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Table of Contents
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
VOL. XL, No. 6
WHOLE No. 216
Remember Pearl Harbor
WWII Left us
Short Snort•er /
snort-er / n [shor
snort (quick drink)]
1: a member of an informal
club for which one who has
made a transoceanic flight
is eligible. 2: a piece of
paper money endorsed by
short snorters as a mem-
bership certificate for a new
-- Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
"When Carole Landis and Pat O'Brien got together on the set of Pilebuck (released as Secret Command), the picture they are appearing
in at Columbia, they pulled their 'Short Snorter' bills on each other. The result was amazing. Carole and Pat, who both have recently
returned from overseas personal appearances, found that their combined strings of bills were long enough to drape Carole attractively
in the currency of some 35 countries." -- actual caption attached to the back of a movie promotional still photo c. 1944.
moo' -"Maw , I
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(414) 421-3498 Fax (414) 423-0343
Show Hours:
Thursday, September 12 - 2-6 pm Saturday, September 14 - 10 am-6 pm
(Professional Preview - $25)
Friday, September 13 - 10 am-6 pm Sunday, September 15 - 10 am-2 pm
A three-day pass is $5 - Children 16 and under are FREE
Hotel Reservations:
To reserve a room at the Lancaster Host Hotel,
call 800-233-0121 and ask for the special $109
Strasburg Currency and Stock & Bond Show rate.
PAPER MONEY • November/December • Whole No. 216 357
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XL, No. 6 Whole No. 216 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Souvenirs, Personal Documents & Immortality 359
By Neil Shafer
Short Snorter Looms As Menace
By John Steinbeck
An Interesting Dallas Deuce 372
By Frank Clark
Work Done for ABNCo by James D. Smillie from 1858-1879, Concluded 373
By Gene Hessler and Mark Tomasko
Every Short Snorter Has Its Own Tale(s) to Tell 378
By Colonel Bill Murray and Larry "Ski" Smulczenski
'Defaced' Notes Share Exciting Stories 390
By Richard Giedroyc
More Thoughts on Short Snorters 394
By Joseph Boling
One Note's Story: Long 'Lost' Note Brings Back Memories 396
By Fred Reed
Information & Officers 358
An Index to Paper Money Vol. XL 2001, Nos. 211-216 380
Compiled by George B. Tremmel
2nd Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize Announcement 386
President's Column 388
By Frank Clark
Nominations Open for SPMC Board 388
New Members 400
Editor's Notebook 402
Secret Command was a fast-paced espionage story set in a California
shipyard. O'Brien played a foreign correspondent in the wartime
employ of the FBI assigned to thwart potential Nazi saboteurs.
Landis played his undercover 'wife.' The movie proved a great suc-
cess and was nominated for an Oscar in 1945. Too old to serve in
World War II, O'Brien, and co-star Landis both tirelessly undertook
many potentially dangerous USO tours to entertain GIs. Landis,
who contracted malaria on one such tour, memorialized her trips
with the book Four fills in A Jeep, which became a Fox film in 1944.
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper
Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage is
paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address
changes to Secretary Torn Minerley, P.O. Box
7155, Albany, NY 12224-0155.
C Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2001.
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whole or in part, without express written permis-
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If adopted, these new rates will take effect
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SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo-
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occurs upon prompt notification.
November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Ige:i/ PAPER MONEY Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
$ COLLECTORS nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Junior mem-
bership numbers will be preceded by the letter "j," which will be
removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual clues are $24. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
the world add $10. Life membership—payable in installments
within one year is $500, $600 for Canada and Mexico, and $700
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members
who join after October 1 will have their dues paid through
December of the following year; they also receive, as a bonus, a
copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which
they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper Money.
All checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
._)1,71 a/At:1[24\
PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX
VICE-PRESIDENT Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 569,
Dublin, OH 4301 7
SECRETARY Tom Minerley, P.O. Box 7155, Albany, NY
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149,
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed Ill, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-
Steven K. Whitfield, P.O. Box 268231, Weston, FL 33326
EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box
2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Richard J. Balbaton, P.O. Box 911, North
Attleboro, MA 02761
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant,
MO 63031
Hollander, 406 Viduta PI, Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Whitfield, P.O. Box 268231, Weston, FL 33326
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX (803) 432-9958
PAPER MONEY • November/December 200 • Whole No. 216 359
Souvenirs, Personal
Documents & Immortality
ering these homeless waifs up every time I see them (practically), I've
written about them for years, first in the Whitman Numismatic Journal in
the 1960s and several times in Bank Note Reporter as well. And believe me,
those good signatures are really out there waiting for YOU to find them, too!
I have been lucky that way, having found movie
stars, political figures, high-ranking military individuals
among others. One of the best turned out to be a lone sig-
nature on a small Italian note of World War II vintage.
That signature was only Humphrey Bogart, and I had
Scott Winslow authenticate it for me. He said its quite a
rare one because he is so well known even today. By the
way, that finding occurred, would you believe, within the
last year!!!
The special significance of a short snorter, single or
roll, is that such items meant something very special to
the original owner(s), and we who find them later on can
only try to capture a little of that feeling and meaning
they represented at one time.
In these pages I'll share some of my finds with you.
Each was a joy in its own way. Good Hunting!
There are many kinds of world notes with inscribed
signatures or some other kinds of written messages. The
contents of the written words can determine the rough
classification of such notes, but whichever way they are
classified, invariably they have all been the bearers of
some sort of personal testimonial that someone, some-
place, felt obliged to put on a piece of paper currency.
By far the majority of these pieces are known to col-
lectors as Short Snorters -- notes with one or more
names, often in a row, and usually found attached to others of similar appear-
ance. The name itself is defined two ways, as follows: (a) A member of an
informal club for which a pilot, crew member or a passenger who has made a
transoceanic flight is eligible; (b) A piece of paper money endorsed by short
snorters as a membership certificate for a new member.
It seems that the idea of a Short Snorter club sprang up during the earlier
days of flight when transoceanic travel was still considered something of a feat.
As the definition indicates, it became the custom for older members of this
vaguely defined club (usually the crew members of an airplane) to sign their
names on a single piece of paper money which then served as the owner's
"membership card," to be permanently retained and shown on demand.
Failure to produce that signed note at any time meant that a penalty had to be
paid, generally a dollar or a drink (short snort). From this practice the term
itself is derived.
While not as glamorous as Carole
Landis on this issue's cover, author
Shafer never the less cuts a swash-
buckling figure modelling a lengthy
Short Snorter roll of his own at the
1st Memphis International Paper
Money Show in 1977.
Figures la & 1 b. Here is what a typical
Short Snorter note looks like. The only
distinguishing feature on this note is
one of the first vertically placed signa-
ture at top -- it looks like Bob Hope to
me! (It is.) Shown enlarged at right.
Figure 2. This large French note with
all its World War II signatures has to be
the epitome of the single-bill concept.
41 --
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360 November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
The casual and slow growth of this exclusive club was abruptly shattered
by the entry of the United States into the conflagration of World War II.
Overnight many thousands of servicemen in every branch of the service
became involuntary candidates, and the evidence shows that a great many of
them were more than glad to accept the responsibilities of membership.
It was often the case that a particular individual would be assigned to a
number of locations around the world during his tour of duty. Though the
original concept included the signing of only a single note as the Short Snorter,
the member would soon find that one bill was just not providing enough room
for him to gather the signatures of his buddies who were also Short Snorters.
The solution was simply to start Scotch taping all sorts of notes gathered
during his world travels together end on end, creating rolls sometimes reaching
massive lengths of eight or ten feet! Now there was space enough for hundreds
.,... st, ..-4,”
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 361
Figures 3a & 3b. The owner of this particular piece created a D-Day
commemorative complete with date and a truly artistic drawing of a U. S.
soldier putting it to the German. He really had a knack for drawing car-
toon characters, didn't he?
of names -- and that is exactly what you can find on many of these rolls of bills.
Signature exchange became a ritual indulged in by everyone, including
many 'famous individuals such as entertainers, actors, actresses and others who
were sent to military bases all over the world by the U.S.O. Often obtaining
such signatures was accomplished with surprising ease, because it seemed
everyone wanted to sign these notes. Some even included personal messages
with their names, thus adding to the fun.
But was it all in good ol' fun? My own belief is that there was some
underlying feeling on the part of most signers that they were doing it at least in
part because they wanted to achieve a bit of inner immortality. Without really
expressing it, they may have feared that if they did not return from some battle,
the proof that "they were there" would not exist anywhere else, so here was
their signature to prove that they had indeed been there.
That feeling must account for the great personal value their owners felt
for such notes. These pieces were carried everyplace, becoming more and
more abused from the cheap Scotch tape plus rough handling by so many GI's.
Yet they stand today as a testimonial to the endurance of the human spirit if
nothing more. And therein lies the great personal importance they engendered
to their original owners, a feeling that we can only empathize with today as we
come across them scattered here and there.
Numismatically and historically there are other aspects that come into
play when discussing the subject of Short Snorters. It is often true that some
Figures 4a & 4b. This pair of
Fractional Currency souvenir
notes should also be considered a
part of the Short Snorter concept
even though they predate the
advent of the name by many
362 November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
3.' ' —0 : : °T 0' x ; : : ':,!'„ , IF Sgrie 1,35n. , i!''''"" Di i . "' ''.• I REPISU7.1ql:ki
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Figures 5a & 5b. Any note was eligible
to be transformed into a Short Snorter.
This French assignat of 1792 is the old-
est piece I have ever seen to emanate
from World War II as a souvenir.
great notes are a part of a roll of bills, heavily taped, and at times with names or
other messages written on them. Two facts come to mind: First, if not for
their having been included on the roll or used as a single-note messenger of
some kind, they would probably not exist any longer. Second, the very way
they are used may prove to be of great significance. Let me demonstrate.
Some of the illustrations easily prove the first of these two points. The
second is more elusive, but it can also be shown. Take a look at the small roll of
notes with the French 20-franc piece featuring a fisherman. Now notice that it
also carries the infamous head of Hitler (from a postage stamp) at the lower left
corner. If you examine the note carefully you will see that it looks like the fish-
erman is strangling Der Fuehrer. Well, that is the way it was supposed to look -
- certainly an interesting sort of propaganda note.
But it's no good unless we can prove it is contemporary. Anyone can take
the very common French note and attach very common stamp pieces right
now. So it is worth nothing much except if you can prove you have a genuine
piece made during the war. On this particular example it happens that there are
small slits in the note where the rope is, and part of the neck is inserted under-
neath to give the effect of strangling.
That is how it was supposed to have been prepared, according to a letter
printed by Time magazine in the September 4, 1944, issue. Along with an illus-
tration of a similar example, the letter reads as follows:
pala,m to i aithn pa 1
-dos bilota en i bagaral.
i pereu biloug Gavnit,
a etas luka t gut long
) 6Figure 6. Sometimes really
great items have been caught
on a Short Snorter roll. Here is
a fine example, a leaflet in
Pidgin English originally
dropped over areas like New
Guinea in order to tell inhabi-
tants how to assist downed air-
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Edition. Hard cover. 579 pages. The new Edition. $32.00 plus $3.00 postage. Total price
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price $79.00.
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Stanley Morycz
P.O. BOX 355, DEPT. M • ENGLEWOOD, 011 45322
364 November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
Short Snorter Looms as Menace
By John Steinbeck
By telephone to the New York Herald
SEP. 7, 1943 --The growth of the Short Snorters is
one of the greatest single menaces to come out of the
war so far.
The idea started as a kind of a joke in a time when
very few people flew over an ocean in an airplane. It
became the custom, then for the crew of the airplane
to sign their names on a one dollar bill which made
the new; ocean flyer a Short Snorter. He was sup-
posed to keep this bill always with him. If at any time
he were asked if he were a Short Snorter, and he did
not have his signed bill with him he was forced to pay
a dollar to each member present at the time when the
question was asked.
It was good fun and a kind of general joke and
also it was a means of getting someone to pay for the
But then came the war and the building of thou-
sands of ships and the transporting of thousands of
men overseas by airplane and every single one became
a Short Shorter. There are hundreds of thousands of
Short Snorters now who have actually flown over an
ocean, and there are further hundreds of thousands
who carry a signed bill. And the new Short Snorter
goes much farther than having his bill signed by the
crew which carried him on his initial crossing. The
custom has grown to have the bill signed by everyone
you come across. At a bar you ask your drinking com-
panion to sign your bill. You ask generals and actors
and Senators to sign your bill.
With the growing autographing, one bill soon
was not enough. You procured another bill and stuck
it with Scotch tape to your first bill. Then the thing
went farther. You began to collect bills from other
countries. To your American dollar bill, you stuck a
one-pound English note, and to it a 50-franc Algerian
note, and to it a hundred-lira bill. Every place you
went you stuck the money to your growing Short
Snorter until now there are people who have stream-
ers eight and 10 feet long, which folded and rolled,
make a great bundle in the pocket, and these stream-
ers are covered with thousands of names and repre-
sent besides considerable money. Even the one dollar
original is disappearing. Many new Short Snorters use
$20 bills, and some even $100 bills.
These are the new autograph books. The original
half of the joke has been lost. In bars, in airports, in
clubs, the first thing that must be done is a kind of
general exchange of signatures. Serious and intelli-
gent gentlemen sign one another's bills with an
absolute lack of humor. If the party is fairly large it
might take an hour before every one has signed the
bill of every one else. Meanwhile the soup gets cold.
There are favorite places on the bill for honored
and desirable autographs. The little space under
Morgenthau's name is one such. The wide space
beside the portrait on the bill is another. If you get an
autograph you want to show you have it written on a
clear space, but if it is just one of the run-of the-mill
signatures it is put any place in the green part where it
hardly shows up at all. It is a frantic, serious-minded,
insane thing.
Men of dignity scramble for autographs on their
Short Snorts. A special case, usually made of cello-
phane, is sometimes carried to house the bill, or the
long streamer of bills because these treasures are han-
dled so much that they would fall to pieces if they
were not protected.
The effort and time involved in this curious thing
is immense. Entertainers who travel about to our
troops sign literally thousands of Short Snorter bills.
For no longer do people have to fly an ocean to be
members. The new method is that any Short Snorter
can create a new Short Snorter. The club is pyramid-
ing. Probably there are 10,000,000 Short Snorters
now, and every day new thousands begin to scribble
on their bills. It would be interesting to know how
many bills are withdrawn from circulation to be used
as autograph books. They must run into the millions.
The use of large bills as Short Snorter bills has a
curious logic behind it. The man or woman who used
a $20 or $100 bill feels that he or she will not spend
this money because of the signatures on it, but he also
feels that if he needs to he can spend it. Thus he has a
nest egg or mad money and a treasure, too. He will
not toss it over a bar nor put it in a crap game, but if
he really should get into a hole he has this money with
Very curious practices grow out of a war and
surely none more strange than this one has taken over
the public recently.
This article appeared in Los Angeles Examiner
Reprinted from MPCGram, ,
Series 002 Number 169, (Friday, 17 November 2000).
Hitler Throttled
Take a good look at the enclosed French
20 franc note (see cut). It's one of the clever-
est methods of subtle noncollaboration I can
imagine. The French people who gave it to me
said that millions of these were circulating
around while the Germans were here.... The
effect is produced by inserting a German
postage-stamp portrait of Hitler behind the
French fisherman's rope.
c/o Postmaster
New York City
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216
Figures 7a & 7b. Here is a rather small
roll of notes illustrating a French 20-
franc note bearing the head of Hitler at
lower left. It turns out to be a genuine
propaganda piece from the war (see
discussion). Below: Letter to the
Editor regarding this type of note alter-
ation published in Time magazine,
Sept. 4, 1944.
Hitler Throttled
"Sirs: Take a good look at the enclosed French 20 franc note (see cut).
It's one of the cleverest methods of subtle noncollaboration I can imag-
ine. The French people who gave it to me said that millions of these
were circulating around while the Germans were here....The effect is
produced by inserting a German postage-stamp portrait of Hitler behind
the French fisherman's rope. -- (Pfc.) Leslie Lieber"
Commenting on the above letter, I would say Pfc. Lieber (and
those who told him about the wide circulation of the note) were cer-
tainly exaggerating greatly -- there were not "millions" of these
pieces as shown, otherwise we would have seen many more on the
market. But as mentioned earlier, they are very easy to manufac-
ture. The only ones that are really worthwhile are any of them that
can be proven genuine products of the period.
Several factors prove that the one on the roll is in fact a gen-
uine wartime product. First, closer examination of this piece
showed that two small slits had actually been made on either side of
the rope so that the neck could be inserted through both of them.
Second, there is old Scotch tape over a part of Hitler's head. Third,
there is a handwritten inscription about "...thanks for our libera-
tion" signed by a Frenchman on the face, and a penned date of "28-
1-45" on the back. It is certainly possible that the much simpler
method of sticking the head onto the note without making the slits
was also used for some of these; I do not know. All I can say for
sure is that we have at least one that is absolutely real.
Most of the Short Snorter notes I have seen are from United
States personnel and written in English. Of course, there were
some who wrote in foreign languages, but by and large they are in
English. This makes me wonder if servicemen from other countries
November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY366
G 29492144 E
• x4,-"xlizazz.,/==
-=-2;11-1 t
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aoruE An-sac...cum lan,re6r,
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Figures 9a, 9b & 9c. Collecting signa-
tures was and still is a part of the
game. Someone got Jack Benny and
Larry Adler to sign the note from
Egypt. I'm sure you recognize the sin-
gle signature on the English 10 shillings
(Joe Louis), and none other than Harry
Truman placed his name on the dollar.
Figures 10a & 10b. War history is for-
ever recorded at the scene by partici-
pants in the event itself. Some exam-
ples in my collection record V-E Day on
a French Allied Military Currency note,
the invasion of bloody Iwo Jima
(below), and notes naming Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, such as the one shown at
also took to the Short Snorter habit. While I have never encountered a roll of
bills from an obviously foreign source, I believe that a good many of them did
at least pursue the preparation of single notes as souvenirs of various kinds.
The above description applies to a majority of the notes found with
inscriptions. In the main, those that fit contain signatures of buddies, famous
individuals, or whoever else could be convinced to sign. Certainly all the rolls
of notes made for the purpose truly
belong to this group. But there are
other kinds of notes with varying
messages that really do not conform
to most of the above considerations.
Let's look at a few of them in
some detail.
Many inscribed notes are found
as singles, often with the avowed
purpose of serving as a souvenir of
the place of origin. Their makers
came from a wide variety of locales,
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November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 11 (above). The writer of this letter home had no
idea how good a souvenir he was using. The note hap-
pens to be a Philippine wartime peso of 1941, one of
those rare pieces sent to the Bureau of Standards for
"aging" during World War 11 to simulate used currency.
ifis041441 light 010or wi Oita bill f #4414rifts Wia,t iVesr k4.e•eficd__ ermr,
,%1Stigke 7r $.44,./ere4 l.
Figures 12a, 12b & 12c.
Some notes have unusual
inscriptions. The ones shown
(clockwise) include half a note
with an explanatory notation about
its use to light a cigar; a marriage
proposal upside down on a Japanese-Philippine
50 centavos; and a "Personal" Short Snorter.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 369
4%) "m0V1
Figures 13a & 13b. Apparently
some of the major airlines saw
fit to prepare notes for use as
Short Snorters. The one at far
left is from Northwest; I have
also seen them from TWA. Any
others? People from other lands
also participated in the Short
Snorter experience. Most likely
this one at left with Chinese
inscription meant something
very special to its original
Figure 14. This English military
issue caught a few signatures,
especially the two-for-one name
of "Edgar Bergen and Charlie"
(third one down at left).
ranging from the Civil War to the Mexican border fighting to
private souvenir usages from many venues. Because they were
thus used, they are not regularly seen as an attached unit in a
large roll of notes. These pieces were frequently sent home to
loved ones in a letter, thereby separating them totally from
other similar kinds of pieces.
It appears that in many instances any notes from every-
where were sent home as substitutes for holiday greeting
cards, obviously unavailable to service personnel in most
places during the war. You can find a fairly large number of
holiday greeting notes, and practically all seem to come from
the Asian theaters of war. I speculate this phenomenon results
from the fact that fighting during island-hopping in the
Pacific was more sporadic, thereby allowing such notes to be
prepared more easily than in Europe where fighting might be
continuous throughout the continent with no particular letup.
There is one final point of discussion I want to make.
The Short Snorter nomenclature has been expanded here to
include most of the different kinds of notes shown and
described. But what about souvenirs and inscribed notes that
predate the invention and development of the airplane? How
do we treat Fractional Currency or Confederate notes so
used? Conversely, where do we place the modern souvenir
notes so many of us are constantly manufacturing (e.g.,
November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
obtaining signatures of Treasury officials or other
well-known individuals)? Technically they might
never be thought of as Short Snorters in the real
sense because they are just too early or too late; yet I
feel that since we have allowed inclusion for all the
rest, it stands to reason that any and all such notes,
from whatever period, should be given the same sta-
tus. Do you agree?
Want to make a collection of such pieces? You
can find them almost anyplace, from various auctions
to the proverbial miscellaneous boxes of low-priced
notes. Just remember that every one of them meant
something very special to their original owners, and
when you happen upon an example, you now have the
privilege of renewing its unique status as something a
little more than just a piece of paper money with graf-
It's a bit like saving a part of someone's very
Figures 15a & 15b. During the formation of NATO there were
special meetings at various times and places. This pair of Turkish
notes was carefully prepared to serve as factual souvenirs of the
Military and Naval Survey Group meeting there in 1947. Faces
and backs of both notes were similarly used for all the different
names of the participants.
Figures 16a & 16b. This pair from the
Korean War includes a 'normal' type of Short
Snorter (left) with a self-proclaimed com-
memorative for the 186th Anniversary
Finance Corps U.S. Army (above).
Figure 17. I leave you with
this Gaelic wish as found on
an Irish wartime one pound
note of 1944. Its sentiment is
beautifully presented, and it is
one of my favorites.
61 0 9145
ECLAT, i NOT.% ,4
NoTE THArrtG'rult
t 3 t'
. 144
Th.t Z 0% 4,, 1
,WIlW2flp2213_ t2
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sure stM i a
41111611311111bo tilisip;44kaamini~er
$500 1880 Legal Tender
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 371
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An Interesting Dallas Deuce
$2 Federal Reserve Notes were issued to the pub-
lic. To commemorate this event, the U.S. Post Office
allowed for the cancellation of currency on a hand-back
basis as long as first class postage was attached to the
note, which was thirteen cents at the time.
This was how it was sup-
posed to be, however many
examples can be found of notes
with less than thirteen cents or
no postage at all. Perhaps
newer entrants into the field of
currency collecting have seen a
few of these notes at shows and
have wondered what those odd
items are.
Another big cancellation
date for collectors was the
Bicentennial of the United
States, July 4, 1976. Besides
November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
being a holiday, the date fell on a Sunday, so post offices
would not normally be open. However, a few post
offices were allowed to be open in each state to mark the
special occasion.
In Texas, the following cities had post offices open
for July 4, 1976: Anderson, Beaumont, Corpus Christi,
Dallas, Houston and Lufkin. However, a few temporary
post offices were set up in certain locations.
There were also some 24-hour service locations not
shown on the official list of post offices open on July 4,
1976, that were indeed open.
The note pictured is an interesting note. It was not
only autographed in brown ink by Francine I. Neff,
Treasurer of the U.S., but was canceled afterwards (the
cancellation to the left of the Jefferson portrait is on top
of the autograph) at Waco, Texas on July 4, 1976, twice:
once without postage and once with a
thirteen cent stamp.
The Liberty Bell stamp of the era
ties in nicely with the Bicentennial
theme of the note. This must have
been a 24 hour service location or a
temporary post office for the
Postally canceling such notes ($1
and $2 notes were the denominations
of choice) was done for a few years
after the Bicentennial, limited only by
the collector's imagination.
This specialty was both numis-
matic and philatelic and therefore nei-
ther. It eventually died out. The rise
in canceling souvenir cards may have
been helped by these relics of the
Bicentennial era.
Vero, Andrew J. Price Guide For
Bicentennial $2 Bill Cancellations,
Annapolis, Maryland: B$2C
Adventures (1980).
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 373
Work Done for ABNCo
by James D. Smillie
from 1858-1879 Concluded
Compiled by Gene Hessler and Mark Tomasko
Continued from Paper Money September/October 2001, page 315
Camping on the Pampas, #618
No. Title Artist Engraver(s)
618 Camping on the Pampas JDS J. Smillie
Bond: Butte & Boston Mining Co. 1897.
Bank note: Argentina, Banco de la Prov. De Buenos Aires, unknown denomination.
62 2 Bull, Buenos Ayres JDS (J.) Smillie
Bank note: Argentina 5 pesos, PS482 and Hawaii $100, P15 eng. by James Smillie.)
62 5 Pampas Horse JDS JDS
Bank notes: Argentina 10 pesos, PS485 & 2 pesos, PS536.
Bond: Chile, Banco Agricola 1888.
Saladero, #630
630 Saladero JDS (J.) Smillie
Bank note: Argentina 500 pesos, PS497.
631 Gaucho with Guitar JDS C. Burt
Bank note: Argentina 50 pesos, PS488-490.
633 Arkansas Arms JDS J. Smillie
Bond: Little Rock RR 1883; Stock certificate: Little Rock, Mississippi River & Texas Rwy 1881.
635 [Sheep's Head] JDS J. Smillie
641 Sheep under the Onibu JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Argentina 5 pesos, PS1916, and Brazil 100 mil reis, PS553.
645 Sheep under the Oak JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Mexico 20 pesos, PS129.
Stock certificate: United States Worsted Co.
374 November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
No. Title Artist Engraver(s)
658 Arms of Iowa JDS H.L. Chorlton
Bonds: CBQ R 1881; Col. Fuel Co. 1889. Stock certificate: Buchtel Iron Co. 1880.
659 Depot JDS J. Smillie
Bond & stock certificate: Lake Shore & M.S. Rwy Co. 1879; 1880 (stock certificate).
660 Mount Hood JDS J. Smillie
Bond: Northern Pacific Rwy ca. 1870 and later. (This became their standard vignette.)
665 Steam, Infancy & Progress JDS J. Smillie
[Emblem: ships, sailing and steam, and train]
673 Golden Gate JDS (J.) Smillie
Bonds: California Redwood Co. 1883; Market Street Cable Rwy 1883.
Stock certificate: Emporium Corp. 1926.
677 Arms of Mississippi j DS (J.) Smillie
679 Lowell Water Works JDS J. Smillie
Bond: City of Lowell.
The New Depot, #682
682 The New Depot JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Banco Nacional del Paraguay 200 pesos (back), PS152.
Bonds: numerous railroads including Union Terminal Rwy Co. of the City of Buffalo, 1884.
684 Locomotive unknown JDS
Bank notes: Banco Mejicano 1 peso, PS146; Banco Nacional de Mexico 1 peso, PS255.
Bonds & stock certificates: numerous railroads including Michigan Central RR registered and coupon bond 1881.
688 Arms of Kansas JDS J. Smillie
Bonds: Atchison, Colorado & Pacific 1879; Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rwy 1880.
691 Union Dime Savings Bank N.Y. JDS J. Bannister
692 Arms of Colorado JDS JDS
Bond: Moose Mining Co. 1880. Stock certificate: Adams Mining Co. 1883.
693 Banco Trujillo [Peru Arms] JDS R. Hinshelwood
Bank note: Peru 1 sol, PS402 & PS414.
694 Arms of Ecuador JDS JDS
Bank notes: Banco del Ecuador 1883, 100 pesos, PS195A.
Bond: Banco de Credito Hipotecario 1882.
Bill of exchange: Banco de Quito 1879.
700 [Railroad] JDS JDS
Bonds: 1884: Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Rwy; Chicago, Freeport & St. Paul Rwy; Litchfield, Carrolton & Western RR.
704 [City of Boston Arms] JDS J. Smillie
706 Banco Franco Platense [Uruguay arms] unknown (JDS)
Bank notes: Uruguay 10 & 20 pesos, PS172 & 173.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 375
No. Title Artist Engraver(s)
707 West Virginia Arms JDS
G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
Coupon bonds: West Virginia & Central Pittsburgh Rwy 1881; General Refractories Co. 1916.
Stock certificates: West Virginia & Central Pittsburgh Rwy 1881; Chesapeake & Ohio RR 1885; Cook Inlet Coal Fields Co.
709 Argentine Republic [arms] JDS G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
Stock certificate: Banco Nacional 1881.
710 Progress JDS J. Smillie
(Two Indians on hill looking down at train.)
Coupon bonds: Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rwy Co. 1880; Denver Rio Grande Western Rwy Co. 1881; Kansas Pacific Rwy
Co. 1879, and many other bonds and stock certificates.
717 [Water Carrier] JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Peru 5 soles, PS313.
72 U77. Sol - Peru JDS G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
725 The Little joker JDS
G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
U.S. Postal Panel: for the Christmas stamp The Hobby Horse 18 Oct. 1978.
726 Illimani [mountain scene] JDS
J. Smillie
728 Valparaiso JDS G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
Coupon bond: Chile Municipalidad de Valaparaiso 1879.
730 Mule Train No. 2
J. Smillie
Bank note: Colombia 50 pesos, PS387.
Stock certificate: Bushwacker Mining Co. 1891.
731 Atlanta St. Raiul Road JDS G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
Ticket: Compania Urbana Parense 1892.
733 Arms of Valparaiso JDS
G.J. Verbeck, Sr.
Coupon bond: Chile, Municipilidad de Valparaiso 1879.
735 [Medallion] JDS
J. Smillie
Cincinnati Industrial Exposition Award 1872 (8 April 1872 in diary).
755 Lassoing Cattle No. 2 JDS
L. Delnoce
Bank note: Hawaiian Islands $10, Pl.
777 South American Ostrich Hunting JDS
J. Smillie
Bank note: Argentina 104, P6, Argentina, Banco Provincia de Santa Fe 10 pesos, PS816.
780 Locomotive JDS
J. Smillie
Coupon bonds 1882: Burlington & Ohio River Rwy 1882; Chicago & Northwestern Rwy.
Stock certificate: Chicago, Burlington & Quincy RR 1883. (Numerous uses of this subject.)
784 [FNB of NY trademark]
JDS J. Smillie
788 Trademark [FNB NY]
JDS J. Smillie
792 Salina, Kansas
JDS (from photo) J. Smillie
Draft: John Geis & Co.
796 Florida Arms JDS
J. Smillie
799 Llama Train No. 4 JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Argentina, Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires1886 (probably PS561).
800 Arms of Prov. of Santa Fe JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Banco de la Provincial de Santa Fe 1882 (probably PS826-835).
Reaper in S.A.
J. Smillie
Bank note: Nicaragua 5 pesos, PS108
802 [Steam thresher]
JDS H. Beckwith
808 [Eagle on Shield] JDS J. Smillie
810 Gaucho Lassoing (JDS)
J. Smillie & W.W. Rice
Bank note: Argentina 500 pesos, PS544.
November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY376
City of Tokio PMSS Co., #812
No. Tide Artist Engraver(s)
812 City of Tokio PMSS Co. (Steamship) JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Argentina 200 pesos, PS510 & PS543.
Stock certificate: Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 1879.
Coupon bond: Tehauntepec Inter-Ocean RR Co. 1880.
813 Arms of Alabama JDS J. Smillie
Coupon bond: State of Alabama 1880; East & West RR 1882; City of Mobile 1880.
Stock certificate: Georgia Pacific Rwy Co. 1882.
817 Montevideo [tanning hides] JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Uruguay 20 pesos, PA105.
826 Buckeye Reaper JDS J. Smillie
Coupon bond: Atchison, Colorado & Pacific Rwy 1879; NY, Lackawanna West Rwy 1880.
Stock certificate: Great Northern Rwy 1929.
828 Bacchus JDS F. Girsch
Bank note: Colombia 100 pesos, P218; Mexico 50 pesos, PS158. (See 29 June 1875)
833 [Horse's head] JDS J. Smillie
Coupon bond: Cleveland, Belt Line Rwy Co. 1890; California Fruit, Grain & Grazing Co. 1892.
849 Condor - Chile JDS J. Smillie
Bank note: Bolivia 1 bol., PS205; Colombia 1, 5, 1() & 20 pesos, PS521-525; Chile 10 & 20 pesos, PS334 & PS335.
Coupon bond: Oregon Rwy & Navigation Co. 1880.
852 Large Condor JDS
J. Smillie
Bank note: Banco Nacional de Chile 1882; Colombia 50 pesos, PS585.
853 [Arms of Chile] JDS G.F.C. Smillie
855 Illimani No. 2 JDS
J. Smillie
Bank note: Bolivia 100 bol., PS204.
The Harbor, #859
859 The Harbor [RR scene] JDS J. Smillie
Coupon bond: Atlantic & Pacific RR Co. 1886; Central Pacific RR Co.; Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern RR 1881 and others.
878 Bottom of the Shaft JDS Smillie
Bonds: Cahaba Coal Mining Co. 1884; Cameron Coal Co. 1883; Chicago & Northern Rwy Co. 1881; Spring Valley Coal Co. 1885.
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 377
Appreciation is extended to Brucia Witthoft, PhD, Mark
D. Tomasko for providing numerous illustrations, Walter
Allan, and to William Barrett for providing photos from the
ABNCo presentation book to Alexander, II, Emperor of
American Bank Note Archive Series. American Bank Note Co.
Commemoratives: Huntington, NY (1988, 1990, 1992).
American Bank Note Company engraving records.
American Bank Note Company Presentation Book to Imperial
Majesty Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, New York (1860).
(Note: This book is in the Hermitage in Moscow.)
Hessler, G. "Note-ables," Coin World. Amos Press: Sidney,
OH (1999).
Hessler, G. The Engraver's Line. Port Clinton, OH: BNR
Press (1993).
Morris, T.F. "James Smillie, the Pictorial Engraver," The
Essay-Proof Journal, Nos. 2, 4 & 5. The Essay-Proof
Society (1944 & 1945).
Pick. A. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, Vols. 1 and 2.
Iola, WI: Krause Pub. (1995, 1996).
Schneider, R. "The Career of James David Smillie," American
Art Journal. Vol. XVI. Archives of American Art:
Washington, DC. (Winter, 1984).
Smedley, G.B. "The Smillie Family: American Engravers and
Painters," The Numismatist, (July 1958) pp. 771-780.
Smillie, J.D., Diaries of. Archives of American Art:
Washington, DC. (1865-1909).
Witthoft, G. "The Story of James Smillie's Engraving after
Albert Bierstadt's The Rocky Mountain," The American Art
Journal, Vol. XIX, No. 2, (1987).
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
E-mail: Marblebert@aolcom
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378 November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
Every Short Snorter Has Its Own Tale(s) to Tell
By Colonel Bill Murray
TAM ALWAYS INTERESTED IN REFERENCESto Short Snorters. Mine, long lost and sadly so, con-
tained only three notes, but some interesting signatures.
The exact date of its inception, I'm unsure, but it was in
late 1942, early 1943. I was a passenger on board a
Gooney Bird from Milne Bay, British New Guinea to
Port Moresby. When we landed, I had to await trans-
portation and was taken by the crew (pilot and co-pilot)
to an officers' club near the strip.
They asked if I had my Short Snorter. I not only
did not have it, I
didn't know what
they were talking
about. They then
proceeded to tell
me that you were
"authorized" one
(maybe not their
exact words, but
close) when you
had crossed an
ocean in an Army
aircraft, and if you didn't have yours to show, you
bought a round of drinks.
I said,"I haven't crossed an ocean in an aircaft," and
they responded, "You just did. Order up." I did not
think following the coast of the Coral Sea off new
Guinea for 200 miles or so constituted "crossing an
ocean," but I was a ground pounder in their club, so I
ordered up.
Since then, I
have seen and
heard many rea-
sons for joining
the the "Short
Snorter" fraterni-
ty. However, I
am convinced the
real reason behind
all of the various
stories, is purely
and simply a desire to generate free drinks and espirit.
My first bill, as is often the case was a $1 U.S. That
was shortly followed by a 10 shilling Australian note,
and then a Dutch New Guinea, 1 guilder. Oddly
enough that was the end of my Short Snorter. What
happened to it I don't know, but the signatures included
General Douglas MacArthur, who signed it at a confer-
ence I attended, and Dick Bong, the first American Ace
to exceed Rickenbacker's aircraft kills. Bong ended up
with 40 kills of Japanese aircraft before they took him
out of combat for his protection only for him to die in
the U. S, test flying a P-80.
By Larry "Ski" Smulczenski
THAVE LOOKED AT THOUSANDS OF SHORT snorter notes over the years, and the number of
names that I could identify could be counted on my fin-
gers. Yes, I have seen some notes in auction catalogs
that have been signed by famous people like President
Franklin Roosevelt or General Dwight Eisenhower or
General George Patton. I even own one that was sold
to me by good friend R. A. Medina, a 1929 1 peso note
from the Philippines that it signed by C. L. Chennault
of Flying Tiger fame and three other military officers.
Were these others
members of the famed
Flying Tigers? Or since it
was a Philippine note could
it have been created by an
aircrew flying Chennault
from China to the
Philippines to meet with
MacArthur? If only the
note could tell its story!
Many of the names
that you recognize on notes
are entertainers who performed during USO shows for
the troops. Probably the person who autographed the
largest number of short snorters was the famous come-
dian Joe E. Brown. You can frequently find his name on
a note with some female names who were probably part
of the touring entourage.
One of the most interesting notes I've seen is
owned by Mike Payton who
wrote an article about the
note for the IBNS Journal.
It was signed by the crew of
the gunboat Panay sunk by
the Japanese on the Yangtze
But without a doubt
the "King of Short Snorter
Rolls" was owned by Grover
Criswell. I saw this thing
when Fred Schwan and I
visited Grover at his home a half dozen years or so ago.
I think Grover told us he bought it out of a New York
auction held by Stack's. It was tightly rolled and had to
be somewhere between 12 and 15 inches in diameter.
The total number of notes slips my mind, but it had to
be 400 to 500 notes with a length up to 200 feet long.
I spent about three hours looking for notable signa-
tures on the notes. The only one that I recognized was
Joe Kennedy, who was the older brother of President
John F. Kennedy. I wonder what happened to that roll?
Was it sold before Grover died, or did it go into the
specialized in Poland, Russia & E.Europe
ATS notes
Free Price List
Torn Sluszkiewicz
P.O.Box 54521, Middlegate Postal
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
Or It 0
, urihrth T.allar5
deb ark.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 379
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising — from members only — on a
basis of 15c per word (minimum charge of $3.75). Ad must be non-commercial
in nature.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis.
TRADE OR SELL $5 CH UNC 1929 National 906 Lexington, KY
Type 2 for your UNC National. Write Robert Marshall, 87 Jane Dr.,
St. Peters, MO 63376 (216)
CIVIL WAR ENCASED STAMPS rare ©1994 limited 1st edition,
unbound folios, antique oversize paper, autographed. Only $169.
Fred Reed, POB 118162, Carrollton, TX 7501 1-8 162 (216)
letes, merchant scrip, checks, postcards, etc. Bob Cochran, Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031. Life Member SPMC. (218)
through #150 (Nov/Dec 1990). Bob Cochran, Box 1085, Florissant,
MO 63031. Life Member SPMC. (218)
BANK/BANKING HISTORIES WANTED: 1 collect, sell and trade
bank histories. Whatcha got? Whatcha need? Bob Cochran, Box
1085, Florissant, MO 63031. Life Member SPMC. (218)
RUSSIAN AND WORLD BANK NOTES, Paper Collectibles and
Coins. Michael Haritonov, P.O. Box 1436, 40020 Sumy, Ukraine.
SPMC member. (218)
HELP A FELLOW COLLECTOR. I only need two issues of Paper
Money to complete my set (#133 J/F 1988 & #195 M/J 1998). If you
can help, please contact Fred Reed, e -mail: (A)
HELP ME TURN UP THESE NOTES. NB of Commerce of Dallas
#3985 ($5, $10 T2), and North Texas NB in Dallas #12736 ($10, $20
T1). Frank Clark, POB 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011-7060 (A)
SERIOUS COLLECTOR SEEKS Evansville, IN banking items, esp.
most large size nationals, post cards and collateral items. Thanks.
Dave Grant, 1229 Red Oak Plantation, Ballwin MO 63021 (A)
Completely revised, hardound, 224 pages. Underpriced at $69 post-
paid. Nelson Page Aspen, 420 Owen Rd, West Chester, PA 19380 (A)
Don't forget
Paper Money Authors
Receive a FREE 3-line word ad
Business College Currency For Sale
• Great Notes Still Remain! •
Chance of a lifetime • List $3 or free via e-mail
259 Notes, including 113 UNL, 103 R-7
250+ checks, stocks, stamps, etc.
Counterfeit detectors, scrapbooks,
stereoviews, 3 CWT (NY760A-1 d CN R-7)
Items to be illustrated in forthcoming series/book
Fred Reed
P.O. Box 118162
Carrollton, TX 75011-8162
e-mail: freed3@airmail.netL
380 November/December 2001 • Whole No. 216 • PAPER MONEY
An Index to Paper Money
Volume 40, 2001 / Numbers 2 ; 11-216
Compiled by George B. Tremmel
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
#I3 Was Lucky for Harry, Harry Forman, illus. 01 40 211 144
$120 to Baldy, $140 to Bushy, $120 to Baldy, Tom Denly, illus.
01 40 211 153
1985: SPMC Sponsors Cherry Hill Show, Bill Horton, illus.
01 40 211 58
A New Word For Our Fraternity, Gene Hessler. 01 40 211 86
A Society Tradition, Tom Bain Raffle Raises Funds and Fun,
Wendell Wolka, illus.
01 40 211 42
A Trial Listing: Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia, Fred L. Reed III, illus.
01 40 211 107
ABN Co. Provides SPMC Members With Unique ID Cards,
Fred L. Reed III, illus. 01 40 211 30
BEP Visit Led to Lifelong Paper Money Affair, Nathan Goldstein II, illus.
01 40 211 155
Bill Donlon Was Memorable, Charles Kemp 01 40 211 158
Congratulations SPMC, James N. Treadaway 01 40 211 136
Dealers With Whom I Have Dealt, Dewitt G. Prather, illus.
01 40 211 146
Did You Hear the One About the Traveling Salesman from Iowa?,
Ron Horstman, illus. 01 40 211 153
Directories Controversial 01 40 211 87
Earlier Days of Collecting: Personalities and Occurrences, Neil Shafer, illus.
01 40 211 89
Happy Anniversary SPMC, David M. Sundman 1)1 40 211 136
History in Your Hand, John T. Hickman 01 40 211 152
How I Was Inspired to Seek to Put the Motto IGWT on Our Currency,
Matt Rothert, Sr., illus. 01 40 211 140
How the First Five SPMC Member #s Were Assigned, George W. Wait
01 40 211 8
How the SPMC Logo Came to Be, Brent Hughes, illus. 01 40 211 18
How the SPMC Logo Came to Be, Forrest Daniel, illus. 01 40 211 18
John Hickman Knew 'Itch Would Return', Tom Snyder 01 40 211 152
Just Who was D.C. Wismer Anyway?, Ted Hammer 01 40 211 50
Let's See What Hessler Says, David Ray Arnold 01 40 211 86
Let's Take the Time to Record Some of These Happenings,
Roman L. Latimer, illus. 01 40 211 135
Longs to Make It to Memphis, Ralph Osborn, illus. 01 40 211 144
Longtime SPMC Members Share Their Recollections, Joe Lasser, I loward
Schein, Robert Hendershott, Milton Friedberg, & Warren Henderson.
01 40 211 147
Magazine Brings Back Memories to Former Editor, Barbara Mueller
01 40 211 158
Many Early SPMC Members Still Active in Hobby and Society.
01 40 211 11
Membership Milestones 01 40 211 15
Our Membership: Who Were We? Who Are We Now?,
Fred L. Reed III, illus. 01 40 211 34
Paper Money Salutes Longtime Advertisers 01 40 211 72
President's Column: Welcome to SPMC's 40th Year 1961-2001,
Frank Clark 01 40 211 3
Remembering Early Paper Money Collectors I Knew, Robert H. Lloyd, illus.
01 40 211 134
Remembering 'Mr. In God We Trust': Matt Rothert, Fred L. Reed III, illus.
01 40 211 138
Remembering the International Branch of the SPMC Tree,
Peter Robin, illus. 01 40 211 136
Reminiscences Are Sweet for Many SPMC Vets, Gary Hacker, Gene Hessler,
John Glynn, & Q. David Bowers. 01 40 211 151
Sends His Regards, Jeffery L. Goodall 01 40 211 92
Society Awards Have Taken a Number of Forms Over the Years,
David D. Gladfelter, illus. 01 40 211 102
Society Honors Authors, Exhibitors, Recruiters and Workers,
Fred L. Reed III, illus. 01 40 211 98
Society Magazine Paper Money Thrives for Four Decades, Fred L. Reed III,
illus. 01 40 211 38
Society of Paper Money Collectors Celebrates 40 Years of Collecting/
Camaraderie, Bob Cochran, illus. 01 40 211 5
Some Reflections on SPMC and Paper Money Collecting, Larry Adams, illus.
01 40 211 148
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
Some Society Officers Chalked Up Lengthy Service 01 40 211 91
SPMC & TAMS Share STM & OPMC Heritage, Medal, Dr. George Fuld,
illus. 01 40 211 10
SPMC Award Winners and Honorees, 1961-2001, Bob Cochran, Gene
Hessler, George Tremmel & Fred Reed III. 01 40 211 94
SPMC Helped Him Start Out, and Other Remembrances, Harry Jones,
Bruno Rzepka, John A. Parker & Robert C. Wagner 01 40 211 142
SPMC Memories: Reminiscences of Some Ragpickers, Wayne Homren,
Frank Clark and Dennis Forgue. 01 40 211 154
SPMC Officers, Project Chairmen, Award Winners, 1961-2001 Bob
Cochran, Gene Hessler & Fred L. Reed Hi. 01 40 211 103
SPMC Officers, 1961-2001, Bob Cochran 01 40 211 88
SPMC Privately Issued Souvenir Card, Mike Bean 01 40 211 130
SPMC Publishing Efforts Span 34 Years, 20 Books, Bob Cochran,
Fred L. Reed III, illus. 01 40 211 50
SPMC Salutes Longtime Members. 01 40 211 82
SPMC Service Has Its Grins, C. John Ferreri 01 40 211 106
SPMC Supplied Me Info, Lloyd Deierling 01 40 211 152
SPMC Thanks Our Sponsors and Patrons 01 40 211 4
Thanks for All the Memories & the Education, Fred L. Reed III, illus.
01 40 211 156
Thanks to All the Members, Donald L. Benson 01 40 211 106
That's The Way It Was, Hank Bieciuk 01 40 211 8
The Big Spender, Peter Huntoon, illus. 01 40 211 143
The Early Days of SPMC, Forrest W Daniel. 01 40 211 150
The Olden Days of Paper Money Collecting, Steve Whitfield.
01 40 211 134
Three Year SPMC Statement of Operations, Mark Anderson, SPMC
Treasurer 01 40 211 132
Top Recruiters One Key to Society Growth 01 40 211 35
Tucked Away Brown Back Is One of Life's Prizes, Robert R Andrews.
01 40 211 89
University Stint Led to Lifelong Affection for Things U.S,
Harold Don Allen, illus. 01 40 211 150
Adams, Larry. Some Reflections on SPMC and Paper Money Collecting, illus.
01 40 211 148
Allen, Harold Don.
Canadian Journey Notes Launch a New Century, illus. 01 40 215 338
University Stint Led to Lifelong Affection for Things U.S, illus.
01 40 211 150
Anderson, Mark., SPMC Treasurer.
Three Year SPMC Statement of Operations 01 40 211 132
Andrews, Robert R.
Tucked Away Brown Back Is One of Life's Prizes. 01 40 211 89
Arnold, David Ray. Let's See What Hessler Says 01 40 211 86
Aspen, Nelson Page. There Can Be Beauty, illus. 01 40 215 315
Bank Counter Robber, Bob Cochran 01 40 214 247
His Distinguishing Mark, Bob Cochran 01 40 212 186
John Ohlmsted, Bob Cochran, illus. 01 40 212 186
National Bank of Commerce in St. Louis Bob Cochran 01 40 214 247
Posted Poem Recites Seven Ages of a Banker, Frank Clark, illus.
01 40 214 250
Sign Check with Thumb, Bob Cochran 01 40 214 247
The Accommodations Bank, Bob Cochran 01 40 214 247
When Extremes Meet, Bob Cochran, illus. 01 40 214 247
Barrett. L. S. & Gene Hessler.
A Gift Fit for a Czar: An ABNCo Presentation Book, illus.
01 40 215 319
Bean, Mike. SPMC Privately Issued Souvenir Card, illus. 01 40 211 130
Benson, Donald L. Thanks to All the Members 01 40 211 106
Bieciuk, Hank. That's The Way It Was 01 40 211 8
Boling, Joseph. More Thoughts on Short Snorters, illus. 01 40 216 394
Brase, David A., Ph.D. Predicting the Possible Existence of Unreported
National Currency, illus. 01 40 212 180
A Singular Specimen: Emergency Currency of 1907, Ron Horstman, illus.
01 40 214 267
Clark, Frank. About Texas Mostly:
A Low Numbered Pair, illus. 01 40 212 184
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