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* VOL. XLIV, No 2 WHOLE No 236
Five Dollar Bill by William Michael Harnett,
40 , if
The Furnace Room detail from Manual Labor
Bank (Haxby PA 445-G12) Philadelphia, 1836.
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There's Still Time to
Consign to Memphis!
Smythe is proud to announce that we are the Official
Auctioneer of the 29th Annual International Paper Money
Show, June 17-19, 2005. This show attracts hundreds of
dealers and collectors from the U.S. and abroad. It is the
ideal place to showcase a major collection or better single
items. Smythe is committed to making our Memphis 2005
auction a memorable one, and we are aggressively seeking
good material for this landmark event. Smythe's Memphis
auction will feature Part III of the Herb and Martha
Schingoethe Obsolete Currency Collection, as well as a
Southern Gentleman's Collection of Confederate and
Southern Obsolete Notes. A wonderful selection of
Palestine issues with rare and never before publicly
auctioned examples of this avidly collected country is
already in house. This sale will fill up quickly, so please
contact us now if you are thinking of consigning.
SALE DATES: June 18-19, 2005, Memphis, TN.
SALE LOCATION: The Memphis Marriott Downtown
Hotel, Memphis, TN.
Please Note: For Memphis show table information please
call Mike Crabb, Show Chairman, at 901-757-2515. For
hotel information please call the Memphis Marriott
Downtown at 901-527-7300.
This sale is held in conjunction with Unique Antiques &
Auction Gallery, Tennessee License #2077; G.A. Bryant,
Auctioneer, Tennessee License #2372.
To consign now, call Stephen Goldsmith at 800-622-1880, or send an
email to . To receive a catalogue for this sale
($25 U.S., $35 Overseas) call our subscription desk at 800-622-1880.
Smythe catalogues can also be viewed at our website, .
"First let me say CONGRATULATIONS on your first sale of Herb and Martha Schingoethe's notes! The sale was run
beautifully, and I thought it was the most successful obsolete sale I have ever attended in my almost 30 years of this
business! I already look forward to the next sale and the many others to follow. Please tell all the staff at Smythe of my
praise, and keep up the good work." — Hugh Shull, South Carolina
2 Rector Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10006-1844
TEL: 212-943-1880 TOLL FREE: 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-312-6370
(1141:er ,
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PAPER MONEY is published every other month
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 81
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLIV, No. 2 Whole No. 236 MARCH/APRIL 2005
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED Ill, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Abner Reed and the Vermont Glass Factory 83
By Q. David Bowers
On This Date in Paper Money History 110, 112
By Fred Reed
Guilt by Degree: the FNB of Ballston Spa Defalcation 113
By Torn Minerley
The Catalogers 124
By Steve Whitfield
Illusionist Harnett Makes Money Painting Money 126
By Fred Reed
Bank of Milford, Delaware 135
By Terry A. Bryan
About Texas Mostly: Ann Burton, Scarsdale NB&T Cashier 149
By Frank Clark
Notes from Up North: Traditional China Paper Crossroads 146
By Harold Don Al len
If you have not paid your dues for 2005
Your membership and subscription to
Paper Money expires with this issue
Next up is the NBNs special issue-- Don't miss out; renew today
The Buck Starts Here: Religious Themes Popular on Notes 150
By Gene Hessler
The Paper Column: Wrong Size Plate Numbers on FW $1 FRNS 151
By Peter Huntoon and Robert Kvederas Jr.
Interest Bearing Notes: What a Lovely Rag 152
By Dave Bowers
Information & Officers 82
SPMC Board Meetings, June 2004 and Nov. 2004 108, 109
SPMC Awards Program 111
President's Column 154
By Ron Horstrnan
Guest Editorial (Bob Cochran): Every Member, Every Note a Story 148
New Members; SPMC 6000 Honor Roll 156
SPMC Librarian's Notes 158
By Bob Schreiner
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic societies are eligible for member-
ship; other applicants should be sponsored by an SPMC member
or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be
from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their
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removed upon notification to the Secretary that the member has
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DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
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within one year is $600, $700 for Canada and Mexico, and $800
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bership cards, but paid up members may obtain one from the
Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the
magazines already issued in the year in which they join as avail-
able. Members who join after October 1 will have their dues paid
through December of the following year; they also receive, as a
bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in
which they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper
Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
AY1 442.,")
PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
VICE-PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
SECRETARY Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
TREASURER Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn,
NY 11231
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Arri "AJ" Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 303, Wilton, CA 95693-0303
Torn Minerley, 3457 Galway Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Robert R. Moon, 201 Baxter Court, Delmar, NY 12054
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941,
Dallas, TX 753 79-3 941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31 144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
Jacob, P.O. Box 1649, Minden, NV 89423-1649
P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
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About the cover: Here and
there across the panorama of
obsolete currency are other bills
relating to glass factories. The
large illustration is a close-up of
the Dyottville glass factory, with
Elvis Presley (well, it surely
looks like him, currency dealer
Jim Miller has noted—and who
would argue!) as part of the
activity. It is taken from the
vignette shown on a note of the
Manual Labor Bank (Haxby PA
445 -G12), Philadelphia, August
2, 1836. The glass factory
depicted (a scene of the furnace
room) was located in Dyottville,
a paternalistic "ideal communi-
ty" set up in Philadelphia on a
tract of several hundred acres
along the Delaware River. Dr.
Thomas W. Dyott was a patent-
medicine man first, then a glass
maker, gaining great fame in the
latter category by making flasks,
highly collectible today, depict-
ing Washington, Lafayette,
eagles, etc. Dyott's picture is on
the bill, along with Benjamin
Franklin's—perhaps Dyott's idea
of the two greatest men of
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236
Abner Reed Fr the Vermont Glass Factory
By Q. David Bowers°
F OR QUITE A FEW YEARS I HAVE BEEN QUIETLY ANDenjoyably acquiring historical and biographical information on earlyAmerican coiners, engravers, mints, banks, and related entities.Certain things I have gathered may be published someday in a book,
now with the working title of Collecting, Enjoying, and Understanding American
Bank Notes, 1782-1866.
There is a lot of information "out there." In another project, in recent
years David M. Sundman and I have been gathering information concerning
New Hampshire currency from the colonial era to 1935. Not that it could ever
be affordably published, and not that anyone would read it all if it were, but if
Dave and I were to stop now and print all we have on New Hampshire paper
money, it would easily fill volumes totaling 2,000 pages or more! Of course,
our eventual task will be to winnow this down to manageable size.
The present article is based on information I have gathered about the
Vermont Glass Factory and the man who engraved plates for most of its cur-
rency, Abner Reed. As is true of most early engravers and their shops, tech-
niques and formats changed as new ideas were implemented. Because of this,
the bills of the most prominent engraver of all in the first decade of the 19th
century, Jacob Perkins, of Newburyport, Massachusetts, can be traced through
several different styles and improvements just within this 10-year span. By
1813-1814, when Abner Reed engraved copper plates for currency for the
Vermont Glass Factory, the field of bank-note engraving was very competitive.
In terms of known varieties of bills from this era, the most successful company
other than Perkins' was Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co., of Philadelphia. The
Harrisons were active, too, and several others could be mentioned. Focus here
is on Reed.
Abner Reed of Connecticut
His Early Life
I enjoy studying the life and work of early bank-note and coin die
engravers, some of whom have left long paper (pun) trails, others who are
rather obscure. I probably have enough information about Jacob Perkins and
W.L. Ormsby to write a book on each, and I still keep gathering things.
Among the early engravers for which much information survives is Abner
Reed, who often signed his work simply as Reed on currency plates. For many
years he prepared copper plates and printed bills for banks in the Northeast.
Although today his name is well known to collectors of early currency, not
much about him has ever appeared in the literature of notaphily or syngraphics
(or whatever you want to call what we all do!). However, there is quite a bit of
"stuff' out there, especially in the world of early prints and books. The
American Antiquarian Society, for instance, has extensive holdings.
A $1 bill of the Catskill Bank, Catskill,
New York, engraved by Abner Reed
and his company in East Windsor,
Connecticut. The bill is simply signed
Reed, as were most of his products.
,;-„JiK41? 1'41 E. .
84 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Much of what we know today about his paper money is from examination
of the bills themselves, particularly in connection with material from his note-
book of proof impressions, disassembled and offered by individual specimens in
the Abner Reed Sale of United States Paper Money, showcased by NASCA in
1983, with the descriptions written by Douglas Ball.
Abner Reed was born in East Windsor, Connecticut, on November 11,
1771, son of Ebenezer and Mary (Fitch) Reed. His education seems to have
included elementary and high school, per his recollection of attending an acad-
emy: "Such was the academical institution in which I received my education,
attending three months in the summer until I was eight years old and three
months in the winter until I was fifteen years old." Calligraphy was an interest
if not a pursuit, and there exists a 1786 certificate ornately lettered by his hand.
As a teenager he was apprenticed to a saddler and supplier of what we
know today as tack, where his work included engraving name plates on saddles.
This inspired him to learn copper plate engraving, which he did, soon achiev-
ing success. After his apprenticeship he was offered a local position as school-
master, but declined, stating that he wanted to be an engraver, musing that he
was going to take a trip for the summer to New Hampshire, Boston, or New
York City. It is not known whether such a sojourn took place at the time.
Abner Reed, Engraver
Soon Reed was in Lansingburgh, New York, near Albany. He went to
work at his intended profession and engraved four plates illustrating scenes of
Spanish conquistadors. Later, these illustrated Rev. W.D. Cooper's book, The
History of South. America.
In 1794 he produced two plates depicting the executions of King Louis
XVI and Marie Antoinette, timely in world news then. He also created a fron-
tispiece illustrating American and world coins, and other scenes, including the
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 85
allegorical Navigation, Hope and Fame Inviting Columbus to the Discovery of the
New World. In 1795 in Lansingburgh he married 14-year-old Elizabeth Loring,
this in an era in which it was common for girls to marry in their early teenage
years. The union proved to be a happy one. The couple had six children and
lived long enough to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
Reed was also in New York City for a short time in 1795. During the
mid-1790s Reed is said to have worked in Albany with Isaac and George
Hutton, silversmiths, perhaps intermittently. The plates for the first currency
issued by the Hartford Bank (chartered in 1792) are said to have been his work.
Often, the peregrinations of engravers (both of coin dies and printing plates)
are difficult to figure out. Sometimes they lent their names to a partnership in a
distant city, as a way of receiving orders, but never lived there. Town and city
directories are of limited help, as listings are often stale. Best are contemporary
documents and newspaper advertisements, but very little research has been
done in these venues.
When two fond hearts united are,
In friendship's sacred tie,
Each other's woes they kindly bear,
And mingle every joy.
When fate dissolves the social tie,
And they divided are,
How drowned in sorrow is each joy,
And heightened every care?
--Abner Reed, Love Triumphant or Constancy Rewarded
In late 1797 Abner Reed and his wife moved to East Windsor,
Connecticut, re-establishing ties with his youth. In the same year he wrote and
published a novel, the first written by a Connecticut author, Love Triumphant,
Or Constancy Rewarded.
In 1798 he was elected a deacon of the Congregational Church there,
after which he was generally known as Deacon Reed, a designation he enjoyed,
including among his contemporaries in the engraving profession. During the
next several years he worked on bank note plates, book illustrations, book-
plates, and labels, some of the business in connection with Hudson &
Goodwin, Hartford printers. Deacon Reed also lettered coffins and boxes, and
applied wood graining patterns to chairs. As if that was not enough, he was also
a farmer.
In 1800 he published First Step to Learning: or, Little Children's Spelling and
Reading Book, followed in 1801 by a book on penmanship. In 1802 he made
many small woodcuts for a new edition of Noah Webster's American Spelling
A School for Engravers
In late 1803 in Hartford, Reed set up shop, advertising as an engraver,
plate printer, and sign painter. He continued his work as a book illustrator,
including seven plates for an encyclopedia being prepared by John Low in New
York City. During the decade he developed skill in stipple engraving to supple-
ment his standard line engraving work. This consisted of minute dots and
curves that when closely spaced and properly arranged gave a rich shading to
the work. Stipple engraving was considered a special art in itself. A close exami-
nation of certain of his engravings seems to reveal that he also employed acid
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86 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
A well-used $10 note, 1819, by Abner
Reed. The Phoenix Bank of Hartford
was one of many New England banks
that used notes from Reed's factory. As
a general rule, Reed bills of this era
have heavy designs at the left and right
borders and a medium-size vignette at
the top center.
In 1809 he produced two sets of aquatints (combining engraving and
color) for decorative purposes. In 1810 he turned out a suite of six aquatints
depicting Mineral Springs and the Willimantic River, about 15 miles from East
Windsor. William Mason, who later achieved recognition as a painter and
illustrator, apprenticed with Reed circa 1808-1810.
In 1811 Reed moved back to East Windsor. One of the workers in his
shop was Edward Bissell, who married a Reed daughter. There was a lot of
work to do, and Reed had a group of apprentices and helpers to assist. One was
Samuel Stiles, who later achieved great recognition as an engraver. In 1859,
Stiles became treasurer of the American Bank Note Co.
John Warner Barber worked in Deacon Reed's shop from 1813 to 1819.
He went on to success on his own, including creating the "Historical
Collection" of various scenes. Oliver Pelton (in the 1830s a principal in Terry,
Pelton & Co., Boston and Providence) also studied under Reed. Sarah Wood
may have worked there as well. She became Mrs. Oliver Pelton.
Another Reed protege, Asaph Willard, became a founder of the Graphic
Company in Hartford in 1818. Ralph Rawdon, who later became involved in
several partnerships culminating with Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson (main
component in the formation of the American Bank Note Co. in 1858), learned
under Reed, as did Lewis Fairchild and William Phelps.
Continuing Activity
Reed offered full service to his bank-note customers, which by this time
were in most states in the Northeast as well as some in what was then known as
the American West (beyond Pennsylvania) and to the north in Canada. He and
his corps of workers designed the bills, engraved the plates, and printed the
bills. When weather permitted, the finished sheets were dried on clotheslines
in the back of his shop.
Reed was a man of many business interests in addition to engraving bank-
note plates, certain of his activities including "engraving and printing watch
cards and maps, lettering cartridge boxes, graining chairs, making jewels,
engraving coffin plates, lettering glass, cutting type and seals, making moulds
(sic) for beads, making cheese presses, and repairing umbrellas."
A particularly grand project—the largest engraving of his career—was a
map of Connecticut, dated 1812, commissioned by the General Assembly and
ordered through Hudson & Goodwin, Hartford printers. The finished work
involved the use of several plates to create a map measuring 43 1/2" by 18 1/2"
Finished copies were tinted by water coloring, then framed.
At this time, Reed or his shop produced a note for the Castine Bank
(over). This bank, established in 1815 and chartered in 1816 with a capital of
$100,000 was actually a fraud set up mainly to issue currency and distribute it
at distant places, a fascinating scenario with much intrigue. The institution
failed in 1820.
Thralianingsuirm9 ,- mreirerikityinati • '`
L4(1o3 84:
'fIE.1'1193884:- , 3)gf S S
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $20.50 $37.00 $165.00 $290.00
Colonial 5-1/2' x $21.00 $38.50 $175.00 $320.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $21.50 $41.00 $182.00 $340.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $24.00 $45.00 $200.00 $375.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.50 $48.00 $235.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $30.00 $55.00 $250.00 $440.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4'' S30.00 $55.00 $250.00 $440.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 83/4" x 14 1 /2" $18.00 $80.00 $140.00 $325.00
National Sheet
Side Open 81/2" x 17 1/2" $19.00 $85.00 $150.00 $345.00
Stock Certificate
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Map & Bond Size
End Open 18" x 24" $70.00 $315.00 $570.00 $1295.00
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236
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88 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
This $5 proof note from Abner Reed's
company is from the Castine Bank of
Castine, Massachusetts. In 1820 the
district east of New Hampshire, a dis-
trict of Massachusetts, became the new
state of Maine. All of the banks in that
section of Massachusetts "moved" to
Maine without actually going any-
where. Although this bill is not dated
it is attributed as no later than 1820
for this reason.
Deacon Abner Reed's trade prospered, and he became a man of means.
He took time to follow other pursuits of interest, and served as representative
from East Windsor to the General Assembly in Hartford from 1817 to 1828,
was town clerk from 1825 to 1834, and was prominent in religious and civic
Samuel Stiles became his partner in Hartford in 1821, the duo advertising
as portrait, historical, landscape and map engravers upon copper and wood.
This relationship lasted for several years. In 1824 Stiles, with another engraver
as an employee, Vistus Balch, opened an office in Utica, New York, to direct
work to Reed & Stiles in Connecticut, in addition to printing they were doing
on a press in Utica.
A $1 note from the Stonington Bank of
Connecticut was used in 1831 and
bears a printed 18 plus completion in
ink. Vertically at the upper right is the
imprint of Reed, Stiles & Co.
Stonington, which was the target of a
cannonade from a British ship in the
War of 1812, has a rich presence in
bank-note collecting today. Many of its
later bills (by other engravers) survive
as remainders, including some with
whaling scenes.
Soon afterward, Balch and Stiles formed their own partnership, a bank-
note version of The Tennessee Waltz. Reed was out in the cold. It is said that
Stiles wanted to include Reed, but Balch did not. Hard feelings erupted.
However, in a setting worthy of a soap opera, Stiles married a Reed daughter in
June 1825. As to what happened after that, accounts vary. Reed and Stiles
became enemies; or Reed was warm to Stiles and corresponded frequently on
family matters, but had no association in the engraving profession. How all of
this works out with a company said to have been formed circa 1826 under the
name of Reed, Stiles, Pelton & Company remains to be learned. Perhaps Stiles
was minimally involved, if at all.
About 1828 Abner Reed, always generous and sharing, assisted some oth-
ers in their business ventures by co-signing their notes. In this era well-run
banks often required a guarantor for substantial loans. As the borrowers them-
selves were usually not in a position to do this (or they would not have needed
to take out loans), they called upon friends. Many financial tragedies ensued
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 89
when guarantors were called upon to pay. The collapse in Connecticut of P.T.
Barnum's financial empire when the Jerome Clock Co. failed is well known. In
the 1830s Reed's obligations, made casually and without risk he thought, came
due, causing him great distress. He lost most of his assets. Barnum recovered
his. Reed did not.
In ensuing years Reed, then in his fifties, made a modest living by engrav-
ing and farming. After 1847, he and his wife moved to New York City to live
with a daughter. In 1851 he published Reed's Guide to the Art of Penmanship,
illustrated with 12 engraved plates. Among his later partnerships was an
arrangement in New York with John Scoles, with whom he did stipple portrait
engraving work, this being popular in book illustrations of the time and, to a
lesser extent, on bank notes.
Mrs. Reed died not long afterward, and Deacon Reed moved to Toledo,
Ohio. There he remained for the rest of his life. He died in Toledo on
February 25, 1866, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Bissell.
The Paper Money of Abner Reed
Many of the bank bills made by Abner Reed are recognizable at arm's
length for their style. Generally, most show a goddess or other allegorical fig-
ure or scene at the top center, with the denomination of the bill expressed to
the left and right. At each end, vertically, the name of the state of issue and the
denomination, often against a dark or shaded background done by acid-etching
or engraving (or a combination of both techniques) on a copper plate. The sig-
nature of Reed or Reed sc. (sc. for "sculpsit," or engraves it) often is found near
the bottom of the note, but the location was not standard. On the Vermont
Glass Factory bills it was below the denomination right of the upper center.
Bills were usually printed on a very thin, sometimes translucent paper, of
good strength. Some were printed on opaque paper of a white-yellow hue, the
latter not being as durable. The chronicle of activities of Jacob Perkins reveals
that it was often the policy for banks to supply their own blank paper to
engravers. If this happened with Reed, it would explain some of the differences.
The careful examination of a four-subject sheet of sample or proof bills
made for the Concord (New Hampshire) Bank (now in the Swasey Collection)
yields information as to the engraving techniques practiced by Reed in 1817.
The bills are of the $5-$5-$10-$20 denominations. Beyond the left margins are
the initials JWB in pencil, perhaps an approval check, for both $5 and the $20
denominations, and J. Barber to the left of the $10, all for John Warner Barber,
engraver in the Reed shop. Each note also bears the penciled date, "August
14th 1817" and the notation, "E. Windsor Con."
Each of the two $5 bills has the same motif (featuring a steamboat on the
Merrimack River with the State House in the distance) and layout. However,
minute inspection reveals that many different elements of the note were
entered separately into the plate, including the main vignette, most of the text
as a unit, the denomination in several different units, the vertical border ele-
ments as units, and the Reed signature. This reveals that the siderographic
process (transfer of vignettes via a hard steel roller) was not employed at the
time, an observation that can be extended to the slightly earlier Vermont Glass
Factory bills discussed below.
The $10 and $20 bills are also composed of different elements, but both
have the same motif (a variation on the Merrimack River scene, one showing a
steamboat about to enter a canal lock to avoid rapids, with the State House in
the distance). The use of the same illustration on notes of two different denom-
inations was not good practice, as it facilitated the ease of altering a $10 bill to
appear as a $20. For the 1817 era the vignettes are especially attractive, as is the
entire ensemble, a pleasing alternative to the Patent Stereotype Steel Plate
(Perkins) slug-plate notes that were dominant in use in New England at the
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90 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
time. Considered to be immune to counterfeiting, the Perkins plates were
mandated for use by Massachusetts banks. However, cracks soon developed in
the facade, Perkins notes were widely altered (especially) and counterfeited, and
their character proved not to be as secure as previously thought.
This sheet of
proof bills,
formerly from
the Boys
and now in
the Swasey
bears Reed's
notations in
pencil on the
left margin,
and inked-in
to show style.
Certain of the
vignettes are
of the same
scenes but
have different
details, indi-
cating at this
time the
or roller-
process was
not used for
scenic motifs.
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 91
Only the $20 on the Reed sheet for the Concord Bank bears a plate letter,
an "A". Normally, such a sheet would have "A" and "B" to distinguish the $5
bills from each other, and "A" on each of the single denominations. While it is
generally thought that bills signed Reed were engraved by Reed, as there was
so much work to do and as there were other talented artists in his shop, it is
likely that someone else may have done the work, such as John Warner Barber.
A comparison of the work in the 1817 bills for the Concord Bank with
the 1813-1814 bills Reed did for the Vermont Glass Company (of which more
will be related) shows great advances in workmanship. However, the Vermont
bills did use a transfer roll with raised script engraving, entering the text into
the soft copper plate. Perhaps this work was farmed out by Reed to another,
even to the Perkins factory in Newburyport (a three-story brick building on
Fruit Street, that still stands).
The local character of both scenic vignettes, illustrating the New
Hampshire State House, may have precluded these from being used on notes
for banks in other cities—but in the world of obsolete currency there are few
rules, and who knows?
Representative Bank Bills by Reed
The following is a brief listing of some of the banks for which Reed
engraved bills, most of these being represented by proofs kept in his personal
notebook. In addition to work for banks, Reed created many scrip and private
bills, the illustrious series of Vermont Glass Factory notes being but one of
many examples that could be cited. Beyond that, a listing of Reed book illustra-
tions, prints, and labels would run into hundreds of items.
Connecticut, Hartford: Hartford Bank and Phoenix Bank • Litchfield:
Litchfield branch of the Phoenix Bank • Middletown: Middletown Bank and
the Middletown Insurance Co. • New Haven: Eagle Bank and the New Haven
Bank • New London: New London Bank and Union Bank.
92 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Maine, Castine: Castine Bank • Hollowell: Kennebec Bank.
Massachusetts, Boston: Massachusetts Bank, Manufacturers &
Mechanicks Bank, Suffolk Bank, and Union Bank • Northampton: Hampshire
Bank • Pittsfield: Agricultural Bank • Springfield: Springfield Bank.
New Hampshire, Concord: Concord Bank • Exeter: Exeter Bank •
Haverhill: Coos Bank.
New Jersey, New Brunswick: Bank of New Brunswick.
New York, Auburn: Bank of Auburn • Catskill: Catskill Bank • Geneva:
Bank of Geneva • Hudson: Bank of Columbia and Bank of Hudson •
Newburgh: New Fountain Co. • New York City: Mechanics Bank and Phenix
Bank • Watertown: Jefferson County Bank.
Ohio, Cleveland: Commercial Bank of Lake Erie • Western Reserve
Rhode Island, Bristol: Freemen's Bank • Cranston: Cranston Bank •
Kent: Bank of Kent • Pawtuxet: Pawtuxet Bank • South Kingstown:
Landholders' Bank • Westerly: Phenix Bank • Mount Hope: Mount Hope
Concerning certain bills of Newburgh, New York, in the above list, the
aforementioned NASCA catalogue of the Abner Reed scrapbook included this
comment in connection with the same of "three curious proofs," denomina-
tions of $1, $5, and $10:
The New Fountain Company, of Newburgh, with its notes supposed
payable at the Bank of America in New York City, has a curious history related
by Reed himself in pencil:
"These three bills, with one fifty dollar bill that is missing, were
engraved for a counterfeiter (wildcatter) and $5,000 printed. I laid a plan and
had an officer ready to take him as soon as the work was delivered; which cost
him about $350 besides $250 for the work. The New Fountain soon dried up."
Were it not for these stray remarks by Reed in an obscure book of proofs,
we would have virtually no information today on the mysterious New Fountain
Company. As it is, the comment invites further research: Who were the princi-
pals? In what business was the firm purportedly. engaged? Why did it want
bank notes? Had an arrangement been made with the Bank of America? What
happened after the officer "took" the counterfeiter? How many such bills exist
Among Reed's customers was a private enterprise launched with high
hopes, the Vermont Glass Company, of which a study is given below.
Currency of the Vermont Glass Company
Paper Money
For a brief time from 1812 to 1814, the Vermont Glass Factory was a
prolific issuer of paper money, enough that examples of the later varieties are
readily available on the numismatic market today. Denominations included $1,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $3, and $5. All bills were redeemable at the Farmers
Bank of Troy, New York. In the field of privately-distributed paper money of
this decade, these bills are among my favorites. As is nearly always the case, my
or your appreciation of these notes can be enhanced by learning of their histo-
ry—which, as will be seen, even draws Salmon P. Chase (decades later the
Abner Reed's signature on a Vermont Glass
Factory $1.25 note of June 1, 1814. On this
series of bills Reed signed at the upper right of
the note, sometimes with "sc." added, as here,
other times simply as Reed.
Audit 8611603E
M wirerstinutugao.431xessawasulmw
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236
St. Louis is calling...
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94 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Secretary of the Treasury) for a cameo mention!
Early bills issued from at least July 24, 1812 (the earliest date seen), and
perhaps before then, were signed on the lower left by Ep. (for Epaphras) Jones,
clerk, and at the lower right by Henry Otis, president. Apparently Otis did this
for just a short time, as the signature of Samuel Swift, president, replaced it by
mid-April 1813, who most often signed as Saml Swift. Still later issues bore the
signatures of Milo Cook, clerk, and continued with Swift as president. The ear-
liest notes, in two different series, were made from woodcut blocks and hand-
set type, with no imprint. By summer 1813 bills printed from a copper plate
engraved by Abner Reed, of East Windsor, Connecticut, and signed Reed or
Reed sc., were in use. However, some of the early type-set bills remained on
hand and were ink dated into early 1814.
Establishing the Company
In the early years of the state of Vermont there were four glass houses in
operation at various times. Two early businesses were operated by the
Vermont Glass Factory, one that issued currency, located on the shore of Lake
Dunmore in the town of Salisbury, and the other, not known to have issued
bills, situated in East Middlebury. The third glass house was the Champlain
Glass Company in Burlington, and the fourth was the Dunmore Glass Works,
the successor, after a span of years, to the Vermont Glass Factory on the lake of
the same name.
The organization of the Vermont Glass Factory, the one of numismatic
interest in the present study, took place at the residence of Platt Titus in Troy,
New York, in November 1811. Troy, not far from the Vermont state line, was
a thriving industrial city, and during the era it furnished many services to the
essentially rural areas of Vermont. In attendance were Epaphras Jones, a
sawmill operator in Salisbury, Vermont, plus John Dickinson, Townsend
McCoun, Hugh Peebles, George Tibbits, and Daniel Merritt, all of whom
became incorporators or directors. Dickinson was named chairman of the
enterprise and Jones was given the position of clerk, this being the manager of
operations. In Salisbury, Jones was well known as a businessman and owned
900 acres of land near the lake. His sawmill was located at the head of the
Leicester River at the outlet of Lake Dunmore.
The new company was capitalized at $50,000, divided into 1,000 shares of
$50 each. The State Legislature chartered the business in the same year and
granted it, through an amendment, the exclusive right to make glass in the state
for a period of eight years. This was intended to protect the enterprise from
competition during its start-up period.
A few months later the principals of the company and other interested
parties met at a tavern in Salisbury. They elected Henry Otis, of the nearby vil-
lage of Leicester, as president. It was determined to set up the Vermont Glass
Factory on the west shore of Lake Dunmore immediately east of Epaphras
Jones' sawmill. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, a precocious young man in charge of
a glass factory in New York state, was hired as superintendent for a generous
$1,800 per year. In time, Schoolcraft would rise to become a great name in the
annals of exploration of the American West.
The lake, a sheet of water extending about four miles in the north-south
direction and about a half-mile to three-quarters of a mile wide, is located close
to and southeast of Middlebury and north of Brandon. Lake Champlain and
the border with New York State are about 15 miles to the east. From the outlet
of the lake flows Leicester River, with several falls that in the 19th century were
useful for their water power, including for Jones' sawmill. Later, the lake
became acclaimed for the purity of its water and for the surrounding scenery,
making it an attraction as a pleasure resort in the warmer months.
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 95
The town of Salisbury, on the Leicester River, was chartered on
November 3, 1761, by principals from Salisbury, Connecticut, the arrangement
being through Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire. The tract
was about six miles square and comprised about 23,040 acres. Of the original
61 grantees, only one ever settled in the town.
Operations at the Glass Factory
In 1812 a small wooden factory building with a cupola or smoke vent at
the center of the peaked roof was erected on the shore of the lake. This struc-
ture is depicted on the two earliest types of bills. By August 1813, new bills
were made, now showing a large and impressive factory more than 100 feet
long, with three cupolas, plus the original small building at the right.
Equipment was set in place for the making of cylinder glass, a highly technical
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High-quality sand (silica) was brought to the factory, washed, and then
ground to small particles in a ball mill. The silica and other materials were
mixed together to create a "batch" for a production run. The batch was put
into a special clay pot, taken to the furnace room, and brought to a very high
heat, creating in molten form what in the trade was known as "metal."
As the molten mass cooled to a thick consistency, a large blob was gath-
ered at the end of an iron blowpipe by a skilled artisan. The blowpipe was then
inserted into the deep end of a hollow metal cylinder about three feet long. As
air was blown by mouth into the pipe was drawn forward toward the opening of
The first factory building, small and
with one cupola-chimney on the roof,
as the vignette on a $1.50 Type 1 note
dated July 24, 1812. The water of Lake
Dunmore is in the foreground.
The large factory building with three
cupola-chimneys, plus a smaller build-
ing to the right (believed to be the first
factory), as the vignette on a $2 Type 3
note dated June 1, 1814.
96 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
the cylinder, in the meanwhile distributing the glass evenly on the inside cylin-
der wall.
As the glass cooled it separated from the cylinder wall and was drawn out.
With shears it was cut along its length. The glass was then taken to an anneal-
ing oven where it was brought to a high heat, rendering it flexible. It was next
taken to a table where workers, using wooden paddles, opened and flattened it
into a broad sheet. Afterward it was allowed to cool. Cut into rectangles of vari-
ous sizes, the glass was packaged in wooden crates and shipped to be used as
window glass.
The entire process had to be carefully done at each step, for impurities in
the sand, or the wrong mix of materials in the batch, or the slightest error in
melting, blowing, cooling, or cutting would ruin the product. Accordingly,
skilled glass blowers were in strong demand and were often recruited from dis-
tant locations.
"Ep." Jones, as he signed currency (or "Eph" as he was known around
town), was in charge and hired personnel, including Peter Schoolcraft, elder
brother of Henry. However, Peter and Jones could not agree, and Peter left,
perhaps soon after April 20, 1813, the date of a bill in which his name is inked
as payee. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft was secured as superintendent. It is likely
that operations were underway by late spring or early summer 1813 or soon
thereafter. By this time paper money had been issued for nearly a year, in
denominations of $1, $1.25, $1.50, and $1.75. Later in the year $2, $3, and $5
bills were added.
Henry R. Schoolcraft agreed to work at the Vermont Glass Factory for
five years. Samuel Swift, local entrepreneur, was president by late April 1813,
as evidenced by his signature on paper money. Bills issued before then were
signed by the first president, Henry Otis.
An Early Account of the Business
The Literary and Philosophical Repertory, December 1813, published in
Middlebury, included this:
The Glass-Factory is situated in the town of Salisbury on the north
shore of Lake Dunmore. This collection of water takes its name from the late
Lord Dunmore, who, before the revolutionary conflict, which separated
America from England, was governor of Virginia. He owned the land adjoin-
ing the lake, made a visit to it, waded into the water, broke a bottle and gave it
his own name, by which it is still known....
A large portion of the Lake, and the land adjoining it, formerly
belonged to Mr. Epaphras Jones. This gentleman was the first who suggested
the idea of its being a particularly favorable spot for the manufacture of glass;
and who had the honor of being the principal instrument in the formation of a
company for that purpose. The Legislature of the State, on petition, cheerfully
granted to Mr. Jones and his associates an act of incorporation, to which very
liberal privileges wee attached. Mr. Jones now resides in the neighborhood of
the Factory, and is the company's General Agent for the erection of the build-
ings and the inspection of the works.
The company owns about two thousand acres of land, which lies,
chiefly, around a large bay of the lake, and commands its only outlet. On this
outlet stands a sawmill, in the vicinity of which exists a sufficient quantity of
good timber to keep it in operation for many years to come. Their land also
commands the main stream, which supplies the Lake, and on which a head and
fall may easily by made to carry any mechanical works, which this company
may hereafter deem it profitable to erect.
It is believed that no establishment of this kind, in the northern states,
enjoys more numerous or greater advantages from its local situation, than the
Vermont Glass Factory. At least this is the opinion of the ingenious and perse-
vering superintendent of the Factory, Mr. Henry R. Schoolcraft. "Sand," says
he in a note received from him a few days since, "is found on the shores of the
Lake. Wood stands in exhaustless abundance in the immediate vicinity of the
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 97
factory. Firestone, an article hitherto brought at great expense, from
Connecticut, has been discovered within ten miles of the works. And the enor-
mous charges heretofore incurred in the transportation of clay from
Philadelphia, for the manufacture of pots for melting glass, is about to be
avoided by the discovery that the Monkton Porcelain Earth will answer as
good a purpose. From the unusual success," continues Mr. S., "which
has attended these works since their commencement, the many advan-
tages which they hold, and the variety of materials with which the
place abounds for making all kinds of glass, we are led to believe they
will become one of the first establishments in the union."
Respecting the present state of the Vermont Glass Factory, it is neces-
sary to add but few words. It is sufficient to state that the works are now in full
and complete operation. The first glass was blown in them about the middle of
last September. It is now exhibited for sale in the stores of the village, and is
beginning to circulate through a large section of the country.
Should the glass produced at this Factory prove as good as it now
promises to be, the inhabitants of Vermont will derive incalculable benefits
from the establishment. To have an article, so essential to the convenience and
comfort of life, and so difficult of transportation, manufactured within the lim-
its of their own territory, is a circumstance of no considerable importance.
The company have it in contemplation to erect, before long, an addi-
tional manufactory for the making of flint glass of various descriptions; and for
their encouragement in this enterprise, the Legislature of the State has recent-
ly granted them, for twelve years from the time of the last session, the exclu-
sive privilege of manufacturing glass of all kinds.
H.P. Smith's, Histog of Addison County, p. 606, includes this:
About forty operatives were employed in this factory several years. So
great was the business done by it that money was made more plenty among us,
a good home market was furnished for a part of our agricultural products, and
all kinds of business rendered more active.
As the company made its deposits at the Farmers' Bank of Troy, N. Y.,
it issued orders in the form of bank bills, which were stamped and struck off on
bank-bill paper, and were in denominations of $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,
$2.00, and $3.00. These bills, or rather orders, were equally, current with any
other bank bills for a number of years.
Products of the Factory
The Vermont Mirror, published in Middlebury by Swift, president of the
Vermont Glass Factory, included this notice in the issue of October 20, 1813:
Vermont Glass Factory
The public are informed that the Vermont Glass Factory is now in com-
plete operation. The glass is warranted equal to any manufactured in the
northern states and free from breakage. The following sizes are constantly
manufactured and kept for sale at the ware houses in Middlebury, Rutland
and Windsor and will be sold at Albany prices:
6 by 8, 7 by 9, 8 by 10, 9 by 11, 10 by 12, 11 by 15, 12 by 16, 12 by 18,
13 by 18, 14 by 20.
Orders for window glass of any other dimensions will be received and
punctually attended to by
Ep. Jones, Gen. Ag't
The next issue of the Vermont Mirror, October 27, included an advertise-
ment by Henry R. Schoolcraft, superintendent, offering $100 "to any person
who shall discover within the state of Vermont...a bed of such clay...found
equal to the manufacture of crucibles for melting pots."
In the same year prospects were sufficiently bright that the State
Legislature extended the firm's exclusive franchise to 12 years.
98 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Events of 1814
Apparently, the works operated throughout the year 1814, and its prod-
ucts enjoyed a good market in the region. However, profits were elusive, and
by October it could not pay Schoolcraft his salary, and its currency was not
being redeemed by the Farmers Bank of Troy. Secondly, the company now did
business with "a local bank in what later became the Waterhouse Barn." No
information has been located concerning any bank established in Salisbury,
apart from this reference, and none in that village is recorded as having been
chartered by the state.
By this time the Vermont Glass Factory had set up another facility at East
Middlebury for the making of other types of glass "ware" including bottles of a
brown hue.
Soon afterward, Milo Cook, who in early 1814 succeeded Ep. Jones as
clerk of the Vermont Glass Factory, and Artemus Nixon, announced that they
had leased both the Salisbury and Middlebury factory buildings. However,
Jones remained with the firm as general agent.
Soon thereafter the Salisbury factory burned, effectively ending the lease.
In early 1815 Henry R. Schoolcraft left Salisbury and went to New Hampshire
to become involved in the new Keene (Marlboro Street) Glass Works. A letter
addressed to him in Keene, April 12, 1815, by his attorney in Middlebury,
Peter Starr, discussed the latter's efforts to collect salary due Schoolcraft.
Apparently, Starr considered claiming certain of the company's property at the
Middlebury factory, but decided, "I thought not best to attach any little per-
sonal property about the Ware Factory."
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, superintendent of the Vermont Glass Factory,
looms large in 19th century American history, for his connection later in life
with geology and other aspects of natural history, his finding of the head of the
Mississippi River, his collecting of folklore and songs, and his connections with
Indian tribes and with Salmon P. Chase (later important in the United States
Treasury and still later Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court). Schoolcraft
College in Michigan bears his name. His ancestors came from England and
were known as Colcroft or Colcraft, later changed to Schoolcraft.
Henry was born on March 28, 1793, in the Manor of Rensselaer, a small
village to the west of Albany, New York, son of a glassmaker Lawrence
Schoolcraft. Imbued with a passion for learning, he attended public schools,
but supplemented his studies by reading the classics and enlisting a tutor for
instruction in French, after which he taught himself German and Hebrew. By
the age of 15 he published both a newspaper and magazine, the contents
including his own verses and articles.
He had hoped to attend Union College in Schenectady, but he was
unable to raise the necessary funds to do so. In Geneva, New York, in 1809 he
was signed as superintendent of a planned glass factory, continuing the family
trade. Meanwhile, he continued private studies with a tutor. On February 4,
1810, before the incorporation date of the Oneida Glass Manufacturing
Company of Vernon, New York, Schoolcraft made an agreement with one of
the principals, Bryan Johnson, to receive one share of stock for every glass
blower he was able to hire for the company. Apparently, the business of the
firm did not live up to expectations and business was soon discontinued.
In late 1812 or early 1813 Schoolcraft moved to Salisbury to become
superintendent at the new Vermont Glass Factory, in time to celebrate his 20th
birthday. He resided on the shore of Lake Dunmore, where he set up a labora-
tory and a furnace for conducting experiments including with glass. While
there he studied chemistry and mineralogy under Professor F. Hall and Jarius
Kennan at Middlebury College a few miles to the north. He left Salisbury in
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 99
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* Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and
* Regional Collections, Red Seals, Brown Backs,
* Statistical Rarities, New Jersey.
Also Buying Coin Collections and Type
100 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
1815 and went to New Hampshire to become involved in the Keene (Marlboro
Street) Glass Works, where he remained until it failed in 1817. Schoolcraft
returned to New York, then traveled to Worthington, Ohio, during which
journey he supervised the care of young Salmon P. Chase. Salmon's mother
lived in Keene and wanted him to go west to be under the care of an uncle,
Philander Chase, who was the Episcopal bishop of Ohio.
In 1818, Schoolcraft went to the border of what was then the American
West, where he pursued mineralogy. In 1819 his carefully researched study, A
View of the Lead Mines of Missouri, was published. In time this became recog-
nized as the standard work on the subject. In the following year he was part of a
geological expedition under Gen. Lewis Cass, governor of the territory, to the
copper regions of Lake Superior. In 1821 he and Governor Cass sought to
locate the headwaters of the Mississippi River, and reached as far as Red Cedar
Lake (later called Cass Lake), not achieving their goal.
Schoolcraft found Indian culture and life to be especially interesting, and
in this connection in 1822 he was appointed as Indian agent at Saulte Ste.
Marie. During the next decade he worked on behalf of the United States in
treaty discussions and negotiations with the Indians, some of whom were at war
with each other, including the Sioux and Ojibwa involved in a border dispute.
Schoolcraft absorbed himself deeply in Indian lore, culture, and traditions,
some of which were used by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow years later in 1855
in the epic poem "The Song of Hiawatha."
In the meantime, from 1828 to 1832 Schoolcraft was a member of the
Michigan Territorial Legislature. His reports were acclaimed by ethnologists
in America and Europe, and he rose to high esteem in the eyes of the academic
Schoolcraft's interest in finding the source of the Mississippi River con-
tinued, although his quest was not widely publicized. Cass was among his con-
fidants. Success attended his efforts on July 13, 1832, when Schoolcraft and his
companions reached a lake known as Omuskos or, more popularly, Lac La
Biche or Elk Lake, now Lake Itasca.
He became important in the early affairs of the University of Michigan,
and as a member of the Board of Regents helped save the institution from
financial ruin. He founded the first common-school periodical in America, The
Journal of Education, and launched the first literary magazine in Michigan, The
Souvenir of the Lakes. He also contributed many articles to scientific journals.
Henry Rowe Schoolcraft died in -Washington, DC, on December 10, 1864.
Continuing Vermont Glass Factory Operations
On May 3, 1815, Ep. Jones, as clerk and agent, announced that the
Salisbury factory was being rebuilt and would go into operation within a few
weeks. It is likely that window glass was again made, but only for a short time.
In the meantime the company remained in deep financial difficulties.
Strong efforts were made to raise new capital, but this was not successful.
The Farmers Bank of Troy continued to refuse to redeem the notes of the
Vermont Glass Factory. What remained of the firm's assets, including the
Middlebury building, were lost through court attachments. In August 1817 the
company completely discontinued operations. By that time other glass factories
in America were experiencing great difficulty from competition from inexpen-
sive imports of good quality.
In 1832 the Lake Dunmore Company was established to continue the
glass business. The new firm repaired the buildings of the Vermont Glass
Factory and recommenced operations, an enterprise that lasted about a decade,
after which it closed due to foreign competition. The buildings were converted
to agricultural use and, in season, for the accommodation of tourists. In 1849
the property was sold to the Lake Dunmore Hotel Company which utilized the
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 101
existing buildings until a new hotel was built on the site. However, expenses
exceeded profits. The company became bankrupt and was acquired by Florida
interests. The hotel was destroyed by fire in July 1877. A modern facility
known as the Waybury Inn, a two story wooden structure, was opened in 1818
after having served as a hoarding house for Vermont Glass Factory employees.
Currency of the Vermont Glass Factory
Today, little remains except scattered pieces of paper money to remind
historians and others of the short-lived Vermont Glass Factory. Printed from
type set by an unknown shop, later from copper plates by Abner Reed, most of
these bills are on durable but thin and flexible paper, imprinted in black ink,
and numbered, dated and signed by hand.
There are four distinct types of notes, each with denominations of $1,
$1.25, $1.50, and $1.75. In addition, Type 3 alone includes the higher values of
$2, $3, and $5.
The early type-set notes employed several different woodblocks, each
depicting a small factory with a cupola at the center of the roof, and blocks for
the denomination to be printed twice on each note and for inscriptions verti-
cally at each end. The inscriptions at the center were set by hand and varied in
their arrangement and style. At least two styles of these type-set notes were
made, the earliest with a lined panel at top center, above the building, on which
the serial number was inked, here called Type 1. These have the inscription,
"The President and Directors of the Vermont Glass Factory promise to pay
[payee to be filled in] or Bearer, on demand, at the FARMERS BANK, TROY,
Those made slightly later, but seemingly not ink-dated until January 1,
1814, here called Type 2, had the small building at the top center, and the seri-
al number at the lower left below the main text. The obligation on this design
has the following text, and later issues have slight variations of it: "Cashier of
the Farmers Bank, Troy, N. York. For value received, pay [payee to be filled
in] or bearer [face value of bill printed here], on demand, for account of the
President and Directors of the Vermont Glass Factory...."
The last two issues of bills are from copper plates signed by (Abner)
Reed. The Type 3 depicts the large factory building with the small original
structure at the right. Bills of this type were first circulated in the summer of
1813. This was the only type to include the higher denominations of $2, $3,
and $5.
Type 4 bills show a group of wooden boxes containing window glass,
with the size of the panes lettered on most of the boxes, a shield, the motto, BY
MANUFACTURES WE THRIVE, and branches in the background. The
$1.25 bill of Type 4 shows the large factory building in the distance at the
upper left, and the $1.50 shows the same structure at the upper right. The $1
and $1.75 notes of Type 4 do not show the factory. Each of these vignettes dif-
fer, reflecting their making by hand. These seem to have been released in
January 1814.
The Reed plates seem to have been made by a process popular at the
time. A blank copper plate was coated with a substance (several different were
used, including wax). With a stylus Reed or an employee drew by hand the var-
ious scenic parts of the design. The face was then immersed in vitriol (sulfuric
acid). The metal exposed by the stylus was then eaten away by the acid, creat-
ing rather wide (rather than delicate) lines, curves, etc. The wax was then
removed, and a steel transfer roll with raised script-style lettering was
impressed into the center part of the plate. Details and finishing touches were
added by a hand graving tool. As a result, all of the vignette or design parts of
each plate are slightly different from those found on other plates, but the script
lettering is essentially identical.
102 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
A letter from Henry Schoolcraft's father, Lawrence, dated March 31,
1813, mentions currency, which by that time had become well known in New
York City:
Yours of the 19 inst duly received, and very pleasant it is to us, that you
like your present situation so well. Your bank bills pass as current in this place
as Manhattan. You will let me know how you progress, and whether you are
likely to remain permanently in Vermont and whether the country is
The vast majority of bills in collectors' hands are of the two later types by
Abner Reed, the large factory building or the boxes of glass, and are typically
dated from December 1813 to June 1814, although earlier dates in the summer
of 1813 exist for Type 3. On all bills Epaphras Jones signed as Ep. Jones. On
early bills, president Samuel Swift often signed in full, but later abbreviated his
first name to Saml, saving some time.
Engraver Abner Reed signed most plates in italic letters, as "Reed sc."
The Farmers Bank, of Troy, New York, acted as redemption agent. Names of
inked-in payees on notes vary and may have represented employees or those
who did business with the factory. Serial numbers were not continuous for the
series, but seem to have been started anew with each inked date for each
Designs on the Currency
As discussed above, four main designs are known to have been used on
Vermont Glass Factory bills. New VGF (Vermont Glass Factory) reference
numbers have been assigned, with cross references to Mayre Burns Coulter,
Vermont Obsolete Notes and Scrip (SPMC, 1972).
The 7g1;,',040011:t and
c'jg:TO*1( ACaS$
i-WOOP.,; of the
.040145` , promise -to . ,
@nc c)oitei y,j7-tftp cento, Value received.
7 Le
or Bearer, on demand,
4,2 -----
Type 1 note of the $1.50 denomination,
dated July 24, 1812, and signed by Ep.
Jones as clerk and Henry Otis as presi-
dent. Only on Type 1 does the obliga-
tion read, "The President and
Directors." Bills of this type were made
by combining hand-set type with indi-
vidual copper plate vignettes. The same
vignettes, with different arrangement of
the factory image, were used on Type 2
Type 1 Notes Small Factory Building, Serial Number Above 1812 and early 1813
Type 1:. Small factory building with one cupola on top. Serial number on
lined area above building. "The President and Directors...promise." No
engraver's imprint.
VGF-1 • $1 Type • 1: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-set type plus
separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1 /
N followed by two commas, with ruled parallelogram, at top border / 1 •
Below top center: Small factory building with one chimney-cupola, with
lake in foreground. • Right: 1 / ONE DOLLAR / 1 vertically. • Coulter-3
VGF-2 • $1.25 • Type 1: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-set type
plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top cen-
ter: 1.25 / N followed by two commas, with ruled parallelogram, at top
border / 1.25 • Below top center: Small factory building with one chimney-
cupola, with lake in foreground. • Right: Vertically, 1 / 1 Dol. 25 Cts. / 25
[line] 100. • Coulter-5?
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 103
VGF-3 • $1.50 • The 1: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-set type
plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top cen-
ter: 1.50 / N followed by two commas, with ruled parallelogram, at top
border / 1.50 • Below top center: Small factory building with one chimney-
cupola, with lake in foreground. • Right: Vertically 1 / 1 Dol. 50 Cts. / 50
[line] 100. • Coulter-unlisted
VGF-4 • $1.75 • Type 1: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-set type
plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top cen-
ter: 1.75 / N followed by two commas, with ruled parallelogram, at top
border / 1.75 • Below top center: Small factory building with one chimney-
cupola, with lake in foreground. • Right: Vertically 1 / 1 Dol. 75 Cts. / 75
[line] 100. • Coulter-unlisted
o r the Fli:UT:RS BANK, TROY,
ri)r z..abee received, pm! 61' bearer,
Vuriar iltVerallIFibe Coo, on demand,
,tortAceouni of the President and Directors of the
VOMOUli: A,(4155
SAL1 /(4.
;"• ;740.7.: • ..,_
Type 2 Notes Small Factory Building, Serial Number Lower Left January 1814
Type 2: Small factory building with one cupola on top. Serial number at
lower left of note. "Cashier of the Farmers Bank...." No engraver's imprint. Each
of the four denominations uses the same end vignettes, denomination vignettes,
and building vignette, as employed on Type 1 notes of like denomination.
For Types 1 and 2, separate copper plate vignettes were used to depict
the factory, the denomination twice, and the inscriptions vertically at each end.
Very early bills used additional vignettes for the ruled serial number area at the
top border. The arrangement of lettering and capitalization varied from note to
note, including within the early and late styles of the same denomination.
Apparently, most bills of this style were redeemed and exchanged for later
ones, for few exist today. Robert A. Vlack reported that it took him 27 years to
gather a complete set of Type I and II bills, except for the Type 1 $1.75 and
the Type 2 $1.25. C. John Ferreri, a specialist since the 1960s, lacks several
VGF-5 • $1 • Type 2: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-set
type plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically
• Top center: 1 / Small factory building with one chimney-cupola,
with lake in foreground / 1 Right: 1 / ONE DOLLAR / 1 vertically.
• Coulter-4
VGF-6 • $1.25 • Type 2: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-
set type plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT verti-
cally • Top center: 1.25 / Small factory building with one chimney-
cupola, with lake in foreground / 1.25 • Right: Vertically, 1 / 1 Dol.
25 Cts. / 25 [line] 100. • Coulter-5?
VGF-7 • $1.50 • Type 2: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-
set type plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT verti-
cally • Top center: 1.50 / Small factory building with one chimney-
cupola, with lake in foreground / 1.50 • Right: Vertically 1 / 1 Dol.
50 Cts. / 50 [line] 100. • Coulter-unlisted
Type 2 note of the $1.75 denomina-
tion, dated Jany 1, 1814, and signed by
Ep. Jones as clerk and Samuel Swift as
president. Bills of this type were made
by combining hand-set type with indi-
vidual copper plate vignettes (the same
vignettes, except for the signature grid,
as used on Type 1 bills). Most bills of
the Type 1 and 2 styles were redeemed
or replaced with Type 3 or 4 bills.
Accordingly, the first two types are sel-
dom seen in collections today.
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104 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
VGF-8 • $1.75 • Type 2: Plate letter: None. Type-set note with hand-set type
plus separate vignettes. • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top cen-
ter: 1.75 / Small factory building with one chimney-cupola, with lake in
foreground / 1.75 • Right: Vertically 1 / 1 Dol. 75 Cts. / 75 [line] 100. •
Type 3 note of the $2 denomination,
dated June 1, 1814, and signed by Milo
Cook as clerk and Samuel Swift as pres-
ident. Depicted is the large factory with
a smaller factory building to the right.
Bills of this type were made combining
a standard center imprint (by the
siderographic process) to which was
added acid etched vignettes with hand
detailing. Such bills bear the imprint of
(Abner) Reed.
Type 3 Notes Large Factory Building Summer 1813 to early 1814
Type 3: View of large lakeside glass factory building at the top, with three
cupolas, plus the earlier small factory with one cupola to the right. The cupolas
belch smoke and were, in effect, chimneys; the intensity of the smoke varies
from light to dark depending on the plate and the amount of ink used.
Lettering beginning with "Cashier" and ending with "Prest." is the same in
each plate, except that the denomination and plate letter were each added by
hand engraving. The left and right borders as well as the glass factory vignette
were done by a combination of acid-etching (mostly) and hand engraving.
Accordingly, details differ. Type 3 is the only series with the higher $2, $3, and
$5 denominations.
VGF-9 • $1 • Type 3: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: A • Design:
Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1 / Factory buildings with lake
in foreground, with smoke issuing from four chimneys / 1 • Right: 1 DOL-
LAR. vertically. • Coulter-1
VGF-10 • $1.25 • Type 3: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: B •
Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1.25 over 100 • /
Factory buildings with lake in foreground, with smoke issuing from four
chimneys / 1.25 over 100 • Right: ONE Dol. 25 Cts. vertically • Coulter-
VGF -11 • $1.50 • Type 3: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: C •
Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1.50 over 100 / Factory
buildings with lake in foreground, with smoke issuing from four chimneys /
1.50 over 100 • Right: ONE Dol. 50 Cts. vertically • Coulter-10
VGF-12 • $1.75 • Type 3: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: D •
Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1.75 over 100 / Factory
buildings with lake in foreground, with smoke issuing from chimneys, par-
ticularly heavy from the rightmost small building / 1.75 over 100 • Right:
ONE DOL. 75 Cts vertically Notes: Specimen in author's collection over-
printed (not stamped) vertically in three lines: PAYABLE / CURRENT /
BANK BILLS • Coulter-11
VGF-13 • $2 • Type 3: Light smoke variety. Copper plate signed by Reed; plate
letter: B • Design: Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 2 / Factory
buildings with lake in foreground, with light smoke issuing from four chim-
neys / 2 • Right: TWO DOLs. vertically • Coulter-14
VGF-13a • $2 • Type 3: Heavy smoke variety. As preceding, but copper plate
strengthened and with new details added. Now with heavier details in the
VERMONT vertically area to the left and with heavy smoke from the
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 105
buildings. Other areas of the plate were not strengthened, and details are
weaker than on VGF-13.
VGF-14 • $3 • Type 3: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: C • Design:
Left: VERMONT vertically Top center: 3 / Factory buildings with lake in
foreground, with smoke issuing from chimneys / 3 • Right: THREE
DOLs. vertically with stippled background surrounding white area. •
VGF-15 • $5 • Type 3: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: D • Design:
Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 5 / Factory buildings with lake
in foreground, with smoke issuing from four chimneys / 5 • Right: FIVE
DOLs. vertically • Coulter-16
(Ciazivier of the
AV , Pe? /.%//' /•e..V.W
• ,
1)-1/%4"/-1449'11;;./ ...i,a'. / ///e•
VE R.310 '1NIT '11`
N K , Troy N.:MA .
d.f:2-&( (v',€aiee. (0) -N -1,7, 11) 0 lid !IAA IR
( ILA S s1147„A_C T Y.
„Salts inip)-- )
Zr Le-",7 .5 I .
Type 4 Notes Boxes, Shield, and Ribbon with Motto Dec. 1813 to summer 1814
Type 4: Boxes of glass, shield, ribbon with motto BY MANUFAC-
TURES WE THRIVE, etc., at top. Lettering beginning with "Cashier" and
ending with "Prest." the same in each plate, but from a different roller imprint
than on the preceding type. The left and right borders as well as the top center
vignette were done by a combination of acid-etching (mostly) and hand engrav-
ing. The denomination and plate letter were each added by hand. Other details
vary from plate to plate. Earliest date seen: January 1, 1814.
VGF-16 • $1 • Type 4: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: E • Design:
Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1 / Group of boxes for shipping
window glass (inscription on one incuse 10, 8, and 50) with spade-shaped
shield on which are four clusters of wheat or corn; long looping and twist-
ing ribbon inscribed BY MANUFACTURES WE THRIVE. Tree branch-
es and foliage to sides and behind. / 1 • Right: 1 DOLLAR vertically •
Above: Type 4 note of the $1 denomi-
nation, dated June 1, 1814, signed by
Cook and Swift. Depicted are boxes
of window glass, a shield, and a rib-
bon inscribed, BY MANUFACTURES
WE THRIVE, a popular motto during
the protectionist era of the War of
1812. Bills of this type were made
combining a standard center imprint
(by the siderographic process) to
which was added acid etched
vignettes with hand detailing. Such
bills bear the imprint of (Abner) Reed.
Left: Vignette on the $1 Type 4 note.
Cashier aif i h
r rii/,%fe..- ?l/Y //////,
- (/;ii?€-/%; -;"/./",” •
....6—A'W.I.S 9 Troy N:Yark.
rr 4..a/e7/0.21Woo&ai. Jo ca.
//y/7- .
FA eToitty.'— EItMO T GLN S S
M(0 .7 e: ize 1.5)
106 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Ceshier.of the BAN K., Troy N..YoTk.
%,r- /i Z4, rf //ft o/7 ." r /)."/ 01-11Yzei 0/4 / -. 1•1
,•// /)'/...)//X /// L./7 T/i J.;) //,4
11.151 DINT Ur:LA ti TAI T WRY.
e24' ,41 0115 b pxp
Above right: Type 4 note of the $1.25
denomination, dated June 1, 1814, style
similar to the preceding, but with sig-
nificant differences in the vignette, this
with the factory building at the upper
left. After the Vermont Glass Factory
closed, quantities of used Type 3 and 4
bills remained, providing a supply for a
later generation of numismatists. Right:
Vignette on the $1.25 Type 4 note.
Below: Type 4 note of the $1.50
denomination, dated June 1, 1814, style
similar to the preceding, but with the
factory building at the upper right in
the vignette.
* '
:1-,.-, _•,,;.- pp...:::'
---40vAIN1 *:
Ilik4.N‘--- ....7----,,-,----.:_-,,,.-„,-_-:--„,_...
------ --7.:::,<,--I
`II .4111 '.
P. A It 111
VGF-17 • $1.25 • Type 4: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: F • Design:
Left: VERMONT vertically • Top center: 1.25 / Group of boxes for ship-
ping window glass (inscriptions on three, including 50 Ft) with spade-
shaped shield on which are three visible clusters of wheat or corn with
mountains and pine trees above; long looping and twisting ribbon inscribed
BY MANUFACTURES WE THRIVE. At upper left, factory building
with smoke issuing from three chimneys, smoke drifting up and to the left.
Branches at upper right. / 1.25 • Right: ONE Dol. 25 Cts. vertically. •
VGF-18 • $1.50 • Type 4: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: G •
Design: Left: VERMONT vertically against stippled background. • Top
center: 1.50 / Group of boxes for shipping window glass (inscriptions on
three boxes, in the style of 10 by 8 / 50 Ft, and related, perhaps indicating
window glass dimensions) with spade-shaped shield on which are three visi-
ble clusters of wheat or corn with mountains and pine trees above, head of
cow partly visible at bottom of shield; long looping and twisting ribbon
inscribed BY MANUFACTURES WE THRIVE. At upper center and left,
trees in distance. At upper right, factory building with smoke issuing from
three chimneys, smoke drifting up and to the right. / 1.50 . • Right: ONE
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 107
th ,- di " `' j_L 9
Dol. 50 Cts. vertically on wide ellipse with branches in background. •
CasIlieiri* .12 "
4 (-
./011( /i/ ,/ , 7rai• i 'f ///. ;04";:i 4//1,
" •
ak-IN*t2t.grOy N.York.
(Y' /1Y/4 / 4.3?:-N_De./7.ei,:45.
,/ burp
e. 4, Va..Birtj
Top: Vignette on the $1.50 Type 4
Left: Type 4 note of the $1.75 denomi-
nation, dated June 1, 1814, style similar
to the preceding, but without the facto-
ry building. This note is one of several
seen with an overprint added later:
Below Left: Vignette on the $1.75 Type
4 note.
VGF- 19 • $1.75 • Type 4: Copper plate signed by Reed; plate letter: H •
Design: Left: VERMONT vertically against tree branches • Top center:
1.75 / Group of boxes for shipping window glass (inscriptions on most)
with spade-shaped shield on which are three visible clusters of wheat or
corn with mountains and pine trees above, cow below; long looping and
twisting ribbon inscribed BY MANUFACTURES WE THRIVE. / 1.75 •
Right: ONE Dol. 75 Cts. vertically on long octagonal panel, with tree
branches to left and right. • Coulter- 12
From a collecting viewpoint the Vermont Glass Company notes are very
appealing. Offered are several different odd denominations, two completely
different designs, and various sub-varieties. Enough Type 3 and Type 4 bills,
nearly all in high grades, exist in the marketplace that a basic set of denomina-
tions can be assembled without great difficulty, although acquiring each of the
varieties, including those of Type 1 and Type 2, would be a daunting task.
Appreciation: The author thanks John Ferreri and Robert A. Vlack for
Above: Detail of the vignette on the
$1.75 Type 4 note showing boxes of
window glass marked with the size of
the panes.
1 08 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Board of Governor's Meeting
June 12, 2004 Memphis, Tennessee
Board Members Present: Mark Anderson, Benny
Bolin, Frank Clark, Gene Hessler, Ron Horstman, Arri
Jacobs, Tom Minerley, Judith Murphy, Fred Reed, Bob
Schreiner, Steve Whitfield, Wendell Wolka
Board Members Absent: Bob Cochran
Guest: Bob Moon
The meeting was convened at 7:03 a.m. by President
Minutes of the last meeting at the Memphis show June
14, 2003 were approved (without motion).
President (Horstman). The president expressed con-
cern that members aren't easily able to get help with problems
associated with their SPMC membership. He asked that there
be a section in Paper Money that explicitly says how to get help
with common problems such as missed issues, and status of
uncashed checks.
VP (Bolin). No report.
Treasurer (Anderson). The treasurer provided multiple
written reports. He gave these highlights:
• PM ads are an increasingly important source of rev-
• Our investment yield is poor because of state of the
interest rates for certificates of deposit.
• We lost money on the Bain Breakfast this year.
Attendance was 119 (1 0 8 last year). It was moved, seconded
and approved that the fee be raised to $15.
Secretary report (Schreiner). We have 1511 members
as of May 22, 2004. The following table shows membership in
each category, dues received by the secretary as renewals, and
Wismer, Wait and other contributions for 2004:
All Members
Type Number
Dues Wismer Wai t Other
Contrib Contrib Payment
Hon Life 10 $0.00 $40.00 $140.00 $30.00
Life 313 $980.00 $95.00 $130.00 $325.00
Regular 1187 $31,763.00 $296.50 $210.50 $225.00
Junior 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Total 1511 $32,743.00 $431.50 $480.50 $580.00
209 regular members did not renew for 2004. 4 died.
Publisher/Editor (Reed). He provided a separate
report. Articles for PM are increasingly plentiful and of high
quality. There was a discussion about the special single-topic
issues. Some felt that they might be disregarded by members.
Could some generic articles be included? It was reported that
the Numismatic Literary Guild has eliminated the category in
which PM received many awards. PM is now in the same cat-
egory as the Numismatist. Awards have value as a recognition
of our authors and endorsement of quality for PM and SPMC.
Reed suggested re-structuring SPMC awards for articles
printed in PM: Have more awards, and make the essay contest
an annual event. He reports that ad revenue was now greater
than $40,000, more than half the revenue of SPMC. Can
Reed's excellent new membership brochure be included with
PM in some manner? Reed said it could be included with PM
mailings as a loose separate enclosure. It was moved, second-
ed, and approved to include it twice a year. He will add a code
to the member forms to track effectiveness.
The financial arrangement between SPMC and the pub-
lisher/editor was discussed. The treasurer reported that the
agreement was informal. The Board expressed interest that
this be formalized in some way. The treasurer will consider
how to do this and make a proposal later.
Copyright of PM and its articles were discussed. Reed
said that some authors won't publish in PM unless they can do
so with a copyright notice separately in their name.
Ad manager (Wolka). He reported that 2 2 1/8 pages of
ads were in the last issue of PM. Ad revenue is exceeding
membership dues as a source of revenue. Ad retention is
good. But we lack "for sale" ads--these are difficult to get.
We are advertising SPMC in Bank Note Reporter (once) and for
six months as a classified in the American Philatelic Society
publication. These ads included a coded response so we will
know effectiveness. Should we also advertise in the Central
Sates or FUN publications? Can we swap ads with the
Membership (Clark). He provided a separate report.
The SPMC web and Tom Denly are the top recruiters.
Librarian (Schreiner). The library continues to be fully
operational, but little used.
Wismer Project (Whitfield). Bob Cochran will be the
new Wismer chair. It was reported that R.M. Smythe will
produce an Illinois book based on and to commemorate the
Schingoethe collection. A group is working on a Minnesota
hook (one person is Shawn Hewitt, a participant in the pub-
lishing program SPMC is hosting this day). Dr. Wallace Lee
is working on a Michigan book. Wendell Wolka reported that
332 copies of his new Ohio book have been sold.
Regional activities (Murphy). She reported that a num-
ber of sessions have been held since last report.
1929 Project (Jacobs). Few records exist from predeces-
sors' efforts. Jim Steinmetz is publishing a book on this topic.
Let us see if we can include an ad for SPMC and a member
application. Perhaps in the second edition, additional material
from Jacobs of SPMC can be added. Jacobs was asked to con-
tinue conversations with Steinmetz. Motion made, seconded,
and passed unanimously with Jacobs abstaining.
Webmaster (Schreiner). We acquired our own web
host company, , in December 2003. Our
domain name, , is managed by Network Solutions, . He has added a number of new
features to the web including member publication listings,
learning resources links, PM covers and contents, bylaws.
Much of the other content has been revised.
Education committee (Bolin, chair). He provided a
separate report. Peter Maverick souvenir cards are being pre-
sented to outgoing SPMC Board members. Other presenta-
tion criteria are in late stages of development.
A research grant has been provided to Peter Huntoon for
work related to National Bank Notes and Small Size Type
Notes. An application has been received from William
McNease and is related to MPC series. It is undergoing com-
mittee examination. An application has been requested by
Larry Falater for a National Bank history of Michigan. Two
other applications have been sent, but there has been no
response to these.
There was discussion about merging the education and
awards committees, and a motion to do this was made. But
there was a call for more information about this, and the
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 109
motion was tabled until the next meeting (St. Louis,
November 2004).
Awards committee (Wolka, chair). The committee
made a large number of awards this year in part because there
were so many worthy books published. He reported that the
physical awards were in a period of transition.
SPMC 6000 (Cochran). No report.
Old business
PM on CD. Schreiner provided a report on copyright
issues, production costs for converting past PM issues to a
searchable CD. There was concern that the copyright report
did not address concerns of the Board. The Board asked the
treasurer to further investigate copyright issues and report at
the next meeting. Schreiner was asked to show the Board a
sample of what the CD would look like.
Awards. Which of the two awards designed for the
Founder's Award shall we pursue? The proposed Glenn B.
Smedley award is intended to be our highest award. Should it
be mandatory to award it every year? Why single out Smedley
for the award's name? The ANA has a similarly named award;
this could be confusing. Some felt that we had too many
awards on the books. How can we reduce the number and
make the awards more worth receiving? We are considering
merging the awards and education committees. How can we
consider revamping the awards program separately from the
merger consideration? Reed moved to establish the Founder's
Award and name it for Smedley; vote on the design; and pur-
sue development of the award design with Medallic Art. After
long discussion, it was decided to defer this until the next
meeting and a final report.
Additions to a "Modest Proposal." These were moved
and passed. The original "Modest Proposal" passed last year
provides for Sponsored Memberships, which SPMC would
award to certain advertisers (full page contract advertisers).
They could then give SPMC memberships to their customers.
This would be an incentive to full page contract advertisers,
and it would recruit some new members. Additionally, we
passed two variations on the above: (1) provides for a third
party to purchase bulk Sponsored Memberships at our mar-
ginal cost and (2) provides for use of Sponsored Memberships
at the marginal cost by advertisers as incentives in ads in publi-
cations other than Paper Money.
E-book. The authors (Dennis Schafleutzel and Tom
Carson) are seeking SPMC endorsement of their Tennessee
scrip e-book (web based). We will ask them to make what
they have now public, and SPMC will consider at the next
meeting possible endorsement for e-book projects.
New business
The president reported that he had a few sheets of old
member cards and some correspondence associated with them.
What to do with them? Raffle them? Use as awards? For
member recruitment? Use as breakfast tickets? There was a
motion to use them in a suitable manner, but further consider-
ation was tabled until next meeting.
We have been asked to place an ad for lawyers--not relat-
ed to numismatic matters--in PM. While our counsel (Robert
Galiette) found no problem with our doing so, he didn't think
it was a good idea. Further discussion led to agreement that
ads should be relevant to the mission of SPMC, and the lawyer
ad is not.
The president suggested that placing ads in the middle of
PM articles was unappealing. Put them between articles or at
the end of PM. The editor reported that advertisers wanted
their ads to have better exposure that dispersal throughout PM
provides. While some others agreed that they would prefer
the articles to be unbroken, with 25% of PM ads, and
acknowledgement that advertisers' placement preference was
important, there was no consensus for an ad placement
change, and the president withdrew his suggestion.
We have a new membership application. Frank Clark is
custodian of them.
We discussed how to use the new recruitment brochure.
Some suggestions were to include one with Jacobs' eBay busi-
ness mailings, give some to Tom Denly and other members
who recruit for us. It was moved and passed to give Reed
authority to print more as needed.
Member complaints. Members have complained about
the delays associated with cashing their checks. The secretary
and treasurer said they would each decrease the interval
between receiving and mailing or depositing checks (most are
dues checks), doing so no less frequently than monthly. A
motion was made and passed to process checks monthly.
Essay Contest. We moved and passed making this
annual with a $100 prize. Three runners up will receive a
Peter Maverick souvenir card or other appropriate award.
Memberships as gifts. Should we create gift cards for
gift memberships, or provide memberships in bulk? These
could, for example, be bought by dealers and used as gifts for
preferred customers. How could these be used as tools to
market SPMC membership? Include one with a book sale?
Sell bulk memberships at a discount? There was a general dis-
cussion about this, but no firm conclusions. There was a
motion to sell bulk memberships. The motion passed, with
two no votes and one abstention. Wolka, Anderson, and Reed
were asked to develop the concept and report at next meeting.
Election. It was reported that new Board members are
Rob Kravitz, Bob Moon. Reed and Schreiner were re-elected.
Anderson suggested that we need to have more meetings
to handle our business and we should conduct some by tele-
phone conference.
We adjourned shortly after 10 a.m.
Recorded by Bob Schreiner
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Board of Governor's Meeting
November 19, 2005 St. Louis, MO.
Attendees: Ron Hortsman, Benny Bolin, Frank Clark,
Fred Reed, Tom Minerly, Bob Cochran, Wendell Wolka
Meeting was called to order by President Hortsman at
7:05 a.m. Quorum was established.
Meeting Minutes: Absence of the secretary was noted.
Volunteer to take minutes was requested. Benny Bolin agreed
to act as recording secretary.
Memphis Minutes: The minutes of the June '04
Memphis Board meeting were discussed. The only correction
noted was in the report of the Ohio book, the count sold need-
ed to be corrected to 232 instead of 332. The minutes were
approved with the one correction.
Treasurer's Report: Mark was unable to attend the
meeting and no report was received. Deferred until the next
Treasurer Opening: Ron announced that Mark has
expressed his desire to vacate the treasurer's position as of the
June '05 meeting. This is a critical position that we must work
proactively to fill. Anyone with names of interested AND
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Mar. 2005
By Fred Reed
Mar. 1
1841 Register Blanche K. Bruce born; 1862 Tallahassee, FL issues municipal fractional
scrip; 1862 Deadline for reissuing CSA 3.65% interest bearing treasury notes; 1870
First issue Canadian 25-cent shinplasters; 1982 Last delivery Series 1977A $10 FRN;
Mar. 2
1872 SC authorizes post-war treasury notes; 1872 Three percent Treasury Certificates
for funding Compound Interest TNs Oked; 1886 Encased stamp issuer Joseph L. Bates
dies; 1911 Tom Elder sale of Treasury Secretary William H. Woodin Collection begins;
Mar. 3
1834 Cincinnati's Lafayette Bank incorporated; 1860 Boston Numismatic Society
founded; 1875 Congress requires National Currency and other obligations be printed
on a distinctive paper; 2004 Former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin jokes she'll finance
her U.S. Senate race by recalling Series 2001/2004 $20 FRNs she'd signed;
Mar. 4
1811 First Bank of United States charter expires; 1836 Second Bank of United States
charter expires; 1869 President Grant's inaugural ball in the Treasury's Cash Room;
1883 CSA VP Alexander H. Stephens, who appears on Confederate $20 notes, dies;
Mar. 5
1864 One-year five percent $20 Interest Bearing Treasury Note reads "God And Our
Right" and "In God Is Our Trust"; 1866 Missouri authorizes engraved/printed signatures
on Union Military Bonds; 1903 Dealer Thomas Elder holds his first mail bid sale;
Mar. 6
1897 Lyman Gage takes office as Treasury Secretary; 1905 CSA Postmaster General
John H. Reagan, who appears on some Confederate bonds, dies; 1999 Rick Poli pre-
mieres on silver screen as Dollar Bill;
Mar. 7
1844 Anti-vice crusader Anthony Comstock who waged war against "obscene" 1896
S5 SC born; 1871 First National Bank chartered in Wyoming (FNB Cheyenne #1800);
1888 Homer Lee Bank Note Co. employs G.F.C. "Fred" Smillie; 1933 ABNCo delivers
emergency scrip to the New York Clearing House for Bank Holiday use;
Mar. 8
1843 John Spencer becomes Treasury Secretary; 1865 Comptroller of Currency Hugh
McCulloch leaves office; 1933 Pismo Beach, CA pharmacist circulates hand painted
clam shell currency; 2002 Cash laden crime comedy All About the Benjamins debuts;
Mar. 9
1839 "First" CSA currency collector Robert Alonzo Brock born; 1861 CSA authorizes
S1 million in 3.65% treasury notes, $50 and upward, payable in one year; 1865
Comptroller of Currency Freeman Clarke takes office;
Mar. 10
1863 Third issue LT Notes bear this date; 1933 First delivery of Series 1929 $10 FRBN;
1975 Final FTC guidelines implementing Hobby Protection Act of 1973 take effect;
Mar. 11
1817 Register of Treasury Glenni William Scofield born; 1867 First National Bank
organized in Idaho (FNB of Idaho, Boise #1668); 2001 Former Treasury Secretary
Lawrence Summers announced as Harvard University President;
Mar, 12
1859 Alfred Satterlee joins the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society;
1866 North Carolina Act fixes depreciation tables for CSA currency;
Mar. 13
1857 Mexico adopts decimal monetary system; 1901 Union general and President
Benjamin Harrison (FR 587-612) dies; 1963 Last delivery of Series 1950C $5 FRN;
2003 Dealer-author Douglas Ball dies;
Mar. 14
1782 Senator Thomas Hart Benton (FR 1166m, also 1201-1215) born; 1900 Congress
authorizes National Bank circulation to 100 percent of deposits with government;
1920 Ivory Coast authorizes overprinting stamps gummed to heavy paper for circula-
tion as money;
Mar, 15
1837 Daniel Webster says "He who tampers with the currency robs labor of its bread";
1858 Members of American Numismatic & Archeological Society meet at Augustus B.
Sage's home; 1911 Beginning of Napier-McClung tenure as Register and Treasurer;
Mar. 16
1785 Final emission of PA Colonial notes bears this date; 1830 Lowest volume day in
NYSE history, only 31 shares traded; 1928 Financial analyst-author William
Rickenbacker born; 1976 "Buy the book before the coin" dealer Aaron Feldman dies;
Mar. 17
1777 Treasury Secretary Roger B. Taney born; 1865 Last desperate loan act of CSA
Congress; 1902 First Series 1902 $10520 Red Seal NBNs issued to Paintsville NB,
Paintsville, KY (Charter #6100); 2004 Bank of Canada circulates new $100s;
Mar. 18
1852 Henry WellsAVilliam Fargo form express company; 1863 Supscription books
open on CSA Erlanger loan; 1878 First National Bank chartered in Washington (FNB
Walla Walla #2380); 2005 Eleventh annual Chicago Paper Money Exposition opens;
Mar. 19
1894 G.F.C. Smillie employed as BEP engraver; 1926 Collector-novelist Judge Joe
Hensley born; 1926 Mrs. Fred Smillie donates engraving tools to the Smithsonian
Institution; 1941 President Franklin D. Roosevelt purchases the first War Savings Bond;
Mar. 20
1727 Mint Master Sir Isaac Newton, who appears on Bank of England notes, born;
1865 Georgia issues "last issue of money in the Confederacy";
Mar. 21
1786 OH Governor Joseph Vance, who appears on obsoletes, born; 1861 Treasurer
William Price resigns to join CSA Army; 1950 First delivery Series 1928F $5 USN;
Mar. 22
1809 Comptroller of Currency Freeman Clarke born; 1866 ANS approves publication
of American journal of Numismatics; 1948 Series 472 MPCs issued; 2004 American
Banknote stock symbol changes from ABNT to ABNTE;
Mar. 23
1804 Congress permits Bank of the United States to set up branches in the several
states; 1861 CSA Treasury Secretary C.G. Memminger appoiints Gazaway B. Lamar its
agent in NYC; 1900 Texas NBN collector, SPMC member Bill Logan born; 2005 R.M.
Smythe offers Herb and Martha Schingoethe obsoletes, part 2;
Mar. 24
1755 Senator Rufus King, who appears on unissued $5 National Bank Circulating
Note design, born; 1875 Tennessee Legislature passes Act to issue state Treasury Notes
to redeem Bank of Tennessee circulation; 1915 Beginning of Teehee-Burke tenure;
Mar. 25
1831 Louisiana charters West Feliciana RR Co. with note issuing privilege; 1864 One-
year 5% $100 Interest Bearing Treasury Note shows The Guardian, with tablet reading
"In God Is Our Trust";1986 RCM announces small dollar coin to replace $1 note;
Mar. 26
1874 ANS articles of incorporation and constitution adopted; 1938 M-G-M short sub-
ject Miracle Money released; 2004 ANA offers phone cards depicting Series 1929 $5
NBN of FNB of Portland, OR note;
Mar. 27
1781 New York Colonial Currency (FR NY213-220) bears this date; 1980 Hunt broth-
ers/Saudi shieks speculative bubble bursts on "Silver Thursday"; 1990 Sotheby auctions
Ronald Kessler Fractional Currency collection;
Mar. 28
1874 Missouri OKs redemption of additional Union Defence Bonds/ Warrants; 1896
Emanuel "Jim the Penman" Ninger arrested; 1961 First delivery of Series 1953B $5 SC;
Mar. 29
1790 President John Tyler, who appears on Virginia notes, born; 1830 Senate Finance
Committee reports favorably on establishing an uniform national currency for the U.S.;
Mar. 30
1933 Last delivery of Series 1929 $100 FRBN; 1942 First delivery of Series 1934A
$1000 FRNs; 2002 Currency subject "Queen Mother" of the UK dies;
Mar. 31
1833 Richard/Harry White torch Treasury Building to destroy records; 1848 Toppan,
Carpenter & Co. receive contract for U.S. TNs issued under this and subsequent acts;
1885 Tennessee OKs third Act to buy up/retire Bank of Tennessee circulation; +
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 111
qualified people please send them to Ron.
Second signatory on account: Ron expressed concern
that we currently only have one signature on our accounts (the
Treasurer's) and that we should investigate having a second
signer in case of adverse events. This was felt to be a true need
and a solution that seemingly is easy to do. For discussion at
the June '05 meeting.
Editors report: Fred Reed showed the mock up of the
Civil War/Confederate issue for Jan/Feb '05. He announced
and showed that this would be the first issue with full color
covers. He also announced that Heritage/CAA have agreed to
underwrite the costs of color covers for the year of 2005. All
approved of the color covers and hope this will be continued.
Fred asked that he be allowed up to $2400 to develop
cover art for 2005. This will be independent of the color
cover and will cover expenses relating to the art itself. Motion
to allow an expense of up to $2400/year for cover art was made
by Reed and seconded by Cochran. Passed unanimously.
New 2005 Special Issues were announced: May/June-
National Banknotes; Sept/Oct—War of 1812 (contingent on
the editor's receipt of a second manuscript and sale of ads—
may be an obsolete issue with heavy focus on War of 1812
notes). Jan/Feb '06—Fractional Currency.
Fred showed the members the award from the ANA that
Paper Money had received for 2nd place in the Outstanding
Specialty Numismatic Publication category. Kudos to Fred!!
Nominating Committee: Tom Minerly, chairman of
the nominating committee stated we have four Board of
Governor seats up for election in June 2005. Tom asked the
group to send him names of interested AND qualified appli-
Education Committee: Education Committee
Chairman Bolin announced that since Memphis, we have
received three applications for research grants. One was from
Neil Shafer related to a Panic Scrip book. More investigation
is needed on this one as to his desired timing. One was from
Peter Huntoon for more work at the Smithsonian and is
undergoing the approval process. A report on Peter
Huntoon's latest project was given. A report on Lawrence
Falater's progress was also given. The other was never
returned with a signed form. Still awaiting a progress report
from Mr. McNease.
Awards Program: A lengthy discussion related to
revamping the SPMC awards program was held. Action was
completed and is in a separate attachment to the minutes.
Merging of Educational and Awards Committees: A
recommendation was made to merge the educational and
awards committees since their charges and duties are almost
identical. Motion was made and seconded to merge the two.
Motion passed with one dissent. It was decided that Bolin and
Wolka would co-chair until the June meeting and then one
chair would be named.
By-Laws clarification: President Hortsman asked for
clarification of Article 4, section 2 of the bylaws. It was
accepted that if the President appoints a person to a post in
accordance with the bylaws, if they do not perform satisfacto-
rily, they may be removed by the President and another per-
son appointed to fill their spot.
Difficulty of reading of Paper Money print. Bob Cochran
brought up that the recent use of green insert paper in Paper
Money made it difficult to read. He also expressed concern
that at times, the font of the articles seems too small to read.
Fred reported that the green paper was only meant to show
the additional "bonus" pages of the magazine. Columns are
normally 9-pt type and feature articles are in 10-pt type.
However, at times due to space constraints, this size may be
altered. The board asked that as much as possible, the larger
print be used, especially for articles and that no articles should
be sacrificed for ads.
Membership Report: 1. Membership Chairman Clark
had previously submitted his report (see attached). Frank also
stated that he needed to print another run of Life membership
cards. Go ahead given. It was noted that the new membership
brochure has the year 2004 printed on it and would be out of
date soon. It was decided to use up what we currently have and
then print new brochures without a date.
Ohio book update: Wendell gave an update on the
Ohio book. He has sent Mark approximately $14,000 to date
which means SPMC is only about $1,000 short of covering the
expenses. To date, 310 books have been sold.
Next meeting: President Hortsman announced that the
next Board meeting would be held in Memphis in June 2005.
Torn Bain breakfast/raffle 7:00 a.m. Friday Board meeting at
7:00 a.m. Saturday.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.
Submitted by Benny Bolin
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Awards Program
The following awards were approved at the November, 2004
Board meeting. Annual presentation of any award is not mandatory if
no worthy recipients are identified. Also, hardware to be given will
be proposed at the Memphis meeting by the committee.
Nathan Gold Lifetime Achievement Award. Honorary life
membership given. Motion (M)-Bolin, Second (S)-Kravitz,
Founder's Award. For outstanding achievement during the
past year. M-Cochran, S-Kravitz, Unanimous.
Award(s) of Merit. Presented by the President to person(s)
deemed to have provided service to SPMC in the past year worthy of
recognition. M-Minerly, S-Cochran, Unanimous.
Literary Awards (these have changes from previous years.
Outstanding Literary Awards and applicable honorable mentions for
each of the following categories: • U.S. Small Size Notes • National
Banknotes • Confederate • Obsolete Notes • Worldwide • Federal
Currency not recognized in the above categories. M-Reed, S-Clark,
Yes—Bolin, Clark, Minerly, Reed, No—Hortsman, Cochran.
Glenn Jackson Memorial Award. Keep as is.
D.C. Wismer Memorial Award. Given to the author of the
best new book. Other deserving authors may receive Awards of
Merit. M-Kravitz, S-Cochran, Yes-Bolin, Clark, Hortsman, Minerly,
Hortsman, No--Reed.
Stephen R. Taylor Best in Show Award. Keep as is with addi-
tion of two honorable mentions as warranted. M—Kravitz, S—
Cochran, unanimous.
Julian Blanchard Exhibit Award. Keep as is.
Nathan Goldstein Top New Member Recruitment Award
Keep as is. M-Cochran, S-Kravitz, unanimous.
Research Grants. George W. Wait Memorial Award ($500 as
is, Educational Research Awards ($500 each up to 4/yr).
Regional Meeting Educational Awards. Keep as is.
General comments. (1) General appearance of the award should
reflect its relative importance. (2) Future proposed awards for
very narrow fields should be avoided.
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Apr. 2005
By Fred Reed 0
Apr. 1
1865 Confederate note facsimilist S.C. Upham begins advertising his pimple banisher
and hair dye in Harper's Weekly; 1958 Q. David Bowers and Jim Ruddy form Empire
Coin Co.; 1976 George W. Ball and Douglas B. Ball establish NASCA;
Apr. 2
1861 CSA S100 /S500 note sheets arrive at Montgomery from NBNCo., NYC; 1922
Fox Film Corp. releases Money To Burn; 1934 Last delivery Series 1933A $10 SC;
1935 First delivery Series 1934A $10 SC; 1947 Last delivery Series 1934A $5 FRN;
Apr. 3
1729 Benjamin Franklin publishes "A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of
a Paper Currency'; 1862 New Orleans hotel proprietor J.B. Schiller issues scrip; 1882
Notorious bank robber Jesse James dies; 1989 Dealer Arthur Conn dies;
Apr. 4
1827 NY encased stamp issuer patent medicine vender Demas Barnes born; 1841
William H. Harrison, who appears on many Indiana state banknotes, dies; 1863 Ten
penny nails circulate at 54 in Augusta, GA; 1998 ANS President Harry Bass Jr. dies;
Apr. 5
1830 CSA Treasury scholar Raphael P. Thian born; 1861 First CSA Montgomery
550/$100 notes issued; 1864 NYC's Metropolitan Fair bans payments in other than
U.S. notes or NYC funds; 1935 United Artists releases comedy Brewster's Millions;
Apr. 6
1751 Maryland Colonial Currency (FR MD22-28); 1858 Dozen men adopt
Constitution for American Numismatic & Archeological Society; 1867 Confederate
note facsimilist Sam Upham advertises his cure for consumption in Harper's Weekly;
Apr. 7
1862 CSA Senate considers issuing notes in denominations of $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 and
S4.50; 1864 Extraordinary collector-bibliophile Alexandre Vattemare dies; 1894
Dealer-author Charles Elmore Green born;
Apr. 8
1861 First CSA Montgomery $500 notes issued; 1871 Last National Gold Bank Notes
sent to Kidder NGB, Boston (charter #1699); 1920 Parisian firm of Fyp files brand
name for aluminum tokens encasing French and Italian stamps as emergency money;
1959 Charter for Inter-American Development Bank signed;
Apr. 9
1865 Congressional medal winner and paper money subject President U.S. Grant
accepts Lee's surrender; 1946 Swiss entrepreneurs begin coining chocolate taken from
WWII army reserves;
Apr. 10
1731-1778 Pennsylvania (FR PA30-33, PA175-176, PA209-224b); New Jersey (FR
NJ128-132); Rhode Island (FR RI 141-142); Maryland (FR MD60-70); South Carolina
(FR SC97, FR SC145-152) Colonial currency all bear this date; 1816 Congress autho-
rizes loan to fund its subscription to Second Bank of the United States;
Apr. 11
1835 BEP Director William Morton Meredith born; 1863 First National Bank orga-
nized in New York (FNB Syracuse #6); 1899 Chapmans sell George Massamore estate;
Apr. 12
1805 Ohio banker Dr. John Andrews, who appears on state bank notes, born; 1899
Dealer Edouard Frossard dies; 1978 Last delivery Series 1974 $5 FRNs; 1989 European
- Economic Community releases "Report on Economic and Monetary Union";
Apr. 13
1794 John A. Bryan, who appears on Ohio obsoletes, born; 1962 End of Dillon-Smith
combined tenure; 1976 $2 Federal Reserve Notes released to public;
Apr. 14
1859 Treasury Secretary George Bibb dies; 1865 President Lincoln approves Treasury
plan to create Secret Service, one of his last mortal acts; 1865 President Abraham
Lincoln assassinated with CSA $5 note in his billfold; 1865 Receiver appointed for
FNB of Attica, NY;
Apr. 15
1758 New York Colonial Currency (FR NY152-153); 1821 Georgia Governor Joseph E.
Brown, who appears on state notes, born; 1948 Thomas B. McCabe begins tenure as
Federal Reserve Board Chairman; 1974 Chet Krause names Russ Rulau Editor of World
Coin Ness's; 2000 MPC Gram electronic newsletter launched;
Apr. 16
1764 New Jersey Colonial Currency (FR NJ161-169); 1818 Treasury Secretary Charles
J. Folger born; 1861 Treasury Register Finley Bigger leaves office; 2003 Smithsonian
Institution announces closing of Numismatics Hall to public after 40 years;
Apr. 17
1837 Collector-philanthropist J. Pierrepont Morgan born; 1861 Beginning Chittenden-
Spinner tenure; 1863 Two men prosecuted in Sheffield, England for counterfeiting U.S.
greenbacks; 1970 Lester Merkin sells Josiah Lilly's encased postage stamp collection;
Apr. 18
1838 New York Free Banking Act; 1896 Printing of Series 1896 $1 Educational Note
(FR 224) commences; 1900 Banknote engraver Alfred Jones dies;
Apr. 19
1887 Canada Bank Note Compnay employs G.F.C. "Fred" Smillie; 1931 First meeting
of Skanes Numismatiska Frening held at Museum of Malmo, Denmark; 1941 Canadian
Numismatist Assn. Executive Secretary John Regitko born; 2003 Artist, philanthropist
and noted penny bank collector Katherine Herberger dies;
Apr. 20
1830 U.S. Treasurer Conrad N. Jordan born; 1890 Encased stamp issuer Cincinnati
merchant George W. McAlpin dies; 1946 Final date for redeeming ration tokens;
Apr. 21
1671 Infamous financier John Law born; 1848 Dealer Herbert Morey born; 1863 M.
Carey Lee patents printing notes in "fugitive' inks to prevent frauds; 1934 New York
Federal Reserve Bank President William J. McDonough born;
Apr. 22
1838 Steamship Sirius (FR 464-464a) arrives at NYC after beating rival Great Western
across Atlantic; 1889 Encased stamp issuer Peoria, IL merchant B.F. Miles dies; 1985
Christies sale of the Norweb family collection of Canadian coins and paper money;
Apr. 23
1564 Traditional birth date of William Shakespeare, who appears on NY obsoletes;
1860 National Bank Note Co. receives currency patent; 1951 Comptroller of Currency
Charles G. Dawes dies;
Apr. 24
1783 Virginia Governor John B. Floyd, who appears on state notes, born; 1933 Armed
robbers hit B. Max Mehl's Fort Worth store; 1959 BEP Director James Wilmeth dies;
1964 Jewel Tea Company attempts to ease coin shortage by issuing ill-fated scrip;
Apr. 25
1861 First CSA Montgomery $1000 notes issued; 1891 Beginning of Rosecrans-
Nebeker combined tenure as Register and Treasurer; 1992 Newark, NJ Museum hosts
numismatic conference;
Apr. 26
1991 Official opening for BEP western currency plant at Ft. Worth, TX; 1997 Currency
Club of Long Island established; 2004 BEP western facility opens new visitor center;
2004 Treasury Secretary John Snow unveils "nexGen" colorful $50 FRN designs;
Apr. 27
1863 CSA authorizes notes less than $1; 1865 George A. Trenholm's tenure as CSA
Treasury Secretary ends; 1903 Collector-author William Sumner Appleton dies; 1911
U.S. Treasurer Elizabeth Rudel Smith born; 1966 French comedy Your Money or Your
Life debuts; 1969 First IBNS President Dr. Walter Loeb dies;
Apr. 28
1863 Isaac Rehn patents bank notes produced by engraving and photolithography as
counterfeit deterrent; 1908 Lawrence 0. Murray begins tenure as Comptroller of the
Currency; 1993 Paper money researcher Walter Breen dies;
Apr. 29
1827 Senator Rufus King, who appears on unissued $5 National Bank Circulating
Note, dies; 1839 Ohio Governor Duncan McArthur, who appears on obsoletes, dies;
Apr. 30
1842 Treasury Secretary Charles Fairchild born; 1861 Virginia authorizes $2 million in
TNs; 1884 John Jay Knox pens preface to pivotal United States Notes; 1904 Farran
Zerbe opens his "Moneys of the World" exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition;•
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 113
Guilt by Degree:
The FNB of Ballston Spa
By Tom Minerley
to profit from his transgressions and live a pleasurable life when his prof-
itable career as a criminal pays dividends. The key, of course, would be
not getting caught somewhere along in this less-than upstanding voca-
tional choice.
The star of this flawed tale failed miserably in making much of his walk
on the "wild side," although he had nearly 30 years to abscond with the com-
pany's funds, thus failing to live out that hoped for profitable retirement.
There are many unknowns in this story. Exactly when it began in earnest
has not been determined. How much was taken, depends on whose side of the
story you believe. Why? Well, that is left up to the reader's imagination. Is
there a fortune lying around somewhere to this day? Perhaps. Was there a
massive cover up? Possibly, but highly unlikely.
The balance of the facts are irrefutable, but remain open to speculation.
This is a tale of a modern-day Robin Hood, robbing from the rich but with a
twist, keeping it. In the end, no individual suffered, only the (owners of a)
bank, and who has not wished endless pain and suffering on a bank at one time
or another?
In September, 1897, the First National Bank of Ballston Spa was
described as an "...institution of appreciative value ...(the management) has
always been especially prudent and sagacious and the commercial crisis that
have occurred in the United States since its organization have never effected its
strength or overshadowed its standing and reliability." How untrue these sen-
timents really would turn out to be would be splashed all over the newspapers a
scant four years later.
By the 1870s-1880s, the economy of the community of Ballston Spa had
changed. Its resort tourism industry, which had flourished since the turn of the
century, had been eclipsed by Saratoga Springs in the years since the end of the
Civil War. While still dependent on the water resources that had originally
given rise to the village, prosperous individuals had found more profitable uses
for it than drinking or bathing in it.
Industrious and farsighted men -- at least by nineteenth century standards
-- saw the area's many streams as untapped and inexpensive sources of limitless
114 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
power which could be harnessed to run industries of every stripe imaginable.
Lumber mills, axe works, sash and blind mills, paper mills, tanneries, just to
mention a few, sprung up along creek banks throughout the area, providing
employment for many and handsome profits for a few.
Into this world, during Ballston's very own version of the gilded age,
came a man who would one day shake the entire orderly firmament of the com-
munity to its very core. Most likely arriving by train, Charles Edwin Fitcham
had come to make his place in the world amongst the area's booming indus-
tries. Not intending to labor with his hands, Fitcham had come to work with
his mind. Whether he came specifically with the position in mind, or whether
he had to apply for it once he had arrived, Fitcham found employ as an accoun-
tant in one of the village's many mills, and eventually as the teller at the town's
newest bank, the First National Bank.
Banking in the "good old days" must appear strange to us more than a
century later. The actual day-to-day operations of a bank then were left in
the hands of a cashier, assisted by a teller or two and a bookkeeper. In this
case, there was a single teller, Fitcham, and a bookkeeper, R. Montrose
Medbery. The FNB's cashier, Stephen C. Medbery, had started at the bank in
1866 as a teller and moved up to cashier in 1871, a position he would occupy
until elected the bank's last president in 1925. The president of the bank dur-
ing what would appear to have been the bulk of Fitcham's "productive" years
was industrialist George West, quite possibly one of the richest men in the
county. West owned a string of paper mills along the county's waterways, and
was the FNB's major shareholder. This was the world Fitcham entered, and
would ultimately attempt to unravel.
History has been cruel to Mr. Fitcham. It first stole his integrity and
then robbed him of his mind. In later years, retirement time so to speak, he
never explained exactly when he was seduced by his "dark side." Some have
speculated that he started the day he first walked through the doors of the
bank. Others, the apologists, would have us think he was beguiled after work-
ing long years at relatively low pay ($1,600 per annum) while handling vast
sums of money, which he seems to have forgotten actually belonged to some-
body else. Whenever he started his illegal activities, he appears never to have
looked back nor regretted the life he chose.
In testimony in his later years, Fitcham alleged that his first foray into
illegal activity was to cover up customer overdrafts. Unlikely as that sounds, he
insisted this was what gave him his leg up into his life of crime. Fitcham found
that the double column accounting system used at the bank lended itself per-
fectly to his own new found system of creative bookkeeping. Being a two or
three man operation, the bank was over dependent on the trustworthiness and
integrity of its staff. Each person worked, more or less, independently of the
others, and unless he really messed up could pretty much depend on working
completely unmolested.
From careful observation of the monetary practices of the bank's cus-
tomers, Fitcham found who were likely to withdraw sums of any size and when.
He noted that the passbook savers were generally less affluent and could not be
depended upon to leave large sums uncalled upon for long periods of time.
Not that he would not dip into those accounts on occasion, but they were not
to prove his bread and butter.
Instead there was the wonderful world of certificates of deposit -- vehicles
sizeable enough to bother with and stable enough to not be called upon in the
short term, thus exposing manipulation. Sometime between c. 1876 and 1885,
Fitcham began cooking the books. Since he was solely in charge of the certifi-
cate register, he knew who had what and when any given certificate matured.
His plan was simple: (1) Focus in on people not likely to need their money in
the near future. (2) Focus in on people who, if they absolutely needed money,
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 115
might only take out some and leave the rest secure in the bank.
For example, when a customer bought a CD for $1,000, Fitcham took the
money, issued the appropriately valuated certificate, but entered the amount in
his ledger as $100. Thus, he had $900 to play with. If the owner turned
around and needed some or all of his money immediately, Fitcham would sim-
ply use whatever money he had available to keep the books in balance. If he
had some of the illegally obtained funds available, he used that toward the total
he needed. If that were insufficient, he would simply mark as paid in his ledger
enough certificates still outstanding to make up the
difference. Everything balanced.
Annual reviews by banking regulators and
examiners at all levels never found the bank's books
to be anything but completely in balance, right down
to the last penny. His scheme appeared to have been
flawless in its simplicity.
Well, not quite. When he embarked on his
felonious career, he may not have really thought out
all the possible scenarios that might trip him up in
the end. Being solely in charge of the CD register
was a plus, but since he was the only person who
knew how to read between the lines in that particular
bank register, how could he ever absent himself from
the bank?
If somebody presented a CD to the cashier for
payment that he had already marked "paid," how
would that look? Having exclusive run of this phase
of banking operations bore a heavy price. Few
noticed, although everybody in authority should
have, that Fitcham was always there. Six days a week,
holidays excluded, of course, he was at the bank.
Everyday, all day, he was there, ready to greet and
service customers, old or new, in his own special way.
He never took vacation, although why must
have been a mystery to his wife and daughter. When
asked at the bank, his excuse was he could not afford
to take vacations. With a salary of only $1,600, and
the expenses of a house and family, it must have
appeared plausible, since nobody ever told him he
had to take his vacation time. It must have appeared that here was the perfect
employee: punctual, efficient, dutiful and ever present, and they did not have
to pay him for not working. Everything appeared up-and-up.
If he never went anywhere, it is only reasonable to ask why he misappro-
priated the money in the first place? To this question, like so many involving
Fitcham, there is no readily available reason. At preliminary hearings while
awaiting court action years later, he claimed that it went towards covering
other people's overdrafts and general household expenses. Things appeared to
have been good around the homestead, perhaps better than his modest salary
might have been expected to cover, but no one questioned anything. After all
his wife, an artist of some local note, was making her own income, an income
that would later be the family's sole source so it must have been somewhat sub-
stantial. The actual amount, we shall never know.
Daily as he would leave his house, situated within easy walking distance
from the bank, Fitcham strove to maintain the facade that his illegal life had
taken on. It is no wonder that when the music finally stopped, he had a com-
plete physical and mental collapse. The strain of juggling all his illegal transac-
The home of the First National Bank of
Ballston Spa from 1873 until its
demise in 1931.
116 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
tions over the years must have been traumatic.
Can you imagine telling yourself that you must, MUST, never miss a day
of work EVER? Since the absence of one day from your work place might ruin
your entire carefully constructed universe? The pressures on Fitcham over
time must have been crushing. To top it off, a newly appointed Vice President,
Senator Harvey J. Donaldson, was due to perform an exhaustive examination of
the bank's affairs before taking office.
Eventually, it must have seemed to felonious Fitcham that the fates were
closing in on him. That it was only a matter of time.
Then, one clay, his universe unraveled.
On or about November 27, 1901, Cashier Medbery became alarmed
when a customer presented for payment a certificate of deposit that the register
indicated had already been paid. Oops! Here was the scenario that must have
given Fitcham many sleepless nights. Disturbed but not wishing to overreact,
Medbery consulted with a number of directors to "observe" the suspected teller
to see if anything obvious could be detected. What they saw must have con-
vinced them that something had really gone awry. One account says Medbery
cracked into Fitcham's desk with a screwdriver, but no collaborating evidence
exists in contemporary accounts.
Eventually, it must have seemed to felonious
Fitcham that the fates were closing in on him.
That it was only a matter of time.
At any rate, upon the close of business on Saturday, November 30, Vice
President Donaldson informed Fitcham that his services were no longer
required by that institution and that he was discharged. Somewhat in relief
that his nightmare was coming to a close, Fitcham simply dropped his keys on
the desk, put on his hat, and coat and walked up the hill towards home.
At the time nobody realized the extent of the damage done, but after
operating one more day, it was decided that an investigation far beyond their
ability would probably be necessary. Since it was unlikely that the thorough
investigation that would most likely be required could be accomplished during
normal business operations, the majority of the directorate decided it necessary
and prudent to close down operations and request the Comptroller of the
Currency to assign an examiner.
The people of Ballston Spa were greeted at the closed door of the First
National on Tuesday December 3 with the not-so-cheery news that the bank
was not going to be open that day, the day after, or, most likely, anytime soon.
Much to the credit of the citizenry, there was no riotous or even unruly behav-
ior in front of the bank (of course, it helps clarify the real nature of things to
remember that busy trolley tracks ran right in front of the bank). Crowds
merely milled about, discussing the number one topic of the day and a thou-
sand other unrelated things just to pass the day. There were never signs of
panic or outlandish behavior, just curious people wondering what would come
Apparently only one voice had dissented in closing the bank, Cashier
Stephen Medbery. Several days later he argued in vain to keep the bank open
while investigation of the potential defalcation transpired. In an interview at
his home on Friday, December 6, he remarked to an inquiring journalist:
"...that it was a curious thing for a bank to suspend business with the
affairs in the apparent condition that theirs were in at the close of busi-
ness on Monday night. The bank had to its credit in New York
$214,000, with the Albany City Bank $22,000, cash in hand consisting
Ott Oestta110. 41„
i : AI ire
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 117
of gold and bills $100,000, stock and securities negotiable $50,000,
loans that are considered perfectly good approximating $400,000, in
fact their assets amounted to over $800,000 and their liabilities were
Well, what came next was the grand investigation, lorded over by the
Comptroller-appointed examiner, Edward Graham, known for not leaving a
stone unturned, and ably assisted by Vice President Donaldson, Cashier
Medbery and Bookkeeper Medbery. Certificates of Deposit and pass books
were brought into the bank and either examined immediately or left to be com-
pared later against the bank's ledger. Very quickly, the round sum of $100,000
was echoing around the village as the approximate amount unaccounted for,
presumed stolen by Fitcham.
And what of Fitcham?
When last seen, he had just been dismissed from his position at the bank
and was walking up the hill to his East High Street house. From all contempo-
rary descriptions of the man's condition, he must have suffered a total physical
and mental collapse the minute he got home. He was immediately assigned to
bed by his wife. Shortly he was served at his home with a warrant for his arrest,
sworn out by Cashier Medbery, but his doctor expressed deep concerns about
the seriousness of his condition. Under medical advisement that to incarcerate
the man might be to kill him, Fitcham was placed under pseudo house arrest,
guarded day and night.
He was scarcely a flight risk. If he were too weak to get out of bed, did
anyone really expect him to bolt in the middle of the night? And he certainly
did not require protection from anybody, since the community seemed to have
charitable feelings toward him to a totally unexpected level. There were no
Photocopy of the only known surviv-
ing note on the First National Bank of
Ballston Spa that Fitcham might have
handled. The note is ensconced in the
Higgins Museum. Stephen C.
Medbery, Cashier, George West,
President. (Note: Mr. West died in
September of 1901. )
clamors for tar and feathers, despite his presumed guilt. Newspapers made no
secret of his illegal activity in their reports and editorials. Words like "alleged"
or "suspected" do not appear in contemporary accounts. However, there was
no popular groundswell to cast Fitcham in the rogue's role either.
Perhaps, like some in today's society, his neighbors had the false concep-
tion that the thief had not actually stolen money from depositors, but rather
had purloined it from the bank. Who would not want to steal from a bank?
After all, some feel now as then, the bankers have been stealing, metaphorical-
ly of course, from customers for years.
The only real problem with Fitcham's incarceration was working out
guard schedules to keep an eye on the guilty party. Disputes involved who paid
the guards, and even who got time off to go downtown to look at the local
store's Christmas displays. Never a dull moment around the old village.
118 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Fitcham never did go to the Albany County jail as he should have.
Between his illness and the bail posted by well meaning friends and associates,
he remained free within the confines of his home up to the start of his trial.
Needless to say, the bank officials were not pleased.
At the bank, meanwhile, the investigation had progressed rapidly. The
call for customers to bring in their financial instruments for comparison with
bank records quickly produced a record of how deeply Fitcham's defalcation
extended. The review of passbooks showed that he had dipped into some, but
not to any great extent. CDs, however, had proven to have been his big cash
cow. An equal opportunity felon, the thief had manipulated the accounts of the
bank's President, Judge Jessie S. L'Amoreaux, his own physician, even the local
jailer. The ensuing investigation disclosed that some certificate holders had
been individuals who were thought "to not have had two nickels to rub togeth-
er," and some who had even gone so far as to have solicited and received funds
from the public dole. The results turned up by the investigation certainly
made for interesting gossip around town.
Within days the populous could follow rising estimates of the bank's loses
in the local newspapers. From $10,000 $40,000 $75,000, and finally
an estimate by L'Amoreaux of approximately $100,000. The examiner's final
report, forwarded to the Comptroller on December 14, placed the total short-
age at $115,256.87, or approximately
99%?) of the bank's reported surplus on
TREASURY DEPARTMENT that date of $116,475.82.
WASHINGTON, DECEMBER 17, 1901 remained a surplus, small as it might be,
but a surplus nonetheless. Bank officials
Mr. J. S. L'Amoreaux, President, and must have been beside themselves. This
Mr. H. J. Donaldson, Vice President, would almost guarantee a speedy
reopening of the bank. More impor-
First National Bank, Ballston Spa, NY. tantly to them, perhaps, the paid up cap-
ital of the bank was completely intact
Gentlemen: and there would be no assessment
Your letter of the 17th instant is received, regarding the question against shareholders as a prerequisite for
of the resumption of the First National Bank of Ballston Spa, New reopening.
York, which bank suspended on December 3, 1901. Mr. Edward J. The bankers had lost out on the
Graham, National Bank examiner, having been commissioned tem- issue of Fitcham's bail. They wanted it
porary receiver. set at $150,000 in order to put him
You are advised that Mr. Graham has made a report to this office behind bars and keep him there.
which shows assets available for business as $827,224.52, of which Instead, they saw it set and met at
$341.203.00 is cash resources, which statement justifies this office in $20,000. But, for the short term, who
permitting resumption of business. cared?
All deficiencies having been made good and the capital of the At 8:30 on the appointed morning
bank appearing to be unimpaired you are authorized to open the of reopening, the bank's funds,
bank for business at 9 A.M. Thursday, December 19th, 1901. impounded in Washington since the
It appears that the condition of the bank is not only such that examiner's assumption of responsibility
warrants its reopening but entitles it to the confidence of the locali- over the bank, arrived back in the village
ty in which situated and the country at large. under the watchful eyes of two armed
express messengers. It must have been a
Respectfully. joyous occasion when the small safe con-
Wm. B. Ridgely, Comptroller taining the cash was off loaded at the
Business was back on track. As an
ostentatious display of wealth and security, "...heaps of greenbacks and the bags
of gold..." were left out in plain sight for customers to see, admire, and take
heart in the bank's soundness as a trustworthy place to leave their money. It
must have worked, for within the first hour, $20,000 had been deposited and
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 119
not one cent withdrawn. By noon, deposits totaled $50,000, while withdrawals
of all kinds totaled about $3,000. The bank was back and as strong as ever.
While this was playing out on Front Street, activity on East High Street
was also taking shape. After being certified healthy enough to be incarcerated
and the matter of bail was decided, the question had been asked, "So, when are
they locking him up?" Deputy U.S. marshall Elmer E. Belden appears to have
been somewhat sympathetic to Fitcham's plight, and kept stalling his actual
incarceration until the matter of bail had been settled. Once the $20,000 bail
had been posted, the matter resolved itself, at least until the federal Grand Jury
met in Albany near the end of February, 1902.
The prosecution presented its case to the Grand Jury, which in total con-
"...of 202 counts, of which six are for embezzling small sums, amount-
ing to $500; twenty counts for the detraction of small amounts, aggre-
gating $2,500; one count for an embezzlement of $30,000 between
March 1, 1899, and December 1, 1901. There are twenty counts for
false entries on November 25, 1899, on individual certificates of
deposit. The remaining counts were false entries in registering certifi-
cates of deposit as paid, when as a matter of fact they were not paid."
Two Hundred and two counts. . . that has to have been a record for a vil-
lage like Ballston Spa.
Fitcham, showing signs of his protracted mental and physical anguish,
answered the charges calmly and in a scarcely
audible voice, "not guilty." The trip to Albany
had been one of the few times in more than two
months he had even left his residence. His
lawyer Garrett Logan convinced the judge to
continue his client's bail at the previously set
level until the next term of the United States
District Court, set to convene the following
April in Syracuse.
They had already figured out what he had
done, and how he had done it. The only
remaining question of note is what had become
of the money. Besides living beyond his means,
was there a pile of loot waiting somewhere?
Were the floorboards of the house crammed
with money? Were the walls stuffed? These
questions remained.
Although pleading innocent at the prelimi-
nary hearing in Albany, Fitcham must have had
a long, soul-searching change of heart by the
time his trial opened. On April 1 just as the pro-
ceedings were getting warmed up, Fitcham -- in the presence of his wife and
daughter --changed his plea to "guilty." He was immediately sentenced by
Judge Coxe to a six year term without hope of parole in the maximum security
Dannemora Prison, located in northern New York near Plattsburg.
Justice certainly was swift in 1902, for shortly after accepting his sen-
tence, he was whisked off and on his way to prison. The following day, a train
carrying him to Dannemora passed through Ballston Spa on its long, winding
trip north. A guard had lowered all the shades in the passenger car, presumably
to keep the curious from gawking or making a scene. However, there were no
spectators on the platform who gave his presence a second glance. All that had
been accomplished was to block Fitcham from having a final look at the place
he had called home for many years. Accompanied by his wife until the train
Jessie S.L'Amoreaux, the bank's vice
president 1880-1901, and president
120 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Stephen C. Medbery, the bank's teller
1866-1871, cashier 1871-1925, and
president 1925-1931.
reached Saratoga Springs, he made the final leg of his trip with his guard as his
sole companion. Six years would be a long time to be away from home.
Fitcham need not have worried about not seeing Ballston Spa for the
entire six long years of his sentence or of being forgotten. He was gone, but by
no means forgotten. A lawsuit in State Supreme Court, the papers of which
were literally handed to him and his attorney immediately upon receiving his
sentencing, was suing him personally to recover at least the $30,000 which he
had openly admitted to stealing from the bank. Newspapers reported that
L'Amoreaux, acting as attorney for the bank, and other officials had an idea
where some of the money was located, but in fact they had not a clue.
Years passed, but the memory was always fresh. In August, 1906, in a
move which certainly would be without parallel today, the full cast of charac-
ters reassembled at the scene of the crime in an upstairs meeting room above
the banking floor. Fitcham found himself before District Attorney H. E.
McKnight, being severely questioned by bank representatives without the ben-
efit of counsel for himself. Feeling they had been cheated by a trial that ended
so abruptly of the opportunity to get answers to any key questions in the case,
the bankers were determined to get answers to the questions that remained.
It was apparent that Fitcham had not aged well during his incarceration,
having suffering, as he called it, "...fifty-one attacks of one form of apoplexy
and undergone a serious operation being at the point of death
for five days...." He cooperated in the investigation, providing
answers to all the questions put to him, but in the end his
answers provided little in the way of useful knowledge about his
crimes. Interrogation continued throughout the summer and
fall, finally winding down when it became apparent that further
questioning was pointless.
What was determined was that while acting as teller
Fitcham must have possessed one of the most "computer-like"
minds around or been the luckiest person to have not tripped
himself up on his first false entries. He never kept written
records of his illicit activities, never bothering to recall -- or
maybe just preferring not to remember -- exactly whose
accounts he doctored or even when.
Questioned about how long his activity had been going
on before discovery, he said he could not recall. Fitcham
admitted to having stolen $30,000, but staunchly refused to
acknowledge having been involved in taking the more than
$115,000 that the bank examiner had found missing during his
1901 investigation.
Fitcham's only explanation for the additional missing
funds was the cost of paying interest on accounts he had manip-
ulated. Cashier Medbery explained that the bank set aside
funds each month to pay the interest on accounts maturing the
following month. If a certificate that Fitcham was manipulating
required an interest payment that had not been anticipated, then the responsi-
bility for paying that interest was his, for which he either had to pay it out of
his "own" funds, or mark additional certificates "paid" to come up with the
necessary amount.
Based on his testimony, the teller certainly had been one busy boy.
Always mindful of the ever present risk of discovery, he had to keep all the fig-
ures straight in his head, calculating interest, making individual payments,
never daring to take a minute much less a day off lest the whole pyramid come
crashing down about his ears. It's easy to see how the release of tension after
his defalcation had been discovered drained him to the point of total physical
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122 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Stephen C. Medbery and Jessie S.
L'Amoreaux signed the back of this
It was not easy making an honest living back then, but Fitcham proved it
was not all that much easier making a dishonest living either. In the end he
admitted only to covering overdrafts and using funds for his living expenses.
There were no stockpiles of notes lying around, no accounts in other cities that
he had built up for later use, he contended.
As the investigation dragged on, it became obvious that the chance of any
revelatory statements or admissions was just not in the cards. What Fitcham
could not, or would not, remember might have filled volumes, but as it were,
very little was made available that had not been already known or suspected.
During one of the last documented inquiry sessions, Judge L'Amoreaux asked
"What money have you today?" to which he replied "Only the change I have in
my pocket." That pittance pointedly sums up the total net worth of his life of
The bank never recovered all the money it was due. The United States
Fidelity and Guarantee Company paid the $10,000 bond it had on Fitcham, but
that was it. The bank had prevailed upon the State legislature to pass a bill to
refund $1,164, the amount equal to the taxes paid to the local village, town and
school district for the money, reasoning that the taxes were based partially on
an assessment that included the misappropriated funds. The legislature passed
the bill, but the Governor vetoed it, citing the assessment
was legal and based on the best available information at
the time it was made, and for the State to order localities
to refund the money would be an illegal act.
And what of Fitcham?
He had returned home, without fanfare, without
protesting crowds, seemingly without much, if any, notice
at all. His wife, being an artist and teacher, provided the
household with income, and the couple slipped into splen-
did obscurity. The townsfolk seems to have forgiven and
forgotten, although one can rest assured that the bankers
never evolved to be that charitable.
The end came to Charles Edwin Fitcham quietly
and without the spotlight that he had once brought upon
Charles E. Fitcham died at 12.45
this noon (August 23, 1915) at his
home on East High street of oedema
of the lungs after a week's illness. He
had been in poor health for several
Mr. Fitcham was a veteran of the
Civil War and was born at Boston,
Mass., Feb. 19, 1842, being 73 years
of age. He is survived by his wife and
one daughter, Miss Ethel Fitcham.
Notice of funeral will be given
111.1,1 ji NO it 13.
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First National Bank ,
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124 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
The Catalogers
By Steve Whitfield
If it weren't for some ancient cataloger we wouldn't
have a dictionary of the English language. In fact, with-
out catalogers we would not have any reference works to
allow us to research anything. The "'loggers" are a spe-
cial breed. They are usually obsessed with writing down
and recording everything known about some subject, or
classification of things.
Take for example the people (and their successors),
who originally listed all the varieties of Confederate
notes; of United States large size currency; of Colonial
Currency and now those who are attempting to record
every note issue from the individual states. They seek
information rather than just collecting notes. They
want to know what notes were issued, by whom, and
how many were issued? How many have survived and
what they ]ook like?
It is a fascinating chase, obviously; otherwise no one
would ever have done it, or still be doing it.
A particularly interesting consideration about state
note issues is that many of them have been lost forever,
with no records and no surviving examples known.
However; many, presently unknown notes, do have a
survivor somewhere that may or may not turn up in the
As more information about the paper money hobby
and what each note is worth gets publicized, more of
these rare notes will surface. We see it now when each
new auction catalog appears.
Even when every known survivor and record of a
note is listed, catalogs will still not be complete because
so many notes have disappeared forever. There will
always be more work to be done looking for and listing
new discoveries. So, it is probably a perpetual job.
Unfortunately, many recent catalogers are reluctant
to publish because they fear that their lists are incom-
plete, which of course will always be true. We need to
encourage them to get into print with what they have
now. The next guy or gal can always publicize addi-
tions, deletions and other new information.
People, who begin as collectors, frequently turn
into catalogers. This happens when they realize how lit-
tle is known about whatever it is they collect. As they
seek notes for their collection, they gradually learn what
is available and how frequently, or infrequently they
As their lists grow and become refined they may
realize that they have, in fact, developed a reference
work about their special area of interest. With their
own collection, and photographs of other notes, they
can assemble an illustrated catalog. And this is how
many of the paper money reference works, that we all
now take for granted, were put together. As new infor-
mation surfaced, updates were published, such as those
done by Friedberg with U.S. large size currency and the
various issues of Confederate and Colonial Notes.
I am a proponent of what could be called an "album
catalog." This would be similar to a stamp album. It
would include a framed space where every known note
could be inserted into the album. An illustration of each
note would be included inside framework for the note
and all relevant information about the issuer, the note,
etc., would be printed on the page, just as in a catalog.
If produced with quality, such pages could be
removed and used directly in exhibits. Such albums
would encourage the collecting of currency, just as the
Whitman coin boards encouraged coin collecting back
in the '40s and '50s.
This concept would work for any category of notes,
from U.S. and Confederate to Colonial and state obso-
lete currency issues. Space for back designs could also
be included, where such designs exist. Clear, protective
mounts could be included, built into the album.
Complete (with every variety of note) or type (by design
difference only) catalogs could be produced for the
advanced and for the limited-budget collector.
I have produced such a catalog for Kansas obsolete
notes and included color photocopies of all the notes I
could obtain access to. This is also a great way to take
your collection with you to conventions or shows, with-
out risking loss of your valuable material.
Note: The author was long time SPMC Wismer
Project Chairman and author of the Wismer book on
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Announcing the
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
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126 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
First He Was a Counterfeiter; Then on a U.S. Stamp
Illusionist Harnett Makes
Money Painting Money
Bu Fred Reed
APHILADELPHIA PAINTER WAS SO ADEPT AT DUPLICAT-ing the government's treasury notes with his brush strokes that theSecret Service confiscated his paintings. That artist, WilliamMichael Harnett, employed a photo-realistic technique known as
trompe l'oeil. This French term literally means "deception of the eye" and
Harnett's great paintings gave the illusion that real U.S. currency was framed
on board. *
Although he was arrested by the government as a counterfeiter in his day,
Harnett's great skills eventually landed his work on a U.S. commemorative
stamp issued in his honor. How strangely events in life can turn!
William Harnett led an American revival of ancient Roman interest in
"fooling the eye" with illusionist paintings so carefully rendered that they
caused a viewer to interpret two-dimensional subjects as real
three-dimensional objects.
Harnett liked painting common, everyday objects. He
became justly famous for his still lifes of wild game, musical
instruments, and paper ephemera. Early on he took to imi-
tating bank notes and other currency, too. These paper
items were relatively easy for a skilled technician to copy.
Being flat, the optical deception was much less difficult than
with fully formed objects as models.
After training in silver engraving and schooling on the
Italian Renaissance at the Academy of Fine Arts in
Philadelphia, Harnett took up the brush in 1873. At first he
favored still lifes after the manner of Raphaelle Peale, but
soon he treated his admirers to a new way of seeing. His
illusionist statements possessed verisimilitude, that is they
looked real. "You could pull the necktie from the subject's
vest," an admirer claimed.
Harnett favored every day items in his trompe l'oeil
paintings. He depicted such things as Colt revolvers or
horseshoes hanging on nails in the wall giving perfect illu-
sion of three-dimensional objects in two-dimensional
Even at close range his shadowing and sensitivity to
highlights made the viewer feel real objects were shown.
His hunting scenes were so realistic, observers felt real rab-
bits and fowl were hanging on a door panel.
William Michael Harnett
1848-1892 * For the author's peek at another tromp l'oeil paper money painter,
John Haberle, see Paper Money Jan/Feb 2000, pp. 18-19.
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
During the Eighties, Harnett found immense popularity and fortune.
His world famous "After the Hunt" accomplished in 1885 in Paris displayed
dead game, weapons and the other accoutrements of the sport as nailed to a
scratched wooden door.
This trophy theme is one to which the artist returned over and over
again. He sold a final version on this theme to a New York saloon keeper who
hung it with much fanfare in his bar. This brought on a host of imitations by
less skilled practitioners.
Wagers were often laid and lost as to whether the objects on Harnett's
canvas were painted or real. Of course, his artistry was no work of collage.
Often these currency renditions were painted as a joke, intended to fool a
viewer into reaching for the object to the amusement of other onlookers. Such
"coinages of talent rather than the Mint" proliferated, as saloon keepers, tobac-
conists and other merchants installed similar hyper-realistic paintings on
counter tops and floors to the excitement of their patrons.
Harnett contended that he was not merely imitating nature. He was
purifying what he saw, distilling reality with his brush strokes. Harnett said
that he both added to and subtracted from reality, but created the illusion that
the content of his painting was "real."
Nevertheless many in the art establishment criticized Harnett's "art,"
labeling it "painting by recipe." Others demeaned the canvasses with the exe-
crable lament that "photography does it better."
Yet the public enjoyed Harnett's painterly deception, which often
debuted in such ordinary but bustling venues as saloons and pharmacies. Oohs
This Series 1880 Tillman-Morgan Legal
Tender Note (Friedberg 80) has a small
red, scalloped Treasury seal, and bears
serial number A29348340>. The well-
worn note is folded in half horizontally
and quarter-folded vertically. The
original note is surely no prize, but
Harnett's tromp Poetl version is a
splendid example of the great techni-
cian's art and a real treasure of
Americana from the Gilded Age.
128 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Two of William Harnett's photo realistic
tromp l'oeil Legal Tender Notes. The
note at the top is the infamous painting
that landed the artist in jail on charges of
and aahs greeted presentations of his canvases. This acclaim and its financial
rewards rankled the scholarly academicians, of course.
One of Harnett's most successful themes were paintings depicting U.S.
currency and bank notes. Money paintings, like those Harnett pioneered
were wildly popular with post-war nouveaux riche businessmen, shop keep-
ers, and other up-and-comers eager to impress customers and colleagues
alike with ostentacious shows of wealth.
They were also a boon to the artists who received their commissions.
As the premier illusionist, Harnett commanded a stiff price and achieved
fame. One controversial canvas brought him notoriety of a different kind. It
landed him in jail (albeit briefly).
The cause of the artist's crisis was an 1877 painting simply titled "Five-
Dollar Bill." The Philadelphia painter depicted a single worn $5 Legal
Tender note, which collectors call the Wood Chopper note because of its
central vignette. The worn note was against a flat background, as if the bill
had been stuck to the wall.
The well worn five-spot that Harnett copied was a Series 1869 Allison-
Spinner (Friedberg 64) design with large red seal. and serial number
K9555624*. Although the note is worn, torn, tattered and scuffed, it is so
detailed that even the Treasuiy signatures are rendered scrupulously down to
the Spenserian flourishes that Treasurer Francis E. Spinner favored in his
famous signature.
Public reception of the painting proved electric. According to a well-
documented tale, this painting was examined by another famous artist under
75 Dealers
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
75 32nd Annual Show 75
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You are invited to visit our web page
For the past S years we have offered a good
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PO Box 2 • Roseville, MI 48066
130 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Harnett's "The Artist's Card Rack"
depicts, among other things, a Fifth Issue
Meredith 50-cent fractional note.
a magnifying glass. The independent examiner unequivocally pronounced the
presentation as a genuine well-circulated, engraved bill that had been pasted
on the background as collage!
Of course, Harnett's illustrious S5 Legal Tender note was nothing of the
kind. The "expert" was forced to formally apologize to its talented creator.
Harnett's illusions were extremely popular during America's Gilded Age.
The artist's fame, however, was not to prove a "free pass" from federal govern-
ment scrutiny. So it was Harnett's realistic currency depictions which
embroiled the Philadelphia artist in difficulties with the U.S. Treasury
Department. His convincing visual delusions were much to real for federal
officials who become reasonably testy when their monopoly to emit currency is
Because of the fidelity of his uncanny paper money renderings, federal
officials for a time erroneously suspected Harnett of being the famous counter-
feiter "Jim the Penman." For more than a decade "jim"'s (Emanuel Ninger's)
We are looking for a motivated leader with strong
buying and writing skills and a good general knowledge
of U.S. history and U.S. Currency for a key position with
Heritage-CAA in Dallas, Texas.
Job duties include: buying,
cataloging for auctions, organizing
and obtaining consignments
along with catalog production.
Unlimited growth potential for
the right person. Great benefits,
generous salary and bonus,
commensurate with experience.
Send resume to Paul Minshull at
Heritage-Currency Auctions of America
3500 Maple Avenue, 17th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75219
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
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Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .
Ship your material for a fair offer
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4.1414. {1, ",
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1110113 STATES grateicA
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
Information on W.L. Ormsby and the New York Bank Note Company circa
the 1840s - 1860s, personal information about Ormsby, examples of his
paper money (will buy the bills or would be delighted to correspond and
receive copies, and anything else).
I am planning to do a monograph on Ormsby.
Dave Bowers
P.O. Box 539 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Obsoletes — Nationals — Scrip
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Middletown — Ocean Grove — Red Bank — Sea Bright — Spring Lake
N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525
132 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Harnett's tromp I'oeil still life "Old
Models" which appears on the 1969
U.S. commemorative stamp (Scott
1386) hangs in Boston's Museum of
Fine Arts.
pen and ink drawn bank notes passed easily into circulation, befuddling the
public and officials alike.
Although the Philadelphia artist's creations were a different genre alto-
gether, government officials were not so easily dissuaged. His $5 Wood
Chopper note was so realistic that in 1886 while it was being displayed in a
New York City saloon detectives seized it. They also cuffed its creator,
charged him with counterfeiting (New Britain
Museum of Art), demanding that he hand over
any of his other paintings of currency on hand.
The federal charges were eventually
dropped. However, after viewing the illicit
painting, the judge in the case ruled that "the
development and exercise of a talent so capable
of mischief should not be encouraged." He
released the notorious painting back to the
saloon keeper since at the time counterfeit
money per se was not illegal to possess, and made
the painter promise that he would desist from
creating additional such works According to an
NGA restrospective exhibition of Harnett's
works he "never painted money again."
Harnett's infamous, controversial $5 note
currently resides in the Alex Simpson Jr.
Collection of the Philadelphia Art Museum
(hint, think Rocky).
Shortly however, when other painters such
as his disciple John Peto, and Connecticut
painter John Haberle found ready acceptance
and trifling interference from the feds with their
similar currency paintings, Harnett's brushes
returned to their familiar subject matter.
Two years after his brush with the law,
Harnett included a worn fractional currency
note along with various postal covers in his
famous "Artist's Card Rack." In the painter's
day, a "card rack" was an early form of bulletin board, consisting of strips of
ribbon fastened to a wall forming a crisscross network into which various flat
objects such as calling cards, stamps and currency could be suspended for
handy retrieval.
Because of its remarkably realistic appearance, the viewer is tricked into
thinking that the objects can literally be plucked from their perches. Striking
for his bold use of color, that epochal tour de force of illusionism is currently in
the collection of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art.
-1 IN)r-
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f-. oohs,* A: 14000,._ .
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"the development and exercise of a talent so
capable of mischief should not be encour-
Sober Treasury officials were not the only viewers confused by Harnett's
illusionist realism. He was once hired by a saloon keeper to paint a gold coin
on the bar room floor. The painter accomplished his commission so well that
deceived saloon patrons spent years trying to pick the coin up to purchase a
Increasingly Harnett's work is commanding top prices is the auction mar-
ketplace. A review of recent sales by author Susan Theran turned up sales
P 0 M 0 R T
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 133
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134 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
prices in the $35,000 to $125,000 range for his paintings. Even minor draw-
ings regularly bring $1,500 and up at auction.
While Harnett's major works are out of bounds for all but the most well-
heeled collectors, lithographs of his paintings have been produced since his life
time. In recent years the New York Graphic Society, Buffalo's Albright Art
Gallery and various museums have produced prints of Harnett's work which
are very collectible. Originally sold two decades ago for $15-$20, such prints
can bring ten times as much or more from collectors today.
Harnett's skillful use of perspective and careful detailing of life size
objects which had thrust the Philadelphia painter into the forefront of 19th
century American artists also landed him on a U.S. stamp celebrating his con-
siderable skills nearly a century later.
Proving that the federal government doesn't hold a grudge, or it has a
short memory, William Harnett was honored by a U.S. stamp. Philatelists
should be aware of the plethora of Harnett "miniatures," produced in 1969 in
connection with the release of a commemorative stamp honoring the painter.
Depicting the artist's painting "Old Models" from the collection of Boston's
Museum of Fine Arts, the six-cent stamp is cataloged as Scott #1386.
More than 400,00 first day covers were produced for the stamp's release
it.r& oesi
I f.
Dec. 8, 1969. All the major cover makers produced cachets for the event
including Fleetwood, Artcraft and Cover Craft. Specimens of these covers are
frequently available for a dollar or less. The BEP produced nearly 150 million
of stamps, so acquiring one's very own Harnett should not prove too difficult a
Paper money collectors can only wish the painting the USPS had chosen
for the commemorative stamp had been one of his currency works instead.
SPMC holds successful event at FUN . . . "We had our first regional meeting of the year at Ft.
Lauderdale, during which we enjoyed an excellent presentation by A.N.A. V-P and SPMC member, Bill Horton. Also, Wendell
Wolka and I manned the SPMC table where we talked to a lot of folks, and a number of new members were signed up. Also, stop-
ping by to visit, were members Peter Huntoon, Pierre Fricke, and our legal counsel, Rob Galliette, just to mention a few. Pierre was
talking about his new book being published by R.A/I. Smythe - a CSA reference based on his and Dr. Douglas Ball's research. It was
a busy active show and we certainly had a good time. Thanks to F.U.N. for banquet tickets - what a celebration of their 50th.
Anniversary! Back to Orlando next year and we look forward to that." -- Judith Murphy, SPMC Regional Events Coordinator v
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
The Bank of Milford, Delaware
Terry A. Bryan C
ADULTS ENCOURAGED MY JUVENILE COIN COLLECT-ing. My dad posted a sign in his drugstore, "Old Coins Wanted",and many well-circulated coins came my way. One day, when I wasabout 12, a family friend presented dad with four notes of the Bank
of Milford, Delaware. I was so struck by seeing local numismatic items, that I
lost much of my interest in United States coins, and began more than 40 years
of collecting Delaware paper money.
The kind gift of the obsolete notes was tempered by some doubts. The
notes had come from Dr. Leon DeValinger, the director of the Delaware State
Archives. Dr. DeValinger had a national reputation for his leadership in state
governments preserving their records. Careful archiving was not customary
prior to the 1930s, and Leon and his colleagues reformed the system. We
knew that this fine gentleman would not do anything unethical, but Dad and I
felt uneasy about receiving a gift apparently from the Public Archives.
In ensuing years, youthful enthusiasm caused me to buy hundreds of
Bank of Milford notes. These were undoubtedly the most common Delaware
paper money in collectors' hands. Every coin shop would have some, and these
notes were the only ones that local people had seen. The scarcity of other
Delaware obsolete notes, and the contrasting large numbers of the Milford
notes was a mystery for another 10 years.
Then I made a personal discovery.
Above: As a youth, the author was
amazed at the great number of Bank of
Milford notes available, such as this pile
of consecutive serial numbers he dis-
covered left over from the ill-fated insti-
136 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
The Bank began construction of the
new brick banking house at 119 North
Walnut Street in 1854, but paid the
contractor with worthless paper
The first location of the bank is the store-
front on the left side of the picture
(arrow) next door to the First National
Bank building (now Wilmington Trust
Company) on N.W. Front Street.
The old Delaware Hall of
Records lobby held a display vault.
Dover's Capitol Complex tourists
would be treated to a view of
Delaware's charter documents:
King Charles II granting the land to
James, Duke of York, James grant-
ing the land to William Penn, and
Penn's leases to Delaware's three
Counties. A file box on the floor of
the shallow vault contained paper
money from the Bank of Milford.
The guide showing off the historic
documents would reach into the
box, and present an old paper
money souvenir to the tourists!
This practice went on at the
Archives for years. No wonder that
Dr. DeValinger felt free to bring
pieces to a youthful collector.
The file box full of currency
still exists, but samples are no
longer being distributed. In 1972, it contained 1,349 one dollar notes (2 types),
780 twos (2 types), 654 threes (2 types), and 285 fives (1 type). The 3,068
notes totaled $6,296.00 face value. Most of the notes were well-circulated, but
489 of them were signed and numbered, not yet circulated. How did this
hoard get into the vault?
Milford, Delaware, was already a commercial center when the town was
laid out in 1787, where the King's Road crossed the Mispillion River.
Numerous mill dams provided ample water power, and the village grew rapidly
after incorporation in 1807. Its access to the Delaware River permitted local
agricultural produce to be shipped easily, and shipbuilding was a major
employer throughout the 19th Century. For much of the 1800s, Milford was
the third largest town in Delaware.
The City of Milford is a busy small town today; however, the population
has leveled off at about 6,700. Local businesses cater to the surrounding farms
and poultry operations. Manufacturing and a regional hospital are major
employers within the city limits.
The early commercial growth of the town necessitated banking business.
=' ----741 4110111issikomira j ,37945:- 3—
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
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Currency Auctions
P.O. Box 7364, Overland Park, KS 66207 • 800-243-5211 • 913-338-3779 • Fax 913-338-4754
Email: •
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
The file box containing the Delaware
Archives Hoard of Milford currency.
A full-service branch bank was opened in 1812. By 1851, a new bank was
acutely needed. On February 4, the General Assembly incorporated The Bank
of Milford. Once the mandated amount of stock was subscribed, the bank
opened in a storefront on N.W. Front Street on August 17, 1852. Local resi-
dents were required to be commissioners of the bank, but the actual Directors
had to be stockholders. Adrian Olcott was President and William T. Shannon
was Cashier; neither man was an established local resident. They signed all
the currency, and they thoroughly disappeared from the scene later.
Evidently in their "zeal to start the bank" the commissioners were per-
suaded to allow three "Wall Street" speculators from New York to buy all the
stock of the Bank. A few shares were doled out to Delaware citizens to meet
regulatory requirements. The New York Directors ran the bank entirely for
their own benefit. They withdrew most of their cash investment immediately
by lending money to themselves with stock as collateral. Subsequent payments
on stock were made with their company checks, which were handed to the
Cashier with instructions not to present them for payment. Other manipula-
tions were revealed later as it became evident that the whole structure was a
The other Delaware state-chartered banks did ethical business. State
regulation was more vigilant than in many other states, and the banking indus-
try of this small state was close-knit and personalized. Other banks remained
in business and subsequently redeemed and destroyed their paper money issues.
This explains the overall rarity of other genuine Delaware obsolete notes.
Most of our state banks are still in business today, absorbed by regional banks.
Danforth, Bald & Company prepared plates for the Bank of Milford's
• First new book on
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 139
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140 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
The miniature vignette on the Milford
$1 shows a shipwright hammering
oakum into the seams of the small
boat, the "Fly". The engraver renders
the specialized caulking hammer accu-
issue of $1 through $20 notes. Plates contained $1A-$1B-$2-$3 and $5A-$5B-
$10-$20. Highest serial numbers are recorded in the 5,000s for the lower
denomination plate, and in the 3,000s for the higher plate. The Delaware
State Archives hoard of notes does not contain any $10 notes, and many years
of census tracking has resulted in only about 15 circulated tens being found,
some fragmentary. No circulated $20 notes are known. The sole representa-
tive of this denomination is from a proof sheet sold in the 1990 ABNCo. sale.
Lowest serial numbers demonstrate that all the notes were initially print-
ed in plain black ink on thick paper. Ones, twos and threes were later printed
with a red surcharge denomination. Red surcharge varieties were printed on
both thick and thin paper. The thin paper
notes are invariably Uncirculated. They
exist as signed and numbered remainders.
The few remaining tens are much lower
serial numbers than the fives. It is possi-
ble that the Bank ordered half-sheets of
fives printed, since the higher denomina-
tions were presumably less useful. All
notes are dated 1852-1854. Survivors of
the lower denomination plate are about
four times as many black as red surcharge
variety, excluding thin paper notes.
The Directors purchased ground, and a contractor started work on an
impressive banking house in 1854. At about this same time, complaints were
being voiced about the refusal of the bank to pay in specie, and about other vio-
lations of local sensibilities. The building contractor and James Lofland,
local attorney (who later issued his own technically-illegal scrip) were among
several who sought action by the State. In January of 1855, a House committee
Top: A Bank of Milford $1 note with-
out a red surcharge.
Above: A Bank of Milford $1 note with
the red ONE overprint.
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
The Kagin name appears more often than any other
in the pedigrees of the rarest and scarcest notes
(U.S. Paper Money Records by Gengerke)
BUY ALL U.S. CURRENCY Good to Gem Unc.
I know rarity (have handled over 95% of U.S. in Friedberg)
and condition (pay over "ask" for some) and am prepared
to "reach" for it. Premium Prices Paid For Nationals
(Pay 2-3 times "book" prices for some)
BUY EVERYTHING: Uncut Sheets, Errors, Stars,
Special Numbers, etc.
Pay Cash (no waiting) - No Deal Too Large
I can't sell what I don't have
A.M. ("Art") KAGIN
505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1001
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-2316 (515) 243-7363 Fax: (515) 288-8681
At 85 It's Still Fun - Currency & Coin Dealer Over 60 Years
I attend about 15 Currency-Coin Shows per year
Visit Most States (Call, Fax or Write for Appointment)
Collector Since 1928
Professional Since 1933
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ANA Life Member 103, Governor 1983-87
ANA 50-Year Gold Medal Recipient 1988
142 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
was given subpoena power to investigate the situation. By March the Bank's
charter was revoked, and a receiver was appointed to wrap up the business.
Numerous debt actions were filed, and the unfinished bank building was sold at
auction. About 14 cents on the dollar was returned on the total claims.
In 1862 the Chancellor of Superior Court ordered the worthless currency
from the Bank of Milford to be burned. Some $33,161.00 was destroyed at this
time. The Chancellor's personal presence suggests that the notes were burned
in the Courthouse boiler or courtroom stove. Perhaps the tens and twenties
were selectively destroyed, thus accounting for their rarity. Collectors are
thankful that so many of the notes survived. It is unknown if this survival was
unintentional, since the Court intended to burn all the notes. Maybe another
box of currency was discovered after the mandated burning.
As a teenager trafficking in Delaware paper money in the 1960s, I was
Top: Bank of Milford $2 note with
the red overprint TWO.
Center: Bank of Milford $3 note with
the red overprint THREE.
Above: Bank of Milford $5 with a
stylized Delaware State Seal in the
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 143
Two piles of circulated
notes from the Bank of
Milford Hoard.
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144 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
amused that some of the older citizens of Milford still harbored some anger
about their grandparents being victimized by "city slickers" in the 1850s. I
thought that this was typical "small town stuff," and I was too sophisticated to
sympathize much. Now I realize that history was alive in Milford, and I was
too immature to appreciate it. Those folks were attuned to their heritage, and
they were aware of the need to learn from it.
If you wish to own a Delaware obsolete note, a note from the Bank of
Milford is the most easily found. This currency was my first contact with local
paper money, and my sentimental attachment to these notes is out of propor-
tion to their rarity. We are all fascinated by malfeasance, and the story of the
Bank of Milford is more romantic than the history of the more ethical,
straight-arrow banks in Delaware. A kind man's gift to a young collector start-
ed a forty-year love affair with these old pieces of paper, and the honeymoon is
not over yet.
Bryan, Terry A. 200 Years of Delaware Banking. Wilmington: Wilmington
Savings Fund Society (1976).
Delaware State Archives, various records including State Treasurer files, Laws
of Delaware, and Superior Court records. Dover, Delaware.
Hancock, Harold B. (ed.). Nineteenth Century Milford. Milford: Chronicle
Publishers (n.d.).
Hurley, E. Millis, personal files on Milford history, now in possession of the
Milford Historical Society.
Kuhlmann, John (ed.). A History of Milford, Delaware. Milford: Milford
Historical Society (1974).
Scharf, J.Thomas. The History of Delaware. Philadelphia: Richards & Company
Top: A scarce Bank of Milford $10
note. None have the overprint.
Above: The Bank of Milford $20 note
is known only through this proof from
the ABNCo. archives.
7- 4
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PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
Obsolete Currency a Specialty!
This $3 bill from the Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon, NH, is the only one I have from this
curious financial institution. Failing to get a state charter, the projectors of this bank went
ahead anyway. For a time they were successful. Then came problems, mainly attacks in the
press. "Owls" became a synonym for bad bills, right along with "wildcats," "red owls," and
others. The curious thing is that, eventually, the backers of the bank made good, and any-
one wanting to redeem an "Owl" could do so!
While my prime concentration for collecting and research is obsolete currency of New
Hampshire issued by state-chartered banks from the 1790s to 1865, and from national banks circa
1863-1865, I am very interested in other currency as well. In particular, I love obsolete notes and
have been collecting them since the 1950s. The other day I looked at a Peterborough, NH, note that
I paid $1.50 for in the 1950s, but which is now worth a few hundred dollars. Prices have increased,
and I am still an enthusiastic buyer.
Among the things I would like to buy, that I will mention in this particular advertisement
(in no way limiting your opportunities to offer me other things), are the following: obsolete bills of
the New England States—Maine (a favorite!), New Hampshire (of course!), Vermont (another pet
state), Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Also, I am interested in the Vermont Glass
Factory and desire selected bills that show a single wooden building with a single cupola on top,
generally the style issued in 1813. Michigan bills are another specialty, and while I probably have
75% of the notes listed by Bowen (1956), there are 25% I don't have—meaning most of the scarce
and rare ones. I'd give a hoot for some "owls" I don't have (see above). Sell me some, please! Ditto
for notes of Washington, DC, but there I need a lot, as I probably have less than a third of those list-
ed in Haxby's magisterial study.
The Bank of Central New York, established in Utica, is also another focal point, and I desire
notes and correspondence. I am checking into the activities of Samuel Dakin, a rather slippery
character who was involved in a number of bank shenanigans and who pops up here and there. If
you have any other information about him, I'd be glad to receive it.
W.L. Ormsby is a favorite, and if you have a bill that says "W.L. Ormsby" or New York Bank
Note Co." I invite you to contact me if it is for sale. I don't know what percentage of Ormsby bills I
have, as there is no compilation of the field (except if I decide to pore through Haxby, but I haven't
done this). Jacob Perkins, the "Patented Stereotype Steel Plate," and imprint variations thereof
are of interest to me—and I invite any and all offers. Both Ormsby and Perkins are among my
research interests, and I would be delighted to correspond with anyone with shared interests.
Also, I like proof sheets, specimen sheets, correspondence, and other "stuff" issued by
engravers and their companies circa 1782 to 1866.
Returning to more standard things, with co -author David M. Sundman and in cooperation
with a special scrip note project by Kevin Lafond, Dave Sundman and I are busy with historical
research. We are anticipating the production of a book-length study on the subject, containing all
you wanted to know about New Hampshire currency, plus a lot of things you never thought about—
including illustrations with people, buildings, bank archives, and more. If you have information of
this type to share, please let me know.
Dave Bowers
Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
Notes from
North of the
Harold Don A en
Traditional China Crossroads
of Paper Craftsmanship
AMONG THE MORE COMPLEX AND MORE challeng-ing regions for the "world paper" enthusiast to comprehend
and intelligently to sample, it seems to me, are the United States
(from earliest times), China, and Russia (the regional issues).
Chinese notes, even of the past century, range from shoebox-
common, enough of those to build a fair collection, to great rari-
ties, some of which I've seen only in the Far East.
China's folding money was of distinctly early origin, we all
realize--a splendid Ming Dynasty note is on view at the august
British Museum. Several groupings of twentieth-century releases
confirm China to have represented, over several intervals, a cross-
roads of world currency design, however. A range of such materi-
al we seek to discuss briefly this issue.
Republic of China (post 1911) commercial bank issues, many
of them Chinese-English bilingual, commonly display highest
quality American Bank Note Company workmanship, occasional-
ly employing stock vignettes that may be familiar from other
issues. Similarly, British work
may readily be identified. I've
found a single note by Canada's
British American Bank Note.
Other such issues admirably
represent distinctive contempo-
rary Chinese workmanship
A further "world" aspect
of former Chinese money is the
exotic nationalism displayed on
the notes, mostly rare, of
Chinese-based overseas banks.
Thus, tael and dollar issues of
Deutsch-Asiatische Bank strongly recall turn-of-century German
high values, even to symbolic Germania,
Correspondingly, Chartered Bank of India, Australia and
China releases (Shanghai, Peking and other branches) appear
unmistakably "British Colonial." Distinctive "world globes" face
designs of International Banking Corporation, typically showing
the heavy wear of extended use, somehow look "American"--as
would become folding money produced by American Bank Note
Company for a subsidiary of First National City Bank of New
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Turn to Pick, as I have--admittedly to a 1980 World Paper
(3rd edition), one of the last to integrate world listings in one big
volume. You'll find 100 pages devoted to notes of China, roughly
one-tenth of that hefty book. For People's Republic, as for the
more recent notes of Taiwan, you'll want a later Volume II or
Volume III. You'll wish, more than likely, to read up on the trou-
bled times to which your notes attest. Useful introductory
sketches indeed are offered by Pick. Your librarian should be in a
position to direct you to further sources. Twentieth-century
China is anything but an unknown.
Chinese notes of the first half of the century can, and per-
haps should, be collected broadly, at least to begin with, but do
offer exceptional scope for collecting in greater depth. Portrait
identification, in many instances, reduces to distinguishing Sun
Yat-sen from his political heir, Chiang Kai-shek. Notes of a single
institution might capture your fancy--as one possible instance, the
Bank of Communications, with its American, English, and local
re lderings of such as ships, locomotives, trams, monoplanes,
power lines, and radio transmission towers.
Alternately, a particular series might reward detailed study,
as with Bank of China issues, all but one in vertical format,
denominated in customs gold units. Between 1930 and 1948, I find
more than 40 such note listings, from early fractionals through a
250,000 C.G.U. high
value. All such notes
known to me depict
the imposing bank
building and portray
Sun Yat-sen.
Other China-
related fields of poten-
tial interest to the spe-
cialist include a range
of individual banks,
military issues,
Japanese occupation
issues, and currency
restricted to regional or local use.
A half century of notes of the People's Bank of China, bank
of issue of the People's Republic, can serve to redefine a Chinese
style of modern note issue. I find them different, as world notes
go, and not unattractive. One unexpected quirk is that serial
number prefixes are not letters, Roman or otherwise, but group-
ings of Roman numerals.
Bank of Taiwan issues represent a study in themselves. The
portrait is Chiang Kai-shek.
Sample. Enjoy.
Carl Bambara Selling
z United States Currency
P.O. Box 524
New York, N.Y. 10116-0524
Phone 212 989-9108
• You can be a leader too •
• Advertise in PAPER MONEY •
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
We are proud to continue the
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We specialize in building U.S. currency collections
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Call Judy
4,550C , ATION
Society of Paper Money Collectors
')rip ,rn' My n
Outstanding Specialty
Numismatic Publication
ANA honors Paper Money, SPMC authors
We reported in an earlier issue on the award presented our Journal
last summer by the ANA, 2nd place Outstanding Specialty
Numismatic Publication. At St. Louis, Society President Ron
Horstman suggested that members might like to see it too. We add
our congratulations to our many excellent contributors also.
Why do the leading paper money dealers
advertise in PAPER MONEY?
Because they are the LEADING DEALERS
& They intend to remain THE leaders!
Did You Know?
You can advertise your product, service, or
wares in this space for LESS THAN the
cost of a cup of coffee per day.
So drink one less cup of java. Use that
time to send your ad and check for $225
to the Editor. Make check payable to
Don't worry, be happy!
The American Society of Check Collectors
publishes a quarterly journal for members.
Visit our website at or write to
Coleman Leifer, POB 577, Garrett Park, MD 20896.
Dues are $10 per year for US residents,
$12 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $18 for those in foreign locations.
148 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
A Guest Editorial: So what are YOU waiting for?
Every member, every note, a "story" waiting to spill out
By Bob Cochran
I STARTED COLLECTING COINS WHEN I WASabout 10 years old. A friend asked me to cover his paper
route for a couple of weeks while he and his family were out of
town on vacation. During the time he was away, I had to col-
lect for the paper. I don't remember exactly how much it was,
but it was an odd amount - when I came home with the pro-
ceeds, it contained a fair amount of pennies! To keep a short
story short, one of the coins turned out to be an Indian Head
I had no idea what it was, and that night I asked my Dad
if he knew what it was. Bless his heart, after dinner he took
the time to explain to me what that old coin was, and how HE
had come across a few of them when he had been my age. But
the ETERNAL legacy of the man, in my lifetime, is that the
next day he came home from work with a 39-cent Whitman
"Blue Book" for Lincoln Cents! It was the "kindergarten" vol-
ume, beginning with the year 1940. I started looking
through his change - and the coins of as many of my class-
mates as they would let me.
I was "dragged" into the world of paper money TOTAL-
LY against my will -- figuratively kicking and screaming! In
the early 1970s I was pursuing a high grade set of Liberty
Standing quarters, and one of the local dealers was REALLY
helping me out. He had called me during the week, and told
me to come by his shop early the next Saturday morning --
he'd purchased some new material, and wanted me to see it.
When I got to the shop, he was involved in negotiations with
another customer. I busied myself until he was free, and
walked over to the counter.
He was putting some paper money into holders; I
assumed (correctly, as it would soon turn out) that he'd pur-
chased them from the man who'd just left. The dealer was
really pleased with his purchase, and he showed the notes to
me -- and then began to describe them. I freely admit that I
had NO idea what he was telling me about the notes -- all I
remember now is thinking, "Wow, they're really pretty!" I
suppose I said something to that effect out loud, because the
dealer stopped dead in his tracks, turned to me and said, "Bob,
you should buy one of these notes! I'll pick out the nicest
one for you! These things don't come along every day!"
I began muttering about not knowing anything about the
notes, that I only collected COINS, and besides, I didn't have
that much extra money to be buying stuff I didn't need. The
dealer wouldn't hear any of my objections. He said, "I'm
putting this noteaway for you on lay-away: you can pay on it
whenever you can." So I did; it took me several months,
because I was still enamored with coins. I won't bore you folks
with details; the note I bought (for $100) was a GEM
UNCIRCULATED $1 1896 Silver Certificate -- one of the
"Educational" notes!
I still have that note, and I STILL thank my lucky stars
that BOB WOODSIDE of Scotsman's Coin Shop in St. Louis
thought enough of ME to introduce me (actually, drag me,
kicking and screaming) into the wonderful world of PAPER
MONEY! You can probably guess what one of my next pur-
chases was -- a copy of Robert Friedberg's Paper Money of the
United States. I' ye NEVER looked back!
I discovered the Society of Paper Money Collectors in the
late 1970s, and joined as soon as I could write the dues check.
I converted to Life Membership as soon as it was offered. I
have had SO much fun since those events took place; I could
literally spin yarns for you that would last for hours. I'd sim-
ply be telling you about some of the wonderful characters
that I've met along the way, and about ALL the wonderful
people who have helped me with my collecting -- mostly total
strangers that soon became close friends.
But you know what? There are HUNDREDS of SPMC
members who could say the exact same thing! People who
started out not knowing each other winding up as close
friends, sharing information, bunking up together at shows,
sitting on the floor outside the auction room "a-showin' an' a-
tellin'." (Yes, I AM from the South!) Almost EVERY note
comes with SOME kind of a story! And boy, can paper
money collectors tell stories!
As I look back over my 25 years as a member of SPMC,
one thing really sticks out in my mind -- there are many, many
ACTIVE collectors of U.S. currency who are AWARE of
SPMC, but who will NOT join our organization! To me,
that's like someone who's bleeding to death turning down a
blood transfusion! Some prospective members have told me
that they see no reason for joining SPMC; they're convinced
they can get all the information they need from commercial
publications, such as the Bank Note Reporter, and the various
"specialized" reference books.
I respectfully DISAGREE! Bank Note Reporter is a won-
derful publication. I became a subscriber as soon as I became
aware of its existence, back in the 1970s. I still read every
issue cover to cover. One thing that they can do much better
than Paper Money is provide "breaking news," and report cur-
rent events. And because they have a staff of PROFESSION-
AL writers, they provide regular columns by experienced jour-
nalists who happen to also be experienced collectors. The
other service at which Bank Note Reporter excels is their display
advertising. Most of the professional currency dealers adver-
tise their latest items, because as a monthly they can get the
material listed and in front of potential buyers sooner and
more often than Paper Money can as a bimonthly.
But SPMC has an invaluable resource - moreso than
ANY publication. What is this resource? OUR MEMBERS!
Although we have but one Editor, there are some 1750
"Assistant Editors" who are members of SPMC. Each and
every one of you reading this has it within yourself to tell a
unique story -- YOUR STORY! Anyone who has ever pre-
pared an exhibit has told a story. Anyone who has made a
speech has told a story -- chosen a topic, researched that topic
(or knows it from personal experience), assembled the facts,
arranged the facts, and made their presentation. I'm doing it
right now.
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 149
EVERY issue of Paper Money starts out with some num-
ber of BLANK, EMPTY pages! Folks, each issue offers YOU
the opportunity to go "CENTER STAGE," and fill those
blank pages with YOUR story!!! I've NEVER been shy about
telling other collectors that I meet what I collect, nor have I
hesitated to tell them about the notes I'm SEEKING!!!
And it doesn't hurt to place a VERY inexpensive ad in the
"Money Mart," reminding the members what you're seeking -
or selling -- or wanting to trade! I've been fortunate to meet
and become acquainted with many SPMC members from vir-
tually every state, and many foreign countries. I've always
been curious about things, and when I asked some simple,
basic questions -- I often received the equivalent of a 30-page
Term Paper for an answer! MANY of our members are
"walking encyclopedias" -- if you scratch a bit, these folks will
educate you -- FOR FREE!!!!
I've had the absolute pleasure to serve the Society of
Paper Money Collectors continually since 1986. I've truly
enjoyed working with the other officers and Governors. Our
current Editor burns with the desire to provide each member
of the Society of Paper Money Collectors with new, fresh
information in EVERY issue of Paper Money. Fred Reed is a
PROFESSIONAL writer -- and as the Editor of Paper
Money, it' s his JOB to treat YOUR article with the utmost
respect. I strongly urge you put him to work by sending in an
article. See how he handles it, and then get prepared to send
in some MORE articles!! Pretty soon you'll ask yourself,
"What took me so LONG?"
P.S. One other thing: I wanted to get back to the
"Money Mart." You new members should really consider
placing a "classfied" advertisement. You can't BEAT the
price, and think of all those eyes reading YOUR ad!! I've
advertised for notes I want to buy in there for some years, and
I can tell you from personal experience THEY WORK! I've
managed to obtain NO LESS than 4 UNIQUE Nationals via
MM ads, and a SLEW of published bank histories, which I
also collect. And here's a "Heads-UP" to all you LONG-
TIME SPMC members: You may think that everyone in our
hobby MUST know that you're still the A-1 buyer for some
particular type of note, national from a specific bank or town,
errors, obsoletes, whatever. Got news for ya -- the member-
ship has really "churned" in the past few years! There's a
whole new generation of collectors prowling the floors at
shows, and gluing their peepers to all the ads in paper publica-
tions. Many of them have NEVER heard of you, or are aware
that you'll pay the BIG Bucks for the note that will fill the last
hole in your "Want List." Give some thought to my sugges-
tion about the "Money Mart" idea. It won't cost you much
money, and who knows -- that "ONE NOTE" you've been
dreaming about might just show up under your nose if you tell
the right people you're interested. Not too many members
have used MM in recent years, but I guess they're finding
notes & stuff somewhere else. That's fine, but I'll bet they
paying more for their ads than I do in MONEY MART!
ICIIVVIONAL CI JIMENCVS rt,00 Lmittosrtutc:ri Mtr:Mlfil.f ,
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Ann Burton - Cashier
the Scarsdale National Bank and Trust Company of
Scarsdale, NY when I noticed the cashier's signature. The
signature looked like "Ann Burton." I have been keeping
track of women's signatures on National Bank Notes for
almost 15 years. Was this a chance to add a new name to
that list, or was I reading more into the signature than what
is really there? I was able to learn the following with help.
Ann Burton started her banking career in 1916 as a book-
keeper for the Bank of Crescent City, FL. In 1920, she went
to work for the Scarsdale National Bank (# 11708). This
bank opened its doors for the first time in that same year.
She then proceeded to advance through the positions of
assistant cashier, cashier, assistant vice president and then
vice president in 1938. This information was published in
the article, "Executive Jobs for Banks in United States Held
by About 6,000 Women" written by Alice H. Whitton for
the Christian Science Monitor.
In the book, Women in Banking - A History of the
National Association of Bank Women, by Genieve N.
Gildersleeve, Ms. Burton is mentioned as the general chair-
woman for the 1943 annual meeting held in New York City
and in 1948 she worked on a publicity committee. I was glad
that I was able to add another name to my list of women
signers of National Bank Notes.
A Primer for Collectors
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY150
Religious Themes Popular
on Notes of Many Lands
THERE IS A SEPARATION OF CHURCHAND state in America and many countries.
However, some countries recognize religious figures
and symbols among other men and women, who have
most often contributed to the literature, music and art
of the country.
A portrait of St. Agnes of Bohemia ([ca. 1205-
1211]-1282), is on the 50- k(orun) as part of the first
series of notes for the new
Czech Republic, P(ick) 4
(1993) and P11 (1994).
The colors vary slightly
on the second issue. Her
father, King Henry
Premysl Otakar, is hon-
ored on the 20-k., P11,
part of the same series.
The 50-k. notes will cost
about $6; the 20-k. about
$3. King Wenceslaus I
was a brother to Agnes. She was courted by the
German King Henry, and Emperor Frederick II and
others; nevertheless, Agnes was drawn to the monastic
life. She helped to establish a hospital at the convent
of St. Clara. St. Agnes was canonized by Pope John
Paul II in 1989.
St. Anthony (1195-1231), was born in Lisbon,
Portugal. He became a Franciscan monk and was
known as the "great preacher." St. Anthony was can-
onized in 1232. His likeness is on a 20-escudos, P70.
This note should cost no more than $3.
St. Cyril, born Constantine (826 or 827-869), a
brilliant student, and St. Methodius (d. 884) were
born in Thessalonica, Greece. Cyril and Methodius
were called to Moravia and Slovakia by the emperor,
who wanted them to create a Slavonic alphabet. The
portraits of both are on the Slovakia 50-k., P21. The
back shows hands symbolically presenting letters of
Slavonic or Glagolitic script. The Cyrillic alphabet,
used in Russia and other former U.S.S.R countries,
inappropriately bears the name of St. Cyril. This
attractive note will cost about $6.
St. Paul the Apostle was born ca. 3 A.D. Saul,
his given name from the tribe of Benjamin, was
changed to Paul when he converted to Christianity ca.
34 A.D. The back of the Greek 500-drachmai, P193,
shows a portrait of Paul. In very fine condition this
note will cost about $15.
St. Sava (1174-1237), contributed to the litera-
ture of the Serbian Church. His translations of Greek
texts became essential to the Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
and Russian churches. The 100-dinara from Serbia,
P33, issued in 1943, should be found for $10.
St. Stephen, born between 970 and 975 became
the patron saint of Hungary. He succeeded his father
Arpad and was crowned king on Christmas day in the
year 1000. Stephen abolished all pagan images and
established Christianity in Hungary; he was canonized
in 1083. His crowned image is on the 1000-korona
from Hungary, P66 and P75. The cost will be about
$14 and $6 respectively.
The two heads
on the 100 German
mark, P69, appear
to be based on the
statue The Rider; in
front of the
Bamberg Cathedral.
This cathedral was
endowed by Henry
II, Stephen's broth-
er, and the figure
could represent St. Stephen. This German note
should cost no more than $4.
St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552), was a Jesuit mis-
sionary who traveled to India, Malaya, Japan and the
place of his death, China. The Jesuits were some of
the first Europeans to enter Japan in 1549, and
Francis Xavier was among them. This beautiful
Spanish 25- peseta note, P71, will cost about $6, less
in imperfect condition. The back shows St. Francis
Xavier baptizing converts.
In closing, you might be surprised to know that
an image of the infant Jesus can be found on the $2
note from The American Bank, Dover Hill, Indiana;
it will cost $25 or less.
If you are Christian or not, these notes are
attractive pieces of history, available from world cur-
rency dealers.
(Copyright story reprinted by permission
from Coin World, January 27, 1997.)
St. Agnes, P4
L 0 1 9 8 6 14 5 5
WitSti iNG-rom D.C.
.*D ice
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236 151
Wrong Size Plate Numbers on FW $1 FRNs
AMINOR ERROR THAT TOOK $1 FEDERALReserve Note collectors by storm a few years ago
was Forth Worth back 295 with mis-sized plate serial
numbers. It was used on a few Series of 1995 serial
number blocks. The problem was that the size of the
plate number was too small.
A lesser known, but similar error occurred a bit ear-
by Peter Huntoon
and Robert Kvederas Jr.
her on $1 Fort Worth Series of 1988A face plate 106.
In this case, the size of the number was too large.
The back plates used at the Bureau of Engraving
and Printing Washington and Fort Worth production
facilities are distinguished from each other by the size of
the plate serial numbers printed on the notes. Those
from Washington are small, whereas those from Fort
Worth are about 25 percent larger. The difference is
obvious to the unaided eye.
The numbers used on the faces from both plants are
small, being the same size as those on the backs of the
Washington notes. The distinction on the faces is the
addition of FW as a
prefix to the num-
bers on the Fort
Worth notes.
The Fort
Worth 295 back had
Washington size
The even more
interesting Fort
Worth 106 face uti-
lized the same over-
sized numbers nor-
mally reserved for
Fort Worth backs.
Coauthor Kvederas, author of the acclaimed studies
on -WEB notes, was looking through some L* Series of
1988A notes one evening a couple of years ago when he
suddenly realized that the face plate serial number on
every fourth note was too large! The mis-sized number
was 106.
Subsequently, the error has been reported from the
following San Francisco blocks: LD, LE, LF and L*.
The problem with the 106 error is that it was dis-
covered well after the notes had reached circulation. As
a result, no large quantities have been located. In con-
trast, the market for 295 notes became huge owing to
early detection and intense collector scrounging for
available supplies at their local banks. With an available
supply, everyone seemed to be trading around to build
block sets.
Finding Some 295s
Coauthor Huntoon first learned of the undersize
295 error from Torn Conklin who had purchased a few
and sold him a copy shortly after they first appeared.
Naturally he began to look at every $1 he got in change
without success. Finally, however, lightning struck. He
was visiting in Claremont, CA, and paying for dinner at
a restaurant along old U. S. 66 when the cashier made
change with three crisp $ls from a group of new notes.
They were Series of 1995 notes from the LW block, and
he saw that one was a 295. He promptly got a couple
more from her.
He returned the next day and asked which bank
they used. It was a short distance down the block.
When he asked for a pack of $ls from the head teller,
she handed him one that had a 295 every fourth note.
He bought a few hundred, then returned later and
bought 500 more. That was the end of his spare cash at
that point. Those notes went quickly.
Above: Two different Fort Worth notes. The numerals comprising
the number 106 should be the size of those in 295, and visa versa.
The 295 is a Series of 1995 from block LW.
e ski'
{Ili; 1101nalti
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY152
What a Lovely Rag!
THE $2 BILL AT RIGHT WASissued in the 1820s by the
Winnipissiogee Bank of Meredith, New
Hampshire, then a small village at the out-
let of a large lake, soon to be the scene of
important manufacturing industries. While
the condition of this bill is certainly mini-
mal, it is the only such example known in
any grade to the author. Accordingly, one
cannot be choosy!
A few years ago I made a trade with
Hugh Shull: my check for $90 for an item
in his stock—the rather raggy, decrepit,
and otherwise low grade $2 bill shown
here, from the Winnipissiogee Bank of
Meredith, New Hampshire. With right end torn off it is diffi-
cult to decipher the date, but it is September 5, 182 some-
thing, probably 1827. John T. Coffin signed the bill as cashier
and D. Avery as president. The note is of the familiar Patented
Stereotype Steel Plate style, by Jacob Perkins, a format that
was at one time almost ubiquitous among New England banks.
Condition aside, I was delighted to get the bill. For some
time I had been studying this and other New Hampshire
banks, and nowhere had I encountered another $2. As you
might imagine, a little bill can often engender a big story, and
when the study on New Hampshire currency is finished by
David Sunclman and me, which will not be anytime soon, you
can curl up in an armchair and spend a half hour reading about
this particular bank.
In brief, it was in a place called Meredith or Meredith
Bridge, today called Laconia, and not in the same place as the
present-day village
of Meredith. The
name is derived
from what today is
the grand expanse
of water spelled as
Lake Winnipe-
saukee, this by fiat
of the State
Legislature, to
standardize the
name from nearly
100 different ver-
sions earlier in use!
I was thinking
about this particularly raggy $2 bill when writing my "Joy of
Collecting" column for COhl World, and thought it worthy of
mention there—as a contrast to the "all I want is super gem
quality" philosophy of many numismatists today. I said that
despite its unlovely appearance, this was truly rare, truly great
piece of numismatic Americana. And, after the item was pub-
lished, several readers wrote to say that they emphatically
One said that he had only collected coins and aspired to
buy modern gems, because "that is where the action is," but
after reading my column, he was going to investigate paper
money. Somehow, he had a quick attitude adjustment—from
modern and super-gem (also super common, by the way) to
old and well worn. I suggested that he join the SPMC to learn
more, and I hope he did.
In contrast, the gem, superb, never-used, crisp
Uncirculated, bright, dazzling Mint State $5 bill from the
Bank of New-England of East Haddam, Connecticut, at bot-
tom of this page is, for reasons known to paper money collec-
tors, but not necessarily to coin collectors, much less desirable
to own!
It is curious that in our field of paper money, ultra-high
quality is often not what is eagerly sought by specialists.
Shown here is a gem Crisp Uncirculated $5 bill from the Bank
of New-England at Goodspeed's Landing, on an ocean inlet at
East Haddam, Connecticut. About a zillion such bills still
exist, denominations ranging from $1 upward, and, of course,
everyone should own an example, easy enough to do for under
$50 today. Interestingly, a similar $5 bill, if signed, numbered,
and actually used in circulation would be worth several times
this amount!
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
Research Exchange: a service for SPMC members
• Bank of Howardsville, Bank of Scottsville, Bank of Esmont,
Stissing National Bank, Pine Plains Bank -- I am Interested in
acquiring historical information about any of these banks and
their obsolete and national issues. Please write Alec Pandaleon,
P.O. Box 764, Millbrook, NY 12545
• New York Obsolete Bank Notes (1784-1865). Researcher
requesting info for SPMC state catalog on banking details for NY
obsolete notes. All information welcome. At the moment, I am
interested in any notes from "The Woodstock and Saugerties
General Manufacturing Co." at Saugerties. I am looking for infor-
mation when the bank opened, for how long, who the President
and Cashier were, year of issue of notes, capital at founding, etc.
Will gladly reimburse cost and postage of material received.
Contact or John Glynn, 41 St.
Agnells Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7ax, England
• Roger B. Taney. I need, if there is one available, a photograph
of a note with Justice Roger B. Taney. No one I have asked can
even confirm his being portrayed on PM. There are two or so still
unidentified portraits on Maryland PM that do not look too much
like him, but you never know. Actually, his portrait on currency
from any state will do. I also need a good quality picture of duel-
ing pistols. Contact or C. John
Ferreri, PO Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
• Can anyone explain? Mrs. E. F. Sell was president of the FNB
of Fairfax MN from 1915 to 1952. But the three Series 1929
notes on the bank that I know about all have Albert G. Briese's
signature as president. (He was the vice president.) Does any-
one know why? Does anyone know of a Series 1902 or Series
1929 note with her signature? Karl S. Kabelac, 105 Raleigh
Street, Rochester, NY 14620-4121 or
• Waterman Lilly Ormsby. For a future article in Paper Money, I
am looking for a photograph or other illustration of 19th century
bank note engraving genius Waterman L. Ormsby. Contact
Robert McCabe, c/o Toxicology, 5426 NW 79th Avenue, Miami,
FL 33166 or
• Macerated Money. Wanted any information that would help in
publishing a book on items made between 1874-1940 out of
chopped up U.S. currency. Who made the products, where sold,
etc.? Any help appreciated. Contact Bertram M. Cohen, 169
Marborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830 or
• New York County and town Civil War bounty bonds information
wanted. Also information on railroad and turnpike bonds and
financing. Contact or Don Farr, 19701 SW
110th Ct #837, Miami, FL 33157.
• Eastman College Currency. Authors jointly revising current cat-
alog of Eastman notes. New listing to appear in Paper Money
and subsequently as a separate pamphlet. Wanted xeroxes of
unlisted notes, or census data of your holdings. Contributors will
be acknowledged or kept confidential, as you desire. Contact
Fred Reed, P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162 or
Austin Sheheen, P.O. Box 428, Camden, SC 29020
• Movie Prop Money, also TV/Stage/Advertising Prop Money.
Cataloger seeks information and illustrations of all types of the-
Editor's Note: It's been a while since we've had room for
Research Exchange. Here are the holdover items on hand.
Some may be dated. ALL will be cancellled unless renewed by
their requestor.
Reminder: Any paid up member of SPMC can make a FREE
request for information/illustrations for a research project,
article, exhibit, book or similar endeavor. Research Exchange
requests will be published on a SPACE AVAILABLE basis.
In the meantime, how about lending a hand to display adver-
tisers such as Bert Cohen (below), Pierre Fricke (Page 125),
and Dave Bowers (pages 131 and 145 ) who are paying for ads
requesting similar information or assistance. -- SPMC 6000
Rebuilding a Great Society for a New Century. '"
atrical prop paper money, checks, bonds, stock certificates, etc.
Contact Fred Reed, PO Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8160
• FNB of Groton, NY (Charter #1083). Wanted illustrations for
article in Paper Money. Contact Karl S. Kabelac, 105 Raleigh St.
Rochester, NY 14620-4121 or kkabelal@rochester.mcom
• Delaware Obsolete Notes and Scrip. SPMC state catalog
researcher seeks information on existing notes, including serial
and plate numbers. Records of other Delaware material such as
old lottery tickets, vignettes, Colonials and National Currency are
also being kept for population statistics. Will gladly pay copying
costs and postage for pictures of your Delaware material.
Contacts confidential. Contact or Terry A.
Bryan, 189 South Fairfield Drive, Dover, DE 19901-5756
• Abraham Lincoln Research. Author preparing book length
study of Abraham Lincoln's image on federal currency, national
currency, bank notes, scrip, checks, stocks, bonds and other
financial instruments. Desire photocopies of vignettes or unusual
uses of the Lincoln image on this material. Contact Fred Reed,
P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011 or
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money. re-
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
154 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
By Ron Horstman
S EVERAL NEW OPTIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO the paper money collector in 2005. There are, at the pre-
sent time, three companies engaged in the grading and encap-
sulating of paper money. Soon, two of the major coin grading
services will be entering into this field also.
So far, most of the graded material has been rare and high
grade type notes, but one of the new entrants has indicated
that they will also grade and encapsulate obsolete notes and do
conservation work.
Many things are now being done to notes under the title
of conservation, such as de-acidifying the paper and simple
repairs like straightening corners, closing small tears and pin
holes. More complex repairs are also being done such as
replacing missing or damaged portions of notes, removing
stains, trimming the paper edges and retracing the signatures
to upgrade the condition of the notes with varying degrees of
Some repairs are done so well that they are difficult or
almost impossible to detect,while others greatly detract from
the appearance of the note. Encapsulating the note would
make the alterations even more difficult to distinguish.
Another aspect to consider is the long term effect of
encapsulating on the paper itself. We know that coins suffer
no ill effects, as many are broken out of holders to be resub-
mitted in hopes of raising their grade.
Should you submit your notes to one of the services for
grading, which one? And if you do not agree with their grade,
should you remove the note from its housing and resubmit it
to another service? Should you learn as much as you can about
grading and grade your own notes? Should you have your
notes permanently encapsulated in one of the services sealed
holders and place your notes in a housing of your choice?
Making one of the previously mentioned choices or just
doing nothing should not detract from your enjoyment of col-
lecting paper money.
See you in Chicago at the CPMX March 18-20, 2005. +
SPMC 6000
All members (except Board Members) who
sign up two or more new members in a year
receive a vintage BEP or ABNCo souvenir
card as our thanks for their efforts. The SPMC
6000 honor roll of qualified members is
shown on Page 156. Add YOUR name to this
distinguished listing.
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15c per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Ad must be non-commercial in nature.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis. Special: Three line arift six issues = only $20.50! (wow)
PAPER MONEY journal. volumes 4-39, incomplete, minor duplica-
tion. Over 225 issues plus IBNS journals, LANSA bulletins. $160.000
OBO. Price includes shipping (80 Ibs). Richard Murdoch, 181 Kings
Lane, Canfield, 0I-I 49406. (236)
1928E; $10 1934A, 1934B and 1934D; 1953A and 1953B. George W.
Taylor, PO Box 242, Georgetown, TX 78627-0242 (238)
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Banknote wanted. Also any relat-
ed contemporary banking material. Martin Roenigk, 75 Prospect Ave.,
Eureka Springs, AR 72632. (479) 253-0405. (239)
WANTED. National Bank Note from The Manilla National Bank
(#6041), Manilla, Iowa, any denomination or condition. Lee Poleske,
Box 871, Seward, AK 99664 (236)
WANTED. National Bank Note from The Manilla National Bank
(#6041), Manilla, Iowa, any denomination or condition. Lee Poleske,
Box 871, Seward, AK 99664 (236)
KANSAS NATIONALS WANTED. Goodland #14163, Olathe
#3720, Pleasanton #8803. A.R. Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051
WANTED. S50 denomination, Bank of the Old Dominion, Branch
Bank at Pearisburg, VA (Jones-Littlefield BA30- or -27; Haxby G18a
or 18h) and Pearisburg, VA, Lybrook scrip (Jones-Littlefield PP1706
and 1707). J. Tracy Walker III, 2865 Mt. Aire Rock Ln.,
Charlottesville, VA 22901 (235)
Sullivan, PO Box 8442, Gaithersburg, MD 20898 or e-mail
or phone 888-246-8040 (234)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histo-
ries of banks which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking
county/state/regional banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031 e-mail:
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip,
checks, CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of
Abraham Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box
118162, Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO
Box 1211, Greenwood, Indiana 46142
WANTED KANSAS. Obsoletes -- Checks -- Drafts. S. Whitfield,
879 Stillwater CT, Weston, FL 33327 (234)
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Obsolete paper money from South
Bend or St. Joseph County wanted. Bob Schreiner, POB 2331 Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331; email: (234)
and 1980s. Send me your wants for quote
County CT banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London,
Norwich, Pawcatuck, Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London
Society United for Trade and Commerce and FNB of Tahoka
Nationals #8597. David Hinkle, 215 Parkway North, Waterford, CT
06385. (249)
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 155
SPMC Founding Fathers were a smart breed. They knew Collector-to-Collector
Want ads work. That's why they created "Money Mart" so they could place
THEIR WANT LISTS before the rest of the members of our Society
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
* Additional charges apply for longer ads; see rates on page opposite -- Send payment with ad
SPMC's Founding Fathers built some great paper money collections that way
Now YOU be a smart guy/gal too. Put out your want list in "Money Mart"
and see what great notes become part of your collecting future, too.
(Please Print)
L ONLY $20.50 / YEAR ! ! ! (wow)
r 1
Announcing Paper Money's
Upcoming Specialty Publishing Program
May/June 5nd U.S. National Bank Note Issue
September/October 3rd Obsolete Currency Issue
January/February 2nd U.S. Fractional Currency Issue
SPMC's special 80-page issues of its award-winning journal Paper Money
have become the "hot ticket" advertising vehicles in the hobby
Reserve your advertising space now
Full Page rate $300 Half Page rate $175
Quarter Page rate $100 Contact Editor NOW
Deadlines are Mar. 15th (National Banknotes Ads) & July 15th (Obsolete Notes)
March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY156
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 7501 1
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 12/08/2004
These new members are paid up through 2005
10858 Glen H. Lazar (C), Website
10859 Frank Kujawa (C), Website
10860 David L. Rieder, 333 Belleview Ave, Chillicothe, OH
45601-3701 (C, Confederate, Obsoletes), Jack Levi
10861 Robert T. Fitzpatrick, 6768 N. Chance Ave, Fresno,
CA 93710 (C, US Large & Small, Confederate, Errors),
Arri Jacob
10862 Cheryl Strubb (C), Tom Denly
10863 Hal R. Hopson, 333 Eden Isles Blvd, Slidell, LA 70458
(C, Louisiana Obsoletes), Website
10864 Edward L. Ogle (C), Mark Ogle
10865 Gavin Wyatt, PO Box 1229, Papakura 1730, New
Zealand (C), Bob Cochran
10866 International Bank Note Society, PO Box 4718,
Federal Way, WA 98063-4718 (C), Joe Boling
10867 Southern Methodist University, Degolyer Library,
C/O Russell Martin - Director, PO Box 0135, Dallas,
Texas 75275-0135 (C, Banking History, Americana, the
West, Texana), Website
10868 Donald Noss, 2885 Pease Dr, Rocky River, OH 44116
(C, Red Seals), Bob Cochran
10869 Richard M. Grzymajlo (C), Website
10870 George Bennett, 160 Edgecombe Ln, Buras, LA
70041 (C, US Small), Bob Reed
10871 Steve Carr (C), Ron Horstman
10872 Stuart Osborne (C & D), Jason Bradford
10873 Kerry K. King, 507 Eucalyptus Dr, El Segundo, CA
(C, Small Size Silvers), Website
10874 John S. Tregellas (C), Frank Clark
10875 Dale White, PO Box 931, Fort Smith, AR 72902 (C,
Arkansas Nationals), Bob Cochran
10876 Joseph Barrett (C), Paul Burns
10877 Cathy Hadd, do Heritage/CAA, 3500 Maple Avenue
17th Floor, Dallas, TX 75219 (D), Fred Reed
10878 John Thomas, 29340 N. 3963 Rd, Ochelata, OK
74051 (C & D, Confederate), Fred Reed
10879 Eric Jaker, 8236 W. Rochelle Ave, Las Vegas, NV
89147 (C, US Small Size Silvers & Stars), Website
10880 Justus E. Sherwood, 333 Sport Hill Rd, Easton, CT
06612-1713 (C, US Large & Small, Confederate),
LM353 David Boitnott converted from 9863
LM354 Thomas L. Reed converted from 10711
LM355 Richard Frey converted from 10159
LM356 Emmett Haralson converted from 10783
LM357 Michael Miholer, 2073 Graham Rd, Stow, OH
44244 (C & D, US Small, Large & Nationals), Arri Jacob
The SPMC 6000 honor roll of qualified mem-
bers is shown below. All members (except
Board Members) who sign up two or more
new members in a year receive a vintage BEP
or ABNCo souvenir card as our thanks for
their efforts. Add YOUR name to this distin-
guished listing:
SPMC 6000 All-Star List*
* Tom Denly * * Bryn Korn *
* Allen Mincho * * Andrew Korn *
* Robert S. Neale * * Frank Clark *
* Bob Cochran * * Tom Minerley *
* Fred Reed * * Bank Note Reporter *
* Judith Murphy * * Wendell Wolka *
* Arri Jacob
* Recruiters of at least 2 new members since March 1
Wait Prize Deadline Nears
AS ANNOUNCED IN THE NOVEMBER/DECEM-fiber 2004 issue of Paper Money, the deadline for applica-
tions for the 5th annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize is
March 15th, 2005.
The Wait prize(s) is/are awarded annually to support the
research and publication of book length paper money works.
The prize fund is $500 per year which may be awarded to a
single worthy project or divided among multiple projects at
the discretion of the awards committee.
The prize commemorates the achievements and legacy of
SPMC founding father and author George W. Wait and was
instituted upon his death.
Three individuals have thus far been awarded the Wait
Memorial Prize. Each received the maximum award. 1st
annual Wait winner was Robert S. Neale for his work on the
antebellum Bank of Cape Fear, NC. Second award went to
Forrest Daniel for his manuscript on small size Treasury
Notes used to finance the War of 1812. Last year's winner
was Gene Hessler for his work on intaglio engravers around
the world.
Complete rules appear in the Nov/Dec issue. A copy of
the rules may be obtained from the Editor for a self-addressed
stamped envelope, or via e-mail by contacting him at
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
Letters to the Editor
Update on e-book, reveals how "many hands make work light"
Just got a note from a friend who tried the web
address I put in the note in the SPMC journal and it
does not work. I made a mistake in the URL / address it
apparently needs to be in lower case: http://www.old- You learn something every
day. It does not matter if the domain name is capital or
small letters -- works but you must have
lower case in the directory name, tennesseescrip,
because that was the way it is set up.
A number of SPMC members have sent informa-
tion on Tennessee merchant scrip that have been added
to the draft Tennessee Merchant Scrip web site this past
month. Ken Latimer sent images of State of GA scrip
handwritten "at Bone Cave, Tenn." $1 and $2; Images
of Johnson City Cranberry Furnace scrip $0.50, $1.50,
$2, $3, $4, $5, $10 have been added; Joe Copeland has
graciously agreed to proof read the 450 web page files.
Athens, TN to Gallatin, TN has been proof read and
updated. All contributions are credited on the first web
page so you can see what's new. Additional information
and images are needed.
You can access the electronic draft at
Hello! Greetings and Peace!
Dear Editor Reed:
First, with a lifelong passion and interest in CSA
paper money coupled with a few encased postage
stamps, I am writing to commend and compliment the
scholarly and serious research and writing given by
authors Fred L. Reed, Jim Baker, Steve Whitfield and
Ron Horstman, Brent Hughes, Bob Schreiner, Jerry
Roughton and Paul Horner, Pierre Fricke, Michael
McNeil and W. Crutchfield Williams II for their collec-
tive endeavors in the current January/February 2005
Civil War special issue of Paper Money.
Guys, I have learned more from reading your arti-
cles than in the past 30-plus years involved with paper
money. Outstanding! Exemplary! Five stars! Thanks
for teaching me so much and sharing.
Second, I have interest into the life and careers of
Christopher G. Memminger and George A. Trenholm
and would welcome if anyone knows of any solid biogra-
phy or articles about each, or if a repository of their
personal papers and documents exists.
Responses are welcomed and may be sent to me at or POB 4104, Vallejo, CA
Michael S. "Stan" Turrini
ANA Regional Coordinator Just click on the
Tennessee Scrip link and it will start Adobe Acrobat
Reader and ask for a password. The password is
SPMC6000 and SPMC must be capitalized. This will
bring you to a publication plan page. There are two
links on this page, one is best for dial up Internet lines
the other is best for a high speed (DSL or Cable)
Internet line. In either case it will take about 60 seconds
for the table of contents to download that will allow you
to go to each of the 98 Tennessee cities that we know
have merchant scrip. You can scroll down through the
table of contents and click on the city, you do not have
to wait for the city image to appear.
My apologies to those who tired it in January and
who could not connect because of an error in my
instructions. As we receive contributions and incorpo-
rate them we will add them to the list on the first page
so you can see what is new. Send your contributions to
Dennis Schafluetzel, 1900 Red Fox Lane, Hixson, TN
37343 or email or Torn
Carson, 5712 North Morgan Lane, Chattanooga, TN
37415 or email .
Dennis Schafluetzel
Is Buying
"Still Paying Top Dollar for Rare Confederate"
U.S. Type, Obsoletes,
Nationals, and
of course, Santa Notes
Rox 611:130. In ing. TX 75063
hem Rokrtson. ner lain;
158 March/April 2005 • Whole No. 236 • PAPER MONEY
Who is Interested in Learning?
Bob Cochran sends me a list of names of prominent peo-
ple in our hobby. He asks me the same question each time--
are they current members of SPMC? I check the names
against the membership roster, and I usually find that all but
one or two are not members. Bob then tries to recruit them.
As I write this in mid-January, of our 1623 members, 423
have not renewed membership for 2005. I'll send a reminder
postcard, a needless waste of SPMC resources and my time,
and many, but probably not a majority, of those 2004 mem-
bers will respond. For most, this issue will be their last look at
Paper Money.
SPMC's main "product" is Paper Money magazine. The
Society, its talented editor/publisher Fred Reed, and you, the
prolific and accomplished authors, are producing more pages
per year than ever before, and it easily can be claimed that the
current design and special purpose issues contribute to a publi-
cation at peak quality. What is clear is that you are research-
ing and writing great articles, and in volume. Fred has a
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, Librarian
steady stream of worthy material, one motivation for the page
count increases over the past couple of years.
Those who regularly read this column know that I advo-
cate production of a searchable CD (or multiple CDs) of all
past volumes of Paper Money so that more than 40 years of
excellent articles--knowledge!--can be in the hands of all of us.
While I have had some expressions of interest in this project,
they are few. I do realize that it's not common for unsolicited
letters of interest in such matters. Still, the lukewarm support
is not encouraging. I could go on--the Library is another
example of a great resource underutilized.
I do know that for most collectors--and I am among
them--the hunt and the catch are the thing. It's what keeps us
going. But surely curiosity and learning must comprise a close
second. The notes we seek are tangible and evocative artifacts
of history, value, and beauty. Knowing about them and the
past they represent enhances the experience.
There is a practical aspect to my wonderings. SPMC
needs an ample membership and continuing Paper Money
advertisers to financially support what we do. We're in no
present danger of curtailing Paper Money for any reason, but
we could surely find better uses for resources we now devote
to constant recruitment of new members/retention of old.
Support your own self-interest by supporting SPMC.
Maintain your membership, read Paper Money, support our
advertisers, and recruit a new member or two. Keep learning
to maintain and stimulate your interest. It is you who have
created or supported the great body of knowledge that the
10,000+ pages of Paper Money and numerous Wismer project
books represents. Learn for a better collection!
The library catalog is on the web at I
welcome your thoughts on library, web, and related areas. I
can be reached at POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331, or
email to .
Sour Grapes
The rest of you, dear readers, may be excused from
reading any further in this column.
After three straight years of Paper Money dominating the
Numismatic Literary Guild's annual awards contest for specialty
publications, two years ago NLG judges refused to honor any publi-
cation in our classification of national specialty pubs allegedly
because the category had become "non-competitive." It was just
what I had reported to the Board earlier--we had raised the bar.
Alas, we all recognize that such contests are essentially vanity
"beauty contests," but it's nice to be acknowledged by one's peers,
and the SPMC Board and Paper Money Editor were always humbly
grateful and very proud that our SPMC members and their research
and articles were judged to be creme de In creme. Last year in its wis-
dom NLG established a new category consisting of four publications
only: the Numismatist, the American Numismatic Society Magazine,
the Token and Medal Society Journal and Paper Money.
As a 30-year member of NLG, I can see some consistency
there. Afterall, those four pubs represent from 1,200 to 30,000
membership, some with full time paid staff, color pages, monthly
frequency, and some with volunteers, less frequency, fewer pages,
and resources. Everybody can't be Steinbrenner's Yankees.
But a horserace is a horserace still, and not every nag on the
track comes home first. Besides I joined ANA c. 1965, and each of
the other three groups about 1975 so I have enjoyed all those publi-
cations for many, many years. They all excel in their own fields.
MY congratulations to this year's winner to be announced at this
summer's ANA convention NLG Bash. Years ago NLG was merely
the warm up party for ex-Mint directors to let down their hair, and
those awaiting the hirsuite Society of Bearded Numismatists extrava-
ganza hosted by SPMC members Grover Criswell and Jack Veffer.
Last year the Numismatist won, and likely it will continue to
dominate -- although this Editor and our Board continue to feel that
our publication's content is second-to-none. . .We expanded our
SPMC Literary Awards to assure your efforts are recognized (see
So like the guys I used to run with when I was a kid used to say,
"Don't let sour grapes spoil your summer vacation." They didn't
know they were being philosophical. They thought they were being
7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
PAPER MONEY • March/April 2005• Whole No. 236
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More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XLIX, No. 2- Whole No. 266- March- April 2010
- Paper Money- Vol. XLII, No. 2- Whole No. 224- March- April 2003
- Paper Money- Vol. XLI, No. 2- Whole No. 218- March- April 2002
- Paper Money- Vol. XLIII, No. 2- Whole No. 230- March- April 2004
- Paper Money- Vol. XIV, No. 2- Whole No. 56- March- April 1975
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