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\Complac and Fully Illustrated Guide
:It onf,h-ratc No, TIpes and Varintica
Stephen Goldsmith
Past President
Indispensible to Anyone Who Collects
Confederate Paper Money!
Collecting Confederate Paper Money
By Pierre Fricke, Published by R.M. Smythe & Co.
• Over 700 pages, and over 500
• Criswell major type numbers
retained. New variety reference
numbers added.
• Latest Price information on key
• Detailed photos make it easy to
identify rare varieties.
• Up to date rarity ratings for all
major types and varieties.
• Insightful discussions of rare
varieties, how they came about,
and how they were discovered.
• Full color photos of all 72
major types, and color
• Top ten condition census infor-
mation includes serial numbers,
grades and provenance.
• Dozens of previously unknown
or unlisted varieties are
• Latest information about the
number of notes issued of each
type and variety where known.
• Illustrated grading guide.
To order your copy now,
call Marie Alberti or email us today!
Dealer inquiries invited.
$49.95 $5 possta4gef & hahndldindgi .for tlhbe firstbook ,
"Pierre Fricke's new book on CSA currency is a
great addition to my library on paper money,
and it will be a useful and welcome volume for
anyone interested in this fascinating section of
numismatic Americana. Plate and printing
varieties, rarity, and collecting suggestions
are up-to-date and very useful. I highly
recommend this book."
—Q. David Bowers,
Numismatic historian and author
Wolfeboro, NH
"Mr. Fricke's work, coupled with unparalleled
data compiled by the late Douglas B. Ball, Ph.
D., represents the most comprehensive, informa-
tive and sorely needed reference relative to CSA
paper money ever assembled. This book takes
the collecting of CSA paper money to an entire-
ly new, lofty level and is a must have for every-
one—from the beginning collector to the most
advanced. Obscure, priceless information,
heretofore available only to a few, is now
available to everyone as it is set forth in vivid
detail within these pages. Easy to use...a
tremendous step forward to all of numismat-
ics...Simply magnificent."
—Randy Shipley,
Mooresburg, TN
"For many years, serious collectors of
Confederate currency have been clamoring for an
improvement to the standard reference written
years ago by the late Grover Criswell. This book
is the answer to their prayers. Relying on exhaus-
tive research and a keen eye for subtle variations,
author Pierre Fricke has created an extremely
detailed work that is both useful and informa-
tive.... For anyone interested in Confederate cur-
rency, whether as a scholar or collector, this book
is a must have. It will be many years, if ever,
before a book of this caliber comes along again.
Bravo Pierre!"
—Richie Self,
American Coins & Collectibles, Inc.,
Shreveport, LA
2 Rector Street, 12th Floor New York, NY 10006-1844
TEL: 212-943-1880 TOLL FREE: 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-312-6370
PAPER MONEY is published every other month
beginning in January by the Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage is paid at
Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address
changes to Secretary Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box
2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2006. All
rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole
or in part, without express written permission, is pro-
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY
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Send changes of address, inquiries concerning non-
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 1
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLV, No. 1
Whole No. 241 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Fractional Currency Collections, Collectors and Auctions
By Martin Gengerke and Benny Bolin
Riot Erupts Over Change Shortage after Arrival of Postage Currency .. 15
By Fred L. Reed III
Fractional Currency Literature 34
By Benny Bolin
Interest Bearing Notes: Fractional Currency Shields Fought Counterfeits .40
By Dave Bowers
U.S. Fractional Currency: A Discussion 42
By William Brandimore
Gleanings from My Fractional Currency Archive 51, 59
By Fred Reed
Missouri Union Military Scrip Portraits Follow Up 52
By Steve Whitfield
On This Date in Paper Money History 54, 56
By Fred Reed
Inverted & Mirrored Plate Numbers on Fractionals -- Part II 58
By Rick Melamed
No Loop de Loop: Do You have One in Your Collection? 64
By Mike Marchioni
Grant/Sherman Specimens 68
By Rob Kravitz
A Little Known Phase of the Public Service of F.E. Spinner 73
By Leslie Deerclerf
Information & Officers 2
Author Gene Hessler releases another major text 13
Nominations Open for SPMC Board
Money Mart 70, 72
President's Column 72
By Benny Bolin
Paper Money's Upcoming Publishing Program/Ad Deadlines/Ad Rates 73
New Members 74
Deadline for George W. Wait Prize Nears XX
Librarian's Report 78
By Bob Schreiner
Editor's Notebook 78
.1,31A ct2.
2 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia. It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC and its activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be
sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligi-
ble to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 335 Court St. #149, Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Bob Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
TREASURER Bob Moon, 201 Baxter Court, Delmar, NY 12054
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, St. Louis, MO 63017
Tom Minerley, 3457 Galway Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 3
Fractional Currency Collections,
Collectors and Auctions
By Martin Gengerke
Updated by Benny Bolin
Currency sponsored by the Fractional Currency Collectors Board
in Memphis in June 1986 brought to the forefront a problem faced
by many new collectors in all series -- the lack of an historical per-
spective from which to gauge rarity, desirability and demand. While many ref-
erence works can be found listing varieties and prices, nothing has been written
regarding past collections or collectors. In the field of Fractional Currency
several factors have served to exacerbate the situation and relegate this field to
the esoteric domain usually reserved for rarer non-circulating, non-federal sub-
Prior to the 1890s Fractional still circulated to some
extent and only a few collectors paid much attention to the
field. There were no reference works of any value to
check, and consequently auction catalogers of the period
rarely knew what information was important enough to list.
With poor and often inaccurate descriptions, few auctions
prior to 1890 are more than idle curiosities to the
Fractional Currency collector. An exception might be
some of the Harlan P. Smith sales and price lists, which
contain the first public appearances of both the 50c "Perf.
14" note (Fr. 1310a) and the "0-63" 10c (Fr. 1248) — two
varieties considered by knowledgeable specialists to be of
dubious origin.
The first important Fractional offering with generally
sufficient descriptions was Edouard Frossard's 1893 Fixed
Price List of Spencer M. Clark's collection of Essays and
Experimental Pieces. The Clark list remains to this day
one of the finest sales of experimentals, with many pieces
never re-offered since. This list is rare and very hard to
find today.
The Chapman brothers of Philadelphia were the first
to consistently catalog Fractional Currency in a profession-
al manner that let the bidder know what he might expect. It is well that they
did, for in 1903 and 1904 they held two Fractional sales (Friedman and Wilcox)
that have never been surpassed, and might very well never be equaled again.
Luckily, neither catalog is particularly difficult to locate. Other Chapman sales
of Fractional included the Earle, Pick and Steigerwalt collections.
On June 3, 1903, the Chapman's sold the collection of Monroe J.
Friedman. A remarkably complete collection, with errors and experimentals, it
is even more famous for its offering of uncut sheets, including all the unique
3rd and 4th issue sheets. The February 15, 1904, Chapman sale of the Charles
Wilcox Fractional collection still holds first place for its amazing variety of
experimental pieces. These two sales should be remembered, as they were the
Martin Gengerke
4 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
genesis of what has become the finest Fractional collection ever assembled.
The next half century had few important sales of Fractional, and none of
any great depth. The few noteworthy sales were important only because of a
few rare or important items, with none being anywhere near complete, even in
the regular issue set. Albert A. Grinnell, owner of the finest Large Size curren-
cy collection ever formed, had a rather mediocre Fractional collection, sold by
B. Max Mehl in 1943. Stack's sold Dr. Limpert's important collection in 1955,
although the collection had been decimated by private sales prior to auction,
and lacked many of the fascinating pieces illustrated in his book.
While notable for the lack of availability of material, this period did pro-
duce several standard reference works on the subject. In 1924 F.C.C. Boyd
published Dr. Daniel Webster Valentine's pioneering work Fractional Currency
of the United States; 1935 saw Walter Schultz's Checking List of Fractional
Currency; the 1940s produced Dr. Alvin Limpert's two books, United States
Postage Currency, August 1862-May 1863, and Fractional Currency, October 1863-
February 1876 (1946) and Classified List of U.S. Postage and Fractional Currency
Until Milton Friedberg's The Encyclopedia of United States Fractional and
Postal Currency (1978) decades later, these three references were the only ones
available to anyone wishing to go beyond the standard regular issue and speci-
men areas. The Robert Friedberg book, Paper Money of the United States (1953
and later), and Matt Rothert's book, A Guidebook of United States Fractional
Currency (1963), both listed only the standard regular issues
and specimens, although Rothert did illustrate many of
Crofoot's fascinating essays and rarities.
The most important sale in 50 years was held by Abe
Kosoff in his 1958 ANA sale. Kosoff's disgraceful presentation
of Maurice M. Burgett's collection in a cramped, no-photo
manner led to unreasonably low prices, even for the period.
Kosoff partially redeemed himself by publishing a profusely
illustrated special edition of the Fractional Currency section
after the sale — a must for any Fractional collector. The col-
lection, virtually intact, went to Kosoff himself, acting as agent
for the Newport Balboa Savings and Loan collection. Years
later Kosoff bought back the collection, selling off bits and
pieces slowly until selling the remainder in Bowers & Ruddy's
"Winthrop" sale, 9/12/75. Appropriately, the prices in the
Winthrop sale were also rather low for the time.
Bowers & Ruddy/Merena have auctioned more impor-
tant Fractional in recent years than any other firm, starting
with the sale of Matt Rothert's collection, 11/16/73. "Hyped"
at the time as the finest and most complete collection of
Fractional ever formed, it was far from being either. To this
clay it ranks as one of the most over graded and erratically
graded sales, lacked a half dozen important regular issue notes
Ed Frossard
and many specimens, and had relatively few essays or experimental pieces.
Ignoring Dave's advertising superlatives, it still, however, ranks as one of the
more important Fractional sales. Perhaps the over grading of the Rothert
material contributed to the low prices of the Winthrop sale — ironically one of
the more consistently and fairly graded sales of recent years. The third impor-
tant Fractional sale by Bowers was the Robert A. Russell collection 6/20/77.
Numerous other Bowers sales have had individual important rarities.
One firm running Bowers a close second is NASCA, with a steady stream
of important Fractional highlighted by the 1981 sale of the Rocky Rockholt
collection (with the Fraser sale below, one of the two most important offerings
of essays and experimental pieces since 1904). As with the Bowers' firms, many
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
other NASCA sales have had rare and important individual items.
Other important Fractional sales of recent years include the Lester
Merkin sale of the Isidore Herman collection in 1974, the Robert A. Siegel sale
of the Josiah K. Lilly collection in 1967 (very important mater-
ial), the Superior sale of the John R. Fraser collection in 1982
(one of the two finest offerings of essays and experimental
pieces since 1904), and the 1960 ANA sale by Whiteneck &
Conn (consignor unknown).
The Herman sale, with relatively few rarities, hit a mar-
ket starved for material. With Lester's reputation and conserv-
ative grading, it was standing room only, with bids occasionally
being relayed in from the hall. In the ensuing bidding frenzy
many items set price records that weren't broken for years.
Merkin also had a memorable fixed price sale of Fractional in
1963 (note—most of the notes on this price list were purchased
by Milton Friedberg).
Being auctioned by a philatelic firm, many bidders
showed up at the Lilly sale hoping to be the only ones there.
Prices were stronger than ever as all the specialists competed.
At the Fraser sale, one dealer's obstinate insistence on buying
everything himself, rather than sharing with the collectors
there, led to obscenely high prices. The dealer, still holding
many of his purchases years later, eventually "dumped" for an
average of 50c on the dollar, and the market for experimentals
stabilized considerably.
Overall, if one were looking for "role models," the
Burgett, Lilly, and Rockholt sales would have to be considered
the most classic, well-rounded collections to be sold publicly in many decades.
All had rarities in the regular issues, some high grade, some errors and some
essays and experimentals – something to draw all types of collectors.
Auctions are certainly important, but they only tell part of the story.
What of the collectors themselves? The names of many important collectors
can be found listed above, but many other collections were either sold privately
(some posthumously), donated to museums, or are still active.
Reference was made above to factors making Fractional
less well known than it should be. One of those factors has to
be the legendary F.C.C. Boyd, who over a half century of col-
lecting in many diverse areas assembled the finest collections of
several fields, including Fractional. The Friedman and Wilcox
collections both were sold almost in their entirety to Judson
Brenner (past President of the ANA), with the Brenner collec-
tion then forming the basis of the Boyd collection. Over the
next 50 years, Boyd privately gobbled up almost every
Fractional collection of any importance, leaving very few to
come on the market.
Often buying entire collections to get just a few pieces,
Boyd acquired the Brenner, Drowne, Valentine, Brand, Earle,
Granberg, Blake, and Proskey collections, to name just a few.
It is not known if Boyd got all of the Spencer M. Clark collec-
tion – it now has all the notes specified in the 1893 Frossard list
except the third issue 50c experimentals. Boyd was a bit care-
less, paying little attention to condition when disposing of
duplicates, and occasionally selling unique items. However, the
collection remained substantially intact, and by far the finest
ever formed, until the recent John J. Ford Jr. sales.
Few major collections escaped Boyd's grasp – other than
Henry Chapman
Josiah K. Lilly
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
I am one of the strongest buyers in this field. Take a look at any major auction or
show at who is buying fractionals in all grades and you will usually hear my name
or see my face. Please send me your notes for a fair and expedient offer. I am
passionately looking for all scarcer varieties as well as Choice-Gem Uncirculated
Type Notes for my customers.
First Issue Perforated Notes
Gem Second Issue Notes with clear surcharges
Attractive and broadly margined Spinner notes
All Justice varieties
High grade Washington, Lincoln and Stanton Notes
It is my promise to you, the customer, that you will always be treated with the
most ardent professionalism regarding all matters.
I am a member of the Professional Currency Dealers Association,
Society of Paper Money Collectors, Fractional Currency Collectors Board,
and American Numismatic Association.
I am one of the most conservative graders in the hobby
(ask anyone who has ever dealt with me).
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
Very competitive rates offered — Let me know if you would like to be
represented at the Heritage-CAA FUN Sale
Check out my full-page ad on page 17 in every issue of the Bank Note Reporter.
Finally an updated price list will be available in Winter 2006
I attend many of the major shows and auctions to satisfy
my customer's collecting needs.
The following is a small sampling of some prize notes that I have placed
into customer's collections:
Marchioni Fr. 1248 Choice CU
Fr. 1299 Very Choice CU
Gengerke Fr. 1330 Gem CU
Fr. 1336 Choice CU
O'Mara Fr. 1339 NM Specimen Reverse AU
Fr. 1340 Superb Gem CU
Fr. 1348 Choice CU
Fr. 1368 Gem CU
O'Mara Fr. 1371 Choice AU
James Polis
4501 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 306
Washington, D.C. 20008
(202) 363 — 6650
123 West 57th Stree
8 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
"ME CELEBRATED those mentioned above, the Joers and Crofoot collections
are notable. F.T. Joers of Ohio formed a sizable collection
Dr. Frank A. Limpert
which was disposed of privately in the late 1970s, many
years after his death. Herman K. Crofoot, of Moravia, NY,
Collection of is more well known, primarily due to the illustrations in
Matt Rothert's book of items located in the Smithsonian
Institution. Crofoot's widow donated his collection,
.1LA RACTIONAL CURRENCY including Spinner's original paste-up essays for the first
issue, to the Smithsonian early in the 1960s — a collection
which ranks in the top five existing collections today.
• The famous dealer Wayte Raymond also accumulated
a massive amount of Fractional (more of a dealer stock than
Public Auction Sale a collection), consisting of many rarities and sheets. Mrs.Raymond later disposed of the hoard over many years,
SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1 .955 much of it through Lester Merkin. B.F. Collins (formerly
of the Treasury Department) and Jack 0. King jointly had
a fine collection of Fractional; that held by King eventually
• was purchased by Milt Friedberg — once again through
Lester Merkin.
This brings us to a final question — where do various
collections rank today (1986)? The first four places are
easy to define; after that it becomes somewhat cloudy, as
important pieces from several
major sales have gone to anony-
mous buyers in recent years.
First place is, of course, the
Boyd-Ford collection documented
above. The collection has essen-
tially stagnated since Boyd's death
REGULAR ISSUES in 1958. Being interested in so
UNIFACE SPECIMENS OF ADOPTED TYPES many fields, Ford has added little
UNIPACE WIDE MARGIN PROOFS to the collection since acquiring it;
also, as advanced as the collection
is, little needed material has come
on the market recently. Ford,
unlike Boyd, has sold only dupli-
cates, and then only the lower
grades. Second place overall goes
to Milton Friedberg, a Fractional
collector since the early 1960s and
author of what is now the standard
reference work on the subject.
Third place goes to Martin
Gengerke. While squeaking into
LESTER MERKIN first place in the regular issue area
with the only complete set ever
PLC 3-1130 formed, (Ford and Friedberg each
need one major note for comple-
LIST #4 PRICE $2.00 1463 tion), the Gengerke collection
ranks a distant third to Boyd/Ford
and Friedberg in errors, speci-
mens, experimentals and essays.
Fourth place belongs to the Crofoot-Smithsonian collection. While lack-
ing fewer than a half dozen regular-issue notes, and being particularly strong in
essays and experimental pieces, the collection is marred by Crofoot's unfortu-
nate practice of pasting his notes on acidic loose-leaf pages. Many important
I Collect
Obsolete Currency
National Currency
State & Territorial Issues
Ron Benice
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Announcing the
Confederate Paper Money
Condition Census Project
•Building a census and provenance
of the top CSA currency rare varieties.
•Updates to be published as supple-
ments to new Collecting Confederate
Paper Money book by Pierre Fricke.
•Do you want to be remembered 100
years from now by future collectors?
•Privacy and anonymity maintained
at your request.
Long time rarity and variety collector (32
years) - U.S. Large Cents, Bust Halves, now
CSA paper money and bonds. Member EAC,
JRCS, SPMC. From long time Louisiana
Please write to - Pierre Fricke,
P.O. Box 245, Rye, NY 10580 ; ;
eBay - "armynova"
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $20.50 $37.00 $165.00 $290.00
Colonial 5-1/7 x 3-1/16" $21.00 $38.50 $175.00 $320.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $21.50 $41.00 $182.00 $340.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/7 $24.00 $45.00 $200.00 $375.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.50 $48.00 $235.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $30.00 $55.00 $250.00 $440.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $30.00 $55.00 $250.00 $440.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $18.00 $80.00 $140.00 $325.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $19.00 $85.00 $150.00 $345.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9-1/2" x 12-1/2" $17.50 $75.00 $135.00 $315.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18" x 24" $70.00 $315.00 $570.00 $1295.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You
may assort sheet holders for best price (min. 5 pcs. one size) (min. 10
pcs. total).
Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 9
10 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
items, including the Spinner essays, are badly damaged and still deteriorating,
as not even the most fundamental de-acidification has been done.
The ranking is difficult below fourth place, with collections in Florida,
Texas, Michigan, and New York in the running (possibly in that order), as well
as one or two anonymous collections. Others, including one or two well publi-
cized ones, probably don't make the top ten. Few museums other than the
Smithsonian have anything that could be called a "collection" in the Fractional
Beyond the above ranking, there are numerous active collections which
contain rare and important individual items, very high overall grade, or inter-
esting specialty collections within the larger Fractional Currency umbrella.
While not in the top five today, they would nevertheless be long remembered
should they go on the auction block. Possibly by perusing the important past
sales listed above, new collectors can focus their interests a little better or avoid
the all too frequent trap of paying too much for what most other collectors
consider to be of little importance. Perhaps too some new collector may be
inspired by past efforts to challenge the lead held by the Boyd collection.
Update by Benny Bolin
Since Martin wrote the above article and published it in the FCCB
Newsletter 20 years ago in 1986, there have been a number of major changes in
the Fractional Currency hobby. First, was the maturation of
the Fractional Currency Collectors Board (FCCB). The
FCCB was formed in 1983 at Memphis and has become quite
an active collectors' organization for Fractional enthusiasts,
currently numbering more than 200 members. Starting with
just 20 members, the club has been relatively stable over the
years. Most of the major collectors and dealers of Fractional
Currency have been/are members of the club. Leadership in
the club has also been stable with just three presidents, Hales,
O'Mara and Bolin.
Second is the desired and unfortunately real need for
anonymity. This has had a major impact on pedigrees and sim-
ply knowing and ranking collections and collectors. When
Martin wrote the article, most of the major rarities in the field
were known to be in certain collector's hands, and these were
listed in Milt Friedberg's book. Now, that information is
closely held and is not shared in an open forum. The primary
unfortunate side effect of this is the very real potential loss of
pedigrees of notes in the future.
The third major change is the ill health of Milton
Friedberg. Besides being a big loss to the collecting communi-
ty, Milt's health problems also results in the loss of keeping his
Encyclopedia updated. Milt was very diligent about assigning
Matt Rothert new and correct Milton numbers when new notes were found and sending
updates to the community, via the FCCB Newsletter. No one has stepped up to
take this responsibility on and the result has been some new notes still not
being cataloged.
Another major change in the hobby has been the near complete change of
collectors. Most of the major collectors who were active in 1986 have since
sold their collections (see below for more on those sales). In fact, looking at
the charter and first 100 members of the FCCB, there are only a very few still
actively collecting today. Again, due to the need for anonymity, it is difficult to
name them, although a number of long time dealers are still active, including
Tom Denly, Len Glazer, and Art and Judy Kagin to name a few. Fortunately,
most of those collectors who sold their collections have remained active in the
hobby today, either as dealers, collectors of a substratum of fractional or other
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 11
areas of paper money or just from a camaraderie standpoint. Of the major col-
lections Martin mentioned in his article, only the Crofoot/Smithsonian is still
intact, but its condition of increasing deterioration is not known by this author.
However, the biggest change in the FC hobby has been the unprecedent-
ed growth and popularity of Fractional Currency itself. Often as filler notes in
auctions and dealer stocks, Fractional is now riding a wave of popularity and
acceptance not seen before. Single notes have topped the $100,000 mark and
recent sales have seen record prices. New, major collectors have been added to
the hobby, O'Mara, Goldman, Laub, Paradis and others, although O'Mara and
Goldman who formed complete sets of regular issue notes have since sold their
collections. New dealers have come forward such as Alex Perakis, Robert
Kravitz, James Polis and David Berg. Also, for
the first time since Milt published his encyclope-
dia in 1978, a new reference book solely about
Fractional has been published. The year 2004
saw the publication of Robert Kravitz's A
Collector's Guide to Postage and Fractional Currency.
The hobby is at a level today that was not even
dreamed of two decades ago.
Detailing of auctions is much easier. In the
late 1980s there were only a few major auctions
of Fractional Currency. In March 1990,
Sotheby's auctioned the Dr. Ronald Kessler col-
lection of fractional (237 notes—almost a com-
plete set of regular issue and proofs/specimens
and many associated items) as one lot in its New
York sale. Stack's was the lead auction company
with Martin Gengerke as the cataloger. In May
1992 Stack's sold the Allen May collection, which
had a number of rare and unique proofs and
experimentals as well as being only the second
auction in history to have Fr. 1351, 1353 and
1354 notes all in the same sale. In March, 1993, Stack's sold the Herman
Halpern collection of Fractional, another large and important collection. In
September 1993, they auctioned the Harold Korin collection, and the David
Proskey collection with duplicate notes from the H. K. Crofoot collection
(more from both collections were sold in March 2000).
However in November 1991, the FC hobby changed forever. Long time
Fractional Currency dealer Len Glazer partnered with Allen Mincho and
formed Currency Auctions of America. Since that first sale at the PCDA show
in St. Louis, the firm has conducted more than 40
additional sales, auctioning most of the important col-
lections of Fractional Currency. It started with the
Wayne Leichty sale at FUN '94. This was followed
by the Martin Gengerke sale at FUN '95, the first
complete set of fractional ever sold at auction includ-
ing the then unique Fr. 1352. CAA followed this
monumental sale with the Martin Delger sale in
October '95 and the Phil DeRosa sale in May '96.
In January of 1997, CAA sold the famed Milton
R. Friedberg collection. A massive collection, the sale
comprised more than 1400 lots, with all but one being
Milt's. Milt only lacked the Fr. 1352 to have a com-
plete collection and had all the specimens and proofs,
90 inverts, more than 150 experimentals/essays and
numerous other associated notes/items. CAA then
Doug Hales, Tom O'Mara and Milt
Friedberg (L-R)
Early FCCB membership dinner/meet-
ing at 1986 Memphis International
Paper Money Show
12 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Wally Lee and Len Glazer
Wayne Leichty and Mike Marchioni
auctioned the Frank Harris sale in May '97, the Dr. Wally Lee sale at FUN '99
and the Mike Marchioni sale at FUN '00, a collection highlighted by many
quality notes.
Stack's importantly reappeared on the FC scene in May 2003 with the
first of its many sessions offering the famed John J. Ford Jr. sale, which of
course includes the unparalleled F.C.C. Boyd collection of Fractional.
Two very important private sales occurred in this time period as well.
The Michael Goldman collection was sold by Tom Denly. It was notable in
that he had a complete set of regular issue notes as well. The Fr. 1352 and
1373a were purchased by Tom O'Mara which then completed his set of regular
issue notes. The second private sale of note happened when Tom O'Mara
bought the Douglas K. Hales collection (one of the top two collections in exis-
tence at the time) in its entirety. With the purchase of the aforementioned
notes and then the Hales collection and the impending sale of the Ford-Boyd
collection, the O'Mara collection became the number one collection in the
This author has little knowledge of the Smithsonian collection, but based
on observations by Hales and O'Mara, the collection is nice, but has many reg-
ular issue notes missing so it would not be considered in the upper echelon of
Engraver's Line
\ It 7^,I1
I , V.PAVI ,I1) !MAN',
FR0\11111 / 1111 I
Gene lie,let
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 13
the hobby. What does make the collection unique are the large number of
treasury department proof sheets which are considered uncollectible. During
this same time, many new and avid collectors joined the hobby ranks, account-
ing for the high prices of notes. Also, during this time, CAA merged with
Heritage Coins of Dallas. Finally, as with all the major collections, at the May
2005 Central States Show, CAA sold the O'Mara collection—beginning the
demise of the second generation collectors?
All in all, the Fractional Currency hobby has enjoyed a niche market that
has served its collectors well. It remains a small sub-stratum of the Paper
Money hobby and is enjoyed by all.
Author Gene Hessler releases another major text
FORMER PAPER MONEY EDITOR GENE HESSLERcould rest on his laurels and still go down in numismatic
history as one of principal scholars in the American and
worldwide fields of all time. That he doesn't, and has
researched, written and released yet
another monumental tome, The
International Engraver's Line, is won-
derful news to collectors around the
Hessler's new book results from
a lifelong study of security engraving
that also witnessed the 1993 release
of his The Engraver's Line. The earli-
er opus largely detailed the works of
U.S. security engravers. The new
volume expands in a similar format
global security engraving.
Hardbound within its nearly 400
pages are the life and works of some
thousand or so paper money, bonds,
postage stamps and stock certificate
engravers from around the world. Hessler's lucid style pro-
vides biographical details and wonderful compendia of
engravers', designers' and printers' works.
The text offers outstanding illustrations, most in color,
and many in large detail so the intricacies of the precise art-
work can be appreciated by the observer.
Hessler's research derives from many personal contacts
and exchanges of letters with various of the security
engravers, providing insights and specifics not available else-
For example, we learn contemporary German engraver
Kurt Leitgeb became married in the same year he engraved
his first postage stamp. Or, that contemporary Czech artist
Alois Mudrunka retired as a high school art teacher at age 48
to devote full time to his art work. Or, that contemporary
Thai engraver Weerachai Suwansiri was an apprentice of
Leitgeb's at the Austrian National Bank.
Lists categorize the output of the various engravers and
artists. Hessler lists bank note engravings cross-referenced
to Pick catalog numbers. He also lists postage stamps by
stamp catalog references, and other security engraving work.
Hessler's close association to his subjects, yields a vari-
ety of treasures. Many of the entries are very comprehen-
sive. For example, English engraver Joseph Lawrence Keen,
who died in 2004 and is perhaps most famous as the "Dean
of English Portrait Engravers," has an entry which covers
nearly 10 pages. Cited are a hundred bank note engravings,
which Keen produced for countries as diverse as Argentina,
Botswana, Tunisia and Northern Ireland.
Interesting sidebars cover such topics as
the proliferation of newly engraved portraits for
Queen Elizabeth II during her long reign, and
designers of essais for Euro bank notes.
Working photographs of many of the engravers
are also included.
The book itself is sumptuously printed,
befitting its subject matter. From its full color
cover to its superb interior illustrations to its
masterful research, Hessler's book evidences a
prodigy at the fullness of his syngraphic powers.
This writer unequivocally recommends
that any collector purchase the book, since it
sheds light on all areas of paper money collect-
ing. It is both a visual delight to peruse and an
intellectual joy to ponder. The book even
includes a classy attached ribbon place marker.
My personal favorites are chronicles of the principal
global security printing firms, and biographies of the artists
who created various notes in my collection. Hessler pursues
not just the broad strokes but the details too, and this work is
very detailed. Although not known as a worldwide paper
money collector primarily, I do have several specialized
international note collections and Hessler's is the first book
to provide me with details on my foreign notes.
I learned, for example, that the vibrant hospital scene on
the Florence Nightingale back of the British 10-pound
(P379) was engraved by David Wicks. I also learned that the
azure Fisherman on the back of the French 20 francs (P100)
was the work of Camille Beltrand. Also, that J.A.C. Harrison
engraved the splendid George VI effigy on the Malaya dollar
(P11). And that George Gunderson implanted the "devil" in
Elizabeth II's hair on Series 1954 Canadian notes.
Hessler's bibliography is extensive; his index is compre-
hensive, and his page headers are very helpful in locating
desired information.
The International Engravers Line, 392 pages, 700 illustra-
tions most in color, and autographed if you desire, is priced
at $74 including postage. A premium edition with signed
notes is available for $140. Address your inquiries to Gene
Hessler, PO Box 31144, Cincinnati., OH 45231 or engraver- You'll be glad you did! -- Fred Reed
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Alex Perakis
Coins & Currency
P.O. Box 246
LIMA, PA 19037
610.565.1110 610.627.1212
FAX: 610.891.1466
PHONE 520.544.7778 FAX 520.544.7779
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 15
Riot erupts over change shortage
Storm breaks in Cincinnati
after arrival of Postage Currency
By Fred L. Reed III
Copyright 1988, 2006 All Rights Reserved
Civilization," appeared September 27, 1862. On the front page of
the six-cent tabloid was an artistic rendering of the Ohio River's
big bend from the hillsides opposite Cincinnati in Kentucky.
Ohio's Queen City was a metropolis, the largest west of the Allegheny
The broad, bustling Ohio River swept off to the artist's right, to the
north and east. The watery highway was full of river traffic which made the
City of Cincinnati thrive. The community itself appears idyllic, majestic
church spires climbing the rolling hills stepped back from the river's banks.
But this placid view of the Queen City atmosphere shown in the artist's draw-
ing belied the truth of the difficulties and turmoil being experienced by the
majority of Cincinnati's citizens.
Just a few, short weeks later Cincinnati would experience a major mob
scene as frustration gave vent to wrath. It took the United States Army to quell
the disturbance. The cause of this riot? Something as simple as a shortage of
small change. Engulfed by major economic turmoil, the masses had been cir-
culating postage stamps for months before Congress belatedly sanctioned this
expedient July 17, 1862, with an authorization to issue Postage Currency.
The Scott catalog (Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps, now pro-
duced by Coin World's parent company Amos Press Inc.) has long contended
that this emission "was not money, but a means of making stamps negotiable."
In fact, these notes do clearly state on their face that they were "receivable for
Postage Stamps at any Post Office."
Other writers have held that these small notes, the Postage Currency
itself, was issued "illegally" since the act referred to stamps not "Postage
Currency" notes.
Charles Magnus' colored lithograph,
"Birds Eye View of Cincinnati," shows
the Civil War era city from the heights
behind Newport, Ky., across the Ohio
River. Cincinnati was vulnerable to
Confederate raiders and a large contin-
gent of U.S. troops was stationed
there. Although Copperhead sympa-
thies also ran rampant there, it was
mob violence set off by insufficient
supplies of postage currency that
brought the troops into action in
November 1862.
16 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
U.S. Treasurer Francis E. Spinner
invented the Postage Currency by
pasting regular postage stamps on let-
terhead stationery. These rare proto-
types are from the Crofoot items at
the Smithsonian Institution.
Highly favorable substitute
But such analysis fails to make sense. Postage Currency was a highly
favorable change substitute. In fact, it was as "good as gold," because by the
precise language of the enabling legislation it was receivable for customs duties
and other obligations due to the United States. Although all the greenbacks
were good for those "other" obligations, only Demand Notes and Postage
Currency were good for import duties. That is a significant difference, as we
shall see.
Its as if no commentator ever bothered to turn these notes over, since
this provision is clearly spelled out on their backs. Postage Currency states in
part: "Receivable in payment of all dues to the U. States (sic) less than Five
This provision was a natural downward extension of the preferential
treatment originally accorded the Demand Notes (i.e. receivable for customs)
vis a vis the subsequently authorized United States Notes, the legal tender
greenbacks. Because of this, Postage Currency extended the opportunity to
pay taxes, fines, purchases of public lands, customs and other duties due to the
central government downward to the least citi-
zen in the land, since they were legally equiva-
lent to the Demand Notes and specie in small
sums. (note: Demand Notes were printed in
denominations down to $5)
These equivalency provisions, which legal-
ly made paper equal to gold and silver in the
payment of customs, were dropped from the
better thought out and framed Fractional
Currency legislation which provided a substitute
currency for the Postage Currency the follow-
ing year.
But for that year, that difference was
etched in law, and it contributed to the mone-
tary difficulties experienced in Cincinnati and
elsewhere. Legally, Postage Currency really
was a substitute for the silver fractions of a dol-
lar that it was supposed to replace. I find it
remarkable that this important distinction has
escaped numismatists for so long. In fact, no
author in the past century and a quarter since
these notes hit the streets has mentioned it!
Early lack of success
However, this was vital, and contributed greatly to the lack of success the
Postage Currency experienced. That difference could surely not have escaped
the notice of the frugal Yankee merchants, bankers, and capitalists who queued
up to receive their shares of such notes. And in fact, it did not escape the astute
commercial minds of the time. Both Demand Notes AND Postage Currency
sold at premiums in excess of convenience percentages, precisely because they
were pegged to specie.
The premium on Postage Currency led to its hoarding and speculation.
Both activities kept large amounts of this currency out of circulation. So the
provisions of the unwitting and hastily framed legislation under which Postage
Currency was emitted precluded Postage Currency from doing the job it was
created to do: circulate and remedy the change crisis.
This is but one example of bureaucratic bungling in which the solution
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 17
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Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
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Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
Buying & Selling
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• PCDA Literary Award
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$29.99 & $3.00 S&H
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Jan. 2006
By Fred Reed °
Ian. 1
1782, Bank of North America opens; 1856, Alleghany Furnace and Indiana Iron
Works, PA issue scrip; 1879, "Greenback Era" in U.S. ends with restoration of gold
standard; 1946, United States Savings Bond Division inaugurated;
Ian. 2
1637, Dutch tulip bulb mania reaches crescendo in Holland; 1889, La Banque Ville
Marie notes signed by president, encased stamp issuer William Weir circulate; 1941,
Aubrey Bebee opens Chicago coin store, commences as full time dealer;
Ian. 3
1878, BEP introduces Milligan Steam Printing Press; 1882, Senator Clement C. Clay,
who appears on Confederate $1 notes, dies; 1926, Treasury Secretary W. Michael
Bluementhal born; 1983, Harry Clements tenure as BEP Director ends;
Jan. 4
1777, Continental Congress recommends States make bills of credit issued by
Congress lawful tender; 1842, First issue of Thompson's Bank Note Reporter; 1864,
Essayist John Burroughs becomes clerk at National Currency Bureau (BEP); 1954, BEP
officials discover employee theft of $160,000 in $20 FRNs;
Ian. 5
1655, First colonial engraver of paper money John Coney born; 1892, Early paper
money dealer W. Elliot Woodward dies; 1934, First delivery of Series 1933 $10 SC ;
/an. 6
1759, George Washington marries Martha Dandridge Custis, both appear on FR 224-
225; 1878, Lincoln poet Carl Sandburg, who said "money is the sum of blessings,"
born; 1929, Van Buren Studios releases animated film Wooden Money;
Jan. 7
1791, City of New Brunswick, NJ issues scrip for 1-, 2-, and 3-pence; 1900, Fred
Smillie completes engraving of Ta-to'-ka-in'-yan-ka of the Oncpapa tribe for currency;
2005, PCGS announces grading service headed by Jason Bradford;
Jan. 8
1786, Nicholas Biddle, president of
Second Bank of the U.S., born; 2000,
Unique 51000 U.S. Gold Certificate
Series 1882 (FR 1218d) realizes
$945,000 in CAA sale;
Ian. 9
1740, Rhode Island governor Richard Ward reports on the flourishing economic bene-
fits of paper money; 1803, CSA Treasury Secretary C.G. Memminger, who appears on
Confederate $5 and 510 notes, born; 1964, Series 591 MPC withdrawn in the Pacific;
Jan. 10
1855, John Jay Knox becomes cashier of Susquehanna Valley Bank, Binghamton, N.Y.;
1864, New York World reports arrest of alleged CSA note printer W.E. Hilton; 1964,
Nathan Goldstein's monthly column "Paper Money Periscope" debuts in Coin World;
Jan. 11
1755, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (FR 1-5, 41) born; 1862, Leslies'
Illustrated depicts a Confederate S10 Treasury Note; 1942, Smithsonian curator and
author Richard Doty born; 1951, Last delivery of Series 1934C $50 FRN;
Jan. 12
1826, Committee considers establishing branch banks for Bank of England; 1897,
National Monetary Commission appoints committee to revise U.S. monetary system;
1990, Bank of England reports 61 percent of banking institutions were overseas banks;
/an. 13
1808, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase (FR 16-17) born; 1861, C.S. German takes
photo of bearded Lincoln engraved for $10 Demand Notes (FR 6-10) by Frederick
Girsch; 1957, Peter Thorneycroft becomes British Chancellor of the Exchequer;
/an. 14
1858, Treasury Secretary and "Father of the Federal Reserve" Carter Glass born; 1875,
Congress provides for redemption of Fractional Currency in silver coins; 1976, Due to
a postal strike NASCA postpones major auction for one week;
On Target? More people will read this page
more frequently than any other.
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Jan. 15
1776, RI Colonials (FR RI 218-229); 1857, U.S. paper money collector Charles Markus
born; 1975, Vernon Brown announces his intent to resign as SPMC Secretary; 2004,
New dinars replace Saddam-portrait notes in Iraq as only official currency;
Ian. 16
1817, Treasury Secretary Alexander Dallas, instrumental in chartering Second Bank of
U.S., dies; 1978, Smithsonian and Chase Manhattan Bank agree to transfer Chase col-
lection; 1984, Grace Commission recommends the Fed adopt a standard seal;
Jan. 17
1800, Millard Fillmore, who appears on obsoletes, born; 1914, Chicago dealer Ben G.
Green dies; 1934, Gold Certificates become illegal for individuals to own;
Jan. 18
1864, Union MG Benjamin Butler instructs spy about passing CSA currency; 1949,
Notorious bunco financier Charles Ponzi dies; 1974, Lee Majors debuts on TV as the
Six Million Dollar Man; 1985, Gary Lewis accepts job as interim SPMC Secretary;
Jan. 19
1926, SPMC member George W. Taylor born; 1976, End of Simon-Neff combined
tenure as Treasury Secretary and Treasurer; 2001, R.M. Smythe Annual Strasburg Stock
& Bond sale features quantitites of Penn Central RR certificates;
Jan. 20
1814, Massachusetts Senate orders publication of consolidated statement of the 29
banks in the state; 1968, Treasury Secretary Henry Fowler signs TO-212 approving
new, less ornate Treasury Seal; 2001, Paul O'Neill takes office as Treasury Secretary;
/an. 21
1780, George Washington reports that he is forwarding counterfeit currency taken off
a dead British solder to the loan office to be burnt; 1861, Jefferson Davis, who appears
on Confederate 50-cent and $50 bills, resigns U.S. Senate seat; 1862, Blanton Duncan
advertises for lithographic printers in Richmond Enquirer;
Jan. 22
1890, Treasury Secretary Fred Vinson
born; 1976, Beirut bank robbery nets
record, est. at $20-550 million dollars;
/an. 23
1836, Encased stamp issuer Hopkinton,
MA merchant Arthur M. Claflin born;
1941, Detroit Coin Club honors Albert A. Grinnell with gold medal at 400th meeting;
1977, W. Michael Blumenthal takes office as Treasury Secretary;
Jan. 24
1813, Continental Treasurer George Clymer dies; 1932, Fractional Currency author
D.W. Valentine dies; 1939, Senator Logan reads into Congressional Record "Lincoln's
Monetary Policy;" 1997, R.M. Smythe 10th Anniversary Strasburg Auction;
Jan. 25
1790, William Cooper of Otsego County, NY issues scrip; 1922, Noted banker,
Comptroller of Currency and paper money author A. Barton Hepburn dies;
Jan. 26
1866, Louisiana Governor Andre B. Roman, who appears on DIX note, dies; 1992,
BEP/Mint engraver Gilroy Roberts dies; 2004, Money illustrator Tim Prusmack dies;
/an. 27
1900, U.S. Treasurer Georgia Neese Clark born; 1938, First delivery of Series 1934A
$5 SC; 1960, James Garner takes to silver screen as Cash McCall;
Ian. 28
1834, Indiana Legislature charters State Bank; 1953, Beginning of Humphrey-Priest
combined tenure; 2004, Bank of Canada unveils new $100 Canadian Journey note;
/an. 29
1803, Anselm von Rothschild, who said "give me power to issue a nation's money,
then I do not care who makes law," born; 1862, Treasury Secretary Chase withdraws
opposition to U.S. legal tenders; 1980, SPMC names its Memphis exhibit award;
/an. 30
1897, NY Colonial Currency author John Howard Hickcox dies; 1934, Confederate
and Southern States Currency author Grover C. Criswell born;
Ian. 31
1866, Alabama legislature authorizes certain county scrip; 1913, Treasury Secretary
MacVeagh approves new George Washington $1 Silver Certificate design; 1985, BEP
souvenir card for Long Beach expo reproduces Series 1865 $20 GC back;
Don't wish for new cus tomers. Do something.
Advertise your presen ce by adding your logo
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55PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
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January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Feb. 2006
By Fred Reed ©
Feb. 1
1886, Final semi-annual payments on Louisiana "Baby Bonds"; 1964, Theives steal
nearly $300 grand worth of material from Criswell's Money Museum, St. Petersburg
Beach, FL; 1979, Bank Note Reporter first published by Krause Publications; 2003,
H.E. Harris acquires Whitman Coin Products from St. Martin's Press;
Feb. 2
1819, Patent medicine vendor and currency facsimilist Sam Upham born; 1966,
Glenn Ford-Elke Summer star in The Money Trap; 2004, Takatoshi Kato becomes IMF
Deputy Managing Director; 1962, First delivery of Series 1953B $10 SC ;
Feb. 3
1863, John M. Batchelder patents improvement in bank notes with a series of numbers
extending across the bill; 1964, Fractional Currency author Frank A. Limpert dies;
1971, David Hakes article on SPMC in Coin World nets 120 new members;
Feb. 4
1879, The new consolidated ABNCo with NBNCo and ContBNCo added incorpo-
rates; 1974, Socialite cum bank robber Patty Hearst kidnapped by Simbianese
Liberation Army; 1986, Robert T. Parry takes office as President SF Fed Bank;
Feb. 5
1637, Holland's tulip bulb bubble bursts; 1794, Treasury Secretary Alexander
Hamilton reports to Congress on loans from Bank of the U.S.; 1864, George H. Perine
revives flagging American Numismatic Society by inviting group to meet at his home;
Feb. 6
1864, CSA Congress prohibits dealing in U.S. currency with certain exceptions; 1911,
Ronald Reagan, who said "money can't buy happiness but will get you a better class of
memories," born; 1967, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. dies;
Feb. 7
1833, Florida Territorial Legislature charters Commercial Bank of Florida,
Apalachicola over governor's veto; 1979, Smithsonian unveils highlights from the
Chase Manhattan Bank Collection; 2005, Fred Reed's Show Me the Money! published;
Feb. 8
1861, Alabama Assembly authorizes Governor to issue state notes payable in
Confederate currency; 1875, U.S. Act taxes notes of state banks, towns, cities, or
municipal corporations at 10%; 1971, Beginning of Connally-Kabis tenure;
Feb. 9
1819, Worthington, OH taverner Ezra Griswold issues third series of scrip; 1864,
Photographer Anthony Berger takes famous Lincoln photo on which familiar $5 por-
trait is based; 1947, Bank robber Willie Sutton escapes Philadelphia jail;
Feb. 10
1808, First bank authorized in Ohio, Bank of Marietta incorporates; 1863, Senator
John Sherman addresses Congress on the necessity of a uniform national currency;
1911, William H. Woodwin Collection sale;
Feb. 11
1818, Maryland Assembly taxes all banks not chartered by the legislature; 1971, John
B. Connally takes office as Treasury Secretary; 1997, Edison Birthplace Historic Site,
Milan, OH issues souvenir cards for Thomas Alva Edison's birth sesquicentennial;
Feb. 12
1864, First National Bank of Columbus, OH receives their National Bank Notes; 1934,
Export-Import Bank incorporates; 1964, Production of Series 1963 $2 U.S. Notes with
motto "In God We Trust" begins;
Feb. 13
1866, Banknote engraver George W. Hatch dies; 1990, ANS hires John M. Kleeburg as
asst. curator of Modern Coins and Currency; 2003, Economist and Presidential adviser
Walt Rostow dies;
Feb. 14
1818, Mississippi renames its only chartered bank Bank of the State of Mississippi;
1923, President Harding restores 17 BEP employees he'd sacked two weeks earlier;
1924, President Coolidge names Army Major Wallace Kirby acting BEP Director;
Feb. 15
1811, Congress charters Bank of Alexandria, DC; 1841, Congress authorizes one-year
interest-bearing notes of $50 and up; 1870, Order of payment for Missouri Union
Military Bonds is specified; 1980, BEP souvenir card for ANA midwinter show repro-
duces Series 1896 $5 Silver Certificate back;
Feb. 16
1866, Bank of the State of Tennessee assets liquidated; 1875, Fourth Issue of Fractional
Currency ceases; 1973, Independent Arbitrage International issues bearer notes
denominated in "constants"; 1990, BEP accepts title to Western printing facility;
Feb. 17
1862, PM Henry Cleveland, Shushan, NY, circulates cardboard 1c scrip; 1864, CSA
notes' seventh issue; 2003, Traveling exhibit "Confederate Currency: Color of Money"
opens in Baton Rouge; 2004, Paper money collector/author Martha Schingoethe dies;
Feb. 18
1836, Pennsylvania recharters Second Bank of the United States as United States Bank
of Pennsylvania; 1875, Act prohibits national banking associations from issuing "any
other notes to circulate as money"; 2005, SPMC member/dealer Tom Durkin dies;
Feb. 19
1842, Wisconsin Legislative Assembly authorizes Territorial Warrants for payments;
1873, Comptroller of Currency required to report on condition of state banks; 1980,
Sen. William Proxmire introduces 52305 to authorize printing the backs of U.S. $1
bills "by a method other than the intaglio process;" 2004, Collector's Universe sells
Bowers & Merena Galleries to Greg Manning Auctions;
Feb. 20
1807, New Orleans Mint melter-refiner and emergency scrip issuer John Leonard
Riddell born; 1877, Final Treasury Department contract with Columbian Bank Note
Co. to print government securities; 1894, U.S. Attorney General Richard Olney rules
that Silver Certificates are not "lawful money" under statutory language;
Feb. 21
1861, CSA Treasury Secretary Christopher Memminger's tenure begins; 1863,
Scientific American reports NYC's Eighth Avenue Railroad Co. redeemed $8,400 face
value in stamps taken as fares; 1871, First National Bank of Lincoln, NE chartered;
Feb. 22
1777, Washington's aide LTC John Trumbull whose art appears on notes resigns com-
mission; 1850, Cornerstone for Crawford's Washington statue, which appears on CSA
1864 $500 notes, laid; 1959, Hong Kong film Money (a.k.a. Qian) debuts; 1980, Israel
pound bows out; 1999, first FDIC-insured Internet-only bank goes on line;
Feb. 23
1864, First National Bank chartered in Maryland (FNB Baltimore #204); 1867, 2nd
Issue of Fractionals ceases; 1938, Numismatist Doug Ball born (some sources state
1939); 2003, "Wonderful World of Money" opens at Bowdoin College Library;
Feb. 24
1815, Inventor Robert Fulton (FR 247-248) dies; 1913, American Journal of
Numismatics Editor William T.R. Marvin dies 1914, BEP begins moving into current
main printing plant between 14th and 15th Streets;
Feb. 25
1791, Congress charters the First Bank of the United States with capital of $10 million;
1873, John W. Haseltine holds numismatic auction in Philadelpha; 1985, Last delivery
of Series 1981 $50 FRN;
Feb. 26
1797, Bank of England issues first one-pound note; 1798, Bank of England suspends
specie payments; 1867, Kansas OKs Union Military Scrip to pay Civil War military
claims; 1874, Fifth Issue of Fractional Currency commences; 1913, Treasury Secretary
MacVeagh instructs BEP to proceed with redesigns for small size U.S. currency;
Feb. 27
1795, "Swamp Fox" General Francis Marion, depicted on Confederate $100 note, dies;
1888, First J.W. Scott auction cataloged by Lyman Low offers George Bascom collec-
tion; 1933, Lewisburg Grain Elevators circulates depression scrip with images of
Abraham Lincoln; 2004, "The Higgins Money Museum" video debuts at CPMX; 1987,
ANA mid-winter convention convenes in Charlotte, NC;
Feb. 28
1793, U.S. government borrows an additional $800,000 at 5% from Bank of the
United States for support of government for 1793; 1878, Congress passes Bland-
Allison Act authorizing Silver Certificates requiring silver purchases;
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
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Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
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Obsoletes — Nationals — Scrip
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Allenhnrst — Allentown — Ashoy Park — Atlantic Highlands — Belmar
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N.B. Buckman
P.O. Box 608, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756
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New Hampshire Notes
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Buying & Selling
All Choice to Gem CU Fractional Currency
Paying Over Bid
Please Call:
P.O. Box 6099
St. Louis, MO 63017
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Were These Errors Engraved
on Purpose?
Inverted & Mirrored Plate Numbers
on Fractionals - Part H
By Rick Melamed
fractionals three years ago (SPMC Vol. XLII, No.1, January/February 2003), quite a few more examples
have been added to the census. (14) New examples have been discovered and the list has been updated
accordingly. Also with further research a couple of deletions to the list were necessary (see page 62). Some
new observations have been noted and I will do my best to elaborate. But the big question is...were
Inverted/Mirrored Plate numbers done on purpose and as a prank by apprentice engravers?
Before continuing, a brief explanation of fractional plate numbers is necessary. VVhen fractional sheets were
made a single plate number was engraved onto the face and back plates on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd issues. On 4th issue
faces, the plate number was added as a stand alone process and not engraved into the actual plate. That would
explain why the placement of plate numbers on the face of 4th issue notes can vary; while on the first three issues,
their position is static. Plate numbers on 4th issue backs and on 5th issues faces and backs were engraved into the
selvedge portion of the sheet. The only known example of a plate number on a 4th issue back is an FR1301 and is
only there because the note's top selvedge was not trimmed off (see the 2003 SPMC article for a photo).
The plate number was usually engraved into the margin of the notes and their existence was for accounting
purposes only. Since not part of the note's design element, they are frequently partially or wholly trimmed off.
Still whole plate numbers on a note are not uncommon. But since only two plate number notes are possible per
sheet (one face, one back) they are still pretty scarce. Much rarer is a plate number engraved inverted or in mir-
rored image. Since the mundane task of plate accounting was performed by an apprentice engraver, the existence
of inverted and mirrored plate numbers was either due careless engraving or a whimsical attempt by the engravers
for some humor.
It's not a far stretch to imagine an apprentice or two, in a fit of boredom or horseplay, engraving the plate
number inverted or in mirrored image. Since their existence was not meant for the general public to see, I think it
can be reasonably assumed that some inappropriate actions were possible. I base this theory on several observa-
• Inverted/Mirrored plate numbers are very, very rare on regular 2nd issue notes. Only 2 examples are known to
exist on an FR1245 and FR1316. Two examples out of 345 plate numbers is a reasonable ratio to assume an
engraving error. Also one of the examples, an inverted 66 on an FR1245 could have been easily inverted by
accident since "66" and "99" are so similar in design. Why is there a much greater preponderance of plate
number errors on 3rd and 4th issue notes? I theorize that the engraving of 3rd and 4th issue plate numbers
was an attempt by an apprentice to put one over.
• Why are inverted/mirror plate numbers much more prevalent on 3rd issue Spinner and Justice notes than the
other 3rd issue denominations (3c, 5c, 100 and 25o)? Again, could it be the alleged culprit only engraved
plate numbers on Justices and Spinners and not on the other denominations? Plate numbers frequently show
up on all 3rd issue denominations, but 90 to 95% of inverted/mirrored plate numbers are found on the 50o
• Then there is the quantity of examples to consider. There are far too many examples of inverts/mirrors to justi-
fy that many engraving mistakes. 70 different examples will translate to a relatively high percentage. How
many plates were used...maybe 1000? There are 70 unique inverted/mirrored plate numbers known and more
yet to be discovered. That's roughly 7%. This is a relatively large percentage of errors and one can postulate
safely that some of them were done on purpose. Please note: the exact number of plates used for fractionals is
unknown. There is an accounting of plates for the first three issues; no accounting of the quantity of plates
used for the 4th and 5th issue exists.
• On 4th issue notes, the inverted plate numbers are inverted on a consecutive string of FR1259s. Please note
that there is an inverted plate number #18, 20 and 21 (is there an inverted 19?). Also inverted 4 and 5, and
inverted 32, 33 and 34. I don't think this is a coincidence. Could it be further proof of this theory? Perhaps
so (see illustrations).
• There are two blocks of (8) plate numbers for 2nd issue specimens. The first block of (8) encompasses plate
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PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 Whole No. 241
G1Win0 from My Fractional
Currency Archive - 8
By Fred Reed
imight have had another issue of Fractional Currency
during the Gay Nineties. The clipping below is from the
journal The Manufacturer and Builder, December, 1893. If you
find out what happened, write it up and send it in! •
P.:),sTAL FRA(71-14.)NAL CtstmcNe .,—There is a hill
pending in Cong:ruttN. k)rovitling for thu is sniing
1)0Sta1 fractional eurremy iii d ,entmainatiOlis of
10, 2.5 and 50 t!erkth. /S. Ontended to livrniA, the
'Albite with gt. Mil form of money for tram.
mis9ion through the mails. It is to dispha,,,,, the
postal note,s, which are to 1-.K? withdrawn from Kale
1 on January 1, 1894, This ft Mal postrd
rency would be furnishc ,.1 at its fac-e 7:111Lie niid
without the formality now ncee&.,4ary gift a poEi-
tal note,, There are branch of businuss
hip; small transactiorts. which would be sensibly
aided by such a esumlwy for inc4viure in lettem,
A New Pyrometer for Industrial Uses,,
Queen & Co., of Pititad.clphia, hav e, within the
present ye= , put on the market a mercurial py-
rometer for use in Aacks, fl W.*, Sin
The American Society of Check Collectors
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and $18 for those in foreign locations.
FR1232SP-WM-Face — Mirror 334
FR1232SP-WM-Back — Mirror 335
FR1283SP-WM-Face — Mirror 339
60 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
numbers 1-8. The second block of (8) specimens is from plate numbers: 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 341, 342 &
345. Of the (8) plates used for the 3xx series on the 2nd issue wide margin specimens (face and back for each
denomination...5c, 100, 250 & 50c) (3) of the examples exhibit mirrored plate numbers. Unlike regular issue
notes where many different plates per denomination were used, only one plate was used for each specimen
type in the 3xx series. The (3) known examples are illustrated below:
Since the plate number on specimen notes was engraved on the very edge; finding an untrimmed example
with the plate number (and the deckled edge) is very, very rare. The only research on 2nd issue wide margin speci-
men notes with plate numbers is confined to these three examples, and all three are mirrored! One can wonder if
three of the eight plates on the 3xx series have mirrored plate numbers, do the other five plates have mirrors? Again
if such a high percentage is mirrored, is this a
case of an engraver purposely engraving the
plate numbers incorrectly? One would think
so. Any additional information on other wide
margin specimens with plate numbers would be
greatly appreciated (please email me at rico-
I think the evidence presented makes a
convincing case that inverted/mirrored plate
number notes could very well have been
engraved in mirrored or inverted image on pur-
pose. Maybe all the engravers were in on the
joke and not just the apprentices. One would
think that the master engravers proofed the
plates, and while design elements were never
compromised, all could share the inside joke
when it came to plate numbers. And why not?
How many times, in the name of anti-counter-
feiting protection, were the designs changed, or
surcharges added, or the paper was changed
(thick fiber, fine fibers, watermarked, un-water-
marked, etc.). The government must have been
making the engravers crazy with different
To add insult to injury along comes
Spencer Clark, whose inappropriate behavior
got him in lots of hot water. He had the
audacity to make the engravers put his portrait
on a note. Oh, I'm sure the engravers had a few
unkind words behind Clark's back. They got
even in their small inconsequential way. . .an
inverted plate number here, and mirrored plate
number there. By the 3rd issue they snuck in a
few and by the 4th issue they were going hog
From the contrarian's point of view some-
times one cannot see the forest in front of the
trees. It's quite possible that I've over thought
this, and the reality is that the engravers were
so intent on the note design that they over-
looked the plate numbers because they were
nothing more than an accounting function and
ultimately not worth paying attention to. After
pondering this and discussing the subject
among the fractional fraternity, I ultimately
believe there was purposeful intent to engrave
plate numbers inverted and mirrored.
61PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
.•4"" 71."71_.„
(.1;7711, • V.•••• a•••••A„.,■••••
c-cre..ceccccrAtiga:rii,san ilturCSoir t',. c CCt:
Z.. C QC • .
From top left: Is this Plate #29 or an inverted Plate #62? Inverted #s 4, 5, 18, 20, 21, 32, 33, 34
After 140 years it looks like their secret has finally been uncovered and now we're all in on the joke. The
whole thing is pretty funny when you think about it. I'm sure the engravers would much rather be engraving $100
notes rather than the lowly fractionals. All this adds to the wonderful folklore of fractionals.
In conclusion, no real research was ever attempted earlier, so the list of examples will continue to grow. It will
probably never be completed. I have to extend many thanks to all my fractional buddies who have shared my
enthusiasm and contributed to this ongoing research. They have been scanning bourse floors, bidding for me in
auctions that I cannot attend, and generally keeping their eyes open for new examples. Every time a new example is
discovered, I dutifully add it to the list. In the end collecting is a passion we all share. If we can contribute a little
bit of information to the hobby, then we have distinguished ourselves not merely as collectors, but enthusiasts who
appreciate the history of our hobby and how it relates to the history of our great country. Always remember, we
never really own the notes in our collection; we're just holding them for the next guy.
In no special order, and certainly not limited to, I want to thank Benny Bolin, Bob Laub, Mike Marchioni,
Torn Denly, Martin Gengerke, Rob Kravitz, Tom O'Mara, Bruce Hagen, David Treter, Jerry Fochtman, Len
Glazer and Milt Friedberg.
Discovery Note Found
Only Known Example of a Regular 3rd Issue Red Back fractional
with an Inverted Plate Number
Towards the end of last April I received the
Heritage/CAA Torn O'Mara Auction Catalog. What started
as a rumor mushroomed into a full-blown event. Torn
O'Mara was selling only the 2nd complete collection of regu-
lar issued fractionals (Martin Gengerke's was the first at the
FUN sale in 1995). This was certainly the most eagerly await-
ed catalog since the Ford sale from 2004.
Everyone has his/her special interests and mine is the
inverted/mirror plate numbers notes. A lot of the readers are
now in possession of a former O'Mara treasure. I knew Tom
was selling off his FR1301 with the mirrored 6 on the back (lot
15785), and this is a note that I have really wanted for years.
I first became aware of its existence in 2001 when I
began research on my first article on inverted/mirror plate
number notes. Torn, who was the President of the FCCB at
that time, helped me considerably in writing the first article
and sent me the scan of the FR1301. It's a great example and
the only known example of a 4th issue note with an inverted
plate number on the back. It exists because the top selvedge of
the note remained untrimmed. Anyway the scan appeared in
the first article and I have been bugging Torn these past few
years to sell it to me.
My logic was flawless: "Tom, please sell me the note, I
have 60 different examples of inverted/mirror plate number
notes and the FR1301 belongs with the others. I must have
it!!" Alas, each time I was politely rebuffed by Torn with,
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Inverted and Mirrored Plate Number Notes revised 6/1/05
Friedberg # Inverted Plate # Position Reference
1226 2 Back (2) in RM Collection
1230 28 (900 rotated) Face Private Collection
1245 66 Face Private Collection
1255 inverted 83 Back RM Collection
1255 inverted & mirror 83 Back Valentine Reference, RM Collection
1256 inverted & mirror 83 Back Valentine Reference
1256 6 partial Face Private Collection (could be plate #26, 36, 56, 76, 86, 96, 106, 116 or 126)
1259 4 Face RM Collection, RM Smythe 10/04 Lot 2702
1259 18 Face eBay Item number: 3928205557
1259 20 Face 2x RM Collection, lot 2760 Goldberg 2/01 -
1259 21 Face lot 688 - CAA 1/97-RM collection
1259 32 Face RM Collectionx2
1259 33 Face Valentine Reference
1259 34 Face lot 898 CAA 2/02-RM Collection
1259 62 Face RM Collection
1267 mirror 5 Face #5310 CAA 9/01 & Valentine reference &RM x2
1267 Sheet mirror 5 Face Lot 1005 Stack's 5/04
1267 20 Face ebay : 3922038088
1269 4 Face Private Collection
1269 10 Face RM Collection
1271 7 Face RM Collection
1294 partial 48 Back Private Collection
1294 6x Face RM Collection
1301 mirror 6 Back RM Collection from O'Mara 5/05 CAA Auction Lot 15785
1303 10 Face #702, NASCA 5/77
1303 partial 54 unknown Private collection; lot 841 CAA 9/02
1316 partial 3 unknown Private collection
1320 12 Face Lot 91, Glazer Mail Bid Sale #1
1328 Mirror 1 Face Ref By Richard Jacobson
1331 partial 6 Back #5270 CAA 9/01-RM Collection
1331 mirror 21 back RM Collection
1332 32 Back RM Collection; lot 2031 Lyn Knight 6/04
1334 32 Back RM Collection
1336 32 partial Back #819 CAA 2/02*, #145 1/95, #15214 9/04*, Lot 16042 May 2005 O'Mara Sale
1335 44 Back Private collection
1336 partial 44 Back #16691 CAA 1/03
1337 partial 44 Back Private collection
1343 Partial 36 Back RM Collection from Lot 16052 May 2005 O'Mara Sale
1338 partial 44 Back RM collection
1358 mirror 21 Back RM Collection
1360 29 Back RM Collection
1360 68 face RM Collection
1362 mirror 21 Back lot 873 CAA 2002 - RM Collection
1362 12 Back Private Collection
1362 w/inv surcharge 18 Back Valentine Reference
1363 12 Back Private collection; lot 841 CAA 9/02, Lot 933 Stacks 5/04, Lot 77 Stacks 6/05
1363 32 Back RM Collection
1363 partial 20 Back lot 16744 - CAA 1/03
1363 22 Back RM Collection
1363 partial 2 Back could be plate # 20, 21, 22, 45, 25, 27, 28 or 29 - RM Collection
1363 32 Back RM Collection
1364 22 Back Lot 15478 1/05 FUN
1364 2x Back RM Collection
1364 29 Back Valentine Reference
1365 20 Back RM Collection (2); Lot 935 Stack's 5/04
1365 12 partial Back Valentine Reference
1365 29 partial Back RM Collection
1365 22 partial Back Lot 21260 6/15 CAA internet auction and now w/ RM
1365 41 Back Lot 79 Stack 6/05, RM Collection
1368 12 Back RM Collection
1368 32 Back lot 884 CAA 2/2002; lot 938 Stacks 5/04
1368 44 partial Reverse RM - Lot 15535 CAA 9/05 sale
1369 29 Back Private Collection
1369 32 Back RM Collection
1371 mirror 21 Back Private Collection
1371 29 Back Several Exist
1371 42 Face Valentine Reference
1372 partial 29 Face RM Collection
1376 21 Face Private Collection
1232SP-WM-OBV 4x Partial Private collection (2nd digit is not definable)
1232SP-WM-OBV mirror 334 partial RM Collection
1232SP-WM-REV mirror 335 RM Collection
1251SP-WM-REV 11 Several Exist
1255SP-WM-REV 11 Several Exist
1283SP-WM-OBV mirror 339 Private Collection
1294SP-WM-OBV 13 (900 rotated) Private Collection
CFT1295 mirror 51 Back Counterfeit - private Collection
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 63
"Rick if I ever decide to sell it I'll let you know." Oh well, you
cannot blame a guy for trying.
Anyway, when the realization that the sale was going to
happen during the Central States Convention in St. Louis, I
began checking the Heritage/CAA Website daily where the
lots generally hit the Internet before the hard catalog arrives
in the mail. I wanted confirmation that the FR1301 would be
in the sale. Sure enough when O'Mara's collection hit the
website, the FR1301 with that mirrored 6 was there as expect-
ed and I began to get excited. I went through the rest of the
website really not expecting anything too significant in the
way on inverts/mirrors. When doing my research for my ini-
tial article, Tom had indicated that he went through his col-
lection and reported what inverted/mirrored plate number
notes he possessed. Tom had quite a lot of special notes.
What with pedigrees from Milt Friedberg, the largest collec-
tion of fractional errors ever offered, and an impressive collec-
tion of autographed notes, this was not just a sale, this was
going down as one of the great fractional sales ever.
As I was making my way through the catalog...OMY-
GOSH!! A true discovery!! The first known example of an
inverted/mirrored plate number on any regular 3rd issue red
back (including the 50, 100, 250 & 500 3rd issue denomina-
tions). They abound on green backs; on red backs no exam-
ples were known until now.
And I cite from the Heriage/CAA May 2005 auction
"Lot #16052 FR.1343 Milton 3R50.3a Third Issue
Justice Very Choice New. With a hair more top margin, this
bright flashy impeccable Justice would make the elusive
Superb Gem grade. It features deep original embossing, per-
fect colors and reflective bronze. The note also has an invert-
ed back plate number "?6," likely 36. This inverted number is
not listed in Rick Melamed's newly updated census, which
appeared in the winter 2005 FCCB periodical. In fact, no
inverted or mirrored plate numbers are listed for any Red
Back Justice. (600-up)"
Heriate/CAA was correct on all counts; up to this point:
there were no known examples of inverted/mirrored plate
numbers on Red back Justice (also Spinners, a technicality
because they use the same back). I also agree with
Heritage/CAA when they state they believe it's an inverted
plate #36. This is a true discovery note and it's a significant
find (as an aside, it was a thrill to see my name mentioned in
the auction catalog; I got a few emails and calls from friends
ribbing me that I made the big time because my name was in
the catalog!).
For those who think that this may be a regular (non-
inverted) "9x" plate number, that's not possible. According to
the BEP list of fractional plates, for 500 Justice/Spinner faces
and Type 1 backs, the issued plates stop at 94. More specifi-
cally: Plate 90 is a back; Plate 91 is back; Plate 92 is a back;
Plate 93 is a face no signature wide margin specimen; Plate 94
is a back.
A careful study of the first partial digit clearly indicates
that the partial numeral is definitely not a "0", "1" "2" or "4"
(the "3" was an face).
Also for those who postulate the partial first numeral
could be an "8" or an inverted plate "86," that also is not pos-
sible. The same BEP plate list indicates that plate #86 was for
the face. There is enough of a design element in the partial
first numeral and support documentation from the BEP to
conclude positively that this note possesses an inverted plate
#36. (Editor's note: The note brought $1753.75 including
buyer's premium.)
This kind of story gets buried what with the FR1255A,
FR1373A, FR1352, negative essays, presentation book, etc.
All I can say is that all these rarities were known entities, but
the FR1343 with the partial inverted 36 is a discovery note and
its existence was not known until this time.
The following is a list of proof notes, as submitted and cataloged by Tom O'Mara,
from the Smithsonian Institutes holdings:
1 240 3 cts 3rd Issue Backs 145346C 6 Invert
1 240 3 cts 3rd Issue Backs 145347C 2 Invert
1 240 3 cts 3rd Issue Backs 145349C 9 Mirror
1 240 3 cts 3rd Issue Backs 145362C 24 Invert
6 245 10 cts 3rd Issue Green Backs 145544C 107 lower left corner = wrong corner
8 247 10 cts 2nd Issue Face 71 Invert
10 247 25 cts 2nd Issue Face 238 In wrong corner
note = plate g's on this 2nd issue 25 ct 4x5 note sheets in bottom
4 corner convergence
11 247 25 cts 2nd Issue Back 219 "9" only is backwards
11 247 25 cts 2nd Issue Back 222 Upside down . all #s backwards
11 247 25 cts 2nd Issue Back 234 Invert
11 247 25 cts 2nd Issue Back 226 Written
64 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
No Loop de Loop
Do you have one in your collection?
By Mike Marchioni
Fifty -cent Justice note with no loop.
WHEN I FIRST BEGAN COLLECTING FRACTIONALCurrency in the late 1960s, the readily available fractional ref-' erence works consisted of D. W. Valentine's Fractional Currencyof the United States, F. Limpert's United States Postage and
Fractional Currency, and Matt Rothert's A Guide Book of United States Fractional
Currency. With my research tools in hand, I busily collected such items as the
fourth issue Liberty notes with the misspelled "Allison" signature, open "e,"
closed "e," and the Allison with the "dot" in several places.
Today, unfortunately, nobody seems to care about the oddities produced
in the fourth issue by the American Bank Note Company (ABNC). Were the
Allison misspellings an error or purposely done by an engraver? I don't have an
answer for that question; however, two years ago I had an opportunity to view
49 different ABNC engravers proofs of the fourth issue Liberty note—all with
ever so slight design variations. It would be interesting to know how many vari-
ations actually made it into production.
All of this brings me to the question as to what constitutes a "complete
collection" of regular issue notes? Is a regular issue collection complete accord-
ing to the works of Valentine, Limpert, Rothert, or according to listings found
in Robert Friedberg's Paper Money of the
United States? Most collectors view the
135 pieces listed in the Friedberg refer-
ence work as a complete set.
No one in the fractional communi-
ty appears to have a problem accepting
the Fr. 1255a (Tom O'Mara's example
fetched a record price of $138,000), or
the Fr. 1330 into the Listing, although it
is quite doubtful that either note was
ever released to the public. I have, how-
ever, seen one VG Fr. 1330.
Others, however, do question the
inclusion of the 1310a (two sheets of "perf 14" notes historically have been
attributed to the actions of dealer Harlan P. Smith circa 1890. Such notes, as
stated by Heritage/CAA in the Torn O'Mara catalogue, "...remain(s) highly
desirable and collectible in spite of its possible private perforations").
Some question the Fr. 1248, the earliest appearance of which was in an
auction in 1890 conducted by none other than Harlan P. Smith. The Fr. 1248
has reverse surcharges unlike any other fractional issue. Only the former
Kessler Fr. 1248 has the old English "0" that is comparable to the "0" found
on the Fr. 1320. It is still questionable, even if the Kessler note is genuine, that
it was ever released to the public.
To me it is rather amazing that other rather rare regular notes produced
by the Federal government don't get the attention (or the prices) they deserve.
Most notable is the 1365a. According to Martin Gengerke "Most Justice plates
had 12 subjects, but a few had 30. One of these had the plate position letter "a"
on notes in the left column (face plate #62) rather than notes on the top row and
did not have the number "1." Any Justice notes having the "a" only...and miss-
ing the signature loop on the left edge...would be from this plate of 30"
(Gengerke, 1972, 81).
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 65
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a a
Above: Regular Justice sheet showing the
"normal" location of plate position figures.
Right: Location of position figures on a
sheet from plate #62.
Far right: Location of position figures on a
sheet from plate #5.
66 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Gengerke also indicated that documented evidence exists that the afore-
mentioned plates were cut down to a more manageable size (Gengerke, 2005,
personal communication; also see Knebl, pg 18). Given the margin size between
Justice notes, many notes that are cut into the left portion of the design may
appear to be "no loop" varieties; however, only if some portion of the left margin
exists can the note be verified as a Fr. 1365a.
Tom Knebl added to the research on the Justice variety in Paper Money
Vol. 17, pages 16-18. According to Knebl, in addition to the plate with the posi-
tion indicator "a" on the left side obverse (face plate #62), another curiously con-
figured 30-specimen plate existed. Face plate #5 had the position figure "a" only
on the top three notes; hence, for face plate #5, only the upper left note would
be a "no loop" variety.
Knebl searched shows and dealer stocks in hopes of finding the elusive "no
loop" Fr. 1365. Finally, he discovered one in a group of Justice and Spinner
notes he had acquired. and upon closer examination he discovered the note had
an inverted back plate #29 (p. 17-18). Knebl indicated that back plate #29 was a
12-subject plate, which indicated that, indeed, the obverse plate had been cut
from 30 specimens to 12 (p. 18). Based upon Gengerke's research on plate
information, Knebl presumed that his Fr. 1365a was from plate #5.
Ultimately, the Knebl Fr. 1365a was purchased by Milton Friedberg from
Kagin's 1981 Memphis auction (lot #738) and later became lot #666 in the CAA
sale (current owner is unknown to this writer) of the Milton Friedberg collec-
tion. The only other auction record of a Fr. 1365a that I could find was lot #276
in the CAA May 2001 sale (p. 37). CAA listed the note as a "Newly Discovered
"No Loop" Justice from Plate #5." I would question CAA's judgment as to the
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 67
front plate number of the note appearing in the May 2001 sale. First, it doesn't
possess an inverted back plate #29 and the position letter "a" is different from
the Knebl/Friedberg note (see CAA, 1997, p. 98
and CAA, 2001, p. 37). Both notes are actually
"no loop, no loop" varieties, i.e., they are both
from the upper left corner of a sheet. Was the
note in the CAA 2001 sale actually from front
plate #62, rather than plate #5? If Knebl's
assumptions were correct concerning his note,
the 2001 CAA note must have come from face
plate #62, rather than place #5. The note from
the CAA 2001 sale was purchased by Tom
O'Mara and was lot #16079 in the O'Mara Sale
by Heritage/CAA in May 2005. It was purchased
by the writer.
The only other Fr. 1365a that I have seen
was another "no loop, no loop" variety from the
upper left of a sheet—the letter "a" appears to be
the same as that of Tom O'Mara's example. If I
am correct in my assumptions, it too would be
from the sheet with face plate # 62. That note
(the Marchioni piece) was sold privately and
resides in a Midwestern collection. Martin
Gengerke indicated that he had seen three Fr.
1365a notes. Since Martin never saw my exam-
ple, the current census for the note would total
four (Knebl/Friedberg note in XF;
O'Mara/Marchioni note in AU and Marchioni
note in XF; Martin did not indicate the grade of
the other Fr. 1365a that he had seen.).
Given the rarity of the note and the fact
that it was not seen in most major auction sales,
the note has brought modest prices at auction
(Knebl/Friedberg $935; O'Mara $1,840). I
believe the note to be severely undervalued and
that it, and the Fr. 1286a, should be considered a
part of any regular issue set. As of this writing, no example of a "no loop, loop"
variety of the Fr. 1365a has been discovered, i.e., notes along the left side of face
plate # 62 that have the loop from the "p" in Spinner's signature in the upper
right portion of the note. If I am correct that notes from both plates #5 and #62
exist, several more examples of the 1365a should be available.
Do you have one? Happy hunting!
Currency Auctions of America, The Milton Friedberg Collection (January 1997).
Currency Auctions of America, Spring Auction Sale (May 2001).
Gengerke, Martin, "Fractional Currency Plate Information," Paper Money, Vol.
11, pg. 80-85 (1972).
Heritage/Currency Auctions of America, The Tom O'Mara Collection of Fractional
Currency (May 2005).
Knebl, Tom, "Justice Prevails," Paper Money, Vol. 17, pg. 16-18 (1978).
Limpert, Frank A., United States Postage and Fractional Currency (1946).
Limpert, Frank A., Classified List of Postage and Fractional Currency (1947).
Rothert, Matt, A Guidebook of United States Fractional Currency (1963).
Valentine, D. W., United States Fractional Currency, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (1924).
Top: "Loop" variety from the over-
lapping of Francis Spinner's signature.
Above: "No Loop" variety
1274 face
68 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Grant/Sherman Specimens
By Rob Kravitz
based on their scarcity and rarity for the grade. Today exception-
al bargains include; perforated notes, fiber paper notes and
Grant/Sherman specimen notes. The autographed (hand signed)
Grant/Sherman notes, seem to me, to be one of the most overlooked values in
Fractional Currency. They are the real sleepers of the fractional market!
Not all Grant/Sherman notes are autographed, but all are still
very scarce. For example, only 9,016 notes of all types (printed and
autographed signatures) were issued. As of 1884, only 3,513 were
still outstanding.
The Grant/Sherman notes were printed on very thin paper,
which if mishandled over the last 138 years would make the note
an AU at best! Therefore, many of the wide margin notes over
the years
have been
trimmed down
to make gem
narrow margin
notes (usually to
remove a corner tip fold or
two). The hand signed
notes (both narrow and
wide margin) are
susceptible to
L getting burn
holes in the
from the acid in the ink. Also, this could cause cracking in the
thin paper.
There are many Grant/Sherman notes (two fronts and two
backs), that are still on shields. How many Grant/Sherman notes
can still be left in CHCU or GEM today? How many did you see
at the last coin and currency show you went to? How few do you see
come up for sale even in large currency auctions?
There are eleven different types, all uniface (backs and fronts print-
ed separately). They are:
• 1/2--Fr1272-sp front printed signatures of Colby and Spinner.
Wide and narrow margin notes.
• 3/4--Fr1272-sp green back narrow and wide notes
• 5--Fr1273-sp front and autographed signatures of Colby and Spinner.
Narrow margin only (no wide margin known). These are found
only on the green and pink shields. Only a few are known with no
trace of ever having been mounted on a shield (no glue remnants).
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
Maybe 60 are known in all grades. This includes 12 on green
shields and about 25 or so on pink shields. There are only two or
three GEM known. Most are cut close or into the design on
the right or left.
• 6/7--Fr1274-sp front autographed signatures of Jeffries and Spinner.
Both narrow and wide margins.
• 8/9--Fr1275-sp front autographed signatures of Allison and Spinner.
Both narrow and wide margins.
• 10/11--Fr1273-75-sp red backs. Both narrow and wide margins.
The most common Grant/Sherman (if any can be called common) is the
Fr1272-sp narrow margin fronts and narrow margin green
back. Also, the narrow margin red backs (Fr1273-75-sp). The
Fr1274-sp and the Fr1275-sp narrow margin fronts are scarce.
They come up for auction maybe four to five times per year.
Most were mounted on shields and therefore have glue rem-
nants from mounting on the back. The few GEMs that do
come up for sale are cut down wide margins. This is one of the
reasons why wide margin Fr1274-sp and Fr1275-sp fronts are
very scarce in GEM. Maybe only two or three come up for sale
each year.
The wide margin Fr1273-sp red backs are also very scarce
with GEMs being extremely rare. I may have the opportunity
to buy only 2 GEMs per year. The Fr1273-sp narrow margin fronts (no wide
margins known) are rare in any condition. Most are still on the pink and green
shields. Most of the ones that do come up for sale show signs of being removed
from a shield. There are only 10-15 'UNCs or better that are
even known. Maybe one or two at most come up for auction.
Most of the UNCs or better Grant/Sherman notes are
just staying in collections. That is one reason not many come
up for sale each year. With less and less supply coming avail-
able, and the ever increasing demand, prices have nowhere to
go but up. Late in 2003 the prices for Grant/Shermans
zoomed past the 1981 peak prices. When my book (A
Collector's Guide to Postage and Fractional Currency) came out in
early 2004, prices went up again. Collectors realized how truly
scarce the Grant/Shermans are.
The Stack's sale of the Boyd/Ford fractionals brought record prices for
most of the Grant/Shermans; most were bought by dealers. Some investors are
now also buying Grant/Sherman notes. Soon all the Grant/Sherman notes will
be in collections. Do not wait. Buy your Grant/Sherman notes now (if you can
find any) before they are gone.
This table represents the cost comparison of notes in 2004 when my book
was published and April 2005.
2004 2005 2004 2005
1272 front narrow margin $550 $750 $750 $950
1272 front wide margin $795 $950 $1,000 $2,000
1272 back narrow margin green $350 $450 $425 $595
1272 back wide margin green $350 $550 $500 $750
1273 front narrow margin $2,300 $3,600 $3,600 $4,500
1274 front narrow margin $595 $795 $895 $1,000
1274 front wide margin $895 $1,100 $1,100 $2,000
1275 front narrow margin $700 $900 $895 $1,200
1275 front wide margin $995 $1,200 $1,200 $2,300
1273-5 back narrow margin red $350 $395 $425 $500
1273-5 back wide margin red $500 $750 $700 $1,250
1272 face and back
70 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
Official Notice:
Nominations Open for SPMC Board
Mark Anderson Ron Horstman
Benny Bolin Judith Murphy
If you have suggestions for candidates, or if the governors named above wish to run for
another term, please notify Nominations Chairman Tom Minerley, 3457 Galway Rd.,
Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A writ-
ten nominating petition, signed by 10 current members, is submitted; and (2) An acceptance
letter from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition. Nominating peti-
tions (and accompanying letters) must be received by the Nominations Chairman by March
15, 2006.
Biographies of the nominees and ballots (if necessary) for the election will be included in
the May /June 2003 issue of Paper Money. The ballots will be counted at Memphis and
announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show.
Any nominee, but especially first-time nominees, should send a portrait and brief biog-
raphy to the Editor for publication in Paper Money. •:*
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
Upcoming Publishing Program
May/June 6th U.S. National Bank Note Issue
September/October 2nd U.S. Small Size Notes Issue
January/February 3rd U.S. Obsolete Currency Issue
Full Page rate $300 • Half Page rate $175
Quarter Page rate $100
Ad Deadlines are
Mar. 15th (National Currency)
July 15th (Small Size U.S. Currency)
$ money mart
lished works for research. Alan Palm, 301 G St. SW-Apt. 201,
Washington, DC 20024; (202) 554-8976; e-mail ( 44)
MASSENA, NEW YORK #6694 bank notes wanted, large or small
size, also obsolete and related materials to Massena banks. John
White, P.O. Box 3183, Spring Hill, FL 34606 (243)
POTSDAM, NEW YORK #868 and #5228 bank notes wanted, large
and small size, also obsoletes and materials relating to Potsdam banks,
John White, P.O. Box 3183, Spring Hill, FL 34606 (243)
cles in Paper Money can request a free 3-line ad. Write about your
favorite note and advertise for more at the same time. (PM)
'T %II 411.. art -*
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
P.O. BOX 847 -- Flemington, NJ 08822
* Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235
Jess Lipka, Proprietor
Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and
Regional Collections, Red Seals, Brown Backs,
Statistical Rarities, New Jersey.
Also Buying Coin Collections and Type
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY72
An Exciting New Year
had a great and safe holiday season. With all the adversity
that struck this year, we certainly all had a lot to be thankful
for. On the paper front, I welcome you all to this exciting
Fractional Currency special issue of Paper Money. I know
this is a real niche market, but I hope you all enjoy the arti-
cles and columns. The week before Thanksgiving, I had the
pleasure to travel to the PCDA show in St. Louis where the
SPMC had a board meeting and a general meeting featuring
an old-timers forum. Ron Horstman, Allen Mincho and
Neal Shafer all gave talks about how they got started in the
hobby, where they see it today and where they see it going.
It was a most interesting presentation, and I thank each and
every one of the presenters and the attendees for making it a
success. I thought Allen Mincho had some very relevant
ideas that I had not thought of before. He spoke of the
importance of information, but also the correct use of infor-
mation and gave instances where too much or mis-use of
information is as bad as not having enough information.
Interesting and very thought provoking. I want to thank the
PCDA for allowing the SPMC to have a table and a board
meeting at their annual show. We have a long time relation-
ship of cooperation between the two groups. This is an
example of a relationship that is beneficial to those most
important to our hobby--the collectors. When two groups
can work with different agendas to ultimately make it better
for collectors, truly positive results occur. I congratulate the
new officers and board of PCDA with Dave Berg now lead-
ing the group as president. I have appointed SPMC gover-
nor and PCDA member Rob Kravitz as the liaison between
the two groups to ensure this relationship works to provide
quality results for the hobby.
At our board meeting, we ran it in a new fashion—
rapidly and to the point with most of the actual work done
via email before the meeting. We also utilized conference
calling to allow participation by two members who could not
attend. It worked very well and we will utilize it in the
future to deal with more business of the society in a timelier
manner. At our meeting, we discussed how the recent hurri-
canes, tornadoes and other member disasters could poten-
tially negatively impact our members. It brought us to the
realization that we need to have member needs at the fore-
front of our agendas. While not making a blanket policy, if a
member you know is in need of help with dues, let me know.
Finally we are already planning our Memphis meeting and
are pleased to have Don Kagin give our program on War of
1812 notes. Until next issue, I wish you all a Happy New
Year and good collecting. Benny
$ money mart
PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15c per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed.
Word count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and
abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No
check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy.
Authors are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of
their contribution to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a
space available basis. Special: Three line ad •Vw fix issues = only $20.50! (Wow)
INTERNATIONAL ENGRAVER'S LINE, World engravers & their
work, 392 pages, 700 ill., most in color, $74 incl. post. Premium ed.
with signed notes $140. Gene Hessler, PO Box 31144, Cincinnati.,
OH 45231 or (246)
Obsoletes, Bank Histories, Nationals, Small/Large Notes, etc. Lists
available. Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520
Fax 516-867-3397 e-mail: (246)
BOOKS: OFFERING WISMER'S Obsolete NY $20; Pennsylvania
$12, Ohio $12, Pennell's N.C. $10, Bowen's Michigan Notes/Scrip
(HC) $45, Slabaugh's Confederate States Paper Money (updated Doug
Ball) $12 and many others. Write!! Add $3.00 postage/book. Sanford
Durst, 106 Woodcleft Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 (246)
IMPRINTED or AFFIXED revenue stamp on reverse. Bob
Bergstrom, 1711 Driving Park Road, Wheaton, IL 60187 USA (244)
COLLECTOR NEEDS Annual Report of the Comptroller of the
Currency 1863 thru 1935. Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Lane,
Gerald, MO 63037 (A)
size WA nationals from Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Montesano. Chris
Flaat,, 425-706-6022 (244)
SHAWNEE AND KINGFISHER Oklahoma Nationals wanted
#9998 and #6416 with George McKinnis signature. Large size #9954
and #5328. Carl Cochrane, 12 Pheasant Dr., Asheville, NC 28803, e-
mail (243)
KANSAS NBNs WANTED . Goodland #14163, Olathe #3720,
Pleasanton #8803. A.R. Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051 (246)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histo-
ries of banks which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking
county/state/regional banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085,
Florissant, MO 63031 e -mail: (246)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip,
checks, CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of
Abraham Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box
118162, Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (245)
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO
Box 1211, Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (246)
County CT banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London,
Norwich, Pawcatuck, Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London
Society United for Trade and Commerce and FNB of Tahoka
Nationals #8597. David Hinkle, 215 Parkway North, Waterford, CT
06385. (249)
SHOW ME THE MONEY! Standard Catalog of Motion Picture Prop
Money (2005) by Fred Reed, 800 pages, $82.50 postpaid & you get
FREE Prop note. P.O.B. 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162 (245)
WANTED RADARS, REPEATERS, low and fancy serials 1928-
1963 also Large Size 8 digit radars and repeaters. Logan Talks, 14
Misty Cove Ln., Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 (243)
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 73
A Little Known Phase .
of the Public Service ojf.
by Leslie Deerderf
Li lionized by collectors of Postage and Fractional
Currency. This is especially true of collectors of the
present generation who grew up under the shadow of
Matt Rothert's influential 1963 Whitman "Black Book,"
A Guide Book of United States Fractional
Currency. Matt canonized sparkplug Spinner
as "The Father of United States Postage and
Fractional Currency."
Dozens of excellent articles, exhibits, and
speeches in recent years, many of them in this
very publication, have gilded the government
lilly, but an unfortunate aspect of Spinner's
public service has been overlooked in the rush
to such providential judgement.
It seems Spinner was something of a
lightning rod and whirling dervish politico, as
an old circular I found while browsing around
in the Library of Congress divulges. Not
everyone in Spinner's time admired his char-
acter. I'll share the broadside's unvarnished
pleas here with Paper Money readers, so they
can come to a sense of equilibrium on the
((general's" legacy in the future.
Titled "An Earnest Appeal to the Moral
and Religious Citizens of all Denominations,
in the Counties of St. Lawrence and
Herkimer," the publication pans Spinner.
This publication is a slender four-page,
self covered circular published on cheap, lousy
paper by the "Corresponding Committee of
the County of Herkimer," who identified
themselves as George B. Judd, Fred. Lansing,
Wm. I. Skinner, Wm. Bridenbecker, C.A.
Burton, and C.A. Griffith.
Francis Elias Spinner was a man of talent and ambi-
tion. He was born January 21, 1802, in Mohawk,
Herkimer County, NY. Home schooled he entered
banking and rose to president of the Mohawk Bank.
Spinner was also commissioned Major General in the
state militia, and served in a variety of bureaucratic
74 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
posts. A Democrat, he was elected Congressman for the
17th district of the Empire State to the U.S. House of
Representatives from 1855-1856.
Jacknape turned Republican, he was reelected
through 1861. It was during his 1856 reelection bid that
the Corresponding Committee of Herkimer County
issued its pamphlet opposing the turncoat's candidacy.
This Democratic tirade proves that negative campaign-
ing surely is not a new phenomenon. Their mud sling-
ing did not work. On March 16, 1861, President
Abraham Lincoln tapped the born-again Republican as
Treasurer of the United States. As Treasurer, General
Spinner served with four Registers of the Treasury,
their names appearing on U.S. currency: Lucius E.
Chittenden, S.B. Colby, Noah L.
Jeffries, and John Allison. His
long tenure ended June 30, 1875.
Spinner died in Jacksonville, FL
December 31, 1890.
less, have thus been thrown temporarily from the great
democratic track, who will unquestionably return again
with the returning "sober, second thought" of the public
Upon the general issue, therefore, we, the under-
signed, members of the Democratic Corresponding
Committee of the Country of Herkimer, do not now
propose to speak.
Our object now, is simply to exhibit before the
Electors of the 17th Congressional District the real
character, in a religious sense, of a single candidate who
is asking for their votes for a seat in Congress--Hon.
Francis E. Spinner. And here, we desire to strip our-
selves of all political prejudices and predilections, and to
To the Moral and Religious
Citizens of all Denominations, in
the Counties of St. Lawrence and
Fellow Citizens:--The politi-
cal affairs of our country have
reached an important crisis. We
are upon the eve of one of the
most eventful and decisive political
struggles in which the people have
been engaged for many years. The
fountains of the great deep of the
popular will have been broken up,
and the elementary principles of
government are well nigh reduced
to a state of chaos by the reckless
career and ambitious aims of
designing demagogues and unprin-
cipled political adventurers. In this
general upheaval of party organi-
zations and dismemberment of old
associations and affinities, former
antagonisms have become assimi-
lated, and formed intimate
alliances with each other. Many
honest men find themselves now
acting side by side with those
whom they have all their lives
heretofore bitterly opposed, and
against their former warmest
friends. In view of the strenuous
and systematic efforts of the lead-
ing men and presses opposed to
the democracy of the country, this
is not strange. Thousands, doubt-
To the Moral and Religious Citizens of all
Denominations, in the Counties of St. Law-
ience and Ilerkimei.
FELLOW CITIZENS ;—The political affairs of our country have reach-
ed an important crisis. We are upon the eve of one of the Anast
eventful and decisive political struggles in which the people have beau
engaged for many years, The fountains of the great deep of the
popular will have been broken up, and the elementary principles of
government are well nigh reduced to a state of chaos by the reckleas
career and ambitious aims of designing demagogues and unprincipled
political adventurers, In this general upheaval of party orgarazatiosue
and dismemberment of old associations and affinities, former antagon-
isms have become assimilated, and formed intimate alliances with each
other. Many honest men find themselves now acting side by aide
with those whom they have all their lives heretofore bitterly oppoied,
and against their former warmest friends. In view of the streemowt
and systematic efforts of the leading men and presses °pleased to tha
democracy of the country, this is not strange. Theusands, doubtleek
have thus been, thrown temporarily froni :
the great democratic track
who will unquestionably return again with the returning "
second thought" of the public mind.
Upon the general issue, therefore, we, the undersigned, members of
the Democratic Corresponding Committee of the County of Herkinief,
do not now propose to speak.
Our, object now, is simply to exhibit before the Electors of the 17th
Congressional District the real character, in a religious sense, of a sin-
gle candidate who is asking for their votes for a seat in Congrese--Hou.
FRAwors E: SPINNER, And here, we desire to strip ourselvee of all
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 75
deal only and solely with NAKED, STUBBORN
FACTS. We cannot believe, that any considerable por-
tion of the intelligent, right-minded, morally disposed,
to say nothing of the religiously inclined citizens of this
District, irrespective of party, can by any possibility be
induced to give their votes to a known, openly avowed,
we are prepared to show, by the most undubitable evi-
dence--by oft-repeated declarations and sober assevera-
tions from the lips of Gen. Spinner
himself, that he not only holds in
utter contempt the universally
acknowledged tenets and princi-
ples of the Christian religion, but
openly and boldly mocks at the
idea of the Divinity of Jesus Christ,
and denounces him as the an
These are not vague charges,
made merely for political effect;
but they are solemn truths, suscep-
tible of the clearest demonstration,
by testimony of the most unim-
peachable character. Men of the
highest standing in our communi-
ty, as citizens and as Christians,
whose own ears have been
astounded and shocked by Gen.
Spinner's avowals of audacious
infidelity--even bordering upon
atheism itself--stand ready at any
moment, under the sanctity of a
solemn oath, to swear to the sever-
al charges and specifications herein
set forth. Let the following decla-
rations from Francis E. Spinner's
own mouth, be duly weighed by
every voter in the District. And let
it be remembered that it is utterly
impossible for Mr. Spinner to
evade or deny the fact of his hav-
ing uttered them:
Gen. Spinner, in the hearing
of distinguished and highly
respectable citizens of Herkimer
County, has repeatedly been heard
to declare, THAT JESUS
TARD, and if he was the SON OF
These awful sentiments of Gen. Spinner, are sus-
ceptible of proof by the testimony of persons of unques-
tionable veracity, and the Democratic Corresponding
Committee of Herkimer County hereby agree to hold
themselves responsible for the truth of the charge, and
will substantiate it with ample proof if an attempt to
deny it should be made by Gen. Spinner or his friends.
political prejudices and predilections, and to deal only and solely with
NAKED, STUBBORN FACTS. We cannot believe, that any con-
siderable portion of the intelligent, right-minded, morally disposed, to
say nothing of the religiously inclined citizens of this District, irre-
spective of party, can by any possibility be induced to give their votes
be a known, openly avowed, and even BOASTFUL, DEIST AND
INFIDEL. And we are prepared to show, by the most indubitable
evidence—by oft-repeated declarations and sober asseverations from
the lips of Gem Spinner himself, that he not only holds in utter con-
tempt the universally acknowledged tenets and principles of the Chris-
tian religion, but openly and boldly mocks at the idea of the Divinity
of Jesus Christ, and denounces him as the an IMPOSTOR, the II_,
These are not vague charges, made merely for political effect ; but
they are solemn truths, susceptible of the clearest demonstration, by
testimony of the most unimpeachable character. Men of the highest
standing in our community, as citizens and as Christians, whose own
ears have been astounded and shocked by Gen. Spinner's avowals of
audacious infidelity—even bordering upon atheism itself—stand ready
at any moment, under the sanctity of a solemn oath, to swear to the
several charges and specifications herein set forth. Let the following
declarations from Francis E. Spinner's own mouth, be duly weighed
by every voter in the District. And let it be remembered that it is
utterly impossible for Mr. Spinner to evade or deny the fact of his
having uttered them!
Gen. Spinner, in the hearing of distinguished and highly respectable
eititens of Herkimer County, has repeatedly been heard to declare.
The awful sentiments of Gen. Spinner, are susceptible of
proof by the testimony of persons of unquestionable veracity, and
the Dowtoottc, co7espoudias Commits
.irkkfmr cpwo
76 January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY
But again, the fact of Gen. Spinner's infidelity and
disbelief in the Bible, together with the sneering,
shameless epithets by which he characterizes our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, is of such common notoriety
here in Herkimer county, that no proof whatever is nec-
essary to establish the truth of his entertaining such
abhorrent sentiments.
Gen. Spinner, also, in a recent conversation with
one of his own Republican friends, in reply to a sugges-
tion of this friend that he ought to be more cautious in
uttering his irreligious views, and
tion, who is known to hold ideas and sentiments like
these? Our Congressional halls have sometimes been
stigmatized as a "bear garden," in consequence of the
lawless and reckless character of the Representatives
who have succeeded by shrewd political management in
obtaining seats therein; but suppose the entire body
should once be composed of men of the precise stamp of
Gen. Spinner--men openly repudiating the verity of the
Holy Scriptures--spurning, and disdainfully setting at
naught the divinity of Jesus Christ, and contemning the
that his opponents would use them
against him greatly to his injury,
said: "I don't care; if they choose
to make that an issue, there are
infidels enough in the District to
elect me. They would vote for the
Devil if he was right on the Kansas
As an evidence of the utter
contempt in which he holds the
religious institutions of the coun-
try, and the Clergy generally, at
the opening of the last session of
Congress, when balloting for
Chaplain of the House of
Representatives, Gen. Spinner cast
his vote for a notorious female
infidel preacher, to fill that office--
Miss Antoinette Brown! And to his
shame be it spoken, Gen. Spinner
was the only man in all that body
who could thus debase himself.
Miss Brown therefore, had Gen.
Spinner's vote recorded in her
favor for the office of Chaplain
upon the pages of the House
Journal, and HIS VOTE ONLY!
This is history. Electors, look at
the record, and you will find it so.
Gen. Spinner is an open viola-
tor of the Sabbath. He has been
frequently seen with his gun on his
shoulder, hunting in the woods on
Sunday! It is but a short time since
he was thus noticed by the citizens
of the town of Warren, in this
county. Scores of responsible wit-
nesses will testify to this fact.
Now, in all candor, we appeal
solemnly and directly, to every
moral and religious citizen of this
17th Congressional District, to
say, whether he is willing to cast
his vote for any man, no matter
what party puts him in nomina-
hereby agree to hold themselves responsible for the truth of the
charge, and will substantiate it with ample proof if ain attempt. :to
deny it should be made by Gen. Spinner or his friends.
But again, the fact of Oen. Spinner's infidelity and disbelief in the
Bible, together with the sneering, shameless epithets by which he
characterizes our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is of suckcommon
notoriety here in Herkimer county, that no proof whatever isnecessa-
ry to establish the truth of his entertaining such abhorrent sentiments:
Gen. Spinner, also, in a recent conversation with one of his own
Republican friends, in reply to a suggestion of this friend that he ought
to be more cautious in uttering his irreligious views, and that his op-
ponents would use them against him greatly to his injury, said : " I del' t
core ; if they choose to make that an issue, there are infidels enough, in
the District to elect me. They would vote for the Devil if he was right
on the Kansas question !"
As an evidence of the utter contempt in which he holds the reli-
gious institutions of the country, and the Clergy generally, at the
opening of the last session of Congress, when balloting for Chap-
lain of the House of Representatives, Gen. Spinner cast his vote
for a notorious female infidel preacher, to fill that office---Miss AN-
TOINETTE BROWN I And to his shame he it spoken, Gen. Spinner was
the only man in all that body who could 'thus debase himself. Miss
Brown therefore, had Gen. Spinner's vote. recorded in her favor for
the office of Chaplain upon the pages of the House Journal, and HIS
VOTE ONLY ! This is history. Electors, look at the record, and
you will find it so.
Gen. Spinner is an open violator of the Sabbath. He has been fro-
quently seen with his gun on his shoulder, hunting in the woods on
Sunday .1 It is but a short time since he was thus noticed by the cit-
izens of the town of Warren, in this county, Scores of responsible
witnesses will testify to this fact.
Now, in all candor, we appeal solemnly and directly, to every moral
and religious citizen of this 17th Congressional District, to say, whe-
ther hale willing to east his vote for adly man, no matter what party
piits him in nomination, who is known to hold ideas and sentiments
like these ? Our Congressional halls have sometimes been stigmatized
aa a " bear garden," in consequence of the lawless and reckless char-
acter of the Representatives who have succeeded by shrewd political
management in obtaining seats therein ; but suppose the entire body
should once be composed of men of the precise stamp of Gen. Spin-
per—men openly repudiating the verity of the Holy. Scriptures—
spurning, and disdainfully setting at naught the divinity of Jesus ,
Christ, and contemning the revered and fundamental principles of the
Christian Religion. What a spectacle would our countrS, present be-
fore the civilized nations of the earth !—A nation of infidels I Even
France, in her sacrilegious attempt to abolish the Sabbath, Manifested
no deeper hatred of the Chriitian religion, nor a more hearty con-
tempt for the commandments of God, than would such a Spinnevr
4.agnpe,d, Cengreete in this boiltid ChristianitepUblic -.
Electors i Will you aid in verifying Gen: Spinner's prediction that
.4 there are infidels enough in this District to elect him ?"
Will you entrust to the hands of such a man, the responsible oce
of Member of Conguess ?
Will you, can you, as accountable beings, as moral citizens, as
Christians, as respecters of God, and as friends of your fellow men,
live your suffrages to a mans who thus sets at defiance and breaks
over all the bounds of moral and religious accountability, and. ice=
piouslysets up his Own puny wisdom, not only above that of the wise
men of all ages, but even above that of the Creator himself ? Can
veu do it?
r Herkimer, Oct, 27, ism
PAPER MONEY • January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 77
revered and fundamental principles of the Christian
Religion. What a spectacle would our country present
before the civilized nations of the earth!--A nation of
infidels! Even France, in her sacrilegious attempt to
abolish the Sabbath, manifested no deeper hatred of the
Christian religion, nor a more hearty contempt for the
commandments of God, than would such a Spinner-
stamped Congress in this boasted Christian Republic.
Electors! Will you aid in verifying Gen. Spinner's
prediction that "there are infidels enough in this District
to elect him?"
Will you entrust to the hands
of such a man, the responsible
office of Member of Congress?
Will you, can you, as account-
able beings, as moral citizens, as
Christians, as respecters of God,
and as friends of your fellow men,
give your suffrages to a man who
thus sets at defiance and breaks
over all the bounds of moral and
religious accountability, and impi-
ously sets up his own puny wis-
dom, not only above that of the
wise men of all ages, but even
above that of the Creator himself?
Can you do it?
Corresponding Committee of
the County of the Herkimer.
Herkimer, Oct. 27, 1856
I take no stand on the veracity
of the charges or even whether
they are important in assaying
Spinner's public service. In retro-
spect we can understand the fer-
vency of religious sentiment then
as well as now, and its relative
importance in informing public
Whereas widespread public
sentiment of religious nature swept
mid-America in the run up and
events of the Civil War era --
notably leading to the introduction
of the religious motto "In God We
Trust" on our coinage through the
decree of Treasury Secretary
Salmon P. Chase alone -- one
wonders how his hireling Spinner viewed that action --
if the charges voiced by his Herkimer neighbors were
Be that as it may, I thought this circular from the
Library of Congress was very interesting, provocative,
and definitely worthy of presenting in our annual Civil
War issue devoted to Fractional Currency. Politics is a
dirty business and this incendiary message is NOT
intended to call attention to God or Spinner's clay feet,
but merely to tweak the interest and imaginations of fel-
low collectors to research with open minds and hearts. v
Rxta NC Y.
t. S. Frartiml Currency.
January/February 2006 • Whole No. 241 • PAPER MONEY78
State of Georgia—a New Book
STATE OF GEORGIA: TREASURY NOTES, TREASURYCertificates Bonds, by W. Mack Martin and Kenneth S. Latimer, is
an in-depth catalog of Georgia's Civil War money. Southern States cur-
rency has been included in some of Grover Criswell's books on
Confederate paper money and in Arlie Slabaugh's similar works, but this,
as far as I know, is the first in-depth treatment of the Civil War money
from one Southern state. It sets a standard for future volumes on other
states, and it's a worthy standard.
The book is aimed more at the specialized
collector than the historian in that it deals pri-
mary with the artifacts—the notes—and not
monetary policy, legislative intent, social histo-
ry of how money was used, and similar matters,
but it doesn't totally neglect the historical set-
ting either.
The detail about the notes themselves
ought to satisfy the collector's desire for infor-
mation. Besides the expected descriptions of
the different issues, denominations, dates, and
associated rarities are explanations about
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner, Librarian
vignettes, the use of control stamps, and listings of serial number ranges,
plate letters, and signers for the various issues. The signers are identified
by name and a sample signature is provided to help the collector identify
falsely filled in (and hence fraudulent) issues. Legislative acts leading to
different issues are listed, each with a brief summary of provisions.
There are sections on printers and engravers, counterfeits, notes used
later for ads, and errors.
The authors identify an even 100 different varieties of notes in 40
major types, using a type number and subtype capital letter and some-
times second lower case letter, similar to Criswell's system. But accord-
ing to the ML-Criswell numbering system conversion chart provided,
the authors describe 43 varieties not in Criswell! That shows just how
much work has been done on this one state since the last Criswell refer-
ence that included Southern States' listings.
The illustrations are all full color, a real plus. While not every
variety is illustrated, there are no omissions that could cause identifica-
tion confusion, a problem with some earlier cataloging. While the
authors include rarity information, they wisely steer clear of values.
The book seems to me to be well-balanced and thorough, with
much new information. One thing that occurred to me is that I would
like to know a little more about who the signers were. Were the "clerks"
who signed most of the notes people hired just for this purpose, like the
Confederate note signers, or did they serve in other capacities, perhaps
having some past or present association with Georgia banks? How well
did the notes serve the State? Was depreciation a serious concern? How
much of the circulating currency was State notes, how much
Confederate, and how much something else? Not easy questions, I
know, and perhaps ones that cannot be accurately answered.
It will be interesting to see if new varieties come to light as the
book is adopted by collectors. I hope this book encourages other authors
of Southern States money, and they achieve a success equal to this very
fine model. Card covers, 95 pages. Self published, copyright 2005, $30.
Probably available from all major paper money dealers. I obtained my
copy from Amanda Sheheen,
SPMC's library catalog is on
. I welcome your
thoughts at
or my address on page 2.
Raising Our Historical Consciousness
Paper Money prides itself that while being informative and
entertaining we also present living history. Our collections are great
repositories of historical documents and data, and our collective rec-
ollections are deep depositories of historical information. Our his-
torical consciousness ought to be the flip side of the bill to our
I very seldom comment on items in an issue, believing that no
hype is warranted and the articles will speak for themselves unlike
many colleagues, but I'd like to mention the lead article in this issue
because it raises a belief close to my heart: although most collectors
know something about the history of their notes, many know very
little about the history of their collecting niche. Authors Gengerke
and Bolin do a nice job in outlining FC collecting's past.
Many of you have been following my parallel series of essays on
the history of CSA currency collecting in
Bank Note Reporter over the last year.
Hopefully many readers have found it
informative, entertaining and raising his-
torical consciousness. The Numismatic
Literary Guild honored it as best column
in a numismatic newspaper, which
pleased me greatly. That topic was real-
ly an outgrowth of tracing the story of
collecting encased stamps for my book.
While researching and writing the
BNR series (which has not concluded
yet) I often came across the growth of
fractional currency collecting, too. Since
these twin pursuits grew largely in tandem in the last half of the 19th
century, I mentioned fractional currency collecting currents often as
they intersected with my story about Confederate note collecting.
I had planned to collect that data and resurrect it here, but this
issue over-filled faster than a ketch in a squall, so I'll save that story
for a later time, but I'd like to address one gerinane topic here now.
As many readers know, I developed the story of John Walter
Scott to some extensis in BNR, calling him among other things "the
father of Fractional Currency collecting," and tracing the growth of
this aspect of hobby directly to his seminal 1879 catalog and price
lists of fractionals. Scott, I reported in BNR, generally gets short
shrift from numismatists because he was such a towering figure
worldwide in philatelics. I'll have more to say about Scott in future
issues of BNR. Meanwhile, I'll share the cover of his rare 1879 cata-
log of FC courtesy of SPMC member Eric Newman. I'll also
include an interesting brief from a 1888 New York Sun newspaper
account on fractionals below.
nu juzl. .w6 ,y -n,, LCIlis. EL WV our W11.11 Luc tie. or Sills, yeller ,0111,1VIS 1..111
he bought for fifty cents. There is not a Confederate bill in existence, whatever its
late Caine, worth more than $1. None of the State issues of the Confederacy reach
51 in value, although five and ten cent shinplasters of Alabama, North Carolina and
South Carolina bring fifteen cents apiece among collectors. In the dark days of the
war, even the most enthusiastic Unionist could hardly have anticipated that within a
quarter of a century five cents of United States fractional currency would be worth
from fifty cents to $1, or from ten to twenty times the lawful value. Such, however, is
the fact as to the series of 1862, while certain specimens of all the issues are largely
in demand at high prices. — New York Son.
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