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Forrest Daniel writes about small
Treasury Notes of the War of 1812
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Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 321
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVII, No. 5 Whole No. 257 September/October 2008
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Small Treasury Notes of 1815: A Prototype Circulating Currency
By Forrest W. Daniel
Series 2006 $5 FRN changeover stumps ye olde Editor
By Derek Moffitt
Forrest Daniel contributed to SPMC in many, many ways
By Fred Reed
New catalog for card fans
On This Date in Paper Money History
By Fred Reed
Authors present new works at 5th annual SPMC authors forum
More photo highlights from Memphis
FCCB celebrates 25 years
Stunning Eric Newman Museum hosts CSNS symposium
SPMC Thanks 2008 Tom Bain Raffle Sponsors
Information and Officers
In Memoriam Thomas M. Flynn, 1929-2008
By John and Nancy Wilson
Death claims J. Roy Pennell, past SPMC president, publisher
By Fred Reed
President's Column
By Benny Bolin
Money Mart
New Members
SPMC 2007-2008 Donors Acknowledged
SPMC 2008 Award Winners Saluted
SPMC Board Meeting June 28, 2008 minutes
SPMC Treasurer's Report
SPMC Editor's Report
What's on Steve's Mind Today?
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor's Notebook
322 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit
organization under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis International Paper Money Show.
Up-to-date information about the SPMC, including its bylaws and activities
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PRESIDENT Benny Bolin. 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085. Florissant, MO 63031
Pierre Fricke, Box 52514, Atlanta, GA 30355
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1, Plover, WI 54467
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Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Neil Shafer, Box 17138, Milwaukee, WI 53217
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203. Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati. OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
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MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O.Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
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Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
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Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Small Treasury Notes
of 1815
A Prototype Circulating Currency
The Financing of the War of 1812*
by Forrest W. Daniel (deceased)
SPMC Charter Member #121
The Small Treasury Notes of 1815 were the first attempt by the United
States governmment to issue a circulating paper currency. Their issue came only
after a desperate attempt to finance the War of 1812 by borrowing money alone.
Because taxes were not levied immediately to pay off those loans, sales lagged; so
to make up for the deficiencies in borrowing, one-year Treasury Notes bearing
interest were issued from the time of the first Loan in 1812.
The Small Treasury Notes bearing no interest were issued in 1815, after
the war was over, into a period of monetary instability. The state-chartered banks
had suspended specie payments in most of the country and their bank notes were
at great discount. The government was not able to withdraw its own funds
deposited in those banks in money acceptable at par at any distance from the issu-
ing bank.
The Small Treasury Notes in denominations $3, $5, $10, $20 and $50
were receivable for all dues to the Federal Government according to the text;
they were payable to bearer in fact (although not so stated) and were acceptable
for currency usage throughout the nation. Although not a legal tender, the Small
Treasury Notes served the nation as a circulating medium of exchange for anyone
willing to accept them. Public journals of the clay said they were welcomed by the
people and circulated at par in most of the country.
This study concentrates on the intricacies of the preparation and circula-
tion of the Small Treasury Notes. Treasury Department correspondence has
been sifted for some of the human interest quirks behind the preparation, ship-
ping, handling and storage of the notes before they were issued to the public, as
* Winner of 2002 SPMC George W. Wait Award
324 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
well as disbursement to government fiscal agents. Here is some of the inside
story of the Small Treasury Notes known only to officials at the Treasury
But first related here is the struggle to obtain funds to finance the war
effort and maintain the commerce of the nation. Many money lenders were
unwilling to lend their money to the government, so many of the bonds were
sold at a discount, more than doubling the cost of the war. The suspension of
specie payments by the banks removed much of the value of their bank notes.
Those conditions set up the need for a viable, circulating national paper money.
The Small Treasury Notes were issued to fill that void.
Part I
Introduction and Background
The United States went into the War of 1812 without the power to
levy any internal taxes to pay for the war. The same would be true for the
Mexican War and the Civil War, as it had been for the Revolutionary War. By
the time Congress did get around to levying taxes the war was nearly over, and
by the time the bulk of the tax money became available the war was over.
Congress believed the war could be financed through loans alone, and that was
the course it attempted to follow.
Had Congress provided, from the first, for taxes to repay the loans,
rather than basing them only on the faith of the nation, their sale might well
have been less difficult. But as it was, there was serious opposition to the war
from mercantile interests in the Northeast, represented largely by the Federalist
party. The very people who were best able to provide the funds were opposed
to the war. As a result the treasury was forced to sell its bonds at great discount,
even to the point of offering additional annuities to the purchasers.
Ultimately the people had to pay $80,000,000 plus interest for the near-
ly $34,000,000 of hard money received from the loans. I The actual monetary
cost of the war was more than doubled because of opposition to the war in
Congress and out, difficulty in borrowing money, and ineptitude in the execu-
tive department, especially the treasury. Lack of a standing army and an officer
corps composed only of elderly Revolutionary War veterans did not inspire a
great out-pouring of national faith in the war; that did not help either. There
were some major naval victories, however, which sustained national honor.
From the beginning, Congress had doubts about the success of the first
loan it proposed to finance a new military and naval force. Its legislation pro-
vided for an issue of Treasury Notes to fill any deficiency in case receipts fell
short of the goal. 2 Those Treasury Notes, especially the later Small Treasury
Notes of low denominations, were the prototypes of later United States govern-
ment paper money. Federal paper money was not issued on a permanent basis
until 1861. Doubts about the stability of paper money remained from the disas-
trous depreciation of the Continental Currency of the Revolution and some of
the state issues of the Confederation period. Those doubts were stated clearly
in the Congressional debates; but Treasury Notes became an important factor
in the financing of the War of 1812.
It had been clear for a number of years that war was inevitable; the
question was when and with whom. The United States had come to blows with
France in 1799. Later, during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, a naval
building program was enacted, but it was plagued with inefficiency and cost
over-runs. Jefferson did not wish a war and made every effort to avoid it.
The Napoleonic wars in Europe brought great prosperity to American
shipping interests. Neutral American commerce became the dominant force in
European trade, but that prosperity brought the risk of capture by war ships of
the belligerents. Those raids extended even into American coastal waters.
Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 325
Depredation of American ships by the British and French forced retaliation by
the United States.
An embargo of all trade with Europe in the fall of 1807 brought ruin to
American commerce. With the ships held in port the government had little
income from import duties and had to resort to borrowing money in 1810. The
embargo was partially lifted by a non-intercourse act in 1809 which prohibited
trade with Great Britain and countries under French control; it also provided for
lifting restrictions on trade with those countries if they ceased violating neutral
rights. The difficulties continued. American ships and cargoes were confiscated
and sold by the French and the British added the impressment of sailors from
American ships to serve in the British navy. By the time war was declared in
1812, the British had seized more than 900 American ships and the French more
than 550. 3 When it reached the point of war, British trade restrictions and
impressment of American sailors became the overt excuse and England became
the enemy.
Eleven days after Congress declared war on June 18, but before the news
reached England, the British government revoked the orders in council which
had been the chief source of grievance to America. That action would have per-
mitted resumption of trade between the two nations, and immediately after its
passage large quantities of merchandise were shipped from England. On arrival
those goods produced duty income to the United States of about $5,000,000, an
unexpected windfall at the beginning of the war.
Treasury Management
All was not well at the Treasury Department and President James
Madison had neither the power nor the will to place the department in capable
hands. That caused a great deal of difficulty in financing the war. Secretary of
the Treasury Albert Gallatin had seen the prospect of war several years before it
broke out. He suggsted levying taxes to build up a defense fund, but his warning
went unheeded. At the outset of the war he suggested that enough tax revenue be
raised to meet the expenses of the peace-time establishment plus interest on pre-
sent and future loans. The cost of the war could then be met by borrowing
money. Gallatin's proposal met stiff resistance in Congress, even from his own
party. General Samuel Smith, (Maryland) Democrat leader in the Senate, was
strongly opposed to Gallatin. Even though Gallatin's power was nearly gone,
President Madison refused to replace him. With the nation on the brink of war,
Gallatin had been secretary for twelve years and he was the best man for the job. 4
In September 1812 Count Romanzoff suggested to John Quincy Adams,
American minister at St. Petersburg, that the Emperor of Russia was willing to
act as mediator to help settle the differences between the United States and
England. A formal invitation came in _March 1813. The United States jumped at
the chance for a meeting, sending Albert Gallatin and James A. Bayard, a promi-
nent Delaware Federalist, along with Adams to St. Petersburg before determin-
ing that any such negotiations were even possible. England declined the offer of
mediation in St. Petersburg, preferring direct negotiations with the Americans
later at Ghent in Belgium. 5 Negotiations finally began on August 7, 1814, but it
was more than four months before agreement on a treaty was finally reached on
December 14.
When Gallatin was sent to St. Petersburg early in 1813 William Jones,
secretary of the navy and Philadelphia shipping merchant, was named acting sec-
retary of the treasury; a post he held from May 1813 to January 1814. Jones' lack
of qualification for the position was emphasized when he upset regular treasury
procedure with his own rulings. He did, however, suggest that revenue be raised
by taxation, but Jones did not press the issue, shrugged, and said Congress could
do as it saw fit. 6
Treasury Secretary Alexander J. Dallas
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Madison might have replaced Jones with a stronger personality but
Gallatin did not resign the secretary's post when he went to Europe. Getting
the negotiations underway took longer than expected and Gallatin finally
resigned early in 1814. The man Madison believed best qualified for the trea-
sury post, Alexander J. Dallas, a Pennsylvania lawyer and political activist famil-
iar with the financial community and a confidant of Gallatin, could not have
been confirmed at that time since both senators from his home state were
opposed to him. Senator George W. Campbell of Tennessee, who had served
as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, became secretary.
Campbell, too, could not handle the job. "Jones was too ignorant, and
Campbell too weak, to grasp boldly questions of finance." 7
At last, in October 1814, the senators from Pennsylvania agreed to
accept A. J. Dallas as secretary of the treasury. He gave fresh impulse to the war
in the few months it lasted after his appointment. 8
Bumbling in the Treasury Department cannot be blamed for all the
monetary woes during the war. In the face of impending hostilities the
Democrat majority in Congress dismantled what would have been a source of
funds during the war and a stabilizing influence in the post-war period--The
Bank of the United States. The bank was a creation of the Federalists and had
bitter enemies from the first in spite of its success.
The Bank of the United States
With the establishment of the federal government under the
Constitution, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist, sub-
mitted a plan for a "financial institution to develop the national resources,
strengthen the national credit, aid the Treasury Department in its administra-
tion and provide a secure and sound circulating medium for the people. 9 In
1790 he sent Congress a report on a national bank There was opposition from
the minority Democratic party, which held the belief that the power to create
banks, or any corporate body, had not been expressly delegated by the
Constitution to Congress, and therefore was not possessed by it. Democrat
Thomas Jefferson said it did not fall within the implied powers of Congress
since the bank would be an expedience, not a paramount necessity. Hamilton's
views prevailed; the Bank of the United States was incorporated on February 25,
The capital stock consisted of 25,000 shares of $400 each, payable one-
fourth in gold and silver and three-fourths in public securities. The government
took one fifth of the shares, $2,000,000, paid in ten installments. The govern-
ment's shares were sold in 1796, 1797 and 1802 at advances of 25, 20 and 45 per
cent. Eighteen thousand shares of the bank's stock were held abroad and 7,000
in the United States, a point which became important when the bank was liqui-
dated after twenty years of successful management. 10
Albert Gallatin listed the advantages to the government provided by the
bank to be:
(1) safe-keeping of the public moneys;
(2) instantaneous transmission of the public moneys anywhere in the nation;
(3) increased circulation to facilitate collection of revenue;
(4) loans to the government.
Another service to the nation provided by the bank was an issue of
notes which were payable on demand in gold or silver at the bank, or at any of
its branches. Notes of the Bank of the United States were receivable for all pay-
ments to the United States government. 11
When time for the renewal of the bank's 20-year charter came near, its
Democrat opponents were in control of Congress, but the prediction of dire
consequences which would follow dissolution of the bank softened some of the
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 327
opposition. Foreign ownership of a majority of stock in the bank was not the
great objection to the bank that it might have been -- those shares had no vote in
its management -- rather, it was the high rate of interest paid by Americans to
foreign countries. The final vote not to re-charter the bank was delayed until
only eleven days before the old charter was to expire. Even a grace period to
wind up the bank's affairs was denied.
The liquidation of the Bank of the United States began in February
1811, and while it did cause serious economic difficulties it proceeded without the
disaster which had been predicted. It was the timing of the dissolution which
caused much of the difficulty. The United States was approaching war with
Great Britain, a war opposed by the Federalists and commercial interests who
were advocates of the bank.
It is likely the liquidation of the Bank of the United States contributed
greatly to the difficulty in raising money for the anticipated deficiency loan of
1810. The loan was offered in the final quarter of 1810; had the Bank's charter
not been in jeopardy, a simple borrowing would have eliminated the need for the
bonds. At its suspension, the bank had to call in all of its outstanding loans. Even
though the notes were short-term, pressure was placed on each of the borrowers
to raise money elsewhere or face some losses. Money accumulated in such quan-
tities that 70 per cent of the capital of the Bank was paid to stockholders by June
1, 1812, (the war began on June 18) and another 18 per cent by the first of
October. That resulted in more than $7,000,000 of specie being withdrawn from
the nation by foreign stockholders in the year before the war began. It also
meant a loss of $15,000,000 in bank credits and a source for loans to the govern-
ment. The recievability of notes of the Bank of the United States expired on
March 19, 1812.
Capital payments to United States stockholders in the bank and other
available money flowed into two channels, both away from government securities.
In New England, where opposition to the war was strong, specie in Massachusetts
banks rose from $1,706,000 in 1811 to $7,326,000 in 1814. Other capital went
The Bank of the United States
328 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
into organizing local banks; 120 were chartered within four years and the first
big banking boom was on. 12
Notes for Part I
1. A. Barton Hepburn, History of the Coinage and CUITenty of the United States
and the Perennial Contestfor Sound Money (New York, 1903), p. 79.
2. Act of June 30, 1812. A. T. Huntington and Robert J. Mawhinney, com-
pilers, Laws of the United States Concerning Money, Banking, and Loans, 1778-
1909 (Washington, 1910), pp. 76-78; Albert S. Bolles, The Financial
History of the United States, From 1789 to 1860 (New York, 1885), pp. 223,
3. J. N. Lamed, History For Ready Reference, Vol. 5 (Springfield, 1901), p.
4. Bolles, pp. 220-222.
5. Lamed, Vol. 5, p. 3470; Donald R. Hickey, The War of 1812, A Forgotten
Conflict (Urbana, 1989), pp. 119, 283- 284.
6. Bolles, pp. 294-296.
7. Ibid., pp. 296, 297.
8. Ibid., pp. 298, 299.
9. Larned, Vol. 3, p. 2257.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid., 2258.
12. Ibid.
Part II
The War Loans
With the Bank of the United States, the nation's "central bank," out of
existence, large shipments of gold being remitted to Europe to repay stockhold-
ers of the bank and American anti-war financiers squirreling their share of the
money in their own banks, the United States set out to finance a war. The
United States was without internal taxes. Since the establishment of the nation,
revenue from import duties and levies on the tonnage of merchant ships had
been sufficient to pay all expenses of government and make regular payments on
the national debt. The embargo of 1807 cut so deeply into that revenue that the
Treasury was forced to borrow $2,700,000 to pay the indebtedness due in 1810.
That loan was repaid in 1811. 1
The Act of March 2, 1811, authorized a loan of $5,000,000. 2 That
borrowing is not mentioned in the standard registers of loans of the United
States. It is possible the liquidation of the Bank of the United States that year
removed so much money from the market there were no free funds left to be
subscribed for that loan.
Occasionally more than one type of borrowing was made under a single
authorization. The various loans floated during the War of 1812 will be listed.
The Treasury Note issues which accompanied the annual loans will be discussed
separately and in greater detail.
Six Per Cent Loan of 1812
When the House of Representatives took up the matter of annual
financing in February 1812, it appeared that ordinary expenses would amount to
$1,200,000 more than the estimated receipts. Since the Treasury at the time had
a surplus of $3,502,305.80, the deficit could easily absorbed. It was felt, howev-
er, that the surplus should not be drawn down any farther.
It was evident that war was imminent and a bill was introduced to
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Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
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September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
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increase the size of the army, to arm the militia, purchase supplies of all types to
equip those men, as well as to build new ships and fortifications. The cost of
those preparations was estimated at $11,000,000. A loan of that amount was
authorized in March to pay those expenses. 3
When the subscription was opened in May, the response was discourag-
ing. The South and wealthy New Englanders took comparatively little, and
support was grudging elsewhere. The Philadelphia bankers were divided in
their support. A Philadelphia firm representing foreign owners of $7,000,000
capital from the disolved Bank of the United States said their principals did not
want to invest in the bonds, but would be interested in helping finance a rechar-
tered Bank of the United States, which was impossible at the time. 4
The maturity of the loan was twelve years and it was redeemable at the
pleasure of the government. Interest was 6 per cent and the loan was required to
be sold at par. The amount sold at those terms was only $8,134,700. Final
redemption of the loan was made March 12, 1833. 5
Temporary Loan of 1812
When the entire loan authorized on March 14 was not sold at the pre-
scribed terms, the Treasury exercised its option to accept other terms. An addi-
tional $2,150,000 of the loan was sold at par, on special contract, at various
maturity dates specified by the contract. The final redemption of the
Temporary Loan was made on June 28, 1817. 6 An additional $5,000,000 was
authorized to be raised through Treasury Notes.
Exchanged Six Per Cent Stock of 1812
The old Six Per Cent and Six Per Cent Deferred Stocks of 1790 7 were
selling at a discount of two or three per cent. It was felt the discounted price
might be a deterrent to selling current stock, so another issue was authorized to
replace the earlier stock. Holders of the old stock, who chose to do so, could
exchange it for the new issue on the same terms as the $11,000,000 loan. No
money came to the Treasury from this transaction, but redemption of the old
YOUR pot of gold
Advertise in PAPER MONEY
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
N'4311: ?`"; a Th, . 1:VITED STITES qf
al' fISAig726, the meta qf "*..;01.1): 1- 0 DOLL 1, :, '
.1nnent, from the (lay of i or: tt,irri it, ph.: , . '
iturtiotittrr tf nit .11.i of Votti;-ress intssrli on. ihr 14th day 0. 1' ,thriTit. i ,', I .., eniiitca - .1a . ici ,,,:
tot( c.i.-rt , riti it; h:141,,t ..tiithiotts ty• Imilare,, ,-. the l'rineiaal af which Slack is rrinthitri,tthlt. al (lir hi.
at any (bar tfter Ihr lost (lay V. Dereinher, in (he urar I :I:21 ; which th ,ht ts t, t . othirtt hi this ,dii,.„ , h t ,,t ,
hithrurttorr ill purson, 4,1. hy attorney, at the popper alike, areureling I ,. MC 1 .1111. ow 1 Aril's iuhtitulcd ft,- . •
332 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
March 14, 1812 Six Percent Stock obligation was delayed until after the war. Under the act, $2,984,746.72 of the
(Heritage Auctions) old stock was exchanged for new. 8
Sixteen Million Loan of 1813
While the Loan of 1812 passed with little reported debate, that cannot
be said for the 1813 loan bill which came up early in the year, passed and was
signed on February 8. Congressman Abijah Bigelow (Massachusetts) stated in a
long speech that he had been opposed to the declaration of war and was still
opposed to it since the reason for the war had been removed (revocation of the
orders in council). He also felt the invasion of Canada was both morally and
politically wrong, and that the manner of raising funds and distribution of the
military forces were not adequate for the object envisioned.
Bigelow lamented the loss of public credit and honor; he quoted
Benjamin Franklin and others on the necessity of public credit as it was stated
following the establishment of the nation. Amendments were proproposed to
limit interest to be paid and the discount which might be permitted in case there
was difficulty in selling the stock. Those changes were voted down and there
was no restriction on interest and discounts. The loan was set at $16,000,000
and the term at a minimum of thirteen years. 9
Secretary Gallatin was able to float less than $6,000,000 of the total at 6
per cent, but more was needed badly. Gallatin turned for assistance to
Alexander Dallas, who in turn consulted David Parish, who had banking connec-
tions in Europe and Great Britain. The result was a Treasury Circular that
eased the terms of the loan. 10
There was no set price at which the stock should be sold and there was
a provision for a commission to sales agents not to exceed one fourth of one per
cent on the amount they sold or obtained subscriptions.
Without limit of interest or discount, the stock was offered in a lender's
market. Two choices were submitted to the Treasury: That the lenders receive
$100 of the 6 per cent stock for $88 of money, or that the same type of stock be
sold at par plus an annuity for thirteen years of $1.50 per $100 of stock, payable
quarterly. There was also a proviso that if any other stock was sold at other
terms, the purchasers of the $16 Million Loan could have those terms applied to
their stock if they so chose. The former terms were accepted by the Treasury.
David Parish and Stephen Girard subscribed for half the loan and John Jacob
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 333
"04,1010011040010.0100401,10104.0110:0•0' ..
c3.k:kalsocaototmv.o-vootlisk? , 'it3IXAXMUOSICAMO15,
a 1[6 Z
) Treasury of arc United Sinks, Hrgisier's Ogee, 1816.0
• t BE 10:01VN, THAT there is p able by the U 000 STATES or ANERICA, unto St
• tt8
• 0 ,,,:-/,/ -{ ,Yeziffri/
_1 -- --") '
-/,, 7 /I
arter0 ie y ,, a.e.ittiet, the annual eum of idle, ......-- - _-.... , Dolls
yearly pay ern,. from the beet day of jeee,e,..... Jai," until the thitiyAnd day of December, in the year iht:/.. brhtr, 0
An annuity ereateil in por,mance of the art of-Consycse. tiatoed February 8,, 04i;3, entitled - An ar t ,,,,,t,,,ri z i,,,z ,,,, 1,,,,,, ems'
OIR for a ,tun not exceeding SIXTEEN NIMMONS OF DOLLARS ; uhieb annuity i, rerorileil in this &Nee. and ii.. ti,
• .,,,, tratc.ferable only by appearance in permit, or by attorney, nt the proper tiiiire, according, the rub, and form, h ' Led S• LI ''-'i
0 .'9 fur that pu n., c
♦ • •• ... • o• 4i.l. •• ••41',r •• •eA _, .• • • • • . • • • e
^,. t
N- e, , , ,,,.. Nt. IV.t.k.Ak . t: :ire,:ii7r7 M : * '\ \ ":
' --..,7' % '(:-41.C.4144.3,W,V3e(if.A4t4tfrittliVATCV=6174‘0CMCMCM/fVWC,,OV"05C1.,,5!'01C//' ///,///:;"(7/ Y.1% -)4, //X
, 12/1/6r4V - / i/ .17,40(-7;'"&"/"Wifele,/l1;,,-;11, 4.1(V- '7•4:elH //' ./ •-• .
%Am.. $41% Wir, ItzifIlIFMWA"„
February 24, 1815 $5 and $10
(Heritage Auctions)
///:/../lel 0'.
By January, 1817, $8,856,960 of 7 per cent stock had been sold on an
issue of $3,392,994 in small notes; and $69,594 of small notes was still outstand-
ing. 5 Sales continued until 1825, when $25,900 of small notes were converted
to bring the total to $9,070,386.00. The last redemption of 7 per cents was in
1836. In 1880, $32.52 was still outstanding. 6
The circumstances into which the last Treasury Notes and Small
Treasury Notes were issued was the most serious of the entire period. Even
though peace had returned, economic conditions became worse because relaxed
trade demanded a viable currency. The suspension of specie payments through-
out the greater portion of the United States, and the consequent cessation of the
interchange of bank notes and bank credits between institutions of the different
states deprived the treasury of all the facilities for transferring bank credits from
place to place.
Letters in the treasury records tell of the need for small notes. Joseph
Whipple of the Collector's Office for the District of Portsmouth acknowledged
the receipt, on April 4, 1815, of a package of $5 notes directed to the
Commissioner of Loans, and added, "Notes of that denomination would be
peculiarly convenient & useful in this office for making disbursement in small
sums during the present almost entire absence of specie, would bring Notes into
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Sept. 2008
By Fred. Reed
Sept. 1
1781, Continental Congress publishes Table of Currency Scale, Paper Money to Silver;
1903, U.S. ships first small size Philippine peso notes to Manila; 1975, Chile
exchanges 1,000 escudos for one new peso;
Sept. 2
1937, Princeton, KY Tobacco Festival issues wooden nickel flat; 1958, Act of Congress
amends Section 474, Title 18 U.S. Code to provide for limited printing and filming of
U.S. and foreign obligations and securities;
Sept. 3
1866, Treasury Department approves Laban Heath using certain "cuts" for his counter-
feit detectors; 1947, Chicago Coin Club members view film The Story of Money;
Sept. 4
1841, Third Bank of United States closes doors; 1952, Numismatic novelist Laurence
Dwight Smith dies; 1980, NASCA auctions Lyn Knight's obsoletes and ad notes;
Sept. 5
1835, Treasury Secretary John Carlisle born; 1927, Fed Chairman Paul A. Volcker
horn; 1986, Dire Straits "Money for Nothing" wins MTV Music Award;
Sept. 6
1777, U.S. Treasurer Michael Hillegas (FR 1167-1173) appointed; 1893, Plate Printers
Union of America unites 350 plate printers in D.C., Boston, NYC, Philadelphia;
Sept. 7
1945, Special Allied Military yen notes issued for Korea, 1850, San Francisco private
bank of Naglee & Sinton suspends operations in face of bank run;
Sept. 8
1664, Dutch Governor of New Netherlands Peter Stuyvesant, who appears on obso-
letes, surrenders New York to British; 1862, first day of issue for Postage Currency at
New York City, 1865, First National Bank chartered in Oregon tENB Portland #1553);
Sept. 9
1890, Comptroller of Currency orders overprinting of charter in upper right corner
on Series 1882 Brown Back faces; 1864, College currency issuer Harvey Gridley
Eastman patents his school room design; 1953, last delivery Series 1950 $100 FRNs,
Sept. 10
1835, Encased stamp issuer Evansville, IN merchant Henry A. Cook born; 1930,
Smithsonian Institution mounts "Liberty" exhibit; 1943, Abe Kosoff's Numismatic
Gallery sale of Michael F. Higgy Collection ushers in modern numismatic market;
Sept. 11
1850, European songstress Jenny Lind, who appears obsoletes, makes U.S. debut;
1911, keel laid down on USS New York (BB 34), shown on Battleship Note, large size
S2 FRBN; 2001, Stack's postpones auction sale clue to tragic events of that clay;
Sept. 12
1818, Tombeckbe Bank at St. Stephens, Alabama Territory, opens; 2002, BEP resumes
public tours after one day observance of events of 9/11/01;
Sept. 13
1862, Treasury Secretary Chase OKs new sealing and trimming machines; 1982,
Currency Exchange Program computer program by Jacques P. Evans copyrighted;
2004, Princeton University Library names Alan Stahl Curator of Numismatics;
Sept. 14
1923, D.W. Valentine's Fractional Currency book in press; 2001, Robert Hoge
assumes duties as ANS Curator of American Coins & Currency;
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser
of rare American paper
currency ... CALL
Sept. 15
1837, City of Trenton, NJ issues scrip for 12 1/2 -, 15 - , 25 - , and 50 -cents; 1940, mob
crime drama Crooked Money (a.k.a. While Thousands Cheer) debuts;
Sept. 16
1861, British Post Office Savings Bank opens; 1861, New Orleans banks suspend pay-
ments; 1892, Alabama Governor Thomas H. Watts, who appears on state notes, dies;
Sept. 17
1868, Bureau of Engraving and Printing becomes official title for the currency produc-
tion bureau; 1960, Cuba nationalizes U.S. owned banks, 1970, U.S. Treasurer
Dorothy Andrews Elston marries Walter Kabis creating new currency signature;
Sept. 18
1737, Collector and artist Pierre Eugene du Simitiere born; 1879, Philadelphia and
Reading Rail Road Co. issues "Wages Certificates";
Sept. 19
1881, James A. Garfield, who said "whoever controls the volume of money is absolute
master," dies; 1884, Neil Carothers, author of Fractional Money, born;
Sept. 20
1877, Chase National Bank opens in NYC; 1996, European Monetary Institute
receives Euro banknote competition designs;
Sept. 21
1832, Bank of Scotland currency subject poet Sir Walter Scott dies; 1867, Register of
Treasury Stoddard Colby dies; 1974, Virginia curency author Charles J. Affleck dies;
Sept. 22
1789, Office of Postmaster General is established within the Treasury Department;
1983, Regan-Ortega combined tenure begins; 2000, Currency Auctions of America
sells the Michael J. Sullivan Collection of bank histories;
Sept. 23
1852, Artist John Vanderlyn, whose painting Landing of Columbus appears on First
Charter $5 NBN backs, dies; 1956, United States Notes author Wayte Raymond dies,
Sept. 24
1755, Chief Justice John Marshall (FR 372-375) horn; 1924, Inventor Elizabeth Magie
Phillips patents enhanced board game, forerunner of Monopoly;
Sept. 25
1981, Bob Medlar auctions Glen Smedley paper money collection; 2004, Oregon
group circulates "River Hours" scrip in Columbia River gorge area;
Sept. 26
1778, Continental Congress appoints Treasury seal design committee; 1820, Daniel
Boone, who appears IL and KY notes, dies; 1996, U.S. Department of Justice charges
Ponterio & Associates with bid-rigging at Christie's ABNCo archives auction;
Sept. 27
1840, Political cartoonist Thomas Nast, who created "Rag Baby" image for greenback
inflation, horn; 1912, Asst. Treasury Secretary Sherman Allen presents collections of
CSA notes to public libraries;
Sept. 28
1919, Harold Lloyd-Bebe Daniels screen comedy Soft Money debuts; 2000, BEP
awards $25.4 million contract to De La Rue Giori to implement sheetfecl perfecting
offset press technology;
Sept. 29
1547, Author Miguel de Cervantes, honored on a Spanish 100-peseta note, horn;
1946, Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank President Anthony M. Santomero horn;
2004, Canada releases its newlook $20 note;
Sept. 30
1913, End of Napier-Burke combined tenure as Register and Treasurer; 1970,
American Revolution Bicentennial Administration urges Bicentennial hack for pro-
posed New Two; tt•
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Table of duties imposed on goods, wares, and merchandise manufactured within the United States or the Terri-
tories thereof, by the acts of the 18th of January and 27th of February, 1815.
Articles. Rates of duty.
Pig iron, bar iron, rolled or slit iron, per ton,
- - - -
-Castings of iron per ton,
- --
Nails, brads, and sprigs, other than those usually denominated wrought, per pound,
Candles of white wax, or in part of white and other wax, per pound,
Mould candles of tallow, or of wax other than white, or in part of each per pound,
Hats and caps, in whole or in part of leather, wool, or furs; bonnets in whole or in part of
wool or fur, if above,two dollars in value; hats of chip or wood covered with silk or other
materials, or not covered, if above two dollars in value,-
- - -
Uribrellas and parasols, if above the value of two dollars,-
- -
Paper, -- -
-Playing and visiting cards,-
Saddles and bridles, - .. - -
- -
Boots and bootees, exceeding five dollars per pair in value,•
- -
Beer, ale, and porter, - - - - .. - -.
Tobacco manufactured, segars and snuff,
- - - -
Leather, including therein all kinds of skins whether tanned, tamed, dressed, or otherwise
made,- . - - - - - - -
Gold, silver and plated ware, and jewellery and paste work, except timepieces, -
I dollar.
i dollar 50 cents.
1 cent.
5 cents.
3 cents.
S per cent. ad val.
8 per cent. ad val.
3 per cent. ad val.
50 per cent. ad val.
6 per cent. ad val.
5 per cent. ad val.
6 per cent. ad val.
20 per cent. ad val.
5 per cent. ad val.
6 per cent. ad val.
Source: American State Papers,
Finance, Vol. 3, p. 20
circulation as a medium and remove the present objection to those of larger
denomination... ." On June 21, $8,300 of small notes was sent from the U. S.
Loan Office in New Hampshire to Whipple for use in his office. Benjamin
Austin of the Loan Office in Massachusetts asked for $180,000 "of such denomi-
nations as shall be most convenient, but including a portion of those of five and
three dollars." 7
Constant Taber, Navy Agent at Newport, Rhode Island, had several
problems. On September 11 he asked for notes of $3, $5 and $10 "as I cannot
settle with those who have Demand for want of small notes." In October he
asked for $4,000 on a Navy Warrant, ". . . be pleased to send me a part in small
notes. The Brokers purchase tip the small notes fundable at 7 pct. and will not
exchange the larger ones under 2 percent which creates a great deal of difficulty
in paying small debts or making change for large amts." Taber expressed his
frustration on February 8, 1816. "Please send me some small notes as it is more
trouble frequently to make Change to pay small accounts than the Commission
is worth." 8
Lieutenant Lyman Kellogg, paymaster of the U.S. Marines at Sacketts
Harbour, New York, had a different problem in September, 1815. Before a
shipment of Treasury Notes arrived he had to discount a draft at the Bank of
Utica in order to make payments. When the $2,900 arrived, he asked advice on
how to settle the business, and said he would return the notes awaiting advice
and orders. 9
There were cases when specific instructions were sent telling exactly
how the funds were to be received:
Treasure Department
10 April 1815
Your draft of 25,000 Dollars for the Military Academy will [be] paid
by a draft on the New York State Bank of Albany; but you will be pleased to
direct the Paymaster to receive the amount in the notes of that bank, and not
to assign the draft to any Bank ofthe City of New-York, as such an arrange-
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Oct. 2008
By Fred Reed
Oct. 1
1957, First processing of Savings Bonds by computer; 1990, Treasury will no longer
honor checks more than a year old; 2004, ANA closes "Viva la Revolution!" exhibit;
Oct. 2
1814, John Elliott Ward, who appears on Confederate 510 notes, born; 1982, Two
Centuries of American Banking author and Smithsonian curator Vladimir Clain-
Stetanelli dies; 1987, Disneyworld and EPCOT Center introduce scrip notes;
Oct. 3
1776, Continental Congress specifies interest bearing certificates be printed in various
colors to guard against fraud; 1964, Warner Brothers circulates paper "wampum' for
release of James Stewart western Cheyenne Autumn;
Oct. 4
1761, St. Louis banker and colonizer Moses Austin born; 1969, SPMC member and
dealer Mary Herzog born; 2002, ANA debuts "Show me the Money: the Dollar as Art";
Oct. 5
1815, Bank of Pittsburgh issues scrip; 1892, Dalton gang bank spree ends in
Coffeyville, KS; 1999, Roger Ferguson becomes Vice Chairman of the Fed;
Oct. 6
1889, Fractional Currency author Frank Limpert born; 1950, BEP engraver Thomas R.
Hipschen born; :
Oct. 7
1964, Prodution of Series 1963 S20 FRNs with motto "In God We Trust" begins; 1970,
Series 692 MPCs issued; 1978, International Bond & Share Society holds first meeting;
Oct. 8
1967, BEP Director Henry Holtzclaw retires after 50 years total service at the Bureau;
1979, SPMC liquidates Paper Money back issues;
Oct. 9
1781, "Swamp Fox" General Francis Marion, depicted on Confederate $100 note,
receives the thanks of Congress; 1967, James A. Conlon becomes BEP Director;
Oct. 10
1720, French government says "NO" to banknotes; 1867, John Jay Knox becomes
deputy Comptroller of Currency; 1940, Banknote engraver Edwin Gunn dies; 1971,
Banker and SPMC Charter Mempher William A. Philpott dies;
Oct. 11
1809, Explorer Meriwether Lewis (FR 114-122) dies; 1819, Jacob Perkins receives
English patent for anti-counterfeit Stereotype Steel Plate;
Oct. 12
1837, Treasury notes issued under this act first to be printed with back designs; 1859,
SF paper money issuer "Emperor" Norton orders Congress to dissolve;
Oct. 13
1648, Earliest known English check 1862, Treasury contracts with Stuart Gwynn to
supply security paper; 1982, BEP installs first mechanical note examining equipment;
Oct. 14
1837, Richmond's Bank of Virginia begins emission of fractional shinplasters payable
to "Henry Clay or BeareC; 1968, English language Treasury seal replaces Latin seal of
Series 1966 5100 U.S. Notes;
Oct. 15
1936, Barney Bluestone opens Syracuse Coin and Novelty Co.; 1947, Statue of Albert
Gallatin at Treasury Building dedicated; 2003, post-Saddam notes introduced in Iraq;
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser of
rare American paper
currency ... CALL
Oct. 16
1806, Treasury Secretary William Pitt Fessenden (FR 539-548) horn; 1893, Engraver
Robert Ponickau appointed to BEP; 2004, Lyn Knight sells John Whitney's currency;
Oct. 17
1777, English general Burgoyne surrenders to U.S. general Gates (FR 464-464a); 1821,
Photographer Alexander Gardner whose Lincoln portrait was engraved for bond use
Oct. 18
1859, Dealer and Colonial and Continental Currency collector Henry Chapman born;
1862, Pro-Union Missouri government authorizes state Defence Warrants; 1972, Main
Treasury Building declared National Historic Landmark;
Oct. 19
1752, Benjamin Franklin explains kite flying electricity experiment (FR 479-492( to
British scientific community; 1896, Treasury Secretary William Richardson dies;
Oct. 20
1758, New Jersey Colonial Currency (FR NJ119-127); 1837, Pensacola issues munici-
pal scrip; 2002, Publisher Chet Krause dismissed from firm he founded;
Oct. 21
1862, Contractor Butler & Carpenter deliver first Certificate 2e revenue stamps; 1944,
Treasury lifts regulations on currency circulation in Hawaiian Islands;
Oct. 22
1780, Early banknote engraver Peter Maverick born; 2004, R.M. Smythe conducts first
Herb and Martha Schingoethe obsolete note sale at Strasburg;
Oct. 23
1964, Smithsonian Institution's Hall of Monetary History opens; 1993, Thomas
Crawford's statue Columbia (FR 1-5) replaced atop Capitol after restoration; 1999,
SPMC votes publication grant to Robert S. Neale for his book The Bank of Cape Fear;
Oct. 24
1808, Banknote vignette engraver John Sartain born; 1862, Contractor Butler &
Carpenter deliver first Certificate 10c revenue stamps; 1929, Black Thursday begins
the Great Depression; 1979, Oklahoma Obsolete Notes author Maurice Burgett dies;
Oct. 25
1861, Transcontinental telegraph makes possible transfer of bank funds across country
almost instantaneous; 1897, Banknote vignette engraver John Sartain dies; 1960, U.S.
Treasurer H. Theodore Tate dies;
Oct. 26
1831, CSA note collector John Wiley Aulick born; 1981, Treasury resumes selling U.S.
currency in sheets; 1989, Artist and banknote engraver John Hay dies;
Oct. 27
1648, Massachusetts General Court votes to accept wampum strands at set values;
1856, U.S. currency designer Kenyon Cox born; 2003, DaVinci Institute and Forbes
magazine stage the "Future of Money Summit" in Denver;
Oct. 28
1823, Encased stamp issuer William Weir born; 1995, At SPMC Librarian Roger
Durand's suggestion Board votes to have magazine professionally bound by year;
Oct. 29
1616, Sir Walter Raleigh (FR 387-3931 executed by the British Crown for treason;
1892, Tromp l'oeil currency artist William Michael Harnett dies; 1935, French film
The Last Millionaire released in U.S.;
Oct. 30
1820, Banker and collector Herman Ely born; 1826, New York publisher Mahlon Day
patents his bank-note list, counterfeit detector and prices current list;
Oct. 31
1863, PMG Montgomery Blair tells Congress $392,499.82 in stamps used as currency
redeemed/destroyed; 1985, Roger Durand speaks at ANS COAC;
370 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
2 1`,.
, 1 '•
1.4/6- ra A.---ck4 ;
11-4- A La- 4ki"
fr •
Holograph letter A.J. Dallas to Rob.
Brent. (Forrest Daniel collection)
Opposite: Transmittal Form for small
Treasury Notes, dated May 17, 1815.
(Forrest Daniel Collection) Receipt for
countersigned small Treasury Notes,
dated Jun 9, 1815. (Forrest Daniel
meat has been promised by Mr. (Tomplerni ?) When he deposited the money.
I am my respectfully,
Yr abed ser
A. :7. Dallas
Rob. Brent Esq
Paymaster General 10
Even though total revenues were sufficient, funds were often not avail-
able to discharge debts where and when they were required. The money in the
treasury consisted chiefly of bank credits in southern and western banks. In this
situation the relative value of bank notes between states, and different areas of
the same state, differed to a much greater degree than they had when there had
been freer interchange. Discounts ran from seven to 25 per cent. Even the
Treasury Notes were devalued relatively to local currency, in spite of the fact
that the treasury was required to circulate them at par.
Payments in bank paper were generally preferred to government paper,
so when the goverment was unable to procure local currency at reasonable terms
its bills went unpaid. Another difficulty was to make the payments equitable; so
that no one received more or less than he should in relation to similar transac-
tions elsewhere. The orders to the army, mentioned earlier, to make purchases
in each area relative to tax receipts in that area was an attempt to spend the rev-
enues, as nearly as possible, where they were collected.
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 371
THE REGISTER returned the said Notes, coniticrsigned by hint. for the purpose rf bein'
- • –!,.."--,. _
aeposited for safe keening in the Bank this 27 1"--. - Day of ,..--/-2"-7- . 1-44f).
-- - - A .,(//z‘,,, .., 4_'- ',„.e-74-- ' - 4
11 -.3 8 DWG TON,
Oliki,..4f, O$• ,Jost !n• NOURBE, Esq. for safe keeping in the Iron Chest, a Bundle
described as follows:
No. ...C/7
The within Packet contains 'small Treasury Notes The ammo hare been counted by us, and are, all
200.9 Notes of 8 a each — Dolls. /Oa e700
Na.,e0.0' - a No ,feci, a. b. c. 5 signed and countersigned Sealed -with tOfru:e Seal, Witness our Hands this TY
de .
77IE Bundle above mentioned, containing small Treasury Notes, •Ve.
a. b. c. and d. of
delivered by us to
a No.
was this Day
as per his Receipt in the Register's
each3 amounting to Dollars
OFFICE OF Pal" -IND DEPOSIT 6W.118HING 7Y).‘" .c9j.j. ,,, ,. ig / ilk —.
' 4p(V4tOtt.¢0- by JOSEPH NOURSE, i
eepng in the Iron.
iiiiir . described as folio-illy- -
1 .,...) ---- ' ;2e_ ...-/. No.
he witiiiii e contains small TreasuryTh
Notes .7■10..,f, I a i i a 7No .tsoe a. b. c. ST d.
.9.2 4,.., ....------_ . tit ,,e_
4/.7e Notes of ,S-. - 8 sach; Doris.
for safe
.e.-44.----,11—t a , . ■Ci,--nts.
17ze same hare been counted by us, and are all 4
signed Gull countersigned Sealed Trith the
Offi ce Seal. rt itness rntr hands this
Day of 2
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31
$ 165 $ 1,915 $ 2,875
Bank Bath,
Cumberland, 915 2,527 3,744
Narragansett, 55 55 55
Union ,, New -Hampshire, 4,700 17,757 28,420
Kennebec, 25
State Boston, 40,485 326,826.75 422,414.50
,, Saco, 960 1,513 3,185
Merchants' ,, Salem, 155 584 1,357
Roger Williams, 1,170 38,872 38,751
Newport, 50 245 436
New-Haven, 535 535 1,176
Phoenix 0 Hartford, 6,190 25,893 53,792
New-York State Albany, 1,465.; 3,975 3,975
Mechs. and Farmers' do. 825 1,085 1,085
Utica, 2,435 10,305 10,305
" of Manhattan Com. 134,970 815,272 1,003,222
Branch Utica, 825 7,900 7,900
Pennsylvania, 166,940 196,717 200,698
Corn. & Farmers' ,, Baltimore, 1,000 4,285 36,695
Columbia, 200 3,090 6, 325
Dollars 364,040 1,459,351 75 1,789,435.50
Thomas Tudor Tucker's 1816 listing of
Small Treasury Note deposits.
In 1816 the treasury was compelled to accept local currency in payment
of duties and taxes; it was that or abandon hope of collecting the dues in any
convertible medium. The bank notes were received and paid at par by consent
so long as a bank would receive deposits and credit them to the treasury at par.
Discounted notes were received by the banks only as a special deposit for safe-
keeping -- a fund upon which the treasury could only occasionally draw.
In areas where discounted notes were available, the tax collector was
sure to get the most depreciated of the lot. This was especially the case where
some of the banks were preparing to resume specie payment; those banks had
greatly reduced their circulation so there was not enough good paper available
to cover all necessary transactions.
For some months after the war the treasury was short of local currency
everywhere in the country except the District of Columbia and Baltimore.
Collection of revenue later made local currency available in Philadelphia and
still later at New York. Public funds were also accumulating in southern and
western states but, as stated, it was not always available in the localities where it
was needed. The treasury was forced to the choice of leaving the revenue in the
hands of the local collectors or opening accounts in many more banks. The lat-
ter option was chosen and government money was spread among ninety-four
banks from Maine to Louisiana. Because of the differences in value of the many
local currencies and the minute calculations involved, the treasury was required
to carry four separate accounts in each bank:
An account of cash, meaning (in the absence of coin) the local currency;
An account of special deposits of bank notes issued by banks other than
the depository;
An account of special deposits of Treasury Notes bearing interest;
An account of deposits of Small Treasury Notes not bearing interest.
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 373
That policy was the final result produced by the treasury circular of
November 25, 1814. 11
The Treasurer's reports of Thomas Tudor Tucker in 1816 list banks
holding treasury deposits during the last three quarters of 1815; more than
eighty of those banks are named. Since Small Treasury Notes are listed sepa-
rately from the other deposits, a tabulation is included in the chart opposite. 12
It will be noted that banks holding deposits of Small Treasury Notes
were concentrated in the Northeast. That was the area of their principal use.
Banks in New England were forbidden by their charters to suspend specie pay-
ment under a penalty of 12 per cent a year, consequently they did not overex-
tend their emission of bank notes. In fact, they restricted bank issues to a point
where the banks accumulated vast reserves of specie, leaving Treasury Notes
and notes of the Bank of New York as the principal circulating medium.
Revenue from the area was collected almost exclusively in Treasury Notes.
Uses of the Small Notes
The Treasury Notes of denominations less than $100 and not bearing
interest were a distinct type. They were smaller both in size and value, and
accounting for them had to be kept separate from the earlier Treasury Notes.
In a memorandum dated March 13, 1815, Secretary Dallas specifically designat-
ed that they "be called Small Treasury Notes," and prescribed the ways in which
they were to be prepared and issued.
The notes were printed and signed in Philadelphia and sent to Jonathan
Smith, cashier of the Bank of Pennsylvania, the agent there, and then to the
Register of the Treasury for his countersignature. The notes were to be held by
the register until being disposed of by order of the secretary of the treasury;
while in the keeping of the register they were to be deposited in the bank in
bundle, and not as money. The register was instructed to "Get a large strong
trunk with a good lock and key and padlock for the purpose of depositing the
notes for Countersignature in Bank (until you can get an iron chest) ." 13
Whenever the Small Treasury Notes should be received by banks,
either as original deposits, from circulation or deposits of loan commissioners,
they were to be kept in separate accounts, and all drafts of the treasurer payable
in Small Treasury Notes were to have that fact expressed on the face of the
drafts. The balance of the memorandum was instructions for the accounting for
the notes by the loan offices and regulations for funding the notes; the principal
jist being to keep the accounts separate. 14
In his reports for 1815 and 1816 the secretary listed the principal uses
of the Small Treasury Notes, stating that the first use was generally limited to
cases of peculiar urgency. In 1815 he named the disbursing agents and listed
amounts totaling $1,465,069 for payment of the army preparatory to its reduc-
tion, $1,203,100 for payment of dividends on the public debt where local cur-
rency could not be obtained, and $109,681 for miscellaneous claims; plus of
course, the amount sold for a premium. 15 In 1816 the principal uses were pay-
ments on account of the funded debt and compensation for members of
Congress. Forty-six warrants authorizing the latter payments are in one set of
records in the National Archives.
As a medium of exchange the Small Treasury Notes were an almost
complete failure. A treasury notice on June 15, 1815, (less than three months
after the date on the small notes) stated that arrangements were being made to
establish a circulating medium throughout the nation, since it was clear that
Treasury Notes fundable at 7 per cent could not be used for that purpose. 16
The method forseen was the establishment of another Bank of the United States
to issue a uniform currency.
Several financiers, including David Parish, Stephen Girard and John
374 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Jacob Astor, floated a plan to raise money in Europe, but felt that proposal
would best be successful if the loan could be based on a new national bank; an
impossibility at the time. Meanwhile the govenment limped along. In early
1814 citizens of New York and Pennsylvania petitioned Congress to establish a
national bank. The suggestion was received favorably from such leaders as John
C. Calhoun of South Carolina, but strict constructionist John W. Eppes of
Virginia blocked any action in the House of Representatives. 17
The unsettled conditions continued and discussion of the necessity for a
bank went on confidentially in fiancial and governmental circles while Secretary
Campbell drifted along broken in health and spirit.
In the fall of 1814 newly appointed Treasury Secretary Alexander
Dallas proposed doubling taxes on carriages, liquor, auction sales and postage
among other items. He said the issuance of more Treasury Notes might afford
some relief "under favorable circumstances and to a limited extent." He insist-
ed, however, the notes were "an expensive and precarious substitute either for
coin or for bank notes, charged as they were with a growing interest, productive
of no countervailing profit or emolument, and exposed to every breath of popu-
lar prejudice or alarm." 18
Secretary Dallas proposed another modified plan for a national bank
that was similar to the Bank of the United States but with more government
participation in the management. His energetic promotion of the proposal
gained broad suppport and passed in the Senate; but the House of
Representatives rewrote the bill to such an extent that Dallas advised the
President to veto the measure. He did. 19
Repaying the Treasury Notes
In June, 1815, the currency was in a very disordered state, but the war
was over and revenue from the direct tax was coming in. The most pressing
obligation was the floating debt of the Treasury Notes. Payments had been
deferred in Boston in 1814 for want of local money, and that condition reached
other districts later. A schedule for payment was set up for the several districts
on June 15, and available funds were assigned to the loan offices to pay the past-
due notes. 20 In Philadelphia payments of Treasury Notes were delinquent
from November 21, 1814. Payment was set to begin on August 1, 1815, with
interest to cease on that date.
At Savannah, Georgia, $286,000 of notes were delinquent from April 1
and May 1, 1815, 21 and payment was to begin on September 1, with interest
ending that day. In preparation for that event Treasury Secretary A. J. Dallas
on August 7 requested that $300,000 in Small Treasury Notes be sent to James
Marshall, cashier of the Planters Bank of Savannah, to be deposited in a special
account. "They are intended to be employed for paying off, on the 1st. of
September next, the Treasury Notes bearing interest, if other means for effect-
ing that payment should fail." The notes were to be shipped in care of the
Collector of Customs at Savannah. A note on the bottom of the letter indicates
the $300,000 was sent on August 14. In another letter the same day (August 7)
Dallas asked that $210,800 be placed in the bank in Savannah; a computation at
the foot of that letter indicated that amount for Savannah and $149,668 for
Augusta, for a total of $360,468. On August 9 Dallas authorized the $149,668
to be sent to Augusta. The final amounts were sent on August 14. Payment of
delinquent Treasury Notes in Georgia was set to be made. 22
But settlement did not come easily. R. Habersham, Collector of the
Loan Office in Savannah, was unable to pay off the past due notes because the
banks which held the bulk of them refused payment in $5 Treasury Notes. The
state of finances is illustrated by the following letter:
<1 I ;',21 _:V I
.'?.LETO TriE
E... PER ON 6: J
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Bringing the World's Greatest Notes Together
PMG announces the launch of our new Notes Registry,
exclusively for collectors of PMG-graded notes.
The PMG Registry combines the world's greatest notes with the
world's greatest collectors, and is a proud part of our continued
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With the PMG Registry, you can track inventory, build sets
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can also arrange unique Signature Sets based on your own creative
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Join the
community„w„. —ctor,.so,,eq co„
P.O. Box 4755 I Sarasota, FL 34230 877-PMG-5570 (764-5570) I
An Independent Member of the Certified Collectibles Group
171 n wr-ri-urr 110E, 711
.11..C..20 U 11,1 eixt AL XdolV
JULY 29th, 1815.
IT being desirable to cancel and take out of the way such Treasury Notes, the
property of the United States, as cannot be again put in circulation, I beg leave to request, that, ('or
effecting this object, you will transmit to the Treasurer such Treasury Notes, now deposited in your
institution to his special credit, as have fallen due, with the exception of those payable at New-York or
The Notes ought to be accompanied by a schedule or descriptive list, with the interest computed
and entered in it, to the time when it ceased to be payable. The charge in the Treasurer's account will
be for the whole amount of principal and interest of the notes ; and as this will always be a sum as much
larger than that for which tko_ba.a. origintrity gave credit to the' Erce3urer, when the A.m.. were dipo
as the amount of interest which accrued on the Notes while they were in possession of the bank, it wilt be
necessary that this difference should be placed to the credit of the Treasurer in his account with the bank,
RC CO mush rocolve for
inte est deposit ,
on Treasury Notes.
It will conduce to the convenience of the Treasurer, and probably to that of the bank also, if the Notes
be arranged in the schedule in such way, that all those payable at the same place, be entered together ; that
those reimbursable at the earliest day, and of the lowest numbers, be first entered, and those with higher
numbers and subsequently reimbursable, be made to follow in regular succession.
If Treasury Notes should hereafter accumulate in the bank, it will be proper that they should, in like
manner, on the first day of every month, or of every quarter, be transmitted to the Treasurer, observing
that such only are to be transmitted as have fallen due, and on which interest has ceased to be payable.
For your information I annex a note of the time or times when interest ceases to be payable on Treasury
Notes now in circulation, in pursuance of the 7th section of the act of Congress of the 3d of March last,.
to authorise a loan for a sum not exceeding 18,45:2,800 dollars," and of the public notifications from this
department, founded thereon, of the 15th and 23d of June last.
I am, respectfully, Sir,
Your obedient servant,
The Cashier of the
)3 ei4-...G.-;?3
Secretary of the Treasury.
On Treasury Notes reimbursable at
BOSTON OR New-Youx, the interest will continue until funds shall hereafter be assigned for their
reimbursement, and public notice thereof given by the Secretary of the Treasury.
On Treasury Notes reimbursable at
PHILADELPHIA, before the 1st of August, 1815, the interest ceases on the 1st of August, 1815. If
reimbursable on or after the 1st of duglist, 1815, the interest ceases on the day when
On Treasury Notes reimbursable at
ORE OR WASHINGTON, before the 1st day of , 1815, the interest ceases on the 1st day of July,
1815. If reimbursable on or after the tat of July, 1815, the interest ceases on the day
when reimbursable.
On Treasury Notes reimbursable at
R1CIMOND on CHARLESTON, the interest ceases on the day when reimbursable.
On Treasury Notes reimbursable at
SAN-A N All, the interest ceases on the 1st day of September, 1815.
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
July 29, 1815, letter from Treasury
Secretary A.J. Dallas to a banker.
(Heritage Auctions)
Loan Office Georgia
Savannah, Sept 1st. 1815
Secretary of Treasury
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 21st Ulto--and also
one of the same date from the Treasurer enclosing a draft on the Planters
Bank, for three hundred thousand dollars, for the reimbursement of the
Treasury notes which became due on the 1st of April & 1st of May last, on
presenting the check at the Bank, the cashier informed me, that the directors
had declined granting the loan on which this draft is predicated; I then in con-
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Memphis in June—Ribs, Radars
& Really Good Times!
_Unternational Paper Money Show in Memphis would
fare this year, with all the ups and mostly downs of the
economy, high gas prices, etc. I was concerned about how
much disposable income some people would have for the
hobby. But, as usual, I did not have a lot to be worried
about. Once again, Memphis was a great show. Foot traf-
fic did seem to be down and most dealers said while it was a
good show for them, it was not a great show. But, it was
still Memphis and that is all that needs to be said.
Congratulations and thanks to Mike Crabb and the
Memphis Coin Club for once again doing a fantastic job. I
did not notice many of the usual dealers absent; except for
those we lost this year and saw a number of new faces.
Paper money in all types seemed to be out in abundance,
with a lot of it TPG'd. Also as usual, exhibit chairman
Martin Delger did a great job and there seemed to be as
many and maybe more exhibits this year. They were fan-
tastic and very intriguing. The best in show exhibit placed
by Jerry Fochtman on Laban Heath's Microscopes was
very well done and what a good exhibit should do in my
opinion—be full of educational facts along with items to
show. I also loved the exhibit on the baby bonds. To see
pictures of the baby and other association items was a true
pleasure. Great job and kudos to all the exhibitors.
The annual Tom Bain Raffle was great, but the break-
fast before was certainly lacking. For that, I apologize and
want to let you know that we are working on something
different for next year. More to come. At the breakfast, we
made two very deserving awards, the founders' award to
Gene Hessler (also this years' ANA Farran Zerbe award
winner) and the Nathan Gold award (lifetime achievement
award) to Austin Sheheen. Congratulations and thank you
to these two true gentlemen for all they have done for the
Society. So, even on gloomy projections for a less than
stellar show, Memphis held true to its legend and present-
ed us with a great time and show once again!
I would like to take a moment to remember a great
man and supporter of the SPMC. Former governor and
President Roy Pennell, Jr passed away a few weeks before
the show. Roy will be missed and remembered very fondly.
$$ money mart
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15rT per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis.
Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
YOUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Money.
You could advertise your duplictes inexpensively, or advertise your Want
List for only $20.50 for three lines for an entire year. Don't wait. (PM)
INTERESTED IN BUYING MISMATCHED serial number notes--with 2 or
more numbers mismatched. Also, any information about mismatched serial
numbers of this type is appreciated. Kevin Lonergan, Box 4234, Hamden, CT
06514 (262)
Wanted: Pre-1900 Notes from Liberia, Africa. Please email to or write Michael S. Jones, PO Box 380129, Murdock, FL
33938-0129 (262)
Histories and other publications! Offer what you have; send your "Want
List." Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 (PROUD SPM-
CLM69) (258)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks,
CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of Abraham
Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 118162,
Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (258)
became Editor back to 1960s & 1970s. I bought these filling sets. Fill your
needs now. E-mail me & I'll sell you what I got! (258)
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with descrip-
tion (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142 (258)
mail or write to: or Don Latino, 1405 Cape St.,
Cast Lee, MA 01238 (256)
Charter #10295. Neil Schrader, 3320 Minglewoocl Dr., Beaumont, TX
77703-2734 (256)
Take Note:
SPMC now accepts commercial Money Mart ads
Sell your duplicates; advertise your wants
Best paper market place anywhere
Annual rates begin at only $20.50
As you can see; we have space for YOU
Contact the Editor:
378 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
for mitt' with your letter required Small Treasury Notes fundable at seven per
cent for the amount, which were handed me by the Cashier. The Planters
Bank objected to receive Small Treasury notes, in payment and informed me
that a letter had been addressed to you by the President of the Bank, offering to
receive a new issue of Treasury notes bearing interest. The Agent of the Bank
of Augusta, also refused to receive the Small Treasury Notes, Stating that his
directions were to receive nothing in payment but specie or the Notes of the
Bank of Augusta, and gave me to understand that had payment been offered
in a check on the Planters Bank it would not have been accepted. Under the
circumstances I must wait your further instructions, in the mean-time the
Small Treasury Notes are lodged in the Planters Bank for Safe Keeping.
The Honorable I have the Honor to be Sir
A. 3. Dallas With Great Respect Your
Obt Sera R. H. [Haber sham] 23
On the second of September both the Planters Bank and the Bank of
Augusta refused to receive Small Treasury Notes fundable at 7 per cent for the
Treasury Notes they held. The president of the Bank of Augusta asked for
Treasury Notes of a type the Collector could not supply. The banker was under
the impression the notes bore interest before they were funded into stock. 24
Habersham wrote to the secretary of the treasury for instructions. On October
6 the $300,000 of Small Treasury Notes contained in six packages of $50,000
each were returned to the Treasurer of the United States. One package was
opened for inspection. 25
Treasury Notes were delinquent only from April 1 at Washington, and
payment was to begin immediately with interest ceasing on July 1. Thereafter
all Treasury Notes payable at Washington were to be paid punctually, with
interest ceasing the day they became payable.
At Baltimore the notes were due only from June 1, and became payable
immediately; with others to be paid as they came due. 26
Current money was still not available at Boston and New York where
notes were due from November 1 and December 1, 1814, to date, respectively.
Holders were offered alternatives: They might subscribe to the $12,000,000
loan with $95 principal and interest in Treasury Notes bringing $100 of 6 per
cent stock; or they might receive drafts on Philadelphia or Baltimore, where
money was available for their claims; or they might exchange their old notes for
the new Treasury Notes which were fundable at 6 per cent. From September
30 to early December more than $2 million was retired under this plan. 27
With payment of the Treasury Notes arranged for, the government put
pressure on the banks to honor their own notes. After August 1, all the
receivers of public funds were forbidden to accept bank notes of any bank which
did not, on demand, pay its own notes in gold and silver, and at the same time
refused to receive, credit, re-issue and circulate U. S. Treasury Notes in the
same manner as cash or its own bank notes.
Funds for redeeming Treasury Notes in New York were slow in com-
ing, but they did accumulate. A treasury notice dated August 22, 1816, said that
the notes which had become due in 1814 would be paid on October 1, and those
which had fallen clue in the first six months of 1815 were to be paid on
November 1, and interest would cease on those dates. Money continued to
accumulate in New York and on November 25 notice was given that the notes
which were due and not covered in the August notice would be paid at any time
before January 1, 1817, at which time interest would cease. 28
In 1816 an inquiry was sent to the Savannah Loan Office to determine
the amount of Treasury Notes to fall due there on September 1, preparatory to
payment, and how payment would be received. The secretary was informed, on
August 22, that the Planters Bank held about $190,000 and expected payment in
4.111. ■•••••■ 4.41.441141.4.4.
U 0L1471.
47v Commissioner.
-tnii0e0 SEVEN PER CENT. STOCK OF 1815.
Stale of C) l ii iLi (0
1st k;
3tI 4) tclto Wit, THAT there is due from the United States of amerien. unto
e /
or , assigns, the sum of 4:,?-// /14' C./(:1--
. ,
hearing interest at Seven per Centum per Annum, from the CI, 'day of . ‘. • • , inclusively, payable
quarter-yearly; being stock created in pursuance of no art of Congress, passed on the twenty-fourth day of February, 1810,
entitled "An art to authorize the issuingof Tf/E.ISUll 1' AVMS for the service unite year one thousand eight hundred
andfifteen;'' the principal of which stock is reimbursable at the pleasure ofthe United States, at any time after the last day
of December, in the year 18.111: which debt isrecorded in this office. and is transferable only by appearance in person, orby
attorney, at the proper office, according to the rules and forms instituted for that purpose.
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 379
local currency. It was expected that by the due date deposits at the Planters
Bank would be sufficient to cover payment to that bank. An answer had not yet
been received from the Bank of Augusta. 29 Payment was delayed until
December 6 when funds became available to pay all of the notes and notice was
given that the Treasury Notes would be paid. Interest on all of the notes ceased
on January 1, 1817. 30
Notes dated from November 1, 1814, to March 11, 1816, totaling
$1,550,300 were still unpaid on the books in Boston on February 5, 1817. The
report stated that $406,000 of the $500,000 due on November 1, 1814, had
been paid. However there was no record of the amount of Treasury Notes
which had been funded into stocks or paid in for taxes, and Joseph Nourse, reg-
ister of the treasury, added a note that "it is presumed only a small part thereof
remains unpaid." 31 There is no record why the duplicate certificates required
to be made when the notes were paid were not filed at Boston.
The Treasury Notes were retired as fast as possible in 1816, with any
re-issue made only in cases of emergency. The necessity for their use had
passed and on March 3, 1817, Congress approved an act repealing the power of
the president to borrow money on the credit of the United states, or to prepare
and issue Treasury Notes. The authority to reissue notes when received by the
treasury was also revoked, and all notes received by the United States for any
purpose were to be canceled and destroyed under such regulations and securi-
ties as the commissioners of the sinking fund and the president should establish.
Specie payment was nominally resumed in 1817, but inflation and mis-
management of the new Bank of the United States kept finances in turmoil and
specie payment was again suspended in 1819.
In his history of the state of finances dated December 5, 1817, the sec-
retary of the treasury stated that he thought any outstanding Treasury Notes,
which had not been lost or destroyed, would be converted into funded debt
rather than be paid into the treasury for duties or taxes since the stocks were
considerably above par. The notes were redeemed, in one way or another, over
a period of years. 32
Funded Seven Per Cent Stock certifi-
cate, dated January 27, 1816. (ex-John
J. Ford Collection, courtesy Stack's)
380 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
The amounts of Treasury Notes outstanding appear in the annual
reports of the state of finances presented to Congress by the treasury depart-
ment. The dates for the totals listed is usually about September 30, and the
amounts are usually listed "by estimate:"
1817 1818 1819 1820 1821
Small Treasury Notes $ 69,594 $ 45,946 $ 10,961 $ 4,096 $ 3,075
Other Notes 566,369 251,560 170 860 23.560 25 , 420
$635,963 $297,506 $181,821 $27,656 $28,495
The increase in the amount in 1821 resulted from correction of the
amounts in the Branch at Washington and the Union Bank of New Hampshire,
the difference being from interest being short estimated. 33
At this point the notes are practically eliminated from the records. An
Act relating to Treasury Notes approved May 3, 1822, reads: Be it enacted,
"that, from and after the passage of this act, no treasury note shall be received
in payment on the account of the United States, or paid, or funded, except at
the treasury of the United States." 34
Numismatics of the Small Notes
The Treasury Notes and Small Treasury Notes were printed in
Philadelphia by Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co., America's pioneer bank note
company. After printing, the notes were delivered to Jonathan Smith, cashier
of the Bank of Pennsylvania, who had been appointed by the secretary of the
treasury to prepare them for countersignature. That consisted of having them
signed and numbered by several clerks under his supervision. The names of
Samuel Clarke, Edward Fox, J. W. McNear and C. C. Biddle appear on notes
After preparation in Philadelphia the notes were sent by mail to Joseph
Nourse, register of the treasury in Washington for his countersignature. The
countersignatures were attested by Michael Nourse and William Mackay of the
office of pay and deposit, and the notes were bundled and turned over to
Richard Smith "for safe keeping in the Iron Chest," until they should be
issued. 35
Early shipments were made in bundles of 300 sheets of four notes let-
tered abed to indicate the position of each note on the sheet. The first ship-
ment arrived March 18, 1815; it consisted of $6,000 worth of $5 notes. The
last of the 10,000 sheets of $5 notes were received in Washington on May 4.
The first parcel of $10s was received March 24, and the last of the $10s on April
The first 500 sheets of $50s, abed were recorded on April 19; and the
last of the first 10,000 sheets on June 1. The first 1,000 sheets of $3 notes were
entered on May 15, and the last on June 9. The first 500 sheets of $20 Small
Treasury Notes were recorded on May 10, and the last of the first 10,000 on
June 20. 36 A shipment of 300 sheets of $10s was sent from Philadelphia on
March 28; the receipt was signed in Washington on March 30 and bore this
The last packet came much injured from the rain. The packets were
thrown in with the newspapers. Should they not he in with the letter mail? I
hope I shall be able to keep them, without sending them back to be canceled,
and others issued in their place. If they are continued to be sent with the
Newspapers I would recommend, a parchment cover and done up to prevent
the water injuring them. J. Nourse. 37
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 381
The notes were acceptable, countersigned and placed in bundle No. 11
and deposited with Richard Smith for safekeeping.
While shipments of countersigned notes for circulation were usually
sent in care of collectors of customs as noted earlier, some shipments were sent
by mail; at least to the distress of Henry S. Langdon, navy agent at Portsmouth,
New Hampshire. On October 10, 1815, he asked for some notes under $20 to
make change in paying off the rolls, and added, "I have also to request you
would cover the remittance to me franked as the Post Master here refuses to
receive the postage in notes but demands specie with which I am not furnished
by the Government." 38
Register Nourse must have been away from his office on April 17, 1815,
because on that day $10 Treasury Notes Nos. 3601 to 3900, a b c d, were sent
to Thomas Tudor Tucker, treasurer, for countersignature. 39
Apparently two panes of notes lettered abed were printed on each
sheet of paper; and it appears they were cut apart in Washington because a post-
script on a letter dated May 18 transmitting a shipment of $20 notes to the reg-
ister reads: "P. S. Enclosed are two half sheets of Treasury Notes signed by
Messrs. Clarke & Fox -- No. 5631 letters a b c & d, has 50 dolls. each. No.
1788 letters a b c & d 20 dollars each, which was recd in yours of the 16th inst. 40
Those notes had been shipped from Philadelphia unsigned and were returned
for official signatures. From that time on several sheets were returned for Fox's
signature and one for Mr. Clarke's. At least one $100 note got past the inspec-
tors because on December 14, Amos Binney, navy agent at Boston, returned
No. 4827a to Joseph Nourse for endorsement. 41
By June 20, 10,000 sheets a b c d of each of the five denominations of
Small Treasury Notes had been printed, for a total of $3,520,000. Of that
amount, $2,320,400 had been countersigned.
No additional small notes were printed until January, 1816, when 6,500
sheets a b c d of $20s and 3,100 sheets a b c d of $50s were printed to meet
increased needs. The final shipment of Small Treasury Notes was received in
Washington on March 1, 1816. That brought the total to $4,660,000 of small
notes printed, but of that amount only $3,392,994 was issued for circulation.
The schedule follows:
Received Unissued Issued Total
of $ 3 40,000 25,132 14,868 @ 3 $ 44,606
5 40,000 11,825 27,176 @ 5 140,880
10 40,000 3,189 36,811 @ 10 368,110
20 66,000 44,000 22,000 @ 20 440,000
50 52,400 4 , 412 47,988 @ 50 2,399,400
238,400 88,557 149,843 $3,392,994
The balance of $1,267,007 was canceled and returned to the treasury. 42
A curious situation occurs in the $10 denomination of the Small
Treasury Notes: There are two types but they are not differentiated in the let-
ters of transmittal from Jonathan Smith in Philadelphia, or in the receipts in
Washington. Type I $10 notes (like all the $5s) carry the legend, "Receivable
everywhere by the United States in payment of duties taxes and public lands," in
the panel at the right end of the note, and carry the letters a b c and d. On the
Type II notes the text in the right panel has been replaced with a reverse logo-
type "TEN DOLLARS" like the one on the left panel, and the position letters
are advanced to e f g and h.
Just when the change occurred has not been determined; but the first
shipment of $10s was on March 24 and the last on April 29. The $50 notes
which do not have the public lands text were first released on April 19. All let-
ters of transmittal, receipts and tabulations found give the letters a b c and d for
382 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Small Treasury Notes of all denominations; therefore the date of the design
change is not recorded. No correspondence with the printer has been located.
The $5 Small Treasury Notes were the first to be prepared under the
new law and the receivability statement was retained from the force of usage.
It is likely the statement was not removed from the $5s because it was incorpo-
rated into the heading design. The change on the $10s was made soon after
the plate was engraved; the alteration required a new printing plate and custom
called for new position letters on that plate. The $3, $20 and $50 notes do not
have the phrase; their plates were engraved after the decision was made to
eliminate the receivability statement.
The text, "Receivable everywhere by the United States in payment of
duties taxes & public lands," also appears on all $20 and $100 Treasury Notes
through 1814. That statement gave some redemption quality to the notes that
the old Continental Currency had not possed, and with which they had been
compared. It also made the $20 and $100 notes more nearly currency than just
interest-bearing bonds. While notes issued under the Act of February 24,
1815, were receivable for public dues, they were fundable into government
stocks and had little likelihood of being turned in at face value for public lands.
It is impossible to tell, from the records at hand, whether or not the
receivability of Treasury Notes for public lands increased the sales of those
lands. But some trends of sale can be cited. Sales of public lands in 1805 and
1806 topped $1,000,000 each year. Perhaps because of the economic slump
caused by the embargo of 1807, sales that year fell below $589,000 and contin-
ued to fall to about $421,000 in 1809-10. In 1814 public land sales topped
$1.74 million, and reached more than $4,768,000 in 1817. Those are nominal
prices, not actual receipts or the allowances for land reverted, but it does show
a great increase in land sales after the introduction of Treasury Notes. 43 It is
possible an examination of land office records would have some indication of
the types of currency used for those purchases and a definite relationship estab-
After Word
This study of the finances of the War of 1812 concentrates on the
Small Treasury Notes and Treasury Notes rather than the loans and taxes
because the notes were a novel expedient. Loans and taxes are tried and true
methods of raising funds for governments; Congress and the people had a fear
of paper money. The notes were made to bear interest and were not a legal
tender -- both qualities which restrict circulation; the first because the value
rises the longer the note is held and the second because no one is obligated to
receive it.
The United States had no reserve of specie to redeem the notes and
Congress enacted no special levies to repay them when they fell due. They
were worth only the value people placed on them. In New England, where the
banks held large amounts of gold and silver, Treasury Notes were at premium.
Specie was at such a high premium, Treasury Notes could be bought at a small
advance and used to pay taxes at an actual discount from coin. In the South
and West Treasury Notes were discounted because there was little surplus
specie and fewer debts to the government. Local currency was demanded in
payment rather than Treasury Notes; and the government, too, was forced to
pay in local bank notes, or interest-bearing notes, while accepting depreciated
bank notes in payment.
Anecdotal material has been presented to explain more graphically the
problems faced by both the government and the people when there was no
viable, and reliable, money supply common to all the nation. The period of the
War of 1812 was only one of several emergency periods caused by war or eco-
nomic stress during which the treasury had to resort to Treasury Notes to pay
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 383
its immediate needs. The Civil War finally brought the federal government
into the business of providing a national circulating medium of paper money.
Interest-bearing notes were issued as late as 1865 and 1879. Some United
States currency was discounted until 1879, when specie payment was resumed
after the Civil War.
Many of the currency problems faced in 1815 and 1816 have been
repeated, and some are reflected in modern monetary policy. The Small
Treasury Notes were very much like present day currency: they were not con-
vertible into money (gold or silver), bore no interest and were receivable in
payment of taxes and clues to the government. The same is true of all current
United States circulating paper money; but modern currency has one property
feared by Congress in 1815 -- legal tender status. Creditors, then, were not
required by law to receive Small Treasury Notes. Another fear of Congress,
that unfunded notes would depreciate in value, was confirmed in 1963 when
convertibility of modern notes was revoked. The 19th century Congress fore-
stalled depreciation of its pioneer experiment in paper money -- the Small
Treasury Notes were retired as rapidly as possible.
Notes to Part V
1. Seybert, pp. 752, 753.
2. Bayley, p. 135.
3. Knox, p. 37. American State Papers, p. 11.
4. Microcopy 235, Roll 249, frames 774, 775.
5. Seybert, pp. 752, 753, 747.
6. Bayley, p. 132.
7. Microcopy 235, Roll 249, frames 78, 82, 88.
8. Ibid., frames 106, 148, 256.
9. Ibid., frame 108.
10. A. J. Dallas, ms. letter to Rob. Brent, April 10, 1815, document in Forrest
Daniel collection.
11. Annals, 14th Cong., 2nd Sess., 1816-1817, pp. 1138-1143.
12. Thomas Tudor Tucker, Treasurer of the United States, Letter
Transmitting His Accounts for 1816 (Washington, William A. Davis, 1817),
pp. 23, 26, 27, 56, 78.
13. Microcopy 235, Roll 249, frame 39.
14. Ibid., frames 58, 59.
15. Annals, 14th Cong., 1st Sess., 1815-1816, p. 1624.
16. American State Papers, p. 9.
17. Raymond Walters, Jr., Alexander James Dallas (Philadelphia, 1943), p. 184.
18. Ibid., pp. 190, 191.
19. Idid., p. 195.
20. Finance, Vol. 3, p. 29.
21. Ibid., p. 81.
22. Microcopy 235, Roll 249, frames 783, 786, 788.
23. Letter Book, U. S. Loan Office, Savannah, Ga., 2810-1817, Vol. 1304,
National Archives.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. Finance, Vol. 3, p. 29.
27. Ibid. p. 12.
28. Ibid., p. 179.
29. Letter Book, op. cit.
30. Finance, Vol. 3, p. 180.
31. Ibid.
32. American State Papers, p. 222.
Recruiter ##s
Jason Bradford - PCGS 149
"Nathan Goldstein Recruitment Award Winner"
SPMC Website 58
Tom Denly 19
Paper Money Values ad
Frank Clark
Judith Murphy 09
Rob Kravitz 07
Wendell Wolka 07
Lowell Horwedel
Robert Moon 02
Greg Culpepper 01
Allen Mincho 01
Michael Moczalla 01
Bob Schreiner 01
This number includes new members, reinstatements, and
people who originally join
as life members.
Paul Burns
Q. David Bowers
Torn Denly
American Numismatic Rarities
Bryn Korn
Larry Adams
Rob Kravitz
Andrew Korn
Lowell Horwedel
Fred Reed
Robert S. Neale
Robert Moon
Lowell Horwedel
Frank Clark
Scott Lindquist
Bob Cochran
Greg Culpepper
Ron Horstman
Jason Bradford
Arri Jacob
Jack Levi
Benny Bolin
Judith Murphy
Allen Mincho
David W. Moore
Wendell Wolka
Mark Anderson
D. Schafluetzel
John Wilson
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 1 1 7060
Carrollton, TX 75011
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 06/02/2008
These memberships expire 12/31/2008
12612 Bob Martin (C), Paper Money Values
12613 Robert Blumin C), Paper Money Values
12614 Marshall Phillips, 6 Rebecca's Lane, Thornton,
PA 19373 (C, Fractional, $2 Notes), Website
12615 Steve Pearson (C), Rob Kravitz
12616 Anil Bohora, Bohora House, Gangapur Road,
Nashik, MH 422002 India (C, World, British India,
Polymer, Non-Paper Bank Notes), Website
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 07/05/2008
These memberships expire 12/31/2008
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
12648 Carson Miller (C). Jason Bradford
12649 Kert Phillips (C), Jason Bradford
12650 Harold Skripsky (C), Jason Bradford
12651 Michael Stroscio (C), Jason Bradford
12652 Robert Tharpe (C), Jason Bradford
12653 Trade Mart Coins (D), Jason Bradford
12654 Joseph Muskus (C), Jason Bradford
12655 Troy Snelling (C), Jason Bradford
12656 Dean Stull (C), Jason Bradford
12657 Lynn Thompson (C), Jason Bradford
12658 Stephen Trzcinski (C), Jason Bradford
12659 William Voss (C), Jason Bradford
12660 John Wilkey (C), Jason Bradford
12661 Thomas Pariseau (C), Allen Mincho
10028 W. McNair Tornow (C), Frank Clark
7165 Michael Niebruegge (C), Frank Clark
LM384 William A. Moon, PO Box 1021, Goldsboro, NC
27533-1021 (C, $2s), Tom Denly
From June 16, 2007 - June 8, 2008
12617 Jim Ingersoll (C), Tom Denly
12618 Robert Ueckert (C), Paper Money Values
12619 Tom Cestaro, 36 West 47th St #901, New York,
NY 10036 (C & D, US Small), Wendell Wolka
12620 Brian Lee (C), BNR
12621 Maxwell Korku Semey, PO Box MP1294,
Mamprobi, Accra, Ghana (D), Frank Clark
12622 Richard Hana, 1 Rue Royale Suite M, Dayton,
OH 45429 (C & D, All) Website
12623 James T. Lee, MD, PO Box 11679, St. Paul, MN
55111 (C & D). Website
12624 Angelo St. John, 1854 SW 28th Ave, Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33312 (C, Obsoletes & More), Paper
Money Values
12625 John Soria Jr, PO Box 2223, Manteca, CA 95336
(C, World), BNR
12626 Phil Doudar, 827 N. Grand, Glendora, CA 91741
(D, World). Robert Moon
12627 Douglas A. Gregory, 212 Briarcliff Dr, Castle
Hill. TX 78213 (C, Small Size). Robert Moon
12628 Jason Friedman (C), Michael Moczalla
12629 Don Wilkinson (C)
12630 Raymond Riker (C), Jason Bradford
12631 G.P. Adams (C), Jason Bradford
12632 David Bennett (C), Jason Bradford
12633 James Burke (C), Jason Bradford
12634 Larry Cagle (C). Jason Bradford
12635 James Cutcliff (C). Jason Bradford
12636 Raymond De St Aubin C), Jason Bradford
12637 Mark Ehlers (C), Jason Bradford
12638 Jim Greene (C), Jason Bradford
12639 Anthony Harmer (C), Jason Bradford
12640 William Kekaula (C), Jason Bradford
12641 Mark Lambert (C). Jason Bradford
12642 Susan Law (C), Jason Bradford
12643 Ron Lichtenhan (C), Jason Bradford
12644 Peter Linden (C), Jason Bradford
12645 Ron Long (C), Jason Bradford
12646 Ronald Long (C), Jason Bradford
12647 John McGraw (C), Jason Bradford
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 385
33. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 229, 281, 436, 558, 690.
34. Huntington & Mawhinney, p, 106.
35. Microcopy 235, Roll 249, frames 39, 412.
36. Ibid., frames 315-319.
37. Ibid., frame 356.
38. Ibid., frame 132.
39. Ibid., frame 402.
40. Ibid., frame 520.
41. Ibid., frame 202.
42. Ibid., frame 319.
43. Seybert, pp. 364, 365.
American State Papers, Class III, Finance. Documents Legislative and Executive, etc.
Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1834.
Angel, Norman. The Story of Money. Garden City: Garden City Pubishing
Company, Inc., 1929.
[Annals of Congress] The Debates and Proceedings of the Congress of the United
States; etc., Washington: Gales and Seaton, 1854.
Bayley, Rafael A. The National Loans of the United States, from July, 4, 1776, to
June 30, 1880. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882.
Bolles, Albert S. The financial History of the United States, from 1789 to 1860. New
York: D. Appleton and Company, 1885.
DeKnight, William F. History of the Currency of the Country and of the Loans of the
United States. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1900.
Dunbar, Charles F. Laws of the United States Relating to Currency, Finance and
Banking from 1789 to 1891.
Gouge, William M. A Short History of Paper Money and Banking in the United
States. Philadelphia: T. W. Ustick, 1833.
Hammond, Bray. Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil
War. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1957.
Hepburn, A. Barton. History of Corsage and Currency in the United States and the
Perennial Contest for Sound Money. New York: The Macmillan Company,
Huntington, A. T. and Mawhinney, Robert J., compilers. Laws of the United
States Concerning Money, Banking, and Loans, 1778-1909. Washington:
Government Printing Office, 1910.
Knox, John Jay. United States Notes. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1885.
Lamed, J. N. History for Ready Reference. Springfield: The C. A. Nichols Co.,
Madison, James. Journal of the Constitutional Convention. E. H. Scott, ed.
Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1893.
McLaughlin, Andrew C., The Confederation and the Constitution 1783-1789.
National Archives Microfilm Publication. Miscellaneous Treasury Accounts of the
First Auditor (Formerly the Auditor) of the Treasury Department, Sept. 6, 1790 -
July 1S, 1840. Microcopy 235, Roll 249.
National Archives. Registers of Treasury Notes, Vols. 189 and 191.
Raguet, Condy. An Inquiry Into The Causes of the Present State of the Circulating
Medium of the United States. Philadelphia: Moses Thomas, 1815.
Seybert, Adam. Statistical Annals: United States of America. Philadelphia: '1 'homas
Dobson & Son, 1818.
Tucker, Thomas Tudor. Letter from Thomas Tudor Tucker, Treasurer of the United
States, Transmitting His Accounts for 1816. Washington: William A. Davis,
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Authors present new works at Fifth SPMC Authors Forum
5th Annual Memphis Authors Forum
moderator Wendell Wolka (hack row at
right), a decorated author in his own
right, presented a fine group of learned
researchers and pensmen to an assem-
bled audience and Benny Bolin's cam-
era lens. Clockwise from top left: Bill
Brandimore, Carlson Chambliss, Scott
Lindquist, John Schwartz, Wolka, Ron
Benice, Pierre Fricke and Dennis
FOR THE FIFTH TIME IN AS MANY YEARS, SPMC'S INNOVATIVEAuthors Forum provided a handful of authors the opportunity to hook
potential readers on the fruits of their labors, while also providing several dozen
attendees the opportunity to rub shoulders and glean from the authors' experi-
ences to help them with their own writing projects.
The field included:
Bill Brandimore, co-author of the 26th edition of Standard Catalog of
United States Paper Money, Krause Publication's compendium and pricing
authority on the U.S. series.
Carlson Chambliss, co-author of the Comprehensive Catalog of U.S.
Paper Money, 7th ed., unveiled a CD version of BNR Press' most recent edition
of that scholarly work.
Co-authors John Schwartz and Scott Lindquist described their work on
The Standard Guide to Small Size U.S. Paper, another popular Krause
Publications title.
Ron Benice told how he conceived and developed his award-winning
Florida Paper Money: An Illustrated History 1817 - 1934, which was published last
year by McFarland Publishing.
Confederate note authority Pierre Fricke unveiled his Collecting
Confederate Paper Money: Field Edition (Spink-Smythe), which follows up the
great success of his earlier CSA note catalog, also published by the firm.
Co-author Dennis Schafluetzel told about his research with fellow
Tennesseean Tom Carson on their online catalog of the state's merchant scrip,
which interactively features hundreds of full color illustrations.
So make your plans to attend to next year's SPMC Authors Forum.
We'll assemble another good bunch for your education and edification!
fit/ 111
4., b.,
•,C),*'''''''''''''-'4"m"' NATIONAL t1 ,1(RENCY'il
fittr"--44,-,..•..thizziav ,,,,,e2117.,±1: 1311/ l(;
4?) VATt-riliiil..,„.„..j7., 4.1r-41------16:4-
With the il.tke. rratiftret . at Iliv tillotott .
ii f, i•,-., „ ---- ' Ii., 13871 01,.
: iy.,,,,,,,, , ,,,,, , „ _. „. ,,,,,
- .(4/iiitrocrait,
wmv.tITEN 1)01
An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our
area of interest ranges from
early colonial times through
the Revolutionary era, the
state-chartered bank years
(1792-1866), and the era of
National Banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a hook
under the imprimatur of the
Society of Paper Money
Collectors, with help from the
New Hampshire Historical
Society, the Smithsonian
Institution, and others.
.This .q11111' building tan fined jo the Winchester Hank
and its successor, the Winchester Isidtional Bard:.
I f you have New Hampshire currency orold records or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical
interest, please contact us. In addition,
Bowers and Sundman are avid collectors
of these bills and welcome contact from
anyone having items for sale. We will pay
strong prices for any items we need!
visa the NI I Currency Situ!)' Project website: Irwin talc . land a listing
of New I lampshire hanks that issued currency, wad sample chapters, and more.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E-mail: ()inn' e-mail win be fin -winded to both authors.)
killer •inelow circa 1910, WVi, u National Bank
A typical Nil Obsolete
Now, this from the
IVinchester Ban k.
A Series of 1882
$10 Brown Back from Ow
Winchester National Bank.
Apart from the above,
David M. Sandman is president of
Littleton Coin Company and
Q. David Bowers is a principal of
American Numismatic Rarities, LLC,
and both advertisers in the present
book. For other commercial
transactions and business, refer
to those advertisements.
The autiuns of the present book, holding a rare
Series of 1901 $ III National Bank Note hom
West Deny, New Ilampshire.
IIMIIIIR3115013111 11111=11111111
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Above: John Jackson, holding his Julian
Blanchard Award for the outstanding
exhibit at Memphis of proofs and essays,
poses with longtime exhibits chairman
Mart Delger.
At right, President Benny Bolin presents
Larry Schuffman his SPMC Award of Merit.
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
More Photo highlights from Memphis
(f-or-,9-oeffGAciAervnlov -w/zeedevi
_ —
Wle40 S7e/.1.rf.15
//„il "
ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for
their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and
overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and
types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American
Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sundman.
are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you
visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase.
Review. This full color publication highlights paper money
in our inventory, as well as articles and features about this
fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send
us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if
you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or
more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per-
sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency
Notes with our compliments.
C9tmerie(ii( (Acta L.9K;te 0 mfri //
We are pleased to announce the ongoing sales of
the greatest hoard of bank-note printing plates, dies,
and other material ever assembled. The American
Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858
by combining seven of the most important bank
note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of
printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the
merger, and survive today. To these are added many
other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a
museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack's will
continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note
printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other
artifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most
numismatic museums and advanced collectors do not
have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate!
If you would like to have more information, contact
us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an
absolutely unique opportunity!
Stack's New York City: 123 West 57th Street • New York, NY 10019-2280 • Toll free: 800/566/2580 • Telephone 212/582-2580 • Fax 212/ 26 50 E
Stack's Wolfeboro, NH: P.O. Box 1804 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Toll-free 866/811-1804 • 603/569-0823 • Fax 603/569-3875 • www. st achs
1s t $F:26ms41
K258627 ,f,*
mt..; mrt"
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Alexandria, La. Issue Wookey Hole Mill watermarkT-23 PF-1
390 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
FCCB celebrates 25 years
THE FRACTIONAL CURRENCY COLLECTOR'SBoard celebrated its 25th anniversary at
Memphis, where the club began in June, 1983.
Founding members included Martin Delger, Rocky
Rockholt, tU Vonk, John and Nancy Wilson, Tom
Flynn, Don Kagin, Dr. Wally Lee, Wayne Liechty,
Milt Friedberg, Mike and Victor Marchioni, Doug
Hales, Len and Jean Glazer, Martin Gengerke,
Vernon Oswald, Tom Denlv and Nick York.
To celebrate the club offered a commemorative
sheet with facsimiles of 25c 2nd Issue note faces.
The sheet, depicting 16 notes, came in two forms:
perforated and imperforated, just like the originals.
The reverse features anniversary details. Sheets are
also still available to non-club members by contact-
ing Jerry Fochtmon at ,
or by calling 281/361-8948 evenings. Prices are $8
for the imperforated sheet and $10 for the perforat-
ed sheet plus postage and a mailing tube.
In addition to celebrating the club's anniver-
sary, the members that were present voted to offer a
Lifetime Membership for a single payment of $200.
Response for the lifetime membership was strong,
with many long-time active members signing-up at
the conclusion of the club's annual meeting.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of FCCB
is encouraged to contact Bill Brandimore, at .
Collecting Confederate Paper Money
Better Attribution, Grading, and ValueTM
Award-winning author and collector/dealer Pierre Fricke is helping collectors of Confederate paper money
build type, rare variety and contemporary counterfeit collections. I've owned and helped others acquire:
• 3 of the 5 known T-59 J Green and Son watermarked notes
43 inverted backs and many of the known examples of the "Great Rarities"
Complete collections of Wookey Hole Mill and J Whatman watermarked notes
A complete plen error (e.g., T-43 1 -10 error) set and complete collections of T-10s, T-26s and T-33s
Many T-21 and T-24 "NY" watermarked notes and Non-Collectible (NCs) rare Confederate notes
Getting started collections, type, contemporary counterfeit, T-39, 40 and 41 specialty items too
Pierre Fricke; P. 0. Box 52514; Atlanta, GA 30355 ; pfricke(&
Buy * Sell * Auctions * New Varieties * Provenance
Email or write to get your rare notes in the Census!
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Online Paper Money at Its Finest
iNGOLDt0111` ''Isa4trA x
%VI .,(
tuokmmtntmgvamumi (4, mg
A 006144563A
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A iteGA.*MO,
oNleftnintm mamas:its It
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N Cievositeiillid
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P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
FAX: 858-679-7505
>Large size type notes
Especially FRN's and FRBN's
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>1928 $500's and $1000's
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>Easy to sort database
By date added to Web site
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All or part of any serial #
> Insightful market
>Enlarge and
magnify imagesw
sserS. KIM& "Ari.
I-A „44 A1962 .02
”Va.: *0'114
•95705A 1
PLAYING pm any
A pair of past SPMC
Presidents, Ron Horstman
(above) and Wendell Wolka
(left) share salient aspects of
their research with forum
attendees, while Ben Franklin
(the museum's mascot) peers
over Dubya Dubya's shoulder.
Host with the most, the inimitable Eric P.
Newman, himself.
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Stunning Eric Newman Museum
at Washington University in St. Louis
plays host to CSNS Paper Money Symposium
393Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Clockwise from above left Peter
Huntoon, Ray Lockwood, Joe Boling,
Dave Grant, and nattily attired past
SPMC President Bob Cochran put their
news and views on the line for the ben-
efit of conference attendees.
do m—and you
Men, I
.1,.d v. 1 vkl. e 1,1 Innied on nuorlin ,),..-oon
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
SPMC Thanks
the Sponsors of the 2008 Tom Bain Raffle
Dave Berg
Fred Bart
Heritage Acutions
Hugh Shull
John and Nancy Wilson
Gene Hessler
Don Kelly
Robert Kravitz
Robert Moon
Mark Anderson
Benny Bolin
Larry Schuffman
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 395
SPMC Awards
Presented at Memphis IPMS 2008
THE SOCIETY CONGRATULATES WINNERSof its annual awards presented at the recent
Memphis Paper Money Show. They are:
• Nathan Gold Lifetime Achievement Award present-
ed to Austin Sheheen
• SPMC Founders Award presented to Gene Hessler
• Nathan Goldstein Award for recruiting presented to
Jason Bradford
• Forrest Daniel Award for Literary Excellence pre-
sented to Gene Hessler
• Dr. Glenn Jackson Award for best article of essays,
proofs and similar items presented to Mark
Tomasko for "Notes on Bank Note Engravers &
Artist Attributions" (Paper Money, March/April)
• D.C. Wismer Award for best book of the year pre-
sented to Hugh Shull for A Guide Book of Southern
States Currency, History, Rarity and Values (W hitman,
• Literary Awards of Merit presented to Ronald
Bernice for Florida Paper Money, An Illustrated
History 1817-1934 (McFarland, 2007), and George
Tremmel for A Guide Book of Counterje. it Confederate
Currency (Whitman, 2007)
• Awards of Merit present to Stack's, and Larry
• Literary Awards (for best articles in Paper Money
during the previous year) presented:
Federal Currency category to Dr. Clifford Thies
for "Murder and Inflation: The Kentucky Tragedy
National Bank Notes category to Peter Huntoon,
Doug Walcutt & Robert Kvederas for "$5 Series of
1882 Circus Poster National Bank Notes"
Obsolete Notes category to Terry Bryan for "Art
& Commerce Intersect: The Bank Note Vignettes
of Felix Octavius Carr Darley" (March/April)
Small Size U.S. category Barbara Bither for "The
Stylish Secretary" (Jan/Feb)
Foreign Paper Money category to Dr. Harold
Don Allen for "Final Decade of Canadian
Chartered Bank Circuladon" (Nov/Dec)
• Exhibit Awards for displays at Memphis present to:
Best in show to Jerry Fotchman for "Heath's
Counterfeit Detector Microscopes"
Honorable Mention present to:
Weldon Burson for "Banknotes of Mali"
Larry Schuffman for "The Liberty Loan Bonds of
WWI and It's Aftermath"
Julian Blanchard Award for proofs, essays, etc. to
John Jackson for "Jocelyn, Draper, Welsh & Co." +
SPMC acknowledges
its 2007-2008 donors
THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORSis a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit historical and educa-
tional organization, recognized by the Internal Revenue
Service. All donations to SPMC are tax-deductible.
Each year our annual dues envelope includes a check off
box, whereby members can make donations to SPIVIC to
support worthwhile activities. These donations may be
allocated to the George W. Wait Memorial Fund,
which makes grants for publication of book length pro-
jects, such as Forrest Daniel's treatise on the small
Treasuiy Notes of The War of 1812, which appears in
this issue; or the D.C. Wismer Memorial Fund, which
facilitates publication of obsolete currency books; or
undesignated gifts to the Society's General Fund.
With membership dues revenues and advertising
revenues down for the year, this would be a good time
for all members to consider giving a tax-deductible
donation to SPMC. Donations to the Wait Fund
totalled $453 in 2007-2008. Gifts to the Wismer Fund
during the same period were $487.
We thank and recognize those generous benefactors
who have clone so in the past year. They include:
John P. Ameen Keith S. Bauman
Paul E. Boucher James J. Boyer
Dean Paul Davis George Decker
Donald DeKalb Cliff Dietrich
Glenn H. Fisher William Frey
Roberti Galiette John Glynn
Ronald R. Gustafson Ronald Hamm
Myron Harmon Richard L. Horst
Peter W. Jones Michael Kovac
Charles Lindquist Gerald Loegler
Lee Lofthus Allen L. Munro
Peter C. Papedeas Russell Pike
S.D. Reiss Joseph Ridder
Hamm Semple Jr. John A. Sheaffer Jr.
Donald L. Skinner Albert L. Smith III
Bruce Spence Greg R. Super
J. Tracy Walker III David L. Ball will
Michael Burke Jeff Keough
Daniel J. McKenna Lawrence Struble
Raymond E. Leisy Tony Lenamon
Charles B. Bond Ed Charnin
396 September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
2008 Board of Governors Meeting
Memphis, TN
Meeting date: June 28, 2008
Present: Benny Bolin, Mark Anderson, Frank Clark, Rob
Kravitz, Gene Hessler, Bob Moon, Judith Murphy, Jeff
Brueggeman, Wendell Wolka, Robert Vandevender, Pierre
Fricke, Neal Shafer
Not present: Jamie Yakes, Tom Minerly, Bob Cochran, Mat
Jantzen, Fred Reed
Guests: Peter Syrnes for brief comments — see below
Call to order and Determination of Quorum: The meet-
ing was presided over by President Benny Bolin and began at
7:55 a.m.
Minutes of Last Meeting:
The minutes from the June 2007 Memphis and November
2007 St. Louis meetings were approved with corrections as
There is no contest to the election this year. Governors Jamie
Yakes and Bob Cochran are up for re-election. In the absence
of the secretary, VP Anderson cast one vote for the two candi-
dates and both were elected as presented. President Bolin
then appointed Pierre Fricke and Neal Shafer as governors for
three-year terms. Their appointments were accepted by the
board. New members Fricke and Shafer were welcomed to
the board. President Bolin publicly thanked outgoing gover-
nors Hessler and Minerly. He presented Mr. Hessler with
Maverick card #3 for his service and will send a like card to
Mr. Minerly.
Membership Report:
Frank Clark had previously sent out his report. Jason
Bradford was the Nathan Goldstein award winner with around
150 new members. With Mr. Bradford's efforts, we had 290
new members this year plus already three at the show. Mr.
Clark also reported that he had enough membership cards for
two more years, but that he was investigating options for more
when needed.
Memberships as Incentives:
The question of allowing companies to give memberships as
incentives to use their product, buy from them or join their
club was again raised. The discussion centered on the poten-
tial perception of endorsement of same by the society. It was
decided to have the editor put a two-line statement on the
masthead of Paper Money that the society does not endorse
any company, dealer, auction house, etc. A discussion also
occurred about how many of these new members stay for
greater than one year. It was decided to ask the secretary for a
report at the 2009 meeting detailing one year members who
do not renew and general tenure of all members.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Moon gave a short update on the finances of the
Society. Due to the fiscal year ending on Monday of the next
week, a detailed report will be sent out after that. He stated
that year to date, expenses have exceeded revenue by about
$12,000. This is primarily due to the time of year and virtual-
ly the only income we have is from some ads and some new
members. However, through March, we were ahead of last
year by about $7,000. A word of caution was given that in the
coming months/years, interest income will drop. Mr. Moon
was also concerned about ad revenue. It has decreased for a
myriad of reasons, some of which are unavoidable as the econ-
omy has caused some companies to re-think and re-prioritize
their advertising strategy. Mr. Moon implored the members
to send him checks and bills ASAP so he can pay/deposit them
within 48 hrs of receipt. A discussion about the structure of
our ad management process was held and it was decided to try
to have the ad manager, Governor Wolka, responsible for
sending out invoices and receiving checks for ad revenue. He
will then send Editor Reed a list of who has paid for ads. This
changeover will occur this year. Mr. Moon also reported on
additional follow ups regarding the Society's non-profit status.
We had within the last year learned of a lapse, unbeknownst to
us, in required reporting/filings by DC NFP organizations. An
outside agent, on retainer to provide these services, left the
field in 2004 and did not notify anyone at the Society.
Treasurer Moon worked with the appropriate people to get
this rectified, all required filings and fees have been taken care
of, and all is well now. Due to the problems, he will be devis-
ing a new process flow for use in the future to ensure this does
not happen again. Mr. Moon told the group Ile would be send-
ing out a tax form to use when buying for the society in order
to not pay sales tax.
Audit Committee:
Mark Anderson reported that based on the coming close of the
fiscal year, it makes sense for any audit process to occur after
6/30/08, with an official audit report to be provided at the fall,
2008 St. Louis meeting. He intends a high level analysis only
and will do a "deep dive" if problems are identified. He noted
that with the departure of Governor Yakes, the Audit
Committee is a committee of one and invited anyone who
wants to help to let him know.
Grant Committee Report:
Committee Chairman Ron Horstmann submitted a report on
the current grant recipients.
Editor/Publisher Report:
Editor Fred Reed sent his report out electronically before the
meeting. No questions or concerns were noted, although
observations and opinions on the journal's ad and editorial
content were provided by Board members.
Regional Meetings Report:
Judith Murphy reported that the regional meetings have been
going well. We will have a table at the ANA convention and a
program. We will also be present at the Whitman Show in
Atlanta in August and the Blue Ridge and South Carolina
upcoming shows.
Bain Breakfast Report:
Treasurer Moon gave a report on the breakfast and raffle.
The raffle netted the society $1,021.00. We had 86 paid peo-
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257 397
ple at the breakfast. With the changes in the billing by the
Marriott, we stand to make a small profit. A long discussion
was held as to the future of the breakfast. Many menu and
service issues complaints were noted and the price is exceeding
good use of revenue by the society and its members. Ms.
Murphy is investigating the use of the Sheraton for next year's
breakfast and raffle. Currently this looks like a very good and
viable option. She will get more information and letters of
confirmation and report at St. Louis. (note: President Bolin
raised the question of the use of the Crown Plaza at the gener-
al membership meeting and a near unanimous yes was
received from the attendees).
Liana Grant Update:
Gene Hessler gave an update on the Liana Grant. To date he
has sent copies of The Engraver's Line and The International
Engraver's Line to more than 80 libraries and institutions and
he anticipates, eventually, reaching between 98-100.
Mark Anderson stated that he has not gotten any feedback on
the redline version of the by-laws that he sent out. For the
benefit of the new board members, he will re-send them and
asks for input by 8/1 at which time there will be an electronic
vote on acceptance.
Directors & Officers Insurance:
The current D&O insurance is valid through the end of
August. Treasurer Moon is waiting for FY financials to be
finalized to complete the new application and renew.
Get Well Card:
A get-well card was passed around for all to sign for Governor
Minerly. Mr. Moon will ensure he gets it.
IBNS President:
At this point in the meeting, per previous invitation, Peter
Symes, recently installed as the new President of the
International Banknote Society, arrived, and was introduced
by Mr. Anderson. Mr. Symes is well known to Governors
Shafer and Wolka, who sit on the IBNS Board, and he
addressed the group about the IBNS and his observations that
the two groups have shared opportunities and challenges. He
noted his wishes for us to work together. More investigation
will be done with Mr. Symes and Mr. Anderson. It was noted
that in 2011, both the SPMC and the IBNS will have their
50th anniversary.
2009 Election:
President Bolin encouraged all present to be thinking about
qualified people to run for the 2009 hoard. Of the four
incumbents up for re-election, at least two will probably not
run, so new candidates will be needed.
Next Meeting:
The group was reminded that the next SPMC board meeting
will be in St. Louis at the PCDA show and that the date has
changed to mid-October.
President Bolin adjourned the meeting at 9:40 a.m.
2008 Treasurer's Report
SPMC ended its Fiscal Year on a positive note. The
General Fund closed out the year with a balance of $99,617.36
which was $7,000 over last year's balance. Interest income for
the year amounted to just over $10,000. We even showed a
small profit on our Memphis Breakfast this year. There are a
few cautionary notes for the coming year, however. With
interest rates dropping, we will not realize that amount of
interest income next year. Also, revenues from advertising and
dues renewals did not reach last year's level. While we are
currently in good shape financially, we must do what we can to
reverse these trends to remain on a sound footing. Of course,
expenses will continue to be closely monitored.
2008 Editor's Report
This will be short and sweet. It won't take five minutes to
read. The magazine is in good shape, although we lost some
advertisers this year. On the flip side, the July/August issue
which is supposed to be mailed tomorrow or Tuesday is full
color on both the outside and inside covers, thanks to Spink-
Smythe which upgraded their ads from B&W to full color.
Our coffers are full of manuscripts. I have been working
on and off on Forrest Daniel's War of 1812 manuscript for
several years since he was no longer able to assist. Forrest
wanted to see it published, even though he was disabled for a
long period before he died. I think publishing it (after all it
won our Wait award) will be a good memorial to his memory.
I hope to have it ready for the Sept/Oct issue. We'll see. If
not Sept/Oct we'll see it eventually. Our fifth annual author's
forum is Friday at noon-2 p.m. We have a great group of
authors talking about their books once again. I urge you to
attend. Coin & Currency Inc. has supplied free books again.
And Spink-Smythe has supplied free refreshments. Although I
won't be there, the affair is in good hands with Messrs. Bolin
and Wolka.
We added an additional location to our mailing permit.
We received several conflicting directions, but eventually a
decent human being with knowledge and rank assisted us in
fixing the conflicting rulings we were getting repeatedly. But
again that is settled now.
Next issue we are running donors' acknowledgements,
which is the same issue the dues notice goes out in by design-
with a check off for donations.
This year we developed a significant working relationship
with additional folks at the BEP, which is showing fruits in our
magazines. The taxpayers are paying for historians to sift
through Treasury records and ledgers and these contract
employees and the BEP itself are overjoyed to be able to see
their hard work in a publication such as Paper Money.
I have three commitments for next year's author's forum,
and big time issues coming up including Larry Schuffinan's
research on bonds. What we could use -- as always -- is short
articles about anything, and more articles about modern U.S.
currency. Mr. Yakes and Mr. Huntoon are doing their best,
but we need more authors for that genre.
BTW -- Pete Huntoon's article on WWII currency was
as good as anything Paper Money has ever published, and got
lots of good comments as it should.
Respectfully submitted, Fred Reed
Editor/Publisher Paper Money
OHospitality Room Networking
of paper money collecting is the people and friends I've
met and made along the way. Sadly, many of them are no
longer with us. I used to look forward to Memphis for two
principal reasons: first meeting with old friends from the
hobby and second for possibly finding a note or two to add to
my collection. It was a rare event to find any notes, but I
could always count on meeting old friends there.
At my first Memphis convention in 1980 I met people
that I had only corresponded with or knew of through various
publications. All the big names were there. Amon Carter,
Grover Criswell, Dr. John Muscalus, Eric Newman, John
Hickman, Dean Oakes, Peter Huntoon, Bill Donlon, Aubrey
Bebee, Joe Kinney, Chuck O'Donnell, Neil Schafer, Art
Kagin; New England friends John Ferreri, Roger Durand,
Roland Cormier, Dick Balbaton and Frank Bennett, Roy
Pennell, Gene Hessler, Neil Schafer, Lyn Knight, Hugh
Shull, Tom Denly, Wendel Wolka,
Bob Cochran, Austin Sheheen, Paul
Garland and many others were all
gentlemen who were glad to share
information and friendship.
Mr. Roy Pennell invited me up
to a hospitality room that had been set up for collectors to
socialize and discuss/buy/sell notes. I showed him some
Kansas Nationals and he was most complimentary, even
though the notes were not all that special. And lie showed me
some great Kansas obsolete material, including a face proof
sheet of notes on the Kansas State Savings Bank of
'yandotte. Following the show he mailed me copies of the
sheet. Whatever happened to those hospitality rooms? They
were a good idea that I'd like to see come back.
After returning home there was always follow-up corre-
spondence that needed doing. That was always an extra spe-
cial aspect of Memphis. Information shared and publicized;
new note discoveries, data for the researchers and census tak-
ers. Long distance friendships resulted as letters were
exchanged before the next Memphis show. One of my princi-
pal correspondent friends then was Mr. James Lindsay of Fort
Lauderdale, Florida. He would write long letters with infor-
mation about new Kansas acquisitions or questions about
issuers, locations or Kansas history in general. I got to visit
him once when I attended an ANA Convention in Bal Harbor
in the early 1970s. I rented a car and drove up to his house.
He had taken his Kansas material out of the bank vault so 1
could examine it. First Charter Kansas Nationals (26 as I
recall), brownbacks, red seals and rare obsolete notes in abun-
dance. Years later I finally was able to obtain his Lawrence
Nationals, but I really missed our correspondence.
So 1 encourage fellow collectors to get to know the peo-
ple who collect what you do. Establish communication with
them to maximize your enjoyment of the paper money hobby.
That said, who wants to talk about Kansas?
September/October • Whole No. 257 • Paper Money
A tale of two manuscripts
MANY EDITORS STICK THEIR COLUMNS UPfront and attempt to tantalize the heck out of readers
with a preview of the following pages. Frankly, I've always
thought that pandering was a waste of space. But this time,
we'll spend some "Back Page" space discussing two very
exceptional manuscripts that I've had the pleasure to work
with in recent years. They both were very learned, long and
about the small Treasury Notes of the War of 1812, the first
United States Currency of the 19th Century.
Many of you will remember, we published Dr. Donald
Kagin's excellent work on this subject in our Sept/Oct 2005
issue. Don's paper was based on his earlier work at the gradu-
ate level, about which he teased all of us at a Memphis break-
fast presentation. After publication in these pages, Don won
the NLG award for "Best Magazine Article," very richly
deserved. Then he gave a more formal presentation on the
topic at a Memphis SPMC membership meeting, including a
display of a great many rare notes of that genre. If you missed
it, you missed out big time. Fortunate are those who still
retain our Sept/Oct 2005 issue with the fruits of Don's labor.
In that same magazine three years ago, I mentioned
another manuscript on War of 1812 notes that had been
authored by SPMC Charter Member Forrest Daniel, which
we also hoped to publish in the near future. As judge of the
Wait competition, I can attest that Forrest had done a bang up
job on this topic too. Unfortunately, misfortune plagued our
presentation of Forrest's research in Paper Money until the
present. Hurdles included the loss of the original manuscript
by a party to whom Forrest had sent it for evaluation; the
redrafting of the paper and having it typed by a contract typist
with no numismatic background who changed things, altered
footnotes, even arrangement of the copy, thoroughly frustra-
trating Forrest; and ultimately by his untimely demise in 2006.
Before Forrest died, we exchanged a good many letters
attempting to wrangle the project back into the state I origi-
nally saw it. Forrest was particularly keen in having it pub-
lished and represented on the shelves of the local library and
historical society as a work of a "home grown" Dakota author.
With Forrest's demise, publication looked bleak because he
was no longer available to assist. Also, his art (he had assem-
bled many original documents concerning these notes) were
dispersed leaving only poor photocopies to work with.
Fortunately, good people at Heritage Auctions and Stack's,
Charles Kemp, Ron Horstman, Gene Hessler and Eric
Newman furnished wonderful replacements. I've worked on
this on and off now for six years; I hope, friend Forrest, you
are at length pleased with your result!
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7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
Are you planning a show?
Would you like to have free copies of Paper
Money magazine
to distribute to attendees?
Contact Bob Cochran
1917 Driftwood Trails Drive
Florissant, MO 63031
Paper Money • September/October • Whole No. 257
Write about your specialty for Paper Money
Articles on checks, bonds, stocks
Always wanted
Our SPMC Journal exists to fulfill our mandate
to promote education in all these fiscal paper areas
So spread your knowledge around to our members
loin the American Society of Check Collectors or write to
Lyman Hensley, 473 East Elm St., Sycamore, IL 60178.
Dues are $13 per year for US residents,
$17 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $23 for those in foreign locations.
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HERITAGE NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS, INC.: California 35 3062 16 63, Florida AB 0000665, Ohio 2006000050. CURRENCY AUCTIONS OF AMERICA: Florida AB 2218.
Auctioneers: Leo Frese: Florida AU 0001059, California 3S 3062 16 64, New York City 1094965. Samuel Foote: Texas 00011727, California 3S 3062 16 65, Florida AU3244,
Ohio 2006000048, New York City 0952360, Phoenix 07102052, and North Carolina 8373.
This auction subject to a 15% buyer's premium.
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