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We buy, sell, and auction the very best in Paper Money, Antique Stocks and Bonds, Autographs, Coins, and Anything Relating to Financial History
PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin-
ning in January by the Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC). Second-class postage is paid at
Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes
to Secretary Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel
Hill, NC 27515-2331
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2006. All
rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or
part, without written permission, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are
available from the Secretary for 06 pos./aid. Send
changes of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery,
and requests for additional copies of this issue to the
Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere and
publications for review should be sent to the Editor.
Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as
possible; however, publication in a specific issue can-
not be guaranteed. Include an SASE for acknowledg-
ment, if desired. Opinions expressed by authors do not
necessarily reflect those of the SPMC.
Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper only),
double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins. The
author's name, address and telephone number should
appear on the first page. Authors should retain a copy
for their records. Authors are encouraged to submit a
copy on a MAC CD, identified with the name and ver-
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Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability
copy must be received by the Editor no later than the
first day of the month preceding the cover date of the
issue (for example, Feb. 1 for the March/April issue).
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SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo-
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prompt notification.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 1 Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVI, No. 1 Whole No. 247 JAN/FEB 2007
ISSN 003 -1-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web
Museum of American Finance salutes Alexander Hamilton 3
By Kristin Aguilera
Depictions of Alexander Hamilton on United States Federal Notes 10
By Benny Bolin
Mr. Hamilton's Bank 17
By Sanford J. Mock
Alexander Hamilton: the Man and the Myths 18
By Joanne B. Freeman
Bank of Hamilton, Ohio, Gone But Not Forgotten 30
By Wendell Wolka
Washington & Hamilton grace Hamilton Bank $1 34
By Leslie Deerderf
Reader supplies data Note printer was Hamlin 35
By Roland Rivet
Alexander Hamilton and the Birth of a Capital Market 36
By Robert E. Wright
U.S. Treasury securities market: Lessons from Alexander Hamilton 41
By Alan Greenspan, past Chairman Federal Reserve Board
Interest Bearing Notes: Hamilton notes popular with collectors 42
By Dave Bowers
Alexander Hamilton on U.S. Government Bonds 44
By Gene Hessler
On This Date in Paper Money History 47, 49
By Fred Reed
The "Laziest Deuce" of Hamilton Bank 50
By Leslie Deerderf
Hamilton's Great Invention 52
By Howard Brod
Concurrent Resolution recognizing and honoring Alexander Hamilton 57
By Congressman William Pascrell (D-NJ)
Web test press named for first Treasury Secretary 60
By Michele Orzano
The Story of Alexander Hamilton's Portrait on the new $10 note 65
By Barbara Bither
New sawbuck backs portray Hamilton clearly 73
By Fred Reed
Hamilton's Great Experiment: Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures 74
Russell Roberts
Information & Officers 2
President's Column 58
By Benny Bolin
Nominations Open for SPMC Board 59
2 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
SOCI En . The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as aI) COLLECTORS
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia. It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC and its activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character, Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be
sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligi-
ble to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Bob Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St.. Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany, NY 12209-1735
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill. NC
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O.Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
Au ction Representation
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
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PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885 BRNA
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 3
Relocated, Renamed
Museum of American Finance
previews new digs with salute
to Alexander Hamilton
January 11, 2007
By Kristin Aguilera
Visitors to the Museum of American Finance's new home at 48 Wall Street will ascend this magnificent staircase to the building's
Grand Mezzanine (Alan Schindler, Photographer)
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money4
WHEN THE BANK OF NEWYork opened its first building at
48 Wall Street in 1797, New York's
first bank instantly attracted attention.
And although the building that cur-
rently stands at 48 Wall is not the
original, but the third Bank of New
York headquarters on the site, it will
once again welcome an excited public
in 2007 as the new home of the
Museum of American Finance.
The Museum, an affiliate of the
Smithsonian Institution, plans to open
in its new location in spring 2007 but
will preview the space at a symposium,
cocktail reception and silent auction on
January 11. The event will be a cele-
bration of the life of Alexander
Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of
the Treasury and, appropriately, a
founder of the Bank of New York.
This event will also serve as the unveil-
ing of the first of the Museum's per-
manent exhibits, which will be a feder-
alist-style room paying tribute to both
Hamilton and the Walton House,
where the Bank of New York first con-
ducted business in 1784.
Left: Watercolor rendering of Museum
entrance at 48 Wall Street. Below: Design
rendering of the Museum's Grand
Mezzanine, housing permanent exhibits
on Capital Markets, Money, Banking,
Entrepreneurship, and Alexander
Hamilton. (Both, credit: C&G Partners)
John Herzog, founder and
chair of the Museum, said the
48 Wall Street address is ideal
not only for its Downtown loca-
tion, but for its architecture and
"In planning the Museum's
move to larger quarters, we felt
it was important to choose a site
with historic significance,"
Herzog said. "And perhaps
there is no more fittinc , a home
for the Museum of American
Finance than the former head-
quarters of New York's first
bank, which was founded by
Alexander Hamilton, creator of
-- 1
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 5
Above: The "Alexander Hamilton Room" exhibit will pay trib-
ute to our first Secretary of the Treasury, and to the living
room of the Walton House, where the Bank of New York first
conducted business. Right: Close-up rendering of the capital
markets exhibition. (Both, credit: C&G Partners)
our nation's financial system."
48 Wall Street is located in the heart of New York's
financial district on the corner of Wall and William
Streets, just one block east of the New York Stock
Exchange. The Museum will occupy 30,000 sq. ft. of
space on three floors of the 36-story landmark building.
The main exhibition space will be located in the build-
ing's former banking hall on the Grand Mezzanine
level, opening directly onto Wall Street. This space
features 30-foot ceilings, magnificent windows, arched
wall panels with murals depicting various aspects of
commerce and banking, and an elaborate marble stair-
case and floors. The Museum's other two floors will
feature a 250-seat auditorium, a state-of-the-art educa-
tional facility, library, archives, and offices.
The large exhibition space will allow for the display
6 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
of both permanent and temporary
exhibitions, and progress on exhibit
designs and content is well underway.
This article shows watercolor render-
ings of some of the Museum's
planned exhibitions, designed by the
prestigious New York-based design
firm C&G Partners.
The permanent galleries will
allow people of all ages to learn about
the capital markets, the exchanges in
New York and around the world,
money, banking, entrepreneurship
Above: Close-up of cases in the money exhibition. Below: The
Wall Street side of the Museum will be an interactive exhibit on
entrepreneurship. Right: Close-up rendering of one of the stations
in the entrepreneurship exhibit. (All, credit: C&G Partners)
and the brilliance of
Alexander Hamilton in creat-
ing America's economic sys-
tem. The exhibitions will
contain gems from the
Museum's collection, as well
as some of the latest techno-
logical gadgets in the financial
field. Historic photographs,
i '
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 7
colorful graphics and engaging interactives
will lead visitors to learn firsthand the bene-
fits of investing. Temporary exhibitions will
highlight both historic and contemporary
The announcement of the Museum's
new home was made in tandem with that of a
recent name change from the Museum of
American Financial History to the Museum
of American Finance. Executive Director
Lee Kjelleren said the Board felt the new
name better reflects the Museum's growing
commitment to its role as a guardian of
America's collective financial memory, and as
an interpreter and explicator of current finan-
cial issues.
"Modifying our name and moving into a
magnificent new facility are momentous
milestones in our quest to build the Museum
into a national institution of distinction,"
Kjelleren said. "Our new home on Wall
Street will enable us to expand our reach sig-
Above right: The largest of the Museum's perma-
nent exhibits will be about the capital markets,
and will line the William Street side of the exhibi-
tion space. Right: Upon entering the Museum's
exhibition space, visitors will be greeted by inter-
active towers on the major exchanges. Below
right: Rendering of the Museum Shop.
(All, credit: C&G Partners
nificantly, giving New Yorkers, as well as
national and international visitors, the tools
they need to lead more financially secure
The Museum's move from its small quar-
ters in the Standard Oil building at 26
Broadway was prompted by rising demand
for its programs and services in recent years.
As financial literacy becomes an increasingly
important component of middle and high
school curricula, the Museum has renewed its
emphasis on financial education — from
teaching responsible saving and investment
habits and encouraging entrepreneurship to
explaining how the capital markets work.
The financial education center, located
on the building's concourse level, will be a
collaborative effort with the National
Council on Economic Education (NCEE)
and will combine classroom space with inter-
active kiosks and displays. Various symposia
and televised issue debates are also planned. v
8 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
MIN INN 1=111 I= N
Like what you see?
Would you like to see more?
PAPER MONEY is published
six times per year -- don't miss out
The Society of Paper Money Collectors is 46 years
young and nearly 2,000 members strong. Members'
collecting interests cover the gamut of currency,
engraving, and banking from federal bills to Civil War
scrip, from worldwide bank notes to fractional curren-
cy, from Confederate issues to counterfeits, from
stocks to bonds, soup to nuts, and checks to chits.
Only $30/yr U.S. addresses $35/yr Canada & Mexico $40/yr Worldwide
with six BIG issues
for only eight cents
per day when you
join SPMC for 2007
YES, I want to join SPMC and receive a full year's subscription to the big
80-page, award-winning bimonthly magazine PAPER MONEY.
also am eligible to borrow from the Society's library, attend regional and national mem-
bership meetings and participate in other benefits available to members. Make check
payable to SPMC and mail to Membership Director Frank Clark, POB 117060, Carrollton,
Texas 75011-7060.
Please mail this form or a
facsimile with payment today
New members' names are
published. If you do not want
your address published check
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
Please join the MUSEUM of AMERICAN FINANCE to
Thursday, January 1 1 th, 2007
48 Wall Street, New York
Please join us for this special event to honor Alexander Hamilton. The program will include
a symposium featuring Hamilton scholars and authors, a cocktail reception and silent
auction, the Museum's new Alexander Hamilton Room, period music, costumed actors, and
behind-the-scenes tours of the Museum's new home.
$100 Auditor, includes regular Museum membership
$150 Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, includes
Smithsonian level membership
$500 Secretary of the Treasury, includes two tickets
and Hamilton level membership
$1,000 Corporate Sponsor, includes 10 tickets to event
Hamilton Symposium 5:00 — 6:15 pm
Cocktail Reception 6:00 — 8:00 pm
Silent Auction 4:00 — 8:00 pm
For information or to purchase tickets, please call Kristin Aguilera at 212-908-4695 or
e-mail MIJSEIIM4AMERICAN FINANCE 48 Wall Street, New York, NY 1000541111-2 In association with the Smithsonian Institution
10 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
De , lc -dons of
H a mitt
on United Sta
By. Bolin
Above: Alexander Hamilton
by John Trumbull
January 11, 1757 (some authorities believe it was 1755),
and died on July 12, 1804. Besides being the founder
of the Federalist party, he was also a military officer, a
lawyer and a delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention in
1787. He was the primary author of the Federalist Papers and a
very influential politician. He was the first and most influential
Secretary of the Treasury and responsible for the formation of the
nation's banking system. Some historians feel that Hamilton was
the founding father who advocated the principles of a strong cen-
tralized federal government and elastic interpretation of the
Constitution most effectively. He was a supporter of a strong
national defense, solid national finances based on a national debt
that linked the national government to the wealthy men across the
country, and a strong banking system.
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ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for
their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and
overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and
types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American
Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman.
are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you
visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase.
Review. This full color publication highlights paper money
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fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send
us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if
you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or
more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per-
sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency
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We are pleased to announce the ongoing sales of
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and other material ever assembled. The American
Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858
by combining seven of the most important bank
note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of
printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the
merger, and survive today. To these are added many
other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a
museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack's will
continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note
printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other
artifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most
numismatic museums and advanced collectors do not
have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate!
If you would like to have more information, contact
us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an
absolutely unique opportunity!
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
Stack's New York City: 123 West 57th Street • New York, NY 10019-2280 • Toll free: 800/566/2580 • Telephone 212/582-2580 • Fax 212/245-5018
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12 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Hamilton on United States Federal Notes
Alexander Hamilton's portrait has been on no fewer than 14 different
Unites States federal note types comprising Friedberg numbers and sub-vari-
eties. He also graces many other fiscal documents, stamps, and obsolete notes.
Fr 1
$5 Demand Note of 1861
Fr 1 -5: These demand notes were the first circulating U.S. currency of
the Civil War. Issued in denominations of $5, $10 and $20, these notes are the
only U.S. notes that do not have either the Treasury seal or the names of the
Treasurer or Register. The engraver of the Hamilton portrait is unknown.
$5 Legal Tender Note Series of 1862
Fr 61 -64: These greenbacks were a true fiat currency of the Civil War.
Issued in denominations of $1 to $1000, United States Notes were issued for
more than a century. Design is similar to that of the Demand Note above.
Fr 41
$2 Legal Tender Note Series of 1862
Fr 41/41a: Five issues of legal tender notes are also referred to as United
States Notes. The first series $2 note had a portrait of Hamilton on face. The
portrait was engraved by Luigi Delnoce (left) and Joseph Proper Ourdan.
Delnoce was born in Italy in 1822 and died in Melrose, NY in 1890. He began
engraving in 1848 and furthered his education by studying with John Casilear
from 1851-1855. He engraved for the Columbian Banknote Co. and the
National Banknote Co in the 1860s. From 1870 until near the time of his
death, he worked as an independent engraver for many firms including the
BEP. Ourdan was born in New York City on February 16, 1828, and died in
Washington DC on May 10, 1881. He learned engraving as an apprentice of
$20 Legal Tender Notes
Fr 127 - 147: Twenty-one different designs and seventeen different signa-
ture combinations make up this issue. The portrait of Hamilton on these notes
was engraved by Charles Kennedy Burt (right). Burt was born in Edinburgh,
Scotland, on November 8, 1823, and died in Brooklyn, NY on March 25, 1892.
His engraving career started at age 12 in Scotland. In 1842 he came to New
York and spent four years engraving Da Vinci's Last Supper. Burt worked for
many banknote companies including Rawdon, Wright and Edson, Homer Lee
and the American Bank Note Co. Although he was never employed by the
BEP, he engraved for them independently for 20 years.
Fr 128
Fr 150
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 13
W. L. Ormsby and then worked for the Continental Banknote Co. and the
American Banknote Co. He was one of the first engravers to join the BEP on
October 20, 1862, where he eventually became chief of the engraving division.
He finished his career with the National Banknote Co. which he joined in
$50 Legal Tender Notes
Fr 148 - 150: Four different Friedberg numbers (including #150a) make
up this issue. All notes were signed by Chittenden and Spinner and had red
seals. The portrait of Hamilton on these notes is the same as on the $2 Legal
Tender Notes (at left) and was engraved by Joseph Prosper Ourdan and Luigi
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The certificate of Hamilton's official commission as Secretary of the Treasury, signed by
George Washington September 11, 1789. (library of Congress)
24 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
but since you have thought it necessary to
tell me, so we part," and he left.
Washington soon sent an offer of
reconciliation to Hamilton, but Hamilton
took their minor disagreement as his
opportunity to leave what had become a
hated position. Still seething and resent-
ful, Hamilton sent back a stiff, cold reply,
stating that his resolution was "not to be
revoked," and that an interview with
Washington would be "mutually disagree-
able." After waiting for a replacement for
himself at headquarters, he left.
It is clear from this story that
Hamilton certainly did not leave at
Washington's request. He was actually all
that Washington could want in an aide:
he was quick; he wrote well; he spoke
French fluently; he could entertain visiting
dignitaries; and he was capable of taking in
the whole of the American campaign and
offering sound advice to his General.
What drove Hamilton to leave
headquarters was his craving for glory on
the battlefield. When Hamilton later
heard of this rumor of his being cast out of
Washington's family, he wrote to
Washington, asking him to correct this
falsehood in writing, and confessing "that this . . . hurt my
feelings." Washington replied, with admirable restraint, that
"your quitting was altogether the effect of your own choice."
Throughout his life, Hamilton was constantly being
accused of being completely self-serving, as the previous myth
seems to imply. He was certainly highly ambitious and always
concerned with himself, his importance and his reputation.
But he was also completely committed to the American nation,
and in his eyes his actions were, above all, for the public good.
Washington, when confronted by the accusation that
Hamilton was dangerously ambitious, replied, "By some, he is
considered as an ambitious man, and there a dangerous one.
That he is ambitious I shall readily grant, but it is of that laud-
able kind which prompts a man to excel in whatever he takes
in hand."
Indeed, it was blind ambition in Aaron Burr that led
Hamilton to fear and oppose him. Hamilton recognized in
Burr the same driving ambitions that he recognized in himself.
But to Hamilton, Burr only did what served Burr best. As
Hamilton put it, Burr "is for or against nothing, but as it suits
his interest or ambition. Determined to climb to the highest
honors of the State, and as much higher as circumstances may
permit, he cares nothing about the means of effecting his pur-
pose... I feel it a religious duty to oppose his career."
MYTH NUMBER THREE is perhaps the most
accepted myth concerning Alexander Hamilton: that he was a
monarchist, anxious to establish the equivalent of a king in
America. During the Federal Convention, Hamilton was out-
numbered in the New York delegation by two decidedly anti-
national delegates.
Rendered essentially useless by their opposing votes,
Hamilton remained uncharacteristically silent for much of the
convention. But on June 18, with the Convention seemingly
hesitating to create a strong national government, Hamilton
rose and delivered a marathon six-hour speech detailing his
thoughts on a new government for the American nation.
He openly professed his admiration for the British sys-
tem of government: its balance; its strength; and its structure.
He recognized, however, that the American people would only
accept a republican model of government, a government
deriving its authority from the people, and in which no one
would hold political office as a matter of right or ownership.
His pro-British statements were risky after America's
recent war against what was perceived as a tyrannical king. He
made matters worse by advocating the creation of an executive
who served for life; to him, this would promote stability and
would prevent the executive from having to continually pander
to the public to win re-election.
In later years, when Hamilton became a more contro-
versial political figure and a recognized advocate of a strong
national government and a strong executive, political oppo-
nents, and even friends, used this evidence, combined with
Hamilton's continued skepticism about the durability of the
American republic, to accuse him of being a monarchist.
Hamilton fought this perception throughout his life.
To him, if the executive was elected, could be removed by the
people's representatives, and could not pass his office on to his
descendants, he was not a monarch. And although he continu-
ally fought to strengthen the powers of the government,
Hamilton never felt that he had strayed from the principles of
a republic.
To his friends, he admitted having some doubts. He
once wrote, "I said that I was affectionately attached to the
republican theory. This is the real language of my heart,
which I open to you in the sincerity of friendship; and I add
that I have strong hopes of the success of that theory, but in
candor, I ought also to add that I am far from being without
doubts. I consider its success as yet a problem. It is yet to be
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Alexander Hamilton's circular to Collectors of Customs, Jan. 2, 1792, regarding receipt of
"Cash Notes" and "Post Notes" of the Bank of North America and the Bank of the United
States. (Library of Congress)
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 25
determined by experience whether it be
consistent with the stability and order in
government which are essential to public
strength and private security and happi-
ness." Doubts he may have had, but he
never sought to do anything but preserve
the American republic, no matter what he
saw as its flaws.
involves two statements that Hamilton
supposedly made. The first one occurred
during the Federal Convention, after
Benjamin Franklin suggested that each
session begin with a prayer, a suggestion
on Franklin's part probably meant to cool
some rather heated tempers and put the
Convention's proceedings in perspective.
Supposedly, Hamilton rose at this point,
and opposed Franklin's suggestion, con-
cluding that "he did not see the necessity
of calling in foreign aid." James
Madison, although Hamilton's political
opponent, later denied that this ever
occurred and he was the Convention's
unofficial secretary, noting down all the
proceedings in his meticulous notes.
Hamilton, however, was certainly
capable of making scandalous and ill-
thought-out jokes. In a letter I recently
discovered in the Hamilton papers,
Hamilton is writing to Gouverneur
Morris, a friend who had a renowned wit,
which often strayed towards the scan-
dalous. Hamilton, when writing to
Morris, always assumed a witty, slightly
scandalous tone. In this particular letter,
Hamilton states that he is writing on a
Sunday, a day when he should be in
church. He then obviously proceeds to
make some sort of joking comment about
God, a comment which, unfortunately,
anxious Hamilton descendants ripped off the page to protect
his reputation for posterity.
Hamilton's other supposed comment is better known.
At one point in his career, in response to someone's comment
in favor of the "people," Hamilton supposedly responded, "the
people? Your people, sir, are a great beast!" This comment
has been cited as proof of Hamilton's desire to remove the
government from the reach of the people and as proof of his
interest in nothing but himself and the American elite.
Hamilton certainly considered himself to be of the
upper class, and his aristocratic tastes were apparent in his
clothing, his manner, and the company he kept. Unlike
Jefferson, he was never successful at communicating with the
"common man." But he always felt that his actions were in the
best interest of the nation at large. Although he was openly
concerned with the interests of the wealthy and powerful, it
was because he felt it necessary to attract their money and
power to support of the weak, new American government.
Even his constant struggle to strengthen the national
government, an effort that Jefferson considered as aimed at
removing the government from the reach of the people, was
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intended by Hamilton to promote a government strong
enough to protect the people's liberties, and prevent the
majority from crushing the rights of the minority.
Hamilton's comment about the people being a "great
beast" was actually first popularized by Henry Adams, a
descendant of John Adams. For generations, the Adamses had
persisted in a family hatred of Hamilton. Henry Adams was
predisposed to believe the story, but had very little support for
it. He got it from someone, who got it from someone, who
got it from someone.
MYTH NUMBER FIVE is the belief that Hamilton
was thoroughly corrupt, financially benefitting from his posi-
tion as Treasury Secretary and leaking Treasury secrets to his
wealthy speculating friends. As far as Hamilton's own finances
were concerned, not only did he never financially gain from
his position, but he actually resigned because his low salary as
Treasury Secretary had almost bankrupted him, and he needed
time to attend to his family's finances earning some money
while practicing law.
As Hamilton put it, "Our finances are in a most flourish
condition. Having contributed to place those of the Nation
Alexander Hamilton addressing three judges. (Library of Congress)
26 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
on a good footing, I go to take a little care of my own; which
need my care not a little."
Hamilton often said far too much, and he might, on
occasion, have revealed too much while conversing with
friends. And there were, unfortunately, occasions when his
staff leaked information. But I have not seen any evidence that
Hamilton consciously gave his supporters illegal advice or
funding. Even Thomas Jefferson stated that Hamilton was
not a corrupt individual.
Hamilton was actually almost careless with his own
finances. His wife, Elizabeth, managed their household bud-
get, and as one friend said, deserved "as much merit as our
treasurer as you have as treasurer of the wealth of the United
States." Hamilton readily admitted to Elizabeth before their
marriage that "an indifference to property enters into my
character too much," and asked her if she were prepared to
"relish the pleasure of being a poor man's wife." A few days
after he retired as Treasury Secretary, he even wrote to his
bank admitting that he had lost his bank book, and didn't
know how much money he had in his account.
However, Hamilton didn't help his own case very much.
In 1792 Hamilton's ill-timed sense of humor led to an accusa-
tion that he was bribing a Congressman. A particularly can-
tankerous Representative named
John Francis Mercer was owed
money by the government for a
horse which had been shot out from
under him during the war.
Hamilton and Mercer did not like
each other at all, and most probably
Hamilton was somewhat slower in
filing Mercer's claim than he might
have been with someone else.
Hamilton, as I mentioned
before, was very conscious of his
own importance, and could not resist
putting others in their place. One
day, while on the way to dinner with
a group of friends, Hamilton was
confronted by Mercer on the street.
Mercer accused Hamilton of not
handling his request because of per-
sonal dislike. In a later account of
the incident, Hamilton reflected that
at the moment, he had two choices
before him. He could either be
greatly offended -- the more charac-
teristic response -- or he could make a joke and pass on.
Hamilton chose the latter course.
In response to Mercer's comment, Hamilton said,
"There is one expedient which will shorten the discussion very
much. If you will vote for the assumption tomorrow, or if you
will change the vote you gave upon the assumption today,
we'll make the thing very easy, we'll contrive to get your
account settled."
In Hamilton's later account of this incident, he
remarked that everyone laughed at this point, even Mercer
himself. However, Mercer began spreading stories about
Hamilton's attempt to bribe him, and eventually Washington
found out, and demanded an explanation from Hamilton, who
was forced to admit that he had made a joke, admittedly a poor
one. Mercer and Hamilton almost fought a duel over this
MYTH NUMBER SIX is the belief that Hamilton was
Washington's mentor, secretly running the government,
telling Washington what to do, and using Washington's repu-
tation to wipe away stains left in his wake. There is no doubt
that Hamilton was a prime force in the Washington adminis-
tration. NATashington trusted Hamilton and gave him far more
free rein than he did to Jefferson or other cabinet members.
But part of the reason for Washington's lesser involve-
ment in Hamilton's affairs is that Washington knew far less of
finances than he did of foreign affairs, Jefferson's realm. And
although Hamilton continually advised Washington on eco-
nomic matters and much more, Washington took his time
making decisions, weighed all sides of an issue, and came to his
own conclusions. One of Washington's greatest skills was his
ability to find and use men of great talent to counsel him.
When one looks carefully at Washington's relations
with his Treasury Secretary, one finds that, although
Washington followed Hamilton's counsel much of the time,
Hamilton most certainly did not have free rein. At one point,
Hamilton was accused of misapplying Treasury funds. His
defense, when confronted by a congressional investigation,
was that Washington had verbally agreed to Hamilton's
actions. Washington professed no memory of an oral autho-
rization, although he assured Hamilton that "I do not doubt,
that it was substantially as you have stated it."
Hamilton was quite wounded by what he saw as
Washington's lack of support. But even more worrisome to
Hamilton was the fact that Washington showed a marked
increase in attention he gave to Hamilton's financial dealings
after this point. Shortly thereafter, Washington asked
Hamilton if he had followed through on a recent request, and
Hamilton who had been making plans quite different from
Washington's original instructions, replied, "I had entirely
forgotten the existence of your ... instructions."
Hamilton continued to resist Washington's instructions,
and Washington was forced to insist that Hamilton comply.
So, Washington was not a sleeping President, and Hamilton
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
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An engraving depicting the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. (Library of Congress)
28 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
was not the secret President,
at least not under George
SEVEN involves women
and scandal. Hamilton was
always something of a ladies'
man, particularly noted for
his gallantry. Abigail Adams,
in keeping with her New
England Puritan back-
ground, was scandalized by
Hamilton's behavior at par-
ties; she described him as
entering parties and immedi-
ately scanning the room for
the most attractive women
to flirt with.
A scandalous rumor
states that Hamilton had an
affair with Angelica Church,
his wife's sister. Elizabeth
Schuyler, Hamilton's wife,
was a stable, down-to-earth,
unpretentious woman, the
perfect match for the high-
strung, unpredictable, emo-
tional Hamilton. Elizabeth's
sister Angelica was a noted
beauty, flirtatious, highly
intelligent, and a prominent
society figure.
The surviving corre-
spondence between Hamilton and Angelica shows that they
flirted quite a bit, even to the point that Angelica was prompt-
ed to tell Hamilton, in a very delicate way, to cool off. But no
evidence exists to suggest that they went any further. And sur-
prisingly, some of Hamilton's more flirtatious letters have
postscripts from Elizabeth on them, or passages written by
Elizabeth. No matter how foolhardy Hamilton was, he would
not have shown these letters to Elizabeth if he had any fear of
revealing a dread dark secretive affair with her sister. And the
two families were always the closest friends.
This is not to suggest, however, that Hamilton was not
capable of adultery. When, in 1791, the attractive Maria
Reynolds came to his office, pleading for help after her hus-
band had abandoned her, Hamilton gave her far more than
money. As he put it, "some conversation ensued from which it
was quickly apparent that other than pecuniary consolation
would be acceptable." He had an affair with her that lasted
over a year, involving the payment of blackmail money to
Maria's husband, who appeared on the scene shortly after their
first meeting.
Maria's husband later used these blackmail payments to
help Hamilton's political opponents accuse him of misusing
Treasury funds. To defend his public reputation, Hamilton
wrote a pamphlet in which he denied the accusations regard-
ing Treasury funds, and instead, confessed in great detail to an
"amorous connection" with Maria Reynolds. Years later,
political opponents were still referring to Hamilton as Mrs.
Reynolds' lover.
This sketch of Hamilton's life and the myths surround-
ing it is scarcely capable of portraying the true Alexander
Hamilton. For, besides being a pivotal historical figure who
took part in the creation of our Constitution, fought to
include New York in the new constitutional government,
saved the United States from financial ruin, and left his
imprint on the identity of the America nation, Hamilton was
also a man who kissed his children, talked too much, told bad
jokes, feared humiliation, worried about supporting his family,
and above all, was as unsure of the outcome of his actions as
we are of ours.
Myths dehumanize, removing the uncertainty, the
excitement, the ambiguities, and the emotions of the unfolding
of history. We seek to clearly identify the "good" and the
"bad." We try to create better, more logical reasons for the
events of history. We endow historical figures with more
knowledge, absolute confidence, and ulterior motives than
they ever possessed.
But what is truly fascinating about Hamilton,
Washington, Jefferson, and their contemporaries is that they
were real people, with their good and had sides, living during a
turbulent period, blessed with the talents to take part in the
creation of a nation, but like any other person faced with chal-
lenge, unsure of how to proceed and doubtful about the suc-
cess of their actions. The history of the United States is a
human story. To truly understand it, it is important to pre-
serve its humanity.
Editor's note: This article first appeared in Financial
History magazine, issues 41-42.
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January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Bank of Hamilton, Oh. 0
Gone But, Not Forgot en
By Wendell Wolka
An embossing of Alexander Hamilton as
engraved by Underwood, Bald &
Spencer (detail from Bank of Hamilton
$5 note).
An early scrip note issued by the Bank
of Hamilton, Ohio, issued in 1820, prior
to its fourteen year hiatus from 1821 to
the honoring of Alexander
Hamilton by naming the
county seat of Butler
County after him. General Arthur St.
Clair, the first Governor of the
Northwest Territory, had established
Fort Hamilton (also named after
Alexander Hamilton) on the site in
1791. The town of Hamilton was
incorporated in 1810. Some of the earli-
est settlers were veterans who remained
when General Anthony Wayne's army was
Banking came to Hamilton in the form
Bank of Hamilton which was given a charter by the state legislature on
December 19, 1817. The bank's capital was set at
$300,000. The stock subscription books were opened in
the spring of 1818 and sufficient subscriptions were
received to commence operation of the enterprise. The
Board of Directors met for the first time on July 11,
1818, and named John Reily as President and William
Blair as Cashier. The bank began its career in the hum-
ble surroundings of the front room of Mr. Blair's house.
The capital stock paid into the bank was
$33,062.68, only a small portion of the authorized
amount, but the bank continued to discount and do a
small but respectable business for a time. The bank's
timing however was -- to say the least -- "unfortunate."
Following a period of rapid expansion after the War of 1812, a ruinous
contraction in credits and prices of both commodities and land occurred in
1818-1819 as banks struggled to return to a specie paying basis (generally bank
notes were intended to be convertible into gold or silver coin except when
specie payments were suspended due to times of financial stress). Debtors
found that the means for paying their debts had become depreciated and that
they were therefore financially "embarrassed."
To compound the problem, the Bank of the United States began a severe
contraction of credit to the western banks in the summer of 1818. In an
attempt to meet the demands made upon them, the banks began to call in loans
which, in turn, could not be paid, and the avalanche into recession accelerated.
Such specie as did exist soon was drained by additional calls from the Bank of
the United States to the western banks to settle accounts.
As a result, the banks of the State of Ohio, and the banks in the West
of the
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32 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Proof of a likely
pre-1821 $5 issue of
the Bank of
Proof of a likely
pre-1821 $10 issue
of the Bank of
generally, suspended specie payments in early November, 1818, with the Bank
of Hamilton doing so November 9.
In May, 1819, the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Cincinnati, as the
result of an agreement with the Treasury Department, became a depository of
government funds on which they resumed specie payments. Under these cir-
cumstances a proposal was made to the Bank of Hamilton on May 27, 1819, by
their agent, Nicholas Longworth, for a loan of $10,000 in specie, in order to
enable the Farmers and Mechanics Bank to carry on business and carry out its
agreement with the Treasury Department. The Cincinnati firm gave assurances
that they were to receive a permanent deposit from the government of
$100,000 which, it was stated, exceeded the amount of their paper in circula-
Consequently they needed this "bridge loan" for a short period. The
Farmers and Mechanics Bank stated that the specie could be returned on a
moment's notice and not be affected by any amount of the notes of the Bank of
Hamilton which they might have in hand at the time. It was also proposed to
make the notes of the Bank of Hamilton receivable in the land office, if desired,
on terms that would be mutually satisfactory. On the general resumption of
specie payments the Farmers and Mechanics Bank proposed to reciprocate the
accommodation in any way that might be most advantageous for the Bank of
The proposition was accepted by the directors of the Bank of Hamilton,
and the sum of $10,000 in silver was paid over to the Farmers and Mechanics
Bank on June 15, 1819. A few weeks afterwards the Farmers and Mechanics
Bank suspended specie payments and closed its doors. Needless to say, this
alarming turn of events initiated an immediate exchange of correspondence
with the Farmers and Mechanics Bank on the subject of the loan which they
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Ironically, the building which was
offered to stave off a financial disaster
for the Bank of Hamilton is portrayed
on this issue of the Farmers and
Mechanics Bank of Cincinnati.
An apparent con-
temporary coun-
terfeit of the post-
1835 $10 issue.
7K77 1W ti7y(1?
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$10 Bank of Hamilton
proof of post-1835
111,V.• 41.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 33
were suddenly unable to return or secure.
Finally, in May, 1820 a deed was made by the Farmers and Mechanics
Bank to the Bank of Hamilton, for their banking house and lot located on Main
Street between Front and Columbia Streets, in Cincinnati. Since no other set-
tlement method seemed to be in sight, this property was accepted as payment in
full for the loan of $10,000, including interest.
The Bank of Hamilton took possession of the property and rented it to
John and Gurden B. Gilmore for use as a broker's office and residence. In
December, 1824, a writ of ejectment, issued from the Circuit Court of the
United States for the district of Ohio, in favor of the heirs of Israel Ludlow was
served on the tenant of the Bank of Hamilton for the recovery of the house on
the grounds that the property had been illegally sold by the administrators of
Israel Ludlow after his death. During the January term of the Circuit Court in
1827, a judgment was rendered in favor of the heirs of Ludlow against the Bank
of Hamilton.
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34 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
$5 Bank of Hamilton
proof of post-1835
issue, with portrait of
the bank's namesake
Alexander Hamilton
at left.
The Bank of Hamilton took up a writ of error to the Supreme Court of
United States and when the case came up for hearing, the judgment of the lower
court was affirmed, which rendered the title of the Bank of Hamilton void. This
ruling essentially left the Bank of Hamilton holding the bag.
However, further examination found that the property had been conveyed
to the Farmers and Mechanics Bank by one John McIntyre, by deed of general
warranty dated the 31st of May, 1815. Mr. McIntyre lived in Madison, Indiana,
and was perfectly solvent. The agent of the bank accordingly called on him on
October 29, 1819, at which time Mr. McIntyre agreed to pay to the Bank of
Hamilton the sum of $2,000, which was accepted.
The Bank of Hamilton was, nonetheless, severely crippled. While the
bank did not suffer outright failure, it was driven into virtual inactivity from
roughly 1821 until 1835. During this time period, the stockholders did nothing
more than to elect directors to keep the bank alive. In 1835, the bank received
an additional $50,000 in new investment and again went into operation. The
bank's second period of operation was hardly more successful than its first.
Thanks in part to the Panic of 1837 and its aftermath, the Bank of Hamilton
finally shut its doors on the February 9, 1842, when an assignment was made. •
Washington & Hamilton grace Hamilton Bank $1
By Leslie Deerderf
Portraits of both 1st
President and 1st
Treasury Secretary
grace this elegant
Hamilton Bank,
Boston, $1 note, the
only note from this
bank with Hamilton's
bust. According to
Jim Haxby, the bank
was organized in
1831, becoming the
Hamilton National
Bank of Boston.
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 35
Reader supplies data: Note printer was Hamlin
Great article by Q. David
Bowers, "Humbugs in
Paper Money." Just an
update. The note is from
1808. Early bills did bear
an imprint of an engraver.
The printer's name HAM-
LIN is under the oxen.
Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, Roland Rivet
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36 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
and the Birth of a Capital Market
By Robert E. 'Wright
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This certificate issued to Founding Father Patrick Henry in 1792 indicates that he invested in America's first bond issue.
No nation with a good one is poor; no nation without
one is rich, unless one counts as wealth the income reaped by
the temporary exploitation of oil and gold, blood and bone.
Alas, institutions as complex as capital markets do not usually
arise of their own accord. To flourish, as they have in
America, they typically require, at a minimum, political stabili-
ty and a helpful hand from on high.
In America, Alexander Hamilton provided both.
Few doubt the importance of the Constitution, or
Hamilton's seminal role in its ratification, but many scholars, like
their Jeffersonian and Jacksonian forbears, routinely question
the efficacy of Hamilton's financial reforms. Such debates,
which raged even before Hamilton's untimely demise in
1804, were fueled by a dearth of hard evidence. In Hamilton's
time, the depth and liquidity of the new financial markets were
clear to all not blinded by partisan rage, but the ultimate
effects of the financial revolution of the 1790s remained
Today, we know that Hamilton's revolution did not create
the exploitative financial oligarchy that many feared it would.
The founding generation's intimate understanding of the eco-
nomic efficacy of the early financial system, however, was lost
long ago. In recent decades, most historians ignored the early
financial system entirely or hinted that it did more harm than
good. The prevailing sentiment to this day appears to be that a
few, rich speculators dominated the early debt markets and
turned them to their own, greedy ends.
Recent work, however, is proving that such views are ques-
tionable. A few years ago, two colleagues and I completed a
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
Group Number of Accounts Percentage of Accounts
Face Value of Bonds
Purchased ($millions
of Bonds Purchased
Non-merchants 253 29.54 1.033 13.09
Merchants 234 27.40 3.043 38.56
No Occupation Given 367 43.06 3.816 48.35
Occupation Analysis 854 100.00 7.892 100.00
Non-Charleston U.S. 211 24.71 2.049 25.96
Charleston 375 43.91 2.991 37.90
Foreign 84 9.84 .728 9.23
No Location Listed 184 21.54 2.124 26.91
Location Analysis 854 100.00 7.892 100.00
Estates 112 13.11 .349 4.42
Trusts 39 4.57 .223 2.83
Organizations 20 2.34 1.692 21.45
Partnerships 61 7.14 .957 12,12
Females 89 10.42 .208 2.64
Miscellaneous Accountholders 321 37.58 3.429 43.46
Owners of Accounts on Charleston, SC transfer books by occupation, location, and type.
large data set of early securities prices. The data, gathered from
early newspapers, suggested the early appearance of vigor-
ous capital markets in each of the new nation's major coastal
cities. Where there are prices, there are transactions, and where
there are transactions, the forces of supply and demand ensure
the economically efficient allocation of resources. Data on
trading volumes, however, remained scarce, so stalwarts, who
are always too plentiful, clung tenaciously to the old view that
the "markets" were little more than the playthings of the rich
and powerful few.
Even the most steadfast supporters of the old, anti-
Hamiltonian view, however, will have difficulty deflecting the
data currently emerging from an in-depth study of the recent-
ly (re)discovered national debt transfer books. Those account
books list the owners of U.S. national bonds, often provide the
accountholder's place of residence and occupation, and invari-
ably reveal the date, type, and face value of bonds that they
purchased and sold.
In short, scholars will soon know precisely who owned
the national debt and how frequently the various bonds creat-
ed by Hamilton's funding plans traded in the secondary mar-
kets. Although results are preliminary, they are highly encourag-
ing to those who argue that Hamilton's financial reforms
played an important, if not crucial, role in forging America's
economic greatness.
The initial data come from the Charleston, SC transfer
books. Charleston was chosen for first study because price
and anecdotal evidence suggested that it possessed the smallest
and thinnest of the early U.S. securities markets. Logically, if
the Charleston debt market was an active one, the findings
from Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore should
prove even more encouraging. Here is an overview of the find-
Between November 1790 and January 1797, the Charleston
transfer books list 854 accountholders. This is not the same as
the number of persons who owned bonds. Some accounts listed
several people as owners; some people controlled several
accounts. The former were generally partners in mercantile
firms; the latter were typically attorneys who held bonds in
trust for minors, the estates of the deceased, etc.
Of those 854 accountholders hailed most resided in
Charleston or its environs; but they included people from at
least 87 different places, from Amsterdam to Bermuda, from
Bordeaux to Bristol, and from Massachusetts to Georgia. The
accountholders included members of 48 different occupational
groups, including bricklayers, gunsmiths, innkeepers, and
The size of transactions ranged from $1.40 to almost
$804,000. The average sale, of which there were 2,148 over
the period, was for $1,359.10. The median transaction size was
only $540.07, however, and 25 percent of the transactions
were for bonds the face value of which was $173 or less, a sum
well within the reach of "middling" households.
As Table 1 shows, merchants were major participants in
the market, but they were so numerous, and so geographically
dispersed, that it is highly unlikely they could have systemati-
cally manipulated the market for their own benefit. Moreover,
in aggregate, miscellaneous holders (women, estates, trusts,
partnerships, and organizations) were more numerous than
merchants and purchased a greater face value of bonds.
Month - Year
Amount Sold
Number of Sales Average Sale Size
Month - Year
Amount Sold
Number of Sales Average Sale Size
November 1790 $2,876.39 10 $287.64 January 1794 $10,654.39 18 $591.91
December 1790 $4,667.92 4 $1,166.98 February 1794 $34,178.08 28 $1,220.65
January 1791 $10,739.25 10 $1,073.93 March 1794 $5,189.63 12 $432.47
February 1791 $15,704.86 3 $5,234.95 April 1794 $17,706.84 21 $843.18
March 1791 $16,261.23 10 $1,626.12 May 1794 $2,500.12 2 $1,250.06
April 1791 $17,260.66 29 $595.20 June 1794 $4,414.35 9 $490.48
May 1791 $1,800.68 5 $360.14 July 1794 $54,982.84 35 $1,570.94
June 1791 $1,686.01 6 $281.00 August 1794 $7,619.83 9 $846.65
July 1791 $17,122.78 23 $744.47 September 1794 $9,987.14 14 $713.37
August 1791 $7,759.47 21 $369.50 October 1794 $3,029.57 10 $302.96
September 1791 $3,407.02 7 $486.72 November 1794 $27,266.70 18 $1,514.82
October 1791 $26,841.11 26 $1,032.35 December 1794 $1,526.72 4 $381.68
November 1791 $254,830.71 107 $2,381.60 January 1795 $12,453.91 18 $691.88
December 1791 $104,626.72 75 $1,395.02 February 1795 $27,711.80 30 $923.73
January 1792 $58,103.70 54 $1,075.99 March 1795 $21,973.90 25 $878.96
February 1792 $1 13,527.63 64 $1.773.87 April 1795 $35,455.43 39 $909.11
March 1792 $52,697.30 68 $774.96 May 1795 $44,045.29 25 $1,761.81
April 1792 $98,032.16 91 $1,077.28 June 1795 $17,679.84 7 $2,525.69
May 1792 $260,086.57 166 $1,566.79 July 1795 $82,982.47 53 $1,565.71
June 1792 $74,815.37 65 $1,151.01 August 1795 $78,518.71 40 $1,962.97
July 1792 $60,232.27 73 $825.10 September 1795 $11,443.35 10 $1,144.34
August 1792 $46,229.91 54 $856,11 October 1795 $43,156.04 26 $1,659.85
September 1792 $18,701.02 34 $550.03 November 1795 $17,149.88 13 $1,319.22
October 1792 $44,650.38 60 $744.17 December 1795 $12,437.45 7 $1,776.78
November 1792 $53,419.74 52 $1,027.30 January 1796 $18,784.21 7 $2,683.46
December 1792 $11,337.71 21 $539.89 February 1796 $15,331.31 19 $806.91
January 1793 $43,398.47 32 $1,356.20 March 1796 $15,341.32 9 $1,704.59
February 1793 $40,686.19 51 $797.77 April 1796 $20,574.70 20 $1,028.74
March 1793 $13,088.07 18 $727.12 May 1796 $79,066.64 23 $3,437.68
April 1793 $124,353.24 63 $1,973.86 June 1796 $15,875.23 9 $1,763.91
May 1793 $20,516.04 17 $1,206.83 July 1796 $158,145.36 42 $3,765.37
June 1793 $6,228.97 12 $519.08 August 1796 $37,559.98 22 $1,707.27
July 1793 $16,097.78 11 $1,463.43 September 1796 $10,273.87 13 $790.30
August 1793 $66,272.57 36 $1,840.90 October 1796 $28,426.54 12 $2,368.88
September 1793 $16,145.93 15 $1,076.40 November 1796 $30,709.57 14 $2,193.54
October 1793 $85,467.64 29 $2,947.16 December 1796 $14,503.65 I S $966.91
November 1793 $64,334.76 16 $4,020.92 January 1797 $4,804.81 13 $369.60
December 1793 $11,047.36 18 $613.74
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Sales recorded on Charleston, SC transfer books from November 1790 to January 1797.
Moreover, as Table 2 suggests, the market for govern-
ment bonds was quite liquid, both in terms of number of
trades and the face value traded.
Over time, the market in Charleston for the bonds that
Hamilton's Treasury issued starting in late 1790 became some-
what smaller. Several factors account for the decline.
First, by the late 1790s new varieties of U.S. bonds, tracked in
separate account books not yet studied, became available, as did
other securities, including shares in business corporations.
Second, in the early decades of the 19th century the federal
government rapidly paid down its debt, so there were fewer
bonds available to trade.
Third, securities have a tendency to end up in the
possession of one of two types of owners - long-term hold-
ers like widows and estates, and short-term traders. The
former did not trade frequently, and the latter tended to
send their bonds to the larger markets of the Northeast.
Fourth, the original southern holders liquidated their
U.S. bonds, often selling them to northerners, to reinvest
in the South's booming agricultural economy and foreign
trading ventures. Such asset redeployments are among the
advantages conferred by good capital markets.
So, by April 1, 1809, only 163 accountholders are listed on
Charleston's books. They owned a total of only $1,900,797 face
value worth of Hamiltonian bonds. The median accountholder
owned $780.35 worth.
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 39
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40 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Residence Number
Percentage of Face Value
of Bonds Owned
Occupation Number
Percentage of Face Value
of Bonds Owned
Beaufort, South Carolina 1 0.47 Attorney 15.24
Bermuda 7 1.28 Broker 1 0.02
Camden 0.48 Factor 2 1.91
Charleston 64 61.75 Grocer 1 0.89
Chester, Great Britain 1 17.62 Merchant 18 46.65
Georgetown 0.79 Merchant Tailor 0.07
Georgia I 0.01 Physician 2 2.93
Great Britain 4 8.14 Planter 19 19.07
James Island 2 0.53 Reverend 3 0.66
New River 0.02 Spinster 6 1.31
Newberry district 0.78 Surveyor 0.48
Ninety Six district 3 1.13 Tanner 0.06
Peedee 1 0.02 Treasurer of the State 5.96
Pendleton County 1 0.68 U.S. Navy 0.15
Redland, near Bristol 1 0.09 Widow 15 4.60
South Carolina 2 4.47 Total 73 100.00
St. Eustatius 2 0.10
St. Helena 0.80
St. James Santee 1 0.05
St. John's Parish 1 0.10
St. Paul's 0.03
St. Thomas Parish 2 0.63
Winyaw 0.03
Total 101 100.00
Percentage of face value of bonds owned recorded on Charleston, SC transfer books by residence and occupation.
Moreover, as Table 3 indicates, accountholders now rep-
resented fewer communities and fewer occupations.
Charlestonians owned decreasing numbers of Hamiltonian
bonds until the first U.S. national debt was completely paid off
during Andrew Jackson's administration. The redemption of the
bonds, or their sale to northern and foreign markets, was a grad-
ual process. Some Charlestonians consumed the proceeds of the
sales and redemptions or invested them directly in productive
assets like land and slaves. Others undoubtedly reinvested in state
and local bonds, private bonds and mortgages, and corporate
securities. Thanks to the helping hand that Hamilton provided
the nation's nascent capital markets, Charlestonians, and indeed
all Americans, enjoyed a variety of long-term investment
options, and a greater ability than before to reallocate capital to
take advantage of new and profitable investment opportunities.
Two hundred years after Hamilton's death, scholars study-
ing the long-dormant early U.S. transfer books are finally poised
to understand with clarity, depth, and precision the importance
and complexity of the Treasury Secretary's accomplishments in
creating liquid capital markets. These markets were a major
advantage of the United States in comparison with almost all
other nations at the start of the 19th century. Prevailing notions
that capital markets were unimportant and "dens of thieves" need
to be tempered with factual knowledge of their nature and depth,
and how they contributed to the efficient allocation of scarce
capital resources.
Editor's Note: Robert E. Wright is the author of America's
First "Wall Street": Chestnut Street Philadelphia and the Birth of
American Finance (U niversity of Chicago Press, 2005), and four
other books on U.S. financial history. He teaches economics,
business, and history at New York University and DeVry
South Carolina Loan Office Records Relating to the Loan of
1790, National Archives and Records Administration, RG
53, Records of the Bureau of the Public Debt, T719,
Reels 1-3.
Sylla, Richard E. "U.S. Securities Markets and the Banking
System, 1790-1840." Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Review, 80, 83-104, 1998.
Sylla, Richard, Jack Wilson, and Robert E. Wright.
"America's First Securities Markets, 1787-1836:
Emergence, Development, Integration." National
Science Foundation, grant no. SES-9730692, data
housed by ICPSR, 2003.
Wright, Robert E. Hamilton Unbound: Finance and the Creation
of the American Republic. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger,
Wright, Robert E. The Wealth of Nations Rediscovered:
Integration and Expansion in American Financial Markets,
1780-1850. New York: Cambridge University Press,
Wright, Robert E. America's First "Wall Street": Chestnut
Street, Philadelphia and the Birth of American Finance.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Wright, Robert E. and David Jack Cowen. Financial
Founding Fathers, the men who made America Rich,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 41
U.S. Treasury securities market: Lessons from Alexander Hamilton
Remarks by past Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan
At the Annual Public Service Awards Dinner of the Public Securities Association, New York, New York
October 7, 1996
I thank the members of the Public Securities Association for bestowing upon me this award for distinguished public service. I am particularly
honored by the company that I keep as a winner of this award, as previous recipients have included Senators Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Christopher
Dodd, and Kay Bailey Hutchison and my predecessor as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker.
I trust that everyone in this audience would agree that the U.S. government securities market works as well as any on earth and generates wide-
spread macroeconomic benefits. In one sense, that is regrettable. The market has become so efficient in part because of the economies of scale associ-
ated with the large volume of Treasury debt issued over the years. While the massive federal debt has allowed traders to refine their skills, it has also
implied that much of the small pool of national saving has gone toward funding the government. Moreover, the interest burden of this debt has kept
tax rates higher than we might have wanted.
In another sense, though, the efficiency of the government securities market stands as testimony to decisions by policymakers in the formative
days of our nation that convinced the world that the United States honored its commitments and valued the rule of law. Every time I visit Secretary
Robert Rubin, I am reminded of the power of the decisions of the first Secretary of the Treasury that laid the foundations for this nation's financial
credibility. Engraved at the base of the statue of Alexander Hamilton outside the Treasury building are the words of Daniel Webster: "He touched the
dead corpse of the public credit, and it sprung upon its feet."
Everyone knows the short version of the events that prompted that praise. Hamilton convinced the new Congress to honor the debts of the
Continental Congress. Under his prodding, the federal government also assumed responsibility for the debts of the individual states incurred in fight-
ing the War of Independence. But there are five details of the debate at that time that we all would be well served to remember.
FIRST, Hamilton insisted on full payment of the debt. Many at that time counseled discrimination among those obligations--perhaps by
favoring vendors and veterans over bond holders or perhaps by paving original holders of debt more than those who purchased securities in the sec-
ondary market. Hamilton recognized that an obligation was an obligation, no matter how it was incurred or who held it. Repayment had both a moral
and a practical dimension. The debt, in Hamilton's words, was the "price of liberty" because it financed the successful completion of the War of
Independence. Those who extended aid at a time of peril, or supported the debt subsequently, deserved to be repaid. But repayment would also send
an important message to investors, particularly those abroad, that the United States could be trusted in the future. Hamilton recognized, and we
should never forget, that investors have many choices on world markets. Even the whiff of the possibility that the United States would not honor its
debt would push up the cost of borrowing for years to come. Following Hamilton's lead, the Treasury has never defaulted on any debt security,
notwithstanding the abrogation of the gold clauses in 1933.
SECOND, Hamilton was practical in his understanding that economic policymaking cannot be divorced from the broader discourse on public
priorities. The debate on the assumption of state debts generated arguments so heated as to make our weekend television talk shows appear as civil as
tea parties. Reflecting on those days in his later years, Thomas Jefferson--by no means an admirer of the first Secretary of the Treasury--was led to
write that "this measure produced the most bitter and angry contest ever known in Congress, before or since the Union of the States." But those bitter
enemies, Hamilton and Jefferson, compromised with an old-fashioned horse trade. Jefferson threw his support behind the assumption of the state
debts in return for Hamilton's advocacy of placing the nation's capital on the banks of the Potomac.
Political realities have not changed in that regard in the succeeding two centuries. It is inevitable that consideration of the budget be included
as part of a wider debate on public policies. However, Alexander Hamilton drew a line that no one should cross: The government of the United States
must never default on its debt.
THIRD, Hamilton's plan to honor the old debt provided a sinking fund to help repay new debt as it came due. The first Secretary saw that
Treasury debt was a burden to future generations. And it was his responsibility to provide the means to lighten that load. In those simpler times,
before we became too sophisticated for our own good, deficit financing was a necessity prompted solely by peril, not as a tool of active demand man-
agement or as an excuse to put off hard decisions. In one sense, though, Hamilton's job of planning for the retirement of the debt he was issuing was
easier than the problems confronting today's policymakers. In 1789, government obligations could be measured by the amount of debt outstanding.
Today, debt comes in many forms, including promises to pay that have become embodied in unfunded entitlement programs.
FOURTH, Hamilton's refunding scheme provided for the issuance of securities of long maturity that would be repaid in specie. Thus, his
Treasury locked in longer-term funding and did not have to test continually the market's willingness to finance the new government. At the same time,
investors were given some assurance that holding government securities would preserve their purchasing power. Those same incentives have led our
present-day Treasury to issue securities across a wide range of maturities and, I am pleased to note, to begin soon to offer debt indexed to consumer prices.
FIFTH, and this should come as no surprise from one of the authors of the Federalist Papers, Hamilton explained his policies in well-written,
logically constructed arguments that remain a pleasure to read, even two hundred years later.
Hamilton's lessons speak across the generations, both to policymakers in mature democracies and those coping, as he did, with financing newly
independent states. If we are to protect his creation, the U.S. Treasury market, we must remember two facts he could not afford to forget. For one,
buyers of Treasury securities do so through their own volition. Investors have alternatives, and more so now than ever before. For another, the issuer
of those securities, the U.S. Treasury, must finance an amount, on net, that is determined by the political judgments of the congressional and executive
branches of government. If the government makes purchasing its debt harder--by imposing onerous reporting or bookkeeping requirements--or riski-
er--by following capricious macroeconomic policies--buyers will pull hack and the cost of servicing the debt will rise. We at the Federal Reserve will
do our part to contribute to financial stability, which is to preserve the purchasing power of money over time.
To be sure, the dollar sums that preoccupied Alexander Hamilton were small. The national debt totaled $75 million, or $18 per capita. But the
issues at stake were large. I can only hope that, by following his precedent, today's policymakers show some of the same wisdom in dealing with the
public debt. Background: Alexander Hamilton by John Trumbull •
s • Itnl. ■
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PSCAT Goi Cutit /Pam/
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money42
Hamilton notes popular
with collectors in hobby today
Thousand dollar bills with the portrait of AlexanderHamilton (1755-1804) were quite popular with voters
surveyed for the recent book Dave Sundman and I wrote, 100
Greatest American Currency Notes. Three different "Millenium
notes" landed in positions #74 (Series 1918 $1000 Federal
Reserve Note), #75 (Series 1907 and 1922 $1000 Gold
Certificate), and #80 (the Series 1882 $1000 Gold Certificate
shown here).
As a subject on federal paper money, Hamilton was and
still is (on the current $10 note) a great choice. In all our first
Secretary of the Treasury was broadly represented. Five other
winning types depicting Hamilton landed at Nos. 32, 38, 82,
88, and 97. More than any other individual, he was central to
financial planning in the early days of the government, and
thus the distinction is richly deserved.
The present type began with a single
Friedberg number, F-1218, in early edi-
tions of Bob Friedberg's Paper Money of the
United States. Things were less sophisti-
cated back then. For high-denomination
notes, basic types were often assigned a
single number; signature combinations or,
in related instances, Federal Reserve Bank
locations, were sometimes ignored.
This listing is now expanded with
added letters "a" through "g" to reflect dif-
ferent Treasury signatures and seal vari
eties. For today's collecting community, however, the more
information the better, and basic listings acceptable in 1953
will not suffice.
F-1218a has Blanche K. Bruce James Gilfillan signatures
and a countersignature by Thomas C. Acton, assistant treasur-
er, and is payable in New York City. The Bruce-Gilfillan
combined tenure lasted until March 31st, 1883. Scholarship
by members of the Society of Paper Money Collectors and
others has revealed much information not known to earlier
generations. Today's listings are more precise..
The F-1218f shown bears facsimile signatures of Register
of the Treasury Judson W. Lyons and U.S. Treasurer Ellis H.
Roberts, whose combined term of office was April 7, 1898, to
June 30, 1905.
Accross the different varieties within this type, researcher
Martin Gengerke records 22 different known examples today,
including two of the curious F1218a. Ten of the known exam-
ples are part of the National Numismatic Collection at the
Smithsonian Institution.
In 1789 President Washington apointed Alexander
Hamilton as the first Secretary of the Treasury, a position he
held until 1795. He created and reported to Congress a pro-
gram that sought to strengthen the finances of young America.
Particularly important was to build credit domestically, for the
currency of the Continental Congress had depreciated to vir-
tual worthlessness.
Credit with foreign countries was also a part of his bold
program, with Europe being the main focus. The national
government, not the states, was to be the bearer of the govern-
ment's financial plans, although most banking and related
activity was regulated with the states if at all.
In his Reports on the Public Credit, delivered to Congress
on January 14 and December 13, 1790, Hamilton took the
aggressive step to recommend that the federal government
assume the debts incurred by the states in the fighting of the
Revolutionary War. This measure would encourage leading
business and financial interests to support the fledgling gov-
ernment during its development.
Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State at the time, opposed
certain provision of Hamilton's plans. A compromise with
Jefferson was stuck, including locating the Federal City (later
called Washington) in the South, after which southern votes
were instrumental in passing the recommended legislation.
In his second message to Congress, Hamilton proposed
the Bank of the United States, a government-chartered insti-
tion similar to the successful Bank of England. It would issue
currency and to an extent regulate credit and interest rates
through practices of receiving and lending money.
Banks were just beginning to be formed, with the Bank of
North America chartered in Philadelphia, being the first such
commercial institution. Banking was viewed as a right of the
states, and there was much opposition regarding any possible
interference by the federal government. Hamilton promoted
BUS, which operated until its 20-year charter expired in 1811.
Ownership was mostly by private shareholders, although the
government held an interest.
Hamilton was caught up in the politics of the Federalist
campaign for the presidency in 1796. John Adams won, but
Hamilton tried to influence the Electoral College to name
Thomas Cotesworth Pinckney. He remained active in politics
for years afterward. In 1804, in a famous duel with his politi-
cal enemy, Aaron Burr, Hamilton was the loser.
Series 1882 $1000 Gold Certificates with financial archi-
tect Alexander Hamilton's portrait is a favorite of many, but
only the well-healed can afford one today. Valued in
Extremely Fine at a relatively modest $1,650 in 1960, the
note's value had risen to $12,500 two decades later.
An EF example of F-1218g sold for $264 ,500 in 2005. •
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 43
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January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Alexander Hamilton
on U.S. Government Bonds
By Gene Hessler
1 N AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF U.S. LOANS, 1775-1898 THERE ARE 196 LISTINGS FORemissions issued between the dates mentioned. Excluding eagles and idealized images of Liberty, justice,Mercury, etc., the first likeness of a named person did not appear until 1846. As you might surmise, theimage of George Washington appears more often than any other person; portraits of Alexander Hamilton are
second in usage. Four different engraved images of Alexander Hamilton appeared on eight U.S. bonds in two cate-
gories. Registered bonds were issued to and were redeemable by a specific person; coupon bonds were redeemable
by the bearer.
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Act of February 25, 1862
Authorized amount: $500,000,000, however, the Act of March 3, 1864, authorized an additional $11,000,000 and
the Act of January 28, 1865 increased the authorization by $4,000,000.
Amount issued: $514,771,600.
Interest rate: 6%.
The $50 registered bond bears a portrait of Hamilton engraved by Owen G. Hanks.
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The $1000 coupon bond has a portrait that was engraved by Charles Burt.
Act of March 3, 1863
Authorized amount: not to exceed $300,000,000 for the current fiscal year and $600,000,000 for the following year.
Issued amount: $75,000,000. Interest rate: 6%. The $50 coupon bond has the portrait by Owen G. Hanks. The
Eagle's Nest was engraved by Louis Delnoce and justice and Shield was engraved by Charles Burt.
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46 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Act of March 3, 1865
Amount authorized: Included in the $800,000,000 from the Act of June 30, 1864, and the Act of March 3, 1865,
both for U.S. Treasury notes. Issued amount: $203,327,250. Interest: 6%. The $100 coupon bond bears the por-
trait engraved by Owen G. Hanks. This bond is unknown; the illustration is from a U.S. Bond Detector.
Act of July 14, 1870
Amount authorized: $300,000,000 and increased to $500,000,000 by the Act of January 20, 1871. Amount issued:
$250,000,000 including the Acts of January 20, 1871, and January 14, 1875. Interest: 4 f%. The $1000 registered
bond has the portrait engraved by Charles Burt.
Currency Conservation & Attribution LLC
To learn more about this holder:
• go to
• email us at
• or mail us at CC'cYA LLC, P.O. Box 2017, Nederland, CO 80466
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Jan. 2007
By Fred Reed.
Jan. 1
1780, State of Massachusetts Bay issues "inflation proof" post notes payable in flexible
sums of money based on ratios to various commodities such as corn, beef, wool and
leather; 1819, Burough of Norfolk, VA emits municipal scrip;
Jan. 2
1879, U.S. Government resumes specie payments for paper currency; 1919, Private
banking company, Bishop and Co. in Hawaii incorporates;
Jan. 3
1991, Dealer and Texas Obsolete Notes author Bob Medlar dies; 2001, Currency
Auctions of America sells Texas National Currency collection of Steve Ivy;
Jan. 4
1777, Continental Congress' Resolution recommends States make bills of credit issued
by Congress lawful tender in payment of public and private debts; 1842, First issue of
Thompson's Bank Note Reporter issued;
Jan. 5
1864, CSA Treasury Secretary George Trenholm reports on finances; 1996, Standard
Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-1866 by Jim Haxby copyrighted;
Jan. 6
1776, New York Water Works Colonial Currency (FR NY181-183) bears this date;
1929, Van Buren Studios releases animated short subject (cartoon) Wooden Money;
Jan. 7
1782, First bank in United States, Bank of North America opens for business; 1862,
Citizens Bank of Louisiana loans $325,000 to the Confederate government;
Jan. 8
1816, Due to financial hardship from War 0)1812, Congress proposes a second Bank
of the United States; 1931, First delivery of Series 1928A $5 USNs;
Jan. 9
1790, Alexander Hamilton advocates assuming states' debts; 1868, College currency
issuer Harvey Gridley Eastman patents an improved pen holder;
Jan. 10
1855, John lay Knox becomes cashier of Susquehanna Valley Bank, Binghamton,
N.Y.; 1935, Lee F. Hewitt's The Numismatic Scrapbook debuts;
Jan. 11
1757, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (FR 1-5, 411 born; 1862, Leslies'
Illustrated depicts a Confederate $10 Treasury Note;
Jan. 12
1826, Committee appointed to consider establishing branch banks for Bank of
England; 1862, Horatio Nelson Taft records in his diary that Treasury Notes are dis-
counted 2-4% and gold is at a tour percent premium;
Jan. 13
1842, Senator Thomas Hart Benton decries bankers as "red clogs" and banks as "Cairo
swindling shops;" 1979, Eric Newman wins ANS Huntington Medal, first American
since 1961, only specialist in U.S. series ever;
Jan. 14
1790, Alexander Hamilton proposes paying national debt through sale of government
bonds; 1875, Congress removes circulation limits on National Currency; 1936, L.M.
Mario Giannini elected president of Bank of America;
Jan. 15
1841, Bank of the United States resumes specie payments after 15 months suspension;
1975, Vernon Brown announces his intent to resign as SPMC Secretary;
Jan. 16
1833, Artist and banknote engraver James David Smillie born; 1942, Actress Carole
Lombard dies in an airplane crash on tour selling war bonds;
Jan. 17
1826, Encased stamp issuer Chicago hotel proprietor John B. Drake born; 1863,
Lincoln's special message to Congress urges passage of national banking legislation;
Jan. 18
1862, Richmond Dispatch reports postage stamps are circulating as small change;
1887, Last stacked Treasury Signatures approved on plates of National Currency;
1995, Copyright renewed for "Banknotes," a song by Paterson, Kemp and Herd;
Jan. 19
1821, Thomas Willing, first President of the Bank of North America and the Bank of
the United States, dies; 1839, Republic of Texas authorizes treasury notes, $5-$500;
Jan. 20
1878, Maryland Senate reports to Maryland House on the emission of paper money;
1801, Fire damages Treasury Building; 1814, Massachusetts Senate orders publication
of consolidated statement of the 29 banks in the state;
Ian. 21
1791, Alexander Hamilton urges both gold and silver coinage; 1793, Opponents of
BUS accuse bank and Treasury Secretary Hamilton of corruption; 1851, Florida state
legislature authorizes State Bank of Florida at Tallahassee;
Jan. 22
1561, British essayist Francis Bacon, who wrote "money is like muck, not good except
it be spread," horn; 1879, Last sheets of Lazy Deuce 1st charter Nationals issued;
Jan. 23
1862, Louisiana authorizes state treasury notes; 1862, NYT reports Demand Notes to
be made legal tender; 1903, Numismatic book dealer Frank Katen born;
Jan. 24
1862, NYT reports S40 million in Demand Notes have been issued, with $500,000
additional issued daily; 1953, Paper money fan/ANA President Waldo C. Moore dies;
Jan. 25
1815, NYC Common Council pays J. Hays $50 for detecting counterfeit municipal
small change bills; 1845, Alabama liquidates State Bank of Alabama, destroys notes;
Jan. 26
1863, John Sherman introduces National Currency Act in Senate; 1866, Man dressed
as policeman robs bank porter in NYC of $3,000 in Treasury Notes and Nationals;
Jan. 27
1817, Cincinnati Branch of 2nd Bank of the United States established; 1910, Story of
Paper Money author Fred Reinfeld born; 1915, Sydney Noe becomes ANS Librarian;
Jan. 28
1791, Alexander Hamilton reports composition of Spanish piece of eight to Congress;
1847, Congress funds treasury notes issued during War with Mexico with six-percent
registered bonds; 2004, Canada unveils "Canadian Journey" 5100 note;
Jan. 29
1761, Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin (FR 183) born; 1863, CSA Erlanger Loan
coupon bonds bear this authorization date; 1968, Treasury Order No. 212 mandates a
new Treasury Seal;
Jan. 30
1828, Treasury Secretary Rush reports to Congress on the amount of Continental
Currency issued during the Revolutionary War; 1934, Congress passes Gold Reserve
Act (31 U.S.0 440-445); currency no longer redeemable in gold;
Ian. 31
1842, Congress okays one-year interest-bearing notes of $50 and up; 1913, Treasury ,
Secretary MacVeagh approves new George Washington $1 Silver Certificate; 4*
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48 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Act of January 20, 1871
Amount authorized: $200,000,000. Amount issued: $185,000,000. Interest: 4 '/2%. This $1000 coupon bond is
similar to the preceding with minor differences.
Act of July 12, 1882
Amount authorized: Indefinite. Amount issued: $305,581,250. Interest: 3%. This act extended the charters of
existing national banks for twenty years. It also stated that except when bonds that secured the circulation were
called in for redemption, a limit of $3,000,000 per month could be retired. This $10,000 bond has a portrait of
Hamilton that has not been attributed to a specific engraver.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
On This Date in Paper Money History --- Feb, 2007
By Fred Reed c'
Feb. 1
1862, City of Pensacola issues municipal scrip for 50-cents payable in specie; 1886,
Final semi-annual payments on Louisiana "Baby Bonds;" 1936, U.S. Treasurer Azie
Taylor Morton born; 1978, NASCA sells Paul Garland's Confederate bonds;
Feb. 2
1819, Patent medicine vendor and Confederate currency facsimilist Samuel C. Upham
born; 1863, NYT reports letter from Hon. Robert J. Walker to Sen. John Sherman on
the certainty the national banking project "will give us a sound national currency;"
Feb. 3
1468, Printer Johannes Gutenberg, who appears on NY obsoletes, dies; 1822,
Counterfeiter William "Long Bill" Brockway born;
Feb. 4
1811, Eighty "worthy" citizens of Pittsburgh protest substantial British ownership of
Bank of the United States; 1974, Socialite cum bank robber Patty Hearst kidnapped by
Simbianese Liberation Army; 1998, First Sri Lanka polymer note;
Feb. 5
1794, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton reports to Congress on the status of
loans from BUS; 1863, Abraham Lincoln nominates John M.G. Parker to be deputy
postmaster at New Orleans, in place of scrip issuer John L. Riddell;
Feb. 6
1861, President-elect Lincoln writes check for 50 cents in payment of taxes on lot in
Lincoln, IL before leaving for inauguration; 1940, Second series of New Zealand bank
notes introduced; 1997, BEP resumes public tours after two months of renovations;
Feb. 7
1804, America's richest man Senator William Bingham, key founder of the Bank of
North America, dies; 1870, Supreme Court holds Legal Tender Acts unconstitutional;
1979, Smithsonian Institution unveils highlights from the Chase Manhattan Bank
Feb. 8
1864, Richmond Examiner prints Treasury Secretary Memminger's report of Feb. 6th;
1875, Act taxes notes of state banks, towns, cities/municipalities & persons at 10%;
Feb. 9
1864, Photograph of President Abraham Lincoln by Anthony Berger destined to he
model for $500 Gold Certificates beginning 1882 and Series 1999/2004A $5 FRNs;
1866, Louisiana authorizes issue of post-war state treasury notes;
Feb. 10
1808, First bank authorized in Ohio, Bank of Marietta incorporates; 1863, Senator
John Sherman addresses Congress on the necessity of a uniform national currency;
Feb. 11
1837, U.S. Supreme Court in Briscoe v. Bank of Kentucky (36 U.S. 257) validates a
hank, even one 100% owned by the State, could issue paper money;
Feb. 12
1862, Act of this date authorizes additional S10 million in Demand Notes; 1934,
Export-Import Bank incorporates; 1963, First delivery of Series 1950D 520 FRNs;
Feb. 13
1810, Banknote engraver George Murray receives patent for "mode of engraving and
printing to prevent counterfeits;" 1834, Indiana charters State Bank of Indiana;
Feb. 14
1862, NYT reports Senate in Committee of the Whole passes Treasury Note Bill 30-7;
1922, President Harding restores 17 of 29 BEP employees he'd sacked two weeks ago;
Get back on Target.
Zero in on your customer's interest.
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Feb. 15
1791, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson advises President Washington that the bill
for establishing a national bank is unconstitutional; 1999, U.S. News & World Report
says that North Korea uses same presses as BEP to produce bogus U.S. currency;
Feb. 16
1659, Oldest surviving English check; 1875, Fourth Issue of Fractional Currency ceas-
es; 1973, Independent Arbitrage Intl issues bearer notes denominated in "constants;"
Feb. 17
1776, Continental Currency fractional issues proclaim "'Time flies ...;" 1899, U.S.
Senate accepts John B. White's canvas "General Marion Inviting a British Officer to
Share His Meal" on which a famous currency vignette is based;
Feb. 18
1774, U.S. Treasurer William Clark born; 1842, Banks in Cincinnati resume specie
Catching attention = catching caUShl
Readers flock to this page; and see your logo.
payments; 1875, Act prohibits national banking associations from issuing "any other
notes to circulate as money;"
Feb. 19
1858, Pennsylvania charters Philadelphia Numismatic Society; 1980, Introduction of
S2305 to OK printing $1 bill backs "by a method other than the intaglio process;"
Feb. 20
1817, Leading banks in NYC, Philadelphia and Richmond resume specie payments;
2002, A Financial History of U.S., 3 vols, by Jerry W. Markham copyrighted; 2002;
Towson, MD resident arrested for spending genuine 52 bills;
Feb. 21
1861, CSA Treasury Secretary Memminger's tenure begins; 1921, REP Director Jim A.
Conlon born; 1967, The Early Paper Money of America by Eric Newman copyrighted;
Feb. 22
1819, McCulloch v. Maryland argued before the U.S. Supreme Court; 1864,
Rochester, NY artist H.J. Kellogg sends President Lincoln a painting of a U.S. Treasury
Note and requests "appropriate recompense" should Lincoln like to keep it;
Feb. 23
1816, Ohio banking law creates a "brood of vipers," 12 bank hatchlings; 1876, Last
Fractional Currency issued; 1996, Treasury Secretary Joseph W. Barr dies;
Feb. 24
1841, British Post Office officially transfers funds by money order; 1862, Facsimile
Confederate Treasury Note illustrated in Philadelphia Daily Inquirer;
Feb. 25
1813, Congress authorizes interest-bearing 5100 treasury notes; 1866, NYT reports
arrest of William Garnont and Herman Lochman for $500 in counterfeit FC;
Feb. 26
1777, "Baltimore" Continental Currency (FR CC55-62) bears this printed date; 1797,
Bank of England issues first one-pound note; 1867, Kansas authorizes Military Scrip;
1913, Treasury Secretary MacVeagh instructs BEE to redesign U.S. currency;
Feb. 27
1787, Inventor of the geometric lathe Cyrus Durand born; 1866, James MacDonough
patents an improved ink for bank note printing; 1933, Lewisburg Grain Elevators cir-
culates depression scrip with multiple images of Abraham Lincoln;
Feb. 28
1860, William C. Price becomes U.S. Treasurer; 2005, NY Historical Society exhibit
"Alexander Hamilton: the Man Who Made Modern America" exhibition ends; .1.
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77310 c ,
50 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Act of June 13, 1898 (Spanish-American War)
Amount authorized: $200,000,000.
Interest: 3%.
The $1000 coupon bond has the portrait engraved by Charles Burt. The figures of Agriculture and Forestry were
created by Walter Shirlaw; they were engraved by Charles Schlecht.
Hessler, Gene. An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775 - 1898. Port Clinton, OH: BNR Press, 1988.
Hessler, Gene. The Engraver's Line. Port Clinton, OH: BNR. Press, 1993.
Li and mention "Lazy Deuce" and
she'll probably think of First Charter
S2 Nationals. Notes wear this arrest-
ing moniker because of the "2" poised
on its side over half the note's face.
While the nickname gives these notes
sex appeal, this engraving conceit was
functional because the motif made it
more difficult to raise the $2 to say,
S20. Those Nationals were pikers,
however, judged by this overall
"Laziest Deuce" engraved by
Danforth & Hufry for the Hamilton
Bank, North Scituate, RI. This large
numeral also resided on an Albany,
NY note that I'll write about when
Paper Money has its "Albany" issue! •
The "Laziest Deuce" of Iamittou Rauh
Leslie Deerhil
United States Paper Money
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P.O. Box 451 Western Sprints, IL 60558
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 51
ton's G
verte des t
(the Arne
business corporation, said, "C'etait la plus grande decou
imps modernes, au mere titre que la vapeur et l'ectricite." "It
By Iowa
ACQUISITION fiats anT P.y1R RE CH RS S N I S ., de deux cent
mills acres de tares ir dipetraFt440) '"-:.1,Vilgru'es furs le corn de Callorland ,
fituees dans ChatdeNew-lOrck, conzte de Montgomery. fir :tes lards
du lac Ontario if de In rivilte Black, pat atie du
arid .179,7.
N.`7 (0g,
L E Porteur, , au coven do payement ete:Fru/ du prix de l'Aalion entiere, dont to
pr/Icnt Coupon fait porde, eft propri6taire, en vertu dudit Coupon, du Lot di vis
dui iacherra en portage au --,—---
tint dans ('emplacement de la premiere vitle qui fern projet/e fur to terrain de la
Compagnie, quo dans les deux mille Lots de cinquante acres chacun, qui doivtalt
former to portage de la propriac: divife de cent mide acres, I:dim: partie de facqui-
lition lus-6nonc6e, d'apres le mode d6termin6 par fa/le d'6:tabliiiment de ladite
Compagnie, en date do 2 8 join 1793, dont on quadruple cli relic :MN archives
de la Compagnie, & an autre fern enregillr/ & d6p0I6 en to s ille de New-Yorck. c o.
:Non. Cc Cvup.m fera Ichave cant,: unc diciarcnian
terS 41,7 d41VranCe da La.
Cortmdfair.. Direaeur.
Vu, conforiii6nent audit adt du .28 juin 1795.
52 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
modern times, as important as steam power and electricity."
Indeed, if it wasn't for the legal device of the business corporation, how
would the founding fathers of free private enterprise have ever been able to put
together the great amounts of capital needed for our giant enterprises?
Alexander Hamilton invented the business corporation as we know it, and
Stock in Compagnie de New-Yorck John Marshall's Supreme Court of 1819 gave it a firm infrastructure. Before
(sic), Paris, 1793. 1789, when the Constitution became effective,
the United States had a handful of corporations,
but they were British, which meant they were
pro bow public() (for the public good). The British
took incorporating very seriously, so the corpo-
rate charter first had to be passed as an Act of
Parliament, and then had to be signed and
sealed by the King. Typical corporations of the
colonial period included:
• Mayor Alderman & Sherrife, according to
the Customs of England in other of his
Majesties Corporacons [sic], of the inhabi-
tants of Manhattan Island (1665);
• Overseers of the Poor in the town of Boston
• The Overseers of the publicke schoole [sic]
founded in Philadelphia, at ye request, costs,
& charges of the people of God called
• The President and Society for the
Propagation of the Gospell [sic] in New
England (1649).
By 1819, however, the American business
landscape had perhaps several hundred bust-
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 53
ness corporations. A good number were banks,
including the First Bank of the United States
(our only national bank) and The Bank of New
York (our most important state bank). AN ACT
Hamilton played a leading role in establishing
both of these.
There was, therefore, a great deal of
interest among the incorporating class when
Dartmouth College v. Woodward came up for
decision before John Marshall's Supreme
Court. In its decision on that case, the Court Interim
held a corporate charter to be inviolable. A
charter could not any longer be amended or
canceled by the very public power which had
granted it in the first place. Dartmouth College fire 3n5utance Company.
z). Woodward is the "Magna Carta" of our cor-
porate barony, even though the actual case
had nothing at all to do with a business corpo-
ration. Woodward was the Governor of New OF THE SEC ItETARy OF THE COMMONWEALTH,
Hampshire, and Dartmouth was a charity
school for Indians.
In 1819, Dartmouth College had already
had succeeded in incorporating his Native
American charity school (which he named after
a principal benefactor, the Earl of Dartmouth).
According to its by-laws, the college corporation J810.
was directed by a board of 12. These 12 also had
the privilege of naming their successors and/or replacements. The 12 controlled An early American corporate charter
the corporation into all eternity. In this, the Dartmouth Board rather resembled for the American Fire Insurance
a modern Board of Directors, who are rarely embarrassed from performing in Company, 1810.
like fashion by the nondescript stockholders.
The sovereign state of New Hampshire attacked this privilege provided for
in the by-laws. New Hampshire passed a legislative act amending the corporation's
private laws and increasing the Board to 21; New Hampshire proposed to name the
extra nine. Dartmouth sued in the state courts to prevent this. Dartmouth lost and
appealed to the Supreme Court.
There was great interest in the case. Business and established pro Bono
publico corporateers realized the importance of the basic issue presented: If
Dartmouth's corporate charter and private laws (the by-laws) were vulnerable
to governmental supervision, so were theirs.
Only six judges sat the Supreme Court bench in those days of low-cost
government (and they rode the federal circuit when they were not in session).
Princeton University, Incorporated made two of the six honorary Doctors of
Law, presumably so they would be better judges. Harvard University,
Incorporated improved the same two (Brockholst Livingston and William
Johnson) with the same degree from Harvard. Harvard also made Justice Story,
Chief Justice Marshall's good friend, a member of the College Corporation
Board. Justice Story later became a Professor of Law at Harvard.
The Court's decision reversed British law. The decision established the
so-called "American doctrine"—that a corporation cannot be directly con-
lived 50 years as a corporation. In 1769, after 15
years of trying, the Reverend Eleazer Wheelock
.'TINTED by JOHN IIINNs Franklin Court, Market Streot,
Supreme Court Associate Justice and
Merchants Bank of Salem, MA president
Joseph Story.
11To. z
This certifies
7/-`Ce.- Proprietor of
Share No. 4/j.. . of the TI II n M
CIIUSETTS TURNPIKE, CORPOR AT1ON ; which Share is trans-
ferrable by nifignment on. the back of Ibis Certificate ; the lame be-
ing Awed and faded by inch Proprietor, acknowledged b‘rfOre
fame ,7u,/lice f the Peace, and recorded at length, by the Clerk of
the Proprietors, in a book kept for that pulpofe.
IN tellunony whereof, the feal of the Corporation is here-
unto aped,. the 4,-,./:;://: day vc . . in theYear
()four LORD, 6. "16,(1
.-."44!efel!": CerteeP -i
..;11 e - Z:,:. 7;e; ;2;" 9
/,6,-- "2' .7 Le- /SI-74C d'Ot. -1 2'. ' • t ::. .,
Pr f,';clent
A .
Stock in the 3rd Massachusetts Turnpike
Corporation. June 20, 1797.
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
trolled, through modifications of an existing
charter or by-laws, by the public power.
Among the most important (prop-
erties of a corporation) are immortali-
ty...and individuality. They enable a cor-
poration to manage its own affairs, and
to hold property...Because the govern-
ment has given it the power to take and
hold property in a particular form, and
for particular purposes, has the govern-
ment a consequent right substantially to
change that form, or to vary the purposes
to which the property is applied?...The
objects for which a corporation is created
are universally such as the government
wishes to promote. They are deemed
beneficial to the country; and this benefit
constitutes the consideration, and, in
most cases, the sole consideration of the
grant...The benefit to the public is con-
sidered as an ample compensation for the
faculty it confers, and the corporation is
created. If the advantages to the public constitute a full compensation
for the faculty it gives, there can be no reason for exacting a further
compensation, by claiming a right to exercise over this artificial being a
power which changes its nature, and touches the fund, for the security
and application of which it was created.
The court found a Constitutional basis for this position, holding that a
corporate charter was a contract even if it did not look like one. The
Constitution protects the sanctity of private contracts; it prohibits the states
from passing any law impairing an existing private contract.
This is plainly a contract...within the letter of the Constitution,
and within its spirit also...It is more than possible that the preservation
of rights of this description was not particularly in view of the framers
of the Constitution...yet it must be governed by the rule.
The Court then appealed to charitable sentiment, blithely ignoring the
wave of profit-making incorporations already rolling over our landscape.
Religion, Charity and Education are in the law of England, lega-
tees or donees, capable of receiving bequests or donations in this (cor-
porate) form...Are they of so little estimation in the United States that
contracts for their benefit must be excluded from the protection of
words, which in their natural import include them?...All feel that these
objects are not deemed unimportant in the United States. The interest
this case has excited proves they are not...The acts of the legislature of
New Hampshire...are repugnant to the Constitution of the United
States;...The judgement of the State Court must, therefore, be
Justice Story, who moonlighted as the president of the recently incorpo-
rated Merchants Bank of Salem, MA, spoke more to the point. Perhaps so
there would be no mistaking the generality of the decision, he extended the
principle of corporate inviolability from the Dartmouth College Corporation
eastward to the sea—to the Merchants Bank of Salem.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 55
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** *
* P.O. BOX 847 -- Flemington, NJ 08822
* Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235
* Jess Lipka, Proprietor **
*p t 4,. 4 Pi raRR 1)14' ..
st 4 ,
',, „t „I, i;ti n 17=7;+,:a,,,,„ r,357
* G30 9 *
„...,,,,. A. ...• GC
”,.1.17324.1Y. 7
** ( rt
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_____!..-:: OF .,_
N,fm ,,„ Q,(tatta‘ ,.,,,,„,,,, u, ,.„....,* , ....„,.......4
,,.„-. „.-4,-,.„., ,: - ..,E.,,,,-04..A ,),-;. ,,„,,ih's3_ ,... ..,A..:,;-,- ea 1 ■ a —/ /....:... ,..., ,-. • .J., •:, ,:z...:0;-
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and
* *
Regional Collections, Red Seals, Brown Backs, 4idT
Statistical Rarities, New Jersey.
* *
Also Buying Coin Collections and Type *
* ** NO DEAL TOO LARGE! ** ********************** *
* ** *NOBODY
BE IT K NOWN, that is a Subscriber to the
MACIIIPOSIX NAVIGATION, inthe Slate of licrojersty, fur
air( S in the First Subscription, tran■ferable only on the Books of said Conibany, in Person, or
is Aitarrny, and Mat on (d, dee Payment of the several Instalment, as called for by Order of Lies
.UL, Novrs, not Exceeding Ion Dollars an each Share, ,4 1-_e,.; will be entitled to the afi,eesaiil Stock.
ofitrc Board of Directors.
Countersigned by
Ten shares of Machiponix Navigation
issued to Andrew Bill. September 17,
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Justice Story added these remarks:
A bank, whose stock is owned by private
persons is a private corporation, although...its
objects and operations partake of a public
nature. (Note: It was always under the mask of
public interest that our early business corpora-
tions claimed the corporate cloak. They
inevitably described themselves in the pream-
bles to incorporating legislation as do-gooders
akin to churches, colleges, poorhouses, etc.)
The same doctrine may be affirmed of insur-
ance, canal, bridge and turnpike companies. In
all these cases, the uses may, in a certain sense,
be called public, but the corporations are pri-
vate. A misunderstanding about the term 'pub-
lic' has led to the proposition the government
should have the right, as trustee of the public
interests, to regulate, control, and direct the corporation, and its funds, and
its franchise, at its own good will and pleasure. This cannot be. Such an
authority does not exist in government.
After Dartmouth College v. Woodward, entrepreneurs who had squeezed
corporate charters for private business through state legislatures by sweeten-
ing them up with marmalade of public interest could breathe easy; those char-
ters could not be canceled. The virtues of our competitive system are such that
states began to compete for the corporate charter business. States such as New
York, which first began to grant only limited duration charters after the
Dartmouth decision, either gave up the fight or lost the incorporation busi-
ness to New Jersey, the Delaware of the 19th century. Today, any American
who can pay a modest franchise tax and filing fee can get a corporate charter,
which is legally as valid as the kind George III used to put his seal and ribbon
on. To be sure his private corporation bears only formal resemblance to
General Motors, General Tire, General Electric, or General Telephone.
Since Justice Marshall and his associate justices made their pronounce-
ment, longevity has become as inherent a property of the corporate jugger-
naut as inertia of matter. Adolph Berle, Jr. calculated the life expectancy of a
large corporation to be some 900 years—close indeed to Methusaleh's
recorded 963. Few large corporations ever vanish, for self-perpetuation is the
real purpose of the corporation become institution, as it is of every institu-
tion. When the tobacco corporations felt their existence threatened by the
Surgeon General, they went into other businesses. The corporation must sur-
vive even if the business purpose it once represented is gone and forgotten. A
thousand years from now, if banks have become places of worship as Samuel
Butler predicted in Erebwon, the depositing congregation will be singing
"AT&T, dey live nine hunnert year." Skeptics please note the Bank of The
Manhattan Company and The Bank of New York still have their corporate
Editor's Note: Howard Brod (Harvard College '39, Harvard Business
School '41) had 25 years of senior marketing experience before becoming a
consultant specializing in new product marketing and turnarounds.
Recognising and honoring the life and legacy of Alexander Hamilton on
the bieentennial of his death because or his standing as ace of the
most influential Fonnding Fa tlu rs of the thinned States.
.1-ULY 12. 200-I
Sir. l'ASCREI.1, submitted the follosaing enncurrent resolution, which won
referred to the Committee on Government Reform
Reeog,nizing and honoring the life and legacy of Alexander
Hamilton on the bicentennial of his death because of
his standing as One of the most influential Founding
Fathers of the United States.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
Mr. PASCRELL submitted the following concurrent resolu-
ion; which was referred to the Committee on Government Reform
Recognizing and honoring the life and legacy of Alexander
HIamilton on the bicentennial of his death because of his standing as
one of the most influential Founding Fathers of the United States.
Whereas Alexander Hamilton dedicated his life to serving his
adopted country as a Revolutionary soldier, aide-de-camp to
General George Washington, Representative to the Continental
Congress, member of the New York State Assembly, first Secretary
of the Treasury of the United States, and Inspector General of the
Whereas Alexander Hamilton was a poor teenage immigrant to
New York from the West Indian Islands of Nevis and St. Croix;
Whereas in the early days of the Revolutionary War Alexander
Hamilton was commissioned as a captain and raised and trained his
own New York artillery regiment and served valiantly in the battles
of Long Island and Manhattan;
• Whereas Alexander Hamilton quickly captured the attention of
General George Washington who made him his aide-de-camp and
confidant throughout the most difficult days of the Revolutionary
• Whereas in 1781, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton of the
Continental Army led a bold attack of New York troops during the
siege of Yorktown, the decisive and final battle of the Revolutionary War;
• Whereas in 1782, Alexander Hamilton was elected as a member of
the Continental Congress from New York;
Whereas as a private citizen Alexander Hamilton served many phil-
anthropic causes and was a co-founder of the New York
Manumission Society, the first abolitionist organization in New
York and a major influence on the abolition of slavery from the
Whereas Alexander Hamilton was a strong and consistent advocate
against slavery and believed that Blacks and Whites were equal citi-
zens and equal in their mental and physical faculties;
• Whereas Alexander Hamilton was one of the first members of the
founding generation to call for a convention to drastically revise the
Articles of
• Whereas Alexander
Hamilton joined
James Madison in
Annapolis, Maryland
in 1786 to officially
request that the States
call a constitutional
• 'Whereas Alexander
Hamilton was elected
as a delegate to the
Convention of 1787
from New York,
where he played an
influential role and
was the only delegate
from New York to
sign the Constitution;
Whereas Alexander Hamilton was the primary author of the
Federalist Papers, the single most influential interpretation of
American constitutional law ever written;
Whereas Alexander Hamilton was the most important individual
force in achieving the ratification of the Constitution in New York
against the strong opposition of many of the delegates to the ratify-
ing convention;
Whereas Alexander Hamilton was the leading voice of the founding
generation in support of the controversial doctrine of judicial
review, which is the backbone for the role of the Supreme Court in
the constitutional system of the United States;
• Whereas on September 11, 1789, Alexander Hamilton was appoint-
ed by President George Washington to be the first Secretary of the
• Whereas as Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton salvaged
the public credit, created the first Bank of the United States, and
outlined the basic economic vision of a mixed agricultural and man-
ufacturing society supported by a strong financial system that would
underlie the great economic expansion of the United States for the
next 2 centuries;
• Whereas Alexander Hamilton was the leading proponent among
the Founding Fathers of encouraging a strong manufacturing base
for the United States in order to create good paying middle-class
jobs and encourage a society built on merit rather than class or skin
• Whereas in pursuit of this vision Alexander Hamilton founded The
Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures which in turn found-
ed the town of Paterson, New Jersey, one of the first industrial cen-
ters of the United States;
Whereas Alexander Hamilton proposed and oversaw the creation of
the Coast Guard for law enforcement in territorial waters of the
United States;
• Whereas in 1798, President John Adams called upon Alexander
Hamilton to raise an army in preparation for a possible war with
France and, as Inspector General of the Army, he trained a power-
ful force of well-equipped soldiers who were able to help deter war
at this vulnerable stage in the founding of the United States;
• Whereas throughout the founding era Alexander Hamilton was the
leading advocate of a strong national union led by an efficient
Federal Government with significant protections for individ-
ual liberties;
Whereas on July 11, 1804, Alexander Hamilton was
fatally wounded in a duel in Weehawken, New Jersey
at the hands of Vice President Aaron Burr; and
Whereas Alexander Hamilton died in Manhattan on
July 12, 1804, and was eulogized across the country as
one of the leading visionaries of the founding era:
Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of
Representatives (the Senate concurring), That
Congress (1) honors the great importance of the life
and legacy of Alexander Hamilton to the United States
of America on the bicentennial of his death; (2) recog-
nizes the tremendous significance of the contributions
of Alexander Hamilton to the United States as a sol-
dier, citizen, and statesman; and (3) urges the people of
the United States to share in this commemoration so at
to gain a greater appreciation of the critical role that
Alexander Hamilton had in defense of America's free-
dom and the founding of the United States.
Background: Alexander Hamilton by Charles Willson Peale
58 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 156 per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis.
Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
Exciting yet Challenging!
I hope you all had a great holiday season and were ful-
filled and fulfilled the lives of others around you. We ended
the year of 2006 at the PCDA show in St. Louis. It was a
good show and the hobby seems to still be on a high. The
floor traffic was slow on Saturday, but Friday seemed a good
day. We had probably 20-30 people at our general member-
ship meeting to give us feedback on our new educational ini-
tiative. Wendell did the first presentation at FUN and I am
sure he did a great job. Some asked us to develop grading
standards. I maintain that the goal and mission of the SPMC
is to "educate, not dictate." In other words, we hope to give
collectors the tools to look at and scrutinize notes and there-
by interpret the grade and price, as well insuring that the
note is genuine and has not been assisted in its appearance. I
think this is a great initiative and I look forward to taking it
further. Also at the meeting, I asked for input from the
members and except for the desire to have regional meetings
west of the Rockies (which we will begin to investigate
immediately), it seems the collector base is satisfied with our
direction. If not, please let me know. On a side note—the
Eric Newman museum opened and one of our hoard mem-
bers visited it and said it is great, well worth the trip and
encouraged everyone to go see it. We owe a debt of grati-
tude to Mr. Newman for this great opportunity he has given
the hobby. By the way, Eric (SPMC #9) is one of the senior
members (along with Roy Pennell, SPMC #8, and Hany
Forman, SPMC #13) of our organization.
I see 2007 as exciting because I don't see the hobby
falling off and think it will maintain its momentum. I also
say it will be challenging. I say this for two reasons. First,
we have to act to make sure the momentum stays high.
Exhibit, give lectures, write an article—all things all collec-
tors can do. The second reason I think this will be a chal-
lenging year is that our hobby is on what I see as a precarious
slippery slope. I see the highs, but also see some cooling
down and the real potential that many new collectors are
buying holders and grades and not notes. I fear that when
they try to turn these notes over, they will get far less than
they paid and therefore get discouraged and leave the hobby.
I think the best way to ensure this does not happen is to pro-
mote our new educational initiative and teach collectors how
to insure they get what they are buying. I was asked if I was
presiding over the death of the society. I really feel that I am
not. While our membership growth is flat, that seems to be
the standard in all of numismatics. Whether this is due to
less disposable income or less time to devote to hobbies, I
don't know, but I think if we all work and promote our
hobby, it will grow and only get stronger. We are only as
good as our members and I challenge you to do something to
further promote it! Benny
INTERNATIONAL ENGRAVER'S LINE, World engravers & their work, 392
pages, 700 ill., most in color, $74 incl. post. Premium ed. with signed notes
$140. Gene Hessler, PO Box 31144, Cincinnati., OH 45231 or (246)
BOOKS ON U.S. & FOREIGN PAPER MONEY, Securities, Obsoletes, Bank
F-listories, Nationals, Small/Large Notes, etc. Lists available. Sanford Durst,
106 Woocicleft Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 Fax 516-867-3397 e-mail: (246)
BOOKS: OFFERING WISMER'S Obsolete NY $20; Pennsylvania $12, Ohio
$12, Pennell's N.C. $10, Bowen's Michigan Notes/Scrip (HC) $45,
Slabaugh's Confederate States Paper Money (updated Doug Ball) $12 and
many others.Write!! Add $3.00 postage/book. Sanford Durst, 106 Woodclett
Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 (246)
AFFIXED revenue stamp on reverse. Bob Bergstrom, 1711 Driving Park Road,
Wheaton, IL 60187 USA (244)
COLLECTOR NEEDS Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency 1863
thru 1935. Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Lane, Gerald, MO 63037
nationals from Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Montesano. Chris Flaat,, 425-706-6022 (244)
KANSAS NBNs WANTED . Gooclland #14163, Olathe #3720, Pleasanton
#8803. A.R. Sundell, Box 1192, Olathe, KS 66051 (246)
Histories and other publications! Offer what you have; send your "Want
List." Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 (PROUD SPM-
CLM69) (252)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks,
CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of Abraham
Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 11 81 62,
Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (252)
became Editor back to 1960s & 1970s. I bought these filling sets. Fill your
needs now. E-mail me & I'll sell you what I got! (252)
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (246)
banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London, Norwich, Pawcatuck,
Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London Society United for Trade and
Commerce and FNB of Tahoka Nationals #8597. David Hinkle, 215 Parkway
North, Waterford, CT 06385. (248)
OLD PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES FOR SALE! Great reading & research
material. Five different copies from the 1960s and 1970s only $50. Multiple
groupings available. e-mail first to Fred Reed at (252)
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 59
Official Notice:
Nominations Open for SPMC Board
Wes Durand
Fred Reed
Rob Kravitz
Bob Schreiner
If you have suggestions for candidates, or if the governors named above wish to run for
another term, please notify Nominations Chairman Torn Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001,
Albany, NY 12209-1735.
In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A writ-
ten nominating petition, signed by 10 current members, is submitted; and (2) An acceptance
letter from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition. Nominating peti-
tions (and accompanying letters) must be received by the Nominations Chairman by March
15, 2007.
Biographies of the nominees and ballots (if necessary) for the election will be included in
the May /June 2007 issue of Paper Money. The ballots will be counted at Memphis and
announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show.
Any nominee, but especially first-time nominees, should send a portrait and brief biog-
raphy to the Editor for publication in Paper Money. v
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January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Web test press named for first Treasury Secretary
Hamilton Press prints both sides of FRNs
By Michele Orzano
Copyright 1994 Coin World, Sidney, Ohio USA 45365.
Reprinted with permission from the August 15, 1994, issue of Coin World ( ).
Above: Close-up of the plate used to
print the face of $1 Federal Reserve World finally got its first look at the Bureau of Engraving and
Notes. Printing's $12.7 million web-fed currency system. Unfortunately, it
wasn't running.
Printing of the face of the notes begins
The day Coin World visited, July 12, 1994, the 120-foot long press had been
here. shut down for almost two months. According to James FI. Salter, acting manag-
er of the web currency manufacturing
unit, the last time the press ran was May
17th. Since then, web-fed press officials
have been waiting for new plates to print
Series 1993 $1 Federal Reserve notes.
Those plates will bear the signatures of
U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd
Bentsen and U.S. Treasurer Mary Ellen
New plates for the sheet-fed presses
took priority, according to Salter, who
said he didn't know when to expect
Series 1993 plates for the web-fed press.
Salter, who served as manager from
the time the contract was awarded in
1986 until the BEP took possession of
the press in August 1991, began his work
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money62
Light mounted inside the web-fed press
shines on plate used to print the back
of the notes. This "sleeve" contains
three 32-subject note plates that apply
a 96-subject impression on the paper
as it passes through.
First stop is a vacuum unit that
removes loose particles from the
paper. White arrow indicates the
black vacuum tube beneath the paper.
with the BEP in 1972. The Alexander Hamilton press, considered by BEP offi-
cials as a prototype model, was designed by Hamilton Tool Inc. of Hamilton,
Ohio. The BEP said the purchase price of the press was $10.2 million.
According to BEP officials, about "$2.5 million more has been spent on testing
and developmental efforts" in addition to "costs normally associated with site
preparation and installation."
What makes the web-fed system different from the BEP's sheet-fed presses
is that the back, and then the face of the note is printed on the same press as a
web of paper passes over two chrome-plated copper printing cylinders of 96
subjects each. Salter said it takes three men to operate the equipment, and when
in operation, is in use on only one shift.
The process begins with a continuous roll of 25.5-inch wide paper thread-
ing its way through various printing process stations tucked along the 120-foot-
long machine. Rolls of paper for the web-fed press are 23,000 to 24,000 feet
long, and weigh between 950-970 pounds.
Approximately 400 feet of paper is thread-
ed through the machine during a press
The first stage in the process is the
vacuum unit, which removes loose parti-
cles from the web (paper). Then there is
an optical camera to check for flaws, holes
or tears in the paper. In addition, there is
a mechanical detector that looks for any-
thing in the web more than twice as thick
as the web. There are also sensors to
detect the moisture and/or dryness level
of the paper as it is going through the
Salter said BEP officials have never
had to add moisture at this stage. He said
the paper is produced in a climate-con-
trolled plant and stored in climate-controlled areas of the BEP, which helps
control the amount of moisture it might absorb.
After checking the moisture/dryness level of the paper and adding appro-
priate moisture or drying the paper if necessary, the actual printing process
begins. The paper comes in contact with the "sleeve" that contains three 32-
subject note plates of the back of the note which then applies a 96-subject
impression of the back of the note.
Next comes a visual inspection by a
camera synchronized with a strobe light
to continuously scan the paper from side-
to-side while the press is running to check
on the printing quality. The camera is
searching for evidence of too much ink,
too little ink, or smears.
The paper is then fed into a gas-fired
oven which maintains a 280-degree web
temperature. The paper is then cooled
and the moisture level is checked and
adjusted if necessary. The process is
repeated to print the face of the notes.
Once the printing of the front of the note
is complete, the paper once again is
checked for moisture level before being
sent to the oven to dry.
ST27.1C7727,fr,... 11C4,731313Patit214474ffe
N295 -685.4
IY1)135 TS
1 naba labium filillres.
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
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E-mail: kfoley2@wi.mcom
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money64
As the paper nears the end of its run, an inspection unit has been installed
which is the second module of an automated on-line inspection system, accord-
ing to BEP officials. It was delivered last fall and is now undergoing a series of
test trials. BEP officials say they expect the "developmental and full conversion
to these systems to take about 10 years."
A check is again made on the quality of the
printing. If a particular section is bad, it is marked
with a symbol recognizable by an automatic sort-
ing machine under development by the BEP.
Flawed notes are sent to the mutilation bin.
Almost all of the rejects are over-inked or under-
If the notes pass inspection, they are sent
upstairs to the Currency Overprinting and
Processing Equipment that applies the black
Federal Reserve Bank seals and four Federal
Reserve numbers and the green Treasury seal and
serial numbers -- called the overprint -- before
the sheets are cut, stacked and packed for ship-
Notes printed on the web-fed press are easy
to spot because of certain adaptations made for
the press. Most significantly, the plate location number and face check letter
have been eliminated from the face of the notes and the plate number on the
back of the notes has been moved from the bottom of the E in ONE to the top.
Salter said there are six major tension zones scattered throughout the
machine that continuously monitor paper tension, two other areas that specifi-
cally check face and back registration, and three moisture units.
In addition to checking for printing quality and registration, equipment on
the press will also detect whether a pollution control device is malfunctioning
or whether the continuous roll of paper tears during the printing process, at
which point it will automatically shut the press clown if it detects problems.
Salter, who acknowledged that the depth of the engraving on
the plates has been reduced in spots, but wasn't specific about
where, said the press is still officially considered to be in the
developmental stage, although the press has produced acceptable
quality notes.
Salter said the BEP is currently testing inks and paper on the
press, which still requires some fine tuning. He said they want to
make the optimum use of the 75-percent cotton, 25-percent
linen paper used. Because the web-fed press uses moisture during
the printing process, the wet-tensile strength is a prime consider-
According to Dennis R. Jacobs, assistant for technical ser-
vices for the web-fed press, this is the only wide web press cur-
rently using the intaglio method of printing. Jacobs emphasized
that the intaglio printing requires different pressure on the press
and different paper properties. Those requirements in turn call
for tighter controls on the tension, moisture and dryness of the
France uses several web-fed presses that print single-note
wide, but Jacobs said "this is the only operating bank note press
that prints both sides in one pass." "The ink, paper and plates
are all unique for this press -- it's all together unique," Jacobs
Gas-fired oven, mounted above print-
ing area, maintains a 280-degree web
temperature to dry the paper after
printing. The paper is then cooled and
the moisture level is checked and
adjusted if necessary.
Below: Paper begins its journey
through the web-fed press.
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
• -
• .... •
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. --The
The Story of
Portrait on the
New $10 Note
•. ........ ..
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* . . „ . ........
. ? . .....• . ...
. ..
WtTH THE UNVEILING OF• he Series 2004A $10 Federal
Reserve Note (below) last year, the
portrait of Alexander Hamilton,
first Secretary of the Treasury,
once again graces the face of
the note.
Portrait detail engraved by BEP Portrait Engravers Kenneth Kipperman and
William Fleishell Ill, Series 2004A $10 Federal Reserve Note face.
ortraits of our first Secretary of
Three-cent postage stamp, 1957 Bicentennial of Alexander
Hamilton's Birth. Portrait engraved by Richard M. Bower, 1956.
January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money66
the Treasury have graced U.S. currency.
Hamilton's image first appeared on the
$10 note beginning with the Series 1928
Federal Reserve Notes. The earliest use
of the secretary's portrait, however, was
on the $5 Demand Note, Series 1861.
The new note was released March
2nd, but this portrait and the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing have had a long
association. To understand this associa-
tion we must go back to an earlier peri-
od and a different BEP product.
Fifty years ago on Jan. 11, 1957, a
commemorative postage stamp celebrat-
ing the bicentennial of Alexander
Hamilton's birth was issued in New
York City. The Post Office Department
commissioned BEP to design the stamp,
supplying BEP designers with a portrait
of the first Secretary.
This article is based on exhibitions at the BEP
facilities in Washington, DC and Fort Worth, TX
surrounding release of the NexGen colorful $10
note. BEP's Curator, Cecilia Wertheimer and
her staff prepared these exhibits, which are
shared with Paper Money readers by Claudia W.
Dickens, Manager, Division of External Affairs
at the BEP. While nearly everyone in the BEP
Historical Resource Center played some role in
putting these exhibits on display, Barbara A.
Bither and Colleen Hennessey, both of whom
work for HRC under the Byther, Managing
Collections, LLC contract, wrote the labels and
captions and selected the topics as well as the
contents of the exhibits. Ravinder Ganjoo pre-
pared the images. Photos not otherwise credit-
ed are courtesy of the Department of the
Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
Engraved portrait of Alexander Hamilton by BEP Portrait
Engravers Kenneth Kipperman and William Fleishell Ill, Series
1999 $10 Federal Reserve Note face.
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An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our
area of interest ranges from
early colonial times through
the Revolutionary era, the
state-chartered hank years
(1792-1866), and the era of
National Banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a hook
under the imprimatur of the
Society of Paper Money
Collectors, with help from the
New Hampshire Historical
Society, the Smithsonian
Institution, and others.
Apart from the above,
David M. Sundinan is president of
Littleton Coin Company and
Q. David Bowers is a principal of
A merican Numismatic Rarities, LLC,
and both advertisers in the present
book. For other commercial
transactions and business, refer
to those advertisements.
The authors of the present hook, holding a MN'
Series of 1902 $10 National Bank Note ,from
IV'est Dery, New Hampshire.
A typical NI I Obsolete
Note, this from the
Winchester Bonk.
A Series of 1892
$10 Brous, Back from the
Winchester National Bank.
This same building MIS used for the Winchester Bank
and ins succe.,m,r, the I Vinchester National Bank.
Teller window circa 1910, Winchester National Bank
I f you have New Hampshire currency orold records or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical
interest, please contact us. In addition,
Bowers and Sundman are avid collectors
of these bills and welcome contact from
anyone having items for sale. We will pay
strong prices for any items we need!
Visit Ole Ni I (:utiency Study Ptvject www.rilicurrencycont. rind a listing
of New Ilampshire banks that issued (111Telle)% 11'1111 sample ellaptiTS, and mote.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E-mail: info( (lin/re-mail win be linwarded to both maim.)
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
AnnsInun: & lith llontor.
Original source for portrait of
Alexander Hamilton. Lithograph with
tint stone by Armstrong and Co., fron-
tispiece for George Shea's Life and
Epoch of Alexander Hamilton, Boston:
Houghton, Osgood and Co., 1879.
Artwork for the 3-cent Bicentennial
of Alexander Hamilton's Birth
postage stamp, 1957, and the
$10 FRNs Series 1999 and
2004A, designed by
William K. Schrage, 1956.
68 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
rE ORIGINAL IMAGE CAMEfrom a lithograph after a full-
length painting by John Trumbull locat-
ed in New York City Hall. This paint-
ing is also known as the Wierner por-
trait. The lithograph was printed by
Armstrong and Co. as thefrontispiece to
George Shea's book, The Life and Epoch
of Alexander Hamilton, published in
Development of the stamp began in
August of 1956 when John Underhill, a
representative from the Alexander
Hamilton Bicentennial Commission,
requested, with the approval of the Post
Office, that BEP prepare rough sketch-
es, which were to include the portrait of
Hamilton and Federal Hall in New
York City.
Bureau designers Charles R.
Chickering, Victor S. McCloskey, and
William K. Schrage each prepared mod-
els for the bicentennial stamp.
Schrage, who prepared the artwork
chosen for the stamp, reversed the por-
trait from the original lithograph. By
August 20th William K. Schrage had
completed the artwork for the portrait.
On the 20th, proposed postage stamp
designs were delivered to the
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 69
Artwork, 3-cent postage stamp, Alexander Hamilton and Federal Hall,
Bicentennial of Hamilton's Birth, 1957. Designed by William K. Schrage,
1956, and approved for production.
Above: Two photographic copies of
rejected postage stamp designs, S-
cent Alexander Hamilton and Federal
Hall, Bicentennial of Hamilton's
Birth, 1957. Designed by Victor S.
McCloskey Jr. (top), and Charles R.
Chickering (immediately above),
Right: Model approving production
of 3-cent postage stamp, Alexander
Hamilton and Federal Hall,
Bicentennial of Alexander Hamilton's
Birth, 1957. Signed by Arthur E.
Summerfield, Postmaster General.
O F THE SEVERAL DIFFERENTmodels submitted by designers
McCloskey, Schrage and Chickering,
Schrage's was the one finally selected.
Models from all three designers are
It was not until the end of October
that the model was approved, and work
on the die begun by engravers Richard
M. Bower and George A. Payne. By
December 10th, plates were certified
and printing began. First delivery of
completed sheets to the Post Office
Department was on Dec. 27, 1956.
In all of the models for the stamp,
Hamilton and Federal Hall are included
with the portrait, in two cases being
reversed from the original design source
to balance composition of the stamp.
The inclusion of Federal Hall was
important for it was the site of the first
meetings of the Federal Government
after the ratification of the Constitution
in 1788.
Hamilton served as the New York
delegate to the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia, and was
one of the signers of the Constitution.
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70 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
Federal Reserve Note is based
on the Series 1999 design concept. In
1998, Bureau designers returned to
Schrage's 1957 portrait to create the
new, larger engraving of Hamilton used
on the Federal Reserve Note. Thus, the
portraits of Hamilton, used for both
Series 1999 and 2004A, comes from the
same artwork and design source as the
bicentennial postage stamp.
During planning for the Series 1999
$10 note several designs were consid-
ered including a different portrait of
Alexander Hamilton. It was rejected
because Hamilton looked
far too
young to be a states-
man on U.S. Currency.
This portrait is based on an
1865 Daniel Huntington
painting after a portrait by
John Trumbull.
BEP Portrait
Engravers Kenneth
Kipperman and William
Fleishell III engraved the
portrait for the note.
Important changes from the first series
include the elimination of the concen-
tric circles which had surrounded
Hamilton's image, the addition of
shoulders, and the movement of the
portrait up into the decorative lathe
work at the top of the note.
Computer-generated, rejected face design concept for the
$10 FRN, Series 1999. Design attributed to V. Jack Ruther
and/or Peter M. Cocci, 1995, and back design concept A.
Portrait of young Alexander Hamilton engraved by Thomas R.
Hipschen in 1995 for the new $10 note, but rejected for use
because the unfamiliar image of Hamilton was considered too
young and dashing.
Painting of Alexander Hamilton
by Daniel Huntington after John
Trumbull, circa 1847-1851.
(Department of the Treasury)
OPAxw itittx
Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247 71
0 ,102 41-1
Progress proof, $10 Federal Reserve Note, Series 2004A, face. Proof
is from final die used for Series 2004A, before the shoulders and coat
were added. Portrait engraved by Kenneth Kipperman and William
Fleishell III, 2004.
Above and below: Engraved proofs, $10 Federal Reserve Notes, Series
2004A, faces. A representation of Liberty's torch appears in metallic ink.
Y /
- a' - 0
O RANGE, YELLOW AND REDcolors have been added to the
background. A rendition of the torch
from the Statue of Liberty and the
beginning line of the Preamble to the
Constitution, "We the People
appears in red behind the Federal
Reserve and Treasury seals.
Completed in 1884, the Statue of
Liberty remains a symbol of freedom
and democracy throughout the world.
Her torch, an emblem of life and
enlightenment, is the familiar icon that
has become shorthand for both the larg-
er figure and her deeper meaning.
To the right of the former
Secretary, Liberty's
torch again is seen as
a small engraved
icon. Liberty, as an
allegorical female fig-
ure, has often been a source of imagery
for earlier issues of currency, where she
has appeared in classical garb accompa-
nied by an evolving inventory of sym-
bols. The Statue of Liberty has also
appeared on our currency, notably on
the backs of large size Federal Reserve
Notes and Federal Reserve Bank Notes.
Above: Computer-generated back design concept B for the $10 FRN,
Series 1999. Notice differences from the accepted design below.
Below: Approved model for the Series 1999 $10 Federal Reserve Note,
face and back, signed by Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence H.
72 January/February • Whole No. 247 • Paper Money
AS A COMPLEMENT TO THE, portrait of the first Treasury
Secretary, it is only fitting that the back
of the note includes a vignette of the
Department of the Treasury building.
This view is the same as the one used for
the Series 1999 note, but the building's
surroundings have been made more nat-
ural with clouds replacing concentric
lines of the previous series.
This image of the Treasury build-
ing is based on an engraving done by
Louis S. Schofield in 1923 from a pre-
World War II photograph. BEP
Portrait Engraver Christopher D.
Madden engraved the Series 1999
vignette of the Treasury building on the
reverse of the $10 note. Also contribut-
ing to the back design was BEP Letter
Engraver Gary Slaght.
Why is Alexander Hamilton so
important that he would appear on so
many United States notes over nearly a
century and a half? His legacy remains
an indelible imprint on our money and
our times.
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Paper Money • January/February 2007 • Whole No. 247
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FaNpus FarieFrqser statue depicts LrfaLaj; Secretag
New sawbuck backs portray Hamilton clearly
By Fred Reed
FOR EIGHT DECADESAlexander Hamilton has shared a
distinction with Abraham Lincoln.
Each appears on BOTH the face and
back of modern small size U.S. cur-
Lincoln's portrait on the $5 face
and his shadowy appearance between
columns on the Memorial back is
widely known. In fact, Lincoln's dual
appearance is a standard trivia quiz
answer. However, our first Treasury
Secretary's dual presence on $10 bills is less well known.
The reasons for this oversight are easy to explain. Like
Lincoln, Hamilton's back image is in the form of a statue, but
unlike the Great Emancipator
ensconsced in his Greek temple
on the Mall, Hamilton's free-
standing bronze is on the south
plaza of the Main Treasury
In the past Hamilton has
been easy to overlook because
the angle of the source model
L.S. Schofield used for the
Treasury engraving when small
size currency was introduced
poses the standing figure against
a backdrop of foliage. The
engraver attempted to lighten
this backdrop, but it takes a dis-
cerning eye to find Hamilton.
Unlike the 1929 and later
notes which show the Treasury's Greek-revival south face
from the southeast, these newer 1999-date FRNs depict the
edifice's south plaza head on. Thus, Chris Maden's closeup,
full-face engraving shows the statue larger and in greater detail
on its sunny south plaza location.
The heroic-sized Hamilton statue is the work of sculptor,
coin and medal designer James Earle Fraser. A member of the
Commission of Fine Arts during the post-WWI era when
much of the adornment that graces the Nation's Capital was
produced, Hamilton was Fraser's first great public commis-
sion, followed by many federal projects in succeeding years.
Fraser's Hamilton bronze was dedicated on May 17,
1923, with President Harding and Treasury Secretary Mellon
present. Art historians have labeled it the finest freestanding
single sculpture in the federal District of Columbia, a city daz-
zling with artistic ornamentation.
According to tradition, a bit
of mystery shrouds this statue. At
its dedication, President Harding
mentioned a donor, but did not
reveal his/her identity. "News
reports," according to one source,
"attribute the statue to a veiled
woman who was reported to have
donated the funds." This donor's
identity is still unknown.
Interestingly, Fraser also
sculpted the companion heroic-
sized bronze statue of our fourth
Treasury Secretary Albert
Gallatin (right), which graces the
opposite, north plaza of the main
Treasury Building.
January/February • Whole No. 247 Paper Money
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