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and the first U.S. currency
NImrh V3. 1815.
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Autographs; Manuscripts; Photographs;
International Stocks and Bonds.
D IANA HERZ OG President, R.M. Smythe & Co.,
Inc. BA, University of London; MA, New York University —
Institute of Fine Arts. Former Secretary, Bond and Share
Society; Past President, Manuscript Society; Editorial Board,
Financial History. Board Member: PADA.
U.S. Federal eT National Currency;
U.S. Fractional Currency; Small Size
U.S. Currency; U.S. MPC.
MARTIN GENGERKE Author of U.S. Paper Money
Records and American Numismatic Auctions as well as numerous
articles in Paper Money Magazine, the Essay Proof Journal, Bank Note Reporter
and Financial History. Winner of the only award bestowed by the Numismatic
Literary Guild for excellence in cataloging, and the 1999 President's Medal
from the American Numismatic Association. Member: ANA, SPMC.
Small Size U.S. Currency; Canadian
Banknote Issues; U.S. Coins.
SCOTT LINDQUIST BA, Minot State University,
Business Administration/Management. Contributor to the
Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money U.S. Paper
Money Records. Professional Numismatist and sole proprietor
of The Coin Cellar for 16 years. Life Member: ANA, CSNS. Member:
U.S. and World Coins.
ANDY LUSTIG has been dealing in U.S. and World
coins since 1975, and has attended more than 2,000 coin
shows and auctions. His specialties include U.S. patterns,ii I
en eseorcgi
ylo d,
and srarities ronf all series. H ae mi s aj oco-found r c ntr
to the 8th Edition of the Judd book, a former PCGS grader, and a co-founder
of Eureka Trading Systems. Member: ANA, GSNA, CSNS, NBS, ANUCA,
Please call for our auction schedule.
Antique Stocks and Bonds;
U.S. Coins; Paper Money.
STEPHEN GOLDSMITH Executive Vice President,
R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. BA, Brooklyn College.
Contributor to Paper Money of the United States, Collecting
U.S. Obsolete Currency, Financial History, and Smart Money.
Editor, An Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes; Past
President and Board Member, Professional Currency Dealers Association.
Member: PCDA, ANA, SPMC, IBSS, New England Appraisers Association.
U.S. and World Coins.
NIRAT LERTCHITVIKUL has been dealing in U.S.
and World coins since 1976. Area of specialties include U.S.
and World coins. Nirat has been a contributor to many world
coin catalogues, and has authenticated world coins for third
party grading services. Founder of website.
U.S. Coins and Medals.
JAY ERLICHMAN Contributor to A Guide Book of
U.S. Coins and A Guide Book of British Coins. Assembled and
managed investment portfolios of U.S. coins. Employed by the
Federal Trade Commission as an expert witness on consumer
fraud. Member: ANA, PCGS, NGC.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
THOMAS TESOR I E RO Proffesional Numismatist
for 38 years in New York. Ancient Greek and Roman coins,
medieval, world gold and silver, paper money. Long time
member of the New York Numismatic Society, involved
with the Membership Committee. Member: ANA,
luau... publications
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 321
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLIV, No. 5 Whole No. 239 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2005
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
The Treasury Notes of the War of 1812 323
By Donald Kagin, PhD
War of 1812 at a Glance 326
By Leslie Deerderf
About Texas Mostly: Texas Special Treasury Warrant 360
By Frank Clark
Positive ID on Missouri Military Bond 362
By Ron Horstman
On This Date in Paper Money History 368, 370
By Fred Reed
The Bank of the United States in North Carolina 372
By Bob Schreiner
A Short History of the Bank of the United States 373
By Fred Reed
Connecticut Raised, Altered, Counterfeit & Fraudulent Currency . 376
By J. Roy Pennell, Jr.
When the National Debt Was Actually Paid
By Forrest Daniel
'8894': Vinegar 1840 $1000 Bank Notes Not Authentic 396
By Richard Giedroyc
SPMC Authors' Forum Whopping Success 352
New Officers, Board Members Highlight Memphis • 355
SPMC Honors Award Winners 357
President's Column 392
By Benny Bolin
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was orga-
nized in 1961 and incorporated
in 1964 as a non-profit organiza-
tion under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliat-
ed with the American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper
Money Show). Up-to-date information about the SPMC and its
activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or
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DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico
should add $5 to cover postage; members throughout the rest of
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through December of the following year; they also receive, as a
bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in
which they joined. Dues renewals appear in the Sept/Oct Paper
Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 335 Court St. #149, Brooklyn,
NY 11231
SECRETARY Bob Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
TREASURER Bob Moon, 201 Baxter Court, Delmar, NY
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 303, Wilton, CA 95693-0303
Tom Minerley, 3457 Galway Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941,
Dallas, TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill,
NC 27515-2331
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald,
MO 63037
P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
The Treasury Notes
The First Circulating Currency of the United States*
By Donald H. Kagin, PhD/Numismatics ©
of the War of 1812
t may come as a surprise to some that the first paper money circulated in the
United States after the Constitution was issued in 1815, preceded the Demand
Notes of 1861 by 46 years. Occasioned by the War of 1812 and the expiration of
the charter of the First Bank of the United States, a total of five Treasury note issues
were authorized; the last including small circulating notes of less than $100 denom-
inations. Perhaps because of their relative numismatic scarcity and the paucity of
information concerning them, there has been little discussion of these precedent-set-
ting remnants of the fiscal past of the United States. The circumstances surrounding
these first Treasury note issues are discussed here; appendix tables provide system-
atic quantitative detail.
Between 1812 and 1815, the United States authorized five Treasury note
issues. In total, over $36 million in denominations from $3 to $1000 were emitted.
The last issue included non-interest bearing "small" circulating notes in denomina-
tions of $3 to $50. Because of the shortage of adequate circulating medium and rev-
enue to conduct the War of 1812, these notes proved to be extremely useful as they
were transferable by delivery and receivable for duties, taxes, and public use at par
plus accrued interest. They also served as interest-bearing reserves for banks since
they were convertible into any kind of money and bore interest simultaneously.
The success of the Treasury notes was demonstrated by the fact that they were
fully subscribed and accepted by the banks and merchants. In addition, the small
Treasury note issues of 1815 indirectly served to increase the circulating medium of
the country. They were used to buy goods and services by individuals, pay custom
duties by merchants, and acted as cash reserves for banks, preventing bank notes
from being discounted. They thus became the first circulating paper currency issued
by the United States after ratification of the Constitution.
From the adoption of the Constitution, until the War of 1812, the U.S.
Government had financed its deficits by borrowing. Until 1792, major loans were
procured primarily from Holland or in funding operations, while temporary or small
`bridge' loans were obtained from consortiums of prominent capitalists or from the
four existing private banks, such as the Bank of North America or the Bank of New
Our first Secretary of Treasury, financial genius, Alexander Hamilton, pro-
posed the establishment of a national bank to supersede local and state banks. This
was necessary, he argued, to collect taxes and administer public finance, sustain
government credit, and provide a source of loans to the Treasury. There was consid-
erable Congressional debate with opponents of the bank, led by Secretary of State
Thomas Jefferson who warned of potential abuse; that it was not provided for in the
Constitution; would destroy free institutions; and benefit only a few. Nevertheless
*This article is dedicated to Dr. Douglas B. Ball, my professor when first
researching this subject for my doctorate program - Don Kagin
On the Cover
This painting is a depiction of
the naval battle between USS
Constitution and the HMS Guerriere
August 19, 1812, during the War of
1812. This was the battle that
earned the Constitution her beloved
nickname "Old Ironsides."
The painting is by Anton Otto
Fischer, depicting Guerriere's masts
going over the side as Constitution
rakes her from ahead (U.S. Naval
Historical Center Photograph).
Just three weeks after escaping
from the British squadron off of
New Jersey, Constitution was once
again at sea patrolling. On the 19th
of August, Constitution again came
into contact with H1VIS Guerriere,
the same British frigate that had
begun to chase the Constitution a
month earlier. This time, however,
the English frigate was alone, and
both ships closed in battle.
Captain Isaac Hull's official
account of Constitution's victory over
the 38-gun Guerriere was a rare
bright spot for the U.S. military in
the war's opening months.
Recognized by Guinness World
Records as the World's Oldest
Commissioned Warship afloat, she
escaped destruction in 1830 largely
due to the popularity of the poem
"Old Ironsides" by Oliver Wendell
Holmes. His verse begins:
"Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!
Long has it waved on high,
And many an eye has danced to see
That banner in the sky;"
Albert Gallatin was appointed Secretary of
the Treasury by President Thomas Jefferson
in 1801; reappointed by President James
Madison, and served from 1801 to 1814.
Dtrertot• ^, Ph Co.
in t. litn3-3x.0
Prennii,e to pus or Bearer. Int denun.l.
324 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
the Hamiltonian Federalists won the day and the bill establishing the First Bank of
the United States was enacted on February 2, 1791 and gave the bank a charter for
20 years. Once the First Bank of the United States was established, that institution
superseded all others in becoming the primary lender of short-term funds to the
government (although a few small loans at high rates were sold directly to the pub-
lic during this period).
Almost all revenues, for whatever purpose, came largely from customs.
Between 1801 and 1806 this income amounted from $11 to $13 million annually,
with a small supplemental income from the sale of lands, exiguous revenue with
which to fight a world power like Britain.'
Until the financial emergencies occasioned by the War of 1812, the govern-
ment was firmly committed to a hard money policy. Article 1, sec. 8, clause 5 of
the Constitution gave Congress the power "To coin Money, regulate the Value
thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures." 2
While the question of paper money was vigorously debated in 1787 by members of
the Constitutional Convention, both a proposal for the inclusion of a provision
authorizing its issue by the national government, and one
prohibiting issue were defeated. The political thinking of the
time, succinctly expressed by Virginia's U.S. Representative
James Madison, was that authorizing the use of paper money
might lead to mass abuse and proliferation, reminiscent of
the vastly depreciated Continental Currency. The original
impetus for issuance and use of Continental Currency was to
circumvent British laws forbidding the minting of coins by
the Colonies. Outright prohibition of paper currency howev-
er, would tie the government's hands in case of a temporary
emergency. The Constitution therefore, resolved the dilem-
ma by specifying nothing. It did proscribe however, the issue
of "bills of credit" by the states and by implication, the same
issue by the federal government.
During the Republican administrations of Thomas
Jefferson and James Madison, the architect of the govern-
ment's fiscal system was Prior to 1808, Gallatin declined to
augment treasury receipts except by temporary loans, even
though a year later he belatedly conceded the possible need
for internal taxes. 3 It was not until early 1812 that Gallatin's
optimism waned and he intimated that the extraordinary
impending expenses of the military and naval services would
require funds considerably in excess of current revenue. 4
With duty revenue down from $13.3 million in 1811, to
$9 million in 1812 (mainly a result of the Embargo of 1807-
1809), and with a corresponding increase to $22 million in
expenditures, Gallatin suggested a 100 percent increase in
the tariff. In his report, Gallatin justified the proposal on the grounds that "this
mode (increased duties) appears preferable. . . to any internal tax."5 The result of
this policy was the absence of any system by which internal revenues could be col-
lected. This was an error in policy which Gallatin conceded in 1831 when he admit-
ted that he should have recom-
mended such taxes in 1812. 6
Acting upon the Treasury
Secretary's recommendation,
Congress soon doubled the tar-
iff duties.
Meanwhile opponents of
the First Bank of the United $10 specie from the Bank of the United States
States had gathered more
Congressional allies during its first 20 years. When its charter came up for renewal
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(Above) TN-1 $1,000 Unsigned remainder. Spread Eagle facing
right at upper left. Shield and cannon at center.
(Below) TN-2 $100 Unsigned remainder. Eagle on branch at
upper right. Shield and cannon at lower center (Hessler X-69).
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Unable to sell long-term debt advantageously
and lacking the First Bank of the United States to
provide bridge financing, Gallatin recommended
the use of Treasury notes. This was not altogether a
new suggestion since Gallatin had mentioned that
particular mode of public financing as early as
February, 1810. Then, in response to an inquiry
from the House Ways and Means Committee
("Can any other resources besides taxes and loans
be relied on for immediate revenue?"), Gallatin
Treasury notes bearing interest, and payable to
order one year after day, may be annually issued,
to a moderate amount, and be put in circulation,
both through the medium of banks and in payment
of supplies. 9
The Treasury Secretary further cautioned
against possible abuses, but maintained that if kept
within strict bounds, the notes would facilitate both
the collection of revenue and the loans themselves.
In a letter to the House Ways and Means
Chairman, Representative Ezekiel Bacon of
Massachusetts dated January, 1812, Gallatin
repeated his willingness to rely on some use of
Treasury notes:
Treasury notes, bearing interest, might to a cer-
tain extent be issued, and to that extent diminish
the amount to be directly borrowed. The advan-
tage they would have would result from their
becoming a part of the circulating medium, and
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 325
in 1811, opponents had the necessary votes to defeat it. Additionally, since the
mostly British shareholders of the Bank were paid off in specie, there was little pre-
cious metal coinage in America. Unfortunately, the Bank's demise could not have
come at a worse time, as the renewed hostilities with Great Britain had hit a climax.
Britain was already involved in a war with France and during this time their
seamen routinely boarded American merchant ships ostensibly looking for desert-
ers or military supplies. They then would impress American sailors into service to
serve in the British navy. Negotiations with Britain to halt this abuse were futile
and on June 18, 1812, President John Madison signed Congress' declaration of war
against Great Britain. In anticipation of the war and due to the necessity of using
specie or precious metal currency to pay for imports, coinage was hoarded and
local bank notes were substantially discounted.
In February, 1812 — four months before war was
declared — the House Ways and Means Committee
realizing that merely doubling the tariff would not
yield enough revenue, and without the facility of a
national bank, proposed a loan of $11 million which
was enacted by a large majority in both houses of
Congress on March 14, 1812. 7
There is some disagreement as to the success of
this loan. While only $600,000 was subscribed to by
the public in the first two months, by the end of the year $8.1 million had been pur-
chased mainly by the larger banks. The lack of enthusiasm for funded loans arose
from New England's manifest lack of sympathy for the war, coupled with the fail-
ure of Congress to provide adequate means to pay interest. Thus, Gallatin was
practically forced to issue Treasury notes. 8
Six Per Cent, Stock of 1812.
(Hessler X-67A)
Fon 1KC l1
Washington, D.C.
Duero, •
tia4 Au lbrradunax *
11 WAR OF 1812:
-4 — American forces
-4— British forces
* battle site
Pru ner.
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Oliver Perry Stephen Decatur Isaac Hull
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
June 18 America declares war against
the British. This war is known
as "Mr. Madison's War" or
"Second American Revolution."
August 16
U.S. loses Ft. Mackinac as
British invade U.S. territory.
U.S. makes three attempts to
invade Canada. All fail.
1812 USS Constitution (Old Iron-
sides) bests HMS Guerriere.
(See magazine cover art)
January Battle of Frenchtown. British
& Indian allies repel Kentucky
troops. American survivors
slain at Raisin River Massacre.
April Battle of York (Toronto). U.S.
takes control of Great Lakes
and burn York.
September Battle of Lake Erie. U.S.under
Captain Perry defeat a British
naval attack.
October Battle of Thames (Ontario,
Canada). Tecumseh killed in
a U.S. victory.
March 27 Battle of Horseshoe Bend
(Miss. Terr.). Andrew Jackson
defeats Creek Indians.
1814 The British plan 3-part inva-
sion: Chesapeake Bay, Lake
Champlain, & the mouth of
Mississippi River. British
turned back at Baltimore.
Aug. 24-25 British burn Washington, D.C.
Madison flees White House.
September Battle of Plattsburgh (Lake
Champlain). U.S. secures its
northern border with victory
over a larger British force.
Dec. 15 Hartford Convention occurs.
Federalists discuss secession
& propose 7 amendments to
protect influence of NE states.
Dec. 24 Treaty of Ghent. British and
American diplomats agree to
return to pre-war status quo.
January Battle of New Orleans. Andy
Jackson scores major victory
700 British killed, 1400
wounded. U.S. only loses 8
THE WAR OF 1812 IS ONE OF THE FORGOTTEN CONFLICTS OF UNITED STATEShistory. Although it lasted more than two years, and ended in something of a stale-
mate, historians point out its prime significance as being "a war that once and for all con-
firmed American Independence."
The United States failed to capture Canada. The British were successfully stopped
when they attempted to capture Baltimore and New Orleans, but they invaded and
burned signficant parts of Washington, D.C. before withdrawing. American naval vessels
proved themselves superior to British vessels.
The war resulted from long simmering disputes with Great Britain, the central issue
being impressment of approximately 10,000 Americans by the British during the decade
before the war. At the President's request, Congress. declared War on Great Britain June
18, 1812. The British had previously attacked the USS Chesapeake and nearly caused a
war two years earlier. In addition, disputes continued with Great Britain over the
Northwest Territories and the border with Canada. Also attempts by Great Britain to
blockade France during the Napoleonic Wars caused conflict with the United States. +
(Sept. 11-13)
Fort McHenry
Washingtonrii# Bladensburg
(August 24)
THE WAR OF 1812:
—. British forces
Battle site
, maps © W.W. Norton,
"The Essential America"
Hon,•1,1w. Bend
„v-Fon Al ins
—• "I\ Pensacola
••• Mobile FLORIDA
New Odearti$
Per River
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 327
THE WAR OF 1812:
-4 — • American forces
4 British forces
* Baltic site
The Star-Spangled Banner
Beginning at dawn Sept. 13, 1814, British warships bombarded Fort McHenry guard-
ing Baltimore continuously for 25 hours under heavy rain. Francis Scott Key, a
Washington lawyer, witnessed the bombardment from a nearby truce ship. An oversized
American flag flew over the fort. When Key saw the American flag flying still intact in the
dawn of Sept. 14, he composed the poem "The Defence of Fort McHenry," which would
be renamed "The Star Spangled Banner" and become America's national anthem
Of course, it begins with the lyrics, "0 say can you see by the dawn's early light." Its
popularity took time, a century in fact. The song only became the official national anthem
by executive order of President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, and his order was not con-
firmed by an Act of Congress until 1931.
Gold Medals Awarded
Jan. 29, 1813
2 Stat. 830
Captain Isaac Hull, Captain Stephen
Decatur, and Captain Jacob Jones
March 3, 1813
2 Stat. 831
Captain William Bainbridge
Jan. 6, 1814 3 Stat. 141-142
Captain Oliver Hazard Perry,
Captain Jesse D. Elliott, Lieutenant
William Burrows and LT Edward McCall
Jan. 11, 1814 3 Stat. 142
Captain James Lawrence
October 20, 1814
3 Stat. 245-246
Captain Thomas MacDonough, Captain
Robert Henly, and LT Stephen Cassin
October 21, 1814 3 Stat. 246
Captain Lewis Warrington
November 3, 1814 3 Stat. 246-247
Captain Johnson Blakely,
Major General Jacob Brown,
Major General Winfield Scott,
Brigadier General Eleazar W. Ripley,
Brigadier General James Miller,
Major General Peter B. Porter,
Major General Edmund P. Gaines,
Major General Alexander Macomb
February 27, 1815 3 Stat. 249
Major General Andrew Jackson
February 22, 1816
3 Stat. 341
Captain Charles Stewart, and
Captain James Biddle
April 4, 1818
3 Stat. 476
Major General William Henry Harrison
and Governor Isaac Shelby
Feb. 13, 1835
4 Stat. 792
Colonel George Croghan
Burning of Washinton, D.C.
August 24, 1814, was a "bad day" for
Washington, D.C. The U.S. was at war
with England again.. Rear Admiral Sir
George Cockburn invaded Washington,
defeated the city's defenders at
Bladensburg, MD, and marched to the
He set the building on fire and then
marched to burn the President's House. In
between he burned the Library of
Congress, the Navy Yard, and the War and
Treasury Departments, before putting the
President's House to the torch.
President James Madison and his wife
Dolley escaped to Virginia. The repainted
President's House was soon given a new
name: the "White House."
50 100 Kies
50 100 Kilometers
328 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
This Issue of Paper
Money Is Historic
We at Paper Money pride ourselves
on the historicity (historical perspec-
tive/accuracy) of our publication. Our
writers are excellent researchers and
indefatigible searchers after the truth.
Sometimes, however, our presentation
rises above the high bar we set for our-
selves -- until our publication itself
becames not merely historical record,
but historic in its own right.
This issue is one such historic doc-
ument, presenting as it does THE
definitive (thus far) look at this nation's
first post-revolutionary circulating cur-
rency. Because of their rarity, the U.S.
Treasury Notes of 1812-1815 have
languished in obscurity for nearly two
centuries. Although both Hessler and
Krause-Lemke have cataloged the
notes, their exclusion from Friedberg
(early eds.) relegated these important
notes to the fringes of our recollection
and the backwaters of our hobby.
These national notes suffered the
same fate of much of America's heart-
land. They became the "fly over zone"
between the coasts, Colonial/
Continental Currency on one side of
the chasm, and the Greenbacks of the
Civil War at the other shore.
But, as late financial historian, cur-
rency expert, and SPMC member Dr.
Douglas C. Ball put succinctly:
"The War of 1812 was, in time-
honored fashion, financed largely
through government issues of bonds
and treasury notes. When bond sales
faltered, the treasury first issued inter-
est-bearing notes of high denomina-
tion, then non-interest-bearing notes
clearly meant for circulation.
Emboldened by the popular accep-
tance of these notes, which were
received everywhere at par without
exchange charges, Secretary of the
Treasury George M. Dallas in 1815
proposed a permanent $10 million
government currency. President
Madison echoed such views, asserting
that if Congress did not charter a new
national bank it might consider
whether a government currency should
be issued as a medium of exchange."
Several years ago the Society
awarded its George W. Wait
Memorial Award to member Forrest
Daniel for another look at War of
1812 currency, and it was our intent to
include Forrest's perspective in this
issue also. Several delays, however,
have prompted our decision to publish
SPMC member Dr. Kagin's paper in
this issue. Hopefully, a future issue
will see publication of Mr. Daniel's
fine work, also. -- Fred Reed, Editor
taking, to a certain degree, the place of bank-notes.'°
This was the first statement by a U.S. Secretary of the Treasury in favor of a
federal currency (that is, circulating Treasury notes).
Within six months, Gallatin realized that the Treasury was in deep trouble and
urged the House Ways and Means Committee to authorize $5 million, in 5-2/5 per-
cent Treasury notes payable one year after date of issue. To enhance their accept-
ability, he proposed that the notes be receivable by the Treasury for all duties,
taxes, or debts due the government.n He further recommended in a later message
that the notes be fundable into bonds of the loan for which they were intended to be
a partial substitute. This would have the double advantage of helping to sell bonds
while keeping the issue of the notes within bounds.
A bill embodying these ideas was duly reported out of the House Ways and Means
Committee on June 12, 1812, where a heated debate ensued. The Niles Weekly
Register reported that the controversy over the Treasury notes was the highlight of
the legislative session. 12
Every possible argument ever made against the use of paper money was
voiced by the opponents of the bill. They claimed that the notes were not equal in
value to gold or silver and would therefore not be taken by banks or people preju-
diced against the government paper; that if received they would circulate at a dis-
count, and would further subvert public and private credit; that to allow banks to
deposit the notes with the Treasury in exchange for bank paper merely emphasized
the description of the government paper; that as with the Continental Currency,
these notes would greatly depreciate; that the very need to use them was a confes-
sion of impending bankruptcy; and finally, that if they had to be issued, there
would have to be a direct tax in order to redeem them. 13
Proponents of the bill however, proved more pragmatic. To begin with, they
argued, there was a shortage of an adequate circulating medium. Silver was already
in short supply because shiny new coins were in demand in Latin America and
abroad for the China trade, while gold was undervalued at the mint and hoarded
leaving little to be delivered for coinage. The alleged poor and depreciated quality
of many bank notes (especially since the retirement of the Bank of the United
States circulating notes), ensured that a soundly managed Treasury note currency
would be a welcome addition to the U.S. economic system. Depreciation would be
checked by their receivability for taxes and public use while their value would be
sustained by the fact that the banks would hoard them as interest-bearing reserves.
The banks will be glad to receive these notes in exchange for their own; . . . the
Treasury notes bear a daily interest and their own bear none at all. They are
immediately convertible into any kind of money desired; for the banks always
have customers who will use them in payment of bonds due the United States for
duties, etc. They are thus better as deposits than specie—gold and silver; for
gold and silver lie dormant in the vault—whereas the Treasury notes will be
active capital, every hour becoming more and more valuable, and as fully com-
petent to all the purposes of the banks as specie, because they will produce it.
From these brief remarks it will appear evident that Treasury notes, the moment
they are issued, will be hoarded up by the banks, if they can get them. . . . 14
The positive arguments, aided by the inability of the opposition to fill the
Treasury by any other means, prevailed and the bill authorizing $5 million in
Treasury notes passed the House of Representatives on June 17, 1812 by a vote of
85 to 41. 15
Final enactment of the bill came on June 30, 1812, nearly 12 days after
war was declared.
The law, which conformed to Gallatin's proposals, authorized the President to
issue up to $5 million in denominations of $100 or more (although only $100 and
$1,000 notes were actually issued). They were redeemable one year after issue at
5.4 percent, or 1-1/2 cents a day per $100. All the notes were payable to order,
transferable by delivery and assignment on endorsement, and more importantly,
nleUnited Sta vs
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
were receivable for duties, taxes, and payments for public lands at par plus accrued
interest. 16
The first Treasury notes were signed by designess of the President Madison at
a compensation of $1.25 for each 100 notes signed. After the - -- -
notes were signed, they were sent to the U.S. Commissioner of
Loans for the state where the respective notes would be
payable. The fee was reduced to $.75 per 100, as part of the
Act of December 26, 1814
The first issue was quite successful. By the end of 1812, ( )
$3.5 million had been sold to, or were contracted for, by the
banks. The majority of which were located in the Middle
Atlantic States. 17 The rest of the bills were disposed of by
December 1, 1813 of the following year, with New England
absorbing a considerable portion of them. All notes, except for
a few $100s, were redeemed by the end of 1814 and with-
drawn from circulation. 18 Although the initial shock of the
war had temporarily depressed the prices of public bonds dur-
ing late 1812, the new loans and Treasury notes sold at par. 19
An editorial in Niles Weekly Register touted the new notes by
stating, "This plan appears the most eligible that could possi-
bly have been adopted, as it will mutually accommodate the
Government and the people, and be advantageous to both." 28
There is some question however, whether these first
notes actually circulated. Newly appointed Treasury Secretary
Alexander James Dallas in a letter to William Lowndes,
Chairman of the House Select Committee investigating the
chartering of the Second Bank of the United States, reported
that the Treasury notes had met with opposition and had been
willingly accepted only by "necessitous creditors, or contrac-
tors in distress, or commissaries, quartermasters, and navy
agents acting officially. "21 He went on to point out that even
when received they were instantly used to make tax payments
to the government, "thus disappointing and defeating the only remaining expecta-
tion of productive revenue." 22
The Niles Weekly Register claimed that the banks were hoarding these notes. 23
No doubt these banks were using the new interest-bearing Treasury notes as
reserves, thereby creating a corresponding increase in the money supply. 24
Evidently the bankers were quite content to collect the rather generous 5-2/5%
interest rate rather than circulate the notes. In either case, they were not freely cir-
culating as hand-to-hand currency, which was scarcely surprising in view of the
high denominations involved, the transfer-by-endorsement-only rule, and their util-
ity as bank reserves.
By the beginning of 1813 it became apparent that the war-loan policy hereto-
fore pursued was hopelessly inadequate. With expenditures running $28.5 million
more than receipts, new revenues were an urgent necessity. 25 Yet it was not until
the middle of the year that Congress took any new steps to meet the Treasury's
expenditures. Even President Madison refused to recognize the facts of life and in
an incredibly myopic statement proclaimed that the Treasury receipts up to Septem-
ber of 1812 were "sufficient to defray all the demands of the Treasury . . . and will
enable us to defray all the expenses of this year." 26
As a result, instead of immediately implementing new tax programs, Congress, fol-
lowing Treasury Secretary Gallatin's monetary suggestions, authorized a new loan
of $16 million on February 8, 1813. Realizing at the very last that there would be
difficulties in selling these bonds, Congress left the rate of interest and sales price
to the Secretary's discretion.
The resistance to this new loan was all but total. Even in Congress it was ener-
getically attacked on the ground that no special fund had been set apart for its
repayment and that the war, for which great expenses were to be incurred, should
never have been declared in the first place. 27 Subscribers were not only quick to
j ' a/
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1,1 f.t.u.o.,M) !II c,
tutcb ..,")to
u .
TN-2 $100 Uncut pair of Unsigned remainders. An eagle on
a branch at Upper right. Shield and cannon at lower center.
• ■
S4iitte0 .•■‘,31(461 t
330 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
realize that there was no redemption fund, but that the war was going badly and
would be worse yet if the British could finish off Napoleon and direct their undi-
vided efforts at America. Moreover Gallatin, frustrated with congressional reluc-
tance to follow his recommendations, disgusted with the open antagonism dis-
played by members of his own party, and sensing that it was too late to make the
necessary fiscal amends, took a diplomatic leave of absence, thereby abandoning a
Treasury mixed in total confusion. 28
When the new loan was offered on March 12 and March 25, 1813, only
$500,000 was subscribed to on the same terms, 6 percent, as the previous loans. 29
The Government was accordingly compelled to sell the rest of the loan stock at a
12 percent discount. Even more embarrassing, the Treasury was forced to make the
same concession of a 12 percent discount to those who had earlier purchased loans
at par, such as Stephen Girard, David Parish, and John Jacob Astor who were
allegedly front men for foreign investors including the Rothschilds. The revelation
of this did nothing to improve the Treasury's prestige or credit. 39
The difficulties of floating the $16 mil-
lion loan along with the necessity of having
to borrow an additional $19 million forced
another issue of Treasury notes. As suggested
by Gallatin in December, 1812, Congress
authorized the issue of $5 million in new
Treasury notes to replace those of June
1812. 31 The Congressional debate was as
arid as before with the bill passing the House:
79 to 41. 32
The terms of issue were identical with
the preceding notes, with the exception that
these were to be redeemed by March 31,
1815, although in the actual event the last
payment was not made until the fourth quar-
ter of 1820. 33 Thus by the summer of 1813
the pattern of financing the war had been set;
it could" in long-term loans and make up the dif-
At the same time nothing had been done to sup-
which now approached $10 million; a sum equal
TN-6a $100 Double signature remainder. Eagle on branch at upper right
corner. Shield and cannon lower center. Signed by Edward Fox and
Samuel Clark. (Hessler X-74C)
Congress would raise as "much as
ference by issuing Treasury notes.
port this mass of floating currency
to one year's peacetime revenue.
It was at this time that Congress was compelled to consider internal taxes. On
May 24, 1813, a full year after the outbreak of war, President Madison called a
recalcitrant Congress into special session and told it that the time was long past due
for producing a "well-digested system of internal revenue." 34 Spurred by the
President's remonstrances and reluctantly recognizing the impossibility of raising
all needed funds by borrowing, Congress halfheartedly passed a few direct levies.
There were however, serious problems associated with collecting this revenue. As
Gallatin had dismantled all the internal revenue machinery in 1801-1806, it took a
year to collect even the small, inadequate amount legislated. Nor could the
Treasury get any bridge financing in the interim. Anti-war proponents, especially in
New England, balked at every effort to get them to help. Indeed, the Federalist
New England press declared that no true friend of the country would be found
among the subscribers to such loans. Opposition was so great that advertisements
for war bonds in Boston papers had to promise anonymity to would-be
subscribers. 35
By the end of 1813, Government finances were in poor shape. Anti-war senti-
ments chilled bond sales as did the Congressional reluctance to provide revenue as
backing. Moreover, the banks were either unable or unwilling to lend. Thus the
Treasury was compelled to issue even more Treasury notes.
By 1814 the situation was critical. Not only had expenditures risen consider-
branch at upper(Below) TN-8 $100 Unsigned remainder. Eagle on
right corner. Shield and cannon below center.
) ,
/1/ ilited
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(Above) TN-8a(2b) $100 Double signature remainder. Eagle on
branch at upper right corner. Shield and cannon below center.
Signed by Edward Fox and Samuel Clark. (Hessler X80C)
/ —1
' , , , 77 /., —211 ' ,1 711?e,,e. , / Ie7, i ,//- ,/nr.rifr(
. ■
0, ) I ' ( /1/ ; \ V) 141.CV) :OP/21:11e '; ) , /// ////i • f ///lI'L /if 1/14
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
ably, but revenue from import duties had drastically declined. 36
Once again, Congress resorted to borrowing for its revenue. This time $25
million was authorized, the largest that had ever been attempted, and this only after
much spirited debate on the entire question of the war. 37
Three subscriptions were
offered, each one failing worse than the previous one.
Discounts up to 20 percent, including provisions for accepting subscriptions
in Treasury and state bank notes, had to be provided. An additional provision
required that if more favorable terms were granted, the same terms had be provided
for any previous loans. 38
During the summer and fall of 1814 this latter provision led to considerable
speculation and embarrassment, which further depreciated the value of government
stock and marked the lowest point in the govern-
ment's effort to finance the war.
The same March 14, 1814 Act authorizing a
$25 million loan also provided for $10 million of
Treasury notes, half of which were considered to
be part of the $25 million loan. In his report of
December, 1813, acting Treasury Secretary
William Jones, who was appointed by President
Madison, urged the further use of Treasury notes:
The certainty of their (Treasury notes) reim-
bursement at the end of the one year, and the
facilities they afford for remittances and other
commercial operations have obtained for them a
currency which leaves little reason to doubt that
they may be extended considerably beyond the
sum of five millions of dollars, hitherto autho-
rized to be annually issued. 39
By that time it would appear from the con-
gressional debates and statements by the Treasury
Secretary, that public policy called for the issue
of no more Treasury notes than could be support-
ed by fiscal revenues. Should more be issued,
they would be in lieu of, or as an adjunct to, stock
Although there was an attempt to amend the
bill, which would have prohibited the issuance of
notes in denominations of more than $100 or less
than $5, only three denominations, $1,000, $100,
and $20 were issued. 48 The use of a $20 note,
even though interest bearing, was a significant
departure from previous practices, for they were
clearly intended to serve as a de facto hand-to-
hand currency. Proof of their intended circulation can be found in Tennessee
Governor William Blout's October 12, 1814 letter to the new Treasury Secretary
Alexander J. Dallas in which the former stated that he had endorsed $100,000 in
Treasury notes, "so that they may go into circulation." Blout subsequently deliv-
ered the notes to Postmaster General W. B. Lewis to distribute. 41
The third issue did not satisfy public demand for a circulating currency and
the general suspension of specie payments outside New England forced a review of
Treasury policy. In October, 1814, Chairman of the House Ways and Means
Committee, John Eppes, solicited from Treasury Secretary Dallas, suggestions on
how to revive and maintain the public credit. 42
Dallas's perspicacious, if lengthy reply, mentioned the prevailing apprehen-
sion over the government's credit and characterized circulating currency as a "copi-
ous source of mischief and embarrassment." Exportation and hoarding by individu-
als of specie, he explained, had considerably diminished the fund of gold and silver
coin. Even worse, the suspension of specie payments had "suddenly broken the
7 , /I. ' "'"7
e/;-■/: ail.- a/
/.4 Arv.1/ //. •
-61ilitcb-7 %=--;.tatis
/ 7, 7/,
77:7 /1/
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TN-9a(2b) $700 Uncut pair of double signature remainder.
Spread Eagle on Shield at upper left. "20" surrounded by cor-
nucopia in lower center. Signed by Edward Fox and Samuel
Clark. (Hessler X-80A)
Alexander Dallas helped his friend,
Gallatin obtain funds to fight Britain.
The war nearly bankrupted the coun-
try by the time Dallas replaced
Gallatin as treasury secretary in 1874.
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
chain of accommodation that previously extended the credit and circulation of the
notes which were emitted in one State into every State of the Union. . . ." "There
exists at this time," he continued, "no adequate circulating medium common to the
citizens of the United States." 43
As a remedy he suggested that "under favorable
circumstances and to a limited extent, an emission of
Treasury notes would probably afford relief."" He did
point out however, that the notes were "an expensive
and precarious substitute for coins and bank notes." The
Secretary concluded that the notes might be issued under
the auspices of a national bank. "But whether the issues
of a paper currency proceed from the national treasury
or from a national bank, the acceptance of the paper .
must be forever optional with the citizens." 45 In other
words, under no circumstances did the Treasury
Secretary want the notes to be legal tender, although
they should be receivable for all public dues and taxes—
that is they were partial legal tender.
In an attempt to establish a uniform national cur-
rency, the President called Congress into special session
on September 19, 1814. Congress ducked the question
however, when it authorized a $3 million loan subscrib-
able in Treasury notes. No stock was issued under this
act but $1.45 million was borrowed from banks under
special contracts. 46
It was not long after the enactment of this measure
that Congress decided to issue more Treasury notes in
preference to another issue of stock. With little or no
debate, both Houses authorized another issue of $7.5
million. These notes were to be in lieu of Treasury notes authorized by previous
loan acts. This December 26, 1814 Act
also authorized an additional $3 million
of notes to defray war expenses for 1814.
Most of the bill's provisions were identi-
cal to the Act of March 4, 1814 and
resulted in the issuance of a total of
$8,318,400. 47 Historian John J. Knox
reported that $20, $50, and $100 notes
were issued (although there are no
records of $50 bills having ever been
It was the unenviable duty of the
Treasury Secretary Dallas to report early
in 1815 that the Treasury was virtually
empty and without credit. Some $98 mil-
lion had been borrowed during the war,
leaving a funded debt of $68 million,
while a deficit of $40 million was esti-
mated for 1815. 48
New loans had been
solicited abroad but none were available.
Fiscal revenues were far from adequate,
and a uniform circulating medium still
had not been achieved. A new monetary
expedient was necessary. 49
In the October 10, 1814 report of the House Ways and Means Committee,
Chairman Eppes argued that in order to secure the circulation of Treasury notes,
small denominations should be issued. They should be payable to bearer, transfer-
4.4+4 4474444,44,4,44.04,4V.V44:0 4 4....44.444.4.74.40:44-0410"03,044,444,44,4044 47
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70:0,.+4+wsom +=*4
1815 Seven Per Cent, Stock of 1815, unsigned remainder.
( Q1 111 C.1.1 st t. I )1 1111101
/i i. ./i4/1. //X
100 •
(Above) TN-10P(a) $100 Punch hole cancelled Proof with 9 holes.
Eagle on branch at upper right corner. Shield and cannon below
center. (Hessler X-85)
(Below) TN-10 $100 Unsigned remainder. Eagle on branch at
upper right corner. Shield and cannon below center.
(01,1ite04-4tate5 -4 -44 ,r) rpa mit
/ /./ „,„; ;
//,/// r thic ,,/ /,,
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PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
able by delivery, and receivable in all
payments for public lands and taxes.
Internal revenues should be pledged
for payment of the interest, and the
notes should be fundable into 8 per-
cent stock or redeemable in specie
after six month's notice, by the govern-
ments° This was a radical departure
for Dallas, who had never before sug-
gested non-interest-bearing notes as a
national circulating medium. These
views were repeated at the end of
November, when Eppes wrote to
Dallas about the proposed National
Bank. In his December 1, 1814 reply,
Dallas stated that with specie pay-
ments suspended, a National Bank would be difficult to establish and that the
"introduction of a national circulating medium. . ." was necessary. 5 I Later that
month Dallas reported that "Notes of a smaller denomination than heretofore issued
have been prepared. . . ."52
This is revealing
because no Congressional resolution for small
Treasury notes was forthcoming until the next
On December 11, 1814, Representative
Bolling Hall of Georgia introduced a resolution
that directed the House Ways and Means
Committee to inquire into the expediency of
authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue
notes convenient for circulation. In one of his five
resolutions, Hall proposed that these bills "shall
be a legal tender in all debts." 53 The House
agreed to consider Hall's resolutions with the
exception of the legal tender clause. By a vote of
42 to 95, the first attempt to discuss a legal tender
currency was defeated. The entire small Treasury
note issue was briefly commented upon and soon
laid on the table by a large majority. 54
A subsequent resolution of January 7, 1815,
was introduced by Representative Lyman Law of
Connecticut. He proposed to make Treasury notes
receivable in payment for fines, forfeitures,
penalties, and taxes owed to the United States. It
seems that, contrary to the reports of the Treasury
Secretary, many of the tax collectors were refus-
ing Treasury notes. In spite of this request, the
resolution was laid on the table by a vote of 61 to
56. 55
Two weeks later, in his State of the
Treasury report to Congress, Secretary Dallas
made a proposal similar to the resolution by
Eppes and Hall. Treasury notes amounting to $15
million. In his report, he suggested that "The
denominations of $100 and upwards, shall be
made payable to order and shall bear an interest
of five and two-fifths per centum per annum."
Notes of a denomination less than $100, but not I ess than $20, would either be
payable to order and bear an interest at the same rate, or shall be payable to bearer,
and not bear interest. Notes under $20 would be "payable to bearer and shall be cir-
culated without interest." 56
A bill incorporating Dallas' recommendations was introduced in the House on
January 30, 1815 and referred to the Ways and Means Committee. The bill passed
the House on February 11, the Senate on February 21, and became law on February
,O; of Colv:vr. 011 ,i
TN-77a(1) $50 Singlely signed by Samuel Clark. Spread Eagle on
branch at upper right corner.
CA 1- S
Mai 23t 1815. ---.
yitin -
. , • ",-":7•C,...
A%•/4- Act of Coly.41r. ol Felar1113.
/ . • , .......
TN-71 b(1) $50 Fully signed, punched hole cancelled. Spread Eagle on
branch at upper right corner. Signed by McGreary, Biddle and
Nourse. (Hessler X-83E)
Nlarelif..Kit 1815 .
1,/, ////:?"6/.
//, 4/, ENTY /, /2% —
„/ .,.,/„/.,, e ,
\xi on ;41.ei, of 1. -v1r:/1”: 1813.
TN-12P $20 Punch hole cancelled Proof with 9 holes. Eagle on
branch at upper left corner. "20” surrounded by cornucopia in upper
right corner.
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY334
24, 1815. 57
As originally proposed, there would
have been an issue of $15 million redeemable
in five annual installments of $3 million each,
for which land tax was pledged. Connected
with this scheme was a proposed interest
bearing loan of $25 million. During debate,
the bill was amended to reverse the amounts
of bonds and Treasury notes, so that there
were now to be $25 million of the latter.
While the bill was being considered,
Eppes wrote to Dallas requesting additional
information. Once again Dallas urged the use
of small Treasury notes in preference to state
bank notes as the national medium of
exchange. He warned Eppes however that,
"considering the outstanding amount of
Treasury notes, any new issue should be
made to rest upon a basis that will enable the
government to employ it both as a circulating
medium and as the means of raising money in
aid of the revenue." 58
The treaty of peace with England was
received a few days before the bill passed
(rendering it no longer necessary as a war
measure), but it was enacted as a means of
paying off the arrearages of the war. It was
also intended to give a circulating medium to
the country superior to state bank notes.
Notes issued under this act were denominated
`small' if under $100, and 'large' if $100 or
over. Unlike the first three acts of the series,
these notes were not chargeable upon the
sinking fund, nor were they payable out of
any money in the Treasury not otherwise
appropriated as in the previous Act of
December 26, 1814. Instead they rested
entirely upon the provision making them
fundable into stock. The small notes were
fundable in 7 percent stock; the large ones in
6 percent certificates.
Of the $25 million authorized, only
$4,979,400 in $100 notes and $3,392,994 in
small notes consisting of $3, $5, $10, $20,
and $50 notes were actually emitted. 59 The
small Treasury notes however, were reissued
so that a gross total of $9,070,386 was dis-
bursed. 69
•7-7/, /// 4/4;1/
Just how successful were the Treasury notes as a circulating currency?
Secretary Dallas in a December, 1815 report, stated that the notes issued prior to
February 24, 1815 were of denominations too high to serve as current medium of
exchange. Although the Treasury Secretary was correct in this assumption, the
large Treasury notes ($100 and over) indirectly served to increase the circulating
money stock. Their utility as short-term (one year) interest earning assets with vir-
tual legal tender status made them extremely desirable as bank reserves. With bank
notes no longer refundable in gold (except in New England), and specie no longer
available, as economic historian Richard H. Timberlake has pointed out, "what
could be more attractive to a bank than reserve assets that are legal tender and yet
returned interest income as part of the bank's investment portfolio?"6I
,ItAgfiareAPE, RUM 4
LM #6
Obsolete Banknotes,
Scrip, Bonds, Checks &
Paper Americana
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 335
I have been a full-time dealer in Confederate and obsolete currency for over 28
years. I've helped many collectors assemble complete CSA type sets as well as
find rare varieties. I've also helped hundreds of collectors with their obsolete
note interests from rare to common. My catalogs are well known in both the
dealer and collector fields for their reference value. If you are a serious collec-
tor of CSA notes, bonds or obsolete bank notes, I can offer you the following:
1. Thousands of bank notes in the Confederate and obsolete areas.
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3. Reliable dealings with prompt and friendly service.
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5. A want list service that has helped many find notes which they could not locate.
6. Top prices when buying one note or an entire collection.
If you are selling, I want to buy your notes!
7. The respect and integrity of dealings that are well known in the hobby. *
8. Representation to bid for clients at major auctions.
9. Paying finder's fees on collections referred to me. *
10. Appraisal services for reasonable fees. *
11. Institution and Museum services for note authentication and valuations. *
12. Strong cash decisions and immediate payment for your material. **
If you collect, I offer my 2nd edition 2004 60-page catalog for $5.00, refundable on first order. It features one of the
largest CSA note inventories available, an extensive obsolete and scrip section, uncut sheets of notes, U.S. fractional
notes, a Continental and Colonial section and a reference book section. Whether you are buying or selling, I would be
pleased to have you contact me.
,••• ••• •
Charter Member
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
LM #6 PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
o.a cr 0' 0
° LOUVE181:002 $0 LIP.
Whereas, it in believed that JOHN A. LAWRENCE. of troy, N. Y., ie heir W.
QI law to a large Estate in EngInndr called l•Thrigipecaley Emma.'
w And whe reas.
de, ,,fornPli ,h the
maid La is d
same i n, obliged low
roof recover
ieemonoy by in
ing pow on thereof, and in
ning Scrips, which ar
Now therefore. for and in consideration or poliora to 'Tie in hrt
to ho the first lien on wid Esae.
paid. I hereby agree to pay tbe hearer of thisLlerip yei'Leehr.,
Dollars out
the firm mane, reeeiwal Men said Estate, and I do further ogre
espend said money. reeeived for said Seri, for 7covery Wid Berate.
Dated. Tory, Patton,. t$16.
%ti .1%;:r•Ak
the C717XP ;•';)? .;•,- 4 • /14; /,t.rx,yi
/:// /2/'. /- '//.7
• ,
(Above) TN-13a(2a) $10 Double signature remainder. Eagle on
branch at upper left corner. Text at right "Receivable every where by
the UNITED STATES in payment of duties, taxes & public land."
Signed by McCeary and Biddle.
(Below) TN-14a $10 Double signature remainder. Eagle on branch
at upper left corner. No text at right and minor changes. Signed by
Clarke and Fox. (Hessler X-83C)
ides0 uteb
The IT F. fp myrtv,-; _ ///'4, //?, / TEM
,••• •••- 2;4.72/,
/ ,
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY336
The author wishes to acknowledge
Ron Horstman, Glen Wright, Jim
O'Neil, Eric Newman, Joel
Anderson, Ron Benis, Ashley
Billingsly, John Wilson, Bill
Youngerman, Mary Counts and
Rayce Newman for their invalu-
able assistance in the preparation
of this updated manuscript.
There were of course the usual skeptics.
The small Treasury notes, fundable at an inter-
est of 7 percent (though of a convenient
denomination for common use, Secretary
Dallas asserted), "would be converted into
stock almost as soon as they were issued." 62
Even President Madison in his veto message on
the Bank of the United States on January 30,
1815, stated that no "adequate advantage arises
to the public credit from the subscription of
Treasury notes." 63 A more thorough analysis,
reveals not only that the Treasury notes were
successful in helping the public credit and as
bank reserves, but also that they did indeed cir-
An editorial in the Richmond Examiner of
December 31, 1814 urged more people to
accept Treasury notes. They were superior, the
writer claimed, to the Exchequer bills of
England, and already many people were accept-
ing the notes. 64 The same paper reported on
January 10, 1815, that the Treasury notes "are
rising fast in our market. They were sold yester-
day, not merely at their nominal value, but with
the interest added." 65
Both John Jay Knox writing in 1884, and
numismatic scholar Walter Breen, asserted that
the $100 Treasury notes depreciated some 8 to
10 percent. This may have been true in New
England against their specie controlled notes,
but published accounts in various papers do not
generally bear this out. Indeed, the May 20,
1815 issue of the Baltimore Sun stated,
"Treasury notes are now in demand and will soon, everywhere, bear a premium
nearly equal to the amount of interest they may have accrued on them, on account
of the uncommon sums speedily to be paid for duties at our custom-houses." 66
That same day, the Niles Register quoted a report in the Boston Patriot that,
"Treasury notes pass at par in Canada. A Canadian will give his hundred silver dol-
lars for a Treasury note of that sum." 67
This is a powerful testimonial when it is
remembered that it emanated from the most intensely anti-war city in the nation.
Another editorial in the Niles Register surmised that the Boston brokers were
angry with the Secretary of the Treasury for not letting them fund Treasury notes
on their terms. The editor concluded that this was the reason the Boston brokers
had tried to discredit the notes by claiming they had depreciated as a result of the
war. This assertion by the Boston merchants, the editor continued, was not a credi-
ble one since the duties and taxes for which the Treasury notes were payable (and
therefore useful) could retire double the amount of notes in the people's hands. 68
Since the demand for these notes was twice the supply, there was certainly no
reason for them to depreciate, but instead they should have and did command a pre-
Two of the best pieces of evidence to support the success of the Treasury
notes can be found in two advertisements. In the Richmond Examiner of June 7,
1815, a certain Hugh Chambers offered: "Par will be given for One Hundred
Thousand Dollars worth of Treasury Notes." 69 The other advertiser, this time in
the Washington National Intelligencer of August 15, 1815, offered to pay a premi-
um for Treasury notes. 70
If merchants, albeit speculators, could pay a premium for
Treasury notes, it can hardly be asserted that the bills were severely depreciated.
Indeed, the only notices in the media that suggested depreciation in the Treasury
notes were found in Boston where a certain banker stated that the 7 percent
Treasury notes (and probably all non-New England paper) go at an 8-1/2 to 9 per-
cent discount:7 i This was logical because New England never suspended specie
payments. Since specie was the conventional medium and only New England bank
A3 el 85 1899 Silver CertificateMkj FrO278 1 erhee 1 Burke
run WON GrlIteill SIN M584334103 pp A 64
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
Ith ERRED I-1\1' ,1)ER
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11:440= tck ,isip: v.t.t.::(KWAXA: VICt
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■.1 lava pt,{tVir 1.''
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l'o .warroi,tvel
338 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
apir 3515..
f ; x=41=4 Si: Uket 4d •1 4" uttef aud -Kau*, *s
ka tat kada 1.1sz c lad ablz r I IT I In !tut. "
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.5t, 1i Ario,Acr,
notes were specie-convertible, all other non-con-
vertible money would naturally be discounted. It
was also true that premiums were paid for U.S.
notes in terms of depreciated bank notes, while the
Treasury notes were at a discount for specie.
There is also substantial evidence that the
small Treasury notes circulated as currency. The
Niles Register of June 24, 1815 reported:
Treasury Notes. This species of money, so conve-
nient as a general circulating medium, is above
par at Philadelphia and in all parts of the south-
ward and westward-nearly at par In New York,
and rapidly rising in Boston. . . .
It is probable that Treasury Notes will immedi-
ately become the circulating medium of all the
Union; and, perhaps, sound policy may dictate
the issue of a large number of small amounts, like
bank notes, without interest, as well as to supply
the general demand . . . 72
In a directive on August 15, 1815, the
Treasury Secretary mentions that the circulating
medium for local use at that time was cents,
Treasury notes and local bank notes. 73 A Boston
paper reported a notice by Treasury Secretary
Dallas on December 23, 1815, that because of the
suspension of specie payments there was no hard
money in the Boston loan office to payoff its
debts; there were only Treasury notes which were
the "major circulating medium now and the way
people pay taxes and duties." 74
In his own December, 1815 report, Dallas
submitted a table showing $1,365,000 in small
treasury notes being sold at a premium of from 2-
1/2 to 4 percent, a high premium to pay for non-
A letter dated July 29, 1815, from Secretary of the Treasury,
Alexander J. Dallas to the Cashier of the Branch Bank of Pittsburgh,
'requesting that any Treasury notes be turned back in to the Treasury.
'P.4 ClaraN
rlit• ∎ -• :r r trAtzl auaor ir•rr
interest bearing notes convertible into 7 percent
stock when other certificates, such as treasury loan certificates, were available at an
effective rate of 27 percent. 75 A logical explanation is that these small Treasury
notes were valuable as a circulating medium throughout the country; that faith was
rising in government bonds; and that funds were needed for customs.
Breen asserted that by October 1, 1815, $3,218,950 worth of notes (95% of
the notes issued) were exchanged for stock. 76 He concludes from these figures that
the notes did not circulate but were immediately funded. But Breen's figures are
By October 1, 1815 a total of $2,282,850 of n
$1,860,000 were paid in for duties and taxes or used in
TN-15 $15 Unsigned remainder, cross cut cancelled. Spread Eagle with shield
at upper right. (Hessler X-838)
otes were issued and only
funding. From these figures
we realize not only that 81
percent of the small
Treasury notes were used
for paying taxes or used in
funding, but that the notes
served a currency purpose
by being tax receivable.
Furthermore, of the origi-
nal $2,282,850 in Treasury
notes, more than $1.3 mil-
lion went to pay for war
supplies and another
$645,000 were turned over
to pay the dividends on the
public debt. The remain-
ing $335,000 was actually
,ItalITZD vroullmt to
rv,e1 ,,c Otis Note toy '111111a., -1)01A,MLI.S io all vaymoutA to them..
ot. to fund the unwunt ut seven percent. itttereM,Cifl request: atteetti)1;
to %Ile act of Cou;cressi of Vet).
TN-16 $3 Unsigned
remainder. Shield with motto in upper center.
Cuite4 Sow.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
sold at premiums of I-1/4 to 4 percent
(presumably vis-à-vis depreciated bank
notes). 77 It is certainly more plausible
that most of these notes circulated, were
used as back reserves, or were turned in
for taxes, rather than funded at 7 percent
as Breen believed.
It is doubtful that the non-interest
bearing small Treasury notes saw much
use as bank reserves either. Individuals
would deposit the notes or merchants
would use them to pay customs duties.
The banks would sometimes use the
Treasury notes as cash reserves to pre-
vent their own notes from being discounted. Thus the small Treasury notes would
again be recycled into the community, acting just as planned—a circulating substi-
tute to specie.
Despite the usefulness of the Treasury notes, Secretary Dallas still viewed
them as an embarrassment to the fiscal operations of the government, made neces-
sary by the extraordinary expenses of war. In his December 1816 report the
Secretary recommended that since temporary loans could be obtained from the
newly chartered Second Bank of the United States, "the reissue of Treasury Notes,
of all description, should be discontinued." He therefore suggested that "an appro-
priation be made during the present session of Congress for the reimbursement of
the whole of the Treasury notes issued under the act of the February 24, 1815. The
Treasury notes issued under the preceding laws have either been reimbursed, or
provisions made for that object during the last quarter of the year." 78
Again, following the Secretary's
recommendations, Congress passed an
act on March 3, 1817, repealing all pre- ////;if./
vious Treasury note acts and prohibit-
ing further issue of notes. This law
remained in effect for almost 20 years, 11/24
during which time the legal circulating
medium consisted of Spanish and
Mexican dollars, occasionally other
foreign silver, and notes of the Second
Bank of the United States. 79
Thus caeplisirm,
g Treasury notes; one necessitated Trestur,
ended the first experiment with circu
(like most currency issues throughout
1/y(* )
,,////1/:///e ///
li*: mULED SKEL‘TJU6 promise to
ehe this Note Cur ITIVLIVX. 'VOA X.XIIA in tali lan)ntento to them:
tuna the noon% nt selien per a Ot. interest, on retlitet: tatreenlAN
the net of CAMV'eVAS of Feb. 2.-1,
history) by a currency-hungry war.
The introduction of these first
Treasury notes caused an expansion of
TN-16b(1) $3 Fully signed remainder. Shield with motto in upper center. The
only known uncancelled circulating Treasury note sold.
the money supply and a corresponding rise in prices by acting as bank reserves.
Their utility as legal tender issues however, prevented their massive depreciation as
was the case for some of the earlier Colonial issues, the Continental notes of the
American Revolution, and later Union and Confederate Civil War notes. Not only
were the Treasury notes our Nation's first circulating currency, but also it's most
An Act Declaring War Between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and
the Dependencies Thereof and the United States of America and Their Territories.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That war be and the same is hereby declared to exist . . .and that
the President of the United States is hereby authorized to use the whole land and naval
force of the United States to carry the same into effect . .."
APPROVED, June 18, 1812
Want more details on this interesting period of U.S. history? You may want to read the
best selling book by historian Walter Borneman (HarperCollins, 2004).
AITED R. I Sou s,
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Treasury Note Types:
Virtually all 1812-1815 Treasury notes issued were
redeemed by the government and destroyed. Less than 150
notes (assuming existing uncut sheets were cut into single
notes) of four basic types are known today. These include
unsigned remainders, partially signed remainders, fully
signed notes and proofs.
About two dozen cardboard proof specimens of the last
two issues are known to have survived over the last 200
years. Presumably this number represents most of those
printed, as specimen notes were likely hoarded by collec-
tors. It is believed that most were supplied to the chief cus-
tom houses and other receivers of public funds in
Baltimore, Boston, Charleston, New York and
Philadelphia. 80
All known proofs are punched cancelled by printers
Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co. with either two or three
holes equally spaced above each three signature lines for a
total of nine holes on the $20 and $100 notes of the
December 26, 1814 issues and the $100 notes of February
24, 1815; eight holes on the $5 and $50 denominations of
the February 14, 1815 issues, and six holes on the $10
notes. No proofs are known of the $3 or $20 denominations
of the small Treasury notes.
Unsigned remainders or unissued notes are known for
almost all the series. These specimens were printed but
never issued and eventually entered the collecting market.
About a quarter of all Treasury notes are unsigned remain-
Partially signed notes are either singly or doubly signed.
One cut sheet of four $50 notes is singly signed by Edward
Fox. Usually these and double signed notes without coun-
tersignatures were sent to banks and other government
institutions for comparison purposes to detect counterfeits.
These doubly signed notes are either by the duo of Edward
Fox and Samuel Clarke, or F.W. McGeary and Clement C.
Fully signed notes with the countersignature are scarce and
all but two are $50 denominations from the fifth series
small Treasury notes. Of the approximately 12 known, all
are punched hole cancelled. The two known (and one
unconfirmed) non-cancelled fully signed notes consists of a
$3 note countersigned by Joseph Nourse and a $10 note
countersigned by James Dickson (this note is illustrated in
Knox, but has never appeared for sale).
Major Treasury Note Collections:
Only four major collections of Treasury notes have been
sold this millennium, but together they contained almost
half the known notes. The Alexandre Vattemare
Collection (R.M. Smythe 6/00) contained 17 notes includ-
ing a few unique cardboard proof sheets. John Jay Ford
(Stacks 10/04) acquired over 40 notes mostly from the
F.C.C. Boyd and Julian Blanchard collections. The Donald
H. Kagin collection accumulated over 30 years was sold
privately to the "Taylor Family" (Currency Auctions of
America 2/05) and contained 16 notes and ancillary bonds
and contemporary articles. A fourth collection, the Jim
O'Neil Sale (Currency Auction of America 5/05) was com-
prised from notes from the other three sales.
Less than 35 specimens are known for the first four interest
bearing issues combined (including uncut sheets and speci-
mens). The balance of more than 110 notes is from the cir-
culating small Treasury notes. Following are tables con-
taining information about Treasury notes and loan provi-
sions associated with the War of 1812.
TABLE 1— War of 1812 Notes
(Amounts in millions of dollars)
Amount Authorized Rate Retroactive Discount
Issue Date Amount Sold Rate Sold Clause
March 14, 1812 11.0 11.0 6% Par No
February 8, 1813 16.0 16.0 6% 88-1/3% No
August 2, 1813 7.5 7.5 6% 88-1/4% No
March 24, 1814 25.0 16.0 6% 85% Yes
November 15, 1814 3.0 1.5 No Limit Special Contract Yes
December 26, 1814 10.0 Yes
February 24, 1815 15.0 7% 95% Yes
March 3, 1815 18.46 Yes
Source: Rafael A. Bayley, National Loans of the United States from July 14, 1776 to June 30, 1880 (Washington, D.C., 1882).
Issue Date
June 30, 1812
February 25, 1813
March 4, 1814
December 26, 1814
Febniary 24, 1815
TABLE 2 — Amount of Treasury Notes Issued
(Amounts in dollars)
Amount Issued
4,969,400 Large Notes
3,392,994 Small Notes
Source: "Domestic Letter, 1814-1816," Vol. I, Record Group 53, National Archives (Washington, D.C.).
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $20.50 $37.00 $165.00 $290.00
Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $21.00 $38.50 $175.00 $320.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $21.50 $41.00 $182.00 $340.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $24.00 $45.00 $200.00 $375.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.50 $48.00 $235.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $30.00 $55.00 $250.00 $440.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $30.00 $55.00 $250.00 $440.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8 3/4" x 14 1 /2' $18.00 $80.00 $140.00 $325.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8 I/2 " x 17 1 /2" $19.00 $85.00 $150.00 $345.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 91/2" x 12 1/2' $17.50 $75.00 $135.00 $315.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18" x 24" $70.00 $315.00 $570.00 $1295.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 5 pcs. one size) (min. 10 pcs. total).
Mylar D° is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar Type D by the Dupont Corp. or
the equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Mel inex Type 516.
P.O. Box 51010, Boston, MA 02205 • 617-482-8477
ORDERS ONLY: 800-111-DENLY • FAX 617-357-8163
Buying and Selling Nationals
from all states.
Price lists are not available.
Please send your want list.
Paying collector prices for better
California notes!
P.O. BOX 6778
San Mateo, California 94403
(650) 458-8842
Fax: (650) 458-8843
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
Announcing the
Confederate Paper Money
Condition Census Project
•Building a census and provenance
of the top CSA currency rare varieties.
•Updates to be published as supple-
ments to new Collecting Confederate
Paper Money book by Pierre Fricke.
•Do you want to be remembered 100
years from now by future collectors?
•Privacy and anonymity maintained
at your request.
Long time rarity and variety collector (32
years) - U.S. Large Cents, Bust Halves, now
CSA paper money and bonds. Member EAC,
JRCS, SPMC. From long time Louisiana
Please write to - Pierre Fricke,
P.O. Box 245, Rye, NY 10580 ; ;
eBay - "armynova"
I Collect
Obsolete Currency
National Currency
State & Territorial Issues
Ron Benice
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
342 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
TABLE 3 — Treasury Notes Outstanding as of January
(Amounts in dollars)
Issue Date Amount Outstanding
1813 2,835,500
1814 4,907,300
1815 10,646,480
1816 17,619,625
1817 3,450,000
Source: "Domestic Letter, 1814 - 1816," Vol. I, Record Group 53, National Archives (Washington, D.C.).
TABLE 4 — Treasury Note Bill Provisions
Issued Date Authorized Emission Amount Sold Where Issued
June 30, 1812 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 Boston, New York, Baltimore
Philadelphia, Washington, DC
February 25, 1813 $5,000,000 $5,000,000
March 4, 1814 $5,000,000 & $5,000,000* $10,000,000 Boston, New York, Philadelphia
(*As part of any loan act of that session) Washington, DC, Richmond,
Charleston, Savannah
December 26, 1814 $7,500,000 $8,318,400
(As part of loans of 3/24 &
11/15 & $3,000,000)
February 24, 1815 $25,000,000 Large $4,969,400
Small $3,392,994
+ Reissue $9,070,386
Note: The large Treasury notes were 7-3/8 by 3-7/8 inches. They were printed on blue and red silk-fibered, watermarked paper
Source: "Domestic Letter, 1814-1816," Vol. I, Record Group 53, National Archives (Washington, D.C.).
TABLE 5— Amount of Treasury Notes Sold & Redeemed
Issue Date Issued Amount Redeemed
1812 $2,835,500
1813 $6,094,500
1814 $8,297,280 $5,800,000
1815 $12,200,000
1816 $4,300,000 $9,700,000
Source: Alexander J. Dallas, "Report of the Secretary of Treasury, 1815" Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United
States (Washington, D.C., 1837), Vol. I, p. 15.
TABLE 6 — List of Small Treasury Notes Sold
Percent Premium Amount Amount of Premium
4 $ 300,000 $12,000.00
3-1/4 $ 19,600 $ 637.00
3 $ 89,400 $ 2,682.00
2-3/4 $ 55,000 $ 1,512.50
2-1/2 $ 281,000 $ 7,025.00
2-1/4 $ 5,000 $ 112.50
2 $ 340,000 $ 6,800.00
1-3/4 $ 10,000
$ 175.00
1-1/2 $ 91,000 $ 1,365.00
1-1/4$ 74,000 $ 925.00
1-1/4 (With one month interest deducted)
$ 100,000 $ 659.37
$1,365,00 $33,893,37
Deduct sundry charges incurred: $ -1,785.73
Net amount of premium received by the United States: $32,107.64
Source: "Domestic Letter, 1814-1816," Vol. I, Record Group 53, National Archives (Washington, D.C.).
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 343
TABLE 7 — Major Foreign Loans to the U.S . (1782-1812)
(Amounts in dollars)
Year Where From Amount Interest Rate
1787 Holland 10,000,000 6%
1789 France 18,000,000 (Livre) 5%
1790 Holland 1,200,000 5%
1791 Holland 1,000,000 5%
1791 Holland 2,400,000 5%
1791 Holland 1,200,000 5.5%
1793 Holland 5,000,000 (Guilders) 5%
1794 Holland 1,200,000 5%
Source: "Laws Concerning Money, Banking and Loans 1778-1909," National Monetary Commission, compiled by A.T.
Huntington and Robert H. Mawhinney, (Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1910).
TABLE 8 — Temporary Bridge Loans (1789-1812)
(Amounts in dollars)
Year Where From Amount Purpose
1789 Bank of New York 170,000 Troop Salaries
1790 Bank of New York 100,000 Troop Salaries
1790 Stock @ 6%, 3% & Deferred 6% Indefinite Fund Debt
1792 Bank of the United States 400,000 General Expenses
1793 Bank of the United States 800,000@5% General Expenses
1793 Bank of New York 200,000@5% Algerian War
1794 Bank of the United States 1,000,000@5% Algerian War
1794 Bank of the United States 1,000,000@5% Public Expenditures
1795 Bank of the United States 2,000,000@5% General Commerce
1795 Bank of the United States 1,500,000@6% Public Debt
1795 Bank of the United States 200,000@6% Public Debt
1795 Stock @ 4-1/4 & 5-1/2% Indefinite Pay Foreign Debt
1796 Bank of New York 320,000@6% Pay Bank of U.S.
1796 Bank of New York 5,000,000@6% Pay Bank of U.S.
1797 Bank of New York 717,000 War
1800 Bank of the United States 1,500,000@8% War
1803 Bank of New York 11,250,000 Louisiana Purchase
1803 Bank of the United States 1,750,000 Louisiana Purchase
1804 Bank of the United States 1,000,000 Pay Barbary Pirates
1807 Converted old 3% & 6% Stock 8,500,000 Public Debt
1810 Bank of the United States 2,750,000 General Expenditures
Source: Laws, op cit.
TABLE 9 — War of 1812 Loans
(Amounts in dollars)
Issue Date Authorized Amount Authorized Rate Retroactive Discount
Amount Sold Rate Sold Clause
March 14, 1812 11,000,000 11,000,000 6% Par No
February 8, 1813 16,000,000 16,000,000 6% 88-1/3% No
August 2, 1813 7,500,000 7,500,000 6% 88-1/4% No
March 24, 1814 25,000,000 21,000,000* 6% 85% Yes
November 15, 1814 3,000,000 1,500,000 No Limit Special Contract Yes
December 26, 1814 10,500,000 Yes
February 24, 1815 15,000,000 7%
March 3, 1815 18,460,000 95% Yes
*Includes $5 million in Treasury notes.
Source: Rafael A. Bayley, "National Loans of the United States from July 14, 1776 to June 30, 1880" (Washington, D.C..
Government Printing Office, 1882).
344 2005 • Whole 239September/October No. • PAPER MONEY
TABLE 10 - Subscription of $16 Million Loan of February 8, 1813
(Amounts in dollars)
Name Amount
States East of New York 486,700
State of New York 5,720,000
Philadelphia 6,858,400
Baltimore & the District of Columbia 1,393,300
Virginia 187,000
Charleston, South Carolina 354,000
Source: Davis Rich Dewey, "National Financial History of the United States" (New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1968).
TABLE 11 -Treasury Note Issues of March 4, 1814 (By issue Date and Loan Office)
Date of
Issue Boston
York Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Richmond Charleston Savannah Total
March 11 ---- 150,000 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- 150,000
April 1 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 211,000 211,000
April 11 ---- ---- ---- ---- 56,000 ---- --- 56,000
April 21 ---- 125,000 5,500 ---- 144,000 ---- --- 274,500
May 1 ---- 1,000 ---- 50,000 ---- ---- 75,000 126,000
May 11 ---- 74,700 145,000 ---- ---- --- 219,700
May 21 ---- ---- 29,500 ---- 100,000 ---- --- 129,500
June 1 ---- ---- 6,200 100,000 - - 106,200
June 11 ---- ---- 24,500 ---- 25,000 ---- 49,500
June 21 ---- 25,000 23,000 ---- 25,000 ---- --- 73,000
July 1 ---- 149,700 105,400 ---- ---- --- 255,100
July 11 ---- 75,000 29,000 ---- - 104,000
July 21 ---- ---- 12,700 ---- 45,000 ---- --- 57,700
Aug. 1 92,000 60,000 510,000 40,000 17,800 719,800
Aug. 11 ---- 90,000 94,200 ---- 20,000 ---- 150,000 354,200
Aug. 21 ---- ---- - ---- 2,500 2,500
Sept. 1 ---- - 1,600 ---- ---- --- 1,600
Sept. 11 ---- ---- - ---- 10,000 --- 10,000
Sept. 21 ---- 40,000 ---- ---- 60,000 --- 100,000
Oct. 11 ---- 25,000 11,820 ---- 500,000 536,820
Oct. 21 52,000 238,000 105,000 100,000 1,000 --- 496,000
Nov. 1 150,000 200,000 100,000 ---- 27,700 --- 477,700
Nov. 11 ---- ---- 130,000 ---- 15,000 --- 145,000
Nov. 21 12,000 310,280 254,600 5,000 21,700 --- 603,580
Dec. 1 ---- 853,420 174,060 60,000 14,900 ---- 1,102,380
Dec. 11 3,000 50,000 4,060 ---- 11,100 --- 68,160
Dec. 21 300 23,160 68,000 ---- 31,180 15,000 137,640
Jan. 1 ---- 387,000 222,240 ---- 50,460 659,700
Jan. 11 50,000 440,900 81,200 ---- 34,620 606,720
Jan. 21 138,160 34,900 ---- 65,900 238,960
Feb. 1 420,420 1,196,280 11,000 5,100 1,632,800
Feb. 11 79,200 45,900 125,100
Feb. 21 ---- 18,400 18,400
March 1 25,600 1,200 82,540 109,340
March 11 400 15,000 15,400
March 21 11,900 ---- 11,900
April 1 8,900 ---- 8,900
April 11 ---- 2,200 2,200
April 21 ---- 2,000 2,000
June 21 1,000 1,000
TOTAL 359,300 3,901,340 3,472,360 316,000 1,500,000 15,000 150,000 286,000 10,000,000
Source: A. J. Dallas, "Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1814 and 1815," Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury of the
United States, (Washington: Blair and Rives, 1837) Vol. I, p. 542; Vol. 2, p. 62.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
TABLE 12 — Treasury Note Signers
Issue Date Loan Office Denominations Signatures Countersignatures
June 30, 1812 Philadelphia All Timothy Matlock &Charles Biddle
William White
(Commissioner of Loans)
(Commissioner of Loans)
William White
(Commissioner of Loans)
T.D.T. Tucker
(Commissioner of Loans)
T.D.T. Tucker
(Commissioner of Loans)
March 25, 1813 Philadelphia All
William WhiteTimothy Matlock &
Samual Clarke
March 4, 1814 Philadelphia All Edward Fox &Samual Clarke
December 26, 1814
Philadelphia $100 & $20 Edward Fox &Samual Clarke
Philadelphia $20 Notes Only F.W. McGeary &C.C. Biddle
February 24, 1815
Philadelphia Large Notes Edward Fox &Samual Clarke
Joseph Nourse
(Register of the Treasury)
Philadelphia Small Notes
Edward Fox &
Samual Clarke
also F.W. McGeary &
C.C. Biddle
Joseph Nourse
(Register of the Treasury)
also James Dickson
(Register of the Treasury)
Source: "Register of Treasury Notes," Vol. 189, Record Group 53, National Archives, Washington, DC; "Estimates and
Statements 1791-1843," Vol. 132, Record Group 53, National Archives, Washington, DC, and personal observations by the
Table 13 -- Treasury Notes Concordance
Friedberg # Krause # Hessler #
TN-1 P-2
TN-2 P-1 X-69
TN-4 P-3 X-72
TN-6a P-6 X-74C
TN-7 P-4 X-74A
TN-8a P-9 X-80C
TN-8p PP-9
TN-9a P-7 X-80A
TN-9p PP-7
TN-10p PP-16 X-85
TN-1 1 a
TN-1 lb P-15 X-83E
TN-11p PP-15
TN-l2 P-14 X-83D
TN- I 3a P-12
TN-14a P-13 X-83C
TN-14p PP-13
TN-15 P-11 X-83B
TN-15p PP-11
TN-16 P-10
TN-16a X-83A
346 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
TABLE 14 — Treasury Notes Outstandin
Issue Date
Known Notes*
June 30, 1812 12/31/1814 9/20/1820 100 $1,000 A; unsigned remainder (3)
$100 A; unsigned remainder (2)
$100 B; unsigned remainder (2)
$100 D; unsigned remainder
February 25, 1813 3/31/1815 12/26/1820 900 None
March 4, 1814 6/21/1816 1837 43,160 $100 C; dated 1/15/15; double signed remainder (2)
$100 D; dated 1/15/15; double signed remainder (2)
December 26,
9/1/1816 9/30/1841 41,030 $100 A; signed Samuel Aiken and Everate, no
$100 A; dated 2/11/1815, unsigned remainder
$100 A; undated, double signed remainder
$100 B; unsigned remainder, hole cancelled
$100 B; punched cancelled proof
$100 C; double signed remainder
$100 D; punched cancelled proof
$100 D; undated, punched cancelled
$100 D; double signed remainder
$20 A; punched cancelled proof (2)
$20 A; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$20 B; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$20 B; punched cancelled proof (2)
$20 E; unsigned remainder
$20 E; double signed remainder Clarke & Fox
$20E/F; double signed remainder Clarke & Fox,
uncut pair
$20 H; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
February 24, 1815
Large Notes**
1/1/1842 $100 A; unsigned remainder (2)
$100 B; unsigned remainder (2)
$100 C; unsigned remainder (2)
$100 A,B,C; punched cancelled proof sheet of 3
February 24, 1815
Small Notes***
3/31/1842 2,061 $50 A; fully signed McGeary & Biddle and
countersignature Nourse, hole cancelled (10)
$50 A; singly signed Clarke
$50 B; singly signed Clarke
$50 C; singly signed Clarke
$50 D; singly signed Clarke
$50 A,B,C; punched cancelled proof sheet of 3
$20 A; unsigned remainder (2)
$20 B; unsigned remainder (2)
$20 B; incomplete proof with 9 holes, no
denomination at left edge
$20 C; unsigned remainder (2)
$20 D; unsigned remainder
$20 D; proof with 9 holes
$20 E; proof with 9 holes
$10 Type I A-D (text printed at right)
$10 A; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$10 B; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$10 C; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$10 D; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
Issue Date
Outstanding Known Notes*
February 24, 1815 $10 Type II E-H (no text printed at right)
Small Notes*** $10 E; double signed remainder Clarke & Fox (4)
(Continued) $10 E,F,G; punched hole cancelled proof sheet of 3
$10 F; double signed remainder Clarke & Fox (6)
$10 F,G,H; double signed remainder Clarke & Fox, uncut
sheet of 3
$10 G; unsigned remainder
$10 G; double signed remainder Clarke & Fox (4)
$10 G/H; double signed Clark & Fox, uncut pair
$10 H; unsigned remainder
$10 H; double signed Clarke & Fox (5)
$10 H; double signed Clarke & Fox, countersignature "John
C. Calhoun" (suspect)
$10 H; fully signed Clarke & Fox, countersignature James
Dickson, dated 3/25/15, uncancelled
$5 A; unsigned remainder
$5 B; unsigned remainder (2)
$5 B,C,D; double signed McGeary & Biddle, uncut strip of 3
$5 C; unsigned remainder
$5 D; unsigned remainder (4)
$5 E; unsigned remainder proof, punched cancelled
$5 uncut pair Ex: ANA '52
$5 B,C,D; uncut strip of three remainders, cross cancelled
$5 F,G,H; uncut sheet of three unsigned remainders proof,
punched cancelled
$3 A; fully signed McGeary & Biddle, uncancelled
$3 A; unsigned remainder (2)
$3 A; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$3 A,B,C,D; unsigned remainders, uncut sheet of 4
$3 B; unsigned remainder
$3 B; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle
$3 C; unsigned remainder
$3 D; unsigned remainder (2)
$3 D; double signed remainder McGeary & Biddle (2)
$3 D; fully signed McGeary & Biddle, countersignature
Joseph Nourse, uncancelled
* All but two known notes are either Proofs, lack countersignatures, or are cancelled
** All known Large size notes of the 2/24/1815 issue are dated 2/24/1815
*** All known Small Size notes of the 2/24/1815 issue are dated 3/25/1815
Issue Date: December 26, 1814
Denomination TN# Known Value VF Value New
$100 Unsigned remainder 8 1 $20,000 $25,000
$100 Double signature remainder & cancelled 8a 3 $12,500 $17,500
$100 Proof, holed cancelled 8p 2 $12,500 $17,500
$20 Unsigned remainder 9 1 $8,000 $12,500
$20 Double signature remainder 9a 11 $8,000 $12,500
$20 Proof, holed cancelled 9p 4 $7,000 $10,000
TN# Known Value VF Value NewDenomination
3 $20,000
5 $15,000
$1,000 Unsigned
$100 Unsigned
TN# Known Value VF Value NewDenomination
$1,000 3 0
$100 4 0
TN# Known Value VF Value NewDenomination
5 0
6a 4 $20,000 $30,000
7 0
Double signature remainder
Issue Date: March 4, 1814
Issue Date: June 30, 1812
Issue Date: February 25, 1813
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
TABLE 15 -Treasury Note Populations & Values*
Issue Date: Februar 24, 1815
TN# Known Value VF Value New
$100 Unsigned remainder 10 6 $8,000 $12,500
$100 Double signature remainder 10a 0
$100 Proof, holed cancelled 10p 4 $8,000 $12,500
$50 Unsigned remainder 11 0
$50 Singly signed remainder 11a 4 $7,000 $10,000
$50 Fully signed & cancelled 1 lb 10 $6,000 $9,000
$50 Proof, holed cancelled 11p 3 $8,000 $12,500
$20 Unsigned remainder 12 7 $6,500 $10,000
$20 Double signature remainder 12a 0
$20 Proof, holed cancelled 12p 3 $7,000 $10,000
$10 text at right Unsigned remainder 13 0
$10 text at right Double signature remainder 13a 5 $7,000 $10,000
$10 no text at right Unsigned remainder 14 2 $6,000 $9,000
$10 no text at right Double signature remainder 14a 26 $5,000 $7,500
$10 No text at right, fully signed, uncancelled 14b 1 $85,000 --
$10 no text at right Proof, holed cancelled 14p 3 $7,000 $11,500
$5 Unsigned remainder 15 13 $5,000 $7,500
$5 Double signature remainder 15a 6 $7,000 $12,500
$5 Proof, holed cancelled 15p 4 $8,000 $15,000
$3 Unsigned remainder 16 10 $5,500 $8,000
$3 Double signature remainder 16a 4 $7,000 $11,500
$3 Fully signed & uncancelled 16b 1 $85,000
$3 Proof 16p 0
"Numbers are based on the upcoming 18th edition of Paper Money of the United States, Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg, the Coin & Currency
Institute. "a " designations denote partially signed remainder; "b" fully signed notes; and "p" proofs. No designation denotes unsigned
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 349
Laos of the United States Concerning Money, Banking, Loans. 1778-1909,
National Monetary Commission, compiled by Andrew T. Huntington and Robert J.
Mawhinney, Doc. No. 480, Senate -61st Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, D.C.,
1910). pp. 29-43.
2Albert Gallatin, "Report of the Finances 1807," Reports of the Secretary of the
Treasury of the United States, Vol. I (Washington, D.C., 1837). p. 359, and A. J.
Dallas, "Report of the Finances 1815." Reports, 2:45.
3Foreign coins officially circulated from 1793 until 1797, when a new law declared
that only "Spanish milled dollars and parts thereof were legal tender. This statute
remained in effect until 1857.
4Alexander Balinky, Albert Gallatin, Fiscal Theories and Policies (New Brunswick,
1958), .pp. 180-88 and Albert Gallatin, "Report of the Finances 1809," Reports, p.
401. Also see "Report of the Finances 1811," Reports, p. 449.
5Ident.. "Report of the' Secretary of the Treasury, 1811," Reports, p. 449. Also in the
Niles Weekly Register, November 22, 1811 (Washington, D.C.), 2:232. In a letter to
the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Ezekiel Bacon, Gallatin
blames the poor state of the finance on the failure of Congress to recharter the Bank
of the United States, upon which he had relied heavily for the U.S. government to
obtain loans, and also for the Legislature's refusal to double the tariff. Albert
Gallatin, "Letter to Ezekiel Bacon, January 10, 1812," The Writings of Albert
Gallatin. ed. Henry Adams, Vol. 1 (New York, 1960), pp. 338-40.
6 Ibid. p. 448.
7Albert Gallatin, The Writings of Albert Gallatin, ed. Henry Adams, 4 Vols.
(Philadelphia, 1879), Vol. III, p. 5.
8Ezekiel Bacon, "Ways and Means Report of House, February 17, 1812," American
State Papers. Finance, U.S. Congress, ed. Walter Lowrie, Vol. II (Washington, D.C.,
1832), p. 539.
9Rafael A. Bayley, National Loans of the United States from July 14, 1776 to June
30, 1880 (Washington, D.C., 1882), p. 48, and Henry Carter Adam, Public Debts:
All Essay in the Science of Finance (New York; Privately printed, 1887), pp. 117-18.
"Albert Gallatin, "Letter to John W. Eppes, February 25, 1810," Writings, II:' 467-
11 Idem., "Letter to Ezekiel Bacon, January 10, 1812," Writing, U: 501. Also in
Letter from the
Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means to the Secretary of the Treasury
with the Answer of the Secretary of the Treasury (Alexandria, 1812), p. 14. Rare
Book Room, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
12Letter to Langdon Cheves, May 14, 1812, cited by John J. Knox, United States
Notes (New York iR4R) n 77
13 The Niles Weekly Register, June 15, 1812, 2:279.
14Annals o/the Congress o/the United States 12th Congress, 1st Session, Vol. r
(Washington, D.C., 1853) p. 1495-1510.
15Ibid. Also The Niles Weekly Register, June 13, 1812, 3:300.
161bid PP. 1509-10.
I 7Bayley, National Loans, pp. 48-49. Other major elements provided that 1) the
notes were signed by persons designated by the President who were paid $1.25 for
every note signed, 2) they were countersigned by the Comptroller of Loans for the
state for which the notes were made payable, 3) the Secretary of the Treasury was
authorized to borrow upon the security of the notes and pay them to the banks which
would receive them at par, 4) interest ceased on the day of payment, and 5) strict
penalties were imposed for counterfeiting.
18Niles Weekly Register, 3:350. Also see Richmond Inquirer, February 16, 1814,
2:2. The Treasury Reports, however, state that only $2.8 million were subscribed to
by 1813. Davis R. Dewey, Financial History of the United States (New York, 1968),
p. 137.
"Register of Treasury Notes, Vol. 189, Record Group 53, National Archives
(Washington, D.C.). Breen erroneously claims March 1813 as the final date of
"Albert Gallatin, "State of Finance, December 1812," Finance, 11:580.
21 Niles Weekly Register (July 4, 1812), 3:300. It should be noted that, as Walter
Breen pointed out, the Register had a bias toward Wall Street. Walter Breen,
"Promises, Promises," 'Numismatic News Weekly. January 1, 1974.
22A. J. Dallas, "Letter to William Lowndes, November 27, 1814," Reports, 1:244.
23 Ibid.
24Niles Weekly Register (July 4, 1812), 3:300.
25Richard H. Timberlake, Origins of Central Banking in the United States
(Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978). Drawing upon statistical information compiled
from J. Van Fenstermaker, A Statistical Sunanaly of the Commercial Banks
Incorporated in the United States Prior to /8/9 (Kent, Ohio, 1965), Timberlake con-
cluded that "as banks increased their holdings of treasury notes, their own note issues
could increase by multiples of the treasury note's obtained. Bank notes were thus
used as hand-to-hand currency, and the Treasury notes were used mainly as bank
reserves in lieu of specie."
26 "Receipts and Expenditures, from March 4, 1789 to December 15, 1815,"
Finance, 11:920.
27James Madison, "Fourth Annual Message, November 4, 1812," Compilation of
Messages and Pavers of the President's /789-/897, Vol. 1.
28Bayley, National Loons, p. 50.
29Gallatin, Writings, p. 196.
"William Jones, "State of Finance, June 1813," Finances, II: 1622-23.
31 Bayley, National Loans, p. 50.
32Albert Gallatin, "Report of the Secretary of the Treasure December 11, 1812."
Reports, p. 469.
33 Bayley, National Loans, p. 50.
34W. F. DeKnight, History of the Currency of the Country and the Loans of the
United States (Washington, D.C., 1897), p. 47.
35 Message.s . and Papers of the Presidents, pp. 528-30. The direct tax amounted to $3
million and was assessed in 1814. For a useful table on these taxes, see Dewey,
Financial History, p. 140.
36Gallatin, Writings. p. 201
37 Estimated expenditures at $43,350,000 and revenue at $16,000,000. William
Jones, "State of Finance", Finance, 2:651.
38Bayley, National Loans, p. 52.
39 The Richmond Inquirer (May 7, 1814), 3:2, reported that by May 7, $10 million at
88 percent had been subscribed. In his report on Finances in December 1814, Dallas
mentioned that proposals were invited on August 22, 1814 for $6 million at 6 per-
cent; of this only $2,823,300 was subscribed; $100,000 at less than 80 percent:
$2,213,000 at 80 percent; $510,300 at 80-88 percent. All but the $100,000 were
accepted because there was no prospect of better terms and the money was indis-
pensable. $410,000 of these contracts was reneged on by the banks. Special contracts
for loans with the banks were unsuccessful. "Report on Finances December 1814,"
Reports, p. 528.
"William Jones, "Report of Finance, December, 1813," Reports, p. 502. There is no
corroborating evidence that an annual issuance of $5,000,000 was ever authorized.
4 IBayley, National Loans, p. 52.
42 "Estimates and Statements by the Registrar of the Treasury," Vol. 145. General
Records from the Central Treasury Records, Records of the Bureau of the Public
Debt, Record Group 53, p. 24.
43 1ohn W. Eppes, "Letter to Secretary of the Treasury Dallas, October 14, 1814,"
Reports, p.234.
44A. J. Dallas, "Letter to John Eppes, October 17, 1814," Reports, pp. 234-36.
451bid., p. 236 and p. 266; also in Niles Weekly Register (Dec. 24, 1814).
"Niles Weekly Register (Dec. 24, 1814).
47 Iclem., "Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, November, 1815," Reports, 11: 13.
48Bayley, National Loans, p. 56.
49 lbid., p. 57.
"Albert Gallatin, "Letter to Monroe, October 26, 1814," Writings, 1:642.
51 "Report by John W. Eppes, October 10, 1814." in John Jay Knox, United States
Notes (New York, 1884), p. 32.
52Niles Weekly Register (Dec. 2, 1814), 8:266.
53A. J. Dallas, "Report on the Finances, December, 1814," Reports, p. 529.
54Annals. 13:3 (Nov. 12. 1814), P. 557.
55 lbid., p. 559.
56Annals, 13:3 (Jan. 7, 1815), p. 1045. Also in the Richmond Inquirer (Jan. 11,
1815), 2:3.
57A. J. Dallas, State of the Treasury Report, (Jan. 21, 1815), pp. 885-888.
59A. J. Dallas. "Letter to John Eppes. February 20. 1815." Reports, pp. 273-75.
"William H. Crawford, "Report of the Treasurer," Reports. p. 125. The first known
transaction in small Treasury notes was $150,000 ordered by Johanthan Smith,
Cashier of the Bank of Pennsylvania on June 28, 1815. "Domestic Letters 1814-
1816," Vol. I, Record Group 53, Archives (Washington, D.C.), p. 108.
° Knox, United States Notes, p. 37.
62A. J. Dallas, "Report on the Finances, December, 1815," Reports, pp. 24-25 .
63 1ames Madison, "Veto Message, January 30, 1815," Compilation, Vol. I, p. 556.
64Richmond Examiner (Dec. 31. 1814). 3:2 & 3.
65Report in the Niles Weekly Register. 7:3361.
66Breen, in Numismatic News Weekly, January 15, 1974, p. 34; and Knox, United
States Notes. p. 38. Knox makes the additional statement that "after deducting dis-
counts and depreciation," the notes were rapidly funded after December 1814.
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Adams, Henry Carter. Public Debts: An Essay in the Science of Finance, (New York; Privately printed 1887).
Annals of the Congress of the United States, 12th Congress, Ist Session, Vol 1. (Washington: Giles and Seaton, 1853).
Bacon, Ezekiel. ''Ways and Means Report of House, February 17, 1812," American State Papers, Finance, by Congress, edited by Waiter Lowrie, Vol.
2, (Washington: Giles and Seaton, 1832).
"Receipts and Expenditures, from March 4, 1789, to December 15, 1815," American State Papers, Finance.
Balinsky, Alexander. Albert Gallatin, Fiscal Theories and Policies (New Rutgers University Press, 1958).
Bayley, Rafeal A. National Loans of the United States from July 14, 1776 to June 30, 1880. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882).
Breen, Walter. "Promises, Promises," Numismatic News Weekly, January 1, 1974.
. Numismatic News Weekly, January 15, 1974.
Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira & Dr. Vladimir. Chartered for Progress: Two Centuries of American Banking. Acropolis Books, Ltd., 1975.
Crawford, William H. "Report of the Treasurer," Reports.
"Domestic Letters 1814-1816, Vol. 1, Record Group 53, Archives, Washington, D.C.
Dallas, A. J. "Letter to William Lowndes, November 27, 1814," Reports, 1:244.
"Letter to John Eppes October 17, 1814," Reports.
"Report on the Finances, December, 1814," Reports.
"Official Letters, Appendices to Report on Finances October, 1814," Reports.
. "Letter to John Eppes, February 20, 1815," Reports.
. "Report on the Finances, December, 1815," Reports.
. "Report of the Finances 1815," Reports.
. "Report of the Finances December, 1816," Reports.
DeKnight, W. F. History of the Currency of the Country and the Loans of the United States.
Dewey, Davis R. Financial History of The United States, (New York 1968, Augustus M. Kelley).
"Domestic Letter 1814-1816," Vol. 1, Record Group 53, National Archives Washington, D.C.
Eppes, John W. "Letter to Secretary of the Treasury Dallas, October 14, 1814," Reports.
"Estimates and Statements by the Register of the Treasury," Vol. 145.
Gallatin, Albert, "Report of the Finances 1807," Reports of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, Vol. 1 (Washington: Blair and Rives, 1837).
"Report of the Finances 1809" Reports.
"Report of the Finances 1811," Reports.
. "Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1811," Reports.
. The Writings of Albert Gallatin. (Ed., Henry Adams) (Philadelphia, T. B. Lippincott & Co., 1879), Vol. HI.
. "Letter to John W. Eppes, February 25, 1810," Writings, II.
. "Letter to Ezechiel Bacon, January 10, 1812," Writings, II.
. "State of Finance, December 1812," Finance, II.
. "Report of the Secretary of the Treasury December 1812," Reports.
"Letter to Monroe, October 26, 1814," Writings, I.
Hessler, Gene. An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775-1898. BNR Press, 1985.
Jones, William. "State of Finance, June 1813," Finance, II.
"State of the Finance," Finance, 2:652.
"Report of Finance, December, 1813," Reports.
Knox, John J. "Letter to Langdon Chever, May 14, 1812," United States Notes, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1848).
Laws of the United States Concerning Money, Banking, Loans 1778-1909, (National Monetary Commission, compiled by Andrew T. Huntington and
Robert J. Mawhinney, Doc. No. 480, Senate 61st Congress, 2nd Sessions, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1910).
Letter from the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means to the Secretary of the Treasury with the Answer of the Secretory of the Treasury (Alexandria: S.
Snowden, 1812).
Madison, James. "Fourth Annual Message, November 4, 1812," Compilation of Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1897, Vol. 1.
. "Veto Message January 30, 1815," Presidents.
Niles Weekly Register, June 15, 1812; July 4, 1812; December 2, 1814; May 20, 1815 and December 4, 1815,
Orzano, Michelle, "War of 1812," Coin World, September 22, 2003.
"1812 Interest Notes Rarest of U.S. Issues," Coin World, April 6, 1992.
Richmond Examiner, December 31, 1814 and June 7, 1815.
Richmond Inquirer, February 16, 1814; May 7, 1814; January 11, 1815.
Rulau, Russell. "War of 1812 Notes Seldom Come on Market," Bank Note Reporter, July 2000.
. "Sale Raises Bar for Scarce Treasury Issues," Bank Note Reporter, April, 2005.
Auction References
Christie's Auction Catalogue, September 17, 1982, "Sale of the Alexander Vattemare Collection."
Heritage / Currency Auctions of America Catalogue, February 18, 2005, "Sale of the Taylor Collection."
Lyn Knight Currency Auction Catalogue, Oc6tober 16, 2004, "Sale of the John Whitney Walter Collection."
R.M. Smythe Auction Catalogue, June 16, 2000; April, 2001; Sept., 1997 and June , 1993, "Sale of Alexander Vattemare Collection."
Stack's Auction Catalogue, October 12, 2004, Sale of the John Jay Ford Collection."
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 351
SPMC Founding Fathers were a smart breed. They knew Collector-to-Collector
Want ads work. That's why they created "Money Mart" so they could place
THEIR WANT LISTS before the rest of the members of our Society
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
* Additional charges apply for longer ads; see rates on page opposite -- Send payment with ad
SPMC's Founding Fathers built some great paper money collections that way
Now YOU be a smart guy/gal too. Put out your want list in "Money Mart"
and see what great notes become part of your collecting future, too.
(Please Print)
ONLY $20.50 /YEAR ! ! (wow)
r Announcing Paper Moneys
Upcoming Specialty Publishing Program
January/February 2nd Fractional Currency Issue
May/June 6th U.S. National Bank Note Issue
September/October 2nd U.S. Small Size Notes Issue
SPMC's special 80-page issues of its award-winning journal Paper Money
are the place to have YOUR ad seen
Reserve your advertising space now
Full Page rate $300 Half Page rate $175
Quarter Page rate $100 Contact Editor NOW
Deadlines are Nov. 20th (Fractional Currency) & Mar. 15th (National Currency)
352 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Second SPMC Author's Forum Whopping Success
THE SOCIETY'S 2ND AUTHOR'S FORUM HELDJune 17th at the Memphis paper money show was a
"rousing success." The event was hosted by SPMC Librarian
Bob Schreiner and Paper Money.
Featured speakers were SPMC member-authors Pierre
Fricke, Gene Hessler, Fred Reed, Wendell Wolka, Art
Friedberg, Dennis Schafluetzel, Tom Carson, in addition to
Bob Schreiner, himself.
The event was held at the Memphis
Marriott Heritage Ballroom. This
year's forum was two hours in
length. Last year the program
was an hour long. Schreiner
said the program was lengthened
because time restrictions last year
were too constraining. He viewed
the extended program as very suc-
cessful, and indicated that another
similar program would be held at
Memphis next year (see Librarian's col-
umn on page 398).
The spirits of author/publisher and
colonial bank note printer Benjam Franklin Q00'
and bard William Shakespeare hung over I 7a. 3 f""4;this year's event. A special invitation/
brochure for the event featured a doctored
Franklin Bank note depicting Poor Richard and
the play write. "If you would not be forgotten, as
4 4
worth reading, or do things worth the writing." --
Poor Rich (Benjamin Franklin, currency engraver
SPMC thanks Mary Counts and Whitman ()".
Publications, and Art Friedberg and The Coin and '`*
Currency Institute, for supplying books, and Mike
Crabb and the Memphis Paper Money Show for supply-
ing our meeting room and refreshments.
A welcome and opening remarks were offered by event
moderator Schreiner, who also introduced a special project
that he has been working on to record the Society's journal
Paper Money in searchable PDF CD format. He brought
the first phase of that project to the affair, "The 1980s,"
all 2760 pages of the journal on a single CD and esti-
mated the entire run of 240 magazines (11,000 pages)
would take only three or four CDs total.
Bob's interest in paper money and passion for
computers and imaging technology merges in his
multiple roles for SPMC. This
led him to embark on his current
CD project: converting once
paper-bound information which
was difficult to find into a form
readily and inexpensively usable by
hobbyists, historians, and
Paper Money embodies 11,000
pages of quality research not easily
accessible, Schreiner indicated, but
can become available to all schol-
ars in convenient, cost-effective
and searchable form. "When this project is done a shelf full of
magazines will be available on 3/4 CDs giving researchers
inexpensive and very powerful access to and control of infor-
mation," he said. The Society Board will determine how best
to disseminate/distribute this data.
The second speaker was New York col-
lector Pierre Fricke, author of a forthcom-
ing book Collecting Confederate Paper
Money - Comprehensive Edition (R.M.
Smythe, 2005).
Pierre began collecting coins in
1969. After participating in Civil War
re-enactments in the late 1990s, his
focus shifted to CSA paper money
and bonds. In 2003, he picked up
Dr. Douglas Ball's unfinished
work on a new Confederate
paper money book. This is
designed to help one get start-
ed and advance his/her col-
lection and knowledge.
Information rangies from
great collections to differ-
ent ways to approach col-
lecting CSA notes,
through grading guid-
"Building on
Dr. Ball's research
as well as my own,
I present informa-
tion on condition census
of type and rare varieties, rare
CSA note provenance, missing signifi-
cant varieties and a much easier to use attribution
guidance and pictures. The book is designed to give col-
lectors the knowledge to make good purchases and to advance
his or her collection" according to its author.
Next up was former Paper Money Editor
Gene Hessler, whose The International
Engraver's Line (self-published, 2005)
will debut later this year. Gene has
written five books and 350 maga-
zine articles including columns for
Coin World and the Numismatist.
He is listed in various editions of
Who's Who in the Midwest,
America and the World. Hessler
was curator of the money muse-
ums of The Chase Manhattan Bank
Money Museum and the St. Louis
Mercantile Bank. He is a retired musi-
The International Engraver's Line documents the lives and
work of men and women engravers throughout the world.
"There are approximately 1,000 entries with over 700 illustra-
Bob Schreiner wears multiple hats for the Society and is very
interested in applying technology solutions to information prob-
lems. His current project is converting our journal to CD form.
soon as you are dead & rotten, either write things
41& printer) said.
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 353
tions, most of them in color. With computer programs now
replacing hand engraving, this book will be document to an
era that is coming to an end," Hessler said. This book is a
companion to a previous similarly entitled work, The
Engraver's Line (BNR Press, 1993), which provided similar
coverage for intaglio engravers whose work was primarily in
the U.S.
Current Paper Money Editor Fred Reed explained his new
book Show Me the Money! The Standard Catalog of Motion
Picture, Television, Stage and Advertising Prop Money
(McFarland, 2005). He explained that he did the book "for
the sheer fun of it. Collecting should be for fun. Hobbies
should take one away from the day to day humdrum and prob-
lems. Movie money and the stories they tell are fun."
In addition to his work on Paper Money, Reed is
Confederate columnist for Bank Note Reporter and a weekly
columnist for Coin World. He previously was a staff writer
and News Editor for Coin World, and Vice President
Publishing at Beckett Publications. Reed is owner of enthusi- ltd., a specialty niche publishing venture.
Show Me the Money! is Fred's fourth numismatic title.
Additionally, he has penned an underground novel, and edited
dozens of books ranging from sports personalities to com-
memorative coins to mental disorders. "Show Me the Money! is
the first book of its kind to cross over between popular enter-
tainment and numismatics," its author said. Based on insider
information and research, it chronicles 1000+ films, catalogs
nearly 300 types of prop notes (1,800 varieties) with 2,071
illustrations and index.
Speaker five Wendell Wolka, author of A History of
Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip (SPMC,
2004) told how even a monster book like his could be readily
kept current by means of CD updates.
Wendell has been collecting something for nearly 50
years. His present passions are Ohio obsolete paper money
and scrip, Ohio small size nationals, and lots of other "stuff"
ranging from Bank of Canada notes to wire service photos of
commercial airline disasters. Wendell writes several numis-
matic columns and has written numerous articles and several
books, including the SPMC volume for Indiana.
Wolka's current project is a 2005 update of his 2004 Ohio
book. The update will be offered as a CD, incorporating cor-
rections, additions, and new discoveries made since the book's
publication in July, 2004. "The CD offers low cost and the
ability to provide full color illustrations, with plenty of space
for information that simply would not fit into the book"
Wolka said.
Arthur Friedberg, co-editor with his brother Ira, of the
standard Paper Money of the United States (Coin & Currency
Institute, 17th ed., 2004) and A Guidebook of U.S. Paper Money
(Whitman, 2005) told of future plans to meet the expected
growth in the paper money collecting hobby.
Art is the first American president of the International
Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN). He is an
ANA LM and a member of PNG. With brother Ira, he has
co-authored revisions of Gold Coins of the World (now the 7th
edition) as well as PMUS (now the 17th). The brothers are
also involved with the new Whitman paper money book, and
At left (top to bottom) Pierre Fricke, Gene Hessler and Fred Reed
make their points for their new books at the SPMC Author's Forum
June 17th during the Memphis paper money show.
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Forum speakers Dennis Schafluetzel (left) and Wendell Wolka (right) shared their current projects with the authors' forum audience.
Both happen to be involved in electronic book projects because this technology promises vast storage of information which is inexpensive
and easy to update. Below, speaker Art Friedberg (right) autographs a copy of PMUS for another presenter Tom Carson. (Photos courtesy
Whitman Publications and Bob Schreiner)
will contribute pricing to Coin World's Paper Money Values
magazine (see separate articles).
In 1993 Friedberg was awarded IAPN's Book Prize for
Gold Coins of the World. He also received ANA's Medal of
Merit (1992), its 1st place Heath Literary Award (1994) and
the Swiss Vrenelli Prize (1999) for "outstanding contributions
to numismatics." "What does the future hold? With a new
approach to grading possible, ever rising prices for most popu-
lar/desirable notes, and so many new diversions, what can be
done to provide basis for growth and new collec-
tors?" Friedberg asked, and recounted recent ini-
tiatives along these lines.
Closing out the presentations were the duo
of Dennis Schafluetzel and Torn Carson. As
readers of this journal know, their Tennessee
Merchant Paper Scrip (e-Book, 2005) is underway.
Last year the duo also partnered to produce
Chattanooga's Money written in HTML imported
into Adobe Acrobat to use on web site or CD e-
book. The work featured 1,000+ color images.
"It was researched, written and published in 12
months; that work had seven CD updates in its
first sales year," Carson noted.
Schafluetzel began collecting coins in 1954
and switched to paper in 1996. He is VP of
TSNS and president of GNA with articles in
Paper Money, Numismatist, GNA Journal and
Tenn Coin. Tom is an engineer turned Adobe
Acrobat expert. He has collected Chattanooga
items intensively for 25 years.
A draft, of Tom's and Dennis' Tennessee
Merchant Paper Scrip (2005) with 400+ unlisted
TN merchant notes is at (pass-
word = SPMC6000). They solicit additional TN
scrip and information for the work.
Following the presentations, a short question and answer
session preceded a "meet and greet" which closed out the
With all the current publication projects SPMC authors
are working on next year's forum could be the best yet, forum
sponsors claim. SPMC is at the forefront in numismatic pub-
lishing and intends to remain committed to serving the
hobby. So stay tuned for announcements on next year's
event. -- Fred Reed
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
New Officers, Board members Highlight Memphis
SPMC Memphis 2005 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting date June 18, 2005
Present: Mark Anderson, Benny Bolin, Frank Clark, Bob
Cochran, Rob Kravitz (for part), Gene Hessler, Ron
Horstman, Arri Jacob (for part), Tom Minerley, Bob Moon,
Judith Murphy, Fred Reed, Bob Schreiner. Appointed non-
Board member: Wendell Wolka. Visitors: David Boitnott,
Wes Duran, Robert Vlack.
The meeting was presided over by President Ron
The minutes from the November St. Louis meeting were
We heard a presentation from Robert Vlack asking us to
re-issue a revision of his book on ad notes. He has consider-
able new material, including some 800 Confederate facsimile
advertising notes that might be incorporated. He left
President Horstman with a detailed proposal. In the follow-
ing discussion, in order for SPMC to proceed, we would need
a letter of understanding from the current publisher, R.M.
Smythe. Who will actually produce the printable manuscript?
There was concern about including the Schingoethe material,
expected to come up for sale soon. It was noted that this
would not be a Wismer project. President Horstman said he
would speak with someone at Smythe about the feasibility of
transferring this to SPMC.
Officer Reports
President's report (Ron Horstman). This is in his last
Paper Money column.
Vice President's report (Benny Bolin). No report (but see
his reports for Education and Awards Committees).
Treasurer's report (Mark Anderson). He provided a
detailed separate report. Our financial situation is about the
same as last year at this time. Life membership balance is up a
little. Investments have done slightly better, but are still flat.
The Breakfast this year took in $1,472 in ticket sales and
$1,065 in raffle ticket sales, together these result in a small
Secretary's report (Bob Schreiner). He provided a sepa-
rate report. We have 1,568 members; there were 1,511 last
John Wilson and Wendell Wolka at the Tom Bain Raffle.
Appointee Reports
Regional meetings (Judith Murphy). There were sessions
at Pittsburgh ANA, FUN, and Kansas City. There will be a
meeting at the San Francisco ANA. Murphy and Wendell
Wolka, who together conduct most of these sessions, have
asked for a per diem consideration, perhaps 10-60% of actual
travel costs. They were asked to develop a proposal and bud-
get related to this and submit it to the president for distribu-
tion/consideration by the entire board via email.
Library (Bob Schreiner). Reported that the library con-
tinues pretty much as last year. He bought or was given about
20 books, and loaned fewer. Demand for photocopies of Paper
Money articles continues steadily, although not a big demand.
He noted that he has digitized all 1980s copies of Paper Money
and circulated these on one CD to Board members as an
example of what can be done.
Web Site (Bob Schreiner). The SPMC web is being
maintained, but there have been no major changes.
Advertising manager (Wendell Wolka). Advertising has
increased to some extent and is helping to pay for the addi-
tional pages for our special issues and overall increased num-
ber of pages per year of Paper Money. While advertising rev-
enue is an important component of the Paper Money budget,
we still depend on member dues to provide the service.
Wismer Project (Bob Cochran). Cochran reported a pos-
sible Florida book from Ron Benice. There was discussion of
a possible 1812 book from Forrest Daniel. There was one
comment that the appearance of this material as a book is
Membership (Frank Clark). He provided a separate
report. The SPMC web continues to be the biggest recruiter,
followed by Tom Denly, Wendell Wolka, Frank Clark, and
Fred Reed. Over the last year, we have added 231 members.
This number includes new members, reinstatements, and peo-
ple who originally join as life members.
Paper Money Publisher/Editor report (Fred Reed). The
volume of manuscripts continues, although the page increase
in Paper Money has absorbed much of the backlog. The wait
time to publication is now much more acceptable. Bolin
asked that the meeting minutes be printed more quickly. He
also asked to include more information about regional meet-
ings. Can we consider publishing some articles on the web?
Awards Committee (Wendell Wolka). We are in a tran-
sition period to adopting the new awards scheme. There are
now many more awards, some two dozen, and that adds cost,
about $1,500/year. Wendell, after long service as awards
chairman, has asked to be relieved of this duty. The President
will seek a new awards chair person. Bolin added that he took
part of the Awards Committee responsibility, names for the
Wismer, Founder's and Gold awards.
Education Committee (Benny Bolin). He provided a sep-
arate report. The committee approved two research awards
to Peter Huntoon (National bank notes), one to William
McNease (MPC), and one to Larry Falater. Proposals have
been received from Neil Shafer, Gene Hessler, Alec
Pandaleon, and Peter Huntoon. No Maverick Cards were
awarded over the last year.
SPMC 6000 Committee (Bob Cochran). Cochran has
been active in pursuing non-renewers, resulting in a smaller
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC breakfast-Tom Bain Raffle emcee Wendell Wolka (left) warms the crowd with his easy-going manner and quips. Board member
Bob Cochran is rapt attention by the proceedings.
member loss this year than last. He noted that many paper
money dealers are not members. We tried advertising in the
American Philatelic Society Journal with little success. The
Bank Note Reporter ad has brought in about 10 members over
several months. Should we add 3-5 year membership deals?
Election of Board members. Bob Moon, substituting for
Election Chairman Tom Minerley, reported that Bob
Cochran, Gene Hessler, Tom Minerley, and Jamie Yakes were
elected. There were 153 ballots (154 last year).
Old Business
Election of Officers. The SPMC Board elects officers.
President Horstman said he would not run for re-election.
Nominations included Benny Bolin, president; Mark
Anderson, vice president; Bob Schreiner, secretary; and Bob
Moon, treasurer. All were elected. The new treasurer will
seek bonding, as required by the bylaws.
Board resignation and appointment. Bob Moon
announced that he would resign as a Board member but con-
tinue as treasurer. His resignation was accepted. Board candi-
date Wes Duran was appointed to fill Moon's remaining term
(2 years). Duran accepted.
Financial matters. There was discussion about adding a
second person as check signer. It was moved by Bolin and sec-
onded by Minerley that the secretary should be the second
signer. Motion passed. During the transition to the new
treasurer, Anderson will continue to write checks. We also
need an audit committee. New Board member Duran noted
that he is an experienced auditor. Anderson also reported that
he was working on establishing a more formal financial
arrangement with the Publisher/Editor of Paper Money.
Anderson also produced a separate document that outlined
backup and redundancy procedures for critical documents
such as financial records, Paper Money files, and membership
1929 Project (Arri Jacobs). He raised again the issue of
dropping this project. Should we offer the material to
author(s) known to be working on this subject? A motion was
made by Schreiner, seconded by Cochran: SPMC will drop
the project and offer the data to anyone on a non-exclusive
basis for the cost of copying the material. SPMC retains the
original material. Jacobs has the material and will send it to
the library. Motion passed.
Awards. There are matters unresolved with respect to the
physical awards for the new awards. Did we ever decide on a
final design for the Founder's Award? What is the cost from
Medallic Arts for the proposed plaquette for the Founder's
Award? We recalled it was about $40-50 each in quantity 20,
but Reed will check. Reed and the head of the Awards
Committee will clarify this and other details. We also need to
determine the physical Awards of Merit. For the literary
awards (6 categories, first and second), Wolka suggested some-
thing that can be used, such as clocks. The new member
recruitment award, Blanchard award, and best exhibit in show
are all physically the same. We intend to keep like awards
about the same across all awards.
Memberships as gifts. We discussed providing major
advertisers with bulk memberships that they could use with
their customers. They would be for one year and then renew-
able the usual way. We can start by giving 10. We also dis-
cussed permitting auction houses and other third parties to
purchase bulk memberships as gifts to clients. The latter was
already adopted as a part of the Modest Proposal. The former
was moved by Anderson, seconded by Schreiner. Motion
New Business
Slabbing. President Horstman circulated examples of
slabbed (commercially graded and sealed) paper money.
Bylaws. Copies of the current bylaws were distributed to
Board members.
Other. There were calls for congratulations and honors
for outgoing President Horstman, incoming President Bolin,
and past President Clark, who now rotates off the Board.
Unanimously supported by the Board.
President Horstman adjourned the meeting at 11:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Bob Schreiner, Secretary
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 357
SPMC Honors 2005 Award Winners
Judith Murphy receives Lifetime Achievement Nod
1- ITERARY, SERVICE AND EXHIBIT AWARDShighlighted SPMC activities at the recent Memphis show.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors continues to
place great importance on recognizing the efforts of writers,
researchers, exhibitors, and persons willing to serve both the
hobby in general and the Society in particular. Many times,
the efforts of these people are overlooked, and the Society's
awards program is one way in which it attempts to provide
such recognition.
As part of our on-going SPMC 6000 program to improve
member services, awards were "kicked up a notch" this year,
the Awards Committee acknowledged.
The following awards were presented by the Society.
Nathan Gold Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award
Established and formerly presented (1961-1970) by
Numismatic News, now by the Bank Note Reporter/SPMC.
includin heading up the ,e,*(` .0.6‘ • o Ca
regional meetings pro- ♦ °Y&W, t. 4CNN% V'c),gram. t•C)N e•
D . C . Wismer Award S4eR . •
S2''aAwarded to the author of the best new
G (Xi 010 01 ,1
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
' 441442141t
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388 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
right hand some stalks of wheat, while her left grasps a sickle and supports a sheaf. On either side of the
vignette is the figure 1. The true twenty dollar bills have, as a centre vignette a female figure scattering coins
from an open bag. In the background on her right is a ship and on her left, the figures 20 engraved in a rock.
On each side of the vignette, between it and the ends, appear the figures 20. At the left end of the bill the
word CONNECTICUT occupies the middle, while the characters XX appear at the top and bottom. At the
right end, the figures 20 are twice repeated. At the bottom separating the signatures of the cashier and
President is a steamboat. The altered bills are very skillfully and successfully executed, and consequently,
well calculated to deceive." CTBNL June 1855.
3. $1. Shield, arrows, female &c; reapers at right; female at left. CTBNL Dec. 1862.
Ocean Bank, Stonington
1. $2. Steamboat; sailor and flat at left. Poor imitation of genuine. CTBNL Aug. 1856.
2. $5. Men in forest cutting wood; 5 and men gathering corn at right; men shearing sheep at left. CTBNL Dec.
Paweatuck Bank
1. $50. Angel in clouds; female each side below. CTBNL May 1865.
2. $2. Mechanics, shipyard, 2; 2, two squaws at right; 2 at left. Similar to genuine. Thompson 1863.
Pequonnock Bank, Bridgeport
1. $2 photographed. CTBNL Aug. 1860.
2. $1 altered. Female each side of large figure 1; ONE, female, ONE at right; ONE, two men carrying a
female, ONE at left. CTBNL Apr. 1861.
Phoenix Bank, Hartford
1. $10. Locomotive and cars. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
2. $5. Three females; 5, V, 5 at right; 5, V, 5 at left. Similar to genuine. Thompson 1863.
Quinebaug Bank, Norwich
1. $2. Female reclining; two females at right cupids at lower left. Very coarse. CTBNL Sept. 1858.
Quinnipiack Bank
1. $5 altered from genuine $1. Indians in canoe. CTBNL July 1856.
Rockville Bank
1. $3. Steamboat, locomotive, cars &c; female at right. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
2. $5 altered from $1. Female tending looms. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
3. $1. Poor imitation of genuine. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
4. $3. Female, sheaf of grain, cows &c. female at right. Unlike genuine. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
5. $5 altered. Drove of horses; girl at right. CTBNL Feb. 1859.
Saugatuck Bank
1. $2. Horseman pursuing cattle on prairie; Indian at lower right; female at lower left. Poorly done. CTBNL
Mar. 1854. (Below)
2. $5 altered from $1. Man and boy driving sheep; man sowing seed at right. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
3. $10. Man, horse, boy and sheep. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
Saugatuck Bank #1
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
Saybrook Bank
1. $5. Female, wheat, agricultural implements &c; female at lower right; Harrison at lower left. Poor affair.
CTBNL July 1856.
2. $3. Female, bale, ship &c; 3 at right; THREE across right and left. Similar to genuine. Thompson 1863.
Shetucket Bank
1. $20 altered from $2. Farmers nooning; female bust lower right center; cattle, hay wagons &c. at left.
CTBNL Jan. 1857.
2. $5 altered from $1. Man, woman and child; sailor at right; bust of female at let. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
3. $10 altered rom $1. As above. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
Southport Bank
1. $10 altered from $2. Three men standing; Indian woman at right; ship at left. CTBNL June 1855.
2. $2 photograph. Three men; female and child at lower right; ship at lower left. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
3. $2 raised. Three females; Martha Washington at right; Washington at left. CTBNL Sept. 1858.
4. $1 imitation. Three females around shield surmounted by eagle. Red ends. CTBNL Dec. 1861.
5. $3 imitation. Train of cars; 3, two farmers with rakes at right; THREE, male and female Indians on rock
overlooking river and village, THREE at left. CTBNL Feb. 1865.
Stafford Bank
1. $10 raised from $2. Two females, girl, two cows, milk pail, ship, house &c; female with scales, eagle at lower
right; head of Washington at lower left. CTBNL Sept. 1858.
Stamford Bank
1. $10. Train of cars; female, sword, steamboat at right end. Unlike genuine. CTBNL mar. 1854.
2. $5 altered from genuine $1. View of Stamford Bank; goddess of Liberty at left. CTBNL June 1855.
3. $10 altered from broken bank affair. Eagle; woman and Indian at right. CTBNL July 1856.
4. $3. River, boat, cars, bridge, portrait each side; 3, female, THREE at right; THREE, Washington, THREE
at left. Similar to genuine. Thompson 1863. (Below)
Stamford Bank #4
State Bank, Hartford
1. $5. Arms, female on right, flags; 5, females, tools &c, FIVE at right; 5, sailor, goods, FIVE at left; Similar to
genuine. Thompson 1863.
2. $100. Eagles on shield; 100, man, cornucopia, 100 at right; 100, female, anvil, 100 at left. Similar to genuine.
Thompson 1863.
Thames Bank
1. $5 altered from $1. Cattle &c; man and horse at lower right; FIVE in red letters on bottom; CTBNL Mar.
2. $5 altered from $1. Cattle &c; man and horse at lower right; FIVE in red letters on bottom; CTBNL June
3. $5. Five cupids encircled in figure 5; 5, female, FIVE at right; FIVE, Male, 5 at left. CTBNL Sept. 1858.
4. $2 altered. Man and woman standing by well; female supporting 2 at right; two silver dollars at left. CTBNL
Feb. 1859.
5. $5. Four men loading hay on wagon with two oxen at right; men with cattle in a stream at left. CTBNL Apr.
390 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Thompson Bank, Thompson
1. $3. Large 3, oval female portrait each side; 3, blacksmith seated at right; 3, Washington on horseback at left;
Some of these bills have a portrait of Franklin on the right end, and a portrait of Washington on left end.
CTBNL Feb. 1865.
Tolland County Bank, Tolland
1. $100 imitation. Spread eagle on branch of tree, aqueduct and cars; 100, Vulcan seated at right. CTBNL
Dec. 1862.
2. $10. Two females, factories; 10, girl at right; 10 female at left. Similar to genuine. Thompson 1863.
Tradesmen's Bank, New Haven
1. $5. Female, barrel, urn, ships; female and agricultural scene at right; portrait at left. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
2. $1 altered. Battle scene; house at right; female portrait at left. CTBNL Dec. 1857, CTBNL Feb. 1858.
Uncas Bank, Norwich
1. $5 altered from $1. Two figures working a press; female, sheaf of grain at right; blacksmith at left. CTBNL
Aug. 1856.
2. $10 altered from $1. As above. CTBNL July 1856.
Union Bank, New London
1. $5. Five male busts with 5; steamboat at right; anchor and shield at left; blue tint. CTBNL Feb. 1859.
2. $10 altered. Men, horse, dogs, X and child, bust at right; X, sportsman with gun and dogs at left. CTBNL
Feb. 1859.
Waterbury Bank
1. $10 altered from $1. Two females; two females at right; two females at left. Unlike genuine. CTBNL Mar.
2. $10. Steamship, ships &c; Washington at right. CTBNL July 1856.
3. $1. Indian hunting deer; 1, portrait at right; men picking cotton at left; ONE across left end. CTBNL Sept.
4. $10. Well executed. CTBNL Dec. 1861.
5. $10. Female seated with key; 10, goddess of Liberty at right; 10, female and scales at left; dog's head between
signatures. "Refuse all $10s." CTBNL Dec. 1861.
6. $10. Female in 10, bridge, cars &c; 10, female at right; 10, female at left. Similar to genuine. Thompson
Whaling Bank, New London
1. $2 altered. Steamship, Indian girl at right. CTBNL Jan. 1861.
Windham Bank
1. $20 altered from $1. Harvest scene; frogs at right; female with a shield at left. CTBNL June 1855.
2. $10 altered from smaller note. Two cows, female at right;mechanic at left. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
3. $5 altered from $1. Three men and one woman in a field; two frogs at right. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
4. $5 altered from $1. Similar to above. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
5. $20 altered form small note. Farmer, sailor and mechanic; girl with a bundle of faggots (sticks) at left.
CTBNL Jan. 1857.
6. $10 altered from small note. Two cows; female at right; mechanic at left. CTBNL Jan. 1857.
Winsted Bank
1. $1. Train of cars; 1, bust of man, ONE at right; 1, bust of man, ONE at left. CTBNL Aug. 1860.
Wooster Bank, Danbury
1. $5 altered. Capitol at Washington; 5 and female at right; 4, state arms, FIVE at left. CTBNL Apr. 1860.
Bryn Korn
Tom Denly
Robert Neale
Frank Clark
(sponsors of at least 2
Andrew Korn
Allen Mincho
Paul Burns
Bob Cochran
6000 Honorees
new members since March
Fred Reed
Wendell Wolka
Ron Horstman
Rob Kravitz
1, 2004)
Jack Levi
Judith Murphy
Arri Jacob
Mark Anderson
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 391
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 75011
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 07/17/2005
10993 Louis H. Geser, 50 West 96th St Apt 9B, New york, NY
10025 (C, Nationals), Tom Denly
10994 Joseph F. Gorman (C), Lowell C. Horwedel
10995 John R. Hench II, (C), Tom Denly
10996 Joseph R. Smith (C), Torn Denly
10997 Larry Eggert, 194 Independence Dr, Lockport, NY 14094
(C), Website
10998 Chuck Nickle, Rt 1 Box 1470, Cassvill, MO 65625 (C,
Fractional, Gold Certificates), Website
10999 Elmer Powell (C), Website
11000 John W. Eshelman, 119 S. Duke St, Lancaster, PA 17602-
3509 (C, US Large & Small, Confederate), Wendell Wolka
11001 William D. Haydon, 10230 N. Delaware St, Indianapois,
IN 46280 (C, US), Website
11002 Derek Moffitt (C), Wendell Wolka
11003 Robert D. Raby (C), Bob Cochran
11004 Paper Money Guarantee, C/O Glen Jorde, PO Box 4755,
Sarasota, FL 34230 (D, Paper Money Grading Service), Glen
11005 Peter D. Adams (C), Website
11006 Clarence G. Brisee, 590 Route 9 West, Glenmont, NY
12077-3702 (C), Website
11007 Steve Cox (C), Torn Denly
11008 Dave Steckling, PO Box 934, St. Cloud, MN 56302 (C &
D, US & Obsoletes), Frank Clark
11009 James C. Gray, PO Box 1924, Gastonia, NC 28053-1924
(C, North Carolina - Colonials thru Nationals), Website
11010 Jimmie Davis, 4340 Columbia 34, Magnolia, AR 71753-
9616 (C, Arkansas Nationals), Wendell Wolka
11011 Bob Bergstrom, 1711 Driving Park Rd, Wheaton, IL
60187-3226 (C, Fiscal Items with Revenue Stamps), Website
11012 Cliff Andrews, PO Box 198, Great Mills, MO 20634 (C,
Aces & Norfolk, VA Nationals), Website
11013 Alexander Sczech, 25827 S River Park Dr, Inkster, MI
48141-1962 (C, Obsoletes), Stephen Goldsmith
11014 Dwight Kent (C), Wendell Wolka
11015 Roy Cragway Jr., 13 Whitehorse Dr, Berlin, MD 21811-
1610 (C, US Small & Errors), Torn Denly
11016 Dave Petrashek, 4205 Bagley Parkway, Madison, WI
53705 (C, Obsoletes, MPC), Wendell Wolka
11017 Tom Powell, 10903 Equestrian Ct, Reston, VA 20190 (C,
US Type), Wendell Wolka
11018 Rex Buckley, 6955 Banchory CT, Alexandria, VA 22315
(C, US Small & WW II Military), Torn Denly
11019 James Hill, (C & D), Wendell Wolka
11020 Mary Counts (C), Fred Reed
11021 Levente Jakab, 511 Walker Dr #6, Mountain View, CA
94043 (C, US Large), Frank Clark
6286 Robert P. King (C), Frank Clark
10482 Monty Farmer, POB 3477, Meridian, MS 39303 (C)
Frank Clark
LM363 Roger Barnes, (C), Torn Denly
The American Society of Check Collectors
publishes a quarterly journal for members.
Visit our website at or write to
Coleman Leifer, POB 577, Garrett Park, MD 20896.
Dues are $10 per year for US residents,
$12 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $18 for those in foreign locations.
New Hampshire Notes
Wanted: Obsolete currency,
National Bank notes,
other items relating
to New Hampshire paper money
from the earliest days onward.
Dave Bowers
Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New jersey
Obsoletes — Nationals — Scrip
Histories and Memorabilia
Allenburst — Allentown — Asbiny Park — Atlantic Highlands — Belmar
Bradley Beach — Eatontown — Englishtown — Freehold — Howell
Keansburg — Keyport — Long Branch — Manasquan — Matawan
Middletown — Ocean Grove — Red Bank — Sea Bright — Spring Lake
N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525
Why do the leading paper money dealers
advertise in PAPER MONEY?
Because they are the LEADING DEALERS
& They intend to remain THE leaders!
• You can be a leader too •
• Advertise in PAPER MONEY •
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY392
New President Outlines Future
HELLO TO ALL! AT THE ANNUAL BOARD OFGovernor's meeting of SPMC held in June at the
International Paper Money Show in Memphis, I had the
extreme honor and privilege to be elected President of the
Society. This is a role that I take with pleasure, excitement
and humility. Many of you know me, but if you don't, just a
little about myself. I live in Allen, Texas, just 30 miles north of
Dallas. I have been collecting for 41 years, actively paper since
1982. My primary collecting focus is Fractional Currency and
South Carolina obsoletes.
As we enter into this new era of SPMC with a new
President, Vice-President, Treasurer and two new governors,
my goal is to have a board that is extremely responsive to its
members. You elected us as governors to serve you and take
the hobby forward into the future with innovation and involve-
ment. I am working to have the board increase its communi-
cation, not only internally, but with the membership and tilt
hobby as a whole. My belief is that communication is the most
integral part of any organization. However, communication
MUST be two-way. Not only will we need to communicate
with you, but I urge you to communicate with us. Ask us your
questions and let us know your concerns and your ideas. I
make you the pledge that I will present all of your concerns
and ideas to the board, and we will discuss them and act as we
are able. Just remember, this is your Society and your input is
At the board meeting, we made a decision on the 1929
Project. We have decided to let those in the field who have
more data, knowledge and resources continue with it. All of
the data that has been submitted for this project will be sent to
the librarian. Hopefully it will be available around the first of
the year to anyone who wants a copy for the cost of mailing
and copying. We have also decided to institute a method of
paying dues and other payments to the society via credit card.
Treasurer Moon is working now to set this up. We are also
working on a new committee structure, our regional meeting
initiative and we are investigating a program that will rely on
some of you to help us as speakers for clubs and shows.
Overall, I am very excited and honored to be your new
President. I hope you will find that I fulfill that task in a man-
ner that is pleasing to you. If not, please let me know. I am
not able to attend that many national shows, but I will be at
the PCDA show in St. Louis in November. Find me and bend
my ear for a while.
I want to thank Wendell Wolka and Arri Jacob who did
not run for re-election to the board for all their hard work and
efforts on behalf of the society. Wendell will be continuing
with us in a number of appointed capacities. I also would like
to thank Ron Horstman for his leadership the last two years as
President. Benny
$ money mart
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15e per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Ad must be non-commercial in nature.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis. Special: Three line adk six issues = only $20.50! (wow)
size WA nationals from Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Montesano. Chris
Flaat,, 425-706-6022 (244
SHAWNEE AND KINGFISHER Oklahoma Nationals wanted
#9998 and #6416 with George McKinnis signature. Large size #9954
and #5328. Carl Cochrane, 12 Pheasant Dr., Asheville, NC 28803, e-
mail (243)
EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Banknote wanted. Also any relat-
ed contemporary banking material. Martin Roenigk, 75 Prospect Ave.,
Eureka Springs, AR 72632. (479) 253-0405. (239)
KANSAS NBNs WANTED. Goodland #14163, Olathe #3720,
Pleasanton #8803. A.R. Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051 (236)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histo-
ries of banks which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking
county/state/regional banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031 e-mail: (234)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip,
checks, CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of
Abraham Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box
118162, Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (245)
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO
Box 1211, Greenwood, Indiana 46142
WANTED KANSAS. Obsoletes -- Checks -- Drafts. S. Whitfield,
879 Stillwater CT, Weston, FL 33327
SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Obsolete paper money from South
Bend or St. Joseph County wanted. Bob Schreiner, POB 2331 Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331; email: (234)
County CT banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London,
Norwich, Pawcatuck, Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London
Society United for Trade and Commerce and FNB of Tahoka
Nationals #8597. David Hinkle, 215 Parkway North, Waterford, CT
06385. (249)
SHOW ME THE MONEY! Standard Catalog of Motion Picture Prop
Money (2005) by Fred Reed, 800 pages, $82.50 postpaid & you get
FREE Prop note. P.O.B. 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162 (239)
lished works for research. Alan Palm, 301 G St. SW-Apt. 201,
Washington, DC 20024; (202) 554-8976; e-mail
WANTED RADARS, REPEATERS, low and fancy serials 1928-
1963 also Large Size 8 digit radars and repeaters. Logan Talks, 14
Misty Cove Ln., Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 (243)
MASSENA, NEW YORK #6694 bank notes wanted, large or small
size, also obsolete and related materials to Massena banks. John
White, P.O. Box 3183, Spring 1E11, FL 34606 (243)
POTSDAM, NEW YORK #868 and #5228 bank notes wanted, large
and small size, also obsoletes and materials relating to Potsdam banks,
John White, P.O. Box 3183, Spring Hill, FL 34606 (243)
To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come.
The v7 10 (4,-,4 641011 Gve.4,,,aJsfia. a banking corporation estab.
lished by the Geneafl Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Provideptce Plantations,
and located in t.,% MV:14-; /— in the County of (../7 41,41-7-
herepy acknowledges to have received of cifott-hlv Governor,
;ea Gi+vy ouweii3 Secretary, and J 041,, 0-E4--4,-0
General '*easurer, Commissioners appointed by an act of thkGeneral Assembly of said
State, at the session thereof, on the last Yonday of October, one the sand eight hundred
and thirty six, the sum of e.,,,f) a-e, 541-2,(Azeti
v 4yz - in Deposit, under and in conformity with,the provi-
sions sif the aforesaid act, entitled "an act to provide for the disposition of the proportion
of the money of the United States to be deposited with this State, by virtue of an act of
Congress, entitled an act to regulate the Deposites of the Public Money, apprcved June 2S,
1836 ; and also to provide for the appropriation of the interest arising from said money."
And the said Corporation by their corporate name aforesaid, do hereby covenant and
agree to and with said Commissioners and their succesors, to pay an Interest at the rate
of Five per cent. per annum for the use of said money, at the time and in the manner
specified by said act ; and to pay over said amount so deposited, or any part thereof, to
the order of said Commissioners or their successors, whensoever required, in conformity
with the provisions of said act.
In Testimony whereof the President of said Corporation, being thereunto authorized
by the Board of Directorp, has subscribed his name, and affixed the seal of said Corpora-
tion hereunto, this ..0&72-,4, day of
Signed sealed and delio- )
and in presenca of 5
924 A. D. 183/7
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
When the National Debt
Was Actually Paid
By Forrest W. Daniel
And not only that, the remaining surplus was distributed to the
States in the form of a deposit which could be reclaimed at the
pleasure of the federal government. That was in 1837. Congress
finally decided a recall of the $28,000,000 would do little to alleviate the debt
of nearly a trillion dollars which had accrued since 1837, so on December 28,
1980, President James E. Carter signed a bill to confirm the distribution and
cancel the deposit clause of the original act. The money finally belonged to the
states, which was the idea in the first place.
In addition to the regular borrowing necessary to maintain the day-to-day
business of the United States at its inception and early years, there were two
massive loans which greatly expanded the public debt. The first was the fund-
ing of the domestic debt amassed during Revolutionary and Confederation
years. The assumption of that inflated debt by the Act of August 4, 1790, even
when reduced to its specie value, (about $1 for $100) amounted to
$64,456,963.90. And loans to finance the War of 1812-1815 brought in only
$34,000,000 specie value for more than $80,000,000 of indebtedness, plus
The funds to pay federal obligations came principally from import duties,
levies on the tonnage of ships and in later years the sale of public lands. The
only direct taxes levied to finance the War of 1812 were enacted too late to pay
any of the costs while the war was being carried on. The nation was so pros-
perous, despite repeated temporary setbacks, during the post-war period 1816-
1836 that the entire national debt was retired and the surplus was so great that
something had to be done about it.
As early as 1816 it was suggest-
ed that the yearly estimated surplus-
es of between $2 and $6 million, be
distributed to the states, with inter-
nal improvements -- roads, canals,
railroads and the like-being a sug-
gested use for the funds. Twenty
years later the debt was virtually paid
by January 1, 1835, so in 1836, with
a projected surplus of $50,000,000 at
the end of the year, Congress, passed
a bill on June 23 to distribute the
January, 1837, surplus to the several
States in proportion to their repre-
sentation in Congress.
The suggestion that the gov-
ernment, itself, spend the money on
internal improvements was rejected.
The Democratic administration of
President Andrew Jackson was firmly
Certificate of Deposit issued by the
New England Commercial Bank,
Newport, for funds received on
deposit from the State of Rhode
Island. The money was part of the
second installment of Treasury
deposits under the Act of June 23,
...1‘,--z-Z.77 X47
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY394
A. D. 189
At a meeting of the Directors of the
toted, that we will accept in behalf'
of said Bank our proportion of the Public Money, in Deposit, under the provisions of
the act of the General Assembly passed in October last, entitled " An act to provide for
the disposition of the proportion of the money of the United States to be deposited with
this State, by virtue of an act of Congress, entitled An act to regulate the Depositcs of
the Public Money, approved June lid, MO; and also to provide for the appropriation
of the interest arising from said money."
Voted, That the President of this Bank, be and he is hereby authorized and directed
to execute all necessary instruments therefor, and affix the Seal of the Corporation thereto,
True copy—witness:
opposed to any federal funding for internal
improvements. It was the duty of the
States, alone, he believed, to finance their
own internal development. Congressmen
opposed to the distribution felt that
although $5,000,000 was reserved as a nor-
mal carry-over, at least some of the money
might well be needed again sometime in the
future. They were strong enough to modify
the form of the distribution into a deposit
of the funds, subject to recall when needed.
The form of the required certificates
of deposit and terms for recall of the money
were set out in the Act, although no one really believed that would ever hap-
pen. The deposits with the States were to be made quarterly beginning in
January 1837. The supposed $50 million surplus dwindled to $42,000,000 by
December 1, and to $37,468,859.97 when it was divvied the first of January.
Although some believed the funds should have been divided according to
population, the amounts were based on each state's Congressional delegation:
New York, with 42 members, was to receive $5,352,694.28; Arkansas,
Michigan and Delaware each had three members and anticipated $382,335.31.
The amount to be divided among the States was $37,468,859.97; the initial
installment was $9,367,214.98.
The first two payments were made in specie or its equivalent; but when
the third payment fell due on July 1, the States were offered, and gladly accept-
ed, depreciated paper. The Treasury was short of funds for the October
installment, so payment was delayed until January 1, 1839; but when that day
arrived again no funds were available, and never since until recent years has
there been a surplus. While the final total $28,101,645 of deposits could
have been recalled, they never were.
The deposit of funds was the last of a number of massive transfers of
public funds in the 1830s. The Bank of the United States, as financial agent
for the Treasury, was responsible for having the required funds, specie or its
equivalent, in place when and where it was needed to make payments. That
process could involve massive purchases of internal or foreign exchange and
often the transfer of specie between distant markets, all at the bank's
expense. The movement could, and did on several occasions, cause serious
disruption of regular mercantile operations. While the liquidation of the
national debt was spread over several years, it left the Treasury's balance at
the Bank of the United States at a lowered total.
In consequence of President Jackson's opposition to the Bank, on
September 26, 1833, the Treasury began to deposit its receipts in seven pri-
vate banks rather than the Bank of the United States, while it continued to
make regular withdrawals from that bank. Only one of the seven banks
receiving deposits was not solidly Jacksonian; the number of "pet banks"
increased later. Until the Act of June 23, 1836, however, no standards
defined the requirements necessary for a state bank to qualify for Treasury
deposits. Thus, when the Treasury surplus deposits were made to the States
(under the same Act) in January, 1837, it was the eighty-eight pet state banks
which were called upon to produce those funds in specie, in large amounts,
in short order.
Many of those banks and bankers were unacquainted with that type of
business, but they were able to make the first two installments in specie,
padded the third with depreciated paper and flunked the fourth payment.
Most of the banks were forced to suspend specie payment in the spring; only
five or six continued to redeem their notes in specie and to remain deposit
Uncompleted second page of the
New England Commercial Bank
Certificate of Deposit.
Memorandum of receipt upon repay-
ment of deposit, endorsed on back of
the certificate.
Amounts Deposited with the States in
Alabama $ 669,086.79
Arkansas 286,751.49
Connecticut 764,670.60
Delaware 286,751.49
Georgia 1,051,422.09
Illinois 477,919.14
Indiana 860,254.44
Kentucky 1,433,757.39
Louisiana 477,919.14
Maine 955,838.25
Maryland 955,838.25
Massachusetts 1,338,173.58
Michigan 286,751.49
Mississippi 382,335.30
Missouri 382,335.30
New Hampshire 669,086.79
New Jersey 764,670.60
New York 4,014,520.71
North Carolina 1,433,757.39
Ohio 2,007,260.34
Pennsylvania 2,867,514.78
Rhode Island 382,335.30
South Carolina 1,051,422.09
Tennessee 1,433,757.39
Vermont 669,086.79
Virginia 2,198,427.99
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
banks. Even had the banks been able to produce specie to pay the final install-
ment, the Treasury did not have sufficient funds to cover the account. The
surplus was gone. The distribution of funds to the States was the ultimate rea-
son the Treasury had to the issue $10,000,000 of Treasury Notes to cover its
normal obligations in 1837.
Just what the States did with their windfall would require a great deal of
research, and it appears an accurate account would be difficult to find. Even
John Jay Knox, writing in 1885, was uncertain how the states treated the
The data for a full investigation of this subject are not at hand, but it is known
that the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, Ohio, and Missouri appropriated a considerable portion of the
income from this fund to the support of public schools; ... In some instances
the States used the funds for internal improvements ...
And there were other designs on the money. In January, 1861, Secretary
of the Treasury John A. Dix wanted to withdraw the deposits from the States,
but according to authorities there was no way it could be done. In 1883 and
1884 the States of Arkansas and Virginia petitioned the Secretary of the
Treasury under the Act of June 23, 1836, for payment of the fourth install-
ment, again without success.
When the second $127,445.10 installment of the deposit was received by
the State of Rhode Island, a commission appointed by the General Assembly
disbursed the funds into deposits in various state banks. Governor John Brown
Francis, Secretary Henry Bowen and General Treasurer John Sterne assigned
$1,069.66 to The New England Commercial Bank in Newport and received a
certificate of deposit bearing five per cent interest dated April 3, 1837, signed
by Geo. Bowen, president, and blind sealed with the bank's monogi am on yel-
low paper. The certificate was cashed with interest in full on
May 27, 1840, and the funds put to some other use for the benefit
of the state.
While it is believed many of the states disbursed the
deposited funds for various uses during nearly century and a half,
several carried the deposit accounts into recent time. The
Associated Press reported the effect of the release of funds in
New Jersey where $764,670.60 was still in the trust fund. New
Jersey had withdrawn interest on the account annually and placed
it in the general fund or invested it; since 1978 the interest had
been transferred to the New Jersey Cash Management Fund.
The state bureau of accounting was unable to calculate the total
interest which had accumulated over the years but the amount
was $47,911 for 1979 and $54,273 for 1980. Officials said the
$764,670.90 would be a nice addition to the general fund, but it
was a long way from solving New Jersey's fiscal problems.
Act of June 23, 1836.
Coin World, Sidney, Ohio, Oct. 22, 1980.
The Forum, Fargo, N. Dak., May 7, 1981.
Hammond, Bray. Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution
to the Civil War. Princeton (1957).
Knox, John Jay. United States Notes. London (1885).
Myers, Margaret G. A Financial History of the United States. New
York (1970).
Smith, Walter Buckingham. Economic Aspects of The Second Bank
of the United States. Cambridge (1953).
396 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Vinegar 1840 $1,000 Bank Notes Not Authentic
Richard Giedroyc
THIS BANK NOTE LOOKS VINTAGE, BUT IS Avinegar-stained replica. This 1840 Bank of the
United States $1,000 bank note shows up in the darndest
It's the sort of note that makes paper money dealers
and advanced collectors collectively shake their heads.
There are just so many copies of it out there in the hands
of non-collectors and beginners. Everyone seems to have
the same story about his note being found in an old chest
owned by the family for generations. Each of these notes
has the same serial number "8894."
The notes encountered with this serial number are
crisp and yellowed. They look nice and they look old to
anyone who has never handled old paper. These are one of
the most commonly encountered replicas in all of numis-
The one illustrated
is less deceptive than
many fakes. At least this
replica is printed COPY,
but many overlook such
small printing in their
wild daydreams of found
These commonly
misunderstood replicas
are made through the
same process as copies of
the Declaration of
Independence and the
U.S. Constitution, which
are sold as souvenirs.
In some manner, the paper is dipped in vinegar to ensure it
will turn yellow and crisp. Somewhere along the line dur-
ing the 1960s, somebody decided this must be what old
paper looks like.
Any older paper note or book will give you a better
idea what old paper looks like after aging and handling. It
may stay white or turn shades of gray. It becomes limp
with use. It doesn't turn yellow and crispy like a potato
The Bank of the United States, which issued the real
$1,000 note (as well as a $2,000 and $5,000 denomination),
was actually the Third Bank of the United States. The
genuine notes were printed by Draper, Toppan, Longacre
Co. These are the highest denomination notes issued by
the Bank. They represent a staggering amount of money
for 1840. At that time, a team worker on the Erie Canal
made about $13.50 in wages for a six-day work week ($702
per year). Denominations this high were typically used for
bank and business transfers.
These Bank of the United States notes of 1840 were to
be redeemed at a later date, but the bank failed before that
time ("Post" notes such as this issue were posted to be
redeemed at later dates). People holding these notes, who
were investors in the bank, were stuck with this worthless
paper. The bank's closing helped start a financial crisis
across the country.
The Second Bank of the United States was one of the
most influential financial institutions in the world between
1815 and 1832, when President Andrew Jackson and bank
president Nicholas Biddle got into a controversy. Jackson
vetoed a new charter for the bank and it closed in 1836.
The Bank of the United States issuing the $1,000
notes of 1840 was chartered as a banking institution by
Pennsylvania. The period following the closing of the sec-
ond bank is called the "Free Banking Era." It is a quarter
century period in which local and state banks issued their
own paper money, all without federal regulation. States,
private banks, railroads, stores, and individuals issued their
own notes. Some were genuine, others were from bogus
banks that never existed, while yet others were counterfeits.
A dollar issued by one bank might not be worth a dollar at
another bank. This period ended in 1866.
The vignettes on the front of the note include the
facade of the Third Bank of the United States at center. It
was formerly the Second Bank building and later served
until 1935 as the Philadelphia Customs House. To the
left from top to bottom are vignettes of David Rittenhouse,
William Penn and Thomas Paine. To the right from top
to bottom are vignettes of Robert Fulton, Benjamin
Franklin and Robert Morris.
When encountering such notes with serial number
"8894" and the tall tales that go with them, just smile and
pass on buying the notes.
You are invited to visit our web page
For the past 5 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
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PA.71112 WOW,
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239
United States Paper Money
--special selections for discriminating collectors--
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Error Notes
Small Size Type
National Currency
Star or Replacement Notes
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
Bart, Inc.
(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 • Roseville, MI 48066
Always Wanted
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Obsoletes - Nationals - Scrip
Histories and Memorabilia
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N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
800-533-6163 Fax: 732-282-2525
Information on W.L. Ormsby and the New York Bank Note Company circa
the 1840s-1860s, personal information about Ormsby, examples of his
paper money (will buy the bills or would be delighted to correspond and
receive copies, and anything else).
I am planning to do a monograph on Ormsby.
Dave Bowers
P.O. Box 539 Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
Buying & Selling
Quality Collector Currency
• Colonial & Continental Currency
• Fractional Currency
• Confederate & Southern States Currency
• Confederate Bonds
• Large Size & Small Size Currency
Always BUYING All of the Above
Call or Ship for Best Offer
Free Pricelist Available Upon Request
James Polis
4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-6650
Fax: (202) 363-4712
398 September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
Recent Events
and Future Possibilities
SPMC'S SECOND SYMPOSIUM ON PUBLISHING, held at the Memphis International Paper Money Show
June 17, was well attended, and the audience was rewarded
with some very good presentations. The emphasis this year
was more on what and why rather than how. Thanks to pre-
senters Tom Carson, Pierre Fricke, Gene Hessler, Arthur
Friedberg, Fred Reed, Dennis Schafleutzel, and Wendell
Wolka and to all the enthusiastic people who attended. Look
for the publishing symposium to become an annual event,
probably to be scheduled for the Friday afternoon of the
Memphis show. Have an idea for 2006? Send it to me.
I have just returned from the second week of the
American Numismatic Association's Summer Seminar of
classes held on the campus of Colorado College, adjacent to
ANA headquarters. This was my first trip in eight years, and I
wonder why I waited so long. I took SPMC member Wendell
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, Librarian
Wolka's introductory class in paper money, and I was privi-
leged to teach a couple sections of the class. Wendell, best
known for his works in U.S. obsolete paper money, is a great
teacher, and he has developed some excellent presentation
materials for the class. A highlight was an inside look at the
ANA's Beebe collection of U.S. currency thanks to museum
curator Douglas Mudd. No one returns from the Summer
Seminar disappointed. It's a week of happy immersion in
numismatics and rich collegiality with fellow collectors,
famous and obscure. Treat yourself.
While at the Summer Seminar, I enjoyed becoming re-
acquainted with ANA librarian Nancy Green and meeting
archivist Jane Colvard. They, like other ANA staff I have met,
are very dedicated to helping members make the most of the
resources of the ANA. I explored some possible publication
projects with them, perhaps with joint SPMC/ANA sponsor-
ship. The ANA library has a great collection including rare
non-circulating source documents--now free of copyright--
that would interest collectors and inform numismatic
researchers. I'll let you know what develops.
When SPMC was seeking a new home for our library and
having some difficulty identifying a taker, we considered
donating it to ANA. I ended up with the job, but now I'm not
sure that this was the best decision. If ANA would accept our
library, all SPMC members--regardless of status as an ANA
member--would gain borrowing privileges for the entire ANA
library. The borrowing process and cost recovery that ANA
uses are the same as ours. Several organizations have now
donated their libraries, including IBNS. It's definitely worth
another look. Let me know what you think about this.
The library catalog is on the SPMC web, . I
welcome your thoughts on library, web, and related areas. I
can be reached at POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331, or
email to .
Now tell us what you REALLY think
I just came back from the Memphis paper money show,
and I couldn't be more stoked on the future of our hobby.
Friends, paper money collecting's "good old" days begin
today and lie in our future! And, I'm happy to report, SPMC
members are leading the way.
For market watchers, all the "leading indicators" are up:
• Paper Money Values (see story elsewhere), edited by
SPMC member Michele Orzano, will debut shortly after you
receive this issue. This slick paper money magazine as much
as anything indicates the growth potential of our hobby.
When an astute publisher like Amos Press feels this hobby is
ready for its own magazine and is willing to put bucks and
reputation on the line to pull it off, I for one (as a columnist
for Bank Note Reporter, Paper Money and Coin World) say "I
salute your efforts."
• new book publishing interests represented by
McFarland Publications and Whitman Publications are step-
ping up currency publications. The former, a respected ref-
erence book publisher, has already brought two excelllent
books by SPMC members to print (George Tremmel's
definitive Counterfeit Curency of the Confederate States of
America, and my own Show Me the Money! The Standard
Catalog of Motion Picture, Television, Stage and Advertising Prop
Money). Under the guidance of President Robert Franklin,
Executive Vice President Rhonda Herman and Sales
Manager Karl-Heinz Roseman, McFarland is poised to
expand its influence and contributions to our hobby.
Whitman, an oldline numismatic mainstay, has reemerged as
a power player in our hobby, with significant paper money
works such as A Guide Book of United States Paper Money (see
related story elsewhere) and more planned. Under the lead-
ership of SPMC member President Mary Counts, Publisher
Dennis Tucker, Numismatic Director SPMC member Dave
Bowers, and Director of New Business Development SPMC
member Clifford Mishler, the future looks great.
• our own fabulously successful SPMC author's forum
at the show (see separate story) which featured a robust
group of publishing pros and Society members: Confederate
currency author Pierre Fricke's book will be the most impor-
tant CSA work in the last 90 years. Gene Hessler, the out-
standing American paper money scholar of our generation.
Wendell Wolka, author of our Wismer "Book of the Year"
award, whose Ohio book sets a new standard in state paper
money catalogs. Art Friedberg, who with brother Ira, own
and are expanding the most successful and profitable paper
money cataloging system. Electronic book visionaries,
including our own SPMC Librarian Bob Schreiner, Dennis
min i!
7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
PAPER MONEY • September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 399
Schafluetzel/Tom Carson who are pioneering new technologi-
cal frontiers of infomation presentation. And yours truly, who
was happy to be among such an illustrious group.
• monstrous and monumental auctions by traditional
powerhouses such as R.M. Smythe, Lyn Knight and
Heritage/CAA as well as others. At the Memphis auction I
had to bid three times the generous catalog estimate of a thou-
sand bucks to outduel a committed dealer on a rare obsolete
for my collection. Remember, it's not just the notes that you
need that are escalating in value, it's all those notes you have
stashed away over the years.
• our SPMC 6000 "Re-building a great Society for a new
century" ('-"' program to improve member services, give mem-
bers more bang for their buck, and grow membership. Look
at the magazine in your hands. Membership Director Frank
Clark reported at Memphis that for the first time in years, our
Society is growing in numbers once again (see related story).
• reliable surveys indicate at least 30,000 serious paper
money collectors exist today and their numbers are growing
every day. If our Society attracted just 10% of that group our
membership would nearly double to 3,000, which would mean
even more benefits for ALL members.
• new security concious currency designs by the U.S. and
virtually EVERY country around the globe attract the public's
attention to the new bills as well as the notes these attractive
new bills are replacing. SPMC should unquestionably attract
one-in-ten of these new paper money fans, too.
In recent months we've placed several of our attractive
new recruiting brochures in the hands of EVERY member.
Don't let them go to waste. Put them into the hands of
friends, colleagues, neighbors, family members and encourage
them to join you in SPMC. Better yet sign them up and give
them a gift membership, something they'll really enjoy when
the striped tie or sweater gets hung in the back of the closet.
inCforEmaRtioAn oTn
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
If you want YOUR ad to appear in the next issue
of Paper Money, don't wait; make arrangements
Non-contract ads run on a space available basis;
don't be left out in the cold!
Have a Question?--clip and save
I If you have a question about the Society, contact the appropriate I
I officer for help. Please include a self-addressed, stamped enve- I
I lope (SASE) with your inquiry. Correspondence sent without this
courtesy cannot be answered. Or you may inquire via e-mail.
▪ Postal addresses are listed on page 322.
I• Application for membership: Frank Clark or
▪ • Status of membership, address change , non-receipt of
magazine, or about the library or the SPMC web site:
I Bob Schreiner or
I • Inquiries about regional/annual meetings: Judith
Murphy or
I• Matters relating to Paper Money articles or ads: Fred
1 Reed or
September/October 2005 • Whole No. 239 • PAPER MONEY
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FUN Signature Auction, January 6-7, 2006
CSNS Signature Auction, April 27-29, 2006
Aly 4e4t neoi
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NY Wald to atte;tioP/ gf-0117/1/
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Allen Minch()
Senior Numismatist
Ext. 327
Heritage Currency Auctions of America has been smashing
world records all year long. We first set a new world record
for the largest currency auction ever held ($6.7 million) at FUN
2005. Then our Taylor Family Collection auction in February
nearly doubled that record with $12 million in proceeds.
HCAA knows how to set records, but we extend the
same effort on every note, on every lot. Whether your
consignment is valued at $5 thousand or S5 million,
we want you to be thrilled with the process and the results.
Whether you are selling a few extra notes from your holdings,
or a comprehensive collection that took decades to assemble,
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Michael1W4 HeritageCurrency.corn
e Continental Trod
s of Government,
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tea) to
Jim Fitzgera
Senior Numismatist
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1-(800-872-6467) • 214-528-3500 • FAX: 214-443-8425 • e-mail:
Heritage Numismatic Auctions, Inc.: California 3S 3062 16 63, Florida AB 0000665, and Ohio 2001014318. Currency Auctions of America: Florida AB 2218; Illinois 044000217
and Ohio 2001014317. Auctioneers: Leo Frese: Ohio 62199772599, Florida AU 0001059. California 3S 3062 16 64, New York City; Day 1094965, Night 1094966; Samuel
Foose: Texas 00011727, California 3S 3062 16 65, North Carolina 7642, Illinois 041000914, Florida AU3244, and New York City; Day 0952360, Night 0952361. Scott Peterson:
Texas 00013256, Florida AU3021, and North Carolina #7627: Bob Korver, New York City, Day 1096338 and Night 1096340.
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