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Krause Publications founder
Chet Krause shows off the
Burnett Anderson Memorial
Award presented to him by
Anderson’s son, newly installed
SPMC President Mark Anderson.
Sept/Oct cover 8/10/11 5:37 AM Page 1
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Sept/Oct cover 8/10/11 5:37 AM Page 2
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 401
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Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVIII, No. 6 Whole No. 264 November/December 2009
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Paper Column: Connecticut Challenges Definition of “Town” . . . 403
By Peter Huntoon & Bob Kvederas
One Honest Banker, The Fall of the Manhattan Bank . . . . . . . . . 415
By John D. Davenport, PhD
The Paper Column: Durable Series 1880 LT $500 Plate . . . . . . . 421
By Peter Huntoon & Doug Murray
The Modern Local Currency Movement in the U.S. & Canada . . 426
By Loren Gatch, PhD
Why So Few Series 1923 $10 LTs Were Issued . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
By Lee Lofthus
On This Date in Paper Money History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447, 449
By Fred Reed
The Buck Starts Here: Darley’s The War Alarm shows up on TV 454
By Gene Hessler
Notes from Up North: New Money for Changing Times in UAE . . 458
By Harold Don Allen, PhD
About Nationals Mostly: Remembering the Central NB of Dallas . 462
By Frank Clark
Odd and Obsolete Banknotes: South Bend Notes . . . . . . . . . . . 464
By Bob Schreiner
A Suggested Classification of Bank Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
By Nelson Page Aspen
Rare $5 Silver Certificate Series of 1934B M-A Block Notes . . . 473
By Jamie Yakes
Information and Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402
New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
President’s Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .456
By Mark Anderson
PNG, ANA & NLG Honor SPMC Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .451
SPMC Authors Pen New Books on Nationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .461
11th Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize Announcement . . . . . . . . . .477
What’s on Steve’s Mind Today? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor’s Notebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478
Paper Money
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264402
Society of Paper Money Collectors
PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
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Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Lawrence Schuffman, P.O. Box 19, Mount Freedom, NJ 07970
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Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
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24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
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The Society of Paper Money
Collectors was organized in 1961 and
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 403
from other northeastern states, are rich in early types. However, what
is particularly fascinating about the issues from the banks in this state
are the innumerable twists associated with the eight banks there which
experienced nine place name changes, either through moves or renaming.
Windham County, in the northeast corner of the state, accounted for six
of the place name changes involving five different banks! The stories of those
banks provide significant insights into what constituted the definition of a “town”
in the eyes of the Comptroller’s office.
The types of place names that appeared on notes were inconsistent.
Consequently, these Connecticut examples challenge our assumptions of what
should appear as the home of a bank on a national bank note. We even find that
the concept of town is ambiguous in some cases!
This article will profile three of the banks in Windham County where
place name changes produced unexpected or peculiar results. The insights that
will be developed here apply elsewhere in the country, especially in New England.
Place Names on Nationals
Typically, when people attempt to determine the location from which a
national bank note was issued, they first look for the place name in the tombstone
or its equivalent in the title block. The next option is a place name that might
appear in the bank name. Neither of these approaches is reliable.
The problem is that many place names that appear in titles are geograph-
ic areas that the bankers wish to be identified with, but which were not necessarily
the actual locations of the banks.
The redeemability of national bank notes was a central consideration in
their design, as well as in the marketing of the concept of national currency to the
public. The Comptroller’s office gave serious consideration to redeemability, and
took pains to reveal on the notes just where the note holder should go to find the
The Paper Column
by Peter Huntoon
and Bob Kvederas
Connecticut Challenges
the Definition of “Town”
on National Bank Notes
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264404
But, you had to know the code. The preference of the Comptroller’s
staff was to show the post office location of the bank in script on the left side of
the title block across from the plate date. If one found the post office, the bank
would be nearby.
However, two issues arose. In some cases, the post office was a named
subdivision or district within the town or city. In other cases, the place name
that ended up in the postal location simply wasn’t the name of the post office that
served the bank.
Still, the general rule is that the most reliable place to find the place
where the bank was located is to read the postal location written in script. You
just have to be cognizant that this rule is imperfect.
Geopolitical Subdivisions in Connecticut
The naming of geopolitical subdivisions in Connecticut is not a simple
matter, but rather a thing of wonder cobbled together from pre- and post-colo-
nial traditions. Connecticut counties epitomize this point.
Counties in Connecticut were first defined during the colonial era in
1666. The state was subdivided into convenient counties, and these were carried
forward as legal entities into the post-colonial era.
However, counties and their governmental infrastructures were abol-
Figure 1. Windham County,
Connecticut, hosted five national
banks that underwent six place
name changes which appeared on
national bank notes. The places
mentioned in this article are cir-
cled. The former names of
Danielson were first West
Killingly, and next Danielsonville.
Major textile manufacturing fac-
tories were built in Windham
County during the 1800s to take
advantage of hydropower avail-
able from its rivers. Much of the
county has become yuppified and
pricy during recent decades, as
its former industrial infrastruc-
ture has crumbled.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 405
ished in 1960, so the functions they served were turned over to state and munici-
pal governments. Even so, people still identify with the counties, and they still
are shown on maps.
The concept of a town in Connecticut differs from towns in most other
states. Counties were subdivided into towns during the colonial era. As shown
on Figure 2, the towns were sprawling geographic entities that abutted each
other, and were similar to townships in other eastern states.
Population centers within the towns were called villages, and, in the
post-colonial era, the villages hosted post offices. Notice that several villages
were located in a given town. Generally, the villages were unincorporated. This
sounds almost manageable up to now.
Let’s now look at a few towns.
Towns of Killingly and Brooklyn
Two towns in Windham County that will be discussed here are Killingly
and Brooklyn, respectively situated on the east and west sides of the Quinebaug
River. See Figure 2.
Now consider that in May, 1854, the borough of Danielsonville was cre-
ated by an act of the Connecticut assembly, and was comprised of parts of the
towns of Killingly and Brooklyn. The operative word here is parts.
Figure 2. Map of Windham
County, Connecticut, from the
January 1895 Rand McNally
Bankers’ Directory showing clear-
ly the towns and villages--or in
some cases post offices such as
Danielsonville. Notice that the
towns are labeled with large but
fine-lined gothic lettering, and
that the borders between the
towns are the dashed lines that
subdivide the county. In con-
trast, the villages and post offices
are set in smaller but bolder type,
and correspond to the circles
denoting their locations.
Danielsonville was renamed
Danielson before the July 1895
edition of the directory.
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Danielsonville borough was made up of parts of both Killingly and Brooklyn, but
not of all of each. The borough encompassed an area straddling the river and the
railroad on the east side which was developing into a major textile manufacturing
Boroughs in Connecticut are incorporated parts of one or more towns
with separate borough councils, zoning boards and borough officials. They are
chartered by the state legislature to provide certain shared governmental services
such as fire protection, utilities and trash collection.
In contrast, villages are census divisions, but have no separate corporate
existence from the towns or boroughs they are in.
One village that hosted two of the banks that will be profiled here is West
Killingly. West Killingly, located in the town of Killingly, came into existence
before Danielsonville borough was chartered.
West Killingly was at the center of Danielsonville borough, and had its
own post office. Once Danielsonville borough was formed, the village of West
Killingly lost its identity to the borough, so the West Killingly post office was
renamed Danielsonville in 1879. Next, the name of the post office was shortened
to Danielson in 1895.
Danielson now appears on maps of the area, but that place name alterna-
tively represents the post office or the borough of the same name, but not a vil-
Had enough? You have two choices. Reread the above, or go get a drink
and then stumble forward.
Town of Windham
The application for the town charter for Windham was granted by the
general court of colonial Connecticut in May of 1692. The village of Windham,
one of the population centers in the town of Windham, was a farming community
during its formative years.
The officials of the town of Windham established the borough of
Willimantic in the northeastern part of the town in 1833. The industrial village
of Willimantic, in the heart of the borough, was situated around a falls on the
Willimantic River because that location was ideal for the location of hydropow-
ered textile factories. The village of Willimantic had a post office that had operat-
ed since 1825.
The unincorporated village of Willimantic, and incorporated borough of
Willimantic were for practical purposes synonymous. Next, in 1893, Willimantic
was incorporated as a city. So here we had the incorporated city of Willimantic
inside the incorporated town of Windham!
It turns out that the city government of Willimantic was dissolved in
1983, so the governance of the city reverted back to the town of Windham!
Locations on Nationals
Let’s now analyze the locations that appeared on the notes from these
interesting places. Remember that the notes were designed to direct the note
holder to the bank of issue, so the bearer could redeem the note in lawful money.
The Killingly National Bank
The organizers of The Killingly National Bank, charter #450, had grand
designs of serving the entire town of Killingly, consequently they displayed
Killingly prominently in the bank name. The postal location for their bank was
the village of West Killingly, one of the several villages within the town of
Killingly. Things got confused from the outset for this bank.
Three plate combinations were used during the Original Series which in
chronological order of appearance were 5-5-5-5, 10-10-10-20 and 1-1-1-2. The
5-5-5-5 and 1-1-1-2 were prepared with title blocks that read The First National
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Bank of Killingly, but with West Killingly in the postal location. The use of
West Killingly in the post office location effectively caused the title to read The
First National Bank of Killingly, West Killingly.
Notice on the notes printed from these plates that the note holder was
correctly directed to village of West Killingly which contained both the bank and
the post office that served it. This was the most favored treatment in the eyes of
the Comptroller of the Currency.
However, Killingly was mistakenly used as the post office location when
the Original Series 10-10-10-20 plate was ordered from the American Bank Note
Company. Notes printed from that plate directed the note holder to Killingly.
If the note holder sought out either the post office or village of Killingly,
he found himself in a village with that name some two and a half miles up the
road to the north of the bank. The postal location on the 10-10-10-20 never was
changed, even when the plate was altered for use in the Series of 1875 by the
Figure 3. The village of
West Killingly correctly
appears as the post office
location on the
Original/1875 5-5-5-5
and 1-1-1-2 plates,
whereas it was mistaken-
ly shown as Killingly on
the 10-10-10-20 plate.
Notes from all three of
these plates were issued
simultaneously. The
West Killingly post office
was renamed
Danielsonville in 1879,
and then Danielson in
1895; however, neither
Danielsonville nor
Danielson ever appeared
on any notes from the
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Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
The result was the simultaneous issuance of Original/Series of 1875
notes with West Killingly and Killingly postal locations, the only recognized
example of such dual use in the country.
However, even with this complexity, the story for this bank was not yet
In 1876, a new and imposing three story building was built in West
Killingly. The centerpiece of the first floor was the Music Hall, a store to one
side, and the West Killingly post office on the other. The First National Bank of
Killingly was housed in elegant rooms above the post office. Not surprisingly,
the president and cashier of the bank also were officers and directors of the Music
The name of the West Killingly post office was
changed to Danielsonville in 1879, after the village of West
Killingly lost its identity to the superimposed borough of
Danielsonville, The bankers did not apply for a title change to
reflect their renamed post office. The Comptroller’s clerks
never imposed a de facto title change by having Danielsonville,
or later Danielson, placed in the postal location on the plates
used for the bank, not even after the bank was extended in
Killingly appeared as the postal location on all the
Series of 1882 and subsequent plates. The inconsistency, of
course, was that Killingly was both the wrong post office and
The Windham County National Bank
The venerable Windham County National Bank,
charter #1360, was originally chartered as a state bank in 1822,
with title The Windham County Bank. It was located in the
town and village of Brooklyn. The bankers converted to a
national charter in 1865.
In 1895, ten years after its charter had been extended,
the bankers applied for and won both a move to the incorpo-
rated industrial borough of Danielsonville and a coincident
title change to reflect their new location. Notice that the bank
was moved across the Quinebaug River from the village of
Figure 4. Series of 1882 brown
back issued from the First
National Bank of Killingly.
Notice that Killingly also appears
in the post office location in
script to the left of the title block.
At the time the plate was made,
the bank was located in the bor-
ough of Danielsonville, and
served by the Danielsonville post
below it in the Music Hall.
Figure 5. The Music Hall in Danielsonville was built in 1876, with
The First National Bank of Killingly on the second floor and the
Danielsonville post office on the right side of the first floor. The
officers of the bank also were officers and directors of the Music
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 409
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*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 409
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264410
Brooklyn in the town of Brooklyn to the borough of Danielsonville within the
part of the town of Killingly that was inside the borders of the borough.
The bank was now served by the Danielsonville post office. The new
title, The Windham County National Bank of Danielsonville, was approved by
the Comptroller on February 26, 1895. Danielsonville appeared in both the bank
title and the postal location on the new Series of 1882 notes.
Technically, the Danielsonville in the bank title was the name of the bor-
ough which the bankers wished to be identified with. Danielsonville in the postal
location was the name of the post office that served the bank. All was well in the
eyes of the Comptroller, because note holders were directed to the Danielsonville
post office, and the bank was nearby.
However ironic there was no village or town with the name
Danielsonville. Killingly, the town containing the Danielsonville post office, was
nowhere to be found on the notes.
There are similar occurrences across the country. The “town” shown on
such notes is in actuality a part of, or a district within, a larger incorporated town
or city.
The name Danielsonville was simplified to Danielson right after The
Windham County Bank was moved there. The bankers already had paid for a
new pair of Series of 1882 plates with Danielsonville, so they were less than
enthusiastic about the prospect of purchasing yet another pair. They exercised
restraint, and waited 10 years until their second extension in 1905 to apply for a
title change to implement the shortened spelling!
By waiting, they got both the Series of 1902 and revised spelling for the
price of one. This was a very common ploy among bankers when faced with
renamed towns. Nothing in the national banking legislation forced them to apply
for a title change if the name of their post office or town changed, so they didn’t.
This fact bothered Comptrollers because it caused confusion as to where note
holders should go to redeem their notes. No legislation ever was passed to cor-
rect this defect, although it was repeatedly called for by various Comptrollers.
The Windham National Bank
The handling of the $5 Series of 1875 plates for The Windham National
Bank, Windham, charter #1614, was rather traditional, but with a technical sur-
prise. The bank was located in the village of Windham in the town of Windham
when chartered in 1866. The officers of the bank wanted to be where the action
Figure 6. An envelop sent from
The First National Bank of
Killingly in 1893, using the
Danielsonville post office as its
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was, so they petitioned Congress for a two and a half mile move from the village
of Windham to the industrial village of Willimantic.
This request was granted by an act signed into law on February 10, 1879,
and the bank was moved shortly thereafter. The enabling Congressional legisla-
tion required at the time for moves also authorized a title change to The
Windham National Bank, Willimantic.
The Comptroller was issuing sheets to the bank from existing stocks of
Figure 7. Trio of proofs showing the succession of place names on the notes from the Windham County National Bank. The
bank was moved from the village of Brooklyn to the borough of Danielsonville which was served by the Danielsonville post
office. Almost immediately, the name of the borough was shortened to Danielson. The bankers waited for 10 years until
they extended their charter to apply for a title change to reflect the altered name. Thus, they avoided having to pay for a
new set of Series of 1882 plates! The Danielsonville/Danielson post office on the east side of the borough lies within the
incorporated town of Killingly. Notice that Killingly does not appear anywhere on either of the lower two proofs.
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Original Series 10-10-10-20s and Series of 1875 5-5-5-5s at the time the move
was made. Stocks of Original Series $5s had run out over a year before, so the 5-
5-5-5 Original Series plate had been altered into a Series of 1875 then. The result
was that Series of 1875 $5s already had been printed with the old title, and were
being sent to the bank.
The simplest way to handle the title change was to alter the post office
location on both plates, and at the same time, alter the 10-10-10-20 into a Series
of 1875. This is exactly what was done. The treasury signatures on both were
updated to Scofield-Gilfillan, which was customary for title change plates at the
Convention dictated that bank sheet serial numbering should restart at 1
with the new Willimantic title. However, when the Series of 1875 Willimantic 5-
5-5-5 sheets were printed, bank serial numbering on them was sequential to those
with the Windham title. The changeover bank sheet serials between the titles was
This was a technical mistake. Only ten cases have been identified in the
entire country where bank sheet serial numbering didn’t revert to 1 after a title
Comptrollers of the Currency preferred to show the post office location
of the banks in script on the left side of the title block on national bank notes.
This was the location that most accurately directed note holders to the site of the
The name of the post office serving the bank, and the name of the town
or city hosting it, were synonymous in most cases. However, in a number of
instances, the name of the post office was a name of a subdivision or district with-
in the host town.
Figure 8. The Windham National
Bank was moved from the village
of Windham to the industrial vil-
lage of Willimantic in 1879.
Both the villages of Windham
and Willimantic were located
within the town of Windham.
The postal location on the $5
plate was altered to Willimantic,
and the plate date and treasury
signatures were updated, to
acknowledge the change. Bank
sheet serial numbering pro-
gressed in error sequentially from
the $5 Windham to Willimantic
sheets within the Series of 1875
printings, instead of restarting at
1 with the first Willimantic print-
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This leads to ambiguity about the exact definition of the “town” on some
notes. The fact is, the actual name of the town in which the bank was located
doesn’t appear anywhere on some national bank notes!
Although showing the post office location in script was the preference of
the Comptroller’s office, it was not a cardinal rule. Violations of the rule further
obfuscate exactly where some banks were located.
Once plates were made, only a handful across the country were altered to
reflect a change in the name of the postal location. Usually, the bankers had to
formally apply for a title change for such a change to appear on their plates. In
most such cases, new plates were made, rather than altering existing plates.
Rules generally apply, but in confusing or ambiguous cases such as those
chronicled here, it was hard for government clerks to keep track of all the fine
points in order to insure that they were faithfully followed. Such problems were
exacerbated by bankers who refused to apply for title changes to reflect new
postal locations in order to save the cost of new mid-series plates.
Support for this research came in part from The Currency Club of Long
Island and Society of Paper Money Collectors. James Hughes, associate curator,
National Numismatic Collection, National Museum of American History,
Smithsonian Institution, provided access to the proofs.
Sources of Data
Comptroller of the Currency. Annual Reports of the Comptroller of the
Currency. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1863-1935.
Homens, Benjamin (ed.). The Banker’s Almanac and Register. New York: The
Bankers Magazine, various dates.
Rand McNally. Bankers’ Directory and List of Bank Attorneys. Chicago: Rand
McNally Company, various dates. v
Dear Fred,
Due to an error, the wrong note was pictured in
our listing of Connecticut scrip in your May/June
2009 issue on page 267. The note shown here (at
right) is the correct image for the first John Jeffrey
(Variety #1) note that appears in the listing. The text
that appears in the magazine is the correct text. If
the corrected image is just superimposed over the
one that appears on pg. 267 the problem will be
solved. Sometime in a future issue, would you mind
putting in this correction? We have had some nice
comments about the article. We are very happy with
it. The image I send you is the one that should have
appeared as the first of the John Jeffery issues.
Regards, -- John Ferreri v
New London Jeffrey 12-01-62 Variety #1
Letter to the Editor: Make a note of this note
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on the west bank of the Maumee River, near where it empties into
Lake Erie. Along with a number of other towns such as Maumee,
Perrysburg, and the precursors to Toledo, Manhattan was founded
with the intention of becoming a transitional point between lake traffic and soon-
to-be canal traffic, once the Wabash and Erie canal was finished (as it was in
1842). An enterprise of the Maumee Land and Railroad Company, it was backed
primarily by investors from Buffalo, NY. After a failed attempt to gain control of
the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad, along with its banking capabilities, these
investors decided to petition for a bank of their own.
Most histories of the Manhattan Bank begin by noting the unusual nature
of its charter. At that time, Manhattan was part of the “Toledo Strip,” a piece of
land whose ownership was contested between Ohio and Michigan. Arguably,
soon-to-be bank President Daniel Chase could have sought a charter for the new
enterprise from either Columbus or Detroit (the territorial capital at the time).
He chose to petition the Michigan legislature, and received his charter on
February 25, 1836. By the time the bank began business in November of 1837,
however, the contested land had been given over to Ohio as a precursor to
Michigan’s statehood.
After the Manhattan Bank went under in 1840, this situation caused
much difficulty. On one hand, lawsuits were filed claiming the charter was
invalid, as it mentioned “the State legislature of Michigan,” where there was no
such entity in 1836 (it still being a territory), thereby making any contracts invalid
and debts uncollectible. On the other hand, commentators postulated that Chase
had been attempting a fraud. The August 1, 1840, issue of the Toledo Blade (which
also reported the closure of the bank, three days earlier) all but declared the pur-
suit of a Michigan charter an act of treason. Surviving correspondence, however,
does not hint as to how the decision between the two legislatures was made, and
Chase complained about the difficulty of lobbying the Michigan legislature. It is
entirely possible that the decision was made purely on geographical grounds, since
Columbus is more than twice as far from Lucas County as Detroit is.
In fact, the Ohio legislature amended the Michigan charter in an act of
March 12, 1839. This little-reported act brought the Manhattan Bank charter in
line with other Ohio charters for the purposes of taxes and interest, thereby mak-
ing the Manhattan Bank a legitimate entity. This act was pushed through the
Ohio legislature by John Hough James, the majority stockholder in the
Manhattan Bank at the time, as well as president of the Urbana Banking
Company. In light of this, it seems unlikely that the bank was conceived as a
fraud. We therefore turn to the closing of the Bank, which is far more similar to
One Honest Banker
The Fall of the Manhattan Bank
by John D. Davenport, PhD
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that of other banks of the period, if not for the detail available to us thanks to the
politics of the time in Ohio, and the unique role Daniel Chase had in the closure.
By 1840, the LocoFoco (Jacksonian anti-bank) portion of the Democratic
Party had been a major player in Ohio politics for a number of years, passing con-
trol of the legislature and statehouse back and forth with the Whigs on an almost
yearly basis. In 1838 the LocoFocos passed a number of new banking laws, the
most directly relevant to this discussion being the formation of a Board of Bank
Commissioners, charged with visiting every chartered bank in Ohio in person and
giving an annual report to the legislature.
Along with reporting on the solvency of the banks, violations of the bank-
ing laws -- including, but not limited to, issuing notes below $5, issuing post-
notes, and redeeming notes in the notes of other banks as opposed to specie --
were to be reported, as these were potentially cause for charter forfeiture. In the
summer of 1840, both the Clinton Bank of Columbus and the Lancaster Ohio
Bank refused to receive the bank commissioners, claiming that they had no
authority to review the banks’ operations. In each case, the commissioners sought
and received a writ of mandamus, but each was overturned by judges friendly to the
banks. In a letter to the commissioners, the Honorable F. Grinke explained his
decision to vacate the writ as follows:
1st Because there is not in existence a legal Board of Bank Commissioners
2nd Because the provisions of the act under which you are called upon to act, are
unconstitutional. 1
In the middle of this political fight, however, the Manhattan Bank was
closed by a writ of mandamus on July 29, 1840. How was this possible, given the
difficulty the Commissioners had enforcing similar writs against any other bank in
Top: A Manhattan note signed by
W.A. Chamberlain and David Chase,
dated May 1, 1840. (Courtesy of
Vern Potter)
Above: Another Manhattan note
also dated May 1, 1840, but signed
by Charles Danforth instead of
Chase. (Courtesy of Vern Potter)
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the state?
According to the Commissioners’ Report, the first hint that there were
serious violations at the Manhattan Bank came in the spring of 1840, when a new
emission of notes occurred. Piquing their interest was the fact that these notes
were signed not by president Daniel Chase, but rather by Charles Danforth, the
vice-president. The Commissioners decided to revisit the monthly statements
that all chartered banks in the state were required to submit. Given the fact that
these reports were filed under oath, and they showed no appreciable increase in
outstanding circulation, they decided that this must have been a case where older
notes were being removed from circulation and replaced with a new printing.
To make certain of this assumption, the Board met with Chase in
Columbus. The President of the Bank stated that he had been working to take up
this new circulation, as it was signed and circulated without his knowledge, and he
wanted to avoid any bad publicity from the matter. He went on to state that this
was an isolated incident, and that the bank was in a “safe and solvent condition.”
He did add that he would communicate with the Commissioners any information
he might come by, that was “calculated to impair the security of the public.”
Almost immediately upon returning from this meeting, Mr. Hubbard
received a letter from Mr. Chase that changed the situation considerably.
Manhattan Bank
Manhattan, July 17, 1840
Dear Sir,
The object of this letter is request [sic] you to repair, as soon as possi-
ble to this place. The interest of the public requires it. The affairs of this
Bank have been, in my view, unlawfully managed, though altogether with-
out my knowledge, so far as the matter alluded to is concerned; and as there is
not a board here who will act upon the subject, I have taken the liberty to act
myself, and, in this way, invite you to visit us. I believe all is yet safe, and I
desire, as I know that you do, that all will remain so.
Yours, very respectfully,
David Chase
E.W. Hubbard Esq.
Bank Commissioner
N.B. Delay, in my view, in this case, would be decidedly dangerous. D.C.
By July 25, four days before the closure of the bank, E.W. Hubbard of
the board arrived in Manhattan for the purposes of deposing the major players,
before deciding what actions should be taken.
During his deposition, Chase explained that earlier that year, he had
received notes from Mr. Brown (VP) and Mr. Rennick (Pres) of the new
Circleville Bank (that is, the bank formed in 1840 claiming to be authorized by a
charter dating from 1818, as opposed to the legitimately chartered bank by that
name that had opened in 1834), requesting $17,500 as soon as possible, to be
charged to the account of Calvin L. Cole, who had recently purchased a control-
ling interest in the Manhattan Bank from John H. James. This transaction is
shown in James’ daybook as occurring on April 25, 1840.
In an attempt to discern the nature of this request, Chase went to
Columbus only to find that Cole had gone east. At this point it is best to quote
his testimony.
From this circumstance, and others which I heard of, together with
some facts which I accidentally came in possession of about that time, I was led
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to believe that all was not right. From what I had heard, I was led to believe
that Mr. Cole had, by some means or other, contrived to get out of the Bank,
fraudulently, a small amount of money – I could not tell how much.
I accordingly questioned our cashier, Mr. Chamberlain, very closely
upon the subject, but he averred, most solemnly that all was right.
I, however, was not satisfied with this, but told him he must resign,
or fill up his bonds to about $50,000. He chose to do the former, until he
could send forward his bond to Buffalo for responsible signers, or names. It
was not long, however, after this, when I became satisfied that Mr.
Chamberlain had let Mr. Cole have monies which were not charged to him.
I accordingly charged it upon him to his face. He acknowledged the whole
matter, and to my astonishment, he had let Mr. Cole have about $25,000
more than I knew anything about, although he had told me a day or two
before of a $10,000 transaction of a similar nature. I immediately wrote to
Mr. Hubbard, Bank Commissioner (yourself) requesting him to come to
Manhattan as soon as possible, giving him my reasons why I wished to see
him here.
Not surprisingly, the majority of the testimony in the record is that of
W.A. Chamberlain, the cashier. He says that he began in that capacity on May
5th, very shortly after Cole took ownership. He further states that he resigned as
Casher on July 3rd, which gives us some sense of the timing in Chase’s story.
According to Chamberlain, on May 16th, $16,000 was paid in $1-$2-$3
notes, with a few $5s, to Cole without the knowledge of Chase or the directors,
and kept off the books. The small denomination notes were not new -- they were
primarily previously redeemed but uncancelled notes, stored in a box in the bank
building. The total amount was added to circulation on July 19 (two days after
Chase’s letter to Hubbard), but until then kept only in a “small book or memoran-
dum.” Additionally, Silas Stone, an agent for Cole, received $3K, and $5K from
Danforth for a total of $8K also without the knowledge of Chase. All told, $21K
was paid in small notes. The exact contents of Chamberlain’s book were repro-
duced in the testimony.
1840 May 16 Drawn on C.L. Cole, cash per Willis $16,000
“ “ 17 do do Stone $3,000
“ “ 21 per Cornwall & Son $7,000
“ “ 24 D. Chase $9,000
“ June 2 C. Danforth $20,000
“ “ 2 Stone $5,000
1840 June 14 Credit to C.L. Cole, cash received $7,500
“ “ 18 do charge to account $9,000
“ “ “ Stone $8,000
“ “ “ charge C.L. Cole & Co. $19,000
In addition to these loans, Cole had deposited two certificates of deposit,
one in his name for $5,000 and one on the Binghampton Bank for $18,000, as part
of his share of the bank’s capital. It is likely that Chase learned of some, but not
all, of the fraud before sending his letter on the 17th. It is not surprising that after
deposing the main players on the 25th, Hubbard got a writ of mandamus two days
later, and that the bank was placed in receivership on the 29th.
In his testimony, Danforth states that he was made President pro tem on
May 4th, 1840, as Cole told him that Mr. Chase was not in town often enough to
perform the day-to-day duties required. It is worth noting that in response to this
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claim, Chase told the Commissioners on the 25th that he had not left the bank
since the 17th, even sleeping there at night. Obviously, he was concerned about
what was happening to the Manhattan Bank.
Danforth acknowledged signing a number of notes, specifically “[t]he
largest part of them dated May 1st 1840; a small part of them dated June 1st 1840;
denominations fives and tens. No other denominations signed by me. Perhaps a
small part of the amount signed by me may have been dated 4th of May, 1840.”
This author is aware of survivors bearing Danforth’s signature dated both May 1
and May 4.
The record is unclear how much of a knowledgeable accomplice Charles
Danforth was in Cole’s fraud. His brother Dwight was a business partner of
Cole’s, but it is possible that Charles was just an available tool by which Cole
could bypass Chase’s involvement in the business of the bank.
For his part, Chase received no blame for the bank’s failing from the
Commissioners. On the contrary, the final report made clear that “[t]he prompt-
ness with which this communication was made, after the frauds were ascertained
by the President, and the facilities afforded by him for a thorough and immediate
examination of the Manhattan Bank, together with his desire to redeem the paper
improperly put in circulation, and to protect the interests of those to whom the
institution was indebted, would seem to require of us a marked expression of our
Manhattan Bank Issues
As part of his deposition in preparation for the writ of mandamus,
Chamberlain was asked to give the dates, contents, and amounts of every shipment
of currency received by the Manhattan Bank during its existence. Fortunately for
us, he was able to do exactly that. The accompanying chart shows his response;
the first three columns are his testimony, while the last two represent educated
guesses of the notes in question, based on known examples.
The last two deliveries are referred to by Chamberlain as being from
“new plates,” ordered on May 10, 1840, and received on May 20. Chamberlain
further notes that at some point during March 1838, $75,000 worth of $25 post
notes (Wolka 1532-16) were received, but none were ever issued or even prepared
for issue. In addition, the shipment received on March 13, 1840 was destroyed by
fire at the behest of the directors of the Bank on April 28 of that year. This
explains the existence of proofs (Wolka 1532-10 and -14) for which no circulating
examples have been reported. From the reports, it is also possible to put together a
Date Rec’d Shipment Amount Printer Wolka #
12 Nov 1837 1000 sh. 1-1-2-3 $7,000 Wright & Prentiss 1532-03, -05, -07
28 Nov 1837 1000 sh. 1-1-2-3 $7,000 Wright & Prentiss -03, -05, -07
7 Dec 1837 4000 sh. 1-1-2-3 $28,000 Wright & Prentiss -03, -05, -07
26 Mar 1838 2000 sh. 5 $10,000 Rawdon, Wright & Hatch -11
26 Mar 1838 400 sh. 25 2 $25,000 Rawdon, Wright & Hatch -17
10 Sep 1838 2000 sh. 2,1,1 $8,000 Rawdon, Wright & Hatch -06, -04
27 Oct 1838 2000 sh. 5,2,1,1 $18,000 Rawdon, Wright & Hatch -11, -06, -04
4 June 1839 3000 sh. 1,1,1,3 $18,000 UBS&H -02, -09
13 Mar 1840 3000 sh. 10,5,5,5 $75,000 UBS&H -14, -10
20 May 1840 3000 sh. 10-5-5-5 $75,000 Rawdon, Wright & Hatch -13, -12
10 July 1840 5000 sh. 10-5-5-5 $125,000 Rawdon, Wright & Hatch -13, -12
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timeline of all officers of the Manhattan Bank, against which legitimately signed
surviving notes can be compared.
Cashier President Dates 3
Henry D. Ward David Chase Open – Oct 1839
Foster M. Follett David Chase Oct 1839 – May 1840
W.A. Chamberlain David Chase May 5, 1840 – July 3, 1840
W.A. Chamberlain Charles Danforth (pro tem) May 4, 1840 – July 3, 1840
F.L. Nichols David Chase July 18, 1840 – close
This author is unaware of any notes signed by Nichols, and considers it
unlikely that any such notes were issued.
Unfinished Business
Some loose ends still remain. Notes with dates and signatures that are
likely spurious are known. The results of receivership are not included in the
Bank Commissioners’ report. Calvin Cole’s role and ultimate fate is still hazy.
Most directly applicable to this discussion are the specifics of the transfer of own-
ership from James to Cole. It is easy to assume that the destruction of notes that
occurred on April 28 was ordered by Cole upon gaining control, but that is not
certain. Whether James had any knowledge of Cole’s plans, or for that matter,
who approached whom is still unknown. Fortunately, a great number of James’
letters survive in a number of collections, so these last questions may yet be
answered. In any case, it is best to end with a final quotation from the final Bank
Commissioners’ report:
The inspection of the Manhattan Bank has presented a map of testimony, of a
character so extraordinary that we deem it our duty to lay the principal part
of it before the General Assembly.
The author is interested in histories and materials of all Ohio banks pre-
ceding the State Bank of Ohio era (1803-1844). He can be reached at jddaven-
End Notes
1. All quotations come from the Bank Commissioners’ journals, dated July
27, 1840, for testimony of the Manhattan Bank officers, and October 2,
1840, for the final report.
2. The report does in fact read 400 sheets of $25 notes, totaling $25,000.
Given the totals included inthe report, it is likely that the number of
sheets was incorrectly transcribed, and 1,000 sheets is the correct quanti-
3. Dates given are when the officers were actually in office. In the cases of
Chamberlain and Danforth, we known that both signed notes dated May
1, 1840, even though they did not take office until a few days later.
Acts of the State of Ohio, Vol. 37. Chillicothe: N. Willis, 1839.
Bank Commissioners’ Journals, 1839-1844. Ohio Historical Society archives.
John H. James’ daybook. Ohio Historical Society archives.
Smith, William E. & Smith, Ophia D. A Buckeye Titan. Cincinnati: Cincinnati Historical
and Philosophical Society of Ohio, 1953.
Waggoner, Clark (ed.). History of the City of Toledo and of Lucas County, Ohio. New York and
Toledo: Munsell & Co., 1888.
Weatherford, John W. “The Short Life of Manhattan, Ohio.” The Ohio Historical
Quarterly, vol. 65 no. 4 (1956), pp. 376-398. v
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ANEW 4-SUBJECT $500 LEGAL TENDER PLATEWAS MADE with Schofield-Gilfillan signatures at thestart of the Series of 1880. It was lettered A1-B1-C1-D1,the same as a previous Series of 1874 plate.
Thus began an odyssey that would see this plate through 32 years of
periodic service with ten different signature combinations and at least one reen-
try of the vignettes, which was carried out in the midst of the Rosecrans-Huston
We have not observed a longer serving large size U. S. currency plate,
although it is possible that one could be found.
In contrast, three 4-subject Series of 1880 $1000 plates were made dur-
ing this same period. The largest number of signature combinations used on any
one of them was four.
Fewer Series of 1880 $500 notes were printed than $1000s. A total of
27,000 impressions, or 108,000 notes, were printed from the $500 plate in com-
parison to 52,000 impressions or 208,000 notes from the three $1000 plates
(Moffitt, current).
The early high denomination legal tender plates have proven to be very
interesting for three reasons. (1) They were routinely altered to carry new series
dates and treasury signatures. (2) The positions of the treasury signatures and
their titles were transposed on several of the plates. (3) Patent dates for innova-
tions involving printing technology and paper were placed on several of the
We’ll document these interesting occurrences for you here, so our dis-
cussion will range wider than a simple look at the Series of 1880 $500 plate.
The Paper Column
by Peter Huntoon
and Doug Murray
The Durable Series of 1880
Legal Tender $500 Plate
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Signature Changes
Large size national bank note and high denomination type note face
plates were not hardened because their limited use simply didn’t require it.
Consequently, it was rather easy to alter them, or to reenter worn or damaged
design elements.
New signatures and series dates were placed on the high denomination
legal tender plates with regularity. The process of changing signatures involved
burnishing the old signature off the plate, and entering the new one.
An intaglio die was made containing the new signature. The die was then
hardened so a soft steel transfer roll could be lifted from it. The roll was hard-
ened, and used to transfer the signature onto each of the subjects on the plate. A
separate roll was used to enter the title under the signature.
If removal of an old signature or entry of the new one caused damage to
adjacent design elements, appropriate rolls would be retrieved and used to reenter
them. Similarly, if the vignettes exhibited wear, they could be reentered as well
before the plate was recertified and put back in service.
Typically, but not always, the siderographers who made the alterations
added their initials to the upper border of the plate. Consequently, successive
proofs generally exhibit new initials so the chronology of the work on the plate
can be deduced with fair accuracy.
The first initials on the $500 Series of 1880 plate were PJG, and appeared
during the Rosecrans-Jordan administration, but sometime after their signatures
had been added to the plate. The new work done by PJG involved adding the
plate number 619 to the bottom margin and maybe even reentering the vignettes.
Siderographer initials were strung 2/3rds of the way across the top mar-
gin of the plate by the time it was discontinued in 1912! But not all of the sidero-
graphers placed their initials on it, especially during the early years.
The idea, though, is that this remarkable plate was one of the most, if not
the most, frequently altered plate in the history of the large size issues!
Earlier $500 Legal Tender Plates
The design used on the Series of 1880 $500s was first used for Series of
1874 Allison-Spinner notes. Two 4-subject Allison-Spinner $500 plates were
made that were lettered A1-B1-C1-D1 and A2-B2-C2-D2. They were respective-
ly logged into the record of plates on January 22 and May 12, 1874.
Only the A2-B2-C2-D2 plate was used to print Allison-Spinner notes.
The positions of their signatures were transposed on it.
Both plates were altered into Series of 1875 Allison-New plates when
New replaced Spinner in 1875. Their signatures appeared in the correct locations
on the new versions of the plates. Notice that they had to move Allison’s signa-
ture to the left side on both. Only one note is reported with Allison-New signa-
Figure 1. $500 Series of 1880 legal
tender proof with Rosecrans-Hyatt
signatures. This combination was
the third out of ten that was placed
on the plate.
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tures, and it is from the A2-B2-C2-D2 plate.
Later, when Wyman replaced New in 1876, the A1-B1-C1-D1 plate was
altered again to carry the Allison-Wyman combination. The Series was left as
Lastly, the A2-B2-C2-D2 plate was altered again to carry the Allison-
Gilfillan combination after Gilfillan assumed office in 1877. Series of 1875 was
removed from the plate, and Series of 1878 was overprinted on the notes instead.
Once again, they transposed the positions of officer’s signatures and titles
on the Allison-Gilfillan version of the plate. This is especially odd because
Allison’s signature already was on the plate in the correct position before the
alteration, so it had to be removed again and repositioned!
Both of the early $500 plates were replaced by a new A1-B1-C1-D1 plate
which served the entire Series of 1880, and which is the focus of this article. That
plate was entered into the record of plates on February 17, 1880.
The BEP seemed to have had a problem with the placement of treasury
signatures on some of the legal tender plates because signatures were also trans-
posed on several versions of the $50 plates as well. The signatures on the Series
of 1874 and 1878 $50 plate were transposed, but correctly positioned on the
Series of 1875 version, just as had happened on the $500 plate.
The problem persisted on the $50s into the Series of 1880 where the first
five signature combinations come transposed. These involve all the notes with the
Bruce-Gilfillan, Bruce-Wyman, Rosecrans-Jordan, Rosecrans-Hyatt and
Rosecrans-Huston combinations, including all the different treasury seals that go
with each.
Patent Dates
Another curiosity involving the $500 plates is a patent date that appears
in very fine letters in the upper border of the box used for the lower left serial
number. This reads “Geo. W. Casilear’s Patent Nov. 24, 1868.”
That patent date is on all the $500 Series of 1874 through 1878 issues. It
also was placed on the Series of 1880 plate for use with the unissued Scofield-
Gilfillan and issued Bruce-Wyman combinations. The patent date was removed
from the plate before the Rosecrans-Jordan notes were printed.
Reed (2008) advises that Casilear's Nov. 24, 1868 patent pertained to
overprinting serial numbers on a fine line guilloche to foil tampering. The patent
attribution first appeared on Series of 1869 Rainbow legal tender notes, but not
the $500.
Figure 2. The treasury signatures
and titles on $500 plate A2-B2-C2-
D2 were successively altered and
used to print the Series of 1874
(top), Series of 1875 (middle) and
Series of 1878 (bottom). Notice
that the positions of the treasury sig-
natures were erroneously trans-
posed on both the top and bottom
versions of the plate. Especially
notice how Allison’s signature was
moved back and forth on the plate
between each series!
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264424
Casilear’s patent no. 84,341 stated: “Be in known that I . . . have invented
a new and improved Mode of Preventing the Alteration of Numbers or the
Addition of Figures on Bonds, Notes, and other Securities . . . on a finely-
engraved background . . . of scroll-lathe work, or any other printed matter, the
groundwork of which shall be tinted in fugitive colors or inks.”
Furthermore, he advocated printing serial numbers between terminators
“leaving no room for adding an additional number on either side of the figure or
figures.” These terminators included parentheses, or, as seen on the Series of
1869 notes, a prefix letter and a suffix consisting of a five pointed star.
According to Reed, Casilear had a long and somewhat turbulent career in
the bank note industry. He rose to Chief Engraver and Superintendent of the
Engraving Division at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. He also patented an
improved paper to foil altering in 1875, and three years later another improved
bank note paper employing localized fibers and coloring.
His idea for using terminators in serial numbers resulted in their being
adopted for use in treasury sheet serial numbers on national bank notes in April
1869. Three changes were made on the nationals: (1) in most cases, prefix letters
were added to the numbers if they were not already in use for the plate combina-
tion, (2) the numbers were formally terminated with brackets, and (3) spaces
between the prefix letter and the numbers were eliminated.
The idea of superimposing overprints on engraved work was used in the
security engraving trade because the technique foiled the efforts of counterfeiters
to make photographic color separations as they prepared their own plates. Often
people look at a busy looking note, say a Series of 1882 brown back national bank
Register-Treasurer Dates Signatures Current Denominationsa Seals
Scofield-Gilfillan Apr 1, 1878-May 20, 1881 500 none printed
Bruce-Gilfillan May 21, 1881-Mar 31, 1883
Bruce-Wyman Apr 1, 1883-Apr 30, 1885 500 1000(1) large brown
Bruce-Jordan May 1, 1885-Jun 7, 1885
Rosecrans-Jordan Jun 8, 1885-May 23, 1887 500 1000(1) large red plain
Rosecrans-Hyatt May 24, 1887-May 10, 1889 500 1000(1) large red plain
Rosecrans-Huston May 11, 1889-Apr 24, 1891 500 1000(1) large red spiked
Rosecrans-Nebeker Apr 25, 1891-May 31, 1893 500 small red
1000(2) large brown
Rosecrans-Morgan Jun 1, 1893-Jun 30, 1893
Tillman-Morgan Jul 1, 1893-Jun 30, 1897 500 1000(2) small red
Tillman-Roberts Jul 1, 1897-Dec 2, 1897 1000(3) none printed
Bruce-Roberts Dec 3, 1897-Apr 6, 1898 500 small red
Lyons-Roberts Apr 7, 1898-Jun 30, 1905 500 1000(3) small red
Lyons-Treat Jul 1, 1905-Jun 11, 1906
Vernon-Treat Jun 12, 1906-Oct 30, 1909 1000(3) small red
Vernon-McClung Nov 1, 1909-May 17, 1911
Napier-McClung May 18, 1911-Nov 21, 1912 500 1000(3) none printed
a. The three plates made for the Series of 1880 $1000 notes are distinguished by the number
in parentheses.
Figure 3. This detail shows
Casilear’s patent date for the con-
cept of using a fine line guilloche
behind serial numbers in order to
foil alteration or counterfeiting.
This same concept is the reason why
seals on modern notes are over-
printed over engraved work because
it is difficult for counterfeiters to
make photographic color separa-
tions from the original as they
attempt to make their own plates to
duplicate the note. (Photo courtesy
of Doug Murray)
Table 1. Treasury signature combi-
nations and seals that appeared on
Series of 1880 $500 and $1000
notes. The signature combination
was not placed on a plate if the
denomination is omitted.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 425
note, and comment that the designers failed to leave enough room for the treasury
seal. Printing the seal over black design elements, even though it obscured certain
information such as plate dates, was deliberate.
The odd phenomenon of putting patent dates for such ideas on notes
made its appearance in another form. The patent date of July 24, 1866, for James
M. Willcox innovation for introducing colored fibers into localized areas within
security paper, was placed on the earlier $500 Series of 1869 legal tender plate
with John Quincy Adams portrait.
That plate bore Allison-Spinner signatures, and was used to print the
rainbow notes (Reed, 2008). However, Willcox’s patent date was omitted from
the new Allison-Spinner Series of 1874 plates when the $500 was redesigned dur-
ing their term to feature Civil War General Joseph King Mansfield’s portrait.
Consequently Willcox’s patent date wasn’t mated with Casilear’s patent date on
any of the new design $500s.
In contrast, the use of patent dates reached its zenith on the $1000 Series
of 1869 legal tender plate with Allison-Spinner signatures. That plate carried both
the Willcox and Casilear patent dates. In fact, Casilear’s patent date is repeated
twice, one under each serial number, which in retrospect seems a bit absurd.
Had that trend persisted, notes eventually would have been peppered with
all sorts of patent dates! The queer aspect to these dates is that there was no indi-
cation as to what they referred.
The design of the $1000 face was left unchanged when the new backs
were introduced for the Series of 1878, but Wilcox’s patent date was dropped
then. Casilear’s patent date was dropped from the $1000 Series of 1880 issues
beginning with the Rosecrans-Jordan issues.
It is amazing to discover how interconnected things are.
Doug Murray provided the information from the Record of Plates which
he microfilmed at the National Archives years ago. Fred Reed provided the cita-
tion for Casilear’s patent. James Hughes, Associate Curator, National
Numismatic Collection, Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
provided access to the certified proofs.
References and Sources of Data
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Certified proofs from large size U. S. currency
plates: National Numismatic Collections, National Museum of American
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, 1863-1929.
Moffitt, Derek, current,
Reed, Fred. “Feds roll out Rainbows with extra security,” Bank Note Reporter, v.
36. no. 11 (2008), pp. 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54. v
Figure 4. The use of patent dates
peaked on the $1000 Series of 1869
legal tender plate with Allison-
Spinner signatures. That plate car-
ried both Willcox’s patent date for
his special paper and Casilear’s
patent date for overprinting serial
numbers on a fine-lined back-
ground. Notice that Casilear’s
patent date appears under each seri-
al number.
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 425
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264426
woes have prompted some to revisit the potential of local currencies to
bring relief to beleaguered communities. While “BerkShares” and
Detroit’s “Cheers” are the most recent examples of such scrip, the local
currency movement in its modern form goes back to 1991, with the establishment
of Ithaca “Hours” as a model for later issuers. Since then, more than eighty differ-
ent experiments in local currency have been undertaken across the country. In
this article, I describe briefly the ideas behind the use of local currency since the
1990s, and assess how successful such currencies have been. As many of these cur-
rency experiments have become defunct over the course of twenty years, I also
offer a basic list of these issues. As time goes by and websites are taken down,
information about these discontinued currencies is becoming scarce.
I. Why Local Currencies?
Designing a currency expressly to circulate in a limited area runs against
the grain of our monetary experience of the last two centuries, which has been to
make money a national responsibility. Along the way, the very appearance of
money has also become increasingly standardized (and, I think, less interesting to
look at). During disturbances like the Panic of 1907 or the Great Depression, local
currencies have made comebacks, but have then disappeared once normal times
returned. In contrast, modern local currencies have emerged in times of relative
prosperity. While one might expect local currency advocates to be free-market lib-
ertarians, the modern movement is overwhelmingly liberal in its orientation,
grounded in “Green” political activism with its opposition to large corporations,
free trade and to globalization generally.
Arguments for local currency can be found in numerous places. Two
prominent sources are Kennedy (1988) and Greco (2001). The following is a brief
and typical list of the reasons given by local currency advocates:
1. Local currency keeps money circulating in communities, instead of it
draining away in the form of corporate profits and other payments to
distant financial centers.
2. Local currency fosters community self-reliance and solidarity, by pro-
moting the exchange of goods and services only within the limited cir-
cuit of local currency circulation.
3. Local currency encourages diversity as something culturally and social-
The Modern Local Currency Movement
in the United States and Canada
By Loren Gatch, PhD
A frequent contributor to Paper Money, SPMC member Loren Gatch is a politi-
cal science professor at the University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK,
especially interested in the theory of money.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 427
ly valuable in itself. Instead of consuming the standard wares purveyed
by national chain-stores, users of local currency will instead patronize
local producers of goods and services.
4. Local currency serves ideals of equity and social justice, first by recog-
nizing certain services that are undervalued in terms of conventional
money (child and elder care, for example), and second by encouraging
a more egalitarian pricing of different goods and services.
5. Local currency is ecologically friendly, since it is not based on debt.
Advocates argue that the national money supply created through frac-
tional reserve banking creates an imperative of economic expansion,
since the borrowings which give rise to the national supply of credit
must be repaid through future earnings from an ever expanding econo-
my. The consequence of such growth, advocates contend, is mounting
stress upon regional and global environments.
This is not the place to seriously assess these claims, although conven-
tional economic analysis is generally skeptical about the arguments made on behalf
of local currencies. My concern instead is with the narrower question of whether
these currencies have worked in the sense that, once introduced, they have circu-
lated the way their founders intended. To answer this, it is useful to outline how
the various schemes were intended to function.
II. The Ithaca Hours Model (1991-present)
Since the vast majority of local currency experiments in the 18 years since
the founding of Ithaca Hours (1991) have used the latter as a model, it is helpful to
describe the Ithaca experience (discussions of Ithaca Hours are numerous; see the
Hours website at
At the core of local currency schemes is a directory of providers of goods
and services who are willing to trade with each other using an exchange medium
other than national money. Creating and maintaining such a directory as a func-
“In Ithaca We Trust.” Residents of
central New York have trusted in
Ithaca Hours for 18 years. This local
currency has also served as a model
for other local currencies across the
country since then.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264428
tioning clearinghouse of goods and services is a substantial undertaking, even on a
local scale. In the Ithaca case, the publication of HOUR Town served for many
years as a paper directory in the form of a newspaper circular; more recently, the
listing of goods and services has migrated on-line (see Each provider of a good or service is given an initial
supply of Hours, in the form of a paper curren-
cy, for signing up (as well as for renewing year-
ly listings) which he or she can spend with any
of the other listed providers, or with retail
establishments in the city that will accept
Hours on some basis. In this way, the supply of
Hours is designed to grow with the increasing
number of participants.
What makes this scheme more than
just barter is the use of a medium, the Hour,
which can circulate independently of the origi-
nal participants. The system is designed to be
flexible. Without maintaining an actual exchange rate, the conventional value of
the Hour is set at $US 10, which is also suggested as a minimum hourly wage, and
which provides a benchmark for how providers will price their goods and services.
For example, a dentist might price her skilled services in terms of a greater num-
ber of Hours than would someone offering unskilled yard work. For their part,
participating businesses are encouraged to accept Hours in full or partial payment
for their goods and services, with the understanding that accounts payable outside
of Ithaca will always require national money. The overall supply of Hours is sub-
ject to some discretionary management by Circulation Committee of Ithaca
Hours, Inc., which can remedy currency ‘bottlenecks’ and otherwise control the
rate at which new currency is introduced.
In sum, given a critical mass of participants (in terms of their numbers as
well as the diversity of their goods and services) these features of the system con-
fer upon Hours the properties of a functioning, albeit restricted, currency.
Indeed, in the words of Paul Glover, the founder of Ithaca Hours:
We regard Ithaca's HOURS as real money, backed by real people, real
time, real skills and tools. Dollars, by contrast, are funny money,
backed no longer by gold or silver but by less than nothing --
[then] $8.4 trillion of national debt.
III. The Spread of “Hours” to Other Communities
Ithaca Hours became the template for a number of other local currency
experiments, and by the end of the 1990s several dozen communities throughout
the United States and Canada had their version of Ithaca’s time-based currency
(see list below).
By and large, communities with Hours-style local currencies were either
college towns or otherwise strongly progressive and Green in their political orien-
1. Editor’s note: The outstanding public debt as of September 30, 2009, at
7:00:08 PM GMT was $11,778,540,433,558.55, according to “U.S. National
Debt Clock,” According to that same
source the U.S. National Debt has continued to increase an average of $3.78
billion per day since September 28, 2007. Each citizen’s share of our National
Debt is calculated at more than $38,000 presently and growing! For those
curious, you can view the calculated National Debt grow by the second at
Ithaca Hours are denominated in
whole and fractional parts of an
equivalent hours’ labor.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 429
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*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 429
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264430
tation. The town of Ithaca is both, and not surprisingly the West Coast was also
heavily represented among the growing list of new currencies. Indeed, many cur-
rencies were established by local affiliates of the Green Party, or by activists for
Green causes. Calgary Dollars is run by the president of the Alberta Green Party.
In addition to Paul Glover’s advocacy, by the mid 1990s the E.F. Schumacher
Society of Great Barrington, Massachusetts ( took the
lead in promoting local currencies by sponsoring conferences and workshops on
the subject, serving as a clearing house for information, and sponsoring its own
local currency experiments in the Berkshire region (which, interestingly, were
never of the Hours variety).
Most currency experiments of the 1990s took Glover’s Ithaca Hours as
their explicit model, even if they differed in the details. In Berkeley, California,
the currency was styled as BREAD (a neat acronym for Berkeley Regional
Exchange and Development) and set at one BREAD to $US 12. BREAD was
unusual for requiring endorsements as it circulated. Also rated at $US 12 was one
“Greenback” in Brooklyn, New York and one “Eco” in Eugene, Oregon.
Likewise, Tamworth, Ontario’s Hours, billed as a “truly Canadian UsuryFree
Enterprise”, corresponds to $C 12. Sonoma Hours (Santa Rosa, California) went
for $US 20. Pittsboro, North Carolina’s PLENTY (for Piedmont Local
EcoNomy Tender—as an acronym it’s a stretch!) represented $US 10, at least in
its earlier version. “Mo’ Money” of New Orleans was equivalent to $US 5.
In all these cases, the dollar valuation of time-based currencies never
implied an actual exchange rate; instead, users were supposed to orient themselves
towards that rate when they bid or offered using the currency. Those experiments
not using the Hours concept--Valley Dollars (Massachusetts), Tucson Tokens
and High Desert Dollars (Arizona), REAL Dollars (Kansas), and Calgary Dollars
(Alberta)-- instead pegged their currencies one-for-one to national currencies. By
the late 2000s, this latter formula has come to dominate local currency schemes,
for reasons to be explored at the end of this article.
Terms of entry into the various currency systems of the early 1990s also
differed, especially insofar as directory listings might require some nominal
upfront payment in standard funds. Both Valley Dollars and REAL Dollars were
distinctive in that their issuers required the deposit of collateral of equivalent
value—gift certificates in the first case, the equivalent of standard funds in the sec-
Local “Mo Money” in New Orleans
was patterned after Ithaca Hours.
PLENTY notes were circulated in
Pittsboro, NC. PLENTY is an
acronym for Piedmont Local
EcoNomy Tender.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 431
ond. Otherwise, what backed these Hours currencies was nothing more than the
promise that each participant offered something that another participant would
find valuable. For most of these currencies, the name “Hours” and the notional
valuation of $US 10 remained the norm. Such designations of value are arbitrary,
as are all monetary conventions. But they were useful in signaling to participants
how they should rate the bidding and offering of goods and services that created
the rationale for the local currency in the first place.
Also local are the look and feel of these currencies, into which their
designers have incorporated locally-relevant features, themes, and personalities. If
the Ithaca HOUR and its fractions were (to my mind) a bit staid in appearance,
other local currencies have proven more venturesome. Both Mendecino SEED
(for Self-sufficient Ecological Economic Development) and Sound Hours
(Olympia, Washington) used aquatic themes. The ten-“Slice” note of Burlington,
Vermont features the bounty of a local farmers’ market, as do Pittsboro PLEN-
TY notes. New Orleans’ “Mo’ Money” incorporates drawings made by children
from the housing project where the currency originated. Ukiah Hours adapted
local historical photographs for their currency vignettes. Tamworth Hours are
even more photorealist in appearance and, thanks to modern printing technology,
can even be personalized with one’s own picture! The three-REAL Dollar
(Kansas) note sports the Beat author and bad marksman William S. Burroughs,
who moved to Lawrence late in his career. My sentimental favorite is the “Dillo
Hour” of Austin, Texas. This note celebrates the armadillo, a creature which,
while heavily armored, is tragically slow, and thus no match for the murderous
drivers on interstate highways of the Southwest.
IV Have Local Currencies Worked?
The short answer is, by and large, “No.” One of the first serious studies
of local currencies was done by Ed Collum (2005), a sociologist at the University
of Southern Maine, who found a failure rate for local currencies of about eighty
percent. By 2004, according to Collum’s count, out of eighty-two currencies
introduced, only seventeen remained active (
~collom/cc.html). The two most important factors contributing to this mortality
rate, Collum found, were “leadership burnout” amongst the unpaid volunteers
who have administered the currency programs, and the tendency of active partici-
pation in local currency exchanges to decline over time. A study in 2008 by econ-
omists at Bucknell University only reinforced this conclusion, and found minimal
economic benefits to the use of local currency (Krohn and Snyder 2008).
Why should local currencies be such difficult things to achieve? The
answer, I think, lies in the properties of money itself. Like other human creations
with a high information content, money tends to exhibit network and scale
effects, meaning that the more people use it, the more useful it becomes to peo-
ple. In this sense, successful money is money whose circulation expands at the
expense of less desirable alternatives (when governments enforce the circulation
of undesirable currency the reverse happens, which is Gresham’s Law). To explic-
itly design a currency that functions only locally is thus a bit counterintuitive. In
effect, the properties of money that make it so useful are purposefully impaired,
in order to keep its use restricted to serve the progressive ethical values that local
currency advocates consider important. In the case of local currencies, this is
achieved by discouraging a proper exchange rate with the outside world, which
diminishes the incentive of people who have outside financial obligations to use
As a consequence, even when established, local currencies have required
enormous work to keep going, since if left alone they tend to wither. Key to their
viability is the maintenance of a critical mass of bids and offers of products of a
sufficient diversity that the currency will find use. No matter how many transac-
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264432
tors are willing to handle the currency, volume of use will be small if people are
only offering aromatherapy and massages to each other. The ordinary and practical
instances of currency use—car repair, purchases at the hardware store—become
few and far between to the extent that receipts in local currency cannot be used to
meet outside obligations. Indeed, a common problem in local currency-using com-
munities has been the overloading of local natural food stores and co-ops which,
unlike the chain grocery stores, are ideologically sympathetic towards such scrip
but lack the financial flexibility to process much of it. In Ithaca, Green Star
Cooperative Market accumulated fully one-third of the entire circulation of Hours
by 2008, leading Green Star to reduce the amount of Hours it would accept. In
Carrboro, North Carolina, Weaver Street Market became a similar focus of
At the bottom of these difficulties lies a cart-before-the-horse paradox.
Local currencies were touted for their community-building and –protecting poten-
tial, yet themselves require considerable community mobilization if they are to suc-
ceed. Ithaca Hours has survived for so long not just because of the dedication and
energy of its founder, Paul Glover, but because the program created institutions in
Ithaca that enabled its currency to outlast the departure of Glover from active
involvement in its routine maintenance (indeed, it was prompting by the State of
New York that caused the Ithaca Hours organization to incorporate in the first
place). These institutions—from governing boards to potlucks to vegan pancake
breakfasts—re-energize the local population’s connection to the currency and keep
its circulation from experiencing the inevitable decline. Other success stories on
the Ithaca Hours model—Anacostia Hours, Corvallis Hours, Madison Hours—
exhibit a similar evolution. Both Calgary Dollars and Philadelphia’s Equal Hours
are distinctive not just for valuing their currencies one-for-one in terms of national
money, but for lining up substantial foundation and outside grant support to keep
their systems viable.
V Toronto Dollars and BerkShares:
Models for ‘Second Wave’ Local Currencies?
While there have always been non-“Hour” type local currencies, the intro-
duction of Toronto Dollars ( in 1998 followed by
BerkShares in 2005 ( heralded a shift in the design of local
currencies towards a more flexible and pragmatic acceptance of financial links out-
side of local currency communities.
Unlike “Hours” currencies, Toronto
Dollars and BerkShares are essen-
tially consumer incentive pro-
grams—what Thomas Greco (2001)
calls “cash-substitute scrip.”
Participants buy in by purchasing
with standard funds Toronto Dollars
at 90%, and BerkShares at 95%, of
their face values ( i.e. 90 $C buy 100
Toronto Dollars, 95 $US purchases
100 BerkShares). The currencies are
then spent with local merchants,
who can deposit them at their bank
at the original rates of 90 $C/95 $US
respectively. In effect, local com-
merce is promoted by the promise of
a slight discount to consumers and
funded by smaller local business
An article in this journal’s March/
April issue described how
BerkShares circulate in
Massachusetts communities with
the support of local merchants and
banks, where they show up in cash
register tills like this one.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 433
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 08/02/2009
These memberships expire December 31, 2010
12977 David Sweet, 300 Frander Ave, Lansing, MI 48912 (C
& D), Patrick A. Heller
12978 Kirk Jackson (C), Frank Clark
12979 Thomas E. Marsh, 5108 W. Shoreline Terrace,
Muncie, IN 47304 (C), Mark Anderson
12980 William M. Crim (C), Lowell Horwedel
12981 Ryan A. Baum (C), Website
12982 Tom Dell, PO Box 50630, Billings, MT 59105 (C,
Confederate, World War Two), Website
12983 Bradley T. Gericke (C), Website
12984 James L. Lane (C), Website
12985 James C. Zellner (C & D), Website
12986 A.D. Gerhart, 352 Edgehill Drive, Akron, PA 17501-
1225 (C, Low Numbers, Stars, Pennsylvania Nationals),
Paper Money Values
12987 Michael Hritz (C), Kathy Lawrence
12988 Kerry D. Mendel (C), Kathy Lawrence
12989 Jon Cunningham, 22405 State Highway TT, Crane,
MO 65633 (C, State issues), Wendell Wolka
12990 Leon Cunningham, 22411 State Highway TT, Crane,
MO 65633 (C, Southern States and Confederates),
Wendell Wolka
12991 Martha Gammill, PO Box 698, Schoolcraft, MI 49087
(C, Civil War, Virginia), Wendell Wolka
12992 David Knighter (C & D, Nationals), Wendell Wolka
12993 Mark McWherter, 1107 E. Northview St, Olathe, KS
66061 (C & D), Wendell Wolka
12994 Michael Weaver, 165 Camden Woods Place, Dallas,
GA 30157 (C, Confederate), Wendell Wolka
12995 Bill Hughes, 32 Fairview Ave, Clinton, NJ 08809 (C,
New Jersey Nationals), Bob Hearn
12996 Wayne Renfroe (C), Fred Reed
9725 Charles Weko (C), Frank Clark
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 09/02/2009
These memberships expire December 31, 2010
12997 Charles J. Flemm (C & D), Larry Schuffman
12998 Andrew D. Manns Sr. (C), Larry Schuffman
12999 Lawrence Taubenkibel (C) Frank Clark
13100 Gary L. Batten (C, Fractional, Nationals, Foreign),
Tom Denly
13101 Dave Horman, 1102 Charles St, La Crosse, WI 54603
(C & D, Nationals), Larry Adams
13102 Robert W. Jasperson, 724 East 11th Ave, Monmouth,
IL 61462-2155 (C & D, Fractional, Large Size, Odd &
Curious), Larry Adams
13103 Robert Smith (C), Paper Money Values
13104 Stephen Burke (C), Jason Bradford
13105 Joseph Calta (C), Jason Bradford
13106 Carl Campbell (C), Jason Bradford
13107 Roger Clark (C), Jason Bradford
13108 James Coolbaugh (C), Jason Bradford
13109 Salvatore Corbo (C), Jason Bradford
13110 Kenneth Denski (C), Jason Bradford
13111 Velko Dimovich (C), Jason Bradford
13112 Brent Fogelberg (C), Jason Bradford
13113 Bruce Foley (C), Jason Bradford
13114 Michael Fousse (C), Jason Bradford
13115 Thomas Larsen (C), Jason Bradford
13116 Stan Lubinski (C), Jason Bradford
13117 Robert Luebbe (C), Jason Bradford
13118 Samuel Mazza (C), Jason Bradford
13119 Ernest M. Nepa (C), Jason Bradford
13120 Thomas Pak (C), Jason Bradford
13121 James Schirro (C), Jason Bradford
13122 Joe Spradlin (C), Jason Bradford
13123 Robert Tharpe (C), Jason Bradford
13124 William Thau (C), Jason Bradford
13125 Quang Tran (C), Jason Bradford
13126 Dave Undis (C), Jason Bradford
13127 Robert Wilson (C), Jason Bradford
13128 Edward Wolff (C), Jason Bradford
13129 Dan Wong (C), Jason Bradford
13130 Billy Kingsley (C), Robert Moon
13131 Michael Cahill (C), Website
13132 William Shamhart Jr. (C), Website v
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Letters to the Editor
Dear Fred,
I want to thank you and your colleagues for the award
for first place in the Federal currency category for the arti-
cle “Picturing President Lincoln.” I appreciate the recog-
nition. Thank you very much. I hope you are well and
finding lots of articles to publish.
-- Barbara Bither
Hello Fred!
Today I received an unexpected letter and small parcel
from Benny Bolin: my first place medallion and blue ribbon
for the Operation Bernard information I submitted last year
to Paper Money on behalf of Danny Spungen.
Thank you! I am happy!
Best wishes,
-- Donn Pearlman v
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 433
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264434
What are the advantages of Toronto Dollars and BerkShares over the ear-
lier “Hours” programs? First, ambiguities about their supply and value are
removed by pegging their issue to a proportionate deposit of national money.
Knowing that Toronto Dollars and BerkShares can always be redeemed for nearly
all of their face value, buyers and sellers can use them with confidence. Indeed,
consumers have an incentive to use them to get the discount, while for merchants
the 5%-10% loss upon converting back to standard funds may well be worth the
extra business which these local currencies direct their way.
Second, these currencies avoid the problem of feeble circulation that has
bedeviled “Hours” programs. Accepted across the economic spectrum and not just
by alternative economic niches, they
require less work to keep them going.
Excess supply can always be converted to
standard funds and thus removed from cir-
culation. And third, the programs don’t
require the alternative institutional devel-
opment that Hours programs have needed
to survive. The inaugural use of Toronto
Dollars was by the city mayor himself.
BerkShares work with the full support of
the existing Great Barrington Chamber of
Commerce, a very mainstream organiza-
The disadvantages of the new model inhere in what their very ease and
convenience leave out. Beyond a generic commitment to buying local, using
Toronto Dollars or BerkShares doesn’t require any ecological sensibility or com-
mitment to green values, although in the case of Toronto Dollars the ten percent
difference between their value and the Canadian dollar is dedicated to the Toronto
Dollar Community Projects Fund. That said, it is hard to argue with success. On
the heels of BerkShares, not only have other, similar plans for local currency been
announced, but in one instance, older North Carolina PLENTYs of the Hour type
were redeemed and reissued under a new program, bankrolled by a local business-
Ironically, as Ed Collum pointed out, communities supporting local cur-
rencies (typically, progressive college towns) are not exactly those marginalized or
economically deprived areas that would most benefit from their use. Whether or
not local currencies take on a new life in the 2010s depends on how bad the general
economic situation becomes. At the very least they can’t hurt, and in any case they
illustrate the important truth that, ultimately, money is always a creation of people,
and not of their governments.
Collum, Ed. “Community Currency in the United States: The Social
Environments in Which it Emerges and Survives,” Environment and
Planning, A 37(9), 2005, pp. 1565-87.
Greco, Thomas R., Jr. Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender.
White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2001.
Kennedy, Margrit. Interest and Inflation Free Money. Steyerberg, Germany:
Permakultur Institut, 1988.
Krohn, Gregory A. and Snyder, Alan M. “An Economic Analysis of Contemporary
Local Currencies in the United States,” International Journal of Community
Currency Research (12), 2008, pp. 53-68.
BerkShares are sold and redeemed at
90% of face value, equivalent to
U.S. dollars, giving a discount incen-
tive to their use by consumers, and a
business incentive to merchants.
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 434
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 435
State/City Name Denominations Date Current
(exchange rate) Started Status
United States
Fayetteville Ozark Hour Forming
Flagstaff Flagstaff Neighborly Notes 1/10, 1/2, one hour 2000 Inactive
Prescott High Desert Dollars 1, 5, 10, 20 dollars Inactive
Tucson Tucson Traders Tucson Token (=$1 US) 1997 Inactive
1999 (paper
Tucson Tucson Local Currency Forming
Arcata/Eureka Humboldt Exchange 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 dollars 2003 ACTIVE, Illustrated #3
Community Currency
Berkeley Berkeley BREAD 1/4, 1/2, and one Hour 1997 Inactive, Illustrated #5
(=$US 12)
The following list of American and Canadian local currencies has been
compiled from a variety of sources; an annotated version of this list that discusses
sources in greater detail can be found at political/facul-
I made two editorial decisions that have changed the composition of
this list compared to others. First, I dropped the Chamber of Commerce-
sponsored plans (like Crested Butte, Colorado), which were essentially
coupons or gift certificates not designed for general circulation. This includes
any participants in defunct programs run by Certificheck, which declared
bankruptcy last year. Second, I have dropped Liberty Dollars from this list.
After studying its operation, I concluded that it is simply a scheme for selling
bullion coins and has no genuine local content in its design. Salt Spring Island
Dollars are also heavily oriented towards marketing numismatic products.
However, since the scheme involves paper currency that is issued at a specific loca-
tion, I left them on the list. Finally, I dropped entries that did not use actual cur-
rency, namely Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS) and Time Dollars.
I considered a currency active if its website is functional and up-to-
date. Of course, currencies can still circulate without websites, but in the
absence of any other information this was the obvious criterion. In one case,
“Dillo Hours” (Austin, Texas), I labeled it active without a website on the basis
of a report made to me by someone who had recently visited that town.
This list remains incomplete in many places, especially concerning
denominations and dates of operation. Even as I added listings for older currencies
that received only incidental mention in the sources, I also tried to include refer-
ences to schemes that are currently being conceived (like Detroit “Cheers”). I may
have missed some of these newest ones. Anyone perusing this list who might be
able to “fill in the blanks” or otherwise provide an information source, please con-
tact me. Likewise, if you have currency images you wish to share, I would much
appreciate it. Thanks!
Local Currency Systems
in the United States and Canada, 1991-Present
Loren Gatch
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 435
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264436
Bolinas Sand Dollars Inactive
Eureka Humboldt Hours 1999 Inactive
Eureka Humboldt Clams 2000 Inactive
Garberville Sequoia Hours Inactive
Fort Bragg Mendocino SEED Inactive, Illustrated #10
Mendocino Mendo Moola Forming
Nevada City TradeMarket 1/2, 1, 5, 20 Trades 2007 (date of ACTIVE
first newsletter)
North Fork North Fork “Forks” 1999 Inactive
North Fork North Fork Shares 1 Share (=$US 12) Summer 2009 Forming
Oakland Acorns Forming
Palo Alto Area Bucks Inactive
San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Hours Inactive
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Hours 1997 Inactive
Santa Monica Santa Monica Hours Inactive
Santa Rosa Sonoma County 1/4, one hour (=$US 10) 1998 Inactive (2000)
Community Cash
Ukiah Ukiah Hours 1/10, 1/2, 1, 2 hours 2000 Inactive (never opened)
Illustrated #2
Boulder Boulder Hours 1/2, one, and two hours 1993 Inactive
(=$US 10)
Boulder Forming
Carbondale Carbondale Spuds Inactive
Durango Community Cash 1997 Inactive (2000)
Fort Collins NOCO Hours 1/2 hour 2002 ACTIVE
Paonia North Fork Helping Hands 1999 Inactive
Willimantic Thread City Bread 1/4 , one hour (= $US 10) 1999 Inactive
Gainesville Gainesville Hours 1/4, one hour (=$US 10) 1997 (1/4 hour Inactive (2003)
issued in 1998)
Atlanta Atlanta Hours Inactive
Kilauea Kauai Barter and 1, 5, 10 Coconuts 1995 ACTIVE?, Illustrated #4
Trade Network
Boise Boise Hours Inactive
Bloomington BloomingHOURS 1/4, 1/2, and one Hour 1999 Inactive
(=$US 10)
Indianapolis Barter Bucks 1994 Inactive, Illustrated #6
3 4 5
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 436
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 437
Lawrence REAL Dollars 1, 3, 10 dollars 2000 Inactive, Illustrated #1
Berea Berea Bucks 2, 10 dollars 1997 Inactive
New Orleans Mo’ Money One “Mo” (=$US 5) 1996 Inactive, Illustrated p. 430
Unity Waldo Hours 1996
Baltimore Baltimore Hours 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, one hour 2001 Inactive (2003)
(=$US 10)
Mount Rainier Anacostia Hours 1 hour (=$10 US) 2006 ACTIVE
Takoma Park P.E.N. Neighborhood Exchange
Amesbury Amesburg [sic?] Hours Inactive
Gloucester Cape Ann Dollars Inactive
Great Barrington Berkshares 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 Berkshares 1993 ACTIVE, Illustrated #8
2006 ACTIVE, Illustrated p. 434
Greenfield Valley Dollars 1, 5, 10, 20 dollars 1991 Inactive
Detroit Detroit Cheers 2009 Forming
Detroit Great Lakes Hours 1995 Inactive
South Bend Michiana Money Forming
Traverse City Bay Area Bucks 1, 5, 10, 20 Baybucks 2005 ACTIVE
Ypsilanti Tower Hour Forming
Columbia Columbia Hours Inactive
Kansas City Kansas City Barter Bucks 1993 Inactive
Missoula Missoula Hours Inactive
New Hampshire
Chesterfield Brattleboro Hours Inactive
New Mexico
Santa Fe Santa Fe Hours 1994 Inactive
New York
Albany Capitol Area Self-Sustaining Hours Inactive
Brooklyn Brooklyn Greenbacks 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, one Greenback 1997 Inactive (2001)
(=$12 US)
Brooklyn Forming
Buffalo Buffalo Hours Inactive
Cobleskill Common Cents 1/10, 1/2 one hour 2004 Inactive
Community Currency
Ithaca Ithaca Hours 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, one hour 1991 ACTIVE, Illustrated #14
(=$10 US)
Kerhonkson Stoneridge Hours Inactive
6 7 8
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 437
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264438
New Berlin Chenango Hours 1996 Inactive
Oneonta Oneonta Hours 1/4, 1/2 hour, one hour 2001 Inactive
(=$10 US)
Philmont Columbia County Hours 1995 Inactive
North Carolina
Asheville Earthaven Leaps ACTIVE?
Carrboro Carrboro Cash Inactive
Durham Bull City Bucks Inactive
Mars Hill Mountain Money 1995 Inactive
Pittsboro PLENTY 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 PLENTYS 2002: “Hour” ACTIVE, Illustrated #13
(Piedmont Local (earlier: 1/4, 1/2, version; One old PLENTY is
EcoNomy Tender) one PLENTY (=$10 US) 2009: “Berkshare” being exchanged for
. version 10 new PLENTYS
Akron Summit Hours 1994 Inactive (2003)?
Apple Creek Wooster Hours Inactive
Cleveland Cuyahoga Hours 1995 Inactive
Columbus Simply Hours 1996 Inactive
Kent Portage Hours 1994 Inactive
Tulsa Tulsa Hours Inactive
Corvallis Corvallis Hours 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, one hour 2002, 2004 ACTIVE
(=$10 US)
Eugene Emerald Ecos Community 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, one Eco 2003 Inactive
Currency (=$12 US)
Hood River/ River HOURS 1/10, 1/2, one hour 2004 ACTIVE
GLCC (=$10 US)
Portland Cascadia Hours 1/4, 1/2, one, two, four Hours 1994 ACTIVE
Bethlehem Lehigh Valley 1994 Inactive (1997)
Barter Hours Illustrated #7
Philadelphia Equal Dollars 1, 5, 10, 20 Equal Dollars 1996 ACTIVE
Austin Dillo Hours 1/4, 1/2, one Dillo Hour 1994 ACTIVE, Illustrated #12
(=$US 10)
Houston Houston Hours Inactive
Taft Greyhound Bucks Inactive
Brattleboro Blue Money Inactive
Bristol Bristol Bucks Inactive
Burlington Burlington Bread/ 1, 5, 10, 20 “Slices” 1998 (w/second Inactive, Illustrated #11
Currency Project issue in 2004)
Hardwick Buffalo Mountain Dollars 1/4, 1/2, one hour (=$10 US) 1996 Inactive
9 10 11
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 438
Now available
Ron Benice
“I collect all kinds of Florida paper money”
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Sarasota, FL 34238
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 439
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $21.60 $38.70 $171.00 $302.00
Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-1/2" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 $358.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 $380.00
Stock Certificate
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*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 439
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264440
Montpelier Green Mountain Hours 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, one hour 1996 Inactive
(=$10 US)
Charlottesville Charlottesville Barter Network Is this a paper currency? ACTIVE?
Floyd Floyd Hours (Floydian Scrip) 1/4, one hour 2001 Inactive
Bainbridge Island Bainbridge Island Bucks 1997 Inactive
Bellingham Life Hours Is there a paper currency? 2004 ACTIVE
Bremerton Kitsap Hours Inactive
Kettle Falls Kettle River Hours Inactive
Bellingham Kulshan Cash 1999 Inactive
Lopez Island Lopez Island Hours 1995 Inactive
Mount Vernon Skagit Dollars Inactive
Olympia Sound Hours 1/10, 1/5, one hour 1996 Inactive, Illustrated #9
(=$10 US)
Olympia Olybarter Network Inactive
Madison Madison Hours 1/4, 1/2, one hour (=$10 US) 1996 ACTIVE
Milwaukee Milwaukee Hours Inactive
Milwaukee Forming
Prov./City Name Denominations Date Current
(exchange rate) Started Status
Calgary Bow Chinook Hours 1996 Inactive
Calgary Calgary Dollars C$1, 5, 10 2002 ACTIVE
British Columbia
Nelson Kootenay Hours 1994 Inactive
Prince George Prince George Hours 1997 Inactive
Salmon Arm shuSwap Hours 1994 Inactive
Salt Springs Salt Spring Dollars C$1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 2001 ACTIVE
Nova Scotia
Halifax Maritime Hours 1994 Inactive
Parrsboro Coastal Gems 1997 Inactive
Kingston, OntarioKingston Hours 1996 Inactive
Tamworth Tamworth Hours 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, one, 2004 ACTIVE
two hours
Toronto Toronto Dollars C$1, 5, 10, 20, 50 1998 ACTIVE
12 13 14
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 440
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 441
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 441
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264442
scarce and desirable type note. Only 696,000 were issued. The limit-
ed issuance was the result of recommendations made in 1925 and 1926
by an internal Treasury Department group known as the Currency
Board. This article explains the purpose and actions of the board, the background
behind the Series of 1923 notes, and why the issuance of the $10 Jackson note was
abruptly discontinued.
Jackson’s portrait on the face, the red overprint, and the attractive “poker
chip” back made for a striking design. The Jackson note replaced the long-lived
Bison $10 note. More than 200 million Bison notes were issued over a period of
twenty-four years; 696,000 Jackson notes were delivered over a period of fifteen
days in February 1926. No additional deliveries occurred, leaving the Jackson
note with a minuscule issuance that paled in comparison to the Bison note as well
as the other new designs that were part of the Series of 1923.
The Series of 1923 Currency Redesigns
The Treasury had sought to simplify the types of currency in circulation
for several years leading up to the early 1920s. The Fiscal Year 1921 Annual
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury noted that redesigning the currency “has
been before this department for more than a decade.” The report cited the unsat-
isfactory “multiplicity and confusion” of the notes currently in use, and recom-
mended the creation of uniform designs with key features being consistent across
the differing types of currency. Reducing the size of the currency was another sig-
nificant part of Treasury’s redesign intentions.
The Secretary’s report for Fiscal Year 1923 stated “Plans for the revision
of paper currency designs, referred to in the previous annual report[s], have been
completed.” The plans for the new faces called for the elimination of allegorical
designs in favor of portraits that would be standardized by denomination.
Similarly, the new back designs would be uniform for each denomination across
the differing types of notes, e.g. the backs of one dollar United States notes (herein
Legal Tender notes) would be the same as the backs on one dollar Silver
Certificates. The discussion to reduce the currency size created controversy, as it
had in the past, so that initiative was omitted in the final 1923 plans.
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon announced the redesign deci-
sions on September 10, 1923. Mellon indicated the Bureau of Engraving and
Why So Few
Series 1923
$10 Legal Tenders Were Issued
By Lee Lofthus
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 442
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 443
This November 1925 memorandum to the members of the Currency Board raised the idea that the $10 Legal Tender notes should be dis-
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264444
Printing (BEP) had been given the authority to execute the new designs, and that
the new style notes would be issued over the course of time, beginning with the
one dollar notes.
The announcement said the new face designs would use the following
portraits: Washington on the $1 note; Lincoln on the $5; Jackson on the $10;
Cleveland on the $20; Grant on the $50; and Franklin on the $100. The $2 note
was omitted from the announcement since Treasury was then considering its
elimination. The standard portraits would be used on Legal Tender notes, Silver
Certificates, and Gold Certificates. The design changes were not immediately
applicable to national bank notes or Federal Reserve notes, pending further study
of those classes of currency.
The redesign plan also included changes to the color of the Treasury
seals: Silver Certificates would continue to use blue seals; future Legal Tender
notes would use green seals; future Federal Reserve Notes would return to the
use of red seals; Gold Certificates would retain yellow seals; and national bank
notes would return to the use of brown seals.
The matter of seal color provoked internal debate before the colors were
adopted because the Treasurer’s office and the Public Debt Service predicted
numerous sorting and identification problems if the Legal Tender notes were to
receive green seals. Redeemed Legal Tenders were sorted with commingled
Silver Certificates, and it was feared worn blue seals and green seals would not be
distinguishable in the high volume, high speed sorting operations. The practical
arguments prevailed, and the seal decision was revised on December 4, 1923.
Thereafter, future Federal Reserve Note designs would receive green seals, and
Legal Tender notes would continue use of red seals.
The first of the new notes, designated Series of 1923, were released on
December 1, 1923 with the delivery of the $1 Silver Certificates. The $1 Legal
Tender notes followed January 3, 1924. The $5 Silver Certificate Lincoln
Porthole notes entered circulation on August 7, 1924.
Regarding the Jackson $10 notes, the BEP had plates ready in February
1924, and Treasury reported in mid-1924 that “printing of the United States
notes of the $10 denomination has commenced.” The 1925 annual report of the
Treasury noted, somewhat sheepishly, that the new Series of 1923 designs were
“admittedly utilitarian in character. . . .”
Complications with the Currency Supply
Treasury was battling other currency supply problems while the BEP
made progress creating the new designs. In the Secretary’s Fiscal Year 1924
report, Treasury noted a dire need for additional $1 notes and that the supply of
seasoned currency sheets was dangerously low. “Seasoned” sheets were those that
received a proper period of aging prior to final printing, a process that improved
the wear qualities of the notes and extended their life in circulation.
Unfortunately, seasoning the sheets was a luxury when BEP was struggling to
establish even a minimal reserve of notes.
Through late 1924 the currency supply conditions worsened. Treasury
reported that demand for “additional amounts of $1 notes continued unabated.”
The fitness of the notes in circulation was generally “far below an acceptable
standard.” “Reserve stocks in the bureau [BEP], in the office of the Treasurer of
the United States, and in the Federal reserve banks were depleted almost to the
vanishing point.”
Treasury Creates the Currency Board
Faced with growing problems over the supply of paper currency,
Secretary Mellon established the Currency Board on January 8, 1925. The three
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 444
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 445
person board was comprised of Assistant Fiscal Secretary Charles S. Dewey (as
chair), Commissioner of the Public Debt William S. Broughton, and Federal
Reserve Board secretary Walter L. Eddy. W. J. Collins, of the Currency Control
Unit, Division of Loans and Currency, Public Debt Service, served as secretary.
The board was to analyze currency printing, supply, and distribution require-
The Board’s initial efforts focused on increasing the printing of one dol-
lar notes and gold certificates, increasing the standard of fitness for notes in cir-
culation, and creating a working reserve of partially completed sheets at the BEP.
The board met monthly throughout 1925 to ensure adequate currency supplies
were being made available to the banking system and economy.
The Board Moves to Simplify Currency Denominations
One factor apparent to the Board was the workload difficulty faced by
BEP because of the need to engrave plates and produce notes for so many differ-
ing types and denominations. The Board moved quickly to simplify things for
the BEP and for the other offices in Treasury responsible for note redemption,
sorting, and accounting. On February 21, 1925, Assistant Secretary Dewey
wrote to BEP Director Alvin W. Hall, indicating the board was working to elim-
inate the duplication of the kinds and denominations of notes. Dewey instructed
Hall to eliminate printing $1 Legal Tender notes and $5 Silver Certificates,
effective as soon as the plates for those notes became worn out.
The Board Ends the $10 Legal Tender Denomination
On November 17, 1925, in preparation for a meeting the following day,
board secretary Collins sent a memo to the Board outlining Chairman Dewey’s
intention to discuss “the subject of discontinuing the issue of $10 United States
Notes and to arrange for the issue of such [Legal Tender] notes in the smaller
Collins stated that “it would be very desirable and tend to establish a
Treasury intended the Series of 1923
notes to have standardized portraits
for each denomination. This BEP
model shows a Jackson Series of 1923
$10 Gold Certificate was being
designed to join the Jackson $10
Legal Tender. The gold note model
never made it to production.
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 445
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264446
more equitable balance of United States currency in each denomination to elimi-
nate the $10 U.S. Note and divert all proposed production therein to the $5 U.S.
Note. . .” The rationale for eliminating the $10 was essentially three-fold: (1)
adequate $10 Gold Certificates in circulation meant there was no demand from
banks for the $10 Legal Tenders, and issue of the $10 notes was largely required
only to meet redemptions of worn Legal Tenders; (2) banks wanted more $5
notes in circulation; and (3) additional $5 Legal Tender notes would satisfy both
the redemption requirement and the desire of the banks for more $5 notes.
Collins added that “Personally, I am very much in favor of simplifying
the currency as far as possible through the restriction of kinds to denominations.”
Collins said he believed the “ideal line up” would be $1 notes as Silver
Certificates only, $2 and $5 notes as Legal Tender notes only, and all notes $10
and up as Gold Certificates. He concluded by saying “There seems to be no
practical objections to the elimination of the $10 U.S. note and substituting in
lieu thereof the $5 U.S. Note. . . .”
The Board approved the simplification plans. However, on December
11, 1925, it indicated that the November 18th decision to eliminate the $10 Legal
Tender denomination and confine the $2 and $5 notes to Legal Tenders was
being delayed pending a legal opinion from Treasury’s internal Legal Sub-com-
mittee on whether $2 and $5 Silver Certificates could be entirely discontinued
within current laws.
BEP Delivers the Series 1923 $10 Legal Tenders
While the Currency Board was planning the demise of the $10 Legal
Tender note and awaiting the legal opinion, the pressing demands to maintain
adequate currency in circulation continued. As January 1926 arrived, additional
Legal Tender notes were needed to maintain the legally required U.S. note circu-
lation of $346,681,016. The BEP turned to its Series of 1923 Jackson notes.
Between February 6th and February 20th 1926, the BEP delivered to the
Treasurer serial numbers A1B to A696000B in $10 Jackson notes. The February
deliveries account for the entire issuance of the Fr-123 Legal Tender $10 notes,
including a small number of star replacement notes.
No further Series of 1923 Legal Tender $10 notes were delivered. The
December 1925 issue referred to the Legal Sub-committee was resolved, and the
Board implemented the plan to eliminate certain currency types and denomina-
tions. Although the available Currency Board documents at the Archives made
no further reference to the legal matter, I suspect the issue most likely concerned
the provision of law (31 U.S.C. §406) that stated “Silver Certificates shall be
issued only of denominations of $10 and under” and whether that language per-
The Series of 1923 Legal Tender $10
note (Fr-123) was the last of its kind.
The Treasury Department’s Currency
Board decided to stop issuing $10
Legal Tenders within weeks of the
new Jackson design entering circula-
tion. (Illustration courtesy of
Heritage Auctions/CAA)
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 446
Nov. 1
1781, Bank of North America organized; 1893, John Christopher Schwab publishes
“The Financier of the Confederate States” in Yale Review; 1909, beginning of Vernon-
McClung combined tenure as Register and Treasurer;
Nov. 2
1840, Glasgow (Scotland) Joint Stock Banking Co. 1-pound bears this date, the day
before the bank opened for business; 1910, BEP engraver G.F.C. Smillie completes
Die no. 7795, a Lincoln portrait for the $100 Postal bond coupon;
Nov. 3
1794, Congress passes Act providing for third payment on loan made of Bank of the
United States; 1930, Bank of Italy becomes Bank of America; 986, "Banknotes in
Musicland" by M. Bannon Bell and Monty Damiano copyrighted;
Nov. 4
1823, Eagle Bank of New Haven, CT, issues demand notes with engraved payee L.
Dwight or R. Sherman; 1987, article on Arthur M. Claflin’s encased stamps is featured
on front page of Coin World;
Nov. 5
1862, Chicago Evening Journal advertises to print "change checks" for customers;
1965, Lester Merkin sells Arnold Perl's Colonial paper money;
Nov. 6
1924, Winston Churchill becomes British Chancellor of the Exchequer; 1966, first $1
FRNs delivered to Dallas and San Francisco Fed Banks;
Nov. 7
1789, Ohio state senator Alfred Kelley, who appears on state bank notes, born; 1912,
Paper Money of the United States author Robert L. Friedberg born; 1994, Scripophily:
the Art of Finance by Keith Hollender copyrighted;
Nov. 8
1872, Kidder National Gold Bank liquidated; 2000, International Monetary Fund hosts
forum "One World, One Currency: Destination or Delusion?";
Nov. 9
1873, CSA Stephen R. Mallory, who appears on some Confederate bonds, dies; 1950,
Treasury announces first delivery of Series 1950 $5 FRNs;
Nov. 10
1759, German poet and playwright Friedrich von Schiller, honored on an East German
10-mark note, born; 1853, Upham and Russell, Menasha WI issue "Change Tickets";
Nov. 11
1820, Encased stamp issuer Boston pharmacist Joseph Burnett born; 1869, Treasury
Secretary Robert Walker (FR 1308-1309) dies; 1990, dealer Jerry Cohen dies;
Nov. 12
1864, Richmond Examiner reports CSA Treasury Secretary George Trenholm's finance
report of Nov. 7th; 1987, ABNCo ceremonial destruction of 1987 "Archives Series"
Nov. 13
1864, Stephen Girard's Banking House converts to National Bank; 1865, first Gold
Certificates (FR 1166b-g) issued to settle gold balances between banks and clearing
Nov. 14
1848, banknote engraver Benjamin Tanner dies; 1863, dditor of the Living Age
requests United States Notes and not bank bills in payment for subscriptions;
Nov. 15
1923, Germany circulates 200-billion mark note; 1963, Whitman Publishing Co. mar-
kets Confederate Currency Type Set Display Cards with narratives by B.M. Douglas
and Brent Hughes;
Nov. 16
1864, John Wilkes Booth opens account at Jay Cooke & Co. Bank with $1,500 deposit
to fund what becomes the Lincoln assassination plot; 1914, Federal Reserve Banks
open for business;
Nov. 17
1932, SPMC member Robert Wagner born; 1986, Making Money by Ed Rochette
copyrighted; 1999, European Central Bank sets rules for reproducing banknotes;
Nov. 18
1925, Currency Control Board considers discontinuing the $10 U.S. Note because
"there is no demand from the banks”; 1967, British pound devalues to $2.40 against
the U.S. dollar;
Nov. 19
1882, Confederate currency collector John Wiley Aulick dies; 2003, Hank Eskin cre-
ates his website to track circulation of dollar bills;
Nov. 20
1806, earliest dated New Jersey bank note, a post note from the Trenton Banking Co.;
1811, Tennessee charters Bank of the State of Tennessee at Knoxville;
Nov. 21
1872, NYT reports on counterfeit Union Pacific Railroad Bonds; 1941, Treasury
check forgery insurance fund set up; 2003, SPMC Board approves a Founder's Award
as Society's highest honor;
Nov. 22
1837, Treasury Secretary Franklin MacVeagh born; 1864, CSA Senate confirms nomi-
nation of George A. Trenholm as Secretary of the Treasury;
Nov. 23
1864, CSA Treasury Secretary George A. Trenholm outlines exchange of old notes for
new issue; 1972, Harold Bowen, author of State Bank Notes of Michigan, dies; 1985,
first Orville Grady numismatic literature sale;
Nov. 24
1852, Treasury Secretary Walter Forward dies; 1868, George W. Casilear patents
printing numbers against fine line guilloche to foil tampering;
Nov. 25
1456, French currency subject and banker Jacques Coeurs dies; 1919, longtime paper
money dealer Art Kagin born; 1955, Kagin's holds its 200th numismatic auction;
Nov. 26
1862, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton proposes to President Lincoln that Jeremiah
Fenno be an Army paymaster; 1864, Chief of National Currency Bureau S.M. Clark
submits annual report;
Nov. 27
1806, Encased stamp issuer Detroit merchant Fred Buhl born; 1996, Confederate
Treasure in Danville by J. Frank Carroll published;
Nov. 28
1717, New York Colonial Currency (FR NY39-49) bears this date; 917, Approval of
First Liberty Loan of 1917 Converted coupon bond design with Burt image of Abraham
Nov. 29
1897, BEP engraver G.F.C. Smillie completes Die no. 4441, the Lincoln portrait for the
Series 1899 $1 Silver Certificate; 983, Last delivery of Series 1977 $100 FRN;
Nov. 30
1866, government holds $340,338,650 in securities for circulating notes; 1867,
Assistant Treasury Secretary William E. Chandler leaves officethe ANA convention; v
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Nov. 2009
By Fred Reed ©
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 447
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser
of rare American paper
currency . . . CALL
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264448
mitted the discontinuance of $2 and $5 Silver Certificates. The Legal Sub-com-
mittee’s apparent conclusion was that the Secretary of the Treasury had the discre-
tion to decide what Silver Certificate denominations would be issued, as long as
they were $10 or less.
With no legal objections to the Currency Board’s recommendations, the
Board’s plan to restrict types and denominations was put into effect. By August
12, 1926, Collins reported that $10 Legal Tenders in circulation had declined by
over $31 million due to the redemption of the $10 notes without replacement.
U.S. Note circulation was maintained by an increase in the issuance of the $5
Legal Tenders.
The short-lived $10 Jackson Legal Tender notes owe their existence to a
design modernization plan implemented in 1923. They owe their demise to the
fact the 1923 plan fell short in two areas: (1) it did not address Treasury’s great
desire to reduce the overall size of the currency, and (2) it did not go far enough in
reducing the myriad of competing currency types and denominations in use. The
Currency Board’s efforts to pursue additional streamlining resulted in the recom-
mendation to end the $10 Legal Tender notes.
Four new designs made it into circulation: the new one dollar Legal
Tender and Silver Certificate Washington designs, the Lincoln Porthole $5 Silver
Certificate, and the Jackson $10 note. Additional Series 1923 prototypes were
developed, but never saw production [Hessler, 1979]. Specific to the Jackson $10
design, the Smithsonian has a BEP model for a Series of 1923 Jackson $10 in Gold
Certificate form, but the model went unused.
By 1926-27, Treasury was planning the more dramatic currency overhaul
that soon ushered in the era of small size notes. Jackson’s portrait was moved to
the $20 design and, despite the preparation of dies and production plates for small
size $10 and $20 Legal Tender notes in late December 1932 and January 1933
[Hessler, 2nd Ed., pp 49-50; certified proofs from the plates are in the
Smithsonian, compartment 16:3], there is no record of their production. The
Currency Board’s decision rendered the Series of 1923 $10 Legal Tender a limited
issue and the last of its kind.
Appreciation is due to Doug Murray for supplying BEP delivery dates for
the Series of 1923 Legal Tender notes, to Peter Huntoon for information on the
certified proofs, and to James Hughes of the Smithsonian for information on
Series of 1923 and 1928 designs.
Donlon, William P. United States Large Size Paper Money 1861 to 1923, 2nd ed. Iola, WI:
Krause Publications, 1970.
Elms, Webster. The Executive Departments of the United States at Washington. Washington
D.C.: W.H. and O.H. Morrison, 1879.
Friedberg, Arthur L. and Ira S. Paper Money of the United States, 15th ed. Clifton, NJ: The
Coin and Currency Institute, Inc., 1998.
Heritage Galleries/Currency Auctions of America. Public Auction Catalogs. Dallas, TX.,
various dates.
Hessler, Gene. The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money IV. Port Clinton, OH: BNR
Press, 1983.
Hessler, Gene. U.S. Essay, Proof, and Specimen Notes. Portage, OH: BNR Press, 1979.
Knight, Lyn. Various Public Auction Catalogs, Lyn Knight Auctions. Lenexa, KS, various
Murray, Douglas D. Handbook of United States Large Size Star Notes. Kalamazoo, MI: West
Colony Graphics, 1985.
Murray, Douglas D. E-mail to Author. Delivery Data for Series of 1923 U.S. Notes from
Treasury Receiving Ledger NC08 (October 11, 2008).
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 448
Dec. 1
1852, BEP Director Claude Johnson born; 1862, Lincoln's message to Congress asks
for implementation of a national banking act; 1862 Shenandoah County, VA Sheriff
B.F. Murray issues small change notes;
Dec. 2
1862, CSA notes fifth issue; 1932, Barney Bluestone anonymously auctions Robert H.
Lloyd coin and paper currency collections as "Western New York Consignment";
Dec. 3
1826, Union general George B. McClellan, who appears on obsolete notes of New
England, born; 1969, first day of issue for Scott 1386 a 6-cent commem stamp honor-
ing tromp l'oeil currency illusionist William Michael Harnett;
Dec. 4
1935, Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill born; 1997, 500th Stack's numismatic auction;
2007, Krause Publications announces addition of paper money listings to its
NumisMaster online pricing service;
Dec. 5
1782, President Martin Van Buren, who appears on obsolete notes, born; 1842, Bank
of Louisiana resumes specie payments; 1861, Georgia authorizes $2.5 million in state
treasury notes;
Dec. 6
1769, Due to "great distress" in the Colony, New Jersey's Assembly authorizes
125,000 pounds in bills of credit; 1864, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase (FR 16-
17) appointed Chief Justice of U.S.;
Dec. 7
1808, Treasury Secretary Hugh McCulloch (FR 639-663a) born; 1872, First National
Bank chartered in South Dakota (FNB Yankton #2068);
Dec. 8
1727, Royal Bank of Scotland issues its first banknotes; 1862, City of Atlantic City, NJ
issues municipal scrip for five-cents; 1939, researcher-writer Bob Julian born;
Dec. 9
1861, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase sends his annual finance report to
Congress; 1948, allegorical artist Alonzo Foringer on whose paintings many bank note
vignettes relied dies;
Dec. 10
1864, CSA government posts notice in Richmond Enquirer advertising for Federal
greenbacks; 1979, Paper Money mailing list transferred from Stowell Printing Co. to
the Camden Company;
Dec. 11
1865, Brooklyn Daily Eagle reports 2 percent of all fractional currency received at
Treasury Department from "bankers and others deemed experts in judging money" is
counterfeit; 1948, Bank of Taiwan issues 10,000 dollar banknote;
Dec. 12
1791, First Bank of the United States opens its doors for business as the government's
fiscal agent; 1942, U.S. Treasury begins issuing stockpiled Series 1929 Federal Reserve
Bank Notes to alleviate currency shortages;
Dec. 13
1796, earliest extant dated check bearing $ dollar sign; 1972, worldwide paper money
authority Dr. Arnold Keller dies;
Dec. 14
1790, Treasury Secretary Hamilton argues that Bank of the United States is
Constitutional in report to Congress; 1837, Republic of Texas authorizes $1, $2 and $3
change bills;
Dec. 15
1793, Abraham Lincoln's economic mentor, Philadelphia economist Henry Charles
Carey born; 1886, first million share day on New York Stock Exchange;
Dec. 16
1790, Patrick Henry opposes a national bank for the United States as being unconsti-
tutional; 1918, Carter Glass becomes Treasury Secretary;
Dec. 17
1852, Brooklyn Daily Eagle publishes W.L. Ormsby's description of genuine bank note
company plates employed by counterfeiters; 1878, paper money reaches par with
specie in the U.S., gold coins return to circulation;
Dec. 18
1816, banknote engraver Jacob Perkins and Thomas Gilpin patent watermarked paper;
1863, first National Bank organized in Louisiana (FNB New Orleans #162); 2000,
New HK$1000 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. Ltd. note released;
Dec. 19
1831, Encased stamp inventor John Gault born; 1911, CSA Treasury and currency
scholar Raphael P. Thian dies; 1930, last delivery of Series 1928 $5 USN;
Dec. 20
1783, New Jersey issues 31,260 pounds in bills of credit to meet contingent expenses
of the government; 1862, encased stamp issuer Hopkinton, MA merchant Arthur M.
Claflin issues scrip;
Dec. 21
1863, first examination of a National Bank performed; 1920, Rochester, NY
Numismatic Association holds its 200th meeting;
Dec. 22
1696, colonizer James Edward Oglethorpe, who appears on obsolete notes, born;
1758, North Carolina Colonial Currency (FR NC98-100) bears this date;
Dec. 23
1785, paper money and U.S. Mint Chief Engraver Christian Gobrecht born; 1857,
Congress authorizes interest-bearing treasury notes; 1945, first ANA Secretary Charles
Tatman dies;
Dec. 24
1772, Continental Currency printer David Hall dies; 1776, U.S. Treasurer authorized
to hire currency signers; 1838, Bank of Louisiana resumes specie payments;
Dec. 25
1862, Revenue Act permits use of postage stamps to pay document taxes; 1911, cur-
rency subject Dr. Sun Yat-Sen elected provisional president of Republic of China;
Dec. 26
1782, printer David Hall delivers 100 sheets of Continental loan certificates to
Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris; 1928, SPMC member Joseph B. Noll born;
Dec. 27
1878, American Bank Note Co. consolidates National BNCo and Continental BNCo;
2007, Cleveland Fed bank exhibit "Questionable Issue: Currency of the Holocaust"
Dec. 28
1856, President Woodrow Wilson, who appears on Series 1934 $100,000 Gold
Certificate (FR 2413), born; 1898, President McKinley proclaims that U.S. currency
will circulated in Puerto Rico on Jan. 1st;
Dec. 29
1862, Hanover, IL merchant H.A.Hallerman issues scrip "under the law of necessity";
1969, Korean MPC Coupons Series 1 issued to Korean troops in Vietnam;
Dec. 30
1829, Senate resolves to study uniform national currency; 1865, BEP Director Louis
A. Hill born; 1910, Fractional Currency collector/author Thomas Cunningham dies;
Dec. 31
1783, New Jersey Colonial Currency (FR NJ152-160) bears this date; 1863, U.S.
Marshals arrest Winthrop E. Hilton in New York City for manufacturing Confederate
Treasury Notes and bonds; v
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Dec. 2009
By Fred Reed ©
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Secretary of the Treasury. Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the
Finances. Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1920 to
Smithsonian Institution, Certified Proofs and Models, Compartments 16:3 and 18:6.
U.S. Government. United States Code, Title 12, Banks and Banking. Washington, D.C:
United States Government Printing Office (1925, 1934).
Treasury Correspondence - Alphabetical by Author, with Subject Matter
Except as noted, all correspondence from Records of the Bureau of the Public
Debt, Record Group 53; Entry 53-87-101; 53/450/54/02/01, Box 17, files one and two
(unnumbered), labeled “Currency Control.” National Archives and Records
Administration, Archives II, College Park, MD.
Broughton, William S., Commissioner of the Public Debt, Letter to Louis Hill, Director,
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, November 24, 1923. [Recommendation for
changes to the seal colors for Series of 1923 currency]. Records of the Bureau of
the Public Debt, Record Group 53; Entry 53-87-101; 53/450/54/01/06, Box 11,
unnumbered file labeled Currency Designs. National Archives and Records
Administration, Archives II, College Park, MD.
Broughton, William S., Commissioner of the Public Debt, Letter to Louis Hill, Director,
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, December 4, 1923. [Advising BEP that
Undersecretary of the Treasury Garrard B. Winston had formally approved the
change in seal colors for the Series of 1923 currency]. Records of the Bureau of
the Public Debt, Record Group 53; Entry 53-87-101; 53/450/54/01/06, Box 11,
unnumbered file labeled Currency Designs. National Archives and Records
Administration, Archives II, College Park, MD.
Broughton, William S., Commissioner of the Public Debt, Letter to Charles S. Dewey,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, April 24, 1924 [Delivery schedule for May
1925, redistribution of $1 notes between Federal Reserve banks, authorization for
BEP to utilize available Series 1917 $1 plates].
Collins, W. J. Secretary to the Currency Board, Department of the Treasury, Memoranda
to Currency Board Members Charles S. Dewey, William S. Broughton, and
Walter L. Eddy, comprising the following dates: March 18, 1925 [Currency
stocks, production schedules]; April 16, 1925 [Sheet inventories; production by
kinds and denominations; status of $1 notes]; November 10, 1925 [Currency
transactions for October, distribution of $1 notes]; November 17, 1925
[Recommendation to eliminate $10 U.S. notes, overall production statistics for
U.S. notes]; December 11, 1925 [Elimination of $2 and $5 Silver Certificates,
elimination of $10 U.S. notes, distribution of $1 notes].
Dewey, Charles S. Assistant Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Letter to Alvin W.
Hall, Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, February 21, 1925 [Currency
Board Policies, Production of Series of 1923 Notes, Elimination of Duplicative
Currency Types and Denominations, Status of Incomplete Plates].
Dewey, Charles S. Assistant Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Letter to Alvin W.
Hall, Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, February 21, 1925 [Currency
Board Policies, Production of Series of 1923 Notes, Elimination of Duplicative
Currency Types and Denominations, Status of Incomplete Plates].
Dolan, P. E., Division of Loans and Currency, Public Debt Service, Memorandum to
Currency Board Members Charles S. Dewey, William S. Broughton, and Walter
L. Eddy, April 12, 1926 [Currency stocks, production schedules, $1 note distribu-
Hall, Alvin W. Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Letter to Treasury Assistant
Secretary Charles S. Dewey, January 19, 1925. [Bureau of Engraving and Printing
currency deliveries, by class, series, and denominations, July 1 to December 31,
Hill, Louis. Director, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Letter to William S. Broughton,
Commissioner of the Public Debt, December 3, 1923. [Reply, indicating agree-
ment, regarding November 24, 1923 letter recommending changes in seal colors
for Series of 1923 currency]. Records of the Bureau of the Public Debt, Record
Group 53; Entry 53-87-101; 53/450/54/01/06, Box 11, unnumbered file labeled
Currency Designs. National Archives and Records Administration, Archives II,
College Park, MD. v
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John N. Rowe III (far right, SPMC #306) and Harlan White (below, SPMC #9756) with its coveted
“Lifetime Achievement Award” at the group’s August 4th conclave in Los Angeles during the recent
American Numismatic Association
summer convention.
The PNG is a nonprofit trade association
composed of the country’s top rare coin and
paper money dealers who must adhere to a strict
Code of Ethics in the buying and selling of
numismatic merchandise.
The award presented to Rowe and White
recognizes their decades of significant contribu-
tions to the hobby or profession and devotion to
numismatics. “John Rowe attended his first coin
show in 1952, and has been a PNG member since
1962. He has mentored some of the profession’s
top dealers since they were teenagers, such as
Steve Ivy and Kevin Lipton,” said former PNG
President Jeff Garrett who chaired the Lifetime Achievement Award committee. “Harlan White became a PNG
member in 1966, and has graciously helped many collectors and dealers and actively promoted numismatics for
many years including service on the PNG Board for ten years,” said Garrett.
The American Numismatic Association presented The Burnett Anderson Memorial Award for Excellence
in Numismatic Writing to longtime SPMC promoter Chester L. Krause, founder of Krause Publications, publisher
of Numismatic News, Bank Note Reporter, World Coin News, Coins magazine, a host of additional hobby periodicals,
and a bookshelf full of reference books many under the well-deserved title Standard Catalog of . . . Krause is
Honorary Life Member #18 of SPMC. A founder of the Society, Krause’s original membership number was #9.
The Burnett Anderson Memorial Award honors the many accomplishments of the late Washington, D.C. numis-
matic correspondent, who was the father of current SPMC President Mark Anderson. The junior Anderson pre-
sented Krause his award during the ANA ban-
quet in Los Angeles, shown at right.
Past SPMC and ANA President John
Wilson (SPMC Life Member #127), and his
wife, SPMC Life Member Nancy (#140) each
received the ANA’s Member Booster Award
during the convention. The Wilsons are prolific
authors and exhibitors well known to many
Paper Money readers.
SPMC member Phil Iversen (SPMC
#6316) was a multiple ANA Exhibit Award hon-
oree at the show. Among Iversen’s laurels were
2nd place in Exhibit Class 2: United States
Fiscal Paper, Sidney W. Smith/William Donlon
Memorial Award, for “Huntington Hotel
Depression Scrip;” 2nd place in Class 5: Tokens,
B.P. Wright Memorial Award, for “A Set of
Bingle Tokens;” and 3rd place in Class 15: Gold
Coins, Gaston DiBello/Melvin and Leona Kohl
Memorial Award, for “Portrait of a Princess.”
SPMC member Nancy Wilson also gar-
nered 2nd place exhibit award in Class 11:
Numismatics of the Americas, Henry
Christensen/John Jay Pittman Sr. Memorial
PNG, ANA & NLG Honor SPMC Members
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264452
Award, for her “Ecuador Specimen Set - Series of 1928.”
Once again ANA honored Paper Money in its top publications contest.
The SPMC journal took second place in the Specialty Clubs category (see award
on page 465). SPMC congratulates all the authors who made this possible.
ANA Literary award recipients, who are members of SPMC, included:
Carlton “Fred” Schwan (SPMC LM #317, 3rd place Heath Literary Award for
“The Music of Money,” a feature story about former SPMC Editor and profes-
sional musician Gene Hessler, which appeared in the July 2008 issue of The
Numismatist. Schwan’s award was a medal.
Paper Money Editor Fred Reed (SPMC #4912) received the Catherine
Sheehan Literary Award for U.S. Paper Money Studies and an honorarium of $50,
funded by an anonymous donor. Reed’s article “A Very Brady Bank Note,” which
appeared in the February 2008 issue of The Numismatist, explained how a contem-
porary beardless photograph of Abraham Lincoln was adapted for a $5 bill of the
Bank of Winsted, CT.
SPMC member Joseph Lasser (SPMC Life Member #23) and a non-
SPMC member shared the second place honors in the Sheehan contest for their
article, “Worn, Torn & Soiled,” appearing in the September 2008 issue, which
described tattered and mended notes
from America’s colonial era.
Several SPMC members were
honored by the Numismatic Literary
Guild, which hosts an annual “Bash”
during the ANA summer conventions.
The NLG Book of the Year -– for the
work having the greatest potential
impact on numismatics -- was awarded
to Abraham Lincoln: The Image of His
Greatness, by Fred Reed (Whitman,
2009). This is the first Whitman-pub-
lished book to receive the NLG Book of
the Year Award, according to spokesman
David Crenshaw.
Prolific author Q. David
Bowers (SPMC #780) received the Best
Specialized Book Award in United
States Coins for the Whitman
Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins (Whitman, 2009).
The Best Specialized Book in U.S. Paper Money Award honored Eric P.
Newman (SPMC Honorary Life Member #13) for his The Early Paper Money of
America, 5th ed. (Krause Publications, 2009).
The award for Best Specialized book in World Paper Money was present-
ed to SPMC member George S. Cuhaj (SPMC #10939) for editing the Standard
Catalog of World Paper Money, General Issues, 12th ed. (Krause Publications, 2008).
NLG Extraordinary Merit book awards were presented to Pierre Fricke
(SPMC #10429) for Collecting Confederate Paper Money, Field Edition (Spink-
Smythe, 2008), Kansas Paper Money: an Illustrated History 1854-1935, by Steve
Whitfield (SPMC LM #249, edited by Fred Reed (McFarland, 2008), The Fantastic
1804 Dollar, Tribute Edition, by Eric P. Newman and Kenneth E. Bressett, and a
pair of Bowers’ titles, Grading Coins by Photographs (Whitman, 2008), and The
Treasure Ship S.S. New York (Stack’s, 2008).
In the NLG category for articles published in non-profit or club numis-
matic publications, the Best Article in Large Publications award went to Fred Reed
for “Lincoln Bicentennial: Portrait of a President," about Charles Burt’s engraving
on $10 Demand Notes and Legal Tender Notes that made Lincoln known to his
fellow countrymen and nations abroad, which appeared in the February 2009 issue
of The Numismatist.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 453
Voted Best Column in Small Publications was SPMC member David
Gladfelter’s (SPMC Life Member #179) “Exonumia From Your Neighborhood,” pub-
lished in Jerseyana, the quarterly newsletter of the New Jersey Exonumia Society.
An Extraordinary Merit Award in Club Publications honored SPMC Member
Kathy Lawrence (SPMC #10468) for editing the TNA Youth Newsletter, published by
the Texas Numismatic Association, September 2008.
Among Numismatic Newspapers, the award for Best Article or Series of
Articles on Paper Money honored Lee Lofthus (SPMC Life Member #278) for
“Redemption Errors,” published in Bank Note Reporter.
Best Column among Numismatic Newspapers was “Shades of the Blue and
Grey,” by Fred Reed on counterfeiting of Legal Tender Notes during and following the
U.S. Civil War, also published in Bank Note Reporter.
Best Radio Report was David Harper’s Coin Chat Radio’s “Collecting Money,”
and Best Commercial Video was Heritage Auctions “the 1804 Class III Silver Dollar,”
produced by David Lisot.
SPMC member dealers were honored for websites. Heritage Auctions won the
Best Dealer Web Site Award, and Krause Publications the Best Trade Press Web Site.
Heritage Live software and The Coin and Currency Institute’s “Gold Coins of the
World: From Ancient Times to the Present,” by Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg tied for
best software.
Dealer members also received recognition for various auction catalogs, includ-
ing Heritage Auctions for “The Lemus Collection, Queller Family Collection – Part
Two,” Stack’s for “The John W. Adams Collection,” and Holabird-Kagin Americana
for “Bill Weber So-Called Dollars." v
Who am I?
AWHILE AGO, A LONG, LONG WHILE IF TRUTH BEtold, SPMC member Marvin D. Ashmore sent in the Lafayette
Bank draft made by American Bank Note Co., New York &
Cincinnati, which appears below. Marvin wondered who the indi-
vidual depicted as the bust was. He figured that SPMC members
being knowledgeable would know. Unfortunately, the request got
placed in a “futures” file for about four years. Mr. Ashmore may
have long since discovered who the Romanesque bust is, but ye
olde Editor is still perplexed. I take it that the Washington Irving-
type at left is an older Lafayette since it is the spitting image of
Matthew Harris’ 1825 portrait of the gentleman. But the question
persists, who is the figure at right? Anybody out there know?
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Darley’s The War Alarm
shows up on a TV episode
The History Channel, in my opinion, continues tobe one of the best television channels to watch.
Toward the end of 1998 Sam Waterston, host of
Time/Lab 2000, a two-minute, or less, history lesson that
accompanied or replaced a commercial caught my atten-
tion one evening. On the screen I saw The War Alarm,
a security engraving by F.O.C. Darley (1822-1888) as
Mr. Waterston spoke of a
Revolutionary War hero
named Israel Bissel, a name
unfamiliar to me.
After searching through
about ten books at the library
that chronicled the American
Revolution I found what I was
looking for in People & Events
of the American Revolution (R.R.
Bowker Co., 1974).
Paul Revere is known to
every American for his mid-
night ride from Boston to
Lexington to alert the
Minutemen. He was unable to
complete the second part of his
journey. On April 18, 1775,
Paul Revere and William
Dawes rode toward Concord
to alert the people of a British attack; Dr. Samuel
Prescott joined them after midnight. Early the follow-
ing day Revere was captured by the British and with
Dawes returned to Lexington. Dr. Prescott was able to
get the message to the Concord militia; they were then
able to prepare for the attack.
On that same day, April 19, Colonel Joseph Palmer
of the Braintree Committee of Safety, entrusted a mes-
sage of alert to Israel Bissel, the best of the
Massachusetts postriders. From Watertown,
Massachusetts, Bissel raced to Worcester with the news
of the skirmish at Lexington. His ride took only two
After giving his message to General Israel Putnam
near Pomfret, Connecticut, Bissel rode on to New
London, New Haven, New York, Trenton and
Philadelphia. The number of horses at his disposal has
not been recorded. On April 20 General Putnam rode
from Concord to Connecticut, 100 miles in 18 hours.
Perhaps the name of F.O.C. Darley is unfamiliar to
some. In Philadelphia, later in his studio at Twelfth St.
in New York City, and later still for Toppan, Carpenter
& Co. and ultimately for American Bank Note
Company, Darley, more than any other artist, made
drawings, paintings and engravings that visually record-
ed the history of our country, especially the
Revolutionary and Civil Wars.
Some of his subjects include: the Landing of the
Pilgrims, Parting Words, Patriots at War, Saying Goodbye,
News from Home, Washington at Trenton, Volunteers
Departure and To Arms. All can be found on U.S. obso-
lete and federal paper money.
Without knowing it you have probably seen
Darley’s artistry elsewhere. He illustrated the works of
James Fenimore Cooper, Charles Dickens, Washington
Irving, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Henry W.
Longfellow. Darley
also created illustra-
tions for Appelton’s
and Harper’s.
He was recog-
nized in Europe when
he exhibited his paint-
ings at the Paris
Exposition in 1866. In
that same year Darley
had gone to Europe to
study work of 16th,
17th and 18th century
painters. To accom-
plish this he visited
Belgium, England,
France, Germany and
Initially Darley
was self-taught.
Nevertheless, in 1852 he was elected a Professional
Honorary Member of the National Academy of Design
in New York; two years later he was accepted as an
The history of paper money would not be the same
without the work of F.O.C. Darley. For years I have
seen and admired Darley’s engraving of The War Alarm.
We don’t know if Darley had Israel Bissel in mind when
he executed this piece of art. Nevertheless, it conveys
the story, and I learned about it on the History Channel.
(Reprinted with permission from Coin World
July 26, 1999) v
A Primer for Col lec tors
Starts Here
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 454
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 455
Yesteryear in SPMC history
by Fred Reed
SPMC’S “PAPER MONEY PAGE”debuted in the weekly numismatic tabloid
Coin World in that publication’s Dec. 6, 1963,
issue. This was an official, authorized SPMC
function, and followed a similar arrangement
Coin World had set up in 1961 with the
Token and Medal Society, which also spon-
sored a monthly page. SPMC’s activities
were featured, garnering the Society much-
needed publicity and enrollment of members
in its early years. The relationship was sym-
biotic. It also proved beneficial for the publi-
cation and its readers, who were exposed to
paper money information and feature articles
by prominent SPMC members such as Fred
Marckhoff (SPMC #47), Philip Chase
(SPMC #79), and others.
In the publication’s Jan. 10, 1964, issue
SPMC Charter Member #133 Nathan
Goldstein’s column “Paper Money
Periscope” debuted. Nate’s column centered
on current issue Federal Reserve Notes and
new discoveries in small size U.S. paper
money generally. By the July 22nd 1964
issue, Nate announced he had consolidated
contacts in each of the 12 Federal Reserve
Districts to exchange new notes with one
another as they were issued. In that same
issue, Nate announced that requests for
information on the Society were “flooding
in.” Nate’s promotion of the Society in his
Coin World column raked in hundreds of new
members, earning him several SPMC recruit-
ing awards in 1965, 1966, 1970 and possibly
in the intervening years too (records are frag-
mentary). In 2002 the Society named its
annual recruiting award in his honor.
Goldstein wasn’t the only Society mem-
ber touting SPMC in the pages of Coin
World. In a Feb. 3, 1971, feature story,
SPMC member David Hakes’ article dis-
cussed the many benefits of SPMC member-
ship. The result was an incredible 120 new
members for the Society. Hakes won the
recruiting award that year and the next five
years too for his diligence in touting SPMC.
The article shown at left from Coin
World’s Sept. 9, 1964, issue reports on SPMC
activities at the annual ANA summer conven-
tion held in Cleveland that year. You’ll note
the acronym for the Society (SOPMC) in the
headline. In the early years of the Society,
members puzzled over a short hand moniker
for The Society of Paper Money Collectors.
It took action by the Board Aug. 27, 1965, to
approve and standardize the currently accept-
ed title SPMC in favor of SOPMC.
Another feature that you’ll note is that Paper Money literary award winners
Forrest Daniel and Ernest S. Craighead won gold coins, which had been donat-
ed by Washington, D.C. dealer Ben Douglas. Douglas continued his generosity
the following year. Also notice that the Society had been recently incorporated
as a non-profit organization, J. Roy Pennell had replaced George Wait as
Society Secretary, and several new members had been elected to the Board. v
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 455
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264456
Dear Fellow Paper Money Lovers:
August was perhaps a quiet month for some of our SPMC
brethren, hopefully filled with some vacation time, or a few
lazy summer days for pleasant family events, maybe a ball
game or fishing, and all-American nourishment in the form of
hot dogs and s’mores. However, if you were looking for paper
money doings in August, between the American Numismatic
Association’s annual convention in downtown Los Angeles and
a very special event in Okoboji, Iowa, there were plenty of
The American Numismatic Association has a dizzying
array of activities and there is always excellent press coverage
of same, so there is no reason for me to spend readers of Paper
Money’s time on any general reportage. However, I do want
our members to know that we held a well attended member-
ship meeting, with several of our Board members on hand.
Our own Wendell Wolka did a super job, as always, with a
presentation on the obsolete notes of Cincinnati. However, as
Wendell pointed out, the story was not so much about
Cincinnati itself, but rather, telling a tale typical of so many of
our communities and their growth in the 1850s, supported by
the evidence – issues of paper currency we have been lucky
enough to be left with today. As a New York friend has said –
“Collecting is not a pursuit unto itself. These objects we pur-
sue are simply the props with which we tell the story of histo-
Just a few scant days after the cross-country flight home, I
found myself again on the way to the Midwest, this time, on
my way to Mecca [or what certainly seems like it to this
Nationals enthusiast]. This was my second visit to the Higgins
Museum of National Banking, and it was no less wonderful
than the first. While much has been made over the years of the
Museum’s somewhat out-of-the-way location, I cannot over-
state that going to this little jewel is absolutely worth the travel
time and effort. It seems like big planes don’t fly to Okoboji,
Iowa [although they should], and even once you have landed in
Sioux City or Sioux Falls or whatever nearby regional you find
your way to, there is still a drive in America’s heartland ahead
of you. But it is a lovely one. Even our members who reside in
Iowa agree, many of whom are loving administrators and sup-
porters of the Museum’s interests, there is no short trip to
As readers of this column two issues back are aware, the
occasion was the second National Banking seminar held by the
museum. Organized by the Board and staff of the museum, a
comprehensive and stimulating full day program had been
assembled for enthusiasts, and the event went off without a
hitch. The opening reception on Wednesday evening was held
on the Museum’s premises and allowed the Museum’s staff
and board members to meet and greet the assembling guests,
while allowing everybody to wander freely around the facility.
The museum, which is architecturally best described as
having six “wings” opening onto a central hub, is logically
organized around several inter-related themes. On exhibit you
will find various approaches to banking security [several vaults,
including a “bullet” vault, and a door removed from a full size
walk- in vault], equipment used in the business of banking as
practiced in the day, and of course, the numismatic exhibits.
While the collection itself centers on the National Bank notes
of Iowa and the surrounding states which Mr. Higgins collect-
ed, there is also a red seal collection from all 50 states, and sev-
eral explanatory and support exhibits.
The Iowa collection is organized by county, and fills two
of the wings, but the states adjoining Iowa are well represent-
ed, with two more wings filled with the issues of Minnesota
and South Dakota and Nebraska and Missouri and Illinois.
Even Wisconsin is becoming well represented, as the museum
has added some lovely purchases made in last year’s Krause
sale. [It is a small historical quirk to the formation of the col-
lection, but when William Higgins began collecting, he and
Horace “Monty” Sherwin, a collector in Black River Falls,
Wisconsin, agreed not to compete with each other for
Wisconsin notes].
While the reception effectively included a light dinner,
the vast majority of the assembled adjourned to a lovely lake-
side dinner after the opening gathering. Official business
opened up Thursday morning after coffee and breakfast at the
museum, and throughout the day, excellent presentations were
made by Don Kelly, Jim Hughes, Allen Mincho and James C.
Ehrhardt and Steven J. Sweeney.
Don’s presentation focused on survival rates for
Nationals, and, based on outstandings in 1910 and other fac-
tors [town location and denominations issued], what issues
might be statistically expected to surface in the future.
Jim, the associate curator of the Smithsonian National
Numismatic Collection, spoke about the process by which the
vast group of the BEP’s archives has been organized, with the
help of Peter Huntoon and other members, and he brought, to
the crowd’s delight, photocopies of sheets from the Midwest
states, many of which represent the unreported banks for
those states.
Allen spoke of his initial foray into collecting Nationals,
his evolution to a dealer and the pattern of development of the
Nationals field over the last half century.
Jim and Steve, co-authors of the recently published Iowa
National Bank Notes, spoke lovingly about their work, both
from the standpoint of their approach and what they have
learned, but also some of the individual pieces of history the
work uncovered. Matters were wound up in timely fashion
Thursday afternoon after an informal panel discussion and
Q&A. While a golf event beckoned Friday and a local coin
show was slated for Saturday for those who were able to stay,
the Museum’s event was over.
This event was sponsored by the Central States
Numismatic Society, the Professional Currency Dealers
Association, and your Society, with support also provided by
Bank Note Reporter. It was an event I believe we should all be
proud to have associated ourselves with, and while I hope the
Board will always be judicious as to how we allocate what is
effectively your money, I believe we should continue to sup-
port future events at the Museum and other events like it, as
part of the key educational aspect of our charter as a not-for
Cliff Mishler, a Higgins Museum board member and
ANA president, emceed a well-organized and packed day of
information, and he and his fellow board members should be
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 456
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 457
$$ money mart
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 15¢ per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis. Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
YOUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Money.
You could advertise your duplicates inexpensively, or advertise your Want
List for only $20.50 for three lines for an entire year. Don’t wait. (PM)
STANDARD CATALOG U.S. PAPER MONEY (Cuhaj) 23rd Edition, 1300
photos, large, small, fractional, errors, etc., 432 pages/hardcover $16.95
Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
Schingoethe Obsolete Sales, others, prices realized, list (including many
titles), SASE, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
NEW JERSEY’S MONEY (George Wait), out/print, 440 pages, hundreds
Obsoletes Illustrated/Described, Rarity Guide, hardcover, scarce $49.95,
others, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
THE PRICE OF LIBERTY (William Anderson), out/print, heavily illustrated,
Public Debt-American Revolution, 180 pages. hardcover $34.95, others,
Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
FIFTY PAPER MONEY TITLES including many SPMC out/print “obsoletes”
titles, also coins, medals, stocks/bonds, bootlist, SASE, Sanford Durst, 106
Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
“Lookalike” advertisements, 900 illustrations, 357 oversize pages, values,
out/print, $29.95, others, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY
11520 (264)
STANDARD CATALOG OF World Paper Money (Specialized Issues). Ninth
Edition, 17,500 Notes, 10,000 photos, values. Was $65 now $27.95, others,
Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
WORLD NOTGELD 1914-1947 (Courtney Coffing), 60 countries, 400 pages,
illustrated, color plates, 13,000 listings, values. Was $35, now $21.95, oth-
ers, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
100 GREATEST AMERICAN Currency Notes (Bowers/Sundman) full color
throughout, valuations, 140 oversized pages. Amazing, was $30 now
$21.95, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
REGISTER OF THE CONFEDERATE Debt (Raphael Thian) 190 pages, classic
reference, long out/print, Douglas Ball introduction, hardcovered, scarce
$34.95, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
NJ TURNPIKE TOLL SCRIP from the 1950s-80s. Looking for any info on, and
also looking to buy same. Send info or contact: PO Box 1203, Jackson, NJ
08527 or Jamie Yakes, LM338 (A)
ly 1000 photos, paper money, bonds, checks, stocks, etc. Only $37 post-
paid, autographed if you prefer. Contact Fred Reed (264)
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with descrip-
tion (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142 (264)
WANTED: Counterfeit Lazy Deuces on National Union Bank of Linderpark,
NY (no such bank) and the Sixth National Bank, Philadelphia. C. John Ferreri
P.O. Box #33 Storrs, CT 06268 johnnybanknote (A)
applauded and thanked. Likewise, the Higgins Museum staff,
and particularly its curator Larry Adams, who worked tireless-
ly to accommodate a group of more than 50 guests. [For fur-
ther information, or to plan a visit to the museum, Larry can
be reached by calling 712-332-5859, or by e-mail to].
It is difficult to imagine a more amiable and informative
hobby experience for paper collectors. The vision of Bill
Higgins and all the passionate who made this treasure happen
for banknote collectors cannot be overstated. You do not need
to be an Iowa specialist, a Midwest specialist, or a Nationals
junkie to enjoy what his splendid institution offers. We as col-
lectors are lucky to be collectors [as we well know already],
but this museum and the seminar offered are serendipitous
additions to our lives.
Now it is time to close for this issue, but as always, let me
remind everyone that the Governors keep the value of the
Society to our members at the forefront. We remain interest-
ed in hearing from our members on any topics as may interest
and engage them. The Society is stepping up our efforts, via
Judith Murphy’s good offices, to add regional events and
opportunities which allow our members to engage each other
and the Society we all support. So, regardless of where you are
and what you collect, it is always timely to hear what may be
on your minds. vMark
Cataloger seeks additional
coal mine scrip for new book
SPMC MEMBER DAVID E. SCHENKMANis compiling listings for a catalog of coal mine
paper scrip of the United States. At this point it is
estimated that the book will be about 100-125 pages
in length, large format (8.5x11”), and will be pro-
fusely illustrated.
To date approximately 365 notes have been cat-
aloged. Items such as punch cards, coupon books,
etc. will not be included.
Collectors owning notes that are not listed in
the standard references are urged to correspond
with the author by mail at P.O. Box 366,
Bryantown, MD 20617, or email dave@turtlehill- v
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:49 AM Page 457
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264458
New Money
for Changing
Times in UAE
Notes from
North of the
Harold Don Allen
THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE), REFLECTING THE 1971 POLITICAL UNION OFSEVEN Middle Eastern (Gulf Coast) enclaves (“sand dunes” to derisive philatelists), is at this point aprodigiously evolving world nation, oil-propelled but with its priorities distinctly long-term oriented.From 1982, the UAE has had an established, generally sound, and numismatically challenging dirham
currency: 1 dirham = 100 fils, some catalogue listings (as 1000) notwithstanding. The UAE currently shares with
neighboring nations highly interesting monetary aspirations for years soon to come.
Think Euro-like multinational currency, a (new) common monetary unit with, say, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
Kuwait, Oman, Qatar. I’ve been privileged to meet with monetary people in Abu Dhabi, at the UAE central bank,
and there and through the English-language press in Dubai, to gain significant insights, although time-lines have
been changing and specific countries have not been stipulated. The UAE government has been reported highly
responsive to the idea.
This column was penned and dispatched several months ago, a logical follow-through to a second extended
visit to the Emirates (and beyond), but has been succeeded by a flurry of further Emirati press clippings—we’ve
family over there—and by enhanced realization of how cataloguers do have their work cut out for them, even listing
new varieties and dates in a time of flux being anything but an easy job.
Above: Skyscrapers of Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates capital city, as they appear on the central bank’s 1000 dirhams top value
(close to $300), from 1998. This 2006 printing is in current circulation. Below: Exotic architecture, Dubai style, the likeness of a dhow
(traditional sailing ship), the Sama’a (on reverse), compares with this illustration of the unlikely Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club edifice.
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 458
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 459
For this columnist in his Paper Money relationship, “proofs” are received and checked at press time, a much
appreciated editorial courtesy, and in this instance changes are anything but trivial. We do plan a major article on
UAE and forerunner folding money, and related monetary issues, and museum visits in Dubai (Sheikh Saeed Al
Maktoum House) and in Sharjah and Al Ain have been distinctly helpful. The fact that the much-sought monetary
union, with its UAE participation, has been questioned in the headlines, such matters as the location (which coun-
try, which city?) of the proposed central bank, having been deemed non-negotiable, renders talk of final dirham
issues and a new currency unit, somewhat premature. Some perspective on the monetary heritage of the highly his-
toric trading area should offer useful perspective for collectors, if and when, as seems likely, some form of monetary
union should succeed.
Paper money is of relatively recent origin in Arabian Gulf areas, though local and international coinage of
intrinsic value dates from antiquity. Splendid exhibits of such items can be viewed in Dubai. An early form of fold-
ing money to gain acceptance was “Pilgrims’ Receipts,” specifically intended to serve for pilgrimages to Saudi
Arabia. “Gulf Rupees,” color-differenced Indian rupees, were prepared specifically for Gulf States circulation. The
1960s saw riyal-denominated notes, relatively short-lived, with “Qatar & Dubai” designation. An UAE Currency
Board, six-denomination “dirham” release, no longer redeemable (the Central Bank informs me), has a “camel cara-
van” unifying vignette, and extends to distinctly scarce values. Central Bank issues, all of which currently remain
cashable, date from 1982.
Top and above: Passing years are reflected in design changes and security enhancements, as with this 50 dirhams medium value, issues of
1982 and 2006. Depicted is an oryx, an endanged species in the Gulf States. Note the conversion to MICR-style “western” digits, lower
right, on the more recent release. Below: The Emirates’ workhorse denomination, the red 100 dirhams, depicts Al Fahidie Fort in Dubai.
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 459
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264460
Such current notes tend to be those most accessible—and most collected. The notes are distinctly attrac-
tive, especially when new or near-new, and over the years have undergone a sequence of anticounterfeiting and
related enhancement. All eight present values, the 5 dirhams through 1000 dirhams, depict the Arabian falcon, the
national bird of prey, the blue 500 dirhams featuring the bird most prominently. A smaller bird of prey (the spar-
rowhawk, I’m informed) is to be seen as the watermark and as a minor engraving. The 50 dirhams (think $15 to
$20) depicts the Arabian oryx, a two-horned antelope (currently deemed endangered) which, if viewed sideways,
resembles the unicorn, and indeed may have suggested or reinforced that fabled image.
Four note values (5, 10, 50, 100 dirhams) date from the establishment of the Central Bank, with the 500
dirhams having been added in 1983, the 200 dirhams in 1989, and the 20 and 1000 dirhams in 1998. The 200
dirhams, at one point essentially out of circulation, has recently been reintroduced in new colors, dated 2004. Most
recently, the International Bank Note Society reports a new UAE 100 dirhams, the national arms on the face having
been enhanced by a ring of seven stars, a likely allusion to the seven united emirates. Emirati notes, I have been
informed at the Central Bank, are the work of two European security printers, which they decline to name. I would,
however, expect the heraldic modification to appear in due course on other denominations.
Recent Central Bank releases carry what appears to be the date of production, AH on the essentially Arabic
face, AD on the English back. Not all denominations are turned out in a given year, and minor surprises result
from the fact that the two “years” do not, in general, coincide.
“One step closer to G[ulf] C[ooperation] C[ouncil] currency” ... “Monetary union officially delayed” ...
“UAE pulls out of monetary union, Analysts predict the move will mean the end of unity plans.” Such are news
headlines which have been reaching me from Dubai. A united Gulf currency ... so near and yet so far, it would
seem. (The country and city of the proposed new central bank building is at the heart of the dissention, it appears.)
Of course, UAE notes and related memorabilia are and remain distinctly collectible, whether for a “one of
each country” accumulation, or a detailed study of past, present, and possible futures.
We’ll keep you informed ... but it is interesting that the future of this much-discussed multinational mone-
tary unit is, temporarily or otherwise, more in doubt than it was even a few months back. v
Top: The UAE’s lowest value of present-day folding money, the brown 5 dirhams, illustrates the central souk (marketplace) of Sharjah
emirate. Still lower values, 1 dirham, 50 fils, and (less commonly) 25 fils, are base-metal coins, with price rounding a common practice.
Above: A tough forerunner issue of Qatar & Dubai Currency Board, the low-value 1 ryal, depicts, as do higher denominations, local ship-
pin, oil extraction, and desert palms.
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 460
SPMC BOARD MEMBER MATT JATZEN HAS UPDATEDand self-published his Wisconsin National Bank Notes, 2nd
edition, featuring his census of large and small size National
Currency from his home state.
Janzen’s first edition won the 2008 SPMC George W.
Wait Memorial Award for research on a paper money topic
leading to a book length presentation. More than 11,500 doc-
umented Wisconsin nationals are listed in the new work, the
result of 11 years labor. “With an estimated 17,000-20,000
Wisconsin bank notes speculated to exist, this book is not
complete but an every-changing work in progress,” according
to its author.
book leads
off with a
g e n e r a l
to early
W i s c o n s i n
b a n k i n g
i n c l u d i n g
leg i s l a t ion
and note
types, pro-
vided by
conr ibutor
T o m
Snyder. A
color section
i l l u s t r a t e s
W i s c o n s i n
type notes
through the
large and
small size national note-issuing era. The author then provides
a listing of Wisconsin national banks by municipality, charter
number and county, and index of entries in the volume.
A listing of known uncut sheets precedes the main por-
tion of the text which enumerates the issues of the respective
banks and extant notes known to collectors in charter number
order from the First National Bank of Milwaukee (charter
#64) through the First National Bank of Neillsville (charter
Charts for each bank provide sheet configurations, serial
numbers, notes printed and known to be existing chronogical-
ly by Charter Period and denomination. General data also
aggregates totals for each bank. Illustrations of many notes,
bank stationery, checks, and post cards round out the presen-
tation. Charts are clear as are illustrations.
Based on Janzen’s data, it is believed that 57 Original
Issue First Charter Wisconsin nationals exist, but no $100
note has been confirmed. Furthermore, 165 Series 1875
nationals are known, but again no $100 note. Known Second
Charter Brown Backs total 412 examples; existing 2nd Charter
Date Backs 220 specimens, and only 113 extant 2nd Charter
Value Backs are known to the author and his contributors.
Third Charter Red Seals known are 132; 3rd Charter
Date Backs, 579; 3rd Charter Plain Backs, 2,454, according to
the Janzen census. Among small size Wisconsin nationals,
6,493 Type Is and 882 Type IIs are known.
The 280-page, 81⁄2 by 11 inch, soft cover book retails for
$50. It is also available with a CD. Price for both the book
and the CD is $75. Contact
Tomball, Texas, SPMC member Jim Millard has released
his new Oregon National Currency, Images, Signatures, Statistics,
providing a comprehensive treatment of the note-issuing
national banks in that western state. Oregon is one of five
states the author collects and has assembled information on. A
similar work on Washington is now in preparation, according
to Millard. He is also working on Idaho.
The book “started off just being [an] indefinite listing of
my interpretation of the signatures of the cashiers & presi-
dents that . . . I have run across in my collecting days,” he
states. Later reserach in Dun & Bradstreet and Moody’s, as
well as mercantile directories, banking guides, and information
from other hobbyists filled out his listings.
After a summary of his methodology, the author provides
an alphabetical listing of the state’s banks from Oregon’s first
national bank to receive notes The First National Bank of
Portland (charter #1553) to the last, the First National Bank of
Condon (charter #14241).
Milliard also provides a listing of number 1 serial number
notes, a comparison of rarities vs. pricing, an explanation of
pricing criteria, and a listing of notes for which he has illustra-
tions by bank/series and those for which he still needs to find
illustrations. A short section provides vignettes of some oddi-
ties among the state’s chartered banks (for example shortest
time in business, or banks issuing but one denomination).
The meat of the work is the author’s bank listings, which
helpfully provide maps so a reader can orient the bank’s loca-
tion. He provides note issue data, numbers known, including
in many cases note serial number listings. He provides signa-
ture infor-
mation, and
color illus-
trations of
many notes.
He also pro-
vides com-
parative data
on other
banks from
the city, and
what hap-
pened to the
bank if it
went out of
business. A
listing of 19
O r e g o n
N a t i o n a l
Banks which
did not issue
notes, and illustrations of various checks and postcards rounds
out the volume.
The 200-page book is comb bound, 81⁄2 by 11 inches. A
color print edition is available for $79.95, or black and white
for $65.95, with discounts for purchase of either version in
multiples. Contact -- Fred Reed v
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 461
SPMC authors pen new books on nationals
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 461
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264462
I I I About Nationals Mostly I I I
By Frank Clark
THERE ARE ALWAYS SOME BANKS INlarge cities that escaped having their notes cap-
tured by numismatists. For Dallas, one of the banks in
this category is the Central National Bank, charter
#4127. It received its charter on September 25, 1889,
and was liquidated on August 3, 1893.
This bank only issued 462 sheets of $50-100
Brownbacks, and in 1910 there was only $400 outstand-
ing. Certainly, a capstone note for a lucky collector if
one on this bank ever showed up.
Therefore, I was very pleased to come across at a
stamp show one day this cover on the Central National
Bank. It was cancelled on February 6, 1891. What
made it even better, was the vignette of the bank build-
ing. The building has a distinctive shape, being thin
with the appearance of splayed sides. The scene pic-
tured gives a snapshot of a busy day at this bank's
As a footnote, we have the El Paso National Bank
to thank for saving its correspondence for many years,
and then releasing the accumulation to the philatelic
community at some point. Many of the covers found
on Texas banks were addressed to that financial institu-
This bank is unreported by Kelly, Gengerke and
Track & Price. The Central also eluded famed Texas
collector William A. Philpott. v
Remembering the Central National Bank of Dallas
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 462
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 463
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 463
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264464
AWHILE BACK I OBTAINED AN OBSOLETEbanknote from my hometown, South Bend, Indiana,
shown in Figures 1 and 2. The Bank of the State of Indiana
had branches in several Indiana communities, including South
The standard catalog of Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip,
by Wendell Wolka, Jack Vorhies, and Donald Schramm
(SPMC 1978), didn't list a surviving example from South
Bend, but records indicated there was a branch there.
The dealer I bought the note from, a man of considerable
experience and knowledge, believes it to be a genuine note, as
compared to a contemporary counterfeit. Counterfeits often
survive in greater numbers because genuine notes of honest
banks (and this one was) were usually redeemed and destroyed.
Figure 1
Figure 2
I was curious about the signers of the note. Most bank-
notes of the era were signed by ranking bank officials, usually
the president and the cashier. In 19th century banking, the
position of cashier was one of high rank, without the clerical
connotation that the term now possesses.
I had recently read a 1927 history of South Bend, and one
of the prominent citizens in business and church matters was
Horatio Chapin. His adult life was contemporaneous with the
note's date, 1857. The signature, shown in detail in Figure 3,
could be that of H. Chapin, even though it looks more like A.
Chupin. But was he ever a banker?
Wolka's book didn't mention him. I did a little research
in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill library, and
found two different journal articles that say that he did
become a prominent banker in South Bend. That discovery
was really exciting!
Wolka's book does state that Hugh McCulloch was the
bank president, and it pictures genuine notes from other
branches with McCulloch's signature, clearly the same signa-
ture as on my note. McCulloch later became the United
States' first Comptroller of the Currency and also Secretary of
the Treasury under several presidents.
Figure 3
Another note in my collection, one from the State Bank
of Indiana, branch at South Bend, provides an interesting
comparison (see Figure 4). This bank preceded the Bank of
the State of Indiana, and my note is dated 1848. Unlike the
1857 note with its distinguishing back, the 1848 note has a
blank back, the norm for obsolete currency.
The note design is common for all branches, with the
branch name filled in on issue. I had not earlier paid attention
to the signers, but was thrilled to see that this note, too, was
signed by Chapin as cashier. The president was James
Morrison, not that this is at all obvious from the note's signa-
ture, but Wolka provides this information, and illustrates
notes from other branches with the same signature as my note.
He lists any note from this bank from the South Bend branch
as rarity R-7, 1-5 known.
Figure 4
I happened to show the 1848 note to Wolka, who was at
the convention where I found it. He indicated that they were
not as rare as once thought, and that all examples he had seen
were contemporary counterfeits, including mine. He is the
Indiana expert, and I shouldn't doubt him, but I do.
Figure 5 shows the Chapin signature from 1848 blown
up. It looks a lot like the other signature, but not close enough
that I am sure. When I can locate a handwriting expert, I
hope to learn more! There is another step I will take, and that
is to write the Northern Indiana Historical Society, located in
South Bend, and ask if they have Chapin's signature in their
Figure 5
One of the joys of collecting obsolete paper money is that
the notes are usually also historical documents with auto-
graphs from local people, many who remain obscure, but a few
who became famous. I treasure my two South Bend notes not
only as money collectables, but even more as personal artifacts
entwined with the place of my origin. v
Odd and Obsolete: South Bend Banknotes
by Bob Schreiner
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465Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264466
A Suggested Classification of Bank Notes
(From Conception to Resurrection)
By Nelson Page Aspen
IWOULD LIKE TO PRESENT A “SUGGESTED CLASSIFICATION” OFbank notes from the artist’s essay to the final note for circulation, or in some
cases cancelled.
The original classification was apparently done by the philatelists, especially
former Paper Money Editor Barbara Mueller who also served in that position for
the Essay-Proof Journal. Also our own Wendell Wolka has written on the subject
as it applied to obsolete notes, and Bob Cochran too has written on this subject in
Paper Money. John Humphris did a magnificent article back in 1981 on the sub-
ject, and I tried my hand at it too in 1991, also in the Essay-Proof Journal.
So think about this subject and look over my suggested listing. You might
consider collecting the classification or improving on my listing. Perhaps this
topic deserves more publicity.
A Suggested Classification of Bank Notes
(From Conception to Resurrection)
I. Essays
A. Artist’s Essay: hand drawn with or without vignettes or frames.
B. Printer’s Essay: a printed plate of the above; may be single color, black &
white or multicolored.
May be accepted or rejected.
II. Proof Notes: are accepted essays
A. Artist’s Proof Notes
B. Printer’s Proof Notes:
Paper: security paper
thin card paper (India)
thick paper
Printing: varied color sages and terminology and special serial notations.
uniface, although exceptions occur.
special features unique to company, such as Bradbury’s alpha-
This stage shows the printer the progress of the note, to production stage.
Die Essays Color Proofs
Plate Essays Late Proofs
Hybrid Proofs Final Proofs
Trial Proofs Posthumous Proofs
C. Preparation of plates, both face and back for mass production of note to
be circulated. (May also be used for bonds and stamps.)
III. Sample Notes: carry company name & logo.
A. Salesman’s Samples.
B. Promotional Prints: may include vignettes or portions of notes from work
ing dies.
C. Souvenir Cards
IV. Specimen Notes
A. True Specimen Notes
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 467
American Bank Note Co. Mexico Pick-41 proof note signed in ink “From ‘Old Portrait’ and “J. Hay” by engraver John Hay.
Above: Incomplete Fractional Currency
progress proof, stamped SPECIMEN.
Below: Title Block for National Bank Note.
“ONEPAPA” (sic) signed die proof by BEP Chief Engraver G.F.C.
Smillie. Portrait of the Uncpapa chief Ta-to-ka-in-yan-ka was
used on Series 1899 $5 Silver Certificates.
(All illustrations courtesy Heritage Auctions.)
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 467
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264468
B. In-House Specimen Notes (alpha & omega)
C. Commercial Specimen Notes: used for introduction of a new note or
D. Intentional Specimen Notes: conversion of notes meant for circulation
special issue for collectors
V. Circulating Notes: Those that are legal tender; contain serial numbers, sig
natures & dates.
Some countries do not use all three components.
Life of the note varies with usage, denomination and country.
VI. Cancelled Notes
A. Normal legal tender made valueless by government.
B. Unissued, remainders or “left overs.”
C. Unfinished notes: withdrawn before completion, or issue.
Canada Bank Note Co. Salesman’s Sample sheet.
Below: Artist’s paste up proof.
Below right: Die proof on india paper
mounted on card for “Surrender of
Burgoyne” employed on
Original/Series 1875 $500 National
Bank Note backs.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264470
Legal Tender Note face proof, india paper on card, cancelled with specimen serial number 00000.
Redeemed and cancelled Confederate States $20 T-19 Treasury Note.
Cancelled Bank of the City of Petersburg $5 proof note.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264472
Souvenir card hand-pulled and signed by BEP plate printer Mike Bean. v
David F. Fanning
Numismatic Literature
Auction III
Closing December 3, 2009
Featuring Selections from the Library of Douglas B. Ball,
Including Notable Works on Paper Money, Bank Histories,
Government Documents, Works on Counterfeiting, &c.
Complimentary catalogues available on request.
PO Box 132422, Columbus, OH 43213
(614) 256-8915 —
Don’t fumble that
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Your Hard Work Deserves Mine
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the BEST way to bring your numismatic book to fruition.
Ron Benice and Steve Whitfield did -- both books won NLG
Extraordinary Merit Awards ltd
“We write right” TM
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 472
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 473
WHEN THE SCARCITY OF EARLY SMALL-SIZE $5 BLOCKSis considered, the Silver Certificate Series of 1934B M-A blockstands among the top due to its overall appeal and lack of avail-ability. Collectors have discovered that this note is the key to
completing a block set of $5 Silver Certificates.
Whereas Series of 1934B notes are readily available from the K-A and L-
A blocks, the M-A block is the opposite: It is rare with about a dozen or so
recorded. The cause for the scarcity of this block was a single four-day press run
in which 1934B faces were used during 1947.
This press run occurred after the L-A to M-A serial number block
rollover and produced the only sheets with 1934B faces that were available for
overprinting with M-A serials. By then, Series of 1934C faces had been placed in
production, and the 1934B face plates were supposed to have been retired!
Series of 1934B Plate Use in 1947
Series of 1934B faces were numbered 1766-1872 and were used from
January 23, 1946, until May 29, 1947. A few 1934Bs wore out and were canceled
periodically during 1946; however, all the remaining, still serviceable plates were
canceled on December 31, 1947.
The last regular use of 1934B faces occurred on March 4, 1947, when
plates 1769, 1771, 1772, and 1773 were dropped from the press. This was the cul-
mination of a concerted effort to remove all the then obsolete, but still service-
able, 1934B plates from the presses that began in late February, when masses of
1934B plates were dropped on February 21, 25, and 26. All were either replaced
with 1934C plates, or the presses that held them were reassigned to other uses. It
was not possible for any 1934B sheets printed prior to March 4 inclusive to be
overprinted with M-A serials because L-A serials were still in use.
Curiously, three months later on May 26, 1947, three 1934B plates were
again checked out to the press room; specifically, plates 1769, 1771 and 1772.
They were being cycled back into service to replace worn 1934C plates using the
normal procedure for swapping out worn plates.
However, the three 1934B plates were abruptly dropped from the presses
Rare $5 Silver Certificate
Series of 1934B
M-A Block Notes
by Jamie Yakes
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 473
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264474
on May 29. The fact that the use of all three was abruptly terminated so soon, and
on the same day, reveals that their removal from the press room was a coordinated
action unrelated to serviceability. It appears that someone had noticed that they
had obsolete Julian-Vinson signatures instead of the current Julian-Snyder, and
took action to recall them. By this time, the M-A block was current, and the
1934B sheets from this May press run received M-A serials during overprinting.
Reported M-A Notes
To date, Series of 1934B M-A notes have been reported from these late
printings from plates 1769 and 1772, but not from 1771. It is possible that 1771
never was mounted on a press during the May 26-29 period when it was checked
out from the plate vault, but this is speculation, so an M-A note from face 1771
still could be a significant potential find.
James Hodgson (2006) estimates that 4,000-8,000 1934B sheets were
printed during this press run, which equates to approximately 50,000-100,000
notes. This small total accurately explains the rarity of this note in the market-
place today.
All of the reported 1934B M-A notes are within the small serial number
range of M28xxxxxxA to M33xxxxxxA—a span of about 5 million serials. Serial
number data for daily print runs from 1938-39 (for Series of 1934 and 1934A $5
Silver Certificates) indicate the median daily print run size was about one half mil-
lion notes. It is reasonable to expect that similar print run sizes were employed
during 1947, so considering the narrow serial range for the observed M-A notes,
it is estimated that they were serial numbered over a period of about two weeks.
Contemporary Use of Series of 1934C Faces
Series of 1934C face production also started in late 1946. These were
used as soon as they were available, and quickly began supplanting 1934B faces.
A review of the BEP plate ledger indicates that over 80 1934C faces had
an initial press run between October 1946 and March 1947. Over half of these had
additional press runs that overlapped the May 26-29 period. As for the other half,
with the exception of three plates canceled prior to May 26, they were available if
Changeover pairs were printed owing to the concurrent use of 1934B and
1934C faces. A single pair is known: 1934C, M30229668A, pp L/1934B,
M30229669A, pp G (Fig. 1).
Is It Possible that Back Plate 637 Mules Were Printed?
Micro back 637 was in use during 1947, so it is very possible that these
were mated with 1934B faces and overprinted with M-A serials. This back was in
use continuously between January 31 and July 17, 1947, except for a two-week
period in February when the plate was removed for re-entry.
A few 1934B L-A mules and several 1934C L-A and M-A mules that were
printed during the first six months of 1947 are reported. These notes, based on
their serial numbers, were printed before and after the May 1947 press run, so
they demonstrate that some 1934B faces from this run could have been mated
with 637 backs.
Consequently, a $5 SC 1934B M-A 637 mule is one of the great $5 rari-
ties still waiting to be discovered.
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 475
Recent Market Appearances
The chance to purchase a Silver Certificate Series of 1934B M-A block
comes around once every few years. Here are some recent appearances:
• 2009: I noticed a Fine example in a dealer’s case at the June Baltimore
• 2007: A Gem CU example was purchased on the floor at the November
PCDA show.
• 2006: I purchased an EF note from a dealer on eBay in September.
• 2005: A Gem CU note was one half of a 1934B/1934C changeover pair
sold as lot 17936 of the Heritage/CAA Sale 386 at the September Long
Beach show. (see illustration above)
• 2002: A VF example was offered as lot 22270 of the Heritage/CAA
Auction 32112 in November.
I have always had an interest about why this note was so rare, and started
asking other small-size specialists for some information. Peter Huntoon and Jim
Hodgson provided useful data.
Inquiries, reports or questions about small-size $5 notes are always wel-
comed: Send to Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ or fivedollarguy@opton-
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Treasury Department, Plate History Ledgers
for United States Currency Plates: U. S. National Archives, College Park,
MD, 318/450/79/17/3.
Hodgson, J., Huntoon, P., personal communications, 2006. v
This highly significant signature
changeover pair contains one of the
few reported Series of 1934B M-A
block Silver Certificates. This pair
was printed during the 4-day period
inclusive of May 26 and May 29,
1947, when 1934B face 1772 and
1934C face 1905 were serving
together on the same press. The
obsolete 1934B plate was acciden-
tally rotated onto the press three
months after it was supposed to be
retired in order to replace a worn
1934C plate that was being rotated
off. The presses held four plates—
undoubtedly the other two were
other 1934C plates. (Photo courtesy
of Heritage Auction Archives.)
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 475
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264476
Two former SPMC Presidents help Blue Ridge Numismatic Association celebrate its 50th annual convention: Austin
Sheheen (SPMC President 1991-1993) and Judith Murphy (1993-1995) were invited to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony
for the historic show August 21-23 in Dalton, GA. Murphy, SPMC’s regional meeting coordinator, represented the Society
at the show. SPMC had a very successful meeting at the Blue Ridge convention hosted by Pierre Fricke, with 11 participants
as audience: 8 members, 2 prospective members, and one ANA governor who is interested in education (Ostromecki). Our
twelfth participant was Bob Schreiner, who presented a program on NC Colonial currency, from his home in the Raleigh
area. My thanks to Dennis Schafluetzel and Tom Carson who were the facilitators for this meeting. Sheheen was instrumen-
tal in opening the Blue Ridge Numismatic Association's museum in South Carolina; the curator was Paul Garland. It closed
in the 1980s. Judith is also a past president of BRNA, and Austin is ANA Treasurer. (Photo by Helen Baker)
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 477
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Official Announcement
Purpose: The Society of Paper Money Collectors is
chartered “to promote, stimulate, and advance the study
of paper money and other financial documents in all
their branches, along educational, historical and scientif-
ic lines.”
The George W. Wait Memorial Prize is available
annually to assist researchers engaged in important
research leading to publication of book length works in
the paper money field.
George W. Wait, a founder and former SPMC
President, was instrumental in launching the Society’s
successful publishing program. The George W. Wait
Memorial Prize is established to memorialize his
achievements/contributions to this field in perpetuity.
Award: $500 will be awarded in unrestricted research
grant(s). Note: the Awards Committee may decide to
award this amount to a single applicant, or lesser
amounts totaling $500 to more than one applicant. If,
in the opinion of the Awards Committee, no qualifying
applicant is found, funds will be held over.
Prior Award Winners: five individuals and two groups have
thus far been awarded the Wait Memorial Prize. Each
received the maximum award. 1st annual Wait winner was
Robert S. Neale for a book on antebellum Bank of Cape Fear,
NC. The 2nd went to Forrest Daniel for a manuscript on
small size War of 1812 Treasury Notes, published in our S/O
2008 issue. Gene Hessler was honored for a book on interna-
tional bank note engravers that has recently been published.
Honorees also included R. Shawn Hewitt and Charles Parrish
for a book on Minnesota obsolete notes, Michael Reynard for
a book on check collecting, Matt Janzen for a work on
Wisconsin nationals, Tom Carson and Dennis Schafluetzel for
Tennessee scrip and Fred Maples on Maryland banknotes.
Twice, no awards were made.
Eligibility: Anyone engaged in important research on paper money
subjects is eligible to apply for the prize. Paper Money for the
purposes of this award is to be defined broadly. In this context
paper money is construed to mean U.S. federal currency,
bonds, checks and other obligations; National Currency and
National Banks; state-chartered banks of issue, obsolete notes,
bonds, checks and other scrip of such banks; or railroads,
municipalities, states, or other chartered corporations; private
scrip; currency substitutes; essais, proofs or specimens; or sim-
ilar items from abroad; or the engraving, production or coun-
terfeiting of paper money and related items; or financial histo-
ry in which the study of financial obligations such as paper
money is integral.
Deadline for entries: March 15, 2011
A successful applicant must furnish sufficient information to
demonstrate to the Society of Paper Money Collectors Awards
Committee the importance of the research, the seriousness of
the applicant, and the likelihood that such will be published
for the consumption of the membership of SPMC and the
public generally.
The applicant’s track record of research and publication
will be taken into account in making the award.
A single applicant may submit up to two entries in a sin-
gle year. Each entry must be full and complete in itself. It
must be packaged separately and submitted separately. All
rules must be followed with respect to each entry, or disquali-
fication of the non-conforming entry will result.
Additional rules: The Wait Memorial Prize may be awarded
to a single applicant for the same project more than once;
however awards for a single project will not be given to a sin-
gle applicant more than once in five years, and no applicant
may win the Wait Memorial Prize in consecutive years.
An applicant who does not win an annual prize may sub-
mit an updated entry of the non-winning project in a subse-
quent year. Two or more applicants may submit a single entry
for the Wait Prize. No members of the SPMC Awards
Committee may apply for the Wait Memorial Prize in a year
he/she is a member of the awarding committee.
Winner agrees to acknowledge the assistance of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors and the receipt of its
George W. Wait Memorial Prize in any publication of
research assisted by receipt of this award and to furnish a copy
of any such publication to the SPMC library.
Entries must include:
• the full name of the applicant(s)
• a permanent address for each applicant
• a telephone number for each applicant
• the title of the research project/book
• sufficient written material of the scope and progress of the
project thus far, including published samples of portions
of the research project, if appropriate
Entries may also include:
• the applicant’s SPMC membership number(s)
• the applicant’s e-mail address (if available)
• a bibliography and/or samples of the applicant’s past pub-
lished paper money research
• a photograph of each applicant suitable for publicity
• a publishable photograph(s) of paper money integral to
the applicant’s research
• a statement of publishability for the project under consid-
eration from a recognized publisher
Judging: All entries must be received by March 15, 2011. All
entries must be complete when submitted, and sufficient
return postage should be included if return is desired. Address
entries to SPMC, attn. Fred Reed, George W. Wait Memorial
Prize, P.O. Box 118162, Carrollton, TX 75011.
The single, over-riding criterion for the awarding of the
Wait Memorial Prize will be the importance of publication of
the applicant’s research to SPMC members and general pub-
lic. All decisions of the Awards Committee will be final.
Announcement of the awarding of the Wait Memorial
Prize will be in the May/June 2011 issue of Paper Money, with
subsequent news release to additional media. v
11th Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize
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Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264478
Fred L. Reed III
IFINALLY DID A CRUISE TO VANCOUVER, BC;Alaska and Glacier National Park. Absolutely awesome!
Ketchikan and Skagway are living monuments to the wilder-
ness heritage of America. I felt like a gold seeker, with 100
pounds on my back; making my way up the Chilcoot Pass on
the Klondike Trail.
Kept checking my change in Ketchikan, looking for a
national bank note, but it appears they have all been with-
drawn from circulation. Although it is possible that one or
two could be stashed away in a book or drawer, waiting to be
I recall that some years back, a woman walked into a coin
shop with a 1929 Alaska $20 bill and asked if it was worth any-
thing. She walked out with $40 or $50 from the shop owner
who knew its true worth was twenty times that. Which brings
up the subject of integrity in buying and selling notes.
Should a knowledgeable buyer always offer a fair price
when a seller has a note obviously
seriously underpriced? Or, is it OK
for the buyer to pay the asking price
and get an incredible bargain? And
what about the seller? Is he obligated
to price the note at its true value, or
can he overprice it, knowing it has unseen flaws, in hopes of
getting more than the note is really worth?
It boils down to knowledge on both sides of a transaction.
A seller should be obligated to make the buyer aware of any
unseen flaws that will affect the note’s true value. For exam-
ple; such condition flaws as edge trimming, filled in pin holes,
pressed out folds and removed soiling may be difficult for a
buyer to detect unless the seller points them out. The buyer is
obligated to examine the note carefully taking care not to mis-
handle the note. If the note is in a holder and the buyer wish-
es to examine it outside the holder, he should ask permission
from the seller. If the buyer spots flaws that were only
revealed from his inspection he should describe them to the
If the buyer discovers a printing error that has not been
noted by the seller, such as a missing plate number or mis-
matched serial number, he can assume that a knowledgeable
seller/dealer is aware of it and need not point it out. If he’s a
nice guy or friend of the seller he will probably discuss it any-
way. If the buyer discovers later that he has acquired a rarity
at an incredibly cheap price, the gentlemanly thing to do
would be to share the bonus with the seller. And likewise, if
the seller discovers, by any means what so ever, that the note
he sold is really worth much less than he received; for exam-
ple, perhaps the note is counterfeit or over-graded, he should
make restitution to the buyer.
In a note transaction, neither side should make an unfair
bargain. Suppose someone offered you an Alaska national
bank note and said they would accept $100 for it? What
would you do? v
Who will advertise here?
THIS PUBLICATION IS A JOINT PRODUCT OF OURauthors and our advertisers, with the help of our printer,
the U.S. Postal Service, our ad manager, ye old Editor, and
assorted venders. If we didn’t have a cadre of great authors
offering up their blood, sweat and tears in these pages we’d
have a lot of blank space or simple “filler” material. Without
our advertisers, we’d have many fewer pages to publish those
fine articles, and no color, because simply put dues do not
cover the cost of the benefit that this magazine represents.
It’s been some years since we’ve raised dues, and mem-
bership “growth” has been flat for years, yet expenses have
risen as I’m sure we all understand. So while I’m not suggest-
ing that the time is due for a dues hike, it is simply a fact that
the growth of this publication over my tenure as its
Editor/Publisher and de facto business manager has been
entirely due to the participation of our faithful advertisers.
We’ve added many, many pages; we’ve added color too. For
whatever “extra” benefit this might represent to a member/
reader, he or she should thank those who pay a good deal of
the freight, faithful advertisers. May their numbers increase!
From a business standpoint -- and all our member dealers
are businessmen we must remember -- the time to advertise is
when people are NOT beating down your door. If you’ve got
the better mouse trap and the streets are run amuk with
rodents, you don’t have to advertise -- just ringing your cash
register will keep you busy. But when the “mice be scarce,” as
they say, banging your drum may be the only way to chase the
hungry masses to your shelves.
We all understand that despite the rosy hype, our hobby
is not sacrosanct. We live in the world at large. The malaise
in the general economy cannot help but affect the purchase of
elective luxury items like antique bank notes, stocks and
checks. The goods we traffic in and enjoy immensely are
hardly the necessities of life, after all. These are discretionary.
We have the proof right here before our eyes. Paper Money ad
revenues have shrunk over the past two years, as businesses
have merged, cut back, or faded from the scene all together.
Advertising is NOT the place to cut back. Advertising is
the mooring that connects the seller with his potential buyers.
When he cuts the tether of his advertising, he drifts off at the
mercy of ill winds, like a kite whose string has been severed.
I’m continually amazed that we don’t see items FOR
SALE in this publication. Our member/readers ARE the mar-
ketplace. With show attendance down, eBay sales way off,
how is the seller going to move his stock if he doesn’t offer it
to the willing buyers that the SPMC membership represents?
Indeed, he who will advertise is he who wants to survive! v
It occurs to me...
Steve Whitfield
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 478
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264 479
Buying & Selling
Quality Collector Currency
• Colonial & Continental Currency
• Fractional Currency
• Confederate & Southern States
Currency • Confederate Bonds
• Large Size & Small Size Currency
Always BUYING All of the Above
Call or Ship for Best Offer
Free Pricelist Available Upon Request
James Polis
4501 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 306
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-6650
Fax: (202) 363-4712
Are you planning a show?
Want to have a paper money meeting?
Would you like to have free copies
of Paper Money magazine
to distribute to attendees?
Contact Judith Murphy
P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
DBR Currency
P.O. Box 28339
San Diego, CA 92198
Phone: 858-679-3350
Fax: 858-679-75-5
•Large size type notes
Especially FRNs and FRBNs
•Large star Notes
•1928 $500s and $1000s
• National Bank Notes
•Easy to sort database
By date added to Web site
By Friedberg number
All or part of any serial #
•Insightful market commentary
•Enlarge and magnify images
You are invited to visit our web page
For the past 8 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
National Bank NoteS
(708) 784-0974
P.O. Box 451 Western Sprints, IL 60558
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 479
Paper Money • Nov/Dec 2009 • Whole No. 264480
*Nov/Dec 2009 Paper Money 8/9/11 7:50 AM Page 480
They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
Obsolete Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC’s, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money . . .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
To be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.’s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several “How to Collect” booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
Terry Coyle – Secretary
P.O. Box 246 • Lima, PA 19037
(610) 627-1212
Sept/Oct cover 8/10/11 5:37 AM Page 3
Receive a free copy of a catalog from any Heritage category. Register online at
or call 866-835-3243 and mention reference SPMC16360.
Steve Ivy
Jim Halperin
Greg Rohan
Leo Frese
Warren Tucker
Todd Imhof
Call our Currency Consignor Hotline today at 800-872-6467 ext. 1001
FUN-Orlando Jan. 6-9; Consignment Deadline: Nov. 12
CSNS-Milwaukee, Apr. 28-May 2; Consignment Deadline: Mar. 11
AIPMS-Memphis, June 17-19; Consignment Deadline: April 29
ANA-Boston, Aug. 8-15; Consignment Deadline: June 18
Len Glazer, Ext. 1390
Allen Mincho, Ext. 1327
Michael Moczalla, Ext. 1481
Dustin Johnston, Ext. 1302
Heritage has just concluded our successful
$5.7 million September 2009 Long Beach
Signature® Auction of Currency, and we are
immensely pleased with our results on behalf
of more than 160 consignors. We are already
hard at work on our upcoming auctions, and we
invite your consignment. Please call one of our
Consignment Directors today to discuss your
unique situation. We look forward to crafting the
optimal selling solution for you.
Lot 14332
Fr. 2221-G $5000 1934 Federal Reserve Note.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Realized: $126,500
Lot 15134
Fr. 172 $100 1880 Legal Tender
PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ
Realized: $97,750
Lot 13583
Carmen, OT - $10 1902 Red Seal Fr. 613
The First NB Ch. # (W)6719. Crisp Unc.
Realized: $92,000
Sept/Oct cover 8/10/11 5:37 AM Page 4
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