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$10 Silver Certificate serials A91044001A-B00904000A
were supposed to be yellow seals. Why does the middle
note have a blue seal? For the answer see inside, page 196.
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PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin-
ning in January by the Society of Paper Money
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Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 161
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVII, No. 3 Whole No. 255 May/June 2008
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor. P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
The Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank 163
By Keith E. Littlefield, PhD
The Paper Column: State Senator's Shenanigans Delayed State Seal 173
By Peter Huntoon
Uncovering the Mystery of Nebraska's Wood River Hoard 182
By Matt Hansen
Reader Reports Rare Cherokee National Civil War $5 Scrip 193
By R. Logan Talks
Labor Exchange Scrip: the Christian Exchange of Detroit, MI 195
By Steve Whitfield
The Paper Column: U.S. Hawaii & North Africa/Sicily Military Currency . .196
By Peter Huntoon, in collaboration with James Downey,
James Hodgson, Donald Medcalf and James A. Simek
On This Date in Paper Money History 207, 209
By Fred Reed
National Bank Note Data Is Accessible to Researchers 232
PCGS Certifies Legendary Skyjacking Ransom Notes 233
"Woman Bank President [Mary C. Bennett] Says Good Field for Women" 234
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Louisa B. Stephens, National Bank President 235
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Information and Officers 162
New Florida Paper Money Work Well Worth the Price 172
By Steve Whitfield
SPMC seeks nomimations for two top awards 215
President's Column 217
By Benny Bolin
Money Mart 217
New Members 224
Collector/fractional note author Milt Friedberg passes 215
Death claims one of SPMC's original members, Harry J. Forman 230
CSNS Stages Eric Newman Paper Money Seminar May 10 236
Get Your SPMC Breakfast Tickets NOW 237
Librarian's suggestion draws dual responses 237
What's on Steve's Mind Today? 238
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor's Notebook 238
162 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia. It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC, including its bylaws and activities can be found on its Internet web
site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be
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MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
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ble to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
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Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin. 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1, Plover, WI 54467
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany, NY 12209-1735
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060.
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln. Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
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The Conway, Gordon Garnett
National Bank:
A Legacy of Banking
in Fredericksburg, Virginia
from 1865 to 1912
by Keith E. Littlefield, Ph D
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 163
Virginia's finest families. At the turn of the century his prospects were bright indeed. He had a facil-
ity for numbers. In addition to his day job as Cashier of the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National
• Bank, he held various positions in town. These included serving as Treasurer for a number of local
businesses such as the old Hunter Plow Works (1903, 1907), the Merchants and Mechanics Perpetual Building
Association (1903), the Enterprise Building Association (1903), the Fredericksburg Horse Show Association (1905),
the Virginia Shirt Company (1907), the Colonial Mattress Company (1909), and the Masonic Lodge, to name a
few. Moonlighting as treasurer to balance the day's receipts and accounts of these local businesses helped him
maintain a high profile in the community, and develop an extensive network of friends and business relations
A. Randolph Howard
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
A. Randolph Howard traded up from
the residence at left above to the
estate of Chatham, above right, in
entrusted to his confidence. He is described in Fredericksburg and
Fredericksburgers (c. 1903) as "a man whose every effort seems crowned with suc-
cess, and whose name stands for progress and development." In 1909 he sold
his modest home in Fredericksburg and purchased the old colonial plantation
known as Chatham which encompassed more than 85 acres. His fine stable of
horses was well known on the Virginia circuit. The magnificent Georgian style
manor overlooked the Rappahannock River and the heart of downtown
Fredericksburg. Chatham, built in 1771 by William Fitzhugh, was visited fre-
quently by George Washington. It had served as the headquarters of the Union
Army under Burnside's ill fated attempt to defeat Lee in December of 1862.
This was a fitting residence for a gentleman of A. Randolph Howard's stature.
With Randolph living at Chatham and his mother living at Kenmore,
an equally storied estate that his father had purchased in 1881, Fredericksburg
was literally sandwiched in between two generations of Howards. In his mid-
40s Randolph must have been very pleased with his station in life as he gazed
upon the Bradford Building where he worked at the bank, and Kenmore's chim-
neys in the distance where his mother lived, from his estate on the heights of
Stafford County. Yes -- from all appearances -- A. Randolph Howard was a
very successful and busy businessman.
With the failure of all antebellum banking establishments in
Fredericksburg, Virginia as a result of the Civil War, Walker Peyton Conway
and John Warren Slaughter established the banking house of Conway,
Slaughter & Co. in October 1865, the company being George Whitfield
Garnett. In addition to banking they were also brokers of real estate and insur-
ance, which was typical of many private banking firms of the day. The National
Bank of Fredericksburg was also established in October of 1865 occupying the
old Farmers Bank of Virginia building, initiating a competition that would last
for the next 47 years. In August of 1866, J. Warren Slaughter 1 passed away at
the age of 45, and William K. Gordon joined the partnership to form Conway,
Gordon & Garnett. In 1868 the partners were described as "all old men of high
character and property, formerly officers of the Bank of Virginia." 2 William K.
Gordon had been cashier at the Fredericksburg Branch of the Bank of Virginia
and Walker P. Conway was past president.
The Conway, Gordon & Garnett Bank was originally located on the
first floor of 122 Commerce Street (now the 200 block of William Street) three
doors up from Main Street (now Caroline Street) at the "old stand" of Franklin
Slaughter & Co., an 'a n te helium private banker. 4 A jewelry store now occupies
the site where the original bank building stood.
In the early years, the Conway, Gordon & Garnett bank demonstrated
excellent growth and enjoyed a very favorable credit rating. Although several
blemishes did appear on their credit record over the ensuing decade, these were
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Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 165
easily overcome. The bank suspended shortly in 1873 during the nationwide Conway, Gordon & Garnett, Bankers
financial panic associated with the over expansion of railroads. On Friday logo from a check.
September 26, 1873, the local paper reported numerous personal bankruptcies
and news of Baltimore, Richmond and Philadelphia banks suspending payments.
The editor bragged that there had not been a run on a Fredericksburg bank.
The public obliged on Saturday. After $5,000 had been withdrawn, the bank
suspended payments to depositors due to a lack of currency. 5 At the time their
liabilities were not over $10,000, while their assets were worth four times that
amount. 6 In December, over two months later, the bank placed an ad stating
their full resumption of business and apologized for their "temporary embarrass-
ment." 7 The failure of Duncan, Sherman & Co. (probably a Baltimore firm) in
_January, 1876, was also cause for concern given the loss of $3,500, but at the
time they were still worth ten times that amount. 8
George W. Garnett died in July of 1876. 9 Peter Vivian Daniel Conway,
the son of Walker Peyton Conway and the future president and signer of the
Conway, Gordon and Garnett National Bank notes, joined the firm. Peter V. D.
Conway was a Confederate veteran, having enlisted in the Fredericksburg
_Artillery March 5, 1862. 10 He was paroled at Appomattox and lived and worked
in Baltimore until moving back to Fredericksburg to begin his banking career.
In 1877 Conway, Gordon and Garnett were described as doing the best banking
business in town, and this sterling record continued into the 20th century. In
1884 Walker Peyton Conway passed away at the age of 78. 11 In 1886 the last
of the original principals, William K. Gordon, died at the age of 87. 12
The Conway, Gordon and Garnett National Bank was chartered March
23, 1900, with a capital of $50,000. The officers of the bank were P. V. D.
Conway, President; Charles Herndon, Vice President; A. Randolph Howard,
Cashier; with George W. Shepherd and John M.W. Green as Assistant Cashiers.
Charles Herndon had joined the firm in 1891, and A. Randolph Howard joined
the firm in 1894. 13
$10 Brown Back signed by A. Randolph Howard, Cashier, and P.V.D. Conway, President
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money166
The Conway, Gordon & Garnett
National Bank in the Bradford
Building, Fredericksburg
These five gentlemen constituted the Board of Directors and were the
sole stockholders. 14 In 1890 their deposits were $90,000; in 1894 $103,000;
1898 $226,000; 1899 $277,000; and in March, 1900, $309,000. 15 At the turn of
the century the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank was the largest and
most prosperous of the fifteen banks in the First Congressional District and it
handled most of the business of the City of Fredericksburg government. 16
In November, 1901, he bank relocat-
ed up the block to the new Bradford Building
at the corner of Princess Anne and William
Streets right next to City Hall. 17 At the
time the four-story Bradford Building was
the tallest building in town. The entrance to
the bank was on the second story on the
Princess Anne Street side. 18 The bank took
up the entire second floor and a single word
from the style of the firm was emblazoned in
a graceful arch on each of the five windows
facing Commerce Street: "The Conway"
"Gordon" "& Garnett" "National" "Bank."
The Conway, Gordon & Garnett
National Bank issued only second charter
Brown Backs and Date Backs. The total
number of these large size notes known to be
remaining in existence are 7: four Brown
Backs and three Date Backs. 19 George W.
Shepherd left the Conway, Gordon and
Garnett National Bank in the fall of 1911 to
start the Commercial State Bank as head
cashier and his timing was very fortuitous. 20
On November 1st, 1912, a rumor
related to a recently completed audit by the
National Bank Examiner caused a severe run
on the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National
Bank. Although the final report attested to
the bank's solvency, a leak regarding a discrepancy in the books prompted the
run, which died down by Tuesday, November 5th. An exchange of published
testimonials in local papers in the intervening four-day period precipitated the
public resignation of the cashier A. Randolph Howard. His resignation cited
several "nervous breakdowns" attributed to overwork and his acknowledgement
of a private resignation which he had tendered October 23, 1912. 21 With con-
fidence restored "it [was] thought and hoped that the incident [would] soon be
forgotten," but the magnitude of the "incident" proved to be the bank's down-
fall. 22 As reported in the local papers, the manifestation of this nervous break-
down was his embezzlement as Treasurer of the local Masonic Lodge of
$14,000 over a period of three years from 1910 to 1912, and the embezzlement
of $34,352 of Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank funds in 1912.
A happy Thanksgiving was not to be. The indictment of A. Randolph
Howard occurred on November 19. He surrendered himself to the court and
posted $4,000 bail. When confronted with the shortage at the bank he readily
acknowledged the descrepencies and conveyed a deed of trust against his real
estate in Fredericksburg and Stafford County to help secure the loss. Although
the bank decided not to prosecute since their losses were now covered, local
complaints from members of the Masonic Lodge initiated a grand jury investi-
gation into the violation of state and local banking laws. Federal marshals
stepped in with an arrest warrant on Friday, November 22, 1912. A. Randolph
Howard appeared of his own will with council, and after a preliminary hearing
Stock Certificate for The
Fredericksburg Horse Show
Association signed by A. Randolph
Howard as Treasurer.
ijv •%41 0%4, ;IAA wry,
1/0FIVI ;
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 167
posted bail of $7,500. A Fredericksburg court date was set for Thursday,
December 5th, 1912.
He appeared in court as required, and, after objecting to the Masonic
Lodge charge, entered a plea of "not guilty." The next court date was set for
January, 1913, while he and his friends scrambled to come up with the remain-
ing funds to satisfy the Masonic claim. On January 8, 1913, A. Randolph
Howard appeared in the Alexandria U.S. Court, and after a jury was drawn, he
changed his plea to "guilty" to the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank
charges. The indictment contained 11 counts of embezzlement of $30,500
between September 23, 1911, and October 3, 1912, and six counts of false
entries to cover up the embezzlement. 23 Testimony indicates that he took it
upon himself to make unreported loans to long-time customers of the bank,
although he apparently did not personally profit from these actions. The
Masonic Lodge indictment though remained unsettled.
Given the breadth and depth of his local involvement as treasurer with
so many small businesses in town, the true extent of his embezzlement may
never be known. As treasurer of the smaller organizations and cashier at the
bank, he was the bookkeeper of records for both sets of books — an inherent
conflict of interest. Without external audits it would be hard to disprove his
reconciliation. Given the timing of the embezzlement that could be proved, it
would appear that the purchase of Chatham in 1909 was inextricably linked to
his decision to juggle the books of at least two local businesses. The fact that
the Masonic Lodge, whose membership roles and dues could be more easily
reconstructed, was able to document a pattern of abuse three years prior to the
bank examiner is a strong indicator of the extent of his larceny. The fact that he
was able to cover the huge shortfall at the bank with the equity he had built up
in Chatham in three short years is very telling.
Given his restitution of the missing bank funds, his attorneys asked for
a suspended sentence and claimed that the subsequent liquidation of the
Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank was not connected to Mr. Howard's
embezzlement. They argued that his error was "one of the head and not the
heart." If the sentence was suspended, they contended, he would be given a
splendid position in a Philadelphia law firm, and the welfare of his wife and two
children should also be taken into consideration. U.S. Court Judge Edmund
Waddill was sympathetic, but not totally swayed by these arguments. Citing the
seriousness of the crime, he sentenced A. Randolph Howard to the minimum —
five years in a federal penitentiary. 24 Judge Waddill further indicated that "any
ameliorating circumstances surrounding the case ... should be considered by the
pardoning power and not by the judge who was charged with inflicting the pun-
ishment prescribed by law." Mr. Howard's request to wrap up personal affairs
in Fredericksburg was denied. After ten days in the Alexandria jail, he was
shipped to the penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. 25
The last day of official business of the Conway, Gordon & Garnett
National Bank was Saturday November 16, 1912. 26 On November 20, 1912,
after hasty negotiation, the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank was
merged with the Farmers & Merchants State Bank, which had been established
in June of 1906. 27 P. V. D. Conway was immediately put on the Board of
Directors of the Farmers & Merchants State Bank to look out after the affairs of
A. Randolph Howard's signature on a
National Bank Note.
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168 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
his old patrons. Once the bank closed, Peter Conway, president, and Charles
Herndon, the vice president, retired from daily banking business. Of the 41,872
large size notes issued by the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank only
$22,450 remained outstanding in October, 1913. 28 The Planters National Bank
of Fredericksburg, which had been organized of February 4, 1913, moved into
the Bradford Building spaces vacated by the Conway, Gordon & Garnett
National Bank.
A. Randolph Howard's father had passed away in 1899 so he was spared
the embarrassment that had to be very troubling to his mother and two broth-
ers. His parents were from prominent Maryland families, the Howards for
whom Howard Co. is named. They were wealthy and well respected in town.
Although his two brothers did not live in or near Fredericksburg, his mother
had lived at Kenmore, the historic residence of Bettie Lewis, sister of George
Washington, since the late 1860s. While he was in prison, his mother passed
away October 20th, 1913, and with the dissolution of her life estate as dictated
in her husband's will, the three sons received equal portions of what remained of
William Key Howard's legacy. 29 At the time of her death the Kenmore proper-
ty alone was worth $15,000, but the estate wasn't settled until her son, Clarance,
appeared in court to pay the back taxes on January 20, 1915. 30
A $20 National Bank Note signed by
A. Randolph Howard, cashier, and
P.V.D. Conway, president.
Twenty months after his incarceration, on September 1, 1914, A.
Randolph Howard was pardoned by President Woodrow Wilson. He subse-
quently took a position in New Jersey as manager of a Jersey cattle breeding
estate, a passion he had pursued on his Stafford cattle farm prior to his impris-
onment. He made no effort to conceal his past and was adamant that people
draw their own conclusions about his character. Shortly after his release the
Masonic Lodge continued to pursue their outstanding indictment against him,
and sought his extradition back to Virginia claiming he was a fugitive from jus-
tice. He denied the charge stating that he had been forcibly removed from the
state by federal authorities when he was imprisoned in Atlanta, and was there-
fore not a fugitive. His argument prevailed and he initially took great pains not
to return to the state of Virginia. 31 The issue with the Masonic Lodge was
finally resolved on January 20, 1915, the same court date that his brother,
Clarance, paid back taxes on the Kenmore property. A. Randolph Howard's
legal council paid $6,000 in cash and he agreed to a judgment of $7,689.50 to be
paid at a later date. With restitution made to the satisfaction of the
Commonwealth, A. Randolph Howard was free to move back to Virginia. He
did just that settling at Freedom Hill in Fairfax County, where he lived the last
20 years of his life.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
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May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money170
Letterhead for The Colonial Mattress
Company, Fredericksburg, VA listing A.
Randolph Howard as Treasurer.
The legacy of the Conway, Gordon and Garnett National Bank faded
as the last of the original officers passed away. P. V. D. Conway died April 3,
1924 in San Diego California at the age of 82. 32 Charles Herndon died in
1932. 33 The notorious A. Randolph Howard died of pneumonia December 10,
1937, at the age of 71. His obituary was silent on his past embezzlement convic-
tion and the downfall of the Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank, only
focusing on his legacy as a "one-time prominent Fredericksburg banker." 34 He
was buried at the family plot in the Hollywood Cemetery at Richmond,
John M.W. Green, originally an assistant cashier, passed away on June
17, 1946, at the age of 72. 35 George Shepherd, Jr., the other assistant cashier,
was past president of the Commercial State Bank, which like the Conway,
Gordon & Garnett National Bank, had merged with the Farmers and
Merchants State Bank. He eventually retired from the banking business in
1949. George Shepherd passed away February 10, 1963, at the ripe old age of
91 as the last surviving member of the original officers of the Conway, Gordon
& Garnett National Bank. 36
Other than the few surviving national bank notes and checks, the last
vestige of the once prominent banking house was subsumed when the Bradford
Building was burned and gutted March 26, 1963. At the time it was affection-
ately known as Fredericksburg's only skyscraper, but it was subsequently leveled.
A coffee urn, left on over night in the Mayflower restaurant, was the culprit.
The lot beside the old City Hall (now the local Fredericksburg Museum)
remains vacant today, closing a chapter on the interesting history of the
Conway, Gordon & Garnett National Bank that had been long forgotten.
End Notes
1. Robert A. Hodge, Tombstone Locations and Data in the Fredericksburg Cemetery
(Fredericksburg, Va., 1988), p. 226. J. Warren Slaughter was born December 3,
2. Virginia Vol. 50, R.G. Dun & Co. Collection, Baker Library, Harvard University
Graduate School of Business Administration, 4181:11.
3. The Free Lance (Fredericksburg), May 25, 1886, p. 3.
4. Sanborn Map & Publishing Co., Fredericksburg Virginia, 1886, sheet 2. See also
J.H. Chataigne, Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1884-'5, 1884, p.
5. Fredericksburg Ledger (Fredericksburg, Va.), September 30, 1873, p. 3.
6. Virginia Vol. 50, R.G. Dun & Co. Collection, Baker Library, Harvard University
Graduate School of Business Administration, 418k11.
7. Fredericksburg Ledger (Fredericksburg, Va.), December 19, 1873, p. 2.
8. Virginia Vol. 50, R.G. Dun & Co. Collection, Baker Library, Harvard University
Graduate School of Business Administration, 418k11.
9. The Virginia Herald (Fredericksburg, Va.), July 10, 1876, p. 3.
10. Robert K. Krick, The Fredericksburg Artillery (Lynchburg, Va.: H.E. Howard, Inc.,
1986), p. 99.
11. The News (Fredericksburg), March 3, 1884, p. 3. Walker Peyton Conway was born
in Stafford Co. July 1, 1805. See also The Virginia Star (Fredericksburg, Va.),
March 5, 1884, p. 3.
12. The Free Lance (Fredericksburg, Va.), May 25, 1886, p. 3. This obituary states that
William K. Gordon was 87 years old the day he died, and that he was born
December 14, 1779, the day George Washington died — the year should have been
printed 1799.
13. The Free Lance (Fredericksburg, Va.), March 20, 1900, 3.
14. Fredericksburg and Fredericksburgers. Fredericksburg, Va. not dated, ca. 1903, p. 69.
15. The Free Lance (Fredericksburg, Va.), March 20, 1900, p. 3.
16. Fredericksburg 1177.d Fr ederick sbur gers. Fredericksburg, Va. not dated, Ca. 1903, p. 69.
17. Kishpaugh in his Fifty Years of Service in the Printing Busniess, 1944, p. 9, states that
Conway, Gordon & Garnett Bank moved into the Bradford Building December 1,
Di cover ,
YOUR pot of gold
Advertise in PAPER MONEY
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
1900. This conflicts with the period newspaper articles.
18. The Bradford Building was named after Sydney S. Bradford, the owner and the only
licensed real estate agent in town; Frank P. Stearns, a local builder, built it. For
additional information see The Free Lance (Fredericksburg, Va.), January 14, 1900, p.
3; March 1, 1900, p. 3; and The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), August 2, 1900, p.
19. The Littlefield census: $5 Brown Back serial #2693; $10 Brown Back serial #110;
$10 Brown Back serial #2756; $10 Brown Back serial #unknown; $5 Date Back serial
#785; $10 Date Back serial #53; $20 Date Back serial #201.
20. For additional information on the Commercial State Bank of Fredericksburg see The
Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), September 18, 1911, p. 3; September 26, 1911, p.
2; December 4, 1911, p. 3. The bank opened for business, as the fourth post-Civil
War bank on Tuesday, December 5, 1911.
21. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), November 2, 1912, p. 3.
22. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), November 5, 1912, p. 3.
23. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), January 9, 1913, p. 3.
24. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), January 8, 1913, p. 3.
25. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), January 9, 1913, p. 3.
26. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), November 16, 1912, p. 3.
27. For additional information on the Farmers and Merchants State Bank of
Fredericksburg see The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), April 17, 1906, p. 3; June
21, 1906, p. 3; June 22, 1906, p. 3. The bank opened for business as the third post-
Civil War bank on Thursday, June 21, 1906.
28. John Hickman and Dean Oakes, Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes (Iola,
Wisconsin: Krause Publications, 1982), p. 1126.
29. Fredericksburg Circuit Court, Will Book "J" 1894-1920, pp. 60-62.
30. According to relatives he was named after his mother Clara.
31. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), December 2, 1914, p. 3.
32. The Daily Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), April 4, 1924, p. 1. Peter Vivian Daniel
Conway was born November 18, 1842.
33. The Free Lance Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), July 13, 1932, 2.
34. The Free Lance Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), December 10, 1937, 1.
35. The Free Lance Star (Fredericksburg, Va.), June 17, 1946, 2.
36. He Frre Inner Star (Fredericksburg, Va.). February 11, 1963. 5. •
- ,ara
New Florida paper money work well worth the price
Reviewed by Steve Whitfield, former SPMC Wismer Chairman
Florida Paper Money An Illustrated History 1817 — 1934 issues, they are separated from the main body of listings, as
by Ron Benice, Edited by Fred Reed, McFarland they should be, since those collector categories have their own
Publications (2007) reference catalogs. The early territorial issues also have a sep-
arate section. The notes of banks and merchants, whether
Ron Benice has been researching and writing about the issued during the territorial period or after statehood, are
results of his research on Florida Obsolete Notes for many combined in the main body. Included is extensive information
years. This book is the culmination of those efforts to date. It about the locations of each issuer and the issuer himself. This
is obviously a labor of love, as are most of these state catalogs. is the meat of the book; all that historical information, which
Expect Ron to continue looking for new Florida material and will be of interest to history buffs as well as note collectors.
answers to questions about these issues and issuers. The book is chock full of clear, black and white illustra-
The book is full of historical information on the reasons dons of most of the notes listed. My only disappointment was
behind the issues, written in an easy to read style. Anyone that some of the dynamite Florida notes were not shown in
who collects obsoletes by state will appreciate this book. The full color. Included are many portraits of the officials who
detailed analysis of note varieties is excellent. As we learn authorized or signed the notes. Vignettes are also identified
more and more about this currency of the past, ever more where possible. The book is sized at 7 inches by 10 inches,
detailed studies are then made possible. Correcting the errors somewhat smaller than the "sort of standard catalog - size of
of past cataloging efforts is also important and done well in 88 x 11 inches. But this is no problem as the book will fit easily
this book. Anyone who has ever researched this material into any collector's library.
knows that assumptions and conclusions must be drawn since The book is priced at $49.95 and is well worth the price.
adequate documentation is rare and often conflicting. The An extensive bibliography is included for further research. I
author explains his thinking along the way on putting the book highly recommend this book. Orders can he placed directly
together and on his research. with the publisher at / phone (800)
The book is well organized. While Florida has few 253-2187. Orders may also be placed online at
known advertising notes, college currency and depression scrip or or
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 173
State Senator's shenanigans
delayed adoption of Wyoming
State Seal by three years and
affected designs on nationals
STATE ON JULY 10, 1890. As was customary, a state seal was
called for. To this end, on December 1, 1890, shortly after the 1st
legislature convened, Senator Fenimore Chatterton, a Republican
from Carbon County, introduced a Senate Resolution calling for the appointment of
a joint committee of the House and Senate to design a state seal.
Perhaps it was fitting that Chatterton should take the lead on this weighty
responsibility. After all, he was a prominent legislator and respected pharmacist
from Rawlins, later to become a lawyer. In due course, he would serve as Secretary
of State, and later, acting Governor of Wyoming.
The resolution passed both houses. The solemn task of that committee was
The Paper Column
By Peter Huntoon
completed within a month, but the work of that august body was to be undone by
the chicanery of the committee chairman. So perverse was his scandalous act, it
would take three years to set things right.
Chatterton was selected to represent the Senate on the seal committee,
while Democrats Nat A. Baker of Converse County (Douglas), and Hugo E.
Buechner of Laramie County (Cheyenne), represented the House of
Representatives. Chatterton was appointed chairman.
Designs were solicited, debated and ranked. Committeeman Buechner sub-
mitted one of his own creation. In due course, the committee took five under
advisement, and duly voted to recommend Buechner's for adoption.
Appropriately, Chairman Chatterton introduced a Senate file providing for
the adoption of Buechner's design. It quickly moved through both the Senate and
House, and left the legislature as Enrolled Act 23 ready for Acting Governor Amos
Barber to sign.
Above: Fenimore Chatterton;
below: Amos Barber (Photos
courtesy of Wyoming State
Archives, Department of State
Parks and Cultural Resources)
Drawing of Democrat House member
Buechner's state seal which
Republican Senator, and seal commit-
tee chair, Chatterton switched out as
he carried the enabling act for the
Wyoming state seal over to Acting
Governor Barber for his signature on
January 10, 1891. There is ambiguity
whether this is the actual seal that was
switched out. It probably is a recre-
ation prepared for Bohnsack's 1957
article, because it is unlikely the origi-
nal survived. (Photo courtesy of Tom
Bohnsack Collection, Accession
#6785, American Heritage Center,
University of Wyoming)
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Chatterton, as chair, hand carried the bill with the description of
Buechner's seal complete with Buechner's drawing to the governor's office for
Barber to sign. The date was January 10, 1891, the time was 4:20 in the after-
noon when the two men met.
Dastardly as it may sound, somewhere between the leg-
islature and the governor's office, Chatterton removed
Buechner's drawing and substituted his own. The busy
Republican governor, relying on the integrity of fel-
low Republican and seal committee chairman
standing before him, hastily considered the act,
noted that he felt it appropriate that the nude
figure gracing the seal should be clothed, and
penciled this exception onto the act before
signing it.
1890' The governor had not noticed thatthe seal he tentatively approved did not
match the written description of it in the act.
Chatterton was requested to provide a revised
/ drawing as soon as practicable, and upon
/ receipt, the governor would have the seal
A nude gracing the state seal, indeed!
These men certainly were no saints. Wyoming's
independent, raucous — even bawdy — character
/ was well represented by its legislators, but Governor
Barber, tilting to the Victorian mores of the times
thought the better of a nude on the state seal.
He wished to project a higher tone than that portrayed
in the press of the antics in the legislature during the closing days of its
first session. Why, one member of the house in frustration flashed the butt end
of his gun, the outlines of another six shooter were revealed when another legis-
lator leaned over his desk, and a Sheridan member referred to a fellow house del-
egate as a "white-livered cur" (Bohnsack, 1975). No, as these pols were busy
carving up the spoils of statehood, the state seal should project a loftier image!
Barber waited in vein for Chatterton's revision. Finally, on February
8th, 1892, he telegraphed Chatterton "Must have drawing of seal without delay"
(Bohnsack, 1975). Chatterton finally obliged with a revised drawing on March
2nd, the result little changed, but certainly rendered in more appealing artistic
form. Clearly Chatterton liked his concept, and was serious about its adoption.
In the meantime, at the end of February, Barber commissioned a
Chicago firm to render a version of the seal as described in the act. According to
Bohnsack (1975), Barber erased his penciled hand written exception to the nude
from the act in anticipation of attaching the Chicago design to the bill.
Then all hell broke loose. On March 3rd, Barber received a visit from
Representative Buechner who dropped in anxious to discover the progress on his
seal. Buechner, discovering the switch and deducing that his drawing was
nowhere to be found, responded by heading straight for the Cheyenne Daily
Leader newspaper offices!
The press had a field day with the scandal. On the 5th, under quadruple
headers, the Leader broke the story:
Who stole the Clothes of the Wyoming Goddess of Liberty?
The Lady on the Great Seal Posing as a Greek Slave
While the Legislature Believed Her Comfortably Attired
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 175
Well, there's considerable of an uproar. The female figure which was
selected to adorn the new state seal has lost her clothes. just how this calamity
was brought about no one pretends to know definitely, although some shrewd
suspicions have been expressed....
The design which accompanied the engrossed copy of the bill from the leg-
islature to the governor's office bears no resemblance, so far as the female figure
is concerned, to the design which the members of the legislature believed they
had adopted. The figure is supposably that of a Greek slave. This interesting
female stands upon what is intended to represent a platform, it is believed, but in
reality resembles a large shallow pan or beer vat in which the lady might, with-
out much stretch of the imagination, be credited with soaking her corns. Her
face is represented in profile and the exuberance of her nose, which is relatively
of the same size as one of her feet, is the joy and delight of every beholder. This
extremely useful Organ represents a very acute triangle and the point seems sharp
enough to split a board. The figure is scarcely classic in its outline and the face
bears no evidence over the lavish if not alluring display made of it. Upon one
side of the body is an affluent excrescence which the artist probable intended as a
weapon of defense. One arm is upraised to a star which is in reach of the finger
tips and is supposed to be marked with the figures "44." The hand on the other
arm isn't upraised. It is proportionately about as big as a smoked ham and is
being utilized by the lady in a well-devised but palpably unsuccessful endeavor to
conceal her beautious person, much the same as through she were partially hid-
den behind a stone wall. From each wrist descends what at first glace appears to
be several links of sausage giving forth the impression that the young lady had
been surprised by the artist at a moment when she was making a meal of the
delicious but mysterious conglomeration which goes under the euphonious name
of sausage. Connoisseurs, however, are of the opinion that instead of sausage
this is intended to represent the broken links of chain of political slavery which
have bound women previous to her enfranchisement here.
Mr. Buechner never knew of the substitution until yesterday. He is natural-
ly highly incensed and believes that Senator Chatterton is responsible for having
inflicted a nude figure upon the state seal. He intends to make a great effort to
prevent the adoption of this startling seal by the state officials. The design is,
however, a part of the enrolled act received by the governor and approved by
him. If any new seal is therefore adopted the nude figure must form a part
of it, but it is believed that rather than to adopt the eccentric
design attached to the legislative act, Governor Barber will
retain the seal so long used by the territory.
The Rawlins journal, a paper with a decided
Democratic tilt, summarized sentiment there con-
cerning the attempt by Buechner to impute the
character of their Senator Chatterton by stating
"Great is the Republican legislator!" The
story made national news. Wyoming was the
butt of jokes, humorous editorials, and the
Governor Barber needed cover. He
cagily noted that the legislature had failed to
appropriate money to have the seal struck, so
owing to that defect, he declared that the ter-
ritorial seal would continue in use.
Furthermore, because the uproar was over a
switch, he didn't let on that he also had commis-
sioned a seal from the Chicago firm which he had
planned to substitute for Chatterton's initial nude.
The Chicago seal never was mentioned.
Barber commissioned a Philadelphia artist,
Drawing of the state seal that
Chatterton attached in place of
Buechner's to Enrolled Act 23 of the
1st Legislature. The Goddess of
Liberty had lost her clothes. (Scan
from the original document courtesy
of Wyoming State Archives,
Department of State Parks and
Cultural Resources)
,-'Jo.; it.,
Below: Chatterton's
revision arrived the first
week of March, an improved render-
ing of his original. The fact that the
Goddess was still unclothed revealed
he was indeed serious about having
his nude grace the state seal! (Photo
courtesy of Tom Bohnsack Collection,
Accession g6785, American
Heritage Center,
University of
• 4•
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Left: Acting Governor Barber procured this drawing from a
Chicago firm in February, 1892, after not receiving in a timely
fashion the revision he had requested from Chatterton. The gover-
nor himself had planned to substitute this drawing on Enrolled
Act 23 to close the affair out, but when the brouhaha explod-
ed after Buechner discovered the Chatterton switch in
March 1892, Barber made no mention of the existence of
this version! (Photo courtesy of Tom Bohnsack
Collection, Accession #6785, American Heritage
Center, University of Wyoming)
Edmund A. Stewardson, to design a new seal
in the summer of 1891 (Barber, 1892). A ren-
dering to Barber's liking was forthcoming, so
Barber had Stewardson prepare a four foot
plaster of paris model of the seal which was
shipped to Wyoming, and displayed in the gov-
ernor's office in late February 1892.
Barber was acting governor, but in
November 1892, John E. Osborne, a physician from
Rawlins, was elected to the post. An eager Democrat,
Osborne attempted on December 2nd to seat himself pre-
maturely by attempting to physically displace Barber. Entry
was made via an outside ledge that led to a window opening to
Barber's office. There were rumors on that day that the Democrats planned to
dynamite a vault in the Capitol building in order to obtain possession of the great
seal. Guards were sent to the capital building to prevent such a thing!
The tug of war over the governor's chair lasted a month. When
Osborne finally assumed command, Barber returned to his former elected post as
Secretary of State. After the 2nd legislature convened, Barber recommended
adoption of the Stewardson seal which he displayed in his office, now the
Secretary of State's office.
Osborne concurred, with but one change. The word
; ')4* "cattle" — one of Wyoming's industries represented on the
(C-11.7 new seal — should be replaced with the more inclusive
"livestock" in order to embrace sheep in which
Osborne had a substantial interest (Cheyenne Daily
Leader, Jan. 12, 1893). Governor Osborne signed
the enabling legislation for the adoption of the
Stewardson seal on February 8, 1893. That act
is reproduced below, along with the original
legislation. As you compare the latter act to
the 1891 act, notice how explicit they were
the second time around to insure that the
women remained clothed!
Barber shipped Stewardson's plaster
model off to Charles E. Barber, engraver at
the U. S. Mint in Philadelphia, in March. The
Mint engraver Charles Barber, who made the
dies for the official seal, was no relation to gover-
nor Barber. The plaster model subsequently van-
ished in Philadelphia after Barber's work was com-
pleted. Stewardson drowned while sailing off
Newport that June.
\ •At"lefffPPI AOirirlarniiii 4f1Z‘.'..A.31i'41,1110.1"rtWJ , ti V., 1•Ja , /Paid A Alt
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 177
Wyoming Seals on National Bank Notes
State seals were used on the backs of the
National Currency of the period, so the delay in the
adoption of an official Wyoming state seal impacted the
production of Wyoming National Bank Notes.
The territorial seal was not used on Wyoming
territorial notes. Instead, a stock eagle vignette was sub-
However, the territorial seal was used on all the
state issues until an official state seal could be forwarded
from Cheyenne. The territorial seal had the appearance
of a shield, and was modified by the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing by having 1890 engraved in the
sky near the top of the shield.
The first back plate with the modified territori-
al seal was a 5-5-5-5 Series of 1875 certified October 1,
1890, followed by a 10-10-10-20 Series of 1882 on
November 21. The other plate combinations in both
series appeared later as needed.
Above right: The Wyoming territorial seal was modified by
adding 1890, Wyoming's date of admission, in the shield. This
seal was used on all state Series of 1875 notes, and Series of 1882
notes printed from 1891 until 1896.
Below right: The Wyoming state seal adopted in 1893, made its
way to Series of 1882 Brown Back state notes in this form begin-
ning in 1896. This seal was not used on any Series of 1875 notes.
It took until November, 1896, for the first back
plates with the state seal adopted in 1893 to be certified.
They were made only for the Series of 1882. The first
certified was a 5-5-5-5 on November 7, 1896. The 10-
10-10-20 came along on November 24. Soon produc-
tion from them began to appear.
The state seal was not used on any Series of
1875 notes, although the engraving of the state seal was
available in late 1896. Demand for Series of 1875
Wyoming state notes was small, being confined to only
three banks at the time: The Wyoming National Bank
of Laramie City, The Laramie National Bank of
Laramie, and The Stock Growers National Bank of
Cheyenne. Only the Cheyenne bank received printings
after the state seal became available in 1896, the last
being some 10-10-10-20 sheets printed in 1901.
Preprinted stocks of backs with the modified territorial
seal were sufficient to meet the needs for the Cheyenne
The modified territorial seal was used on Series
of 1882 Brown Back state notes from 1891 until 1896.
The state seal was used from1896 until 1908. Notes
with the modified territorial seal are by far the rarer,
their rarity being a function of both antiquity and short-
er duration of use.
178 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
This Series of 1875 note
printed in late 1890 uti-
lized a modified territorial
seal as did all Wyoming
state Series of 1875 print-
ings. The modification
consisted of placing the
1890 statehood date in the
upper part of the shield.
05471 tre:„47
" I
Territorial seals were not
used on Wyoming territo-
rial notes. Instead, a
stock vignette of an eagle
took the place of the state
seal on the left side of the
C Z670787
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M 1 151, islitS/SOSISISON ■■41,1 .11.1...1.11,10.1101,1,41131.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 179
This state note, from the
first sheet sent to the bank
on April 10, 1895, is one
of five reported Brown
Backs with a modified ter-
ritorial seal. The modified
territorial seal was used
from 1891 to 1896, until
an engraving of the state
seal became available.
Table 1. Plate approval dates for back plates used to print state Series of 1875 and Series of 1882 Brown Backs for
Wyoming. From Bureau of Engraving and Printing (various dates).
Plate Number Approval
Number on Notes Seal Date
Series of 1875 backs:
1 none modified territorial Oct 1, 1890
1 none modified territorial undated
Series of 1882 backs:
1 none modified territorial Jan 21, 1891
2 2 modified territorial undated
3 3 state Nov 7, 1896
4 4 state Nov 26, 1896
1 none modified territorial Nov 21, 1890
2 2 modified territorial undated
3 3 modified territorial Oct 6, 1896
4 4 state Nov 24, 1896
5 5 state Jan 9, 1897
-TUTU —Ttigt-----122"kgS; 7- 1"51214n
os ivEcumakia-
, c
1 .0
:VIIle, . XF.511Ii-N I C ESTI:11-
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4, ON WHO. IT IS POINT. 11..4 1 , 11.11NE AN 1/1S PEN-,
ISMI.11:411111/ S1,00011 . 101115I111.11S /11PRISONSENMINII.010..11101101011/111.
SMITE IS1.11.1111.111UnSTP1.11 IN AIM 110.1,101' 1ME UN1TED-STATES,IN1.11.-
,111`011.111.T.IVSA l l) UACISE S A'111 ALL 01111111 DE ES TOME AIN ITE0 STATES,
1111MANDS 101ING111,111111.100TED STSI'ES.TO IN1.10101'0..1. COUPON lTIONS 44. AS ,
a .1
180 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
This state note, from a
printing in 1905, bears the
state seal adopted in 1893,
and first used on Series of
1882 Brown Backs in 1896.
Table 2. Listing of Wyoming banks that received Series of 1882 state Brown Backs with the modified territorial seal, and
reported notes with the modified territorial seal.
Ch No City Bank Sheet Combinations Code
1800 Cheyenne The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
2110 Laramie The Wyoming National Bank of 10-10-10-20 MT
3299 Buffalo The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
3416 Cheyenne The Cheyenne National Bank 10-10-10-20 MT
3556 Douglas The First National Bank of 5-5-5-5, 10-10-10-20 both
$20 R985694 1038 A VG
3615 Laramie City The Albany County National Bank 10-10-10-20 both
$10 R805354 1855 B G-VG
3920 Rock Springs The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
4320 Rawlins The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
4343 Sundance The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 MT
4606 Sheridan The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
4720 Lander The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
$10 H27264 1 C Unc
$10 K902834 441 A VG
4755 Rock Springs The Rock Springs National Bank 10-10-1020 both
4989 Laramie The First National Bank of 10-10-10-20 both
$10 N153364 1 A VF
Code: MT = received notes only with modified territorial seals, both = received notes with both modified territorial
and state seals.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 181
Thirteen Wyoming banks received Series of 1882 Brown Back state notes bearing the modified territorial
seal, and they are listed on Table 2. Three of these went out of business before any printings of notes with the
state seal.
It is possible to put together pairs of state Brown Back notes with the two seals for the other 10 banks.
However, only five of the reported 31 Brown Back state notes contain the modified territorial seal, making the
assembly of such a pair difficult.
Buechner's state seal as described in the Act approved January 10, 1891
There shall be a great seal of the State of Wyoming, which shall be of the following design, namely: A circle two
and one-fourth inches in diameter, upon the lower half of which is emblazoned a landscape, representing in the centre,
a valley, through which flows a stream, upon the banks of which cattle are grazing and a man plowing; to the right of
said valley, an oil derrick and tank; to the left of said valley, a range of mountains, upon the slope of which said moun-
tains is represented mining works. Said landscape is surrounded by a ribbon scroll reaching from both sides of said
landscape up to the top centre of said landscape, upon which rests a platform upon the outer edge of which is engraved
the words, "Equal Rights." Upon said platform stands the figure of a woman, with right arm uplifted, pointing to a five
pointed star, within which are engraved the figures "44." From the said uplifted arm hangs a broken chain. To the left
of said platform are engraved the figures, "1869." To the right of said platform are engraved the figures, "1890."
Entirely surrounding the said circle is a plane band three-eighths of an inch in breath, upon the upper half of which are
engraved the words, "Great Seal," and upon the lower half, the words, "State of Wyoming," in letters three-sixteenth
of an inch high. A fac-simile of the above described seal is here represented, and is hereby made a part of this act.
[Symbolisms: 1869, date territory of Wyoming organized; 1890, date of admission of Wyoming to the union; 44,
Wyoming was the 44th state; equal rights and the woman with the broken chains, Wyoming was the first state to pro-
vide for women's suffrage; scenes represent livestock, farming, mining and petroleum, the four principal industries in
the state.]
Stewardson's state seal as described in the Act approved February 8, 1893
There shall be a great seal of the state of Wyoming, which shall be of the following design, viz: A circle two and
one-fourth inches in diameter, on the outer edge or rim of which shall be engraven the words "Great Seal of the State
of Wyoming," and the design shall conform substantially to the following description:
A pedestal, showing on the front thereof an eagle resting upon a shield, and shield to have engraven thereon a star
and the figures "44," being the number of Wyoming in the order of admission to statehood. Standing upon the
pedestal shall be a draped figure of a woman, modeled after the statue of the "Victory of the Louvre," from whose
wrists shall hang links of a broken chain, and holding in her right hand a staff, from the top of which shall float a ban-
ner with the words "Equal Rights" thereon, all suggesting the political position of women in this state. On either side
of the pedestal, and standing at the base thereof, shall be male figures typifying the live stock and mining industries of
Behind the pedestal, and in the background, shall be two pillars, each supporting a lighted lamp, signifying the
light of knowledge. Around each pillar shall be a scroll with the following words thereon: On the right of the central
figure the words "Live Stock" and "Grain," and on the left the words "Mines" and "Oil." At the base of the pedestal,
and in front, shall appear the figures "1869-1890," the former date signifying the organization of the territory of
Wyoming, and the latter the date of its admission to statehood.
Tom Bohnsack's 1975 article, based on his original research, is the source for many of the facts and organi-
zation of this article. He was Sargent-At-Arms of the 37th and 39th regular sessions, and the 41st special session, of
the Wyoming House of Representatives. I followed his trail through the Wyoming Secretary of State's Office,
Wyoming State Archives in Cheyenne, and the American Heritage Center at the University of Wyoming in
Laramie. Suzy Taylor of the State Archives and the personnel at the American Heritage Center provided invalu-
able assistance in locating germane materials and photographs.
References Cited and Sources of Data
"A question of figures," Cheyenne Daily Leader, Mar 5, 1891.
Barber, Amos W. Biennial report of the Secretary of State for the period ending September 30, 1892, p. 6 -8.
Bohnsack, Tom "Who stripped robes off Wyoming's Goddess of Liberty," Cheyenne Tribune-Eagle, July 20, 1975, pp. D15, D18.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Certified proofs from national currency printing plates: National Numismatic Collections,
1875-1929, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
Comptroller of the Currency, National currency and bond ledgers, 1863-1935: Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives,
College Park, MD.
"Governor Osborne's message to the Legislature," Cheyenne Daily Leader, J an 12, 1893.
Trenholm, Virginia Cole (ed.). Wyoming Blue Book. Wyoming State Archives and Historical Department, 1974, 817 p. (Reprint
of Wyoming Historical Blue Book by Marie Erwin).
Wyoming Statutes, Acts pertaining to the state seal. 1891, 1893.
Uncovering the Mystery of Nebraska's
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
word of a hoard! Tales of notes squirreled away only to be discov-
ered later have a tendency to run wild in our dreams and imagina-
tions. Often times the stories of how they came to be secluded and
subsequently discovered are as interesting as the notes themselves. Since most
hoarders don't leave written accounts behind detailing why, when, and how they
assembled their hoard, reconstructing the story is a difficult challenge that falls to
researchers and collectors. It becomes quickly apparent how- the facts and story
of a hoard can be muddied by the passage of time. It is only through the most
persistent and determined efforts that the story can finally be resurrected.
This is certainly the case with a group of notes that came to light in the
early 1980s near the town of Wood River, Nebraska. Located a few miles north
of the Platte River, along Highway 30 west of Grand Island, the sleepy little com-
munity of Wood River was originally laid out in 1874 along the Union Pacific
Railroad. By 1888, the First National Bank of Wood River (Charter #3939) had
been established and began to issue its notes. When the circulation privilege of
National Bank Notes came to an end in 1935, most of the Wood River notes (like
those of countless other national banks across the country) were redeemed and
destroyed. It initially appeared that only a few had survived redemption. For
many years National Bank Notes from the First National Bank of Wood River
were considered by collectors to be great rarities.
In the spring of 1983, the Iowa currency partnership of John Hickman
and Dean Oakes issued its 60th fixed price list. Featured prominently among the
offerings were a number of high-grade, large size nationals from the First
National Bank of Wood River. The front page of the price list contained the fol-
lowing comments from Hickman about the Wood River offering:
"We are highlighting out 60th price list with an offering of great value —
National Bank notes from Wood River, Nebraska.
4: 9
71.S9 0
0 0 Sta
1885 Plat map of Wood River, Nebraska. The
First National Bank (inset) stood on the south-
east corner of East 9th and Main Streets as
irtSV: north
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 183
scaze,60o ft—to the inch,
+7 11
"These notes were stored in a panty of a farm
home near Wood River. The family had these notes in
cans in the pantry and paid their help in cash every week.
When the size of the money changed in 1929, the balance
of the notes remainined there. Almost 60 years later, these
notes have just come to light," the catalogers announced.
"The notes contained in the cans were from several
other states besides Nebraska, but not a large assortment.
Some of the notes got some foxing from being in the metal
cans, but this was noted in the offering.
"Many of the notes were Federal Reserve $10s and
$20s, with only one $20 Silver Certificate. There were no
$1s or $2s or even $5 bills in the hoard. "We are offering
the nationals in this listing also," the dealers continued.
"Wood River, in Hall County, southeast central
Nebraska, had only one bank in this rural town of 800 peo-
ple. The bank building is pictured below and was quite
impressive, as you can see. These Wood River notes are
also impressive, and will fit into any state set of large size
notes, or in all 'two name' bank collections, or are just nice
1902 Issues of the First National Bank
of Wood River, Nebraska, charter #3939
All notes have the signature of H.S. Eaton.
cashier, and F.E. Slusser, president. Most of the
AU's have some light foxing. but all are unfolded
unless mentioned. Please give second choice. as
selection is limited.
$10 Dated back AU $125: Select UNC $200.00
$10-$10 1902DTS. A pair of notes from the same sheet.
UNC $300.00
Above: Real photo postcard
view (circa 1918) looking east
on 9th Street. The First
National Bank of Wood River
is on the corner at right.
Right: View from the same
vantage point as above, taken
by the author May 23, 2005.
Moore's Opera House (home
of the First National Bank of
Wood River) stood on the cor-
ner until it was demolished in
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money184
notes to own. We have them priced reasonably, we feel, for the quality."
Given the previous scarcity of National Bank Notes from Wood River,
the appearance of these notes raised eyebrows and dropped jaws, especially
among the dedicated Nebraska collectors. The situation had all of the makings of
a great hoard story, and indeed it was.
Assembly of the Hoard
The group of Wood River notes that Hickman and Oakes were offering
for sale in the spring of 1983 were from a stash that was assembled by the
Leonard family who lived and farmed near the town of Wood River. Patrick
Leonard was an Irish immigrant who had arrived on American soil in 1872, and
moved to Overton, NE. After working in Grand Island, Patrick met and married
Mary O'Brien, herself the daughter of Irish immigrants, and together they moved
to Alda, NE. Their first child, Nora, was born in 1886, followed by four more
daughters and four sons. In 1894, Patrick Leonard moved his growing family to a
farm that was located a few miles northwest of the town of Wood River. Soon he
had acquired more than 400 acres of prime agricultural ground. It was on this
farm that the hoard would ultimately be assembled and stored.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 185
The exact reason why someone in the Leonard family began to save
paper money has been lost to history. In fact, we don't even know exactly which
member (or members) of the family were involved. What is known is that
between 1913 and 1920, a large quantity of notes, primarily nationals from the
First National Bank of Wood River, were stashed away in metal cans. The note-
laden cans were stored in a pantry on the semi-enclosed back porch of the farm-
house. Although they were protected from direct attack by the elements, the
notes couldn't escape the high humidity of Nebraska's summers. Examination of
the hoard notes show how moisture in the air caused the purple rubber-stamped
signatures to bleed and traces of rust and foxing stains to appear on some notes.
Patrick Leonard died in 1929 which happened to be the same year that
small size currency was introduced in this country. His wife Mary passed away in
1935. The remaining Leonard children continued to operate the family farm,
and notes in the pantry cans sat idly by, while years turned into decades as time
marched on.
Discovery and Disbursement of the Hoard
The exact details of the "discovery" of the Wood River hoard are hazy at
best, and it may well be that perhaps the notes never were truly lost or forgotten.
What is known is that in February of 1976, James J. Leonard died. A few months
later, someone in the Leonard family contacted Marvin Luke, a coin and curren-
cy dealer from nearby Farwell, NE, and sold him one $10 note and one $20 note
from the cache. Recognizing the great rarity of Wood River notes, Luke imme-
diately offered the pair to Gerome Walton, whose collection of Nebraska nation-
als remains the finest ever assembled. At this point in time, only one large size
note and one small size note (each grading only "Very Good") had been reported
on the First National Bank of Wood River, so Walton jumped at the opportunity
to make the purchase.
Several more years went by without any additional Wood River notes
coming to light. The unmarried sisters Agnes and Bessie Leonard continued to
Moore's Opera House building in
Wood River, Nebraska, circa 1895.
The bank occupied the corner posi-
tion on the first floor. (Photo cour-
tesy of Donna Moyer)
Natic..,t4 .“$4.4-1
)4 1.11,1•00A4
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money186
$10 1882DTS First N.B. Emlenton E-4615
VG + $95.00
$5 1902 Farmers Deposit NB Pittsburgh E-685
VG $25.00
$5 1902DTS Mellon N.B. Pittsburgh E-6301
AF $120.00
$20 1902 Second N.B. Reading 2552 VG $32.00
$10 1902DTS First N.B. Scranton E-77 F $30.00
$20 1929 First N.B. Scranton 77 VG $27.50
$20 1902 Union N.B. of Scranton 8737 AF $35.00
$10 1902 Warren N.B. Warren 4879 VG + $20.00
$5 1902 Carolina N.B. ColumbiaS-1860G$22.00
$5 1902 N. Loan & Exc. B. Columbia S-6871
$10 1902 First N.B. Charleston S-1622 VG $45.00
$10 N. Union B. Rock Hill S•5134 G $75.00
$5 192911 Republic N.B.&T. Co. Dallas 12186
$10 1902 Howard NB. of Burlington 1698 F$60.00
$10 1902 Norfolk National BankS-3368AF$45.00
$10 1902 Seaboard N.B. S-10194 AF $35.00
$10 1902 N. B. of Petersburg S-3515 VG $50.00
$10 1902 Central N.B. of Richmond
F-VF $30.00
$10 1902 Central N.B. of Richmond
VG $18.00
$20 1929 Central N.B. of Richmond
VF $30.00
$5 1929 Burlington National Bank
$10 1902 First Wisc. N.B. Milwaukee 64
$10 1902 N. Exchange B. of Milwaukee 1003
$10 1902DTS Wisc. N.B. of Milwaukee M•4817
F+ $20.00
$20 Wisc. N.B. of Milwaukee M-4817
1902 Issues of the First National Bank
of Wood River, Nebraska, charter #3939
All notes have the signature of H.S. Eaton,
cashier, and F.E. Slusser. president. Most of the
AU's have some light foxing. but all are unfolded
unless mentioned. Please give second choice. as
selection is limited.
$10 Dated back AU $125; Select UNC $200.00
$10-$10 1902DTS. A pair of notes from the same sheet.
UNC $300.00
$20 1902DTS XF folded $125: XF-AU $150: a select UNC
A pair of $10 & $20 DTS from the same sheet. UNC
Only one cut sheet of $10-$10-$10-$20 dated back
notes. UNC. $800.00
$10 plain back 1902 XF•AU $100: Select UNC
$10-$10 pair from same sheet. UNC $275.00
$10-$10-$10 three pieces from same sheet. UNC
$10-$20 plain back pair of notes from same sheet. UNC
$10-$10-$20 plain back, same serial number. one
set only. UNC $475.00
Cut sheet $10-$10-$10-$20 plain back. We have two cut
sheets. only. Great for framing. $750.00
All the pairs or triples and cut sheets make great
items to frame for den or office.
Page 4 from Hickman and Oakes Fixed Price List #60 (Spring 1983) offering notes from the Wood River Hoard to the public for the first
time. (Photo courtesy of Dean Oakes)
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
live of the family farm until 1981, when declining health forced them to auction
the contents of the farm and move to the nursing home in Wood River. The
auction was held on November 14, 1981, and consisted primarily of farm equip-
ment and antiques. The auction advertisement that appeared in the local news-
paper made no mention of bank notes or currency among the items being sold.
Bessie Leonard lived on until 1982, and her sister Agnes passed away the follow-
Mg year.
About a year after the auction, in November or December of 1982,
Marvin Luke acquired a sizable portion of the Wood River Hoard. Although it
was unknown at the time, this represented a little more than half of the total
notes in the stash. Peter Huntoon, who was then living in Laramie, Wyoming,
heard about the hoard and phoned Marvin Luke to see whether or not it con-
tained any Wyoming nationals. When he was informed that the top four notes
on the pile were all from Wyoming, Huntoon needed to hear no more. He
quickly made arrangements to see the notes the next day, and jumped in his pick-
up truck. It was after midnight by the time that Huntoon got within a few miles
of Farwell, Nebraska, so he decided to pull over and try catching a few hours of
rest in the truck. His racing mind made sleep nearly impossible, but eventually
the dawn came and he was back on the road.
At the pre-arranged time, Huntoon met Marvin Luke at his home and
was among the first "outsiders" to lay eyes on this portion of the hoard.
Although there was a sizable stack of notes on the table, the only Wyoming
nationals in the bunch were the four that Luke had mentioned, and these were all
from the more common banks in the state. The vast majority of the notes were
Series of 1902 Date Back and Plain Back notes from the First National Bank of
Wood River. Most appeared to be in nearly Uncirculated condition, but showed
signs of having spent time in a damp environment. Huntoon also recalled seeing
a handful of nationals from other banks along with a few large size type notes.
After some discussion, it became increasingly evident that Luke wanted to sell
The Leonard family farmhouse near
Wood River, Nebraska, in 1981. The
hoard was kept in metal cans on the
semi-enclosed porch attached to the
rear wing of the house. (Photo cour-
tesy of Donna Moyer)
188 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
notes as one group, and Huntoon was unable to get him to part with the four
Wyoming notes. Disappointed, dejected, and empty-handed, he returned to
Unsure of how to handle the dispersal of the so many nationals from one
bank, Luke contacted his good friend and fellow coin dealer Virg Marshall III of
Wymore, Nebraska. After hearing the story, Marshall realized that the hoard was
simply too large for any small Nebraska dealer to effectively disperse. He advised
Luke to get in touch with John Hickman and Dean Oakes in Iowa City, Iowa.
They were one of the largest currency dealers in the country, and had handled a
number of previous hoards. If anyone could effectively market these notes, it
would be John and Dean.
Early in February of 1983, Marvin Luke phoned the Iowa partners and
offered them the chance to purchase a portion of the hoard. Since Hickman and
Oakes were in Iowa City, and Luke was in Farwell, Nebraska, they agreed to
meet halfway at a motel in Lincoln, Nebraska. Luke offered 149 large size
nationals from the First National Bank of Wood River to Hickman and Oakes at
that time, along with a new a few nationals from other states and some large size
type notes. After some negotiation (Hickman could haggle with the best of
them), a price was agreed upon and the notes changed hands.
On their way back to Iowa, Hickman and Oakes detoured south of
Lincoln and paid a visit to Virg Marshall at his coin shop in Wymore so that they
could personally thank him for his assistance in directing the deal their way. By
this time Hickman had realized that there were several complete cut sheets of
Wood River notes represented among the group they had just purchased. He
didn't hesitate to mention this to Marshall. Although Marshall was interested in
buying one of the cut sheets, Hickman (in characteristic fashion) didn't want to
turn loose of any notes until they had taken them back to Iowa City for further
analysis and study. However, in gratitude for Marshall's help Hickman promised
to sell him one of the cut sheets as soon as all of the notes had been examined and
Hickman and Oakes returned to Iowa where the notes were evaluated,
cataloged, and prepared for sale. Fortuitously for future currency scholars, John
Hickman meticulously photocopied each of the Wood River notes that he and
Dean Oakes had purchased from Marvin Luke and carefully filed the copies away
for reference. In addition to the cut sheet that had been promised to Virg
Marshall, the Higgins Museum in Okiboji, Iowa, also arranged to purchase a cut
sheet of both the 1902 Date Backs and 1902 Plain Backs from the group.
Being fully aware that a sudden glut of Wood River notes could poten-
tially depress the market, Hickman and Oakes were careful to disperse them slow-
ly in small quantities over many years. When the notes were first offered to the
public in June of 1983, through the Hickman-Oakes 60th fixed price list, they
were listed as singles, pairs, triples (three notes from the same sheet), or full cut
sheets. No reference was made in the literature to specific serial numbers or the
total quantity of notes available. Perspective buyers were asked only to select the
type, combination, and condition they wanted and then the note (or notes)
matching those criteria would be sent to them. Dispersing the Hickman-Oakes
portion of the Wood River Hoard was a lengthy process. Dean Oakes recalled
that even as late as 1993, a full ten years after the purchase, he still had Wood
River notes from the hoard in his inventory.
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May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money190
One of Jim Matney's advertisements
that appeared in Bank Note Reporter
offering notes from the second group
of the hoard for sale in 1989. (Photo
courtesy Peter Huntoon)
Five years after the first group of notes turned up, rela-
tives of the Leonard family living in Omaha sold a second group
Wood River nationals to local coin and stamp dealer Jim Manley.
Although Manley did not keep meticulous records of the notes
like Hickman and Oakes did, he did recall handling about 100-
120 notes in the deal. Similar to the previous group, all were
Series of 1902 Date Backs and Plain Backs from the First
National Bank of Wood River. The fact that they were in identi-
cal condition to Hickman and Oakes' notes and fell within the
same serial number ranges further confirmed that the two groups
shared a common source. Matney offered his notes for sale
through ads in Bank Note Reporter beginning in 1989, and further
dispersed them through wholesale channels. Eventually, the last
remaining notes were parceled out and it appeared the hoard had
passed quietly into history, except for occasional references to it
in currency auction lot descriptions.
Reconstructing the Wood River Hoard
My interest in the Wood River notes started in 2001
when I first began to study Nebraska nationals. It was hard to
miss the large number of nearly-pristine condition notes from
Wood River that seemed to make frequent appearances at
national currency auctions and shows. When one auction catalog
description made mention of the "Wood River Hoard," I knew
there had to be a story behind it, and the chase was on.
After corresponding with a number of fellow currency
collectors who had memories of the Wood River Hoard, my
research efforts led me to Dean Oakes, the last surviving individ-
ual connected with the Hickman-Oakes purchase of Wood River
nationals. After some digging, Oakes managed to find the photo-
copies that Hickman had made nearly 18 years earlier. These
copies would prove invaluable as I set out to study the long-dis-
persed cache because even though the notes were now scattered
to the four winds, I could spread the copies out before me and
study the serial number ranges and plate positions. Oakes also
provided me with an original copy of Fixed Price List #60; the
document that introduced the hoard to the world.
In comparing the Hickman-Oakes photocopies with the
Nebraska national bank note census data, I soon realized a num-
ber of "additional" Wood River notes had been reported over the
years. Interestingly, all of these notes had serial numbers that fell
within the serial number range of the Hickman-Oakes notes.
This combined with the fact that each of the additional notes
were in CU or AU condition made it reasonable to conclude that these notes were
originally part of the Wood River Hoard. But it now appeared that there was
more to the hoard story than I first had thought!
More phone calls, letters, and personal conversations eventually put me
onto the trail of Jim Manley who had handled the second group. When I finally
caught up with Matney, he told me that his group of notes had come from "rela-
tives of the Leonard family." Finally I had the family name of the hoarder.
Armed with this information, I could now pursue research leads on a local level.
While traveling through Wood River in April 2005, to photograph the site where
the First National Bank had stood, I decided to stop in at the Heritage Bank and
talk with them about my research. I was soon put in touch with Donna Moyer,
1.Calif. - San Francisco #9655 $20 3-2 DB Fine
2.Iowa - Essex #5738 $20 2-3 VB Fine 375.00
3.Iowa - Farragut #6700 $20 3-2 DB Fine
4.Kansas - Marysville #2791 $20 3-3 PB VF
5.Kansas - Winfield #3218 $20 3-2 DB VG-Fine
(soiled) 95.00
6.Minnesota - Minneapolis #2006 $5 29-1 Fine
7.Missouri - St. Joseph #9042 $5 29-1 VG-Fine
8.Nebraska - Crawford #6900 $20 3-3 PB Fine
9.Nebraska - Grand Island #9395 $20 3-3 PB
VF-XF 100.00
10.Nebraska - Hastings #3732 $10 29-1 VF
11.Nebraska - Hampton #8285 $20 29-1 VF
12.Nebraska - Randolph #7477 $20 3-3 PB VG
13.Nebraska - Tilden #10011 $20 3-2 DB
VG-Fine 300.00
14.Nebraska - Wood River #3939 $10 3-2 DB
AU-UNC (some spotting)
15.Nebraska - Wood River #3939 $20 3-2 DB
AU-UNC (some spotting)
16.Nebraska - Wood River #3939 $10 3-3 PB
AU-UNC (some spotting)
17.Nebraska - Wood River #3939 $20 3-3 PB
AU-UNC (some spotting)
18.North Dakota - Oakes #6457 3-3 PB VF
19.Ohio - Cincinnati #2495 $20 2-2 DB Fine
20.South Dakota - Huron #8781 $20 3-3 PB VG
21.Texas - Cameron #5484 $20 2-3 VB Fine
22.Texas - Venus #7798 $20 3-2 DB VG 275.00
23.Washington - Seattle #13230 $20 3-3 PB Fine
24.Wisconsin - Marinette #4137 $10 3-3 PB
XF-AU 90.00
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
10-day return privilege.
1820 Farnam
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 191
Show Off
In the Registry, you can track your inventory, build sets,
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192 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
An example of one of the 1902 Date Backs from the hoard exhibits brownish-orange foxing, rust staining, and
blurring of the purple stamped signatures. Notice the bled-through signatures to the back of the note. (Photo
courtesy of Heritage Auctions)
one of the owners of the bank and a long-time resident of Wood River. Amazingly, Moyer had attended the
Leonard farm auction in 1981 and had taken some photographs of the house and outbuildings. She also tracked
down the Leonard farm auction advertisement and a beautiful 1890s photograph of the First National Bank of
Wood River.
The auction advertisement gave me the names of Bessie and Agnes Leonard, and additional digging in cen-
sus and social security records provided me with the names of the other family members. After tracking down their
newspaper obituaries, the family's history began to take shape and the missing pieces of the puzzle slowly fell into
The superb condition of the Wood River notes suggests that they likely went directly into the hoard almost
immediately after they were paid out by the bank. The lowest bank serial number of a Wood River note in the
stash was #1459. From information in the Comptroller of the Currency ledgers at the National Archives in
Washington, D.C., this note was delivered to the bank on December 13, 1913. The highest bank serial number
(#2814) was delivered on May 14, 1920. This gives a general idea of the time period over which the notes were
being added to the cache. In comparing the serial numbers of the hoard notes with the delivery dates to the bank it
is interesting to observe that the bulk of the hoard notes were delivered to the First National Bank of Wood River
in 1916.
The hoard does not represent a lifetime accumulation like the famous Ella Overby hoard from Starbuck,
Minnesota. Rather, it appears to have been assembled sporadically over an eight-year period with one major
deposit halfway through the process.
Of course, the true secret of the hoard went to the grave with the hoarder. As with all hoards, the remain-
ing unanswered questions lend an aura of romance and mystery to the stash. Although we will probably never know
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 193
Reader reports rare Cherokee Nation Civil War $5 scrip
I read with interest the article in the January/February issue of Paper Money titled "A Civil War sidelight
Confederate notes back Cherokee scrip," by Dr. James Morgan. The article provided a picture of a rare example of
the Cherokee Nation scrip of 1862 on page 48. I have an example of this note for 5 dollars, serial no. 5, signed by
John Ross and Lewis Ross. Because of its age and condition it doesn't reproduce well. It was issued at Tahlequah,
Indian Territory in June 1862. I would be interested in communicating with other interested collectors about a
census of known notes of this type. If readers have one of these Cherokee Nation notes, or have an interest in these
notes, please contact me at
-- Logan Talks
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194 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
A typical example of one of the Wood River notes from the hoard. This happens to be a 1902 Plain Back
that has the characteristic bled-through signatures, but is free from foxing or staining.
the full story, who would ever have expected to find such a thing in some metal cans on the porch of a central
Nebraska farmhouse?
Research articles of this type are a collaborative effort. Piecing together the story of the Wood River
Hoard involved more than five years of persistent effort and involved untold numbers of phone calls, letters, and
conversations. The author would like to thank the following individuals for their contributions that made this arti-
cle possible:
Dean Oakes provided documentation on the portion of the Wood River Hoard that he and John Hickman
purchased and subsequently distributed. The foresight of Hickman and Oakes to photocopy all of the Wood River
notes they purchased from Marvin Luke allowed that portion of the hoard to be studied years after the notes them-
selves had been dispersed. Without Oakes' cooperation and assistance, this research would never have gotten off
the ground. Peter Huntoon shared his remembrances of personally seeing part of the Wood River Hoard shortly
after its discovery and prior to the Hickman-Oakes purchase. He also researched the delivery dates of the Wood
River notes in the currency ledgers at the U.S. National Archives, Washington, D.C. Gerome Walton shared his
memories about the hoard and its discovery, dispersal, and impact on Nebraska paper money collecting. Virg
Marshall III contributed his remembrances of Marvin Luke and the Hickman-Oakes purchase. Jim Matney provid-
ed information about the group of Wood River Hoard notes that he handled in the late 1980s. Ed Bishop shared
his knowledge of the second group of notes from the hoard. Sam Whitworth contributed his recollections of when
data from the hoard notes was first entered in the Nebraska National Bank Note census. Donna Moyer provided
several of the wonderful photographs that accompany this article along with information about the Leonard family.
Cynthia Monroe, a volunteer for the Nebraska State Historical Society, assisted in tracking down information about
the Leonard family members in old census records, land records, and newspapers. And last but not least, the late
Taos CERTIFICATE or BALANCE Due. Is our because some member, al the LABOR EXCHANGE Assoc-
IAT/Oh! deposited
fall value_for e.cchange, in the ifeeping of this Branch; and it indicates an
incomplete transaction until' it shall have been presented and redeemed ,at the DEPOSITORY of
ENTRE, BRAWN Nu, Jae. 100.4,5 part 07-,E1•9•2,le and ina.n.sfen6adle method f accounts
hers and their assatates.
a sim,o/ifien' system of recording commercial and. mutual exchange iransacti-,-ahetveeemnleldi -
Ire Invite _soar attention to atm FREE EMPLOYMENT and "INFORMAT/ON Bier fop the herwl)t..01,!erery,n.
Our posn-
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bees to help themsehies. aim, person aid good mana, character may become a
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CHARTER and the By-laws. Its purpose , is both Co-operative and Bene,.• cmles at Christian Brother-hood,' whereby the members, tben assoplatas and the
• be encouraged, ossistea" and ,aeinnoment74. benefited in the oecurmy
t may
and industrial conditions.
Far further informstoon gniviro
the ORFIEE Orf the CHRIST/AN /A3 STR/AL EXCHANGE »b,.% is the
local name of 12Erron .BRANCH No. 355 of the LABOR EXCNANRE Assoc/awn,- CENTRAL OEFICE Ino'ebendeiice,Mo.
TELEPHONE- -.1,1.4401-,7% ADDRESS, la-- /7 ,VCOX
.IQc 160.001,-100111. 1‘ nalgtriall
INDEPENDENCE,MO.niis corgrAn .
e"- DUE A treceignile 0 the L4BOR EXCHANGE .11.ESOCZATION ht.
'61,11,ANC`' payare4 for hierrhandise, for services; and for all dues
°-4,171ehts to the Janie; and It is based upon and secured ,i4f the real+
and peAsonal propepty in the keeoinp of .DE7RO/TBiwav, /149. 335. it Ati
oat,Onla because some' raenzha. epos/ for ezeh e 1*.v 4'04
in /oho? Me-productsprod t of la bop, 673. . ,.
in the keeping of this _Branch—An debt is prohibited ,d kw., Y -4 -)'-l — '2'-, - -, --4/
CHARTERED... 1905.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 195
Marvin Luke played a pivotal role in getting a good portion of the notes from the source to the market so that they
could be enjoyed and appreciated by those of us who collect National Currency.
The author invites readers with any additional information about the Wood River Hoard to contact him at or by phone at 605-336-3718.
Sources of information
Bank Note Reporter. Iola, WI: Krause Publications (various dates).
Comptroller of the Currency. Ledgers showing deliveries of national bank note sheets to the banks. U.S. National Archives,
Washington, D.C. (various dates).
Heritage Auctions/Currency Auctions of America. Permanent Auction Archives. Dallas, TX. Various dates.
Hickman and Oakes. "60th Fixed Price List." Hickman-Oakes: Iowa City, LA, (undated, but issued in June of 1983).
Huntoon, Peter. United States Large Size National Bank Notes. Laramie, WY: The Society of Paper Money Collectors , 1995.
The Official State Atlas of Nebraska. Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Kirk, 1885.
Walton, Gerome. A History of Nebraska Banking and Paper Money. Lincoln, NE: The Centennial, 1978.
Labor Exchange Scrip: the Christian Exchange of Detroit, MI
By Steve Whitfield
My article in the November/December Paper Money
about the Labor Exchange branch system of the 1890s elicited
several interesting responses from readers. It also turned up a
dynamite note in a new denomination. Friend Larry Falater
sent me a copy of the note illustrated here. Nothing like it
had been reported before, to my knowledge. The note was
issued by surely one of the last branches to be organized. The
Labor Exchange organization had pretty much died out by the
turn of the twentieth century, although some branches contin-
ued operations into the teens. DeBernardi, the founder, had
died in 1901. This note proves that branches were still being
chartered as late as 1905.
Branch #335 of Detroit Michigan
(the previous high charter was #318.)
was self-named "The Christian
Industrial Exchange." This note is an
unredeemed certificate of deposit for 3
units of labor. It was apparently used
in an attempt to recruit new members
to the exchange. It is specifically "not
redeemable in legal tender," although
legal tender could be deposited at the
exchange and later be redeemed as
labor units for goods or services.
The back of the note explains
why the note was still "in circulation"
and advertises services provided by the
exchange to its members. The pur-
pose of the organization was "both
cooperative and benevolent; consistent
with the true principals of Christian
brother-hood." The note boldly states
CHRIST." This branch was located
at 15-17 Wilcox St., in Detroit. Its
telephone number was M.4401-J.
(Collectors from Detroit may want to
try this number to see if the Exchange
is still there.)
The Heritage paper money sale,
in January, included one of the rare certificates of deposit on
Branch #277, Gray Cloud Island, Minnesota. Ms. Harriet
Mavis had deposited $2.50 in U.S. legal tender in November,
1897. These are attractive notes/CDs with great end vignettes
on the back. I, of course, was outbid on the note which went
for $345! Arri Jacob reported acquisition of a Labor Exchange
seal from Branch #14, at Dilley, Oregon, and several others
reported unlisted notes, or submitted spelling error changes.
Meanwhile, Hugh Shull turned up a previously unreported,
but predicted, item on Salina, KS that I was happy to add to
my collection and to my forthcoming book on Kansas notes.
So thanks to the responders and please let me know if you
turn up any new Labor Exchange notes or related items. •
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
U.S. Hw ii
North Afric ;
Milit ry Currency
interspersed within the civilian United States Silver Certificate and Federal
Reserve issues: Hawaii emergency brown seal and North Africa/Sicily yellow
seal notes. Both served more than one function during/after World War II.
The first of these were the Hawaii issues, conceived in January 1942, shortly
after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The first deliveries of the Hawaii notes to the trea-
sury were made early in June 1942. Initially they were designed to be defensive; that is, a
distinctive currency that could be demonetized if we lost the Hawaiian Islands to the
Japanese. They evolved into invasion currency as the Central Pacific campaign unfolded
by Peter Huntoon
with collaboration by James Downey, James
Hodgson, Donald Medcalf and James A. Simek
and the Hawaiian Islands become a secure back area. Troops often were paid in Hawaii
notes in Hawaii, and in the southern and western Pacific islands during the late stages of
the war and afterward. Hawaii notes had no special status after October, 1944, so those
issued after then were in effect being used up.
In contrast, the yellow seal issues were offensive, being conceived by the War
Department in cooperation with the Treasury in September, 1942, prior to Operation
Torch, the invasion of North Africa. Desired was a distinctive currency that could be
demonetized if our efforts failed and allowed significant volumes of our currency to fall
into German hands. The yellow seals first saw service as invasion currency in North
Africa, and next in Sicily. They then served as transit currency for troops moving between
theaters and home, and as military currency in various Balkan countries following the war.
The yellow seals represented a transition between the regular currency of the
United States and Allied Military Currency, and later specially designed post-war military
payment certificates.
->144313<-,1 \\.2 „
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 197
Bringing the World's Greatest Notes Together
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198 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
First note from the third pack of the
$1 Hawaii CC block. The serial num-
bers were overprinted on the note
September 29, 1942.
Hawaiian Monetary Controls
Hysteria followed the December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor because people
thought the Hawaiian Islands would be invaded by the Japanese. Simultaneous Japanese
attacks on Midway, the Philippines, Hong Kong and Malaya, and three days later on
Guam, heightened this fear.
Martial law was declared the afternoon of December 7th on Hawaii. General
Orders No. 51 effective January 12, 1942, "governing the withdrawal and possession of
currency by persons in the Territory of Hawaii" was issued January 9th by Colonel
Thomas H. Green, Judge Advocate General's Department acting on behalf of J. B.
Poindexter, the military governor of the Territory of Hawaii. It specified:
1. Individuals were not allowed to withdraw from any financial institution during
any one calendar month, nor be in possession, custody or control of more than
$200 in currency. "Currency" was defined as "coin, government notes, and bank
notes of all denominations, but [did] not include bonds, stamps, or other obliga-
tions of the United States Government not circulating as money."
2. Businesses were limited to $500 per month.
3. Any agency designated by the military governor was authorized to conduct an
investigation if it had "a reasonable suspicion of a violation of this order."
4. Penalties for failure to comply included fines of up to $5,000 and/or imprison-
ment for up to 5 years.
The Honolulu Advertiser (January 11, 1942) noted that the order was intended "to
insure the free circulation of money and get it out of the hands of hoarders." The article
also mentioned that "uncertain shipping schedules which have resulted from the war have
made indefinite the arrival of ships equipped with special space to carry currency." Very
high wartime insurance rates of $2.50 per $100, or 2.5 percent, made shipping currency
from the U.S. mainland to Hawaii quite costly for banks, businesses and others (Honolulu
Advertiser, editorial, July 1, 1942).
According to the newspaper, "'They're simply disgorging,'" said the weary bank
employee yesterday as he described the reaction of patrons to the government's order lim-
iting cash holdings to $200 a month. 'It's still coming in by piles.' . . . 'The highest
amount I've had turned in,' said a cashier, 'was 30,000 smackers from one individual.
Another brought in $17,000 this morning.' . . . `If a certain man had waited much longer
to bring in his old currency,' put in another employee, 'he wouldn't have had any money.
The rats had been working on his bills — almost all of them had chewed off corners'"
(Honolulu Advertiser, January 17, 1942, p. 1). Some shop owners took advantage of cus-
tomers who were attempting to spend old hoard money by discounting the badly worn
and mutilated notes, a practice which authorities tried to curb (Honolulu Advertiser,
January 1, 1942, p. 1, 3).
Soon the courts were processing numerous cases of hoarding in which the typi-
cal judgment was a fine and an order that the plaintiff invest any overage over $200 in U.
S. Defense Bonds for the duration of the war. Merchants banded together to run ads
excoriating hoarders "for distinguished service to the Axis" (Honolulu Star-Bulletin, April
14, 1942). The problem of hoarding
continued, so the governor declared a
moratorium on prosecutions between
May 11 and 20, 1942, in order to allow
people to turn in what they had withheld
without fear that the act of turning it in
would lead to charges (Honolulu
Advertiser, May 12, 1942, p. 1,2).
Coin collectors could obtain
licenses for their money (Honolulu Star-
Bulletin, June 6, 1942, p. 1).
Hawaii Currency
A major concern was that if Hawaii was overrun, the Japanese would have access
to hundreds of millions of dollars in U. S. currency that could be used to further their
wartime efforts. Government authorities were well aware of the difficulties encountered
in the Philippines when the treasury at Manila was threatened following the Japanese
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 199
No qualified applications
for Wait research grant
FOR THE SECOND TIME IN EIGHT YEARS,no qualified application was filed by the deadline for
our annual George AA'. Wait Memorial Award. This
award is available annually for research leading to a
book-length publication in a paper money-related field.
It is named in honor of the late George W. Wait, a
founding SPMC officer, author, and moving force in
establishing our Wismer book series.
A solicitation of applications for next year's award
will appear in our Nov/Dec issue. v
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See Paper Money for Collectors
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
invasion of those islands in December 1941. Nearly 3,000 pounds of gold and 16.5 mil-
lion pesos in silver were removed to the fortress tunnels of Corregidor Island, and 70 mil-
lion pesos in U. S. and Philippine paper money was hurriedly burned. All the gold and
some of the silver was evacuated by the submarine U.S.S. Sea Trout, but many tons of sil-
ver were dumped into Cahallo Bay before the fall of Corregidor in May. No one wanted
this scenario repeated in Hawaii.
A feasibility study was undertaken by the Treasury, War, Navy and Interior
Departments in collaboration with Hawaiian civil and military authorities early in January,
1942, to consider issuing a special currency for use in Hawaii and the Central Pacific the-
ater of operations (Secretary of the Treasury, 1943, p. 46). The primary feature of the
concept was defensive. If quantities of the notes were captured by the enemy, their dis-
tinctive color and markings would make them easily identifiable so they could be demone-
The decision was made to issue special currency in Hawaii and the surrounding
forward areas. Existing currency in the islands was to be entirely replaced by the new
The two falling marines have just
been mortally wounded by enemy
fire in their run up the beach upon
landing on Saipan, June 15, 1944.
They are carrying Hawaii spearhead
Rush Printings
The order to print the Hawaii notes was
received by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing on
June 8, 1942, although Bureau personnel knew the
order was coming. Production actually began on June
6, 1942, and the first Hawaii notes - $1 stars - began to
be overprinted on June 7th. The first shipments to the
Treasury occurred on June 8th, practically as fast as the
ink could dry, and the notes could be packaged.
The plate history ledgers bear silent witness to
the crash program to turn out the first Hawaii notes.
New face production was thrown into high gear June 6,
1942. Twenty eight $5, 23 $10 and 20 $20 San
Francisco Federal Reserve face plates were pressed into
production that day.
The $5 faces included Series of 1934 plates 1,
24-37, 39-51. The $10 faces were all Series of 1934A,
specifically 97-100, 102-103, 105, 108, 110-124. The
$20s were Series of 1934 21, 24-25, and 1934A 38-54.
Available stocks of backs were diverted to those presses
while back production was ramped up to provide addi-
tional feed stock in the coming days.
In addition, stocks of incomplete $1 Silver
Certificates, and $5, $10 and $20 San Francisco Federal Reserve sheets, with preprinted
backs and faces, but without overprints, were immediately sent to overprinting presses to
receive the Hawaii overprints, and distinctive brown seals and serial numbers.
Hawaii Currency Arrives
The first shipment of Hawaii currency made its appearance in Hawaii on June
25, 1942, and, according to accounts in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin (June 25, 1942, p. 1,5)
supplies were sufficient. The issuance of General Orders 118 governed its use as follows.
1. All U. S. currency in the Territory of Hawaii was to be withdrawn from circula-
tion and replaced with Hawaii currency.
2. All U. S. currency was to be exchanged for Hawaii currency on or before July 15,
3. Effective July 15, 1942, the "acquisition, disposition, holding, possession, trans-
fer of or other dealing in" currency other than the Hawaii notes was prohibited.
4. Holding of U. S. currency of any series in a safe-deposit box within the territory
was prohibited.
5. U. S. currency brought into the territory had to be exchanged for Hawaii cur-
rency at the port of entry.
• st
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Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 201
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202 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Marines have just landed on one of
the beaches of Saipan, June 15, 1944.
6. No Hawaii currency was to be exported or physically taken from the territory.
7. Banks were required to report amounts of U. S. currency on hand. Any excess
was to be delivered to the government appointed Special Treasury Custody
Committee, composed of government officials, military personnel and bank offi-
8. Exceptions would be granted only after application for license. Possession of
money without the HAWAII markings was allowed only on a case-by-case basis
after application to and approval by the governor of the Territory of Hawaii.
9. With regard to the $200 and $500 currency limits for individuals and businesses,
General Orders No. 51 would remain in effect.
10. The term "currency" as used in these regulations did not include coins.
11. Penalties for failure to comply included fines of up to $5,000 and/or imprison-
ment for up to five years.
Military police were given the authority to investigate those suspected of violat-
ing the currency regulations. Governor J. B. Poindexter on August 13, 1942, decreed that
prior to October 1, every safe deposit box in the territory, estimated at about 8,000, had to
be opened in the presence of a treasury or bank official to verify that no currency whatso-
ever was contained therein. In his press release he stated: "This is one more important
step in preparing the Territory economically to resist any invasion attempt. ... The secu-
rit‘, of the Territory and the private citizen will be further protected if there is nothing
here which may fall in the hands of an invader to be used by him against us" (Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco, August 29, 1942).
Treasury officials in Hawaii emphasized that although the new Hawaii currency
had souvenir value, it must remain in the islands. Postal censors were ordered to return
any notes to the sender that were being mailed off island (Honolulu Advertiser, June 28,
1942, p. 10). If a person left for the mainland, he had to exchange the Hawaii currency for
civilian currency upon leaving.
Although the conversion was to have taken place by July 15, the deadline was
extended to August 1 because the first shipments totaling $25 million were inadequate to
meet the redemptions by the banks. Another $25 million was ordered, but when the ship-
ment did not arrive by July 29, the
deadline was extended to August 15.
Only Hawaii currency was to
have legal tender status in the desig-
nated zone. Poindexter's August 13
press release specified the zone to
include Midway, Johnston, Palmyra
and the Hawaiian Islands. However,
as the Pacific theater of war expanded,
so too did the area of circulation of
the new currency.
Acting governor Charles
Hite granted General License No.
HC-3 which permitted merchants and
others in the islands to accept non-
overprinted notes from military per-
sonnel in uniform as payment for
goods and services (Honolulu
Advertiser, July 15, 1942, p. 5). It rec-
ognized that many service personnel
were only passing through the area
and might not be familiar with the
regulations in force. The license was
revoked on January 20, 1944 by
Governor Stainback (Honolulu
Advertiser, January 16, 1944).
Thereafter even military personnel had to have nothing but Hawaii currency while in the
islands. They were responsible for exchanging non-Hawaii currency at licensed facilities.
The new money did not possess legal tender status outside the designated zone,
although exceptions were noted in publications and circulars issued by the San Francisco
Federal Reserve Bank, which was responsible for distributing the Hawaii currency.
Member banks that came across small quantities of the notes were requested to return
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
them immediately to the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, where they were credited
to their accounts. In this way, the circulation of notes could be controlled.
Destruction of Redeemed Currency
Something had to be clone with the huge quantities of cash that were
redeemed for the new overprinted currency. Shipping the old money from Hawaii to
the mainland was too risky, even including the risk of seizure at sea by the Japanese;
therefore, it was decided that the redeemed notes would be burned in Hawaii. The
Special Treasury Custody Committee
oversaw that mammoth task.
An article entitled "Millions in
Currency Is Burned Here" in the
Honolulu Star-Bulletin (July 9, 1942, p. 1)
reported that the currency has "been
reduced to smoke and ashes in the terri-
tory in the past few weeks, federal trea-
sury officials announced today.... With
the exception of currency destroyed by
treasury officials prior to the occupation
of Manila by the Japanese, the action is
the first time in the history of the nation
that United States currency has been
destroyed outside of Washington, D.C."
Initially, attempts were made
to incinerate the currency in the Oahu
Cemetery crematorium located in
Nuuanu Valley in Honolulu. However,
it was soon discovered that the facility
could not efficiently handle the large
quantities of notes that were brought in
for destruction because it came in tight
packages and would only char, not flare
and burn. Instead, arrangements were
made with Stafford Austin, manager of the Honolulu Plantation Company, to move the
operations to a refinery furnace at the Aiea Sugar Mill refinery, also on Oahu, and closer
to the main military installation at Pearl Harbor. Such furnaces have strong drafts and
big combustion chambers to burn bagasse, which is the refuse of the sugar cane. Austin
They came out next day with their money trucks, their military
guards and their sirens howling. We fired up the furnaces and stoked 'em with
millions of dollars, and sugar production never was better. One morning we
burned $9,500,000. I burned $20,000 in one toss. The Treasury never would
say how much we burned, but estimating how many bills you can get on one
shovel-load, we figured we must have burned about $70,000,000 worth.
The youngsters in the Army who served as guards took this as their
chance to light cigarettes with $1,000 bills. They wanted to have their picture
taken doing it, but the Treasury said nothing doing. Some kind of law against
The refinery returned eventually to using cane again for fuel. That is
until a few weeks ago [1945]. Then it began to look like those Japs weren't
going to invade Hawaii after all. The Treasury began calling in the War
Money and trading it back for regular. Now our refinery is loading up the fur-
naces with the Special Money. It's sweet, but no sweeter than the regular
kind. (Othman, 1945).
More than $200 million in cash was destroyed before the program was termi-
nated on November 5, 1945, by authority of a letter from the Undersecretary of the
Treasury to The Bishop National Bank of Hawaii in Honolulu. This included unfit
Hawaii currency because the treasury did not want to risk its capture during transship-
ment to Washington, DC, until the war was won.
Asan invasion beach on Guam, July
204 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Invasion Currency
The generals were sufficiently confi-
dent of success in the Pacific
Theater by February 1945, that they
authorized the use of regular civil-
ian currency for the invasion of Iwo
Jima, instead of Hawaii spearhead
Another use for the special currency was found. It served as invasion currency,
following Admiral Nimitz through the grueling Central Pacific campaign. Tarawa and
Makin atolls in the Gilbert Islands, invaded November 20-23, 1943, were the first to fall to
Americans carrying brown seals. The objective at Tarawa was 290 acre Batio Island which
barely rises above the water, but which evolved into what would be one of the fiercest bat-
tles of the Central Pacific campaign: 1,056 Americans died out of 12,000 engaged; 17
Japanese and Korean laborers survived from a force of 4,700 deployed (Steinberg, 1978).
Moving ever westward, some lesser islands, Kwajalein and Eniwetok in the
Marshall Islands, fell under the American onslaught in February 1944; followed by the car-
rier based aerial annihilation of the Japanese naval presence in Truk Lagoon in the Caroline
Islands February 17-18. In a February 9, 1944, statement released jointly by the
Departments of the Treasury, War and Navy, it
was pointed out that "The distinctive characteristics
of the 'Hawaiian dollar' are of equal value for offen-
sive purposes as well as defensive. It is in the inter-
ests of our Government to be able to identify easily
the currency which is being used in areas of com-
bat, in order to facilitate the isolation of this partic-
ular currency if it should fall into enemy hands. ...
The rate of exchange that has been established for
[the] liberated islands of the Central Pacific is 20
Japanese military yen to one 'Hawaiian dollar""
(Secretary of the Treasury, 1944).
The grind westward arrived at the
Mariana Islands, first Saipan in mid July, 1944, then
Guam, and quickly thereafter Tinian at the end of
July. At Saipan alone, 3,500 U. S. dead fouled the
surf and dotted the tropical landscape as 32,000
Japanese, all but 600 of whom died, fought a last
ditch effort to protect their homeland only 1,600
miles to the north. Hawaii currency comprised the
monied economies in the Mariana Islands as those
tropical islands were transformed into the largest
air bases in the history of the world late in 1944.
That was the objective of the Central Pacific cam-
paign, the projection of American air power west-
ward until the Japanese mainland was within range.
The B29s based on Guam, Saipan and Tinian
would prove decisive with their incendiary bomb-
ings; their atomic payloads overkill at the end.
But the war wasn't over yet in mid-1944.
MacArthur wanted protection on his right flank as
he and Admiral Halsey were working their forces
up the south Pacific ladder of islands toward the Philippines. He argued that the Palau
Islands, 600 miles to his east, had to be neutralized.
The Palau islands, 800 miles southwest of Guam, were the last to see the Hawaii
invasion currency (Rundell, 1980). The Japanese centerpiece in the Palau Island group was
6-square mile Peleliu, overrun September 15-October 13, 1944, by Nimitz's troops.
Casualty ratios there approached the horrors chalked up at Tarawa, but the numbers of
men on both sides were greater making the slaughter at Peleliu numerically worse for both
A higher strategic priority for the war effort was a forward base north of the
Marianas that would permit shorter range fighters to accompany the B29s to Japan, and
wounded B29s returning from Japan a place to land. Iwo Jima, half way between the
Marianas and Tokyo, was that ticket.
MacArthur and Admiral Halsey used a combination of Dutch Guilders and
Hawaii currency in the south Pacific island campaign, and then Victory Series Philippine
pesos once they reached the Philippines. Civilian U. S. currency was used by Nimitz's
forces on Iwo Jima during the horrific campaign to take the island February 19-March 16,
1945. Allied Military yen followed on Okinawa, and later Japan during the occupation.
R 99599599 C
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1114 PAYMILZ ittaltERON
1AS li Xt TON.
R 9959 959 9 C
4 x4. -
41311A r t
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
Occupation Currency
Hawaii currency continued to serve as occupation currency in the Pacific islands
following their liberation, and even after the war. This was convenient for naval person-
nel because those forces operated out of Pearl Harbor. Frank Simek, a World War II
veteran and uncle of numismatist James Simek, was paid Hawaii currency while stationed
in New Guinea during the conflict. He also recalled exchanging his Japanese money,
which he later received in Japan as a member of the occupation forces, for Hawaii curren-
cy before boarding a ship that would take him back to the United States in 1945.
Post Regulation Use
The currency restrictions imposed by General Orders No. 118 were lifted
October 21, 1944, shortly after Peleliu was declared secure. Admiral Chester Nimitz,
Commander in Chief of the U. S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas, announced
"United States currency of the regular series henceforth will circulate interchangeably
with the Hawaii series in the areas under his command. These areas include the
Marshall, Mariana and Gilbert Islands, as well as Midway, Fanning, Canton and
Christmas Islands where Hawaii series currency has been in use since its introduction in
July, 1942" (Honolulu Advertiser, October 22, 1944, p. 1,5).
West Coast banks in the 12th Federal Reserve District, as well as the San
Francisco Federal Reserve Bank itself, were given the authority to release the Hawaii
notes into general circulation on the mainland. A circular distributed October 30, 1944,
by the Federal Reserve Bank announced to bankers that they no longer had to return
Hawaii notes they happened to received. Instead, they could now pay the notes out along
with civilian notes providing they were still fit. On the same day, Joseph M. Leisner,
cashier of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, advised his branches that: "You
may proceed to pay it into circulation either over the counter or through your mail ship-
ments. In doing so, we would suggest that it be intermingled by packages with bundles of
other currency paid out, preferably spreading its payment by including one package to a
bundle of other currency."
In a letter to The Bishop National Bank of Hawaii, Under Secretary of the
Treasury D. W. Bell (November 5, 1945) advised: "The Treasury will continue to furnish
currency in Hawaii to meet the large military requirements and will maintain in the
Treasurer's custody account with your bank a stock of new currency available for Army
and Navy use." New Hawaii notes were released for years after the war. The U.S. Navy
used the overprinted currency to pay its sailors in the islands as late as the 1960s. Gordon
Medcalf, numismatic dealer from Hawaii, remembers that large numbers of new Hawaii
$10s, and nearly new $20s, were brought into his shop in Honolulu. He couldn't offer
premiums for them because they were so plentiful at the time.
Yellow Seal Currency
The invasion of French North Africa commenced just after 1a.m. under a new
moon on November 8, 1942, when the first of 107,000 troops began landing at This $1 yellow seal sports a palin-
Casablanca, Morocco, and at Oran and Algiers, Algeria. The troops, carrying out drome serial number.
Operation Torch, were opening a front
spanning 900 miles stretching from the
Atlantic coast west of the Straights of
Gibraltar to well along the
Mediterranean coast east of Gibraltar
(Collier, 1977). Two thirds of the
invaders were American, one third
British. The American carried distinc-
tive yellow seals; the British carried
British Military Authority notes
(Secretary of the Treasury, 1945).
Operation Husky, until then the
most massive amphibious assault ever
attempted, followed. Husky was the
206 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Allied offensive to establish a toehold on Sicily, to begin hitting the Axis in its soft under-
belly. Wallace (1978) relates that the landings began July 10, 1943, and within 48 hours
80,000 troops, 7,000 vehicles, 300 trucks, 600 tanks and artillery pieces were landed.
The flotilla that delivered them involved 3,300 seagoing craft of every description. Some
4,600 paratroopers carried by 222 planes, and 144 gliders arrived three hours earlier to
cause havoc behind the beachheads. The invasion force left from staging areas in the
United States, England, North Africa and the Middle East. Once again American troops
carried yellow seals, and the British carried British Military Authority notes as invasion
notes for the second time against the Germans.
Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morganthau Jr., in a meeting held at the State
Department between himself and various State and War department personnel on
August 5, 1942, recommended that upon the opening of a second front in Europe,
United States troops serving there be paid in U. S. currency (Stimson, 1945, exhibit J).
However the currency should bear a small identification mark that could be used to dis-
tinguish it if events turned against us, and large amounts of the money fell into enemy
hands requiring it to be repudiated. He suggested that it utilize a yellow seal. This pro-
posal was adopted at the meeting, but the actual role the yellow seals played was greatly
diminished in scope.
Spearhead Currency
From Coast Guard-manned "sea-horse"
landing craft, American troops leap
forward to storm a North African
beach during final amphibious maneu-
vers tarring their M - 1 rifles and their
spearhead yellow seal currency. (U.S.
National Archives, James D. Rose, Jr.,
ca. 1944. 26-G-2326)
The War Department called the yellow seals and British Military Authority
notes "spearhead currencies." The concept behind them, and the Hawaii notes when
used in the invasions in the Central Pacific islands, was to utilize such currency during
the early offensive parts of the campaigns until a toehold could be established on the lib-
erated lands, and a viable exchange rate for the indigenous currency could be negotiated
with local governing civil or military authorities. As soon as possible, the spearhead cur-
rencies would be withdrawn, and troop payments and other disbursements would be
made using the local currency.
Secretary of War Henry L Stimson (1945, p. 3) justified the use of indigenous
currencies as follows:
The transition from enemy occu-
pation to friendly liberation is a period
of political and economic uncertainty.
The inevitable sequel to this transition
after years of strife, leaves the residual
national economy in chaotic condition.
. . . The rapid restoration of order, a
military necessity, by a provisional or
reinstated government is greatly aided
if the national currency commands the
confidence of the populace. Nothing
creates fear or distrust of the future,
stimulates hoarding when staple goods
are in short supply, nor accelerates a
flight from the local currency, more
readily than the introduction of for-
eign monetary units. This is especially
true if the foreign currency introduced
has a long history and background of
He added (1945, p. 17):
. . . dollars are used wherever and
whenever military security and expedi-
ency or chaotic local currency condi-
tion dictate their use for spearhead or
general military purposes.
Nevertheless, it has been the consis-
tent policy of the United States
Government, subject always to the
overall considerations of military
necessity and the safety and security of
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
On This Date in Paper Money History -- May 2008
By Fred Reed °
May 1
1776, Scots economist Adam Smith releases his long awaited The Wealth of Nations;
1796, banknote and medal engraver C.C. Wright born; 1877, Edward McPherson
becomes BEP Director; 2004, Poland joins European Economic Union;
May 2
1863, CSA general Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, who appears on Confclerate
5500 notes, wounded; 1921, beginning of Elliott-White combined tenure;
May 3
1864, Congress launches investigation into BEP fraud; 1934, Treasury Secretary
William H. Woodin dies; 1981, first delivery of Series 1981 S20 FRNs;
May 4
1837, Banks in Natchez, MS suspend specie payment; 1874, Secretary of Treasury
Richardson resigns after tax scandal; 1961, ANA president J. Henri Ripstra dies;
May 5
1780, Massachusetts Colonial Currency (FR278-285) bears this date; 1966, collector
Josiah Lilly dies; 1992, dealer/collector Aubrey Bebee dies;
May 6
1873, George W. Casilear receives a patent for bank note engraving; 1996, first issue
of Madison Hours local currency in Madison, WI;
May 7
1833, numismatic subject Abraham Lincoln appointed Postmaster of Salem, IL; 1963,
J. Francis Fisher delivers lecture on Continental Currency author Samuel Breck at
Pennsylvania Institution for Instruction of the Blind in Philadelphia;
May 8
1792, Congress extends redemption of Continental Currency to March 7, 1793; 1981,
Foreign Currency Exchange computer program by David Gordon Ensign copyrighted;
May 9
1862, Senate concurs with the appointment of John J. Cisco as Asst. Treasurer of the
U.S. at New York; 1956, Bank Holding Company Act passed;
May 10
1817, Britain adopts paper money as currency to ease an economic crisis; 1861, CSA
Treasury Secretary Memminger recommends small denomination circulating notes;
May 11
1894, Claude M. Johnson, Chiet of BEP, instructs illustrator Charles Stanley Reinhart to
use 'artistic ingenuity" in design of (ultimately unissued) S20 Educational Note; 1982,
Penn-Ohio Wooden Money Traders organizational meeting held in Niles, OH;
May 12
1812, Stephen Girard begins private banking in Philadelphia by purchasing assets of
defunct First BUS, of which he was largest stockholder and receiver; 1858, United
States Paper Money author George H. Blake born;
May 13
1874, overprinted black charter numbers appear on S5 NBNs; 1994, Wisconsin
Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip by Chet Krause published;
May 14
1921, REP begins plates for USNs and SCs with facsimile signatures of Elliott and
White; 1985, De La Rue Giori receives patent for copperplate engraving machine;
May 15
1864, Chicago Board of Trade accepts nothing but National Currency and greenbacks;
1909, paper money dealer and author Iohn Muscalus born;
May 16
1861, CSA authorizes $20 million in treasury notes, $5 and upward, payable in two
years; 1948, Anglo-Palestine Bank Limited emergency provisional notes, 500 mils-50
Palestine pounds, issued;
May 17
1786, final £100,000 pounds in bills of credit issued by New Jersey; 1892, New York
Times reports on counterfeiter Emanuel Ninger's pen and ink counterfeit $50 notes;
May 18
1914, Federal Reserve Bank Notes bear this printed dated; 1983, Luc Bresson film
L'Argent ("Money') tracks circulation of bogus 500-franc note;
May 19
1828, aggressively protective "Tariff of Abominations" signed by President John
Quincy Adams; 1968, Pioneer Wooden Money Society organized;
May 20
1864, CSA Treasury Secretary C.G. Memminger reports on finances; 1980, A History
of Bermuda and Its Paper Money by Nelson Page Aspen copyrighted;
May 21
1541, Hernando Desoto discovers the Mississippi River (FR 409-423) just south of pre-
sent clay Memphis; 1897. Congress authorizes interest-hearing notes of S50 and up;
May 22
1776, Committee of Continental Congress on monetary policy submits first report;
1971, SPMC member/dealer William Donlon auctions major portion of his personal
May 23
1873, teenage employee Stephen T. Miller arrested for stealing 10 sheets of $5 NBNs
from his employer Continental Bank Note Co.; 1934, bank robbers Clyde Barrow and
Bonnie Parker ambushed near Sailes, Louisiana;
May 24
1824, Suffolk Bank begins acting as agent for the seven Associated Banks of Boston
buying country notes from other Associated Banks beginning the Suffolk
Clearinghouse System; 1895, Treasury Secretary Hugh McCulloch (FR 639-663a) dies;
May 25
1911, Early Paper Money of America author Eric P. Newman born; 2006, "The Faces
of Money: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly" exhibition opens at ANA headquarters;
May 26
1862, Confederate currency worth 28 cents on the dollar at New Orleans; 1912,
encased stamp issuer Evansville, IN merchant John W. Bussing dies;
May 27
1720, Duke of Orleans dismisses financier John Law; 1783, Benjamin Dudley informs
Robert Morris paper for printing Continental loan certificates has been produced;
May 28
1864, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase requests president of NBNCo to turn over
dies, plates etc. from which USNs were made; 1930, Colonial and Continental
Currency author Ted Weissbuch born;
May 29
1828, first CSA currency cataloger Thomas Addis Emmet born; 1912, BEP begins to
launder paper money to extend the life of the notes; 1961, pilot USDA Food Stamp
program officially commences
May 30
1830, Congress authorizes land scrip as bounty payment to still living soldiers of the
American Revolution; 2001, An Illustrated Catalogue of Early North American
Advertising Notes by Robert A. Vlack published by R.M. Smythe;
May 31
1853, artist Will Low, Educational Note designer (FR 224-225), born; 1865, Abraham
Lincoln five-cent oblate-shapecl Internal Revenue stamp approved.
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser
of rare American paper
currency ... CALL
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money208
Lt. Gen. George S. Patton discusses
operations with Lt. Col. Lyle Bernard,
CO, 30th Infantry Regiment, a promi-
nent figure in the second daring
amphibious landing behind enemy
lines on Sicily's north coast near Brolo,
1943. (U.S. National Arlchives, 111-
our armed forces to recognize the establishment of a monetary system and the
determination of the type of currency which may circulate in a country, as well
as the exchange rate as traditional attributes of sovereignty.
The establishment of equitable exchange rates between the indigenous curren-
cies and the dollar tended to stabilize the local economies. One attribute of paying
troops and otherwise conducting business in indigenous currencies was suppression of
black market activities associated with exchange rates between those currencies and dol-
Accordingly, yellow seals served as spearhead currency during the invasions of
French North Africa where the reception of the Allied troops was in question, and prior
agreements with local governments pertaining to exchange rates were impossible. The
decision was made to leave the responsibility for the civil government in the hands of the
existing French authorities after the Allied toehold was established on French North
Africa. The French in turn agreed to furnish the required local currency at exchange
rates of 75 francs to the dollar and 300 francs to the pound. The spearhead yellow seals
and British Military Authority notes were accorded legal tender status until December
31, 1942. Thereafter Allied troops were paid in regular Moroccan and Algeria francs,
and yellow seals were rapidly withdrawn from circulation.
Rundell (1980, p. 119) states:
Shortly after the military operations in
North Africa began, it became evident through
the cooperation of the French in Algiers and
Tunisia that there was sufficient local currency
for all disbursing- needs. Also, there were presses
that could print as much franc currency as might
be required. When the American command dis-
covered these conditions, it quickly withdrew the
invasion currency in favor of North African
francs. In Morocco, too, enough francs circulat-
ed so that the American army did not have to rely
exclusively on yellow seal dollars. As soon as a
private American firm printed sufficient
Moroccan francs, the army withdrew the invasion
currency and disbursed only francs.
Treasury Department Press Release 45-45
(1945, p. 4) included the following perspective:
We stopped issuing yellow seal dollars
in North Africa within a few months -after our
arrival there, and have succeeded in withdrawing
almost all from circulation. When we planned to
change over to the use of regular North African
banknotes, we found that the French in North
Africa had neither the paper, ink, nor printing
facilities to supply the demand for local currency.
Thus the French currency finally put to use in
place of the yellow seal dollar was actually print-
ed by a private firm in the -United States, for the
North African issuing - banks. If General
Eisenhower's invading forces had not carried a supply of currency, there would
have been an actual physical shortage of money for this circulation required in
North Africa.
The French vigorously protested that the exchange rate severely devalued the
franc, and "injected this exchange rate question into practically all matters involving their
relations with the Allied authorities" (Stimson, 1945, p. 10). In the interests of tranquility
and stabilization of the economy in the North African rear areas, Roosevelt and Churchill
agreed to alter the rate of exchange to 50 francs to the dollar and 200 francs to the pound
at the Casablanca Conference in January 1943.
The yellow seals and British Military Authority notes were similarly used as
spearhead currencies during the invasion of Sicily. The Governor of the Allied Military
Government accorded them legal tender status in Sicily by proclamation on July 22,
1943, and that proclamation was repeated in all newly liberated areas once an Allied
Military Government was established.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
On This Date in Paper Money History -- June 2008
By Fred Reed
June 1
1822, Alabama issues state treasury notes for fractional parts of dollar at Cahawba;
1893, Hamilton Bank Note Engraving and Printing Co. employs G.F.C. "Fred" Smillie;
June 2
1742, Massachusetts appints committee to report proper method for calling in and
exchanging "outstanding bills for bills of the latest form and tenor"; 1978, BEP issues
its first souvenir card for Memphis paper money show depicting DeSoto;
June 3
1758, Henry Bouquet provides list for Col. George Washington of Virginia Currency
with list of notes issued; 1864, Congress sets penalty for counterfeiting U.S. notes at
$1,000 and/or five-15 years at hard labor;
June 4
1866, sales of Specimen Postage Currency commence, according to U.S. Treasurer
Jas. Gilfillan; 1964, U.S. Marshals seize 450 wooden nickels from First NB of Monroe,
MI after balance of 20,000 printing were presumably circulated during change crisis;
June 5
1864, Chief Clerk of U.S. Loans discovers 100 $1,000 bonds are missing from the
Treasury of the U.S.; 1991, Christie's NY sells third selection from ABNCo. archives;
June 6
1828, early Fractional Currency collector/author Thomas Cunningham born; 1934,
Securities Act of 1934 establishes the Securities and Exchange Commission;
June 7
1837, City of Trenton, NJ issues scrip for 5-, 10-, 12 1/2-, and 25-cents and $1; 1955,
House passes H.R. 619 "To provide that all United States currency shall bear the
inscription In God We Trust";
June 8
1872, Congress authorizes $5,000 and $10,000 Currency Certificates of Deposit;
1885, beginning of Rosecrans-Jordan combined tenure as Register and Treasurer;
June 9
1837, Republic of Texas authorizes treasury notes, $5-S500; 1923, Brinks employs its
first armored security truck; 1950, Hobbies magazine publisher Otto C. Lightner dies;
June 10
1864, Merchants NB of Boston (charter 4475) first bank organized under Act of June 3;
1867, Compound Interest Treasury Notes of 1863 cease to accrue interest;
June 11
1862, Second Legal Tender Act authorizes additional $150 million in United States
Notes, totalling $300 million; 1969, Series 651 MPCs withdrawn in Libya;
June 12
1865, pioneer paper money collector Albert A. Grinnell born; 1978, SPMC Wismer
Chairman Wendell Wolka publishes catalog standards for future reference books;
June 13
1898, Congress OKs bonds to finance the Spanish-American War; 1974, Lucky Stores
prints 300,000 one-cent "Food Coupon change certificates for its Memco stores;
June 14
1865, CSA Congress declares $5 notes worthless after Jan. 1, 1865; 1932, SPMC mem-
ber and author Joaquin Gil del Real born;
June 15
1762, first paper money in Australia; 1895, Mississippi OKs second issue of Special
Warrants; 1934, Lincoln Park, MI issues Depression Scrip in denoms of $1, $5 & $10;
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser of
rare American paper
currency ... CALL
June 16
1812, New York State charters City Bank of New York; 1927, first shipment of bank-
notes for Palestine leaves London;
June 17
1764, King's Commisary Joseph Lefebvre issues manuscript troop payment scrip at
Fort de Chartres, Illinois Country; 1915, Pacific Coast Numismatic Society organized;
June 18
1948, stabilized cleutschmark introduced; 2004, dedication ceremony of new ANS
building at 140 William St. abandoned shortly thereafter on move to leased quarters;
June 19
1934, Silver Purchase Act provides for new series of Silver Certificates; 1937, St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank President William Poole born;
June 20
1824, Bank of the State of Tennessee circulates small change notes; 1874, Congress
fixes amount of greenbacks in circulation at $382 million; 1910, BEP finishes first
package of currency containing star replacement notes;
June 21
1759, Treasury Secretary Alexander James Dallas horn; 1978, Coin World announces
Fred L. Reed III promoted to News Editor; 1986, SPMC celebrates its 25th anniversary
at Memphis with a birthday cake decorated like a S1 FRN;
June 22
1775, Continental Congress authorizes First Issue of Continental Currency totalling $2
million; 1863, first National Bank organized in Iowa (FNB Davenport #15);
June 23
1775, Continental Congress orders new plates for currency; 1967, Disney film The
Happiest Millionaire stars Fred MacMurray;
June 24
1813, Thomas Jefferson tells John Wayles Eppes paper money "has been, is, and forev-
er will be abused in every country in which it is permitted"; 1945, SPMC member
Terry A. Bryan born;
June 25
1862, City Savings Association of Mobile, Alabama, circulates shinplasters; 1910,
Congress authorizes Post Office Department to establish postal savings depositories;
2006, heavy rains tell White House elm tree that appears on backs of S20 bills;
June 26
1774, banknote engraver Gideon Fairman born; 1978, NASCA sale of T. James Clarke
paper money collection begins; 1988, Aubrey and Adeline Bebee unveil $2 million
paper money collection given to ANA;
June 27
1775, earliest known dated Colony of Massachusetts Bay bond engraved and printed
by Paul Revere; 1829, Smithsonian Institution benefactor James Smithson dies; 1871,
Yen (#1 becomes the new money unit of Japan;
June 28
1776, Continental Congress okays signers for small change notes, but no action taken
to appoint them; 1861, North Carolina authorizes $200,000 in small change notes, 5-
to 50-cents; 1970, eight digit serial numbers replace seven digit serial numbers on
Food Coupons;
June 29
1813, engraver Jacob Perkins patents a copper and steel plate printing press; 1914,
United States Coin Co. auctions "the most complete collection of Confederate
Currency offered in many years"; 1977, first NASCA mail bid sale;
June 30
1782, Continental Congress Secretary Charles Thompson commissions second Great
Seal die with Latin mottos as adopted; 1822, encased stamp issuer Chicago hotel pro-
prietor David A. Gage born;
Moving up through Prato, Italy, men of
the 370th Infantry Regiment, have yet
to climb the mountain which lies
ahead. (U.S. National Archives, Bull,
April 9, 1945. 111-SC-205289)
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
By 1943, the time had come to design
currencies that could serve the economies of the
vanquished nations. The Italian lire were the
vanguard. Allied Military lire were prepared
secretly in advance of the invasion of Italy. The
work on the special lire began back on March
24, 1943, even before Sicily was invaded (Bureau
of Engraving and Printing, 1962). Rundell
(1980, p. 204) relates:
As soon as Allied military lire
were ready for distribution, they were
exchanged for dollars. On 19 June 1943,
two planes carrying seven tons of Allied
military lire for the Sicily operation left the
United States. The army supposed that
after the Treasury's Bureau of Engraving
and Printing began producing lire, they
would be used exclusively in all Italian
operations. But when the supply proved
inadequate, the army resorted to the old
standby — yellow seal dollars.
Stimson (1945, p. 10) summarizes:
The Allied military lire was first
used after a large part of Sicily had been
occupied. A proclamation was issued by
the Allied Military Government making
Allied military lire legal tender in Sicily and
in other liberated portions of Italy. When
sufficient quantities of Allied military lire
had been received by the Allied forces,
United States yellow-seal currency and
British Military Authority notes were with-
drawn from circulation as rapidly as possi-
ble. After the armistice was negotiated
with the Italians, the Italian authorities, on 24 September 1943, issued a royal
decree proclaiming Allied military lire, United States yellow-seal dollars (but
not regular United States currency) and British Military Authority notes legal
tender in all territories then within its jurisdiction. Subsequently, as additional
territory was transferred from Allied military to Italian jurisdiction, the procla-
mations of the Allied Military Governor ceased to have effect, and the military
lire currency, together with such United States yellow-seal dollars and British
Military Authority notes as remained in the hands of the public, retained legal-
tender status by reason of the automatic extension of the decree of 24
September 1943, to the new Italian Government jurisdictions.
A U. S. Treasury Press Release (1945, p. 4) provides further insights.
In the first few weeks of the Sicilian operation, we used yellow seal
dollars, as in North Africa. While preparations were under way for months in
advance to use the Allied Military lire, we did not want to print the word "Italy"
or the word "lire" until the world knew where the Allied armies would strike.
We discontinued issuing yellow seal dollars in Sicily within a short time, and, as
in North Africa, have since succeeded in withdrawing the bulk of this currency
from circulation.
The exchange rate was set at 100 lire per dollar and 400 lire per pound by
proclamation of the Supreme Allied Commander on July 22, 1943.
France and Other Theaters
The last of the yellow seals was printed in June, 1944, raising the specter that
they would play a role in the D-day storming of Normandy, and the pressing of the west-
ern front against Germany. They didn't. The troops in Operation Overlord used Allied
Military franc-denominated currency respecting the wishes of, and reflecting prior agree-
ments with, the French Committee of National Liberation. Allied troops carried what
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 211
were called supplemental francs onto the D-day beaches, the notes stating on their faces
"Issued in France." An agreement with the French authorities dated August 15, 1944,
proclaimed that the supplemental francs would be considered as having been issued by
the French Treasury. The French on August 28, 1944, announced from Algeria by radio,
and published in their Official journal, that the supplemental francs were legal tender in
France. The fixed exchange rate was 49.556 francs to the dollar and 200 francs to the
pound, the odd dollar equivalent being predicated on the then current 4.035 dollar per
pound exchange rate.
Similar currencies were introduced as the western front expanded into other
countries in western Europe, so the use of yellow seals in those countries also was unnec-
essary. By 1944, "some 40 foreign currencies are being used at the present time to pay
members of the United States military forces in the local currencies of the various coun-
tries in which they are serving" (House of Representatives, 1945, p. 1). These included
currencies of countries all over the world, each with a negotiated fixed exchange rate.
Transit Currency
The yellow seals served an important role as transit currency; that is, currency
carried by troops and other authorized personnel between different theaters or countries,
and on their return to the United States. This function seems to have gained momentum
during the later part of the war, and continued into the post-war occupation period.
Such use was laid out in section "g" of the rules in War Department Circular 364 (1944,
In the case of military personnel departing from one overseas area for
another, local currency or regular United States currency in their possession
should be exchanged for United States yellow seal currency when available.
Upon arrival at destination, yellow seal currency remaining in the hands of per-
sonnel should be promptly exchanged through disbursing officers for local cur-
rency of the area concerned.
Section "h" in the circular contains the following clause pertaining specifically to the
Soviet Union:
The government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics prohibits
the carrying of rubles from that country. Military personnel prior to departing
from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics after completion of duty therein
will exchange, at Army disbursing offices, all rubles in their possession for
United States yellow seal currency, Treasury checks, or postal money orders.
Army disbursing officers located outside the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
are not authorized to accept rubles for exchange.
Occupation Currency
Yellow seals continued to have a role during the occupation following the war as
well. Rundell (1980, p. 205) states: "American soldiers going' into Romania, Greece,
Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, or Hungary exchanged their funds for American yellow
seal dollars, rather than the British Military Authority Notes used during the war." The
troops were forbidden to use local currencies in these nations. One expedient here was to
avoid the need for establishing exchanges in countries hosting small numbers . of
American troops.
Instruments of Hegemony
Yellow seals even played at least one role in political hegemony. Bernard
Bernstein (1975), financial adviser to General Dwight D. Eisenhower, recalled that: ".. .
before the war ended the Czechoslovak Government had issued a decree which increased
tenfold the value of Czech currency. . . The American Army was outraged, as a soldier
or officer who sent a shirt out to be washed expecting to pay 25c for the washing was
being asked to pay the equivalent of two and a half dollars."
Upon meeting with Czech bank officials, and getting no cooperation on
rescinding the decree, Bernstein threatened:
I said that we had tried to be very fair with them, that we had tried to
give support to the Czechoslovakian currency and that if the Czech
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AIM Mt 14-7q1
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tit /R I 0 A
PV........1,019 , "101{1.1■11,01
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= 12
212 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Government was not willing to act fairly on this matter we would simply use
our yellow seal dollars. Our troops would be paid in yellow seal dollars, our dis-
bursements would be made in yellow seal dollars and your Czechoslovakian cur-
rency would he absolutely destroyed because no one would want it. Everybody
will want to have yellow seal dollars.... In actual fact we didn't have any yellow
seal dollars in the theatre. But the bluff worked. The Czechs said they would
revoke the revaluation of the Czech currency. They restored the old rate of
Printings, Serial Numbering and Varieties
Notice how the horizontal separation
between the overprinted words
HAWAII varies between these notes.
Also, the vertical placement of the
HAWAII's can slide up and down rela-
tive to each other on the same note.
Such variations occur on all denomi-
The $1 Hawaii emergency notes were Silver Certificates as were the three
denominations of the yellow seal series ($1, $5, $10). The three higher denomination
Hawaii's were San Francisco Federal Reserve Notes ($5, $10, $20). The treasury signa-
tures in use during the Hawaii and yellow seal printings were Secretary of the Treasury
Henry Morganthau Jr. and Treasurer W. A. Julian.
The printings of the Hawaii and yellow seal notes, both regular and replace-
ment, were sequential within the production of the contemporary civilian notes.
Consequently, the same back and face plates were used as on contemporary civilian notes,
as well as the same serial numbering sequences.
Regular production Hawaii and yellow seal notes have serial numbers that con-
tain both a prefix and suffix letter. Notes with a star prefix or suffix in the serial numbers
were used to replace misprints. The misprinted notes were removed during the final
inspection and replaced with star notes.
There were eight groups each of regular $1 Hawaii and yellow seal printings
interspersed within the ongoing $1 Silver Certificate serial numbering sequence. Each
group bears its own range of serial numbers which are sandwiched between blue seal
numbers. Similarly, the replacement notes occur in groups that are interspersed sequen-
tially with contemporary civilian star notes. The serials numbers used on the special
Hawaii (see Table la) and yellow seal issues (Table lb) are listed.
All contemporary variations that affected the civilian notes also impacted the
Hawaiian and yellow seal printings. Consequently, all the then current mule, late-fin-
ished plate and changeover pair varieties found in the civilian issues also occur in the
Hawaii and yellow seal issues.
The special feature of the Hawaii and yellow seal notes are their overprints.
The Hawaii notes have brown seals and the words HAAATATI overprinted on both their
faces and backs. The yellow seal notes are distinguished from other silver certificates by
having yellow instead of blue seals.
The words HAWAII on the
backs and faces were overprinted in
separate printing operations while the
notes were still in sheet form. Thus
the overprints were added after the
face printing, but before the serial
numbers and seals. These overprints
were applied from flat typographic
plates. The paper was carried on a
cylinder and pressed against the raised,
inked image of the plate.
There are significant varia-
tions in the spacings of the two words
HAWAII on the faces. Consequently
they appear to wander when several
notes are compared. It appears that
they were printed from two separate
blocks of type locked into a chase, with
little attention paid to uniformity
between print runs.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
Table 1a. Serial numbers for the Hawaii World War II issues.
Serial numbers
Total Date numbered
if certain
Varieties if more than ones
Y68628001B - Y71628000B 3,000,000 Jun 7-8, 1942
Z99000001B - Z999999998 1,000,000 Jul 15, 1942
A99000001C - A99999999C 1,000,000 Aug 20, 1942
C00000001C - C07000000C 7,000,000 Sep 29-Oct 8, 1942
F41964001C - F41976000C 12,000 Feb 12, 1943
L75996001C - L78996000C 3,000,000 Nov 4-6, 1943
P31992001C - P37032000C 5,040,000 Jan 12-26, 1944
S39996001C - S54996000C 15,000,000 May 16-Jun 6, 1944
*64812001A - "64860000A 48,000 Jun 7, 1942
*66084001A - *66108000A 24,000
*70260001A - *70332000A 72,000
*87360001A - *87408000A 48,000
*91128001A - *91152000Ab 24,000 May 16, 1944
L12396001A - L14996000A 2,600,000 1942 1934, 1934 mule
L19776001A - L20176000A 400,000 1942 1934 mule, 1934A
L46404001A - L47804000A 1,400,000 1943 1934 mule, 1934A
L54072001A - L56088000A 2,016,000 1944 1934 mule, 1934A
L66132001A - L69132000A 3,000,000 1944 1934A
L00120001* - L00144000* 24,000 1942 1934
L00144001" - L00192000* 48,000 1942 1934 mule
L00852001* - L00856000* 4,000 1944 1934
L00892001* - L00896000" 4,000 1944 1934A
L65856001A - L66456000A 600,000 1942
L67476001A - L69076000A 1,600,000 1942
L69736001A - L71336000A 1,600,000 1942
L77052001A - L77172000A 120,000 1942
L11160001B - L126640008 1,504,000 1943
L28212001A - L29712000B 1,500,000 1944
L43032001B - L45532000B 2,500,000 1944
L50292001B - L51292000B 1,000,000 1944
L00900001" - L00996000" 96,000
L02008001* - L02012000* 4,000
L02040001* - L02052000"c 12,000
L30540001A - L31090000A 550,000 1942 1934, 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L31632001A - L32032000A 400,000 1942 1934, 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L33420001A - L34220000A 800,000 1942 1934, 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L56412001A - L56912000A 500,000 1943 1934(u), 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L60588001A - L61592000A 1,004,000 1944 1934 mule, 1934A
L67984001A - L69976000A 1,992,000 1944 1934 mule, 1934A
L76980001A - L78480000A 1,500,000 1944 1934 mule, 1934A
L85536001A - L90036000A 4,500,000 1944 1934 mule, 1934 mule 204,
1934A, 1934A 204
L00360001* - L00368000* 8,000 1934(u), 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L00372001* - L00376000* 4,000 1934(u), 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L00432001* - L00444000* 12,000 1934(u), 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L00852001* - L00876000* 24,000 1934(u), 1934 mule,
1934A, 1934A mule
L00972001* - L00976000" 4,000 1934 mule(u), 1934 mule
204(u), 1934A,
1934A 204(u)
214 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Table lb. Serial numbers for the Yellow Seal World War II issues.
Serial numbers Total Date numbered
if certain
Varieties if more than ones
B30000001C - B31000000C 1,000,000 Sep 2, 1942
B51624001C - B52624000C 1,000,000 Sep 11-12, 1942
B99000001C - B99999999C 1,000,000 Sep 22-23, 1942
C60000001C - C62000000C 2,000,000 Oct 23-26, 1942
C78000001C - C79904000C 1,904,000 Oct 31-Nov 3, 1942
F41952001C - F41964000C 12,000 Feb 12, 1943
130000001C - 140000000C 10,000,000 May 3-May 11, 1943
R90000001C - R99999999C 10,000,000 Apr 10-22, 1944
*68364001A - *68388000A 24,000 Sep 2, 1942
*70956001A - *71004000A 48,000
*79560001A - *79632000A 72,000
"91104001A - *91128000Ab 24,000 Apr 10, 1944
K34188001A - K34508000A 320,000 1942 1934A
K36420001A - K36740000A 320,000 1942 1934A
K37464001A - K37784000A 320,000 1942 1934A
K40068001A - K42068000A 2,000,000 1942 1934A, 1934A 307
K43152001A - K44852000A 1,700,000 1942 1934A, 1934A 307
K53984001A - K65984000A 12,000,000 1943-4 1934A, 1934A 307
*10548001A - *10572000A 24,000 1934A
*10716001A - *10764000A 48,000 1934A
*10884001A - *11016000A 132,000 1934A, 1934A 307
A91044001A - B00904000A 9,986,000 1942 1934 mule, 1934A,
1934A 86
B01564001A - B13564000A 12,000,000 1943-4 1934 mule, 1934A,
1934A 86
*01008001A - *01284000A 276,000 1934 mule, 1934A,
1934A 86
a. u- indicates variety was printed, but is currently unreported from this serial number range. Report finds to peter-
b. Observations of $1 blue, brown and yellow seal notes in the "91140001A-*91152000A range are required to defini-
tively bracket the ranges of serial numbers in these groups. Report them to
c. Observations of $10 green and brown seal notes in the L02012001*-L02040000" range are required to definitively
bracket the ranges of serial numbers in this group.
Report them to
Sources of data:
Non-replacement serial number ranges compiled from Bureau of Engraving and Printing records by Shafer (1967).
Replacement serial number ranges calculated by James Hodgson based on recorded replacement notes. Report out of
range serial numbers that improve on these data to:
Dates when serial numbers were overprinted from Bureau of Engraving and Printing (undated and 1952).
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
Collector/fractional note author Milt Friedberg passes
We were saddened to hear the pass-
ing of our friend and former SPMC gov-
ernor Milton R. Friedberg on February
8th, with his wife JoAnne at his side.
Milton R. Friedberg was one of the
greatest collectors of U. S. Postage and
Fractional Currency who ever lived.
He was a founding member of the
Fractional Currency Collectors Board
and author of The Encyclopedia of United
States Fractional Postal Currency pub-
lished in 1978, thirty years ago.
He wrote many articles on not only
Fractional Currency, but also the related
items. He was also a prolific exhibitor
winning many awards with his Fractional
Currency exhibits.
Milt's complete collection of
Postage and Fractional Currency and other related rarities
were sold by Currency Auctions of America, Inc. on Jan. 10,
Before becoming ill some years back, Milt and his wife
JoAnne rarely missed a paper money show. His enthusiasm
and love of Fractional Currency inspired many dealers and
collectors including ourselves.
He will be missed by his many friends throughout the
hobby, and his memory will live on forever. Our deepest sym-
pathies to his wife JoAnne and the Friedberg family.
-- Sincerely, John and Nancy Wilson •
You are invited to visit our web page
For the past 8 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
National Bank NoteS
(708) 784-0974
P.O. Box 451 Western Sprints, IL 60558
Milt Friedberg autographs his monumental The Encyclopedia of
United States Fractional & Postal Currency for Fred Reed (back
right) in 1978, while Herb Melnick (back left) of NASCA and Jeff
Williams of Amos Press look on. NASCA published Milt's book,
which was edited, proofed and printed by Amos Press, parent com-
pany of Coin World.
Official Announcement
SPMC seeks honorees for two top awards
The Society of Paper Money Collectors seeksnominations for its two highest service awards.
The Nathan Gold award is awarded for service to
the hobby and is the Society's Lifetime achieve-
ment award. The Founder's Award is awarded for
outstanding achievement during the past year.
Anyone wishing to nominate an individual for
either award should send the nomination and rea-
sons to SPMC President Benny Bolin at , Vice President Mark
Anderson, governor Judith Murphy or Treasurer
Robert Moon. Addresses are found on page 162. v
1507 Sanborn Ave. • Box 258
Okoboji, IA 51355
• ,,, Ps (712) 332-5859
Open: Tuesday-Sunday 11 to 5
Open from mid-May thru mid-September
History of National Banking & Bank Notes
Turn of the Century Iowa Postcards
L34174516 A
0 '
1We CEP',
[OR A41.
K60809371 A
=irievinta 11111111113101
oormosa oAXILILLE 1IE.1111411 ON lommallo
,E.fp CS or 1 33+ q
216 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
The classic definition of a mule in small size notes is a note which has a micro
size plate number on one side and a macro size plate number on the other. Micro num-
bers measure 0.6 mm high, whereas the macro numbers are 1 mm high. Production of
macro plates began in January, 1938. However, stocks of micro plates continued to be
used until exhausted. The result was that both micro and macro plates were on the press-
es at the same time. A mule was created each time a micro back was mated with a macro
face, or visa versa.
$20 Series of 1934A Hawaii mules
with large plate numbers on the face
and small on the back are very scarce.
$5 and $20 Series of 1934 mules also
were made.
To fully understand mule production, it is necessary to review the rudiments of
the printing process. The backs were printed first, then the faces, and finally the seals and
serial numbers. The flat bed presses then in use for back and face production normally
carried four 12-subject plates. However, fewer plates could be on a press, even just one.
The plates circulated around the bed of the press and produced a stream of
sheets in which the plate numbers cycled through the plates present. Both micro and
macro plates were commonly mixed on a given press during the mules era. This was
occurring on both the back and face presses during the height of the mules era, so as
many as four combinations could be printed at once; specifically micro face-micro back,
micro face-macro back, macro face-micro back, and macro face-macro back. The middle
two in this sequence are the mules.
The following mules were produced in the Hawaii issues: $5 1934, $20 1934
and $20 1934A. None were made in the $1 and $10 denominations because all the micro
plates for those denominations had been used up by 1942.
There is only one mule in the yellow seal issues, the $10 Series of 1934. These
were created by six micro $10 1934 silver certificate face plates which were lingering in
the plate inventory when the yellow seals went to press.
Late-finished Plates
$5 late-finished Series of 1934A Silver
Certificate face 307 is more common
on yellow seals than on blue seals.
The manufacture of five plates was begun during the micro era, but not completed
until much later after macro plate numbers had been adopted. As a result, they were
completed with macro numbers. Early collectors discovered them because their numbers
were much lower than those found in the normal macro ranges.
The five are: $1 back plate 470, $5 Silver Certificate Series of 1934A face plate 307,
and $10 Silver Certificate Series of 1934A faces 86 and 87, and $20 back plate 204. All
are called late-finished plates. Two
were used in the yellow seal printings:
$5 Silver Certificate Series of 1934A
face 307 and $10 Silver Certificate
Series of 1934A face 86, and one in the
Hawaii printings: $20 back 204.
Changeover Pairs
Changeover pairs consist of
two consecutive notes that bridge
numismatic varieties. An example is a
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 217
Memphis is Here!
S OON, WAIT, ANTICIPATE, AND BOOM—IT IS HERE.Yes, the annual trip to the International Paper Money
Show in Memphis, Tennessee — June 27-29 at the Memphis
Convention Center. If you have never attended this one, try
to join us. It is truly the greatest event in paper money col-
lecting. There will be many different educational opportuni-
ties from seminars to society meetings. There are unmatched
and unrivaled exhibits covering all aspects of paper. And then
there is the bourse. WOW. Virtually anything you can imag-
ine to collect is there (available does not always mean afford-
able). The SPMC has a number of events that you are invited
to. First will be our Friday morning breakfast and Tom Bain
raffle. This is worth the cost of the trip. Wendell Wolka as
emcee does an outstanding job and makes the whole morning
merry. This year there will be a menu change. The Marriott
has priced themselves out of the full breakfast and so this year,
we will be having a continental breakfast and passing the sav-
ings on to you. Since I am writing this in March, all the
details have not been worked out, but you can check page 239
or the SPMC web page for all the details. Also, on Saturday,
we will have our annual membership meeting with a great
educational presentation by Larry Schuffman on Liberty Loan
bonds. Finally, our annual Friday author's forum will be a
great way to see the authors of new books and get some of
their secrets to successful writing. So, make plans now and
join us for the Memphis Coin Club's Greatest Show in Paper!!
The year has been fairly normal in the way of paper. Not
many blockbusters coining out or new discoveries. One thing
that will be out is the D. B. Cooper money that has been
encapsulated, and I am sure many will be for sale at Memphis.
These types of oddities are great for the hobby as they bring
new blood into our ranks. Our hobby is very dependent on
new blood and young blood as those of us (you) get older, we
have to have a younger generation to pass our notes and most
importantly, our knowledge on to. This is harder today as
many young people just aren't into the collecting thing.
On a sad note, I want to mention the passing of a true
giant in our hobby — Milton Friedberg. Milt was a mentor
and friend to me for many years and is responsible for guide-
ing my writing, exhibiting and researching career. Milt was a
true giant among men in my little nook of the hobby —
Fractional Currency. Milt will be missed, and we wish his
wife, JoAnne well. Benny
monoy nErR
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15( per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis.
Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
COMPLETE I 963-A $1 FRN CRISP UNCIRCULATED plate block set. 69
notes, stars and regulars. Many low serials beginning 000, 00 and 0. Serials
list for large SASE. Johnny 0, POB 1052, Terry MS 39170 (255)
serials beginning 000. 1963-A Star $1 FRN Sets with all serials beginning
00. Many singles. Also, GEM Uncirculated $1 FRN pair matching serials
F0000 * and J0000 *. Some early $2 Legals. Large SASE gets list. Johnny
0, POB 1052, Terry MS 39170
YOUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Money.
You could advertise your duplictes inexpensively, or advertise your Want
List for only $20.50 for three lines for an entire year. Don't wait.
Histories and other publications! Offer what you have; send your "Want
List." Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 (PROUD SPM-
CLM69) (258)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks,
CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of Abraham
Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162,
Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (258)
became Editor back to 1960s & 1970s. I bought these filling sets. Fill your
needs now. E-mail me & I'll sell you what I got! (258)
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with descrip-
tion (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142 (258)
mail or write to: or Don Latino, 1405 Cape St.,
East Lee, MA 01238 (256)
Charter #10295. Neil Schrader, 3320 Minglewood Dr., Beaumont, TX
77703-2734 (256)
Take Note:
SPMC now accepts commercial Money Mart ads
Sell your duplicates; advertise your wants
Best paper market place anywhere
Annual rates begin at only $20.50
As you can see; we have space for YOU
Contact the Editor:
This is a forward changeover pair.
Notice how the serial numbering is
consecutive from the Series of 1934 to
the 1934A note. Backward
changeover pairs were produced in
equal numbers. Usually at least one
of the notes from these pairs is a mule.
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
pair of $20 Hawaii notes where one is a Series of 1934 and next is a 1934A. Another is a
pair of $5 Series of 1934A yellow seal notes in which one has late-finished face 307 and
the other has a different number. There also are various mule to non-mule pairings.
The explanation for changeover pairs is easily understood once you know how
the notes were serial numbered. The 12-subject sheets were numbered on 12-subject
rotary presses which also cut the sheets in half down the middle. Serial numbering was
consecutive down the half sheets, and
from half sheet to half sheet. The notes
in the half sheet were then cut apart and
stacked in numerical order.
Consequently if you have several consec-
utive notes, you will find that the plate
letters will rotate through the half sheets,
either A, B, C, D, F, F and hack to A, or
G, H, I, J, K, L and back to G.
However, the plate numbers on
the half sheets also cycle through the dif-
ferent plates on the press as you come to
the F to A, or L to G pairs. If a mix of
micro and macro plates was on the press,
such as $20 Hawaii Series of 1934 and
1934A faces, changeover pairs were created as numbering passed from one half sheet to
the next. Out of this mix would come alternating 1934 to 1934A, and 1934A to 1934,
pairs. The former is a forward changeover pair, the latter a backward changeover pair.
Uncut Sheets
Special press runs of 1,000 sheets for each of the $1 Series of 1935A Hawaii and
yellow seal notes were run. All of these 12-subject sheets were numbered in the FC serial
number block on February 12, 1943.
The first 333 uncut sheets of each were offered to the public at face value
through the cash room of the U. S. Treasury Department at Washington, DC. The rest
of the sheets were cut.
See Table 2 at right for the details on how these printings were numbered.
The serial numbers on the right were advanced 1998 numbers over those on the left. For
example, the first yellow seal sheet bore serials: F41952001C-F41952006C (left) and
F41953999C-F41954004C (right).
The knife that separated the sheets into halves had to be removed from the
numbering and sealing press used to create these sheets.
$1 Hawaii Varieties
All the $1 Hawaii's are Series of 1935A non-mules with contemporary blue-
green backs. The varieties within the $1s are restricted to different serial number prefix
and suffix letters. See Table 1. The first replacement note was *64812001A which was
serial numbered on June 7, 1942. The first delivery to the Treasury was June 8, 1942,
the last June 8, 1944 (Shafer, 1967).
Spectacular $1 inverted Hawaii.
$5 Hawaii Varieties
The $5 Hawaii printings
began on June 6, 1942, and a million
notes were delivered to the U. S.
Treasurer on June 8, followed by
another consecutive 1,600,000 notes on
July 15th. These early $5 deliveries
were especially significant to variety
No $5 San Francisco Federal
Reserve notes had been printed since
1937. However, a sizable stockpile of
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 219
Table 2. Special Hawaii and yellow seal printings made in February 1943 and delivered to the U. S. Treasury for
sale at the treasury cash room in Washington, DC. From Bureau of Engraving and Printing (undated).
Yellow Seal:
333 uncut sheets, the halves numbered consecutively as follows:
Positions A-F Positions G-L
first serial F41952001 C F41953999C
1997 1997
last serial F41953998C F41955996C
667 cut sheets, the halves numbered consecutively as follows:
first serial F41955997C F41959999C
4001 4001
last serial F41959998C F41964000C
333 uncut sheets, the halves numbered consecutively as follows:
first serial F41964001C F41965999C
1997 1997
last serial F41965998C F41967996C
667 cut sheets, the halves numbered consecutively as follows:
first serial F41967997C F41971999C
4001 4001
last serial F41971998C F41976000C
This work was authorized to be printed in this manner by Mr. G. Duncan.
The $1 sheet was misfed during the
overprinting operation.
incomplete sheets dating from the 1936-37 era was on hand. The stockpiled sheets had
backs and faces, but no seals nor serial numbers.
The vintage of the stockpile is known because all the back and many of the face
plates used to print the sheets had been canceled in 1936-7. The old sheets had been
printed from Series of 1934 micro back and face plates, so all were 1934 non-mules.
Furthermore, the backs utilized a distinctive soft appearing yellow green ink which had
been replaced by a dark blue green ink on October 7, 1940.
All the stockpiled San Francisco $5s received Hawaii overprints. They are the
only Hawaii notes mated with the beautiful old yellow-green backs.
Simultaneously, 28 Series of 1934 San Francisco face plates were sent to press
on June 6th, including plate 1. Impressions from these were mated with contemporary
12 L12748235A SERIES. OF 1934
h .
WILL I',% 'AIM TEEM IltlEALIFIMilt 112.1t DE. MAN))
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
blue -green macro backs. Notes from these printings were Series of 1934 mules. These
new sheets were routed to overprinting operations as soon as the faces were dry.
It is clear from the observed serial numbers that they were pushing the old
stockpiled yellow-green and newly produced blue-green back sheets through the serial
numbering presses as fast as they could get groups of either to those presses. Whether
the sheets were coming from the stockpile or fresh from the face presses was immaterial.
It appears from reported serial numbers that the first to reach the overprinting presses
were yellow-green backs from the old stockpile.
The following sequence of
observed notes demonstrates that the
old and new were being numbered con-
secutively through what were probably
large alternating batches of Series of
1934 non-mule yellow-green backs and
mule blue-green backs: L 1 2748235A
K24/782 non-mule yellow-green back;
L12795136A J39/1234 mule blue-green
back; and L13161190A J30/653 non-
mule yellow-green back. All of these
were in the first delivery of $5s on June
8th. The non-mule yellow-green backs
from the stockpile ran out before the
end of the first 2.6 million printing, so
they do not occur with serials above
Notice from Table 1 that the
earliest $5 replacement notes were
numbered from L00120001* to
L00192000*. Apparently the first group
of these was overprinted on the old
stockpiled sheets, and the rest on newly
printed stock. This conclusion may
change with new discoveries, but tenta-
tively the changeover star serials
between the non-mule and mule vari-
The $5 Series of 1934 Hawaii non-mule
yellow-green backs were the first $5
Hawaii notes produced. They were
made from a 1935-1937 vintage stock-
pile of San Francisco sheets that were
overprinted in early June 1942 as the
Hawaii currency was rushed through
eties is L00144000"-L001=14001 *.
Series of 1934A $5 San Francisco face plates began to be used on September
22, 1943 to augment the dwindling supply of 1934 plates. The last of the Series of 1934
faces left the presses on December 18, 1943. During the interim Series of 1934 mule
and Series of 1934A non-mule Hawaii's, both with blue-green macro backs, were rolling
off the presses together. After December 18th, the faces being printed were all Series of
1934A which came out as non-mules, including all of the last two replacement printings.
The following three varieties were produced over the course of $5 Hawaii pro-
duction: (1) Series of 1934 non-mules with yellow-green backs, (2) Series of 1934 mules
with blue-green backs, and (3) Series of 1934A non-mules with blue-green backs. Series
of 1934 mule and Series of 1934A non-mule changeover pairs, both forward and back-
ward, were produced between September 22 and December 18, 1943. None of the
changeover pairs has been reported to our knowledge.
The last of the $5s was delivered to the Treasury May 30, 1944.
$10 Hawaii Varieties
The $10 printings were straight forward. The only variety printed was the
Series of 1934A non -mule with contemporary blue-green backs. The first delivery to
the Treasury was June 8, 1942, the last July 12, 1944. Two serial number suffix varieties
occur besides the replacements: LA and LB.
$20 Hawaii Varieties
The first delivery of the $20s to the Treasury was June 8, 1942, the last July 18,
1944. The $20 printings were as complicated as the $5s.
The following six varieties were produced: (1) Series of 1934 non-mules, (2)
171310 64:311WITE*0,1
* A 'arn
A98662852 A
4$8662852 A
1:€191111711111PalruAli'111:11:113IN MIIILS2VD
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 221
Series of 1934 mules, (3) Series of 1934 mules with late-finished
back 204, (4) Series of 1934A non-mules, (5) Series of 1934A mules,
and (6) Series of 1934A non-mules with late-finished back 204, all
with contemporary blue-green backs. Changeover pairs between
many of these varieties were made, but only a few have been discov-
The Series of 1934 non-mules and 1934A mules, both of
which are very scarce, resulted from the use of the very last of the
surviving micro back plates. The last of the micro $20 backs in use
was plate 316, which left the press on October 27, 1942.
Consequently the micro backs only occur on the early Hawaii print-
ings, the last being serial numbered in 1943. The Series of 1934A
mules were made possible because usage of the first Series of 1934A
San Francisco faces overlapped the last use of the micro backs.
Late-finished back 204 was on the presses between April 4, 1944, and October
6, 1946. Consequently it was available for the last of the S20 Hawaii printings. The last
of the $20 San Francisco Series of 1934 faces were still in use during the beginning of
the 204 period, so even some Series of 1934 204 mules were made, although they are
very rare. In contrast, the Series of 1934A 204 Hawaii's are rather common, and far
more common than any of their green seal 204 contemporaries.
$1 Yellow Seal Varieties
All the $1 yellow seals are Series of 1935A non-mules with contemporary blue-
green hacks. The only varieties within the $ls are the different serial number block let-
ters used. The first delivery of the $1s to the Treasury was September 4, 1942, the last
April 24, 1944. The first replacement note was *68364001A, which was serial numbered
on September 2, 1942.
$5 Yellow Seal Varieties
The first of the yellow seal $5s were delivered to the U. S. Treasury on
September 4, 1942, the last on May 8, 1944. All the notes were Series of 1934A with
contemporary blue-green backs with macro plate numbers.
Late-finished Series of 1934A silver certificate face plate 307 was on the presses
intermittently from July 9, 1942, through June 3, 1943. Consequently, this interesting
face plate occurs on many yellow seal notes in the last three printings, specifically among
those with serials between K40068001A and K65984000A, and *10884001A and
*11016000A. In fact, 307 is far more common on the yellow seal notes, including the
replacement notes, than on civilian blue seal printings. To date, no yellow seal
changeover pairs have been reported between 307 and other contemporary faces plates,
although they certainly existed in quantity when issued.
$10 Yellow Seal Varieties
The first of the yellow seal SlOs was delivered to the U. S. Treasury on
September 4, 1942, the last on May 8, 1944, the same as the $5s. Most of the $10s were
Series of 1934A with contemporary blue-green backs with macro plate numbers.
A few Series of 1934 micro
face plates survived into the early yellow
seal printings. These produced the very
rare yellow seal Series of 1934 mules
with both regular and replacement serial
numbers. Series of 1934 micro face
plate numbers that occur on these are
116, 122, 123, 125, 126 and 127. The
last to be used was 126, which left the
presses August 3, 1942. It is evident that
a stockpile of unnumbered $10 1934
mule sheets was carried over to 1943
because several of the reported 1934
The $20 late-finished back 204 occurs
on both Series of 1934 and 1934A
Hawaii notes. The Series of 1934 204
notes are rare.
The $10 late-finished Series of 1934A
Silver Certificate face 86 was started as
a Series of 1934, but a delay resulted in
its being finished as a Series of 1934A.
The plate was used extensively in the
production of yellow seals.
Trinri)rtill4MS401i14 Vtl.411„1,141%
„ t 4 ' It I #111.1319,1jt:+VC4"4"''''' 4—
A9392059q A
T1115 DI:
1. A93 20599 WASIMS(TON,/).C.
222 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
mules have serial numbers in the B03 A to B07 A range which were among the
last $10 silver certificates numbered in 1943. James Hodgson estimates that between
45,000 and 51,000 $10 Series of 1934 yellow seal mules were printed.
Late-finished Series of 1934A $10 Silver Certificate face plate 86 was on the
presses intermittently from July 18, 1940, through June 29, 1944. Consequently, it was
involved in most, if not all, the yellow seal printings. Like its $5 plate 307 counterpart,
it is more common on the yellow seal notes, including the replacement notes, than on
civilian blue seal printings. To date, no changeover pairs have been reported between
86 and other contemporary faces plates, although they certainly existed in quantity
when issued.
Spuriously Altered Yellow Seals
This $10 Series of 1934A yellow seal
was altered into an unconvincing New
York Federal Reserve note. (Photo
courtesy of Larry Smulczenski)
This $10 Series of 1934A yellow seal
was cleverly altered into a blue seal by
removing the yellow seal, and over-
printing a spurious blue seal. The fear
of the holder was that it would be
demonetized. All serials from
A91044001A through B00904000A
were yellow seals. Observe this decep-
tion in full color on this magazine's
cover. (Photo courtesy of James
Various classes of holders of yellow seals, such as black marketers and foreign
nationals, were anxious about the special status of the notes, and feared they would be
demonetized after the war. At least two bold attempts were undertaken to alter the $10s
so that they could be passed off as either current civilian issue Federal Reserve Notes
(Kemm, 1982) or Silver Certificates (Schlingman, 2002).
Federal Reserve Note conversions involved removing the yellow seal, blue serial
numbers, blue counter on the left, and the legal tender clause underlying the counter.
These items were replaced with green
serial numbers and a green treasury
seal, black New York Federal Reserve
seal, black New York district numbers
in the corners, and a new legal tender
clause. "Silver Certificate" in the upper
border was left as was. One careless
mistake involved the letter N in New
York which was inverted within the fed-
eral reserve seal. Observed serial num-
bers include B27347952C,
B27357292C, B27357294C,
B27357945C, B67357293C and
B87357283C. Others undoubtedly
exist because it is clear that the people
carrying out the alterations were chang-
ing the numbers as they proceeded.
Silver Certificate conversions were
simpler, and far more deceptive. The
yellow seal was removed and replaced
with a blue seal. Whoever devised this
alteration was aware that there was such
a thing as civilian issue $10 Silver
Certificates. The only way to spot
these altered notes is to determine that
the serial number on the blue seal note
is from a yellow seal range listed on
Table 1. Three examples have been
reported. Obviously others are waiting to be discovered with different serial numbers,
because the serials were left as was during the alteration.
This article expands on the important Hawaii treatises in the 1991 and 2001
issues of The Numismatist by James A. Shriek and Donald Medcalf The important doc-
uments collected by them pertaining to the Hawaii issues are used and cited herein.
Nyra Krstovich, reference librarian for the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, went to
exceptional lengths to locate those documents, including regulations, circulars and cor-
respondence in the possession of the bank.
Critical original War and Treasury Department documents pertaining to the
yellow seals and the Bernstein interview were provided by military currency researcher
James Downey.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 223
James Hodgson provided the star note serial number data on Table 1, which are based on his calculations of serial
numbers printed based on observed Hawaii and yellow seal star notes.
References Cited and Sources of Data
Bell, D. W., Letter from the Under Secretary of the Treasury to The Bishop National Bank of Hawaii advising the bankers about proposed
procedures for the handling of new and unfit Hawaiian currency in the Pacific Ocean areas, November 5, 1945.
Bernstein, Bernard, tape recorded oral history interview conducted by Richard D. McKinzie for the Harry S. Truman Library with Bernard
Bernstein, financial adviser to General Dwight D. Eisenhower for Civil Affairs and Military Government, European and
Mediterranean Theaters of Operation, 1942-45, 1975, (
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, History of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1962. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing
Office, 1962, 199 p.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Operations and Management Secretary, "First serial numbers printed during each year on United States
small size notes from 1928 to 1952," unpublished manuscript, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Historical Resource Center,
Washington, DC, April 1952.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Diary maintained in the serial numbering division showing dates when serial numbers were overprinted,
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Historical Resource Center, Washington, DC, undated.
Collier, Richard. The War in the Desert: World War II. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1977, 208 p.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, "Regulations relating to safe deposit boxes," Foreign Funds Control Circular No. 255, August 29,
1942, 3 p.
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, To banks, bankers, trust companies, and others concerned, in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District:
Letter advising of the lifting of restrictions on the circulation of Hawaiian currency, Foreign Funds Control Circular No. 313,
October 30, 19-14.
Green, Colonel Thomas H., General Orders No. 51 governing the withdrawal and possession of currency by persons in the Territory of
Hawaii effective January 12, 1942, Judge Advocate General's Department, Office of the Military Governor, Territory of Hawaii, for
J. B. Poindexter, Military Governor of Hawaii, January 9, 1942, 4. p.
Green, Brigadier General Thomas H., General Orders No. 118 regulations relating to currency, judge Advocate General's Department,
Office of the Military Governor, Territory of Hawaii, for J. B. Poindexter, Military Governor of Hawaii, June 25, 1942, 2. p. plus
cover letter. (published in Honolulu Advertiser, June 26, 1942, p. 1)
Hodgson, James, Calculated replacement note serial number ranges based on records of reported serial number data in Dean Oakes, Dean and
John Schwartz, Standard Guide to Small Size U. S. Paper Money, 1928 to Date, 2nd ed. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1997, 339
p., and recent updates provided for this article, 2002.
Honolulu Advertiser, daily.
Honolulu Star-Bulletin, daily.
House of Representatives, Authorizing certain transactions by disbursing officers of the United States. 78th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No.
1945, November 28, 1944, 5 p.
Huntoon, Peter, "Late-finished plates used to print small notes:," Paper Money, vol. 23, whole no. 111 (May/June 1984), pp. 122-125.
Huntoon, Peter, "Small Note Mules, New Data for the Fifty-Year Retrospective," Paper Money, vol. 27 whole no. 138 (Nov/Dec 1988), pp.
176-178, 191.
Huntoon, Peter, "U. S. Small-Size $5 Mules," Paper Money, vol. 36, whole no. 192 (Nov/Dec 1997), pp. 179-190.
Kemm, Ted, "Altered Africa Notes Studied," Bank Note Reporter, v. 10, no. 1, January 1982, p. 18.
Leisner, Joseph M., Hawaiian series currency: Letter to branch banks from the cashier of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco advising
of the lifting of restrictions on the circulation of Hawaiian currency, October 30, 1944.
Othman, Frederick C., "Money Meant Little to Hawaii Right after Pearl Harbor Attack," wire service newspaper clipping taken from an
unidentified Fort Wayne, Indiana, newspaper, April 25, 1945.
Rundell Jr., Walter. Militaty Money, a Fiscal History of the U. S. Army Overseas in World War II. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Press, 1980, 271 p.
Schlingman, David, A $10 Blue Seal North Africa SC," Paper Money, v. 41 whole no. 220 (July/August 2002), p. 248.
Secretary of the Treasury. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1942.
Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1943.
Secretary of the Treasury, "Joint statement, February 9, 1944, by the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments relative to the special Hawaiian
series of United States currency," in Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the Finances for the Fiscal Year ended
:Pine 30, 1943. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1944, pp. 383-384.
Simek, James A., and Medcalf, Donald, "The Overprinted Notes of World War II," The Numismatist, v. 104 (1991), pp. 1886-1902.
Simek, James A., and Medcalf, Donald, "Hawaii Overprint Notes Revisited," The Numismatist, v. 114 (2001), pp. 1406-1412, 1467-1469.
Shafer, Neil. A Guide Book oPlodern United States Currency, 2nd ed. Racine, WI: Whitman Publishing Company, 1967, 160 p.
Steinberg, Rafael. Island Fighting: World War II. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1978, 208 p.
Stimson, Henry L., "Report on House Resolution 150," War Department, Washington, DC, April 28, 1945, 22 p. plus appendix A and
exhibits A through Z.
Treasury Department, "Statement of the Treasury Department on invasion currency," Treasury Department Press Service 45-45, March 14,
1945, 9 p.
Wallace, Robert. The Italian Campaign: World War II. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1978, 208 p.
War Department, "Exchange of United States and foreign currencies, cashing of certain negotiable instruments, and disposition thereof by
army disbursing officers," War Department Circular 364, Washington, DC, September 8, 1944, 15 p.
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money224
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 02/02/2008
These memberships expire 12/31/2008
12475 Dustin Johnston, 3500 Maple Ave 17th Floor, Dallas, TX
75219 (C & D) Michael Moczalla
12476 Gary C. Hanson, 229 Algerine St, Afton, NY 13730 (C &
D, US Large), Website
12477 David F. Taylor (C), Website
12478 C. Wolgamott (C), Tom Denly
12479 Trevor L. Thor, 711 West St, Three Rivers, MI 49093-
2362 (C), Paper Money Values
12480 David Luski, (C), Lowell Horwedel
12481 Linda Kemp, 4560 Hamilton Blvd, Allentown, PA 18103
(C & D), Judith Murphy
12482 Dwight Brown, 566 Dowling Circle, Ladylake, FL 32159
(C & D), Judith Murphy
12483 Cary Kresge, C), Judith Murphy
12484 Phil Stangler (C & D), Rob Kravitz
12485 Paul E. Jones, 903 Cason St, Plant City, FL 33563-8932
(C & D, US, Confederate, World), Judith Murphy
12486 Robert T. Douglas, 84 Pukihae St #1401, Hilo, HI 96720
(C & D, Obsoletes, Nationals, high denominations, Japanese,
Chinese), Website
12487 Jeffrey S. Grendysa, 8310 Mannington Rd, Canton, MI
48187-2027 (C, Michigan Nationals & Obsoletes), Website
12488 Harold Thomas, PO Box 7520, Beaumont, TX 77726-
7520 (C, Literature), Frank Clark
12489 Rick Rinzler, 6273-B west River Dr NE, Belmont, MI
49306 (C, US Large), Website
12490 Keith S. Crumpton, PO Box 7397, Cumberland, RI 02864
(C), Website
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 03/10/2008
These memberships expire 12/31/2008
12491 Dan Mayclin, 101 Moss Ln, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (C,
Fractionals), Website
12492 Leon H. Stacey Jr. (C), Paper Money Values
12493 John Cantrell, 1478 Dupree Rd, Woodstock, GA 30189
(C), Torn Denly
12494 Perry Gaidurgis, 8723 Waller Rd, Delmar, DE19940-3255
(C, US Large), Website
12495 Bruce W. Smith, PO Box 529, Sheboygan, WI 53082 (C,
Missouri & China), Website
12496 Eugene F. Sittinger, 1305 Red Coach Ln, Algonquin, IL
60102 (C), Website
12497 Jerry Spillman, 824 Manchester Woods Dr, Sun City
Center, FL 33573-7006 (C, US Large), Judith Murphy
12498 Donald A. Smith, 21 Cora Circle, Bella Vista, AR 72714-
1649 (C), Torn Denly
12499 Nick Vasiljevich (C), Tom Denly
12500 Jeff Sommer, PO Box 7266, North Arlington, NJ 07031
(C, Fractional), Website
12501 Robert Snowden Ficks, 2231 East Cody Court, Oak
Creek, WI 53154 (C, US & Fractional), Website
12502 Van A. Holden, PO Box 852, Baker, LA 70704 (C & D,
Confederates & Obsoletes), Website
12503 Bruce Railton Tupholme, Rua Das Avencas, LT24 - 1
ESQ, Alto Dos Gaios 2765-062 Estoril, Portugal (C & D),
12504 Phil Harris, 3140 Smugglers Hill Dr, Nanaimo, BC V9T
111B, Canada (C, Military, Occupation, World Notes), Frank
12505 David F. Fanning, PO Box 132422, Columbis, OH 43213
(C & D, Colonial, Website
12506 Buck Major, 522 Morning Dove Cove, Temple, TX
76502-5043 (C & D), Website
12507 Michael Megler (C), Jason Bradford
12508 Robin Kontra (C), Jason Bradford
12509 Weng Yew Chang (C), Jason Bradford
12510 Benedict Lenhart (C), Jason Bradford
12511 Matthew Kirkland (C), Jason Bradford
12512 Gerald Batt (C), Jason Bradford
12513 Jonathan Winberg (C), Jason Bradford
12514 Ed Henley (C), Jason Bradford
12515 Ann Scantling (C), Jason Bradford
12516 David Foreman (C), Jason Bradford
12517 Richard Stanley (C), Jason Bradford
12518 Vincent Vonlawn (C), Jason Bradford
12519 Kurt Roeber (C), Jason Bradford
12520 Kenny Plask (C), Jason Bradford
12521 Jef Schmidt (C), Jason Bradford
12522 Christopher Marcucci (C), Jason Bradford
12523 Anthony Ciarnella (C), Jason Bradford
12524 William White (C), Jason Bradford
12525 William Duquette (C), Jason Bradford
12526 Walt Pioli (C), Jason Bradford
12527 Rodger Winkelhake (C), Jason Bradford
12528 Mark Childs (C), Jason Bradford
12529 Arman Pivazyan (C), Jason Bradford
12530 Clyde Wilson (C), Jason Bradford
12531 Joel Weinshanker (C), Jason Bradford
12532 George Beronja (C), Jason Bradford
12533 Orlando Monaco (C), Jason Bradford
12534 Patrick Saxe (C), Jason Bradford
12535 James McCoskey (C), Jason Bradford
12536 Stan Klein (C), Jason Bradford
12537 Michael Valiante (C), Jason Bradford
12538 Thomas Schweitzer (C), Jason Bradford
12539 Jeff Sprigg (C), Jason Bradford
12540 Frank Renberg (C), Jason Bradford
12541 Ronald Degand (C), Jason Bradford
12542 Norman LaPoint (C), Jason Bradford
12543 Humberto Costa (C), Jason Bradford
12544 W. Douglas Hopkins (C), Jason Bradford
12545 David Collins (C), Jason Bradford
12546 David Reeb (C), Jason Bradford
12547 Leonard Hughes (C), Jason Bradford
12548 Richard Merlau (C), Jason Bradford
12549 David Cheney (C), Jason Bradford
12550 William Hawkins (C), Jason Bradford
12551 Michael Slack (C), Jason Bradford
12552 Steven Montambault (C), Jason Bradford
12553 Thomas Snead (C), Jason Bradford
12554 James Brown (C), Jason Bradford
12555 Randolf Evans (C), Jason Bradford
12556 Frank Szymanski (C), Jason Bradford
12557 Barry Swartz (C), Jason Bradford
12559 Anthony Berardo (C), Jason Bradford
12561 Terry Knight (C), Jason Bradford
12562 Glen Cillis (C), Jason Bradford
12563 Dean Neal (C), Jason Bradford
12564 Ronald Simonson (C), Jason Bradford
12565 Armando Cardoso (C), Jason Bradford
12566 Richard Senterfeit, 317 Wallace St, Batesburg, SC 29006-
9652 (C, Obsoletes, World), Paper Money Values
/////Air One
NATIONAL (1 It RENCI7'"-'t""-7--
CA:Lrej.) — 8" reg8
WW1 illattke 11101111T " seri
-V.:MV_LOCELLsoli TEN I) 0 I
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our
area of interest ranges from
early colonial times through
the Revolutionary era, the
state-chartered bank years
(1792-1866), and the era of
National Banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a book
under the imprimatur of the
Society of Paper Money
Collectors, with help from the
New Hampshire Historical
Society, the Smithsonian
Institution, and others.
Apart from the above,
David M. Sandman is president of
Littleton Coin Company and
Q. David Bowers is a principal of
American Numismatic Rarities, LLC,
and bath advertisers in the present
book. For other commercial
transactions and /witless, 'vier
to those advertisements.
The allitIOIS of the pletiellt 1,00k, holding a hue
Series of 1902 $10 National Bank Note front
\Vest 1)erry, New I
A Series of 1882
$10 Brown Back from the
Winchester National Bank.
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I hip name building icas Inca lot the 11'inchet,ter liank Teller window circa 1710, 11'inebester National !tank
and its mteee:sor, the lyin,•hesier National Raab.
I f you have New Hampshire currency or old records or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical
interest, please contact us. In addition,
Bowers and Sundman are avid collectors
of these hills and welcome contact from
anyone having items for sale. We will pay
strong prices for any items we need!
Visit the NI I Currency Study Praises website: tentutnItturtency.cont. Find a hunts
of New I lampshire banks that issued currency, read sample Chapters, and 1110re.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E-mail: into(?rilicurrency.corn rh i n o trill be lorwardol to both authors,)
A otoical NI I Obsolete
Nine, this liven the
Winchester Bank.
H.R. Harmer, Inc. and Archives International, LCC are proud to present . ,
11 ,111/.
irchikrêt //tract onrP7.
June 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2008 in Bethel, Connecticut
This is the third sale of archival material from the fabled archives of the American Bank Note
Company and its predecessor companies that we have had the honor to disperse in the last
14 months. We are in the process of finishing up the catalog and anticipate close to 2,700 lots
of Foreign and U.S. banknotes, vignettes, stocks, bonds and security printing ephermera that
will be included in this historic sale. Additionally, this sate will include a significant number of
disovery pieces new to the collecting community. Here are a few highlights from this sale:
• $1,000 4th issue U.S. Liberty Loan Bond from 1918 and numerous other U.S Federal Bond items
• Extremely rare 500..000 Pound Sterling issued & uncancelled Russian Gov. Bearer bond from 1917
• 60 lots of Canada banknote, stock and bond proofs, specimens and archival production material
• 75+ lots of Haiti and Dominican Republic proofs, specimens and production material
• Over 1,000 lots of specimen, proof and issued stocks and bonds including railroads,
mining, foreign, aviation and numerous Interesting and exciting scripophily items
• Close to 200 lots of vignettes & misc. items and over 100 lots of philatelic items
• 75+ tots of Mexico proofs, specimens, banknotes and production material
• 240+ lots of proof, specimen and essay banknotes from China
• 60 lots of Greece banknote progressive proofs from a new find
• 50+ lots of Philippines Essay specimen and proof banknotes
• 401 lots of Russian proofs, specimens and issued banknotes
H.R. Harmer, Inc.
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle
Bethel, CT 06801-2845
hrharmer@hrharmer. corn
• ottifirwria:priagel
siVITsiW .01 1:1titA
rtst14 .11.•1111110.‘IL•1
''''''.•:■•••-•* "*- z•;;;;
226 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
227Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
' rc, 111‘.'
Alt- CAN
For more information and a preview of these rare & unique items
rompeaNifutk,am@l4n oemin
Please email Dr. Robert Schwartz at
to be included on the auction update email list.
4-1 trza
Si N"'r
c.f. two. ••••••• •••- ...... • ■•• ••••
otes including a new dIscovivy banknote that is unlislad C M
ocks and bonds including 350+ lots ofworldwide scripophily
i scripophily with more than 55 lots of Alaska material,
g and rare archival production material items
le group lots
proof, specimen & production material
specimens and production items
fiat Color Essay banknotes - All Unique
d specimen, proof and issued scripophily
1 ,8001522.1607
Catalogs will be
available beginning
May 2008.
S30 ea. plus postage. Call to
reserve your copy of this
popular catalog and future
reference work.
203.791A832Fax1 .8490
104111 'ORA
//"-- ■
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money228
4;A:13431M gt0i;
I1.V1"7:).\W 'AT0/1A-0 7
Martin Delger
9677 Paw Paw Lake Dr.
Mattawan, MI 49071
Phone 269-668-4234
After 6:00 p.m.
For bourse information and
reservation cards, write:
Mike Crabb, Box 17871,
Memphis, TN 38187-0871
Phone (901) 757-2515
June 27, 28, 29, 2008
Cook Convention Center
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Discount on Selected Airlines, call loll free:
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Office Hours 10 a.m. -6 p.m. CST Monday through Friday
Offering up to 10% off airfare (subject to availability)
Paul Whitnah, Owned & Operated by PRW, Inc.
250 N. Main St., Memphis, TN 38103/ 901-527-7300
Sleep Inn 40 N. Front St. • (901) 522-9700
Commemorative Souvenir Cards
U.S.P.S.Temporary Postal Station
Auction by
Lyn Knight Currency Auctions
Fantastic Paper Money Exhibits
Society Meetings
reel'if( rej ///e C9Kyrkve.;
fiteP/crl 1/ at a ',.C1/(74 0»,/,(fiy/
We are pleased to announce the ongoing sale of
the greatest hoard of bank-note printing plates, dies,
and other material ever assembled. The American
Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858
by combining seven of the most important bank
note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of
printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the
merger, and survive today. To these are added many
other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a
museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack's will
continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note
printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other
artifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most
numismatic museums and advanced collectors do not
have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate!
If you would like to have more information, contact
us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an
absolutely unique opportunity!
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
0 4.,
r • • - •
Mien) f,116
-7-.k2761L__ 4., ;4r 5<
114.!;118 ; rs./.1J—SA mciAikza
1,1:16 1.
o .,sazi:,...a.a.04104.wratorrm
ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for
their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and
overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and
types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American
Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman.
are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you
visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase.
Review. This full color publication highlights paper money
in our inventory, as well as articles and features about this
fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send
us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if
you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or
more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per-
sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency
Notes with our compliments.
Stack's New York City: 123 West 57th Street • New York, NY 10019-2280 • Toll free: 800/566/2580 • Telephone 212/582-2580 • Fax 32/15 50 B
Stack's Wolfeboro, NH: P.O. Box 1804 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Toll-free 866/811-1804 • 603/569-0823 • Fax 603/569-3875 • www• stacks.con
Alexandria, La. Issue
Wookey Hole Mill watermarkT-23 PF-1
ftwEDERATEsTATEs4,0,--°46 ';'7_4:14b_
230 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Death claims one of SPMC's original members
PHILADELPHIA PAPER MONEY AND COIN DEALERHarry J. Forman died March 6th as the result of injuries
incurred from a fall clown stairs on Feb. 28. Mr. Forman was
85 years old.
At the time of his death, Mr. Forman (SPMC Charter
Member #13) was the third most senior Society member in
terms of his membership number.
Forman took to numismatics following a career
in produce. He became interested in the hobby ini-
tially from the popularity of the 1955 Doubled Die
Lincoln cents. In 1957 he formed a partnership with
dealer Ruth Bauer. He also partnered later with
numismatic researcher Don Taxay.
In the 1960s at the height of the U.S. coin
shortage, Mr. Forman was active in organizing the
coin hobby to defeat Congressional legislation which
would have severely limited the collecting of current
coins. Mint Director Eva Adams blamed the coin
shortage on hobbyists, and Sen. Alan Bible (D-NV)
attempted to push anti-hobby legislation through
Congress but were thwarted by efforts of hobbyists.
In the 1960s Forman successively promoted the 1960
Small Date cents, Uncirculated rolls of U.S. coins, and traded
in U.S. silver dollars by the bags full. He became a market
mover in coin investment circles. Harry led; others followed.
In the early 1970s, Forman authored highly successful
editions of the popular title How You Can Make Big Profits
Investing in Coins. His interests, however, were far ranging.
Forman published Chuck O'Donnell's breakthrough Handbook
of _Modern U.S. Paper Money and Taxay's splendid
Comprehensive Catalog of United States Coins.
Jovial, and ever a promoter, Harry (as I knew him fondly
in the 1970s) founded Madison Mint to ride the crest of the
silver art bar craze following suspension of U.S. silver coinage.
In the late 1970s, Forman and
Cleveland dealer Harry Jones promoted
and popularized collecting of error
Federal Reserve Notes, which suffered a
spate of errant third overprinting errors
for nearly two years. Forman was a
major contributor to this author's and
Tom DeLorey's Price Guide for the
Collector of Paper Money Errors (1978 and
Forman was a major contributor to
the American Numismatic Association
and ANA's first "Grand Patron." ANA
honored him repeatedly in recent years,
successively garnering its Presidential Award (1998), Glenn
Smedley Memorial Award (1999), Numismatist of the Year
(2000) and Faran Zerbe Memorial Award -- ANA's highest
laurels -- in 2001. The photograph of Mr. Forman at left is
courtesy of past Paper Money Editor Marilyn Reback and ANA
Archives. -- Fred Reed
Collecting Confederate Paper Money
Better Attribution, Grading, and ValueTM
Award-winning author and collector/dealer Pierre Fricke is helping collectors of Confederate paper money
build type, rare variety and contemporary counterfeit collections. I've owned and helped others acquire:
• 3 of the 5 known T-59 J Green and Son watermarked notes
• 43 inverted backs and many of the known examples of the "Great Rarities"
• Complete collections of Wookey Hole Mill and J Whatman watermarked notes
• A complete plen error (e.g., T-43 1-10 error) set and complete collections of T-10s, T-26s and T-33s
• Many T-21 and T-24 "NY" watermarked notes and Non-Collectible (NCs) rare Confederate notes
• Getting started collections, type, contemporary counterfeit, T-39, 40 and 41 specialty items too
Pierre Fricke; P. 0. Box 52514; Atlanta, GA 30355
Buy * Sell * Auctions * New Varieties * Provenance
Email or write to get your rare notes in the Census!
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tog itinciiiittimmiliki
XIV • •
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;14 4 E 5 3
>Large size type notes
Especially FRN's and FRBN's
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, 0016t110
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Am*. , ',awry
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>Easy to sort database
By date added to Web site
By Friedberg number
All or part of any serial #
>Insightful market
>Enlarge and
magnify images
B 2 vidikimowski,:g woos aril.-
`4"-uluo %, 4
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
Online Paper Money at Its Finest
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
NBN data is accessible to researchers;
EH.Net, Economic History Services, hosts it
ngraving and Printing maintains an Historical Resource
Center (HRC) charged with collecting, documenting, and pre-
serving the history of the Bureau and its products, e.g.,
Treasury securities, currency, postage stamps. In recent years
HRC has made major contributions to our understanding of
the U.S. Treasury obligations, and a number of articles pro-
duced by HRC members have appeared in the pages of this
One of the major contributions is a database on "National
Bank Notes, 1864-1935: Production, Issuance, Redemption,
and Circulation," compiled by HRC contract historian Dr.
Franklin Noll. Although primarily of interest to economic
historians, knowledge of its existance should be of interest to
readers of this magazine, Paper Money, also.
This database was assembled as part of a study on
National Bank note production by the Historical Resource
Center of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. As such,
much of the data relates to production; although issuance,
redemption, and circulation figures have also been gathered in
efforts to help explain variations in production.
The database is hosted by EH.Net , the Economic
History Services web site, at
An explanation of the categories used and the sources of
the data are presented below:
Total Production
This is the total dollar amount of all National Bank notes
produced annually by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
(BEP) or private bank note companies. Not all notes pro-
duced were actually issued for circulation.
This data was gathered from the Annual Report of the
Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing from the years
1872 to 1935. Pre-1872 data, except for 1864, is nonexistent
because National Bank notes were not printed by the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing until 1876. Before that time they
were printed by private bank note companies with only the
Treasury seal and any serial numbers applied at the BEP.
Therefore actual production data was held by the private com-
panies and has long since been lost. However, some data on
how many notes were processed by the BEP between 1872 and
1876 remains, and there is cumulative data from a November
1864 report.
To estimate production from 1865 through 1871, it was
assumed that production was greater than issuance and that
the relationship between production and issuance was fairly
constant between 1864 and 1873. These assumptions are
based on the known historical record of production almost
equaling issuance, especially in the early years of the National
Banking System. In this period, notes were issued as fast as
they were produced. Hence, there was no opportunity or
slack time for over-production or creation of a large surplus.
And, with the bank note companies running- at capacity, any
decrease in production, perhaps caused by technical problems
or economic downturns, would result in lower issuance.
Using these assumptions, production/issuance ratios were
derived for 1864, 1872, and 1873 of 1.06201, 1.07376, and
1.06878 respectively. Given the small differences in these
numbers, they were averaged to give a production/issuance
ratio of 1.06818. This ratio was applied to the issuance figures
for 1865 to 1871 to give the estimated production numbers.
This is the total dollar amount of all new National Bank
Notes annually issued to National Banks for issuance into cir-
culation. This number includes new replacement notes for
those redeemed by existing banks and the first notes issued to
new National Banks.
This data was copied from tables in the annual
Comptroller of the Currency reports, specifically the table
entitled National Bank Notes issued during each year, etc.
Redemption (Total Destruction)
This is the total dollar amount of National Bank Notes
redeemed and destroyed annually by the Currency Bureau of
the Comptroller of the Currency.
This data was copied from the same tables in the annual
Comptroller of the Currency reports as were used to gather
issuance data.
Destruction (Worn and Mutilated)
This is the total dollar amount of National Bank notes
destroyed annually because they were worn, mutilated, or
damaged in some way. These notes would have been replaced
with new notes. This data came from the same tables used
Destruction (Insolvent and Liquidation Banks)
This is the total dollar amount of National Bank Notes
destroyed annually because the banks issuing them were clos-
ing or simply going out of the currency business. This data
came from the same tables used above.
This is the total dollar amount of National Bank Notes
passing hand-to-hand in the economy or stored in vaults and
available for circulation at the end of the fiscal year.
Circulation numbers appear in a number of places, such
as the Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the
State of the Finances, but it was easiest for the compiler to
take them from Esther Rogoff Taus, Central Banking Functions
of the United States Treasmy, 1789 -194/ (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1943), 286-89, Noll reported.
Old Series, 1875, 1882, 1902, 1882-1908, 1902-1908, 1929
This is the total dollar amount of National Bank Notes
produced annually in each specific series by the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing or private bank note companies. The
differences in these series are of interest mostly to currency
collectors and the BEP. For more information, Dr. Noll sug-
gests a review one of the several excellent books for currency
1014‘ft 1
A, )1Xitgife
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 233
collectors such as Arthur Friedberg and Ira Friedberg, Paper
Money of the United States, 18th ed. (Clifton, NJ: The Coin &
Currency Institute, 2006).
Like the Total Production figures, these numbers stem
from the Annual Report of the Director, Bureau of Engraving
and Printing with the same gap in data from 1865 to 1871.
This absence of data was overcome by using the estimated
Total Production figures because all production between 1865
and 1871 were for the Old Series National Bank notes.
Dr. Franklin Noll is Consulting Historian to the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing. The mission of the Historical
Resource Center is to collect, document, and preserve the his-
tory of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and its products.
The HRC serves as a resource for research and dissemination
of information concerning Bureau of Engraving and Printing
history and products.
This NBN database was produced at the BEP Historical
Resource Center while its author was under contract to Byther
Managing Collections, EEC. The views, conclusions, and
opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of
the Historical Resource Center (HRC), nor the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing. The author also bears all responsibil-
ity for the accuracy of all dates, numbers, and does not speak
for the United States Treasury, Dr. Noll told Paper Money.
PCGS Certifies Legendary Skyjacking Ransom Notes
\ infamous 1971 "D.B. Cooper" skyjacking have been cer-
tified by PCGS Currency on behalf of the owner who found
them a quarter-century ago.
The bills belong to Brian Ingram, 36, of Mena, Arkansas
who was eight-years old-in 1980 when he found the only ran-
som cash ever recovered from the skyjacking.
"Even though the notes were damaged from apparently
being in the Columbia River for years, we were able to match
serial numbers with those on the FBI's list of the $200,000 in
S20 hills the skyjacker had when he jumped from the jetliner.
There was even a Series 1963A star note," said Laura A.
Kessler, Vice President of PCGS Currency of Newport Beach,
California, who headed the certification team.
Kessler carefully separated some of the notes and note
fragments that were affixed together for decades, revealing
serial numbers or Federal Reserve District seals.
Ingram said he plans to keep one note and sell the rest.
Some of the notes were displayed for the public at the Long
Beach, California Coin, Stamp & Collectibles Expo in
"This is the only identifiable group of United States cur-
rency that can be directly linked to such an event. The only
comparison of such significance would possibly be the
Lindbergh ransom money, but none of those notes is known
to have survived," said PCGS Currency President Jason
Ingram personally brought the notes to California for
certification and attended the opening of the Long Beach
"I was eight
years old and on
vacation with my
parents on February
10, 1980, when I
found about $5,800
of the ransom
money along the
banks of the
Columbia River
near Vancouver,
Ingram recalled.
"We were
going to make a fire
along the river
bank. I was on my hands and knees smoothing out the sand
with my right arm, and I uncovered three bundles of money
just below the surface. My uncle thought we should throw it
in the fire."
His family turned the money over to the Federal Bureau
of Investigation. Eventually, the FBI returned 25 bills to them
along with dozens of fragments that contained little or no
trace of serial numbers. Most of the notes have lightly written
initials of FBI agents who inventoried and examined the items
soon after they were discovered by Ingram.
Ingram carefully kept the notes for decades in the protec-
tive pages of photo albums.
A specially made PCGS Currency holder insert was creat-
ed for the certified notes. The encapsulation insert depicts the
famous 1971 artist's sketch of the sunglasses-wearing skyjacker
and includes the words, "D.B. Cooper 1971 Ransom Money."
Illustrated certificates of authenticity, signed by Ingram,
Bradford and Kessler, are being prepared for each of the notes.
No grades are being assigned because of the deteriorated
condition of the notes, and, therefore, they will not appear in
the PCGS Currency Population Report. An inventory of the
certified money will be available later.
No trace has ever been found of the skyjacker, known as
"Dan Cooper" or "D.B. Cooper," or any other money he had
when he parachuted in a rainstorm from a Northwest Airlines
727 jetliner over rugged terrain somewhere between Seattle,
Washington and Reno, Nevada on November 24, 1971.
Anyone with information about the skyjacking is encour-
aged to contact the FBI's Seattle office by e-mail at .
IV:Islington—Certificates have been issued authorizing
the following national banks to begin business:
The National Bank of Ness City, Kan.; capital, $25,-
000. Mary C. Bennett, president; 0. H. Laraway, vice-
president; W. F. Baer, cashier; L. Z. Emmert, assistant
Notice that the National Bank of Ness City with Mary C. Bennett as president
had been authorized to begin business. (From the Wall Street Journal, March
30, 1906)
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Postcard views, circa 1910, of two churches, the high school and two banks in Ness City, Kansas. The National Bank of Ness City was
located in the corner of the red brick building in the lower right. It was torn down in 1969.
"Woman Bank President. Mrs. Bennett Says
`There is Good Field for Women in Banking Business"'
by Karl Sanford Kabelac
S READ THE HEADLINE OF AN ARTICLE IN THE Charlotte (NC) Daily Observer of June 9, 1907. The article
went on to say that she knew "every detail of the banking busi-
ness as it exists in the country bank." This was because she had
15 years of experience in banking, having worked her way up
from bookkeeper to assistant cashier to vice president and then
president of the bank.
The bank was the National Bank of Ness City, Kansas. It
had been founded in 1886 as the First National Bank of Ness
City, then become the First State Bank of Ness City in 1896,
and then in 1906 the National Bank of Ness City.
Ness City is the county seat and largest community in
Ness County, Kansas. This is in west central Kansas, an area
of farming and ranching, that was named for Noah
V. Ness of the Kansas Cavalry who died in the
Civil War. Ness City was settled in the 1870s, and
by 1900 the county had a population of 4,535. The
population peaked about 1930. By 2000 the popu-
lation was 3,454.
Before their deaths, both Mary C. Bennett's
brother, Philo C. Black, and her father, Henry F.
Black, had also been involved with the bank in its
early years.
Mrs. Bennett was president of the First State
Bank of Ness City when it became a national bank
— the National Bank of Ness City (charter #8142) in early
1906. She continued as president until early in 1909, when she
became the vice-president (and the vice president became the
president). About six months later, the Ness County Echo of July
3 and July 10, 1909, carried the news that she had sold the
controlling interest in the bank to a group of three men. At a
meeting of the directors on July 6 one of them then became
president. However, she remained a director.
She was active in banking circles as evidenced by the fact
that she (and the governor) were speakers at the Kansas
Bankers Association meeting in Topeka on May 22, 1907.
Mrs. Bennett spoke on "Bank Housekeeping" as reported in
the Kansas City Star that clay.
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 235
Mary Bennett had been born Mary Celia Black, the
daughter of Henry and Mary (Bliss) Black, in Dallas City,
Illinois in 1862. It appears that her first two marriages, to
George Burton and Samuel Bennett, may have ended in
divorces. She was Mrs. Logan Edmunds at the time of her
death in 1923.
The bank itself survived until the depression, closing in
Sources and acknowledgements
The main sources have been noted within the article.
Because she spent her life in several communities and was
married three times, it has been a challenge to trace her life
story. In fact, even her death is something of a mystery. The
Gilman (IL) Star of August 16, 1923, reported that she died in
Los Angeles, California on August 9, but The Carthage (IL)
Republican of August 22, 1923 reported that she died in Palm
Beach, Florida on August 16.
I am grateful to Margery Frusher of the Ness County
(KS) Historical Society, Frank Burkett of the Hancock County
(IL) Historical Society, and Carol Jean Rench of the Iroquois
County (IL) Genealogical Society for their help with the
research for this article.
Mrs. Bennett Says There Ira Good Field
For in Banking Business.
—rhcro i4 a good field rot' lvom-n in
the 'tanking Inthinet,;m," NtrA
Mary I.', Bonnet!, presidont of the
N,Itional Bank of Noss city.
tiontiOtt is fan' of 11n- fpr.te te•c+tn leink
pre ,thients in Kaem;e4, say74 the Topeka
Capital, 130:41do's being president of
the hanit,above mentioned :die hi vice
pre.snient of tho State bank of Bath
morn, a town in Ni"ss county, fourtee
frcort Nes.J. City.
"1 se,}' there ig t. gon(1 field, for
businesa ho
caaisi , thore ,t ntsQ, lionetst, 'arum
than heticA men. th' 4 '0UrSo thOrO are
men who aro just as hOM/fit am women t;
In the honking huainoms, but women
area't likely to tali eettiltte as are
11# , n. It's speoulattOil that Often Y,
rnakeg troublo anti 1,4,ati tat to dis-
Mrs. Bennett ktic►i'm every detail at
MI ! banking bkiMi rIPS14 ati U (ixists in
th• Country .bank. Elbe started In thel
batik of tkt.101 iriresi dont. fifteen,
_ years ago. Shia was booltkettpor at
Part of an article on National Bank president Mary C. Bennett
which appeared in several newspapers, including the Charlotte
(NC) Daily Observer on June 9, 1907. (From Early American
Newspapers, an Archive of Americana Collection, published by
Readex ( ) a division of Newsbank inc., and in coopera-
tion with the American Antiquarian Society used by permission)
Louisa B. Stephens
National Bank President
by Karl Sanford Kabelac
THE BANKER'S MAGAZINE FOR JUNE 1883 RE-ported that "Mrs. Louisa B. Stephens, widow of R. D.
Stephens, has recently been elected to succeed her husband as
President of the First National Bank of Marion, Iowa. She is
reputed to be a woman of thorough business habits and quali-
fications, as well as energetic and popular."
Mrs. Stephens was perhaps the second woman to be pres-
ident of a national bank. (Mrs. M.C. Williams had become
president of the State National Bank of Raleigh, North
Carolina in 1879, also upon the death of her husband.)
Marion is a city in east central Iowa, only a few miles
from Cedar Rapids. It was named for General Francis Marion
of Revolutionary War fame. Marion served as the county seat
of Linn County from the time of settlement until 1919, when
the county seat was moved to the larger Cedar Rapids.
Louisa Brier was born in Franklin County, Indiana on
January 28, 1834, and had come to Marion in 1851. She mar-
ried Redman D. Stephens on October 7, 1857.
Her husband was a native of upstate New York, where he
was born in 1829. He had become a lawyer and, seeking a bet-
ter future in the west had "arrived in Marion, Iowa late on the
night of March 31, 1855, with a cash capital of $23," as his
biographical sketch in the 1887 history of Linn County noted.
From that point, he went on to make his fortune.
He was a founder of the First National Bank of Marion,
(charter #117) in 1863 and soon became its president. His
business successes over the next nearly two decades prompted
a group of Cedar Rapids businessmen to choose him to
become the founding president of the Merchants National
Bank of Cedar Rapids in 1881. He and his family moved to
Cedar Rapids the next year.
It was while back in Marion on business, and rushing to
catch the train back to Cedar Rapids on the evening of March
7, 1883, that he tripped and fell. Complications from the fall
soon undermined his health, and he died several weeks later
on March 30 at the age of 53. Besides Mrs. Stephens, he was
survived by their three children.
Mrs. Stephens succeeded her late husband as president of
the bank and served for two years. During this time the bank
note circulation of the bank was $45,000. Her nephew Jay J.
Smyth, who had been the cashier of the bank, then succeeded
her as president. She continued to live in Cedar Rapids into
the 1890s and then moved to Chicago, where she died on
February 24, 1904. She was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in
Cedar Rapids, next to her husband.
The bank continued as an independent bank for nearly a
century more, until 1978. It then joined Northwest
Bancorporation, and today is part of Wells Fargo & Company.
Sources and acknowledgments
An obituary for Redman D. Stephens appeared in the
Cedar Rapids Gazette, March 30, 1883, and an account of this
funeral in the same paper on April 2, 1883. An obituary for
Mrs. Stephens appeared in the Cedar Rapids Republican for
February 25, 1904, and an account of her funeral in the same
paper on February 27, 1904. The assistance of the
Genealogical Society of Linn County is gratefully noted.
May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Seminar participants from left: Bob Cochran, David Grant, Wendell Wolka, Eric Newman and Peter Huntoon
CSNS stages Eric Newman Paper Money Seminar May 10
CENTRAL STATES NUMISMATIC SOCIETY WILLpresent its Eric Newman Paper Money Seminar covering
"every type of community paper money since before the Civil
War" on N1ay 10, at the Eric Newman Museum, Kemper Art
Gallery Building, Washington University, St. Louis, MO from
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., according to W. Ray Lockwood, CSNS
Education Director.
Host Eric Newman will provide the opening remarks and
commentary. Other speakers include Wendell Wolka on
"Missouri's Schizophrenic Civil War Paper Money
Experience;" Peter Huntoon on "73 Years of National Bank
Note Issues and Proofs of the unreported St. Louis National
Bank Notes;" Bob Cochran on "Unusual Bank Happenings;"
David Grant on "A Collector's Dream: The Banker's Worlds
Fair National Bank, and Little Treasures: Small Size St. Louis
National Bank Notes."
This full day seminar brings together an all-star cast of
presenters who are committed to entertaining their audience
with insightful, provocative and in-depth knowledge about
favorite notes. The focus of their presentations is home
grown paper money: the scrip, obsolete and national bank
notes that emanated from local institutions.
Bob Cochran is one of the preeminent collectors of pub-
lished National Bank histories. With more than 30 years of
digesting them under his belt, he has distilled some incredible
tales that he will share with attendees. Cochran will reveal
how this pursuit can bring your total collecting experience to
David Grant is the leading researcher on the banks and
financial history of Evansville, Indiana, and the St. Louis
region. A banker himself, Grant knows were to dig to flesh
out a story, and breathe life into it. He also collects anything
numismatic from Latvia, the Popes, and ancient coins.
Peter Huntoon is one of foremost authorities on U. S.
paper money. He has spent 40 years digging the National
Currency story out of the U. S. National Archives and
Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. Huntoon has
been at the cutting edge of research since the 1970s, and is one
of the most prolific writers in numismatics.
Wendell Wolka is a 50-year veteran collector with diverse
interests, including scrip and obsolete notes, Confederate
paper, Purdue football memorabilia, coins and medals of
Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, and real photo
postcards of horse drawn fire equipment. Wendell is one of
paper moniy's foremost authorities, a gifted researcher, writer,
speaker and singer. "If you haven't already subjected yourself
to his sharp whit and insightful presentations, you are in for a
genuine treat!," Lockwood said.
'Hie Eric Newman Paper Money Seminar is sponsored by
the Central States Numismatic Society and is the third in a
series begun in 2006. Attendees from all over the mid-western
states enjoyed and praised the first two seminars held in
Okoboji, Iowa, and Indianapolis, Indiana. Another such event
will take place in Cincinnati, Ohio, in September, 2008.
Additional future educational seminars are in the planning
While the main focus of the seminar will be St. Louis
paper money, the scope of the presentations will have a broad-
er perspective. Every paper money enthusiast will learn
numerous ways to better appreciate his/her own notes and his-
tory, Lockwood stated.
"Speakers are the ones you have been reading in the lead-
ing numismatic publications for many years. This is your
chance to rub shoulders with some real greats, learn what is
state-of-the-art, and pick their brains," he noted.
"This seminar includes several fully illustrated presenta-
tions and the real objects themselves. The presenters are com-
mitted to giving you a richer understanding of the notes you
"We're not talking about dry lectures here. We're talking
about simulating you, and interacting with you. Your interests
will guide valuable give-and-take discussions," he added
"Since our program is being held at the Newman
Museum, so we will be fortunate to have sage commentary
from Eric himself, a true dean of numismatics who bridges
several generations of paper money greats.
Although there will be considerable focus on St. Louis
paper money since the seminar is being held there, organizers
promised that the scope will have a far broader perspective,
providing every paper money enthusiast numerous ways to
better appreciate his own notes and their history.
Central States is going all out to make the Eric Newman
Paper Money Seminar a special event. A nominal registration
fee of $20 for CSNS members and a $30 for non-members
will be charged. Non-members have the option to apply $10
of the fee to a CSNS membership. The registration fee
includes a catered lunch. Further information can be obtained
from W. Ray Lock-wood, CSNS Education Director, 2075 E.
Bocock Road, Marion Indiana 46952. Phone: 765-664-6520
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255
Letters to the Editor:
Librarian's suggestion nets dual responses
Dear Fred:
In response to Jeff Brueggeman's comment in the recent
issue of Paper Money, it should be noted that we already have a
common rarity scale. It is precisely the same scale that
Brueggeman recommends. It is called the "Universal Rarity
Scale," or "URS" for short, and was developed by Q. David
Bowers with assistance from John Kroon and J. Alan Bricker.
This system was first used, to my knowledge, in Bowers's
2-volume work, Silver Dollars & Trade Dollars of the United
States: A Complete Encyclopedia (Wolfeboro, VT: Bowers and
Merena Galleries, Inc. 1993). In that book, Bowers carries the
geometric progression out to URS-25 (8 to 16 million known)
to accommodate the large surviving populations of the 1921
Morgan and 1922 Peace dollars. So you see, the URS system
can work for any series of coinage by any nation at any time,
with one exception: It is probably not applicable to coins that
presently circulate, because surviving populations are harder
to estimate for current issues. Presumably for that reason,
Bowers does not use the system for dollars minted after 1970.
Bowers plans to use the URS system in his forthcoming
book on United States colonial and early Federal coinage.
I therefore concur with Brueggeman's recommendation.
The idea, though not new, deserves traction.
-- David Gladfelter
Dave Bowers comments:
Thanks, Dave (Dave Gladfelter)
Attached is the URS for anyone's use or info. About
seven or eight years ago David Hall and I held a news confer-
ence at some convention, stating that the -URS was a logical
scale to use, and I reiterated it could be used by anyone with-
out credit -- I relinquished any rights. The Sheldon Scale,
while fine in its time, is not of much use for 90% of the
American series, except for rare die varieties.
-- Dave Bowers
The Universal Rarity Scale
The Universal Rarity Scale is mathematically sound in its
progression and relationship among its divisions, and is applic-
able to any series. Stated simply, it is a geometric progression
of numbers, rounded off for convenience in use, with each cat-
egory containing about twice as many members as the preced-
ing category. The Universal Rarity Scale uses a simple geo-
metric progression of numbers, as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. (see
the rightmost of each number pair, rounded for the higher
Universal Rarity Scale-1 = I known, unique
URS-2 = 2 known
URS-3 = 3 or 4
URS-4 = 5 to 8
URS-5 = 9 to 16
URS-6 = 17 to 32
URS-7 = 33 to 64
URS-8 = 65 to 124
URS-9 = 125 to 249
URS-10 = 250 to 499
URS-11 = 500 to 999
URS-12 = 1,000 to 1,999
URS-13 = 2,000 to 3,999
URS-14 = 4,000 to 7,999
URS-15 = 8,000 to 15,999
URS-16 = 16,000 to 31,999
The Sheldon Rarity Scale has been used in certain texts
and catalogs. In that scale an "R" or "Rarity" number is given,
such as "R-5" or "Rarity-5." These numbers are estimates or
guesses as to how many pieces are known. This can be trans-
lated per the following scale:
• Rarity-1: Over 1,250 estimated known today.
• Rarity-2: 501 to 1,250
• Rarity-3: 201 to 500
• Rarity-4: 76 to 200
• Rarity-5: 31 to 75
• Rarity-6: 13 to 30
Rarity-7: 4 to 12
• Rarity-8: 2 or 3
• Unique: 1 (sometimes called Rarity-9)
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May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money238
Dealer lists & websites
IREMEMBER THE DAYS, NOT THAT LONG AGO,when an occasional paper money price list would arrive in
the mail from one of the old time dealers. Sometimes you had
to send away for the latest list advertised in C0117 World or
Numismatic News. Hickman-Waters, Mr. Philpott and K.P.
Austin had great Nationals; Joe Flynn always had some good
notes and there were others. Aubrey Bebee and Bill Donlon
were good for type notes. Later on obsolete note guys got in
on the act, including Grover Criswell and Herb Melnick.
There were others along the way. Poring over their lists and
prioritizing what I thought I could afford meant hours of
enjoyment. The "wants" always far exceeded the "possibles,"
but fortunately a note or two could usually be purchased.
This all changed when paper money joined the auction
venue. Although Stacks, Hollinbeck/Kagins and some other
dealers held regular auctions that occasionally included some
Soon two or three
Money Convention, was a revolution for paper collectors: all
paper dealers assembled in one place where collectors could
go through stacks of notes. No more approvals through the
mail; now you could actually hold and scrutinize hundreds of
notes. Nothing beats examining the actual note to make the
best purchase decision. However, not everyone could get to
the paper money shows, where the dealers were and auctions
were held. The auctions got bigger and bigger.
Then along came the web. Another revolution! Today
we can examine notes at home. (You can also live bid over the
internet, but that is another story.) The best part is that the
actual note, in full color, appears on screen. And the web sites
keep getting better by providing additional services like,
watching items you bid on and notifying you if you are outbid.
Some sites keep a history of notes you bid on in the past.
Others archive appearances of notes you may be interested in.
You can be notified whenever an item on your want list
appears at auction, examine it in full color, bid on the note, be
advised if you are outbid, and examine previous auction
appearances and results.
What I'd like to see in the future is closer to real time
attendance at auctions; consolidated historical records, and
easier bill paying. (Web sites also save paper, e.g. those heavy
catalogs.) My favorite paper money sites include: Lynn
Knight, Heritage, R.M. Smythe and Tom Denly. They are
easy to move around in and are updated frequently. I can
examine auction offerings, go thru their stocks or do historical
pricing research from my easy chair. Oh yes, you can also just
admire the great notes currently for sale and awaiting your
ord r. •
"See a Lincoln!"
THIRTY YEARS AGO (NEARLY) I EXHIBITED MYfirst numismatic collection of Lincolniana at the Tri-
County Coin Show in Wapakoneta, Ohio. I believe it was
spring of 1980, but it just might have been in fall. The exhibit
was five cases, and I worked hard on the effort. I won a Best
of Show Trophy, but the biggest prize that day was the reac-
tion of my young son (who was either a year and a half or just
under two) on the Sunday afternoon upon seeing my exhibit.
As I carried him in my arms past the display, young Fred
IV pointed excitedly, "See a Lincoln! See a Lincoln! See a
Lincoln!" he grinned at me. Then back to the display, "See a
Lincoln! See a Lincoln! See a Lincoln." Mom and Sis were
certainly more pleased with his gleeful demeanor than they
possibly could have been impressed by my scholarship. I
understand their feeling, because I felt the same.
I've been reflecting on my many years of collecting, writ-
ing about and exhibiting Lincoln items a great deal of late as I
prepare the manuscript for my forthcoming book on that sub-
ject for Whitman Publishing. My thoughts and experiences
probably mirror yours as you consider your own collecting
passions. It's been a heck of a ride. Collecting has taught me
much more than I knew existed when I set out on this journey,
not only about the subject matter but about myself, too.
Lo these many years, my young son stands 6'3". He's
outgrown my arms. He's nearing middle age. Now I lean on
him. My collection of Lincolniana has grown appreciably too.
It's either 2,000 items, or 3,000 items or possibly 4,000 items.
Frankly I don't know exactly. I do have a 12-year-old invento-
ry that listed 1,364 items acquired between 1962 and 1996,
including coins, stamps, currency, stocks, bonds, photographs,
periodicals, books, busts, engravings, exonumia, tobacco art,
checks, post cards, pins, badges, programs, souvenir cards,
paper weights, tickets, book plates, lithographs, wooden nick-
els, postal covers, trade cards, etc. You get the idea. If it had
Lincoln's mug, I pretty much snapped it up. However, my list
didn't include my Lincoln cent collection, that I started in
1955 but sold in 1968 to buy a present to impress some girl.
In the recent decade my acquisitiveness has accellerated.
Culling out what to include in an illustrated narrative like the
one I am now writing forces choices. That's where I can learn
something even more about myself. I've already found that no
matter how important and consuming, and even fun and satis-
fying collecting has been, it wasn't more important to me than
the affection of those close to me real or presumptive. When
my book comes out, I wonder what my son will say now. I
hope it provides a memory as good as "See a Lincoln!" does. v
notes, auctions were primarily for coins.
times a year an auction catalog dedi-
cated to paper money, would arrive
in the mail. These catalogs included
hundreds of notes, some illustrated in
black and white.
The first Memphis Paper
It occurs to me...
Steve Whitfield
Paper Money • May/June • Whole No. 255 239
Eir -
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7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
n •
Librarian suggests
important way to
assure book is noticed
Hello Fred,
There is an old conundrum, "If a tree falls in the forest
and no one hears it, did it make a sound?”
As a librarian, I would like to pose another, "If a book is
researched, written, and published, but not bibliographically
recorded (i.e. listed in a logical place), does it exist:
To Michael McNeil's informative article on self-publish-
ing in the March/April issue of Paper Money, I would like to
add one more step -- give (or sell) copies of one's book to one
or more libraries that use the WorldCat database. (There are
over 10,000 such libraries in the world.)
That way, both immediately and in years hence, your
book will be bibliographically findable and holding libraries
will be noted. And if a copy is in a circulating collection, it
will probably be available for interlibrary loan to anyone wish-
ing to consult it.
There is now a public form of this database available free
to anyone on the Internet. It is at . By consulting
it, one can quickly learn which libraries have a given title.
-- Sincerely, Karl Kabelac
Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of PAPER MONEY
The first 12 issues. Larry Adams, Curator, Higgins Museum
& Library, PO Box 258, Okoboji, Iowa 51355
712-332-5859 or 515-432-1931
Get your breakfast tickets NOW
SPMC's traditional 7:30 a.m. breakfast kicks off the
Memphis International Paper Money Show again
this year. Fare this time is a Continental breakfast.
Price is $20 per head. Reservations are highly rec-
ommended. Checks should be sent to Wendell
Wolka, PO Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142. Our
Torn Bain donation raffle will also be held; volun-
teers to collect donations on Thursday during set up
should contact Rob Kravitz. Address is on page 162.
240 May/June • Whole No. 255 • Paper Money
Selling your collection?
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WANTED: All yj,es - Legal Tendeis,
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Maynard Sundman David Sundman
Jim Reardon
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They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency
National Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Obsolete Notes, Error Notes, MPC's, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money .. .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 130 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the
Please visit
• Encourages
• Sponsors the
Money Convention,
• Publishes several
of these booklets
• Is a proud
annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis,
our web site — — for show location and dates.
public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money
John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis
as well as Paper Money classes and scholarships at the A.N.A.'s Summer
"How to Collect" booklets regarding currency and related paper items.
can be found in the Membership Directory or our web site.
supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to..
Terry Coyle — Secretary
P.O. Box 246 • Lima, PA 19037
(610) 627-1212
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Allen Mincho
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1327
David Lisot
Consignment Director
Ext. 1303
David Mayfield
Consignment Director
Ext. 1277
Jim Fitzgerald
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1348
Whether you are selling a few extra notes from your holdings, or a
comprehensive collection built over decades, you can maximize your
profits at our Central States auction. Our printed catalogs and online
Permanent Auction Archives will memorialize your collection forever.
Heritage is America's largest numismatic auction house, delivering
worldwide bidder demand through our exclusive Interactive Internet
systems on our award-winning website. There you will find 325,000+
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photography has won praises from around the world, with full-color,
enlargeable images of every single-note lot posted on the Internet.
Bidders trust our catalog descriptions and our full-color images.
Heritage is currently accepting consignments for our Signature
Auction to be held at the Central States Numismatic Society
Convention in Rosemont, IL. To include your currency collection
in this important auction, please contact a Consignment Director
invite your consignments and bidding participation in our upcoming
NS Signature Auction. Let us bring your currency to the buyers around
lie world and on the Web. Call 1-800-872-6467 Ext. 1001
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IL Auctioneer license: Robert Korver 441.001421.
This auction subject to a 15% buyer's premium.
SsItS &tin
Len Glazer
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1390
Dustin Johnston
Director of Auctions
Ext. 1302
Mike Moczalla
Consignment Director
Ext. 1481
More like this
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVII, No. 4- Whole No. 256- July- August 2008
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVII, No. 2- Whole No. 254- March- April 2008
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVII, No. 1- Whole No. 253- January- February 2008
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVII, No. 5- Whole No. 257- September- October 2008
- Paper Money- Vol. XLVII, No. 6- Whole No. 258- November- December 2008