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Emergency scri of
by Dr. Loren Gatch
Tido Corfilleate Good Offly le Sopolpn, Okla. N? 848 A •<
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Chamber Comex., a ed nail!: r ei;tstt
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We buy, sell, and auction the very best in Paper Money, Antique Stocks and Bonds, Autographs, Coins, and Anything Relating to Financial History
PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin-
ning in January by the Society of Paper Morley
Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage is paid at
Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes
to Secretary Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.. 2006. All
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part, without written permission, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are
available from the Secretary for S6 postpaid. Send
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and requests for additional copies of this issue to the
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prompt notification.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 401
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLV, No. 6 Whole No. 246 NOV/DEC 2006
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III. Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web
Collecting Confederate Currency Began Early 403
By Brent Hughes
Currency and the Caduceus 412
By James G. Gamble, MD, PhD
Oklahoma!s Emergency Currency of March 1933 419
By Loren Gatch. PhD
Nellie T. Peck, National Bank President 434
By Karl Sandford Kabelac
About Nationals Mostly: John J. Rowe -- National Bank President 437
By Frank Clark
Architects elevation shows Eagle Bank face 437
By Richard Hegel
The Buck Starts Here: Grapes and Wine on Notes 438
By Gene Hessler
You may not know his name, yet, but Will Fleishell created money 440
By Jamie L. Freedman
Interest Bearing Notes: Norton I, Emperor of the United States 442
By Dave Bowers
Good for a chuckle: comic fractionals fit the bill 444
By Alan Bleviss
On This Date in Paper Money History 447, 449
By Fred Reed
wheresgeorge? followup 448
By Fred Reed
Nationals were safe, Treasurer said so 453
By James C. Ehrhardt
Notes from up North: Three "Guianas" offer unique opportunities 456
By Harold Don Allen, PhD
Part 7: More Additions to "A Catalog of SPMC Memorabilia" 464
By Fred Reed
King of the Confederate Counterfeiters 466
By Priscilla Rhoades
Is this the ultimate courtesy autograph? 472
By Norman G. Peters
Information & Officers 402
A letter for SPMC membership 435
Paper Money and SPMC authors clean up at ANA 446
New references target U.S., Confederate, Texas issues 450
Presidents Column 458
By Benny Bolin
3rd annual SPMC authors forum draws scribes, crowd 460
7th Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize 474
CSA and Obsolete Notes
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402 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia. It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC and its activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be
sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
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ble to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
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membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Bob Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Robert J. Kravitz. P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany, NY 12209-1735
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed HI, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211. Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O Box 31144,
Cincinnati. OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood. IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 403
Collecting Confederate
Currency Began Early
By Brent Hughes
B SING CURIOUS ABOUT THE EARLIEST COLLECTORS OFConfederate currency, I began accumulating printed references manyyears ago. I found that it all began shortly after the Civil War ended.There was certainly no shortage of notes because bankers and mer-
chants had suddenly been left with boxes and barrels filled with worthless cur-
I know of one barrel half full of Confederate notes which survived until
1960 when a lucky collector happened to discover it in an old grocery store
building in Petersburg, VA. Because the barrel was relatively light, the store
owners over the years had assumed the barrel was empty and it had sat there
for almost a century. There is little doubt that millions of notes were burned
or thrown out as trash, but millions of others survived. The supply was so large,
in fact, that when one of the first dealers, John W. Haseltine of Philadelphia,
issued his catalog and pricelist in 1876, he offered a set of the 1864 issue, nine
notes ranging from 50e to $500, for only sixty cents. The condition of the
notes was described as "clean anti perfect and in most cases Uncirculated."
That same set wass being offered in recent years by prominent paper
money dealer Hugh Shull for $725. Collectors who want the same notes, hand
picked in nice Crisp Uncirculated condition, can have them for $1,250. These
prices are from Mr. Shull's First Edition 2000 catalog. There is no doubt that
the prices have continued to escalate.
Thinking back to 1865 and 1866, we can guess that many people set aside
a few notes to keep as souvenirs of the great war, but since they were not seri-
ous collectors, they soon lost interest in the bills and gave them to their chil-
dren to "play store." I can remember seeing cigar boxes full of Confederate
notes in South Carolina as late as 1940. They were all $10 and $20 notes of the
final issue, but even they have become valuable in recent years.
Editor's note: When the author, a charter member of SPMC, passed away a
number of his articles on hand were permitted to be published posthumously in
his honor by special arrangement with his widow and son.
MEDALS, &c.,
Selected from the Cabinets of MESSRS. BACH, BERTSCH,
PLE, SH URTLEFF, and other collections,
purchased at various times by
A few fine Foreign Coins and Medals,
On Tuesday, Dec. 1911e, 18135, and following clays, at the Book
Trade-Sale Rooms of IS. CooLEY, 498 Broadway.
2670 $1,000 Note of the Confederate States of America; genuine,
very fine and rare.
2,577 2671 $500 Note, Confederate States ; genuine, fine, scarce.
Sn 2672 $50 Note, Confederate States ; genuine, fine, scarce.
Lp 2673 $20 Note, Confederate States; genuine, fine.
2674 $10 Note, Confederate States ; genuine, fine.
2675 $5 Note, Confederate States ; genuine, fine.
IS 5.
There was some interest in
Confederate money shortly after the
Civil War ended as evidenced by this
auction catalog of December 19,
1865. Lot 2670, the Type 1
Montgomery Note in Very Fine con-
dition sold for $4.75. Today it would
probably bring $20,000 or more. Lot
2671, probably the Type 2
Montgomery Note, sold for $2.50.
Today it would probably bring
$18,000 and up.
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
We should digress at this point to explain that when Richmond, VA, the
Confederate capital, was evacuated in April of 1865, most of the government's
documents were necessarily left behind. In the ensuing chaos, drunken mobs
set fires which destroyed much of the city.
A few days later, when President Lincoln was assassinated, Union officials
suspected that Jefferson Davis
and his close associates had been
a part of the conspiracy.
Convinced that evidence to sup-
port their belief might be found
in the rebel archives at
Richmond, they ordered the mili-
tary commander there to seize
and ship to Washington all docu-
ments that his troops could find.
Evidently most of the
records had been stored in the
cellars of brick buildings where
they escaped the flames. In any
event we know that on July 21,
1865, a train hauling 490 boxes
and barrels of documents, includ-
ing millions of Confederate
notes, left Richmond bound for
Washington, D. C.
For two years, government
employees searched for incrimi-
nating evidence, but found none.
Disappointed Union officials
called off the search, and the
mass of paper was considered
worthless. They would soon
become a nuisance for govern-
ment departments to store, so
employees who wished to do so
were allowed to take home what-
ever they wished. Many workers
were fascinated by the rebel cur-
rency and the notes moved out in
good quantity for many years.
It appears that some
employees turned this activity
into a business and began to sup-
ply scarce notes to the growing body of collectors. Thus the serious hobby of
collecting Confederate money was born.
We will never know all that went on in -Washington at that time because
the employees kept it quiet. Collectors submitted want-lists just as they do now
and their needs were supplied from government file cabinets. Every one
involved was understandably quite happy.
There were also a few historians who were trying to assemble all the vari-
eties of Confederate currency. I have records of a Dr. Thomas Addis Emmett
of New York City who as early as 1866 already had a large collection.
Professor Charles E. Anthon of the College of the City of New York was
literary editor of the prestigious American Journal of Numismatics at that time.
He arranged to examine the Emmett collection and wrote several articles about
it which appeared in his magazine in May, July and August of 1867.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 405
This pioneer effort was incomplete, but it created some interest until Dr.
William Lee of Washington, D.C. wrote a history of Confederate currency in
1875. Privately printed, the book did not circulate widely, and is very difficult
to find today.
Meanwhile, an industrious government employee named Raphael Thian
was hard at work on a detailed examination of the rebel currency. Thian had
emigated from his native France and on November 13, 1850, enlisted in the U.
S. Army. Somehow he came to the attention of General-in-Chief Winfield
Scott who persuaded him to resign from the army and join his civilian staff.
When Scott retired on November 1, 1861, Thian moved to the Adjutant
General's Office where he advanced to become Chief Clerk on July 1, 1871.
Apparently well-liked by his superiors, he would serve until 1911, a total of
sixty-one years in the federal service.
11• -4.15/..t.;
It • • NO9 -, E, A
•\ ALBUM l*-,
Of the various Designs for Face and Back selected by the Confederate Treasury Authorities for the Currency
of the Confederate States of America.
•a . 1861.-1865. 44 '
•• e'
Thian's interest in Confederate currency may have begun when he was
asked to assemble a number of scrapbooks full of Confederate notes which the
Secretary of War wanted to present to retiring generals. Among the recipients
of the scrapbooks was General Sherman, who had destroyed the Confederacy's
Treasury Note Bureau in Columbia, S.C. during his famous march through
Georgia and beyond.
Thian soon became obsessed with his research into Confederate finance
and would spend the next 20 years in the project. Fortunately for today's schol-
ars, Thian made up six scrapbooks for his own use. These books, four contain-
ing notes and two with bonds, exist today at the Duke University Library in
North Carolina. The Library purchased the books from Thian's son in 1944.
Thian's legacy for modern collectors is his Register of the Confederate Debt
which became available in reprint form in 1972. The book is of great value to
advanced collectors interested in the signers and serial numbers of the various
In 1876 Thian copyrighted what he described as his Confederate Note
Album for a complete collection of the various Designs for Face and Back selected by the
Confederate Treasury Authorities for the Currency of the Confederate States of
America, 1861-1865.
The title page of the Raphael P. Thian
album. Text is "Confederate Note
Album for a Complete Collection
(with Descriptive Letter-Press) of the
various Designs for Face and Back
selected by the Confederate Treasury
Authorities for the Currency of the
Confederate States of America, 1861-
406 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
in his preface, Thian said that the album was a result of his "desire to
afford collectors of Confederate currency a tasteful repository for their Notes,
and at the same time furnish them an accurate and exhaustive description of the
varieties comprising a full set."
A page from the Raphael Thian album
showing the ornate printed frame
around the CSA Type 1 $1000
"Montgomery Note." The notes
were usually held in place with paste,
but in some cases sewing thread was
used to form vertical loops to loosely
secure them.
His descriptions of the individual design types were exhaustive alright.
His emphasis on detail can be seen in his description of note number one, the
$1000 "Montgomery Note":
No.l. $1,000, Montgomery, (written date) 1861. Engraved by the
National Bank Note Company of New York and printed on fine bank
note paper, in black and green, with plain back. In the right lower cor-
ner of the note appears a medallion likeness of Andrew Jackson, while
directly opposite is found a corresponding medallion of John C.
Calhoun, both of the ovals ornamented at the base and sides by an ele-
gant tracery of scroll work. Each of the upper corners contain a very
large circular die the one to the right bearing the number "1000", that
to the left, the number "M" composed of twelve small elliptical dies
grouped together, on each of which appears the words "One
Thousand" encircling the number "1000." The central part of the
note, above a narrow rectangular space left blank for the signatures, is
divided by airy bands and columns of fine lines into forty-five squares -
- five in height and nine in length -- the angles of adjacent squares
bearing the number "M." From these numerals a narrow band arches
upwards and is inscribed "One Thousand." The centre (sic) of each
square, a dark ground formed by converging lines, bears the number
"1000," while immediately beneath, two narrow bands looped up
below the background of the number, are inscribed -- the one to the
left, with the numeral "NI", and that to the right, with the number
"1000." This central part, a slight border surrounding the note on
three sides, and a narrow band at the lower edge, inscribed:
"Receivable in payment of all dues except export duties," are printed
in green. This note is payable twelve months after date, bears interest
Containing numbered Spaces for the insertion of a Specimen, of each
of the Notes, issued by authority of the
Confeatvatz grovtrn.ment,
TOG 1,1.2. VT= 1
Iritecr3m7n -p,Try
C_ 7E-1_ r3ECr3TEI.,
NEW TORS. 1877.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 407
at ten cents per day, has its number printed in blue, and is signed, in
person, by the Register and the Treasurer of the Confederate States
Messrs. Alex. B. Clitherall and E. C. Elmore.
The pages of descriptions were followed by pages bearing ornate printed
frames and numbers matching those assigned to the descriptions.
Unfortunately there was no Mylar or other safe material in which the notes
could be housed on the pages so the collector had nvo choices. He could either
paste the notes to the pages or use sewing thread to form loops to hold the
notes in each frame. I have seen both methods used.
I once took on the task of removing notes from a Thian album. The paste
dissolved easily in warm water and I was able to remove most of the residue
from the backs of the notes. The sewing thread never pierced the notes but was
placed so closely to the edges that they cut into the notes slightly. Such cuts are
easily repaired and cause no great harm to the value of the notes.
It would be interesting to know if the Thian albums were made at the
Government Printing Office or if he had a private printer. Since such albums
were needed to be used as retirement gifts for government officials or military
officers, someone in the War Department may have quietly had the albums
produced at the government facility. As I recall, the albums were rather plain
and utilitarian, but that does not tell us where they were made.
During the same year in which Thian introduced his album (1876), John
Haseltine produced a price list offering Confederate notes for sale. It is inter-
esting that collectors and dealers already knew which notes were rare, scarce or
common. Haseltine called the $500 Montgomery Note (CSA Type 2) "exceed-
ingly rare" which it certainly is. He also stated that "Uncirculated and even rare
clean notes of the first issues are not very plenty." That's still true today.
There were obviously several dealers in Confederate currency at the time
who were engaging in what Haseltine felt were questionable practices. He said,
"I simply wish to state to my friends, and in justice to myself, that in several of
The title page of the Bechtel album.
Text is "Album for Confederate
Currency, containing numbered
Spaces for the insertion of a
Specimen of each TYPE of the Notes,
issued by authority of the
Confederate Government, together
with a Descriptive Index. Compiled
and arranged by C.H. Bechtel, New
York, 1877."
Ivr TitilkS•
„„,,a1,6 14 ..Cii i
/' 1' / 7 ////'' lli,74,...Ii ''d.' . : _.2 :-- -e.,:r,./({a/ /Ai - a: ie-` ia.i aaaa );
: .
-._;:li.. !...( , -‘!1, 4L-- .' - , ..0-hea4491,/leac.,PtheeeiP-4/
/(iv(e'W%-----77—;--,--7,-- --- -- ,Ae7-ed•::2344*41 4: 6 A ---, A
408 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
the published price lists some of the rarer notes have been mentioned at prices
which I know it is impossible to furnish them at." In other words, he was accus-
ing his competitors of engaging in what we call today the ''bait and switch
game. "
Collectors of 1876 now had an album in which to house their notes, and
several dealers offering to sell them examples. Then, in 1877, a man named C.
H. Bechtel of New York City introduced his Album for Confederate Currency, a
richly-bound volume which could take its place on any fine library shelf. It con-
tained an index of the various designs which he called "types," the same term
we use today. Like Thian, he listed the types from the largest denomination
down to the smallest, a practice still used today. Somehow, this arrangement
seems backward to me as I would have listed them from the smallest upward. It
is too late to change it now. Like the "QWTERTY" typewriter keyboard used
today, we are stuck with it.
Page 34 of the Bechtel album show-
ing what is generally considered to
be the rarest Confederate note,
which is kown today as the "Indian
Princess." Bechtel did not use the
word "princess." His description was
"$5. Richmond; Negroes loading cot-
ton in lower left corner; Indian in
upper right corner." The name
"Indian Princess" was first used by
William West Bradbeer in his book
which was published in 1915.
Bechtel's album had the same disadvantage that Thian's had. There was
no easy way to mount the notes on the pages. Collectors used tiny dabs of paste
or sewing thread and hoped for the best.
Evidently Mr. Bechtel did not know about the Thian album because in
his introduction he mentions the book by Dr. Lee and the catalog by Mr.
Haseltine, but has nothing about Thian. Mr. Bechtel states that "another want
has been made apparent, namely a book or album in which these mute
reminders of our late unpleasantness can be preserved, classified and arranged
for each reference." The "mute reminders" he referred to were of course the
Confederate notes, but I also recall reading several contemporary diaries in
which genteel ladies of the South also referred to the Civil War as "the late
unpleasantness." Could it be that Mr. Bechtel was a Southern gentleman, who
had moved to New York City seeking business opportunities?
Bechtel's descriptions of the various notes were much shorter than
Thian's. Of the CSA Type 1, he described it as "$1000. Montgomery; interest
at ten cents per clay; head John C. Calhoun in lower left corner; head of
Andrew Jackson in lower right corner; National Bank Note Co."
'; Paper Money
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 409
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Puteu LIST
LOT Na..
1. 1000 dollars, Montgomery National Bank Note Co. (very rare)
1. Sao do. do. (exceedingly rare).. 6 A.
e. I00 411 do. do. (very rare)
4. 100 " Richmond, Southern Bank Note Co. (very rare)
6. 60 " Montgomery, National Bank Note Co. (very. fare)
0. 60 .' Richmond, Southern Bank Rote Co. (very rare)
,Telly 25, 1861.--- White faces and backs.
T. 100 del are. Two female figures in centre, to. (rare)
S. to " Reed q/ WashInglen In centre, go. (rare) 40
0. 20 Ship under full earl In centre, to. (rare)
II. to a Female riding a deer in centre, arc. (exceedingly rare)
11. 10 " Female leaning on a shield, on which fel a Confederate flag, itc. (rely,
IS. 8 Female leaning on a shield, on which is the ague 6, as (very rare)..
IS. 5 4, "Fitz: 5 ,351c.. (very.5ieftenrda,maiContederate states of America" in blue, on1,
September 2, 1861.--:Plain white backs.
14. 100 dollars, Man loading a wagon with bales‘ot cotton In centre, to .46
16. so " Seated figure with money cheats In centre, to .le
18. no Train 41 cars In centre, 5,o Southern Bank Note Co. (very rare)
Iv. 60 " Read ofJefferson Davis In centre, to. (scarce) lif
21. 20 Head of Alexander H. Steven, In lower left corner, to
22. 00 Head of Alexander H. Stevens In centre, "Twenty" and "XX" tn
green, Sc. (rare)
24. 20 Three female figures In centre, "20" and scroll ingreen, to. (very rim)
ea. 20 Snip under full earl In centre, Sc .111
29. 20 Kneeling female figure ; globe and ship In centre, de, Southern Rank
Note Co. (very rare)
60. 10 Negro picking cotton In centre, to .86
II. 10 Camp acenh of General Marton Is centre, to .so
U. 10 Read of R. M. T.Llunter in lower left corner, SC.— .su
U. 10 Group of Indians In centre, Se., Southern Bank Note Co. (very rare)
U. Is W5gon loaded with cotton bales. In centre. to. (very rare)
U. In Two (filmier; with an urn In upper left cornet, IC .02
1861.— Written . Dates.
American Numismatic As._=ocluliorl
.0., Li re Meit-at, er
LM-58 i8"
410 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Haseltine may have been the leading
dealer in Confederate notes and
bonds when he published his catalog
and mail-order price list in 1876. His
catalog listed 136 varieties of notes
and 55 varieties of bonds. The four-
page price list offered notes from five
cents to 75 cents each; bonds at 50
cents to 75 cents each, depending on
He also used a much sim-
pler and more dignified printed
frame on the pages reserved for
the notes, and he achieved a cer-
tain degree of security for the
album owner in the classic
design of the spine of his album.
On a library shelf, his album
looked like a typical fine book of
that era. A burglar searching for
valuables would not have been
likely to scan several hundred
book titles in a home library.
So far as I can determine,
these two albums satisfied the
demand from collectors many of
whom used individual white
envelopes to preserve their
notes. With a plentiful supply of
notes available, most collectors
of that era searched for scarce
varieties rather than types.
Bechtel estimated that there
were more than 1,500 varieties,
but that an album to house them
would have been far too expen-
sive to market.
Finally, in 1915, William
West Bradbeer published his
famous book Confederate and
Southern States Currency, which
listed all the varieties known to
him. These Bradbeer numbers
would eventually be adopted by
Grover Criswell in his series of
guide books which began about
1957, and which have generally prevailed in cataloging notes down to today..
Today of course collectors have a wide variety of albums available to
them, There are chemically inert holders which offer maximum protection for
the precious notes. Condition seems to be the most important factor in today's
marketplace, and we see enormous sums of money being spent by those who
want only the finest specimens available. It is not likely that this desire for per-
fection will end anytime soon. I still find it amazing that even today collectors
can purchase a Confederate note in Gem Crisp Uncirculated condition, but
that fact just makes the hobby that much more fascinating.
Letter to the Editor
Fred, this is just a suggestion for folks who buy Life
Memberships. They can arrange to buy a plaque like this
one. That way you have something to display.
Emmett Haralson SPMC LM 356
.*Nti U..rAW-Eal
44,.,444•14 4444I
ev h', 4r, flrrati
gt ///, ,113729>
H11. iRI VL!, 1
ANIVIth • \ Mil \AIN /TES
ctivity in the paper money market is stronger than ever! For example, several weeks ago
we bought a nice group of "type" paper money. As quick as a wink, they were all gone. We have
been cherrypicking certified notes for their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins,
and overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and types, many of which are
featured in 100 Greatest American Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman
(recently published by Whitman).
We are constantly adding to inventory but most items are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore
we suggest you visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase. If you prefer a printed
version of our listings, simply send a request via fax to Melissa Karstedt at the number below.
Place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or more and you will receive a personally
autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency Notes with our compliments.
100 Greatest
American Currency Notes
P.O. Box 1804 • Wolleboro, NH 03894 • Th11-free: 866-811-1804 • 603-569-0823
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RiChattl Kam
Q. It Bowers
Christine Karsteth
ANA Life Members
lb. Rich:1M Kam
Q. David Bowers
ehrittine Karstedt
Abb.. KABICAll
John bralievich, Jr.
John M. Pati
Fmk Van Video
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
AN D DESIGN/mill )1
Figure 1: 3rd
issue Fractional
with caduceus at
lower left.
412 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
and: the
Today, the caduceus is a universal symbol of medicine.
However, this was not always the case. Until the begin-
ning of the twentieth century, the caduceus was recog-
nized as the magic wand of Hermes, a symbol of good
faith, wise leadership, and commercial success. For this
reason, mid-nineteenth-century bankers and even the
ederal Government put an image of the caduceus on paper
currency. Nineteenth-century medical practice had such a
bad reputation that no banker or business person would have
wanted to be associated with the medical profession. In 1902,
the Medical Service of the United States Army adopted the
caduceus as its logo, and since that time the caduceus and medi-
cine have been intertwined.
Currency and the Caduceus
symbol of the medical profession. The caduceus is so familiar that
hospitals, insurance companies, and even pharmaceutical manufac-
turers use the symbol with confidence that we will mentally con-
nect their organization with the medical profession. However, you might be
surprised to learn that the caduceus was not always identified with medicine. In
fact, during the nineteenth century the most frequent use of the caduceus was
on the vignettes of paper bank notes.
Even the Bureau of Engraving and Printing put an image of the caduceus
on the 3rd issue five-cent fractional note (Figure 1). Why did so many bankers
and even the United States Government use the caduceus to decorate paper
money? Were they trying to identify with physicians or with some aspect
of nineteenth century medical practice? To answer these questions we must
delve into nineteenth-century banking practices and review the
history of the caduceus.
James G. Gamble,
M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery
Stanford University Medical Center
Packard Children's Hospital
at Stanford
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
The nineteenth-century saw frequent cycles of inflation and depression
during which metallic coins would disappear from circulation because the value
of the base metal exceeded the face value of the coin. People would hoard or
simply melt down the coins. As a result, consumers were forced to use paper
banknotes to pay the grocer, the baker, and even the doctor (if the transaction
did not involve barter). Furthermore, with the lax banking laws and the ubiq-
uitous political corruption of the times, it was relatively easy for unscrupulous
businessmen to open a bank and begin printing paper banknotes. As a result,
many varieties of paper notes circulated throughout the country, and counter-
feit currency was common. For instance, in 1857, at least 7000 different kinds
of valid notes were circulating as well as more than 5500 varieties of fraudulent
ones. 1 People were never quite sure of the value of their paper currency. With
such a motley array of banknotes circulating, a merchant needed constant
expert advice to decide which note to accept and which to reject. 2 Ironically,
President Andrew Jackson, whose portrait decorates our twenty-dollar bill, was
responsible to a large extent for the currency crisis.
The Free Banking Era
The 1828 presidential election of Andrew Jackson ushered in a political
era of the "common man." All six presidents before Jackson came from a privi-
leged, landed background, but Jackson was a commoner and a Westerner, not a
member of the Eastern elite. Jackson was suspicious of big government, big
business, and especially the Nation's central banking system, which all were
centered in the Eastern States. The first Bank of the United States in
Philadelphia had received a twenty-year charter beginning in 1791, and the
Second BUS (Figure 2) was chartered in 1816.
This Second BUS was
the largest and most successful
corporation in the country.
Eastern money interests domi-
nated the Bank. Jackson and
his supporters thought the
national bank was a dangerous
monopoly, which operated to
the advantage of the Eastern
elite. He blamed the conserva-
tive policies of the BUS for
tightening credit and thereby
slowing the economic develop-
ment of the West. 3
After his re-election in
1832, Jackson declared unoffi-
cial war on the national bank.
He ordered his Treasury
Secretary to withdraw all the
Federal deposits from the
Second BUS and place them in selected state banks, 4 the so- called "pet
banks." When the charter of the Second BUS ran out, Jackson vetoed a bill
that would have extended the life of the bank beyond 1836. Banking now
became a state and local affair. Furthermore, it was relatively easy to acquire a
charter, begin printing and circulating currency. States, cities, counties, rail-
roads, mining companies, local banks, and even construction companies went
into the banking business and began issuing paper money.
In theory, the paper money of these institutions could be redeemed at any
time for specie (gold, silver, or metallic coin). In principle, the vaults of these
Figure 2: Second Bank of the United
States, Philadelphia
C T THE RUN ON THE BANK -Ltire:tOsrqms&VWidlir-Tt ION5TAGE
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Figure 3: "The Run on the Bank, a crisis
in the affairs of the Great Financial
Institution," a 19th century stage play.
(Library of Congress)
banks were a safer place to store coins than in a straw mattress or under the
floorboard, and interest offered by banks on some notes must have been attrac-
tive. In reality, with little or no regulation of the institutions and with the con-
siderable economic instability of the times, financial panics occurred frequent-
ly, and customers would make "runs" on the bank (Figure 3), demanding their
money and causing the bank to fail. Thus, began the term "broken bank note"
for the obsolete currency of these failed financial institutions.
To prevent a run on the bank, it was crucial for the banker to maintain
public confidence and keep the notes in circulation as long as possible, prefer-
ably forever, this retaining possession of the precious metal pledged to redeem
the note. To this end, bankers used a number of ploys and even deceptions to
garner public confidence. Some banks would keep barrels of nails covered by a
thin layer of gold coins in their vaults to assure depositors of the strength of the
bank. Other banks would designate, in fine print, of course, that notes could
be redeemed only at their " main office," which might be located in remote
wilderness areas. This gave rise to the term "wildcat bank" because the holder
of the note had to have the tenacity of a wildcat just to get to the bank. It
would have been unlikely that the average person would have had the time or
the resources to redeem their notes. Thus, people were forced either to
attempt to pass the notes on, usually at a discount, or to accept the loss and dis-
card the notes. Many of the notes that survive today probably had been tossed
aside in disgust and simply forgotten.
Another common banker's ploy was to make the paper currency as artisti-
cally attractive as possible (Figure 4). The more elaborate the vignettes on the
notes, the more impressive the issuing organization might seem, and, as an
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
Figure 4: Elaborate $20
note issued by the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal
Company on October 9,
Figure 5: A note from the
Farmer's and Exchange
Bank of Charleston, South
Carolina, depicting the har-
vest and transport of cotton
by slaves.
Figure 6: Nautical scene on
a note from The New
England Commercial Bank
in Newport, Rhode Island.
added benefit, the more difficult to counterfeit the note. 5 Today, these
vignettes and portraits are miniature works of art that offer a glimpse into the
life and social values of the nineteenth century. For instance, notes from the
Southern states depicted agricultural scenes involving cotton and slave labor,
the economic engine of the antebellum South (Figure 5). Notes from the
Northern states showed nautical or industrial scenes (Figure 6), while the
notes from the Western states often depicted railroad and Native American
scenes (Figure 7).
One of the more interesting types of vignettes used on a variety of bank
notes was the depiction of bare breasted women (Figure 8). At first glance,
this might seem like a cultural contradiction, a semi-nude woman appearing on
circulating currency during the time of Victorian social and moral values. One
could argue that such a vignette might represent nothing more than an example
of the double standard of the time. However, we must remember that the goal
of the banker was to keep his notes in circulation as long as possible. In 1850,
416 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Figure 7: A railroad
scene with Native
Americans from The
Western Exchange Fire
and Marine Insurance
Company of Omaha
City, Nebraska.
Figure 8: A rather
risque note from the
Bank of DeSoto in
DeSoto, Nebraska.
Figure 9: A note issued
by the Bank of
Wisconsin in Green
Bay showing a semi-
nude holding a
Figure 9a: Close up of
caduceus in hand of
another risque maiden.
it must have been thrilling to see a note with a bold picture of a semi-nude. In
fact, it might have been just thrilling enough that the holder of the note would
be willing to tuck it away indefinitely for periodic viewing, thus satisfying the
banker's wish to keep his note in the public domain and the gold in his vault.
Vignettes and the use of the caduceus
Obsolete currency commonly included figures holding a caduceus
(Figures 9 and 10). What would the medical symbol have meant to someone
in the nineteenth century (Close up figures 9a and 10a), and just why was an
image of the caduceus put on currency?
• -
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 417
Figure 10: A cherub
holding a caduceus is
part of an elaborate
vignette which includes
five gold dollars.
Figure 10a: close up,
Scientific medicine as we know it was in its infancy at mid-nineteenth
century. The American Medical Association was established in 1847, but orga-
nized medicine remained weak and fragmented. The science of bacteriology-
was just beginning. In 1857 Louis Pasteur showed that bacteria cause infec-
tions. In 1865 Joseph Lister conducted the first antiseptic operation using car-
bolic acid to cleanse the wound and heat to sterilize the instruments.
Due to the crude and often harmful medical practices of the mid-nine-
teenth century, the public had developed a deep skepticism of physicians. To
confound the situation, Jacksonian democracy had a severe, negative impact on
science-based medicine. In the name of egalitarianism, most states abolished
the licensing of physicians during the 1840s, and anyone was free to assume
the title of "Doctor" and to take up the practice of medicine. The public was
inundated by quackery of all kinds: hydrotherapy, phrenology, mesmerism,
patient medicines, and doctors "for man and beast alike" (Figure 11). It
would take the carnage of the Civil War plus another thirty years before scien-
tific medicine began to gain the upper hand in the United States.
Figure 11: A note
issued by the
Laboratory of Dr. J. H.
McLean of
St. Louis and allegedly
signed by the Treasurer
of the State of Missouri.
Figures 12 and 13: The
Magic Wand of
Hermes, and the
Aesculapian Staff.
When a nineteenth century person saw the caduceus, he or
she would have thought of the magic wand of Hermes/Mercury,
the Greco-Roman messenger of the gods. 6 Hermes was also the
deity of eloquence, wealth, and commerce. His magic wand was a
short rod entwined with two snakes and topped with a pair of
wings (Figure 12). On the other hand, the original symbol of the
medical profession from Greek antiquity is the Aesculapian staff
(Figure 13), often confused with the caduceus. The Aesculapian
staff is entwined by one snake and contains the Greek words, "Life
is short; art is long; experience difficult." 7
418 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
From the 16th through the 19th centuries, the caduceus was used mostly
as a general symbol of wisdom and eloquence, particularly as related to busi-
ness. In 1851 hospital stewards (medical noncommissioned officers) first began
wearing the caduceus as their insignia. 8 Then in 1902 the United States Army
Medical Department adopted the caduceus as its insignia. 9 Subsequently,
hundreds of thousands of draftees were exposed to the caduceus as our country
entered the World Wars of the twentieth-century, and the medical branch of
the military grew in importance. This exposure in uniform essentially trans-
ferred the association of the caduceus from the commercial arena to the med-
ical profession.
So why did mid-nineteenth century bankers put the caduceus on their
paper currency? Bankers wanted to associate their banks with Hermes, thus
projecting a public image of good faith, wise leadership, and commercial suc-
cess. This was just another visual ploy to instill confidence in the note and pre-
vent a run on the bank. As to any association with medicine, given the sorry
state of medical practice and the low public opinion of "doctors," at the time, I
think the bankers would have been appalled to have anyone associate their bank
or their currency, in any way, with the medical profession!
Correspondence may be sent to James G. Gamble, M.D., Ph.D., Stanford
University Medical Center, Edwards Building, R-144, Stanford, California,
End Notes
Elvira and Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli, Two Centuries of American Banking, p 69.
2 Edgar Erskine Hume, Victories ofArmy Medicine, p 160.
3 D. Rubel, Encyclopedia of Presidents anti Their Times, p 46.
4 i0C sit, p 47.
5 R.H. Durand, Interesting Notes about Allegorical Representations, p 3.
6 O.L. Beaman, A Pictorial History of Medicine, p 16.
7 ibid.
8 Hume, p 33.
9 Walter Friedlander, The Golden Wand of Medicine, p 157.
Bettmann, O.L. A Pictorial History of Medicine, Fourth Printing. Springfield, IL: Charles
C. Thomas, 1972.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Website. http://www.moneyfactory.
Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira and Vladimir. Two Centuries of American Banking. Washington,
D.C.: Acropolis Books, Ltd, 1975.
Durand, R.H. Interesting Notes about Allegorical Representations. Rehoboth, MA: R.H.
Durand & Co., Ltd, 1994.
Friedlander, Walter J. The Golden Wand of Medicine. A history of the caduceus symbol in
medicine, Contributions in Medical Studies, No 35. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 1992.
Hessler, G. The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, Sixth Edition. Port Clinton,
OH: BNR Press, 1997.
Lighter, J.E. The Atlantic Online, June 1997. http://www.theatlantic
Rubel, D. Encyclopedia of the Presidents and their Times. New York, Toronto, London,
Auckland, Sydney: Scholastic Inc., 1994, pp 46, 47.
Scroggs, William 0. A Century of Banking Progress. Garden City and New York:
Doubleday, Page and Company, 1924.
Hume, Edgar Erskine. Victories of Army Medicine. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Co.,
Money Mart ads pay dividends. Six issues, three lines, only $20.25
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
This article describes one particular form of local, Oklahoma currency:
the emergency scrip issued during the banking holiday of early March 1933.
Desperate for a circulating medium, private employers worked with civic lead-
ers and banks to issue legal and acceptable replacements for United States cur-
rency. They did this not only in the absence of consistent guidance from the
national government, but in the face of open hostility from Oklahoma's
impetuous Governor, William 14. ("Alfalfa Bill") Murray, a conservative pop-
ulist with deep suspicions of bankers and banking.
While the most prominent example of such emergency money was the
scrip of the Cash Relief Trust of Oklahoma City, similar arrangements on a
smaller scale were also introduced in the cities of Bristow, Cushing, Pauls
Valley, Ponca City, Sapulpa, and Seminole.
Like many rural states, hard times came to
Oklahoma long before the Crash of '29. Throughout the 1920s, the state's
banks were plagued by defaults, as their farming clientele was ground
down by low agricultural prices. The paralysis of the nation's banking sys-
tem by early 1933 only made a bad situation worse, and Governor Murray
issued the order to close the state's banks on Wednesday, March first. The
possibility of issuing an emergency exchange medium was immediately
raised. After all, Oklahomans remembered that during the panic of 1907
bank clearing houses in the new state as well as around the country resorted to
the issue of clearing house certificates to relieve shortages of cash. 3
Oklahoma bankers were not, as a group, averse to scrip or clearing house
certificates. Yet the banking moratorium left them uncertain as to their legal
ability to underwrite either alternative. One Alfalfa County banker, who other-
wise favored an issue of "soldier bonus certificates" to circulate as money, prof-
fered this reasonable complaint about scrip: "If there is sufficient credit and
backening [sic] behind the script [sic], which there must be in order that it will
pass, why can't that same credit be used at our federal reserve banks to get the
actual currency and not have to issue scrip?" 4
Farmer and sons walking in the face of a
dust storm. Cimarron County,
Oklahoma. Arthur Rothstein, photogra-
pher. Farm Security Administration --
Office of War Information Photograph
Collection, Library of Congress Prints
and Photographs Division Washington,
DC 20540. Digital ID: cph 3g04840.
* Ponca City
Cushing * Sapulp
Bristow *
* Oklahoma City
* Seminole
Pauls Valley
Tins CERTIF IC ATE re cure , $14-< its Olaf hrre beers tie.pctektel weft the firUeow Clulamber of Coal ,-ce sod win be rt.
deemed in each ►+1, the mci.kow °umber of Cormorroe 'when colletcUon
hw been made oet web rive( its as hare been &pow ed,
9). A R S =10
Bristow "Participating Certificates",
issued in denominations from 25 cents
to 10 dollars, were the first of
Oklahoma's emergency money issues of
1933 (Copyright 1933, The Oklahoma
Publishing Company)
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
The severity of the cash shortage depended upon how quickly the state's
banks could be reopened. On Friday Murray extended the banking holiday to
the following Wednesday, March 8. The prospects for an adequate circulating
medium dimmed when the state's bank commissioner, William J. Barnett ruled
that frozen assets of the banks could not be used, as in past crises, to back clear-
ing house certificates. The Oklahoma City and Tulsa Clearing Houses met
separately to deal with the problem of weekend pay rolls without their tradi-
tional tools. Unwilling to challenge the Governor by advancing funds for busi-
ness's pay rolls or even issuing clearing house certificates, the banks instead
deferred to local business leaders to devise a scrip plan.
Hubert Hudson of the Oklahoma Railway Co. took the lead in mobiliz-
ing the business community to coordinate a scrip alternative called the Cash
Reserve Association. 5 Hudson, whose company urgently needed cash to meet
its Saturday pay roll, pushed for scrip when it became clear that the governor's
executive order had effectively impounded all currency in the banks' vaults.
Scrip purchasers would pay by check $101 for every $100 issued, the extra
amount covering operating costs. 6
Crucial to the success of the scrip plan was its acceptance both by the
general public and by the retail community. The Chamber of Commerce
pledged its willingness to support any plan for dealing with the bank moratori-
um. For their part, the Clearing House banks issued a statement endorsing the
new scrip as a stop-gap measure until the banking moratorium was lifted. To
bolster public confidence in the proposed medium, scrip could be obtained
only by reputable firms against their frozen bank balances. While banks them-
selves could not guarantee the scrip, they did stand ready to divulge to the Cash
Reserve Association financial information about firms and individuals seeking
to purchase scrip; in effect, the banks would unofficially "earmark" purchasers'
accounts to the amount of scrip they drew. 7 While it was unlikely that scrip
would be accepted far beyond city limits, Hudson nonetheless declared his
eagerness to subscribe to a first issue of $17,000 to meet his payroll.
What would the scrip look like in the hands of the public? The denomi-
nations would be one, five, and ten dollars, with any change below one dollar
made in coin. An issue worth $600,000 was planned-200,000 ones, 40,000
fives, and 20,000 tens. Production would be carried out by the Trave-Taylor
Printing Company. For security, the design would be lithographed on gray
bank safety paper, with a black-on-white front and a green-on-white back, in
somewhat larger size than standard United States currency. On one side, the
scrip would bear the reminder "This is Not United States Currency". Its back
would early in large print the denomination of the scrip, as well as a medallion
depicting the skyline of Oklahoma City with the motto, "Oklahoma City, the
City of Progress." 8
While the mechanics of
scrip issuance seemed estab-
lished, it remained unclear how
long it would be needed. In
Tulsa, where merchants pre-
ferred a clearing house issue to
business-sponsored scrip, the
banks held back on any plan until
they received national guidance.
Not every community remained
as patient. The oil town of
Bristow began moving as early as
March 3 to put its own scrip into
circulation. At a meeting Friday nigh t, Bristow merchants created the Bristow
"scrip bank" under the supervision o f the local Chamber of Commerce, and
$5 1899 Silver Certificate4pmG,d 111127S 1 erhre I Burke
here StONVI 61 - ,!Vil'i SIN M58433409 pp A
v•1 PereatsAilifillkirCIABBILT3001411-Akli'alt,
viUrereskUrt.teitie.1.4re,. CO. ee.M.Bleurueterk.;
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
Label Features
Prominent display of
cataloging information
and grade
Security features such as
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Generous area for
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Join thecommunity
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t • ...w se,. see voltstIllolkesMISseesetellrost sr wteleerosewseetlerstoewleve seste.hills. 71StessNorPellIOWtsssoWasts. essorisowtioose.,.4
Non Interest Rearing Scrip
Al NV 496
Iln)rseroil oof this sstlp III cash Is gsrst•nterel by stet...sit ei 1,111‘ •t`rtl,rol
stray step esttes1 with the vent nest.. elsosselser ets'oonstsserese •esti Its re' A••s
eloliooss tiossIssr the terms s•f Articles ssf AssesselS11 , 11 Appris,e1 h 6, It.:11 • essio •
'4 ,.1,1 , 1, In ..n IN the "fit,' ,f th. Aserselnilsols
7.==rS:=71-=‘,..2.:7"--•:".-!',..---S-27.7—s- es.
— — — -
Cushing "Trade Script" [sic] (Copyright
1933, The Cushing Daily Citizen)
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
approved a first issue of $2,000 in "home made money" for the next day. Lea
M. Nichols, the Bristow publisher, served as President of the scrip bank.
Denominations of the Bristow "Participating Certificates" ranged from ten
dollars to twenty-five cents. Staffed temporarily by employees seconded from
National Bank and the Community State Bank, the scrip bank
issued its paper against deposited
No. X193036Z
N TRA I) 1,7,
dollars worth of Cushing scrip was printed Sunday on blue and yellow safety
paper and countersigned by L. N. Stephenson (of the Farmers) and Levi
Swingle (of the First National). This scrip would supplement a plan by 0. H.
Lachenmeyer, President of the Publishing Company of Cushing.
Lachenmeyer, who published the Cushing Daily Citizen, proposed issuing to his
employees $1 scrip backed by his frozen bank accounts and receivable for
advertising and subscription fees. He was joined by Cooksey's General Store,
which planned to issue its own checks in denominations up to $2 and
redeemable in the store's own merchandise. 10
At an all-clay meeting Sunday, The Seminole Chamber of Commerce
founded a Cash Reserve Association that would issue one, five, and ten dollar
scrip in the form of checks signed by Association members. At the initial meet-
ing, 50 merchants and business-
:, men committed to underwrite
the scrip's redemption. Although
oil company checks would be the
principal security for the scrip,
SC11,11' utilities like the Seminole Gas
1: Co. and Oklahoma Gas and
Electric also signed on. The
Seminole Cash Reserve
Association's method differed
from other schemes. Instead of
selling scrip to companies or
employees, merchants would
secure scrip in exchange for pay-
roll checks which they received
from employees and which they
would deposit as collateral. As
additional security, scrip would
be signed by the individual mer-
chants who drew it out as well as
by the Association's officers. 11
A meeting of Guthrie busi-
nessmen Saturday night created a
Committee of Ten to devise a
scrip plan; by Monday, they had arrived at the idea of Guthrie banks issuing
one, five, and ten dollar certificates of deposit against frozen accounts. 12
Seminole "Scrip Dollar" (Copyright
1933, The Oklahoma Publishing
Trade Script
Issuod By Tilt
Cushing Trade Clearance
Must Be Redeemed ;,:nee 1 I933
rhcdc• nn h9 corornitaw g■--• . ,
the American
4 ,
ti payroll checks. 9
That Friday night also saw
Cushing merchants forming the
Cushing Trade Clearance
Association to pursue a similar
plan. Backed by payroll checks,
Cushing's scrip would rely upon
the good agencies of the Farmers
National and the First National
Banks to confirm employers'
account balances. Ten thousand
This Is Not Unit ed States Currency
.zurip "1
I .,f
!essossiossile. t)LIAIssIsIss
and y !sostIltss!
S C i2 ()V
"' RFT: ITT Titt:
OF OKLAHOMA ( . 1 . ()I■ 1..1110N1A
Irq nO, .• .,•■ t • ,
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 423
Finally, in Ponca City that same night the Retailers Association worked
out the details of a substantial $50,000 scrip issue in the same range of denomi-
nations. Backed by bank deposits, scrip was to be purchased by check in
amounts as low as $50. Applicants for scrip would assign to the Retailers
Association an equivalent claim upon their bank accounts. As in Cushing, this
plan was made more palatable by the roles played by local bankers. Clyde E.
Muchmore, editor of the Ponca City News, exuded confidence: "It is good for
the reason that we say it is good, and after all that is the only reason that any
money is good. This scrip will and should have free circulation in Ponca
City." 13
Nationally, the banking situation only got worse, and by March 4, the
very day of Roosevelt's inauguration, the entire nation's financial system was at
a standstill. In Oklahoma, meanwhile, legal concerns delayed the issuance of
Cash Reserve scrip. The next day, Barnett warned bankers across Oklahoma
against scrip. The Tulsa Clearing House backed away from any issue in
advance of federal guidelines, while the Ponca City Retailers Association
dropped its original plan and considered re-forming itself as a clearing house. 14
The Cash Reserve Association held back on printing scrip, and postponed the
opening of the scrip bank's offices until Monday morning. As a result, many
Saturday pay rolls such as Hudson's simply went unpaid. Scrip received critical
support from Oklahoma City, when city manager Albert McRill announced
that the city council had agreed in its Saturday meeting to accept it for fines,
license fees, and other city bills. In contrast, Oklahoma County offices elected
not to accept scrip for taxes, and court costs. 15
By Sunday night, March 5, 500 businessmen meeting at the Chamber of
Commerce were introduced to the "Cash Relief Trust" as a replacement for
the Cash Reserve Association. Ten thousand dollars was raised at the meeting
to assure its operating costs. Unlike the previous entity, the Cash Relief Trust Cash Relief Trust Scrip of Oklahoma City
would not sell scrip to individual purchasers, but would offer it directly to firms (Copyright 1933, The Oklahoma
in thousand dollar quantities. Hudson and Edgar T. Bell of the Oklahoma Publishing Company)
Publishing Co. remained
Chairman and Secretary respec-
tively of the new incarnation. Not
coincidentally, first in line to pur-
chase were the Oklahoma
Railway Co., with a payroll of
$17,500, and the Oklahoma
Publishing Co., with a payroll of
more than $20,000. Serving as
trustees of the new organization
were Edgar Honnold, the hard-
ware merchant M. S.
McEldowney, and Herbert M.
Peck. "Major" Peck in particular
exemplified the close ties among
the principals of the scrip scheme:
a vice president and trust officer
of the First National until 1928,
Peck served as the Oklahoma
Publishing Company's general
Under the revised plan, the
trustees were especially important
because they were the ones to
assess whether or not an applicant
qualified to receive scrip. In this
Oklahoma Governor William H.
"Alfalfa Bill" Murray (1931-1935)
looked with suspicion upon the Cash
Relief Trust's scrip issue.
424 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
revised procedure, at the time of application the corporate buyer would give
the scrip bank permission to examine the company's account balance in its reg-
ular bank. The scrip bank established by this trust would continue to be located
at the First National Bank and Trust Company building. As in the old plan, the
first printing would amount to $600,000. The "Declaration of Trust" was
signed _March 4 and filed at the county courthouse on March 8. 16
National developments Sunday night also called into question the
timetable for issuing scrip. Roosevelt's Sunday declaration of a national bank
holiday beginning Monday morning and lasting until Friday March 10 pre-
empted state moratoria. While Roosevelt's proclamation authorized the issue
of clearing house certificates, Treasury Secretary William Woodin delayed
issuing any specific orders granting their release. 17
The prospects for Oklahoma scrip dimmed further on Monday when
Governor Murray came out roundly against the businessmen's plan. In a ram-
bling broadside to the press he reminded Oklahomans that
before statehood the coal operators in the Indian Territory issued script
[sic], which ultimately was good at the Commissary of the Company,
whose prices were outrageously high for redemption of this scrip. In the
Constitutional convention we set the ground work and completed in the
first Legislature the destruction of this script [sic].
Here Murray was referring to early legislation that sought to force min-
ing companies to pay its employees in "lawful money of the United States"
instead of the company scrip that commonly circulated in areas without
banks. 18 This had been a delicate point for the original scrip plan. He contin-
I thought it was gone for good, but I read in the Sunday's and
today's Oklahoman a proposition to issue, without limit, script [sic] by cer-
tain concerns in Oklahoma City, in which they say: 'Trust will be filed
and it is guaranteed'. Evidently it is a Common Law Trust simply, and
guaranteed by themselves who pass out this script [sic], by their own
bankruptcy. ...I warn those who are attempting to unload such a bubble
on the public to stop now, and I warn the general public, especially the
little business man, not to accept such chromos in the name of money for
such are never sound, even in times of prosperity and solvency. 19
The Daily Oklahoman, which had just published on Monday a full-page ad
promoting scrip use, and whose officers were intimately involved in the scrip
plan, reacted furiously.
In comparing the scrip just issued to the scrip of the old pre-state
coal fields, Governor Murray is going to the utmost bound of error. The
scrip he has in mind was issued by companies and too often redeemable at
company stores only. The scrip now circulating in Oklahoma City is
redeemable in the money of the company issuing the scrip. No company
repudiating its scrip or failing to make it good would last any longer than
if it had repudiated its checks... .In referring to the company scrip of the
coal fields the governor makes no mention of the irregular paper issued in
the panic days of 1907. That paper kept business alive and prevented suf-
fering, and no one who accepted it lost a penny through using it. 20
Whether reasonable or not, Murray's and Barnett's opposition to
Oklahoma City scrip reinforced national developments that cast the business-
men's plan into doubt. Printed scrip bearing the name of the Cash Relief Trust
and amounting to $600,000 languished in the vaults of the First National. 21
The governor's attack on scrip also delayed its issue in Seminole, where direc-
tors of the Seminole Chamber of Commerce Cash Reserve Association awaited
word of a national scrip plan. Cushing's Trade Clearance Association, which
had printed its supply Sunday, delayed releasing it through Wednesday.
Skeptical of scrip, Sapulpa businessmen held off on an issue through the
S fireilatateretatirlirl $ 1 ta
i;e0'010 Kay County Clearing House _Certificate
F reach. This chum:duce unanimo esusly decid the amountimr liningFred . CertificatesNC:il
i. claim agaimt
a bfiat the Settlr9 itS of freed by o mesnimr- hsnk. Cles.inx -House Certificates are a common slier
ti con aieral deposited by the eircuIrting bark. - ;
Dated at Ponca City, 0ktabard _this. the 10th of March, 1933.
THIS ONE.DOLLAR CEItTIF LASE la issued by- the Koo Cnuoty (Jeering House Association as ESN;
p l.
nd e
the circulating bank. The, seourilld are held - , trust-by the special COtSe repreae•
rii;iloo of
g House Association Securities led al b
, K„ Me'elr
tbIa. nlilo arc unanimously
by a ni'mi
medium of temporary exchange. It is - coliatrialbs .seesitecl oy d"r-ct ^nyment obligations of the United
Slates, the State of Oklahoma, and municioa/. 0,11 ,4.1,s thereof(' ami/er by secured notes pledged
auaramttd by
r^ can be
is, i!, a
F. Smith T. W. rentice
0. S. ELLIFRIT. Secretary.
L. C. WRIGHT. Treasurer.
_ By 0., 0. JOHNSON, President.
..GEO. F. SMITH, Vice President.
1 '
Ponca City, Oklahoma, March 5, 1933, for and guaratBeed by Kifet9.4
S 1 lifiliiiiMBEINNI$ 1
Make Business-Better-Certificate ,• ••
Non•interest bearing. Net United States Currency.
BY glpile V
I.-wed at
? •Head agreement on reserse side.
s tripieffiriiiiiterrtin$ 1v eil.1.—.7t
The News Malec-Business-Better Certificate
r,a5 Trade In Dances City
,„;) 1116-.13
z: .-44, Along with loan,. other businesses, the bank moratolinin caught Tho Nev., with a substantial bank accountand .cry little each order that we may meet our pa
yroll. we are ',suing scrip ce
" 110
rtificate', which linse
the 'ante
sl•aranito hack of theist that Our
filed: Isat111 bate Them certificate. will be a plea by at
g" t=:;3 their fare sal in the payment of all old a ccounts, in the purelia. of advertising in The Neon or of printedmatter at the News Printer). We request merchants. to accept Item in payment of or the par.
1 er.jP. chase of tnerchentli,. They will he redeemed at such time as regulations of the banking departments make YOW"..
▪ this possible. There is nothing back of this certified, lint our word business integrity. We :riot
▪ that the-e ate sufficient.
Don't Hoard---Spend THE PONCA CITY NEWS
Editor end Manager
kirtl N Man IVINV,49; nt 0 N Ese-s st's sat's s'Aloit -
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
Chamber of Commerce pending
consultation with the Tulsa
Clearing House and with their
local bankers. In the meantime,
Sapulpans desperate for cash
resorted to drawing down their
water meter deposits with the city.
Guthrie merchants also paused in
their plans. 22 Ponca City busi-
nessmen scrambled to meet offi-
cial objections by restyling them-
selves as the Kay County Clearing
House Association, whose mem-
bership consisted of the two Ponca City banks, the First National
Security Banks of Blackwell, and the First National Bank and the
Commerce of Tonkawa. Like the old plan, scrip certificates came in one, five,
and ten-dollar denominations, but would be issued instead in the name of the
bank depositing the collateral. 23
Meeting early Monday, March 6, the Oklahoma City Clearing House
considered its own issue of certificates; Tulsa bankers also promised swift
action, even as Barnett reminded them that "no scrip of any kind, no clearing
house certificates or cashiers' checks be issued until the plan is worked out in
Washington and instructions received from there." At a bankers' gathering in
Oklahoma City, officers from around the state obliged by coming out against
any scrip measures of their own. Muskogee's bankers returned home to instruct
their Clearing House against any issue of certificates or scrip. 24
Oklahoma City businesses got along the best they could during the cash
famine. Most preferred customer purchases on account to the cutting of small
checks. Groceries cooperated with companies by issuing trade coupon books
that the companies could give to their employees. The Oklahoma Railway
Company, which had missed its regular Saturday payday, advanced its workers
five dollars each in cash from
streetcar fare receipts. 25
Elsewhere in the state, cor-
porations and governments made
creative use of popular demand
for their goods and services.
Following the example of The
Publishing Company of Cushing,
other newspaper owners capital-
ized on their importance in the
local economy (as well as on their
ownership of printing presses) by
issuing scrip. On Tuesday,
Muchmore's Ponca City News, put
out $1,400 in its own "Make-
Business-Better" certificates,
while the Bartlesville Daily
Enterprise paid out $500 in private
currency to its employees in
denominations from five dollars
down to twenty-five cents. The
Miami Daily News-Record paid out
scrip to its employees, in amounts
up to five dollars. In general, these
issues gained easy acceptance not
Clyde Muchmore's "Make Business-
Better-Certificates" came in one and
five dollar denominations. Like Kay
County certificates, this sported a
vignette of the Ponca City Municipal
Building, suggesting that Muchmore was
the printer for both issues. (Illustration
courtesy of )
and the
Bank of
Kay County Clearing House Certificate
(Courtesy )
426 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
only because of the stature of the local publishers, but because they were
receivable for advertising and subscription payments to the newspapers. 26
While public authorities around the state could hardly assert legal tender
privileges, they did exploit whatever currency their warrants possessed. At its
March 7 meeting, the Guthrie City Council voted to issue "all salary warrants
for the month of February in $1 denominations insofar as acceptable," and des-
ignated a deputy to assist the Treasurer and City Clerk in the tiresome job of
signing each warrant. The City Clerk's office stayed open all night preparing
the warrants, and on Wednesday paid out more than $4,000 to 43 city workers.
Enid teachers managed to get 25% of their salaries paid in one-dollar "trust
certificates backed by a specific warrant which will be held for their redemp-
tion." while the city of Miami paid $3,000 in employee salaries using five-dollar
warrants backed by bonds. 27
On March 8, Murray extended his original bank holiday until Friday the
10th, to match the federal timetable. After some hesitation, Secretary Woodin
authorized clearing house associations to issue certificates, but only by March
10 at the earliest, pending any national scrip plan. Federal Reserve officials in
Washington, D.C. opposed any national plan, arguing that the Federal Reserve
System already possessed adequate mechanisms for currency expansion.
Despite this opposition, clearing houses around the country moved to
issue certificates. In particular, Governor Lehman of New York oversaw the
creation of an Emergency Certificate Corporation that would provide state
scrip based upon sound bank assets. 28 While the nation's banks awaited New
York's example, printing presses across the country produced millions of dol-
lars of emergency circulation. The Oklahoma City Clearing House announced
its own plans for issuing up to $3 million in certificates. The Tulsa Clearing
House promised an expedited Friday release of certificates. 29
With the Cash Relief Trust apparently out of business, the Daily
Oklahoman complained bitterly about Murray's interference:
It is rather like Governor Murray to see more evil in the emergency
plans of local business men than he can see in his own emergency plans...
When local business men drive determinedly towards a wider measure of
local relief by issuing local scrip for local convenience the governor
attacks the program with a mass of unrestrained epithets and unvarnished
errors and advises all people to wait for the launching of the Roosevelt
program. But in the matter of banking reform he refuses to wait. While
advising others to wait and then follow, he refuses to wait and he fails to
follow. 30
Compounding Murray's hostility were the effects of new national legisla-
tion. Instead of endorsing nationwide issues of scrip or clearing house certifi-
cates, the Emergency Banking Act, passed by Congress on March 9, established
a nationwide timetable by which banks could be examined and certified for
reopening to the public. In addition, it provided for a rapid increase in the sup-
ply of Federal Reserve notes by expanding the category of eligible assets against
which notes could be issued. Furthermore, Treasury Secretary Woodin forbade
the issue of Emergency Certificates by the State of New York, and clearing
houses around the country either truncated or abandoned their plans to issue
certificates. In Oklahoma City, banks fell silent about any issue of certificates. 31
These developments did not dissuade the Cash Relief Trust. Ignoring
Murray, the Trust went ahead and issued the first $34,500 in scrip on
Wednesday, March 8. To the Daily Oklahoman, "issuance of the scrip here
acted like a blow torch on the ice cake of frozen assets, with virtually every
merchant joining in the move to liquidate business and resume normal trade".
A.C. DeBolt, president of the Oklahoma Railway Co., made the first scrip
withdrawal on Wednesday, taking $9,000. "I can go back to the office and
know that I will be greeted with open arms now," Debolt declared. "I've been
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 427
going around empty handed for so long, I've simply become afraid of my own
shadow." His company accepted a dollar in scrip for a fifty-cent ride card and
fifty cents' change in silver.
The second applicant for scrip was the Oklahoma City Publishing Co.,
which took $12,000. More than 140 firms across the trades agreed to accept it,
including utilities, although Southwestern Bell demurred, citing its financial
obligations outside the city. In his syndicated column, Will Rogers captured
the mood and logic of the scrip movement with this backhanded endorsement:
"Everybody is all excited over 'scrip'. We are all for it. The way it sounds, all
you need is a fountain pen and a prescription blank. . . .So come on with your
scrip. The psychology of the stuff not being actual money is going to make
everybody want to buy some-
thing." 32
The release of Oklahoma "•
City scrip was a signal to other
schemes around the state. In
Seminole, where the city council
voted to accept scrip for water bills
and other city expenses, $2,500 in
Cash Reserve Association scrip
was issued in the first two hours of
business. With its bank opening
delayed, the Sapulpa Chamber of
Commerce finally voted to issue
$10,000 in "participating certificates," hastily printed in denominations which, A One-dollar Sapulpa "Participating
like Bristow's, ranged from twenty-five cents to ten dollars. Signed by the Certificate" (Courtesy Depressionscrip.
Chamber's President and Secretary, the scrip was underwritten by the payrolls corn)
of factories, oil companies, and utilities. In a simple procedure like Seminole's,
payroll checks could be cashed directly with local merchants in exchange for
scrip. The Pauls Valley Chamber became an impromptu bank of issue, provid-
ing scrip to businesses in exchange for their checks, and quickly had $500
worth of scrip in circulation. As the local paper reported, "many merchants are
cashing personal checks with the 'home-made' money, and practically every
business house in Pauls Valley is accepting the same as cash." 33
Cushing's scrip eventually entered circulation, while in Bristow, where
the first emergency issue had begun, thousands more in scrip, mostly in the
smaller denominations, were put out as the week wore on. In addition to the
numerous businesses advertising their readiness to take scrip in payment, the
Bristow City Council voted to accept it for water bills; other utilities followed
the city's lead. In Ponca City, the Kay County Clearing House estimated that
up to $100,000 in clearing house certificates would be required to meet local
demand. Guthrie, which like Miami had issued a large number of negotiable
warrants to pay employees, found its liquidity needs correspondingly reduced
and did not go forward with scrip. 34
By Friday March 10, only limited banking services were available
statewide, and applications for Cash Relief Trust scrip, encouraged by the
Chamber of Commerce's endorsement, remained heavy through the week-
end. 35 Although the federal legislation squelched the movement for national
scrip, Roosevelt's bank holiday probably increased demand for Cash Relief
Trust scrip since his proclamation and the Emergency Banking Act did not
allow for the partial withdrawals of deposit balances. About the scrip, Governor
Murray sneered, "it's worth a hundred cents on the dollar in trade where it's
issued, but it's not worth a damn for anything else." 36
Even if true, that was good enough for its users. As of Thursday, March
9, $88,400 in scrip was in circulation. Noteworthy among the applicants for
scrip was the city government itself. Indeed, City Treasurer Joe W.
This certificate is secured by pay! . thai I are been deposited with the Sapulpa
Chamber of Comnic:ce r -i,teiltlyr the Sapulpa Chamber of Commerce 0-2g,
when collection has been made on such c ks akfjpeWsposited. A A A A 2,,
.17'•,-;V)1:(Cce1c94, ,V4P.i.'4.(t4)1(c. =14tc"' .A541,;(02,1Vit..420UV.A>:,V6.e.2,'.ak4g, V.f.ssz"s-
'-keTA;R:p .;767),7P.P;CeigiAnT2WK:WP ,TAK'U-%1"0714'nni
This Certificate. Goad Oniy in Sapulpa, Okla. _NY
ON 0 LAR 1
848 A
Edgar Honnold, Leg, M. S. AfcEldowney and Herbert Peck
At least one group of Oklahoma City business men knows the visst-
tudes of a messenger boy—they are trustees of the city scrip bank.
riy a provtslon of the trust agreement under which the bank 13 operated,
the trustees must be their own messengers, and a large portion of each
day must be spent in chasing from bank to bank.
As only the trustees are permitted to inspect a bank accouut. It is
necessary, after receipt of an application in the First street bank offices,
fcr the three trustees to walk over to the hank in which the applicant
has /11.3 account, make their Inspection and then walk back to the
scrip hank.
Above: Scrip Trustees Going About Their Business. Below: Trust officials, with
Herbert Peck at right, witness the burning of Cash Relief Trust scrip on March 17,
1933. (Both illustrations, Copyright 1933, The Oklahoma Publishing Company)
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money428
Scrip Trustees Get a Workout Ammerman proved the single largestpurchaser of Cash Relief Trust scrip to
use for cashing employees' salary war-
rants. The city also accepted several
hundred dollars' worth of the paper in
payment of various bills and fees.
Generally, scrip was taken wherever
offered, although wholesalers with
obligations outside of the city declined
the scrip. The first marriage license
paid in scrip went to Sarah M. Adams
and R. R. McBride. 37
City bankers prepared for limited
operations Monday, March 13th,
according to the federal schedule. The
minimum scrip purchase from the Cash
Relief Trust was dropped Friday to
$500, although many smaller mer-
chants facing Saturday payrolls chafed
at even that minimum. Friday was its
busiest day, with twenty-four applica-
tions for scrip approved, the largest
being Oklahoma Gas and Electric and
the City Treasury, which each took
$10,000. This rush of business also
highlighted one inconvenience in the
operations of the Cash Relief Trust: As
trustees, Honnold, McEldowney, and
Peck were obliged to travel from bank
to bank in order to inspect personally
the accounts of scrip applicants. 38
By that weekend, issues of Cash
Relief Trust scrip peaked at
$132,000. 39 With major banks in
Oklahoma set to re-open, redemption
of Cash Relief scrip was envisioned.
The Cash Relief Trust redeemed about
$50,000 before it closed at 2:00 pm on
Tuesday, March 14, and set June 3 as
the final day for redeeming scrip, after
which the notes would become worth-
less. In contrast to the trustee's scurry-
ing of earlier days, the scrip operation
was now quieter, as customers lined up
to redeem their holdings for U.S. cur-
rency. The scrip could be redeemed at
the temporary offices until Thursday,
after which it would have to be present-
ed at the First National Bank. By
Friday, March 17, only $15,000
remained outstanding, and the scrip
bank wound up its operations. 40
As with the banking crisis itself,
Oklahoma's experiment with emer-
gency money blossomed and then fold-
ed up with great rapidity as commercial
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430 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
conditions returned, if not to prosperity, at least to a pre-crisis calm. On March
17, redeemed and unissued scrip of the Cash Relief Trust amounting to
$564,543 was incinerated in the furnaces of the First National Bank building.
While about $10,000 was estimated to be outstanding in late March, this figure
shrank through redemptions to something under $1,000 worth of lost or keep-
sake notes. By the terms of the Trust any collateral behind the unredeemed
remainder would be turned over to charity 60 days after final redemption dead-
line. After expenses, it was reported that this gift amounted to $21.22. 41
Banks in Seminole and Cushing opened on an unrestricted basis, and the
scrip issues in both towns (including that of Cushing's publisher Lachenmeyer)
were also quickly retired. In Cushing, timely federal payments to military per-
sonnel and Indian tribes limited the need for scrip. Pauls Valley banks accepted
the town's scrip against cash, and a total of $1,071.60 was redeemed through
the Chamber as it deposited the business checks it held as collateral. Of the
$10,000 in Sapulpa "Participating Certificates" authorized, apparently only
something less than $2,400 was actually issued. In the first two days after
redemption was permitted, all but $146.50 had been returned. The Chamber
declared outstanding scrip invalid after ninety days.
Bristow's "scrip bank," whose final circulation reached $9,678.50, even
published a rudimentary balance sheet, signed by Nichols and Brawner, that
trumpeted a "surplus" from its operations of $2.37. On Thursday, March 16,
Bristow's own "Participating Certificates" were recalled, and by the next day
alone $6,453.25 had been turned in. June first was set as the deadline for
redemptions. Proceeds from unredeemed scrip reverted to the Chamber of
Commerce treasury. Guthrie, which had relied upon $1.00 salary warrants,
hastened to retire them before other obligations "because of their bulkiness." 42
The Kay County Clearing House Certificates issued in Ponca City
turned out to be the second largest issue of scrip after Oklahoma City's, and
the most orthodox in terms of banking practices. Alone among the seven
Oklahoma experiments in emergency money, Ponca City recast its issue as a
liability of the new clearing house's banks; its certificates were backed by finan-
cial securities rather than earmarked bank accounts or pay roll checks, as hap-
pened elsewhere. In the event, the Security Bank and Trust issued only $20,000
in certificates, the First National $5,000. With the lifting of the national holi-
day, Meek called for their immediate redemption, and over half the issue was
paid in on March 16 alone. The Kay County Clearing House represented one
of fifteen clearing houses across the country which, following the 1907 prece-
dent, actually issued scrip in 1933, although twice that number prepared issues
but never put them into circulation. Redeemable up to two years after issue, a
mere $40 of the Ponca City currency remained outstanding by 1935. 43
With the lifting of the banking restrictions, Oklahoma's emergency
money was quickly cancelled, and the bulk of it reduced to ashes. Samples of
Oklahoma's emergency currency still extant, tucked away as curiosities or
mementos, testify to the resourcefulness of the state's business and financial
elite in meeting local needs at the crescendo of national crisis. Successful local
currency required not only business support but public confidence. In the
Oklahoma experiments in emergency money, this trust was cultivated by care-
ful mobilization of business interests, as well as by scrupulous attention to what
backed the scrip and even to its physical appearance. Widespread publicity pro-
moted popular awareness and support for the new circulating media. The larg-
er the issue (as in Oklahoma City and Ponca City) the more elaborate did these
safeguards become.
Just as the banking crisis of 1933 brought out the best in community spir-
it, its inconvenience may have also postponed some of the worst in human lar-
ceny. Burris G. Penn, editor of the Cordell Beacon, noted one unanticipated
benefit of the financial turmoil:
•1, co aos4erse
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432 November/December • Whole No. 246 ° Paper Money
Some of us may have thought the banking holiday worked a great
hardship upon us, but imagine the consternation of Oklahoma's numerous
efficient bank robbers when they found every bank in the state suddenly
closed and their means of living completely shut out. If the holiday should
continue longer these modern buccaneers might have to resort to raiding
henhouses. 44
1 The author is associate professor of political science at Univeristy of Central
Oklahoma, Edmond, OK. A longer version of this article appeared as: "'This is
Not United States Currency': Oklahoma's Emergency Scrip Issues During the
Banking Crisis of 1933," Chronicles of Oklahoma, 82 (Summer, 2004), 168-199.
2 Two general works on Depression scrip are: Vernon L. Brown, "Scrip and Other
Forms of Emergency Currency Issued in the United States During the Depression
Years of 1931-1934" 2 Vols. (MA Thesis, New York University, 1941); and Joel
William Canady Harper, "Scrip and Other Forms of Local Money" (PhD
Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1948). The standard numismatic reference is
Ralph Mitchell and Neil Shafer, Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United
States (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1984).
3 James G. Cannon, Clearing Houses (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1910), 11, 75-9; A. Matt
Andrew, "Substitutes for Cash in the Panic of 1907," Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 22 (August 1908), 497-516; James M. Smallwood, An Oklahoma
Adventure: Of Banks and Bankers (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979),
55. By 1933, clearing house associations existed in Oklahoma, Tulsa, Bartlesville,
Enid, Muskogee, Guthrie, and (formed that year) Ponca City.
4 Henry C. Doherty (Bank of Burlington, Burlington) to Thomas, March 7, 1933 Box
15 Folder 38, Subject Series, Elmer Thomas Collection, Carl Albert Center
Congressional Archives, University of Oklahoma, Norman (hereafter cited as
5 Daily Oklahoman, March 4, 1933; Guthrie Daily Leader, March 3, 1933.
6 Daily Oklahoman, March 4, 1933; "Growth of the Oklahoma Publishing Company",
supplement to the Daily Oklahoman, April 23, 1939, 9-10.
7 Chamber of Commerce, Board Minutes March 2, 1933, 87. Oklahoma City Chamber
of Commerce Collection Box 8 Folder 1, Research Division, Oklahoma Historical
Society, Oklahoma City (hereafter cited as RD OHS); Daily Oklahoman, March 4,
8 Oklahoma City Times, March 4, 1933.
9 Bristow Daily Record, March 3-4, 1933.
10 Cushing Daily Citizen, March 3, 1933, 3; March 5, 1933.
11 Seminole Producer, March 6, 1933; Okmulgee Daily Times, March 8, 1933; Seminole
News, March 9, 1933.
12 Guthrie Daily Leader, March 5-6, 1933.
13 Ponca City News, March 6, 1933; quote from "Scrip is Money" (editorial), ibid, 4. For
a copy of the assignment agreement, see ibid, 6.
14 Tulsa Daily World, March 6, 1933; Ponca City News, March 6-7, 1933.
15 Daily Oklahoman, March 5, 1933, A-7; Oldahoma City Council Journal, March 4,
1933, 96; Oklahoma City Times, March 4, 1933.
16 "Declaration of Trust" Miscellaneous Records, 247: 22-30, Oklahoma County
Clerk's Office, Oklahoma City. For application forms for scrip purchase, see Daily
Oklahoman, March 6, 1933, p. 4.
17 Ibid, 12; Susan Eastabrook Kennedy, The Banking Crisis of 1933 (Lexington:
University Press of Kentucky, 1973), 165.
18 Session Laws of Oklahoma 1909, 637-8.
19 Typescript copy in the Elmer Thomas Collection, Subject Files Box 15 Folder 39,
CAC; Blue Valley Farmer, March 9 1933. See also O.D. Hall, "Oklahoma
Operating Under Moratoria," Harlow's Weekly, March 11, 1933, 3-6.
20 Daily Oklahoman, March 7, 1933.
21 Specimens bearing the name "Cash Reserve Association" were printed, but never cir-
culated. See Mitchell and Shafer, Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip, 212.
22 Seminole Producer, March 7, 1933; Cushing Daily Citizen, March 8, 1933; Sapulpa
Herald, March 6, 1933; City of Sapulpa, Commissioners' Proceedings, March 6,
1933, Volume May 1932-December 1934, np, City Clerk's Office, Sapulpa,
Oklahoma; Guthrie Daily Leader, March 7, 1933.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 433
23 Ponca City News, March 7, 1933; March 9, 1933.
24 Daily Oklahoman, March 7, 1933; Tulsa Daily World, March 6, 1933; March 7, 1933;
Muskogee Daily Phoenix, March 6, 1933; March 7, 1933; March 14, 1933.
25 Daily Oklahoman, March 7-9, 1933.
26 Ponca City News, March 7-8, 1933, 1; Miami Daily News-Record, March 12, 1933;
Mangum Daily Star, March 3, 1933.
27 Guthrie City Council Minutes, March 7, 1933, 357, City Clerk's Office, Guthrie,
Oklahoma; Guthrie Daily Leader, March 6, 1933; March 8, 1933; Enid Events,
March 9, 1933; Miami Daily News-Record, March 7, 1933.
28 Twentieth Annual Report of the Federal Reserve Board Covering Operations for the Year
1933 (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1934), 12; Kennedy, The Banking Crisis of 1933,
29 Daily Oklahoman, March 8, 1933; Tulsa Daily World, March 8, 1933.
30 "For Others Only" Daily Oklahoman, March 8, 1933.
31 Kennedy, The Banking Crisis of 1933, 173-8.
32 Daily Oklahoman, March 9, 1933; Rogers quoted in the Tulsa Daily World, March 7,
33 Sapulpa Herald, March 11, 1933; Minutes of the Board of City Commissioners of
Pauls Valley February 21, 1933, Volume July 1, 1929-November 18, 1946,
152;City Clerk's Office, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma; Pauly Valley Democrat, March 9,
1933; Jarrel Ray Walker, "A History of Pauls Valley, Oklahoma" (M.A. Thesis,
University of Oklahoma, 1953), 59.
34 City of Bristow, City Council Minutes March 6, 1933, Volume 1932-May 1936, 62,
City Clerk's Office, Bristow, Oklahoma; Bristow Daily Record, March 7, 10, 11,
1933; Ponca City News, March 10-13, 1933; Guthrie Daily Leader, March 7, 1933.
35 Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Board Minutes March 9, 1933, 92, Box 8,
Folder 1, Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce Collection, RD OHS.
36 Oklahoma City Times, March 9, 1933.
37 Daily Oklahoman, March 10, 1933; City Journal, March 6, 1933, 97.
38 Daily Oklahoman, March 11, 1933.
39 Daily Oklahoman, March 12-13, 1933.
30 Daily Oklahoman, March 14-17, 1933.
41 Roy P. Stewart (with Pendleton Woods), Born Grown: An Oklahoma City History
(Oklahoma City: Fidelity National Bank Association, 1976), 239; Daily
Oklahoman, March 18, May 29, June 3, 1933; November 4, 1948; Sunday
Oklahoman Magazine, March 2, 1958, 29; "Declaration of Trust", Section 16, 27.
Stewart and the Daily Oklahoman give a final figure of $729 in outstanding scrip,
while Mitchell and Shafer (211) cite $921.
42 Seminole Producer, March 17, 1933; Cushing Daily Citizen, March 10, 1933; March 17,
1933; Sapulpa Herald, March 22, 1933; Bristow Daily Record, March 16, 1933;
March 17, 1933; Guthrie City Council Minutes, April 5, 1933, 360, City Clerk's
Office, Guthrie, Oklahoma.
43 Ponca City News, March 16-17, 1933; Brown, "Scrip and Other Forms of Emergency
Currency", 143-7.
44 Cordell Beacon, March 9, 1933.
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- -.male • • • 111m.---
Mexico's National Bank.
The First National Bank of Mexico
has been incorporated and has received
authority from the comptroller of the
Currency to begin business. The capi-
tal is V25,000 and the first issue of cur-
rency will iz,000. The Banking Asfto-
elation is the E ace° s o r to Charles A.
Peck & Company, private bankers, who
began business about a year ago, and .
the first bank ever incorporated in this
village. A large amount of banking
business is transacted here in propor-
tion to the population and there is no
good reason why a national bank, prop-
erly run, should not make ruaney.
The directors are Nellie T. Peck,
Charles A. Peck, Henry A. Peck, L. G.
Ballard and Ida T. Ballard. Nellie T.
Peck is president and Charles A. Peck
• • • *m.o..-- _
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money434
Nellie T. Peck,
National Bank
NY, a village in central New York about 40 miles north of
Syracuse. She was born there on March 4, 1857, to a banking fami-
ly. Her father, James A. Clark, was the founding cashier (1865) of
the Pulaski National Bank and was its president at the time of his death in 1887.
Her mother, Helen A. Clark, then succeeded to the presidency and served until
her death in 1893. She was one of the first woman National Bank presidents.
Then Nellie's sister-in-law, Ella Clark, became president of the Pulaski
bank, serving for about a decade before Nellie's brother, Louis J. Clark,
assumed the presidency of this family owned bank which closed in 1932 during
the depression.
When in her early 20s, Nellie Clark married Charles A. Peck of Mexico,
NY. Mexico, also in Oswego County, is about 10 miles southwest of Pulaski.
Both Nellie and her husband were directors of the Pulaski NB by the 1890s.
Charles was in the mer-
cantile business in Mexico
and in 1895 (some sources say
1898) he organized a private
bank in the village, Charles A.
Peck and Company. When
that bank evolved into the
First National Bank of
Mexico, charter #5293, in the
spring of 1900, Nellie became
its president and Charles the
For the early years of
her presidency, her sister-in-
law was president of the
Pulaski National Bank. Thus
these nearby national banks
each had a woman president.
A local newspaper in 1902
noted this, saying, "Both
institutions are flourishing,
and justly proud of their
women officers."
Nellie served as bank
Above right: The bank occupied this
building from 1903 until 1971, when
it moved to new quarters.
Far right: The local newspaper carried
this article on April 25, 1900, about
the founding of the National Bank,
noting Nellie T. Peck as the president.
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 435
A letter for SPMC membership:
I was truly disappointed when I read through the latest issue of Paper Money, our journal of the Society of Paper
Money Collectors. Among the normally appealing articles by collectors about their interests was an article by Stephen
Zarlenga, Director of the American Monetary Institute. My disappointment turned into disgust as I read his reprehensible
accusations that the Federal Reserve is responsible for American social ills from child mortality to the nuclear arms race.
Let me start first with full disclosure. I am employed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. I support staff
in the Research Department with their computer needs, data requirements, and forecasting models. I am not an economist.
That is one thing that Mr. Zarlenga and I have in common; however, I do not pretend to be one.
I always thought of Paper Money as a place for scholarly research about paper money, its history or its production.
Mr. Zarlenga's article satisfies none of these criteria. We have a number of collectors in our membership that can and do
write a wide range of worthy articles about their paper money interests. Does Mr. Zarlenga even collect paper money? It
would indeed be paradoxical if he collects Federal Reserve Notes, but the point is that any article he wrote about our hobby
would be better suited and more welcome than his political views, even if they weren't disillusioned. From my point of view,
Mr. Zarlenga does not appear to be one of us.
In his conclusions, Mr. Zarlenga makes himself an easy target for criticism. In blaming the Fed for the tragedy of
New Orleans, he says that the "Fed facilitated that well publicized idiot (his web site says "maniac" instead) who wants to
make our government..." – I don't need to finish the thought, as enough is said to make my point. This tone permeates the
article. Is this the kind of language that belongs in any academic discourse? Do we want this in our journal? Mr. Editor?
It should come as no surprise that the only economics journal in which Mr. Zarlenga can get published is one in
which he is on the editorial board. No scholarly economics journal would accept this article. So why is it that Paper Money
should be the publisher of last resort?
What is personally disappointing for me is that we had the prospect of my supervisor, an economist at the Fed who
has written a number of articles on antebellum banking (many of which have been published in bona fide journals) to write an
article or two for Paper Money. Our editor has even cited his work in a series of articles in Bank Note Reporter. Do you think
he wants to be associated with our organization now? Why would any self-respecting economist want to be published along
with Mr. Zarlenga? It is now an embarrassment to have a copy of Paper Money on my desk.
I fear that the reputation of SPMC is severely damaged, and I hope our membership will speak up and support the
real mission of the Society. For those of the membership who are interested in the Federal Reserve and its activities in our
communities, one place to start is . I would rather reserve the pages of Paper
Money for articles about our hobby. -- R. Shawn Hewitt, Minneapolis, MN
I ;res!
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436 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
A Series 1882 $20 Date
Back, one of 1,620 issued
by the bank, with Nellie
T. Peck's faded signature
as president. (Courtesy
Heritage Numismatic
Enlargements of the signatures on the
note of Charles A. Peck as cashier and
Nellie T. Peck as president. (Courtesy
Heritage Numismatic Auctions)
The building today serves as the Town
of Mexico, NY offices. The bank itself
continues to serve the community as a
branch of KeyBank.
president until 1909 or 1910, when she was succeeded by George H. Wilson, a
local businessman. Charles continued as cashier until the early 1920s when he
became president of the bank. A few years later, when he was about 70 years old,
he retired.
From the present vantage point, it is hard to know how active a president
Nellie was. Because Charles, as cashier, was certainly a more prominent public
figure at the bank, his obituary in 1935 credited him with being the president of
the bank from its founding in 1900 until his retirement in the mid-1920s.
Nellie's obituary the following year made no mention of her decade as
president of the bank, but mentioned her church work, membership in the local
DAR chapter, and noted she "always had the welfare of the village in her heart
and will be missed by all citizens of the village."
The bank they founded in the village over a century ago still serves the
community as a branch of KeyBank.
Sources and acknowledgements
Names of presidents and length of their presidencies for both the Pulaski
and Mexico, NY banks can be found by consulting the Comptroller of the
Currency annual reports. Nellie T. Peck's relationship to the Clark family in
Pulaski is found in the obituaries for her mother and sister-in-law, which
appeared in the Pulaski Democrat in late
July 1893 (exact date not on clipping) and
July 29, 1931. Obituaries for Charles A.
Peck, who died March 25, 1935, and Nellie
T. (Clark) Peck, who died May 1, 1936, are
in the Town of Mexico, NY Historian's
Office scrapbook collection. Brief overview
histories of the bank are found in Mexico,
Mother of Towns (1949), p. 270-271 and
"Banking in Mexico," the [Mexico, NY]
Independent Mirror, July 15, 1992, section
four, p. 14. Special thanks to Bonnie
Shumway, Town of Mexico Historian, for
her help with this article.
THE HOST "'°:°`.
AV TO ll. HCAiCH OH lt.n Ai.l
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
John J. Rowe-
National Bank
President, Paper
Money Collector
about the paper money dealer with
the same name, but a different middle
initial. John J. Rowe was president of the
First National Bank of Cincinnati, char-
ter #24, during the Series 1929 era. He succeeded his father,
W.S. Rowe, as president of the bank.
Pictured is a Type 1 $10 with John J. Rowe's litho-
graphed signature. Later John J. Rowe would become the
president of the Fifth-Third Union Trust Company of
Cincinnati. He also was a curator of the Historical and
Philosophical Society of Cincinnati.
In July 1948 he published in their bulletin an article enti-
tled, "Early Money and Banks in Cincinnati Pre-Civil War."
It is mentioned that the examples pictured are from his exten-
sive collection.
Eleven note issuing entities are discussed along with the
monetary conditions of the time. A copy of this volume
resides within the SPMC library. •
Architect's elevation
shows Eagle Bank face
Dear Fred,
With reference to page 155 in the March/April 2006
Paper Money issue, the vignette on the New Haven Eagle
Bank currency is a design by Ithiel Town (a well-known
classical revival architect) and two proposed buildings for
the bank. It was to be a six pillar building at the corner of
Church and Chapel streets. The bank failed in 1825
before it could be constructed. The notes I am discussing
were printed by N. & S.S. Jocelyn of New Haven. Ithiel
Town's front elevation drawing of the six column Eagle
Bank is in the archives of the New Haven Colony
Historical Society, 114 Whitney Avenue, New Haven,
CT 06510.
Sincerely, Richard Hegel
Municipal Historian for the City of New Haven v
Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the items, where sold, and anything of interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
Bertram M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
A Primer for Collectors
QaTABK.4 C.60,1,31,7 wake,
\ 14 6 '7 ()
AKT1511 if
ion &
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money438
Grapes and Wine on Notes
ancient cultures, learned that fermented grape
juice created a pleasant beverage that could be intoxicat-
ing. Centuries of experimentation
has given us one of life's pleasures.
For those who choose to imbibe,
an excellent meal is incomplete
without a good wine that comple-
ments the food. Perhaps you just
like to eat grapes. Either way,
images of the small succulent fruit
have been used to adorn coins
since ancient times and paper
money for over a century. (The
following references are to the
Standard Catalog of World Paper
Money by Pick.)
Two notes from Bulgaria
show women harvesting grapes: a 100 leva, P(ick) 86
and a 2 leva, P89. Each note costs no more than fifty
cents (when this article was written).
Chile is a major exporter of wine. Three notes
include grapes as part of the central vignette. These
notes are expensive; nevertheless, I will list them. The
100 pesos, PS112 and the 10 pesos, PS189. The third
has my personal favorite engraving on this subject. The
infant Bacchus, the Greek and Roman god of wine,
engraved by Frederick Girsch (1821-1895 ) for
American Bank Note Company dominates the center of
the 100 pesos from the Banco Consolidado de Chile.
This same engraving was so well-liked by other govern-
ments that it was used on the Colombian 100 pesos,
P218, the Mexican 50 pesos, P158, and the 2 mil reis
from Brazil, PA251. Only the latter, unfortunately, can
be purchased at a modest price in condition less than
Another version of a mature Bacchus appears on
three notes from Algeria: 500 francs, P40; 5 new francs,
P44 and P47. These notes are also expensive, however
lower grades might be acceptable to you. An image of an
even more mature Bacchus is seen seated on the face of
a 20 rials, P14 from the Yemen Arab Republic.
Although grapes are only a small portion of the
designs, the 100 korun, P24 and the 1000 korun, P26
from Czechoslovakia are so beautiful and relatively inex-
pensive they will be included here.
France, the country with the reputation of making
some of the finest wines in the world, only uses grapes
as secondary design features on its notes. Some inex-
pensive examples are notes used for French-occupied
Germany and Austria after 1945. By the way, many
wines from California now rival those of France.
An inexpensive note from Germany with grapes and
other fruit is the 50 mark, P68. The 500 shegalm, P48
from Israel is an attractive note with large bunches of
grapes displayed. On the face of the note is philan-
thropist Baron E. de Rothchild who bears a name syn-
onymous with wine-making in France.
The Lebanese 50 livres, P65 includes a large
engraving of the Temple of Bacchus on the face. This
colorful note is available for less than $5 in perfect con-
Two 1000 dinara notes from Serbia include grapes
in the design P24 and P32. These modestly priced
notes are lovely. The first of the two is overprinted on a
500 dinara from Yugoslavia. It was part of a provisional
Serbian National Bank issue that circulated during the
German occupation in 1941. From the same part of the
world is a note from Bohemia and Moravia, a 20 korun,
P9. This province became a German protectorate dur-
ing World War II, but rejoined Czechoslovakia in 1945,
and today remains as part of the Czech Republic.
You will find more examples simply by looking
through the inventory of paper money dealers at numis-
matic shows. You will not only find examples of grapes
on notes but other subjects that you might want to
develop into a collection. Salute; cheers; nostrowa; bot-
toms up; and wipe the grape juice off your chin.
(Copyright story reprinted by permission
from Coin World October 27, 1997)
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SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
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Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $23.00 $42.00 $195.00 $350.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $23.50 $45.00 $200.00 $375.00
Post Card 6-5/16" x 4" $25.50 $48.50 $215.00 $400.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.50 $49.50 $220.00 S410.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $29.00 $53.00 $250.00 S450.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $33.00 $60.00 $275.00 S485.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $33.00 $60.00 $275.00 $485.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
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Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9-112" x 12-1/2" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
I Collect
Obsolete Currency
National Currency
State & Territorial Issues
Ron Benice
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
440 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
owns at least one piece of artwork by William S. Fleishell III. In fact,
many people have trouble getting through a day without touching one of
his creations. A picture engraver at the U.S. Treasury, Fleishell created
the portrait of President Abraham Lincoln on the current U.S. $5 bill.
One of only 40 bank note portrait engravers in the world, Fleishell
joined the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing in 1987, launching
his engraving career with a mandatory 10-year apprenticeship. The
job was a perfect fit for Fleishell, who has long been a fan of draw-
ing and painting in the naturalistic style of the old masters. "My
heroes are the 17th century Dutch painters and engravers,"
explains Fleishell, who thinks of his paintings as "three-dimen-
sional sculptures."
[Reprinted courtesy of Gtr Magazine]
Soon after landing the job, he enrolled at George
Washington University to simultaneously complete his degree in
the fine arts. "Right from the start, I felt like I was at home," he
reflects, noting that his classmates were "incredibly talented" and that
his professors were top notch. Prior to attending GW, Fleishell earned a
certificate at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in 1983, where he
received two prestigious awards for excellence in drawing.
A seventh generation Washingtonian, Fleishell's family has resided in the
You may not know hit name yet.
but Will Fleishell created money
you are carrying in your pocket
By Jamie 1. freedman
Capitol Hill/Navy Yard neighborhood of D.C. since the 1820s. "My great-
great-grandfather was a stone carver who worked on the Capitol building
before the Lincoln administration, and members of my family have worked as
printers in Washington since the Civil War," he says. Fleishell also follows in
the footsteps of his father, a professional artist whose drawings filled the walls
of his home growing up.
Now a full-fledged journeyman portrait engraver at the bureau,
Fleishell's group is responsible for creating official engraved portraits of every
U.S. president. "It's a ceremonial thing that we've been doing since the Civil
War," explains Fleishell, who was chosen to engrave the portrait of President
George W. Bush, as well as the late Supreme Court Chief Justice William H.
Rehnquist. He also engraved a portrait of George Washington for the 1997
stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of U.S. stamp production, as well
as the border of the current $100 bill.
According to Fleishell, bank note portrait engravings take at least 300
hours to complete and are done by hand. A painstaking process, the engravings
are cut into steel with hand tools and are typically done in miniature. "All the
work is done backwards," Fleishell notes, "so you have to think in reverse."
Needless to say, the pictures are hard to duplicate, making bank note portraits
an important counterfeit deterrent on U.S. currency.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 441
For his portrait of Lincoln, Fleishell used a series of 1864 photographs of
the 16th president by Anthony Berger as his reference. "I wanted to capture
that faraway, knowing look—that emotion," says
Fleishell, who spent more than 400 hours perfect-
ing the engraving. "To be a good engraver is to
be a good interpreter." For that reason, Fleishell
spends hours researching his artistic subjects. "I
like to immerse myself in my subjects," he
explains. "You develop empathy for them that
way, as well as the ability to put yourself in their
Fleishell has a special affinity for Lincoln
because of the strong mark that he left on D.C.
"He did a lot to make D.C. what it was after the
Civil War," he says. Fleishell also notes that his
great-great-grandfather was one of Lincoln's
guards at his inauguration.
While most of Fleishell's work is done
behind closed doors, he shares his expertise with
the community whenever he gets the chance.
Several years ago, Fleishell was featured on the
Discovery Channel. "They filmed me for an
entire day at the bureau for a segment called
`Inside the World's Mightiest Bank,'" he says. He
also connects with the public through periodic
teaching gigs, including a seminar at the Rhode
Island School of Design.
Fleishell spends his spare time painting at
his Capitol Hill studio—an old carriage house
south of the Eastern Market. "My great-grand-
parents had a store on the same block as my stu-
dio 100 years ago," notes Fleishell, who is creat-
ing a series of Baroque carvings to adorn its inte-
rior. "I've been to Europe many times and am trying to replicate that Baroque
He is heavily involved in "Art on Call," a project to spruce up
Washington's 600 old emergency call boxes by creating unique, site-specific
artwork for the historic relics, which used to house telephones and telegraphs.
Fleishell came up with the idea for the project, which is now being adminis-
tered by the D.C. Heritage and Tourism Coalition. "It's a grass roots project
that's very dear to my heart because it emphasizes the cultural heritage and
hometown aspect of Washington outside of the national political landscape,"
he states. "The project commemorates the neighborhoods of D.C. through
engaging, colorful plaques and sculptures depicting famous historic local
events, people, and buildings. Our aim is to showcase the positive side of the
city outside the murder and mayhem and to make passers by look twice at the
neighborhoods they're walking through."
Through his myriad artistic accomplishments, Fleishell has achieved suc-
cess on many levels but says that his greatest career triumph is making people
happy through his work. "A woman bought one of my prints and walked away
with the biggest smile on her face," he says. "That meant the world to me."
In addition to the Lincoln portrait on the $5 FRN, Will engraved two
postage stamps Scott 2875 "1894-1994" $2 and 3140 "G. Washington" 60-
cents. Additionally, he engraved a duck stamp Scott RW65 "Barrow's
Goldeneye" $15.
Engraver William S. Fleishell III in his
Capitol Hill studio. Fleishell created the
portrait of President Abraham Lincoln
on the current U.S. $5 bill. (Photo by
Julie Woodford)
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November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money442
Bearing. N otes
By Dave Bowers
America's Emperor Norton I
issued paper money "bonds "
V V of America, an emperor does not come to mind.
However, we had one. To be sure, our emperor was an impos-
tor, self-proclaimed, but in the annals of emperors such as in
European history, many pretenders can be found, too.
Joshua Abraham Norton was born in London,
England in 1818, but in 1820 moved with his family
to Cape Town, South Africa, where in time he
engaged in business. His parents died in the 1840s,
leaving him with a comfortable inheritance.
When in 1849 the news of the California Gold
Rush caused excitement in South Africa, Joshua
packed up and headed for San Francisco, arriving
in November. Soon he was in business as a commis-
sion merchant, which proved to be very profitable.
Early in his new career Norton joined 92 other
prominent citizens to petition Congress to open a
branch Mint in San Francisco.
Norton purchased important real estate and operated
the first cigar factory and the first rice mill in the city. Ever
the entrepreneur, he endeavored to cor-
ner the market on rice, but lost his finan-
cial shirt when several shiploads of the
commodity unexpectedly arrived in port.
Local depressions in 1854 and 1855
swept away the rest of his assets, finally
forcing him into bankruptcy in 1858.
He took the loss hard, moved into a poor
section of the city, and seems to have
suffered dementia.
On Sept. 17, 1859, a new man was
born, or so it seemed. On this date he
went to the office of the San Francisco
Evenin g Bulletin with this declaration:
"At the peremptory request and
desire of a large majority of the citizens
of these United States, I, Joshua Norton,
formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good
Hope, and now for the last nine years
and ten months past of San Francisco, California, declare and
proclaim myself the Emperor of these United States."
There was always room for levity in the columns of the
paper, and this notice was duly published. Emperor Norton
was an entertainment success, and soon his other pronounce-
ments were eagerly devoured by readers. They included abol-
ishing the Supreme Court and Congress, and his appointment
of General Winfield Scott as commander in chief of his
"country's" military forces.
In his regal vestments, made up of discarded military uni-
form components, later embellished with a white hat with pea-
cock feathers, Norton became a prime tourist attraction.
Stereoview cards of the period show the Emperor decked
out in his regalia, plumed hat, epaulets, and sword.
On Jan. 8, 1880, at a downtown corner, the monarch col-
lapsed. He was rushed to a hospital, but died soon afterward.
It has been said that some 30,000 mourners attended his
Emperor Norton issued "bonds" in the form of ornate
paper money, yielding interest and payable in 1880. Values
from 50-cents to $100 were issued, apparently at a rate of
about 300 per year. Notes were printed by Cuddy & Hughes.
Today fewer than three dozen examples are known.
The Wells Fargo History Museum in San Francisco has
an exhibit of Emperor Norton's currency.
Examples sold for about $125 dol-
lars in 1960, but had ridden to more
than $2,000 twenty years later,
with the growth of obsolete cur-
rency collecting. By 2000 they
were worth more than
$10,000, and when the Lowell
Horwedel collection was sold
in 2004, a Very Fine example
of the 50-cent note sold for
The Emperor Norton
note ranked #100 in Dave
Sundman's and my recent book
100 Greatest American Currency
Notes, published by Whitman
This example of a 50-cent note or "bond" was issued on November
14, 1876. At the left is a vignette of Columbia standing with a flag,
and Emperor Norton I himself is depicted at the upper right. The
note measures 8.5 by 4.4 inches, and serves as a representative of
this romantic and rare series of "currency."
Deal with the
Leading Auction
Company in United
States Currency
Fr. 379a $1,000 1890 T.N.
Grand Watermelon
Sold for
Fr. 183c $500 1863 L.T.
Sold for
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Sold for
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
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November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Good for a chuckle;
comic fractionals fit the bill
by Alan Bleviss
I LIKE TO COLLECT WHAT FRIEDBERGicalled satirical notes. My collection of
these notes numbers 41. Each is different, as
you can see from these examples.
I am very interested in the artists who
made these works, and would be obliged to
anyone who could steer me in the right direc-
From the quality of the work, it is apparent
they were created by various artists. The
majority of the notes in my collection were
not in great condition, but I find this artwork
fascinating none-the-less. •
4P •
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
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Society of Paper Money Collectors
Outstanding v
Numismatic Publication
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PAPER MONEY, May/June 2006
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Paper Money and SPMC authors clean up at ANA
S PMC AND OUR MEMBERS SWEPT THE FIELD AT, the recent Denver ANA convention in publications awards.
In addition to the "Outstanding Specialty Numismatic
Publication" award Paper Money received from ANA, our
members received eleven (11) awards from the Numismatic
Literary Guild, including the writer's group "Large Club
Publiations, Best Issue" award. (Pssssst in case you wonder
who we beat out, think N"711 *s *a *i *t).
While winning awards is not the purpose of our publica-
tion, it's gratifying to see our authors recognized for their tal-
ents. Contributing articles to the award winning May/June
2006 issue were Karl Sanford Kabelac, Peter Huntoon, Lee
Lofthus, Andrew R. Korn and David M. Diaz, Fred Reed,
Leslie Deerderf, Frank Clark, Gene Hessler, President Benny
Bolin and Librarian Bob Schreiner. Thanks and best wishes to
you all.
While our authors for all six 2005 issues are too numer-
ous to mention here, they were all listed in our annual index
which appeared in our year end issue last year. Once again,
thank you and congratulations to all these author-members
who make Paper Money a winner!
And a big congratulations to all our members for logging
home NLG hardware. Here are the SPMC winners:
Best Specialized Book, U.S. Paper Money: Collecting
Confiderate Paper Money, by Pierre Fricke, edited by Stephen
Extraordinary Merit: 100 Greatest American Currency
Notes, by Q. David Bowers and David M. Sundman;
Extraordinary Merit: The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S.
Paper Money, Seventh Edition, by Gene Hessler and Carlson
Extraordinary Merit: The Expert'• Guide to Collecting and
Investing in Rare Coins, by Q. David Bowers;
U.S. Commercial Numismatic Magazines, Best Article or
Series of Articles: Paper Money: "A. Woman's Touch," Gene
Hessler, COINage;
Non Profit or Club Numismatic Magazines, Best Article,
Large Publications: "The Treasury Notes of the War of
1812," Donald Kagin, Paper Money;
Best Issue, Large Club Publications: Paper Money,
May/June 2006, Fred L. Reed III, Editor;
Numismatic Newspapers, Best Article on Paper Money:
"Traders Bank of Rochester Lasts Until 1924," Karl S.
Kabelac, Bank Note Reporter;
Numismatic Newspapers, Best Column: "Shades of the
Blue and Grey," Fred L. Reed III , Bank Note Reporter;
Commercial Publications, Best Dealer-Published
Magazine or Newspaper: The Numismatic Sun, American
Numismatic Rarities, Q. David Bowers, Editor;
U.S. Commercial Numismatic Magazines, Best Issue:
Paper Money Values with member Michele Orzano as associate
SPMC salutes all these members who put in the time to
research and share their hobby with fellow collectors.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Nov. 2006
By Fred Reed °
Nov. 1
1923, Frank Duffield publishes "Obsolete Notes With Portrait of Lincoln" in The
Numismatist; 1928, Last large size currency backs printed;
Nov. 2
1864, Farmers Bank of Rustico, Prince Edward Island, issues French/English denomi-
nated notes engraved and printed by ABNCo.; 1983, NASCA sells proof notes from
estate of early bank note engraver Abner Reed;
Nov. 3
1852, Banknote engraver William F. Ford dies; 1944, Minneapolis Fed Bank President
Gary H. Stern born; 1992, New Zealand fifth series $50 and $100 notes issued;
Nov. 4
1740, Massachusetts governor writes approvingly of notes put into circulation by
Silver Bank scheme; 1870, Colonial paper money enthusiast Joshua I. Cohen dies;
Nov. 5
1862, Chicago Evening Journal advertises to print "change checks" for customers;
2006, Washington, D.C. Capital Hilton hosts Banknote 2006;
Nov. 6
1924, Winston Churchill becomes British Chancellor of Exchequer; 1984, first delivery
Series 1981A 5100 FRN; 2001, Fed reduces interest to 1.5%, lowest level in 40 years;
Nov. 7,
1912, Paper Money of the United States author Robert L. Friedberg born; 2004, "Feast
the Eye, Fool the Eye" tromp l'oeil exhibit closes at Tulsa's Philbrook Museum of Art;
Nov. 8
1862. U.S. Depositary Enoch T. Carson explains to Cincinnati merchants tardiness in
issuing Postage Currency; 1930, Dealer-collector Aubrey Bebee weds Adeline Dorsey;
Nov. 9
1886, Dealer and United States Notes author Wayte Raymond born; 1994, J.S.G.
Boggs paper money exhibit opens at University of Pittsburgh;
Nov. 10
1796, Jacksonian economist William M. Gouge, author of History of Paper Money
and Banking in the United States, born; 1971, Last delivery of Series 1969 $5 FRN;
Nov. 11
1862, W. Elliot Wooward holds numismatic auction in Roxbury, MA; 1918, NYSE
closes to mark end of WWI, ticker tape confetti rains down on lower Manhattan;
1988, SPMC board OKs insertion of a membership brochure in BNR;
Nov. 12
1959, M.H. Bolender auctions collection of CSA paper money; 1980, SPMC increases
ad rates and adopts policy of prepayment for advertising in Paper Money;
Nov. 13
1770, George Grenville, responsible for passage of the Stamp Act duties on American
colonials in 1765, dies; 1861, Baptist minister Mark Watkinson suggests to Treasury
that U.S. money recognizes the Deity; 1986, first St. Louis paper money show held;
Nov. 14
1893, Ed Frossard stages "$100,000 uncurrent paper money" auction; 1960, Ed
Rochette becomes Editor of Numismatic News; 1974, Last delivery 1969C $20 FRNs;
Nov. 15
1867, first stock tickers between NYSE and member brokers; 1923, Germany circu-
lates 200-billion mark note; 1934, early Fractional Currency collector Henry Russell
Drowse dies; 1997, SPMC Board raises LM fee to $500;
Nov. 16
1861, CSA reaches $2 million limitation on large denomination, interest-hearing trea-
sury notes; 1973, Matt Rothert collection auctioned by Bowers & Ruddy; 1985, SPMC
Board approves 25-year membership pins and establishes Tom Bain Memorial fund;
Nov. 17
1702, American political economist Pelatiah Webster, who said "paper money pollut-
ed the equity of our laws, and went far to destroy the morality of our people," horn;
1981, First delivery of Series 1981 $20 FRN;
Nov. 18
1776, Continental Congress creates United States Lottery to draw in Continental
Currency and fund military expenses; 1858, Thompson Bank Note Register and
Counterfeit Detector published;
Nov. 19
1862, New York stationer Leeds & Franklin sell card for mounting monetized postage
stamps; 1960, Society of Medal, Token and Obsolete Paper Money (TAMS) organized;
Nov. 20
1862, BEP engraving staff of three begins work; 1923, Germany freezes inflation rate
of its mark at 4.2 trillion mark to the U.S. dollar; 2003, Lyn Knight sells Dean Oakes
Collection of Series 1929 FRBNs;
Nov. 21
1860, New York City's consolidated banks agree to form common fund of specie at
the Clearinghouse with daily reconciliation; 2003, SPMC Board approves a Founder's
Award as Society's highest honor;
Nov. 22
1808, Traveler's check namessake Thomas Cook born in Derbyshire, England; 1837,
Treasury Secretary Franklin MacVeagh born; 1982, SPMC insititutes New Member
Recruitment program;
Nov. 23,
1900, William Morton Meredith becomes BEP Director for second time; 1972, Harold
Bowen, author of State Bank Notes of Michigan, dies;
Nov. 24
1784, President Zachary Taylor, who appears on obsolete banknotes, born; 1986, Fort
Worth, TX selected as site for the BEP's Western Currency Printing Facility;
Nov. 25
1864, National Banks organized totalled 584, according to President Lincoln's annual
message to Congress on Dec. 6th; 1979, NASCA owner George W. Ball publishes
"Who really did lose Iran? A look at the Kissinger role" in the Boston Globe;
Nov. 26
1807, Tennessee charters Nashville Bank, first in state; 1864, Chief of National
Currency Bureau S.M. Clark submits annual report; 1990, Stanley Apfelbaum dies;
Nov. 27
1806, Encased stamp issuer Fred Buhl born; 1932, SPMC member and dealer Lowell
C. Horweclel born; 1932, Artist Will Low, Educational Note designer (FR 224-225),
dies; 1968; first $100 U.S. notes delivered to Treasury;
Nov. 28
1950, British East Caribbean Territories introduce dollar-denominated currency; 1979,
Camden Company becomes SPMC printer; 2000, first China polymer note;
Nov. 29
1820, Kentucky legislature establishes Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentuck wholly
owned by the state; 1881, banknote company excutive Tracy R. Edson dies; 1987,
British Museum "300 years of British Bank Note Design" exhibition closes;
Nov. 30
1656, Stockholms Banco established; first European hank to issue banknotes in 1661;
1906, Ben Green auctions Hiram Deats Collection; 1935, M.H. Bolender sells
Alexander P. Wylie paper money collection Part 1;
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448 November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
wheresgeorge? followup
By Fred Reed.
reported on the Where's George project of recording and tracking
currency in circulation. In the interim, I have EMSed (enter, mark,
spend) no new bills into the system. I also have had no new "hits"
on bills I had entered earlier. So I guess all those notes have found their final
resting places by now.
There is news to report on what has happened in the interim, however. I
have nabbed three " " notes that others have put into the sys-
tem. Current totals georgewide are about 3 million users and 89 million bills
currently in the system, totalling $498,311,522. My current "hit rate" is 18%,
and a rank compiled as a "George Score" in the 83rd percentile, pretty good if I
do say so myself. A hit rate of 5.5% is typical, and io% considered excellent. +
I "won" this bill at the recent Tom Bain
auction June 16, 2006, during the
SPMC breakfast at Memphis. I say I
"won" because this prize was a set-up
donated by fellow SPMC board member
Judith Murphy. The note entered the
system Dec. 15, 2004, in Fayetteville,
NC, first hit the system a week later in
Fayetteville, and was discovered nearly
a year later in Winston-Salem, NC.
I recently nabbed two georgenotes
(center and bottom) EMSed by a dude
in Tulsa, who has entered more than
4,000 bills into the system. Since Tulsa
is only 90 miles uphill from where I am,
I guess that shouldn't be too surprising.
He entered this note Mar. 1, 2006, and
I got it four months later.
This note was entered in Tulsa June 9,
2006. It hit in Owasso, OK (16 miles
away) two days later, and in Oklahoma
City on July 17th. I got it 13 miles
across town a few days later. BTW, I
still have these three bills in my posses-
sion and may spend them at the forth-
coming St. Louis paper money show.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Dec. 2006
By Fred Reed ©,
Dec. 1
1801, Thomas T. Tucker takes office as U.S. Treasurer; 1908, German government
announces banking services to be provided by Post Office; 1942, Burton Saxton
becomes Editor of The Numismatist; 1959, Story of Civil War Money copyrighted;
Dec. 2
1862, CSA Treasury Note Bureau consolidates Confederate currency designs; 1863,
Thomas Crawford's statue Freedom (FR 1-5) placed atop U.S. Capitol;
Dec. 3
1828, Register of Treasury Noah Lemuel Jeffries born; 1897, beginning of Bruce-
Roberts combined tenure as Register and Treasurer;
Dec. 4
1869, Series 1869 $100 U.S. note (FR 168) depicting Lincoln debuts; 1974, U.S.
Treasurer given responsibility for U.S. Savings Bond division;
Dec. 5
1842, Bank of Louisiana resumes specie payments; 1969, Stack's sells Arnold Perl EPS
collection; 1980, Bank of Canada's Canadian Currency Museum opens to public;
Dec. 6
1864, Lincoln names Salmon P. Chase Chief Justice of the U.S.; 1926, teature film
Money to Burn released to public; 2002, Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill resigns;
Dec. 7
1886, first in-line Treasury signatures approved on plates of National Currency; 1989,
State Bank of Soviet Union circulates 3-ruble marking Armenian earthquake of 1988;
Dec. 8
1727, Royal Bank of Scotland issues its first banknotes; 1999, current Paper Money
Editor Fred L. Reed III's tenure begins;
Dec. 9
1865, NYSE moves to 10 Broad Street; 1876, CSA Treasury Secretary George A.
Trenholm dies; 2005, John Albanese of Archival Collectibles announces purchase of
American Bank Note Co. archives, including estimated 300,000 dies and plates;
Dec. 10
1810, Stockholders in Bank of the United States petition for renewal of bank's charter;
1890, Superintendent of National Currency Bureau Spencer M. Clark dies;
Dec. 11
1865, U.S. Congress considers imposing felony charges on anyone who sells
Confederate currency, with penalties of lengthy prison time at hard labor and fines;
1932, Innovative bank robber Willie Sutton escapes from prison;
Dec. 12
1776, Continental Congress authorizes Robert Morris to borrow money for the Navy;
1982, New York City armored car heist nets theives $9.8 million;
Dec. 13
1797, German author Heinrich Heine, who said "Money is the god of our time," born;
1935, cancelled Gold Certificates pitched from fire-ravaged Treasury storage facility;
Dec. 14
1855, Florida Legislature charters Bank of the State of Florida; 1970, Secret Service
threatens Time Inc. with prosecution for reproducing part of a FRN in color;
Dec. 15
1928, last Large Size currency faces printed; 1890, plaster original of Crawford's
Freedom given to the Smithsonian Institution;
Dec. 16
1919, Ohio Congressman and numismatist William A. Ashbrook's collection stolen;
Get hack on Target
Zero in on your customer.
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1903, SPMC President Larry Adams appoints Roger Durand Membership Chairman;
Dec. 17
1878, paper money reaches par with specie in the U.S., gold coins return to circula-
tion; 1971, Beginning of Connally-Banuelos combined tenure;
Dec. 18
1816, banknote engraver Jacob Perkins patents watermarked paper; 1934, BEP begins
printing $100,000 Series 1934 Gold Certificates for Fed Reserve Bank transactions;
Dec. 19
1831, encased stamp inventor John Gault born; 1961, Britain adopts decimal coinage
system; 2005, Clydesdale Bank issues new 20-pound note marking new building;
Dec. 20
1948, U.S. Treasurer Angela (Bay) Buchanan born; 2002, currency speculator George
Soros convicted of insider trading in Paris courtroom;
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Readers will notice your logo on this page.
Dec. 21
1863, National Bank Notes first issued to public; 1905, Congress accords Panama
Canal Bonds circulation privilege for National Bank deposit;
Dec. 22
1885, Frossard sells CSA note collection of collector-author William Lee; 1910, U.S.
postal savings stamps first issued;
Dec. 23
1785, paper money and U.S. Mint Chief Engraver Christian Gobrecht born; 1986,
PCDA invites SPMC to be cosponsor of St. Louis Paper Money Show;
Dec. 24
1776, Washington crosses Delaware River (FR 440-451) to surprise Hessians at
Trenton, NJ; 2005, world paper money and MPC dealer Leo May dies;
Dec. 25
1642, Mint Master Sir Isaac Newton, who appears on Bank of England notes, born;
1862, G.L. Cornell issues five-cent scrip "payable in a day or two or perhaps sooner";
Dec. 26
1814, NYC Common Council approves additional issue of $50,000 in small change
bills; 1955, Unites States Paper Money author George H. Blake dies;
Dec. 27
1878, American BNCo. consolidates National BNCo and Continental BNCo; 1945,
International Monetary Fund and World Bank created; 1968, dealer Jim Kelly dies;
Dec. 28
1862, R. Jones & Co. advertise Rebel note facsimiles in Cincinnati Daily Enquirer;
1992, IRS advisory letter confirms SPMC's non-profit tax exempt corporate status;
Dec. 29
1864, CSA Congress extends funding of notes from Jan. 1 to July 1, 1865, ironically by
then the war is over; 1983, SPMC President Larry Adams offers Editorship of Paper
Money to Gene Hessler;
Dec. 30
1829, Senate resolution to study a uniform national currency; 1833, antiquarian and
Massachusetts Colonial paper money author Andrew McFarland Davis born; 2001,
Colombia seizes $41 million in counterfeit U.S. currency;
Dec. 31
1861, Horatio Taft records: "Banks in all the Cities and also the U.S. Treasury have
suspended specie payments;" 1976, Coin World pressman "stop the presses" to change
out B&W currency ad for an unlawful color currency ad in the Jan. 12, 1977 issue; 4.
MI United State. 1,1■ rul wpn tone} MI.: 1812
Gene Hessler and Carlson Chambliss
..27.51.?•B•.,! .GsBEBIG
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e.,New Data • Features • Full Values • Now with Friedberg numbers cos
SeN enth Edition with Foreword b' Mania Gengt, kc
The Works of Raphatii. P.
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November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
New references target U.S., Confederate & Texas issues
Comprehensive Catalog
of U. S. Paper Money
The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money, 7th ed.,
by Gene Hessler and Carlson Chambliss (BNR Press,
ANYONE FAMILIAR WITH GENE HESSLER'S SIXexcellent previous editions of this standard catalog will be
pleasantly surprised with its new larger incarnation, and the
fine additional information provided by co-author Carlson
Its publisher bills this edition as "all new," and while
that's not quite the case (it is still organized awkwardly by
denomination rather than currency class), it is substantially
revamped, reformatted, and infused with commentary that
builds on the previous edition's base.
Chambliss is the new coauthor and general editor (also
author of U.S. Paper Money Guide and Handbook) and his fresh
eye supplements the scholarship of Hessler. Chambliss brings
real world market information, price structure and commen-
tary that distinguished his previous book.
As a collector and sometime book author myself, the
thing that most amazes me about this work is the depth of
knowledge its co-authors exhibit. Compared to other catalogs
on the federal series, this book provides historical info not
readily available anywhere.
Helpful census data from Martin Gengerke's research, as
well as info from Don Kelly's work on nationals, and that of
other specialists (this author included) is also provided. This
edition also incorporates Friedberg numbers, a big plus. In
addition to federal issues and nationals, also covered are speci-
mens, encased stamps, postage envelopes, souvenir cards,
errors, 1812-1860 issues, MPCs, and engravers and designers.
While I wouldn't call this book a "must have," I would
say that ANYBODY who collects any series within its purview
would be silly not to pony up and buy it, and READ it. This
book demands your attention, not just a prominent place on
your bookshelf. It is flat out that good!
The book is in a new larger format, eight by 10 inches,
672 pages, and priced in paper back at a bargain $32 plus $4
P&H. Inquires may be made to BNR Press, 132 E. Second
St., Port Clinton, 011 43452. -- Fred Reed
The Works of Raphael P. Minn, photographed, edited and
activated by George Tremmel, Bob Schreiner and Tom
.4..for more than 30 years, this release is probably the most
welcome addition to my library since I got my first "Red
Book" in 1956. -
This DVD format
includes "Records and
Correspondence of the
Confederate Treasury,"
and "Financial Extracts
from the Confederate
Congressonal Records."
As anyone who has ever
toiled over the musty
contemporary volumes of
the CSA Congressional documents can tell you, this is a grad-
uate student's dream come true. The DVD is not only not
smelly, but its 5,800 pages are portable and searchable as well!
Also included are five volumes of CSA bonds and curren-
cy collected by Raphael P. Thian. Making these unique refer-
ences available to anyone -- not just those willing and able to
trek to Duke University in North Carolina -- means this com-
pendium is valhalla. Thian had the pick of the litter in form-
ing his Confederate collections, so notes are pretty much the
best available from those impounded by the U.S. government
following the Civil War.
The DVD is priced at $85 (plus $7.44 sales tax for
Tennessee residents), and may be ordered from information
technology guru Tom Carson, 5712 N. Morgan Lane,
Chattanooga, TN 37415. -- Fred Reed
Texas Currency: A Catalog 1813-1868 by Joseph D. Olson
(Corporate Image, 2006)
'THIS IS CERTAINLYthe most complete
Texas volume ever pub-
lished, listing all Texas
notes known.
It is also the first book
to integrate Texas history
into paper money collect-
ing. Olson's book features
a new logical numbering
system, according to its
author, with up-to-date
rarity and valuations.
The author is Texas
Numismatic Association
president. Contributors
include John Rowe,
Huston Pearson, Hugh Shull and Richie Self.
In addition to excellent photos, this hardbound 204-page
work has much historical info on signers and issuers, and a
helpful index. The book is distributed by Texas Numismatic
Heritage Press. Memphis show price was $65; call 1-800-865-
3562 for current pricing. -- Fred Reed
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246
United States Paper Money
special selections for discriminating collectors
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Error Notes
Small Size Type
National Currency
Star or Replacement Notes
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
Bart, Inc.
(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 • Roseville, at 48066
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
National Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Obsolete Notes, Error Notes, MPC's, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money .. .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
This year's show will be held Nov. 16-18, 2006 at the St. Louis Airport Hilton Hotel.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.'s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several "How to Collect" booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to..
James A. Simek — Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207 • FAX (630) 889-1130
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
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Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 453
Nationals were safe, Treasurer said so
by James C. Ehrhardt
of paper money issued by unfamiliar banks. Nearly a century's bitter
experience with counterfeits and notes from non-existent or failed banks
had reinforced a preference for hard money. Even the new-fan-
gled federal National Currency traded at a substantial discount to
Citizens from all walks of life were confused by National
Bank Notes. Were they from the local bank or from the U. S.
government? Were the notes any good if the bank failed? The
U.S. Treasury must have expended considerable effort to con-
vince the public of the safety of National Bank Notes. One
example of that effort is given below.
The earliest National Bank in Mitchell County, IA was
the Osage National Bank of Osage, charter #1618. It began
operations on Feb. 1, 1866, almost three years after the start
of the National Banking era. just three months later the bank
was robbed of about $10,000 plus $9,000 in unissued,
unsigned National Bank Notes. Of course this event received
intense local publicity and was the topic of much conversation.
A loss of this magnitude surely raised the question of whether the
bank would collapse. Citizens wondered whether their bank notes
would be honored.
West Mitchell, a small village (1880 population = 307) about four
miles from Osage, had an enterprising newspaper editor named T.M.
Atherton. His paper, the Mitchell County Press, had rapidly gained a substantial
readership in the surrounding communities. He printed a number of stories
about the robbery and the pursuit of the thieves.
A month after the robbery, editor Atherton printed the following letter
dated May 10, 1866, from Francis E. Spinner, Treasurer of the United States,
whose remarkable signature graced the notes of the period. The letter states
that it is in response to an inquiry received by Mr. Spinner. It is not clear if Mr.
Atherton or another local had made the inquiry. Possibly, the purported
inquiry may have been a rhetorical device used by Treasurer Spinner.
T.M. Atherton,
editor of Mitchell County Press.
Osage National Bank was
the first bank in Mitchell
County, IA to receive a
national charter.
West Mitchell, Iowa
November/December • Whole No. 246 • Paper Money
Whatever the origin of the letter, its prominent placement in the paper suggests that the editor felt strongly about
his readers' need for reassurance:
Dear Sir: Your letter of the 10th inst. has just now been received. You ask to what extent is the
government liable for the redemption of notes of National Banks. I answer: To the full nominal face of
every note issued by the Controller of the Currency to a bank and by the bank put into circulation. You
ask: 'Should the bank deposits with the United States Treasurer to secure the circulating notes with the
banks depositing them be inadequate to the
redemption of the notes of the bank, by the
reason of the decline of the securities
deposited, is the government hound to
redeem the notes at par? The 47th section
of the National Currency act only gives the
right to forfeit all the securities held for any
deficiency; the government has a first and
paramount lien upon all the assets of a
defaulting hank. I therefore answer this
question affirmatively.
You ask again: 'Could the absolute
failing of a National Bank impair the value
of the circulating note of the bank making
such failures?' I answer No. On the con-
trary the notes of a National Bank that has
failed are rather better than worse of a bank
in good standing if away from the business
centers of the country, for the reason that
the Treasurer of the United States becomes
the cashier of each defaulting bank, and will
through his assistance and all other govern-
ment officers, redeem such circulation. You
ask fourth, 'Are the notes of the United
States Treasury, beyond the fact of their
being legal tenders, a greater security to the
holders than the currency of the National
The United States legal-tender notes afford no greater security to the holder than the notes of National
Banks. The only real difference between the two, is that while the latter are only a legal-tender from, and to the
government, the former are such legal tender from, and to all parties, whether municipalities, corporations or indi-
viduals. Very respectfully yours, F.E. Spinner, Treasurer"
Treasurer Spinner makes several points in his discussion to convince readers of the safety of National Bank
Notes. He specifies that notes eligible for redemption must meet two criteria: (1) they must have been issued by the
Controller of the Currency; and (2) they must have been put into circulation by the bank. Notes stolen before their
release by the bank, such as those from the Osage robbery, were not valid. His answer to the fourth question high-
lights the original difference in legal tender status of the notes compared to other governmental issues, which is fre-
quently overlooked by collectors. Most interesting is his argument that notes of a failed bank may be better than
notes of a bank in good standing. I don't understand this argument (other than his assurance that he would use all
government offices to redeem notes), but whatever the logic of the reasoning, it would seem to reduce the strength
of his effort to convince the public to accept these new notes.
Ultimately the Treasury's educational efforts were quite successful. A high degree of safety and the public's
overwhelming need for an increased supply of money led to the widespread adoption of the new currency.
Economic growth was promoted in all parts of the country, eventually leaving behind much interesting material for
collectors and scholars to pursue.
Mitchell COUlltY Press, vol. 2, no. 7, Thursday, June 14, 1866, West Mitchell, Iowa.
Paper Money • November/December 2006 • Whole No. 246 455
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* Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235 *
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