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Table of Contents
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*First National Bank,..., ....Manitowoc, Wis.
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*First National Bank, Elmira, N. Y.
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/ First National Bank, Jersey C.ii y, N. J .
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Entered according to Art of Congress in the year 1876, by Gro, How & Co,, in the office of the Librarian, at Washington.
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Our Outstanding Team of Experts Can Help You
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Autographs; Manuscripts; Photographs;
International Stocks and Bonds.
DIANA HERZOG President, R.M. Smythe &
Co., Inc. BA, University of London; MA, New York University
—Institute of Fine Arts. Former Secretary, Bond and Share
Society; Past President, Manuscript Society; Editorial Board,
Financial History. Board Member: PADA.
Small Size U.S. Currency; Canadian
Banknote Issues; U.S. Coins.
University, Business Administration/Management. Contributor
to the Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper Money cr U.S.
Paper Money Records. Professional Numismatist and sole pro-
prietor of The Coin Cellar for 16 years. Life Member: ANA, CSNS. Member:
U.S. and World Coins.
ANDY LUSTIG has been dealing in U.S. and
World coins since 1975, and has attended more than 2,000 coin
shows and auctions. His specialties include U.S. patterns,
pioneer gold, and rarities of all series. He is a co-founder of The
Society of U.S. Pattern Collectors, a major contributor
to the 8th Edition of the Judd book, a former PCGS gradet, and a co-founder
of Eureka Trading Systems. Member: ANA, GSNA, CSNS, NBS, ANUCA,
FUN, IC.TA, and USMexNA.
World Paper Money; US Federal &
National Currency
BRUCE SMART BS, University of Missouri
at Kansas City, Chemistry and Mathematics; PhD, University
of California at Berkeley, Chemistry. Retired from the DuPont
Company after more than 35 years service, mostly in corporate
research management. Active collector of US and foreign banknotes since
1990. Affiliation with Smythe began in 2003 as a banknote consultant, cataloger
and show representative. Areas of Expertise: US Large-Size, Canadian and
World Banknotes. Member: ANA, IBNS.
Please call for our auction schedule
or see our website:
Antique Stocks and Bonds;
U.S. Coins; Paper Money.
President, R.M. Smythe & Co., Inc. BA, Brooklyn College.
Contributor to Paper Money of the United States, Collecting
U.S Obsolete Currency, Financial History, and Smart Money.
Editor, An Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes;
Past President and Board Member, Professional Currency Dealers Association.
Member: PCDA, ANA, SPMC, IBSS, New England Appraisers Association.
U.S. and World Coins.
NIRAT LERTCHITVIKUL has been dealing
in U.S. and World coins since 1976. Area specialties include U.S.
and World coins. Nirat has been a contributor to many world
coin catalogues, and has authenticated world coins for third
party grading services. Founder of website.
U.S. Coins and Medals.
JAY ER LICH MAN Contributor toA Guide Book
of U.S. Coins and A Guide Book ofBritish Coins. Assembled and
managed investment portfolios of U.S. coins. Employed by the
Federal Trade Commission as an expert witness on consumer
fraud. Member: ANA, PCGS, NGC.
Ancient Coins and Medals.
Numismatist for 38 years its New York. Ancient Greek and
Roman coins, medieval, world gold and silver, paper money.
Long time member of the New York Numismatic Society,
involved with the Membership Committee. Member: ANA,
2 Rector Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10006-1844
TFL: 212-943-1880 101 FILE. F* 800-622-1880 FAX: 212-312-6370
WEBSITE: smytheonline.comSOMBER
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ANA Member 0167700
Stephen Goldsmith
Scots Lindquist
:SAW •
PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin-
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upon prompt notification.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 161
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLV, No. 3
Whole No. 243 MAY/JUNE 2006
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Phebe M. Rideout, National Bank President 163
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
The Paper Column: Battle of Lexington Vignette on $20 NBNs 170, 226
By Peter Huntoon
The Startling Case of the FNB of Butte, MT 178
By Lee Lofthus
The "feisty" Banks of Durant, Oklahoma 193
By Andrew R. Korn and David M. Diaz
Happy 100th Birthday, Bob Lloyd 208
By Fred Reed
On This Date in Paper Money History 209, 211
By Fred Reed
A Picture Tells the Story 231
By Leslie Deerderf
About Nationals Mostly: Dual Office Holder NBNs - Revisited . 234
By Frank Clark
The Buck Starts Here: Ohio's Presidential Legacy Preserved on NBNs . 236
By Gene Hessler
Information & Officers
Michael Reynard named Wait Memorial Prize winner
Notices to Authors & Advertisers
Wolka offers Ohio obsolete note book update CD
Incumbents return to SPMC Board
President's Column
By Benny Bolin
New Members
SPMC Board Meets at St. Louis show
Money Mart
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Bob Schreiner
Editor's Notebook
On the cover: Leslie Deerderf discovered some neat National Bank Note
counterfeit circulars at the Library of Congress, which she shares with
readers, who will also want to read PM s 100th birthday salute to pioneer
paper money collector, and our former columnist Robert H. Lloyd. Part 2
will appear in the forthcoming small size U.S. currency issue (Sept/Oct
2006), notes to which Bob devoted a great deal of study.
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized
in 1961 and incorporated in 1964
as a non-profit organization under
the laws of the District of
Columbia. It is affiliated with the
American Numismatic Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in
June at the Memphis IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date
information about the SPMC and its activities can be found on its Internet
web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should
be sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eli-
gible to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary. •
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 335 Court St. #149, Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Bob Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 335 Court St., Suite 149, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Ronald L. Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO 63037
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 303, Wilton, CA 95693-0303
Tom Minerley, 3457 Galway Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O.Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
Auction Representation
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 163
Phebe M. Rideout,
National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Sacramento Valley of northern California about 70 miles north
of the city of Sacramento. A century ago it had a population
approaching 4,000 people. Although she actually never lived in
Oroville, Phebe M. Rideout served as the first and only president of the
Rideout, Smith National Bank of Oroville from its founding in 1912 until
its sale to the Bank of Italy a decade later.
Phebe Mason (Abbott) Rideout was born in Weston, Missouri
on May 3, 1841. Her father joined the California Gold Rush in
1849, returning to Missouri to bring his family back to
California. Years later she recalled, "My first long trip was
by covered wagon in 1852 when as a little girl of 10 I
crossed the plains from Weston, Mo. to California." They
settled in Yuba County north of Sacramento where her
father became a rancher.
On September 18, 1858, at the age of 17 she mar-
ried Norman Dunning Rideout who was then 26 years
old. Born in Maine, he had come to California in 1851
and become a storekeeper in Yuba County. The same
month as his marriage, he established his first bank
and for the next half century was to be an important
banker in northern California. At his death in San
Francisco in July 1907 at the age of 75, he was an
owner and president of seven different California
banks. One of them was the Rideout, Smith & Co.
bank in Oroville, established from an earlier bank with
then partner William Smith, in the 1860s.
None of his banks were national banks.
Phebe Rideout inherited control of this banking
empire. A 1934 account noted, "Mrs. Rideout was a woman
of exceptional business ability, and her name became known
and revered in financial circles of the Pacific Coast. From early
life she took an active part in all public affairs and maintained this
interest until the last."
In 1912 a sister bank in Oroville was founded - the Rideout, Smith
National Bank of Oroville (charter number 10282) as a commercial bank
while the Bank of Rideout, Smith & Co. continued as a savings bank.
Phebe M. Rideout was president of the new national bank. During the
Phebe M. Rideout in 1929. She had sold
her banking empire earlier in the 1920s.
(Courtesy The Fremont-Rideout
164 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Building which housed the
Rideout, Smith National Bank;
views from the 1880s and 1920s.
The second story was added in the
1890s. The Bank of Italy replaced
it with a new building later in the
1920s. (Courtesy James W.
decade of its existence, the Rideout, Smith National Bank issued
$283,900 in National Bank Notes - 22,712 Series 1902 notes in ten and
twenty dollar denominations.
In the early 1920s, Mrs. Rideout, now 80 and with the overall bank-
ing industry affected by the post World War I economic problems, decid-
Vanish By Spending it Heedlessly
Choose wisely to open an account at our Savings Department—save
and deposit regularly—MAKE IT GROW—you alone can do it!
We'll help it grow fast with 31/2 per cent interest,
Rideout, Smith National Bank
SURPLUS $30,000 PAID UP CAPITAL $300.000
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 165
ed to sell her banks. The purchaser of the banks was the famous banker,
A. P. Giannini. They became part of his growing Bank of Italy empire,
which in 1930 was renamed the Bank of America.
The Bankers Magazine noted that with "the purchase of the six
Rideout banks of Northern California, he [Giannini] acquired a large
chapter of California history as well as a half a dozen thriving institu-
tions with total resources of nearly $8,500,000." (As Rideout banks, her
banks had been chain banks, that is each was a separate bank, but as
Bank of Italy banks they became branches of his growing banking
empire. The purchase brought the total number of his branches to 45 in
34 California cities.)
She stayed somewhat active in banking becoming, for example,
Chairman of the Advisory Board of her former banks in Marysville and
Oroville. In that capacity, she wrote an article in the Bankitaly Life for
December 1922 entitled, "California Women As Bankers" in which she
said, "The progress that women are making in this particular economic
movement [banking] may yet lead the banking public to place as much
confidence in them as has been shown men, who for centuries have con-
trolled financial activities in the world of commerce." Surprisingly, she
did not make mention of her own important banking career.
At the age of 87 she took a round the world trip which included an
airplane flight over Java, and at 90 she motored to Texas to check on her
oil holdings which she had purchased after the sale of her banks. She
died in San Francisco after a period of six months of ill health in May
1932 at the age of 91. She had outlived her two adult sons, and was sur-
vived by her daughter and family.
The Bank of America still has a presence in Oroville, with an office
that is a "descendant" of the banks Phebe M. Rideout owned there near-
ly a century ago.
First ad for the new Rideout, Smith
National Bank in the Oroville Daily
Register, Oct. 30, 1912.
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
4144%41114 .1 11 * 1)14"1-4-414.4(44WALCUAD
'MT WIPtOrtb--6
I 10 111, 101
19'12 P
1 924
PLACED MAY 7, 1927.
lc! r re-,
AND ;'
Above: Series 1902 Date Back $10
National Bank Note of the Rideout,
Smith National Bank of Oroville signed
by Phebe M. Rideout as President and J.
C. Boyle as Cashier. (Courtesy Lowell C.
Far right: 1927 plaque placed on site of
the Rideout, Smith National Bank.
(Courtesy James W. Lenhoff)
Sources and acknowledgments
Biographical material on Norman Dunning Rideout is found in
Peter J. Delay, History of Yuba and Sutter Counties.... Los Angeles,
Historic Record Company, 1924, pp. 1188-9; and the Encyclopedia of
American Biography, new series, volume 1 (1934), pp. 343-4. Material on
Phebe Mason (Abbott)
Rideout is found in the
Encyclopedia of
American Biography,
new series, volume 1
(1934), p. 344-5, and her
obituary in the Oroville
Mercury Register, May
17, 1932, p. 1. Her arti-
cle "California Women
as Bankers" is in
Banhitaly Life for
December 1922. Her
reflections on her child-
hood trip to California,
and an account of her
round the world trip is
"Woman, 87, on Tour of
World," San Francisco
Chronicle, Oct. 31, 1929,
p. 5. Indispensable for
background on the
Rideouts, their times,
and their children is
Terald A. Zall's illustrat-
ed, The Hospital, on the
90th Anniversary of the
Founding of the Rideout
Memorial Hospital [in
Marysville]. Marysville,
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 167
CA , Galena Hill Press, 1998. The opening of the national bank is discussed in "Open Doors Today as a
National Bank," Oroville Daily Register, October 28, 1912, p. 1. The purchase of the Rideout banking empire
is covered in "Bank of Italy Purchases Rideouts Banks," The Bankers Magazine, September 1921, p. 616,
and Marquis James, Biography of a Bank, the Story of the Bank of America, New York, Harper, 1954, pp.
In addition to those gratefully acknowledged for help with illustrations, I would like to thank Melody
Moore, William Holgate, and the staff of the Archives of the Bank of America for their assistance.
Michael Reynard named Wait Memorial Prize winner
Dr. Michael Reynard, an SPMC life member, has been named recipient of the 2006 George W.
Wait Memorial Prize for paper money research. The winner is authoring Complete Guide to Check
Collecting. Reynard's prize is worth $500, the contest maximum. "This book will have appeal for the
general public and experienced check collectors, too," Reynard said. "Complete Guide to Check
Collecting will hopefully stimulate interest and scholarship in the wonderful world of paper money,"
he added.
Reynard has previously published articles in Autograph Collector's Magazine, and a book Money
Secrets of the Rich and Famous (Allworth Press, 1999), with annecdotes about the "rich and famous"
illustrated by their personal checks. His book was also published in French and Chinese, and fea-
tured on CNN, Fox News and National Public Radio reports.
The Wait Memorial contest is open for book length research projects on any area of paper
money. Rules for the 2007 contest will appear in the November/December 2006 issue of this journal.
-- Fred Reed, Editor
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes, Gold
Certificates, Treasury Notes, Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional, Continental, Colonial,
Obsoletes, Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
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Send us your Want List . or . . . Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
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169PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Nobody does paper
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170 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Varieties in the Battle of Lexington
Vignette on $20 National Bank Notes
and Hidden Stars on Series 1882 810 and 820 Notes
The manufacture of the $10 and $20 Original, 1875, and 1882 series national bank note plates are
inseparable. All were made from engravings first produced for the Original Series by the American Bank
Note Company in 1863.
The printing of national bank notes began to be turned over to the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing in 1875. The Series of 1875 was introduced to distinguish the Bureau notes. As a result, BEP per-
sonnel began to alter the then current Original Series plates into Series of 1875 plates, and to make new
Series of 1875 plates. Eventually, Bureau personnel produced the Series of 1882 as well.
The left vignette on the $20s was the Battle of Lexington, the first battle of the American
Revolution. Three varieties of the engraving occur on the Original, 1875, and 1882 series notes. The pri-
mary diagnostic feature used to distinguish between them is the presence or absence of the number 75
above the right foot of the wounded man; and, if the 75 is there, the boldness of the image. The 75 repre-
sents the last two digits of 1775, a date that appears on the painting from which the vignette was copied.
The third Battle of Lexington variety was used exclusively on $20 Series of 1882 plates which were
duplicated from a full face master die that was corn-
pleted in 1900. That die, BEP 2681, became the com-
panion to full face $10 master die 2988, also complet-THE PAPER COLUMN ed in 1900. Hidden stars were engraved in the bor-
ders of both to distinguish plates made from them.
The first 10-10-10-20 plate made from the new mas-
ters appeared in April, 1900.
Battle of Lexington Varieties
The three varieties of the Battle of Lexington that were
used on the $20 national bank notes were alterations from an
engraving that Hessler (1993) attributes to Joseph I. Pease of the
American Bank Note Company. Pease's engraving was based on
a painting by Felix 0. C. Darley. The die was assigned number
ABNC 1963, and a print from it is shown here as Figure 1.
Die 1963 was not used directly to make the $20
vignettes. Rather it was reproduced on two intermediate dies in
1863, and those were modified. Modifications included: (1)
adding the $20 counter to the top of the vignette, and (2) reen-
graving the upper part of the tree and branch surrounding the
counter. The branch was extended to the right sufficiently to
overlie the hat of the rifleman.
The modifications on the two intermediates were the
work of different engravers. The result is that details in the $20
counter, and the tree and branch, differ between them. The diag-
nostic 75 was all but removed on one, but left exactly as found on
ABNC die 1963 on the other. These two dies are herein called
dies A and B, and they respectively produced varieties 1 and 2 on
The complete image from die A was transferred by
Bureau of Engraving personnel to their full face $20 Series of
1882 master die 2681. The only difference between die A and the
new transfer was that the diagnostic 75 was boldly reengraved
onto the master. This change produced the variety 3 vignettes
found on notes.
by Peter Huntoon
Figure 1. The Battle of Lexington, a proof from
American Bank Note Company die 1963. Compare
the date 1775 (lower left corner) with the altered
renderings used on the various $20 national bank
notes shown on Figure 2. Also notice that the tree
and branch surrounding the $20 counter was modi-
fied, and the branch was extended to the right so it
is above the rifleman's hat on the notes. Usually
the line of British riflemen and their commander on
the horse were weakly to poorly rolled in on the
production plates.
'VW "
aH 1R1.1 italuz loductaccwooltisatwatatin3
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Place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or more and you will receive a personally
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY172
C .4 . < if. g
; ; co 0 1 el[7.---r:)trp-fiairiqmpTI:,
Figure 2. Battle of Lexington varieties: variety 1 with no 75 on the left, variety 2 with light 75 at center, variety 3 with bold 75 on the
right. Ovals show where to look for diagnostic features. Arrow points to the white spot in the shading behind the 2 which is pronounced
on variety 2. Varieties 1 and 3 are identical except for the 75.
Figure 2 illustrates the three varieties.
Dies, Rolls and Plates
It is necessary to describe how plates were made in order to fully understand how the $20 varieties
came about and were used. Two different processes were used to make the $10 and higher denomination
national bank note plates.
Figure 3. Occasional misalignments occurred when the $20 plates were built piece-
meal using multiple transfers. Top: Series of 1882 from The Mercantile National
Bank of Louisiana, Missouri (3111), where the corner was poorly joined. Bottom:
Series of 1875 from The Lime Rock National Bank of Rockland, Maine (2097),
where the right border is skewed to the right. Notice that the 2 in the 20 on the
lower border, which should be covered, appears to have slid out from under the
right border. Also, the vignette was rolled onto the lower border.
Prior to 1900, the images on the
plates were constructed piecemeal from
numerous component parts.
Specifically, various parts of the bor-
ders, corners, vignettes, lettering, bank
note company or Bureau imprints, etc.,
were laid in separately to build the
whole. The work progressed from the
upper left corner to the lower right on
the notes. Consequently any slop usu-
ally, but not always, showed up in the
lower left corner. See Figure 3.
In 1900, $10 and $20 Series of
1882 full face master dies 2988 and
2861 were completed. Each contained
all the common elements for their
respective denominations. Rolls made
from them were then used to lay in all
the common elements on the production
plates in one pass, thus greatly expedit-
ing the plate making process. The bank
specific elements were then added in
In either scenario, the various
design elements were laid into the
plates using the roll transfer process.
That process starts with a die. A design
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 173
7.4 t.1%
Ai a
$10 1882 1313 $5 1902 RS
c .„......,.„..r. W ...M SIMS OFDIERICA - U512031A
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CO iiik210
41 vropaufas.0
0 ' , It 20/13to 4.;‘ .. . .
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$10 1902 DB
1"-IIA211111 .0lliditaditil X1570510
• 4+144 PLig NOME"--11-' HANK 10534
P 171WATIPV dr)0 Mil 314
$5 1882 BB
, 9423
41=4:021[0250. -p was4ar
TIV-Cr ntaCI4±144'.*
• °,
$20 1902 PB $10 1902 DB #1
The Richard Dreger Collection of Oregon Large Size National Bank Notes. Richard began
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4iv .r■ _:_- ..1!.1-6. 4r; .1 .11440 CI 6 %1' ,
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0-11813itli 0011 itin"'"' i
0617412-3*--r " C44 1133.-ttat'Rt-t- C:)0CDVJC:T):
Figure 5. Full face Series of 1882 $20 master die 2681 completed in March 1900, with hidden star and
cutouts for the charter numbers. Notice that it utilizes a variety 3 Battle of Lexington vignette.
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
element, such as a corner or vignette, was engraved on a flat steel die. The image was intaglio meaning
that the design was cut into the surface of the die, so that the grooves would hold the ink on the finished
product. The die was hardened by heating it, and quenching it in cold brine.
Next, a soft steel roll was rocked back and forth under tremendous pressure over the die using a
machine called a transfer press. The soft steel on the surface of the roll flowed into the grooves on the die,
so that the image was perfectly picked up in reverse on the surface of the roll. What were incised lines on
the die now appeared in relief on the surface of the roll. The roll was hardened by heating and quenching.
The hardened roll could then be used in a transfer press to lay in the image onto as many plates as
desired. This process was called a transfer -- a perfect transfer of the image from the die to the plate. The
skilled craftsman who operated the transfer press was known in the engraving trade as a siderographer.
In the case of the Battle of Lexington, rolls were made from intermediate dies A and B. Those rolls
were used to lay in the vignette and counter as one transfer onto production plates made by the piecemeal
transfer method.
The idea of transferring all the common elements from single full face master dies was a radical
departure from the piecemeal transfers used prior to 1900 for the $10 and higher denominations. The mas-
ter dies were built using the same transfer process that previously was used to make plates. Once all nec-
essary transfers were laid into the master die, touch ups were rendered by an engraver to merge the ele-
Intermediate die, A with its variety 1 vignette, was used as
the source for the Lexington vignette on $20 full face BEP master die
2681. After the image had been transferred, an engraver reengraved
the bold 75 onto it to create variety 3. Consequently, varieties 1 and
3 are identical except for the presence of the bold 75 on 3.
The Bureau engravers added a tiny hidden star in the bor-
ders of both the $10 and $20 full face master dies to distinguish
plates made from them. See Figures 4 and 5. Rolls made from the
two dies were used to make all Series of 1882 plates involving $10
and $20 subjects beginning in April 1900.
Figure 4. Locations of the hidden stars on
Series of 1882 plates certified on or after
April 16, 1900.
The idea of using
full face masters was
not a new concept.
The Original Series
$5s already employed
them. Both the
American Bank Note
Company and Bureau
of Engraving and
Printing had pre-
pared full face $10
and $20 dies prior to
1900. They just did-
n't use them to make
The first were
Original Series $10
and $20 masters pre-
pared about 1863, respectively ABNC 1925 and 1940. They had Chittenden-Spinner signatures, and par-
tial bank titles. The $20 had a variety 2 vignette from die B.
BEP personnel completed a full face $20 Series of 1882 master on August 5, 1884, which was num-
bered BEP 392. A variety 1 Lexington vignette was laid in on it from die A. Oddly, cutouts were made only
for the two charter numbers along the top border, and the American Bank Note Company imprint was left
in the lower border. A few rolls were lifted from it, but there is no evidence that they were ever used to lay
in full face images on production plates. Rather, the plates continued to be made piecemeal until 1900, fol-
lowing the tradition at the American Bank Note Company.
Similarly, a full face Series of 1882 $10 die was started at the Bureau in 1896. concurrent with $20
2681. This one was numbered BEP 2653, but something was wrong with it, so it was never used. It was
replaced by BEP 2988, which was begun in 1899.
rdrilLf1161Aattifil 051129:-
4 t4/41,1■1Z4 •414
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Paper Money & Information Wanted
For research as well as collecting purposes I am interested in acquiring information
concerning state-chartered banks that operated in New England from the 1780s to
1865 as well as other parts of the United States. I desire bank ledgers, account books,
correspondence with bank-note companies and engravers, and other historical items,
particularly in relation to paper money issued by these banks.
Also wanted are stock certificates and paper money notes, all denominations from $1
up. Further, I am interested in any paper money issued bearing the imprint of
National Banks in New Hampshire (my key focus of interest), Maine, and Vermont,
1864-1935. Dozens of National Banks issued paper money, some of which is plenti-
ful today, and others so rare that not a single example is known. For rarities, the val-
ues can be considerable.
From any state I also desire anything and everything made by or concerning W.L.
Ormsby (flourished 1840s-1860s), proof and specimen books from any and all bank
note engraving firms, correspondence about bank notes, etc. There is no end to the
diversity of such items, and although I've been collecting these for many years (my
RWH&E specimen broadside sheet was bought in 1955!), there is always something
new coming up.
All responses will be appreciated.
Dave Bowers
Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
176 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Battle of Lexington Varieties
The three versions of the Lexington vignette appearing on ABNC dies A and B, and BEP master
2861, are readily distinguishable, and are respectively called varieties 1, 2 and 3.
Variety 1 - No 75
Diagnostic Features:
The 75 is missing above the right foot of the wounded man. Slight vestiges of the lower parts of the
numerals remain, revealing that they were deliberately removed. The branch to the left of the 20 at the
top of the vignette turns down like a bent elbow and appears to pass under the 2. A small but very distinct
branch appears among the upper leaves to the right of the 0. There is a faint white spot inside the shad-
ow in the upper part of the 2 in the counter. Variety 1 plates do not carry hidden stars.
• all Original Series plates,
• preserved on most Original Series plates when they were altered into Series of 1875 plates,
• Series of 1882 plates made between January 1884 and April 1900,
• variety 1 vignettes were reentered at least as late as 1893, over worn variety 2s on some Series
of 1875 plates made after 1875, and on some Series of 1882 plates made before January 1884.
Die A, containing the variety 1 Lexington image, was made at the American Bank Note Company,
and dates from 1863. It was used to lay in the vignette on all the $20 Original Series plates. They were
made using the piecemeal process. Die A, and/or rolls made from it, were turned over to the Bureau in
1875, but not used at the Bureau until 1884. Rolls made from it were used to lay in the Lexington vignette
on piecemeal Series of 1882 plates from January 1884, until full face BEP die 2681 was completed in 1900.
Variety 2 - Light 75
Diagnostic Features:
The 75 is lightly, but fully, engraved above the right foot of the wounded man. The branch to the
left of 20 at the top of the vignette appears to be broken off with a down turned, blunt end before reaching
the 2. No branch is visible in the leaves to the right of the 0. There is a bold white spot inside the shadow
in the upper part of the 2 in the counter. Variety 2 plates do not carry hidden stars.
all new Series of 1875 plates made between 1875 and the end of the series in 1902,
all Series of 1882 plates made between 1882 and January 1884,
variety 2 vignettes were occasionally reentered over worn variety 1 vignettes during the alter-
ation of Original Series plates into Series of 1875 plates, or, sometimes, the variety 2 vignettes
were reentered over variety is later as the old vignettes became worn.
Die B, with its variety 2 vignette, was made at the American Bank Note Company during the 1863
period to make $20 full face Original Series master ABNC die 1940. The master was never used. Instead,
the Original Series plates were made piecemeal using die A, so die B was left unused. Die B and/or rolls
made from it were transferred to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in 1875, and used to make all the
Series of 1875 plates, and the first of the Series of 1882 plates. Those plates were made piecemeal.
The last use of a variety 2 vignette on a Series of 1882 plate for a new bank occurred on the 10-10-
10-20 for The Calumet National Bank of South Chicago, Illinois (#3102), certified January 18, 1884. The
Farmers National Bank of Kittanning, Pennsylvania (#3104), followed with a variety 1 vignette, certified
January 23rd.
Variety 3 - Bold 75
Diagnostic Features:
The 75 is boldly engraved above the right foot of the wounded man. The branches surrounding the
20, and the spot in the 2, are identical to variety 1. A hidden star appears within the border design below
the 20 in the upper right corner on every variety 3 plate.
• all Series of 1882 plates made from April 1900 to the end of the series in 1922.
• The American Allegory 35th year Bay State Coin Show, Boston, Massachusetts, souvenir card of
April 1997.
Full face $20 Series of 1882 master die 2681 was begun May 22, 1896, and completed April 2, 1900.
Work on it continued intermittently in 1896, 1897 and 1900, as various engravers touched up the design.
Please turn to page 226
$5 1899 Silver CertificateRAIG I. oast Teehee I Burke
nult torsi rrtwin S" M58433409 pp A
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 177
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May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
The startling situ Di
l'hs First National kink pf Butte, Montana
st what is the definition o
By Lee Lofthus
T HE BANKERS AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK (FNB) OFButte, Montana, issued Series of 1929 small size National BankNotes in only $50 and $100 denominations. Their taxable circu-lation was $200,000 during 1929 and 1930. From 1931 through
the remainder of the small size national era, their taxable circulation
steadily declined, reaching a low of $24,000 by the end of 1934. However,
the Currency and Bond Ledgers at the National Archives reveal that the
bankers maintained $200,000 in bonds to secure $200,000 worth of out-
standing notes throughout the entire small note era. There appears to be
a disconnect between the reported taxable circulation and the bonded cir-
The purpose of this article is to document how the bank was
accounting for its circulation, and how those actions impacted the Butte
economy during the Depression. All of this will relate directly to the
scarcity of the Series 1929 $50 and $100 Butte notes available to collec-
tors today.
To do this job, it will be necessary to define exactly what is
meant by the "circulation" of a bank. As this tale unfolds, it will provide
new perspectives on the pitfalls associated with using the various types
of reported circulations for banks that appear in reference books and cat-
alogs, including Van Belkum, Hickman-Oakes, and Kelly.
The First National Bank of Butte and Its Bankers
Knowing the business outlook of the officers of the FNB of Butte
11 11 , 3 ,
"4 .".` 1 •:!
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 179
is necessary to understand their actions during the small note era. These
bankers were driven with maintaining the liquidity of their bank, in
reducing their risk to an absolute minimum, and preserving their capi-
tal. The bankers were steadfast in this commitment, even if it negative-
ly impacted the local economy and withheld cash from their commercial
customers in the form of loans.
The FNB of Butte opened as a territorial nation-
al bank in September of 1881, receiving charter 2566. Al(A*..-Ammvivf
The first president was Andrew Jackson Davis. --
Davis and the first territorial governor of Montana, ta.
Samuel Hauser, had earlier formed the predecessor
banking institution, S. T. Hauser and Company.
Davis had extensive investments in mining equip- , s
'..„ment, cattle ranching, and banking, among other
business interests. He became Montana Territory's
first millionaire.
Davis brought his nephew, also named Andrew Jackson Davis,
into the bank in the early 1880s, and by the late 1880s the second Davis
was the cashier. Montana became a state in November 1889, and the
bank was a prominent part of the growing economy of both Butte and the
state. The first Andrew Jackson Davis died the year after statehood, and
at the time of his death he was one of the richest men in the west.
The second Andrew Jackson Davis continued his career with the
bank, eventually became its president, and served the bank for more
than 50 years. His son, a third Andrew Jackson Davis, became assistant
cashier in 1917, and was promoted to vice president in 1929. He succeed-
ed his father as president upon his death in 1941. Except for a few
months when the will of the first Andrew Jackson Davis was being con-
tested, the FNB of Butte was continuously headed by an individual
named Andrew Jackson Davis.
Above and below: The first Andrew
Jackson Davis laid a firm foundation to
the bank he founded in Butte,
180 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
All three Davises were very conservative bankers. The FNB of
Butte withstood upheavals in the mining industry, fires, and the post-
WWI agricultural and economic depressions. The bank remained sound
during the 1920s while more than 4,200 state and 697 national banks
failed. The FNB of Butte was one of four Montana banks that had a cir-
culation of $200,000 or more in 1929, but only the FNB of Great Falls
came close to the FNB of Butte in total deposits and resources.
In assessing undercapitalized small national banks in his 1929
Annual Report, Comptroller of the Currency John Pole stated: "They
operate with small capital funds and are very much limited in their abil-
ity to employ a trained management." In sharp contrast, the Davises
brought an extremely strong commitment to conservative management
to the medium size FNB of Butte, which by 1930 was serving Butte's pop-
ulation of 39,532, the largest town in Montana.
When Franklin Roosevelt declared the bank holiday in 1933, a
national radio broadcast claimed that the western mining camp of Butte
had one of the three soundest banks in the nation. Contemporary reports
said that the FNB of Butte reopened after the bank holiday with "curren-
cy piled high in every teller cage," the bankers' way of demonstrating to
the citizens of Butte that the bank was sound and liquid.
Initial Note Deliveries
On the eve of the small size national
bank note era, the 1928 local city
directory listed the FNB of Butte prin-
cipals thusly.
The Comptroller of the Currency began shipping small size notes
to the FNB of Butte in October 1929. The bankers chose to circulate only
$50s and $100s, as had been their practice since 1900 when they began
issuing Series 1882 Brown Backs. The first Series 1929 deliveries began
with small shipments of partial $50 sheets, then $100s. Deliveries of
both denominations increased significantly after October 1929 and into
early 1930.
In late June 1930, $77,400 in large size notes was redeemed in a
Burris; CITY DIREcTORY-19S 151
Firimiir L W miner ACM Co r41 l
First Baptist Church Rev Roy E
Reece pastor 201 W Bway
Church of Christ. Scientist 229 N
" National Bank Building 3 W Bway
MONTANA (Est'd 1877) Andrew
J Davis Pres, J E Stephenson V-
P•es, George U Hill Cashier, A J
Davis Jr and J F Lowney Asst
Cashrs, 101 N Main cor Broadway
Tels 596 and 597 (See page 26)
National Pictures Inc Julia M Shea
office mgr 114 W Granite
Presbyterian Church Rev E J Oro-
eneveld pastor 221 W Bway
Fischer Albt collr Home Supply Co
17643 W Quartz
Ed• F lab ACM Co r rear 661 S
" Geo macli ACM Cv r20 W 'ark
" Geo M miner ACM Co r527 S Da-
Geo W farmer r South Butte genl
" Harold miner ACM Co r2215 Wall
" Harry (Barbara) r23 \V Quartz
" Harry (Gladys) mgr Singer Sewing
Mach Co 10209 Phillips
" Herbt E (Ethel) bldg contr 1626
Lowell av h do
Isaac D rancher r G W Fisher
Jennie twit] John) r440 Phoenix
" Louis vtchmn ACM Co r112 W Ga-
" Marcus 0 (Julia) shoe repr 19 E
Granite hS12 S Dakota
" Mary E r507 Colorado
_........„ A
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
4 :41ZGE10:63;WA
Pik iliFi iii111.11
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182 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
single group, followed by another redemption of $2,400 in large notes in
early July. Four compensating large deliveries of small size $50s and
$100s were made between June 30 and July 12, totaling $79,800. These
transactions have every appearance that the bankers were swapping out
en masse their inventory of large size notes for the newer small size
notes. As it turned out, the four big deliveries in June and July 1930
were the last sizeable shipments to the bank.
Deliveries Slow Dramatically
From the first $50s shipped October 14, 1929, to the last ship-
ment of a single sheet of $100s sent June 17, 1935, a total of 432 small
size sheets were sent to the bank. The pattern became one of extremely
small redemptions of unfit notes and correspondingly small deliveries of
replacement notes after the large June and July 1930 deliveries. Usually
the Comptroller was sending just one or two sheets of notes at a time.
This slowdown followed the bankers' decision to reduce their cir-
culation. According to the year-end reports sent to the Comptroller, they
began to drastically reduce their circulation starting in 1931. From the
December 1930 high of $200,000, the bank cut its circulation to $100.000
by the end of 1931, and halved it again to $50,000 by the end of 1932. By
December 1933, the reported circulation was $28,200, and at the close of
1934 the reported circulation was $24,000.
Table 1 reveals that the need for notes by the bank diminished
dramatically after July 1930. Out of 268 sheets of $50 notes shipped to
the bank, only 15 were sent from 1931 onward. This means that in
Table 1. $50 Series of 1929 notes sent to The First National Bank of Butte, Montana, by year.
Sheet Numbers Sheets Percentage of Known
Year Delivered
Delivered Total $50 Issued Notes In Census Notes
1929 1 — 42 42 252 16.0 % 1
1930 43-253 211 1266 78.2 % 15
1931 254-258 5 30 2.0 % none
1932 259-260 2 12 0.8 % none
1933 261-266 6 36 2.2 % none
1934 267-268 2 12 0.8 % none
1935 none sent
Total 1-268 268 1608 100.0 % 16
Sources: Comptroller of the Currency (1929-35), Kelly (2004), plus personal observations.
Table 2. $100 Series of 1929 notes sent to The First National Bank of Butte, Montana, by year.
Sheet Numbers Sheets
Delivered Delivered Total $100 Issued
Percentage of
Notes In Census
1929 1 — 5 5 30 3.0 % none
1930 6-108 103 618 63.0 % 17
1931 109-125 17 102 10.0 % 2
1932 126-144 19 114 12.0 % 1
1933 145-158 14 84 9.0 % none
1934 159-163 5 30 3.0 % 1
1935 164 1 6 0.6 % none
Total 1-164 164 984 100.0 % 21
Sources: Comptroller of the Currency (1929-35), Kelly (2004), plus personal observations.
0 0 0 189A
Table 3. Contrast between the outstanding circulation and
reported taxable circulation for The First National Bank of
Butte, Montana.
*(Comptroller Bond
$200,000 $200,000
$200,000 $200,000
$200,000 $100,000
$200,000 $ 50,000
$200,000 $ 28,200
$ 24,000
Ledgers) **(Reported by Bank on Dec. 31)
Sources: Comptroller's Currency and Bond Ledgers 1929-1935,
Comptroller of the Currency Annual Reports 1929-1934.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 183
excess of 94% of the $50s were delivered before December 1930. As shown
on Table 1, not a single $50 note issued from 1931 onward is reported as
Table 2 reveals that 66% of the $100s were delivered by
December 1930. In contrast to the $50s, where no late issue notes are
known at all today, 4 of the reported $100s come from the small deliver-
ies spread across 1931, 1932 and 1934. No $100s are known from last
sheet of $100s sent to the bank on June 17, 1935, a sheet that turned out
to be the only delivery of new notes of any kind to the bank in 1935.
Note that 83.8% of all the small size notes were sent to the bank
by the end of 1930. From 1931 to 1934, $50 deliveries dropped to just 30,
12, 36 and 12 notes per year. Despite the fact that both unfit $50s and
$100s were being redeemed after 1930, $100 notes comprised 79% of the
new sheets delivered, representing 88% of the face value. The lack of $50
shipments helps explain why
the reported notes shipped after
1930 are $100s.
The extremely small
post-1930 shipments have
another interesting feature.
They represent almost exclu-
sively replacements for unfit
large size notes, rather than the
new small size notes. During
the small note era, only $750 in
Butte small size notes were
redeemed as unfit and replaced,
an incredibly small amount for a
six year period.
The Bond Ledger Puzzle
From data: (1) The declining annual circulation reported in the
annual reports; (2) the dramatically decreased number of unfit notes
coming in for redemption; and (3) the small number of post-1930 notes
reported in the Kelly census, indications are that the bankers were
aggressively shrinking their circulation during the Depression. Such a
retrenchment mirrored the actions of other national bankers who sold
their bonds and cut their circu-
lations in the face of economic
However, one remark-
able fact is at odds with this
picture. The data on Table 3
demonstrates that while the
taxable circulation reported by
the Butte bankers declined
from 1931 to 1934, there were
no corresponding bond sales.
The Butte bankers were main-
taining $200,000 in bonds to
secure their circulation, some-
how holding $200,000 in
nationals, but reporting circu-
lations of a fraction of that
The First National Bank of Butte $50
shown here is one of 16 surviving
notes from an issue of 1,608.
zwairxintioskr..-mr... It IV KWIC IR Marillr..eigoomajwitseeuRCIIIMIttrinernreptIOXOND47014REIMITIIII MAN Or
THE FIRST "` E000127A
411111211010 XN111171•12211.31.11M1 I.nrairsoicarimins
Twenty-One $100 notes from The First
National Bank of Butte, Montana, are
known to collectors today.
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
The Mystery Solved
The shipments of new notes to the bank, and redemptions of
worn notes from circulation, are too sparse for a bank with $200,000
worth of notes in circulation. The fact is that the small redemptions after
1930 track perfectly the declining reported taxable circulations, not a
$200,000 circulation. However, the bond ledger entries, and total value
of outstanding notes shown on the Comptroller's ledger, are proof that
the notes were out there some-
where. It is obvious, then, that
the Butte bankers were hoard-
ing their notes in their vault,
and only reporting the value of
the notes that they let out of the
bank as their circulation. The
bulk of their hoard consisted of
1929 notes plus some leftover
large size notes.
The implications of this
are significant for collectors.
You can't always judge the
availability of notes based on
the reported outstanding notes or the taxable circulations, either of
which appear in the standard references, but are not distinguished from
each other!
Impacts of the Hoarding
The cautiousness of the Butte bankers impacted their communi-
ty as the effects of the Depression spread. At exactly the time their local
economy needed an infusion of money, they were severely contracting the
local money supply. The reports of condition for the period show that the
FNB cut its loan portfolio from more than $6 million at the end of 1929
to $1.1 million at the close of 1934. During the same period, the bank cut
the value of its notes in commerce from $200,000 to only $24,000.
Rather than keeping the money working, by 1934 the bankers
were holding back $176,000 in national bank currency in their vault, just
when the local and national economy needed that money. Of course they
could pile their teller cages high with currency when the bank reopened
after the bank holiday since a significant amount of notes were not being
let out of the bank. The bank's cashier, George Hill, boasted in 1933 that
he could liquidate the bank in less than a month and have one million
dollars left. That was no doubt true as the bank had essentially stopped
"banking on the community" and had virtually eliminated its outstand-
ing risk.
Incidentally, by 1934, when vault hoard at the bank had grown
to $176,000, most of the cash consisted of unissued Butte Series 1929 $50
and $100 notes. However, at least $1,300 of the stash was in large size
From the ultra conservative standpoint of the bankers, there was
a logic and modest profit behind building the hoard. The $200,000 worth
of bonds deposited with the Treasury earned 2% interest, and probably
were absolutely safe. At the same time, they were paying only 1/4 of 1
percent tax on their reported circulation at six month intervals.
Keeping the bond income while hoarding the notes gave the
Butte bankers guaranteed interest income with minimal tax expense.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Had they sold the bonds, there would have been no income. Although
their returns were meager, at least there was virtually no downside.
Perhaps this was good business for the cautious Butte bankers,
but not at all helpful to the local borrowers comprising merchants and
farmers, or the citizens who needed money to crank the local economy.
For all intents and purposes, the bankers were not engaged in normal
banking. but rather were operating as extremely cautious investors wait-
ing for the bad times to pass. They certainly weren't embracing the spir-
it of the New Deal economics emanating from Roosevelt's Washington.
The Definition(s) for National Bank Note Circulation
Determining the value of national bank notes a given bank had
in "circulation" is not as simple as one might expect. There were two
working definitions for "circulation."
The predominantly accepted definition for circulation was the
face value of notes shown as outstanding on the books of the Comptroller
of the Currency. However, an alternate definition was the actual value
of notes outside the bank or "on the street" so to speak. The officers of
the FNB of Butte clearly used the latter, at least after 1930. Early
national banking regulations support the "notes on the street" definition
of circulation. However, the national banking statutes and accompany-
ing regulations changed over time, and by 1931 it appears there should
not have been differing interpretations of what comprised a bank's circu-
Section 5214 of the National Bank Act required each bank to pay
a tax on "the average amount of its notes in circulation." However, there
was no specific guidance as to the definition of "circulation." Section 5215
required each national bank to file a semi-annual report of the average
amount of its notes in circulation. If a bank failed to file a report, Section
5216 directed that the Treasury would compute the circulation tax based
on the amount of notes delivered to the bank by the Comptroller. This
implies that there were conditions under which the circulation could
legitimately differ from the amount of notes delivered by the Comptroller
of the Currency.
Pratt's 1901 Digest of National Banking Laws, a widely used con-
temporary reference for reporting requirements and interpretations of
national banking law, advised the following regarding Section 5216: "It
is usually the best plan for the bank to make up its own average, as that
made by the Treasurer would necessarily include notes the bank might
hold" [emphasis added]. In explaining the Section 5214 duty on circula-
tion, Pratt advised bankers "The tax is upon the average amount of notes
in circulation — not those held by the bank or in transit between it and
the Comptroller's office" (Pratt, 1901, p. 104). Even the Comptroller's
own reporting instructions for the periodic reports of condition stated the
following for the Line 4 circulation entry: "Circulating notes received
from Comptroller, less amount on hand and in Treasury for redemption
or in transit" (Pratt 1901, p. 250). It appears the early regulations clear-
ly recognized the distinction between notes "in circulation" and notes
held at the bank.
By the 1920s, the statutory language regarding circulation tax
had been revised in two ways. Title 12 U.S.C. §541-543 provided for dif-
ferent tax rates for circulations based the differing classes of bonds then
available to secure circulation. There were different rates for Two
Percent Bonds, Other Than Two Percent Bonds, and Panama Canal Two
Percent Bonds. Second, and important for the discussion at hand, is that
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
the basis for determining circulation was spelled out in statute. 12
U.S.C. §542 stated the tax on circulating notes secured by two per cen-
turn bonds (the bonds backing the FNB of Butte notes) would be "one-
fourth of one per centum each half year upon the average amount of such
of its notes in circulation as are based upon the deposit of said two per-
cent bonds."
Notwithstanding the revised statutes, the 1933 edition of Pratt's
Digest still advised bankers that "It is best for the bank to make up its
own average, as that made by the Treasurer would necessarily include
notes of the bank not actually in circulation" (Pratt, 1933, p. 189-190).
Clearly there was some ambiguity in how to report circulation, and the
Butte bankers reported the value of their notes that were out on the
street rather than the value of the circulation that they had received
from the Comptroller.
End of the Note Issuing Era
The national bank note era abruptly ended in July 1935. The end
was anticipated by a 1932 opinion of the Attorney General which advised
that, according to existing law, the circulation privilege for the bonds
backing the circulation of national bank notes would expire on July 22,
1935. When the securing bonds were liquidated in July 1935, the pro-
ceeds were paid into the redemption fund to provide for the redemption
of the outstanding national bank notes.
This created an interesting situation at the FNB of Butte. The
bankers were then holding at least $176,000 of their own nationals in
their vault. At that point, the Butte nationals became ordinary cash, the
bonds having been sold. No interest was being earned, and no circulation
taxes were due.
What the FNB of Butte did with its $176,000 hoard is unknown.
It is unlikely that the cash was dumped into circulation because that
would have greatly increased the survival of the notes, and led to the
preservation of many more of the notes that were delivered to the bank
after 1930. Rather, the hoard seems to have been consumed in some
fashion that also led to the quick redemption of the notes. How this was
affected is unknown.
Both the Kelly (2004) and Hickman-Oakes (1982) catalogs report
the "out in 1935" amount as $199,450. This figure is the amount of cir-
culation outstanding in July 1935 according to the National Currency
and Bond Ledgers as determined by Louis Van Belkum decades ago. The
number represents $199,450 worth of notes held by the bank and in cir-
culation, plus $550 worth of Series 1929 notes that had been redeemed
between March 23 and July 29, 1935, that had not been replaced yet by
the Comptroller. These two amounts equal $200,000, the value of the
bonds on deposit with the Treasurer to secure all the outstanding notes
of the bank.
In contrast, Van Belkum (1968) reported the outstanding circula-
tion as $24,000, which was the taxable circulation reported by the bank
that he obtained from the 1934 annual report of the Comptroller of the
Currency. This was the taxable circulation reported by the bankers, and
represents the money on the street. It does not include the $176,000 they
had hoarded in their vault.
Which number is most useful for gauging the rarity of the notes
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 187
Wolka offers Ohio obsolete book update CD
W ENDELL WOLKA, AUTHOR OF THE SPMC2004 Wismer Series obsolete paper money cata-
log, A History of Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete
Bank Notes and Scrip, has released a 2005-06 update
in CD format.
"With a book the size of the Ohio catalog, reprint-
ing a new edition would be financially impossible,"
Wolka said. "Thus the only real options, it seemed,
were to provide a print update in black and white or an
electronic update. I went with the CD approach," he
The plusses with this approach, according to
Wolka, include:
• full color illustrations (that can even be magni-
fied up to at least 400%) at no extra cost;
• Using PDF format makes the information com-
pletely searchable;
• The cost of a CD is significantly less than having
a printed version done;
• Users can print out pages (or multiple pages)
that are of interest to them;
• Producing easier and faster updates;
• Any serious errors or mishaps can be corrected
"on the fly."
The storage capacity and economy of electronic
publication leads Wolka to speculate that since even a
book as large as his Ohio book would fit on a single CD,
if there's ever a second edition "I believe it too will be
on CD."
The update includes more than 110 pages of infor-
mation, 117 new or revised listings, and 118 high reso-
lution color illustrations. A number of pages of infor-
mation which simply wouldn't fit in the original book
such as printing totals, National Bank connections,
and the like are also included, Wolka noted.
All of the files on the CD are in PDF format which
means that they can be explored with either Adobe
Acrobat® or Adobe Reader®. The user can search the
entire text for specific key words and magnify the high
resolution color images to study even the smallest
details on a note. Adobe Reader® is available as a free
download from the Adobe® website.
Using the concept of an "e book" allows a more
usable and low cost alternative to a traditional hard
copy update. Of course, users desiring a hard copy of
specific pages can still print them out. The industrious
author is already working on the 2006-07 update.
The 2005-06 update CD may be ordered by sending
a check, made payable to Wendell Wolka, for $13.95 to
him at PO Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142. The price
includes shipping and handling. The original book is
still available directly from the author for $60 postpaid,
with orders accepted at the same address shown for
ordering the Update CD.
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188 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
from the bank? In this case, the answer lies someplace between Van
Belkum's $24,000 taxable circulation, and the $199,450 shown as out-
standing on the Comptroller's ledger. The best indicator is a value much
more heavily weighted toward the lower rather than the higher figure.
Series of 1929 FNB Butte Notes
The bankers at The FNB of Butte issued a total of 2,592 small
size $50 and $100 notes. Their decision to hoard their notes resulted in
a lower than expected demand for replacement notes, so their printings
of Type 1 notes proved sufficient to meet all their needs through 1935.
No type 2 notes were even printed.
All their Type 1 notes were produced using the same logotype
plate. All carried the signature combination of cashier George U. Hill
and president Andrew Jackson Davis (number two). The reported notes
were cut from the sheets with scissors. The bankers used so few of them
that cutting the notes apart with scissors was not a time-prohibitive
proposition. The majority of the notes exhibit uneven scissor-cut top and
bottom margins.
Fifty Dollar Notes
Year $50 $100 Count
1929 C000023A None 1
1930 D000045A D000009A 32
E000062A A000013A
B000068A F000014A
A000076A A000021A
A000094A A000029A
F000097A C000029A
B000099A A000034A
B000102A C000034A
A000113A E000034A
A000124A F000034A
E000144A D000043A
F000175A A000045A
A000189A C000046A
E000202A A000067A
A000223A A000087A
1931 none F000112A 2
1932 none E000127A 1
1933 none none none
1934 none F000162A 1
1935 none none none
Sources: Currency and Bond Ledgers (1929-1935), Kelly (2004), plus
personal observation.
The $50 notes represented 62% of the Series of 1929 notes issued
by the bank, and 45% of the
face value. I've observed in per-
Table 4. Reported Series of 1929 notes from The First son or via photographs, 10 of
National Bank of Butte, Montana, arranged by the year when the 16 known Butte $50s. Of
they were delivered to the bank. the ten observed notes, two
were VG or VG/F, one a nice
Fine, one AU, and the rest were
in the VF to XF range. Their
generally high grade is consis-
tent with notes that were not
usually exposed to heavy circu-
lation, in contrast to the lower
denominations. Three $50
notes were new additions to the
census in 2005. Regardless of
condition, the most significant
challenge is locating a $50 with
nice top and bottom margins.
The years when the
reported notes were shipped to
the bank appear on Table 4. It
is probably significant that not
a single $50 note has been
found from any of the ship-
ments between 1931 and 1934.
This hints that the bankers
were taking most if not all of
the newly received sheets and
putting them in their vault
rather than releasing them into
circulation. Finding one of the
late delivery $50 notes would
be a fascinating item.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 189
One Hundred Dollar Notes
The $100 notes represented 38% of number of the small notes
issued. and 55% of the dollar amount. I've seen 11 of the 21 known notes.
As with the $50s, most are generally in the VF to EF range, although a
few show heavy circulation. Four high grade $100s are reported from
sheet number 34. The rest of the known notes, as seen in Table 4, are
reasonably distributed across the 164 sheets issued.
The bank's $100 notes appeared at auction with some frequency
during the mid to late 1990s, but their appearances have tapered off dur-
ing the past two years. The scissor-cuts on the $100s seem to be some-
what more careless than on the $50s, and at least four known $100s have
noticeably bad margins.
Table 5: Nationwide data for the redemption of
Generally, $50 and $100 notes lasted
the Series of 1929 notes.
a long time in circulation in comparison to
Percentage of 1929
the smaller denominations. The redemption
Notes Redeemed
data from Warns. Huntoon and Van Belkum
Denomination By October 31, 1935
(1973) summarized on Table 5 bears this
$ 5 93.6 %
out. Because of their high face value, I doubt
$ 10 85.8 %
many Butte nationals were saved as curiosi-
$ 20
69.6 %
ties. More likely, the Butte notes appear to
$ 50 51.2 %
have been saved in cash hoards.
$100 32.7 %
The FNB of Butte notes were the
keys to a Montana small size type set when Source: Warns, Huntoon, and Van Belkum (1973).
Montana collector Milton Sloan wrote his
article on Series of 1929 Montana nationals
in 1980. His October 1979, census contained only four $50s and three
$100s. In the past 26 years, many more Montana nationals have been
added to the census, and the total of known Butte notes has increased
over five fold from 7 to 37. Nonetheless, the FNB of Butte Series of 1929
notes are all that one can collect to form a Montana denomination type
The president of the FNB of Butte, Andrew Davis (number two),
stated that the FNB should be prepared to meet "every contingency and
every emergency out of its own ample resources." We now know, 70 years
after the National Currency Era ended, the extreme measures that the
Butte bankers took to stay true to that philosophy.
The Butte case also has important implications for researchers
and collectors. The fact that the bank was withholding its national notes
from use is not apparent from the data in any of the standard catalogs.
Only the taxable circulation reported by Van Belkum hints at the issue.
Andrew Jackson Davis (number two) initiated
very conservative business practices during the
Great Depression, hoarding his bank notes,
while drawing interest on his bond deposits.
National Bank Note era letterhead from
the First National Bank of Butte,
-Pe' This article began in the summer of 2005
1** ,i l''IP ''''- " bi '
as a simple description of the FNB of Butte and
e •
il' its unusual, for Montana, Series 1929 $50 and
$100 notes. Once I completed a draft of the
) M article, I emailed it to Peter Huntoon for)IP
his review before I submitted the story to
the SPMC editor. Peter replied that the
oo. article basically looked good, but that I
.. '',
_,„ v6" 0 was using the wrong data for the
z.,x— „-; 0. v>4 bank's circulation. He sent the tax-
,o I ,,,c6'sv. able circulations from the0','',e,P1 vi0C 13-'' Comptroller's annual reports,
e0,, „co<0 which appear here in Table 3.
e'`P '9
I quickly asked "What
06ooe„4 6 ”am I missing?," because I
oP els t
Ut had gotten my circulation
%A.s information directly frome, the bond record on the
0.1ctve original National
te. Currency and Bond
Ledgers at the National
Archives. Those showed an
unchanging $200,000 between 1929
and 1935. This bit of news caused
Huntoon to reply that "your bank is getting
more interesting."
We exchanged many emails after that, and this
article grew from the insights that developed as a result of
those exchanges. Huntoon's tremendous expertise and his gen-
erosity in sharing it were invaluable.
Ellie Arguimbau, Archivist at the Montana Historical Society,
generously helped me locate a host of records on the FNB of Butte and its
officers. Wayne DeCesar of the National Archives assisted my searches
through the National Currency and Bond Ledgers.
One needs data on both the taxable circulation and the outstand-
ing value of notes in order to truly assess the rarity of the Series of 1929
notes from the FNB of Butte. The rarity of the notes lies someplace
between the extremes of these two numbers, probably closer to the lower
taxable circulation.
This case documents two working definitions of national bank
note circulation. There may have been other national banks which held
their bonds, kept their nationals in the vault, and reported
reduced taxable circulations. The standard references don't
reveal this, so there is significant opportunity for further
discoveries in this little explored facet of national bank-
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY190
References and Sources of Information
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. BEP Ledger Pertaining to Plates, Rolls, and
Dies, Volume 34, "Title and Signature Changes, Series of 1929." U.S.
National Archives, Archives II. College Park, MD. Records Group 318,
Stack 450, Row 79 (1929-1935).
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
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Canvas bag from the First National
Bank of Butte, Montana.
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Comptroller of the Currency. Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency,
December 2, 1929. Washington D.C.: United States Government
Printing Office (1929-1934).
Comptroller of the Currency. Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency,
Supplement, Table 103, "Individual Statements of Condition of National
Banks at the Close of Business December 31, 1929-1934." Washington
D.C.: United States Government Printing Office (1930-1935).
Comptroller of the Currency. National Currency and Bond Ledgers. U.S.
National Archives, Archives II, College Park, MD (1929-1935).
Currency Auctions of America. Currency Auctions of America, Various pub-
lic auction catalogs. Heritage Galleries. Dallas, TX (Various Dates).
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Helena Branch. "Your Banks.. .
Historical Sketches of Montana Banks and Bankers," Helena,
Montana (1946).
Hickman, John, and Dean Oakes. Standard Catalog of National
Bank Notes. Second Edition. Iola, WI: Krause Publications
Huntoon, Peter. "The Amazing $50 and $100 Lovell, Wyoming,
1929 Nationals." Paper Money, Volume 22, No. 106 (1983). p.
Huntoon, Peter. "The National Bank Failures in Wyoming.
1924." Annals of Wyoming (Fall 1982), pp. 34-44.
Kelly, Don C. National Bank Notes, A Guide with
Prices, Fourth Edition. Oxford, OH: The Paper Money
Institute (2004).
Kelly, Don C., and James M. Kelly. National Bank
Notes, Fourth Edition, National Bank Note
Census, Version 1.0, Supplement to National
Bank Notes, Fourth Edition. Oxford, OH
Knight, Lynn. Lynn Knight Currency
Auctions, Various public auction catalogs.
Lynn Knight, Overland Park, KS
(Various Dates).
Leipheimer, E. G. The First National
Bank of Butte, Seventy-Five Years of
Continuous Banking Operation
1877 to 1952. The First National
Bank of Butte, Butte, MT (1952).
Montana State Historical Society. A
History of Montana, Family and Personal
History, Volume III, Lewis Historical Publishing
Company, Inc., New York (Undated).
Pratt, A.S. & Sons. Pratt's Digest of Federal Banking Laws.
A.S. Pratt & Sons, Inc., National Bank Agents, Washington D.C.
Pratt, A.S. & Sons. Pratt's Digest of National Banking Laws. A.S. Pratt &
Sons, National Bank Agents, Washington D.C. (1901).
Sloan, Milton M. "Series of 1929 Montana Nationals," Paper Money, Volume 19.
No. 87 (1980), pp. 135-139.
Smythe, R.M. R. M. Symthe Paper Money Auctions, Various public auction cat-
alogs. R. M. Smythe, New York, NY (Various Dates).
United States. The Budget of the United States. Washington, D.C.: United States
Government Printing Office (1929).
United States. United States Code, Title 12, Banks and Banking. Washington,
D.C: United States Government Printing Office (1925, 1928, 1934).
United States. United States Code, Title LXII, National Banks, Washington,
D.C: United States Government Printing Office (1918).
Van Belkum, Louis. National Banks of the Note Issuing Period 1863-1935.
Chicago, IL: Hewitt Brothers (1968).
Warns, Melvin, Peter Huntoon, and Louis Van Belkum. The National Bank
Notes Issues of 1929-1935, Second Edition. Society of Paper Money
Collectors. Chicago, IL: Printed by Hewitt Brothers (1973).
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 193
National Currency:
The "feisty"' Banks of Durant, Oklahoma©
By Andrew R. Korn, Esq.*
and David M. Diaz, Esq.**
"[B] anks pursuing a careful and conservative business will not suffer."
-- Supreme Court of Oklahoma, Ardmore State Bank v. Mason (1911)
W E EXAMINED THE NATIONAL CURRENCY ISSUING BANKS 2 OF DURANT, OKLA-HOMA3 ("Durant Banks") from the perspective of reviewing their legal disputes. Wereviewed only published cases. 4 The record reflects that Durant Banks made litigation deci-sions influenced more by frontier spirit than conservative banking principals. 5
The National Currency issuing banks of Durant, OK were:
(1) First National Bank of Durant (Charter #5129);
(2) Durant National Bank (Charter #5590);
(3) Farmer's National Bank of Durant [previously Choctaw-Chicksaw National Bank of Durant]
(Charter #6928);
(4) State National Bank (Charter #10538);
(5) Durant National Bank in Durant (Charter #13018); and
(6) First National Bank in Durant (Charter #14005). 6
According to Professor Don Kelly, the total number of national bank notes reported for all six banks
is only ninety-three (93). On the low side, the Choctaw-Chicksaw National Bank of Durant is unreported
and the census shows only one (1) small size for the State National Bank of Durant. On the high side (rel-
atively speaking), the First National Bank of Durant has a total of twenty-eight (28) large size and eight-
een (18) small size notes reported.?
Two other banks located in Durant had Federal charters during the Third Charter period for issuance
of national bank notes, but these banks did not issue any. These banks were Commercial National Bank
(Charter #11842) and American National Bank (Charter #12126). 8 Coincidentally, neither of these banks
appears as a named party in any published case. Rather, these two banks are mentioned only in passing in
a few reported cases, and the references are of no import. 9
A Feast of Feist
The Durant Banks were adverse to railroads, 18 local school districts, 11 the State of Oklahoma, 12 the
Internal Revenue Service, 13 their customers 14 (including minors), 15 and area merchants. 16 The Durant
Banks were overly aggressive in the amounts charged for loans, and in their prosecution of money owed
them. 17 After the issuing period, surviving Durant Banks sued longtime "business friends," 18 their own
attorneys, 19 and the United States.'- 8 A barometer of a bank's goodwill in the community is what juries
think of them. 21 In the jury trials identified in published cases, 22 the verdict went against the Durant
Banks nearly every time. 23 The published cases do not reveal that the Durant Banks ever won a jury ver-
dict in their hometown. This is odd, considering the advantage a small town bank has when selecting a
j my . 24
When a Durant Bank did win a case, it is difficult to conclude that the cause of victory was related to
the bank's political good will, if any, the bank's litigation strategy, or something else the bank did. For
* Admitted to practice in Texas. Board Certified Civil-Appellate Law, Texas Board of Legal Specialization; e-mail:
akornq± .
** Admitted to practice in Texas. Managing Editor of the Texas Bank Lawyer, Texas Tech University School of Law,
1998-1999. Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization; e-mail:
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Payable at The Dur. t National Bank, Durant, Okla. ' with Interest at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum from maturity until paid. together with ten percent. additional on the amount of principal and interett as attorney's fees In case this note is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection or suit
Is brought to enforce collection of same. The makers and endorsers of this note waive presentment for payment, notice of non-payment, protest and
notice of protest and consent that the time of payment may be extended without notice to us. Pt
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example, in 1949, the Durant National Bank in Durant prevailed in a dispute over whether certain paving
bonds issued by the City of Durant, and now owned by the bank, created a lien against the Plaintiffs prop-
erty. 25 The Plaintiff sued the City of Durant, the County Treasurer of Bryan County, the Board of County
Commissioners of Bryan County, and the Durant National Bank in Durant. The Plaintiff filed suit "to quiet
title to certain lots in the Normal Heights Addition to Durant." The case was tried without a jury to the
Honorable Roy Paul, District Court Judge of Bryan County, Oklahoma. The case was submitted on an
agreed statement of facts, which means that Judge Paul did not have to weigh the credibility of the wit-
nesses. Judge Paul ruled in favor of the Bank. The Supreme Court of Oklahoma affirmed the decision. The
Bank had the good fortune to have its interests aligned with Durant's political Establishment in this case.
Apparently, you cannot fight City Hall, even when City Hall has a Durant Bank for a co-defendant.
The Fiesty Boys
The published cases provide no direct insight into the Durant Banks' decision-making processes.
Similarly, the published cases reveal only glimpses of the mentality of the Durant Bank Officers and
Directors. 26
L.F. Lee, President of the First National Bank of Durant, was no stranger to litigation. In one case,
Mr. Lee appears as a witness. However, the parties' dispute was likely instigated by Mr. Lee. 27 On
September 11, 1911, Mr. Lee, and an unnamed partner, purchased the "Corner Drug Store" in Durant for
$11,000.00. The plaintiff, E. Schlegel, was the Real Estate Broker who "interested and procured" Mr. Lee
to purchase the property. Mr. Schlegel alleged that the defendant, E.E. Fuller. had failed to pay Mr.
Schlegel the $500.00 agreed upon commission. The opinion indicates a possible reason why. The Court
"There is no conflict in the evidence as to the fact that the property was listed with the
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Di. R r
196 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
plaintiff, and that the plaintiff called Lee's attention to the property, and priced it to him at
$11,500; that they talked at length about the deal, and almost immediately after this conversa-
tion Lee went to talk to the defendant and talked with him in person about the deal, and on the
date alleged in the petition closed the deal with the defendant for the property at $11,000."
Reading a bit between the lines, it looks like Mr. Lee successfully induced a breach of the commission
agreement to get himself a discount on the purchase price. However, the Court does remark that it
"appears that Lee did not tell the defendant he had been negotiating with plaintiff." The plaintiff only sued
the seller, although Mr. Lee testified as a witness. The defendant disputed the terms of the listing agree-
ment and whether the plaintiff was a procuring cause of the sale. A Bryan County jury, empanelled by the
Honorable A.H. Ferguson, found for the plaintiff, awarding him $250.00. The defendant appealed and lost
The second published case involving L.F. Lee, comes nearly ten years later. 28 On November 8, 1921,
Mr. Lee signed and swore out a criminal complaint that L.J. Bryan had "unlawfully, wrongfully and mali-
ciously entered and passed a certain yard and enclosed field on the Smith Lee farm east of Wade in Bryan
County after being expressly forbidden by the owner thereof not to do so." 29 On November 19, 1921, a
Bryan County jury acquitted Mr. Bryan.
On September 26, 1922, Mr. Bryan sued Mr. Lee for malicious prosecution. A jury trial began on
March 26, 1925. It appears from the evidence that Mr. Bryan was either working on the farm for a tenant,
or was a tenant himself. The testimony of the plaintiff makes a case that Mr. Lee was using the criminal
charge as a more expeditious and less expensive alternative to an eviction. 30 However, the Honorable
Porter Newman, District Court Judge of Bryan County, disagreed. Judge Newman directed the verdict for
Mr. Lee, and entered a judgment in Mr. Lee's favor. The Supreme Court of Oklahoma affirmed the judg-
ment for reasons unrelated to Mr. Lee's credibility. The Supreme Court of Oklahoma was constrained by
prior opinions reflecting the public policy of encouraging the reporting of crime. 31 The Supreme Court of
Oklahoma was also impressed that Mr. Lee conferred with "his attorneys and the county attorney of Bryan
County." 32 The Supreme Court of Oklahoma specifically pointed out that the County Attorney's testimo-
ny showed a "careful investigation," "including a consultation with C.C. Hatchett, a reputable lawyer of
Durant."33 It is not clear whether Mr. Hatchett was one of Mr. Lee's attorneys, or whether he was inde-
pendently contacted for an opinion by the County Attorney. 34 Regardless, the Supreme Court of Oklahoma
considered Mr. Hatchett sufficiently disinterested or objective, so that it could not be said that the crimi-
nal prosecution lacked probable cause.
In 1928, W.C. Slaughter, a V.P. and "active manager" of Durant National Bank, was accused by cus-
tomers of crawfishing 35 a dea1. 36 The Court let him, despite a pretty good argument that the parties' long
time course of dealing required the bank to honor the customary deal.
The competency of one director would be discussed in a will contest. 37 The Honorable Robert L.
Williams died on April 10, 1948, at age 79. Judge Williams last revised his will on October 11, 1947. Judge
Williams left his four brothers one dollar each, and gave most of his estate to a public library in the City of
Durant and a small rural church (founded by his father), in his home state of Alabama. Not surprisingly,
Judge Williams' brothers challenged the will. Several "prominent citizens of the state" and a "large num-
ber of citizens of Durant" testified that before and after the making of the will, Judge Williams actively
functioned as president of the Oklahoma Historical Society and as a director in the Durant National Bank.
While Judge Williams was a retired Circuit Court Judge, on various occasions in the 5-6 years preceding
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
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his death, he was assigned to hold court both in Oklahoma and Texas. However, Judge Williams' secretary
testified for the brothers, claiming that in Judge Williams' later years, he was incompetent and incapable
of managing his property or business. The secretary had to admit that in early 1948, the last months of
Judge Williams' life, she purchased 120 acres from him and at that time she considered Judge Williams
competent to sign the deed and convey the property to her. The secretary also testified that Judge Williams
made his own deposits at the bank and that he wrote various checks and made various notations thereon.
The Court summarized the testimony and documents introduced, stating that while the evidence in the
"voluminous record" was conflicting, the "great preponderance" of the evidence supported the finding that
Judge Williams was mentally competent at the time he made the last revision to his will in 1947. 38 The
record is silent as to the bank's concern, if any, over how a finding of mental incompetence of one of its direc-
tors might affect its business, either legally or by loss of consumer confidence.
More recently, a published case discusses some of the evidence supporting a civil fraud finding against
the First National Bank in Durant. 39 The bank loaned Honey Creek Entertainment Corp. $2.25 million to
buy the Arbuckle Wilderness Park in Murray County, Oklahoma. Lena Clancy, Jim Ranier, and Ron
Armitage each owned one-third (1/3) of the stock in Honey Creek. Alan Dufur was the President and C.E.O.
of the bank and was "closely involved" in the transaction. 48 The bank took all Honey Creek assets and the
owners' stock as security. Additionally, the bank "required" each owner to personally guarantee the loan.
The bank also required additional collateral. Clancy's separately owned company, Acme, mortgaged to the
bank 3,000 acres of ranch land in Bryan and Atkota Counties. When Honey Creek defaulted, the bank sued
Honey Creek and Clancy for a money judgment and sued Acme to foreclose on the acreage. Honey Creek
immediately filed for bankruptcy, but the case against Clancy and Acme proceeded. Clancy and Acme
defended by alleging that the bank, through Dufur, fraudulently induced Clancy to execute the guaranty
by his repeated "oral assurances" that if Honey Creek were to default, Clancy would not incur liability and
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May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY198
Acme's mortgages would not be foreclosed until after all the Honey Creek assets were sold and the sales
proceeds applied to the debt, and even then Clancy would only be liable for one-third of the remaining
indebtedness, if any. Clancy also asserted a counterclaim against the bank for negligence in impairing the
value of Honey Creek's assets. After a three day trial in September, 1998, the jury returned a verdict
against the bank, finding that Dufur had fraudulently induced Clancy to sign the agreements. The jury
found in favor of Clancy on her negligence counterclaim against the bank and awarded $1,860,000.
Because the jury found that Clancy was 20% responsible for her damages under Oklahoma's comparative
negligence statute, the trial court awarded money damages to Clancy in the amount of $1,488,000. The
bank appealed. The Court of Appeals reversed in favor of the bank.
Both sides sought review in the Supreme Court of Oklahoma. The Supreme Court determined that
both sides should take nothing from each other. The Supreme Court found that sufficient evidence exist-
ed to support the jury's finding that Dufur fraudulently induced Clancy to execute the guaranty and mort-
gage. Reviewing the evidence favorable to Clancy as true, the Supreme Court noted that Dufur and Clancy
had a long-term business relationship. Dufur was Clancy's personal Banker and "business friend," so much
so that Clancy developed a "high degree of trust" in Dufur. Dufur knew that Clancy trusted him and relied
on his advice.`+ The mortgage came up late in the transaction. Clancy did not agree to it first. However,
Dufur assured her that the Acme mortgages were needed in an "abundance of caution that would probably
never be needed." On Clancy's counterclaim for negligence, the Supreme Court held that the Bank did not
owe Clancy, a guarantor, any duty to preserve the value of Honey Creek assets. Therefore, both sides ended
up taking nothing.
Fiest Sans? Still Feisty after all these years?
To summarize, in nearly a centuries worth of published cases, nothing "nice" appears about the
Durant Banks. The Durant Banks' continual court disputes with just about every type of person or entity
show a feisty nature uncommon in the banking industry. However, a recent unpublished criminal case 42
calls into question whether the existing banks of Durant remain "feisty?" In 2003, Kevin G. Maxwell, a
first time offender, plead guilty to robbing a bank in Durant "with nothing more than his hand inside his
jacket pocket, which the teller believed was a weapon. Specifically, [Maxwell] approached the teller and
told her to place all her money in a white bag, starting with the 'big bills.' At least twice [Maxwell] told
[the teller] to hurry. When the teller asked him to repeat what he had said [Maxwell] moved his hand
inside his coat, which led her to believe he had a weapon. Throughout the duration of the robbery,
[Maxwell] kept his hand in his coat. The bank surveillance camera showed him at the teller station with
his right hand reaching across his torso, concealed inside his jacket. At one point [Maxwell] said to [the
teller]: 'you better have more than that.' After receiving the money, [Maxwell] apologized to the teller, then
left the building." Calm prevailed and Maxwell "was apprehended twenty minutes later with the money
but with no weapon." 43 This occurrence more resembles a transaction than a "hangin' crime."'" The opin-
ion does not describe any facts indicating that the bank showed any Sooner spirit. Looking at the published
cases, one could stretch to satire, and imagine the following chain of events:
1. The Teller does not comply. Instead, the Teller confronts Mr. Maxwell (who besides being the rob-
ber du jour, also has an account at the bank);
2. When Maxwell does not yield, the Teller uses her hand as a weapon and slaps Maxwell into sub-
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 199
3. The Teller's testimony gets Maxwell convicted. Maxwell is sentenced to 40 years (only because
death was not a sentencing option). The bank insists that the Teller has to take vacation time
for the two days she spent at the trial. The bank demands that the Teller give the bank the
mileage money attached to her subpoena. The bank decides that Maxwell will no longer have
free checking, and his account soon shows a negative balance;
4. From prison, Maxwell sues the bank, for among other things, assault, negligent security and con-
5. The bank counter-claims for $31.13 in unpaid bank charges;
6. The bank refuses to settle, vowing not to "pay that Criminal one dime!"
7. The case is tried to the jury;
8.Maxwell represents himself. The bank has three attorneys (including a Philadelphia lawyer). One
of the attorneys spends night and day with the Teller, preparing the Teller to testify (at least
that's what the bill says);
9. The bank loses. The bank blames the loss on the poor performance of the Teller on the witness
10.The bank appeals. The bank is somewhat successful. The punitive damage portion of the verdict
is reduced to $500,000.00;
11.The bank sues its insurance company for not paying the judgment;
12.The Teller sues the bank in a class action for violations of Federal wage and hour laws (the insur-
ance company denies this claim too). The bank fires the Teller the day the bank is served. The
bank refuses to settle, vowing not to "pay that witch one dime!" The Teller files a separate case
for libel, because the bank is quoted calling her a "witch" in the local paper. The bank does not
send the libel case to its insurance company. However, the bank will sue its attorney later for
failing to do so;
13.The Tellers' cases are tried before juries;
14. The bank appeals both losses;
15.The bank wins one of the two appeals. The bank's Directors can now safely refer to the Teller as
the "Witch," during breakfast at the cafe; and
16. The bank sues and wins big against its former attorney. The bank tells the Comptroller of
Currency that litigation is now a profit center.
Of course, the passive conduct detailed in the Maxwell opinion could be explained by the fact that the
bank robbed was Landmark Bank, not one of the national currency issuing banks of Durant, Oklahoma. 45
(10th ed. 1995) (feisty: adj. (1) chiefly Southern & Midland; (a) full
of nervous energy: fidgety; (b) being touchy and quarrelsome; (c)
being frisky and exuberant; (2) having or showing a lively aggres-
THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (4th ed. 2000) (feisty: adj. Touchy;
quarrelsome; (2) Full of spirit or pluck; frisky or spunky); www.the- (feisty: adj. (1) Showing courage; "the
champion is faced with a feisty challenger": plucky; spunky; spirit-
ed; (2) irritable and looking for trouble; "too touchy to make judi-
cious decisions": touchy; ill-natured).
2 See Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, A Guide
to the National Banking System, COMPTROLLER'S CORPORATE
MANUAL, May 1999, at 3 ("The national banking system was con-
ceived by President Abraham Lincoln and Treasury Secretary
Salmon P. Chase to revive the national economy and promote a
uniform system of currency and credit. The National Currency Act,
which created the national banking system, was enacted in 1863.
200 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Provisions of that Act were reenacted and clarified by the National
Bank Act, enacted a year later, in 1864. The opening in
Philadelphia of the first bank chartered under the new system pre-
sented the United States with a fresh means to promote a sense of
nationhood based on uniformly regulated financial institutions and
a growing economy. The issuance of 'national bank notes' by
national banks alleviated a serious obstacle to interstate commerce
that existed before the Civil War.").
3 The City of Durant, Oklahoma (the "Magnolia Capitol of
Oklahoma") was officially recognized in 1872. In 1900, the City
had a population of nearly 3,000. In 2000, the City had a popula-
tion of 13,549. Durant is the home of the headquarters of the
Choctaw Nation. Durant currently lists three financial institutions,
only one of which (First National Bank in Durant) issued national
bank notes. Durant's current banking institutions have nearly a bil-
lion dollars in combined total assets. Durant is the county seat of
Bryan County, Oklahoma. Durant is located in south-central
Oklahoma. Durant's proximity to Dallas, Texas, is closer than its
proximity to either Oklahoma City or Tulsa, Oklahoma. See ; pro-
file.pdf. In 1911, the Supreme Court of Oklahoma stated that
Durant was "a city of 5,300 inhabitants." See Missouri, 0. & G.
RY. Co. v. State, 119 P. 117, 117 (Okla. 1911). In 1949, the
Supreme Court of Oklahoma had cause to discuss the City of
Durant in a case where the City of Durant enjoined a mule barn
from operating because the barn's downtown location constituted a
nuisance. See Dobbs v. City of Durant, 206 P.2c1180, 181 (Okla.
1949). The Trial Court called the defendant, who had operated his
mule barn for 17 years near Main Street, "a victim of progress."
See id. The Supreme Court began its opinion stating "Ltl he evi-
dence shows by 1940 census Durant has a population of more than
10,000; the barn is located downtown and within a block or two or
[sic] 14 cafes and sandwich shops, 12 grocery stores, two drug
stores, two fruit stands, one bakery, three hotels and a bus station."
Id. For insight into race relations in Bryan County during the third
charter period of national bank notes (1902-1935), see Roberts v.
State, 225 P. 553, 554 (Okla. Crim. App. 1924) ("In communities
where white people and negroes reside, business relations between
the races are inevitable, and just how far social relations should
extend is a question concerning which good people entertain differ-
ent ideas. Social equality between the races is of course unthink-
able; such equality would bring about the moral degradation of
both races."); and Blanton v. State, 239 P. 698, 699-700 (Okla.
Crim. App. 1925) (Court of Criminal Appeals of Oklahoma reverses
order of contempt against the Exalted Cyclops and other members
of the Ku Klux Klan, Durant Klan No. 42. The Klansman failed to
bring the grand jury records subpoenaed in connection with "an
investigation relating to the alleged whipping of one Ned Bates and
Tom Mayo." The Honorable Porter Newman, District Court Judge
of Bryan County, told the Klansman to have the records in court by
1:30 p.m. that same day. When the Klansman returned without the
documents, Judge Porter sentenced them to 30 days in the county
jail and fined them $50.00. The Appellate Court found that Judge
Newman should have afforded the Klansman written notice of the
accusation, reasonable time for a defense, and the right to have a
trial by jury.).
4 Judicial opinions contained in Legal Reporters (referred
to as "published" cases) come from a tiny fraction of actual court
disputes. Nearly all civil cases settle before trial, and a substantial
number of cases actually tried, settle before an appeal is filed. See
Leslie L. Cooney & Lynn A. Epstein, Classroom Associates: Creating
a Skills Incubation Process for Tomorrow's Lawyer, 29 CAP. U.L.
REV. 361, 374 n.58 (2001) (listing surveys conducted over the pre-
vious two decades in numerous jurisdictions, and observing that
"the percentage of cases that settle before trial consistently falls
between 90% to 96%."); U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Trial
Cases and Verdicts in Large Counties, 1996, BUREAU OF JUSTICE
STATISTICS BULLETIN, Sept. 1999, at 12 ("Similar to State Courts,
only a small portion (3%) of the number of Federal tort, contract,
and real property cases terminated reached trial."); Marc Galanter
& Mia Cahill, "Most Cases Settle"; Judicial Promotion and
Regulation of Settlements, 46 STAN. L. REV. 1339, 1350 (1994)
(Discussing benefits of settlement); Prof. Irene Scharf, Torts: Course
LAW, at 1 (Fall 2001) ("Virtually all of the cases we will study will
be at an appellate court, as the parties failed to settle their cases
prior to trial, during, or even following trial. Keeping in mind that
the percentage of controversies that are litigated — as opposed to
settled — is small, and that the percentage that finally reach the
appellate level is even smaller still, our study of only appellate
cases may offer you a distorted impression of what lawyers do.").
One veteran trial attorney has commented that banks are more like-
ly to settle cases. See MICHAEL LOUIS MINNS, THE UNDER-
GROUND LAWYER 121 (1989) ('Bank attorneys don't usually go
to trial; they usually bluff until right before a final court date and
then settle."). Therefore, in most civil cases (particularly in State
Courts), no opinions are ever written. When an opinion is written,
the Justices often choose not to designate the opinion for publica-
tion, which means the opinion is of lesser or no precedential value.
See David W Holman, Is an Unpublished Opinion Still an
Opinion?, THE APPELLATE ADVOCATE, Vol. XII, No.2, at 4-5
(Spring 2000) (Stating that, unpublished opinions are now "pub-
lished" in the sense that they are available through an electronic
database). In terms of scarcity, published cases are the star notes of
the judicial system. Within this scarce circle is an additional subset
of rarities. Certain appellate districts designate few opinions for
publication. See Mark E. Steiner, The Use of Authority: Lone Stare
Decisis Revisited: Ethics and Authority in Texas Appellate Courts in
Light of Recent Rule Changes, 17TH ANNUAL ADVANCE CIVIL
APPELLATE PRACTICE COURSE, chp. 15, at 17 (Sept. 11-12, 2003)
(citing Texas Judicial System Annual Reports) (Of the 14 courts of
appeals in Texas, the Dallas District designated less than 6% of its
opinions for publication in 1997 and 1998, whereas the San
Antonio District designated about 33%. The average publication
rate for the combined 14 Texas courts of appeals from 1997-1999
was approximately 18%). Therefore, a study of published cases
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202 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
from a specific locale will most likely be anecdotal, because of the
lack of a statistically reliable sample.
5 Compare Peter Huntoon, Oklahoma was Too Uncivilized
to Host a National Bank, PAPER MONEY, March/April 2004 (Whole
No. 230) at 104; with In re Casey, 173 B.R. 581, 585 (Bankr. E.D.
Tex. 1994) ("Hit should come as no surprise that a conservative
lending institution such as a bank would generally favor conserva-
tive appraisals for the purpose of risk allocation."); Union Nat'l
Bank v. United States, 237 F. Supp. 753, 764 (N.D. Ohio 1965)
("These depression born banks, which naturally exercised conserva-
tive management during the depression..."); Patricia A. McCoy, A
Political Economy of the Business Judgment Rule in Banking:
Implications for Corporate Law, 47 CASE W. RES. L. REV. 1, 44
(1996) ("The cautious mores of post-World War II bank managers,
who had grown up during the Depression and had come of age in
an era that fostered risk aversion, further reinforced bank tendencies
toward conservatism."); Jody D. Newman, Note, Exchange Controls
and Foreign Loan Defaults: Force Majeure as an Alternative
Defense, 71 IOWA L. REV. 1499, 1525 n.1 (1986) ("Banks tend to
negotiate rescheduling and avoid declaring loans in default because
this would require loan write-offs."); Jonathan R. Macey & Geoffrey
P. Miller, Corporate Governance and Commercial Banking: A
Comparative Examination of Germany, Japan, and the United
States, 48 STAN. L. REV. 73, 111 (1995) ("The highly leveraged cap-
ital structure of banks and their large exposure to demand deposits
further enhance the banks' conservative tendencies."); Investment
Co. Institute v. Camp, 401 U.S. 617, 637 (1971) ("It is not the
slightest reflection on the integrity of the mutual fund industry to
say that the traditions of that industry are not necessarily the con-
servative traditions of commercial banking."); Rodriguez v. Banco
Central, 155 F.R.D. 403, 407 (D. P.R. 1994) ("We recognized at the
time of the summary judgment motion that the natural person fin-
anciers were aggressive businessmen and that the challenged land
transactions were not the type with which a fiscally-conservative
banking institution would have become involved."); Blankenship v.
Boyle, 329 F. Supp. 1089, 1101 (D. D.C. 1971) ("IDIividencl levels
were in accord with the general parsimony that conservative
bankers usually display toward shareholders at dividend time.");
North Fort Worth State Bank v. Commissioner, 22 T.C. 539, 547
(1954) ("The evidence shows that petitioner in making its loans did
not follow the pattern of banks generally, but carried on a loan
business closely resembling that of the so-called 'small loan' opera-
tors. On such loans the rate of return is very much greater than that
on more conservative loans made by banks generally."); Kawauchi
v. Tabata, 413 P.2d 221, 232 (Haw. 1966) (Referring to "erroneous
results... produced by superimposing the conservative approach of
a bank on the transaction..."); First State Bank v. Northern Trust
Co., 191 N.W. 470, 476 (N.D. 1922) (equating "good" banking
with "conservative" banking); People's Savings Bank v. First
National Bank, 173 P. 52, 53 (Wash. 1918) (equating "sound"
banking with "conservative" banking); Hibernia National Bank v.
Louisiana Tax Com., 196 So. 15, 23 (La. 1940) (equating "sound"
banking with "conservative" banking); State v. Salary Purchasing
Co., 218 S.W.2d 571, 572 (Mo. 1949) (Court assumes as a given
that Banks are conservative, making reference to "banks and other
conservative money lenders.").
2004, CD update Feb. 2006); IRA S. FRIEDBERG, PAPER MONEY
OF THE UNITED STATES 279-281 (17th ed. 2004).
2004, CD update Feb. 2006).
2004, CD update Feb. 2006); IRA FRIEDBERG, PAPER MONEY OF
THE UNITED STATES 73, 103, and 279-281 (17th ed. 2004).
9 See Bowles v. Perkinson, 213 P. 74, 75 (Okla. 1923)
("Controversy" between the City of Durant (Mayor and City
Council) and the City Water Superintendent "over the method of
conducting the water department." The City obtained a restraining
order enjoining the Water Superintendent from using any funds and
prohibiting the Durant National and Commercial National Banks
from paying out any money "unless on warrant duly issued." The
Hon. George E. Marsh, Judge of the District Court of Bryan County,
Oklahoma, tried the case. Judge Marsh dissolved the temporary
injunction and dismissed the City's case. The Supreme court of
Oklahoma affirmed the Judgment.); Phillips v Kight, 280 P. 439,
442 (Okla.1929) (Guardianship dispute where reference made to a
$1,221 check drawn on Commercial National Bank of Durant);
Western & Southern Life Ins. Co. v. Crook, 289 P. 728, 729 (Okla.
1930) (A loan default and foreclosure dispute, where plaintiff
sought to have a Receiver appointed. The Court quotes a stipulation
of the parties that Mr. Crook, one of the Defendants, passed "what-
ever title he had to American National Bank of Durant 01(1a., ... is
not an active concern, but is in the process of liquidation...."
However, the Court does refer to the Bank (or its Agent) as one of
the "contesting defendants." The summary of the testimony, heard
in June 1928, reveals that the Crooks were losing a farm. Several
witnesses provided interesting details about the property. One
defense witness testified "that conditions were improving in Bryan
County."); Grimsley v. Board of County Comm'rs, 9 Fed. Appx. 970,
971-972 (10th Cir. June 6, 2001) (Describing transaction where
plaintiff obtained a loan in 1984 from American National Bank of
Durant and stating that in February, 1987, the Bank went into "the
receivership of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.").
10 See Missouri, K. & T RY. Co. v. State, 133 P. 35, 37-38
(Okla. 1913). This case involved a dispute over the location where
several railroads would build and operate a joint or union passen-
ger depot in the town of Durant. The Court previously affirmed an
Order of the State Corporation Commission that found that the
existing depot was "inadequate." The Court quotes testimony
before the State Corporation Commission from "three citizens of
Durant," including Mr. E.T. Rhines, President of the First National
Bank of Durant. The citizens testified in favor of the present loca-
tion of the depot (on the VVest side), rather than the proposed loca-
tion (on the East side). The Court agreed, with the citizens, stating
that the only benefit of the proposed location was that it would
"overcome some operating difficulties" for one of the railroads. The
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 203
Court modified the Order of the Commission so that a new Station
could not be built at the proposed location until "some provision
was made" to make it safer.
11 See First National Bank of Durant v. School District No.
4, 120 P. 614, 614-615 (Okla. 1912) (Treasurer of School District
told a Bank V.P. not to pay a $250 check. The Bank V.P. said the
Bank would not pay the check, but then paid it anyway. The
Honorable Charles A. Phillips, Judge of the County Court of Bryan
County, entered a judgment for the School District. The Bank
appealed. The Bank lost the Appeal).
12 See In re Assessment of Durant National Bank, 230 P.
712 (Okla. 1923). In this case, the Bank appealed an additional
assessment on its shares of stock for 1917-1920. The Honorable
John Finney, Judge of the County Court in Bryan County, found that
the Bank failed to list $80,000 in public building bonds during
each of the four years in question. The Opinion contains the
assessment list for 1919, filled out by B.A. McKinney, as "officer of
the bank." The list provides that there are 1000 shares of capital
stock. The Opinion refers to a schedule that lists each stockholder
and the number of shares per stockholder. The Opinion states that
the value per share represented in the schedule was $200 per
share. It was an undisputed fact that McKinney deducted the
amount of capital invested in public building bonds from the total
valuation of bank shares, when the statute in force at the time did
not authorize such a deduction. Based on the distinction that the
property was "listed," rather than "omitted," the Supreme Court of
Oklahoma held that the County could not reassess the shares when
the taxes had already been paid. The Supreme Court of Oklahoma
noted that the County did not "intimate" that the Bank committed
fraud or false representations in connection with the assessment.
The Court further noted that the legislature had not provided a
method for dealing with reassessing property that was "grossly
undervalued" in these circumstances. Therefore, the Supreme
Court of Oklahoma instructed the Judge of the County Court to set
aside the assessment against the Bank.
13 See First National Bank of Durant v Commissioner, 6
B.T.A. 545, 545 and 549 (1927) (A proceeding to re-determine defi-
ciencies in income and excess profit taxes for years 1919 and
1920, amounting to $2,893.88. Bank won for the year 1919. IRS
won for the year 1920.).
14 See Durant National Bank v Bennett & Co., 271 P. 141,
142 (Okla. 1928) (Customer alleged that the Bank breached an
implied agreement based on a longstanding course of dealing
between them. The Honorable Porter Newman, Judge of the District
Court of Bryan County, found for the Customer. The Supreme Court
of Oklahoma reversed, saying that W.C. Slaughter, a Bank V.P. and
recent active manager of the Bank, was not bound by the
Customer's dealings with different bank officers in prior years. The
Supreme Court ordered that judgment be entered in favor of the
Bank); Farmer's National Bank of Durant v. Suther, 116 P. 173, 173-
174 (Okla. 1911) (Customer recovers Judgment against Bank when
Court found Bank received usurious interest on loans. Bank
appeals. Bank loses appeal).
15 See Carroll v. Durant National Bank, 133 P. 179, 180
(Oka. 1913) (Bank sues Defendant over a "written instrument" he
executed in the "Indian Territory" while he was a minor. The
County Court of Marshall County rendered judgment for the Bank
and Defendant appealed. The Supreme Court of Oklahoma
reversed, sending the case back to the County Court to determine
whether the Defendant ratified, in writing, the contract sued on,
after Defendant arrived at full age. The Supreme Court stated that if
Defendant ratified in writing, then the Bank will win. If Defendant
did not so ratify, then the Defendant wins.).
16 See Farmers' National Bank of Durant v. Ardmore
Wholesale Grocery Co., 127 P. 1071, 1071-1072 (Okla. 1912)
(Ardmore Wholesale Grocery sued J.J. Baker and the Bank in the
County Court of Greer County on account for $266.31 for goods,
wares and merchandise sold to Baker at his request. Ardmore
Wholesale Grocery also named the Bank, alleging the Bank
assumed Baker's debt. The case was tried to a jury. The verdict was
for Ardmore Wholesale Grocery. The Bank appealed. The Supreme
Court of Oklahoma reversed the judgment, and ordered a new trial
on the ground that the Bank did not assume the debt in writing.);
Frensley Brothers Lumber Co. v. Firemans Fund Insurance Co., 229
P. 598, 599-600 (Okla. 1924) (First National Bank of Durant suc-
cessfully claimed that $1,800.00 in insurance assigned to it,
trumped the liens of the Lumber Company that furnished the lum-
ber for construction of the residence on the Property of M.F. and
Mary Cordell, husband and wife. However, the Supreme Court of
Oklahoma reversed with directions to enter judgment for the
Lumber Company, stating that the Bank took the assignment from
the Cordells with knowledge of the Lumber Company's lien. Mr.
Cordell originally assigned the insurance to the Lumber Company.
However, after the Lumber Company had to file suit against the
Insurance Company to get paid, somehow, Mr. and Ms. Cordell
joined in an assignment of the insurance proceeds to the Bank. The
Opinion is silent on why this occurred, nor does it describe the
underlying relationship between the Cordells and the Bank.).
17 See Slither, 116 P. at 173 (Judgment against Bank as
penalty for charging usurious interest on loans); Booker v. First
National Bank, 245 P. 881, 881-882 (Okla. 1926) (Improper attach-
ment on, and garnishment affecting, the Debtor's Homestead).
18 See First National Bank in Durant v. Honey Creek
Entertainment Corp., 54 P.3d 100, 102 - 103 (Okla. 2002).
19 See First National Bank of Durant v. Trans Terra Corp.
Int'l., 142 F.3d 802 (5th Cir. 1998) (Attorney Malcolm Douglas of
the law firm of Lane and Douglas, prepared a title opinion for the
Bank's benefit. The Bank relied on the Opinion and loaned 1.5
million. The Borrower defaulted. When the Bank proceeded to
foreclose on the collateral, it discovered that the title opinion was
incorrect. The Borrower owned far less of an interest than what
Douglas represented in his opinion. The Bank sued several parties,
including Douglas, his partner and their law firm. The Bank's
expert said Douglas was negligent in preparing the Opinion with-
out having examined the courthouse records. The jury sided with
the Bank, awarding damages in the amount of the deficiency of the
204 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
loan (approximately $1.2 million). However, the Trial Judge threw
out the verdict, saying that as a matter of law, the Bank was not the
attorneys' client, so the Bank could not recover. However, the
Court of Appeals held that even though an Attorney-Client relation-
ship did not exist between Douglas and the Bank (and therefore,
the claim for attorney malpractice would not lie), the law did rec-
ognize the Bank's claim for negligent misrepresentation. The Court
of Appeals also held that the Bank could recover only on a more
limited measure of damages. Accordingly, the Court of Appeals
sent the case back to the Trial Court for further proceedings.).
Epilogue from outside the published case: On June 17, 1999, the
Trial Court eventually enters judgment in favor of the Bank and
against the individual attorneys and the law firm for approximately
5816,000.00, and the Court's record indicates the judgment has
been satisfied as to attorney Don Lane.
2° See Durant National Bank v. United States, 168 F. Supp.
203, 203-204 (E.D. Okla. 1958) (An aviation company assigned a
contract to the Bank. When the Bank sued for the $5,622.88 clue,
a Federal District Judge ruled that the contract was not assignable.
The Bank took nothing and was ordered to pay costs.).
21 See Erik Moller, Trends in Civil Jury Verdicts Since
(1996), at 7 ("((Jury verdict data can provide useful information
about the signals that attorneys and potential claimants receive
from the civil justice system....").
22 See Durant National Bank v. Cummins, 148 P. 1022,
1022-1023 (Okla. 1915) (The Bank lost in a trial before the Justice
of the Peace. The Bank appealed to County Court and tried the
case to a jury. The Bank lost again. However, the Supreme Court
reversed and sent the case back to the County Court.); Ardmore
Wholesale Grocery Co., 127 P. at 1071 - 1072; Honey Creek
Entertaimment Corp., 54 P.3c1 at 103 (Verdict awarding $1.86 mil-
lion to Customer against Bank.); see also School District No., 120 P.
at 614 (Judge instructs jury to find against the Bank.).
23 Except in two situations. In the first case, the
Honorable J.H. Linebaugh, Judge of the District Court of Coal
County, "directed" the jury to find for the Bank. See Jackson v.
Durant National Bank, 224 P. 960, 960 (Okla. 1924). In 1930, the
Supreme Court of Oklahoma affirmed the Judgment of the
Honorable Porter Newman, Judge of the District Court of Bryan
County, who "instructed" the jury to find for the Bank in a suit to
recover a promissory note of $2,383.95 and to foreclose on the
personalty given in security. See Potts v. First National Bank of
Durant, 287 P. 1003 (Okla. 1930). The Defendants, E.F. and Fannie
Potts, denied executing the instruments sued on. See id. Finding
the Potts' evidence in denial of the execution of the instruments to
be "practically no evidence at all," the Supreme Court of Oklahoma
held that Judge Newman's decision not to allow the jury to decide
the case was proper. See id. In practice, the "direction" or "instruc-
tion" given to the jury is really a command. In sonic jurisdictions,
"directing a verdict," is a complete fiction. The Judge actually dis-
misses the jury before they can begin deliberations and enters a
judgment for the Defendant. Therefore, a directed verdict may well
be contrary to whom the jury wants to find for.
In 1997, the Bank did finally get a favorable jury verdict.
However, the case was tried in Texas, and the Defendants were
lawyers. See Trans Terra Corp. MCI., 142 F.3cl at 806.
24 For example:
• Juror Profiling. A Bank has personal information on
members of the jury pool, by virtue of its loan files.
• Political Influence. Bank directors are often the towns
"who's who." It is likely that a Director is also a juror's doctor, den-
tist, veterinarian, insurance agent, political representative, real
estate agent, or equipment dealer.
• Economic Coercion. A Bank has subtle coercive power
since prospective jurors may have loans with the Bank, or may
want loans from the Bank.
Texas even has a rule of procedure to keep a local Bank
from "home-towning" its opponent. See TEX. R. CIV. P. 257, which
A change of venue may be granted in civil causes upon
motion of either party, supported by his own affidavit and the affi-
davit of at least three credible persons, residents of the county in
which the suit is pending, for any following cause:
(a) That there exists in the county where the suit is pend-
ing so great a prejudice against him that he cannot obtain a fair and
impartial trial.
(b) That there is a combination against him instigated by
influential persons, by reason of which he cannot expect a fair and
impartial trial.
(c) That an impartial trial cannot be had in the county
where the action is pending.
(d) For other sufficient cause to be determined by the
Needless to say, in a small county, the Bank knows who its
enemies are on the jury panel.
25 See Williams v. City of Durant, 202 P.2d 418, 418 -420
(Okla. 1949).
26 It appears that Courts were cognizant of the impact
their findings might have on the reputations of Bank Officers. See,
e.g., First State Bank of Durant v. Smith, 140 P. 150, 150 - 152 (Okla.
1914) (Bank sued C.H. Hardin Smith, president of "Durant State
Bank [Oklahoma State Bank] of Durant Okla," a Bank that was in
failing condition and in the hands of the State Banking
Commissioner. Smith owed Oklahoma State Bank $35,000 and
owed First State Bank money. First State Bank attached certain of
Smith's real estate, claiming that Smith had or was about to dispose
of the property with the intent to defraud, hinder or delay creditors.
The District Judge of Bryan County, Summers Hardy, dissolved the
levy of attachment, which cleared the way for an unencumbered
sale of Smith's property in Bryan and Marshall Counties to his Aunt
for $10,000 in cash paid to Smith and $25,000 paid directly to the
Bank Commissioner for Smith's liability to Oklahoma State Bank.
First State Bank appealed. First State Bank lost. The Supreme Court
repeated the rule of law that intent to defraud is never presumed.
The Justices stated they were "fully convinced that the evidence
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 205
does not tend to show, and that the trial court did not find, any
intent to defraud ISmithrsi creditors." The Supreme Court made a
marked contrast to what really occurred, which was "merely an
intent to prefer one [creditor) over the others in the order of pay-
27 See Schlegel v. Fuller; 149 P. 1118, 1119 (Okla. 1915).
28 See Bryan v. Lee, 252 P. 2 (Okla. 1926).
28 Id. at 2.
30 Q. Did you have any conversation with Lawrence Lee
at that time?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. State what he said and what you said.
A. Well, the conversation that I had with Him was that he
wanted me to go on back; if I would just go back that he would
turn me loose, and assured me that it wouldn't cost me anything if I
would go back and leave the house; that he just wanted possession
of his house.
Id. at 5.
31 See id. at 4 ("To adopt a lax rule, favorable to actions
for malicious prosecution, is to open the door in such action, and
to close the door to prosecutions, to turn society over to the law-
less, and to create a dread on the part of any one who dares to
32 See id. at 2.
33 See id. at 5. Claude C. Hatchett appears, as either an
attorney or witness, in more than twenty (20) published cases, over
a 49 year period. See Tally v. Kirk, 97 S.W. 1027 (Ct. App. Indian
Territory 1906); Steger v. Gibson, 287 P.2d 687 (Okla. 1955). Mr.
Hatchett's reputation grew accordingly. Compare Walden v.
Gardner; 156 P. 643, 643-644 (Okla. 1916) (generically identifying
Mr. Hatchett as a witness who authenticated a signature); Payton v.
Shipley 195 P. 125, 127 (Okla. 1921) (describing Mr. Hatchett
merely as a witness with "no interest in this action"); Great
American Insurance Co. v Williams, 251 P. 1012, 1013 (Okla.
1926) (describing Mr. Hatchett only as "a member of the Durant
bar"); with Protest of Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Co., 300 P.
713, 713 (Okla. 1931) (Mr. Hatchett appearing as "Special
Counsel" for County Excise Board of Bryan county, Oklahoma);
Steger 287 P.2d at 688 (referring to Mr. Hatchett as court approved
"special counsel"); and Bryan 252 P. at 5 (calling Mr. Hatchet) "a
reputable lawyer of Durant"). Mr. Hatchett, by himself, or with his
partner, Judge Ferguson, represented many local banks, including
Farmers National Bank of Durant, State National Bank, Guaranteed
State Bank of Durant, and not surprisingly, the First National Bank
of Durant. See, e.g., Guaranteed State Bank of Durant v
D'Yarmett, 169 P. 639, 639 (Okla. 1917); Ardmore Wholesale
Grocery Co., 127 P. at 1027; Suther, 116 P. at 173; Booker, 245 P.
at 881; Potts, 287 P. at 1003.
34 See Bryan, 252 P. at 4-5.
35 Backing out of something is occasionally referred to as
"crawfishing," as a crawfish backs out and away when moving.
See, e.g., Jones v. State, 520 S.W.2d 755, 757 (Tex. Crim. App.
1975) (in describing a witnesses' testimony that backed away from
his original story); Powers v. Council Bluffs, 45 Iowa 652, 652
(1877) (describing water damage to a property the Court described
the condition by saying "the [water] fall... made a cavity, and not
only that, but cut backwards, up stream, or, to use the language of
one of the witnesses, it crawfished"); Wilson v. State, 574 So,2d
1324, 1333 (Miss. 1990) (describing a "crawfishing" witness);
Wesley v. General Motors Acceptance Corp., No. 91 C 3368, 1992
U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4998, at *6-7 (N.D. III. 1992) (Judge describing
attorneys' misrepresentation and remarks that attorneys' "crawfish-
ing" to a different statement was not an improvement. Court ques-
tioned whether it was "more egregious" to make the false and mis-
leading statement or, having been caught, failing to "own up to it.").
36 See Bennett & Co., 271 P. at 142.
37 See In re Williams' Estate, 249 P.2d 94 (Okla. 1952).
30 See id. at 98-99. The finding that Judge Williams was
competent was made by both the County Court Judge hearing the
matter in probate, and the District Court Judge of Bryan County, the
Honorable Sam Sullivan. Both judges heard evidence and
approved the will.
39 See Honey Creek Entertainment Corp., 54 P.3d at 104-
40 Mr. Dufur is referred to as the "former President and
CEO of the First National Bank of Durant" in an August, 1998,
Stipulation and Consent Order ("Stipulation") between Mr. Dufur
and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. See In re Matter
of Dufur; No. 98-41, at 1 (Comp. Currency August 1998). The
Stipulation recites that the Comptroller intended to initiate civil
money penalty and cease and desist proceedings against Mr. Dufur,
based on "certain actions or omissions of IMr. Dufur] while serving
as President and CEO of" the Bank. See id. The Comptroller states
that it described the specific acts and omissions in a December 11,
1997, letter. See id. at 6. However, the Comptroller has refused
our request to make the letter public. See Letter from Frank D.
Vance, Jr., Manager of Disclosure Services and Administrative
to Andrew R. Korn (April 27, 2004) (on file with the authors).
41 The Federal Bankruptcy Judge hearing the Honey Creek
bankruptcy did not see Mrs. Clancy as quite so naive and vulnera-
ble. See In re Honey Creek Entertainment, Inc., 246 B.R. 671
(Bankr. F.D. Ok 2000). In his findings of fact, the Judge Cornish
called Mrs. Clancy's testimony on one issue "perplexing and suspi-
cious." See id. at 681. With a tone bordering on disgust, Judge
Cornish concluded:
This has been a most difficult case for the Court to decipher
since there have been such a myriad of financial dealings
between insiders and related entities. Most of these transactions
can hardly be categorized as inadvertent or careless. What the
Court has observed is a well thought out series of financial
manipulation that flies in the face of what the most basic
responsibilities are for a debtor-in-possession.
It has been clear from the outset of this case, as evidenced by
the many hearings this Court has presided over, that reorganiza-
tion and rehabilitation have never been objectives of this bank-
THE NINA NT 4::"'"'
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206 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
ruptcy. This case is crystal clear. Lena IClancyl and Mike have
sought to market this Park to someone who would pay enough
money to retire the note at Durant National Bank, and thus alleviate
Lena's personal guaranty on the note. A sale price in this range has
always been unrealistic. Lena never thought the Bank would sell the
Park to anyone who would pay enough money to retire the note, so
in effect, she would be stuck for any deficiency. This was a pipe
dream because an animal theme park located in the Arbuckle
Mountains of Oklahoma is just not going to bring the price of a
park located in Dallas, San Antonio or Oklahoma City.
It appears to the Court that once reality set in that a price could not
be obtained at a level to retire the bank note, the Clancys decided
to help themselves to ail available cash and assets, all to the detri-
ment of the creditors in this case. This was clone even after Lena
won a state court suit which in effect held her not to be liable under
her personal guaranty on the Honey Creek loan.
This case could be accurately described as a classic blueprint of
how not to perform the duties of a debtor-in-possession. Only a
cursory examination of the reports filed in the case and the many
hearings would show that the United States Trustee's monitoring of
this case left a lot to be desired. Never once did the United States
Trustee's office bring to the Court's attention any of the gross mis-
deeds and mismanagement of the Park by the Clancys.
Lena has gone to great pains to try to sell the Court on the idea that
she has been a "victim" who has been taken advantage of by Mr.
Armitage and Durant Bank. Everything that has gone wrong in this
case, from a business failure standpoint, Lena has always stood
ready to play the blame game. That is, if something terrible hap-
pens at the Park, it is always someone else's fault. If she did some-
thing improper, or if she performed some act without Court
approval, then it was because the United States Trustee's office or
her own lawyer failed to advise her not to do it or that it was
improper. The duties and responsibilities of the debtor-in-posses-
sion, a position of trust that rises to the highest level of fiduciary
duty, simply were trampled in this case. The highest and only inter-
ests served in this case were the self interests of the Clancy family
and their controlled entities. The Court has seen very few instances
here where decisions were made by the debtor-in-possession that
remotely benefited creditors.
Id. at 693.
42 United States v. Maxwell, No. 03-7063, 2004 U.S. App.
LEXIS 1706 (10th Cir. Feb. 4, 2004).
43 See id. at *2-3.
44 See Pope v. United States, 392 U.S. 651, 651 (1968)
(Death penalty provision of the Federal Bank Robbery Act is
Unconstitutional); A/berty v. State, 140 P. 1025, 1030 (Okla. Ct. Crim.
App. 1914) (Method of execution in Oklahoma prior to March 29,
1913, as mandatory "hanging by the neck until dead," with the possible
alternative method "by electricity if the court so orders." Atter March
29, 1913, new law provided that "punishment of death must be inflict-
ed by electrocution."); Brown v. State, 266 P. 491, 493 (Okla. Ct. Crim.
App. 1928) (Defendant plead guilty to the crime of robbing the
Farmers' State Bank of Jet, Oklahoma, with the use of firearms. The dis-
trict judge of Alfalfa County sentenced Defendant, age 19, to death by
electrocution. The Appellate Court modified the sentence to 15 years
imprisonment, with the County Attorney and Attorney General's con-
45 The Opinion does not specify which bank in Durant, Okla.
was robbed. Therefore, we went "outside" the record and called an
assistant U.S. Attorney to confirm which bank it was.
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
Deal with the
Leading Auction
ompany in United
States Currency
Fr. 379a $1,000 1890 T.N.
Grand Watermelon
Sold for
Fr. 183c $500 1863 L.T.
Sold for
Fr. 328 $50 1880 S.C.
Sold for
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 207
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Bob Lloyd in 1938
208 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
SINCE MAY 18, 1906
for decades I've been calling him simply Bob. The
world knows him as Robert H. [Hepworth] Lloyd, a
venerable personage rooted in the olde golde mysts
of our hobby's past.
Bob has been writing about National Currency since
these bills were still being circulated. He is a direct link
to the present generation of the hobby's fathers and even
Bob Lloyd joined SPMC in 1967. His membership
number (#2251) was the first number assigned in 1968.
That year this author turned a near grown-up twenty;
Bob Lloyd was a modest 62 by that time, if I've done my
math right, with a whole lifetime's worth of numismatic
skins already hanging on his wall. That was a genera-
tion -- 38 years --ago. He wasn't resting on his laurels,
scripted many articles for
this publication and even
became a regular columnist.
Robert H. Lloyd was
born May 18, 1906, at home
in a Buffalo, NY house that is
still there. Blessed with the
cool suave looks of a Milburn
Drysdale, he dated Samuel
Brown's daughter. Yes, this
Samuel Brown IS the same
Samuel Brown who once
owned all five of the 1913
Liberty nickels.
Buffalo was a hotbed of
numismatic activity. Local
physician B.P. Wright had
become ANA president in
1901, where he hosted that
year's entire ANA annual
convention at his office.
At age 20, Bob picked up
a copy of The Numismatist at
his local library and became
enthralled. Distinguished
obsolete currency cataloger
D.C. Wismer and fledgling dealer Moritz Wormser (both
early inductees into the ANA Hall of Fame) proposed Bob
for ANA membership, and in 1926 he became ANA #3024.
Membership cost a buck; his subscription to the magazine
was $2 bucks extra!!!
at University of
Michigan, Lloyd
commenced his pro-
fessional life as a cashier in
brokerage firms for six years, so he had the opportunity
to handle cash day in and day out.
Bob joined the local Buffalo Numismatic Association.
BNA was organized May 13, 1927. After he joined, he
attended meetings when home from college.
In 1929 he was elected BNA Secretary.
In June 1927, he published his first
short contribution in The Numismatist.
Titled "Making the Cheese Snappier," the
article was on U.S. coinage and was followed
by more than 50 additional articles over the
However, Bob's real passion was for
paper money. His first paper money article
in The Numismatist was "The Bank of
Tonawanda," published in the August. 1927,
issue. Bob also became a frequent paper
money exhibitor.
His first substantial paper money arti-
cle was in response to friend and mentor
Hatfield, PA's D.C. Wismer's "Descriptive
List of Obsolete Paper Money," which was a
continuing monthly column in the ANA peri-
odical. Today the Society's obsolete cata-
loging program is named after Wismer. Bob
Lloyd knew Wismer way back when.
Wismer's list had already been running for
five years by that time. Lloyd was reading
the May, 1927, installment when he realized
that he had notes related to the Mt.
Clemens, MI obsoletes described by Wismer.
On July 7, 1927, he sent Editor Frank Duffield "The
Bank of Tonawanda [NY]" about a wildcat note from the
Niagara Frontier that was in reality a rare remainder
note on the broken Bank of Macomb County. Mt.
:1111- . :1)
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
On This Date in Paper Money History -- May 2006
By Fred Reed ©
May 1
1815, British Army issues scrip at Michilmackinac (Ft. Mackinaw; 1854, Ohio out-
laws notes 510 or smaller issued by an out-of-state hank to promote circulation of
coinage; 1886, Congress approves National Banks' change of title or removal;
May 2
1740, Congressman Elias Boudinot, who appears on diverse obsolete notes, born;
1862, Cherokee Council and Commission authorizes tribal notes payable in
Confederate Currency; 1973, Last delivery of Series 1969A S5 FRNs;
May 3
1797, British Bank Restriction Act passed; 1864, Congressional committee investi-
gates National Currency Bureau for alleged fraud and promiscuity;
May 4
1865, At Washington, GA Jefferson Davis appoints Robert H. Clarke acting Treasurer
of the CSA; 1900, Colonial counterfeiting author Kenneth Scott born;1989, Paper
Money of South Vietnam, 1955-1975 by Nguyen Van Phung copyrighted;
May 5
1897, New York Congressman and "inventor of the greenbacks" Ethridge Gerry
Spaulding dies; 1992, Paper money dealer and collector Aubrey Bebee dies;
May 6
1808, Supreme Court Justice William Strong who authored the majority opinion
upholding the constitutionality of legal tender notes born; 1844, British House of
Commons debates the Bank Charter Act of 1844;
May 7
1833, Paper Money subject Abraham Lincoln appointed Postmaster of Salem, IL;
1839, New York Legislature forbids circulation of worthless shinplasters;
May 8
1806, ''Financier of the Revolution' and Superintendent Of Finance 1781-1784 Robert
Morris IFR 1861 clies; 1936, NY Congressman Edward B. Vreeland, co-author of
Aldrich-Vreeland national currency act, dies;
May 9
1754, first use of Benjamin Franklin's "loin or Die colonial snake design in
Pennsylvania Gazette; 1863, Hugh McCulloch appointed first Comptroller;
May 10
1837, New York City banks suspend specie payments, followed generally by others,
Depression begins; 1889 End of Rosecrans-Hyatt combined tenure;
May 11
1647, Dutch Governor of New Netherlands Peter Stuyvesant, who appears on U.S.
obsoletes, reaches New York; 1908, Joseph Ralph becomes BEP Director;
May 12,
1837, Philadelphia issues scrip; 2002, Bruce McGill plays the role of former NASCA
owner Undersecretary of State George Ball in made for TV movie Path to War;
May 13
1874, Overprinted black charter numbers appear on S5 NBNs; 1994, Wisconsin
Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip by Chet Krause published;
May 14
1804, Lewis and Clark (FR 114-122) set out on exploration; 1840, New York amends
tree banking act; 1910, Canadian Currency Act of 1910 gets approval from Crown;
May 15
1864, Chicago Board of Trade accepts only NBNs and greenbacks; 1912, Alabama
Obsolete Paper Money author Walter Roselle born; 1964, SPMC incorporated by Tom
Bain, Glenn Smedley and George Wait in Washington, D.C.;
May 16
1779, Banknote engraver John Draper born; 1863, Counterfeit 50-cent postage cur-
rency circulates in Columbus, OH;
May 17
171H, Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris submits a plan for a national hank;
1938, BEP occupies Treasury Annex Building;
May 18
1906, Longtime SPMC member Robert H. Lloyd born, happy birthday Bob; 1914
Federal Reserve Bank Notes bear this printed dated; 1983, The film L'Argent (Money)
about a forged 500-franc note debuts in France;
May 19
1862, General B.F. Butler issues General Order 30 authorizing incorporated banks to
issue bills less than 55, and requiring banks to pay out no more Confederate notes;
1919, Tennessee banking and currency author Paul Garland born;
May 20
1506, Columbus (FR 186d-1871) dies; 1777, United States" appears on our currency
replacing "United Colonies;" 1867, FNB of New Orleans fails, first large NB to do so;
May 21
1541, Desoto discovers the Mississippi River (FR 409-423) just south of present day
Memphis; 1838, Congress authorizes one-year interest-bearing notes of S50 and up;
2005, First meeting of the Ohio National Currency Collectors Assn. (ONCCA);
May 22
1802, Martha Washington (FR 215-221 and FR 224-2251 dies; 1933, Congress
declares all currency in circulation legal tender dollar for dollar as if they were gold;
May 23
1934, Clyde Barrow/Bonnie Parker ambushed near Sailes, LA; 2002, An Illustrated
Catalogue of Early North American Advertising Notes by Robert A. Vlack copyrighted;
May 24
1824, Register of Treasury Lucius Chittenden born; 1926, Congress prohibits national
banks with titles "United States," "Federal," or "Reserve" in name;
May 25
1803, Ralph Waldo Emerson, who said "Money often costs too much," born; 1911
Early Paper Money of America author Eric P. Newman born;
May 26
1826, British Parliament approves rural banks breaching Bank of England's monopoly;
1862, Confederate currency worth 28 cents on the dollar at New Orleans;
May 27
1720, The Bank of John Law in France stops payment in specie; 1863, Last issue of
Postage Currency; 1977, NASCA sale of Maryland Historical Society paper money;
May 28
1784, Continental Congress establishes Board of Treasury with three commissioners;
1870, I. Walter Scott holds first auction; 1928, Dallas, TX Coin Club organized;
May 29
1762, South Carolina Colonial Currency (FR SC84); 1912, BEP begins to launder
paper money to extend life of notes; 1949, U.S. Treasurer William A. Julian dies;
May 30
1778, French author Voltaire, who said "paper money eventually returns to its intrin-
sic value: zero,' dies; 1908, National Monetary Commission established;
May 31
1781, Congress declares Continental Currency no longer legal tender; 1928
Beginning of Woods-Tate tenure; 1949, obsolete banknote cataloger David Cassel
Wismer dies; 2002, American Play Money Society ceases;
Tit,. 11.1. , , r1 111. - “.$(1,
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210 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
reservoir of local numismatic talent avail-
able, the ANA show did indeed come back
to Buffalo in 1930. Lloyd served on five
convention committees and chaired the
Papers Committee.
At that show, on Aug. 23, 1930, Albert
A. Grinnell and Robert H. Lloyd exhibited
their paper money at the Buffalo, NY ANA
convention. Only 24 years old,
he was also nominated
for a seat on the ANA
board, and was
elected to that post
Clemens, MI (north of Detroit),
which had been printed to send
off into the hinterland (payable
in western New York), a wild-
cat issue far from the issuing
Early on Lloyd also adver-
tised photographic reproduc-
tions of these rare notes for
sale in the ANA periodical.
Lloyd's collection of feder-
al currency was launched on
August 21, 1928, he told me,
when he purchased 19 high-
grade, low-denomination type
notes from legendary paper
money dealer George H. Blake
of Rochester, NY. Lloyd spent $95.75 for the five Extra
Fine and 14 Uncirculated bills. These same notes book
today (according to the 17th edition of Friedberg) at
Lloyd was an activist. On Oct. 18, 1927, ANA
dynamo Robert H. Lloyd pled for standardization of coin
grading a full
grading forum was
LnY[11111 At Int /61111141.34
No 8
An Illustrated Monthly for Those Interested
in Coins, Medals and Paper Money.
1.1.1YAilo • 1,1,Elin
Bob Lloyd s first pub-
lished paper money
standards for the attribution of coins in
both public and private sales," according to former ANA
historian David Sklow.
On Aug. 22, 1929, 23-year-old activist Robert H.
Lloyd reported back to the ANA on the need for uniform
coin grading standards. He also boldly encouraged the
ANA Board that the 1930 ANA convention be held in his
hometown, Buffalo.
Due in large measure to Lloyd's enthusiasm and the
27, 1930.
A small
copper medalet of
that period issued in 1932
marks Lloyd's selection as
President of the Buffalo
Numismatic Assn. Serving with him
were N.S. Hopkins as Treasurer and Stuart Mosher as
Secretary. Hopkins, too, was a paper money fan.
Bob then became a high school teacher for 30 years,
followed by being director of an adult education program
for another 16 years.
On July 15, 1935, he married his wife, Gladys
Hepworth at the home of a cousin in Port Chester, NY.
Gladys has already celebrated 100 years being young,
and the couple enjoyed their 70th anniversary, also. The
Lloyds were blessed by a daughter, Martha, and a son
Bob Lloyd's collecting pursuits were far
ranging. He reported on the silver Wilson dollar
struck to celebrate the opening of the Manila
Mint in 1920, bearing a portrait of Woodrow
Wilson and a reverse depicting the sheltering arm
of a maternal USA and its Pacific dependency.
Writing in The Numismatist in 1939. Robert H.
Lloyd noted that these Wilson medals "remained
available at issue price, $1 for silver or 50 cents for
bronze until recently."
In 1942 Lloyd was appointed Director of Coin
Purchases for the Moritz Wormser Memorial Loan
Exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution, according
to a former ANA historian. Formation of the ANA's
numismatic collection began in the 1920s with the
establishment this Moritz Wormser Memorial Loan
Exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution.
While on the ANA Board of Governors, Lloyd
served on the ANA's Finance and Auditing, Banquet
and Program Committees.
After the war, on Aug. 23, 1947, the ANA annual con-
vention returned once again to Buffalo, and Lloyd served
on four convention committees that time around. He was
a member of the Convention Advisory Board, Program,
Registration and Trips Committees for the ANA's 1947
"He served on many ANA convention committees
half century before the first third party
established and ANA published a
grading system.
The follow-
ing year at the
Rochester ANA
convention, Bob
was named chair
of a committee
"charged with
Bank of Macomb County, Mt.
('lemons, payable at the BANK
tographic reproduction. Each .50c.
One Dollar, Mt. Clemens, togeth-
er with the above. the two
photos . . . ;5c.
93 Christiana,
North Tonawanda, New Yor
A 1927 ad by Bob Lloyd in The
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
On This Date in Paper Money History -- June 2006
By Fred Reed
June 1
1685, M. Jacques de Meulles pays French troops in Canada promises to pay printed
on playing card backs, declares use as money mandatory; 1833, Treasury Secretary
Oliver Wolcott Jr. dies; 1949, Georgia Neece Clark first female U.S. Treasurer;
June 2
1863, Richmond Examiner reports circulation of CSA 50-cent notes; 1987, President
Reagan announces Alan Greenspan to succeed Paul Volcker as Fed Board chairman;
June 3
1864, Congress limits NBN circ. to $300 million; 1978, Price Guide for the Collector
of Modern U.S. Paper Money Errors 4th ed by Tom DeLorey and Fred Reed published;
June 4
1818, Peter Maverick utilizes multiple plates as "An attempt to prevent forgery of
bank notes"; 1969, production of 1963B $1 FRNs with Joseph W. Barr signature
ceases; 1977, 1st Memphis International Paper Money Show held with 947 attendees;
June 5
1723, Adam Smith, author of Wealth of Nations and proponent of paper money to
stimulate business, baptized (date of birth uncertain); 1883, Macroeconomist John
Maynard Keynes born; 1964, BEP accepts first paper from Gilbert Paper Company;
June 6
1799, Virginia Governor Patrick Henry, who appears on obsolete notes, dies; 1934,
Securities Act of 1934 establishes the Securities and Exchange Commission;
June 7
1841, Henry Clay introduces legislation to abolish Independent Treasury; 1877, paper
money artist Edwin White (Landing of the Pilgrims, FR 1781 - 1809a) dies;
June 8
1872, Congress authorizes $5,000 and 510,000 Currency Certificates of Deposit;
2005, National Institute of Environmental Health Services publishes "Understanding
the Design and Symbolism of the U.S. $1 Bill" on its "Kids' Pages" web page;
June 9
1837, Republic of Texas authorizes interest - bearing currency emblazoned with a Lone
Star; 1923, Brinks employs its first armored security truck; 1995, Civil War Encased
Stamps by Fred Reed first numismatic book to be published on CD format;
June 10
1821, St. Louis banker Moses Austin dies; 2005, Show Me the Money: the Standard
Catalog of Motion Picture, TV, Stage & Advertising Prop Money copyrighted;
June 11
1863, FNB of Philadelphia (charter tl) organized; 2004, Bank of Canada Currency
Museum hosts "African Currency" exhibition;
June 12
1865, pioneer paper money collector Albert A. Grinnell born; 1945, Public tours, sus-
pended as to wartime measure, resume at BEP; 1978, SPMC Wismer Chairman
Wendell Wolka publishes catalog standards for future reference books;
June 13
1866, 14th Constitutional Amendment repudiating CSA and Southern States debt
referred to state legislatures for ratification; 1929, first delivery 1928 520 FRNs;
June 14
1858, ABNCo receives contract to print U.S. obligations;; 1979, divided SPMC Board
approves destruction of portion of Wismer book inventory; 2003, SPMC Board names
Fred Reed Paper Money publisher;
On Target? More people read this page
and refer to it more frequently.
Zero in on your customer here
Contact the Editor for assistance
June 15
1767, Pennsylvania Colonial Currency (FR127-129); 1864, CSA Treasury Secretary
Christopher G. Memminger resigns; 1975, Ray Byrne Collection Sale begin;
June 16
1848, Piqua, OH ordinance orders redemption of municipal scrip; 1934, Last delivery
of Series 1928B S5 USNs; 1984, SPMC stages annual banquet at Rendezvous;
June 17
1897, Al3NCo makes first delivery from its plant in Ottawa, Canada; 1964, Harry
Solmson Confederate note collection displayed at Little Rock's old Capitol building;
June 18
1764, Printing innovator Benjamin Franklin prints notes for Pennsylvania; 1948, U.S.,
British and French zones in West Germany convert from AMC to Deutsche marks;
June 19
1893, End of Rosecrans-Morgan tenure; 1937, StL Fed Bank President William Poole
born; 1981, SPMC Wismer book on Rhode Island by Roger Durand goes on sale;
June 20
1782, Bald eagle designated as national emblem; 1944, BEP delivers experimental R
and S 1935A S1 Silver Certificates, 1948, Deutsche Mark replaces Reichsmark;
June 21
1731, Martha Washington (FR 215-221) born; 1880, Bank of England President Josiah
Stamp, who said "Banking was conceived in iniquity, and was born in sin," born;
Don't wish for new customers. Do something.
Readers will notice your logo on this page.
Catching attention > catching ca$$$h!
June 22
1861, Hamer's Weekly lampoons Confederate "Owe Ever, Pay Never" finance; 2005,
Providence Equity Partners sells KP (Krause Publications) for an undisclosed sum;
June 23
1862, Lincoln vetoes Act repealing prohibition on small denomination notes in DC;
1897, George W. Massamore holds his last auction sale;
June 24
1807, Bank of the Manhattan Company founder and Vice President Aaron Burr indict-
ed for treason; 1980, Charlie Daniels' Band's song "Money" copyrighted;
June 25
1862, City Savings Association of Mobile, Alabama, circulates shinplasters; 1943,
Counterfeiting in America author Lynn Glaser born;
June 26
1796, NJ Colonial currency engraver and first U.S. Mint Director David Rittenhouse
dies; 1878, land for first BEP facility purchased for $27,500;
June 27
1934, U.S. Federal Savings and Loan Assn. created; 1988, ANA scrip and souvenir
card mark opening of Bebee paper money exhibition at ANA Museum;
June 28
1836, President James Madison (FR 1881 dies; 1996, The Truth Machine by Heritage
Rare Coins/Currency co-chairman Jim Halperin published;
June 29
1885, Confederate currency facsimilist Samuel C. Upham dies; 1955, Congressman
Lyndon B. Johnson introduces bill providing all U.S. currency bear motto IGWT;
June 30
1812, Congress fixes compensation at $1.25/hundred treasury notes signed for Loan
Office appointees; 1864, Comptroller reports $650 million greenbacks circulating 4•
Bob Lloyd s original 1928 purchase from George H. Blake
Den. Series
$ 1 LT
1 8 6 9
1 "
1 8 8 0
1 TN
1 8 9 0
1" L 8 9 1
1 SC 1 8 9 1
1 SC
1 8 9 9
1 Sc
1 8 9 9
1 SC
1 8 9 9
1 LT
1 9 1 7
2 LT
1 8 6 9
2 TN
1 8 9 1
2 SC
1 8 9 9
2 SC
1 8 9 9
5 LT
1 8 63
5 LT
1 8 6 9
5 TN
1 8 9 0
5 SC
1 8 9 6
5 SC
1 9 2 3
Seal Signatures From When CP
All-Spin. GHB 8/21/28
Brown L
Rose-Neb. It
Rose —HYSter "
Reg red Bru-Robts.
Rose-Neb. (J "
reg blue Lyon-Robt. 11 11
Nap-McCl. 11
reg red
Tee Burke
reg blue Speel Wht
All Spin.AC "
reg red
Rose-Nob 6x " 11
reg blue Nap-Thom
Par Burke
let red ,hi-1,1•.
reg red Ail Spin. 11
Rose Neb Ejf "
small red Til-Mor
11 tI
reg blue Speel Wht
212 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
over the next 20 years. . . During the 1940s and 1950s,
it was difficult to open an issue of The Numismatist
without seeing something by (or about) this man," an
associate noted.
In 1991 Lloyd assisted in cutting the ANA
Centennnial birthday cake at its convention in
Chicago. Participating were Association President
Kenneth L. Hallenbeck, and William Heath Race,
grandson of Dr. George F. Heath, ANA founder. Lloyd
has also been a member of the ANA Numismatic Hall
of Fame Advisory Board for a number of years.
At its 2001 Convention, ANA honored Bob's 75th
anniversary as a member of the ANA at the ANA
Awards Banquet at the Association's 110th
Anniversary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.
According to the association's Stephen L. Bobbitt,
Lloyd is the first ANA member to achieve 75 continu-
ous years of membership!
During the fete, he also received the ANA Medal of
Merit, which honors "individuals who have dedicated
numerous years of service to the association and promo-
tion of the hobby." This prestigious award includes a cer-
tificate and an engraved, silver medal.
I have corresponded with Bob Lloyd dozens of times
over the past 30 years. Our initial meeting came about
after I had written an article for Coin World in the mid-
1970s on Eastman National Business College scrip (a life-
long collecting interest of
mine), and Bob contacted
me because his father.
Morris D. Lloyd, had gradu-
ated from Eastman.
What followed was an
interesting series of corre-
spondence spanning decades
and many generous gifts of
personal Eastman heirlooms
from Bob to me.
He has been retired for
the past 38 years, and sever-
al times in recent years Bob
has bequeathed original doc-
uments and letters he's
gathered over the decades in
Arkk the hobby to this scribe.
Bob Lloyd in 1939 His own pen has been
prolific, too, especially on
paper money topics. For many years Lloyd was regarded
by many as one of the leading authorities on small-size
paper money. From 1927-on Bob authored many articles
in The Numismatist (41), Numismatic Scrapbook (27),
and Coin Collectors Journal (4), Paper Money (47), TAMS
Journal (4), Check Collector's Round Table (2) focusing on
National Bank Notes, 20th Century paper money, scrip,
tokens, Lincolniana and a whole host of
other numismatic subjects.
It should be remembered that many of
these were not based on catalogs -- on the
contrary these were the original research on
25 which the catalogs were based! Bob also col-
50 laborated with luminaries Lee Hewitt and
William P. Donlon on successive early cata-
logs of modern small size U.S. currency.
20 Note, these are some listings from the ANA
0 Library Catalog:
US70.L6 Lloyd, Robert H.
A type set of $1.00 and $2.00 United
750 States currency notes. 28p. ill. Reprinted
60 from Numismatic Scrapbook.
US9015 Lloyd, Robert H.
National bank notes, Federal Reserve
2 5 bank notes, Federal Reserve notes, 1928-
350 1950. New York, Raymond, 1953. 16p. (Coin
Collector's Journal, Jan-Feb, 1953).
3 5 US90.D6 Donlon, William P.
750 Price catalog of United States small size
3 paper money, by William P. Donlon, with
additional material by Robert H. Lloyd and
800 Lee F. Hewitt. Chicago, Hewitt, 1964. 104p.
ill. (Hewitt's Numismatic Information
80 Series). Lloyd, Robert H., Hewitt, Lee F.
US90.D6 1966 Donlon, William P.
Donlon catalog of United States small
700 size paper money, by William P. Donlon.
with additional material by Robert H. Lloyd
and Lee F. Hewitt, error notes by James
Grebinger. 2nd edition. Chicago, Hewitt,
1966. 128p. ill. (Hewitt's Numismatic
Information Series). Lloyd, Robert H.,
Hewitt, Lee F., Grebinger, James.
re ms rl■
Nobody pays more than Huntoon for
state and territorial Nationals
Peter Huntoon
P.O. Box 60850
Boulder City, NV 89006
We are proud to continue the
numismatic legacy begun in 1933
Specializing in Quality and Rare U.S. Currency
U.S. Large Size Fractionals U.S. Small
Nationals National Gold Bank Notes
Kagin's -- an established name for conserva-
tive grading of quality notes.
We specialize in building U.S. currency collec-
tions of premium quality and rare notes.
Favorable terms to suit your individual needs.
98 Main Street #201
Tiburon, CA 94920 1-888-8KAGINS
Call Judy
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 213
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks,
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
You are invited to visit our web page
For the past 7 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
(708) 784-0974
P.O. Box 451 Western Sprints, IL 60558
Published by
The Historical Society of the Tonawandas, Inc.
Tonawanda. Sc.,/ York
November 1969
No. 4
MI tali MIL
214 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
US90.D6 1967
Donlon, William P.
Donlon catalog of United States small
size paper money, by William P. Donlon.
with additional material by Robert H. Lloyd
and Lee F. Hewitt, section on error notes by
James Grebinger. 3rd edition. Chicago,
Hewitt, 1967. 128p. ill. (Hewitt's
Numismatic Information Series).
Lloyd, Robert H., Hewitt, Lee F.,
Grebinger, James
US90.D6 1968
Donlon, William P.
Donlon catalog of United States small
size paper money, by William P. Donlon.
with additional material by Robert H. Lloyd
and Lee F. Hewitt, section on error notes by
James Grebinger. 4th edition. Chicago.
Hewitt, 1968. 128p. ill. (Hewitt's
Numismatic Information Series).
Lloyd, Robert H.. Hewitt, Lee F..
Grebinger, James
The Numismatic Index of Periodicals
(NIP) serves up these additional listings cov-
ering a gamut of numismatic interests:
LLOYD, ROBERT H.\ Small Size U. S.
Paper Money \CCJour#2\Vol# 3\1936\
APR \Pg# 10
2 LLOYD. ROBERT H.\ Small Size U. S. Paper
Money \CCJour#2\Vol# 3\1936\MAY\Pg# 35
3 LLOYD, ROBERT H.\ Small Size U. S. Paper
Money \CCJour#2\Vol# 3\ 1936\JUN\Pg# 60
4 LLOYD, ROBERT H.\ Small Size U. S. Paper
Money \CCJour#2\Vol# 3\1936\JUL\Pg# 80
5 LLOYD. ROBERT H.\ Small Size U. S. National
Currency - National Bank Notes \CCJour#2\Vol#
3\1936\SEP\Pg# 118
6 LLOYD. ROBERT H.\ Small Size U. S. National
Currency - Federal Reserve Bank Notes \CCJour#2\Vol#
3\ 1936\NOV\Pg# 167
7 LLOYD. ROBERT H.\ Cataloguing Your
Invasion Coins \CCJour#2\Vol# 12\1945\MAY-JUN\
Pg# 47
Small Size National Currency Bob Lloyd in 19
(National Bank Notes). Federal
Reserve Bank Notes. Small Size
Federal Reserve Notes. 1928-1950
\CCJour#2\Vol# 20 \ 1953 \JAN-
FEB\Pg# 1-16
Making The Cheese Snappier
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.40
\1927 JUN\Pg.332
Tonawanda, Notes (Robert H.
Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.40\ 1927 AUG\
Dollar Bill. (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol.41 \ 1928 JUN\Pg.345
DOLLAR\ Silver Dollar Problem,
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\
Vol.41\1928 DEC\Pg.714
Currency in Review (Robert H.
Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.42\1929 JUL\
14 GRADING\ Standard
Classification And Its Purpose
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\
Vol.43\ 1930 JAN\Pg.9
Temporary Listing Of The New
Currency (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol.43\1930 JUL\Pg.438
Collecting National Bank Notes
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\
Vol.44\1931 NOV\Pg.765
17 SCRIP\ Lockport
Flour Notes (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol. 45 \ 1932
Paper Money Cataloguing
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\
Vol.47\1934 JAN\Pg.27
19 TOKENS \ Some
Attractive Masonic Pieces
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.48\1935 AUG \Pg.501
20 COLLECTING\ What Price Recent Issues
(Robert Ft. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.49\1936 AUG\Pg.614
21 SCRIP\ Lincolniana, Bank Of C. Dautremont,
Angelica, N.Y. (Robert H. Lloyd) \ ANA\Vol.51\1938
22 TOKENS\ Are Transportation Tokens
Numismatic (Robert H. Lloyd) \ ANA\Vol.51\1938 MAR
\ Pg.202
23 TOKENS\ Romance Of The Transportation
Token (Robert H. Lloyd) \ ANA\Vol.51\1938 APR
24 TOKENS\ Value Of Transportation Tokens
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.51 \ 1938 MAY\Pg.406
25 COINS, GENERAL\ Coinage Of The Philippines
Under American Dominion (Robert H. Lloyd)
44 \ANA\Vol.52 \ 1939 APR \Pg.289
26 COINS, GENERAL\ Coinage Of The
Philippines Under American Dominion (Robert
H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.52\1939 MAY\Pg.372
27 COINS, GENERAL\ Coinage Of The
Philippines Under American Dominion (Robert
H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.52\1939 JUN\Pg.451
28 PAPER MONEY\ Small Size Federal
Reserve Notes (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol.52\ 1939 JUL\Pg.540
29 EARLY AMERICAN\ Collecting Our
American Colonials (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol.53\ 1940 MAR \Pg.165
30 PAPER MONEY\ Recent Changes In
Our Paper Currency (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol.56 \ 1943 SEP\Pg.693
31 TOKENS\ Token Issue Of The Buffalo
Numismatic Association (Robert H. Lloyd)
\ANA\Vol.58\ 1945 OCT\Pg.1102
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 215
* P.O. BOX 847 -- Flemington, NJ 08822
k Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235
* * * * * * *Je*ss*Li*pk*a, *Pr*op*ri"to*r * * * * * * ***:
* . t • ; Ap
0 TEN1', 11 41 L. E rn-Mil 11 1 7"AM WW1 4NagM Wil .4 ' 110/ . ,I,Ni
41 =WAIL) -:-. 't_llaiiEtir71"11-1.-
h i. ; , ■ ft ()'.
5J0* ' bitiitte04.
A NW *
* 3z:Dli *t//;///mium A''
111:4Wir 11
ov _ *
*0? MAMMON nit Ti.- *
* - ... ".......
4 • t
EY d0 '`' A9 X 1..
nls , 4
* ,- . n N2, •
( a I,,. . . x . ils •I'zz.;:". ,.=• , is , X H. . TIN'qw,-, *
* *
* *
* *
Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and* *
* Regional Collections, Red Seals, Brown Backs, *
Statistical Rarities, New Jersey.* *
* Also Buying Coin Collections and Type *
* *
* NO DEAL TOO LARGE! ** ********************** *
* *
* *
* *
Bob Lloyd in 1980
Bob Lloyd in 1997
MONEY \ Vinson's
Name On Dollar
Certificates (Robert H.
Lloyd) \ ANA\
V o 1 . 5 9 \ 1 9 4 6
Overseas Currency
Notes Plentiful, (Robert
H. Lloyd) \ANA\
Vol. 60 \ 1947
MONEY \ Treasury
Miscalculation (Robert
H. Lloyd) \ANA\
Vol.85\ 1972 JAN\
35 MISCELLANEOUS \ Treasury Miscalculation
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.85\1972 FEB\Pg.220
36 PAPER MONEY\ Treasury Notes Of 1890
(Robert H. Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.86\1973 SEP\Pg.1599
COINAGE SYSTEM". --letter to the editor\ (Robert H.
Lloyd) \ANA\Vol.95\1982 FEB\Pg.317-19
38 GENERAL\ Lloyd, Robert H. \Scrapbook \
Vol.34 \1968 FEB\Pg.196, 498, 537
Lloyd also was a regular columnist for our Society
journal for years. He penned our popular "Syngraphic
Vignettes" column. Our comprehensive Paper Money
Index, compiled by George Tremmel shows these listings
on large size currency, college notes, exonumia, scrip and
other topics:
Additional comments on plate varieties, series of 1914
Federal Reserve Notes. illus
75 14 55 22
An analysis of Silver Certificates, series 1935 D,
in original packs 71 10 38 53
Block number additions, 1899
certificates 72 11 42 71
Block numbers in 1899 dollar
certificates 71 10 39 94
Canada currency, a backward look. 82 21 100 176
College Currency. illus 78 17 73 32
College currency II. illus 81 20 92 91
College currency III. illus 82 21 98 51
College currency IV. illus. 84 23 111 133
"Commission" advertising scrip. illus 81 20 92 63
Exonumia an unusual profit sharing scrip of
Canadian Tire Corp. illus 79 18 82 222
Jerg Giaze, illus. 97 36 92 197
More interspersed plate numbers 71 10 39 102
More on the 1923 silver certificates 85 24 116 81
Our vanishing Gold Certificates 73 12 46 91
Payroll scrip--panic of 1893. illus 74 13 51 112
Plate numbers and check numbers 83 22 104 64
Syngraphic vignettes 89 28 142 129
89 28 144 195
90 29 147 78
91 30 153 77
91 30 154 116
91 30 156 186
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Syngraphic vignettes 92
31 157 14
32 165 103
93 32 167 165
Hoards! I
36 188 37
Hoards! II
36 189 91
Hoards! III
36 190 127
The unfortunate series, 1902-1908 87 26 129 88
Series 1935D in original packs
analyzed. 71
38 53
Lloyd has had other interests besides numismatics.
He was a member of the National Railway Historical
Society, and also the City Historian of his hometown,
North Tonawanda. NY. These intests coincided when he
penned a monograph Trolley Days in the Tonawandas for
Bob Lloyd and Ken Hallenbeck in 1991
the local historical society in November, 1969.
Lloyd not only had fond remembrances of the "trolley
days" of his youth. His father Morris was the purchasing
agent for one of the lines, and Bob had his daybook and
papers to supplement other primary source material. He
dedicated the 48-page
booklet to his mother
Lillian "who talked local
history to her children."
Those history talks
took root, and Lillian's
son Bob has participated
in a range of history-
making himself. Thanks,
Bob, for sharing your
curiosity and passion for
numismatics all these
years in so many ways.
We fondly remember
your generosity with
deep appreciation, and
wish you 100 more years
happiness to come.
To be continued +
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Incumbents return to SPMC Board
N O ADDITIONAL SPMC MEMBERS FILED TO runfor our Society Board beyond the incumbents this
time around. Thus, no election is necessary, and the
Secretary will cast a vote in favor of retaining each of the
incumbents on the Board. In keeping with past practice,
however, each incumbent has provided some biographical
information so that members can know who it is who
serves them in this important capacity.
Benny Bolin
The current SPMC President, Benny is a Registered
Nurse, and Director of Patient Care Services at Baylor
University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He holds a BS
in Biology from Baylor University, AD in Nursing from El
Centro College, and an MS in Management from
University of Texas at Dallas.
Married to Kim for 24 years, the
couple has a son Brandon, 13 years
old, who "has been to Memphis every
year since birth," Bolin notes.
A former large cent collector,
Benny now specializes in Fractional
Currency and South Carolina obso-
lete notes, fiscal paper and
SPMC #6795, Bolin is also a
member of the ANA, TNA, FCCB,
NLG and ASCC. He has edited both the TNA News and
FCCB Newsletter. Bolin has exhibited at Memphis since
1985. He has also served as Exhibit chairman for TNA,
and won exhibit awards in his native state. His major
research projects include Spencer Morton Clark and CSA
watermarked paper.
Benny's goals: "I currently feel that SPMC is like all
other hobby clubs, suffering from collector apathy and
time constraints. I hope to inspire people by leading by
example to do more for the hobby and contribute in some
Mark B. Anderson
Current SPMC Vice President, Mark Anderson has
been a paper money collector since the age of 11. While
he would admit to other acquisitive tendencies, such as
some coins and stamps, paper money has always been his
principal focus. He began collecting when he received, to
him, an unusual bill in change on a bus in 1967.
Curiosity about the note begat accu-
mulation of others like it, and with
time, collections of Spanish, Swedish,
and United States paper money. He
today collects each country by type
and also has several specialized col-
lections, including Swedish private
bank notes, Spanish Civil War cur-
rency, and Wisconsin National Bank
Within the first year of his col-
lecting, Mark's father, Burnett, became interested in
coins. This led to the elder Anderson's long second career
with Krause Publications. Until Burnett's death in 1998,
father and son often traveled to shows and auctions
A veteran of commercial banking in the metropolitan
New York market, he finds that the lessons of history,
particularly economic, political and social, can be learned
and illustrated with the stories that paper money tells.
"As the world of banking evolves at an accelerated pace,
the issues and needs remain constants; only the tools are
changing," the veteran banker opines.
Mark has a BA in Economics received from the
University of Rochester in 1977, and an MBA in Finance
and Accounting awarded by the same school in 1978. He
recently stepped down as SPMC Treasurer after nine
years. Mark is a longtime member of the SPMC (mem-
ber #7300) and the IBNS.
He is currently doing selective consulting work for a
SOHO-based start-up, advisory work to a commercial
bank, and working as a part-time associate at R.M.
Smythe. As SPMC VP, Mark is trying to increase the
level and frequency of SPMC publicity, and has been seen
as an occasional correspondent for the BNR.
Judith Murphy
Past President and longtime
Board member, Judith Murphy is
LM#262/HLM #11 of SPMC. She was
the first woman Vice-President and
President of the Society. In recent
years, Judith has been responsible for
conducting highly successful SPMC
regional meetings around the coun-
try. She has also held high offices in
several regional and state numismat-
ic organizations, including the Blue Ridge Numismatic
Association, and the North Carolina Numismatic
Association. Judith was named a "Numismatic
Ambassador" by Krause Publications, and has received
the "Glenn Smedley Award" from the American
Numismatic Association. She and her husband Claud are
frequent attendees at convention bourses. They live in
Winston-Salem, NC.
Ron Horstman
Past SPMC present Ron Horstman is a native of St.
Louis. Horstman collects obsoletes and Nationals from
that area. SPMC life member #12, he was accorded
Honorary Life Membership in the Society in 2001 in
recognition of his many contributions to SPMC since he
joined in 1964. Ron has written for Paper Money and
other publications. Recent contributions to this magazine
included a rare Missouri scrip note, the life saga of a
prominent banker, and identification of vignette por-
traits. Horstman is also a LM of the
Missouri Numismatic Society, and
Honorary Life Member #1 of the
PCDA. He has served as General
Chairman of PCDA's St. Louis show
since 1986 and was instrumental in
securing SPMC co-sponsorship years
ago of that annual event, at which he
has presented education forums sev-
eral times in recent years.
Prepping for Memphis
Q pring arrived today in a bizarre fashion. At home in
Texas, we have had our A/C on for weeks and this morn-
ing, my wife awoke to a freeze--now I have to replant all those
plants (sigh)! We have also been in an extended drought and
just got 10 inches of rain and floods. Here in Washington DC
where I am attending a fellowship for healthcare executives
and a conference related to strokes, the cherry blossoms are
beginning to bloom and today it is snowing! While the envi-
ronmental conditions may be up and down, this way and that,
our hobby is going one way--straight up! We are HOT!!!
The paper money hobby is not only alive and well, but
exploding! In a few weeks we will converge on Memphis for
the annual IPMS. As always, our thanks to the Memphis
Coin Club, Mike Crabb and his whole group for continually
putting on a quality show for us. We all owe them a debt of
gratitude. Memphis is truly an experience. A huge bourse
with all kinds of paper, society meetings, educational semi-
nars, quality exhibits, a plethora of activities for the collector.
The SPMC will be having four functions. First is the
Tom Bain raffle/breakfast on Friday morning. This annual
event is undergoing some changes to make it even more excit-
ing. One that is unchanging is our emcee - de -excellence
Wendell Wolka. We are working to increase the quality of
some of the prizes. Never fear, there will be a few Botswana
bridal notes and Louisiana baby bonds, but there will also be
some better prizes as well. Also, we will be presenting many
of our awards at the breakfast. So, buy a ticket and join us
for the fun. Later Friday afternoon, we will present our third
annual author's forum, see the show schedule for details.
Our third function is at 8 a.m. on Saturday, our board
of governors meeting. This is an open meeting that all are
welcome to attend. The board is working diligently to be a
more up-to-the-minute and responsive board. We have
already increased our communication as a group. We com-
municate often by email and have had two teleconferences
since the St. Louis board meeting. If you have ideas on what
you would like/expect from the board, please let me know.
email me at .
Our final event is later on Saturday, our regular mem-
bership meeting. This will be overhauled as well. We will
begin with a few business items and the presentation of
exhibit awards. Then we will have our first "Distinguished
Speaker Series" event. This new program is aimed at educa-
tion. We hope to have experts from all genres present not
only at Memphis and St. Louis, but at regional and local
shows as well. We are honored to have Dr. Donald Kagin as
our inaugural speaker presenting "The War of 1812 Notes."
Don't miss it!
So, your hobby and society are alive, well and blazing
to new heights. Hook your belt to a rocket and shoot to
Memphis. Join us for a paper good time!! Benny
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
money nal
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15 per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for tour or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a tree three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space avail-
able basis.
Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
INTERNATIONAL ENGRAVER'S LINE, World engravers & their work, 392
pages, 700 ill., most in color, $74 incl. post. Premium ed. with signed notes
$140. Gene Hessler, PO Box 31144, Cincinnati., OH 45231 or
BOOKS ON U.S. & FOREIGN PAPER MONEY, Securities, Obsoletes, Bank
Histories, Nationals, Small/Large Notes, etc. Lists available. Sanford Durst,
106 Woodcleft Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 Fax 516-867-3397 e-mail:
BOOKS: OFFERING WISMER'S Obsolete NY $20; Pennsylvania $12, Ohio
$12, Pennell's N.C. $10, Bowen's Michigan Notes/Scrip (HC) $45, Slabaugh's
Confederate States Paper Money (updated Doug Ball) $12 and many others.
Write!! Add $3.00 postage/book. Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Avenue,
Freeport, NY 11520 (246)
revenue stamp on reverse. Bob Bergstrom, 1711 Driving Park Road, Wheaton,
IL 60187 USA (244)
COLLECTOR NEEDS Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency 1863
thru 1935. Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Lane, Gerald, MO 63037 (A)
als from Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Montesano. Chris Flaat, ,
425-706-6022 (244)
SHAWNEE AND KINGFISHER Oklahoma Nationals wanted #9998 and
#6416 with George McKinnis signature. Large size ;9954 and =5328. Carl
Cochrane, 12 Pheasant Dr., Asheville, NC 28803, e-mail cicochrane@prodi-
gymet (243)
KANSAS NBNs WANTED . Goodland #14163, Olathe 43720, Pleasanton
#8803. A.R. Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051 (246)
BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeking published histories of banks
which issued Obsoletes and/or Nationals. Also seeking county/state/regional
banking histories. Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 e-
mail: (246)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks,
CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of Abraham
Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton,
TX 75051-8162 or treed3@airmailmet (245)
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (246)
banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London, Norwich, Pawcatuck,
Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London Society United for Trade and
Commerce and FNB of Tahoka Nationals =8597. David Hinkle, 215 Parkway
North, Waterford, CT 06385.
SHOW ME THE MONEY! Standard Catalog of Motion Picture Prop Money
(2005) by Fred Reed, 800 pages, $82.50 postpaid & you get FREE Prop note.
P.0.13118162, Carrollton, TX 75011-8162 1245)
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 219
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals, Obsolete Notes,
Error Notes, MPC's, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
This year's show will be held Nov. 16-18, 2006 at the St. Louis Airport Hilton Hotel.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.'s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several "How to Collect" booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to..
James A. Simek — Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207 • FAX (630) 889-1130
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 75011
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 02/07/2006
11095 Michael Green, 6030 Applewood LN, Jacksonville, FL
32218, (C, World), Wendell Wolka
11096 William H. Johnston (C), Wendell Wolka
11097 Paul Garner, PO Box 154906, Waco, TX 76715 (C & D,
Philippines, MPC), Wendell Wolka
11098 Matt Tobin, 121 Tea Lane, Chilmark, MA 02535 (C),
Wendell Wolka
11099 David E. Schenkman, PO Box 366, Bryantown, MD
20617 (C & D, Obsoletes), Wendell Wolka
12000 Tom Schell (D), Wendell Wolka
12001 Steven Greidinger (C), Wendell Wolka
12002 Dewayne Hunt (C), BNR
12003 David M. Nunn, PO Box 201, Waxahachie, TX 75168 (C
& D, Nationals). Frank Clark
12004 Lawrence Lind, W2773 County Road HH, Cambria, WI
53923 (C, United States), Website
12005 Michele Orzano, (C), Wendell Wolka
12006 Pierre Lanham (C), Website
12007 Charles Soukup, 908 Stonebridge Rd, Mosinee, WI
54455-9065 (C, Obsoletes and Nationals). Website
12008 Terry Fenstermacher, PO Box 301, Nescopeck, PA
18635-0301 (C, United States All), Torn Denly
12009 Kevin Burr (C), Website
12010 Howard Stapp (C & D), Wendell Wolka
12011 John A. Price III (C), Website
12012 Chris Salladin Website
12013 Randolph E. Suhl (C), Torn Denly
12014 John Ancona (C). Website
12015 David Caddell, 1068 Moylan Lane, Lexington, KY
40514 (C. Large US), Tom Denly
SPMC 6000 Honorees
(sponsors of at least 2 new members
since March 1, 2004)
Bryn Korn Andrew Korn
Tom Denly Allen Mincho
Robert S. Neale Paul Burns
Frank Clark
Bob Cochran
Judith Murphy Arri Jacob
Wendell Wolka Fred Reed
Ron Horstman Rob Kravitz
Lowell Horwedel
Your Name?
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
12016 M.J. Hilton, 1829 2nd St #1, San Rafael. CA 94901 (D.
US Large Gem Type). Don Kagin
12017 Kenneth J. Dekker, 18 Mentone Dr. Carmel, CA 93923
(C), Torn Denly
12018 Daniel Sorkowitz (C), Website
12019 David G. Boulay (C), Torn Denly
12020 John R. Bremer (C & D), John W. Wilson
LM367 Dave Rickey formerly #10901
LM368 Brenda Rickey formerly #10902
LM369 George T. Clark formerly #9214
LM370 Alec A. Pandaleon III formerly #10514
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 02/11/2006
12021 Alex Nunez (C), Wendell Wolka
12022 Ronnie Caudill, 44 Silver Tree Loop 1, Stanford, KY
40484 (C, $2 FRNs, Uncut Sheets, Stars), Coin World
12023 Art Day, 114 Bowling Ave, Nashville, TN 37205-2340 (C,
Obsoletes, Fractional, US Large, Confederate), Torn Denly
12024 David C. Amey, PO Box 348, Parrish, FL 34219 (C & D,
World), John W. Wilson
12025 Jeff Alpert (C), Torn Denly
12026 G.W. Du Monte (C & D), Website
12027 Andy Geldarski (C, All), Website
12028 Paul E. Jackson, 2782 W. Lou Jean St, Taylorsville, UT
84118-2324 (C, US Large & Small, Obsoletes), website
12029 Dr. Rudolph T. White, 7461 Mink Hollow Rd,
Highland, MD 20777 (C), Website
12030 Craig J. Cook (C), Bob Cochran
mono",; maN
the Pan. It's your PITCH. All's left is PLACEMENT. This is THE PLACE! (PM)
WANTED RADARS, REPEATERS, low and fancy serials 1928-1963 also Large
Size 8 digit radars and repeaters. Logan Talks, 14 Misty Cove Ln., Hilton Head
Island, SC 29928 (2 3)
DC AND NY BANK HISTORIES WANTED. Collector seeks published works
for research. Alan Palm, 301 G St. SW-Apt. 201, Washington, DC 20024;
(202) 554-8976; e-mail (244)
MASSENA, NEW YORK #6694 bank notes wanted, large or small size, also
obsolete and related materials to Massena banks. John White, P.O. Box 3183,
Spring Hill, FL 34606 (243)
POTSDAM, NEW YORK g868 and 4(5228 bank notes wanted, large and small
size, also obsoletes and materials relating to Potsdam banks, John White, P.O.
Box 3183, Spring Hill, FL 34606 (243)
AUTHORS RECEIVE FREE CLASSIFIED AD. Authors of articles in Paper
Money can request a free 3-line ad. Write about your favorite note and
advertise for more at the same time.
Take Note:
SPMC now accepts commercial Money Mart ads.
This means you can economically sell
your duplicates, or your collection; sell your book
or your service. Make your check to SPMC
and send ad NOW!
Original signatures of famous histori-
cal people on • currency • letters
photos • documents • checks•
P.O. Box 10365
Portland OR 97296
(503) 223-1116
Is Busing
"Still Paying Top Dollar for Rare Confederate"
U.S. Type, Obsoletes,
Nationals, and
of course, Santa Notes
Box 631250, Irving. TX 75063
KCnt Rokftscw. owner Itti)1■
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Buying and Selling Nationals
from all states.
Price lists are not available.
Please send your want list.
Paying collector prices for better
California notes!
P.O. BOX 6778
San Mateo, California 94403
(650) 458-8842
Fax: (650) 458-8843
E-mail: BillLitt©
Buying & Selling
Quality Collector
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• Large Size Currency
• Small Size Currency
Always BUYING All of the Above
Call or Ship for Best Offer
Free Pricelist Available Upon Request
James Polis
4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-6650
Fax: (202) 363-4712
222 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
SPMC Board meets at St. Louis show
SPMC St. Louis 2005
Board Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2005
Present: Mark Anderson, Benny Bolin, Frank Clark,
Bob Cochran, Wes Duran, Rob Kravitz, Gene Hessler,
Ron Horstman, Bob Moon, Judith Murphy (by telephone),
Fred Reed, Bob Schreiner (by telephone), Jamie Yakes
Appointed non-Board member: Wendell Wolka
Not present: Tom Minerley
The meeting was presided over by President Benny Bolin
and began at 4 p.m.
Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes from the June
18, 2005, Memphis meeting were approved with the cor-
rection of the spelling of Bob Cochran's name.
Electronic Motions since Last Meeting: The follow-
ing motions were done by email.
8-Aug-05 Motion: Regional Meetings Proposal
Motion by Wes Duran; Bob Cochran seconded it.
1. Provide for a $150 each expense allocation ($1800
yearly total) for the SPMC regional coordinator(s) (up
to 2) to represent the SPMC at a maximum of 6
appropriate show venues not to include Memphis or
the November St. Louis show.
2. Provide a maximum of $1000 for the year for refresh-
ments as deemed appropriate to the size and potential
audience with major provisions at the larger shows
such as FUN, CSNS, ANA.
3. To have the regional coordinator(s) submit a report on
the activities and meetings for review at each board
meeting to analyze the need to continue the program.
Votes are as follows: Anderson—aye, Cochran—aye,
Duran—aye, Hessler—aye, Horstman—aye, Kravitz—no
response, Minerley—abstain, Murphy—aye, Reed—no
response. Schreiner—aye, Yates—aye. Motion passes.
10-Jul-05 Motion: Set up an audit committee to
provide oversight of the Society's finances
Motion by Mark Anderson and seconded by Wes Duran.
The following votes were made: Anderson—aye, Duran—
aye, Cochran—aye, Minerley—aye, Murphy—aye, Reed—
aye, Hessler—aye, Horstman—aye, Schreiner—no
response, Kravitz—no response, Yakes—no response. The
motion carries.
President Bolin appointed Mark Anderson to chair this
committee and to decide on its charter and duties. He
further appointed Wes Duran as a member. Further
membership needs are left to chairman Anderson.
2-Jul-05 Motion suggested by the President:
Authorize the treasurer to establish the most effi-
cient and effective means at his disposal to accept
credit cards for payment of SPMC dues and books.
Motion by Wes Duran and seconded by Bob Schreiner.
Votes are as follows: Anderson—aye, Hessler—aye,
Murphy—aye, Cochran—aye, Reed—aye, Duran—aye,
Yakes—aye, Schreiner—aye, Horstman—aye, Kravitz--
no response, Minerley—no response. The motion passes.
Secretary's Report: Schreiner reported that SPMC has
1635 members as of 22-Oct-2006 and provided a break-
down by state or country. He credited Bob Cochran for
providing a third follow up with lapsed members to
increase the retention for 2005.
Treasurer's Report: We have seen some growth in out
balance, but the return on our accounts has been poor,
reflecting the market generally. In the transition to the
new treasurer (Moon), we have established both the
Treasurer and Secretary with check signing authority; a
single signature is required.
Membership Chair Report: There was general discus-
sion about the economic impact of life members, with
some sentiment to making these more economically
viable. We currently send PM to 323 life and 10 honorary
life members. A further discussion was tabled to the
Memphis 2006 meeting, with Moon and Anderson provid-
ing a life member economic analysis then.
Editor's Report: Reed suggested an end to the restric-
tion of commercial classified ads. They are now restricted
to members and authors. Lifting restrictions was agreed
to by all except Cochran. Reed reported that we can add
16 pages of color to Paper Money for $2500 for 5 issues in
2006. The pages would be contiguous and contain edito-
rial content and advertising. Reed so moved with second
by Duran. Passed unanimously. The editor received the
Board's compliments on the Oct/Nov 2005 cover.
By-Laws Revision: Anderson offered a number of
changes for consideration. We agreed to a two week com-
ment by email period, followed by final approval. The
changes would then be published in PM.
Compassionate Society Response/Consideration of
Postponed Motion for Dues Relief: (Anderson/Bolin)
The topic arose following Hurricane Katrina and a discus-
sion whether to waive or otherwise ease the burden of
dues for the disaster's victims. There were many con-
cerns: Why just this disaster? If more general, how do
we determine what is a disaster? How do we identify
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 223
those affected? Should we consider relief only on request
by those adversely affected? Who decides? Give the
President some power to decide or the whole board? There
was a motion by Cochran, second by Murphy, to offer
some relief. But the mover withdrew it pending further
discussion by the Board. The Board is to send further
comments to Anderson.
Editor Memo of Understanding: (Anderson/Reed)
This is a formal documentation of the Society's agreement
with the Editor/Publisher of PM. No comments on the
draft were received. Anderson will proceed to finalize the
Data Backup: (Anderson) This concerns procedures to
ensure that critical Society data, such as financial and
member records, are adequately protected from disaster,
such as a natural disaster, or the sudden death of a criti-
cal Board member. Anderson and Schreiner will flesh out
details of sharing copies of critical data among Board
members for redundancy.
Vlack Book Update: (Horstman) At the Memphis June
2005 SPMC Board meeting, Robert Vlack asked SPMC to
consider publishing his expansion of his work on ad notes,
originally published by R. M. Smythe. Horstman checked
with Smythe, and they are agreeable to relinquishing to
SPMC any rights they have. In order to proceed, SPMC
wants a publishable manuscript, not a draft or a version
in need of extensive formatting. Horstman moved, with
second by Hessler, to proceed only if presented a complet-
ed manuscript. Passed unanimously.
Status of 1929 Project Materials: Past project manag-
er Ari Jacob was to send materials to the Secretary. He
has not clone so. The President will follow up with Jacob.
Library: Librarian Schreiner would like to relinquish
this activity. Should we donate the books to ANA in
exchange for SPMC members receiving borrowing privi-
leges for the entire ANA library? Several members, in
particular Wolka and Cochran, endorse this. Others
report concern about ANA's possible sharing of member
lists with commercial interests. Schreiner suggested that
SPMC members could volunteer to have their name
turned over to ANA in exchange for borrowing privileges.
Does the ANA even want the SPMC library? Schreiner
will inquire, and continued discussion will occur at the
Memphis 2006 meeting.
Professional Appearance at Meetings/Regional
Activities: (Bolin/Murphy) There was discussion of pro-
viding some cost relief to Board members generally for
arranging and presiding over regional meeting events,
not just the Regional Meeting Liaison and others specifi-
cally designated for this duty. There was an expression
that event information needs to be provided earlier and
more reliably.
New Members/Back Issues: (Cochran) We try to pro-
vide back issues of PM to new members for the year they
join, but those joining late in a year generally don't get
the early issues because we run out. Provision of back
issues is a goal, not a mandate. Should it not be a man-
date? The Editor now provides the printer with a number
requirement for each issue. Can this not be increased for
issues early in the year to assure an adequate supply?
The number can be increasingly diminished for later
issues. Schreiner will provide a record of how many have
joined SPMC over the last 2-3 years.
Research Grants: (Bolin) There are three active grants:
Peter Huntoon (Smithsonian), Fred Reed (Lincoln), and
Neil Shafer (panic scrip). This is managed by Horstman.
chair of the education committee, with additional mem-
bers Anderson and Murphy.
Credit Card Use, Bonding, Multi-year Dues: (Moon)
Moon has made arrangements to receive dues and book
payments by credit card. The vendor is IMAX in
Pompano Beach, CA. We will eventually have web access
to this service. There was no further discussion about
bonding of the Treasurer. A discussion about offering
members multi-year dues arrangements garnered little
Director's and Officer's Insurance: (Duran) We have
acquired appropriate liability insurance through August
16, 2006, for $1645. There was some discussion about
the need for this and the exact provisions. Duran will
look into all aspects of this and other insurance matters
and report at a future meeting.
Tom Bain Raffle: (Yakes) Prizes for the Tom Bain Raffle
at the Memphis SPMC Breakfast sustain that event, may
offer a small revenue gain, and generally spur interest.
How do we better get donations of prizes? We have tried
to refrain from soliciting dealers just prior to the event.
For the past couple of years, Board members have been
asked to provide prizes. Reed reported that a notice in
PM would get little response. There was concern
expressed that we are unlikely to sell many more tickets
than we now do (without a big member/attendance
increase), and that the prizes weren't the primary moti-
vation to buy tickets. Should we add an additional pur-
pose to the ticket revenues, such as support for SPMC
scholarships? We could use more Board members solicit-
ing dealers (early—not just prior to the event) and others.
Yakes offered to draft a letter to use for solicitation.
Memphis Awards: (Bolin) We need Board volunteers for
awards determination: three for the literary awards, and
three for the other awards. We need Board nominations
for the President's Award.
Founders Medal Design: (Wolka/Reed) Two years ago
we began work on the Founder's Award program. Reed
got design suggestions for the physical award and associ-
ated cost. We haven't moved forward on this. Reed was
asked resurrect these data so we could make a decision.
Other: The next meeting will be by telephone-only about
March 1st. The next in-person meeting will be Saturday
at Memphis at 8 a.m. June 17, 2006.
President Bolin adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m.
"Re-building a great Society for a new century" TM
The Society of Paper Money C \
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1111 Gift Certificate From:
This certificate entitles
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May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
"We're not just your club; we're your partner" TM
You asked for more bang for your buck; SPMC's Board listened and started SPMC 6000
Paper Money is NOW 80 pages each issue filled with the very best paper money articles
and more ad opportunity than ever for dealers like YOU
You asked for more access to hear exciting presentations and enjoy camaraderie
SPMC's Board listened and initiated a ramped up regional convention participation
You asked for the ability to advertise your great notes in FULL COLOR in Paper Money
SPMC's Board listened; FULL COLOR Ads Are Now Available
SPMC's Board listens, and also initiated our "modest proposal" to invest in YOUR business
by supplying select advertisers (currently full page contract advertisers) with 10 coupons (a $300 value)
for gift memberships in SPMC which they can use to award their customers and build repeat business
These coupons also help SPMC achieve its Project 6000 "Re-building a great Society for a new century"TM
goals to increase membership and provide even more opportunites for every member in our Society
You asked for intensified paper money coverage; SPMC's Board listened and launched our very successful
series of special topical issues, which not only publish important research and reference works not
available elsewhere, but offer YOU more opportunity to target your ad dollars directly to the best buyers:
Coming Sept/Oct 2006 Our 3nd Small Size Currency Special Issue
(now accepting ads on first-come first-serve basis)
Jan/Feb 2007 Our 3rd Obsolete U.S. Currency Special Issue
(now accepting ads on first-come first-serve basis)
Limited ad placements still available NOW
Contact the Editor at immediately while space is still available
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243
Do ads in Paper Mones
Really work
lust Did! ... Gotcha
Get noticed
Advertise in Paper Money
Now in full color
226 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
The Paper Column: Battle of Lexington vignette continued
Continued from nage 176
Cutouts were left in the borders for the six charter numbers, and the Bureau imprint was placed in the
lower border. Nothing except for "Will pay Twenty Dollars to Bearer on demand" appeared in the space
reserved for the title block.
A variety 1 Battle of Lexington vignette was laid into die 2681, and modified into a variety 3 by the
addition of the bold 75 in the lower left corner.
Full face $10 BEP 2988 was begun January 30, 1899, and completed March 30, 1900. It was pre-
pared as a companion to $20 die 2681, and replaced failed die 2653. Like its $20 companion, it had the
Bureau imprint in the lower border, and cutouts for the charter numbers in the borders.
The hidden stars were engraved on both 2681 and 2988, and the dies were hardened within a day
of each other, the $10 on April 4, and the $20 on April 5, 1900. Rolls began to be produced from them imme-
The earliest known proof from the new dies is a 10-10-10-20 for The Oystermen's National Bank of
Sayville, New York (#5186), certified April 16, 1900. The last 10-10-10-20 plate with a variety 1 vignette
(no 75) was certified April 18, 1900, for The First National Bank of Dyersburg, Tennessee (#5263). The
changeover was abrupt in time.
Rolls made from the two masters were used to produce all the 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882 plates
from mid-April 1900 forward, and all the 10-10-10-10 plates made after 1906, when that combination
became available.
Incomplete Transfers
The quality of transfers varied. In many cases, especially on the early plates, the vignettes were
not rolled in sufficiently to touch the left and right borders, thus leaving white gaps. Also there is quite a
bit of variation in how far the vignettes extended inward toward the title blocks.
There are two parts of the Battle of Lexington vignettes where incomplete transfers are obvious.
The completeness of the leaves to the right of the 20 is highly variable from note to note, giving the false
impression that one is dealing with different engravings. A British commander with raised sword direct-
ing return fire from a line of British riflemen occurs on the right side of a full transfer of the Battle of
Lexington vignette. This part of the vignette is unidentifiable on too many notes.
Reentered Vignettes
Worn plates often were rejuvenated by reentering design elements from rolls. When full face mas-
ter dies became available, rolls of many types were lifted from them to aid in refurbishing worn plates. The
die history card for full face $20 BEP 2681 lists the following component rolls that were made from it: top,
bottom, ends, and borders.
Usually the vignettes were the first devices to exhibit wear, so stand alone vignette rolls with coun-
ters were routinely used to reentering them. Occasionally a different Battle of Lexington vignette was reen-
tered over the original. Two variations on this theme have been observed: variety 2 over 1, and variety 1
over 2. All are associated with reentries resulting from wear, or from reentries accompanying alterations,
such as conversions of Original Series into Series of 1875 plates, or conversions of territorial to state plates.
All the mismatched reentries occurred at the BEP.
Variety 2 Over 1
The vignettes on worn Original Series plates were reentered as the plates were altered into Series
of 1875 plates at the BEP. Bureau personnel were using a variety 2 Lexington vignette roll then, so they
overlaid the weak 75 over the no 75 vignettes that were on the plates.
One great example of this involved the Series of 1875 20-20-50-100 plate for The First National
Bank of Philadelphia (#1). It was altered from an Original to 1875 plate in the 1876-7 period, so Allison-
Wyman treasury signatures were added to it. The $20 vignettes were reentered at the same time because
they were worn. The original Lexington vignettes were variety 1 whereas the new were variety 2.
What makes the Philadelphia case all the more spectacular is that the branches surrounding the
20 came out poorly on both $20 subjects. Rather than reenter the vignettes again, an engraver scribed in
a new branch to the left of the 2, and new leaves to the right of the 0 on both subjects. As shown on Figure
6, each of the retouched engravings are very different from the other, and different from those on the orig-
inal engraving! The quality of the leaves in the touch up job left a great deal to be desired. Similar doctor-
ing of vignettes to rectify incomplete transfers has been observed on other plates, both new and reentered.
There also are cases where variety 2 vignettes were reentered onto previously converted Series of
Figure 6. Touched up leaves on the reentered $20 vignettes
on the Series of 1875 20-20-50-100 plate for The First
National Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (41). A posi-
tion note to the left, B to the right. Worn variety 1
vignettes were replaced by variety 2s when the plate was
altered from an Original Series to Series of 1875, but the
transfers didn't come out well. An engraver hastily touched
them up. Compare the differences in the leaves both to the
right and lower left of the zero, and note their sketchy char-
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PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 227
1875 plates which still carried their original variety 1
vignettes. An example is the 10-10-10-20 plate for The
National Bank of Commerce of Providence, Rhode Island
(#1366), which was reentered in November, 1880.
Variety 1 Over 2
Other cases of changed vignettes involve a few 10-
10-10-20 Series of 1875 and 1882 territorial plates that
were altered into state plates following the 1889-1890
rash of admissions. A Series of 1875 example is illustrat-
ed on Figure 7 from The Stockgrowers National Bank of
Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory (#2652), first certified April
17, 1882, with variety 2 vignettes. A variety 1 vignette
was reentered over the worn variety 2 when the plate was
altered into a state plate in January 1893. Previously,
probably in 1887, the American Bank Note Company
imprint in the lower border had been replaced by the
Bureau imprint, and the "printed at ..." statement had
been removed.
Virtually identical variety 1 over 2 reentries on
Series of 1882 territory to state conversions involved 10-
10-10-20 plates for The First
National Banks of Olympia (#3024)
and Port Townsend (#2948),
Washington. Both plates started
out with variety 2 vignettes because
they were made prior to 1884.
Reentry of variety 1 over
worn variety 2 vignettes also
occurred during routine reentry of
other plates. Such reentries
involved both Series of 1875 and
1882 plates.
$10 1882 Border Varieties
There are two $10 Series of
1882 border varieties. An infre-
quently used arrangement for the
counters in the top left border
reads: 10-TEN-charter number-l0-
TEN-10, whereas the more common
variety is: 10-TEN-10-charter
number-TEN-10. See Figure 8.
The scarcer began to appear
This Cheyenne territorial plate was made in 1882 with a variety 2 vignette
at the beginning of September
(light 75). When altered into a state plate in 1893, a variety 1 vignette (no 75) was reen-
1885 , and was used heavily after it
tered over the original. first appeared. Plates using it come
with either American Bank Note
Company or Bureau imprints in the
bottom border.
Figure 8. Comparison between the arrangement
of counters and the charter number on various
$10 Series of 1882 notes. The upper variety was
used intermittently from 1885 to 1893, and is the
Figure 7.
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Figure 9. Proof from a highly unusual replacement plate made in 1902 for The
Merchants National Bank of Boston from the new full face dies that contained hid-
den stars. The oddity is that the American Bank Note Company imprint was
replaced by that of Bureau, Engraving and Printing, and the "Printed at" statement
was added, to make it appear like the A-B-C-A plate made in 1884. Even the quaint
charter numbers in the borders were reproduced in the old style. Notice, however,
that it has a variety 3 Lexington vignette, and a hidden star.
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228 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
The scarcer arrangement represents a top left border roll on which the space for the charter number
was placed in the odd position. The variety was gradually phased out of service, and ceased to appear after
mid-August 1893. The variety probably
affected only one roll, and it wore out.
Imprint Oddities
A peculiar variety made from full
face BEP dies 2681 and 2988 involves
some replacement 10-10-10-20 plates
which ended up with American Bank
Note Company imprints in the lower
border. Figure 9 is a Boston example.
A Philadelphia case will illustrate what
The Series of 1882 10-10-10-20 A-
B-C-A plate for The Farmers and
Mechanics National Bank of'
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (#538), was
made in 1884. The subjects had
American Bank Note Company
imprints in the lower borders because,
at that the time, Bureau personnel were
not replacing them with the Bureau
imprint. The subjects also carried the
finely lettered "Printed at the Bureau,
Engraving and Printing, U. S. Treasury
Dept." inside the borders.
The D-E-F-B replacement, certi-
fied August 4, 1904, was made from full
face BEP $10 and $20 dies 2681 and
2988; however, great care was taken to
replicate the appearance of the A-B-C-A
plate. Once the full faces were laid in,
the transfer press operator used a roll
containing the American Bank Note
Company imprint to override and oblit-
erate the Bureau imprints. He also
retrieved a roll containing the "printed
at" statement, and added it to its old
positions. He even used the old style
charter numbers with heavy lined back-
ground in the borders.
The order to make a replace-
ment was taken to mean make a dupli-
cate! Usually replacement plates sport-
ed the Bureau imprint and other layout
innovations such as modern looking
charter numbers. The D-E-F-B plate
had hidden stars, whereas A-B-C-A did-
Figure 10. The 1985 IPMC souvenir card (bottom) was modeled after the certified
proof made in 1883 (top). The plate used to make the card was reproduced from
full face BEP die 2988 which was completed in 1900; however, the original plate
was made piecemeal. Notice that the proof does not have a hidden star (left
enlargement), whereas the souvenir card does (right enlargement).
1985 IPMC Souvenir Card
The story behind the production
of the 1985 souvenir card for the
International Paper Money Convention,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey, is similar to
the Philadelphia (#538) case. As shown
on Figure 10, the card featured a mock
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Figure 11. The first Series of 1875 10-10-10-20 plate made entirely at the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing was for Keene, New Hampshire (#2299). Notice that the $20 has a variety 2 Battle of Lexington
vignette (light 75), its first use on a plate. Notice also the distinctive blocky style script used for the
postal location and plate date. Such lettering was used on the first few Series of 1875 10-10-10-20 plates
either prepared by or finished at the Bureau, specifically charters nos. 2280, 2290, 2294, 2295, 2297,
2298, 2299 and 2301.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 229
up of a $10 Series of 1882 note from The Farmers National Bank of West Chester, Pennsylvania (#2857).
Bureau personnel obtained a high resolution photograph of the A-position $10 from the 10-10-10-20 certi-
fied proof in the Smithsonian collection to use as a model. That proof had been prepared in 1883, and the
$10s on it were made piecemeal.
Bureau personnel used their full face $10 die 2988, with Bureau imprint, as their starting point to
make the souvenir card. From it, they made a one-subject nickel plate using the modern electrolytic dupli-
cation process. Using old rolls, they next rolled the American Bank Note Company imprint over the Bureau
imprint to match the proof, and added the "printed at" statement.
This plate had everything except the bank title block, treasury signatures and plate letters. The
dies and rolls containing those elements had been destroyed long ago. Consequently, they used the photo-
graph of the proof to make a photolithograph plate containing the missing elements.
The cards were printed using the intaglio plate for the common elements. The bank specific items
were overprinted in black from the lithographic plate, and the brown seal, charter number and series date
were overprinted from a second lithographic plate containing the brown devices.
It is easy to distinguish between the parts of the souvenir card that were printed from the intaglio
plate, and those overprinted from the lithographic plates. The intaglio engravings feel rough to the touch,
the lithographed elements smooth.
Everything was fine except for one minor detail. Use of BEP 2988 yielded a hidden star on the sou-
venir card, a feature that was not available on $10 Series of 1882 notes until 17 years after the A-B-C-A
plate for the West Chester bank had been made! Even the BEP personnel couldn't perfectly counterfeit their
own product!
First Series of 1875 10-10-10-20 Plates
The first requisition for a Series of 1875 10-10-10-20 plate made entirely at the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing was logged into the Bureau plate ledger June 18, 1875. The plate probably was not made until September. It
was for The Citizens National Bank of Keene, New Hampshire (#2299), and bore a plate date of September 25, 1875.
See Figure 11. As expected, the $20 has a variety 2 Lexington vignette.
The expectation is that successive Bureau 10-10-10-20 plates should also have variety 2 vignettes. The requisition
for Bedford. Iowa
(#2298) came along next
on June 20; Pennsburg,
Pennsylvania (#2301)
June 23; Ashland.
Pennsylvania (#2280)
June 25; Granville, New
York (#2294) August 30;
St. Johnsbury, Vermont
(#2295) September 2;
The pattern of hav-
ing variety 2 Lexington
vignettes was followed
on all but the Bedford,
Iowa, and Granville.
New York, plates. These
two carried variety 1
vignettes. Their pres-
ence reveals that BEP
personnel simply com-
pleted plates which
already had been begun
as variety 1 Original
Series plates at the
American Bank Note
Company before the order to transfer the work to the Bureau was received. The plate dates on the two plates are
September 25, 1875, for Bedford, Iowa, and September 15, 1875, for Granville, New York. See Figure 12.
Three varieties exist for the Battle of Lexington vignette on $20 Origina1,1875 and 1882 series notes. The primary
diagnostic feature is the presence or absence of the numeral 75 above the right foot of the wounded man, and if it is
present, the boldness of the image. Variety 3 has a bold 75, and always is coupled with a hidden star in the upper right
border of the note.
i 0.11.111 S;://
IN AT ION Alk"1 K of
I .■ -1.
CiYarKtgO.CDVV15q4V/Mrirnsr4V,V:KgraP, 57N. 4C3:YeP'
-1 ‘,fifffolt2,1)
Deptwitro thr ill.'s.;.iiic;t9itrir
-f •
Figure 12. Proof from one of two Series of 1875 hybrid 10-10-10-20 plates begun at the American Bank
Note Company as an Original Series, turned over incomplete to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and
finished as a Series of 1875. The variety 1 Lexington vignette was laid at the American Bank Note
Company. Notice that the block style lettering used for the postal location and plate date which were
added at the Bureau.
230 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Both hidden stars
and variety 3 vignettes
owe their origin to a pair
of full face $10 and $20
Series of 1882 master
dies completed in 1900.
Plates made from these
dies first appeared in
mid-April 1900. Hidden
stars were engraved in
the borders of both dies
to distinguish the plates
made from them, and
variety 3 vignettes were
used exclusively on the
$20. The stars signified
replacement dies in
keeping with the use of
stars for replaced items
by the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing!
There is a human
dimension to this tale, a
search for discovery. Someone first showed the hidden stars to me in the 1960s. I wondered what they signified. just
like every other avid researcher interested in engraving varieties. None of us found clues from the correspondence
between the Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Secretary of the Treasury, and Comptroller of the
Currency, or identified threads in any of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing records available to us.
The same curiosity burned at Doug Walcutt who dogged the issue for years, but with increased fervor after he
finished his articles on $5 Series of 1882 brown backs, and was poised to look seriously at the higher denominations.
Doug recognized the difference between variety 1 and 3 Battle of Lexington vignettes on the basis of the diagnostic 75,
but couldn't make that information work for him.
Some months before he died in January 2001, after looking at hundreds of certified proofs for New York state,
he pinpointed the first use of variety 3 to April 16, 1900. He also observed that the last use of the scarce $10 upper left
border variety was during August 1893. He enthusiastically passed these insights along to me, with the hope that there
were some records in the National Archives that I might know of that could help.
The break came a year after he died during a January visit to Washington, DC. It seemed time to reexamine the
BEP die ledgers in the National Archives. They never seemed to help before, but why not take another look. The first
ledger that I pulled at random from the shelf opened through sheer serendipity to the only page that mattered, one list-
ing dies received for national currency faces by the Bureau plate vault division. The entries for full face master $10
and $20 dies 2988 and 2681 with their April 1900 completion dates screamed for attention! I always wondered if Doug
was there to cause that ledger to open to the serendipitous page.
With die numbers to work with, and with dates that seemed to correlate somewhat with the appearance of the
varieties, the door began to unlock.
I contacted Erik Woodard, a contract worker in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Historical Resource Center,
during a later trip to Washington, to determine if the Bureau had any information on the dies. In quick order Erik
found proofs from some of the dies, and the die history cards. He provided photocopies, and the story you just read
slowly began to unfold.
This work was supported in part by grants from the Professional Currency Dealers Association, Currency Club
of Long Island, and the Society of Paper Money Collectors. James Hughes provided access to the certified proofs in the
National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution. Eric Woodward of the Bureau of Engraving and
Printing Historical Research Center located and provided copies of relevant die cards including BEP 2681 and 2988.
Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1875-1929, Certified proofs of national bank note face and back plates: National
Numismatic Collections, Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. 1875-1941, Record of dies received for national currency, plate vault division: Record
Group 318, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, undated, Specimen book containing proofs from dies made for U. S. national bank notes:
Bureau of Engraving Historical Resource Center, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, National currency die history cards: Bureau of Engraving Historical
Resource Center, Washington, DC.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, various dates, National bank note face plate history ledgers: Record Group 318, U. S.
National Archives, College Park, MD.
Hessler, Gene. The Engraver's Line. BNR Press, Port Clinton, OH, 1993.
stoke tank Nets.
soh ists•eignatere.
1 e coesterfeite niter.tsd tt cinsaatte,
Let hers not
inde/ mare Of the
Tourney helm
I No mull Itink .
11er•itants' National Dank,....New York City.
INItirkst National Ent&
. N1tel111111.. National Donk "
N. Y. Nat.11anking Assn.
"National City Dank
'Nat. If of tho
Nation,,) Baltic of tkininierec,.....
Nett:and Shoe and Lrtither Bank,.
Tradesmen's Nat hood (Sank
thatk of thetas. of N. 5.
I Third NatIonal " "
"First National Berk
tiatilit Nat it sod It, tlt Utica,
'Wits. National Bank iTtien,
11)4 National Ilan): of 1'ortland, Conn.
• I'iret National Bunk Chicago, Ills.
First. National Ilithk Intlianpolis, Ind.
'First. Nat hoed Bank Now Albany, •
"Fit t Mahood Busk Iloston. INfess.
"l'irst. Nathan.' Bask.. ....... tholiteal
"Itelfest Netional Moil; Itelfest,
ICIlti”11111 BMA Plainfield, N. J.
1.eltioasi National 'lank,
'0,,Inerli)11.1 Nat. Itatik,....l'hiladelphia, •
fourth National Baal; Philadelphia, "
Bank of Burrs, it
I Notional:I lite end Leather flank, lloston,
^National ' tank of Itedetnitt ion, :Boston, NIttss.
"Concord National Italik Concord, "
"Fourth National Bank New York City.
"City National Batik ....Allii111.11, N. Y.
*First National Bank
l'alniyiet, " "
•Tiogit National Bank,— ... ..... Owego, ' "
'Natl.:II Batik of Colioneree,Now Bed ford,5111ms.
... First National Bank, Jersey City, N J.
/National City Dank I you, 31a,,
Central National Bank New York City.
'First National Bank Elmira, N. i.
"Wyoming Co. National Dank,. Warsaw; • "
First National Bonk Boston, Blass.
I First National Bank lorry City, N. J.
*Fourth National Dank Cincinnati. 0.
Ohio National Bank Cincinnati, -
TNational City Bank Lynn, Mass.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 231
A picture tells the story
By Leslie Deerderf
M Y PASSION IS PUTZING AROUND AT THELibrary of Congress. Since I got a lot of good
feedback from sharing the anti-Spinner broadside
in the recent Fractional Currency topical issue, I
thought National Currency collectors might enjoy
these four broadsides which apply to their specialty.
These circulars are also from the Library of
Congress. (The fourth appears on the cover.)
The broadsides are related "Beware of the
Following Counterfeit" circulars which reveal excit-
ing details to the discerning eye. The first is dated
Sept. 1st, 1876, and bears the LOC copyright log-
ging date stamp of "Sep. 26, 1876," issued by
Daggett & Hoag, 92 Chambers St., New York City.
tested quertirrly
le y
II2 Cli.00lara
Nes. Vont.
Plat I: a:, ettsm
4.!_orruoted from IJet furnInh•tt by the Comptroller of 1h..
• 'extt-, ‘ "
47(41•V oar coarrvrIttrtv1,11'r.
None of the (
item, of Groraileeks,
gni. 1871, has Inion
comiterfoitod. °flit.
1300. woo oomitcr
hitad, the latter no
donootouUly •s
,111. it. withdrawal
from oirenIntion, nod
now in... of that
&nomination w n
II, tan, Air.
NO, (20., 1111,i V0k,
of w„ And. ara
all tontiterfolt.I.
l'ari , an aidoili
In itetorting the.
,sunterfdtn. hy UN.
umni in the
wank wn said on au-
ootipt of $1.14.
$2. '
• l'irst National Batik. Vrw York City.
Nlarket National Bank
Marine National 13:111k •
Ninth National Bank "
*Mahood Bunk of tho Stat. of N. V.
St. Nicholas Nationel lank
• Uldon National Batik
• First National Ihink Palmyra, N. Y.
National 1 7 11111 Bank Kindsrhook, "
f National l'aion Bank, landerisirk,
I" Lynn Park National (tank. I.vtot 1':1,1
IVesteltsalor Co. National Bank. Peekskill, •
"Jewett City National Bank, des sit City, (kook
•Fir•t, National Bank,
Ihttluettli, E, .
"Si\IV National Book
"First NetionallItink Providence, It. 1.
N Ill total lholk of Rhode Island, Non-port, "
First. National Think
First National Bank
First National Batt
First Nat itteal Ilaok
Tradeis National Bank
Third National It
NIcrolittlits' National Bank
` lesrst National Bank,
First. Notionel Bank.
Nor Compton, Mass.
Hastislco National
Nelional Bank, Now Bedford,
People's National hank 311e1,031,
"first Nat it mai ....... Boston Alarm
'First Natiootil Bank
Grrnitititou C.
$40 .
Firm National Bank, Cow York City.
l rehittit NlItiOnla 11311k
Nilti011111 Bank
.1fartno Natiotml
NIcellitnics' Nation:II (tank,
'Ninth Nat haul ltook,.
Nat. Bank of the Stats of N. Y "
Nut. Bank of the Commonwealth,"
National Bank of GM,
'Tradesmen', National think,- -
Union National think
"Phirtl National 'tank
0liaity City National Hank %Booty, N. Y.
AnIntrii City National flunk... Auburn, •
Contral Netional Bank of Boo, °
First National ltank,.... lh•tglik•epoi•, -
Varna-or dr :Mfrs ' Nat. Look, height...psis" "
City National ltank Ponclikccieds,
Syrnruso Nn11,111:11 1{/01t„ ..... Xc 1,1711Se,
Irirsl National flank. rces,
"First Natiolitil
First. Nal kola Bank ..... 1,11ekporl,
NnII■Atal beak,. ... tt , .d Book,
Hoar lilt National It Ilk.Ihn•I ,slur,
MI, 11 ,11111 . S . Nrt). 11:111L. Buffalo.
', Fermis; Nations) Book I Intone, -
I lighlaml Nati. stl It Nowlairg.
loss' Nat hetet lank, Jams,
3hti nal National flank
National BAIA; of she State - In N. Y. •
"'National lank of (b••■■,.■,,....iininvia, -
*National Gland Bank. t'llorry "
'National 1 .Nehnotto I Lank, I s wkport `•
• NVestcheator Co. Nat Bank. . Peekskill, -
.1forellants' N31111,11/11 Bank Chicago, Ills.
"faint National Bank Chicago Ills.
Itislonotal National Bank, ...... Richmond, Ind
"First National Bank, Pallas:ill, Ey.
First National flank
*Maio.] Itatik of tobation 1,,bantin, N. If
"Second National Dank
Cincinnati, 0.
First National Batik
Philadelphia, Pa.
,'Third National Bank
Philadelphia, "
.First National
. ..... Houston, ']'eons.
Fir,t National Bank Mang owos, Wis.
'the Notiotial Itetilr of Barre, VI.
I Nntionnl Hide. and Loather ]Ark, Boston, Mass.
• Ilereletaits' Nati ,,,, Itank,...NOW York City.
"Nut. Bank of the Coinnionwsulth,.
Nat it Mal 111111k Of CO111111•,4 " "
Jewett City Ns: halal Ilto,k, .learnt City, Conn.
Owego National flank, 3sage,110,0.
First National Bonk tato., III.
]'ern e
Poston. "
Chicago, "
RULE.—When n hank note is offered of the denomina-
tion and bank specified in the list, either mark it or refuse it
altogether, unless positive that it is genuine. Thin is the quick-
est and safest method of stopping the circulation of counterfeits,
0, and now practiced by bank-tellers and experts generally.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by J. S. Daggett, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C.
NEW YORK. Eleptelnaber tat, 1878.
-,..-z•..y,qo,......:-ip.i..,,ce=,,,=.--iri.4.- ,:r,th,,--.B=444rt'i4PCRklgeiirEr.ksCr,kaii-,;rer-jro+o
Nene ef the last
:sane of tinsolsokg,
Sufi, 181 f. has nese
consterfeit..1. tho
2,1 A4110 the ,S,O.
0.500.were counter.
Mica, the latter so
havferouvly as to
.atove. its withdrawal
row cietelluthrth and
v new isoie ef that
s. Flo.
$11, nod VAs,
of In first esne, nro
PartheA Are. aided
n auto...fug these
erellIt. hats, ny
sloe ns. o
411t ,hos noal in flan
Erovairy Deportment
which we trod on re-
sk:ot of SIM.
Ilitiffit Pitt tt
"First National Bank, Now York City.
Nta•ket National Bank "
Marius National Bank "
Ninth National Ilank
"National Bank of the State of N Y.
St. Nicholas National Bank...
't'alon Nat
"First National Bank Paltayr., N. Y.
National litlien Bank I■inelerLeok, "
t National Union Bank Linderparli, "
.1' Lynn Park National Bank, Lynn Pat k.
lt.estlit,ter1. Nationsl Bank, Peekskill, •
"Jewett City National Batik, Jen sit City, Conn.
*First Nati:mai Itauk Ptelotath. No
'Sixth National Bank,.
.Philadelphia, Pa.
National Bank, ..... Proehlence, It. I.
National Bank id Rhode Island, Newport, "
Ftrat, National I tank
First Natiotisl Hulk
Flest Nehh111:11 1131.1,
First. N ttional Iha.k
1,irst N it Pull:
a' Nationai 11ank
Third. National Bank,
M..rcliatik' National Batik
1`irat National Bank,
Firm National rank.
lInniptien National I lank
11...,hants' National Bank, New Bedford, "
l'..oplc'a National Bank, ....... .1nel:son, Mivb
First National Bank Germantown, 0.
^Pint National Bank
....... Boston Mass.
Indians National Dank Lorsystle, Intl.
First National .... Pis York: City .
:Merchants' 11aidt,.... "
"Niarket National Haub
)1arkno Natiomil Batik
3lechatt ice National Bank,
'Ni,,!!, National Bank,— "
Nat. Batik oil he State of N. Y
Nat. I Lull: of the Commonwealth,"
Nit111.11111 MO( C.thitht•re0,
i0111,111311k, "
Canal National Bank
Albany Cit.: Nat ion.. I Bank. ..... .4 lhany , N. 1".
Althorn (illy Notion:A It Auburn
Central National !tank id Ito...
Ilfrs. . at. Rata Pte,fhlieepsie`
City Natienal Ittel
Poug'1,keolote, -
Syrstaufe National "
First Itatili
• irat Nall. aid. Bank,. ... Whitehall,
First National It: ak a
Fi,3L National Baal' 11,1 Iloolt,
Float C.ty Nal ional 13nok... I Z. oeheater,
4- Farnitaa & Mechanics' Nat. 13„a. Buffalo, "
"Farmers' N:11 tonal Bank
Stalone, -
Highland N.t.itool Ilank
• 1* Illechaniea' National Bank, Janesville,
Troy. A
t National Bank of the State "in - N. Y. " "
I.Nstional I3,udc of t knese•, al “
•National Central Bat.k, Cherry Volley, "
"National Exchange
\Yeah:h•ater Co. kale
.Mnreln. al ai Natiotod Batik Chicago, Ills.
N....iitil Bank. Chicago. Ills.
I tioliniond National Bank Ibehmotal,
*First National Hank
Paducah, live
"First National Bank Thomaston, )1...
"National Batt!. Tat • t
T anon N II
"Setaind Na Hotel Ilan];
Cineinnati. 0.
First Natioual tank Philt.1.1phia,
Third National Baal,
"'First National I
...Houston, Testis.
•First Natioind
V1110 National Milk of Mitre, Vt.
1.Nitti011ttl 1 I I,1,,,, .d her Bank, Boston, Mass.
Lafayette National 13.ak, 1 adieus .. 1,6,,tte, lout.
.Nlereliants' Nat Ional liattk,.....Nfov York City.
3ra•kt•I Nat lo.1 BMA:
.Aferhani.•.' National Bank "
"111.11: of N.Y. Nat. Baaking Asso.
*National City It oil.
*Nat. Bank of the Continonwealth,
, t1 tool Leather Bank,.
Tradesmen's Nati. onll Baal, "
.53t. !talk Ihtt Nato -.I N. V-
t Thira. National Bunk,
"First Nanonal 11ault Utica.
Oneida National Bank
N..: ional Dank, ...... CI lea.
National Bank .if Portlunk, Conn.
'First National Bank 'Idea go, Ills.
First National ]look Indrulpelia, Ind..
.First National .11.1111• Nett" A -
'Tit, National Dank Roston, Mass.
' National Polak Paducah, Ny.
.Bellast National Bank, 1.1fast, Slain,.
"First National Bank, ...... ia, N. J.
h■th Nattily:Li 'tank, .... 1,1.11011, Pa.
.Consolnlat ion Nat. .. Philadelphia, •
Fourth National Bank "
The ional Bank of liner, 'it. 111 , 1e and LtAlthur batik, BOA, :VII..
"Nattenni Pni.k IlfalempLinn, !levton. 11 ass.
*Concord National Bank,' Coueovvi,
'Fourth National Bs nk,.... .. New York City.
.ett v National Burk
Auburn, N.
*Fiat Nat nal Bank Palmyra, "
•Tiogn. Ilnuk,.... ...... Owego, "
'Nati. nal ',LI. I. of Coanaeree,New. Dettloff]
First National Bank
Jerrie) City, N J.
/National City Dank
I yen,
$1.00 .
Central National Bank New York City.
*First Nnt ional Bank 1'l, iira, N. Y.
.Wyontit.g. t'.... National Ilank Warcaw, - "
First. National Ifank
13ostan. Sloss
: First Nat ioanl Bank Jersoy City, N. d .
.Fottrth National Batik, Cincinnati, O.
Ohio Nntional llaill . t illthiallIti. - ■
INstionol t idy Bank ....Lynn, Mass,
.11creltanta" 'National Think... . New York City- .
'Nut. Bank of tho Constmswealth,'
Bank af "
Jenett City National 11,11.k. Jewett City, Conn.
(Jogs Nati... al Bank, Otstp., Iowa.
Cant..n. Ill.
lumen, -
ell iragr, "
Northatapton, Masa
11 est
RULE.—When a bank note is offered of the denomina-
tion and bank specified in the list, either murk it or refuse it
altogether, unless positive that it is genuine. This is the quick-
est and safest method of stopping the circulation of counterfeits.
and now practiced by bank-tellers nriti experts generally.
4.4e1.46.7k4.44...1."‘ *+440.4& - -,V"'" rvt -
.wad Tsars:1y
Ve2 Chsanbets
Stolen Beak N,.ta
with hike,,galttarau
t No such Bank.
• Counterfeit, a.por-
t i
Ina have not ovine
an tleer notice of the
Corrvoted r•e , Itt rant rovaotalted by tno conlptrollor ur tbs. Ca-
. . .- •
- • —
COPS or ecIrrx-rv,.LErrryr.
11 1. CURIA
232 May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
The second was issued by George Hoag and Co.,
same address, in October, 1876, and bears the LOC
stamp "Oct. 10, 1876." The third, also issued by
George Hoag & Co., same address, was issued in
December, 1877. The LOC stamp reads "Dec. 3(?)
1877." All state that this periodical was a quarterly
publication, which is problematical.
I call the series "A Picture Tells the Story," for
the obvious reasons. The first two broadsides fea-
ture copies of a counterfeited First National Bank of
Northampton, MA $5 note. Whereas, the plaintive
"NOTICE" in a similar position on the 1877 circular
reads: "Owing to a Circular issued by the Solicitor
of the Treasury, dated Washington October 12th,
1877, we are obliged to dispense with the
Photograph which has hitherto appeared on our
publication. We regret the necessity for this
change, yet do not deem it a serious disadvantage to
aware of the Following Counterfeits.
Market National Bank . New York City
Marine Notional Bank
Ninth National Bank •
'II,, word 'OW" onOtod In /RD If wok .
St. Nicholas National Book .
National Union Bank Ninderbook. N. V.
All OD Omar fetter A. duly 10, 1•05, well ou•... with
Naomi. osopthow te wineh minor M.
of Wm.. lert very Rupert., skyinork eorre and
OW wit w.n dol.... omen,
National Union Bank Linderpark, N. 1.
We:4,41.4er Co. National Bank, pe ekskill, N.
1.1. A. kn.. lath. DM. Onninal dpporanre 0 Nee
Dil wry good • dangern. rontiter„ir hut Day 1. readily
deteetod by tho lonrier engraving and Dthe wart nit Dirk.
National Boa' of Rhode. Island -Newport. It. I.
Lett. A, Womb. le. DOA nu wok on Dee
of toe nun. heavy l darker ton t. gut.: genvol
eon. W. 1 . 001.411,. ffitil• nem a Whir
graphic plate.
First National Bank Chicago, Ill,
Traders' National Bank "
Merchants' Natinnal Bank " "
All of above Letter A. May loth. MY, Thu ereIpt letera•ra -
sons Into the Donnell lino nude, the wont Pre, Laths wink
tin batik Importer, neatly alt the genius note. have been 0011.
drawn irs. riteulatiow
First National Bonk ......... Canton, Ill.
0ston Onto at above. cwoot (ma May 010. Irak
First National Bank Aurora, Ill.
Rona plate m ob.rr, except date. knoullor 0d. No. ∎
First National Bonk
Peru, M.
son., plate an above, .tie changed Wenn. 1. lank
First, Notional Bank Paxton, Ill.
some, eLood 0000 alkwe. iirte chant,. to idatoiter Ontli, DAL
First National Bank Northampton, Maas.
Merchants' National Boolk New Bonnard, "
Hampden National Bank ..... Westfield, "
All Monselmotta ra n Lobe rospnetioly May Rd.
Wilt Fehr., I ith. DO, angina DA 1.5. Putt. right thigh
of Columba, which la deform.* to the New Bedford bill,
word „ow.. In Roth..., and Writ...
ITirst National Bank
First. IC ttion:d Bank . Penn.
tatter R date rehrory
404. T a, wlo, o.snoso.y nem
upper comer of nom. artar splint claw,. 6
Third Natimml .. Philadelphia, Penn,
Richmond National %M. Richmond, Ind.
rnterk OD Marell 00,1,5 Nino insure of an In. shorter
Dian the gee...
Muncie National Bank ............. "Muncie, ha
Reno as abut, e wept data. Febrory UW.1000.
Lafayette National Bank Lafayette. Ind.
Sitio ve 'bow own. into, Doombot 22d, 1,1.
Flour City National. Bonk Rochoof ter, N. Y.
Linder t, flak DID DA 1.5. Engraved ohler. at engraving
on husk dark and mown 00 tenors on in Rochester m the
rounterfadt are Indistinct.
Mutual National Boni, Troy, N. Y.
Lotter A. date May lath. 1.5 katin plate oodles.
Birtlthula National Bank Newburorlo, N. Y•
Letter A. date Dila lat. lard. V., poor rood...fait. the paper
is shirk and engraving had
First National Bank Red Hook. N. Y.
LOW A, dots Frlirnary,fitb, IWA. The worla in of Rank
firo irregular. ethers.. Dine ngraving is well dune.„
Fill. National Bank. .. Lockport., N. V.
lg.., dated February 201b,100. Froletnoir well enert„
Dill the the signet,. ne 110 back am all imperfect.
Syracuse National Bank Syracuse, N. Y.
Letter A. date Ours. let, 110.5 Dosifirnik Women. olds,
while that of F. W. Darla, Cad., la engraved.
werecoanterteacd, the latter
so dangerously as 10 commits
withdrawal from cireniatio,
and a new ixm. of that de-
nation wrta made, Ste.
m 02200,$5s. Sins, S find WS
of tho first iaStle, [ also $1,1100
ff0110 Nfarch, 1867, ant all
Panics are aided in de-
tecting thew counterfeits.
by using a .Sting, double-
!eerie microson, ',toll an is
used In the freamry De-
portment which we send on
ramp .
American Nat ∎ Bank New York City.
First National Bank
Merchants National Bank "
Notional Ikuok ......
Mechanics National Bank
Nat. Bank of the State of New York
Nat. Bank of the Commonwealth
National Bank of Commerce
Union National 13ank
Merelmnts' Notional Bonk New York City,
Market Nation/al Bank
National Bank of Commerce
" Shoe and LentherBank,
Tradesnons' Notional Bank "
All of Wino Littler R Jtily Vigortto onright of note.
t e. Pennine on ,ha bush pr the n tc we Outten n n
witted Isar n 444.1 in her lap, in counterfeit Or ehlid la nut
Oneida National Book Utica. N. Y.
1.0Dr 0, A tignat 10,10. The 00611,1 in lop of 1 nib. woman
vat, litiperfnetly woo... otherwise fairly cocotte,.
tCity National I tank Utica, N. Y.
First National I3ank Portland, Conn.
Letter A. Slav en. la. 0.- poor and blac rotintarfrit.
Indian Woman on ha. of nntaTito nu child on h
er ap.
Fourth National Bonk ......Philaddphia, Penn.
etoot., ,areorrol before any ono put in eirettlatirla
First National Monk ...... Indianapolis, TIP1
Littler A, few. 5 and wrstchy, Indian
w to of note renrea
child 011 Ler Isk
First Notional Bonk . . Chicago, Ill.
May be readily ilst.1.1. the Whaling of the ,Rnotten ere 01000
darker than el ,m1..
Central National Bank .... New York City.
Third National Bank Buffalo, N. Y.
Rotel. elifirterand narrower. ., pap thletar than!. Rennin..
allk Ober or tinitalltri—letwring done, hat printing
light, vignette on ROO of 6111. bad. Ruth ut above sante plate.
NEW Soltii.
- O-Corre. ct,det. frmari. islet "Icy the Coroaotrones of the Cusre=3.0-5,1/M
/smote/ Qzbuterly by
27ono of the lag issue of
! Greenbacks, Series 1874, bas
been counterfeited. except
$50, No. E---352,1019. Of the
Owino' to a Circular issued by the Solicitor of the " j""' the 050 'thd s'"0)
Treasury, dated Washington, October 12th, 1877, we are
obliged to dispense with the Photograph which has hitherto
appeared on our publication. We regret the necessity for
this change, yet do not deem it a serious disadvantage to
our patrons, as it will not detract from the value of •the
Publication. Hereafter this space will he used in giving a
full and complete description of the latest Counterfeit issued.
NO _,J.L.±: •
Press of BROMELL NOTT E, 02 ', taker Street, Nov: York.
First National Bank Tamaqua, Pa.
Letter II, July 1101. A seri dangereoerunierfelt. The
1,00 011173. 1 per: n
Dircif tes.rah l av In the .n.. wooed tin border. the
vgo.. VD the bitelt. the tibil
OrLes big st WI 1,1 tr,r;
rliVinCre'l 'i l i 'irlt"•fe'ni ';ek.: '■=tert71111nLl.
People's National Bank Jackson. Mich.
Letter R. th trie r 1.1 tailteak An old erertalt, pootly en
griod. Plats option! io tears 110.
Jewett City National Bank.. . Jewett. City, Conn. ,
t,e 0 .e0,0..0 l.t. lo.n.
pow lithograph
Albany City National IA Albany. N. Y.
ref ireute d in 0. ti, Tr atity. A Lett:. a, iiilted lult MO. in.. VW words Oh, Unnibinrrod
fFirst National Bank "I"°, Marko[. National Bank ........ None York City,
[t f Ct. sa the year 007 by Oro Man e or the Librarian. 0 WohIngtedi. D. 0.1 nOred arcordiug to , n .
as wain aa the pOille had trowel of tin /feet, all above wares
loin ono plats.
ct,il . „ [
1—go snob Ban,
Farmers & },[1'871 Not. Ponglokcepsie, N. Y.
Sarno plate and date an Were
City Notional Bank Proonzhkeepsie, N. Y."
toter A. date July 5, If.. Engraving .011 One. oreept the
lathe work teldeh la impart's,.
First Notional Bonk. Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Han, Oats as above. Letter A. Oda July 5th• DOA
Control National 13ank Boone. N. Y.
"..1 Central National Bank. New York City.
ut darker than in Mr genuine.
Auburn City National ......Auburn, N. Y.
First Notional Bank Bost on, Mass.
Letter A. dairJuly Onth. 1,001.7..11 engraving0: the fairly 01110 NatBAIA Cincinnati, Ohio .
dono; esptured January earelleut rouuterfeit. Mir engraving iplito ka well done so 00 [
gen.., rarept s fledet., en ter le' t 1 P! Lw r
anthee lactu of ell, WA., The we. Malittat s„,
grl■.' writittatI tiorPhlf■Tgl' nft7{7, led 1 ronedyIng 0 \
Price, Single Copy, 25 cts.
Yoar17 Subscription.
of Krw Chun Unfelix,
51.00 - In Advance.
NetiCe.- - The Publither4
hereofaro not reapomtible to
soloorilrers who do not hold
oar menhir Coupon Numbered
Receipts, which are furnished
only to Agents who here wildr-
YEN authority to alio ouch Re-
ceipts in ,my mint. for subscrip-
ion, altul no others.
PAPER MONEY • May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 233
our patrons, as it will not detract from the value of
the Publication. Hereafter this space will be used in
giving a full and complete description of the latest
Counterfeit issued."
Good spin on Messrs. Hoag & Company's part.
Afterall, if they admitted the suspension of the
illustration was harmful to the goals of the circular,
they could lose business.
There's also information on bogus Greenbacks,
and an ad for a good microscope. Backs address
stolen NBNs and fake detection. The issue dates
pinpoint the change in operating style for the publi-
cation's issuer. It's also evident that the latter cir-
cular is more descriptive, if less visually appealing.
It is also possible, more or less, to date introduction
of new fake NBNs during the period covered. It
would be interesting to turn up the Solicitor's opin-
ion, too. All in all, not a bad catch for a putz!
Wanted for illustration
in a future issue
of Paper Money
Notes from Frank Clark's
Dual Signer listing
or additional information
on these notes
May/June 2006 • Whole No. 243 • PAPER MONEY
Dual Office Holder National Bank Notes - Revisited
CLE on dual office holder and National Bank Note
signer E.G. McGinnis in the last issue of Paper Money. I
previously addressed this subject in the
November/December 2003 (Whole # 228) issue of Paper
Dual office holder signature notes are those that fea-
ture the same person holding both positions of cashier
and president at the bank, and therefore having his sig-
nature appear twice on a note.
Since my original article, I have gotten help from
SPMC members with a couple of more additions to my
listing. Also, some of the names in my previous listing
have now been corrected.
The present listing includes bank name, charter
number, main classification of National Bank Note
observed and name of the dual office holder.
It is interesting to note that charter number 11009
went through a bank title change with Thomas J. Healy
occupying both president and cashier positions for both
titles. The second title was the result of the Atlas
Exchange NB of Chicago charter number 10763 headed
by D.M. Healy merging with the West Side NB on August
1, 1930. The newly organized West Side-Atlas-NB would
go into receivership only 14 months later on October 16,
1931. Notes from both of these bank titles are pictured.
Dual Signers of 1929 Nationals:
First NB of Oroville. California
#6919 1929 Type 1 - C.W. Putnam
Florida NB of Lakeland, Florida
#13370 1929 Type 2 - J.W. Gressing
West Side NB of Chicago, Illinois
#11009 1929 Type 1 - Thomas J. Healy
West Side-Atlas-NB of Chicago, Illinois
#11009 1929 Type 1 - Thomas J. Healy
First NB of Bristol, New Hampshire
#5151 1929 Type 1 - William C. White
Fairport NB and TC of Fairport, NY
#10869 1929 Type 1 - E.G. McGinnis
#10869 1929 Type 2 - E.G. McGinnis
First NB of Palmyra, NY
#295 1902 Plain Back - R.H. Smith
Waukomis NB of Waukomis. Oklahoma
#10227 1929 Type 1 - John R. Camp
Merchants NB of Defiance, Ohio
#2516 1929 Type 1 - Fred S. Stever
First NB of Jellico, Tennessee
#7665 1929 Type 1 - Sam Baird
First NB of Reardon, Washington
#13444 1929 Type 1 - B.W. Hughes
NB of Keyser, West Virginia
#13831 1929 Type 2 - Jos. E. Patchett
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More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVIII, No. 3- Whole No. 261- May- June 2009
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVI, No. 3- Whole No. 249- May- June 2007
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVII, No. 3- Whole No. 255- May- June 2008
- Paper Money- Vol. XLV, No. 1- Whole No. 241- January- February 2006
- Paper Money- Vol. XLV, No. 2- Whole No. 242- March- April 2006
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