank. I spoke with Don Kelly,
and he told me that I would be lucky to locate a note on that
bank, and then I probably could not afford it. But Don sug-
gested I speak to "the Expert" on Nationals Mr. John
Hickman. I waited my turn to speak with Mr. Hickman.
When I showed him the bank charter, John was pleased to see
it and told me a lot about bank charters in general. He also
told me that he knew an individual who had all seven of the
known notes accounted for in the current census on that bank.
Another of my favorite persons to look up at Memphis
was Big Jim Thompson. At one of the shows, Big Jim was in
the process of selling his currency collection. Big Jim came
over to our table and pulled out his old ratty briefcase. He
proceeded to show us several triple signature notes, that were
the creme de hr creme that the most sophisticated paper money
collectors could desire. He held six notes in his hand, and said
"Boys take one last look at these notes. I am about to sell
these six notes for six figures to some new collector, who has
some fresh money to put into our great hobby." Later that
evening, we had dinner with Big Jim at the Butcher Shop. He
picked up the tab that evening for our party of six. He had
been successful in his deal that afternoon and was very happy
to have it done.
By Robert C. Wagner, #9458
My first numismatic effort was a Lincoln cent collection I
traded in 1941 for a 50-cent Boy Scout knife. Moving forward
to 1955, as a young engineer I received a Series 1929 $10
FRBN when I cashed my paycheck at a local bank. It looked
different, so I saved it. About 10 years later that bill came up
in a conversation with Bob Waite at Peebles Jewelers. His
father-in-law (the Mr. Peebles) overheard us talking and said
he had some Gold Certificates, but they were "illegal."
However, he sold me a $10 Series 1928 $10 Gold Certificate
for $5. My first paper money purchase!
About the same time my doctor, Bill Browning, gave me a
Christmas present, a small box containing half dimes, three-
cent silvers, and three-cent nickels. That got me re-interested
in coins so I joined the local coin club. The monthly coin club
meetings gave me a chance to learn more about my fledgling
hobby, talk with other collectors, and see examples from other
people's treasures.
One of the members was Ken Clayton, the retired
President of the County National Bank of Bennington, VT,
absorbed by the Vermont National Bank. I would occasional-
ly buy a coin from him, but one evening lie asked if I collected
currency. He expressed an interest in seeing my vast collec-
tion of currency (two pieces, earlier described), so I brought
them to the next meeting.
After examining them, lie produced three National Bank
Notes: a $5 County NB (Bennington) F-606, a $10 First NB
(Bennington) F-624, and a $20 First NB (North Bennington)
F-650. Boy, were they something to behold! My first look at
large size National Bank Notes, all about XF, and all local.
He asked me if I'd like to own them, and my legs got all shaky
at the prospect. The price for all three (this was 1975): $40!
Wow! Later he offered a small size $10 on the First NB
signed by Luther R. Graves as President, a man I knew. The
idea of owning a piece of real money signed by a neighbor was
just thrilling.
Those Vermont notes are what really got me going on
paper money. Regular issue U.S. currency is the foundation of
my efforts, but my focus is on Nationals and obsolete notes of
the Green Mountain State. I have about 130 of them, plus
Colonial notes before July 4, 1776.
Since joining SPMC about three years ago, I have been
reading every word I can. It's a great way to stay out of trou-
ble and I love to talk about Vermont notes.
c C00000051 A
1 A C
07.741111111.14MIT1211171101r IRO
slams OP 1.3.•
wvaicau WILD ILIUM .12.1116.,11.
;‘,1,NMIZZ- `,1.17.77.":e117.
PAPER MONEY • lanuary/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 143
The Big Spender
By Peter Huntoon, #662
There are benchmark events in a collector's life. For me,
spending "serious" money was the threshold to pass. My idea
of "serious" was spending $100 or more for a note!
I began collecting currency seriously in 1963, stimulated
by the advent of the $1 Federal Reserve Notes. I trolled the
local banks in Tucson, my hometown, and started to assemble
an interesting type set of small notes. Tucson was fertile
ground because the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank dumped Blue
Seal and Red Seal notes there. Tucson is on the western edge
of the Dallas district.
Occasionally I would land a large note from a dealer, but
spending much over face was not my style, because I was an
undergraduate college
student at the time,
and my pockets were
not deep. High prices
-- more than $10 over
face -- seemed like a
great hurdle because I
simply did not feel
particularly committed
to this paper money
I remember being
highly enamored of
the possibility of get-
ting a low serial num-
ber on a small size note, because I remembered vividly seeing a
single digit note someone had pulled from circulation and
donated to the Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum in
New York City.
memory dated
from when I
was a boy in
West Orange,
NJ, and my
family had
taken me to the
money muse-
um. The idea
that all those
hands were
indifferent to
that note --
with all its zeros as it circulated down to a grade of VG or so --
really impressed me. I also was looking avidly for an error. I
believed errors were extremely rare, and it would be a great
feat to own one.
As my bank contacts increased in Tucson, I quickly dis-
covered that the Large Seal varieties on the early small notes
were still in circulation, and I started going after different sig-
natures on them in the $5s. A big break came for me one clay
in 1964, when I was visiting Nogales, Arizona, the border
town 65 miles south of Tucson.
I decided to try my luck at the local branch of the Valley
National Bank. A patient and gracious woman teller leafed
through all her $5s as I looked for Large Seal notes. Of all the
things she produced, out came a $5 1929 on the Philadelphia
Federal Reserve Bank, CO2495654A, in About Fine. The
strange thin border and overprint on the face blanking out one
of the signatures had the feel of something provisional, and I
was thrilled. Until then, I had never seen a 1929 $5.
A very short time later in 1964, a teller at a bank on
North Campbell Avenue in Tucson, just around the corner
from where I lived, gave me at face my first National Bank
Note. It was a $20 on the First Wayne National Bank of
Detroit, Michigan (10527), and carried serial B009144A. This
also graded About Fine. I was hooked; my addiction was get-
ting serious. It only would be a matter of time before I spent
some real
money on a
By now, I
had developed
with a couple
of coin dealers
in Tucson,
both of whom
were and still
are mentors,
namely Chuck
Lees and Hal
Birt. They
steered me to Coin World and the 4th edition of the Friedberg
catalog. I wore the Friedberg catalog to a frazzle.
I started to spend a little money with each of them, but
the stuff I bought was
sold at a nominal
percentage over face,
so I was never in too
deep. I started to
contact dealers in
other states, and
began to build my
network of small size
paper money contacts
across the country.
Sometime in
1965, I was turning
the pages of COill
World and spotted a
William A. Philpott, Jr. ad. By this time, I knew who Philpott
was. His reputation for having everything, including high
level contacts with access to rare and low serial number notes
was the thing of legend. His ad sported 1929 Federal Reserve
Bank Notes, my greatest weakness, and that ad was rife with
low numbers.
I just dug it out for the first time in decades to help write
this article, and was astonished to see that the first listing was a
$5 Boston #1 Star Note @ $75. Other single digit notes
included $10 Cleveland #3 @ $60, $10 Cleveland #9 @ $55, $5
Richmond #2 @ $100, $10 Richmond #3 @ $75, $20
Richmond #3 @ $75, $5 Dallas #8 at $75, and $10 Dallas #2 @
$85. Big money, so I had to pass on sending in an order.
144 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Then I got to thinking. If Philpott had all that rare 1929
stuff, he certainly had lots of common 1928 and 1934 Feds,
and I needed nice copies for my buckling type set. I thought
about it for some time, and screwed up my courage. I sent
him a check for a full $200 with the simple request that he
send me a selection of single digit $5 Feds; any digit would do.
I figured I should get four to six notes with that offer.
In a short time, an eagerly anticipated registered letter
arrived! It arrived before there had been enough time for my
check to clear. I opened it with great excitement, but was
brought up short to find only two notes, and both $20s at that!
Hey, I was reaching to collect $5s.
These $20s were out of my league, and the couple that I
had were obtained at face, or darn close to it, and I could
always spend them. Even so, I did a double take at these $2Os.
One was from his 1929 FRBN ad, a CU $20 on the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, serial #51, marked at $65. The
other was CU $20 1934 FRN K00000001* at $135. One hun-
dred thirty five bucks! No way, that was simply out of reach!
You know what I did? I worried about that package for a
day or two, and finally decided to call Mr. Philpott to see if he
would take these elephants back in trade for some low number
1928 or 1934 FRN $.5s. I knew he had plenty of them!
I actually did make that phone call, but my luck was such
that the person who finally answered turned out to be his
housekeeper. She didn't know what I was talking about, and
suggested I write because Mr. Phil was really a busy man.
I hung up and looked at the two $20s. Yah, I looked at
them like you look at your notes -- a long time, turning them
over and over, worrying, soaking up every detail of the most
minute design feature, thinking, turning them over and over.
Pretty soon the #1 started to make an impression. By
about midnight that evening, I was thinking maybe I should
take a chance on this deal even though $20s really didn't fit in
with my other stuff. At least I had the Detroit $20 to go with
these new $20s.
Well, I never did call Mr. Phil back, and I never did
return his high-priced notes.
I told Hickman and Waters this story several years later,
late one evening as we swapped tales and notes in Waters'
basement. Hickman roared with laughter. He bellowed that
it was totally fitting that it was Philpott who wrangled the first
big bite out of me! Hickman, the consummate salesmen,
loved Philpott because he loved his energy, his style, his
By that time, I was beginning to enjoy the irony of it
myself. The fact is, I still have both those notes. However,
the $5 Philadelphia, and $20 Detroit long ago left the stable.
In fact, I sold the Detroit for $22 to a guy named Robert E.
Lee on December 9, 1967, and I didn't make that name up. +
Longs to make it to Memphis
By Ralph Osborn, #27
I have had much pleasure from my years in SPMC, and I
love our wonderful magazine. It is really super.
My mother started me collecting coins when I was a little
boy. I really got going when I sold newspapers at about age
10. This was around 1925, and I got some good ones in my
collections from the papers. I recall that one family gave me a
1909 VDB Uncirculated. I loved them!
About 1947, I was in Joske's big department store in San
Antonio, and they had a big $1 bill, FR237, I think. So I was
hooked. Later I was buying sonic early Texas notes from
Hank Bieciuk. He enclosed an application for a new paper
money club. I promptly sent him $3, I think, so I have the
great #27, which I am very proud of.
Now I give the big ones to my grandchildren and only
collect National Bank Notes. I am still looking for a
Raymondville $5 note.
So, thanks SPMC for all the years of fun. I hope some
day to get to Memphis.
#13 was lucky for Harry
By Harry J. Forman, #13
My first ANA Convention was in 1956 at Chicago. I
haven't missed any since then. While in the late Ray Yablon's
shop, a young man about 18-years-old came in. Ray whis-
pered to me "That young man is the top paper money dealer
in the country."
I was impressed. I was 38 at the time and this 18-year-old
kid was "Top Alan." Quickly we became friends, and I recall
lie made himself my partner when I was buying 1955 Double
Die cents at FUN in 1958. By the way, I was paying $8 for
each coin. I believe we bought 100 pieces at that price.
The same gentleman approached me in 1961 to join a
new organization, SPMC. If you haven't guessed by now that
gentleman is longtime friend John Rowe III of Dallas, TX.
That's how I became Charter Member #13, which I sus-
pect is a lucky number for me.
The photo above is from about that time. That's me on
the left, former SPMC member Ben Levin in the middle, and
his son Dr. Ron Levin, MD at right.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
Harlan J. B er k, Ltd
"The Art & Science of Numismatics"
31 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60602
312/609-0016 • Fax: 312/609-1305
Dennis Forgue, Store Manager
SPMC #1096
A Full-Service Numismatic Firm
Your Headquarters for all Your Collecting Needs
Dewitt and Mrs. Prather
146 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Dealers With Whom I Have Dealt
By Dewitt G. Prather, #862
Living in the little town of Waynesboro, PA (population
11,000), for 19 years, one Sunday in May, 1944, my next door
neighbor, who was a cashier at one of the two banks in town,
brought his gold coins home from the bank. He invited me
over, and we sat at his dining room table from 2-6 o'clock for
four hours.
I was bit by the "bug" so I started collecting coins, half
cents through dollars.
In 1950 I started collecting old, large size U.S. paper
money. My paper money collecting covered a period of 25
years from 1950 to 1975. By 1965 I had in nice condition $1,
$2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 in Legal Tenders, Silver
Certificates, Coin Notes, Gold Certificates, Federal Reserve
Notes and Federal Reserve Bank Notes, and a few Interest
Bearing Notes.
Since I could not afford to keep all these, I sold them to
Lew Werner, a dealer on Broadway in New York. I decided on
the National Bank Notes, First Charter and Series of 1882
Second Charter "A" or Brown
Backs. These two series were the
only notes to show the state or ter-
ritorial seals on their backs.
So then I was able to work on
collecting a First and a Second
Charter note of each state.
Most collectors of National
Bank Notes collect only notes of
their states, and I can't fault them
for that. But I think my way is
more cosmopolitan. I was born in
Georgia, raised or grew up in
Charlotte, NC, lived in
Pennsylvania almost 22 years, then
moved back to Charlotte, NC on
Dec. 24, 1955.
So, being more cosmopolitan,
I decided to collect all states. What
really made the decision to collect
the early Nationals was the state
seals on the back side, at the left end in an elliptical (upright)
oval. That was the beginning of the book I wrote.
But, the real object of this treatise is to tell you of the
many dealers with whom I dealt. In my book United States
National Bank Notes and Their Seals, I name the source from
whom I bought each note.
Aside from a few local friends or collectors, the earliest
dealer was Abe Kosoff, who first had a location in New York
and later moved to California. He called his business the
Numismatic Gallery. His first catalog sale was not very suc-
cessful. The next sale, he lowered the grade of each of his
items to sell them.
Earlier Grinnell, a New York banker, formed a great col-
lection. B. Max Mehl from Texas had a big business national-
ly advertising for the 1913 Liberty Head nickel. This got peo-
ple looking at their change. The last two I never met person-
ally, but most of the rest I did.
After Abe Kosoff, there were the two Kagins, Paul and
Art, and Dr. Frank Alvin Limpert DDS. He issued a grey
loose-leaf binder called United States National Bank Notes First
and Second Charter Period. I have his catalog and several of his
William Philpott invited my wife and I to his club for
dinner one evening then had a taxi to drive the three of us to
Dealey Plaza where JFK was killed. He also took me up in a
50-story bank building in Dallas to the observation deck. He
pointed in one direction and said that in nice weather he often
walked the five miles to town from where he lived with a sister
since his wife's death.
From John Hickman and later his partner Dean Oakes, I
purchased several rarities from their auctions. I've bought
from all the famous dealers, including Aubrey Bebee, William
Donlon, Stack's, Lyn Knight, and earlier French's, Federal
Coin Exchange, Morey Perlmutter, New Netherlands, Abner
Kreisberg, Bob Medlar, William Anton Jr., Hollinbeck-Kagin,
Hickman and Waters, Overton Coin Co. and all the rest.
I bought notes from the B. Max Mehl estate, from the
Friedberg collection,
and from Dr. Conway
Bolt. Of course, Stack's
sold his huge gold col-
lection. They say Dr.
Bolt delivered more
babies in Union
County, NC, than any
other doctor.
Amon Carter gave
me a $5 First Charter
on Boulder, CO, for
face value -- five dol-
When I think
about all these people
and the rarities that
have passed through my
hands, I am simply
amazed. It's unbeliev-
But since I wasn't "born with a gold spoon in my mouth,"
I had to sell some to buy others.
In 1974 my wife and I were signed up to go to Hawaii so I
called Dennis Forgue of RARCOA and asked if it was
absolutely necessary for me to attend their auction. He said to
tell him my absolute amount I would go for the note I wanted.
So he bought it for me. It was the very rare note pictured on
page 146 of my book on the First National Bank of Idaho,
Boise City, Idaho Territory.
I also owned notes that were unique, but I never found a
Mississippi First Charter note, so that spot is blank. We went
to the three towns that issued them: Vicksburg with only
$57.50 outstanding in 1910 on the U.S. Treasury books;
Jackson, the capital, with $125 outstanding in 1910; and the
third bank in the little town of Columbus.
That bank had $2,200 outstanding in 1910. It issued $50s
and $100s only. These had to be lost, burned, buried,
destroyed by rats or floods, or in old mattresses thrown away.
I sure would like to find one!
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 147
Longtime SPMC members share their recollections
By Joe Lasser, #4043, LM23
My life changed permanently more than 30 years ago
when I bought a $5 Continental Currency note to pay my
lawyer for a poorly drafted contract because the contract "was-
n't worth a Continental."
I was brought into the world of Dick Picker, Eric
Newman, Bob Vlack, John Ford, et al., collectors and
researchers with extraordinary reservoirs of knowledge, not
only of numismatics but, unquestionably equally important,
Dick Picker gave me a cram course in American Colonial
paper money and maxims such as "know what you're buying,"
i.e. what is the history behind the piece; don't simply look at it
as an isolated and separate object. And Dick had another gem:
"Buy only what you can afford." That certainly led me down
the garden path.
However, for me and for the Colonial paper money col-
lecting fraternity as a whole, Eric Newman has been the cru-
cial positive force providing the basic comprehension and spe-
cific knowledge that has guided all our collecting efforts. His
initial Early Paper Money of America created our world, and he's
continued to lead it with revisions, articles, monographs and
lectures of exceptional scholarship.
Viewed as a research achievement Early Paper Money's
breadth, depth, and accuracy is almost unbelievable. Not sur-
prisingly, always the perfectionist, Eric has continued to add
progressively not only to its span, but also characteristically he
has continually refined its details.
We are all permanently indebted to this benevolent giant.
No celebratory anniversary of paper money activities would be
complete without an acknowledgement of his contributions
and accomplishments.
Asper Ad Astra. •
By Howard Schein, #911
For me it started 50 years ago with a box of large size
paper money left on the sales counter at Stack's. These
notes were priced at 3-6 times face and had such interesting
vignettes of Indians, Buffalo, a Pioneer Family, and people
associated with our history in war and peace.
I become hooked.
Ted Kemm, a currency dealer, and the Rev. Frank
Hutchins, a dedicated collector, were both neighbors. It was
not long before the Reverend asked me to join a new society
for paper money collectors.
I remember the Reverend's search for "Mules," and his
pride in having a Star 1928E Silver Certificate, although not
Uncirculated. I though at that time it would not be long
before I would have one in Unc., but that never happened.
Recently while discarding some 50-year-old papers, I
found an invoice from New Netherlands Coin Co. for a 1928
$5 U.S. Note Unc. at $10 and a 1928B $2 note in Unc. at $4.
The $5 note lists for $30 and the $2 note now at $650.
I also remember Bill Donlon, a grand old man, display-
ing his uncut sheets of currency on a wire line clipped with
clothes pins.
By Robert L. Hendershott, HLM1
I am almost 102 years old, and I have been a coin collec-
tor since 1910. I've been about 50 years in paper money in a
specialized way.
I have known many collectors and dealers that special-
ized in this area.
This is a wonderful hobby. So many nice people. I wish
SPMC well recalling the "Good Old Days."
By Milton R. Friedberg, #1370
I am one of those characters who hate to reminisce
because those who do are always accused of simply showing
their age! However, it is pleasant to reflect on the growth of
our hobby.
My primary numismatic interest has been in U.S.
Fractional Currency. When we first tried to form The
Fractional Currency Collector's Board during an early
Memphis Paper Money Show, we couldn't find enough true
collectors to fund the club!
Through the participation of the few dealers in our "odd"
interest, we were able to obtain 25 Charter Members in our
second year at the Memphis show. FCCB now has 185 mem-
As a member and past Governor of SPMC, and as one of
the Charter Members of FCCB, my happiest memories are
simply of the people I have met, those who passed in the night
and those who stayed around and became Friends.
My hope for the future is simply to enjoy more of the
By Warren S. Henderson, #77
It is my belief that the "seeds of the SPMC" were planted
at the ANA show in Boston when a small group of us got talk-
ing one night about the need for a specialized organization for
paper money enthusiasts.
There were six or seven of us, and I remember Hank
Bieciuk and Grover Criswell were two of them. I was there
also, as was Glenn Smedley (not known as a great aficionado of
currency, but there none-the-less).
Hank was probably the only full-time obsolete currency
dealer there was in those days, and he agreed to help set up
something at the next ANA in Atlanta.
Blaise Dantone was kind enough to have us at his beauti-
ful home in suburban Atlanta and our organization became a
reality when Bylaws, etc., were set up.
Hank was elected first President. I became a lowly
Director, and the rest is history.
I'm sony not to recall many more details, but I'll bet oth-
ers will. My remarks should be put in context by remember-
ing that they are the thoughts of a 72-year-old of events nearly
40 years ago. Those are far distant days, but pleasant memo-
ries still.
Thanks for caring enough to do a special edition. And
best of luck to all SPMC members everywhere.
Iowa check collectors meet in Boone, c. 1971, at the Mid-
Iowa Coin-A-Rama. Front 1.-R, John T. Hickman, Donald J.
Anderson, Wilbur Balmos, Arlin "Ted" Zingg. Middle row L-R
Fred Bolhuis, June Budd. Back row L-R Charles Cox, Gene
Morris, Larry Adams.
148 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Some Reflections on SPMC and Paper Money Collecting
By Larry Adams, #2278
My interest in collecting didn't start with paper money. I
started collecting stamps in 1955, then shifted to coins in 1960
when I was carrying newspapers. I also had some interest in
local trade tokens and medals. In 1963 I joined a coin club in
Beane, Iowa, which started that year. Other clubs were active
in Ames and Des Moines, and I sometimes attended these
meetings as well.
In the mid-1960s my interest in paper money, checks, and
related items began. In 1964 I met John T. Hickman who had
a table at a small coin show in Des Moines -- with his paper
money, checks, and bank items -- and that started a friendship
which lasted more than 30 years, until his passing in 1995.
I joined ANA in 1965, and remember a very memorable
trip to the 1966 ANA Convention in Chicago -- my first ANA
show. John T. Hickman and Lowell Owen drove, and I went,
along with Don Mark, who is still active in the hobby today. I
will never forget the lively discussions we had on the way there
and back. . .you can bet Don and I never fell asleep! John's
enthusiasm sparked my continued interest in paper money,
checks, banking, and check protectors.
In 1967 I joined SPMC (#2278). 1 was going to business
school in Omaha at the time, and had collected a few Boone
Nationals and some other
currency, which I took to my
money and banking class. I
remember the class and
instructor were very
impressed, and I got an "A"
in the course.
In 1975 I got a phone
call out of the blue from
Forrest Daniel from North
Dakota, who I'd met at a pre-
vious ANA (I also had attend-
ed the 1970 ANA show in St.
Louis). He asked if I wanted
to serve on the SPMC Board,
and he talked me into it. I got
elected and took office the
next year. He served on the
Awards Committee and
wanted some help with that,
and I agreed.
After that, President Bob
Medlar asked me to chair the
Awards Committee. Soon I
also accepted the job of pub-
licity director and was doing
news releases, and working
with the numismatic press, especially after events where
awards were presented, but also to promote other events,
meetings, new books, souvenir cards, etc.
I attended the 1976 ANA meeting in New York, where I
attended my first SPMC board meeting. Mike Crahb had also
joined the SPMC board and plans were underway for the first
Memphis paper money show. I continued as chairman of the
Awards Commitee, and was also put in charge of regional
meetings. This also involved finding speakers for major SPMC
events, such as ANA and Memphis. Eventually I was elected
Vice-President, and served under Wendell Wolka, who helped
in many ways showing me the ropes. I was elected President
of SPMC in 1983 and served in that capacity until 1986.
During my tenure as SPMC President, we hired a new
editor of Paper Money, Gene Hessler, who served until recent-
ly, started a life membership program, published books on the
obsolete currency of Alabama, Arkansas, and Pennsylvania,
celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Society in 1986 and
honored charter members, sponsored a paper money show in
Cherry Hill, NJ, continued and then stopped the SPMC sou-
venir card program, revised the SPMC By-Laws, and
increased the SPMC dues, which had remained the same for
many years.
During that time I attended many of the Memphis shows,
and recall going to ANA conventions in Cincinnati, San
Diego, and Detroit. SPMC had tables at Memphis and ANA,
and I can recall we kept busy selling new and renewal mem-
berships, banquet and/or breakfast tickets, SPMC books, sou-
venir cards, and generally promoted the Society.
Barbara Mueller was Editor of Paper Money for many
years, then Doug Watson took it over for a couple of years,
then Barbara took it back and stayed on until Gene Hessler
was hired shortly after I became
President. I remember working
with Fred Reed, our present
Editor, back in the 1970s and
1980s, when he worked for Coin
World, and covered many of the
SPMC meetings and events.
In 1969 I helped co-found
Check Collectors Round Table
(CCRT) with Robert Flaig and
Jack Weaver. I served as
Membership Secretary of the group
for 10 years until just before I took
over the reins as President of
SPMC. CCRT continues today as
the American Society of Check
Collectors. Paper Money often car-
ries our ads, and if you are interest-
ed join us. You'll like it.
In 1980 I became Curator of
the Mamie Doud Eisenhower
Birthplace Museum and Library in
Boone, an historical house museum
honoring first lady Mamie Doud
Eisenhower. Exhibits include some
numismatic and philatelic items,
and campaign and inaugural mater-
ial. Recent new temporary exhibits have been added about the
U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Savings Bonds program. As a
result of my schedule at the museum, I haven't been to as
many of the paper money shows, which I dearly miss. I did
manage to attend the 2000 Memphis show, and plan to return
as often as I can.
Numismatics and related collecting has enriched my life
in many ways, and I will always cherish the many friendships I
have made through the years as a result of my involvement in
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 149
Record price paid for a Large Size Note: $935,000*
SOLD by CAA in our January, 2000 AUCTION
*Fr. 1218d 1882 Gold Certificate
Record price paid for a Small Size Note: $126,500*
SOLD BY CAA in our May, 1998 AUCTION
*Fr. 2230-E $10,000 1928 Federal Reserve Note
Record price paid for a piece of Fractional Currency: $39,600*
SOLD BY CAA in our January, 1997 AUCTION
*Fr. 1255a 10c Third Issue
One Company - All Three Records!
Sell your currency where records are being set!
Allen Mincho
P.O. Box 700
Spicewood, TX 78669
(830) 693-7590
FAX (830) 693-1283
Leonard Glazer
P.O. Box 111
Forest Hills, NY 11375
(718) 268-3221
150 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
The Early Days of SPMC
By Forrest W. Daniel, #121
When I began to collect paper money in the early 1950s
in the Chicago area, I knew no other collectors of bank
notes. That condition lasted many years. While living in
New Mexico, I had two articles related to paper money pub-
lished in The Numismatist, my first writing.
I learned of the National Currency and Bond Registers
in the National Archives; that resulted in an article about
National Currency notes of New Mexico and Arizona issued
from 1912 to 1916. The story was submitted to The
Numismatist. It was not accepted for publication, but was
listed as a "convention paper" in 1961.
The organizational meeting of the Society of Paper
Money Collectors was held at the annual convention of the
American Numismatic Association in 1961. The meeting was
reported in Coin World. A later issue of that publication said
charter membership would close in December. It was an
opportunity for me to join other bank note collectors. I sent
in my dues and received membership No. 121.
The article not published by the ANA was submitted to
Paper Money, and it appeared in the seventh issue, Summer,
1963. The following year I timed my departure from
employment in Connecticut in order to attend the SPMC
meeting at the ANA Convention in Cleveland on my way to
North Dakota.
The SPMC Secretary reported membership in the
Society had nearly doubled in the past year, to 740. More
than one hundred members were present at the dinner meet-
ing. The Society was really on solid ground.
The first literary awards, two gold coins donated by
member Ben Douglas, were presented that year. I'd been
caught in a downpour of rain outside the hotel, and probably
looked like a drowned rat when I accepted that First Literary
I was unknown to many of the members for many years;
only a name, among others, who wrote articles for Paper
Money. I'm sure that is still the case with most of our mem-
bers. It was nearly 10 years before I became acquainted with
the officers and members who attended the annual meetings.
I continued to write for Paper Money, and in 1970 was
chosen to serve on the Board of Governors. During my six
years on the Board, a set of guidelines for judging the various
awards was approved and the official Society emblem was
In 1974 Paper Money changed from quarterly to bi-
monthly publication and Editor Barbara Mueller called for a
convention specifically for paper money collectors apart from
the annual meeting of the ANA.
In the next two years an informal committee of members
representing several paper money groups met and agreed a
national meeting should be held at some central location.
Mike Crabb took the challenge. He and the Memphis Coin
Club hosted the first "All Paper Money Show," in Memphis
in June, 1977. "Memphis" became the definitive word for
the best of paper money exhibitions.
University stint led to lifelong affection for things U.S.
By Harold Don Allen, #3221
As a fifty-year collector of world currency, I've always
kept a special place for the United States at its best (my gem
"Education" dollar) or historically relevant (a Yellow Seal, or
Hawaii overprint, or exotic MPC).
I've also maintained a file of New Brunswick, N.J. fiscal
memorabilia, to celebrate my own association with that his-
toric city...1958 to date.
The academic year 1968-69 marked my mid-career
Rutgers University "year in residence" toward a professional
advanced degree. Rituals out of the Middle Ages do grind one
down in such circumstances, and there's need for an occasional
break. My "breaks" were numismatic.
Rutgers Speakers Bureau had me photographed with my
paper money, and assured me that no one would run such a
picture. Wrong--all the coin papers did. A speaker volunteer-
ing his services is numismatic news: So, a couple of times a
month, I was off to Metuchen, or Linden, or Plainfield, or
Newark, to give a talk, and to exchange ideas with local collec-
tors. I came back tired, but invariably refreshed.
Fifty ANA speakers certificates I have to show for those
New Jersey outings. And, some nice acquisitions of numis-
matic Americana from many a local bourse.
The degree, decades after, is on my den wall. It is E. A.
Wright work, I understand. A bit of numismatic irony there.
E.A. Wright was one security printer that declined to have me
anywhere near its premises at a time when American Bank
Note had welcomed me with open arms.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 21 I
Reminiscences are sweet for many SPMC vets
By Gary Hacker, #1388
It truly doesn't seem like so many years ago, but I started
collecting paper money in about 1962. By late 1965 I found
the Society and Paper Money.
I started with small size notes and progressed to obso-
letes. I want to say "Thanks" to those who helped over these
years with my paper money collecting and education.
Some of these people are no longer with us and others are
going strong today in the paper money field. They are Josiah
0. Hatch, Benjamin B. DuBose, Nathan Goldstein II, Charles
J. Affleck, Dr. John A. Muscalus, J. Roy Pennell Jr., Glenn B.
Smedley, Helen H. Williamson, Grover C. Criswell Jr.,
Richard T. Hoober, Paul E. Garland, Bruce R. Hagen and
Claud Murphy Jr.
By Gene Hessler, #3157, LM100, HLM10
While reviewing the Paper Money pages I edited between
1984 and 1998, I glanced at the contents for each issue of our
journal. The names of Peter Huntoon, Forrest Daniel, Brent
Hughes and Bob Cochran appeared more often than others
who contributed during that period. So, I can only say thanks
to everyone who submitted articles during my tenure, but I
owe a special thanks to these four gentlemen.
Some articles were more enjoyable than others to edit;
some needed little editing. There were some, I will admit, that
provoked and frustrated me. A few articles, not from authors
previously mentioned, were completely rewritten, but I did my
best to retain the style of the original.
In early 1978, before Barbara Mueller agreed to return as
editor of Paper Money, Bob Medlar, then president of the
SPMC, asked me to become its Editor. I immediately
declined. I think I made a better Editor six years later than I
would have been in 1978.
I hope that history looks kindly on my years as Editor of
Paper Money. I did my best.
By John Glynn, #3267
I am not a Charter Member, but still consider myself a
long-standing member (28 years). Yet I have not done any-
thing within the Society to reminisce about. I have not
attended any meetings, nor have I met any of the members in
the Society, unless they are also members of the International
Bank Note Society.
The main reason for this is a big ocean between us called
the Atlantic. My only contribution has been a few articles
from time to time. Now I am working on the AATismer Book
Project cataloging banks and obsolete notes from the state of
New York.
Although I have not met members face to face, I have
known quite a few through correspondence, dealing with the
catalog and with other interests of mine.
I have every copy of the Journal, and have read each copy
from cover to cover. All of them have been excellent, and I
know the 40th anniversary issue will be outstanding.
By Leon H. Bookman, #218
Many years ago, 1949-50, there was a curio shop on
South 11th Street in Philadelphia. It was run by a wonderful
gentleman by the name of James or Jim Iammerella.
There I met Art and Paul Kagin, Charlie Dochus, Harry
Forman and some old-time dealers long gone. It was there
that the conversation and exposure was terrific. Talk about
camaraderie, this was it.
Some fantastic paper money in my collection was
obtained there, as well as knowledge from giants like Art
In the past paper money did not have the interest that
coins had, and bargains galore were available from dealers like
Ben Douglas of Washington, Aubrey Bebee and R. Green of
Chicago, Bill Rabin, and also the late Dave Bullowa -- a real
giant -- just to name a few.
I have some old price lists that would make your mouth
water. But that was history.
I stated in the Nov/Dec 1992 issue of Paper Money that
what may seem expensive today will be considered cheap in
the future, and that still holds true today.
I make this prediction that smaller size money will take
off very soon as well as Fractional Currency. Large paper
money will become like Rembrandts. There's just so many
and no more.
In the past I had the pleasure of having the late Walter
Breen at my office. He admired the condition of my collec-
tion. We talked about a grading system. I stated "what you
see is what you get," since the opinion of three people may
give you three different answers.
Oh well, I could go on and on. I hope the SPMC goes on
and on. Good luck to the SPMC.
By Q. David Bowers, #780
"In every note there is a story," and it is to the everlasting
credit of the Society of Paper Money Collectors and the excel-
lent Journal, Paper Money, that so many of these stories have
been brought to print -- tales of financial shenanigans, the his-
tories of banks, the biographies of note signers and portrait
subjects, and more.
Year-in and year-out I have enjoyed reading all that has
appeared, and every so often I gaze upon my file of back copies
and consider it to be a treasure almost as nice as a unique
National Bank Note!
For a hobby specialty to be really dynamic, many people
must be involved. The collecting of paper money has all of
these ingredients: an active, excellent organization now look-
ing toward its 40th anniversary, an excellent publication,
membership including many who have contributed time to
write articles.
Also, an ever-growing file of excellent reference books,
conventions and get-togethers to stimulate camaraderie and
personal contact, dealers who are so vital as they supply when
collections are being built and as a service when collections are
being dispersed, and more.
Here is wishing the Society of Paper Money Collectors
many more years of continued success.
January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
History In Your Hand
"This bill looks strange," the merchant
"I'd somehow got it in my head
That all my bills had seal of green,
And so I don't believe I've seen
A bill like this; the seal is brown,
And here's a name - a distant town.
It even has a different look;
I'm wondering now if I've been took."
"Don't worry, friend, that money's
It always was, and well it should.
Our country's bonds, then backed by
When gold was cheaper, when it sold
An ounce for twenty bucks or so,
And other prices too, were low,
Backed up those notes, one hundred
You couldn't lose, not ever, Sir."
It started many years ago,
A Civil War, with days of woe,
Had stretched our money out of reach,
And so our problem was to teach
Our people and our bankers all
To use new money, and to call
For NATIONAL BANKS throughout
the land.
The old type bank notes then were
And bright new Nationals proud with
Circulated through the mart.
By John T. Hickman, #1590
Each was the same, but different, too.
They all had names that even you
Would recognize; our own bank here
Got its own notes like others near.
They circulated far and wide
And spread the word of local pride.
To fuel the commerce of the nation
From Big Stone Gap to White House
From Ballston Spa to Tonapah,
From Birmingham to Beaver Darn,
From Rising Sun to Six Mile Run,
From Callaway to Buzzards Bay,
They coursed like blood through
human veins,
Down city streets and country lanes,
In our pockets, purses, tills
They settled up our peoples bills
At Kinderhook, they bought a book;
At Newport News, they paid for shoes.
A house in Memphis paid their Queens
With notes from banks in New Orleans.
An abstract fee was paid in Nampa
With notes a drummer brought from
A Tulsa cowpoke locked in jail
Used Kansas notes to pay his bail.
They circulated up and down
The Countryside, until we found
A better way, or so we thought,
To stretch our money when it bought
Too many goods in times of stress
And put the country in duress.
A Central Bank is what we need!
A place to finance and to lead,
The way to proper fiscal class!
We all salute you Carter Glass.
You gave us money quite elastic,
Even at a cost most drastic.
And so, the Fed Reserve was born
And too, in time our banks were shorn
Of all their bonds and all their notes
Used to finance wars and boats.
Gone are gold seals, brown and blue,
Soon the red seals will be too.
Numbers now instead of names,
Hard for some to learn new games;
And now that green seals are the most,
Please permit this final toast:
Here's to metals, ores and jewels,
Coal, and old and other fuels
Here's to Farmers, Merchants, Traders,
Butchers, Drovers, Wagon laders
Here's to Citizen, Central, City
Atlas, Aetna, titles witty
Here's to local names and faces,
Mountains, streams and other places,
Battlefields, and Forts and town sites,
Broken dreams and other dam sites,
Whaling ships and Shoe and Leather,
Indian names and changing weather,
Here's to NAMES all o'er this land --
Here's to history in your hand.
Reprinted from Paper Money
Vol. 10 (1971), Issue #40, page 153
John Hickman knew
the 'itch would return'
By Tom Snyder, #5592, LM45
I joined through sponsorship by M.O. Warns, who was a
good friend in West Allis, WI. I became a life member shortly
after joining SPMC. I sold my main collection of Wisconsin
National Bank Notes in 1990, and used the cash for a down-
payment on industrial real estate in Waukesha, WI. I still own
the real estate, and make my livelihood there printing business
I maintained a "keepers" collection for several years, plus
collected real photo "bank" post cards. I have about 2,000 of
them. Now you know where they are and why they're so
After recovering financially from this major real estate
purchase, I got the "itch" again just as my old friend John
Hickman said I would. So I have been collecting "major"
Wisconsin Nationals as they have become available, plus
Nationals from Mississippi River towns which is quite a chal-
lenge. •
SPMC supplied me info
By Lloyd Deierling, #5190, LM137
I first became interested in paper money in 1957. At that
time very little information was available to the potential cur-
rency collector, particularly those interested in National Banks
or their note issues. Most dealers did not handle paper money
and few brought currency to shows even if they had it.
On those occasions when a dealer did have paper money
available, many notes could be purchased at a slight premium
over face value. I purchased many obsolete notes because they
were pretty, and the cost was low. In some cases they turned
out to be rare, but nobody knew it at the time.
Tremendous changes have taken place within the hobby
over the past 40 years. SPMC was, without a doubt, instru-
mental in much of this progress. For me, SPMC has been a
source of information that could not be found elsewhere. I
enjoy reading each issue of Paper Money, and often refer to
back issues to refresh my memory regarding certain stories.
I would like to say "thank you" to the many officers and
members who have had a part in SPMC's success, and wish
them many more years of the same. •
The author and John Hickman.
PAPER MONEY • January/ February 2001 • Whole No. 211 153
Did you hear the one about the traveling salesman from Iowa?
By Ron Horstman, #1526, LM12
I started collecting Indian head pennies out of change as a
boy and never really paid much attention to paper money until
I received a $1 Hawaii note in change. This fascinated me,
and when I found out that some of the local banks had their
names printed on small size Brown Seal notes, this really
interested me.
Most of the notes that I collect-
ed came in change or from hank
tellers. I did not subscribe to any
numismatic publications, but occa-
sionally attended a local coin show
where a dealer showed me a copy of
Paper Money.
In 1965 I joined, and was fasci-
nated by this publication. Some,
but not all, of the back issues were
available, which I ordered. It took
me many years to locate the remain-
ing issues to complete my set.
The first contact that I had
with any members of the society was
at the 1970 ANA convention held in
St. Louis. I also found that there
were several other members of the
society living in the area.
I had never seen any large size
Nationals until this show. There I
purchased two First Charter $10 notes from Amon Carter.
They were priced as type notes with a VG selling for $150 and
a Fine selling for $200. The $150 VG note turned out to be
one of only two known on that bank.
I met William Philpott at the show, and he offered to
send me a list of the St. Louis notes that he had for sale. The
list turned out to have nine notes that I did not have. He was
kind enough to hold them until I could save enough to buy
each one. Among them was an Uncirculated #1 Red Seal,
which I purchased for $200. •
I met many interesting people at the show, including a
traveling salesman from Iowa who
was interested in Nationals and was
collecting serial numbers and other
information about all the notes he
observed. This was my long-time
friend, the late John Hickman.
A few years later at the ANA in
Cincinnati, I spent several hours
manning the SPMC table with Tom
Bain. We talked about many inter-
esting subjects, including the origin
of the raffle bearing his name.
It seemed, I learned, that one of
the early Society officers absconded
with the Society treasury threatening
its existence. Torn went around at
shows asking collectors and dealers to
donate something to help save the
After the financially disastrous
show sponsored by the Society at
Cherry Hill, NJ, the Professional
Currency Dealers Association decided to hold its own show in
St. Louis. They asked me to be the show general chairman.
I agreed, providing the Society would be a co-sponsor and
receive some sort of financial remuneration. The Society's
annual participation in the fall St. Louis show continues down
to today.
$120 to Baldy, $140 to Bushy, $160 to Baldy
By Tom Denly, #5773, LM1
In 1972, I left Winchester Firearms as a Manufacturing
Design Engineer to join my Dad in his travel agency. In the
agency I hung out my first coins and currency shingle, with
currency being only a secondary interest.
By 1979 I had become V.P. of the American Society of
Travel Agents and had received many awards -- but the lure of
currency and coins had taken me over.
The week I got my dad to sell the agency so I could go
Cull time into currency and coins, I bought a great Confederate
and obsolete collection for $24,000, which was every last cent
I had to my name.
I remember selling Hugh Shull a Montgomery $100 and
a $50 for $1,000 each out of that collection and getting paid
over four months. I sure wish I could buy those notes back
today at that price!
About that time (I still had some hair) Hugh and I would
battle at auction for obsolete notes. Don Fisher, the auction-
eer, was heard to call "$120 to Baldy. $140 to Bushy. 5160 to
154 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC Memories: Reminiscences of some Ragpickers
By Wayne Homren, #5998
Like many kids growing up in the '60s, I had a Whitman
Lincoln Cent folder and accumulated a beginner's date and mint
mark collection. I guess my earliest numismatic memory is of
my grandmother showing me the new clad coinage in 1964
(when I was about six years old). It was my grandfather though,
who got me started as a collector, when he gave me a box of old
foreign coins from Europe. The most fascinating item in the
box was something I later learned was American: a tiny, dirty,
beat-up piece of paper money.
No one in my family could tell me what I had, so I went to
the library in search of an answer. Somehow I found a book
that told me my treasure was a piece of U.S. Fractional
Currency: a 25-cent note picturing Robert Walker. More than
35 years later, I've still got it.
When I discovered the downtown Pittsburgh coin shops, I
started to buy new items for my collection. My first purchase
from dealer Cliff Sutton of The Collector's Cabinet was a Civil
War scrip note of the Mt. Pleasant Apothecary Store. It would
be many years before I learned the connection between that note
and 19th-century coin dealer W. Elliot Woodward. But at the
time, that note was my next stepping stone to becoming a
By the time I got to high school I was a veteran collector,
with what I thought at the time were extensive holdings of U.S.
and foreign coins. I had never lost my interest in Civil War
money, but didn't know much about it. One day, I made a
return trip to the library. I recall taking a notebook along to jot
down information. It was a fateful decision.
By the end of the afternoon, I had learned several things
about money during the Civil War, and each new fact led to new
questions. I read some articles in The Numismatist about
Fractional Currency, then found other articles on Civil War
Tokens. I believe it was from Matt Rothert's Fractional
Currency book that I first learned about Encased Postage
From that point on I was hooked on Civil War numismat-
ics, and began to assemble type collections of Confederate
Currency, Postal and Fractional Currency, Patriotic Civil War
Tokens, and local Pittsburgh Civil War Storecards. Once I
finally got through college and into the work force in New
Jersey, I could start to afford Encased Postage Stamps, and start-
ed looking. My first one was probably a common Ayer's vari-
ety. But for a stretch of about 12 years (from 1982 to 1994) I
began building a collection of EPS and Postage Stamp
Envelopes, on the theory that these things are really RARE — I
could always go back and buy the other stuff later.
Well, I regret not continuing to buy nice Confederate
notes, since I only have the commoner ones, and can no longer
afford the keys. But I do have quite a collection of Encased
Postage: 34 pieces, representing 26 of the 34 types, including
some pieces with fewer than 10 examples known. Some I bought
from dealers at coin shows, others at auction, and a few rare
pieces from friends such as Bob Nester, Dr. Wallace Lee, and
Bob Kincaid of Hastings, NE.
I met Kincaid at the 1982 Boston ANA, where he was a
speaker at the fledgling "Numismatic Theatre" (then called
"The Little Theater"). I had written to him prior to the show,
after seeing his ad in the Civil War Token Society journal. He
had been researching encased postage issuers, and was looking
for others with similar interests. I had already started doing
research on my own. For example, I visited the National
Archives and held in my hand the original EPS patent applica-
tion drawn and signed by the inventor, John Gault
Bob and I teamed up to do some research in the Boston
area. Bob had managed to track down the will and death notice
of John Gault, the inventor of encased postage. Together we
traveled to a cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Posing as
distant relatives, we learned where the grave site was, and were
soon standing next to Gault's headstone, taking pictures.
Later Bob introduced me to Fred Reed, who had indepen-
dently been doing similar research. The three of us teamed up
and the end result was Fred's book Civil War Encased Stamps:
The Issuers and Their Times (1994, 1995). Working under Fred
and Bob's direction, I spent many Saturdays combing through
the New York Public Library and New-York Historical Society.
I even took an afternoon off during the week to visit the
Princeton University library, where I located on microfilm a let-
ter from John Gault to President Lincoln requesting permission
to use his photo on campaign buttons.
Seeing the book in print was a dream come true. I'm still
collecting paper and have multiple interests: Pittsburgh-area
obsoletes, 1907 Clearing House Certificates, J.S.G. Boggs notes
and artwork, and most recently, error notes. I've also come to
enjoy collecting paper money literature, and have a nice research
library that comes in handy once in a while. Happy Anniversary
SPMC, and many more!
By Frank Clark, #5900, LM193
One of my most cherished memories from my membership
in SPMC was when I attended SPMC's 25th anniversary dinner
at the International Paper Money Show in Memphis in 1986.
After the dinner, the 25th anniversary cake was brought out. It
was decorated like the front of a $1 Federal Reserve Note and
then cut up into tiny squares so that everybody got a piece.
Then there was the Tom Bain Raffle. This was the first
Memphis without Tom due to the fact that he had passed away
the previous October. This was also my first Tom Bain raffle. I
did not win anything, but I do remember Bob Medlar winning a
copy of his own book -- Texas Obsolete Notes and Scrip. What a
SPMC Charter Member lapel pins were given out to the
Charter Members at this dinner. At my table was Homer
Brooks, who was my mentor in converting me from coins to
paper money and the one who got me to join SPMC. When he
was called to pick up his Charter Member pin, he had a big smile
on his face and he was very proud of receiving it.
By Dennis Forgue, #1096
I remember the 1967 SPMC banquet in Miami, where I
was sitting with the Bebees. During the end of the food service,
Aubrey said that they had to leave early so that they could go see
the 1913 Liberty Head nickel sell in the auction. I said that I
wanted to see that too, so I went with them.
Little did I know that they were going to buy it then!
Another early SPMC member from Ohio, Julian Marks also put
an early bid in on the 1913 nickel just so he could say that he bid
on it.
Too bad we don't have affairs such as these at ANA any-
Ah, the old days!
Nathan C
•1r' ' NMI ....... urn
iiiirgAmiNit 1231E3
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
BEP visit led to lifelong paper money affair
By Nathan Goldstein II,
As a lifelong stamp collector,
the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing was a very important spot
in my life. In late 1956 I was a visi-
tor of Director Frank J. Holtzlaw.
He suggested that I visit the new
presses experimenting with new
Silver Certificates being printed on
single plate rotary presses. This trip
started my interest in paper money,
and when the first of these Silver
Certificates were released I started
collecting paper money.
This interest blossomed into
actively collecting earlier series, and
then Mississippi Nationals. When
SPMC was started, I wanted to
learn everything possible, so I
became Charter Member #133.
During the early releases of the
new Series 1963 51 FR notes a
Right: The author's "Guest Speaker"
badge from the 1st Memphis Show.
Below: a note accompanying a trade
from "Circle" member Mike Crabb.
group of collectors called "The
Circle" formed, and a monthly bul-
letin was edited by Chuck O'Don-
nell. We had three members from
each FR District and exchanged
new notes with other members.
This worked greatly for members,
and later I took over as Editor.
I later started a column in Coin
World called "Paper Money
Periscope," which continued for
more than 10 years. It was a won-
derful chance to meet new collec-
tors, and the mail volume was
unbelievable. It was this love of
paper money and meeting new col-
lectors from near and far that made
collecting so enjoyable to me.
These years of collecting,
along with the fellow members of
SPMC, has made this hobby a main
part of my life. I am happy to say
that I have not missed a single
meeting of the International Paper
Money Show in Memphis. SPMC
has been a major part of my life,
and I look forward to many more
years of pleasure therein.
a--osca_ K)Ac'rtiNL.),
•voo 0_03- ka7
4.)(111--11..) I k.) 2e7t)
Upu, q, i qgo
MICHAEL A. CRAM!, MI.ANA MS PhIC:4 1C4 MC 1181 nita 1888
P. 0. COO 171171
MEM. 7113, TENN. 98117
s WIT-4 croup,
.. (1,_)Lca.-12.e. -.c.
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
Arizona & Wyoming
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
156 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
Thanks for the memories & the education
By Fred L. Reed III, #4912
ever there was one. Ed was the "answer man". If you had a
question, Ed would come up with an answer or throw it out to
the immense Coin World readership, whose collective knowl-
edge was stupendous. Ed taught me alot. He recruited me for
SPMC. Ed left "Collector's Clearinghouse" to found ANACS
in Colorado Springs, a very high calling indeed! His passing
left us all poorer.
I was fortunate to be one of the 947 lucky witnesses to the
birth of the Memphis International Paper Money Show under
I joined SPMC rather late compared to many of those
who are sharing their reminiscences in this issue of Paper
Money. Still, I'm proud to be celebrating my 24th year with
our Society.
I got into paper money collecting in the "good old days,"
nevertheless. I began buying paper money in the early 1960s.
As a teenager I bought on approval by mail from Bob Wallace
in Ft. Worth. Bob would drop a half dozen notes in an enve-
lope, marked at ridiculous prices like 25-cents or so, all with
his "R.W. Wallace" stickers on the plastic sleeve.
I bought a lot of good notes, mainly obsoletes and
Confederates, from Bob over the years, dirt cheap. It was
only many years later, when both Bob and his wife Helen
became friends, that he realized he'd been dealing with a kid
those many years earlier.
In 1963 my family moved from New York to Oklahoma.
I didn't know any collectors there, but Jake Sureck befriended
me after witnessing me purchasing Fred Reinfeld's The Story of
Civil War Money at a local coin shop. All the old time SPMC
members know Jake. He was an SPMC Charter Member, and
also a gentleman. I have never seen lovelier notes than he
showed my Dad and me sitting around his dining room table.
At the time SPMC did not take Junior Members, but
ANA did. I joined ANA in the mid-1960s. Matt Rothert and
Margo Russell were my sponsors. I met them at a big coin
show at a downtown Oklahoma City hotel when I was in high
school. Both were to become real friends and mentors (see
related story on Page 138.) Both supported my interest in the
Civil War numismatics, and helped me with my early writings
on the subject.
Following college, the military, starting a family, and grad
school, I got to attend the 1975 ANA Convention in Los
Angeles. I got plopped into the "cat bird's seat" for a neo-
phyte currency collector. I went first class as a newly hatched
Coin World staff writer. Knowing my interests, Margo
assigned me to the "paper money beat." I remember the
SPMC banquet very well. It was lavish. Attendance topped
150. J. Roy Pennell was the emcee. Gene Hessler was the
speaker. I was enthralled by the Torn Bain auction that closed
out the festivities. I bought five tickets and won two pieces of
scrip that I still have.
"'I like to vary the articles in each issue of Paper Money,'
SPMC journal editor Doug Watson reported. His philosophy
is to include 'something of every type to appeal to all collec-
tors,' the editor affirmed. Tor example you won't generally
find two articles on obsolete currency in a single issue of the
--Fred Reed, Coin World, Sept. 14, 1977
At the show I met Neil Shafer, who the following year
had me over to his house to meet his family, have dinner, and
share with me his fervor for food stamp scrip. I also met Fred
Schwan, who became a lifelong friend and collaborator.
I soon joined SPMC and plugged into the "paper money
beat" in earnest. I covered the banquets, the business meet-
ings, the membership meetings, the educational forums, the
bourse. Soon Harry Forman, Harry, Jones, Nate Goldstein,
Harold Don Allen, Byron Cook and others became tutors.
At Coin World, the resident syngraphist was SPMC mem-
ber Ed Fleischmann, a patient and dedicated numismatist if
Courtney Coffing, Gene Hessler, and the author in the Coin World
library c. 1977, about the same vintage as the Amon Carter letter
and the IPMS badge on the following pages.
Mike Crabb's entrepreneurial touch in 1977. What a wonder-
ful spot at the Rivermont Holiday Inn, high on a bluff over-
looking the Mississippi River. On the 20th anniversary- of the
Memphis show, I took my original ID badge and a bunch of
pictures to share with Mike Crabb. Neither of us could
believe those events were two decades old.
I was delighted to debut an error currency book that I co-
wrote with Tom DeLorey at that first Memphis show. Paper
money errors were VERY hot. The BEP was spewing inverts
and other mistakes on a weekly basis. Herb Krisak at the BEP
love-hated my weekly calls reporting additional foul-ups.
Sales of the hook were great at Memphis. Russ Rulau, Charlie
Wilson and I celebrated at the revolving restaurant atop the
Union Planters Bank skyscraper downtown.
These errors continued to proliferate. Coin World ran my
stories of each successive wave of note blunders almost weekly
on the front page. We put out a revised edition of the note
error book at Memphis the next year. Aubrey Bebee really
pushed it, I'm happy to report.
I covered SPMC again at the Atlanta ANA in 1977. The
heat at the SPMC banquet wilted floral arrangements on the
tables and nearly took the measure of the attendees, too.
Grover Criswell and Dr. John Muscalus fostered my burgeon-
ing interest in college currency, which continues unabated.
Grover let me take a good many notes on credit. He
never wrote the transactions down. Don Fisher (a better busi-
nessman) sent me lots of notes on approval too; he probably
did! Doc Muscalus brought me packages of "special items."
He was a hard nut to bargain with. Jim Noll always showed
Dec 27, /976
Dear Mr. Reed:
Enjoyed your article on the Cope mis-prints. Here
is a $20 note that I found here in Ft. Worth about
two months ago. I think it is Cope but really cant
be sure. Anyway wanted you to see a Zerox of it.
Yours truly,
P. S.
I think 1 more was found here in Ft. Worth 4Ad I
understand it is pretty badly circulated. This one
came from my teller.
PAPER MONEY • January /February 2001 • Whole No. 211 157
up at Society meetings with a fist full of paper items, which he
generously gave away to all takers!
In 1978 I covered SPMC again at the Houston ANA.
Bob Medlar and his lovely wife Betty became friends. Later
Bob was very helpful in my receiving a research grant from
ANA to write my book on Civil War Encased Stamps.
For those early Memphis shows, I edited special sections
of Coin World specifically targeted
for the paper money crowd gather-
ing there. The ad staff sold oodles
of ads to dealers like Art Kagin,
Lyn Knight and Harry Forman,
and I solicited special articles from
all the top names in the hobby.
For the third Memphis show
in 1979, that special section --
devoted entirely to paper money --
was 60 pages long, and back then
Coin World's pages were nearly
twice the size they are today!
We had great paper money
articles from the likes of J. Roy
Pennell Jr., Yasha Beresiner,
George Wait, Gene Hessler, Dean
Oakes, Grover Criswell, Neil
Sowards, Peter Huntoon, Aubrey
Bebee, Dorothy Gershenson,
Charles Colver, John Isted, Glenn
Smedley, Jay Guren, Doug Ball, Nelson Page Aspen, Mike
Crabb, Barbara Mueller, Milt Friedberg, Courtney Coifing,
Bill Gibbs, Dr. John Muscalus, Eric Newman, Ruth Hill, Toni
Bain, Harry Forman, Duane Douglas, Frank Trask, Maurice
Burgett, Radford Stearns, Chuck O'Donnell, Ira Friedberg,
James Charlton, Q. David Bowers and up-and-comers like
yours truly, Fred Reed.
Honest. I worked with all those authors for a single issue
of COM World, dated June 20, 1979. All had bylines in the spe-
cial 60-page Memphis pull-out section. Some lineup, huh?
Even now as Paper Money Editor, it makes the mouth drool.
Those special sections are collectibles themselves now, just for
reference value alone!
"About 165 turned out for the SPMC breakfast meeting
held June 3 during the second annual Memphis International
Paper Money Show. Speaker for the occasion was widely
known and respected researcher Dr. Glenn E. Jackson,
Watertown, CT, who specializes in syngraphic essays and
"A dentist, Dr. Jackson likened the 'extracting of informa-
don through research to his vocation.' The well-received talk
was interspersed with numerous anecdotes, gleaned by years of
patient study."'
--Fred Reed, Coin World, June 28, 1978
At those early Memphis shows we gathered off hours in
the hotel's intimate lobby to swap notes and lies. The tales
weren't always syngraphic. I learned a lot about pre-Castro
Havana nightlife from Amon Carter's and Grover Criswell's
accounts. One evening, Herb Melnick, Doug Ball, several
others and I went to the dog track in West Memphis,
Arkansas. Herb had a big wad of $100s. We bet the long
shots -- the dogs that stumble half way down the stretch.
At one of those first Memphis shows Amon, whose IOUs
were considerably more valuable than the Federal Reserve's,
was denied check cashing privileges at the hotel desk. Amon
hadn't just owned the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, radio, TV sta-
tions and a big chunk of American Airlines. He was on the
Holiday Inn Board of Directors, to my understanding. We
never saw that clerk's face again.
I tell you, Amon wrote me checks from time to time after
that. I never questioned
him on them. I wish I
still had one uncashed,
and worth all the more
for that.
Amon befriended
me. He was the first to
report a $20 COPE
invert (left), and was
tickled to death he'd
received it at face value
at his local bank. We
played it up with a big
headline in Coin World.
After that, we were on a
first-name basis.
After we became
well acquainted, Amon
agreed to finance a new
numismatic magazine
startup that I would
edit. We were going to locate it right in the Star-Telegram
Building. When it became clear he was putting up the dough,
but I would be obligating myself to 26-hour days, I begged off.
We were going to call it Moneta; doubtless we could have filled
it with fabulous folding money from Anion's vault. His
untimely demise shortly thereafter ended the new magazine's
prospects, and his collection of tobacco tin tags.
"A record attendance is expected at the third annual
International Paper Money Show, scheduled to open June 15
at the Holiday Inn-Rivermont in Memphis, TN.
"A diversified and fascinating array of exhibits, including
best of show winners from the American Numismatic
Association Convention and several statewide meets, has been
arranged for by exhibit chairman Martin Delger.
"Gene Hessler, author and former curator of the Chase
Manhattan Bank Money Museum, will discuss his new book,
U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes, at the educational pro-
--Fred Reed, Coin World, June 20, 1979
Anion introduced me to his friend Johnny Morris and his
lovely wife Opal from Alabama. Amon was famous for pulling
rare and exotic notes from his case, and rightly so. When vou
asked Anion, he would produce the unique variety. When you
asked Johnny, he would pull out an envelope full of notes and
fan them out on the table -- a long run of consecutive, crisp
large size notes with seals as fresh as today's produce.
I covered SPMC again at the St. Louis (1979) and
Cincinnati (1980) ANA shows, and attended all the early
Memphis Shows as well. At one, Wendell Wolka made me
the most popular person in the COl77 World newsroom when he
gave me free SPMC souvenir cards to take back to the rest of
the gang in Sidney, Ohio.
I relied heavily on Mart Delger's unfailing courtesy in
FRED ittu
CO /MW /1-4-47IL7 9181
s .44.1usa■Insucauguaauns91/WILTIMIL101.61c
158 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
those early years for information for my show stories. Mart,
who still heads the Memphis exhibits, is one of the finest gen-
tlemen I have known in any sphere or activity.
I wrote a couple short items for Paper Money and sent the
magazine a lot of photos from these affairs. I also bumped
into my SPMC friends at other shows around the country, like
the fabulous 1980 New York City paper money show. Of
course in the interim, we corresponded, traded, bought and
sold back and forth. Dennis Forgue provided me with dozens
of great Abraham Lincoln syngraphic pieces that will be illus-
trated in my forthcoming book on that subject. Robert H.
Lloyd gave me gratis college banking items that had been used
by his grandfather at Eastman College.
I corresponded with Maurice Burgett about rare
Cherokee Nation notes that Jim Morgan had researched just
before Maurice died in Fall 1979. Unfortunately, when his
SPMC Wismer book was published posthumously the follow-
ing year, the additional information did not make it into print.
"Convening the SPMC regional gathering at the first
annual Greater New York Paper Money Convention, Sept. 5-
7, 1980, was SPMC governor Steve Taylor. His splendid U.S.
currency display topped exhibit honors and claimed the
`Stanley Yulish Best of Show Award.'"
--Fred Reed, Coin World, Sept. 24, 1980
I was a generation removed from the real pioneers, the
"Founding Fathers" of SPMC, but I was fortunate to meet
many of them in the 1970s and share good times and common
interests. I talked about checks with Larry - Adams, Secretaries
of the Treasury with Wendell Wolka, vignettes with Dr.
Glenn Jackson
and Gene Hes-
sler. I chatted
about Fractional
Currency with
Ernie Keusch,
talked note errors
with Jim Conlon,
Lincoln vignettes
with J. Roy Pen-
nell, small size
currency with
Chuck O'Donnell, encased stamps with Len Glazer and Don
Kagin, and Nationals with John Hickman.
All that and much more with the likes of Glenn Smedley,
Chet Krause, Gerome Walton, Art Kagin, M. Owen Warns,
Mike Crabb, Ruth Hill, George Wait, Charlie Colver, Paul
Garland, Don Fisher, Bob Charles, Tom Bain, Eric Newman,
George Hatie, Chuck O'Donnell, Aubrey Bebee, Dorothy
Gershenson, Lee Worthley, Austin Sheheen, Bill Doovas, Joe
Hensley, Gordon Harris, Sam Roakes, Bob Flaig, Neil
Sowards, Doug Watson, Harry Lessin, Jack Veffer and others.
I interviewed them all, made friends, and filed stories on
what I learned. I was paid to listen to what they had to say. In
retrospect, it should have been the other way around. I should
have paid them for my paper money education . . . and for all
the great memories. Thank you one and all.
Magazine brings back memories to former editor
By Barbara R. Mueller, #464, HM7, HLM2
I first became aware of SPMC when I was appointed edi-
tor of The Essay-Proof Journal in 1963. In fact, at an earlier
time I considered dropping my membership in The Essay-
Proof Society because, under the direction of Dr. Julian
Blanchard, I felt it was becoming too numismatic, while my
primary interests had always been philatelic.
How fortunate that I remained a member and edited EPJ
for 30 years!
Slowly I became educated in things numismatic, but when
Dr. Blanchard asked me in 1964 to edit Paper Money, I protest-
ed that all I knew about paper money was how to spend it.
As successor to founding Editor Hank Bieciuk, I would
only have succeeded in making a fool of myself without the
help of so many mentors who eventually became good friends.
My interest in intaglio printing led me into the aesthetics
of paper currency design, which meant close association with
the ever-kindly Dr. Glenn Jackson and, of course, one of the
pioneers still with us -- Gene Hessler.
Living in southern Wisconsin, only 50 miles from long-
time SPMC Treasurer and small NBN authority M.O. Warns,
I learned to know him and his wife Charmaine very well. At
the ANA conventions and later Memphis shows, I was always
impressed by the fun approach the SPMCers took to their
hobby. They certainly knew how to put on great social events
and banquets.
That brings to mind dear Tom Bain and his raffles, which
led into -Wendell 1/Volka's development as emcee par excellence.
But still, all I ever won were sewer bonds!
George Wait and Glenn Smedley, delightful bosses as
SPMC prexies; Forrest Daniel, who always helped out with
off-beat articles and "fill"; Bob and Betty Medlar with their
Texas charm; Roy Pennell, Vernon Brown, and Amon Carter
were all class acts.
As I page through the back issues of PM many more
memories flood back: about the authors, about the challenges
sometimes encountered in editing their work, about the diffi-
culties they experienced in creating their articles.
I recall that the epitome of perfection in presenting arti-
cles was reached by Peter Huntoon, who continues to amaze
me with his unflaging enthusiasm for his Nationals.
I certainly don't want to slight anyone in this reminis-
cence, and I'm sure after I send it to present Paper Money
Editor Fred Reed, Ill think of people I've overlooked. I'm
also sure he doesn't have room for more of my ramblings
about two decades of editing, so I'll sign off by wishing SPMC
40 more years of prosperity.
Bill Donlon was memorable
By Charles Kemp, #3980, LM62
My fondest memories of SPMC are ones that involve the
Memphis International Paper Money Show. Over the years I
had the pleasure of meeting many people in person whom I
had only known through correspondence before.
The most memorable person I have met was at the very
first Memphis show when I met Bill Donlon. He wasn't
around too much longer, and I really feel privileged to have
had the chance to talk with him.
Congratulations SPMC 1961-2001
William H. Horton, Jr., P.O. Box 175,
Keyport, NJ 07735
Assiscschevroanoxvc Delaware
July 13-14-15if
Please offer what you have for sale.
Charles C. Parrish
P.O. Box 481
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
(651) 423-1039
SPMC LM 114-PCDA-LM ANA Since 1976
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List ... or ...
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4'/4 x 3'/4 $17.75 $32.50 $147.00 $255.00
Colonial 51/2 x 3 1/16 18.75 35.00 159.00 295.00
Small Currency 6% x 2 7/8 19.00 36.50 163.00 305.00
Large Currency 7 1 /8 x 3 1 /2 23.00 42.50 195.00 365.00
Auction 9 x 3 3/4 26.75 50.00 243.00 439.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 30.00 56.00 256.00 460.00
Checks 95/8 x 4 V4 28.25 52.50 240.00 444.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8 3/4 x 14'/2 $13.00 $60.00 $100.00 $230.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8 1/2 x 17V2 25.00 100.00 180.00 425.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9 1/2 x 12 I /2 12.50 57.50 95.00 212.50
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18 x 24 48.00 225.00 370.00 850.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 5 pcs. one size) (min. 10 pcs. total).
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Advertiser Index
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content squeezed out our Ad Index, but
you can find all of the unprecedented 100
contract, sponsorship & classified adver-
tisers throughout this issue. Tell them you
saw them in Paper Money, and thank
them for their participation in this special
40th Anniversary Commemorative Issue.
160 January/February 2001 • Whole No. 211 • PAPER MONEY
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Paper Money
40th Anniversary
Commemorative Issue
Volume XL
Number 1
Jan/Feb 2001
ety of Paper Money Co ectors
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. was founded in Atlanta, GA in 1961
"to promote, educate and encourage the study and collecting of paper money."
During its four decades, the Society has published more than 200 issues of its
award-winning magazine, Paper Money, and 20 books on a variety of syngraphic
subjects. Annual meetings are held in June at the Memphis International Paper
Money Show. The Society co-sponsors an annual show in St. Louis in the Fall,
and regional events are staged throughout the year at various conventions. These
get-togethers offer illustrated lectures and camaraderie. SPMC's nearly 2,000
members come from all walks of life, and from all states and many nations around
the globe. Anyone, 12-years-old or older, of good moral character may join
SPMC. Annual dues are $24 in the U.S. ($29 in Canada and Mexico, or $34 else-
where). Updated information on the Society is available around-the-clock at
1961 - SPMC - 2001
Frank Clark, President
Wendell Wolka, Vice President
Fred L. Reed III, Secretary
Mark Anderson, Treasurer
Bob Cochran, Past President
Fred L. Reed III, Editor
Gene Hessler,
Contributing Editor
Robert Schreiner,
Advertising Manager
Spider Press Printing
P. O. Box 1146
Mark Anderson,
Benny Bolin, Frank Clark,
C. John Ferreri,
Gene Hessler,
Ronald L. Horstman,
Arri Jacob, Judith Murphy,
Fred L. Reed III,
Robert Schreiner,
Steven K. Whitfield,
Wendell Wolka
A $5 Federal Reserve Bank note.
F-782* in EF realized $7,150.
A $100 One-Year Note, believed to be
unique, realized $8,250.
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A cut sheet of four $10 Legal Tender
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New realized $17,600.
A $10 Silver Certificate.
F-1700 in Gem New realized $8,800.
An Interest Bearing $5,000 Proof Note
realized $11,000.
An Uncirculated Lazy Two $2 note
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Town of California realized $4,840.
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. ciudes all circulating issu
• 230 issuin thodbees •
'wino toitpoinot in up to'bonse
A . .
19th edition
United States
Paper Mopey
By Chester L. Krause and Robert F. Lemke
Joel T. Edier, Editor
More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. LIII, No. 1- Whole No. 289- January/February 2014
- Paper Money- Vol. LIX, No. 1- Whole No. 295- January/February 2015
- Paper Money- Vol. LV, No. 1- Whole No. 301- January/February 2016
- Paper Money- Vol. LVI, No. 1- Whole No. 307- January/February 2017
- Paper Money- Vol. LVII, No. 1- Whole No. 313- January/February 2018