
Paper Money - Vol. XV, No. 2 - Whole No. 62 - March - April 1976

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DO NOT FOLD DO NOT SPINDLE E—E-- VALUE food eertificatt. PLAN FOR MOTHERS AND INFANTS CENTS NON—TRANSFERASLE THIS COUPON IS WORTH "13 TOWARDD S TOTS) GUNRAT " 8Y THE U.S. DEPARTMENT U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTUREr AGRICULTURE 31111111011111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIIIMIIII111111111111111111InglINIMMIN111111111111111111111rtha RE OUPONFOOD Agricultural Abundance litaltater Families EXCEPT UNDER CONDITION CRETARY OF AGRICULTURE Paper *owl BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE Cociety of Paper !pokey Collectors Vol. XV No. 2 Whole No. 62 Mar./Apr. 1976 Neil Shafer reports on food coupon issues of the past 15 years, recognizing this new collecting area. •Bebee's, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska pRüfESSIONk NUMISMIlliSTS %Ult.() -INc $1.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES All Circulated Notes are Accurately Graded. The Low and/or Unusual Numbers in Both the $1.00 and $2.00 are Superb Crisp Unc.-Truly "Prestige" Notes from the Famous James M. Wade Collection. BOSTON RICHMOND All are Offered Subject to Prior Sale. MINNEAPOLIS F-708-CN, F/F 42.50 F-722-Fine $17.50, VF 27.50 F-736-Fine $41.50; VF CN 57.50 ExF $38.50; AU 54.50 CN, F/F F-709-FINE F-710-VF $21.50; ExF 107.50 29.50 CN ATLANTA 75.00 KANSAS CITY AU $38.50 ; CN 52.50 F-723-VF $28.50 ; ExF 39.50 F-737-ExF/AU NEW YORK AU $49.50 ; CN 72.50 CN, Bottom Mgn. Close F-711-AU 31.50 F-725-CN, F/F 52.50 F-738-CN, F/F CN, F/F $37.50, CN 49.50 F-726-Fine $19.00; VF 31.50 CN, Top Mgn. Close F-713-CN 49.50 ExF $41.50; AU 52.50 CN PHILADELPHIA CN 68.50 F-739-CN, F/F F-711-AU $39.50, CN 59.50 CHICAGO CN, Top Mgn. Close F-715-VF $27.50, ExF 37.50 F-727-CN 45.00 CN CN, F/F F-717-VF $24.50, ExF 47.50 32.50 F-728-AU F-729-ExF $24.50; AU 32.50 32.50 DALLAS CN, F/F $42.50, CN 57.50 CN 45.00 F-740-VF CLEVELAND ST. LOUIS F-741-F-VF F-718-ExF 22.50 F-730-AU 69.50 F-742--Fine AU $32.50 ; CN 52.50 CN, Top Mgn. Close 83.50 ExF F-719-CN, F/F F-720-AU 42.50 32.50 CN F-732-ExF $44.50; AU 99.50 62.50 SAN FRANCISCO CN, F/F 39.50 F-733-CN, F/F 57.50 F-743-ExF RICHMOND CN, Top Mgn. Close 69.50 ExF/AU $38.50; AU F-721-ExF $39.50, AU 54.50 CN 89.50 CN, F/F CN, Top Mgn. Close 63.50 MINNEAPOLIS F-746-ExF CN, Small Brown Spot 56.50 F-734-F-VF $44.50 44.50 ExF/AU CN 75.00 ExF/AU 97.50 AU BOSTON NEW YORK CLEVELAND F-708-A131A, A141A A150A, A161A po.00 10.00 F-711-PALINDROMES F-718-D91A, D125A A444888A, A919191A 85.00 B1444441A, B715517A 135.00 D170A, D222A NEW YORK B767767A, B811118A 135.00 D388A, D404A F-711-B55A, B80A B200A 125.00 105.00 B8383838A, B99099A 125.00 RICHMOND B800A, B900A B1144A, B1500A 105.00 85.00 PHILADELPHIA F-721-E44A, E55A B667667A, B836836A 105.00 F-714-C7000A, C8000A 77.50 E50A, E70A $2.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES BOSTON CLEVELAND MINNEAPOLIS F-747-CN 110.00 F-757--AU $95.00: CN 150.00 F-773-Fine $47.50: AU F-748-AU 150.00 F-759-Fine $33.50: CN 140.00 KANSAS CITY F-749-AU 67.50 RICHMOND F-774-AU $145.00; CN CN, Top Mgn. Touches 79.50 F-760-AU 170.00 F-775-VF $90.00; ExF/AU CN NEW YORK F-750-CN, Top Close F-751-CN F-752-CN 100.00 69.50 87.50 92.50 F-761-Fine $52.50; AU CHICAGO F-765-CN F-767-Fine $37.50; ExF AU $62.50; CN, Top Close CN 160.00 110.00 52.50 75.00 110.00 DALLAS F-776-CN, Top Mgn. Close CN F-777 CN SAN FRANCISCO PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS F-778-F-VF $65.00; VF F-753-CN, Top Close 79.50 F-769-CN, F/F 150.00 ExF CN 105.00 MINNEAPOLIS F-779-VF $90.00; ExF F-754-AU 62.50 F-772-CN, Top Mgn. Close 235.00 AU F-756-VF 42.50 CN-Plate 6 275.00 F-780-VF $90.00; ExF BOSTON PHILADELPHIA CLEVELAND F-747-A75A 160.00 F-753-C66A 165.00 F-757-D181A, D241A A1500A, A1600A 150.00 C70A, C88A 150.00 D272A, D303A A1700A, A1800A 150.00 C400A, C500A 150.00 D143A, D499A A1414A, A1515A 150.00 C444A, C555A 175.00 D900A, D1000A A1717A, A1818A NEW YORK 150.00 C55555A C60000A, C80000A 200.00 145.00 DALLAS F-750-B125A 135.00 CLEVELAND F-776-K30A, K40A B150A, B175A 135.00 F-757-D50A, D60A 200.00 K50A, 1{60A B400A, B500A 115.00 D72A, D80A 200.00 K44A, K55A B333A, B888A 150.00 D55A, D77A, DS8A 215.00 K66A B1600A, B1700A 115.00 DIO4A, D118A 200.00 KRA, K90A MONTHLY SPECIAL FRIEDBERG'S "Paper Money of the United States." 8th Ed. ($17.50). Special-NET, Postpaid 13.50 Please Refer to our Ad in the Nov.-Dec. Issue for Prices on other Books-also Small Size $1.00 Federal Reserve Sets. Please write for our List of Small Size Currency, Books & Accessories. Please add $1.00 under $100.00. Nebraskans add Sales Tax. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed always. MEMBER: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN, Others. 68111 62.50 147.50 37.50 52.50 49.50 56.50 72.50 44.50 49.50 62.50 29.50 94.50 21.50 47.50 29.50 48.50 59.50 29.50 39.50 48.50 95.00 95.00 90.00 140.00 130.00 190.00 245.00 125.00 210.00 295.00 295.00 90.00 125.00 125.00 155.00 125.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 185.00 365.00 365.00 385.00 385.00 365.00 SOCIETY OF PAPER NIONEN COLLECTORS INC. mLam 42. Founded 1961 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen- nell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621. Second class postage paid at An- derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip- tion to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to non-members are $10.00 a year. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. o Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc., 1976. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. ADVERTISING RATES Space Outside 1 Time Contract Rates 3 Times 6 Times Back Cover $40.00 $108.00 $204.00 Inside Front & Back Cover 37.50 101.25 191.25 Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75 Half-page 20.00 54.00 102.00 Quarter-page 12.50 33.75 63.75 Eighth-page 8.00 21.60 40.80 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; en- gravings & artwork at cost 5%; copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The 15th of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 15 for March issue). Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver- tisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic mate- rial and publications and accessories related Thereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. Paper /honey 0 f icial Bimonthly Publication of THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS, INC. Vol. XV - No. 2 Whole No. 62 Mar./Apr. 1976 BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 Tel. 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica- tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS tx MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P. 0. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111. IN THIS ISSUE: FOOD COUPON REPORT Neil Shafer, NLG 59 SPMC BICENTENNIAL FEATURE: THE "BAPTISM OF POCCAHANTAS" AND OTHER FIRST CHARTER NOTE BACK DESIGNS Mike Carter 64 THE GREATEST WYOMING NATIONAL BANK NOTE FIND OF 1976 — Thomas F. Mason 67 WHITEHALL, MONTANA UNCUT SHEET—LARGE SIZE NATIONALS — Milton M. Sloan 67 THE THIRD VERIFIED NEBRASKA TERRITORIAL NOTE Peter Huntoon 68 FIRST CHARTER $1 AND $2 NATIONAL BANK NOTES OF WISCONSIN —M. 0. Warns 71 WORLD NEWS AND NOTES 74 NUMISMATICA HUNGARICA —Dr. Michael Kupa 74 PAPER MONEY MARKET REPORT—ACTION AT AUCTION 76 TYPE COLLECTING—U. S. PAPER CURRENCY Paul H. Johansen 79 RETAIL PRICING VS. DEALER GRADING — Ben E. Adams 81 FEDERAL RESERVE CORNER Nathan Goldstein II 83 TOUT SHEET ON THE TWO-DOLLAR NOTE 85 THE FIRST WOMEN'S BANK 86 INDIAN PAPER MONEY — P. L. Gupta 88 THE CHECCKBOOK: BANKS WITH UNUSUAL NAMES — Raymond E. Ekeblad 89 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. SPMC CHRONICLE 91 SECRETARY'S REPORT — Harry G. Wigington , , . , ,•„ ,, 93 Cede4 c f Pape 'Noel Collecter4 OFFICERS President Robert E. Medlar 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 Vice-President Eric P. Newman 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105 Secretary Harry G. Wigington P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111 Treasurer C. John Ferreri P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 APPOINTEES Editor Barbara R. Mueller Librarian Wendell Wolka BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W. Daniel, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Harry G. Wigington, Wendell Wolka When making inquiries, please include stamped, self-addressed envelope. Society Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem- bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian-Wen- dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III. 60521. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an- nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char- acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "J". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES-The Society dues are on a calendar year basis and are $8.00 per year, payable in U.S. Funds. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO SOCIETY MEMBERS One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage research about paper money and publication of the re- sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following publications are currently available: We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for sale for $1.00 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at one time, please include $0.25 per issue for postage. We have only the issues listed for sale. q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 (No. 35) q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 4 (No. 36) q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 4 (No. 16) q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 1 (No. 17) q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 2 (No. 38) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 2 (No. 18) q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 3 (No. 39) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 3 (No. 19) q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 4 (No. 40) q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 4 (No. 20) q vol. 11, 1972, No. 1 (No. 41) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 1 (No. 21) q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 2 (No. 42) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 43) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 44) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 1 (No. 45) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 2 (No. 46) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 2 (No. 26) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 3 (No. 47) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 3 (No. 27) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 4 (No. 48) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 4 (No. 28) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49) q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 1 (No. 29) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 2 (No. 50) q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 2 (No. 30) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 3 (No. 51) q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 3 (No. 31) 7 Vol. 13, 1974, No. 4 (No. 52) q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 4 (No. 32) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 5 (No. 53) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 6 (No. 54) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 1 (No. 33) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Index Vol. 1-10 $1.00 We have a few cloth bound copies of PAPER MONEY for sale as follows: Vol. 5 & Vol. 6 Nos. 17 through 24 Cloth Bound $12.50 Vol. 7 & Vol. 8 Nos. 25 through 32 Cloth Bound $12.50 Vol. 9 & Vol. 10 Nos. 33 through 40 Cloth Bound $12.50 Vol. 11 & Vol. 12 Nos. 41 through 48 Cloth Bound $17.50 We have the following books for sale: q FLORIDA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $4.00 Harley L. Freeman MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $5.00 R. H. Rockholt q TEXAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $6.00 Robert E. Medlar q VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $10.00 Mayre B. Coulter 7 NATIONAL BANK NOTE ISSUES OF 1929-1935 $9.75 Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum q MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP $6.50 L. Dandier Leggett The above prices are for SPMC Members. All of these cloth bound books are 3 ,7'2 x 11" and have many illustrations. • Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Check the box at the left of description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Send remittance payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S.C. 29621 Be Sure To Include Zip Code! U. SLMIME OF AGRICULTURE FOOD STAMP COUPON LU4,„ ArnculturAl Abundance EXCEPT UNDER CONDMON Plattlita DO NOT FOLD • NtaItINer Famtlles CRETARY Or AGRICULTURE DO NOT SPINDLE AyncoItural Atodaoce Moltke; famrhes 16)011) ((A LM nittr)Ner DO NOTSPINDLE p NON•TRANSFERABLE EXCEPT UNDER CONDITIONS PRESCRIBED BY 'HE SECRETARY Or AGRICULTURE Ateog—railoimymositarzvv...drwri,:e ICEMME30'436'-- Healthier ENSu !ea NON . TBANSf[PABLE PRESCRIBER BY 7Ht SFCRILTANV Or wOwiCto Wry It Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 59 FOOD COUPON REPORT By NEIL SHAFER, NLG A T LONG last, the data on totals made for the variouskinds of food coupons from 1961 to the present isat hand. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Robert K. Wilcox, Head of the Production Scheduling Staff of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, (BEP) for making the following lists and totals available to me. As all this was received just before the deadline for inclusion in this issue of PAPER MONEY, I have not attempted to 1 iron out a few "bugs" in the data; more details will follow in later issues, as well as other pertinent facts which time does not permit me to prepare for this article. For that reason, some of what follows will appear sketchy. A fuller explanation for all of it will be forthcoming as soon as it can be finished. BACKGROUND DETAILS OF THE 1961 ISSUE The 1961 issue consisted of 25c and $1.00 Food Stamp Coupons. These were used in a Pilot Program "to increase the amount and variety of foods being distributed to low- income families." In formulating this Program, the con- cept of the 1939-1943 Plan was used, but a different ap- proach was developed to more effectively carry out the Executive Order. THE FOOD STAMP COUPONS The 25c coupon was printed in red, and the $1.00 in gray. They were made from April 7, 1961 to June of $1 Food Stamp Coupon, 1961 issue (no date) 1962, and all were printed by the Bureau. The Bureau logo appears at the bottom of each coupon. Size approxi- mates U.S. currency. No date appears on this issue. Books issued to recipients were in three denominations. Totals shown are numbers of books, NOT coupons. Serial numbers are on the book cover only; no 1961 coupons carry a serial number. Book Denomination Contents $2 Book, white four 25c and one $1 $3 Book, green four 25c and two $1 $10 Book, pink ten $1 coupons Total Made AO 000 001A - AO 939 000A BO 000 001A - B1 048 000A CO 000 001A - C3 350 000A THE 1962 ISSUE While the Pilot Program was in operation, it was decided to change to higher denomination coupons. From April 1962 to June 1967, the Bureau produced 50c orange and $2 blue coupons. The heading was changed to read "Food Coupon." Booklet denominations remained the same except for the addition of a higher one, the $20 book. Again, no date appears on these coupons. $2 book, white four 50c coupons AO 000 001B - $3 book, green six 50c coupons BO 000 001B - $10 book, pink five $2 coupons CO 000 001B - $20 book, orange ten $2 coupons DO 000 001B - (Ending numbers not now available) During the issue of these coupons, the Food Stamp Act was signed into law ;this occurred on August 31, 1964. SERIES 1967 (BEP) From this time onward, all coupons bear a date. $2 Book. Four 50c coupons A 1 448 001 D to A 9 978 000 D (Book numbers only) A 0 000 001 E to A 0 144 000 H ** (Book numbers only) A 00 000 001 A to A 86 496 000 A (Coupon and Book numbers) * Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 978 000 ** Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 984 000 $3 Book. Six 50c Coupons B 5 124 001 E to B 9 996 000 F* (Book numbers only) B 0 000 001 G to B 2 784 000 M ** (Book numbers only) B 00 000 001 A to B 99 176 000 B *** (Coupon and Book numbers) * Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 996 000 ** Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 984 000 *** Suffix letter changes at each run of 99 936 000 $2 Food Coupon, 1962 issue (no date) $2 Food Coupon, SERIES 1967 date in lower left corner. No serial number. IIIESE•1141CNIIESSAIIV . vsr 00 NOT 01887120 A Apieeltural Abundance Healthier Farki;es NON•TRANSFERADLE .CEPT UNDER COOIDITIONS PRESCRIBED BY TRE SECRETARY Or AGRICULTURE MOO 00(91..MLN DO NOT FOLDrE. DO NOT SPINDLE E 01777261 A Agriciltaral Abundance (4 Healthier familial NON - TRANSFERABLE !AT DER CONDITIONS PRESCRIBEDOEINT THE SECA TAW/ 0 , AGRICULTURE 15En:53'dtAgncultural Abundance Healthier fiEWIES NON , TRANSETAASLE tvCi.or uNDER CONDITIONS ORESCR■ern ay THE SECRETAR, Or Aca■cuLTU. K 00242161 A Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62PAGE 60 $2 Food Coupon, SERIES 1967 Replacement Issue, with seria number omitting prefix. The 1970-G printing was experimental, on the Giori press. As with the 1967-G $2 coupons, these were attached at the left end with glue instead of being stapled. This method was found to be unsatisfactory, so the old method was resumed. All coupons with numbers bear the exact numbers of the respective books. In other words, there are six coupons made with identical serial numbers for each of the books listed above. This use of serial numbers is valid for all food coupons with serial numbers, starting with some of the 1967-dated pieces and continuing today. SERIES 1971 (BEP) $10 Book. Five $2 Coupons C 00 000 001 A to C 44 352 000 B $10 Book. Five $2 Coupons C 4 326 001 C to C 9 990 000 C * (Book numbers only) C 0 000 001 D to C 8 856 000 E ** I Book numbers only) C 00 000 001 A to C 63 360 000 B * 5 * (Coupon and Book numbers) * Suffix letter changes at each run of 99 936 000 $30 Book. Six $5 Coupons E 00 000 001 A to E 02 976 000 C * * Suffix letter changes at each run of 99 936 000 * Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 990 000 * 5 Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 984 000 *** Suffix letter changes at each run of 99 936 000 $20 Book. Ten $2 Coupons D 8 190 001 E to D 9 990 000 K* D 0 000 001 F to D 5 904 000 K* D 00 000 001 A to D 70 272 000 A * Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 990 000 **Suffix letter changes at each run of 9 984 000 Serial numbers first appeared on food coupons in Febru- ary, 1970. Book covers simultaneously changed from 7- digit to 8-digit numbers as seen in the above list. $2 COUPONS $20 GLUED BOOK SERIES 1967-G D 58 848 001 A to D 58 944 000 A D 60 480 001 A to 60 576 000 A D 60 960 001 A to D 61 344 000 A D 64 224 001 A to D 64 416 000 A All 1967-G 64 800 001 A to D 64 896 000 A coupons carry D 64 992 001 A to D 65 184 000 A serial numbers D 66 144 001 A to D 66 336 000 A D 66 528 001 A to D 66 624 000 A D 67 584 001 A to D 68 736 000 A J The 1967-G Coupons were printed on the Giori press as a test run. They were delivered late in 1970. These coupons were not stapled between the book covers. Instead, they were attached on the left with glue. $5 Food Coupon, SERIES 1970 SERIES 1970 AND 1970-G Coupons dated 1970 consisted of only the $5 denomi- nation. All were made into $30 books, each book con- taining six coupons.* The cover color was blue. Serial numbers for all 1970 coupons are as follows: 1970: E00 000 OO1A - E09 216 000A (Coupon and book numbers 1970-G: E09 216 OO1A - E15 744 000A from this point onwards) 1970: E35 744 OO1A - E74 016 000A * The $20 book was phased out in December, 1970 as the $30 book with the $5 coupons was introduced. HIGH VALUE BOOKS-3 Groups Higher face value books were introduced in 1972 with face values as shown in Group I. These were called "household" books and had special combinations of dif- ferent denomination coupons in the same book. Several months later, the family allotments were raised by $4, and new family booklets (Group II) were prepared. Group II books were used from July, 1972 to July, 1973. Higher allotments caused higher books to be prepared (Group III). These were used July, 1973 to March, 1975 when the Bicentennial designs were introduced. These family books were sent mostly by mail, and were especially prevalent in West Virginia. All books made from type and overprinting 1. Series 1971 (BEP) salmon-orange stock ; only the colors of the for denominations vary for each. $32 Book. F 00 000 001 A to F 00 144 000 A $60 Book. G 00 000 001 A to G 00 096 000 A $88 Book. H 00 000 001 A to 11 00 096 000 A $108 Book. J 00 000 001 A to J 00 096 000 A $36 Book. K 00 000 001 A to K 00 432 000 A $64 Book. L 00 000 001 A to L 00 240 000 A $92 Book. M 00 000 001 A to M 00 144 000 A $112 Book. N 00 000 001 A to N 00 144 000 A III. $38 Book. P 00 000 001 A to P 00 672 000 A $66 Book. Q 00 000 001 A to Q 00 480 000 A $94 Book. 11 00 000 001 A to It 00 336 000 A $116 Book. S 00 000 001 A to S 00 384 000 A - - N.B. The only 50c coupons dated 1971 and made by the Bureau of Engraving were contained in the above household books. $2 Food Coupon, SERIES 1971, with serial number (from household book) . Check letters and position numbers are shown. (Book numbers only) (Book numbers only) (Coupon and Book numbers) ILYWELIPICIPAILibtliCA...C.WECOSTALK3SECEICIUIL/EIETEBETEE DO NOT tilfsMatt StWAMN 05587063 A DO NOT SPINDLE Agricultural Abundance Healthier Families NON xrPAIlbreetn.LE EXCEPT UN OCR cowomOTES PRESCRIBED By THE SECRET..., Or ...p..LT.ge '9".VrarortMOSWIMEItrtrrriii r.er.riar Ow At!, CM 'mew 0,00 4.gT roo,4 ..wr (4, C41390789A ►AL'APPNOW DO NOT SPINDLE Agricultural Abundance Healthier families NON ,TPATIsetww.LE CEPT UNDER CONDEr10 5 WEICSCPIIIE0 BY THE SECRETARY Or AGRICULTURE WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 61Paper Money $5 Food Coupon SERIES 1973. This piece was made without check letter or position number. $2 Food Coupon, SERIES 1971A - American Bank Note Com- pany printing. Bureau logo shows in bottom center. BEP REPLACEMENT COUPONS Prior to 1970 food coupons were unnumbered. Replace- ment coupons, as such, did not exist. Serially numbered coupons went into production in February of 1970. At that time, a corresponding production of replacement coupons was also started. Replacement coupons omit the prefix letter in the serial number. That is the only way to tell them from regular coupons for pieces dated 1967 through 1975. These totals represent single pieces. SERIES 1967 $ .50 00 000 001 A to 02 016 000 A $2.00 00 02 02 $2 Food Coupon, SERIES 1973 - American Bank Note Com- pany printing.A B * A 304 000 400 000 592 000 02 02 02 to to to A A A 001 001 001 000 304 400 $5.00 00 000 001 A to 00 864 000 A $10 Book. $2 Coupons C 00 000 001 A to C 100 000 000 A * C 00 000 001 B to C 43 714 000 B * Suffix letter should have been A in lieu of B. However, B stock was used in production. SERIES 1971 $30 Book. $5 Coupons E 00 000 001 A to E 08 000 004 A (No check letters and posi- E 08 000 005 A to E100 000 000 A * Hon numbers) E 00 000 001 B to E 13 520 000 B $ .50 02 016 001 A to 02 544 000 A $2.00 02 592 001 A to 03 648 000 A $5.00 00 864 001 A to 02 544 000 A * Star Books AMERICAN BANK NOTE—Replacement Coupons $ .50 Coupon—Series 1971A ($2 & $3 Book) 00 000 001 A to 00 800 000 A 00 080 001 A to 00 192 000 A AMERICAN BANK NOTE PRINTINGS The 1971A food coupons are the first to be made by a private company. ABN also made all coupons dated 1973. SERIES 1971A $2.00 Coupon--Series 1971A ($10 Book) 00 000 001 A to 00 394 000 A $ .50 Coupon—Series 1973 ($2 & $3 Book) 00 000 001 A to 00 800 000 A 00 800 001 B to 01 195 000 B 00 000 001 C to 00 392 000 C $2 Book. 50c Coupons A 00 000 001 A to A 92 000 000 A $2.00 Coupon—Series 1973 ($10 Book) 00 000 001 A to 00 399 000 A 00 400 001 A to 00 792 000 A 00 000 001 B to 00 394 000 B $3 Book. 50c Coupons B 00 000 001 A to B 100 000 000 A * B 00 000 001 A to B 79 100 000 B $5.00 Coupon—Series 1973 ($30 Book) 00 000 001 A to 00 793 000 A $10 Book. $2 Coupons C 00 000 001 A to C 60 000 000 A BEP—SERIES 1975 Coupons in face values of $1, $5, and $10 were intro- duced in March, 1975. Designs were completely new, reflecting the Bicentennial (especially on the $1 coupon). Colors are as follows : $1 brown, $5 purple, and $10 aqua blue. All 1971A coupons carry the BEP logo at the bottom. SERIES 1973 (NO A, AND NO BEP LOGO) Beginning with the 1971-dated coupons, check letters and position numbers were added to each piece. This practice was continued on the 1973-dated pieces also, with the exception of the first part of the $5 issue. Through error, coupons numbered up to E08 000 004A omitted the check letters and position numbers. $2 Book. Two $1 coupons A 00 000 001 G to A 99 840 000 G A 00 000 001 J to A 02 560 000 J A 00 000 001 P to A 99 840 000 P A 00 000 001 R. to A 29 760 000 R The suffix letter reflects the manufacturer when coupled with the series year designation. All books bearing the suffix letters G, P, R, were processed into full-size ship- $2 Book. 50c Coupons A 00 000 001 A to A 78 800 000 A $3 Book. 50c Coupons B 00 000 001 A to B 100 000 000 A B 00 000 001 B to B 100 000 000 B B 00 000 001 C to B 33 772 000 C DO NOT FOLD DO NOT SPINDLE E06333225A Ahriman)! Abundance 0-tri..*Toe Healthier Families cts trpOlt0 CONIMEOSS POLSCIri•EO°11r;TV:CM=Y or RE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD COUPON F 40 8 5 5 80 0 8 G NON-TRANSFERABLE a EXCEPT UNDER COND noes PRESCRIBED BY THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE DO NOT FOLD OR SPINDLE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD COUPON DO NOT FOLD OR SPINDLE CO6 4 7 4 9 0 2A TRANSFERABLE, _ EXCEPT UNDER CONDITIONS PRESCRIBED BY THE SECRETARY OF ACTRICULTURE HAAR:CON UNITED STATES BANK NOTE—SERIES 1975B $2 Book. A 00 000 001 G to A 44 A 00 000 001 11 to A 08 $65 Book. E 00 000 001 a to E 41 E 00 000 001 H to E 04 480 000 G 000 000 H 280 000 G 800 000 H Paper Money ping containers. Books bearing the suffix letters J, Q, were processed into half-size shipping containers. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing will produce Series 1976 books of $2 value. Serial numbers will begin with -00 000 001 P. Suffix letters P, R, T, will be processed into full-size shipping containers. Suffix letters Q, S, U, will be processed into half-size shipping containers. SERIES 1975 Printed by BEP and Processed by USBN In order to expedite shipments of Series 1975 food coupons, it was necessary for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to print coupons and deliver them to a private contractor (United States Bank Note Company, Philadelphia) for processing into books. The $7, $40, and $50 books have been printed and numbered at BEP. The covers and all subsequent processing needed to produce finished books were provided by USBN. This approach was used on a one-time basis to meet emergency needs. $7 Book. B 00 000 001 H to B 06 400 000 H $40 Book. C 00 000 001 H to C 01 600 000 H $50 Book. D 00 000 001 H to D 03 520 000 H The suffix letter reflects the manufacturer when coupled with the series year designation. All books bearing the suffix H, Series 1975, are books printed by BEP and processed by USBN. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD COUPON DO NOT FOLD OR SPINDLE A 00757346 G NON- I RAN SFF RATTLE SENt2 EXCEPT WIDER CONDITIONS PRESCRIBED BY THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE $1 Food Coupon, SERI ES 1975, Bureau of Engraving and Printing issue (logo at left margin). $1 Food Coupon, SERIES 1975 B, United States Banknote Corporation issue. $40 Book. Two $10, three $5, five $1 C 00 000 001 A to C 56 000 000 A C 00 000 001 B to C 03 600 000 B $50 Book. D 00 000 D 00 000 $65 Book. Four $10, four $5, five $1 E 00 000 001 A to E 18 540 000 A E 00 000 001 B to E 00 859 800 B ABN changed from 40-subject sheet to 50-subject sheet. 50-Subject Sheets $7 Book. B 96 000 001 A to B 94 500 000 C B 08 400 001 B to B 12 300 000 B $40 Book. C 56 000 001 A to C 84 000 000 A C 03 600 001 B to C 04 100 000 B $50 Book. D 46 000 001 A to D 67 500 000 A D 01 200 001 B to D 04 200 000 B $65 Book. No $65 Books were made with 1975A date on 50-subject sheets. A new series (1976A) will be issued in 1976 beginning with 00 000 001A. Denominations and specifications for the 1976 series will be the same as the 1975 series. In all ABN Series 1975 and Series 1976, the suffix letter of the serial number reflects the manufacturer when coupled with the series year designation. Books produced by ABN contained the suffix letter ACE if they were produced and processed into full-size shipping containers and BDF if processed into one-half size shipping con- tainers. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOOD COUPON DO NOT FOLD OR SPINDLE C06474902A ”11: NON-TRANSFERABLE CEPT UNDER CONDITIONS PRESCRIBED BY THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE $5 Food Coupon, SERIES 1975 A, American Bank Note Com- pany issue. $10 Food Coupon, SERIES 1975 A, American Bank Note Com- pany issue. Three 001 A $10, to three D 46 $5, 000 five 000 $1 A 001 B to D 03 200 000 B PACE 62 WHOLE NO. 62 AMERICAN BANK NOTE—SERIES 1975A 40-Subject Sheets $2 Book. Two $1 Coupons A 00 000 001 A (Ending numbers unavailable at this time) $7 Book. One $5, two $1 B 00 000 001 A to B 96 000 000 A B 00 000 001 A to B 08 400 000 B .1 ..J11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g VALUE food certificate PLAN FOR MOTHERS AND INFANTS I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TFIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMINII111111111111110111111111111011111111110011101111111111101111111111111111111111111111111g CENTS NON-TRANSFERABLE THIS COUPON iS WON ]SC TOWAND THE RUNUP OF FOODS DESIGNATE WHOLE NO. 62 Paper Money PAGE 63 The suffix letter reflects the manufacturer when coupled with the series year designation. Books produced by USBN contain the suffix letters GKM if they are pro- cessed into full-size shipping containers and HJL if pro- cessed into half-size shipping containers. Beginning in 1976, USBN will produce Series 1976B books of $7 and $65 value. Serial numbers will start from -00 000 001 G. 1975-DATED REPLACEMENT COUPONS All three printers have made replacement coupons for the 1975 issue. Some totals are not available at this time. The system of omitting the prefix from the serial number was carried over from previous issues. Beginning in 1976, a major change will take place : all replacement coupons will bear a star, similar to regular United States paper money. 1975 REPLACEMENT COUPONS Bureau of Engraving & Printing: Printings with suffix letters G and P were used to replace coupons in full size shipping containers. Suffix letters J and Q for half size shipping containers. $1 00 000 OO1G to 00 320 000G 00 320 001G to 00 640 000G 00 640 OO1G to 01 280 000G 00 000 001P to 00 640 000P These were printed with- out month letter (in upper left center). These did contain a month letter. These do not have a month letter. 00 000 001J to 00 320 000J These have no month letter. 00 000 001Q to 00 320 000Q As above. Coupons with H suffix were sent to USBN for processing. Replacements for those are as follows : $1 00 000 001H to 01 280 00011 $5 00 000 001H to 00 960 00011 $10 00 000 00111 to 00 960 00011 Apparently all the H replacement coupons did have a month letter. American Bank Note Company: 1975A Coupons Figures not available at press time. Coupons have no month letter. United States Banknote Corporation: 1975B Coupons Figures not available at press time. Coupons have no month letter. FOOD CERTIFICATES 25c Food Certificate, no date (1970) Food Certificates are made in only the 25c denomination. They were produced by the BEP by lithography. They are issued in restricted areas ; their use is for the pur- chase of milk products for expectant mothers and infants. Issuance is in yellow books of 20 certificates (face value $5.00). Books are numbered but the certificates are not. Nor are they dated ; however, the program was started in 1970 and for the present is in operation. $5 books. 7-digit A 0 000 001 A A 0 288 000 A 6/28/71 S-digit A 00 288 001 A A 01 104 000 A Changeover SPMC Bicentennial Feature The 66 1 1) aptism of Pocahontas" and Other First Charter Note I" ack Designs By MIKE CARTER Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62PAGE 64 I SN'T paper money collecting really a form of art col-lecting? Can we deny that some of the most beautiful American artwork to be found is right on our own paper currency? Here is the engraver's finest hour, pains- taking design not only to deter counterfeiting but also for beauty. From the syngraphic view point, the value of any note is based on rarity as well as demand, and visual appeal has much to do with that demand. Some of the most popular series of United States paper currency are the most beautiful. Notes that come to mind are the famous 1896 Educational Series, the Chief Onepapa $5, the five silver dollar reverse 1886 Silver Certificate, and of course the First Charter National Bank Notes, all nine denomi- nations of them. Everyone has his favorite, because every- one has different tastes. In this article I deal with a group of notes that has long been a favorite of currency col- lectors, not only because of rarity, but also because of the beautiful back designs of each note. What better time to think of the back designs of First Charter National Bank Notes than now, as we celebrate our nation's tooth birthday? Each of the nine denominations has a back design that incorporates paintings depicting some of the most historical moments of our nation. Seven of these paintings were commissioned by Congress, to he painted by leading artists of the time, for the Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. These seven paintings, and in particular the "Baptism of Pocahontas" by John G. Chapman and three famous paintings by John Trumbull, are discussed herein. Syngraphic Serendipity W HILE vacationing in the Fall of 1975 in Boston,Massachusetts, I took time out to visit a few of the fine antique stores there, thinking that I might pick up a few small antiques and perhaps, if I was lucky, some paper or coins. It was in one of these antique stores, a rather small out-of-the-way place, that I made my discovery. Way in the back, where most antique dealers keep their junk, behind some old dressers and other non- moving items, were some old picture frames and prints. Thinking I might find an old frame cheap that could be refinished and used, I began to pick my way through an assortment of dirty and broken specimens when I un- covered a rather large plain one. As I pulled it out, I noticed it contained a black and white engraving that for some reason looked familiar. As I brushed away the dirt and grime from the glass of the frame, I realized what the picture was. It was the same scene that was on the hack of the $20 First Charter National Bank Notes. The engrav- The author's antique engraving of the "Baptism of Pocahontas." ing itself was in terrible shape, all mildewed and dirty, but I thought to myself that there couldn't be too many of these around and wouldn't it look great on a paper money collector's wall—what a conversation piece! So, realizing the potential, I bought it and off I went with a new addition to my paper money collection. The antique dealer told me the picture came from an old Victorian home in New England and was at least a hundred years old and believe me, it looked it. When I got the picture home, I began the long process of making it presentable. After several treatments with straight Clorox bleach, all of the mildew came off and I discovered the print had a cream colored border and a title, "The Baptism of Pocahontas From the Original Painting in the Rotunda of the Capitol, Washington, D.C." At the bottom of the engraving was the statement that it was originally painted by John G. Chapman; published by Joseph Laing, London, Edinburgh, New York; and engraved by John C. McRae, New York. The print cleaned up like new, and after mending the frame, putting it all together, and finding the perfect place for it on my wall, I realized I had quite a beautiful display item. Now that it was up, I set out to find the history and value, if possible, of the print and to do the research for this article. This was not an easy task. I found it hard to believe that it was so difficult to find information on such important paintings and the men who painted them. After long hours of research I was able to put together a brief history of each painting and artist along with the First Charter Notes on which the painting appears. WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 65Paper Money The Artists and John Gadsby Chapman was born in Alexandria, Virginia, on December 8, 1808. He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in the year 1827 and later under artists George Cooke and Charles Bird King. He then left for Italy where he continued his studies. In 1831, he returned to the United States where he worked as a portrait and historical painter in Washington, D.C. and New York City. In 1836, Chapman became a full mem- ber of the National Academy of Design. He first became known as an etcher and engraver in New York City where he worked for Harper and Brothers and on the publications Their Work of the New York Tract Society. While working for Harper, he executed some 1400 wood engravings and portrait paintings for their popular "Family Bible" published in 1846. Between the years 1837 and 1842, he painted the "Baptism of Pocahontas," the highly esteemed painting by which he is best known. He was one of the first Americans to produce etchings (1843), and in 1847, he wrote the "American Drawing Book." In 1848, he returned to Italy where he retained a studio until his death, though he twice revisited the United States. Mr. Chapman died in Brooklyn, New York, November 28, 1889. The "Baptism of Pocahontas" as it appeared on the back of the $20 First Charter National Bank Note. Chapman's "Baptism of Pocahontas" depicts an event which took place at Jamestown, Virginia. The scene shows Pocahontas kneeling, with John Smith, Indians, soldiers, and other townspeople looking on. The painting as found on the back of the $20 First Charter National Bank Notes was engraved by Charles Burt. Around the year 1800, Samuel F.B. Morse tried unsuc- cessfully to secure a commission for four historical paint- ings for the Capitol in Washington, D.C. After he was turned down, he vowed to devote his time to his scientific experiments. (Morse's portrait can be found on the back of the 1896 $2 Educational note along with another famous inventor, Robert Fulton.) John Trumbull, probably Amer- ica's most famous historical painter, also envisioned a pro- ject of 12 history paintings for the Capitol. Trumbull had a good background for this genre. His father, Jonathan Trumbull, was the Revolutionary Gover- nor of Connecticut and John himself had worked on General Washington's staff and knew many of the famous figures of early American history personally. Encouraged by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, Trumbull began his series. The two statesmen helped him select 12 decisive episodes in the creation of the new nation. The most ambitious of these paintings was the reconstruction of the deliberations concerning the Declaration of Independence. Helped by Jefferson's sketch from memory of the scene, Trumbull took pains to visit and paint portraits of all the signers he could. Trumbull did the work in London from 1786 to 1797. Thirty-six of 48 portraits were from life sittings by Trumbull; the rest were from portraits by others and from Trumbull's own memory. On February 6, 1817, when Trumbull was 68 years old, he was commissioned by the government to paint an en- largement of "The Declaration" and three others in his historical series, to be placed in the Rotunda. Unfortunately, the late copies are rather heavy-handed and did little for the aging artist's reputation. The contract signed in March 1817 was for "The Surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga," "The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at York- town," "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence," and "Washington Resigning his Commission." Trumbull was to be paid $8000 each for the paintings. Of the four paintings by Trumbull, three were chosen for the backs of First Charter National Bank Notes. "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence" shows Wash- ington, Jefferson, Franklin and a distinguished group of our nation's fathers assembled for the acceptance and signing of the historic document on July 4, 1776. It was engraved for the back of the $100 note by Frederick Girsch. "The Surrender of Burgoyne," which portrays the General's surrender to General Gates of the American Army at Saratoga, New York, October 17, 1777, was also engraved by Girsch for the back of the $500 note. Finally, "Wash- ington Resigning his Commission," which shows the Com- mander-in-Chief submitting his written resignation to Con- gress on December 23, 1783 at Annapolis, Maryland, was engraved by Girsch and Louis Delnoce for the back of the $1000 First Charter notes. The scramble for the remaining four places in the Rotunda was resolved as follows: John Vanderlyn received one for his "The Landing of Columbus," a painting depicting Columbus, sword drawn, leading his shipmates , . r-NZA4,14.1ketr, NNIETAIRENIIN *ND Allotnrwr rot nris wIrrme *ars.cr* NIOWDO *IL NUAIMILNAND'OnfratUnors.Nr smovwrersweavaw D netwetcostromossigewg. vrimeo. t' inrculeimen*W% iurrirrnostrocr ars in Nur iitorr • iffirmarsiv, iNDI'D 111► PL4 /:l11 • M 4 WriTharr PSI TDDDICK th.; ..; ...WinW rti Lobo rownn Om' SD* Ittnn:nxne ATIODUDY.4,1DNINDNIN1 t O's I Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62PAGE 66 onto the "New Land." This work can be found on the back of the five dollar First Charter Notes as engraved by Walter Shirlaw. The original painting was not very popular. It was called a "spiritless huddle of costumed studio models" by the critics of the day. Robert W. Weir's "The Embarkation of the Pilgrims" also received a place in the Rotunda. The painting shows the Pilgrims before departing for America, kneeling to ask for the Divine blessing for their coming perilous journey. It was completed by Weir between 1836 and 1840 and can be found on the back of the $50 First Charter notes as engraved by W. W. Rice. Another space went to William H. Powell for his painting entitled "DeSoto Discovering the Mississippi." The scene depicted takes place in 1541 and shows a group of natives, soldiers, and monks. A crucifix is being erected in the lower right of the painting. It was completed by Powell between 1848 and 1853 and can be found on the back of the $ro First Charter Notes, engraved by Frederick Girsch. The final space, of course, went to John G. Chapman and his "Baptism of Pocahontas." Of these eight Rotunda paintings, seven were chosen to be placed on the backs of seven of nine denominations of First Charter National Bank Notes. For the other two denominations, Charles Burt's "The Landing of the Pilgrims" is on the back of the one dollar First Charter Notes. The picture depicts the Pilgrims stepping from a small boat onto the "New Land." The back of the two dollar First Charter Note has the Louis Delnoce engraving of Sir Walter Raleigh. The picture shows Sir Walter Raleigh with a long-stem smoking pipe demonstrating the use of tobacco and exhibiting corn, both brought from America, to the King of England. Obviously the paintings on the backs of our First Charter National Bank Notes not only depict history, but have quite a bit of history in themselves. So the next time you study the prized notes in your collection, especially you collectors who are lucky enough to own a First Charter National Bank Note, take a long, hard look at the beautiful artwork on the note for art's sake! By the way, for those of you who are interested, the United States Capitol Art Collection contains 744 works of American art. Among these are 165 frescoes, murals, and lunettes dealing with American history, and interestingly enough, it also contains an anonymous portrait of Pocahontas. BIBLIOGRAPHY Britannica Encyclopedia of American Artists, Britannica Educational Corp., Chicago, Illinois, 1972. Davidson, Marshall B., The Artists' America, Edited by American Heritage, American Heritage Publishing Co., New York, 1973. Dictionary of American Biography, Vol. X, Edited by Dumas Malone, Charles Scribners' Sons, New York, 1936. Donlon, William P., United States Large Size Paper Money 1861 to 1923, Krause Publications, Inc., Iola, Wisconsin, 1970. Hessler, Gene, The Comprehensive Catalog of United States Paper Money, Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1 974. Larkin, Oliver W., Art and Life in America, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Toronto, Canada, 1960. National Cyclopedia of American Biography, Vol. VII, James T. White and Co., New York, 1897. Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, Edited by Rossiter Johnson, The Biographical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, 1 9 04. Who was Who in America, Historical Volume 1607-0896, Marquis- Who's Who Inc., Chicago, Illinois, 1963. 115 neentemnial PNC's from Tom Mason Since 1973, Tom Mason (SPMC 2423) of the Frontier Mint has been producing small quantities of "PNC" (philatelic-numismatic combination) covers with a Bicen- tennial motif. His ideas as illustrated here can be adopted by other collectors to mark the tooth anniversary in 1976 for any particular 1776 notes. In 1975, Tom made up such a cover with five appropriate stamps and cancellations, a note and a Jefferson nickel. Also, he created a PNC first day cover for the Banking and Commerce stamps with an Indian Head cent and Eisen- hower dollar. He has a small stock of similar PNC's, a list of which is available from him at P. 0. Box 1305, Cheyenne, WY 82001. WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 67Paper Money NEWS ABOUT NATIONALS This changed after 1929, and the Lovell bank began to issue small-size notes. It is the only bank in Wyoming that issued all possible type I denominations—$5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. In type 2, it contracted a bit and issued only $5s, $10s, and $20s. All are considered scarce, but the high denominations have to be considered king—not just for this bank but the state as well. Now where will I find that $100! What a way to start off this Bicentennial year, and if you ask me it is a year to salute and cheer about! Whitehall, Montana Uncut Sheet- Large Size Nationals By MILTON M. SLOAN The Greatest Wyoming National Bank Note Find of 1976 By THOMAS F. MASON HIS numismatist had music in his ears this Janu- ary! The music was especially sweet because of the arrival of a registered letter from a friend. This particular friend mentioned last fall that he had located a note which was a particular Wyoming rarity but didn't know the correct value to pay for it. I told him. and he said he would let me know, so I forgot about it until this package arrived and I opened it up. I feasted my eyes on one of the rarest small notes ever printed for Wyoming—a $50 1929 type 1 on Lovell! The same week that this great rarity came in, the new 1976 Hewitt-Donlon catalogue arrived, and under Wyo- ming it shows a total of a big zero for known $50's on Wyoming. This is understandable; the Lovell bank was the only bank in my favorite research and collect- ing area—Wyoming—to issue high denomination notes and these were all $50 and $100 1929 notes. You see, my excitement on finding this note stems from that fact that their total issue was a mere ten sheets of $50's (60 notes) and six sheets of $100's (36 notes). As you can see from the photo, this is note E000008A, the second note from the bottom of the eighth sheet. The great currency find of the nation in 1975 was the first (and as far as I know) the only Lazy Two from the Wyoming National Bank of Laramie, Wyoming Ter- ritory by my good friend, researcher, and my number one competitor, Peter Huntoon of Laramie. After that find we were saying to each other: "Now can you top that!" A quick and delighted call to Huntoon brought his reply: "Well Mason, you've got me hands down for 1976 at least!" Lovell is located in northern Wyoming and was founded in 1900 by Mormon colonists. The town was named for one of the early ranchers. It has become the center for sugar beets and oil in that part of the state. The sugar beet company was built the same year the First National Bank of Lovell was chartered-1916. Interestingly, the bank never issued large notes. Ap- parently the bank took advantage of Section 18 of the Act of December 23, 1913 which allowed National Banks to relinquish their circulation privilege to the Federal Reserve System. T is a rare occasion when one is presented the op- portunity to obtain an uncut sheet of large-size National Bank Notes. This is especially true when the sheet represents a town missing from nearly all Montana collections. r) witattpswilw iat A 4414,04)2110.11,111&11. , ...' 114fAlit WO.....1410aset* MOTO STATES DFAMERICA Napousell wmilSTATESOFAMERICA 2974C7E W ItiPALAVNit 1.1024 *II , axy , sort i_tiKM41 ,fifia f NntionalCat I ffED STATES arimERICA 0 r-I '.fir IPAVOitAAikt.et 'fi:44hAtv 2,,,, 2974' 94-41!1WY1i 110 2 *9 0.0704j"11 tif 0 N.01411'" KM at 110 24 ArSEIZELEEM *"1.14., ft 1). "drtrfilkratfilaiMM " , 4,Z4044.119010,, PAGE 68 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money The story began on a Tuesday when I received a phone call from a friend for whom I had located some Montana store tokens. He was always grateful for this gesture and had said I would be the first to know of any Montana Nationals he might obtain or hear of. We spoke of generalities for a few minutes. Then the question was asked, "Would you be interested in an uncut sheet of large-size Montana Nationals?" What could I say but yes, how much and when could we meet! To meet with the caller involved several hundred miles of driving, so arrangements were made to meet the fol- lowing Sunday. In the meantime, anxiety and curiosity overcame me, so I phoned Wednesday evening to see if the meeting date could be advanced to Thursday. That would be fine, my friend said, so by getting off work early I was able to arrive Thursday evening. Ray knew I was excited but we again talked generali- ties for a few minutes. Finally, I asked if I might see the sheet. With a slight grin he walked to a roll-top desk and removed the precious piece of paper. My first look at the sheet was, quite frankly, a dis- appointment, to say the least! For some reason, I had expected it to be in choice condition but then quickly realized that survival in any condition was a miracle in itself and its overall condition was not unreasonable. The sheet is from the First National Bank of White- hall, Montana and the very good condition resulted from its having been kept in a billfold for a number of years. There are three horizontal and three vertical folds which have caused the reverse of B note to be darker and more soiled than the others. Two of the corner folds wore through, resulting in two holes each between A-B and B-C notes. The mountains surrounding Whitehall were spotted with productive mines and sawmills; an active lumber- ing industry joined the miners and homesteaders in developing the area. Its present population of about one thousand is economically related to the ups and downs of the many farmers and ranchers located in the Jefferson Valley. Early banking in Whitehall began with the Jefferson Valley Trading Company, a private firm that operated from 1901 until 1905. On December 2, 1904, the. White- hall State Bank was chartered and is the surviving local bank today. The first National Bank of Whitehall, Montana was chartered in June, 1917. with capital of $25 ;000. As so many Montana National and state banks of this era, it had a relatively short life and was absorbed by the Whitehall State Bank after voluntary liquidation on November 29, 1922. Banking in Whitehall In July, 1867, the old Milk Ranch, several miles north of the present day Whitehall, was authorized as a post office and stage line station. The postmaster, E. G. Brooke, in 1869 renamed the post office and stage station "Whitehall," after Whitehall House in Illinois. By 1889, the Northern Pacific Railroad had built its lines through the Jefferson Valley and it proved to be the main influencing factor for the moving of Whitehall a few miles south to its present location about 30 miles east of Butte. The post office followed in 1890. The only notes issued by this bank were TCP plain back, blue seals with a relatively small printing of $87,500. This was in 10-10-10-20 sheets serially num- bered from 1-1750 with $25,000 outstanding in 1922. Bank officers included W. C. Meyers, cashier; D. F. Riggs, president; M. F. Jelinek, assistant cashier; and R. E. Tait, 2nd vice-president. Bank records indicate that Mr. Jelinek was appointed assistant cashier at a Board of Directors meeting held January 26, 1921. It would follow that the bank's notes were ordered and printed after that date. For reasons unknown, Mr. Meyers and Mr. Riggs apparently delegated the task of note signing to their subordinates, Mr. Jelinek and Mr. Tait, whose signatures appear on the notes. Mr. Tait penned in a "V" preceding "President." II A special board of directors meeting was held No- vember 21, 1922, to complete the matter of voluntary liquidation. W. G. Meyers transferred his bank stock to another party, which disqualified him to act further in the capacity of cashier. R. E. Tait was appointed to the cashier position in addition to his vice-presidential duties, a situation that lasted only eight days. The First National Bank of Whitehall had the rela- tively short life of about five years which compared with many other Montana banks of the era. The Third Verified Nebraska Territorial Note By PETER HUNTOON HE heavily circulated deuce that highlights this ar- ticle grades only good but what it lacks in condi- tion, it makes up for many, many times over in rarity. It is the third verified Nebraska territorial to surface in any denomination and the second two-dollar. The note was issued by Nebraska's second bank, The Otoe County National Bank of Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory. This bank was one of three Nebraska banks chartered before Nebraska was granted statehood on March 1, 1867. The Nebraska City bank was chartered in late 1865, so it was technically eligible to issue terri- torials for slightly more than a year and a half. As territorials go, I have often wondered why Ne- braska isn't the toughest of them all in terms of total number of notes in numismatic hands. My reason for this speculation is that Nebraska territorials comprise WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 69Paper Money one of the shortest lived territorial issues and were among the oldest Nationals pressed into circulation. Somehow, fewer Idaho territorials survived and are classed as rarer in comparison. The relative rarity is, however, a case of splitting hairs. The difference between very rare as with Idaho Terri- tory and rare for Nebraska Territory is some one or two notes! At this time I can positively document the existence of three Nebraska territorials, although as many as four may actually have come onto the market at one time or another. Only two Idaho territorials have been made known to me. Obviously, others from both loca- tions will eventually turn up but the ratio will more than likely remain the same. The statistics for the Nebraska $2's were generously made available by the leading Nebraska National Bank Note collector-researcher, Gerome Walton of Colorado Springs. The three Nebraska banks that issued terri- torial notes were: The First National Bank of Omaha (Charter 203), The Otoe County National Bank of Ne- braska City (Charter 1417), and The Omaha National Bank of Omaha (Charter 1633). Between these banks the following First Charter territorial denominations were issued: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and $50. Gerome is pre- paring a book on the entire Nebraska issue, so the exact data for the higher denominations will have to await its publication. He did provide the statistics in Table 1 on the $1 and $2 First Charter Original and Series of 1875 issues for the three territorial banks. actual number of $1's issued to a given bank, simply multiply the number of sheets by three. To date Gerome has verified the existence of the fol- lowing notes on Nebraska Territory: $1 First National Bank of Omaha serial 1445 owned by Aubrey Bebee, $2 Otoe County National Bank of Nebraska City serial 3170 owned by Amon Carter, and the $2 shown here. A photograph of the great Bebee specimen appeared on page 918 of the June 1969 Numismatic Scrapbook. The Bebee note looks like it is a decent very good. The Carter deuce grades very good and I had the pleasure of looking at it just this past August at the Los Angeles ANA convention. The June 1969 Scrapbook article by Aubrey Bebee and others suggests that a total of three $1 NT's and the Carter $2 NT had been located by 1969. Gerome Walton and John Hickman have since painstakenly at- tempted to verify these figures and have proven to their satisfaction that one of the $1's mentioned was not a territorial and the other one beside the Bebee note illustrated has to date escaped verification. That leaves only three positively identified NT's with a good possi- bility of a fourth. The Scrapbook article credits John Hickman as having owned a $1 NT but Hickman advised me that this was in error and was not corrected before the article went to press. Hickman has not been able to positively verify the fourth NT but is reasonably certain that it does exist and that it is a $1. So far no NT denomination greater than a $2 has surfaced. Dream about that CU $50 out in the weeds!Table 1. 1-1-1-2 sheet combinations issued by Nebraskaterritorial banks. Original Series Bank (Territory) First National Bank of Omaha 8400 sheets Otoe County National Bank of Nebraska City 4800 sheets Omaha National Bank of Omaha 2000 sheets Series of 1875 (State ?) none 360 sheets none Table 1 shows that each of the three territorial banks issued the 1-1-1-2 sheet combination. To obtain the The printing dates for the three known NT's provide some startling information. The data used in Table 2 are taken from William H. Dillistin (1956) A Descrip- tive History of National Bank Notes 1363-1935, private printing, 55 pages. It is strange that all press runs be- gan with serial number 9 and all ended just a few num- bers short of one million except for the short E set. Table 3 summarizes the information about the three known Nebraska territorials. Table 2. Treasury serials Original Series 1-1-1-2 sheet Serial Numbers used on the combinations. Color of Number red blue red Printing Dates Beginning Ending Mar. 28, 1865 Oct. 4, 1865 Oct. 4, 1865 Mar. 23, 1866 Mar. 23, 1866 Aug. 19, 1875 Beginning Ending 9 999413 9 999693 A9 E543882 PAGE 70 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62 Table 3. Statistics on the three known Nebraska territorial notes. Over- printed Charter Treasury Bank Color of Approximate Number Note Serial Serial Serial Printing Date on face Bebee $1 Omaha 574751 1445 blue 1865-1866 none Carter $2 Nebr. City C851322 3170 red 1872-1873 none Huntoon $2 Nebr. City E535568 4786 red 1874-1875 1417 Nebraska became a territory on May 30, 1854 and gained statehood on March 1, 1867. The obvious conclu- sion is that Amon Carter and I have to credit Aubrey Bebee with owning the only existing Nebraska terri- torial that was issued during the territorial period. Car- ter's and my notes were respectively printed about five and eight years after statehood. Such is the result when economies are made through the use of obsolete printing plates! The last shipment of Original Series territorial 1-1-1-2 sheets was sent to the Otoe County National Bank on July 26, 1875. That shipment contained sheet serials 4601 through 4800 and included the note bearing serial 4786 shown here. As such this note was the 14th from the end of the Otoe County National Bank Original Series $2 issue. The Paradox of the Seals Close inspection reveals that the back of the note car- ries the Nebraska territorial seal in the oval to the left. The territorial seal portrays two men standing on either side of the flag and a scroll across which is written "The Constitution." The figure to the left is a pioneer woodsman holding a long rifle, and the figure to the right is a businessman wearing a top hat. An anvil occupies the middleground behind the legs of the busi- nessman, and a train belching smoke highlights the far background. Across the top of the seal is written "Ne- braska, Popular Sovereignty" and across the bottom is the word "Progress." In Stack's September 24, 1955, auction catalogue en- titled "The Celebrated Dr. Frank A. Limpert Collection of U.S. Paper Money [and] Fractional Currency," Limpert wrote the best published description of the state seals used on National Currency. On page 15 he states: "The Seal of Nebraska was designed in 1867, the first year of Statehood, and shows a blacksmith with sledge and anvil, in the foreground, shocks of grain and a cabin at left. In the background is a steamboat on a river and a train headed west near mountain ranges. At top on a streamer is 'Equality Before the Law' and at the bottom is 'March 1st, 1867'." Limpert goes on to say that "National Banknotes of both First and Second Charter Periods display the Territorial seal in left oval on reverse." The fact is that the Ne- braska state seal was never used on National Bank Notes and all the state notes carry the territorial seal! This is one paradox that still challenges the 20th century re- searcher. Condition Realities There is a valuable lesson for the condition crank in the Nebraska territorial note statistics. Notice that the best copy of the three reported specimens is a mere very good. Of the two deuces, one is very good and the other good, just a grade lower. All would be considered "dogs" in an exhibit. National Bank Notes are not like rare coins where sufficient quantities of even the greatest rarities were minted that at least one or several rate an MS 65 or better. In paper it just didn't work that way. Printings were so small and survival rates so dis- mal that the greatest rarities such as these three NT's don't often come much better than well circulated. One has to marvel at the probability of such rarities printed on paper surviving at all. Acknowledgments Special credit and thanks are due Aubrey Bebee, Amon Carter, John Hickman, and Gerome Walton for the data they unselfishly provided for this article. Cooperation such as theirs makes writing these pieces the pleasure that it is and paper money the ultimate numismatic pur- suit. Federal Reserve Bank Designations On the face of every Federal Reserve Note, the black seal to the left of the portrait identifies the particular Federal Reserve Bank which issued the bill. There are 12 Federal Reserve Banks, each identifiable by a letter and a number, with the letter corresponding to the num- ber, as follows: 1 A Boston 7 G Chicago 2 B New York 8 H St. Louis 3 C Philadelphia 9 I Minneapolis 4 D Cleveland 10 J Kansas City 5 E Richmond 11 K Dallas 6 F Atlanta 12 L San Francisco The Federal Reserve Bank number, which appears four times, is repeated in the upper and lower and the left and right sections of the bill for identification purposes. These numbers are particularly helpful in cases involving claims made by the public for full redemption of burned or mutilated notes, when only portions of the notes re- main. The two identical series of numbers, with prefix and suffix letters or "star" in the upper right-hand and lower left-hand corners of all Federal Reserve Notes, are re- ferred to as serial numbers. The letter in the Federal Reserve Bank seal and the prefix letter of the serial num- bers are always identical. Ar_WS13- -14x I (7,7140 LOS ruitnsf -t- , #1 ' /174, (/// Paper Money PAGE 71WHOLE NO. 62 First Charter $1 and $2 National Bank Notes of Wisconsin By M. OWEN WARNS Fr. #382, The First National Bank of Chippewa Falls Fr. #380, The First National Bank of Whitewater, Charter 124, Original Series. Fr. #382, The First National Bank of Burlington, Charter 1933, Original Series. rr HE intriguing $1 and $2 National Bank Notes of his or her own state are of prime interest to the National Bank Note collector. Therefore, we are fortunate to be able to present to the SPMC membership a complete listing of these minor denominational notes issued by the National Banks in the state of Wisconsin. We also hope that this listing will stimulate others to study the $1 and $2 notes of their own states and re- cord their findings and up-dated information in PAPER MONEY. One and two-dollar denominations were not included with the other, higher values in the First Charter notes Fr. #384, The First National Bank of Whitewater, Charter 124, 1875 Series. Fr. #384, The La Crosse National Bank, Charter 2344, 1875 Series. printed in 1863. Their initial appearance came 15 months later after passage of an enabling Congressional act in 1864. The total amount of the two minor de- nominations that could be issued by a bank was limited to one-sixth of its total circulation. A Congressional act passed in 1874 required the print- ing of the charter number twice on each note. No such requirement was in effect previously. Therefore both $1 and $2 National Bank Notes printed between 1864 and 1874 exist with and without charter numbers. The 1875 Series featured a Treasury seal with 12 scallops, while the notes from the Original Series had 34 rays. PAGE 72 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62 Later in 1875 Congress authorized discontinuance of the $1 and $2 National Bank Notes, which resulted in the small quantity of the 1875 overprinted notes of these denominations. They are many times scarcer than those of the Original Series. However, it should be pointed out that the overprinting of 1875 on the $1 and $2 was allowed to continue until the Specie Act was passed in 1879, after which the Treasury resumed specie payments. The relative scarcity of the 1875 overprint is brought out by the fact that only five Wisconsin National Banks issued them; they were Whitewater No. 124, Fond du Lac No. 555, Janesville No. 749, Baraboo No. 2079 and La Crosse No. 2344. The $1 and $2 notes printed for the National Banks of Wisconsin came from a four-subject plate consisting of three $1's and one $2. A complete listing of these notes giving bank title, locations, charter numbers, de- nominations, series, serials, quantities issued and those known to exist follows: We wish to thank the following SPMC members for col- laborating in this effort: A. P. "Del" Bertschy, David L. Levitt, H. S. "Monte" Sherwin, and Louis Van Belkum. City Bank Title Ch. # Denom. Series Serials Notes Known Appleton FNB 1749 $1 Orig. 1-2420 7260 yes Appleton FNB 1749 $2 Orig. 1-2420 2420 no Appleton Mft's NB 1820 $1 Orig. 1-2300 6900 no Appleton Mft's NB 1820 $2 Orig. 1-2300 2300 no Baraboo FNB 2079 $1 Orig. 1-1500 4500 yes Baraboo FNB 2079 $2 Orig. 1-1500 1500 no Baraboo FNB 2079 $1 1875. 1- 140 420 no Baraboo FNB 2079 $2 1875. 1- 140 140 no Beaver Dam NB of B.D. 851 $1 Orig. 1-1000 3000 no Beaver Dam NB of B.D. 851 $2 Orig. 1-1000 1000 no Beloit Beloit NB 836 $1 Orig. 1- 960 2880 no Beloit Beloit NB 836 $2 Orig. 1- 960 960 no Berlin FNB 400 $1 Orig. 1- 900 2700 yes Berlin FNB 400 $2 Orig. 1- 900 900 no Boscobel FNB 1771 $1 Orig. 1-1500 4500 no Boscobel FNB 1771 $2 Orig. 1-1500 1500 no Brodhead ' FNB 1710 $1 Orig. 1-1400 4200 no Brodhead FNB 1710 $2 Orig. 1-1400 1400 no Burlington FNB 1993 $1 Orig. 1-1780 5340 yes Burlington FNB 1993 $2 Orig. 1-1780 1780 no Chippewa Falls FNB 2125 $1 Orig. 1-1420 4260 yes Chippewa Falls FNB 2125 $2 Orig. 1-1420 1420 no De Pere FNB 2133 $1 Orig. 1- 800 2400 no De Pere FNB 2133 $2 Orig. 1- 800 800 no Eau Claire FNB 2069 $1 Orig. 1-1900 5700 no Eau Claire FNB 2069 $2 Orig. 1-1900 1900 no Evansville FNB 1729 $1 Orig. 1-1500 4500 no Evansville FNB 1729 $2 Orig. 1-1500 1500 no Fond du Lac FNB 555 $1 Orig. 1-5400 16200 no Fond du Lac FNB 555 $2 Orig. 1-5400 5400 no Fend du Lac FNB 555 $1 1875. 1- 360 1080 no Fond du Lac FNB 555 $2 1875. 1- 360 360 no Fort Atkinson FNB 157 $1 Orig. 1-3000 9000 no Fort Atkinson FNB 157 $2 Orig. 1-3000 3000 no Fox Lake FNB 426 $1 Orig. 1-5000 15000 no Fox Lake FNB 426 $2 Orig. 1-5000 5000 no Grand Rapids FNB 1998 $1 Orig. 1-1800 5400 no Grand Rapids F NB 1998 $2 Orig. 1-1800 1800 yes Green Bay FNB 874 $1 Or ig. 1-3240 9720 no Green Bay FNB 874 $2 Orig. 1-3240 3240 no Janesville Rock Co. NB 749 $1 Orig. 1-3000 9000 no Janesville Rock Co. NB 749 $2 Orig. 1-3000 3000 no Janesville Rock Co. NB 749 $1 1875. 1- 260 780 no Janesville Rock Co. NB 749 $2 1875. 1- 260 260 no La Crosse La Crosse NB 2344 $1 1875. 1-3000 9000 yes La Crosse La Crosse NB 2344 02 1875. 1-3000 3000 yes Madison FNB 144 $1 Orig. 1- 140 420 no Madison FNB 144 $2 Orig. 1- 140 140 yes Manitowoc FNB 852 $1 Orig. 1-1500 4500 no Manitowoc FNB 852 $2 Orig. 1-1500 1500 no Menasha NB of Menasha 1714 $1 Orig. 1-1660 4980 no Menasha NB of Menasha 1714 $2 Orig. 1-1660 1660 no Monroe FNB 230 $1 Orig. 1-3000 9000 no Monroe FNB 230 $2 Orig. 1-3000 3000 no Racine FNB 457 $1 Orig. 1-3000 9000 no Racine FNB 457 $2 Orig. 1-3000 3000 no Racine Mft's NB 1802 $1 Orig. 1-2500 7500 no Racine Mft's NB 1802 $2 Orig. 1-2500 2500 no Sheboygan FNB 2123 $1 Orig. 1-1500 4500 no Sheboygan FNB 2123 $2 Orig. 1-1500 1500 no Sparta FNB 1115 $1 Orig. 1-2400 7200 no Sparta FNB 1115 $2 Orig. 1-2400 2400 yes Whitewater FNB 124 $1 Orig. 1-3000 9000 yes Whitewater FNB 124 $2 Orig. 1-3000 3000 yes Whitewater FNB 124 $1 1875. 1-1000 3000 yes Whitewater FNB 124 $2 1875. 1-1000 1000 no Note : Only 33 different National Banks of which only six different $1s and five $2s in are the state of Wisconsin known to exist. had $1s and $2s issued to them, * Oddly enough, there are in existence two #1 notes on the First National Bank of Chippewa Falls. They are from positions A and C and are signed by Thomas L. Habbert, president, and V. W. Bayless, cashier. First Nation tlItank- it Fr. #389, The First National Bank of Grand Rapids, Charter 1998, Original Series. First Na tional Bank • Vt .0.101171 sw. Nat MAN Xi/7k/ 7 , / /7,7 / //, /7, '7 411ZIEZUDIZEMElk _ge.-<...945.....t.t.p_s_Atitto..tert..4...ft.gteet,-e-Lettest.4 4 4 ' // L E IT KNOWN, t sty. u &,6;16P4: 6 f 66,6,64, an:,. li/r/ il■rea, rF ism 4 I `1:, I"' °"' 14•'" ryr,,P'7'"'"/ au+ ..0,:Ve , .rdd eVA ‘y terp, e/6, nt, rm.! rnn, 66.4 ,6 A f 411"4* a. 6. et-,/2 ; 2-5,(ez,!6,0„ Paper Money PAGE 73WHOLE NO. 62 Fr. #382, The First National Bank of Appleton, Wis- consin, Allison & Spinner. Fr. #387, The First National Bank of Whitewater, Charter 124, Original Series. Fr. #389, The First National Bank of Madison, Charter 144, Original Series. Fr. #391, The La Crosse National Bank, Charter 2344. The rare 1875 Series. 1791 RHODE ISLAND U.S. LOAN OFFICE NOTE PERFECT CONDITION FOR TRADE Will accept best offer in RARE or UN- USUAL Rhode Island obsoletes, $1000 de- nomination obsoletes, Santa Claus obso- letes, or unusual historical vignettes on obsolete notes. ROGER H. DURAND P. 0. BOX 171, REHOBOTH, MASS. 02769 VALTIOKONTTORI STATSKONTORET 1871-1975 Q80 worm FtwA1 D PAGE 74 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money FIJI—New simplified 1, 2, 5, 10 dollar note designs reading only FIJI in- stead of Government of Fiji. Each bears the Annigoni potrait of Queen Eliza- beth and a watermark with an unknown man's portrait. Back consists of sim- plistic geometric designs. Printed by De La Rue. WORLD NEWS AND NOTES FINLAND—M o r e syngraphics o n stamps: Issued Jan. 9, 1976 a com- memorative marking the centenary of the founding of the State Treasury which acts both as a central bank and a tax collection agency. The stamp design reproduces the upper portion of a state debenture with its elaborate lathework (guilloches). ITALY—Two new notes introduced Dec. 1 5, 1975. The Treasury released a redesigned 500 lire Biglietto di Stato a Corso Legale, dated Feb. 14, 1974, printed on a higher grade watermarked security paper than the previous issue. Winged head of Italia on front, mythical figure riding Pegasus on back. The Bank of Italy released a 2,000 lire de- nomination (first in history) showing Galileo and the cathedral and Leaning Tower at Pisa. SOMALIA—Released Dec. 1975 were 5 and 10 shilling watermarked notes. The violet and blue 5 sh. shows zebras and wildebeest on the front and banana harvesting on the back. The green and pink 10 sh. has a tower on the front and boatbuilding on the back. SUDAN—Siege notes of Gen. Charles Gordon: Franz Frankl (SPMC 4570) has found an illustration of an unlisted note in a German history text "Propy- laen World History" (Welt Geschicte) Vol. 9, by Prof. Han Heinrich Schaeder, University of Berlin, 1937. In a chapter on "The Islamic World Since the 18th Century" this Arabic inscription note is shown in black and white with the translation thus: Five Piaster Government Currency number 14510. This amount will be accepted and redeemed by the state bank in Khartoum or Cairo 6 months after this date 25th April 1884. Gordon Pascha (seal), signed C. G. Gordon. Mr. Frankl will welcome further information on this note. In Review WORLD LITERATURE NETHERLANDS—Another stamp with a syngraphic motif was issued Feb. 3, 1976. It commemorates 250 years of the National Lottery. Designed by Jolijn van de Wouw of Amsterdam, it shows an 18th century lottery ticket. That ticket bears the inscription "Luck is better than skill" and pictures Lady Luck. PHILIPPINES—Two-peso note rein- troduced Dec. 24, 1975 uses the native (Pilipino) language exclusively. Face portrays Jose Rizal; back shows raising of the republican flag June 12, 1898 on balcony of Aguinaldo's mansion. Water- mark has left-facing bust of Rizal. Bank of France Note Catalog—"Les billets de la banque de France" (Bank Notes of the Bank of France) has been compiled by Maurice Muszynski, Cler- mont-Ferrand, France. Laws pertaining to the operation of the Bank of France are cited back to Feb. 13, 1800, par- ticularly in reference to the issuance of bank notes. Evaluation of notes are described, uniface notes mentioned, use of color, off-set methods of printing and use of printed signatures. There are 120 pages in the hard cover volume, written in the French language. Repre- sentative notes are illustrated throughout the book. Signatures appearing on notes of the Bank of France are listed, from 1800 to date, under the headings of secretaries, cashiers a n d controllers. Numbering systems followed on the notes are also explained by Muszynski. Listed are notes currently redeemable by the Bank of France, and those considered obsolete. Price of the volume is about $20. It is available from Muszynski at Appartement 132-1.L.M. Lavoisier, Rue de Nohanent, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France. Italian Catalogs—In the Italian lan- guage but available from Edward A.. Jen- cius, 8011 Third A v e., Brooklyn, NY 11209: CATALOGO DELLA CARTA- MCNETA D'OCCUPAZIONE E DI LIB- ERAZIONE DEI PARTIGIANI E DIE CAMPI DI PRIGIONIA (Seconda Guerra Mondiale). By Gastone Sollner. 185 pages, illustrated, soft covers. Asti, Italy, 1975. Occupation, liberation, partisan and prison camp paper money of the second world war are covered in this revised second edition. Described, illustrated and priced (in lira) are hundreds of types of the special currency necessitated by the conflict. CARTAMONETA ITALIANA D A L 1746 Al GIORNI NOSTRI. Edited by G. Di Cicca. 456 pages, illustrated, soft covers. Asti, Italy. This is the fifth edition of the stan- dard Italian catalog of that country's paper money. Regular and special issues from the mid-18th century to the present are de- scribed, pictured and priced. For the specialist. Turista on Paper Money? Ernest Wilkens has noted an article in the New York Times "Travel and Resort" section of June 1, 1975 on "Combating the Miseries of Turista" which includes information of special interest to syngraphists. Turista, an intestinal upset often suffered by trav- elers in lands where sanitation and hy- giene standards are less than adequate, has been researched by the University of Louisville School of Medicine. The scientists there analyzed Mexican coins and notes, finding that 13.3% of 150 coins bore bacteria of a type linked to intestinal infections. A whopping 42% of the notes was similarly indicted. numismatica {uniarica The 1916 Overstamping of Montenegrin State Notes by the Austrian-Hungarian By DR. MICHAEL KUPA Monarchy D ESPITE the vitally important economic and politicalrelations between Montenegro and the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, World War I found the Montenegrins fighting a losing battle on the side of the Allies. After the fall of important fortified areas in December 1915 and January 1916, the Central Powers occupied the entire country. King Nikita fled first to Italy and then to France, with the government also taking refuge in the latter country. Occupied Montenegro was governed by the Austrian- Hungarian monarchy which established the provisional "K.u.K. MILITAR GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT IN MONTENEGRO" and created seven military KREISKOM- MANDO (District Commands) as follows : Cetinje, Ipek, Kolasin, Niksic, Plevlje, Podgorica and Staribar. In the middle of 1916 the Austrian-Hungarian admini- stration ordered that the Montenegrin state notes be Paper Money validated by an official control stamp to avoid any sub- sequent importation of such currency and to restrict in this way the amount of circulating paper money. (Regu- lation No. 9 of 16 June 1916, appeared in Verordnungs- blatt der K.u.K. Militfirverwaltung in Montenegro, 2 St. dated at 27 June 1916, Centinje, p. 6.) The round stamp with a diameter of 50 mm. bears in its center the new state arms of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy surrounded by the legend "K.u.K. MILITAR GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT IN MONTENEGRO" and "KREISKOMMANDO" and the place name below; the border of the frame bears an ornamental design to discourage counterfeiting. The overstamping was executed by the Military Treasury Offices of the District Commands in lilac, red or black on the so-called second and third issues of the Montenegrin state notes which were put into circulation by the Law of 25 July 1914 in a sum of five million Perpers and printed by the State Printing Works in Cetinje. The state notes were overstamped on both sides. The second issue was put into circulation on 25 July 1914 in a size of 155 by 107 mm. in four series—A, B, V, and G in the Cyrillic alphabet—on brownish-white thick paper. The third issue on white, thinner paper was in three sizes: 135 x 98 mm. (1, 2 and 5 Perpers) ; 158 x 104 mm. (10 and 20 Perpers) ; 186 x 110 mm. (50 and 100 Perpers). The second series consists of 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Perpers denominations. There are differences in the stamps caused by variations in the size of the place names or by use of capital and small letters in those place names, as follows: Cetinje 11 or 16 mm. Niksic 11 or 14 mm. Podgorica 13 mm but PODGORICA 13 or 17 mm. Stari Bar 11 mm. but STARI BAR 16 mm. There are no variations in the stamps of Ipek, Kolasin, and Plevlje. Known are overstamped Montenegrin state notes which have on the one side a shorter and on the other side a longer version of the place names and inversely of the mentioned variations. Well known in collector circles is a third issue one Perper state note with the stamp of K.u.K. MILITAR GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT IN SERBIEN BEZI- RKSKOMMANDO BELGRAD, which was overstamped by error in Serbia. Other stamps, especially "Steuer u. Zollamt Kolasin", "Cetinje", etc. are not official but only bogus items. The Montenegrin coins, struck without exception by the Mint at Vienna, remained in circulation without any counterstamping for their entire values. According to the Regulation No. 8 of 16 June 1916, the value of one paper Perper was fixed to a rate of 50 Montenegrin Paras in coin or 50 Austrian-Hungarian Hellers. The Austrian-Hungarian coins and bank notes were declared to be legal tender, too (Verordnungsblatt der k.u.k. Militarverwaltung in Montenegro, St. 2. 27 June 1916. Cetinje, p. 5). The Austrian-Hungarian administration announced a new type of Perper note in May 1917 to replace the worn- out Montenegrin state notes and which were to be blacked by the Montenegrin coins. The withdrawn old paper money was deposited in the Military Treasury Offices. So the entire quantity of the overstamped Montenegrin state notes survived for collectors and are therefore easy to obtain. STATESMEN ON HUNGARIAN PAPER MONEY By Dr. Michael Kupa Budapest, Hungary Ferenc Deak - The "Sage of the Country" Although the concessions granted by the Hapsburgs in October, 1860 were meant to satisfy Hungarian aspira- tions, nonetheless the Hungarian national movement grew. Ferenc Deak came to the forefront of Hungarian political life at this time and demanded that the dynasty sanction the laws passed in 1848. In fact, Deak's course was a middle-of-the-road stand because he disapproved both the Hapsburg attempts at absolutism and the Hungarian extreme position of 1849 for the dethrone- ment of the Hapsburgs. After the defeat at KOniggratz, Deak did not exploit this advantage politically. On 7th February 1867 a com- promise was made with the dynasty. At Deak's sugges- tion, the emperor appointed Gyula Andrassy prime mini- ster of Hungary and on 8th June 1867 Francis Joseph was crowned king of Hungary. Deak's bust appeared on the 10 Pengo notes of the Hungarian National Bank dated 1st March 1926 as well as those of 1st February 1929. The first was done by the Hungarian graphists Ferenc Lesch, Endre Horvath and Zoltan Egri; the second by Almos Jaschik and Kalman Mosko. Both were printed by the Hungarian Note Printing Office in Budapest. WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 75 PAGE 76 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money PAPER MONEY MARKET REPORT action at auction (All descriptions and summaries are taken from the auctioneer's publications.) Stanley Gibbons Auctions, Sale of Sept. 3, 1975, Lon- don, England. (Continued from PM No. 61) Somali Coast: Bank of Indo China, 1,000 Francs, "Tresor Public", Djibouti 1952 issue, perforated "Specimen" No. 0005. UNC 80 58 —Ditto, 5,000 Francs, "Tresor Public", Diji- bouti 1952 issue, perforated "Specimen" No. 0005. UNC 165 130 Reunion: 1,000 Francs 'Department' issue, over- printed and perforated 'Specimen', No. 0163. (Pick 29). UNC 30 25 —Department, 100 Nouveaux Francs on 5,000 Francs, 1960 series, General Schoelcher type. No. 418. Good VF 75 58 GERMANY 50 Pfennig, 1 Mark and 5 Marks used aboard the German battleship 'Hindenburg' dated 20.2.1919. Scarce in this condition. UNC 135 115 Reichsbank, 2 Million Marks, 23.7.1923, over- printed "Muster" (Specimen). EF 14 10 —1 Million and 2 Million Marks, 9.8.1923, over- printed "Muster" (Specimen). EF 18 13 —10 Millard Marks, 1.10.1923, No. 104662, over- printed "Muster". (Pick 117). EF 28 31 —20 Millard Marks 1.10.1923, No. 025776, over- printed "Muster" (Specimen). (Pick 118). EF 22 15 — 100 Marks, 24.6.1935 (Pick 183a). No. 000000, overprinted "Muster" (Specimen) EF 65 54 —10 Reichsmarks, 22.1.29 issue, the photo- reproduced 1945 type. (Pick 188), Serial No. 02776733. Heavy creasing, otherwise good F 65 54 — 100 Reichsmarks, 24.6.1935 issue, the photo- reproduced 1945 type. (Pick 190). Serial No. 7396475. Hole cancelled, otherwise nearly VF 115 80 Stadt Stuttgart "Emergency issue", 5 and 20 Reichsmarks, 1st May 1945, UNC 19 13 Buchenwald Camp Rm. — .50 (50 pfennig) canteen note. handstamped "SS - Ko. Rottle- berode No. 2474. Scorch marks around edges, otherwise VF 35 38 —2 Reichsmarks `S.S.' Canteen Note, 1944. No. 93366. EF 40 30 —3 Reichsmarks `S.S.' Canteen Note, 1944. No. 58424. EF 40 30 Ravensbruck Concentration Camp, 1 Reichs- mark, on thin card with triangular 'Guts- cheine' handstamp. Nearly EF 30 46 —1 Reichsmark, on thin paper, Triangular `Gutscheine' handstamp. Good VF 30 20 —1 Reichsmark, circular handstamp showing eagle and swastika. VF 35 46 Federal Republic, 10 Dm. 1948 series (Pick 5), cancelled serial No. 3895269 in red, also overprinted "Muster" (Specimen). UNC 100 75 Bank Deutsche Lander, 10 Dm. 1949 series (Pick 16) with cancelled serial No. 5166382, also overprint "Muster (Specimen). UNC 28 23 Federal Republic: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 Marks, 2.1.1960 issue (Pick 18-24). Over- printed 'Muster/Specimen' and numbered 000000. UNC 325 290 German S.W. Africa: Swakopmunder Buch- handlung, 2 Marks, (Pick 15A). No. 18897 EF 75 64 GIBRALTAR Government, £5, 1st October 1927, No. 023742 ood F —£5, 1.10.1927, No. 28573 "Currency Note Ordinance 1927" (Pick 13). Some creasing. Good F. —£1, 1.6.1942 (Pick 15b). Centre crease, other- wise VF 28 22 40 27 21 17 GREAT BRITAIN (TREASURY NOTES) 10/- Bradbury (T1) No. 240902. Good F 30 20 £1 Bradbury, 1st Issue, seven digit serial num- ber 0024525; also £1 Bradbury (T14), 10/- Warren Fisher (T27). F 30 35 World Paper Money (Prices in pounds sterling) FAROE ISLANDS Est. 1 Kroner, dated 9.11.1940. (Pick 9). EF 28 21 10 Kroner, Pick 14, 50 Kroner, Pick 17 and 100 Kroner, Pick 16. All dated Law 12.4.1949. UNC 32 24 100 Kroner, gray/green, 12.4.1949. No. 362301 (Pick 15a). EF 115 80 FIJI 12 1/2 cents, No. 309 dated Sept. 1st 1873, with pen-cancelled hand signature. In good condi- tion for this issue. Rare. Good F 85 74 Government, 5/- King George VI dated 1.3.1937. Scarce early date. (Pick 24). Some creasing otherwise VF 28 30 --£1, dated 1.1.1941, early date, No. 81444 (Pick 26). Good F 40 29 —10 Pounds, blue, King George VI, dated 1.9.1948. No. 50913. (Pick 28). Rare F. 235 200 FINLAND 20 Markka, dark green, 1898. (Pick 5). Fair 15 13 FRANCE & COLONIES Banque d'Emission d'Arras, Decree 18 October 1870 (no denomination), unissued, VF 50 34 Poiters et la Vienne, Chamber of Commerce 50 centimes, October 1915, overprinted 'Specimen'. Nearly EF 14 10 1,000 Francs `Tresor Central' (Toy 16), issued 4.6.1945. No. 749811. Good F 35 27 5,000 Francs, Type 1959 (Pick 66). No. 93482. VF 45 34 Allied Military Currency: 2 Francs, Series 1944 `Tricolour' type 1, perforated 'Specimen'. EF 50 38 —50 Francs, Series 1944, 'Tricolour' type 1, No. 000000, perforated 'Specimen'. UNC 65 48 —50 Francs, Series 1944, Type 2, No. 300418. Perforated 'Specimen'. UNC 65 48 Guadeloupe: Caisse Centrale, 1,000 and 5,000 Francs, perforated 'Specimen' No. 000, 1960 series. (Pick 39 and 40). EF 185 140 Guiana: "5 Nouveaux" overprinted on 500 Francs. 1961 issue, perforated "Specimen" No. 0157. UNC 80 64 Indo-China: 1 Piastre, Saigon, Decrete, 3.4.- 1901, No. 267. (Pick 5). Nearly EF 75 58 Martinique: 10 Francs, Caisse Centrale, with red 'Martinique' overprint, 2.2.1944 issue. (Pick 23). Good VF 18 13 Morocco: 50 Francs, 1.8.1943 (Toy No. 89). Good F 15 11 New Caledonia: 50 centimes, 1, 2 and 20 Francs, 1943 issue. (Pick 38-41). Good VF 32 21 New Hebrides: 5 Francs, 'Cross of Lorraine' type, No. 10065. (Toy No. 108). Good VF 50 38 Oceania: 1 Franc, 7.4.1942, Cross of Lorraine and hand with torch. (Pick 8). F 20 16 Overseas Territories: 5 and 20 Francs, Caisse Centrale De La France D'Outre-Mer (Pick 15A, 17B). 2.2.1944 Series. Good F 30 24 ,e/1", il//4 /of; re,/ :/,.?//// fif st 4/, e VIA) Paper Money GREAT BRITAIN (BANK OF ENGLAND) £1 'Promise to Pay Henry Hase', dated 2nd Aug. 1809, serial No. 912 (B75). A very rare note, and in this condition practically un- obtainable. GVF 375 250 £1 'Promise to pay Henry Hase', dated 30th Apr. 1821, No. 57363. (This note was part of the hoard discovered by a Bank official during a time of acute crisis for the Bank, and in fact saved the Bank). 4 folds, otherwise EF 175 110 £500 E. M. Harvey (B208) No. 11092, dated 15.2.1923. A rare and interesting denomination, which seldom appears on the market. VF 1800 1250 £1,000, C. P. Mahon (B-217) No. 09988, dated 15th May, 1925: Another rare note, good VF 3500 3600 £5 K. 0. Peppiatt 'Specimen', No. 000000 5.12.1944 (B246). Small ink mark, otherwise good F 135 110 10/- L. K. O'Brien 'Specimen', No. 000000 (B252). VF 90 68 £1 L. K. O'Brien, without serial numbers, Bank orange crayon checking mark through Queen's portrait. (Series B258 to B260). VF 10 16 GREAT BRITAIN (BRITISH MILITARY AUTHORITY) `Specimen' set of 5 comprising the 6d., 1/-, 2/6d., 10/- and £1; all with 'Specimen' in red on top and bottom of note, and numbered 000000. VF/EF 95 80 GREAT BRITAIN (ENGLISH PRIVATE BANKS) Bicester & Oxfordshire Bank, £10, 18th March 1916. "Paid" cancellation dated 7th Feb. 1934. Interesting endorsements and examination stamps. (Provincial notes of the 20th Century are rare and in great demand). good F 150 85 Lewes Old Bank, £5, 4th Sept. 1868. Over- stamped 'Bank of England H', with Queen Victoria' portrait Revenue stamp. F 25 52 Moore & Robinson's Nottinghamshire Banking Co. Ltd.; 'Specimen'. £50, (high denomination provincial notes are very scarce). UNC 95 58 Pontefract Bank, £5, 6th Feb. 1905, "Promise to pay Percy Wood." No. H 5206; West Riding Bank £5, 1st June 1899 No. B9998. (These Banks owned by Leatham Tew and Company, who founded West Riding Bank in 1800. Business acquired by Barclays in June 1906), both notes are very rare. VF 175 155 Weymouth Old Bank, £5, 18-, Eliot Pearce & Eliot. Printing Plates, Copper, Obverse and Reverse. Neither plate has been cancelled; (lot includes a wrapper showing printed example of note) Good VF 125 95 GREAT BRITAIN (JERSEY) £1, Q.E.II `Annigoni' type, Pick 8, with Trea- surer's signature omitted. VF GREAT BRITAIN (SCOTLAND) East Lothian Banking Co., £1, 1.11.1821 (hand- signed by William Borthwick, who absconded with £21,000 and was never caught). VF 18 13 Greenock Bank Company, £20 and £5, unis- sued 18— with counterfoils. Printed by Kirk- wood and Sons. EF 85 58 The Bank Of Scotland, £100, 18— beautifully- engraved colour trial, Bradbury Wilkinson. UNC 75 64 —One Guinea, 1st May 1818. 39/330. Beauti- fully-engraved by W. K. Lizars of Edinburgh. Notes of this bank (which is Scotlands' oldest bank) are very difficult to obtain of this period. GF 120 84 —£1 12th April 1883, Perkins and Bacon. Handwritten signature of the Teller. (Notes of The Bank of Scotland issued in the 19th Century are V. Rare). good F. AW 125/38 42 30 —£1 'Specimen', (2) with printed signature of the Secretary, J. F. Stormonth Darling (period 1885). (First type introduced to combat forgery, and was in fact, unsuccessful; second one eventually adopted). A very rare and interesting pair. UNC 250 185 The British Linen Company, 1 Guinea 1st Sept 1815, No. 60-71041. (Issued same year as the battle of Waterloo). A hard note to find in any condition. EF 150 105 The Caledonian Banking Company, £1, 15th May 1876. G 63/309 with overprint The Cale- donian Banking Coy Limited'. Engraved by W. A. K. Johnston. (The Bank operated from 1838 until 1907, when it was taken over by the Bank of Scotland), a note of great rarity. F 220 110 The Commercial Bank Of Scotland Ltd.; £1, 14 15 blue and yellow, 3rd Jan. 1889, 14H 30/55, two handwritten signatures, printed by Brad- bury Wilkinson, centre fold otherwise EF, very rare note 250 145 —£1, 31st Oct. 1924, 'Specimen' colour trial by Waterlow & Sons Ltd.; in brown and red. (First note of this type seen by us). UNC (together with normal issued note No. 270659) 175 120 —£1, Perkins, Bacon, 11th Nov. 1882, AZ 126/ 275 handsigned. Very rare note GF 150 90 The North Of Scotland Bank Ltd., £1, 3rd Oct. 1903 No. AT 38/30. Overprinted 'The North Of Scotland and Town and County Bank Ltd. in which is incorporated The North Of Scotland Bank Limited, in red, handsigned, a very rare note. F 150 90 GREECE 100 Drachma, 31.3.1954, black oval cancel `Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd/No Value', and 'No. 1' (Pick 170). Slight glue mark on 110 120 right edge, otherwise EF WHOLE NO. 62 PACE 77 PAGE 78 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62 GREENLAND Rikissjodur Islands, 1 Krona, 18.9.1885/12.1.- 1900. (Pick 17). F National Bank, "Specimen" 5, 25 and 1,000 Kronur (1957-61 series). Perforated "Cancelled 099". UN National Bank, 'Specimen' 5, 10, 25 Kronor, 21.6.1957 (Pick 37-39), also Sedlabanki 100 and 1,000 Kronor 29.3.1961 (Pick 44, 46), all 'Speci- mens' overprinted in red/perf. 'Cancelled', hole cancelled and No. 000000. UNC 25 Ore, Copenhagen 1905 (Pick 4). Good F Royal Danish Trading Co. (from 1953), 5, 10 and 50 Kroner, perforated 'Specimen' and overprinted `Annulleret'. UNC Comite Bancario de Guatemala, 1 Peso, law of 3rd August 1899. Good F Banco de Occidente, 5 Pesos, law of 15.1.1918, Waterlow & Sons, London printing. UNC 1, 5, 10 and 20 Dollars, 1966 issue (Pick 1-4), overprinted 'Specimen', perforated 'Specimen of no Value'. No. 000000. UNC Republique d'Haiti, 10 gourdes, law of 16th April 1827. EF Government, $1 overprint on 1941 Bank of China 5 Yuan note, No. 161395. EF Mercantile Bank Ltd., 100 Dollars, 28.7.1964 (Pick C 7) nearly EF The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, 100 Dollars, 1.10.1946. F The Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China, 10 Dollars, 12th February 1948, centre crease. VF The Chartered Bank, 100 Dollars, 6.12.1956. F The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corpor- ation, 50 Dollars, 1.1.1934. F ICELAND GUATEMALA HONG KONG GUYANA HAITI 35 52 250 190 25 19 12 9 35 24 30 22 65 54 22 16 20 18 14 10 20 15 25 18 34 25 160 140 70 54 00 IRAN Imperial Bank of Persia, 1 Toman, 'payable at Teheran only', Waterlow & Sons No. 055523 (Pick 11). VF 45 29 Bank Melli, 500 Rials, 1941 issue, No. 576123 Centre crease, otherwise VF 65 54 20 Rials, 1951 issue (Pick 55), red oval cancel `Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd./ Cancelled', and 'No. 40'. Slight glue mark on reverse right edge, otherwise EF 45 34 100 Rials, 1953 issue (Pick 61), black oval can- cel `Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd/No Value', and `No. 49'. Hole cancelled, nearly EF 55 39 IRELAND Bank Of Ireland 30 shillings, 1836, also 1 Pound 20th Oct. 1916, two very interesting notes of different styles (Nos. DA 74312 and 160 - 71889). Poor to Good F 95 75 The National Bank, £3, proof on paper, 3rd April 1871, with attractive vignette of Hibernia and harp in centre, and 'from this' written in pencil over signature area. Some marks on reverse, otherwise good VF 75 64 ITALY Roman Republic: Banco di S. Spirito di Roma, 99 Scudi, 12.1.1786, scarce, good VF 35 31 -"Assegnati" for 2 and 7 Paoli, 1798/9. VF 28 21 Venetian Republic: Banco Giro di Venezia, 10, 50 and 100 Ducati, October 1798, some slight staining, otherwise nearly EF 45 44 Kingdom of Italy: 20 Lire, Bigletto Consorziale, Legge 30.4.1874. Poor 55 48 -100 Lire, Bigletto Consorziale, Legge 30.4- 1874, R5. F 265 240 Banco Romana, 25 Lire, Decreto 1.3.1883. Fair 40 34 Banco di Napoli, 25 Lire, Decreto 1st March 1883, rare, F 180 150 W.W.II Civilian Internment Camp Notes: 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 Lire, issued at Rieti, with circular Camp handstamp, scarce. VF 38 20 W.W.II P.O.W. Camp Notes: 0.50, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 Lire, issued at Verona, oval handstamp in violet, scarce set. VF 40 20 W.W.II Civilian Internment Camp Notes: p.50, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Lire, 'Star of David' and circular Camp handstamps. Scarce. VF 100 50 Allied Military Currency: 1 Lira Series 1943, No. 470856 A, 'replacement' note, perforated `Specimen'. UNC 50 38 -50 Lire, Series 1943 A, No. 642957 A. 're- placement' note, perforated 'Specimen'. UNC 70 54 Italian Somaliland: 5 Somalis, 1951 issue (Pick 16), overprinted 'Specimen' in red. EF 60 44 JAMAICA INDIA Bank of Bengal, Pay Order dated 21.12.1866 (from Hyderabad Branch to Head Office at Calcutta), for 10,000 Rupees. Paper water- marked with the British Royal coat of arms; also 5 Anna 'Hundi' note showing the Head of Queen Victoria. VF 18 12 "Hundee" notes K.G.V (4), with Revenue and Bank stamps. F 15 9 Bikaneer Bills of Exchange (4), + Hyderabad Bill (1), all with duty stamps. F 20 13 Hyderabad, 5 Rupees, Waterlow & Sons, 1918/ 19 issue (Pick R 14). Good F 32 24 INDONESIA 25 Rupiah, 1952 'Specimen' (Pick 44b). EF 20 15 Government, £1, K.G.VI (Pick 41), 30.11.1942, No. 91209. Good F 50 38 -5/- King George VI (Pick 37), 2.1.1948 Good F 18 13 JAPAN Allied Military Currency: 10 and 20 Yen, "A" Type, Series 100, scarce. F 45 37 Occupation of China: 'Specimen' 100 Yen (lilac underprint) (Pick M21) and 100 Yen (pale yellow-green underprint). EF 125 140 Occupation of Malaya: 5 and 10 Dollars (Pick 23A, 24A), Nos. MA666673, MA682536. F 25 19 Occupation of Sumatra: 5 Roepiah, Plate letters in red 'S.M.' (Toy SUM 23). UNC 21 15 (To be continued) WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 79Paper Money TYPE COLLECTING-U.S. PAPER CURRENCY By PAUL H. JOHANSEN (Continued from No. 60) $20 Large Hessler TYPES OF U.S. CURRENCCY-mid-1861 to date Cataloger's Numbers Friedberg Donlon 1 DN Curved, "ON DEMAND" above head of "Liberty", standing-c, flanked lla-14a 820A T1-820N T1 700A-D by curved "UNITED across "2"-1, and "STATES" across "o"-r, near shoulders. "TWENTY"-1, and "DOLLARS"-r across ornaments, waist high. "20" high-l&r. "for the" is handwritten. B. "20"-e, in shield upon ornate, note-length field 2 "for the" is printed. B. Same 11-15 T2-820N T2 700A-D 3 LT Similar to Type 1, except "ON DEMAND" removed and sm red seal 124 120-1 T1 701 added low-re. B. "20"-l&r flank Inscription-Convertibility-c 4 Same. B. Convertibility reference omitted 125, 126 T2, T3 701a, 702 5 Hamilton far-lc. "20"-c, above "TWENTY DOLLARS", both impinging 127 120- 4 703 lg sp red seal low-le. "Victory" far-r. B. "XX"-1; "20"-r, flank Inscrip- tion-Warning-c, all upon ornate, note-length field containing more than 200 "xx's" and "20's" 6 Sm red seal with rays lower-r. Faint "XX"-1&r of "20" high-c. B. Verti- 128, 129 5, 7 704, 705 cal, oval ornament-c. Inscription-Warning-lc. Open field-re 7 Same as Type 6, except "XX's" removed. Lg brown seal low-re. Blue 130-132, 138, 139 120- 8-10B, 14, 15B 706-708, 714, 715 serials. B. Same 8 Lg red seal low-re. B. Same 133-135 10R-13 709-711 136, 137 135, 14S9 Lg sp red seal low-re. B. Same 712, 713 10 Sm sc red seal-r. B. Same 140-145 15R-23 716-721 11 Red serials. B. Same 146, 147 28, 30 722, 723 12 IBN "Victory" high-le. "TWENTY DOLLARS"-e. Lincoln far, low-re. Mortar 197 920 1Y 727 low-c. Seal far, high-r. B. Inscription-Warning-c, across faint, background "XX" in note-length, diamond-shaped ornament surmounting ornate field 13 NBN First Charter. Battle of Lexington far-I. Bank-c, above "TWENTY 424-429 A320- 1-4 728-731 DOLLARS" low-c. Red seal-re, impinging upon "Columbia" leading pro- cession. B. Baptism of Pocahontas-c, with Inscription above, Warning below 14 Sc red seal-r. B. Same 431-439 5-17 732-740 493-506 B320- 9T1-215 Second Charter, 1st issue. Brown seal-re. B. Charter no. on green orna- 9 - 2T1 741-754 ment, brown field-c. Inscription above, Warning below 16 Second Charter, 2nd issue. Blue seal-re. B. Eagles far-l&r on green. 549-557 14T2-24T2 755-763 "1882-.1908"-c in open field with Inscription above, Warning below 17 Second Charter, 3rd issue. Same. B. "TWENTY DOLLARS"-c, in lieu 580-585 17T3-28T3 764-772 of year dates. 18 Third Charter, 1st issue. McCullough far-1. Bank-c, above "TWENTY 647-649 C320- 20T1-22T1 773-775 DOLLARS" low-c. Se red seal lower-re. B. Feminine figure far-l. Capitol in background. Inscription lower border-1. Remainder of field open 19 Third Charter, 2nd issue. Se blue seal lower-re. B. "1902 - 1908" high-c 639-646a 20T2-28T2 776-784 in field 20 Third Charter, 3rd issue. Same. B. Year dates omitted 650-663a 20T3-34T3 785-798a 21 CIN Similar to Type 12, except with gold overprint "COMPOUND INTEREST, 191 920C 725, 726 TREASURY NOTE, 20". B. "20"-1&r flanks table of redemption values 22 GC Eagle on shield far-1. "GOLD"-c. "20" high-r. B. "20"-l&re, on note- 1166b Page 153 827a length field flank eagle-c, within circular double ornament. 23 Garfield far-re. Brown seal-re. "20" far, upper-I. "TWENTY DOLLARS", 1174-1176 620, 9, 10 828-831 "IN", 2 lines, above "GOLD COIN". B. "GOLD" high c, above poised eagle portraying completion of Atlantic cable, 1858. "20" far-lc. Open field-l&r 24 Lg brown seal-s. B. Same 1177 14 832 25 Sm red seal-r. B. ame11 20 833 26 Washington-c. Sm red seal far-r. "IN GOLD COIN" below portrait, low-c. 1179, 1180 20A, 21 834, 835 B. "TWENTY DOLLARS" curved within double lines about Great Seal-c, above "GOLD CERTIFICATE", lower border-c 27 Similar to Type 26 with faint "XX" added-lc. "Washington, D.C.", across 1181-1186 620- 22-28 836-841 gold seal-re. B. Same as Type 26 28 5-line Inscription added across "XX"-lc. B. Same 1187 31 842 29 NGBN Similar to Type 13, except "GOLD BANK"-c, above "TWENTY DOL- 1152-1159b 320G- 1, 1A, 3-9 799-807 LARS" low-c, and "Redeemable in Gold Coin". B. Depicts gold coins 81-820-c. Inscription above, Warning below 30 SC Decatur far-re. Lg red seal high-c, partially impinged, low by "Twenty"-c, 305-307 220- 8 Tl-T4 808-812 above "SILVER DOLLARS". Faint, background "TWENTY" low-c. B. Sm Inscription high-c, arched above bold, almost note-length "SILVER" upon six ornaments. "Certificate" low-c 31 Lg brown seal high-c. "XX" replaces lower "TWENTY". B. Same 308 T5 813 32 Larger brown seal impinges "SILVER DOLLARS"-c. Background "XX" 309-311 8-10 814-816 now faint. B. Same 33 "XX" low-c, now omitted. Sm red seal low-c. B. Same 312 10A 817 34 Manning-c, flanked by "Agriculture"-I, and "Industry"-r. "TWENTY"-lc, 313 13LR 818 across lg sp red seal. "20" upper-re. "SILVER DOLLARS"-re. B. In- scription-c, upon double, overlapping diamond, all on elaborate, green, note-length field ,314, 315 14LB 15LB35 Lg brown seal upper-I. B. Same 819, 820 36 Sm red seal lower-r. B. Same 316 15SR 821 37 Same. B. Sm "20"-l&r of "TWENTY" across Inscription-c 317-320 15A-20 822-825 38 Similar to Type 37, 1g blue "XX" added-le. Blue seal. B. Same 321, 322 220- 27, 28 826, 827 39 CN Marshall upper-lc. "20"-c, above curved "TWENTY DOLLARS", "IN 372, 373 720- 14, 15 843, 844 COIN", 2 lines. Lg brown seal-re. B. "XX" in oval far-lc ; Inscription in oval far-re. Curving, double-lined, ornamental "TWENTY"-c, all on an ornate field 1802-1 TYPE ONE 1802-2 TYPE TWO 1870A-L FB20- 29A-L 2050A-2051K F20- 28 A-28A K 2052A-2053L 28B A-28C L 2054A-2057L 34 A-34C L 2304, 2305 H20- 34, 34A 2057A-2058L F20- 34C A-34D L 2059A-2064L 50 A-50E L 2065A-2066L 63 A-63A L 2067A- . 69 A- . . 845 846, 847 848A-L 849A1-L4 850F1-K3 925 852 Type I 852 Type II 851A-L 853A-854K 855A-856L 857A-860L# 857L, 858L 860A-861L 862A-867L 868A-869L 870A- . . 374 15A 375, 375a 15B-19 952-963 520- A35R-L35R 964-1011 A35-L38 T3 822-830 420- F28-K28B Hewitt 2402 G20- 28 PAGE 80 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62 40 Sm sc red seal far-re. B. Same 41 Same. B. Encircled Inscription within oval-c. Ornament far-lc ; "TWENTY" far-re. Open field-l&r, surmounted by "UNITED" high-1, and "STATES" high-r 42 FRN Cleveland-c, above "TWENTY DOLLARS". District seal-lc. Red seal-re. Forms of transportation far-l&r of open field. "TWENTY DOLLARS" low-c, above Inscription 43 Blue seal-re. B. Same 44 FRBN Cleveland far-lc. District Bank-c, above "TWENTY DOLLARS". Blue seal-re. B. Similar to Type 42 $20 Small 45 GC Jackson-c. "GOLD" Inscription, "CERTIFICATE", 5 lines, across gold seal-le. Lg "TWENTY"-rc. Obligation ". . IN GOLD COIN". B. "White House"-c, above "TWENTY DOLLARS" 46 NBN Jackson-c. Bank-lc, above "TWENTY DOLLARS". Lg "TWENTY" and Obligation across brown seal-re. B. Same 47 Sm brown charter nos. added near serials. B. Same 48 FRBN Jackson-c. District Bank-lc, above "TWENTY DOLLARS". Lg "TWENTY" and Obligation across brown seal-re. B. "White House"-c 49 FRN Jackson-c, above "WILL PAY TO BEARER ON DEMAND", "TWENTY DOLLARS", 2 lines. 4-line Inscription above District seal with no.-1c. Lg "TWENTY" across green seal-re. B. Same 50 Lettcr replaces no. in District seal-lc. B. Same 51 New Inscription omits reference to "gold". B. Same* 52 Brown seal-re. Vertical, black overprint "HAWAII" far-I &r. B. Double- lined overprint "HAWAII" across "White-House"-c 53 Same as Type 51. B. Structural and planting changes ; now "The White House"-e" 54 New, 3-line Inscription. Smaller "TWENTY" and seal-re. B. "The White House"-c 55 New, 2-line Inscription high-lc. Omit "WILL PAY TO BEARER ON DEMAND" below portrait. B. Motto added below "STATES", top-c 56 New Treasury Seal-re. B. Same (To be continued) It's in the Books — Excerpts from Dye's Counterfeit Detector, Judy, 1884 Edition COUNTERFEITS OF U. S. TREASURY NOTES Check Letters with * are poor or coarse counterfeits, like Photos, Lithos, Etchings or Pen-Work. Vignette. Vignette. Vignette. Vignette. 1862. Chase. 1862. Hamilton. 1862-3. Hamilton. 1862-3. Lincoln. 1875, Washington. 1875, Jefferson. 1875, Emigrant. 1875, Webster. Vignette. Vignette. Vignette. 1862-3. Liberty. 1862-3. Hamilton. 1862, 1875-8, Hamilton. 1869, Clay. Spread Eagle. Vignette. Vignette. 1869. 1862-3, Adams. Morris. 1862. Con- vertible 2d 1862, non do. Dates of $1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 $500 $1000 1862 "C A* *C 1862 II3* *D B* *D 1863 A B B A A D B C A C A C A C B B D B C A C A C B D B D C A A C D B D A B A B C C Series of 1875 1878 *D *D A* C *D C A* *C B* CD A* "C Et* "D B *D A B D Beware of United States Treasury Notes, or imitations of the same, of the series, denomination, and check letter given in the preceding table; they are counterfeited or counterfeits. The check letters with stars prefixed are those of poor counterfeits and not from engraved plates, being either photographs, lithographs, etchings, or pen work. United States Treasury Notes are printed four on a sheet and lettered respectively, A, B, C, or D. Each Note also bears a Treasury number—one of a series. On notes lettered A, this will be 1, or a number divided by four leaves one remainder; on notes lettered B, it is 2, or a number divided by four leaves two remainder ; on notes lettered C, it is 3, or a number divided by four leaves three remainder ; on notes lettered D, it is 4, or a number divided by four leaves no remainder. Divide the number by four; if the result differs from the foregoing, the note is counterfeit. If the results agree, the note may be counterfeit nevertheless, and reference must be made in such a case to the following: $5 D. Plate 14. Act of March 3, 1863. Series of 1875. Treasury number B8058120. John Allison, Register; A. U. Wyman, Treasurer. Printed both on plain paper, and on an imitation of localized fibre-paper, from a plate made by the old photographic process. The notes from this plate are about a quarter of an inch shorter than the genuine. The seal, Treasury numbers, and charter numbers, as well as the whole of the back were copied and appeared in black on the photograph; these were then tinted more or less by hand in attempted imitation of the colors of the genuine; the black can be seen under the tints, the tint on the seal is blotted and covers the white lines which appear in the genuine. Numbering blurred with color. On the back of note the tinting is badly done, often incomplete, and the whole note is off color. $5 A. Act of March 3, 1863. Series 1875. Treasury number B3420232. Plate 22. John Allison, Register; A. U. Wyman, Treasurer. Photograph. Printed on plain paper, coarse and heavy. Seal and cycloid work very pale. Numbering fair. Lathe-work on back, and in two counters on face, so blurred hardly a line can be seen. The green ink and red numbers are very good so far as the shade of color goes. The note on face has a blurred appearance and is very dark. Of the same length as the genuine. Not dangerous, but well calculated to deceive the inexperienced. (To be continued) Paper Money PAGE 81WHOLE NO. 62 Retail Pricing vs. Dealer Grading By BEN E. ADAMS HILE looking over the sales catalog of a well- known dealer in paper money, I was intrigued by the relationship of selling price, in lesser grades, to that of the same series in uncirculated. Accord- ing to my logic, this should be relative and uniform. Therefore, in a closer study, I took only those series which had a CU and at least one other grade in the same series and signature combinations. When I started, I thought the conclusions would be fairly clear-cut; was I mistaken! Since the results from the first dealer's price list were so strange, I took a second, with the same results, and then a third, etc. Again, the results were much the same. I avoided the publishers' catalogs, since the deal- ers' lists all seemed to carry notations, somewhere or other in them, to the effect that "This note catalogs at $125 in VF—our CU a steal at $70." My experience has shown that the catalog valuations are only useful to those coin dealers who occasionally have a note to sell, or to the collector who wants to judge the relative rarity between signature combinations. I went to more than one price list since I wanted to develop a formula for use in mail bids, where there are grades offered for which no corresponding recent retail values are available. This formula would, of course, not take into consideration unusual serial num- bers, pedigrees (ex-Grinnell, ex-Donlon, etc.) or other premium pricing factors. However, I found I was quite naive because of one factor which I thought had an influence on price, but apparently did not—grade. The results of these calculations are given here. They are based on an assigned value of 100% for those notes listed as uncirculated. Relationship of Grade a GRADE Crisp uncirculated About uncirculated Extra Fine Very Fine Fine Very Good Good TABLE I and Selling Price percentage) RANGE 100% 59%_83% 46%-80% 39%-48% 24%-40% 17%-27% 11%-18% (expressed as MIDPOINT 100% 71% 63% 43.5% 32% 22% 14.5% For the above tabulation more values were plotted in Extra Fine and About Uncirculated than all other grades. Pricewise, Very Fine does not seem to exist. Extra Fine has a very wide range as does About Uncirculated and both overlap depending on various lists used. (At this point, I am reminded of the dealer who advertised AU as "Average Used".) I also found that some deal- ers have a preponderance of AU notes with few EF, while others look upon AU as not existing. It would appear, therefore, that while my logic tells me the retail price of a note is equal to a percentage of the catalog price, it is in fact based on other factors. The retail price for a full-time dealer is equal to his purchase price plus overhead plus profit. You notice there is no mention of grade. From all this we must ask ourselves if grade is determined by price or is price determined by grade? "But the grade is in the pur- chase price!" you reply. "Don't you believe it", I re- ply. I once had a note in Extremely Fine (or is it Extra Fine? ) which was listed as "Rare" in a specific catalog in that grade. A dealer had an ad which stated he would purchase this note at 50% of catalog price. This was a good deal until I got the settlement check it was for 50% of the VG/F price, which was the only one listed in the catalog. In other words, nothing affects the grade downward as much as selling. The corollary is true of the grade when it is being resold. This also raises the question how one dealer can advertise an AU note for one price and another ask twice that amount for the identical note in a lesser grade. This has recently been done in the Coin World classified section. Could it be that there are such marked differences in the various grading sys- tems, or are some "marching to different drummers?" Or could it be that because the grades are so loose, differ- ent interpretations exist? In my opinion, it is a com- bination of both, In PAPER MONEY (No. 32 and No. 33) Guy A. Cruse raised this question. He applied a numerical scale based on the existing coin grades. In lesser grades his system was quite loose when compared to the grades given in Donlon's two books, which, in turn, are not as severe as Hessler's. Hoyt S. Haddock answered Mr. Cruse ( PAPER MONEY No. 37) that uniform grading was needed but not a numerical system and suggested keeping the coin designations. I have tabulated the grade at which various authors allow certain defects for comparison. Confusion reigns supreme! All of these calculations came about from my experi- ence in a mail bid sale several years ago when I bid on two bills, based on a percentage of catalog value. I wanted these two bills to complete certain holes in my collection. I figured a bid of 75% of catalog would be reasonable, since I was unable to find these signature combinations in any retail ads in Coin World. I was happy when I got my bills from the mail bid sale, until I saw two separate ads about six months later which offered these same bills at 50% of catalog. Subsequently, these bills have advanced slightly in re- tail but the catalog has not changed. TABLE II DEFECT AUTHOR Holes Donlon (Large) Donlon (Small) Kemm Hessler Cruse Round Corners Hessler Kemm Donlon (Large) Donlon (Small) Cruse GRADE Less than Fine VF- (minor pin holes) Good Not mentioned VF Good or Fine Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned VF PAGE 82 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money Worn Creases Kemm Hessler Donlon (Small) Donlon (Large) Cruse Fine* Fine* Fine* Very Fine Very Fine of wear. (Watch this latter operation sometime to see why some of the bills you would swear were uncircu- lated in a bank turn up with all kinds of "minor" im- perfection. Sometimes I think bank tellers are the collecting hobby's worst enemies!) * Fine-by-default—mentioned as not being Very Fine, but not mentioned in Fine. It would therefore appear that since paper money col- lecting came about as an adjunct to coin collecting, the easiest system of grading available was that which was in use. But. was it the best system available? Is it too late to teach old rag pickers new tricks? I think not. Recently, a man writing in Coin World claimed to have found over a hundred adjectives to describe an uncirculated coin. I haven't counted them myself. but after reading just one catalog I found the following list of adjectives for only two grades of paper money: I also contend that a piece of paper money undergoes an entirely different kind of circulation than does a coin. How often is a coin put in a wallet or money clip? How many bills are shipped in bags and not bricks? How many uncirculated coins are "crinkled" to assure that two are not stuck together? How many coins are "folded, spindled, or mutilated?" My whole premise is that a bill is not circulated in the same way as is a coin. Things are done to coins in circulation which do not affect their grading as much as they would a bill. TABLE III What started out as an attempt to outwit mail bid sales has now become a proposed system of grading of paper money only. It is based on one premise: There are certain specific circulation characteristics which are applicable to paper money but not to coins. Based on this one premise, the grade is determined in five stages. These five stages are sub-divided into five parts, in which there will be specific characteristics. There is no grad- ing by default. Descriptive UNCIRCULATED About Almost Bright Clean Crisp New Nice Sharp About New Crisp About Crisp Almost Crisp Clean Crisp New Just About Looks New Nice Crisp Nice New Perfect Gem Sharp About Sharp Crisp Very Crisp About . . . No Holes Bright Clean New Just About New Nice and About Nice Crisp About Nice Clean Crisp New with minor handling Adjectives in Grading EXTRA FINE About Bright Crisp Good Nice Strictly Bright Sharp Crisp About Expertly pressed What I am proposing is that all bills can be classified according to specific defects or characteristics, and ar- ranged in a "pecking order", which in turn may be priced on specifics. As an example: Classification A in Table IV would include Uncirculated and part of what has been loosely upgraded to Almost Uncirculated. The main criterion is that the engraving in "The United States of America" is still raised. Take an uncirculated bill and rub this part between your thumb and fore- finger. You can feel the engraving. If you cover it with a piece of paper, you can still feel it. On modern bills you can see it as an indentation on the back when held obliquely to a bright light. That is Uncirculated. But if this raised lettering is not present, then the bill has been pressed—in a wallet or a book, by an iron. etc. It is surprising how soon this lettering disappears when the uncirculated bill is put in a moist wallet on a hip. If you were collecting postage stamps, you would not describe the stamp as Very Fine.* The wear and tear a note receives is more akin to that of a stamp than to a coin, even though the stamp goes from mint-gummed (uncirculated) to used much more quickly. There are notes in my collection which were purchased as uncir- culated, even though I am sure some of them were circulated by the strict sense of the word. In the same light, when does a coin go from Gem BU to Uncirculated or any of the more than a hundred adjectives in between? An uncirculated cent in the grubby little hands of a child still has all of the wear characteristics of the un- circulated coin; however, a dollar bill uncirculated in those same little hands or affected by a teller's crinkling and interleaving with circulated bills does show signs Therefore, while ours is a hobby and business which is a stepchild of coin collecting, I believe it is time we stopped crawling and started walking. We should stop taking the hand-me-down grading of coins and start using a system which does not rely on the individual judgment of the hundreds and even thousands of mem- bers of SPMC who buy, sell, and trade. Under my proposed system, the defects would be classi- fied rather than vaguely graded: No longer would you have to ask yourself the question, "Is About Uncircu- lated the same as Almost Uncirculated?" Or, "Is Gem Uncirculated better than Superb Uncirculated?" I have devised an order which I believe would cover almost any defect or condition. * Unfortunately, some philatelists do just that. Ed. WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 83Paper Money TABLE IV Federal Reserve CornerA. Raised Lettering—Crisp 1. Perfect in every detail of centering and registration. Absolutely no signs of having ever been washed or ironed. 2. Printing is off-centered or registration is poor. Would also include cutting and trimming. 3. Loose silk threads in the case of large-size notes only. 4. Needle holes as in the case of early large-size notes; defiinitely not acceptable in later issues. 5. Minor smudges from handling or past erasures. B. Non-Raised Lettering—Crisp 1. Raised lettering not evident which would indicate washing and ironing. Otherwise would be in A classification. 2. Soft folding which has not affected the engraving in any way. Detectable only when the note will "hump" when put on flat surface or has a tendency to curl. 3. Corners show creases which do not touch engraving. 4. Corner creases, through engraving, which have not affected engraving. 5. Single Crease—not affecting any engraving or print- ing. C. Slight or no crispness—some soil 1. Small areas or patches of stains, soil, or minor ink marks. 2. Overall and uniform soil which has affected the back- ground color slightly. No creases. 3. Single horizontal or vertical crease from which less than half of the engraving is missing. 4. More than one crease from which some of the engraving is missing. 5. Crease (one) through portrait from which over half of engraving is missing. D. No crispness—stained and soiled 1. More than one crease from which engraving is missing. 2. Tear or tears not into printing. 3. Tears into printing. 4. Missing corners without affecting engraving. 5. Paper and printing missing. HE $2 note will be a reality by the time you read this. It is expected that most (if not all) districts will have notes available on the release target date of April 13. It is improbable that all banks all over the country will have a supply on that day. but it would he worthwhile to check and see what is available. There will be a mad scramble for low serial numbers (and also possible star notes). Get a supply, for they will make nice trade items to obtain notes from the other districts to complete your set. It has been reported that notes for the Richmond dis- trict were printed beginning at "1" and going through E 23 040 000 A; and also for San Francisco running through L 28 160 000 A. New York is to be the third district. It is thought that the first two districts, at least, were completed in COPE section, but probably not all of the $2 notes will be so produced. We will have to await the releases of serials and production method. We have several new BLOCKS for the Series 1974 $1 FR notes: the "B" suffix for Boston, "D" for New York, "B" for Philadelphia, "B" for Chicago, "B" for St. Louis, "B" for Dallas, and "C" for San Francisco. A number of different error types are showing, and some of these are most interesting. We expect to have some error articles in the column in the near future, with emphasis on the new types (that are mainly from COPE production). Your continued reports of new items $1 through the $100 FR denominations will be appreciated. Your early reports on the $2 notes will also be welcome. Don't forget that face plate "1" will be used here, and these will be eagerly sought! It is also true that the reverse plates will begin from "1" as we have an entirely new design! So, until next time, keep up the good work! NATHAN GOLDSTEIN II P. 0. Box 36 Greenville, Miss. 38701 E. Miscellaneous 1. Mounting damage. 2. Faded signatures. 3. Faded or bleached seals. 4. Repaired—used in conjunction with another de- signation. 5. Error or other—describe. OBSOLETE CURRENCY OBSOLETE SCRIPBy using a descriptive type of grading which pinpoints specific defects and wear points, we would get the Madi- son Avenue type of approach toward paper money grad- ing. Ask yourself if you have not wondered if Superb is better than Sharp Uncirculated? Is Gem better than Nice? Why not be able to say that a bill is B3+A3 (corner or corners creased—not in printing—and loose silk threads but Crisp) without having to add that this is AU to some and XF to others. The system I am proposing is not perfect by any means. All I hope to do is to suggest that there must be some better system than the hand-me-down we have inherited. List available free. For each list requested, send large size SASE. TOM WASS 9601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 210 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 213-276-3022 PAGE 84 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money Tout-Sheet on the Two-Dollar Note Y now, all syngraphists must be aware of the fact that a special $2 Federal Reserve Note will be issued April 13, 1976. Many SPMC'ers, including our honorary member James Conlon, Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, worked hard to obtain this new issue. Chuck O'Donnell took a stand for it at a time when other collectors scoffed at his efforts. Now he can enjoy the luxury of saying "I told you so." When Treasury Secretary William Simon announced the forthcoming event, his office sent out a hefty package of background material, the substance of which is re- peated here for the record: -1 HE $2 denomination enjoys a rich tradition in Amer- ican history. The $2 bill originated on June 25, 1776, when the Continental Congress authorized issuance of $2 denominations in "bills of credit for the defense of America." Under this authority, 49,000 bills of $2 denomination were issued. During the Civil War, a July 11, 1862 Act of Congress permitted the $2 denomination as U.S. Currency; it re- appeared in subsequent years as over-size U.S. Notes, Silver Certificates, Treasury Notes and National Currency using a number of different portraits, including Alexander Hamilton, James B. McPherson, Winfield S. Hancock, William Windom, and George Washington. In 1928, the more familiar size $2 U.S. Note with the portrait of Thomas Jefferson, third U.S. President and author of the Declaration of Independence, was issued. The most recent printing of the $2 denomination was the 1963-1963A series of U.S. Notes last printed in May 1965 and officially discontinued by the Treasury Depart- ment on August 10, 1966. At that time, low levels of public demand were cited as the primary reason for discontinuance. These low circulation levels have sub- sequently been attributed to the low production levels of the bill, which was printed solely to help meet statu- atory requirements for approximately $320 million of U.S. Notes. The total volume of the $2 bill was $139,321,994 on June 30, 1966, or approximately one-third of one per- cent of total outstanding currency; these low production levels helped create an image of scarcity to the general public. The general unavailability of the bills combined with historical superstitions resulted in increased govern- ment costs of handling, printing, distributing and de- stroying these "oddities." The 1963 Series A note, which was most popular in New England and some western states, bore Jefferson on its face and Monticello on the reverse. It was a U.S. Note and bore the signatures of then Secretary of the Treasury Henry Fowler and Treasurer of the United States Kathryn 0. Granahan. Since 1966, there has been increasing interest in a $2 note as expressed by Congress, the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration (ARBA), the general press, the public, the Federal Reserve System and collectors. Various bills were introduced in Congress, usually calling for a specific design or commemorative issue. On Sept- ember 30, 1970, ARBA unanimously proposed reissuance of a $2 note with a Bicentennial design. The Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, responsible for the printing of all U.S. currency, first proposed reis- suance of the $2 note in 1969 to achieve cost savings through a reduction in the printing volume for $1 bills. Various study groups and task forces composed of mem- bers from the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve System and Bureau of Engraving and Printing studied the $2 note situation. In December, 1974, the Federal Reserve commissioned a study by a group of Harvard Business School graduate students to evaluate the marketing feasibility of reis- suing the $2 bill. This study, completed in May 1975, found no latent public demand for the $2 denomination, but did find that if reissued in substantial quantity the public would use the note. The study also noted that public "superstitions" and misconceptions could be easily overcome. Retailers and bankers indicated support for the note if it is issued in sufficient quantity to meet demand, if it is demanded by the public, and if it is is- sued as a permanent part of the circulating currency. Based on the results of these various reports and in- creased public interest, the Secretary of the Treasury believed it to be in the best interest of the American public and economy to reissue the $2 bill. The average annual requirement for $1 notes is 1.7 billion pieces of currency or 55-60 percent of all currency requirements. By supplanting one-half the face value of the annual requirement for $1 notes with $2 notes, the Treasury can save substantial manufacturing costs. The amount to be saved is estimated to be $35 million over the next five years (FY 1976 through FY 1981) or $27 million in 1976 dollar-terms. Savings to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the Federal Reserve System will result from reduction in sorting, printing, maintenance, storage, custody, shipping, destruction and improved space utili- zation at the Bureau. A Bicentennial design was selected to help maximize public acceptance and interest, though the new note is not simply a commemorative issue. The Treasury plans to issue 400 million notes per year to assure sufficient volume as a circulating medium and intends that the $2 note become a permanent part of our currency. At these levels of production the $2 note will provide great con- venience to the American people by accommodating the decreased purchasing power of $1 bills due to worldwide inflation since 1966 and allowing the public to carry fewer $1 bills. It is the Treasury's hope that these consumer conveniences, combined with potential cost savings and the appealing design of the new note, will assure its acceptance by the public. The new note is produced from a steel intaglio engrav- ing similar to all other denominations of U.S. currency. The face measures 2.36" x 5.90" on the master die, and T I IE !TEE) ST,6tS1C-0F E fir Cil.X 123145678 WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 85Paper Money Detailed History of each prior $2 bill released U. S. NOTES (LEGAL TENDER ISSUE) LARGE SIZE Series Date Total Description Authority for Initiating Reason for Discontinuance 1862 No Record Alex. Hamilton Act of Congress 7/11/1862 Replaced by Series 1869 1869 14,408,000 Thom. Jefferson Act of Congress 3/3/1863 Replaced by Series 1874 1874 11,632,000 Thom. Jefferson Act of Congress 3/3/1863 Replaced by Series 1875 1875 11,518,000 Thom. Jefferson Act of Congress 3/3/1863 Replaced by Series 1878 1878 4,676,000 Thom. Jefferson Act of Congress 3/3/1863 Replaced by Series 1880 1880 28,212,000 Thom. Jefferson Act of Congress 3/3/1863 Replaced by Series 1917 1917 317,416,000 Thom. Jefferson Authorized by Secretary Replaced by Small-Size Currency Treasury William G. McAdoo TREASURY NOTES 1890 & 1891 24,904,000 James B. McPherson Act of Congress 7/14/1890 No Record Available SILVER CERTIFICATES 1886 21,000,000 Winfield S. Hancock Act of Congress 8/4/1866 Replaced by Series 1891 1891 20,988,000 William Windom Act of Congress 8/4/1866 Replaced by Series 1896 1896 20,652,000 Allegorical Vig. Act of Congress 8/4/1866 Replaced by Series 1899 1899 538,734,000 Geo. Washington Act of Congress 8/4/1866 No Record Available FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE (NATIONAL CURRENCY) 1918 68,116,000 Thom. Jefferson Federal Reserve Acts of 1918 No Record Available NATIONAL BANK CURRENCY First Charter Not Avail Allegorical Vig. Act of Congress 2/25/1863 & Replaced by Series 1875 Period 6/3/1864 (No Series) (No Series) 1,381,205 Allegorical Vig. Act of Congress 2/25/1863 & No Record Available 6/3/1864 (Series 1875) UNITED STATES NOTES (SMALL SIZE) 1928 thru 1928G 430,760,000 Portrait of Thom. Jefferson Secretary of Treasury-Intro- duction of Small-Size Currency Replaced by Series 1953 1953 thru 79,920,000 Portrait of Thom. Jefferson Introduction of 18-Subject Plate Replaced by Series 1963 1953C 1963 thru 18,560,000 Portrait of Thom. Jefferson Introduction of 32-Subject Plate Lack of demand by the public 1963A the back 2.18" x 5.61" on the back master die. Printing is accomplished from 32-subject plates, using the same green and black inks as used on all other currency. The face design, featuring a portrait of Thomas Jefferson painted in the early 1800's by Gilbert Stuart, incorporates the principal features of the previous $2 U.S. note, with a change in designation to Federal Reserve Note. A Federal Reserve Bank seal supplants the numeral "2" on the left, and Federal Reserve Bank identification numbers have been added. As required by law, the note bears the signatures of William E. Simon, Secretary of the Trea- sury, and Francine I. Neff, Treasurer of the United States. The Series date will be 1976. Numerous questions have been raised relative to chang- ing the color, size or shape of the $2 note. The continuing monochromatic, single-color face and single-color back design of United States currency in all denominations is based on established technical judgment of the optimal counterfeit deterrent values in this technique. Similarly, the uniform size of all denominations of U.S. currency contributes to its security in requiring users to inspect the bill before use to determine denomination. Several designs of the $2 bill back were prepared utilizing renditions of the original painting. Optimum security design considerations include the opportunity for sufficient geometric lathe engraving in borders and the aesthetic presence of unprinted areas for visibility of distinctive fibers. In addition, aesthetic considerations include the preference for "fade-out" treatment of sub- ject matter in lieu of frame vignettes. In order to include these desired features and to maintain adequate subject size of the vignette within the limitations of the existing banknote dimensions, it was necessary to "crop" the vignette rendition of the painting. The back design of the $2 bill is completely new. The vignette is surrounded by a geometric lathe border with the ribbon title and denominations in bank note Roman lettering. The words "In God We Trust" appear at the bottom center in Gothic lettering, and the title "Declar- ation of Independence 1776" is in Roman lettering in the center of the lower border. The engraved vignette on the back of the $2 note is based on the painting "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence" by John Trumbull. OBSOLETE PRICE LISTSThe original work was done by Trumbull during the post-Revolutionary War period. He later was commis- sioned to reproduce the painting in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. The only perceptible difference be- tween the painting and the mural is that in the painting the foreground figures appear to be seated on a wooden platform, while in the mural the platform appears to be covered by a rug. The original painting is now in the Trumbull Gallery, Yale University. 2,000 notes offered for sale: Request one (or more) individual lists: • Southern State Broken Bank Notes, Scrip • Virginia Collection, offered individually • Misc. States, BBN and Scrip • List of Penna., Uncut Sheets All States, Proof Notes, College Cur- rency, Depression Scrip, Other Related Notes, Historical Items • Fractional Currency • Confederate Currency • All states, unlisted (Criswell Catalog) BBN, scrip The Secretary of the Treasury has authority to deter- mine denomination and design of all currency. The $2 note does not require legislation since it already is authorized as a Federal Reserve Note or U.S. Note by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Federal Reserve con- currence has been received since they actually distribute all currency. Enclose 13c SASE. Please describe in detail what notes are of interest, which states you collect. DONALD E. EMBURY SPMC 3791 P. 0. BOX 61, WILMINGTON, CA 90744 (6)) Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62PAGE 86 Etion FIRST WOMEN'S BANK 1 hat Why IF* Worn, 6 Smi OCTOBEN 644 0670 212 644 0670 T writtEET‘Eirs soak 104,22 471. , Jite cjirst Women's sanh new Yorh and Jennessee The souvenir satirical note shown here cannot be blamed on male chauvinists, although Gene Hessler sub- mitted it. Rather, it appears to be strictly female foible, part of ballyhoo surrounding the opening of The First Women's Bank of New York on Oct. 18, 1975. At that time, it was hailed as the first all-women's bank in the 'country. But an Associated Press story pointed out an earlier First Women's Bank, this one of Clarksville, Tenn., opened Oct. 6, 1919. The bank was started by Mrs. Brenda Runyon, wife of a prominent physician, because she wanted something to do. "Everyone from the janitor up to the president was a woman," said Fran Runyon, the founder's grandson and a Clarksville lawyer. Mrs. Runyon got the idea for the hank from a busi- nessman whom she asked for advice on what she could do with her spare time, according to a June, 1920, article in Ladies Home Journal. The bank opened with assets of $15,000 and took in deposits totaling more than $20,000 its first day, ac- cording to local records. The grand opening wasn't without a small amount of frivolity, as men were pre- sented with cigars and women were given brightly col- ored flowers. An all-woman board of directors was elected in Janu- ary, 1920, and within 14 months the bank was able to pay a small dividend. The bank remained operational for nearly seven years, until Mrs. Runyon injured her hip and could no longer take an active role in its operation. On June 9, 1926, it merged with the First Trust and Savings Bank, which is still operating. The First Women's Bank of New York is located on the east side corner of Park Avenue and 57th Street. Its decor has been described as "more high-priced res- taurant than small-time money market." But it is the nonexistent passbook and unforgettable checks that make the bank different and better, according to Madeline McWhinney, president. "We've tried to get all the legalese we can out of the form," Mrs. McWhinney says. "Also, there's no pass- book savings. You just get a monthly statement that eliminates a lot of the problems. When you write a check, it makes an automatic carbon. These kinds of checks have been available for business but never before for popular use." The New York Bank has proven, at least, that women's banks are good for the investors. "There is a restraining factor on our growth," say Mrs. McWhinney. "We cannot carry more than $30 million in deposits. We have no more stock to sell, but every day we get letters from people who want to invest." The First Women's Bank has more than a few im- pressive accounts. Among those who have entrusted their funds are Betty Freidan, Bette Davis, Ms. magazine, Saks Fifth Avenue, Delta Airlines, Vogue magazine, Lever Brothers, Bloomingdale's, CBS, ITT, Revlon, Exx- on, and Mobil. "All the big banks are having trouble raising capital, but we aren't." Mrs. McWhinney says. "Our newness is very helpful. We have no municipal securities, and there are no bad loans on our books. The growth po- tential of this bank is probably greater than any other bank around." BRM The First National Bank of Chicago believes that its "women's bank," a bank within a bank for women, is the second oldest in the U. S.. started about 1884. It was actually designed as a deluxe place for rich old ladies. Does anyone know what is the oldest women's bank? WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 87Paper Money THE UNKNOWN FACTOR (From time to time under this title will be printed photo- graphs or identification of notes which have some puzzling aspect and about which information is sought from the membership. Please address comments to the Editor.) 410 .71' ;-€5 (.;;NI;1_,til' 1 :,A'fE NOTES, WHEN PRV- ;INTEL) IN IA' I 'CT XI C> 1LA Ms -A. IA. *1iLs t:/ZASKi iN MARCH l th , k62. . 27;' • tez-r.,_"%.„N John A. Bostwick (2661) has submitted this photograph of the note listed as Franklin #1 in Harley Freeman's Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip. The note is the ex-Chase Manhattan Bank specimen which is now in Mr. Bostwick's collection. To his knowledge it has never been illustrated. Although this piece is included in the Florida scrip, there is some doubt as to the origin of the series. Mr. Bostwick would like to encourage other collectors having such a note or information concern- ing it to correspond with him. Obsolete Oddities Tracy G. Thurber (SPMC 3753) of the Rhode Island Historical Society has submitted illustrations of one of his favorite exhibits in the group's currency collection. It is a $1 note of 1864 signed by Elisha Dyer, governor of Rhode Island from 1857 to 1859. In 1864 he be- came president of the Exchange Bank of Providence, one of the state's oldest banking houses, being incorporated in 1801. This first note which he signed he then folded twice and placed in an envelope making it as shown here. A.110ILL PAY Tli REF:, - T (.7).;.;" / /cf .' /f6r"---------2 c-9 .711 PACE 88 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money Indian Paper Money By Parmeshwari Lal Gupta Reprinted from The Journal of the Numismatic Society of India, A. K. Narain, Editor (Concluded from No. 59) The new notes were printed in black on a coloured background on parchment paper with the royal effigy as the watermark. On the obverse on the coloured tinted ground was printed the text: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA at the top; below it the serial number, printed twice on the left and right sides; below I PROMISE TO PAY THE BEARER ON DEMAND THE SUM OF (denomination) RUPEES followed by the denomination in six local scripts—Urdu, Bengali and Kannada in one row but in three separate panels; similarly Hindi, Tamil and Telugu in another row below it. Below these panels was the date and the name of the issuing circle or sub-circle; and then was the signature of the issuing authority on behalf of the Government of India.4 The serial number was repeated again at the bottom on the left and right. On either side of the text was a long vertical panel in which the denomination was printed in numerals in seven local scripts. All the matter was printed in black, and the tinted ground was red for five and ten rupees notes and green for the other notes of higher denominations. In 1903, the five rupee notes were made universal, i. e. they were made cashable at any circle or sub-circle irrespective of the office of their issue, excluding Burma. By the Act II of 1909, this reservation in respect of Burma was also removed and India had for the first time a note, at least of one denomination, current and convertible everywhere. The next move in this direction was made in 1910 when Act II of that year universalised the ten and fifty rupees notes. On 1st April 1911, hundred rupees notes were also declared universal. Since then the notes of these denominations remained universal and the notes of higher denominations, i. e. Rs. 500, 1000, and 10,000 were payable only in the towns of their issue. With this universalisation, new notes of various denom- inations were issued. In these notes, the name of the issuing circle was omitted; instead the words AT ANY OFFICE OF ISSUE were added in the second line be- fore the words SUM OF RUPEES. The denomination in bold letters was placed below in the centre; and the panels having the denomination in local scripts were now divided into two parts to the right and left of the denom- ination written in English; and the number of scripts was increased to eight, four on each side. The left panel included Urdu, Hindi, Bengali and Kannada and the right one had Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Gujarati. The vertical panels on either side now had the denomination figures in nine scripts. These notes remained current till 1923. The notes that were issued during the last years (1917-1920) bore the signature of an officer whose name was Hubbart or Gubbey.° The next development in the history of notes is the issue of one rupee notes in December 1917 and of 2 1/2 rupees notes in January 1918. These notes were issued due to a silver famine of those days. The consequent danger about the convertibility of inflated note issues com- pelled the Government to take measure for the conserva- tion and economy of silver. It was with this object that the notes of these two denominations were issued. But they were short-lived. The 2 1/2 rupees notes were with- drawn for want of popularity and the one rupee notes fell victim to the Inchcape Retrenchment Committee. The Committee declared these notes to be too costly. Con- sequently both these denominations have been discontinued since January 1926. reverse device of a rupee silver coin. These notes are known to have been signed by three different officers, viz. Hubbart or Gubbey, 6 McWatters and Danning. Some of the early one rupee notes were issued in booklets of twenty-five notes and the notes separated from such book- lets show a perforated edge on their left side. 21/2 rupees notes were undated. The notes of this denomination, known to collectors, are exclusively those that bear the signature of Hubbart (or Gubbey) ; it is, therefore, very likely that they were not issued in the periods of the other two officers. In 1923, the format and design of notes underwent a drastic change. The Government of India had been think- ing of introducing certain changes in the design and form of the notes for a long time so that they could be made more forgery proof and handled better. But the first world war interrupted the plan. The most prominent feature of the new notes was the blank panel on the left with the water-mark which could easily be distinguished. The new notes had the effigy of the king printed on the right in a panel to match the left panel. In the centre was the usual PROMISE TO PAY and the denomination of the note. The whole area was tinted and printed in colour. On the reverse the denominations were written in various languages and scripts. This new change was introduced first in the ten rupees note. Next year, i. e. in 1924, changes were made on similar lines in the notes of five, fifty and hundred rupees. The notes of this new design were printed on occasions in different colours and their grounds were tinted variously. Accordingly several vari- eties of these notes may be noticed. The earliest notes of this new type were signed by Denning. The later issues were signed by J. B. Taylor. The last variety of this design was issued by the Government of India in or about 1933. Reserve Bank of India Notes As early as 1927, the Government of India, for many reasons, realised the neccessity of reverting the business of the issue of currency notes to some Bank. Accordingly, by an enactment the Reserve Bank of India was consti- tuted in 1934 and sole right to issue paper money was entrusted to it. Since then the Government of India ceased to issue its own notes, except those of one rupee denomination. The one rupee notes, that were current for about eight years, exclusively bear the date 1917 in the form of the The Reserve Bank of India, by a notification dated 10th December 1937, announced that it would by stages issue notes of the denominations of Rs. 5, 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000. It dropped the issue of the notes of the denomina- tions of Rs. 50 and 500. Accordingly, it issued, at the first instance, notes of the denominations of Rs. 5 and 10. They were in colour and their general appearance similar to Government of India notes of the same denom- inations that were issued in 1933. In size, five rupees notes were a little longer. These notes also were signed by J. B. Taylor, but now as the governor of the Reserve Bank. In February 1943, the Bank issued a note of two rupees denomination in pink colour with serial numbers in black. This was perhaps the last note signed by J. B. Taylor. In 1944, Reserve Bank of India issued a new series of ten rupees notes, which had the full-face portrait of King George VI, and a security thread was incorporated in the paper parallel to the 3 14" side of the note. With these features notes of Rs. 5 were issued in 1947. These notes were issued under the signature of C. D. Deshmukh. After independence, the Reserve Bank of India issued on 26th January 1950 a new series of notes of the de- nominations of Rs. 2, 5, 10 and 100 with the distinctive design of the Asoka pillar-capital under the signature of its governor, B. Rama Rau. Another series of notes of the denominations of Rs. 2 and 5 at the first instance and then of Rs. 10 and 100 were (Concluded on Page 90) WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 89Paper Money Tim CH ECK BOO Banks with Unusual Names By RAYMOND E. EKEBLAD VERY paper money and check collector undoubtedly can propose candidates for banks with unusual names. Some candidates probably would be banks named after the areas in which the institutions were located. One New York City bank which always comes to my mind at Christmas time is the Saint Nicholas Bank which operated between 1853 and 1893 on the avenue of that name. Perhaps it would be more accurate to classify banks such as the Snow Shoes Bank of Snow Shoe, Pennsylvania as those named after unusually named communities. that the chemical business was discontinued and the name changed to Chemical Bank. An individual could stand outside the building of the Shoe and Leather Bank in New York. read the name above the door and expect that banking operations were going on inside. But what did a non-resident of New York City think when he received a check on the New York Dry Dock Company? This institution conducted banking in New York between 1825 and 1867 under that name. One New York City bank name which always tickles my funny bone is the Bulls Head Bank which began op- erations in 1854 and was suspended in 1877. Appropri- ately enough, that bank printed a vignette of a large head of a bull on some of its checks and notes. Wouldn't that institution's name have been more meaningful for a bank located in Spain, Mexico or perhaps in the cattle country of the U. S. rather than on the sidewalks of New York? Some bank names always make me think of other hypo thetical alternatives. For example, the Dry Goods Bank of New York, a rather unusual name, operated between 1871 and 1877. However, no enterprising financier es- tablished a "Wet Goods Bank"! The Loaners Bank of the City of New York, organized in 1871, was suspended five years later. To some people perhaps a more descrip- tive title might have been "The Losers Bank!" The Night and Day Bank operated in New York between 1906 and 1911. There is no record of a "Weekly," "Monthly," or "Yearly" bank in New York. However, there is now The First Women's Bank which is quite willing to also do business with men. In addition to utilizing geographic names, some bank- ers chose names indigenous of occupations in the com- munity. At the time, it was no doubt quite appropriate to have a Ship Builders Bank in Rockland, Maine, and a Timber Cutters Bank in Savannah, Georgia. One won- ders, though, how many wool growers there could have been in New York City when the Wool Growers Bank conducted business there between 1838 and 1847. Phila- delphia's Manual Labor Bank had an appropriate name for any place in the world! Unfortunately, many of the banks with the most un- usual names did not survive too long. Accordingly, collectors can have difficulty in obtaining specimens due to the limited numbers of checks or notes that were is- sued. Many of the early trust companies also had unusualnames. One that must have seemed most reassur ing to its customers was New York's Mutual Trus Company. A bank name that always intrigued me when living in Providence was the Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company. I did not know the origin of the name prior to reading the bank's own advertisement published in October, 1975. 1 The ad showed a vignette of George Washington wearing a surgical mask and a doctor's eye, One group of banks with unusual names were those organized originally for a purpose other than banking but which ultimately devoted their full attention to this activity. For example, in 1823 people went to the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company for palladium. One year later, the corporate charter was changed to permit banking operations which became so profitable .1°A7rIbRie. , e-- 0,44;)1-11) Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62PAGE 90 ,) ,/if/ /devies 4 2. /111_0(4 —A _virtAtat 60 gOids thwe tit. — -- 1;;; /:;" / I/7% 7( ‘• 4 r ir/ (•< V../7 r • (//e //4/%i .20! 162:2 ear, nose and throat examining mirror on his forehead. The advertisement explained that the bank's officers are often called "Doctor" and are asked if they make house calls. It added that ". . . even when people find out we're bankers, some still seem to expect us to prescribe two aspirins and a hot water bottle as the way to im- prove (investment) portfolio performance." It went on to state, "Being named Hospital Trust isn't always easy. The fact is Hospital Trust has precious little to do with hospitals in any general sense. The 'Hospital' part of our name goes back to 1867 when the Trust Company was founded to serve the financial needs of Rhode Island Hospital." Investigating this unusual association, I learned that the incorporator stated, "It [the bank] owed its existence to the desire of a few public-spirited men to create what should be a financial institution of high credit and power- ful resources, and at the same time prove a pecuniary helper to the Rhode Island Hospital, a benevolent insti- tution then in its infancy." Under a section of its Charter, the bank was required "to pay over, annually, to the 'Rhode Island Hospital' for its use, one-third part of all the net profit upon the capital stock of said corpo- ration over and above six percent." 2 This requirement was subsequently made inoperative but reportedly the early association of the two institutions was beneficial to both. Quite an interesting undertaking by the financiers in Rhode Island more than a century ago! Some of the early savings banks also were given un- usual names and since they are a long-lived type of or- ganization, many have survived with the original names to the present time. Two which are still around are New York's Dime Savings Bank and the Dollar Savings Bank. One, the Sixpenny Savings Bank, only lasted between 1853 and 1898. Perhaps it is just as well that today's New Yorkers also do not have to cope with under- standing the "sixpenny." However, these names were simple compared to Philadelphia's Divital Institution of North-America and Six Per Cent Savings Bank. That really was a mouthful! 1. Pension & Investments, Crain Communications, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, October, 1975. 2. The Story of the Trust Companies, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, The Knickerbocker Press, 1916. Indian Paper Money - from Page 88 issued in or about 1952, where the value of the notes was depicted in Hindi in equal prominence with English. The notes of this series are known to have been signed by three governors, B. Rama Rau, H. P. Agar and P. C. Bhattacharya. In April 1954, the Bank issued, for the first time, notes of the denominations of Rs. 1000, 5,000 and 10,000. In 1961, a new note of Rs. 100 and in July 1962 that of Rs. 2 were issued under the signature of P. C. Bhatta- charya. Again, on 17 April, 1967 another new series of the notes of the denominations of Rs. 2, 5, 10 and 100 were issued under the signature of the same governor for a short period and then under the signature of the new governor, L. K. Jha. In July 1968, the Reserve Bank issued a fresh series of notes of ten rupees denomination. These notes bear the text in English as well as in Hindi and also the signature of the governor, L. K. Jha, in the two scripts, English and Nagari. It is not known if other notes with this feature were issued immediately. But when on October 2, 1969 notes of all denominations were issued to com- memorate the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, under the signature of B. N. Adarkar, they had the contents in English and Hindi both. And hence onward, it is the feature of all the notes. In 1970, a new series of notes in the denominations of Rs. 2, 5, 10 and 100 were issued in the same form as was used for pre-Gandhi centenary notes. These notes bear the signature of S. Jagannath. On June 1, 1972, a note of a new denomination of twenty rupees was issued. One Rupee Notes Besides these Reserve Bank of India notes, the Govern- ment of India issues its own notes of one rupee denomi- nation. In the early thirties, the Hilton Young Commis- sion had strongly recommended the introduction of one rupee notes. And in anticipation of the implementation of this recommendation, one rupee notes were printed with the reverse device of one rupee coin, dated 1935. But their issue was deferred till 1940. These notes bore the signature of J. W. Kelly, one of the officers of the Govern- ment of India (Finance Department). Some of these notes were issued in the booklets of 25 notes and in consequence have a perforated left-hand edge. In 1941, another series of one rupee notes was issued in blue-green colour bearing the date 1940 and the signature of C. E. Jones. After independence, on 25th January 1952, one-rupee notes were issued on Asoka pillar-capital watermark paper with the obverse and reverse of one rupee coin of the year 1950 under the signature of K. G. Ambegaonker, Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Since then, one-rupee notes are issued from time to time, bearing the obverse and reverse of one rupee coin then current or issued, and are signed by an officer of the Finance Department of the Secretary's rank. For in- stance, notes issued on the occasion of the Gandhi centen- ary bear the Gandhi centenary one rupee coin and the signature of Special Secretary of the Finance Department, I. S. Patel. This paper is meant only to place a brief history of Indian paper currency; the information is collected from the sources widely scattered. Attempt has been made as far as possible to verify the facts mentioned herein; but it is not unlikely that there may be a few inaccuracies or omissions, for which I seek the indulgence of the readers. I shall be grateful to them if they bring to my notice such errors or omissions and also such information as are not available in this paper. They will be published for the benefit of the collectors. Detailed descriptions of the notes will be published subsequently. 4. This signature was now printed. 5. The signature on the notes is not very clear; so it is read Hubbart by Sten; Gubbey is suggested by Leader. (Op. cit., p. 144, fn.) 6. See note 5 above. WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 91Paper Money SPMC Chronicle Forthcoming SPMC Regional Meetings Texas and New York PAPER MONEY. The author would like to describe and illustrate as many types of the notes, proofs and essays as possible. This will be possible only if owners of these items will submit electrostatic copies to the editor for compari- son. Especially needed are $100 Treasury Notes of June 1812, February 1813, and December 1814; and $20 Trea- sury Notes of March 1814. Collectors having notes or proofs of these and the several other issues, including Small Treasury Notes dated March 15, 1815, or notes which may differ from others of the same denomination will make a significant contribution to the knowledge of this little-known currency by making this article as definitive as possible by submitting reproductions to the editor. Notes of the Bank of Chillicothe, Ohio, of the 1812- 1815 period are also needed for illustration in the article. SPMC President Bob Medlar has announced the fol- lowing regional meetings for members: On Saturday, April 5th, at 10:30 A.M. at the 19th Metropolitan New York Numismatic Convention (April 3-6, 1976), Barbizon-Plaza Hotel, 101 W. 58th St., New York City—This meeting, to be chaired by past Presi- dent George Wait, will probably spill over into an in- formal luncheon gathering. Mr. Wait is also in charge of the educational forum, which will include SPMC'ers Chester Krause and Grover Criswell. On Saturday, April 24th—A luncheon at the Texas Nu- mismatic Association annual convention at Amarillo, where member Roman L. Latimer of Santa Fe, New Mexi- co will speak on "National Banks and Bankers in the Territory and Early Statehood of New Mexico." George Wait Hospitalized Since the above was written, word has been received that Mr. Wait has suffered a heart attack, is hospi- talized at Montclair, NJ, and must remain out of action for three months. Correspondents and collaborators on the New Jersey and Maine obsolete note catalogs are asked to be patient about the delays occasioned by Mr. Wait's illness, Member Authors Book on Pensacola's Bank Notes Philip A. Pfeiffer (SPMC 3455) has spent five years researching the history of currency-issuing banks in Pensacola, Florida and come up with a definitive book entitled Pensacola's Currency Issuing Banks and Their Bank Notes 1833-1935. This book is a descriptive and illustrative history of the seven banks of Pensacola, Florida which issued their own bank notes during the course of their operations. The time period spans some one hundred years of Pen- sacola's history, from the territorial days of the 1830's up to the days of the "Great Depression" during the 1930's. The 81/2 by 11 inch book contains 97 pages filled with over 130 illustrations of the banking houses, stock certificates, deposit slips, checks, etc., on these Pensacola banks. The paper money collector will find most interest- ing the various bank notes, 43 in number, which are well illustrated and accompanied by the statistics from the U. S. Comptroller of the Currency records on how many of each denomination and type of national Bank Notes were issued by Pensacola's six National Banks. The book, limited to 1000 copies, is available in a soft cover edition only. It may be ordered for $6.50 (Florida residents must add state sales tax) from: Philip A. Pfeiffer, P.O. Box 2929, Pensacola, FL 32503. 111 , ••• .Y. :17,7,Zo9C.V•enn.v.M10...■•••••••2•4•■•CleeeTekokt.v..":knnm, 0,1 RA 0 ED1■0111ALpo 2qr.,, :i 14 Z:1:1, ZZ03.%Y.:42a20::::42:42aVantig.v. 0 _.1 News that the old respected name of Numismatic ,Jjcrap- book will become extinct as both it and the younger World Coins magazine are absorbed into the Coin World newspaper brings into focus the role of our journal in the hobby field. It would seem that the numismatic press is following the course of the philatelic press. As philately matured and collector and specialist organiza- tions grew in stature, the number of commercial pub- lications diminished. The non-profit societies now publish the bulk of the serious research work being done in philately, while the commercial press is reduced to newspaper status, reporting current events, rehashing publicity releases about exhibitions and conventions, and only occasionally presenting special features of perma- nent interest. This trend should make it easier to define the purpose of the specialist journal in numismatics and syngraphics. A magazine like PAPER MONEY has achieved status both in hobby and academic circles. It now goes into the libraries of many major educational institutions and museums. As a result, the work of an author published in PAPER MONEY is well preserved for posterity. It is printed on fine paper which will endure long after the newspapers in the field have yellowed and crumbled. War of 1812 Treasury Notes Information Wanted A monograph on the historical and legislative back- ground of the Treasury Notes and Small Treasury Notes used to finance the War of 1812 is being prepared for In view of these facts, I often find it hard to under- stand why so many of our able specialists simply dis- regard this magazine when they wish to have their work published. True, PAPER MONEY cannot offer the circu lation of the large commercial newspapers. True, there are times when one needs to reach a broad audience with a shotgun approach in order to popularize a sub- PAGE 92 WHOLE NO. 62Paper Money ject or seek out help and information. True, every author likes to be known to many people. I know these statements to be true because at one time I wrote frequently for the general philatelic press and later for the numismatic side. But I also learned that for one to achieve peer recognition for one's work, publication in the scholarly press is imperative. Quality, not quantity, is the decisive factor. Everyone will agree, however, that the two magazines being discontinued by Amos Press were quality publi- cations. Therefore, I want to extend an invitation to their writers on syngraphic subjects to consider PAPER MONEY for their future work. Of course, we cannot pay in dollars and cents or free advertising, only in prestige and posterity. But the pay scale for free-lance hobby journalists has never really been high enough to enable one to make a living at it. The pay checks, to be sure, paid for paper and postage at least. But loyal members of most specialist societies gladly ab- sorb those minor costs for the opportunity to further their interests and the hobby. They realize that SPMC, for example, is not so well off that everything takes care of itself without aid from member-authors, appear- ances to the contrary. We can pay all expenses for illustrations, and authors do get several complimentary copies of the issue in which their work appears. We do give literary awards at our annual meetings. And that is as much as any non-profit group can do. So—all you displaced journalists—consider PAPER MONEY your new country. All you authors of articles on world paper money, on North American syngraphics, on military payment certificates, on current U. S.—you name it—be loyal to SPMC. Better articles equal a better publication, which means a larger membership that makes possible an even bigger magazine. BRM UM60 Daniel, Howard A. the 3rd. The Catalog and D5 Guidebook of Southeast Asian Coins and Currency—Volume I French Colonial. 110 pp. Illus. 1975. Gift of author. As the title implies, this book catalogs, prices and illustrates official coin and paper money issues made in Indochina while the area was under French rule. A well-done book which provides a wealth of information in a well thought-out format. US25 Flanagan, George A. Making Money at the F5 Philadelphia Mint and the American Bank Note Company. 36 pp. Illus. 1975. Gift of author. 2 copies. This book consists of a reprint of the famous articles originally appearing in "Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine" in 1861 and 1862. It makes delightful and enlight- ening reading on how both coins and paper money were manufactured in the mid 1800's. Many original illustrations enhance the story. Enjoy, enjoy! The latest editions of some standard works have been received: US20 The Official Guide of U. S. Paper Money 1976 K4 edition by T. Kemm. Gift of author. 2 cop- ies. US50 United States Postage & Fractional Currency C5 1862 1876 by Christoph & Krause. Reprint of original with 1976 price list. Gift of A. E. Beebee. UK40 The Paper Money of Brasil 1975 (2nd) edition S5 by Dale Seppa. Having almost increased the size of the second edi- tion by two and one-half times the numbers of pages, this book which prices, illustrates, and catalogs all known modern issues of Brazil remains one of the stan- dard references for Brazil. Take a look, you'll be im- pressed. UC60 Pick, Albert. Deutsche Lander- and Privat- PIO banknoten. 141 pp. Illus. 1975. Gift of author. This German-language book catalogs, prices, and illus- trates private and regional government issues made be- tween 1872 and 1948 in Germany. Polish up your Ger- man and take a look at this interesting book. Library Notes A REMINDER! Please include postage when making inquiries to the Library and be sure to reimburse the Library for its postage costs in sending books to you. Members have been a little lax in these two areas recently. This may seem like a small matter, but it adds up quickly. Since the Library is self-supporting, your cooperation will be appreciated. By WENDELL WOLKA, Librarian P. 0. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 The following auction catalog has been donated: The Great Affleck-Ball Collection of Conti- nental and Colonial Currency; New Nether- lands Coin Company Inc. December 3 and 4, 1975. 52 pp. Illus. With 20 pages of plates, this makes an interesting evening's reading for the Continental and Colonial note collector. Some of these notes won't be seen again for some time! Regular Additions: The Numismatist: October, November, December 1975, January 1976 ANA Club Bulletin : October, December 1975 Essay-Proof Journal : Summer, 1975 Moeda : Volume II, no. 9 (2 copies) The Canadian Paper Money Journal: October 1975 Last Call for 1976 Dues If you have not paid your 1976 dues by the time you read this notice, your membership can expire if payment is not mailed by April 22, 1976 to Treasurer C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268. WHOLE NO. 62 PAGE 93Paper Money SECRETARY'S REPORT HARRY G. WIGINGTON, Secretary P. 0. Box 4082 HARRISBURC, PA 17111 New Member Roster No. New Members Dealer or Collector Specialty 4571 Aaron Bernarr Beard, 2048 La Cresta Drive, Salt C Broken bank notes Lake City, Ut. 84121 4572 Mark A. Latterman, 4534 Ethel St., Okemos, Mich. C 48864 4573 Ervin J. Felix, 12 Orchard Road, Bedford, Mass. 01730 C, D German, Austrian, French notgeld, also imperial Russia & Romania 4574 Ray Schlesinger, 2274 Shannon Lane, Walnut C Creek, Ca. 94598 4575 Timothy J. Kyzivat, 4532 Maple, Brookfield, Ill. C U. S. large currency 60513 4576 Russell C. Lewis, P. 0. Box 134, South San Fran- cisco, Ca. 94080 C U. S. large currency 4577 John Hungler, Jr., 423 N. Locust Street, Elizabeth- town, Pa. 17022 C Penna. National Bank Notes 4578 Frank Fisher, Jr., P. 0. Box 300, Morgantown, WV 26505 C Small-size National Currency 4579 James R. MacMullin, 5634D Brandon Way, West C Large notes & silver certificates Dr., Indianapolis, Ind. 46226 4580 Fred Riess, Jr., Central Ave., R. D. #1, Linwood, NJ 08221 C Broken bank notes 4581 George Tamboli, 154 Glendale St., Everett, Mass. C Large types & obsolete currency 02149 4582 Marie Nash, 110 S. Warrent St., Trenton, NJ 08608 C Obsolete state bank notes & scrip 4583 Paul W. Kosofski, 120 Graceland Court, Decatur, Ill. 62526 C Large-size notes 4584 Clark Poppell, 80 Baldwin St., Vallejo, Ca. 94590 C Confederate 4585 Edward A. Koernig, 501 N. Providence Rd., Apt. C National Bank Notes (all issues) 316, Media, Pa. 19063 4586 James L. Boland, Steroben Court Apt. S-275, Orange, Va. 22960 C Obsolete paper money of Virginia 4587 Elizabeth L. Wisslead, 2053 Cypress Ave., Santa C Continental & Colonial currency Ana., Ca. 92707 4588 D. M. Eckstein, P. 0. Box 158, Midland Park, NJ C, D Broken bank notes-large currency 07432 4589 Dwain N. Ryan, 2025 Hermitage Lane, Janesville, Wisc. 53545 C 1929 Type I National Currency 4590 Joe Ryan, 4487 Clarke Drive, St. Clair, Mich. 48049 4591 John F. Veldhuis, Rt. #2 Box 96D, Tavares, FL C Small size-modern 32778 4592 Cy Pherson, P. 0. Box 1495, Fargo, N.D. 58102 D Nationals 4593 John Korol, P. 0. Box 1531, Fargo, N.D. 58102 C, D All paper money 4594 Thomas E. Dubas, 316 W. Regent St., Inglewood, Ca. 90301 C 4595 Keith H. Kelley, M.D., 1662 N. Laurel, Upland, Ca. 91786 C Railroads, flowers, masonic emblems & history of engravers 4596 Robert Lawrence, 1110 Avon Road, Pine Beach, N.J. 08741 C Obsolete notes 4597 Carmine A. Pizza, Box 138, R.D. #2, Hudson, N.Y. C Small-size U. S. paper money 12534 4598 George F. Fuderer, 13012 Old Stagecoach Road, Apt. 3011, Laurel, Md. 20811 C Obsolete notes 4599 Jerry R. Roughton, 2512 W. Florida St., Greens- boro, N.C. 27407 C Obsolete notes of North Carolina 4600 Bruce W. Hazelton, P. 0. Box 67A, Cumberland C Broken bank notes of Maine Center, Me. 04021 4601 William J. Swyers, Jr., 22319 Moselle Ct., Hayward, Ca. 94541 C Modern U. S. currency 4602 A. Dean Tomlinson, Jr., P. 0. Box 121, E. Bridge- water, Ma. 02333 D 4603 Fernando Viana, 41 Patroon Place, Albany, N.Y. C World paper money only 12211 4604 Ralph J. Marx, P. 0. Box 227, Canoga Park, Ca. C Germany, Brazil, China 91305 4605 David Booth, 205 Mecherle Dr., Bloomington, II. 61401 C Gold & silver certificates, fractional cur- rency 4606 Ronald A. Kantor, 1921 No. Beverly Dr., Beverly C Large-size currency Hills, Ca. 90210 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 62PAGE 94 4607 Jimmy Doyle McSpadden, P. 0. Box 2162, Jones- boro, Ar. 72401 4608 Harold Korin, 62-10 99th St., Apt. 4P, Rego Park, NY 11374 4609 Ralph P. Erlick, Jr., 3830 Superior Ave., Cincin- nati, Ohio 45326 4610 Dennis R. Houle, P. 0. Box 88, West Roxbury, Ma. 02132 4611 David M. Cupka, 6353 Murray Drive, Hanahan, S.C. 29406 4612 Tom Belcher, 5519 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, Fl. 32207 4613 John A. Wildi, Jr., P. 0. Box 34, Reynoldsburg, Oh. 43068 4614 Larry A. Valentine, 148 Poinsettia Ave., Monrovia, Ca. 91016 4615 Robert Kearney, 238 East Richmond St., Phila- delphia, Pa. 19125 4616 E. G. Weems, P. 0. Box 4016, Gulfport, Ms. 39501 4617 John L. Williams, 128 Ridgedale Ave., Madison, N.J. 07940 4618 Richard M. Kozlowski, 245 Howell St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19120 4619 Rev. Robert Ippolito, Topsfield Road, Ipswich, Ma. 01938 4620 Charles E. Trenk, P. 0. Box 241, Belle Vernon, Pa. 15012 4621 R. E. Cadwalader, P. 0. Box 85, Soquel, Ca. 95073 4622 William C. Vaughan, 11322 Conway Rd., St. Louis, Mo. 63131 4623 John B. Buck, P. 0. Box 10801, Mehlville Branch, St. Louis, Mo. 63129 4624 Arthur Poe, 154 South Livingston Ave., Livingston, N.J. 07039 4625 Charles W. Geiger, 120 Bryant St., Dubuque, Ia. 52001 4626 Benjamin Stack, 123 West 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10019 4627 Harry G. A. Seggerman, 5060 Congress St., Fair- field, Ct. 06430 462811 Edward H. Weitzen, c/o American Bank Note Co., 70 Broad St., New York, N.Y. 10004 462911 Robert P. Charles, c/o American Bank Note Co., 70 Broad St., New York, N.Y. 10004 4630 Alfred Hortmann, 7346 Forsyth Blvd., University City, Mo. 63105 Ark. Nationals, obsoletes, U. S. large and small currency Large-size notes-silver certif. and National Bank Notes-1st Charter period Type collection Small-size silver certificates & U. S. Notes U. S. & S. C. currency & notes Florida National Currency C, D National Currency C Bolivia, Argentine, modern world C U. S. currency-large & small; South Amer- ican Currency U. S. coins & currency Checks $1 Silver Certificates C Fractional currency C, D U. S. paper-Nationals & fractional currency C Confederate C, D Fancy & unusual serial numbers C Block collecting-F.R. notes D U. S. large-size currency C U. S. Changes of Address 524 William E. Benson, 2800 Routh Street, The Quadrangle #238, Dallas, Tx 75201 4456 Harry M. Corrigan, 237 Lake Park, Birmingham, Mich. 48009 3554 Fredric G. Mantei, Jr., P. 0. Box 720, Garden City, N.Y. 11530 3122 K. N. Armstrong, 809 Dillard St., Greensboro, N.C. 27403 3687 Richard M. Kirka, 36656 Maas Dr., Sterling Heights, Mich. 48077 2784 Jesse B. Gilmore, 1316 9th Street S., Nampa, Id. 83651 2281 Robert C. McCurdy, 1609 N.E. 6th Terr., Cape Coral, Fl. 33904 3936 0. L. Lisot, Box 607, Littleton, Co. 80120 2962 David D. Cameron, 1134-B Orange Ave., Ft. Pierce, Fla. 33450 4408 Victor L. Flickling, 5231 14th Ave. So., Minnea- polis, Mn. 55406 3425 Vern H. Christensen, 1417 N. Lewis Ave., Wauke- gan, IL 60085 3992 Michael L. Cummings, HHB 65 AD, 1st Hawk Bn., Key West, Fl. 33090 4297 Gregory L. McNeal, 4236 Park Forest Dr., Mem- phis, Tn. 38117 3549 M. Larry Cowart, P. 0. Box 633, Ocilla, Ga. 31774 1997 Maj. Donald W. Schleicher, HQ JUSMAG-K P. 0. Box 33, APO San Francisco, Ca. 96302 4281 L. W. Vosloh, P. 0. Box 325, Gambrills, Md. 21054 4019 Richard E. Reed, Apt. 103, 9120 Fountainbleau Blvd., Miami, Fl. 33172 2898 Armand M. Shank, Jr., P. 0. Box 233, Lutherville, Md. 21093 3082 Gerald M. Kohne, 304 W. Adams St., Decatur, Ind. 46733 183 J. Robert Melanson, Box B, El Camp, Tx. 77437 2934 Robert L. Davis, III, Suite 714 Security Bldg., Denver, Colo. 80202 577 David F. Paskausky, 2614 Ft. Farnsworth Rd., Apt. 1-B, Alexandria, Va. 22303 4594 Thomas Dubas, 20105 Entradero, Torrance, Ca. 90503 3192 Howard A. Daniel III, ODCSO Systems Div., APO New York, N.Y. 09403 2288 Robert H. Cornell, 270 Maple Street, Springfield, Ma. 01105 4276 Hayden D. Watson, 7805 S. College Place, Tulsa, Ok. 74136 4086 J. K. Chang, 41-33 147th St., Flushing, N.Y. 11355 4357 Phillip Jessop, 1014 No. Spruce, Ogallala, Neb. 69153 1034 Charles A. Orr, 44815 Wyandotte Ave., Hemet, ca. 92343 2517 Capt. Samuel E. Roakes, Jr. ' 3163 Oak Creek Dr. E., Colo. Spgs., Co. 80906 48 William J. Harrison, 7 Captain Blount Road, South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 4437 Tom E. Gettman, 516 Wasmuth Ave., Vallejo, Ca. 94592 WHOLE NO. 62 Paper Money PAGE 95 257 F. A. Jones, 10553 W. Warren, Dearborn, Mi. 48126 2854 Tom Wass, 9601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 210, Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210 3462 Robert J. Galiette, 114 Mapleridge Drive, Water- bury, Ct. 06705 2271 Dr. Armand R. Gasbarro, 791 Tenuta Court, Olympia Fields, Il 60461 3116 Gary F. Morrow, Northlake Office Park Bldg., 5th Floor, Atlanta, Ga. 30345 4213 Vernon B. Brannon II, Route #4, 1045 Silver Creek Ct., Greer, S.C. 29651 1191 Martin Vink, P. 0. Box 106, South Holland, Il 60473 4488 John W. Hertzfeld, 83-D Beam Circle, Franklin, Ohio 45005 127 Melvin E. Came, P. 0. Box 265, Indian Rocks Beach, Fl. 33535 4306 John E. Hamm, P. 0. Box 29652, Dallas, Tx. 75229 1373 Peter A. Graubard, Box 1923, APO N.Y. 09127 4265 Barry Litcofsky, S.U.N.Y. Albany, Indian Box 2060, Albany, N.Y. 12222 2891 Richard H. Skillin, 2581 Hypoluxo Rd., Lantana, Fla. 33462 3526 William K. Raymond, 29956 Triunfo Dr., Agoura, Ca. 91301 Change of Membership Status 3390 Mark R. Jones 4548 Kenneth L. Hallenbeck, Jr. (From Junior to full membership status) Correction in spelling of name (From Hollen- beck to Hallenbeck) Change in Zip Code 8H J. Roy Pennell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S.C. 29622 Deceased 69 Maurice M. Gould 499 G. G. Sawyer, Jr. 126 Fred Cady 4057 William E. Decker WASHINGTON NATIONALS FOR SALE 1902 $5—EXCHANGE NATL. BANK #4044—Spokane, VG-F 75.00 1902 $10—OLD NATL. BANK #4668—Spokane, VF-XF 115.00 1902 $20—FIDELITY NATL. BANK #3528—Spokane, VG-F 190.00 1902 $5—UNIVERSITY NATL. BANK #12153—Seattle, F 95.00 1929 $20—CITIZENS SECURITY NATL. BANK #11693—Everett, F-VF 93.00 1929 $20—FARMERS NATL. BANK #10511—Colfax, F 85.00 1929 $10—WASHINGTON NATL. BANK #9079—Ellensburg, CU 165.00 1929 $10—BROUGHTON NATL. BANK #9443—Dayton, VG 85.00 1929 $10—COLUMBIA NATL. BANK #2772—Dayton, VG 165.00 1929 $10—FIRST NATL. BANK #13331—Spokane, VF 35.00 1929 $10—YAKIMA FIRST NATL. BANK #3355—Yakima, F 55.00 1929 $20—U.S. NATL. BANK #9646—Vancouver, VG 75.00 1929 $10—GRAYS HARBOR NATL. BANK #12704—Aberdeen, F 75.00 1929 $20—OLD NATL. BANK #4668—Spokane, VF 35.00 SPOKANE COIN EXCH., INC. STEVE ESTES ANA 54510 W.249 SPOKANE FALLS, SPOKANE, WASH. 99201 Paper MoneyPAGE 96 MONEY MART WHOLE NO. 62 FOR USE BY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ONLY PAPER MONEY will accept classifield advertising from members on a basis of 5c per word, with a mini- mum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, sell- ing, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in na- ture. At present there are no special classifications but the first three words will be printed in capital letters. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the So- ciety of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jeffer- son, Wis. 53549 by the 10th of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Dec. 10, 1975 for Jan. 1976 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbrevia- tions, figure combinations and initials counted as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count: WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters. $1 SC, U. S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N. Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U. S.; FRN counted as one word each) (Because of ever-increasing costs, no receipts for MONEY MART ads will be sent unless specifically requested.) SET 12 CRISP, uncirculated $2 Federal Reserves, one from each district, $31 postpaid, insured. James W. Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (65) PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES: nice set of whole num- bers one through thirteen wanted. I seek all types of Connecticut paper, especially sheets. Thanks. Robert Galiette, 114 Mapleridge Dr., Waterbury, CT 06705 1974 CLEVELAND 905 back check number $1 FRN. $5.25 each or trade for 5 $1 FRN or 1 other district 905. All UNC. Limited number available. Howard C. Pardee, USCG Academy, Band, New London, CT 06320 NEBRASKA NATIONALS WANTED. Send description of notes and price. Help me with my specialty. Tom Gettman, 516 Wasmuth, Vallejo, CA 94592 WANTED IOWA CURRENCY. Obsolete and Nationals, especially Council Bluffs banks. Will buy or trade for. I have many obsolete northern and southern state notes, fractionals and odd denominational notes for trade. David Linberg, Bus. Dir., Mercy Hospital, 800 Mercy Dr., Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501 (65) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: Large-size Na- tionals, obsoletes notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Rt. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (67) 1929 NATIONALS WANTED from these New York City Banks: Bayside, Central, Dunbar, Elmhurst, Fidelity, Flushing, Jamaica, Kingsboro, Melrose, Park, Peoples, Queensboro, Queens County, Richmond, Springfield Gar- dens, Staten Island, Sterling, Straus, Washington, Wash- ington Square. I'll answer your letter promptly and refund your postage. John G. Cloutier, 218 Islip Blvd., Islip Terrace, NY 11752 110 BROKEN BANK Notes from various states for sale. Send stamp for list. E. B. Overlock, 66 Presidents Rd., Buzzards Bay, MA 02532 EUROPEAN THEATRE GOLDBACKS wanted. Also any European paper prior to 1948 in larger quantities only. State price. Dr. L. Boyar, #3841, P. 0. Box 942, New York, NY 10023 (62) CHESANING MICHIGAN WANTED: $5 third charter, No. 11454. Also Chesaning depression scrip. Cash or trade other Michigan Nationals. Please write first. Rich- ard Kirka, 17865 Albion, Detroit, MI 48234 (62) WANTED NEW JERSEY large and small size National Bank Notes. Write with full description and price. Robert W. Hearn, P.O. Box 233, Hackensack, NJ 07602 (66) WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency, scrip. Will pay fair prices. Especially want—city, county issues, Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga., R.R. Banking, Bank of Fulton, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R.R. Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Bank of Macon, Central Bank Milledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Bank of U.S., Central R.R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters Bank. Many other issues wanted. Please write for list. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031 (64) WANTED: HAWAII AND North African notes in AU or better condition. Joe De Corte, 13917 Rosecrans Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (64) KANSAS BANKNOTES WANTED: serious collector seeks National Banknotes from Kansas and interesting notes from other states. Please price and describe. C. Dale Lyon, Box 1207, Salina, KS 67401 (68) MAKE BEST OFFER: (all circulated but crisp) Stars: $1 B04538099*; $5 D05165342*; $10 B02503656*, B23587289*, B23186005*; $100 B00344217*, L01089141*, L00475300*, B00872596*, B00896205*; also $100 G1029- 4122A (Chicago) Series of 1934, signed by Julian & Vinson. Dr. L. Boyar, P.O. Box 942, New York, NY 10023 (64) NEW JERSEY CURRENCY wanted. Colonial, obsolete notes/sheets, scrip and checks. I have some duplicate notes for trade. John J. Merrigan, Jr., 2 Alexandria Dr., East Hanover, NJ 07936 (65) CLEARINGHOUSE CERTIFICATES AND checks pay- able only through a clearinghouse wanted by collector and researcher. Have varied items for trade. Tom Sheehan, P. 0. Box 14, Seattle, WA 98111 (63) WANTED: CONNECTICUT OBSOLETE notes, scrip, checks, coins, tokens, etc. Also interested in National Cur- rency from Windham National Bank charter #1614. Charles E. Straub, P. 0. Box 14, Willimantic, CT 06226 (65) WANTED: RUTHERFORD, NEW Jersey National Bank Notes, charter 5005. Please describe and price first letter. Tom Conklin, P. 0. Box 440, Rutherford, NJ 07070 (62) FRENCH INDO-CHINA, VIETNAM banknotes, MPC wanted. Duplicates traded. Describe and price first letter. (ANA 10 550). Mervyn H. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 1355, Fort Eustis, VA 23604 (66) Prtilkrii€74.XT. et AN mit rfireaim :yr Pm' Z616036E M N WINGS , 12th rt'tcf t rr.1 r,) ;x0 7*41111415Protsto:o fitial riLimemico. WHOLE NO. 62 Paper Money PAGE 97 MONEY MART HUDSON BAY COMPANY stock certificates $1 each. Still want used large $1,000 bill. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 MORMON-SCOUT-OLD newspapers-documents wanted. Large quantities only. Harry L. Strauss, Jr., Box 321, Peekskill, NY 10566 (73) SPRINKLE HAS PROOF notes and obsolete uncut sheets of New Jersey and Rhode Island. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 EXCCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR beginner and intermediate collectors of National Currency. Lists of National Currency for sale or trade. Free for SASE! Wanted: West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and National Currency from all other states, large and small size. Describe, advise price or send for my reasonable offer. Trades definitely considered! Michael Robelin, P.O. Box 172, Plainview, NY 11803 GREAT CONFEDERATE RARITY: only known uncut sheet of $500 bills. 1864 fantastic sheet. $25,000. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 WANTED: FIRST THREE volumes of Paper Money. Whole numbers 1 to 13 incl. W. H. McDonald, P.O. 704, Station "B", Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2P9 (64) <40:0$0:0:0:0:0:0 0:0 0:0:010:020202010:020:0$0:020:0:0 *tot* opsotototo Ot<40 FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES• Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available WARREN HENDERSON P. O. BOX 1358, VENICE, FLA. 33595 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes. Script, Warrants. Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian, lefierson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominaticnals, Kirtlands, lopicals; Colonial, Continental: CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P. O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. 11571 NEW YORK STATE NATIONALS WANTED ,uf ALL SIZES AND TYPES Mineola 9187 Mineola 13404 New York City (Dunbar N.B.) 13237 Northport 5936 Oceanside 12458 Patchogue 6785 Patchogue 12788 Port Jefferson 5068 Port Washington 11292 Port Washington 13310 Riverhead 4230 Rockville Center 8872 Rockville Center 11033 Roslyn 13326 Sayville 5186 Seaford 12963 Smithtown Branch 9820 Southampton 10185 Unionville 11448 Valley Stream 11881 West Hempstead 13104 Westbury 11730 Woodmere 12294 Freeport 11518 Glen Head 13126 Great Neck 12659 Greenport 334 Greenport 3232 Hampton Bays 12987 Hempstead 4880 Hempstead 11375 Hicksville 1 1087 Huntington 6587 Islip 8794 Kings Park 12489 Kings Park 14019 Lake Ronkonkoma 13130 Lindenhurst 8833 Long Beach 11755 Long Beach 13074 Lynbrook 8923 Lynbrook 11603 Mamaroneck 13592 Manhasset 11924 Mattituck 13445 Merrick 12503 Amityville 8873 Babylon 4906 Babylon 10358 Baldwin 11474 Baldwin 13062 Bay Shore 10029 Bel lerose 13234 Bellmore 11072 Bel 1port 12473 Bridgehampton 9669 Cedarhurst 11854 Central Islip 12379 Cutchogue 12551 East Hampton 7763 East Islip 9322 East Northport 12593 East Rockaway 12818 East Setauket 11511 Eastport 13228 East Williston 13124 Farmingdale 8882 Franklin Square 12997 Freeport 7703 I also need Obsolete Currency and Scrip from any of these towns as well from: ORIENT POINT SOUTHOLD MONTAUK GLEN COVE EAST MARION AMAGANSETT Suffolk County Bank of Sag Harbor Interested also in Chicago, Illinois #12227—Douglass National Bank. I will also buy old "Satirical" cartoon currency poking fun at political candidates. Also needed are any bills with numbers similar to 20202020, 0202020, etc. DR. ALAN YORK NUMBER ONE MAIN STREET, EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 516-324-1024 (66) THE JOHN CARTER ROWN LIZRARY OF BROWN UNIVERSITY L III) ' '7' W7'..7-'7:177'1' tr 77/777_117 / -7 -;iri. ,-/7,7c7,73/_.. L-37LIz7/1/7/', ,fi±.5,- /7 0,-77.7-7/-r, /*1.1'71/71-112,"..5 '7'71:T- u7:7 N / .: 7 /71177 t 7 11/1'17,471,""r '7_MY___'717/,-:, P 171'771.171771ff^1. 1:1_1:7 /-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '--- -.-7-- ir AL! ,ERIEs TWO GREAT PAPER MONEY SALES On May 3 & 4, 1976 We Will Sell Duplicate Selections Of COONIAL, 0 111) SOLETE z CONFEDERATE CURRENCY F OM Reserve These Historic Catalogues Now! And On May 5, 1976 We Will Sell THE RAPHAEL ELLENBOGEN COLLECTION OF PALESTINE AND ISRAEL PAPER MONEY A sale featuring the largest collection of Judaic paper ever sold in the U. S. There are over 1,000 paper notes of Pre- Palestine, State of Israel, Kibbutz issues and Concentration Camp material. MANY TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. A Subsidiary of FIRST COINVESTORS, INC. .0 200 1. U. Willets Road, Albertson, New York 11509 "' mt. ;A' '‘‘,V I 1:**. f" pine, 11-26e, Auction Galleries, Inc. I 200 1. U. Willets Road. Albertson, New York 11507 IC I Please reserve for me the following catalogues and prices realized: I Iq Brown University — May 3 & 4, 1976 @ $3.00 I q Raphael Ellenbogen Collection — May 5, 1976 @ $3.00 Iq Full Annual Subscription through DEC. 1976 @ $10.00 I I I Name IAddress I City State Zip I q I would like to consign coins. Please call me at L _ _ (Include Area Code) _1 SLAVE DEEDS DOCUMENTS. AND RELATED MATERIAL WANTED (also) CONFEDERATE CURRENCY Collectors: I WILL PURCHASE SINGLES OR ENTIRE COLLECTIONS; PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR MATERIAL FULLY IN FIRST LETTER. XEROX COPIES, A MUST ON SLAVE MATERIAL. Dealers: I AM ALWAYS EAGER TO CORRESPOND WITH ANYONE WHO CAN OFFER QUALITY ITEMS. WAYNE T. HAHN 2719 MORRIS AVE., BRONX, N. Y. 10468 Lee J. Bellisario ANIMIIII■11111r-111/4••■1111111111VAIIIII■111■4111/41111/411111111111■4111PIMIAI■11■4111/41/■11IAIN/Affir A personal message from Lee J. Bellisario, President, New England Rare Coin Auctions We at New England Rare Coin Auctions recognize that there are other large and important auction companies in the United States. Our goal, however, is set. We are determined to do everything possible in the way of personalized service and responsibility, so that when you think about consigning your coin collection, the first and only company you consider is New England Rare Coin Auctions. At New England Rare Coin Auctions, we believe that if you have choice or rare United States or foreign coins or currency to sell, whether your collection is large or small, you just might profit more than you ever imagined! And that is why we offer you everything that follows: • Our already-established clientele of know- ledgeable and quality-conscious buyers is unsurpassed in the industry. • NERCA catalogs are of superb quality, lavishly illustrated and informative. Your coins will be expertly and correctly cata- loged to insure that all coins will realize their full value. • New England Rare Coin Galleries' renowned reputation for accurate grading and attri- bution will assure the highest possible prices and the fewest possible returns. •Your consignment will receive prompt, professional & personalized attention by our experienced staff. We understand the care taken in formulating a coin collection. We also believe the same care must be exercised when selling a coin collection. • Our reputation for intensive advertising and promotion is well established. News about our auctions is featured in all major trade publications. In addition, many specialized publications are also utilized in promoting a New England Rare Coin Auction. •You are doing business with New England Rare Coin Auctions, an affiliate of New England Rare Coin Galleries, New England's largest rare coin dealership. • The combination of these factors will insure the best possible prices. In addition, we offer liberal cash advances if requested, fully insured protection of your coins, and fair, reasonable commission rates. We are now accepting consignments for our BICENTENNIAL PUBLICK RARE COIN AUCTION, PART II (July 23 & 24, 1976 Colonnade Hotel, Boston). All consignments must be received no later than April 16. We are also accepting consignments for the entire 1976 -1977 Auction Calendar. Contact me so I can help you with the best disposition of your collection. Sincerely, Mail to: NEW ENGLAND I would like to consign. Enclosed is a description of my holdings. PPM-1 Please contact me by mail q by telephone O. RARE COIN AUCTIONS 1661 Worcester Rd., Name Address City State Zip . NEW, ENGLAND RARE COIN AUCTIONS n •ffihnie Se. nginntl Ram Gmn GalLerw. Suite 501 Day-Time Phone Number Framingham, Approximate value of holdings (if known) $ Mass. 01701 If your needs are urgent, call Lee J. Bellisario at (617) 879-7711 in Massachusetts, (800) 225-3858 from out of state. Stanley Gibbons has something to tempt the most discerning collector Stanley Gibbons Currency are the world's leading specialists in paper money of all periods and in Greek Roman, Byzantine and early European coins. Call in at Drury House and view at your leisure our large stocks which include banknotes from almost every country of the world together with some of the most ancient and beautiful coins ever produced and where our staff are always available to offer expert advice if required. Alternatively write or telephone for literature and latest price lists. „stank? Condors. kits SICILY SYRACUSE 478-413 BC SILVER 4 - DRACHM Head of Arethusa Possibly signed by an unknown artist below ear with an 'A'. Finest style and best period of Greek art. Rare $10 note issued on the TIENTSIN Branch of the Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China, printed by W. W. Sprague, London. STANLEY OIBBON$ CURRENCY LtIVIrTED uRURY HOUSt, RUSSal 5TRLE 1, LONDON, WL.,z13 5HD TEL. 01,836 8444 FRACTIONAL CURRENCY • FOR SALE Send for our large listing (ten pages) of Fractional Regular Issue, Error, Specimen, Multiple and Experimental Pieces. • WANTED Any and all Fractional or related material (books, Spinner items, etc.). Sell to a specialist for the best possible offer. • LEN AND JEAN GLAZER P. O. BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, NEW YORK 11375 ANA SPMC MENAI., IVY ,NIIED STATES SILVER CERTIFICATES SiATEE. SOLD CERTIFII'ATES , I!: I 111) F.T 4 I , N ATIONAL CURREN.' ,N•N ■••N FaVYM / UNITED STATES SMALL SIZE 11717RRENC1' 1 - EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE UNITED STATES EMERGENI 'V SERIES Mt 15.11•14 ATI • ANDLI_ta "MOM ■• %ay. UNITED STATES I.EGAI. TENDER NOTES UNITED STATES • FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES For An Award ,Winning Collection MOUNT YOUR U.S. PAPER MONEY ON NiCeirtGr CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES The following sets of PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES and mounts will accommodate ALL small size U.S. currency issued from 1928 to date. Legal Tender Notes Series Capacity Retail L-01 One Dollar 1928 1 .50 L-02 Two Dollars 1928-63A 14 3.25 L-05 Five Dollars 1928-63A 12 2.50 L-3B Any Denomination ANY 18 3.00 Silver Certificates S-EA Emergency Issue - Africa 1934-35A 3 1.00 S-EH Emergency Issue - Hawaii 1934-35A 4 1.00 S-RS Experimental Issue 1935A 2 .50 S-3B Any Denomination ANY 18 3.00 Gold Certificates G-01 Ten and Twenty Dollars 1928 2 .50 UNITED S'AILE FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES SEHIES IMO II - - • • - Federal Reserve Notes F-3B Any Denomination ANY 18 3.00 Small Size Currency AP -3B All Purpose (Errors, radars, etc.) ANY 18 3.00 ALL PHOENIX CURRENCY ALBUM PAGES fit any standard three - ring loose - leaf binder. Please include 50c for postage & handling on all orders. VALLEY COIN SHOP 695 WASHINGTON ST., SO. ATTLEBORO, MA 02703 1 Federal Reserve Notes-$1. 01-1 Granahan-Dillon 01-2 Granahan-Fowler 01-3 Granahan-Barr 01-4 Elston-Kennedy 01-5 Kabis-Kennedy 01-6 Kabis-Connally 01-7 Banuelos-Connally 01-8 Banuelos-Shultz 01-9 Neff-Simon N-3B N-05 Blockletter and Federal Reserve Notes-$1. Star Note Sets 01-1B Granahan-Dillon 1963 34 7.25 01-2B Granahan-Fowler 1963A 70 14.75 01-3B Granahan-Barr 1963B 13 3.00 01-4B Elston-Kennedy 1969 36 7.50 01-5B Kabis-Kennedy 1969A 32 6.75 01-6B Kabis-Connally 1969B 35 7.50 01-7B Banuelos-Connally 1969C 25 5.50 01-8B Banuelos-Shultz 1969D 44 9.25 01-9B Neff-Simon 1974 20 4.25 National Currency Any Denomination Any Denomination District Sets 1963 12 2.50 1963A 12 2.50 1963B 5 1.50 1969 12 2.50 1969A 12 2.50 1969B 12 2.50 1969C 10 2.25 1969D 12 2.50 1974 12 2.50 1929 12 2.50 1929 18 3.00 HICKMAN & OAKES are proud to announce an outstanding MAIL BID SALE featuring two significant collections of NATIONAL BANK NOTES FEATURES INCLUDE: * A collection by state seals & a collection by state capitals. Both virtually complete. * Illustrations of all known state seals as they appear on the various National Bank Notes. * Nationals issued by the state capitals in Series 1902 Blue Seal, Red Seal, Dated Backs, & Series 1929 notes. * An offering of over 200 notes, all accurately described, with many illustrations of the actual notes offered. * Illustrations of 1st Charter $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 It $100, & 1882 Brown Back $5, $10, $20, $50 & $100 notes. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO BID IN THIS SIGNIFICANT NATIONAL BANK NOTE OFFERING. MAIL $1 FOR CATALOGUE & PRICES REALIZED TO HICKMAN & OAKES CATALOGUE, Drawer 1456, Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Catalogue Due out March, 1976 I ws , • I )1 1'.11'11( I • I I i.t \ I ) 11. VAC-4},CAMPAIO .rart-r-ata pg0FESSIO5k NUMiSMRTISTS qUILD • INC. FOURTH (1975) EDITION 1 ,175 $3.50 1,111 ■ ■ 1( i ( . 1 I \ .■ , UNITED STATES LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY 1861 to 1923 UNITED STATES LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY by William P. Donlon Revised & Published by A. M. & Don Kagin 184 PAGES FULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH UP-TO-DATE PRICES NOW AVAILABLE AT YOUR DEALER'S & STILL ONLY $3.50! or order direct from: A. M. & DON KAGIN Suite 400-412 Royal Union Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 NATIONALS - TYPE NOTES Listed are some nice notes for your consideration, whether it be for type or Nationals. Choice types are becoming harder and harder to find and Nationals that are scarce are about to become non-existant. So, get the note you need now before it's too late or too high! Strict grading, satisfaction guaranteed. Okla. City, Okla. #4862 CU I 65.00 Casper, Wyoming #10533 VF I 175.00 Washington, D.C. #5046 CU I 80.00 Sumter, S.C. #10660 CU I I 105.00 Memphis, Tenn. #336 CU II 70.00 Crystal Falls, Mi. #11547 CU I 65.00 LARGE SIZE NATIONALS Fr. # 380 Boston, Mass. # 1 092 F+ 385 Northfield, Vt. # 1 638 VG+ 75.00 434 Greenwich, N.Y. #2517 CU 35.00 480 Chambersburg, Pa. #593 XF+ 130.00 493 Waynesboro, Pa. #244 AU 185.00 537 St. Louis, Mo. #5172 XF 125.00 545 St. Louis, Mo. #5172 AU+ 47.00 587 Northampton, Mass. #1018 VF 77.00 595 Pitts., Penna. #6301 GEM 30.00 595 Phil., Pa. #539 GEM 77.00 598 Prov., R.I. #1328 AU 75.00 598 Prov., R.I. #1366 CU 35.00 598 Watervliet, N.Y. #1265 CU 35.00 598 Westfield, Mass. #190 F+ 35.00 598 Valentine, Neb. #6378 F 602 Buckhannon, W.Va. #4760 VF+ 603 Missoula, Mo. #2106 F 605 Gaffney, S.C. #10655 VF+ 607 Camden, N.Y. #2448 F 607 Waynesboro, Pa. #5832 F+ 607 Cleveland, Ohio #11862 F 613 Scranton, Pa. #77 F+ 617 Albuquerque, N.M. #7 1 86 VG 624 Prov., R.I. #1007 AU 624 Richmond, Va. #1111 VF/XF 626 Hot Springs, Va. #8722 XF+ 626 Blackstone, Va. #9224 AU+ 627 Newberry, S.C. #1844 F+ 625 Clinton, S.C. #8041 VF 626 Clifton Forge, Va. #6008 CU 628 Salt L.C., Utah #2059 F+ 628 Greensboro, N.C. #10112 F+ 632 Wilmington, N.C. #5182 VG+ 632 Bedford, Va. #11328 XF 631 El loree, S.C. # 10679 F 631 Oakland, Cal. #2248 F 632 Brunson, S.C. #10832 VG+ 135.00 633 Waynesboro, Pa. #11866 F+ 120.00 633 Albany, Ga. #5512 VG 55.00 650 Portland, Pa. #6665 F 55.00 650 Prov., R.I. #948 AU+ 65.00 651 Sumner, Iowa #8198 VF/XF 165.00 652 Wytheville, Va. #9012 CU 75.00 653 Salem, Va. #1824 F 60.00 654 Marion, S.C. #10085 AU 95.00 659 Kings Mountain, N.C. #5451 60.00 661 Newark, N.J. #12570 VF+ 60.00 613 Lynchburg, Va. #2760 F 65.00 625 Lynchburg, Va. # 1 522 VG 60.00 625 Lynchburg, Va. #1558 F+ 47.00 626 Lynchburg, Va. #1522 VF FIVE DOLLAR 1929's Plainview, Minn. #6293 VF+ Oakland, Calif. #12665 VF+ Santa Monica, Cal. #12787 XF Islip, New York #8794 AU Yazoo City, Miss. #12587 GEM Gastonia, N.C. #7536 F+ Spartanburg, S.C., #14211 AU+ Wausau, Wisc. #2820 CU St. Johnsbury, Vt. #489 AU Valdosta, Ga. #4429 F Wichita, Kansas #2782 CU Atlanta, Ga. #1559 CU Evansville, Ind. #2188 CU TEN DOLLAR 1929's San Fran., Calif. #1741 CU Greenwood, S.C. #7027 VG+ (#59) Newnan, Ga. #1861 F+ Gastonia. I's'. C .7"k 4377 VG Toledo, Ohio #91 CU Pembroke, Ga. #8680 XF/AU Brunswick, Ga. #4944 F Catlin, Ill. #7276 VG+ ( #29) Easthampton, Mass. #428 CU NYC, NY #2370 CU Ocilla, Georgia #8580 VF/XF Louisville, Ky. #2164 CU Duluth, Minn. #6520 CU Trenton, N.J. #1327 CU Johnstown, Pa. #13781 CU TWENTY DOLLAR 1929's Asheville, N.C. #12244 VF+ Providence, R.I. #1302 CU Crofton, Neb. #8186 VF (#28) Wisner, Neb. #6866 F+ Rome, Ga. #10302 VF/XF Hudson, N.Y. #990 AU+ Durham, N.C. #13657 VF Pottstown, Pa. #4714 AU Pensacola, Ha. #5603 CU Decatur, Ill. #5089 CU Hobart, N.Y. #4497 F Cartersville, Ga. #4012 VF Spartanburg, S.C. #1848 VF Laredo, Texas #5001 VF 45.00 135.00 75.00 42.00 40.00 175.00 27.00 56.00 57.00 29.00 106.00 50.00 35.00 40.00 175.00 125.00 225.00 1150.00 200.00 250.00 105.00 150.00 50.00 350.00 350.00 95.00 125.00 120.00 51.00 250.00 275.00 375.00 300.00 75.00 55.00 55.00 50.00 195.00 95.00 60.00 250.00 275.00 275.00 265.00 175.00 95.00 160.00 145.00 275.00 250.00 75.00 250.00 60.00 80.00 85.00 115.00 120.00 250.00 125.00 300.00 VF 275.00 47.00 65.00 50.00 60.00 65.00 TYPE NOTES-ALL CHOICE NOTES #16 XF/AU 175.00 #37 GEM CU 40.00 #40 XF 55.00 #40 CU 85.00 #42 XF/AU 205.00 #58 CU Serial B7500000A 60.00 #60 CU 60.00 #64 CU 250.00 #91 CU 60.00 #217 AU+ 160.00 #218 AU 140.00 #232 AU+ 32.00 #238 CU 35.00 #237 CU 30.00 #282 VF/XF 195.00 #282 CU 300.00 #712 CU CUT SHEET (4) 200.00 #833 CU 120.00 #893 XF 85.00 #911 CU 40.00 #931 CU 40.00 #967 AU+ 45.00 #1173 GEM CU 135.00 Send me your want list on type notes and Nationals. A list can be had for your name and address. I am a very serious buyer of Nationals, Types and Southern Obsolete-give me a chance to buy your extras or collection. JAMES A. SPARKS, JR. POST OFFICE BOX 4235 ANA, SPMC, PMCM SALISBURY, N.C. 28144 WANTE D KANSAS NATIONALS esintavid.k, aC:$ Au -bison Nalitan*Iou► TAKE A CENTURY-OLD TOUR OF THE AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY Back in 1861, a series of articles entitled Making Money appeared in HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Beautifully illustrated, with dozens of fine-line woodcut engravings, these articles treated Harper's readers to a comprehensive tour of the Philadelphia Mint and the American Bank Note Company. Few original copies have survived, but an exactly re- produced 36-page reprint of these fascinating articles is now available. It's called, appropriately, . . . Making Money at the Philadelphia Mint and the American Bank Note Company Follow each step of bank note production as it was over 100 years ago. Visit the Modeling and Designing Rooms, their walls covered with original drawings by Darley, Casilear, Ed- monds, and others. The Engraving Room, where tool is first taken to steel. Explore the intricacies of the Geometric Lathe and the Transfer Press. Learn about the various printing processes and the evolution of the inks that are used. For example, did you know that the earliest bank note inks were formu- lated by burning the refuse of wine-presses?! Order your copy today! Only $2.95 postpaid. N.Y. residents please add 7% tax. G. A. FLANAGAN P. 0. Box 191, Babylon, N.Y. 11702 TYPE NOTES WANTED We will pay the above prices for VG or better notes. CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $300 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in VG or better. #2192 #3473 #3791 #2640 #3512 #3805 #2954 #3563 #3807 #2990 #3564 #3812 #3002 #3567 #3833 #3035 #3569 #3835 #3090 #3594 #3844 #3108 #3667 #3852 #3194 #3695 #3853 #3199 #3703 #3880 #3249 #3710 #3900 #3265 #3737 #3928 #3384 #3751 #3963 #3386 #3758 #3992 #3394 #3769 #4150 #3431 #3775 #4288 #3440 #3776 #9097 #3443 #3787 #11887 There are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals Joe Flynn & Son Rare Coins Inc. BOX 3140 2854 W. 47th STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE 913-236-7171 Any Original Series $10 pay 400.00 Any Original Series $20 pay 550.00 Any Series of 1875 $50 pay 2000.00 Any Series of 1875 $100 pay 2000.00 Any Brown Back $100 pay 500.00 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 pay 500.00 Any 1929 Type II $50 pay 500.00 WANTED: RARE LARGE-SIZE NOTES We require RARE large-size notes in any grade; type notes in CU only (no Federals, please) , in $1 through $100 denominations. We also need all grades large-size NATIONAL BANK NOTES, mainly FIRST CHARTER $1, $2 and $5; SECCOND CHARTER brownback $5s, and THIRD CHARTER RED SEALS $5, $10 and $20. TOP DEALER PRICES PAID FOR REQUIRED MATERIAL. We also pay top dealer prices for required "AMERICANA" WESTERN, INDIAN & TERRITORIAL items of mid-1840s to early 1900s ONLY, such as: broadsides, Gold Rush, Pony Express and Wells, Fargo memorabilia; documents, letters, coins, photos, law badges, signs, frontier artifacts, bars, books, autographs, checks, bonds, certificates, drafts, covers, Indian artifacts of all types (no current jewelry), pre-1898 firearms, etc. (No "Wells Fargo" buckles or reproductions of any kind, please.) WRITE or CALL (collect) first and describe what you have to offer. As dealers, we also have on hand a fine selection of notes and Western collateral for sale. Your inquiries are respectfully solicited. M. PERLMUTTER P. 0. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MA. 02159 Phone: 1-617 332-6119 Specializing in U. S. LARGE paper currency, Series 1861-1923, and Western "Americana." Researchers, Dealers and Appraisers. Contributors to the leading publications and trends in the field of U. S. paper money. Members of SPMC (948), ANA, ANS, PMCM, CCRT and other leading syngraphic, numismatic, exonumistic and philatelic organizations. WANTED U. S. COLONIAL CURRENCY & DOCUMENTS Of The Era Of • LAND GRANTS • TREATIES • LOTTERY TICKETS • BONDS • SOLDIERS' PAY SCRIP • BROADSIDES Inquiries or want lists are respectfully solicited. We Are The COLLECTORS' DEALER. J. J. TEAPARTY 43 BROMFIELD ST. BOSTON, MA 02108 Tel. 617-542-0023 428-3298 Member: ANA SPMC PNG WANTED IOWA IOWA IOWA NATIONAL BANK NOTES IOWA From the following IOWA cities and towns: and price or send insured for my fair offer to Adair Afton Belmond Blockton Brighton Brooklyn Clutier Coin College Springs Dike Please state condition Estherville Floyd Fort Madison Garden Grove Gilmore Goldfield Grafton Hamburg Harlan Harris Holstein Ida Grove I reton Jesup Lansing Lawler Lineville Linn Grove Lisbon Macksburg Marshalltown Nashua Northboro Olin Orange City Sanborn Sutherland Wesley WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOBOJI, IOWA 51355 ANA Life #109 SPMC #2950 MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED • Will Buy Any Condition If I Need The Bank. Keenly interested in Uncut Sheets & other material pertaining to National Banks from 1863-1935. List information and prices in first letter and send for prompt action to: • FRED SWEENEY KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 BOX 10144 $3.00 DENOMINATION NOTES CONN. Manufacturers' Exch. Co. 1814. V.F. CONN. Union Bank, New London. u/s. Unc. IND. Citizens Bank. 1857. Fine MD. Somerset & Worcester Say. Bank. 1862. Unc. MASS. Franklin Bank, Boston. u/s. X.F. MASS. New England Bank, Boston. 1841. Fine MASS. National Bank, Boston. 1857. Fine MASS. Quinsigamond Bank, Worcester. 1851 MICH. Adrian Insurance Co. 1856. A.U. MICH. Commercial Bank, Gratiot. u/s. Unc. MICH. Bank of Manchester. 1837. Fine MICH. Bank of Michigan. u/s. Unc. MICH. Millers Bank of Washtenaw. u/s. Unc. N.H. Piscataqua Exch. Bank. 1852. u/s. Unc. N.J. State Bank, New Brunswick, u/s. Unc. N.Y. Merchants Bank. 1816. Unc. PENN. Bank of Fayette County. 1817. Unc. S.C. Office of S.C. Railroad. u/s. Unc. TENN. Farmers & Merchants Bank. 1854 (red) TENN. Mechanics Bank. 1854. (grey) Unc. VA. Bank of the Commonwealth. 1862. A.U. Notes of all kinds in stock. Want lists solicited. I want to buy notes in any series. RICHARD T. HOOBER-ANA 9302 P. 0. Box 196 Newfoundland, Penna. 18445 FOR SALE COLONIAL NEW JERSEY MONEY April 23, 1761 Three Pounds G.-V.G. $40.00 April 8, 1762 Three Pounds Fine 160.00 December 31, 1763 Eighteen Pence UNC 110.00 March 25, 1776 One Shilling UNC./ w/wide margins 175.00 NEW JERSEY CENT 1786 M-43-D FINE 65.00 WANTED New Brunswick, New Jersey Obsolete and NATIONAL Bank Notes and lottery tickets from the city. Please state condition, description and price with first letter. William R. Kazar S.P.M.C. #3785, A. N. A. #73579 53 FRENCH STREET NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. 08901 Tel. (201) 247-8341 We are Selling: Are you tired of overgraded merchan- dise at next year's prices? Try us-we didn't get into this business last month or last year. Our current ten-page comprehensive price list of U.S. large, small and fractional paper money is yours for the asking. • We are Buying: Would you try to sell your stamp collec- tion to a coin dealer? Don't make the same mistake with your paper money. We deal exclusively in paper-need we say more? • THE VAULT P. 0. BOX 2283 PRESCOTT, ARIZ. 86301 WANTEli • All District of Columbia Currency A. Obsolete Notes and Scrip B. National Bank Notes All Small Size Currency with Low Serial Numbers 00000081, 00000082, 00000084 • Julian Leidman 8439 Georgia Ave., Silver Springs, MD 20910 (301) 585-8467 (63) $12.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 16.00 12.00 8.50 Fine 15.00 10.50 27.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 A.U. 12.00 13.00 15.00 CURRENCY FOR SALE 882 $10 B/B St Louis, Mo #170 F/VF 95.00 902 $5 NY, NY #10778 G/VG 22.50 902 $5 Chicago, III #4605 Ch AU 65.00 920 $10 Caldwell, Idaho #P4690 D/B XF 215.00 902 $10 S.F., Calif #9174 Ch AU 57.50 902 $10 Independence, Iowa #3263 VF 75.00 902 $10 Milwaukee, Wisc. #M5458 Ch CU 125.00 902 $10 Colfax, Wash. #P7095 XF 215.00 902 $20 Marinette, Wisc. #4137 Fine 65.00 902 $50 New York, NY #E891 XF 225.00 929 $5 Evansville, Ind T2 #2188 CU 45.00 929 $10 Murray, Utah #6558 VG 125.00 929 $10 Murray, Utah #6558 XF 295.00 929 $10 Stevens Point, Wisc #3001 F/VF 65.00 929 $10 Ogden, Utah #2597 VF/XF 95.00 929 $10 Woodsville, NH T2 #5092 Fine 95.00 929 $20 Yakima, Wash. #3355 F/VF 65.00 929 $20 Albany, Oregon #2928 F/VF 110.00 929 $20 Aberdeen, Wash. #13091 AU 75.00 929 $20 SLC, Utah #9652 XF 65.00 929 $20 San Diego, Calif. #3050 XF/AU 85.00 929 $20 Tucson, Az. #4287 F/VF 185.00 929 $20 Monroe, Wisc. #230 Fine 60.00 929 $20 Everett, Wash. #4686 XF 75.00 929 $20 Evanston, Wyoming #8534 Fine 165.00 929 $50 Honolulu, Hawaii #5550 Fine 95.00 929 $50 Winterset, Iowa #2002 F/VF 95.00 929 $50 Muskogee, Ok #4385 Fine 85.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven-day return privilege. Bank cards welcome; please send information as it appears on your card. Member ANA-RCDA-SPMC. AURORA COIN SHOP 206-283-2626 507 3rd Ave. #5-PM, Seattle, Wash. 98104 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES! Harry wants to buy currency er- rors ... large and small-size notes . . . also interested in buying Na- tionals—Uncut sheets . . . Black Charter No. Red Seals. Harry is selling error notes. Please write for list or specify notes .. . a large selection of error notes available. HARRY E. JONES P. 0. BOX 42043 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44142 FREE PRICE LIST • Send for our price list of U.S. Currency— All types. Hundreds of Nationals, Silver Certificates, Fractional, etc.—Large and Small. Supplies and Books Also some obsolete and foreign. We solicit your want list. • LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P. 0. BOX 2395P W. LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 S.P.M.C. #2907 P.M.C.M. #1177 A.N.A. LIFE MEMBER #1503 WANTED: MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL CURRENCY SMALL-SIZE • From the following Cities and Towns: QUINCY CONCORD CHELSEA SALEM MELROSE HAVERHILL MALDEN WATERTOWN MEDFORD WAKEFIELD EVERETT GLOUCESTER CAMBRIDGE SOMERVILLE PEABODY STONEHAM REVERE DANVERS LYNN WOBURN READING ARLINGTON LOWELL BOSTON Also looking for unusual error notes. State price and condition or send via insured mail for my fair offer. • MICHAEL R. IACONO 168 Spring St. Medford, Massachusetts 02155 David Cox, Jr. SURVEYOR HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27944 WANT NORTH CAROLINA OBSOLETE BANK NOTES (PENNELL NUMBERS) 10 400 930 20 420 1070 90 430 1080 110 440 1090 210 610 1190 270 620 1470A 310 660 1490 320 700 1510 330 710 1520 380 720 1530 880 FQR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE • U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY; OBSOLETE CURRENCY; RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES; "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES. LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. • ROBERT A. CONDO P. 0. BOX 304, DRAYTON PLAINS, MICHIGAN 48020 ANA-LN 813, SPMC-2153 UNITED STATES 1776-1876 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION TICKETS SMALL SIZE IOWA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED S5.00 ea. 10 for $45.00 CHARLES T. RODGERS P.O BOX 66531 LOS ANGELES, CALIF 90066 Blockton, 1st Nat. B. #8211 Bloomfield, Nat. B. of Bloomfield #9303 Burt, 1st Nat. B. #5685 Casey, Abram Rutt Nat. B. #8099 Clarence, 1st Nat. B. #7682 Clearfield, 1st Nat. B. #9549 Coin, 1st Nat. B. #7309 Conrad, 1st Nat. B. #9447 Davenport, 1st Nat. B. #15 Floyd, 1st Nat. B. #9821 Fontanelle, 1st Nat. B. #7061 Fredericksburg, 1st Nat. B. #10541 Glenwood, Mills County Nat. B. #1862 Griswold, Griswold Nat. B. #8915 Kanawha, 1st Nat. B. #9018 Keokuk, Keokuk Nat. B. #14309 Laurens, 1st Nat. B. #4795 Linn Grove, 1st Nat. B. #7137 Macksburg, Macksburg Nat. B. #6852 Malvern, Malvern Nat. B. #8057 Monroe, Monroe Nat. B. #7357 Montezuma, 1st Nat. B. #2961 Nevada, Nevada Nat. B. #14065 Ottumwa, Iowa Nat. B. #1726 Red Oak, Farmers Nat. B. #6056 Seymour, 1st Nat. B. #8247 Sigourney, 1st Nat. B. #1786 Sioux City, Sioux Nat. B. #4510 Stuart, 1st Nat. B. #2721 Villisca. Nodaway Valley Nat. B. #14041 Williams, 1st Nat. B. #8585 Wyoming, 1st Nat. B. #1943 Obv . Rev- WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOB011, IOWA 51355 A.N.A. Life #109 S.P.M.C. #2950 BOB MEDLAR VLOOK FORS THESE FACES WHEN BUYING OR SELLING! Whether it's rare U.S. Currency, Obsoletes, Bank Notes, Texas Documents, etc., we'll be happy to provide quotes or arrange to include your material in any of our auctions . Call us at ( 512 ) 226-2311 BETTY Beside the Alamo MEDLAR Nedia,ta RARE COINS AND CURRENCY (11% WANTED MINNESOTA NATIONAL CURRENCY SMALL-SIZE Adrian, Nat. B. of Adrian #9033 Canby, 1st Nat. B. #6366 Cold Spring, 1st Nat. B. #8051 Cottonwood, 1st Nat. B. #6584 Deer River, 1st Nat. B. #9131 Grand Meadow, 1st Nat. B. #6933 Hendricks, 1st Nat. B. #6468 Hendricks, Farmers Nat. B. #9457 Kerkhoven, 1st Nat. B. #11365 Le Sueur, 1st Nat. B. #7199 Lanesboro, 1st Nat. B. #10507 Madison, 1st Nat. B. #6795 Mankato, Nat. B. of Corn. #6519 Mapleton, 1st Nat. B. #6787 McIntosh, 1st Nat. B. #6488 Minnesota Lake, Farmers Nat. B. #6532 Osakis, 1st Nat. B. #6837 Park Rapids, Citizens Nat. B. #13692 Pipestone, Pipestone Nat. B. #10936 Sauk Center 1st Nat. B. #3155 Stewartville 1st Nat. B. #5330 Wendell, 1st Nat. B. #10898 Wheaton, 1st Nat. B. #6035 Windom, Windom Nat. B. #6396 Also Wanted Small Size Salem Oregon #3405 or #9021 and Olympia Wash. #4297 State price and condition or send for my offer. JOHN R. PALM 18475 THORPE ROAD, WAYZATA, MINN. 55391 220 Alamo Plaza San Antonio, Texas 78205 NEEDED to maintain integrity of collection $ 1 .00 C.U. FRN'S BIk & Ser. # Within Series Ending Serial # Range 19698 B — 02C B99840001C - B99999999C B — 00C B99840001C - B99999999C 1969C B — 02D B76160001D - B79360000D B — OOD B76160001D - B79360000D 1974 F — 06A F99840001A - F99999999A F — 00A F99840001A - F99999999A Please price or state trade considerations. DAMES E. LUND Route 3, South Lake Cowdry Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 $ Federal Reserve Notes Regular Sets Star Sets 963 ( 2) $24.95 (12) $25.95 963A ( 2) 22.95 (12) 23.95 963B ( 5) 7.95 ( 4) 8.95 969 ( 2) 19.95 (12) 21.95 969A ( 2) 18.95 (11) 20.95 969B ( 2) 17.95 * (11) 19.95 969C ( 0) 14.95 ( 9) 19.95 969D ( 2) 16.95 (11) 22.95 974 ( 2) 16.95 Not Available 963/1974-9 regular sets (99) 153.50 WISCONSIN National Bank Notes Wanted SERIES 1929 Please describe fully and indicate price wanted. Correspondence invited. DAVID E. ESPERSON (SPMC 4567) ( 63 ) 714 Henrietta Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 *No I* Wanted 69B I* 69C L*, 69D AS Add $2 for last two numbers match on district sets. 1974 BD, CB, EC, FC, GB, KB, LC—$1.50 1974 F*—$1.75 1974 B 0000XXXX C—$3.00 Personal checks must clear—Under $50 add 50c. N.Y. residents add 4%—Send SASE for price list for singles and blocks. Also selling $1 Silver Certificates, $2 notes, large size and frac- tional currency. Send your want list. BUYING Buying all large size and fractional U.S. Currency; small size nationals, silver certificates, legal tender and gold certificates in better grades and scarcer notes. Also CU FRN'S in selected rare blocks. Premium prices on uncut sheets and errors. Write describe and price. NUMISMATIC INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES c/o SHELDON MOSES BOX 618P, 1011 STATE STREET SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK 12301 All banks, all series, any condition except washed or doctored notes. ARIZONA & WYOMING STATE AND TERRITORIAL NATIONALS WANTED Top prices paid—many trades PETER HUNTOON P. 0. Box 3681, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC CHARTER #38 $2 Educational Fr. 247 New $775.00 Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD 0. JANNEY LM No. 415 CAROL JANNEY LM No. 1416 P 0 Box 143 Waukesha Wisc 53180 Society Certified Professional Numismatists Has Anyone Heard of FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Out There? If you have any, I probably will buy it, especially if it is CU or Rare. I also need books and other materials dealing with FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Please Send your material or a list and asking price to: RONLENE (SPMC 4418) P. 0. Box 322, Hillsdale, NJ 07642 STOCK CERTIFICATES - OLD CHECKS Interesting. Unusual. 50 different stock certificates including rail- roads only $39.50. 100 different old checks—nice selection $29.50. Collections, Accumulations Wanted. CLINTON HOLLINS P. 0. BOX 112, DEPT. J12 SPRINGFIELD, VA 22150 (65) GIANT 30-PAGE LIST OF INTERESTING, HISTORICAL, BEAUTIFUL CHECKS 25c IN STAMPS Handbook of Check Collecting, 100 pages, many illustrations. Classifications 6- Values. $5.00 A-Z COINS, INC. NEIL & DIANA SOWARDS Bellevue, Ohio WANTED BY COLLECTOR I am still looking for National bank notes on THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BELLEVUE, OHIO Charter #2302. I'm also interested in FIRST NATIONAL BANK NOTES ON FREMONT, OHIO Charter #5 and #2703. Gerald C. Schwartz 270 NORTHWEST ST., BELLEVUE, OHIO 44811 FREE PRICE LIST Write today for my free price list of U.S. obsoletes. Wanted: Conn. material, checks, notes, etc. WINDHAM COINS CHARLES E. STRAUB P. 0. BOX 14, WILLIMANTIC, CT. 06226 Wanted By Collector FRACTIONAL CURRENCY IN PERFECT CONDITION No creases, pinholes, fading, etc. Send your best by registered mail only. To HERBERT RUBIN c/o Light & Rubin, Inc. 488 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 TOP REFERENCES 548 HOME AVE., FT. WAYNE, IN 46807 I (63) WANTED WANTED CINCINNATI I AM ACTIVELY COLLECTING CINCINNATI AND OTHER OHIO FIRST AND SECOND CHARTER NOTES. I HAVE A PARTICULAR INTEREST IN NOTES FROM THESE TOWNS: NEW RICHMOND GEORGETOWN CHILLICOTHE HILLSBOROUGH LANCASTER MIAMISBURG CAMBRIDGE MOUNT PLEASANT POMEROY MIDDLETOWN GALLIPOLIS HAMILTON MOUNT GILEAD OBERLIN GREEN SPRING WILLIAMSBURG MOUNT WASHINGTON WOOSTER MADISONVILLE XENIA LOVELAND I WILL TRADE OR OFFER YOU TOP PRICES FOR A HOARD OR COLLECTION CONTAINING NOTES THAT I NEED. SPMC #3240 WILLIAM P. KOSTER 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45243 Home: 513/561-5866 Office: 513/271-5100 ANA #70083 WANTED II NEED SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY I WANT TO BUY ALL TYPES OF SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. I Need — PROOF NOTES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES S.C. NATIONAL BANK NOTES CITY, TOWN & PRIVATE SCRIP I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. PLEASE WRITE FOR MY DETAILED WANT LIST. I Also Collect — PROOF NOTES WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN NOTES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIGNETTES USED ON BANK NOTES COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS BANK NOTE REGISTERS J. OY P1KNNELL, JR. SPMC #8 ANA #11304 P. 0. BOX 858 ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 APRIL 30 Is the Date DONLON'S 1976 BICENTENNIAL SALE CURRENT SIZE, LARGE SIZE, FRACTIONAL AND OBSOLETE PAPER CURRENCY BLACK CHARTER TERRITORIAL NOTE DOUBLE DENOMINATION NOTE NATIONALS FROM MANY STATES. LARGE SIZE AND 1929 SERIES BEAUTIFUL WELL ILLUSTRATED CATALOG When ready $2.00. Prices realized $1.00, less than half cost. We charge balance to advertising! WILLIAM P. DONLON Specializing in United States Large Size Paper Money. P. 0. Box 144, Utica, New York 13503 4fEmso ANA 4295 LM No. 101