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Creation of Money During the Great Depression,
the Greatest Tectonic Shift in Federal Currency in U. S. History
by Peter Huntoon
Mar/Apr cover 8/10/11 5:44 AM Page 1
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 81
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLIX, No. 2 Whole No. 266 March/April 2010
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 118161, Carrollton, TX 75011
Visit the SPMC web site:
The Clark-Gruber FIVE ‘Great Hindsight” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
By Steve Whitfield
Paper Column: Creation of Money during the Great Depression . . 90
By Peter Huntoon
Helen A. Clark & Ella M. Clark, National Bank Presidents . . . . . 122
By Karl Sandford Kabelac
Recycling of Bank Note Plates for Minnesota’s Free Banks . . . . 124
By R. Shawn Hewitt
Welcome to Greenbackville, founded 1867 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
By Terry Bryan
The Buck Starts Here: Dutch artist prefers colorful notes . . . . . . 134
By Gene Hessler
Laura A. Batcheller, National Bank President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
By Karl Sandford Kabelac
Mrs. R.L. Whaley, National Bank President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
By Karl Sandford Kabelac
CSA Montgomery Note vignettes depicted on obsolete bank notes . 146
By Joseph J. Gaines Jr.
Information and Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Joaquin Gil del Real pens book on Panama’s Paper Money . . . . . . . . . . .123
Reviewed by Fred Reed
President’s Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
By Mark Anderson
Money Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
An Index to Paper Money, Vol. 48 (2009) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
Compiled by George B. Tremmel
Whitman releases ‘Official Red Book’ checklist and record book . . . . . . . .142
Reviewed by John and Nancy Wilson
New book details notes of Republic of Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123
Reviewed by Fred Reed
C.T. Rodgers reviews history of Disney Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144
Reviewed by Fred Reed
What’s on Steve’s Mind Today? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor’s Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
Paper Money
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26682
Society of Paper Money Collectors
PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
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Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
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Lawrence Schuffman, P.O. Box 19, Mount Freedom, NJ 07970
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Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 118162,
Carrollton, TX 75011-8162
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The Society of Paper Money
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 3
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26684
Gruber obsolete notes of Denver, Colorado was in an early 1970s
letter from a fellow western collector. He informed me that he
had been offered a pair of these notes for $1,400. If I only knew
then what I know now, I might have been able to go halfs with him for one of the
notes. But, of course $700 to me in those days was like $100,000 today.
Over a recent three-year period there have been four opportunities to
obtain one of these incredible obsolete notes from Denver. Produced by
American Bank Note Co. in 1861, the notes were redeemable in Clark, Gruber’s
own gold coinage. This was at a time when federal currency was being heavily
discounted. The initial printing order was for 2,000 sheets, serial numbered
from 1 to 2000. Each sheet contained two notes, plate letters A and B. The
notes have a wonderful, F.O.C. Darley, bison hunting scene as the central
vignette, along with a portrait of Colorado Governor Gilpin. A red/orange pro-
tector and cartouche perfectly complement the design of these beautiful notes.
The original printing order to ABNCo was later increased by another 3,000
sheets, serial numbered 2001 to 5000, also with two notes per sheet; plate letters
A and B.
The first opportunity, came with Stack’s sale of the John Ford collection
in January 2005. That sale included a plate B proof of the note, with no serial
number. The proof brought a record high price of $77,625 for an obsolete note,
at that time. Not long afterward, on June 17th, 2005, R.M. Smythe sold the
Schingoethe copy of an unissued remainder, serial number 2007, plate A, for
$60,375. (The other note from the same sheet, serial number 2007 B, is illustrat-
ed in a History of the First National Bank of Denver by Agnes Wright Spring)
‘King of Obsolete Notes’
The Clark, Gruber FIVE ‘Great Hindsight’
by Steve Whitfield
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:42 AM Page 84
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 85
Clark, Gruber & Co.
struck $2.50, $5, $10
and $20 gold coins in
1860-1861. When the firm
circulated their paper notes they
were redeemable in these coins.
Editor’s note;
For more about
Clark, Gruber &
Co. see the author’s
prize-winning Kansas
Paper Money an
Illustrated History, 1854-
1935 (McFarland, 2009)
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 85
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26686
In January 2008, Heritage Auctions sold another of these notes, serial
number 1999, plate B, for $126,500! This was also an unissued remainder. Next
up, in a fourth opportunity to own the note, was the June 2008 Memphis auction
by Lyn Knight, with the plate B note of sheet number 2004. This was, another
unissued remainder that brought $85,000.
All this note activity made me wonder how many of these incredible notes
are still around and whether any signed and issued notes might exist. In 1966,
Nolie Mumey produced a book about Colorado scrip. The book itself is a desir-
able collectible today. He included color plates, bound into the book, of three of
these $5 notes with some different serial numbers. Two of the notes are from the
same sheet, number 2011, plates A and B. Both are obviously unissued remain-
ders. The third was particularly interesting as it has what appear to be cut out
cancellations in the signature spaces. The photo was not clear enough to tell
whether it was signed. This note, serial number 2042, plate B was attributed to
the Colorado Historical Society Library, which still has this note in their library
collection. With the help of the library staff the note was examined.
Unfortunately there were no signatures ever affixed to the note, although it is cut
In summary, we can count one proof, six unissued remainders, and one
cut cancelled copy, for a total of eight known survivors. It is likely that notes
numbered 1999 A and 2004 A survived since the B plate varieties are known.
Why these notes were not all used, except for the proof, remains a mystery. 2000
sheets at $10 a sheet is only $20,000. And although an additional $30,000 in notes
Left to right: Company principals, Austin M. Clark, Milton E. Clark and Emanuel H. Gruber.
Check drawn on the Banking House of Clark, Gruber & Co., Leavenworth City, Kansas
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 87
was later ordered, this only totals $50,000. Clark, Gruber minted almost
$600,000 in gold coins, according to one report, so there certainly was adequate
gold backing to issue all of the notes. And why the large gap from sheet number
2011 to 2042B is unknown. However; it is likely that none of the second order
were issued because the federal government was issuing greenbacks by that time
and anyone with a debt would be smart to spend depreciated U.S. currency,
rather than notes that were as good as gold. Could there still exist unused sheets
from #1999 to #2042, or from #2042 to #5000? I’ll bet that more of these beau-
tiful notes are still out there, waiting to surface. If only I had a spare $100,000 I
would have been at the Memphis sale. These notes are surely the “1933 U.S. $20
gold coins” of obsolete paper money. I wonder when the next one will surface.
Census (so far)
Plate A Comment Plate B Comment
SENC Proof ex-Ford/Stacks
SENC 1999 Heritage Sale
SENC 2004 Knight Memphis
2007 FNB 2007 ex-Schingoethe/Smythe
2011 Mumey 2011 Mumey
SENC 2042 Mumey
City directory ad, 186901861
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 87
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26688
Proof $5 note brought $77,625 in a January 18, 2005, Stacks’s auction
Remainder $5 note brought $126,500 in a January 9, 2008, Heritage Auction Galleries sale.
Remainder $5 note brought $85,000 in a June 27, 2008, Lyn Knight auction. v
Remainder $5 note brought $60,375 in a June 17, 2005 R.M. Smythe auction.
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 88
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 89
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If you REALLY want to sell
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*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 89
Introduction and Purpose
NEWLY ELECTED FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT AND HISNew Deal Democrats instituted the most sweeping changes in U. S.monetary policy in the history of the nation during 1933 and 1934.The monetary innovations driven by the outbreak of the Civil War,
which heralded the issuance of legal tender notes and national bank notes, paled
in comparison. The situation in 1933 was acute, the American banking system
was collapsing, panic gripped the public, and vast swaths of people were suffering
severe financial hardship.
of Money
During the
the Greatest
Tectonic Shift
in Federal
in U. S. History
The Paper Column
by Peter Huntoon
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26690
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 91
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Well known is that Roosevelt took the United States
off the gold standard. Less well known is that the entire cur-
rency regimen used by the country was fundamentally altered.
The results were new series for most classes of currency, new
legal tender clauses, and termination of the circulation of gold
certificates outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks.
When the smoke cleared, silver was all that could be obtained
for those wishing to convert their paper money into metal.
The United States was on a modified bimetallic stan-
dard going into the depression with the heavy lifting being
done by gold and limited, but extensive, monetization of sil-
ver. All U. S. currency ultimately was redeemable in gold for
those wishing to jump the necessary hoops, although silver or
small denomination silver certificate surrogate currency was
the predominant metal used by the masses for small transac-
Silver was fully monetized coming out of the depres-
sion, an outcome that had been on the wish list of free silver
western and southern populists for several decades prior. Use
of gold in the settlement of accounts with governments or
their central banks became the exclusive preserve of the
Federal government.
The purpose of this article is to explain the changes that took place, and
to identify how and why those changes altered our paper currency. To get there,
we will look at the laws, proclamations and policy memos that drove the changes.
We will walk through the events in chronological order. Perhaps this will help
make sense of the different series and design changes that you have observed on
the notes issued before and after.
The Big Picture
The restructuring during 1933-4 was radical and dramatic. When you
stand back, it all appears to have been quite simple. Much of it was driven by a
couple of populist economic tenets that had been advocated by populist politicians
in the 1800s, and given forceful voice by William Jennings Bryant during his cam-
paign for the presidency as a Democrat in 1896.
First, a recurring problem was that when events caused the public to feel
financially insecure, everyone preferentially hoarded gold but also glommed onto
cash of every type that they could lay their hands on, removing it from banks and
commerce, thereby weakening both. The hoarding made whatever economic
problems were occurring worse by creating a money stringency that stifled com-
merce. This cyclical phenomenon periodically resulted in severe financial panics,
the most recent being 1873, 1893, 1907 and, at the time, 1933. Gold was seen as
the villain by the populists, who considered it to be a useless metal that was arbi-
trarily expensive and which, because it was used to constrain the quantity of
money, caused money to be scarce and out of reach for too many.
Second, during the early days of the Great Depression, many populists
thought that the U. S. dollar was overvalued and thus too scarce to benefit the
average person, so they felt the dollar should be cheapened and the money supply
greatly increased if all were to prosper. The idea was, of course, that economic
activity would be stimulated if everyone had more dollars in their pockets to
spend, a proposition that resonated throughout the rural regions and with labor.
Roosevelt's proclamation that required people to turn in their gold
allowed the Federal government to buy their gold at $20.67 per ounce and, in the
process, got the gold out of hoards. Shortly after the government acquired the
gold, and using newly passed legislation giving him control over the value of gold,
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26692
Figure 1. Newly elected Franklin D.
Roosevelt in 1933 instituted the
greatest transformation of the
United States currency system in
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 92
FDR issued a second proclamation revaluing the gold at $35 per ounce, thus
deflating the dollar by over 40 percent. The Treasury immediately marked up the
value of its gold holdings to the new value which allowed the government to
increase the money supply available to itself by an additional $3 billion. This first
bought a $2 billion Stabilization Fund which was and still is used to manipulate
foreign exchange rates to our advantage. Much of the rest was simply spent on
New Deal programs.
Simultaneous laws passed with Roosevelt’s urging fully monetized all the
silver in the Treasury, including large stocks of bullion that the government had
purchased during recent decades as a populist subsidy to western mining interests,
and also authorized the unlimited purchase of new silver. Through a revaluation
of the silver concurrent with that of gold, and seigniorage gains from coining new
coin, these actions created hundreds of millions of dollars worth of new money.
That money appeared in the form of silver certificates, which were pumped into
the economy in order to inflate the currency supply.
By cheapening the dollar, huge flows of gold came from abroad because
the dollar was cheap relative to the other major currencies as were American
goods priced in those dollars. That gold, of course, went into the Treasury.
The long term outcomes were that by World War II the United States
was the wealthiest nation on earth, and the U. S. dollar was the preeminent cur-
rency and store of wealth in the world. New Deal legislation insured bank
deposits by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, greatly increasing public
confidence in banks. However, all the money created during the New Deal pro-
grams in the 1930s did not result in full employment as expected by government
policy makers. Instead, recovery from the Great Depression in terms of full
employment and economic prosperity for the middle and lower classes turned on
massive spending by the Federal government as the government executed World
War II.
Prelude to Inauguration Day
By the time Roosevelt was sworn in on March 4, 1933, the stock market
crash of October 1929 was history, but the market was collapsing again. From its
all time high of 381.17 in September 1929, the Dow Industrial Average had
imploded to 41.22 in July 1932. That number represented an 89 percent slaugh-
93Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266
Figure 2. The Dow Jones Industrial
Stock Average during the depres-
sion years. Notice that the vertical
scale is logarithmic, which greatly
lessens the visual impact of the
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26694
The stock market crash is often considered the onset of the Great
Depression, but, in fact, that jolt primarily hurt the upper classes. The lower and
emerging middle classes already had been put through the wringer for several
years prior. Rural America was still reeling from the devastating agricultural
depression of 1921-4, caused by the collapse of farm commodity prices following
World War I. This produced one of the greatest internal migrations of people
our nation has experienced as displaced farmers gravitated to cities to find work.
The severely weakened agricultural sector heightened the vulnerability of the
national economy to the shock of the 1929 stock market crash and subsequent
economic downturn. 8,000 state and national banks failed during the period
1921-1931. The capital stock of 85.7 percent of these was less than $100,000,
revealing that it was the rural banks that suffered the most.
Real estate values had peaked in 1925, and their subsequent decline exac-
erbated the blow of collapsing stock prices in 1929. The vulnerable banking sys-
tem began to falter as withdrawals and hoarding depleted it of funds. The statis-
tics for the national banks in operation between 1929 and 1935 are sobering and
can serve as a barometer for conditions across the entire banking industry. There
were 7,506 operating national banks on October 31, 1929. Another 955 were
chartered during the next six years, but 3,030 went out of business, most as fail-
ures. The net number operating on October 31, 1935 was 5,431. The 3,030 loss
Figure 3. Economically displaced
homeless family on the road during
the Great Depression. (Dorothea
Lange photo, Library of Congress)
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 94
represented 21.1 percent of the total number of national banks chartered between
1863 and 1935, yet they went out of business during a period representing a scant
10 percent of the elapsed time.
In panic, Comptroller of the Currency John Pole, Herbert Hoover’s
appointee, pointed out as early as 1930 that failures were reaching alarming pro-
portions, particularly in rural regions, and “those who have suffered the most in
these failures were persons of small means - country businessmen, farmers, and
savings depositors in farming communities (Pole, 1930, p. 2).” Each year during
his tenure, he pleaded for the state and federal governments to liberalize branch
banking laws, which would permit large urban banks to reach into the rural areas
in order to provide those citizens with as sound a banking system as enjoyed by
the depositors in the city banks. In 1932, Pole estimated that $1.5 billion had bled
from the banking system as a result of hoarding, which severely weakened banks
by removing desperately needed resources.
The outgoing Republican Hoover
administration and Congress had not been
oblivious as these events unfolded.
Legislation establishing the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation was passed January 22,
1932, with the initial objective being to loan
money to shaky banks in order to give them
liquidity and to railroads to shore them up
because banks were heavily invested in rail-
road bonds. The RFC was capitalized at half
a billion dollars, plus given another billion
and a half line of credit from the Treasury.
The RFC legislation was amended July 21st
to allow it to provide loans for self-liquidat-
95Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266
Figure 4, above. Unemployed men
gather at the Hoover Dam employ-
ment office in Las Vegas in
September 1931. The construction
of Hoover Dam was a major Federal
public works project initiated during
the Hoover administration.
(Boulder City-Hoover Dam Museum
photo 2:1580) Figure 5, below.
One of the most valuable things to
possess during the Great Depression
was a job. (Boulder City- Hoover
Dam Museum photo 1:0002)
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 95
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 26696
Figure 6. Destitute mother and chil-
dren hope for word of employment
for father during a strike of other
workers on August 13, 1931, at their
makeshift quarters in Williamstown,
also known as Ragtown, along the
Colorado River just upstream from
the Hoover Dam construction site.
(Boulder City-Hoover Dam Museum
photo 2:0322)
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 96
ing public works projects, and to states to
provide relief and work relief to needy and
unemployed people (Butkiewicz, current). An
attempt was made to shore up real estate val-
ues with passage of The Federal Home Loan
Act on July 22, an act which also contained
provisions to help national banks increase
their circulations in order to offset the
impacts of hoarding.
The problem was that the Hoover
measures were too little too late. By the fall
of 1932 public lack of confidence in the
Republicans was verging on despair, so the
road was paved for a Democratic landslide in
the November elections. A stock market
rally that peaked at 79.93 in the summer of
1932 collapsed, and stock prices fell though
March 1933. The ideological divisiveness set
up by the clash between the moneyed classes
and the incoming New Dealers contributed in
no small part to public uncertainty between election day and inauguration day.
Roosevelt did not communicate directly with Hoover. Instead, he stood by as the
economy, and banks in particular, spiraled into the abyss.
January and February 1933 witnessed urgent debate on the House and
Senate floor as inflationists battled sound money advocates over emergency cur-
rency legislation. Colorado Congressman William Eaton took to the floor on
February 14, 1933 to say “There is a money panic on, and it is at the height now.
It is fear. The bankers are afraid. People in Congress are afraid. People
throughout the country are afraid.” Some 140 towns had resorted to scrip and
wooden money to survive. (Congressional Record, Feb 14, 1933, p. 4088).
The roiling storm first overtook banking in Michigan where runs on
banks and pressure from Treasury officials forced Governor William Comstock
to close every bank in the state by a proclamation dated
February 13, 1933. Alter (2006, p. 190) relates that by the
evening of March 4, 32 of the 48 states as well as the District
of Columbia had closed their banks. A quarter of the work-
force was unemployed. Farm commodity prices were off 60
percent from previous highs. Industrial production had fallen
by more than half since 1929. Two million were homeless.
Origin of Series of 1929 FRBNs
FDR was inaugurated on March 4, 1933, a Saturday.
The following Monday, March 6th, he issued his famous
proclamation closing every bank in the United States and its
possessions for a period of 4 days. On March 9, he asked
Congress for legislation giving the executive branch control
over banks for the protection of depositors. The Emergency
Banking Relief Act of March 9, 1933 was passed at 8:30 pm
without a single dissenting vote, and the president immediately
extended the bank holiday indefinitely.
The Emergency Banking Relief Act provided for the
examination and licensing of national banks before they could
reopen. It also authorized the Comptroller of the Currency to
take charge of the affairs of shaky banks, and to place them in
conservatorships with conservators appointed to protect the
97Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266
Figure 7, above. A bank run on
February 28, 1933, as panic swept
the country during the closing days of
the Hoover administration.
Figure 8, below. Ogden L. Mills,
President Herbert Hoover’s outgoing
Secretary of the Treasury, oversaw
preparation of most of the Emergency
Banking Relief Act during his last
days in office. Mills appeared on the
July 13, 1931 Time magazine cover.
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assets on behalf of depositors. In addition, the act authorized the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation to purchase the preferred stock in qualifying banks in order
to shore them up.
Title 1, section 3, of the act stated “Whenever in the judgment of the
Secretary of the Treasury such action is necessary to protect the currency system
of the United States, the Secretary of the Treasury, in his discretion, may require
any or all individuals, partnerships, associations and corporations to pay and deliv-
er to the Treasurer of the United States any or all gold coin, gold bullion, and
gold certificates owned by such individuals, partnerships, associations and corpo-
The purpose of all this was to boost confidence of the public in the bank-
ing system and to foment a strategy to return hoarded money to commerce. The
mechanism would certify which banks were good, shore up weak banks that could
work out of their difficulties given time, and conserve the assets as best as possible
for depositors in banks that were insolvent.
Hoover and his administration had been well aware that banking reform
was imperative and that a bank holiday was fast becoming necessary. The fact is
that much of the Emergency Banking Relief Act already had been prepared under
the direction of Ogden Mills, Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury, some of it
months before (Awalt, 1969). The pace of events, their lame duck status, and
Roosevelt’s deaf ear simply overwhelmed their capacity to act.
Federal officials anticipated that runs might resume once the banks were
reopened. In the words of Acting Comptroller of the Currency Awalt (1969) in
recalling a meeting called by Secretary of the Treasury Mills on March 4:
Dr. Goldenwiser [Emanuel A. Goldenwiser of the Federal Reserve
Board staff] suggested that, inasmuch as the necessary machinery, the
Federal Reserve System, was available, it should be used to issue cur-
rency. This suggestion finally crystallized into the plan for the banks
to borrow on anything they might have with the Federal Reserve
System to issue Federal Reserve Bank notes against the borrowings.
Figure 9. The Series of 1929 emer-
gency Federal Reserve Bank Notes
printed to infuse banks with cash
after the Bank Holiday in March
1933 were hastily printed using blank
pre-printed Series of 1929 national
bank note stock. The blanked out
titles of national bank officials and
overprinting of appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank titles gave the series a
very provisional appearance. (Photos
courtesy of the National Numismatic
Collection, Museum of American
History, Smithsonian Institution)
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The plan built into the act provided for a new series of Federal Reserve
Bank Notes that would be pressed into service by the banks to tide them over.
The mechanism allowed the Federal Reserve Banks to deposit U. S. government
bonds and commercial paper with the Treasurer of the United States to be used to
secure the notes. The bonds and commercial paper, of course, would come from
the commercial banks needing the cash. The Comptroller of the Currency would
issue the notes to the Federal Reserve Banks, which in turn would pass the notes
on to the banks.
Thus was born the Series of 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes. The
problem faced by the government was that these notes were needed immediately,
so there was no time to design, engrave and produce new dies and prepare plates
to print them. Instead, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing utilized existing
stocks of unfinished national bank note sheets carrying the Series of 1929 designa-
tion, and overprinted the Federal Reserve Bank information on them.
This gave rise to a very provisional looking currency, many with blacked
out titles of the national bank note officers that were replaced with the appropriate
overprinted titles for the Federal Reserve officials whose signatures appeared on
the notes. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing instituted a 24-hour-per-day
crash program to turn out the new series. Production of the notes began on
March 9th with the first deliveries to the Federal Reserve Banks commencing the
next day. A total of $911,700,000 worth of the notes was printed in $5, $10, $20,
$50 and $100 denominations by February 1934.
Roosevelt, in a fireside radio chat with the nation on March 12th,
explained the actions being undertaken to stabilize banks and quell bank failures
(Brasschecktv, current). He was so successful in calming fears and raising confi-
dence that when the banks reopened, the bankers generally experienced an
increase in deposits rather than withdrawals. The demand for Federal Reserve
Figure 10. Bureau of Engraving and
Printing personnel labored day and
night to turn out the Series of 1929
Federal Reserve Bank Notes. This
photograph of the BEP building was
taken during the night of March 8,
1933, as they began to gear up for
printing the notes the next day.
(International News Photo, King
Features Syndicate Inc.)
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Figure 11, above. View across one of the press rooms in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing taken when the Series of 1929 Federal
Reserve Bank Notes were on the presses. (International News Photo, King Features Syndicate Inc.) Figure 12, below. The woman to the
right is trimming incomplete Series of 1929 national bank note stock preparatory to it being sent through the overprinting presses to be
turned out in the form of emergency Federal Reserve Bank Notes. (International News Photo, King Features Syndicate Inc.)
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Bank Notes turned out to be fairly modest. A total of $284,903,250 worth of
them were issued during the 1933-4 period, representing only 31.2% of the
printing. The rest were used up during World War II at the end of 1942 and
into 1944.
On March 11, Roosevelt announced that qualified banks would be
reopened by March 16th. Of the 5,916 national banks entering the bank holiday,
4,510 opened with licenses by that Thursday. The unlicensed banks shown to
have sound assets were licensed during the ensuing year. The remainder were
liquidated or placed in receiverships.
Figure 13. President Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s proclamation of April 5,
1933, requiring U. S. citizens to turn
over their gold to the Federal
Government in order to prevent
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Gold Confiscation Order
President Roosevelt issued executive order 6102 on April 5, 1933, the
purpose of which was to require everyone to turn in their gold, gold bullion and
gold certificates to banks which would then forward these items on to the Federal
Reserve Banks. The purpose of his order was to free up the gold that had been
hoarded, and to get it into the hands of the government where it could be used to
inflate the currency supply and do some good. His action had been authorized by
Congress in the Emergency Banking Relief Act of March 9th. His order repre-
sented the first concrete step taken by the government to take the United States
off the gold standard.
Series of 1933 Silver Certificates
A major piece of legislation passed May 12, 1933 was the Agricultural
Adjustment Act. The single most important provision in the act was that it gave
the President authority to set the price of gold and silver.
One of the lesser provisions, called the Thomas Amendment, was
designed to inflate the money supply with new silver certificates. Elmer Thomas,
who sponsored the amendment, was a New Deal Senator from Oklahoma who
was a fervent subscriber to the populist notion that inflation was good for the
farmer because it would put cash into his pocket.
The Thomas amendment was an ingenious plan to
allow World War I debtor nations to pay off their debts in sil-
ver priced at 50 cents per ounce, and repatriate that money
into our economy when it was urgently needed. It read as fol-
The President is authorized, for a period of six
months from the date of the passage of this Act, to
accept silver in payment of the whole or any part of
the principal or interest now due, or to become due
within six months after such date, from any foreign
government or governments on account of any
indebtedness to the United States, such silver to be
accepted at not to exceed the price of 50 cents an
ounce in United State currency. The aggregate
value of the silver accepted under this section shall
not exceed $200,000,000.
The Secretary of the Treasury shall cause silver
certificates to be issued in such denominations as he
deems advisable to the total number of dollars for
which such silver was accepted in payment of debts.
Such silver certificates shall be used by the
Treasurer of the United States in payment of any
obligations of the United States.
The practical effect of this legislation was to accept silver from debtor
nations and monetize it over here where silver already was tolerated as money. By
doing so would inflate our currency supply. It’s appeal to debtor nations was that
it was a cheap way to liquidate their obligations with a metal that was not fully
monetized in many of their own economies, rather than sending gold which they
needed and coveted. The New Dealers felt that it was better to accept silver now
and put it to work, rather than to wait for gold which may never come.
Figure 14. New Deal Democratic
Senator Elmer Thomas from
Oklahoma sponsored the Thomas
Amendment to the Agricultural
Adjustment Act of May 12, 1933,
which resulted in the Series of 1933
$10 silver certificates issued against
foreign silver used to pay off World
War I debts.
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The following payments were received during the six month May to
November 1933 window (Bureau of Public Debt, various).
Fine Value at 50
Country Ounces Cents per Ounce
Czechoslovakia 359,010.49 $179,505.25
Finland 296,631.88 148,315.94
Great Britain 20,001,036.84 10,000,518.42
Italy 2,000,041.52 1,000,020.76
Lithuania 19,980.70 9,990.35
Rumania 58,122.92 29,061.46
22,734,824.35 $11,367,412.18
Treasury records indicate that a total of 184,000 $10 Series of 1933 notes
with a face value of $1,840,000 were issued in January 1934, prior to passage of
the Gold Reserve Act signed by the president January 30, 1934. The 1934 act
amended and supplemented prior laws relating to silver certificates, and led to the
issuance of a consolidated series. Accordingly, the Series of 1934 was issued
against the rest of the silver bullion from these repayments, which had not yet
been converted into coin. As a result, the Series of 1933 was discontinued before
the full complement of notes could be issued against the $11 million worth of sil-
ver shown above as having been received.
One 12-subject $10 Series of 1933 plate was made bearing plate number
12785, check number 1. It was certified for use on January 3, 1934, and carried
Treasury signatures W. A. Julian, Treasurer, and William H. Woodin, Secretary.
Woodin, a Republican, was Roosevelt’s first Secretary of the Treasury, but he was
replaced by Henry Morgenthau Jr. on January 1, 1934, just two days before the
plate was certified. Serials A00000001A through A00216000A were printed from
it, and delivered to the Treasury between January 5 and February 27, 1934
(Shafer, 1967, p. 112).
Four additional plates were made between mid-February and mid-April.
They were designated Series of 1933A with Julian-Morgenthau signatures, and
numbered 1 through 4. Notes A00216001A through A00552000A were printed
from them, and delivered between February 27 and April 2, 1934.
Of the 552,000 Series of 1933 and 1933A notes printed, the unissued
remainder of 368,000 notes was destroyed during November 1935, taking all of
the Series of 1933A notes with them.
One great irony of the Thomas amendment was that it allowed World
War I debtor nations, including England, the right to repay the United States
with silver at the rate of fifty cents per ounce in 1933. The famous Pittman Act of
April 23, 1918, which resulted in the melting of 295 million silver dollars yielding
200 million fine ounces of silver that were sold to England for use in India during
World War I, fixed the sale of that silver at $1 per ounce.
Figure 15. The rare Series of 1933
$10 silver certificates resulted from
the Thomas Amendment, which
was designed to inflate the curren-
cy supply for the good of farmers.
(Photo courtesy of the National
Numismatic Collection, Museum of
American History, Smithsonian
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Legal Tender Provisions
Legal tender notes, also called United States notes, born of necessity dur-
ing the Civil War, had become a fixture of our currency system by the time of the
Great Depression. The legal tender notes were promissory notes used to help
finance the Civil War that were issued by the Treasury to be redeemed in lawful
money at some unspecified future date. They were nothing but circulating debt
that, of course, did not pay interest.
The Treasury anticipated redeeming them as soon as possible after the
war when sufficient tax revenues accrued to the Treasury, but western and south-
ern populists resisted their redemption because it would deflate the money supply,
which they perceived as unfavorable to their economies.
The act that authorized the resumption of specie payments in 1879,
which was passed January 14, 1875, contained a provision that required the
Secretary of the Treasury to redeem the outstanding legal tender notes to a floor
of $300 million as national bank note circulation increased. This provision was
repealed on May 31, 1878, by an act that forbade further redemptions of legal ten-
der notes, a provision passed to placate the inflationists. There remained out-
standing $346,681,016 worth of legal tender notes at the time the 1878 act passed,
Figure 16. Series of 1933 $10 silver
certificates bearing Julian-
Morgenthau signatures were print-
ed during 1934 under the terms of
the Thomas Amendment. They
never were issued because the Series
of 1934, which came about with pas-
sage of the Gold Reserve Act, sup-
planted the series.
Figure 17. $10 and $20 Series of
1928 legal tender production plates
were made at the end of the Hoover
Administration, but no notes were
printed from them. There was pop-
ulist agitation in Congress in 1932 to
pay the WW I veteran bonuses with
fiat money, so it appears that these
$10 and $20 legal tender plates were
authorized in case that legislation
passed and the notes were needed in
a hurry.
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so that amount remained in circulation from then on forward (Knox and others,
1903, p. 155-156).
Title III of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of May 12, 1933, contained
an extraordinary provision pertaining to legal tender notes. The president was
authorized if “an economic emergency requires an expansion of credit” to issue an
aggregate of up to $3 billion worth of additional legal tender notes:
for the purpose of meeting maturing Federal obligations to repay sums
borrowed by the United States and for purchasing United States bonds
and other interest-bearing obligations of the United States: provided,
That when any such notes are used for such purpose the bond or other
obligation so acquired or taken up shall be retired and canceled.
This highly inflationary provision allowed the president to convert $3 bil-
lion in outstanding interest bearing debt into $3 billion worth of currency, which
would directly inflate the currency supply. This measure would conveniently
increase the outstanding floating debt almost nine fold, and nicely eliminate inter-
est on that debt!
Furthermore, the act stated:
Such notes and all other coins and currencies heretofore or hereafter
coined or issued by or under the authority of the United States shall be
legal tender for all debts public and private.
The authority to issue additional legal tender notes beyond the existing
mandated $346,681,016 limit was never invoked. However, the requirement to
make all classes of coins and currency legal tender was put into effect. The mani-
festation of this appeared on the legal tender notes in the form of a revised legal
tender clause underneath the Treasury seal that was changed from:
This note is a legal tender at its face value for all debts public and pri-
vate except duties on imports and interest on the public debt
This note is a legal tender at its face value for all debts public and pri-
The original language was a holdover from the period before the restora-
tion of specie payments in 1879 when import duties were required to be paid in
gold. At that time, the government didn’t want import duties paid with its own
debt in the form of legal tender notes, rather it wanted gold to beef up the
Treasury. Furthermore, Congress didn’t want the Treasury paying off maturing
debt by printing more money. Legal tender notes could be converted into gold
after 1879, so the clause had little meaning by 1933 anyway.
Figure 18. The legal tender clause
on the Series of 1928 Julian-
Morgenthau legal tender notes was
simplified to remove obsolete lan-
guage forbidding the use of the
notes to pay customs taxes and
interest on the public debt. That
language was from the 1862 legisla-
tion that authorized their issuance,
and was an artifact that persisted on
legal tender and large size national
bank notes after the resumption of
specie payments in 1879. The
Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
gave all classes of U. S. currency
and coins equal legal tender status.
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The redemption clauses on all the other classes of notes were brought
into line with the new clause on the legal tender notes by the end of 1934.
Expansion of the role for legal tender notes was contemplated in late
1932, even before the Democrats came into office. Series of 1928 $10 and $20
plates were prepared bearing Woods-Mills signatures, respectively the Treasurer
and Secretary of the Treasury under President Hoover. Work on the $10 produc-
tion plates was begun in November 1932, and the eight plates that were made
were completed by the end of December. Similarly, eight $20 plates were begun
in December and finished by the end of January 1933. Those plates never were
sent to press.
$1 legal tender plates were made bearing Woods-Woodin signatures after
Roosevelt came into office, and 1,872,012 notes were delivered to the Treasury
from those plates in April and May 1933. Walter O. Woods, a holdover
Treasurer, and William H. Woodin served together from March 4, 1933 though
May 31st. Woods was replaced by William A. Julian, a Roosevelt appointee, on
June 1st, and Woodin resigned at the end of 1933 owing to throat cancer and was
replaced by Henry Morgenthau, Jr. on New Years day 1934. Woodin died May 3,
The first 5,000 $1s were made available through the cash room of the
Treasury in Washington from the outset, but the rest were held in the Treasury
until 1948-9 when they were dumped in Puerto Rico in order to minimize sorting
problems in the mainland Federal Reserve Banks.
The $1, $10 and $20 plates carried the old redemption clause because all
predated the May 12, 1933 act. It soon became obvious that use of these denomi-
nations would add to the burden of sorting redeemed notes, so it appears this is
why their use was respectively curtailed or abandoned.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The most important legislation passed to protect the average citizen came
in the form of the second Glass-Steagall Act, passed on June 16, 1933, an act
called the Banking Act of 1933. The centerpiece of this legislation was the cre-
ation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insured bank deposits.
For the first time, depositors had Federal insurance to protect the money in their
accounts against bank failures.
Important from a regulatory perspective was that the act forced the reor-
ganization of banks into distinct classes based on the type of business they engaged
in, such as commercial, investment and savings, and imposed a regulatory struc-
ture that promoted sound practices within each. Thus the law served to compart-
mentalize the banking industry in order to sever conflicting functions that had
previously competed with each other within given banks. Now only one type of
function took place under one roof.
Key Executive Orders
The very active Roosevelt administration issued a series of executive
orders during the second half of 1933 that were designed to gain control over the
gold supply in the United States. On August 28, it was announced that anyone
other than a Federal Reserve Bank was forbidden from acquiring, holding or
exporting gold, except under license. The next day, August 29th, producers
learned that the Secretary of the Treasury was to receive all newly mined gold of
domestic origin. On December 28, the Secretary of the Treasury ordered that all
gold be delivered to the Treasury at $20.67 per ounce.
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Gold Reserve Act of 1934
The single act that had the greatest impact on the paper money issues of
the United States was the Gold Reserve Act of January 30, 1934. Its far reaching
1. terminated coinage of gold,
2. required gold to be withdrawn from circulation,
3. terminated the redemption of any U. S. currency in gold,
4. ceded title of the gold in the Federal Reserve Banks to the United States,
5. authorize the unlimited coinage of silver, and
6. created the Stabilization Fund to regulate foreign exchange rates.
The act allowed the President and Treasury to take the United States off
the gold standard, to inflate the money supply, and to devalue the dollar. Title III,
section 43:2 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of May 12, 1933 already contained
language permitting the unlimited coinage of silver, but the Gold Reserve Act
spelled out how to do it.
All the silver in the Treasury, not only coin but also bullion, was to be
monetized. Federal Reserve Notes were backed by 40 percent of their face value
in gold at that time, so as gold was taken out of circulation, the supply of Federal
Reserve Notes theoretically could increase $2.5 for each gold dollar removed.
These subtle machinations to inflate the money supply would pale in comparison
to the ability of the President to create money through the revaluation of gold and
silver; that is, provided the Treasury owned the gold and silver, which by then it
End of the Gold Notes
The gold confiscation order of May 5, 1933 effectively began the process
of cleansing gold coins and gold certificates from circulation. A crucial next step
was to give the United States title to the gold owned by the Federal Reserve
Banks, a deed accomplished with the passages of the Gold Reserve Act. The Gold
Reserve Act forbade the Treasury from paying out gold as follows:
No gold shall hereafter be coined, and no gold coin shall hereafter be
paid out or delivered by the United States. . . . All gold coin of the
Figure 19. Figure 19. Casualties of
President Roosevelt’s gold confisca-
tion order were these attractive $10
and $20 Series of 1928A gold cer-
tificates with Woods-Mills signa-
tures. Plates were made to print
them between October 1932 and
June, 1933, but never were sent to
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United States shall be withdrawn from circulation, and, together with
all other gold owned by the United States, shall be formed into bars. .
. .
The issuance of gold certificates ceased with the confiscation order. The
last gold certificates printed were Series of 1928 notes bearing Woods-Mills sig-
natures, the last of which were $20s delivered from the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing to the Treasury on April 28, 1933. (Shafer, 1967) The Series of 1928A
$10 and $20 face plates bearing the signatures of Woods and Mills, which began
to be made in October 1932 and continued to be made until June 1933, were
never sent to press.
All the pieces were now in place for Roosevelt to implement his grandest
coup of all with respect to money.
Revaluation of Gold
Roosevelt by proclamation changed the price of gold from $20.67 to $35
per ounce on January 31, 1934. He wasted no time; the proclamation was issued
the day after the Gold Reserve Act passed.
This action deflated the value of the dollar by almost 41 percent.
Important for the New Deal policy makers was that it instantly increased the
value of the Treasury’s stock of gold by about $3 billion. The Gold Reserve Act
specified that the profit from any revaluation would accrue to the Treasury. The
first $2 billion was earmarked for establishment of the Stabilization Fund within
the Treasury. This fund would be used to buy and sell gold between govern-
ments or their central banks in order to maintain the parity of the dollar with
other world currencies.
What we are seeing here was the instantaneous creation of a huge
amount of money in the form of devalued dollars that the government could use.
American dollars and goods now looked cheap to the rest of the world, so gold
began to flow to the United States as those economies purchased both. The New
Dealers hoped all of this would stimulate economic recovery.
Series of 1934 Gold Certificates
The Gold Reserve Act ceded title of the gold owned by the Federal
Reserve Banks to the United States. Credits for that gold were to be provided to
the banks in the form of gold certificates issued by the Treasury.
Figure 20. Series of 1928 gold notes
with traditional green backs ceased
to circulate outside the Treasury and
Federal Reserve Banks after the
President’s gold confiscation order.
(Photo courtesy of the National
Numismatic Collection, Museum of
American History, Smithsonian
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United States Paper Money
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266110
The same day that Roosevelt issued Proclamation 2072 revaluing the
gold, he released a statement that explained the action (Parks, current). In it he
provided details about the new series of gold certificates that were going to be
used to settle gold credits between the Treasury and the various Federal Reserve
This credit due the Federal Reserve Banks is to be paid in the new
form of gold certificates now in course of production by the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. These certificates bear on their face the
“This is to certify that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the
United States of America . . . dollars in gold, payable to bearer on
demand as authorized by law.”
They also will carry the standard legal tender clause, which is as fol-
“This certificate is a legal tender in the amount thereof in payment of
all debts and dues, public and private.”
The new gold certificates will be of the same size as other currency in
circulation and the only difference, other than the changes in wording
noted above, is that the backs of the new certificates will, as used to be
done, be printed in yellow ink. The certificates will be in denomina-
tions up to $100,000.
The new gold certificates were Series of 1934 notes that carried Julian-
Morgenthau Treasury signatures. A memo was sent to the Director of the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing by Under Secretary of the Treasury T. J. Coolidge on
May 11th confirming that the backs were to be printed in yellow using standard
back plates. They were printed in $100, $1000, $10,000 and $100,000 denomina-
Figure 21. Series of 1934 $100,
$1000, $10000 and $100000 gold
notes intended to be used exclusive-
ly within the Treasury and Federal
Reserve Banks were authorized by
the Gold Reserve Act, and were
printed with distinctive yellow
backs. The older green-back gold
notes were exchanged for these
when they became available. (Photo
courtesy of the National Numismatic
Collection, Museum of American
History, Smithsonian Institution)
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tions, with the $100, $1000 and $10,000 going to press in May, and deliveries
arriving at the Treasury on June 25th. The following quantities were printed:
120,000 $100s, 84,000 $1000s and 42,000 $10,000s.
The new $100,000 back die was certified November 13, 1934, and the
face followed. Delivery of 42,000 notes was made to the Treasury on January 9,
1935. That printing consisted of 3,500 12-subject sheets.
Once available, the new yellow backs were substituted for Series of 1928
green back gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve Banks. The gold backs
never circulated outside the Federal Reserve Banks and Treasury.
Figure 22. The gand daddy of all the
Series of 1934 gold certificates were
the $100,000s with the late President
Wilson’s portrait. 42,000 were made
in 1935. (Photo courtesy of the
National Numismatic Collection,
Museum of American History,
Smithsonian Institution)
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266112
Series of 1934 FRNs
The gold redemption clause on the Series of 1928 Federal Reserve Notes
became inoperative with passage of the Gold Reserve Act at the end of January
1934. Treasury officials recognized this immediately, but accommodating the new
reality in the form of discontinuing the Series of 1928 was a fitful process.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing ceased printing faces for the Series
of 1928 FRNs on February 14, 1934. There was a mix of $20 and lower denomi-
nation 1928B, C and D plates for a few districts on the presses that last day.
Large stocks of Series of 1928 notes were still in the production pipeline,
and in the form of completed notes in storage at the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing and in the vaults of the Reserve Agents at the various Federal Reserve
Banks awaiting issuance to the banks. Federal Reserve Agents were representatives
of the Secretary of the Treasury and Comptroller of the Currency who resided at
the Federal Reserve Banks and maintained stocks of unissued notes, which they
released to the banks when authorized. The Reserve Agents continued to order
Series of 1928 notes from the BEP, even after printings of Series of 1934 notes
began on September 27, 1934.
Many of the incomplete 1928 sheets at the BEP continued onward to the
serial numbering and sealing presses. In fact, two star printings were made in
1935, specifically $20 D00216001*-D00228000* on September 16th and $20
F00076001*-F00080000* on October 4th. The last delivery of the 1928 notes
from the BEP involved $5s for San Francisco on October 9, 1935.
Two matters had to be considered during the changeover from the Series
of 1928 to 1934. Obviously it would take time to start production of Series of 1934
notes for all the districts, and also there was the question of who should pay for
replacing the existing stocks of the 1928 notes if they were to be canceled. The lat-
ter was not a trivial concern.
Figure 23. The Series of 1928
Federal Reserve Notes with gold
redemption clause were phased
out fitfully. The Federal Reserve
Banks ceased issuing them in
January 1936, and over $4 billion
were eventually destroyed in 1946.
Figure 24. The first Series of 1934
Federal Reserve Notes, distin-
guished because they were not
redeemable in gold, went to press
on September 27, 1934. Orders
for Series of 1928 FRNs continued
to be processed at the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing for over a
year beyond that date, although
face printings from Series of 1928
FRN plates ceased on February 14,
1934. (Photo courtesy of the
National Numismatic Collection,
Museum of American History,
Smithsonian Institution)
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 112
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 113
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 12/11/2009
These memberships expire 12/31/2010
13158 Jon DeRoma (C), Wendell Wolka
13159 Steven Johnson (C), Tom Denly
13160 Reecy Aresty (C), Jason Bradford
13161 Marlon Anderson (C), Jason Bradford
13162 Edward Azoyan (C), Jason Bradford
13163 J.R. Bermudez (C), Jason Bradford
13164 George Beronja (C), Jason Bradford
13165 Adam Biagi (C), Jason Bradford
13166 Paul Bonamarte (C), Jason Bradford
13167 Norman Conrad (C), Jason Bradford
13168 Robert Edmiston (C), Jason Bradford
13169 Bill Gaynor (C), Jason Bradford
13170 William Goetterman (C), Jason Bradford
13171 Roger Gutner (C), Jason Bradford
13172 Jin Je Li (C), Jason Bradford
13173 Roger Zombek (C), Jason Bradford
13174 Timothy Lamere (C), Jason Bradford
13175 Benedict Lenhat (C), Jason Bradford
13176 Jeffrey McGovern (C), Jason Bradford
13177 Martin Milone (C), Jason Bradford
13178 Thomas O'Connell (C), Jason Bradford
13179 Tommy Owen (C), Jason Bradford
13180 Sung Soo-Kim (C), Jason Bradford
13181 Dominic Valentino (C), Jason Bradford
13182 Ira Waldman (C), Jason Bradford
13183 Joseph Walker (C), Jason Bradford
13184 David Mace (C), Paper Money Values
13185 James Essence, 702 N. Midvale Blvd B-2, Madison,
WI 53705 (C & D), Hawaii and Error Notes, Website
13186 Paul Herbert (C), Website
13187 American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St,
Worcester, MA (C), Frank Clark
LM393 John Zabel converted from 6822
LM394 V. Gray Martin converted from 12883
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 01/03/2010
These memberships expire 12/31/2010
13188 Charles Bryans, 1120 Dovie Dr NE, Townsend, GA
31331-7517 (C, Georgia Obsoletes), Website
13189 Charles A. Berryhill (C), Website
13190 William M. Graham (C), Mark Anderson
13191 Claude King, 729 Saratoga Drive, Murfreesboro, TN
37130-5612 (C, Obsoletes - especially Tennessee),
13192 Robert Hughes (C), Jim Hughes
13193 Joe Abbott (C), Jason Bradford
13194 James Addington (C), Jason Bradford
13195 Larry Cagle (C), Jason Bradford
13196 Kim Canal (C), Jason Bradford
13197 Norman Conrad (C), Jason Bradford
13198 Dino DiCastelnuovo (C), Jason Bradford
13199 Roger Gutner (C), Jason Bradford
13200 Ron Heilman (C), Jason Bradford
13201 Stanley Kaminski (C), Jason Bradford
13202 Bob Kunath (C), Jason Bradford
13203 Dean Lykos (C), Jason Bradford
13204 Mark Magalski (C), Jason Bradford
13205 Miles Frankling Collectibles Inc (C), Jason Bradford
13206 Gary Neal (C), Jason Bradford
13207 Arthur Schaffer (C), Jason Bradford
13208 Charles Shermer (C), Jason Bradford
13209 Larry Spillers (C), Jason Bradford
13210 Gary Vollmer (C), Jason Bradford
13211 Warren Warshitz (C), Jason Bradford
13212 Gary Weinstein (C), Jason Bradford
13213 Sidney Whitaker (C), Jason Bradford
13214 Troy Yeager (C), Jason Bradford
13215 Karl Fillauer (C), Website
13216 Terrell Anderson (C), Tom Denly
13217 Christoper Donato, 17 Francis Drive, Montrose, NY
10548-1302 (C) Website
LM395 Manning Garrett (C), Robert Moon v
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*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 113
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266114
M. S. Eccles, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System wrote Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau in October 1935 that about 5
billion Series of 1928 FRN notes were on hand, including $1.9 billion dollars
worth of them in the vaults of the Federal Reserve Agents at the various banks,
which had cost $340,000 to ship from Washington.
Eccles further advised Morgenthau that the Federal Reserve Board agreed
that they should cease issuing the Series of 1928 notes, but that the board felt it
was the Treasury’s responsibility to pay the estimated $1.5 million it would take to
replace them, because it was an action of the Treasury that rendered the gold
redemption clause obsolete.
Morgenthau responded on December 13, 1935 saying that he was going to
seek an appropriation from Congress to pay the replacement costs, an appropria-
tion that never came. Eccles wrote the following to Morgenthau on December 29,
On December 20 I advised you that the Governors were in accord with
the proposed procedure with the understanding that, if Congress at the
next session of Congress did not authorize the Treasury to replace the
unissued 1928 notes, the question whether the banks should resume
issuing these notes, would be given consideration promptly after
Congress adjourned. I also advised you that it was understood that
acquiescence in the program would not prejudice the right of the
reserve banks to resume issuing 1928 notes in case you were not autho-
rized to replace them. On January 3, 1936, Mr. Coolidge [Under
Secretary] wrote me that he had noted the conditions referred to above
and that he had instructed the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to
cease delivery of 1928 notes [and to cease working on any in the process
of completion]. The reserve banks were requested by the Board to
make no further issues of new 1928 notes and orders were placed by the
banks for 1934 notes to meet normal requirements.
Incomplete and unissued Series of 1928 notes languished in the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, and unissued notes clogged the vaults of the Treasury and
Federal Reserve Agents for the next 10 years.
A letter from Fiscal Assistant Secretary Bartlet to new Secretary of the
Treasury Fred Vinson dated February 1, 1946, advised that the following quanti-
ties still remained:
Location Value Number of Notes Tons
Treasury $2,812,100,000 116,658,460 120
Reserve Agents $1,291,755,000 55,304,796 50
BEP incomplete $382,706,500 8,190,576 8
In addition, there were packages previously issued to the banks by the
Federal Reserve Agents that were not issued into circulation, but instead had been
returned to the Agent’s custody.
The Federal Reserve Board recognized that the Treasury would not look
favorably on the release of the notes into circulation, but those holding them need-
ed to clear them from their vaults and also desired to be relieved of having to safe-
guard and account for them. Vinson signed off on their destruction on February
11, 1946, leaving one incomplete sheet of each denomination to be retained by the
BEP as specimens.
It is ironic that $626,796,750 million worth of unissued Series of 1929
Federal Reserve Bank Notes and $32,900,750 of previously redeemed but fit 1929
FRBNs from the 1933-4 issuances were pressed into circulation as an economy
measure at the end of 1942 and into 1944. The Treasury favored this move
because the redemption clause on the FRBNs did not mention gold. There were
seven times as many 1928s that were wasted on the basis of their gold clause.
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 114
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 115
Series of 1934 Silver Certificates
The free silver clause in the Gold Reserve Act, the dream of the populists
for over half a century, was:
The President, in addition to the authority to provide for the unlimited
coinage of silver . . . is further authorized to cause to be issued and
delivered to the tenderer of silver for coinage, silver certificates in lieu
of the standard silver dollars to which the tenderer would be entitled. ...
The president is further authorize to issue silver certificates in such
denominations as he may prescribe against any silver bullion, silver, or
standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of
any outstanding silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars or
subsidiary currency for the redemption of such silver certificates. . . .
The president is authorized, in addition to other powers, to reduce the
weight of the standard silver dollar in the same percentage that he
reduces the weight of the gold dollar.
Six months later, Roosevelt sent the following memo.
June 14, 1934
The Honorable Secretary of the Treasury
(Henry Morgenthau Jr.)
My Dear Mr. Secretary:
Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the act approved May 12,
1933, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, I hereby authorize
and direct the issuance of silver certificates, pursuant to law, in any or
all of the following denominations, $1, $5, $10, $20, and $100, against
any and all silver bullion or standard silver dollars now in the Treasury
not held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates.
Sincerely yours,
Franklin D. Roosevelt
And thus was born the Series of 1934 silver certificates, the most attractive
series of small size United States currency ever printed. The $1, $5 and $10
denominations nicely dress up your many collections, but fate would have it that
the Treasury never got around to printing, let alone issuing, the fabulous $20s and
Figure 25. Notice that the obliga-
tion printed on the Series of 1928
silver certificates, and also on
Series of 1933, states that they are
payable in silver coin. (Photo cour-
tesy of the National Numismatic
Collection, Museum of American
History, Smithsonian Institution)
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266116
What, of course, they were doing was monetizing the unobligated silver
stocks, both coin and bullion, in the Treasury, at an inflated dollar value, and
pumping that new money into what they perceived was a cash-starved depression
economy. The public already was used to silver certificates, because they had
been in circulation since 1878, so they circulated without resistance. The idea
that coins represented a value denominated in silver already was well entrenched
in the public mind, so more silver in the form of Series of 1934 notes did not pose
a hurdle.
The difference between the Series of 1934 and the earlier 1928 and 1933
series was that many of the notes were backed by silver bullion instead of silver
dollars, consequently the obligations on them changed from payable in coin to a
revised “in silver payable on demand.” Consequently, the last people in line
received silver granules or bars rather than silver dollars during the great silver
certificate redemption run in 1968, before the Treasury shut off redemptions on
June 24th.
The Silver Purchase Act, an act requested by Roosevelt, was passed on
June 19th, five days after Roosevelt authorized the Series of 1934 silver certifi-
cates. It directed the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase silver at home or
abroad “whenever and so long as the proportion of silver in the stocks of gold and
Figure 26. The Series of 1934 silver
certificates resulted from the so-
called free silver provisions in the
Agricultural Adjustment of 1933 and
Gold Reserve Act of 1934 that
allowed for the unlimited minting of
silver. The Gold Reserve Act allowed
them to be backed by bullion as well
as coin. Notice that they state that
they are payable in silver, but not
necessarily coin. (Photo courtesy of
Mike Abramson)
Figure 27. $20 Series of 1934 and
1934A silver certificate production
plates were made between 1934 and
1942, but never used, probably to
avoid sorting them from Federal
Reserve Notes when they came in for
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 117
silver of the United States is less than one-quarter of the monetary value of such
stocks” and “such certificates shall be placed in actual circulation.” Of course, the
objective of this act was to support the price of silver, which was faltering, a sub-
sidy to domestic producers, and to further inflate the currency supply.
The future revealed that small denomination silver certificates, mostly
$1s and $5s, would do the heavy lifting in terms of meeting the needs of small
denomination notes for the next 29 years.
Initially, $20 and $100 silver certificates were in the works. The fact is
that standard 12-subject production plates were made for both in 1934 bearing
Julian-Morgenthau signatures. The idea of issuing $20s persisted, so some new
plates were added to the inventory in 1936, and even 1942. In fact, the last three
plates made in 1942 were Series of 1934A.
The Series of 1934 $20 and $100 plates proved to be a wasted effort.
Federal Reserve Notes carried the higher denomination load, so the higher
denomination silvers were never printed, probably to avoid having to sort them
from the Federal Reserve Notes when redeemed.
The New Order
The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 made all coins and currency
issued under the authority of the United States legal tender. This included
national bank notes which previously were not accorded legal tender status, but
which were convertible into legal tender notes. All currency plates made there-
after carried appropriate language to that effect, including Series of 1928C legal
tender notes and Series of 1934 gold certificates, silver certificates and Federal
Reserve Notes.
Only the emergency Series of 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes didn’t
carry a legal tender clause, because the preprinted national bank note stocks from
which they were made had an old redemption clause wherein the bearer could
redeem the note at the bank of issue or Treasury for lawful money. Lawful
money from the days of the Civil War was defined as legal tender notes, but after
the resumption of specie payments in 1879, legal tender notes could be converted
into gold until 1933. Most of the 1929 FRBNs were printed before passage of the
Agricultural Adjustment Act, so the legal tender clause was not an issue when they
were printed anyway.
The question was, what could you get if you desired to redeem U. S. cur-
rency after 1934? The Treasury was obligated only to redeem silver certificates
in silver, and not necessarily with silver coin at that. This they did until June 24,
1968. A year earlier, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law authorization for
the Treasury to terminate silver redemptions a year later.
Redemptions were made at the U. S. Assay Offices in San Francisco and
New York. Long lines of certificate holders snaked around the sidewalks at the
Figure 28. A great near miss for
numismatists was the fact that the
production plates made in 1934 for
$100 Series of 1934 silver certificates
never were used.
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266118
assay offices to exchange their notes for silver during the final days. The assay
offices issued small envelopes each valued at $1 containing 0.77 ounces of fine silver
in the form of crystals or pellets for small transactions. Plastic bags of silver gran-
ules or bars of silver were used to settle larger transactions. The standard bar var-
ied in weight from 1,000 to 1,100 ounces at $1.2929 per fine troy ounce (Coin
World, current).
If you sent a $10 Federal Reserve Note to the Treasury for redemption,
the most likely outcome was that the Treasury would return two $5 legal tender
notes prior to 1968 when $5 legal tender notes were phased out.
The New Deal wizards created money to support their programs to spur
recovery from the Great Depression, and then to execute World War II, using all
manner of techniques, imagination and guile, and succeeded grandly in increasing
the money supply. The biggest early creation of money occurred when Roosevelt
had everyone turn over their gold to the Treasury, then increased the value of that
gold and used the paper increase to infuse the Treasury with $3 billion in new but
deflated dollars to support his economic recovery plans and currency stabilization
programs. Labor was valued at a dollar or so per hour when the New Dealers came
into office, provided one could find a job, so a billion dollars then represented an
astronomical sum of money.
Roosevelt and his Treasury took the
United States off the gold standard, which
already was a dying concept on the interna-
tional scene and excoriated at home by pop-
ulists who saw it as the yoke tied to the
working man and farmer. Roosevelt and his
colleagues presided over the beginning of
the era of big government, which included
the creation of large social programs such as
the ever popular social security program and
the massive spending required to support it.
Both have been with us ever since.
A primary objective during the
early years of the Roosevelt administration
was to boost employment. Ironically, free
marketer Burton Folsom quotes testimony
by consummate administrative insider Julian
Morgenthau before the House Ways and Means Committee in May 1939, as say-
ing: "We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not
work. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get jobs. We
have never made good on our promises. I say after eight years of this administra-
tion we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt
to boot."
The same administration fought and financed World War II. The war
solved the unemployment problem. Of course, most of the money they needed
came from taxes and deficit spending funded by borrowing through bond sales.
The inevitable inflation would allow for paying off those debts, if indeed they ever
were paid off, using the cheaper dollars of the future.
Henry Morgenthau Jr., Roosevelt’s long serving (1934-45) Secretary of the
Treasury, supervised without scandal the spending of $450 billion, three times
more money than had passed through the hands of his 51 predecessors combined
(Encyclopedia Britannica, current; Jewish Virtual Library, current).
The typical American generally has enjoyed the most sustained period of
prosperity coupled with a rising standard of living ever since, and the country has
held onto its status as the richest, most powerful and most influential nation on
Figure 29. Henry Morgenthau Jr.,
a man of unimpeachable integrity,
served as President Roosevelt’s
Secretary of the Treasury from
1934 until 1945. He oversaw the
total restructuring of the money
system used by the United States,
unprecedented budgets and emer-
gence of the United States as the
wealthiest nation on the earth.
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 118
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 119
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
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Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
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SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
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Stock Certificate
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*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 119
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266120
Lee Lofthus provided invaluable assistance by introducing me to the his-
toric files of the Bureau of Public Dept that reside in the National Archives, and by
locating within them crucial documents pertaining to the issuance of the currency
considered here. Lofthus also critically reviewed this article and made many sug-
gestions that resulted in substantial changes and additions. James Hughes, associ-
ated curator, National Numismatic Collection, Museum of American History,
Smithsonian Institution, provided access to many of the relevant issued notes and
certified proofs illustrated here.
References Cited and Sources of Data
Alter, Jonathan. The Defining Moment, FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of
Hope. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006, 414 p.
Awalt, Francis Gloyd. “Recollections of the Banking Crisis in 1933,” Banking
History Review, v. 43, no. 3 (1969), Harvard College, p. 347-371.
Brasschecktv, current, Roosevelt’s March 12, 1933 fireside chat:
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Certified proofs, 1863-1985. National
Numismatic Collection, Museum of American History, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Plate history ledgers for small size currency
undated. Record Group 318, U. S. National Archives, College Park,
Bureau of Public Debt. Series K Currency, various dates. Record Group 53 (Gold
Certificates: 53/450/54/01/07 box 14 K121 & Federal Reserve Notes:
53/450/54/01/05 box 9 file K422.1), U. S. National Archives, College
Park, MD.
Butkiewicz, James. “Reconstruction Finance Corporation,”
Coin World. “About Paper Money, Small-size Silver Certificates,”
Congressional Record, Feb 14, 1933, 76th Congress.
Encyclopedia Britannica,
topic/392326/Henry Morgenthau Jr
Folsom Jr., Burton W. New Deal or Raw Deal?, How FDR's Economic Legacy Has
Damaged America. Threshold Editions. New York: Simon & Schuster,
Inc., 2008, 318 p.
Jewish Virtual Library.
Knox, John Jay, Bradford Rhodes, and Elmer Youngman. A History of Banking in
the United States. New York: Bradford Rhodes & Company, 1903, 880 p.
Parks, Larry.
Pole, John W. Annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D.C.:
Government Printing Office, 1930, 783 p.
Shafer, Neil. A Guide Book of Modern United States Currency, 2nd ed. Whitman
Publishing Company, Racine, WI, , 1967, 160 p.
United States Statutes. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, various
dates. v
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 120
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 121
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 121
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266122
Clark, served as successive presidents of The Pulaski (NY) National
Bank from 1887 to 1904. They were among the earliest woman
national bank presidents, and one of the few instances where a nation-
al bank had two women presidents.
Pulaski is a village in Oswego County in central New York, about 40 miles
north of Syracuse. It was named to honor Casimir Pulaski, the Polish soldier who
fought and died in the American Revolution. Incorporated in 1832, by 1900 its
population was 1493. The Pulaski National Bank was founded in 1865 (charter
#1496), an outgrowth of the J. A. Clark and Company’s Bank.
Helen A. Lam was born in Oswego County on April 22, 1823. She mar-
ried James A. Clark in 1845. He was the founding cashier of The Pulaski National
Bank in 1865, and became its president in 1884. At his death in 1887, she assumed
the presidency, serving until her death on July 22, 1893. Her obituary noted that as
a widow, she “lived a quiet and retired life with special devotion to her family.”
With her death, Ella M. Clark succeeded to the presidency. She was the
wife of Helen’s son, Louis, who was then the cashier of the bank. She had been
born Ella M. Klock on November 5, 1854, and married Louis Clark in 1874.
Ella served as president for about a decade, relinquishing the presidency to
her husband in 1904. At that time their son, Frederick, now in his 20s, became the
cashier. She died in Pulaski on July 23, 1931.
An Historical Souvenir of Pulaski (1902) noted that the bank was owned
entirely by the members of one family. It occupied a handsome building built in
1882 after a fire had destroyed the downtown in 1881. The booklet also noted,
“The president has for her private office a handsomely fitted up room, and lady
patrons are provided with an apartment exclusively for transacting their business
with the bank.”
The bank closed on July 8, 1932, a victim of the Depression. The build-
ing, though, has continued to house later banks in the village. Today a branch of
Community Bank, N. A. occupies the space.
It is interesting to note that Helen A. Clark’s daughter, Nellie T. (Clark)
Peck, also served as a national bank president, in the nearby village of Mexico, NY.
(An article on her appeared in Paper Money, issue number 246,
November/December 2006.)
Helen A. Clark and Ella M. Clark
National Bank Presidents
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 122
Real Irizarry pours a lifetime of his origi-
nal, archival research into his new histori-
cal volume on Panama’s paper money
Algunos Comentarios sobre El Papel Modeda y
la banca en Panamå.
Readers of this journal are already
familiar with the Cuban native’s detailed
research on 19th and early 20th Century
bank notes and scrip of his adopted country.
Dozens of his articles have appeared in these
pages over the last 15 years, and more on on
tap. During this time, the author has also
been contributing articles to Spanish-lan-
guage periodicals. Gil brings his same rigor-
ous study to the present volume, published
by Universal Books, Panama in Spanish.
Chapters cover the paper antecedents of
the isthmus, scrip of the Central American
Steam Navigation Co., bank notes of the
early private bankers of Panama, govern-
ment treasury notes, notes of the Republic,
and an exhaustive listing of laws relating to
money. A special chapter “Panama Girl”
discusses the use of the Nina Panama
vignette on large U.S. $50 Federal Reserve
Note backs. All chapters are thoroughly
documented by footnotes.
A graduate of the American Graduate
School of International Management, and
the University of Southern California, Gil
has been pursuing the history of Panama’s
money since he moved there in 1959.
The soft-cover book features excellent
color illustrations, historical photos, and
extracts of legislation. It may be ordered
from the author for $25 U.S. plus $3.50
postage at Apartado 0832-00933, Panama,
Republic de Panama. Airmail delivery from
Panama can take “10 to 15 days more or
less,” the author notes. -- Fred Reed v
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 123
Sources and Acknowledgments
Grip’s Historical Souvenir of Pulaski (1902) was useful for its sections on The
Pulaski National Bank and James A. Clark. The Landmarks of Oswego County (1895)
contained helpful sections on Louis J. Clark and banking in Pulaski. An obituary
for Helen A. Clark appeared in The Pulaski Democrat in late July 1893 (the clipping
is undated), and one for Ella M. Clark appeared in the same newspaper on July 29,
1931. The help of Mary Lou Morrow of the Pulaski Historical Society is gratefully
acknowledge. Pat Ellebracht shared research on the Clarks provided to him by
Mary E. Parker, the Town of Richland Historian, which was also much appreciat-
ed. v
The Pulaski National Bank, c. 1905.
Designed by Syracuse architect,
Archimedes Russell, it was built after an
1881 fire destroyed downtown Pulaski.
The bank was on the right side, the vil-
lage post office on the left. Today the
entire building, still looking much as it
did a century and more ago, houses a
branch of Community Bank.
Joaquin Gil del Real pens book on Panama’s paper money
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Minnesota’s Act to Authorize and Regulate the Business of Banking was
signed into law on July 26, 1858, and repealed a banking act that had been passed
along with the original Minnesota statehood statutes earlier in the year. The
banking system was patterned after New York’s Free Banking Act, which allowed
persons entry into the banking business free of special legislative permission. The
second Act was amended the following month to support the new Minnesota rail-
road bonds, known as Minnesota 7s for the interest rate paid.
The American Bank Note Company in New York was the exclusive
engraver of plates for the newly formed banks. Mr. S. J. Dennis, a bank agent for
Minnesota in New York, kept the printing plates in custody when they were not
being used for production. American Bank Note was to deliver all printed notes
to the state Auditor, who would distribute notes to the banks after the proper col-
lateral securities were deposited in his office.
Several banks immediately proceeded to file articles of incorporation
with state Auditor W. F. Dunbar, and contract with American Bank Note to
make plates and print notes for their circulation. There were 23 banks that filed
by the end of 1858. Among the first group that took immediate advantage of the
new law were the State Bank of Minnesota in Austin, the Farmers Bank in
Garden City, and the Bank of Saint Paul. In 1859, the Bank of Red Wing also
opened for business. These banks were short-lived, issuing notes over a period of
just months. It wasn’t until 1862 that new banks emerged and used altered ver-
sions of the plates of these four banks for their circulation. This study examines
the use of recycled plates in bank note production.
On August 14, 1858, the Minnesota Legislature amended the state’s
banking act. The main purpose of the amendment was to support the Minnesota
railroad bonds. As the law was originally written, only federal or state bonds
which had traded in New York were permitted to be accepted by the state
Auditor for backing a bank’s circulation. The average sales rate over the prior six
months was the rate at which the Auditor could accept such bonds. Since the
railroad bonds were a new issue without a record of public trading, they could not
be deposited with the state Auditor.
The change allowed federal and Minnesota state bonds, including the
railroad bonds, to be accepted by the Auditor at their “current value.” These sub-
jective words would become the crux of the problem with the Minnesota banking
system. After the amendment, several new banks deposited railroad bonds with
the state Auditor. Initially, they were accepted at par value. In reality, the bonds
were highly illiquid and those people with interest in the railroads who had large
holdings used them to organize free banks. They traded at rates far less than
their nominal value.
The legislature’s amendment also had the unintended effect of reducing
the capital requirements for entry into banking in the state. While the nominal
capital had to be at least $25,000, acceptance of the Minnesota 7s allowed a bank
to be organized for considerably less in real terms. If a bank was capitalized solely
with the railroad bonds, its intent in choosing this portfolio may have been to
Recycling of Bank Note Plates
for Minnesota’s Free Banks
By R. Shawn Hewitt
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afford entry into the banking system.
However, the overall result of permitting Minnesota 7s to be used for
backing was the failure of Minnesota banks to maintain credibility and a legiti-
mate circulation. Several banks deposited Minnesota 7s for their circulation and
issued currency to the full nominal value of the bonds, or the maximum permit-
ted by the Auditor, as swiftly as possible. As the real market value of the railroad
bonds became apparent, notes of these banks became heavily discounted.
By spring 1859, nearly all Minnesota notes became uncurrent at any dis-
tance from their home banks. Saint Paul brokers were successful in buying notes
at a discount and then returning them to the issuing bank for redemption in coin.
Several refused payment, and the first failures were recorded. The June 23, 1859
edition of the Saint Paul Weekly Pioneer and Democrat published in detail the secu-
rity behind each of the fourteen operating banks of issue. After this time, it
seems that the public was better able to flesh out the banks that would honor
their circulation at par. The four banks in our study were among the more
responsible banks, but all found it impossible to keep their notes afloat.
No new bank notes would be released by the state Auditor for about two
years after the late summer of 1859. Several banks chose to wind up their affairs
and return their circulation on hand to the Auditor’s office to reclaim their bonds
on deposit. By the beginning of 1860, all the Minnesota banks that held mar-
ketable bonds in their portfolios either closed their doors or substituted
Minnesota 7s. In accordance with Section 37 of the banking act, the Auditor
destroyed plates of six banks that failed on May 10, 1860. Only six banks
remained by the end of the year.
By the end of 1861, all four of the banks in this study were defunct, and
their notes recalled by the state Auditor for redemption. In this year the Auditor
was authorized to accept U.S. five per cent bonds, whereas previously six per cent
bonds were required. Three new banks were established in 1862 with U.S. 5-20s
or other unquestioned securities as their basis, as would be the case with all the
banks created thereafter. By 1863, three of the original railroad banks still had
Minnesota 7s on deposit with the Auditor, but they were on the books at the rate
of 18 cents per dollar.
State Bank of Minnesota
Byron W. Clarke of Milwaukee and J. J. McCullough of Saint Paul filed
for the organization of the State Bank of Minnesota in Austin on August 16,
1858, the first day for which the Auditor accepted applications for the free banks.
Austin is located along the Iowa border in southern Minnesota. The bank was
capitalized at $25,000, all but one of its 250 shares belonging to Mr. Clarke. Mr.
A. L. Pritchard of Watertown, Wisconsin, who would later become the sole
shareholder, was named president. Mr. A. M. Pett was cashier. When it placed
its order with American Bank Note, the bank chose a sheet configuration of 1-2-
5-5 for its currency. The plates were in the hands of Agent Dennis by November
The State Bank of Minnesota opted to make a conservative approach in
its banking affairs. It purchased relatively safe Ohio 6s to back its circulation.
These bonds, or public stocks as they were known, were broadly traded and
worth par or more. This was the kind of backing that successful banks in other
states used as collateral. Between April 9 and 12, the State Bank of Minnesota
received a shipment of bank notes amounting to its full capitalization from the
state Auditor. These notes were countersigned by him, and after the notes were
signed by the bank’s president and cashier, they could be issued for circulation.
No subsequent shipments of notes were ever sent to the State Bank.
In newspaper commentaries and personal correspondence, the officers
fought to defend the reputation of the bank. The motivation of those seeking to
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discredit this bank may have varied, but some were undoubtedly hoping to obtain
its notes at a steep discount, and submit them to the bank for redemption in
specie. The Pioneer and Democrat quoted State Bank notes at a 5% discount in
August. Banker J. C. Easton of Chatfield purchased $309 of State Bank notes for
$300 in New York exchange from banker Thomas Bennett of Winona in early
November. Easton undoubtedly sent them to Austin for redemption. Four years
later Bennett would organize his own free bank in Winona.
Despite a sound backing for its currency, the bank conceded the battle
and sought to wind up its affairs. A notice of closing for this bank was filed with
the Auditor on December 10, 1859. Its circulation was reduced to $1,040; a sin-
gle Tennessee 6 and $214 in specie were left with the Auditor to redeem its out-
standing notes, which he did at par.
However, the State Bank of Minnesota did not perish. A special Act of
the Legislature in 1862 caused what remained of the bank to move to
Minneapolis, about 100 miles to the north, but it was effectively a new institution.
The new stockholders were Messrs. R. J. Baldwin and R. J. Mendenhall, each
putting up half of the $25,000 capital. Mendenhall, a Minneapolis banker, issued
his own fractional scrip and endorsed the scrip of the Treasurer of Minneapolis
the same year.
American Bank Note removed the Austin location on the plate and
replaced it with Minneapolis. Since the State Bank of Minnesota in Austin hon-
ored its circulation at full face value, there was not only an economy of recycling
the bank note plate, but also a benefit of taking on the goodwill associated with
the name. Mendenhall served as president, and Baldwin served as cashier in this
reincarnation of the bank. As with all banks to organize in 1862 and later, its
notes were redeemed at par.
The state Auditor included the outstanding circulation of the first State
Bank with that of the second in his books, and no differentiation was made
Illustrated below are issued examples
of $2 notes from the State Bank of
Minnesota in Austin, and the State
Bank of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
The main printing plates were identi-
cal except for the location and date.
The Austin bank used a red panel
security overprint, whereas
Minneapolis used no overprint. Like
most notes issued in 1862 and later,
the serial number was mechanically
imprinted. The Austin note was
signed by A. M. Pett as cashier and A.
L. Pritchard as president. The
Minneapolis note was signed by R. J.
Baldwin as cashier and R. J.
Mendenhall as president.
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between the notes of either bank upon redemption.
Illustrated opposite are issued examples of $2 notes from the State Bank
of Minnesota in Austin, and the State Bank of Minnesota in Minneapolis. The
main printing plates were identical except for the location and date. The Austin
bank used a red panel security overprint, whereas Minneapolis used no overprint.
Like most notes issued in 1862 and later, the serial number was mechanically
imprinted. The Austin note was signed by A. M. Pett as cashier and A. L.
Pritchard as president. The Minneapolis note was signed by R. J. Baldwin as
cashier and R. J. Mendenhall as president.
Farmers Bank
Three days into the Minnesota free banking era, Julius H. Dawes of Fox
Lake, Wisconsin, filed for the organization of the Farmers Bank in Garden City,
also with a capitalization of $25,000. Stockholders would later include John W.
Davis, William E. Smith and William J. Dexter, all of Fox Lake. The Farmers
Bank selected a 1-2-3-5 layout for its bank note plate. Agent Dennis had posses-
sion of the plate on December 29, 1858.
It also chose a fairly conservative portfolio, selecting Minnesota 8s,
which traded well above par in New York. On January 20, the Farmers Bank
received $25,000 of notes signed by the Auditor and authorized for issue. This
was the bank’s only shipment.
The Pioneer and Democrat reported on March 24, 1859, that Saint Louis
banks would accept no Minnesota notes on deposit other than those of the
Farmers Bank. In August, the same newspaper quoted Farmers Bank notes trad-
ing at a 5% discount for exchange. Yet, the Farmers Bank found it unprofitable
to maintain a circulation. On October 26, 1859, the Mankato Weekly Record
reported the bank’s intention to close. The date of notice recorded in the
Auditor’s office was April 21, 1860. This may be the date that its notes were first
protested. Again, notes were redeemed at par.
A new Farmers Bank, this one located in Mankato, an emerging center of
economic activity just 14 miles northeast of Garden City on the Minnesota River,
was organized on May 7, 1862. William J. Dexter, a stockholder of the former
institution, filed the application with the Auditor’s office. Mr. Dexter authorized
American Bank Note to change the location on the printing plates and ordered
notes to be printed. However, the second Farmers Bank did not issue any notes.
In the summer of 1864, David L. How and Foster L. Balch opened a
third Farmers Bank for business in the village of Shakopee, about 50 miles down-
stream the Minnesota River, but to the northeast of Mankato. They were both
from Shakopee, and each put up half of the $27,500 in capital. Less than two
years earlier, D. L. How issued fractional scrip in his town to help alleviate the
ongoing small change shortage.
Their connection with the Fox Lake financiers is unknown. Messrs.
How and Balch acquired the Farmers Bank plate and had American Bank Note
change the location, this time from Mankato to Shakopee. The date on the plate
was also changed to September 1st, 1864.
The Farmers Bank of Shakopee was the last free bank to organize in the
State of Minnesota. Notes were first received from the Auditor’s office on
September 12, 1864, and the last notes were received just more than a year later,
as the free banking era came to a close.
Shown on the next page are issued $2 notes from the Farmers Bank of
Garden City and the Farmers Bank of Shakopee, and a falsely filled-in remainder
of the Farmers Bank of Mankato. In 1862 the Garden City plate was altered to
Mankato for a bank that never opened. The Shakopee bank opened in 1864, and
was among the last of the Minnesota free banks. Signers on the Garden City note
are J. H. Dawes as cashier and an unidentified signer as vice president. Although
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the signatures are faded, the Shakopee note was likely signed by Foster Balch as
cashier and D. L. How as president.
Bank of Saint Paul
T. Romeyn B. Eldridge of Milwaukee filed to organize the Bank of Saint
Paul on the same day as the Farmers Bank, also with a capitalization of $25,000.
After Eldridge moved to Saint Paul, he increased the capital and sold shares to his
banking associates. By June 1860, there were 36 stockholders in the bank. The
Bank of Saint Paul opted for a 1-2-5-10 plate arrangement, and the plates were in
the custody of Agent Dennis on December 14, 1858.
The Bank of Saint Paul initially chose Ohio 6s for its portfolio. It
received its first shipment of $25,000 in signed notes from the Auditor on January
15, 1859. It received its last shipment on June 21. Notes were quoted at 21⁄2% to
3% discount in August.
A huge embarrassment befell Minnesota banking when certain informa-
Above are $2 notes from the
Farmers Banks of Garden City,
Mankato and Shakopee. In 1862 the
Garden City plate was altered to
Mankato for a bank that never
opened (center). The Shakopee
bank opened in 1864, and was
among the last of the Minnesota free
banks. Signers on the Garden City
note are J. H. Dawes as cashier and
an unidentified signer as vice presi-
dent. Although the signatures are
faded, the Shakopee note was likely
signed by Foster Balch as cashier
and D. L. How as president.
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tion became public knowledge on October 20, 1859. It was reported the following
day in the Pioneer and Democrat that the Bank of Saint Paul had withdrawn its
Ohio 6s from the Auditor’s office and deposited Minnesota railroad bonds in their
stead some two months earlier. The Auditor was immediately decried for allowing
a switch to occur. The same day he released a statement showing the security and
circulation of each of the banks, in order to head off a general panic, and then
issued a statement in his defense. He stated that $30,000 of Minnesota 7s was in
place to secure $12,000 in outstanding circulation. This, along with personal
bonds amounting to $6,250 and stockholder liability, he deemed ample security to
the noteholders. By December, a resolution in the House of Representatives was
adopted that called to inquire whether the Auditor had subjected himself to
impeachment. W. F. Dunbar served as state Auditor through the end of 1860.
The Bank of Saint Paul survived this event, although on June 22, 1861, it
declined to redeem its notes. This prompted the Auditor to sell the collateral
securities, and subsequently pay noteholders 98 cents on the dollar for notes pre-
sented for redemption.
Brothers Horace and James E. Thompson of Saint Paul organized the
Bank of Stillwater in 1863, in a village about 20 miles to the northeast of Saint
Paul. This was their second banking venture, as the brothers had opened the Bank
of Minnesota in Saint Paul the previous year. They, along with Minnesota State
Treasurer Charles Scheffer, capitalized the Stillwater bank with $50,000.
The retired plate of the Bank of Saint Paul was resurrected to serve the
Stillwater bank. A more significant re-engraving effort was required to transform
the words “Saint Paul” into “Stillwater” twice on each note. The Bank of
Stillwater received its first order of notes on September 4, 1863 and its last on
January 21 of the following year.
Shown above are issued $5 notes from the Bank of Saint Paul and the
Bank of Stillwater. The Saint Paul bank used a red overprint on its notes, while
Above are issued $5 notes from the
Bank of Saint Paul and the Bank of
Stillwater. The Saint Paul bank used
a red overprint on its notes, while
the Stillwater bank used a green
overprint, which was more common
on late issues of obsolete bank notes.
Signers on the Saint Paul note are C.
J. Burnell as cashier and T. R. B.
Eldridge as president. The Stillwater
note is signed by Charles Scheffer as
cashier and Horace Thompson as
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the Stillwater bank used a green overprint, which was more common on late issues
of obsolete bank notes. Signers on the Saint Paul note are C. J. Burnell as cashier
and T. R. B. Eldridge as president. The Stillwater note is signed by Charles
Scheffer as cashier and Horace Thompson as president.
Bank of Red Wing
Charles W. G. Joernz, a resident in the village of Red Wing, filed an
application on May 6, 1859, to organize the Bank of Red Wing with a capitaliza-
tion of $25,000. Its chosen sheet layout was 1-2-3-5. Agent Dennis had the plates
on June 4, 1859. This bank was one of eleven applications made in 1859, the last
of which was filed in July. No more banks would organize for three years.
The Bank of Red Wing opted to use Minnesota 7s as a low-cost means to
gain entry into the free banking system. It received its first shipment of notes on
June 29 and its last less than a month later. The bank issued notes to the maxi-
mum that the Auditor would allow, with a peak circulation of $23,100 against
$27,000 in Minnesota 7s in October. Despite the poor backing, it always
redeemed its notes in specie and its notes were never protested. However, its life
was brief, and its notes never claimed a broad circulation. A notice of closing was
filed with the Auditor on October 31, 1859. By December 1, its circulation was
reduced to $1,368 against $2,000 in Minnesota 7s. Its notes were redeemed at par
by the state Auditor after it closed for business. In 1863, $811 of its notes was
Pascal Smith of Red Wing and Wells S. Dickinson of Bangor, New York,
operated the Banking House of Smith & Dickinson in Red Wing. In 1862, they
issued fractional scrip to facilitate trade in their town, but the next year they
decided to convert their banking operation into a free bank. The second Bank of
Red Wing was capitalized with $27,500.
They procured title to the plate of the former Bank of Red Wing from
Mr. Joernz, and authorized American Bank Note to print new notes, these with
Illustrated below are examples of $1
notes from the first and second Bank
of Red Wing. The first bank used a
red overprint for its notes and no
design for the back. The second bank
had their notes printed with a green
overprint and green back. The only
alteration of the engraved plate was
the date. The second issue Red Wing
note was signed by Pascal Smith and
W. S. Dickinson.
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green backs and a green overprint, but with no alterations of the plate. Shortly
after the first printing run, the plates were changed to have an engraved date of
November 10th, 1863. It is likely that the second Bank of Red Wing redeemed
notes of the first bank.
Illustrated opposite are examples of $1 notes from the first and second
Bank of Red Wing. The first bank used a red overprint for its notes and no
design for the back. The second bank had their notes printed with a green over-
print and green back. The only alteration of the engraved plate was the date.
The second issue Red Wing note was signed by Pascal Smith and W. S.
While a few examples of legitimate bank plate alterations and recycling
are known elsewhere, the free banks of Minnesota demonstrated an unusually
high use of this practice. There were three main reasons for this. The transient
nature of the first round of banking in Minnesota caused them to be short-lived
ventures. Plates were executed for these banks by the American Bank Note
Company, were lightly used, and were retired when the banks closed after a short
time. A second reason is the economy of altering a plate instead of executing a
new one. According to pricing schedules, the cost to design and cut a new plate in
1858 was $500. Simple alterations could be made for considerably less cost.
A final reason for a new bank to recycle an old plate was to take advantage
of the good reputation of the prior bank. The reputation they earned was exem-
plified in a brief commentary about a Saint Paul dry goods dealer in the
November 11, 1859, issue of the Pioneer and Democrat. “We are informed that
Messrs. Ingersoll & Co., have decided to take State Bank at Austin, Farmers’s
Bank, Garden City, and Bank of St. Paul, at par.” The State Bank of Minnesota,
the Farmers Bank and the Bank of Red Wing redeemed their notes at par.
Holders of notes from the Bank of Saint Paul suffered a mere 2% loss.
Mankato Weekly Record, Mankato, Minnesota. October 26, 1859.
Minnesota. General Laws of Minnesota for 1858. Chapters XXXII and XXXIII.
Minnesota, House of Representatives. “Auditor’s Report,” Journal of the House of
Representatives of the Legislature of Minnesota, 1859 – 1860.
Minnesota, State Auditor. Annual Report of the State Auditor to the Legislature of
Minnesota, 1861–1866.
Minnesota Historical Society. Auditor’s Records. Archives of the Minnesota
Historical Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Minnesota Historical Society. Correspondence of J. C. Easton. Archives of the
Minnesota Historical Society, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Patchin, Sydney A. “The Development of Banking in Minnesota,” Minnesota
History Bulletin, vol. 2, no. 3 (August, 1917).
Rolnick, Arthur J., and Weber, Warren E. 1988. “Explaining the Demand for
Free Bank Notes,” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review,
vol. 12, no. 2 (Spring, 1988).
Saint Paul Weekly Pioneer and Democrat. March 24, 1859; June 23, 1859; August
12, 1859; October 21, 1859; October 28, 1859; November 11, 1859.
Thompson’s Bank Note Reporter and Counterfeit Detector. 1859, various issues.
Special thanks to Eric P. Newman for the illustration of the $1 Proof
note from the Bank of Red Wing. Thanks to Stephen E. Schroeder for valuable
editorial assistance. Thanks to Spink-Smythe for the illustration of the $2 note
from the Farmers Bank of Mankato. v
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I HAVE BEEN AWARE OF GREENBACKVILLE ON VIRGINIA'SEastern Shore for many years, but I just visited it this summer. It
is a tiny waterfront village on the Maryland line in the extreme
eastern end of Virginia. It is a bit out of the way on winding coun-
try roads.
Fishing, crabbing and oystering appear to be the main, or
only, industry. The docks are home to charter fishing boats and
commercial working boats.
Opposite the docks are large piles
of wire crab pots.
There is a firehouse and
probably 200 residents. A large
golf resort is nearby. The village
is at one end of a seaside hiking
trail. Across the bay are the bar-
rier islands, Chincoteague and
Assateague, famous for their
National Seashore preserve and
for the wild ponies which graze
and roam freely.
Welcome to Greenbackville, Founded 1867
by Terry Bryan
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Surrounding Accomack County is one of only two Virginia
Counties that help comprise the DelMarVa Peninsula. The Chesapeake
Bay is on the west, and the Atlantic Ocean is on the east. Some other
interesting place names in Accomack County are Modest Town,
Temperanceville, Onancock, Pungoteague and Wachapreague. The
remote Tangier Island is a unique tourist site, home to hardy watermen
with no cars allowed, and rather few changes in the last 400 years.
The community of Greenbackville was founded in 1867. The
area was strongly allied with the Confederacy, and the choice of name is
surprising. The Website of the State of Virginia does not reveal the
source of the name. v
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Dutch artist prefers colorful
notes that look like play money
IN PREVIOUS COLUMNS YOU HAVE READabout engravers who have hidden their initials within
a bank note engraving, about security features that are
only visible when you hold the note at a specific angle (a
latent image as an example), and other devices that are
there but not always obvious.
The hidden initials are a personal statement of the
designer or engraver and seldom
get by the eyes of the person who
approves of the finished design.
Nevertheless, there have been
exceptions. I recently found refer-
ence to notes with very personal-
ized marks: the fingerprint of the
designer and a pet rabbit water-
Born in 1929, R.D.E.
Oxenaar is a recognized graphic
artist from the Netherlands who
has lectured at the Academy in
Den Haag and is consultant to the
Danish Postal Service.
This Dutch artist, who is
called “Ootje,” believes in person-
alizing the bank notes he designs.
This came after Mr. Oxenaar
spent two and a half years on his
first bank note design. After all
that time, “I really knew how to
design a bank note.” When he
completely understood what was
necessary for a secure bank note
and how he could create within
this structure, subsequent designs
came faster.
The 250 gulden has a large
vertical image of a lighthouse on
the face and a much smaller image
on the back. From a lecture by the
artist and designer the following was found on the
Internet. The rabbit image for the watermark on the
250-gulden bank note, P98 belonged to his girlfriend.
“Everybody has to walk around with my rabbit in their
pocket.” For this note and the 50 gulden, P96, Mr.
Oxenaar had design assistance from J.J. Kruit.
On the portrait of the philosopher Spinoza on the
1000-gulden bank note, P94 is the designer’s finger-
print. “…my fingerprint to the left [is] the result of the
combination of this hand-engraved part and the rest
that was done by computer.” I was unable to scan the
soft fingerprint or get a defined watermark with a scan-
ner; you must examine the bank note to see both.
During an interview on NOVA about counterfeit
bank notes, Mr. Oxenaar had the following to say: “In
the beginning, when I started [designing] bank notes, I
saw all these bank notes everywhere in the world. You
see that here, too, the French, the Italian, the Chinese --
they were very muddy in color.
“The only bank notes that really inspired me, in
fact, were play money, like the Monopoly money, and
that is what I think is necessary for bank notes, too. I
made things that you can easily see what you have in
your hands, you can easily see they're very clear, they
have a clear typography, [and] they have
a clear color.”
His design for the 50-gulden bank
note, P96 is printed in bright colors;
the dominant subject is a sunflower
with a bee. When this note was first
issued some people thought the note to
be a fantasy piece. It didn’t take long
for the imaginative Dutch to accept and
approve of this note and subsequent
designs in brilliant colors by Ootje
Unfortunately, the Euro has
replaced the distinctive bank notes from
the Netherlands. Nevertheless, perhaps
other non-Euro countries will take
advantage of Mr. Oxenaar’s expertise
and engage him to design bank notes
for them.
Mr. Oxenaar has never confirmed
this, but I have read in at least two dif-
ferent publications that the designer
placed the initials of his three daughters
in the lighthouse on the 250 gulden
note. If this was done, I have yet to find
the initials.
Reprinted with permission from
Coin World, April 28,2003
A Primer for Col lec tors
Starts Here
Reports say that Dutch graphic artist
R.D.E. Oxenaar placed the initials of his
three daughters in this lighthouse on the
250 gulden, P98, note. v
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 135
IN THE 2000 CENSUS, FINGAL, NORTH DAKOTA(in Barnes County in the southeastern part of the
state) had a population of 133 people. It must be one of
the smallest communities in the nation to have a flour-
ishing bank, which a century ago was the First National
Bank of Fingal. And its president was a woman, Laura
A. Batcheller.
Laura A. Donahoe was born in Ontario, Canada, in
1873. Her family settled in eastern North Dakota when
she was a child. She herself taught school for several
years before her marriage to Charles E. Batcheller on
June 28, 1899. They had no children.
He was born in western New York State in 1863
and had come to North Dakota in 1892. He was first
employed as a telegraph operator and then became the
cashier of the First National Bank of Buffalo, ND. In
1898 he settled in Fingal and organized the Bank of
Fingal, serving as its cashier. In 1904 it became the First
National Bank of Fingal (charter #7295), and he contin-
ued as its cashier.
Laura A. Batcheller, who had been vice president of
the Bank of Fingal, became vice president of the new
national bank. Two years later in 1906 she was elected
its president.
She was active in both state and national banking
organizations. In August 1903 she was the only woman
at the founding convention of the North Dakota
Bankers Association. In 1905 she was the only woman
delegate to the American Bankers Association meeting
in Washington, DC. While there, she was elected vice
president of the North Dakota association. The
Washington Post noted she “has the appearance of a thor-
ough business woman, and is decidedly attractive in her
At the North Dakota Bankers Association meeting
in Fargo in July 1906, she gave a report of the ABA
meeting. That year she also served as the treasurer of
the NDBA. Later in 1906 she attended the annual meet-
ing of the ABA in St. Louis where she was the only
woman bank president at the convention.
In 1913, when the ABA met in Boston, the Christian
Science Monitor ran an article about her headlined
“Woman President of Bank Attends Convention Here.”
Although she is quoted as saying that it must have been
gallantry that caused the four men directors to elect her
president nearly a decade before, she went on to say that
she saw “no reason why a woman should not be a bank
president, if she is qualified for the position.” When
asked about woman suffrage, she confessed that she was
not keen about it, but that “We are going to have it.”
Her spirit of public service continued. In 1918, with
our nation at war, she volunteered to serve the Red
Cross for one year with no salary. She traveled to the
east coast and then on to France, where she was to
establish informational filing systems at various Red
Cross offices there and perhaps in Italy also.
That autumn the serious influenza epidemic swept
the United States. Mr. Batcheller was ill with it, and
resulting complications caused his death at their home
in Fingal on Friday, February 23, 1919. Mrs. Batcheller
had been informed by telegram of his illness, and she
was returning by boat from France at the time of his
death. She arrived in New York City early in March,
and had the body of her husband brought to New York
State where he was buried in Stockton, the village of his
birth. She then returned to Fingal.
In June 1919, when the bank directors elected N. P.
Langemo as president, the local newspaper reported
that the directors of the bank and several others were
the stockholders, and noted “they have taken over all
the Batcheller interests in the bank.”
At some point she moved from North Dakota. The
1930 census found her in Los Angeles County,
California, working, appropriately enough, as a clerk in
a bank. She died in Los Angeles on August 6, 1946,
which was her 73rd birthday.
The First National Bank of Fingal became the
Fingal State Bank in 1932. In 2003 it took over the Page
State Bank and changed the name of the combined bank
to Quality Bank. Its two offices, some 35 miles apart,
today serve the communities of Fingal and Page and the
surrounding areas.
The Fingal Community History (1980) has a section
on the bank, pages 25-26, and a biographical sketch on
Charles E. Batcheller, pages 85-86. His obituary is
found in The Fingal Herald, February 28, 1919.
Mentions of bank conferences attended by Laura A.
Batcheller are found in the Grand Forks Daily Herald,
August 29, 1903, October 19, 1905, and July 17, 1906;
and in The Washington Post, October 14, 1905, and the
Christian Science Monitor, October 9, 1913. Her Red
Cross work is noted in The Fingal Herald, June 14, 1918,
and the change in the bank’s ownership in the same
newspaper for June 27, 1919. v
Laura A. Batcheller, National Bank President
by Karl Sanford Kabelac
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266136
Dear Fellow Paper Money Lovers:
First of all, I write this as we embark on a new decade,
and let me wish you all a Happy New Year. Please accept my
wishes that all our members and their loved ones have a
healthy and prosperous new year, with the means and the time
to enjoy our hobby and our Society. May it be so, and may it
continue for the decade to come and more.
This month’s column is a bit of a pot-pourri, which I
hope our reader-members will indulge and enjoy. As some
know, I live in this interesting place called New York City, and
the first big show of the year has just finished up in Orlando.
The reports are in, and it is my pleasure to pass along that the
Society had a nicely attended regional meeting, courtesy of
our hosts [the Florida United Numismatists], the organizer
[Judith Murphy, SPMC Regional Events Coordinator], and
the speaker at the meeting [our own Pierre Fricke]. The
F.U.N. show is always a great way to kick off the hobby year.
While I have attended the F.U.N. show over the last few
years, and enjoyed the interesting topics and crew at our meet-
ings, I have been torn between that event and another show
which unfortunately coincides with it – the New York
International Numismatic Convention. This show, which is
held in the Waldorf-Astoria, is not only a shorter commute,
but, as a sometime collector of Spanish and Swedish paper
money, it embraces a lot of the aspects of the hobby that are
enjoyable and important to me. So, this year, with inevitable
regrets and misgivings, I missed out on the F.U.N. but
enjoyed the NY International.
The NY show, which is packed into large meeting rooms
on the 18th floor of the Waldorf, had the same eager, multi-
language, multi-discipline buzz it always does. From ancient
coins to books, world paper money to foreign gold, it is a
remarkable assemblage of goods and devotees from every-
where. And because the show’s rules maintain a focus which is
decidedly away from modern U.S. material, it will likely
always feel very different from the typical U.S. coin show.
There are a host of official auctions held as part of the week’s
activities, and there are several unofficial ones as well. All in
all, more than enough activity, people, education and material
to go around, for visiting collectors and dealers alike. It is
unfortunate for all that the NY and Florida shows conflict. It
is physically possible to attend a meaningful piece of each
show, by leaving one early and arriving at the other late, and
there are people who do this, but nobody I know thinks it is a
perfect experience. This overlap is likely to continue for the
foreseeable future, from what I can tell.
For several months now, I have been looking forward to
telling our members a little bit about a somewhat newer and
not-so-well-known museum experience they may want to add
to their itinerary the next time they are in the Big Apple. As
anyone who has visited knows, New York City is a place full of
entertainment on and off-Broadway, some of it intentional,
much of it growing out of the various madnesses that take
place here every day and make New York City the unique
locale it is. There are however, several oases of sanity, and one
of them would likely be of interest to any SPMC members as
might be visiting. It is a museum, the Museum of American
Finance, and it is quite fittingly located at 48 Wall Street, in
what was, for over two centuries, the headquarters of the Bank
of New York, a creation of one of the founding fathers, or per-
haps the founding father of this country’s finances, Alexander
The Museum is the brainchild of John Herzog, who is
better known in our hobby for his hobbies than his real career
in Wall Street. In addition to his “real job,” John’s fascination
with financial history led him to involvement in R.M. Smythe
when it was a securities research firm only, which he and wife
Diana built into a diversified stock, bond, currency, coin, auto-
graph and financial ephemera dealer and auction house. That
being not enough, he went looking for more and found it, in
the form of starting, in 1988, the “Museum Project.” This
began with a pair of exhibitions, in the downtown Custom
House [an institution also founded by Alexander Hamilton]
about the history of the financial markets and New York City.
This led to a further successful “experiment,” more permanent
but somewhat cramped quarters on lower Broadway, first at 24
Broadway, then at 28 Broadway, but with the move to Wall
and William Streets, it has found its rightful home.
The museum is accessed from street level, and the exhibit
space is one circular stone flight of stairs up to what was the
bank headquarters banking floor, and a grand space it is.
Landmarked, the tasteful transition into a museum space has
been made without doing anything to impair the ability to
imagine what it was like as a retail banking office in its heyday.
The series of artworks which lines the upper walls of the bank-
ing floor, depicting the financial history of the city, are appro-
priate reminders of what the museum and the neighborhood
of this city have been and are all about.
The permanent exhibits can be thought of as being orga-
nized into coherent groups and as would be expected include
the history of the principal financial markets in the U.S. – the
equities market, the bond market, the commodities markets –
as well as interactive explanations of how they work today.
Since 9/11 the visitors’ gallery at the NYSE has been closed to
the public. However, the Museum now provides a live video
feed of the floor activity at the Exchange. The Museum does a
good job of spotlighting the entrepreneur as the true long
term engine of a successful economy, highlights the role of
capital formation in helping dreamers grow their dreams, and
the role of the banking industry is explained, with some
humor, I might add.
A small office off to the side of the main floor, designated
“The Hamilton Room,” tells the story of this remarkable man,
from humble birth to his well-documented death. Included
among the exhibits in the room are a few early and lovely Bank
of New York color proofs. [As an aside, Hamilton rests in the
yard of Trinity Church, a scant three blocks west at the head
of Wall Street; the gates to the church, the surrounding yard
and his gravesite are open most daytime hours.]
However, for SPMC members, one highlight of any visit
will likely be a glassed-in room which tells the history of
money in this country. One side of the room begins with
wampum and beaver pelts, and progresses through the colo-
nial period. Colonial currency, its origins, its later role in
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 136
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 137
$$ money mart
We could all use a few extra bucks. Money Mart ads can help you sell duplicates,
advertise wants, increase your collection, and have more fun with your hobby.
Up to 20 words plus your address in SIX BIG ISSUES only $20.50/year!!!! *
* Additional charges apply for longer ads; see rates on page opposite -- Send payment with ad
Take it from those who have found the key to “Money Mart success”
Put out your want list in “Money Mart”
and see what great notes become part of your collecting future, too.
(Please Print) ______________________________
ONLY $20.50 / YEAR ! ! ! (wow)
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15¢ per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis. Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
YOUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Money.
You could advertise your duplicates inexpensively, or advertise your Want
List for only $20.50 for three lines for an entire year. Don’t wait. (PM)
WANTED: ALBANY, GA National Bank Notes. Any bank, type or denomina-
tion. Write with description (include photocopy if possible) first. George
Anderson, 1015 Summit Dr., Albany, GA 31707 (270)
NJ TURNPIKE TOLL SCRIP from the 1950s-80s. Looking for any info on, and
also looking to buy same. Send info or contact: PO Box 1203, Jackson, NJ
08527 or Jamie Yakes, LM338 (A)
WRITING A NUMISMATIC BOOK? I can help you with all facets of bring-
ing your manuscript to publication. Proven track record for 40 years. See
PM N/D 2008 p. 472 for details. Contact Fred Reed (270)
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with descrip-
tion (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142 (270)
WILDCAT BANKS OF WAYNE COUNTY (Ohio), 80 pages, $30 postpaid.
Raymond E. Leisy, 450 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio 44691 (A)
financing the Revolutionary War, and the lessons learned are
nicely documented. The next segment begins with early and
later obsolete sheet examples, and explains the rise of the pri-
vate banks, their role in the finances of the 1800s and the
growth of the country up to the time of the Civil War. Federal
and Confederate issues during the war are followed by the
gold story and a pair of gold certificates, and the last panel
covers the transition to small size currency, with a reasonably
representative selection of small size type and emergency
issues. The paper money on exhibit closes with the “modern
innovation” of the Berkshares.
The paper money display is far from comprehensive, but
it tells its story well in the context of a unique museum, and
the overall story being told is an important one. There are
several other syngraphic items on display, stocks, bonds, war
bonds as well, and I recommend the museum to our members,
and to anyone with an interest in what makes this country
“tick.” And, at a time when Wall Street professions are not
necessarily all viewed as being conducted in perfect fashion,
the over-riding importance of solid capital markets is not a
bad perspective to revisit.
Before I begin to sound like a New York City tour guide,
I will close for this issue, but again thank our Governors for
their work on behalf of the Society, and remind you, our
members, that we like keeping you at the forefront. As always,
wherever you are and regardless of what you collect, we will
always be interested to hear what may be on your minds.
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 137
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266138
Mrs. R.L. Whaley, National Bank President
by Karl Sanford Kabelac
MARGARET GIBSON, WHO WAS TO MARRY R. L. WHALEY,was born in Portage, Wisconsin on July 15, 1865 the daughter ofJohn and Agnes Gibson. At the age of four she moved with herparents to Missouri, and grew up on a farm outside of Albany,
Missouri. Albany, the county seat of Gentry County, is in the northwestern part
of the state. In 1900 it had a population of 2,035, an increase of 50% in the pre-
vious decade. Its population a century later is slightly less than 2,000.
In 1901 she married Richard L. Whaley, a widower with three sons. He
was born in Georgia in 1846, and became a resident of Albany in 1874. For the
next 58 years he played an important role in the community, first as a lawyer, and
then as a businessman and banker. He was the founding president of The First
National Bank of Albany (charter #7205) in 1904.
He continued as president of the bank for twenty-eight years, until his
death on August 2, 1932 at the age of 86. Mrs. Whaley, who had been a director
of the bank, then became its president. Her oldest stepson, Moiston, who had
been cashier of the bank since 1909, continued in that position and was the active
manager of the bank.
Legal notices that appeared in The
Albany Ledger, February 21, 1935,
relating to the closing of the bank,
signed by Mrs. R.L. Whaley,
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 138
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 139
In February 1935, having survived the worst years of the Depression, the
Board of Directors decided to close the bank. Depositors were notified that the
bank would close on Friday, March 1. They were assured that the bank had
enough resources to pay all depositors in full and meet all other obligations. It
was explained that the bank, although entirely solvent, had not been able to make
a reasonable return on its investments and the Board had reluctantly decided to
liquidate it.
At the end of 1934, a few months before it closed, the bank had deposits
of $136,456 and a circulation of National Bank Notes of $29,800. During her
presidency, Mrs. Whaley’s signature appeared on some of the Series 1929 type 1
National Bank Notes issued by the bank, and presumably all of the Series 1929
type 2 notes. There were a total of 10,116 of the former and only 268 of the latter
issued. Both types were issued in fives, tens, and twenties.
Mrs. Whaley continued to live in Albany, where she died on January 21,
1948, at the age of 82. Her obituary in the local newspaper made no mention of
her bank presidency, but noted that she had been active in the Presbyterian
Church and the Order of Eastern Star. She was survived by two stepsons, a
daughter, and two granddaughters.
Sources and acknowledgements
The Albany Capital and The Albany Ledger both carried obituaries of R. L.
Whaley on August 4, 1932, and The Albany Ledger carried an obituary of Mrs. R.
L. Whaley on January 22, 1948. The closing of the bank was front-page news in
both local newspapers on February 21, 1935. I am grateful to Pat Manring of the
Gentry County Genealogical Society and to the granddaughters of Mrs. Whaley
for their assistance. v
A Series 1929 Type 1 note with Mrs. R.L. Whaley’s facsimile signature as President.
Anna M. Stentz, National Bank President - Addendum
Anna (Annie) M. Stentz, President of The First National Bank of Monroeville,
Ohio, was the subject of my article in Paper Money, March/April 2009, p. 122.
Through the miracle of Google, I recently discovered an informative bio-
graphical sketch of her, her first husband Orren W. Head (1808-1882) and her
second husband Henry P. Stentz (1838-1903). There are also pictures of each;
hers is reproduced here. (The source is A. J. Baughman, History of Huron
County, Ohio ... . Chicago, S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1909, v. 2, p. 44-54.)
-- Karl Sanford Kabelac v
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 139
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
Allen, Harold Don.
Notes from North of the Border:
Look Here, Here's Some Far Out Items, illus. 09 48 261 188
Many helpers on a lifelong hunt, illus. 09 48 260 107
New Money for Changing Times in UAE, illus. 09 48 264 458
Note numbers may encode information, illus. 09 48 262 298
Searching out note lookalikes, illus. 09 48 263 378
Aspen, Nelson Page.
A Suggested Classification of Bank Notes, illus. 09 48 264 466
In the Old Days: the Banks of Chester County, illus. 09 48 260 114
Anna M. Stenz, National Bank President, Karl Sanford Kabelac 09 48 260 122
Caroline B. Drake and Nannie M. Mabry, National Bank 09 48 261 219
Presidents, Karl Sanford Kabelac, illus.
Cora B. Clark, National Bank President, 09 48 260 98
Karl Sanford Kabelac, illus.
Henrietta R. Temple & Jennie M. Temple, National Bank 09 48 260 123
Presidents, Karl Sanford Kabelac, illus.
In the Old Days: the Banks of Chester County, 09 48 260 114
Nelson Page Aspen, illus.
Laura Biggerstaff, National Bank President, 09 48 262 300
Karl Sanford Kabelac
Mertie McHenry/Mertie McHenry Langdon, National Bank 09 48 262 301
President, Karl Sanford Kabelac,
Mrs. J.A. Henry; National Bank President, 09 48 260 120
Karl Sanford Kabelac, illus.
Mrs. H.R. Ellsworth, National Bank President, 09 48 263 392
Karl Sanford Kabelac.
One Honest Banker, The Fall of the Manhattan Bank, 09 48 264 415
John D. Davenport, illus.
Remembering the Central NB of Dallas, 09 48 264 462
Frank Clark, illus.
BEP Historical Resource Center Staff 09 48 261 224
The Light of Liberty, illus.
Bowers, Q. David.
Central City, Colorado Terr. & the famous 'Black Charter' 09 48 236 321
Notes, illus.
Clark, Frank.
About Nationals Mostly:
Add a FR1225 to your collection, illus. 09 48 263 382
Remembering the Central NB of Dallas, illus. 09 48 264 462
Vice President Notes of Fairmont, WV, illus. 09 48 261 218
Colonel Edward H.R. Green, Collector Extraordinaire, 09 48 259 34
Peter Huntoon with Barbara Bedell illus.
Searching out note lookalikes, Harold Don Allen, illus. 09 48 263 378
Confederate Trans-Mississippi Paper Money, Pierre Fricke, illus. 09 48 262 304
"Jim the Penman" drew fakes, Gene Hessler, illus. 09 48 261 198
Davis, Greg and Bernie Wilde.
Creating a Census of Obsolete Proofs, illus. 09 48 259 63
Davenport, John D.
One Honest Banker, The Fall of the Manhattan Bank, illus. 09 48 264 415
Engraver's kin searches for his banknote art, 09 48 262 295
Gene Hessler, illus.
The BEST currency designs? Here's my choices, 09 48 260 144
John Gavel, illus.
The Light of Liberty, BEP Historical Resource 09 48 261 224
Center Staff, illus.
Several Indian Chiefs on paper money, Gene Hessler, illus. 09 48 263 374
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
Ferreri, C. John and Gary W. Potter.
Connecticut Merchant Scrip, 1794-1876, illus. 09 48 262 243
Fricke, Pierre.
Confederate Trans-Mississippi Paper Money, illus. 09 48 262 304
Gavel, John.
The BEST currency designs? Here's my choices, illus. 09 48 260 144
Gatch, Loren.
The Modern Local Currency Movement in the 09 48 264 426
U.S. & Canada, illus,
The Professor and a Paper Panacea: Irving Fisher, illus. 09 48 260 125
Gladfelter, David D.
Issued New-Brunswick 2d of 1796 a rarity, illus. 09 48 260 106
Mount Hope, New Jersey, Scrip - By the Book, illus. 09 48 261 200
Hessler, Gene.
The Buck Starts Here:
Darley's The War Alarm shows up on a TV episode, illus. 09 48 264 454
Engraver's kin searches for his banknote art, illus. 09 48 262 295
"Jim the Penman" drew fakes, illus. 09 48 261 198
Numismatic treasures spark memories, illus. 09 48 259 76
Somali small notes bring back memories, illus. 09 48 260 118
Several Indian Chiefs on paper money, illus. 09 48 263 374
Hopson, Hal.
John Law and the coming of paper money to France, illus. 09 48 260 152
Huntoon, Peter.
The Paper Column:
Origin of Large Size FRBNs, illus. 09 48 260 100
Seal Colors on Series 1934 FRNs, illus. 09 48 259 72
Series 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes, illus. 09 48 261 163
Huntoon, Peter with Barbara Bedell.
Colonel Edward H.R. Green, Collector Extraordinaire, illus. 09 48 259 34
Huntoon, Peter and Bob Kvederas.
Connecticut Challenges Definition of "Town" on 09 48 264 403
National Bank Notes, illus.
Huntoon, Peter and Doug Murray.
Durable Series 1880 Legal Tender $500 Plate, illus. 9 48 264 421
John Law and the coming of paper money to France, 09 48 260 152
Hal Hopson, illus.
Look Here, Here's Some Far Out Items, 09 48 261 188
Harold Don Allen, illus.
Many helpers on a lifelong hunt, Harold Don Allen, illus. 09 48 260 107
New Money for Changing Times in UAE, 09 48 264 458
Harold Don Allen, illus.
Note numbers may encode information, 09 48 262 298
Harold Don Allen, illus.
Somali small notes bring back memories, Gene Hessler, illus. 09 48 260 118
Kabelac, Karl Sanford.
Anna M. Stenz, National Bank Presidents 09 48 260 122
Caroline B. Drake and Nannie M. Mabry, 09 48 261 219
National Bank Presidents, illus.
Cora B. Clark, National Bank President, illus. 09 48 260 98
Henrietta R. Temple & Jennie M. Temple, 09 48 260 123
National Bank President, illus.
Laura Biggerstaff, National Bank President 09 48 262 300
Mertie McHenry/Mertie McHenry Langdon, 09 48 262 301
National Bank President,
Mrs. J.A. Henry; National Bank Presidents, illus. 09 48 260 120
Mrs. H.R. Ellsworth, National Bank President 09 48 263 392
Lofthus, Lee.
Why So Few Series 1923 $10 Legal Tenders 09 48 234 442
Were Issued, illus.
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266140
An Index to Paper Money
Volume 48 (2009) Whole Numbers 259 - 264
Compiled by George B. Tremmel
*Mar/Apr 2010 Paper Money 8/9/11 8:43 AM Page 140
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
Authors announce new book on Confederate certificates, 09 48 261 193
Former Paper Money Editor Gene Hessler pens 09 48 261 172
autobiography, illus.
"Fresh, New Book" covers Kansas Paper Money, illus, 09 48 262 273
Gene Hessler
Krause releases fifth edition of Newman's magnum opus, 09 48 260 109
illus., Fred Reed
Krause releases third edition of Bart error note guide, illus. 09 48 261 191
illus., Fred Reed
New Abe book "well researched and thoroughly detailed," 09 48 262 303
illus., Bob Schreiner,
SPMC Authors Pen New Books on Nationals - 09 48 264 461
Matt Jatzen, Jim Millard, illus., Fred Reed
Sullivan updates his work on large denomination bills, Illus, 09 48 259 62
Fred Reed
Whitman releases 2nd edition of Doty's America's Money, 09 48 260 113
illus. Fred Reed
BerkShares Experiment Now in Third Year, 09 48 260 83
Fred Reed/Photography by Jason Houston, illus.
Connecticut Merchant Scrip, 1794-1876, 09 48 262 243
C. John Ferreri and Gary W. Potter, illus.
Creating a Census of Obsolete Proofs, 09 48 259 63
Greg Davis and Bernie Wilde, illus.
Issued New-Brunswick 2d of 1796 a rarity, 09 48 260 106
David D. Gladfelter, illus.
Mount Hope, New Jersey, Scrip - By the Book, 09 48 261 200
David D. Gladfelter, illus.
Nacogdoches Real Estate Deposit and Exchange Co., 09 48 261 173
Elmer C. Powell, Jr., illus.
Odd and Obsolete Banknotes: South Bend Notes, 09 48 264 464
Bob Schreiner, illus.
The Modern Local Currency Movement in the U.S. 09 48 264 426
& Canada, Loren Gatch illus.
The Professor and a Paper Panacea: Irving Fisher, 09 48 260 125
Loren Gatch, illus.
Western and Atlantic Rail Road Scrip, Dennis Schafluetzel, 09 48 261 175
America's First Securities Markets, Richard Sylla, 09 48 261 194
Jack W. Wilson and Robert E. Wright., illus.
John Law and the coming of paper money to France, 09 48 260 152
Hal Hopson, illus.
Numismatic treasures spark memories, Gene Hessler, illus. 09 48 259 76
Darley's The War Alarm shows up on a TV episode, 09 48 264 454
Gene Hessler, Illus.
Mike Jenkins nails sci-fi prop note, Fred Reed, illus. 09 48 263 396
Powell, Elmer C., Jr.
Nacogdoches Real Estate Deposit and Exchange Co., illus. 09 48 261 173
Reed, Fred.
On This Date in Paper Money History - Jan. 2009 09 48 259 47
On This Date in Paper Money History - Feb. 2009 09 48 259 49
On This Date in Paper Money History - Mar. 2009 09 48 260 127
On This Date in Paper Money History - Apr. 2009 09 48 260 129
On This Date in Paper Money History - May 2009 09 48 261 207
On This Date in Paper Money History - Jun. 2009 09 48 261 209
On This Date in Paper Money History - Jul. 2009 09 48 262 287
On This Date in Paper Money History - Aug. 2009 09 48 262 289
On This Date in Paper Money History - Sept. 2009 09 48 263 367
On This Date in Paper Money History - Oct. 2009 09 48 263 369
On This Date in Paper Money History - Nov. 2009 09 48 264 447
On This Date in Paper Money History - Dec. 2009 09 48 264 449
Mike Jenkins nails sci-fi prop note, illus. 09 48 263 396
Sign of the Times: internet jokers release new "U.S. Dollar", illus.09 48 259 56
Yesteryear in SPMC History, illus. 09 48 264 455
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
Reed, Fred/Photography by Jason Houston.
BerkShares Experiment Now in Third Year, illus. 09 48 260 83
Schafluetzel, Dennis.
Western and Atlantic Rail Road Scrip, illus. 09 48 261 175
Schreiner, Bob.
Odd and Obsolete Banknotes: South Bend Notes, illus. 09 48 264 464
10th Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize Announcement 09 48 264 477
$1/$5 in Brooklyn at year's end sport “wheresgeorge?” tags, 09 48 260 111
Fred Reed, illus.
2009 SPMC Awards Breakfast announcement 09 48 261 217
Bradford/Kessler head PCGS Currency buy out, illus. 09 48 261 223
Do You Want to Serve on the SPMC Board of Directors? 09 48 260 143
Editor's Notebook (Fred Reed):
Lincoln and paper money 09 48 259 78
Privatized money issues 09 48 260 158
You too can report 09 48 261 238
Cataloging for posterity 09 48 262 318
10 Years and Counting 09 48 263 398
Who Will Advertize Here? 09 48 264 478
Five Speak at 6th Annual SPMC Author's Forum, illus. 09 48 263 394
Four selected for SPMC board posts, illus. 09 48 261 236
Gene Hessler's Autobiography Proves Popular at 09 48 263 390
Book Signings, illus.
Higgins Museum to host 2009 National Bank Note Seminar 09 48 262 273
In Memoriam:
Death claims pioneer small size note enthusiast 09 48 261 214
Nate Goldstein, illus., Fred Reed
"I'll Miss My Good Friend, Tom Minerley." 09 48 262 302
Bob Moon, illus.
Index to Paper Money, Vol. 47, 2008, Nos. 253-258, 09 48 259 58
George Tremmel
Information and Officers: 09 48 259 2
09 48 260 82
09 48 261 162
09 48 262 242
09 48 263 322
09 48 264 402
Letters to the Editor: 09 48 260 112
09 48 264 414
09 48 264 433
Money Mart: 09 48 259 57
09 48 260 137
09 48 261 217
09 48 262 297
09 48 263 377
09 48 264 457
Nathan Gold Lifetime Achievement Award 09 48 263 375
Honors John & Diana Herzog
New Members: 09 48 259 64
09 48 261 222
09 48 263 353
09 48 264 433
Numismatic Literary Guild & ANA honor SPMC-member 09 48 259 75
authors, illus.
PNG. ANA & NLG Honor SPMC Members, illus. 09 48 264 451
President's Column (Benny Bolin):
09 48 259 57
09 48 260 137
09 48 261 216
President’s Column (Mark Anderson)
09 48 262 296
09 48 263 376
09 48 264 456
Researcher compiles narratives on female National 09 48 259 56
Bank Presidents, illus.
Scene at Memphis, Photographs by Robert Van Ryzin, 09 48 263 386
Bank Note Reporter, illus.
SPMC 2009 Memphis Board Meeting Minutes 09 48 263 384
Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 141
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266142
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
SPMC Board bids adieu to one classy lady, Judith Murphy, illus. 09 48 262 317
SPMC's limited edition Peter Maverick souvenir card, 09 48 260 112
David D. Gladfelter, illus
SPMC Memphis 2009 Awards 09 48 263 385
SPMC Thanks the Sponsors of the Tom Bain Raffle 09 48 263 377
SPMC Treasurer reports (Bob Moon): 09 48 259 61
Tennessee scrip project wins 9th Wait Award 09 48 261 237
www.wheresgeorge website has recorded 154 million bills, 09 48 263 373
Fred Reed, illus.
Schuffman, Lawrence D.
The Liberty and Victory Loan Bonds, 1917-1923, illus. 09 48 259 3
Sylla, Richard, Jack W. Wilson and Robert E. Wright.
America's First Securities Markets, illus. 09 48 261 194
Want Ads Work for You 09 48 263 353
Yesteryear in SPMC History, Fred Reed, illus. 09 48 264 455
Central City, Colorado Terr. & the famous 09 48 263 321
'Black Charter' Notes, Q. David Bowers, illus.
Connecticut Challenges Definition of "Town" on National 09 48 264 403
Bank Notes, Peter Huntoon and Bob Kvederas. illus.
Vice President Notes of Fairmont, WV, Frank Clark, illus. 09 48 261 218
Origin of Large Size FRBNs, Peter Huntoon, illus. 09 48 260 100
Yr. Vol. No. Pg.
Seal Colors on Series 1934 FRNs, Peter Huntoon, illus. 09 48 259 72
Series 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes, 09 48 261 163
Peter Huntoon, illus.
Add a FR1225 to your collection, Frank Clark, illus. 09 48 263 382
Rare $5 Silver Certificate Series of 1934B M-A Block 09 48 264 473
Notes, Jamie Yakes, illus.
Durable Series 1880 Legal Tender $500 Plate, 09 48 264 421
Peter Huntoon and Doug Murray illus.
Why So Few Series 1923 $10 Legal Tenders Were 09 48 264 442
Issued, Lee Lofthus, illus.
Whitfield, Steve.
It Occurs to Me:
Virtual Paper Money Club 09 48 259 78
Will last type notes surface? 09 48 260 158
I May be Wrong, But... 09 48 261 238
Nice people in the hobby 09 48 262 318
Today’s Ruminations 09 48 263 398
“Integrity” 09 48 264 478
Yakes, Jamie.
Rare $5 Silver Certificate Series of 1934B M-A Block 09 48 264 473
Notes, illus. v
WE WERE VERY PLEASED TO SEE THATWhitman Publishing, LLC has published a very nice
check list and record book for United States paper money
from 1861 to present. This soft
bound book contains 248 pages and
allows you to catalog your U. S.
paper money collection utilizing
the Friedberg and Whitman num-
bering systems.
Each entry has a place for a
check mark, as well as a space to list
the grade and make other com-
ments. This extra space for com-
ments will be a great place to put
important information regarding
the notes in one’s collection. You
can list in the comment space: price
paid, dealer name or auction pur-
chase, serial number, date pur-
chased, or other information such
as a graded note.
This check list and record
book covers all federal issues from
$1 to $10,000, fractional currency
(including regular issues, specimen
issues and shields), postage currency, encased postage stamps,
mule notes (with many star numbers listed) and one page to
list your errors. One page is also available for you to list your
miscellaneous items such as War of 1812
issues, or other U. S. paper that might not be
listed in this book.
We especially liked seeing the printages
of the notes along with rarity and extant of
issues known. To say the least this is invaluable
information, and can actually be used when
you are looking at auction catalogs, dealer
stocks at their stores, coin shows or Internet.
Over the past 15 years we have seen many
more dealers and collectors come into the
marketplace for U. S. paper money. This ref-
erence has all the information one needs
regarding all issues and will assist with buying
and selling of them. This will be another best
seller for Whitman and is available from them
for $9.95. For information on purchasing this
check list and record book they may be con-
tacted at: Whitman Publishing, LLC, 3101
Clairmont Road, Suite C, Atlanta, GA 30329
Phone No. (800) 546 – 2995 or visit their web
page at v
Whitman releases “official Red Book” check list and record book
Reviewed by John and Nancy Wilson
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266144
THIS REVIEWER HAS BEEN ANTICIPATING JIMBevill’s new history of Republic of Texas paper money
for two years. Friend and well known Dallas paper money
dealer John Rowe has been beating the drum for this book at
least that long. According to Rowe the new book would be
Well, Jim Bevill’s The Paper Republic: The struggle for
Money, Credit and Independence in the Republic of Texas has final-
ly arrived . . . and I can state unequivocally it was worth the
wait. Bevill, a financial advisor and paper money collector, has
delivered on the promise. This book is simply splendid!
Cataloging of Texas paper money is not new. Grover
Criswell, Hugh Shull and others have described the republic
and state series in detail. Just a couple years ago Joseph D.
Olson delivered an excellent catalog of the various note issues,
which I highly recommended in these pages. Hank Bieciuk
and Bob Medlar have written about Texas scrip and obsoletes,
and the Steve Ivy collection sale in September 2002 by
Heritage Auctions is another ready resource. But nobody has
tackled Texas issues with the gusto Bevill exhibits in this new
352-page, oversize, full color volume, published by Bright Sky
Press, Houston, TX.
The first thing that impresses about this book after its
heft, are the book’s design and the myriad color illustrations it
displays. “Heavily illustrated” would fail to convey just how
well-illustrated by notes, documents, and historical images this
hisorical narrative really is. Collectors have grown to expect
color images, since the auction firms gravitated to that kind of
presentation in the mid-1970s. Catalogs, too, were dragged
into the color revolution in the 1990s, and recent books, espe-
cially those by SPMC author Q. David Bowers, published by
Whitman Publishing (Dave’s Obsolete Paper Money of the United
States comes readily to mind) have set high standards of pro-
ducion values. This book exceeds all those watermarks.
It is unfair, perhaps, to compare works, but collectors
esteeming the aforementioned Bowers’ work, would find
themselves well-served and on familiar ground by Bevill’s
treatment of Texas history through its currency. This book is
well-researched and extensively footnoted. Sources consulted
range from archives, to contemporary publications, to sec-
ondary sources. The historical narrative of the making of the
Texas nation is skillfully told, and the “story value” of the pre-
sentation makes enjoying Bevill’s commentary second nature.
Particularly interesting to this reviewer is the author’s
melding of a scholar’s tenacity with a collector’s sensitivity in
describing the context and results of the various paper emis-
sions comprising Texas’ tumultous history.
Hard bound copies are priced at $60 from the publisher,
Bright Sky Press, 2365 Rice Blvd., Suite 202, Houston, TX
77055 or on line at -- Fred Reed v
PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS ARE ALWAYSlooking for something else to collect. Increasingly, for the
past two decades, growing numbers have been turning to the
colorful emissions of the “Happiest Kingdom in the World,”
the circulating scrip of Walt Disney’s theme parks, Disney
With Disney stores spanning the miles between these
major tourist attractions, Disney dollars are sprouting up in
the backyards of most readers of this publication. Collectors
of these colorful notes now have a reliable and thorough treat-
ment of this paper money niche, Charles Rodger’s History of
Disney Dollars, 1987-2009, recently published by the author
and proprietor of C.T. Coins, Lakewood, CA.
Disney dollars trace their history to a special emission of
$1 and $5 notes on May 5, 1987, when Matt Mew, a Disney
illustrator, designed the first notes for use at the Anaheim
park. Notes were introduced to the Orlando parks that
October. Successive series of notes have continued to be
issued down to the present day.
In his business, dealer Rodgers found the Disney issues
popular with collectors. However, he always had to answer
their questions, “Is there a book on Disney dollars?” in the
negative. So in 2002, he decided he would produce the book
which debuted recently to a receptive audience.
Collecting the dollars is fun. Mickey, Minnie, Donald
and the rest of the famous characters romp across the notes.
Rodgers’ spiral bound, color history is a fun read, too. The
catalog includes prices in two grades, illustrations of all notes
and ancillary items as well as a complete checklist. The 54-
page, cardweight catalog retails for $20 plus postage at PO Bos
4572, Lakewood CA 90711 -- Fred Reed v
New book details notes of Republic of Texas
C.T. Rodgers reviews history of disney Dollars
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States of America
Montgomery Note
Vignettes Depicted
on Obsolete
Bank Notes
Joseph J.
Gaines Jr., M.D.
by National
Bank Note
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IN 1861, THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA INTRODUCEDthe famous Montgomery notes. These notes were authorized by an act ofthe Confederate Congress dated March 9, 1861. Through intermediaryGazaway B. Lamar, an officer of the Bank of the Republic in New York City
and a native of Savannah Georgia, contacts were made with the National Bank
Note Company to produce $1,000,000 of 3.65% interest bearing notes. An initial
printing of 607 sheets each bearing a single $50, $100, $500, and $1,000 note was
made. A later run of 997 half sheets of $50 and $100 notes was also produced.
In addition to the high quality desired, speed of production and secrecy
were essential as production of Confederate States of America currency in the
heart of the largest city in the United States of America was tricky business.
However, business was business and production of the notes began. The National
Bank Note Company had at its disposal an archive of stock vignettes and other
design elements from which to choose. This certainly sped up production of the
notes, as custom vignettes would have significantly slowed production. The
Confederate States of America notes used vignettes that had previously been used
on numerous obsolete bank notes from the 1850s and early 1860s.
The notes were expertly produced with beautiful vignettes by the most
sophisticated methods of the time. The results were simply bank note art at the
highest level. The Criswell Type 1 note was the only $1,000 note authorized by
the Confederate States of America. The note was adorned with portrait vignettes
of native Southerners John C. Calhoun and Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun
was a prominent South Carolina senator and former Vice President of the United
States under two administrations. He also had served as a United States
Congressman and was Secretary of War, and Secretary of State. Andrew Jackson
was the seventh President of the United States and a former United States sena-
tor from Tennessee. He was also the hero of the Battle of New Orleans in the
War of 1812.
The John C. Calhoun vignette appears to be the reverse image of the
famous portrait of Calhoun painted by Henry F. Darby that is in the United
States capitol in Washington D.C. John W. Dodge painted the original design of
Andrew Jackson. Both of these vignettes were used repeatedly on numerous
southern and northern obsolete notes from the 1850s. The Calhoun vignette was
used almost exclusively by southern banks with only a few northern banks using
this vignette. A reversed variation of this vignette also exists. As one would
expect, Calhoun’s native state of South Carolina has a heavy concentration of
these notes. The Jackson vignette appears on many more notes than the Calhoun
vignette, and surprisingly the majority of the notes are from northern states. The
other elements of the Criswell T1 note are engraved in a highly detailed manner
to prevent counterfeiting.
Confederate States of America,
Criswell T-1, depicts John C.
Calhoun (left), and Andrew Jackson
(right). Both Calhoun and Jackson
also appear on many obsolete notes.
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The Criswell Type 2 note was similarly a beautifully produced note.
The note is one of two $500 notes produced for the Confederate States of
America. The central vignette was engraved by James Smillie and is titled The
Crossing. This very detailed and large vignette shows a train crossing an arched
bridge with a centrally placed key stone. On the right side, cattle are driven
down a hill to water in a stream. A small sign on the right side warns, “Look out
for bell rings.” The train vignette is relatively uncommon and was used almost
exclusively on obsolete notes from northern banks with rare exceptions. The
only southern notes with this vignette are two post -Civil War notes: a $5
Brownsport Furnace Store note from Tennessee from the 1870s, and a $2 circu-
lating Little Rock Arkansas City bond dated 1869. The remaining notes are
from Northern banks with approximately twenty to twenty five notes known
with this vignette.
On the left side of the Criswell T2 note is Ceres, the goddess of
Agriculture holding a sickle and surrounded by a plow and agricultural products.
The Ceres vignette is uncommon on obsolete notes with approximately ten
notes known. All of the obsolete notes with the Ceres vignette are from north-
ern banks issued in the 1860s. Again, the other detail elements of the note were
expertly engraved to prevent counterfeiting.
The Criswell Type 3 note is a very detailed and balanced note. On the
left side of the note is a vignette titled America. A salesmen’s album from the
National Bank Note Company was found in London, England, and contained
an example of the titled die proof. America is holding a wreath in her right hand
above a shield with stars and stripes. She wears a star-laden liberty cap and cape.
An upturned left hand lies above a background rising sun. This vignette was
Confederate States of America,
Criswell T-2, depicts Ceres (left), and
The Crossing (center). Each vignette
also appears on various bank notes.
Confederate States of America,
Criswell T-3, depicts America (left),
and a train at a station (center). Once
again several obsolete notes with the
same vignettes are known.
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Confederate States of America,
Criswell T-4, depict Negroes Hoeing
Cotton, according to most catalogs.
The original title for the vignette was
Cotton Field. Apparently only a single
obsolete note shows this vignette,
according to the author’s research.
used on approximately 15-20 obsolete notes with most of the notes originating
from northern banks. This vignette was also used on numerous bank checks.
The central vignette of the Type 3 note is a very detailed vignette
depicting a train at a railroad station. This vignette portrays a bustling train plat-
form with workers moving barrels of goods on the left side of the train. Two
milk jugs are at the edge of the platform near the train. On the right side of the
platform porters transport luggage, and women in long dresses hold parasols. A
carriage with horses is nearby and is so detailed that the driver’s whip is visible.
This vignette was used on about a dozen obsolete bank notes from the 1860s
with most of the bank notes originating from northern states. Southern bank
notes with this vignette include a $5 note of the Central Railroad and Banking
Company from Savannah, Georgia, and a $5 note of the Commercial Bank of
Tennessee from Memphis, Tennessee. The other background elements of the
Type 3 note are executed in a highly detailed manner.
The Criswell Type 4 Montgomery note is the only Montgomery note
with one vignette. The central vignette is titled Cotton Field. An example of the
titled die proof was found in a National Bank Note Company salesmen’s album
discovered in London, England, whose contents were sold at auction by R.M.
Smythe at the 2005 Memphis International Paper Money Show. This vignette is
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one of three Montgomery note vignettes that were later recycled and used again
on the Criswell Type 41 Confederate States of America note produced by
Keatinge and Ball in 1862. It is interesting that the only recycled Montgomery
vignettes were all used on the same issue.
The Cotton Field vignette depicts a common scene in Southern life, slaves
working in a cotton field. The vignette features three slaves toiling in a cotton
field with two of the slaves hoeing rows of cotton and one holding a basket brim-
ming with hay. In the background is the master’s house. In contrast to the other
vignettes used on Montgomery notes, the Cotton Field vignette was apparently only
used on one obsolete note. A Bank of Savannah, Georgia $5 note appears to be
the only obsolete note that uses this vignette. The other design elements of the
note are executed in superb detail.
Examples of obsolete notes bearing the same vignettes as the Confederate
States of America Montgomery notes are shown on the following pages.. Also pro-
vided is a listing of the obsolete notes known to the author that have the same
vignettes seen on the CSA Montgomery notes. Notes are regularly added so this
list is certainly not claimed to be complete. If you are aware of additional obsolete
notes with these vignettes, please contact the author by email at
America vignettes. Above:
Bank of America $5,
Providence, RI, Haxby RI
235-G14a. Right: Western
Bank of Philadelphia $5,
PA, Haxby PA 510-G10a.
Below, State of Arkansas,
$10 bearer note.
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John C. Calhoun vignettes.
Right: The Exchange Bank
$5, Springfield, VT, Haxby
VT 235-G8. Below: Bank
of East Tennessee $10,
Knoxville, TN, Haxby TN
Ceres vignettes. Right:
Corn Exchange Bank $2,
DeSoto, NE, Haxby NE 20-
G4b. Below: Bay State
Mining Company $5, Eagle
River, MI, Lee CMGC-3-14.
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The Crossing vignettes.
Above: Exchange Bank
of Attica $5, IN, Haxby
IN 25-G4a. Right: Salem
Bank $100, Salem, MA,
Haxby MA 1130-G204a.
Andrew Jackson
vignettes. Above:
Tiverton Bank $5,
Tiverton, RI, Haxby RI
505-G8. Right:
Shelbyville Bank of
Tennessee $20,
Shelbyville, TN, Haxby
TN 220-G10a.
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Type Vignette Value State Reference Bank
T1 Calhoun $5 FL FL15-G2a/G2b Bank of Commerce Fernadina 1861
T1 Calhoun $25 SC Sheheen 312 Planters Bank of Fairfield Winnsboro 1850s
T1 Calhoun $2 SC Sheheen 553 Bank of the State of South Carolina Charleston 1850s
T1 Calhoun $5 SC Sheheen 163 Farmers and Exchange Bank Charleston 1850s
T1 Calhoun $50 SC Sheheen 303 Peoples Bank of South Carolina Charleston 1850s
T1 Calhoun $10 SC Sheheen 157 The Exchange Bank of Columbia Columbia 1850s
T1 Calhoun $10 SC Sheheen 117 Bank of Chester Chester 1850s
T1 Calhoun $10 SC Sheheen 118 Bank of Chester Chester 1850s
T1 Calhoun $10 SC Sheheen 119 Bank of Chester Chester 1850s
T1 Calhoun $10 TN TN55-G46 Bank of East Tennessee Knoxville 1855
T1 Calhoun $5 VT VT235-G8 The Exchange Bank of Springfield 1850s
T1 Calhoun $20 SC Sheheen 293 Bank of Newberry Newberry 1850s
T1 Calhoun $100 NY NY1945-G16 Bank of the Union in the City of New York NY 1850s
T1 Calhoun $3 IN IN190-G4 Elkhart County Bank Goshen 1850s
Cotton Field vignette.
Right: Bank of Savannah
$2, GA, Haxby GA 325-
Train at station vignettes.
Above:: Commercial
Bank of Tennessee $5,
Memphis, TN, Haxby TN
95-G8a. Right: Treasury
Bank $2, Griggsville, IL,
Haxby IL 360-G2a.
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T1 Calhoun $5 AL Rosene 134-4 Northern Bank of Alabama Huntsville 1850s
T1 Calhoun $10 SC Sheheen 156 The Exchange Bank of Columbia Columbia 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 TN TN15-Design 5A Multiple Branches Bank of America Branches 1850s
T1 Jackson $1 TN TN55-G8a,G60a,G82a Bank of East Tennessee Knoxville 1850s
T1 Jackson $1 VT VT125-G2a Bank of Lyndon Lyndon 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 VT VT 125-G6a Bank of Lyndon Lyndon 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 VT VT125-G10a Bank of Lyndon Lyndon 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 PA PA515-4a Bank of Phoenixville Phoenixville 1861
T1 Jackson $10 MN MN112-G8 Bank of Rochester Rochester 1859
T1 Jackson $10 TN TN195-Design 10Ca Multiple Bank of Tennessee Branches 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 TN TN205-G4/G4a Bank of the Union Nashville 1856
T1 Jackson $8 NC NC100-G9, G10a Bank of Wilmington Wilmington 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 TN TN90-G2/G2a Bucks Bank McMinnville 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 NY NY520-UNL Canajoharie Bank Canajoharie 1850s
T1 Jackson $3 AL AL65-10/G10a Central Bank of Alabama Montgomery 1850s
T1 Jackson $50 PA PA175-G14a Central Bank of Pennsylvania Hollidaysburg 1850s
T1 Jackson $10 MD MD230-G8, G10 Farmers and Merchants Bank Greensboro 1860s
T1 Jackson $1 MI MI40-G1 Government Stock Bank Ann Arbour 1851
T1 Jackson $1 MI MI40-G2 Government Stock Bank Ann Arbour 1851
T1 Jackson 1 1/4 MI MI40-G4a Government Stock Bank Ann Arbour 1851
T1 Jackson 1 1/2 MI MI40-G5a Government Stock Bank Ann Arbour 1851
T1 Jackson $3 CT CT435-G6 Granite Bank Voluntown 1850s
T1 Jackson $3 IL IL470-G2a Hermitage Bank Marion 1860
T1 Jackson $5 IL IL470-G4a Hermitage Bank Marion 1860
T1 Jackson $5 DC DC260-G8 Intenational Bank Washington 1850s
T1 Jackson $100 VT VT100-G16 Lamoille Co Bank Hyde Park 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 TN Garland 967 Life and General Insurance Co Nashville 1854
T1 Jackson $5 GA GA200-G22a/G22b Manufacturers Bank Macon 1862
T1 Jackson $2 PA PA455-G40a Mechanics Bank Philadelphia 1860s
T1 Jackson $2 NJ NJ290-G4 Merchants Bank @ Mays Landing May's Landing 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 CT CT350-A20 Merchants Bank Norwich 1850s
T1 Jackson $3 DC DC300-G16 National Bank Washington 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 CT CT260-A5 New Britain Bank New Britain 1860s
T1 Jackson $50 ME ME390-G14 New Castle Bank New Castle 1850s
T1 Jackson $50 TN TN185-G38 Planters Bank of Tennessee Nashville 1850s
T1 Jackson $20 TN TN220-G10/G10a Shelbyville Bank of Tennessee Shelbyville 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 GA GA80-G6/G6a Southern Bank Bainbridge 1850s
T1 Jackson $3 TN TN125-G6 Southern Bank of Tennessee 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 TN TN125-G8 Southern Bank of Tennessee 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 IN IN260-G8 State Stock Bank Jamestown 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 TN TN85-G26b The Bank of Middle Tennessee Lebanon 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 IL IL235-G2a The Columbian Bank Elizabethtown 1850s
T1 Jackson $2 NJ NJ390-A20 The Sussex Bank Newtown 1850s
T1 Jackson $5 RI RI505-G8 Tiverton Bank Tivertown 1850s
T1 Jackson $1 IN IN545-G2 Western Bank Plymouth 1850s
T2 The Crossing $10 PA Schingoethe PA400-10(UNL) Allen's College Bank Mansfield 1850s
T2 The Crossing $2 MI MI350-G30a/G30b Bank of Pontiac Pontiac Sept 1 1863
T2 The Crossing $2 NJ Wait-UNL Hay & Company Winslow 1865
T2 The Crossing 50c NY Harris 7 Beach and Dodge Oswegatchie Tannery Harrisville
T2 The Crossing $5 NY Schingoethe NY1820-5a/5b Eastman College Bank Poughkeepsie 1850s
T2 The Crossing $10 NY Schingoethe NY1820-10(UNL) Eastman College Bank Poughkeepsie 1850s
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T2 The Crossing $20 OH Wolka 1225-09 Greenville Business College Greenville 1880s
T2 The Crossing $2 WI Krause WI714-SC8 Knapp, Stout & Co. Company Rice Lake
T2 The Crossing $2 AK AK-UNL Little Rock City Bond Little Rock 1867
T2 The Crossing $5 IL IL450-G6a Marshall County Bank Lacon 1850s
T2 The Crossing $5 VA VA240-G40 Merchants and Mechanics Bank of Wheeling @
Clarksburg 1860s
T2 The Crossing $5 CT CT260-G8 New Britain Bank New Britain 1860s
T2 The Crossing $1 PA PA670-G2a/G2b North Western Bank Warren 1860s
T2 The Crossing $100 MA MA1130-G204a Salem Bank Salem 1860s
T2 The Crossing $1 OH Wolka 2304-05 Sunday Creek Store Co Rendville 1880's
T2 The Crossing $5 IN IN25-G4a The Exchange Bank of Attica Attica 1860s
T2 The Crossing $3 PA Schingoethe PA300-3 (UNL) Wyoming College Bank Kingston 1850s
T2 The Crossing $5 TN TN-UNL Brownsport Furnace Store 1870s
T2 The Crossing $2 OH Wolka 1377-11 Star Furnace Company Jackson 1860s
T2 Ceres $5 MI Lee CMGC-3-11 through 15 Bay State Mining Company Eagle River 1860s
T2 Ceres $1 NY NY620-G2b/G2c Columbia Bank Chatham Four Corners 1860s
T2 Ceres $2 NE NE20-G4a/G4b Corn Exchange Bank De Soto 1860
T2 Ceres $3 IL IL515-G6a/G5b Douglas Bank Metropolis 1860
T2 Ceres $20 WI WI420-G16a The Green Bay Bank @ LaCrosse 1862
T2 Ceres $2 CT CT165-G124a Hartford Bank Hartford 1860s
T2 Ceres $5 NY NY65-G6a Hope Bank of Albany Albany 1860s
T2 Ceres $2 NY NY2570-G4a Joshua Pratt and Co. Bank Sherburne 1860s
T2 Ceres $1 NJ NJ400-G2a Mercantile Bank Orange 1860s
T2 Ceres $1 RI RI355-G8a Merchants Bank in Providence Providence 1860s
T3 America $5 MI Lee IGMC22-3 Pittsburgh & Lake Angeline Iron Company Marquette
June 5 1871
T3 America $2 MI MI-UNL Saginaw Mining Company Ishpaming June 6 1871
T3 America $10 AK Rothert 395-4 State of Arkansas Little Rock 187__
T3 America $10 AK Rothert 395-5 State of Arkansas Little Rock 187__
T3 America $5 NY Schingoethe NY450-5.p Adelphi Academy Commercial Bank Brooklyn 1860s
T3 America $5 NY NY620-G8a Columbia Bank Chatham Four Corners 1861
T3 America 5c PA Hoober 333-89 G.W. Goodrich Reading 1863
T3 America $5 NY NY2315-G6 R.L. Ingersoll Company's Bank Pulaski 1860s
T3 America $10 WI WI100-G4a Union Bank Columbus 1862
T3 America 20c MI Lee STJ-4-3 B.C. Hoyt, Banker St. Joseph 1862
T3 America $5 RI RI235-G14a Bank of America Providence 1860s
T3 America $20 NJ NJ425-G10a National Bank Patterson 1860s
T3 America $5 MA MASS760-G10a Prescott Bank Lowell 1860s
T3 America $5 PA PA510-G10a Western Bank of Philadelphia Philadelphia 1860s
T3 America $5 PA PA715-G14a Wyoming Bank @ Wilkes-Barre 1860s
T3 America $2 MO MO20-G42a,G56a,G68a,G88a Mechanics Bank St. Louis 1861
T3 Train $5 GA GA270-G42a Central Railroad and Banking Company Savannah 1860
T3 Train $3 MD MD10-G6a American Bank Baltimore 1860s
T3 Train $1 GA GA-UNL City Council of Macon Macon 1871
T3 Train $2 GA GA-UNL City Council of Macon Macon 1871
T3 Train $5 TN TN95-G8a/G26a Commercial Bank of Tennessee Memphis 1860
T3 Train $5 AK Rothert 277-2 County of Phillips Helena 1870s
T3 Train 50c IN Wolka 557-1 Neely & Lyman The Boston Shoe Store Muncie 1860s
T3 Train $5 IL IL495-G8a Producers Bank McLeansboro 1860
T3 Train $10 IL IL730-G10 Salem Bank Salem 1860
T3 Train $2 IL IL360-G2a Treasury Bank Griggsville 1860
T3 Train $1 MA MA1220-G24a Taunton Bank Taunton 1860s
T4 Cotton Field $2 GA GA325-G8a Bank of Savannah Savannah 1860s v
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266158
Fred L. Reed III
Signatures on Notes & Scrip
ALOT OF ATTENTION IS NOW GIVEN TO THE QUALITYof signatures found on many of the notes and scrip issues that
paper money collectors pursue. Most of the earliest issues of paper
currency required a hand-signed autograph of one or more issuing
Colonials, obsolete notes and many of the early federal issues
had a place for the cashier, president or governor to sign a note or
scrip to make it valid. Depending on the writing skills of the signer,
his or her name could add or detract from the piece’s desirability, as
well as the value.
Colonial notes are more desirable if the signer had also been a
signer of the Declaration of Independence, or other important colo-
nial period documents. Signers of other notes were famous personali-
ties and therefore these notes also have added autograph value. For
example J.P. Morgan’s signature graces the notes of a New York City
bank and Bill Donlon had a national note signed by “Pawnee Bill” of
a wild west show from Oklahoma.
Obsolete notes have many famous
signers from history, including the mili-
tary and politics. Another value factor is
the quality of the signature itself. Good,
legible signatures in bold inks contribute
to the eye appeal and value of the note. I
have seen signatures in black, brown, blue, red, green and violet ink.
If the signer was “penmanship challenged,” it may be impossible to
decipher his script.
If so, collectors have a wealth of sources to determine a name.
City and bank directories usually contain ads listing bank officials and
when they served. Service dates are important for detecting frauds
and forgeries. If a note issued in 1928 shows John Smith as Cashier,
and John Smith died in 1915, chances are pretty good that “Smitty”
didn’t sign it.
U.S. Nationals have mostly genuine signatures, except for coun-
terfeits and stolen unsigned notes. Obsoletes may be forgeries as
banks during that period went bust all the time often leaving large
quantities of unsigned remainders behind. Crooks added signatures
to pass the notes. And some notes have had signatures added to
increase collector value. Ball point and felt tipped pens are obvious
giveaways. Early scrip issue signatures are most likely authentic
because of their small face value when they were issued.
Signing large quantities of banknotes was an onerous task so
officials often got others to sign for them. Often the word “for” was
added below the actual signers name. Late issues had the “for”
engraved into the plate. Another labor saving device was the rubber
stamp. I have seen rubber stamped signatures as far back as the 1850s.
Many late issue Blue Seal nationals have rubber stamped signatures in
violet ink. Unfortunately a common practice in the past was to wash
banknotes so these are often faded or nearly completely gone.
Some officials, enamored of their own self importance signed
with “vanity” signatures. These are usually ornate and cover a very
large area, occasionally the entire face of the note. They are very
desirable collector items. Eventually required signatures were simply
engraved into the plates and hand signing of notes ceased altogether.
PCDA honors AbeBook
IGOT A VERY PLEASANT SURPRISE GIFT OVER THEholiday season that I’d like to share with some of you who
helped me receive it. I received a pleasant letter from long-
time friend dealer James
A. Simek on behalf of the
Professional Currency
Dealers Association
along with the nice
plaque shown at right.
“On behalf of the
PCDA Board and all the
members of the organi-
zation, it is my distinct
pleasure to congratulate
you as this year’s winner
of The PCDA Literary
Award. . . . Your book
entitled Abraham Lincoln,
the Image of His Greatness
was simply a fantastic work and well-deserving of this high
honor. . . . The PCDA Literary Award is not conferred every
year as there have been occasions when a work did not meet
the standards set forth, so it is hoped that this award carries
some level of meaning and importance to you,” the PCDA
Secretary wrote.
Jim also expressed his personal congratulations, and I
would like to thank him, the members of the PCDA and the
organization’s board for this fine honor. Many PCDA mem-
bers are recognized in the acknowledgments in the front of my
book. You know who you are, so suffice it to say here that
without the excellent collaboration and assistance of our fine
paper money dealer community, my collecting life would have
been much, much poorer over the past 55 years, and the
AbeBook would have been an impossible dream. Our hobby
enjoys the service of a wonderful cadre of professional curren-
cy dealers. A PCDA logo alerts me to knowledgable profes-
sional experience and service. So thank you one and all.
Here’s your chance to make a mark
For the last decade-plus, SPMC member George
Tremmel has been compiling detailed indices to our annual
volumes of Paper Money. In 1999 George released a compre-
hensive index from the beginning of PM to that date. Annual
updates have appeared since. George has expressed an interest
to step down from that post and desires a protegé to take up
the challenging task. Here’s your chance; step up and leave
your mark by emailing your availability to v
It occurs to me...
Steve Whitfield
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266 159
Buying & Selling
Quality Collector Currency
• Colonial & Continental Currency
• Fractional Currency
• Confederate & Southern States
Currency • Confederate Bonds
• Large Size & Small Size Currency
Always BUYING All of the Above
Call or Ship for Best Offer
Free Pricelist Available Upon Request
James Polis
4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-6650
Fax: (202) 363-4712
Are you planning a show?
Want to have a paper money meeting?
Would you like to have free copies
of Paper Money magazine
to distribute to attendees?
Contact Judith Murphy
P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
DBR Currency
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-75-5
•Large size type notes
Especially FRNs and FRBNs
•Large star Notes
•1928 $500s and $1000s
• National Bank Notes
•Easy to sort database
By date added to Web site
By Friedberg number
All or part of any serial #
•Insightful market commentary
•Enlarge and magnify images
You are invited to visit our web page
For the past 8 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
National Bank NoteS
(708) 784-0974
P.O. Box 451 Western Sprints, IL 60558
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Paper Money • March/April 2010 • Whole No. 266160
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They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC’s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.’s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Terry Coyle – Secretary
P.O. Box 246 • Lima, PA 19037
(610) 627-1212
Mar/Apr cover 8/10/11 5:44 AM Page 3
Receive a free copy of a catalog from any Heritage category. Register online at or call 866-835-3243 and mention reference SPMC18563.
#0#.&33*--34# -&0'3&4&34#+&''&/(&-,&/34#
Greg Rohan
Leo Frese
Warren Tucker
Todd Imhof
Call our Currency Consignor Hotline today at 800-872-6467 ext. 1001
to discuss the optimal venue for your currency.
We look forward to serving you.
Whether you are looking to add items to your collection in 2010
or perhaps sell part or all of your collection,
Heritage is here to assist you.
In addition to our weekly Internet Currency Auctions,
we will also be conducting the following
Signature® Auctions in 2010:
2010 January FUN Signature Auction
2010 April/May CSNS Signature Auction
2010 June Memphis Signature Currency Auction
2010 August Signature ANA Currency Auction
Mar/Apr cover 8/10/11 5:44 AM Page 4
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