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Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Our Outstanding Team of Experts Can Help You
Get the Most for Your Collection
You've spent years putting together an outstanding collection, and now
you are ready to sell. Will the people who handle the disposition of your
collection know as much about it as you do? They will at Smythe!
Confederate Currency and Bonds;
Continental and Colonial Currency;
Obsolete Bank Notes; International
Columbia; PhD, University of London. Author of the books Financial
Failure and Confederate Defeat and Comprehensive History and Catalog of
Confederate Bonds. Dr. Ball has written more than 50 articles for Bank Note
Reporter and has received the Heath Literary Award for Numismatic Articles.
Recipient of the Numismatic Ambassador Award 2001, bestowed by
Numismatic News. Member: ANA, SPMC.
U.S. Federal & National Currency;
U.S. Fractional Currency; Small Size
U.S. Currency; U.S. MPC.
MARTIN GENGERKE Author of U.S. Paper Money
Records and American Numismatic Auctions as well as numerous
articles in Paper Money Magazine, the Essay Proof Journal, Bank Note Reporter
and Financial History. Winner of the only award bestowed by the Numismatic
Literary Guild for excellence in cataloging, and the 1999 President's Medal
from the American Numismatic Association. Member: ANA, SPMC.
Autographs; Manuscripts; Photographs;
International Stocks and Bonds.
D IANA HERZ OG President, R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc.
BA, University of London; MA, New York University—
Institute of Fine Arts. Former Secretary, Bond and Share
Society; Past President, Manuscript Society; Editorial Board,
Financial History. Board Member: PADA.
Small Size U.S. Currency; Canadian
Banknote Issues; U.S. Coins.
SCOTT LINDQUIST BA, Minot State University,
Business Administration/Management. Contributor to the
Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money & U.S. Paper
Money Records. Professional Numismatist and sole proprietor
of The Coin Cellar for 16 years. Life Member: ANA, CSNS. Member: PCDA,
Why do so many collectors and major
dealers consign to Smythe's Auctions?
• Competitive commission rates • Cash advances available
• Expert staff of numismatic specialists • Thoroughly researched
• Flexible terms and beautifully illustrated
• Record breaking prices catalogues
U.S. Coins and Medals.
JAY ERLICHMAN Contributor to A Guide Book of
U.S. Coins and A Guide Book of British Coins. Assembled and
managed investment portfolios of U.S. coins. Employed by the
Federal Trade Commission as an expert witness on consumer
fraud. Member: ANA, PCGS, NGC.
Antique Stocks and Bonds;
U.S. Coins; Paper Money.
STEPHEN GOLDSMITH Executive Vice President,
R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. BA, Brooklyn College. Contributor
to Paper Money of the United States, Collecting U.S. Obsolete
Currency, Financial History, and Smart Money. Editor, An
Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes; Past President
and Board Member, Professional Currency Dealers Association. Member:
PCDA, ANA, SPMC, IBSS, New England Appraisers Association.
f 11 Ancient Coins and Medals.
1 JOHN LAVENDER BA, University of Georgia,
Classical History. Former Managing Director at Atlantis, Ltd.
Former Numismatist and Web Media Manager at Classical
Numismatic Group, Inc. Specialist in Ancient Coinages and
related Numismatic Literature. Owner, NUM_LIT-L and Member: ANA, ANS, RNS.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
DAVID VAG I BA, University of Missouri—Columbia.
Author of Coinage and History of the Roman Empire; columnist
for The Celator; Numismatic News, and World Coin News.
Editor of the Journal for the Society for Ancient Numismatics;
. twice received the Numismatic Literary Guild's "Best
Column" award. A recipient of the American Numismatic Association's Heath
Literary Award and the Presidential Award. Member: ANA, ANS.
We buy, sell, and auction the very best in Antique Stocks and Bonds,
Autographs, Banknotes, Coins, Historic Americana, and Vintage Photography
26 Broadway, Suite 973, New York, NY 10004 - 1703
TEL: 212-943-1880 TOLL FREE: 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-908-4670
wvor Mita.
Life Member sieumanism Stephen Goldsmith
Scott Lindquist
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper
Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage
is paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send
address changes to Secretary Tom Minerley, P.O.
Box 7155, Albany, NY 12224-0155
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2003.
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SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
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error occurs upon prompt notification.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 1
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLII, No. 1 Whole No. 223 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2003
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
'Father of U.S. Fractional Currency': General Francis E. Spinner .. . . 3
By John and Nancy Wilson
Served Fractional Term, Honored on Fractional Note: Samuel Dexter .. 16
By Torn O'Mara
Musings on Milt 20
By Benny Bolin
Fractional Currency Collectors Use Two Catalog Numbers 24
By Fred Reed
Inverted and Mirrored Plate Number Fractional Notes 25
By Rick Melamed
Notes from the Vault: An Examination of Holdings in the NNC . . 33
By Tom O'Mara
A Fractional Currency Dealer's Story 50
By Robert J. Kravitz
Gleanings from My Fractional Currency Archive ..... 48, 62, 66, 70, 76
By Fred Reed
Fractional Currency Errors 52
By Benny Bolin
A Misnomer Postage Currency Mystery Finally Solved 63
By David Cassel
The First U.S. Government Currency Engraving Error 68
By Jerry Fochtman
Information & Officers 2
About This Issue 12
Wanted One Volunteer to Serve as Ad Manager for PM 15
President's Column 72
By Frank Clark
Money Mart 72
Paper Money's Upcoming Publishing Program/Ad Deadlines/Ad Rates . 73
New Members 74
Letter from the Editor 74
Nominations Open for SPMC Board 75
Deadline for George W. Wait Prize Nears 76
Librarian's Report 78
By Bob Schreiner
Editor's Notebook 78
2 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must he signed by a parent or guardian. Junior mem-
bership numbers will be preceded by the letter "j," which will be
removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
the world acid $10. Life membership — payable in installments
within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800
elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with issuing annual mem-
bership cards, but paid up members may obtain one from the
Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members
who join after October 1 will have their clues paid through
December of the following year; they also receive, as a bonus, a
copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which
they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper Money.
Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060, Carrollton, TX
VICE-PRESIDENT Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211 ,
Greenwood, IN 46142
SECRETARY Tom Minerley, P.O. Box 7155, Albany, NY
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149,
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-
Steven K. Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Gal iette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant,
MO 63031
Hollander, 406 Viduta PI, Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX (803) 432-9958
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 3
`Father of U.S. Fractional Currencu'
General Francis E. Spinner
By John and Nancy Wilson, NLG
G ENERAL FRANCIS ELIAS SPINNER WAS BORN ON January21, 1802, in German Flatts (now Mohawk), Herkimer County, N. Y.He was the oldest of nine children. His father, the Reverend JohnPeter Spinner, served with the Fort Herkimer Reformed
Church (erected in 1729). His mother was Mary Magdalene
Bruement Spinner. Coming from a very intelligent, hard work-
ing family, he was destined to become one of the most famous
Americans who ever lived. The young Spinner also attended
four district schools in Mohawk Valley. Though he attend-
ed these schools during his youth, his education actually
came from reading and learning skills from others.
Following a period when he lived in Amsterdam,
N.Y., and worked as a saddle maker, as a teen, Spinner
worked in Albany, N. Y., for a small candy manufacturer
and wholesaler. In Albany, he was very fortunate to be
given access to the private library of Peter Gansevoort.
While using the library, he was also privileged to receive an
education in bookkeeping and the handling of money. He
also was a shareholder in the village library. In 1824, he
moved back to Herkimer, N.Y., and set up as a merchant. In
1826, Spinner married Caroline Caswell, and they had five chil-
dren. Around 1826, Spinner was appointed a Lieutenant in the 26th
Regiment, New York State Artillery. He was appointed to the rank of Major-
General in the 3rd Division of Artillery in 1834. General Spinner served with
dignity and efficiency during his time in the militia. Spinner also helped to raise
the Lafayette Guards. Figure 3 is a very rare Militia form (ca. 1834) signed by
Spinner as a Major General.
Spinner served as a Deputy Sheriff in Herkimer County in 1829, later
becoming Sheriff (1834-1843). While serv-
ing as Sheriff he perfected his famous signa- --...)ture to foil counterfeiters from trying to
copy it. In 1839, he was one of the founders lki., ^I*
of the Mohawk Valley Bank. The bank was
organized under the Free Banking Act. He
served the bank as director, cashier and
president. Though he resigned most of his
positions with the bank in 1856, he served as
its president while serving in Congress.
Figure 4 is a check issued on the Mohawk Valley Bank, State of N. Y., dated July
9, 1855, in the amount of $300. Imprint at bottom is Danforth & Huffy, New autograph
York & Philadelphia. He also served an appointment to the New York State
Hospital Building Commission. From 1845 to 1849, he was Auditor of the Port
of New York, under President Polk's administration.
Figure 1: a
proof vignette
of General
Francis E. Spinner
Figure 2: Spinner's famous Spenserian
4 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
atifintitris of Officers elected to 111 vacancies in the c
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Figure 3: A militia form signed by
Spinner as Major General.
Figure 4: Spinner signed this check as
an officer of the Mohawk Valley Bank.
Spinner started out his political career as a Democrat, identifying himself
with the anti-slavery wing of the party. He was elected as a Democrat to
Congress, for the 7th district of N. Y. (Herkimer and Lawrence counties), in
1854. Problems with the Speakership of the House caused him to switch parties
and join the Whig-Republican group. He was reelected by a huge Republican
majority to the 35th and 36th Congressional sessions. He became a strong sup-
porter of Lincoln for President. He even organized a Mohawk political group
called the "Wide-Awakes," who with their band and banners held political rallies
from 1855 to 1861.
In 1861, President Lincoln appointed Spinner as Treasurer of the United
States. Spinner served in this position from March 16, 1861, to June 30, 1875.
Spinner, along with Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, and Spencer M.
Clark, was instrumental in forming the first National Currency Bureau (headed
by Clark), which was later to become the Bureau of Engraving & Printing.
During Spinner's 14 years of service as Treasurer, many advancements were made
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5PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
in the department and other areas over which he was responsible. Improvements
in the paper, ink and anti counterfeiting devices improved greatly during his
term. Some of these inventions are still in use today. Treasurer Spinner has the
great distinction of having his signature placed on some
of this country's earliest large size bank notes and U. S.
Fractional Currency.
Figure 5 is a Third Issue, U. S. Fractional
Currency 50-cent note with Spinner's portrait and
"autograph" signature. For the record, clerks in the
Treasurer's office learned how to do Spinner's auto-
graph and hand-signed the issue(s) for him. It really is
unknown whether he actually signed any of these notes
himself. The copies are so perfect one cannot tell the
difference. His signature can he found on all other class-
es of U.S. currency issued between 1862 and 1875.
A rare CDV (carte de visite) of an older Spinner is shown near the end of this
article at Figure 10. The CDV has his name inscribed at bottom. His image was
also engraved. Figures 1 at the beginning of this article
and Figures 7-8 are three types of Spinner portrait die
proof vignettes. A fourth die proof of Spinner is also in
our collection. On lower left below the vignette of
Spinner is the name Chas. Bart (born 1823, died 1892).
Burt was a picture and portrait engraver. For the
record, no die proof vignette of Spinner is known that
matches exactly with the Third Issue 50-cent note with
his portrait on it. Figure 8 is a close up view of the
CDV of an older Spinner. It has his name at the bot-
Spinner developed his ornate signature (please see
an excellent article by the late Brent Hughes tracing the
development of Spinner's autograph in Paper Money,
Vol. #14 (1974), No. 59, pp. 236ff) to help make it harder for counterfeiters to
successfuly copy his name. General Spinner was an object of personal curiosity to
all sight-seers who visited Washington. It's not hard to image, Dick and Dolly
fresh from their farm asking the General, "Please, sir, will you just show us how
you make it -- that queer name?" He stabs the old pen with three points down
into the pudding-like ink which sticks to the bottom of the broken-nosed pitcher,
and proceeds to pile it up in ridiculous little heaps at cross angles on a bit of
Figure 5a (above): An "autograph"
Third Issue U.S. Fractional note, pur-
portedly signed by Spinner.
Figure 5b (below) Detail.
Figure 6: An old envelope listing U.S.
Fractional Currency issues.
..rfr IS es !"1 Co 47e • -Ty i'e 7o flo' n
fitri?' es. e p tic. in j r :191%
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Life Member Mimiume RES
January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
How Did Smythe Get Double and Triple Greysheet
for Many of the CertiWed and UncertiWed Coins in Our Nebraska VII Sale?
The following 10 coins are highlights from a recent R. M. Smythe Coin Auction held at
the Algonquin Hotel in New York City. "Nebraska Part VII" (along with other major
consignments) set numerous records as bids were often shouted from the auction Xoor.
Phone bids that came from as far as California were also executed during the 840-lot sale.
1849-D $1Gold Ch. AU $3,960 AU $1,000
1856-D $1 Gold PCGS AU 58 $11,000 AU $5,750
1899 $21/2 PCGS PR 65 $18,700 PR 65 $10,100
1846-0 $5 NGC AU 58 $4,400 AU $2,300
1852-0 $20 AU $2,475 AU $1,300
1921 Peace $1 Ch. BU $7,700 MS-63 $225
1794 50 cent VG $3,575 VG $1,900
1802 50 cent EF $4,180 EF $1,700
1822 50 cent PCGS MS-63 $3,520 MS-63 $1,250
1911 25 cent Gem Proof $4,180 PR-65 $1,250
It wasn't easy. We carefully catalogued every coin, illustrated
the feature items using digital photography, and showed the
lots in New York City. We made the dealers and collectors
who came to the auction feel right at home, and we
provided telephone bidding for those who couldn't
be there in person.
1911 25 cent Gem Proof
Realized $4,180
We'll do everything we can to get you great results, and do
it in a warm, friendly atmosphere. Call and ask for Jay
Erlichman, Stephen Goldsmith, Tom Tesoriero (U.S.
Coins), David Vagi, John Lavender (Ancient Coins),
Douglas Ball (CSA, Obsolete and Colonial Currency),
Martin Gengerke, Scott Lindquist (Federal Currency),
Diana Herzog or James Lowe (Autographs).
1852-0 $20 AU
Realized $2,475
1802 50 cent EF
Realized $4,180
1899 $21/2 PCGS PR 65
Realized $18,700
We will be attending most major coin and currency shows.
Scott Lindquist or Tom Tesoriero will be behind our table,
buying, selling and accepting consignments.
Please visit our gallery at 26 Broadway, in the heart of Manhattan's Financial District, near the new home of the American
Numismatic Society, the Museum of American Financial History, the Statue of Liberty, and the New York Stock Exchange.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
For Upcoming Smythe Auctions Visit Our Website at
26 Broadway, Suite 973, New York, NY 10004-1703
TEL: 212-943-1880 TOLL FREE: 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-908-4670
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
If You Collect Currency, Coins, or Stocks and Bonds,
You Won't Want to Miss These Important Auctions!
This important auction will feature United States gold, silver
and copper coins, some dating back to the late 18th century.
In addition, 19th and 20th century coins, many in Choice to
Gem Uncirculated, will be offered. Also included will be
foreign lots, medals and other fine numismatic material.
Ron Guth, Auctioneer, New York License #111214/111212.
SALE DATE: January 13, 2003—New York
City. Viewing will take place in New York
and January 7-9 in Orlando, Florida.
Just one of the exciting coins Smythe will sell in
this auction
1842-0 $10. Only 27,400 of these pieces were struck, with
perhaps 200 surviving in any condition. The specimen offered
in Smythe's January auction, although once cleaned, has sharper
details than any known specimen.
To receive a catalogue for this sale
($25), call our subscription desk at 800-622-1880.
The February Strasburg Stock, Bond and Currency Show
and Auction, now in its 16th year, is acclaimed as the most
important event of the year for collectors and dealers of stocks,
bonds, financial documents and related ephemera. R.M.
Smythe & Co. Firm License: Pennsylvania AY 0001861
SALE DATE: February 6-9, 2003, Strasburg,
An historically significant item included in this sale
y#09441 .VC, iiiTizliCit—snaiilc. °mums. Pttpt,
An excessively rare Northern Pacific Railroad bond signed by
Jay Cooke, "financier of the Civil War". Also included in the
sale will be a comprehensive collection of stocks and bonds with
imprinted revenue stamps and an extensive offering of
American Bank Note Company stock and bond specimens.
To receive a catalogue for this sale
($25), call our subscription desk at 800 -622 - 1880.
For information regarding table sales at this show please
contact Show Chairman Kevin Foley at 877-210-1727.
"Absolutely the finest stock and bond show in North America, bar none. I recommend it
without reservation to every serious collector and dealer." — Scott Winslow, dealer
26 Broadway, Suite 973, New York, NY 10004-1703
TEL: 212-943-1880 TOLL FREE: 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-908-4670
Life Member
1-.E..,-,, !te: , ,„
''',. ''''. Itkollh-■ = VISA'
8 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 7: Another engraved vignette
of Spinner during the time he was
Treasurer of the United States.
Figure 8: An engraved vignette of
Spinner as a mature man based on
the CDV shown following.
paper. The two visitors, who are speechless, accept the autograph, and cannot
wait to get home to show-off the signature of the Treasurer of the U. S.
Treasurer Spinner is very well known as the person who was most instru-
mental in the development of U. S. Postage and Fractional Currency. This is
how it happened. When Fort Sumter was attacked by the Confederacy on April
12, 1861, President Lincoln issued a call to arms. This impending Civil
War caused everyone to hoard specie. All types of make shifts for
money were used by businesses and individuals: postage stamps,
scrip, tokens, encased postage, postage currency envelopes and
others. None of these specie replacements worked well. In
order to alleviate the problem, President Lincoln signed an
Act in July, 1861, authorizing stamps (with glue on them) as
money. A run on the post office soon exhausted supplies.
When they stuck together and became unmanageable,
almost everyone wanted to redeem them at the post office.
At first, Postmaster General Blair refused to redeem them,
but later after negotiations, they were redeemed. The prob-
lem continued with everyone screaming for a circulating
Treasurer Spinner was quite aware of the shortage of
specie, and the many non legal tender replacements that were in cir-
culation. For that matter, the entire Treasury Department was under a
lot of pressure to come up with an answer. Finally, Treasurer Spinner came up
with a wonderful idea for a circulating specie replacement. He took unused five-
and ten-cent stamps, pasted them on Treasury paper with his signature, made
them a uniform size and circulated them around the Treasury Building. Officials
liked his idea, and thus the First Issue of Postage Currency came into existence.
Unlike the circulating postage stamps with adhesive that had circulated earlier,
these notes were uniform in size and had no glue or adhesive on them. They
were issued in 5-, 10-, 25- and .50-cent denominations. The Act passed in 1861
authorizing stamps as money was used to produce this issue. Though issued ille-
gally, an Act in 1863 legitimized this First Issue, and authorized a Second Issue of
U. S. Fractional Currency.
U. S. Postage and Fractional Currency had five different issues between
1862 and 1876. Denominations of 3-, 5-, 10-, 15-, 25- and 50-cents were
circulated. Not all issues used all denominations. Figure 6 is a rare
envelope containing information about the amounts issued. This
item was purchased from Hy Brown about 12 years ago along
with other envelopes and ephemera. Some experts feel the
information on this envelope isn't precisely correct.
While at the Treasury, Spinner was credited with bring-
ing women into government service. First he hired women
to cut sheets of notes apart, then as clerical workers, and
finally to detect counterfeit notes in the Redemption Division
of the Treasury Bureau. Spinner stated that "most females
were doing better and more work for the $600 per year then a
lot of the male workers who were being paid twice that
amount." He also said, "A man will examine a note systemati-
cally and deduce logically, from the imperfect engraving, blurred
vignette or indistinct signature, that it is counterfeit, and be wrong
four cases out of ten. A woman picks up a note, looks at it in a desul-
tory fashion of her own, and says: 'That's counterfeit.' 'Why?' 'Because it
is,' she answers promptly, and she is right eleven times out of twelve." Out of
great love and appreciation for Spinner, the women workers had his statue cast in
According to legend, one night Spinner lay restless in his bed having a
strong impression that something was wrong at the Treasury. Getting up quick-
ly, he headed for the Treasury building and came across a guard who was on his
/* /.7 // r ) L
i'r7/ tce 7-C 49‹ (.0adaits
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 9
way to wake him up because someone had left the vault door open. The next day Figure 9: A Treasury Warrant signed
he moved to a small room at the Treasury. On a daily basis, he made sure that by Spinner and Register of the Treasury
the vault doors were locked. Out of this, he received the nickname, The watch- Colby.
dog of the Treasury." Figure 7 is a rare Treasury Warrant dated 1866, and
signed by Spinner and Register of the Treasury S. B. Colby. The ABNCo N.Y.
imprint is at bottom.
The only blemish on Treasurer Spinner's record occurred when
Superintendent of the National Currency Bureau, Spencer M. Clark, placed his
own portrait on a five-cent Third Issue Fractional Currency note. Spencer Clark
was instructed to place William Clark's (of the Lewis and Clark expedition) image
on the note. Some fascinating information regarding the Spencer M. Clark inci-
dent can be found at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing web page, which can be
found at:
Almost all collectors of fractional currency know that Spencer Clark placed
his own likeness on the five-cent note instead of William Clark. We didn't real-
ize that when Spencer Clark mentioned to Spinner the name of Clark that he
thought Freeman Clark was going to be on the note. Spinner evidently didn't
even know that Spencer Clark was given directions to place William Clark on the
five-cent note. He absolutely played with words with Spinner regarding the
Clark name. Most of the following information will be found on the BEP web
page mentioned above. We think it is fascinating reading:
Without consulting Treasurer Spinner, Spencer Clark ordered that his por-
trait go on the 50 cent Third Issue fractional currency note. It appeared that the
Treasurer was pleased with having his portrait placed on the note and approved
it. Other portraits and designs were approved as they were getting set to go.
Spinner asked Clark whose likeness was going to be on the five-cent Third Issue
note? Clark said how about Clark? Spinner said excellent, thinking that Spencer
Clark was going to place the portrait of the Comptroller of the Currency
Freeman Clark on the note. It is evident that Spinner didn't even realize that the
Clark that was supposed to go on the note was William Clark of the Lewis and
Clark expedition. In any case the mistake wasn't noticed until large quantities of
notes had been produced.
Needless to say complaints and criticisms regarding this egotistical act by
Spencer Clark came from all areas of government. Due to Spencer Clark's
action, Congress passed an Act on April 7, 1866, prohibiting the use of portraits
of any living person on U. S. paper money. The Act is still in force today.
Unfortunately, this Act prohibited the release of the fifteen-cent Grant and
Sherman note which was almost set to be released. The Congressional Act of
January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY10
May 16, 1866, authorized an issuance of five-cent
nickels. The Act was passed so the government
could withdraw from circulation as many of the
Spencer Clark five-cent notes as they could. The
Act also forbid the issuance of paper money in
denominations less than ten-cents. All of this is
very fascinating reading, and as you can see
almost every celebrity of the times had his por-
trait placed on notes before the Act was passed.
When it is all said and done, it is good that
the Act was passed in 1866. We don't think living
persons should be placed on U. S. Government
fiscal paper. This honor should be given to great
Americans who are no longer with us.
Spinner loved flowers, mineral specimens
and crystals and often gave these as gifts. He was
a friendly, humble, generous and kind gentleman
to both rich and poor alike. In a letter, he is
quoted as saying that "great wrong and sorrow
can grow out of one sharp retort." During his
Washington years, he also spent time in Mohawk,
N.Y., which was his official residence. He vaca-
tioned in Jacksonville, Florida during the winter
months. Late in life, his eyes started failing him
and he developed cancer. Right up until he died
in Florida on December 31, 1890, Spinner was
always happy and in fine spirits. He was buried in
Mohawk, New York. His ornate signature is
engraved on his tombstone.
Figures 11 and 12 show two Spinner checks.
The top one is dated 1890 and payable to Spinner
for personal expenses. Since Spinner was virtually
blind and dying of cancer, it is hard to believe that
he could even write a check such as this. The
bottom check, dated 1852, is on the Mohawk
Valley Bank. This holograph (entirely hand-writ-
ten) check is payable to Spinner and signed by
him as Treasurer at the bottom. Figure 12 shows
the backs of the checks in figure 11. Both are
Figure 10: A CDV (carte de visite)
enlarged view of an elderly Spinner.
endorsed by Spinner.
We have spoken to a Buffalo, N.Y. collector/dealer Norm Peters, who he
told us that about 13 years ago he was able to purchase 5,000 checks on the
Mohawk Valley Bank signed by Spinner. He said that he went to a local antique
dealer in the Mohawk Valley area and was able to purchase these 5,000 Spinner
checks from the bank. They all were in a large box. The antique dealer told
Norm that someone found the checks in a dump in Mohawk Valley, brought
them to him and asked if they were worth any money? The antique dealer
bought them all. The person then went back to the dump and found that they
had been bulldozed over and buried. He dug around and found some more and
sold them to the antique dealer also. It was told to Norm that the Mohawk Bank
evidently cleared out there storage area and disposed of the old checks and other
documents. The bank has been sold several times over and we don't know what
name it holds today.
Norm told us that he only has a few remaining from the 5,000 checks he
purchased from the antique dealer. He said that he sold 1,500 to one person for
$12 a piece years ago. Norm didn't say what he paid for the large hoard, but it
had to be less than the $12 he sold the 1,500 for. This information is very impor-
tant to collectors of Spinner checks. It appears that about the time this hoard was
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44 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
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January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 47
New Hampshire Bank Notes Wanted
Also Ephemera
I am continuing a long-time study on currency issued by banks in
New Hampshire, including state-chartered banks 1792-1865, and
National Banks circa 1863-1935. Also I am studying colonial and
provincial notes.
I would like to purchase just about anything in colonial and provin-
cial notes, nearly everything in state-chartered notes, and items that
are scarce or rare among National Bank notes. I am not seeking bar-
gains, but I am willing to pay the going price. I will give an immedi-
ate decision on all items sent, and instant payment for all items pur-
Beyond that, I am very interested in ephemera including original
stock certificates for such banks, correspondence mentioning cur-
rency, bank ledgers, and more.
With co-author David M. Sundman and in cooperation with a special
scrip note project by Kevin Lafond, I am anticipating the production
of a book-length study of the subject, containing basic information
about currency, many illustrations including people, buildings, and
other items beyond the notes themselves, and much other informa-
tion which I hope will appeal to anyone interested in historical
details. All of this, of course, is very fascinating to me!
Dave Bowers
Box 1224
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Telephone (603) 569-5095
Fax (603) 569-5319
NEW-YORK, Nov.13th, 18E32.
This will entitle the holder to re-
ceive i eh9rige fbr United States Notes
in POSTAGE i RRENCY, each Tuesday
and F
until further notice.
;! (e"We.1",-4,11("2
Asst.Treas'r.If. S.
F014410 94c
48 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Gleanings from My Fractional Currency Archive - 1
By Fred Reed
U .S. POSTAGE CURRENCY WAS AN EMERGENCYissue arising from the necessity for the government to
provide a small circulating medium of exchange after virtually
all silver fractional coins were hoarded early in the Civil War.
At the time these notes were authorized, there was no
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The federal government
was contracting out for the printing of its currency, its stamps,
its revenue stamps, bonds and other obligations. The amount
of security printing that was necessary to support the war
effort outstripped the capacity of the private printing firms
with which the government was contracting.
Thus the issue of these small value notes was greatly
delayed, exacerbating the small change crisis across the north-
ern states. As collectors, we know this lack gave rise to private,
municipal, corporate and state fractional notes -- a polyglot
medium of uncertain value. Even postage stamps circulated
during these distressing times!
When shipments of Postage Currency were finally made
available in fall 1862, the quantities dribbled out far-out-
stripped by demand. In order to expedite circulation of the
notes, Assistant U.S. Treasurer John Cisco printed up Postage
Currency permits entitling the holder to acquire notes (if they
were available) up to $30 in value on either Monday and
Thursday or Tuesday and Friday.
The Tuesday-Friday permit was originally published in
The Numimatist many years ago. The Monday-Thursday per-
mit was acquired in the 1980s by my friend and fellow SPMC
member Ernie Keusch, who permitted me to publish it for the
first time in my encased postage stamp book. If any other per-
mits survived, the Editor would like to hear about them.
NEW-YORK, Nov. 13th, 1802.
This will entitle the holder to re-
, ceive in exchange for United States Notes
in POSTAGE CURRENCY, each Monday
and Thursday until further notice.
, /1 Ass t. Troas' U. S.
Carl Bombara
United States Currency
P.O. Box 524
New York, N.Y. 10116-0524
Phone (212) 989-9108
■ M. : A41■:‘: .1 •:: 1 N I%
I Nftt
WO 71 rillralC:
(.01A I- it.,..Lit.d.ct
MI MAIMED 111111111S
$500 1880 Legal Tender
Serial Washington Brownback
1882 $1,000 Gold Certificate
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
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50 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
T FIRST TIME I SOLD MY FRACTIONAL CURRENCY COLLEC-tion was in 1976. I had been collecting since 1965, when my grandpa gave
me my first note, a Crawford (Fr. 1381). Grandpa said it was Bob Hope's dad! I
took it to three coins stores to find out it was William H. Crawford, who served as
both Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of War.
From 1971-1984 I managed the Coin Place in St. Louis and from 1974-75,
my dad's auto parts store. My dad let me "go!" My hair was long and I refused to
get it cut. I was making a living playing professional foosball (table soccer). Yes,
there was professional foosball competitio, and I was making $200 to $500 per
week at it. The money was not always steady, so I made up my mind to sell frac-
tional currency via mail order and at coin shows, too.
There was already someone (Len & Jean Glazer) doing it, so I knew it
would work. In May of 1976, I sent out my first price list containing 99 notes.
Some of the notes were; Fr. 1268 in VF ($25); Fr. 1312 in VF ($30) and a Fr. 1253
in Gem New ($70). I was now in the business of selling fractional currency.
That same year, I sold a Gem New Fr. 1331 to Don Kelly for $35, and a New Fr.
1331 to Carlson Chambliss for $30. At the first International Paper Money Show
in Memphis in June 1977, I sold six fractional currency vignettes from the Rothert
sale to Len Glazer for $200; an original pack of Fr. 1381 notes in New to Harry
Forman for $650; a Fr. 1246 that I did not know had an inverted "S" to Mike
Marchioni, as well as many other notes.
I sold fractional via mail for the next two years, then returned to work in my
dad's auto parts store. Since I then had a full time job, I started collecting frac-
tional currency again. Prices went crazy in 1981 when investors and not collectors
A Fractional Currency Dealer's Story
By Robert J. Kravitz
took over the market and peaked in 1986. My dad sold his auto parts store and I
moved west to Sacramento, CA and got yet another job managing an auto parts
store there. In 1991, I got a call from an old customer who tracked me down. He
knew I had saved a lot of wide margin Grant/Sherman notes and made me a great
offer for them. I needed the money, so I sold them.
Once again, I started selling fractional at the expense of my collection! I
started setting up at coin shows and joined the Fractional Currency Collectors
Board. In 1993, I put out my second mail order list. There was not a lot of inter-
est in fractional in the 1990s except when there was a big collection sold, includ-
ing Alan May in 1992, Herman Halpern in 1993, Wayne Leichty in 1994, Martin
Gengerke in 1995, and finally the Milt Friedberg sale in January 1997. With the
sale of Milt's amazing collection, a lot of interest in fractional began. So, I decided
to do my first full-page ad in Bank Note Reporter. I was able to sell most of the
notes in the ad.
In September 1997, things changed at work, so I quit. I had just moved
into a new house, had two house payments and no job. Luckily, I was also selling
large size currency. With the sales of two more major fractional collections, Dr.
Wally Lees's (1999) and Mike Marchioni's (2000), interest in fractionals began to
skyrocket. Now the problem was finding quality material to sell. I sent out my
first real catalog in 2000. I listed 123 different notes, many rare and scarce. I was
able to sell 75% of the notes in the catalog.
More new collectors are coming to the conclusion that fractional currency is
till a bargain when you compare the rarity to the price, especially if you compare
them to large size. The Fr. 1296 is a great example. With only 12 known, in gem
it has sold for $4,200. Had this rarity and condition been a large size note, it
could easily have surpassed $100,000. The fractional currency market is very
strong, the best ever. Many new collectors are getting the fractional bug. More
and more dealers are stocking fractionals as well. Fractional is truly on the crest
of a wave!
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
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$7.3 million, including
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Above: normal; at right with pearls missing
52 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Fractional Currency Errors
By Benny Bolin
T IKE ALL PAPER MONEY SERIES, FRACTIONAL CURREN-cy has its share of errors. Either from the scrutiny fractional curren-cy received during its printing, or due to the small numbers still4 extant, none of these errors are numerous. However, with very few
exceptions, these are not widely collected and many command only very small
premiums. This article is intended to introduce collectors to the field of errors
which may be found on fractional currency.
ENGRAVING ERRORS: There is only one true engraving error in the frac-
tional currency series. This is on third issue, three-cent notes with the light
background. Two plates of these notes (plates 32 & 35) were engraved missing
the two small pearls below the diamond under the center of Washington's por-
INVERTED "S": An error thought by many to be an engraving error and
having the appearance of it is the second issue twenty-five cent note with the
bronze reverse "S" surcharge in the upper left corner upside down. The
bronzing of this series of notes (and also third issue notes) was clone by sprin-
kling bronze water glass powder over glue that had been applied by a plate
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 53
The Kagin name appears more often than any other
in the pedigrees of the rarest and scarcest notes
(U.S. Paper Money Records by Gengerke)
BUY ALL U.S. CURRENCY Good to Gem Unc.
I know rarity (have handled over 95% of U.S. in Friedberg)
and condition (pay over "ask" for some) and am prepared
to "reach" for it. Premium Prices Paid For Nationals
(Pay 2-3 times "book" prices for some)
BUY EVERYTHING: Uncut Sheets, Errors, Stars,
Special Numbers, etc.
I can't sell what I don't have
Pay Cash (no waiting) - No Deal Too Large
A.M. ("Art") KAGIN
505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 910
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2316 (515) 243-7363 Fax: (515) 288-8681
At 83 It's Still Time - Currency & Coin Dealer Over 50 Years
I attend about 25 Currency-Coin Shows per year
Visit Most States (Call, Fax or Write for Appointment)
Collector Since 1928
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Founding Member PNG, President 1963-64
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ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988
4104 1..1171'
••-"" • •
sjoisn poky ny ----Tiir
54 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
which had rubber dies on it. Evidently, when the plate
was assembled, the "S" was inserted upside down.
Interestingly, this same plate seems to have been used to
print both experimental notes and regular issue notes
since this variety exists in both. There are less than 10
regular issue notes and 8 experimental notes known with
this error.
Correct (left)
Invert (right)
DOUBLE DENOMINATION: Double denominations in fractional curren-
cy are very rare and less than 10 total double denomination notes for the series
are known. All known double denominations are on second issue notes.
Collectors are warned to be wary of some of these since many second issue
notes were printed on fiber paper, which is easily separated.
MISALIGNMENTS: Probably the most common error in fractional curren-
cy is the misaligned note. These errors were made when a sheet already print-
ed on one side was fed into the press off-register, causing one side or the other
to be off center. This creates notes that have a piece of the adjacent note
design on them. The key in this error is that one side will be centered fine, but
the other side will be off alignment. Since the large majority of these notes
are only minimally misaligned, the error generally detracts from the desirability
and value of the note instead of enhancing it.
,f fr, a
AIM/ %;:.
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t I I ill
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PERFORATION ERRORS: Some first issue fractional currency (Postage
Currency) was made with perforations between the notes like postage stamps to
facilitate the separation on notes on sheets. Completely printed sheets were
fed into perfing machines to achieve this. Sometimes, the perforations were
incomplete (missing vertically or horizontally). These errors exist today, but
are very rare. At other times, the sheets were
off-register when they were fed into the per-
forating machine making a note that had
some of the perforations done at an angle as
this note at left shows on its left side.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 55
INK SMEARS: There are relatively few ink smears known in fractional cur-
rency. Due to the printing method employed in printing these notes. Thus
this is not a common error. The author knows of two full back ink smears in
addition to the two smears shown above.
PRESS BED SMEARS: Many fractional currency notes (like the one above)
have press bed smears. These occurred when the sheet was pulled off the plate
and dragged over residual ink. These smears are not considered errors and
detract from the desirability and value of the notes.
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January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
INSUFFICIENT INKING: When fractional currency was printed, ink was
applied to the plate and then the sheet was laid on top and printed. If the oper-
ator wiped too hard and removed too much ink, an insufficient inking situation
would occur with light or totally absent details in that area. Due to the prob-
lems associated with wear on a note, this type of error is very difficult to certify
in notes that are not in Uncirculated condition.
INVERTS: Inverts are the kings of fractional currency errors, in desirability,
number and price. Almost all of the different series of the first three issues of
fractional currency have inverts of some type. The first issue notes with inverts
merely had the back inverted in relation to the front. The second and third
issues have inverted surcharges, inverted back engraving and totally inverted
backs (actually inverted fronts). Tom O'Mara very nicely chronicled these dra-matic errors in Paper Money several years ago after displaying them at a
Memphis show. With the exception of the first issue five-cent invert, all frac-
tional currency inverts are considered rare and most have less than 5-10 exam-
ples known. The inverted pair is rare as not many inverted multiples are
known. The fifty-cent experimental is one of four known and the five-cent
with the inverted reverse engraving is one of only two known.
111 77Jt.lti,eritl:KY4
■;_".1 ties ig,41100 -
First issue with inverted reverse
Second issue inverted back engraving
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Obsoletes — Nationals — Scrip
Histories and Memorabilia
Illenhurst — Allentown — Ashug Park — Atlantic Highlands — Belmar
Bradley Beach — Eatontown — Englishtown — Freehold — Howell
Keansburg — Keyport — Long Branch — Manasquan — Matawan
Middletown — Ocean Grove — Red Bank — Sea Bright — Spring Lake
N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525
New Hampshire Notes
Wanted: Obsolete currency,
National Bank notes,
other items relating
to New Hampshire paper money
from the earliest days onward.
Dave Bowers
Box 1224
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
Fax: 603-569-5319
Buying & Selling
All Choice to Gem CU Fractional Currency
Paying Over Bid
Please Call:
P.O. Box 303
Wilton, CA 95693
Right: Second issue inverted back surcharge
Right: Second issue inverted back surcharges
pair of notes
Below: Second issue inverted back surcharge ha)
58 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
OFFSET TRANSFERS: Offset transfers occurred primarily by stacking
sheets of still wet notes on top of one another. The two second issue notes
here have the image from the front on the back. The third issue ten-cent note
has the offset of the front "10" surcharge on the back.
PIC s I r
I • S'•
r F011 ;is"
rrt •
',..,: stja,
A very dramatic non-error is shown (left) of a first issue note
with a second issue "25" denomination back surcharge on it.
Obviously, this is not a BEP product, but resulted from the
notes being stacked either wet or under pressure. The author
also has a green back justice note that has a red back transfer.
We stock a large inventory
of high quality fractional notes
Below is just a sampling.
Please call with specific wants.
1228 5c Very Choice CU $299
1241 10c Very Choice CU $325
1279 25c Gem CU $550
1311 50c Choice CU $110
1245 10c Choice CU $95
1286 25c Choice CU $188
1322 50c Very Fine+ $55
1253 10c Gem CU $325
1295 25c Gem CU $288
1297 25c Gem CU $435
1328 50c Very Choice CU $315
1343 50c Gem CU $555
1269 15c Gem CU $250
1307 25c Very CH CU $110
98 Main Street #201
Tiburon, CA 94920 1-888-8KAGINS Call Judy
Carl Bombara Selling
United States Currency
P.O. Box 524
New York, N.Y. 10116-0524
Phone 212 989-9108
• You can be a leader too •
• Advertise in PAPER MONEY •
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
Why do the leading paper money dealers
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Because they are the LEADING DEALERS
& They intend to remain THE leaders!
Claud & Judith
We Buy & Sell
Paper Money, checks, bonds,
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Box 24056
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1,300 listings, 800 photos
$38.95 (plus sales tax if applicable)
Gordon L Harris
5818 S. Terry Rd.
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The American Society of Check Collectors
publishes a quarterly journal for members.
Visit our website at or write to
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Dues are $10 per year for US residents,
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and $18 for those in foreign locations.
fax: 336-699-2359
January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Left to right: misaligned "10"; Missing
"18"; Extra bronze blob.
BRONZING ERRORS: Notes of the second issue and some third issue notes
had bronze surcharges and other designs applied as anti-counterfeiting mea-
sures. This bronzing was actually silica water glass that was sprinkled over glue
that had been applied to the sheet. Many errors resulted from this technique,
including misaligned or missing designs. Collectors need to be wary of second
issue fifty-cent notes without the bronze corner "18-63" surcharge as no gen-
uine examples are known to exist.
CUTTING ERRORS: Cutting errors of the first and second issue and the
third issue three-cent notes are highly suspect for manufacture outside the BEP
since large multiples and even full sheets of these notes are readily available.
One type of cutting error that is a BEP product is a "butterfly fold." This
occurs when the sheet is folded during cutting and a "bow-tie" or "butterfly"
shape exists after. Again, these could be suspect on the aforementioned issues,
but on other notes, especially the fourth and fifth issue notes, they are probably
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
/ /.3. /13:1• /la
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 61
GUTTER/INTERIOR FOLDS: Gutter or interior folds have a blank,
unprinted white streak that interrupts the normal design of the note. These
happen when the sheet has a wrinkle in it at the time of printing. After print-
ing, when the wrinkle is straightened out, the white streak is visible. These
errors range from very small to large. One example of a first issue note with
five gutter folds is reported. The author's favorite is the Spinner note nick-
named "Excedrin headache 25/25."
FOLDOVER ERRORS: There are two fold over errors in fractional currency
known to the author. These errors happen when the paper is folded over and
one side is printed on the folded over area. When the paper is unfolded, the
design is on the wrong side and a blank area on the other side remains.
SEAL ERRORS: Fractional currency was the first U.S. paper money to have
the Treasury Department seal imprinted on it. Two types of seal errors are
known; the misaligned seal and the missing seal. Misaligned seals happen like
all other misalignment errors due to off-register placement of the sheet before
the seals were printed.
Left: normal seal placement;
Right: misaligned seal (too low).
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62 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Fewer than five known notes are known with genuine missing seals. However,
many have had the seals removed by chemicals, scraping or erasing as have
these two shown above. The ten-cent note is interesting in that Schultz and
Valentine listed it in the early fractional reference books as a genuine no seal
note. It was not until the Joers collection (of which this note was a part) was
purchased by Milt Friedberg that it came to light that it was an altered note.
As with anything, whatever is made can be made wrongly. Fractional cur-
rency errors are disdained by some and loved by others. No matter how they
are viewed, they are truly a fascinating subset of fractional currency.
The author is indebted to Dr. Fred Bart whose book, A Comprehensive Catalog of
United States Paper Money Errors was the primary reference for this article, and
for sharing his vast knowledge and selling many of the notes pictured to the
author. v
Gleanings from My Fractional Currency Archive - 2
By Fred Reed
THE INABILITY OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTto meet the public's need for the promised Postage Currency
was widespread especially in the hinterland. Initially when quanti-
ties of notes became available, the large Eastern cities of New York,
Philadelphia and Boston were the favored destinations for quantities
of the government's small change notes.
These delays in fall 1862 gave rise to emergency tokens and
store cards, especially in Cincinnati. Such "hard money" copper
and brass pieces were of more seeming value than the "worthless
paper trash" which circulated everywhere, but proved inadequate to
fill the needs of the time for the higher values.
Dribbles of government small change bills were dispatched to
post offices and subtreasuries for disbursement, but long lines of
overcharged customers and inadequate supplies created a riot situa-
tion in Cincinnati, as reported in the Cincinnati Daily Enquirer
November 5th, 1862:
The Small Change Panic in Cincinnati
5,000 Citizens Demand Postal Currency
at the Custom-House Yesterday
Apprehensions of a Riot .. .
I published a two-part story on this fractional currency riot in
Coin World Nov. 2 & Nov. 9, 1988. It was reprinted in the FCCB
Newsletter in 1988 and 1993. The story also caught the eye of the
Bicentennial Committee of the U.S. Postal Service in Washington,
D.C. When they published the official history of the Cincinnati
post office 1994, they requested permission to reprint the article in
the book. Permission was granted. No fee was paid, but they did
send me a copy of the very fine and large book.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
A Misnomer Postage
Currency Mystery
Finally Solved
By David Cassel ©
Postage Currency Coins in 2000 surveying the U.S. pattern 10-cent coins
of 1863 and related issues dated 1868-69 which were produced for the
planned redemption of the fractional currency which had commenced
during the Civil War, I have been up-dating my manuscript with additional
data. For this special issue of Paper Money, I decided to write an original article
on one of the most puzzling aspects of my research, the Koulz's Alloy ten-cent
pattern coins of 1869, Judd 716/Pollock 795, an alloy of silver, nickel, and cop-
From a technical standpoint, I'll stand pat with my Chapter 9, which deals
with the Postage Currency related pattern dimes of 1869. My continuing
research in this area has studied not only the coins, but also more so, the
man...or, better, the misnomer. But first, let me lay the groundwork by restat-
ing a portion of Chapter 9, which deals with the Koulz's Alloy pattern coins.
The following passage will setup my up-date: "A supposed German
chemist, Koulz was the inspiration for both the first reverse design, `SIL.9' over
'NIG. l' above a line which is over the date '1869'
and second reverse design elements, `SIL.'
over WIC.' over 'COP.' above a line
which is over the slightly curved date
`1869: An effort to garner some addi-
tional information on Koulz, proved
Regretfully, this
cataloguer with the help of numisma-
tists in Germany and the United States,
using the facilities of libraries, encyclope-
dias, and the Internet could come up with
not a single reference to Koulz, not even his first
name, except that in the 600 page German lexicon, Koulz may not be a German
64 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
"'What little we know originated in a booklet entitled Suggestions to
Congress of the Finances of the United States submitted to the Chamber of
Commerce of New York, by H. E. Moring, in 1869. This is where the earliest
pattern book reference to Koulz is found in the Adams and Woodin United
States Pattern, Trial, and Experimental Pieces, published in 1913 and reprinted in
1959. Dr. Judd, Andrew Pollock and now this cataloger essentially restate what,
according to Andrew Pollock III, in United States Patterns and Related Issues was
`In 1869 the Mint experimented with an alloy consisting of 41% copper,
33% nickel, and 26% silver. The alloy was invented by the German chemist,
Koulz, and promoted by a New York chemist [and Metallurgist, Stefan]
Krackowizerl. Dr. Judd in his pattern book quotes the commentary of W. E.
DuBois who describes the alloy as follows: 'Mr. Eckfeldt made a small bar, and
gave it three meltings. It rolled down with great difficulty, splitting and crack-
ing in spite of all the precaution and annealing. Mr. Barber made a reverse to
try it under the press (using the dime head for the obverse,) and a faint impres-
sion was produced in the steam press. The metal is totally unfit for coinage,
and the color is bad.' Director Pollock considered the `Koulz's alloy' coinage at
some length in his Annual Report of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869.
`Under the coining press it was barely possible to produce a feeble impression,
on account of the intense hardness, and danger both of breaking the dies and
flawing the planchet. In short, nothing could be more unfit for coinage.'"
"With the obverse designed in 1836 by Christian Gobrecht and re-
designed in 1859 by James B. Longacre, dimes were created with the dateless
Seated Liberty obverse die created during the transition period of 1859-1860.
Note the broken "S" serif of the first "S" in "STATES." William Barber
designed the reverse in 1869. Another interesting mule was created. Once
again, a coin having a common die element with the Postage Currency coins
was created. 1869 would be the year that the dateless obverse element of the
Seated Liberty Postage Currency ten-cent coins would see its final appearance
with two different reverse designs, each, rather plain."
Now, the fun begins. As previously noted, no supporting evidence of
Koulz (the man) was ever found despite the exhaustive effort of many previous
writers, and the additional efforts of my numismatic friends and myself.
However, there is no denying that the rare pattern coins attributed as Koulz do
Reluctantly, we concluded the name Koulz may have been a simple typo-
graphical error that originated in 1869 with the publication of Suggestions to
Congress of the Finances of the United States submitted to the Chamber of
Commerce of New York, by H. E. Moring. We did find a plethora of informa-
tion on a Montchal Ruolz.
Montchal Ruolz was born in Paris in 1809 and died in Neuilly-sur-Seine
in 1887. Note the similarity in the spelling of Koulz and Ruolz. Note also how
easy a letter "R" might resemble a letter "K". A drop of water, for example, on
the top of the "R" could blur the letter into looking like a "K". Note also how
simple it would be to transpose "uo" with "ou", especially if a writer in English
were translating the work of a Frenchman. Consider how easy it might have
been for the author Moring or his stenographer to have heard the name Ruolz
and mistaken it for Koulz. Of the highest consideration is how H.E. Moring
may have interpreted the name if it had been seen in old German script. Old
German script was in common use in 19th Century Germany and not so com-
mon in 19th century America. The life span of an individual 1809-1887 certain-
ly is consistent with the design and striking of a coin in 1869. Consider also,
that author H.E. Moring in 1869, referred to Koulz as a German chemist. As
you will see, Ruolz was a French chemist.
A French biography stated Ruolz was a scholar and savant who presented
at the Opera-Comique in 1830 with F. Halevyl. In 1835 through 1839 Ruolz
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 65
composed operas, cantatas, and melodies. Apparently, he was not all that suc-
cessful as a composer as his brief career, prompted by a reversal of fortune, led
him to study in the field of chemistry. It is in the field of chemistry that Ruolz
became famous. Ruolz discovered in 1841, the process for gilding and silver
plating metals by the action of "pile voltaique." He gave his name, "Procedure
Ruolz" to these processes by which he could with great ease apply silver or gold
to an object by first dissolving silver or gold into cyanide of potassium. In 1855
while serving in the French Artillery, he discovered how to make steel and how
to transform phosphorous metals.
French inventor, Henri-Catherine, Count of Ruolz, Montchal, composer
and chemist, obtained as many as 17 patents in addition to his basic one of 1841
and one of these additions, the 12th, relates to the nickel-plating of copper,
brass, bronze and iron, using a nickel-chloride solution. Montchal Ruolz had
studied electrolytic gilding and, on finding that process satisfactory, he general-
ized it by applying it to the electro-deposition of other metals, such as silver,
platinum,... 1
Before long an unbelievably large number of trade names (some of which
were the registered trademarks of the makers) had been coined for this alloy;
these are set out in the table below. Actually it was not until the present century
that these copper-nickel-zinc alloys came to be know as nickel-silver, but that
designation has been included in this list for the sake of completeness.
"A (partial) list of trade names for Nickel Silver follows: " ,Nickel orei-
de, ......, `Ruolz's alloy, ....., White metal, .... 2
A French Patent: 10,472, 1841- for what is referred to as "Ruolz's alloy"
was granted in 1841. 3
What is known as "Neusilber" (German Silver) is referred to by many des-
ignations including "Ruolz's Alloy. 4
Ruolz is defined in a glossary as "A gilded or silvered metal named after
the inventor of the process who was a French chemist."
The Frenchman Ruolz perfected the Galvanic Process in 1839. 6
An abandoned process by the end XVII and early XVIII century for metal
plating consisted in the placement of gold or money leaf on a support that was a
plate of copper. Then this metal plate disappears and is replaced by the gal-
vanoplastie. It is a process that consists in depositing the metal on a support and
employs the use of electrolysis. The process was discovered in 1840 by Ruolz." 7
In still another source, the history of plating deals with Ruolz, "In 1842
Ruolz succeeded in depositing metallic alloys from solutions of mixed salts." 8
"Instructions on electrotype copies of Daguerreotype pictures and
Magneto electric and Galvanic gilding and silvering was according to the
processes of Elkington [sic], Roulz [sic], and Fitzeau." 9
According to Patent Materials: "In 1843, Bunsen, a German invented a new
electric battery, and two years afterward (1845), Elkampton [sic] and Ruolz dis-
covered electro-metallurgy. "
Most compelling is a German website "Schmucklerikon" (jewelry dictio-
nary): "Argent Ruolz / Argent Francais 37% kuper, 25% nickel, 33% silber,"
(Dictionary definition of argent - Archaic silver; figuratively, whiteness, silvery;
white; shining.) 11
Apparently, no recognition from "Schmucklerikon" was given the name
Koulz when defining "Ruolz's Alloy," which is not too dissimilar to the 41%
copper, 33% nickel, and 26% silver, as suggested in H. E. Moring's publication.
Recall also that coin # 44 (Judd 716 / Pollock 795) in United States Pattern
Postage Currency Coins tested by electron microscopic analysis contained: 27.4%
copper, 42.1 % nickel, and 30.4% silver. Other "Koulz's Alloy coins have vary-
ing proportions of copper, nickel and silver. The actual coin design specified
only "SIL., NIC., COP." No attempt to quantify the relative amounts of the
metals was offered on the pattern coins.
. L
order of the NY. !A.
j . WA DS WO:ITT!. Secretary.
('Times copy and eb. 17.0 ,antrar.1
I: CD ."L7 .
PIT.,71;30118 HLIT.t.T.11Y 750-
i. TTITIL'D not to ineleee meney to Ite
throngh the Peat•or.:ce nor in any ether war. for
Postage Currency. My pre-tent enpoly i3 about ult.
havezed. The labor of opening theee lettere and re-
Vorninr, them f ry great. I bare not the Currency
to nr.,,,nly the one-hundredth part of the demand.
It r.Nocu T. CAI/SON, Deponitary,
etteatfen of our renders to the ten,. Shee
66 January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
Another possibility regarding Suggestions to Congress of the Finances of the
United States submitted to the Chamber of Commerce of New York, by H. E.
Moring, in 1869, New York chemist Krackowizer may have either descended
from a person who lived in Krackow, Poland, or may be someone pulling our
leg, perhaps a "Wizekracker."
We have an overwhelming amount of information published on a scientist,
inventor, chemist, with a specialization in metallurgy by the name of Montchal
Ruolz. And, if one discounts the first mention of Koulz's Alloy, Suggestions to
Congress of the Finances of the United States 1869 and subsequent mention of
Koulz's Alloy, which undoubtedly stem from the first mention, we must con-
clude that the name Koulz was substituted for the name Ruolz. Later mention
of "Koulz's Alloy" can be found in United States Pattern Trial, and Experimental
Pieces (1913 and 1940) by Adams and Woodin, United States Pattern, Experimental
and Trial Pieces (1959, 1965, 1970, 1974, 1977, and 1982) by J. Hewitt Judd,
M.D., Scott's Comprehensive Catalogue and Encyclopedia of U. S. Coins (1971) by
Don Taxay, and United States Patterns and Related Issues (1994) by Andrew W.
Pollock III, and possibly others.
We have no other information on Koulz, not even a first name. Ruolz
rules for me.
Thanks to my research staff Andreas BOhm, Wolfgang B6hm, Gunther
Gonder, Alan Meghrig and Claire Shull.
Nickel an Historical Review by F. B. Howard-White (1963), page 107.
2 Ibid, page 273
3 Ibid, page 285; Ruolz, Montchal, H.-C. de. Comptes Rend. (1841) pages 13,
4 250 Jahre Nickel, Nickel als Mlinzmetal (250 Years Nickel, Nickel as Coin
Metal) by Eberhard Auer, Siegfried Muller, and Rainer Slotta, page 42.
5 "Treasures-in-Time" a glossary of jewelry terms is available on the
6 "A Technical Dictionary of Printmaking," Andre Begun, found on the
7 (No title) found on the Internet,
8 (No title) found on the Internet, www.nbplating.condearly
9 "The Daguerreian Society" found on the Internet at
10 "Patent Office Reform," Scientific American, vol 62 new series (Jan 1890 —
Jun 1890), Feb 8, 1890, page 83.
11 "Schmucklerikon" (jewelry dictionary) found on the Internet,
Gleanings from My Fractional Currency Archive - 3
By Fred Reed
1\.in Cincinnati, an exasperated U.S. paymaster, Depository
Enoch T. Carson, complained bitterly that he had not one per-
cent of the demand for the small notes at hand.
Two days after the riot he placed this small notice in the
Cincinnati Daily Enquirer:
"Persons are hereby notified not to inclose money to me through
the Post-office nor in any other way, for Postage Currency. My
present supply is about exhausted. The labor of opening these let-
ters and returning them is very great. I have not the Currency to
supply the one-hundredth part of the demand."
Carson's plight and that of the citizens of the Queen City
did not get much better soon.after, 'although soldiers dispatched
for the purpose suppressed any further violence.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223
Congratulations to Fred Reed, the SPMC, and the FCCB
for compiling this Special Issue
devoted to Fractional Currency!!
Tom O'Mara
Collector -
United States
Fractional & Postage Currency
Want to discuss Fractionals....Open to discussion
January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 • PAPER MONEY
The First U.S. Government
Currency Engraving Error
By Jerry Fochtman
Full view of 2nd Issue 250 Fractional
Currency note showing the S-18-63
corner surcharges.
done by outside contractors. Spencer M. Clark, who was a Civil
Service Engineer and been appointed to the position of Chief Clerk on
the National Currency Bureau (the predecessor of the Bureau of
Engraving & Printing), felt that the price paid to the security printing companies
to produce U.S. currency was excessive. So Clark developed a plan for the
National Currency Bureau to produce U.S. currency at a lower cost than the
government was paying outside firms. Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P.
Chase accepted the proposal and authorized Clark to produce the new
"Fractional Currency" that had recently been authorized by Congress. This
would become the second issue of what is known as "Postage & Fractional
The Second Issue of Fractional Currency was produced from October
1863 to February 1867. During that time many developments occurred which
had a profound impact on our modern day currency. Furthermore, counterfeit-
ing was widespread and Clark felt he could reduce this by incorporating tech-
niques into the currency making it more difficult to copy. As such, many "firsts"
occurred during this time, including things such as the development of special
paper used exclusively for U.S. Government obligations; incorporating an iden-
tifying fiber in currency paper; and the use of intaglio engraved plates for the
printing of currency along with the use of bronze surcharges to prevent photo-
However, there were other "firsts" that
occurred which were not intentional. This
includes the first National Currency Bureau
printing errors that reached general circula-
tion. Printing errors occurred when a sheet
of notes was fed into the press incorrectly or
printed with the wrong engraved image on
one side. Although rare, there are several
examples of notes where the sheet was printed
incorrectly resulting in the reverse engraving
or surcharge values being inverted. There are
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 223 69
also rare examples where the surcharge value on the reverse does not
match the engraved value on the face of the note. There is even one
known note where the face value, reverse engraved value and the
reverse surcharge value are all different (i.e., a triple denomination
Although these various printing errors have been observed in
most all denominations of the Second Issue Fractional notes, only one
specific note has the honor of containing the first "engraving error" by
the National Currency Bureau to reach general circulation. That dis-
tinction belongs to the Second Issue, 25c note with the S-18-63 sur-
charge on the reverse (FR-1286). The letter "S" on a surcharge plate
was engraved incorrectly, resulting in an Inverted "S":
Having been fortunate to acquire a 25c Regular Issue Inverted
"S" for my collection, I was interested in learning just how many exam-
ples still existed and possibly who owned these notes. In talking with
various collectors and dealers, the estimated number of regular issue
Inverted "S" notes ranged from a low of 7 upwards to 18 notes.
Furthermore, there have been a large number of auctions in the last
several years that have included Inverted "S" notes.
It became obvious that some of the same notes were being placed
up for sale in different auctions. Furthermore, many prior auction cat-
alogs mentioned the existence of other copies. Given this high rate of
turnover and the catalog references to 1, 2 or up to 4 other examples of
this note at different points in time it became difficult to determine just
how many examples existed.
In order to develop an accurate census of this variety, it would be
necessary to trace each note through all its transfers of ownership and
develop a pedigree of the note based upon its initial identification as an
Inverted "S" variety. Only then would I be able to determine that a
specific note was not counted more than once in the census.
After many months of research into auction catalogs, locating and
talking with current and former collectors, along with close compar-
isons of pictures and scanned images of notes, I've succeeded in locat-
ing and identifying 14 individual notes with an Inverted "S" surcharge.
Of these, 9 were discovered in the last 20 years with 5 in the last 4 years
The foremost reference on postage and fractional currency is
Milton Friedberg's book entitled "The Encyclopedia of United States
Postage & Fractional Currency". This variety is cataloged as Milt
2R25.3g. Milton Friedberg also established a Rarity Guide for postage
& fractional currency, which ranges from R1 (fairly common with >
1,250 examples) to R8 (2-3 examples), to RU (unique). Applying this
guide to my research, the current rarity level for this variety is R6, with
13 to 30 known examples.
As more collectors become aware of this engraving error and
examine their holdings other examples may surface. The value of the
variety may grow as well simply because of growing interest by error note collec-
tors wishing to have an example of the first U.S. Government engraving error in
their collection. At a recent sale an EF example of this variety was sold for $300,
with a copy tied for finest known bringing just over $3,000 at auction. Clearly a
sleeper when compared to the sale of other notes with engraving errors.
In addition to the regular issue notes released for circulation, the National
Currency Bureau conducted experiments with various inks and papers along with
the development of various counterfeiting measures. In doing so, the same
engraved plates were used in producing these experimental notes, many of which
still exist today as cancelled notes. As such, this same engraving error has been
Top: Regular Issue with correctly
positioned "S" Surcharge. Note posi-
tion of the lower loop of the "S".
Middle: A clear Inverted "5". Note
position of the lower loop of the
//SI/ .
Bottom: A Blurred Inverted "S".
tered for compo it i011.
The special corresp. Mott rd tht New York rib, P3 says
tt )Isar.. Steinways' ethbosernent by the Jurors is ent-
phatt e, rant ,dreed. r and Tunic in the faint than that of
any Etetapott nether."
MAGIC POCKET BOOKS, with elastic band. for the new Pont's, Currency. made and .old
wholerale and retail by it, NOW & HA P1:041D. Pathfinder
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