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The Sr of Paper Money Collectors
mx:11 : 1 ' Welcome!
kir41 l'WV.It MONEYt*
(01.1.1.(Toltirtie Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. was formed in 1961 and has over 1,750 members from around the world.
INC- Membership is open to anyone interested in paper money or related areas such as checks, stocks, engravings, and other
) mil1W fiscal ephemera.
A Library is maintained for members' use.
Publishing programs are maintained for several areas of
interest in U.S. paper money...obsolete bank notes issued
prior to and during the Civil War, and National bank notes,
issued from 1863 to 1935.
Tom Bain Raffle and Awards Breakfast--Memphis 2009
SPMC General Membership Meeting--Memphis 2009
6th Annual SPMC Author's Forum--Memphis 2009
Paper Money Classes at the ANA's Summer Seminar
Higgins Museum Seminar on National Bank Notes
?OOP Society of Paper Money Collectors
Last. Updated: May 25, 2009
About SPMC
Paper Money magazine is published six times a year. It
contains articles on numerous areas of interest.
Professionally edited and produced with high quality
materials, the magazine has won numerous national awards
for excellence.
Regional meetings are held around the United States
during the year, allowing members to meet and socialize
with each other.
Meeting Minutes
Contact Us
updated May 25,
updated May 25,
Join Today!
Paper Money
Member Publications
Learning Resources
What's It Worth?
00000001 A
•WAS INS VT,.•111[•;•S •DNII W1R,
'1111711111VIEIIVIM" 11/41.1111161...1
4 /.4,4,
iniry ximunraiGimutft
IIALNEIV .1...v.sur.vvro
4ria6Ailt.wu.ninatt. , Vv." to-"
e are proud to announce that we are the Official Auctioneer of the 33rd Annual
International Paper Money Show. For over 30 years Memphis has attracted thousands
of collectors and dealers from the U.S. and abroad, and has become America's
premier auction venue for the very best in paper money and stocks and bonds. Also
join us in Memphis as we conclude our 18th and final Herb and Martha Schingoethe Collection of
Obsolete Currency Sale! We were deeply honored to have been selected as the auctioneer of this
groundbreaking collection. This final concluding Sale in Memphis will not disappoint as we focus
our attention on the Southern and Midwestern States, including Tennesse and Texas. We hope to
see you there!
Spink Smythe spares no expense in producing the finest quality all-color catalogs. To order your
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consign to an upcoming auction please contact Jim Fitzgerald ( ),
Harvey Gamer (, Matt Orsini (, Caleb
Esterline ( ), or Barnaby Faull ( ).
JUNE 26-28, 2009
FOUNDED 1 666 —
NEW YORK 145W. 57th St., 18 Fl. NY, NY 10019 DALLAS 3100 Monticello Ave., Ste. 925, Dallas, TX 75205 800.622.1880
Tracy Shreve, Auctioneer, Texas License #9399.
PAPER MONEY CUSPS 00-3162) is published every
other month beginning in January by the Society of
Paper Money Collectors (SPMC), 92 Andover Road,
Jackson, NJ 08527. Periodical postage is paid at
Dover, DE 19901. Postmaster send address changes
to Secretary Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ
© Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2009. All
rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or
part. without written permission, is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are
available from the Secretary for $6 postpaid. Send
changes of address, inquiries concerning non-delivery,
and requests for additional copies of this issue to the
Manuscripts not under consideration elsewhere and
publications for review should be sent to the Editor,
Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as
possible; however, publication in a specific issue can-
not be guaranteed. Include an SASE for acknowledg-
ment, if desired. Opinions expressed by authors do not
necessarily reflect those of the SPMC.
Manuscripts should be typed (one side of paper only),
double-spaced with at least 1-inch margins. The
author's name, address and telephone number should
appear on the first page. Authors should retain a copy
for their records. Authors are encouraged to submit a
copy on a MAC CD. identified with the name and ver-
sion of software used. A double-spaced printout must
accompany the CD. Authors may also transmit articles
via e-mail to the Editor at the SPMC web site
( Original illustrations are preferred
but do not send items of value requiring Certified,
Insured or Registered Mail. Write or e-mail ahead for
special instructions. Scans should be grayscale or
color at 300 dpi. Jpegs are preferred.
•All advertising accepted on space available basis
•Copy/correspondence should be sent to Editor
•All advertising is payable in advance
Ads are accepted on a "Good Faith" basis
•Terms are "Until Forbid"
•Ads are Run of Press (ROP)
unless accepted on premium contract basis
•Limited premium space/rates available
To keep rates at a minimum, all advertising must be
prepaid according to the schedule below. In exceptional
cases where special artwork or additional production is
required, the advertiser will be notified and billed
accordingly. Rates are not commissionable; proofs are
not supplied. SPMC does not endorse any company,
dealer or auction house.
Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability
copy must be received by the Editor no later than the
first day of the month preceding the cover date of the
issue (for example, Feb. 1 for the March/April issue).
Camera-ready copy, or electronic ads in pdf format, or
in Quark Express on a MAC CD with fonts supplied are
Space 1 time 3 times 6 times
Full Color covers $1500 $2600 $4900
B&W covers 500 1400 2500
Full page Color 500 1500 3000
Full page B&W 360 1000 1800
Half page B&W 180 500 900
Quarter page B&W 90 250 450
Eighth page B&W 45 125 225
Requirements: Full page, 42 x 57 picas; half-page may
be either vertical or horizontal in format. Single-column
width, 20 picas. Except covers, page position may be
requested, but not guaranteed. All screens should be
150 line or 300 dpi.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency,
allied numismatic material, publications, and related
accessories. The SPMC does not guarantee advertise-
ments, but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the
right to reject objectionable material or edit copy.
SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for typo-
graphical errors in ads, but agrees to reprint that por-
tion of an ad in which a typographical error occurs upon
prompt notification.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 241
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVIII, No. 4 Whole No. 262 July/August 2009
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Connecticut Merchant Scrip, 1794-1876 243
By C. John Ferreri and Gary W. Potter
On This Date in Paper Money History 287, 289
By Fred Reed
The Buck Starts Here: Engraver's kin searches for his banknotes 295
By Gene Hessler
Notes from Up North: Note numbers may encode information 298
By Harold Don Allen
Laura Biggerstaff, National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Mertie McHenry/Mertie McHenry Langdon, National Bank President . 301
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Confederate Trans-Mississippi Paper Money
By Pierre Fricke
Information and Officers 242
Higgins Museum to host 2009 National Bank Note Seminar
"Fresh, New Book" covers Kansas Paper Money
Reviewed By Gene Hessler
President's Column 296
By Mark Anderson
New Members 296
Money Mart 297
"I'll Miss My Good Friend, Tom Minerley"
By Bob Moon
Tom Minerley, ex-SPMC Secretary/Board Member dies
New Abe book "well researched and thoroughly detailed"
Reviewed By Bob Schreiner
SPMC Board bids adieu to one classy lady, Judith Murphy
What's on Steve's Mind Today?
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor's Notebook 318
col .LEcToRs
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
• • • •ir • •
• • •
• •• •
Auction Representation
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
242 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit
organization under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the ANA. The annual SPMC
meeting is held in June at the Memphis International Paper Money Show.
Up-to-date information about the SPMC, including its bylaws and activities
can be found on its web site . SPMC does not endorse any
company. dealer, or auction house.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Members of the ANA or other recognized
numismatic societies are eligible for membership; other applicants should be
sponsored by an SPMC member or provide suitable references.
MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be
signed by a parent or guardian. Junior membership numbers will be preced-
ed by the letter "j," which will be removed upon notification to the Secretary
that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligi-
ble to hold office or vote.
DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add S5
to cover postage; members throughout the rest of the world add $10. Life
membership — payable in installments within one year is $600, $700 for
Canada and Mexico, and $800 elsewhere. The Society has dispensed with
issuing annual membership cards, but paid up members may obtain one
from the Secretary for an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope).
Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas.
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144.
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O.Box 117060,
Carrollton. TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Whitesport Circle, Apt. 321. Huntsville, AL 35801
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St.. Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Bob Cochran. P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Pierre Fricke, Box 52514, Atlanta, GA 30355
Shawn Hewitt, P.O. Box 580731, Minneapolis. MN 55458-0731
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1, Plover, WI 54467
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Fred L. Reed III. P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Michael B. Scacci, 216-10th Ave., Fort Dodge, IA 50501-2425
Neil Shafer, Box 17138, Milwaukee, WI 53217
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 243
Sutler Scrip, Tiffany Brothers Commission Scrip,
Fractional Currency Mimic Notes,
and Round Cardboard Scrip
© 2009 All Rights Reserved
periods of financial hardship during the early history of our country. The first occurred during the
years of the War of 1812 and extending through 1816. The second arose from the effects of the
—...—destruction of the Bank of The United States in 1836 and the suspension of specie payments of state
chartered-banks, 1837-1840. The third was the direct effect of the Civil War from 1861-1865 because specie pay-
ments were once again suspended and the government issues of fractional currency began to appear. The fourth
was referred to as "The Panic of 1873." These were years of inflation, hoarding of precious metals and coins, and
general uncertainty.
During- the first period the banks issued much of the fractional paper currency used in commerce, but dur-
ing the second period they mostly abstained due to new laws prohibiting the issuance of paper money in denomina-
tions of less than what their charters allowed. During the third period hoarding of all coinage became rampant
again due to the uncertainty of the Union's cause and the rising value of coinage metals. During the fourth period
people hoarded not only gold and silver coin but Greenbacks as well. Business clients were withholding cash pay-
ments causing businesses to fail.
The challenge of facilitating small monetary transactions was met by many of Connecticut's merchants by
issuing scrip. They issued scrip notes, mostly in amounts of less than one dollar. Gather up a full dollar's worth and
they might redeem these by giving you a note issued by the local bank, or one could use the scrip for its face value
when paying for another purchase. Not all merchants issued scrip, but those that did seemed to be the more finan-
cially stable and reputable. These pieces could be passed from person-to-person in the community and often taken
at face value by other merchants knowing well enough that the primary issuer would redeem them as stated when
presented. There was no formal "backing" for these issues. The merchant's word was his bond.
Merchant Scrip: Merchant issued scrip before 1865 could have been printed in almost any denomination
depending heavily on the merchant's needs. Most were printed on paper, but some were also printed on cardboard.
Tokens and store cards of metal or other composition are not in the scope of this writing. Denominations varied
from cents to full dollar amounts. The issues denominated in 6h-, 12V-, and 37/4-cents directly related to the
ft 1113111S4:11.ANI CT NOV 2:I.!, IS62.
Pay Bearer
r•-hr, prtwroIrd or qlorr Da/0)w
244 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Spanish Milled Dollar or "Piece of Eight" which was legal tender in the United States until just before the Civil
War. The U.S. dollar coin was worth one eight real ("Piece of Eight") coin. The U.S. quarter dollar coin was equal
to the two real coin or the often touted two "Bits" (one section of an eight real that was cut into four equal sized
pieces). Hence, the Quarter was equal to two bits, just enough to pay for a shave and a haircut.
Sutler Scrip: This was issued by private merchants who traveled with the various regiments during the
Civil War. Sutlers served somewhat like a Post Exchange and also issued scrip to facilitate the making of change
while doing business while in camp or on campaign.
Tiffany Brothers Commission Scrip: This was a product directly related to a short-lived but severe eco-
nomic depression during- the years 1873-74. It was devised to stimulate business by offering a discount on a later
cash purchase.
Fractional Currency Mimic Notes: These did not have a value but did have a numeral and somewhat
mimicked the new U.S. Postage and Fractional Currency issues which appeared from 1862-1876. These Mimic
Notes served mostly as advertising pieces.
Round Cardboard Scrip: This was produced by the firm, Cussons, May & Sheppard. It had an easily rec-
ognized and distinct appearance and can be attributed to the 1870s. The general appearance remained the same for
all the issuers. To date, only one Connecticut issuer of Cusson's Cardboard Scrip has been identified.
The rarity given for each note is approximate. Values are not assigned. The note's rarity will be described
as: Common (C), Scarce (S) or Rare (R).
Scrip was issued undated, and with handwritten or printed dates. Items listed with handwritten dates may
have the first two or three numbers of the year printed and the remaining- digits written. While more than one
handwritten date may be known per denomination and issue, only one will be listed to indicate the general time
period of issue. Items with different printed dates represent completely separate issues. All issues are listed alpha-
betically by city or town of issue except the sutler issues which will appear and the end of the listings.
Geo. C. Allis Manufacturers Bank
B. F. Corlies & Macy Stationers 35 Nassau St. N.Y.
(Book seller Main St.)
5e printed Nov. 25th, 1862 eagle ctr. Black (S)
10e same (S)
250 same (R)
sentmi::.4:11,a3! ji. sod :'^ ISO? ,.:__'• .... . '
11 1i1,14114.1FACTIJIMICAS RANK. —
Pay Hearer
- •
VIatt 4A- ea 4 N'
7,7/7/7,, %, 7///%11 /Y/ //i/(//Ci
/.;/ rwrirw/.//ii.6,45' EkwArviwted
x.oz//.r6:/owt . .doMf.rtf.,w/Vw/74.
. . .
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 245
Gerald H. Corlies Manufacturers Bank
B. F. Corlies & Macy Stationers 35 Nassau St. N.Y.
5c printed Nov. 25th, 1862 eagle ctr. Black (R)
100 same (R)
250 same (R)
Sheet 2-250, 500 , 5-100 , 10-50 . Used by Geo. C. Allis & Gerald H. Corlies (R)
(Issued 50c notes have not been confirmed for either Allis or Corlies.)
Bridgeport Incorporated Exchange Association
25t handwritten Aug. 4th, 1837 black (C)
37%0 same (R)
$1.00 same (S)
$2.00 same (5)
Hall & Read
Bridgeport Bank
Ferd. Mayer & Co. Lith. 96 Fulton St. N.Y.
(Diy goods 229 Main St.)
250 printed July 18th, 1862 bust of man lft. & rt. Black
1, (7//z/
',//////////,//////, (7: //i-iii3// 7/ai-4;;fr)///y/
g"If • -1/./.
J3111:13 ,t1"Kil'11.1"i'
/p//r/. /./«/(
ti )
7;4 au4),4,14410
246 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Housatonic Rail Road Company
Danforth, Underwood & Co. New York / Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty Philda.
$1.00 handwritten Oct. 1, 1839 black
$2.00 same (R)
$3.00 handwritten June 1, 1841 black
$5.00 same (R)
$10.00 same (R)
$20.00 same (R)
Post Note Issues
$100.00 Post Note, proof black Medallion head in frame w/ 3 cherubs, upper right
$500.00 same
Jupiter seated, center
Naugatuck Railroad Company
Connecticut Bank
50 printed Nov. 5th, 1862 blue w/ red 5
100 same green w/ brown 10 (R)
100 same blue w/ brown 10 (R)
100 same black w/ green 10 (R)
250 same black w/ red 25 (R)
.i . z^o )
The , M /.../77A/ferriefaleNifr.:Xitii-LVWE /Miff . Z1
/40 --------
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 247
Manufacturers Exchange Co Leney & Rollinson
$2.00 handwritten Sept. 1 2 th, 1814 black (C)
$3.00 handwritten Sept. 3rd, 1814 same (C)
$5.00 handwritten Sept. 15th, 1814 same (C)
$10.00 handwritten Sept. 20th, 1814 in same (C)
sheet $2 , $5 , $10 , $3 (R)
ll - ; -.......„_
I Good for ,c,
$1)mie dollar, .1F
f '-t1 Vc:',N._
L . ii
'''.R.-P Q air:11 IN liERCITANDISE.
∎ 51 1E71
1M3 11_71
a Z-7,1112,11-1 i "Li—I_
Issuer unknown
250 handwritten 183 Good for 25 ( in oval ) twenty five black (R)
50( same (R)
$1.00 same (R)
$2.00 same (R)
$5.00 same (R)
W. W. Williams Norfolk Bank
15e printed October 15th, 1862 blue w/ red 15 (R)
"Z; fu S eiipwiff r v. re deemetI (Cv
INT.E 0171r.
e.17, earl Of th e bettA -
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ay to Br Partr,
>57'1 :Ae/
/1 ”) • /e
7}, _ / 7, .4, /
e//le/ (7//ielire,
/V/ ///"., 1%.1e 1 • 11-/..1 "A" ,
248 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
1 l t5t
0 D. NraltrtkeY 14'. CO.
\ 'SELMA, ALtS.D.}m.s
Tr. v Ytt..t; trair,iitry rt,
-,trt Itva .Nlit .m*. • ,,,,,d,
D. Bulkeley & Co. payable in Selma, Ala.
250 or Two Bits handwritten May 20, 1838 black (R)
Ives & Hoyt commission scrip
Patent applied for by Tiffany Bros. Buffalo, N.Y.
50c undated circa 1873 flowers & beehive lft. Black
J. H. Slater
Pahquioque Bank
50c handwritten Nov. 20, 1862 small train engine ctr. Blue (R)
Derby Fishing Company
$1.00 handwritten Sept. 1st, 1808 woman ctr. Black (C)
$2.00 same (C)
$5.00 same (C)
$10.00 same (C)
A Division of Collectors Universe
The Standard for
Paper Money Grading
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
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PO. Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658 • (800) 447 -8848 • Fax: (949) 833 -7660 •
• Mylar-D s a registered trademark of DuPont
0-0 -•.-/- .4"In•S_ ■a_ .. .., _ ._ If, .., •• • C• -...e.t7 c•.(•■ c -,-;••••■
,••• : .1.,;•„ .."(Ct."*..., ,,,;., C.,-7• .• , 51.4*, •,''''''''i4E.4.; .i.'' ',.r...., -Y6 , -i,. 1.•/", -, ''''''';":".4 .....,••;', ..._., F75- - - -- - ,:,' i,..7.,•A;.11'C' )
C. C., ci
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P PI: ...,... -.; ell jürtiOlii °Ian) f. 44): 1.4t5n ,. . LS • • ' 4 : N : I . %., ifiez3 i !!
'' '''. 1' I cri
' Pi ,_,..- WI
le C) Z r T:' R . , - i
w.... , AA) cg.AI 4, t,,-)e, 1-1,,
cd . 1 . .2 . AT (0_,-..i w. ,..) Ti. ri,..., vino a''' -; i X
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‘‘ ' . .-FA4 '' - - . • . • '. ' .{....c. : : I !I4
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17,.? . ,,,••••■
250 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
■••• • ••••••
•• :•••
fartii;ez.9.4 • ay •
L. W. Leach & Son Middlesex County Bank
(Leverett W. Leach Country store general merchandise)
250 printed w/day handwritten Nov. 1, 1862 black
East Canaan
L. Dunning Norfolk Bank
(Lyman Dunning Postmaster)
Sc printed October 1, 1862 dark blue w/ red 5s (R)
1 0 e same dark blue w/ red l Os (R)
, 1° CI r() 17F
Sc printed October 1, 1862 blue w/ red 5s (R)
Sc same blue w/o red 5s (R)
10c same blue w/ red 10
10e same blue w/o red l Os (R)
JLT frti;! 0!.•
• •
251Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
BODY does paper
ney better than
• best reproduction
• best audience
est es ..
Advertise in PAPER MONEY
, •
4.•eA:01E-Ya -
' "4/
kl ;,"
O.% • . ,A.N...N.:•.AW
252 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
East Hartford
Henry Phelps Hotel
5ct printed May 24, 1837 (day handwritten) black (R)
-z-,:1 121(1 Loam ar. Trust Company
„ /..././///e/ / ./7/./.// T7Nft7.•
• • , Pl1:111/J., /////,.//,///,/,//,/ /
, • •
/ / //, 4:1///,
/*/;.. /
/ •
Fairfield Loan & Trust Company
Rawdon ,Wright & Hatch New York
50c handwritten Oct. 17, 1837 black (S)
$1.00 same Oct. 15, 1837 same (S)
$1.25 same Oct. 15, 1837 same (S)
$1.50 same Oct. 19, 1837 same (S)
$1.75 same Oct. 15, 1837 same (S)
$2.00 same Oct. 25, 1837 same (S)
Falls Village
Fuller & Peet Iron Bank
10c handwritten Oct. 1, 1862 black & red
hl':t-'..2-:: .. /- /%.,
w //',„/ a . V 7 CENTS„:,c,::, -
et, ; ..- 'II' /er ,1 rt].
/ 44 r/ C ',,t 4reMJ I/
41o. 64I'C
• jai fieth 1.)41ta 114 -
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 253
Tupper Wood & Co
Iron Bank
Denomination printed with thin flat letters on left end.
5c printed Oct. 16th, 1862 small eagle lft. blue & red (S)
10c same (S)
250 same (S)
Denomination printed with thick block style letters on left end.
50 printed Oct. 16th, 1862 small eagle lft. blue & red (S)
10c same (S)
500 same (S)
John Gaylord
Bank of Litchfield County
(General Merchants & Postmaster)
50 printed Dec. 15, 1862 dock scene lower rt. green & black (S)
100 same man loading horse drawn wagon lower rt. Same
25c same man with pick & shovel lower rt. Same (S)
500 same small eagle lower rt. Same (S)
(3 !II 6)- /
r -57
T r :77, Tvv . 3:1,11
A It 2, 0
Tiwiticr 41tut '41‘tren al a D.F
July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
/ Gran, Dec, 1, 1862
• • •31•CW ;COIN.On ;',J it la,
3 ii,„ 3
11, '' In
E. D. Avery New London Bank
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
30 printed Dec. 1, 1862 red & green
So same
100 same
25c same
50e same
No. / Croton Dec . 1 ,
tz:. 0 i t .:‘.11
••■•■ nem r•
•••• N
(Croton) Groton misspelled
(E. D. Aver) Avery misspelled New London Bank
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
30 printed Dec. 1, 1862 red & green
J. Monroe & Sons Cashier New Haven Bank
(Joseph Monroe & Sons Dealers in Dry Goods & Groceries)
25c handwritten Oct. 11, 1862 Indian lit. colors ?
L. .,.,...m .1
4. 1
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 255
J. Monroe & Sons New Haven Bank
10c printed November 10, 1862 small eagle rt. green w/ black 10 (R)
1.1.2fikoum-;/,zrz. T A N Ct-AN T S,
Downing & Higley
( H. D. Downing & Higley Dealers in Fruit, nuts etc. 16 Asylum St.)
100 printed July 15th, 1862 female archer lft. black $ red
• )1:“ ) • ENv v
ix 1:111%('Mql.,
/ / ' • I 1'1 r /It"
Turnpike Gate N°
77r fur ti. c
Hartford & New Haven Turnpike circa 1799
5 mill undated sheep & pig black
2c same cow & donkey same (5)
40 same horse , ox & mule same (S)
60 3 mills same one horse sleigh same (S)
120 5 mills same two 2-wheeled vehicles same (S)
25(4 same four wheeled coach same (S)
Sheet 25c, 12c/5mills, 6c/3mills, 4c, 2c, 5mills (R)
40 undated horse , ox & mule blue (S)
6c 3 mills same one horse sleigh blue (S)
„,/, /;.•
1,4 1
„}. 1. ,6..
lit it tk'
/1.. A. 31Alt CA":
4IY KA,: 71,01.0RD, CONN.
n ODUE,1000104Ala •
1 ,
256 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
P. Jewel & Sons
Exchange Bank
Lith. of E. B. & E. C. Kellogg , Hartford, Conn.
(Pliney Jewel Sr. & Pliney Jewel Jr. -Hyde & Leather Dealers 272 & 274 State St.)
50 printed Oct. 1, 1862 black (C)
100 printed Sept. 1, 1862 black (C)
250 same (5)
500 same (R)
F. A. Marcy commission scrip
Patent applied for by Tiffany Bros. Buffalo, N.Y.
(Frederick A. Marcy Boots & Shoes 376 Main St.)
$1.00 undated circa 1873 black
- • r
-- 1 ( -
Mir; .
Cnshi•i• PHOENIX BANK pay bv;IPE'r
.71(' YN- It:A - 1
Marcy & Haynes
Phoenix Bank
Bingham & Dodd Lith.
(Frederick A. Marcy & Charles W. Haynes Boots & Shoes 269 Main St.)
100 printed Oct. 1, 1862 black Back value green (R)
250 same Back value green (R)
N' shier CHARTER (OAK BANK pay beard".* ,
_ .
Fund,...4,,, „.presentm inSun,s (4'
oirepie440:4.6r0/, f5v4(7.14,-/h !..h,;..4,-.,;.X,>::::,.-:,,: -..--..)7: 1q..:.•...: , ..=- -:::;:>:,,::-.,:-.-:::-..:..:: -.:.. , ,::::
r o..V./ ... 1■Tew Ludor, Dec, 1, 1862, y.
t I 1,1:,--,
... ,.., „..,........,..,..,....„..1.. 4.- ....:-..1, ..?-4 v.4.4 1:-..f., ' ,..:....L. , sv...9 i, :- .
John Jeffrey
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
(Grocer 151 Main St.)
3c printed Dec. 1, 1862 U. S. Postal Currency green
Var. #1 upright of J in Jeffrey between w & L of New London above (R)
268 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
• New Toqor Dec, 1, 1861 .
i 1-6-, II i?•• 'Ntt
30 printed Dec. 1, 1862 same (different layout) green
Var. #2 upright of J in Jeffrey between L & o of New London above
.014[4 e-Df) WILL PAY THE BEARER14p, m -H -no to:,1,17p (-17,7:01NT
4 1.113.131'11
John Jeffery
2e printed May 1, 1863 same, name spelled "Jeffery"
30 same May 1, 1863 same (R)
‹...,. .-r,=..C:,,,,,,X.7.1,7: .-- <7,C-...7,7,7_,,,,,,-,<7.4":,:,,--,. ,.: ,-;', -.7,1,-,...,-7,<:,,,,,,,,C
',". No, 4.-.... New London, July 1, 1863,
fl (OH r
----:?_ yg r.-,- p 7,4A .. •-,D, __ _n_ .., :_.., ---i ,
:_-,, I .D
'gat 2 ‹,,,
4' . TT-73:7E CENTS,, ,L.A. „,,,..,
ci-q _114 k In U, S. Postal Currency, at No. 151 plain St.
°b -'' 1 ..j,"
30 same July 1, 1863 same (R)
No. New Lon don. Jan. 1, 1864.
)fl J II N JET.FE•; ItY
Will pay the Bearer
At \o. 151 Main St.
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
20 same Jan. 1, 186-1 blue cardboard PA" x 2 1/8" (R)
No. / New London, May 1, 1863.
At No. 151 1.L.,1IN St.
Every Auction Lot i.1 Now Available jar Online Viewu g,.
wrong Earl American • corn
Consign Your Important Material • Phone Dana Linett Today
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 269
United States Paper Money
special selections for discriminating collectors
Buying and Selling
the finest in U.S. paper money
Individual Rarities: Large, Small National
Serial Number One Notes
Large Size Type
Error Notes
Small Size Type
National Currency
Star or Replacement Notes
Specimens, Proofs, Experimentals
Frederick J. Bart
Bart, Inc.
(586) 979-3400
PO Box 2 Roseville, MI 48066
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List ... or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584
Sign lip to Receive Our Fully Illustrated Catalogs Free Online or
Only .572fOr a Full Year Subscription of Six Bimonthly Printed Catalogs
(858) 759-3290 OR FAX (858) 759-1439 •
rew L3'115.)n', Tali. 1, 1934„.
PA Y T111 ,, 131:AAVER
Xrf ), ,CYPICTMCruPnlo 13 6
x No,. 7-7? c, New London, April 1, 1864,
OCOD11:11K Otf,'FF
""" r 4 FiN r
270 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
e AT NO. 1.51 MAIN. ,:-.:TREE1.• •
• . .,
1-: ' •
' 2F , •-i-7-- -.4-7
,,,, d,...„...............--....,,,,,,,,,,,,, ' • l -.`
D. $. Evedne14 Dr:rto. .,
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
20 same Jan. 1, 1864 blue cardboard 1 5/8" x 2k" (R)
+744,44 4,
Wii pay the 13r,..ttior
20 same Jan. 1, 1864 blue paper (S)
New LOB.C10B1 Jane 1, 1864,
-.. Z b
"6 M 2 ---/( ,.-11,
V p .. n• A
.1, X,... .,,,c..„,:.-....:x
20 same April 1, 1864 same
No, ,,,./ ./.72 New London, Day 1, 1884, .-,!" ;
a©MR1 41,-EFFATU 9
%AT wir-
At No. 151 Main Street.
;JO n
2e same May 1, 1864 same (S)
3e same May 1, 1864 same (S)
At No. 151 Main Street.
Dec. 5, 1862.
when presented iu sums of One or more Dollars:.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 271
?1No._._,:L_ . 2'.4.—;$ New London, May 6, 1864. ,
1-1(----)r) ru1,_ ir-N.
r1 3 1-- I IOD V7i_./J Lrai\j' 0.1-11.r LFAL%:11 P
i r,11
Pl T rTir "-I ..i.rn ,...ri 0ENTs,
.:, h S1-:::_ vriy2C.A r„.
At No. 151 Main Street.
4 :
30 same May 5, 1864 same (S)
Nov. 17, 1862,
( \
, I
when presented in some of One or more Dollars.
No. /11 /z/Lut,
J. C. Learned Union Bank
(Joshua C. Learned Insurance agent office at Savings Bank Main St.)
30 printed Nov. 17, 1862 black (R)
100 same (R)
250 same (R)
3c printed Dec. 5, 1862 same (R)
50 same (R)
100 same (R)
NewIondon Feb 25th, 1863
New London, Oct. 10th, 1863.
r E",-4 n tl 0 31
272 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
3e printed Feb. 25, 1863 same (S)
le printed Oct. 10, 1863 black
20 same
,tcliats ..=Ante. 9.4??, is62,
When presented in sums of yen Dollars.
.D. 5. Buddock, Prbst, Kew Loads.
F. E. Morgan New London Bank
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
(Francis E. Morgan Grocer 38 & 38? Bank St.)
Sc printed Nov. 22, 1862 keg lower lft. color ? (R)
10e same (R)
20(4 same (R)
250 same (R)
- ,
'A. 185471935
r00,0 /1/. F10 0 RE 1-0
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 273
Higgins Museum to host 2009 National Bank Note Seminar
THE HIGGINS MUSEUM OF NATIONAL BANKINGhas announced the scheduling of a special 2009 educa-
tional seminar dedicated to National Bank Note topics for
Wednesday and Thursday, August 12-13, featuring four
nationally recognized authorities in the field. The event will
be held at the museum facility in Okoboji -- situated in the
heart of the Great Lakes resort and recreation area of north-
west Iowa -- enabling participants to view and enjoy the
largest collection of issues on permanent exhibit anywhere.
Featured speakers at the seminar will be James Hughes,
associate curator of the Smithsonian National Numismatic
Collection; Don C. Kelly, author of the widely referenced
National Bank Notes guide and census reference; Allen
Mincho, the long time contributor of "Notes on the
Marketplace" appearing in Bank Note Reporter; and James C.
Ehrhardt and Steven J. Sweeney, co-authors of Iowa National
Bank Notes.
joining with the Higgins Museum in co-sponsoring this
seminar are the Central States Numismatic Society, the
Professional Currency Dealers Association, and the Society of
Paper Money Collectors, with support also provided by Bank
Note Reporter. The registration fee for the seminar is $50,
including a catered lunch and light snacks during breaks, or
just $40 for members of the co-sponsoring CSNS, PCDA and
SPMC organizations.
The seminar will get underway with a welcome reception
at the Higgins Museum on Wednesday evening, Aug. 12, from
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The seminar proper will get underway at
8:30 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 13, with a brief welcoming
assembly and introductions. Each speaker is being allotted
one-hour and 15-minutes time slots, with round table question
and answer discussions following. The day's seminar is sched-
uled to formally conclude at 5:30 p.m.
The speakers will cover a wide range of interesting and
insightful topics. Hughes will explore the Upper Midwest
National Bank Note treasures at the Smithsonian. Kelly will
delve into the "surprise" discoveries that may be out there
awaiting National Bank Note collectors. Mincho will provide
an analysis of marketplace evolution with observations stretch-
ing from yesterday through today and on to tomorrow.
Ehrhardt and Sweeney will dissect and update the Iowa
National Bank Note census published in 2006.
Participants in the seminar sessions must register in
advance by contacting Higgins Museum curator Larry Adams,
who can be reached by calling 712-332-5859, or by e-mail to . Registration remittances are
to be directed to the Higgins Museum, 1507 Sanborn Avenue,
P.O. Box 258, Okoboji, IA 51355.
Overnight accommodations are available right in
Okoboji, within a mile of the museum, at the Arrowhead
Resort & Conference Center, where a special room block rate
for a standard room with two queen beds is $99 per night, for
the nights of August 12 and 13. Contact the Arrowhead direct
at 1-800-727-4561.
"Fresh, new book" covers Kansas paper money
Reviewed by Gene Hessler, former Editor of Paper Money
Kansas Paper Money, An Illustrated History 1854-
1935 by Steve Whitfield, edited by Fred Reed,
McFarland Publishing, 268 pages, hard cover,
$49.95, .
ILIKE THIS BOOK! THOUGH IDENTIFIED AS Arevision, I consider this 2009 publication as a fresh, new
hook and catalog.
Following the "How to Use This Book," which includes
"Rarity" ratings, the author presents a brief but comprehensive
Kansas Banking History.
In six chapters Mr. Whitfield covers
the Territorial Period; Statehood; the
Civil War Crisis; the Post-Civil War
Period; Miscellaneous Scrip; and the
National Bank Period.
The author knows these sub divisions
of his subject and makes more than an
adequate presentation of each for collec-
tors, researchers and historians.
Following the just mentioned six
chapters are eight appendices that cover
additional information including modern
reproductions, altered notes, printers and
more that readers will find helpful.
I counted 46 illustrations identified as
being unique. For the territory and state
of Kansas, this is an achievement to document and show such
rarities. In appendix G Steve Whitfield lists surviving Kansas
notes, and where "only one or two such notes are known, seri-
al numbers are reported."
The histories of the issuers are extremely helpful.
Ancillary and compatible illustrations of locales, buildings.
advertisements, ephemera and people enhance the history pre-
sented and help bring the currency and scrip to life.
The only criticism I have, and I would be criticized by a
few if I failed to mention that no attributions were given to the
few engravers who could have been mentioned,
especially for the notes produced by American
Bank Note Company. On page 61 at the lower
left of the James D. Smillie engraving of The
Nlill Door, the name of the artist, F.O.C. Darley
is partially visible. This book does not stiffer
from omissions such as this, but would have
been enhanced with this additional information.
I commend Steve Whitfield for his thor-
ough research on a subject that collectors and
historians will learn and benefit from, and to
repeat what was said previously, I like this book!
This attractive book has 268 pages, 393
illustrations and is priced at $49.95 and may be
ordered from McFarland, the publisher, at or toll free at 1-800-
• 0 ri00
CO; j(i l,l . 111 Jr, J.
len )resented in sums of,' Even
a/1,1 1 irTe as!.; 10 ots .
, 0 dorr—At6pt
kltj 011,114 )r, ?Pt
Aten liresented in sums of Even Do-r9
otEt reaS,
31 -
When presented in sums of Even Dollars
274 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
New London Northern Railroad Bank of Commerce
50 printed Oct. 10, 1862 blue & red
100 same
Starr & Farnham, Printers, New London
Sc printed Nov. 8, 1862 green & red
100 same (S)
25c same
New-London, Nov. 26th, 1862,
No. Pe,-----, /
,,,,..x ..,,::,.--,xxzx.-:..,:-....-,:l-..,-..,:>,,,:>,...-x.'x.-.x.7.x.>:=,:x:,, : • .,::-..,:.-:--qz.x:xr.,-,-:,,,,,:::
Newcomb & Weaver Whaling Bank
(Dry Goods 21 State St. )
3(4 printed Nov. 26, 1862 black (R)
50 same (R)
3,7b ." IP Currund. Funds at
D 17.04ock. Pr `nter.::
'When presented : in sums of Ey93,Dollars.
. .
6 D. S. Dat.Uar..V, Pr:ucts.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 275
G. B. Reed
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
(George B. Reed Grocer 32 Bank St.)
30 printed Oct. 28, 1862 red & green
lu Curceut Funds at 32 Bank Street, :yew London
ZuRI:ck Lean-.
C-1) '176
rj:-4 Fst
New-London, Dec. 1, 1882.
7-1 ey2
0 Q512 al!)
-1/.■VO OU Dead
C. id sk, C):
Geo. B. Reed Grocer
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
50 printed Dec. 1, 1862 red & green
New London, Nov. 24th, 1862,
Tirr, r 1, Tv0
TEN- CFN a .
Seth Smith Whaling Bank
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
(M.D. Druggist 28 State St. )
5o printed Nov. 24th, 1862 colors ?
100 same
New London, Oat. 28, 1862.
= .v REEL),.47
Demand 3
nr f en s 5
New London., Deo,10, 1682. .1
o '',ttiings • 513an1i,, I
When presented Le sums Eves.
. •
All is fav or ■
New ro
ow nice. and doe
II at the
One Price
76•41qtr -SE .
r. Conrie
t en,
Speared by Special Deposit.
Q '
Yofr, 4dr,, Con ., Dec. 10th., 1Sti .`2.
3111:11.11., .1y4 /k,
,.,/,%,./ye /.47 0.4;04,i1/ .71
276 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
A. C. Wright
Norwich Savings Bank
30 printed Dec. 10, 1862 Bust of Washington lft. colors ?
100 same
Tilton the Clothier Advt. Note
50 Undated Face and Back the same green (R)
C. W. Ames Merchants Bank
10c printed Dec. 10th, 1862 black w/ red 10 (R)
15c printed Dec. 10th, 1862 black w/ red 15 (R)
250 same black w/ red 25 (R)
500 same black w/ red 50 (R)
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 277
Andrew & Nash Uncas Bank
(Erastus 0. Andrew & A. B. Nash Fruit, Groceries, woodware 59-61 Water)
50 handwritten Oct. 18th, 1862 blue (S)
100 same (S)
25t same (S)
Barstow & Palmer Merchants Bank
(John P. Bastow & Edwin Palmer Agricultural implements 15 Water)
50 handwritten April 18, 1862 blue
Hammond & Huntington Norwich Bank
(Henry K. Hammond & H. G. Huntington wholesale groceries 25 Water )
100 handwritten Oct. 14, 1862 colors ?
D. Huntington Norwich Bank
(Daniel Huntington Dry Goods 7 Shetucket)
25t handwritten Oct. 15, 1862 colors
ty,31.Tr..VTVerYtr,,,,,T,33rtrw Ayr,w,itav Xfallf .11, 111
ind alt
When Like Checks are Presented iu Sums )t
4,4 c: "7,
278 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Tea, Coffee sod Spice,s.
.its, Pickles, Vegetables,
7o7o=c A, Smith. Atti ,1.
Smith Bros. Groceries, Provisions Advt. Note
Printer Manuf'ng Co. 14 Kilby St. Boston
(21 Water St.)
50 Face & back the same green (R)
Redding Ridge
Fanton & Sons
Oliver & Brother, Print., 89 Nassau St. N.Y.
(Shirt Manufacturers)
250 train ctr. black on blue paper 1850s (S)
500 hands holding scales ctr. same (5)
$1.00 beehive ctr. same (5)
$1.00 clipper ship ctr. same (S)
$2.00 train ctr. same (S)
$2.00 clipper ship ctr. same (5)
$3.00 beehive ctr. same (S)
$3.00 hands holding scales ctr. same (S)
sheet 250 $3.00 $2.00 500 , $2.00 , $1.00 , $1.00 , $3.00 black on blue paper (R)
O. J. Hodge Winsted Bank
10c printed Oct. 15, 1862 red (R)
500. same (R)
7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
Now available
.7t; 1111.11,1ISTIC•lr 11111,1,111161:
21697VIEJLO a7. 1133EMICCIE
Ron Benice
"I collect all kinds of Florida paper money"
4452 Deer Trail Blvd.
Sarasota, FL 34238
941 927 8765
Books available, ,,, hugh shull
Harlan J. Berk, Ltd.
"The Art & Science of Numismatics"
31 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60602
312/609-0016 • Fax 312/609-1305
www.h ar lanj her k .com
A Full-Service Numismatic Firm
Your Headquarters for
All Your Collecting Needs
SIZE INCHES 50 100 500 1000
Fractional 4-3/4" x 2-1/4" $21.60 $38.70 $171.00 $302.00
Colonial 5-1/2" x 3-1/16" $22.60 $41.00 $190.00 $342.00
Small Currency 6-5/8" x 2-7/8" $22.75 $42.50 $190.00 $360.00
Large Currency 7-7/8" x 3-112' $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Auction 9 x 3-3/4" $26.75 $48.00 $226.00 $410.00
Foreign Currency 8 x 5 $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
Checks 9-5/8 x 4-1/4" $32.00 $58.00 $265.00 $465.00
SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
End Open 8-3/4" x 14-1/2" $20.00 $88.00 $154.00 S358.00
National Sheet
Side Open 8-1/2" x 17-1/2" $21.00 $93.00 $165.00 S380.00
Stock Certificate
End Open 9-1/2" x 12-112" $19.00 $83.00 $150.00 $345.00
Map & Bond Size
End Open 18" x 24" $82.00 $365.00 $665.00 $1530.00
You may assort note holders for best price (min. 50 pcs. one size). You may
assort sheet holders for best price (min. 10 pcs. one size).
Mylar D® is a Registered Trademark of the Dupont Corporation. This also
applies to uncoated archival quality Mylar® Type D by the Dupont Corp. or the
equivalent material by ICI Industries Corp. Melinex Type 516.
P.O. Box 51010, Boston, MA 02205 • 617-482-8477
ORDERS ONLY: 800-HI-DENLY • FAX 617-357-8163
See Paper Money for Collectors
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 279
4.. "A /L,4 „;
/ (77 z//i///t/z1 't//i ,//a. z /7// /('"
/// ,r;00,96' .17 0/Ve,:vriolM7
TYCIVY, )0 MO. ARS < „,
jS S 1 0 h
'PE :r, .
*ttert1/41' h di V:. r 'Pew trila
tz erphittivil am t he
- — .
een ents.
280 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
South Coventry
Boynton Bros.
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty N. York & Philda.
S3.00 handwritten Nov. 13th, 1845 black
South Norwalk
S. F. Peck Druggist & Apothecary commission note
Patent Applied for by Chas. Galle, Printer, 735 S. 4th St. St. Louis, Mo.
10e undated circa 1873 black & red
Stonington Nov. 20, 1862.
„Wtoningto anis,
when presented in sums of liven Dollars.
15 Cts,
1. Rt: N 1,
Alonzo Holmes Stoning-ton Bank
D. S. Ruddock , Printer , N. London
50 printed Nov. 20, 1862 blue w/ red 5 (S)
I 5c same w/ red 15 (R)
20c same w/ red 20 (R)
25e same w/ red 25 (R)
1 :c'
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 281
Bringing the World's Greatest Notes Together
PMG announces the launch of our new Notes Registry,
exclusively for collectors of PMG-graded notes.
The PMG Registry combines the world's greatest notes with the
world's greatest collectors, and is a proud part of our continued
commitment to expert, impartial grading, state-of-the-art
encapsulation, collecting resources, and the highest standards
of integrity.
With the PMG Registry, you can track inventory, build sets
and compete with others who share your passion for notes. You
can also arrange unique Signature Sets based on your own creative
criteria. Begin with one note and watch your set grow, or add an
entire new collection.
Visit today and click on "Registry"
to include your collection among the world's greatest notes.
Join the
communitywww collector,society com
P.O. Box 4755 I Sarasota, FL 34230 I 877-PMG-5570 (764-5570) I
An Independent Member of the Certified Collectibles Group
in curftint-i31:enk- Ndt6s.=ätt-,
e of bilren:ddllitis; at the Sto/relif
282 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
‘•;;Vi,SS\i.a..\.l'N., (SWANN., 77 7 "Oa,
tie the Bearer on demand 4
IPTratritrz comritroc,
Payable in current Bank Notes on presentation
• in sums_of even tiollars,,atthe Store of
Loomis & Co.
Country store general merchandise
50 handwritten Nov. 1, 1862 red (C)
10c same Oct 1, 1862 " (C)
250 same July 22, 1862 " (C)
500 same (C)
e the Bearer on demand
ayable In current Sank Notes on proserstazion
in sums of even riolizus, at the Store of
J. B. & M. Rose & Co.
Country store general merchandise
5e handwritten Oct. 1st, 1862 red (R)
250 handwritten Oct. 1st, 1862 red (R)
Geo. Williston
(General Merchant)
50 handwritten Oct. 10, 1862 red (S)
100 same (S)
250 same (S)
13 CARP A' C
„„er /rettei Yilleen Eents
„dn/;:ereGjaieZ i4o1:5-/
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 283
New England Carpet Co.
100 handwritten 18 building ctr. black (S)
150 same (S)
250 same (S)
500 same (S)
sheet 500 250 150 100 (R)
.2\70 union, Ct., Xor. S. 1862.
When presouteil in smn5 of r.veu Dollnfs.
;,„ 41! 11,g.
Merrick Marcy Stafford Bank
(General Merchant)
10e printed Nov. 8, 1862 blue
wzatuzzarGap. .,
ut. TUE 131::umit
Issuer unknown
50 printed November 1, 1862 black & ?
100 same black & yellow
250 same black & green
500 same black & red
,Speeie Note.
Good for VT+72a-2-TaW2 0231VOD
7 t,: payable in Specie, on demand, at my Shop at
,I3 Warehouse Point, Ct.
May 1837.
- A ,
t 11' ,1,11-1!
/v•• •/ (//
/// //3,-'740.11-etrptipse++;
-9#.44.S•1413•(// • ("0
284 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Warehouse Point
Issuer unknown
25c printed May 1837 Specie Note Tree ctr. black
Pease & Thompson
10c handwritten Oct. 1st , 1855 black
69 AT THF. STOnt OF ..1.,
' General Merchant,
4TY-FivE. C,C",,,,-
Aaron Smith
Cussons, May & Sheppard printer, (not evident)
Name on front, value on back.
(General Merchant)
50 undated round cardboard black/blue-grey
100 same black/red-orange
250 same black/yellow
500 same black/white (C)
$1.00 same black/salmon
ardtP A/4 /) , (i.:?)
- ----3 ' fir
r (;/;; 1, ,1'7 11:; / it
It it
c. W.T.PYth
Aforitforti Otompang'5
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 285
Benedict, Merriman & Co. Elton Loan & Trust Co.
(General Merchants Exchange Place)
Image, courtesy Connecticut Historical Society.
25e printed Oct. 1st, 1862 black
Westford Glass Company's Store
Westford Glass Co. operated from 1857 to 1873 in the Westford section of
Ashford, Ct. The Company store operated during this period.
50 handwritten 18 steamboat ctr. small eagle rt. black
100 same
$1.00 same Jun. 9, 1863 same
$2.00 same
West Meriden
g a r StOrep
Bass & Co's Burton Ale.
Band 27eadq eta rt
T 49:Ei
i. ,,f:>:7,:e.2 ,-,77.-_,
s,, ,----:::-.-,;,,--,
4 , , -: wel ii Fe -i s
Tv "-Ak,,,,\
4 ,f, ,1,11.vri..
k t.' / /4 --"e" tbU41
.,_ ....... .. -- -"...._..7
.ifther3Tai■ea-3 %.7-X4TO:k:
F. W. Green Adv. note
Printer Manufng Co. 14 Kilby St. Boston
(Cigars & tobacco 10 & 12 Railroad Ave.)
50 undated Face & Back the same green
Colony Street, WEST hi:EMDEN,
p to b etme r El ertuRtzt
.1* oxpiiiineD en the Age[r. ,
// %// //;./2/4)( //,/,/
.00:CIARS ;
/. 4/./.77/// //,i/77///,
IFIELD POI ,1737.4 L -17(
fl;/' T.Figge 00.1JAARS
286 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
73: S. St .: Ct.
H. H. Kendrick Commission note
Patent Applied for by Chas. Galle, Printer, 735 S. 4th St. St. Louis, Mo.
(Dry & Fancy Goods 14 Colony St.)
500 undated circa 1873 Ben Franklin Ift. back adv. black, red & green
Bell & Sanford
Fairfield County Bank
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty N. York & Philda.
$2.00 handwritten 18 woman standing lft. , rt. black
F. J. Betts
Fairfield County Bank
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty N. York & Philda.
$3.00 handwritten 18 view of Westport River ctr. Ships lft. & rt.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
On This Date in Paper Money History -- July 2009
By Fred Reed
July 1
1659, Connecticut currency engraver Jeremiah Drummer apprentices to John Hull;
1862, State of Florida issues certificates of deposit payable in Confederate currency;
1880, BEP moves out of Treasury Building into separate facility;
July 2
1827, CSA currency printer Blanton Duncan born; 1951, punched cards replace
Postal Notes; 1984, last delivery of Series 1963 $20 FRNs;
July 3
1790, City of Albany, NY issues municipal scrip; 1914, paper money author Chuck
O'Donnell born; 1961, BEP engraver William S. Fleishell III horn;
July 4
1826, paper money subject Thomas Jefferson dies; 1840, President Van Buren
approves Independent Treasury Act which allows the government to control its own
July 5
1864, William Pitt Fessenden takes office as Treasury Secretary; 1865, William P.
Wood becomes first Chief of the U.S. Secret Service;
July 6
1785, Congress adopts decimal system, first nation to do so; 1835, Chief Justice John
Marshall (FR 372-375) dies;
July 7
1817, New York City banks resume specie payments following end of War of 1812;
1862, New York World notes circulation of shinplasters in the city; 1863, Cambridge,
MA inventor Levi L. Tower patents currency and stamp box;
July 8
1775, Massachusetts Colonial Currency (FR MA149-157) bears this date; 1873,
Lincoln, Nebraska, pays bill from Continental Bank Note Co. for printing $152 scrip;
July 9
1868, 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution repudiates Confederate and southern
states indebtedness; 1906, paper money dealer Aubrey Bebee born;
July 10
1832, Andy Jackson vetoes extension of Second Bank of the U.S. charter; 1870,
National Banks chartered after this date limited to issue no more than $500K in notes;
July 11
1804, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton (FR 1-5, 41) mortally wounded from
duel with Aaron Burr; 1865, Assistant Treasury Secretary George Harrington departs;
July 12
1793, Thomas Jefferson drafts United States Bank for 5800 in favor of James Blake;
1861, financier Jay Cooke approaches Treasury Secretary Chase ()tiering his services in
the sale of government securities;
July 13
1861, Act prohibits commercial intercourse between citizens of the U.S. and inhabi-
tants of districts in which insurrection exists; 1902, SPMC founder Glenn B. Smedley
July 14
1703, beaver pelts valued at five pecks of Indian corn for trade purposes in New York;
1896, Educational Series 51 note "History Instructing Youth' placed in circulation;
1934, Ben Spear copyrights "Lincoln Legal Tender Money' booklet in Spokane, WA;
1969, Federal Reserve ceases to pay out high denomination ($500 and above) notes;
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser
of rare American paper
currency ... CALL
July 15
1816, NYC Council names William H. Bunn to sign municipal scrip; 1940, unissued
Palestine Currency Board 5-pound essay depicts Church of the Holy Sepulcher;
July 16
1863, First National Bank organized in District of Columbia (FNB Washington ,',26);
1992, Currencies and Crises by Paul R. Krugman copyrighted;
July 17
1695, Scottish Parliament authorizes Bank of Scotland; 1863, S.M. Clark, director of
the National Currency Bureau, informs Treasury Secretary Chase "In God Is Our Trust'
is on the $1,000 Interest bearing Treasury Note authorized by Act of March 3, 1863;
July 18
1868, 14th Amendment takes effect barring redemption of obligations incurred in aid-
ing Southern rebellion; 1996, 'Dollar$ & cents,' celebrating 20 years of collecting
trornpe l'oeilcurrency paintings by the Fed Board, opens at Beacon Hill Fine Art;
July 19
1866, Nararnore's Photographic Bank Note Detector patented; 1973, Check
Collectors Round Table founded;
July 20
1875, Charles B. Hall, cashier of Boston National Bank, elected first president of
American Bankers Assoc, "spoke on annoyance of two-cent stamp required on checks
and the continuing war tax on banks"; 1952, ANA President T. James Clarke dies;
July 21
1869, Treasury Secretary Boutwell issues notice that possessing distinctive distributed
fibers currency paper is a felony; 1945, BEP releases last $500/$1000 FRNs;
July 22
1839, William Selden takes office as U.S. Treasurer; 1935, expiration date of bonds
backing circulation of National Bank Notes;
July 23
1775, Continental Congress appoints 3 men to supervise printing S2 million currency,
and 28 people to sign/number them; 1861, last CSA Montgomery 5500 notes issued;
July 24
1846, noted banker, Comptroller of Currency and paper money author A. Barton
Hepburn born; 1866, Comptroller of Currency Freeman Clarke leaves office; 1866,
James M. Willcox patents introducing fibers to localized area of security paper;
July 25
1930, Minnesota Obsolete Notes author Rocky Rockholt born; 1957, BEP commences
printing $1 Silver Certificates with motto 'in God We Trust" on back;
July 26
1845, Florida revokes charter of Union Bank of Florida and repudiates so-called Faith
Bonds pledged by State; 1862, Treasury Secretary George B. Cortelyou born;
July 27
1694, Bank of England chartered; 1778, Francis Hopkinson becomes Treasurer of
July 28
1922, Stan. V. Henkels of Philadelphia auctions estate of John C. Browne, including
his Confederate currency and coin collections; 1957, end of Humphrey-Priest tenure;
July 29
1861, CSA Treasury Secretary C.G. Memminger reports on finances; 1980,
Numismatic Association of Southern California auctions off its library to members;
July 30
1849, inventor, banknote and U.S. Mint engraver Jacob Perkins dies; 1969, First deliv-
ery of Series 1969 $20 FRN;
July 31
1830, BEP Director Edward McPherson born; 1914, first emergency money appears in
Germany; issued by Buergliches Brauhaus GmbH, Bremen
,RI itE 'Pat:1'19 8,1,11i7
TWO 100 O. . S.
/ / -// 7 7 /47/4/ 7/ 7/4/J7
.47/ :74 // ;
Ed firer I limig,) :V771" ,7i,11.1747
/*.i.ewo Dat.„x„./Ins
F77 7t .
/7 //.// (7/77/ ; ///47 /777 ///
,V0,9737L Z7rgi :PM7/7 7/7 (779 2/ ,171q,v,)`FORK
288 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
E. J. Jesup Fairfield County Bank
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty N. York & Philda.
$2.00 handwritten 18 woman standing lft. , rt. black
Lipton & Barnes Fairfield County Bank
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty N. York & Philda.
$2.00 handwritten 18 woman standing lft. , rt. black (R)
Morgan, Ketchum & Son Fairfield County Bank
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & Hufty N. York & Philda.
$5.00 handwritten 18 (R)
sheet $1.00 , $2.00 , $3.00 , $5.00. (R)
All 5 Westport issuers could have used these designs.
However, only the issued denominations listed above have been confirmed.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
On This Date in Paper Money History -- August 2009
By Fred Reed °
August 1
1770, explorer William Clark (FR 114-122) born; 1862, $1 and $2 Legal Tender Notes
bear this printed date; 1862, Minneapolis, MN issues five-cent municipal scrip;
August 2
1766, Charles Townshend becomes British Chancellor of the Exchequer; 1911,
Thomas Edison releases his film Money to Burn;
August 3
1861, CSA authorizes an additional $1 million in large denomination interest bearing
treasury notes; 1920, G.F.C. Smillie's BEP contract as Superintendent of Picture
Engravers extended for two years;
August 4
1790, Congress refinances debt funding $1 in bonds for $100 in Continental Currency;
1886, Congress OKs additional Silver Certificates, including small denominations;
August 5
1861, CSA District Attorney at Charleston, SC warns against 'trading with the enemy';
1961, Fidel Castro issues decree invalidating pre-revolutionary Cuban currency; 1995,
Civil 'Var Encased Stamps: the Issuers and Their Times by Fred Reed published;
August 6
1846, Treasury Secretary Robert Walker reinstitutes Independent Treasury System;
1928, printing of U.S. small size currency begins;
August 7
1863, First National Bank organized in New Jersey (FNB Newark 4452); 1928, Treasury
unveils new small size currency;
August 8
1899, Lucy Holcombe Pickens, who appears on Confederate S100 notes, dies; 1929,
Wooden flat commemorates Salem, OR American Legion Convention;
August 9
1837, Cawhaba, Alabama, town council issues depression scrip; 1965, BEP Engraving
Director Donald R. McLeod dies; 1990, first Singapore polymer note;
August 10
1846, President Polk signs legislation establishing Smithsonian Institution; 1864, end
of Chittenden-Spinner combined tenure as Register and Treasurer;
August 11
1864, NYT reports 'grand haul of counterfeiters,' the Johnston Family and 11 presses,
dies, ink, paper seized; 1894, encased stamp issuer Boston pharmacist Joseph Burnett
August 12
1858, first Hawaiian bank, Bishop & Co. opened by Charles Bishop and William
Aldrich; 1930, currency speculator George Soros born; 1971, Oil City Pennsylvania
circulates "Centennial Purchase Coupons" for one cent;
August 13
1910, Florence Nightingale, who appears on U.S. obsoletes, dies; 1971, BEP Director
lames A. Conlon tells SPMC Bureau favors 52 note, opposes multi-colored bills;
August 14
1912, BEP and U.S. Mint engraver Edward R. Grove born; 1970, Bank of Scotland 5-
pound note shows Sir Walter Scott;
August 15
1864, Some Compound Interest Bearing Treasury Notes bear this overprint date; 1935,
Treasury announces new $1 note back with obverse and reverse of Great Seal;
Historically since 1933,
the largest purchaser of
rare American paper
currency ... CALL
August 16
1869, Third Issue of Fractional Currency ceases, according to Matt Rothert; 1918,
German Co-Operative Savings and Loan Assoc., Buffalo, NY changes name to Lincoln
Savings & Loan Assoc.;
August 17
1837, Virginia Governor John B. Floyd, who appears on state notes, dies; 1893,
Banknote engraver John W. Casilear dies; 1948, Israeli Parliament passes Bank Note
Ordinance Act;
August 18
1775, issue date of first of Sword in Hand Massachusetts notes engraved by Paul
Revere; 1961, paper money enthusiasts meet at Atlanta dealers home to discuss forma-
tion of paper money society;
August 19
1861, CSA authorizes Treasury Notes payable six months after peace treaty with U.S.;
1966, SPMC holds its annual meeting;
August 20
1722, first colonial engraver of American paper money John Coney dies; 1927, Irish
Currency Act authorizes gold coinage and legal tender issue of currency notes;
August 21
1862, first issue of Postage Currency according to New York Times; 1964, Ernest
Craighead receives $2.50 gold piece for second best article in Paper Money;
August 22
1862, S.M. Clark appointed chief clerk, Treasury Department; 1903, BEP ships first
small size currency (Philippine peso notes) to San Francisco;
August 23
1858, counterfeits circulate of Howard Banking Co., MA notes despicting Santa Claus
in his sleigh; 1947, Aubrey Bebee, George Blake, William Donlon, W.A. Philpott, Ted
Hammer display paper money at Buffalo, NY ANA show;
August 24
1814, British burn Main Treasury Building; 1861, first Demand Note, a $10 payable at
Philadelphia, issued by the Treasury Department to Salmon P. Chase;
August 25
1774, New York Water Works Colonial Currency (FR NY167-170) bears this date;
1936, U.S. paper money and Fractional Currency collector Charles Markus dies;
August 26
1861, issue of Demand Notes to the public commenced, according to U.S. Treasurer
Jas. Gilfillan; 1912, Congress appropriates funds for construction of an additional 12
currency laundering machines; 1921, Thomas Elder sells Lewis C. Gehring paper
money and coin collection;
August 27
1861, "First Richmond Issue' CSA notes released; 1942, National Bank Note
researcher/author Peter Huntoon born; 1962, Treasury Secretary Dillion writes off $9
million in Old Series Gold Certificates as lost/destroyed;
August 28
1846, BEP engraver Robert Ponickau born; 1909, publisher John Oliver Amos, founder
of Coin World, born; 1911, Ben G. Green exhibits one of the largest and most com-
prehensive 'collections of encased postage stamps' in the country' at the Chicago Art
Institute during the American Numismatic Association convention;
August 29
1780, Treasury Secretary Richard Rush born; 1814, NYC Common Council approves
issue of $23,000 in small change bills in response to request from Mayor DeWitt
August 30
1801, Colonial paper money enthusiast Joshua I. Cohen born; 1948, Bank of England
issues Treasury Note for £1,000,000 in connection with the Marshall Plan;
290 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
25 Corporation. 25
THE proprietors of Windham Turnpike Road,
jointly promise to pay the bearer, TWENTY-FIVE
CENT'S, in currant Bank Bills, when demanded at
either of their gates, or receive the same for toll.
Windham Turnpike Road
10 undated black (R)
30 undated black (R)
40 undated black (R)
50 undated black (R)
12 1/0 undated black (R)
170 undated black (R)
250 undated black (R)
sheet 50 , 250 , 170 , 12%20 , 10 , 40 , 30 , 1 (R)
Clifton Mills Co. Hurlbut Bank
100 printed Oct. 15, 1862 red (R)
Wolcottville, - Conn.'
r. t )1!
0 A •
at our Store.
Alvord & Brother
Dealers in Boots & Shoes
Denomination ? undated 3 vignettes lft. , rt. , ctr. color ? (R)
--womb/fry, cr.
•11!1:i \‘,1
titAd v-,4
--, -(loops.
Y 7 ii, I iIfie e, t c 1, ,er, 5,,V e. , :i
! : ,,,7,,,,_ ,.-,,,,, f.„ 4,-, .z. ,--,...„7 ,-,...,.. 7,t
D T.1 E TOE BEAllElt
(n.clt warn/
L .11. (It,•,.,,e)4
Thew likknial
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 291
Beardsley & Peck
25c same Dec. 6, 1862 man holding sheath of grain lft. black on yellow paper
5c handwritten Dec. 12, 1862 black
F. Chittenden Bridgeport Bank
30 printed Nov. 26, 1862 woman ctr. black (R)
5c same (R)
25c same (R)
fez filep1X7
tvium. /2i-f' fie j
Slim a clic.
604 i
Li 612e
AV. 26,
2-Pay tcrack
3-V, 26,
-- ^
ffe ?nand
'Tr; To-Pricj
To the Paymaster of the 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery.
_A.,> EL> DA :NEE S r.11 1.1T
I and deduct the same from my pay at the next pay day, and oblige
Of Company
Approved by
292 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
3c printed Nov. 26, 1862 woman in oval ctr. black
5e same black
100 same black w/ red 10
F. Chittenden
Phoenix Branch Bank
3c printed Nov. 26, 1862 man standing ctrblack & bank name in red (R)
100 same unissued w/o bank name in red (R)
1st Conn. Heavy Artillery A. H. Daniels sutler
W. H. Moore, Print.
paymaster order handwritten 186 unissued black paper (S)
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 293
To the Pa,3rmastr of 4th Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers
Ai.1171.: ItE(T.: E:'
F. Eli, Lss, j13., S
,Itart ,, (if olio; twit' tIminet i .•411111!
Ilign1011/1111( I , Witt tikhaf: 4 e- 1:4 4-1
.... . . . . . ....
Of Company
4th Regiment Connecticut Volunteers E. Bliss Jr. sutler
Cutter, Tower & Co. Stationers 7 Beekman St. N.Y.
paymaster order handwritten Dec. 3rd , 1861 52.00 black, on paper
kl..4*, • 6th REGIMENT. 10.
. .
lieemabi4Pof Ev• •
6th Regiment Conn. Volunteers overprint Samuel A. Cooley Sutler
10 undated Redeemable in goods only. Until next pay day
black on green cardboard overprint red
6th Reet. Conn, Vols,
6th Reg't. Conn. Vols. E. D. Cardner sutler
102 undated good for 10 cts in goods back 10 black on yellow cardboard (R
294 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Sutler's Department, Eighth Regiment Infantry, C. V.
kro On Pay-clay I aztehothe Paymastdr of the 8th Reg't Infantry, C. V.
to deduct from my'lpay
And pay the same to GEO. II. MOORE, SUTLER, itu the amoita received , f omr him in trade.
-ers■—■..tarr r aw.r.
8th Regiment Infantry C V
Geo. H. Moore sutler
paymaster order handwritten Dec. 17, 1861 $2.00 black paper
This listing is most likely not complete but should represent the greater number of issues available. A sin-
cere effort has been made to canvass the known specialists of this collecting field representing well over 200 years of
collecting. As a service to collectors a complete and periodically updated listing may be downloaded at no cost from
the website of the Mansfield Numismatic Society, . Collectors locating
examples of Connecticut Merchant Scrip not yet listed are encouraged to contact the authors for future inclusion.
To contact either of the authors please e-mail to: or mail to C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box
33 Storrs, CT 06268.
The authors would like to acknowledge the following collectors for their unselfish help in supplying copies
or descriptions of scrip notes in their possession. Thanks go to Richard Ulbrich, Joseph Nye, Robert Galiette,
James Ference and Bruce Hagen for supplying information and/or images of many notes not previously encoun-
tered by the catalogers, and to the Connecticut Historical Society for access to its archives. Also, to the Mansfield
Numismatic Society for allowing space on its web page for this listing. It is appreciated that Mr. Fred Reed, Editor
of Paper Money magazine and the Society of Paper Money Collectors gave us some guidance and provided a plat-
form with which to launch this endeavor.
Bowen, Harold L. Early Michigan Scrip. Privately printed, (1950s?)
Harris, Gordon. New York State Scrip and Private Issues. Privately printed, 2001.
Hartzog, Richard. .
Haxby, James A. Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782 -1866. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1988.
Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, various auction catalogs.
Hewitt, R. Shawn. History and Catalogue of Minnesota Bank Notes And Scrip. New York: R. M. Smythe & Co., Inc.,
Jacob, C. Albert Jr. "Cardboard Money of the Civil War," The Numismatist, December, 1937.
Keller, Kenneth. Sutler Paper Money. Kenneth Keller. Rockford: World Exonumia Press, 1994.
Lafond, Kevin. Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Merchant Scrip. Privately printed, 100 well illustrated pages of a lec-
ture given before the Piscataqua Decorative Arts Society, May 23rd, 2006.
Muscalus, John A. Massachusetts Scrip. Bridgeport, PA: Historical Paper Money Research Institute, 1974, 35-page
illustrated monograph.
Newman, Eric P. The Early Paper Money of America, 4th ed. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1997.
R.M. Smythe, New York, various auction catalogues.
Stack's, New York, various auction catalogues and scanned images.
Wismer, D.C. "Necessity Paper Money Issued in the U.S.," The Numismatist, September, 1940.
A Primer for Collectors
ACT 0E alma- XI • 15 61
THEAstitrEtt 01 TH E
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 295
Engraver's kin searches
for his banknote art
THERE ARE SECURITY ENGRAVERS IN THIScountry and some in Europe with whom I have become
acquainted. I have become a dedicated student, one obsessed
might be more appropriate, of engravers and their work. So,
when I received a telephone call from a gentleman who identi-
fied himself as the great grandson of Alfred Jones, one of
America's best security engravers, I was extremely pleased.
After a few telephone calls including one to American Bank
Note Company (ABNCo), this man was directed to me. He
was aware that his great grandfather once engraved for
ABNCo, but knew nothing of the work his relative produced
and how examples could be obtained.
This descendent, I'll call him Mr. D, had some knowl-
edge of the commercial engraved work of Alfred Jones, and
contacted every art club and organization to which his relative
once belonged. With some suggestions from them, examples,
most often illustrated pages taken from books, were purchased
from a variety of places.
I sent Mr. D a copy of The Engraver's Lille, a book I com-
piled that included lists of engraved work by engravers who
worked in America since the late 17th century. The list for
Alfred Jones (shown below) is extensive. He engraved sub-
jects for U.S. obsolete notes, U.S. federal notes, and paper
money for more than 20 countries. In addition, the engraved
work of Alfred Jones appeared on corporate bonds, stock cer-
tificates and postage
stamps. And, I told
Mr. D that I would
help him to obtain a
few examples on the
list. Most of the
notes on the list
would be extremely
expensive, neverthe-
less I felt confident
at least five inexpen-
sive notes should be
available. Two of
my colleagues also
offered to send
engraved examples
by Mr. Jones to Mr.
In November 1998 I attended the annual PCDA Paper
Money show in St. Louis. I was able to locate three examples
of bank note work by Alfred Jones. They were a one peso,
PS111 from Guatemala, a 10 soles, P67 from Peru, and a 10
peso, PS212 from Uruguay. At the time the average price for
each was about $20. 1 actually had located a fourth example
however, the price was more than I knew Mr. D could afford,
so I did not purchase it.
Later, at home, I examined the Guatemala note with an
attractive image of a female holding a basket of roses: the
vignette is entitled Roses. The back has an engraving of a
miner using a pneumatic drill. Looking through The
Engraver's Line, I realized I had not cross-referenced the latter
subject from a Mexican note. The miner was also engraved by
Jones. Mr. D was delighted with all three notes, but the
Guatemala note, with both face and hack subjects by Alfred
Jones, was a bonus.
Here it would be
appropriate to briefly
mention something
about Alfred Jones, the
engraver. He was born
in Liverpool, England in
1819. We don't know
when he came to the
U.S., however, he was
working for the security
firm of Rawdon,
Wright, Hatch & Edson
in Albany. Jones studied
at the National Academy
of Design, and The
American Art Union
published a considerable
number of his engrav-
In 1846 Jones stud-
ied art in England and
France; he wanted to improve his abilities as a watercolor
artist. When he returned the artist did watercolor work, how-
ever, it was necessary to work as a bank note engraver. When
ABNCo absorbed Edmonds, Jones & Smillie, Alfred Jones
became the superintendent of the picture engraving depart-
ment for ABNCo.
Before the Bureau of Engraving and Printing was able to
produce all of our paper money, ABNCo prepared some of it.
Alfred Jones engraved six subjects at ABNCo that were used
on U.S. federal paper money. Examples are: America on the
$20 demand note (shown above), Washington Crossing the
Delaware on the $50 and Franklin and Electricity on the $10,
both first and second charter national notes.
The life of Alfred Jones came to an abrupt end on April
18, 1900. At 33rd Street and 5th Avenue in New York City he
was struck by a hansom cab. The driver fled and one of
America's legendary engravers died the following day.
I will continue to search for other examples for Mr. D so
he can arrange an exhibit, which he plans to take to schools
and any organization that would like to learn about security
engraving, especially by Alfred Jones.
(Reprinted with permission from Coin World
May 24, 1999)
July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money296
Dear Fellow Paper Money Lovers:
Fred Reed, our editor, ever mindful of deadlines, has
asked me to write this month's President's Column. He has
anticipated that I will protest, as I am not, at the time of this
writing, the Society's President, but he suggests that this col-
umn is an opportunity for me to "outline a vision for the
Society and that my goals for the next couple of years [if nomi-
nated and elected] would be great to hear." While I very
much appreciate his support and confidence, I would be more
comfortable talking to these topics if and when I am in the job.
And, with some new players joining our Board of Governors, I
think it only appropriate that any forthcoming agendas benefit
from discussion with the Board.
The SPMC may not yet have selected its new president as
I write this, but we do have a new President in Washington,
DC. Whatever your politics, he has certainly been a champi-
on, during his campaign and upon his inauguration, of volun-
teerism. In our hobby, volunteerism is not a new idea, it is the
life blood of the hobby. Yes, there are plenty of professionals
in our hobby. The vast majority have splendidly refined sensi-
bilities about the importance of supporting the conventions,
activities and events, clubs, and associations such as the
SPMC. But when you travel to any hobby-related event, bene-
fit from any educational activity, go to any club meeting,
attend any convention, look at any exhibits, or join a club,
there are a slew of people who care deeply enough about our
hobby to energize and organize for our collective benefit.
Your Board of Governors [previously and newly elected] are
part of that energetic group, as are two individuals, despite the
fact that they are stepping into new roles.
Judith Murphy, a previous SPMC president who has
served the SPMC in so many wonderful ways, has made the
decision to relinquish her seat, but intends to continue in her
role of growing our regional meeting activities. It would take
more than a whole column to list her contributions and prop-
erly thank her, but since I hope her involvement continues for
a long time to come, that can be attended to at a later date.
Benny Bolin has been a delightful two-term President,
and whoever steps into his shoes is left with the blessing of a
Society left in better shape than the one he began presiding
over four years ago, but is cursed by following a noble, com-
mitted and agreeable style of leadership that was organized
and fun. Benny has brought a progressive and constructive
approach to the Board, to difficult issues, and, if he can be
faulted for anything, it is for taking more on his own shoulders
than he should. He is to be thanked by one and all for his ser-
vice, and it is a huge relief to me that he will continue on in his
role as past president. And, as is the case with Judith, I hope he
can be bound to service in the organization for a long time to
In our last issue, we indicated that we have two donors of
new blood joining the Board of Governors. Mike Scacci and
Shawn Hewitt both represent the core of our hobby — long
time and passionate collectors, with strong fundamental
understanding of what makes our hobby vibrant. I encourage
members to get to know these new governors if you do not
already, as they join an already very fine group of people.
Also as I write this, the big annual paper money collector
event of the year — Memphis! — is changing caretakers, moving
from its birthparents — the Memphis Coin Club, to a new
owner who has been associated with it for as long as it has
been in existence, Lyn Knight. The show is in it 33rd year,
Lyn will take over in 2010, and it is hard to imagine that any-
body could bring a more refined sense of the Memphis tradi-
tion to its stewardship going forward.
It is a tough economy, but the true paper money collector
seems to me to be surprisingly active, and I hope we see a
record crowd in the River City this summer. After a great deal
of discussion — actually, years of it - we made a painful deci-
sion, to move our Friday morning breakfast across the street.
We did this after much thought, and while we recognize that
moving outside the hotel is a small inconvenience, we expect
the quality of the event, the camaraderie, the food, and the
Tom Bain raffle prizes, to more than make up for the change.
If we don't see each other at the breakfast, I will hope to have
seen you at the membership meeting on Saturday, and, as
always, we will continue to look to you, our members, for
feedback on how we have done our job for you.
Later this summer, just after the ANA convention, there
is one more special event for our members to post on their cal-
endars. The Higgins Museum in Okoboji, Iowa, is planning to
hold a two-day educational seminar, focused, understandably,
on National Banking topics and featuring four authorities in
the field: James Hughes, associate curator of the Smithsonian
National Numismatic Collection; Don C. Kelly, author of the
widely referenced National Bank Notes reference; Allen
Mincho, long-time collector, dealer, auctioneer, and writer in
the Nationals field, and James C. Ehrhardt and Steven J.
Sweeney, co-authors of Iowa National Bank Notes. The event is
sponsored by the Central States Numismatic Society, the
Professional Currency Dealers Association, and your Society,
with support also provided by Bank Note Reporter. So take
advantage of this unique opportunity. The event starts with a
welcome reception on the evening of Wednesday August 12th,
concluding Thursday the 13th at the museum in Okoboji. For
any of you who are not familiar with the museum, it houses
the largest collection of Nationals on permanent exhibit any-
where, and is situated in the heart of northwest Iowa's lakes
resort and recreation area. There is a $50 registration fee [$40
for CSNS, PCDA and SPMC members], covering a catered
lunch and snacks during breaks. Anyone wishing to participate
in the seminar sessions must register in advance by contacting
Higgins Museum curator Larry Adams, who can be reached by
calling 712-332-5859, or by e-mail to .
Wishing you all a healthy and happy collecting summer,
let me close with John Hiatt's suggestion: "Let's go to
Memphis in the meantime...."
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
(M9F MaEn
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 154 per word
(minimum charge of S3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified an in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis. Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
YOUR WORD AD could appear right here in each issue of Paper Money.
You could advertise your duplicates inexpensively, or advertise your Want
List for only $20.50 for three lines for an entire year. Don't wait. (PM)
STANDARD CATALOG U.S. PAPER MONEY (Cuhaj) 23rd Edition, 1300
photos, large, small, fractional, errors, etc., 432 pages/hardcover $16.95
Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
Schingoethe Obsolete Sales, others, prices realized, list (including many
titles), SASE, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
NEW JERSEY'S MONEY (George Wait), out/print, 440 pages, hundreds
Obsoletes Illustrated/Described, Rarity Guide, hardcover, scarce $49.95,
others, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 1264)
THE PRICE OF LIBERTY (William Anderson), out/print, heavily illustrated,
Public Debt-American Revolution, 180 pages. hardcover $34.95, others,
Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
"Lookalike" advertisements, 900 illustrations, 357 oversize pages, values,
out/print, $29.95, others, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY
11520 (264)
FIFTY PAPER MONEY TITLES including many SPMC out/print "obsoletes"
titles, also coins, medals, stocks/bonds, bootlist, SASE, Sanford Hurst, 106
Woocicleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (2641
STANDARD CATALOG OF World Paper Money (Specialized Issues). Ninth
Edition, 17,500 Notes, 10,000 photos, values. Was $65 now $27.95, others,
Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
WORLD NOTGELD 1914-1947 (Courtney Coifing), 60 countries, 400 pages,
illustrated, color plates, 13,000 listings, values. Was $35, now 521.95, oth-
ers, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264:
100 GREATEST AMERICAN Currency Notes Bowers/Sandman) full color
throughout, valuations, 140 oversized pages. Amazing, was $30 now
$21.95, Sanford Durst, 106 Woodcleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
REGISTER OF THE CONFEDERATE Debt (Raphael Thian) 190 pages, classic
reference, long out/print, Douglas Ball introduction, hardcoverecl, scarce
$34.95, Sanford Durst, 106 Woocicleft Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (264)
INTERESTED IN BUYING MISMATCHED serial number notes--with 2 or
more numbers mismatched. Also, any information about mismatched serial
numbers of this type is appreciated. Kevin Lonergan, Box 4234, Hamden, CT
06514 (262)
Wanted: Pre-1900 Notes from Liberia, Africa. Please email to or write Michael S. Jones, PO Box 380129, Murdock, FL
33938-0129 (262)
WANT TO BUY Small Size Type 1 55.00 National Currency from the first
National Bank of Hoopeston, Ill. Charter no. 2808. Large Size $10.00
(1902-1908) Date Back from the Hoopeston National Bank of Hoopeston, Ill
Charter no. 9425 and small size notes from The First National Bank of
Milford, III Charter no. 5149. Write to Mike Fink, P.O. Box 177, Hoopeston,
ILL 60942 (261)
NJ TURNPIKE TOLL SCRIP from the 1950s-80s. Looking for any info on, and
also looking to buy same. Send info or contact: PO Box 1203, Jackson, NJ
08527 or Jamie Yakes, LM338 (A)
ly 1000 photos, paper money, bonds, checks, stocks, etc. Only $37 post-
paid, autographed if you prefer. Contact Fred Reed (264)
WILDCAT BANKS OF WAYNE COUNTY (Ohio), 80 pages, S30 postpaid.
Raymond E. Leisy, 450 N. Bever St., Wooster, Ohio 44691 (A)
WANTED: Notes from the State Bank of Indiana, Bank of the State of
Indiana, and related documents, reports, and other items. Write with descrip-
tion (include photocopy if possible) first. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142 (264)
Membership Director
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX 75011
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 04/03/2009
These memberships expire 12/31/2009
12893 Douglas Barden, 761 W. Scott St Apt 216, Dond du
Lac, WI 54937 (C, US Large & Obsoletes), Website
12894 Guy Harrell (C & D), Website
12895 Ralph W. Moyer, 1781 S. Spring Road Unit 240,
Vineland, NJ 08361 (C), Benny Bohn
12896 Tim Mitchell, 186 Skyline Drive, Indian Springs, AL
35124 (C & D), Website
12897 Andrew Keene, 7447 N. Lombardy Rd, Fox Point, WI
53217 (C, World), Website
12898 David O'Hanlon, PO Box 428, Blair, NE 68008, (C,
Obsoletes), Website
12899 John C. Wyndham (C), Frank Clark
12900 Douglas W. Grace (C, World), Website
12901 Albert Amador (C), Jason Bradford
12902 Gerald Bardman (C), Jason Bradford
12903 Andy Binasik (C), Jason Bradford
12904 John Cea (C), Jason Bradford
12905 Susan Cohen (C), Jason Bradford
12906 Wayne Koser (C), Jason Bradford
12907 David Lam (C), Jason Bradford
12908 J. Daniel Lewis (C), Jason Bradford
12909 Lawrence Lind (C), Jason Bradford
12910 Steve Sachs (C), Jason Bradford
12911 Al Sia Jr. (C), Jason Bradford
12912 John Spolm (C), Jason Bradford
12913 Robert St. John (C), Jason Bradford
12914 Hoang Van Bui (C), Jason Bradford
12915 Edward Wolff, (C), Jason Bradford
12916 Mel Zuber (C), Jason Bradford
LM392 Theodore H. Mayer, 101 Piney Woods Court Apt
122, Houston, TX (C), Frank Clark converted from
July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money298
Notes from
North of the
Harold Don A n
\Aliat's in a number? If it's the serial number identifying a
unique item of folding money, then quite possibly more than
you first might think.
The great majority of modern world notes take on both
added interest and a sense of "one of a kind" by virtue of serial
numbering--the routine assignment of identifying digits or
alphanumeric sequences which you assume to indicate order,
but which, in many instances, may serve to communicate con-
siderably more.
To those in the know, a Swedish initial digit tells the year
of issue; an Eastern Caribbean suffix letter attests to the coun-
try of origin; a Canadian three-letter lead-in encodes both the
note denomination and the security printer, and a Euro final
figure is a computer-age "check digit," serving to authenticate
the serial number and to lend credibility to the note.
A serial number, of course, may derive from no more than
an integer sequence, starting with "1"--highly collectible:--or
other arbitrary figure, and extending as high as circumstances
require. That, as the Bank of England money museum delights
in showing, is precisely how note numbering as we know it
began. The bank's first notes--as on display--had been partial-
ly-printed, "bearer" receipts (for gold deposited), with the
actual amount penned in as "repayable to the bearer on
demand." Further, the number of the note (receipt) corre-
sponded to the line in the register in which such deposits had
been recorded.
More sophisticated approaches to note numbering have
been either for compactness (Y/5 67890, rather than, say,
23567890) , or else to encode additional information (denomi-
nation, series, place of origin) or to pro-
vide an "internal check" on the number
itself. Some such particulars were
revealed in early counterfeit detectors,
or observed for themselves by workers
in foreign exchange.
One instructive example relates to
the 35-year British West African "palm
tree" emission, notably the green I()
shillings and red 20 shillings that saw
extended service in Nigeria, Ghana, the
Gambia, and Sierra Leone, through
World War II. Plate notes (second
"type" in my vintage Pick) are num-
bered F/4 349247, for the 1941-dated 10
shillings, and Z/10 968617, for the
1947-dated 20 shillings--an early
Note numbers
may encode
"replacement," or were numbers running out?
The numbering quirk I found discussed in a Thomas
Cook "exchange" guide, back when such notes still were cur-
rent, say in 1952. The denominator of the alphanumeric pre-
fix of a genuine note would be 1 higher than the lead digit of
the six-figure serial. So, now we know!
As one systematically studies and collects a country, a
sense of its note numbering develops, though absolute certain-
ty is elusive.
I like World War II , British Guiana government money--
the illustration (below) is a pre-War 1938 Kaieteur Falls /
King George VI back $1 endorsed as redeemed, "Senior
Carrency Officer ... 1961." Even a most--basic "denomination
set," the 1942-dated final printing, evokes significant conjec-
turing. My yellow and deep purple $100 (distinctive!) is .A/1
08682, while the $20 is a low A/2, the $10 a higher A/2, the $5
a B/4, the $2 an E/3 ... and the red $1 is J/6 45269. Numbers
evidently ascend to 99999 (or 100000), prefixes run A/1 to A/9
(or A/10), then B/1, and so on. Indeed, should letter "I" have
been omitted, my $1 could have been note 8,645,269--you
sense the line of thought.
Numbers "compacted" by alphanumeric prefixing and/or
suffixing? As I leaf through "classics," arrangements such as
the following all but cry out for number-watcher investigation:
I . NAB 100007. Commonwealth of Australia, $5, no
date (1968), Banks / Chisholm portrait note.
2. AE 7675270 E. South African Reserve Bank, 200
rand, no date (current), head of leopard (top opposite).
3. A167 / 084. The Union Bank of Scotland Limited, 20
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 299
AE7675270 E
+ 4** •
1: ''',..414LALICIALLVAI 1 1 1' . •
11TJANUARY 1935.
y` r'627.504
pounds, 1st May 1953, sailing ship,
heraldic arms.
4. C/39 94749. Government of
the Straits Settlements, $10 (right), 1st
January 1935, King George V portrait
note, final date.
5. 1BX 09609, Banco de Portugal,
50 escudos ouro, Ch. 3, 13 de Janeiro de
1925, Christovam de Gama portrait
6. D/DU 1,255,504. Barclays
sunk (Dominion, Colonial, and
Overseas), $5 in local currency, Port of
Spain, Trinidad, 1st February 1938.
Now, a tough one to ponder: when
far from home, I seldom pass up oppor-
tunity to seek current money--and a
provisional release can be something rather special, of course.
Forty years ago, I left Le Tresoire on Place de General de Gaulle-
-think Saint-Pierre-et Miquelon—with the "La Reunion" over-
printed 1 nouveau franc, the revalued Belain d'Esnambuc 50
francs. A nice item, crisp and at face. My note I now observe
to have been numbered in two fashions, an alphanumeric K.30
and 06298, plus a nine-digit 073406298. Well reserve for
future consideration the manner in which those two number-
ings possibly relate. Any suggestions?
Our concluding illustration this column, a Dominion of
Canada $1 (below) from the new nation's inaugural legal ten-
der release of 1870, offers important insight into traditional
numbering techniques. So, focus not on the allegorical female
with globe (turned to Canada), nor the vignette likeness of
Jacques Cartier, the early mariner, but rather on identifying
digits, 627504. In a Victorian practice which was to persist
well into the next century in both Canada and the United
States, the number is not a note serial number—but, rather, a
sheet number. The position letter, here "D" (lower left and
right), is essential to identify the individual note. Further,
1870 $1s were "domiciled" in several major cities. The blue
sheet number, and the high number itself, serves to attest to a
Montreal note. Sheet numbering into the 20th century? Yes,
consider, representatively, the Bank of Canada first issue of
1935 (sheets of four) and "Type 1" United States National
Bank currency of 1929 to 1933 (sheets of six).
In many instances, the numbers on a note do rate--and
reward--an informed second glance.
300 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Laura Biggerstaff,
National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
4I AURA COLEMAN WAS BORN IN WEST HAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS,on January 9, 1844. She moved with her family to Missouri when she was 15.
When in her early 20s, she taught school for a year in Edina, Missouri.
Edina, the county seat and largest community in Knox
County, is located in the northeastern part of the state. It was origi-
nally surveyed by Stephen W. B. Carnegy, a native of Edinburgh,
Scotland. He named it Edina, a poetic version of Edinburgh. A centu-
ry ago, it had a population of about 1500.
In 1868, at the age of 24, Laura Coleman married Richard M.
Biggerstaff of Edina. She was to live in the community for the next 54
Edina Has 'National Bank.
Ott August 1, the B. M. a g
ka,i1 Bank, ono of Edam's -
banking institutions, eieasod
exist and its RUCC(3614Or t The Filet
National Bank of, Edina, became
a reality, with a capital NtOratt of
$.35,000. The change
Ie made
without a moment's delay° in. NM"
iness so well wac everything sykP
tomized. On. July - 31 the $an went
down on the B.• M. 1316orstalt
Bank and on August 1 row on the
new,; organization. It is With KW
small degree of wido that women.
Lion this matter Fit it is oils elop
forward for Edina. The (Fero of
officers and directoVs 0044flik1i of
competent, conservative fmanoionl
as follows: Mrs. R. M. Illigger
staff, president; W. H. Padgett,
vice-president; John IV, B01,. cash-
ier ; P . ' K. G1bbone, agoistent
cashier. Direetero, iVits. R.
Biggerstaff, W. R. Padgett, Altsint
Stander, John F. Beal as 61
Beal. Business will coain
the same stand au the handsaw)
bank building permed lice tile: now
orfp.nization with the ehanio,
Her husband was a widower some fifteen years her senior.
During his lifetime, he was a horse trader, a farmer, a businessman,
and a banker. In the latter role, he was a founder of the Bank of Edina
in 1876, and later its vice president and then president until 1903.
In 1904, he organized his own bank in the community, the R.
M. Biggerstaff Bank. Following his death at the age of 78 on
December 20, 1907, his widow became its president.
The Biggerstaff Bank became The First National Bank of
Edina (Charter #9490) on August 1, 1909. Laura Biggerstaff was its
president and served in that capacity until it was voluntarily liquidated
in September 1914. It was immediately succeeded by The Citizens
Bank of Edina, which survives to this day. Mrs. Biggerstaff was also
one of the stockholders in the new bank.
She moved from Edina to southern California for health rea-
sons in 1922. She made her last visit to Edina in 1929, when she was
85, and died in West Hollywood, California, in 1935 at the age of 91.
During its five-year history, the bank issued only third char-
ter date backs; 2,072 five dollar, 1,254 ten dollar, and 418 twenty dol-
lar notes. Of the total amount of 831,260 issued, 88,360 was outstand-
ing when the bank was liquidated. None are know to survive today. It
is possible that Laura Biggerstaff signed every note issued by the
bank, although there is no way of knowing.
Sources and acknowledgements
Newspaper account of the opening of
The First National Bank of Edina,
Mrs. R. M. Biggerstaff, president,
August 1909.
An obituary for R. M. Biggerstaff appeared in The Edina Democrat on
December 27, 1907. An article about the R. M. Biggerstaff Bank becoming The
First National Bank of Edina appeared in the same paper on August 6, 1909, and
a legal notice of the voluntary liquidation of the national bank appeared in the
same paper for Friday, September 25, 1914. An obituary for Laura Biggerstaff
appeared in an unnamed paper (probably from Edina) for January 17, 1935. The
assistance of Annie Fisher of The Citizens Bank of Edina is gratefully acknowl-
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 301
Myrtie McHenry / Myrtie McHenry Langdon,
National Bank President
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
MYRTIE CONNEAU WAS BORN IN MODESTO, CALIFORNIA,on December 2, 1878. Modesto, about 85 miles east of San Francisco,
then had a population of about 1,600. She was the daughter of Frank E.
Conneau, a Frenchman who had arrived in California in 1849, and Annie
Waters Conneau, a native of Ireland. Myrtie was one of eight children. She
attended the newly opened Stanford University, and was graduated in January
After teaching for a year, she married Oramil McHenry of Modesto on
May 15, 1902. He was the only child of early California settlers. His father,
Robert McHenry had been the founding president of the First National Bank of
Modesto (Charter #3136) in 1884. He succeeded to the presidency of the bank
in 1890.
Oramil, a well-liked and very successful businessman, was struck down
by cancer, which surgery had been unable to cure. He died on February 21,
1906, at the age of 44. Anticipating death, he had transferred various proper-
ties, including his bank holdings, to his wife shortly before his death. She suc-
ceeded him as president of the bank. Their son, Merl, remembered sitting on
his mother's lap in the library of their home as she signed National Bank Notes
of the bank.
On April 20, 1908, she married William H. Langdon, a successful
lawyer who was then District Attorney of San Francisco. She continued on as
president of the bank until January 1910, when her husband became president.
The next year they sold the controlling interest in the bank, with Mr. Langdon
stepping down as president. This allowed him to spend more time with his legal
The bank was voluntarily liquidated in 1920 when it was taken over by
a Sacramento bank.
Mr. Langdon had a successful judicial career, dying unexpectedly in
San Francisco in 1939. His wife survived him by 20 years, dying in San Mateo,
California on August 18, 1959. She was survived by her son by her first mar-
riage, and a daughter and son by the second marriage.
The IVIcHenry family home in Modesto, built by Robert McHenry in
1882-83, is an historical house museum today. Myrtie C. McHenry Langdon
had lived there from her marriage in 1902 until she and her family moved from
Modesto in 1919.
Sources and acknowledgements
Biographical sketches of Robert and Oramil McHenry, Frank
Conneau, and .Myrtie McHenry Langdon are found in George H. Tinkham,
History of Stanislaus County, California With Biographical Sketches , Los
Angeles, 1921. Her obituary appeared in The Modesto Bee for August 19, 1959.
Colleen Stanley Bare's The McHenry Mansion, Modesto's Heritage, Modesto,
1985, is a very informative account of the home and family. The assistance of
Janet Lancaster of the McHenry Museum is greatly appreciated.
302 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
"I'll miss my good friend Tom Minerley"
By Bob Moon
FORMER SPMC SECRETARY AND BOARD MEMBERTom Minerley passed away recently. When someone pass-
es away, the obituary focuses on the vital statistics — in Tom's
case, he was born on June 6, 1951 (he was reluctant to share
his birth date due to it always being tied to D-Day); he died on
March 29, 2009, and was buried in his home town of Ballston
Spa, NY. The obituary would always list where he worked,
surviving relatives and other generic facts. Having known
Tom for 30 years, I would like to go "between the lines" and
share some insights about my
friend, Tom.
Yes, Tom was born in
Ballston Spa in 1951 and
would graduate from Norwich
University in Northfield, VT
in 1973. Like many of his
contemporaries (including
this writer), the recession of
the early 1970s was not an
opportune time to try and
find one's place in the world.
Again, many of us from the
Albany, NY area, after a few
fits and starts (Tom put in a
stint at McDonald's), seemed to end up working for New York
State government. Our paths first crossed around 1978 when
we were both employees of the State Education Department.
We discovered we both had all interest in collecting coins, but
then he moved on to another State agency and we didn't see
each other for about five years.
In 1984, on all assignment to the office where Tom now
worked, we re-acquainted ourselves. By then, I had forsaken
coins and was well into my obsession for New York State
National Bank Notes. Tom
was still a coin collector but
that was about to change.
Within a year or so, after a bit
of persuasion, he also joined
the ranks of the National Bank
Note collectors and when the
bug bit, it bit hard and would
consume him for the next
twenty years. He naturally
started collecting notes from
National Banks in his home
county of Saratoga, but would
eventually branch out to sever-
al adjoining counties in the
northeastern part of the state.
We started traveling to
shows together and, in 1986,
began what became an almost
20-year annual ritual of going
to John Ferreri's Willimantic show. That was back in the day
when it was almost a "mini-Memphis" held in the cramped
basement of the local Moose lodge. The show's moved to
bigger quarters but those early gatherings were the best.
Tom started attending Memphis in 1987, the year after I
did, and this, too, became an annual sojourn. One of the most
memorable journeys was in 1988 when, in order to save a few
pennies, we rode along with the late Doug Walcutt in his 1977
Chrysler Cordoba. What became popularly known as the
"Road Trip from Hell" was a series of comedic misadventures
including being stranded for several hours under an overpass
in 100-degree weather when Doug's car broke down on 1-40
in rural Tennessee. For years, Tom would regal anyone who
would listen with embellished tales of that infamous Road
Trip. About 10 years later, I was back on that stretch of
Tennessee interstate and I took a picture of "our overpass"
and presented it to Tom. He displayed it in a prominent place
in his office cubicle for the rest of his life. It's hard to believe
I'm now the only one left to share that experience.
I also encouraged 'F0111 to start exhibiting at Memphis,
and he took to the task with great relish. It culminated with
his being awarded the PCDA John Hickman National Bank
Note Exhibit Award in 2002 for his display of Troy, New
York, National Bank Notes, which was the only collection
ever put together that included an example from all twelve of
Troy's note-issuing banks. Afterward, we collaborated on an
article about Troy's National Nanks for Paper Morey, which
would win a 1st Place Literary Award from SPMC in 2004. In
addition to personal accolades, Tom also gave back to the
hobby he loved by serving for several years on the Board of
Governors of SPMC including a stint as Secretary.
Outside of paper money, Tom also had a fascination with
military history and, on our many road trips, was happy to
inform me of all sorts of minutia about famous and not-so-
famous battles such as Gettysburg, the Zulu Wars, the
Crimean War and everything in between. If two countries or
tribes had fought a battle at some point in history, Tom could
tell a story as if he had been there himself.
He did have a personali-
ty that did not "suffer fools
gladly" along with a warped
sense of humor that some-
times did not make a good
first impression. However,
once you were able to get
below the exterior, he was a
real character to be around
who could always leave you
laughing. If he started to
really go around the bend, I
would simply say, "Tom, cut
it out!" and he would be fine.
Not blessed with the
best of health, his condition
caught up with him the past
few years. His last trip to
Memphis was in 2006.
Although confined to an
assisted living facility for the last year, he still maintained his
zest for the hobby and would record census information for
notes listed on the internet from his areas right up until the
end. Ironically, he passed away on the day of this year's
Willimantic show. Good-bye, Toni. I'll miss you.
Tom Minerley, ex-SPMC
Secretary/board member dies
Thomas J. Minerley, 57, died at Ellis Hospital in
Schenectady on Sunday, .March 29, 2009. Survivors
include his brother John Minerley of Anderson, SC and
cousin Gary Minerley of Delanson, NY. Services were
held April 2, 2009, in Ballston Spa, NY, followed by a Mass
of Christian Burial at St. AIary's Church. Internment was
at Ballston Spa Cemetery. The family suggested memorial
contributions in Tom's name be made to the Saratoga
County Animal Shelter, 6010 County Farm Road, Ballston
Spa, NY 12020. "Torn was that rare breed of collector that
recorded serial numbers, wrote articles, exhibited, and also
was a SPMC board member," past SPMC President Frank
Clark noted. "Yes, he was opinionated and stubborn, but a
true friend," he quickly added.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 303
New Abe book "well researched and thoroughly detailed"
Reviewed By Bob Schreiner, former SPMC Librarian
Abraham Lincoln: The Image of His Greatness, by
Fred Reed, Whitman Publishing, 2009. xi + 272pp,
8V2 by 11 in, full color. List price is 529.95 at Reviewed by Bob
Schreiner, POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2331,
VrEN ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S IMAGE FIRSTppeared on bonds and treasury notes early in his presi-
dency, most people had seen few if any likenesses of their pres-
ident. These early images were based on a January 1861 pho-
tograph of Lincoln that captured him as strong, capable,
fatherly--a leader who could resolve the conflict and strife the
nation and its people were soon to
endure. It was a reassuring image,
at least to those on the federal side
of the looming Civil War. The
photographic image was quickly
copied and widely used.
Fred Reed's ,Ibrabon Lincoln:
The image of His Greatness has two
primary objectives. One is to pro-
vide a rich sampling of Lincoln
depictions from the time of his
presidency until today. The
emphasis is on numismatic objects,
but he includes a broad range of
other uses: Newspaper and maga-
zine illustrations, advertising,
posters, souvenirs, postcards,
stamps, patriotic covers, statues,
political cartoons, movies stills, life
masks, and more. The other goal
is to understand how images of
Lincoln have changed over time and how this is interlinked
with the public view of him. "Interlinked" means both how
the images have affected the population and their view of
Lincoln, and how the images reflect popular attitudes, beliefs,
mores, and other characteristics of the time.
Images on coins -- and later paper money -- have been
used for propagandistic purposes from early times, and still
are. The images, not the legends, are what bear the message:
Two common examples are the conquered and impaled enemy
soldier on many Roman coins and the Spanish crown spanning
globes of both the old and the new worlds on the Spanish
colonial piece of eight of 1732-1772. Numismatic imagery is
effective because the images are usually carefully and strikingly
rendered, and they are seen by the large proportion of the
populace who use money. In times when written documents
were unavailable because of cost or illiteracy, and when the
documents had no illustrations anyway, numismatic imagery
was even more powerful. Lincoln's face has been reproduced
literally billions of times on United States paper money and
Historians, especially those interpreting the ancient
world, rely on numismatic images as basic sources of contem-
porary information. Such reliance diminishes as written
records become more common. That numismatic images can
inform the more recent past was shown by Richard Doty, in
"Pictures from a Distant Country: Images on 19th Century
U.S. Currency." Doty effectively argues that images on 19th
century United States obsolete paper money tell us much
about that time.
Reed and publisher V\Ihitman have produced a beautiful
book. Color images abound on every page, in attractive
arrangements, excepting only the pages with the thorough
bibliography, end nodes, and index. The graphics usually
cover the lower portion of the page from inner edge to outer,
leaving the upper part for text. Whitman's design style on
recent books minimizes margins and white space, and that
style is particularly effective for this book, where a majority of
the space is devoted to graphics. Such abun-
dant color illustration would not have been
economically possible only a few years ago.
The images are numbered and explained in
captions, if not in the text. But this is not a
catalog either in scope or presentation. It is
most thorough for numismatic artifacts, but
there are certainly more such images of
Lincoln, as the author tells us in his refer-
The presentation order is historical,
based on the author's four main chapters,
which extend from Lincoln's birth until his
bicentennial birth year. They are Abraham
Lincoln: 1809-1865; Lincoln the Ideal:
1865-1909; Lincoln the Idol: 1909-1959;
and Lincoln the Icon: 1959-2009. The
author does note that these are conceptual
notions and chronological periods with
indistinct boundaries and considerable over-
lap. They are useful abstractions for illus-
trating attitude changes over time.
Each chapter has an introduction followed by many dated
entries. One cannot confuse the chronological progression of
the narrative, and I did find this somewhat unusual technique
useful. The text includes some general information about
Lincoln, his life, the Civil War, and other contextual history,
but the author never strays far from the themes of imagery,
primarily numismatic imagery.
I would like to know more about Southern attitudes
toward Lincoln from the Civil War until more recent times.
How did they change from viewing Lincoln as an enemy to
being closer if not identical to the Northern attitude of vener-
ation, even deification that Reed carefully describes with
ample and moving examples? Is Lincoln as iconic in the South
as up North?
Fred Reed has produced a well-researched and thorough-
ly detailed book that supports the importance of numismatics
in creating history and subsequently in understanding history.
The sheer beauty of the production and the importance and
popularity of Lincoln strongly support this as Reed's most
important and broadly appealing book. It will please anyone
interested in Lincoln, and any numismatist who likes a strong
measure of history with the numismatics.
• "N.' %CAMDEN
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304 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Figure 1. The Confederate Trans-Mississippi Department (except for Louisiana east of the Mississippi River).
included all of Texas, Arkansas, Indian Territory, the Arizona Territory, and most of Louisiana. This
area was strategic to the Confederacy for several reasons such as access to raw material, to manpower,
and to Mexico by land avoiding the Union blockade. The Union also realized this, and early in the War
devised a strategy to cut the Confederacy in two along the Mississippi River. It took two years, but by July 1863,
the Confederacy west of the Mississippi was cut off. From a practical point of view it had been isolated by late 1862
with the effective control of most of the Mississippi River by the Union Navy.
Financial Travails of the Trans-Mississippi
On February 28. 1861, Confederate Secretary of the Treasury C.G. Memminger appointed General E. B.
Nichols, James Sorley and A.W. Spaight at Galveston "to raise money for the support of the Government, and to
provide for the defense of the Confederate States of America." Hence the financial arm of what would become the
"Trans-Mississippi Department" was born. Due to the distance from eastern manufacturing facilities, and having
no significant engraving and currency printing facilities of its own to print large quantities of higher quality CSA
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Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
306 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
money, the Trans-Mississippi Department was chronically short of cash. James Sorley, Depositary, set up a Texas
Depository in Houston. 2 By late September 1862, cash had been chronically in short supply west of the Mississippi
for quite some time. On September 30, 1862, Sorley wrote Memminger requesting that he be allowed to issue
"Exchange Certificates" for funds deposited at his Depository that could be redeemed in Richmond. Memminger
rejected the proposal and countered that Sorley could issue six percent certified bonds which would be payable at
the Treasury in Richmond. Of course, with transportation difficulties crossing the Mississippi River increasing,
bonds and newer issue notes became scarcer as 1863 dawned. This situation would have the impact of reducing the
ability to retain troops on active duty, acquire supplies, and convey an advantage to Union troops in numbers and
supplies greater than would have otherwise been the case.
P a
Figure 2. Houston, Texas. Reissue stamp in the Trans-Mississippi. Reads "Re-Issue Houston, March 1863." $100 7.30% interest
bearing notes reissued under local order.
By the time General E. Kirby Smith took over the Department on March 7, 1863, the cash shortage prob-
lem had become very serious, with army and supplier payments woefully in arrears. As early as March, 1863, some
7.3% interest bearing $100 notes had been reissued in Houston (See Figure 2) to partially alleviate this cash short-
age problem. On June 4, 1863, he wrote a rather long letter to Secretary of the Treasury Memminger requesting
the ability to reissue previously redeemed Treasury notes to be used by the disbursing officers. General Kirby
Smith was very concerned about the worsening situation on the Mississippi River. Both Port Hudson and
Vicksburg now were under siege, and the Union Navy's control over the River appeared imminent. He believed
that with the re-use of notes on hand, he would be less dependent upon the precarious and failing communication
lines to the east and could continue to prosecute the War much more effectively.
General Kirby Smith received a response from Memminger dated July 3, 1863, (at least a response was sent
on that date) confirming Memminger's agreement with Smith's plan to reissue notes. Smith had launched prepara-
tions earlier in June and had received a response from Major I. F. Minter, Major and Chief Quartermaster (QM)
Trans-Mississippi Department. On July 10, Minter wrote back to Smith informing him that the Quatermaster's
Department had $842,000 on hand with drafts on the depository of San Antonio for $4,555,365 to be allocated to
General Magruder's district (about 40% for the troops and 60% for the district QM). Minter also estimated that
the Quartermaster's Department of the Trans-Mississippi required $15,871,000. The chief quartermaster of
Western Louisiana was without funds and Minter immediately sent him $500,000 while awaiting funds from
Richmond. This $500,000 of Treasury notes were stamped "Reissued Oct 1, 1863 / Shreveport, LA." (See Figure
Figure 3. Shreveport, La. Reissue stamp in the Trans-Mississippi. Reads "Reissued Oct. 1, 1863. Shreveport, La." Not issued under the
Act described above.
An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our area
of interest ranges from issues of
The Province of New Hampshire,
The Colony of New Hampshire,
the State of New Hampshire
(1709-1780), issues of the
New Hampshire state-chartered
banks (1792-1866), and National
Bank Notes issued by New
Hampshire banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a book under
the imprimatur of the Society
of Paper Money Collectors, with
help from the New Hampshire
Historical Society, the
Smithsonian Institution,
and others.
Apart from the above,
David M. Sandman is President of
Littleton Coin Company, and
Q. David Bowers is Co-Chairman
of Stack's Rare Coins. For other
commercial transactions and
business, contact them at their
firm.s directly.
The authors of the present book, holding
a rare Series of 1902 $10 National Bank
Note from West Derry, New Hampshire.
ispc+N itt:, s, Nts. Series of 1902 $5Plain Back from the
Wiwi Head National
Bank of Nashua
iftreareerillenletaiNg. *Ai • two"
X 11
Seeking currency,
images, and
New Hanipshire
Colonial Note:
Harty Shillings,
November 3, 1775
SI Ashuelol Bank
of Keene, NH, 1862
I f you have New Hampshire currency, old records,photographic images or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical interest,
please contact us at the address below, or send us
an e-mail at info(q) . Both of us are
avid collectors and welcome offers of items for
sale. We will pay strong prices for items we need.
Visit the NH Currency Study Project website:
wwwnheurrencycom. rind a listing or New Hampshire
banks that issued CUM!! Ity, read sample chapters, and n ame.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E - mail: in toOvn hal MU be frvarded to both authors.)
1 .4* 44
f-rm.- s4 U. ^.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
Aepir' .Corgr
July/August 2009 • Whole No 262 • Paper Money
This shortage of funds would take a while longer to improve, but it would never be Fully rectified. By
October 1863, Smith ordered earlier notes that were stored or cancelled to be reissued using a variety of stamps (the
first of which were the Shreveport reissued notes described above). These stamps indicated that these notes were
"revalidated" or good for commerce despite having been redeemed and/or effectively rendered obsolete by the Act
of March 23, 1863, which had provisions for retiring notes that pre-dated the April 6, 1863, issue. A short letter
from General S. S. Anderson of the headquarters of the Trans-Mississippi Department to Edward Cross,
Depositary at Washington Arkansas directed Cross to ready and package all funded (redeemed) notes in his posses-
sion for reissue. Cross replied to an earlier letter from Lieutenant Cunningham of headquarters describing his
progress — he was building- lists of the notes to be reissued by letter, number, date and amount and described that
the reissue stamps will need the date of reissue to bring the old notes under the act of March 23, 1863, (which
authorized the April 6, 1863, Sixth Series of CSA notes then current).
Lieutenant General Kirby Smith continued communication with Secretary Memminger, but now at a slow-
er pace with the loss of the Mississippi River. Letters now took a month or more to be delivered in one direction.
Hence On October 2, 1863, Secretary Memminger replied to General Smith's letter of September 1. Secretary
Memminger indicated to General Smith that he directed one of his clerks, A. F. Santos, to proceed to Monroe,
Louisiana, with presses and assistants to help reissue notes in the Trans-Mississippi. This journey was a difficult
one, going from Wilmington, NC to Bermuda to St. Thomas, then Havana and finally on to Houston. Secretary
Memminger also indicated that he sent two shipments of $27 million of Treasury notes to San Antonio and
Shreveport. Further, Secretary Memminger replied to General Smith's request for bonds to redeem the exchange
certificates he issued in lieu of bonds in exchange for earlier issues of Treasury notes. In a letter dated November
10, 1863, Secretary Memminger instructed Judge Upson to deliver $20 million in bonds to the depositaries at San
Antonio and Houston, Texas, via a circuitous route through the Bahamas, Cuba, Mexico and then Texas. Of that
sum, $4.425 million were to be delivered to George Palmer, depositary at San Antonio, and $15.575 million to
James Sorley, the depositary at Houston. ,Secretary Memminger also made advanced arrangements for security
with Confederate government agents at these various locations.
This route through Mexico was fraught with danger and delay. For example, Confederate bonds were
deposited at a Mexican bank in Matamoras for safekeeping. However, since the Confederate government was
indebted to the Mexican bank, the bank refused to release the bonds, holding them for "ransom." General Smith
arranged payment with cotton which upon receipt the Mexican bank released the bonds.
November 21, 1863, saw a flurry of letters regarding the dire financial condition of the Trans-Mississippi.
R. W. Johnson implored President Davis to appoint an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for the Trans-
Mississippi, informed Davis of the request for $26,000,000 still held up in the War Department; and expressed con-
cerns about the transfer of funds from the Treasury to the War Department at Meridian causing delays. Finally, he
added his concern about the requirement to break the $26,000,000 shipment into $2 million segments requiring 13
independent agents and transport. Secretary Seddon replied that President Davis was aware of the Trans-
Mississippi issues and expressed surprise at Johnson's allegations of slowness and complexity, stating he believed
Secretary Memminger already understood these issues. In another letter dated November 21, 1863, Secretary
Memminger stated he sent Thomas Gale out to the Trans-Mississippi in case Santos did not make it through. In
this letter to Gale, Memminger spells out how to stamp the reissue notes stating " printing across the face of
the notes, with the name of the month in which they are reissued, the words 'accepted as a note issued under the act
of Congress of March 23, 1863.'" Memminger also instructed Gale how to proceed, and suggested pay of $2,500
per annum for the depository workers. Figure 4 illustrates an example of this stamp. There are four varieties — red
round, red straight, black round and black straight.
Figure 4. Black Straight Trans-Mississippi stamp on a Type 52 note.
+.10...4i11.01111604,-. sAlogt
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Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
Afoufekrate ititos of
dlevoRT.4.00._ „
by PIFR It E URI( a I.
310 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
As late as December 28, 1863, a proposal for the transport of $2,000,000 of Confederate bonds or curren-
cy, was submitted to Secretary Memminger to help relieve the financial problems of the Trans-Mississippi, via
weekly trips from Brandon, Miss., to Shreveport, La. He hoped these shipments of Treasury notes, bonds and the
Santos/Gale stamped and reissued notes whould relieve the funding problems.
The Santos/Gale plan to reissue notes ran from February 2 through March 25, 1864. A total of 94,718
notes, with a face value of $4,559,960, were reissued from Huntsville, Texas, during this time (See Table 1 below).
These reissued notes did help somewhat, but still did not solve the financial problems of the Trans-Mississippi.
Sorley ended this reissue exercise on March 25 when he learned of the Act of February 17, 1864.
The Act of February 17, 1864, made matters worse, as this act taxed away the value of non-interest bearing
notes issued prior to that date. This Act made it prudent to redeem previously issued notes by April 1, 1864, if east
of the Mississippi River and by July 1, 1864, if west of the River. After these dates, the earlier notes would be taxed
at 33.5% of face value with an additional 10% tax per month after those dates!
On March 1, 1864, Secretary Memminger appointed The Honorable P. W. Gray to be the Agent of the
Treasury of the Trans-Mississippi, and a set of guidelines or rules of engagement were set down in the letter notify-
ing Gray of his new job. The rules were as follows:
1. The agent shall confer with the military and establish the location of the office;
2. The auditor and controller shall report to this office;
3. The agent shall appoint a chief clerk and a team of clerks to assist executing the duties of the office;
4. The auditor shall fulfill the duties of the auditor and register in Richmond for the Trans-Mississippi;
5. All money sent to the Trans-Mississippi shall be deposited with appointed depositaries;
6. In case there is not sufficient money, the agent shall reissue notes with the stamp showing the reissue
through July 1, 1864;
7. These reissued notes and other notes in circulation shall be exchangeable for certificates and 4 percent
8. The new issues of Treasury notes [1864 series] shall be forwarded to the agent for exchange and pay-
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Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 311
meat of the old issues. But if sufficient new notes are not available, the agent may reissue older series
with the reissue stamp through 'July 1;
9. All notes received by any depositary and not reissued shall be counted carefully by the auditor, sealed
and transported back to Richmond when practicable;
10. All proceedings with regards to the issue, cancellation and reissue of notes shall be reported by the
agent to the Treasury Department in Richmond;
11. The agent shall oversee the collection of taxes and manage the disposition of these collections;
12. The agent shall have supervisory authority over all depositaries, collectors and Treasury agents in the
Later in March, Secretary Memminger outlined the plan in a response to General Smith's letter to the
President asking for help funding the Trans-Mississippi. He confirmed that funds were sent by sea to Matamoros
and other arrangements were made to transport funds on a weekly basis across the Mississippi River at Brandon.
He also confirmed that a large portion of the money sent by sea was seized by the Union blockade. Union General
William T. Sherman's movements in Mississippi in the Winter of 1864 were disrupting transfers of funds across the
Mississippi. These difficulties would impair the ability of General Smith to optimize and maximize the use of his
meager resources and armies against the Union forces. Only the difficult geography of the region and the inepti-
tude of the Union 1864 Red River campaign kept the Trans-Mississippi from being completely overrun.
In April, Clarence Thayer, a Treasury agent appointed by Men -manager to transport the funds from
Richmond, wrote to Secretary Memminger to inform him that he arrived in Houston. He described an environ-
ment in central Texas (he travelled from Mexico to San Antonio to Houston) that was "more or less infested by law-
less bandits." Thayer delivered three cases of funded Treasury notes and bonds ($6,800,000 of notes and $359,550
in bonds) to Mr. Sorley, the depositary at the reissuing office at Houston and one case for the Huntsville office. He
also was advised not to proceed to Shreveport as Union General Banks had launched his Red River campaign with
the capture of Shreveport as its objective. Colonel Battle, the Shreveport depositary, had evacuated to Texas.
There was also a question as to whether Sorley was supposed to be redeeming "mutilated" notes (i.e. cancelled)
which he was doing since Texas was desperate for usable paper money. Finally, Thayer asked Memminger if there
were anything else he was to do while in the Trans-Mississippi, and assured Memminger that he was "very anxious
to return to Richmond."
Secretary Memminger penned a long letter to Agent of the Treasury Gray in response to his April 23rd let-
ter (communication was dramatically slowed down by the capture of many southern railroads and the Mississippi
River by Union forces). Memminger authorized Gray to replace the depositaries at Alexandria and Opelousas who
resigned or abandoned their duties in the face of the Union Red River Campaign (which by this time had been
defeated by Confederate forces due to geography and Union incompetence). Other depositaries were caught up in
a cotton fraud scheme and Memminger conferred power to Gray to replace personnel as needed. General Grant's
threat to Richmond forced the removal of significant printing and engraving capabilities to Columbia, SC, further-
ing delay of printing enough Treasury notes and bonds to satisfy demand. Finally, Memminger closed with a con-
fusing statement of position with respect to continued reissuing of old notes in the absence of receiving sufficient
quantity of 1864 Treasury notes.
Thomas Gale of the Trans-Mississppi Treasury agency sent a status report to Secretary Memminger on
July 6, 1864. He outlined his travels and the establishment of an office at Huntsville, Texas, where the older cur-
rency was being reissued and inventoried. Gale complained about being detained and not being allowed to return
to Richmond per his earlier request.
In July, to comply with the Feb. 17, 1864, Act, General Smith stopped using the special revalidated notes,
which caused significant problems in terms of retaining men in the army and paying suppliers. General Smith sub-
stituted exchange certificates and interim deposit receipts (1DRs), which indicated that the bearer of older notes had
returned them and was entitled to new notes whenever they might arrive in the Trans-Mississippi area from the
By August, George A. Trenholm had replaced Memminger as Secretary of the Treasury for the
Confederate States of America. He set about attending to business, some of which was replying to letters from
Treasury Agent of the Trans-Mississippi Gray. Trenholm stated he was sending an additional $12 million in cur-
rency and bonds to "set your treasury into full operation, and restore something like financial order and confidence
in the Trans-Mississippi department." The new issue was to be the basis for further operations. Additionally, a
quantity of six percent non-taxable bonds and four percent loan certificates were included in this shipment to help
draw back some of the old currency and keep the money supply in check (i.e. to control inflation which was raging
by this point in the War). Trenholm considered it of great importance to reign in the old and reissued currency as
312 July/August 2009 • Whole No 262 • Paper Money
expediently as possible to this end. Trenholm also outlined arrangements to handle the cotton business and taxa-
tion. Trenholm reiterated that with Richmond under siege, Treasury workers were called to the front to help
defend the city making operations more difficult. So his goal was to use this new shipment to give Treasury Agent
Gray and General Smith what they needed to both conduct operations and keep inflation in check.
General Smith responded to Secretary Trenholm in late September 1864 with an estimate of indebtedness
of the Trans-Mississippi Department. Smith explained the difficulties over the past year including the fact that the
troops had not been paid in 12 months and that only $8 million of the new 1864 Treasury notes have been received
to date. Smith continued to urgently request more funds or for Trenholm to make arrangement to ship plates and
printing presses by way of Mexico to the Trans-Mississippi Department.
Finally, a letter dated January 11, 1865, from Secretary Trenholm to Treasury Agent Gray outlined his lat-
est efforts to relieve the Trans-Mississippi of its financial problems, get it into compliance with the laws enacted in
1864 regarding the older Treasury note issues, and a detailed settlement statement for 1864. A new law granted
Agent Gray and General Smith more time to exchange the old "freasury notes (including reissued notes) until July 1
1865. A good deal of the letter was devoted to taxation and how cotton sales for specie could help. The
Confederate government was arranging for four steamers to operate between Galveston and Havana for the pur-
posed of exporting cotton and importing specie.
Impact of the Financial Travails in the Trans-Mississippi
In his book, Financial Failure and Confederate Defeat, Dr. Douglas Ball stated that financial mismanagement
led to the ultimate defeat of the Confederate States of America. The cash shortages which led to unpaid, underfed,
underclothed, and undersupplied troops led to significant desertions and contributed to some of the key losses in
the field. Dr. Ball points out that General Thomas -Hindeman's defeat at Prairie Grove, Arkansas, in December
1862 was directly attributable to a lack of funds. Notably, the financial mismanagement of the Trans-Mississippi
region may well have significantly contributed to the fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the loss of the Mississippi
River. Dr. Ball states that by late Winter 1863 as Grant was maneuvering around Vicksburg (actually failing in sev-
eral attempts to take the city at the time due to geography and weather), the Trans-Mississippi forces were a paltry
25,000 against 100,000 on the rolls. Grant's six-month Vicksburg campaign could have been thwarted at several
points with a better manned, supplied and led Confederate Army of Mississippi. Indeed, Grant ended up marching
down the Trans-Mississippi side of the River unopposed in the early spring, setting the stage to cross the
Mississippi River and envelope Vicksburg from the rear.
From July 1863 through April 1864, $27 million of currency and $18 million in bonds reached the Trans-
Mississippi. Further, by the end of 1864, only $20 million in new 1864 currency (the only currency really usable
after July 1, 1864) and $27 million in securities had arrived. Unpaid debts mounted and totaled some $82 million at
the beginning of 1865.
It is a wonder that General Kirby Smith could conduct operations at all throughout the latter two years of
the War. Only a heroic effort to use financial resources at hand, significant creativity, and patriotism kept the
Trans-Mississippi a functioning military theatre. General Smith surrendered May 26, 1865, and the last land battle
of the War was fought in Texas in early June resulting, ironically, in a Confederate victory in battle; but a lost War.
Collecting Trans-Mississippi Confederate Notes
The first notes reissued in the Trans-Mississippi were the 7.3% interest-bearing $100 (T-39, T-40 and T-
41) at Houston, Texas, by 'Jim Sorley with a black stamp on the reverse as shown in Figure 2. Most of these were
issued in early 1863. Some of these made it back east of the Mississippi River. Some of these were reissued again as
military payments.
Shreveport, Louisiana, reissued the second group of notes -across a wider range of Confederate type notes
as described above with the stamp illustrated in Figure 3. These are found across a number of types as shown in
Table 1.
The values of these notes are somewhat difficult to ascertain as they infrequently appear in the market.
Generally, the more common Shreveport issues can fetch $200-$400 depending on type and condition. Obviously,
Shreveport stamps on rarer types are worth more than this. The $100 7.3% Houston issues without other interest-
ing stamps or signatures may be found in the range of $100-$300 depending on grade. If they have been issued and
reissued or paid out by the military, they can command significantly higher premiums.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262
Table 1. Houston, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana
Reissued Confederate Treasury Notes.
Type Reissued Houston, TX Reissued Shreveport, LA
Description Spring 1863 (Mostly March) $100 7.3% interest-bearing notes
Fall 1863 (October)
T-8 X
T-9 X
T-10 X
T-14 X
T-18 X
T-20 X
T-21 X
T-24 X
T-28 H & L X
T-30 X
T-31 X
T-36 JTP X
T-37 X
T-39 X
T-40 X
T-41 X
T-52 Duncan X
What collectors refer to as the "official" Trans-Mississippi reissued notes are the notes reissued under the
Act of March 23, 1863, as stated on the stamp. They were issued at Huntsville, Texas, with one of several different
varieties of stamps. These include round and straight-line stamps, both of which could be black or red and dated
February or March. Figures 5 and 6 illustrate red examples of these stamps.
Figure 5. February 1864 red round Trans- Figure 6. February 1864 red straight line Trans-Mississippi reissue stamp. Reads
Mississippi reissue stamp. Reads "February, 1864, "March, 1864, Accepted as a Note Issued under Act of Congress of March 23,
Accepted as a Note Issued under Act of Congress of 1863." Also comes in black ink which is rarer than red.
March 23, 1863." This is the most common of the
four stamp varieties. Also comes in black ink,
which is rarer.
314 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Table 2. Huntsville Texas issued Trans-Mississippi stamps.
Rarity rating estimates are for all four stamps inclusive for each type.
Type / Number Rarity 3 Circular Straight
Descrip. Stamped
in Texas
Trans-Mississippi Stamps Trans-Mississippi Stamps
Ism ...... 11011
Feb Feb Mar Mar Feb Feb Mar Mar
Red Black Red Black Red Black Red Black
T-7 1,164 16
T-8 4,110 11 X
T-9 38,923 12 X X X X X
T-10 227 13+ X
T-11 1 16
T-12 76 16
T-13 8,029 16
T-14 5,753 11 X X
T-15 16 16
T-16 1,094 12 X
T-17 29,240 12 X X
T-18 8 X X
T-19 44 16
T-20 30,158 7 X
T-21 566 12 X X
T-22 325 16
T-2 3 Unknown 16
T-24 1,055 12 X
T-25 Unknown 12 X X
T-26 Unknown 10 X
T-27 H&L 2,720 16
T-28 H&L 12 X
T-28 JTP 7,935 10 X
T-29 22,843 9 X
T-30 Unknown 8 X X
T-31 225 12 X X
T-32 1,065 16
T-33 Unknown 16
T-34 Unknown 13+
T-35 H&L 981 16
T-36 H&L 16
T-36 JTP 63,796 7 X X X X
T-3 7 7,769 8 X
T-46 4,072 10 X
T-49 1,312 16
T-50 708 13+
T-51 794 12 X
T-52 E&C 4,249 12
T-52 Duncan 9,450 10 X X X X
T-53 E&C 1,571 12 X
T-53 JTP 4,946 11 X X
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VG to F, cut-cancelled F to VF, not cut
$200-$400 $300-$600
$300-$600 $400-$1,000
$350-$700 $500-$1,000
$450-$700 $600-$1,000
$500-$2,000+ $800-$2,000+
Table 3. Trans-Mississippi values
Group 1- T-18, T-20, T-30, T-36,
and T-37 with red round stamps
Group 2 - T-26, T-28, T-29,
and T-46 with red round stamps
and T-52 with black round stamps
Group 3 - red straight line stamps
of T-18, T-20, T-28 and T-36
Group 4 - T-52 with a black straight
Group 5 — Others not in Groups 1
through 4
316 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
These notes make a great addition to a Confederate paper money collection and are a significant part of the
history of Confederate finance. Survival rates are very low, well below than 1% in nearly all cases, since these notes
circulated twice and most had been cut- or cut-out cancelled. The most common types are T-18, T-20, T-30, T-
36, and T-37 with red round stamps (group 1). The next grouping would include T-26, T-28, T-29, and T-46 with
red round stamps and T-52 with black round stamps (group 2). After this, the red straight line stamps of T-18, T-
20, T-28 and T-36 would be yet a bit rarer (group 3). T-52 with a black straight stamp is rarer still (group 4). All of
the remaining types with various stamps are very rare (group 5).
Finding a Trans-Mississippi reissued note in true Very Fine or better is quite a feat as they are quite rare.
Extremely fine is nearly unheard of. Some general value guidelines include:
Collecting Trans-Mississippi Confederate paper money may also be supplemented with collecting Trans-
Mississippi Confederate bonds and Interim Depository Receipts (IDRs) and Exchange Certificates which would
result in a fascinating collection of an important part of Confederate financial history. Have fun and enjoy!
End Notes
1. Today, we typically spell it Trans-Mississippi. However, in the records of the Confederate Treasury, it is
spelled Transmississippi.
2. A Depository was a Confederate Treasury office where various collection and disbursement activities were con-
ducted including cancelling notes, paying interest on interest bearing notes, and the issue and redemption of inter-
im depository receipts. A Depositary was the authorized official who worked at a Depository conducting its busi-
3. See Collecting Confederate Paper Money — Field Edition 2008 by Pierre Fricke for the rarity scale.
Ball, Dr. Douglas B. Financial Failure and Confederate Defeat. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1991.
Ball, Dr. Douglas B. "Confederate Financial Expedients in the Trans-Mississippi Department: The Thayer-Santos
Expedition of 1863-4," journal of the Virginia N11771k7IlatiC Society, date uncertain.
Ball, Dr. Douglas B. Unpublished research notes.
Chase, Dr. Philip. Unpublished research notes.
Cowan, Arnold. Unpublished research notes.
Fricke, Pierre. Collecting Confederate Paper Money — Field Edition 2008. New York: Spink -Smythe, 2008.
Tremmel, George; Schreiner, Bob; and Carson, Tom. The Works of Raphael P Thian. Searchable DVD.
Also, thanks to Marvin Ashmore, Bob Petrucelli, George Tremmel, and Randy Shipley for their input,
review and suggestions.
Judith Murphy and husband Claud celebrate a happy occasion at a show.
Paper Money • July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 317
SPMC Board bids adieu to one classy lady, Judith Murphy
PAST PRESIDENT AND LONGTIME BOARD MEMBER,Judith Murphy (LM#262/HLM #11) stepped down from
the SPMC Board at the recent Memphis show after two
decades of service to the Society in various leadership posi-
tions. Judith will continue her active participation in the
hobby at various shows she attends with her husband, veteran
dealer Claud Murphy, and also continuing to organize SPMC
regional events at various shows in the South and East.
Judith was the first woman Vice-President and President
of the Society. In recent years, she has invigorated highly suc-
cessful SPMC regional meetings around the country.
She has also held high offices in several regional and state
numismatic organizations, including the Blue Ridge
Numismatic Association,
and the North Carolina
Numismatic Association.
Judith was named a
"Numismatic Ambassador"
by Krause Publications, and
has received the "Glenn
Smedley Award" from the
American Numismatic
Immediate past SPMC
President Benny Bolin
called Judtih "a mentor,
friend, confidant and a truly
classy LADY!"
"Sage advice often
given to new collectors is
`buy the hook before the
coin (note in our case).'
was fortunate enough,"
Bolin continued, "to receive some advice of the same caliber in
2000 from my good friend and mentor Milt Friedberg when I
was first elected to the SPMC board of governors. 'Listen to
Judith and do whatever she says and/or does!' Milt taught me
many things over the years about collecting, writing, editing
and I had naturally gone to him to ask about what I needed to
do as a new board member. Truly, this was one of the best
pieces of advice he ever gave me," Bolin said.
"Judith Murphy is truly a great lady and one of the nicest
ladies anyone could ever have the privilege of meeting. As a
new governor, Judith took me under her wing and taught me
all the nuances of being on the board and to this day remains
one of my most important resources. Although I have been a
collector since the '60s and have had many positions and
offices in clubs, being on the board and eventually moving to
President of a large national collector group is not to be taken
lightly. Judith has always been there when I needed help,
advice or just to listen to me vent. As she moves off the hoard
and I to the past-president's position, I am certain she will
continue to be involved. in fact, I have already ensured this
fact as she will continue on as chair of the regional meetings
committee. I look forward to many more years of working
with her," Bolin continued.
"Judith is passionate about the society and the hobby and
is truly one of the grand-dames of numismatics. I will ever be
in her debt for her unending and never-tiring service to the
hobby and for her support for me. Above all else, I am proud
to call her a friend!" Bolin added.
Incoming SPMC President Mark Anderson voiced similar
praises for his predecessor. "Judith Murphy is one of those
truly rare people who grace our hobby with a sociability and
warm-hearted approach that make the personal and personali-
ty aspects of collecting so delightful.
"It was my good fortune to be introduced to Judith by my
father, sometime in the '80s, and she and Claud always repre-
sented stalwart, friendly attendees at shows, and visiting with
them was and is always an experience. As so many attendees
`on the circuit' know, they both take a delight in the eclectic
and historic, and are always gracious and willing to share
knowledge and some great stories [although it is fair to say
that one turns to Judith for balanced reporting]," Anderson
"It took a few
years, but I have come
to know just how com-
mitted and persuasive
an individual she can
be. My involvement
with The Society of
Collectors, for which I
am grateful, was
directly the result of
her soliciting a new
Treasurer for this
group, a fine not-for-
profit organization that
serves paper money
collectors of every
stripe. Her service as
its President precedes
my involvement, but as a member for some years, I believe the
members, the Board of Governors and Officers, and the hobby
as a whole, should be grateful for her long service. For more
years than she might like acknowledge, she has provided her
time and her efforts on our behalf in so many roles, most lately
as a Governor and Regional Meeting Coordinator.
"The hobby has similarly seen her passion for the good of
the hobby play out in other forms of activism on behalf of col-
lectors everywhere. She has worked hard for and on behalf of
regional shows and events as well as taking a principled inter-
est in organizations that have broader, hobby-wide impact.
She is never without a point of view, and that perspective is
never glib or unsupported," Anderson noted.
"As long as there are people like Judith in our hobby,
there will always be a desire to get together, exchange news
and views, and maintain a personal interest in the folks who
make our hobby a fulfilling, human activity," Anderson con-
Another former SPMC President and longtime Board
Member Wendell \Volka also praised Judith. "I will miss
Judith on the Board. She's always been helpful and nice as can
be to me, but can 'clamp down on a trouser leg' if she's not
getting the cooperation she needs or thinks she might be get-
ting a bit of a tap dance rather than a response to one of her
questions. Through it all, she's been fun to work with and I
count her as one of my closest friends. Best wishes to you,
Judith, as you endeavor to keep track of Claud!" Wolka said. •:•
It occurs to me...
Steve Whitfield
318 July/August 2009 • Whole No. 262 • Paper Money
Nice people in the hobby
a piece of Civil War
scrip at one of the Memphis
conventions because of its
unusual vignette. It showed
a bird hunting party prepar-
for lunch in the field.
Three men and a woman
are seen gathered about a
spread blanket with a roast of meat (ham or beef?) and bottles
of wine. Bird dogs and shot game (quail?) are nearby. The
issuer was T.T. Bloomer, Hotel & Restaurant. The lithogra-
pher was Sage, Sons & Co., Buffalo New York, but no issue
location was indicated on the note. Gordon Harris' book on
New York Scrip indicated that this hotel was located in
Buffalo, but I wasn't sure. I tried New York City Directories
without luck. Over the years I saw a single 10-cent copy of
the same note appear at auction.
Recently I sent a copy of the
note with a request for location assis-
tance to Wayne Homren editor of
the E-Sylunt, an electronic publica-
tion of the Numismatic Bibliomania
Society. The request, along with the illustration was pub-
lished. I was hopeful but not orverly so. However, to my
great and pleasant surprise, almost immediately Walt
Weigand, 'Wendell Wolka and Kay Freeman responded.
Tooker T. Bloomer's Hotel and Restaurant was located
on West Eagle Street, in Buffalo, NY. The 1860 census
showed him as age 45, married to Adelia with three children
and financially well to do. (The 1850 census had listed him as
a sailor.) In 1849 he had been a steward on the steamship St.
Louis working the Great Lakes to Chicago. His middle name
may have been Thorn or Tucker as his father was married
twice to women with those surnames. If it was Tucker, then
he was actually Tooker Tucker Bloomer. Bloomer passed
away March 7th, 1867, from "paralysis." Apparently the hotel
was taken over by his wife and children.
Ms. Freeman also provided some interesting information
about the firm of Sage, Sons & Co., a prominent Civil War
scrip producer. John Sage had been born in Massachusetts in
1807. In the 1870 Census, the firm is shown as a "sheet
music" store of John Sage and his son John. Another son
William is shown as a clerk, living elsewhere, but in the home
of a lithographer. Ms, Freeman thought that the hunting
party vignette had probably been designed by an artist
employed by John Sage & Sons. Further research would be
necessary to determine its origin. A good task for friend
Roger Durand.
So, many thanks to Wayne and the gang at E-Sylum. I
heartily recommend it for interesting information about
"numismania." It's a great resource. Now, if 1 could just find a
picture of Tooker and his Hotel — Restaurant.
Cataloging for posterity
Ats an editor I am excited to present John Ferreri's and Gary)otter's catalog of Connecticut scrip en toto in this issue of
Paper Money. Representing decades of work by these two fine
numismatists, their cataloging effort will be a standard refer-
ence for years to conic. Their work reflects well upon the
authors, and this publication, but also harkens hack to the
early days when Paper Money was THE journal of record for
this segment of our fine hobby. Catalogs appearing in our
journal decades ago remain standards still. Even in today's
electronic age, a shelf full of volumes of our journal is a must
for the serious collector. I refer to my complete set of back
issues constantly ... and I'm sure collectors of the future will
consult the Ferreri-Potter reference for years to come also.
Speaking of the new electronic age and its effects on our
hobby, I. call readers' attention to our fine website [.] Long ago we incorporated it prominently
into our journal masthead, and call further notice on our cover
for this issue: to focus attention on this member-service.
Manned ably by a volunteer, former SPMC-Secretary Bob
Schreiner, the site has current information on all SPMC activ-
ities. Since our journal appears bimonthly with lead times
necessary for printing/mailing, members should consult the
site regularly for current info on important SPMC activities.
Our site was begun about 1998 by Glen Johnson, and was
maintained by Wendell Wolka until 2003, when the task was
taken up by Schreiner. He accomplished a major design
change in 2006, and added substantial new content, including
member publications, exapaned coverage of SPMC events and
business, covers and tables of contents for Paper Money, and
(then as SPMC Librarian) detailed information on SPMC
library holdings. Our site gets traffic, too. Proof is its success
in recruiting new members! So visit the site frequently. If you
have comments or suggestions you can contact various Society
officers, including ye old editor, who can assist you in many
ways. E-mail hot buttons will expedite your inquiry.
Finally, if you've seen a new Lincoln cent in change -- or
even if you haven't -- you are probably aware 2009 is the
bicentennial of our 16th President's birth. Lincoln is broadly
admired and represented on many of the objects we collect as
a hobby. Whitman Publishing gave me the opportunity to
celebrate Lincoln's bicentennial and summarize my 54-year
love affair with old Abe in my new book Abraham Lincoln, the
Image of His Greatness. I'm gratified by its reception, and want
to extend to all SPMC members the same offer I have made to
my readers in various other publications. Thirty-seven bucks
postpaid gets you the book, a 19th century Lincoln National
Bank check, and an autograph from me at •:•
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Are you planning a show?
Want to have a paper money meeting?
Would you like to have free copies
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Contact Judith Murphy
P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Sellers of High Quality U.S. Paper Money
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This auction subject to a 15% buyer's premium.
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