Paper Money - Vol. XV, No. 4 - Whole No. 64 - July - August / September - October 1976

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ter -1-11711. We MUMS C EIVABLE IN PAYMENT OF ALLDOES EXCEPT EXPORT DUTIES. F/0•11■MiLt 170xriaurl 110140■10l17 OLIMALS •1417 ■47A11...Y S. O. VP.■■■ 40 C.07.7 ' •. deff4. or t rArt*A.,0 PO .21.41e: C_ 1,11 . , 1,17.771,T f I A4-744" OrAitataiW Paper Iitote9 BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE Cocieq ol Paper *Hey Collectors Vol. XV No. 4/5 Whole Nos. 64/65 July/August/September/October 1976 Brent H. Hughes offers an insight into the lawful counterfeiting endeavors of Civil War merchant Sam Upham. $1.00 FEDERAL RESERVE SETS ALL SUPERB CRISP NEW COMPLETE SETS=BUY NOW AT THESE LOW PRICES. For Sets ending in 00 Add $5.00 Per Set. Add $1.00 Mailing Charge all Orders. Complete Sets= Last Complete Star Sets=Last Sets 2 Nos. Match Star Sets 2 Nos. Match 1963 Granahan/Dillon (12) 29.75 31.75 (12) 29.75 31.75 1963A Granahan/Fowler (12) 27.75 29.75 (12) 28.75 30.75 1963B Granahan/Barr ( 5) 8.95 10.75 ( 4) 8.75 10.75 1969 Elston/Kennedy (12) 21.75 23.75 (12) 24.75 26.75 1969A Kabis/Kennedy (12) 21.75 23.75 (11) 22.75 24.75 1969B Kabis/Connally (12) 20.75 22.75 (12) 24.75 26.75 1969C Banuelos/Connally (10) 16.75 18.75 ( 9) 20.75 22.75 1969D Banuelos/Schultz (12) 17.75 19.75 (11) 22.75 24.75 1974 Neff/Simon (12) 17.75 19.75 Above Soon = = Write 1963/1974 All Nine Sets (99) 175.75 192.75 8 Sets(83) 174.75 191.75 ALL-MATCHING NUMBERED SETS 1963/1974 All Nine Sets (99) + Each with the Same Last Two Numbers 199.75 1963/19E9D All Eight Star Sets (83) + Each with the Same Last Two Nos. 198.75 $2.00 BICENTENNIAL SETS 1976 Superb Crisp New Sets (12)=the Last Two Numbers Matching on all 12 Districts 31.75 OFFICIAL FIRST DAY SPECIALS 1976 $2 JA Note=April 13th P.O. Cancellation 3.75 1976 $2 JA Note=July 4th P.O. Cancellation 3.75 $1 "R" & "S" EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE 1935A Red "R" & "S" C Superb Crisp New Pair 169.75 Similar Pair-Crisp New-but not quite as well Centered 149.75 SUPERB UNCUT SHEETS Beautiful Crisp New Sheets of Twelve-="Leaders" in Today's Great Rarities. These potential "Best of Show" Winners can put Your Collection in the "Blue Ribbon Class". SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER 1935C $1 Silver Certificate=Crisp New Sheet. Only 100 were Issued. Some Sheets were Cut Up. Regular Price 8995.00= Special 898.50 1923G $2 Legal Tender=_Crisp New Sheet. Only 100 Sheets were Issued. Now Very Scarce. Regular Price $1,095.00= Special 998.50 Or Take Both Sheets=Price, this Month Only 1,798.50 Buying/Selling Superb Uncut Sheets. Especially Want Sheets of Four=Both Blue Seal & Red Seal Sheets. Also, Buying/Selling Sheets of Twelve-Eighteen & Fractional Currency. Also, be Sure to Contact us if You have Scarce/Rare Large Size Notes : Nationals ; Territorials, Etc. You'll Find that you can make a Pleasant Quick-Cash Deal at Bebee's. STAR NOTES URGENTLY WANTED 1969-C $1.00 Star Notes=Districts 11 and 12. Also, Most Dist. Stars 1974 $1.00 and 1976 $2.00. Call or Write IF you can supply any Packs (100). IMPORTANT BOOKS-Postpaid (Please add 75c under $50.00 ; Over $50.00, add $1.00) Save $$8's on books - deduct 15% on orders $20 or more, IF you include a coin/currency order (no dis- count when shown NET). SASE for our lists on small size notes - fractional - Confederate currency, Numismatic books (hundreds of titles) plus accessories. FRIEDBERG'S New 8th Ed. "Paper Money of the United States" 17.50 NEWMAN'S New 2nd Ed. "The Early Paper Money of America." Illus'd. Values (in 3 grades) 22.50 BOTH BOOKS-NET 34.50 BRADBEER'S "The Confederate & Southern States Currency" Re- print, 277 pages, Illus'd. 14.95 CRISWELL'S New Catalogue "Confederate & Southern States Cur- rency". Illus'd. Values 14.95 BOTH BOOKS-NET 22.95 CRISWELL'S "North American Currency". 2nd Ed. 912 pages, Over 2,100 Illus'd. Values ($15) 14.50 WISMER'S "Obsolete Bank Notes of New England" Reprint 310 pages, Illus'd. 15.00 BOTH BOOKS-NET 24.50 DILLISTEN'S "Descriptive History of National Bank Notes" 1863- 1935" 55 pages. Out-of-print 12.50 VAN BELKUM'S "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period" 1863-1935. Lists over 14,000 notes 13.50 BOTH BOOKS-NET 21.00 WARNS "The Nevada Sixteen & National Bank Notes & the Mining Camps That Sired Them" 17.50 WARNS "Huntoon/Van Belkum" "The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935" 213 pages, 329 Illus'd 12.00 BOTH BOOKS-NET 22.50 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please Add $1.00 under $10.00 (Over $100.00 Add $1.50). Nebraskans Add Sales Tax. MEMB€R1: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN, Others. GAYTAN/NAVARRO'S New 2nd Ed. English Language "Paper Money of Mexico". Illus'cl, Values 12.50 PICK'S "Catalogue of Paper Money of the Americas". Lists all types of banknotes of North, South and Central America. Illus'd Values 25.00 BOTH BOOKS-NET 31.50 CHARLTON, New 1977 Ed. "Standard Catalog of Canadian Coins" 4.50 HAXBY/WILLEY "Coins of Canada." 2nd, Latest Ed. 1.75 BOTH BOOKS-NET 5.25 HESSLER. "The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money " A MUST 20.00 O'DONNELL. New 5th Ed. "Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money". The Book "That Tells it All" 14.95* KAGIN/DONLON "U.S. Large Size Paper Money 1861/1923" New 5th Ed. 3.95* HEWITT/DONLON "Catalog of Small Size Paper Money" 12th Latest d. 2.50* KEMM. "The Official Guide of U.S. Paper Money". New 1977 Ed. 1.50* SHAFER. "Guide Book of Modern U.S. Currency". 7th, Latest Ed. 2.95* WERLICH. "Catlaog of U.S. & Canadian Paper Money". 1974, Latest Ed. 3.95* SPECIAL-Above SIX-Starred, NET 24.95 Belbee's, inc.0.40. „ 4fEmsEi, "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 SOCIETY ue PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. Founded 1961 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen- nell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621. Second class postage paid at An- derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $10 for the first year (includes $2 admis- sion fee and $8 for each year thereafter, of which $5.25 are for a subscription to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to non- members are $10 a year. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. 0 Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1976. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Papep Iitone9 Official Bimonthly Publication of THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS, INC. Vol. XV - No. 4 & 5 Whole No. 64/65 July/Oct. 1976 DOUG WATSON, Editor Box 127 Scandinavia. WI 54977 Tel. 715-467-2379 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica- tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS & MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P. 0. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111. ADVERTISING RATES Space Outside 1 Time Contract Rates 3 Times 6 Times Back Cover $40.00 $108.00 $204.00 Inside Front & Back Cover 37.50 101.25 191.25 Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75 Half-page 20.00 54.00 102.00 Quarter-page .. 12.50 33.75 63.75 Eighth-page 8.00 21.60 40.80 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; en- gravings & artwork at cost + 5%; copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The 15th of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 15 for March issue). Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver- tisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic mate- rial and publications and accessories related hereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. IN THIS ISSUE: NEW YORKS FIRST CURRENCY PRINTER —Gene Hessler 183 SAM UPHAM'S CONFEDERATE NOTES —Brent H. Hughes 188 WISCONSIN'S "FIRST" NATIONALS M. Owen Warns 200 NEW LOOKS AT OLD NOTES —Walter Breen 212 ACTION AT THE AUCTION 216 TYPE COLLECTING U.S. PAPER MONEY —Paul H. Johansen 220 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. INTEREST BEARING NOTES 222 EDITORIAL NOTES 224 SECRETARY'S REPORT 225 Cocieq of Paper iitone9 Collector4 OFFICERS President Robert E. Medlar 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 Vice-President Eric P. Newman 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105 Secretary Harry G. Wigington P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111 Treasurer C. John Ferrer! P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 AP P01 NTEES Editor Doug Watson P. 0. Box 127, Scandinavia, WI 54977 Librarian Wendell Wolka 8425 South Woodward Ave., Apt. 214, Woodridge, IL 60515 Publicity Chairman Larry Adams 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Michael Crabb, Jr., David A. Hakes, Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Wendell Wolka PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO SOCIETY MEMBERS One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage research about Paper money and publication of the re- sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following publications are currently available: We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for sale for $1.50 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at one time, please include $0.25 per issue for postage. We have only the issues listed for sale. q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 (No. 21) Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 4 (No. 36) q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 4 (No. 16) [1 vol. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37) 0 Vol. 5, Ti Vol. 5, q Vol. 5, q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 1 1966, No. 2 1966, No. 3 1966, No. 4 (No. (No. (No. (No. 17) 18) 19) 20) q Vol. q vol. q Vol. 10, 10, 10. 1971, 1971, 1971, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. (No. (No. Sold 38) 39) 40) Out q Vol. 11, 1972, No. I I No. 41) H Vol. 6, 1907, No. 1 (No. 21) q Vo]. 11, 1972, No. 2 (No. 42) [7, vol. r;, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) Ti Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 43) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 23) q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 44) q Vol. 6, 1967, No. '4 (No. 24) vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) q Vol. q Vol. 12, 12, 1973, 1973, No. 1 No. 2 (No. (No. 45) 46) H Vol. 7, 1968, No. 2 (No. 26) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 3 (No. 47) 17 Vol. 7, 1968, No. 3 (No. 27) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 4 (No. 48) q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 4 (No. 28) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49) Ti Vol. 8, 1969, No. 1 (No. 29) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 2 (No. 50) q Vol. 8, n Vol. 8, vol. 8, 1969, No. 2 1969, No. 3 1969, No. 4 (No. (No. (No. 30) 31) 32) q Vol. 17 Vol. q Vol. 13, 13, 13, 1974, 1974, 1974, No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 (No. (No. (No. 51) 52) 53) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 6 (No. 54) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 1 (No. 33) q Vol. 14, 1974, No. 7 (No. 55) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Index Vol. 1-10 $1.00 When making inquiries, please include stamped, self-addressed envelope. Society Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem- bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian-Wen- dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III. 60521. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an- nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char- acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "J". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES-The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Dues for the first year are $10, this includes a $2 admission fee. Each year thereafter the dues are $8, payable in U.S. funds. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also re- ceive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. We have a few cloth bound copies of PAPER MONEY for sale as follows: Vol. 11 Nos. 41 through 44 Cloth Bound $11.00 Vol. 12 & Vol. 13 Nos. 45 through 54 Cloth Bound 917.50 We have the following books for sale: 111 FLORIDA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $5.00 Harley L. Freeman • MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP 95.00 R. H. Rockholt n TEXAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $6.00 Robert E. Medlar q VERMONT OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP $10.00 Mayre B. Coulter O NATIONAL BANK NOTE ISSUES OF 1929-1935 $9.75 Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum q MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP $6.50 L. Dandier Leggett The above prices are for SPMC Members. All of these cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" and have many illustrations. Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Check the box at the left of description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to : Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Send remittance payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S.C. 29622 Be Sure To Include Zip Code! Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 183 All photographs by the author ew York's First rre Printer MONG the numerous landmarks in lower Manhattan, one that has a great deal of interest for syngraphists s at 81 Pearl Street. Every day hundreds of people working in or visiting the New York financial district walk along this narrow street and probably never notice the bronze plaque placed on the face of this landmark in 1893 by the New York Historical Society. At the time, the Society paid homage to the first printer in the state by commemorating the zooth anniversary of the introduction of printing to colonial New York. Along these narrow streets, typical of such colonial cities as New York, Boston and Philadelphia, there are still a few buildings occupied by city dwellers. In 1709 (a date which will prove important to us), the hogs roaming through the streets disrupted traffic. The colonial residents and their livestock gave way to a lively, sometimes frenetic, way of life centering around the financial district which now dominates original downtown New York. New York City can claim quite a few firsts, but those attributed to William Bradford are of special interest to the collector and student of American colonial paper money. William Bradford, born in Leicestershire, England on May 20, 1663, served as an apprentice to Andrew Sowle, chief London Quaker printer. Bradford embraced the religion of his master and on occasion must have also embraced Elizabeth Sowle, his master's daughter, for they were married on April 28, 1685. The young couple came to America that same year and lived in Philadelphia and Oxford Township, where William Bradford set up printing offices. In his first publication, "Kalendarium Pennsilvaniense, or America's Messenger; Being an Almanack for the Year of Grace 1686," Samuel Atkins, the author, dubbed William Penn as "Lord Penn." The young printer was not only reprimanded by the Quakers for his part in this lack of respect, but was advised not to print anything about the sect without the consent of the Quaker Council. Nevertheless, in 1689, Bradford was again reprimanded, this time by Governor Blackwell, for printing Penn's Charter. (It is not clear why this was considered an offense.) The harassment from both religious and civil leaders was too much for Bradford, so he and his wife left the land of freedom and returned to England. By GENE HESSLER At least two other colonial printers were silenced before William Bradford decided to return to England. In 1643, Stephen Daye, the first printer in Massachusetts, was placed under a bond of hoo by the General Court; later, in 1682, the first printer in Virginia (supposedly William Nutlead) was silenced. Notwithstanding, the Pennsylvania Quakers needed a good of £40 per year. Upon his return to Pennsylvania in the printer and recalled William Bradford in 1690 for a salary WHOLE N. 64/65Paper MoneyPAGE 184 - // • ( Oir / 1 ) 5 shilling note, printed by William Bradford, with inverted "d" in fifth line. same year, Bradford and William Rittinghuysen established the first paper mill in English America at Roxborough Paper-Mill Run, Pennsylvania, and subsequently Bradford resumed his chosen profession of printer. It was not long before the Quakers stopped the rebel press. Bradford was arrested and all his equipment was confiscated by the sheriff for printing the "Appeal from the Twenty-eight Judges" by John Keith. Keith was the founder of the "Christian Quakers," whose beliefs were in conflict with the Quaker establishment in Pennsylvania. A jury was unable to agree on the charge, and the perturbed printer was freed and his property returned to him. About this time, Frances Lovelace, second Governor of New York, expressed a desire to have a printer. The New York Provincial Council passed the following resolution: "March 23, 1693, Resolved in Council, That if a Printer will come and settle in the city of New-York for the print- ing of our Acts of Assembly and Publick Papers, he shall be allowed the sum of £40 current money of New-York per annum for his salary and have the benefit of his print- ing besides what serves the public." William Bradford applied and was accepted as the "Printer to King William and Queen Mary." In New York, he printed documents and religious pam- phlets without censure. The first effort from his press was probably "An Act for raising six Thousand Pound[s] for the payment of three Hundred Volunteers and their Officers to be employed in the Reinforcement of the Frontier's of this Province at Albany," in 1693. Later, in the same year, Bradford began to print the "Votes" of the Assembly, the earliest legislative proceedings in America. The list of printing firsts for William Bradford grows with the first drama written in English America, Androboros (Man Eater [in] Fools Town) in three acts by Hunter Roberts (1714); the first American Book of Common Prayer (1718) ; the first history of New York (1727); and, what interests us most, the first New York currency in May of 1709. Three other colonies issued their own paper money later in 1709: New Jersey in June (also printed by Bradford), Connecticut in July, and New Hampshire in December. Only two colonies issued paper money before New York: Massachusetts in 1690 to back an expedition into Canada to fight the French, and South Carolina in 1703 to pay for the expedition against the Spanish in Florida. The first emission of New York currency (totaling i.5,000) was in five denominations: 5, to, 20 and 40 shillings and is; the notes were all printed in sheets of four with blank backs. One-half of the total 5 shilling issue had an inverted "d" in the word "and." (See the fifth line of text on the illustrated note.) Four different signatures appear on the notes dated 1709: Johannes DePeyster, Robert Lurting, Lawrence Reade and Robert Walter. Of the four, Johannes DePeyster, who served as mayor of New York in 1698 when the population was less than 400o, is recognized immediately, being a descendent of another Johannes DePeyster, one of the earliest Dutch settlers who came to New Amsterdam when the city had fewer than 800 people. (Incidentally, the name was changed to New York in 1664.) It is interesting to note that the Dutch province of New Netherland (New York City, Long Island and parts of Connecticut) was purchased for the equivalent of $24. Now it would be difficult to rent office space in downtown Manhattan at $24 per square foot. But we must return to William Bradford, the first printer in New York. There are more firsts to add to his accomplishments. From 1703 to 1733, Bradford served as official printer to neighboring New Jersey. In 1730, he prepared the first copperplate plan of New York, called "Lynne's Survey." In 1725, he founded the New York Gazette, the first news- paper in New York; it was printed at 6o Beaver Street. By 1726 the paper had been expanded to four pages, or one full sheet of foolscap. In 1893, the New York Historical Society also recognized this address as a landmark by placing a bronze plaque on the building which now occupies this site. The building is the old Cotton Exchange; the plaque is located on the far side of the building facing Hanover Square. In 1723, two years before the New York Gazette was first published, William Bradford interviewed a young man seeking employment as a printer. The youth later wrote in his biography, "I found myself in New York, near 300 miles from Home [Boston], a boy of but 17, without the least recommendation to, or knowledge of, any person in the place and with very little money in my pocket . . . I offer'd my services to the printer of the place, old Mr. William Bradford . . . He could give me no employment ... having ... help enough already...." Old Mr. Bradford Five Shiiliags. T His Indented Bill of Five ,ct ue from the Colony of New-York to the Porfersor there- of, (hail be in equal to Money, anp (h dl be accordin -1y accepted by the Treat urer of this colony, for the time being, in all publick Payments, and for any Funl at any time in the Treafury. Dated, New-York 3 I if of May, T709- by order of the Lit ut. Governour, Council and General Afsembly of the Paid Colony. (Courtesy of The New York Public Library) In 1903, Dodd Mead & Company prepared this plate as a tribute to William Bradford and his many accomplish- ments. The satanic figure emerging from the egg probably symbolizes the first "printer's devil," the name usually applied to a printer's helper. PAGE 185Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 186 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65 Plaque at 81 Pearl Street advised the young man, Benjamin Franklin, to go to Phila- delphia. There is no indication that William Bradford felt restricted in his work in New York; however, as a govern- ment printer, he could not print anything which opposed government policy. Therefore a second newspaper, the New York Journal, was started on November 5, 1733 by John Peter Zenger, who had been apprenticed to Bradford for eight years. Council member Rip Van Dam had views he wished to see in print, so he gave the Journal his financial support. In 1735, Zenger was arrested for attacking the establish- ment with the printed word. He had also printed satires and verbal caricatures of Royal Governor William Cosby, his Council and friends. At least three lawyers were con- sidered as attorneys to handle Zenger's case, but martyrdom was not their cup of tea. At the last moment, the most famous lawyer in the colonies, Andrew Hamilton came forth to champion freedom of speech. On August 4, 1 735, John Peter Zenger was acquitted. Embedded in the pave- ment in front of Federal Hall in New York City is a plaque placed there in 1958 by Sigma Delta Chi, National Professional Journalistic Fraternity, which recognized this momentous date. Years after both Zenger and Hamilton had died, Gouverneur Morris wrote, "The trial of Zenger was the germ of American freedom—the morning star of that liberty which subsequently revolutionized America." Zenger's acquittal was the world's first victory for freedom of the press. William Bradford had retired in 1742 at the age of 8o, but the Gazette was continued until November 19, 1744 by James Parker, his apprentice and successor. Parker also printed New York's currency between October 20, 1739 and April 15, 1758. With the exception of the December 10, 1737 issue printed by Zenger (the same year he was appointed public printer), William Bradford printed all of the New York currency until the October 20, 1739 emission. Plaque at Hanover Square WHOLE NO. 64/65 Paper Money PAGE 187 THEZJU DEFENSE migussne EEREETSESTAEL/ E ' PISEDDE AUGUST BY MGM DELTA CHI NAttoNAL„ "ROnsmosii. JOunsArdsrx FRATERNITY Bradford's grave marker at Trinity Church Plaque in sidewalk at Federal Hall At the time of his death on May 23, 1752, Bradford was living with his son in New York City. Bradford's wife Elizabeth died in 1731 at the age of 68 years. At a later date, which is unknown to me, William Bradford married a widow, Cornelia Smith, who must have succumbed before he had retired and moved in with his son. Near his first wife, Elizabeth, and many famous early Americans, Brad- ford was buried at Trinity Church where he had served as vestryman from 1703 to 1710. On the marker at his grave, which was restored in 1862, the year of his birth appears as I66o. All other sources give 1663, so we can only assume the stone-cutter mistook an eroded "3" to be a "o." Many of the works printed by William Bradford can be found in the Lenox Library, a division of the New York Public Library, the New York Historical Society, the Pennsylvania Historical Society and the Library Com- pany of Philadelphia. Examples of the New York and New jersey currency which he printed are in the hands of fortunate collectors. William Bradford lived to be 89, an age not reached by many in the mid-18th century. He was ”. . . a Man of great Sobriety and Industry; a real Friend to the Poor and Needy; and kind and affable to all . . . his Temperance was exceedingly conspicuous, and he was almost a Stranger to sickness all his life." These are the words of James Parker, the apprentice and successor to the first printer in New York. SOURCES: DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1929 THE EARLY PAPER MONEY OF AMERICA, Eric P. Newman, Whitman Pub. Co., Racine, Wis., 1967 THE EPIC OF NEW YORK CITY, Edward Robb Ellis, Coward- McCann, Inc., New York, 1966 MEMORIAL HISTORY OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK, Vol. I., New-York History Co., 1892 NEW YORK THE WORLD'S METROPOLIS, W. T. Bonner, R. L. Polk & co. Inc., New York, 1924 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65PAGE 188 Sam Upham's Confederate Notes The Saga of a Lawful Counterfeiter by BRENT H. HUGHES The war against the rebellious South was quite remote to the average Philadelphian in February, 1862. News- papers published daily dispatches from the front about the ten-month-old struggle, but the military operations were far away and of little concern. Sam Upham had no thought of the war on the cold morning of February 24, 1862. His interest that day was the same as it was all other days—to sell enough patent medicines, perfume, stationery items, notions and foreign and local newspapers in his little shop at 403 Chestnut Street to earn a living. But a single item relating to the war in that day's issue of the Philadelphia "Daily Inquirer" was to greatly improve Sam's economic status, adversely affect the Southern cause, and plague the numismatic world even today. A bundle of "Inquirers" was delivered as usual to the door of Sam's shop that day. Glancing at the front page, he saw nothing which might enhance the paper's sale, so he placed them on the rack and returned to his work A short time later Sam realized that people other than his regular customers were buying the "Inquirer". His supply was soon gone and he had to turn away many people who came to buy. "What was in the paper that made it so much in demand today?" he asked one disappointed man who came to his shop. "A facsimile of a Confederate $5 note," the man replied. "It's the first rebel money anyone has seen hereabout. Everybody is clipping the note for a sou- venir," the man related. Sam Upham made a quick decision. He had not seen the copy of the Confederate note. yet from what the disappointed buyer had said Sam had recognized a possible chance to make some extra money. He hurried to the "Inquirer" office and purchased an electrotype plate of the $5 Confederate note. At a nearby printing shop he ordered 3,000 copies run off on French letter paper. In Sam's own words, they "sold like hot-cakes" at one cent each. Realizing he had an item in great demand, Sam supplied the souvenir Confederate notes to newsboys at fifty cents a hundred. He was later surprised to learn that some of the boys were getting as much as a nickel apiece for them. The demand for the notes seemed unlimited. Immediate plans were made to insure a steady production. One change was made on the second printing —a tiny inscription reading "FAC-SIMILE CONFED- ERATE NOTES SOLD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY S. C. UPHAM, 403 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILAD." was printed on the margin of the notes. Why this was done is not certain. Perhaps the printer feared possible charges of counterfeiting; more likely, Sam wanted to do a little advertising. "Mere coincidence," Sam insisted when it was pointed out that this inscription could easily be clipped off, leaving no indication that the note was not authentic Confederate currency. He later made quite a point of the fact that all his products bore this inscription, de- claring his only interest was in supplying the souvenir market. Why he protested so is not known, but it per- haps was to avoid incurring the wrath of the many Southern sympathizers living in Philadelphia and other Northern cities. The $5 note which started it all was dated September 2, 1861. It is known today as Criswell Type No. 31, Slabaugh No. 22, and Chase No. 114. The design fea- tured Minerva at the left, a statue of Washington at the right, and five seated females representing Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Justice and Liberty in the center. Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 64/65 MEMENTOS OF THE REBELLION. left-REBEL NOTES, SHINPLASTERS AND POSTAGE STAMPS,Itm THE undersigned has just published perfect FACSIMILES of the following Rebel Notes, Shinplasters and Postage Stamps, which will be found curious es well as interesting mementos of the Rebellion. $10 Confederate Note, initial at Richmond, V. $5 10 Cent Shinplaster, issued by the Bank of Tennessee. 15 " (6 ,Corporation of Winchester, Va. 11.1 Charlestown, " 4{ Richmond, Camden, N. " Mach's Savings Ass'n, Savannah, Ga. 10 Cent Confederate States of America Postage Stamp. 5 " 5 " Postage Stamp, issued by Postmaster at New Orleans. serEETAIL PRICE OP THE NOTES AND SHINFLASTKES, FIVE CENTS EACH. " " " POSTAGE STAMPS, THREE CYSTS EACH. Agents supplied with the NOTES and SHINPLASTERS, at $2 pee 100, or els per thousand. • •• POSTAGE STAMPS. at SI per 100, or $1 50 per thousand. 14.• One each of the above Notes, Shinplasters and &stage Stamps, sent post-paid to any address, on the receipt of FIFTY cents. Q17108 SALES AND LARGE PROFITS. Upwards of 80,000 of the Nolen, Shinplasters and Postage Stamp have been sold during the past lour weeks, and the cry is still for more. Illiiik.Orders by MAIL and EXPRESS promptly filled. Address, EA. 4:0. Icrx.miandx, No. 403 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA. It•TIOOTX0311f/S OF X.111.1E116418. RERELDOM HIGHLY INDIGNANT.—' Tanana Tame.' The rebel gaped eon., the following: iiPoihnnetrion Conranta are Busne.—Deteeline Geobith, of the rebel Treasury Department, has eahlbiled to the editor of the Richmond Dispatch what he Lerma the lust and growient plod of Yankee anounilrellanh and an infernal menso to dioreilit the currency or the Southern Confederitd. i conniats,' sap, the Dispatail. 'In well deented counterfeit. of our are dollar Confederate MAN, Knock oT in Philadelphia, where the news-boys are milling them et gee rents • piece. Thin note le well eradiated to deceive, and in nearly every particular i fac.ahnile of the original. We caution pentane receiving ILI,' money to be denoting'' , careful, ...elle no endue IX knowing to ,hat extent they have been circulated.' “The Yankee Scoundrel' who has counterfeited these Vaiseble notes is Mr. S. C. Upham, 403 ClleMeet Street. Ile has issued foe-similes of wren kinds of rebel shinplasters and two denominations of their notes. II< has also batted react copies of rebel postage champs of three kinds, the five and ten cent stamps leaned by the Confederate Government, and the five cent stamp got up by J. S. Riddell, the postmaster et New Orleans, and bearing his name. Mr. Upham sells these fae.sirniles very cheap, but they certainly bring M mach as the originals are worth."—Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. iiirSexam. C. UPHAM, of Philadelphia, advertises that be will ell Confederate notes at easy mixes. We at fillet thought that he had taken some of them for • very bad debt, bat it appear° he has v ,a4,(47222.a,A, rinT OMs affeefit /fend _19i-swesigat 'A0.1.111.1 8H1 ∎ PLAATE11,-.101.6 WHOLESALE ANI alma, Or S. 0. tli ,IPA114701(0,40p.1911A. PAGE 196 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65 50c Mechanics' Savings and Loan Association, Savannah, Georgia. These two notes are exactly the same as Illustration No. to except for the use of a different type-face style for Upham's advertisement on the lower margin. This may indicate that there was a heavy demand for this particular note and Upham made three different press runs over a period of time. between February 24, 1862 and August 1, 1863, he printed 1,564,050 facsimile Confederate notes. Upham was considered an arch enemy by the Con- federacy. Whether this bothered him or not is unknown, but he was well aware of Southern feelings toward him. He stated in a letter he wrote in 1874 that "during the publication of those facsimile notes I was the best abused man (by the rebels) in the Union. Senator Foote, in a speech before the rebel Congress, at Richmond, in 1862, said I had done more to injure the Confederate cause than General McClellan and his army. Since the close of the war I have learned that President Jeff. Davis during the rebellion offered a reward of $10,000 for my corpus, dead or alive." If ever there was any official U. S. Government re- cognition of Upham's contribution to the war effort, the author has been unable to find it. Needless to say, however, to the South where the currency was backed only by the faith of the people, the flood of Upham "souvenirs" did great damage. Nor did such damage die with Confederacy. These "souvenirs" are still with us today and pose a tremendous problem to the collector of Confederate currency. To the beginner, unfamiliar with genuine Confederate notes, a well-circulated Upham copy with the advertisement long since clipped off looks quite authentic. Many collectors have been keenly disap- pointed to find that the "rare" note found in some dusty attic is not genuine. Numerous Upham notes circulate in STATE OF VIRGINIA. ISSUED BY AN ACT OF THE CORPORATION OF APRIL 30TH, 1861. Oarltstnin, attuarg I, IH2. CEN„. o. trfi IDTIE 113-1( G. THE OGRPORAIIGN CHAALESTQWN, FIFTEEN CENTS 4 .4eonhn, anfre,nnhvintn a,F actio eTeilt& cia dum4 _.e;8 Clerk of the Board. EAC•111,111.111E111 SMINPLAVER.-SOLO, 111.10LEIALE AND RETAIL, II 1. C. IMIAIR, 403 CREITMUI 'TREE}, PRILAOILPNIA. Prest. 15 CENTS. Paper Money PAGE 197WHOLE NO. 64 / 65 ■IIMOMMEIMMII■ Ise—Corporation of Charlestown, Virginia. An excellent printing job by Upham. It can be immediately detected, however, because all three signatures and the serial number 576 are printed in black along with the rest of the note. One variety is printed on light blue paper ; other colors may have also been used. .i"c9 A t•D , ,15?, r(E3 c,(,3 s__, 'Pam in Coltitill tonbs tariq &feast Vagailt Annually When an Amount Equal to :) NE HUNDRED DOLLARS IS PRESENTED. (:)•71/,/.‘, in , .."•," '7 Pre4:1:4„(Anvat 4....(0,0, Treas.A.,e-*. 6,2, t..."1.:. 63-04.--••--(-4--.1 et (1 (r.' . • tIL cr.: cn cr on ..,-; (2,-) CO CO cY> Cr, (-711 CO cr, Cr., Cri-Cien Cy2 , m 17,-- r Cr Cr 5r, et-) -7,..CY.:?‘ CO 62 - 1,10 or) o moon o o rlon o noononnel,no ,-,,, _., , J ..-, J '-''6 '', OC.. 1 C,I, -,-,-..,,,, -.-)c).,-0-)&-, 0....., - -W c-st ' ck`-'Y('kc-'Ir: Lk q Lia 44 40. 6 0 d 4? 43 : eq 4i 6? 4i' oR , 4/ Pao-Simile Rebel Shinplaster.—SalclfFholesale and Retail, by S. C. Upham, 403 Chestnut St. Phaaolelphies. $2—Madison County, Virginia. Upham went to a lot of trouble to produce this note. The basic design was first printed in dark blue on a tan-colored paper. The signatures of the treasurer and the president were then printed in black. Then the serial number 298 and the signature of the secretary running vertically on the left end were printed in red. At first glance the copy is very deceptive. PAGE 198 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65 25 Cents. 25 Cents. NORTH CAROLNA. THE COUNTY TRUSTEE OF THE COUNTY OF C/ALIVEr>3331V-lia9/-cay de lectw Twenty.Five Cents, OIL WM/2 ani TACWWILI MIL ININ/LATTIA•woe ∎ MLL AI& NITAil, NT N. N. MAO, 45$ MITINT main, PiptAelit.r!".. _S• the adeezyzz$71/aziourrier_217. -0,-1,/ans..1;(1 „..„-A70 ,/(o ,6a20 size All://O4./ VAD•011111.4 11131r. SNINPLAMIL—IOLD WNOL _____ All /MAIL, IT I. O UP..., 4o$ CNIStOtil STOW, TNILANELPOIA. • 25c—Camden County, North Carolina. This is the classic error which shows the word "Carolina" misspelled. Upham copied the error. Signatures, serial number and month, day and last figure of the year are printed on the copy; on the genuine note these items are written. There are at least two varieties of this note. Ioc—Bank of Tennessee, Nashville. The Upham copy is a fair imitation. The most obvious difference, other than the printed signatures, is in the background design behind the words "Ten Cents” at the left and right ends. On the genuine note, this design is a precision network of wavy lines ; on the copy it is a crude crosshatch pattern. Paper Money PAGE 199WHOLE NO. 64/65 18 `,44'%.7%; ‘•--- f---_,s.vcoRtortfeertdeara6111-treneStatglitEiegitis _64/30 p terest r .44a.ammar: " ...... —A.061.1 Treaar pa AA,. ..Tlow'r w..,41.L. MttAn. WS, 0, $20—Female Riding Deer, the famous Bogus Note. No genuine Confederate note of this design was ever issued. Upham had no way of knowing this, so he apparently purchased the note as genuine and proceeded to copy it. Arlie Slabaugh has a lengthy discussion of this note in his book "Confederate States Paper Money". The workmanship is typically Upham. The signatures are printed and on this particular note the serial number 6430 is also printed, although other issues were printed with the serial number omitted. It was printed in black and red, black and orange, black and green, and possibly other colors. Slabaugh offers some interesting theories on the designer of this note, since it is generally agreed that Upham was not the originator. the market today, being bought and sold time after time by unscrupulous or unwary persons until someone finally gets stuck with them. The danger is minimized, as in most things numismatic, through knowledge gained from study of the genuine article and comparison with the known counterfeit. Fortunately, Upham's notes are quite easy to detect through careful scrutiny. The author has been quite fortunate in acquiring many of the Upham notes with the advertisement intact and in such excellent condition that photographs show most of the detail. Some general observations will help identify these "souvenirs" even though the margin has been trimmed to eliminate the advertisement. First of all, look for printed signatures. Every genuine Confederate note except the small 50c notes of 1863 and 1864 have autograph signatures, usually in brown ink. This ink, very corrosive in nature, in many cases has eaten away the paper and will show through on the back of the note as damage or a very dark stain. Any note where the signatures are printed along with the basic design can automatically be classed as counterfeit. Try to obtain a known genuine note for comparison. This is especially important when the purchase of one of the rare notes of 1861 is contemplated. Many dealers simply do not have the specialized knowledge necessary to pick out counterfeits and in all sincerity will sell them as genuine. Look for crude workmanship in the various parts of the design. The portraits suffer considerably in most cases because of the difficulty in getting a life-like ap- pearance from anything less than highly-skilled techni- ques. Check the border designs for signs of "muddiness" or lack of fine detail. Shading around the letters often will be made of heavy lines instead of the very fine lines used in authentic notes. And last, but quite important, be suspicious of any of the early Confederate notes in perfect condition. Many genuine notes, especially those issued in 1861, never show up in flawless condition for the simple reason that all of them were released into circulation. The chances of such a note being found today in flawless condition are very remote. With the accompanying illustrations of Upham notes are points of identification which may be helpful in recognizing them. The author wishes to thank his good friends Charles Affleck, Philip Chase, Ben Douglas and Ellis Edlow for their assistance in the preparation of this article. Grateful acknowledgment is also made to the Western Publishing Company, Racine, Wisconsin for permis- sion to reprint this article which first appeared in the May 1965 issue of the "Whitman Numismatic Journal". Minor changes have been made to update some of the material. PAGE 200 WHOLE NO. 64/65Paper Money WISCONSIN'S "FIRST" NATIONALS By M. Ow en Warns National Bank Note collectors who specialize in the notes from their native or home state nearly all harbor the desire to own a "No. 1 note," a note with bank tally number 1 (the number usually found in the lower left corner commonly called the bank serial number). Ac- quiring one of these "first" notes is often the gratifying result of a long search. No. 1 notes, because they were the first notes of a particular bank's issue, were often saved by the bank president or other official. Thus, they are often found today as nice uncirculated specimens or showing mini- mal handling. Consequently, No. 1 notes, because of their top condition and status as "first" notes, often com- mand substantial premiums over a similar note from the issuing bank. It should also be noted that there can exist more than one No. 1 note of an issue. Each note on the first sheet printed carried bank tally number 1, although the Treasury Department serial number dif- fered on each. For example, since small denomination First Charter notes were printed on sheets of three $1 notes and a Lazy Deuce, the first such sheet printed for each bank would have contained a trio of No. 1 $1s and a single No. 1 $2. Presented here is a selection of No. 1 notes from Wisconsin, including some interesting varieties. Among the large size notes, all three primary note-issuing periods are represented. The notes illustrated herein offer an insight to a popular phase of National Bank Note col- lecting. FIRST CHARTER PERIOD—ORIGINAL SERIES $1, The First National Bank of Chippewa Falls. This bank was established Sept. 15, 1873 with charter number 2125. The note has the signatures of Allison and Spinner for the U.S. (Friedberg 382) and V. W. Bayless, cashier, and Thomas L. Habbert, president. for the bank. This note is from position 'A' (indicated at lower right, to right of date the top of a sheet containing three $1 notes and a $2. A total of 284 sheets were issued, making a total of 852 Original Series $1 notes for this bank. WHOLE NO. 64/65 PACE 201Paper Money $5, The Beloit National Bank of Beloit. Established under charter number 836 on Feb. 25, 1865. U.S. signatures are Colby and Spinner (F-397) ; local bank signers were F. N. (Francis) Davis, cashier, and W. (Warrick) Martin, president. The note is from position 'D' (bottom) on a sheet of four $5s. This is the only known survivor from a total printing of 11,220 notes. The bank liquidated Oct. 2, 1873. SECOND CHARTER PERIOD—SERIES 1882 BROWN BACKS $5. The Citizens National Bank of Stevens Point. Established May 9, 1893 under charter number 4912. The note has the signatures of Rosecrans and Nebeker (F-472) for the federal government: while the local bank officers signing were R. H. Russell, cashier, and R. C. Russell, president. It is not known whether the Stevens Point signers were related. This was the third note from the top of a sheet of four notes of the same denomination (position 'C'). a'a v ZEPosirvi■ H 11": 1,111! I 11*‘ - 111;-41.41i441 1447: ) AZONAL cuRRENcy 709647• NO rs 817;ir liUND:10,43 4 ,!? .mvevitoueYrettrerowpi*A4ita. 1:4 PAGE 202 WHOLE NO. 64/65Paper Money $5, The Marine National Bank of Milwaukee. Chartered number 5458, the bank was established June 30, 1900. U.S. signers were Lyons and Roberts (F-477) ; local signers were A. H. Lindsay as cashier, Washington Baker, president. This note is from position 'A' on a four-note sheet and is one of 68.600 such $5 notes issued by the bank. $10, The South Milwaukee National Bank of South Milwaukee. The bank was established March 24, 1893, chartered as number 4893. Federal signatures are of Rosecrans-Nebeker (F-485) ; signing for the bank were E. R. Ingalls, cashier, and S. M. (Sam) McCord, president. The note was second from the top on a sheet that contained three $10s and a $20 bill. The bank issued 42,120 of these notes. THIRD CHARTER PERIOD—SERIES 1902—RED SEALS $10, The First National Bank of West Allis. Established June 27, 1903, with charter number 6908. The signatures of Lyons and Roberts (F-621), representing the federal government, are joined by those of L. G. Baker, cashier, and S. M. Mc- Cord, president of the West Allis bank (the same Sam McCord who was president of the South Milwaukee N.B. which liquidated July 1, 1897). This note was at the top of a sheet of three $10s and a $20. It was first of 3,300 Red Seal $10s issued by the bank. On Feb. 9, 1934, during the Depression, the First N.B. of West Allis went into receivership. 101-5WOIT 07=0., frl 095487 - rf ”1. 0 Al ;:;.01•"!"1'' 4110_151,11 ,UNITED .STATES 54513 T.4 ZILW'YAUKEE 4hvida "iscto-ss,10 af:1...110A0:th=0.0502,r40. 1:..0=0,44.(0211=g).33 1C-1-1:iL"--,R}.11' ...1,1.?1 .v. 4 . :), Alts 687 Paper MoneyWHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 203 -± i4r4.0144.4,•47151.0Effio•Fir.*Irci■Okoklient*LX,` ,$) ` 444.1114044.441‘4.2410.144,4 q1/2,V11.1jjAVIVE 0410.111.1.V.Aj ' 47// 4.1444„uowil m7w6- Ott oeumitankrEstemoussrrittonmsactiliiitti . liffEDSTATESPFAMERICIL lt ) id Alt. $100, The Germania National Bank of Milwaukee. The bank was established with charter number 6853 on June 18, 1903. Federal signers were Lyons-Roberts (F-695) ; locally, Cashier F. G. Schultz and President George Brumder signed. This excessively rare Red Seal $100 was issued one note per sheet, paired with a $50 note and just 1.400 were produced. THIRD CHARTER PERIOD—SERIES 1902—BLUE SEALS Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65PAGE 204 $10, The First National Bank in Manitowoc. Originally chartered as number 4975 under the title The First National Bank of Manitowoc in 1894, the new title was adopted Jan. 22, 1923. The Parker-Burke federal signatures (F-631) are paired with those of local officers F. L. Rentner, cashier, and M. H. Dempsey, president. The note is from position 'B' on a $10-$10-$10-$20 sheet. Under the new title, 19,245 such notes were produced. $5, The Marine National Bank of Milwaukee. The second No. 1 type note from this bank has Elliott-Burke signatures (F-6071 combined with those of G. H. Williams. cashier, and A. H. Lindsay, president (formerly cashier) at the bank. The note is from the top of the first sheet of $5s printed. A total of 313,604 of these notes were produced. 31100141_59‘. urnm NITILIMMIVIOSO. 11.1.4/7.21,n171161r1LCSNIACOZ, OftitgeigAliglijit .„, THE (1: ttg MI fft CO AP0A01241Allf°"4104!^ ,'„ILLtial.10110 4 r-I 441.24.10,X4VALLRWAI18411.140" 'oamaiimiwasia ekrei.,6; 441344.0iW 427/V; It // zzararaztomtativiorszgEnaire Mft.troeir "DOUBLE ONE" $5, The Mechanics National Bank of Milwaukee. Established Aug. 27, 1925, with charter number 12816. The note has the signatures of Speelman and White (F-609) for the federal government; bank officials signing were A. M. Lambeck, cashier, and W. A. Franzen, president. This note shows the local bank officers' signatures were engraved on the printing plate. rather than being added after the bank received the notes. This procedure was allowed at the option of the issuing bank after Jan. 13, 1920. Note also that no signature lines were engraved for the local officers, an error note. Q ills . go. ) it, Pont (thrttn ,N WHOLE NO. 64/65 Paper Money PAGE 205 The system employed by the Treasury Department for numbering National Bank Notes was changed Aug. 22, 1925. Since the issuance of the first Nationals in 1863, the Treasury serial number (upper right corner) differed from the issuing hank's tally number. The change in 1925 made the numbers coincide. This note is dated Aug. 27, 1925, just five days after the change in numbering took effect. This note has to be one of the first, if not the first, "double one" National to reflect the new numbering system. This position 'C' note was third from the top of a sheet of four $5s. A total of 19,237 sheets were printed. Our appreciation to A. P. "Del" Bertschy, H. S. "Monte" Sherwin, David Levitt and Louis Van Belkum for their assistance in making this presentation possible. Coverage of the Wisconsin No. 1 Nationals of Series 1929 (small size) will be presented in an upcoming issue of Paper Money. CANADIAN SECTION STRONG IN AUGUST MERKIN SALE The choice, specialized Brussels Collection of Colonial, Continental, United States, Confederate and Canadian paper money was sold at auction Aug. 20-21 in New York City by Lester Merkin Coins in conjunction with Spink & Sons of London. Well attended by early arrivals to the American Numismatic Association convention; the auction was, according to Merkin, "marked by determined bidding throughout, culminating in a very strong finish in the Canadian section." The 468 lots of Colonial and Continental currency provided a liberal selection for every level of collector and the overall result confirmed the price trend set this spring by which the more common notes, and those in lower grades, have stabilized at 60%-70% of their 1975 highs, while choice condition notes or prime rarities have either held their own or advanced to new, higher levels. Examples in the sale included a VG counterfeit of the Massachusetts Dec., 1775, Sword-in-Hand 36-shilling note engraved by Paul Revere that was knocked down at $850; a half sheet of "Guaranteed by the United States" Massachusetts notes of 1780 that sold for $800 and a VF specimen of the 7-shilling New Hampshire Merchant's note of 1734 that realized $4,000 despite the fact that two others among the seven known ex- amples have been offered in the past year. Also, a North Carolina $10 Hillsborough note of Aug. 21, 1775, grading VF, was bid up to $675 on a $300 estimate. The Continental notes were led by a choice about XF example of the colorful $20 marbled-edge bill of May 10, 1775, which sold for $1,600 in brisk bidding. A small, but exclusive, United States section was high- lighted by the offer of an essai for a $500 two-year 5% note of March 3, 1863, which traded at $3,200. Top selling note among the regular issue U.S. paper (and for entire sale) was an AU Series 1869 $100 bill (Fried- berg 168) which opened at $2,700 and went to $6,800. A large offering of Confederate notes provided proof that demand for nice type notes continues to be strong. A VF $1,000 1861 Montgomery (Criswell 1) went for $2,300 and was closely followed by an Indian Princess $5 (C-271) that fetched $1,700 in fine condition. Strong bidding from north of the border during the sale of the 166 lots of Canadian paper currency proved to be the real highlight of the 695-lot auction. Believed to be Canada's first bank note, this 1792 five shillings, grading XF, sold for $1,050—nearly twice catalog estimate—in the Aug. 20-21 Lester Merkin auction. Estimates fell far behind as a DC-1 Province of Cana- da $5 note, grading VG, reached $2,000; a 5-shilling note of the Canada Bank, Aug. 10, 1792, (believed to be the first Canadian bank note) netted $1,050 and a 5- pound proof from the Bank of Charlottestown sold for $1,000. A choice pair of Bank of Nova Scotia (1.10- and 2.10- pounds) notes went to $2,100 from a $425 opener and a full sheet of George King scrip lived up to expecta- tions by commanding a $4,200 bid against a $1,750 estimate. A copy of the sale catalog and list of prices realized from the Brussels Collection auction may be obtained for $5 from Lester Merkin, 445 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022. WHOLE NO. 64/65PAGE 206 Paper Money 16th ANNUAL SPMC MEETING Over 100 members and interested persons attended the business meeting of the Society of Paper Money Col- lectors held August 26, 1976 in conjunction with the A.N.A. convention, at the Americana Hotel in New York City. The meeting was presided over by President Robert E. Medlar. The Treasurer's report, given by C. John Ferreri, showed a balance of $14,440.99 as compared to $15,318.10 for 1975. Byron Johnson reported to the membership on his attendance to the Syngraphic Liaison Group, with re- marks on grading of paper money, which is currently being studied, and the functions of the organization. George Wait gave a report on the present status of the revision works of obsolete notes. He reported that the New Jersey book, which is being published by the Newark Museum, and partly sponsored by SPMC, will be out in about 6 weeks. The book will sell for $18.50; but, to SPMC members, the price will be $15.00. Also, he said the Maine book is set in type, and he has just received the final proofs from Krause Publications for review. The Indiana book is finished and is next in line, after Maine, to be sent to Krause Publications to be printed. The Secretary's report reflected the Society has a current membership of 2028—down 94 members from 1974-1975. Roy Pennell, our Publisher, made his report on the sale of books and back issues of PAPER MONEY, stating several books had sold well, others have been slow; but, overall the sales had been satisfactory for the past year. Harry G. Wigington, head of the Nominating Com- mittee read his report, which included the nomination of the following five members for a three year term on the Board of Governors: Eric P. Newman, Robert E. Medlar, C. John Ferreri, Richard Jones, and Michael A. Crabb, Jr. Under the provisions of our By-Laws, the name of Bernard J. Schaaf was placed on the ballot. Ballots were passed to the membership in attendance, with the voting showing the following results: Eric Newman-68; Robert Medlar-77; John Fer- reri-62; Richard Jones-55; Michael Crabb-73; and Bernard Schaaf-48. As a result, Messrs. Newman, Medlar, Ferreri, Jones and Crabb were elected to a three year term on the Board of Governors. With the present 10 members, these persons will constitute the Board for 1975-1976. President Medlar gave an account of the Executive Board meeting to the general membership. The meeting was thrown open to general discussion and some of the items brought up were: 1. Eric Newman made a request to send a letter of appreciation to Barbara Mueller, our retired editor. This request was accepted. 2. A request was made to present Miss Mueller with a Life Membership. Medlar advised that we have no life memberships, and that none are being con- sidered at the present time. Miss Mueller is an Honorary Member. 3. Michael Crabb discussed the all-paper money show coming up in June, 1977, to be held in Memphis, Tenn. 4. Doug Watson, the new editor of PAPER MONEY, was introduced to the membership and spoke briefly on his objectives in regards to the Journal. Also, it was announced that one issue would be doubled, combining two issues, to catch up on the lag re- sulting from the change in editors. 5. Joe Clarke, Washington, D.C., invited the SPMC to hold a regional meeting at the July, 1977 Metro Washington Numismatic Association show. 6. Charles Culver discussed Regional meeting to be located in Los Angeles on 2/25/77, as well as the location of other regional meetings in 1977. 7. Austin Shoheen, publisher of the BANK NOTE RE- PORTER, donated to SPMC, up to 1 page in the BNR to be used by the Society for exposure and se- curing new members. His offer was accepted and highly received by the membership. 8. Discussion was made by several members and the President regarding election procedures and the up- dating of our By-Laws. A committee was to he selected for this study and to report back to the President. The meeting was then adjourned. Individuals interested in membership in the Society, may write: Harry G. Wigington-Secretary, P. 0. Box 4082, Harrisburg, Penna. 17111. AUCTION ASSAYS ESSAI AT $3,200 Essai for a $500 two-year Interest Bearing Note at 5% dated April 1, 1863, relevant to the act of March 3, 1863, sold for $3,200 in the Aug. 20-21 auction of the Brussels Collection by Lester Merkin in New York City. The gray obverse depicts at left a figure believed to be Columbus; at right, the sun rises over mountains and a waterfall. Color of reverse is green. Merkin says the note is "executed by an engraving technique that differs noticeably from that which has been used on notes is- sued by the U.S. Treasury since 1861." The $500 note that was actually issued under the 1863 act was of a different design and is described in Fried- berg (No. 205) and in Hessler (No. 1342). Hessler also notes another $500 Interest Bearing Note (No. 1341) which was printed but never released. Merkin speculated that this note could be the unissued type, and catalogs it as "possibly unique." ADAMS APPOINTED PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, member of the Board of Governors of SPMC, has been appointed Publicity Chairman by President Bob Medlar. Larry, who invites suggestions and comments from society members, can be reached at: 969 Park Circle, Boone, Iowa 50036. WHOLE NO. 64/65 Paper Money PAGE 207 FIRST OF yl SERIES NEW LOOKS Al OLD NOTES By Walter Breen Our First Greenbacks Even neophyte collectors have learned to call the familiar "Legal Tender" or "United States Notes" series of paper currency by the century-old nickname of greenbacks. What most of them have not realized—be- cause the general public and the Treasury have long since managed to rid themselves of most of the evidence and mercifully to forget the rare remainders—is that the original greenback notes were not the Legals of 1862, which were after all (at least the First Obligation notes) exchangeable for 6% U.S. bonds, but the Demand Notes of 1861, which were pure fiat money, not redeemable in anything, nor exchangeable for bonds or any other form of currency. The Demand Notes, now so highly prized by collectors, were in their own day regarded as a shameful expedient, painfully reminiscent of Continental Currency "shin- plasters" of the 1770s. Dollar for dollar, for awhile they bought less than their Confederate counterparts; and they depreciated so quickly as to provide no special at- traction to counterfeiters, being worth only a small frac- tion of their nominal face value in specie. To understand why the United States government felt compelled to issue anything of the kind, let us look back to the period 1857-58. The year 1857 had begun with several setbacks: The notorious Dred Scott decision of March 6; the run on the Mint in May, with hundreds of thousands of people turning in large cents, half cents and Spanish silver fractions to receive bags of flying eagle cents; only to find that within a few weeks the latter were in such oversupply that groceries, general stores and most other merchants refused to accept them in any kind of pay- Three year note issued under the Act of July 17, 1861. Reverse of a specimen note is shown (Photo taken from Paper Money of the United States by Friedberg.) • • • • • - 1. • : • •.14 _ (A nit 140 . 77_,TAT • •0 WHOLE NO. 64/65Paper MoneyPAGE 208 $1000 Three year interest bearing note with the portrait of Salmon P. Chase. ( Photo taken from Paper Money of the United States by Friedberg.) ments; several crop failures, followed by failures of several important New York banks and a Stock Exchange panic comparable to that of 1929 though briefer. Hun- dreds of thousands of city people found themselves sud- denly jobless, and the repercussions were felt even in England. Those who had gold or silver hoarded it so that for a while nothing much was in circulation except nickel cents, silver trimes (3c pieces) and floods of wildcat banknotes redeemable only (if at all) in the Michigan North Woods. Those people lucky enough to have jobs were likely to find nothing else in their pay envelopes. As of the latter part of October 1857, the New York and Philadelphia banks were forced to suspend specie payments: None of them had enough silver (even Spanish dollars) left in the vaults to redeem their own notes, let alone those of any other institution, no matter how solidly backed they had been at the outset. President Buchanan did nothing, continuing to compromise and dither in an attempt to appease the Southern congress- men. It began to look as though the nation was in for another prolonged slump like that of 1837-44, only worsened by the tremendous growing tension over slavery. Worse still, the United States Treasury found itself subjected to a run on the vaults. Earlier bond issues were coming due, almost $5,000,000 in 1846 bonds (Act of July 22, 1846) were being presented in quantity for redemption. Tax payments were only trickling in, and in many cases people had no currency but privately issued banknotes, which were not legally receivable for taxes. In the New York Custom House and other such depots, more than half the total goods reaching our shores from abroad were impounded for failure to pay tariffs. For the 17th time since the middle of 1812, the Trea- sury was forced to resort to the issue of interest-bearing notes, which were theoretically usable for circulation but in practice seldom left the vaults of the bankers who subscribed to them. The Act of Dec. 23, 1857, authorized issue of some $20,000,000 in one-year notes, of $100 denomination (higher denominations were legally possible but there is no proof that any were printed). These bore large C's upper left and right, large 100's lower left and right, with the usual legend "One Year after date the United States promise to pay to the order of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS with interest at per cent." The notes bore written dates and the autograph Reverse of the $1000 note above. ( Photo taken from Paper Money of the United States by Friedberg.) WHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 209Paper Money signatures of the Treasurer and Register. The written interest figure was because the notes were submitted to bids from bankers, who bought so many at so much per- cent interest. It was to the advantage of the bankers to bid for notes if they could get them at a higher in- terest rate; it was to the Treasury's advantage to dispose of as many as possible at the lowest interest rate. As it worked out, a few tens of thousands of these notes went at 3%, a few more at 3.5%, and so on through 6%. Many of the notes went back in payment of taxes, and were reissued; in all some $52,778,900 was paid out, including reissues, but as of April 1, 1884, only $1,700 (probably 17 notes) was still outstanding. However, not even this expedient was much help. Ex- cept for the long-forgotten "small Treasury notes" of February, 1815, which bore no interest and which had circulated readily in all denominations from $3 through $50 (because they were fundable in 7% bonds), the various issues of Treasury notes—our only federal paper prior to the Civil War—were mostly in $50 or $100 Southern congressmen were in no mood to hold still for anything of the kind, and almost any suggestion com- ing from the North—especially from the Yankee treasury —was met with opposition. President Buchanan was un- able to persuade Congress to do anything at all; the northern congressmen regarded him as a compromiser unwilling to do anything towards ending the growth of the slave trade, and the southerners felt they could not depend on him to further their aims either. Treasury Secretary Howell Cobb found himself under intolerable political pressure, and suddenly resigned in December, 1860. A few of the more level-headed statesmen man- aged to induce Congress to pass a modified version of Cobb's bill. There were to be Treasury notes again, but without any pledge of public lands; any such measure would have jeopardized the Homestead bill, then under consideration. During that same month, the Secession Convention met and seven southern states formally revoked their $5000 version of the three interest bearing note dated August 19, 1861 and paying 7 3/10 per cent interest. ( Photo taken from Paper Money of the United States by Friedberg. ) denominations, so that few of the general public ever saw them. These notes are virtually unknown to collectors today, which is why Friedberg ignored them. Each issue was comparatively small and almost completely redeemed, and the surviving notes with two or three exceptions— are cancelled remainders. Even the sale of the new issue of Treasury notes did not bring in nearly as much as the Treasury needed. Pursuant to the Act of June 22, 1860, the Treasury offered a new issue of $10 million in 5% stock certifi- cates (another $11 million being authorized but not then placed on sale). The offering realized only $7,022,000; the remaining nearly $3 million, though bid for at various discount rates, were defaulted. Treasury Secre- tary Howell Cobb reported that bankers and other in- vestors were unwilling to invest in U.S. stock at anywhere near par. He recommended that Congress repeal so much of the act as would have authorized issue of the remaining $11 million and instead authorize issue of more Treasury notes, redemption to be on pledge of public lands. ratification of the U.S. Constitution, maintaining that the United States was a federation of sovereign states which had come together of their own free will without abrogating their sovereignty, and which had now better split apart. A number of southern congressmen and senators—together with ex-Secretary Cobb—had in the meantime unobtrusively left Washington. Most of President Buchanan's cabinet resigned, one by one. There were reports of troop mobilizations in the South. The President attempted to send peace missions to the south, only to find their members resigning instead. To raise urgently needed funds, the Treasury acceded to bankers' demands that the first $5 million in Treasury one-year notes be repayable at a then-fantastic 12% in- terest. Many other bankers bid for the notes only at rates from 18% to 36%, but these bids were rejected. In all, some $10 million in 6% notes were finally sold, in denominations of $50 and $100 (possibly higher as well), of new designs, and probably printed by National Bank Note Co., though to date no survivors are reported, the high interest rates guaranteeing redemption. Bu- chanan appointed General John A. Dix as lame duck 74/7. ///-'7w / 2 ././///z/7/.-// 77//, 417 /;///17/. /////S//Y./ Nesviror4 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65PAGE 210 $5 Demand Note of 1861 is- sued under the Act of July 17, 1861 and carrying the date of August 10, 1861. Secretary of Treasury on Jan. 11, 1861. One week later he wrote to the Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee as follows: "Within the last few days the amount of overdue treasury notes presented for redemption has exceeded the power of the Treasurer to place drafts for payment on the Assistant Treasurer at New York, where the holders desire the remittances to be made; and an ac- cumulation of warrants, to the amount of about $433,000, has accrued on this account in the Treasurer's hands, which he has been unable to pay." The amount realized by sale of the 1860 Treasury Notes immediately went, in its entirety, to pay overdue obligations. On Feb. 8, the United States floated a 6% bond issue, managing to sell some $18,415,000 at a discount rate averaging about 83c on the dollar; and the gold brought in van- ished almost overnight. At that point Congress was induced (Act of March 2, 1861) to authorize still another issue of treasury notes. These included some $22 million in two-year notes and some $12 million in 60-day notes, all of $50 (and probably $100) denominations. At least one of the survivors recently came on the market; this was a two- year $50, written date August 9, 1861, portraying Andrew Jackson, Justice seated, and Salmon P. Chase (who had become Secretary of Treasury on March 7). It was printed by National Bank Note Co. in black and orange with an elaborate blue back. It was lot 1709 in the 1970 ANA Convention sale, realizing $10,000. As of April 1, 1884, only $3,000 of this issue (sixty $50's?) remained outstanding; at present the note is believed to be unique. In the meantime, on Feb. 4, 1861 some 42 delegates from the seceding Southern states met in convention, choosing former Treasury Secretary Howell Cobb to preside. Two days later, delegates from North Carolina arrived to plead for reconciliation, they were thought to be Union sympathizers and were shouted down. On Feb. 8 the delegates established the Confederacy, the next day electing former Senator Jefferson Davis as president and Alexander Stephens, vice president. Buchanan stepped down from the presidency on March 4, rejoicing that he had managed to keep the USA out of war. Lincoln found himself facing the realization that Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor, S.C., was virtu- ally surrounded by hostile troops. He promptly began sending reinforcements by sea. South Carolina regarded this as a hostile act and mobilized its state militia in the area. As of April 11. General Beauregard demanded Union authorities surrender the fort to the sovereign State of South Carolina. The fort's commander, Major Robert Anderson, refused. The rebels began bombard- ment at 4:30 a.m. next morning; Anderson surrendered on April 14, and the next day President Lincoln declared the Southern states under blockade, the nation in a state of war, and the Union army in need of 75,000 soldiers. Naturally these new troops had to be fed, paid and supplied with uniforms, rifles, ammunition. etc. The Treasury had almost no extra funds for the purpose. Congress authorized a draft of 500,000 troops, redoubling the squeeze on the federal exchequer. The disaster at Manassas, Va. (First Battle of Bull Run) was the climax to a series of Union defeats; at this juncture, mid-July, 1861, the capitol itself was be- lieved to be in danger, and the nation was shocked into acceptance of the fact that the rebels were no mere clique of ineffectual malcontents, but an insurgent nation as determined to drive off Union troops as the Minutemen had been in 1775 against the British redcoats. The war was financed accordingly by a succession of issues of interest-bearing notes. When the supply of March, 1861, notes ran out. Congress passed the Act of July 17, 1861, which authorized three-year notes in de- nominations from $50 to $5,000—the latest in a long series, and the first to be listed by Friedberg. This act also authorized the demand notes, called greenbacks because they were the first treasury notes to have this color on backs (earlier ones favoring blue, orange or red). Owing to Article I, Section 10, paragraph 1, of the U.S. Constitution, the various states were specifically forbidden to issue "bills of credit," by which term the framers had meant any kind of paper currency what- ever. By Art. I, sec. 8, par. 5. the Federal government Paper Money PAGE 211WHOLE NO. 64/65 was also enjoined from such issues, but for many decades the point was actually considered moot (and the issue of treasury notes thus at least not specifically forbidden) because the constitutional lawyers had in the meantime forgotten the original meaning of the term "bills of credit." Owing to this same legal uncertainty, a few states did from time to time issue promissory notes, and no- body successfully challenged the constitutionality of the Treasury's doing likewise. On the other hand, while Congress was debating the bill authorizing demand notes, the constitutional issue once again came up, to be put off owing to the extreme emergency nature of the measure—only to reappear in 1862 when the Legal Tender notes were being debated. By the Act of July 17, 1861, the first demand notes were to consist of $20 million each in tens and twenties. The date Aug. 10, 1861, which appears on all these is probably either the date when plate preparation began, or when the Treasury received official orders to deal with the American Bank Note Company, or barely pos- sibly when the first notes were scheduled to be paid out (though the actual date was later) ; we may never know for certain. Unlike the issues of interest-bearing notes, the De- mands were printed in large enough quantities to pre- clude personal signing by either Lucius E. Chittenden or General Spinner, so that the Treasury hired several dozen people to sign on behalf of these officials—in exact parallel to what the Confederate Treasury was doing on the same days. Demand notes were printed on plain bank note paper without fibre inclusions or other safety features. Plates for all denominations were made up of four subjects, lettered ABC D top to bottom; numbering was con- secutive. All face plates bear American Bank Note Co. NY credits. The first plates were begun before the decision to issue in such huge quantities, so that (as in former interest-bearing notes) the spaces for autograph signatures are marked merely "Register of the Treasury" and "Treasurer of the United States," as though these officials would be signing personally. As a result, the First Emission in all three denominations had 'for the' handwritten below each signature, even as with many of the 1861 Confederate Treasury notes—though the coincidences do not end there (and they could be the subject of a monograph). Demand notes were smaller in size than Treasury notes of 1837 through March 2, 1861, inclusive; the new size being close to that found on New York bank notes and becoming standard through 1927. All denomina- tions show green overprinted work and elaborate green backs notable for hundreds of mechanically repeated 5's, X's or 20's, an anticounterfeiting device which proved quite unnecessary; I have never heard of a counterfeit Demand of any denomination. The $5 Demand notes depicted on the left Thomas Crawford's statue of "Freedom," which was placed atop the U.S. Capitol in December, 1863; this vignette was engraved by Owen G. Hanks for ABN. We have not learned the identity of the engraver of the Hamilton vignette at right. Tens show one of the various Lincoln portraits at left, copied from a Mathew Brady photograph, engraver unknown. The central eagle and shield is one of a large group of ABN stock designs. At right is an allegorical female figure, differently titled either "Art" or "Paint- ing" according to which specimen book or other official source one has seen; this is also uncredited and was doubtless one of the ABN stock designs. Twenties feature a central standing figure, "Liberty," with sword and shield, copyright 1858 by "Jones and Smillie" for ABN, probably Alfred Jones and James Smillie. Altogether the following amounts were printed: Fives-4,360,000 Tens-2,003,000 (the odd 3,000 being reissues) Twenties-910,000 The Act of July 17, 1861, had called for $20 million each in $10 and $20 notes, i.e. two million tens and a million twenties. But before the entirety of the highest denomination had been printed, the Act of August 5, 1861, authorized not over $10 million in fives, and the Reverse of $5 Demand Note. The term "Greenback" origi- nated with these notes due to the fact that the note was printed in green. Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65PAGE 212 Act of Feb. 12, 1862, a like amount in the same de- nomination. The first Demands to be issued were tens, payable in Philadelphia. They were received in Washington, D.C. at the Assistant Treasurer's Office about August 24, 1861. The very first of these—without SERIES or plate num- ber, and with 'for the' written, serial number 1—was paid to Salmon P. Chase, from whom it went to the Treasury's supersalesman and publicist Jay Cooke, and through Cooke's descendants eventually to New Nether- lands Coin Co., which firm pictured it inside front cover of The Numismatist, Jan. 1971. It is signed by Green and Walker; it is still uncirculated and was displayed at the 1971 ANA Convention. What happened to the next few is unknown, except that no. 5 of the same group was paid out over the counter in Washington to C. H. Dalton, president of the Dalton Paper Company. Dalton wrote on the back "Washington, D.C., Aug. 24, 1861. Received at the Counter in Treasury Department this day being the 5th Demand Treasury Note issued by the United States for War Expenses to suppress Re- bellion.—C. H. Dalton of Massachusetts." Eventually the note was owned by Allan Farber, from whom John W. Hutchinson bought it; it was lot 1102 of the Guggen- heimer sale (1953) and brought $1,200 in the Donlon mail bid sale of May 22, 1971, as lot 631. It is almost uncirculated. With issues as large as four million $5s, serial num- bers nevertheless never exceed five digits. The explana- tion is found in a device coincidentally also used by the Confederacy. In inconspicuous places on the notes, face plates show—usually—SERIES and a number from 2 to 15, for some reason SERIES 1 never yet being observed. As soon as 100,000 notes were printed from a given series—i.e. 25,000 four-subject sheets the plates were removed and the series number altered. Thus the next notes printed, from whatever plates, would bear the next higher series number, with SN's 1 to 4. Theo- retically there could be as many as fifteen "Number One" $5 notes on New York alone, but in actuality the only known #1 is the Chase-Cooke Philadelphia $10 described above. The first emission (early August, 1861, only), with `for the' written, did not have SERIES on plates, nor plate numbers. It is extremely unlikely that as many as 100,000 notes were made of any denomination in this emission for any of the five offices (N.Y., Phila- delphia, Boston, Cincinnati, St. Louis), to judge by the low serial numbers and the high rarity of First Emission compared to all other Demands. A N.Y. $5 (Donlon lot 758) is numbered 9172, and a Boston $10 is num- bered 28329. Probably orders to enter 'for the' on plates came through very early in the press runs. Some early Second Emission notes are from altered First Emission plates—lacking plate numbers but with SERIES added. On the other hand, the Second Emission, with 'for the' added by hand to the plates (large and small in- differently), include notes without SERIES on all de- nominations, and with SERIES 2 through 15 on N.Y. $5s, lower series numbers being found on $5s from other offices and on $10s. I have never seen a $20 De- mand with SERIES though they must have been made at least for N.Y. and Philadelphia. Study of series numbers will enable us to break down the printage figures to reach a first approximation of the amounts made up for each office, though research here has just barely begun, because most holders of Demand notes do not pay attention to series numbers. Railroads and most merchants refused to accept De- mands in payments of any kind. This situation eased a little, but only a little, after Secretary Chase and a number of other high federal officials publicly signed an agreement to take them in their own salaries. The Act of Aug. 5, 1861, floated an issue of $189,321,350 (of $250 million authorized) 6% twenty-year bonds for the purpose of funding these notes, plus $50 million in 7.3% bonds sold to the Boston, N.Y. and Philadelphia banks, and finally paid off as of Jan. 14, 1862. A circular was printed in September, advertising that Demands would be payable in coin. In practice, very little coin was available for the purpose, as most of the Treasury's silver and gold was earmarked either for foreign purchases of war material or for payment of due and overdue interest and principal on bonds and older treasury notes. A meeting of the member banks of the New York City Clearing House Association, January 1862, pro- duced a resolution to the effect that these banks would not accept Demands in payments until after Congress had made legal provision for their speedy redemption. The Treasury pointed out that these notes had been uttered before the Dec. 28, 1861, suspension of specie payments, and that as a result they would be redeemed in coin, even though not stated on their faces. More- over, Demands were acceptable in payment of taxes and duties. As this decision proved an embarrassing drain on Treasury stocks of gold and silver, the notes were retired as quickly as possible, pursuant to the Act of Feb. 25, 1862, which authorized the Legals. Most De- mands were promptly paid in to the Treasury, being at once cancelled and burnt. This accounts for the rarity of survivors in all grades. One may ask why survivors are almost invariably in wretched condition. Partly this is a result of the quality of paper in use, partly because holders found no advan- tage in keeping them, preferring to spend them at once for hard goods or change, before they depreciated. By 1862 U.S. government paper was already beginning to be quoted at a discount in terms of gold, and the De- mands were specifically affected. There follows an enumeration of the known varieties of Demands, with some remarks on serial numbers. This is incomplete, as many notes are represented only by half-tone illustrations, from which SERIES and plate numbers cannot be read; other notes are in private col- lections and estates. (71. 77 ■/// . aifinna' RECEIV. LE ETP ENT LICn Paper Money PACE 213WHOLE NO. 64/65 FIRST EMISSION (Early August, 1861) `For the' written; no SERIES, no plate number $5. Payable at New York. (Friedberg la, Donlon 805BT1, Hessler 242B) At least five seen, including nos. 366 (R. F. Schermerhorn estate), 1271 (private collec- tion), and 9172 (Donlon 627, VG, $700). $5. Philadelphia. (F-2a, D-805CT1, H-242C) only one seen-before I began recording SN's. Others possibly survive. $10 Philadelphia. (F-7a, D-810CT1, H-463C) These were the first to be paid out in Washington; signed Green and Walker. No. 1, ex Salmon Chase, Jay Cooke, was earlier described, as was no. 5, ex C. H. Dalton, Farber, Hutchinson. Others probably survive. $10 Boston. (F-8a, D-810AT1, H-463A) I have ex- amined only no. 28329. Donlon 629 was possibly dif- ferent; I did not see it. Others may survive. $10 Cincinnati. (F-9a, D-81ONT1, H-463D) Only one reported, unseen by me: Ex Grinnell 11, said to be VF, signed Kennard-Fry. Lincoln's portrait appears on this $10 Demand Note. To the right is an allegorical figure representing art. $5 Boston. (F-3a, D-805AT1, H-242A) Printed, but none seen. $5 Cincinnati. (F-4a, D-805NT1, H-242D) No record. $5 St. Louis. (F-5a, D-805HT1, H-353H) No record. $10 N.Y. (F-6a, D-81OBT1, H-463B) I have seen only one, no. 18436, nearly Ex. Fine, sgd. Hubbard-Evans. This was originally Grinnell 2, later James M. Wade col- lection at $950, Waldorf Sale, 1965, lot 863, present whereabouts unknown. Wade also had a duplicate, Fine with splits, back reinforced. Others probably survive. $10 St. Louis. (F-10a, D-810HT1, H-463H) No record. $20 New York. (F-11a, D-820BT1. H-700B) I have heard of only one, unseen, whereabouts unknown. $20 Philadelphia. (F-12a, D-820AT1, H-700C) Same comment. $20 Boston. (F-13a, D-820AT1, H-700A) No record. $20 Cincinnati. (F-14a, D-820NT1, H-700D) One rumored, unverified. $20 St. Louis. (F-15a, D-820HT1) None reported. Reverse of the $10 Demand Note. PAGE 214 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65 SECOND EMISSION Late August (?)-Fall 1861 Tor the' engraved Notes without SERIES or plate number were from plates altered from First Emission by hand entry of `for the'. There would not have been over 100,000 printed of any denomination for any office without SERIES. Later fives have SERIES below right SN, be- low and right of left SN on tens. Twenties to date are without SERIES, though they must have been made with SERIES for N.Y. and Philadelphia, location unknown. $5 Cincinnati. (F-4, D-805NT2, H-242D) Sigs. Hub- bard-Whelpley (?). Only two reported, the former Grinnell ("about VG") and Wade ("Fine for note, back reinforced") ; others probably exist, but surely not many. I have seen neither. In the 1968 NY Metropolitan Con- vention sale, lots 582-3 were a pair of uniface proofs, face and back, no SERIES, no. 00000. $5 St. Louis. (F-5, D-805HT2, H-242H) Signed Starr-Knight. Only two seen, both without SERIES: no. 43361 (private coll.) and 65576, the latter ex W. A. Philpott. Two others are reported, one of them ("EF") ex Grinnell 19, J. M. Wade at $1,350, where- abouts unknown to me. Liberty with shield and sword is the featured device on the $20 Demand Note of 1861. $5 New York. (F-1, D-805BT2, H-242B) The least rare of all. Various signature combinations, including MacLeod-Hartwick, Fairbanks-Cohen, others, often indecipherable. Observed without SERIES, and in series 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14 and 15. Probably notes exist of all series (except 1?). Highest SN seen for a No SERIES note is 84860, so that this issue may have been complete, i.e. 100,000 notes. It is quite possible that all fifteen series were complete aside from 1 totaling 1,500,000 notes. Plate numbers have been seen as high as 6. Grinnell 1, Unc., was series 4, plate 4, no. 80857. Lot 888 of the Mehl-Grinnell Duplicates sale (1943), "Unc.," was series 15, no. 43335, no plate number; this reappeared in Lester Merkin's June 24, 1972, sale, lot 504. It is brilliant enough but has a very faint center fold. $5 Philadelphia. (F-2, D-805CT2, H-242C) Very slightly rarer than last, but certainly second commonest Demand, if any can be called common. Sigs. Caudwell- Somerman, others. Possibly half a dozen survivors can be called VF. Reported without SERIES; seen with SERIES 2, 3, 5, 7-10, 13, 14 (no. 31962 highest seen in this series). Plate numbers to 6. Reinfeld illustrates a proof, no. 00000, letter D, no SERIES. $5 Boston. (F-3, D-805AT2, H-242A) Rarer than either of preceding, probably third commonest. Seen with SERIES 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13 (to no. 16352). Plate numbers to 3. J. M. Wade had one described as EF, which may have come from Mehl-Grinnell Dups. lot 887. $10 New York. (F-6, D-810BT2, H-463B) Various sigs. Series 3-6 inclusive observed, series 6 probably complete as no. 91197 is pictured in Limpert. Higher series probably exist. Either no plate number or plate 2, no others seen to date. Fewer than a dozen seen in all. $10 Philadelphia. (F-7, D-810CT2, H-463C) Various sigs. Without SERIES, or with series 2, 4 or 10. Highest SN seen in series 10 is 52695. About as rare as the NY notes. The group without SERIES may have been complete, the highest SN seen being 85073. Lots 584-5 of the 1968 N.Y. Metropolitan Convention sale was a pair of uniface proofs, no SERIES, no. 00000. $10 Boston. (F-8, D-810AT2, H-463A) Ames-Wilson ?), others. Recorded from series 2, 3, 4 and 7, the last Mehl-Grinnell Dups. lot 896, serial number unstated, this note untraced. Without plate number, but may exist with. Less than a dozen seen in all. $10 Cincinnati. (F-9, D-810NT2, H-463D) No record of series or plate numbers. The Kagins have handled two apparently different examples. I have seen none since beginning this tabulation. $10 St. Louis. (F-10. D-810HT2, H-463H) Only one reported to date, Grinnell 14, torn and mended, no series, SN or plate number data, signed Benne (? )- Turner. $20 New York. (F-11. D-820BT2, H-700B) No SERIES. Signed Dailey and Melvin (?). Chase Bank WHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 215Paper Money Money Museum has no. 47314, no plate number, pic- tured in Friedberg and Hessler. One other seen years ago. A possible third is Grinnell 3, "EF." Must have been issued with SERIES (1 or 2?) but untraced. $20 Philadelphia. (F-12, D-820CT2, H-700C) No SERIES. Signed Hubbard—Tingle. Two seen, no. 19012 (pvt. coll.) and no. 98787, latter ex Grinnell 6, Limpert, Donlon 760 at $3,500, nearly EF. A third reported, unseen. Must have been issued with SERIES, also- untraced. $20 Boston. (F-13, D-820AT2, H-700A) The only one I ever saw was lot 206, 1963 Miami F.U.N. Sale, "nearly F or better," before I began this tabulation. Possibly ex Grinnell 9, "Fine, reinforced." One other reported, unconfirmed as different from either of above. Prob- ably without SERIES or plate number. $20 Cincinnati. (F-14, D-820NT2, H-700D) Only one reported, no SERIES; Sol Kaplan, ex Julian S. Marks, ex Grinnell 12, "Fine, reinforcements," signed Tall- mann—Fry. Lot 586 of the 1968 N.Y. Metropolitan sale was a pair of uniface proofs, no SERIES, no. 00000. $20 St. Louis. (F-15, D-820HT2) None reported. From the above, we can derive an approximate break- down of the amounts printed. The 910,000 twenties of both emissions are still moot, but we can conjecture with some justification that the New York and Phila- delphia offices received between 200,000 and 300,000 apiece, nearly half of which must have been of SERIES 1 or 2 (1 may nave been omitted as a designation, as no note of any denomination has yet turned up with it). The Boston office, then, would have received slightly fewer, possibly as many as 200,000 (same comment). and the Cincinnati and St. Louis offices not over a full series apiece. In fact the following division may be taken as a starting point: N.Y., Philadelphia: 300,000 each Boston 200,000 Cffi., St. Louis (?) 110,000 together As of June, 1927, only 610 were still outstanding from all five offices—some 0.06% of the issue. On the clue that the second 100,000 made for each office were marked SERIES 2, we may guess that of both emissions and all series taken together, approximately the following breakdown of 2,003,000 tens can be made: New York 700,000 or less Philadelphia 700,000 or less Boston 400,000 or less Cincinnati, St. Louis 100,000 each, or less The total compared to SERIES data indicates that some series must have been incomplete and other series numbers possibly not used at all. This denomination vanished almost as quickly as the twenties, only 1,964 being outstanding as of June, 1927, or under 0.1%. Similarly, of the 4,360,000 ($5s), the following break- down is a reasonable first approximation: New York 1,500,000 Philadelphia 1,400,000 Boston 1,300,000 Cincinnati, St. Louis 160,000 together Should the true figures on any of the above be dis- covered in the Archives, they will probably not be very far away. Of the total of fives, some 4,248, or almost exactly 0.1%, were outstanding as of June, 1927. Naturally, these figures give little clue to the rarity of Demand Notes today. In actuality, hardly 1% of the figures outstanding can be accounted for in collections. The Treasury has managed to efface from the history books all but the vaguest memory of its 1861 emergency measure, and a few dozen collectors are all that keeps even that dim recollection alive. Perhaps it should not be completely forgotten. After all, it is surely official unawareness of the disastrous consequences of unbacked fiat money (Continentals, John Law notes, assignats, wildcat bank notes, etc., even unto German 1923 and Hungarian 1946 inflation currencies) which has led straitened governments again and again to issue the stuff, and our own Federal Reserve Board must at all costs be prevented from succumbing to any similar temptation. For after all, "those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat its mistakes." (To be Continued) Reverse design of the $20 Demard Note. Paper MoneyPAGE 216 WHOLE NO. 64/65 PAPER MONEY MARKET REPORT action at audion (All descriptions and summaries are taken from the auctioneer's publication.) Stanley Gibbons Auctions, Sale of Sept. 3, 1975, Lon- don, England. (Continued from PM No. 62) World Paper Money (Prices in pounds sterling) Est. KATANGA 20 Francs, `Tshombe' issue, 21.11.1960 (Pick 2), small tear otherwise EF 26 19 KOREA Bank of Korea 1,000 Hwan 1957 issue (Pick 22), overprint 'Specimen', No. 000000. EF 16 13 LAOS National Bank: Modern issue, 10, 20 and 50 Kip, 'Specimen' printed on reverse, hole can- celled, No. A000000. EF 13 10 LATVIA 1920 Postage stamps printed on sheet of un- finished Russian 10 Mark `Kassenschein' note dated 10.10.1919. (One note forms a small sheet of 12 stamps). VF 20 14 LEBANON 1 Livre, 1955 issue (Pick 55) black oval cancel `Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd./No Value', and 'No. 17', hole cancelled, nearly EF 28 21 5 Livres, 1963 issue (Pick 56), black oval cancel `Specimen/De La Rue/No Value' and 'No. 9', nearly EF 35 27 LITHUANIA 10 Lietu, 24.11.1927 (Pick 23). EF 28 21 MALTA Government, 2/-, 20th November, 1918, No. 06154, overprinted in red with 'One Shilling' and 1/- in figures. (Pick 11). This note, how- ever, does not have this overprint on the reverse, thus making it rare. VF 75 58 MEXICO Nacional Monte de Piedad, 10 and 20 Pesos, 188-, numbered but unissued. Good VF 30 30 El Banco Yucateco, 5 Pesos, with 'Banco Peninsular Mexicano overprint in red, dated 1.10.1903. Good VF 14 9 NETHERLANDS Netherlands Bank, 10 Gulden, blue-grey (Pick 35), 20th September, 1921, No. 02199, heavy creasing, otherwise good F 48 34 -25 Gulden, blue (Pick 38), 28th January 1928, nearly EF 28 19 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES De Curacaosche Bank, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 and 250 Gulden, 1958 issue, overprinted "Speci- men". UNC 375 330 -5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 Gulden (Pick 56-62), 2.1.1962 issue, overprinted 'Specimen' and numbered 067890. UNC 225 200 NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES `Muntbiljet', 1/2 Gulden, green, 14.1.1920 (Pick 16). UNC 32 24 25 Gulden, 30.6.1926 (Pick 4). VF 28 21 De Javasche Bank, 100 Gulden, 17.1.1928 (Pick 8). Good VF 14 11 NEW ZEALAND Bank of New Zealand, £1, No. 260232, Auck- land 1.12.1870, Maori and sheep and cattle vignettes. (Although in well used condition, nevertheless a rare and interesting note). F 50 130 Reserve Bank, £5, 1st August 1934, No. 259733 VF 28 23 NORWAY 1 Kroner, 1917 (Pick 13), No. 4100600 and 2 Kroner 1918 (Pick 14), No. 0000907. Both over- printed 'Specimen' in black and hole can- celled. VF/EF 90 70 Romsdals Fellesbank A/S, 'Emergency note', 50 Kroner, Molde 22.4.1940. UNC 40 29 `Krigssedder note, 5 Kroner, 1944 (Toy 7) Fair 18 13 PAKISTAN 10 Rupees, 1953 issue (Pick 13) with red oval cancel 'Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd./ Can- celled' and 'No. 49'. EF 18 13 PANAMA Estado Soberano de Panama, 3 Pesos, hand- signed, dated 21st March 1868, No. 8411. Rare. EF 365 320 PARAGUAY 1 Real, Republica issue, 1860's with 'runaway slave' vignette. F 2 Pesos, 'Republica' issue, pre-1865, vignette of goat at left Fair PERU overprint on 100 soles 100 centavos de Inca), Serie B, 5 Incas, Ley PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 2 Silver Pesos, Series of 1906 (Pick 32). Centre crease. VF Bank of the Philippine Islands, 2 Pesos, 1.1.1912 (Pick 7). Fair `Billete Provisional' (changing value to Lima 1873. VF Republica del Peru, 18.10.1880. VF 15 11 28 21 35 24 28 21 28 18 22 16 WHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 217Paper Money 5 Pesos, 1949 issue (Pick 132) 'Specimen' over- print in red, and oval cancel 'Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd./No Value' and `No. 23', hole cancelled. UNC 26 19 POLAND Polish State Loan Bank, 100,000.000 Marek, 1923 issue, overprinted 'WZOR'. EF 50 40 SEYCHELLES Government, 10 Rupees, K.G.VI 7.4.1942, No. 42610, centre crease, otherwise nearly VF .... 40 29 -10 Rupees, Q.E.II 1.1.1967, No. 23773, good VF 27 21 PORTUGAL & COLONIES Banco de Portugal, 500 Reis Prata, "Ch. 3", with "Republica" overprint, 27th December 1904. UNC 20 16 Angola: 1,000 Reis, Loanda 1.3.1909 (Pick 7) with 'Filial' seal (1st issue). F 50 38 -1,000 Angolares, 1.3.1952 (Pick 54) 'Speci- men' with De La Rue and Co. Ltd. circular cancel stamp printed in black, and numbered `Specimen No. 46', narrow strip of black back- ing glued to right-hand side of reverse, other- wise EF 260 225 Azores: 2,500 Reis, Ch.1, dated 30th July 1909 (Pick 1). Fair 38 29 Cape Verde: 10 centavos, 5.11.1914, overprint `Cabo Verde' on Mozambique issue. (Moeda CV.18/Pick 14). EF 45 38 Guinea: 100 Escudos, 14.9.1937, unnumbered `Specimen', perforated 'Cancellado' and hole cancelled over signature area. (Moeda CV.19. Pick 24). EF 125 Macao: 10 Patacas, 5.2.1944, local printing (Pick 15). VF 20 Mozambique: Banco Nacional Ultramarino, 1,000 Reis, 1.3.1909, heavy creasing. Fair 25 -Companhia de Mocambique, 20 Centavos, Beira 25.11.1933 (Pick R.14). Fair 40 St. Thomas & Prince Is.: 50 centavos, 5.11.1914 (S. Thome), blue seal 'Lisboa' (1st issue) (Pick 17). F 30 24 -1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Escudos overprinted `Specimen' in red, Bradbury Wilkinson print- ing, also 2 1/2 Escudos 'Specimen'. De La Rue printing. (Pick 19-25). Good VF & EF 675 45 29 SLOVAKIA 500 Kronen, red (Czech note No. 22 date 2.5. 1929) (Pick 2), with blue overprint "Slovensky Stat" (April, 1939). Good F 95 14 15 29 SOUTH AFRICA Montagu Bank, Cape of Good Hope, £5, 18-, unissued, corner mark otherwise nearly EF .. 36 14 Barry & Nephews, £5, unissued, Swellendam, 185-, nearly EF 25 14 Siege of Mafeking: 10s. note March 1900, No 755, some creasing, otherwise VF 45 30 - 10/- note, March 1900. No. 5652 heavy creas- ing. Fair 40 29 -£1 dated March 1900, No. 347 + two 1 penny and two 3 penny 'siege' stamps showing Colonel Baden-Powell and Cadet Sergeant Major Goodyear. All firmly stuck down on paper, but attractively mounted in frame. Fair 152 180 The Standard Bank: 10/-, Bloemfontein Branch (Orange Free State issue), c. 1917, unissued, overprinted 'Specimen' in red and hole can- celled. Rare UNC 365 320 - £1, Durban Branch (Natal issue), 1917 un- issued, overprinted 'Specimen' in red and hole cancelled, rare. UNC 375 340 South African Reserve Bank, £1, 4th July 1922, No. 76761, W. H. Clegg signature (Pick 11), very scarce. F 115 95 De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. (Cape Coast Office); Pair of milk coupons (5 cents), also pair of bread coupons (4 cents). Good VF 20 14 QATAR & DUBAI Currency Board, set of modern notes, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 Riyals, mounted in official blue leather morocco album with Arabic inscription on cover. Scarce and attractive. EF 225 190 SOUTH WEST AFRICA 575 Standard Bank of South Africa; 10/-, Wind-hoek 4.10.1954, overprinted 'Specimen not valid', and hole cancelled. UNC 85 68 Volkskas Ltd., £1, 1.9.1958, No. 149915, slight centre fold, otherwise EF 115 95 SOUTHERN RHODESIA RUSSIA 5 Roubles, dated 1822, No. 318917, very rare note. GF 10 Roubles, State Credit Note, 1890, No. 064823 (Notes of this period are in great demand and are v. scarce). VF 25 Roubles, 1899 (Pick 7), hole cancelled and cashiers signature cut-out. Good F 2 Kopeck, OGPU (Secret Police) 'Slave Labour Camp' note, dated 1929. (These labour camps were used during the 1920's to house non-cooperative landowners whose lands had been seized to form large cooperative farms) Good F Currency Board: £5, K.G.VI, 15th December 1939 (Pick 13), unissued Waterlow & Sons, overprinted 'Specimen of no value' in red both sides, perforated 'Cancelled' over signature area. UNC 370 34085 70 SPAIN 75 48 SARAWAK Government, 10 Dollars, 1st July 1929. No 162130, nearly VF 70 54 Banco de Valladolid, 500 Reales, 1st August 25 19 1857. VF 200 140 Banco de Espana: 50 Pesetas, 24.9.1906 (Pick 59). Fair 15 9 -1,000 Pesetas, Ramon Santillam portrait at right, dated 4.11.1949 (Pick 138). Centre crease, otherwise good VF 24 18 85 64 -1,000 Pesetas, 31.12.1951, (Pick 143), No 666074. Centre crease, otherwise good VF 38 27 - 1,000 Pesetas, 17th September 1971 (Pick 154). EF 15 11 SUDAN SAUDI ARABIA 25 & 50 Piastres, 1 and 10 Sudanese Pounds, 1956 issue (Pick 1, 2, 3, 5) overprinted 'Can- celled' in red, hole cancelled and numbered `000000'. UNC 70 56 5 Riyals, no date (Pick 2) with red oval cancel Specimen/De La Rue & Co. Ltd./No Value', and 'No. 1' EF 22 15 10 Riyals, modern issue (Year 1973), good VF 19 15 (To be concluded in next issue) Paper MoneyPAGE 218 WHOLE NO. 64/65 It's in the Books— Excerpts from Dye's Counterfeit Detector, July, 1884 Edition COUNTERFEITS OF U. S. TREASURY NOTES Continued from Whole No. 62 $10 B C. Act of February 25, 1862; dated March 10, 1862. Series 19. "Exchangeable for six per cent. U. S. bonds." A poor counterfeit. Engraving coarse, blurred generally, especially in the vignette head of Lincoln, where the eyes have a wild, staring expession. In the imprint of the National Bank Note Company, the first "a" in "Nation" is smaller than the adjoining letters, and the imprint is about a sixteenth of an inch above the border of the note. On the genuine, the panel inscribed "Nation- al Bank Note Company" touches the hair line inside of border. There are eight or ten different counterfeits and spurious issues of notes of this denomination, act and date, some of which are almost equal to the genuine. Plates captured. $10 B C. Act of February 25, 1862; dated March 10, 1862. New series 23. "Receivable in payment of all loans." A good counterfeit; close imitation of the genuine, well calculated to deceive. Engraving good, but somewhat coarse in the vignettes. Lathe-work excellent. Numbering well done. Imprint of National Bank Note Company al- most perfect. On genuine, under the wing of the eagle in vignette center are four clean cut feathers. In the counterfeit, the feathers are blurred and indistinct at that point. On the genuine, the line on which the Treasury number is printed ranges below the words "New Series" to the right of the figures. In the counterfeit, the line, if continued, would strike "New Series" below the middle of the letters. Plates captured. $10 B C. Act of February 25, 1862; dated March 10, 1862. Series 52. "Exchangeable for six per cent. U. S. twenty years bonds." A good counterfeit. Vignette head of Lincoln fairly engraved, but a poor likeness; hair coarse, fine lines in drapery irregular. Imprint of Na- tional Bank Note Company, lower left corner of note, in a good style of plain lettering, but irregular, especially in the word "NOTE," where the letter "T" appears leaning forward at a lower angle than the adjoining letters. $10 A B C D. Act of March 3, 1863; dated March 10, 1863. New Series 7, New Series 23, New Series 52, and New Series 53. Counterfeits in general well done, especially in engraving of vignettes. The vignette of a spread eagle, center face of counterfeits, is, however com- paratively inferior, presenting a somewhat scratchy ap- pearance; and the figure of a woman artist on right end of face of counterfeit is imperfect in detail and faulty in shading. The lathe-work of these counterfeits is defective in the green tint center of face of the same and in the green medallion counters inscribed 10. On the genuine, to the left of figures 10 on green counters, are four green dots. In the counterfeits but three such dots are plainly visible. $10 C. Act of March 3, 1863. Series of 1875. A defective counterfeit, but of such general appearance that several issues have been made and extensively circulated. Engraving of vignette head of Webster badly done; the face has a surly expression. On the genuine the lines of shading across the breast of Webster's coat are uniform in drawing, equally spaced and regular. In the counter- feit the lines of shading on the body of the coat are much finer, and those on the lapel much coarser than the genuine. Thus the counterfeit also differs from the genuine in showing both coarse and fine lines of shading on the breast of Webster's coat, as may best be seen around the upper button hole and on the adjoining part of the coat. The lettering of this counterfeit is rough and imperfect at various points. On the genuine the inscription WASHINGTON, D. C., center of bill, is in open- faced italic caps and small caps, the letters W and D. C. being larger than the others. In the counterfeit the inscription WASHINGTON, D. C. is in the same kind of type but the letters are all of the same size. On upper center of border the inscription "This note is a legal tender for ten dollars" is badly spaced on the counter- feit, the words "for" and "ten" joining each other. The imprint of Bureau, Engraving and Printing is imperfect, the last four characters of the same, with several others, being engraved on a forward slant instead of the per- pendicular lines of the genuine. Numbering irregular and dirty. Lathe-work defective and indistinct. In the panel on the back of the counterfeit the lettering of the text of the law is badly done, the characters being ir- regular and run together, and improperly spaced. All genuine notes of this series are on distinctive fibre paper; the counterfeits are on plain paper, the fibre in the original issues of counterfeits being imitated by fine lines on the back, which are printed, or drawn with a pen. The latest issue of counterfeits of this description are printed on an imitation of fibre paper, made with very coarse threads or hairs in the body of the same. $20 A B C. Act of February 25, 1862; dated March 10, 1862. Series 6. "Exchangeable for six per cent. twenty years bonds." Dangerous counterfeit. Engraving coarse generally. In the vignette center of counterfeit the hands of the Goddess of Liberty are not defined as on the genuine, but appear emaciated and wasted to the bone. The lines on the shield in counterfeit are indistinct and blurred, but clear and sharp on genuine. The foot of the Goddess of Liberty in the counterfeit is merely suggested in the engraving, being shapeless and without toes, as if it were wrapped in a rag. Imprint of American Bank Note Company, New York, very imperfect. Num- bering good. Lathe work very defective especially in the medallion counters around the larger figures 20 on face of note. Plates captured. $20 A B C. Act of February 25, 1862; dated March 10, 1862. Series 24. "Exchangeable for six per cent. twenty years bonds." Dangerous counterfeit. Similar to Series 6 just described. We describe these notes (Series 6 and 24) as "dangerous" inasmuch as they are upon an early issue, and, regardless of the defects noted, have been very extensively circulated. Plates captured. $20 A B C D. Act of February 25, 1862; dated March 10, 1862. New series 7. Receivable in payment of all loans." An inferior but passable counterfeit. Engraving quite coarse and faulty. The hands of the Goddess of Liberty in vignette center are shapeless and appear swelled out of form. In the center foreground of vignette the drapery of the figure seems to reach the earth, and but a few irregular marks indicate where the foot appears on the genuine. The lines of the shield though tolerably clear at the top are too heavily shaded at the bottom. The inscription "Payable at the Treasury of the U. S. At New York" underneath the vignette is very imperfect, as are the imprints of the two bank note companies below. Lathe- work exceedingly defective, a mere blur in many places. Plates captured. $20 A. Act of March 3, 1863; dated March 10, 1863. "Exchangeable for six per cent. twenty years bonds." A poor counterfeit. Engraving quite coarse. Lathe work very defective. The back of this note is "muled," or mis- matched with its face. No genuine Twenty Dollar U. S. Treasury Note issued under the Act of March 3, 1863, was "convertible" or had on its back the words "Exchange- able for six per cent. bonds." WHOLE NO. 64/65 Paper Money PAGE 219 $20 A. Act of March 3, 1863; dated March 10, 1863. New series. A very poor counterfeit. Engraving quite coarse. Vignette of Goddess of Liberty badly done. Shad- ing of large letters "United States" on face of note coarse and "scratchy." Lathe-work exceedingly defective, espec- ially on back of note. Lithograph. Materials captured. $20 A. Act of March 3, 1863; dated March 10, 1863. New, series 19. "Receivable in payment of all loans." A poor counterfeit. Engraving quite coarse. The fingers of the left hand of Goddess of Liberty in vignette center appear broken or mangled and the foot is not at all well defined. Imprint of bank note companies very imperfect. Lathe-work very defective. Plates captured. $20 A B C D. Act of March 3, 1863. Series of 1875. John Allison, Register; John C. New, Treasurer. A dan- gerous counterfeit if taken at first glance, but will not bear close examination. The outlines of this counterfeit are supposed to have been produced by some modification of the photographic process, and the finish and details by the skillful and artistic use of pens and brushes. The portrait of Hamilton finely executed, but the back-ground a mass of black washed in, nearly the proper shade, but lacking the fine lines which make up the ground work of the genuine. No attempt at lathe-work in the center surrounding the figures "20"—of similar nature to the back-ground of portrait. A moistened thumb applied to Treasury numbers or green tint on back of note removes the color. SPMC LUNCHEON Approximately 125 members attended the luncheon meeting of the Society of Paper Money Collectors held in the Georgian A room of the Americana Hotel at 12:30 P.M. on August 27, 1976. President Robert E. Medlar presided as Master of Ceremonies. George Wait gave a brief presentation of the forth- coming New Jersey book on paper money, stating it would be available in about six weeks, and was being published by the Newark Museum, with partial sponsor- ship by the Society of Paper Money Collectors. As a result, members would be able to obtain the normally priced book of $18.50 for $15.00. Larry Adams, Awards Chairman, introduced Chester L. Krause. Chet explained the purpose of the Nathan Gold Memorial Award, before presenting this years' award to Louis W. Van Belkum of Wyoming, Mich., for his book and research on National Bank Notes. An Award of Merit was given L. Candler Leggett of Jackson, Miss., for his book MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY AND SCRIP. An Award of Merit was also presented to Barbara R. Mueller of Jefferson, Wis. for her years of dedicated service to the Society as editor and librarian, having given up her editorship of PAPER MONEY in 1976. First Literary Award was given to William P. Koster of Cincinnati, Ohio for "A Superb Counterfeit: The $100 Compound Interest Note", Issue #55 Jan.-Feb., 1975. Second Literary Award was given to Charles V. Kemp. Jr. of Wyandotte, Ind. for "The Freedman's Savings Bank", Issue #56, March-April, 1975. Third Literary Award was given to Virgil Culler of LaCanada. Calif., for "Chronology of the Minuteman Notes", #57, May/ June, 1975. The JULIAN BLANCHARD MEMORIAL AWARD for best display of essays and proof notes, or vignettes used on notes, the relationship between paper money and postage stamps, or an especially outstanding exhibit in any other field of paper money, was awarded to Dr. Glenn Jackson for his exhibit of the $2 Educational Note with matching vignette. President Medlar introduced Eric P. Newman. author, speaker and numismatist. Newman gave an outstanding talk, with slides, on paper money of New York from Colonial times to the Civil War period. He also spoke on related scrip notes and paper money during this period. The Luncheon closed with the famous Tom Bain Raffle, which helps defray the cost of our luncheons and dinners, and is always a finishing touch to a fine affair. Judaic Paper Collectors Begin Quarterly Journal The Judaic Syngraphic Collectors Association has be- gun a quarterly publication with the title "Shtarot." According to editor Arnold L. Shay, the purpose of the journal will be the same as that of the JSCA: To promote, stimulate and advance the study of Judaic syngraphics—i.e. banknotes of Palestine Mandate, Israel, Turkey (before 1918) and Egypt (1917-1927) ; paper money and tokens of the Jewish concentration camps and POW camps; chits and paper tokens of Palestine, Israel; Kibbutz money and other related paper material. The editor may be reached at 205 Haverford Rd., Wynnewood, Pa. 19096. Address of the JSCA is P. 0. Box 215, New Brunswick, N. J. 08903. BANKS, BANKNOTES, CURRENCY Want books, counterfeit detectors, banknote re- porters, vignette sheets, publications issued by bank note companies, etc. relating to early paper money and banking, especially the period 1790- 1865. Also want early individual bank notes and sheets. DAVID BOWERS BOX 1669 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 (70) Paper Money TYPE COLLECTING-U.S. PAPER CURRENCY By PAUL H. JOHANSEN (Continued from No. 62) TYPES OF U.S. CURRENCY—mid-1861 to date Cataloger's Numbers $50 Large Friedberg Donlon Hessler 1 IBN Eagle, poised on shield, high-c, above "FIFTY DOLLARS"-c "UNITED"- 207 950- 3Y 946-948 le. "STATES"-re, impinging seal far-re. "50" high-l&r. B. Lg "50"-e. Vertical ovals : "PAY TO BEARER"-le ; "INTEREST ON THIS NOTE ONE CENT PER DAY"-re .—Series 1934C, "White House" back are Type 51 ; those with "The White House" are Type 53. #—The first of two nos. 857L and 858L are District "L"; the second are Type 52. 2 IBN Three feminine figures: 1, c, and r. "50" upper-l&r. "FIFTY"-lc; "DOL- 203 950- 2Y 945b, 945c LARS"-re. B. "50"-l&rc flank encircled Inscription-Warning, all on ornate, note-length field 3 Hamilton far lower-r. "Loyalty" far upper-1. Curved ' FIFTY DOL- 198 1Y 945a LARS" across seal-c. B. Type 2 slightly modified by the placement of flanking ornaments and design of field 4 Similar to Type 1. B. Similar to Type 3, except field is contracted. 212 3Y T2 949, 950 Oval-c, now contains vertically written Convertibility reference 5 Same. B. Similar to Type 4, except with bold, double-lined overprint 212d 3Y T3 951, 952 "50" in gold across "50's" and oval-c 6 LT "UNITED' -I, and "STATES"-r, curving upward, flank Hamilton high-lc. 148 150-1 T1 926 "50" for upper-l&r. "FIFTY" above curved "DOLLAR"-rc. B. In- scription-Convertibility in ornament-c, on ornate, note-length field 7 Same. B. Convertibility reference omitted 149, 150 T2, T3 926A, 927 8 Clay far, lower-r. Feminine figure with "Mercury" statute far-1. "FIF- 151 150- 4 928 TY DOLLARS"-c across lg red seal, high-c. B. Lg "50"-c, flanked by Warning-1, and Inscription-r, all on highly ornate, note-length field 9 Franklin far, high-1. Curved "FIFTY" above "L"-c. "Fifty Dollars" 152-154 4A, 6, 7 929-931 low-c. "Columbia" far-r. Lg faint, background "L"-l&rc. Sm red seal with rays low-c. B. Inscription-c. "L" far-re: "US" far-lc. Warning-lc. R-field blank 10 LT Same as Type 9, except background "L's" omitted. Lg brown seal-re, 155, 156, 161 150- 9, 10, 14 932, 933, 938 impinges design-c. Blue serials. B. Same as Type 9 11 Lg red seal-re. B. Same as Type 9 157, 158 12, 13 934, 935 12 Lg spiked red seal-re. B. Same as Type 9 159, 160 13S, 14S 936, 937 13 Sm sc red seal-re. B. Same as Type 9 162-164 17-20 939-941 14 NBN First Charter. Washington crossing Delaware R, far-1, and at prayer, 440-443 A350- 1-4 953-955 far-r. Bank-c, above curved "FIFTY DOLLARS" low-c. Red seal with rays-re. B. Embarkation of Pilgrims-c, with Inscription above, above and Warning below 15 Sm se red seal lower-re. B. Same 444-451 5-17 956-964 16 Second Charter, 1st issue. Brown seal lower-re. Charter no. on green 507-518a B350- 9T1-22T1 965-977 ornament, brown field-c, with Inscription above, and Warning below 17 Second Charter, 2nd issue. Blue seal lower-re. B. Symbolic eagles far- 558-565 14T2-24T2 978-985 l&r on green. "1882.1908"-c, on open field, with Inscription above, and Warning below 18 Second Charter, 3rd issue. Same. B. "FIFTY DOLLARS" in lieu of 586 20T3 986 year dates 19 Third Charter, 1st issue. J. Sherman far, high-1. Bank-c, above "FIFTY 672-674 C350- 20T1-22T1 987-989 DOLLARS" low-c. Red seal lower-re. B. Mechanic, reclining, lower-I corner ; forms of transportation and feminine figure far-r. Open field-c, above Inscription low-c 20 NBN Third Charter, 2nd issue. Same as Type 19, except blue seal lower-re. 664-671a C350- 20T2-28T2 990-998 "1908-1908" added, upper field-c WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes. Script. Warrants. Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian, legerson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Wes tern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P. O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. 11571 PAGE 220 WHOLE NO. 64/65 SC/74ER. / 1'tr 'rlt, r /;7161, /r1r WHOLE NO. 64/65 Paper Money PAGE 221 21 Third Charter, 3rd issue. Same. B. ear dates omitted 675-685a 20T3-32T3 999-1012 22 CIN Similar to Type 3, except gold overprint "50, COMPOUND INTEREST, 192 950C 942-945 TREASURY NOTE". B. Similar to Type 3, except ornament-c, has table of redemption values in lieu of Inscription-Warning 23 NGBN Similar to Type 14, except "GOLD BANK"-c, above curved "FIFTY DOL- 1160-1161/ 350G- 1, 6 1013-1014f LARS", and Redeemable in Gold Coin". B. Depicts gold coins $1-$20-c, with Inscription above, and Warning below 24 SC Everett far-r. Vertical "50" far-I. "FIFTY" above "SILVER DOL- 323, 324a 250- 8T3, T4 1016-1017 LARS"-c, across 1g red seal, high-c. Faint, background "FIFTY" low-c. B. Curved Inscription above bold, double-lined "SILVER" on six orna- ments, almost note-length. Smaller "CERTIFICATE" low-c, "FIFTY DOLLARS" 26 Lg brown seal with rays high-c. Lg faint, background "L" in lieu of 325-327 8-10 1018, 1019, 1021 "FIFTY" low-c. B. Same 26 Lg brown sp seal high-c. "L" is removed. B. Same 328 14 1020 27 Sm se red seal-re. B. Same 329 15 1022 28 Everett-re. "FIFTY" "SILVER DOLLARS", 2 lines, above sm red seal 330-334 15A-22 1023-1027 low-re. B. Inscription-c. "L" on ornament far-1; Ornament far-r, blank. Open fields-l&r 29 Blue seal-re. B. Same 336 27 1028 30 GC Wright high-lc. "FIFTY DOLLARS", "IN", "GOLD COIN", 3 lines-c, 1188-1190 660- 9, 10 1029-1032 impinges brown seal low-re. "50" far-re. B. "GOLD"-c. "CERTIFI- CATE" low-c. "50"-le. Eagle, poised on flag-re. All contained in ornate field 31 Lg red seal-re. B. Same 1191 13 1033 32 Lg brown seal-re. B. Same 1192 14 1034 33 Sm red seal-re. B. Same 1193-1197 20-24 1035-1039 34 Grant-c. Faint "50"-le. "Washington, D.C." across gold seal-re. B. 1198, 1199 27, 28 1040, 1041 "FIFTY DOLLARS", "IN GOLD COIN", 2 lines across ornament-c, in open field 35 5-line Inscription added across "50"-Ic. B. Same 1200 31 1042 36 CN Seward-c, flanked by "FIFTY"-1, and "DOLLARS"-r, above curved "IN 876 750- I6A 1043 COIN", both across sm red seal-re. Vertical "50" far-lc. B. Encircled Inscription-c. Open fields-l&r, with "UNITED" high-1, and "STATES" high-r 37 FRN Grant-c. District seal-lc. Red seal-re. B. "Panama"-e between two 1012-1023 550A- 35R- 550L-35R 1044A-L ships, above ' FIFTY DOLLARS" in panel. Inscription in border, low-c 38 Blue seal-re. B. Same 1024-1071 35- 550L-38T1 1045A1-1045L4 39 FRNB Grant far-lc. District Bank-c, above "FIFTY DOLLARS" low-c. Blue 831 450K- 28 1046 seal-re. B. Similar to Type 37 (The following first appeared in The Numismatist, issue of June, 1913.) CONTINENTAL CURRENCY SCALE OF DEPRECIATION (The following interesting table showing the gradual depreciation of the Continental Currency from the first issue in 1777 till 1880, was taken from an almanac issued in Boston in 1794, which was loaned to The Numismatist by Mr. David Proskey, to whom thanks are herewith extended.—Ed.) CONTINENTAL SCALE OF DEPRECIATION As established by the late united Provincial Congress, at their session at Philadelphia, as a Rule for settling the Rate of Depreciation on all nublick Contracts made from the Year 1777 to the Year 1780, and which bath not since been altered. Value of 100 Dollars Paper Money in Specie 1777 Dol. 90ths. 8ths. 1778 Dol. 90ths. 8ths. Sept. 1 100 Aug. 7 27 87 3 2 99 62 6 15 26 88 5 15 95 68 6 Sept. 2 24 78 5 Oct. 2 90 77 3 18 22 84 4 20 85 84 6 Oct. 6 20 84 5 18 52 84 5 16 19 81 4 17 78 73 2 Nov. 5 17 88 0 Dec. 4 74 70 0 17 16 83 5 17 71 74 7 Dec. 11 14 89 2 1778 1779 Jan. 4 67 85 0 Jan. 9 12 85 1 19 64 59 7 24 11 89 7 Feb. 3 61 83 2 Feb. 11 10 85 6 14 59 77 3 Mar. 2 9 87 1 Mar. 2 56 79 6 April 3 8 89 7 Nov. 1 82 73 0 May 10 7 89 5 April 5 48 74 4 June 21 6 89 2 19 45 76 5 Aug. 8 5 89 6 May 4 42 77 5 Sept. 28 4 88 5 20 39 80 0 Nov. 22 3 89 6 June 6 36 86 1 1780 19 34 77 3 Feb. 2 2 89 1 July 2 32 79 3 Mch. 18 45 0 0 On another page of the almanac it was stated that "A quantity of Copper, not exceeding 150 tons, is to be coined into cents and half cents, and after the expiration of six months from the time 50,000 dollars of the same has been delivered into the Treasury of the United States thence to issue into circulation, of which notice is to be given in the news-papers, that no copper coins, except said Cents and half Cents, are to pass in payment for any debt, and if offered to be paid or received in payment, to be forfeited, besides incurring a penalty of ten dollars." Source of Sutler Scrip Sought Neither the sutler, S. W. Adams, nor the unit, 1st Battalion Pioneer Brigade, are mentioned in The Numis- matist (Aug.. Sept., Dec., 1946), or in Francis R. Lord's "Civil War Sutlers and Their Wares," but this 25-cent scrip is believed to be a Civil War sutler's note, prob- ably Northern. Printed on yellow cardboard and un- circulated except for spots on the upper reverse corners where the chit was evidently removed from a book, the note sold for $160 in the Aug. 20-21 Lester Merkin auction. SI&ZAIL" Ate risrfaillk.W. or nIETIIHRISOIMC Mir sedowf..44 K 10400.0. NOR Zo16036E -* #4,4, 444414. S Noll"-"A"-tNii 122474 ,91 ;;■ .triAtri Paper MoneyPAGE 222 WHOLE NO. 64/65 INTEREST BEARING NOTES BOB MEDLAR Our Society's 1976 convention in New York City was one of the most momentous ever held as far as SPMC is concerned. As most of you were aware PAPER MONEY has been without an editor for more than a month, resulting in the disruption of the publication schedule. Doug Wat- son, of Scandinavia, Wis., has been appointed editor, taking over his duties with this special double issue. This combined issue was necessary to help put the journal back on schedule once again. Watson succeeds Barbara Mueller who has held the editor's post since the Spring, 1964, issue, when PAPER MONEY was a quarterly. Barbara resigned in July be- cause of health problems. All members of SPMC are indebted to her for making PAPER MONEY one of the best periodicals in the field of numismatics. Watson is a numismatist of over 20 years standing. He operates a commercial art business and at the present time is serving as editor of the Token and Medal Society (TAMS) Journal and publisher of the Journal of the Civil War Token Society. Writers and prospective authors are urged to submit manuscripts of queries of any length on any subject of interest to collectors of paper currency to him. After operating last year with a deficit of $1,300, the Board of Governors voted at the August meeting to implement a number of revenue-generating measures. The deficit was largely the result of non-payment of dues by many members who were subsequently dropped, resulting in a net loss of 94 members. To compensate for this reduced revenue in 1977, the Board voted to raise advertising rates in the journal by 20 percent and to assess new members to the Society a one-time fee of $2 to allay the cost of processing their applications. Prices of back issues of PAPER MONEY were raised to $1.50 by board action, and the price of books on hand was increased by approximately 20 percent. There will be an expansion of regional meetings of SPMC at major coin shows around the country this year. Enthusiastic attendance of 45 collectors at the SPMC meeting held in conjunction with the Texas Numismatic Association convention in Amarillo earlier this summer, and of 30 collectors at meeting in New York in March have led to the expansion of the regional meeting concept. Currently, meetings for 1977 are being planned in conjunction with the following shows: Southern Cali- fornia Numismatic Association in Los Angeles in Febru- ary; Central State Numismatic Society in Milwaukee in May ; T.N.A. in Fort Worth in April; New York in March and Washington, D.C. in July. Volunteers are being sought to help arrange regional meetings at the Florida United Numismatists show in Miami in January and at the all paper money show in Memphis in June. You'll notice on the masthead that the Society has two new faces. Robert Jones, Mike Crahb. Jr., and C. John Ferreri have been elected to the Board of Gov- ernors. Ferreri currently serves SPMC as treasurer. Forrest, Bill and Vernon are old and faithful workers and supporters of the Society. They haven't left the scene, just the board. We thank them all for their con- tributions and labors over the many years. Bob Medlar FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES • Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available WARREN HENDERSON P. 0. BOX 1358, VENICE, FLA. 33595 At their new premises at 395 Strand, Stanley Gibbons have something to tempt the most discerning collector Stanley Gibbons Currency are the world's leading specialists in paper money of all periods and in Greek, Roman, Byzantine and early European coins. Call in at our new showrooms and view at your leisure our large stocks which include banknotes from almost every country of the world together with some of the most ancient and beautiful coins ever produced and where our staff are always available to offer expert advice if required. Alternatively write for literature and latest price lists. Henry VI 1422-1461 Silver Groat £20 specimen of The Union Bank of Scotland dated 2nd April 1867. STANLEY GIBBONS CURRENCY LIMITED 395 STRA\D, LO\DO\ WC2? OLX, E\GLA\D PAGE 224 WHOLE NO. 64/65Paper Money SECRETARY'S REPORT HARRY G. WIGINGTON, Secretary P. 0. Box 4082 HARRISBURG, PA 17111 New Member Roster No. 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 J4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 New Members Rick Tracton, 1044 14th St., Apt. B, Santa Monica, Ca. 90403 John Bednar, 742 Green St., Boonton, N.J. 07005 Mitchel J. Groveman, 74 Hickory Lane, Roslyn Heights, N.Y. 11577 Kenneth R. Stevens, 1412 Creek St., Rochester, N.Y. 14625 David Hall, 3750 S. Bristol, Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 Joel D. Rettew, 3750 S. Bristol, Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 Dr. Roger M. Cooper, Stanford Research Institute, L-1102, Menlo Park, Ca. 94025 Myron Glasberg, 103 Wayne Road, Needham, Mass. 02194 Russell S. Gladstien, 14373 Dittmar Dr., Whittier, Ca. 90603 William R. Burton, Box 30549 Greenwood Station, Seattle, Wash. 98103 William H. Temple, Box 625, Maysville, Ky. 41056 David R. Pentrack, 1798 Goucher St., Johnstown, Pa. 15902 Douglas D. Murray, 326 Amos Ave., Portage, Mi 49081 Robert W. Lundstrom, 1203 Lincoln, Glenview, II. 60025 Paul H. Frederick, 3618 Terrace Dr., Annandale, Va. 22003 Warren D. Barton, Box 1964, Midland, Tx. 79701 Steven Dubinsky, Box 642, Bardonia, N.Y. 10954 Ssgt Robert P. Veith, TUSLOG Det 47, PSC 2347, APO New York 09289 Ralph Weisy, 616 Westridge Dr., Wooster, Oh 44691 Gerald A. Schmidt, Imperial Bldg., 5th & Franklin Sts., Richmond, Va. 23219 Dr. Alexander Persijn, D-675 Kaiserslaulern, Schu- bertst. 12, Germany Donald Avery Howe, P. 0. Box 231, Hopkinton, Ma. 01748 Arthur J. Seltman, P. 0. Box F, Staten Island, N.Y. 10305 James L. Halperin, 1661 Worcester Rd., Framing- ham, Ma. 01701 Thomas B. Wood, 1241 W. Broad St., Richmond, Va. 23220 John F. Hughes, 518 Woodcliff Rd., Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Thomas E. Knebl, 2731 Juniper #3 (Box 5043), Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 Mrs. Dorothea J. Hall, 415 East Main Rd., Con- neaut, Oh 44030 Scott Adadinsky, 23 Jaffe St., Staten Island, New York, N.Y. 10314 Tony Matulewicz, Box 39, Mt. Carmel, Pa. 17851 Lloyd R. Parkin, 2905 31st Ave., N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55418 Frank J. Swaldi, 42 N. Oak, Mt. Carmel, Pa. 17815 Steve Meier, c/o Harbor Pharmacy, Inc., 135 East Lomita Blvd., Wilmington, Ca. 90744 Roy A. Rauch, P. 0. Box 224, Bellerose, N.Y. 11426 Doug Walcutt, Rt. #5, Carmel, N.Y. 10512 Robert J. Charters, 89 Orchard Rd., Mahopac, N.Y. 10541 Seymour Sandos, 2522 Soper Ave., Baldwin, N.Y. 11510 Arnold S. Landsberg, 103 Lockwood St., Man- chester, Ct. 06066 Arthur A. Allen, 1809 Peter Pan St., Norman, Ok. 73069 Dealer or Collector Specialty C/D U.S. Large Size Currency C General C/D U.S. Legal Tender & Silver Certificates C World Currency D D C Large Size U.S. Currency C/D D C/D C C C C/D C C/D C/D C D D C C/D C C D C C C/D C C C/D C General interest-U.S. & foreign paper money Nationals Nationals-esp. Penna. Star notes U.S. Fractional & Large notes U.S. Notes and errors Colonial, Continental, & early documents All world paper money, but mostly British Commonwealth Paper money of Wooster, Ohio General Emergency monies, world banknotes, esp. Turkey and Ottoman Empire $1.00 Federal Reserve Notes Fractional Currency-U.S. Error Notes Large size U.S. notes Obsolete notes, scrip, legal tender notes, silver certificates and colonials. Nationals Types, Block "AA" in small WHOLE NO. 64/65 Paper Money PAGE 225 4710 David L. Hector, 5766 S. Fulton Way, Englewood, Co. 80110 4711 Norman R. Allen, 841 Elaine Dr., Anchorage, Alaska 99504 4712 George Gillespie, 8 West Ave., Springfield, Pa. 19064 4713 Grant J. Barlow, 125 East End, Libertyville, IL 60048 4714 Donald E. Zubris, Box 295, Tonawanda, N.Y. 14150 4715 John Gilbert, 215 Penn St., Streator, IL 61364 4716 John M. Brennan, 186 Pleasant Park Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1H5M5 4717 Robert Petronchak, 303 E. Harmon Ave., Apt. #89, Las Vegas, Nev. 89109 4718 Steven Helfer, 6404 N. Mozart, Chicago, IL 60659 4719 Mrs. Lois E. Woodard, R.D. #6, Box 308A, Bing- hamton, N.Y. 13904 4720 David Lin, 98-22 63rd Dr., Rego Park, N.Y. 11374 4721 Lowell A. Hugelen, Maddock, N.D. 58348 4722 Anthony Costabile, 227 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N.Y. 10703 4723 James T. Collins, P. 0. Box 196, Hopkinsville, Ky. 42240 4724 Jean E. Simiand, 818 Belmont Ave., Collingswood, N.J. 08108 4725 Ricky M. Richards, 11016 Kittridge #18, North Hollywood, Ca. 91606 4726 William F. Krieg, 934 Rundale Ave., Yeadon, Pa. 19050 4727 William T. Lovelace, 3224 N. Newland Ave., Chicago, IL 60634 4728 John P. Ameen, 245 Walnut St., Newark, N.J. 07105 4729 Damon G. Douglas, Jr., 649 Maverick Rd., Wood- stock, N.Y. 12498 4730 Joseph Lapenta, 81 Beechwood Pl., Staten Island, N.Y. 10314 4731 Gary D. Hansen, 11145 Suntree Dr., Apt. #8, St. Louis, Mo. 63138 4732 Edward Buturla, Pierson Drive, Shelburne, Vt. 05482 4733 H. Jack Dahms, P. 0. Box 171, Linn, Mo. 65051 4734 Eldred V. Bleser, 8385 Leander, Detroit, Mi. 48234 4735 Roger Seymour, 2485 Church Rd., York, Pa. 17404 4746 William J. Skelton, P. 0. Box 3291A, Birmingham, Ala. 35205 4737 Allan G. Latawiec, 155 Hayward Place, Wallington, N.H. 07057 4748 James R. Rucker, Sr., 315 Terrace Ave., Cincin- nati, Oh 45220 4739 Kenneth Judd, 432 5th Ave., Algood, Tn. 38501 4740 Joseph J. Newman, McDonnell Town, Apt. #105, 24400 Civic Center Dr., Southfield, Mi. 48076 4776 Dean Paul Davis, Pells Court, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601 4777 Patrick A. Lane, 7 Pine Brook Dr., Easthampton, Ma. 01027 4778 Larry C. Berger, P. 0. Box 158, Scandia, Ks. 66966 4779 Peter G. Parkhurst, 180 N. Salem Rd., Ridgefield, Ct. 06877 4780 Arnold Keller, 13210 Princeton, Taylor, Mich. 48180 4781 Don Olmstead, P. 0. Box 75, St. Stephens, N.B. L3L 2W9 4782 Richard Bagg, P. 0. Box 600, Portsmouth, N.H. 03801 4783 E. Neale Blackwood, Jr., 310 26th St., S.E., Charles- ton, W. Va. 25304 4784 James B. Jones, 2137 Baltimore Ave., Cincinnati, Oh 45225 4785 Cindy Navarre, 3528 Graves Ave., Groves, Tx. 77619 4786 Robert Wickland, 4768 Avebury Ct., Apt. A, Co- lumbus, Oh 43220 4787 Homer Price, Rt. #2, Payne, Oh. 45880 4788 Gordon McHenry, P. 0. Box 14463, Gainesville, Fl. 32604 4789 Robert L. Rubel, 136 N. Main St., Decatur, II. 62523 4790 Gerald 0. Warner, R.D. #3, Troy, Pa. 15947 4791 Leon Christodoulou, P. 0. Box 7253, Gulfport, Ms. 39501 J4792 L.M.R. (Dick) Warden, "Five Oaks" 179 Aquetong Rd., New Hope, Penna. 18938 C General C/D C C $3.00 bills D Foreign-list only as Niagara Associates National currency C C Nationals (Penna-small size) C C Old and new uncirculated notes C Large size notes & errors C/D C $40-$100 Small Notes (districts) C C Gold Certificates-large & small size C C Confederate, Broken Bank notes C United States & Canada C Obsolete Bank notes-New England States C/D Pre-1900-U.S. C/D MPC (US)-Large & small U.S. notes C Hungarian-U.S. C National Currency C U.S. & Canada C/D Nationals-large size C C U.S. $1 S.C. & FRN & $2.00 bills C Block Collecting $1 & new $2 FRN's C/D National Currency C/D C Fractional, & All other types silver certifi- cates FRN up to $5.00 C National bank notes C General C U.S. paper money C $2.00 notes C/D Canadian & state of Maine D Fractional C Type notes C Silver Certificates, U.S. notes C Obsolete Bank Notes C Continental currency C N.W. Ohio Bank notes C/D Broken Bank notes, scrip, CSA C/D Large size notes D National Bank Notes C Confederate, Fractional & U.S. modern C Obsolete notes & scrip Paper Money WHOLE NO. 64/65PACE 226 4793 Clifford P. Firmbach, 3223 Ravensworth Pl., Alex- andria, Va. 22302 4794 Roderick H. Riessen, 15 Irwin St., Kittery, Me. 03904 4795 Ralph A. White, 611 Reily St., Harrisburg, Penna. 17102 4796 James L. Martin, Sr., P. 0. Box 4011, Ft. Lauder- dale, Fl. 33304 4797 Edward F. Robinson, 3029 Broderick St., San Fran- cisco, Ca. 94123 4798 Susan E. Bisaillon, P. 0. Box 116A, Detroit, Mi. 48232 4799 Dennis J. Bresz, 856 Notre Dame, Grosse Pointe, Mi. 48230 4800 Harold Weatherford, 535 North Michigan Ave.. Chicago, Ill. 60611 4801 G. B. Rousseau, 603 North Michigan, Saginaw, Mi. 48602 4802 Betty J. Henson, 2258 N. Cleveland Ave., Apt. 304, Chicago, Ill. 60614 4803 Joseph C. Tradii, 2667 E. 8 Mile Road, Warren, Mich. 48091 4804 Donald D. Sercombe, 1707 Ten Eyck, Jackson, Mi. 49203 4805 Philip Wechsler, 8620 Hendrie Blvd., Huntington Woods, Mi. 48070 4806 Marvin P. Power, 32228 Craftsbury, Farmington, Mi. 48018 4807 Johnny H. Heleva, 5709 Cal Court, Citrus Heights, Ca. 95610 J4808 Peter Jordon, Pond Ave., Ellsworth, Me. 04605 4809 Mike Cilino, 36 Rolling Lane, Hamilton Square, N.J. 08690 4810 Walter C. Lundy, Jr., 17 Milburn Ave., Hempstead, N.Y. 11550 C Small & large size U.S. currency C/D Obsolete Paper Money C Nebraska Broken Bank notes Manager-Money Museum-National Bank of Detroit C Old Michigan State Banks D C/D National Bank Notes C Printing Errors C C C C C National Bank Notes of California C Scrip-mainly 1930's issues C U.S. Currency-esp. National Bank Notes C Silver Certificates 43 Harley L. Freeman 1557 Homer T. McKissack 2158 Barclay White 3385 N. M. Graver 3397 John Zia 4490 Peer Stander 3624 Garland L. Kincaid 1809 Lowell Owens Deceased Members Resignations Deceased Member Name-Address Correction 4777 Patrick A. Lang, 7 Pine Brook Dr., Easthampton, Ma. 01027 Re-Instatement Members 248 John Gartner, 601 Little Bourke St., Melbourne 3000, Australia 1365 Mrs. A. Kirka, 116 Oak St., Manchester, Conn. 06040 4341 D. V. Eaton, P. 0. Box 540, Morristown, Tn. 37814 4320 Donald E. Haller, Jr., P. 0. Box 363, McLean, Va. 22101 2652 Eldridge G. Jones, c/o Riggs National Bank, 7th & I Sts., Washington, D.C. 20001 Dropped Member-Non Payment of Dues 4357 Phillip Jessop Re-Instated Members 445 B. W. Hill, 218 Forest Dr., Thomasville, N.C. 27360 4171 J. W. Blythe, P. 0. Box 1298, Sanford, Fla. 32771 1477 Walter D. Allan, 2430 Lakeshore ville, Ontario, Canada 31 Leonard Stark, 1150 Lake Shore Ill. 60611 3027 Edward Kuszmar, P. 0. Box 326 Fl. 33444 2623 George B. Tremmel, III, 422 Cool Camden, S.C. 29020 Hwy. W., Oak- =15H, Chicago, , Delray Beach, Springs Drive, George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board Herbert Melnick c/o NASCA 265 Sunrise Highway—Suite 53 Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11570 516/764-6677 or 6678 q January 14-15; 1977 Currency Sale at $3.00 q Fall 1976 U.S. Coin Sale at $3.00 q Fall 1976 Israel & Judaica Sale at $3.00 q Special Annual Subscription Thru Dec.1977 at $10.00 City State Telephone 0 ( Area Code Zi p I wish to consign coins. Please call me at Name Address NASCA NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 265 Sunrise Highway, County Federal Bldg., Suite 53 Rockville Centre, L.I., New York 11570 516/764-6677-78 NASCA NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA Proudly announces a %fix, BIDAtict January 14.15, 1977 10k.64 r New York City igt. '14 'q * His • ofurort, to tvujeity"s • rant oaten m all Pame to,dx:P's.thwa4MAki:;Cma,:livertaeA at . 1,6 FEATURING The Jack Guevrekian Collection Of New York Obsolete Currency. 1,500 Superb notes in- cluding over 275 Proofs. The Robert Payne Collection Of North Carolina, Georgia and South Carolina Obso- lete Currency. 450 Notes including many never before offered at public sale. The Brent Werner Collection Of Confederate, Fractional, National and Obsolete Cur- rency. An excellent collection from 30 states and con- sisting of over 500 pieces. The William Pullen Collection Of New Jersey Obsolete Currency. Featuring over 250 choice examples. Selections of Colonial Currency from the Bristol Historial Society.of Rhode Island. Including an exceptional collection of Colonial sheets. SPECIAL NOTICE Our Spring 1977 auction schedule is well under way. There is still time to include your collection. Write or call Herbert Melnick for details now! A PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE IS AVAILABLE 33.00 Paper MoneyPAGE 228 WHOLE NO. 64/65 MONEY MART FOR USE BY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ONLY PAPER MONEY will accept classified advertising from members on a basis of 5c per word, with a mini- mum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, sell- ing, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in na- ture. At present there are no special classifications but the first three words will be printed in capital letters. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the So- ciety of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Doug Watson, Box 127, Scandinavia, WI 54977 by the 10th of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Dec. 10, 1976 for Jan. 1977 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbrevia- tions, figure combinations and initials counted as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count: WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U. S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N. Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U. S.; FRN counted as one word each) (Because of ever-increasing costs, no receipts for MONEY MART ads will be sent unless specifically requested.) 1907 DEPRESSION SCRIP wanted from Iowa, South Carolina, Montana, Wisconsin, Georgia, Maine and several other states. Write to Tom Sheehan, P.O. Box 14, Seattle, WA 98111 (67) SET 12 CRISP, uncirculated $2 Federal Reserves, one from each district, $31 postpaid, insured. James W. Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (66) WANTED IOWA CURRENCY. Obsolete and Nationals, especially Council Bluffs banks. Will buy or trade for. I have many obsolete northern and southern state notes, fractionals and odd denominational notes for trade. David Linberg, Bus. Dir., Mercy Hospital, 800 Mercy Dr., Council Bluffs. Iowa 51501 (66) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: Large-size Na- tionals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Rt. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (68) WANTED: CONNECTICUT OBSOLETE notes, scrip, checks, coins, tokens, etc. Also interested in National Cur- rency from Windham National Bank charter #1614. Charles E. Straub, P. 0. Box 14, Willimantic, CT 06226 (66) MORMON-SCOUT-OLD newspapers-documents wanted. Large quantities only. Harry L. Strauss, Jr., Box 321, Peekskill, NY 10566 (74) WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency, scrip. Will pay fair prices. Especially want—city, county issues, Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga., R.R. Banking, Bank of Fulton, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R.R. Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Bank of Macon, Central Bank Miledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Bank of U.S., Central R.R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters Bank. Many other issues wanted. Please write for list. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031 (64) WANTED: HAWAII AND North African notes in AU or better condition. Joe De Corte, 13917 Rosecrans Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (64) KANSAS BANKNOTES WANTED: serious collector seeks National Banknotes from Kansas and interesting notes from other states. Please price and describe. C. Dale Lyon, Box 1207 Salina, KS 67401 (69) WANTED NEW HAMPSHIRE CURRENCY—Colonials, Obsolete and Nationals. Will Buy or Trade. Have obsoletes, nationals, some colonials and continentals and other U.S. notes. General Kenneth Stiles, Orford, N.H. 03777 MAKE BEST OFFER: (all circulated but crisp) Stars: $1 B04538099*; $5 D05165342*; $10 B02503656*, B23587289*, B23186005*; $100 B00344217*, L01089141*, L00475300*, B00872596*, B00896205*; also $100 G1029- 4122A (Chicago) Series of 1934, signed by Julian & Vinson. Dr. L. Boyar, P.O. Box 942, New York, NY 10023 (64) NEW JERSEY CURRENCY wanted. Colonial, obsolete notes/sheets, scrip and checks. I have some duplicate notes for trade. John J. Merrigan, Jr., 2 Alexandria Dr., East Hanover, NJ 07936 (66) FRENCH INDO-CHINA, VIETNAM banknotes, MPC wanted. Duplicates traded. Describe and price first letter. (ANA 10 550). Mervyn H. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 1355, Fort Eustis, VA 23604 (67) WANTED NEW JERSEY large and small size National Bank Notes. Write with full description and price. Robert W. Hearn, P. 0. Box 233, Hackensack, NJ 07602 (67) WANTED: FIRST THREE volumes of Paper Money. Whole numbers 1 to 13 incl. W. H. McDonald, P.O. 704, Station "B", Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2P9 (64) WANTED: BBN's, OBSOLETES (especially Conn.), Confed., Uncut sheets. Will buy, trade. George Emond, P.O. Box 1076, New Britain, Conn. 06050 (68) VIRGINIA $500.00 COLONIAL NOTE dated March 1781 available. Also several Virginia Uncut Sheets. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 HUGUENOT NATIONAL BANK, New Paltz, N. Y. charter #1186 notes wanted. Large or small size, any condition. Frank Bennett, P. 0. Box 8713, Fort Lauder- dale, FL 33310 (68) SHORT RUN Crisp, uncirculated 1974 $1 FRN BB EC FB FC blocks, serials over 99840001 $50 each. FD under 00640000 $10. James Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, N.C. 28677 (68) BICENTENNIAL $2 FRN's—DA, IA, JA, with 2277 ending. CU wanted for set. Ed Keck, 5700 Carbon Canyon, Brea, CA 92621 WANTED HARTFORD AND NEW HAVEN turnpike scrip. Also want scrip from Mass., Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire. Leonard Finn, 40 Greaton Rd., West Rox- bury, Mass. 02132 (66) F-281 ONEPAPA STAR note wanted. Please state serial, grade, and asking price in first letter. Doug Murray, 326 Amos Avenue, Portage, Michigan 49081 (68) WHOLE NO. 64/65 PAGE 229Paper Money The Editor's Notes This double issue marks the beginning of my duties as your new editor. Following in the footsteps of past editor Barbara Mueller is going to be quite a challenge for me; but challenges are made to be met. Barbara began as editor of Paper Money in 1964, and through her efforts and diligence has made this publica- tion what it is today . . . a publication that each and every member of our Society has a right to be proud of. With your help we can continue where she left off. While attending the ANA convention in New York City, I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with quite a number of SPMC members. However, most of you are undoubtedly asking, "Just who is Doug Wat- son, and what does he know about the paper money aspect of numismatics and producing a publication such as Paper Money?" Right? OK, I'll tell you. In the fall of 1964 the Watsons (wife, two daughters and myself) left Southern Wisconsin for Central Wis- consin, moving to Iola. At this time I began my studies with Krause Publications working in the advertising de- partment. Prior to my move I was on the staff of a Monroe, Wis. newspaper, selling advertising and design- ing ads. I worked in the advertising department at Krause Publications until 1969 when I assumed the duties of art director. With this new position came the responsibilities of design and layout of Coins Magazine, book production—Bill Donlon's "United States Large Size Paper Money" being just one of the many titles worked on—plus writing copy for various advertising promotions and all the artwork that was required for all the publications. In 1974 I left Krause Publications to open my own business, Watson Designs. Watson Designs is involved in a little bit of everything—silkscreen printing, com- mercial art and publication design. Presently three numismatic publications are being produced in my shop —Journal of the Civil War Token Society, TAMS Journal, and now PAPER MONEY. It is with this educa- tional background in mind that I am offering my services to the Society of Paper Money Collectors. The most important item on my agenda at this time is to get Paper Money back onto a regular production schedule. Combining issues 64 and 65 was the first step on the return to normality. Secondly, it will be necessary to have a November 15 deadline for the November/December issue. If everyone manages to survive this hectic period we should be back on the previous schedule, with the January/December edition. No major changes in the format of Paper Money will be made at this time, however, this doesn't mean that we aren't considering bigger and better things for the future. I would like to ask—make that plead—members to submit articles to me for publication in your Paper Money, as the backlog of articles is nearly depleted, and without them Paper Money will cease to exist. Your patience and understanding during this change. over period is greatly appreciated. I look forward to serving you as your editor in issues to come and welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have to offer in regards to Paper Money or the Society of Paper Money Collectors. Doug Watson MONEY MART—Continued from page 228 1976 $ STAR J00058201-300* Solid Block. Crisp $275.00. First day JA series hand cancel. Centennial or Cheyenne on Wyoming 1940 Stamp $4.50 each. P.N.C. Insert combo cover cancels 'B. Free Franklin, Penn. April 13th various stamps $6.50. $1 crisp silver cert. 1935E-1935G last four numbers match 8801-8900 $3.95 pair. Five diff. series includes star notes $8.75. Circ. fine red seal $2.00 notes $2.75-10 $26.50. Postage 50c order. Thomas Mason, Box 1305, Cheyenne, Wyo. 82001 WANTED NEW JERSEY: Obsolete notes from Toms River and scrip of S.W. & W.A. Torrey for my collection. Describe and Price. Bob Mitchell 2606 Lindell St., Silver Spring, Maryland 20902 (69) UNCUT SHEETS OF OBSOLETE BILLS from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Louisiana priced at $14.75 per Sheet. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 SPRINKLE WILL TRADE You Checks, Stock Certi- ficates, and Bonds for YOUR Checks. Certificates, Bonds. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 Sprinkle Has TERRITORY of MINNESOTA Deed. County of Freeborn. Dated 1857 Nice Territorial Item. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 OLD ANTIQUE COMPANY Invoices dated around 1900 from Virginia and Ohio. Price 60c Each. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 TRADE OR BUY, Canceled $2 Notes From Ala., Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, Rhode Island, So. Carolina, So. Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississppi, Montana, New Hamp- shire, New Mexico, Washington, W. Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming and D.C. 2 Note Trade or Purchase. Anthony Costabile, 227 Palisade Ave., Yonkers, N.Y. 10703 WANTED LATIN AMERICAN banknotes. Ship for offer or state price. Have Europe and Asia notes to trade. Bill Broder Box 517 Marrero, LA 70072 (66) CONFEDERATES AND TEXAS NATIONALS WANTED—Send description and price. Please help me with my Collection. Clark Poppell, 1217 Mesa, Mare Is- land, Calif. 94590 WANTED: STOCK CERTIFICATES and bonds—all types—any quantity. Please write—I'm eager to buy! Ken Prag, Box 431PM, Hawthorne, California 90250 (74) PITTSBURG PROOFS. Have Several Rare Notes. Also have Proof Notes of Kentucky, New York. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 PAPER MONEY MAGAZINES: nice set of whole num- bers one through thirteen wanted. I seek all types of Connecticut paper, especially obsoletes and sheets. Thanks. Robert Galiette, 114 Mapleridge Drive, Waterbury, Connecticut 06705 DORFMAN COIN & STAMP CO. NATIONAL CURRENCY P. 0. BOX 185 SIOUX CITY, IOWA 51102 OCT. 1, 1976 PRICE $20 1882-BB—Citizens N. B. of Peru—Lig : 1931, 1879, F 195.00 $20 1882-BB—Nat'l State Bank of Terre Haute—Liq: 1905, 1103, VT' $5 Orig.—Vincennes N. B.—Rec: 1892, 1454, VG IOWA—Capital Des Moines-496 Banks-300 Towns $20 19204-1st N. B. of Fairfield—Lin : 1934, 1475, F $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Fort Dodge—Lip : 1931, 1661, VG 4622.2,50° $10 1902—Peoples N. B. of Independence—Rec : 1928. 2187, AU 125.00 $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Lime Springs—Lip : 1934, 6750, F 77.50 $20 1929-I—Washington N. B.—Lip: 1933, 1762, F 72.50 KANSAS—Capital ToPeka-399 Banks-204 Towns $10 1929-I—City N. B. of Atchison, 11405, F 48.'10 $20 19294—The Citizens N. B. of Anthony #200, 6752, XF 110 60 99.00 1929-I—The Caney Valley N. B. of Caney, 5349, F 110.0044 5 0 $20 10294 -1st N. B. of Coffeyville, 2224, VF 138:8.155500°510 1929-I-1st N. B. of Chanute. 3819, VG $10 1902—Comm. N. B. & Trust Co. of Emporia. 11781, VG 6435822: .'05:. ! $5 1929-II-1st N. B. of Wichita, 2782, CU °2 0 $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Leavenworth, 182, F , $5 1929-I—Comm. N. B. of Kansas City, 6311, VF 0°)$10 1929-I—Citizens N. B. of Fort Scott, 3175, F $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Manhattan, 3782, F $10 1929-1—Central N. B. of Topcka. 3078, AU 5 4. 0 $10 1929-I—N. B. of America at alina, 4945, VG 449. $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Winfield, 3218, VG 30.00 KENTUCKY—Capital Frankfort-238 Banks-109 Towns $10 1902—Ashland N. B. of Ashland—Rec: 1931, 2010, F $5 1902-1st N. B. of Covington, S-718, VG 62.00 3$10 1882-BB—Fayette N. B. of Lexington—Lip: 1931, 1720, XF 284 0.'050° $5 1902-DB—N. B. of Comm. of Louisville—Lig: 1919, S-9241, VF $5 1875—Kentucky N. B. of Louisville—Lig: 1894, 1908, AU 65705 .'0°0° LOUISIANA—Capital Baton Rouge-87 Banks—H Towns $10 1929-I—Louisiana N. B. of Baton Rouge, 9834, F 68.00 $20 1929-II—Whitney N. B. of New Orleans, 3069, VF 3$5 1902—Whitney Central N. B. of New Orleans, 3069, VG 22.50 $20 1882-BB-1st N. B. of Shreveport, S-3595, F 24.50$10 1929-II-1st N. B. of Shreveport, 3595, F MAINE—Capital Augusta-120 Banks-60 Towns 295.00 $5 1902—The Canal N. B. of Portland, 941, VG 84.50 49 $5 1902—Manufacturers N. B. of Lewiston, N-2260, F $5 1902—Chapman N. B. of Portland—Lip: 1929, 4868, F $10 1882-BB—Portland N. B., N-4128, F 74.00 395.00 MARYLAND—Capital Annapolis-138 Banks-66 Towns $20 1902-RS-1st N. B. of Baltimore—Lip: 1916, E-204, F 295.00 $5 1929-I-1st N. B. of Baltimore, 1413, F 24.50 $10 1882-BB—lst N. B. of Cumberland. 281, XF $20 1929-I-2nd N. B. of Cumberland, 1519, F 335.00 58.50 MASSACHUSETTS—Capital Boston-346 Banta-187 Towns $5 1902-BB—lst N. B. of Attleboro. 2232. XF 2$5 1902—Boston N. B of Boston—Pee: 1931. 11903, VF .. 5275 . °50° $5 1902-DB—State N. B. of Boston—L'e : 1912, N -1023, CU 155.00 $20 1929-1st N. B. of Marlboro. 2770. VG 0$5 1929-I—Webster & Atlas N. P. of Boston, 1527. VG 2 33.50 15 1929-II-1st N. B. of New Bedford, 261, AV 510 1929-II-1st N. B. of Easthampton 25-M, 428, CU 57.50 $5 1902—The Union N. B. of Lowell, 6077, F 492 . 5 $1 Orig.—N. B. of Comm. New Bedford—Lin: 1898. 690, F 22308 .500° $10 1902—The Safe Deposit N. B. of New Bedford, 12405, F 110.00 $5 1902—Newton N. B. of Newton-9870 Large - Out, 13252, VF 240.00 figs—Woods-Tate $10 1902—The Shelburne Falls N. B. of Shelburne, 1144, VF .... 110.000 $5 1882-BB—Pynchon N. B. of Springfield—Rec: 1901, 987, VG 72.50 MICHIGAN—Capital Lansinv.-286 Banks-143 Towns $20 1929-I—Crystal Falls N. B. of Crystal Falls—Rec: 1934, 11547, AU 54 $5 1929-I—Escanaba N. B. of Escanaba, 8496, VG 42°5.°5°0$20 1929-I—The Houghton N. B. of Houghton. 7676, F $20 1929-I—U. S. N. B. of Iron Mountain—Rec: 1932, 11929, AU $20 1929-I—Union & Peoples N. B. of Jackson—Rec: 1933, 64.00 1533, F 95 1929-I-1st N. B. & Trust Co. of Marquette, 390, VG 38.00 2 $20 1929-T-1st N. R. of Negaunce, 3717, F 554..0500 $5 1902-1st N. B. of Menominee, M-3256. G 22.10 $5 1929-I--lst N. B. of Norway. 6883. AU 30.00 245.00$10 1882-BB—Union City N. B., M-1826, F MINNESOTA—Capital St. Paul-435 Banks-270 Towns $10 1902-1st N. B. of Alexandria—Roc: 1925, M-2995, F 110.00 $5 1929-II-1st N. B. of Austir. 1690, F 11256..5500 $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Blooming Prairie. 6775, F 46.50 $5 1929-II—Minnesota N. B. of Duluth, 11810, F $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Cloquet, 5405. VG $10 19294-1st N. B. of Hibbing, 5745, F 64.50 $10 1929-1—Hancock - 1st N. B.—Lip : 1911-25-M, 6996, VG 125.00 $10 1929-I—American N. B. of St. Cloud, 11815. VG 72.50 920 1902—Nat'l Citizens Bank of Mankato, M-4727, F 828248..55500°$5 1902-1st N. B. in Minneapolis, M-710, F $20 1902-1st N. B. of Preston. M-6279, F 510 1902-1st N. B. of Saint Cloud, M-2790, VG 48.50 $10 1929-II-1st N. B. of Saint Paul, 203, XF 27.50 $20 19294-1st N. B. of Stillwater, 2674, VF 44.50 MISSISSIPPI—Capital Jackson-66 Banks-39 Towns $10 1929-I—Capital N. B. of Jackson—Lici: 1933, 6646, VG 85.00 Phone (day or night) (712) 252-1580 Member: ANA, SPMC, INA, MOON DAVID a nd FERN DORFMAN DEN. & SERIES CITY OR TOWN CH. # GRADE ALABAMA—Capital Montgomery----164 Banks-93 Towns $10 1902—Ensley N. B. of Birmingham—Lip: 1932, 12906, VG $20 1902—East Alabama N. B. of Eufaula—Rec: 1929, 3622, XF 120 1929-II-1st N. B. of Montgomery, 1814, CU $5 1929-I—N. B. of Opelika, 11635, VG 910 1902—City N. B. of Selma, 1736, VG $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Tuskaloosa, 1853, F ARKANSAS—Capital Little Rock-113 Banks-72 Towns $5 1902—Benton County N. B. of Bentonville—Rec: 1930, S-8135, VG 128.00 920 1929-I-1st N. B. of Berryville, 10406, F 84.50 $10 1902—Arkansas N. B. of Fayetteville—Liq: 1931, S-8786, F $20 1929-I—Merchants N. B. of Fort Smith, 7240, VF CALIFORNIA—Capital Sacramento-414 Banks--231 Towns $5 1902—Citizens N. B. of Los Angeles, P-5927, VG $10 1929-II--The Farmers & Merchants N. B. of Los Angeles, 6617, F 23.00 $5 1929-II—The Seaboard N. B. of Los Angeles, 12545, VG 16.50 $20 1029-I—Central N. B. of Oakland, 9502 ' F 42.00 $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Pacific Grove, 13375. F 100.00 $5 1929-I—Federal Res. N. B. of San Francisco—Only 12 known, F 550.00 $5 1902-DB—Mercentile N. B. of San Francisco—Lip: 1920, P-9683, F 52.50 COLORADO—Capital Denver-185 Banks-95 Towns $10 1929-1—Colorado N. B. of Denver, 1651, F 28.50 $10 1929-I—Denver N. B. of Denver, 3269, F 24.00 $10 1929-II-1st N. B. of Denver, 1016, F 22.50 $10 1929-I—U. S. N. B. of Denver, 7408, F 22.50 $20 1902—The Burns N. B. of Durango, W-9797, F 250.00 CONNECTICUT—Capital Hartford-116 Banks-63 Towns $5 1902-1st N. B. of Hartford, N-121, VF 42.50 $5 1902—Phoenix N. B. of Hartford—Liq : 1926, N-670, VG 32.50 $1 Original—Middlesex County N. B. of Middletown—Liq: 1916, 845, F 225.00 $5 1902-DB--Middletown N. B. of Middletown, N-1216. VG 32.50 $20 1929-I—The 1st N. B. & T. Co. of New Haven, 2, AU 77.50 $5 1902—The New Haven N. Banking Ass'n of New Haven, 1243, F 55.00 $10 1929-I—The Hurlbut N. B. of Winsted, 1494, F 36.00 $ 69.50 225.00 88.50 42.50 72.50 82.00 24.50 22,.00 270.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA-27 Banks-2 Towns $20 1902—Comm. N. B. of Washington—Rec: 1933, E-7446, F 36.50 $5 1902—District N. B. of Washnigton—Rec: 1933, E 9545, VG 32.50 $20 1929-II—Hamilton N. B. of Washington, 13782, VF 58.50 $10 1929-I—The N. B. of Washington. 3425, VG 28.00 $20 1902—Nat'l Metropolitan N. B. of Washington, 1069, F 58.50 FLORIDA—Capital Tallahassec-108 Banks-56 Towns $10 1929-I—The Florida N. B. & T. Co. of Miami (repaired) 1, AU 110.00 GEORGIA—Capital Atlanta-165 Banks-93 Towns $20 1882-BB-3rd N. B. of Atlanta—Lip: 1919, S-5030, F 440.00 $10 1902—Greensboro N. B.—Rec: 1926—$9,995.00 out, 6967, F 395.00 $5 1902-DB—lst N. B. of Louisville—Large-out $965.00, 6207, VF 465.00 $20 1902-1st N. B. of Newnan, 1861, VG 74.50 $5 1902—The Nat'l City Bank of Rome, 10302, F 94.50 $5 1929-II—The Citizens & Southern N. B. of Savannah, 13068, F 44.50 HAWAII—Capital Honolulu-5 Banks-5 Towns $5 1902—The 1st N. B. of Hawaii at Honolulu, 5550, F 285.00 IDAHO—Capital Boise-86 Banks-55 Towns $50 1902-DB—lst N. B. of Idaho—Boise, P-1668, VF 450.00 $50 1902-DB—Boise City N. B.—Boise—Rec: 1932, 3471, XF 595.00 ILLINOIS—Capital Springfield-719 Banks-400 Towns $5 1902-BB—Alton N. 1930—$5,450 out, 1428, XF 225.00 $5 1875—Greene County N. B. of Carrollton—Liq: 1918, 2390, VF 285.00 $10 1929-I—Albany Park N. B. & T. Co. of Chicago—Rec: 1931, 11737, F 28.00 $5 1929-I—Alliance N. B. of Chicago—Rec : 1932, 12001, F 21.00 $5 1929-II—The Halsted Exch. N. B. of Chicago, 12945, F 21.00 $10 1902—Washington Park N. B. of Chicago—Rec: 1931, 3916, F 32.50 $10 1929-I—The Nat'l Bank of Decatur, 4920, XF 22.50 $50 1929-I-1st N. B. in East St. Louis—Lig: 19-34. 11596, AU 165.00 $10 1929-I—The 1st N. B. of Granite City—Lip : 1931, 5433, VG 28.50 $20 1929-I—The Ayers N. B. of Jacksonville—Rec: 1932, 5763, CU 85.00 $5 1902—Ist N. B. of Morris, 1773, F 120.00 $20 1902-1st N. B. of Mount Carmel—Lin : 1931, M-4480, F 93.00 $5 1929-I—Nat'l Stock Yards N. B. of Nat'l City, 12991, VG 26.00 $20 1929-I—The Oakland N. B.—$13,250.00 out, 2212, G 51.00 $10 1929-II—The N. B. of Savanna, 13886, F 38.50 $10 1902—Illinois N. B. of Springfield. 3548, VG 35.00 $10 Orig.—lst N. B. of Peoria, 176, G 125.00 $20 1902-1st N. B. of Princeton—Lip: 1930, M-903, F 62.00 $20 1902—Ricker N. B. of Quincy—Lin: 1923, M-2519, F 66.00 95 1902—Taylorville N. B. (cut sheet of 4), 8940, CU 445.00 INDIANA—Capital Indianapolis-410 Banks-205 Towns $20 1902-DB—The Bedford N. B., M-5187. F 150.00 $20 1929—Nat'l City Bank of Evansville, 12132, XF 46.50 $10 1882-BB—Hamilton N. B. of Fort Wayne—Lip: 1917, 2439, VG 98.50 $5 Orig.-1st N. B. of Laporte, 377, F 250.00 NATIONAL CURRENCY $5 1929-II—Merchants N. B. & Trust Co. of Vicksburg, 3430, VG 55.00 $20 1929-II-1st N. B. of West Point #10, 2891, VG 72.50 MISSOURI—Capital Jefferson City-265 Banks-123 Towns $10 1902—Booneville N. B.—Rec: 1932, 10915, VG 39.50 $20 1929-I—Exchange N. B. of Jefferson City, 13142, F 49.00 $20 1902-1st N. B. of Peirce City, 4225, XF 100.00 $10 1902—American N. B. of St. Joseph, 9042, VG 38.50 $5 1929-II—Security N. B. Savings & Trust Co. of St. Louis, 12066, F 24.00 $5 1929-I—The Grand N. B. of St. Louis—Rec: - 1934, 12220, F 22.00 $20 1929-I—American Exchange N. B. of St. Louis—Rec: 1933, 12506, F 42.00 $20 1929-I--The Telegraphers N. B. of St. Louis, 12389, F 32.50 $5 1882-BB—N. B. of Comm. in St. Louis, M-4178, F 82.50 $20 1882-DB--State N. B. of St. Louis—Lig : 1929, 5172, F 115.00 $5 1929-I—The Peoples N. B. of Warrensburg, 5156, VF 64.50 $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Wellston, 8011, CU 125.00 NEBRASKA—Capital Lincoln-351 Banks-203 Towns $10 1902-1st N. 13. of Decatur—Liq: 1934, W-8988, VG 85.00 $10 1929-I—lst N. B. of Elgin 50M, 5440, F 110.00 $10 1929-I—The Genoa N. B. of Genoa 50M, 6805, VF 66.50 $20 1929-I—The Grand Island N. B.---Liq: 1930 #1, 9395, CU 250.00 $10 1929-I—Hastings N. B. 13'515 F 32.00 $5 1929-I—American N. B. of Kimball, 13420, F 44.50 $10 1929-I—N. B. of Comm. of Lincoln, 7239, VF 32.00 $10 1929-I--U. S. N. B. of Omaha, 2978, F 22.00 $50 1929-I—The Omaha N. B., 1633, CU 150.00 $5 1902-DB—The Merchants N. B. of Omaha—Liq: 1926, W-2775, VG 44.50 $10 1929-I—The Jones N. B. of Seward, 3060, XF 77.50 $10 1929-I—Stanton N. B. 50M, 7836, VF 66.50 $20 1902—Farmers N. B. of Wakefield—Rec: 1928, 9984, F 125.00 NEVADA—Capital Carson City-16 Banks-13 Towns $5 1902—Reno N. B.—Rec: 1932, 8424, F 495.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE—Capital Concord-78 Banks-45 Towns $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Concord, 318, F 110.00 $5 1929-I—Ashuelot Citizens N. B. of Keene, 946, VG 44.00 $5 1902-1st N. B. of Manchester—Liq: 1931, N-1153, F 74.00 $10 1902—Manchester N. B., 1059, VG 64.50 $10 1929-I-2nd N. B. of Nashua, 2240, F 42.00 $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Peterborough, 1179, F 110.00 $5 1902—Nat'l Mechanics & Traders Bank of Portsmouth- Liq: 1931, 401, VG 66.50 $5 1902—The Somersworth N. B., N-1183, F 110.00 NEW JERSEY—Capital Trenton-340 Banks-212 Towns $5 1929-I-1st Camden N. B. & Tr. Co. of Camden, 1209, VG 24.50 $10 1929-I—Hunterdon County N. B. of Flemington, 892, F 68.50 $5 Orig.—Hackettstown N. B. 1259, F 365.00 $5 1929-II-1st N. B. of Jersey City, 374, F 22.00 $5 1929-I—The Montclair N. B., 12268, F 25.00 $5 Orig.—lst N. B. of Newark—Rec: 1880, 52, VG 275.00 $5 1902-1st N. B. of Paterson, 329, F 32.50' $5 1929-I-2nd N. B. of Phillipsburg, 5556, VG 42.00 $10 1882-BB—Phillipsburg N. B., E-1239, XF 335.00 $5 1902-1st N. B. of Trenton—Lig: 1928, 281, VG 38.50 $5 1929-I—N. B. of North Hudson at Union City—Rec: 1931, 9867, VG 24.50 $5 1929-I-1st N. B. of West New York—Rec: 1934, 12064, F 42.50 NEW YORK—Capital Albany-898 Banks-456 Towns $5 1902—The Nat'l Spraker Bank of Canajoharie—Liq: 1934, 1257, VG 62.00 $20 1929-II-1st N. B. of Cooperstown, 280, CU 75.00 $20 1929-I—lst N. B. of Jamestown #1, 548, CU 195.00 $10 1929-I—The State N. B. of N. Y. N. B. Kingston, 955, VF 47.50 $5 1929-I—Montour N. B. in Montour Falls #1, 13583, AU 155.00 $5 Orig.—N. B. of Comm. in N. Y.—Liq: 1929, 733, F 160.00 $20 1902-RS—N. B. of Comm. in N. Y.—Lig: 1929, E-733, AU 265.00 $5 1875—Continental N. B. of N. Y.—Lig: 1901, 1389, F 160.00 $1 Orig.-4th N. B. City of N. Y.—Liq: 1914, 290, F 150.00 $10 1902—Bank of Am. Nat'l Ass'n—New York—Liq: 1931, 13193, XF 68.00 Woods-White Sig. 1928 $10 1902—The Jamaica N. B. of N. Y., 12550, XF 120.00 $5 1929-I—The Jefferson County N. B. of Watertown, 1490, VG 20.00 NORTH CAROLINA—Capital Raleigh-125 Banks-72 Towns $5 1902-DB—Merchants & Farmers N. B. of Charlotte- Rec: 1934, S-1781, F 175.00 $5 1902—Comm. N. B. of Charlotte, 2135, VG 145.00 NORTH DAKOTA—Capital Bismarck-225 Banks-151 Towns $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Dickinson, 4384, F 135.00 $20 1902—N. W. N. B. of Grand Forks—Lig : 1929, W-11142, F 175.00 $20 1902-1st N. B. of Sanborn—Rec: 1929, 8448, VF 270.00 $10 1929-I—The Citizens N. B. of Wahpeton, 4552, XF 195.00 OHIO—Capital Columbus-655 Banks-296 Towns $10 1902-RS—lst N. B. of Cleveland—Lig: 1920, M-2690, F 155.00 $10 1902-RS—Nat'l Comm. Bank of Cleveland—Lig : 1921, M-7487, F-VF 170.00 $5 1929-II—Huntington N. B. of Columbus, 7745, XF 29.50 $5 1929-II—Coshocton N. B. Coshocton—Lig: 1934, 5103, VF 26.50 $10 1902-1st N. B. of Richwood--Lig: 1931, 9199, XF 94.50 $10 1902—Citizens N. B. of Sidney, 7862, F• 82:00 $5 1929-II-1st N. B. & Tr. Co. of Springfield, 238, F 19.00 $10 1882-BB—Northern N. B. of Toledo—Lig: 1924, 809, F 135.00 $5 1929-I—lst N. B. of Toledo, 91, AV 29.50 $1 Orig.—The Centreville N. B. of Thurman—Liq: 1901, 2181, G 125.00 $20 1902—Troy N. B. of Troy, M-3825, VF 62.50 $10 1929-I—The Champaign N. B. of Urbana, 916, F 28.50 $5 1902-1st N. B. of Wellston, 3565, AU 78.50 OKLAHOMA—Capital Oklahoma City-556 Banks-283 Towns $50 1929-I-1st N. B. in Bartlesville #28, 6258, F 95.00 $20 1929-I—Am. N. B. of Lawton, 12067, VF 72.50 $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of McAlester, 5052, VG 52.50 $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Mangum #74, 5508, F 124.50 $100 1929-I-1st N. B. & Trust Co. of Muskogee, 4385, VF 162.00 $10 1929-I--1st N. B. & Tr. Co. of Oklahoma City, 4862, AV 33.50 $20 1929-I—Federal N. B. of Shawnee, 12339, VF 124.50 $5 1929-I—Producers N. B. of Tulsa—Liq: 1930, 12042, VG 32.50 $5 1902—Producers N. B. of Tulsa—Lig: 1930, 12042, VG 112.50 OREGON—Capital Salem-127 Banks-72 Towns $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Medford, 7701, F 85.50 $10 1929-I—U. S. N. B. of Newberg, 9358, F 75.00 $5 1929-I—U. S. N. B. of Portland, 4514, VG 29.50 $5 1902—U. S. N. B. of Portland, P-4514, VG 32.50 $5 1929-I—Citizens N. B. of Portland—Lig: 1933, 13299, F 36.50 PENNSYLVANIA—Capital Harrisburg-1206 Banks-655 Towns $20 1929-I—The Deposit N. B. of DuBois #888, 5019, VF 39.50 $10 1902—The Harrisburg N. B., E-580, VG 72.50 $5 1929-II-1st N. B. of Hazleton, 3893, CU 32.50 $5 1929-1I-1st N. B. of Indiana, 14098, AU 82.50 $10 Orig.—The Lebanon N. B.—TITLE CHANGE, 680, F 175.00 $10 Orig.—lst N. B. of Media, 312, G 95.00 $5 1902 1st N. B. of Mount Carmel, 3980, VF 63.50 $10 1929-I—Farmers N. B. of Oxford—Rec: 1934, 2906, F 65.00 $5 1902—N. B. of Oxford, 728, VF 95.00 $5 1929-II—Corn Exchange N. B. & Tr. Co. Philadelphia, 542, XF 22.50 $5 1875-1st N. B. of Pittsburgh—Lig: 1882, 48, VG 155.00 $1 Orig.—Farmers N. B. of Reading—Rec: 1934, 696, VG 110.00 $5 1929-II-1st N. B. of Roscoe, 5495, F 34.50 $5 1902—Traders N. B. of Scranton—Lig: 1929, E-4183, F 49.50 $5 1902—McDowell N. B. of Sharon, 8764, F 33.50 RHODE ISLAND—Capital Providence-67 Banks-21 Towns $5 1902—Mechanics N. B. of Providence, 1007, AU 98.50 $5 1902—Merchants N. B. of Providence—Lig: 1926, N-1131, XF 88.50 $5 1902—Phenix N. B. of Providence, 948, F 36.50 $10 1929-I—Providence N. B. Providence, 1302, F 28.50 SOUTH CAROLINA—Capital Columbia-93 Banks 56 Towns $10 1902-DB—Peoples N. B. of Charleston, S-1621, XF 182.50 $20 1929-I—The South Carolina N. B. of Charleston, 2044, F 38.50 $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Greenville, 1935, CU 125.00 $20 1902-1st N. B. of Spartanburg—Rec: 1932, 1848, F 84.50 $20 1902—The N. B. of South Carolina of Sumter, S-10660, VG 66.50 SOUTH DAKOTA—Capital Pierre-178 Banks-106 Towns $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Parkston #63, 7662, F 136.50 $10 1902-1st N. B. of Pierre, 2941, AU 350.00 $20 1902—Security N. B. of Sioux Falls—Cut Close, W-10692, AU 195.00 TENNESSEE—Capital Nashville-195 Banks-91 Towns $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Memphis, 336, F 29.50 TEXAS—Capital Austin-915 Banks-447 Towns $20 1902—City N. B. of Dallas—Lig: 1929, S-2455, F 63.50 $20 1929-I Fort Worth N. B.—Fort Worth, 3131, CU 72.50 $20 1902—Merchants & Planters N. B. of Sherman, S-3159, F 88.50 $5 1929-I-1st N. B. of Waco, 2189, F 32.50 $5 1929-I--City N. B. of Wichita Falls—Liq: 1933, 4248, XF 44.50 UTAH—Capital Salt Lake City-34 Banks-18 Towns $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of Logan, 4670, XF 225.00 $20 1902--lst N. B. of Logan (Repaired), P-4670, F 195.00 $20 1902—N. B. of Comm. of Ogden (Repaired)—Liq: 1930, P-7296, F 148.50 $10 1902—The Deseret N. B. of Salt Lake City, 2059, VG 48.50 $10 1929-I—Nat'l Copper Bank of Salt Lake City—Liq: 1932, 9652, XF 77.50 VERMONT—Capital Montpelier-79 Banks-18 Towns $5 1902-1st N. B. of Bennington, N-130, AV 175.00 $5 1902—Peoples N. B. of Brattleboro—Liq: 1923, N-2305, CU 185.00 $5 1902—Merchants N. B. of Burlington, 1197, F 58.50 $5 1929-I--Howard N. B. & Tr. Co. of Burlington, 1698, XF 65.00 $20 1929-I—Clement N. B. of Rutland, 2950, VF 58.50 $5 1929-I—N. B. of Newbury at Wells River, 1406, VG 24.50 VIRGINIA—Capital Richmond-228 Banks-127 Towns $10 1902-1st N. B. of Lynchburg, S-1558, F 77.50 $10 1902—Virginia N. B. of Petersburg—Liq: 1931, S-7709, VF 127.50 $10 1902—Am. N. B. of Richmond—Liq: 1928, S-5229, CU 124.50 $10 1902 Peoples N. B. of Rocky Mount, 8984, VF 172.50 $10 1929-I—Central N. B. of Richmond, 10080, AV 47.50 $10 1929-I—N. B. of Suffolk, 9733, VG 39.50 $10 1882-BB—Farmers & Merchants N. B. of Winchester, S-6084, F 295.00 WASHINGTON—Capital Olympia-184 Banks-89 Towns $50 1902-DB—Seattle N. B. Seattle--Lig : 1929, P-4229, F 220.00 $10 1902-DB—Exch. N. B. of Spokane—Rec: 1929, P-4044, VG 52.50 $5 1929-I—Old N. B. & Union Tr. Co. of Spokane, 4668, F 32.50 $20 1929-I—Yakima 1st N. B. Yakima, 3355, F 47.50 WEST VIRGINIA—Capital Charleston-177 Banks-99 Towns $10 1882-BB-1st N. B. of Grafton, S-2445, F 375.00 $10 1929-I—Old N. B. of Martinsburg, 6283, VF 34.50 $10 1929-I—The South Branch Valley N. B. of Moorefield, 3029, AV 85.00 $20 1929-1-1st N. B. of Piedmont, 3629, XF 72.50 $5 1902—Oak Hill N. B.—Lig: 1934, 12075, G 65.00 $20 1929-I-1st N. B. of St. Marys, 5226, CU 95.00 WISCONSIN—Capital Madison-243 Banks-128 Towns $5 1902-RS—Half Sheet (2 notes) Only pair known, Ger- mania N. B. of Milwaukee, 6853, VF-XF 1575.00 $10 1929-I—Kellogg—Citizens N. B. of Green Bay, 2132, VG 22.50 $10 1902—Comm. N. B. of Madison—Liq: 1933, 9153, VF 86.50 $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Madison, 144, F 24.00 $10 1929-I-1st N. B. of Marshfield—Rec: 1932, 4573, XF 44.50 $5 1902-1st N. B. of New Richmond—Large out $1,110, 11412, F 225.00 $10 1902—Oneida N. B. of Rhinelander—Liq: 1932—#8, M-11646, F 62.50 $20 1929-I—U. S. N. B. of Superior—Liq: 1934—#45, 9140, F 48.50 $5 1929-I—Merchants N. B. of Watertown, 9003, XF 39.50 $5 1929-1 1st N. B. of Wausau Lig : 1933, 2820, CU 29.50 DORFMAN COIN & STAMP CO. P. O. Box 185 Sioux City, Iowa 51102 FRACTIONAL CURRENCY • FOR SALE 17 PAGE ILLUSTRATED LIST NOW AVAILABLE • WANTED Any and all Fractional or related material (books, Spinner items, etc.). Sell to a specialist for the best possible offer. • LEN AND JEAN GLAZER P. O. BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, NEW YORK 11375 ANA SPMC NEW YORK STATE NATIONALS WANTED ALL SIZES AND TYPES Amityville 8873 Freeport 11518 Mineola 9187 Babylon 4906 Glen Head 13126 Mineola 13404 Babylon 10358 Great Neck 12659 New York City (Dunbar N.B.) 13237 Baldwin 11474 Greenport 334 Northport 5936 Baldwin 13062 Greenport 3232 Oceanside 12458 Bay Shore 10029 Hampton Bays 12987 Patchogue 6785 Bellmore 11072 Hempstead 4880 Patchogue 12788 Bellport 12473 Hempstead 11375 Port Jefferson 5068 Bridgehampton 9669 Hicksville 11087 Port Washington 11292 Cedarhurst 11854 Huntington 6587 Port Washington 13310 Central Islip 12379 Inwood 12460 Riverhead 4230 Cutchogue 12551 Islip 8794 Rockville Center 8872 East Hampton 7763 Kings Park 12489 Rockville Center 11033 East Islip 9322 Kings Park 14019 Roosevelt 11953 East Northport 12593 Lake Ronkonkoma 13130 Roslyn 13326 East Rockaway 12818 Lindenhurst 8833 Sayville 5186 East Setauket 11511 Long Beach 11755 Seaford 12963 Eastport 13228 Long Beach 13074 Smithtown Branch 9820 East Williston 13124 Lynbrook 8923 Southampton 10185 Farmingdale 8882 Lynbrook 11603 Valley Stream 11881 Floral Park 12449 Manhasset 11924 West Hempstead 13104 Franklin Square 12997 Mattituck 13445 Westbury 11730 Freeport 7703 Merrick 12503 Woodmere 12294 I also need Obsolete Currency and Scrip from any of the above listed towns as well from: Suffolk County Bank of Sag Harbor ORIENT POINT SOUTHOLD SAG HARBOR GLEN COVE GREEN PORT PORT JEFFERSON Interested also in Chicago, Illinois #12227—Douglass National Bank. I will also buy old "Satirical" and fantasy cartoon currency poking fun at political candidates. Also needed are any bills with numbers similar to 20202020, 0202020, etc. DR. ALAN YORK NUMBER ONE MAIN STREET, EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 516-324-1024 MAKING MONEY at the PHILADELPHIA MINT and the AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY A 36-page reprint of the famous articles which originally ap- peared in Harper's New Monthly Magazine in 1861 and 1862. Beautifully illustrated with dozens of fine-line woodcut en- gravings. $2.95 plus .40 first class postage. N.Y. residents please add 7% tax. G. A. FLANAGAN P. O. BOX 191, BABYLON, N.Y. 11702 WANTED IOWA IOWA IOWA IOWA NATIONAL BANK NOTES From the following IOWA cities and towns: Adair Estherville Holstein Marshalltown Afton Floyd Ida Grove Nashua Belmond Fort Madison Ireton Northboro Blockton Garden Grove Jesup Olin Brighton Gilmore Lansing Orange City Brooklyn Goldfield Lawler Sanborn Clutier Grafton Lineville Sutherland Coin Hamburg Linn Grove Wesley College Springs Harlan Lisbon Dike Harris Macksburg Please state condition and price or send insurzd for my fair offer to WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOBOJ1, IOWA 51355 ANA Life #109 SPMC #2950 Kazin's eAhe gle6' W.6.° t Alc ey tritededia4 KAGIN'S NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS, Inc. * We've handled OVER 99% of all the notes listed in the DONLON & FRIEDBERG catalogs * A.M. KAGIN has personally cataloged over 30o auction sales in over _to years as a professional ! KAGIN'S NUMISMATIC INVESTMENT CORP. * Specializes in PERSON/ILLY T/IILORED Currency Investment Programs featuring CHOICE & SUPERB NOTES ONLY! (write for more information) A. M. & DON KAGIN, Inc. * Editors & Pulishers of the DONLON CATALOG of U.S. LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY NEW 1976-77 Edition (more price changes then any previous edition)—Only $3.95 1975 Edition $3.50; Both 1976-77 & 1975 (excellent for price comparisons) only $5.95 At coin stores or order Autographed Copies direct from us. Special Autographed Library Hard-Bound 1976-77 Edition $8.95; 1975 $7.50; both only $ 1 4.95 THINKING OF SELLING? We urge you to consider placing your items in one of our comprehensive Public or Mail-bid auctions you'll receive: * National Attention * Reasonable Commission Rates * Deluxe Professional Cataloging * Best opportunity for TOP prices SEND A LIST OF YOUR COLLECTION & RESERVE SPACE NOW (still better, phone for immediate attention) Or, if preferred, we will buy outright for cash—we are currently paying over "catalog prices" for notes urgently needed. STILL ADDING TO YOUR COLLECTION? -* Write for a free copy of our next auction sale (please mention this ad) * Send us your want-list High Quality & Rare Notes & Nationals our specialty * Join our CURRENCY INVESTMENT PROGRAM get on the "inside track" with professional guidance Since 1928 When dealing in a sophisticated field, consult a professional When TOP results are imperative, consult an EXPERT! KAGIN'S Suite 600-608 Capital City Bank Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone: (515) 243-0129 Fox Valley Coin Exchange (0) Kurt R. Krueger 103 East Kimberly Avenue Fritz Voecks Fred Voecks Kimberly, Wisconsin 54136 Randy Voecks Phone 414-731-5451 Numismatists, Exonumists, Antiquitarians, Historians Members of most leading Numismatic and Exonumist Societies MAIL BID SALE #177 CLOSING NOV. 15, 1976 USUAL RULES APPLY Welcome to our first mail bid sale devoted exclusively to National Currency. This sale offers something for every collector of Nationals. Some of the notes herein are rare, many are common. Some are in exceptional condition. We are anxious to buy quality nationals for future sales. We will also accept consignments of National Currency and better ype- notes. Send us your want list. We are certain that we can mutually benefit, no matter your desires, either buying, selling or work- ing out consignment terms. * Prices Realized This Sale $1.00. NATIONAL CURRENCY LOT DEN. SERIES TOWN CH. # GRADE ALABAMA I $20 1929-T1 Demopolis 10035 F ARKANSAS 2 $20 1929-T1 Fort Smith 7240 VG 3 $20 1929-T1 Texarkana 7138 VG/F CALIFORNIA 4 $10 1929-T1 Los Angeles 5927 VG/F 5 $20 1929-T1 Los Angeles 12545 VG 6 $20 1929-T1 San Francisco 1741 G+ 7 $5 1929-T1 San Francisco 13044 G 8 $5 AS ABOVE VG 9 $5 AS ABOVE XF 10 $5 AS ABOVE ACU 11 $10 AS ABOVE XF Ink Stain 12 $10 AS ABOVE ACU COLORADO 13 $5 1929-T2 Denver 1016 VG/F 14 $20 1929-T2 Denver 1016 G+ DELAWARE 15 $10 1929-T1 Smyrna 2381 VG DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 16 $10 1929-T1 N.B. of 3425 VF 17 $5 1929-T1 Riggs 5046 G 18 $10 1929-T1 Riggs 5046 VG 19 $10 1929-T1 Riggs 5046 VF FLORIDA 20 $20 1929-T1 Jacksonville 9049 G 21 $5 1929-T2 Marianna 6110 VG/} GEORGIA 22 $20 1929-T1 Savannah 13068 G 23 $5 1929-T1 Atlanta 1559 G ILLINOIS 24 $20 1882-DB Chicago M5106 Sharp VF 25 $5 1882-DB Chicago M4605 VG 26 $10 1902-PB Chicago 4605 VG 27 $20 1902-DB Kankakee VG/F 28 $10 1882-DB La Salle M2503 CU Sharp with red signatures 29 $20 1929-T1 Arenzville 9183 VG 30 $20 AS ABOVE F 31 $10 1929-T1 Bridgeport 8347 VG 32 $20 1929-T1 Bushnell 4709 VG 33 $10 1929-T1 Casey 8043 XF 34 $10 1929-T1 Chicago 3916 VG 35 $5 1929-T1 Chicago 4605 VG 36 $5 AS ABOVE F 37 $10 1929-T1 Chicago 4605 VG 38 $20 1929-T1 Chicago 4605 VG 39 $20 AS ABOVE F 40 $20 AS ABOVE VF 41 $10 1929-T1 Chicago 12001 VG 42 $10 1929-T1 Chicago 13146 VG 43 $10 1929-T2 Chicago 13216 VG/F 44 $20 1929-T2 Chicago 13674 VG 45 $10 1929-T2 Chicago 14110 VG/F 46 $10 1929-T1 Decatur 4576 VG 47 $10 1929-T1 Decatur 4920 F+ 48 $10 1929-T1 Decatur 5089 F 49 $5 1929-T1 East Peoria 6724 F 50 $10 1929-T1 Freeport 2875 VG 51 $10 1929-T1 Greenup 8115 AF 52 $10 1929-T1 Jacksonville 5763 VG 53 $10 1929-T1 Libertyville 6670 VG+ 54 $5 1929-T1 Lincoln 3613 AF 65 $10 1929-T1 Macomb 1872 G 56 $10 AS ABOVE VG 57 120 1929-T1 Mount Carmel 4480 VG 58 $10 1929-T1 Mount Pulaski 3839 VG 59 $5 1929-T2 Neoga 13892 VG 60 $10 1929-T1 Okawville 11780 VG+ 61 $10 1929-T1 Peoria 176 F 62 $10 AS ABOVE F/VF 63 $20 1929-T1 Pinckneyville 6025 VG 64 $10 1929-T1 Rockford 11679 F+ 65 $10 1929-T1 Rockford 13652 VG 66 $20 1929-T1 Streator 2681 XF 67 $20 1929-T1 Waukegan 10355 AF LOT DEN. SERIES TOWN CH. # GRADE INDIANA 68 $20 1902-PB-Franklin M3338 VG 69 $20 1902-DB-Indianapolis M984 F 70 $10 1929-T1 Bloomington 8415 VG/F 71 $5 1929-T1 Fort Wayne 3285 VG 72 $20 AS ABOVE VG/F 73 $20 1929-T1 Gary 8426 VG 74 $5 1929-T2 Goshen 14113 F 75 $10 1929-T1 Greens Fork 7124 AF 76 $10 1929-T1 Hammond 8199 VG 77 $20 AS ABOVE G 78 $5 1929-T2 Indianapolis 984 VG 79 $5 AS ABOVE F+ 80 $10 1929-T1 Indianapolis 9829 VG 81 $20 AS ABOVE F 82 $10 1929-T1 Kokomo 4121 VG Ink Stain 83 $5 1929-T1 Plymouth 2119 VG 84 $10 1929-T1 Rising Sun 1959 VG One corner torn 85 $10 1929-T1 Rushville 1869 G 86 $10 1929-T1 Shelbyville 7646 F+ IOWA 87 $20 1882-DB-Cedar Rapids M2511 VG Signatures gone 88 $10 1902-PB-Cedar Rapids 2511 G+ 89 $10 1882-DB-Denison M4784 VG Signatures weak 90 $20 1902-DB-Dubuque M317 F 91 $20 1902-DB-Keokuk M1992 F 92 $20 1882-DB-Sidney M5145 F Not signed by cashier 93 $10 1902-PB-Sioux City 3124 VG 94 $20 1929-T1 Belle Plaine 4754 VG+ 95 $10 1929-T1 Cedar Rapids 3643 VG 96 $20 1929-T1 Charles City 5979 F 97 $20 1929-T1 Clinton 994 VG 98 $10 1929-T1 Clinton 2469 VG 99 $20 AS ABOVE VG+ 100 $10 1929-T1 Coin 7309 VG+ AN EXTREME RARITY 101 $10 1929-T1 Forest City 5011 VG+ 102 $10 1929-T1 Iowa Falls 7521 VG 103 $10 1929-T1 Manilla 5873 VG Ink Stain 104 $10 1929-T1 Marathon 4789 VG 105 $20 1929-T1 Milford 9298 VG 106 $10 1929-T1 Prescott 5912 VG 107 $20 1929-T1 Rock Rapids 7089 VG+ 108 $20 1929-T1 Saint Ansgar 10684 ACU 109 $10 1929-T1 Sioux Center 7369 VG 110 $20 1929-T1 Webster City 1874 VG KANSAS 111 $10 1929-T1 Council Grove 5757 VG 112 $10 1929-T1 Kansas City 6311 F KENTUCKY 113 $10 1902-PB-Louisville 5312 VG 114 $10 1929-T1 Louisville 2164 VG 115 $20 1929-T1 Frankfort 4090 VG+ MAINE 116 $5 1902-PB-Portland 221 VF MASSACHUSETTS 117 $10 1902-PB-Webster 2312 SHARP VF 118 $100 1929-T1 Quincy 517 VF/XF MICHIGAN 119 $10 1929-T1 Alpena 2847 VG+ 120 $10 1929-T1 Battle Creek 7013 VG 121 $20 AS ABOVE G+ 122 $10 1929-T1 Battle Creek 7589 F 123 $10 AS ABOVE VG 124 $20 1929-T1 Coldwater 1924 VG 125 $10 1929-T1 Evart 12561 G+ 126 $10 AS ABOVE VG+ 127 $20 1929-T1 Flint 10997 VG+ 128 $10 1929-T1 Grand Rapids 13328 VG 129 $5 1929-T1 Ishpeming 5668 VG+ 130 $20 AS ABOVE VG 131 $10 1929-T1 Jackson 1533 G+ 132 $10 1929-T1 Ludington 2773 VG 133 $5 1929-T1 Marquette 12027 G 134 15 AS ABOVE VG 135 $5 1929-T1 Menominee 3256 G+ 136 $10 AS ABOVE G Lot DEN. s•ittEs fiOWN CII. # GRADE Lot DEN. SERIES TOWN CH. # GRADE 137 $10 AS ABOVE VG 138 $10 AS ABOVE Type 2 VG 139 $10 1929-T1 Muskegon 4398 G 140 $10 AS ABOVE VG 141 $10 AS ABOVE F 142 $10 AS ABOVE VF 143 $10 1929-T1 Muskegon 4840 VG 144 $10 AS ABOVE VF Stained 145 $5 1929-T1 Norway 6863 VG 146 $20 1929-T1 Sturgis 3276 G+ MINNESOTA 147 $20 1902-PB-Duluth 3626 G/VG 148 $10 1902-PB-Little Falls 4034 F/VF 149 $5 1902-DB-Minneapolis M2006 G 150 $20 1902-PB-Stephen 9064 G/VG 151 $10 1929-T1 Adams 8059 VF/XF 152 $20 AS ABOVE XF 153 $5 1929-T1 Austin 1690 F+ 154 $10 AS ABOVE VG+ 155 $20 AS ABOVE Type 2 VG 156 $10 1929-T1 Blooming Prairie 6775 VG 157 $10 1929-T1 Brainerd 2590 VG+ 158 $5 1929-T1 Coleraine 8322 VG 159 $10 1929-T1 Crosby 9838 G/VG 160 $10 1929-T1 Duluth 3626 VG 161 $20 1929-T1 Elbow Lake 4617 F 162 $5 1929-T1 Fosston 6889 G 163 $10 1929-T2 Harmony 8683 VG+ 164 $10 1929-T1 Long Prairie 7080 VG 165 $5 1929-T1 Minneapolis 710 G 166 $10 1929-T2 Minneapolis 710 VG 167 $20 AS ABOVE Type 1 VG 168 $0 1929-T1 Minneapolis 2006 VG 169 $5 1929-T1 Minneapolis 12972 VG 170 $10 1929-T1 Northfield 13350 VG 171 $10 1929-T1 St. Cloud 11818 VG Obverse ink stain 172 $10 1929-T1 Saint Paul 203 VG 173 $20 AS ABOVE Type 2 G 174 $20 AS ABOVE Type 2 VG 175 $5 1929-T1 St. Paul 13131 VG 176 $10 1929-T1 Spring Valley 6316 F/VF 177 $20 1929-T1 Stewartville 6330 VF+ 178 $10 1929-T1 Virginia 6527 VG Stamped Spring Valley on Reverse 179 $10 1929-T1 Welcome 6331 VG+ 180 $20 1929-T1 West Concord 5362 F MISSISSIPPI 181 $20 1882-DB-Lumberton S5613 AF MISSOURI 182 $10 1902-PB-Nevada M9382 G/VG 183 $10 1929-T1 Sarcoxie 6515 VG+ MONTANA 184 $10 1902-PB-Polson W9449 F NEBRASKA 185 $10 1929-T1 Albion 4173 VG+ 186 $10 1929-T1 Coleridge 10023 VG 187 $10 1929-T1 Grand Island 9395 VG+ 188 $20 1929-T1 South Omaha 8949 VG NEW HAMPSHIRE 189 $20 1929-T1 Portsmouth 1052 G+ NEW JERSEY 190 $20 1902-DB-Jersey City E3680 VG 191 $10 1929-T1 New Brunswick 587 VG 192 $20 1929-T1 Ridgewood 11759 VG NEW YORK 193 $10 1929-T1 Albany 1301 VG 194 $20 1929-T2 Cortland 2827 G/VG 195 $20 1929-T1 Norwich 1354 G/VG 196 $10 1929-T1 Oswego 255 G/VG NORTH DAKOTA 197 $20 1902-PB-Walhalla W9133 VG 198 $10 1929-T1 Dickinson 4384 VG 199 $10 1929-T1 Fessenden 5408 AF 200 $20 1929-T1 Grand Forks 2570 VG OHIO 201 $10 1929-T1 Bellefontaine 1784 AF 202 $10 1929-T1 Cambridge 1942 VG 203 $10 1929-T1 Cleveland 786 VG 204 $10 1929-T1 Dayton 1788 G/VG 205 $20 1929-T1 Dover 4331 VG 206 $20 1929-T1 Hicksville 5802 VG 207 $10 1929-T2 Hillsboro 9243 G/VG 208 $10 1929-T1 Mantua 5370 VG Ink stain on obverse 209 $10 1929-T1 Marietta 142 G/VG 210 $10 1929-T1 Miamisburg 3876 VG 211 $10 1929-T1 North Baltimore 4347 VG 212 $10 1929-T1 Sabina 8411 G 213 $10 1929-T1 Troy 3825 VG+ Ink stain on obverse 214 $10 1929-T1 Warren 2479 G/VG 215 $10 1929-T1 Youngstown 2482 VG Ink stain on obverse OKLAHOMA 216 $10 1929-T1 Yukon 10196 XF OREGON 217 $20 1902-DB-Portland P4514 VF 218 $10 1929-T1 Portland 4514 F PENNSYLVANIA 219 $10 1882-DB-Pittsburgh E2278 VG 220 $10 1929-T1 Apollo 5723 G/VG 221 $10 1929-T1 Wrightsville 246 VG 222 $20 1929-T1 York 197 G RHODE ISLAND 223 $5 1929-1 Providence 1302 VG+ SOUTH DAKOTA 224 $20 1902-DB-Madison W3149 AF One corner torn 225 $10 1929-T1 Egan 7252 VG TEXAS 226 $10 1929-T1 Cameron 5484 VG 227 $10 1929-T2 Dallas 3623 G/VG 228 $20 1929-T1 Fort Worth 3131 VG 229 $10 1929-T1 Houston 10225 VG 230 $20 1929-T2 Houston 10225 VG 231 $5 1929-T2 Mercedes 11879 VG 232 $10 1929-T1 Wichita Falls 4248 VG Ink stain on obverse UTAH 233 $10 1929-T1 Salt Lake City 9652 Very Good VIRGINIA 234 $20 1929-T1 Alexandria 651 G/VG 236 $10 1929-T1 Lynchburg 1522 G/VG 236 $10 1929-T1 Marshall 10253 VG 237 $10 1929-T1 Richmond 10080 VG 238 $20 AS ABOVE G/VG 239 $51929-T2 Staunton 1620 VG WASHINGTON 240 $20 1902-PB-Port Townsend 2948 VF 241 $10 1929-T1 Spokane 4668 AF WEST VIRGINIA 242 $10 1929-T1 Clarksburg 7681 AF 243 $10 1929-T1 Fairmont 9645 VG WISCONSIN 244 $10 1882-DB-Appleton M4937 VG 245 $10 1902-DB-Milwaukee M2716 AF 246 $10 1882-DB-Oconto M5521 VF Not signed by cashier SHARP 247 $10 1902-PB-Wisconsin Rapids M1998 VG 248 $10 AS ABOVE F 249 $20 AS ABOVE F/VF 250 $5 1902-PB-Wausau 2820 VG Signatures gone 251 $5 1929-T1 Antigo 5942 VG 252 $10 1929-T1 Appleton 1749 G 253 $10 AS ABOVE F 254 $10 AS ABOVE VF 255 $10 AS ABOVE XF 256 $10 AS ABOVE ACU 257 $10 1929-T1 Brillion VG 268 $10 AS ABOVE F 259 $10 AS ABOVE VF 260 $20 AS ABOVE VG 261 $20 AS ABOVE F 262 $20 AS ABOVE VF 263 $20 1929-T1 Chilton 5933 VG 264 $10 1929-T1 De Pere 6469 AF 265 $5 1929-T1 Eagle River 12124 VF 266 $20 1929-T1 Fond Du Lac 555 F 267 $5 1929-T1 Fond Du Lac 6015 G 268 $5 AS ABOVE VG 269 $20 AS ABOVE VG 270 $10 1929-T1 Green Bay 2132 VG 271 $20 1929-T1 Green Bay 2132 G+ 272 $20 AS ABOVE F/VF 273 $20 1929-T1 Green Bay 4783 AF 274 $10 1929-T1 La Crosse 5047 G/VG 275 $20 1929-T1 La Crosse 7347 VF 276 $10 1929-T1 Madison 144 G/VG 277 $20 AS ABOVE ACU 278 $20 AS ABOVE CU 279 $5 1929-T1 Manitowoc 4975 VG 280 $10 AS ABOVE AF 281 $20 AS ABOVE VG 282 $10 1929-T1 Marinette 4123 VG 283 $10 1929-T1 Marinette 4137 VG+ 284 $10 1929-T1 Marshfield 4573 VG 285 $20 AS ABOVE VG 286 $10 1929-T1 Menasha 3724 G 287 $10 AS ABOVE VG 288 $10 1929-T1 Medford 5695 VG 289 $10 1929-T1 Menomonie 2851 G/VG 290 $5 1929-T1 Milwaukee 64 VG+ 291 $10 AS ABOVE F 292 $10 AS ABOVE XF 293 $20 AS ABOVE F/VF 294 $10 1929-T1 Milwaukee 1003 F 295 $20 AS ABOVE VG+ 296 $5 1929-T1 Milwaukee 5468 VG 297 $5 AS ABOVE F+ 298 $10 AS ABOVE F/VF 299 $20 AS ABOVE VF 300 $5 1929-T1 Milwaukee 6853 F 301 $10 AS ABOVE VG 302 $10 AS ABOVE F 303 $10 AS ABOVE XF 304 $5 1929-T1 Milwaukee 12628 XF 305 $5 1929-T1 Milwaukee 12816 VG 306 $10 1929-T1 Oconomowoc 5505 VG 307 $10 1929-T1 Oshkosh 6604 VG 308 $10 AS ABOVE F 309 $20 AS ABOVE VG/F 310 $5 1929-T1 Oshkosh 9347 VF+ 311 $10 AS ABOVE VG 312 $10 AS ABOVE F 313 $10 AS ABOVE VF 314 $10 1929-T2 Oshkosh 13806 AF 315 $20 1929-T1 Racine 457 VG/F 316 $20 1929-T2 Racine 457 VG+ 317 $20 1929-T2 Rib Lake 6711 G/VG 318 $10 1929-T1 Sheboygan 11150 VG 319 $10 AS ABOVE F+ 320 $20 AS ABOVE VF 321 $10 1929-T1 Watertown 9003 VG 322 $10 AS ABOVE F 323 $10 1929-T1 Waukesha 2647 VG 324 $10 AS ABOVE F/VF 325 $20 AS ABOVE VG 326 $5 1929-T1 Wausau 2820 VG 327 $10 1929-T1 West Allis 6908 AF 328 $5 1929-T1 West Bend 11060 F/VF 329 $5 1929-T2 West Bend 11060 VG WYOMING 330 $20 1929-T2 Rawlins 4320 AF WANTED U. S. COLONIAL CURRENCY & DOCUMENTS Of The Era Of • LAND GRANTS • TREATIES • LOTTERY TICKETS • BONDS • SOLDIERS' PAY SCRIP • BROADSIDES Inquiries or want lists are respectfully solicited. We Are The COLLECTORS' DEALER. J. J. TEAPARTY 43 BROMFIELD ST. BOSTON, MA 02108 Tel. 617-542-0023 428-3298 Member: ANA SPMC PNG WANTED: RARE LARGE-SIZE NOTES We require RARE large-size notes in any grade; type notes in CU only (no Federals, please), in $1 through $100 denominations. We also need all grades large-size NATIONAL BANK NOTES, mainly FIRST CHARTER $1, $2 and $5; SECCOND CHARTER brownback $5s, and THIRD CHARTER RED SEALS $5, $10 and $20. TOP DEALER PRICES PAID FOR REQUIRED MATERIAL. We also pay top dealer prices for required "AMERICANA" WESTERN, INDIAN Cr TERRITORIAL items of mid-1840s to early 1900s ONLY, such as: broadsides, Gold Rush, Pony Express and Wells, Fargo memorabilia; documents, letters, coins, photos, law badges, signs, frontier artifacts, bars, books, autographs, checks, bonds, certificates, drafts, covers, Indian artifacts of all types (no current jewelry), pre-1898 firearms, etc. (No "Wells Fargo" buckles or reproductions of any kind, please.) WRITE or CALL (collect) first and describe what you have to offer. As dealers, we also have on hand a fine selection of notes and Western collateral for sale. Your inquiries are respectfully solicited. M. PERLMUTTER P. 0. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MA. 02159 Phone: 1-617 332-6119 Specializing in U. S. LARGE paper currency, Series 1861-1923, and Western "Americana." Researchers, Dealers and Appraisers. Contributors to the leading publications and trends in the field of U. S. paper money. Members of SPMC (948), ANA, ANS, PMCM, CCRT and other leading syngraphic, numismatic, exonumistic and philatelic organizations. COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CURRENCY FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Continental. $70. Counterfeit detector note. Un- numbered and unsigned, printed on blue paper. Jan. 14, 1779 $145 Continental notes by type. Date & Denomina- tion my choice. G/VG $18, F $28, VF $33, EF $45, AU $65 Connecticut. Oct. 11, 1777. Blue paper, 37347. uncanceled. CU $65 June 1, 1782. Fiscal Paper, for service in Conn. Line. F $20 Delaware. Jan. 1, 1776. Paper evenly aged. CU $75 Crisp, bright, AU $60 Maryland. March 1, 1770. denomination my choice. VG ....$15, F ....$25, VF ....$38, EF/AU ....$65 Apr. 10, 1774. F ....$30, VF/EF ....$35, EF ....$45 Dec. 7, 1775. VG ....$14, VG/F ....$20 Massachusetts. 1779. 4s6d. Rising Sun Issue, en- graved by Paul Revere. VG $95 May 5, 1780. Denomination my choice. All hole canceled. VF ....$23, EF/AU ....$35, EF ....$32, AU ....$38, CU ....$45 New Jersey. Dec. 31, 1763. plate B. Lite stains, CU $85 3s or 6s. Your choice of denomination and plate. CU $95 March 25, 1776. Denomination my choice but will try to accommodate. VG ....$15, F ....$20, VF ....$25, EF ....$32, CU ....$70 Notes signed by John Hart, signer of Declaration of Independence Is. sn 33042, plate C. Tip off rt. corner, VF $150 3s. sn 9314, plate A. strong signature, EF $180 15s. sn 5967, Bright, crisp with ghost of a fold. AU $225 New York. Sept. 2, 1775. $5, VG ....$40, $10, VG ....$40 • March 5, 1776. Denomination my choice. AG ....$13, G ....$25, VG ....$35, F ....$50, EF ....$95 August 13, 1776. AG ....$18, VG ....$35, F North Carolina. Apr. 2, 1776. $3. Alligator & Beaver. VG+ $275 $1/8. Lion. Crisp with minor 'thin'. Bright, nice, EF $500 Pennsylvania. June 18, 1764. 20s. Printed by B. Franklin. F $125 20s. Clean, VG $80 Apr. 3, 1772. My choice, VG ....$33, VF ....$45 Oct. 1, 1773. VG ....$15, VF ....$30, EF ....$42 Apr. 10, 1777. (black) VG ....$15, F ....$20, VF ....$25 (red & black) VG ....$25, F $30 Rhode Island. Jan. 15, 1776. 2810. VG+ $110 South Carolina. June 1, 1775. 10 pounds. split, taped, AG $75 Oct. 19, 1776. $6. sn 608. signed Berwick, Neyle. VF $225 Feb. 14, 1777. $30. Tip off rt. corner. Clean, Fine $95 Virginia. July 17, 1775. 3 pounds. sn 730. signed Norvell. F $50 May 6, 1776. 10s. signature and sn partially faded. G $45 May 5, 1777. $8. sn 5222. signed Dickson. Fine $75 Oct. 16, 1780. $100 with printed back. Thin paper, VF $125 All notes are guaranteed genuine and carry a seven day return privilege. I pay postage on all orders and send via insured mail. Personal checks must clear however when payment is in the form of cashiers check, money order, etc. orders are sent within 48 hours of receipt. N.Y.S. residents please add appropriate sales tax. I have several hundred different colonial and con- tinental notes in stock and would be pleased to receive your want list. S.A.S.E. gets complete, detailed price list. Thanks. STEVEN DUBINSKY P. 0. BOX 642, BARDONIA, N.Y. 10954 Phone 914-623-8198 Membership ANA, ANS, SPMC JOE FLYNN& SON IR ME COINS INC. = P.O. BOX 3140 KANSAS CIT1. KS.66103 2854 W. 47TH STREET PHONE 913136-7171 18 DIFFERENT-- $1 Silver Certificates All Series 1928 through 19578. Includes 4 Stars--Does not include 1928C, D, or E--Several With Double and Triple Matching Ending Num- bers. ALL Crisp Uncirculated $98.75 SET OF 6--- $1 Silver Certificates 1935G, 1935E, 1957, 1957A, 1935E Star E, and 1957 Star A With Last Three Matching Ending Numbers. Very Difficult to do these days!- ALL 6 Crisp Uncirculated $23.95 $ SC 1928 *A CU $60.00 $ SC 1928 HA CU 15.00 $ SC 1928 IA, AU 150.00Nice $ SC 19288 ZB VF 30.00Experimental $ SC 1928C CB VF+ 315.00 $ SC 1928C GB AU/CU 250.00 $ SC 1928D HB AU/CU 200.00 $ SC 1928D GB AU/CU 200.00 $ SC 1928E IB AU 565.00 $ SC 1935A MULES PA, QA, RA, SA, TA, each CU 15.00 $ SC 1935A North Africa *A ..AU/CU 200.00 $ SC 1935D Changeover Pair BG CU 30.00 STARTER BLOCK SETS-30 Different $1 SC Clocks in Several Series- CU $100.00 AU $65.00 EF $45.00 $1 USN 1928 AA CU 37.50 $2 USN 1928 AA CU 37.50 $2 USN 1928E *A VG 250.00 $5 USN 1928C GA CU 15.00 $5 USN 1928B 5'A CU 95.00 ALL 8 SERIES-$5 SC 1934 Through 1953B- CU $120.00- $5 SC 1934A North Africa K44 Issue CU $5 SC 1934A North Africa Trial 307 AU $5 SC 1934A MULES, DA, EA, FA, each CU $5 SC 1934B *11474444A VF $5 SC 19538 5'A VF+ $10 SC 1934A BA Trial Face 86 EF $10 SC 1934A North Africa AA Trial 86 EF $10 SC 1934B BA Available in All Grades Write $20 HAWAII 1934 LA MULE AU 265.00 $1 SC 1928A F66666604A CU 45.00 $1 SC 1935G (NM) C000007xxJ CU 10.00 $1 SC 1957 A000036xxA Both Plates #1 CU $1 SC 19578 S000012xxA CU (Three of the above in Consecu- tive #'s) CU $1 FRN 1963 C000066xxA Face Plate #1 CU (Three of the above in Consecu- tive #'s) CU $1 FRN 1974 H66666x66A CU Many, Many More Available Work With A Specialist GRAEME M. TON, JR. 203 47th Street, Gulfport, Miss. 39501 SPMC, PMCM (601) 864-5244 Thank You $35.00 50.00 20.00 55.00 235.00 50.00 50.00 8.00 4.50 13.00 4.00 11.00 8.00 WANTED KANSAS NATIONALS TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series $10 V.G. or better pay 450.00 Any Original Series $20 V.G. or better pay 600.00 Any Series of 1875 $50 V.G. or better pay 2250.00 Any Series of 1 875 $100 V.G. or better pay 2250.00 Any Brown Back $100 V.G. or better pay 650.00 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 V.G. or better pay 750.00 Any 1929 Type II $50 V.G. or better pay 550.00 CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $300 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in VG or better. #2192 #3473 #3791 #2640 #3512 #3805 #2954 #3563 #3807 #2990 #3564 #3812 #3002 #3567 #3833 #3035 #3569 #3835 #3090 #3594 #3844 #3108 #3667 #3852 #3194 #3695 #3853 #3199 #3703 #3880 #3249 #3710 #3900 #3265 #3737 #3928 #3384 #3751 #3963 #3386 #3758 #3992 #3394 #3769 #4150 #3431 #3775 #4288 #3440 #3776 #9097 #3443 #3787 #11887 (here are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. If you are selling rare Kansas Nationals elsewhere you are not getting top dollar. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals WANTED WANTED OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA NATIONAL BANK NOTES SMALL SIZE 1929 5126 WYNNEWOOD 8313 PAWHUSKA 0239 HEAVENER 5272 NEWKIRK 8472 OKLA. CITY 0240 HOLLIS 5298 DAVIS 8524 STRATFORD 0286 MADILL 5347 STI LLWATER 8563 LUTHER 0304 TECUMSEH 5546 PRYOR CREEK 8616 DUNCAN 0380 ACHILLE 5587 ALVA 8644 MINCO 0381 COLBERT 5811 MANGUM 8744 WAURIKA 0402 KAW CITY 5955 CHELESEA 8852 TEXHOMA 0548 RINGLING 5958 MARIETTA 8859 VERDEN 0573 VIAN 5961 PAWHUSKA 9046 SULPHUR 0689 COMMERCE 6113 ALTUSS 9709 WAYNOKA 0875 ERICK 6232 RALSTON 9881 KINHSTON 0960 POCASSET 6241 OKMULGEE 9888 HEAVENER 1397 TON KAWA 6299 COMANCHE 9942 TULSA 1763 CARNEGIE 6517 QU I NTON 9946 MARLOW 1913 IDABEL 6641 WANETTE 9949 NOWATO 2035 MOORE 6660 MCLOUD 9963 ELDORADO 2078 WELLSTON 6868 B EGGS 9964 GUYMON 2104 DEPEW 6879 COW ETA 9968 CORDELL 2117 PRYOR CREEK 6980 CALVIN 9970 STI LWELL 2130 BLAIR 7115 BROKEN ARROW 9976 SAYRE 2148 COYLE 7209 BERWYN 9980 HARRAH 2157 NORMAN 7278 THOMAS 9987 SHATTUCK 2472 ARDMORE 7724 WETUMKA 10003 BRAMAN 2801 HUGO 7811 WALTERS 10005 POND CREEK 3021 MADILL 7822 HASKELL 10020 GEARY 3751 OKMULGEE 8052 WEWOKA 10051 CHECOTAH 3760 FREDRICK 8138 GUYMON 10075 KAW CITY 3891 PONCA CITY 8140 FREDERICK 10117 CLAREMORE 4005 DURANT 8203 CHICKASHA 10151 EDMOND 4108 WALTERS 8294 MAUD 10205 MARLOW 4305 PAWHUSKA Will pay for VG to VF $75.00 VF to UNC $125.00 for above notes On above notes ship don't write. Will buy most all large notes on the State of Okla. Write. I am interested in many other states, Kan., West Texas, Ark., Ariz., New Mexico, Utah, Colo., Calif., Mont., Nevada and many more. Will buy complete collections, just write. Also wanted .series 1929 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE brown seal $5.00 San Francisco. Write state condition and price. HARRY SCHULTZ 9 BOX 66, KREMLIN, OKLAHOMA 73753 ANA 38362 AC 405-635-2377 SPMC 994 WANTED RHODE ISLAND OBSOLETE NOTES FROM THE FOLLOWING BANKS ANTHONY VILLAGE Coventry Bank ASHAWAY Ashaway Bank BLOCK ISLAND Island Bank BURRILLVILLE Burrillville Agricultural Bank CUMBERLAND Citizens Bank EAST GREENWICH Bank of New England Greenwich Bank GLOUCESTER Franklin Bank PASCOAG Granite Bank Pascoag Bank NEW PORT Aquidneck Bank The Bank of Rhode Island New Port Exchange Bank Traders Bank PAWTUXET Pawtuxet Bank PHENIX Phenix Village Bank PROVIDENCE Atlantic Bank Atlantic Mediterranean Banking and Navigation Co. Atlas Bank Jackson Bank Lime Rock Bank Marine Bank Mechanics Bank Mercantile Bank Northern Bank Pawtuxet Bank Roger Williams Bank Slater Bank Smithfield Lime Rock Bank State Bank Traders Bank Union Bank What Cheer Bank SCITUATE Scituate Bank SMITHFIELD Globe Bank Smithfield Union Bank SOUTH KINGSTON South Kingston Bank TIVERTON Bristol Union Bank WAKEFIELD Peoples Exchange Bank Wakefield Bank WARREN Hope Bank Sowamsett Bank WICKFORD North Kingston Bank North Kingston Exchange Bank Wickford Bank WOONSOCKET Producers Bank Railroad Bank Woonsocket Falls Bank Citizens Bank If you have any notes from the above banks or any other scarce Rhode Island sheets, proofs, scrip, etc. please state your asking price or send for my fair offer. If your notes are not for sale I would appreciate a photo copy for reference as I am nearing completion of the State of Rhode Island for the S.P.M.C. project. Also I have several rarities from oth r states if trades are preferred. ROGER H. DURAND P. 0. BOX 186, REHOBETH, MASS. 02769 MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED • Will Buy Any Condition If I Need The Bank. Keenly interested in Uncut Sheets & other material pertaining to National Banks from 1863-1935. List information and prices in first letter and send for prompt action to: • FRED SWEENEY KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 BOX 10144 BUYING U. S. PAPER MONEY I will match or exceed any other offer you may receive on any of the following: 1-LARGE TYPE NOTES-Choice Gem Condition. 2-NATIONAL BANK NOTES-Choice or desirable items and anything related. 3-OBSOLETE NOTES-Anything common to rare, all West- ern, Midwestern, all Scrip, Specimens, Proofs, Territorial. Anything related to Obsolete Banks & banking. 4-MARYLAND - NATIONALS, OBSOLETES-Any paper items for my personal collection. U. S. TYPE NOTES FOR SALE FR. #25-$1. - 1875 Legal. Series E. Rare and choice. The first time I have seen this note offered. XF/AU $950 FR. #27-$1. - 1878 Legal. Bright red tint. Gem Unc $275 FR. #63-$5. - 1863 Legal. Perfect early note. Gem Unc. $485 FR. #64-$5. - 1869 Legal. Technicolor - and a beauty. Gem Unc. $365 FR. #122-$10. - 1901 Legal. Buffalo - Gem $435 FR. #290-$10. - 1880 Silver. Rare. Only 6 of these type notes are known to be in existence. This one purchased as VF a few years ago but I call it VG+. It is well worn but nicely centered and has no tears or stains or other defects. A must as a type note and reasonable at $975 FR. #351-$l. - 1891 Treasury note. Autographed by Mor- gan and choice bright Unc. $295 FR. #363-$5. - 1891 Treasury note. Another beauty. Gem Unc. $545 FR. #1700-$10. - 1933 Silver Certificate. The rarest of small notes. Full XF $1150 OBSOLETE BANK NOTES FOR SALE CALIFORNIA-$20. Gazlay's Steam Book & Job Printing Of- fice. San Francisco, 1861. Tape repair-Fine+ $100 COLORADO-$l. Western Trading & Supply Co., Denver. No date. VG $95 $2. Same. VG $95 CONNECTICUT-$ Mechanics Bank of New Haven. Not listed by Wismer. ABC Durand and Wright. AU $70 ILLINOIS--$5. Dixon Hotel Co., Dixon. CU $39 IOWA-$1. Town of Bentonsport. 1857. Fine $65 MASS.-$5. Berkshire Bank, Pittsfield. 1806. F+ $19 MINN.-5c St. Anthony Scrip. D. B. Dorman, Banker. Signed: E. Hayes Co. R7. VG $75 15c same. Signed: A. Blakeman. R7. Lower left end gone. VG $55 MISSISSIPPI-$100. Real Estate Banking Co. of Columbus. R7. 1837. Fine $75 10c Sturgis & Hurlbutt, Meridian. R7. 1862. Fine $95 $100. Miss RR Co. Natchez R5. 1839. FVF $35 $50. Planters aBnk of the State of Miss. Natchez. R5. 1835 VG $35 $20. Bank of Port Gibson. R7. 18.... VG $65 25c West Felicianna RR Co., Woodville. R7. 1862. Fine $70 $2. Same. R6. Fine $60 NEBRASKA-$3. City of Omaha. 1857. CU $25 $1. Omaha City Bank & Land Co. 18.... FVF $25 $1. Bank of Tekama, Burt County. 1857. VF+ $19.50 $5. Same. 1857. VF $17.50 5-VIRGINIA - NATIONALS & OBSOLETES-Very high prices paid for scarcer items I can pay more because I have very little overhead. I collect & handle paper money only as a hobby. Please let me know what you have to sell. I think you will be pleased with my offer. The following items are offered with a money back guaran- tee. If you are not happy for any reason, return within 5 days of receipt and you will receive refund plus return post- age. In buying notes through the mail in the past, I have been disappointed with grading many times. Therefore, I have made every effort to accurately describe all items for sale. NEW HAMPSHIRE-$20. Piscataqua Exchange Bank, Ports- mouth. 18.... CU $14.00 NEW YORK-$100. J. T. Johnson, Ship Broker & Commission Merchant. VF+ $15.00 $5. N. Y. Exchange Bank, N.Y.C. 1840. XF $25.00 $50. Leater Man Bank of N.Y., Left end gone and very worn but RARE $15 NORTH CAROLINA-$3. Farmers Bank of N.C., Elizabeth City. Pennell #630. Hole cancelled. VGF $39 OHIO-$3. Jefferson Bank of New Salem. 1817. VG ....$24.50 $10. State Bank of Ohio, Farmers Branch, Salem. 1855. VG $11.00 OKLAHOMA-50c J. J. McAlester, Trade note. Indian Terri- tory. CU $49.00 $2. Same. CU $59.00 RHODE ISLAND-$1. Cranston Bank. W#122. AU $15 $5. Same. W#128. CU $25 $5. Farmers Exchange Bank, Gloucester. W# 198. 1809. Fine $12 $10. Same W#200. 1808. Fine $12 $5. R. I. Agricultural Bank, Johnston. W#213. 1834. Un- signed. Hole punched at sigs. CU $32 $5. Warwick Bank. W#1092. CU $15 TEXAS-$10. Treasury Warrant, Civil Service. Medlar #129. R3. 1864. AU $15 $5. Same. M#109. R4. 1862. VF $15 $10. Military Service. M#1 10. R2. 1862. XF $10 $5. Same. M#107. R3. 1862. VF+ $14 $2. R. W. Rodgers, Jordans Saline. R6. 1862. AU $56 $1. Washington County, Brenham. R6. CU $39 VERMONT-$5. Bank of Troy, Bennington. R5. 1859. Fine $45 $20. Bank of Castleton. Proof. R7. CU $110 10c. Lamdille County Bank, Morrisville. D. A. Gilbert. R6. VF $49 WISCONSIN-$l. Corn Exchange Bank, Waupun. CU $14.50 $2. Same. CU $18.50 $3. Same. CU $24.50 $5. Same. CU $14.50 CONFEDERATE-$10. Sept. 2, 1861. Cut cancel CR. #29. VG $27.50 $5. Sept. 2, 1861. CR. #31. Fine $47.50 All items include postage and five day return privilege. ARMAND SHANK, JR. Box 233 Lutherville, Md. 21093 301-666-7369 Evenings sou En' OF PAPER MONEY COLLEC"CORS INC dept. P Box 5043 Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 FRACTIONAL CURRENCYNATIONAL CURRENCY ... • 1902 $20 #4137 Marinette, Wi. VG/F .... 55.00 1902 $10 #4631 Lead, SD VF/XF 275.00 1902 $50 #E891 NY, NY XF 195.00 1902 $10 #3263 Independence, Iowa VF 65.00 1902 $10 #9174 SF, Ca. AU 65.00 1902 $10 #P7095 Colfax, Wash. F/VF 110.00 1902 Colfax, Wash. XF 185.00$10 #P7095 1929 $10 #7372 Bellingha, Wa. XF 65.00 1 929 $20 #10525 Tuckahoe, NY XF 60.00 1929 $20 #3417 Tacoma, Wash. VF/XF 35.00 1929 $20 #10167 Pasadena, Ca. Fine 50.00 1929 $20 #3355 Yakima, Wash. Fine 50.00 1929 $20 #1553 Portland, Or. XF 35.00 1929 $20 #11280 Seattle, Wash. XF 35.00 1929 $20 #3417 T2 Tacoma, Wa. XF/AU 75.00 1929 $20 #2928 Albany, Or. VF 115.00 1929 $20 #9207 Littlestown, Pa. XF/AU 65.00 1929 $20 #912 Manheim, Pa. VF/XF 65.00 1929 $10 #3001 Stevens Pt., Wi. F/VF 65.00 1929 $10 #2597 Ogden, Ut. VF/XF 80.00 1929 $20 #5413 Rawlins, Wy. VG/F 125.00 1929 $10 #6558 Murray, Ut. XF 250.00 1929 $20 #4287 Tucson, Az. VF 175.00 1929 $20 #3050 San Diego, Ca. AU 90.00 1929 $20 #11280 Seattle, Wa. T2 VF/XF 35.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven-day return privi- lege. Bank cards welcome, please send informa- tion as it appears on your card. Member ANA- RCDA-SPMC. BUYING: Nice condition fractional and/or related material, etc. Write, first, with description. Tom Knebl, ANA, SPMC, NASC, CSNA. It Took Our Secretary Six Weeks To Type Our Currency List The least you can do is send for it! Large and small Nationals, as well as many Type notes, kept her typewriter hum- ming for days. See for yourself and send us your name and address, and get a personal note of thanks from our secre- tary along with the lists! Send us your want list too she loves to keep files! SELLING: High quality and/or scarce notes, fully described and attributed. New list available on request, or send your want list. STEINMETZ COINS AND CURRENCY INC. 843 PARK CITY CENTER LANCASTER, PA. 17601 Phone 717-299-1211 AURORA COIN SHOP 507 3rd AVE. #5-PM SEATTLE, WASH. 98104 206-283-2626 NO BULL SMALL SIZE IOWA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED Just a sincere desire to buy your currency collection or single notes. We service many want lists for our customers, and need stock in nearly all areas of U. S. paper money. We are strong and fast buyers of any saleable item. Give us a try! STEINMETZ COINS AND CURRENCY INC. 843 PARK CITY CENTER LANCASTER, PA. 17601 Phone 717-299-1211 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals . Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES Blockton, 1st Nat. B. #8211 Laurens, 1st Nat. B. #4795 Bloomfield, Nat. B. of Bloomfield Linn Grove, 1st Nat. B. #7137 #9303 Macksburg, Macksburg Nat. B. Burt, 1st Nat. B. #5685 #6852 Casey, Abram Rutt Nat. B. #8099 Malvern, Malvern Nat. B. #8057 Clarence, 1st Nat. B. #7682 Monroe, Monroe Nat. B. #7357 Clearfield, 1st Nat. B. #9549 Montezuma, 1st Nat. B. #2961 Coin, 1st Nat. B. #7309 Nevada, Nevada Nat. B. #14065 Conrad, 1st Nat. B. #9447 Ottumwa, Iowa Nat. B. #1726 Davenport, 1st Nat. B. #15 Red Oak, Farmers Nat. B. #6056 Floyd, 1st Nat. B. #9821 Seymour, 1st Nat. B. #8247 Fontanelle. 1st Nat. B. #7061 Sigourney, 1st Nat. B. #1786 Fredericksburg, 1st Nat. B. #10541 Sioux City, Sioux Nat. B. #4510 Glenwood. Mills County Nat. B. Stuart, 1st Nat. B. #2721 #I862 Villisca, Nodaway Valley Nat. B. Griswold, Griswold Nat. B. #8915 #14041 Kanawha, 1st Nat. B. #9018 Williams, 1st Nat. B. #5585 Keokuk. Keokuk Nat. B. #14309 Wyoming, 1st Nat. B. #1943 WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOBOJI, IOWA 51355 A.N.A. Life #109 S.P.M.C. #2950 ODD DENOMINATIONS • lc Paper $14.50 60c Paper $ 7.50 15.00 Paper $20.00 1%c Metal $25.00 65c Metal $15.00 20.00 Paper $ 8.00 2c Paper $12.75 66%c Paper $25.00 25.00 Paper $20.00 2 1/,c Metal $10.00 70c Metal $15.00 30.00 Paper $25.00 3c Paper $15.00 75c Paper $ 6.00 35.00 Paper $25.00 3IAc Metal $12.75 80c Metal $15.00 40.00 Paper $25.00 4c Metal $15.00 85e Metal $15.00 45.00 Paper $25.00 5c Paper $ 4.00 90c Paper $12.50 50.00 Paper $15.00 6c Metal $15.00 1.00 Paper $ 3.00 55.00 Paper $25.00 6 1/4c Paper $12.75 1.25 Paper $14.00 60.00 Paper $25.00 7c Metal $15.00 1.331/3 Paper $25.00 65.00 Paper $25.00 8c Metal $17.50 1.50 Paper $15.00 70.00 Paper $25.00 10e Paper $ 7.50 1.75 Paper $15.00 80.00 Paper $25.00 llc Paper $25.00 2.00 Paper $ 6.00 100.00 Paper $15.00 12 1/2c Paper $11.50 2.44 Plastic $15.00 160.00 Metal . $25.00 15c Paper $ 8.00 2.50 Paper $16.00 200.00 Metal .. $25.00 16%c Paper $22.00 2.6623 Paper ....$25.00 500.00 Paper . $20.00 20c Paper $11.50 3.00 Paper $ 7.00 1,000.00 Paper $25.00 25c Paper $ 9.00 4.00 Paper $12.50 29c Metal $25.00 5.00 Paper $ 6.00 30c Paper $ 6.00 6.00 Paper $25.00 33 1 c Paper $22.00 7.00 Paper $25.00 40e Metal $17.50 8.00 Paper $25.00 50c Paper $ 6.00 9.00 Paper $25.00 10.00 Paper $ 6.00 PO Box 42043 Cleveland, Ohio 44142 216-884-0701 • FRANK F. SPRINKLE P. 0. Box 864, Bluefield, W. Va. 24701 WANTED * * New Jersey State Nationals * * (Small Size-Series of 1929) NORTH ARLINGTON, Charter No. 12033 PALISADES PARK, Charter No. 14088 (Large Size; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Charter Periods) FORT LEE, Charter No. 12497 HACKENSACK, Charter No. 1905 LYNDHURST, Charter No. 10417 NORTH ARLINGTON, Charter No. 12033 RAMSEY, Charter No. 9367 RIDGEFIELD PARK, Charter No. 9780 RIDGEWOOD, Charter No. 11759 The Above Nationals wanted in any condition and in any denomination. Just ship with best price for prompt payment to: WOODCLIFF INVESTMENT CORP. P. 0. BOX 135 LODI, N.J. 07644 PHONE 12011 327-1141 S.P.M.C. #2127 MASSACHUSETTS OBSOLETE NOTES * * * 5.00 Holyoke Bank, 1855. Fine. c.c. $9.00 5.00 Holyoke Bank, 1862. Fine. c.c. green 12.00 2.00 Agricultural Bank, 1856. Unc. 15.00 50.00 Bank of Brighton, 1853. Fine. c.c. 10.50 20.00 Bank of Brighton, 1852. Fine. c.c. 9.00 5.00 Worcester Bank, 1805. Scarce. Fine 22.00 2.00 Boston Bank, 1825. V.F. 17.00 1.00 Northampton Bank, 1863. Unc. 13.00 1.50 East Bridgewater Bank, u/s. Fine 23.00 5.00 Housatonic Bank, 1850. V.F. 12.00 1.00 Hampshire Bank, 1820. V.F. 12.00 2.00 Agawam Bank, 1863. V.F. 8.00 5.00 Southbridge Bank, 1859. Fine 8.00 10.00 Cochituate Bank, 1855. Red TEN. Fine 8.50 2.00 Cochituate Bank, 1855. Red TWO. Fine 7.50 5.00 Berkshire Bank, 1806. V.F. 9.00 5.00 Worcester County Bank, 1863. Fine 8.50 5.00 Lafayette Bank, 1837. V.F. 8.00 10.00 Merchants Bank, 1864. V.F. 12.00 10.00 Bay State Bank, 1864. Fine 7.50 5.00 Franklin Bank, 1834. Fine 7.50 10.00 Franklin Bank, 1833. Fine 7.50 2.00 Essex Bank, 1863. Unc. 18.00 Notes of all kinds in stock. Want lists solicited. Buy notes in any series. RICHARD T. HOO ' BER ANA 9302 P.O. Box 196, Newfoundland, Penna. 18445 FREE PRICE LIST • Send for our price list of U.S. Currency- All types. Hundreds of Nationals, Silver Certificates, Fractional, etc.-Large and Small. Supplies and Books Also some obsolete and foreign. We solicit your want list. • LOWELL C. HORWEDEL P. 0. BOX 2395P W. LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 S.P.M.C. #2907 P.M.C.M. #1177 A.N.A. LIFE MEMBER #1503 OBSOLETE NORTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY • WANTED I need North Carolina colonial and continental notes and obsolete North Carolina bank notes. I have many North Carolina duplicates that I will trade for North Carolina items that I need. Please write for my detailed want list. • CHARLES F. BLANCHARD P. 0. DRAWER 30, RALEIGH, N. C. 27602 Series 1969B 1969C 1974 Please pric,, or state trade considerations. JAMES E. LUND Route 3, South Lake Cowdry Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 BIk & Ser. # Within Ending Serial # Range B — 02C B99840001C - B99999999C B — 00C B99840001C - B99999999C B —02D B76160001D - B79360000D B — OOD 876160001D - B7936COSOD F —06A F99840001A - F99999999A F — 00A F99840001A - F99999999A "WANTED" A "CHOICE" CRISP UNCIRCULATED SET OF 1896 SERIES • "EDUCATIONAL NOTES". • Must be well Centered and Paper Shade Matched in all Three Notes. PLEASE WRITE; STATE PRICE WANTED. ALL LETTERS AND OFFERS WILL BE GIVEN MY IMMEDIATE AND PERSONAL ATTENTION. DO NOT SEND NOTES EX- CEPT UPON MY REQUEST. • ROBERT A. CONDO P. 0. BOX 304, DRAYTON PLAINS, MICHIGAN 48020 ANA LIFE #813; SPMC #2153 rLOOK FORS THESE FACES WHEN BUYING OR SELLING! Whether it's rare U.S . Currency, Obsoletes, Bank Notes, Texas Documents, etc., we'll be happy to provide quotes or arrange to include your material in any of our auctions. Call us at (512) 226-2311 NEEDED to maintain integrity of collection $1.00 C.U. FRN'S OBSOLETE PRICE LISTS 2,000 notes offered for sale : Request one (or more) individual lists : • Southern State Broken Bank Notes, Scrip • Virginia Collection, offered individually • Misc. States, BBN and Scrip • List of Penna., Uncut Sheets All States, Proof Notes, College Cur- rency, Depression Scrip, Other Related Notes, Historical Item, • Fractional Currency • Confederate Currency Enclose 10c SASE. Please describe in detail what notes are of interest, which states you collect. DONALD E. EMBURY SPMC 3791 P. O. BOX 61, WILMINGTON, CA 90744 4;4411 r 220 Alamo Plaza Ail San Antonio, Texas 78205 AI Weedievect RARE COINS AND CURRENCY 44, BETTY Beside the Alamo MEDLAR BOB MEDLAR STOCK CERTIFICATES - OLD CHECKS Interesting. Unusual. 50 different stock certificates including rail- roads only $39.50. 100 different old checks—nice selection $29.50. Collections, Accumulations Wanted. CLINTON HOLLINS P. 0. BOX 112, DEPT. 112 SPRINGFIELD, VA 22150 (65) WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY of NEW JERSEY WILLIAM H. HORTON, JR. P. 0. Box 302 Cliffwood, N.J. 07721 201-566-0772 WANTED I need First and Second Charter Notes on Cincinnati. Am also hoping to locate large-size notes on these Ohio towns in particular: Madisonville Loveland New Richmond Mount Washington Georgetown Lockland FOR SALE Many parts of my collection other than Ohio notes will be sold in the next few months. My holdings consist mostly of large-size and fractional currency. A partial listing will be pre- pared about October 15. Write for your free copy. WILLIAM P. KOSTER SPMC #3240 ANA #70083 8005 So. Clippinger Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45243 Telephone (Evenings): 513/561-5866 I NEED SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY I WANT TO BUY ALL TYPES OF SOUTH CAROLINA PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION. I Need PROOF NOTES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES S.C. NATIONAL BANK NOTES CITY, TOWN & PRIVATE SCRIP I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. PLEASE WRITE FOR MY DETAILED WANT LIST. I Also Collect — PROOF NOTES WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN NOTES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIGNETTES USED ON BANK NOTES COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS BANK NOTE REGISTERS SPMC #8 J. ROY PEN NELL, JR. ANA #11304 P. 0. BOX 858 ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 olsMA Tie Ala "i 4MFM/LF ANA 4295 LM No. 101 November 10 Is The Date Donlon Mail Bid Sale SEND $3.50 FOR WELL ILLUSTRATED CATALOG Including Prices Realized after sale. Mailing catalogs October 1. Order early. OVER 400 NATIONALS From Many States. Large Size And 1929 Series • FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Singles, Strips And Blocks • UNCUT SHEETS 1929 Nationals, Obsoletes, And Others • WELL OVER 900 LOTS. ABOUT 100 ILLUSTRATIONS. OUR 10th MAIL BID SALE AND PROBABLY THE BEST. ORDER CATALOG AND BE CONVINCED. • 1977 Edition Donlon Catalog, "U.S. Large Size Paper Money" Revised by A. M. & Don Kagin, $3.95 ppd. Autographed if requested. Back Issues Donlon Sale Catalogs, Nos. 2 to 8, $3. for one, $2. each additionals. Sorry Nos. 1 and 9 sold out. WILLIAM P. DONLON Specializing in United States Large Size Paper Money. P. 0. Box 144, Utica, New York 13503