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Table of Contents
Official Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Oil painting on canvas
(circa 1830s-1840s),
29 x 36 inches , depicting a
New England manufacturer
sitting at desk signing a stack
of uncut sheets of bank notes.
His five-story factory
(probably a textile mill)
is seen outside the window
at right. The sheets show
one- and two-dollar
(Courtesy of Rex Stark)
SPMC 6000
Antique Stocks and Bonds;
U.S. Coins; Paper Money.
STEPHEN GOLDSMITH Executive Vice President,
RM. Smythe & Co., Inc. BA, Brooklyn College. Contributor
to Paper Money of the United States, Collecting U.S. Obsolete
Currency Financial History and Smart Money. Editor, An
illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes; Past President
and Board Member, Professional Currency Dealers Association. Member:
PCDA, ANA, SPMC, IBSS, New England Appraisers Association.
US. Coins and Medals.
JAY ERLICHMAN Contributor to A Guide Book of
U.S. Coins and A Guide Book of British Coins. Assembled and
managed investment portfolios of U.S. coins. Employed by the
Federal Trade Commission as an expert witness on consumer
fraud. Member: ANA, PCGS, NGC.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
DAVID VAGI BA, University of Missouri—Columbia.
Author of Coinage and History of the Roman Empire; columnist
for The Celator; Numismatic News, and World Coin News.
Editor of the Journal for the Society for Ancient Numismatics;
twice received the Numismatic Literary Guild's "Best
Column" award. A recipient of the American Numismatic Association's Heath
Literary Award and the Presidential Award. Member: ANA, ANS.
We buy sell, and auction the very best in Antique Stocks and Bonds,
Autographs. Banknotes, Coins, Historic Americana, and Vintage Photography
2 Rector Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10006-1844
TEL: 212-943-1880 TOLL FREE: 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-312-6370
INTERNET: smytheonline corn
--. f.alloV. E1'1stStephen Goldsmith
Scott Lindquist
Our Outstanding Team of Experts Can Help You
Get the Most for Your Collection
You've spent years putting together an outstanding collection, and now
you are ready to sell. Will the people who handle the disposition of your
collection know as much about it as you do? They will at Smythe!
Autographs; Manuscripts; Photographs;
International Stocks and Bonds.
DIANA HERZOG President, R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc.
BA, University of London; MA, New York University—
Institute of Fine Arts. Former Secretary, Bond and Share
Society; Past President, Manuscript Society; Editorial Board,
Financial History. Board Member: PADA.
U.S. Federal National Currency;
U.S. Fractional Currency; Small Size
U.S. Currency; U.S. MPC.
MARTIN GENGERKE Author of U.S. Paper Money
4 Records and American Numismatic Auctions as well as numerous
articles in Paper Money Magazine, the Essay ProofJournaZ Bank Note Reporter
and Financial History. Winner of the only award bestowed by the Numismatic
Literary Guild for excellence in cataloging, and the 1999 Presidents Medal
from the American Numismatic Association. Member: ANA, SPMC.
Small Size U.S. Currency; Canadian
Banknote Issues; U.S. Coins.
SCOTT L I N DQU I ST BA, Minot State University,
Business Administration/Management. Contributor to the
Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money er U.S. Paper
Money Records. Professional Numismatist and sole proprietor
of The Coin Cellar for 16 years. Life Member: ANA, CSNS. Member: PCDA,
Auction Calendar
November 6th, 2003: Autographs — New York City
December 2nd, 2003: Coins, Paper Money—New York City
February 6-7th, 2004: Stocks and Bonds — Strasburg, PA
March 2nd, 2004: Coins — New York City
May 2004: Autographs — New York City
July 24th, 2004: Coins, Paper Money, Stocks & Bonds—New York City
Why do so many collectors and major
dealers consign to Smythe's Auctions?
• Competitive commission rates • Cash advances available
• Expert staff of numismatic specialists • Thoroughly researched
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PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper
Money Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage
is paid at Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send
address changes to Secretary Robert Schreiner,
P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331
0 Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2004.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in
whole or in part, without express written permis-
sion, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY
are available from the Secretary for $6 postpaid.
Send changes of address, inquiries concerning
non-delivery, and requests for additional copies
of this issue to the Secretary.
Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere
and publications for review should be sent to the
Editor. Accepted manuscripts will be published as
soon as possible; however, publication in a spe-
cific issue cannot be guaranteed. Include an SASE
for acknowledgment, if desired. Opinions
expressed by authors do not necessarily reflect
those of the SPMC.
Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper
only), double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins.
The author's name, address and telephone num-
ber should appear on the first page. Authors
should retain a copy for their records. Authors are
encouraged to submit a copy on a 3 1/2-inch
MAC disk, identified with the name and version
of software used. A double-spaced printout must
accompany the disk. Authors may also transmit
articles via e-mail to the Editor at the SPMC web
site ( Original illustrations are
preferred. Scans should be grayscale at 300 dpi.
Jpegs are preferred. Inquire about other formats.
• All advertising copy and correspondence
should be sent to the Editor
• All advertising is payable in advance
• Ads are accepted on a "Good Faith" basis
• Terms are "Until Forbid"
• Ads are Run of Press (ROP)
• Limited Premium Space Available
To keep rates at a minimum, all advertising must
be prepaid according to the schedule below. In
exceptional cases where special artwork or addi-
tional production is required, the advertiser will
be notified and billed accordingly. Rates are not
commissionable; proofs are not supplied.
Advertising Deadline: Copy must be received by
the Editor no later than the first day of the month
preceding the cover date of the issue (for exam-
ple, Feb. 1 for the March/April issue). With
advance approval, camera-ready copy, or elec-
tronic ads in Quark Express on a MAC zip disk or
CD with fonts supplied, may be accepted up to
10 days later.
Space 1 time 3 times 6 times
Outside back cover $500 $1350 $2500
Inside cover 400 1100 2000
Full page 360 1000 1800
Half page 180 500 900
Quarter page 90 250 450
Eighth page 45 125 225
Requirements: Full page, 42 x 57 picas; half-page
may be either vertical or horizontal in format.
Single-column width, 20 picas. Except covers,
page position may be requested, but not guaran-
teed. All screens should be 150 line or 300 dpi.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper cur-
rency, allied numismatic material, publications,
and related accessories. The SPMC does not guar-
antee advertisements, but accepts copy in good
faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable
material or edit copy.
SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
typographical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint
that portion of an ad in which a typographical
error occurs upon prompt notification. •
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLIII, No. 1 Whole No. 229 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2004
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Bank Note Portraiture: The Ohio Experience 3
By Wendell Wolka
About the Cover: "Man Signing Bank Notes" 4
Owned by Rex Stark
A Private Recognition
By David Gladfelter
The "Broke" in Broken Bank 31
By Howard L. Cohen
J.H. Sullivan Prospers from His Education
By Jeff Sullivan
Another Way to Collect Obsolete Notes 38
By Steve Whitfield
Some Unusual Fraudulent Obsolete Paper Money 48
By Bob Schreiner
Additions to Alabama Obsolete Notes & Scrip 54
Submitted by Bob Cochran
WW I Liberty Theaters Smileage Books 60
By Forrest W. Daniel
Two Notes, One Signature 62
By Bob Schreiner
Mascerated Currency Follow - up: Shredding Popular 64
By Leslie Deerderf
On this Date in Paper Money History 65, 67
By Fred Reed
At Last: A Few Unreported Pennsylvania Notes 66
By Steve Whitfield with Apologies to William B. Warden Jr.
Where Are They Now?. 76
By Steve Whitfield
Guy Kraus' Mississipppi Wismer book joins distinguished series 27
Fricke monograph provides up-to-date Confederate pricing info 43
Friedberg autographs monumental Fractional Currency work 46
New compendium makes good sense out of small notes 59
President's Column 72
By Ron Horstman
Part 6: More Additions to A Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia 75
SPMC Librarian's Notes 78
By Bob Schreiner
Editor's Notebook 78
2 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Junior mem-
bership numbers will be preceded by the letter "j," which will be
removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold
office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
the world add $10. Life membership — payable in installments
within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800
elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with issuing annual mem-
bership cards, but paid up members may obtain one from the
Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join as avail-
able. Members who join after October 1 will have their dues paid
through December of the following year; they also receive, as a
bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in
which they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper
Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
VICE-PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
SECRETARY Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn,
NY 11231
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Tom Minerley, P.O. Box 7155, Albany, N.Y. 12224-0155
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Steven K. Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood,IN 46142
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941,
Dallas, TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 761, Camden, SC 29020 (803) 432-8500
FAX (803) 432-9958
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Bank Note Portraiture:
The Ohio Experience
Bu Wendell Wolka
early decades of the nineteenth century. They have served as both a
counterfeit deterrent and as a way to instill confidence in the institu-
tions issuing paper money, with their success in the former role often
greater than in the latter! Notes issued in Ohio, particularly after 1845, made
widespread use of portraits of famous (and not so famous) Ohioans. The pur-
pose of this article is to identify many of these gentlemen whose fame has faded
to such an extent in the last one hundred and sixty years that they are no longer
known to us today.
Why Portraits?
Portraits are said to be the most difficult thing on a bank note to engrave.
All the subtleties of the human face create both a challenge and a deterrent.
Most counterfeit detectors of the mid-1800s always instructed readers to exam-
ine the portraits on a bank note suspected of being a counterfeit. Why?
Because counterfeiters had a devil of a time getting things like eyes, facial fea-
tures, and hair to look right. Eyes, for example, often came out looking like
lumps of coal on counterfeit notes. Many portraits were placed in oval frames
and even the backgrounds of these oval portrait frames tripped up counterfeit-
ers. The genuine backgrounds were usually composed of hundreds of finely
crosshatched lines while the counterfeit backgrounds tended to be a muddle.
So, bankers concerned about potential counterfeiting often opted for more
expensive deterrents such as portraits as a means of staying one step ahead of
those producing "the queer," as counterfeit money was often called in those
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
About the Cover:
`Man Signing Bank Notes'
Owned by Rex Stark
GARDNER, MA DEALER REX STARK ISnot a currency dealer per se, but he is famil-
iar to many Paper Money readers since his wares
(typically political & advertising items, tokens,
paper ephemera and similar antiques) frequently
are of adjunct interest to readers of this maga-
About a year ago, Rex advertised the old oil
painting (left) in his Catalog #50, catching the
Editor's eye. Rex consented to let us use it on
the cover of the Obsolete Currency Special Issue
we were developing at the time.
The style is primitive. The man is clad in
business dress of the time, black with a high
starched detachable collar, white shirt, vest and
dark wool coat. The wall is brown. The desk is
green. The sky is bluish.
Rex calls this anonymous portrait Man
Signing Banknotes, although he might be signing
corporate scrip or treasury notes. A "quick"
thumb-through the Haxby volumes failed to
locate notes similar to those in the painting, but
since such portraits were meant to be realistic the
painter probably had real note sheets as models.
The sheets show one- and two-dollar
denominations, but the details don't allow identi-
fication. We'd like to know what they were, and
closeup details are also shown. Reader input is
solicited to solve this enigma. Stark may be
reached at PO Box 1029, Gardner MA 01440. +
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 5
The Ohio Experience
The year 1845 was a watershed year for banking in Ohio because most of
the old banks' charters had expired in 1843 and 1844, leaving only eight legally
chartered banks in the state in 1844 (along with a number of "not-quite-so-
legal" banks and other issuers). After state elections in 1844 swept the Whig
Party into power, the state legislature wasted no time in 1845 passing the
"General Banking Act of 1845" also known as the "Kelley Bank Act" (named
after Alfred Kelley, the bill's Senate floor manager) on February 24, 1845.
This Act established two different classes of banks. The first was the State Bank
of Ohio (in spite of its name, a non-state sponsored institution) and the second
was a class of banks called "Independent" Banks. In 1851, a third class of
banks, the so-called "Free" or "Ohio State Stock" Banks was authorized by an
act of the legislature. These three classes of banks served most of the needs of
the state of Ohio until the advent of National Banks in 1863. Each of the three
classes of banks made extensive use of portraits on their bank notes.
We will now take a look at how portraits were used by these three differ-
ent types of banks.
The State Bank of Ohio
The State Bank of Ohio was a banking network composed of 41 branches
spread across the state. The circulation was protected by a safety fund made up
of contributions from all of the branches equal to a small percentage of their
circulation which was then invested in conservative monetary instruments such
as bonds. The interest on these bonds was paid to the branches. If a branch
failed, the other branches were mutually responsible for redeeming the circula-
tion. As a result of these safeguards, not one note holder ever lost a cent
throughout the history of the bank which came to a close when its charter
expired in 1866.
The branches were governed by a Board of Control, composed of repre-
sentatives from each branch and an Executive Committee ran the day-to-day
operations of the bank when the Board of Control was not in session. The
Board of Control was responsible for ordering notes for the branches.
The first series of notes, which appeared soon after the State Bank of
Ohio's opening in 1845, did not make use of portraits of Ohioans. The notes
featured portraits of national heroes such as Washington, Franklin, Harrison,
John Marshall, and DeWitt Clinton. Since the bank was wildly successful
almost from the day it opened, the counterfeiters were not far behind and with-
in a few years it became obvious that the Bank needed to issue new notes and
withdraw the old series.
Figure 1. This $20 issue from 1846
featured Chief Justice of the U.S.
Supreme Court John Marshall
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January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
What's The Very Best Way To Sell
Your Paper Money Collection?
You've enjoyed collecting paper money for years, and now you're thinking of selling. You could grade, price,
photograph, and describe each item yourself, and publish ads in periodicals. You might send out a fixed price list, or
write an auction catalogue and mail it to thousands of potential customers. You could offer the notes online, or try to
establish a fair wholesale price and offer everything to your local dealer. In the end, most experienced dealers and
collectors choose to consign to a full-set -vice numismatic auction company, or try to get an offer from a buyer whose
integrity is beyond reproach.
Why do leading collectors and dealers select Smythe? They choose us because they know that there is no substitute
for our decades of numismatic experience, our unmatched professional research facilities, our world-class auction
catalogues, and our unquestioned reputation for integrity. They choose us mainly because they know that Smythe
gets results!
Thinking of Consigning? Be Sure to Ask These Important Questions
Where will my material be auctioned?
Smythe's paper money auctions are held in conjunction with
major paper money shows such as the Memphis International,
or in the most important numismatic venue in America, New
York City. Smythe now has the largest numismatic facility in
New York City, featuring our own auction rooms, viewing
rooms, conference rooms, and sales gallery.
Who will catalogue my paper money?
Before you give your material to any auction house, be sure to
find out who will catalogue it, and ask for their qualifications.
Smythe has a full-time staff of nationally recognized experts
including Stephen Goldsmith, Scott Lindquist, Martin Gengerke
as well as Caleb Esterline, and our expert consultants, Bruce
Hagen and Bruce Smart.
When will my collection be auctioned?
At shows, we won't sell your lots during convention hours,
when dealers who are potential buyers need to be at their own
tables. We won't sell your collection at three AM, because we
care about our bidders, our consignors, and the well-being of
our own staff.
What will the commission rates be?
Smythe's commission rates are highly competitive. Check with
us before you think of going elsewhere. You'll be pleasantly
Are cash advances available?
Smythe is always ready to provide instant cash advances on any
collection, regardless of size.
Are there any hidden charges?
No. Smythe will not charge you extra for photography, lotting,
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How soon do I get paid?
No one pays faster than Smythe. You will receive your money
within 28 business days. Bank wires and early payment plans
are available.
Find out just how easy it is to consign
your collection. Call 800-622-1880 or 212-943-1880 and
ask for Stephen Goldsmith, Martin Gengerke, Scott Lindquist or
Caleb Esterline, or visit our Website today.
What if I want to sell my collection now?
Smythe will be happy to make an offer. Call us, and we will help you arrange for fully-insured shipping. If your collection is large
enough, we will come to you.
Is Smythe is the right company for you?
We suggest you visit our Website, , and see what our many satisfied customers are saying about us. We can also
provide you with impeccable institutional references. We look forward to hearing from you, today!
Toll Free: 800-622-1880
Fax: 212-312-6370
We buy, sell and auction the very best in Numismatics: Currency and Coins
Autographs, Photographs and Historic American Collectibles 2 Rector Street, 12th Floor
Scripophily: Antique Stocks and Bonds New York, NY 10006
d:4r, 1 • ) )
oi .4
It 300
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Where Is the Best Place to Buy Obsolete,
CSA, Colonial or Federal Paper Money?
If you collect Obsolete, Colonial, CSA, International or Federal Currency, you already know that Smythe is one of the
leading numismatic auction companies in America. What many people don't know is that Smythe also sells currency
directly to collectors and dealers. We have one of the largest inventories of paper in the country, and a full-time staff
of numismatic experts, always ready to help you in any way they can. Smythe offers correctly graded notes for
immediate sale through numismatic periodicals, price lists, our online shop, and now, in our brand new sales gallery
located in the heart of New York's Financial District.
At Smythe, you can buy with absolute confidence. Every item is guaranteed authentic, as long as you own it. Every
item is correctly graded, realistically priced, and completely guaranteed.
Visit Our Brand New Sales Gallery, Auction Rooms and Offices
Smythe's brand new sales gallery is open to the public 9AM - 5PM, weekdays, featuring a choice selection of U.S. and
international currency, coins, autographs, numismatic books, and many other items relating to financial history.
Come in and see us in person. You'll be glad you did!
Speak to Our Leading Experts
Our goal at Smythe is to provide the highest level of numismatic service. That means our experts are here to serve
you. If you have a numismatic problem, or question, we're here to help. Call, write, send an email, or visit us in
person. We would love to hear from you!
Visit Us Online
Please visit our Website, , and you will also see hundreds of items for sale, with more being added
every day. We also invite you to see what our many satisfied customers are saying about us.
See Us at Major Numismatic Conventions
In the next few months we will be attending, or have tables at, the following numismatic conventions:
Florida United Numismatists, January 8-11
New York International Numismatic Convention, January 15-18
Chicago Paper Money Expo, February 26-29
Central States Numismatic Society, May 6-9
Memphis International Paper Money Show, June 18-20
Attend Our Own Shows and Auctions
17th Annual Strasburg Stock and Bond Auction, February 5-8 • Coins, Paper Money, March
Autographs, May • Coins, Paper Money, Stocks and Bonds, July 24th, held in conjunction
with the New York Invitational Show, held at the Grand Hyatt, New York City
Autographs, Fall 2004 • Paper Money, Stocks and Bonds, June 2005, held in conjunction with the Memphis
International Paper Money Show, Memphis, Tennessee
Toll Free: 800-622-1880
Fax: 212-312-6370
info @,
We buy, sell and auction the very best in Numismatics: Currency and Coins
Autographs. Photographs and Historic American Collectibles 2 Rector Street, 12111 Floor
Scripophilr: Antique Stocks and Bonds New York, NY 10006
8 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Accordingly, in 1850, the State Bank of Ohio solicited bids from most of
the major bank note companies for all of its business. With 41 branches, the
State Bank of Ohio represented a huge contract opportunity and a number of
companies responded. The winner of the competition turned out to be
Draper, Welsh and Co. of Philadelphia. The year, 1851 was a busy time for
both the Bank and Draper, Welsh and Co., with the logistics for designing and
producing new bank notes being established. The Bank was pushing for deliv-
ery, as it was trying to withdraw the old notes from circulation on an expedited
basis. At the same time, Draper, Welsh & Co. had to design completely new
$1, $3, $5, and $10 notes from the ground up, and still deliver huge quantities
of bank notes to its anxious customer.
It was decided to feature well known Ohio figures on the new series of
notes. There was an early decision to feature the bank's President, Gustavus
Swan, on the $1 denomination:
Figure 2. The $1 issue of the State
Bank of Ohio featured its first
President, Gustavus Swan
The Honorable Gustavus Swan was born July 15, 1786, in Sharon, NH.
He settled in Columbus, OH in 1812 and was married there on October 14,
1819. Swan was active in both politics and banking, serving as State
Representative, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, State Fund
Commissioner, President of the Franklin Bank of Columbus from 1823-1843,
and President of the State Bank of Ohio from 1845 until his retirement from
the Bank on November 21, 1854. Gustavus Swan passed away on February 6,
There is a rather amusing story connected with Swan which also gives
insight into both the process and politics involved in selecting portraits for use
on this series of notes. Apparently both the Board of Control and the
Executive Committee were given input into the selection of portraits. Based
on the following two letters, apparently the Board of Control overruled an ear-
lier decision made by the Executive Committee. Both letters are written by
Swan, one day apart:
Letter of May 23, 1851
To: His Excellency R. Wood, Gov. of Ohio
Dear Sir, I have been directed by the Board of Control to ask permission to
have placed upon the new notes ordered by the State Bank of Ohio your portrait
amongst others of our citizens and if that permission should be granted to request
of you the further favor that you would sit for a daguerreotype and forward to this
office at your earliest convenience. I hardly need add that any little expenses will
be paid by me. I am G. Swan
Same to E. Lane
J. Burnet
/1/\2,111 ---__6001(
• 4,1 SER
A wealth of information about vignettes, the engravers who created
them and the artists who painted the original paintings that were the
basis for the vignettes. These miniature works of art are recorded,
illustrated and identified by their official titles that were assigned to
them by the engraving companies with examples of their use on obso-
lete bank notes. This Volume Ill is completely original in its own
right, but it's also a necessary companion to Volumes I & II. A refund
if you are not satisfied for any reason.
$22.95 pp
Order from your favorite dealer or from the author:
ROGER H. DURAND Re°hot(h8, MA 02769
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4 3/4 x 3 3/4 $18.50 $33.50 $150.00 $260.00
Colonial 5 1/3 x 3 1 /16 19.00 35.00 160.00 290.00
Small Currency 6 5/8 X 2 7/8 19.50 37.50 165.00 310.00
Large Currency 7 7/8 x 3 1 /3 22.00 41.00 184.00 340.00
Auction 9 x 3 3/4 24.00 44.00 213.00 375.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
Checks 95/8 x 4 1/4 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 9
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10 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 3. The $3 note featured two
well known judges, Jacob Burnet and
Ebenezer Lane.
R. Wood, is Reuben Wood, who served as Governor of Ohio from 1850
—1853. Governor Wood was the first Democrat since 1842 to make a success-
ful bid for the Governorship and ironically was an advocate of hard money,
although not a radical anti-bank man. I am speculating that powers that be at
the State Bank of Ohio thought that it would be a good idea to picture
Governor Wood on one of the Bank's notes since it suggested, at least, the
Governor's tacit support of the Bank. In addition, the letter was also sent to
Judge Ebenezer Lane, who sat on the Ohio Supreme Court until 1845 and
Judge Jacob Burnet who also sat on the Ohio Supreme Court and served a term
in the United States Senate from 1828-1833.
If we stopped here, it all seems straightforward enough, doesn't it?
Picturing the Governor and two respected jurists on notes was an easy concept
to understand. That is until you read the second letter, sent one day later:
Letter of May 24, 1851
To: J. Kilgour, W.B. Hubbard, H. Williams
Dear Sir, I find upon the record of the last Board of Control a Resolution
of which the enclosed is a copy. Not having had an opportunity of hearing the
discussions, if any, upon the subject, and finding nothing in the report of the
Select court. to aid me in the interpretation, I am led to ask you as a personal
favor to withdraw your assent to have your portrait placed upon the new notes. I
can hardly suppose that the portraits specially named in the resolution were
intended to supersede those agreed upon by the Ex. Comt. and yet the terms
employed would rather seem to warrant such inference. I shall be happy to
receive a reply.
G. Swan
Same to W.B. Hubbard
And I-I. Williams
Obviously President Swan has been blindsided by a change of heart by
the Board of Control, overriding the Executive Committee's choices for por-
traits to appear on the new notes, and was asking these three gentlemen to
withdraw themselves from consideration (which all three apparently did). John
Kilgour, William B. Hubbard, and Hosea Williams were all intimately involved
in the State Bank of Ohio's operation, and I am again speculating that the
Board may have reconsidered these choices based on the perception that it was
"taking care of its own" by selecting them to appear on the new note designs.
Other subsequent letters and telegrams confirm that these changes were made.
The $3 note featured portraits of Judge Jacob Burnet (Left) and Judge
Ebenezer Lane (Right). As you will recall from the correspondence just dis-
cussed, both of these gentlemen were last minute substitutions.
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12 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 4. This woeful counterfeit on
the Xenia Branch illustrates how
badly portraits could be done.
Jacob Burnet was born in Newark, NJ on February 22, 1770, and gradu-
ated with honors from Nassau Hall, Princeton in 1791. He was admitted to the
bar in 1796 and moved to Cincinnati, where his father had made significant
investments. Burnet was appointed to the First Legislative Council (an interim
form of pre-statehood government) by President John Adams in 1798. He was
married to Rebecca Wallace on January 2, 1800, and had eleven children, five
of whom survived him. Jacob Burnet remained an active member of the
Council until the organization of state government in the course of 1802-1803.
Judge Burnet felt that the statehood movement was premature and retired from
politics to focus on the legal profession for a period of nearly ten years, before
serving in the state legislature from 1812-1816.
Burnet retired from his law practice in 1817, and then served as the first
President of the Cincinnati Branch of the (Second) Bank of the United States
from 1817 until approximately 1820. In 1821 he was appointed by the
Governor to be a Judge on the bench of the Ohio Supreme Court, which seat
he held until 1828. In 1828, he was elected to the United States Senate to fill a
vacancy occasioned by the resignation of General William H. Harrison. It was
understood that he would not stand for re-election and upon the expiration of
his term in 1833, he again retired to private life until his death on May 10,
1853, at the age of eighty-three.
Ebenezer Lane was born in Northampton, MA on September 17, 1793.
He graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1811. After graduation, he
began the study of law and began practicing law in 1814. Feeling that there
were more opportunities in the West, Lane and his step brother Herman Ely
(founder of Elyria, Ohio) journeyed to the wilds of northern Ohio in 1817.
After marrying Frances Ann Griswold "back east" the newlyweds returned to
Elyria in 1818. In 1819, the family moved to Norwalk, OH where Ebenezer
Lane served as the Prosecuting Attorney for Huron County. In 1824, Lane
was appointed Judge of Common Pleas of the second circuit.
He continued in this office until 1830 when he was appointed to the Ohio
Supreme Court. Lane served on the Ohio Supreme Court until he resigned as
Chief Justice in February, 1845. Ebenezer Lane then turned his attention to
various railroad involvements in Ohio until 1855. From 1855 to 1859, Lane
served as counsel and resident director of the Illinois Central Railroad, living in
Chicago. After resigning from this position, Judge Lane spent the better part
of a year exploring Europe before returning to the United States on April 27,
1860. Judge Ebenezer Lane died on June 12, 1866 and was buried in
Sandusky, OH.
The $5 note features the portraits of Governor Reuben Wood and Alfred
Kelley. As you will recall, Governor Wood was the third of the "last minute
substitutes." The portrait of Governor Wood has proven to be troublesome
because it is not a perfect match with other portraits of the Governor that are
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 13
somewhat contemporary. The attribution is based on documentary evidence in
the form of several letters and telegrams that his portrait was used and by the
process of elimination. The $5 is the only note he could have appeared on,
given that all of the other portraits are clearly correctly attributed based upon
comparison with other identified portraits.
Governor Reuben Wood served as the Chief Executive of Ohio from
1850 to 1853. He was born in Middletown, VT in 1792. In 1807, he went to
Canada to live with an Uncle and was actually drafted into the Canadian army
at the outbreak of the War of 1812. He escaped to the United States and
served in the U.S. Army until the conclusion of the war when he returned
home to Vermont to complete his legal studies. In 1816 he married Mary Rice
and moved to Cleveland, OH two years later with his wife, infant daughter, and
$1.25 in his pocket. He soon entered politics and served as State Senator from
1825 through 1830. In 1830 he was elected president judge of the court of
common pleas for the third judicial district of Ohio. Wood served on the State
Supreme Court from 1833 to 1847.
A Democrat, Wood was elected Governor of Ohio in 1850, but was
effectively limited to a term of one year under the terms of the new State
Constitution because it called for the election of officials in odd-numbered
years. He was reelected in the fall of 1851 for a second term. Wood was a
moderate "hard money" man, although he did not hold radical "anti-bank"
views. In 1853, Wood resigned to become the American Counsel to Chile,
where he remained until 1855. In that year he returned to Cleveland to prac-
tice law. Soon thereafter he retired to farming near Rockport, Ohio until his
death on October 1, 1864. Survived by his wife and two daughters, Wood was
buried first on his farm and then in Woodlawn Cemetery, Cleveland.
Alfred Kelley, the State Senator who was the floor manager for the legis-
lation creating the State Bank of Ohio in 1845, was born November 7, 1789, in
Middlefield, CT. He came to Ohio in 1810 and became prosecuting attorney
for Cuyahoga County. He served as the first President of the village of
Cleveland in 1815 and also served as a State Representative and State Senator.
He had an early association with banking, serving as the President of the
Commercial Bank of Lake Erie in 1816. He also served as the President of sev-
eral railroads.
Kelley served on the State Canal Commission and became heavily
involved in championing the Ohio & Erie Canal starting in 1823. Kelley skill-
fully maneuvered legislation so that construction on the canal began in 1825.
He personally supervised the work and brought the project in with the lowest
cost per mile of any canal of comparable length in the United States or Europe.
In 1844, Kelley was elected to the State Senate and turned his attention to
Figure 5. The $5 note featured the
portraits of Governor Reuben Wood
(left) and Alfred Kelly (right).
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14 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
banking legislation. The resulting General Banking Act of 1845 (also known as
the Kelley Bank Act in his honor) established both the State Bank of Ohio as
well as Independent Banks. Kelley married Mary Seymour Welles in 1817 and
had eleven children, of whom five died in infancy. Alfred Kelley passed away
on December 2, 1859, and was buried in Columbus, Ohio.
The $10 note featured the portraits of Judge John McLean (left) and
Judge Peter Hitchcock (right):
Figure 6. The $10 featured portraits
of two more well known jurists.
Judge John McLean was born March 11, 1785 in Morris County, NJ.
The family moved to Virginia and then to Ohio in 1797. McLean worked on
the family farm until 1801 when he began the study of languages. In 1803 he
went to work at the Clerk's Office of Hamilton County where he was first
exposed to the law. In 1807 McLean was admitted to the practice of law and
settled in Lebanon, OH. McLean was elected to Congress in 1812 as a
Democrat and served in that role until 1816 when he was elected as a Judge on
the Ohio Supreme Court. In 1822, he received a Presidential appointment to
serve as Commissioner of the General Land Office but only held that office for
about a year before becoming Postmaster General on July 1, 1823. He held
this post for six years and turned the department around in terms of both
finances and service.
President Andrew Jackson was so impressed with McLean's abilities that
he nominated him to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Judge
McLean's nomination was ratified and he served in this position from 1830
until 1861. Judge McLean's name came up several times as a Presidential can-
didate between the 1830s and 1860. In 1856, for example, he received 196
votes for President at the Republican National Convention (as compared to
Fremont's 359). Judge John McLean passed away in Cincinnati on April 4,
1861, just eight days before the start of the Civil War.
Judge Peter Hitchcock was born in Cheshire, CT, on October 19, 1781.
He graduated from Yale in 1801 and was admitted to the bar in 1803. He mar-
ried Nabby Cook in 1805 and had ten children, two of whom died in infancy
and one at the age of fourteen. In 1806, the family moved to Burton, OH.
Hitchcock was elected to the Ohio Legislature in 1810 and the State Senate in
1812. He served as Speaker of the Senate from 1815 to1816. He served in the
United States Congress from 1816 to 1818, at which time he was nominated as
a judge on the Ohio Supreme Court and served in that role until 1832.
Hitchcock returned to the State Senate from 1832 to 1835. From 1835 to 1842
it was back to the Ohio Supreme Court. After a three year period in which
Hitchcock practiced private law, he returned to the Ohio Supreme Court yet
again from 1845 to 1852. Judge Peter Hitchcock also served as a delegate to
Ohio's 1850 Constitutional Convention. He passed away on March 4, 1853.
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 15
When the State Bank of Ohio introduced $2 and $20 denominations in
1856, the portraits used were again of national figures, Daniel Webster (on the
$2) and Henry Clay (on the $20). However, the next major redesign cycle
which started in 1859 returned once again to famous Ohioans. The first
denomination to be redesigned was the $10 which featured a portrait of Dr.
John Andrews:
Dr. John Andrews was born on April 12, 1805, in Steubenville, OH. He
studied medicine and was a practicing surgeon and physician for more than 20
years. Due to health problems, Dr Andrews retired from medicine but contin-
ued other interests, including banking. When the State Bank of Ohio was
formed in 1845, he was one of the largest stockholders of the Jefferson Branch
at Steubenville and served as its President. Dr. Andrews became the second
President of the State Bank of Ohio upon the retirement of Gustavus Swan on
November 21, 1854, and served in that capacity until his death on November
14, 1866. Dr. Andrews also served on the Board of Control and Executive
The $1 note was the next to be completely redesigned by American Bank
Note Company in 1860. Hosea Williams, who had been bumped off of the
1851 series notes, was honored by having his portrait placed on the new $1.
Due to the volume of $ls issued, Williams' face probably received wider distri-
bution than if he had been chosen as originally planned.
Figure 7. Issued $10s of this design
contain an autograph of John
Andrews, whose portrait appears on
the right, since all notes of $5 or
more were signed by the President.
Figure 8. Hosea Williams, once
dropped from the final list, finally
made it onto a note in 1860.
Hosea Williams was born in 1792 in Massachusetts and moved to
Delaware, Ohio in 1817. He established a general mercantile business in
Delaware in 1819. Williams became an associate judge of the common pleas
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16 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
court and became involved in banking when he was elected President of the
Delaware Branch of the State Bank of Ohio in 1845. Judge Williams also
served on both the Board of Control and Executive Committee of the State
Bank of Ohio until the institution ceased operation. The Delaware Branch
converted to a National Bank form of business, becoming the Delaware
County National Bank (Charter # 853) on January 10, 1865. Judge Williams
assumed the Presidency of this bank, a position he held until his death on
February 12, 1876.
The $2 note also was extensively redesigned in 1861 and featured por-
traits of John Bacon (Left) and William A. Otis (Right):
Figure 9. American Bank Note
Company completely redesigned the
$2 note in 1861.
John Bacon was born in Connecticut in 1797 and moved to Springfield,
Ohio in 1818. For a number of years he was engaged in the manufacture of
harnesses and saddles. The profits from this venture were invested in real
estate and the discounting of notes. John Bacon served as the President of the
Mad River Valley Branch of the State Bank of Ohio in Springfield and also was
a member of both the Board of Control and the Executive Committee. When
the State Bank of Ohio wound up its affairs, the branch converted to a national
bank form of business, becoming the Mad River National Bank (Charter #
1146) in 1865. John Bacon served as President of the Mad River National
Bank until his death in 1870
William A. Otis was born on February 2, 1794, in Massachusetts. He
moved to Pittsburgh in 1818, working in the ironworks. In 1820, he moved to
Bloomfield, OH, opening a tavern and mercantile business. Otis later turned
to shipping commodities such as wool, pork, and wheat to the east coast and for
the next twenty years was one of the leading shippers in the area. In 1836, he
moved his business to Cleveland where he supported the building of better
infrastructure such as roads and rail lines. William Otis was also involved in
banking, serving as President of the Commercial Branch of the State Bank of
Ohio in Cleveland, the Society for Savings, and the firm of Wick, Otis &
Brownell. When the State Bank of Ohio wound down its operations, he served
as President of the Commercial National Bank of Cleveland (Charter #807),
the Commercial Branch's reincarnation as a National Bank in 1865. Otis also
served on the State Bank of Ohio's Board of Control and Executive
Committee. William A. Otis passed away on May 11, 1868, in Cleveland.
The $3 and $5 notes underwent more minor changes and the portraits
utilized in the 1851 series of notes were retained although on the $5, Governor
Wood and Alfred Kelley swapped ends of the note. Unlike most of the 1851
series notes, the 1859-1863 redesign cycle relied on State Bank of Ohio "insid-
ers" as the subjects for new portraits. All of the late American Bank Note
Company produced notes are very rare (with the exception of the $1 which is
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18 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
still scarce) because the Branches stopped issuing notes circa 1862-1863 and
began winding up their affairs in preparation for their conversion to National
Banks in most cases.
Independent Banks
The General Banking Act of 1845 also created a second class of banks
which were, unlike the State Bank of Ohio branch network, stand-alone single
location banks. The so-called Independent Banks were supervised by the State
Treasurer whose responsibilities included arranging for note design and pro-
duction. The circulation of the Independent Banks was secured by bonds of
Ohio or the United States which were to be deposited with the Treasurer.
Circulation, up to the total value of the bonds so deposited, could be issued.
The banks received the interest on the bonds unless the bonds fell below par
for four consecutive weeks or they refused to redeem their notes. Failure to
redeem notes presented for payment was reason for the Treasurer to close the
bank, sell the securities held for the bank, and pay off outstanding circulation
with the proceeds. Due to fluctuations in the bond market, there was some loss
to the note holders when several of these banks were wound up by the state.
Twelve banks were formed under this Act, with only eight surviving to 1860.
Like the State Bank of Ohio, the Independent Banks all had charters which
expired on May 1, 1866. While a number of banks converted to National Bank
forms of business, the percentage was much lower than that of the State Bank
of Ohio branches.
From a bank note design perspective, the concepts employed for the
Independent Bank were somewhat "out of the box" for the time. The bank
note companies were to execute standard designs for each denomination for all
of the banks, with only minor differences (oval versus rectangular frames
around portraits for example) allowed. Thus, to the casual observer, all of the
notes of any given denomination were "the same" for all of the Independent
Banks. The participating bank note companies did not even do all of the notes
for each customer bank. There is documentary evidence that, just like fraction-
al currency, one company did the faces of some notes while another did the
backs. Since the state was involved in negotiating the business, I suspect that
the common designs and printing logistics were a way of containing cost and
keeping the bank note companies from getting too powerful. The use of com-
mon designs did lead to some problems later when notes of closed or failed
Independent Banks were altered to appear to be those of other then-current
Independent Banks.
As a general rule, the portraits used for Independent Banks were those of
former Whig Governors of the State of Ohio. In 1845, the Whigs controlled
both houses of the legislature and the Governor, and so it is supposed that they
decided to put their heroes on the notes since the Democrats did not have the
votes to stop them. There were a few exceptions, some of them with interesting
stories which we will look at shortly.
The Independent Banks generally issued $1, $3, $5, and $10 notes with
only a few issuing $2 notes and, in isolated cases, $20, and $50 notes.
The $1 showed not one but two Governors of Ohio. It featured the por-
traits of Governors Thomas Worthington (Center) and Duncan McArthur
Governor Thomas Worthington served as the sixth Governor of Ohio
from 1814 to 1818. Born in present-day West Virginia in 1773, Worthington
was orphaned at the age of seven and had little formal education. After going
to sea for two years, he farmed the modest estate he had inherited from his
father before moving to Chillicothe, OH in 1798 along with his brother-in-
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 19
law, Edward Tiffin (First Governor of Ohio), and their families. Worthington
was elected to both the first and second Territorial Legislatures and was a
member of the 1802 Constitutional Convention leading up to Ohio statehood
in 1803. Worthington was elected as one of Ohio's first two United States
Senators and served two terms, 1803 to 1807 and 1811 to 1814. In between
these two terms he served in the Ohio legislature from 1807 to 1808. In 1814
he was elected Governor and served two terms until 1818. Returning briefly to
private life, he served three terms in the state house of representatives between
1821 and 1825. In failing health, he died on a business trip in New York City
on June 20, 1827. He is buried in Grandview Cemetery, Chillicothe, OH. He
and his wife Eleanor were married in 1796 and had ten children.
Governor Duncan McArthur served as the eleventh Governor of Ohio
from 1830 to 1832. He was born on January 14, 1772, in Dutchess County,
NY. The family moved to western Pennsylvania in 1780. His family was of
very modest means and Duncan was hired out to work on a number of nearby
farms as a child. As a result he had no formal education. Duncan McArthur
spent the next years surveying the frontier and participating in the Indian
Wars. McArthur settled with his wife in Chillicothe in 1797. He began buying
land and was soon one of the richest men in the area. He became involved in
politics and served numerous terms in both houses of the Ohio Legislature
between 1804 and 1830.
During the War of 1812, he accepted a commission as a brigadier general
in the United States army and in 1814 was placed in command of the army in
the Northwest. Most portraits of McArthur, including the one
used for the $1 note, depict him in uniform. McArthur served as
a director of the Chillicothe branch of the Bank of the United
States and went to the United States Congress in 1823 as a pro-
ponent of a national bank. In 1830 he was elected Governor by a
slim margin. Retiring to private life in 1832, his health rapidly
declined and he died in Chillicothe on April 29, 1839. Survived
by five of his eleven children, he was buried in Grandview
Cemetery in Chillicothe.
The $2 note was only used by a few of the Independent
Banks but carries an interesting insight into how the process
worked, via letters written by the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati
and the State Treasurer. The $2 is one of the exceptions to the
"Governor Portraits" rule which was applied to most of the
Independent Bank designs. Other differences in the design from
bank to bank also are uncharacteristic of other denominations in
the series.
The Treasurer apparently was inclined to use the portrait of
Thomas Ewing on the $2 and, in fact, it was used on the denomi-
Figure 10. The $1 note featured the
portraits of Governors Thomas
Worthington (Center) and Duncan
McArthur (Right).
Figure 11. Thomas Ewing was the
object of a lengthy exchange between
the Treasurer of Ohio and a bank
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20 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 12. The $3 note features two
former Governors, Tiffin (center) and
Morrow (right).
nation for other banks. The Cashier of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati
wrote to the State Treasurer on June 14, 1845:
".. With regard to the 2s you mention that you would like to have on them
the likenesses of Gov. Vance and Mr. Ewing. Our understanding here was that
portraits were to be those of the Ex-Governors, and to this I suppose that even
party skins could make no objection — particularly if some of the democratic gov-
ernors should be included in the selection. But I should doubt the policy of select-
ing the likeness of a politician, who has not been a Governor, and one so conspic-
uous, & so obnoxious to his political opponents as Mr. Ewing. It would be giving
a party character to the notes which would not be desirable. I would greatly prefer
the likeness of Gov. Corwin or if that has been used, any of the Ex Governors.
Toppan has made a very fine bust of Corwin.
Very Respy
James Hall Cas"
Mr. Hall seemed to have some very strongly held opinions about Thomas
Ewing, a prominent state and national Whig political figure. His wishes
regarding the right not to use Ewing's portrait did not extend to the $2 notes
issued by other Independent Banks that continued to feature Ewing's portrait.
It is not known if the Commercial Bank $2 used Ewing's portrait. All of the
other $2s observed also only feature a single portrait rather than the two men-
tioned in this letter. It certainly seems that Mr. Hall had a compulsion to do
the Treasurer's job as well as his own!
Thomas Ewing was born near West Liberty, VA (now West Virginia) on
December 28, 1789. The family moved to Ohio in 1792. He graduated from
Ohio University and was admitted to the bar in 1816. Thereafter he practiced
law in Lancaster, OH until elected to the United States Senate in 1830 as an
anti-Jackson Whig. He served from 1831 to 1837. Ewing served as Secretary
of the Treasury in 1841 and as Secretary of the Interior from 1849 to 1850.
He was appointed to fill a Senate vacancy of some seven months duration in
1851 but failed to win the election for another term. He attended the Peace
Convention held in Washington on the eve of the Civil War and was appoint-
ed Secretary of War by Andrew Johnson in 1868 although the Senate failed to
confirm the appointment. Thomas Ewing died in Lancaster on October 26,
1871, and is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in that city.
The $3 note features the portraits of Governors Edward Tiffin and
Jeremiah Morrow as part of a standardized design format. The identification
of Morrow's portrait has a slight bit of uncertainty to it due to the other avail-
able portrait showing an older Morrow, but the facial features are quite consis-
Governor Edward Tiffin, the first Governor of Ohio from 1803 to 1807,
was born on June 10, 1766 in Carlisle, England. In 1784, after completing his
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22 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 13. The $5 denomination
featured Governor Thomas
Corwin (right).
medical training and apprenticeship, he came to America with the rest of his
family. Settling in Charles Town, VA (now West Virginia), he began the prac-
tice of medicine although still only 17-years-old. He married Mary
Worthington, sister of Ohio's eleventh Governor Thomas Worthington, in the
late 1780s. He and his family moved to Chillicothe, OH, along with the
Worthingtons, in 1798. Tiffin almost immediately became immersed in poli-
tics. He served in the territorial house of representatives from 1799 to 1801
and as President of Constitutional Convention in 1802.
Worthington was elected governor in 1803 and served in that capacity
until 1807. He was elected to the United States Senate and served from 1807 to
March, 1809, when he resigned to return home after the death of his wife in
July, 1808. He was almost immediately elected to the Ohio House of
Representatives where he served two terms as Speaker from 1809 to 1811. In
1812 he was appointed Commissioner of the General Land Office and served
in that position until 1814 when he became Surveyor General for the
Northwest, a position he held for the next fifteen years, He left this position
only weeks before his death on August 9, 1829. He is buried in Grandview
Cemetery in Chillicothe.
Governor Jeremiah Morrow served as the ninth Governor of Ohio from
1822 to 1826. He was born on October 6, 1771, near Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania and spent his youth assisting on his father's farm and getting an
education. In 1794, he moved to Ohio, eventually settling in Warren County
in 1799 along with his wife, Mary. He was elected to the second Territorial
Legislature and was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1802. The
year 1803 saw Morrow serving as a state Senator. Six months later he was
elected as Ohio's first Congressman, a position he held from 1803 to 1813. He
then became a United States Senator from 1813 until 1819.
Morrow did not seek reelection to the Senate and returned home.
However, after serving as Canal Commissioner from 1820 to 1822, Morrow
was elected Governor and served in that position from 1822 to 1826. He again
served in the state Senate from 1827 to 1828 and in the lower house from 1829
to 1830 and 1835 to 1836. Five years later, 1841 saw Morrow heading back to
Washington as a Congressman where he served until 1843. Passing his last
years in private life, he died on March 22, 1852, and was buried in Union
Cemetery, near his Lebanon, Ohio home.
The $5 note was a hybrid of sorts from a portraiture perspective. Henry
Clay, a widely known national political figure, was shown on the $5 along with
Governor Thomas Corwin.
Thomas Corwin served as Governor of Ohio from 1840 to 1842. He was
born in Bourbon County, KY in 1794, but was raised in Lebanon, OH since he
was four. His father had been heavily involved in politics, and Corwin was not
fir dl////////.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 23
far behind, serving in the state legislature from 1821 to 1823 and 1829 to 1830.
The 1830s would find him serving five terms in Congress. His humor and wit
served him well as a national spokesman for the Whigs, and he was elected
Governor in 1840 after speaking in virtually every corner of the state. Corwin
had been a proponent of a state bank and the rechartering of existing banks
which were deemed as "safe." The anti-bank Democrats, however, controlled
the state Senate and as a result nothing happened. In 1844, Corwin was elected
to the United States Senate and served until 1850 when he became Secretary of
the Treasury. In 1853 Corwin retired from politics to resume his law practice
back home in Lebanon.
In 1858 he returned to the United States Congress and served until 1861
when he resigned to act as Lincoln's Minister to Mexico until 1864. Corwin's
opposition to the Mexican War was a plus in this position, and he managed to
keep Mexico in the Union camp throughout the war. After returning from
Mexico, Corwin settled in Washington, DC, practicing law until his death on
December 18, 1865. He was laid to rest in the Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon,
The $10, like the $5 saw a hybrid mix of portraits. The featured portraits
were those of widely known national political figure William H. Harrison and
Governor Joseph Vance.
Governor Joseph Vance was Ohio's thirteenth Governor from 1836 to
1838. He was born in the wonderfully named Catfish, PA on March 21, 1786.
About 1801, the family moved to a farm outside of Urbana, OH. In 1805, he
moved to Urbana and two years later married Mary Lemen. Vance raised a
rifle company during the War of 1812 and rose to the rank of Major General of
the Ohio Militia. He served in the Ohio House of Representatives from 1813
to 1816 and 1819 to 1820. Vance then served in the United States House of
Representatives from 1821 to 1835. After losing a close reelection battle in
1834, Vance ran on the Whig ticket for Governor and won in 1836.
Governor Vance supported public education and the Internal
Improvements programs within the state and also supported the recharter of
the Bank of the United States. He was elected to the state Senate for the 1839
and 1841 sessions and then again elected in 1842 to the United States House of
Representatives where he served from 1843 to 1847. On his way back from the
state Constitutional Convention in December, 1850, he suffered a stroke and
was forced to retire from his duties. He died at his home near Urbana on
August 24, 1852, and was buried in Oak Dale Cemetery.
The $20 and $50 denominations were little used. The $20 had portraits
of John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson and the $50 carried no portraits of
Ohio's "Home State Heroes."
Figure 14. The $10 note featured
Governor Joseph Vance (left).
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24 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 15. The $20 had stock por-
traits of national figures, Presidents
John Quincy Adams and Andrew
Jackson, probably because of low
Free or Ohio State Stock Banks
The Ohio Democrats, reacting to calls for the establishment of additional
banks to support the growth and needs of the state's economy, passed their
own version of a general banking law, known as the Free Banking Law of 1851.
Under the provisions of this law, banks had to deposit bonds of the State of
Ohio or the United States equal to at least 60% of their capital with the
Auditor of State. The Auditor of State was responsible for having bank notes
produced and furnished to the banks. The amount provided was equal to the
amount of bonds deposited, but not more than three times the bank's capital.
Specie (or deposits with sound east coast banks) equal to 30% of the outstand-
ing circulation was to be kept on hand at all times. All banks organized under
the act were to accept each other's notes. All charters were to be in effect until
1872, but could then be renewed as long as the Law was not repealed.
Seventeen banks were formed under this legislation. Most were formed in 1851
to 1852 before the Ohio Attorney General issued an opinion that no new banks
could be authorized under this act due to the new state constitution. No addi-
tional banks were authorized until after the State Supreme Court issued a deci-
sion in 1856 reversing the Attorney General's opinion.
In an effort to minimize cost, the state of Ohio again decided to do a
"common plate" approach for all of the Free Banks which resulted in each
bank's notes being identical to all the others except for the bank name appear-
ing on the face of the note. Also, perhaps as another move to save money, only
common vignettes of national figures were used.
The 1851 Records from Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson of Cincinnati,
the only firm selected to print the notes, indicate that they apparently pre-
pared a single heavy duty, thick, steel plate with "50 pieces movable titles" to
produce a $3-$1-$5-$10 sheet of four notes. Also planned was a pair of paper
moulds with the watermark "OHIO STATE STOCK BANK."
Since apparently the notes for all 13 banks authorized in 1851 and 1852
were to be printed from a single steel plate with the bank name "movable titles"
dropped into the plate as needed to fill orders, the firm seems to have decided
to use a heavy duty plate which was at least twice as thick as standard plates so
that it would stand up to the pounding it was going to take. Only a very few of
these 1851 notes have been found on watermarked paper and counterfeit detec-
tors of the day do not make mention of checking for the watermark as a means
of detecting counterfeits. It is, therefore, not at all clear if watermarked paper
was ever used (or just used for a short period of time), or whether all four notes
on the sheet had a watermark. One thing that is clear is that these notes were
produced by "the low bidder." The notes are not at all attractive and it is diffi-
PAPER MONEY • January/February 1999 • Whole No. 199
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26 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Figure 16. A common plate 1851
Free Bank issue.
cult to separate the genuine notes (of which there are very few) from the coun-
terfeit (which include a vast majority of the notes seen today). To compound
the poor work, in 1853 employees of Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson in
Cincinnati decided to run off some sheets of notes for their own use from the
genuine plate with signatures fraudulently added. This was the crowning blow
which led the state to throw out Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson and com-
pletely redesign the notes in 1853, awarding the business to firm of Bald,
Cousland & Co. of Philadelphia.
Bald, Cousland & Co. took a "modified common plate" approach mean-
ing that the basic "1853 design" for each denomination was the same, but
minor decorative details and the male portrait changed from bank to bank.
This was somewhat similar to what was done with the Independent Banks some
eight years earlier. What we do not yet understand is who all of these people
are. Two banks picture gentlemen who served as the Auditor of State. Since
the Auditor of State administered the Free Banks, it makes some sense that
Auditors of State might be portrait subjects.
Could these gentlemen ALL be former Auditors of State? The answer is
"No." There were nine Auditors of State between 1803 and 1863 and two of
them, Francis M. Wright and John A Bryan are spoken for. That leaves seven
if every one were used. Unfortunately there are ten unidentified gentlemen
which means that even if every Auditor were depicted, we run out of Auditors
of State before we run out of portrait subjects. We also know that one gentle-
man, E.F. Osborn, was a local railroad superintendent. So it appears that there
was not a clear cut guideline for whose portraits were to be used, with local
business and political figures being fair game. The problem is that it really
becomes difficult to locate portraits, identified or unidentified, of local digni-
taries from over 150 years ago. There is some hope of finding a "smoking gun"
letter in the Auditor of State archives ordering notes or selecting persons to be
used on notes, but that has not proven fruitful to date. So the hunt will contin-
ue, but the "prey" will prove to be very elusive! At any rate, three portraits have
been identified:
John A. Bryan is depicted on notes of the Bank of Marion, a Free Bank
which was in operation from 1851 until 1864 when it became the First
National Bank of Marion (Charter #287). The First National Bank liquidated
on January 12,1869. John A. Bryan, for whom Bryan, OH, is named, was born
on April 13, 1794, in Berkshire County, MA. Practicing law for some time
after moving to Ohio, he served as Auditor of State from 1833 to 1839. He
served as Charge d'Affaires to Peru from 1844 to1845 and later moved to
Wisconsin. He died in Menasha, WI on May 24, 1864, and was buried in the
Oak Hill Cemetery, Neenah, WI.
Francis M. Wright is depicted on notes of the Franklin Bank of Portage
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Figure 17. Francis M. Wright, Auditor
of State 1856-1860, is shown on notes
of the Franklin Bank of Portage
County, Franklin, a Free Bank which was in operation from 1851 to 1863,
when it voluntarily closed. Little is known about Mr. Wright other than he
served as Auditor of State from 1856 to 1860 and was a founder of the I.O.O.F.
Lodge #46 in Urbana, Ohio in 1845.
E.F. Osborn is depicted on notes of the Union Bank of Sandusky City, a
Free Bank which was in operation from 1851 to 1858-59, before closing. It is
assumed that this is Edward F. Osborn, who is listed in the 1850 Federal
Census for Erie County, Portland Township, which included Sandusky City, as
a Railroad Superintendent, born in Massachusetts in 1801. In other contempo-
rary sources, E.F. Osborn is listed as Superintendent of the Mad River & Lake
Erie Railroad. The town of Osborn, OH was named in his honor. As an inter-
esting side comment, Osborn no longer exists, having been moved in 1922 to
1925 to make way for a dam project and finally combined with Fairborn, OH
in 1950 to become one town.
Guy Kraus' Mississippi Wismer book joins distinguished series
PUBLICATION OF SPMC MEMBER GUYKraus' Mississippi Obsolete Notes and Scrip is the
newest link in the distinguished chain of SPMC books
that stretches back nearly 40 years and 20 volumes.
Kraus' 391-page catalog updates and thoroughly
revises L. Candler Leggett's similarly titled Mississippi
Wismer catalog, Mississippi Obsolete Paper Money and
Scrip, which appeared in 1975.
Kraus' work is nearly three times the size of the ear-
lier catalog, and his approach is comprehensive. In
addition to bank notes, he catalogs post notes, govern-
ment issues and private/corporate/municipal scrip
appearing in chronological periods since the first French
issue of 1699, through Spanish, English and American
control, territorial, ante-bellum, Confederate and
Reconstruction eras.
Its author takes both a collector's and an historian's
approach to his subject matter, providing a wealth of
historical details in addition to collecting tips, rarities,
imprints, with extensive cross-reference/provenance
data. The amount of research evidenced is staggering.
Commentary based on personal observations during
the 15 years in which its author labored on his catalog
are interspersed. Kraus had access to numerous dealers'
stocks and other collectors over a lengthy time frame
improving the comprehensiveness of his listing.
Additional illustrations, however, would have helped the
novice unfamiliar with the state's paper money.
Since the author has chosen to divide his catalog
into several chronological periods, running heads and a
comprehensive index would simply the book's use, too.
Kraus defends his approach: "I didn't want to create a
listing with different period notes mixed together and
give no linear history of what happened in relation to
the financial environment of the state. . . .I wanted to
give them [collectors] direction. . . . I wanted to give
the collector more than just a reference type checklist."
"A little patience and study will improve layout
familiarity. I believe the collector and dealer will be
greatly rewarded and the time well spent," Kraus added.
In addition to 16 Wismer obsolete state volumes,
SPMC has also published four books on Nationals.
Society members were offered the opportunity to
purchase the new Mississippi book for $32 prior to pub-
lication. Copies are available from dealers and/or addi-
tional details are available from the book's author Guy
Kraus, PO Box 208, Pass Christian, MS 39571-0208.
Fred Reed, Editor
28 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
A Private Recognition
By David Gladfelter
WHOSE TECHNICAL AND INVENTIVE SKILLSbrought about the dramatic Napoleonic portrait used in the1830s sample sheets of Draper, Underwood, Bald & Spencer,the bank note engraving firm?
This portrait, illustrated here, is a product of a 19th Century mechanical
device known as the medal ruling machine. This machine produced line
engravings of bas-relief images by tracing the image's three-dimensional sur-
face with a stylus attached to a moving arm. The other end of the arm held a
burin, which carved a line onto a copper or steel plate ground. By making a
series of parallel tracings across the entire medallic surface, an intaglio image of
the medal (in mirror image) would be formed on the plate, which would have a
three-dimensional appearance. The Napoleonic portrait
(with the emperor's second wife, Marie-Louise)
is from a medal engraved by Bertrand
Andrieu in 1810. Notice how the
medal ruling machine has faith-
fully copied and mirrored
Andrieu's signature below
the emperor's bust!
DUB&S used
the medal ruling
technique to pro-
duce medallic
images on many
of the bank
notes engraved
by them, both
for aesthetic
reasons and as
a deterrent to
ing. Asa
Spencer was a
partner in
DUB&S. Did
he have a role in
the machine's
In his 1975
monograph published
by the Smithsonian
Institution, Arthur H.
Frazier credits Christian
Gobrecht as being the first
American to have built a medal
ruling machine, and credits Joseph
Saxton with the development of the machine,
principally by eliminating distortions in the tracing
process and in adapting the machine to steam power. Spencer's name is not
mentioned at all by Frazier. And in their Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of All
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 29
Nations, published in 1842 and illustrated with 16 plates of coins produced by
the medal ruling process, U. S. Mint officials Jacob R. Eckfeldt and William E.
Du Bois mention Spencer only in passing: "An instrument constructed chiefly
on Mr. Gobrecht's plan by Mr. Asa Spencer, of this city, was put in operation
by him in London, in 1819; and thus this art may be justly said to have been
first introduced in Europe."
E. E. Law, Spencer's friend and executor of his will, believed that an
"injustice" had been done in that Spencer, and not Gobrecht, should be regard-
ed as having made the first American medal ruling machine. He committed
these views to manuscript notes in his copy of the Eckfeldt and Du Bois manu-
al. That book is now in my library, and I offer his notes to readers of Paper
Money, for whatever weight they care to give them.
On the front freefly, Law writes:
The reader of this useful manual will find in c. VI p. 186 an account of the
invention of medal ruling, which does great injustice to Mr. Asa Spencer, and
contains errors, which are corrected in an article in the Appendix to the XLIV
no. of Silliinan's Journal and is indispensably necessary to its true history.
That article was prepared by me from materials furnished by Mr. Spencer
who always felt and asserted that he was not treated fairly by the authors of
this work, and was justly Entitled, as I believe he was, to the credit of contriv-
ing the instrument by which such beautiful copies of coins are produced, and,
as is well known, used by him with such exquisite effect. E.E.L.
Below this, he continues:
I was the Executor of his Will.
He lies buried in Monument Cemetery (Philadelphia) with this inscription on
his monument written by me.
In memory
Asa Spencer
An Eminent Engraver
For his inventive genius
The simplicity of his manners
The integrity of his life
Died 1 Feb 1847
Further notes by Law are tipped in at page 186, where a description of
the plates is given. They read as follows:
The account here given of the instrument by which Mr. Gobrecht executed the
engravings of the medals mentioned on this page 187 is quite erroneous &
gives him credit to which he is by no means entitled. The full history of the
contrivance by which this ingenious work is accomplished may be seen in
Silliman's Journal where a statement of its origin was given through me
from facts furnished by Mr. Spencer whose character for veracity was without
a drawback and in it will appear the deception or at least disingenuous reti-
cence of Mr. Gobrecht at whose special request Mr. Spencer put together his
own ruling machine a part of the Rose Engine to enable the former to rule
curved lines.
The composition of the two was of Mr. Spencer's own suggestion — He did not
then use it himself nor did he know that the copy of the medals shown by Mr.
Gobrecht was by his instrument until he had occasion afterward to arrange di
use one in London for his professional purposes when all at once he saw it was
by his contrived instrument all was Effected.
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY30
lIteaE i TIT tEittflan t
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zatIlettE, t ' .41 -tsnitUttitlEit-tt....-
Circa 1830s sample sheet of Draper,
Underwood, Bald & Spencer.
The authors of this book would not correct their error nor indeed acknowledge
it. The Franklin Inst. Journal would not publish the Exposition I had pro-
posed thence its appearance in Silliman's periodical. E.E.L.
Any one who has seen the impressions made by Mr. Spencer himself of coins &
medals from his instrument will be struck with their greater shay pness
beauty — manages too as it was by his manual dexterity without the aid of
Mr. Saxton's very ingenious device.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
The "Rose Engine" referred to is apparently a type of lathe, differing in
design from the American medal ruling machine, that was in use in France and
England for making copper engravings from medals and other relief objects.
The advent of Daguerreotype photography in the 1840s made the medal
ruling process obsolete for the purpose of illustrating medalic art. Frazier
opines that "if photography had been invented a few years earlier, medal ruling
would never have made an appearance." Perhaps in the bank note industry,
however, medal ruling would still have served a purpose, as did vignette and
portrait engraving long after commercial photography became available. Asa
Spencer, if not the inventor of medal ruling, was its foremost exploiter in the
technology of bank note engraving.
Eckfeldt, Jacob R. and DuBois, William E. A Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of
All Nations Struck Within the Past Century. Philadelphia: U.S. Mint
(1842) Reference copy sold by G.F. Kolbe 21:21, June 4, 1985, with
comments in catalog.
Frazier, Arthur H. Joseph Saxton and His Contribution to the Medal Ruling and
Photographic Art. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution (1975).
Forrer, Leonard. Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, Coin-, Gem-, and Seal-
Engravers, 500 B.C. - A.D. 1900, Vol. 1 (revised). London: Spink & Son
Stauffer, David McNeely. American Engravers Upon Steel and Copper, Vol. 1.
New York: Grolier Club (1907).
The "Broke" in Broken Bank
By Howard L. Cohen
IN THE 1832, THE STATE OF GEORGIA WASbeing inundated with self-proclaimed banks issuing
paper money, many for nefarious purposes. A bill was
then enacted by the Legislature requiring banks to make
semi-annual reports to the governor. Failure to comply
would result in the bank's notes being refused by the
state treasury and the non-compliant bank's name being
published in the newspaper. As time wore on, more
regulatory banking laws were passed.
The antebellum bankers vigorously and loudly
protested these early regulatory laws and worked dili-
gently and successfully to convert the legislators to their
way of thinking. Eventually, years later, the legislature
sided with the bankers and voted to suspend a law
requiring them to forfeit their charter if they suspended
specie payment (i.e. silver or gold coin for bank notes at
par, upon demand).
The governor, Joseph Brown, vetoed the bill.
Although his veto was soon overridden, the veto mes-
sage he sent to the legislature is an example of how
banks manipulated the system to make money and soon
caused paper money to be discounted and ridiculed.
"Two men work with their hands. . .till each makes
a dollar in gold or silver. One loans his at interest. The
law. . .permits him to receive only 7 cents for the use of
it for one year, and if he charges more the law declares
the excess to be usurious and void."
"The other. . .obtains a charter conferring upon
him banking privileges. It is made lawful for him to pay
his silver or gold dollar as capital stock into the bank
and to issue upon it three paper dollars. The bank is
permitted to loan these three paper dollars at interest,
and charge seven percent on each of them. If he were to
loan them for one year at legal interest, he would
receive 21 cents."
"But the banker is not content with 21 percent a
year. . . . He will not, therefore, lend his three paper
dollars a year at seven percent, but he will loan them for
thirty days, first deducting interest out of the sum
loaned, if the borrower will also pay half, one or two or
three percent a month usury under the name of
exchange. This increases the interest received. . .to 25,
30, or 35 percent."
Governor Brown went on to note that the bank's
usury didn't stop there. There were more manipula-
tions with the one silver dollar in "paid in capital",
which was to be deposited ("paid in before the three
paper dollars are issued"). Since the law only required
the initial deposit and didn't specify the term of deposit,
the banker shortly withdrew this dollar and lent it out
Soon, this early pyramid scheme collapsed and
"runs" on the banks, demanding specie payment, caused
the banks to fold.
32 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
A 1909 photograph of the J.H. Sullivan
Company, Whitehall, NY, looking at the
Canal Street entrance. (Canal Street is
now named Main Street.)
J. H. Sullivan
Prospers from His Education
at Bryant, Stratton & Folsom's
Albany Business College
By Jeff Sullivan
My great, great grandfather,
John H.Sullivan (right), who at
age 18 in 1864 attended
Bryant & Stratton Business
College in Albany, N.Y.
avenues to pursue when collecting
paper money and related items.
One of my personal favorties is
college currency, because my great, great
grandfather used it when he was a teenager
in training for his career. In case you are
unfamiliar with college currency, it is paper
money that was used in business colleges,
mainly in the mid-1800s to the early 1900s,
to teach students how to account for and
handle money in simulated business trans-
Bryant & Stratton Business College of
Albany, New York, was one of these business
colleges that used this type of paper money.
This was the institution which my great, great
grandfather attended. The college was started by
inn men n
411 ,114 SOS
Bronze bust of Silas S. Packard,
founder of what is now Bryant &
Stratton Business College in Albany,
N.Y. (Photo courtesy of Prentiss
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Silas Sadler Packard, who
had received his education at
Granville Academy in
Granville, OH and went on
to become a traveling pen-
manship teacher. During his
travels he went to Albany,
NY where he opened a busi-
ness college located on the
fifth floor of the Exchange
Bank Building, 448
Broadway St. January 1,
1857. This institution has
been in continual operation
ever since, although
Packard's first class consisted
of just one student.
Though Silas Packard
had founded the college, he
was quickly joined in part-
nership by H.B. Bryant and
Bryant's brother-in-law
H.D. Stratton, who already
had a chain of business schools operating throughout thiscountry and Canada.
Within a year of forming a partnership with Bryant and Stratton, Packard
moved on and founded another business school in New York City. Both
Bryant and Stratton had attended the Cleveland Mercantile College founded
by Ezekiel G. Folsom. In 1863 Folsom became principle of the Albany school.
Another branch was located in nearby Troy, NY. Eventually Folsom succeed-
ed Bryant and Stratton as principal owners.
Folsom later published a book, The Logic of Accounts, and pioneered the
teaching of business ethics and political economy in a business setting. The
curriculum also included instruction in bookkeeping, penmanship, stenogra-
phy, grammar, arithmetic, business correspondence, the science of govern-
ment, and commercial law.
In 1864 my great, great grandfather John Henry Sullivan, 18 years of age
at the time, attended the Bryant & Stratton Business College in Albany. When
he was there the school was located in the Kidds Building, 43-48 North Pearl
Street, were it remained until 1873. Then in need of a larger space, it relocated
up the street to 51-53 North Pearl Street.
Far left: Bryant, Stratton & Folsom's
Albany Business College, Kidd's
Building 43-45 North Pearl Street, at
the time my great, great grandfather
studied there.
Students in formal business attire
transact commercial practice sessions
at the First National College Bank of
Bryant, Stratton & Folsom's Albany
Business College at the time J.H.
Sullivan attended. Cage windows are
labelled "Book Keeper," "Paying
Teller," "Receiving Teller," and
"Discount Teller."
Chain of 17:-.
Lorelei! al
i(951 pals.
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY34
New York. Philodelpili
hi (Crttificate enfi?
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38 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
have completed various objective collections over the past 30-plus years.
I am always on the lookout for new ways to collect. Every collection
should have an objective story to tell. That story can be educational,
informative or just entertaining. Frequently the story, for me, has been to
record and demonstrate the financial history of an area where I grew up, or
Another Way to Collect
Obsolete Notes
By Steve Whitfield
Unique and historical notes come in
many forms. Above is a Civil War era
note from the Bank of North America,
originally chartered in 1781.
Most post-Civil War State of Mississippi
notes were cancelled and finding an
uncancelled example is desirable
currently resided. That type of collection eventually reaches a point where
there are no more notes known to exist to be added; or, the only notes not in
the collection are either impounded in museums or priced somewhere in the
second mortgage range.
My current collecting adventure is to seek out certain unique notes, or
notes in uncommon condition, that tell a story in and of themselves. Thus a
one-note collection can be considered complete. The notes I have chosen are
described herein, along with my reasons for choosing them. Most of them I do
not yet own, and may never own if the prices keep rising.
Several of the selected notes were for historical reasons. They were
Large Size
ri+ NE,111170
• • • • •Ott •
■rrms se ksierttrnits
ANOIA-1-g41± 4. ///si ,1
Top Prices Paid
David Hollander
406 Viduta Place
Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Authors seeking examples of
Tennessee private/company scrip
PAUL GARLAND'S BOOK THE HISTORY OFEarly Tennessee Banks and Their Issues published in
1983 does not include private or company scrip issued in
Tennessee. Bill Swafford, Jr., who has collected paper
money for more than 40 years, brought me a copy of a
manuscript with a list and more than 250 B&W photo-
copies of unlisted Tennessee scrip. When I showed it to
Tom Carson, my co-author on the Chattanooga Money
CD, he recognized it as a copy of Charlie Sedman's col-
lection that was sold in the 1980s. Tom called Charlie
and he agreed to send the original copies for us to scan.
Charlie indicated he and Paul planned to use it as a basis
of a Tennessee scrip book, but never got around to it.
He has given us permission to publish it.
Tom and I will list and add the B&W scans to our
Chattanooga Money book. We plan to replace the low
quality B&W copies with high resolution color scanned
images of notes as we can locate them. If you have
Tennessee scrip we need your help. Please contact me
so we can get a scan of your scrip to include in this pro-
ject. Dennis Schafluetzel, 1900 Red Fox Lane, Hixson,
TN 37343 or via e-mail . We
will credit each piece of scrip published with your name.
Thanks, Dennis Schafluetzel
We get letters kudos to Whitfield
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40 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Paper Money
of the United States
17th edition
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based on the original work by Robert Friedberg (1912-1963)
The one and only standard reference on United States currency is back - completely redone for its 50th
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Please rush me the 17th (2004) 50th anniversary edition of
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2003 • Whole No. 229
Coming in January
The 5oth anniversary edition of
•Large size notes • Fractional currency
•Small size notes • Encased postage stamps
•Colonial and Continental currency
•Confederate States notes AN41,
0, 1:b
'4 1a
Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg
Paper Money
e ed States
42 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
This uncancelled "Kansas City" post
Civil War issue was attractive to the
author because he lived in the area for a
decade before moving to Florida.
Few Civil War vignettes appeared on
obsolete currency since the war came
at the end of the obsolete note issuing
period. An exception is the Mortar
Firing vignette on this Bay State Mining
Company note.
issued by banks or bankers who played a major role in the history of the United
States, or in the history of banking. The first of these is a note of the Bank of
North America. This bank, chartered before the Revolutionary War had offi-
cially ended, issued notes well into the National Banking era. It was the only
National Bank chartered that was not required to include the word "National"
in its title. Both obsolete and National Bank Notes of this bank are frequently
available to collectors. The note I chose was a $1 obsolete note issued in 1862.
This black and green note was produced by the American Bank Note
Company. The center vignette is a typical Revolutionary War scene of George
Washington. The two smaller vignettes illustrate the bank president and
Liberty Hall in Philadelphia. My note is signed "For the Cashier," and is fairly
The second note is a Civil War era issue of the Girard Bank. Stephen
Girard was a major figure in the financial history of America. He purchased
the assets of the First Bank of the United States after its charter expired and
opened his own bank in the former Bank of the United States building at
Philadelphia. Related notes that also tell their own story are notes (frequently
counterfeit) of the First and Second Banks of the United States. These notes
are plain appearing, but rich in history of the United States and of banking.
Another great note with a great history story, is the famous 1839 $10
note of the Citizen's Bank of Louisiana. Because of the extended circulation of
the $10 (DIX) notes of this bank, up and down the Mississippi River, the notes
are supposed to have given the South the name "Dixie," from being referred to
as the land of the "Dixes." These notes are scarce and only occasionally appear
on the market. When they do they tend to bring high prices, which may pre-
clude most collectors from owning this note.
Fortunately, a beautiful and available substitute "DIX" note exists.
During the War the Citizens bank had new $10 notes prepared by the National
First Edition - 08/03
Pierre Fricke
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 43
Bank Note Company. These red and black notes have a magnificent central
vignette of the Collins Line, Atlantic Steamship, Adriatic at sea. Large quanti-
ties of these unissued remainder notes surfaced in a warehouse in New Orleans
many years ago. Available for years at around $10 a copy, the notes have rocket-
ed to the $300 range in recent years. The note is extremely attractive and has a
great story, but probably is not a good investment, if that is of concern.
Other notes, also from the south, that are particularly desirable are the
state issues of Mississippi of 1870, in an uncancelled state. Nearly all of these
notes were redeemed and cancelled by cutting large circular holes through the
notes. The notes are green and black with beautiful vignettes on the backs.
Typical of southern state funding issues after the Civil War, they represent an
important part of history during the infamous "carpetbagger" period. To find
one that was not cancelled is a coup for the obsolete collector.
Another note, nearly impossible to find uncancelled and in decent condi-
tion, comes from an issue of the "City of Kansas." This was an early name for
the town that grew on the Missouri Bluff above Westport Landing into the pre-
sent day City of Kansas City, Missouri. Since I lived near Kansas City for 10
years, this was an obvious target for a "local" guy. My note is also signed by the
Mayor, Fry McGee, one of the pioneer settlers in the area.
Two other notes that are very difficult to find in decent condition are a $1
Bay State Mining Co. scrip issue of Eagle River, Michigan, dated 1866, and a $1
note, dated 1864, of the Oil City Bank of Pennsylvania. These notes are avail-
able at reasonable prices, but are extremely scarce in nice condition. The notes
are desirable because they include Civil War scenes as vignettes. Very few
obsolete notes included Civil War scenes, primarily because the war occurred
near the end of the obsolete bank note era. The Pennsylvania note has an
F.O.C. Darley scene of Union soldiers, gathered around a winter campfire,
reading mail from home. It is a poignant scene having great meaning to anyone
Fricke monograph provides up-to-date Confederate pricing info
S PMC MEMBER PIERRE FRICKE'S CONFEDERATECurrency and Bonds - Quotes provides a great deal of use-
ful market-based pricing information on its field in a well-
organized 60 page, soft covered format.
Fricke's down to earth grading principles and practical
approach to values, i.e. report what is actually selling and at
what prices rather than pyramiding values based on per-
ceived rarities, makes good collecting sense in sorting out
the perennially popular field of Confederate issues.
Recent prices are provided in up to nine grades for both
type notes and varieties, along with commentary on what to
watch out for when buying. The author differentiates what
he terms "collector-grading" from "market-oriented grad-
ing" (net grading) which can over-grade and thus over-price
notes, the author feels.
Other pitfalls Fricke discusses include undisclosed
repairs, counterfeits, problem notes, the affects of cancels,
an evaluation of plate states, and the development of condi-
tion census data. "Prices listed reflect the CSA paper mar-
ket in Summer 2003. Conservative and accurate grading is
required," Fricke said.
Additional information on his approach and copies of
the booklet are available from its author for $20 at P.O. Box
245, Rye, NY 10580. -- Fred Reed, Editor
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44 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
This note on The Oil City Bank has the
attractive central vignette, Mail from
Most of the legend appearing on this
Lumbermens Bank note is printed in
German, making it a unique addition to
anyone's collection.
who ever served in the military. The Michigan scrip piece shows a large mor-
tar firing from a gunboat, typical of the river warfare waged by Federal forces
during the war. I know of only two other Civil War scenes that appear on
obsolete notes. They are the Cavalry Trooper on the $5 Union Military scrip
of Kansas and the Charge of the Zouaves. The last is virtually impossible to
Another great note, also from the South, is the city issue of Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, dated 1870. This is a rare note in any condition and extremely rare
in very good condition. The note is red and black and contains an historical
vignette depicting how Baton Rouge (Red Stick) got its name. A unique aspect
of this note is that the central vignette includes two colors, red and black. As
far as known it may be the only available obsolete note to use a two-color
vignette. The note also includes a vignette of the state capitol building.
Also of great historical significance, and great beauty, are the notes of the
first Confederate issue. These were produced by the National Bank Note
Company, Branch at New Orleans, in four large denominations. Known as the
Montgomery Issue, they are highly sought after by collectors. The notes are
extremely expensive and thus probably limited to the wealthiest of collectors.
Fortunately, for the rest of us, there are other attractive Confederate notes
available to represent the Confederate role in our history. The one I like best
is the Criswell Type 24, $10 issue of 1861.
An unusual note in my collection comes from the issues of the
Lumbermen's Bank of Warren Pennsylvania. What makes these notes unusual
is that nearly all of the text is in German. Another "foreign" text possibility on
American obsolete currency would be notes in Spanish. I also have a note that
fits the subcategory of "unusual" because of its location: "West Virginia" is
printed on them. Since West Virginia was formed from the north and western
P.O. Box 3507 • Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 • (858) 759-3290 • Fax (858) 759-1439
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
,)X fat1:4
4,1 /1: %,“/::: 1 1 pr s'
46 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Notes of the Diamond State Bank of
Delaware are desirable because they
bear the dollar sign ($)
counties of Virginia in 1863, most all of the notes available from "West
Virginia" actually say Virginia on them.
My last candidates (currently), for this eclectic "Collection" of obsolete
notes, are the Civil War issues of the Diamond State Bank of Delaware. These
$1 and $2 notes are of particular interest because they are perhaps the only
obsolete notes known that bear the U.S. dollar sign ($) in their design. The
notes are red and black and also contain attractive nautical vignettes. These
were also products of the American Bank Note Company, which produced so
many attractive notes during the period. The $ designation was pointed out
and discussed in the American Bank Note "State Collection," when one of
these notes was chosen to represent Delaware.
Of course, there are many other notes that could easily be included in a
collection of unusual notes such as those described above. Colored issues of
the bank note engraving companies often included significant historical
vignettes or had a story to tell because of the issuing organization or circum-
stances surrounding the issue. I intend to expand my own list and to bid
aggressively whenever one of my targeted items becomes available. Luckily I
already have a few of them. I'd be interested in hearing what your nominees
for notes to be included are, and why they are special.
FC work
A year ago, Paper Money
Editor Fred Reed shared his
reminiscences about Milt
Friedberg in our Fractional
Currency Special Issue.
Reed mentioned a ceremony
at Amos Press (book's print-
er) at which author Milt
Friedberg autographed
copies of his The
Encyclopedia of United
States Fractional and Postal
Currency. Another such cer-
emony was held at the 1978
Memphis Paper Money
Show with (L-R) Herb
Melnick, Friedberg, Reed,
and Jeff Williams present.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
New Hampshire Bank Notes Wanted
Also Ephemera
I am continuing a long-time study on currency issued by banks in
New Hampshire, including state-chartered banks 1792-1865, and
National Banks circa 1863-1935. Also I am studying colonial and
provincial notes.
I would like to purchase just about anything in colonial and provin-
cial notes, nearly everything in state-chartered notes, and items that
are scarce or rare among National Bank notes. I am not seeking bar-
gains, but I am willing to pay the going price. I will give an immedi-
ate decision on all items sent, and instant payment for all items pur-
Beyond that, I am very interested in ephemera including original
stock certificates for such banks, correspondence mentioning cur-
rency, bank ledgers, and more.
With co-author David M. Sundman and in cooperation with a special
scrip note project by Kevin Lafond, I am anticipating the production
of a book-length study of the subject, containing basic information
about currency, many illustrations including people, buildings, and
other items beyond the notes themselves, and much other informa-
tion which I hope will appeal to anyone interested in historical
details. All of this, of course, is very fascinating to me!
Dave Bowers
P.O. Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
CilSi e E A.N IC
48 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Some Unusual Fraudulent
Obsolete Paper Money
By Bob Schreiner
Below: Figure 1, Genuine Bank of
Washtenaw note. Bottom: Figure 2,
Altered and raised Farmers and
Mechanics Bank Note.
THE USUAL CLASSIFICATION OF FRAUDULENT U.S. OBSO-lete paper money is in four categories:
• Countelfeit -- a close copy of a genuine note.
• Spurious -- a fraudulent note that does not resemble any genuine
• Altered -- a note altered from a usually genuine note by changing
the issuer's name, place, or other aspect.
• Raised -- a usually genuine note that has been altered to indicate a
higher denomination than the issued note.
There are variations, such as several notes that I obtained at a recent
1890 $1,000 "Grand Watermelon" Note
$500 1880 Legal Tender
Serial #1 Washington Brownback
We strongly recommend that you send your material via USPS Registered Mail insured
for its full value. Prior to mailing material, please make a complete listing, including
photocopies of the note(s), for your records. We will acknowlege receipt of your
material upon its arrival.
If you have a question about currency, call Lyn Knight.
He looks forward to assisting you.
,,, Volia
,--,---, 6 —
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Lyn Knight Currency Auctions
Deal With The
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If you are buy'''. g notes...
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Annual Catalog Subscription (4 catalogs) $50
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If you are selling notes...
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Call or send your notes today!
If your collection warrants we'll be happy to travel to
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Mail notes to
Lyn Knight Currency Auctions
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( ff:0..r../j...211)..:6:441214)/// // ////i
///< NASHVILLE s, ,
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50 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Below: Figure 3, genuine Central Bank
of Tennessee note. Bottom: Figure 4,
altered note purporting to be on the
Central Bank of Connecticut.
Memphis International Paper Money Show from dealer Claud Murphy, Jr.,
which may be of interest to the membership.
The first example is shown in Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1 is a genuine one
dollar note of the Bank of Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Haxby MI-45-
G40a. Figure 2 shows a $10 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Frederick,
Maryland note. This fraudulent note, Haxby MD-208-AR30a, Kelly-Shank-
Gordon 51.4.22A, is both raised and altered from the Washtenaw note.
According to Haxby, the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Frederick was
non-existent -- the fraudulent notes were intended to pass for those of the
Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Frederick County, a difference perhaps too
subtle for some contemporaries. Note that the right end of the raised/altered
Washtenaw note was trimmed to remove the "One" designation. Michigan was
also removed from the bottom of the seal at the right end of the Washtenaw
The second example is shown in Figures 3-4. The note in Figure 3 is a
genuine note from the genuine Central Bank of Tennessee at Nashville, Haxby
TN-140-G2, Garland 917. This note, with is exquisite central vignette, was
altered to many different notes. A typical alteration is the Central Bank of
Connecticut, Middletown, note, Haxby CT-226-A5, shown in Figure 4.
According to Haxby, this was a non-existent bank whose notes were meant to
resemble those of the Central Bank, Middletown, again, a subtle difference.
On this alteration, only the state and town names were changed.
A more unusual alteration is shown in Figure 5, a note of the Central
Bank of Cherry Valley, Cherry Valley, New York, Haxby NY-625-A10. The
alteration also includes the state and town names, but adds "State of New
York" at top. In addition, the State's bank registration seal obscures a part of
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
BUY ALL U.S. CURRENCY Good to Gem Unc.
I can't sell what I don't have
A.M. ("Art") KAGIN
505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1001
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2316 (515) 243-7363 Fax: (515) 288-8681
At 84 It's Still Time - Currency & Coin Dealer Over 50 Years
I attend about 15 Currency-Coin Shows per year
Visit Most States (Call, Fax or Write for Appointment)
Collector Since 1928
Professional Since 1933
Founding Member PNG, President 1963-64
ANA Life Member 103, Governor 1983-87
ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988
Strip in
from last
Your collection will not be complete
without the newest 5anknotable collectibles!
Our unique collectibles combine artistry, craftsmanship,
the latest security paper technology and hidden facts and
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rivaling the currencies of the world's leading nations. Each
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These unique notes look and feel
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If you are serious about your paper note collection, you
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;:,,44 ■:.-.4.A....4:7;•-.44- ,,:,46.p;A4
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. CliikaalY VALLEY
//Tie (fp ed.v.
52 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Top: Figure 3, genuine Central Bank of
Tennessee note. Center: Above:
Figure 5, altered note purporting to be
on the Central Bank of Cherry Valley.
the vignette, and there is a line for a counter signature, vertically to the right of
the central vignette. These are elements required at the time for New York
bank notes. Both altered notes also appear to have the last digit in the date
removed, then hand-entered.
Contemporary fraudulent obsolete paper money is a fascinating topic,
and elucidation of the varieties resulting from the ingenuity of the counterfeit-
ers is worthy of an in-depth study.
Garland, Paul E., The History of Early Tennessee Banks and Their Issues, self-pub-
lished (1983).
Haxby, James A., Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-
1866. Krause Publications (1988).
Kelly, Denwood N.; Shank, Armand M. Jr; and Gordon, Thomas S. Money &
Banking in Maryland. Maryland Historical Society (1996).
Letter to Editor: Unusual Finds
This past summer a woman called me asking if I would
appraise and sell a log time older collection of coins and paper
money. Of course I was elated when she drove up to my
house 10 minutes later. She brought in a heavy plastic shop-
ping bag that must have weighed 30 pounds or more. There
were copious rolls of cents, etc., but the "piece de resistance"
came out last-- the notes! I'll give a partial listing, particularly
the ones I was able to buy: six notes on the Cape Ann Bank of
Gloucester, MA, which included four obsoletes ($1, $3, $5 and
$10), a First Charter $1, and a Series 1929 $5. The four obso-
letes were all signed and punch cancelled, and were in unusu-
ally nice condition of preservation considering their age.
Don Kelly told me the First Charter $1 was previously
unreported. That pleased me. Tom Denly told me he hadn't
seen the $3 and $10 obsoletes before. Also included were 161
Silver Certificates, of which I kept 17 of the gems, including
1928, 1928A etc. Other small size notes included several
North African notes. I kept a $5 and a Star $10 note, also in
nice condition. The Star notes are rather scarce in this issue.
The seller told me she had no interest in keeping the col-
lection. I prepared a documentation of the items and prices
and we came to an agreement. In conclusion, don't give up
hope of someday finding elusive notes to add to your collec-
tion. They are out there and do show up when least expected.
-- Bob Andrews, SPMC 1206
Try r
old 17 1IALL.
.a3 ts d
First NationalBank,
,..-ausaimoom z
our upcoming sales. Call Rick Bagg or John Pack, toll-free
• BE A BIDDER IN OUR AUCTIONS. Send us an invoice for $500
or more and receive a free copy of our next catalogue. If you
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 53
50 I 8 . H 8
:''' i HEIE3A
Imirriniliiiii_LallitAir .
CO H 8 I-1683A ' ,:ft-' .7 _— S. co,
rr,-. ilk, i 11 7
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o. , 1”2125,9466.,
, ,
r.. 's. aamutLigaLt
All hithlights shown here include the 15% buyer's fee.
PO BOX 1804 • WOLFEBORO, NH 03894 • TOLL-FREE: 866-811-1804 • FAX: 603-569-3875
7/4.1..;:' • .cr$
TILE STATE Ot'Aid!....TIA-71
FIVE 1114101..1,aIts4 ,
(wina..vrtrsal / „„_2,
,,c9 50 FIFTY . IDINNTS. 450
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to, II
LAYTON, ALL., Jail. 1, 11'.2. 1//-
-11".. C.114+ s
54 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Additions to
Alabama Obsolete Notes & Scrip
Submitted by Bob Cochran
THROUGH THE COURTESY OF ROBERT VLACK, WE CAN ADD IMAGES OF SEVERALnotes not illustrated in the SPMC book Alabama Olbsolete Notes and Scrip, authored by Walter
Rosene, Jr., in 1984.
In addition, we are adding several NEW notes to the cataloged issues of Alabama obsolete notes
and scrip!
Rosene 2 - 11: $5 Bank of the State of Alabama, branch at DECATUR. POST NOTE. Dated May 8, 1834, payable at the Bank
of Louisiana, "3 Days after date." (The payee on this note, Theophilus Lacy, was later Cashier of the Northern Bank of
Alabama at Huntsville.)
7414: /
Rosene 44-3: 25 cents - M.M. Laseter, CLAYTON, Alabama. Dated Jan. 1, 1862. Previously unlisted denomination.
Rosene 44-4: 50 cents - M.M. Laseter, CLAYTON, Alabama. Dated Jan. 1, 1862. Previously unlisted denomination.
CLAYTON, Ala., July lat, 1862.
eazinta azatai. &MAMMA.
One Dollar.
Payable in Groceries, at the Store of
Gainesville, Ala. 183
See our online
application and rate
quote forms on
our website!
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Rosene 44-6: $2.00 - M.M. Laseter, CLAYTON, Alabama. Dated July 1st, 1862. Previously unlisted denomination.
Rosene 103-3: $1.00 - James Allen store, GAINESVILLE, Alabama. Dated July 22, 1837. Previously unlisted denomination.
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.c 4r, imrostmo. V 2
titt+ Itoof&
. ipo.te of Motilinn. and its „Brim etiei; oluehe
nololutlf Fit'S DOLLARS “Teltrmiitce,
eimrolvtott, Grecntilturough,
r.'.& J. cimo.,t
ID Iiirics of the TI
On demand, I will pay to 0E- 0. WASHINGTON, or
In Bills of the Bank of the State of Alabama, or s Bra else
when the amount of Five Dokars is presented.
OLNEY, Ala. ;Di* 11. ISM
E. Morria, Philadelphia.
56 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Rosene 117-2 25 cents - The GREENSBOROUGH Change Association Dated September 14, 1842. ("'September"- and
"1842" printed) Previously unlisted denomination, variation in spelling of "Greensboro."
Rosene 191-1: 25 cents - The Dauphin Street Hotel Dated September 10, 1837.
Rosene 269-2: 50 cents - OTWAY ALLEN, Olney, Alabama. Dated October 20, 1838. Previously unlisted denomination.
Imprint: E. Morris, Philadelphia
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Obsoletes — Nationals — Scrip
Histories and Memorabilia
Allenhurst — Allentown — Asbury Park — Atlantic Highlands — Belmar
Bradley Beach — Eatontown — Englishtown — Freehold — Howell
Keansburg — Keyport — Long Branch — Manasquan — Matawan
Middletown — Ocean Grove — Red Bank — Sea Bright — Spring Lake
N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525
New Hampshire Notes
Wanted: Obsolete currency,
National Bank notes,
other items relating
to New Hampshire paper money
from the earliest days onward.
Dave Bowers
P.O. Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
E-mail: qdbarchivePmetrocastnet
r 1
Buying & Selling
All Choice to Gem CU Fractional Currency
Paying Over Bid
Please Call:
P.O. Box 303
Wilton, CA 95693
Real ExtstePled-getImp .,'0304— --e
• ilolawas,„ ,
/v., ''.17S.41.1)1C-P
CS- 17 '4 1'
Re allEetateilledied.
ec= 1
rtatta07 /,___ // /
• • „
c: 500000
-1.- 101WWW:E.77--:".0-7,1 101gOISMEDSMalteelatg.
12,4■1 E mate Pledged. 11(
I 'yes
58 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Rosene 357-4: $5.00 1 The Wetumpka Trading Company Dated December 1st, 1838. Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, NY.
UNLISTED: $5.00 - The Wetumpka Trading Company Dated January 26, 1839. Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, NY. POST NOTE!
"Four Months after date... payable on demand... at their office in Wetumpka..."
Rosene 357-5: $10.00 - The Wetumpka Trading Company Dated December 1st, 1838. Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, NY.
We are proud to continue the
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ttI: 1,.ma,-,1_, ,
A Cons.crox's GUIDE
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
CD Book on all Chattanooga, TN numismatic items •
• Obsolete bank notes, & census, updated rarity •
• Scrip: depression, railroad, city, private, Co. •
• Certificates, coupons, advertising notes •
• National Bank Notes & census • Checks, tokens & medals •
• 1000+ color images, new research, $25
Dennis Schafluetzel & Tom Carson
1900 Red Fox Lane; Chattanooga, TN 37343
New compendium makes good sense out of small notes
U .S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY IS ONE OF THEmost popular types of paper money, with a vigorous
specialized organization (FCCB), a definitive well-orga-
nized cataloging system, an industrious cadre of collectors/
dealers, and even a special issue of Paper Money. Why then
does it need another book on its small, specialized field?
Dealer-collector Rob Kravitz provides the answer to
that thorny question with a wonderful, lucid book that will
open the genre to novices and even teach advanced collec-
tors a thing or three. His "collector's guide" is terrific!
Quite simply
this book adds a
level of enjoyment,
information, and
entertainment to a
specialized area that
will make both ends
of the collecting
spectrum and all
those in-between
stand up, take
notice, and applaud.
Kravitz embraces
FC's nuances like
Alec Baldwin takes
to Kim Basinger's
A well-known FC dealer for many years, Kravitz's
work is NOT another catalog. Its author assumes his read-
er already own one (and probably more) of the several FC
catalogs already available and procedes to provide pricing
data, information, historical details, vintage illustrations,
collector tips, and a full color type set, which add more
enjoyment to one's collecting, and also proves instructive.
Writing this brief review is just too easy. Kravitz
(below, a former foosball professional whose dad once fired
him from working at the family store because of his
bohemian approach to life) approaches his subject with
intelligence and humor. He
provides show information,
dealer information, termi-
nology, clear illustations,
quantities, dates, errors, just
about anything fractional
that one could conceivably
think of or want.
This book is highly
recommended and its style
would be well served by
other specialized fields.
So pony up $29.99
(plus $3 S/H) to Rob at PO
Box 303, Wilton, CA
95693.--Fred Reed, Editor +
1 T OF WAR4-4."
e Ars--
111611•11116 • •
60 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
WW I Liberty Theaters
Smileage Books
By Forrest W. Daniel
Secretary of War Newton D. Baker provided entertainment for soldiers
at Liberty Theaters established at 34 military training camps during
World War I. Designated "Smileage Books," the booklets were issued
by the Commission on Training Camp Activities, and were meant to be sold to the
public to be given as gifts to servicemen. The coupon books of 20 five-cent admis-
sion tickets should be considered a form of military currency.
In order to prepare to indoctrinate the mass of soldiers and sailors to be draft-
ed into military service for World War I, the President directed the Secretary of
War, in April 1917, to appoint a Commission on Training Camp Activities. A simi-
lar commission was formed for the Navy; Raymond B. Fosdick, Buffalo, New York,
was chairman of both. Draft registration day was June 5, 1917.
The task of the Commission was "to foster in the camps a new social world,"
in addition to the routine of military training. The Commission provided club life,
organized athletics, furnished theaters, recreation and educational facilities, plus
opportunities for religious services. The Commission also sought to protect the
young men from the evils of venereal disease through lectures on social hygiene and
strict enforcement of laws against liquor selling and prostitution.
The Commission invited the Young Men's Christian Association, Young
Women's Christian Association, National Catholic War Council (Knights of
Columbus), American Library Association, Salvation Army, Jewish Welfare Board,
and the War Camp Community Service to undertake and coordinate such activities
consistent with the needs of the officers and men. The activities of the Commission
were financed by congressional appropriation, private donations and the Smileage
Book campaign, which resulted in the sale of $3,000,000 worth of the Liberty
Theater tickets. Only a single $1.00 Smileage Book is known to the author.
Further details of other denominations, if any, may have been in the Commission's
final report; but only a summary of that report appears to have been published, and
Liberty Theaters received only a cursory paragraph.
While the Commission on Training Camp Activities benefited the service-
men in many ways it was the Army's Liberty Theaters and their "Smileage Book"
tickets that have collector interest. (The Navy had no Liberty Theaters.)
Fully-equipped with all the necessary fixtures for handling scenery and light-
ing, the Liberty Theaters seated
between 1,000 and 3,000.
Built of wood so that they
could be emptied rapidly in
case of fire, the cost varied
from $5,000 to $50,000
depending on size. The gov-
ernment appropriated
$1,500,000 for the work.
Each theater had a resident
manager appointed by the
In addition to top-flight
performances by professional
dramatic and musical compa-
nies on the booking circuits,
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 61
motion pictures, vaudeville, lectures, solo musicians and other recreational facilities,
the Commission provided dramatic directors so the men could stage their own per-
formances. The theaters were also used for other instructional purposes.
Smileage Books were numbered and printed in red and blue on pink paper.
On the cover the title, price, ticket book number [A 507366] and a picture of a tilt-
hatted soldier are red. All blue text in capital letters: "The coupons in this book
will be accepted in / purchase of admission and seat tickets at Liberty / Theaters,
Liberty Tents, and Auditoriums under / the management of the Commission on
Training / Camp Activities in National Army Cantonments / and National Guard
Camps. / FROM / TO Left end: Military Entertainment
Service. Right end: Good for duration of war. Outside the border: Printed for the
War /Department by / Globe Ticket Company, Philadelphia, Pa."
Back cover text all caps.: Smileage Books Issued by War Department /
Commission on Training Camp Activities / Raymond B. Fosdick, Chairman / Lee
F. Hanmer / Marc Klaw, managing director, Liberty Theater Service / Harry P.
Harrison, managing director, Liberty Tent and Auditorium Service."
Tickets on pink paper are four to the 2- x 4 1/2-inch page, numbered the
same as the cover, with the
number and soldier's portrait
in red. The all caps text and a
shield with an open 5 are blue:
"Military Entertainments /
Good for 5 cents in /
exchange for tickets as / speci-
fied on front cover / [Sig.]
Newton D. Baker / Secretary
of War." On the back of the
ticket, in blue, is the boxed
statement: "Plenty of hard
work and / clean fun make for
vigor / and manhood-the
prime / requisites for a soldier
/ Newton D. Baker /
Secretary of War."
In addition to the funds provided by Congress and the sale of Smileage Books,
a drive for funds to support and continue the work of the Commission on Training
Camp Activities was scheduled for November 11, 1918. In spite of the signing of
the armistice on that date, the subscription raised $205,000,000 which was distrib-
uted, in percentages, to the several civilian groups which had undertaken to perform
the training camp programs. Part of these funds were sent overseas to care for the
American Expeditionary Forces.
With the return of the Army to peace-time basis, conferences were held to
discuss the future of Commission's educational and welfare work in the Army and
Navy. On November 1, 1919, the functions of the Commission on Training Camp
Activities became the responsibility of a branch of the Army's War Plans Division.
In the Navy, officers and men of the Sixth Division carried on similar duties. The
Smileage Books of tickets to Liberty Theaters and Liberty Tents are reminders of
only part of the activities undertaken to educate, indoctrinate and entertain the
young men conscripted into military service of the United States during the first
World War in 1917 and 1918. They should qualify as a form of military currency.
Navy Department. Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy, 1918, 1919.
Washington: GPO.
War Department. Annual Reports, 1918, 1919. Washington: GPO.
Committee on Public Information. "Work of the Commission on Training Camp
Activities Reviewed and Analyzed in Annual Report of Chairman." Official
United States Bulletin, Dec. 16, 1918. Washington, D. C. (The full report
seems not to have been published)
Smileage Book back cover
Tti' COVN re ei
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Figure 2
62 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Two Notes, One Signature
By Bob Schreiner
D URING THE DIFFICULT ECONOMIC TIMES OF 1837,there was a proliferation of scrip, paper money issued by merchantsfor use as small change. Some of the scrip was payable in the com-modities the merchant sold. The Philadelphia note shown in
Figure 1 is payable in beef. It bears the distinctive signature of L. Shuster,
whom we might conclude was a butcher. He tells us he operated stall 31 High
Street Market, corner of Front.
Figure 1
Philadelphia, May /Z . IS 7.
On . i.leiliand I promise to pay in Beef, or when a sum aniountimt, t
Fivi:Lmins shah - be presentedi in-one of the City Bank
my Stall. No. 31 High Street MaI.ket, corner oi;.fprent.
Long after I obtained the beef note, I saw the note in Figure 2 on eBay,
and recognized the signature, the same L. Shuster, and I bought it. It is a note
of the Corporation of Spring Garden, signed by the assistant treasurer. Oddly,
the note also lists Philadelphia with the date. Both notes are dated in May
1837. The signatures seem clearly from the same person, although the beef
note signature is bolder and slants to a greater degree.
If L. Shuster was a merchant in Philadelphia and also assistant treasurer of
Spring Garden, we might conclude that he lived in Spring Garden, which ought
to be within 1837 commuting distance of his shop. Could this be verified?
I went to my road atlas. There is no High Street in Philadelphia, but
Shuster's stall could be at the corner of Market and Front Streets, a prime
downtown location. There is also a Spring Garden Street not too far from this
Spring Garden as a municipality exists in my road atlas, but it is a suburb
of York, about 100 miles from Philadelphia, no 1837 commute.
Could I get better information from a contemporary map? I went to the
map collection of the library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, a great resource. The helpful librarian quickly found 1811 and 1838
Philadelphia street maps.
From the 1838 map, what is now Market Street is listed as High or
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Market Street -- both names were apparently used then. Spring Garden was a Figure 3
community of 11,141 people just north and a bit west of the downtown area,
clearly within 1837 commuting distance. Philadelphia in 1838 had "more than"
200,000 people. Apparently once a separate municipality, Spring Garden is
now a part of Philadelphia. The present Spring Garden street runs through
that area. The 1811 map provided additional information. Market/High Street
is listed simply as High Street. Spring Garden is there, though it is much small-
Markets in the middle of High Street were the center of an active com-
merce, as shown in the illustration from the Philadelphia Inquirer, about 1838,
Figure 3.
The notes have more to tell. The Corporation of Spring Garden notes
are listed in Richard T. Hoober's Pennsylvania Obsolete Notes and Scrip, the stan-
dard catalog for this state. Hoober displays a 50-cent note, Figure 4 (that note
is now in my collection). The date of both Spring Garden notes is May 15,
1837. But the signers are clearly different. Were there two assistant treasurers
at the same time? That certainly is possible.
Another possibility is suggested by the word "counterfeit" lightly written
on the back of the note in Figure 1. Could this be either a counterfeit or a gen-
,! 0 ;',,P
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OAN No. 11.-Me4leennable May tath. 1S31.
Thh tertifythut there i0 title the 13ektr, from the Corporat,M of dug
Siring Garden" the sum of OFIN CCNTS-bearinz interest at the of one per cent.
per annum, rayabl.e. 3loy tatK, Ortlin*nee t'orpnratinn,
pass*.' thè 73Th Nifty ;
Figure 4
1\17C,..cfrVeceation tut tritul. :'erice&iii,
TibtaelliWr 404
bearing teterest u). the per arm..
Play fkfi, 183.,443y virtue orirsc4tcrseta50—
passed thet9tirintly, 1107.
64 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
uine note with an illegal signature? Maybe, but it seems unlikely that L.
Shuster, an established business man with his own scrip, would risk illegally
signing his name on a one dollar note. Figure 5 shows a likely counterfeit from
Spring Garden. Notice the crudeness of the Washington portrait. Hoober lists
no such note.
More could probably be learned about L. Shuster and the government
officials of Spring Garden, but that would almost certainly require a trip to
Philadelphia to examine local historical records such as city directories and
municipality records. Perhaps a Philadelphian reading this article is moved to
carry this work to the next step.
You can learn more about the map collection at UNC-CH at
WE HAVE TO BUY and are willing to pay substantially over green sheet bid for certain issues
WE BUY IT ALL from VG to Superb Gem
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Jan. 2004
By Fred Reed
Jan. 1
1735 Colonial engraver Paul Revere born; 1791 Bank of North America converts from
Mexican to U.S. dollars; 1899 U.S. currency circulates as legal tender in Puerto Rico;
1911 Lee F. Hewitt born; 1962 SPMC merges with the World Paper Money Club;
Jan. 2
1779 Continental Congress recalls loan certificates counterfeited by British; 1865
Production of Original Series $1/$2 plates; 1913 Film The Adventures of the Counterfeit
Bills dubuts; 1914 Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli born; 1941 Aubrey Bebee opens shop;
Jan. 3
1862 Feds suspend specie payments; 1878 BEP introduces Milligan Steam Printing
Press; 1882 Senator Clement C. Clay, who appears on Confederate $1 notes, dies;
1911 Retrospective of Walter Shirlaw's (FR 394-408) work opens in Chicago;
Jan. 4
1777 Congress' bills of credit lawful tender in payment of debts; 1842 First Thompson's
Bank Note Reporter; 1864 Essayist John Burroughs clerks at National Currency Bureau
(BEP); 1984 BEP's first spider press souvenir card at FUN; 1991 Bob Medlar dies;
Jan. 5
1720 John Law Comptroller General of France; 1955 Florida Rep Charles Bennett
enters legislation requiring IGWT on currency; 1963 First delivery 1950D $5 FRNs;
Jan. 6
1759 George Washington marries Martha Dandridge Custis (FR 224-225); 1811
Senator Charles Sumner (FR 345) born; 1849 Mormon Church Council issues leftover
Kirtland Safety Society Bank notes from 1837; 1964 Series 611 MPCs issued;
Jan. 7
1782 First bank in U.S., Bank of North America opens for business; 1900 Fred Smillie
completes engraving of Ta-to'-ka-in'-yan-ka of the Oncpapa tribe for currency;
Jan. 8
1786 Second Bank of U.S. president Nicholas Biddle born; 1918 U.S. Treasurer Ellis
Roberts dies; 1931 First delivery 1928A $5 USNs; 1944 OPA deadline for ration token
bank accounts; 2000 CAA sells unique $1000 Gold Certificate (FR 12I8d) $945,000;
Jan. 9
1803 CSA Treasury Secretary C.G. Memminger, who appears on Confederate $5/ $10
notes, born; 1822 Dealer William Harvey Strobridge born; 1938 SPMC member Dan
Greydanus born; 1961 De la Rue acquires security printer Waterlow and Sons;
Jan. 10
1843 Notorious bank robber Frank James born; 1855 John Jay Knox cashier of
Susquehanna Valley Bank; 1964 Nathan Goldstein's column "Paper Money Periscope"
debuts in Coin World; 1968 SPMC amends Articles of Incorporation to meet IRS non-
profit requirements; 1983 NASCA sale of Charles J. Affleck Collection begins;
Jan. 11
1755 Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (FR 1-5, 41) born; 1862 Leslie's
Illustrated shows Confederate Treasury Note; 1902 Geographical letter (N,E,S,M,W,
P) printed on NBN faces to aid in sortation; 1942 Smithsonian's Dick Doty born;
Jan. 12
1815 Celebrated collector Jeremiah Colburn born; 1826 Committee appointed to con-
sider establishing branch banks for Bank of England; 1897 National Monetary
Commission undertakes revision of U.S. monetary system;
Jan. 13
1808 Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase (FR 16-17) born; 1861 C.S. German takes
bearded Lincoln photo engraved for $10 Demand Notes (FR 6-10); 1881 Engraver
Nathaniel Jocelyn dies; 1979 Eric Newman wins ANS Huntington Medal;
Jan. 14
1779 Last Continental Currency (FR CC87-102); 1858 Treasury Secretary and
"Father of the Federal Reserve" Carter Glass born; 1875 Congress provides for
redemption of Fractional Currency in silver coins;
Jan. 15
1838 Republic of Texas issues first engraved promissory notes $1-$50; 1865 Secretary
of State Edward Everett (FR 323-329) dies; 1872 Supreme Court upholds constitution-
Stake your claim to this valuable advertising
space all month long
Special Rates Apply
Contact the Editor for Details
aliry of Legal Tender Acts; 1885 David Proskey sells Raphael Thian's collection;
Jan. 16
1833 Colonel "Bloody Ban" Banastre Tarleton, depicted on Confederate Currency,
dies; 1978 Smithsonian acquires Chase Manhattan Bank collection; 1984 Grace
Commission recommends Federal Reserve adopt a standard seal;
Jan. 17
1706 Currency printer Benjamin Franklin (FR 152-164) born; 1817 Second Bank of
U.S. opens; 1914 Ben G. Green dies; 1918 Treasury Secretary Joseph W. Barr bom;
1934 Gold Certificates become illegal for individuals to own;
Jan. 18
1782 Senator Daniel Webster (FR 96-113) born; 1813 Engraver John Wellstood born;
1887 Last stacked Treasury Signatures approved on NBN plates; 1898 Engraver
Thomas F. Morris dies; 1949 Notorious bunco financier Charles Ponzi dies;
Jan. 19
1839 Republic of Texas authorizes treasury notes, $5-$500; 1853 William Tecumseh
Sherman offered banking partnership in San Francisco; 1926 SPMC member George
W. Taylor born; 2001 R.M. Smythe Strasburg sale features Penn Central certificates;
Jan. 20
1801 Fire damages Treasury Building; 1939 SPMC member Patrick Cleary born;
1953 End of Snyder-Clark combined tenure; 1968 Treasury Secretary Henry Fowler
signs TO-212 approving new, less ornate Treasury Seal;
Jan. 21
1802 U.S. Treasurer Francis E. Spinner (FR 1324-1342) born; 1824 CSA's Thomas
Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, who appears on Confederate $500 notes, born; 1971
Treasury circulates last USNs; 1977 NASCA's Jack Guevrekian NY obsoletes sale;
Jan. 22
1879 Last shipments of $1/$2 Nationals to FNB Warren, RI (charter #673); 1890
Treasury Secretary Fred Vinson born; 1932 Former Comptroller of Currency Charles
G. Dawes wins Nobel Peace Prize; 1969 David Kennedy becomesTreasury Secretary;
Jan. 23
1862 Louisiana OKs state TNs; 1903 Frank Katen born; 1941 Detroit Coin Club
400th meeting honors Albert A. Grinnell; 1949 SPMC member Gary Lybeck born;
Jan. 24
1813 Continental Treasurer George Clymer dies; 1922 End of Elliott-White combined
tenure; 1932 Fractional Currency author D.W. Valentine dies; 1953 Early paper
author ANA President Waldo C. Moore dies; 1997 Smythe 10th Strasburg Auction;
Jan. 25
1790 William Cooper of Otsego County, NY issues scrip; 1845 Alabama liquidates
State Bank of Alabama; 1922 Noted banker, Comptroller of Currency and paper money
author A. Barton Hepburn dies; 1956 SPMC member Gary Parietti born;
Jan. 26
1863 John Sherman introduces National Currency Act in U.S. Senate; 1884 Virginia
Governor John Letcher, who appears on state notes, dies; 1951 SPMC member Gary
Pheanis born; 1992 BEP and U.S. Chief Mint engraver Gilroy Roberts dies;
Jan. 27
1900 U.S. Treasurer Georgia Neese Clark born; 1904 First impression from Bailey,
Banks & Biddle's engraver Max Zeitler's new U.S. Great Seal die; 1910 Story of Paper
Money author Fred Reinfeld born; 1982 Last delivery Series 1977 $20 FRNs;
Jan. 28
1834 Indiana Legislature charters State Bank of Indiana; 1847 Congress authorizes
treasury notes to finance Mexican War; 1954 SPMC member Phil Delia born; 1974
BEP Director James Conlon discontinues Bureau souvenir cards "to conserve energy;"
Jan. 29
1761 Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin (FR 183) born; 1843 President William
McKinley (FR 613-638) born; 1891 Treasury Secretary William Windom (FR 245-
246) dies in office; 1968 Treasury Seal with English legend approved;
Jan. 30
1897 New York Colonials author John H. Hickcox dies; 1934 Confederate and Southern
States Currency author Grover Criswell born; 1934 Congress passes Gold Reserve Act,
currency no longer redeemable in gold; 1978 NASCA sells Dave Bowers obsoletes;
Jan. 31
1734 "Financier of Revolution" Robert Morris (FR 186) born; 1866 Alabama legisla-
ture OKs county scrip; 1897 Numismatist Arnold Keller born; 1940 First Social
Security check issued to Ida Fuller; 1966 First Wismer Chair Fred Marckhoff dies v
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
A Few Unreported
Pennsylvania Notes
By Steve Whitfield
With Apologies to William B. Warden, Jr.
some illustrations of various Pennsylvania obsolete notes and scrip
that he had uncovered to Gene Hessler, then Editor of this publi-
cation, Paper Money. Gene forwarded the letters and illustrations
to Steve Whitfield, who promptly misplaced them "somewhere," Steve relates.
Steve recently moved to Florida, and in the process of cleaning out and packing,
turned up Mr. Warden's letters with the note illustrations.
In hopes that Mr. Warden finally gets to see these in print, along with
other collectors of Pennsylvania notes, here are those illustrations.
. ,
The first note was altered from Hoober No. 186-21, $10; on the Farmer's
Bank of Lancaster, altered to Bucks County, Bristol. This note did not appear in
the Pennsylvania book nor in the Haxby catalog. The signatures are forged,
note especially the one of A. Burton, as pres't.
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ler '
The second note is a proof, (not ex-ABNCO) of the New Hope Delaware
Bridge Co., New Hope. Mr.Warden thought this was probably Hoober 271-24,
of which, no description was available. The printer was Durand & Wright.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Feb. 2004
By Fred Reed ©
Feb. 1
1825 Planters & Merchants Bank of Huntsville fails; 1933 Tromp toed currency artist
John Haberle dies; 1936 Treasury Secretary and Comptroller of Currency no longer ex-
officio members of Federal Reserve Board; 1978 NASCA sells Paul Garland Collection
of Confederate bonds; 1979 Bank Note Reporter first published by Krause Publications;
Feb. 2
1794 William Otis, who appears on Ohio bank notes, born; 1819 Confederate note fac-
similist Sam Upham born; 1927 BEP Director Robert Louver born; 1935 First delivery
Series 1934 $20 FRNs; 1948 SPMC member Tyronne Furrow born;
Feb. 3
1690 Massachusetts Colony issues first governmental paper money in Western
Hemisphere (FR MA5-8); 1811 Horace Greeley, printer of Sl. Sylvester's Bank-Note
Reporter, born; 1822 Counterfeiter William "Long Bill" Brockway born; 1964 FC
author Frank A. Limpert dies;
Feb. 4
1841 Second Bank of the United States closes its doors; 1870 Supreme Court 4-3 in
Hepburn v. Griswold holds the Legal Tender Acts unconstitutional; 1879 The new
consolidated ABNCo with NBNCo and ContBNCo added incorporates;
Feb. 5
1864 Isaac F. Wood joins ANS; 1883 Congress authorizes gold medal for philan-
thropist John F. Slater's gift to Black education; 1911 Collector-King Victor Emanuel
III of Italy becomes honorary president of Academia Nazionale dei Lincei;
Feb. 6
1819 McCulloch v. Maryland upholds Congress' power to charter Second Bank of U.S;
1866 First National Bank organized in Arkansas (FNB Fort Smith #1631); 1935 Board
game Monopoly goes on sale; 2004 R.M. Smythe stages 17th Strasburg Stock/Bond Sale;
Feb. 7
1759 Connecticut Colonial Currency (FR CT97-104) bears this date; 1865 Early ban-
knote engraver John Draper dies; 1967 SPMC member Susan B. Cohen born;
Feb. 8
1820 Union general William Tecumseh Sherman (FR 379) born; 1861 Alabama
Assembly authorizes Governor to issue state notes payable in Confederate currency;
1936 M.H. Bolender sells Alexander P. Wylie paper money collection Part 2;
Feb. 9
1773 U.S. general and President William Henry Harrison, who appears on many
Indiana state banknotes, born; 1864 Photographer Anthony Berger takes famous
Lincoln photo that appeared on FRNs for 70 years; 1886 Union general Winfield Scott
Hancock (FR 240-244) dies; 1892 Comptroller & author of United States Notes John J.
Knox (686-707a) dies; 1937 SPMC member Leon Christodoulou born;
Feb. 10
1796 Banknote engraver Charles Toppan born; 1817 U.S. Treasurer Samuel Meredith
dies; 1860 Bank of Mississippi forced to move from Princeton to Greenville due to shift
in Mississippi River course; 1863 Evansville, IN postmaster reports "plenty" of Postage
Currency in circulation; 1894 Mississippi authorizes issue of state Special Warrants;
Feb. 11
1779 Continental Congress establishes office of Secretary of the Treasury; 1812 CSA
Vice President Alexander H. Stephens, who appears on Confederate $20s, born; 1828
NY Governor Dewitt Clinton (FR 187) dies; 1847 Congress authorizes War Bounty
Land Scrip for Mexican War vets; 1976 BEP accepts first Magna Press;
Feb. 12
1809 President Abraham Lincoln (FR 6-10) born; 1867 Confederate note facsimilist
Sam Upham patents beef extract "nutritive medicine;" 1876 Ohio jurist Hosea
Williams, who appears on state bank notes, dies; 1931 SPMC member Raymond
Iacobacci born; 1937 The German film The Counterfeit Bill debuts in the United States;
Feb. 13
1834 Indiana General Assembly charters State Bank of Indiana; 1866 Alabama
Reconstruction legislature certifies scrip previously emitted under military authority;
1866 Engraver George W. Hatch dies; 1939 SPMC member Paul J. Puskar born;
Feb. 14
1824 Union general Winfield Scott Hancock (FR 240-244) born; 1880 Congress per-
mits National Gold Banks to convert to National Banks; 1891 Union general William
Tecumseh Sherman (FR 379) dies;
Feb. 15
1876 Fifth Issue of Fractional Currency ceases; 1878 First National Bank chartered in
North Dakota (ND FNB, Fargo #2377); 1915 Notorious bank robber Frank James dies;
Feb. 16
1811 Congress charters Fanners Bank and Bank of Potomac, Alexandria, D.C.; 1828
Engraver Joseph Ourdan born; 1866 State Bank of Tennessee liquidated; 1875 Fourth
Issue FC ceases; 1973 Independent Arbitrage Int'l issues bearer "constant" notes;
Feb. 17
1776 Albany County, NY issues scrip; 1776 Sole emission of Continental Currency
fractional notes; 1864 CSA Congress authorizes $500 treasury note; 2003 Traveling
exhibition Confederate Currency: the Color of Money opens in Baton Rouge;
Feb. 18
1836 Pennsylvania recharters Second Bank of the United States as United States Bank
of Pennsylvania; 1861 Jefferson Davis, who appears on Confederate 50-cent and $50
bills, elected CSA President; 1862 New York encased stamp issuer Patrick H. Drake
patents his log cabin bitters bottle; 1905 Civil War financier Jay Cooke dies;
Feb. 19
1842 Wisconsin Legislative Assembly authorizes Territorial Warrants for payments;
1873 Comptroller of Currency required to report on condition of state banks;
Feb. 20
1781 Congress unanimously elects Robert Morris Superintendent of Finance; 1840
Mississippi requires banks to redeem outstanding notes with specie or close; 1894
Attorney General Richard Olney rules that Silver Certificates are not "lawful money;"
1942 SPMC member John Sheldon born;
Feb. 21
1861 CSA Treasury Secretary Christopher Memminger's tenure begins; 1863 Scientific
American reports NYC's Eighth Avenue Railroad Co. redeemed $8,400 face value in
stamps taken as fares; 1921 BEP Director James A. Conlon born;
Feb. 22
1732 George Washington (FR 18-40) born; 1777 Continental Congress specifies all
promissory notes be signed by Michael or Samuel Hillegas; 1862 Date of organization
displayed on CSA Great Seal; 1951 SPMC member Pete Angelos born; 1999 World's
first FDIC-insured Internet-only bank ( goes "on line;"
Feb. 23
1842 New York City customs house opens; 1848 John Quincy Adams (FR 184) dies;
1867 Second Issue of Fractional Currency ceases; 1876 Last Fractional Currency
issued; 1996 Treasury Secretary Joseph W. Barr dies;
Feb. 24
1772 Treasury Secretary William Crawford (FR 1380-1381) born; 1815 Inventor
Robert Fulton (247-248) dies; 1862 Philadelphia Inquirer depicts Confederate $5 on
front page; 1964 Production Series 1963 $10 FRNs with "In God We Trust" begins;
Feb. 25
1791 Congress charters the First Bank of the United States; 1863 Congress authorizes
national banks & NBNs; 1863 Congress creates Comptroller of Currency; 1866
Engraver Abner Reed dies; 1927 Congress awards national banks perpetual charters;
Feb. 26
1867 Kansas authorizes Union Military Scrip to pay Civil War claims; 1874 Fifth Issue
of Fractional Currency commences; 1879 Congress authorizes $10 Refunding
Certificates (FR 213 -214); 1913 Treasury Secretary MacVeagh instructs BEP to pro-
ceed with redesigns for small size U.S. currency; 1924 Printing of sortation letters on
NBNs discontinued; 2004 Chicago Paper Money Expo opens;
Feb. 27
1787 Inventor of the geometric lathe Cyrus Durand born; 1795 "Swamp Fox" General
Francis Marion, depicted on Confederate $100 note, dies; 1844 Nicholas Biddle, presi-
dent of Second Bank of the U.S., dies; 1917 Treasury Secretary John Connally born;
Feb. 28
1925 Continental/ Confederate Currency cataloger John W. Haseltine dies; 1961 First
delivery 1950C $20 FRNs; 1976 Numismatic lit dealer G.F. Kolbe holds first mail bid;
Feb. 29
1940 Congressional gold medal honoree Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew , born;
1944 Export license granted Egyptian King Farouk for 1933 U.S. gold double eagle •
%Raj% to.fa.-
In current funds on demand,
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Due to Bearer,
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68 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
The scrip notes, color copies of which were enclosed, included:
• 1. Newtown, Bucks County, PA - A. Smith, 250 July 1, 1862. Similar to 100
note, Hoober 273-3. Note printed in red.
• 2. New Hope, Bucks County, Pennsylvania-S5.00, New Hope Delaware
Bridge Co., Jan 2, 1815. Should fit between Hoober 271-16 and 271-17.
Engraved by W. Kneass, 125 Market ST., Phila.
• 3. "Fill in issuer," 12+1/2c Bucks County, PA. Engraved by H. Andersen.
The left side has an acid destroyed signature. Anyone have any idea?
M !Weal tom N Yaw In
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Winner of the 2003 NL5 Award for
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Read about the Generals that
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Wriff2dAeont.Lift shcof of
70 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
2(,TV_._:___:F,Jlyti2}_r__„ €VMS,11/404..1 11■NOM ,-. .....,, ...,.,- ,.....,, -...... m......... • ' N, '.;
' . .. .. • •
• 4. Andrew J. Hibbs, (unsigned) 250, Bristol, PA. This note is printed in green
and should fit between Hoober 39-29 and 39-30 listings.
• 5. Hoober 54-2, 100 note dated November 27, 1862. This was the first signed
note seen by Mr. Warden in nearly 30 years of looking. Signature looks
like W. H. Paxson, who was a large landowner in Bucks County and owned
the mill in Carversville, PA.
And so, with apologies to Mr. Warden, here finally are the notes you dis-
covered long ago. I would wager there have been many more unreported
Pennsylvania notes that have turned up in the intervening period. Hope you
found most of them.
Steve Whitfield
Wismer Project Chairman
Editor's Note: William B. Warden Jr. is a veteran member of SPMC.
Originally #1716 (1965), Mr. Warden now has LM #232, and still resides in
Deadline for George Wait Prize at Hand
AS ANNOUNCED IN THE NOV/DEC 2003 PAPERMoney, the deadline for applications for the 4th annual
George W. Wait Memorial Prize is March 15th, 2004.
The Wait prize(s) is/are awarded annually to support the
research and publication of book length paper money works.
The prize fund is $500 per year which may be awarded to a
single worthy project or divided among multiple projects at
the discretion of the awards committee.
The prize commemorates the achievements and legacy of
SPMC founding father and author George W. Wait and was
TO L . 1 1.1
instituted upon his death.
Two individuals have thus far been awarded the Wait
Memorial Prize. Both received the maximum award. 1st
annual Wait winner was Robert S. Neale for his work on the
antebellum Bank of Cape Fear, NC. The second year's award
went to Forrest Daniel for his manuscript on small size
Treasury Notes used to finance the War of 1812. Last year,
no entry met standards for awarding the prize.
A copy of the rules may be obtained from the Editor for a
SASE, or via e-mail at
e N2
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
You're Invited to the... 11th ANNUAL
featuring: Stocks & Bonds '05
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
February 24-27, 2005
Holiday Inn — O'Hare - 5440 North River Road, Rosemont, Illinois
The Chicago Paper Money Expo, featuring Stocks & Bonds '05, is sponsored by Krause
Publications, the World's Largest Publisher of Hobby Related Publications, including
Bank Note Reporter & the Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money.
For more info about this show and others, visit our Web site at
100 Dealer Bourse Area * Society Meetings
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* Auction by Lyn F. Knight
* Complimentary Airport Shuttle
Show Hours
Thursday, February 24
2 pm - 6 pm
(Professional Preview - $50)
Friday, February 25
10 am - 6 pm
Saturday, February 26
10 am - 6 pm
Sunday, February 27
10 am - 1 pm
Hotel Reservations
Please call the Holiday Inn O'Hare directly
at (847) 671-6350 and ask for the special
Chicago Paper Money Expo rate
of $99 S/D.
Bourse Information:
Kevin Foley
P.O. Box 573
Milwaukee, WI 53201
(414) 421-3484 • FAX (414) 423-0343
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY72
By Ron Horstman
NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN YOUR COL-lecting activities for the new year. With the econo-
my improving, hopefully, we will have a little bit more
money to spend on our collections, if only we can find
what we want and need.
FUN annually kicks off the year and with it the
largest and best paper money auction of the year con-
ducted by Currency Auctions of America. Next is the
CPMX in Rosemont, IL, a suburb of Chicago, occur-
ring February 26-29. Lyn Knight will be conducting the
auction which is always full of desirable material. For
the educational seminar that the Society conducts for
this event, Judith Murphy has scheduled Kevin Foley to
discuss the relationship between auctions and the col-
lecting fraternity. Mr. Foley is one of the founders of
Currency Auctions of America and a noted authority on
buying and selling paper money. Judith Murphy has
been arranging regional meetings for quite awhile and
has come up with some excellent speakers and subjects.
She is a past president of the Society and has been
named an honorary life member. ANA president Gary
Lewis has appointed Judith to the position of Awards
Committee chairman. Gary Lewis is himself a member
of our Society and served as secretary for several years.
Four members of the Board of Governors are elect-
ed each year and a call for nominations has been made;
see page 378 in the November/December 2003 issue.
Two of our long-time members have chosen not to run.
Wendell Wolka, who appointed me to the membership
director's job back in the early '80s and has served the
Society as vice-president and president for two terms
and again as vice-president, is stepping down. Wendell
will be remembered for his excellent job of announcing
the Memphis breakfast drawing winners. He has found,
as many others have, that retirement can be very time
consuming. ''here did we ever find time for a job?!
Steve Whitfield, author of the Kansas Obsolete book
and chairman of the Society's Wismer project, is also
stepping down. Both will be missed.
This presents an excellent opportunity for someone
with newer ideas and a desire to serve the Society to
throw his/her hat into the ring. We need to know before
March 15, 2004; and the successful candidates will be
announced at Memphis in June, 2004. Good luck! Hope
you all had an enjoyable holiday season!
$ money mart
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 150 per word
(minimum charge of .83.75). Word count: Name and address count as five
words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count
as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of
the same copy. Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recog-
nition of their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and
are run on a space available basis.
VIRGINIA WANTED. Exchange Bank of Virginia issued by
Abingdon Branch and Washington County notes. Also, old postcards
depicting named and known Indians. Tom Merrihue, PO Box 25,
Emory, VA 24327 or 276-944-3581 (232)
Sullivan, PO Box 8442, Gaithersburg, MD 20898 or e-mail or phone 888-246-8040 (234)
1928E; $10 1934A, 1934B and 1934D; 1953A and 1953B. George W.
Taylor, PO Box 242, Georgetown, TX 78627-0242 (229)
Sullivan, PO Box 8442, Gaithersburg, MD 20898, e-mail: or phone 888-246-8040 (233)
1866 1-Iaxby). I am an intermediate collector looking to acquire addi-
tional notes for my collection. Joseph M. DeMeo, PO Box 987,
Valley Forge, PA 19482.or (232)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histo-
ries of banks which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking
county/state/regional banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031 e-mail: spmclm69@cs.corn (228)
LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK. Collector desires notes, photos,
postcards, checks, memorabilia, metal coin banks, banking histories,
publications, or what have you? from Lincoln National Banks or
Lincoln State Banks or insurance companies, or other corporations
named for Abraham Lincoln for use in forthcoming book. Please
contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75051-8162
or for immediate purchase (228)
denomination, we buy it all! Better California's also wanted and pay-
ing "stupid" money for the note. Arri Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden,
NV 89423-1649 (228)
Dallas #3985 ($5, $10 T2), & North Texas NB in Dallas #12736 ($10,
$20 T1). Frank Clark, POB 117060, Carrollton, TX 75011-7060(228)
WANTED. Anything related to Ohio banks or banking prior to the
end of the Civil War including bank notes, scrip, documents, checks,
drafts, stock certificates, correspondence and the like. Collector
prices paid for material that I need. Please write first, including a
photocopy of the items being offered and your desired price. You
may also use e-mail and JPEG scans if that's easier. Wendell Wolka,
PO Box 1211, Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (234)
WANTED. Fractional Currency Errors / Manuscript Notes; encased
postage currency cases; South Carolina railroad paper items. Benny
Bolin (228)
WANTED KANSAS. Obsoletes -- Checks -- Drafts. S. Whitfield,
879 Stillwater CT, Weston, FL 33327
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Obsolete paper money from South
Bend or St. Joseph County wanted. Bob Schreiner, POB 2331 Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331; email: (234)
ADVERTISE IN PAPER MONEY. Biggest bargain in our hobby
since natives walked away with rare trade beads for Manhattan (PM)
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
SPMC Founding Fathers were a smart breed. They knew Collector-to-Collector
Want ads work. That's why they created "Money Mart" so they could place
THEIR WANT LISTS before the rest of the members of our Society
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
* Additional charges apply for longer ads; see rates on page opposite -- Send payment with ad
SPMC's Founding Fathers built some great paper money collections that way
Now YOU be a smart guy/gal too. Put out your want list in "Money Mart"
and see what great notes become part of your collecting future, too.
(Please Print)
L ONLY $20.50 /YEAR ! ! (wow)
Announcing Paper Money's
Upcoming Publishing Program
May/June 3nd U.S. National Banknote Issue
September/October 1st Small Size U.S. Currency Issue
January/February 1st Civil War Currency Issue
Each Year SPMC's special 80-page issues of its award-winning journal
Paper Money become THE "hot tickets" in our hobby
Reserve your advertising space now
Full Page rate $300 Half Page rate $175
Quarter Page rate $100 Contact Editor NOW
Deadlines are March 15th (Nationals) & July 15th (Small Size U.S.) ads respectively
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 7501 1
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 10/10/2003
10662 Darin J. Supel, 616 Esplanade Ave Apt 305, Redondo
Beach, CA 90277-4155 (C, US Large), Tom Denly
10663 K. Cook (C), Tom Denly
10664 Marcus Turner, 8103 E US Highway 36 #163, Avon, IN
46123 (C, World War II), Lyn Knight
10665 Coin World, c/o M.A. Orzano, PO Box 150, Sidney, Ohio
45365-0150 (Publication), Fred Reed
10666 Don Lambert (C), Bob Cochran
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
10667 Ronald W. Stoven, 30 Burgess P1, Groton, CT 06340-
5011 (C, US Large & Small), Website
10668 Paul H. Kwiatkowski (C), Tom Denly
10669 Michael J. Johnson (C), Website
10670 J.E. Bizzell (C), Allen Mincho
10671 Michael Kaczka, PO Box 1669, Key Largo, FL 33037 (C,
Montana Nationals), Allen Mincho
10672 Ray Faubion, PO Box 2306, Highlands, NC 28741 (C,
US), Tom Denly
10673 David E. Booth, 595 Martinique Circle, Stow, OH 44224
(C, Essay, Proof and Experimental Fractional Notes),
10674 Clayton Bryant (C & D), Website
10675 Ginger Bing (C), Frank Clark
10676 Mel Welmire, 737 Center Dr, Palo Alto, Ca 94301 (C,
U.S. Small Size), Website
6300 Ray Anthony (D), Frank Clark
Job Opening
No pay. No office. No expense acct.
No perks except satisfaction/service.
Great opportunitu to enjoy paper money
collecting as SPMC Board Member. I
See below for details.
Official Notice:
Time clock running out for
Nominations for SPMC Board
Fred Reed
Steve Whitfield
Bob Schreiner Wendell Wolka
After long terms on the Board Whitfield and Wolka have announced they are not running
for re-election. If you have suggestions for candidates, or if the other governors named above
wish to run for another term, please notify Nominations Chairman Tom Minerley, PO Box
7155, Albany, NY 12224-0155.
In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A written
nominating petition, signed by 10 current members, is submitted; and (2) An acceptance letter
from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition. Nominating petitions (and
accompanying letters) must be received by the Nominations Chairman by March 15, 2004.
Biographies of the nominees and ballots (if necessary) for the election will be included in the
May/June 2004 issue of Paper Money. The ballots will be counted at Memphis and announced at
the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show.
Any nominee, but especially first-time nominees, should send a portrait and brief biography
to the Editor for publication in Paper Money well in advance of the March 15th deadline.
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
Part 6: More Additions to
A Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia
By Fred Reed
issued/discovered additions to our ongoing Catalog of
SPMC Memorabilia. One of the "missing" Society banquet
tickets from our catalog is the one for the August 1975 affair
held in Los Angeles. Although still "missing," we can now
report that the ticket was light blue, approx. 3.5 by 8 inches,
with the Society logo at left and additional text at right. At
least eight of them are shown on the table setting in this pic-
ture of the gala affair (below, detail at right), recently found.
Individuals shown clockwise (from 1 o'clock) are Chuck and
Mrs. O'Donnell, unknown couple, Fred Reed, Fred Schwan,
unknown, Dr. John Muscalus, Dolly and Grover Criswell.
There were about 200 people present at the banquet. Surely
somebody saved one of the tickets to add to our catalog. First
report of this or any of the missing cards wins a 40th
Anniversary embossed, and signed Paper Money souvenir card.
-/-Zt '4,444
Speaking of these limited edition SPMC cards. Lucky
random winners of the cards who responded to the recent
Reader Survey in these pages were: Stephen Coulter, Mike
Maberry, John Conway, Cecil Brighton, Gary G. Pheanis,
James A. Vander Helm, Jerry Fochtman, Gregory M. Myers,
Raymond S. Vorhees, Sharon Christy, John Ciafrani, Thomas
A. Kuss, Glenn E. Martin, Alec A. Pandaleon III, Leo D.
Alukonis Jr., Allen L. Munro, LTC Albert F. Kaminsky Jr.,
Bruce E. Keener, Matt Janzen, Michael Peuler, Edward
Lewandowski, Chuck Armstrong, and Donald L. Skinner. A
closeup of the card (pictured in an earlier issue of Paper Money,
showing BEP Plate Printer Michael Bean's signature is also
shown above.
76 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
Where Are They Now?
By Steve Whitfield
Kansas obsolete notes since about 1970, three decades.
Quickly apparent was the fact that many of the notes were
unique or had only a couple of copies known. Since I wanted
to obtain illustrations of every Kansas note, it became
important to locate the great rarities. And so, I began keep-
ing records of when notes appeared and where they were
The copies in museums were easy to find and I have
copies (although it is still hard to get full size copies done in
color with good quality). Over the years I have managed to
obtain copies, or in some cases collect the actual notes, for
what has turned into a lifelong project of seeking informa-
tion about Kansas obsoletes. During this period several
important collections were formed and a number of old
holdings were dispersed. Although I tried to keep track of
where the notes wound up, I was unsuccessful in a couple of
In 1940, the Chase Manhattan Money Museum had a
fine holding of Kansas obsolete notes. This included all
types, from chartered banks to depression scrip. A number
of these were unique. When I first learned of the collection,
I wrote and requested an inventory of the holdings, which I
then used to request photographs. It was interesting to
compare the difference in the collection from 1940 to the
early 1970s. Many of the 1940s notes were no longer in the
collection and a few others had been added. I suspect that
these were traded away or possibly spirited out of the collec-
tion under suspicious circumstances. I know for example
that some early collector/researchers traded common notes
to unknowledgeable museums for great rarities. Even so
there were still a number of great notes in the collection, of
which I was able to obtain photographs.
Around 1973, the Chase decided to dispose of the
money museum. George Wait was able to purchase, or dis-
pose of a number of the obsolete notes. He was selected
because he was one of the few persons who knew anything
about these notes or their potential value. Four of the
Kansas notes were eventually turned over to Dean Oakes by
Mr. Wait. In later years I was able to convince Dean to put
those notes up for auction, since he did not collect Kansas.
Included were an issued copy of the $1 Bank of the State of
Kansas note in very poor condition and a unique $1 note of
the Exchange Bank of Atchison. I did not attend the sale,
and both of the notes went for more than I bid. But I did
have copies of the notes. I do not know the present where-
abouts of one of these notes.
There were four other notes of interest in the collec-
tion. These included two issued notes, of the $3 and $5
denomination on the Kansas Valley Bank of Atchison; and a
$2 unissued note on the Exchange Bank of Atchison. I
believe that Wait also had these notes after 1973 and may
have sold them to others. Except for the $2 which surfaced
at the Smithsonian Institution, their whereabouts is a mys-
tery and has been so since they left the Chase in 1973. I do
have black and white photos of the notes, but desire to
obtain color copies of them for the Kansas listing. Three
merchant scrip notes of John Pipher from Manhattan were
also part of the museum holdings that disappeared. I have
photos of the $1 and the 10-cent note, which surfaced at the
Smithsonian Institution. But where is the $1, and when, if
ever, will it surface again?
The Scott/Kerr $1 that was in the museum in 1940 was
gone before 1973, and is undoubtedly one of the 11 notes
known in collections today. Another great note in the 1940
collection was the only known copy of a $1 piece of mer-
chant scrip, issued by Englehart & Fairchild of Hiawatha.
This has to be the note in Eric Newman's collection, proba-
bly obtained by Mr. Osmun at some point. There are also
rumors of some sheets held by descendants so more of them
may turn up in the future. Another note that apparently
wound up in Eric Newman's collection is the 25-cent scrip
piece of Streeter & Strickler.
A mysterious note is one reported by D.C. Wismer.
This was a $2 denomination piece on John Pipher of
Manhattan. A typewritten, partial description of the note
was found in some correspondence of Wismer's many years
ago. I have the description, along with his other notations
about Kansas notes, but have never been able to locate the
note. Where is it? An illustration of this note is needed for
the record.
Two very important Kansas notes disappeared from an
exhibit at the State House in Topeka in 1956. These were a
$5 note on the Bank of the State of Kansas and a $20 note of
the Kansas Valley Bank. Both of these notes were loaned by
the state historical society, and turned up missing when the
exhibit was dismantled. Both notes were unissued examples.
Fortunately we have illustrations of the $20 (one is shown in
Haxby's book and the American Bank Note Company
reproduced this note for the state series of banknotes). We
also know what the $5 looked like, but want an actual photo
of it. It is remotely possible that the notes could still be in
the museum, misfiled or otherwise misplaced.
A New York collector reported owning an issued copy
of a $10 Kansas Valley Bank note many years ago. This note
also has not turned up in the last 30 years. It also has no
photographic copies in existence although we know what it
looked like. This is another important rarity that needs to
be recorded. It is possible that other copies of this note
exist, although none have been reported.
The few facts known about these "mystery notes" and
the secretiveness of many collectors have kept the where-
abouts of many of these notes unknown for nearly 30 years.
I'll continue to be patient and hope that, someday, some
dealer who knows me will call and say, "Hey Steve, I've got
something you'll be interested in."
United States Paper Money
--special selections for discriminating collectors--
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Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
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James Polis
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 77
New CSA Currency and Bonds
Price Guide
"CSA Quotes" — A detailed
valuation guide: $20
• Written by a collector building CSA cur-
rency collection by variety. Also CSA
• Useful for beginners as well as the most
advanced collector.
• Lists types, rare varieties, errors, in
grades G-VG to CU and "Scudzy" to
Long time variety collector (30 years) -- U.S. Large Cents, Bust
Halves, now CSA paper money and bonds. Member EAC,
JRCS, SPMC. From long time Louisiana family
Please send $20 to -
Pierre Fricke, P.O. Box 245, Rye, NY 10580
914-548-9815 ;
eBay "armynova"
P 0 NI 0 R I
Paper money (historical & modern ), notgeld, coins (Chinese,
Roman, modern, etc.), tokens, stamps, checks, Primitive monies, etc.
Wholesale list is available on request
Please contact us at:
P. 0. Box 2-S, Ridgefield Park, NJ - 07660 - USA
Toll Free: 1-800-775-8450
Telephone: 1-201-641-6641 / Fax: 1 -201 - 641 -1700
E-mail: / Website:
The American Society of Check Collectors
publishes a quarterly journal for members.
Visit our website at or write to
Coleman Leifer, POB 577, Garrett Park, MD 20896.
Dues are $10 per year for US residents,
$12 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $18 for those in foreign locations.
78 January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY
WE HAVE A NOTABLE ADDITION TO THElibrary thanks to the generous donation by Rob Kravitz
of his new book A Collector's Guide to Postage & Fractional
Currency. I don't know much about this series nor have a par-
ticular interest in it, but this is a book that appeals to me any-
way. The author describes the money in the context of the
times with abundant historical information about the eco-
nomic conditions and the government's response to a need for
small change that arose during the Civil War. It's also an
attractive book, with excellent typography and many illustra-
tions. The book is available for checkout from the library, or
you may buy a copy from the author for $29.99 + $3.00 ship-
ping. Write him at POB 303, Wilton, CA 95693-0303, or
email .
There is news on two fronts, both related to providing
you with information to better enjoy your hobby (the same
goal as the library). The Board has tentatively approved mov-
ing forward with production of a searchable CD (or DVD if
more space is needed than is available on one CD) of all back
issues of Paper Money. We have recently obtained a copy of
the new ebook (electronic book on CD) Chattanooga Money
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, Librarian
authored by SPMC members Dennis Schafluetzel and Tom
Carson. Fred Reed reviewed the book in the last issue of PM.
It is a marvel of information content and usability. Tom
Carson, in addition to being an advanced collector, is also an
expert on the technology used to produce ebooks, and he has
agreed to help with the Paper Money conversion project.
With his help, I believe that technically and financially we can
complete this project in 2004. The Board still has issues to
resolve with respect to copyright. I hope these will not be a
barrier, but they may prove challenging.
SPMC as usual has more tasks than we have Board mem-
bers. Sometimes it's a matter of matching the right person
with the right task. Wendell Wolka has been our webmaster,
using a design and resources donated by member Glen
Johnson. Wendell is now going to concentrate on our awards
program, ad sales, and other SPMC matters (all while he also
finishes his massive book on Ohio obsolete paper money). I
have agreed to serve as webmaster, a task I see as closely relat-
ed to librarian--it's all provision of information. My intention
is to re-focus the SPMC web more toward information about
our Society and education about paper money generally. But
it will still serve to recruit and retain members. Without your
involvement and financial support, the revenue from Paper
Money advertisers, and the efforts of our authors and others,
the SPMC web, Paper Money, and even SPMC would cease.
Congratulations to SPMC Governor and longtime
Wismer book chairman Steve Whitfield, the newest recipient
of Krause's prestigious Numismatic Ambassador award, pre-
sented at the St. Louis Paper Money Show on No. 22. (A
photo of Steve at the award ceremony is on the SPMC web)
The library catalog is on the web now too. I welcome
your thoughts on library and web, and I can be reached at
POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331, or email rcschrein- .
The Joy of Obsoletes: 2 + 2 = 5
"Collectors have a tendency to consider a collection to be almost a
living entity; it is a situation where the whole exceeds the sum of its
parts, for although the individual pieces within a collection are impor-
tant, the collection as enmasse becomes a piece of sculpture for its assem-
bler to arrange and align and organize." When Don Sutherland wrote
these words for The Antique Trader Weekly (Jan. 31, 1979) paper money
was probably a long way from his thoughts. In fact, he was writing
about collecting typewriters.
Few of you collect typewriters, probably, although some of you
would not be surprised to know that your Editor does. But Sutherland's
summation is an acknowledgement of what we have witnessed many
times over in the obsolete currency field. A collector becomes infatuat-
ed with obsolete currency of a geographical area, and patiently assem-
bles specimens, data, observations, and the goodwill of like-minded indi-
viduals over time and emerges as an "expert" in that field. The synthesis
of the data creates something new which did not exist before. The
Society's ongoing Wismer book series is a monument to that process.
The "grownup" word for this phenomenon is gestalt, which is sim-
ply a European philosophical-psychological word for the very American
adage "two-plus-two equals five." My dictionary defines it further: "a integrated as to constitute a functional unit with prop-
erties not derivable from its parts in summation." In short, 2+2=5.
That's the real basis of SPMC's membership initiative SPMC 6000
that you have been reading about in this magazine for the past few
issues. It's clear to some of us on the SPMC Board that our Society has
aged, and needs to be revitalized to meet the current and future needs of
our membership and the hobby. Hence our credo (motto) "Re-build-
ing a great Society for a new century" TM and our twin goals: (1) increas-
ing the membership rolls; (2) improving member services to provide
more "bang" for your hobby buck.
There are thousands and thousands of additional paper money
enthusiasts and potential paper money collectors out there who would
benefit from what SPMC can provide. Furthermore, it's evident that
this need NOT be a zero sum game (in other words, somebody has to
lose for SPMC to win), but rather SPMC can achieve its goals by part-
nering with other groups (dealers, collector organizations, the press,
etc.) to help them achieve their goals, too, creating proverbial "win-win"
situations. That's our agenda. We've surveyed you so we know some-
thing about your desires, too.
It's simple for YOU to participate. At one level, Paper Money's classi-
fied ad section "Money Mart" offers you the opportunity to inexpensive-
ly advertise YOUR wants year-in and year-out. For a relatively few
cents your want list goes out to ALL collectors and dealers who make up
this wonderful organization. For as little as $20.50 per year (six issues),
you can put all our members on notice to help you find your "special"
needs. I have, and as I have reported several times, it works. Why else
would past Society Presidents Bob Cochran and Frank Clark and other
"advanced" collectors advertise in that section year-in and year-out?
You've already missed one opportunity this year, so take out your ad for
the next six issues now. Whether you are looking for typewriters or not,
somebody out there has what you are looking for -- it's just a matter of
partnering your interests so you both win.
Two plus two equals five once again!
0 _L.
7379 Pearl Rd #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
Is Buying
"Still Paying Top Dollar for Rare Confederate"
U.S. Type, Obsoletes,
Nationals, and
of course, Santa Notes
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229
'Vy:•ti Box 631250. Irving, TX 75063
Kent Robertson, owner 1.-
F -• MN NEI .. . ..
Advertiser: Add this resolu-
tion to YOUR 2004 list:
I will begin (upsize) adver-
tising in Paper Money this
year and enjoy its unprece-
dented growth in the hobby!
KAGIN, A.M. 51
SMYTHE, R.M. 6-7
January/February 2004 • Whole No. 229 • PAPER MONEY80
Last Year Alone...
Littleton Spent More Than
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