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1, itOfficial Journal of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors
VOL. XLIII, No. 3 WHOLE No. 231 MAY/JUNE 2004
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f Antique Stocks and Bonds;U.S. Coins; Paper Money.STEPHEN GOLDSMITH Executive Vice President,R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. BA, Brooklyn College. Contributorto Paper Money of the United States, Collecting U.S. ObsoleteCurrency Financial History and Smart Money. Editor, An
Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes; Past President
and Board Member, Professional Currency Dealers Association. Member:
PCDA, ANA, SPMC, IBSS, New England Appraisers Association.
U.S. Coins and Medals.
JAY ERLICH MAN Contributor to A Guide Book of
U.S. Coins and A Guide Book of British Coins. Assembled and
managed investment portfolios of U.S. coins. Employed by the
Federal Trade Commission as an expert witness on consumer
fraud. Member: ANA, PCGS, NGC.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
THOMAS TESORIERO Proffesional Numismatist
for 38 years in New York. Ancient Greek and Roman coins,
medieval, world gold and silver, paper money. Long time
member of the New York Numismatic Society, involved
with the Membership Committee. Member: ANA,
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Autographs, Banknotes, Coins, Historic Americana, and Vintage Photography
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collection know as much about it as you do? They will at Smythe!
Autographs; Manuscripts; Photographs;
International Stocks and Bonds.
DIANA HERZOG President, RM. Smythe & Co., Inc.
BA, University of London; MA, New York University—
Institute of Fine Arts. Former Secretary, Bond and Share
Society; Past President, Manuscript Society; Editorial Board,
Financial History. Board Member: PADA.
U.S. Federal & National Currency;
U.S. Fractional Currency; Small Size
U.S. Currency; U.S. MPC.
MARTIN GENGERKE Author of U.S. Paper Money
Records and American Numismatic Auctions as well as numerous
articles in Paper Money Magazine, the Essay ProofJournah Bank Note Reporter
and Financial History. Winner of the only award bestowed by the Numismatic
Literary Guild for excellence in cataloging, and the 1999 President's Medal
from the American Numismatic Association. Member: ANA, SPMC.
Small Size U.S. Currency; Canadian
Banknote Issues; U.S. Coins.
SCOTT LINDQUIST BA, Minot State University,
Business Administration/Management. Contributor to the
Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money dr U.S. Paper
Money Records. Professional Numismatist and sole proprietor
ofThe Coin Cellar for 16 years. Life Member: ANA, CSNS. Member: PCDA,
Auction Calendar
February 6-7th, 2004: Stocks and Bonds — Strasburg, PA
March 15th, 2004: Coins, Paper Money— New York City
April 29th, 2004: Autographs — New York City
July 24th, 2004: Coins, Paper Money, Stocks & Bonds—New York City
October 21-22nd, 2004: Strasburg Currency and
Stock and Bond Auction—Strasburg, PA
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0 Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2004.
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 161
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLI1 I, No. 3 Whole No. 231 MAY/JUNE 2004
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
A History of the National Banks of Troy, New York 163
By Thomas Minerley and Robert Moon
The Paper Column: Peter Town National Bank Notes 189
By Peter Huntoon
Henry Well's Bank: The First National Bank of Aurora, NY 204
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
The Paper Column: A Series of 1902 Vice President Note, Fairmont, WV . .216
By Peter Huntoon
The First National Bank of Edinboro, Pennsylvania 218
By Hal Russell Blount
Here Comes Gene Hessler's EPSN #2 226
On This Date in Paper Money History 233, 235
By Fred Reed
Information & Officers 162
Gene Hessler Named Wait Award Winner 193
Now Available: A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Bank Notes . 187
Candidates Vie for Seats on SPMC Board 214
President's Column 234
By Ronald Horstman
SPMC 6000: Free Two-line Classified Ad
Money Mart 234
In Memoriam: Louis F. Davison Sr. and Tim Prusmack 236
New Members
SPMC librarian's Notes 238
By Bob Schreiner
Editor's Notebook 238
Ad Index 239
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Junior mem-
bership numbers will be preceded by the letter "j," which will be
removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
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office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
the world add $10. Life membership — payable in installments
within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800
elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with issuing annual mem-
bership cards, but paid up members may obtain one from the
Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join as avail-
able. Members who join after October 1 will have their dues paid
through December of the following year; they also receive, as a
bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in
which they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper
Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary. •
PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
VICE-PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
SECRETARY Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn,
NY 11231
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Tom Minerley, 3457 Galway Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Steven K. Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941,
Dallas, TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Whitfield, 879 Stillwater Ct., Weston, FL 33327
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
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FAX (803) 432-9958
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 163
bank of the Hudson River in upstate New York, you would be hard
pressed to see its industrial past through the shadow it projects
today. However, given the powers to see beyond what is there today,
one would see a different Troy, a city at the center of this nation's Industrial
Revolution. Located ten miles north of the capital city of Albany and 150 miles
north of New York City, Troy bustled with tremendous foundries and sprawl-
ing industrial complexes, all dependent on three things to maximize profitabili-
ty: cheap local or easily transported resources; abundant labor; and readily
available and cost-effective water power, Industry produced an ever increasing
stream of products which helped swell the coffers of the city's rich and power-
ful aristocrats. Throughout the 1800s, Troy's industrial position would blos-
som, zenith and then slowly fade as the nation's fortunes headed west on the
railroads it helped create. Troy's position in the industrial and commercial
worlds changed forever, as did its stature and wealth, The history of the banks
of Troy and in particular the national banks, closely paralleled these changing
A History of
The National Banks
of Troy, New York
By Thomas Minerley and Robert Moon
Banking in Troy
Prior to the end of the eighteenth century, the collection of local settlers
on the banks of the Hudson River never required extensive banking services,
much less a bank of its own. The 1790 federal census enumerated 150 souls in
Troy and the second national headcount found only 700 living in the loose
community. In 1797, John Jay, the Federalist Governor, moved the State
Capital from New York City to Albany. It might be argued that had it not been
for the thrusting into prominence of nearby Albany, Trojan development
might have been thwarted for years.
His successor in the election of 1801, George Clinton, was known to
strongly support the Trojan Farmers Company in their application to incorpo-
rate a banking house and helped expedite the necessary approvals in the State
Legislature. Until this time, all banking business had to be conducted at the
Bank of Albany, chartered in 1792, and recipient of only the second such char-
ter in the State. To traverse the distance from Troy to Albany to conduct bank-
ing business was an all day affair, by boat or horseback, and took even longer
for the more northern communities of Lansingburgh, Waterford and beyond.
The Farmers Bank, incorporated in March 1801, had its physical location
selected by lot by one of the original directors. Five pieces of paper with the
Editor's Note: An exhibit on which this
article is based won the 2002 John
Hickman Award, sponsored by the
Professional Currency Dealers Assn. for
the outstanding National Currency exhibit
at an annual Memphis International Paper
Money Show.
Population of Troy, NY
Year Population
1790 150
1795 700 366.67%
1800 1,802 157.43%
1805 2,255 25.14%
1810 3,395 50.55%
1815 4,254 25.30%
1820 5,264 23.74%
1825 7,859 49.30%
1830 11,551 46.98%
1835 16,959 46.82%
1840 19,334 14.00%
1845 21,709 12.28%
1850 28,785 32.59%
1855 33,269 15.58%
1860 39,235 17.93%
1865 39,293 0.15%
1870 46,421 18.14%
1875 48,253 3.95%
1880 56,747 17.60%
1890 60,956 7.42%
Source: Troy's One Hundred Years. 1789-
1889. Arthur James Weise, William H.
Young, Troy (NY), 1891.
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
name "Lansingburgh" written upon them and five inscribed "Troy" were
placed in a hat and a blindfolded director selected three. Majority ruled, so as
the papers were unrolled, the decision as to where to place the bank turned out
to be Lansingburgh. This appealed to the farmers and factory owners in
Waterford and points northward and surely met with the approval of the Bank
of Albany, as the Lansingburgh location was, most likely, bound to diminish
the competition with their establishment. This arrangement worked out well
and remained in vogue until the Bank of Lansingburgh was chartered in 1813,
prompting the Farmers Bank to move into the population center of Troy.
There was competition for them in Troy now, as the Bank of Troy opened in
1811, giving the area the fiduciary advantage of having two commercial banks.
Between 1811 and 1862, the number of discount, or commercial
banks in Troy increased to eleven. Each, as a State chartered institution,
issued its own obligatory notes that circulated as the paper currency of the
day. At times during the national bank note issuing period (1863-1935),
Troy could boast of possessing twelve note-issuing banks (eleven different
institutions plus one metamorphosed by a name change). For a brief peri-
od of time, ten of these financial institutions served the mill owners and
factory workers simultaneously.
It would be an error to consider the state of banking as strong and
stable during the crises period leading up to the War of the Rebellion,
particularly in the area of these obligatory notes. Long before the first
cannon ball flew, banking as the founding fathers had left it was failing.
Gone were the days of banking by locality, when people personally knew,
with whom they were dealing on financial matters. As the nation grew and
expanded prior to the War, banking on a metropolitan scale had grown
obsolete. No longer an "across the street" business, its needs had grown to
encompass cross-state boundaries and new territories the likes of which
Washington, Hamilton and the others had never dreamt.
In an increasing number of regions, local bank notes were reduced
to being pretty pieces of paper; not as paper manifestations of wealth, not
valued at par, but sometimes valued at dramatic and drastic discount.
Always a risky business, bank notes, in areas where a particular bank had
no status at all, came to fall into the category of "value me as you please."
The clever speculator, the astute businessman, or the conniver bought or
redeemed bank notes at depressed prices and redeemed them at a profit, at
every commercial step, until they came home to the bank of issue. The
depravity of war was not the cause of the banking and commercial crisis
that the nation faced in the spring of 1861, but it provided the most inge-
nious solution that would have made any true Federalist happy.
Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, the federal gov-
ernment had secured sufficient income from tariff duties and inland rev-
enues to finance most of its operations. Modern war, as the nation's lead-
ership quickly learned, was a nasty and expensive exercise. First, the collections
at the many ports were seriously reduced or, in the case of the Southern ports,
eliminated. The second lesson to be learned was the cost of war. Companies,
battalions and regiments had to be raised, equipped, trained, transported and
fed. All this took money. If the war ended as most Northern "experts" felt it
would, swiftly and victoriously, then the financial strain would have been loath-
some, but probably not devastating.
Regrettably, reality proved the optimists wrong. The 1861 military cam-
paign season concluded with no resolution to the conflict and prospects for the
new year were not bright. Worse still, the Unionists appeared to be losing both
on the battlefield and in the hearts and minds of Americans.
In Washington, the Lincoln administration had to face the challenge of
financing the war. There were two obvious choices, either taxation or borrow-
First and State Streets
Troy, New York
1865 - 1868
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
ing; neither was regarded as pleasant to contemplate. They chose a little of the
former and a great deal of the latter. Government bonds flooded the national
and world markets with varying degrees of success. The "Dollar Patriots" voted
their disapproval with the progress of the war with their wallets. To finance
expenditures, the federal government experimented with a project untried since
the Jacksonian battles with the Bank of America: that of issuing paper money.
The first issue of paper money was known as Demand Notes. Legal
Tender Notes and Compound Interest Notes followed. With no hard currency
to back them up, and with the Treasury suspending specie payment on all notes
in December 1861, the experiment was floundering. On European currency
exchanges, the fledgling currency of the Confederate States (backed by cotton)
briefly held pre-eminence over Union currency. Banks throughout the north
followed suit and suspended specie payment and federal notes traded at dis-
counted values. With hard money increasingly difficult to find, commercial
intercourse came to depend on regular postage stamps for change.
With bonds not selling well and commercial activity grinding to a halt,
matters were going from bad to worse. To paraphrase the great French canal
entrepreneur, Ferdinand de Lesseps, when asked years later how he would han-
dle the problems of building a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, he stated
that when problems arise, people of genius will come forward with the solu-
tions. Luckily, Lincoln had such a genius on his team, Secretary of the
Treasury Salmon P. Chase. The Secretary and his people crafted, devised and
pushed through a war-time Congress a solution which solved two crises at one
time, the banking crisis and the crisis of funding the war.
Above is a visual representation of the
close proximity to one another of seven
of the City of Troy's national banks. All
were successfully engaged in business
during the period 1865-1868.
Additionally, the site occupied by the
Central National Bank had already
housed the Manufacturers Bank. Two
additional Troy banks, The National
Bank and the National City Bank, briefly
had quarters within or near this repre-
sented area.
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166 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 167
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I. •
168 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
On February 25, 1863, Congress passed the National Banking Act, legis-
lation that offered United States banks an opportunity to put their money up
for the war and to turn a profit at the same time. Brilliant in its inception and a
masterstroke in its execution, the inducement was not all based on patriotism
or the belief in the righteousness of any cause, but was largely based on profit.
There was no money to be made loaning it out conventionally, as the chances
for default were far beyond acceptable risk levels. The government was stuck
with bonds it could not sell, while the banks had a surplus of money they could
not invest (without unacceptable risk).
It was a good match for both. To obtain circulating notes, individual
banks were required to buy government bonds from the Treasury in amounts
of not less than $30,000 or 1/3rd of the value of the paid-up capital of the bank.
These bonds would be transferred from the Treasurer of the United States to
the Comptroller of the Currency who would then issue notes to the bank in
various denominations up to 90% of the value of the bonds. The notes, hence,
became an obligation against the bank's bond holdings, not the United States
government itself. It appeared to be a "win-win" solution The plan, at its
inception, however, failed to provide the panacea that the Treasury had pro-
moted, but it did function adequately enough to secure funding and to provide
a true national currency.
The First National Bank of Troy (#163, chartered 1863)
This new concept coming out of Washington did not crack much ice in
Troy. None of commercial banks, ten at the time, made a move to join the
national currency bandwagon. It was not one of the established institutions that
brought this new concept to the city, but a new bank named The First National
Bank of Troy. The new bank was organized with Thomas Coleman elected as
its first president, who, as a director of the Bank of Troy and being unsuccess-
ful in his attempts to persuade that institution to adopt the new system,
resigned his position and joined with directors from several other city banks to
form The First National Bank of Troy. Being the first chartered in Troy, the
bank's #1 note is one of the earliest pieces of the new National Currency issued
in the entire New York Capital District. The bank was assigned Charter #163
in December, 1863 and opened for business at 15 First Street in February,
1864, in the heart of the city's financial district.
With the establishment of Troy's first national bank, the die had been
cast in financial circles. In the succeeding years, the city would see the creation
of eleven titled banking institutions bearing the name National Bank. This new
concept in banking was not necessarily the end product of a surge of patriotism
as much as practicality. In Washington, the Comptroller of the Currency's
struggle to sign banks onto the concept of accepting federal jurisdiction met
with limited success. In 1863, only 179 banks qualified for federal charters but
Original Series - Thomas Coleman,
President; Richardson Thurman,
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 169
in 1864, these ranks swelled by 503, with an additional 944 taking up the chal-
lenge in 1865.
The war years (1863-1865) were the three largest growth years during
the entire National Bank note issuing period. What produced these results?
Patriotism? Not entirely. In June, 1864, legislation was initiated which altered
the National Banking Act of 1863. The revised version added a number of
"persuaders." Perhaps the greatest "incentive" was the introduction of a 10%
tax levy on all state bank notes still circulating. This encouraged conversion. A
subsequent nudge by the New York State Legislature to corral note-issuing
banks "into the fold," was a law passed in 1867 which harshly dealt with the old
circulating notes and eventually killed them off for good. The new law required
banks to deposit, with the Superintendent of Banking in Albany, 1 1/4% of the
value of circulating demand notes as a security fund in the form of government
bonds. Refunds were made to the bank as their individual outstanding balances
were reduced by redemption or active pursuit. The law made it impossible for
the banks to turn their back on their obligations, threatening severe penalties
to any institution that failed to redeem its notes.
The final solution to the dueling forms of currency included a six-year
sunset provision on all locally generated notes. As of March 28, 1873, the "old"
notes would cease to have value or be obligations against the bank of issue. At
that point, any monies left in the security fund would be refunded to the bank.
A system of banking, utilized since colonial days in New York, had been legis-
lated to death. As an example, the Ballston Spa National Bank, successor to the
Ballston Spa Bank, had, in October, 1865, reported $94,517 as outstanding in
bank notes. By January, 1869, that total had shrunk to $3,084. A brief history of
the successive national banks established in Troy will be chronicled in the
order in which they qualified and accepted their National Bank status.
The National Exchange Bank of Troy (#621, chartered 1864)
Succeeding the old Market Bank, the National Exchange Bank included
among its investors and directorate some of the leading businessmen in the
city: George P. Ide, a major shirt manufacturer, and the Gurley brothers,
instrument makers whose work continues to this day. Enjoying an unspectacu-
lar thirteen years in the banking business, the directors voted (on December 5,
1877) to terminate operations, pay the debts, and return the capital to the
shareholders. The directors argued that since the combined taxes on their busi-
ness -- local, state and federal -- were "...over 10 percent. per annum upon its
capital stock," continuation in business, in the face of the fierce local competi-
tion was counter productive. The local paper referred to it as an "...illustration
of the effects of onerous taxation upon our business interest" and lamented that
the closing threatened to "...increase the already burden [of taxation] upon our Original Series - Hiram Miller,
tax payers." President; Shepard Tappen, Cashier
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170 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
The Troy City National Bank (#640, chartered 1864)
Troy's third national bank was a reorganized state-chartered institution,
the Troy City Bank, founded in 1833. Leading an unspectacular career in the
financial world, the institution could lay claim to one boast. Its sole accom-
plishment was that it became the first federally chartered banking institution to
survive the sunset of its original charter and be rechartered. The bank survived
independently until May 29, 1902, when it was absorbed by the Security Trust
Company of Troy.
Below: Original Series (1875) - John
Pierson, President; George Stone,
Bottom: Second Charter (Brown Back)
- George Stone, President; Oscar Van
Zile, Cashier
171PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
'augur 031.5nats wax toi 1.tuoal011141
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7 _SCEUTIONSX ,4141.4144r y slfriws-,:iluallo
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Cash: -E0 TEN
172 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Second Charter (Brown Back) - George
Ide, President; Samuel Gleason,
Series 1929 - William Feathers,
President; William Seber, Cashier
The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy (#721, chartered 1865)
This bank was the leading financial choice among the textile industrialists
in the city: the Cluetts (who invented the Sanforization process for preshrink-
ing fabric, named after Sanford Cluett) and the Ides, whose factories produced
collars, cuffs and shirts. So successful were these leaders in the shaping of the
City of Troy, that it will forever be known as the "Collar City." With coffers
swelled by the factory owners' profits, the bank would merge with the Security
Trust Company (which in 1921 had absorbed the Troy City National Bank)
and the National City Bank of Troy in 1927, picking up some of the smaller
community banks in the area along the way. The Manufacturers National Bank
could boast of having circulated more National Currency ($9,042,920) than any
of its rivals, nearly double the total of its nearest competitor. As a footnote to
the bank's history, when President Franklin Roosevelt declared a "Bank
Holiday" in 1933 and closed all the banks in the nation, access for Trojans to
their safe deposit boxes was denied everywhere except at the Manufacturers
National Bank. Due to the fact that safe deposit operations were run indepen-
dent of the bank itself, the bank's customers were exempted from the freeze.
After 1935, the bank was bought and now lives on as part of the banking con-
glomerate known as HSBC.
The Merchants and Mechanics National Bank (#904, chartered 1865)
This bank, for better or worse, was dominated by the Vail family, a
prominent old Dutch family who, as events turned out, could not boast about
their infallible ability to run a banking house. Presided over by D. Thomas Vail
and his brother, Townsend, the original bank, the Merchants and Mechanics
Bank, was founded by their father, George, in 1829. The Vails were known as
risk takers and their operation of the bank proved that label to be correct. In
1868, after just three years in operation, the bank's leadership miscarried the
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 173
institution. In its final published quarterly Statement of Condition (September,
1868), the bank listed $400,000 invested in a woolen mill in the nearby com-
munity of Schaghticoke as an asset, a mill in which the president and several
members of the board of directors had financial stakes. The problem was that
the mill was liberally assessed in value at $224,000. The public had a problem
dealing with this revelation. In the words of bank examiner Albert Kirkland,
summoned to clean up the mess, The management of the bank has for years,
in seeking to conceal the true condition of corporation with which its president
and directors are closely connected, resorted to transactions of a very question-
able character and for which it appears the president is wholly responsible."
The bank reverted to a state-chartered institution, but was finally forced to
close by the State Banking Department in October 1878.
Original Series - D. Thomas Vail,
President; Francis Sims, Cashier
The United National Bank of Troy (#940, chartered 1865)
The United National Bank rose out of the ashes of two venerable Trojan
financial institutions, the Bank of Troy and the Farmers Bank when both
decided to discontinue business in February, 1865. Depositors from both of
tbese banks came together in creating another national bank in Troy. It per-
formed its fiduciary tasks in a prosperous and profitable manner for 65 years
until January, 1930, when it merged with the National City Bank of Troy, a
marriage the former had balked at when the latter was chartered in 1905.
'Jr II Cl
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- Cash!
Above: Second Charter (Brown Back)
- William Thompson, Vice President;
John Neher, Cashier
Right: Series 1929 - Henry Darby,
President; Willard Van Derzee,
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174 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Third Charter (Date Back) - Henry
Wheeler, President; Edward Strecker,
The Union National Bank of Troy (#963, chartered 1865)
Organized out of the old Union Bank, it once boasted of having William
F. Sage, a relative of the famous philanthropist and college namesake Russell
Sage, first as vice president (1863-1866) and then as president (1866-1870).
The Union National Bank attained the honor of being the oldest surviving
national bank in the city. It remained independent well into the 1990s and its
lavish three-story edifice, first occupied in 1888, remains a banking facility
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
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176 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Series 1929 - Edward Strecker,
President; Joseph Kober, Cashier
The National State Bank of Troy (#991, chartered 1865)
Continuing the trend of state-chartered banks converting to national
banks, the old State Bank of Troy, on the southeast corner of First Street, com-
menced a sixty-two year career as the National State Bank, before being
absorbed by the much larger Manufacturers National Bank in September,
1927. The local paper regaled its readers with tidbits that the final shareholder
disbursal of profits had been 26% (that being the 152nd dividend the bank paid
out) and that was in addition to the final regular semi-annual dividend declared
the previous July.
Below: Third Charter (Red Seal) -
Julius Hawley, President; Henry
Colvin, Cashier
Bottom: Third Charter (Plain Back) -
Thomas Wotkyns, Vice President;
Henry Colvin, Cashier
This framed note is annotated on the
back "Present to Mother Dear - being
the First National Bank Bills I ever
Signed. Oct. 17th, 1922 Tom S.
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 177
The Mutual National Bank of Troy (#992 , chartered 1865)
The assignment of national bank charter numbers has long been a mys-
tery to researchers, take, for example, the matter of the National State Bank
(#991) and the Mutual National Bank (#992). Surviving First Charter Period
notes issued by the two banks show an identical and most likely some sort of
batch-processing date, of July 1, 1865. The individual historical records of the
institutions show that the National State Bank became a national bank on April
15, 1865, while the Mutual National Bank took up the mantle three weeks ear-
lier, on March 23, 1865. It appears that there was no rhyme nor reason to the
assignment of charter numbers. After forty years of profitability, the Mutual
National Bank merged with its younger sister, the Central National Bank, in
1905 to form a new institution, the National City Bank of Troy.
The Central National Bank of Troy (#1012, chartered 1865)
This bank was the last of the state-chartered banks to convert to the fed-
eral system. Its career closely paralleled that of the Mutual National Bank with
which it merged in 1905. The notes of the bank were, at times, graced with the
signatures of bank officials who, literally, had the longest names of any Troy
national bank note signers throughout the entire note issuing period. Jacob
Lansing Van Schoonhoven was the first president (1865-1873). Not to be out-
done, the last president (1900-1905) was suitably named William H. Van
Schoonhoven. Research has thus far failed to determine what the "H" repre-
Below: Original Series - John
Albertson, President; George Stone,
Bottom: Original Series (1875) -
William Kemp, President; George
Sagendorf, Cashier
178 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
The National Bank of Troy (#2873, chartered 1883)
In addition to having the saddest history of any of the national banks in
the city, this bank had the distinction of being the last chartered institution in
Troy in the 19th century. There was no provision in the original National
Banking Act stating what banks would do when their original 20-year charters
expired. While amendments addressed this conundrum for banks chartered
later, the First National Bank of Troy had to play under the old rules. There
was simply no re-chartering. . .period. The solution turned out to be simplicity
itself. On February 23, 1883, the First National Bank closed its doors forever.
On February 24, 1883, customers who entered the familiar banking structure
were greeted by a new name on an old friend.
The end of the 19th century was cruel to Troy. Gone were the iron
foundries and a great deal of the accumulated wealth built up over the decades;
The nation was in the grip of hard economic times and everything seemed to
conspire against the National Bank of Troy.
In May of 1893, the firm of Neher and Carpenter, bankers, mortgage
brokers, and insurance agents, doing business at 5 First Street (only a few doors
down from the bank) was forced into insolvency by their principle, the
Northwestern Guaranty Loan Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Philip
Neher, before his death, had been on the board of the National Bank and his
company's primary account was with the bank. When the news of the insolven-
cy hit the street, a crowd gathered in front of-the-firm's offices and people
began to stream between the office building and the bank. The bank honored
the company's drafts up to the amount of their balance, but was in no way
involved in the company's insolvency.
As the crowd milled about in front of the bank, it appeared as though the
Top: Original Series - Jacob
VanSchoonhoven, President; John
Kellogg, Cashier
Above: Second Charter (Brown
Back) - William VanSchoonhoven,
President; Edward Greenman,
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 179
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
P.O. BOX 847 -- Flemington, NJ 08822
Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235
Jess Lipka, Proprietor
Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and
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Statistical Rarities, New Jersey.
Also Buying Coin Collections and Type
NO DEAL TOO LARGE!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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National Bank
Nalional C' Bank
180 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Second Charter (Brown Back) -
Thomas Coleman,: President; Ceorge
Morrison, Cashier
bank itself was in trouble. A run developed and many depositors withdrew their
funds from the bank solely because of mass hysteria and unsound judgment.
The bank stood firm and was able to satisfy all the pressing demands for with-
drawals. The following year, in an attempt to escape this sordid episode, the
bank moved off of First Street to new quarters an the southwest corner of
Fulton and Fourth Street. Unfortunately, this incident was only a harbinger of
worse things to come.
In 1896, a most unlikely catalyst for disaster walked down Fulton Street.
Thomas Ganley, someone who might be described as a "bread and egg" man,
was enjoying the late summer sunshine and warmth. Ganley operated a busi-
ness on King Street selling tea, coffee, butter and eggs, but he was now getting
along in years. He sold his business and took the position of secretary on the
Troy municipal Civil Service Commission. It was September 9, when Mr.
Ganley paused a moment in front of Robert Seitz's harness shop on Fulton
Street, which was next door to the bank. The pause was eternal when he col-
lapsed to the horror of the unsuspecting masses.
Ganley's death now played an unknowing part as agent provocateur in
the failure of an otherwise stable and profitable business enterprise, the
National Bank of Troy. The prostrated form on the sidewalk quite naturally,
attracted a large crowd of passersby. Ganley was carried into the harness shop
where he awaited the pronouncement that he lived no more from a hastily
summoned doctor. The crowd did not dissipate. It grew out of curiosity. With
economic times being what they were, this sight had all the earmarks of a run
on the bank. As Ganley's body was removed to the mortuary, a voice was heard
saying that Ganley had gone into the bank to withdraw money and, when his
request for funds was denied, he promptly exited onto the street and faded into
1111MMIEMI.011 IMP! 111121111.1111.1111.1111.1111 .1111.11111111111
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National Banks of T • , W
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 181
The demise of the National Bank was only beginning. The run on the
bank, caused by unsubstantiated rumors, lasted ten days. The newspaper that
shared the same premises with the bank never mentioned a word of what was
going on right under its nose. Stories of failures in other places, some not long
before, flooded the imagination of the Trojan citizenry. The bank was buffeted
day after day with calls for cash. The president of the bank, sensing the desper-
ation of the moment, tried to sell the perfectly good notes and obligations held
by the bank, first to other banks in Troy, and then finally to major banking
houses in New York City. The times, being what they were, nobody would
loan the National Bank a sorry nickel. They were scared themselves, and felt
that they had to save every dime just in case the panic spread. The Union
National Bank, located less than half a block down Fourth Street, was particu-
larly concerned.
Eventually, even the Troy paper had to acknowledge what was going on
when the bank failed to open its doors on September 19. Edward J. Graham of
Albany, a national banking examiner assumed control of the situation and
wound up the affairs of the bank. The depositors were paid every dime and the
shareholders were only out 15% of their investment.
During the audit of the bank's account, Graham noted that former bank
cashier and current member of the board of directors, Rensselaer County
Treasurer, George Morrison, had been using county funds for his own person-
al use. The disparity in the account amounted to about $260,000, not all of
which was in The National Bank of Troy; funds were distributed among sever-
al local banks. Of the missing funds, only $40,000 was charged against The
National Bank of Troy. Morrison pleaded guilty to creating the difference in
his favor and was sentenced to six years in a State penitentiary.
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182 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
The National City Bank of Troy (#7612, chartered 1905)
Created by the merger of the Mutual and Central National Banks, The
National City Bank became the first chartered bank of the 20th century and the
last. The United National Bank was "invited" to join the merged institution in
1905, but had politely refused. In 1930, the offer was resurrected and this time
it was found acceptable. The National City Bank was one of only three banks
(the others being the Manufacturers and the Union National Banks) to survive
and serve the Trojan citizenry at the end of the national bank note era.
Syngraphic Analysis
Considering the fact that the twelve national banks of Troy issued a total
of 4,664,092 large-size and 691,133 small-size notes, it is understandable that
generic Troy national bank notes are not considered rare. The note output of
the city (more than 5.3 million notes) exceeds the total issuance of several
states! Numerous notes are readily available for collecting from all four charter
periods (including several # 1 notes, both large and small) if the seeker has per-
sistence and patience.
When a collection is carefully undertaken, and a detailed and actual cen-
sus of surviving notes on the individual banks is completed, a collector may be
immediately blindsided by several challenges. Certainly, two banks stand out as
having the most numerous survivors: the Manufacturers National Bank and the
National City Bank. Upon close examination of a multitude of auction cata-
logues and dealer's stockpiles, these are the notes collectors generally have to
purchase if Troy is to be represented in their holdings. Upon closely examining
the banks that existed for brief periods of time, the chance of completing a set
is currently an impossible challenge.
Top: Third Charter (Plain Back) -
Thomas Vail, President; William Polk,
Above: Series 1929 - Delmar Runkle,
President; J.Frank Beebe, Cashier
1111511ilt il MU tt
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•st National Bank.
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Printed by
ed D. HALL.
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184 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
These facts are borne out as follows:
• The most extreme example of note unavailability is the Merchants and
Mechanics National Bank. Considering the fact that it only operated
from 1865 to 1868 and had a total outstanding balance in 1910 of only
$1,447, its survival was just short of miraculous. The Kelly census reports
only one note surviving on this. bank, an Original Series Ace listed by
serial number in the Grinnell Sales of 1944-46 (Part IV, lot 2543, selling
for $10.50 against a pre-auction estimate of $13). This note is featured in
this article.
• The next scarcest notes are on the National Bank of Troy. Issuing a small
handful of Second Charter Brown Backs between 1883 and 1896, the
bank had an outstanding amount in 1910 of $2,180. Only three $10 notes
are presently known to have survived, one of which is illustrated in this
• Tied in the number of surviving notes currently known is the National
Exchange Bank which could boast of only having had $1,509 counted as
unredeemed in 1910. While the Kelly census reports only one note
known on this bank, investigative research has found that three notes, two
Deuces and the above-illustrated Five Dollar Bill survived decades of
• A final example of the scarcity of Troy notes are those issued by the First
National Bank, another exclusively First Charter Period bank. Kelly's
census reports only three notes, but a more up-to-date count confirms at
least nine survivors, including the #1 Ace used to illustrate this article.
In summary, finding a nice note to represent the long and sometimes
ignoble history of National Banking in Troy, will not be too difficult a chal-
lenge for the collector. If however, the goal is to assemble a complete set from
all twelve National Banks, that will be a real challenge. As you can see, current-
ly only the one set is available, and it is presented in this article.
Appendix: Contemporary Terms of Troy NB Officers
Charter Number° 163
Title: First National Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President Cashier
1864-1882 Thomas Coleman Richardson H. Thurman
1883-1884 Thomas Coleman George H. Morrison
Charter Number: 621
Title: National Exchange Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President Cashier
1865 - 1876 Hiram Miller Shepard Tappen
1877 Shepard Tappen William Gurley
Charter Number: 640
Title: Troy City National Bank
Contemporary Terms President Cashier
1863-1872 John A. Griswold George F. Sims
1873-1874 Hannibal Green George F. Sims
1875-1885 John B. Pierson George A. Stone
1886-1893 George A. Stone Oscar E. Van Zile
1894-1902 George A. Stone Frank E. Norton
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
Opened Closed Large
163 First 1863 Feb. 24, 1883 $913,060 $0 $913,060 $4,723 /a
621 National Exchange 1864 Dec.6, 1877 254,200 0 254,200 1,509 /a
640 Troy City 1864 May 29, 1902 2,010,890 0 2,010,890 11,470 /a
721 Manufacturers 1865 5,949,240 3,093,680 9,042,920 1,000,000 /b
904 Merchants & Mechanics 1865 Dec. 31,1868 188,050 0 188,050 1,447 /a
940 United 1865 Jan. 18, 1930 5,322,990 133,500 5,456,490 200,000 /c
963 Union 1865 5,015,260 805,590 5,820,850 100,000 /b
991 National State Bank 1865 Sept.17, 1927 5,175,660 0 5,175,660 250,000 /d
992 Mutual 1865 Mar. 23,1905 1,706,860 0 1,706,860 18,667 /a
1012 Central 1865 April 4, 1905 1,425,910 0 1,425,910 16,212 /a
2873 National Bank 1883 Nov. 16, 1896 415,900 0 415,900 2,180 /a
7612 National City Bank 1905 5,545,540 1,853,400 7,398,940 500,000 /b
$33,923,560 $5,886,170 $39,809,730 $2,106,208
/a Amount Outstanding 1910
/b Amount Outstanding 1935
/c Amount Outstanding 1930
/d Amount Outstanding 1927
Charter Number: 721
Title: Manufacturers National Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President Cashier
1863 Roger A. Flood Charles M. Wellington
1864-1876 Thomas Symonds Charles M. Wellington
1877-1882 Henry E. Weed Charles M. Wellington
1883-1898 George P. Ide Samuel 0. Gleason
1899-1906 George P. Ide Frank E. Howe
1907-1922 Frank E. Howe William C. Feathers
1923-1925 Frank E. Howe William F. Seber
1926-1933 William C. Feathers William F. Seber
1934- 1935 William F. Seber J. Donald Welch
Charter Number: 904
Tide: Merchants and Mechanics National Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President Cashier
1863-1878 D. Thomas Vail Francis Sims
186 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Charter Number: 940
Title: United National
Contemporary Terms
Charter Number: 1012
Tide: Central National
Contemporary Terms
Bank of Troy
Joseph M. Warren
E. Thompson Gale
E. Thompson Gale
Joseph W. Fuller
George H. Cramer
John H. Neher
George B. Warren
Samuel S. Bullions
Henry S. Darby
Bank of Troy
J. Lansing VanSchoonhoven
J. Lansing VanSchoonhoven
George C. Burdett
Moses Warren
Moses Warren
William H. VanSchoonhoven
Tracy Taylor
Tracy Taylor
George H. Perry
John H. Neher
John H. Neher
Samuel S. Bullions
Samuel S. Bullions
Donald B. Thompson
Willard E. Van Derzee
Pliny M. Corbin
Pliny M. Corbin
Pliny M. Corbin
Adam R. Smith
Adam R. Smith
Adam R. Smith
Edward Strecker
Edward Strecker
Joseph E. Kober
Fred W. Clements
Willard Gay
Willard Gay
Willard Gay
Julius S. Hawley
Julius S. Hawley
Julius S. Hawley
Henry Colvin
James W. Clark
George Al Stone
George H. Sagendorf
George H. Sagendorf
George H. Sagendorf
Rice C. Bull
John R. Kellogg
Asa W. Wickes
Asa W. Wickes
Asa W. Wickes
Edward W. Greenman
Edward W. Greenman
Charter Number: 963
Title: Union National Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President
1863-1866 Ludlow A. Battershaw
1867-1870 William F. Sage
1871-1874 Hiram Smith
1875-1880 Hiram Smith
1881-1886 William Gurley
1887-1896 Lewis E. Gurley
William F. Gurley
Henry Wheeler
Edward Strecker
1935 Edward Strecker
Charter Number 991
Title: National State Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President
Alfred Wotkyns
1867-1882 Henry Ingram
Charles Warner
Willard Gay
1892-1900 Thomas Colwell
Julius S. Hawley
1926-1927 Henry Colvin
Charter Number: 992
Title: Mutual National Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President
1863-1872 John P. Albertson
1873-1875 John P. Albertson
Calvin Hayner
1879-1894 William Kemp
William Kemp
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete
Bank Notes and Scrip
By Wendell Wolka
The Society of Paper Money Collectors is pleased to announce that the latest volume in its series of State Catalogs
covering obsolete paper money and scrip is now available for ordering. Books will be available for shipment by June
30, 2004. Advance orders are now being accepted.
• Over 1,000 pages of history and note listings
• Well illustrated, with approximately 1,000 notes and scrip pictured
♦ Hard cover binding, matched to previous volumes in the series
♦ Nearly 7,000 different note listings
• Detailed historical information regarding both the towns and note issuers throughout.
♦ Comprehensive Issuer and Town index to make finding notes easy
♦ Limited Edition of 400 copies
Pricing: Single Copy: $66.00 (includes shipping & handling)
15 Copies: $765.00 50 Copies: $2,050,00 (includes shipping & handling)
Send orders to:
SPMC Ohio Book, Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Make check or money order payable to SPMC and be sure to include your shipping address with your payment.
BOOKS will ship approximately June 30, 2004.
188 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Charter Number: 2873
Title: National Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President
1885-1894 Thomas Coleman
1895-1896 Francis A. Fales
1896 Daniel Klock
Charter Number 7612
Title: National City Bank of Troy
Contemporary Terms President
1905-1906 William H. VanSchoonhoven
1907-1908 William H. VanSchoonhoven
1909-1925 Thomas Vail
1926-1927 William F. Polk
1928 Delmar Runkle
1929- 1935 Delmar Runkle
George H. Morrison
George H. Morrison
William P. Allendorph
Rice C. Bull
Edward W. Greenman
William F. Polk
J. Frank Beebe
J. Frank Beebe
Edgar C. Stillman
Major Works Consulted
Anderson, George Baker. Landmarks of Rensselaer County. Syracuse: D. Mason
& Co. (1897).
The Ballston Journal, 1863-1869.
Hayner, Rutherford. Troy and Rensselaer County, Volume II. New York: Lewis
Historical Publishing Company (1925).
Hickman, John and Oakes, Dean. Standard Catalog;ue of National Banknotes,
Second Edition. Iola, WI: Krause Publications (1990).
Kelly, Don C. National Bank Notes, Third Edition. Oxford, OH: Paper Money
Institute, Inc. (1997).
NYS Legislature, Chapter 191 of the Laws of 1867.
Parker, Joseph. Looking: Back: A History of Troy and Rensselaer County, 1925-
1980 . Troy: Alchar Printing Company (1982).
Sylvester, Nathanial B. The History of Rensselaer County, New York. Philadelphia:
Everts and Peck (1880).
Teachers of the Troy Public Schools. Our Community: Troy and Rensselaer
County. Troy: Whitehurst Printing & Binding Company (1943).
Troy City Directory, 1863-1935.
The Troy Daily Times, 1865 - 1935.
Weise, Arthur J. Troy's One Hundred Years. 1789-1889. Troy: William H.
Young (1891).
Bad Taste marred fine Paper Money issue
Dear PM,
It's a shame that a particularly fine issue of PM (Whole No. 230) had to be marred by the inclusion
of such a ridiculous item as the "Urban Legend" piece on page 156.
I suppose you could fold American or almost any other currency in some way to suggest almost any-
thing you want. The examples shown are as untrue and stupid as the other ones mentioned. Bad taste? Yes!
Lawrence C. Koenig
SPMC #9690
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 189
'Peter Town"
anal Bank N
"stone." Probably the most famous Peter was the disciple of Christ.
Next must be Peter the Great of Russia. Lots of my ancestors on my
mother's side were given Peter as their middle name, so that is how I
got the name.
Many towns in the United States have been named after various Peters,
most after the saint, and a few after the czar. Probably a few were named after
lesser lights, but none after me.
411 ,i by Peter Huntoon
Early on in my collecting career I looked into the note issuing "Peter
towns." They included St. Petersburg, Peterstown, Peterborough and six
Petersburgs. My favorites were two Saint Peters, one in Illinois; the other, in
My definition about what constituted a "Peter town" was quite liberal
because I wanted to include Peters in other languages which broadened the list
to include Spanish San Pedro, CA, and French Pierre, SD, and even Fort
Pierre, SD. Never mind that the South Dakotans failed to import the correct
French pronunciation for Pierre when they borrowed the word. Those
unwashed called the place "pier," and being rather parochial about it, I note
that there is no move afoot among them to fix the problem now!
Peterson, Iowa, eventually made my list being Scandinavian for Peter's
son. Close enough for me.
I discovered one title that particularly caught my fancy, The Peters
National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska (#11829), chartered in 1920. The officers
of the bank opted out of issuing notes by selling their bonds to the Federal When Dean Oakes sold this note to me
Reserve system under the terms of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Too bad, in 1968, he launched my quest for
that interesting title was out. "Peter town" notes.
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Table 1. Note issuing banks in "Peter towns." Data from Van Belkum (1968) and
Comptroller of the Currency (1863-1935).
Inclusive Years
Notes Issued Last Reported
Ch No Town Title With Tide Circulation (Yr) Fatea
7057 San Pedro First National Bank 1903 1929 48,900 (27) A
7730 Saint Petersburg First National Bank 1905 1926 196,100 (26) F
7796 Saint Petersburg National Bank 1905 1910
Central National Bank 1910 1922
Central NB&TCo. 1922 1923 197,800 (23) F(31)
12623 Saint Petersburg Alexander National Bank 1925 1925 200,000 (25) A
3043 Petersburg First National Bank 1883 1929
State National Bank 1929 1935 49,600 (34) 0
9896 Saint Peter First National Bank 1910 1932 25,000 (31) L
5300 Petersburg First National Bank 1900 1935 25,000 (34) 0
4601 Peterson First National Bank 1891 1935 25,000 (34) 0
1794 Saint Peter First National Bank 1871 1935 15,000 (34) 0
New Hampshire
1179 Peterborough First National Bank 1865 1935 100,000 (34) 0
North Dakota
11185 Petersburg First National Bank 1918 1930 25,000 (29) L
10313 Petersburg First National Bank 1913 1935 18,750 (34) 0
South Dakota
2941 Pierre First National Bank 1883 1934 100,000 (34) L
4104 Pierre Pierre National Bank 1889 1935 49,650 (34) 0
4237 Fort Pierre First National Bank 1890 1894 11,250 (94) L
4279 Pierre NB of Commerce 1890 1925 79,500 (25) F
9587 Fort Pierre Fort Pierre National Bank 1909 1935 10,000 (34) 0
14252 Pierre First National Bank in 1934 1935 20,000 (35) 0
10306 Petersburg First National Bank 1913 1935 30,000 (34) 0
1378 Petersburg First National Bank 1865 1873 179,200 (73) F
1548 Petersburg Merchants National Bank 1865 1873 360,000 (73) F
1769 Petersburg Commercial NB 1871 1879 99,800 (79) L
3515 Petersburg National Bank 1886 1931
FNB&TCo. 1931 1933 692,200 (33) F
7709 Petersburg Virginia National Bank 1905 1931 981,040 (30) A
13792 Petersburg Citizens National Bank 1933 1935 100,000 (34) 0
West Virginia
9721 Peterstown First National Bank 1910 1935 25,000 (34) 0
Number of different banks = 26
Number of different titles = 30
a. A=absorbed by another bank; F=failed; L=voluntarily liquidated; 0=open at the end of note issuing period
in 1935.
4000217 10313
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 191
There were 15 national bank note issuing towns in the country that made
the cut. Twenty six note issuing banks operated in those towns, under a total
of 30 different titles. Some were cities with large banks such as St. Petersburg,
FL, and Petersburg, VA. Others were small places or cross roads with thinly
capitalized banks such Saint Peter, MN, or Fort Pierre, SD. Most were modest
size towns.
I liked the nationwide distribution. Also every series and type was repre-
sented among their issues, and most denominations within the types. The indi-
vidual banks ranged from impossible to collect to common. This seemed like
fertile ground. Why not try to form some sort of collection from these banks?
The first task was to define the scope of the collection. I decided that
"completeness" would be defined as one note from every town with an issuing
bank. There was no point in attempting to collect a note from every bank and
every title. Some banks were simply impossible. Prime examples were three
early Petersburg, VA, banks which failed early. They are prohibitively rare.
Included were The First National Bank (#1378) and The Merchants National
Bank (#1548) which went under in 1873, and The Commercial National Bank
(#1768) which failed in 1879. Going after that class of rarity sounded like fill-
ing a penny board where you are forever looking at the 1909-S VDB hole.
Besides, why compete with Virginia location collectors for their greatest rari-
ties and ultimately their rightful prizes if one should turn up?
No, just going for one from each town sounded like a significant chal-
lenge. Many of the towns were represented by a single scarce to collect bank
which had a circulation of less than $50,000, so a town collection afforded
plenty of challenge.
Secondary objectives could include obtaining both a large and small size
note where possible from each town, and collecting many different types in
order to add variety to the set and give it some color. Certainly, it would be
Notes issued by the banks in St.
Petersburg are decidedly scarce for a
medium size city. Making matters
worse it the fact that all the banks
issued only large size, and Florida col-
lectors have a vice like grip on the few
that are out there.
Both large and small size notes are
possible from rural Petersburg in
central Pennsylvania.
.//////////7, U„tflutzza0 1:4Y1"!%/2
192 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Finding a nice looking 1902 note from
here involved a long wait.
The first printing of 1929 notes for
Saint Peter, MN, contained an error so
all but the first few were canceled.
This note is from the first sheet of
error-free $10s from the second print-
ing. It appears to have been saved by
a banker like a number one note.
enjoyable to get different titles for banks with more than one.
A critical note came my way that nurtured the concept behind this set,
and launched me on the pursuit. It was a $5 1902PB from The First National
Bank of Saint Peter, Illinois (#9896), which I got from Dean Oakes for $20 in
December, 1968. I had stopped in to see Dean in his shop in Iowa City on a
trip to visit my wife's folks in Grinnell over the Christmas break from college.
He showed me the Saint Peter, and I thought it was great. I had never heard of
that town before.
After the Saint Peter, IL, purchase, I began searching through the entire
newly released Van Belkum brown book for other "Peter towns." In due
course, I found The First National Bank of Saint Peter, Minnesota (#1794)! It
looked tough because it was a $15,000 outstanding bank. A note from that
bank did not come easy, let me tell you, even though the bank issued a myriad
of types from 1871 through 1935.
I searched for 14 years for one without success. Along the way I asked
everyone I knew if they had seen one, and I waited and waited. Minnesota was
avidly collected, and yes some were discovered, but they went to Minnesota
location collectors. Two wonderful uncirculated specimens turned up, a $10
Brown Back and a $10 1902 Blue Seal, but they went to Bill Higgins and into
his museum in Okaboji, IA. People know where the money is, and the notes
Finally, early in 1982, I got a gleeful phone call from Lyn Knight telling
me he had a small $20, serial F000117A in About Fine. I was glad to pay the
$400 he asked, high as it seemed at the time. The fact is, an expensive phone
call from someone who is willing to bother to remember your wants is sure a
lot better than no phone call -- in fact, it is the type of event that earns both
respect and friendship even if the caller is eating caviar at your expense!
The Saint Peter, MN, story was not over though. Amon Carter had a
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 193
Gene Hessler Named Wait Award Winner
PAPER MONEY RESEARCHER / AUTHOR PARexcellence Gene Hessler has been named recipient of the
4th annual George W. Wait Memorial Award. Mr. Hessler's
award-winning project is his forthcoming opus The
International Engraver's Line.
The book "will consist of biographical information and
the work of engravers outside the U.S. from the 18th to the
21st Centuries," Hessler explained in his application for the
award. "Until now no one has ever attempted to gather this
information. Now that all but a very few security engravers
who remain active have adopted engraving by computer pro-
gram, this book will document an era that has come to an
The book when published is expected to be 370-400
pages in length and similar in format to his The Engraver's Line
(BNR Press, 1993) "but more comprehensive," Hessler noted.
"Collectors view paper money as works of art and pieces
of history. The raised intaglio lines of a portrait or scene on a
beautiful piece of paper money, created by security engravers,
are sensuous to touch." But most of these artists labor in
obscurity if not anonymity. "If the artists responsible for
designing and engraving [paper money] are not documented
now, their identity and the identification of their work will be
lost," the author noted.
The Wait prize(s) is/are awarded annually to support the
research and publication of book length paper money works.
The prize fund is $500 per year which may be awarded to a
single worthy project or divided among multiple projects at
the discretion of the awards
committee. Mr. Hessler
has been awarded the
entire $500 prize for 2004.
A past Editor of Paper
Money, Hessler has also
been a columnist for The
Numismatist, Coin World
and author of The
Comprehensive Catalog of
U.S. Paper Money and other
seminal works in the fields
of currency, bonds and
The Wait prize com-
memorates the achievements and legacy of SPMC founding
father and author George W. Wait and was instituted upon
his death.
Prior to Mr. Hessler, two individuals had been awarded
the Wait Memorial Prize. Both received the maximum award.
1st annual Wait winner was Robert S. Neale for his work on
the antebellum Bank of Cape Fear, NC. Two years ago the
award went to Forrest Daniel for his manuscript on small size
Treasury Notes used to finance the War of 1812. Last year,
no award was made.
Complete rules for the 2005 Wait Memorial Prize will
appear in the Nov/Dec 2004 issue of Paper Money. The
announcement will also be posted on the Society web site. +
Buying & Selling
All Choice to Gem CU Fractional Currency
Paying Over Bid
Please Call:
P.O. Box 303
Wilton, CA 95693
) L18381),
$ ,/:///ci,>.7.,40-44704#,Llymighlekz
F 000D 42A
Twp,sw Douktas
194 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
This jewel emerged
from the woodwork
at a Las Vegas show
in 2002, a half hour
before I got there. It
went through a
Knight auction to
become the center-
piece of this collec-
Yt.7• 11PINI4w .10.7..ATLAX:11E,ELVNT,I3GAIFIIKA.A.T.E.PROVE1..LrIFTJP9„ .."1" :457:-LrNIT,P. " WIC .TPI4rP4•PAIT
The Fort Pierre banks were among the
smallest to contribute notes to this set.
This note, the only one I ever had a
chance at, appeared on an April 2000
Dean Oakes fixed price list in the
high grade Series of 1875 $5 on the bank which was in his pack of gems that he
used to show off at major conventions. It was XF with a skinned spot on the
back. Steve Schroeder, a prominent Minnesota collector, got it when Amon's
estate was sold. Bill Donlon auctioned a reportedly new Original Series $5 in
1971 that also made its way to Steve. Those were stellar notes, something to
dream about. In the meantime, I was groveling for whatever other Peter notes
crossed my radar screen. Eventually, not too long ago, Steve sold the early $5s
to another high power Minnesota collector. Obviously those two simply
weren't printed for me, and they now serve as centerpieces in some great
Minnesota collection, probably where they really belong anyway.
My next chance at a Saint Peter, MN, was more pedestrian, but very
interesting to me. It turns out, the logotype plate used for the first printing of
1929 notes for Saint Peter contained some type of error. Only a few 1929
notes were sent to the bank before the error was discovered. The $10s
C000004A through F000314A and $20s D000003A through F000104A were
canceled. The Bureau made a new plate, and the serials on the next printing
stepped off from where the first ended. Of all things, I learned that a $10 from
the first corrected sheet had survived, and was in a prominent Minnesota col-
lection. It was AU and bore serial B000315A. This had the appeal of a number
one note to me, and it had probably been saved as such by a banker. Eventually
the collection with the prize was sold at auction in June 1998, and Glen Jorde
bid on it on my behalf and obtained it.
Of all currency dealers, Glen has been the most helpful in locating Peter
notes for me. Sometimes I wonder if he prints Saint Peter notes in his base-
ment because he astonished me in 1999 by turning up two exceptional Saint
Peter 1902 notes, selling one to me -- a $20 Date Back in CU. Finally I had a
large note on the bank, and it was a beauty.
My luck with this pocket change outstanding bank had been phenomenal,
lawayi fro , ilintrolowjte
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 195
This Series of 1882
Brown Back adds
much needed color to
this "Peter town" col-
San Pedro is a
working class
community that
has been incorpo-
rated into Los
Angeles. The
town overlooks
the ocean from a
hill just west of
Long Beach. This
note was cut from
a sheet by Curt
Iverson in the late
and I was more than satisfied. In fact, my fortune with the bank exceeded any-
thing that seemed just. But then a retired BEP employee, who happened to
collect a couple of notes during the course of his career, walked into a Las
Vegas show with yet another Original Series $5, this one a shade under CU.
Gary Whitelock, then an agent for Lyn Knight Auctions, intercepted it a half
hour before I arrived at the show, and took it in as a consignment for Knight's
August 2002, Dallas sale. Glen Jorde attended the sale and purchased it on my
behalf thus providing what is the centerpiece of my Peter holdings.
Another one that I thought I would never see turned out to be the last
town I learned of that went with my set. The town is Fort Pierre, SD. I had
never thought to check the forts, and when I stumbled across this town and its
A chance encounter
with Leon Thornton
allowed me to
obtain this attrac-
tive note from this
small southwest
Indiana town.
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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA e* 1- 454701ES.U.4.1.1102.
111. lath ClfillgreratIr
196 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
two banks in 1995, I looked with dismay at the minuscule statistics for the
banks there. The First National Bank was a Brown Back only bank, liquidating
in 1894, with $11,250 in circulation. The Fort Pierre National Bank (#9587)
opened in 1909, and survived the entire note issuing era, but had a minimal
$10,000 circulation maintained by small emissions of the various Series of 1902
Blue Seal and 1929 types. A note from here would be ultra tough to find, and
previously I had never even heard of the place let alone a note. Fort Pierre is
located directly south of Pierre on US 83, and has a current population of
under 2,000. It was hopeless, but I started looking anyway.
Then out of the blue -- as all these things really are -- I was leafing
though the April 2000, Bank Note Reporter when I spotted a Dean Oakes ad. I
The dream note repre-
sented by this proof
sports the very attrac-
tive and unusual title
layout where FIVE
DOLLARS appears in
the tombstone instead
of the town.
The CAA St. Louis
charity auction in
2001 generously
delivered up this
Peter's son note.
West Virginia hosts the
only Peterstown in the
country, and notes
from its little bank are
tough to find in either
large or small size.
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
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198 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
New Hampshire has the only
Peterborough in the country, and its
bank was the earliest chartered of the
"Peter town" banks.
glanced through the nationals, and there, of all things, was a 1929 $20 from
Fort Pierre. I couldn't believe it. The note was very reasonably priced at $550,
but the ad was stone cold. It had been on the streets for a week or 10 days.
Even so, ever the optimist, I called Dean's office, got his assistant Bill Bagwell
and made my plea. Amazingly, the note was still in stock. Stunned with my
good fortune, I obligated my funds. The last town was in! Ironically, the pri-
mary notes in the set started with a purchase from Dean and finished with
From the outset in the 1960s, I knew San Pedro, CA, was going to be an
uphill climb. The First National Bank there did not issue 1929 notes, and
California was avidly collected even then. It was going to have to be a 1902
Blue Seal, and the competition would be overwhelming. The first one I saw
was a $10 1902PB offered in a fixed price list from John Kraszewski in 1968, a
GI who was finding notes in Europe and selling them from his German APO
address. I sent for it but missed that one, and began to learn from California
collectors that the bank was virtually impossible.
Miraculously, Curt Iverson turned up a 1902 10-10-10-20 San Pedro
sheet sometime around 1977. He cut it, not being able to sell an expensive
sheet in those days. I met him at a show in February 1978, and saw one of the
$10s in his case. It was way too expensive for my blood because California was
really hot, but I couldn't leave it alone. I finally asked him if he still had the
$20. His reply was "yes," and I couldn't resist. This would be the first
Uncirculated note in my set, and a great bank besides, so I laid out the $450,
and he sent it to me. Subsequently three more Uncirculated $10s have turned
up on the bank along with a couple of circs. The reported population now
The Peter town collec-
tion even embraces
this territorial issue.
None are reported.
Natrum..-alt sirreney,
MIMEO enumesinissoposue OMR SLCURITIES •
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 199
stands at 10 notes; still not enough to go around.
Two serendipitous finds stick in my memory, both coming within a year
of the other. The first involved running into Leon Thornton rather late at the
Memphis show in 1983. I asked if he had any nationals, and he replied that he
had nothing from the west. Besides, he said, everyone had already looked at his
stock, and had just about picked him clean. I asked to look at the remainders
anyway. Don't bother to ask, and you won't be rewarded with discovery. Out
of an envelope containing just a few notes came a beautiful 1902PB $20 on The
First National Bank of Petersburg, Indiana (#5300). The bold red stamped sig-
natures splashed across it were really eye catching.
The second came when I ambled up to Art Leister's table at a show in
January 1984. I have always held Art in high regard because he has always been
a bastion of the retail paper money trade. He told me he had nothing from the
western states I collect. Even so, I asked to look at his early nationals rather
than walk away. You have to be reasonably aggressive in this game. Close to
the top of the stack that he handed to me was an ace on Peterborough, NH
(#1179). Talk about the perfect note to give this set a little color!
The only chance I ever had at a small note from The First National Bank
of Peterstown, WV, came early -- in 1968 -- on a fixed price list from Johnny
0. Baas. Johnny did business as Johnny 0 from Hazlehurst, MS. Eventually,
after he retired, he and his wife sold everything they had, invested in a camper
trailer and hit the road never to be heard from again numismatically. Anyway,
there on his list was a VG or worse 1929 $20 on Peterstown for $30. The bank
was a must because it was the only possible Peterstown. I wrote with the
request that he send it on approval if he still had it. He replied that he did, but
Pierre is pronounced Pier by its resi-
dents, but even so its French origins
give its notes a prominent place in a
"Peter town" collection.
The First National Bank of Fort Pierre
only issued $5 Series of 1882 brown
backs. They are dream notes to
aspire to for this collection!
SOME% 01141. 1)
1- 0711- (s-" t: 3515
4411.44,41A.MA.A.L1111.11" t4,4XJAVUtitAl!
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rou,//// fifq■ await
20 XX 20 •::20 T.19F,n7 it% vvrt x'/1,1;:: 2,'XX 0;
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY200
Two titles are possi-
ble for this bank
thanks to a title
change in 1931 that
reflected when the
bank was licensed to
enter the trust busi-
ness by the Federal
Reserve Board.
Wesley is my middle
name, and the only
possibility was a large
size note from The First
National Bank of
Wesley, Iowa. A Value
Back turned up in
2003, one of my
favorite type notes.
he wouldn't send it to me because the grade was too low to be acceptable.
Fortunately after a few weeks I sent the 30 bucks and still thoroughly enjoy
looking at it.
The note issuing town of Peterson, IA, with its First National Bank
(#4601), gave me pause. Did this qualify for my set or not? I delayed adding it
to the list until 1999 or 2000, after I had gotten the Fort Pierre which I consid-
ered to be my last need. I had seen a few large and small notes go by from the
bank years ago, but none in the last decade and a half. The town is in north-
west Iowa, 60 miles northeast of Sioux City, and is now so small, it isn't even
listed in the index to the Rand McNally road atlas. Its bank was modest, with
an ending circulation of $25,000 in 1935. It should be possible, but not easy, to
find a note from there.
Search as I would, the task was beginning to look futile. Then, of all
venues, someone donated a very respectable looking $10 02PB from the bank
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
New Hampshire Bank Notes Wanted
Also Ephemera
*-> "-
n rid
vux4;44,37Z1 . tua
• xi/vb.:4 4;591:17,1,wW#(04. 4//i/m9Yr'
I am continuing a long-time study on currency issued by banks in
New Hampshire, including state-chartered banks 1792-1865, and
National Banks circa 1863-1935. Also I am studying colonial and
provincial notes.
I would like to purchase just about anything in colonial and provin-
cial notes, nearly everything in state-chartered notes, and items that
are scarce or rare among National Bank notes. I am not seeking bar-
gains, but I am willing to pay the going price. I will give an immedi-
ate decision on all items sent, and instant payment for all items pur-
Beyond that, I am very interested in ephemera including original
stock certificates for such banks, correspondence mentioning cur-
rency, bank ledgers, and more.
With co-author David M. Sundman and in cooperation with a special
scrip note project by Kevin Lafond, I am anticipating the production
of a book-length study of the subject, containing basic information
about currency, many illustrations including people, buildings, and
other items beyond the notes themselves, and much other informa-
tion which I hope will appeal to anyone interested in historical
details. All of this, of course, is very fascinating to me!
Dave Bowers
PO Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
Nail fauandlfunprenelr
111C11100 BTnuTtl SIMS RIDS DI otAITt17111111TIK TRW,. or N
mult010-1 sit 13.18Oltg
1AT t—teikiltdzWitt
/4e,,,A, 4144.tut abusi.ALP
wyjimmoljnimAmoutuak -770,fr.„
A 0 0 0 1 8 7 . 1 14 2 5 2
14252 A000187
202 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
This well circulated note with great
signatures from tiny Petersburg, ND,
30 miles west of Grand Forks on US 2,
came from the fabulous Ella Overby
hoard discovered in Glenwood,
Minnesota, in 1970.
There is even a 14000 charter in the
"Peter town" set, this being from the
elusive reorganized successor to
charter 2941.
to the Currency Auctions of America-Heritage St. Louis Charity Auction held
November, 2001. That appeared to be a noble venture worthy of support, and
finding the Peterson in the sale seemed like as a good omen. I submitted one
bid to the sale, a bid that had to be classified as unlimited for the Peterson lot.
The note hammered at a fraction of the bid. Now I think I have corralled a
note from the last issuing "Peter town" that qualifies for the set.
Ever the collector, I have been searching for decades for a related note,
one with my middle name Wesley. The only possibility was a large size note
from a very scarce Iowa bank, The First National Bank of Wesley (#5457).
The bank opened in 1900 and failed in 1928. It had a closing circulation of
$25,000. Two or three notes have been reported from the bank. I always
hoped the one printed for me would turn out to be an 1882 Value Back because
that is one of my favorite types; however, only 560 10-10-10-20 Value Back
sheets were issued. Lightning struck in a May 2003 Stack's sale.
Some truly spectacular Peter notes were issued. One I especially like is
the $5 Brown Back from Peterborough, NH. That plate was made in 1885,
and has the distinctive title block layout where FIVE DOLLARS appears
inside the tombstone rather than the town name. Only one issued survivor
seems to be known, and I saw it recently in a very prominent New Hampshire
collection where it is thoroughly appreciated.
Equally high on my dream list are the Brown Back $5s issued by The
First National Bank of Pierre, Dakota Territory, and The First National Bank
of Fort Pierre, South Dakota. I certainly wouldn't turn up my nose at a note
from one of the three early failed Petersburg, VA, banks either. Speaking of
Petersburg, VA, there are two each of $50 and $100 Red Seals reported from
The Virginia National Bank (#7709), one of the $50s being a number 1. I
doubt that any of them are in my future though!
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 203
My little set could still use a bit of fleshing out in terms of color. It is
light on Series of 1882 notes. In fact, I have no 1882 Date or Value Backs at
all. There probably aren't enough Original Series or Series of 1875 notes in
my little set, but then there aren't enough of those to go around period. Don't
have a Red Seal either. The collection lacks notes from several possible banks.
Various titles are missing. It could also use a large or small note from some of
the banks which issued both.
Is it incomplete? Are there holes that should cause frustration and
burnout? Hardly, each potential find represents a tangent that can be taken
when the opportunities arises.
This set has provided pure enjoyment for about 35 years. It has no
defined boundaries other than a note from each issuing town. What direction
the set takes depends solely on what turns up next. The end is not in sight so
maybe it will help me live a little longer just trying to get "there." The worst
thing for a collector is to establish a fully defined set. Two things are possible,
you finish the set or you find it impossible to finish the set. Either results in
burnout, and in no time you are washed out of the game. The objective is to
have a challenging unbounded pursuit.
It is my opinion that one should carve out a collecting strategy that defies
completion. If the limits on the set are undefined, the collection becomes sub-
ject to the chance discovery in the next hoard or serendipitous walk-in purchase
at some coin shop somewhere across the country. Consequently your quest
can always offer up excitement, and the thrills will come at the most unexpect-
ed times in the most inexplicable places.
Notice that if you got this far in this article, you probably enjoyed the
stories more than the actual notes that are illustrated. That is important.
Along your own way your story will be populated by all sorts of interest-
ing people, and it is from your interactions with those people that you will gain
the greatest riches that this hobby can serve up. Ultimately the real enjoyment
is in the people; the notes are only the vehicle for meeting people -- us!
Sources of Data and Photographs
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Certified proofs of national bank note face
plates (1875-1929), National Numismatic Collections, National Museum
of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Comptroller of the Currency. Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Washington, DC.: U. S. Government Printing Office (1863-1935).
Van Belkum, Louis. National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-1935.
Chicago: Hewitt Brothers Numismatic Publications (1968), 400 p.
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Henry Wells' Bank
The FNB of Aurora. NY
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
eastern shore of Cayuga Lake in the Finger Lakes region of cen-
tral New York. It is 25 miles north of
Ithaca, the home of Cornell University,
and 50 miles southwest of Syracuse.
Aurora is across the country
from San Francisco, the head-
quarters of the great Wells
Fargo banking empire, but a
century and a half ago the vil-
lage was the home of two of
the founders of Wells, Fargo
& Co., direct ancestor of
today's Wells Fargo. They
were Henry Wells, and
Edwin B. Morgan, who
served as the first president of
Wells, Fargo & Co. These
two men were also founders of
the national bank in the village,
which has occupied the same
small cut-stone building on the
lake side of Main Street since its
founding in 1864.
Henry Wells was born in Vermont
Above: Postcard view of the bank (far
right), from a distance, c. 1905. The
train no longer comes to the village.
The building to the left of the bank
(across the yard which is still open) is
the Aurora Inn, built in 1833, and
reopened recently after a major reno-
vation. Cayuga Lake is in the back-
ground. The person in the carriage is
said to be Dr. Cuddeback, the village
Henry Wells (1805-1878), the found-
ing president of the village bank. The
photograph was taken at Brady's
National Portrait Gallery in
Washington. (Courtesy Wells College
Archives, Louis Jefferson Long
Library, Aurora, New York)
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
in 1805, but moved to upstate New York with his parents as a child. By the
1840s he was in the express business, and in 1850 was the founding president of
American Express. That same year he moved to Aurora. When American
Express was reluctant to venture as far west as California, he was one of the
founders of Wells, Fargo & Co. in 1852. (William Fargo, the other founder for
whom the company was named, lived in Buffalo, NY, where he was a Civil War
mayor of the city.)
In the late 1860s, Wells also founded Wells College, a college for women
in Aurora. Today, his beautiful stone Italianate home, built in 1852, serves as a
dormitory for this small liberal arts college. Wells died in 1878, and is buried
in the village cemetery.
Edwin Barber Morgan (1806-1881) was a lifelong resident of Aurora. He
served as a Congressman for three terms in the 1850s, was a founder and long-
time stockholder of The New York Times, and was involved in a number of
business and philanthropic ventures during his active life. A found-
ing partner of the Wells, Fargo & Co. in 1852, he served as its
first president for a year. His former home along the lake in
the village, a half a dozen houses north of the bank, is now a
Wells College guest house.
In March of 1864, a number of local men met to
found the First National Bank of Aurora. The bank
received charter #412. Wells was chosen its first presi-
dent; and Talmadge Delafield, the cashier. E. B.
Morgan was one of the founding directors. The next
month the small stone building which still serves as
the bank building was purchased for $1,100 and
remodeled for banking purposes. It had been built
about 1840 as a home.
Wells served as president for over 10 years,
resigning in November, 1875. Morgan, who had
become vice-president of the bank in 1871 when that
office was created, was elected president to succeed
him. He held the position until his death in 1881. Allen
Mosher became cashier in 1872 after Delafield's resigna-
tion the year before.
Nicholas Lansing Zabriskie (1838-1926), the son-in-
law of E. B. Morgan, became the third president of the bank in
1881 and served for 45 years. A native of Long Island, he had
married Louise Morgan in 1865 and moved to the village in 1867. A
First Charter One Dollar National
Bank Note signed by Henry Wells as
president and Allen Mosher as
cashier. (Courtesy Kurt D. Kabelac)
Edwin B. Morgan
(1806-1881), life-
long resident of the
village and second
president of the bank.
Treasury Department.
Orr= ay COMPTROLLER or THE CI:raw:war, t
WASHINGTON, May 4th, 1864.
FLEAS, by satiatictori evidence presented to
the undersigned, it has been made to Appearthat the First National Bank of Aurorasin the COunty of Cayuga, and State of New York has
been duly organized uhder and according to the re-
quirements of the act of Congress. entitled . " An act to
provide a national currency, secured by a pledge ofIgnited States Stocks, and to provide for the circula-tiou and redemption thereof' red rebniary
coanplied with all t
act required to be complied withthe business of Banking.Now tbere, I, Hugh lktthe Currency, do by that t a First Nation.41 Bank of Aurora, County of aynga and State of New
Yor is authorized to commence the business of
under the act aforesaid.
onT whereof -witness my hand and seal ofoffice this fourth day of Id%
1864.Seal of the Comp-
UGH McettjAkaK„trolieref th*Chr anaptoneratubscareacy.
libm I
206 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
A newspaper in Auburn, the county seat,
briefly noted the organization of the
bank in its March 11, 1864 issue. It was
the fourth National Bank chartered in
Cayuga County.
The legal notice on the organization
of the bank that appeared in the
paper, late spring and early summer
tar The National Bank of Aur,ra was or-
ganized on the 8th inst. Capitol $100,000.—
Hoary Wells, Ple8ideut. Talmadge Delafield,
graduate of Union College in Schenectady and a lawyer, Zabriskie was involved
in various business and philanthropic endeavors during his long life. With
Allen Mosher's death in 1906, Edmund Doughty became the bank's cashier.
Sanford Gifford Lyon, an Aurora businessman and civic leader, was the
last president during the National Bank Note issuing period. The grandson of
Sanford Gifford, a local farmer and a founding director of the bank in 1864,
Lyon became a director in 1906 and vice-president in 1908. Assuming the
presidency in 1927, he served during the difficult Depression years until his
death in 1936. With Edmund Doughty's death at the age of 77 in 1932,
Marcus Webb became the cashier.
The bank issued currency during all charter periods. Ones, twos, fives,
tens, and twenties were issued during the first charter period; fives, tens, and
twenties during the second charter period, and only tens and twenties during
the third charter period. Series 1929 notes were also issued in only tens and
twenties. Just slightly over one and a half million dollars in National Bank
Notes in total were issued by the bank.
The First National Bank of Aurora had four cashiers and four presidents
during the note issuing period and, not counting possible assistant cashiers and
vice president signatures, there are seven local signature (cashier-president)
In Stock for
a Gold, Silver, and P1
Call for Quotes 80
The South's oldest and largest co
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Your Hometown Currency Hea
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 207
Buying and Selling Nationals
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Price lists are not available.
Please send your want list.
Paying collector prices for better
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P.O. BOX 6778
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New CSA Currency and Bonds
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• Useful for beginners as well as the most
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• Lists types, rare varieties, errors, in
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Long time variety collector (30 years) -- U.S. Large Cents, Bust
Halves, now CSA paper money and bonds. Member EAC,
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Please send $20 to -
Pierre Fricke, P.O. Box 245, Rye, NY 10580
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Top prices paid for all National Bank Notes, ollections, d Estates
Large Inventory of National Banka otes for s
See Our Website at or et us at
ita=121,10;Whi=r6.3.17(Tz. t C,,AVARB S. 1St-
/8 8_,F.4" 11.,- 11,111"
rBoNns 4.4 r
• -
;4 AN9 It f D14#1 WV') : .1;19
tor jitt
208 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
First Charter Five
Dollar National
Bank Note signed
by E. B. Morgan, as
vice president of
the bank and Allen
Mosher as cashier.
Morgan became
vice president of
the bank in
1871 and president
in 1876. This may
be one of the two
similar notes in the
famous Grinnell
sales in 1945 and
Flan IN) -j ktv
II • e
,===s' •Tv-" r-1112770,E1 JIMEEIV _
Early check
drawn on the
bank, signed
by Edwin B.
Morgan, the
second presi-
_ --,,
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Z- \
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Condition of the bank in the fall of
1869, from the Comptroller of the
Currency Annual Report. At that time
there were 1620 National Banks; New
York led in number of banks char-
tered with 294 and Massachusetts was
second with 206.
combinations on its notes: Delafield-Wells, Mosher-Wells, Mosher-Morgan,
Mosher-Zabriskie, Doughty-Zabriskie, Doughty-Lyon, and Webb-Lyon.
Most are illustrated with this article.
In 1960, the bank opened a branch in Union Springs, a larger village
along the lake eight miles north of Aurora. Union Springs had once had a
national bank (charter #342) from 1864 until 1890, but had been without a
bank for a number of years. In 1976, the name of the bank was changed to
Cayuga Lake National Bank, with the former branch becoming its headquar-
ters in fact as well as reality, and the bank in Aurora becoming the branch.
First National Bank, Aurora.
Resources. Liabilities.
Loans and discounts $108, 249 76 Capital stock $100, 000 00
Overdrafts 1, 139 24
U. S. bonds to secure circulation 100, 000 00 Surplus fund 6, 500 00
U. S. bonds to secure deposits Undivided profits 5, 992 30
U. S. bonds and securities on hand...
Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.. National bank notes outstanding .. 84, 674 00
Due from redeeming agents 4, 902 09 State bank notes outstanding
Due from other national banks
Due from other banks and bankers...
Real estate, furniture, and fixtures... 3,
Individual deposits
U. S. deposits
32, 807 01
Current expenses 1, 359, 69 Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. •
Premiums Due to national banks L 433 05
Checks and other cash Items 321 62 Due to other banks and bankers
Bills of national banks
Bills of State banks Notes and bills rediscounted
Fractional currency 48 04 Bills payable
Legal tender notes 12, 000 00
Three per cent, certificates
Total 231,406 36 Total 231, 406 36
4 .
6-9Actp.a.ti 3:41ns
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 209
St. Louis is calling
you to the...
gta*M110A R
V7-9A11A•Cf. mom - sAhOul au' CA
National and World Paper
Money Convention
Show Hours:
Wednesday, November 17 2PM-6PM
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Sunday, November 21 10AM-1PM
Future Dates:
November 17-20
November 16-19
Thursday-Sunday, November 18-21, 2004
(Free Admission Thursday - Sunday)
St. Louis Hilton Airport Hotel, 10330 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63134
Rooms: $99 Call (314) 426-5500
• 75 Booth All Paper Money
Bourse Area
• Major Paper Money Auction
• Society Meetings
• Educational Programs
• Complimentary Airport Shuttle
Bourse Applications:
Kevin Foley
P.O. Box 573
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0573
: ,4"74?'.:"IraitiWfit ,e1W41AS
10: 1 .,,,71...111/7”/ 7(44,4,7
. cwiat
210 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Early check drawn on the bank,
signed by N. Lansing
Zabriskie, the third
1926), son-
in-law of
Morgan and
president of the
bank for 45 years.
The bank continues to serve southwestern Cayuga County as it has for 140
years. With its two offices, it now has deposits of more than 65 million dol-
lars. The current president, its tenth, G. William Ryan, has served since
1975. The bank has had one woman president during its long history,
Edith P. Morgan. She was the granddaughter of founder Edwin B.
Morgan and served from 1941 to 1951.
The author is the grandson of Sanford Gifford Lyon and
would enjoy hearing from anyone with notes of the bank.
Perhaps someone even knows where the $2 note on the bank
that was in the Grinnell sale is now. You can contact the
author at 105 Raleigh Street, Rochester NY 14620-4121.
Biographical entries for Wells and Morgan are found
in the Dictionary of American Biography; Wells, in v.19 of the
original edition, p. 639-640; and Morgan, in v. 13 of the
original edition, p. 167-168. The National Cyclopedia of
American Biography contains sketches on all four men: Wells,
v. 39, p. 595-596; Morgan, v. 13, p. 218; Zabriskie, v. 25,
p.179; and Lyon, v. 27, p. 477-478. Entries for all four are
also found in Harry Roberts Melone, A Sesqui-Centennial
Souvenir Describing One Hundred and Fifty Years ..., Auburn: The
Author, 1929: Wells, p. 390; Morgan, p. 381; Zabriskie, p. 392; and
Lyon, p. 378. The early history of the bank is covered in Elliot G.
Storke, History of Cayuga County, Syracuse: D. Mason & Co., 1879, p.
408-409. This volume also has biographical sketches on Wells, p. 404;
Series 1882 Five
Dollar National
Bank Note
signed by third
president, N.
Zabriskie, and
Allen Mosher as
(Courtesy Lyn
P.O. Box 3507 • Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 • (858) 759-3290 • Fax (858) 759-1439
Subscribe to Receive Our Beautiful, Fully Illustrated Catalogs
Only $72 for a Full Year Subscription of Six Bimonthly Issues
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, .1,6433/1w76'
Oat 41,1:1111i!ip4111:Ille rtftt
Ura.14, AAO-VA-14.40, -.4;# /1,45,
Top Prices Paid
David Hollander
406 Viduta Place
Huntsville, AL 35801-1059
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
1,41ASitanyak WI 1 Mt 111%1 tibtrlIZIF TWA{
01.- "MY , W4930 -
212 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Series 1902 Ten
Dollar Plain
Back National
Bank Note
signed by N.
Zabriskie as
president and
Doughty as
Series 1902 Ten
Dollar National
Bank Note
signed by the
fourth president,
S. G. Lyon, and
Doughty as
Sanford Gifford Lyon (1866-1936) last
president of the bank during the note
issuing period. He is pictured at his
desk in the New York State Assembly
in the 1920s.
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
Morgan, p. 400; and Zabriskie, p. 408. Newspaper articles on the bank have
appeared in The Citizen-Advertiser, "National Bank of Aurora Observes 100th
Year, " Auburn, N. Y., March 31, 1964; Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, "Tiny
Bank Had Famous Founder," May 20, 1979; an Associated Press article, and
The Citizen, Auburn, N. Y., "Cayuga Lake National Bank: 'Bigger Doesn't
Equal Better,'' January 31, 1990, p. Cl. Information on the number of notes
issued by the bank is found in Don. C. Kelly, National Bank Notes, 3rd ed.,
Oxford: OH, Paper Money Institute, 1997, p. 307; and John Hickman and
Dean Oakes, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes, 2nd ed., Iola: WI, Krause
Publications, 1990, p. 653.
Series 1929, Type 1 Twenty Dollar
National Bank Note with Lyon and
Doughty's signatures.
Series 1929, Type 2 Ten Dollar National
Bank Note with Lyon's signature as
president and Marcus Webb's as
cashier. Webb became cashier on the
death of Edmund Doughty in 1932. This
is the bank's last signature combination
on its National Currency.
Postcard view of the bank, 1996, as it
looks today. The lower part of the
front window screens have scenes
painted on them. The major change in
recent years has been that the
lobby was divided into an outer lobby
with a 24 hour ATM, and an inner
lobby open during banking hours.
(Photo: Copyright 1996 Jacqueline
214 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Make Your Vote Count
Candidates Vie for Seats on SPMC Board
A TRULY CONTESTED RACE HAS BEEN RAREin SPMC elections in recent years, but this time around
Society members clearly have choices to make. Seven candi-
dates are running for four open seats on the SPMC Board of
Governors. Hopefully, this is another indication that SPMC
is generating increased interest and a desire among its mem-
bers to serve in this important role.
SPMC Board members generally meet twice a year at
Memphis in June and St. Louis in November. The Board sets
policy, votes the expenditure of funds, and provides leadership
for various aspects of the Society's member services and pro-
grams. Board members also elect Society officers. In-between
Board Members perform assigned duties and represent SPMC
at various national and regional events.
Board members are elected for three-year terms. Terms
for one third (four) of the 12 Board positions expire annually.
This time around two veteran Board members Wendell
Wolka and Steve Whitfield elected to step down and not seek
re-election. The other two incumbents, Bob Schreiner and
Fred Reed are running for re-election.
New faces also seeking your votes are members (in ran-
dom order) Dennis Schafluetzel, Jamie Yakes, Bob Moon, Rob
Kravitz and Robert J. Drew. A ballot is enclosed in this issue
of Paper Money. Please read the biographical information pro-
vided by the candidates, mark your ballot, and return it ASAP.
Ballots may be mailed as post cards or inserted into
envelopes and mailed. Either way, please send your ballot to
SPMC President Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald,
MO 63037.
Results will be announced at the General Membership
Meeting at the Memphis International Paper Money Show in
Candidates in random order are:
Dennis Schafluetzel
A native of St. Louis, MO, Dennis Schafluetzel, grew up and
went to school in Greeley, CO and graduated from the University
of Colorado in Chemical Engineering. He worked for DuPont in
four locations over 40 years before retiring in 2001. He has two
children, both married and three grandchildren.
Dennis has collected U.S. and Canadian coins and tokens
since 1954 and expanded to paper money in 1996, specializing in
National Bank Notes, and obsolete currency from Chattanooga,
He has been a member of local coin clubs since he was a
teenager in Greeley, CO and
throughout his numerous location
assignments with DuPont. He is a
member and current treasurer of
Chattanooga Coin Club and mem-
ber and former president of Chief
John Ross club. Dennis is currently
Vice President of both the
Tennessee State Numismatic Society
(TSNS) and the Georgia
Numismatic Association (GNA). He
is a 25-year member and exhibit
judge of ANA and is also a member
He has written articles for the Numismatist, Paper Money,
GNA Journal and TennCoin. He is the co-author, with Tom
Carson, of the electronic book Chattanooga Money with more than
1,000 color images published in 2003. He is currently working
with Tom on a new e-book on Tennessee Merchant Scrip.
Bob Schreiner
Bob Schreiner began collecting coins as a child in the 1950s.
His paper specialty is U.S. obsolete paper money with depictions
of Spanish coins and obsoletes with unusual obligation statements.
He has written numerous articles for Paper Money and other
numismatic publications, and he
maintains a web exhibit "Spanish
Coins on American Notes," .
Schreiner has been a Society of
Paper Money Collectors governor
since 1999 and currently serves as
secretary, librarian, and web master.
He has put the library's catalog on
the SPMC web site, as well as the
Tremmel's "Index to Paper Money."
As web master, he is expanding the
site, adding more educational materi-
Schreiner believes that electron-
ic media offer new opportunities for publishing information about
our hobby, supplementing the traditional paper book and journal.
CDs and web-based documents are often ideal for publications
usually sold only in small quantity and especially those for which
new research and frequent discoveries rapidly change the knowl-
edge base.
He is currently working to convert 40+ years of Paper Money
to CD format, where the content can be viewed as it was original-
ly published, and the text searched for key terms reflecting the
reader's individual interests. He has been active in various numis-
matic organizations, including serving as president of the North
Carolina Numismatic Association and the Raleigh Coin Club. He
has also served as an officer of the Blue Ridge Numismatic
Rob Kravitz
Rob has been a collector since 1965. A former professional
foosball player, he became a part-time coin/currency dealer in
1970. Since 1994 Rob has been a full time dealer. He is a mem-
ber of the Professional Currency Dealers Assn. He is also LM of
SPMC (#294), ANA (#5361), and Central States Numismatic
Society (#791).
Rob learned numismatic
research with the help of Eric P.
Newman and his library, and recent-
ly authored A Collector's Guide to
Postage and Fractional Currency.
Because of his specialized skills, Rob
was selected by the Currency
Grading and Certification Service to
be one of its fractional currency
Rob also collects rock 'n' roll
posters and art work by Jerry Garcia
and Stanley Mouse, as well as St.
Louis Cardinals baseball cards.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 215
Fred Reed
SPMC member since 1975. SPMC Governor (1998-pre-
sent); SPMC Secretary (1998-2001); Paper Money Editor (1999-
present); Paper Money Publisher 2003-present); George W. Wait
Memorial Chairman (2000-present); Awards Committee Member
(2001-present). Received SPMC Award of Merit (2001); SPMC-
Bank Note Reporter Nathan Gold Lifetime Achievement Award
(1995 and 2000). BNR "Most Inspirational" exhibit recipient
(2002). Collector since 1955. U.S. Army newspaper editor (1970-
1972). News Editor and Staff Writer of Coin World (1975-1981);
Vice President Publishing and
Editorial Director Beckett
Publications (1986-1996); owner ltd a niche
publishing and special interest con-
sulting firm. Author, co-author or
editor of dozens of hobby books,
including Civil War Encased Stamps,
Paper Money Errors, Coin World Guide
to Collecting, Standard Catalog of
Motion Picture Prop Money (2004), as
well as books on U.S. silver dollars,
U.S. commemorative coins,
Canadian silver and nickel dollars,
U.S. fractional currency.
Principle interests in continuing to serve on SPMC Board
are: (1) increasing number of Society members; (2)
maintaining/improving SPMC membership services and Paper
Money; (3) improving SPMC awards/incentives programs; (4)
articulating and helping to implement SPMC 6000 goals; (5)
assisting other board members in achieving SPMC goals; (6) rep-
resenting collectors and SPMC member dealers' interests effec-
tively. Fred is also a longtime member of TAMS, ANS, CWTS,
Jamie Yakes
Jamie is SPMC Life Member #338. Born December 26,
1974, and raised in Point Pleasant, NJ, he currently resides in
Jackson Township, NJ with his wife Nadine and two cats, Foster
and Quincy. Jamie graduated in 1999
from Richard Stockton College of
New Jersey with a Bachelors of
Science in Chemistry. He currently
is employed by Accutest Laboratories
in Dayton, NJ as a supervisor of the
inorganic chemistry lab in charge of
the daily functions and personnel.
Yakes has been collecting since
the age of 11. He is a member of the
Ocean County Coin Club (NJ),
Garden State Numismatic
Association, American Numismatic
Association, and also life member of
the Society of Paper Money Collectors. His other interests
include weight training, cooking, sports, the weather, and reading.
He specializes in United States $5 small-size currency by
type and variety, and collects U.S. coins by type in Proof. He
received the title "Numismatic Scholar," as conferred by comple-
tion of the ANA School of Numismatics program in 2003, and
had an article published in The Numismatist in May 2000.
Robert Moon
Bob has been a member of SPMC for over 20 years and pre-
viously served on the Board of Governors for seven years. He is a
graduate of Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY and just recently
retired from a 30-year career in New York State government,
including serving as the Chief Information Officer of a major state
agency from September of 1996 until his retirement in November
of 2003. He and his wife Christine are the proud parents of a son
and daughter, both currently serving in the United States Army.
A prolific writer, Bob has authored dozens of articles for
Paper Money, Bank Note Reporter and
other publications. Recognized by
his peers, his articles have received
four literary awards from SPMC.
Also a perennial exhibitor at the
annual Memphis show, he is a past
recipient of the Bank Note Reporter
"Most Inspirational Exhibit" award.
He has lectured numerous times on
his specialty, National Bank Notes,
and has served as a numismatic con-
sultant to the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco.
With his retirement and
impending relocation to South Carolina Bob would like to donate
his extra available time to the betterment of SPMC by returning
to the Board of Governors. With the growing number of adher-
ents to our hobby, Bob would like to see a regular series of grad-
ing seminars established at major paper money shows and, to
increase member involvement, the expansion of our Society's web
site including a chat room, census information and a grading
Robert J. Drew
Robert started collecting in grade school, as many of us did
filling Whitman folders and later adding Canadian and world
coins. Then after taking a break from collecting for a few years he
started again, adding early and modern commemoratives and
proof sets. In the early '90s while attending a local coin show, he
saw several MPC notes for sale and remembering that he used
some while serving in the U.S. Army, he bought a few which was
the beginning of his love affair with paper money. He started
learning more about MPC and after attending the Military
Numismatic class at the ANA summer seminar he expanded his
collection to AMC, JIM and WW II notes. Then following the
advice of a sage paper money collector he sold all of his shiny,
round metallic things and expanded into other areas of paper
money as well as books on paper money and currency auction cat-
In addition to SPMC he is also a member of ANA, IBNS and
three local clubs, all which he encourages to have programs to on
various areas of paper money.
Robert completed his BS degree in
Business from Hawaii Pacific
University, and after retiring from 21
years in the U.S. Army completed an
MS degree in Counseling from
Shippensburg University in PA. He
has served on the board of directors
of his local chamber of commerce, as
a Court Appointed Special Advocate,
has been active in his political party,
and served as President of the local
association of insurance agents.
To help support his paper
money collecting, he works as an insurance broker and as a dealer
in paper money and books at local shows. He strongly encourages
all SPMC members to attend an ANA summer seminar class on
their choice of paper money and would like to see SPMC work
with ANA to include a paper money course in the ANA School of
Numismatics Diploma Program, and also include a membership
application in each issue of Paper Money so it is easier for members
to sign up new members.
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Fairmont, West Virginia
A Series of 1902 Vice President Note
AN UNUSUAL VARIETY THAT HAS BEEN RECOG-ni zed for years is the engraved "Vice President" on the
later Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Back $5s issued by The
National Bank of Fairmont, West Virginia (9462). These
occurred first on notes with the engraved signature combina-
tion of James H. Thomas, Vice President, and N. E. Jamison,
Cashier, and later on notes with the combination James H.
Thomas, Vice president, and J. Ray Smoot, Cashier.
by Peter Huntoon
Mark Hotz and I were startled to find that the President's
signature was placed on thel 0-10-10-20 plates for the bank as
we sorted the Smithsonian proofs! First were 10-10-10-20
plates with Brooks Fleming Jr., President, and N. E. Jamison,
Cashier, and later Brooks Fleming Jr., President, and J. Ray
Smoot, Cashier.
The data on Table 1 demonstrate that the bank twice
ordered engraved signatures for the Vice President on the
lower denomination plate and the President on the higher.
This occurrence is unprecedented to my knowledge in either
the large or small note issues.
An amendment to the National Bank Act passed on
March 3, 1919, revised the language of the act to allow for
both new denominations and engraved bank signatures. The
italics are added here for emphasis here:
That in order to furnish suitable
notes for circulation, the
Comptroller of the Currency shall,
under the direction of the Secretary
Enlargement showing the engraved signa-
ture of James H. Thomas, Vice President.
of the Treasury, cause plates and dies to be engraved, in
the best manner to guard against counterfeiting and
fraudulent alterations, and shall have printed therefrom
and numbered such quantity of circulating notes in
blank, or bearing engraved signatures of officers as herein
provided, of the denominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20,
$50, $100, $500, and $1,000, as may be required to sup-
ply the associations entitled to receive the same. Such
notes shall express upon their face that they are secured
by United States bonds deposited with the Treasury of
the United States, by the written or engraved signatures
of the Treasurer and Register, and by the imprint of the
seal of the Treasury; and shall also express upon their
face the promise of the association receiving the same to
pay on demand, attested by the written or engraved signa-
tures of the president or vice president and cashier; and shall
bear such devices and such other statements and shall be
in such form as the Secretary of the Treasury shall, by
regulation, direct.
Clearly this allowed a bank to order engraved signatures
for a Vice President, and the officers of the Fairmont bank did
exactly that for its 5-5-5-5 plates!
The first 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 sheets with Jamison's
engraved signature were sent to the bank respectively on July
10 and July 9, 1924. The first with Smoot's signature were
sent respectively on November 21 and 20, 1928.
The research leading to this article was partially support-
ed by the National Numismatic Collections, National
Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC. The assistance of James Hughes, Museum
Specialist, is gratefully acknowledged.
Table 1. Summary of the Series of 1902 Blue Seal Plain Back plates with engraved signatures prepared for The National Bank of
Fairmont, West Virginia (9462), and the sheets issued from them.
Combination Approval Date
President or
Vice President Cashier
Sheet Serials
5-5-5-5 Jun 9, 1924 E-F-G-H James H. Thomas, v N. E. Jamison 74001-100390 26390
10-10-10-20 Jun 10, 1924 D-E-F-B Brook Fleming Jr. N. E. Jamison 50401-69493 19093
5-5-5-5 Sep 14, 1928 I-J-K-L James H. Thomas, v J. Ray Smoot 100391-105907 5517
10-10-10-20 Sep 17, 1928 G-H-I-C Brooks Fleming Jr. J. Ray Smoot 69494-73060 3567
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 217
Subjects from the certified
proofs for the Fairmont, West
Virginia (9462), Series of 1902
5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20 plates
with engraved signatures pre-
pared in June, 1924. Notice
that the $5 is signed by the
Vice President.
Bureau of Engraving and
Printing. Certified
Proofs of National
Bank Note Face Plates.
National Numismatic
Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and
Printing. Ledgers
Showing Deliveries of
National Currency to
the Comptroller of the
Currency: U. S.
National Archives,
College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the
Currency. National
Currency and Bond
Ledgers for Individual
National Banks. U. S.
National Archives,
College Park, MD.
Subjects from the certified
proofs from the Fairmont,
West Virginia (9462), Series of
1902 5-5-5-5 and 10-10-10-20
plates with the second
engraved signature combina-
tion made in September, 1928.
The $5s are once again signed
by the Vice President.
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
The First National Bank of
Edinboro, Pennsylvania
By Hal Russell Blount
Above: Although housed in a frame
building, this was the original location
of the People's Bank, later to become
the First National Bank of Edinboro,
PA, 102 Meadville Street, the bank's
location from 1892-1903.
ern part of the commonwealth 20 miles directly south of Lake Erie
and approximately 100 miles due north of Pittsburgh. Nestled in a
gentle sloping valley Edinboro became a borough on April 3, 1840,
with a population of 232. Much of its early paper history and written records
were lost in a fire in 1905, which destroyed most of the business district. It can
be presumed that the early settlers were a tough, tenacious lot, as life was hard
then and the little town's people had to be tough just to survive. They not only
survived, but they prospered.
Beginning as a farmer's community with a mill powered by Edinboro
Lake, the town grew when a trolley line was run to the city of Erie. The trolley
line was mutually beneficial: Edinboro farmers sent produce north to Erie and
in turn Erie sent tourists down to Edinboro. Edinboro Lake became and con-
tinues today a resort area keystoned by the Curtze estate, a Kennedy-like pri-
vate compound that stretches along the northeastern shoreline.
The greatest change came when the teachers' training school founded in
1856 as Northwestern Normal School slowly developed into what is today
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. Northwestern Normal School was the
first teacher-training institute west of the Allegheny Mountains. Actress Sharon
Stone is a notable former student at Edinboro. Edinboro's biggest athletic rival
is nationally known Slippery Rock State University. Today Edinboro
University of Pennsylvania is a dynamic multifaceted university headed by its
visionary President, Frank G. Pogue.
I followed my mother who followed her father before her to Edinboro
State College. My parents' first residence as newly weds was two doors away
=7, illittrDt•iiiitstitkwitita D907945:-
AT.-144"& 114, '8" W; 96-0
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
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220 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
1902 Date Back with hand signed sig-
natures of Cashier Prof. J. B. Scott and
President Warren Perry, probably
issued in 1906.
from the First National Bank when it was located at 131 Erie Street. I matricu-
lated twice from Edinboro and developed a fondness for the town that draws
me to it at least once yearly. For more than 30 years now I continue and grow
relationships with a group of former roommates and friends who maintain a
closeness rooted in our shared experiences at Edinboro.
I acquired my initial First National Bank of Edinboro note in 1985. At
the time only one large size note was known, with no known small bills, indi-
cating a rarity of six. I have now collected six large and three small notes. Two
other large notes are in possession of an elderly Edinboro resident handed
down through his family. I will continue to search for and acquire the few oth-
ers that are likely still out there.
The legacy of the notes and the bank's history inspired me to research the
background of the individuals involved from its beginning to its ending. Today
the families, Allen, Cylenica, Kuftic and Orr, et al. have replaced the pioneer
families Culbertson, Goodell, Campbell and Proudfit, yet the town maintains
the character and independence forged by its founders.
The People's Bank was announced in the Edinboro independent (the still
existing local newspaper) when it ran the headline of June 25, 1892, "New bank
in Edinboro." The fledging corporation rented the frame building at 102
Meadville Street on the corner of Meadville and Waterford Streets. Its first
officers were listed as: President Sidney D. Hanson, buggy and harness shop
owner; Vice President George Taylor, farmer; and Cashier David E. Gillaspie,
grocer and hardware store owner. The People's Bank directors included hotel
Closeup of the frosted stencil tran-
som of the First National Bank of
Edinboro at 131 Erie Street, location
of the bank from 1903 to 1957.
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1 000
Fractional 4 3/4x 3 3/4 $18.50 $33.50 $150.00 $260.00
Colonial 51/2 x 3 1 /15 19.00 35.00 160.00 290.00
Small Currency 6 5/8 x 2 7/8 19.50 37.50 165.00 310.00
Large Currency 7 7/s x 3 1/2 22.00 41.00 184.00 340.00
Auction 9 x 3 3/4 24.00 44.00 213.00 375.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
Checks 95/s x 4 1 /4 27.50 50.00 226.00 400.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8 3/4 x 14 1 /2 $14.00 $61.00 $100.00 $226.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8 1/2 x 17 1 /2 15.00 66.00 110.00 248.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 91/2 x 12 1 /2 13.50 59.00 94.00 212.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18 x 24 54.00 235.00 385.00 870.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
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222 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
1902 Plain Back with
stamped signatures of Cashier E.P.
Campbell and President G.W.
Minium (probably issued in 1924 or
owner Henry S. Cutler, grocer George S. Goodell, physician Dr. Frank G.
Greenfield, furniture store owner and undertaker Warren Ferry, and carriage
builder Porter W. Tucker. Stockholders included Ignatious S. Lavery, Alex
Proudfit and Jesse N. Tarbell. Officers elected in 1898 remained the same for
many years, President Warren Perry, Vice President George Taylor, Cashier
David Gillaspie and Secretary Porter W. Tucker.
On January 29, 1903, the Edinboro Independent headlines read
"Edinboro Banks will Exchange Locations." Two years previous the People's
Bank purchased the property housing the Savings Bank at 131 Erie Street and
the Savings Bank bought the Cornell property at 102 Meadville Street. On
April 1 of that year, wagons passed one another on the street as the two banks
exchanged locations. May 26, 1904, the local newspaper headlines herald-
ed, "National Bank for Edinboro." The People's Bank had applied for a nation-
al charter and reorganized, maintaining its then current officers and directors.
The newly organized bank opened August 1, 1904, as the First National Bank
of Edinboro, Charter #7312. The Independent reported, "This is the only
national bank between the Erie and Crawford County line and between Union
City, PA and the Pennsylvania-Ohio line." When the bank opened the follow-
ing Monday, the counter was piled high with crisp new $10 bills bearing the
portrait of William McKinley and hand signed by President Warren Perry and
cashier D.E. Gillaspie. Miss Georgia Gillaspie served as assistant cashier.
In 1906, following 14 years of service as cashier, D.E. Gillaspie
retired and was replaced by Professor J.B. Scott. That same year Clem L.
Darrow became a director of the FNB, and in 1907 was elected president of the
bank with Porter W. Tucker serving as Vice President. The advertisement
announcing Clem Darrow as President of the bank also listed the recently
elected directors. A new name appeared on this list, Dr. George W. Minium.
The April 20, 1898, issue of the Edinboro Independent carried an
article titled, "A New Dentist in Town." It reported that Dr. Minium had
graduated from the Northwestern Normal School in Edinboro and received his
dental degree in 1898 from the Northwestern School of Dentistry in Chicago.
Unable to afford the cost of an expensive university education Minium fol-
lowed the path of many local young people. He enrolled at Edinboro where
one could obtain only a teacher's certification; however, tuition was free.
Using his degree, he taught in the rural schools of Crawford and Erie
Counties for six years until saving sufficient funds to enroll in dental college.
Dr. Minium's original office was above the Agnew store and later upstairs from
the Savings Bank office at 102 Meadville Street. Dr. Minium was described as a
striking man with a trimmed mustache who dressed elegantly topping off his
look with his trademark homburg hat. It was said he often practiced dentistry
with a lit cigar in one hand and his dental drill in the other.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
I Have Over 3,800 Different in Stock
I can't sell what I don't have
BUY ALL U.S. CURRENCY Good to Gem Unc.
A.M. ("Art") KAGIN
505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1001
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2316
(515) 243-7363 Fax: (515) 288-8681
At 84 It's Still Time - Currency & Coin Dealer Over 60 Years
I attend about 15 Currency-Coin Shows per year
Visit Most States (Call, Fax or Write for Appointment)
How You Buy or Sell Does Make a Difference!
Collector Since 1928
Professional Since 1933
Founding Member PNG, President 1963-64
ANA Life Member 103, Governor 1983-87
ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988
C00 484A
1311, 'ea ""70-1-- Sr •
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
In 1924 Dr. Minium was elected president of the First National Bank of
Edinboro and remained so until his death in 1959. Earl P. Campbell became
bookkeeper of the First National Bank of Edinboro on August 10, 1911, and
was promoted to cashier in 1919. He maintained this office (except for a short
time) until his retirement on February 24, 1955. Dr.
Minium and Earl Campbell guided the First National Bank of Edinboro
through the Great Depression and its eventual move across the street to a new
building in 1958. These two men served the bank a combined 71 years. For
many decades, most people in town regarded Dr. Minium and Earl Campbell
as "The Mister's National Bank."
The First National Bank never closed during the depression depending
on whether you asked a depositor or a stockholder. An ad in the newspaper in
March 1933 read, "This bank is open for the transaction of business on special
accounts." On March 6, 1933, President Roosevelt signed the document clos-
ing all banks until each could be examined, i.e, "The Bank Holiday." If a bank
could meet the established conditions of Section 207 of the Bank Conservation
Act signed on March 7, 1933, it would be allowed to re-open. The First
National Bank of Edinboro could re-open only if stockholders surrendered
their stock for $120.00 per share and depositors signed a waiver of 45% of their
The First National Bank was examined on July 12, 1933. Three trustees
were appointed to handle deferred funds: Frank L. LaBounty, Asa I. Skelton
and George D. Twitchell. They were successful in meeting the necessary con-
1929 Type 1 with stamped signatures
of Cashier E.P. Campbell and
President George W. Minium.
ditions set forth by Section 207 of the Bank Conservation Act. The federal
bank examiners announced on September 28th that 66 2/3rd percent of the
bank's stock must be surrendered and 75% of the depositors were to sign a
waiver for 45% of their deposits. By October 1933, 31 shares of the stock had
been sold while 75 more were still required for compliance. A newspaper ad on
that same day read, "Solvent but not liquid is a fair and honest description of
the Edinboro bank today."
The Independent announced on November 16, 1933, "First National
Bank Open for
Unrestricted Operations." Through the efforts of the trustees, almost
every depositor regained all of his money, while most stockholders lost every-
thing. The bank reorganized with the same officers except Earl Campbell who
resigned, but returned shortly thereafter. The directors were reduced to seven,
including V.L. Crandall, Clyde Dowler, Dr. Boyd Ghering, Dr. Harold A.
Ghering, C.K. Henry, Ritchie T. Marsh and Dr. Minium. The bank continued
its growth under the leadership of President Minium and Cashier Campbell. In
December 1954, Earl P. Campbell retired after 43 years of service to the bank
with 36 years of those years as cashier. Campbell died on March 10, 1955, at
the age of 66. Milton M. Rouse was appointed cashier with Phyliis Hotchkiss
serving as assistant cashier.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 225
Frosted stencil transom of the First
National Bank of Edinboro at 131
Erie Street, now a gift emporium
owned by Claudia and David
Thornburg. The bank was housed
here from 1903 to 1957.
During this period of time the bank began considering expansion. Clyde
Dowler, a director, served on the search committee. In 1957, they settled on a
property at 104 Erie Street almost directly across the street from its then pre-
sent location to what in earlier days had been referred to as The Brown
Block." The new building went up featuring various new appointments includ-
ing a modern vault. In October 1957, all of Edinboro watched as the First
National Bank moved across the street to its new location. Dr. Minium was re-
elected President for his 35th term on January 15, 1959. The following officers
were also appointed: Dr. Harold Ghering, Vice President; Milton Rouse,
cashier; R.A. Fuller, assistant cashier; and Phyllis V. Hotchkiss, secretary.
The year 1959 proved to be a sad year for the banking family. Dr. Harold
Ghering, an Edinboro physician for more than 40 years died on January 23.
Dr. Minium retired June 15, 1956,
having practiced dentistry for 58 years. He celebrated his 87th birthday
December 29, 1958. He died at his home at 105 Waterford Street on February
20, 1959. R.A. Fuller served as a pallbearer. Roy Carlson and then Robert
Dowler (son of Clyde) succeeded Minium as president. The number of direc-
tors was reduced and it was decided the term length of future presidents would
not exceed five years. It is reported the bank opened a branch office in nearby
McKean. However, no information regarding the time period or location is
known at this time. The bank, town and college continue to prosper during this
period of time.
Marine Bank purchased the First National Bank of Edinboro on
September 31, 1970. On April 19, 1993, banking giant PNC took over Marine
Bank. The First National Bank was the only banking institution in Edinboro
from 1913 (when the Savings Bank closed) until its takeover by Marine Bank in
1970. Three banks now serve Edinboro.
Stability and permanence were the keystones of the First National Bank
of Edinboro as it was with so many small town banks in the past. Dr. Minium
and others exhibited continuing service and loyalty to this institution rarely
demonstrated by individuals in current times. The First National Bank of
Edinboro, served the community loyally in return.
A special thanks to Russell Vance for his invaluable contributions.
Edinboro Independent.
Marsh, John L. and Karl E. Nordberg. The Journey's End. Edinboro,
Pennsylvania: Giant Eagle Press (1989).
Vance, Russell. A Portrait of Edinboro 1876 - 1977. Rochester, NY: PS1
Publishers (1977).
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226 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Roll Out the. Welcome Mat:
Here comes Gene Hessler's EPSN #2;
a long-awaited, welcome reference
that might have been" Gene Hessler's exemplary Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes (BNR Press, 1979) appeared.
The work was a painstaking, breakthrough paper money reference that was justifiably greeted with great fan-
fare when it originally appeared. In the past quarter century as paper money has become a more mainstream
collectible, its importance has grown.
However many newer collectors are oblivious to this important work, and of course in the interim new discov-
eries have been made by Hessler and others, long-since justifying a second, revised edition of that classic work. The
hobby will soon have that long-awaited book. A new edition including all these new discoveries is ready finally to
debut at next month's Memphis International Paper Money Show.
Hessler's EPSN is important not only to national currency collectors but to collectors of all types of U.S. gov-
ernment circulating currency. Meticulously researched and written by the premier researcher of U.S. paper money
of our generation, the new work rightfully deserves a prominent place along side Gene Hessler's other standard and
classic U.S. currency, engraving, and bond volumes.
To show national currency collectors what we're talking about here, Gene has graciously shared the Series
1873 National Bank Circulating Note essai for the State National Bank of Memphis shown below, as well as New
York City dealer Steve Goldsmith's foreword for the new edition, AND some important examples of new discover-
ies to whet the appetites of Paper Money readers. Gene will be at the Memphis show to sign copies of this remark-
able new edition. At press time price of the book had not yet been determined, but copies should be soon available
from paper money book dealers as well as from the author and publisher BNR Press, 132 East Second St., Port
Clinton, OH 43452.-- Fred Reed, Editor
National Bank Circulating Note
1873 $10
NBE 17 This unissued series included a $10 design with a portrait of William Seward. Plates and impressions
were made for at least 13 different national banks. The essai that should interest most collectors is the
one for the National Bank of Memphis. The stains are from the glue that attached the note to the page
of the ledger at the Bureau of Engraving and printing.
Foreword to the Second Edition of U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes
Twenty-five years ago the saga of America's federal essays, proofs and specimens lay hidden deep in the
vaults of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. It was buried in the drawers of the Smithsonian Institution and it
faded away in the memories of the few surviving artists and engravers who were actually there when paper money
history was being made. It would take a very special person to bring this story to light, and that is precisely what
Gene Hessler accomplished with the first edition of this book in 1979.
Gene did not have the luxury of working with one comprehensive reference collection. He had to hunt and
capture his photographic images the hard way, one by one. His facts and figures came from official U.S. govern-
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
ment records and official correspondence, other original sources, including newspapers, and data passed on from
legendary collectors including Dr Glenn E. Jackson and Thomas F. Morris, Jr. The latter is the son of security
designer Thomas F. Morris.
The first edition was a true reflection of Gene Hessler's passion for paper money, and his commitment to
excellence. It has been the standard reference work on the subject for the last two decades, but it was merely a
Gene continued to educate us through his monthly columns in Coin World and The Numismatist. He served
as editor of Paper Money, the journal of the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and he immersed himself in a new
and more comprehensive book project, The Engraver's Line, a veritable encyclopedia of paper money and postage
stamp art published in 1993.
Gene then turned his attention to this new edition of U.S. Essay, Proof and Specimen Notes, which includes
dozens of unpublished essays and four spectacular proofs of never-before-published interest-bearing treasury notes:
$500 (HX124C and H1340a), $1000 (H1395) and $5000 (H1435b). (Catalog numbers in his Comprehensive Catalog
of U.S. Paper Money.)
The new edition comes at a time when interest in paper money is at an all-time high, and for a variety of
reasons. The law prohibiting the reproduction of paper money in color was modified, allowing a new audience to
see the true beauty of these remarkable miniature works of art for the first time in print. (Gene's 6th edition of the
Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money was the first paper money catalog to illustrate U.S. paper money in
color.) With the use of color, the Internet has introduced thousands of new collectors to collectible paper money.
Some of the world's great bank note company archives of essays, proofs and specimens have come on the market
with competition among collectors to own them. For the first time in 70 years our paper money has been
redesigned, capturing the attention of the public.
I believe there was another important element at work, the constant effort of Gene Hessler, researching,
writing, lecturing, and tirelessly teaching us to appreciate the rich heritage of America's paper money.
-- Stephen L. Goldsmith, Executive Vice President, R.M. Symthe & Co., Inc.
Preface to the new 2nd edition
"Open for me your cabinet of [paper money] patterns and I open for you a record which, but for these half
forgotten witnesses, would have disappeared under the fingers of Time. . . .Now, only these live to tell the tale of
what 'might have been...."' ("The Pattern Piece," American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 17, January 1883, p. 56).
These words by Patterson and DuBois, written in 1883, also describe the rare and scarce engraved pieces of
paper money essays, proofs and specimens that a relatively small group of sophisticated collectors seek.
Paper money essays are comparable to coin patterns; however, they are much more rare. Coin patterns
were, at times, given to committee members who were to vote on new coin designs. Paper money essays seldom
left the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and there were only a few examples prepared. In the last century securi-
ty designers and engravers were at times allowed to have proof examples of their work. Later, most often after the
death of a designer or engraver, these scarce pieces would be sold as part of the artist's estate.
The theme for Bureau of Engraving and Printing Souvenir Cards in 1994 was "Unfinished
Masterpieces." Thus, it was possible to own secondary uniface prints of some of these rare essays. Printed on heav-
ier paper these prints cannot not be confused with original proofs.
Proof coins are made specifically for collectors. Today they are minted in the millions. Paper money
proofs, however, are made, or "pulled," to check the progress of the engraving. These proofs, most often, are print-
ed on soft paper that will receive every detail of the engraving. These pieces in various stages or in their complete
versions show the engraver's art to the best possible advantage. Consequently, they are sought after competitively
by discriminating collectors.
This edition includes about 100 designs heretofore unpublished. I am thrilled to show and collectors will
be delighted to see proofs of four interest-bearing treasury notes ($500, H1340a and HX124C, $1000, H1395 and
$5000, H1435b) unseen since circulating versions were redeemed over a century ago.
Peter Huntoon, Lyn Vosloh and I discovered a group of heretofore-unseen U.S. paper money essays at
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Many of these unissued designs survive only as photostats, photographs and
composites; the latter consists of partially engraved portions with drawings and photographs pasted into position
and are identified as such in this catalog. (Consequently, the quality of some of these illustrations is poor.) It is
possible that design apprentices as part of their training could have prepared the examples represented by pho-
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228 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Specimen notes are most often prepared for Federal Reserve Banks and the central banks of other governments.
They appear to be the same as issued notes, except they might lack normal serial numbers. Instead, they have e.g.,
"00000000" or "12345678" with no prefix or suffix, which all U.S. paper money has. Most often specimens are can-
celled. -- Gene Hessler, author
Here are a few of more than 100 new visual delights in this new edition. The "E" in the catalog number
signifies and essay or unissued design, e.g., USE, United States Note Essay, FRE, Federal Reserve Note Essay,
GCE, Gold Certificate Essay, etc. Designs unknown outside the Bureau of Engraving and Printing have (BEP) at
the end of the entry.
United States Note
1941 $2
USE29 FD with portions pasted into position. In 1867 Charles Burt engraved this portrait of Thomas Jefferson
based on a portrait by Gilbert Stuart. (BEP)
Silver Certificate
The educational series of $1, $2 and $5 notes included an unissued $10 note.
SCE21 This wash drawing bears the noticeable change in the position of the right leg of Forestry. "Engraved by
Chas. Schlecht---had a change in administration [and] led to adoption of a new set of designs by Lyman
Gage, Secy. Treasy. Walter Shirlaw—designer. This group was utilized on the new issue of [Spanish-
American War] Govt. Bonds, circa 1899." This statement refers to the $1000 Spanish-American War
coupon bonds authorized on 13 June 1898.
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
SCE24 FD, India paper on card. This version, unlike the Series of 1896, lacks the BEP credit. (NASCA Sale
89, $3400.)
The following is one of five Federal Reserve note face designs found as photographs in a ledger book at the
BEP, consequently the quality is not the best. It is unlikely that originals of these designs exist. Some of these
designs include "paste-up" signatures and serial numbers. All bear the signatures of Julian-Snyder and the Federal
Reserve seal for San Francisco. These and other 20th century designs as photographs could have been practice
assignments by BEP apprentices.
Federal Reserve Note
FRE24 FD with A00000000A and signatures of Clarke-Snyder. The double denomination is for design considera-
tion only. (BEP)
Gold Certificate
Series of 1923 $1000
GCE10 FD, pl. A on bank note paper. G.F.C. Smillie engraved the portrait of Alexander Hamilton. "This cer-
tificate is a legal tender in the amount thereof in payment of all debts and dues public and private. Acts
of March 14, 1906 as amended and December 24, 1918." This obligation appears on Series 1922 notes.
The original drawing by F.O.C. Darley.
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230 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
Small-Size Back Designs for Unidentified Notes
The following designs, some by W.A. Roach, were uncovered at the BEP. These and some face designs
listed under U.S. notes, silver certificates and Federal Reserve notes were created in the 1930s and 1940s. Some of
these designs are partially engraved and some include photographic images that are pasted into position. The fol-
lowing are printed in green except where mentioned.
UE8 Commerce was engraved by Marcus W. Baldwin. Valley Forge is by artist F.O.C. Darley; it was engraved by
S.A. Schoff. The following was attached to this essay: "I like this back, except for the seated figure of the
woman. In place thereof I would suggest an unfiirled scroll bearing at least a portion of the text of the
Declaration of Independence, since the small lettering would constitute an added security feature" (H.
Neal, BEP Design Dept.).
UE9 The Declaration of Independence and Valley Forge.
We are proud to continue the
numismatic legacy begun in 1933
Specializing in Quality and Rare U.S. Currency
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Paper money (historical & modern ), notgeld, coins (Chinese,
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Mill Milli I) )LL
Carl Bambara Selling
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 231
SPMC cordially invites you to
participate in these Society
events at the Memphis
International Paper Money Show
• June 11 SPMC member breakfast $12, I
order ticket from Wendell Wolka (address
on page 162)
• June 12 SPMC open board meeting, find
out how your Society works
• June 12 SPMC general membership
meeting, reports and speaker; Mark
Tomasko will give an illustrated talk on
engraver Lorenzo Hatch, open to general
• June 12 SPMC informal round table dis-
cussion on e-publication, self-publication
and web sites moderated by Librarian
Bob Schreiner, open to all interested par-
Note: Please check events calendar when you
arrive in Memphis for event dates/times/locations
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
TINS ( IP AM It It L1,
b 123456781 )
, irt IL EA iftcum,
B 12345678 D
232 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
UE13 This drawing is done in green and rose.
Here are two examples of original art that were observed at the BEP. They were intended or considered
for military payment certificates. No series was indicated for Columbia.
Soldier and Child, essay for $5 Series 681
Federal Reserve Note
FRE3 la Professor Roman Hellmann, designer at the Austrian National Bank from 1952-1978, had a close working
relationship with Gualtiero Giori at De La Rue Giori, S.A. in Switzerland. In 1971 when a particular print-
ing press was in the developmental stage, Mr. Giori asked Professor Hellmann to design some notes to be
printed when the press was completed. The pioneering type of printing that Mr. Giori intended to create
was called multi-intaglio or 'Orlof intaglio.'" In 1970, during a visit to De La Rue Giori, Professor
Hellmann met Director Conlon of the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (1967-1977). Subsequently
Professor Hellmann created two U.S. designs in a watercolor technique. One of them was in the conven-
tional genre of the U.S. dollar but with greatly improved security techniques. Sample prints were not possi-
ble, as an Orlof intaglio printing press would not be in existence until 1998. Both essays are identified on
the face as Series 1970B.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
On This Date in Paper Money History -- May 2004
By Fred Reed
May 1
1815 British Army issues scrip at Ft. Mackinaw, MI; 1822 John Trumbull's Surrender
of General Burgoyne at Saratoga appearing on First Charter 5500 NBN backs (FR 464-
464a) purchased; 1871 Supreme Court 5-4 in Knox v. Lee upholds constitutionality of
Legal Tender Acts; 1944 Gilroy Roberts leaves BEP, returns to Mint as engraver;
May 2
1862 Cherokee Council authorizes tribal notes payable in Confederate currency; 1863
"Stonewall" Jackson, who appears on Confederate $500 notes, wounded; 1952 SPMC
member Stephen Cooker born;
May 3
1864 House Select Committee begins investigations of fraud and promiscuity at
Treasury Department; 1927 SPMC member Robert Payne born; 1933 SPMC member
Ben Withers born; 1934 Treasury Secretary William H. Woodin dies;
May 4
1626 Peter Minuit buys Manhattan for $24 in buttons and cloth; 1780 Massachusetts
note engraver Col. Paul Revere resigns commission; 1816 Treasury Secretary Samuel
Dexter (FR 1379) dies; 1900 Colonial counterfeiting author Kenneth Scott born;
May 5
1972 U.S. notifies International Monetary Fund of intent to change par value of dollar;
1992 Paper money dealer and collector Aubrey Bebee dies;
May 6
1808 Justice William Strong who wrote majority opinion upholding legal tender note
constitutionality born; 1873 George Casilear receives patent for banknote engraving;
May 7
1839 NY forbids circulation of shinplasters; 1839 Philadelphia banknote detector pub-
lisher Robert T. Bicknell dies; 1873 Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase (FR 16-17)
dies; 2001 U.S. Treasury launches "Money Math: Lessons for Life Curriculum;"
May 8
1806 "Financier of the Revolution" Robert Morris (FR 186) dies; 1918 Chief Engraver
G.F.C. Smillie completes $1 Washington portrait (FR 708-746) based on Stuart's
Athenaeum painting that will become the most widely circulated paper money vignette
of all time; 1969 Angela "Bay" Buchanan takes office as U.S. Treasurer;
May 9
1754 First use of Franklin's "Join or Die" snake design; 1791 U.S. Treasurer of Loans
Francis Hopkinson dies; 1863 Hugh McCulloch appointed Comptroller; 1956 Bank
Holding Company Act passed; 1993 Crawford's Columbia (FR 1-5) removed for repair;
May 10
1818 Engraver and printer Paul Revere dies; 1837 NYC banks suspend specie pay-
ments, Depression begins; 1865 Jefferson Davis, who appears on Confederate 50-cent
and $50 bills, captured by Union Army; 1881 Banknote engraver Joseph Ourdan dies;
May 11
1647 Governor of New Netherlands Peter Stuyvesant, who appears on U.S. obsoletes,
reaches New York; 1861 North Carolina authorizes state treasury notes; 1891 Treasury
Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. born; 1908 Joseph Ralph becomes BEP Director;
May 12
1837 City of Philadelphia issues municipal scrip; 1858 United States Paper Money author
George H. Blake born; 1933 SPMC member Jay Kipfer born;
May 13
1874 Overprinted black charter numbers appear on $5 NBNs; 2003 U.S. Treasury
unveils colorful NextGen $20 FRN designs with improved security features;
May 14
1761 Treasury Secretary Samuel Dexter (FR 1379) born; 1801 Albert Gallatin takes
office as Treasury Secretary; 1901 Banknote engraver Sidney Smith born; 1937 U.S.
Treasurer John Burke dies;
May 15
1755 New Jersey Colonial Currency (FR NJ65-73); 1912 Alabama Obsolete Paper Money
author Walter Rosene born; 1959 SPMC member Craig J. Dickherber born;
May 16
Stake your claim to this valuable advertising
space all month long
Special Rates Apply
Contact the Editor for Details
1779 Engraver John Draper born; 1801 Secretary of State William Seward (FR 376)
born; 1861 CSA Congress authorizes $20 million in $5-$100 treasury notes payable two
years later; 1865 American Numismatic and Archaeological Society incorporated;
May 17
1781 Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris submits plan for national bank; 1792 24
brokers form NYSE to trade in U.S. loan certificates/Bank of New York stock; 1938
BEP occupies Treasury Annex; 1978 Smithsonian acquires Treasury currency hoard;
May 18
1819 Asa Spencer signs contract to procede to England in employ of Perkins and
Fairman; 1855 Treasury Secretary John Spencer dies; 1914 Federal Reserve Bank
Notes bear this printed date;
May 19
1903 Engraver Joseph Keller born; 1919 Tennessee banking/currency author Paul
Garland born; 1933 Eugene R. Black becomes Fed Chairman; 1969 Series 651 MPCs
withdrawn in Japan;
May 20
1506 Christopher Columbus (FR 186d-1871) dies; 1777 United States replaces United
Colonies on currency; 1896 Emanuel "Jim the Penman" Ninger sentenced to six years
for counterfeiting; 1948 SPMC member George Swift born;
May 21
1541 Hernando Desoto discovers the Mississippi River (FR 409-423) just south of pre-
sent day Memphis; 1854 Tromp l'oeil currency artist John Frederick Peto born; 1881
Beginning of Bruce-Gilfillan combined tenure as Register and Treasurer;
May 22
1661 Massachusetts General Court revokes legal tender status of wampum; 1917 U.S.
Treasurer Dorothy Andrews Elston Kabis born; 1933 Congress declares all currency in
circulation legal tender dollar for dollar as if they were gold;
May 23
1752 William Bradford, printer of New York and New Jersey Colonial Currency, dies;
1887 End of Rosecrans-Jordan combined tenure as Register and Treasurer; 1934 Bank
robbers Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker ambushed near Sailes, Louisiana;
May 24
1795 Senator Silas Wright (FR 1188-1197) born; 1844 Inventor Samuel F.B. Morse
(FR 247-248) sends first telegraph message "What Hath God Wrought"; 1926
Congress prohibits national banks with "United States," "Federal," or "Reserve" names;
1929 SPMC member Robert S. Marshall born; 2000 Series 1999 $5 FRN released;
May 25
1775 Massachusetts commissions engraver Paul Revere to produce currency plates ;
1911 Early Paper Money of America author SPMC member Eric P. Newman born; 1945
SPMC member Bruce Spence born; 1955 SPMC member Frank Clark born;
May 26
1781 Congress approves Bank of North America; 1912 Encased stamp issuer
Evansville, IN merchant John W. Bussing dies; 1961 Series 591 MPCs issued;
May 27
1863 Last issue of Postage Currency; 1868 Treasury Secretary William H. Woodin
born; 1925 SPMC member Edward Lewandowski born; 1958 Series 541 MPCs issued;
1977 NASCA sells Paul Garland Collection of Texas notes;
May 28
1818 Confederate general P.G.T. Beauregard, who appears on a Louisiana note, born;
1930 Colonial and Continental Currency author Ted Weissbuch bom; 1946 Treasury
Secretary and "Father of the Federal Reserve" Carter Glass dies;
May 29
1863 Articles of Association FNB of Philadelphia (charter #1) ; 1866 Winfield Scott
(FR 212e) dies; 1912 BEP unveils currency laundering machine; 1932 SPMC member
Donald Koehler born; 1964 Story of Paper Money author Fred Reinfeld dies;
May 30
1830 Congress authorizes Land Scrip for veterans; 1908 Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency
Currency Act permits more elasticity in National Currency circulation; 1922 Lincoln
Memorial (FR 1525-1536) dedicated; 1941 SPMC member George DuBarry born;
May 31
1853 Artist Will Low, Educational Note designer (FR 224-225) born; 1875 Idaho
Territorial Treasurer issues Pay Warrants with deferred payments; 1878 Congress pro-
hibits retirement of Greenbacks, fixes Legal Tender Note circulation at $346,681,016;
1930 SPMC member Al Munro born; •
Mav/ftme 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY234
Ron Horstman
THOSE WHO ATTENDED THE RECENTCPMX show in Chicago experienced an excellent,
well attended show; those who did not will get another
chance next year to attend an even larger event. The
2005 show will move a few weeks into mid-March with
an expanded bourse and another fine auction by Lyn
Knight and a stock and bond auction by Scott Winslow.
Collectors will have a chance to attend an outstand-
ing event in Milwaukee in early May as the Central
States Numismatic Society holds its annual convention
featuring a large auction conducted by Currency
Auctions of America.
Wendell Wolka has promised his long awaited book
on Ohio obsoletes will be available by the Memphis
show. Wendell has contributed a geat deal to the
Society and the hobby in general; and while no longer
an elected Board member, has agreed to serve as a spe-
cial consultant to the Board.
For those planning to attend the Memphis show, be
sure to include attendance of the general membership
meeting as our speaker will be Mark Tomasko, who will
discuss the work of Lorenzo Hatch.
In closing, I wish to mention the passing of Martha
Schingoethe of the Herb & Martha duo. She was a very
gracious lady and will be missed.
SPMC 6000: I
I IRebuilding a Great Society for a New Century T"'
I • Free two-line classified ad in PAPER I
MONEY (only 1 per member please)
I • You must be a paid up member of I
SPMC for 2004
I • Ad must be non-commercial I
• Ad will run in a future issue on a
I • Offer ends June 10, 2004
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15e per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Ad must be non-commercial in nature.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis.
WANTED. National Bank Note from The Manilla National Bank
(#6041), Manilla, Iowa, any denomination or condition. Lee Poleske,
Box 871, Seward, AK 99664 (236)
KANSAS NATIONALS WANTED. Goodland #14163, Olathe
#3720, Pleasanton #8803. A.R. Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051
WANTED. $50 denomination, Bank of the Old Dominion, Branch
Bank at Pearisburg, VA (Jones-Littlefield BA30- or -27; Haxby G18a
or 18b) and Pearisburg, VA, Lybrook scrip (Jones-Littlefield PP1706
and 1707). J. Tracy Walker III, 2865 Mt. Aire Rock Ln.,
Charlottesville, VA 22901 (235)
VIRGINIA WANTED. Exchange Bank of Virginia issued by
Abingdon Branch and Washington County notes. Also, old postcards
depicting named and known Indians. Tom Merrihue, PO Box 25,
Emory, VA 24327 or 276-944-3581 (232)
Sullivan, PO Box 8442, Gaithersburg, MD 20898 or e-mail or phone 888-246-8040 (234)
1866 Haxby). I am an intermediate collector looking to acquire addi-
tional notes for my collection. Joseph M. DeMeo, PO Box 987,
Valley Forge, PA 19482.or (232)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histo-
ries of banks which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking
county/state/regional banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031 e-mail: (234)
LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK. Collector desires notes, photos,
postcards, checks, memorabilia, metal coin banks, banking histories,
publications, or what have you? from Lincoln National Banks or
Lincoln State Banks or insurance companies, or other corporations
named for Abraham Lincoln for use in forthcoming book. Please
contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75051-8162
or for immediate purchase (234)
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO
Box 1211, Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (234)
WANTED KANSAS. Obsoletes -- Checks -- Drafts. S. Whitfield,
879 Stillwater CT, Weston, FL 33327 (234)
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Obsolete paper money from South
Bend or St. Joseph County wanted. Bob Schreiner, POB 2331 Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331; email: (234)
20th CENTURY U.S., articles relating to modern small size U.S. cur-
rency are especially needed for publication in Paper Money. If you col-
lect this material, try your hand at authoring an article too! (PM)
cles in Paper Money can request a free 3-line ad. WOW! (PM)
EXPAND YOUR COLLECTION. Classified ad rates are low, low,
low in Paper Money's "Money Mart." These small ads really get
results -- why else would longtime collectors advertise year-in and
year-out in this space. Send ad copy and check payable to SPMC to
the Editor, PO Box 793941, Dallas, Texas 75379-3941 (PM)
AUTHORS WANTED. Write the Editor (PM)
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
On This Date in Paper Money History -- June 2004
By Fred Reed *
June 1
1822 Alabama issues state fractional notes; 1837 City of Newark, NJ issues scrip; 1893
Beginning of Rosecrans-Morgan tenure; 1905 Farran Zerbe opens 'Moneys of the
World" exhibit at Lewis and Clark Expo; 1943 Boise, ID Retail Merchants Bureau
promises redemption of card board cents; 1998 European Central Bank established;
June 2
1837 American Numismatic Society founding member Edward Groh born; 1863 First
National Bank organized in Ohio (FNB Youngstown #3); 1899 Wild Bunch robs
Union Pacific Railroad, dynamiting express car and blowing cash all over the landscape;
June 3
1775 Continental Congress authorizes first domestic loan; 1808 CSA President
Jefferson Davis, who appears on 50-cent & $50 Confederate notes, born; 1811
Superintendent National Currency Bureau Spencer M. Clark (FR 1236-1239) born;
June 4
1828 William Clark becomes U.S. Treasurer; 1906 Treasurer John C. New dies; 1930
SPMC member Dave Hinkle born; 1963 Congress abolishes Silver Certificates; 1977
1st Memphis International Paper Money Show held with 947 attendees;
June 5
1805 Massachusetts authorizes banknotes in denominations less than $5; 1955
Souvenir card cataloger Curtis Radford born; 1964 BEP accepts first order of standard
currency paper from Gilbert Paper Company; 1972 First delivery Series 1969B SlOs;
June 6
1756 Artist John Trumbull (FR 452-463), painter of Signing of Declaration of
Independence, born; 1799 Virginia Governor Patrick Henry, who appears on obsolete
notes, dies; 1895 Colonial/Contental paper money author Henry Phillips dies;
June 7
1831 Engraver Peter Maverick dies; 1837 Republic of Texas authorizes Consolidated
Fund notes, 1951 Treasurer W.O. Woods dies; 1955 U.S. House passes unanimously
bill requiring IGWT appear on all currency and coins; 1981 Collector Ray Byrne dies;
June 8
1799 Treasury Secretary William Meredith (FR 1264-1266) born; 1845 Andrew
Jackson (FR 64-92) dies; 1942 First delivery of special HAWAII overprint notes; 1950
SPMC member Gayland R. Stehle born;
June 9
1837 Republic of Texas authorizes notes, S5-S500; 1849 Henry Naglee and Richard
Sinton establish San Francisco's first regular bank; 1942 SPMC member Charles Kemp
born; 1948 SPMC member Raymond Voorhees born; 1950 Hobbies magazine publish-
er Otto C. Lightner dies; 1951 SPMC member Terence Kafka born;
June 10
1811 Bank of Mississippi opens at Natchez, MT; 1864 Merchants NB of Boston
(charter #475) first bank ogranized under Act of June 3, 1864; 1885 Last delivery 5500
NBNs to Western NB, Baltimore (#1325); 2003 Treasury Secretary Don Regan dies;
June 11
1832 Lucy Holcombe Pickens, who appears on Confederate $100 notes, horn; 1969
Series 651 MPCs withdrawn in Libya; 2001 KBA (King & Bauer AG) acquires De La
Rue Giori to corner 90% of security press market worldwide;
June 12
1865 Pioneer paper money collector Albert A. Grinnell born; 1947 SPMC member
David Swann born; 1964 Bank Note Reporters and Counter felt Detectors author William
H. Dillistin dies; 1972 Beginning of Shultz-Banuelos combined tenure;
June 13
1786 U.S. general Winfield Scott (FR 212e) born; 1898 Congress authorizes bonds to
finance the Spanish-American War;
June 14
1858 American Bank Note Co. gets contract to print U.S. obligations; 1878 Congress
requires Treasury Seal on U.S. obligations; 1932 SPMC member Joaquin Gil del Real
born; 1963 Paper Money of the United States author Robert L. Friedberg dies;
June 15
1800 Treasury officials occupy new Treasury building; 1864 CSA Treasury Secretary
Christopher G. Memminger resigns; 1933 SPMC member Russell A. Hibbs born;
1979 SPMC releases first souvenir card with $2 Liberty Bank of Providence, RI note;
June 16
1752 Benjamin Franklin conducts kite flying electricity experiment (FR 479-492);
1820 Planters & Merchants Bank of Huntsville suspends specie payments; 1933
Banking Act creates FDIC; 1953 Early paper money collector Alden Scott Boyer dies;
June 17
1897 ABNCo makes first delivery from its plant in Ottawa, Canada; 1902
Comptroller of Currency permits FBN of Philadelphia to resume its charter #1;
June 18
1764 Printing innovator Ben Franklin and partner D. Hall print Pennsylvania notes;
1948 U.S., British & French zones in West Germany convert currency from AMC to
DM; 1954 United Artists film The Million Pound Note starring Gregory Peck debuts;
June 19
1893 End of Rosecrans-Morgan tenure; 1935 SPMC member Ron Horsttnan born;
1937 St. Louis Fed Bank President William Poole born; 1981 SPMC Wismer book on
Rhode Island goes on sale; 1984 Bowers & Merena sell Jim Ruddy EPS merchant set;
June 20
1782 Continental Congress adopts Great Seal; 1860 Mrs. Hepburn signs promissory
note to pay Henry Griswold 11,250 dollars on Feb. 20, 1862; 1944 BEP delivers R & S
I935A $1 SCs; 1945 SPMC member Steven H. Weiner born;
June 21
1731 Martha Washington (FR 215-221, 224-225) born; 1948 Soviet East Germany
converts from AMC to Rentenmark/Reichsbank notes; 1953 Arkansas furniture sales-
man/ANA President Matt Rothert conceives placing IGWT on U.S. currency; 1986
SPMC celebrates 25th anniversary at Memphis with a cake decorated like a $1 FRN;
June 22
1775 Continental Congress OKs first Continental Currency; 1892 BEP engraver John
F.E. Prudhomme dies; 1942 U.S. Treasurer Carmi A. Thompson dies;
June 23
1822 Note designer/engraver Felix O.C. Darley born; 1860 Congress funds Secret
Service to apprehend counterfeiters; 1895 Edwin Blashfield objects to BEP alterations
to his $2 Educational Note face design; 1975 Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest dies;
June 24
1863 First National Bank chartered in Massachusetts (FNB Springfield #14); 1887
Comptroller of Currency Freeman Clarke dies; 1945 SPMC member Terry A. Bryan
born; 1968 President Lyndon Johnson issues E0 discontinuing redemption of SCs
with bullion;
June 25
1811 Engraver John W. Casilear born; 1862 City Savings Association of Mobile, AL,
circulates shinplasters; 1943 Counteifeiting in America author Lynn Glaser born;
June 26
1774 Engraver Gideon Fairman born; 1796 Inventor , currency engraver and first
Mint Director David Rittenhouse dies; 1836 Treasurer Enos Nebeker born; 1878
Government purchases land for BEP;
June 27
1940 SPMC member William H. Kelly born; 1967 De la Rue unveils first ATM at
Barclays Bank in Enfield, North London; 1996 Fire ravages north wing of Main
Treasury building; 2000 SPMC establishes George W. Wait Memorial Prize;
June 28
1836 President James Madison (FR 188) dies; 1861 Virginia authorizes small denomi-
nation notes; 1926 SPMC member William M. Dwyer born;
June 29
1852 Senator Henry Clay (FR 151) dies; 1865 City of Houston, TX issues municipal
scrip; 1885 Patent medicine vendor and Confederate currency facsimilist Samuel C.
Upham dies; 1920 Ivory Coast authorizes overprinting stamps gummed to heavy paper
for circulation as money; 1978 NASCA sells T. James Clarke currency currency;
June 30
1812 Congress authorizes interest-bearing notes; 1857 Dr. T.S. Hunt patents anti-
photographic green ink for banknote printing; 1929 BEP prints initial supply of small
size currency; 1970 United States Savings Stamp program ends; 2003 End of Snow-
Marin combined tenure;
May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY236
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 7501 1
In Memoriam
Louis F. Davison, Sr. 1915-2003
Another of the well known paper money collectors and deal-
ers, in our fraternity, has passed away. Word was received that
Louis passed away on August 22nd at his home in Semmes, AL.
Lou was well known to all of the old timers in our fraternity,
whether he had a table at a show, or was working the bourse or
convention rooms and lobbies at a show. He always seemed more
at home while working the floor. Always a gentleman, Lou was
quick to show you his notes from his always full briefcase. He
knew most of the collectors and dealers who frequented the shows
and usually knew what they were interested in. Much of his mate-
rial was on consignment from dealers, such as Curt Iverson, Lyn
Knight and others. Lou covered a lot of the country, from coast
to coast, North and South. It might be a show in Miami one
week, or the next week in Dallas or Long Beach. He put a great
deal of miles on in his travels, and seemed to thrive on his connec-
tion to the hobby. He had many friends where ever he was found.
Helen, his wife, accompanied him on many trips to shows.
Other wives seemed to search her out for company. A true lady,
she always had a kind word for everyone. A victim of Alzheimer's
disease, Lou cared for Helen until her passing several years ago.
I can imagine that, with the passing of so many from our hobby,
that Lou is probably now with them, trying to help them out, or
just talking about our wonderful hobby that he was so much a part
of. Good friends such as George Nicholson, Amon Carter, Jack
Everson, J.L. Irish, Joe Kinney, and all the rest will have him in
their good company.
Although Lou no longer was able to attend shows, such as
Memphis, he often would call me to just talk about the things and
people who were in the hobby, and the great notes he handled in
times past. Believe me, there were many in this category of type
notes and Nationals.
Lou is survived by his son Clyde Davison of Semmes and
daughter Connie Davison Lord of Red Bluff, CA.
A good friend, (signed) Roman L. Latimer
Tim Prusmack, died 2004
SPMC member Fort Pierce, FL artist Tim Prusmack died
Jan. 26, 2004. Tim excelled in reproducing, by hand, complicated
antique money, vintage bank notes and self-designed artistic
Mr. Prusmack was president of the Treasure Coast Coin
Club for six years. He also was one-time New York junior golf
Survivors include his parents, Dr. Armand J. Prusmack and
Florence Syrewicz; brother Ajon; and sister Nancy.
A lengthy, illustrated tribute to Tim's paper money artistry
by friends John and Nancy Wilson will appear in our July/August
Paper Money as part of the "bonus" pages for that issue.
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 01/29/2004
10701 Richard E. Leach (C), Allen Mincho
10702 Dr. Frank G. Laiacona (C & D), Allen Mincho
10703 Henry Jenkins, 575 Seminole Dr, Merced, CA 95340 (C & D,
"Big Head" Notes), Website
10704 Michael Rivkin, PO Box 654, Pomona, NY 10970-0654 (C,
10705 Wayne F. Bosse, 40 W. Chadwick CR, Dothan, AL 36305-
1075 (C, $2 Notes including Obsoletes), Website
10706 Robert Coelln, 19 E. Lyons Dr, Pueblo West, CO 81007-
1409 (C,Western & Midwestern Nationals, Obsoletes & Scrip),
Allen Mincho
10707 Russell P. Daigle, PO Box 324, Scott, LA 70583 (C & D,
Large, Small & Fractional), Frank Clark
10708 Alton F. Rowe III, 440 Evergreen Farm Circle, Waynesville,
NC 28786 (C, Obsoletes, Confederate & U.S.), Tom Denly
10709 John D'Antoni, 86 Jolen Dr, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 (C, U.S.
Obsoletes, Confederate), Tom Denly
10710 Greg Henry (C), Website
10711 Thomas L. Reed, 12348 State Rt 34, Bryan, OH 43506 (C,
Fractional, Obsoletes, Nationals), Allen Mincho
10712 James A. Kurre (C), Website
10713 Dale E. Hughes (C),Tom Denly
10714 B.E. Bensinger III (C), Frank Clark
10715 Theron Hunter (C),Website
10716 Edward T. Arrich (C), Wendell Wolka
10717 Gerald L. Kochel, PO Box 215, Lititz, PA 17543 (C, Colonial
Notes signed by Adam Hubley), Judith Murphy/Wendell Wolka
10718 George E. Carnahan, 3921 Sanders Rd SW, Marietta, GA
30008-6049 (C, Confederate), Website
10719 Harold Deak Swanson (C), Tom Minerley
3040 Roland J. Cormier, 64 Knoll Crest Dr, Cumberland, RI 02864-
3437 (C & D, Rhode Island & Massachusetts Nationals),
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 03/28/2004
10720 Paul Thevenet (C), Tom Denly
10721 Barry Carol (C), Website
10722 David L. Balkwill, 4104 Tom O'Shanter, Tallahassee, FL
32309-2715 (C, Confederate, Southern States, Fractional,
Obsoletes), Tom Denly
10723 Mark Drengson, 1235 Ramona Dr, Newbury Park, CA 91320
(C, Obsoletes, Nationals & U.S. Large), Website
10724 Larry Daniel (C), Website
10725 George Economou (C), Tom Denly
10726 Jim Booth, 1722 S. Carson #1800, Tulsa, OK 74119 (C, Small
Size Notes), Frank Clark
10727 John S. Kosiorek, 7404 E. Ed Rice Ave, Mesa, AZ 85208-2717
(C, Various), Robert Schreiner
10728 Dan Patrick Hughes, 31 Terracima, Irvine, CA 92620 (C,
US), Torn Denly
10729 Dennis Brooks, 550 Leaman Ave, Millersville, PA 17551 (C,
Obsoletes), Website
10730 Chris Childress, 1365 Jersey Social Circle Rd, Covington, GA
30014 (C, Southern Obsoletes), Website
10731 Andrew R. Korn (C), Bryn Korn
10732 David M. Diaz (C), Bryn Korn
10733 Thomas Poirier, 64 Bailey St, Danielson, CT 06239 (C,
FRBNs), Tom Denly
10734 William R. Hancuff (C), Judith Murphy
10735 Jay A. Krumholtz, PO Box 7185, Riverside, CA 92570
(C, Confederate, Obsoletes & Fractional), Frank Clark
10736 Robert Kanter, 2164 Crescent Dr, Tarrytown, NY 10591 (C,
Small Size Nationals), Martin Gengerke
10737 Daniel Kornhauser (C), Michael Abramson
10738 Paul Burns, 3201 Griesmer Ave, Lindenwald, OH 45015-
1730(C, $100 Small Size Ohio Nationals), Website
10739 John S. Ohm (C), Website
10740 Peter A. Hunt, 21276 Meekland Ave, Hayward, CA 94541-
2441 (C, US Type, Wichita, KS banks, Guatemala), Rob Kravitz
LM348 Joe W. Overstreet, 8866 Prestancia Cove, Memphis, TN
38125 (C, Mississippi Obsoletes, Confederate Bonds & Notes),
Tom Denly
You are invited to visit our web page
WINVV. kyzi vatc u r re
For the past 5 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
(708) 784 - 0974
P.O. Box 451 Western Springs, IL 60558
Buying & Selling
Quality Collector Currency
• Colonial & Continental Currency
• Fractional Currency
• Confederate & Southern States Currency
• Confederate Bonds
• Large Size & Small Size Currency
Always BUYING All of the Above
Call or Ship for Best Offer
Free Pricelist Available Upon Request
James Polis
4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-6650
Fax: (202) 363-4712
-11 Box 631250, Irving, TX 75063
Kent Robertson, owner lailA
Is Buying
"Still Paying Top Dollar for Rare Confederate"
U.S. Type, Obsoletes,
Nationals, and
of course, Santa Notes
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231 237
United States Paper Money
--special selections for discriminating collectors--
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Error Notes
Small Size Type
National Currency
Star or Replacement Notes
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
Bart, Inc.
(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 • Roseville, MI 48066
Fred L Reed 111
238 May/June 2004 • Whole No. 231 • PAPER MONEY
We have a couple new additions to the library. Thanks to
member Terry A. Bryan for donating Inventing the American Past:
The Art of F.O.C. Darley, by Nancy Finlay. This is the 52-page
catalog of a 1999 exhibit at the New York Public Library.
Darley's engravings can be found on U.S. obsolete paper money.
We have also acquired Michael McNeil's The Signers of
Confederate Treasury Notes 1861-'65. This book was reviewed in
the March/April issue of Paper Money.
Mike McNeil's very attractive signers book is entirely of his
own production, not just authorship. I was intrigued and asked
him how he did this. He told me that after considerable investi-
gation, he chose Internet-based Instant
( to produce his book. This is one of
many similar companies that will print your book. These services
offer the author an affordable means of printing a book entirely
within the author's control. A traditional publishing house will
usually expect that books they publish have the potential for mak-
ing money. Self-publishing means that the author pays all costs,
but receives all the profits if enough copies can be sold.
Instant makes it easy to figure out what to do
technically and how much it will cost. The company provides
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, Librarian
basic templates for common software such as Microsoft Word
and Publisher and special software to convert your file to a for-
mat that the company can use with its presses. You use your soft-
ware to produce a "camera-ready" document--exactly as you want
it to appear on paper. This can include all sorts of graphics as
well as text in multiple sizes and fonts. You are not only the
author, but also the book designer, graphics artist, editor, and
proof reader! Once you receive the copies of your book, you are
also the distributor, marketer, etc., etc.
Once your book is finished, upload the electronic file to the
self-publishing company, choose the book production details,
provide a credit card number, and boxes of your book will appear
at your home in a few days. Instant provides a
handy web-based calculator to help you choose options and fig-
ure your cost, down to the penny. Choices include: Binding and
cover styles, size, type of paper, number of pages, number of
pages in color (if any), and number of books to produce. The
minimum is only 25 copies! You can play around with the para-
meters and figure out how much it will cost. Really pretty neat,
and very instructive.
Edwards Brothers, the company SPMC has used for most of
the Wismer books, also provides self-publishing services. Their
web, , offers authors stylistic advice
under such headings as "Manage Fonts Responsibly" and
"Manage Graphics Responsibly." A little education about such
matters will help you produce an attractive, readable, book. But
the choices will be yours--the self-publisher company will simply
faithfully print and bind your product.
Are there low-volume self-publishing companies that will
permit you to design your own book but offer professional edit-
ing, design, etc., services on an a la carte basis? Most likely, but I
haven't investigated this. Perhaps this is a topic for another col-
The library catalog is on the SPMC web, . I wel-
come your thoughts on library, web, and related areas. I can be
reached at POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331, or email to .
Many Hands Make Work Light
I just shipped off the manuscript for a movie prop money
book to the publisher (McFarland), which is interesting juxtapo-
sition to Bob's column (at left). It was a big relief to get it off
my back. It's not the most important paper money book to be
published this fall by any means, but I learned a lot in doing it,
and it's very gratifying to finish a large project such as this was.
Of course, many talented and dedicated people contribute
expertise, time and effort to any large project such as a paper
money reference book. One name may be listed as author, but
most books of any substance have lengthy lists of acknowledge-
ments. An author worth his/her salt is very appreciative for the
many hands that contribute to his work. Research, data, illus-
trations are the most common types of "help" such contribu-
tors supply. But often criticism, encouragement, and technical
assistance such as proof reading is important, too.
There's a proverb loosely translated that can be rendered
as "many hands make work light." That's as true of research as
it is for harvesting the hay. Finishing off the book manuscript,
writing the acknowledgements, and reflecting on similar experi-
ences during the past 40 years, I consider myself very lucky to
have made a good many friends who have assisted me with vari-
ous projects over the years. There are more than 125 individu-
als cited in the most recent book. Over the years there are
doubtless hundreds more.
That's true with recruitment too. We're asking members
to recruit two more members this year to help us "grow" the
Society for the benefit of us all. We announced a challenge and
a "contest" of sorts last issue and ALREADY in the first couple
of weeks (as I write this) two of our members have qualified:
Tom Denly and Bryn Korn. Bryn is a new member -- and a
junior member to boot. Talk about initiative. We're delighted
to have new, young members like Bryn who seize the initiative.
At the other end of the age/experience spectrum, Tom Denley
needs no introduc-
tion and he's been a
top recruiter (often
THE top recruiter)
for SPMC for years.
The point here
is simple. If you are
able to help, do so.
New research or
recruiting new
members means large magazines and other benefits for us all.
It's like ripples on a pond. Oscar (my assistant here at SPMC's
"executive offices") and I rely on one another. He'll do tricks in
his "pond" all day if you'll watch. Most of us would too if we
had an appreciative audience. Thanks Bryn and Tom. SPMC
is a bit better and stronger because of YOUR efforts.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2004• Whole No. 231
SPMC Research Grants Available
S PMC WILL AWARD UP TO FOUR $500 GRANTS to assist researchers each year (June 1 -- May 31).
Applicants must be involved in research that will further and
expand the mission of SPMC. Topics are not limited so long
as they will add to the knowledge of the societys' membership.
Researchers must fill out and submit a grant application
detailing the type of research, how it will positively impact
SPMC, and after the research is done, what the money was
used for and supply some type of article, or other synopsis of
the work that can be presented to the membership.
Applications will be screened by the members of the edu-
cation committee and up to four grants per year will be award-
ed to SPMC members. The grant monies will be available to
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Obsoletes – Nationals – Scrip
Histories and Memorabilia
Allenhurst — Allentown — Asbuo ,
Park — Atlantic Highlands — Belmar
Bradley Beach — Eatontown — Englishtown — Freehold — Howell
Keansburg — Keyport — Long Branch — Manasquan — Matawan
Middletown — Ocean Grove — Red Bank — Sea Bright — Spring Lake
N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
Fax: 732-282-2525
7379 Pearl Rd #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
reimburse the researcher who applies for any part of the
research, including travel, lodging and meals.
Once the application is approved, it must be signed and
returned to SPMC signifying that the researcher agrees to the
terms of the grant. The money will then be awarded to the
researcher. Awardees will have a maximum of six months to
provide the SPMC education committee with details of how
the money was spent and the results of the research in the
form of an article for future publication in Paper Money or
some other form that can be shared with the membership.
The research will remain the sole property of the researcher(s)
and will not transfer to the SPMC.
Only one grant may be applied for at a time, but SPMC
may award multiple grants to a single researcher based on
quantity/quality of research being done and benefit to SPMC.
For more information or grant application, contact Benny
Bolin, SPMC VP, Chairman Education Committee, 5510
Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002. (972) 727-2395. email- .
KAGIN, A.M. 223
KNIGHT, LYN 166-167
PC DA 175
(1 toto right) Josh Caswell, Jim Reardon,
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- Paper Money- Vol. XLIII, No. 5- Whole No. 233- September- October 2004
- Paper Money- Vol. XLIII, No. 1- Whole No. 229- January- February 2004
- Paper Money- Vol. XLIII, No. 2- Whole No. 230- March- April 2004
- Paper Money- Vol. XLIII, No. 4- Whole No. 232- July- August 2004
- Paper Money- Vol. XLIII, No. 6- Whole No. 234- November- December 2004