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Table of Contents
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
VOL. XLII, No. 5 WHOLE NO. 227
Mt Fr
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U.S. Coins and Medals.
JAY ERLICHMAN Contributor to A Guide Book of
U.S. Coins and A (Mule Book of British Coins. Assembled and
managed investment portfolios of U.S. coins. Employed by the
Federal Trade Commission as an expert witness on consumer
fraud. Member: ANA, PCGS, NGC.
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Autographs; Manuscripts; Photographs;
International Stocks and Bonds.
DIANA HER ZOG President, R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc.
BA, University of London; MA, New York University—
Institute of Fine Arts. Former Secretary, Bond and Share
Society; Past President, Manuscript Society; Editorial Board,
Financial History. Board Member: PADA.
U.S. Federal & National Currency;
US. Fractional Currency; Small Size
U.S. Currency; U.S. MPG.
– MARTIN GENGERKE Author of U.S. Paper Moneypp■
Records and American Numismatic Auctions as well as numerous
articles in Paper Money Magazine, the Essay PmofJournal, Bank Note Reporter
and Financial History. Winner of the only award bestowed by the Numismatic
Literary Guild for excellence in cataloging, and the 1999 President's Medal
from the American Numismatic Association. Member: ANA, SPMC.
Small Size U.S. Currency; Canadian
Banknote Issues; U.S. Coins.
Sc OTT LINDQUIST BA, Minot State University,
Business Administration/Management. Contributor to the
Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money & US. Paper
Monty Records. Professional Numismatist and sole proprietor
of The Coin Cellar for 16 years. Life Member: ANA, CSNS. Member: PCDA,
Antique Stocks and Bonds;
U.S. Coins; Paper Money.
STEPHEN GOLDSMITH Executive Vice President,
R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. BA, Brooklyn College. Contributor
to Paper Money of the United States, Collecting U.S. Obsolete
Currency; Financial History, and Smart Monty. Editor, An
Illusinued Catalogue ofEirly North American Advertising Notes; Past President
and Board Member, Professional Currency Dealers Association. Member:
PCDA, ANA, SPMC, IBSS, New England Appraisers Association.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
JOHN LAVENDER BA, University of Georgia,
Classical History. Former Managing Director at Atlantis, Ltd.
Former Numismatist and Web Media Manager at Classical
Numismatic Group, Inc. Specialist in Ancient Coinages and
related Numismatic Literature. Owner, NUM_LIT-L and Member: ANA, ANS.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
DAVID VAGI BA, University of Missouri—Columbia.
Author of Coinage and History of the Roman Empire; columnist
for The Celator; Numismatic News, anti World Coin News.
Editor of the Society fir Ancient Numismatics;
twice received the Numismatic Literary Guild's "Best
Column" award. A recipient of the American Numismatic Association's Heath
Literary Award and the Presidential Award. Member: ANA, ANS.
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PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper
Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage
is paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send
address changes to Secretary Robert Schreiner,
P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331
Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2003.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in
whole or in part, without express written permis-
sion, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY
are available from the Secretary for $6 postpaid.
Send changes of address, inquiries concerning
non-delivery, and requests for additional copies
of this issue to the Secretary.
Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere
and publications for review should be sent to the
Editor. Accepted manuscripts will be published as
soon as possible; however, publication in a spe-
cific issue cannot be guaranteed. Include an SASE
for acknowledgment, if desired. Opinions
expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect
those of the SPMC.
Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper
only), double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins.
The author's name, address and telephone num-
ber should appear on the first page. Authors
should retain a copy for their records. Authors are
encouraged to submit a copy on a 3 1/2-inch
MAC disk, identified with the name and version
of software used. A double-spaced printout must
accompany the disk. Authors may also transmit
articles via e-mail to the Editor at the SPMC web
site ( Original illustrations are
preferred. Scans should be grayscale at 300 dpi.
Jpegs are preferred. Inquire about other formats.
• All advertising copy and correspondence
should he sent to the Editor
• All advertising is payable in advance
• Ads are accepted on a "Good Faith" basis
• Terms are "Til Forbid"
To keep rates at a minimum, all advertising must
be prepaid according to the schedule below. In
exceptional cases where special artwork or addi-
tional production is required, the advertiser will
be notified and billed accordingly. Rates are not
commissionable; proofs are not supplied.
Advertising Deadline: Copy must be received by
the Editor no later than the first day of the month
preceding the cover date of the issue (for exam-
ple, Feb. 1 for the March/April issue). With
advance approval, camera-ready copy, or elec-
tronic ads in Quark Express on a MAC zip disk
with fonts supplied, may be accepted up to 10
days later.
Space 1 time 3 times 6 times
Outside back cover $500 $1350 $2500
Inside cover 400 1100 2000
Full page 360 1 000 1800
Half page 180 500 900
Quarter page 90 250 450
Eighth page 45 125 225
Requirements: Full page, 42 x 57 picas; half-page
may be either vertical or horizontal in format.
Single-column width, 20 picas. Except covers,
page position may be requested, but not guaran-
teed. All screens should be 150 line or 300 dpi.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper cur-
rency, allied numismatic material, publications,
and related accessories. The SPMC does not guar-
antee advertisements, but accepts copy in good
faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable
material or edit copy.
SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
typographical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint
that portion of an ad in which a typographical
error occurs upon prompt notification.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 257
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLII, No. 5
Whole No. 227 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2003
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Publisher-Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
King George VI: An Accessible, Challenging Canadian Note Issue
. 259
By Harold Don Allen
A Peep Into the Bank of England in January 1861
Foreign Notes Gain Popularity; Here Are Some of My Favorites 269
By Joel Shafer
Bank of England Contracts with De La Rue
By Robert Leuver
Ferdinand Schirnbock Portrait and Picture Engraver 274
By Gene Hessler
New Book Seeks to Catalog Paper Money of Belarus 279
On This Date in Paper Money History 280, 282
By Fred Reed
Note Graffiti Far From Home 283
By Harold Don Allen
How I Made Millions of Euros...for Fun! 285
By Bob Bednar
A Partial Catalog of Naples Bank Note Co. Ban knotables 289
By Fred Reed
A Visit to Bank of Japan's Currency Museum 293
By David Baeckelandt
Panama: 1903-2003 A Numismatic Overview 297
By Joaquin Gil del Real
A Bermuda-Canadian Connection 310
By Nelson Page Aspen
The Buck Starts Here: Olympic Subjects Appear on Currency 312
By Gene Hessler
Contemporary Methods to Dispose of Currency Can be Very "Different" . 314
By Richard Giedroyc
A Culion Leper Colony Lowered Note 319
By Jim Watson
AMC Lire Stage Money 320
By Joe Boling
Highlights in the Development of Paper, Bank Notes and Stamps . .322
By Gene Hessler
Bermuda -- A Different Crown Colony 326
By Nelson Page Aspen
Notes from [up] North: It's Your Turn to Expand Hobby Horizon . .332
By Harold Don Allen
President's Column 328
By Ron Horstman
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Junior mem-
bership numbers will be preceded by the letter "j," which will be
removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
the world add $10. Life membership — payable in installments
within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800
elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with issuing annual mem-
bership cards, but paid up members may obtain one from the
Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join as avail-
able. Members who join after October 1 will have their dues paid
through December of the following year; they also receive, as a
bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in
which they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper
Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
VICE-PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
SECRETARY Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
2 75 15-233 1
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn,
NY 11231
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Tom Minerley, P.O. Box 7155, Albany, N.Y. 12224-0155
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Steven K. Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood,IN 46142
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed Ill, P.O. Box 793941,
Dallas, TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant,
MO 63031
Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX (803) 432-9958
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 259
attractive and accessible of
Canadian legal tender note
issues gives every indica-
tion of having been developed and
circulated with the serious note col-
lector in mind -- which, back in
1937, it most certainly was not. The
King George VI portrait issue, the
second note release in the name of
the Bank of Canada, the nation's
then recently inaugurated central
bank, was to serve the needs of a
burgeoning wartime economy and of
the "reconversion" decade that fol-
lowed (References 4, 5).
King Ge rae VI Portrait Series
An Accssible, Subtly
Challengin\g Canadian
Note Issue
By Harold Don Allen
Such notes, reflective of the style and taste of the post-Depression inter-
val, were uncommonly attractive, particularly their distinctive allegorical backs
which had been based upon specially commissioned art. With a relatively
extended life span, signature changes, fairly intricate numbering, and identifi-
able plate, paper and tint varieties, the series offered challenge in study and col-
lecting, at several levels. Significantly, the issue remains accessible, and much
of the challenge indeed does persist.
Canadian notes in general have enjoyed substantial and increasing inter-
national popularity in recent years, both in Europe and in the United States.
Genuine, fully issued notes of Canada's governments, central bank, and "char-
tered banks" of the past century remain negotiable, without exception, as do
many even earlier releases. Monetary units and denominations -- a dollar of 100
cents -- are familiar to general collectors, relevant literature has become
260 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
increasingly adequate, and a more than favorable exchange rate has attracted
greater numbers to well-defined and appropriately challenging "Canadian
paper" collecting areas.
To position these 1937-dated notes in a broader context, they represent
the second of six or more such series issued successively by the Canadian cen-
tral bank. Some overlap occurred in later releases. Further, they represent
legal tender, as had still earlier "Dominion of Canada" (Department of
Finance) currency, and they first circulated alongside issues of ten surviving
chartered banks. The war years and their immediate aftermath served to com-
plete the planned elimination of such commercial note issues, rendering Bank
of Canada currency, dominantly the 1937 issue, the sole circulating paper
money in the nation.
The central bank's first series, its "Issue of 1935," had been unilingual,
English- and French-text notes being available, a response to local usage. This
series had distinguished its denominations by both portraiture and color, and
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262 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Lyn Knight Off ers You the
Professional Currency Dealers Association Auction
St. Louis, MO, November 20-22, 2003 Consignment Deadline: September 30, 2003
Spectacular world bank notes and other currencies go under the hammer at the 20th anniversary of the
Professional Currency Dealers Association Convention. Here you'll find a top World War II collection of
Military Payment Certificates (MPCs), Allied Military Currency (AMC) and other rarities from that era.
The famed Murdoch Collection of Latin American bank notes is also in the lineup. Assembled over a
30-year period, this collection includes Standard Catalog plate notes from Argentina, Bolivia and Costa
Rica. Bank notes from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico are also represented. If you
missed Part One of these two great collections at the Dallas National Paper Money Show Auction, here's
your chance to make up for it with Part Two. For a look at the complete auction lineup, order your
catalog now by sending in the coupon or calling toll free 888-540-2646.
Bid on Part Two of these fabulous collections in St. Louis.
Notes below consigned to Lyn Knight's National Paper Money Show in Dallas.
US MPC $5 Series 611 and #MSS/MPC 876 Plate Position
One — From Part One of a World War II collection of MPCs,
AMCs, high grade replacements and other rarities including
many highly sought pieces from around the globe during this
era. The collector, now in his mid-70s, is a veteran of World
War II, the Korean War and Viet Nam. Active for over 45
years, he has made important contributions to the fields of
both coins and paper money.
Choice Mexico 1000 Pesos #S387b 1.4.1014 — From Part One of
the Richard Murdoch Collection, created over a 30-year period. It
began in earnest in the early 70s with the confluence of the initial
Standard Catalog of nrld Paper Money and the focus of Murdoch's
military career on Latin American affairs. Murdoch has amassed
one of the most complete collections of its kind through his travels
in Panama, Venezuela, El Salvador and elsewhere in Central and
South America.
A great rarity, this Falkland Islands Shilling note #AIA 12.10,
1908 — Some rare wonders were recently discovered in an old
private collection that included this Falkland Islands beauty. The
Standard Catalog of World Paper Monty listed an incomplete date
for this type; missing were the month and day. Also important is
the very low serial number (#B00011). It is highly probable that
extremely few were made and even fewer saved. Furthermore, it is
possible that this piece is unique for its date. That this piece is a
fresh original in quality condition renders this treasure even more
desirable. It is sure to attract considerable attention.
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
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264 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
featured allegorical backs in particularly pleasing framings. Six royal family
portraits, and on high denominations two former Canadian prime ministers,
identified denominations from $1 to $1000 -- including the exquisitely rare
$500. Also in 1935, the Silver Jubilee of King George V and Queen Mary was
marked by the much-sought $25 note denomination, as it was by Canada's first
circulating "Voyageur" silver dollar.
The 1937-dated bilingual notes served from mid-1937 through
September, 1954. King George VI appeared on the six most common denomi-
nations, the moss-green $1, sanguine (red-brown) $2, blue $5, purple $10, olive
$20, and orange $50. The same likeness had been featured on the 1935-dated
brown $50, when the king had been Duke of York. The 1937 $100, with a
sepia brown tint, portrays Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minis-
ter. The rose-pink $1000 depicts Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The identifying issue
date is 2nd January 1937, although the top-value $1000, having had a minimal
press run of 15,000, had been held in reserve until January, 1952.
A fitting initiation into the 1937 Bank of Canada issue might be the
acquisition of representative examples of the more readily available denomina-
tions, likely the $1, $2, $5, $10, and $20. These notes are an attractive group
in themselves. In commoner varieties (signatures, prefixes), even higher grades
remain affordable. Indeed, the accessibility of circulated examples may suggest
signature collecting or a tentative consideration of blocks (prefixes) or printing
Eight "allegorical tableaux" (the bank's term), from those commissioned
for the 1935 initial note issue, grace the backs of as many denominations of
1937 notes. These allegories, as described by the bank during their period of
circulation (Reference 3), are as follows:
$1. A female figure holding on her knees a rake, hoe and fork, personifying
$2. A female figure, sickle in hand, seated in front of an overflowing cornu-
copia, emblematic of Harvest.
$5. A male figure seated on a dynamo, with background of mountains, a
waterfall and a power darn, representing Electric Power.
$10. A male figure, Mercury, with background representing travel by water,
rail (steam and electric) and air.
$20. A female figure with sickle in hand, amidst the products of field and
orchard, expressing Fertility.
$50. A female figure depicting Modern Invention as expressed in radio broad-
$100. A male figure showing a child, a miniature ship, with harbor scene
and blast furnace in the background, typifying Commerce and Industry.
$1000. The figure of a mother, sword in hand, shielding her child: symbol
of Security.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Sources and engravers of such portraiture and allegorical art are, in gen-
eral, known. The Charlton Press Standard Catalogue (Reference 4) effectively
assembles relevant details.
As with all fully-issued Bank of Canada notes, 1937 bills bear two validat-
ing signatures, those of the bank governor and senior deputy governor. For the
first two series and part of the third, such signatures were overprinted at the
bank on sheets of notes prepared and delivered by one or other of two Ottawa-
based commercial security printers. Subsequent notes have come with appro-
priate signatures engraved on the plates. Graham F. Towers, the bank's found-
ing governor, signed all notes of the 1935 and 1937 issues and the first notes of
the 1954-dated third series. Three men successively signed as deputy gover-
nor, J. A. C. Osborne (1935-1938), Donald Gordon (1938-1949), and James E.
Coyne (1950-1954, when he became governor). Osborne, on loan from the
Bank of England, had a relatively brief interval in office, and surviving notes
bearing his signature, both 1935 and 1937 issues, are relatively scarce.
Numbering of such notes was somewhat elaborate, prefix and serial num-
ber serving to identify denomination, block or series of 10,000,000, and indi-
vidual note. Such numbering comprised a two-letter pre-
fix, written in "fraction" form (letter over letter), followed
by (normally) a seven-digit serial number. The lower let-
ter of such a prefix, the denominator of the fraction, indi-
cated the denomination of the note, initially "A" for $1,
"B" for $2, "C" for $5, "D" for $10, "E" for $20, "H" for
$50, "J" for $100, and "K" for $1000 notes. Prefix letters
derived from a 20-letter alphabet, omitting F, G, I, P, Q,
and V to preclude ambiguity on worn bills. Thus, $1
notes advanced from A/A to B/A to C/A. Values having
reached 200,000,000 notes (20 numerator letters), new
denominators were then assigned: "L," "M," and "N" for
the $1, "R" for the $2, "S" for the $5, "T" for the $10.
Actual series of the five lowest denominations extended to
WIN, L/R, HIS, MIT, and LIE, respectively. Reflecting
apparent confusion at the central bank or at the printer's,
prefixes F/M and G/M were assigned to the $1 denomina-
tion, and fully issued, though "F" and "G" letters were not
otherwise associated with 1937-dated releases.
Changeovers from Osborne-Towers to Gordon-
Towers signatures prompted new prefix assignments,
regardless of whether a previous prefix had run its allot-
ted 10,000,000. Change-overs to Gordon-Towers com-
menced at H/A for the $1, C/B for the $2, and at "B"
numerator for the five higher denominations. The
Below: The author assembling a pay-
roll with notes from this series at a
college job in summer 1952. Harold
Don Allen is certainly no stranger to
paper money collectors world wide,
having written hundreds of articles
published in many numismatic venues
across the globe. We are pleased to
add that his world perspectives col-
umn "Notes from North of the
Border" debuts in this issue (see page
-13 maji
x1211..1.2.7=1 r ,
tug. 6.101"--4.
41 1" OXIC ZIOUrsint
266 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Gordon-Towers to Coyne-Towers changeovers occurred mid-prefix, within
uninterrupted runs, at about 0/M 2.8 million for the $1, Z/B 4.0 million for
the $2; X/C 5.2 million for the $5, Z/D 0.5 million for the $10, H/E 1.6 mil-
lion for the $20, B/H 4.2 million for the $50, and C/J 4.4 million for the $100.
(One obvious after-the-fact statistical insight: The Z/D Gordon-Towers $10
has to be a difficult note.) Looking to both signature combination and prefix,
one finds 80 varieties of the 1937-dated Bank of Canada $1, 30 of the $2, 27 of
the $5, 31 of the $10, 10 of the $20, three each of the $50 and $100, and one
(the Osborne-Towers A/K) of the $1000.
A much-sought variety of the Gordon-Towers $1, the so-called "narrow
panel," identifies with the early H/A and J/A prefixes and with face plates num-
bered below 14. The central bank had been experiencing difficulty in over-
printing signatures on $1 notes, quite possibly the somewhat larger "D.
Gordon." Rather than decrease signature size, the bank had opted for a
redesign of the face plate, providing a discernably wider signature panel. The
"narrow panel" had been standard for Osborne-Towers, with 50,000,000 such
Right: "narrow panel" above and
"wide panel" variety below
notes WA through E/A) routinely released. The Gordon-Towers "wide panel"
phased in at K/A, and was standard thereafter. Highly "collectible" Gordon-
Towers narrow panel dollars are restricted to prefix H/A (10,000,000 notes),
and the lower range of prefix J/A.
Production of 1937-dated Bank of Canada notes was divided between two
Canadian-domiciled security printers. As had been the case in 1935, British
American Bank Note Company Limited was solely responsible for $2, $5, and
$10 denominations. Canadian Bank Note Company Limited produced all $1
notes, plus $20 and higher denominations. Imprints appear in lower note mar-
gins, face and back. For this issue, no imprint varieties result.
Printings of 1937-dated Bank of Canada currency over its 17-year inter-
val aggregated some 1.7 billion notes, $7.8 billion in face value, serial number
runs would seem to indicate. By denominations, such printings came to 774
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 267
A Peep Into the Bank of
England in January 1861
the inside as well as out; and to go into the interior of
this remarkable building, to observe the operations of an
institution that exerts more moral and political power than
any sovereign in Europe, you must have an order from the
Governor of the Bank. The building occupies an irregular
area of eight acres of ground--an edifice of no architectural
beauty, with not one window toward the street, being light-
ed altogether from the roof of the enclosed arch.
I was led, on presenting my card of admission into a
private room, where, after a delay of a few moments, a mes-
senger came, and con
ducted me through the
mighty and mysterious
building. Down we went
into a room where the
notes of the Bank,
received the day before
were now examined,
compared with the
entries in the books, and
stowed away. The Bank
of England never issues
the same note a second time. It receives, in the ordinary
course of business, about 800,000 pounds Sterling, or
$4,000,000, daily, in notes; these are put up into parcels
according to their denominations, boxed up with the date
of their reception, and are kept ten years; at the expiration
of which period they are taken out and ground up in the
mill which I saw running, and made again into paper. If in
the course of the ten years, any dispute in business or law
suit should arise concerning the payment of any note, the
bank can produce the identical bill.
To meet the demand for notes constantly used up, the
bank has its own paper makers, its own printers, its own
engravers, all the work under the same roof, and even
makes the machinery by which most of its own work is
done. A complicated but beautiful operation is a register
extending from the printing office to the banking offices,
which marks every sheet of paper that is struck off from the
press, so that the printers cannot manufacture a single sheet
of blank notes that is not recorded in the bank.. ..
The next room I entered was that in which the notes
are deposited which are ready for issue. "We have thirty-
two millions of pounds Sterling in this room," the officer
remarked to me; "will you take a little of it?" I told him it
would be vastly agreeable, and he handed me a million ster-
ling [$5,000,000] which I received with many thanks for his
liberality. But he insisted upon my depositing it with him
again, as it would hardly be safe to carry so much money
into the street. I very much fear that I shall never see that
money again... This world of money seemed to realize the
fables of eastern wealth, and gave me new and strong
impressions of the magnitude of the business done here,
and of the extent of the relations of this one institution to
the commerce of the world. --Portsmouth [NI-1] journal,
January 19, 1861 submitted by Richard E. Winslow III+
That's right — Olmstead Currency is
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We buy ALL notes - ALL grades —
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Belgian Congo P-24 50 Francs 1952;
Br. E. Car. States P-7a $1 1953;
British Guiana P-14b $5 1942;
Br. West Africa P-7b 10/- 1937-48;
Djibouti P-28 1000 Francs 1952;
Djibouti P-39a 10,000 Francs;
East Africa P-33 5 Shillings 1957;
East Africa P-43b 20/- 1962-63;
East Africa P-44b 100/- 1962-63;
Eq. Africa St. P-5b 1000F 1963;
East Caribbean P-14a $5 1965;
Fr. Afars & Issas P-32 1000F '74;
Fr. Antilles P-6a 10 NF 1963;
Fr. Antilles P-10a 100 Francs '64;
Great Britain P-371 5# 1957-67;
Gabon P-3a 1000 Francs '78-84;
Reunion P-54b 10 NF 1971;
US Large Size Black Eagle
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ONEINOUSANDDOliLIAS. ___1_,:40,-.4111111LISD
268 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Illustration courtesy C&P Numismatics
of Lac Beauport, Quebec; website:
million $1 notes (45.8 per cent), 286 million $2s (16.9 per cent), 257 million
$5s (15.2 per cent), 289 million $10s (17.1 per cent), 73 million $20s (4.3 per
cent), and 10.5 million of the three highest denominations (0.6 per cent).
Corresponding dollar values were $774 million in $1 notes (9.9 per cent), $571
million in $2s (7.3 per cent), $1.284 billion in $5s (16.5 per cent), $2.894 billion
in $10s (37.2 per cent), $1.462 billion in $20s (18.8 per cent), and $799 million
in higher denominations (10.1 per cent).
Plate numbers during the interval of 1937-dated note production were
just that, sequentially assigned designations of the order in which 24/on plates
(for lower denominations) entered service. Unlike their United States coun-
terparts, which could run to four digits, Canadian plate numbers lend them-
selves logistically to collecting or to inexpensive investigation. For $1 notes of
1937, face plates ranged to at least 87, backs to 80. For $2s, face plates to 16,
backs to 17. For $5s, face plates to 19, backs to 13. For $10s, face plates to 15,
backs to 16. For $20s, I've found face plates to 11. None of this can be any-
thing like the last word ... which, of course, adds adventure to the hunt.
Wartime changes in paper composition are known to have occurred,
though at what serial numbers it could be difficult to find out. Minor changes
in face tints certainly are perceptible,
as in the blue on the $5 and purple
on the $10.
Notes having had particularly
good survival rates prove to be the
$1 and the $10, the latter a "wartime
hoarder special" as the highest
denomination in general use.
OILARS Queen Elizabeth II portrait
notes in eight denominations
entered Canadian circulation in
September, 1954, permitting the
phasing out of the King George VI
series. This third Bank of Canada
issue, like those that followed it, was to prove distinctly more complex, with re-
engraved vignettes, split printing contracts, "asterisk" replacements, "special
numbers," test notes, errors, and such.
The more straight forward 1937-date "King George VI" release can be
acquired as "type notes" for, face and back, they are well produced and endur-
ingly attractive. As well, they remain sufficiently accessible to permit detailed
study, even on a budget, with the significant potential of worthwhile discover-
1. Allan, Walter D. "Bank of Canada 1937 $1 Notes: Prefix and Plate Number
Census." Canadian Paper Money Newsletter, 1:1 (April 1993), pp, 2 -4.
2. Allen, Harold Don. "An 'Informal Conversation' on 1937 Note Issues."
Canadian Paper Money Newsletter, 7:1 (April 1999), pp, 12 - 14.
3. Bank of Canada. Letter from C. E. Campbell, Chief, Currency Division, 24
March 1949. Printed attachment, "Description of Bank of Canada
Notes, Issue ofJanuary 2nd, 1937." Pp. 2.
4. Graham, Robert J.(ed.). The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian
Government Paper Money. 15th ed. Toronto: Charlton Press, 2002. Pp, xiv
and 322.
5. Pick, Albert. Standard Catalogue of World Pager Money. Vol. 2, General
Issues. 6th ed, Iola, WI: Krause Publications, and Munich, Germany:
Battenberg Verlag, 1990. "Canada," pp. 169-178. "Bank of Canada,"
Second Note Issue, p. 175.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Foreign Notes Gain Popularity:
Here Are Some of My Favorites with U.S. connection
By Joel ShaferA s Managing Director of the World Bank Note Division for Lyn
Knight Currency Auctions, I have the wonderful opportunity to
work with great pieces from around the globe. Our initial sale of
world bank notes took place on February 28, 2002, in Chicago. This
year we celebrated our first anniversary, so I thought it would be interesting to
write about some of my favorites that we have sold.
To narrow things down, I went through each auction and selected at least
one note. This was a difficult process because there are many in each sale that I
particularly like. While it is always exciting to sell high-priced material, some
favorites do not fall in that category. My job is to sell these items; yet, I have
collector passion for many of these beauties.
First, we believe that we are making inroads into encouraging collectors
and dealers who previously thought exclu-
sively about United States bank notes to
foray into the world market. Special issues
like this one where Paper Money devotes an
entire issue exclusively to worldwide material
indicate the growing popularity of these
notes. While many still view these areas as
completely discrete, more connections
between some United States and world
pieces exist than may initially be evident.
However, in numerous discussions with
United States collectors and dealers, I have
found that even those who steadfastly remain
solely tied to United States material respect
the world market and understand the poten-
tial of this material. This is good news for everyone involved.
All of the items I have selected have some connection to America, which
is interesting to discern if you examine them close enough. The first note is a
Swedish private bank note. Swedish private bank notes have long been under-
estimated for scarcity and potential. In fact, a few years ago, when asked which
European country had the most underrated paper money, the late, well-known
numismatist Holger Rosenberg had Sweden at the top of his list. Few Swedish
private bank notes were produced; all are quite scarce to rare and also feature a
variety of intriguing vignettes. They were generally well made, often by
Bradbury, Wilkinson & Company or by local security printers.
The Swedish note relevant to our discussion is an 1879 10 Kronor
(#S149) from the Christinehamns Enskilda Bank (Lot #1049 in Chicago's
CPMX 2002 sale). In taking a close look at this piece, the black eagle on the
face is amazingly like the "jackass vignette" eagle used on United States curren-
cy! In short, turn the eagle upside down; the vignette looks remarkably like a
jackass. This piece has provided the biggest surprise to date -- I believe that
VERY few people in the world were aware of this strong connection between
Swedish private bank notes and United States paper money! This note realized
$311 at auction.
Top: This Swedish private bank note
features the black eagle. Above: The
same note upside down; the famous
"jackass vignette" of the 10 Kronor has
an amazing connection to United
States paper money!
cLiv-ritna_ ItAM, et DC II 1111
270 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
My Memphis auction pick(s) are the three Philippines pieces above --
essays on card (Lots #1034, #1035 and #1036). All were 2 and Dollars" from
the American Bank Note Company; none are listed in the Standard Catalog.
Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, a heroine of the Mexican Revolution, is depicted
on one proof. The other two are somewhat similar. Each portrays a young
woman in national costume (the same vignette used on Polish pieces of World
War II). Often when I see color trials, I wish that they were the ones issued and
used in circulation. In this case, I am glad that these designs were rejected;
there are not many clear connections to the Philippines with these vignettes.
Ties between the United States and the Philippines have been well docu-
mented throughout the years. This has been a mutually beneficial relationship
as far as the respective bank notes are concerned. I believe it is more than a
coincidence that the Philippine market is quite active right now: the strength of
United States paper money has had a powerful impact on the popularity of
Philippine bank notes. These pieces brought a healthy $3680; $3220; and
$3680, respectively, at auction.
A note that stands out in the Saint Louis sale was only in Good condition.
As an aside, some collectors will only pursue Uncirculated notes. While these
Top: The first Philippines essay sold
depicts an individual commonly
found on Mexican paper money --
Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez.
Center: The second Philippines essay
portrays a woman found on an unis-
sued series from Poland.
Bottom: The third Philippines essay
is somewhat similar to the second
en manonsig rm(yllta tIpHpifts !Mum I
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
collectors certainly have the right to wait for choice examples, many notes in
lower grades are missed opportunities. One collector with whom I discussed
this matter readily acknowledged the above statement, but remained resolute
in his beliefs. Many outstanding pieces, particularly issued private bank notes,
will never be obtained in anything near Uncirculated. For those who are con-
cerned about the upward financial potential of collecting rare lower grade
pieces, many such notes that come in low grade simply do not appear again!
Now THAT is what I call an opportunity.
Back to the Saint Louis sale bank note. It was Lot #874, a Paraguay 1886
100 Pesos (#S151a) from Banco Nacional del Paraguay. The American con-
nection with this piece is the printer: American Bank Note Company. As an
issued note, the newly revised Standard Catalog, Volume I is the first such
work to include this piece in this form. The 100 Pesos had an impressive pedi-
gree. It was part of the famed Dr. Walter Loeb collection. Dr. Walter Loeb
was one of the true pioneers for world bank notes. The piece brought $282 at
This Paraguay 100 Pesos is in low
grade, but is extremely rare.
At our second Chicago sale, the Guatemala (#S167) 1 Peso ND (1874) This Guatemala 1 Peso bears resem-
Banco Nacional de Guatemala (Lot #556) was an outstanding item in superb blance to obsolete bank notes from the
grade for the type. As stated in the auction catalog, this item has the appear- United States of that era.
ance of a United States obsolete bank note; it was made by Columbian Bank
Note Company, Washington, D.C. To offer this note in an original Very Fine
was wonderful. It realized $1,035 at auction.
These are just a few terrific pieces that I have had the privilege to work
with and sell. There are many treasures in each auction, and the search for
"gold" can and should be a fun experience. Try it. You'll enjoy foreign notes,
perhaps even more so if you find an American connection!
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Bank of England Contracts with De La Rue
By Robert Leuver
tracted the printing of its pound notes to
De La Rue. Thus passes one of the most
venerable and important government securi-
ty printing plants. The agreement was reached in
December 2002 and was finalized this year.
De La Rue stated that it would continue to main-
tain the current printing works, but would bring in
other banknote printing to make the facility profitable.
About 200 of the 250 employees at the Printing Works
were employed by De La Rue, while the remaining
employees remained with the Bank of England and pro-
vide note sorting work. The Printing Works of the
Bank of England has been a
major government security
institution for more than
two centuries. Recently,
Alex Jarvis, General
Manager since 1986, headed
the design committee for
the new Euro currency.
That position reflects the
esteem the European
Commission had for Mr.
Jarvis and the Printing
Works, as England has not
converted to the Euro cur-
The Printing Works
has always been a leader in
banknote design, and the
architectural work and management of other govern-
ment banknote facilities. In WWI, when Germany
began dropping counterfeit 5 pound notes on London
and Coventry, the Bank of England incorporated a
thread in the cotton substrate and issued 5 pound notes
to quickly thwart the threat.
In the last century -- that wasn't too long ago real-
ly, but it does sound impressive -- Bank of England
Printing Works technical staff traveled about Europe
and the Middle East helping many countries either
refurbish or establish their own government printing
plants. These plants have thrived and provided not only
banknotes, but other security paper products for their
The Printing Works was one of the first govern-
ment printers to successfully use color as an anti-coun-
terfeit device. About 20 years ago, they began using
metameric colors (where two similar colors when copied
or photographed would produce a third or changed
color) as a security measure against photo-reproduction.
The Printing Works was a major participant in the
European Banknote Printers Conference and the initia-
tor of the Four Nations Group in the early '80s
(England, Canada, USA, and Australia).
De La Rue is a remarkable company, one of the
largest in England and, certainly, the world's largest
security printer. Over the past 20 years, De La Rue has
captured much of the government printing of indepen-
dent nations who lack their own government banknote
printers, bought postage stamp printers such as
Harrisons, and purchased Portals, a major security paper
It's a Fact:
SPMC collect foreign notes to some degree
(according to a direct survey of the membership
undertaken recently). Hint, Mr. Dealer: If you don't
advertise your worldwide material in this magazine,
how are you going to reach these avid collectors and
boost your sales? Advertising doesn't cost; it pays! +
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 43/4 x 33/4 $18.50 $33.50 $150.00 $260.00
Colonial 5 112 x 3 1/16 19.00 35.00 160.00 290.00
Small Currency 65/a x 27/a 19.50 37.50 165.00 310.00
Large Currency 77/a x 3 1/3 22.00 41.00 184.00 340.00
Auction 9 x 33/4 24.00 44.00 213.00 375.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
Checks 95/8 x 41/4 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 83/4 X 141/2 $14.00 $61.00 $100.00 $226.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8112x 171/2 15.00 66.00 110.00 248.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 91/2 x 121/2 13.50 59.00 94.00 212.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18 x 24 54.00 235.00 385.00 870.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Your collection will not be complete
without the newest Banknotable collectibles!
Our unique collectibles combine artistry, craftsmanship,
the latest security paper technology and hidden facts and
figures...all combined into exquisitely engraved bank notes
rivaling the currencies of the world's leading nations. Each
of our notes is issued as a limited edition and is guaranteed
to be 99.28% counterfeit proof-assuring their authenticity.
These unique notes look and feel
like real money, and each comes with
its own Certificate of Authenticity.
If you are serious about your paper note collection, you
owe it to yourself to visit our website to find out more about
these hot new collectibles as they gain worldwide popularity.
Obsolete Currency
National Currency
State & Territorial Issues
Ron Benice
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
September/October 2003 • \A/hole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY274
Ferdinand Schirnbock
Portrait and Picture Engraver
By Gene Hessler
Ferdinand Schirnbock
my attention when I saw and then closely examined the 100-korun
bank note, P23 for Czechoslovakia. This, one of that country's
most beautiful notes, has figures of a Boy and Falcon and Liberty on
the face and Agriculture and Thomas Garrigue Masalyk, the first president of
Czechoslovakia on the back; the note was designed by Max Svabinsky.
In 1931, when this beautiful note was issued, Jindra Schmidt,
who would become one of the best engravers in Czechoslovakia
had not yet reached his prime. Consequently, Schirnbock
was recruited from Austria, and the German Karel Wolf
was engaged to create the companion 1000 korun, P26
issued a few years later. When Czechoslovakia had
become a republic after World War I, American Bank
Note Company had been engaged to prepare bank
notes for the new republic. However, following the
issuance of the 100 and 1000 korun notes, Czech
designers and engravers created notes that continue to
stand out in many collections.
Ferdinand Schirnbock was born in Oberhollabrun
in Lower Austria on August 27, 1859, and began his
studies at the Vienna Professional School at age 19 under
Professor F. Laufberger. From 1880-1886 the young artist
attended the engraving school at Vienna Academy studying
with L. Jacoby and J. Sonnenleiter. In 1886, and perhaps his
(This article is adapted from the entry for this engraver in a book on
world engravers that is nearing completion, 0 2003 Gene Hessler.)
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
first professional experience, was to accompany archeologist Benndorf on an
excavation at Siebenbungen. It was, and in some instances is customary to have
an artist on location to record artifacts by drawing them as they are located and
The learning or apprentice period for portrait engravers is 8-10
years, however, after seven years in 1887 Ferdinand Schirnbock
joined the South American Bank Note Company in Buenos Aires
and remained there for five years. During this time he engraved
both bank notes and postage stamps, including the Columbus
Commemorative issue for Argentina after a portrait by de
Martino. The South American BNCo had an exhibit at the
Columbian Exposition and Schirnbock received a "Diploma
of Honorable Mention" from the United States.
Schirnbock spent 1893 in Lisbon engraving paper
money before returning to Vienna to join the
Staatsdruckerei, the Austrian Government Printing Office. If
the notes he engraved in Portugal were issued, they undoubt-
edly were those identified as P74-78. For the next ten years
Schirnbock engraved bank notes and postage stamps for his native
Austria. On at least two occasions he was engaged by Hungary and
Switzerland to engrave bank notes.
His engraving of De Fregger's painting of Delivery of Imperialistic Gifts to
Andreas Hofer in the Palace at Innsbruck brought acclaim and more commis-
sions to Schirnbock. Emperor Franz Joseph subsidized this copper engrav-
Postage stamp work by this engraver is more extensive than
his paper money engraving. Schirnbock engraved and etched
stamps for Albania, Austria, Bavaria, Bosnia, Bulgaria,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Paraguay, Russia, Siam, Sweden,
Turkey and the Vatican.
In 1987 Willibald Kranister from the National Bank of
Austria approached me to assist him with the section about
U.S. paper money for The Moneymakers International that was
published in 1989. In 1988 the author came to the U.S. with
galley proofs for me to see and to my surprise and absolute
pleasure brought a gift. In correspondence I had mentioned
my respect for the work of Ferdinand Schirnbock. At that first
meeting I was presented with three mounted proof portraits by
the legendary engraver. The images were in a presentation
leather folder embossed with the monogram of the bank. Those
portraits are shown here. Willi, who remains a good friend, also
brought the portrait of Schirnbock that is shown here.
On September 16, 1930, after a life of engraving and etching Ferdinand
Schirnbock died in Vienna. Those that know of his exquisite engraving work
treasure it as I do.
Bank Notes
P4 Cherubs, 10 kronen (des. R. Rossler).
P5 Woman and Cherub, 20 kr. (des. R. Rossler).
P6 Women (2) Seated, 50 kr. (des. R. Rossler).
P7 Woman, Child & Agriculture, 100 kr. (des. Laszlo Hegedus).
P7 Woman, Child & Blacksmith, 100 kr. (des. Laszlo Hegedus).
P8 Woman, 1000 kr.
P9 Princess Josephine Rohan, 10 kr. (des. R. Rossler).
P10 Woman, 20 kr.
Hungaria 1000 pengo, P 116
Woman, 1000 kronen, P 8
276 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Woman Holding Garland, P 11
Pll Woman Holding Garland, 100 kr.
P12 Woman profile, 100 kr. (des. J. Pfeiffer).
P13 Woman, 20 kr. (des. J. Pfeiffer).
P15 Woman, 50 kr. (des. J. Pfeiffer).
P17 Woman, 2 kr. (des. J. Pfeiffer).
P19 Young Boy, 10 kr.
P23 Girl, 25 kr.
P24 Girl, 200 kr.
P79 Woman with Flowers (by Hans Schramm), 5000 kr.
P80 Woman with Flowers (by Hans Schramm, image reversed), 50,000 kr.
P81 Woman (by Hans Schramm), 100,000 kr.
P84 Mother & Children (by K. Sterrer), 500,000 kr.
P88 Ernst Zwiaver (model, by K. Sterrer), 5 schilling (des. by R. Junk).
P89 Man, 10 schilling.
P90 Dr. Maria N. Hromatka (model), 20 sch.
Dr. Maria Neusser Hromatka,
20 schilling, P 90
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
.4111 -0 ...1114, - *
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Above: Judith Murphy & Chet Krause; below John Wilson & Bob Schreiner; Above: Gene Hessler; Below: Wendell Wolka & Neil Shafer
aft /1 Vtaftaate
7Poirid ;,aizeit nog,
Specialist in Rare MPC
& Replacements,
Africa, Europe,
German & French Notgeld,
& the Americas
An Extensive Inventory from A to Z
Rarities and Bulk Modern Uncirculated Notes Always Required.
Retail & Wholesale Lists Upon Request
Wants Lists Actively Solicited & Worked
P.O. Box 1075 Adelaide St. Post Office Phone & Fax (416) 445-0286
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 2K5 E-mail:
I Sit, RAM:OW:111M, poi■LF ,AKONC n
14 11111NA sa: A rE RNA
C 103 SE Z A N
P16 Farmer and Castle, 50 korun.
P23 Boy with Falcon & Liberty, 100 korun.
P23 Agriculture & T.G. Masaiyk, 100 korun (back).
278 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
P91 Woman (by K. Sterrer), 100 sch.
P92 Woman (by K. Sterrer), 1000 sch.
P94 Mercury (model: Melitta Feldkirchner, wife of B. Loffler the
designer), 10 sch.
P94 Harvest (back), 10 sch. (des. by B. Loffler).
P97 & 118 Science, (probable model: Alma Vonihr, des. Wilhelm
Dachauer), 100 sch.
P98 & 118 Woman Holding Athena, 1000 sch.
P122 Woman, 10 sch. (face).
Boy with Falcon and Liberty, 100
korun, P23. With the overprint
this note circulated in Slovakia.
Opera singer Jarmila Novotna
was the model for Liberty.
The two figures represent
Agriculture and a portrait of T.G.
Masaryk is held by children sym-
bolizing the youth of
Czechoslovakia. The open book
represents his numerous literary
works. Masaryk came to the U.S.
in 1876 to marry Charlotte
Garrigue, an American he met in
Vienna. They returned to Vienna
where he taught.
P94 & 116 Hungaria, 1000 pengo (face and back).
P32 Woman in National Costume, 20 francs. (The portrait is by artist
P. Chiesa.)
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Banthan, A.P. "Ferdinand Schirnbock, Engraver," The Essay Proof Journal, No.
75. (1962). The Essay Proof Society.
Hessler, G. The International Engraver's Line (tentative), a work-in-progress.
Kranister, W. Die Geldmacher. Wien: Verlag Kremayr & Scheriau. (1985).
Shafer, N. & C.R. Bruce II (ed.). Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, vol.
two. Iola, WI: Krause Pub. (2000).
This First Day postcard for Austrian
Stamp Day honored engravers
Ferdinand Schirnbock and
Ferdinand Lorber. The engraving
hands on the postage stamp were
engraved by Rudolf Toth.
New Book Seeks to Catalog Paper Money of Belarus
Dear Editor,
We invite members of SPMC to participate in the project
for publishing of an album-catalog Paper Money and Notes in
Be/urns. The book is exclusive. A catalog of notes circulated in
Belarus has never been published before. The album-cata-
logue will comprise 680 pages on a quality paper in 22 x 29 cm
format. It contains 1,170 full size color imagies of practically
all paper money and notes including state notes, local and spe-
cial issues circulated from 1772 up to now inside the present
borders of Belarus. The illustrated review of paper money cir-
culation in Belarus also includes maps of administrative-terri-
torial divisions for different periods in history. The collector
prices of notes are given also.
Five thousand copies of the album-catalogue are to be
published in Belarusian and English. They will be distributed
both inside Belarus as well as outside Belarus for Belarus dias-
pora and for collectors, specialists and interested people of the
The publication is of great interest for collectors and
readers interested in local history and Belarus culture, and has
a great cognitive and historical value. The first 200 copies of
the book were ordered by the National Bank of the Republic
of Belarus, and 50 copies were ordered by other Belarus banks.
[In order to publish this book] It is required purchasers
send $140 for a period of 12 months (six months for publish-
ing and printing the books and six months for sales). About
50% of the sum [is] required for prepress and editing in
Belarus, and the rest is required at the place of printing.
The album-catalog is planned to be printed in Italy and
could be in the USA as well. Design will be presentable
including hard cover with hot foil stamping, a box, etc.
Estimated price for Belarus is $60; for outside Belarus it could
be $99.
The printing works and sales outside Belarus will be per-
formed by our partner Compdata GmbH, Herrsching,
Germany, tel.: +49-8152-2027, fax: -2029. Other partners are
also invited. Please feel free contact us for more information.
Yours sincerely, Viktar Jarzemkouski, GM, MacTech
Ltd. 99a, office 237 F. Scaryny Ave. Minsk, Belarus, 220023,
P.O.B. 76. Tel/fax: +375-17-2647268
Editor's Note: The Editor received this communication
(slightly edited) from Mr. Jarzemkouski. Believing it to be of
possible interest to our members, we are publishing it; howev-
er individuals are urged to satisfy themselves of its legitimacy
BEFORE sending money overseas, since we have no way to
verify its details.
September/October 2003 • VVhole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Sept. 2003
By Fred Reed °
Sept. 1
1815 NY State Bank notes; 1837 Texas Republic interest bearing scrip to float consoli-
dated debt; 1838 William Clark (FR 114-122) dies; 1965 First Series 1950E $20 FRN;
Sept. 2
1776 Continental Congress values paper dollars at par to Spanish coins; 1789 Congress
establishes Treasury Department, headed by a Secretary; 1860 Henry Bradbury,
founder of Bradbury, Wilkinson dies of suicide; 1943 ANA President John Wilson born;
Sept. 3
1861 General Winfield Scott tells Army pay will be in paper money not coin; 1974
First Series 1974 $10 FRN; 1990 Dealer Leo Young dies;
Sept. 4
1837 President Van Buren's Independent Treasury message sent to Congress; 1841
Third Bank of U.S. closes doors; 1870 U.S. Treasurer Carmi Thompson born; 1942
First Series 1934 $10 SC/1934A $5 SC for North Africa; 1998 First issue of E-Syhim;
Sept. 5
1789 Anonymous One Penny Specie" scrip in Pennsylvania; 1826 Anti-photographic
green ink patentee Dr. T.S. Hunt born; 1901 Dealer Morton Al. Stack born; 1930
Researcher Walter Breen born; 2000 "Fine Art and Paper Money in Jacksonian
America" opens at Hofstra University; 2003 RM. Smythe Strasburg Sale begins
Sept. 6
1757 MG Lafayette, who appears on U.S. obsoletes, born; 1777 Treasurer Michael
Hillegas (FR 1167-1173) appointed; 1838 Colonial paper money author Henry Phillips
and dealer John W. Haseltine born; 1862 Demand Notes gold value dips to 90.8 cents;
Sept. 7
1815 Treasury Secretary Howell Cobb born; 1819 Second Bank of U.S. issues ban-
knotes and VP Thomas A. Hendricks (FR 291-297 "Tombstone Note") born; 1945
Allied Military yen issued in Korea; 1958 Collector Fred C.C. Boyd dies;
Sept. 8
1664 Dutch Governor of New Netherlands Peter Stuyvesant, who appears on obso-
letes, surrenders New York to British; 1865 First Oregon National Bank chartered
(FNB Portland #1553); 1869 Massachusetts Colonials authodoseph B. Felt and
Treasury Secretary William Pitt Fessenden (FR 539-548) die;
Sept. 9
1789 U.S. Treasurer Michael Hillegas resigns; 1890 Comptroller orders overprinting
charter #s in UR corner Series 1882 Brown Back faces; 1957 BEP delivers first notes
printed by dry intaglio process;
Sept. 10
1777 Georgia Colonials (FR GA111-121); 1791 Reformed Dutch Church, Columbia
County NY penny scrip; 1813 Commodore O.H. Perry defeats British (FR 452-463) at
Lake Erie; 1923 Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon announces new currency designs;
Sept. 11
1789 Alexander Hamilton takes oath as first Treasury Secretary and Washington
appoints Samuel Meredith Treasurer; 1841 President's Cabinet resigns over "Eyler's
Third Bank of U.S. veto; 2001 Stack's postpones Vermeule auction due to tragic events;
Sept. 12
1810 Treasury Secretary Philip Thomas born; 1852 Banknote engraver Thomas F.
Morris born; 1970 SPAIC Treasurer LT. Kopicki, only SPMC member to sign large
size NBNs, dies; 1981 NASCA sells Rocky Rockholt fractional currency collection;
Sept. 13
1847 General Winfield Scott enters Mexico City (FR 465) victorious; 1861 CSA
Treasury cancels currency contract with Jules Manouvrier for security violations; 1967
Robert A. Siegel sale ofJosiah Lilly encased stamp collection;
Sept. 14
1644 Colonist William Penn, who appears on many obsolete notes, born; 1812 City
Bank of NY opens; 1872 Under Geneva Conference, Congress authorizes Certificates
of Indebtedness to pay Alabama claims; 1901 President William McKinley (FR 613-
638) dies; 1909 Engraver James D. Smillie dies;
Put your ad here and reach your target market
all month long
Special Rates Apply
Contact the Editor for Details
Sept. 15
1729 Pennsylvania Colonials (FR PA22-25); 1794 Dolley Madison, who appears on
obsoletes, dies; 1882 First Series 1882 S50/S100 Brown Backs issued to FNTB of
Chicago (#2670); 1936 New Netherlands Coin Co. formed;
Sept. 16
1782 Earliest known use of Great Seal of the U.S. by Continental Congress Secretary
Charles Thomson; 1861 New Orleans banks suspend specie payments; 1946 Series 461
MPCs issued in Europe;
Sept. 17
1859 San Francisco note issuer Joshua Abraham Norton proclaims himself "Emperor of
U.S. and Protector of Mexico;" 1868 BEP becomes official title for currency production
bureau; 1886 Banknote engraver Asher B. Durand dies; 1970 Treasurer Dorothy
Andrews Elston marries Walter Kabis;
Sept. 18
1862 Union general Joseph King Mansfield (FR 185a-g) dies; 1868 Inventor of the
geometric lathe Cyrus Durand dies; 1873 Financial failure of Jay Cooke & Co. precipi-
tates Panic of 1873; 1989 Arkansas obsoletes/fractionals author Matt Rothert dies;
Sept. 19
1740 South Carolina Colonials (FR SC51); 1803 Philadelphia Bank opens for business;
1881 Union general and President James Garfield (FR 466-478) dies; 1884 Fractional
Money author Neil Carothers born;
Sept. 20
1832 Philadelphia jeweler Bailey & Kitchen, forerunner of encased stamp issuer Bailey
& Co, formed; 1863 "Rock of Chickamauga" George H. Thomas (FR 359-361) saves
Union Army in Tennessee; 1952 Aubrey Bebee opens Omaha coin shop;
Sept. 21
1737 U.S. Treasurer of Loans Francis Hopkinson born; 1859 Note engraver Freeman
Rawclon dies; 1915 Anti-vice crusader Anthony Comstock who waged war against
"obscene" 1896 $5 Silver Certificate dies; 1974 VA author Charles J. Affleck dies;
Sept. 22
1863 Virginia General Assembly suppresses small change notes; 1950 Dealer and War
of 1812 currency researcher Don Kagin born; 1983 Beginning of Regan-Ortega com-
bined tenure as Treasury Secretary and Treasurer;
Sept. 23
1806 Lewis and Clark (FR 114-122) return to St. Louis from West; 1956 Dealer and
United States Notes- author Wayte Raymond dies; 1965 BEP inaugurates self-guided
tours of Washington, D.C. facility;
Sept. 24
1755 Chief Justice John Marshall (FR 372-375) born; 1869 Gold speculation results in
Black Friday; 1955 Stack's sells Frank A. Limpert Collection;
Sept. 25
1780 Engraver William Kneass born; 1893 Collector Josiah Lilly born; 1981 Bob
Medlar sells Glenn Smedley paper money collection;
Sept. 26
1778 Continental Congress apoints committee to design Treasury seal; 1903
Depression scrip author Ralph "Curly" Mitchell born; 1967 Columbia Pictures poorly-
named film "Who's Minding the Mint" about the BEP debuts with Milton Berle; 1985
BEP hosts Pacific Rim security printing conference;
Sept. 27
1722 Samuel Adams, who appears on an Arkansas Treasury Warrant and beer labels,
born; 1854 Pioneer counterfeit expert Mahlon Day dies in a steamship accident; 1957
Flamboyant Texas dealer B. Max Mehl dies;
Sept. 28
1850 Congress authorizes military Bounty Land Scrip for veterans of Indian lArars;
1955 PNG incorporated; 2000 BEP awards $25.4 Million contract to De La Rue Giori
to implement sheetfed technology;
Sept. 29
1804 Continental/U.S Treasurer Michael Hillegas (FR 1167-1173) dies; 1862 Butler &
Carpenter deliver first Bank Check 2-cent revenue stamps; 1926 ANA President and
paper money exhibitor Stephen Taylor born;
Sept. 30
1827 U.S. Treasurer Ellis H. Roberts born; 1905 Thomas Elder conducts first auction;
1946 First delivers, Series 1934C S5 FRN and Series 461 MPCs issued in Pacific
f •TVVVCO SWitat
NitrilittNi-*-1151ko1t, 7976
.1414.11AailtuoUtei1kt it r, t.t cusa
q gjNr 1A4adito
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
281 * * * *\
P.O. BOX 847 -- Flemington, NJ 08822
Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235
Jess Lipka, Proprietor
Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and
Regional Collections, Red Seals, Brown Backs,
Statistical Rarities, New Jersey.
Also Buying Coin Collections and Type
NO DEAL TOO LARGE!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ip atIft
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
On This Date in Paper Money History — Oct. 2003
By Fred Reed ©
Oct. /
1861 City of Pensacola issues municipal scrip for 25- and 50-cents; 1877 BEP takes
over printing of all U.S. currency; 1878 OE. Irish becomes BEP Director; 1957 First
notes bearing motto, SI SCs, placed into circulation;
Oct. 2
1814 John Elliott Ward, who appears on Confederate $10 notes, born; 1871 ABNCo
employs G.F.C. "Fred" Smillie as apprentice pictorial engraver for $3/week;
Oct. 3
1776 Continental Congress establishes state loan offices; 1857 Checklist of Encased
Postage Stamps author William F. Dunham born; 1972 First Series 1969C $100 FRN;
Oct. 4
1800 BEP engraver John F.E. Prud'homme born; 1861 Winchester, VA, issues change
bills; 1927 Roy A. Young becomes Fed Board Chairman; 1933 Engraver R. Ostrander
Smith dies; 2002 ANA debuts "Show Me the Money: the Dollar as Art"
Oct. 5
1867 Beginning ofJeffries-Spinner combined tenure as Register and Treasurer; 1928
Author-editor Kenneth Bressett born; 1961 First delivery Series 1953B $5 USN;
Oct. 6
1814 Alexander J. Dallas becomes Treasury Secretary; 1820 Jenny Lind, who appears
on U.S. obsoletes, born; 1889 Fractionals author Frank A. Limpert born; 1922 Error
currency dealer Harry Forman born; 1950 BEP engraver Thomas R. Hipschen born;
Oct. 7
1640 Massachusetts General Court redefines wampum legal tender value; 1857
Treasury Secretary Louis McLane dies; 1964 Prodution Series 1963 S20 FRNs with
motto begins; 1970 Series 692 MPCs; 1978 International Bond & Share Society begins;
Oct. 8
1869 President Franklin Pierce, who appears on NH obsoletes, dies; 1967 BEP
Director Henry Holtzclaw retires; 1985 Treasury Secretary John W. Snyder dies;
Oct. 9
1755 Connecticut Colonials (FR CT8I-88); 1813 Mississippi Governor John J. Pettus,
who appears on state notes, born; 1868 Treasury Secretary Howell Cobb dies; 1879
First HIS.H. Chapman auction sale; 1967 James A. Conlon becomes BEP Director;
Oct. 10
1863 Second Issue FC; 1867 John Jay Knox deputy Comptroller of Currency; 1870
BEP Director James Wilmeth born; 1872 Secretary of State William Seward (FR 376)
dies; 1971 Banker/SPA1C Charter Member William. A. Philpott dies; 1978 I leeding
call to eliminate $1 note, President Carter signs Anthony Dollar Act;
Oct. 11
1809 Explorer Aleriwether Lewis (FR 114-122) dies; 1819 Jacob Perkins receives
English stereotype plate patent; 1937 Treasury Secretary Ogden Mills dies;
Oct. 12
1492 Columbus/crew sight land (FR 781-809a) and Landing of Columbus (FR 394-408);
1837 Congress OKs treasury notes requiring signatures of BOTH Register/Treasurer;
1936 Educational Note designer (FR 247-248) Edwin H. Blashfield dies;
Oct. 13
1862 CSA Congress authorizes unlimited treasury notes exchangeable for bonds; 1862
Treasury contracts Stuart Gwynn to supply security paper; 1952 Chet Krause launches
Numismatic News; 1982 BEP installs first mechanical note examining equipment;
Oct. 14
1713 Massachusetts Colonials (FR MA47-55); 1837 Richmond's Bank of Virginia issues
fractional shinplasters payable to "Henry Clay or Bearer," 1957 First delivery Series
1950B S20 FRN; 1968 First delivery Series 1966 S100 USN;
Oct. 15
1825 Texan Green Dewitt issues scrip for colony at Gonzales; 1864 First $500 NBNs
issued to Merchants NB of Boston (#475); 1936 Barney Bluestone opens Syracuse Coin
and Novelty Co.; 1947 Albert Gallatin statue at Treasury dedicated; 1966 Indepen-
dence Hall (FR 1550-15511 and Monticello (FR 1501-1514) on National Register;
Oct. 16
1778 Massachusetts Colonials (FR .71/IA254-265); 1780 Virginia Colonials (FR VA191-
202); 1786 Georgia Colonials (FR GAl26-131); 1806 Treasury Secretary William Pitt
Fessenden (FR 539-548) born;
Oct. 17
1777 English general John Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga (FR 464-464a); 1837
blouse of Representatives rejects non-interest bearing treasury notes, 137-81; 1968
Treasury announces it will stop issuing $5 U.S. Notes as economy measure;
Oct. 18
1859 Dealer Henry Chapman born; 1862 Demand Notes gold value hits high of 99.1
cents; 1862 Pro-Union Missouri authorizes state Defence Warrants; 1935 Stack's
holds first auction; 1972 Treasury Building becomes National Historic Landmark;
Oct. 19
1752 Franklin explains kite flying experiment (FR 479-492) to British scientists; 1893
Collector-author Loyd B. Gettys born; 1896 Treasury Secretary William Richardson
dies; 1982 Two Centuries of American Banking author Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli dies;
Oct. 20
1730 New York Colonials (FR NY84-85); 1837 Pensacola issues municipal scrip in bit
denominatios; 1859 ANS holds last meeting prior to end of Civil War; 1874 Bank of
Sodus, NY issues banknotes for $1 and $2; 1977 First Series 1977 $5 FRN;
Oct. 21
1862 Butler & Carpenter deliver first Certificate 2-cent revenue stamps; 1938 Dealer
and author Q. David Bowers born; 1944 Treasury Department lifts regulations on cur-
rency circulation in Hawaiian Islands; 1968 Series 661 A/IPCs issued;
Oct. 22
1780 Early banknote engraver Peter Maverick born; 1816 William H. Crawford takes
office as Treasury Secretary; 1900 Treasury Secretary John Sherman (FR 664-685a)
dies; 1942 Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Robert D. McTeer. Jr. born; 1975
SPMC receives first shipment of ABNCo engraved membership cards still in use;
Oct. 23
1868 First seats sold on NYSE; 1940 Treasury Secretary George B. Cortelyou dies;
1949 Dealer John Zug dies; 1984 First Series 1981A $20 FRN; 1993 Thomas
Crawford's statue Columbia (FR 1-5) replaced atop U.S. Capitol after restoration;
Oct. 24
1644 Colonizer William Penn, who appears on many obsoletes, born; 1808 Banknote
vignette engraver John Sartain born; 1821 Congressman Elias Boudinot, who appears
on diverse obsolete notes, dies; 1852 Senator Daniel Webster (FR 96-113) dies; 1979
Oklahoma Obsolete Notes and Scrip author Maurice Burgett dies;
Oct. 25
1775 Pennsylvania Colonials (FR PA181-192); 1936 Collector E.H.R. Green hides
collection in FNB of Boston; 1960 Treasurer H. Theodore Tate dies; 1985 First Series
1985 $20 FRN; 1996 ANS dinner salutes numismatic scholar Eric P. Newman;
Oct. 26
1797 Charles Pinckney utters "Millions for defense, but not a penny for tribute;" 1871
Treasury Secretary Thomas Ewing, on unissued $2 National Bank Circulating Note,
dies; 1981 BEP begins selling uncut sheets of $1 FRNs; 1989 Engraver John Hay dies;
Oct. 27
1648 Massachusetts General Court OKs wampum strands at set values; 1997 Federal
Reserve Banks begin releasing new Series 1996 $50 notes;
Oct. 28
1823 Montreal banker William Weir born; 1884 Hugh McCulloch becomes Treasury
Secretary for second time; 1997 First billion share day on New York Stock Exchange;
Oct. 29
1616 Sir Walter Raleigh (FR 387-393) executed by British Crown for treason; 1817
Banknote engraver John Gavit born; 1892 Tromp toed currency artist William Harnett
dies; 1929 New York stock market crashes precipitating worldwide depression;
Oct. 30
1776 Treasury Secretary George Bibb born; 1826 New York publisher Mahlon Day
patents counterfeit detector and prices current list; 1840 Histoiy of American Currency
author William Sumner born; 1909 End of Venion-Treat combined tenure;
Oct. 31
1862 Canada East Consul Wm. H. Lee decries depreciated U.S. currency; 1863 PMG
Blair tells Congress $392,499.82 in stamps used as currency were redeemed/destroyed;
1952 SciFi writer Jim Halperin born; 1985 COAC discusses U.S. currency 1789-1866;
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Note Graffiti Far from Home
By Harold Don Allen
one on Dominion of Canada 25-cent "shinplasters" of the 1870 issue.
Indeed, as only dollar values of that historic issue normally carried penned sig-
natures, it mightn't be going too far to consider it unique.
Short-snorter connoisseurs among our readers are sure to sense what I
The Swedes consider their kingdom to have been the birthplace of bank-
issued paper money, at least in the accepted western sense. Their coinage, too,
has a long history, a huge replica of a millennium-old silver piece greeting you
at their principal airport in Arlanda. What they may not realize at their splen-
did monetary museum or in Stockholm coin shops is that they seem to have
been offering, to no takers, a particularly venerable "short snorter" item.
Canadian, as it happens, this being a small world -- so I
bought the little note, of course.
The early Canadian shinplaster, duly
endorsed, had been featured in the
European-flavored "world" stock of the affa-
ble Bertil Jonsson, Mynt & Medaljer dealer,
at Swevagen 96 in an older but well-kept
neighborhood of the Swedish capital. Across
the face of the attractive Britannia note, in
two lines of ageing, careful black script, had
been inscribed "W. J. Palmer" and "Helliard
House." Nothing more. The back of the
note, however, evidences much wear. The
wear is the sort that typically results from
decades of being carried in a wallet, in this instance while having been folded in
There's enough mystery, or at least uncertainty, here to make the item
desirable to those of us who can find intrigue in graffiti on a note. Might Mr.
Palmer merely have written his own name and the address where he was stay-
Changing of the Guard at Stockholm's
Royal Palace on a "damp, dreary win-
ter day," captured by the author's
284 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
ing, then carried the note himself for decades, for whatever reason? Or, had
Mr. Palmer merely written across the note, for want of other paper, his name
and address, and presented it to another party, who then had carried the little
bill year after year, again for whatever reason? A personal memento? A
remembrance of a small wager?
Quite likely we're never to know -- though if someone, somewhere
recalled a Mr. Palmer or a Helhard House, it could be interesting to learn
My intuition is that the inscription is British rather than Canadian,
though how a lowly North American shinplaster could venture so far afield, or
lend itself to such purpose, one cannot but wonder.
The particular note, for the record, can be seen to have derived from a
late 1890s printing. The 1870 date and absence of an earlier series letter estab-
lishes this. With a change of printer (to American Bank Note Co.), Canada's
first shinplasters were replaced in 1900; with a third, serially numbered issue
being released in 1923.
So we really must assume that both Mr. Palmer and his aquaintance have
passed on. One can imagine his successors bringing the little bill to the
Stockholm coin shop, with high (though unrealistic) hopes as to its value. The
genial Mr. Jonsson did buy it, and add it to his interesting and diverse stock,
but no great sum need to have been involved.
Such a Canadian fractional, whether endorsed, inscribed or otherwise,
does have something of a story to relate. It is representative of the first paper
money produced after Confederation -- the Canadian federal union of 1867 --
issued to solve a quite specific monetary problem. U.S. silver coinage had been
at a discount, but had been pouring into the new country to circulate at par.
Canadian silver coinage had been on order, but printing presses, when they need
to, could be quicker than nineteenth-century coiners. So the 1870 shinplaster
issue was to be a stop-gap. It served its initial purpose, undeniably. Canadians
did develop an affection for the little notes, however, with the unanticipated
result that three major varieties (issue-dated 1870, 1900, and 1923) kept 25-cent
bills circulating until a central bank, the Bank of Canada, took over such mat-
ters, in 1935.
The 1870 issue by British American Bank Note Co. was to serve for the
first 30 years. It strikes me as having been the most attractive of the three issues,
though I acknowledge a weakness for such earlier note designs.
An initial printing of 2,000,000 notes (200,000 sheets of ten), unnumbered
but with series letter "A," was followed by a second printing of 2,000,000, series
letter "B." These sufficed until near the turn-of-century, when an additional
300,000 notes were run off from old plates with series letters removed. Notes
from this final printing are the 1870-dated notes most frequently seen.
The 1900 and 1923 Canadian shinplasters featured modifications of the
symbolic Brittania. The 1923 issue bore sheet numbers, plus position letters rel-
ative to a sheet of ten.
Something like 4,000,000 of the 1870, 1900, and 1923 notes remain unre-
deemed. As might be expected, high grades command a stiff premium, but aver-
age, well circulated notes, remain inexpensive -- to the delight of young or new
collectors. The 1870 issue shows no variation in engraved signatures -- govern-
ment officials William Dickinson and T. D. Harrington. This makes the elusive
W. J. Palmer all the more interesting, if only we could pin the fellow down.
Allen, Harold Don. "Money at a Time of Change: Some European Perspectives,"
Canadian Numismatic Journal, 44:8 (October 1999), pp. 367-377.
. "A Swedish Perspective," Canadian Coin News, (April 20, 1999), pp. 26, 31.
Graham, Robert J. (ed.). Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper
Money, 15th ed. Charlton Press. (2003). pp. 78-79.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 285
nated by money. I like more than what it can just buy me; more than
the wealth it gives; and more than the security money represents. You
see I like money, because for the past 25 years my job was to sell the
paper for secure documents such as stock certificates, bonds, passports, traveler
checks, coupons and yes, even currencies!
As you can imagine, that occupation allowed me to visit the most secure
printing plants, government installations, and sell my paper to the most unique
clients the world over. This short story involves one of my most memorable
experiences -- the creation of the One Million Euro Banknotable!
How I Made
Millions of Euros...for Fun!
By Bob Bednar
More than three years ago, I started thinking about the introduction of
the Euro and the effect these notes would have as Europe's first single curren-
cy. My interests were on the paper making and printing end of the
notes. Most European countries had currency printing plants
and security paper mills. The thought of one country mak-
ing the paper and one country printing the paper was
probably never considered because of the political
aspects of such a program. So this meant that the
paper made in a number of security paper mills
needed to match paper made in other mills exact-
ly. And the printing must also match exactly.
This would certainly be a most daunting task. But
that really wasn't my problem.
I wondered whether it would be possible for
someone to create a commemorative bank note
looking real enough to resemble the workmanship of
the notes to be issued by the Central bank. Most collec-
tors have seen so called "Fun" notes. Usually, these are
poor quality, poor paper, and photo-copy like in appearance.
The notes I was interested in producing to commemorate the intro-
duction of the Euro would have to be better than the fun notes, but not be
good enough to be confused with the real thing. My hope was that this would
create a new genre for collectors.
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ISSEIRhErs Ronk Noii.a#APD,Y h\\*\%q i,
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September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY286
Unity is the theme of the One Million
Euro commemorative's back.
Statement below the clasped hands
reads: "This certificate is backed and
secured only by confidence in the
European dream."
Could a lay person, collector, document security specialist, design a note
deserving of world currency status? Now, that was an interesting challenge.
I have often heard it said, that it's the paper which is the key. Paper is the
first thing one notices about any counterfeit bill. So if I wanted a really neat
looking note, that's where I would start by designing my own currency paper.
Having sold paper for more than 25 years, I felt more qualified than most
to design my own "bank note" paper. I knew about placing the fibers in the
paper, the mean double fold, the optical deadness of the paper stock, but the
thread as in U.S. currency
could prove a challenge. Few
paper mills have the ability to
insert threads into paper.
From my involvement in
document security seminars, I
knew of a company that makes
polyester thread. I arranged
for a meeting and I told them
about a special project to make
commemorative notes which I
would call "Banknotables."
These notes would be printed
like currency, have a multitude
of security features, look and
feel like real money, but I
wanted a security thread. And
I wanted a thread which had
some micro-printing, possibly
with magnetic ink, and an
invisible ink so that the thread
fluoresced when viewed under
ultra-violet light. I also want-
ed the thread to be colored
red. The company agreed to
make and sell me the thread.
Of course, I would have to buy
the minimum amount they
could produce. But now I had
my thread!
Now comes the easier
part you might say -- the paper. Out of hundreds of paper mills in the United
States, only one produces bank note paper with a thread. Every collector of
paper money knows them. I do too, and I knew they wouldn't appreciate my
project. So I went to a security paper mill I had worked with in the past, and
asked if they could make some paper using my thread. They had never tried to
put a thread in paper before.. .but they wanted an opportunity to do so.
Naturally, I would have to purchase the minimum amount of paper needed to
complete a run. So for a price, I had found my paper source.
Now about this time, I realized that my 25-plus years of selling security
paper legally, might place me in danger as a "counterfeiter." So at this point,
the really expensive part comes in -- the Attorney! I spent quite a bit of
money, researching whether the European Central Bank had any laws or regu-
lations which I might be breaking with my project. Attorneys in Europe and
the States could find no such provision preventing commemorative notes from
issuance. In fact to be certain, I even contacted the ECB myself. And while
they wouldn't respond at first, finally a reply was received suggesting I do not
"destroy the integrity" of the new Euro notes.
FF2 8 0 9 1 1
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
I had to make sure that my design wouldn't look similar to theirs.
Finding some of their designs was easy because of the internet. The highest
note to be issued would be a 500 Euro with central themes. Now that I had my
paper, it was time for the designer. An old bank note friend suggested talented
young artist Christopher McCauley, formerly of American Bank Note
Company. A graduate of Tyler School of Art, Chris joined ABNCo as a junior
bank note designer in 1994.
Chris had gone through ABNCo's apprenticeship program in less that
four of its customary five years. While at American Bank Note, he designed
many collectible and security products, including more than 50 American
Commemorative panels on a
variety of stamp subjects for the
U.S. Postal Sevice, as well as
many stock certificates for the
New York Stock Exchange.
An award-winning painter,
Chris was looking for additional
outlets for his creativity. Chris
and I started designing the One
Million Euro Banknotable, so-
called because it would com-
memorate the notable historical
significance of the issuance of
Europe's first single currency;
and further my notes would look
and feel like real bank notes.
We both decided to com-
memorate all 15 member nations with the central theme of unity. We would
utilize color, normal bank note tricks such as micro-printing, front to back reg-
ister, fibers, and a few tricks known only to the bank note circle. Throughout
my career as a document security specialist, I had always designed security
paper with at least one feature "extra" and placed it in the paper on my own.
Banknotables would always contain those features.
Some of these security features were overt. These include: the visible
non-fluorescent bank note fibers; micro-printed, metalized security thread on a
security background; intaglio engraved printing process of the type used to
produce U.S. and other world currencies; front to back registration of images;
microline printing; and fine line
guilloche tints which are difficult
to copy or photograph with accu-
Other security features are
covert. They include: an invisible
fluorescent blue fiber that can be
seen only under ultraviolet light;
invisible fluorescent inks used in
printing; micro-printed security
thread with fluorescent dye; chem-
ically reactive to acids and caustic
agents which produce a colored
stain when tampered with; a pop
up VOID tint on the face of the note; and an invisible text message on the back
of the note that can only be viewed under ultraviolet light.
Chris and I included all these measures to thwart color copying and scan-
ning techniques, and incorporated them into the note's design. We also con-
sidered that since the paper of U.S. currency is bleached to remove print, we
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
should be sensitive to a feature which could prevent that. That's the reason we
added full chemical sensitivity to our micro-printed threaded paper. Chemical
sensitivity is not used in bank note paper because bank notes are not altered to
change denomination. Chemically sensitive papers are utilized for passports,
licenses, tickets, checks, etc. Basically documents of some value, which can be
tampered with, need chemical sensitivity. What this means is that if the ink was
to be removed by bleach, alcohol or solvents, a stain would appear and ruin the
attempted alteration.
Well, what I have told you so far has been informative, hopefully. But
now I have to be a little vague ! Let's just say we found some presses, like an 8-
color Heidelberg, a De la Rue Giori engraving press, and a numbering press.
Printing took most of a week and we finally had our "One Million Euro
Banknotable." We printed the
minimum press run of about
170,000 of these commemorative
Some of the security fea-
tures in our notes have never
before been seen because they
were newly created by our design
techniques. If you have a One
Million Euro, note the "B" logo
imprint slightly on the left side of
the face. On the back side, the
"B" is backward. But when you
hold the note to the light, the
print disappears. This technique
was interesting to produce. At
first appearance the "B" looks like a watermark. Most artificial watermarks are
printed on by an oil or varnish. Our "B" is ink but in a controlled way to barely
appear. The "B" also fluoresces under ultra-violet light. We also used several
invisible inks of vaiying sensitivity to ultra-violet lights. While ultra-violet inks
are commercially available, we had our own colors privately made especially for
Naples Bank Note Company.
So final cost to produce my minimum Banknotable Commemorative?
About $90,000. Add packaging, legal fees, quality assurance and person-
nel...and it was quite costly!
Why would I spend so much money?
I wanted to take the opportunity to take commemorative notes to a dif-
ferent level. There had to be a way to inspire younger people to start collect-
ing. In my mind, I had hopes of doing just that!
Afterwards, if I wanted to do another commemorative, I knew how much
it would cost to design and print an issue. I had plenty of paper left, but I
needed a less costly way without sacrificing quality, feel, and security features.
Chris and I continued our research with copiers, presses, laser printers,
and scanners, etc. We now feel fortunate to have found a less expensive way to
produce the notes. All of our succeeding notes would be produced by laser.
The look and feel of our Banknotable commemoratives are good, if I do say so
myself, and make the notes seem authentic. We have also decided to hide hid-
den facts and figures about our subject into each design. This also preserves
the "notable" information which collectors desire. Upon examination of our
notes, one will find a number of security features to insure authenticity;
increase awareness of the subject; and add to the enjoyment of the notes.
In the last couple of years we have produced a variety of sports-themed,
commemorative, civic and personal notes for our customers.
For some of you who take their collecting of paper money seriously, I am
‘111.11 ,11.11S111,1 >06)
•Sli. VW. V. >
* * ;
One Million Euro (2000) face and back
Arnold Palmer (2001) face
Dale Earnhardt (2001) face and back varieties
A P5492245
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 289
certain that my notes may not measure up to your standards. However, I know
you can't please everybody all the time. My objective was to design collectible
"Fun" notes which can add to the enjoyment of the collector, and further edu-
cate those who like paper money as a hobby, to have some fun!
We introduced the One Million Euro in March of 2001. Real Euros
were introduced January 2002. Since the issuance of the Million Euro, we have
been contacted by some charities wishing to use bank notes in order to help
thank their donors and generate more funds for their charity. We are now
working with a number of organizations to issue bank note commemoratives.
So that's our story. I realize that our art form, the Banknotable, may not
be the cup of tea for all collectors, but they sure are a far cry quality wise, from
other "One Million Dollar" notes commonly seen in the hobby! So far, we
have designed more than two dozen notes for a variety of causes and helped
dozens of charities raise funds... But mostly we are still having "Fun"!
Note: The author was formerly Vice President for Document Security at
Atlantic Paper Company in King of Prussia, Pa. He is the founder and CEO of
the Naples Bank Note Company, whose mission is to help charities and organi-
zations become more successful in their fund raising.
A Partial Catalog of Naples Bank Note Company Banknotables
By Fred Reed
-79F 1 RE Fl CHTE RS 4,
tbmiiiiai,tius'W,o •
' FF280911
Fallen erat 'OA
'120,11,./Ntat Six Brave Firemen
Ssx brave firemen all in a row
Six brave firemen re* to go
In time of need they are always that
So let it be said with a prayer
Thank you brave six for al/ you 'woe clone
Now you sir, you six are one.
Richard 110,0
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY290
Penn State Million (2001)
Thanks a Million Firefighters (2001) 3 seal varieties
" • J 0 E .PATER N 0 tv
•nsd 31LLLOO1N-NON
• ON113:1Yd' 301
doot,§,...ft, cf.r Fallen Homo,
P#Pidtr. Six Brave Firemen C
ke' Six bravo firemen lla in a Too'Six brave firemen ready logo
In time of need they aw always thole
438 So let it be said with a prayer 12/3/9u
Thank you brave six for all you have done
Now you six, you six are one
ard Ntran
Worcester Six (2001) face and 2 back seal varieties
Joe Paterno (2001) face and back
Six Brave Firemen
Six brave firemen all in a row
Six brave firemen ready to go
In time of need they are always there
So let it be said with a prayer
Thank you brave six for you have done
Now you six, you six are one.
---Richard Baratz
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 291
Buying and Selling Nationals
from all states.
Price lists are not available.
Please send your want list.
Paying collector prices for better
California notes!
P.O. BOX 6778
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Fax: (650) 458-8843
New CSA Currency and Bonds
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rency collection by variety. Also CSA
• Useful for beginners as well as the most
advanced collector.
• Lists types, rare varieties, errors, in
grades G-VG to CU and "Scudzy" to
Long time variety collector (30 years) -- U.S. Large Cents,
Bust Halves, now CSA paper money and bonds.
Member EAC, JRCS, SPMC. From long time Louisiana
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Pierre Fricke, P.O. Box 245, Rye, NY 10580
914-548-9815 ;
eBay "armynova"
WE HAVE TO BUY and are willing to pay substantially over green sheet bid for certain issues
WE BUY IT ALL from VG to Superb Gem
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All Want Lists are cheerfully accepted and conscientiously pursued for the beginning, as well as the advanced collector.
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In Arizona [5201 544-7718 • Fax: (520) 544-7779
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY292
Amazing Spiderman (2002)
Jimmy Buffett (2002)
TI-INXAMILL (2003) 3 face varieties
Mal /1,a.4' Xo
'1'1111AIVIKIS 1V1111,11A4MNI
, noisEra
I /
2/, 9ff
Richard Petty, the King (2002) face varieties
TRULUV4EVR (2002) TRITLUV4EVR (2003) 2 face varieties and back
= FO
,th great power there must also come great respo
" '000 000
Your Logo
Image Here
ilWil=30 *AI
- s 1-, f10,011.),(1
E m erg i ni Art
—71:1111X AMILLy-1
,1 000000
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 293
Spain in 1492 he carried with him a heavily annotated copy of
Marco Polo's travels. His objective, as many school children
today know, was to find Zipangu (Japan), where "they have
gold in great abundance, because it is found in measureless quantities."
(Quoted from Marco Polo The Travels trans. By Ronald Latham NY: Penguin,
1982, p. 244.) Even after sighting land in the Western Hemisphere, Columbus
devoted the rest of that famous voyage, and indeed his remaining years, to the
search for Japan and her gold.
After a visit to the Bank of Japan's Currency Museum, you will be able to
report that you have fulfilled Columbus' quest! The Bank of Japan's Currency
Museum (Kahei Hakubutsukan in Japanese) has quantities of gold -- in coins,
bars, and dust -- that would have made Columbus tingle with excitement. It
also has paper money treasures that would make even the most jaded readers of
this publication's eyes water.
This collection, the nucleus of which was purchased at the close of World
War II from prominent Japanese numismatist Keibun Tanaka, has grown to
Bank of Japan's Currency Museum
Tokyo, Japan
By David Baeckelandt
more than 200,000 pieces. Of the 5,000 pieces that are on display at any one
time are the largest gold coin ever minted, the Tenshoh Naga Ohban, an actual
heap of gold dust, an exhaustive array of Japanese and Asian bills and coins, and
an impressive collection of global currencies.
Among the Japanese coins alone the variety is intriguing. During WWII
and since the Japanese mint (which is in Osaka, not Tokyo) minted coinage in
not only the standard gold-silver-copper sequence (and their alloys) but also
tin, aluminum, bronze, brass, iron and even clay (minted" in 1944 but never
circulated)! Not only can one find yen (which can mean "round" or "circular")
but also sen, zeni, koban, ohban, gob and variations of these denominations. The
Japanese even minted coins exclusively for foreign trade and carrying the
English term "Trade Dollar" (boekigin) -- struck in 1875-1877 to facilitate for-
eign trade and replace the awkwardly over-stamped Mexican dollars then wide-
ly used in the Pacific Rim.
The Currency Museum is a bit of an anachronism. Although housed in
the confines of the granite block Bank of Japan edifice, the epitome of 19th
century solidity, the museum's displays are anything but. The lighting and the
display cases are refreshingly modern (the "new" museum dates from 1985) and
interactive. For example, lighted displays above one set of cases link geogra-
phies and currencies. Even though placards only give the title of each display
in English and the text in Japanese, a clearly illustrated and well-written
English text guidebook enlightens international visitors on the importance of
each step in the development of Japan's currency.
Chronologically the Currency Museum begins in ancient times with the
use of rice and other commodities in barter. Early currency usage in Japan
depended on the importation of Chinese copper coins or the regional minting
of imitations. The first references to coin usage in Japan are difficult to date
* a** fl
ti t t
* JP- 0000
Daikokusatsu, the first note of the Bank of
Japan, 1885, convertible into silver.
294 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
precisely, but may have occurred as early as the pre-Christian era.
Many readers of Paper Money may be familiar with the famous gold
ohbans begun by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1588, and minted by successive
Japanese rulers for the next three centuries. Until the late 19th century, how-
ever, most measures of value in Japan were done on the basis of weight. The
lack of a national currency mirrored the fragmentation of Japan's polity.
Paper currency made its debut in Japan first through an association of
leading merchants in the Ise-Yamada district (near Nara) in 1601, shortly
before the Tokugawa Bakufu (ruled 1603-1868) consolidated its power to
emerge as the defacto government of Japan. The uniquely long and thin (226
mm x 40 mm) Yamada Hagaki began to circulate.
Later (in 1665) a local ruler (of the Fukui domain) issued hansatsu
(domainal paper) with the backing of local, prominent merchants in various
denominations and sizes. These domainal issues circulated alongside domainal
mintings, shogzinal ohban, ryoh, bukin, M0711171e, etc. until 1868.
The "opening" of Japan to Western interests, and the Meiji Restoration
(1868) had a profound impact on Japanese currency and its development. The
new government enlisted German assistance to print the first yen notes, British
assistance to strike the first modern coins, Italian assistance (in the person of
engraver Eduardo Chiossone) to design many of the early paper currency issues
and American assistance (the Continental Bank Note Company of Chicago,
Illinois) to supply a series of historical vignettes that would adorn its national
bank notes.
Foreign influence in the design of these notes is highlighted in the
Currency Museum's exhibits by placing (for example) an American "green-
back" of the late 1860s with a (Japanese) national 5-yen banknote of 1873
(which used a similar ink). Likewise, the first domestically printed Empress
Jingu notes (by engraver Chiossone) in 1881 depicted the Empress looking
remarkably like the 18th century Austrian Empress Maria Theresa!
Japanese paper currency of this early period is remarkable not only for its
colors (everything from pink to purple and blue to brown) or for the heavy
usage of foreign expertise, but also because so many of the early issues were
bilingual. On the face of these notes would be Japanese text and characters and
on the back an English translation.
The other remarkable item in modern Japan is the absence of any large
denomination bills. The Y10,000 bill (at that time equivalent to less than $30)
was not issued until 1957.
In the summer of 2000, appropriately enough, a Y2000 bill was intro-
duced into circulation picturing Shureimon Gate, the ceremonial entrance into
Shuni Castle and the symbol of Okinawa on the face. The note's back illustrates
Large Size
Om: trI,00t K114,1.1117110.
p ///''Zq
Nzt liOnal Ba
Top Prices Paid
David Hollander
406 Viduta Place
Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 295
a scene from Japan's 1000- year-old national novel, the Tale of Genji. Other
recent notes feature famous Japanese men of the late 19th/early 20th centuries,
including: author Natsume Soseki, statesman Dr. Nitobe Inazo, scholar
Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Other relevant curios in the Currency Museutn are clustered in thematic
exhibits. For example, a display of the largest "coins" (stone slabs from Yap
Island, approximately one meter in diameter), odd shaped coins from such
countries as Bangladesh, Swaziland, Iraq, and Hong Kong, and of an array of
Chinese coins (e.g. obelisks, key-shaped pieces, "dagger" coins, and several
shapes that can only be described as slugs of metal).
If you are interested in the printing of currency and financial documents
such as stocks and bonds, the Ministry of Finance Printing Museum is in
Shinjuku's Ichigaya district, near the corporate headquarters of Dai Nippon
The Bank of Japan Currency Museum itself is tucked away on the second
floor in a modern annex of the Bank of Japan, and is crisply modern. It is just a
short 10-minute walk due north of central Tokyo's Tokyo Station. Your
efforts to view its attractions will be amply rewarded with an informative, visu-
ally pleasing experience. Better still, you won't find crowds or an entrance fee -
- just gold, silver, paper money and odd and curious moneys from around the
world. And you'll have your very own Marco Poloesque travel experience to
bring home and share with your collecting friends.
DID YOU enter M4 May Contest (deadline August 15th)?
HAVE YOU mailed in your Member Survey (from last issue)?
SPMC 6000
HAVE YOU signed up a new member yet? Sign up another.
HAVE YOU volunteered for an SPMC Program/Project yet?
HAVE YOU obtained your signatures to run for SPMC
Board (deadline Jan. 15th, details in next issue)?
Honoring Peter Maverick
1780 —1831
Early American Copper Plate Engraver
Mc/ a 0
This engraving was reprinted front the original
Maverick copper plate, e. MIN, by the
Witch nylon Plate Printers Union - Local No. 2.
7)(4 /5g4Z
oretift*--- --141500
. _
Arizona Territory wm settled long after government taxes made private banknolm
obsolete. Yet, a shortage of United States currency caused a number of traders and
merchanta issuctheir ownscrip, e.g. the Lord &Williamsonedollar note repraluced
above. Dr. Charles II. Lord and W. P. Williams migrated to Arizona Territory in the
1860.5. In 1875 they apened the first bank in the territory which they operated along
with a thriving mercantile business. Between 1875 and 1879 Lord So Williams issued
scrip in 5, 10.25 and 50-cent andonedollar denominations. The notes were printed by
Thalmessinger. Stationers. New YorkCity. As wascomrnon pramice in those days, the
deaigm was copied from another banknote company', work. Model for the Indian.
reproduced to the left from an original die, was by the Continental Bank Note
Company. now incorporated into the American Bank Note Company. New York.
SPW.0 417t kamd: Creakiest
nth PM.S. t or
Are 14,
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Part 5: More Additions to
A Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia
By Fred Reed
2003 Peter Maverick Souvenir Card
Washington Plate Printers Union Local No. 2
This privately produced souvenir card was printed by SPMC
member/benefactor Mike Bean from the original copper plate
produced by pioneer bank note engraver Peter Maverick ca. 1815
for the Paterson, NJ Bank. The plate belongs to another SPMC
member, New Jersey collector David Gladfelter. An imprint from
this plate also appears as the frontispiece of the Wismer series
New Jersey's Money by George W. Wait, co-published by SPMC
and the Newark Museum in 1976. The note is Wait NJ 1892A.
Gladfelter acquired the plate (ex-Wait) from an R.M. Smythe auc-
tion. Central vignette depicts a river, bridge, inn and stagecoach,
with Washington at left.
Haxby lists the original note (NJ Paterson G-54) as SENC
with "reprint" known. According to Gladfelter, the "reprint"
notation refers to the Wait book frontispiece illustration which
"makes the SPMC card the only existing impressions except for
the one Wait had printed." Plate printer Mike Bean examined the
plate at last year's Strasburg show and made three proofs (one of
which he signed) from it and gave all three to Gladfelter. He also
indicated that he thought the plate had enough "life" left in it for
another hundred impressions. Gladfelter suggested a color
scheme, approved the souvenir card layout and suggested the prit-
ed cards be donated to SPMC for the Society's use. Bean volun-
teered his time and the Society paid for the materials at cost.
"This plate is doubtless one of the oldest surviving genuine
uncancelled American Bank note plates," Gladfelter noted. "I
know of older counterfeit plates, but no genuine ones. Paterson
Bank was chartered in 1815 and unusual genuine fractional notes
dated 1815 and signed by Maverick are known, thus I estimate this
plate as contemporaneous."
One hundred autographed and numbered examples were
donated by Bean to SPMC for use in Society projects. Board
Members determined our Paper Money Education Committee
should use the cards as incentives to those who contribute to
advancement of SPMC education projects such as significant pre-
sentations at regional meetings, significant research published in
Paper Money, and incentives such as some awards in the current
"M4: My Most Significant Money May Contest" announced in
the July/August issue of Paper Money. The bank note imprint is
printed in sepia, the legend in blue, and the signature and number
penned by Bean in black ink.
Size: 10" x 8"
Price: Not For Sale (NTFS)
2003 Memphis
SPMC 2003 Souvenir Breakfast Ticket
As was noted in the March/April 2003 issue of Paper Money,
the souvenir ticket shown above (without the June 13 2003 over-
print) was slated to be used for last year's Memphis breakfast
affair. When those tickets were misplaced, another souvenir ticket
was substituted at the last minute. Since found, the cutown 1983
American Bank Note Co. souvenir card with black rubber stamp-
ing "SPMC 41st Awards Breakfast // 26th IPMS, Memphis, TN
//June 14, 2002, Admit One" overstamped in dark black "JUN 13
2003" was used this year. Back: message from ABNCo official.
The card has a reproduction of an Arizona Territorial $1
merchant scrip of Lord & Williams printed in black and sepia by
LUNG° and a sepia vignette of the original Indian design created
by Continental Bank Note Co. along with an historical narrative.
Size: 9" x 5" Price: $10.00
Here's How You Can Help
This is the fifth installment of "A Catalog of SPMC
Memorabilia" which is attempting to record all identifiable
Society paper souvenir items. This series began in the grand 40th
Anniversary Issue of Paper Money (January/February 2001, pp. 107
ff) as "A Trial Listing: Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia." Addenda
appear in PM issues of July/August 2001 pp. 248-249;
January/February 2002, pp. 22-23; March/April 2003, p. 124; and
As veteran Society members know, souvenir tickets were
issued for various national and regional SPMC gatherings since
the early days of our organization. Over time many of the "holes"
in the original trial listing has been filled as members come across
old items tucked away. Still missing are pre-1965, 1967-1968,
1971-1977 tickets from ANA dinners, luncheons and breakfasts,
1979 ANA banquet, 1980 ANA breakfast, 1982 Memphis break-
fast, 1983 Memphis reception, 1985 ANA banquet, 1986 and 1987
ANA breakfasts, 1991 Memphis banquet, 1993 Memphis recep-
tion, as well as most regional SPMC affairs. If you come across
old Society souvenir items of this type (whether listed above or
not) please send good copies to the Editor so they may be listed.+
297PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
903-2003: Celebrating a Centuru pf Independence
ossroads of the Americ4s,
umismatic Bird's Eye View
By Joaquin Gil del Real
establishment of an independent Panama, and a good time to
reflect on the rich numismatic heritage of this "crossroads of the
Americas." The very close association of the people of the United
States and their brothers and sisters down south through most of this century
also makes it a good topic for all paper money collectors of our hemisphere.
Panama was discovered by Rodrigo de Bastidas in 1502. 1 Columbus visit-
ed the north coast in 1503, on his 4th and last voyage, and left the worm infest-
ed "La Vizcaina" as a memento of that event near the river
Belen. 2 Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean in September of
1513 3 and the city of Panama was founded on August 15, 1519,
by Pedrarias, making it the first European city on the Pacific. 4
Originally, the Isthmus was referred to as 'Tierra Firme'
(mainland), but King Ferdinand preferred "Castilla de Oro."
Only 29,157 square miles (75,517 sq. km .) in area, and situated
east to west, it is 50 miles wide at its narrowest point. The
importance of Panama lies in its geographical position making it a crossroads:
east to west and north to south.
As the great migration to the Americas began, the population increased
dramatically, as did commerce and business. These changes created a need for
adequate means of exchange. Accordingly a mint was originally authorized at
Mexico City in 1535, which coined silver one, two and four real coins. A sec-
ond mint was approved for Santo Domingo in 1542, which minted copper two
* 1 9 0 3 - 2 0 0 a*
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J22.2 ga,
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• 4'2'd, I '6'3.-ef'"'45.
42 arZyl,,,ity•LPS4-t-
aiLyew Akew Orietaiair.4
Right: Royal Decree (detail) "Cedula
Real" of Philip ll sending tools and
royal ordenances on procedures.
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
and four maravedi
coins. 5 Another was
ordered for Lima in
1568, and one in
Potosi followed in
1575. Phillip II
decreed a mint for
Panama on the
22nd of March
1579. 6 His
instructions and
guidelines indi-
cated in Section
2: "...and next to
the coat or arms
a 'p' with an 'a'
over it so that it be
known that it was
made in said city of
Panama in accordance
with our...."
Unfortunately the
Panama Mint was not
successful. The lack of
a local source of raw
material -- Panama is not a silver producing area -- did not bode well and the
enterprise faded away. Samples of the Panama Mint coins do exist, including a
two real coin found in excavations in Panama Viejo in 1997. Chemical analysis
of the silver utilized by this mint indicates its provenance as Potosi.
Most large colonial silver coins struck in the Americas were generally
known as "macuquinas," or "cobs" (cabo de barra), and were crudely hammered
pieces made from irregularly shaped silver ingots. 7 These "Pieces of Eight,"
sometimes also referred to as "Piastre," became known as a "Peso," and are the
basis of our coinage in the United States. The eight real coin became our dol-
lar; the four real became four bits, or 50 cents, and the two real, or two bits,
Two real coin excavated in
Panama Viejo (1997). Note
the "A" over "P" mintmark of
our quarter. The one real became our dime. Most of these coins were popular
and in circulation well into the first half or the 1800s. 8
The beginning of the 19th Century saw the incipient independence
movements in Latin America become full blown. Some parts of Colombia 9
A ig13
C OLotim,
/i 0 , Pi,L1' ,
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
obtained their freedom as early as
1810. The economic penury of the
patriots of Cartagena forced
them to issue scrip. Other
Ti N+RE Ptt+
attempts at issuing paper
were made in 1820, though
these were not successful.
Panama obtained its
independence from Spain on
November 3, 1821, and in its
Declaration of Independence
adhered itself voluntarily to
Colombia. This great union, which
included Venezuela, Colombia and
Ecuador, ceased to exist by 1830, as
both Venezuela and Ecuador broke
away to follow their own paths to
the future. Only Panama remained,
being too weak to separate and go its own way.
During the 19th Century, many coins circulated in the Isthmus particular-
Left: Rare example of un real scrip
issued by the Cartagena patriots,
ly from the large commercial European countries. Then as now, Panama was a
"crossroads." In 1847, during the first administration of Tomas Cipriano
Mosquera, there was a monetary reform in Colombia, which included the intro-
duction of the decimal system. Regardless, the chaotic monetary situation con-
tinued in Panama. 10 In June of 1857, the National Congress and Chamber of
Representatives decreed that the national monetary unit of Colombia was to
become the "Peso," 11 setting the exchange rate at one-to-one with the
American dollar. 12 F.N. Otis, M.D„ in his book Illustrated Histoly of the Panama
Railroad (1862) 11 published the different exchange rates and types of currency
accepted by the railroad. The variety of different coinage in circulation in the
Isthmus at that time is most interesting.
In 1846 with the occupation of California, the government of the United
States in Washington was most anxious to improve communications with the
western seaboard. Contracts for mail shipments and deliveiy were let, utilizing
Panama as the shortest and fastest route to accomplish this feat. Discovery of
gold in 1848 dramatically changed the face of the Isthmus and a railroad was
started in 1851, terminating in 1855. To cross the Isthmus, on the train, cost the
equivalent of U.S. $25.00 payable in gold, and took just a few short hours. This
was a definite improvement over the previous river bongoes, piraguas and
mules, which made the crossing over a period of days, on the much maligned
"Camino de Cruces" or "Camino Real." Not only was economic progress evi-
Example of the attempt to
issue paper money in
1820s. They were printed
in New York.
" " 40 41" " 49.
" 41* 41, AI. A. AI 14 Ohl " Oh.
1106 3'0.*
Mitaggir PAtAtigAIN
4A/- ;.z vv z,/,/
Frt. "
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
dent, but an influx of new ideas, commercial, financial and otherwise invaded
and influenced the local populace.
J. Osorio y Gil, in his book on Colombian currency notes:
"...soon Mosquera understood that paper money would be better guar-
anteed and readily acceptable, were it to be issued by a strong private
organization, and to that effect, was able to have parliament approve a
law on the establishment of a bank...." 14
The following year, the Legislative Assembly of the State of
Panama, emulating their Colombian colleagues, approved the Law of 12
October 1856: Regarding the establishment of public banks." 15
In 1857 an effort was made to establish a bank in Panama, the
"Banco del Istmo," which was unsuccessful. In 1861 the Banco de Perez y
Planas was organized (PM Vol. 36, No. 2, Whole No. 188, Mar/Apr
1997) which operated under an eight-year license. The Exchange Bank of
Colon began operations in 1866 (PM Vol. 40, No. 5, whole No. 215, Sept/Oct
2001), and the Banco de Panama followed in 1869. All of these issued bank
Examples of notes of Banco Perez y Planas
(right) and Exchange Bank of Colon
Up to 1869 Panama had a vibrant, healthy economy. Those going to
California to seek their fortunes, those returning home from California, and
the commerce that transited the Isthmus, including many gold shipments going
to the East Coast made for good times. However, the joining of the Central
Pacific and the Union Pacific at Promontory Point on May 10, 1869, ended all
of this and Panama entered a recessionary period that would last some 10 years.
During this time much as today, Colombia suffered continuous political
P.O. Box 3507 • Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 • (858) 759-3290 • Fax (858) 759-1439
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
302 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Example of a note
from the Banco de
turmoil, bringing the usual economic instability. In 1861 the national
authorities in Bogota began issuing so called "Treasury Bills," which did
not achieve general acceptance, but which the government decreed to be
of "compulsory acceptance." This last odious measure found its way into
the modern Republic of Panama's Constitution of 1903 and of today, to
include an Article stating: "There shall not be in the Republic paper
money of a compulsory acceptance nature." 16
Example of 1861 Treasury Bill,
ten reales or one peso, printed
in Bogota.
Panama also issued "Treasury Bills" in 1861 for $25,000 pesos; in 1865,
of a sufficient amount to cover the outstanding debt; 1873; 1875 and lastly in
1880. 17
Example of an Estado de Panama treasury
note of 1861.
/.// .17.As
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
New Hampshire Bank Notes Wanted
Also Ephemera
I am continuing a long-time study on currency issued by banks in
New Hampshire, including state-chartered banks 1792-1865, and
National Banks circa 1863-1935. Also I am studying colonial and
provincial notes.
I would like to purchase just about anything in colonial and provin-
cial notes, nearly everything in state-chartered notes, and items that
are scarce or rare among National Bank notes. I am not seeking bar-
gains, but I am willing to pay the going price. I will give an immedi-
ate decision on all items sent, and instant payment for all items pur-
Beyond that, I am very interested in ephemera including original
stock certificates for such banks, correspondence mentioning cur-
rency, bank ledgers, and more.
With co-author David M. Sundman and in cooperation with a special
scrip note project by Kevin Lafond, I am anticipating the production
of a book-length study of the subject, containing basic information
about currency, many illustrations including people, buildings, and
other items beyond the notes themselves, and much other informa-
tion which I hope will appeal to anyone interested in historical
details. All of this, of course, is very fascinating to me!
Dave Bowers
P.O. Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
Right: An exam-
ple of an Estado
Soberano de
Panama treasury
note of 1865.
Below: Example
of an Estado de
Panama treasury
note of 1875.
Valecineventa tentavos-de tett adm191-
Wes en page de las contrIbuclodes del Es-
tado conforme a Is lot 12 e 27 de Enero
de 1880.
Palionc4, „ de 181i
itl Neck-es:trio .tiaolepdH,
Example of a SO-centavos Estado
Soberano de Panama treasury note,
Paregotdet*te delig*tad 1
304 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
After 1874, when the Banco de Panama ceased operations, other attempts
were made to obtain "Patentes" (licenses) to open banks, which all came to
naught. One project was a joint government/private venture, with the local
government issuing Treasury Bills as its contribution to capital. In 1876, such
was the lack of currency that the local Legislative Assembly authorized a
request to the National. Authorities in Bogota to approve establishment of a
mint in Panama, but it was not approved. 18
1890 $1,000 "Grand Watermelon" Note
$500 1880 Legal Tender
Serial #1 Washington Brownback
Geld %in
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
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We strongly recommend that you send your material via USPS Registered Mail insured
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RTIW 181,ALIGEEciAL.4710,
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY306
Above: Example of five-cent token of
the Savings Bank of Colon, Field Brodie
& Co., 1885.
One balboa Arias or Seven-Day note of
In 1880 Panama's economy resuscitated with
the French effort at constructing a canal.
During this period the French 5 Franc coin
became quite popular. 19 Regardless, the con-
tinuing scarcity of coinage forced the French
Canal authorities to import from the Chilean
Mint 50 centavo and one peso silver 0.900
fine coins to pay their local obligations. 20
A banking institution, of which little is
known, was the Colon Savings Bank belonging
to Field, Brodie and Co. This Field was the son of
owner of the Colon Exchange Bank. Mr. Field asso-
ciated with Mr. Brodie in January of 1885, 21 and issued 5 and 10 cent tokens.
22 A political uprising in the city of Colon in 1885 resulted in the burning
of the city, which also engulfed all of the local governmental and notarial
archives prior to that date.
An interesting historical anecdote of that era is narrated by Ricardo
J. Alfaro 23: " gold coins circulated, though impractical for small trans-
actions, they did find good use in other parts, American bills were accept-
ed with resignation and had a very limited circulation. The workers, peas-
ants and the general public showed little liking and distrust towards paper
money, and, it is a historical fact that in the years 1879 or 1880, the Panama
Railroad Company tried to pay its workers in gold and paper bills and these
went on strike because they only wanted silver." 24
Panama separated from Colombia on November 3rd, 1903, and contin-
ued its relationship with the United States. Its first coins in 1904 and 1905
(Colombian coins were collected and used in these mintages) were almost dou-
ble in size and silver content of their American counterparts, which led to a big
silver melt in the decade of the 1910s when silver prices shot skyward.
Panamanian coins began to be minted on a par, size and content, with U.S.
coins in the early 1930s. 25
Since separating from Colombia in 1903, the National Assembly of
Panama authorized the Banco Nacional to issue bank bills on January 28th
1911. In 1913 the Banco de Panama was created by law, which also authorized
it to issue bank bills. In neither case did this happen, and we can only speculate
that U.S. objections based on the Monetary Convention signed the 20th of
January of 1904 is the reason. 26 In 1932 a Treasury Bill issue of 3,000,000
Balboas was authorized, but nothing came of it either. 27
In 1941 during the Presidency of Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid, paper money
in denominations of one-, five-, ten- and twenty-Balboas was printed, issued
and circulated for one short week. These are generally referred to as "Arias" or
"Seven-Day" notes.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
4 tOti. DE
t) t.d.rfia
Five balboas Arias or Seven-Day note of
To really appreciate the coinage that circulated in Panama during
the 19th Century, we refer to Julius Grigore's book Coins and Currency of
Panama. In appendix B we are informed that a great status symbol among
the "Cuna" Indian women was wearing a vest made up of a multitude of
holed silver coins known as "nug nuppi," and San Bias Mint by local col-
lectors. One example of these vests included coins from Mexico (1818),
Bolivia (1851), Colombia (1940), France (1832), Switzerland (1851), and
many others. Unfortunately the Great Silver Melt of recent years did away
with these valuable historical sources.
So ends our review of Panama, its coins and paper money.
1. Any good encyclopedia or history of Panama.
2. Cecil, Jane, The Four Voyages of Columbus, Dover Publications, Inc., New York,
3. It could be the 25th or 27th -- historians take your pick!
Sauer, Carl 0., The Early Spanish Main, University of California Press, Berkeley
and Los Angeles, 1966.
Romoli, Kathleen, Balboa of Darien, Doubleday Company, Inc., Garden City, NY,
4. Any good encyclopedia or history of Panama. Curiously, Havana was founded on
November 16, 1519.
5. Smithsonian Virtual Exhibit, "Spain and its Coins." Internet. Bogota followed in
1621; Popayan 1729; Guatemala 1731 and Santiago de Chile in 1743.
Berman, Allen G., Warman's Coins and Paper Money, Krause Publications, Iola,
Hobson, Burton and Robert Obojski, Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Coins,
Doubleday & Co., Inc, Garden City, NY, 1970.
Junge, Ewald, World Coin Encyclopedia, William Morrow and Company, Inc. NY,
6. Archivo Nacional de Panama, Seccion de Historia, Periodo Colonial, Coleccion
Arce-Sosa, Tomo I, Cedulas Reales, 1573-1609, ano 1579, folio 108.
7. Web site
© 2001, Herman Blanton. Spanish/English
Castillero, R. E.J., "El Sistema Moneterio de Panama," Boletin del Institut° de
Investigaciones Sociales y Economicas, Universidad Interainericana, Vol II, No. 4,
July 1945, Panama.
8. Massey, J. Earl, America's Money, Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, 1968.
9. The old Viceroyalty of New Granada, which encompassed Venezuela, Colombia
and Ecuador became the Republic of Colombia 1822-1830, and generally
referred to during this period as Gran Colombia.
10. Panama Star, 15 November 1850.
11. Gaceta del Estado, Numero 101, 31 August 1857.
12. " " " 112, 28 Noviembre 1857.
13. Otis, F.N., M.D., Illustrated Histozy of the Panama Railroad, Harper Bros., New
York, 1962.
14. Osorio y Gil, J., La Moneda en Colombia, Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, 1937.
15. Gaceta del Estado, Numero 60, 16 Octubre 1856.
*. .19 0 - 2-00 3.*
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
14.1903 20.031*
"Cuna" Indian women wearing a
vest made up of a multitude of
holed silver coins known as "nug
16. Goytia, Victor F., Las Constitucimes de Panama, Segunda edicion, Litografia e
Imprenta Lil, S.A. Costa Rica, 1987.
17. Gaceta del Estado, Numero 209, 20 Noviembre 1861.
110, 6 Noviembre 1865.
124, 5 Julio 1873.
" " " " 222, 30 Ocrubre 1875.
" " " " 488, 1 Febrero 1880.
18. " " " 241, 12 Enero 1876.
19. Grigore, Julius, Coins and Currency of Panama, Krause Publications, 1972.
20. Diario Oficial, #5343, Ano XVIII, Bogota, 3 Mayo 1887.
21. Panama Star d7' Herald, January 6, 1885.
22. Rulau, Russell, Latin American Tokens, 1700-1920.
23. Alfaro, Richardo J., Lawyer, jurist, ex-president of Panama and member of the
International Court of Justice, The Hague.
24. Alfaro Ricardo J., Historia Documentada de las primeras emisiones de Plata
Panamena..., Cuadernos del Banco Nacional, No. 4, Banco Nacional de Panama,
Diciembre, 1968.
25. Grigore, Julius, ibid.
26. Alfaro, Ricardo J., ibid.
27. Gaceta de Panama, 22 Diciembre 1932.
28. Grigore, Julius, ibid.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
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310 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
A Bermuda-Canadian Connection
By Nelson Page Aspen
my for well over one hundred years. It all began when Queen Victoria
(1837-1901) appointed Sir John Lefroy as Governor of Bermuda. It was he
who started a steam ship service and planned a small hotel of 36 rooms, pro-
jected for "Yankee" visitors.
The influence of Queen Victoria's daughter must be credited with play-
ing a major role in Bermuda tourism. She was married to the Marquis of
Lorne K.T., the Governor General of Canada. Louise did not care for the
harsh winters of Canada and became an annual resident of Bermuda for the
winter months. Since then, there has always been a "Princess Hotel" on the
island paradise.
Shown at right from a note of the issue of 1882 is the central portrait of
the Governor General on the not uncommon Canadian denomination of $4.
The Canadian connection is not only important to tourism, but many
Bermudians are educated in Canadian nursing and medical schools as well as
their universities.
As to Canada, The Merchants Bank of Halifax printed notes that were
overprinted for Bermuda. They were $5 and $10 denominations. The face
shows a central vignette of a steam and sail ship with "The Agency At
Hamilton, Bermuda, Will Exchange This Note For" above, and "One Pound
One Shilling ST. G." below. The back of the note carries the similar state-
Marquis of Lorne K.T.,
Governor General of
Canada • :striplintrA.P:rjr, .
„tt.,da, Will
..;z140 '4r1,07
• ' %11.742.1' " •
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Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 311
ment, "One Pound One Shilling Sterling at Bermuda."
It is presumed that only a specimen sheet of four notes survives. We have
seen a cut sheet of two notes of the 55 sheet. In the center between the two
notes, in red ink is written "Oct. 6th 1882." There is no evidence that any of
the notes were printed or circulated, thus only the specimens remain as a
reminder of what might have been.
According to the "Butterfield History," in 1882 "The Bank of N.T.
Butterfield undertook to oversee a Bermuda agency for The Merchants Bank of
Halifax, Nova Scotia. The closure of the Bermuda branch of the Merchants
Bank of Halifax in the late 1880s left a void that was later filled in June of 1889
by the inception of the Bank of Bermuda Limited."
The paper money issues of Bermuda in themselves make a most enjoyable
and beautiful collection, but for me it would be nice if the notes of the
Bermuda-Canadian connection did exist.
Starts Here
A Primer for Collectors
Olympic Subjects Appear
On Currency Worldwide
were held on the 100th anniversary of the first mod-
ern Olympic Games held in Athens. It is generally
accepted that the first Olympic Games, which included
running competitions only, were held in 776 B.C.
Boxing, chariot racing, the pentathlon and a variety of
other competitions
were added in sub-
sequent years. The
games were discon-
tinued by the
Roman Emperor
Theodosius I in the
4th century A.D.
As now, the
ancient summer
games were held
every four years.
The first games
were conducted at
Olympia in Elis to honor Zeus, who ruled on Mt.
Olympus. Zeus ruled heaven and earth; his brother
Poseidon ruled the sea. Greek god Zeus fathered chil-
dren, among them Hermes.
As part of his godly obligations, Hermes was recog-
nized as the god of commerce, luck and athletic contests.
He was also considered as the messenger of the gods, and
is credited with the invention of the lyre and the aeolus,
precursor to the flute. Most of us refer to Hermes as
Mercury, the Roman name for this god.
There are numerous coins with athletic themes,
and many think the U.S. has issued too many. However,
bank notes with similar images or symbolism are not
common. Nevertheless, there are a few bank notes from
Greece that relate to the ancient Olympic Games.
On the back of the 25,000 drachmai, P(ick) 123,
you can see the ruins of the Olympian temple of Zeus.
The Romans had different names for Greek gods and
goddesses. They identified the god Zeus as Jove or
Jupiter. This note is available for about $3.
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
The 50,000 drachmai, P124, shows the head of an
athlete. It might be a challenge for you to attempt to
identify the original sculpture on which this image is
based. The cost of this note will be about $15. This and
subsequent notes mentioned here will cost much less if
you will settle for notes in imperfect condition.
The 1000 Greek drachmai, P202, shows a discus
thrower, which appears to be based on the 5th century
B.C. sculpture by Myron. The cost of this note in
Uncirculated condition will be about $18.
An image of Hermes is on 5-, 10-, 50- and 100-
drachmai notes, PM1-4; the 5-drachmai, PM1 is the least
expensive at about $18. Two small 1-drachma notes,
P304 & 309, also include the head of Hermes; each is
available for about $20.
In 1992, the City of Siauliai, Lithuania, issued a
series of notes to commemorate the Olympic Sport
Games. Each of these scrip notes featured a different
sport: running, soccer, etc. They are attractive and inex-
pensive. In 1994 a set of these notes, attractively present-
ed by S. Combs, received the 2nd place award for world
paper money at the American Numismatic Association
convention in Detroit. This is a perfect example of what
an imaginative
exhibitor can do
with relatively inex-
pensive material. At
times, examples
from this series can
be found in world
paper money deal-
er's bargain boxes
for about $1.
The last two
notes to be men-
tioned might be the
most interesting.
The 25-gulden,
P48, from Surinam
shows track competitors on the face and a swimmer
doing the breast stroke on the back. This colorful note,
as all notes from this country are, will cost about $2.
Paavo Nurmi (1897-1974) set 20 world track
records. Representing his native Finland, between 1920
and 1932, Nurmi received six Olympic medals for dis-
tances between 1500 to 10,000 meters. The 10-markka,
P113, with Nurmi's portrait and his image as a water-
mark, should be found for about $5. On the back of this
note is a bonus, an engraving of the Helsinki Olympic
Stadium, where the games took place in 1952.
A combination of coins, bank notes and stamps
with athletic or Olympic themes would make an interest-
ing collection to be displayed at home or at your local
coin club.
(Copyright story reprinted by permission
from Coin World, June 24, 1996.)
Surinam, P48
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
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September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Contemporary Methods
to Dispose of Currency
Can be Very "Different"
By Richard Giedroyc
Currency union of 12 member-coun-
tries in the European Union have led
to the demise of all their local curren-
cy systems, also creating the headache
of how to dispose of all the obsolete
bank notes without significant costs.
notes evolved slowly until relatively recent modern history. Now,
like everything else in our modern world, it appears as if changes in
our bank notes are taking place at a dizzying pace difficult for many
people to follow.
Until recently perhaps the only major change in coinage technology was
the introduction of the steam press with a collar to ensure the roundness of
each piece. Beginning in the 1980s all this changed as coins began to be pro-
duced comprised of ringed bimetal compositions, with Braille for the sight
impaired, with holographic devices, and with color-enhancements on some
However, bank note technology has changed more so within the past
hundred years. This has become increasingly important since central banks
need to keep at least one step ahead of counterfeiters, and the counterfeiters
also strive to keep up with modern technological changes in our money. There
are few counterfeiters today who have much interest in counterfeiting coins,
considering the low purchasing power of most issues. On the other hand,
bank notes
are attrac-
tive to the
er, since the
power of a
single note
may be sig-
history we
have seen
bank notes
evolve from
a uniface note with the primary counterfeit deterrent being vignettes that are
challenging to copy to notes that today are often issued on polymer (plastic)
rather than paper, printed in multiple colors, equipped with everything from
windowed security threads to optical devices that hopefully are impossible to
The transition from paper to plastic materials is a practical change that is
slowly beginning to dominate current world paper money emissions. The
entire concept makes sense. One of the arguments that led to the replacement
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
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316 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
of many low denomination bank notes by coins since the 1980s is that these
denominations in paper often wear out after periods ranging from nine to 18
months, while the coins remain serviceable for perhaps 20 to 40 years.
Bank notes produced in plastic materials are significantly more durable
than are the paper notes of the same denominations. Furthermore, plastic or
polymer composition material is significantly more difficult to print into bank
Australia's polymer or plastic compo-
sition notes present a new challenge
regarding recycling once the notes
have outlived their usefulness.
notes, discouraging counterfeiters since they are "technologically challenged."
Printing our bank notes is one matter. Disposing of obsolete or worn out
notes is another. With all this new technology entering the bank note produc-
tion arena, imagination is sometimes necessary to find ways to dispose of the
notes that are no longer serviceable. In many countries worn out or obsolete
bank notes have been traditionally disposed of by incineration. In current
Afghanistan, as an example, the notes recently recalled by the new central gov-
ernment are dyed a different color, then passed along a human assembly line to
a blast furnace where they literally "go up in smoke."
However, the new polymer or plastic notes present a unique challenge.
Some unorthodox, innovative ways of disposing of traditional paper composi-
tion currency have been employed.
We don't normally think in terms of what will happen to old paper
money. Let's face it — Collectors expect most of the lower condition examples
to end up in some dealer's junk box to be sold for a few cents each.
A vast majority of the well-worn bank notes don't survive to have such an
honor bestowed on them in their old age. Like those from Afghanistan, most
are burned or perhaps buried.
Some paper composition bank notes, however, have a more ignoble end-
ing. Sometime during the recent term of Russian President Boris Yeltsin the
Russian newspaper kvestia reported that workers at a clock factory south of
Moscow received about 150 rolls of toilet paper as a bonus to their paychecks.
Considering that the Russian ruble at the time was almost worthless due to spi-
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
raling inflation this may have not been such a bad deal as it may sound.
Russian workers viewed this payment as receiving something functional,
which the Commonwealth of Independent States paper currency was not. The
demand for this semi-durable good as something useful either in trade or to
consume made it better than cash.
The Izvestia story hinted that the workers were fortunate to receive the
toilet paper in payment for their work. It may have been awkward to haul 150
rolls of such paper home, but at least the workers were being paid in something
that was as good as money during this time of financial crisis. Had the workers
been paid in bottles of vodka, as were some at other Russian businesses, it is
questionable if the workers would have bothered to try to make it home before
the payment was consumed!
What Izvestia didn't bother to investigate was the source of the paper
used in the manufacture of the toilet paper! Had they investigated they might
have found there is not only something rotten in the state of Denmark, but in
the nation of Russia, also!
According to an article appearing in the Nov. 18, 1994, issue of The
Journal of Commerce, some of neighboring Ukraine's increasingly worthless kar-
bovanet-denominated bank notes were being recycled as toilet paper! Since
similar contemporary stories were coming out of Lithuania there is good reason
to believe Russia was also recycling old notes as toilet tissue as well. (An
Indianapolis newspaper, upon learning of Lithuania's recycling of old paper
money as toilet paper during 1995, remarked "the material is absorbent and
makes excellent toilet paper.")
According to the journal article, "Each month, a paper mill in the city of
Dnipropetrovsk is turning about 35 tons of old bank notes into such items as
toilet rolls and wrapping paper."[Dnipropetrovsk is about 300 miles east of
The director of the paper mill, Vladimir Vereshchak, is quoted as saying,
"We get top quality paper from the bank notes. One the color -- blue, pink or
green -- gives away what it once was." The article continues that due to infla-
tion and the ensuing devaluation of the low denomination notes it was primari-
ly denominations of less than 100 karbovanets that received the royal flush.
At the time Vereshchak's plant was converting bank notes to other more
useful items the dollar was valued at about 135,000 karbovanets in Ukraine's
capital, Kiev. Only two months earlier the dollar had been valued at 50,000
While this may come either as a humorous surprise or as a shock to col-
lectors, the William Joynson & Son's paper mill at St. Mary Cray in Kent,
England, recently reported on its Internet web site that it recycled bank notes
as toilet paper during World War Two! Research will likely find that this may
not be the only pre-1990 incident in which paper currency has met its end in
some preferably unmentionable places.
Eastern Europe is not the only place that in modern history has decided
to flush away its obsolete bank notes. You only have to go as far back as an
early January, 2002, Associated Press wire story out of Frankfurt, Germany, to
read: "Once they were cold hard cash, symbols of nationhood. Now Europe's
dead currencies face an afterlife in more modest reincarnations: as furnace fuel,
museum trinkets, insulation, mouse pads, and mere landfill."
According to the AP story, "Each day since the continent switched to the
Euro on Jan. 1, coins and bank notes worth billions of dollars has been leaving
circulation in a massive currency trade-in that will end by Feb. 28 or before,
depending on the country.
"The central banks feed the bills into sorting machines that cull out the
counterfeits and shred the rest into tons of high-quality confetti. The coins are
318 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
hacked up so they can't be spent again. It's a gigantic task, especially for
Germany, Europe's largest economy. Its 350,000 tons of defunct coins contain
as much metal as 47 Eiffel Towers."
The AP story continues, "And then there are 2,800 tons of paper money
to get rid of. The obvious answer would be to burn it. But, Germany's
Bundesbank shut down its money incinerator a few years ago because it would
cost too much to bring it up to environmental regulations.
"And bank notes aren't great for landfill, either, because many of them
contain metal in the form of holograms and foil security strips, and because the
high-quality cotton paper, coated with ink and varnish, decomposes very slow-
ly. Much of it still goes into incinerators and landfills in the countries whose
environmental rules allow it. But in Germany and the Netherlands, for
instance, the stuff can't be dumped.
"Europe's central bankers are nothing if not environmentally correct,
however, and have risen to the challenge with a variety of recycling schemes.
The Bundesbank, Germany's central bank, sells bottles of shredded marks as
souvenirs at its money museum in Frankfurt. Bavaria's Bundesbank branch has
a deal with a cement works, which trucks in bricks of cash and burns them in a
furnace with up-to-date emission control equipment.
The same AP story identifies Austria's central bank as sending about
1,000 tons of shredded schilling-denominated paper notes to a building materi-
als firm where they are recycled as Thermofloc insulation pellets. These pellets
are used under floors and ceilings. Ireland is identified in the AP story as using
landfills as a place in which to dispose of its old paper money. Ruben Kuelers
and Paul van de Vijver, both living in the Netherlands, are identified as using
obsolete paper money to make mouse pads, envelops and note paper. Kuelers,
whose company is called MoneyNotes, specifically said he does not make toilet
paper from recycled bank note paper.
No story about recycling modern currency would be complete without
some mention of pre-Euro Currency Union coins. According to the AP story,
many are recycled as copper wiring in cars and stereo systems, or are simply
melted and restruck into Euro-denominated coins.
There is concern regarding the quality and durability of paper money,
however there is even more concern regarding the durability of the more mod-
ern polymer or plastic on which currency is now increasingly being printed.
Note Printing Australia has been perhaps one of the most aggressive bank
note producing entities encouraging polymer currency. Prior to introducing its
first polymer note in 1988 NPA submitted the polymer replacement for paper
to a torture test far beyond that to which paper for currency has ever been sub-
According to the NPA web site, polymer composition bank notes are
"ready to take on a whole new application through recycling."
Notes are granulated, then passed through an extruder which melts the
polymer or plastic, blending them into pellets. These pellets are the raw mater-
ial from which the former bank notes are recycled into compost bins, garden
carts, garden pots, household products and plumbing supplies. The NPA web
site reports the demand for these pellets exceeds the supply!
Giedroyc, Richard. "Old Notes Can Have Many Uses," Coin World (Feb. 19,
Giedroyc, Richard "Ukrainian Notes Virtually Worthless, But Recycled, Serve
as Toilet Paper," Coin World (Feb. 19, 1996).
The Journal of Commerce (Nov. 18, 1994).
Lietzivos Rytas, Vilnius, Lithuania (Nov. 18, 1995). •
This Certifies That 'The
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/ In Legal TendeF Currency
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
A Culion Leper Colony Lowered Note
By Jim Watson
wide, and is the second largest island of the Caalamian Group, situated
roughly midway between the north end of Palawan Island and the Island of
Mindoro. The Philippines had been claimed for Spain by Ferdinand Magellan
in 1521, and the first Spanish settlement was established in 1865. At the end of
the Spanish American War the Philippines were ceded to the United States.
Culion was established as a leper colony in 1906.
The numismatic history of Culion Leper Colony
began in 1913 with an issue of special coins for use only
in the colony. Coinage was carried on intermittently
through 1930. Until World War II no special emission
was made for Culion. The war began, and in early part
1942 the colony found itself cut off from normal sup-
plies of currency. Since the local authorities were
unable to pay salaries and purchase supplies, they held a
public meeting and an issue of emergency currency
dated 1942 was approved under control of a special
committee. President Quezon gave his approval from
Emergency Headquarters in Iloilo on February 9, 1942.
The currency was used until July 28th when the
Japanese over ran the island and issued their own cur-
rency for all occupied Philippine territory. The total
printed for all notes was 144,488. Printing was done in
four lots from January 28 to May 29, 1942 under careful
committee supervision. The issue was heavily used and
many notes are found in fair to poor condition.
Notes of the Culion Emergency Committee were
recognized and redeemed as a pre-surrender issue. The
reverse are rubber stamped on the back in purple:
Department of Public Instruction
Bureau of Health
Later issues of the 1, 5, and 20 Centavos also have
a mimeo imprint showing presidential authority.
The illustrated note was evidently first printed as a
50 Centavo note with the presidential authority, which was not normally put on
the 50 Centavos. Evidently someone went to a great deal of trouble to lower
the denomination from 50 to 5 Centavos. (See enlargement below.) VVhy this
was done, is a mystery. Could they have inadvertently placed the presidential
authority on a 50 Centavo note, and rather than discard
the note as an error, converted it to a 5 Centavo note?
This would at least permit it to be spent.
There are other possibilities, and I would like to
hear hypotheses that readers may have. Please contact
the Editor.
• 0• 1942
FTE60014 Or 5P.ESCN PAILLOOM Or 081...4G.0M
;‘ ,.\\\ V■.\\
'NA\• \ Nx•:•••' s.
320 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
AMC Lire Stage Money
By Joe Boling
_CI SUM MER seminar, someone (must have been Fred Schwan)
showed a piece of Allied Military Currency lire movie or stage money
a note printed for dramatic use, unrelated to the occu-
pation of Italy. It was in an improbable denomination of
25 lire -- one we know was never used in either actual
AMC lire series. I don't remember whether he had other
denominations with it (I have since learned that they do
indeed exist), but I was in love with the 25-lire piece.
Imagine my delight when a recent IBNS auction had
a lot described as "Lot of 6 pieces, movie prop money,
facsimiles of Italy Pick #s MlOb M12b, Ml3b, M14b,
M15b, & one 25 lire 1943, not listed." I knew instantly
that the last piece was the one that I had seen last summer.
The estimate was $10. I submitted a bid of $76, and won
the lot for $17.07.
The notes are in an envelope with a computer-gen-
erated label reading "MOVIE MONEY/Authentic Motion Picture
Prop/from L.A. Propmaster." The note faces are reasonably good
copies of the originals, except that the face underprint
on the small notes does not contain any scenery, but is
simply a brown screen of dots. The backs of the small
notes have a different border from the originals, and
center are almost invisible and on a different panel than
on the originals.
The IBNS auction catalog description was incor-
rect, in that the 50- and 100-lire notes are series
1943A, and thus P-M20 and M21 (as it happens, M20b
and M2 lb). The face frame and central device of the
two high denomination notes are good replicas (the
Forbes "F" is visible in the frame), but the rosettes in
the underprint at right and left are missing; the backs
4.1t, ■tie
7I4 ref
"Lift% • 40--
MOOS OP 41141111,
A 26612556 B
denomination (I wonder if the 2-
lire was left out because of the
stigma attached to $2 notes in
popular lore, especially at that
r4albiri&L+A.AS-T ,t64kW:Sg
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
are again of incorrect design and appear washed
The serial numbers are excellent copies of the
original font. All four of the small notes have SN
A05247104A and both large notes are A26612556B.
More interesting is that the colors are not all cor-
rect. The 1-, 5-, 10-, and 50- lire notes are close to
the original colors, but the 100-lire is also blue (not
purple). The 25-lire note, which does not exist in
the original series, is purple (a bit brighter than the
2-lire note, which is not represented). The small
notes are printed on calendared paper (a watermark
of vertical straight lines 12-13mm apart and close
fine parallel horizontal lines), with a manufacturer's
watermark of fancy script that appears to be "Fox River" to the left of
a coat of arms (right
side not present). The
large notes are printed
on dense dull white
paper without water-
The 100-lire note
center numerals are ITALY
much larger than on the Fl FTY
original, and the word
"ONE" is omitted in
front of "HUNDRED"
both in the center and
at upper left, but the
font of the words is exactly
copied from the originals
(why the numerals were
changed is anybody's guess).
All in all, an interesting
study in copying and not
copying the original notes,
starting with the invention of
an otherwise non-existent
A 26612556 8
WOES Of 1143 A
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322 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Highlights in the Development of Paper,
Bank Notes and Postage Stamps
By Gene Hessler
(These highlights have been extracted from
The Engraver's Line and The International Engraver's Line.)
2200 The Prisse manuscript on papyrus, perhaps the
oldest document.
400-300 By this time silk was used for a writing surface, but,
due to the expense, wood and bamboo remained in use.
105 Papermaking was announced by Tsai Lun in
China; it was made from fishnets, hemp, rags and a vari-
ety of barks including mulberry.
142 "I send you the works of the Philosopher Hsu in
ten rolls--unable to afford a copy on silk I am ob-
liged to send you one on paper" (Ts'ui Yiian). This
was reported by Yu Shih-nan (558-638). Paper had
become cheaper than silk in less than 40 years.
150 Papermaking was improved by Tso Tzu-yi.
250 -300 Sir Aurel Stein discovered paper from this period.
450 In Eastern Turkestan paper replaced other materials for
610 Papermaking was introduced into Japan.
707 Paper was introduced in Mecca.
754 State-owned paper mills established in Baghdad.
770 The dharani of Empress Shotoku of Japan, the
earliest example of text printing on paper.
804 Banker's drafts were introduced in China. This
"flying money" could then be cashed in other cities.
969 Earliest known reference to playing cards in
998 By this date a total of 1,130,000 tiao in paper
money circulated in China. One tiao, or kuan,
equaled a string of 100 or 1,000 cash coins, depending on
the province.
1041 -1043 Movable type was invented in China by Pi Sh-ng.
The numerous language characters did not lend
themselves to this invention.
1154 Paper money and bank note paper mills were in-
troduced by Jin Dynasty. William Rubruk, a French
priest, returned from Mongolia and reported the use of
paper money to Louis IX.
1154 First use of paper in Italy.
1228 First use of paper in Germany.
1276 First paper mills in Italy.
1277 Kublai Khan abolished metal currency in favor of
paper money.
1282 First European use of a watermark was introduced
in Italy.
1294 First paper money issued in Tabriz, Persia.
1298 Marco Polo returned from China with examples
of paper money.
1303 Paper money first used in England.
1313 -1327 Paper money secured by precious metals was in-
troduced in Japan.
1403 Movable type was made In Korea Surviving ex-
amples in Korea.
1403 Korea. Earliest surviving book printed from mov-
able type.
1423 First block printing in Europe, using Chinese
1450 - 1455 Johann Gutenberg printed 42 -line Bible.
1491 First paper mill in Poland.
1495 John Tate, from Hertfordshire, started first paper
mill in England.
1591 First paper mill in Scotland.
1636 Plague reached England from rags imported by
paper makers.
1638 The first printing press in North America was in-
stalled by Stephen Daye in Cambridge, MA.
1661 Notes of credit issued by Stockholms Banco in
Sweden, the first in Europe. Earliest sunviving ex-
ample is dated 1662.
1690 The Massachusetts Bay Colony issued first
government paper money [above] in Colonial America.
William Rittenhouse and William Bradford estab-
lished the first paper mill in Colonial America in
Roxborough, PA.
1728 First paper mill in Massachusetts; it was located in
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September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY324
1744 First paper mill in Virginia.
1758 First counterfeits of English bank notes.
1776 On Jan. 4, Stephen Crane sold thirteen reams of
"money paper" to Major Fuller and John Brown. Paul
Revere paid for the paper in 1778.
1788 On June 20 Benjamin Franklin addressed members of
the American Philosophical Society on the subject of
papermaking and the Chinese.
1801 Zenas Crane established a paper mill in Dalton,
1804 Aloys Senefelder (1771-1834) [above] was the first to per
fect lithography.
1807 An advertisement in Canada, by Gen. Walter
Martin, a paper mill owner included:
"Sweet ladies, pray be not offended
Nor mind the jest of sneering wags;
No harm, believe us, is intended,
When humbly we request your rags."
1812 First U.S. Treasury notes were printed.
1818 From 1812-1818, bank notes totalling 131,331
pieces circulated in England.
1813 To deter counterfeiting, Sir William Congreve
(1772-1828) submitted watermark experiments to the
Bank of England.
1840 The watermarked, "penny black" first used on May
6; the first use of adhesive postage stamps. Congreve's
method of two-color printing was introduced.
1842 First use of postage stamps in the U.S., in NYC.
1844 Zenas Marshall Crane, son of Zenas Crane, was the first
in America to introduce silk threads into bank note paper.
1847 First use of federal postage stamps in the U.S.
1851 After 400 years, paper money was reintroduced in
China. RWH&E print Canada's first postage stamps.
1856 Perkin's mauve (aniline dye) used to color paper.
British Guiana postage stamps were printed at the office
of the Royal Gazette in Georgetown. Swedish 1855
postage stamp was printed in orange instead of blue-
1861 French government postage stamps were required to be
made from macerated paper beaten at old stamping-mills.
First U.S. demand notes were printed.
1862 The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP),
initially known as the First Division of the National
Currency Bureau was established by S.M. Clark, Chief
Clerk, Bureau of Construction. James Duthie, first
engraver to be employed at the National Currency
Bureau. First U.S. Legal Tender Notes were printed by
ABNCo and NBNCo.
1864 A paper-machine, which made membrane" paper
for bank notes and whiskey stamps, was installed in the
basement of the U.S. Treasury Building. The noxious
odors and possible health threat brought this project to an
end; the machine was removed in 1869.
1866 The Willcox Paper Mill in PA discontinued hand-
made paper. "Batonne," "quadrille carre," and "oblong
quadrille" paper were first used in the Guadalajara
postage stamp issue (1866-1867).
1867 "Pelure" paper was used for the first time to make
postage stamps in the Dominican Republic.
1869 T.M. Willcox & Co. received contract to make
paper for fractional currency and U.S. notes. Contract
ended on 31 August 1877; a government stockpile of
paper was on hand. U.S. Post Office Dept. issues its first
bicolor stamp.
1876 A government mill to make paper for Japanese currency
and bonds was established.
1877 BEP was authorized to print all internal revenue
1878 About this time, the BEP installed equipment that would
repulp retired, soiled currency. This method of destruc-
tion was discontinued in 1943 in favor of incineration.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
1879 Crane & Co. received contract to make paper for
U.S. paper money.
1880 350,000 tons of rags were used annually to make
U.S. currency.
1887 Oct. 1, the preparation of all U.S. paper money was to
be done at the BEP.
1894 All U.S. postage stamps were to be prepared at the
1898 Trans-Mississippis, the first set of commemorative
stamps, were printed at the BEP.
1908 Postage stamps in coils were in use by this time.
1912 On May 29 a currency laundering machine was
installed at the BEP [below left].
1914 On June 30 the first stamps (1911, 2 cents) printed on
a rotary press.
1918 Currency laundering machine discontinued.
1926 By July 1 all regular postage stamps 10 cents and
under were printed on a rotary press.
1929 Stamps were produced from first web-fed intaglio
press at BEP.
1939 A postage stamp electric-eye perforating machine
was introduced at BEP.
1941 On July 1, the first of 8,100 million war savings
stamps were produced.
1943 Allied military currency and stamps were produced.
1953 The BEP installed first dry-print, sheet-fed rotary
1957 The first Giori press was installed at BEP.
1985 BEP began study for currency counterfeit deterrents.
1986 BEP celebrated 125th anniversary. [Souvenir engraving
for the observance by Thomas Hipschen above]
1991 BEP installed web-fed press that prints face and back of
notes simultaneously. BEP satellite plant in Ft. Worth,
TX began operation [souvenir engraving for the event at
right above]. BEP released $100 Federal Reserve notes
with polyester threads and micro printing.
1992 BEP released first $1 notes with face and back printed
simultaneously on new web-fed press. Plate location or
check number on the face is deleted. Plate number on
the back moved from bottom to top.
1996 The web-fed press experiment ends and the BEP pre-
pares to accept bids on the Hamilton Press. Series 1996
$100 notes issued; remaining denominations to follow
2000 Three Siori Simultan presses are purchased by the BEP.
These presses are capable of printing in color and can
print 50-subject sheets.
2002 Few security engravers employed as computer graphics
replaces hand engraving throughout the world.
2003 BEP releases first NextGen notes, new series of Federal
Reserve Notes with color, $20 denomination.
Bouchot. H.; H. Grevel (Ed.). The Book: Printers, Illustrators
and Binders from Gutenberg to the Present Time. London:
H. Grevel & Co. (1890).
Gascoigne, B. How to Identifil Prints. New York: Thames &
Hudson (1986).
Hind, A.M. A History of Engraving & Etching. New York:
Dover Publications (1963).
Hunter, D. (1374). Papermaking. New York: Dover
Publications (1974).
Kranister, W. The Moneymakers International. Cambridge,
England: Black Bear Press (1989).
Lehman-Haupt, H. Gutenberg and the Master of the Playing
Cards. New Haven/London: Yale U. Press (1966).
Munsell, J. Chronology of the Origin and Progress of Paper and
Paper-Making. Albany: J. Munsell (1876).
Thomas, I; M.A. McCorison. (Ed.). The History of Printing in
America. New York: Weathervane (1980).
Van Buren, A.H., & S. Edmunds. "The Master of the Playing
Cards, The Art Bulletin. 56 (March 1974) pp. 12-30. New
York: College Art Association of America.
Feature and research articles
on world wide topics
for Paper Money's
Fourth International Special Issue
Contact the Editor
LURY 1982
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236 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Bermuda -- A Different Crown Colony
By Nelson Page Aspen
Sea Venture, off her course to Jamestown due to a hur-
ricane crashed upon the reefs of Bermuda. Since then
Bermuda has never been devoid of Englishmen (and
The first colonists arrived on "The Plough" with
Governor Richard Moore. A Charter had been given by
King James I to the "Virginia Company" on March 12,
1612. Upon their arrival they set up a government
derived from the British system, with the Governor rep-
resenting the interests of the Virginia Company. The
Company was the ultimate authority, with the Governor
exercising authority on its behalf.
On August 1, 1620, the first meeting of its parlia-
ment (the first and oldest in the Western Hemisphere)
took place. The Governor's Council attended the ses-
sion, but although claiming to be the first "self govern-
ing" body in the British Empire, the acts passed by this
legislative body were subject to ratification by the compa-
It was in 1684 that the first direct representative of
the Crown arrived. He was Governor Colonel Richard
Coney. His successors have continued as Crown repre-
Throughout the 17th-20th centuries the struggle for
ultimate authority for the government from the Crown
was unending. Bermuda wanted the power to be vested
in the Bermuda Parliament.
The change occurred in 1966, when a Constitutional
Conference was held in London and a Bermuda
Constitution was agreed upon. It was finally approved by
Her Majesty in February 1968. The Constitution safe-
guarded the fundamental rights and freedoms of the indi-
vidual and the needs of the public interest. The
Constitution became effective in June 1968
and has worked well.
The new government retained the old
titles of Executive Council, Legislative
Council and House of Assembly, although the
first is now called the Premier's Cabinet and
the Second, the Senate. The power has now
shifted and the responsibility of government
rested with Bermudians.
In 1968 after a general election, the
Governor was directed to appoint as
"Government Leader" the most able to head
the House of Assembly. The Government
Leader makes the appropriate appointments,
then made "official" by the Governor. The
appointment of the Judiciary was retained by
the Governor to avoid political pressures.
The first Government Leader was Sir
Henry Tucker and the Deputy was Edward
Richards. Tucker served until December
1971, when he resigned. Sir Edward became
the "Leader of the Government," which title
was changed in 1973 to "Premier."
He was followed by Sir John Sharpe, Sir
David Gibbons, Sir John Swan, Dr. David
Saul and Ms. Pamela Gordon.
The two party system has worked well for Bermuda.
The United Bermuda Party held sway for 30 years until
November 1999, when the Progressive Labor Party took
over the reins of government with Jennifer Smith, the
second woman Premier, becoming Bermuda's eighth.
One of the first Acts of Parliament in 1969 was the
establishment of the Bermuda Monetary Authority. This
involved a monetary change from the Sterling system of
pounds and fractions thereof to the decimal system of
dollars and cents, which would be equivalent to the U.S.
dollar and its coinage.
The first issue was dated 6th February 1970, and
included a $1, $5, $10, $20, and $50. The first $100
denomination was added with the date of 2nd January
1982. Replacement notes began with the Bermuda
Monetary Authority notes of the $1 denomination of 1st
July 1975, which are known as "Zed Notes."
• COTT11111Cntary Airport Shuttle
▪ Lyn Kni;alit Auction
- 75 Ebooill ALI rupk:r M4.1[10
• Socict:y Meetings
• Ruiciin ufl-erwrawing
• BET' Suuvertir Card
327PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
St. Louis is calling...
11, I SS 6,1* L. I .nt.. rpm"
v tr. awl
44,1% • ...UZI
rAcpr,u. -e,,
AFIMANttli RL1G4 UC6V1.1.41,•. •
National and World Paper Money Convention
vi vie Dates;
Thursday-Sunday, November 20-23, 2003 N nvenilx-21
2005St Louis Hilton Airport Hotel
10110 urn] liricive IR Mitt Si. I.01i is.;
MO .63 I 34 N 17-20
Rooms: S94 (Ask lor rate code DBC) Call (314) 426-5500 Novernh.r 6- 19
I Wednesday. November 19
2PM-6PM, Saturday, November 22
(Professional Previcw—S50 Registration fee) Sunday. November 23
Thursday, November 21.:1 Noon-6P,M
($5 Pass Valid Thursday-Sunday)Fri dw Novernher 21i '- ' -
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Bourse Applications
K. hi ri Ito - Rok 53 • \111,AituLee."0, I 53n f • r vek.rr L,11€1 411.1-421-_1-1$3.1 rat: 4 1-1-419-10.43
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY328
By Ron Horstman
usual, due to the labors of Mike Crabb, Bob Raby and
the Memphis Coin Club, the show turned out quite well.
The bourse was noticeably smaller, but material could be
found with a little effort. It appears that the current eco-
nomic condition of the country is finally sinking into the
paper money collecting hobby; but there seems to be a small
group with unlimited funds running up prices at auction
For those who do not know me, I have been collecting
paper money since the late '50s, having joined the Society in
1965, and becoming a board member in the early '80s. I
have searched for a baby picture to use in the top of this col-
umn, but so far have found none. Then, I considered having
my driver's license picture processed thru a computer to
show what I would look like at 100 years of age; but for now,
see me in the March/April 2003 issue.
The subject of establishing a set of grading standards for
paper money similar to the numerical standards for coins has
been kicked around for about a year, but an informal vote of
the attendees of the CPIVIX seminar this year showed that a
great majority of the members do not need or desire a set of
standards. The consensus was that an educated collector is
capable of making his own decisions.
Another subject that has arisen is the sale of counterfeit
currency on the internet. Several early Nationals have
appeared recently with one having a reserve in excess of
$500. The Society does not feel that this is an area which we
should venture into, but rather we will be listing all known
counterfeits on the SPMC website ( ). We
have also added the cumulative index to Paper Money to the
our website. If you find something of interest, the librarian
can make copies for you for a fee.
We had a get-together at the ANA, and will have a
Society meeting at the PCDA show in St. Louis in
November. I will talk about advertising and money, and
plan to display the material discussed.
Last, a whole-hearted thanks to the people at R.M.
Smythe for their memorial service to Doug Ball at Memphis,
and to Karl Wolf of the Chicago Coin Club for recording
Douglas' last talk on state bonds. We all miss you Douglas.+
Advertising in Paper Money
Pays Dividends
Invest a few bucks in your collection
Reap great rewards
........ NMI
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15,4 per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Ad must be non-commercial in nature.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis.
WANTED: NORMAN OK small size National, XF or better. Mail
or e-mail price and photocopies or scans of front and back to Norman
Pender, 534 N. Whitcomb Ave., Clarksville, IN 47129 or (227)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histo-
ries of banks which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking
county/state/regional banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031 e-mail: (228)
LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK. Collector desires notes, photos,
postcards, checks, memorabilia, metal coin banks, banking histories,
publications, or what have you? from Lincoln National Banks or
Lincoln State Banks or insurance companies, or other corporations
named for Abraham Lincoln for use in forthcoming book. Please
contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75051-8162
or for immediate purchase (228)
denomination, we buy it all! Better California's also wanted and pay-
ing "stupid" money for the note. Arri Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden,
NV 89423-1649 (228)
Dallas #3985 ($5, $10 T2), and North Texas NB in Dallas #12736
($10, $20 Ti). Frank Clark, POB 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011-
7060 (228)
WANTED. Anything related to Ohio banks or banking prior to the
end of the Civil War including bank notes, scrip, documents, checks,
drafts, stock certificates, correspondence and the like. Collector
prices paid for material that I need. Please write first, including a
photocopy of the items being offered and your desired price. You
may also use e-mail and JPEG scans if that's easier. Wendell Wolka,
PO Box 1211, Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (228)
WANTED. Fractional Currency Errors / Manuscript Notes; encased
postage currency cases; South Carolina railroad paper items. Benny
Bolin (228)
WANTED KANSAS. Obsoletes -- Checks -- Drafts. S. Whitfield,
879 Stillwater CT, Weston, FL 33327
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Obsolete paper money from South
Bend or St. Joseph County wanted. Bob Schreiner, POB 2331 Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331; email: (228)
20th CENTURY U.S., articles relating to modern small size U.S. cur-
rency are especially needed for publication in Paper Money. If you col-
lect this material, try your hand at authoring an article too! (PM)
EXPAND YOUR COLLECTION. Classified ad rates are low, low,
low in Paper Money's "Money Mart." These small ads really get
results -- why else would longtime collectors like past SPMC
President Bob Cochran advertise year-in and year-out in this space.
Send ad copy and check payable to SPMC to the Editor, PO Box
793941, Dallas, Texas 75379 -3941 (PM)
AUTHORS WANTED. Expand your resume; impress your friends;
win a cash award. Send your best articles to PM Editor today! (PM
PAPER MONEY ADVERTISERS want to hear from you. Tell
him/her "I saw your ad in SPMC's magazine Paper Money!"
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Small Money Mart ads bring big results
1V1_Money are the best place to get
results" veteran collectors agree. These eco-
nomical ads reach
• Dealers/collectors across the country
• Keep your want list before hobbyists
• And -- they are inexpensive
• Most of all THEY CAN BRING
Proof positive on all counts continues
to mount. For as little as $20.25, a collec-
tor can post his wants to the entire SPMC
community for a full year. Rates for larg-
er ads are similarly inexpensive (you can
calculate costs at left).
As can be seen, your Editor took out a
classified ad in the
"Money Mart" section at
left earlier this year. He
has received about a ten
responses to the ad for
Abraham Lincoln bank
items. In addition to
tokens, the ad has fetched
some spectacular oppor-
tunities he might have
missed out on, such as
the NBN, Trust Co. cer-
tificate and gold-plated
letter opener shown here.
It pays to Advertise!
Coming to a mailbox near you
SPMC's First Ever
U.S. Obsolete Notes Special Issue
One of the most widely collected areas for SPMC members is
U.S. obsolete currency and the heritage of the Society's Wismer Project
is a lasting testament to these diverse uncurrent notes
Collectors will pore over this issue
So sell them YOUR obsolete notes
Ad space is going fast so contact the Editor or Ad Manager
01.114.4Xt 44,0'
Z// 1101.-/You4-s! 49vAw
Olt 11111E1f M
CI 1.1(.1,1,11 11,1,-; 17 oF cuEurr 00000
Now !
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 11 7060
Carrollton, TX 75011
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 07/05/2003
10630 Jonathan Justi (C), Website
10631 Don Clark (C), Jim Pitmian
10632 Michael Pauze, 282 Virginia St, Brighton, IL
62012 (C, U.S. Large, FRN's), Tom Denly
10633 David R. Hinkle (C), Gene Hessler
10634 William (Steve) S. Shaw, 7380 Penrith Dr,
Mechanicsville, VA 23116 (C, Fractional,
Confederate), Website
10635 John O'Neill, 464 Common St #335, Belmont,
MA 02478-2740 (C & D, Foreign, Stocks &
Bonds), Website
10636 Nolan Mims, PO Box 1185, Semmes, AL 36575
(C & D, Mobile, AL Obsoletes & Nationals), Don
September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
10637 Louis Thomas DiLauro, PO Box 10862,
Bradenton, FL 34282 (C & D, US & Foreign scrip
notes, Chinese & South America banknotes),
Wendell Wolka & Jerome Weinstein
10638 Anthony L. della Volpe, Broletto 43, Milan,
Italy 20123 (C & D), Don Kagin
10639 William R. Case, PO Box 56, New Cumberland,
PA 17070 (C & D, (US Large & Small, Nationals,
World War II), Tom Denly
10640 Gilles V. Richaud, 3705 South George Mason
Dr Apt 1712, Falls Church, VA 22041 (C, US
Large & 1929 FRBN's), Website
10641 Tom Koch, 17218 130th Ave SE, Renton, WA
98058 (C & D, MPC, Chits, Etc), Website
10642 Kate Gibson, 79 Grayswood Drive, Mytchett,
Camberley Surrey GU166AS, United Kingdom (C
& D, World, 19th Century & Unofficial Issues),
10643 Rob Groves (C), Tom Minerley)
577 David Paskausky (C), Bob Cochran
Dr. Douglas Ball, Gerome Walton,
Ruth Springer share SPMC Awards at Memphis
rency author Dr. Douglas Ball received the
Nathan Gold Memorial Lifetime Award posthumously
at the SPMC general meeting held during the recent
Memphis International Paper Money Show.
Established and formerly presented (1961-1970) by
Numismatic News, now by the Bank Note Reporter and
SPMC, the award is presented to a person(s) who has
made a concrete contribution toward the advancement
of paper money collecting. This year's award regret-
tably posthumously recognizes Dr. Douglas Ball, who
died March 13th, for his lifetime achievements in the
area of Confederate finance and fiscal material.
Gerome Walton captured SPMC's First Place
Literary Award for his excellent research and well-rea-
soned study "On Nebraska National Bank Note Rarity
— Impact of Nebraska's Deposit Guaranty Law of 1909-
30," published in PM's March/April 2002 issue. Second
Place went to Mark Rabinowitz for his excellent "Meet
the Hillegas Family," tracing several generations of this
influential banking and finance family in the journal's
January/February 2002 issue. Third Place recognized
Ronald J. Benice for his seminal "Florida Civil War
Currency," which appeared in our May/June 2002 issue
and cleared up many discrepancies in that series.
SPMC Awards of Merit honored Robert Galiette,
the Society's Legal Counsel for his years of dedicated
service to SPMC. Also honored was the Fractional
Currency Collectors Board for their unprecedented
partnering with SPMC in the development of the
Fractional Currency Special Issue of Paper Money, and
Gordon L. Harris for his pioneering book on the
obsolete scrip issues of New York State.
The Society's Dr. Glenn Jackson Memorial Award
for an outstanding article about bank note essais, proofs,
specimens, and the engravers who created them hon-
ored Mark Tomasko for his article "The Many
Incarnations of Paul Thumann's 'The Fates' '' which
appeared in Paper Money, #221, September/October,
The SPMC Julian Blanchard Memorial Exhibit
Award for the exhibit at Memphis which best typifies
the relationship between proofs, specimens, essaies, and
bank notes and other syngraphic items was presented to
Walter D. Allan for his exhibit "Why Not Collect
Engraved Cheques with Matching Die Proof
The SPMC Best of Show Exhibit Award for the
outstanding exhibit at the International Paper Money
Show in Memphis honored Ruth Springer for her
exhibit "Vignettes Illustrating Excerpts from
Longfellow's Hiawatha."
Our Nathan Goldstein Top Recruiter Award given
annually to the person who recruits the most new
members during the previous year is once again Tom
Denly with 33.5 members signed up. This is the fifth
straight year the Boston dealer has been the Society's
top recruiter.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 331
Spanish language work illustrates Costa Rican notes in full color
Joaquin Gil del Real passes along information on a recent-
ly published Spanish language catalog of Costa Rican notes
that may be of interest to other members of SPMC.
Authored by José A. Carranza Astua, and published under
the auspices of Fundacion Museo Banco Central, the work is
entitled History of the Bills of Costa Rica, 1858 -2001. This
excellent work is approx. 8 1/2 by 11 inches, covering all issu-
ing banks of Costa Rica with fine color illustrations, excellent
reproductions, and paper quality, according to Gil del Real.
Illustrations are based on the collection of Jaime Solera
The book is organized in a logical progressive manner.
Each chapter covers a different issuing entity beginning with
Banco Nacional Costarricense and continuing through recent
emissions of Banco Central de Costa Rica. "This book is very
well documented. Comments are succint and to the point, all
meat and no fat!" he noted.
More information is available by writing Fundacion
Museos Banco Central, Apartado Postal 12388-1000, San José,
Costa Rica; phone (506) 243-4217; fax (506) 243-4220.
Re-building a great Society for a new century TM
SPMC 6 owl
Get involved; You can help by
Running for a Seat on SPMC Board
Did you know?
Several Board members are elected EVERY year
All it takes to get on the ballot is signatures
of 10 current members as co-sponsors
Periodic Price Lists
P.O. Box 2301, Springfield,
VA 22152
Free Price List.
Send this ad for a $2 credit
towards any purchase.
P.O. Box 752
San Anselmo, CA 94960
Phone: (415) 897-1654
Fax: (415) 897-1654
Notes from
North of the
Harold Don A
332 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
Been at 'Right Place' for Half Century Now
World Perspectives:
It's your turn to expand hobby horizons
money, as in many another such worthy leisure pursuit, a
secret of success is "to be in the right place at the right time" .
. . and to sense this.
How might you have felt about a Curacao muntbiljet (cur-
rency note), the blue 2 1/2 gulden with American Bank Note's
splendidly-rendered ship-at-dockside panorama crisp, and at
face? Or an East African Currency Board King George VI
"twenty shillings or one pound," a workhorse bill, dually
denominated in three languages? Such was the fiscal material
that first drew me to world collecting. Along with a "William
Tell" traditional Swiss 5 francs, a Banco de Mexico "Tehuana"
10 pesos, a British Caribbean Territories King George VI blue
$2, a Luxembourg Grand Duchess Charlotte 5 francs, and a
Portuguese "de Menezes" 20 escudos. All are very old friends
by now as I visit the vault to leaf through notes for which I've
been caring for in excess of 50 years.
These delightful notes, with scores of others like them,
date from periods of summer employment in the
Montreal financial district, starting in 1949. A local
trust company, partially in response to a wave of post-
war immigration, had been maintaining a high-profile
foreign exchange operation. On my first noon-hour, I
had strolled across Victoria Square, to view the window
display and to ask what they might have had to offer.
Canada had done away
with wartime exchange
restrictions, and all major cur-
rencies were being bought and
1150IgA NAMNik
algdf44% ZWitez
Lee dk S... Ma. RIO
sold. Montreal had been a gateway city. Business, I surmised,
had been brisk. Then I met Bill, the trust company foreign
exchange officer. "Jack pots" can be people as well as notes.
Bill's extended job definition, albeit sounding a bit dated, had
been to be his firm's "man who met the boats." Ocean liners
had docked and passengers had disembarked at Montreal; but
also, in all seasons, up river at Quebec City. Bill, I learned, was
to have set up at dockside; meeting scheduled arrivals from
Europe, the Caribbean, and elsewhere, prepared to exchange
(for Canadian) a world of notes. Once Bill was back with his
latest harvest, I found, I'd be allowed to search through the
more interesting folders, selecting creatively from principal
currencies, and from other, less familiar, note releases.
I handled and viewed with great care notes of high
denominations, where these existed, but limited acquisitions to
-a couple of dollars or to the equivalent of a pound. Service
charges had been trivial on small transactions, but summer
employment that funded college tuition, before deductions,
had come to $80 a month. I have few regrets.
As a significant bonus, Bill would allow me to "trade up,"
as I recall having done when a "better" Australian 10 shillings
was on hand. Bill had given my interest its initial boost, I now
acknowledged. Others, subsequently, also had helped. "Please"
and "thank you" could go a long way in those days.
"The right place and time?" As a world paper enthusiast, I
did find myself overly on my own, "way back when." Paper
money societies, as we now know them, did not exist. Nor did
specialized journals. Currency guides and counterfeit detectors
I would peruse, as circumstances allowed. "You couldn't col-
lect in such -a manner today," you might argue, and you'd per-
haps be correct. Those "on cash" now seem to have less time--
no fault of theirs--for the human side of their jobs. Yet, you
and I do have ever greater access of travel, even if Bill s
"boats," perhaps lamentably, are no more. Swedish kronor,
Belgian francs, Netherlands gulden, even Malaysian ringgits,
in my present collection have one thing in common: they're
"ultra-new," having been received, at
the respective banks of issue, from
the hands of head cashiers.
Thematically, regionally, artisti-
cally, you choose it; you can collect
imaginatively and knowledgeably
today, with many to help you. You
grow with your collection, of course.
Years from now, you could be very
glad you "took off' modestly, individualistically, with notes
that happened to interest you, whether on cross-border travel
or in hometown dealer stock.
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227
Fred L Reed III
334 September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 • PAPER MONEY
is it a reliable source for complete and accurate informa-
tion. Anyone with an opinion and a little skill can publish on
the web, and it can be pretty difficult to distinguish well-for-
matted, well-stated drivel from fact (of course, this is also true
for print). But there are certainly many web information
sources that are quite valuable. I discovered one recently when
I was researching an article. I needed to see many pictorial
examples of United States colonial paper money, more than I
had in my reference books. I found some dealer sites, specifi-
cally those of Tom Denly and Don Kelly, quite useful. But I
struck real gold with Heritage's web site. Heritage also includes
Currency Auctions of America. See Heritage's web site at .
Many of the big auction houses are now putting their cata-
logs on the Internet, a practice for paper money auctions that is
only three or four years old. This practice benefits everyone—
it's almost certainly less expensive than wide-spread mailing of
print catalogs, reaches a wider audience, and permits easy bid-
ding via the Internet. In addition to CAA, R.M Smythe, Lyn
Knight, and Early American publish their auction catalogs on
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, Librarian
the Internet (and I know there are others). CAA, Smythe and
Knight are retaining past auction catalogs on their webs, build-
ing an archive of these useful records. Early American appears
to only retain past auctions for a few weeks before they are
removed from the web. I hope they will change that practice
and also build an archive of past auction catalogs. These are all
useful sites for research, and of course while you are there, you
may just bid on something.
What Heritage/CAA is doing that is particularly useful and
different from others is that they are combining the past auction
records into one big database that is searchable across auctions.
Their aggregated database is now about 500,000 items (mostly
coins, of course). The other houses have searchable catalogs,
but you must search each auction catalog independently.
I was looking, for example, for images of North Carolina
colonial paper money. In the combined CAA records, I found
301 examples with one search. Furthermore, unlike some other
firms, almost every lot is pictured, and the pictures are gigantic!
Great detail! Although the photos are copyrighted, as is almost
all web content, Heritage permits some use of the auctions
records for coin clubs and individuals for other non-commercial
use. The service is not perfect—I encourage Heritage to clarify
the confusing index and add some horsepower to the hardware
search engine to speed things up. But kudos to Heritage for an
innovative service to collectors and researchers! In exchange
for using the database, Heritage requires a free logon account.
That gets them your email address, and Heritage will use it to
advertise their services. For me, it's certainly a fair exchange.
George Tremmel's Index to Paper Money 1962 -1999 is now
sold out. We have put the word processor file on the Library
web for anyone to download to their own computer and search
or print as they wish. Do you have suggestions for the library?
Please send them to me at PUB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-
2331, or email •
Notes on our new notes
currency designs with a great deal of fanfare and back-
slapping in ceremonies in Washington, D.C. May 16. The
new notes are colorful and Treasury, Secret Service, GAO and
the FED promise us they will be more counterfeit resistant.
We're promised the new notes will circulate this fall, shortly
after you receive this magazine. But all these bureaucrats are
missing the point when these notes can be invalidated before
they even reach the public.
Like predecessor notes the "nextGen" Twenties bear the
legend and the promise "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER
I say balderdash. Try to USE THEM at a Federal
Express counter. Recently I was refused service at FEDEX
when I tendered cash. FEDEX doesn't accept cash -- legal
tender huh? The clerk didn't know legal tender from tender-
loin. But for those without accounts, cash is verboten --
checks and credit cards need only apply!
What in the world of Post 9-11 logic has brought this to
pass? Is there something in the so-called "Patriot Act" which
gives FEDEX or
any party
cor -
the right to determine
what is and is not money here? I can understand that FEDEX
doesn't want to ship bombs or anthrax, and might require a
photo ID, but can they really buck the Congress of the United
States flagrantly this way? Oh, the clerk said I could also use a
"money order." OK let me see, I get it now. I go to a 7-
Eleven and buy a money order from that clerk with my cash,
and then the payment becomes OK, but the cash in my hand
that works for the money order at 7-Eleven doesn't work at
FEDEX. FEDEX did not respond to inquiries to comment.
Note we're not talking here about a gas station desiring
to limit large denomination bills at night so their clerks are
not sitting ducks for stick up artists. We're talking about com-
mercial transactions done in the light of day and the apparent
ability of FEDEX to unilaterally abrogate the wishes of the
U.S. Congress and eliminate the legal tender status of Federal
Reserve Notes, something Goldbugs have been trying to do
for ages. Egad. Am I dreaming or what?
HARRY E. JONES •-1111111r-moil"
PO Box 30369
Cleveland, Ohio 44130
P 0 M R T
Paper money (historical & modern ), notgeld, coins (Chinese,
Roman, modern, etc.), tokens, stamps, checks, Primitive monies, etc.
Wholesale list is available on request
Please contact us at:
P. 0. Box 2-S, Ridgefield Park, NJ - 07660 - USA
Toll Free: 1-800-775-8450
Telephone: 1-201-641-6641 / Fax: 1-201-641-1700
E-mail: / Website:
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2003 • Whole No. 227 335
Coming to Paper Money
First Ever Obsolete Currency
Special Issue
Jan/Feb 2004
3rd Annual National Bank Note
Special Issue
May/June 2004
First Ever Small Size U.S. Special
Sept/Oct 2004
Additional Special Issues Being
Developed Now, incl. Military
Currency, War of 1812 Notes, Civil
War Notes, Colonial/Continental
Notes, International Currency,
Paper Money in Art
Other ideas? Contact the Editor
Advertising in PAPER MONEY
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(left to right) Josh Caswell, Jim Reardon,
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