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Man Signing Bank Notes
Courtesy of Rex Stark
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PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin-
ning in January by the Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC). Periodical postage is paid at
Jackson. NJ 08527 and additional locations. Post-
master send address changes to Secretary Jamie
Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527.
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2008. All
rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or
part, without written permission, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEYare
available from the Secretary for S6 postpaid. Send
changes of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery,
and requests for additional copies of this issue to the
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Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as
possible: however, publication in a specific issue can-
not be guaranteed. Include an SASE for acknowledg-
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necessarily reflect those of the SPMC.
Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper only),
double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins. The
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appear on the first page. Authors should retain a copy
for their records. Authors are encouraged to submit a
copy on a MAC CD, identified with the name and ver-
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Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability
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issue (for example, Feb. 1 for the March/April issue).
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in Quark Express on a MAC CD with fonts supplied are
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Outside back cover $1500 $2600 $4900
Inside covers 500 1400 2500
Full page Color 500 1500 3000
Full page B&W 360 1000 1800
Half page B&W 180 500 900
Quarter page B&W 90 250 450
Eighth page B&W 45 125 225
Requirements: Full page, 42 x 57 picas: half-page may
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width, 20 picas. Except covers, page position may be
requested, but not guaranteed. All screens should be
150 line or 300 dpi.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency,
allied numismatic material, publications, and related
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ments, but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the
right to reject objectionable material or edit copy.
SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo-
graphical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint that por-
tion of an ad in which a typographical error occurs upon
prompt notification.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 81
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVII, No. 2 Whole No. 254 March/April 2008
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
The Mormons and the "Bank of Monroe" Michigan
By Doug A. Nyholm
The Pros and Cons of Self-Publication
By Michael McNeil
About Nationals Mostly: Garfield National Bank
By Frank Clark
Do-It-Yourself Printing from Engraved Plates
By Terry Bryan
Mrs. V. Franklin, National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Fifth Issue Fractional Currency Proofs of Columbia BN Co.
By Richard Jacobson
On This Date in Paper Money History
By Fred Reed
The Paper Column: Low Number Italian Allied Military Currency
By Peter Huntoon
Katherine R. Williams, National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Did Lincoln's Image on Money Influence His Public Perception--Part II
By Fred Reed
The Paper Column: Lessons from Moab, UT
By Peter Huntoon & Rusty Salmon
The Problem with Pricing Confederate Enigmatic Notes
By George Tremmel
Fire! (W.A. Hanford scrip at the Summit County Bank)
By Wendell Wolka
Bank Signatures on Small-Size Federal Reserve Bank Notes
By Derek Moffitt
The Buck Starts Here: Plastic Currency
By Gene Hesslert
Information and Officers
Harvard Publishes SPMC member Mihm's Opus
Former SPMC librarian says new Benice Florida Book excels
Nominations Open for SPMC Board
President's Column
By Benny Bolin
New Members
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Jeff Brueggeman
What's on Steve's Mind Today?
By Steve Whitfield
127, 129
. 131
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia. It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC, including its bylaws and activities can be found on its Internet web
site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be
sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligi-
ble to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
>rai,a c11—.-
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE -PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1, Plover, WI 54467
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany, NY 12209-1735
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER -EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
The Mormons
and the "Bank of Monroe Michigan
By Doug A. Nyholm
the "Bank of Monroe" involves the bank's connection with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as
the "Mormons." The Mormons developed an extensive monetary
system ranging to obsolete currency, gold coins, tokens, scrip, and even having
their President's signature appear on several issues of National Currency.
These endeavors began in 1836 and continued well into the 20th century. The
following is what is known regarding their connection with the Bank of Monroe
and the banknotes issued by that bank.
Monroe, Michigan is located south of Detroit on the Raisin River.
Monroe was originally known as Frenchtown, but in 1817 its name changed to
honor President James Monroe. Monroe's portrait is displayed on several
denominations of banknotes from The Bank of Monroe. Monroe incorporated
as a city on March 22, 1837. Prior to that it was simply referred to as the village
of Monroe. It should also be noted that, at the time, Monroe was the second
largest population center in the area; only Detroit was larger.
The Bank of Monroe's beginnings can be traced back to its charter date
of March 29, 1829. During its existence banknotes were issued in the denomi-
$1 Bank of Monroe note
prior to Mormon ownership.
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Unusual $4 denomination from
the Bank of Monroe.
84 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
nations of $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. They were printed by
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson in New York. The Mormon connection
centers around Oliver Cowdery (Oliver Cowdery was an assistant to the
Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith Jr.) and his signature, which appears only on
the denominations of $1, $2, $3, and $5, issued by the Bank of Monroe in 1837.
The Mormon connection began around 1831. Lucy Mack Smith, the
mother of Joseph Smith, Jr., visited family members in Detroit in that year.
Missionary work had begun and soon people began joining the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-clay Saints. In May of 1834 additional Mormons visited the
area; most notably Hyrum Smith (brother of Joseph Smith, Jr., the Mormon
Prophet), who undoubtedly converted additional people to the Church. Certain
Bank of Monroe notes bear the signature of H. Smith, which was believed by
some to be Hyrum Smith, Joseph Smith's brother. This was found not to be the
case however; the H. Smith signature was that of Captain Henry Smith, who
had no connection to the Mormon Church. The Mormon connection with the
Bank of Monroe is also linked to the Kirtland Safety Society Bank in Kirtland,
Ohio, formed late in 1836. Currency was issued by the Kirtland bank beginning
in January of 1837.
According to documented history, Oliver Cowdery's involvement with
the Bank of Monroe began in February of 1837, when he moved from Kirtland,
Ohio to Monroe, Michigan. The Mormons in Kirtland, Ohio, were growing in
number and their Prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr., was inspired by revelation to form
and organize a bank for the convenience of the members, and to promote their
prosperity. Plates for printing the currency were obtained, and printed ban-
knotes were made ready. However, Ohio denied a bank charter due to lack of
tangible assets. There was now a dilemma for Joseph Smith, Jr., and the newly
formed Kirtland Safety Society Bank; that of how to proceed and what to do
with the printed currency.
A rare Bank of Monroe note
signed by Oliver Cowdery.
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 85
Banking laws and their enforcement in the 1830s had much to be
desired. The Kirtland bank and dozens of other banks during this time had little
or no assets to back their currency, even if they had a legal charter. The Church
decided to go ahead and issue the currency without a bank charter. One modifi-
cation was decided upon, which was to modify the notes by hand-stamping the
title with the words "Anti" and "ing Co." in order to make the title read "The
Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Co." This modification was only carried
out on a small quantity of the notes released for circulation however. Much of
the circulating paper of this time period, including the Kirtland banknotes, were
obviously worthless, and to accept any of them usually meant risking taking a
total loss on a transaction.
On January 31, 1837, the First Presidency announced that the Church
had purchased the charter of a bank in Monroe, Michigan. The published pur-
chase price was $100,000. There are accounts that there was a planned merger
between the legally non-existent Kirtland bank and the Bank of Monroe. This
apparently never took place as The Bank of Monroe at this time was virtually
broke and would soon be sold by the Mormons, whose migration west would
begin shortly. Thereafter many of the problems with the Bank of Monroe, and
many other banks at this time, were due in part to the "Panic of 1837."
Thousands of banks and businesses went bankrupt during this time. This was
just another attempt to gain a legal bank charter due to the denial of the Kirtland
Information is sketchy regarding the change at the Bank of Monroe and
specifically the circumstances for Cowdery's move to Michigan. Notes have
been observed with Cowdery's signature dated from September 1836 to July
1837. However, all research indicates that the Church was only active with the
bank beginning in January 1837. It is possible that Cowdery was active at the
A $3 Kirtland Ohio note
modified with the "Anti-
Banking Co." stamps. This
was done on only a few of
the released notes after Ohio
denied the bank a charter.
Closeup of Oliver Cowdery's signa-
bank prior to the Mormon Church purchasing the charter, but this is also ques-
tionable, as records indicate that Cowdery was still in Kirtland Ohio on January
1st, 1837. One source states that Cowdery signed $22,000 as Vice President of
the bank in February 1837. There were also accounts at this time that the bank
was openly failing.
86 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
The bank was sold by the Mormons in late 1837. There are banknotes
from the Bank of Monroe dated 1838, but none are known subsequent to that.
For clarity, there are two different types of $1 notes issued by the bank. The
first was issued in 1828, surprisingly prior to the bank's charter date of March
29, 1829. This is just one of the many mysteries involving this bank and many
others of the time. We will probably never know with complete accuracy many
of the incidents that occurred, which only adds to the romance of the era. The
majority of $1 notes, signed by both Cowdery,
and other bank officials, are the second type pic-
tured in this article.
By 1840 the Bank of Monroe had com-
pletely ceased to exist. Many of the Mormons in
the area had left during 1839-40 due to a general
move westward (to Nauvoo Illinois) by the
On March 24th a preliminary hearing
was set, based upon charges that the Church
obtained the Bank of Monroe charter illegally.
In September, 1837 it was noted that Oliver
Cowdery had gone to Missouri. Additionally
Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sidney Rigdon were found
guilty of violating Ohio banking statues, and each
fined $1,000. They appealed but during the
pending appeal all moved to far West Missouri.
Oliver Cowdery Most obsolete bank notes from this era (the 1830s) routinely are traded
from several dollars to several hundred dollars. This is true for banknotes from
the "Bank of Monroe," with the exception of those notes signed by Oliver
Cowdery, who was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. These notes routinely sell for $2,000, and escalate up to $3,000-$4,000
for high grade specimens. I have never seen or heard of the existence of an
uncirculated Cowdery signed note. Even extremely fine notes may not exist.
There was an instance several years ago of an advertised XF note at auction
which technically did grade XF. However, there was a small jagged hole (1/8"
approx.) in the center of the note which in my mind would preclude the note
being called Extremely Fine. These high prices are due to the collectability of
historic signatures of Mormon Church figures. There is high demand due to a
large number of collectors of this memorabilia, both LDS and non-LDS.
Appearances of banknotes with Cowdery's signature come to market only ran-
domly, sometimes over a year may pass between opportunities to purchase one.
I hope I have brought to life a brief history of one of the many obscure
banks of this period. I have attempted to sort out the inconsistencies to the best
of my knowledge and ability. •
The $3 note traded hands sev-
eral years ago for just over
$1000.00! Even in tattered
condition Oliver Cowdery-
signed notes are highly collec-
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 87
The Pros
and Cons
of Self-Publication
By Michael McNeil
0 YOU WANT TO WRITE A BOOK ABOUT ALL THAT research you've done, and now you're
faced with the task of getting it into print. Sending your manuscript to a publisher is the easiest way, but it is
now also possible to publish the book yourself. Let's explore how you might choose to do this, and if you
choose selfpublication, let's look at how to do this.
There are distinct advantages to going with a publishing house, assuming that your book will sell enough
copies to interest the publisher. A publishing house will use low-cost offset printing, a method that makes sense
when you're selling more than a thousand copies. The publishing house will assign an editor to polish your raw
manuscript and raw illustrations into a book. The editor and publisher will refine your prose, lay out the pages with
the proper fonts and images, lay out title pages, tables of content, and indexes, design the cover, select the binding,
assign an ISBN number, see the book through to printing and binding, and then market and sell your book. This is
not a trivial process, and most authors choose this path. The publisher also pays for all the costs of publication up
front, if they decide to accept your book!
I chose to self-publish my first book, The Signers of Confederate Treasu7y Notes 1861-'65, ISBN 0-9720386-
2-0. You might choose the same path for similar reasons. The publisher is in business to make money and will nor-
mally use offset printing on thinner, lower-quality paper, with black and white illustrations. I wanted thick, glossy
paper and color illustrations. Time to publication with a publishing house can typically take two years; if your man-
uscript is ready (and we will discuss what that means), you can get boxes of your finished books on your doorstep in
about 30 days from a printing house specializing in selfpublication. You may also realistically assess the market for
your book and determine that you will sell maybe a few hundred copies at best, while a publishing house will nor-
mally want to sell several thousand to make a profit. A smaller quantity of books is usually more ideally suited to
self-publication; the author's favorite printing house will print and bind as few as 25 copies in a single run. And
when you choose a quantity less than 5,000 books, you are now suited to laser printing with its much higher resolu-
tion compared to offset printing. So if time-to-market, color images, and quality of images and paper are para-
mount, you might want to seriously consider self-publication.
Having said this, you must now do the entire layout yourself, have some skills with a word processor, know
how to manipulate images, and be familiar with a computer. You will also have to pay for the printing and binding
costs up front, and the cost per book will be much higher if you opt for those nice color illustrations on thick, glossy
paper. There are other details to attend to as well, and we will cover those.
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This screen will allow you to configure a sample book order so that you can get an idea about cost. The
cost of your book is computed based on several factors, including whether it contains color pages,
number of pages, number of hooks ordered. cover material, and binding style. At the time you place
your actual order, you will be given a cost based on the options you have selected for your book, which
should agree with the cost estimate produced here.
To see pricing based on a sample order, select the appropriate options and click on the 'Show Cost'
button. You can change options and recalculate as many times as you want.
Do you scant to print any content (excluding cover) pages in rotor?: 1- No (; Yes Explain This...
If yes, enter the munber of color pages texcluding cover): ITO— Explain This...
Select the pipes type you desire: High gloss enamel (color only) 1- White matte (color only) (-
Smooth white (non-color only) r Smooth opaque off-white Explain This...
Select the pave size (inches): (- 41/4 x 7 (- 5 1/i x 8 1/2 (- 6 x 9 (" 8Y2x 11 (or 8X10 for
Case/Hardback Bound Books) Explain This..
Enter the total munber of pages, including color pages (1- 700): 150
Enter the munbei of copies (25 - 5000): 1100 Explain This...
Select the cover style: I Customer lull color :over design (see Explain This..)
_II Explain This..
Select the c over lamination: 'Plastic Lamination Gloss (add $.25 per book) J
Select the binding style: I Case/Hardback (pricing varies depending on size and quantity) _7_1 Explain
Do yon scant a proof copy?: 07 Yes r No Explain This...
Show Cost I
Sign U r,
Here, Fre.
a PI ,-,41,‘",,11
tglInstantpublisher - Pricing -Netscape
Fie ^dO View Go Ltookmeks took Window tier,
http://wwminstantpublIsher.cornipncing.htn )
88 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
OK, so you still want to self-publish your book. How much will it cost? The biggest tradeoffs come with
the number of color pages, the type of paper, and the binding. Fortunately, there is an on-line website with a calcu-
lator that will enable you to determine the exact cost of your book. Go to: . This is my
preferred printing house, and they use laser printers. Click on the Pricing tab at the left. Now we can fill out this
page with a hypothetical example:
Click "yes" for color pages.
Enter "50" assuming you have 50 color pages in your book.
Click "high gloss enamel" for the best paper and resolution of your images.
Select 8 1/2 x 11 for the page size, big enough for lots of illustrations on a page.
Enter "160" as the total number of pages in your book.
Enter "100" as the total number of copies, a short first run to minimize total cost.
Select the cover design as "Customer full color..." if you want to design the cover yourself.
Select "plastic lamination gloss" for the cover; this is nice looking and durable.
Select "Case/Hardback" binding; this is a normal hardback binding.
Select "Yes" for a proof copy. You will get a proof to approve before printing, and this is a good practice
worth the money.
Here is what your screen will look like:
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
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Pricing Information
Based on the options you entered. your book would cost as follows:
Printing Cost Per Book (Includes 50 Color
Additional Cover Cost Per Book:
Additional Binding Cost Pei Book (With Plastic
Additional Paper Cost Per Book:
Total Cost Pei Book:
Proof Cost (Total for entire order):
Total For 100 Books (Plus sales tax and
shipping' ):
If you wish to print inside the front and/or back cover,
there is an additional charge of 50.10 per book.
Sales tax is computed for shipping to Tennessee addresses only.
Click here for shipping rate information.
Click the 'Back' button to change options and recalculate pricing. 7.-
AB ER A 0.1* n
0 Air
9 0 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Now click the "Cost" button and you will see a breakdown of cost that totals $1,812.00, plus shipping and
sales taxes (if applicable — the printer is in Tennessee). Shipping cost varies and adds about $1 per book, depending
on the weight of the book. This makes your total cost per book at about $19.00 each.
An important note on total pages: the total number of pages needs to be evenly divisible by eight, as this is
the number of pages individually bound (four folded and sewn sheets making eight pages). This total should include
any blank pages in the front and back of the book; as a tine point, this is why there are often blank pages in the front
and back of a book!
You can go back a page on the website cost calculator and play with other scenarios to see the cost impact of differ-
ent kinds of paper, binding, number of color pages, and so forth. This is a very useful tool to see your total costs,
and it is the only website I've found providing this service.
You will need to be somewhat skilled in the use of a word processor; I use Word for the entire text, illustra-
tions, and layout. Any word processor that can manipulate text and images will work. The printer T use,, will send you a software file which will take your entire book and convert it to a format they
can read. It works much like the Adobe Acrobat Writer, which takes exactly what you see on your computer screen
and puts it in a format that anyone can pull up with an Acrobat Reader, preserving all of your formatting, text fonts,
images, the whole works. It doesn't matter what software you use to write the book. You will merely "print" it to
the Instantpublisher writer when you are satisfied with your final version. just follow the instructions in the
Instantpublisher website.
The more time you take to carefully lay out your book, the more professional it will look. Here are a few
tips from my experience with Word (my apologies to those already conversant with this software).
Pick an easily-read font. Word has a large selection of fonts. My favorites are Tahoma (simplest), Times
New Roman (a bit more embellished), and Century Schoolbook (for a more traditional look). Sometimes it is useful
to employ a more exotic font. I use Gaston 540, a beautiful italic font, for the dedication of the book after the title
page. Confederate Treasury notes have some very stylized fonts; one of my favorites is the T-69 design. I have
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 91
found a modern font, Agincourt, which has much of the same aesthetic. I found Agincourt useful on the title page
and the chapter headings of my book on signers of Confederate Treasury notes. There is a wealth of fonts available,
and you can find many of them at at very reasonable prices. just put your purchased font files in
c:windows/fonts on your hard drive and Word will recognize them in the font pull-down tab.
It can be quite effective to make the first letter of a new paragraph both larger and indented. It suggests a
logical break in the subject matter within a chapter. In Word you can make it look like the example in the first para-
graph by:
1. click on the Format tab
2. click on Drop Cap
3. click the box labeled Drop Box
4. click the arrows to "2" on the Line to Drop entry
5. click OK
Illustrations are the key to making your book effective and eye-catching. Whether you take your own pic-
tures or get them elsewhere, you will need to manipulate them before placing them in your book. Pictures need to
be cropped and often enhanced for contrast and clarity. I use LView Pro, but any good photo editor will work.
Here is an example of a raw photo of a signature by a military issuer on the back of a Confederate Treasury note:
• 4.
; .*%. • \
If the signature of Major A.M. Bryan is important here, we will need to rotate this note 90 degrees to left,
crop the signature, and enhance the contrast. Here is the result using LView Pro:
92 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
It is also desirable to aesthetically position the images and text with respect to each other. The images
sometimes need to be centered, shrunk, or expanded within the text body. This is most easily done using a few for-
matting tricks to keep the images from auto-formatting your text and changing your layout. When your image is
ready in LView Pro, here are the steps:
1. click the copy button in LView Pro
2. go to your Word file and click the cursor where you want the picture placed
3. click on the Edit tab
4. click on Paste Special
5. select Bitmap
6. click OK
Now you can see your image in your Word file. Next:
1. click on the image
2. right click on the image
3. select Format picture
4. click on the Layout tab
5. click on the box labeled Behind Text
6. click OK
These commands decouple your pictures and your text. Now you can use the Enter key to create spaces in
your text for the picture, then grab the picture with the mouse, move it to any location you want, and shrink or
expand it to any size you want.
You can vary this set of commands to wrap the text around the picture by selecting Square and the Right
button in Step 5. Add the lines around the box by going to the Colors and Lines tab in Step 4 and selecting what
you want.
If you neglect to decouple your images and your text, you will be constantly fighting to keep the look and
feel of your document each time you attempt to insert a new image!
It is a good idea to insert page breaks between chapters in your book. This prevents your changes from
affecting the format of everything after the point where you make an edit or change. To do this, put your cursor on
the last line of the last page of your chapter, click on the Insert tab, click on Page Break, and click OK.
Making additions to images can help your reader understand the points you are trying to make. Here is an
example from the book, Signers:
Lines, arrows, and text boxes can be added in Word by simply clicking on these tools and placing them
over the images. Sometimes these features will disappear behind the image. If this happens, place the feature to the
side of the image, click on it, click on the Draw tab, click Order, and click Bring to Front; or you can do the same
thing to the image and click Send to Back. Once you have everything placed correctly on the page and in the cor-
rect front-to-back order, you can group the whole assemblage. This allows you to drag the whole grouping any-
where in the document while keeping everything together. To group all of the elements in your image, hold the
Shift key down, click on every item in the assemblage, release the Shift key, click on the Draw tab, and click Group.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 93
If you ever want to reposition, delete, or add an item in the assemblage, click on the assemblage, click the Draw tab,
and click Ungroup. You can then select the individual items again.
Charts can he easily added to your Word document from files like Excel. Complex collections are some-
times best constructed in Excel, and Excel also allows you to use color highlights and embed images. You can
import any part of an Excel file into word by:
1. select the area in Excel you want to import
2. click on the Copy button
3. go to your Word file and click the cursor where you want the chart placed
4. click on the Edit tab
5. click on Paste Special
6. select Bitmap
7. click OK
8. repeat the process to decouple the image from the text
Here is an example of an Excel file, complete with highlighting and embedded image, imported into Word
as a single image:
The McNeil Collection of Notes signed by Sarah Pelot, Ill :iNisin
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94 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
The first file you will need is the body of your book. Remember, it may have a title page, a dedication, a
table of contents, separate chapters, a section for text notes, a section for acknowledgements, a section for picture
credits, a bibliography, and an index. The title page should include the title, subtitle, name of the author, date, and
the name of the publisher (you!). Here is an example:
The Signers
Confederate Treasury Notes 1861-'65
A Catalog of their Signatures
with a Catalog of the Notes signed by
Michael McNeil
December, 2003
Michael McNeil, Publisher
Mead, Colorado
The back of the title page should include a copyright notice, the ISBN number, the place of manufacture
(which can include the name of printer), the edition, the printing, the date of printing, the number of copies in the
printing, and the name and address of the publisher.
© Copyright 2007 by Michael McNeil. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, by any means, in any form,
without written permission of the publisher.
ISBN 0-9720386-3-9
Manufactured in the United States of America
Printed and bound by , Collierville, TN 38027
Second Edition
First Printing, 100 copies
June, 2007
Michael McNeil, Publisher
321 Seventh Street, Mead, Colorado 80542
Michael McNeil
The Signers
Confederate Treasury Notes 1861-'65
A Catalog of their Signatures
with a Catalog of the Notes signed by
*draft helot
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 95
The second part of the book is the covers and spine. Covers and spine of the book are a separate file. Use a
separate page in your Word file for each cover and for the text of the spine of the book. Here is a cover composed
of text, images, and colored boxes, all composed in Word:
And the layout for the spine of the book:
The Signers of Confederate Treasury Notes 1861-'65 ReMeil
. - Noll;
stork •
96 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
The back cover will contain the ISBN number (usually at the bottom). Here is an example:
The last tile for your book is the ISBN number, a number you will put on the title page and back cover.
You can ask the printer to furnish you the ISBN number for about $50, but the printer will then be the publisher of
record. You must obtain your own ISBN number if you want to be the publisher of record, and this is a small step
when you have gone this far. The ISBN number may be obtained from . You will have to buy
a block of ten numbers, for which I paid $300 in 2002. Now you've got enough ISBN numbers for nine more
books! The ISBN number will also need to be converted to a bar code image for placement on the back cover by
the printer. This service costs about $25. I used They will email you the file with a .eps filename.
You may not be able to open this file, but the printer will use it to create the barcode image. This file is the third
and last part of your book.
11001.MilkiAlb E
litatAtUrtU5 I
(N51TI I IS Nail: I S WW1*: Or VII: •
25,011,I I If 1 rri 1E1/ SWI ITIF:S
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
When all three of your files are ready, book, covers and spine text, and the ISBN barcode .eps file, log in to
the website, set up your account, download their "printer," and then print your book and
cover files to the "printer" (this automatically uploads them to their server — and it can take hours on a modern con-
nection!). Separately email the ISBN bar code file, make the payment on-line on the website,
and you're set to get your printed and bound books in about a month. Congratulations, you are now an author, edi-
tor, and publisher!
Submit a free copy of your new book to journals like Paper Money for their review; this will make your book
known to the target audience. Advertising in the trade journals and visiting the many trade shows are also very
effective means of making your book known.
The ultimate reason for publishing your own work is that you are in total control of the process and the
decisions. I had a very positive experience with selfpublishing. Your experience may vary; it is a lot of hard work! As
a final comment, is not responsible for any of my comments or instructions. They did not
solicit me to sell their product; I simply found the process satisfying.
Mike McNeil is an author, publisher, the manager of CC&A LLC, and a collector of Confederate
Treasury notes signed by his ancestor, Sarah Pelot. He is also a member of the Trainmen, the SPMC, and the
• Dave Schnorr kindly supplied the image of endorsement by A.M. Bryan, Maj. & QuarterMaster.
• kindly gave permission to use images of their website and descriptions of the process of self-
publishing with their firm.
About Nationals Mostly: Garfield NB
By Frank Clark
P RESIDENT JAMES A. GARFIELD ON JULY 2, 1881,was in the Washington, D.C. railway station on his way to
give the commencement address at Williams College. The
President was shot by Charles J. Guiteau, a disillusioned office
seeker. President Garfield lingered between life and death for
many weeks, finally succumbing to blood poisoning on
September 19.
In December 1881, the Garfield National Bank of New
York City received its national charter with charter #2598. I
believe that this was a way for the organizers of this national
bank to honor the slain presi-
dent. Second Charter 55
Nationals carry President
Garfield's portrait, therefore
1882 Fives on this bank are
highly desirable among collec-
An illustration of a 55 1882
Date Back accompanies this
article. The officers are A(rthur)
W. Snow, assistant cashier, and
R(uel) W. Poor, president
The Garfield was located
in the Fifth Avenue Building at
the corner of Fifth Avenue and
Twenty-third Street. This bank closed its doors for the last
time on January 26, 1929. The Chase National Bank assumed
the Garfield's circulation.
Banker's Magazine (1912), p. 100.
Encyclopedia Americana (1965).
Kelly, Don C., PhD. National Bank Notes. A Guide With Prices.
Fourth Edition. Oxford, OH: Paper Money Institute,
Inc., 2004.
98 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Do-It-Yourself Printing
from Engraved Plates
By Terry Bryan
printing in the United States from 1858 through the 20th Century. Over that period of time, thousands
of metal plates were engraved and etched with vignettes, portraits, titles, borders, and numbers. The
modern ABNCo marketed limited editions of vignette sheets printed from original plates for collectors
for several years. A few years ago, they made modern printings of bank notes from old plates preserved in company
archives. These collectibles have been labeled "proprietary proofs" by collectors. Corporate changes in later years
resulted in the sale of the company's archives of old proof printings of many of their products. Thousands of bank
note proofs, stock certificate proofs, proof vignettes and text blocks were sold in a series of auctions. Large albums
of sample vignettes became available to collectors.
Several years ago, the successors to ABNCo sold the storehouse of metal plates and dies to a consortium of
dealers. ANR/Stack's is selling these engraved artifacts in small numbers during various auctions. Several such auc-
tions have been held so far, and at this rate, the sales will go on for years to come. This appears to be a successful
marketing plan, since the prices for desirable items have risen from sale to sale.
This series of ABNCo plate archive sales will allow collectors of obsolete currency and stock certificates the
opportunity to possess examples of the stages in the industrial production of their paper collectibles. Whole bank
note plates and vignette plates (termed "dies" in some ABNCo records) were seldom available prior to this release.
The stock-in-trade of the ABNCo was the precision, security, and anti-counterfeiting nature of their intaglio print-
ing. The company guarded their obsolete plates as part of their guarantee that customers' orders could not be com-
promised later. Some vignettes have been reused on various financial documents over a time span of 130 years. In
recent times, intaglio engraving has lessened in importance in the security printing industry, and less labor-intensive
technical methods serve the same purpose.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 99
Artistic results printing from ABNCo plates can be achieved at home by following methods described. Clockwise from above left are
Scene from Dr. Kane's Arctic Expedition (The White Bear), Cotton, Scouting Party (Charge of the Zouaves), and Letter from Home.
Collectors can now benefit from the availability of metal plates used for printing vignettes and portraits,
plates in copper and steel for printing sheets of bank notes and stocks, cylinder dies for transferring designs from
the small plates to the customers' bank note plates, and plates for printing company names and text onto the larger
plates. Some large plates for book illustrations, tickets, checks, and engravers' advertisements are also being sold. A
few banks would buy the actual plates; local printers would do their printing. Engravers might deface plates and
forward them to the bankers after their usefulness had ended. The few bank note plates previously in collectors'
hands presumably came from the local banks' retention of plates in their hometown. ABNCo retained the vast
majority of plates, and the bankers and corporate directors would return to them for repeat printing orders. Many
plates were later melted.
I purchased several small vignette plates in one of the early ABNCo sales. I was interested in vignettes that
were attributed to original artwork by the artist F.O.C.Darley (see Paper Money number 248), and the images them-
selves were evocative. I already had a two-subject bank note plate from a previous sale, again with a Darley-derived
vignette. These objects held a beauty of their own. Turning them in the light revealed the subtle shadings of the
fine scribed lines in the steel. They were not under my roof for very long before I wondered if I could print images
from them.
Books by Gene Hessler, by ABNCo and by others detail the process of printing from intaglio plates. Ink is
applied to the fine grooves in the flat metal surface. Excess ink is wiped off the surface. The inked plate is pressed
onto a piece of paper by heavy rollers. The paper is forced into the grooves, picking up the ink. Thus summarized,
it sounds easy.
Actually, the process evolved over centuries and decades, achieving its height of development with the
ABNCo. The inks are specialized and sometimes secret formulae. The removal of excess ink can be rather prob-
lematic. The paper must be carefully selected, considering its eventual use. Great pressure from a heavy geared
roller press is needed to print. The ABNCo and other firms took this process from hand printing one sheet at a
time in the 1850s to mechanized mass production machinery in the 1900s.
Well, I could not resist inking and trying to print from my plates. The following article details my experi-
ments with readily available materials. I knew that I was "reinventing the wheel" with my efforts. I did not expect
to achieve professional results, but I hoped for images that could be displayed beside the plates.
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money100
Readily available materials from home and workshop can be employed in pulling prints from the ABNCo archival dies and plates.
An uninked plate showing the various depths of the intaglio engraving
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 101
I bought several inks and papers from a local craft store. These were used in calligraphy and decorative
crafts. I padded ink on with a cloth. I had a wooden veneer roller, and I rolled the paper over the inked plate as
hard as I could. This produced very disappointing results, no matter which ink and paper combination was tried.
I knew that the professional plate presses applied tremendous pressure where the operator's effort turning a
large wheel was geared to multiply the turning force of rollers, pressing the paper against the metal plate. I had
seen the process at work at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing Spider Press exhibit at several paper money shows.
The operator would exert visible effort to turn the handle when printing a souvenir card. I heard a reference to
4,000 pounds per square inch of applied pressure from one of the presses. I tried to think of an easy way to apply
more pressure to the plate and paper.
Using scrap dimensional lumber, I built a platform of 2 x 8" fir, raised from the bench by strips of 2" thick
wood. I had some machinists' screw clamps on hand; these are essentially heavy-duty C-clamps. Raising the print-
ing platform off the bench allowed clearance for the lower jaw of the clamp. I found that regular C-clamps, bar
clamps or pistol-grip clamps commonly used by woodworkers would not exert as much pressure as the heavier type.
A scrap of thick cowhide leather was fixed to the wooden platform with double-faced tape. The suede side
of the leather was turned up. A few layers of thinner leather, such as scraps from a discarded lady's purse, would
probably work as well. I wanted a resilient surface to press against.
Layers of tissue paper were put over the leather, and the printing paper placed on top of the pile. The
inked plate was inverted onto the paper to be pressed. The amount of tissue paper placed under the printing paper
made a difference in the final print. For best results, different thicknesses of tissue were needed for each of my
A piece of hardwood about the size of the individual plate was double-face taped to the back of the plate.
This prevented marring the back of the plate from metal-to-metal contact with the clamps. I concluded that the
wood would keep the plate flat under pressure, and the leather would not harm the front of the plate.
There are two grades of double-faced tape in hardware stores. One type is specifically for holding carpet
seams to the floor. The other type is for lighter-duty purposes. I advise using the light duty tape. It proved to be
difficult to clean off the back of the plate, yet it was needed to prevent the plate from sliding under clamping. The
better carpet tape might hold the plate to the wood block too well for easy release later.
To summarize the printing setup layers from the top: hardwood block, double-faced tape, vignette plate,
moist blank paper, tissue paper, leather, double-faced tape, soft wood board. With ink on the plate, the whole pile
is pressed together with screw clamps. Once the proper materials are obtained, the layer of tissue paper seems to be
an important variable for experimentation.
Materials laid out for printing
102 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Press bed and die
An inked vignette die
103Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
Layers of the process
Press bed and plate with clamps in place
Even with increased pressure from one or more clamps, not much ink was transferring to the paper. The
plate was making a rectangular impression into the paper. This seemed to indicate that sufficient pressure was gen-
erated for printing. The correct ink and paper combination was the remaining necessity.
The calligraphy inks that I first used contain dryers. For craft and writing purposes, you want ink to set
almost instantly on the page. Those thin inks are also rather transparent black. Water-based inks are made for easy
cleanup, but set much too quickly for plate printing. I realized that I needed an oil-based ink. This would have
slower drying time, allowing wiping the plate, positioning the plate, and applying the clamps.
Dover Litho Printing Company here in Dover, Delaware, is the expert printer of our official journal, Paper
Money. SPA/IC editors and Mike Frebert and his associates have raised Paper Money into the realm of the most
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Clamp pressure on plate
attractive hobby publications. Mr. Frebert is interested in printing history, and I took my plate material to show
him. He was kind to give me some professional printers' ink, which proved to be just right. The ink that I used was
Top Set Deluxe Pantone Neutral BlackTM by Monarch Color Corporation of Pennsauken, New Jersey (800-899-
4675). This is a very thick, very black, slow drying oil-based ink. It allows plenty of time for wiping and placing the
plate. The ink forms a firm skin on its surface between uses. A small amount of mineral spirits in the can helps to
preserve the ink from drying out too much. I suspect that a commercial container of such ink would last the home
printer for years. You might do well to cultivate the printer in your town for a gift of a little ink for your own
experiments. I matted and framed one of my prints for Mr. Frebert in gratitude for the ink.
I had a sample of every kind of paper sold in the craft store. There were glossy coated papers, construction
paper, drawing papers, cotton linters (like thick, soft card stock) for papermaking, deacidified tissue and bond paper.
Initial results with the thick cotton linters and with linter material with tissue on top were encouraging. The tissue
would pick up fine lines, but the subtle laid pattern of the linter and the tissue would show up, too.
I recalled that ABNCo and others utilized wet paper for such printing. Various papers were spritzed with
water from a spray bottle from my wife's laundry cabinet. This produced better results with the tissue-on-linter
prints, but the wet tissue was too fragile to handle afterwards. I could not even lift the plate off the print without
tearing holes in the tissue. Most of the other modern papers were coated in a way that prevented the water mist
from penetrating and softening the surface. The wet, soft paper was supposed to squeeze into the fine lines on the
printing plate where the ink resided.
Acid-free paper was desirable for permanence of the work. Even a subtle pattern in the paper would show
up in the printing. I thought that archival tissue obtained from the Historical Society of Delaware would approxi-
mate the tissue-on-card medium used on some old proof vignettes. Holding the tissue to the light revealed a grid
pattern. Similarly, many uncoated papers in the craft store had a surface texture, appropriate for fine calligraphy,
but not for intaglio printing. It surprised me that the slightest paper texture could reveal itself in the final print.
StrathmorendDrawing Medium proved to be the best paper readily available. It is a soft, uncoated, 80-
pound, acid-free, untextured paper that comes in pads from 4" x 6" and up to poster size.
The wet paper process has a disadvantage: The paper becomes wavy as it dries. The ABNCo had to press
sheets of bank notes flat after printing. This flattened and blurred the raised ink lines to a degree. They developed
a dry process in the 1920s, involving much greater pressure during printing. This eliminated the need for pressing
the paper flat afterwards. I concluded that there was no home method to increase the pressure of the plate on the
paper, and I had to be satisfied with somewhat wavy results. Matting and framing the print hides the irregularity of
the dried paper.
I ironed some of the finished prints. Placed face down on white paper, I used a hot iron after a light water
Cotton Linter Wet -- fair print
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 105
V 49$11,1
Excess ink on plate
Ink voids from damaged plate
Not enough ink on plate
spray. This flattened the paper well, but it also
ironed out the rectangular plate impression slightly.
I did not see any difference in the ink image, and no
ink was transferred to the white undersheet.
Inking the plate proved to involve some
artistry. Different plates required individual atten-
tion to details. Excess ink was applied and initially
card stock squeegees were used to press ink into the
grooves and to remove gross excess. Cloth wipes
seemed to remove too much ink from below the sur-
face, and the weave of the cloth would not remove
the ink fully. It appeared that capillary action of
cloth might draw ink up out of the engraving, result-
ing in a light print. Finally, paper towels were the
best choice, both to apply the ink and to remove the
excess. I tried to "press" the ink into the image.
After that, I wiped away from the edges towards the
center of the image.
Apparently, an art technique applied to
some intaglio illustrations was to leave some ink on
the surface plate. This achieved some atmospheric
effect desired by the artist, but such excess ink was
ugly in my prints. Conversely, in the case of my
plates, some areas did not print up well if wiped too
thoroughly, apparently owing to the shallowness of
the engraving. The paper wipes were turned to a
clean surface after each pass. Each print used about
eight quarter sheets of paper towel. I ran a clean
piece of towel around the edges of the plate before
positioning it against the moistened printing paper.
The traditional last wipe of the metal plate
was done by the bare palm of the printer in the old
clays. I wore rubber gloves, and stayed with the
paper towel method while dressed in old clothes.
Sometimes the wiping was not thorough enough,
transferring some ink from edges of the plate, ruin-
ing the print. I was surprised to have the finest inad-
vertent scratches on the plate accept ink and appear
on the print. It was possible to use a coarse eraser to
remove extraneous ink from the dried prints, but the
surface of the soft paper was roughened. Suitable
matting of the prints can cover some of these mis-
The two-subject currency plate in my pos-
session had been cancelled by lightly peening the
devices with a hammer. I had purchased the plate
because of the presence of The White Bear vignette
on one note. This is arguably the most famous bank
note vignette, subject of many articles. It is found
on scarce and on rare bank notes. ABNCo pro-
duced a "proprietary modern proof" image of a
Tennessee bank note with this vignette as part of its
collectibles marketing 15 years ago. My plate was
for the $20 and $50 notes of the Hingham Bank in
Massachusetts. I was pleased to find out that no
printed notes are currently known from this plate.
106 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Not enough ink on plate
Dry drawing paper -- fair print
Wet tissue, fragile
The White Bear and one other vignette were rela-
tively untouched by the cancellation. The slight
dents in the vignettes could be wiped selectively, and
acceptable printing done.
Since these vignettes on the large plate were
surrounded by other bank note devices, I masked the
vignettes with brown paper, taped to the back and
folded around the front, with the hole in the paper
sized and placed to expose just the part of the plate to
be printed. The brown paper could be folded back,
leaving it taped on one side. The plate section could
be inked and wiped, and the brown paper brought
back over to cover the undesired part of the plate.
Keeping the paper partially taped insured that the
gap in the paper would line up on the vignette every
time for multiple printings. After pressing the print,
the back of the brown paper would receive the ink
from the extraneous areas of the plate, and the white
drawing paper would receive just the vignette image
exposed by the hole in the brown paper.
Similarly, the individual small vignette plates
could be masked to avoid printing the titles and serial
numbers under the pictures, if desired.
I have concluded that an entire bank note is
beyond my capabilities to print at home. Short of an
antique plate press, or a hydraulic press, sufficient
pressure cannot be applied over such a large area.
There is concern that a homemade set-up would
bend or damage a plate in some way if too much
pressure were applied. Some of the plates now being
sold have a bit of a curve imparted by the roller pres-
sure. With all the plates that will soon be in collec-
tors' hands, there may be a business opportunity for a
plate printer to offer custom printing for our prized
metal plates. (This was suggested in an earlier issue
of our journal by correspondent Shawn Hewitt, see
Paper Money, no. 253, p. 79.)
My main concern with all this experimenta-
tion was to do nothing that could harm these print-
ing plates. The word "unique" is not excessive to
describe much of this material from ABNCo. The
engravers kept these objects in good condition (gen-
erally wrapped in acidic paper, generally not in cli-
mate controlled spaces) for many decades. I feel a
custodial responsibility to preserve them for future
enjoyment by other owners. I did not want to use
any injurious materials or physical methods that
would compromise the steel.
The numismatic hobby is used to dealing
with copper, silver and gold alloys. Aside from vari-
ous countries' expedient steel coins, we do not usual-
ly deal with rust. Many of the ABNCo plates were
protected by a coating of wax during storage. Some
of them are being sold with the original paper wrap-
pings. Some of the wrappings are printed with a
Wet paper, too much ink
Wet tissue on linterboard
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 107
Wet paper, not enough ink
proof image of the plate. Even the rough paper wrap-
pers become a collectors' item, with the printed image,
company serial numbers and crayoned notations
affixed. Most of the items auctioned so far are lightly
toned, but none have major rust damage. Clearly, the
auctioneers are cherry-picking the items they are offer-
ing, and these were kept in a fairly dry environment.
My plates arrived heat-sealed in plastic wrap.
Two had waxy coatings that smeared and fingerprinted.
Two appeared to be clean steel. One was slightly pitted
near the edge, and one was hammered deliberately. I
cleaned the plates with mineral spirits (odorless paint
thinner) before and between each printing. Flooding
the surface with clean solvent a few times removed
traces of ink when a printing session was concluded.
Remember to work with solvents such as paint thinner
in a well-ventilated space. Dispose of solvent-soaked
rags and papers properly to avoid the chance of sponta-
neous combustion or chance exposure to open flame.
Greases and oils are available for steel preser-
vation. For example, new firearms are shipped in a sili-
cone product that must be thoroughly cleaned off
before use. Some lubricating products contain addi-
tives designed to clean metal, and I would be concerned
about their effect on these polished printing plates.
The best quality of olive oil and brass musical instru-
ment valve oil is non-corrosive and will not become
rancid. These latter products might be better choices
for short-term coatings of steel plates, for example,
during temporary exposure under glass in a museum
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March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Hingham Bank two-note plate showing hammer marks
At home, I have applied Johnson Paste WaxTM to the cleaned steel plates. This wax contains no abrasive
solids, and it is easily removed with mineral spirits when more printing or exhibition is done. I will have to see how
this preserves the surface with long-term storage in the bank, or with the plates under glass in a picture frame. I
think that it is undesirable to hermetically seal the plates in packages for the long term (as currency grading services
apparently found out). In a humid environment, there could he moisture condensation on the inside of certain
wrappers. The steel will definitely fare better in some geographic locations than in others. Certainly always use
acid-free framing materials for display.
Chris Pilliod, numismatist and metallurgist, kindly supplied me with data on scientific equipment for metal
preservation. When absolute dryness is needed, airtight desiccators are available. When charged with silica gel,
low humidity is maintained. Other types utilize evacuation to insure dryness. This equipment is expensive; howev-
er. Inexpensive bulk desiccant chemicals are available to reduce moisture for limited periods in closed containers
such as safety deposit boxes. The drying chemicals are available in one-time use packets, or in regenerable form.
Cole-Parmer Scientific Equipment has an on-line catalog at . As with all our collections,
common sense suggests checking on stored items periodically to observe any deterioration.
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March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Closeup of Hingham Bank two-note plate showing cancelling marks
On the Web, there is an excellent article on iron preservation by Clara Deck, conservator at Michigan's
Henry Ford Museum, found at . Re-polishing of these printing plates is clearly a job for a
professional. It appears that most of the ABNCo material is in good condition. As collectors, it becomes our
responsibility to keep it that way.
Materials list: plate printing at home:
Soft wood lumber scraps
Hardwood blocks
Leather scraps
Double-faced tape
Heavy screw clamps
Oil-based printers' ink
Acid-free mat board
Tissue paper
Brown paper
StrathmoreT'' drawing paper
Mineral spirits
Paper towels
Water spray bottle
Archive (artists') tape
It occurred to me that my prints from these engraved plates could be confused with proof vignettes from
the 19th Century. A collector new to the field might accept almost anything of the sort, but in reality, the quality of
home prints is not equal to the results of the professional craftsmen who did the work before. The old paper types
are not readily available to the hobbyist, either. The ABNCo certainly did not worry about deceiving the collector
when it began re-printing proof bank notes and proof vignettes in the 1980s. Some of the new "proprietary proofs"
have realized auction prices rivaling the values of original proofs just a few years before. Newly printed productions
from these plates are simply a new collectible finding a place in the hobby. As with any issue, discussion, knowledge
and education are the keys to ultimate satisfaction.
Important: In framing any kind of intaglio engraved work, it is always necessary to mat the paper.
Pressing the raised ink directly onto the glass can cause the print to stick and be ruined. Any valuable framed item
should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
.., ,••■■•47r.
,121EU FT..% NO".
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 111
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112 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Masked Hingham Bank two-note plate showing Dr. Kane's Arctic Expedition vignette ready for printing, with resultant print below.
Please contact the Editor with your
comments, particularly if anything suggested
might possibly damage these valuable artifacts.
This experimental exercise in home printing
was certainly fun, and it gave me a new respect
for the skill of the craftsmen who created these
little works of art. I have achieved reasonable
results from home printing of American Bank
Note Company plates. Some inexpensive
ready-made frames and home-cut mats have
been used to display the results. The framed
vignettes are nice gifts for collectors. I have matted one of the plates beside one of the prints for an especially nice
gift to myself.
Bowers, Q. David. Obsolete Paper M077 ey. Atlanta: Whitman Publishing, 2006.
Gamble, Charles W. Modern Illustration Processes. London: Pitman & Sons, 1960.
Griffiths, William H. The Story of the American Bank Note Company. New York: ABNCo, 1959.
Hessler, Gene. Th. e Engraver's Line. Port Clinton, Ohio: BNR Press, 1993.
History of the Bureau of Printing & Engraving. Washington: U.S.Treasury, 1962.
Ivins, William M. How Prints Look. Boston: Beacon Press, 1958.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 113
Mrs. V. Franklin, National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
BETTIE ALICE SIMPSON WAS BORN NEARNorth Washington, Iowa, on May 31, 1857. On January
29, 1880 she married Vocanses J. Franklin of Indianola,
Nebraska. Three years later they moved a dozen miles west to
the newly settled community of McCook, Nebraska. This
would be their home for the rest of their lives.
McCook is the county seat of Red Willow County, in the
southwest part of the state. It was named for Alexander
McDowell McCook, a West Point graduate who had a long
and distinguished military career, with Civil War service and
later service in the west. The community is a trade center for
the farming and ranching area of southwest Nebraska and
northwest Kansas.
Vocanses Franklin was born in Pennsylvania in 1841, and
served in a Pennsylvania regiment during the Civil War. He
later moved west, first to Kansas in 1872 and then to
Nebraska. Upon their move to McCook, he founded the
Citizens Bank of McCook and served as its president.
In 1909 the bank became a national bank, the Citizens
National Bank of McCook (charter #9436), with a national
bank note circulation of 550,000. He was its president at the
time of his death on October 12, 1913. His obituary noted
that he had "filled a large and important place in the financial
and business affairs of this part of the state for a third of a cen-
Upon his death, Mrs. Franklin succeeded him as presi-
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dent of the national hank.
In 1916, the bank gave up its national charter and became
the Citizens State Bank of McCook. Gerome Walton, in his
2002 article in Paper Money, "Impact of Nebraska's Bank
Deposit Guaranty Law of 1909-30," has pointed out that this
was one of the six Nebraska state chartered banks that became
national banks in the several years after the law was passed,
and then soon switched back to being a state bank. He specu-
lates that the first switch may have been made to escape assess-
ments under the new law, and the second switch was to gain
the competitive advantage of the deposit guaranty.
Mrs. Franklin continued as president of the state bank.
She died in McCook on August 2, 1924, and was survived by
their two daughters.
The bank was absorbed by the Farmers and Merchants
State Bank in 1923. That bank, which had been founded in
1920, closed during the depression in 1931.
Sources and acknowledgments
An obituary of Vocanses Franklin is found in the McCook
Tribune for October 13, 1913, and a brief notice and then a
longer one for Mrs. Franklin is in the McCook Daily Gazette for
August 2 and 4, 1924. The help of Paul and Louella Miner of
McCook and of Gerome Walton is gratefully acknowledged.
Editor's Note: If any reader has a note signed by Mrs.
Franklin, we would be glad to run an image of it in a future
issue. •
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114 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Fifth Issue Fractional Currency Proofs
By The Columbian Bank Note Company
By Richard Jacobson
States Fractional Currency have long been considered uncollectible due to the extreme rarity of most vari-
eties. With the exception of a few varieties for which cut sheets are known, nearly every other variety of
Fourth and Fifth Issue proofs is unique or R8. Fortunately for contemporary collectors of Fractional
Currency, CAA's sale of the Tom O'Mara collection and Stack's ongoing offering of the John J. Ford holdings have
provided a new generation of collectors the opportunity to acquire many of these museum quality proof and essay
Stack's June 2005 sale of the J. J. Ford Collection, Part XI, contained an impressive array of Fractional
Currency including several extremely rare proof and essay notes. Since I've had a long-held interest in Fifth Issue
notes, I was especially excited to see three previously unplated Fifth Issue essays offered in that sale. Finally, with
the appearance of these notes, back essays printed by the Columbian Bank Note Co., collectors had the opportunity
to acquire rarities that, though listed in Milton Friedberg's "Encyclopedia", had never before been available pub-
licly. What follows is a survey of the information currently available on these proofs and essays along with a listing
by Milt # of the known varieties.
In the name of greater security and economy, much of the responsibility for the design and printing of
early federal currency was divided between the National Currency Bureau/Bureau of Engraving and Printing and a
handful of contemporary private banknote companies. Chief amongst these private firms were the American Bank
Note Co., Columbian Bank Note Co., and National Bank Note Co., all of which had a hand in the design and
printing of various issues of United States Fractional Currency.
For the Fifth Issue of Fractional Currency, the BEP was responsible for the face design and printing of all
three denominations with the work for the back designs divided between the Columbian Bank Note Co. of
Washington, D.C. and Jos. R. Carpenter of Philadelphia. The CBNCo was charged with the design and printing
of the backs of the 10c and 25c Fifth Issue notes, while Jos. R. Carpenter designed the 50c backs.
At this time, three distinct types of back proofs or essays are known for the Fifth Issue's 10c denomination
and two for the 25c denomination. Proof tete-beche pairs and blocks also exist of the adopted back designs of both
the 10c and 25c denomination. Listed below is a checklist of Fifth Issue proofs and essays printed by CBNCo
according to Milt #:
10c notes
-5E1OR.1, R8 with 2 known; 10c back essay of a smaller, rejected design in black. Printed on India paper.
-5E1OR.2, R7 with 6 to 12 known; 10c back proof of the adopted design in green. Printed on India paper.
-5E1OR.2a, R6 (cut sheet of 14, now 1 block of 4 and 5 tete-beche pairs); 10c back proof of the adopted design in
green. Identical to 5E1OR.2. Printed on India paper, mounted on card.
-5E1OR.3, RU with 1 known; 10c back essay of the adopted design in black. Printed on India paper, mounted on
card. "Sample Proof' penned in the field in Gothic font.
25c notes
-5E25R.1, R7 with 6 to 12 known; 25c back proof of the adopted design in green. Printed on India paper., R6 (cut sheet of 14, now 1 block of 4 and 5 tete-beche pairs); 25c back proof of the adopted design in
green. Identical to 5E25R.1. Printed on India paper, mounted on card.
-5E25R.2, RU with 1 known; 25c back essay/progress proof of the adopted design in green but without the scroll-
work surrounding the cartouche. Printed on India paper, mounted on card. "Sample Proof' penned in the
field in Gothic font.
Research by Friedberg indicates that the Columbian Bank Note Co. was awarded a contract in January of
1874 to produce the backs of the Fifth Issue 10c and 25c notes while the faces and seals were printed at the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing. Apparently, an error was made in communicating the size of the 10c note to the
CBNCo, and they produced a back proof that was too small in comparison to the 10c face which had already been
prepared by the BEP. This smaller back design, Milt #5E1OR.1, was ultimately rejected by the BEP, and the
CBNCo was tasked with creating a new 10c back, Milt #5E1.0R.2, to pair with the BEP's larger face design.
"[Al revelatory, entertaining book."
—New Yorker
"Very little has been written about early counterfeiting of bank notes. This great reference answers from A
to Z everything you want to know about counterfeiters from the revolutionary war followed by the obsolete
bank note era; and right up until, and including the old large sized notes that circulated in our country from
1861 to 1928. This well illustrated, hard bound 455 page reference is jam packed with interesting stories,
historical facts and figures and numerous other things about counterfeit bank notes and there production.
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woodlands to the jostling thoroughfares of Manhattan, this cat-and-mouse tale of subterfuge and deceit
culminates in the birth of the Federal Reserve and a true national currency. It's a story that in many ways
mirrors the country's ascendance from a rangy colonial outpost to an unrivaled economic power."
—Gabriel Sherman, Conde Nast Portfolio
new in cloth
Listen to Stephen Mihm's podcast on our web site
II 11111 • ID
■TIIATI'AWMI I UP/ el LI CULall 1 ItA rlIPB I VA 11' / .1 kl 1 . LW] NM r 11 miblb
115Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
A Nation of
. I NI I
A N '1'111: Ni ltc I NI. •• I
TIII• 1•N. 1 1 I I) n I I
116 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Testimony from J.G. Wellstood, President of the CBNCo, before the House of Representatives committee
on Banking and Currency indicated that only a single proof of the rejected design was printed. Despite Mr.
Wellstood's statement that "nothing but a proof from the die" was made, today Milt #5E1OR.1 is considered R8
with two examples known.
Milt #5E10R.1, Example #2, ex - Ford.
Example #1 of Milt #5E1OR.1, was believed to be unique by most collectors prior to the Ford XI sale, and
is pedigreed back to the Chapman Bros.' 1903 sale of the Friedman collection. This particular note was last publicly
offered as part of the M.R. Friedberg collection in 1997 and currently resides in the holdings of an unidentified col-
Example #2, last sold at auction as Lot #265 in Stack's Ford XI sale and currently resides in the collection
of the author.
Today, proof examples of the adopted 10c back design, Milt #5E10R.2, are the most readily available of the
10c back proofs and essays with an estimated six to twelve individual notes known. All known examples of Milt
#5E1OR.2 show signs of having been previously mounted as they are believed to have been removed from a CBNCo
display board around 1900.
HA. .
Milt #5E1 OR.2, ex - Ford.
An additional fourteen 10c back proofs of the adopted design are known in the form of "tete-beche," or
"head-to-tail," pairs and blocks, all of which are collectively listed as Milt #5E1OR.2a. All of these pairs and blocks
were originally part of an uncut "tete-beche" sheet of fourteen notes taken from a Columbian Bank Note Company
Sample Book in November of 1985 that was subsequently cut and divided amongst the major Fractional Currency
collectors of the time.
The last, and rarest, of the three types of 10c Fifth Issue back proofs is the Milt #5E1OR.3. Prior to the
appearance of a single specimen in the Ford XI sale, Milt #5E1OR.3 was known only by a rather brief description in
Milt #5E1OR.3, ex-Ford.
_ -‘1 I111 I;
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
4.i.."11111411i{,0" N I it`, ,"
118 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
the Sixth Edition Encyclopedia where it was described only as "10c black back adopted design on thick soft white
paper." No other sale history or pedigree information was known at the time of the entry.
At this time, the Milt #5E1OR.3 is considered unique with the only note known being the note from the
Ford XI sale. As can be seen from the illustration, the note is an off-color essay of the adopted design mounted to a
card which is in turn mounted to an archival backing. The words "Sample Proof" are also written in the field in
carefully executed gothic font.
In addition to the three major types of Fifth Issue 10c back proofs, two distinct back designs for the 25c
notes are also the known. The first, listed as Milt #5E25R.1, is a back proof of the adopted design in green, and is
the most common of the 25c back proofs with an estimated six to twelve individual examples known. Like the Milt
#5E1OR.2, all known examples of Milt #5E25R.1 show signs of previous mounting.
Milt #5E25R.1, ex-May.
As with the 10c proof backs, an additional fourteen 25c back proofs of the adopted design are also known in
the form of "tete-beche" blocks and pairs. These notes are collectively listed as Milt #5E25R. 1 a and were also once
part of the Columbian Bank Note Co. Sample Book divided in November 1985.
The last, and in the author's opinion most significant, of the five types of Fifth Issue back proofs and essays
is listed as Milt #5E25R.2. The note is a unique 25c back essay or progress proof of the adopted design in green,
but without the scrollwork surrounding the cartouche. Like the Milt #5E1OR.3, the Milt #5E25R.2 is listed, but
not pictured, in the latest edition of the Encyclopedia where it is described as "25c green back unfinished proof;
`SPECIMEN' in pencil." The essay is also mounted to a card which is in turn mounted to an archival backing and
bares the text "Sample Proof' in its field.
Prior to its appearance as Lot 268 in the Ford XI sale, there were no publicly available sales records for
Milt #5E25R.2. It should also be noted that though the note's Ford-Boyd pedigree is accurate, the rest of the lot
description is in error as the note was misattributed as being the more common Milt #5E25R.1 but bearing the
"Sample Proof' text. With that being said, the author is quite certain that the illustrated essay is the note Friedberg
described as Milt #5E25R.2.
Milt #5E25R.2, ex-Ford.
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Harvard publishes SPMC member Mihm's fake opus
A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the
Making of the United States (Harvard University PresS, 457
pages, illustrated, bibliographic essay, index, 2007).
AT THE FALL 2007 WHITMAN COIN EXPO INAtlanta, author Stephen Mihm, an Assistant Professor
of History at the University of Georgia, gave a program on
his recently published A Nation of Counterfeiters "Capitalists,
Con Men, and the Making of the United States".
It was a fascinating presentation. We have many coun-
terfeit obsolete bank notes in our collection and learning
about who made them and why they did so is generally very
difficult. Very little has been written about early counter-
feiting of bank notes.
This great reference answers from A to Z everything
you want to know about counterfeiters from the
Revolutionary War followed by the obsolete bank note era;
and right up until, and including, the old large sized notes
that circulated in our country from 1861 to 1928.
Mihm's well-illustrated, hard bound 457-page refer-
ence is jam packed with interesting stories, historical facts
and figures and numerous other things relating to counter-
feit hank notes and their production. The stories of many of
the counterfeiters will have you laughing and shaking your
The 48 pages of notes to the pages and sources, along
with the index is very useful to the researcher, collector,
dealer as well as the economic historian.
In law enforcement an investigation is conducted with a
person in the following way: the five Ws which are: Who,
What, When, Where and Why, followed by the Day, Date
and Time. This great, must-read reference, covers every-
thing you want to know regarding counterfeiting bank
notes. It was a very enjoyable read from a gifted author.
We recommend it to not only numismatists but non-
collectors as well. If you are interested in purchasing a copy
which lists for $29.95 retail, the publisher is Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Information on the book can be found in an ad at: talog/MIHNAT. h tml
-- John and Nancy Wilson
Editor's note: I second the Wilsons' appreciation for
this text and highly recommend its purchase. Complete
information may be found in this issue of PM.
120 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Special thanks are due to noted Fractional Currency dealers and experts Jim Polis and Rob Kravitz for their assis-
tance in acquiring several of the notes pictured in this work, as well as to Fractional Currency collectors and
researchers Mike Bloodsworth and Martin Gengerke for their input on the subject.
Chapman, S.H. & H. The Friedman Collection of Fractional Currency, June 3, 4, 1903.
Currency Auctions of America. The Milton R. Friedberg Collection, January 10, 1997.
Currency Auctions of America: The Tom O'Mara Collection, May 5-7, 2005.
Friedberg, Milton R.: "Fractional Currency Fourth and Fifth Issues, Papers and Printing," Paper Money, Vol. IV, No. 4, 1965.
Friedberg, Milton R. The Encyclopedia of United States Postage & Fractional Currency, First Edition (1978), and Sixth Edition
Merkin, Lester. The GENA Sale, October 6, 7, 1972.
Stack's: The John J. Ford, Jr. Collection, Part XI, June 13, 2005.
U.S. House of Representatives, 43rd Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 150, February 16, 1875.
Deal with the
Leading Auction
Company in United
States Currency
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 121
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March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Low Number
Italian Allied
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tijj, • , 53:445; .‘c ,t,irtztgtize
•:1'okroi A 00000050 A
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• . 41
dences and two numismatic luminaries: Fred
Schwan and Tom Bain.
A 9,9,-Cg?
by Peter Huntoon
Let's start with Fred Schwan. Fred is one of numismatics most enthusiastic
human beings. He has a genuine interest in just about everything.
Fred is the leading guru of military currency, having risen to that exalted
position through his tireless promotion of this now very avidly collected specialty.
Fred is the John Hickman of military currency and all things related!
The collecting of military currency was a long neglected numismatic back-
water before he came along. Good research was there, but not hoards of collectors.
For decades serious researchers like Neil Shafer and Joe Boling published cutting
edge material on all sorts of military currency topics. But probably everyone will
agree that it was Fred who sold the discipline.
He and Boling collaborated on the seminal World War II Remembered, an
864-page compilation published in 1995. Now each spring they hold the MPC Fest
which has become the premiere gathering of military numismatic collectors in the
Torn Bain
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
world. Recent fests have been held in Fred's home town of Port Clinton,
Ohio. Also Fred and Joe regularly teach military numismatics in the ANA
summer seminar series.
The other numismatist in this vignette is Torn Bain, deceased, but for-
mer charter member in the old line Texas tnafia. Tom was a pioneer in Texas
numismatics, rising to fame with his interest in and collection of Texas
National Bank Notes. His associates were Texas luminaries Amon Carter Jr.
and Johnny Rowe.
Torn was a larger than life character who stood about six-feet-three
and could be found behind tables at major conventions chewing a large cigar.
Among other attributes, he gained immortality by organizing the Torn Bain
raffle, still used as a fund raiser for the Society of Paper Money Collectors at
the membership breakfast held at each International Paper Money Convention
in Memphis. Everybody who is anybody goes to this event every year.
My earliest memory of Toni was learning of him, and writing to see if
he had any duplicate nationals for sale. This was in October 1966. His reply
was: "Sure, here's a bunch of my duplicate Texas $5 1902 notes. You can have
'em at double face. That sound ok?"
How did the likes of Torn Bain and Fred Schwan intersect?
Tom Bain was a fortuitously placed bit player in the unfolding historic
drama of the invasion of Sicily. Schwan was an avid collector of lowly Italian
AMC lire who began to make his mark on the AMC scene sonic 32 years after
the invasion.
I'll tell this from Schwan's perspective beginning in 1975. In that year
Fred really lucked out and received on approval from a dealer in London a
complete set of Series of 1943 Italian AMC with matching serials A00000069A.
The set included the 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 lire notes. He was
ecstatic and quickly wrote an article describing his find in the July 1975 Bank
Note Reporter, where he showed all eight notes.
Of course, he speculated the obvious. Someone had intercepted the
first pack of each and put some sets together. Now he was wondering where
the others were, and if the number 1 set was out there waiting to be found.
Being Fred, he talked his set up all over the 84th ANA annual conven-
tion in August 1975, and at that show connected with veteran Tom Bain -- vet-
eran numismatist and also veteran WW II warrior!
Bain told Fred about his own experience in the war which blew Fred
right out of the water. Tom had been on the receiving end when the first ship-
ment of seven tons of Italian AMC arrived in Oran, Algeria! Here is how Tom
told the story during their encounter, and how Fred wrote it up in the
September 1975 BNR.
Tom reported when AMC lire arrived in Oran, Algeria, the finance
officer, a collector of sorts, snatched the first two bundles (200 notes) of each
denomination and assembled as many sets as possible with matching numbers.
Since many of the bundles were damaged, only a few sets -- five or six
-- were assembled. Pleased with his efforts, the finance officer then offered the
sets to anyone in the area who wanted one. Torn selected set number
A00000114A because it was in the best condition. The officer no doubt kept
one for himself.
What would have been the best set of all -- A00000001A -- was not
assembled, Tom explained, because one or more of the notes was damaged.
On his own Tom put together a set of "star" (replacement) notes. These did
not have matching serials, but all had numbers which were lower than 100!
The set, unfortunately, was lost when Tom, assisted by his comrades, invaded
Fred continued to collect reports of low serial number sets over the
years. By September 1990, when he again wrote for BNR about AMC lire, he
" ,,rs,
Nr..1"*". ...lit kr'
' "Jc.. Abk.' Alts,
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
knew of two other complete sets, numbers 39 and 100. In fact, he either owned or
had owned all of them. The 100 set was particularly interesting. He wrote then:
"The number 100 set surfaced in London just as the number 69 set had many
years before. It was part of a collection or accumulation of items which appear to
have been assembled by Lieutenant Colonel C. A. Gunston. This assumption is made
because the accumulation included a number of postal covers with Allied Military
Government stamps addressed to him. Some of these were first-day covers. Add to
this the fact that Gunston worked at the Allied Military Financial Agency (AMFA)
and the evidence is rather overpowering that Gunston must have been the one who
had the number 100 set. He may have even been the officer who assembled the sou-
venir sets although this is pure speculation. Indeed if he had assembled the sets it
would seem likely that he would have had an even lower number."
Fred had also documented partial sets bearing serials 63 and 64 from the sale
of the Jerry Voigt collection some years before. In reference to the Italian lire, Fred
concluded his September 1990 article with the admonishment: ". . .research remains
to be done both in the library and at the junk boxes."
Little did he know the immediate impact that his articles were having! Just a
month later, the October 1990 BNR broke with a front page announcement of two
additional discoveries. Another complete set was reported, this one serial 52. Here is
part of the page 1 disclosure of that discovery.
Set 52 was assembled by Col. Ivy John Shuman while serving in the
Mediterranean and Europe during World War II. This set was kept by Shuman and
has been in his estate since he died in 1961. The current owner is Shuman's son. A
friend of the son read the September story and telephoned Bank Note Reporter.
Col. Shuman was the son of a sharecropper. He ran away from home and
became a runner for the Citizens and Southern Bank of Savannah, Ga., at age 12. He
then took correspondence courses and attended night classes and worked his way up
in the bank. At the start of World War II, he was the chief operations officer of the
Thomason, Ga., Citizens and Southern Bank.
He was commissioned as a captain in the U. S. Army Finance Corps and
served in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and later in France. Shuman's son did not know
many details of his father's service, but he did recall that his father was very much
involved in troop pay operations.
The author of the announcement speculated that Shuman was the fellow who
assembled the sets but challenged his own conjecture by assuming that whoever put
the sets together probably would have saved a lower number.
The second find chronicled in the October 1990 BNR came from the junk
box front. I was the dumpster diver in that case. I was driving from my home in
Laramie, WY, to Denver, CO, a few weeks prior to the appearance of Fred's
September 1990 article. Having some time to kill, I stopped by the Tebo Coin
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 125
Company in Boulder, CO, by then owned by Daryl Mercer. He had a bowl of junk
currency placed prominently on his counter with pieces that were for sale for some
nominal amount like fifty cents each.
I casually looked in the bowl and could see that there were several AMC
pieces but not much else. What immediately caught my eye were all the zeros in the
serial numbers of the pieces that were facing up! I found myself sorting through
notes from the serial 27 and 50 sets. Both sets were incomplete, even in the low
denominations. The 500 and 1000 lire denominations were not there.
I couldn't resist, so I bought all that were present and asked if they had more.
The fellow who waited on me said he doubted it. He told me they had come in a
scrapbook of odd material and he thought they were the last of the leftovers.
It was clear that they had been removed from a souvenir album where the
owner had carefully cut little strips of scotch tape and stuck them in by folding the lit-
tle pieces of tape over like stamp hinges, one on top and one on the bottom of each
note. This certainly was not the work of a sophisticated numismatist, and probably
not a collector at all. Whoever he was, he had been in Oran with the rest of soldiers
involved in this tale.
I took my little find home and felt real good about my luck. I was mildly dis-
appointed my two sets were partial, and the high denominations weren't present. I
didn't think much more about it until I was on my way to Denver the following week
or at least fairly soon thereafter. Why not stop by to see what else might be found?
There was that bowl again. It now received my highest priority rather than
the National Bank Notes displayed under glass farther along. I glanced in and saw
that the bowl contained a few odd foreign items. Interspersed much to my delight
were more AMC lire. I quickly found that they represented the missing low denomi-
nations from the serial 27 and 50 sets! The fellows running the shop looked around
and couldn't find more.
I had found the 1-, 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-lire from the A00000027A set, and the
1-, 2-, 5-, 10- and 50-lire from the A00000050A set.
You can draw one of two conclusions. Someone else had the good fortune to
buy the higher denominations from both sets before I got there, or the soldier who
put them away spent them or didn't bother keeping them because of their high face
value. We may never know. I suspect the high denominations were never saved
owing to their face value because any collector sophisticated enough to buy the higher
denominations before I stumbled onto them certainly would have been astute enough
to pick off the matching serials that were with them.
I sent the four low denominations from the A00000027A set to Fred. The
A00000027A 2-lire is pictured on page 276 in World War II Remembered.
Schwan never realized that he even made a military currency collector out of
me with those articles that he wrote! His articles added richly to the notes that I kept.
Fred located another partial set with serial 101 subsequent to all of this. As
far as Fred or anyone else can determine, similar matched low serial number sets were
not assembled for the other AMC issues in Europe or Japan.
Sources of data
Bank Note Reporter, "New lire set found," Bank Note Reporter, v. 18, no. 10 (October 1990),
pp. 1, 25.
Schwan, Fred, "Military vignettes, on the road with Fred Schwan," Bank Note Reporter, v. 3, no.
31 (July 1975), pp. 11, 13.
Schwan, Fred, "Military vignettes," Bank Note Reporter, v. 3, no. 33 (September 1975), p. 21.
Schwan, Fred, "Allied military currency, lira issue was first," Bank Note Reporter, v. 18, no. 9
(September 1990), pp. 36-39.
Schwan, Fred, "Set number 69, home at last," Bank Note Reporter, v. 18, no. 10 (October 1990),
pp. 37-38.
Schwan, C. Frederick, and Boling, Joseph E., World War II Remembered. Port Clinton, OH:
BNR Press, 864 p., 1995.
Semeniuk, John, December Italian AMC, currency created for occupation, Bank Note Reporter.
v. 16, no. 12 (1988), pp. 28, 30, 32. •:*
Researcher compiles sagas of distaff national bank presidents
Perhaps one national bank president in a thousand was a woman during the National Bank Note-issuing period
(1863-1935). These presidents were the first women to sign our US currency. Karl S. Kabelac has been
researching who these unique women were and how each became a bank president. Previous articles in the
series have been:
No. 1 Kate Gleason, East Rochester NY, May/June
1999, 67-70
No. 2 Betsey Tollefson, Mabel MN, July/August
2000, 116, 118, 120, 122
No. 3 Eliza D. Page, Perry NY, March/April 2002,
No. 4 Myrtle T. Bradford and Nancy R. Bradford,
Greenville IL, May/June 2003, 172-174
No. 5 Carrie McBride, Elgin NE, March/April 2004,
No. 6 Elizabeth Lucas, Columbus IN, July/August
2004, 304, 306
No. 7 Welthea M. Marsh, Groton NY, May/June
2005, 210, 212
No. 8 Phebe M. Rideout, Oroville CA, May/June
2006, 163-167
No. 9 Nellie T. Peck, Mexico NY,
November/December 2006, 434, 436
No. 10 Frances E. Moulton, Limerick ME, May/June
2007, 212-216
No. 11 Mrs. J. H. Moore, Deport TX, July/August
2007, 295
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Katherine R. William;
National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
an article, "Women as Bankers," prompted by the election
of Miss Katherine Williams to the presidency of The National
Bank of LaGrange, Indiana.
The paper noted that her election "is a reward for fitness,
she having served as a subordinate for years, and as manager of
the loans and collection department never having accepted a bad
note." The article went on to say that in the West women were
more apt to play a role in American banking than in the East and
concluded that women could succeed as well as men in many
banking positions.
Katherine Williams was born in 1858 in Howe, Ind., a
community just north of the larger community of LaGrange, the
county seat of LaGrange County. She was the daughter of
Samuel Porter and Isabel Jane (Hume) Williams. Her father had
settled in this area of northeastern Indiana as a young man in the
1830s. During his long and active life, he had been involved in
many civic and business endeavors before dying at the age of 83
in 1897.
The National Bank of LaGrange received charter #4972
and opened on July 31, 1894, succeeding the First National Bank
of LaGrange whose 20-year charter had ceased to exist the
evening before. Samuel P. Williams was vice president of the
bank, and at his death three years later his daughter succeeded to
that position.
The election of Katherine R. Williams as president of the bank was page five
news in the January 11, 1906, issue of The LaGrange Standard.
Miss /tad° Preindent of the
National Bank
The , stockholders of the National
hank or LaGrange , held their annual
meetim&Tuesday. and re-elected Miss
Katherine It. William, George P.
Robinson, John J. Gillette and I Sam-
uel Shepardson, directors. Leon; ROse
was elected a director inplace of his
fat her..• Sol Rose, • recently. deceased.
The Ruse stock. or the bulk,of ft, re-
mains id ..the widow's possessiOn.
The di rectors elected. iss Williams.
president: Leon 1 .0se.- vice president:
.1. LNOrris, cashier; E. H. Shepherd,
Miss Williams has been vice presi-
flew, of the bank 'Sirice the death of
her father, Williarris, who
held the same otTli:c., and , inherits his
financial ability. In the election of
Miss :Willia MS anti Mr. ROse the hank
retains representatives o the two
largest estates in the county, the.oriz-
inators.of vehiCitontribilited largely
to the • stiong financial conditiOn of
the bank from its start.:
The re-election of Mr.; Norri, and
Mr. Shepherd is.deserv0 on their, part
and has the approval of the patrons
of the:institution:
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Mar. 2008
By Fred Reed
Mar. 1
1766, Delaware Colonial Currency (FR DE9-161 bears this date; 1870, first issue of
Canadian 25-cent shinplasters; 1978, Paper Money Editor Doug Watson resigns; pre-
vious Editor Barbara Mueller returns on interim basis;
Mar. 2
1839, Congress authorizes one-year interest-bearing notes of $50 and up; 1872, Three
percent Treasury Certificates for funding Compound Interest Treasury Notes autho-
Mar. 3
1834, Cincinnati's Lafayette Bank incorporated; 1863, Congress extends previous
penalties against counterfeiting to Fractional Currency;
Mar. 4
1841, Thomas Ewing takes office as Treasury Secretary; 1909, Feds ban all private
scrip note circulation;
Mar. 5
1845, Baltimore coin/currency dealer George W. Massamore born; 1864, One-year
five percent S20 Interest Bearing Treasury Note reads "God And Our Right" and "In
God Is Our Trust";
Mar. 6
1819, McCulloch v. Maryland affirms BUS has constituional right to establish branches
within any state; 1933, National Bank Holiday closes all banks for four days;
Mar. 7
1844, anti-vice crusader Anthony Comstock who waged war against "obscene 18%
S5 SC born; 1933, Newark, NJ, Clearing House issues depression certificates;
Mar. 8
1701, Massachusetts House reviews report of General Court committee on monetary
reforms; 1865, Hugh McCulloch resigns as Comptroller of Currency;
Mar. 9
1839, "First" CSA currency collector Robert Alonzo Brock born; 1914, Banknote
engraver Lorenzo Hatch dies; 1935, first delivery of Series 1934 S20 FRNs;
Mar. 10
1862, Congress authorizes Legal Tender Notes (FR 101; 1945, William Donlon,
Barney Bluestone, Billy Sunday, H.K. Crofoot and others sign $2 shortsnorter at Albert
A. Grinnell collection sale;
Mar. 11
1817, Register of Treasury Glenni William Scofield born; 1874, Senator Charles
Sumner (FR 3451 dies; 1964, first delivery of $1 FRNs with motto IGWT;
Mar. 12
1830, Supreme Court in Craig vs. Missouri rules state loan certificates intended for cir-
culation are unconstitutional; 1869, George S. Boutwell takes office as Treasury
Mar. 13
1857, Mexico adopts decimal monetary system; 1911, recently deceased National
Bank Note author Dewitt Gipson Prather born;
Mar. 14
1853, Ohio legislature authorizes state treasurer to seize all assets of tax delinquent
banks; 1911, end of Vernon-McClung combined tenure as Register and Treasurer;
Mar. 15
1811, Austria declares bankruptcy; 1915, Interim emergency banknotes printed by a
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser
of rare American paper
currency ... CALL
Dar-es-Salaam newspaper bear this issue date; 1938, Secret Service begins its "Know
Your Money" campaign;
Mar. 16
1832, encased stamp issuer merchant John W. Bussing born; 1867, Confederate note
facsimilist Sam Upham advertises cure for drunkenness in Harper's Weekly;
Mar. 17
1782, Pennsylvania makes counterfeiting of bank notes a crime; 1915, William F.
Dunham issues Check List and Auction Record Prices of Encased Postage Stamps;
Mar. 18
1817, Bank of St. Louis $10 note vignette provides earliest view of the river city; 1863,
subscription books open on CSA Erlanger loan;
Mar. 19
1799, Banknote engraver Jacob Perkins receives patent for "check to detect counter-
feits"; 1900, encased stamp inventor John Gault dies;
Mar. 20
1894, President Washington signs Act authorizing $1 million 5% loan from BUS;
1968, President Johnson signs legislation removing gold backing from U.S. currency;
Mar. 21
1617, Matoaka (a.k.a. Pocahontas), who appears on several U.S. federal currency,
dies; 1918, numismatist/philatelist Fred L. Reed Jr. horn;
Mar. 22
1866, ANS approves publication of American Journal of Numismatics; 1963, Time
magazine reports American Bank Note Company employs 33 engravers to keep up
with inflation-ravagecl currencies;
Mar. 23
1867, Smithers tells Sliggins he has committed a very grave offence "passing a coun-
terfit bill, knowing it to be such" when he did not pick up a fake note lying on the
ground; 1900, Texas NBN collector, SPMC member Bill Logan born;
Mar. 24
1755, Senator Rufus King, who appears on unissued $5 National Bank Circulating
Note design, born: 1935, Rhode Island paper money author Roger Durand born;
Mar. 25
1815, issue date on Bank of the United States $3 notes; 1964, U.S. Treasury
announces it will redeem Silver Certificates in bullion instead of silver dollars;
Mar. 26
1807, Spencer Perceval becomes British Chancellor of the Exchequer; 1861, John
Murdock patents counterfeit deterrent consisting of large numeral across note's face;
Mar. 27
1820, NYC Common Council learns William H. Bunn is recirculating redeemed
municipal small change bills for his own profit; 2002, Canada introduces its new
"Children at Play" $5 note in its "Canadian Journey' series;
Mar. 28
1864, initial delivery of $20 First Charter National Currency to Comptroller of
Currency for issuance to banks; 1946, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson born;
Mar. 29
1862, NYT reports "the New Legal Tender Notes nearly ready for use"; 1879, Brooklyn
Daily Eagle Washington correspondent "Peconic" reports Lincoln 50-cent Fractional
Currency will he replaced because they are so easily counterfeited;
Mar. 30
1793, Pennsylvania Legislature charters Bank of Pennsylvania; 1861, Charles Burt's
ABNCo die ;141 (utilized on $10 Demand and Legal Tender Notes) approved;
Mar. 31
1848, Toppan, Carpenter & Co. receive contract for U.S. treasury notes issued under
this and subsequent acts; 1955, Chase National Bank merges with Bank of Manhattan
Co. to form Chase Manhattan Bank;
VA*, WI!
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• (A Laze,
128 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
A Series 1882 $5 National
Bank Note with Katherine R.
Williams' signature as vice
president of The National Bank
of LaGrange. J. I. Norris signed
as cashier. (Courtesy Bob
Cochran Collection)
In November 1905, the president of the bank Solomon Rose, died, and in
January 1906 Miss Williams was elected president. In 1917 the bank moved into its
new bank building. Two years later Miss Williams retired from the presidency. At
that time the local newspaper noted she "retires at this dine because she does not care
to further assume the responsibilities of the position." Unfortunately, the bank closed
in 1927 due to unfavorable local economic conditions.
At her death in 1952, The LaGrange Standard headlined her obituary, "Miss
Katherine Williams Last of One of LaGrange County's Most Prominent Pioneer
Families, Dies at Age of 93."
The paper noted, "She was a sterling character, widely know for her keen
business acumen, her leadership and her far flung charities." Later in the obituary it
stated, "Miss Katherine inherited the business genius of her father and her counsel
was sought through the years by seasoned business men as well as young people. She
served as president of the LaGrange National Bank ... and was connected with a
number of other banks and business organizations."
It also noted her works of charity, especially in helping young people gain an
Especially useful
have been the microfilm
issues of The LaGrange
Standard for January 11,
1906, on Katherine R.
William's election to
the bank presidency;
January 17, 1919, on her
retirement and her suc-
cessor's election; and
February 28, 1952, for
her obituary. A bio-
graphical sketch of her
father is found in the
History of Northeast
Indiana (1920), p. 409.
An overview of the his-
tory of LaGrange banks
is found in My Town,
Your Town - LaGrange,
1836-1986, p. 52 -53. +
The bank's new building,
opened in 1917, near the end of
Katherine R. Williams' presiden-
rare American paper
currency ... CALL
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Apr. 2008
By Fred. Reed
Apr. 1
1833, Citizens Bank of Louisiana, famous for its DIX notes, chartered; 1865, First
shipment of S1 and S2 NBNS, to FNB of Akron, OH;
Apr. 2
1834, sculptor Frederic Auguste Batholdi whose "Liberty Enlightening the World"
graces SPMC 25th anniversary souvenir card, born; 1922, Fox Film Corp. releases its
silent film Money To Burn; 1947, last delivery of Series 1934A $5 FRN;
Apr. 3
1862, New Orleans café owner John B. Schiller issues 25- and 50-cent scrip payable
in Confederate currency; 1969, Toni and Jerry's comic book "Money" copyrighted by
Golden Books Publishing Co.;
Apr. 4
1827, NY encased stamp issuer patent medicine vender Demas Barnes born; 1969,
Bernard Cooper & Jerome Rubler file patent for UV detection of counterfeit currency;
Apr. 5
1861, first CSA Montgomery S50 and 5100 notes issued; 1918, Third Liberty Loan
offers $3 billion in bonds at 4.5 percent;
Apr. 6
1858, Augustus B. Sage, Edward Groh and 10 others adopt constitution for American
Numismatic and Archaeological Society; 1909, first credit union formed in U.S.;
Apr. 7
1795, French National Convention decrees establishment of decimal monetary sys-
tem; 1961, BEP begins printing 21-subject sheets of USDA Food Coupons;
Apr. 8
1871, Comptroller of Currency forwards first sheets of Original Series 5500-$1000
National Gold Bank Notes to Kidder NGB of Boston; 1919, G.F.C. Smillie promoted to
Superintendent of Picture Engravers at BEP with salary raised from $6,600 to $7,500;
Apr. 9
1742, Massachusetts House requires some "bills of credit of the present emission ..
shall be signed by three of the committee"; 1924, former Comptroller of Currency
Charles G. Dawes recommends plan for WWI reparations;
Apr. 10
1816, Congress charters Second Bank of the United States; 1962, President Kennedy
signs legislation granting ANA perpetual charter;
Apr. 11
1864, Treasury Secretary Chase suggests to Wm. P. Fessenden that central government
should tax notes issued under state authority; 1980, U.S. Treasury delays sending out
$3 billion in tax refund checks to avoid "bulge" in Money Supply statistics;
Apr. 12
1866, Congress passes Contraction Act for retiring greenbacks; 1922, Outlook maga-
zine publishes "The Dismissals in the Bureau of Printing and Engraving" (sic);
Apr. 13
1841, State of Michigan issues six-percent interest-bearing treasury notes; 2007, R.M.
Smythe auctions Western Reserve Historical Society Confederate currency collection;
Apr. 14
1865, Receiver appointed for FNB of Attica, NY, on date of Lincoln assassination, first
NB to fail; 1913, collector and NBN museum founder William R. Higgins Jr. born;
Apr. 15
1793, Bank of England issues first five pound notes; 1978, Paper money dealer and
author William P. Donlon dies; 2000, MPC Gram electronic newsletter launched;
Apr. 16
1862, President Abraham Lincoln purchases 52,000 of 7-30 Treasury Notes; 1869,
Third Issue of Fractional Currency ceases, according to U.S. Treasurer Jas. Gilfillan;
Apr. 17
1810, Andrew Maverick patents a copper plate ink roller; 1934, first delivery Series
19:34 $10 SCs; 1970, Lester Merkin sells Josiah Lilly's encased stamp collection;
Apr. 18
1786, Bank of New York emits four pound notes under authority of State Legislature;
1896, printing of Series 1896 S1 Educational Note (FR 224) commences;
Apr. 19
1865, surplus federal currency in treasury of one CSA military department used to pay
off Confederate soldiers at S1 greenback to $15 in rebel notes; 1891, banker and ban-
knote reporter publisher John Thompson dies;
Apr. 20
1830, U.S. Treasurer Conrad N. Jordan born; 1887, Portsmouth (NFli Daily Chronicle
reports on James H. Cables, an attache (salesman) of The United States Treaury
Counterfeit Detector and his special license from the Secretary of the Treasury to carry
and display spurious paper money and coins;
Apr. 21
1863, M. Carey Lee patents printing notes in "fugitive' inks to prevent frauds; 1960,
first numbered issue of Coin World features Florida paper money dealer Grover
Criswell on cover;
Apr. 22
1899, Lincoln currency and portraits exhibited at New York's Grolier Club; 1999,
Earth Day commemorated on "Antarctica Overseas Exchange Office LTD" Si note;
Apr. 23
1860, NBNCo patents geometric cycloidal configurations as counterfeit deterrent;
1918, Congress authorizes small denomination Federal Reserve Bank Notes;
Apr. 24
1872, John Jay Knox begins tenure as Comptroller of the Currency; 1944, Last deliv-
ery of North Africa notes to our troops;
Apr. 25
1865, Jay Cooke, as financial agent for the U.S. Treasury, publishes flyers to solicit
sales of 7-30 bonds; 1985, Donald Kagin's Personal Guide to Rare Coin Investments
copyrighted; 1987, ground broken for BEP Western Printing Facility at Fort Worth, TX;
Apr. 26
1965, a Fractional Currency article by high school-aged future Paper Money Editor
Fred Reed is featured in Linn's Weekly Stamp News; 2004, Treasury Secretary John
Snow unveils design for "NexGen" colorful 550 FRN at BEP western facility;
Apr. 27
1862, Union vessels seize cargo ship Bermuda with special CSA watermarked curren-
cy paper aboard; 1873, New York State prohibits circulars and handbills in imitation
of U.S. Notes, NBNs or "other bank notes" with fines of 5500-51000 and/or jail;
Apr. 28
1868, NYT reports Richard Muhlstadt, aka John Muller, put on trial for attempting to
pass counterfeit 50-cent Fractional Currency at an orange stand; 1942, Bank of
Thailand Act capitalizes a central bank with the sole right to issue banknotes in
Apr. 29
1863, collector William Randolph Hearst born; 1955, U.S. Secret Service mounts spe-
cial counterfeit exhibit as CSNS Detroit convention; 1977, First NASCA mail bid sale;
Apr. 30
1789, most popular U.S. paper money subject, George Washington sworn in as
Nation's first President; 1884, John Jay Knox prefaces United States Notes;
I II — f4 :It "I
giannanzra var. 111ERIIIECO
elehred by Fred Recd
130 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Former SPMC librarian says new Benice Florida book excels
Florida Paper Money: An Illustrated History, 1817-1934.
Ronald J. Benice, edited by Fred Reed. Published by
McFarland & Company. Inc, Publishers, Jefferson, North
Carolina, copyright 2008. 197 pps. Publication date May
2008, $49.95.
Obsolete paper money collectors have benefited from
an abundance of new and very good books over the last
three or four years. These include Wendell Wolka's A
History of Nineteenth. Century Ohio Obsolete Bank Notes
and Scrip, Shawn Hewitt's A History and Catalog of
Minnesota Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip, Mack Martin
and Kenneth Latimer's State of Georgia: Treasury Notes,
Treasury Certificates & Bonds, and others. This book
joins that distinguished group. Author Ron Benice has
built on the earlier work of Criswell, Freeman, and
Cassidy with ten years of research in "archives, legisla-
tive records, libraries, museums, and historical soci-
eties." These sources were supplemented by auction
records and information from major dealers and Florida
collectors. The result is a thorough
and well-illustrated volume on
Florida's paper money over a wide
time span.
The earliest known Florida note is
an 1817 issue from Gregor
MacGregor's short lived Republic of
the Floridas on Amelia Island. The
history of his adventure is quite inter-
esting. Benice illustrates the sole
known note survivor, and tells us why
several other alleged survivors are in
fact something else.
The Territory of Florida issued
notes dated from 1829 through 1831. I
suspect that many collectors of territo-
rial paper money did not know that
Florida was part of their collecting ter-
ritory. The few issues in this period
are especially well illustrated.
These first two chapters are followed by an extensive
chapter on "Civil War Currency." It is here that the
author's research has substantially supplemented,
revised and corrected the earlier cataloging of Bradbeer,
B. M. Douglas, B. H. Hughes, and the Criswells. He
adds issues and varieties not known to these numismatic
pioneers, and he identifies notes that they listed for
which no evidence of production or existence can be
found. While Benice has contributed his own numbering
system, he co-lists the popular Criswell number when
there is one.
A chapter on "Florida Currency During
Reconstruction" describes that bleak time, and the sim-
ply printed Comptroller's warrants and Treasury certifi-
cates that attempted to meet the need for a circulating
currency. The State later ordered and issued well-
engraved notes by the National Bank Note Company, but
the complete order was never received because the print-
er's bill went unpaid.
The largest chapter is the more traditional listing
and description of both scrip and bank notes by place
name. He provides illustrations for many notes, and for
all there is a written description of the note. In the
description he includes the type of paper used, if it is
unusual, the names of the people—real or mythological—
in the vignettes, the printer, and a rarity estimation
using the Sheldon convention, and a brief history of the
issuer. The catalog includes a few notes from outside the
state: Some meant for circulation in Florida, and some
that used a Florida place name to elude a local law.
Benice wisely offers no value estimates. Florida has
many very rare notes for which a value estimate would
be foolish, given two or more deep-pocketed collectors.
Other values, if provided, would soon be misleading
because of changes, usually up, but which could fall if a
new horde becomes available.
The book concludes with chapters on advertising
notes, financial panic and depression scrip, and college
currency. These are more modest chapters usually not
even a part of similar books, and Benice indicates where
more research is needed. Benice carefully describes
what he includes in the book, what he
omits, and any gray area where his judg-
ment prevails. For instance, for bank
notes, he includes certificates of exchange
and negotiable certificates of deposit
(omitted by Haxby), and excludes checks
and three-party exchange certificates. In
the gray area are promissory notes of var-
ious kinds. He includes those payable to
bearer and meant to circulate, and
excludes those representing two-party
transactions or one-time use. The book's
scope is both well-defined and broad.
My only criticism, and it is minor, is
his exclusion of more detailed information
contained in a half-dozen or so of his own
articles that have appeared in Paper
Money in recent years. In places in the
text he offers the citation for those wanti-
ng the detail. Readers as interested in
the history as much as the notes will be tantalized, but
they may not have easy access to the articles. Perhaps
they could have been included as an appendix. That
said, Benice does provide more details about the who and
why of the notes, as well as the general historical con-
text, than most authors.
Florida now has an excellent, comprehensive history
of its paper money, a book that will serve both the collec-
tor and the historian for a long time.
Publisher McFarland has produced an attractive
book, traditionally hard-cover bound with quality paper
and ample margins. The illustrations are large and
clear, although none are in color, and the typography
pleases. The author's list of citations and the indexing
are extensive. McFarland is relatively new to numismat-
ic books, but it is a "leading U.S. publisher of scholarly,
reference and academic books." and has an extensive cat-
alog of fascinating non-fiction books, many deeply prob-
ing little-explored areas. Check out their catalog at web
site or call 1-800-253-2187.
— Bob Schreiner
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No, 254 131
Part II
Did Abraham Lincoln's icon image on
money influence his public perception?
By Fred Reed©
THIS ARTICLE IS THE SECOND TO EXAMINEthe effect (if any) of Abraham Lincoln's image on U.S.
paper money and coins in shaping public perception of our
nation's martyred 16th Chief Executive.
Readers are referred to the original article in this series of
similar title, published in Paper Money Sept/Oct 2006, pp.
395ff., which examined "Significant Lincoln Images" in more
than 500 books published from Lincoln's time down to the
That study was the first of its kind, of which I am aware,
to examine the shadow cast by numismatic representations on
the Lincoln legacy. It drew a good deal of positive response
within the hobby. I am most happy to report it was also
selected to appear in the Winter 2007 issue of Lincoln Herald,
published by
Lincoln Memorial
University, one of
the oldest and
most prestigious
of the scholarly
Lincoln journals.*
Research for
the earlier study
and the present
one too were
financed in part
by grants from
our Society of
Paper Money
Collectors, for
which I am deeply
For those not
familiar with the
earlier study:
Over time I realized that money is a powerful media of indoc-
trination. The ancients knew a thing or two about putting
their images on their coinage, and the effects are no less pro-
nounced today. Money images are the most ubiquitous of the
Lincoln graphical devices. I formed a working hypothesis that
Abe's appearances on our money over time created a public
persona, an icon image branded by repetition, which was
* The Lincoln Herald is a publication of Lincoln Memorial
University, Harrowgate, TN. This quarterly, starting its
110th volume (since 1938 under the present name), is edited
by Dr. Thomas R. Turner. Managing editor is Steven
Wilson, Curator and Assistant Director of the Abraham
Lincoln Library and Museum at LMU. Subscriptions are $25
a year from Lincoln Memorial University Press, 1234
Cumberland Gap Parkway, Harrogate, TN 37752.
reflected in subsidiary ways in other popular media, thus creat-
ing an even more powerful brand in public consciousness.
To test this hypothesis, I surveyed the principal image of
Lincoln selected to appear in various biographies and histo-
ries, such as a cover or frontispiece illustration which I called a
"Significant Lincoln Image" (SLI). I surveyed about 1,000
volumes in a bias-neutral manner, recording images on books
as they fell on the shelves of a major Lincolniana library at
Lincoln Memorial University. Readers are directed to the
earlier article for details.
My study found several strong correllations to the use of
Lincoln money images as models for SLI's. Several of were:
(1) the official Congressional observance on Lincoln's birth-
day Feb. 12, 1866, Memorial Address on the Life and
Character of Abraham Lincoln, incorporates as its fron-
tispiece National Bank Note Co.'s Lincoln portrait
"Engraved and Printed at the Treasury Department;"
(2) the current $5 FRN image has ALWAYS been popular,
but enjoys resurgence concurrent to its use on these new
(3) a surge of interest in the old familiar $5 pose followed
closely introduction of $1 Silver Certificates with this
image in 1899;
(4) the ingrained "$5 pose" (used on the old style $5 notes of
several classes) became increasingly popular from the
1950s onward until it was supplanted by the new
"NexGen" $5 FRNs;
(5) several works employ CSA banknote engraver Frederick
Halpin's Lincoln portrait engraving that was Charles
Burt's Fractional Currency model;
(6) the cent profile employed by Brenner ginned interest in
this image by book publishers;
(7) Lincoln Centennary Assoc. compilation, Speeches of
Abraham Lincoln (1908), employs a die proof of the Alfred
Seeley Cooper Union portrait engraving on its title page,
which was used on a Civil War era obsolete banknote.
These findings tend to show some correllation between
Lincoln money images and their use in secondary media. I
thought the findings were interesting, but not necessarily con-
clusive. Could such an experiment be duplicated, for example?
Or, could another scale be developed to measure this effect:
On my part, I promised to revisit the hypothesis.
Published here for the first time are the results of a subse-
quent investigation. Casting around for another yardstick to
measure the effect (if any) of Lincoln's money images, I deter-
mined to study additional SLI use, but this time on periodical
literature rather than just duplicate the previous effort with
books. I thought erroneously (and probably naively too!) that
since Lincoln topics had been parsed repeatedly, I'd locate a
list of Lincoln images on periodical covers and see what (if
any) correllation existed.
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Table 2 -- A Timeline of Lincoln Numismatic Images on U.S. Federal Paper Money and the Lincoln Cent
C, Cr, N. cc
C, 1
Greenback $10 & $20 lot. Notes ■I
Greenback $100 & $1 SC & Old $5
Gold Certif. $500/Current $5 FRNs
Fractional Currency 50( notes
Cent Profile
cc C".1 Cr,
Cr, r, Cr,
I figured there must be at least a thousand different
Lincoln magazine covers, and probably more. Not so fast, hot
shot. Apparently the extensive (and they really are extensive)
Lincoln bibliographies of periodical literature do not attempt
to list Lincoln appearances as cover illustrations. Undeterred,
I reasoned, that large collections of Lincolniana (and there are
many) must exist with a category devoted to such literature,
perhaps as a sub-category of a prints classification.
There may be such specialized Lincolniana collections of
periodical cover prints, but I haven't turned up one yet.
Apparently Lincoln cover illustrations are relegated to clip-
ping files and ephemera.
A typical response from an institutional source was
received from Cindy VanHorn Registrar at the Lincoln
Museum in Fort Wayne, IN. "Fred, I'm sorry, but our whole
collection is kept in our storage vault with staff only access.
There is no browsing possible. A researcher here must have a
specific topic of interest for which we will bring out appropri-
ate materials. We do not have a file on magazine covers on
which Lincoln photographs appear. Also, the Museum does
not subscribe to popular magazine titles such as TIME or
Newsweek on whose covers I know Lincoln's photograph has
appeared in the last few years. I would suggest you do your
research in a larger public or university library.
"Then if you need to find specific issues of periodicals
with Lincoln on the cover, you are welcome to come here to
go through our catalog cards on our magazine clippings file.
But you would need to know beforehand the specific magazine
for which you're looking for the catalog cards to be of use to
you in your research," she added.
I quickly found that it's one of those "Catch 22" style
dilemmas. One has to know where the desired object is before
he can look for it there.
Ms. VanHorn's insights were mirrored by Abraham
Lincoln Library and Museum Archivist Michelle Ganz, who
told me, "I haven't compiled a list of 'Lincoln covers'. I am
intrigued, though. Lincoln has been featured on a staggering
number of covers for all sorts of publications. I don't know of
anyone who has ever attempted to undertake a project such as
this. I'm not even sure if the LOC has something like this, but
they would have the closest thing to it."
AVith the robustness of Lincoln periodical cover illustra-
tions it is surprising to me that no one has undertaken a spe-
cialized study on this species of print. LiVIU Assistant
Director Steve Wilson corroborated Ms. Ganz's view, telling
me he couldn't recall anyone who had ever compiled a listing
of Lincoln images on periodical covers. "Not that I'm aware
of," Wilson said, "and having seen hundreds of Lincoln
images on covers, you'll have plenty to choose from. . . . I
don't think there is a category" in the Lincoln Memorial
University collection for this type of illustration.
Well, one man's ephemera is another's gold, as eBay
abundantly proves. The ancient Chinese say, "a journey of a
thousand li begins with a single step ..." so I plunged in.
Undeterred, I canvassed numerous library holdings, pub-
lic, private, academic, and on line, and even book sellers'
inventories. In a four-month period commencing September
2007, 1 logged miles, spent time, money, took pictures, made
photocopies, and entered an abundance of notes into my lap-
top computer. Again, this record-keeping was conducted in a
bias-neutral manner. I considered every magazine that fell
within my purview.
Frankly, I had a lot of frustration, and occasioned a mea-
sure of incredulity from some that I just wanted to look
through stacks of magazines to find those with covers showing
Abe Lincoln. But along the way I also had a lot of help from
efficient librarians, who suffered my intrusions patiently.
Even discounting periodicals such as the journal of the
Abraham Lincoln Association, Lincoln Herald, and similar special-
ist periodicals which habitually depict Lincoln on their covers,
I developed a census of 201 general and niche periodicals pub-
lished over the past 140-odd years with Lincoln covers.
This result is certainly not the sampling of a thousand
publications which I had envisioned, but it is a broad cross-
section of periodicial literature anyway. It is also apparently a
larger listing than has been compiled elsewhere in the last cen-
There was, as I suspected, a lot of interest in Lincoln
across the pallet of general and special interest periodicals.
Every publication, or so it seems, has it own parochial interest
in a portion of Old Abe's legacy and slants its coverage toward
the interests of its readers. Not unexpectedly, interest peaks
early in the year around the time of the anniversary of Abe's
birth February 12. In fact 40 percent of the titles in the survey
bore February dates. This number jumps to nearly 49 percent
among memorial uses in publications post-1880s. April (the
month of Lincoln's death) and November (the month of the
Gettysburg Address) recorded 11 percent respectively of uses
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 133
Table 3 -- Periodicals yielding Significant Lincoln Images (SLIs) by Decade and Type in Several Libraries, Collections & Archives
Items Demand Cent French Gettysburg St. G Other Cooper
Decade w/SLI & LT New $5 Old $5 FC pose Profile Statue AL/Tad Lincoln Statue Statues Union
1860s 37* t 1 2
1b 4
11 3
2 1 1
1910s 10 1 2
1920s 10 2
1930s 14 2 2 1 2
1940s 17 2 4a 2
1950s 22 1 2 2 2c
1960s 17 1 1 la 1
l a
2 cd
1990s 20 3 3 6
2000s 13 1 t 2 1
Totals 204 Oe 8f 9g Oe 13h 15i 51 22k 2 1 11m 6
indicates time period of issue of paper money/cents with the indicated Lincoln money image exclusive of commemoratives
* Illustrative Lincoln covers were VERY popular during the Civil War era, as would be expected
• Fewer illustrated cover periodicals were issued in the 1870s-1880s, and none were found with a Lincoln image, until the 1890s
when memorializing Lincoln once again become a perenially popular illustrated cover subject
Includes once instance each of Lincoln Memorial images
Proposed Lincoln Burial Monument, Springfield, IL
Includes one instance each of Mount Rushmore
Volk life mask
The short-lived Lincoln portraits on the $10 Demand & Legal Tender Notes, $20 Interest-Bearing Notes / Compound Interest
Treasury Notes, and 50( Fractionals had no impact on periodical cover illustration among items sampled
The Current $5 pose, which previously appeared on high value Gold Certificates has traditionally been a popular Lincoln portrait for
hook and periodical SLIs -- but notice how its use parallels the issue of federal paper money with this image
The Old $5 portrait, which previously appeared on $100 Legal Tender Notes was a popular Lincoln portrait for a century following
its introduction on the $1 Silver Certificates and $5s of several classes, until replaced by the Current $5 pose
The cent profile has been popular since the early 1900s and quickly eclipsed other Lincoln profile portrait models for periodical
cover use -- notice how the use of Lincoln profile images on periodical covers parallels the issue of Lincoln cents
Daniel Chester French's seated Lincoln figure in the Memorial at the west end of the Mall in D.C. has been a very popular model
since shortly after its official dedication in 1922
Lincoln and son Tad, a perennial favorite for book SLIs, has ceased to have that same appeal on periodical covers, although a 20( U.S.
postage stamp on that model labeled "A Nation of Readers" was issued October 16, 1984
k The "Gettysburg" Lincoln portrait, which was the most popular model among book SLIs, is also the most popular model in this study
1 The standing Lincoln by Augustus Saint-Gaudens in Chicago, which ceased to become a popular SLI in the previous study after the
1930s, ceased to become a significant model for periodical covers after the 1910s
m Other statues/memorials of/to Lincoln became quite significant as SLIs on periodicals supplanting the Saint-Gaudens, similar to what
was revealed in the book SLI study
in this memorial time period. Distribution among the other
nine months was random and very nearly equal.
Periodicals in the survey with recorded Lincoln covers
included: All Aboard, Amazing, American Antiques journal,
American Boy, American Collector, American Heritage, American
History Illustrated, American Legion Magazine, American Legion
Monthly, American Magazine, American Phrenological journal,
Atlantic, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Bill & Ted's Excellent
Comics, Biografias Selectos, Blue & Gray, Bluebook, Budget of Fun,
Captain America, Captain America the Falcon,
Also, Century Illustrated, Chicago Times Magazine, Chicago
Tribune Magazine, Chicago Tribune TV Week, Civil War, Civil
War Chronicles, Civil War Times Illustrated, Classic Images,
Classics Illustrated, Colliers, Comentario, Cornerstone, Country
Home, Deutsch Amerika, Em Guarda, En Guardia (that's right
they are different; one is Spanish-language, the other
Portuguese), Etude, Fate, First Strike, Flash, Funniest Nun,
Gedenkhlatt, George, Graphic Antiquarian, Great Guns, Guns
Magazine, Hampton's, Harper's Weekly, Hobbies, Home, House of
Mystery, Household, junior Scholastic, Kid's Discover,
Also, Ladies Home journal, Legends, Leslie's Illustrated, Life,
Literary Digest, Mad magazine, McClure's, Mekeels & Stamps
Magazine, Mid-Week Pictorial, Missouri-Pacific Magazine,
Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds, National Lampoon, New York
Illustrated News, New York Times Magazine, New Yorker, Paper
Money, Playbill, Picture Stories from American History, Portrait
'Monthly, Rail Splitter, Railroad Trainman, Railway Carmen's
journal, Saturday Evening Post, Scalphunter, Scooby-Doo,
Also, Self Culture, Smithsonian, Spinning Wheel, Stage After
Dark, Success Unlimited, Time, The Buick Magazine, The Ft-a,
The Incredible Hulk, The Instructor, The Magazine Antiques, The
Mentor, The Numismatist, The Playgoer, The Rotarian, The Sun,
This Week, Treasure Chest, True, the man 's magazine, TV Week,
Unknown Worlds, Warrior, Wierd Tales, Wisdom, Young Folks
Library, Youth's Companion, U.S. News & World Report, Vanity
Fair, Western Christian Advocate, and Women 's Day.
All these disparate publications had a distictive slant on
Lincoln's life and legacy. And I'll tell you that as a long time
member of the American Society of Magazine Editors, even I
was surprised by the variety of this specialized interest.
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money134
published by
Werner Co.,
Akron, Ohio,
February 1899
First Strike
published by
Numismatic Assn.,
Winter 1989
published by New
Yorker Stats-
Feb. 12, 1916
So what did I find? research efforts, did many illustrated Lincoln covers for publi-
Periodical illustration is MUCH more diverse than book cations such as the Lincoln Herald, Treasure Chest and others.
illustration as least so far as "Significant Lincoln Images."
One of the outstanding items in my personal Lincoln
There's a tradition in periodicals of distinctive illustrated coy-
exhibition room is an excellent, large oil painting by Vincente
ers. Editors are always looking for unique and interesting Aderente, a noted muralist and illustrator of the early-20th
takes on an old topic, so the artists and illustrators have a century. It is shown below; please forgive my amateur photo-
much freer reign with their artistic expression. Artists of the graphic efforts. I feel Aderente's portrait, based on the same
caliber of Norman Rockwell, Howard Chandler Christy, photographic exemplars as Brenner's cent (two Lincoln profile
J.L.G. Ferris, J.C. Leyendecker, Howard McCormick, Harry photographs among several others taken Feb. 9, 1864, for
Dunn (he designed the NBC peacock logo too), Boardman Lincoln's 55th birthday by Anthony Berger) must have been
Robinson, Albin Henning, originally created for magazine
A. Burgess, F.S. Brunner, use c. 1905-1910 -- although I
C.C. Beall, John Atherton, haven't located the magazine(s)
G.W. Harting, Richard yet! This portrait hung in a
Cardiff, Walter Frank New Jersey attorney's office
Bomar, Charles Kerins, for many years. (If you know
Joseph Parrish, Arthur where it was used before that
Getz, Ernie Chan, Richard time please tell me.)
Williams, Carroll M. i Even though the illustra-
Sexton, Lou Wahl, W.E. tors often created imaginary
Heede, Frank Bellew, scenes to accompany specific
Henry Hintermeister, i editorial content, their images
Charles M. Shean, Banks are frequently traceable to dis-
Davis and a host of others tinctive Lincoln photographic,
have contributed to public sculptural and painted models.
Lincoln consciousness by Artists call this "reference
having their artwork appear material," sort of the frame
on the covers of the nation's around which they hang their
mass media. . a divine inspiration. Sometimes
Great historical
these models were the same as
Lincoln paintings of G.P.A.those used by the engravers
Healey, Douglas Volk, who created the wonderful
Dennis Malone Carter, J. heritage of Lincoln on
Redding Kelly, Joseph America's coins and paper
Boggs Beale, Charles R.
money, principally Charles
Huntington, photographs
Burt for American Bank Note
Co., an unidentified National
Bank Co. engraver (possibly
Henry Gugler), G.F.C. Smillie and Tom Hipschen at the
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and Victor David Brenner
for the cent.
From my survey, trends do become apparent from this
broad canvas of periodical literature surveyed. Many of these
observations are not suitable for this publication (afterall, our
by Mathew Brady and addi-
tional lensmen, statues by
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Gutzon Borglum, and Daniel
Chester French to mention but three have also contributed to
this rich periodical cover legacy memorializing Lincoln, which
will be detailed in my book.
Prominent Lincoln photo authority, the late Lloyd
Ostendorf, who assisted me in my early Lincoln photograph
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
slant is money, right?) -- so those insights will have to wait
upon the bicentennial book Abraham Lincoln, the Image of His
Greatness: Ideal, Idol c/.7. Icon that I am authoring for Whitman
Publications, hopefully to be released later this year.
The 201 Lincoln periodical covers yielded 204 Significant
Lincoln Images because one cover had four SLIs. Readers of
Paper Money may be interested to
know 30 of these 204 SLIs were
derived from the same models as
the three primary money images
from our federal currency/coins,
i.e. (1) Lincoln portrait on $10
Demand and Legal Tender Notes,
and $20 Interest-Bearing and
Compound Interest Treasury
Notes (1861-1869) 0 instances; (2)
Lincoln portrait on $100 U.S.
Notes (1869-1912), $1 Silver
Certificates (1899-1927), and $5
notes of several classes (1914-1999)
9 instances; (3) Lincoln portrait on
$500 Gold Certificates (1882-
1927), and $5 Federal Reserve
Notes (1999-present) 8 instances; (4) 50-cent Fractional
Currency portrait of Lincoln (1869-1870) 0 instances; and (5)
Lincoln cent profile (1909-present) 13 instances.
My findings are given in Table 3 which correllates the
information from Table 2 on various U.S paper money issues
with Lincoln's portrait and the issue of the ubiquitous Lincoln
cent. Although I do not consider the present survey "conclu-
sive proof" of my hypothesis that Lincoln's money images cre-
ated the Lincoln brand via repetition and influenced secondary
media of indoctrination (books in the previous study and peri-
odicals here), the parallels between Lincoln's money images
and similar depictions on periodicals is unmistakable once
again. This appears to corroborate my earlier findings.
Years ago poet and Lincoln historian Carl Sandburg's
summary chapter on previous Lincoln biographers in his 1940
Pulitzer Prize winning Lincoln biography repro-
duced the Lincoln image from a $10 Demand Note
and offered this insightful opinion: "On the 50-cent
greenbacks and on the $10 bill (above) a steel
My personal favorite Lincoln image is the Gettysburg
Lincoln, so-called because a portrait photo was taken
showing Lincoln full-faced, just weeks before Lincoln's
dedicatory speech at the Gettysburg battlefield ceme-
tery. This has also been THE decided favorite of book
and magazine editors for a century-plus, but has never
appeared on our nation's coins nor paper money.
engraving representing Lincoln's face became famil-
iar to all who looked at it." Sandburg's wisdom is no
less true today as billions upon billions of additional
Lincoln-imaged money items have been released in
the 140+ years since the time about which Sandburg wrote.
It was true during the Civil War, and remains so today.
We all carry Abe with us everyday in our pockets and purses.
Money, the most dominant and ubiquitous images of Abraham
Lincoln available to all Americans, can't help but influence our
perception of the Great Emancipator. And as we have shown,
Father Abraham's money images also appear to influence his
portrayal in significant ways in secondary mass media such as
books and periodicals.
Coming to Paper
Money in 2008
War of 1812
Treasury Notes
CO 62081971 C
136 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Michigan woman finds pre-printed stock error $20 FRN
Mr. Reed,
Although I am not an SPIVIC mem-
ber, I thought your readers may be inter-
ested in learning about a rare pre-printed
stock error on a series 2001 $20 Federal
Reserve Note I found. The error has
been authenticated by Frederick Bart.
You will note in the following excerpt
from his book, which was published in
2003, Bart indicated, "A mere three
specimens -- all on modern $20 FRN --
Mr. Bart authenticated the error on
my note earlier this year. When he concluded his examina-
tion, Mr. Bart called me to say how surprised and pleased he
was to be able to authenticate the bubble image in the presi-
dential portrait as a legitimate government pre-printed stock
This note also was written up in the Detroit Free Press,
published Dec. 19, 2007, in an article by Alex Crudenfree.
According to Mr. Bart "Pre-printed stock examples
remain exceedingly rare. To qualify as a pre-printed stock
error, the first, second, or third printing must rest on top of an
underlying (and extraneous) image."
-- Linda Hila
Editor's note: Fred Bart is author of United States Paper
Money Erronc (Krause Publications, 2nd ed. 2003) His authen-
tication is dated June 7, 2007. It reads in part: "This certifies
that I have examined the Series 2001 $20 Federal Reserve
Official Notice: -- Deadline Nears
Nominations Open for SPMC Board
The following SPMC Governors' terms expire in 2008:
Jamie Yakes Bob Cochran
Torn Minerley Gene Hessler
If you have suggestions for candidates, or if the governors named above wish to run for
another term, please notify Nominations Chairman Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056,
Winston-Salem, NC 27114.
In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A writ-
ten nominating petition, signed by 10 current members, is submitted; and (2) An acceptance
letter from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition. Nominating peti-
tions (and accompanying letters) must be received by the Nominations Chairman by March
15, 2008.
Biographies of the nominees and ballots (if necessary) for the election will be included in
the May/June 2008 issue of Paper Money. The ballots will be counted at Memphis and
announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show.
Any nominee, but especially first-time nominees, should send a portrait and brief biogra-
phy to the Editor for publication in Paper Money. v
CG 62081971 C
Note, serial number
CG62081971C, face
place FWG84, back plate
50. Using standard, non-
destructive forensic tech-
niques, the forehead area
of Andrew Jackson was
examined. There is a ver-
tically-oriented cloud-
like shape of black ink
[that! lies beneath the
BEP-applied 2nd print-
ing which includes the
portrait of Jackson...clas-
sified as a pre-printed
stock error."
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 137
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15 per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These acts are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis.
Special: Three line an for six issues = only $20.50!
2008 Started off FUl\T!
AS USUAL, THE NEW YEAR STARTED OFF WITH A)ang and a blast. Unfortunately, clue to work (new interim
position requiring 55+ hours/week), family (I coach my son's bas-
ketball team—what a laugh!) and community (same weekend
school board convention), I was unable to attend the start of the
year—FUN! From the reports I have received, read and been
told, it was a great one. I know the HNAI auction had good
results with many price records being broken.
There was a lot of TPG'ed notes that went for big bucks,
especially those in 66/67 holders. While I am not a fan or collec-
tor of TPG'ed notes, I am a fan of anything that helps promote
the hobby. My only concern is that people who buy these notes
for record prices actually know what they are doing and are buy-
ing the note and not the holder or our hobby may be in for an
exodus when they try to sell.
My congratulations and thanks to Judith Murphy and all
who helped her at the show manning the SPMC table and at the
SPMC meeting. Pierre Fricke presented what was reported to be
an excellent program on Confederate notes. Thanks Pierre!
The new year 2008 is shaping up to be quite an exciting year.
We have our annual election for the board and I encourage you to
run if you can. We need a constant infusion of new people to
ensure the society endures. Soon it will be time for our annual
mega-paper show—the International Paper Money Show in
Memphis. Make plans now to attend. If you can place an exhibit,
join in the fun. Exhibit chair Martin Delger is already hard at
work so send him your application. Also, plan to join us at our
annual awards breakfast/Tom Bain raffle for the usual great time.
We will also be having a great educational presentation at the
I want to take a few lines to thank two great donors to the
Society. The Memphis Coin Club recently gave us $2,000 for use
in the Wismer fund for publishing. Also, the Liana Foundation
gave us another donation--510,000 to be divided equally between
the SPMC and the Souvenir Card Society. Our $5,000 was to be
used half for the continuation of the project of sending The
Engraver's Line and The International Engraver's Line to many dif-
ferent libraries and the other half to be used as we need. I hope
we will be able to use this for research purposes.
We have a number of great projects underway. Not only are
we continuing to support Peter Huntoon's research at the
Smithsonian, but Larry Schuffman has been working on a great
project related to Liberty Loan Bonds. I hope that everyone can
see the society is really hard at work supporting the hobby. Join
us by speaking, writing, exhibiting, whatever you can.
YOUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Money.
You could advertise your cluplictes inexpensively, or advertise your Want
List for only $20.50 for three lines for an entire year. Don't wait. (PM)
Histories and other publications! Offer what you have; send your "Want
List." Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 (PROUD SPM-
CLM69) (252)
(PM )
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks,
CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of Abraham
Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 11 81 62,
Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or free( (252)
became Editor back to 1960s & 1970s. I bought these filling sets. Fill your
needs now. E-mail me & I'll sell you what I got! (252)
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with descrip-
tion (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142 (252)
leasing, law, bail bonds, banking, accounting, royalties, insurance, mort-
gages, etc. (818) 902-0532 (254)
banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London, Norwich, Pawcatuck,
Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London Society United for Trade and
Commerce and FNB of Tahoka Nationals 4'8597. David Hinkle, 215
Parkway North, Waterford, CT 06385. 12541
mail or write to: or Don Latino, 1405 Cape St.,
East Lee, MA 01238 (2561
Charter #10295. Neil Schrader, 3320 Minglewood Dr., Beaumont, TX
77703-2734 (256)
Permanent Wants:
Paper Money Editor desires
Articles on small size U.S. currency
What are YOU waiting for?
Or short articles
on ANY paper money subject
Experts & novices alike welcome
/ 1.'44 411. tl/iO
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
esso „from
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By Peter ritoon
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Southeastern Utah. Grand Junction,
Colorado, lies to the east along the
Rio Grande and Western Railroad;
Courthouse Stage Station lies between
Moab and Thompson. (From Kountze
Brothers, 1902).
• Rusty Salmon is Editor
of Canyon Legacy, publica-
tion of the Dan O'Laurie
Canyon Country
Museum, Moab, UT.
National Bank organized in Utah, a relative late corner that opened
for business in December 1916. The bankers there began issuing
currency in the spring of 1917, and continued to do so until
National Bank Notes were phased out in 1935.
The bank occupied a small brick building on the northeast corner of
Main and Center with entrance facing Main. The north half of the building
was the office of the local newspaper, the Grand Valley Times, which in 1919
became the Times-Independent.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 139
Moab experienced a fitful history of early white settlement. A group of
Mormons at the urging of Brigham Young arrived in 1855, but were run off by
Indians. A mixed group of Mormon and non-Mormon homesteaders and cat-
tlemen resettled the place during the last years of the 1870s. At that time,
Brigham Young expressed concern that Colorado cattlemen might gain control
of southeastern Utah, so he encouraged Mormons to populate the place in
order to secure it for the faithful.
Moab was a small settlement nestled south of the Colorado River
where the river slices perpendicularly across
a 15-mile long valley called Spanish Valley.
Redrock cliffs rise a couple of thousand feet
on each side, and the town occupies flat silty
land in the bottoms. The population of the
town and nearby environs gradually rose
from about 1,500 to 2,000 through the first
half of the 20th century.
The foundation of the economy of
the community was rooted in farming and
ranching, but the town became known for
wild boom and bust cycles, the first an oil
boom in the 1940s, followed by successive
uranium booms in the 1950s and late 1960s.
The 1950s uranium boom brought thou-
sands of prospectors and miners to the
region in search of ore to support the bour-
geoning nuclear weapons industry, and for a
time Moab claimed a population of ten thou-
sand or more, many living out of their cars.
Since the mid-1960s, Moab has become a major center for serious
white water rafting on the Colorado River. The river flows through The Portal,
a 2,000-foot high gap in the sandstone cliffs immediately west of town, and
onward from there through spectacular red rock gorges as it winds is way
through Canyonlands National Park to the southwest. There the river
descends aptly named Cataract Canyon, named by John Wesley Powell, host to
some of the wildest rapids on the entire river.
Moab has become the mountain biking capital of the world since the
1980s. You can hardly find the under print of those bygone booms and busts
for all the yuppie motels, eateries and shops that clog Main Street nowadays.
Mountain bikers, river runners and 4-wheel drivers crowd City Market jostling
with other tourists and outdoor enthusiasts of all stripes drawn to the red rock
country with all its national and state parks that lie within easy reach. One
thing characterizes the modern physically fit Moab crowd, they have attitude!
A Bit of History
Banking in Moab was on a tenuous footing prior to establishment of
The First National Bank. The nearest bank was in Grand Junction, CO, a time
consuming tedious 100 mile trip to the northeast back then. Beginning in the
1890s, much of the banking business in town was handled by the two general
merchandise stores, specifically the Cooper-Martin Store and Hammond's
Store. Both would cash checks and hold money for local stockmen and fruit
The money business became increasingly important for the Cooper-
Martin Store, so the owners took steps to expand this part of their operations.
The First National Bank faced tree
lined Main Street with the Grand
Valley Times newspaper next door to
the left. This photo was taken during
the winter of 1917. (Photo courtesy
of the Dan O'Laurie Canyon Country
Museum, Moab, UT.)
140 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
A 1940s view of The First National
Bank with onlookers watching Indians
pass by in a Pioneer Day parade. The
Cottonwood trees along Main Street
had been cut down in January 1932 to
allow for widening and paving of Main
Street which also served as U. S. 160.
This building was razed in 1976.
(Photo courtesy of the Dan O'Laurie
Canyon County Museum, Moab, UT.)
As an early step, they had special checks printed for the use of their customers.
However, the state banking department curtailed this activity because the mer-
chants hadn't formally organized as a bank under either a state or national char-
The solution was to organize a bank, so in 1916 the owners, D. L.
Goudelock, H. G. Green, D. M. Cooper, and V. P. Martin, applied for a
National Bank charter. They completed their formal application on November
11, 1916, and submitted it to the Comptroller of the Currency in Washington,
DC. A National Bank examiner visited Moab, sized up the operation, and rec-
ommended favorably to Washington on the character of the organizers and the
business prospects for both the bank and Moab. The bankers received their
charter a bit later, and opened before year's end. The bank was capitalized at
$50,000, double the minium for a town of Moab's size, but still modest.
Goudelock was named president, Cooper and Green were vice-presi-
dents, and Martin was cashier. Directors included W. R. McConkie, John E.
Pace and Don Taylor. All were prominent Moab business and ranching per-
President David Lafayette Goudelock -- locally pronounced "gad lock"
-- was born December 30, 1866, in Georgia. His family moved to Arkansas
when he was four. He received his education
in the public schools of Arkansas, and at
eighteen went on to the Indian Territory
where he worked for three years for stock-
men in the Cherokee Nation. At 21 years of
age, and without much in the way of funds,
he migrated to southeastern Utah. Stepping
off from Dolores, CO in 1888, he went into
the Blue Mountain country where he
secured a position with the Carlisle cattle
outfit. In 1889 he moved on to the
Pittsburgh Cattle Company. He started his
own cattle business with a small herd in
Indian Creek south of Moab four years later.
Goudelock went on to organized the
Indian Creek Cattle Company together with
Cooper and Martin. They then established
the Cooper-Martin Mercantile Company in
Moab in which Goudelock served as president. It was their involvement in the
mercantile company that launched their banking interests. Goudelock served as
president of The First National Bank from its founding until 1933.
One of his partners in the Indian Creek Cattle Company and Cooper-
Martin Store was Vincent Peter Martin, known as VP. Besides his cattle, mer-
cantile and banking interests, Martin was one of the founders of the La Sal
Mountain Telephone and Electric Company and the Grand Valley Publishing
Company. Martin served as the cashier of The First National Bank from 1916
until 1923. As such, his signature appears alongside that of Goudelock on the
early National Bank Notes issued by the bank.
H. G. Green replaced Martin as bank cashier in 1923. When
Goudelock vacated the presidency in 1933, Green moved into that position and
W. R. McConkie took over as cashier. Green apparently was a circumspect
gentlemen as little is known about him, and he was not interested in having his
photograph taken. Local lore hinted that he was from Texas and may have left
a name behind when lie moved west. For a number of years after a 1923 rob-
bery he carried a pistol to and from work, and placed it prominently within
reach on the top of his desk for all to see during business hours.
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 141
William R. McConkie was born May 17, 1885, in a covered wagon in
Huntington, UT. His family moved to Moab in 1895. He taught school for
several years in Moab after graduating from the Brigham Young University
normal school, ultimately becoming superintendent. He left teaching to enter
the banking business when The First National Bank was organized, and served
as its manager.
The 1923 Robbery
Three bozos robbed The First National Bank during the wee hours of
April 27, 1923, a Friday. They did get the loot, but worse, their means left a
wake of destruction. Murray (2001) reconstructed the event as follows based in
part on contemporary accounts teased from the villains. The following is dis-
tilled from his article.
The burglary team consisted of Joe Conley -- probably an alias -- a 41-
year-old railroader from North Dakota; George Borden, a 31-year-old miner
and railroader from Butte, MT; and Fred Prentice, a 35-year-old miner and
road laborer who claimed local roots. Conley was supposed to have extensive
expertise in blowing safes. All were renegades who were thought to have com-
mitted a dozen or so burglaries along the west slope of Colorado and northeast-
ern Utah during the previous year.
Two of them passed through town some ten days before to case the
place, and to bury their tools near the road bridge across the Colorado River on
the north end of town. They then went on to Price, 120 miles to the north-
west, where they enlisted the third accomplice. Their story was that they
hopped an east bound freight from Price to Thompson, 30 miles north of
Moab, then hiked to town arriving the Wednesday before the job.
Their first attempt to break into the bank during the dark of early
Friday morning involved sawing through the bars on a rear entry but that failed
because they broke their hacksaw. They then went around to the front door on
Main Street where they sprang the lock on the iron gate and broke through the
front door with a wrecking bar.
Bookkeeper H. Bromley Green, son of Cashier H. G. Green, happened
by, having spent the evening at the Moab hospital, and stopped to investigate
the noises emanating from the building. One of the burglars stepped from
behind the coal shed and pulled a gun on the hapless, then unarmed, banker.
He put Green in the furnace building behind the adjacent Times-Independent
building, bound him with wire and gagged him.
Meanwhile the other two had broken the combination lock off the
outer vault door, and proceeded to blow the inner vault door with nitroglycerin.
Once inside the vault, they had to contend with the inner safe. This was han-
Photograph of a Bureau of Engraving
and Printing proof from the $5 Series
of 1902 plate made for The First
National Bank of Moab, Utah. The
actual notes have proven to be quite
scarce with about half a dozen report-
ed. The issued notes would have been
signed by either Goudelock and
Martin, or later Goudelock and Green.
142 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Small size note from The First National
Bank of Moab, bearing the signatures of
D. L. Goudelock, president, and H. G.
Green, cashier
died with two charges of dynamite, and a finale of nitro. Brilliantly, the nitro
charge was sufficiently large to not only crack the safe, but also to shred quite a
bit of the paper money inside it.
What is amazing is that no one in town heard the explosions. The
thieves collected the paper money, including many fragments, along with the
coins. Green was moved inside the vault with the promise they would call
authorities to release him once they were safely out of town. Luckily for
Green, they didn't close the vault door for the place was still filled with dense
smoke from the explosions. He was able to wiggle free after about half an
hour, and give the alarm.
The tracks of the three bandits were observed near Courthouse Stage
Station the next day by two drivers from the Moab Garage Company. Two
others on horse back reported seeing tracks heading to the west from the sta-
tion. Moab Sheriff Murphy called deputies in Thompson and Elgin to be on
the lookout for the men, while he headed up to Courthouse Station to investi-
gate. Once there, he found a fragment of a $5 bill and a currency wrapper.
At about the same time, two deputies, Frank Meador and Martin Geer,
rode down from Thompson and began following the foot tracks north to 17-
mile rock where the tracks veered off into the desert to the west. The pursuers
had only one rifle and pistol among them, so returned to Courthouse Station to
borrow another rifle from Mrs. John Johnson as well as to eat a meal.
They met a man named Jack Murphy coming from Thompson with a
load of freight who volunteered to join their posse. About 4:00 that afternoon
they spotted the thieves lying in the bottom of a draw near Klondike Ridge.
The pursuers fired in the air and demanded a surrender. The bandits caved,
whereupon the deputies recovered three rolls of notes which the men had
buried in the wash as well as their three revolvers. The crooks were marched
back to the road where all awaited the stage to Moab. Some 37 hours had
elapsed since the robbery.
The loot consisted of $7,000 in currency and coins, but much of the
currency had been blown to pieces. Two bags of coins had been buried at the
north end of the bridge north of town in the same spot where they had hidden
their tools prior to the robbery. After a careful count including restoration of
the shredded currency and an audit of the banks books, it was found that the
recovered total was $30 more than was thought to have been taken. The bur-
glars claimed that as their own.
Fate of the Bank
The First National Bank was purchased by The First Security Bank of
Utah during the uranium boom of the mid-1950s, and converted into a branch
of that institution. McConkie was named vice-president of the branch. During
the course of his civic life, McConkie also served as councilman and then
mayor of Moab.
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Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 143
The First Security Bank held a state charter. Merging The First
National Bank into it was necessary because the financial demands of the urani-
um boom overwhelmed the lending capacity of the home town bank. Outside
capital was required!
First Security was acquired by Wells Fargo Bank in 2000, so the Moab
branch is now a branch of that bank. It is located at 4 North Main, on the
northeast corner of Main (U.S. 160) and Center streets.
Moab Notes
The total outstanding value of currency issued by The First National
Bank of Moab hovered at $50,000 between 1917 and 1935. It consisted of $5,
$10 and $20 notes.
The bank issued a grand total of $632,700 worth of notes between
1917 and 1935. Most were replacements for worn notes redeemed from the
$50,000 circulation. The outstanding $50,000 circulation turned over about
every 1.4 years testifying to the fact that the notes saw very active use in the
local economy. In fact, the turnover they experienced was just about double
the national average.
Source of Local Bibliographic Data and Sources Cited
"Huge cottonwood trees, Moab landmarks for 45 years, removed," Times-
Independent, Moab, UT, January 14, 1932.
Grand Memories. Grand County, Utah: Daughters of Utah Pioneers, 1972, 314
Kountze Brothers. The Bankers Register. New York: The Credit Company, July
1902, 1275 p.
Murray, Jim, "The Moab bank robbery," Canyon Legacy, Dan O'Laurie Canyon
Country Museum, Moab, UT, v. 34 (2001), p. 12-14. v
Help Wanted
SHORT articles about specific items:
such as an individual note, check, bond, scrip, vignette
Here is YOUR chance to become a published Paper Money author!
Articles and art can be sent electronically
Write up your favorite note, or ask questions about an enigmatic item
Series of 1929 type 2 note from The
First National Bank of Moab, bearing
the signatures of H. G. Green, president,
and W. R. McConkie, cashier.
1111111101ECICIL7..XILIEMEIEILIM 21101E10
Twit triviolit STAargIsi
L 915
rYN.N. 12 _ ,TrfirrI "U a
L 915
A P 12 ItefA'"It'CX
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 12/05/2007
These memberships expire 12/31/2008.
12434 Chuck Sigerson, 10766 Fort St, Omaha, NE 68134
(C), Paper Money Values
12435 Anthony R. Cosentino, 1707 Westfield St, Oakhurst,
NJ 07755 (C), \Vebsite
12436 Mark Johnson (C), Bob Moon
12437 Chuck Furjanic, PO Box 165892, Irving, TX 75016-
5892 (D), Rob Kravitz
12438 Robert N. Cifelli (C), Rob Kravitz
12439 Alexander Polupanow, PO Box 35, Newtonville, NJ
08346-0356 (C), Tom Denly
12140 Thomas V. Pfister (C), Torn Denly
12441 Frank Houlihan (C), Torn Denly
12442 Michael D. Black, 13 Niles Rd, Austin, TX 78703-
3138 (C & D, US), Robert Moon
12443 Dan Alan Nixon (C), Website
12444 Michael Assante (C), Jason Bradford
12445 Stan Baszczuk (C), Jason Bradford
12446 Michael Werda (C), Jason Bradford
12447 Moses R. Johnson (C), Jason Bradford
12448 Robert McDougall (C), Jason Bradford
12449 Paul Kovalik (C), Jason Bradford
12450 Bob Settani (C), Jason Bradford
12451 Linda's Jewelers (C), Jason Bradford
12452 Ray George (C), Jason Bradford
12453 John Nagel (C), Jason Bradford
12454 Russell Ackels (C), Jason Bradford
March/April • Whole No. 254 Paper Money
12455 Sherrie Rizzuti (C), Jason Bradford
12456 Jih Kuei Chang (C), Jason Bradford
12457 David Quante (C), Jason Bradford
12458 David F. Davis Jr. (C), Jason Bradford
12459 Linda Wayden (C), Jason Bradford
12460 Mark Vilesek (C), Jason Bradford
12461 Ray Garrison (C), Jason Bradford
12462 John Loftus (C), Jason Bradford
12463 Donald Self (C), Jason Bradford
12464 Mike Brown (C), Jason Bradford
12465 David C. Nielsen, 5127 Conado Terrace, Port
Charlotte, FL 33981-1810 (C), Website
12466 Arthur L. Thomas (C), Website
12467 Otis Robinson (C), Website
6343 Douglas McDonald (C), Frank Clark
LM380 Rajesh Chandra, 1911 Brookcliff Circle, San Ramon,
CA 94582 (C, World), Jamie Yakes
LM381 Andy Geldarski converted from 12027
LM382 James Segro converted from 10511
LM383 John Bremer converted from 12020
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 12/31/2007
These memberships expire 12/31/2008.
12468 Richard L. Miranda, 910 N. Harbour Dr #214,
Portland, OR 97217 (C, Foreign Paper Money), Frank
12469 Thomas Uhl (C), Rob Kravitz
12470 Gregory Gadi (C & D), Website
12471 Terry Jackson, PO Box 783, Tolland, CT 06084-0783
(C, Nationals), Lowell C. Horwedel
12472 Joyce M. Deitering (C), Frank Clark
12473 Keith W. Williams (C), Paper Money Values
12474 Shimon Nussbaum, 1736 60 St, Brooklyn, NY 11204
(C, Obsoletes, Silver & Gold certificates), Website
832 Johnny 0. Baas (C), Frank Clark
"Stealthy George"
shows up during
Southern vacation
Dear Fred:
From time to time I see you
report on interesting "George
Notes." Here's a "Stealthy
George" I got when I was on
holiday vacation down South
visiting relatives. It's stealthy
because the Georger who spent
it only marked it on the back.
He spent it first in August and
as you can see, since it is still in
great shape, this bill has proba-
bly just been sitting stagnant
— Leslie Deerderf
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
Future home of the
Museum of American Finance
In Association with the Smithsonian Institution
48 Wall Street, New York City
the excitement
and energy of
Wall Street
one block from
the New York
Stock Exchange.
146 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
The Problem with Pricing
the Confederate Enigmatic Notes
By George B. Tremmel
Pricing Guides
IN MY RECENTLY PUBLISHED, A GUIDEBOOK OF COUNTERFEIT CONFEDERATE CURRENCY,estimated values for the Enigmatic Notes (also called the XX-2 or T-47 and the XX-3 or T-48) raised someeyebrows. The following discussion is offered to provide a more complete description of the valuation processused. It also will demonstrate why pricing information is less reliable than other information found in curren-
cy "catalog/price guideline" books. (While the words "price" and "value" have somewhat different dictionary defin-
itions, they are used more or less synonymously here.)
Typically, there are two major components of a note's value:
(1) - Tangible. These are the factors of grade and rarity. Both can be measured with reasonable accuracy
and consistency; and a general consensus of both usually can be established.
(2) - Intangible. The impact of a note's availability, eye appeal, provenance, desirability, future market
conditions and buyer/seller knowledge cannot be measured quantitatively. (While it is true that a note's pricing
history is a tangible fact, the usefulness of past history, as a predictor of future prices, is far from certain.) The
intangible factors, then, are subjective and non-quantitative; but they are real, and important in determining total
Another consideration is that when printed on a page, value estimates are fixed at that point in time. The
current price of a note, however, is dynamically determined by the tangible and intangible conditions present at the
time the buy/sell decision is made by the participants in the transaction. Consequently, printed value information is
useful only as a guide of fairly short term duration.
Valuing the Enigmatic Notes
The Enigmatic Notes introduce another level of intangible complexity which makes setting their values
more difficult. This complexity is the presence of an intangible "mystery" factor that addresses the historical origin
of these notes and prompts three questions:
(1) What are they - fantasy, legitimate test designs (essay notes), collector fakes, advertising stock, sou-
venirs, or business college currency?
(2) When were they printed - contemporary to the Civil War era or postwar?
(3) Who produced them - CSA Treasury Department, counterfeiters, CSA print shop note designers,
post war fake note producers, advertising or souvenir printers?
While a number of speculative theories exist, no hard evidence has emerged that definitively answers these
questions. This, unfortunately, has been the case for more than one hundred years. However, to assume these
questions will never be answered, just because they have not been so far, is too easy.
A Conclusion Based on the "Weight of the Evidence"
At this time, a "weight of the evidence" conclusion can be reached based on what we do know about the
Enigmatic Notes:
(1) They are not counterfeits, by definition, since they are not fraudulent imitations of known genuine
(2) They are no rarer than R5 and R6, respectively, on the 2007 Tremmel Rarity Scale.
(3) No CSA Treasury correspondence makes clear reference to their existence, either as contemporary
test design notes or notes of fraudulent issue.
is 4e or r
tt ,et *
" , ; uaxa;.. • NATIONAL CURRENCT.-'4"47'''-'-''--r--; .0 .1±,wk,Di•
"He 8- • _•• . • ..
with the in:wirer al11.17011iliotou .
, •, / O,.837h.; t'
/ ,•• /
urry eauTlN 1)(11,
,030:§106=0, .. MaCCIDZOtztroze:COn' nnazor
A typical NI! Obsolete
Note, this from the
Winchester Bank.
A Series of 1882
$10 Brown Back from the
Winchester National Bank.
This sante building amts used for the Winchester Bank
and its successor, the Winchester National Bank.
window ciha 1910 It'inche.,der National liank
I f you have New Hampshire currency orold records or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical
interest, please contact us. In addition,
Bowers and Sundman are avid collectors
of these bills and welcome contact from
anyone having items for sale. We will pay
strong prices for any items we need!
Visit the NI1Curtency Study Project website: r 'w.nhcurretu out. Find a listing
ol New Ilampshire banks that issued curretuT not :antple chapters, and more
We look fortvard to hearing from you!
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E-mail: (lbw. e-mail will be forwarded to both authors.)
MSS' #01,171,
WWW. nhcu
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our
area of interest ranges from
early colonial times through
the Revolutionary era, the
state-chartered bank years
(1792-1866), and the era of
National Banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a book
under the imprimatur of the
Society of Paper Money
Collectors, with help from the
New Hampshire Historical
Society, the Smithsonian
Institution, and others.
Apart from the above,
David NI. Sandman is president of
Littleton Coin Company and
Q. David Bowers is a principal of
American Numismatic Rarities, LLC,
and both advertisers in the present
book. For other commercial
transactions and business, refer
to those advertisements.
The authors of the present book, holding a tare
Series of 1902 $10 Malarial Bank Note front
IVest Deny, New Hampshire.
I9 i. k 4.13130.4.31MMOILfliairdaillE1.04 4.t:) ,'I 3A OA ;.3:4 21PiiiitiAl
starri tk..,*$t ttroAntertm
//7/;// TWENTtl) LIARS //,',
Jurircimayamizycimarairffirivd.1)0F4c4 -3 a a 5-4 zirciaii.4*1 41111,
148 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
XX2-Type 47
(4) They are poorly printed on notepaper of varying quality.
(5) They contain typographical errors normally not seen on essay notes that are intended to be design
(6) Apparently, early researcher and cataloger, Raphael Thian never saw them since specimens or refer-
ences to them are not found in his extensive currency albums at Duke University.
(7) They first appeared no earlier than the mention of one of them, the XX-2, in the 1877 Bechtel
Until new hard evidence about the nature of the Enigmatic Notes is discovered, a conclusion "of proof
beyond a reasonable doubt" on their origin cannot be made. In the meantime, the "weight of the evidence" makes a
reasonable circumstantial case that the Enigmatic Notes are fantasy creations. Additionally, while the notes may
have been printed during the Civil War years, they could well be postwar creations. This opinion, like other opin-
ions on this subject, is not yet supported by hard evidence. So, the search for it continues.
This conclusion also is supported by the late Douglas Ball's opinion that the notes were fantasy creations--
an opinion now out of favor with some. Ball was the premier CSA currency researcher of the 20th Century and his
opinion cannot be disregarded out of hand because earlier researchers, such as H. D. Allen and Phillip Chase, held
different opinions at the time of their studies. They along with William West Bradbeer considered them essay
notes. Later researchers "stand" on the shoulders of the researchers who came before and certainly must respect
their contributions -- but that respect should not hinder the new questions, insights and hypotheses that are part of
the discovery process.
The new Tremmel CSA counterfeit currency book takes the approach that, for the most part, bases pricing
on the tangible factors of condition and rarity. The Enigmatic Notes' value estimates also reflect the opinion that
the notes are contemporary fantasy notes. Neither current market prices nor other intangible components were
That the Enigmatic Notes' market prices today are higher than their "book" values probably reflects addi-
tional intangible pricing components that are not necessarily valid. Among others, these include:
(1) the inference, belief or hope that the Enigmatic Notes are legitimate contemporary CSA test design
issues, i.e., essay notes;
(2) the desire of collectors, investors and dealers to acquire or market the "complete" 72 note CSA type
set as defined by Grover Criswell in his earlier books; thus compelling the need for type collectors to include the
Criswell Types 47 and 48 in their collections.
New Valuations Await New Evidence
When current research reveals more information, Enigmatic Note transaction prices will react to that new
level of knowledge. For instance, if the Enigmatic Notes ultimately are found to be contemporary fantasy notes,
like the Female Riding Deer XX-1/A and XX-1/B, they will reflect values based on that fact. If, instead, the notes
• gruxectincraraymapar.nanasccowooixt",bz.v,,c,
(Jr-f-oeut-Aa-AeP -natovwizeecki
17",.!2 •
/./ 1/, . '
1 ';'r
111 .4
K2586273* 4'
.---4* * 'X;'7',///';
♦ 0 , li 5008777 '''' W.41411,-
. .
• 1> ,..17.a,Ntaszosixau .
ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for
their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and
overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and
types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American
Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman.
are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you
visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase.
Review. This full color publication highlights paper money
in our inventory, as well as articles and features about this
fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send
us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if
you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or
more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per-
sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency
Notes with our compliments.
Stack's New York City: 123 West 57th Street • New York, NY 10019-2280 • Toll free: 800/566/2580 • Telephone 212/582-2580 • Fax 32/16 50 B
Stack's Wolfeboro, NH: P.O. Box 1804 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Toll-free 866/811-1804 • 603/569-0823 • Fax 603/569-3875 • www. stacks
/t0(1..;(/ t .i/;'0 CAK /411 .1/e;
C %;;K fiie P1..00 /I a3a 1 oieh a
We are pleased to announce the ongoing sales of
the greatest hoard of bank-note printing plates, dies,
and other material ever assembled. The American
Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858
by combining seven of the most important bank
note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of
printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the
merger, and survive today. To these are added many
other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a
museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack's will
continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note
printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other
artifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most
numismatic museums and advanced collectors do not
have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate!
If you would like to have more information, contact
us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an
absolutely unique opportunity!
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
/7 riE* DO LABS
I xi vi triikA.419 itt A.:11#11- AO :41#14..#_4;31.#_A # if
//, • ////,
(1. erate401-04111a1
Collecting Confederate Paper Money
Better Attribution, Grading, and ValueTM
— .
T-23 PF-1 Alexandria, La. Issue Wookey Hole Mill watermark
Award-winning author and collector/dealer Pierre Fricke is helping collectors of Confederate paper money
build type, rare variety and contemporary counterfeit collections. I've owned and helped others acquire:
• 3 of the 5 known T-59 J Green and Son watermarked notes
• 43 inverted backs and many of the known examples of the "Great Rarities"
• Complete collections of Wookey Hole Mill and J Whatman watermarked notes
• A complete plen error (e.g., T-43 1-10 error) set and complete collections of T-10s, T-26s and T-33s
• Many T-21 and T-24 "NY" watermarked notes and Non-Collectible (NCs) rare Confederate notes
• Getting started collections, type, contemporary counterfeit, T-39, 40 and 41 specialty items too
Pierre Fricke; P. 0. Box 52514; Atlanta, GA 30355
Buy * Sell * Auctions * New Varieties * Provenance
Email or write to get your rare notes in the Census!
150 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
XX3-Type 48
are proved to be post-war fantasy creations, like the Female Riding Deer XX-1/C, they also should reflect that find-
ing and be valued accordingly.
On the other hand, if the Enigmatic Notes are proven to be contemporary, legitimate test designs or essay
notes and, as such, included in the legitimate CSA currency population, they certainly will command a significant
price premium over their fantasy note valuation.
In the meantime, today's buyers and sellers are, as always, free to include their own intangible, subjective
factors in arriving at what they consider a fair transaction price.
*4649 8 718
We are the Rickey Collection
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
FAX: 858-679-7505
>Large size type notes
Especially FRN's and FRBN's
A H61145634
10-J J11811lectt.11141I1jElkOPAkits
rior...,774:11■1:1111•11t Sit 5:1:41,
>Large star notes
> 1928 $500's and $1000's
>National Bank Notes
*i 429163
, CO (!ti;
Z 44444.
>Easy to sort database
By date added to Web site
By Friedberg number
All or part of any serial #
> Insightful market
>Enlarge and
magnify images
"Honesty is not the best policy.
It is the only policy."
11-1( 1987T:A
arEilt1111, ..110111,
d93705A U'
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
Online Paper Money at Its Finest
Newlyweds in 1941, Maynard
and Fannie Stuntman put their
business plans on hold for his
overseas Army service
during WWII
d g",111i
By 1957, Maynard's young sons,
David and Rick, had developed their
own interest in collecting
The Littleton company was
founded in 1945 in a small
one-room office space in
Littleton's Opera Block
In Fond Memory
The Sundman family and Littleton Coin
1 Company staff mourn the recent passing of
Maynard Sundman - who with his wife, Fannie,
founded the Littleton firm over 60 years ago
in 1945. From a small one-room office,
they created the world-renowned collectibles
firm that exists today. Maynard Sundman
is remembered for his devotion to family,
friends, customers and employees - as well
as his generous support for a wide range of
community projects and charitable causes. The
Sundman family and the Littleton staff will
miss him greatly, but his enthusiasm for work
and life will always be an inspiration to us.
Maynard and Fannie Sumhnon
with sons Rick and David at
groundbreaking for a major
addition completed in 1979
J X1 1
Coin Company
Maynard and
David Sundman at
Littleton Coin Company's
60th Anniversary Celebration
ii Pri fr ' Intl 111111
011 ■m IIIi'
nraJtfl UMW rawrleaf. r
Until very recently Maynard
Sundman was still corresponding
with collectors, using his trusty
1948 Royal typewriter
Littleton Coin Company, LLC • 1309 Mt. Eustis Road, Littleton NH 03561-3735 • 1-800-645-3122 •
Private Sundman enjoys a 1941
visit with his parents in Niantic,
CT, a short time before the events
at Pearl Harbor
Maynard's 2nd wife,
Dorothy, admires the
50 Year Membership
sea ^yy Awards he received
in 2004front the
Executive Directors of
the American Philatelic
Society and American
Numismatic Association
My sons convinced me to give aw
this Morgan Dollar at cost, ay
so we could meet
the new generation ofcodectors:
COIN C. TAI.04; N. 7
•••• -••••• •■••
ticton Rare Coins
1969 Littleton Coin
Catalog seen at left;
famous '70s and '80s
ad seen above features
Maynard with his
sons Donald, Rick
and David
152 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
&C. it".:4 /YEW EVA
when like oiklk . en
presented in 71 .1 .11-0 ll of (MIR .
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
By Wendell Wolka
RESEARCH IS ONE OF THE GREAT HUMBLERS of authors. Having just finished A History of
Nineteenth Century Ohio Obsolete Notes and Scrip sever-
al years ago, I have started on the inevitable part of
numismatic catalogs — the update. My intent -- which
was accomplished -- was to publish new discoveries,
additional details,
and corrections.
One correction
included in the CD
update was the true
identity of issuer
0943, erroneously
listed as "W.A.
Stanford at the
Summit County
Bank." This is every
author's biggest nightmare...blowing the historical back-
ground on the most common issuer from the state!
Of all places, a listing on eBay provided the key to
the true identity. A sheet containing four of the very
common scrip notes was being offered. Knowing the
issuer, I almost didn't look, but decided to take a peek
anyway. To my surprise, the sheet was signed and dated
in 1946 by the great grandson of the notes' issuer, one
William A. Hanford...not Stanford. A quick search of
census records and internet research sites verified that
the issuer was indeed one William A. Hanford.
William Hanford was born in Connecticut in 1819
and by 1853 had moved to Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio, and
become involved in J.M. Smith & Co., a local paper mill,
as a silent partner (Hanford was the "& Co."). On Nov.
25, 1853, the mill was leveled by a fire. Ironically, the
loss was uninsured as Hanford was to execute the fire
insurance policy the next day. Undeterred, the mill was
rebuilt and passed into the hands of a new partnership,
Hanford & Yeomans. The mill again was raked by a fire
on Oct. 30, 1867, with a loss of $20,000-$30,000 and
insurance coverage of only $12,000. Once more, the mill
was rebuilt. Now known as the Empire Mill. it was
owned by Hanford Brothers. Amazingly,
the mill again burned to the ground on
Sept. 18, 1872, with a loss of $32,000 and
insurance coverage of only $14,000. In
between running and periodically rebuild-
ing the business, Hanford also served as
Mayor of Cuyahoga Falls in 1868 and
again in the early 1880s.
And what was William A. Hanford's
occupation listed as in the 1870 and 1880
federal census records? "Agent for Fire
and Life Insurance"!
According to a newly discovered Cuyahoga Falls
History page on the internet, Hanford issued the ubiqui-
tous scrip notes when he was one of the owners of the
paper mill in 1862. These apparently circulated freely in
Cuyahoga Falls and were reportedly completely
redeemed by Hanford. This is pretty well born out by the
fact that the vast majority of these commonly encoun-
tered notes are unissued remainders, while only a very
small number appear to have been issued.
a it rArd
154 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Bank Signatures on Small-Size
Federal Reserve Bank Notes
By Derek Moffitt
ONE OF THE BIGGEST GAPS IN OUR KNOWL-edge of the widely collected Series of 1929 Federal
Reserve Bank Notes has, surprisingly, concerned the names of
the signers.
As I began to collect this series and to research the rele-
vant literature, I realised that I had never seen a list of the 24
Federal Reserve Bank officials whose signatures appear on the
notes. Subsequently, I contacted several authorities on U.S.
currency, and confirmed that no one had compiled such infor-
The purpose of this article is to fill that gap in our knowl-
edge. The accompanying chart gives the names and titles of
these 24 bank signers, along with a specimen of each signature
as it appears on the currency.
The small-size FRBNs, Series of 1929, owe their origin
to emergency legislation passed by Congress during the bank
holiday imposed in March 1933 by President Franklin
Roosevelt. Consequently, these notes were printed in great
haste, and a number of shortcuts were taken.
Instead of creating new note designs, the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing was authorised to use its stock of
already-printed sheets of Series of 1929 National Currency.
The necessary information for the various Federal Reserve
Banks was then overprinted. Notice that the type designation
"Federal Reserve Bank Note" appears nowhere on the finished
The notes printed for each bank should have carried the
signatures of that bank's Cashier and Governor; but due to the
hurried production schedule, the Bureau did not have suffi-
cient time to obtain approved specimens of all these signa-
tures. Instead, the needed signatures were taken from various
documents already in the files of the Bureau. And if no sample
of a certain bank officer's signature were readily available, the
Bureau simply substituted the signature of a different bank
official. For this reason, several districts' notes have signers
with unexpected titles.
The story of the emergency currency issue is told in the
History of the Bureau, of Engraving and Printing (1962, p. 116-
Many of the requests made upon the Bureau necessitated
quick and decisive action. A case in point was the special cur-
rency authorized by emergency legislation of March 9, 1933,
for an issue of Federal Reserve Bank Notes. The urgency for
this issuance of additional notes was due to the panic with-
drawals of savings deposited in the banks throughout the
Nation. Foresight and versatility were essential if the dire con-
sequences that could have resulted from the ensuing paper
money shortage were to be avoided.
It would have taken 18 months to prepare the new cur-
rency issue had conventional methods been followed.
However, only 2 days after passage of the legislation, the first
shipment of the new notes was on its way to the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York. The dispatch of currency to the
other Federal Reserve banks followed immediately. Such an
accomplishment was the result of ingenuity on the Bureau's
Much of the preliminary work relating to the new notes
was accomplished at the same time that the financial aspects
were being considered and the legislative bill was being drafted.
An example of the speed with which the project was han-
dled is found in the preparation of notes for the Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco. It was necessary to procure
actual signatures of two officials of every Federal Reserve bank
for use in preparing the overprinting plates. Telegrams were
dispatched to the banks asking that the necessary specimens be
furnished immediately.
In order to brook no delay in getting initial stocks of the
new notes to the west coast, signatures of the Californians were
copied from documents on file in the Treasury. Any necessary
corrections could be made later. Notes bearing the San
Francisco officers' facsimile signatures were already enroute
when the specimens requested by telegram were received at the
Bureau from that bank.
The dire need for "emergency currency" soon subsided;
however, shipments of token amounts continued to be made
through February 1934. The face value of the total deliveries
was in excess of $460 million. The Bureau could take pride in
the part it played in boosting public confidence in the Nation's
banks, for during the emergency period it also handled the rush
order received for more than 5 million sheets of regular
Federal Reserve Notes.
"Emergency currency" was also to serve in another criti-
cal situation 10 years later. After the last delivery was made in
1934 there remained on hand 7,317 packages comprising some
29 million of these notes in the vaults of the Bureau. During
World War II these stocks were used to help meet the large
demands made for currency.
Most of the standard reference books list the names of the
officials whose signatures appear on the large-size FRBNs--
because multiple signature combinations exist for most dis-
tricts, often with substantial differences in rarity and value.
But the small-size FRBNs have only one signature combina-
tion per district, and this is likely the reason why the names of
the signers have escaped the hobby's notice, despite the fact
that the Series of 1929 notes were widely collected as soon as
they were released. When I discovered that I could not find
these bank officers' names in any of my currency references, I
set out to find them in other sources.
The names of the twelve Governors did not prove diffi-
cult to locate; most of the Federal Reserve Banks provide at
least that much historical information on their websites. In
contrast, the bank Cashiers and the substitute signers were of
lesser historical importance, and so their names were not as
easy to find.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254 155
After several failed attempts to locate the names of these
subordinate officials either online or at a local library, I finally
wrote to all twelve of the Federal Reserve Banks, requesting
that they provide the names if possible. Most were able to
accommodate me, but a few did not reply, or could not find
the information.
For the last few pieces of the puzzle, I must express my
thanks to Annie Tilden at the FRB of Atlanta. She graciously
took the time to check the bank library's collection of old
annual reports from several other Federal Reserve Banks, and
dug out the last of the obscure names.
Finally, my thanks also to Peter Huntoon, who provided
several of the illustrations of signatures in the chart, and also
reviewed a draft of this article.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing. History of the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing, 1862-1962. Treasury
Department, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1962, 199 p.
FRB of Boston
Cashier: William Willett
Governor: Roy A. Young
FRB of New York
Deputy Governor: Arthur W. Gilbart
Governor: George L. Harrison
FRB of Philadelphia
Cashier: C.A. Mcllhenny
Governor: George W. Norris
FRB of Cleveland
Cashier: Herman F. Strater
Governor: Elvadore R. Fancher
FRB of Richmond
Cashier: George Keesee
Governor: George J. Seat'
FRB of Atlanta
Cashier: M.W. Bell
Governor: Eugene R. Black
FRB of Chicago
Asst. Deputy Governor: Otto J. Netterstrom
Governor: James B. McDougal
FRB of St. Louis
Controller: A.H. Haill
Governor: William MeG. Martin
FRB of Minneapolis
Cashier: Harry I. Ziemer
Governor: William B. Geery
FRB of Kansas City
Cashier: J.W. Helm
Governor: George H. Hamilton
FRB of Dallas
Cashier: Fred Harris
Governor: B.A. McKinney
FRB of San Francisco
Cashier: W.M. Hale
Governor: John U. Calkins
Starts Here
A Primer for Collectors
Bill Gates replaced the Sultan of Brunei (shown on $1 note) as the richest man.
Plastic Currency
1./could be the next move among more countries who
want their folding money to last longer; these notes can
be cut but not torn. Australia, Brunei and Western
Samoa are among those to issue plastic money; by the
time this column is printed, more countries will have
issued plastic notes.
A small window is placed in the corner of each note
for each country. The shape of this window is different
on each denomination, and in addition to a geometric
pattern, the denomination of each is embossed on the
window. The
lowest denomi-
nation for the
three countries
just mentioned
will cost less than
A portrait of
Queen Elizabeth
II is on the 1992
Australian $5
note. The face
of the $10 note
has a portrait of
poet Andrew
Barton "Banjo"
Paterson (1864-
1941). In 1895 he set words to an old marching song
and called it Waltzing Matilda. Paterson worked as a
newspaper correspondent and collected Australian
songs. The name "Banjo" came from a racehorse, not
the instrument. The back of this note shows Mary
Gilmore (1865-1862), writer and teacher. (There will
be more about her in a future column.)
The face of the $20 note features Maly Haydock
Reiby (1777-1855). She was born in England and sent
to Australia for seven years in 1792, at the time an
English penal colony, as a convicted horse thief. Mary
had seven children by her husband, Thomas Reiby. She
became active in religious, educational and charitable
affairs. Even if not guilty, the image of a criminal on a
March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
bank note is a topic for conversation.
The back of this denomination honors Reverend
John Flynn, the founder of the Aerial Medical Service in
1928. Five years later it was called the National Medical
Service, then the Flying Doctor Service of Australia and
Finally, in 1954, the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
The Australian government is to be lauded for plac-
ing the image of a native Australian on the face of the
$50 note. David Unaipon, an Aborigine, was an inven-
tor and the first Aboriginal author to have his work pub-
The back of the $50 note includes a portrait of
Edith Dircksey Cowan (1861-1932). She was a social
worker and was elected to the Legislative Assembly of
Western Australia in 1921. Edith D. Cowan was the
first female member of any Australian Parliament.
This is an opportunity for me to mention one more
musician who was recognized on money, one I could
not squeeze in a previous column about musicians. A
portrait of opera singer Nellie Melba (1861-1931) was
placed on the $100 plastic note from Australia. This
extraordinary singer of Scottish descent made 150
recordings, some with the legendary Enrico Caruso,
who died ten years before the Australian diva. (A new
series of plastic notes is now being issued in Australia.)
Bank notes from Australia and about a dozen other
economically stable
countries are available
at the international
division of major
banks for face value
plus a small handling
The plastic notes
from Brunei have a
portrait of the Sultan
of Brunei, once the
richest man in world.
The wealth of Brunei
is derived from the
underground lake of
oil on which the small
Asian country rests. The window on these notes only
have the Brunei symbol, no embossed numerals.
One of the first plastic notes to capture the atten-
tion of collectors was a 2 tala note from Western Samoa;
it displays a portrait of Head of State Malietoa
Tanumafili. The back shows the gathering of a native
family. In 2000 a $10 commemorative note was issued
by New Zealand. This note celebrates the "free spirit &
quest for adventure in the new millennium." The back
of this note resembles a billboard for New Zealand
tourism. Themes for collecting bank notes seem to be
endless: now we can add plastic notes to this list.
(Copyright story reprinted by permission
from Coin World July 28, 1997)
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
One vote for a common scale
of the most common is a variation of the Sheldon scale
which goes from R1 (most common) to R8 (least common).
But not everybody uses the same values. R8 could mean a
variety for which a surviving example has not been confirmed.
Or it could mean one to five examples known.
Using a numeric grading system which goes from 1 to 70
for currency has never made much sense to me outside of
being familiar to people who collect coins. Using a rarity scale
which comes from coins makes about as little sense.
There are many of problems with the rarity scales used.
Besides there being no commonality, none of them cross spe-
cialties. Standards of rarity vary. Rarities are not uncommon
in merchant scrip. I have two friends who have been research-
ing Tennessee scrip. A collector let them view his collection.
Low and behold, only about one-sixth of his collection had yet
been accounted for. The researchers asked me what I thought
of the data: I replied that my best guess was that they knew of
one-sixth of all Tennessee merchant scrip. Most of what is
known may be unique! Contrast that to collecting $1 Federal
Reserve Notes. Low print runs of any variety are several
thousand. The rarest star note has about 20 examples known
in uncirculated condition. (Uncirculated being another term
taken from coins which does not make as much sense with
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Jeff Brueggeman, PhD
regards to paper money.) But most of what is in various rarity
scales would discard almost all information about rarity in this
field. Virtually all notes would be thrown into the RI or R2
But we can standardize all rarity scales if we just reverse
the direction of rarity. Instead of a low number being com-
mon, a low number should be rare. I would propose the fol-
lowing scale:
Surviving example has not been confirmed
R-0 unique R-3 5 to 8 known
R-1 2 known R-4 9 to 16 known
R-2 3 or 4 known R-5 17 to 32 known
And so on. To those who are mathematically inclined, the
rarity R-n implies that there are between 2(n-1) +1 and 2n
notes known.
This scale has many benefits. It can be used for any com-
monality of notes. In addition, everything can be scaled up as
much as possible. And given a rarity level, there is a corre-
sponding number that is based on a well defined rule instead
of a rule of thumb. When people write books, they are very
close to the subject matter. They often do not remember that
many times the book will be used as a quick reference. If peo-
ple have to look up what the rarity scale is, the book is slightly
less useful. Jeff Brueggeman, PhD
Pierre Fricke discusses CSA
early research efforts at
SPMC Florida gathering
morning, during the Florida United Numismatists
show. Thanks very much to Pierre Fricke who addressed the
approximately 16 members and prospective members in atten-
dance. Pierre talked about, no surprise considering his won-
derful book, Confederate paper money.
He also shared some of the documents he'd brought with
him. Attendees had the pleasure of seeing original research
from some of the giants of that aspect of the hobby, including
Phil Chase, John Browne, Grover Criswell, William West
Bradbeer and Dr. Douglas Ball.
A number of good questions were asked. Some of the
longer term members shared their personal memories of those
pioneers in CSA collecting.
Coffee and danish were enjoyed by all. Treasurer Bob
Moon and Membership Director Frank Clark also attended. A
sincere thank you to all who made this such a success.
A member from California asked to be part of a new
meeting that we hope will be held in conjunction with the
Long Beach show.
Stay tuned. -- Judith Murphy
Buying & Selling
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March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money158
Call for Volunteers
OVER THE PAST 20 YEARS THERE HAS BEEN ANexplosion of published information about paper money of
all kinds. Research at the Smithsonian has revealed informa-
tion on nationals and small size notes. Bank note engravers
and artists have been publicized. Christie's ABNCo sales in
the early 1990s brought to light thousands of proof notes
never before seen by the collecting fraternity.
Recent sales of additional ABNCo material continues to
provide new information. Dave Bowers' tome on Obsolete
Paper Money provided color illustrations, along with a masters
degree's worth of information about how notes were pro-
duced. Census records of reported survivors, prices realized
and archives of note appearances by auction companies help us
evaluate the rarity and value of notes. And much work is
ongoing in many other areas of the hobby.
This is my plea for someone to undertake two new pro-
jects. First is to organize and publish existing data that is
moldering away at the National
Archives. Records of national bank
note issues and redemptions, by serial
# and type, of the national banks
should be compiled and published
before they disappear. The ledgers
It occurs to me...
Steve Whitfield
are piled on shelves in the dusty attic of the National Archives.
The area is not climate controlled. Leather bindings are turn-
ing to brown dust and many of the records are scattered.
Many years ago I visited the Archives looking for infor-
mation about Rhode Island banks. I filled out the appropriate
paperwork, got my research card and an escort to get me to
the right place. In the attic he pointed at the general area and
left me alone. Unfortunately it was during summer and the
temperature had to be in the 90s. I peeled off my coat, rolled
up my sleeves and dug in. The ledgers were not separated by
bank or even by state. As notes were received from the BEP
or issued to the individual banks, an entry, with note serial #s,
was made in the current ledger. Looking was hard, dirty
work. By the time I finished my shirt and pants were gener-
ously covered with rusty stains, and I was soaking wet and
dead tired from lifting the ledgers. But I had found the infor-
mation I was seeking for my banks of interest. That was as
exciting as finding one of the notes!
The second task is for more record keeping. With the
sale of the last? of the ABNCo material; the order books were
obtained by R.M. Smythe and loaned to the Museum of
American Finance in NYC. If complete they should tell us
how many notes of a particular design and denomination were
ordered by the ABNCo's customers. They should also indi-
cate how many notes were shipped. Someone/s need(s) to
take on the mission of researching, arranging and publishing
this info (if it exists) in a usable format for collectors. I can't
wait to get my hands on the numbers. If no one steps up to
this challenge, I'll just have to figure a way to get to New York
City myself. •
It's Your Turn; Do It Yourself
reader participation. Not everyone is interested in writ-
ing books on their paper money collections, but I'll bet a lot of
readers are. And I'll double down on that wager and offer the
opinion that many of those books would find receptive audi-
ences in the hobby, too. Collectors are thirsty for knowledge!
I'm presently working- on three books, but I realize my
personal situation is atypical.
How about you?
None of us are colleague Dave Bowers, who can write on
just about everything under the hobby sun. But if you've col-
lected for years, and really specialized in some genre, what's
next on your personal hobby horizon? Have you collected
your thoughts as well as your specimens: i.e. have you exhibit-
ed? Have you recorded your findings in the annals of our
hobby: i.e. have you published articles? Have you spoken to
coin clubs or other hobby seminars? Have you shared your
passion with a novice collector and brought him/her along the
road to conoisseurship? Good, I applaud your unselfish
But there's another step you can take.
Put your years of study and discovery between the covers
of a book. Member Wendell Wolka did just that and wrote a
splendid book on his Ohio obsoletes, which many of you own.
Ditto SPMCer George Tremmel who turned his passion for
Confederate counterfeits and facsimiles into a popular title.
Or how about Doug Murray, who shared his research on large
size star notes with the rest of us. This list could be quite
lengthy. I have three dozen shelves of examples, I could offer.
I'd wager you, too, have a great many paper money books
on your shelves. Those authors have become your "friends"
even if you've never met them in person, or even if they died
before you were born! They deposited a legacy of knowledge.
You have their books and access to their findings because they
took the time to record that information for wide distribution.
You can do that too. It's never been easier. Even if your
topic doesn't appeal to a large publishing house, that should
not deter you from publishing a book on your own specialty.
And self-published author Mike McNeil, whose splendid book
on CSA note signers is one of the fine examples on nw shelves,
helps you get started in this issue.
Also in this issue, a how-to-do-it print article by contrib-
utor Terry Bryan shows you step-by-step how you can turn
those historical plates and dies which have appeared on the
market of late into customized print displays. Terry has
worked out the kinks for you. Now it's your turn.
100 500 1000
Small (2 7/8" x 6 1/2") $39 $160 $300
Large (3 1/2" x 8") $44 $175 $320
Auction/Check (3 3/4" x 9") $48 $200 $360
Payment by check or money order. All prices include shipping.
NY State residents must add sales tax or provide completed
resale form.You may combine sizes for lowest rate. For more
information, please see our website at
Linda and Russell Kaye, Life member, ANA, SPMC
Sellitstore, Inc.
P.O. Box 635, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
Join the American Society of Check Collectors or write to
Lyman Hensley, 473 East Elm St., Sycamore, IL 60178.
Dues are $13 per year for US residents,
$17 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $23 for those in foreign locations.
Paper Money • March/April • Whole No. 254
i WANTED: 1i 1
i New Advertisers 1
1 The quality of our SPMC Journal I
Iand information available to YOU
I depends on the quality 1
I and quantity of our I
1 It's a fact: advertising plays I
I Ian important role in funding
I this high quality magazine I
I Dues only cover part of costs I
I Our advertisers do more than I
Isell you notes; They bring you
I Iour magazine -- So pay them backI I
I with gratitude: your business! I
L .1
Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of PAPER MONEY
The first 12 issues. Larry Adams, Curator, Higgins Museum
& Library, PO Box 258, Okoboji, Iowa 51355
712-332-5859 or 515-432-1931
Write about your specialty for Paper Money
Articles on checks, bonds, stocks
Always wanted
Our SPMC Journal exists to fulfill our mandate
to promote education in all these fiscal paper areas
So spread your knowledge around to our members
'VII I: I 1111;11
160 March/April • Whole No. 254 • Paper Money
Selling your collection?
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WANTED: All types - Legal Tenders,
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7 Reasons you should sell to Littleton...
Receive top dollar for your collection -
Quick turnaround - accept our offer
and we'll send you a check the very same day
3 Single notes to entire collections
4 Deal with a company that has a solid reputation
built from more than 60 years of service
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6 Why travel? Send us your collection, or if it's too
large and value requires, we'll come to you -
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7 Each year we spend over $15 mill ion on coins
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Maynard Sundman David Surulma a
Jim Reardon
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A Littleton
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Bu tch Caswell Ken Westover Josh Caswell
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Bank of /America
Dun & Bradstreet #01 -892 -9653
Over 60 Years of Friendly Service to Collectors
02006 LCC. Inc . B4J464
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency
National Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Obsolete Notes, Error Notes, MPC's, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money .. .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 130 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the
Please visit
• Encourages
• Sponsors the
Money Convention,
• Publishes several
of these booklets
• Is a proud
annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis,
our web site — — for show location and dates.
public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis
as well as Paper Money classes and scholarships at the A.N.A.'s Summer
"How to Collect" booklets regarding currency and related paper items.
can be found in the Membership Directory or our web site.
supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
Terry Coyle — Secretary
P.O. Box 246 • Lima, PA 19037
(610) 627-1212
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
4.*( (.---
4012-1401 s
Whether you are selling a few extra notes from your holdings, or a
comprehensive collection built over decades, you can maximize your
profits at our Central States auction. Our printed catalogs and online
Permanent Auction Archives will memorialize your collection forever.
Allen Mincho
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1327
Heritage is America's largest numismatic auction house, delivering
worldwide bidder demand through our exclusive Interactive Internet
systems on our award-winning website. There you will find 325,000+
fellow collectors registered as bidder-members at .
Len Glazer
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1390
When you consign with Heritage, you benefit from decades of experience,
award-winning catalogs & catalogers, the World's finest numismatic
client list, and proven marketing expertise. Our state-of-the-art digital
photography has won praises from around the world, with full-color,
enlargeable images of every single-note lot posted on the Internet.
Bidders trust our catalog descriptions and our full-color images.
David Lisot
Consignment Director
Ext. 1303
Dustin Johnston
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1302
Heritage is currently accepting consignments for our Signature
Auction to be held at the Central States Numismatic Society
Convention in Rosemont, IL. To include your currency collection
in this important auction, please contact a Consignment Director
David Maylield
Consignment Director
Ext. 1277
We invite your consignments and bidding participation in our upcoming
CSNS Signature Auction. Let us bring your currency to the buyers around
the world and on the Web. Call 1-800-872-6467 Ext. 1001
• 24-hour voicemail or visit our website at
Mike Moczalla
Consignment Director
Ext. 1481
The World's #1 Numismatic Auctioneer
Auctiat Galleria
Jim Fitzgerald
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1348
Annual Sales Exceeding $500 Million • 325,000+ Online Registered Bidder-Members
3500 Maple Avenue, 17th Floor • Dallas, Texas 75219-3941 • or visit
214-528-3500 • FAX: 214-443-8425 • e-mail:
IL Auctioneer license: Robert Korver 441.001421.
This auction subject to a 15% buyer's premium.
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