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Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
VOL. XLI, No. 6
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The Strasburg Currency and Stock and Bond Show
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r.U Ii1P41 111 X667334H
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Show Information:
Kevin Foley - R.M. Smythe
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Hotel Reservations:
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call 800-233-0121 and ask for the
special $82 Strasburg Currency and
Stock & Bond Show rate.
The Strasburg Stock, Bond and Currency Show
February 7-9, 2003
The Historic Strasburg Inn, One Historic Drive, Strasburg, PA 17579
Thursday, February 6, 2-6 pm
(Professional Preview, $25)
Friday, February 7, 10 am-6 pm
Saturday, February 8, 10 am-6 pm
Sunday, February 9, 10 am-1 pm
A three-day pass valid Friday-Sunday is $5 - Children 16 and under are FREE
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Show Information:
Kevin Foley - R.M. Smythe
P.O. Box 370650, Milwaukee, WI 53237
(414) 421-3498 Fax (414) 423-0343
Hotel Reservations:
To reserve a room at the Historic Strasburg Inn,
at our special rate of $94 call 800-872-0201
and advise the agent that you are
attending the Stock & Bond Show.
Visit the R.M. Smythe & Co. website:
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper
Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage
is paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send
address changes to Secretary Tom Minerley, P.O.
Box 7155, Albany, NY 12224-0155
0 Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2002.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in
whole or in part, without express written permis-
sion, is prohibited.
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cific issue cannot be guaranteed. Include an SASE
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Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper
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The author's name, address and telephone num-
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Full page 360 1000 1800
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Quarter page 90 250 450
Eighth page 45 125 225
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SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
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error occurs upon prompt notification. •
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 337
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLI, No. 6
Whole No. 222 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2002
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Brown Back Varieties, NB of Commerce in New York 339
By Peter Huntoon
The Raphael P. Thian Confederate Currency Collection 347
By George B. Tremmel
Who Am I? Can You Help Identify Any of These Currency Portraits? . 351
By Fred Reed
Is Wilson Scrip Remnant of a Civil War Ponzi Scheme? . 360
By Libero Zampieri
Canadians Extend New Series & Tradition of Bank Note Excellence .. 380
By Harold Don Allen
Important Announcement
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines already issued
in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1 will have their dues
paid through December of the following year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of
the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. Therefore if you
joined the Society PRIOR to October 1, 2002, and have not sent in your 2003 dues
with the envelope enclosed in your last issue of Paper Money, your subscription to this
magazine will EXPIRE with this issue. Please take a few moments to renew your mem-
bership and/or donate to one of the publication funds listed on it. Thank you.
Information & Officers 338
Wanted One Volunteer to Serve as Ad Manager for PM 345
An Index to Paper Money, Vol. 41, 2002 Nos. 217-222 358
Compiled by George B. Tremmel
3rd Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize Official Announcement . .364
Wismer State Catalogs, General Guidelines for Authors 366
By Steve Whitfield, Wismer Project Coordinator
Paper Money Takes Top ANA & NLG Laurels in NYC 368
SPMC Annual Board Meeting Minutes 370
President's Column 376
By Frank Clark
New Members 378
Librarian's Report 382
By Bob Schreiner
Editor's Notebook 382
Advertiser's Index 383
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Junior mem-
bership numbers will be preceded by the letter "j," which will be
removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual clues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
the world add $10. Life membership — payable in installments
within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800
elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with issuing annual mem-
bership cards, but paid up members may obtain one from the
Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members
who join after October 1 will have their dues paid through
December of the following year; they also receive, as a bonus, a
copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which
they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper Money.
Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX
VICE-PRESIDENT Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 569,
Dublin, OH 43017
SECRETARY Tom Minerley, P.O. Box 7155, Albany, NY
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149,
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-
Steven K. Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant,
MO 63031
Hollander, 406 Viduta PI, Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX (803) 432-9958
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
Brown Back Plate Varieties for the
National Bank of Commerce
In New York
rich trove of plate varieties found on the Series of 1882 issues for
The National Bank of Commerce in New York, New York (#733).
This remarkable suite of varieties was created because the huge
emission from the bank required the use of many plates. The 20-year period
between 1885 and 1904, during which this bank issued Series of 1882 notes,
spanned the most fertile period of innovations in plate manufacture, so the
plates reflect both major and many minor changes.
by Peter Huntoon
The National Bank of Commerce in New York was one of the largest
note issuing banks in the country. Among its milestones, it was the only bank
in the country to utilize the Original Series and Series of 1875 500-500-500-
500 and 1000-1000-1000-1000 plate combinations. Later it became the first
bank to reach bank serial 1,000,000 on a sheet combination when the one mil-
lionth 5-5-5-5 Series of 1902 Date Back was numbered on September 9, 1913.
The Series of 1882 Brown Back issues for the bank were impressive as
well. They involved 679,000 5-5-5-5 sheets, 396,600 10-10-10-20s, and 12,133
50-100s totaling $35,229,950. This volume required numerous replacement
plates that were rife with varieties.
Table 1 lists all the Series of 1882 face plate varieties for the bank.
The Smithsonian proofs reveal that three different title blocks were used
on the 5-5-5-5 combination, the largest number for any bank in the country.
In addition, the first comes with two placements of the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing imprint, yielding a total of four $5 varieties. Similarly, there were
four varieties for the 10-10-10-20 combination. Features that changed where:
(1) title blocks; (2) the arrangement of the counters and charter number in the
top left border of the $10 subjects; (3) the placement of the Bureau imprint;
and (4) addition of hidden stars. The final title blocks on both the 5-5-5-5 and
10-10-10-20 plates were identical. They were adopted in 1902, giving a uni-
form appearance to the last of the low denomination Brown Back issues.
The early $5 Brown Backs have always been popular among collectors for
the artistic flair and innumerable variations found in the title blocks. Those
with the most unusual layouts, and layouts with quaint designs, are also charac-
terized by treasury signatures that are stacked one above the other to the left of
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340 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
At top: First $5 title block with Bureau
imprint in the upper right corner.
Above: First $5 title block with
Bureau logo in lower border.
the bank title. The stacked signature varieties were used for plates designed
prior to the end of January, 1887. The 5-5-5-5 A-B-C-D plate for The
National Bank of Commerce was such a plate, having been completed in
January, 1885. It also sports the early placement of the Bureau imprint
(Bureau, Engraving & Printing) in small letters just inside the upper right bor-
der in the small space to the right of the treasury serial number.
The A-B-C-D plate wore out in May, 1893, and was replaced by E-F-G-
H, which also utilized stacked signatures. However, the Bureau imprint was
relocated to the center of the lower border thus creating a second variety.
Series of 1882 $5 face plates ordered by new banks after the middle of
November, 1886, were fundamentally redesigned. Most noticeable were: (1) a
rearrangement of the treasury signatures to an in-line position above the bank
title; and (2) adoption of considerably more uniform styles for the layout of the
bank titles. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing began a systematic, but
slow, program to replace the stacked signature plates for existing banks with in-
line substitutes. When the E-F-G-H 5-5-5-5 stacked plate for The National
Bank of Commerce wore out in 1896, Bureau personnel seized the opportunity
to replace it with such an in-line variety.
The motivation was that by 1886, Bureau of Engraving and Printing per-
sonnel began to consider the early $5 Brown Back title layouts to be inferior.
Edward 0. Graves, Chief of the Bureau, summarized this position in a letter
dated April 25, 1888, to J. Abrahams, Deputy Comptroller of the Currency,
explaining the preparation of a new plate for a Kansas bank:
...the change in the plate...was made for the reason that the engraving of the
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 341
At top: Second $5 title block. Also
notice the redesigned hollow charter
numbers in the border.
Above: Third $5 title block.
title...was inferior and inartistic, being produced by the patent lettering
process, and that a new plate engraved in a more artistic style was prepared,
not as a favor to the bank, but for the credit of this Bureau. This course has
been pursued at the discretion of the officers of the Bureau to the extent that
the state of the work permitted with those national bank notes plates on which
the lettering was conspicuously inferior (Bureau of Engraving and Printing,
various dates-b).
Consequently, the I-J-K-L for The National Bank of Commerce made in
August, 1896, had a totally new look. It sported in-line treasury signatures and
a new title block. Two minor changes were also made: (1) hollow charter
numbers replaced the smaller, solid numbers used previously within the bor-
ders; and (2) the plate letters were moved to an outward position. The new
plate carried the identical plate date and treasury signatures as its predecessors,
respectively January 14, 1885 (date of extension) and Bruce-Wyman. The next
four plates were the same. A careful reading of Table 1 reveals that M-N-O-P
was approved a year after Q-R-S-T. The explanation is unknown; it could rep-
resent a mistake in assigning the letters, or a delay in completing the plate.
A third, even more modern, title block was used when the Bureau pre-
pared the 7th plate (AA-B B-CC-D D) in July, 1902. This title block also was
used on the 5th 10-10-10-20 plate made at the same time. Consequently the
last six 5 5 5 5 and last three 10-10-10-20 faces had uniform title blocks. This
layout has a turn-of-the-century look wherein the earlier artistic flairs are gone.
The plate date and treasury signatures again were left unchanged as was cus-
tomary for replacement plates.
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342 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
At top: First $10 title block with upper
left border counters arranged as:
10 -TEN-10-charter number-TEN-10.
The 3rd 10-10-10-20 plate is identical.
Above: First $10 title block with
upper left border counters arranged in
the scarcer format:
10-TEN-charter number-10-TEN-10.
An infrequently used arrangement of the counters inside the top left bor-
der on the $10 subjects on some early Series of 1882 10-10-10-20 plates reads:
10-TEN-charter number-10-TEN-10,
whereas the more common variety is:
10-TEN-10-charter number-TEN-10.
Doug Walcutt advised that the last use he observed of the scarcer variety was
on a proof bearing an approval date of August 18, 1893.
Comparison between the two arrange-
ments for the border counters. The
last observed use of the 10-TEN-char-
ter number-10-TEN-10 variety was on
a plate approved for use August 12,
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 343
Oddly, the second (D-E-F-B) 10-10-10-20 plate for The National Bank
of Commerce carries the scarce variety. It was one of the last made with the
variety, being approved for use August 12, 1893. All the rest of the plates have
the common arrangement. Consequently, the style and placement of all ele-
ments on the first and third plates are identical.
Many early Series of 1882 10-10-10-20 faces made from American Bank
Note Company rolls were altered or replaced as the series wore on. The early
plates had the American Bank Note Company logo in the center of the bottom
border, and the words "Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing, U. S.
Treasury Dept" in small letters inside either the upper left or upper right bor-
der depending on whether the note was a $10 or $20. When the plates were
altered or replaced, the Bureau logo was substituted for the bank note company
logo in the lower border, and the "Printed at the Bureau, Engraving and
Printing, U. S. Treasury Dept" was removed. The title layout on many
replacement plates was totally redesigned as well.
No 10-10-10-20 plates for The National Bank of Commerce were
altered. Rather the conversion to varieties with the Bureau logo in the lower
border took place with the manufacture of the J-K-L-D replacement in 1901.
The title block was not changed at this time.
Hidden stars were incorporated into the border designs on 10-10-10-20
Series of 1882 proofs approved on or after April 16, 1900. No one has discov-
ered the significance of the stars, but whatever led to their use represented an
abrupt occurrence. The last proof observed without the stars was approved on
April 18th, 2 days after they first appeared. The hidden stars occur on the J-K-
L-D plate for The National Bank of Commerce, which was made in 1901.
At top: First $10 title block with
Bureau imprint in the bottom border,
and hidden stars. NBCstarl 0 &
Above: Second $10 title block. Also
notice the hollow charter numbers in
the border.
Below: Details showing the locations of
the hidden stars found on plates
approved on or after April 16, 1900.
The significance of the stars is unknown.
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344 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Only title block used on the $50 and
$100 denominations. The plate was
never modified by removing the
American Bank Note Company
imprint and moving the Bureau logo.
The G-H-I-C plate, approved April 3, 1900, missed having them by less than
two weeks.
The 5th 10-10-10-20 plate (M-N-O-E) was approved July 31, 1902, the
same day as the 7th 5-5-5-5 plate (AA-BB-CC-D D). The title block on it was
the same modernized version used on the 5-5-5-5. Hollow charter numbers
replaced the solid numbers in the borders on the 10-10-10-20, making them
consistent with the $5s.
50-100 PLATE
Only one 50-100 plate was made for the bank, a plate approved on
January 9, 1885. The title block on the plate is typical of designs produced by
the American Bank Note Company for the Original Series $50s and $100s. It
was produced from rolls made from American Bank Note Company dies. This
plate was never modified by removing the American Bank Note Company
logo, or moving the Bureau imprint.
Large banks offer innumerable opportunities for variety collecting
because the huge emissions from them required numerous replacement plates.
Major and minor changes in successive plates reflect evolving practices in plate
manufacture. Three different title blocks were used on the $5 Series of 1882
Brown Back face plates for The National Bank of Commerce in New York
(733), a number that was otherwise unprecedented. The first comes with two
placements of the Bureau imprint. Two title blocks were used on the 10-10-
10-20 Brown Back faces. The first is accompanied by variations in border
counters and logos, and eventually the use of hidden stars.
If you desire a challenge, select a large metropolitan bank and concen-
trate on one series issued by it. Starting with plate varieties, add in other fea-
tures that interest you such as charter number placements, use or non-use of
geographic letters, use or non-use of treasury serials, engraved bank signatures,
different bank signatures, or various types of backs, even including different
state seals made for some states for the Brown Backs, and you will have a life-
time collecting pursuit.
The research leading to this article was partially supported by the National
Numismatic Collections, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, DC. The assistance of James Hughes, Museum
Specialist, is gratefully acknowledged. Doug Walcutt reviewed this article
before he died in January 2001, and pointed out the two varieties for the
Bureau imprint on 5-5-5-5 plates with the first title layout and the border
counter variety on the second 10-10-10-20 plate.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4 3/4 x 3 3/4 $18.50 $33.50 $150.00 $260.00
Colonial 5 1/2 x 3 1 /16 19.00 35.00 160.00 290.00
Small Currency 6 5/8 x 2 7/s 19.50 37.50 165.00 310.00
Large Currency 7 7/8 x 3 1 /2 22.00 41.00 184.00 340.00
Auction 9 x 3 3/4 24.00 44.00 213.00 375.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
Checks 9 5/a x 4 1 /4 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8 3/4 x 14 1 /2 $14.00 $61.00 $100.00 $226.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8 1/2 x 17 1 /2 15.00 66.00 110.00 248.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9 1/2 x 12 1/2 13.50 59.00 94.00 212.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18 x 24 54.00 235.00 385.00 870.00
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advertised in
Paper Money
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 345
A New Standard Catalog
from the author of Civil War Encased Stamps
So you're not Friedberg, nor Hessler, nor Kelly, nor
Newman, nor Pick, nor Krause, nor Criswell
Fred L. Reed III doesn't claim he is either
But Fred has penned numismatic classics in the past and Show Me
the Money: The Standard Catalog of Motion Picture, TV, Stage &
Advertising Prop Money is destined to be another one. This 660-
page, ground-breaking catalog of 1,800 never-before-listed notes
will to appeal to movie fans, libraries, and paper money collectors
alike for years to come. You can bet it will be good!
Now YOU, too, can leave YOUR mark on paper money collecting.
How? YOU can have YOUR name on this new reference work as
its Co-author! Imagine YOUR name on the cover of a paper
money classic! This is a limited-time patronage opportunity, so
you must act now. For a fee of only $ X5,000, you can secure
YOUR numismatic legacy for all time. Write Robert F. Welch,
Agent, 2433 NW 48th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73112
One Volunteer
to serve as Ad Manager
for Paper Money
This is an important, but not time-consuming posi-
tion. Successful applicant should be organized,
service-oriented, and a strict respecter of deadlines.
Computer skills and internet access mandatory. Ad
manager will be responsible to send out annual ad
renewal billings and follow up with clients.
Graphic arts skills helpful, but not mandatory.
Good rapport with paper money dealers is VERY
helpful. This is NOT a high pressure sales job;
however, initiative and good follow through in pre-
senting Paper Money's positive sales message to
prospective clients is required. Ad Manager will
work with the Editor to assure timeliness of ads,
payments, and other details as assigned. If you
can help your Society and help your Society's
Journal continue to meet members' needs, have the
time, and the right stuff, contact the Editor now.
Table 1. Series of 1882 Brown Back 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 plate varieties for The National Bank of Commerce in New York, NY
(733). Data from Bureau of Engraving and Printing (various dates-a,c).
Plate Date Plate
Date Plate
Letters Approved
1st title layout, stacked signatures, BEP imprint inside upper right border, plate letters inward,
bers in lined field:
A-B-C-D Jan 8, 1885
1st title layout, stacked signatures, BEP logo in lower border, plate letters inward, ornate solid
May 25, 1893
2nd title layout, in-line signatures, BEP logo in lower border, plate letters outward, hollow cha
I-J-K-L Aug 26, 1896
M-N-O-P Jan 22, 1900
Q-R-S-T Jan 24, 1899
May 27, 1901
3rd title layout (same as 2nd 10-10-10-20 layout), in-line signatures, BEP logo in lower border,
low charter numbers in solid field:
Jul 31, 1902
Aug 5, 1902
Jun 27, 1903
Jul 8, 1903
QQ-RR-Ss-TT Sep 16, 1903
Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx Jun 24, 1904
ornate solid charter num-
Nov 19, 1894
charter numbers in lined
Jan 25, 1897
rter numbers in solid field:
Nov 9, 1901
Feb 26, 190P
May 27, 1901
Aug 4, 1902
plate letters outward, hol-
Jun 29, 1903
Sep 17, 1903
Jun 25, 1904
Apr 12, 1905a
Apr 12, 1905a
Apr 12, 1905a
1st title layout, BEP imprint inside upper border, 10-TEN-10-733-TEN-10 in upper right border on $10s, ornate solid char-
ter numbers in lined field:
A-B-C-A Jan 9, 1885
Nov 19, 1894
1st title layout, BEP imprint inside upper border, 10-TEN-733-10-TEN-10 in upper right border on $10s, ornate solid char-
ter numbers in lined field:
Aug 12, 1893 Mar 29, 1901
Same as A-B-C-A plate:
G-H-I-C Apr 3, 1900 Mar 29, 1901
1st title layout, BEP logo in lower border, ornate solid charter numbers in lined field, hidden stars:
J-K-L-D Mar 27, 1901
Aug 4, 1902
2nd title layout (same as 3rd 5-5-5-5 layout), BEP logo in lower border, hollow charter numbers in solid field, hidden
Jul 31, 1902
Apr 12, 1905a
Aug 5, 1902
Apr 12, 1905a
Jun 4, 1904
Apr 12, 1909
Title layout similar to 10-10-10-20 A-B-C-A plate, BEP imprint inside upper border, ornate solid charter numbers in lined
A-A Jan 9, 1885
Apr 12, 1909
a. The date of cancellation was omitted from the ledger; date shown is when the plate was destroyed. The corporate life of the bank
was extended on January 14, 1905, hence the plates destroyed on April 12, 1905, were rendered obsolete.
346 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates-a, Certified Proofs from U. S.
National Bank Note Face Plates: National Numismatic Collections,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates-b, Correspondence To and
From the Bureau of Engraving and Printing: U. S. National Archives,
College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates-c, National Bank Note Face
Plate History Ledgers: U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, various dates, National Currency and Bond
Ledgers for Individual National Banks: U.S. National Archives, College
Park, MD.
Walcutt, D., "Varieties on National Bank Notes, part 21," The Rag Picker,
Paper Money Collectors of Michigan (v. 34, no. 1, 1999), p. 17-39.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 347
The Raphael P. Thian
Confederate Currency Collection
By George B. Tremmel
of recently captured Confederate Government documents were sent
, . from Richmond to Washington. At that time, Federal authorities
i were trying to determine whether or not former Confederate
President Jefferson Davis was part of the Lincoln assassination conspiracy and
hoped to discover a paper trail. When they did not, the "Rebel Archives" were
dispersed to various locations around the city for storage.
Raphael P. Thian
The documents pertaining to the Confederate Treasury Department
were made available to the Adjutant General's Office and, for the next 40 years,
also were available to its Chief Clerk, Raphael P. Thian. A French-born immi-
grant Thian served in the pre Civil War U. S. Army rising to the rank of
sergeant. In November, 1861 he joined the Adjutant General's Office as a
civilian Clerk second class. In 1871 he became its Chief Clerk and spent much
of his time during the years from 1867 to 1881 researching the financial history
of the Confederacy. After 1881, his official research task ended. He continued
his studies during his leisure time for the rest of his life.
Driven by his strongly held belief that "the history of the purse is as valu-
able as that of the sword," Thian's research focused on two subjects. The first
was the official correspondence of the Confederate Treasury Department. To
that end Thian transcribed and collated, into four volumes, the incoming and
out going Confederate Treasury Department correspondence and reports.
These letters contain a wealth of information on the clay to day operation of
the Department as it managed (and, as some claim, mismanaged) the Financial
affairs of the Confederacy.
The second task undertaken by Thian was to assemble and catalog speci-
mens of as many of the varieties of Confederate currency as he could discover.
348 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
The product of his work can been seen today in the form of five extensive ref-
erence albums of Confederate and Southern states currency, bonds and related
material. Thian's ready access to the large and varied repository of notes also
enabled him to prepare his widely used Register of the Confederate Debt. This
originally obscure work became better known after its reprint in 1972. It is
now a key tool used by CSA currency collectors to help validate a Confederate
note's genuineness by referencing the index of serial number to note signer
While the Confederate Treasury hoard provided Thian with the
Confederate currency for the albums he compiled for his research, these notes
also were the source material for other albums he prepared. At the request of
government agencies and patriotic organizations, Thian prepared a number of
albums for presentation to selected recipients, such as visiting dignitaries and
retiring Army generals. These presentation albums are now highly prized by
collectors whenever they become available.
Acquisition by Duke University
Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke University's Perkins Library
possesses, among its many holdings, an extensive accumulation of Southern
memorabilia - the George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection of
Southern Americana. Started in the late 1920s, this collection has grown to
include a wide-ranging array of items focused on the recorded history of the
South as revealed by manuscripts, letters, books, maps, music, pamphlets,
broadsides, newspapers, photographs, engravings and prints. From 1938 to
1948, Duke University history professor Robert H. Woody served as director
of the Flowers Collection.
In late October 1944, the Duke History Department was contacted by
Philip Thian, son of Raphael, who initially offered to sell some of the notes in
his father's collection. Apparently at this time, many years after his father's
death in 1911, the younger Thian was slowly sorting through his father's pos-
sessions. The letter came to Dr. Woody who replied and asked if Philip was
related to Raphael Thian. In a second letter dated November 7, 1944, Philip
replied that he was and offered to sell one of his father's albums. He described
the largest album to Dr. Woody and mentioned his desire that it find a good
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 349
"I am the son of Raphael P. Thian long since deceased, whom you mention in
your letter...."
"I also have an Album containing samples arranged by series, designs and years
of all the notes issued by the Confederate Treasury. This is a very complete, if
not the most complete set of Confederate notes in existence, covering the
issues from $0.50 to $1,000. This work deserves a place in some such institute
as yours."
"The amount of work involved in collecting and arranging this very large
number of notes, covered his leisure time & holidays, nights & Sundays for
over 30 years. A life long hobby of his."
(signed) P.E. Thian
Over the next six months, as Philip Thian uncovered more and more of
his father's currency albums, he continued to offer them to Dr. Woody. By
late April 1945, the five albums compiled by Raphael Thian for his personal
study, as well as other books and papers, were finally in the possession of the
Though the Thian Collection lacks specimens of a few of the rarest
Confederate notes, notably the early Montgomery and Richmond issues, in
terms of the variety and quality of it contents, it is unique. Despite Philip
Thian's above claim, however, that the collection included the $1,000 note, it is
not there today.
The Raphael P. Thian Collection
Since Raphael Thian could carefully choose from the entire hoard of cap-
tured notes and bonds, the high quality specimens he selected portrayed a wide
range of the major and minor note varieties within Confederate note types.
The albums present examples of more than 380 individual note signatures,
sheets of currency, watermark differences, contemporaneous counterfeits and
rare and odd varieties.
As for magnitude, a 1998 inventory of the Thian albums, by this author
revealed its extensiveness. In aggregate, the five albums contain 3,224 pieces of
currency and 458 bonds issued by the Confederacy, Southern states and local
governments. Additionally, the albums contain 294 notes issued by private
banks, insurance companies and railroads. (The private currency circulated
prior to and during the War, along with the paper money issued by national
and state governments. These notes usually were accepted, often at a discount,
only by people who trusted the reputation of the issuer.)
Today, the Confederate cataloging system used by a majority of, but cer-
350 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
tainly not all, collectors is the one popularized by the late Grover Criswell.
Criswell based his system on the plate varieties described and listed by a noted
predecessor, William West Bradbeer, an early twentieth century historian and
cataloger. The Bradbeer/Criswell cataloging and numbering system owes
much of its organizational and descriptive content to the early efforts of
Raphael Thian. The importance of his collection as a research source is signif-
icant and is clearly reflected in the details of today's Confederate currency cata-
logs and reference books.
Now located in the Perkins Library's Special Collections Library, the
collection which includes the previously mentioned volumes of Confederate
Treasury Department correspondence, rivals the National Archives in the rich-
ness of its material on the financial history of the Confederacy. The following
briefly summarizes the contents of the five Thian albums:
Book 768: Obsolete Bank Notes, Miscellaneous Bank Notes 1838-1864,
200 pages. Contents: 200 notes, most of which are prewar or early war years.
Book 769: CSA Note Index (Working Album), Confederate Notes with
Descriptions of Emblems 1861-64, 145 pages. Contents: 159 notes; 104 gen-
uine, 55 counterfeit. This album contains the extremely rare CT-35 Indian
Princess counterfeit. In the back of this album are Thian's tables summarizing
quantities, series and dates of the various CSA issues. This information was
probably compiled in preparation of the data presented in his Register of the
Confederate Debt.
Book 770: Confederate Notes & Bonds (Master Album), Notes and
Bonds 1861-1865, 646 pages. Contents: 2,889 CSA notes, 88 state and local
notes, 6 private issues and 171 bonds, stocks and miscellaneous material. This
huge album has sections entitled:
General Issues Bonds, Stocks and Checks
Oddities Miscellaneous
Counterfeits State Notes and Bonds
Reissued Notes Autographs of Note Signers
Note Sheets
Book 771: CSA Treasury Bonds 1861-1864, 216 pages. Contents: 287
Confederate and Southern State bonds, stock certificates and checks.
Unnumbered Portfolio: CSA Note Signers, Male and Female
Signatures, 23 pages. Contents: 176 notes that present autograph specimens of
the treasury note signers.
The author is grateful to the staff of Duke University's Perkins Library -
Special Collections Library for their assistance and patience. Special thanks go
to Dr. Linda Mc Curdy, Director of Research Services and William R. Erwin,
Jr., Senior Reference Librarian, now retired.
Ball, Douglas B. Forward to reprint of Register of Confederate Debt by Raphael
P. Thian. Boston: Quarterman Publications (1972).
Bradbeer, William West. Confederate and Southern State Currency. Chicago:
reprint of 1915 publication by R. Green (1945).
Chase, Philip H. Confederate Treasury Notes. Philadelphia: Published by the
Author (1947).
Criswell, Grover C. Comprehensive Catalog of Confederate Paper Money. Port
Clinton, OH: BNR Press (1996).
Thian, Philip E. Correspondence between Philip E. Thian and Dr. Robert H.
Woody, Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC (October 24,
1944 - April 26, 1945).
Tremmel, George B. It, Too, Passed -- The Counterfeit Currency of the
Confederate States. Raleigh, NC: McFarland Publishing Co. (2002).
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
IZMINAN 14 10'1'V 121:i
Who Am I?
Can You Help Identify Any of These
Baffling Currency Portraits?
By Fred Reed
than a quarter century ago now, I con-
ducted a research project for one of the
annual editions of the Coin World
Almanac. The book was envisioned by then Coin World
Editor Margo Russell as drawing together a really handy
compendium of useful numismatic information that
would be difficult to access otherwise. The staff divided
up new or recurrent projects needing updating accord-
ing to their interests, ability, and time available, and the
results interspersed with U.S. Treasury data, "Trends"
pricing, and historical information was really outstand-
ing in many areas.
I worked on several of these long term projects,
including chronologizing the two-year spate of BEP
currency printing errors, which also appeared in a book
I co-authored with my colleague Tom DeLorey. I also
worked on cataloging U.S. Mint Assay Commission
medals, which ran serially in Coin World and then in the
items ever appeared in print. Another of my objectives
was to identify as many individuals depicted on obsolete
currency as possible in order to provide a comprehen-
sive update for the following year's edition of the small
list already in the almanac.
I spent considerable time in the "usual places,"
examining dealer note stocks, counterfeit detectors,
numismatic literature and other sources. I know I had a
lot of help from a number of dealers and collectors, as
well as other Coin World staffers, too. In sum, we did a
really good job, came up with a heck of a list sorted by
the individual, and somewhat "freaked out" manage-
ment when they realized they would have to add many
more pages to the almanac than they had planned for in
order to accommodate this listing. So naturally, the
expedient solution prevailed . . . the old list was run
Above and below: Recent currency portraits on motion picture
prop money. No. 4 is a more or less faithful copy of the Franklin
portrait on current Federal Reserve Notes. Presumably Nos. 1, 2,
Or are Nos. 2 & 3 somebody else?almanac. In fact that is how the first catalog of these 3 and 5 are also. But are they?
. _....... ---
„ • . . 'ii..,_ , :''...1, if°111*'' .iiii • ',..,.:
.4.. A . . ..."
2 .. _ --- - 3 '- _ ....IF- 4
' • - -- -
- , _-,. ---.E'zrtgvw--
6 - Francisco Madero
7 - Pino Suarez
8 - Is this also Francisco Madero?
9 - This man has been identified
as Pablo Gonzalez and also as
Napoleon III. Is he either or
someone else?
352 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
once again, and this really neat catalog of individuals appearing on U.S. obso-
lete currency was shelved.
It was never published in the almanac or separately. Doubtless, the pub-
lisher's decision was the right one. After Morn purchased a couple copies of
the book, where would he have gotten rid of the rest of the print run? Oh
well, I retained a copy. It's somewhere I suppose, but to the best of my memo-
ry George Washington rocked -- finishing ahead of the pack by 50 lengths
down the stretch; several of the other Founding Fathers and/or Presidents
placed well; Congressional dudes like John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, and
Henry Clay trailed the pack, and my "horse" Abraham Lincoln fared badly,
many, many lengths to the rear because he waited too darn long into the obso-
lete note issuing period to enjoy popularity. Many years later, however, I did
manage to put together a bang up Memphis International Paper Money Show
exhibit of the non-Federal uses of old Abe on U.S. currency, and several arti-
cles on the subject also appeared in Coin World, taking Numismatic Literary
Guild laurels for best currency articles that year.
OK, so now I've established my limited credentials on the subject of cur-
rency portraiture (after all I'm not John Muscalus nor Gene Hessler in such
matters), and now I need some help from Paper Money readers. I've got a 700+
page book on theatrical prop currency: Show Me the Money! The Standard
"It's clear that many of these
portraits are caricatures, so help
us solve the joke."
Catalog of Motion Picture, TV, Stage & Advertising Prop Money coming out soon.
Such currency lookalikes have substituted for real filthy lucre in theatrical pro-
ductions since before the days of vaudeville and the silent cinema. I've adver-
tised in our "Research Exchange" and elsewhere for help for some time, but
still my associates and I have been surprised to discover just how vigorous and
diverse this series of paper money is. We've come up with 1,800 different vari-
eties of these notes!
It's always exciting to stop a video and identify the exact type of prop
notes being used on screen in famous films like The Maltese Falcon, starring
Humphrey Bogart as private detective Sam Spade, Rhythm on the Range with
Bing Crosby and Frances Farmer, To Have and Have Not with Bogie as fishing
boat captain Harry Morgan, Stella Dallas with Barbara Stanwyck, the Spencer
Tracy-Katharine Hepburn wartime romance Without Love, the great Edward
G. Robinson-Bogart-Bacall noir drama Key Largo, Champion with Kirk
Douglas, Strangers on a Train with Farley Granger, From Here to Eternity with
Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift and Frank Sinatra, A Streetcar Named Desire
with Marlon Brando as Stanley Kowalski and Vivien Leigh as Blanche DuBois,
or the many Bowery Boys (West Side Kids) comedies.
In fact all those films mentioned, from the 1930s forward, employed the
same kind of prop currency, an imitation of Mexican Revolutionary bancos
depicting El Estado de Sonora issues. These prop notes were printed in
denominations of one-peso through 1000 pesos, although the highest original
note was only 100 pesos. These ubiquitous Sonoran notes were known by the
name "Dos Caritas" because they featured twin small portraits on their faces of
Francisco Madero and Jose Maria Pino Suarez (shown at left), "who for about
20 minutes were President and Vice President of Mexico," according to an ear-
lier writer on this series, Philip Reisman. The Sonoran notes had green backs
like Uncle Sam's real dough and made a splendid display in poker games and
12 - Thomas Hart Benton ? 1 3 - James B. McPherson ?
16 17
10 11 - George H. Thomas ?
14 15 - James Monroe ?
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 353
18 - Edward Everett ? 19 - Martha Washington ? 20 - Wm. L. Marcy ?
stage robberies.
Because of their dual engravings, such notes are
easy to spot in westerns. But also because of this dis-
tinctiveness, Hollywood production departments even-
tually turned to more realistic looking notes with a sin-
gle portrait on face like genuine U.S. currency.
Nevertheless "Dos Caritas" were still in use in the 1960s
when Rod Steiger paid out this species of prop notes for
loans at Nazerman's in The Pawnbroker. And they were
still being thrown up there on the silver screen when
Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper created the counter-
culture classic of the Vietnam Era, Easy Rider. Fonda
hid a passel of "Dos Caritas" $50s in a plastic tube
inserted into his motorcycle's gas tank as spending
money for their trip across the great Southwest to the
Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
Film fads fade, but piles of crisp lucre transcend the
generations. A quick check of films in recent release
revealed that money plays a significant part in the plot
of nearly two-thirds of them, including: Dead Presidents,
Heat, Excess Baggage, Run for the Money, It Could Happen
to You, A Peifect Murder, Rat Race, The Wash, Training
Day, Bandits, Ocean's Eleven, 3000 Miles to Graceland,
American Strays, Birthday Girl, Big Trouble, National
Lampoon's Van Wilder, Wannabees, Crossroads, Federal
Protection, Trapped, The Bourne Identity, All About the
Benjamins, The Truth About Charlie, and Serving Sara.
Each involved large wads of money and characters eager
to get their hands on it.
These newer prop notes have proven very diverse
and colorful, as Hollywood creativity cranks up to meet
the currency needs of more and more films. In fact, at
22 - Woodrow Wilson ? 23 - Woodrow Wilson ? L 4.1. Z.) - King George V ?
fit ,- \
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.--14,grmrqr-sfkr,,, I
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November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY354
26 - Alexander Hamilton ?
the recent Memphis International Paper Money Show, I
put together a six case exhibit of interesting prop notes
based on my Show Me the Money! manuscript illustrating
bills used in such films as Rush Hour 2, Proof of Life,
Training Day, All About the Benjamins, How the Grinch
Stole Christmas, Beverly Hills Cop 3, Alien: Resurrection,
Back to the Future 2, Total Recall, The X-Files, A Simple
Plan, Octopussy, 3000 Miles to Graceland, Coming to
America, Absolute Power, Batman Forever, Robocop 3, Blade
Runner, License to Kill, Lethal Weapon 4, Raiders of the Lost
Ark, and Oliver Stone's JFK. I also displayed checks
from such classics as Indecent Proposal, A Time to Kill,
Delta House, The Untouchables, and items from Broadway
productions including Evita and Les Miserables. It was a
fun exhibit to put together, and must have been enjoy-
able to viewers too as Bank Note Reporter and Krause
Publications gave it their "Most Inspirational Award” as
the exhibit most likely to mm non-collectors into paper
money hobbyists.
But now as publishing deadline for the prop
money catalog looms, I've reached the end of my rope.
There are about four dozen individuals depicted on var-
ious prop notes that I (1) either can't identify; or (2) am
unsure of their identities. It's clear that many of these
portraits are charicatures, so help us solve the joke.
Notes: Many prop notes are "cut and paste" composites
of real notes, so some of these portraits may have been
borrowed from real currency; also, the names under the
portraits on most prop money are non-sensical.
A number of these mysterious currency portraits
are shown accompanying this article. On some, I've
supplied my best guess followed by a question mark.
(left to right) Josh Caswell, Jim Reardon,
Butch Caswell and Ken Westover
Littleton' experienced team of buyers.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 355
Last Year Alone...
Littleton Spent More Than
$14 Million on U.S. Coins
& Paper Money!
We can afford to pay highly competitive buy
prices because we retail all the notes we buy.
David Sundman, President
ANA Life Member #4463;
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Collectors LM#163; Member,
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Over 150,000+ Littleton Customers
Want Your Notes!
Wide Range of U.S. Notes Wanted!
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r* ES! I'm interested in
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Fill out this coupon and
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or Mail to:
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Dept. BYA302
1309 Mt. Eustis Road
Littleton, N.H. 03561-3735
selling paper money to Littleton. Please contact me regarding my
Daytime Phone
Best time to call
34 35 - Columbus ?
38 39 - Robert E. Lee ?
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
36 37
40 41
43 44 - Samuel F.B. Morse ?
Many were apparently "borrowed" from U.S. currency,
butr somewhat disguised. Are numbers 20 and 21 the
same guy? Is #19 the first First Lady? Is #28 identified
below the portrait as GRAPE a young Robert E. Lee?
Are either/or both #22 and #23 Woodrow Wilson.
What about You foreign currency collectors should be
able to help me out with #9 (is it Napoleon III or
General Pablo Gonzalez, or someone else?), #25 (is it
King George V?) and numbers 35 (Columbus?) or #48
(?). Number 33 looks something like Karl Marx; who is
it? What about #29?
You get the picture. I've stared at these dudes for
so long that they all look familiar to me now, but with
indifferent luck actually figuring out who's who.
If you know who any of these guys and gals are,
please take time to help an author to make his book as
complete and accurate as possible. All the prop note
portraits are numbered. If you can ID any of them, or
disagree with my speculation and have a different one of
your own, or can answer a question I've raised about a
portrait, .please send that information to me at P.O. Box
118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162 or e-mail it to me
All contributors will be acknowledged in the book,
and I'll give you all my "thanks" for your help right now.
In the meantime, check out the next film you see
at a cinemaplex or on your home VCR. Chances are
good that money will be a key ingredient to the movie's
plot, and the characters' feelings about and actions moti-
vated by that lucre will reveal their characters and help
determine their fates. Movie money is as much a staple
of the Silver Screen as real dough is to everyday life.
As Gene Siskel used to say: "See you at the
575654 55
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
46 47 - Phil Sheridan ? 48
50 - Andrew Jackson ?
358 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
An Index to Paper Money
Volume 41, 2002 / Numbers 217-222
Compiled by George B. Tremmel
No. Pg. Yr.
Gelwicks. David H.
Vol. No. Pg. Yr.
An Ag Department Ad Note, Forrest W. Daniel, illus. 02 41 220 250 Byways of Scripophily, illus. 02 41 217 28
Wooden Certificate Marks GWITIV Premiere, Frank Clark, illus.
02 41 219 170 Giedroyc, Richard.
Allen, Harold Don. Fall of Soviet Empire Creates Opportunity for Collectors, illus. 02 41 221 324
Canadians Extend New Series & Tradition of Bank Note Excellence, illus.
02 41 222 380 Gil del Real, Joaquin.
Ball, Douglas B., Dr. A Review of Treasury Bills of Panama, illus.. 02 41 221 268
Some Byways in Confederate Currency, illus.
02 41 219 198 Bank of Panama: A Review of Panama's Third Bank, illus. 02 41 220 232
BANKS, BANKERS AND BANKING. Panama's Arias or Seven Day Notes, illus. 02 41 221 304
Eliza D. Page National Bank President, Karl S Kahelac, illus.
02 41 218 70 Grant, David,
Impact of Nebraska's Bank Deposit Guaranty Law of 1909-30, 02 41 218 75 My 'Hometown Bank': FNB of Manchester, MO, illus. 02 41 218 112
Gerome Walton, illus. Hessler, Gene.
Meet the Hillegas Family, Mark Rabinowitz, illus.
02 41 217 3 Gypsy Women, illus. 02 41 221 298
Misplaced Bank Plate Numbers, Michael V. Stratton, illus. 02 41 220 240 Jindra Schmidt Czechoslovak Artist & Engraver, illus. 02 41 221 318
My 'Hometown Bank': FNB of Manchester, MO, David Grant, illus.
02 41 218 112 One Image, Three Representations, illus. 02 41 219 184
Once There Were Two, But Then There Were None, Tom Minerly, illus 02 41 220 220 The Buck Starts Here:
Spelling Isn't My Long Suit Either, Peter Huntoon, illus.
02 41 220 241 Bank Note Artists Depict Master Engraver DiSrer, illus. 02 41 220 228
The Bank of Whitfield, Dalton, Georgia, Steve Whitfield, illus. 02 41 220 236 Hollander, David B., Coordinator.
The Two-Fold Demise of the FNB of Troy, NY, Tom Minerly, illus.
02 41 218 93 1929 Nationals Project Report, illus. 02 41 218 63
Then and Now: the State Bank of Camden, NJ, Wendell Wolka. illus.
02 41 217 24 Hughes, Brent.
William Wallace Crapo, Bob Cochran, illus.
02 41 218 109 The Night We Found the Treasure, illus. 02 41 219 156
Wilmington's Bank of Cape Fear, Robert S. Neale, illus.
02 41 220 211 Huntoon, Peter.
Your Eyes Aren't Deceiving You, Peter Huntoon, illus.
02 41 220 242 Correcting the National Bank Data Base, illus. 02 41 218 124
Benice, Ronald J. The Paper Column:
Florida Civil War Currency, illus.
02 41 219 131 Brown Back Varieties, NB of Commerce in New York, illus. 02 41 222 339
Clark, Frank. Counterfeits & Cancelled Subjects, illus. 02 41 217 36
About Texas Mostly: Discovering El Banco del Estado de Chihuahua, illus. 02 41 221 290
FNB of Lewisville Texas Bank Robbery, illus.
02 41 220 230 Spelling Isn't My Long Suit Either, illus. 02 41 220 241
The Last Shipment of National Bank Notes, illus. 02 41 220 230 The Mystery of Plate Dates & Treasury Signatures on NBN's, illus. 02 41 218 51
Wooden Certificate Marks GWTIV Premiere, illus.
02 41 219 170 Your Eyes Aren't Deceiving You, illus. 02 41 220 242
FNB of Greenville, MS Becomes Court House, illus. 02 41 217 42 Ingram, Dr. Yowan. (Letter to the Editor)
President's Colunm 02 41 217 20 Cornish Separatists Circulate World Cup Note, illus. 02 41 221 313
02 41 218 96 INTERNATIONAL.
02 41 219 186 A Review of Treasury Bills of Panama, Joaquin Gil del Real, illus.. 02 41 221 268
02 41 220 244 Armenian Commemorative Bank Note Marks 1700th Anniversary, 02 41 221 297
02 41 221 314 Bagrat Sahakyan, illus.
02 41 222 376 Bank of Panama: A Review of Panama's Third Bank, 02 41 220 232
Republic National Bank and Trust Company of Dallas, Texas, illus.
02 41 218 98 Joaquin Gil del Real, illus.
Cochran, Bob.
Bank Happenings:
Canadians Extend New Series & Tradition of Bank Note Excellence,
Harold Don Allen, illus.
02 41 222 380
William Wallace Crapo, illus.
02 41 218 109 Discovering El Banco del Estado de Chihuahua, Peter Huntoon, illus. 02 41 221 290
Missouri's Confederate Government "Rises Again", illus.
41 219 172 Fall of Soviet Empire Creates Opportunity for Collectors,
Richard Giedroyc, illus.
02 41 221 324
Did You Know The U.S. Treasury Gave Money Away?, Fred Reed, illus. 02 41 219 190 Father George Antoine Belcourt & the Farmers Bank, P.E.I., 02 41 221 259
Florida Civil War Currency, Ronald J. Benice, illus. 02 41 219 131 Forrest W. Daniel, illus.
Missouri's Confederate Government "Rises Again", Bob Cochran, illus.
02 41 219 172 Gypsy Women, Gene Hessler, illus. 02 41 221 298
Some Byways in Confederate Currency, Dr. Douglas B. Ball, illus.
02 41 219 198 Jindra Schmidt Czechoslovak Artist & Engraver, Gene Hessler, illus. 02 41 221 318
The Night We Found the Treasure, Brent Hughes, illus.
02 41 219 156 Letter to the Editor: Cornish Separatists Circulate World Cup Note, 02 41 221 313
The Raphael P. Thian Confederate Currency Collection,
02 41 222 347 Dr. Yowan Ingram. illus.
George B. Tremmel, illus. Panama's Arias or Seven Day Notes, Joaquin Gil del Real, illus. 02 41 221 304
The Rare Photographic Confederate Counterfeits,
02 41 219 179 Retorts of the Short Snorter, Michael E. Marotta, illus. 02 41 221 316
George B. Tremmel, illus. Scrip Recalls 'Maryland in Liberia' Movement, Jim L. Watson, illus. 02 41 221 286
COUNTERFEIT, ALTERED & SPURIOUS NOTES. The Farmers Bank Notes, Forrest W Daniel, illus. 02 41 221 266
Counterfeits & Cancelled Subjects, Peter Huntoon, illus.
02 41 217 36 The Many Incarnations of Paul Thumann's 'The Fates', 02 41 221 274
The Rare Photographic Confederate Counterfeits,
02 41 219 179 Mark D. Tomasko, illus.
George B. Tremmel, illus. Kabelac, Karl S.
Daniel, Forrest W. Eliza D. Page National Bank President, illus. 02 41 218 70
An Ag Department Ad Note, illus. 02 41 220 250 Kelly, Don C.
Father George Antoine Belcourt & the Farmers Bank, P.E.I., illus.
02 41 221 259 The John Hickman Project, illus. 02 41 218 73
The Farmers Bank Notes, illus. 02 41 221 266 Marotta, Michael E.
ENGRAVERS & ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. Return of the Short Snorter, illus. 02 41 221 316
Bank Note Artists Depict Master Engraver DUrer, Gene Hessler, illus.
02 41 220 228 Minerley, Tom.
Gypsy Women, Gene Hessler, illus. 02 4I 221 298 Once There Were Two, But Then There Were None, illus. 02 41 220 220
Jindra Schmidt Czechoslovak Artist & Engraver, Gene Hessler, illus.
02 41 221 318 The Two-Fold Demise of the FNB of Troy, NY, illus. 02 41 218 93
One Image, Three Representations, Gene Hessler, illus.
02 41 219 184 Neale, Robert S.
The Many Incarnations of Paid Thumann's 'The Fates',
02 41 221 274 Wilmington's Bank of Cape Fear, illus. 02 41 220 211
Mark D. Tomasko, illus. NEW LITERATURE.
Fisher, Kim. New Gordon Harris Work Details New York State Scrip, Freed Reed 02 41 220 248
I Found My Thrill on a Two Barre Bill, illus.
02 41 218 106 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP.
Gavel, John. Scrip Recalls 'Maryland in Liberia' Movement, Jim L. Watson, illus. 02 41 221 286
Reflections on Reading Paper Money, illus.
02 41 220 249 Two Varieties of Strawberry Grounds Scrip, Bob Schreiner, illus. 02 41 220 252
Large Size
Top Prices Paid
David Hollander
406 Viduta Place
Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
r, PN`,111074-tE MAUL Or G579
:r213:02711:; -
N. I )41 )3.I.. 1 t 14, 1001
40111.0111311021111i •XICF-se Tv v.
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
J&F Rubenstein
Buying and Selling the Finest U.S Currency
Uncut Sheets Nationals - Large and Small Type Notes
Fancy Serial Numbers Error Notes
Auction Representation Consignments Accepted
Actively Buying Collections Want Lists Serviced
See us at all the major shows
P.O. Box 4543
Greensboro, NC 27404
Telephone: (336) 299-7061
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
360 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Vol. No. Pg. Yr,
Is Wilson Scrip Remnant of a Civil War Ponzi Scheme?. Libero Zampieri, illus. 02 41 222 362
Rabinowitz, Mark.
Meet the Hillegas Family, illus. 02 41 217 3
Reed, Fred.
A Bit More on Short Snorters, illus. 02 41 217 43
Collecting Community Remembers Brent Hughes 02 41 219 168
Did You Know The U.S. Treasury Gave Money Away?, illus. 02 41 219 190
Editor's Notebook 02 41 217 46
02 41 218 126
02 41 219 206
02 41 220 254
0? 41 221 334
02 41 222 383
In Memoriam: 'Mr. Confederate,' Brent Hughes' Writings Span Decades 02 41 219 159
'Mr. Confederate,' Brent Hughes' Writings Span Decades, illus. 02 41 219 159
New Gordon Harris Work Details Nov York State Scrip 02 41 220 248
Part 3: A Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia, illus.. 02 41 217 22
IVIto Am I? Can You Help Identify These Currency Portraits?, illus. 02 41 222 351
Sahakyan, Bagrat.
Armenian Commemorative Bank Note Marks 1700th Anniversary, illus. 0? 41 221 297
Schlingman, Dave.
A SIO Blue Seal North Africa SC, illus. 02 41 220 248
Schreiner, Bob.
Librarian's Report 02 41 222 382
TWO Varieties of Strawberry Grounds Scrip, illus. 02 41 220 252
A Bit More on Short Snorters, Fred Reed, illus. 02 41 217 43
Return of the Short Snorter, .1 lichael E. Marotta, illus. 02 41 221 316
3rd Annual George W. Wait Alemorial Prize Official Announcement 02 41 222 364
Advertisers Index 02 41 217 47
02 41 218 127
02 41 219 207
02 41 221 335
02 41 222 383
ANA, NLG Honor SPMC & Paper Money, illus. 02 41 218 105
C. John Ferreri Steps Down from Board 02 41 218 96
Comprehensive Paper Money Index Available 02 41 219 186
Comprehensive Paper Money Index for Sale 02 41 218 96
Deadline Nears for George IV. Wait Memorial Prize 02 41 218 69
Editor's Notebook 02 41 217 46
02 41 218 126
02 41 219 206
02 41 220 254
02 41 221 334
02 41 222 383
George Wait Award Recognizes Forrest Daniel 02 41 219 194
Hessler to Sign Special Edition at Memphis Paper Show 02 41 219 182
Important Announcement: Special Advertising Deadlines 02 41 217 11
Information & Officers 02 41 217 2
02 41 218 50
02 41 219 130
02 41 220 210
02 41 221 258
02 41 222 338
Krause, Alishler to Speak at SPA IC Membership Meeting, illus. 02 41 219 196
Letter to the Editor 02 41 219 204
Librarian's Report 02 41 222 382
Meet the Candidates for the SPMC Board of Governors, illus. 02 41 218 110
Money Mart 02 41 217 44
02 41 218 1 1 1
02 41 219 186
0? 41 220 244
02 41 221 314
0? 41 222 376
New Nlembers 0? 41 217 46
0? 41 218 125
02 41 219 194
02 41 220 246
0? 41 222 378
Part 3: A Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia, Fred Reed, illus.. 0? 41 217 2?
Paper Money Takes Top ANA & NLG Laurels in NYC, illus. 02 41 222 368
President's Column 02 41 217 20
0? 41 218 96
02 41 219 186
02 41 220 244
02 41 221 314
02 41 222 376
Reflections on Reading Paper Monet', John Gavel, illus. 02 41 220 249
Vol. No. Pg. Yr.
Research Exchange 02 41 217 44
02 41 219 206
02 41 220 254
0? 41 221 334
02 41 222 38?
SPMC Annual Awards 02 41 218 96
SPMC Annual Board Meeting Minutes, illus. 02 41 a" 370
SPMC Board Honors Newman, Lloyd, Horstman 02 41 217 21
SPMC Board Meeting, St. Louis, MO 02 41 219 188
SPMC General Membership Meeting, St. Louis, MO 02 41. 219 189
Wanted: Articles of Distinction 02 41 219 166
Wanted: One Volunteer to Serve as Ad Manager for PM 02 41 220 243
Wanted: One Volunteer to Serve as Ad tanager for P.11 41 221 299
Wanted: One Volunteer to Serve as Ad Manager for PM 02 222 345
Wismer State Catalogs, General Guidelines for Authors, Steve Whitfield 02 41 222 366
Stratton, Michael V.
Misplaced Bank Plate Numbers, illus. 02 41 220 240
Tomasko, Mark D.
The Many Incarnations of Paul Thumann's 'The Fates', illus. 02 41 221 274
Tremmel, George B.
An Index to Paper Money, Vol. 41, 2002 Nos. 217-222 02 41 222 358
The Raphael P. Thian Confederate Currency Collection, illus. 02 41 222 347
The Rare Photographic Confederate Counterfeits, illus. 02 41 219 179
1929 Nationals Project Report, David B. Hollander, illus. 0? 41 218 63
Brown Back Varieties, NB of Commerce in New York, 02 41 222 339
Peter Huntoon, illus.
Correcting the National Bank Data Base, Peter Huntoon, illus. 02 41 218 124
FNB of Greenville, MS Becomes Court House, Frank Clark, illus. 02 41 217 42
FNB of Lewisville Texas Bank Robbery, Frank Clark, illus. 02 41 220 230
I Found My Thrill on a Two Barre Bill, Kim Fisher, illus. 02 41 218 106
Republic National Bank and Trust Company of Dallas, Texas,
Frank Clark, illus.
41 218
The John Hickman Project, Don C. Kelly, illus. 02 41 218 73
The Last Shipment of National Bank Notes, Frank Clark, illus. 02 41 220 230
The Mystery of Plate Dates & Treasury Signatures on NBN's,
Peter Huntoon, illus.
41 218
The Two-Fold Demise of the FNB of Troy, NY, Tom Minerly, illus. 0? 41 218 93
ASIO Blue Seal North Africa SC, Dave Schlingman, illus. 02 41 220 248
Walton, Gerome.
Impact of Nebraska's Bank Deposit Guaranty Law of 1909-30, illus. 0? 41 218 75
Watson, Jim L.
Scrip Recalls 'Maryland in Liberia' Movement, illus. 02 41 221 286
Whitfield, Steve, Wismer Project Coordinator.
The Bank of Whitfield, Dalton, Georgia, illus. 02 41 220 236
Wismer State Catalogs, General Guidelines for Authors 02 4l 222 366
Wolka, Wendell.
Then and NOW: the State Bank of Camden, NJ, illus. 02 41 217 24
Zampieri, Libero
Is Wilson Scrip Remnant of a Civil War Ponzi Scheme' illus 02 41 222 362
Comprehensive Paper Money Index By
George Tremmel
Now For Sale
Includes complete listing to all issues of the
SPMC journal Paper Money
• 130-page Hard Copy only $12 •
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Make checks payable to SPMC
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
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,,• •,
WHEREAS, it is believed that the-representatives of the "WILSON FAMILY," in Au rise, are en.
itled to an immense Estate in England, called the "WILSON ESTATE."
AND WHEREAS, said representatives are desirous of recovering possession thereof; and in order to ac-
complish the same, are obliged to raise money, hy issuing Scrip, which are to be the first lien on said
estate. ;
Now, THEREFORE, for and in consideration et FIVE DOLLARS to me, agent for the "Wilson' Assomar-'
S: , tjr.- -,I
Iltion," in hand paid, I hereby agree, as Agent aforesaid, to pay '
or bearer, Ono Hundred Dollars out of the first moneys received from said Estate, by the members of this
Association, or any of them; and I further agree? expend said moneys received for said Scrip, for re-
; covery of said Estate. r
Ad 1 e-e-) Agent, Ar tha {WA. A.oeiat
Monkton, Vt., 1865.
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Is Wilson Scrip Remnant of
A Civil War Ponzi Scheme*?
By Libero Zampieri
Burkey, likely of my home state of
Vermont, spent $10 to purchase two pieces
of scrip which came into my collection
years ago. Apparently both items were part of Ponzi
schemes, but I wonder if other SPMC members have
ever run into anything like them.
The one shown is a $5.00 "Wilson Scrip" note that
Burkey pur-
chased on New
Year's Eve 1865.
At face value the
note promises
that Burkey or
bearer would
receive $100
should the
Wilsons come
into their hered-
itary inheritance
of $3 million-
plus in England.
Wilson didn't
cash in this
scrip, we might
surmise that the Wilson cause was a lost one.
On its face the Wilson Scrip reads:
No. 278 WILSON SCRIP $5.00
WHEREAS, it is believed that the representatives of the
Wilson Family, in America, are entitled to an immense Estate in
England, called the Wilson Estate.
AND WHEREAS, said representatives are desirous of recover-
ing possession thereof and in order to accomplish the same, are oblig-
ed to raise money, by iSSiling Scrip, which are to be the first lien on
said estate.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of FIVE
DOLLARS to me, agent for the Wilson Association, in hand paid, I
hereby agree, as Agent aforesaid, to pay Joseph Burke)' or bearer,
One Hundred Dollars out of the first moneys received from said
Estate, by the members of this Association, or any of them; and I fur-
ther agree to expend said moneys received for said Scrip, for recovery
of said Estate.
(signed) H. 0. Smith
(igned) P. M. Wallace Agents for the Wilson Association
Monkton, Vt., Dec. 31, 1865
The scrip is self-explanatory. After reading it, it
sounds like a Ponzi deal to me, but I still think it is an
interesting paper item.
I also have another similar piece, called "Holt
Scrip" from Brandon, VT, that Burkey purchased sever-
al years before he purchased the "Wilson Scrip."
Burkey purchased the "Holt Scrip" in August, 1863. It
also bears a $5.00 value, but the Holts' claim was for a
* So-named after Charles Ponzi, "The Pied Piper of Boston," who
swindled thousands out of millions, according to a biographer.
Although this scheme pre-dates Ponzi, how "agents" for the Wilson
Family convinced a circumspect New Englander to part with his $5
is intriguing. Do any Paper Money readers have additional info?
$40,000,000 inheritance. Forty million bucks was a lot
of money in 1863. Think about it, the United States
purchased all of Alaska in 1867 for only $7.2 million.
The "Holt Scrip" is signed by different "agents."
If any SPMC members have other similar scrip
notes or know anything about these two pieces, I'd like
to hear about it.
Editor's Note: Unfortunately longtime SPMC member
Libero Zampieri of Barre, VT, is no longer with us.
However, the points he raises in this previously unpublished
article, written in 1988, are still worth pursuing. If anyone
comes forth with additional information on "Wilson Scrip,"
"Holt Scrip" or similar items, we will be happy to publish an
update in a future issue of Paper Money.
New Hampshire Bank Notes Wanted
Also Ephemera
I am continuing a long-time study on currency issued by banks in
New Hampshire, including state-chartered banks 1792-1865, and
National Banks circa 1863-1935. Also I am studying colonial and
provincial notes.
I would like to purchase just about anything in colonial and provin-
cial notes, nearly everything in state-chartered notes, and items that
are scarce or rare among National Bank notes. I am not seeking bar-
gains, but I am willing to pay the going price. I will give an immedi-
ate decision on all items sent, and instant payment for all items pur-
Beyond that, I am very interested in ephemera including original
stock certificates for such banks, correspondence mentioning cur-
rency, bank ledgers, and more.
With co-author David M. Sundman and in cooperation with a special
scrip note project by Kevin Lafond, I am anticipating the production
of a book-length study of the subject, containing basic information
about currency, many illustrations including people, buildings, and
other items beyond the notes themselves, and much other informa-
tion which I hope will appeal to anyone interested in historical
details. All of this, of course, is very fascinating to me!
Dave Bowers
Box 1224
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Telephone (603) 569-5095
Fax (603) 569-5319
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
364 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
3rd Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Official Announcement
Purpose: The Society of Paper Money Collectors is
chartered "to promote, stimulate, and advance the study
of paper money and other financial documents in all
their branches, along educational, historical and scientif-
ic lines."
The George W. Wait Memorial Prize is available
annually to assist researchers engaged in important
research leading to publication of book length works in
the paper money field.
George W. Wait, a founder and former SPMC
President, was instrumental in launching the Society's
successful publishing program. The George W. Wait
Memorial Prize is established to memorialize his
achievements/contributions to this field in perpetuity.
Award: $500 will be awarded in unrestricted research
grant(s). Note: the Awards Committee may decide to
award this amount to a single applicant, or lesser
amounts totaling $500 to more than one applicant. If,
in the opinion of the Awards Committee, no qualifying
applicant is found, funds will be held over.
Prior Award Winners: Two individuals have thus far
been awarded the Wait Memorial Prize. Both received
the maximum award. 1st annual Wait winner was
Robert S. Neal for his work on the antebellum Bank of
Cape Fear, NC. Last year the award went to Forrest
Daniel for his manuscript on small size Treasury Notes
used to finance the War of 1812.
Eligibility: Anyone engaged in important research on paper money
subjects is eligible to apply for the prize. Paper Money for the
purposes of this award is to be defined broadly. In this context
paper money is construed to mean U.S. federal currency,
bonds, checks and other obligations; National Currency and
National Banks; state-chartered banks of issue, obsolete notes,
bonds, checks and other scrip of such banks; or railroads,
municipalities, states, or other chartered corporations; private
scrip; currency substitutes; essais, proofs or specimens; or sim-
ilar items from abroad; or the engraving, production or coun-
terfeiting of paper money and related items; or financial histo-
ry in which the study of financial obligations such as paper
money is integral.
Deadline for entries: March 15, 2003
A successful applicant must furnish sufficient information to
demonstrate to the Society of Paper Money Collectors Awards
Committee the importance of the research, the seriousness of
the applicant, and the likelihood that such will be published
for the consumption of the membership of SPMC and the
public generally.
The applicant's track record of research and publication
will be taken into account in making the award.
A single applicant may submit up to two entries in a sin-
gle year. Each entry must be full and complete in itself. It
must be packaged separately and submitted separately. All
rules must be followed with respect to each entry, or disquali-
fication of the non-conforming entry will result.
Additional rules: The Wait Memorial Prize may be awarded
to a single applicant for the same project more than once;
however awards for a single project will not be given to a sin-
gle applicant more than once in five years, and no applicant
may win the Wait Memorial Prize in consecutive years.
An applicant who does not win an annual prize may sub-
mit an updated entry of the non-winning project in a subse-
quent year. Two or more applicants may submit a single entry
for the Wait Prize.
No members of the SPMC Awards Committee may apply
for the Wait Memorial Prize in a year he/she is a member of
the awarding committee.
Winner agrees to acknowledge the assistance of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors and the receipt of its
George W. Wait Memorial Prize in any publication of
research assisted by receipt of this award and to furnish a copy
of any such publication to the SPMC library.
Entries must include:
• the full name of the applicant(s)
• each applicant's social security number
• a permanent address for each applicant
• a telephone number for each applicant
• the title of the research project/book
• sufficient written material of the scope and progress of the
project thus far, including published samples of portions
of the research project, if appropriate
Entries may also include:
• the applicant's SPMC membership number(s)
• the applicant's e-mail address (if available)
• a bibliography and/or samples of the applicant's past pub-
lished paper money research
• a photograph of each applicant suitable for publicity
• a publishable photograph(s) of paper money integral to
the applicant's research
• a statement of publishability for the project under consid-
eration from a recognized publisher
Judging: All entries must be received by March 15,
2003. All entries must be complete when submitted,
and sufficient return postage should be included if
return is desired. Address entries to George W. Wait
Memorial Prize, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379.
The single, over-riding criterion for the awarding
of the Wait Memorial Prize will be the importance of
the publication of the applicant's research to SPMC
members and the general public. All decisions of the
SPMC Awards Committee will be final.
First publication of the awarding of the Wait
Memorial Prize will be revealed in the May/June 2003
issue of SPMC's magazine, Paper Money, with subse-
quent news release to additional media.
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
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366 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Wismer State Catalogs
General Guidelines for Authors:
The SPMC's objective is to assist with publication of a
state catalog representing every state in America. However;
there is no Society claim to ownership of any right to pub-
lish; and the Society is highly pleased when similar efforts are
undertaken by others, such as private individuals, firms, or
historical societies. All SPMC is really interested in, is mak-
ing the information available to collectors and researchers. If
the Society can assist any other such efforts, it will be happy
to entertain requests for assistance.
Authors should look at previous volumes published by
the Society for general guidance on format and layout.
SPMC catalogs have used several fairly standardized listing
formats. The single mandatory rule is that the front side of
notes must be called the "face" and the other side must be
called the "back". Do not use the terms "obverse" or
"reverse", or any other than these approved terms.
Otherwise, there are no absolute rules on format. Many of
the already completed catalogs relating to paper money have
followed the author's personal preference. The Society
would like the books to at least be approximately the same
size in so far as height and width, so they look good in our
What constitutes an "Obsolete Note"; which should
therefore be included in a state catalog/listing? Basically, any
paper issued as currency, as a substitute for currency or look-
ing like currency, for any purpose that is not current, meets
the definition. The period covered should be from the earli-
est date of issue in the state to approximately 1935.
Therefore, a state catalog might begin with Colonial issues
and end with Depression Scrip of the 1930s. The rules about
what gets included are relaxed for the rare western states.
Therefore, items such as checks and drafts that would not be
included for an eastern state, which issued notes from 1815
through 1935, would be OK for Idaho, California and
Types of notes, i.e. Bank Notes, Civil War Scrip,
Depression Scrip, Advertising Scrip, etc., may be listed in
separate sections of the book, or integrated throughout by
their location of issue. Many different categories of obsolete
notes have a separate specialty catalog that only includes a
single category of "Obsolete Currency", such as Sutler Scrip,
or Advertising "Look-a-Likes". Such notes should also be
included in the SPMC state catalogs.
Several somewhat standard chapters and indexes have
evolved for the SPMC books. A general financial history of
the state is important, along with how the catalog is orga-
nized (for example; by historical eras such as the territorial
period followed by statehood issues. Or, all depression
scrip/coal scrip/advertising scrip etc., can be included in an
appendix.) An index of locations and issuers should be added
since most collectors want to know what notes were issued
from their personal location or area of interest. Standard
rarity scales are included; without values placed on the notes.
Include an index of printers and engravers.
In general as much information about the issuer and the
note as possible is desirable. Locations are listed first, alpha-
betically and then the issuers from each location are listed,
alphabetically. Denominations, if used on the note, go next
from smallest to largest. Face design, back design if used,
denomination, date if used, and description of the vignettes
and counters on the note follow, usually as left (L), center
(C) and right (R). Last is the printer or engraver followed by
the author's estimate of rarity, using the standard scale.
The best way to describe a note is with a quality color,
or black and white, photo of both sides. Every clearly differ-
ent note (type) should have a unique catalog number; the
simpler the better. Numbering space should be reserved
every once in awhile for future discoveries to be inserted into
the system. If no illustration is available, the verbal descrip-
tion must be sufficient to identify the note. Don't forget the
back side. The amount of description for each note can be
reduced if an illustration is used. Note illustrations can be
black and white, or color photographs, of good quality.
They may be scanned or quality photocopies. If scanned, or
digitally photographed, they should be stored on a disc. Use
J-Peg format to store digital images.
Text should be done in current version WORD® for-
mat and stored on discs. Please spell check your manuscript,
and if you are not good at English, have it reviewed by some-
one who is. The Society can edit text for English, but would
rather that the author do it. Include a paginated index.
A Few Tips:
(1) Do not attempt or expect to list every note that was
ever issued in your state. At some reasonable point, stop, and
get it ready for publication. The desire to wait for every note
that might ever surface has severely restricted publication of
a number of these catalogs. You want to see it in print while
you can still see!
(2) Include as much related information as possible;
about financial history of the state, the issuers, the period of
issue, places of business, etc. Related checks, drafts and pho-
tographs add a great deal of interest to any volume.
(3) It is very important to add peripheral material illus-
trations, if available, such as period photos of the note issuer
or his place of business. A contemporary map should be
included, showing the town or city locations where the notes
were issued or circulated. The more information, the better.
The catalog should be inviting to read for its historical con-
tent rather than simply a listing of known notes.
(4) Reimbursement of Expenses: The Society will
reimburse modest expenses for items such as photography.
You must have receipts. Do not spend lots of money that
you hope to have reimbursed, without obtaining advance
approval of the Board.
Research Plea:
Many hobbyists have gathered data and illustrations of
existing notes from their state, or particular area of interest;
for years, without ever getting to the point of publication. It
would be an unfortunate loss to the paper money hobby if
this material is not preserved for future state volunteer
authors. Therefore, any persons who have research material
for any of the pending or past state catalogs, are requested to
please donate it to the Society Library. If necessary the
Society will reimburse any packaging or mailing costs.
Address for the library is: Robert Schreiner at P.O. BOX
2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-233
---- Steve Whitfield, Winner Book Project Coordinator v
ni versa ry Sale
ST (Private ;Museum Collection
United States '11),,pe (Paper :Honey
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Part II
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PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
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368 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Paper Money Takes Top ANA & NLG Laurels in NYC
FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW, SPMC'Sbimonthly magazine Paper Money has been honored as the
outstanding club publication by the American Numismatic
Association and the Numismatic Literary Guild.
In announcing the ANA award Gar Travis, ANA repre-
sentative wrote SPMC President Frank Clark: "Fellow
Numismatists, I wanted to take this opportunity to congratu-
late SPMC and the editor of Paper Money, Fred Reed, on
receiving the first place award for specialty club publications at
the ANA's 111th anniversary convention in New York."
"We are very excited that SPMC's member-authors have
received this acknowledgement again," Frank Clark said.
Paper Money
"Our journal would not be the outstanding publi-
cation it is without the research and writing tal-
ents of our many authors who take time to share
their specialties with other members of SPMC."
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
The Kagin name appears more often than any other
in the pedigrees of the rarest and scarcest notes
(U.S. Paper Money Records by Gengerke)
BUY ALL U.S. CURRENCY Good to Gem Unc.
I know rarity (have handled over 95% of U.S. in Friedberg)
and condition (pay over "ask" for some) and am prepared
to "reach" for it. Premium Prices Paid For Nationals
(Pay 2-3 times "book" prices for some)
BUY EVERYTHING: Uncut Sheets, Errors, Stars,
Special Numbers, etc.
I can't sell what I don't have
Pay Cash (no waiting) - No Deal Too Large
A.M. ("Art") KAGIN
505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 910
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2316 (515) 243-7363 Fax: (515) 288-8681
At 82 It's Still Time - Currency & Coin Dealer Over 50 Years
I attend about 25 Currency-Coin Shows per year
Visit Most States (Call, Fax or Write for Appointment)
Collector Since 1928
Professional Since 1933
Founding Member PNG, President 1963-64
ANA Life Member 103, Governor 1983-87
ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY370
SPMC Annual Board Meeting
June 15, 2002
Memphis, Tennessee
Tom Minerley, Secretary
Meeting called to order Saturday, June 15, 2002 at
8:00 AM by Frank Clark, President. Mark Anderson
had made up individual binders for all Board Members
to hold the reports, etc., of the meeting, for which
Frank thanked him.
Frank introduced visitors to the meeting: Guy
Kraus and Lesie Leane providing an overview of the
Mississippi Obsolete book, David Hollander to present
the 1929 Project report, Peter Huntoon, Michelle
Orzano from Coin World, and Jeff Meyer of the Texas
Numismatic Association.
Kraus presented a mass of 5 1/4" diskettes stating
that the text of the manuscript was complete but he was
having difficulties generating the photographs and was
requesting help. Fred Reed suggested he contact a
Kinkos-type facility to see if the images on the diskettes
were retrievable. Bob Cochran agreed with Anderson's
support. Judith Murphy made a motion to reimburse
Kraus up to $150 for the work, seconded by Mark.
Gene Hessler mentioned that he felt Kinko might do it
for free and also reminded Kraus to alter the text to
change "obverse" and "reverse" to "front" and "back".
Mark insisted that a progress report on the project be
presented before the St. Louis meeting.
Peter Huntoon reported that the sorting of the cur-
rency archives at the Smithsonian Institute is progress-
ing and that the Smithsonian was ready to move on a
travelling exhibit, possibly at St. Louis. Continued
funding of the project work was to be left up to the
Paper Money Education Committee. Mark stated that
partial payment had been authorized to pay Huntoon
and a portion of the exhibit costs. Wendell Wolka men-
tioned that the money had already been allocated and
just the "how to" spend matter was still up in the air.
Further allocations would be up to the committee sub-
ject to the approval of the Board.
John Wilson, ANA president, briefly reviewed the
ANA's educational programs and presented a copy of a
video on paper money to the SPMC library.
Gene moved to accept the minutes of the St. Louis
meeting and the motion was approved unanimously.
Elections: The Secretary casting one vote for the
following candidates decided election of uncontested
seats on the Board of Governors:
Bob Cochran
Arri Jacobs
Frank Clark
Gene Hessler
Above: SPMC President Frank Clark (R) congratulates the Glenn
Jackson award winner, Gene Hessler (L) during Society activities at
the recent Memphis International Paper Money Show. Below left:
Clark presents Awards of Merit to Chet Krause (L) and Cliff Mishler
(R) following their informative presentation to the Society's
Annual General Meeting. (All photos by Dave Kranz, Bank Note
Reporter, courtesy of Krause Publicatons)
Reports: Wendell reported that the web site had
received 35,000+ hits in the last eight months, a 53%
increase. He mentioned that the web site host may have
to charge a nominal fee for service, an amount estimated
at $20. Mark requested that an annual bill be sought
instead of a monthly one in order to simplify bookkeep-
ing. Decision to authorize payment was accepted unani-
Mark gave the Treasurer's report, indicated a pro-
jected $9,000 deficit for the current year. He stated the
Board should consider a dues increase to $30 per year to
make up for revenue shortfall. With the current CD
rates not too encouraging, the advertising revenues were
now subsidizing the cost of membership. Mark contin-
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 371
ued his report by stating that the Falater episode is now
closed and the Huntoon books have all been paid off.
Bob Cochran stated he was under the impression that
the increase in the size of Paper Money would be offset
by an increase in advertising revenues. Fred reported
that since most of the advertisers had renewed for the
current year at the previous year's rates, only new adver-
tisers were now paying the increased rates. Advertising
revenue was projected at $28,000 for the current year,
increasing to $41,000 next year at the higher rates. To
boost income, Arri suggested that Mark look into U.S.
Savings Bonds instead of CDs. Mark said he'd look into
it before the CDs matured. Gene suggested putting out
smaller issues to save money, but Fred countered by
stating the savings would be insignificant. Mark's report
was unanimously accepted.
The Secretary handed out reports on the current
membership and their geographic distribution.
Membership had dropped from 1,817 as of February 8
to 1,624 as of June 10. Tom stated that with member-
ship down from the previous year this year might not be
the best year to support non-SPMC causes with mem-
ber funds. He suggested that every option for increas-
ing membership be followed up. Ron Horstman sug-
gested that the major auction firms be approached to
place SPMC applications in their catalogues. Frank said
he'd talk with Allen Mincho and Lyn Knight about
doing just that. The Secretary's report was accepted
Fred Reed reported that, while the special issue
authors were "one shooters", the journal was looking
more serious and imposing and he had more articles to
publish than ever before. He further reported that the
issues through the November/December issue were
already done and that the January/February issue would
Nathan Goldstein (L) receives a plaque acknowledging the renam-
ing of the Society's annual recruiting award in his honor from
President Clark as Vice President Wendell Wolka looks on.
Goldstein was responsible for recruiting hundreds of members to
SPMC in the early days of the Society.
Paper Money Editor Fred Reed (L) receives a handshake and an
award plaque from David Harper, Editor of Bank Note Reporter,
for his exhibit "Show Me the Money!" illustrating dozens of exam-
ples of motion picture prop money. The display won the BNR
"Most Inspirational" award as the exhibit most likely to interest a
member of the general public in collecting paper money.
be a specialized issue dealing with fractional currency
with significant input from the Fractional Currency
Collectors group. That issue is still in the works. Ron
stated that he'd talked with Don Kagin about doing an
article on War of 1812 scrip and requested that Fred
talk to Don about doing such an article for PM. Fred
said he'd follow up on the suggestion. A committee was
set up to study the possibility of putting PM in e-maga-
zine format. Frank set up the committee to be chaired
by Arri and consisting of Wendel Wolka, Fred Reed and
Tom Minerley. Fred's report was unanimously accept-
Membership - Frank stated he'd get a supply of
applications to Judith Murphy and Bob Schreiner and to
the SPMC table at the ANA. Arri made a motion that
SPMC join the IBNS. Ron Horstman seconded and the
motion was accepted unanimously. The applications
was subsequently submitted by Frank. Judith suggested
that SPMC take out advertisements in Coin World's clas-
sified section in lieu of not getting free space to recruit
members. Frank said he would take out such an ad.
The ad has subsequently been taken out in Coin World.
Dave Hollander made his report on the progress of
the 1929 Project. He stated that he was reconstructing
his data based on real and substantiated information,
requiring photocopies. He was questioned as to why
Kelly's census and his don't agree and that he should
approach him in a spirit of cooperation to make the
census a real tool. There was no reply on the sugges-
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY372
tion. He remains committed to get something to Fred
at some date in the future, but would not commit him-
self to a specific date.
A Wismer Project report was present-
ed by Steve Whitfield where he reported
on the status of the various manuscripts
submitted, particularly the Mississippi
book. There remains a need for formal
guidelines for both authors and publishers
and he suggested that all future books be
published in a soft cover format. This has
subsequently been accomplished.
The new committee to study putting
PM on disc or in e-magazine format met
during a break at the board meeting and
Arri requested that Wendell post a ques-
tionnaire on the web site using examples
of old issues of PM for down loading.
Ideally, members might have a choice
between receiving PM in its familiar for-
mat, on diskette or on line. Fred stated
he'd mention the questionnaire in his column in an
upcoming issue, stating as an incentive a possible sup-
plementary news letter between issues, first crack at
advertised materials, etc. Wendell said he's work to fire
wall the web site. Gene and Fred brought up the issue
of plagiarism charges from authors who might not want
their works put out if there was the possibility of it
being lifted.
Library Report - Bob Schreiner reported that he's
installed shelving to host the library, which currently
consists of only a bound set of PMs. Everything is
already to go, the software is in place, the web site
ready, everything but the books. Dick Balbaton contin-
ues to hold the SPMC library and refused to either
relinquish it or discuss the library in general. Two
members, Robert Moon and Torn Minerley, have vol-
unteered to drive to Balbaton's house and retrieve the
library in toto, prepare it for shipment and have it for-
warded to Bob's, but no gentle persuasion has moved
Balbaton to give it up. Judith stated that since Roger
Durand is not only a friend to Balbaton but is the actual
Those attending the SPMC annual breakfast at Memphis enjoyed
some good food and fellowship. They also heard an excellent
extemporaneous acceptance speech by Don Kagin (R rear) who
was honored by Krause Publications as a "Numismatic
Ambassador." Don spoke about his research on War of 1812 small
size Treasury notes. Some of those in attendance like Memphis
Coin Club President Robert 1. Perry (C) also took home Tom Bain
raffle prizes.
librarian of record, he should be obligated to either
retrieve the books or make good their cash value. Ron
Horstman suggested that Frank first send Balbaton
another letter threatening legal action as an alternative
to cooperation. Frank stated he'd refer the matter to
the legal counsel and let him handle the matter. This
step has subsequently been taken.
Judith Murphy reported on regional meetings. For
July, there were none scheduled. In
August, meetings would be held at Dallas
and the Blue Ridge show, September at
the ANA, Lancaster and NCNA and St.
Louis in November. Scheduled for the
February CPMX, Judith has arranged for a
panel discussion on currency grading to
cover all aspects of the hobby to include
obsoletes (Douglas Ball), federal (Martin
Gengerke), as well as experts in other spe-
cialties Participants would be expressing
Left: Breakfast emcee Wendell Wolka presents a
prize at the Tom Bain Raffle, which is held annual-
ly during the Society's breakfast meeting.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 373
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Obsoletes — Nationals — Scrip
Histories and Memorabilia
Allenhurst — Allentown — Asbuiy Park — Atlantic Highlands — Belmar
Bradley Beach — Eatontown — Englishtown — Freehold — Howell
Keansburg — Keyport — Long Branch — Manasquan — Matawan
Middletown — Ocean Grove — Red Bank — Sea Bright — Spring Lake
N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525
New Hampshire Notes
Wanted: Obsolete currency,
National Bank notes,
other items relating
to New Hampshire paper money
from the earliest days onward.
Dave Bowers
Box 1224
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Fax: 603-569-5319
Buying & Selling
All Choice to Gem CU Fractional Currency
Paying Over Bid
Please Call:
P.O. Box 303
Wilton, CA 95693
374 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
their own opinions and standards, not specifically those
of SPMC. A unanimous vote was taken to make it an
SPMC sponsored affair, together with IBNS. Judith
would be checking the wording of disclaimer with Fred
and Arri.
Education Committee — Benny Bolin reported that
the ANA is seeking another $1,000 "donation" but
believes they should get it only if SPMC receives appro-
priate recognition. The Smithsonian Institute wants
another $1,000 for their currency sorting project, but he
recommends giving it to them only if they display mate-
rial at two quality shows. All requests for research
money, he reminded the Board, should go through the
committee. Particular emphasis was placed earlier on
Huntoon's unorthodox method of directly appealing to
the Board for continued funding. Ron Horstman
reported that the Smithsonian money must be tied to
displaying material already identified, but told the board
that the BEP has a new head that won't allow material
to be shown at commercial shows. Since all major
shows are that, members may never see what their
money helped pay for. Judith suggested approaching
BEP as showing material under the auspices of the
Education Committee of SPMC instead of a particular
show. The ANA also put in another plug for support to
the tune of $1,000 for support of their library as the
price of having Chet Krause and Cliff Mishler appear at
this year's general membership meeting. This support
of their particular pet project was unanimously
Old Business: The plan formulated at an earlier
Board meeting to republish "best of stories from PM
was rejected by the publisher. Fred reported that no
publisher would do any "best of anything that con-
tained more than 1/3rd recycled material. Judith point-
ed out that especially in light of the Huntoon book fias-
co, the sale would probably be doomed. Discussion
ended with no decision on whether to give up on the
idea or not and died of lack of interest.
New Business: Discussion continued on the dis-
tribution of the remaining copies of the 40th anniver-
sary edition of PM. Judith stated she wanted some to
distribute at the ANA. Frank wanted to use them as
give-aways with new subscriptions until they were all
gone. Discussion of Forrest Daniel's manuscript was
punctuated with news that the author's health has dete-
riorated to the point that he was not able to attend
Memphis. Nothing is currently planned for the manu-
script. Frank announced that the recruitment award,
officially renamed the "Nathaniel Goldstein
Recruitment Award," was being presented to dealer
Tom Denly of Boston. On the matter of insurance lia-
bility brought up originally in St. Louis, Ron made a
motion that the Board pursue "error and omission"
insurance to protect officers within the next 30 days.
Judith seconded the motion which passed with only one
opposing vote of the Board members still present.
A motion was then made to raise the general mem-
bership dues in SPMC in order to cover the expected
revenue deficit. Frank pointed out that there had not
been a dues increase since 1987. Fred motioned that the
fee structure be altered as follows:
Current Proposed
Annual $24 $30
Canadian/ $29 $35
Foreign $34 $40
Life (US) $500 $600
Life (Cdn/Mex) $600 $700
Life (foreign0 $700 $800
Arri seconded the motion and it passed unanimous-
ly. New applications have been printed up and mailed
As a final house keeping matter, Arri suggested
moving Board meetings from Saturday to Sunday to
allow dealers time to work their tables. It was pointed
out that most people travel on Sunday, so there was no
substantial discussion of the matter.
The Board Meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Minerley, Secretary
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
We are proud to continue the
numismatic legacy begun in 1933
Specializing in Quality and Rare U.S. Currency
U.S. Large Size Fractionals U.S. Small Size
Nationals National Gold Bank Notes
Kagin's -- an established name for conservative
grading of quality notes.
We specialize in building U.S. currency collections
of premium quality and rare notes. Favorable terms
to suit your individual needs.
98 Main Street #201
Tiburon, CA 94920 1-888-8KAGI NS
Call Judy
Buying and Selling Nationals
from all states.
Price lists are not available.
Please send your want list.
Paying collector prices for better
California notes!
P.O. BOX 6778
San Mateo, California 94403
(650) 458-8842
Fax: (650) 458-8843
1,300 listings, 800 photos
$38.95 (plus sales tax if applicable)
Gordon L Harris
5818 S. Terry Rd.
Syracuse, NY 13219
The American Society of Check Collectors
publishes a quarterly journal for members.
Visit our website at or write to
Coleman Leifer, POB 577, Garrett Park, MD 20896.
Dues are $10 per year for US residents,
$12 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $18 for those in foreign locations.
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 375
Claud & Judith
We Buy & Sell
Paper Money, checks, bonds,
stocks, letters, old postcards,
stereoviews, cdv's
If it's old and it's paper, we have it!
Box 24056
Winston-Salem, NC 27114
fax: 336-699-2359
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY376
I 'M PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OURJournal has once again been honored by the American
Numismatic Association and the Numismatic Literary
Guild (see Page 368) for the quality of its articles and
presentation. Each member of the Society should take
pride that your bimonthly magazine has been judged
excellent by these outside groups. But then, our mem-
bers already knew that. The quality of your articles
amazes me with each issue, and I enjoy every one. I
congratulate EVERY author who contributed to our
winning these prestigious awards. With winter season
just around the corner, now is the time to sharpen your
pencil and write that article you have been meaning to
but just haven't gotten around to yet. Let's keep our
Journal at the forefront of this wonderful hobby.
And while you are at it, sign up a friend as a new
SPMC member. Our Society has been the hobby's
"best kept secret" for far too long!
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15c per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Ad must be non-commercial in nature.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis.
Charter #12789 $5. Ralph Osborn, 380 Concord St., Vidor, TX
77662-6002 (223)
GEORGE BOND, deputy secretary Continental Congress, signer of
Continental Currency. Need biography or biographical sketch.
Forrest Daniel, 416 North 13th Street, Bismarck ND 58501 (A)
CANDOR NY WANTED. Looking for FNB of Candor NY #353
note from the first sheet ($5 T2 serial number 1-6). Al Kaminsky,
7461 Brighouse Court, Alexandria VA 22315 -3835 (223)
20th CENTURY U.S., articles relating to modern small size U.S. cur-
rency are especially needed for publication in Paper Money. If you col-
lect this material, try your hand at authoring an article too! (A)
EXPAND YOUR COLLECTION. Classified ad rates are low, low,
low. Send ad copy and check payable to SPMC to the Editor, PO Box
793941, Dallas, Texas 75379-3941 (A)
AUTHORS WANTED. Expand your resume; impress your friends;
win a cash award. Send your best articles to PM Editor today! (A)
PAPER MONEY ADVERTISERS want to hear from you. When
ordering or contacting an advertiser in this magazine, tell him/her "I
saw your ad in SPMC's magazine Paper IVIoneyr (A)
Coming Next Issue
U.S. Fractional Currency Special Issue
SPMC in collaboration with the
Fractional Currency Collectors Board
are proud to present an entire
80-page special issue of Paper Money
devoted to these interesting notes
Ad Deadline December 15th, 2002
Don't wait and miss out
Full Page rate $300 Half Page rate $175
Quarter Page rate $100
Contact Editor NOW
specialized in Poland, Russia & E.Europe
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Torn Sluszkiewicz
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Paper Money Special Issues for 2003
U.S. Fractional Currency Issue
May/June 2nd U.S. National Banknote Issue
September/October 3rd International Currency Issue
SPMC's special 80-page issues of its award-winning journal Paper Money
have become the "hot ticket" in the hobby
Reserve your advertising space now
Full Page rate $300 Half Page rate $175
Quarter Page rate $100 Contact Editor NOW
RR's, Mining, Banking, etc. etc.
Something For Everyone
P.O. Box 7917, North Port, FL 34287
Phone or Fax (941) 426-2620
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY378
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 11 7060
Carrollton, TX
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 07/15/2002
10477 Bob Walker (C, Silver Certificates, US Notes), Tom
10478 George A. DuBarry (C), Torn Denly
10479 Dan Bryant (C), Torn Denly
10480 George Gifford (C, $2 USN's), Website
10481 Jack Sendak, 3208 Corrine Ln, Virginia Beach, VA
23452 (C, Confederate, Obsolete, Colonial), Frank Clark
10482 William Monty Farmer, PO Box 3477, Meridian, MS
39303 (C, Mississippi Nationals)
10483 Charles Habe (C), Tom Denly
10484 Michael A. Kornreich (C), Torn Denly
10485 Eddie L. Culbertson (C), Tom Denly
10486 Edward W. Stewart (C,) FCCB
10487 Paul S. Berry, PO Box 1346, Station "B", Ottawa, ON
K2P 5R4, Canada (C), Torn Minerley
10488 Frederick S. Groshens (C), Tom Denly
10489 Timothy S. Cooney, 1119 W. Walser Rd, Shelbyville,
IN (C), Website
10490 Robert J. Drew, 97 S. Main St Suite 442, Brigham
City, UT 84302 (C, MPC's and small size silver certifi-
cates), Frank Clark
10491 Ricardo Lobo (C), Tom Denly
10492 John G. Browning (C), Website
10493 Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Dr #1, Plover, WI 54467 (C,
WI Obsoletes & Nationals), Website
10494 Ben Karnefsky, 9214 NW 81 Place, Tamarac, FL
33321 (C, Fractionals, US Large), Website
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 08/09/2002
10495 Fred Greenough (C), Tom Denly
10496 Joseph Bruce Jr. (C), Website
10497 Kevin Wayne Rumes, 23755 Cottage Tr, Olmsted
Letter to the Editor
Dear Mr. Reed:
I wanted to let you know about this information
which I located by using the Freedom of Information
Act. Do you know anyone who might find this useful?
Interesting Government Reports Available
By Michael Ravnitzky
The United States Bureau of Engraving and
Printing (BEP) has a set of very interesting documents
which you can obtain by sending a written request to
the BEP.
They are the "Weekly External Relations Reports"
Falls, Ohio 44138 (C, Obsoletes,
Confederate, Gold & Silver Certificates), Harry Jones
10498 Warner Talso, 12505 Crestline Ave NE, Albuquerque,
NM 87112 (C, MPC & AMC), Frank
10499 George Gerry, 1006 Speake Rd, Huntsville, AL
35816-3534 (C, U.S.), Frank Clark
10500 R. Mark Fischer, PO Box 1986, Visalia, CA 93279-
1986 (D, US & Obsoletes), Don Kelly
10501 John F. Susavage (C), Tom Denly
10502 Rodney E. Heckman, 2920 Oak Hill Rd, Evansville,
IN 47711 (D), Bob Cochran
10503 Matthew Adams (C), Website
10504 Eric Dann, PO Box 18214, Hattiesburg, MS 39404-
8214 (C, Stars and Silver Certificates), Frank Clark
10505 Mike Maberry, 518 Pleasant View Dr, Philadelphia,
MS 39350 (C, Confederate, State Notes, Treasury
Warrants), Website
10506 Gary J. Dobbins, 10308 Vistadale Dr, Dallas, TX
75238 (C, US Large), Frank Clark
10507 Gavin R. Allan, 240 E. Liberty St, Schuylkill Haven,
PA 17972-1706 (C, All $2's - US, Confederate, Foreign),
10508 Frank 0. Walsh III (C), John A. Parker
10509 Michael Funderburk, 8427 NW 2nd PL, Gainesville,
FL 32607 (C), Website
1051 0 Chris Scapardine (C)
10511 James Sgro (C), Website
6470 J. Lipka, PO Box 847, Flemington, NJ 08822 (C & D,
Nationals), Frank Clark
7301 Jerry Swanson, PO Box 565, Rochester, MN 55903 (C
& D, SE MN Nationals & Obsoletes), Bob Cochran
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 08/22/2002
10512 Otto McCulley (C) Frank Clark
10513 Fred Weinberg, 16311 Ventura Blvd #1298, Encino,
CA 91436 (D, Errors), Bob Cochran
10514 Alec A. Pandaleon III (C) Tom Denly & Hugh Shull
10515 A.J. Sims (C), John A. Parker
9983 Kenneth Gyure
and they discuss inquiries to BEP from the press and the
public. Each weekly report is only a couple of pages.
You can ask for these reports for any period of time. A
six months group of these Weekly Reports would be
about 50 pages. These reports have been produced for
several years.
In the note, you need to agree that you will pay fees
if necessary, but the cost should be free of charge if it is
less than 100 pages in length.
All you need to do is send a request by mail or fax
to: Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Freedom of
Information Request Office, 14th & C Street SW,
Washington, DC 20228. The phone number is 202-
874-2058, and the fax number is 202-927-3320
Regards, Mike
(708) 784-0974
.k•1 -4}ii PCDA, SPMC
,11,1t M■ AI-1
II I.14: I (Ms
Storage -
Just one of the categories in the Archivalware
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toots for senous collectors
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 379
United States Paper Money
--special selections for discriminating collectors--
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Error Notes
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National Currency
Star or Replacement Notes
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
Bart, Inc.
(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 • Roseville, MI 48066
Buying & Selling
Quality Collector Currency
•Colonial & Continental Currency
•Fractional Currency
•Confederate & Southern States Currency
•Confederate Bonds
• Large Size & Small Size Currency
Always BUYING All of the Above
Call or Ship for Best Offer
Free Pricelist Available Upon Request
James Polls
4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-6650
Fax: (202) 363-4712
380 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
And Tradition of Bank Note Excellence
Canadians Extend New Series
By Harold Don Allen
Canada's new $5 note (above and
below) joins its new $10 note
released last year. C
money of other nations will have noted that Canada's central bank,
the Bank of Canada, has released a second denomination in the pro-
posed five-note series, which it is referring to as "Canadian
Journey." The new note, a blue $5, portrays Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Liberal prime
minister from 1896 to 1911.
The back of the new $5 shows children skating, tobogganing, playing ice
hockey, in an appropriate outdoor setting.
The companion $10 note, in purple, depicts Sir John A. Macdonald,
Conservative prime minister from 1867 to 1871 and from 1878 to 1891. It was
released early in 2001 and was shown in the 1st Paper Money International
Special Issue last fall. Its distinctive reverse features allusions to Canada's
armed services, peacekeeping, and remembrance.
Corresponding $20, $50, and $100 denominations are understood to be
in an advanced planning stage, with such higher values possibly to be printed
on polymer plastic. The two low denominations use 100 per cent cotton bank
note paper. The $5 currently is Canada's lowest bank note denomination, tra-
ditional $1 and $2 values having been wholly replaced by coins.
The three higher values are to feature reengraved portraits of personages
already identified with the respective denominations. Thus, Queen Elizabeth
II, as Canada's head of state, will be on the $20, with William Lyon Mackenzie
-6.50 FIMISO FIFTY50 rirrar so FIFTY50 FIFTY50 PIPUY50
*4140"- #.0 ,■••
var. j....,waireop.a.sontaime
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222
King and Sir Robert Borden, more recent Canadian prime ministers, on the
$50 and $100, respectively.
New Canadian notes released to date have incorporated the expected
turn-of-millennium range of anti-counterfeiting devices, with dominant, out-
standing portraiture; skillful use of intaglio for lettering, scrollwork and
vignettes; microlettering; and design elements that shift when viewed oblique-
Identified as Issue of 2002, the $5 value carries engraved signatures of
Malcolm D. Knight, senior deputy
governor, and David R. Dodge,
governor, with releases thus far
carrying the inital printing date,
The portrait engraver for the
new Laurier $5 has been identified
as Czeslaw Slania, an internation-
ally acclaimed practitioner, with
completion by Jorge Peral, artistic
director of Canadian Bank Note
Company. The Macdonald likeness, for the $10 had been engraved by Peral.
In contrast to some decades ago when several large firms of security
printers tended to dominate much of world paper money production, these
new notes may be viewed as an essentially "made in Canada" product.
Canada has a tradition of superior bank note work, however, much of it
by American Bank Note Company, New York or Ottawa; Canadian Bank
Note Company (then an ABNCo subsidiary); and British American Bank Note
Company (whose origins were as a Victorian Canadian firm).
Interesting examples of traditional
Canadian note design include the
Canadian Bank of Commerce $20 alle-
gorical classic of 1935, with King
Neptune (with trident), Mercury, and
sea maidens (above); the Dominion of
Canada $5 legal tender "train note" of
1912 (detail at left); and the Bank of
Montreal $50 depicting senior bank
officers of 1931.
November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY382
Research Exchange:
a service for SPMC members
• New York Obsolete Bank Notes (1784-1865). Researcher
requesting info for SPMC state catalog on banking details for NY
obsolete notes. All information welcome. At the moment, I am
interested in any notes from "The Woodstock and Saugerties
General Manufacturing Co." at Saugerties. I am looking for infor-
mation when the bank opened, for how long, who the President
and Cashier were, year of issue of notes, capital at founding, etc.
Will gladly reimburse cost and postage of material received.
Contact or John Glynn, 41 St.
Agnells Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7ax, England
• Roger B. Taney. I need, if there is one available, a photograph
of a note with Justice Roger B. Taney. No one I have asked can
even confirm his being portrayed on PM. There are two or so still
unidentified portraits on Maryland PM that do not look too much
like him, but you never know. Actually, his portrait on currency
from any state will do. I also need a good quality picture of duel-
ing pistols. Contact or C. John
Ferreri, PO Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, librarian
Books about paper money help us more intelligently
develop our collections, add historical perspective to the
artifacts, and provide the opportunity to explore and
enjoy our hobby more fully. While a few collect books
as avidly as we do currency, for most collectors, devel-
opment of an extensive personal library is a financial
challenge. Some books only skirt our collecting inter-
ests, and while they do not compel ownership, they do
invite us to examine and read them.
The SPMC lending library offers members an inex-
pensive means to supplement their personal libraries.
This service has been dormant in recent years, but it's
rising again, and we want it to be a valued benefit of
SPMC membership. As librarian, I'm buying new
books and other materials for your use. I invite you to
suggest materials for the library.
What kinds of materials might we acquire? I can
think of several: Standard general paper money refer-
ence works; specialized monographs, such as the SPMC
Wismer Project series; history of paper money and its
economics, including bank histories; auction catalogs;
and books on paper money technologies, such as print-
ing. Can you think of others?
The library will lend items by mail. The borrower
pays for insured postage both ways, but there are no
fees. Library loans are only for members. Let me know
what books you want and any other ideas for the library.
Please write me at POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-
2331, or email . Watch
the SPMC web page, , for a link to the
library and its catalog.
Fred L Reed RI
In Praise of the Leftover
When I was a youngster dining at my parents' table, one
of my favorite meals was "leftovers." You are probably
familiar with this repast, too. Morn would put on a smorgas-
bord of meat loaf, spaghetti and meat balls, green beans,
mashed potatoes, and other morsels from past dinners. One
could pick and choose, and I still am addicted to cafeterias.
Mom's leftovers were not second rate in any way. Often
I'd request cold turkey or pizza not be reheated; it was better
that way. And everybody has favorites that age splendidly.
My mother's sauerbraten or microwaved day old doughnuts
are mine. Some times mom would make one or two sides
especially for the leftover meal to spice things up.
I regard the last Paper Money issue of the year
(November/December) as an opportunity to experiment --
stretch the envelope, so to speak. Last year, we offered a
topical issue on "short snorters," autographed currency tied
to specific events and people who shared moments in history.
Admittedly it was a stretch. Believe me, the first time I pro-
posed such an issue to a number of SPMC members, the
only person who thought it was a good idea was Neil Shafer.
But then when Neil thinks something is worthwhile, it must
be, and the issue proved to be an interesting experiment.
This issue is something of an experiment too. At first
glance if might seem like a regular "balanced" issue with a
variety of articles in several areas. Of course, it is that. But
it is more, and I'm willing to admit -- no even brag -- that it
is also an issue built on a foundation of "leftovers." The Pete
Huntoon article is "left over" from the National Currency
Special Issue (March/April 2002). The George Tremmel
article remains from those contributed for the Confederate
Currency Special Issue (May/June 2002), and the Harold
Don Allen piece actually made it to the printer for the 2nd
International Special Issue, but was substituted for just prior
to the issue going to press. You may have wondered why the
new Canadian $5 bill was on the cover of that the issue too!
All of these are excellent articles, and surely that excel-
lence attests to the quality and quantity of material you have
contributed to make these special issues really "special."
YOUR participation -- and that of our many quality adver-
tisers -- is making the concept work. This time, there's a
couple of new pieces too, and a great variety of Society news
items in the issue just to spice things up like mom used to do.
So if you are working on a "special" article in your area
of collecting interest, send it in. Every issue of Paper Money
is special whether it's an 80-page topical issue or a "regular"
48-page balanced issue! Last is not least. I'm sure you'll
agree, even our "left overs" are first rate. Just like mom's. +
-'011•Pr -
no am
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
Please offer what you have for sale.
Charles C. Parrish
P.O. Box 481
Rosemount, Minnesota 55068
(651) 423-1039
SPMC LM I 14—PCDA—LM ANA Since 1976
.07 4';‘■
4C1. "',1123" —
• - -
raTlawanectmr,mx02- i; triiiiiiitii4:jisirdviii -
Any Quantity, Any Condition.
Ship in confidence to:
Steve Pomex
(Member ANA, SPMC, IBNS)
PO Box 2, Ridgefield Park, NJ - 07660
Tel: 201-641-6641 / Fax: 201-641-1700
Advertise in Paper Money
It makes good cents
PAPER MONEY • November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 383
An unprecedeted opportunity
for eiiirency Buyers and Sellers
CAA Upcoming Schedule:
September 2001 - Cincinnati
November 2001 - St. Louis - Charity Auction
January 2002 - Orlando
May 2002 - Rosemont
Steve ivy Jim HaEenn Greg Ronan
Heritage Plaza, 100 Highland Park Village, 2nd Floor • Dallas, Texas 75205-2788 • 1-800-US COINS (872-6467) • 214-528-3500 • FAX: 214-443-8425 • e-mail: • • e-mail:
Len Glazer 1-800-872-667 Ext. 390 ( )
Allen Mincho 1-800-872-667 Ext. 327 ( )
merica's #1 Numismatic Auctioneer
Numismatic Auctions, Inc.
PCO 11711
384 November/December 2002 • Whole No. 222 • PAPER MONEY
Currency Auctions of America
joins the Heritage family of companies
Currency Auctions of America, America's most respected currency auctioneer, has just become part of the
country's largest numismatic auction house, Heritage Numismatic Auctions. Building on the combined
strengths of both companies, opportunities for buyers and sellers of paper money will greatly increase with
more frequent CAA auctions at conventions around the country, and twice-monthly sales on the Internet at .
CAA founders Len Glazer and Allen Mincho, two of the top currency experts in the world, will continue
handling all consignments, grading, and cataloging. CAA will be able to offer more material, hold
more auctions, and have greater access to potential bidders through r
Heritage's huge customer base, worldwide marketing expertise, financial
strength, and advanced technology.
This gives CAA the unmatched ability to attract potential consignors and
bidders. which means more choices for paper money collectors:
•more frequent auctions, containing larger amounts of material
•access to Heritage's active mailing list of 50,000 names and web site
membership of nearly 40,000 numismatists
•online interactive bidding and paper money search engine capabilities at and .
•full color, enlargeable images of every single-note lot posted on the Internet
•selected lots for the September CAA auction in Cincinnati will also be available
for viewing through Heritage at the ANA convention in Atlanta in August
•all CAA catalogs will be available in CD-ROM format as well as online
• lead-times will be shortened between consignment deadlines and sale dates
•greater financial resources for cash advances to consignors and for purchases
We invite your participation
in future CAA auctions.
J I ant interested in consigning my currency to one of
your upcoming auctions, please contact me.
J I would like a copy of your next Auction Catalog. Enclosed is a check
or money order for $15, (or an invoice for $1,000 from another cur-
rency company: Fax or Mail a copy to CAA).
_I I would like a one-year subscription to all your Auction Catalogs.
Enclosed is S50 for the year.
dl I would like a FREE copy of your video "Your Guide to Selling Coins
and Currency at Auction."
a Fill in your e-mail address below for free, comprehensive e-listings,
news, and special of fem.
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Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
Heritage Plaza. 100 Highland Park Village, 2nd Floor • Dallas, Texas 75205-2788
214-528-3500 • FAX: 214-443-842a • egnaiL
Len Glazer. Ext. 390 (Len@lieritageCoin. um)
Allen Nlincho, Ext. 327 ( )
B AT" 129BP11,
Unique Territory of Dakota, National Bank Note, Serial #1, realized $55,200
Let Our Success be Your Success! Consign with Bowers and Merena Galleries Tbday.
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More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. LIII, No. 6- Whole No. 294- November/December 2014
- Paper Money- Vol. LIV, No. 6- Whole No. 300- November/December 2015
- Paper Money- Vol. LV, No. 6- Whole No. 306- November/December 2016
- Paper Money- Vol. LVI, No. 6- Whole No. 312- November/December 2017
- Paper Money- Vol LVII, No. 6- Whole No. 318- November/December 2018
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