
Paper Money - Vol. XVI, No. 6 - Whole No. 72 - November - December 1977

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0the Ba Note Issues from borough, Georgia by Gary L. Doster ,,,mkkl.Mtkk■ November • December 1977 Volume XVI No. 6 Whole No. 72 Bahamas Government Treasury Notes of 1868-1869 by Samuel L. Smith PLUS: John Isted's Historical Vignettes Signers of the First Issue ontinental Currency ph R. Lasser !MONTHLY PUBLICATION 0 edateg RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 It pays t O look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. VOL XVI—No. 6 Whole No. 72 Nov/Dec 1977 DOUG WATSON, Editor Box 127 Scandinavia, WI 54977 Tel. 715-467-2379 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS & MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111. IN THIS ISSUE THE BANK OF GREENSBOROUGH, GEORGIA Gary L. Doster 325 FIRST ISSUE OF CONTINENTAL CURRENCY AND ITS SIGNERS Joe Lasser 330 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA Mike Carter 342 THE BAHAMAS GOVERNMENT TREASURY NOTES 1868-1869 Samuel L. Smith 352 HISTORICAL VIGNETTES John Isted 358 REGULAR FEATURES PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 362 SECRETARY'S REPORT 365 MONEY MART 368 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. Whole No. 72 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.. J. Roy Pennell. Jr.. P.O. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29622. Second class postage paid at Anderson, SC 29621 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. (c) Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1977. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $10. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. ADVERTISING RATES Contract Rates SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover 548.00 1130.00 1245.00 Inside Front & Back Cover 45.00 121.00 230.00 Full page 39.00 105.00 199.00 Halt-page 24.00 65.00 123.00 Quarter-page 15.00 40.00 77.00 Eighth-page 10.00 26.00 49.00 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; engravings & artwork at cost + 5%; copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue). Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related hereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. Page 32 3 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert E. Medlar, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 VICE PRESIDENT Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105 SECRETARY Harry Wigington, P.O.Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111 TREASURER C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 APPOINTEES EDITOR Doug Watson, P.O. Box 127, Scandinavia, WI 54977 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, 7425 South Woodward Ave., Apt. 214, Woodridge, IL 60515 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, Jr. Roy Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J. Thomas Wills, Jr. Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non- profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES -The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Dues for the first year are $10. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for sale for $1.50 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at one time, please include $0.25 per issue for postage. We have only the issues listed for sale. Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of members only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) IVO'. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37) information, write the Librarian-Wendell Wolka, P.O. Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 2 (No. 38) Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. 60521. Vol. 10, 1971. No. 3 (No. 39) Vol. 3, 1966, No. 1 (No. 17) BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" Vol. 5, Vol. 5, Vol. 5, 1966, 1966, 1966, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. 18) (No. 19) (No. 20) Vol 11, Vol 11. Vol 11, 1972, 1972. 1972, No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 (No. 41)1 (No. 42) (No. 43) FLORIDA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Freeman . . . Non-Member. . $6.00 $10.00 Vol 11. 1972. No. 4 (No. 44) MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Rockholt . $6.00 Vol. 6, 1967, No. 1 (No. 21) Non-Member. $10.00 Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) Vol 12, 1973, No. 1 (No. 45) Vol. 6, 1967. No. 3 (No. 23) Vol 12, 1973, No. 2 (No. 46) TEXAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Medlar $7.50 Vol. 6, 1967. No. 4 (No. 24) Vol 12, 1973. No. 3 (No. 47) Non-Member. . $12.00 Vol 12, 1973, No. 4 (No. 48) MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Wait $10.00 Vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) Vol 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49) Non-Member $14.50 Vol. 7, Vol. 7, Vol. 7, 1968, 1968, 1968, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. 26) (No. 27) (No. 28) Vol 13, Vol 13, Vol 13, 1974, 1974, 1974, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. 50) (No. 51) (No. 52) NATIONAL BANK NOTE ISSUES OF 1929-1935, Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum $9.75 Vol 13, 1974. No. 5 (No. 53) Non-Member, . $12.50 Vol. 8, 1969, No. 1 (No. 29) Vol 13, 1974, No. 5 (No. 54) MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP, Vol. 8, Vol. 8, Vol. 8, 1969, 1969, 1969, Nu. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. 30) (No. 31) (No. 32) Vol 14, Vol 14, Vol 14, 1975, 1975. 1975, No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 (No. 55) (No. 56) (No. 57) Leggett Non-Member. . $6.00 $10.00 Vol 14, 1975, No. 4 (No. 58) Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. Vol. 9, 1970. No. 1 (No. 33) Vol 14, 1975, No. 5 (No. 59) Vol. 9, 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Vol 14, 1975, No. 5 (No. 60) ORDEIZING INSTRUCTIONS Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 (No. 35) 1 Give complete description Lx all items ordered. Vol. 9, 1970, No. 4 (No. 36) Index Vol. 1-10 51.00 2 Total the cost of all publications ordered. - The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S.C. 29622 .3.ALI_ publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies oI Paper Mu,c y . 4. Enclose payment (U.S. Muds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to) Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks (or delivery. We hive no control or your package after we place it in t Ile 11 -111 ilS. Page 324 Paper Money Whole No. 72 Page 325 Figure 1. Genuine note of first issue with hand-written signatures, dale and serial number. THE BANK GREENSB by Gary L. Doster "This old 'wildcat' bank was chartered in 1856, operated until November, 1857; folded its tent and its owners fled between suns. They carried their printing outfit with them and flooded the country with worthless notes." So wrote Dr. Thaddeus Brockett Rice in History of Greene County Georgia 1786-1886. However, the story of the Bank of Greensborough (Ga.) is not quite so simple. The bank did have its beginning in 1856. According to The Statutes of the State of Georgia 1856, the Bank of Greensborough, along with 21 other banking institutions, was issued a charter in Georgia that year. There was no newspaper in Greensborough at that time, but a legal notice in The Temperance Crusader in the nearby town of Penfield further substantiated the birth of the bank. The following notice appeared in the October 11, 1856, issue of the weekly paper: Bank of Greensboro' The capitol stock of said bank having been subscribed, the Stockholders are herby notified to meet at Greenesboro on Saturday the 25th of October inst., for the purpose of electing a Board of five Directors for said Bank, and other such Officers as may be necessary and proper for the organization of said Bank agreeably to the provisions of its charter. Issac Morrison, W.L. Strian, George 0. Dawson, Jas. L. Brown, Y.P. King, Francis H. Cone, F.C. Fuller. Two days after this meeting the first notes issued by the bank appeared bearing the hand-written date of October 27, 1856 (Fig. 1). Denominations included $1.00, 2.00, 5.00, and 10.00 notes with the denominations overprinted in large, red, block letters. Six months later a second issue was emitted identical to the first except for the written date of May 2, 1857. Things looked prosperous, but, like so many banks of the time, its days were numbered. On October 15, 1857, five months after the second issue of currency, and almost exactly one year after the bank's inception, the following news item appeared in The Temperance Crusader: The Greensboro' Bank Amid the almost universal suspension and crash of Banking Institutions, the above "wildcat" concern, on Thursday night last, broke too and has not been heard of since.—The whole concern left under the cover of night at Railroad speed, and we guess either their exchange (of climate) is not yet suspended. We do not think they had a great many notes in circulation in this section nor in this State. Attachments have been levied on all the furniture which they left, but it will not amount to a great deal we presume. Dr. Rice's data in his Greene County history would suggest that the hank was destined to fail from the beginning. According to him the original charter of the Page 326 bank bore the names of some of Greensboro's finest citizens but some of these men died about the time the charter was issued and they never actually opened the bank. None of the gentlemen who actually did open the bank were supposed to be natives of Greensboro, but were said to be adventurers from somewhere in "Yankeeland." They reportedly were looking for an opportunity and upon hearing the charter had been issued, came to Greensboro and bought or otherwise acquired the charter, and proceeded to open and operate the bank. Greene County legal records of October, 1857, show that James L. Brown filed a writ of attachment against the bank for rent past due in the amount of $37.50. The property of the bank was seized and the next six consecutive weekly issues of The Temperance Crusader carried the following legal notice: Greene Sheriff's Sale Will be sold before the Court House door in the City of Greenesboro' on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale the following property to-wit: One marble top Wash Stand and contents, One Bowl and Pitcher, One Water Bucket and Cocoa Dipper, One Round Table and Cover, One French Beadstead, Two Mattresses, two Pillows, one Bolster and one lot Bed Clothes, One Bureau, Looking Glass and contents, One C.C. Chamber, One Rocking Chair, Six Cane Bottom Chairs, One Iron Safe and contents, One Pr. Shovel and Tongs, One Pr. Andirons, One Box and contents, One Tin Lamp, One Foot Tub, One Pit Box, Two Desks, One Broom and Foot Matt, One Carpet, all levied on as the property of the Bank of Greenesboro' to satisfy a Distress warrant in favor of James L. Brown. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Greenesboro', Oct. 15, 1857. C.C. Norton, D. Sheriff The story would appear to end here, but instead takes an interesting turn. Charles C. Norton, the Deputy Sheriff who executed the sheriff's sale somehow got into the banking business. His name disappeared from legal notices in the Paper Money newspaper and County Court records, and it is assumed he quit law enforcement. It is not clear what transpired between the closing and reopening of the bank, but a legal notice in the June 3, 1858, issue of The Temperance Crusader read as follows: Bank of Greenesborough Statement of the Bank of Greenesborough at the close of Business on Saturday the 15th day of May, 1858. Assets: Notes discounted, $41,187.50 Plates, Books & Stationery, 1,000.00 Cash on hand, 7,500.00 Due from other Banks, 12,500.00 Expenses for Salaries, &c. 352.75 Office Furniture 175.00 $62,715.25 Liabilities: Capital Stock Subscribed, $200,000 25 per cent. paid in $50,000.00 Circulation, 10,599.00 Profit, 2,116.25 Due to Depositers, 000.00 $62,715.25 Stockholders: E. Keach, 800 Shares at $100, $80,000 F. W. Perry, 545 Shares at $100, 54,500 R. B. Wight, 235 Shares at $100, 23,500 Wm. Keach, 400 Shares at $100, 40,000 H. B. Godard, 20 Shares at $100, 2,000 $200,000 Georgia, Greene County: Personally appeared before me, H.B. Hodard, President, and Chas. C. Norton, Cash. of the Bank of Greenesborough, and made oath that the foregoing Figure 2. Note issued by Norton and Keach with handwritten signatures, date and serial number. Whole No. 72 statement from the Books of the Bank is just and true, to the best of their knowledge and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before me, 17th May, 1858. A. L. WILLIS, J. I. C. H. B. Godard, President, C. C. Norton, Cashier. An issue of bank notes appeared bearing hand-written signatures of former Deputy Sheriff Norton and the major stockholder, E. Keach, along with written serial numbers, and various dates of May, 1858 (Fig. 2). Another issue closely followed the next month, but with printed signatures, serial numbers, and the printed date of June 1, 1858 (Fig. 3). Both of these issues included $1, $2, $5 and $10 notes, and had the denomination overprinted in large blue block letters. This second birth of the bank apparently was short-lived, however, as there are no further issues of genuine notes known from the bank, and records show that Deputy Norton resumed his legal duties with the county a few months later. His name began re-appearing in the legal ads of The Temperance Crusader with the issue of September 30, 1858. Again it would appear that our story has come to an end; but not so. Next come the apparently fraudulent notes of J.H. and O.S. Stevens. In his Greene County history, Dr. Rice identified them as brothers from the State of Maine. He stated that they apparently came into possession of the plates of the notes on the now defunct Bank of Greensborough and issued bogus bills over a large area of the country. These notes bear their printed signatures, printed serial numbers, and the printed date of December 7, 1858 (Fig. 4). Like their genuine predecessors, they were printed in denominations of $1, $2, $5 and $10, but there was no overprint of the respective denomination. There is some question as to whether the notes issued by the Stevens' were actually fraudulent or simply a further attempt to revive the bank. There is also some questions as Page 327 to whether they actually acquired the plates of the notes, as it is generally understood that the printers of currency of the time did not allow the plates of notes they printed to leave their possession. It will be noted, however, in the above financial statement of May 15, 1858, that the bank listed among its assets, "Plates, Books, & Stationery— $1,000.00." It is thus obvious that the bank did have the plates and therefore the Stevens' could have gained possession of them. It is also quite possible that after the bank's last closing, they could have simply acquired any sheets of unissued remainder notes and added the printed signatures, numbers, and dates. Uncut sheets of this issue exist and of all the notes known, these counterfeits by the Stevens brothers are by far the most common. Altered notes of the Bank of Greensborough are known from the Clinton Bank, Clinton, Connecticut ($1), and the Cambridge City Bank, Cambridgeport, massachusetts ($5). An amusing anticlimax to the story occurred during the depression in 1930 when a Chicago bank sent a $5 Bank of Greensborough Note to the present Bank of Greensboro concerning any current value the note might have. The bank asked Dr. T.B. Rice, County Historian, to respond to the inquiry. His reply was as follows: We thank you for sending us the $5.00 note issued by the Bank of Greensboro on December 7, 1858 for redemption. We are not disposed to figure the compound interest on the amount, but straight interest for 72 years at 8% per annum to $28.80, and the face value of the note being $5.00, brings the total up to $33.80. We do not believe in being close and stingy in a transaction of this kind, therefore we are going to show you how liberal we Greensboro people are, by enclosing you 1-$100.00 bill, 1-$20.00, 1-$10.00 and 1-$5.00, making a total of $135.00 in full payment of the $5.00 note that you sent us. We interpret the pictures on the note that you sent us to mean that the Bank at taht time had some sheep to Figure 3. Note issued by Norton and Keach with printed signatures, date and serial number. Page 328 Paper Money Figure 4. Apparent fraudulent note issued by the Stevens brothers with printed signatures, date and serial number. shear, lots of timber to cut, and corn to gather. And the assumption is that these items were the Security offered to him who accepted the note. From the best information we can gather, there was a man by the name of Sherman, who passed through this part of the country soon after this note was issued and gathered up the sheep and corn to feed his army. The timber was cut into lumber to build houses. And the a-fore-said Sherman came along and burned the houses after he had "sacked" their contents. And we have an idea that one of his soldiers found this note among other things that he "salvaged" before applying the torch. Had Mr. Sherman not been so careless with fire on his famous march, the Bank might have realized on the assets depicted on its notes, and retired them long ago.— To be serious, the note that you sent us is of no value, as the Bank that issued it ceased to function during the War Between the States. The present Bank of Greensboro has no connection with the bank of the same name that existed at that time.— We would like to keep the note you sent us as a souvenir, but unless you are perfectly willing for us to have it, we will return it. You may keep the Confederate bills that we enclose whether you accept them in exchange for the note that you sent or not, as the writer has more of them (face value) than he has in the coin of the realm under the present regime. We greatly appreciate your sending us the $5.00 note. Also your courteous letter making inquiry about its value etc. Yours very truly, T.B. Rice Appreciation is extended to the following individuals for loaning notes and furnishing information: Charles J. Brockman, Herbert Eccleston, Mack Martin, Gene Massey, Claud Murphy, Jr., A.F. Nader, and Chuck Straub. Special thanks to Miss Donna E. Wood for typing the manuscript. REFERENCES Mascalus, John A. 1973. Altered Bank Notes. Bank Note Reporter. Vol. 1, Nos. 5, 6, 8. Rice, T.B. 1961. History of Greene County, Georgia, 1786-1886. Edited by Carolyn White Williams. J.W. Burke Company, Macon, Georgia. Pp. 456-459. Greene County Inferior Court Proceedings. June, 1857, to June, 1864. Record Book Q. Pp. 135-137. The Temperance Crusader (weekly newspaper). 1856-1858. Penfield, Georgia. MEDLAR HONORED Our Society can take pride in the fact that the second highest honor the ANA awards was bestowed on our president, Bob Medlar at the Atlanta ANA Convention held Friday, August 26th, Bob was called from his bourse table to the Awards Meeting, ostensibly to assist in a paper money award. Instead, he was presented the ANA Award of Merit by outgoing ANA President, Virgil Hancock. He is the second SPMC Member to receive this award, Aubrey Beebee having received it several years ago. We can all take pride in this award as Bob states his recognition stemmed, in part, from the direction and fine cooperation all members have rendered the Society to make it pre-eminent in the hobby of numismatics. SHOW DATES ANNOUNCED The International Paper Money Show will be held June 2, 3, 4, 1978 at the Holiday Inn-Rivermont in Memphis, Tennessee. More information will be printed in Paper Money as it becomes available. Whole No. 72 Page 329 RARE UNCUT SHEETS Superb Crisp New Sheets. Put Your Collection in the Blue Ribbon Class with these Potential "Best of Show" Winners, Both Specially Priced: 1935-D $1 Silver Certificate Sheet (12). Clark/Snyder. Of the 100 Sheets that were issued, Chuck O'Donnell's 6th Ed. Records only 37 Sheets reported. Lists $1,300.00 SPECIAL 995.06 1928-G $2 Legal Tender Sheet (12). Clark/Snyder. O'Donnell's 6th Ed. Records only 20 Sheets although 100 were issued. Over the Years many Sheets were Cut up. This Splendid Sheet Priced at 1,295.00 SPECIAL - This Super Pair of Uncut Sheets 1 995.00 Priced. Ask for our Bargain Lists Inc. Books & Accessories @ DISCOUNT Prices). Regular Sets Star Sets 1963 . . .(12) 27.75 (12) 30.75 1963A . .(12) 25.75 (12) 27.75 1963A . .( 5) 11.75 ( 4) 10.75 1969 . . .(12) 20.75 (12) 27.75 1969A . .(12) 19.75 (11) 26.75 1969B . .(12) 19.75 (12) 23.75 1969C . .(10) 17.75 ( 9) 27.75 1969D . .(12) 18.75 (11) 21.75 1974 . . .(12) 18.75 Soon Write All Above (99) 174.75 (83) 189.75 Any Above Set - with Last Two Nos. Matching add $2.00 per Set. RARE EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE MATCHED NUMBERED SETS 1935A $1 Special Issue-Red "R" & "5" + All Sets with the Same Identical Last Two The Last Two Serial Nos. Match. Nos. Prices NET: Superb Crisp New Now Rare . 249.50 1963/1974 All 9 Sets NET 208.50 Similar Pair-Crisp New But not quite as 1963/1969-D All 8 Star Sets (83) well centered 219.50 NET 212.50 SUPERB STAR NOTES WANTED $2 BI-CENTENNIAL SET Packs (100) 1969C $1 Dist. 12: 1974 S1 The Last Two Serial Nos. Match on all 12 Dists. 1, 3; 1976 52 Most Dists. Districts-Crisp New Postpaid . . 32.50 (Packs 100 or Less). Call or Write. BOOKS "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" Save $$$'s on Books .= Special 15% Discount (orders $20 or more (Except where Shown NET). Add 75¢ on Book Orders (Over $50 add $1.00 SASE for our BIG Book Lists (Over 100 Diff. Titles). $1 FEDERAL RESERVE SETS SALE Superb Crisp New Complete Sets. 10% Discount on Orders over $200.00 (All Other Notes NET = Attractively MIS-MATCHED ERROR NOTE 1957B $1 Silver Certificate = Serial Nos. start with U37 & U47. A Crisp New Gem Note 49.50 Same = in Lucite Holder (with title) 55.00 DeLorey/Reed's "Price Guide for Collectors of Modern U.S. Paper Money Errors" 124 pages, Illus'd. Values Ppd. at only 3.25 CONFEDERATE CURRENCY $10 "Ceres Reclining on Cotton Bale" Ty-46, Fine 8.95 $10 "Colombia, S.C. State Capitol" Ty-52. AU S5.95 ; CN 9.75 $2 "Judah P. Benjamin" Ty-54, AU 19.50 $100 "Lucy H. Pickens" Ty-56 . . . 29.75 $50 "Jefferson Davis" Ty-57 . . . . 27.50 S10 "Colombia, S.C. State Capitol", Ty-59, AU $5.95, CN 9.75 $5 "Capitol at Richmond, Va." Ty-60, AU $5.95, CN 9.75 $100 "Lucy Pickens" Ty-65 10.75 $50 "Jefferson Davis" Ty-66 7.75 $2 "Judah P. Benjamin" Ty-70 . . . 10.75 50¢ "Jefferson Davis" Ty-63 4.75 50¢ "Jefferson Davis" Ty-72 4.95 BRADBEER "Confederate & So. States Currency" Enlarged Reprint PPd.14.50 CRISWELL "Confederate & So. States Currency" 1976 Ed. Ppd. 15.00 SLABAUGH Confederate States Paper Money", Ea. Type Illus'd. Priced Ppd. only 3.50 SPECIAL = All Three NET 25.50 CRISWELL. North American Currency". 1st Ed. Incl. Canada. Illus., Vals. Out-of-Print 16.50 WISMER. "Obsolete Bank Notes of New England". Reprint, 310 Pgs., Illus 20.00 SPECIAL-The Pair-NET 29.50 FRIEDBERG. "Paper Money of the U.S.". 8th Ed., A MUST 17.50 HESSLER. New 2nd Ed. "The Compre- hensive Catalogue of U.S. Paper Money". Illus., Vals 25.00 SPECIAL-The Pair-NET 35.00 (Friedberg's + Hessler's 1st Ed- NET 27.50 #O'DONNELL 6th Ed. "The Standard Handbook of Modern US. Paper Money" 15.00 #Mention Your SPMC Nos. and Order O'Donnell's for PPD $10.95 KAGIN/DONLON'S "U.S. Large Size Paper Money 1861/1923". 5th Ed. Illus., Vals 3.95 HEWITT/DONLON "Catalogue of Small Size Paper Money". 13th Ed. . . . 2.50 KEMM'S "The Official Guide of U.S. Paper Money". New 1978 Ed.. . . 1.95 SHAFER. "Guide Book of Modern U.S. Currency". 7th Ed. 2.95 WERLICK. "Catalogue of U.S. & Canada Paper Money". 1974, Latest Ed. . 3.95 +SPECIAL-Above BIG Five-NET. 11.95 VAN BELKUM. "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period 1863-1935". Lists all Charter Notes (14,343). 14.50 (Add 5W for Your Name in Gold on any Book) "Aubrey and Adeline Bebee and Their Staff extend to all our Friends and Customers the World Over, Very Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of Peace-Good Health, Prosperity and Happiness". Please add $1.00 to Note Orders. Satisfaction Guaranteed (Ten Day Money-Back Return Privilege Always). MEMBER: ANA Life #110-ANS-PNG-SCPN-SPMC-1APN, Others. Bebee's, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 iw ELLERS The First Issue of Continental Currency and Its Signers by Joseph IL Lasser mAtti E1G1-r-P DOLL NRS: 0 ;110.. :41c (GET Y.DO. iG# 04 a:4 ^pQL L q,* v.Efntutaca N 100$ Whole No. 72 Page 331 When the second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775, delegates from 11 colonies were present. By May 15, Rhode Island and Georgia were also represented. The battles of Lexington and Concord had taken place; an English army was facing Boston and sizeable British forces were expected to sail into New York shortly. Clearly, the irreconcilable break between Great Britain and its American colonies had taken place; even though, for a short time, Congress continued to try to smooth British/American relationships. On May 25, Congress expressed its sentiments: "We most ardently wish for a restoration of the harmony" and resolve that "an humble and dutiful petition be presented to His Majesty." But the tide toward war moved rapidly. On June 9, Congress openly began ordering supplies for the Continental Army in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and on June 14, it resolved to raise six companies of riflemen in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia to go to the aid of the army. Wars must be financed, and as early as June 10, the New York Continental delegation wrote to its provincial congress "We may venture to hint to you that the emission of paper money will be discussed on Monday (June 12) and we expect to be able to present you with a determination of this important business which will free us from much anxiety." On June 17, James Duane, a New York delegate, again wrote to the New York Provincial Congress saying "The General Committee of the Whole Body (The Continental Congress) have reported a resolution to emit, in Continental paper currency, a sum not exceeding the value of two millions of Spanish dollars." On June 22, the resolution was passed and Continental Currency came into being. The following day, Congress approved the number of bills to be issued in denominations of $1 through $8 and $20. Then, almost a month passed and on July 21, Richard Bache, Benjamin Franklin's son-in-law; Stephen Paschall, another Philadelphian and Michael Hillegas, who later was to become Treasurer of the Continental Congress, were appointed superintendents of the currency press. Four days later, an additional $1 million of $30 bills was authorized. On that date, July 25, twenty-eight Pennsylvanians were appointed to sign the new Continental Currency, because the signing of the bills would "take more time than the members (of Congress) can possibly devote to that business, consistent with the attention due to the public service." Who were these men? Why were they selected? Were they simply minor functionaries fulfilling a clerical requirement? Or were they more than that? Were they substantial citizens, well-known in the community? After all, the job of signing currency was important and could be dangerously abused. Numismatic literature has paid virtually no attention to this aspect of Continental Currency. The few references extant have characterized the first signers as Philadelphia merchants, a neat general classification with no further specific identification except for the two members of the Continental Congress in the group, and a so-called Tory minister. The remaining 25 men have previously only been autographs on pieces of currency. Even the Journals of the Continental Congress do not give careful attention to the appointees. The names of seven of them are either misspelled or inaccurately recorded. Quite probably, however, the Continental Congress employed logical criteria in selecting men to sign currency. Only a fraction of our Colonial forefathers were literate and the city of Philadelphia had only approximately 23,000 inhabitants in the 1770s, thus making available a rather limited number of people who possessed a basic requirement—the ability to write their names. Obviously, the prospective signers also had to be sympathetic to the Colonial cause. And, if the men who signed the currency were men of some prominence and substance, the currency thereby might become more readily acceptable. Finally, if the signers were well-known in commercial circles as merchants and traders, then other merchants in the community would be more likely to accept the new notes in business transactions. Research into the careers of the 28 signers supports this deductive reasoning. Twenty were merchants, shipowners or traders; three were industrialists; two were ministers and one was primarily a lawyer. Eighteen of the group saw combat service, non-combat service or both during the Revolutionary War. No war records are available on five; two died in 1776 before they had an opportunity to serve and only three—two of whom were ministers—did not participate in military activities. Unfortunately, history has characterized one of the ministers, Thomas Coombe, as a Tory renegade. However, any inquiry into the awkward personal moral and ethical position of Anglican ministers during the revolution evokes a much more sympathetic appraisal. Neither Thomas Coombe nor Thomas Barton, Jr., the other Anglican minister who signed the May 10, 1775, issue, felt they could in good conscience take the oath of allegiance to the United Colonies. In their ordination vows they not only had pledged loyalty to the Anglican church but also to the King. As a consequence, taking the oath of allegiance could be considered a disaffirmation of their ministerial vows. In 1776, Coombe was forced to give up his assistant ministership at Christ Church, a major new church in Philadelphia. He was arrested prior to the British occupation of Philadelphia and in 1778 fled via New York to London where he eventually became Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, and a friend of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Samuel Johnson and Oliver Goldsmith. Thomas Barton, Jr., who has been given less historical attention, apparently experienced even greater personal difficulty. Barton was chaplain on the disastrous French and Indian War Braddock expedition to Fort Duquesne in 1755—where young George Washington, Braddock's aide-de-camp, distinguished himself by saving many soldiers' lives in covering the retreat of the troops. From 1759 to 1778 Barton served in ministries in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, even though American patriots forced him to close his churches in 1776. In 1778, Barton, like Coombe, fled to New York where he died in 1780. A final note of the stress felt by the Anglicans during the Revolution seems warranted. Although they represented a sizeable portion of the colonial community, especially in Pennsylvania, by 1776 when the third Continental Congress met; only one Anglican, William Whipple, remained as a Signers of May 10, 1775 Pennsylvania Navy Board, 1777. Committee of Correspondence, 1774-5. Fled to New York, 1778. Died, 1780. Member Continental Congress, 1785-7. Speaker Pennsylvania General Assembly. Colonel 2nd Regiment Philadelphia Volunteers, Sons of Liberty. Barclay, Thomas Merchant Barton, Thomas, Jr. Anglican Minister Bayard, John Merchant Volunteer Philadelphia Dragoons. Loan Officer for 1777 Continental Loan, Philadelphia County. Lieutenant Colonel 5th Philadelphia Battalion. Commissioner of Claims of Treasury. Pennsylvania General Assembly, 1782. Fled to New York, 1778. Appointed Chaplain in Ordinary to King, 1794. Philadelphia Minute Man May 22,1775. Director and Manager Philadelphia Almshouse, 1776. Philadelphia Justice of the Peace Oct. 2,1888. Commissioner Port of Philadelphia, 1750. Sheriff of Philadelphia County, Oct. 3,1771. Died, Jan. 1,1776. Early shareholder, Bank of North America. Ensign in Chief 1st Battalion of City of Philadelphia, May 10,1775. Member, Council of Safety. Member Pennsylvania General Assembly, 1784. Delegate, Provincial Convention July 15,1776. Trustee, University of Pennsylvania, 1791. Bunner, Andrew Merchant Clymer, Daniel Lawyer Coombe, Thomas Angelican Minister Craig, William Landowner Foulke, Judah Merchant Hazlehurst, Isaac Merchant Jackson, William Merchant, Landowner Jones, Robert Strettell Kuhl, Frederick Merchant Lawrence, Thomas (III) Merchant City (Philadelphia) "Vendue Master", 1776. Lewis, Ellis Merchant Died, early 1776. Lewis, Mordecai Merchant, Member, Fellowship Fire Company. Shipowner An initial Stockholder, Bank of North America. Continental Currency Mease, John Shipping Member Philadelphia 1st troop of cavalry. Merchant Admiralty Surveyor, Port of Philadelphia, 1796-1826. Meredith, Samuel Merchant, then Brigadier General, Pennsylvania Colonial Assembly. Civil Servant U.S. Treasurer, 1789-1801. Mifflin, George Merchant Deputy to Provincial Convention, 1775. Paymaster Pennsylvania 5th Battalion, early in war. Milligan, James Merchant Delegate, Provincial Convention, January, 1775. Auditor General for Pennsylvania, Feb. 15,1781. Morris, Anthony, Jr. Merchant & Major, Philadelphia Light Horse troop which served as Senior Washington's Bodyguard in Campaign of 1776-7. Shipowner Died, Jan. 3,1777. Morris, Luke Morris, Samuel Tanner, Lawyer, Merchant Nesbitt, John Maxwell Merchant, Businessman Port Warden for Philadelphia, 1778-83. Director, Hand-in-Hand Insurance. Founder of Pennsylvania Hospital, 1751. Vice-President, Council of Safety, 1776. Member, Board of War, 1776. Councellor of the State, 1776. Captain of Philadelphia Militia. Paymaster Pennsylvania Navy, 1775-1778. Treasurer, Pennsylvania Board of War. Enlisted City Troop, 1777. Bank of North America Founder. Insurance Company North America, First president and founder. Read, James Merchant Paymaster, Pennsylvania Fleet. or Trader Member Navy Board, 1780. Colonel of Pennsylvania Line. Director, Bank of North America. Director, Insurance Company of North America. Member 1st City Troop of Philadelphia. Roberts, Robert, Jr. Member 1st City Troop of Philadelphia. Shee, John Merchant Committee of Correspondence, 1774-5. Colonel 34th Battalion Pennsylvania, 1776. Board of War, 1777. Treasurer of City of Philadelphia, 1790-97. Sims, Joseph, Jr. Merchant Tuckniss, Robert Trader Indian Commissioner of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1750s. Page 334 congressional delegate. Others who had served in the earlier congresses apparently could not bring themselves to carry on a war with their mother country. Quaker patriots also were confronted with a difficult personal decision—that of bearing arms. It is impressive therefore to find that six of the signers of the May 10, 1775, issue can be identified as Quakers and that four of them saw military service. Three Quaker signers were members of the Morris family of Philadelphia, representing three different generations of this distinguished lineage. Luke Morris was a member of the second generation of the American Morrises and a brother of the Anthony Morris who had been mayor of Philadelphia in 1738. A prosperous and prolific family, Luke and Anthony II were part of a family of 15 children of Anthony Morris who had been a successful brewer, merchant and iron manufacturer. Luke was a merchant, a director of one of the earliest American insurance companies and a founder and active contributor to the Pennsylvania Hospital. During the Revolution, Luke held the post of warden of the Port of Philadelphia in 1778 and 1779. Luke's nephew, Samuel, a son of Mayor Anthony, was a merchant, tanner and later member of the Philadelphia bar. As early as 1752, Samuel participated in public service as sheriff of Philadelphia county. In 1755 he became a member of the common council of Philadelphia and in 1756 was appointed a commissioner by the Society of Friends (Quakers) to negotiate a treaty with the Indians at Easton, Penna. During the revolution, he was a member of the council of safety and board of war in 1776 and 1777, also a Councillor of the State in 1776. In his civilian career, he was a founder of the Pennsylvania Hospital, an organizer of the Bank of Pennsylvania and a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania from 1779 until his death in 1782. The sacrifice made by many Quakers who actively joined the American cause is demonstrated in Samuel's life: he was disowned by the Society of Friends for his participation in the Revolution. The youngest member of the Morris family signers was Anthony Morris, Jr., a nephew of Samuel and son of the third American Anthony Morris. Anthony Jr. was a prominent young businessman and socialite prior to the war. Born in 1738, he acquired his grandfather's mansion house and brewing operations in 1775 from other legatees in his grandfather's will. He was a member of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, and more importantly, a member of the Friends of Schuylkill, an elite club of country estate owners who, in the early months of the Revolutionary War formed the Philadelphia Light Horse Troop. Anthony rose rapidly in the troop from ensign to major, a substantial accomplishment in view of the fact that the troop was regarded so highly that it served as General Washington's bodyguard in 1776 and 1777. Regrettably, Anthony Jr. was mortally wounded at the battle of Princeton and died January 3, 1777. Two of the May 10, 1775, signers, John Bayard and Samuel Meredith, ultimately became members of the Continental Congress. John Bayard was a scion of an old American family. His great-great-grandfather had married a sister of Peter Paper Money Stuyvesant and emigrated from Amsterdam to New York when Stuyvesant became governor in 1647. John Bayard was born in Maryland on August 11, 1738. At age 18, he moved to Philadelphia to pursue a commercial career and quickly became a leading merchant. Very active in patriot causes, Bayard signed the Non-Importation Agreement of 1765, joined the Sons of Liberty shortly after its organization 1766, and supplied arms to Congress and outfitted privateers during the war. Appointed Colonel of the Second Philadelphia Regiment in 1775, he fought at Brandywine, Germantown and Princeton in 1776 and 1777. In March, 1777, Bayard became speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly and was re-elected to that office in 1778. In 1785, he was elected to the Continental Congress as a Federalist. Following his term, he moved to New Brunswick, N.J., and became mayor of the town in 1790. Samuel Meredith had a similarly distinguished career. Born in Philadelphia in 1741, the son of a prominent Philadelphia merchant, Meredith became an active patriot before the Revolutionary War, possibly being influenced by his personal friendship with George Washington. In 1775, he entered military service as a major of the Third Pennsylvania Battalion and ultimately rose to Brigadier General on April 5, 1777, receiving the appointment for gallantry at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. He held a number of significant civilian posts, being twice a member of the Pennsylvania Colonial Assembly and a member of the Continental Congress in 1787 and 1788. Unquestionably most importantly, he was the first Treasurer of the United States under the Constitution, remaining in office from 1789 to 1801, after which he returned to Wayne County, Penna., where he died February 10, 1817. A less-well-known signer, John Shee, also had a distinguished and active military career. Born in Ireland, Shee sailed to America in 1742 or 1743 with his father who became an important merchant. By 1770, John became a partner of Richard Bache, Benjamin Franklin's son-in-law. Well before the outbreak of war, Shee was visibly quite disturbed concerning British/American relationships. During 1774 and 1775, he served on the Committee of Correspondence of Philadelphia. With the start of hostilities, he became a captain of the Third Battalion of Philadelphia. Less than a year later, on January 3, 1776, he was elevated to the rank of colonel of the battalion. On April 4, 1777, he was appointed a member of the Board of War of Pennsylvania, the equivalent of our present military departments in the U.S. Cabinet. Following the Revolution, he was treasurer of the City of Philadelphia from 1790 to 1797 and, late in life, served as collector of the Port of Philadelphia, an appointment made by President Thomas Jefferson in 1807. James Read, who was the younger brother of George Read, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, had an even wider-ranging career. Early in the Revolutionary War, he became a first lieutenant in the First Philadelphia Battalion and participated in the battles of the crossing of the Delaware, Trenton, Princeton and Brandywine. For gallantry in these engagements he was promoted to colonel. Because of his exceptional abilities, he was appointed one of three Congressional Navy Commissioners on Nov. 4, Whole No 72 1778, and performed these duties so impressively that on Jan. 11, 1781, he was given sole power to conduct the Navy Board, thereby, in effect, becoming the Secretary of the Navy of the Continental Congress. Read's activities were not limited to military pursuits alone. A successful businessman, he was a director of the Mutual Assurance Company Against Fire, The Insurance Company of North America and for 18 years was a director of the Bank of North America. Daniel Clymer was a member of two distinguished Philadelphia families. The son of William Clymer and Anne Roberdeau, Daniel was brought up by his uncle, General Daniel Roberdeau, following his father's early death. A Princeton graduate, he became Lieutenant Colonel of the Second Battalion of the Philadelphia militia in 1776 and served as Deputy Commissioner General of Prisoners for the Continental Army from December 12, 1777, until 1781, in addition to acting as Commissioner of Claims of the Continental Treasury. Following the war, he resumed the practice of law and represented Berks County in the Pennsylvania State Assembly in 1782. Daniel's cousin, George Clymer, the only child of Christopher Clymer, achieved great distinction during the Revolutionary period. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, George was also Treasurer of the United Colonies and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Frederick Kuhl was an active merchant and grocer in Philadelphia from at least 1752 until 1807. His general ledger which still exists is filled with the names of prominent colonial families who bought all types of goods from him, ranging from nails and glass to flour and wine. During the Revolution, Kuhl served on the Committee of Inspection in 1775, was a member of the Council of Safety and a delegate to the Provincial Convention to frame a new constitution for Pennsylvania in 1776. After the war, Kuhl continued to serve the community as a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1784 and as a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania, appointed in 1791. In addition to his significant wartime service, John Maxwell Nesbitt unquestionably was one of the most important businessmen in Philadelphia during the latter part of the 18th Century. Nesbitt became paymaster of the Pennsylvania Navy in September, 1775, and later was appointed Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Board of War. Sensitive to the financial problems and requirements of both the military and civil aspects of the war, Nesbitt joined Robert Morris, John Nixon and George Clymer in forming the Bank of North America in 1781. He became a director of the bank upon its formation and remained on its board until 1792. Following his directorship at the Bank of North America, Nesbitt founded the Insurance Company of North America and was its first president from 1792 to 1796. John Mease, who is remembered in history as "the last of the cocked hats," was a shipping merchant who was brought to America by his father in 1754 at the age of eight. Shortly after the start of hostilities in 1775, Mease, by that time a young businessman, became a member of the First Troop of the City Cavalry of Philadelphia. He rendered distinguished service and was one of 24 men who Page 335 crossed the Delaware with Washington on Christmas Day 1779, and was one of the five Continentals that kept alive the fires along the line of the American encampment at Trenton, in order to permit the patriots to attack the British rear guard at Princeton. Well after the war, in 1796, Mease was appointed Admiralty Surveyor of the Port of Philadelphia, and because he continued to wear the three-cornered hat of the Revolution, he was given his unique nickname. Mease remained in his surveyor's post Until his death in 1826. No survey of the signers of May 10, 1775, issue can properly omit the Quaker shipowner, Mordecai Lewis. Philadelphia was a major American shipbuilding and shipping center and Mordecai Lewis was extremely active in maritime pursuits prior to and during the Revolution. He was owner and part owner of several vessels including the brig, Sally, built in Philadelphia in 1774 and the ship, Bisset (also partly owned by Samuel Meredith) built in Philadelphia in 1769. Lewis obviously was strongly conscious of his community responsibilities even though he did not bear arms. He was a member of the Fellowship Fire Company of Philadelphia and also Treasurer of the Pennsylvania Hospital, a post held by his descendents for three succeeding generations. Historical records disclose basically similar biographies of varying degrees of distinction of the other 14 signers. A common thread is evident in the lives of all 28 men. They served their community and nation with the best of motives according to the dictates of their consciences. Predominantly of English, Irish and Welsh stock like most of their countrymen, at first their gestures of dissatisfaction took the form of peaceful protest. Ten of the May 10, 1775, signers are among the Philadelphians who signed the 1765 Non-Importation Agreement. Eighteen, as previously indicated, saw military service. Fourteen held political offices at some time during their lives and a number of the May 10, 1775, signers clearly were important figures in the commercial life of Philadelphia. Their significance to the city is symbolically set forth in the OCtober 21, 1784, list of merchants compiled for the purpose of forming a Chamber of Commerce. Twelve of the May 10, 1775, currency signers are included. How well they performed their assigned task of signing Continental Currency is difficult to assess. The Journals of the Continental Congress reveal that on Nov. 10, 1775, the congressional delegates from Pennsylvania were asked to call on the signers of the May, 1775, issue to complete their work and on Nov. 28, 1775, one daSr before the second issue of Continental currency was authorized, Congress ordered Robert Morris to "call on the several persons appointed to sign the Continental bills, and desire them, with all possible expedition, to finish the numbering and signing said bills, as the money is much wanted." As a consequence, it is significant to note that of the 36 men who were appointed on Dec. 11, 1775, to sign the second issue of Continental Currency, 15 were reappointments from the May 10 issue. Thus, it appears appropriate to conclude that Congress believed the initial group of signers had carried out their' duties reasonably Continued on ptige 367 , Page 336 Paper Money NATIONAL CURRENCY DEN. & SERIES ALABAMA CITY CHARTER # GRADE PRICE DEN. & SERIES CITY CHARTER # GRADE PRICE S10 1902 Ensley N.B. of Birmingham-hq: 1932 12906 VG S 66.50 S10 1929-11 1st N.B. of Baltimore 1413 XF 38.50 $20 1902 E. Alabama N.B. of Eufaula-Reo: 1929 3622 AU 275.00 °S20 1929-I 2nd N.B. of Cumberland 1519 F 55.00 $10 1902 City N.B. of Selma 1736 VG 66,50 95 1929-1 N.B. of Opelika 11635 VG 34.50 MASSACHUSETTS $10 1929-I 1st N.B. of Tuskaloosa 1853 82.50 S5 1882-BB 1st N.B. of Attleboro 2232 XF 195.00 Sly 1882-BB Atlantic N.B. of Boston-Lict: 1932 ARKANSAS Vert. Cht# 643 CU 375.00 S5 1902 Benton County N.B. of Bentonville- $5 1902-DB State N.B. of Boston-Liq: 1912 N-1028 CU 155.00 Reci 1930 S-8135 VG 120,00 S5 1902 Boston N.B.-Rec: 1931 11903 66.50 010 1902 Arkansas N.B. of Fayetteville-Lig: 1931 S8786 85.00 S5 1902 Union N.B. of Lowell 6077 62.50 S20 1929-I Merchants N.B. of Fort Smith 7240 VF 40.00 510 1902 Safe Deposit N.B. of New Bedford 12405 92.00 55 1902 Newton N.B.-9870 lg. out-Top cut close 13252 VF 175.00 CALIFORNIA 510 1902 Shelburne Falls N.B. of Shelburne 1144 F-VF 90.00 S5 1902-DB 1st N.B. of San Francisco P:1741 F 33.50 $5 1929-I Webster & Atlas N.B. of Boston 1527 VG 18.00 S5 1902-DB Mercantile N.B. of San Francisco- SlO 1929-11 1st N.B. of Easthampton 25M 428 CU 37.50 Lfq: 1920 P-9683 33.50 S20 1929-I 1st N.B. of Mai lboro 2770 VG 33.50 S10 192911 Fanners & Merchants N.B. of Los Angeles 6617 20.00 S5 1929-11 1st N.B. of New Bedford 261 AU 42.50 S10 1929.1 Security 1st N.B. of Los Angeles 2491 VG 20.00 S5 1929-1 Worcester County N.B. of Worcester - 520 1929-I 1st N.B. of San Jose 2158 67.50 Liq: 1934 7595 VF•XF 28.50 COLORADO MICHIGAN S10 1929 - I Denver N.B. of Denver 3269 F 20.00 S10 1902-RS 1st N.B. of Detroit-Lim 1914 M-2707 VG•F 225.00 $5 1902 1st N.B. of Menominee M-3256 22.50 CONNECTICUT S20 1929-I Crystal Falls N.B.-Rec: 1934 11547 CU 85.00 St Or '911,1 Middlesex County N.B. of Middletown- $5 1929-1 Escanaba N.B. 8496 VG 24.00 Lim 1916 845 VG 185.00 S20 1929-1 U.S. N.B. of Iron Mountain-Rec: 1932 11929 AU 64.00 S5 1902 1st N.B. of Meriden-Lig: 1933 N:250 VF 225,00 S20 1929-I Union & Peoples N.B. Jackson-Rec: 1933 1533 38 00 S5 1902 1st N.B. of Hartford N-121 VF 40.00 S5 1929-1 1st N.B. & Tr. Co. of Marquette 390 24.50 S5 1902 Phoenix N.B. of Hartford-Lfq: 1926 N-670 VG 32 50 S20 1929-I 1st N.B. of Negaunee 3717 55.00 $5 1902 New Haven N. Banking Ass'n. New Haven 1243 55.00 55 1929-1 1st N.B. of Norway (Brown Spots) 6883 CU 45.00 S5 1902-DB Middletown N.B.-Middletown N-1216 VG 25 00 MINNESOTA DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA $100 1882-BB St. Paul N.B.-Lig: 1906 2959 F 2750.00 S20 1902 Comm. N.8, of Washington-Rec: 1933 E -7446 55 00 Only 1 known from this bank and S5 1902 Dist. N.B. of Washington-Rec: 1933 E-9545 VG 25.00 only 2 known from the State of Minn. S20 1902 Nat'l Metiopoli tan N.B. of Washington 1069 58.50 510 1902 Minnesota N.B. of Duluth 11810 VG 28.50 S20 1929-11 Hamilton N.B. of Washington 13782 XF 45.00 S10 1902 1st N.B. of Mankato 1683 VG 39.50 $10 1929-1 N.B. of Washington 3425 VG 22.00 520 1902 Nat'l Citizens Bank of Mankato M-4727 52.50 510 1902 Twin Cities N.B. of St. Paul - FLORIDA Liq: 1935 M-11741 VG 42.50 55 1902 Bartnett N.B. of Jacksonville 9049 F 125.00 S20 1902 1st N.B. of Starbuck 9596 AU 125.00 S10 1929-I Florida N.B. & T. Co. at Miami #1 13570 CU 120.00 $20 1902 1st N.B. of Preston 25M M-6279 VG 67.50 (cut In two but repaired back together) $5 1902 1st N.B. of Willmar-Lick 1929 6151 XF 185.00 $10 1929-1 1st N.B. of Blooming Prairie 6775 VG 92.50 GEORGIA $10 1929-I 1st N.B. of Cloquet 5405 VG 39.50 S20 1882-BB 3rd N.B. of Atlanta-Liq: 1919 S-5030 VG.F 350.00 $5 1929-11 Minnesota N.B. of Duluth 11810 VG 22.50 510 1902 Greensboro N.B.-10M out S-6967 VG•F 275.00 $20 1929-11 Martin County N.B. of Fairmont #4 5423 AU 110.00 510 19291 1st N.B. of Atlanta 1559 VF 22.00 910 1929-1 1st N.B. of Heron Lake 35M 5383 VG 82.50 S5 1929-1 1st N.B. of Elberton 9252 VF 135.00 $10 1929-1 1st N.B. of Hibbing 5745 F 44.50 S20 1929-I 1st N.B. of Milledgville 9672 F-VF 155,00 S20 1929-1 American N.B. in Little Falls 13353 XF 66.50 S5 1929-11 Citizens & So. N.B. Savannah 13068 24.50 510 1929-1 National Citizens Bank of Mankato 4727 VG 33.50 $5 1929-I Central N.B. of Minneapolis 13108 VG 16.50 HAWAII $10 1929-11 Northwestern N.B. of Minneapolis 2006 F 20.00 S5 1902 1st N.B. Terr. of Hawaii at Honolulu 5550 F 275.00 $10 1929-1 1st N.B. of Nashwauk 25M 10736 VF 110.00 $10 1929-1 Goodhue County N.B.-Red Wing 7307 VG-F 56 50 IDAHO $10 1929-11 1st N.B. of St. Paul 203 AU 32.50 S50 1902-DB Boise City N.B.-Rec: 1932 3471 XF S450.00 $10 1929-1 Stewartville N.B.-Stewartville 35M 13615 VG 82.50 $50 1902-DB 1st N.B. of Idaho P-1668 VF 375.00 $20 1929-I 1st N.B. of Stillwater 2674 VF 55.00 KENTUCKY MISSISSIPPI 95 1875 Kentucky N.B. of Louisville-Liq: 1934 1908 AU 650.00 S10 1929-I Capital N.B. of Jackson-Lim 1933 6646 F 85.00 SIO 1902 Ashland N.B. Ashland-Rec: 1931 2010 62.00 910 1929-1 Merchants N.B. & Tr. Co. of Vicksburg 3430 VG 55.00 55 1902-DB N.B. of Comm. of Louisville-Lig: 1919 S-9241 VF 50.00 S20 1929-11 1st N.B. of West Point #10 2891 VG 72.50 $5 1902 N.B. of Kentucky of Louisville-Rec: 1930 5312 VG 42.00 $10 1929-11 Citizens Union N.B. of Louisville 2164 VG 22.50 MISSOURI $20 1929.1 Mt. Sterling N.B. of Mt, Sterling 2185 110.00 SI Original Moniteau N.B. of Calif. (closed tear) 1712 CU 265.00 $20 1882.BE Exch. N.B. of Columbia 1467 VG 162.00 LOUISIANA 010 1882-BB New England N.B. of Kansas City - S10 1929-I Louisiana N.B. of Baton Rouge 9834 F 55.00 Liqi 1925 M•5138 110.00 S5 1929-I Whitney N.B. of New Orleans 3059 VG 18.00 $5 1902-RS 3rd N.B. of St. Louis M-170 VG 90.00 910 192911 N.B. of Comm. in New Orleans 13689 VG 20.00 510 1902-DB Stockyards N.B. of Kansas City M-10413 VG 37.50 S10 1902 Am. N.B. of St. Joseph 9042 25 00 MAINE $10 1902 Nat'l Bank of Comm. in St. Louis M-4178 AU 44.00 SIO 1882•88 Portland N.B. N-4128 335.00 $10 1902 Sedalia N.13.-Rec: 1932 4392 VG 34.00 S5 1902 Manufacturers N.B. of Lewiston N-2260 75.00 $5 1929-1 Boone County N.B. of Columbia 1770 VG 28.00 S5 1902 Canal N.B. of Portland 941 VG 43.00 $10 1929-1 1st N.B. of Jefferson City-Liq: 1932 1809 VG 33.00 S5 1902 Chapman N.B. of Portland-Lim 1929 4868 72.50 $10 1929-1 Drovers N.B. in Kansas City -Lig: 1935 12794 VF 24.50 $5 1929-11 Canal N.B. of Portland 941 CU 165.00 $20 1929-I 1st N.B. of Mount Vernon 20M 13504 XF 220.00 $20 1929-1 Am, Exch. N.B. of Saint Louis- MARYLAND Rec: 1933 12506 27.50 510 188235 1st N.B. of Cumberland 381 XF 285.00 S10 1920-I Merch. Comm. St. Louis 4178 VF 33.00 S20 1902-RS 1st N.B.of Baltimore-Lfg 1916 E-204 F 225.00 55 1929-I St. Look N.B.-Rec: 1933 12216 VG 22_00 Whole No. 72 Page 337 DEN. & SERIES CITY CHARTER # GRADE PRICE GEN.& SERIES CITY CHARTER # GRADE PRICE S5 1929.1 Sec. N.B. Savings & Tr. Co. of St. Louis 12066 F 24.00 ILLINOIS 520 1929-1 Telegraphers N.B. St. Louis 12389 F 29.00 55 1875 Greene County N.B. of Carrollton- 55 19291 Am. N.B. of St. Joseph 9042 VG 20 00 Lig: 1918 2390 VF 265 00 $10 Original 1st N.B. of Peoria 176 G 90_00 NEBRASKA $5 1902 1st N.B. of Morris 1773 VG-F 66.50 510 1902 1st N.B. of Beatrice 2357 VG 100.00 $20 1902 1st N.B. of Mount Carmel-Lig: 1931 M-4480 F 93.00 55 1902-DB Merch. N.B. of Omaha-Ligi 1926 W-2775 VG 32.00 S20 1902 1st N.B. of Princeton-Lick 1930 M-903 VG 62.00 S10 SIO 1929.1 192011 Genoa N.B.-Genoa N.B. of Comm_ of Lincoln 6805 7239 VF X F 66.50 35 00 55 510 1902 1929-I Taylorville N.B. (cut sheet of 41 Albany Park N.B. & T. Co. Chicago- 8940 CU 550.00 520 S10 S10 1929.11 1929-1 1929.1 McCook N.B. 1st N.B. of Newman Grove 25M Jones N.B. of Seward 8823 5282 3060 VG VF•XF VF 62.50 135.00 58.50 S10 S10 $5 1929.1 19291 19291 Rec: 1931 Drovers N.B. of Chicago City N.B. of Centralia Ayers N.B. of Jacksonville-Rec: 1932 11737 6535 11923 5763 F VG AU F 28.00 22.00 92.50 28.00510 19291 1st N.B. of Stromsburg 25M 8286 XF 165.00 S5 1929.1 Nat'l Stock Yards N.B.-Nat'l Coy 12991 F 24.00 S10 1929.1 Tilden N.B. Tilden 25M 10011 VG 55 00 $20 19291 Oakland N.B.-Oakland-513,25000 out 2212 G 24.00 StO 1929-1 City N.B.-York 4935 VG 3450 SIO 1929 I Rockford N.B. 1816 F 34.50 S10 1929.1 1st N.B. of West Point 512,500 nut 3370 XF 15000 $10 19291 1st N.B. of Rossville 5398 F 72.50 NEVADA 510 192911 N.B. of Savanna 13886 F 32.00 05 1902 Reno N.B.-Rec' 1932 8424 VG-F 495.00 SIO 1929 1 1st N.B. of Sot ingf ield 205 VG 20.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE S10 1902 Manchester N.B. 1059 VG 5850 INDIANA S5 1902 1st N.B. of Manchester-Lig: 1931 N-1153 VG 58.50 S5 Original 1st N.B. of LaPorte 377 F 275.00 55 1902 Nat'l Mech. & Traders Bank Portsmouth- 510 Original Nat'l State B. of Terre Haute-Lig: 1905 1103 G 90.00 Lig: 1931 401 VG 58.50 S10 1882.88 Hamilton N.B. of Fort Wayne-Lig: 1917 2439 VG 88.50 S5 1902 Somersworth N.B. N-1183 F 95.00 S20 1882.BB Citizens N.B. of Greensburg-Lig: 1930 1890 VF 225.00 S10 1929-1 1st N.B. of Concord 318 F 65.00 S20 1882 BB Citizens N.B. of Peru-LIgi 1931 1879 F-VF 175.00 $10 1929-1 Nat'l State Capital Bank Concord 758 VG 58.00 S20 1882-88 Nat'l State Bank of Terre Haute- S5 1929.1 Ashuelot-Citizens N.B. Keene 946 VG 34.00 Lig: 1905 1103 F 175_00 S20 1929.1 1st N.B. of Peterborough 1179 F 82.50 S20 1882 DB Bedford N.B. M-5187 F 135.00 S20 1929.1 Nat'l City B. of Evansville 12132 AU 46.50 55 19291 Old 2st N.B. & Tr. Co. of Ft. Wayne- NEW JERSEY Rec: 1933 3285 F 22.50 S5 Origmal Hackettstown N.B. 1259 VG,F 32500 S5 Original 1st N.B. Newark -Reci 1880 52 VG 250.00 $10 1882.BB Phillipsburg N.B. E-1239 XF 29500 $5 1902 1st N.B. of Trenton-Liql 1928 281 VG 30.00 S5 1929.1 1st Camden N.B. & Tr. Co. Camden 1209 VG 20.00 IOWA SIO 1929-1 Hunterdon County N.B.-Flemington 892 F 48.50 510 1902 Char iton Lucas County N.B. of Chariton 9024 XF 10000 55 192911 1st N.B. of Jersey City 374 F 18.50 510 1902 1st N.B. Eldon M-5342 F.VF 175.00 S5 1929.1 Journal Square N.B. Jersey City - StO 1902 Peoples N.B. of Independence- Lici: 1933 12255 F 18.50 Rec. 1928 M-2187 AU 125.00 S5 1929.1 Montclair N.B. 12268 F 22.50 S5 1902 1st N.B. of Sioux City-Rec. 1930 1757 F 34.50 S5 1929.11 Linton N.B. in Newark 12771 F 21 50 510 1929.1 1st N.B. of Primghar 4155 G 34.50 55 19291 2nd N.B. of Phillipsburg 5556 VG•F 38.50 S20 19291 Washington N.B. Washington-Lig: 1933 1762 F 64.50 S5 1929.1 Broad St. N.B. of Trenton 3709 F 24.00 S5 1929.1 N.B. of North Hudson at Union City - Bee: 1931 9867 VG 24.50 KANSAS S5 1929.1 1st N.B. of West New York-Bee: 1934 12064 VG-F 42 . 50 510 1902 Comm. N.B. & Ti. Co. of Emporia 11781 VG 45.00 S20 1929-I Citizens N.B. of Anthony #200 6752 XF 8850 510 1929 I Coy N.B. of Atchison 11405 F 38.50 NEW YORK S20 1929.1 Caney Valley N.B.-Caney 5349 F 85.00 S5 Original Nat'l B. of Comm. in New Yolk - $10 1929.1 1st N.B. of Chanute 3819 VG 28.50 Lig, 1929 733 VG 125.00 S20 19291 1st N.B. of Coffeyville 3324 VF-XF 82.50 S5 1882,88 Am. Exch. N.B. of New Yolk City - SIO 1929-1 Citizens N.B. of Fort Scott 3175 F 44.50 Ligi 1926 1394 VG 8500 55 1929.1 Comm. N.B. of Kansas City 6311 VF 2750 S20 1882 , BB Mercantile N.B. of City of New York - S10 19291 1st N.B. of Leavenworth 182 VG 38.50 Lig: 1912 Vert. 1067 VG 160.00 S5 1929.1 1st N.B. of St. Marys 3374 VG•F 65.00 S10 1882-BB 3rd N.B. of Syracuse-Licr 1929 Vert. 159 VF 175.00 S10 19291 Farmers N.B. of Salina 4742 VG 30.00 S20 1902-RS Nat'l Bank of Comm. in New York - SlO 1929-I N.B. of America at Selma 4945 VG 38.50 Ltg: 1929 E-733 AU 225.00 510 19291 Central N.B. of Topeka 3078 AU 27.50 S10 1902 All). Exch. N.B. New York City - $10 19291 Southwest N.B. of Wichita 12346 VG-F 24.50 Lig, 1926 E-1394 VG 33.50 S10 19291 1st N.B. of Winfield 3218 VG 27 50 S10 1902 Bank of Am. Nat'l Ass'n New York Liq: 1931 13193 XF 68.50 NORTH CAROLINA 510 1902 Jamaica N.B. of New York 25M 12550 XF 110,00 $5 1902 Comm. N.B. of Charlotte 2135 VG 125.00 S20 19291 N.Y. State N.B. of Albany 1262 F 29.50 $5 1902,D8 Merchants & Farmers N.B. Charlotte- S20 19291 East Side N.B. of Buffalo-Lig. 1935 13220 VG 32.50 Re, 1934 S-1781 F 160.00 S20 19291 2nd N.B. & Tr. Co. of Cortland 2827 VG 42.50 S20 1929.11 1st N.B. of Cooperstown 280 CU 75.00 S10 19291 State of N.Y. N.B. Kingston 955 VF 47.50 55 1929-I Montour N.B. in Montour Fails #1 13583 AU 175.00 NORTH DAKOTA S5 1929.1 Chatham Phenix N.B. & Tr. Co. N.Y. 520 1902 1st N.B. of Sanborn-Reci 1929 8448 F 270.00 Lig: 1932 10778 F 16.50 $20 1902 Northwestern N.B. Grand Forks- S5 1929.11 Sterling N.B. & Tr. Co, of N.Y. 13295 VG 15.00 Lig: 1929 Ia.' 11142 VG 165.00 510 1929.1 1st N.B. & Ti. Co. of Pot t Chester 402 F 34.50 SIO 19291 1st N.B. of Dickinson 4384 F 135.00 55 19291 Jefferson County N.B. of Watertown 1490 VG 17.50 SIO 1929.1 Citizens N.B. of VVahpeton 4552 XF 195.00 DORFMAN COIN & STAMP CO. P. 0. BOX 185 DAVID a nd FERN DORFMAN Phone (day or night) (712) 252-1580 SIOUX CITY, I A 51102 Page 338 Paper Money NATIONAL CURRENCY DEN & SERIES OHIO CITY CHARTER # GRADE PRICE DEN.& SERIES TEXAS CITY CHARTER # GRADE PRICE S10 1882.BB Norther,) N.B. of Toledo-1_1h 1924 809 VG 110.00 S20 1902 City N.B. of Dallas-Lig: 1929 S.2455 F 55.00 510 1902-RS 1st N.B.-Cleveland-Lrg: 1920 M-2690 F 110.00 S5 1902 Farmers & Mechanics N.B. of Ft. Worth-- 010 1902 , RS Nat'l Comm. B. of Cleveland-Lip: 1921 M-7487 F-VP 13500 Lick 1927 S-4004 VG 3500 S10 1902 1st N.B. of Richwood-Lig: 1931 9199 XF 94.50 020 1902 Merchants & Planters N.B. of Sherman S-3159 F 75.00 S10 1902 Citizens N.B. of Sidney 7862 F 72.50 S10 19291 Formers N.B. of Brenham-Lg. 1933 10860 CU 85.00 S10 1902 Citizens N.B. of Sidney 7862 F 72.50 S10 1929-1 Central N.B. of San Angelo 10664 XF 60.00 020 1902-DB Troy N.B. Troy M3825 VF 6250 $10 1929 , 11 N.B. of Comm. of San Antonio 6956 F 29.00 S5 1929-11 Huntington N.B. of Columbus 7745 XF 29.50 55 1929.1 1st N.B. of Waco 2189 VG-F 29.50 05 1929.11 Coshocton N.B.-Lice: 1934 5103 F-VF 24.50 S5 1929.1 Chzens N.B. of Norwalk 11275 CU 90.00 UTAH $10 1929-1 1st Nat'l Exch. Bank of Sidney 5214 XF 55.00 S10 1902 1st N.B. of Logan (repaired) P-4670 F 175.00 S5 1929.11 1st N.B. & Tr. Co. of Springfield 238 F 18,50 S20 1902 Nat'l Bank of Comm. Ogden- S10 19291 1st N.B. of Toledo-Roc: 1934 91 CU 24.50 Lich 1930 (repaired) P-7296 F-VF 170.00 510 1929.1 Champaign N.B. of Urbana 916 F 28.50 510 1902 Utah N.B. of Ogden-Lig: 1922 bepaitech P-2880 F 120.00 S20 19291 1st N.B. of Logan 4670 XF 200.00 OKLAHOMA S10 19291 Nat'l Copper Bank of Salt Lake City- S20 1929-1 Are. N.B. of Lawton 12067 VF.XF 72.50 Lig: 1932 9652 XF 80.00 S20 1929-1 1st N.B. of Mangum &74 5508 F 124+50 S10 1929-1 1st N.B. & Tr. Co. of Oklahoma Chty 4662 AU 44.50 VERMONT S20 1929-1 Fed. N.B. of Shawnee 12339 VF 110.00 55 1902 1st N.B. of Bennington N-130 AU 175.00 S10 1929-1 Exch. N.B. of Tulsa-Lig: 1933 9658 VG 28.50 55 1902 Peoples N.B. of Brattleboro N-2305 CU 225.00 S5 1929.1 Howard N.B. & Tr. Co. Burlington 1698 XF 65.00 VIRGINIA OREGON 510 1902 Rockingham N.B. of Harrisonburg 5261 VF 145.00 510 1929-1 1st N.B. of Medford 7701 F 85.00 $10 1902 1st N.B. of Lynchburg S-1558 F 77.50 S5 1929-1 Citizens N.B. of Portland-Lig 1933 13299 F 36.50 $10 1902 Virginia N.B. of Petersburg-Lig: 1931 S-7709 VF 127.50 $10 1929-1 U.S. N.B. of Portland 4514 AU 55.00 $10 1902 Ate. N.B. of Richmond-Lig: 1928 S-5229 CU 13500 $10 1902 Peoples N.B. of Rocky Mount 8984 F-VF 160.00 PENNSYLVANIA S20 1929-1 N.B. of Petersburg 3515 F 4850 01 Original Farmers N.B. of Reading-Rec 1934 696 VG 88.00 510 1929-1 Central N.B. of Richmond 10080 VG 33.00 510 Original 1st N.B. of Media 312 G 80.00 S10 1929-1 N.B. of Suffolk 9733 VG 47.00 510 1902 Harrisburg N.B. 6,580 VG 55.00 S10 1902 Peoples N.B. Jeannette +.7792 F 125.00 WASHINGTON S5 1902 Nat'l Bank of Oxford 728 F1VF 75.00 S50 1902 DB Seattle N.B.-Lig: 1929 P-4229 F 18000 S5 1902 Traders N.B. of Scranton-Lid: 1929 E-4183 VG-F 40.00 S10 190205 Exch. N.B. of Spokane-Rec 1929 P,4044 VG 42.00 55 192911 County N.B. at Clearfield 13998 CU 65.00 $10 1902 Old N.B. of Spokane P-4668 F 55.00 05 1929-11 County N.B. at Clearfield 13998 CU 65.00 $20 19291 Old N.B. & Union Tr. Co. of Spokane 4668 XF 50 00 S10 1929-I 1st N.B. Grove City 5044 F 44.50 020 1929-1 Yakima N.B. 3355 F 47.50 510 1929-1 Grove City N.B. 5501 VG 33.50 020 192911 Harrisburg N.B. 580 XF 85.00 WEST VIRGINIA S5 1929.11 1st N.B. of Hazleton 3893 CU 60.00 S10 1882-BB 1st N.B. of Grafton 0-2445 F 335.00 S5 1929.11 fat N.B. in Indiana 14098 AU 82.50 S5 1902 Oak Hill N.B. 12075 G 35.00 S5 1929.11 Mountville N.B. 3808 F 24.50 $10 1929-1 South Blanch Valley N.B. Moorefield 3029 AU 79.50 S10 1929-1 Farmers N.B. of Oxford-Roc: 1934 2906 F 48.50 $10 1929-1 1st N.B. of Parkersburg-Rec: 1931 180 VG 28.50 S5 1929.11 Corn Exch. N.B. & Tr. Co. Phkadelphia 542 XF 22.50 S20 19291 1st N.B. of Piedmont 3629 XF 72_50 510 1929-1 1st N.B. of St. Marys 5226 CU 165 00 RHODE ISLAND WISCONSIN S5 1902 .Vlechanics N.B. of Providence 1007 AU 98.50 S5 1902RS Germania N.B. of Milwaukee 55 1902 Merchants N.B. of PI ovidence- by: 1926 N-1131 XF 88.50 (only 3 known) M-6853 VF.XF 550.00 S5 1902 Phenix N.B. of Providence 948 F 26.50 510 1902 Comm. N.B. of Madison-Lig: 1933 9153 F-VF 86.00 55 1929-1 Providence: N.B. 1302 VG 16.00 S5 1902 1st N.B. of New Richmond- S1100.00 lg. out 11412 F 175.00 55 1929.1 Burlington N.B. 11783 VG 29.50 SOUTH CAROLINA $10 19291 Kellogg-Citizens N.B. of Green Bay 2132 VG 22.50 510 1902 DB Peoples N.B. of Charleston Lick 1930 5.1621 AU 22500 05 1929.1 Pioneer N.B. of Ladysmith 11826 VF-XF 125.00 S20 1902 1st N.B. of Spartanburg-Rec. 1932 1848 VG F 77.00 510 19291 1st N.B. of Madison 144 F 20.00 S20 1902 N.B.of South Cm arta of Sumter 510660 VG 55 00 S5 1929-1 Marine Nat'l Exch. Bank of Milwaukee 5458 X F 24.00 SOUTH DAKOTA 1929 FEDERAL RESERVE NATIONALS 510 1902 1st N.B. of Pierre 2941 AU 395.00 S5 A Boston F 12.00 S10 1929 J 1st N.B. Gary-Rec. 193325M 9393 VF 195.00 $5 G Chicago CU 3500 S20 19201 lit N.B. of Paikston #6325M 7662 F 135.00 $5 0 Cleveland CU 40.00 55 J Kansas City F 1000 55 C Philadelphia CU 40.00 TENNESSEE $5 L San Francisco Only 12 known F 485.00 510 1002-DB 4th & 1st N.B. of Nashville 51669 F 125.00 $20 J Kansas City CU 50.00 55 19291 Nat'l Bank of Comm. of Jackson 12790 VG 73.50 $20 B New York Star Note * VF 85.00 DORFMAN COIN & STAMP CO. DAVID a nd FERN DORFMAN P. 0. BOX 185 Phone (day or night) (712) 252-1580 SIOUX CITY, IA 51102 KAGIN'S Suite 600-608 Capital City Bank Bldg. Des Moines, Iowa 50309 Phone: (515) 243-0129 „offs lo NuMISMATISTs , uILD • NM at etawr. Whole No. 72 Page 339 Kazin's edie eltr WeTAliet ,Alonezy e9Aecia h44 KAGIN'S NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS, Inc. * We've handled OVER 99C of all the notes listed in the DONLON & FRI EDBERG catalogs * A.M. KAGIN has personally cataloged over 30o auction sales in over 40 years as a professional ! KAGIN'S NUMISMATIC INVESTMENT CORP. * Specializes in PERSONALLY TAILORED Currency Investment Programs ft-attiring CHOICE & SUPERB NOTES ONLY! ( write for more information ) A. M. & DON KAGIN, Inc. * Editors & Polishers of the DONLON CATALOG of U.S. LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY NEW [976-77 Edition (more price changes then any previous edition )—Only $3.95 1975 Edition $3.5o ; Both 1976-77 & 1975 (excellent for price comparisons) only $5.95 At coin stores or order Autographed Copies direct from us. Special Autographed Library Hard-Bound 1976-77 Edition $8.95; 1975 $7.50 both only $14.95 THINKING OF SELLING? We urge you to consider placing your items in one of our comprehensive Public or Mail-bid auctions you'll receive: * National Attention * Reasonable Commission Rates * Deluxe Professional Cataloging * Best opportunity for TOP prices SEND A LIST OF YOUR COLLECTION & RESERVE SPACE NOW (still better, phone for immediate attention) Or, if preferred, we will buy outright for cash—we are currently paying over "catalog prices" for notes urgently needed. STILL ADDING TO YOUR COLLECTION? -* Write for a free copy of our next auction sale (please mention this ad) * Send us your want-list High Quality & Rare Notes & Nationals our specialty * Join our CURRENCY INVESTMENT PROGRAM get on the "inside track" with professional guidance Since 1928 It Makes When dealing in a sophisticated field, consult a professional When TOP results are imperative, consult an EXPERT! Senst Whole No. 72 Page 340 WANTED OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA NATIONAL BANK NOTES SMALL SIZE 1929 5126 WYNNEWOOD 7811 WALTERS 9964 GUYMON 0875 ERICK 5272 NEWKIRK 7822 HASKELL 9968 CORDELL 0960 POCASSET 5298 DAVIS 8052 WEWOKA 9970 STILWELL 1397 TONKAWA 5347 ST I LLWATER 8138 GUYMON 9976 SAYRE 1763 CARNEGIE 5546 PRYOR CREEK 8140 FREDERICK 9980 HARRAH 1913 IDABEL 5587 ALVA 8203 CHICKASHA 9987 SHATTUCK 2035 MOORE 5811 MANGUM 8294 MAUD 0003 BRAMAN 2078 WELLSTON 5955 CHELESEA 8313 PAWHUSKA 0005 POND CREEK 2104 DEPEW 5958 MARIETTA 8472 OKLA. CITY 0020 GEARY 2117 PRYOR CREEK 5961 PAWHUSKA 8524 STRATFORD 0051 CHECOTAH 2130 BLAIR 6113 ALTUSS 8563 LUTHER 0075 KAW CITY 2148 COYLE 6232 RALSTON 8616 DUNCAN 0117 CLAREMORE 2157 NORMAN 6241 OKMULGEE 8644 MINCO 0151 EDMOND 2472 ARDMORE 6299 COMANCHE 8744 WAURI KA 0205 MARLOW 2801 HUGO 6517 QU I NTON 8852 TEXHOMA 0239 HEAVENER 3021 MADILL 6641 WANETTE 8859 VERDEN 0240 HOLLIS 3751 OKMULGEE 6660 MCLOUD 9046 SULPHUR 0286 MADILL 3760 FREDRICK 6868 BEGGS 9709 WAYNOKA 0304 TECUMSEH 3891 PONCA CITY 6879 COWETA 9881 KINN STON 0380 ACHILLE 4005 DURANT 6980 CALVIN 9888 HEAVENER 0381 COLBERT 4108 WALTERS 7115 BROKEN ARROW 9942 TULSA 0402 KAW CITY 4305 PAWHUSKA 7209 BERWYN 9946 MARLOW 0548 RINGLING 7278 THOMAS 5949 NOWATO 0573 VIAN 7724 WETUMKA 9963 ELDORADO 0689 COMMERCE Will pay for VG to VF $75.00 VF to UNC $125.00 for above notes On above notes ship don't write. WILL PAY $1500.00 FOR ANY $50.00 RED SEAL ON STATE OF OKLA. Will buy most all large notes on the State of Okla. Write. I am interested in many other states, Kan., West Texas, Ark., Ariz., New Mexico, Utah,Colo., Calif., Mont., Nevada and many more. Will buy complete collections, any state just write. Also wanted series 1929 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE brown seal $5.00 San Francisco. Write state condition and price. SPMC 994 HARRY SCHULTZ ANA 38362 BOX 75 KREMLIN, OKLAHOMA 73753 A.C. 405-874-2401 Whole No. 72 Page 341 LEGAL TENDER ONE'S Fr. 16 Fine 89.00 Fr. 29 Fine 48.50 Fr. 30 Unc. 120.00 Fr. 40 CU 135.00 LEGAL TENDER TWO'S Fr. 58 Unc. 60.00 OREGON $20 1929 TY. 1-United States Natl. Bank- Portland-no. 4514 F 32.00 $10 1929 TY. 1-Citizens Natl. Bank- Portalnd-no. 13299 VG 23.50 TEXAS $5.00 1902-Groos Natl. Bank- San Antonio-no. 10148 VG 45.00 LEGAL TENDER FIVE'S WASHINGTON Fr. 64 VF 125.00 $10 1929 TY. 1-Yakima 1st Natl. Bank- LEGAL TENDER TEN'S Fr. 95 VG 130.00 SILVER CERT. ONE'S Fr. 223 XF 130.00 Fr. 224 VF 120.00 SILVER CERT. TWO'S Fr. 256 VF 55.00 SILVER CffIRT. FIVE'S Fr. 277 VF+ 140.00 FEDERAL RESERVE ONE'S Fr. 736 Fine 24.00 Fr. 743 VG-F 21.00 FEDERAL RESERVE TWO'S Fr. 778 XF 65.00 Fr. 779 VF 47.00 NATIONAL CURRENCY HAWAII S5.00 1929 TY. 1-Bishop 1st Natl.- Honolulu-no. 5550 VG 95.00 MISSOURI $5.00 1902 DB-Natl. Bank of Commerce- St. Louis-no. 4178 VG 55.00 $5.00 1882 DB-State Natl. Bank of St. Louis-no. 5172 VG-F 75.00 NEBRASKA $20 1929 TY. 2-1st Natl. Bank Fullerton- no. 2964 XF 55.00 $10 1929 TY. 1-Central Neb. Natl. Bank- David City F-VF 75.00 NO. CAROLINA $5.00 1929 TY. 2-1st Natl. Bank- Hickory-no. 4597 VG 85.00 Yakima-no. 3355 F 55.00 $10 1902-Fidelity Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 3528 F 110.00 $20 1902 Fidelity Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. P3528 F 110.00 $5 1902-Exchange Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 4044 VG 59.00 $10 1902-Exchange Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 4044 VF 95.00 $10 1902-Old Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 4668 XF 115.00 $5 1929 TY. 1-Old Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 4668 VG 15.00 $5 1929 TY. 1-Old Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 4668 XF 25.00 $10 1929 TY. 1-Wash. Natl. Bank- Ellensburg-no. 9079 Unc. 165.00 $20 1929 TY. 1-Wash. Natl. Bank- Ellensburg-no. 9079 F 75.00 $20 129 TY. 1-Farmers Natl. Bank- Colfax-no. 10511 F 65.00 $20 1929 TY. 1-Citizens Security Natl. Bank- Everett-no. 11693 F 85.00 VF 105.00 $10 1929 TY. 1-1st Natl. Bank- Stanwood-no. 11935 F 75.00 $5 1902-University Natl. Bank- Seattle-no. 12153 VF 75.00 $5 1902-Brotherhood's Co-operative Natl. Bank- Spokane-no. 12418 VG 135.00 $10 1929 TY. 1-Grays Harbor Natl. Bank- Aberdeen-no. 12704 F 75.00 SMALL SIZE CURRENCY $1.00 1928-U.S. Note CU 37.00 $2.00 1928F-U.S. Note CU SPECIAL 11.50 OHIO $5.00 1882 BB-Clinton County Natl. Bank- SPOKANE COIN EXCHANGE,INC. Wilmington-no. 1997 VG 85.00 $10.00 1929 TY. 1-Central United Natl. Bank- STEVE ESTES (509) 456-8840 Cleveland-no. 4318 F 21.00 W.249 SPOKANE FALLS BLVD. SPOKANE, WA 99201 {1©VA LE Paper Money The Second Oldest Bank in the State of Florida The First National Bank of Gainesville received its charter on June 1, 1888, and is the second oldest active originally chartered bank in the state today, outlived only by the First National Bank of Tampa, chartered in 1886 with the number 3497. The first national bank in Florida was organized at Jacksonville on May 26, 1874, and was given charter number 2174 by the Comptroller of the Currency on August 24, 1874. The First National Bank of Florida opened its doors for business on September 26 that year with a capital of $50,000. In the last years of its existence the bank became involved with phosphate investments that finally caused its downfall. A receiver was appointed for the bank on March 14, 1903. by Mike Carter The second national bank charter granted in Florida, number 2194, was for the Ambler National Bank of Florida, Jacksonville, which was organized in August, 1874. D.G. Ambler and associates raised a capital of $42,000 and the bank was chartered in October, but for some reasons not now known, the bank was placed in voluntary liquidation on December 7, 1874, and never issued any National Bank Notes. Ambler later organized and was active in the Bank of the State of Florida, Jacksonville. The latter bank was absorbed by the Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville, in 1903. The Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville would eventually become the mother bank of the first "group banking" operation in the state, of which the First National Bank of Gainesville would become a Whole No. 72 Page 343 member in 1931. From 1881 to 1890, Ambler was the senior member of Ambler, Marvin, and Stockton which established the Bank of Tampa, later to be chartered as the First National Bank of Tampa, which today is the oldest active bank in the state. A note from the "oldest" national bank in Florida. The third national bank, the First National Bank of Pensacola was organized in the summer of 1880 with charter number 2490. Martin H. and J.J. Sullivan, natives of Ireland, were active in the promotion which raised the capital stock of $50,000. The Pensacola bank continued in operation until a receiver was appointed in January, 1914. The fourth and fifth national banks were both established in Palatka in 1884. The First National Bank of Palatka, charter number 3223, and the Palatka National Bank charter number 3266, reported resources of $387,682 and $93,401, respectively, in 1885. Both banks were short lived, and Palatka National closing in 1887, and the First National in 1891. In 1885, the National Bank of the State of Florida, charter number 3327, with capital stock of $100,000 succeeded the Bank of the State of Florida in Jacksonville. This bank reported resources of $387,682, loans of $170,146, and deposits of $242,331 within a few months after receiving a national charter. The National Bank of the State of Florida was placed in voluntary liquidation on September 8, 1903, and was absorbed by the Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville with charter number 6888 as discussed earlier. In 1886 the number of national banks doubled in the state with the chartering of four new banks. The First National Bank of St. Augustine, the First National Bank of Orlando, the First National Bank of Ocala, and the First National Bank of Tampa. Of the four only the Tampa bank is still an active organization. Of the three national banks chartered in 1887, two The "mother bank" of the first group banking operation in the State, of which the First National Bank of Gainesville would become a member in 1931. The original charter for the First National Bank of Gainesville, charter 3894, dated June 1, 1888. The bank named in honor of its founder. The Barnett National Bank was originally the National Bank of Jacksonville, chartered in 1888 with the First National Bank of Gainesville. closed and one was absorbed; in 1888, the National Bank of Jacksonville and the First National Bank of Gainesville were chartered. The National Bank of Jacksonville was the successor to the Bank of Jacksonville, organized by William B. Barnett in 1877, was capitalized at $150,000 and listed William B. Barnett as president and Bion H. Barnett as cashier. When William B. Barnett died in 1903, Bion H. Barnett succeeded his father as president. The charter of Page 344 Paper Money An early photograph of the interior of the First National. Note the vault in the background. the bank expired in 1908 and the National Bank of Jacksonville was liquidated and reorganized as the Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville, taking the ne iv name in honor of the bank's founder. So, out of the first 15 banks chartered in the state of Florida only the First National Bank of Tampa and the First National Bank of Gainesville remained named and in operation today as they were when originally chartered in 1886 and 1888 respectively. However, on the 15th of October, 1974, the First National Bank of Gainesville was granted permission by the Comptroller of the Currency to include the name of its group bank corporation, the Atlantic Bancorporation. Today the First National Bank of Gainesville is known as the Atlantic First National Bank of Gainesville. The History of the First National Bank of Gainesville The First National Bank of Gainesville's first president was John W. Ashby who opened the bank's doors in June of 1888 with $1,013 available for loans. As president of Gainesville's first chartered bank, Ashby set out to provide banking services for rapidly growing North Central Florida. By 1884, Gainesville was the fourth largest city in Florida. In addition to being an agriculture center with such crops as rice, millet, corn, rye, sorghum cane, cotton, and oranges; the first confirmed phosphate rock in Florida was discovered just outside the city and a multi-million dollar industry had its beginnings near the city. Gainesville was also the center for the H.F. Dutton and Company cotton gin, where high-grade Sea Island cotton of the area was purchased from area growers, ginned and sold, most especially for thread, to the Williamantic Thread Company, in Connecticut. Some $600,000 worth of cotton was purchased each year. Gainesville at this time had saw and planing mills, a Spanish Moss-processing plant, a foundry 1882 Brown Back, note signed by James M. Graham, President and H.E. Taylor, Cashier. (photo courtesy Lyn F. Knight) Whole No. 72 Page 345 BALANCE SHEET OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GAINESVILLE-1898 James M. Graham, President RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 95,491.15 Overdrafts 127.40 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation 12 500.00 U.S. Bonds to secure deposits U.S. Bonds on hand 1 850.00 Premiums on U.S. Bonds Stocks, securities, etc 30,470,60 Bank'g house, furniture, and fixtures 10 000.00 Other real estate and mortg's owned 4 643.00 Due from other national banks 1 599.81 Due from State banks and bankers 2 415.58 Due from approved reserve agents 16 011.03 Checks and other cash items 600.20 Exchanges for clearing house Bills of other national banks Fractional currency, nickels, cents 137.17 Specie 3,441.19 Legal-tender notes 11 070.00 U.S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with Treas. U S 562.50 Due from Treasurer U.S. H.E. Taylor, Cashier LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid . • 6939.26 National-bank notes outstanding 11,250.00 State-bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks 11,485.81 Due to State banks and bankers Dividends unpaid 36.00 Individual deposits 101,208.56 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers Notes and bills rediscounted Bills payable Liabilities other than those above stated Total $190,919.63 Total $190,919.63 BALANCE SHEET OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GAINESVILLE BY REPORTS OF CONDITION DEC. 31, 1934 L. Graham, President W.S. Graham, Cashier ASSETS LIABILITIES Loans and discounts S 225.962 U.S. Government securities 1 248,138 Other bonds, stocks, and securities 402,116 Cash and exchange including reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 1,164,337 Other assets 43,386 Total $3,083,939 Capital $ 100,000 Surplus 100,000 Undivided profits 6 758 Total deposits 2,865,975 Circulation 10,000 Bills payable and rediscounts Other liabilities 1,206 Total $3,083,939 and machine works, five major hotels, grocery and dry goods stores, two newspapers, insurance and real estate agents, watchmakers, druggist, harness makers, physicians, and, in short, almost all services and goods needed by its citizens and those of the surrounding area. By October, 1888, total resources of the bank reached $79,000. First National's second president was James M. Graham (who signed the 1882 Brown Bank). Graham became president of the bank in 1891. Even though the nation suffered through hard times with its still-young economy in the latter part of the century, the bank continued to grow. In 1910 Gainesville's population was 6,183. The years immediately prior to World War I were good ones for the citizens of Gainesville. The effects of the great freezes of 1894, 1895, and 1899 which completely destroyed the citrus industry with snow, high winds and temperatures of six degrees were still felt but the establishment of the University of Florida in Gainesville in 1906 was a tremendous stimulus to the city's economy, although its major impact came after the Depression. Cattle became a new business in the area along with the turpentine industry but cotton was still king. Cotton was like money; for it was convertible into cash, whether by the wagon load, bale, or a sack of seed cotton brought to town across the saddle. In 1913, the 25th year of operation for the First National Bank, assets topped $1 million. Graham ended 24 years of service as president in 1916 and H.E. Taylor became the third president. Taylor's Page 346 presidency would run for 17 years through World War I and the roaring twenties, ushering in the economic boom years and then the 1929 stock market crash and the following Depression. The pre-war years had bright spots and some very dim ones for the city. With the war came prosperity in many areas. The University of Florida became an army base as dormitories were turned into barracks. Higher wages were luring many to towns and cities. Farm prices were generally good, but the years of the war were the beginning of the end for many area farmers. The boll weevil, in the next few years, destroyed the Sea Island cotton crop forever. Farm prices began to decrease, but even if things were tough on the farm, business seemed better than ever. Land prices jumped and led speculators to appear in increasing numbers. In 1926, a terrible hurricane hit the city and county, leaving its effects on the countryside. The havoc which it worked in other parts of the state ended the boom, and Florida was plunged into a depression two years before the national depression started. For the farmers and ranchers, a new threat had appeared, the Texas fever tick. It had spread rapidly over state's herds. A state-wide eradication program was soon under way, which was succussful, and the fever tick was conquered. In between all these happenings there was a tremendous flu epidemic which took scores of lives. So swift were its ravages that it might take a victim in a matter of hours. Urban parts of the state began to be affected by national affairs, and a general 1929 Type I signed by H.E. Taylor, President and W.S. Graham, Cashier. depression was felt by everyone. As the 1930s dawned a new adversity struck: Banks, long considered the foundation of security, began to fail. Runs on and closing of banks were a common thing in the troubled nation. The First National Bank was the only bank in Gainesville to survive the crisis and continue to serve the public without any interruption. The presence of the University of Florida provided an economic buffer during the depression, and growth of the University carried over into agricultural research. Substitute crops were developed to replace cotton and the citrus industry. One such crop was tung oil and this crop remained important for years as a basis for paint making and a stimulus to Gainesville's economy. Farming began to recover with the help of such crops as vegetables, peanuts, and tobacco. The University continued to grow and become the cultural center of the state and along with its success Gainesville soon recovered from the depression. In 1931, the First National Bank became a member of Paper Money A recent check on the Atlantic First National Bank the Atlantic Bancorporation. Two years later, Lee Graham became the bank's fourth president. The resources of the First National greatly aided the rebuilding of the community's economy. In 1941, as the nation entered into World War II, Wilson Boozer became the fifth president of the bank. In 1946, C.B. Outen became the sixth president and assets went over the $10 million mark. In 1954, the bank moved into a new building and reorganized internally by establishing both commerical and installment loan departments. By 1956, resources reached $15 million, by 1960 $20 million, $25 million in 1963, and $30 million in 1965. In the year 1968 C.B. Outen retired after 20 years as president and Clarence T. Ayers was named the bank's seventh president. By 1973 when the bank moved into its new six-story building, assets reached $75 million under Ayers leadership. In this article we have studied the growth of a bank from its early beginning, through all the pains of growth, to the present day. The First National has a long and proud history. Through its 89 years of operation it also has a proud history with syngraphists, for it is one of the few national banks in Florida to issue all types of National Currency. All notes on the bank are extremely rare ($10,000 outstanding in 1934) as are many notes on banks in Florida. I have only heard of two 1882 Brown Banks on the bank and one of those is pictured here. The 1929 National pictured herein is owned, fittingly, by the current bank president Clarence Ayers. The AU note was sent to him by a fellow banker in Florida when it turned up in a deposit at his bank! BIBLIOGRAPHY Davis, Jess G., "History of Gainesville, Florida". (With biographical sketches of families), 1966. Dovell, J.E., "History of Banking in Florida 1828-1954". Orlando, Florida, Florida Bankers Association, 1955. Opdyke, John B., "Alachua County A Sesquicentennial Tribute". Gainesville, Florida, Alachua County Historical Commission, 1974. Van Belkum, Louis, "National Banks of the Note Issuing Period 1863-1935". Chicago, Illinois, Hewitt Brothers Numusmatic Publications, 1968. "Report of the Comptroller of the Currency". Washington, D.C., United States Government, 1898. "Resources and Liabilities of National Banks as Shown by Reports of Condition". Washington, D.C., United States Government, 1923, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1934. 85 Years of Progress (Supplement to the Daily Sun, Gainesville, Florida-1973). Special thanks to Mr. Clarence T. Ayers, President, Atlantic First National Bank of Gainesville. SPINK. SON, LTD. NO,/ 06H FICC,STERED OFFICE PEG NO 35 901 LONCIO FIG/LI N 5, 0 8< 7, RING- STREET, ST. JAMES•S, LONDON, SWIM 6QS P J5PIN . 0 G LIDOELL P 5 CHISHOLM SHINN CPS/HCS H MelnicK 265 Sunrise County Federal Suite 53Rckville Centre LI NY 11570 Dear Mr Melnick Thank you for your letter for the note we included Sale. We are delighted with the results of certainly send you more material for Kind assistance Again thank you for your and the enclosed cheque Maryland Historical this and we shall most future auctions. NASCA NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 265 Sunrise Highway, County Federal Bldg., Suite 53 Rockville Centre, L.I., New York 11570 516/764-6677-78 George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? May we discuss with you the proper disposition of your collection. Write or call Herb Melnick today. (516/764-6677-78). Page 348 Paper Money CLAUD MURPHY OFFERS OBSOLETE I am anxious to buy any obsolete notes ALABAMA TO WYOMING, Confederate, etc., but I am especially interested in Georgia (my specialty). Also interested in the following: any odd ball scrip, such as those issued by Book dealers, Grocers, Hardware dealers, Taverns, etc., from any state; advertising notes, or notes with advertising overprints; anything in obsolete currency, or related items for sale, please drop me a line, or send for my offer. Following is my first sell ad for obsolete currency. My grading is conservative, and I hope my prices are fair. Anything not satisfactory for any reason may be returned notes altered to or from Georgia notes. If you CONTENENTAL have within 7 CURRENCY days. Please add 50¢ on orders under $20.00 May 10, 1775, $3.00, FB $15.00 Feb. 26, 1777, $3.00, F ..... . . $35.00 $20.00, VF .. . . $25.00 Nov. 29, 1775, $5.00, F $25.00 Sept. 26, 1778, 830.00, F $8.00, VF $30.00 $60.00, VF . . . . $20.00 $15.00 $40.00, VF .. . . $45.00, VF .. .. $25.00 $25.00 Feb. 17, 1776, 81/3, VG $15.00 Jan. 14, 1779, 82.00, VF $25.00 $50.00, F $25.00 $3.00, VF $25.00 $3.00, F . $15.00 $50.00, VF .. . . $30.00 $5.00, VF $25.00 $5.00, VF $25.00 $55.00, VF .. .. $25.00 $8.00, VF $25.00 $20.00, F $15.00 $60.00, VF . . . . $25.00 COLONIAL CURRENCY DELAWARE May 1, 1777, 18 Pence, VG $15.00 July 20, 1775, 40 Sh., F $15.00 6 Sh., F $25.00 April 10, 1777, 3 Pence, VF $15.00 MARYLAND March 1, 1770, $8.00, F April 10, 1774, $1/3, F $25.00 RHODE ISLAND May 1786, $20.00 2 Sh. 6 Pence, F 6 Pence, VF $20.00 $25.00 $4.00, VF 825.00 6 Pence, EF $30.00 Aug. 14,1776, $1/3, VG $15.00 6 Sh., VF $25.00 NEW JERSEY April 12, 1757, 30 Sh., Fair $25.00 VIRGINIA March 1, 1781, $50.00, Fine, silked $25.00 NEW YORK Feb. 16, 1771, 3 Pounds, Fine, hinges repairs . $25.00 $80.00, FB, backed & sewn $25.00 5 Pounds, Fine, backed $25.00 $250.00, VG, backed $25.00 March 5, 1776, $1/6, F $25.00 $750.00, VG, backed $25.00 PENNSYLVANIA Oct. 3, 1773, 18 Pence, F $15.00 Oct. 7, 1776, $6.00, F, backed $15.00 2 Sh., 6 Pence, VF $25.00 F, 2 halves taped . $10.00 20 Sh., XF $30.00 CONFEDERATE Type 52, VG $ 3.00 Type 69, Avg circ Type 9, VG/F $11.00 Almost Unc $ 7.00 Fine or better $ 2.75 each Type 18, F/VF cc $ 8.50 Type 54, Good, a little tired S 4.00 5 for $13.00 VG $ 5.00 Type 55, Good, a little tired $ 4.00 10 for $25.00 Type 20, Unc $12.00 Type 57, VF coc $ 5.00 Type 67, 68, 69, Avg circ F/VF $ 5.00 VG/Fcc $ 8.00 Fine or better, 10 of each . . . . $69.00 VG $ 4.00 Type 58, Cr 427/6 Lot of 100 mixed .$225.00 Type 24, VG cc $22.00 (Cat. $11 VG) VF $ 8.00 Type 70, XF/AU $ 7.00 Type 26, VG cc $16.00 Cr 425/4 Unc $ 8.50 VG $18.00 (Cat. $14 VG) VF coc. .. $ 7.00 Type 71, Unlisted var. period before Type 28, VG $ 5.00 Type 60, F S 3.50 last serial letter only. Fine . . . . 515.00 Type 30, F/VF $ 6.00 Type 61, G/VG $ 6.50 F/VF S 6.00 Type 36, G 8 4.00 F S 8.50 Type 72, XF S 3.00 VG cc S 4.50 Type 63, F $ 3.00 Unc S 4.50 VG/F $ 5.00 Unc $ 6.00 F/VF $ 7.00 Type 39, VF XF Type 40, VG F/VF S 5.00 S 5.50 $ 4.50 S 5.00 Type 64, VF 1 1/4" corner tear, nothing gone $25.00 VF $30.00 (pay $22.00) Unc stain (moderate) . . $40.00 WANT TO BUY COMMON CONFEDERATE—Pay $1.50 per note Fine or better (no tears, notes, tape, etc.) $160.00 per 100. Unc. pay $1.70 each or AU/Unc Type 41 VF $ 6.00 5 5.00 Type 65, VF tape $ 3.50 VF $ 5.00 $175.00 per 100. Also interested in scarcer type notes. XF/AU S 5.50 XF $ 5.50 Crisp $ 6.00 VF, Charleston S.C. Type 66, F S 3.50 ALABAMA Postmark rev. $25.00 VF/XF $ 4.25 STATE NOTES Type 42, VG $ 6.00 Type 67, Avg circ F or better CR#1, VG 2.00 Type 43, VG stains & corner torn. $ 4.00 (no dogs) $2.75 each CR#1, F 13 2.25 G/VG decent 5 9.00 5 for $13.00 CR#1, XF S 2.50 Fine & nice $18.00 10 for $25.00 CR#3, VG S 2.50 Type 44, VG decent $ 6.00 20 for $48.00 CR#6, XF $ 3.00 VF corner nipped $12.50 Type 68, Avg circ. CR#9, VF S 3.00 Type 46, VF/XF $15.00 Fine or better $ 2.50 each CR#11, F $ 2.50 Type 51, VF coc $ 3.75 5 for $12.00 CR#13, F $12.50 VF S 6.00 10 for $22.50 CR#14, VF Stains $ 7.00 Whole No. 72 Page 349 CR#15, VF S 6.00 Bank of Selma $5.00, CR#S-136, VG S 6.50 Same, F S 8.00 S20.00, Unl, VF, small hole . . 512.00 Central Bank, Montgomery, $1.00 CR#CRC-90, VG S 7.00 F $ 8.00 $10.00, CR#C-119, VG, stains $ 6.00 VG S 7.00 $20.00, CR#C-124, VG S 8.00 Commercial Bank, Selma, $1.00 CR#C560, VG, S 7.50 $50.00, CR#C595, VG, Small hole & chinks in margin $15.00 Young, Woods & Gardiner, Bankers, Eufala Apr. 15, 1862 UNLISTED, Good, It's all there $45.00 CONNECTICUT Derby Fishing Co., $5.00 UNLISTED, F 510.00 Manuf. Exchange Co., $10.00, Unc., Ink erosion . . . . $15.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Bank of the Union, $3.00 CR#U-260, VG 514.00 FLORIDA STATE CR#22A, VG $20.00 CR#24, Unc S 5.00 CR#28, XF S 8.00 CR#35, XF, rust spot $18.00 GEORGIA STATE CR#1, Unc $18.00 2, AU S 8.00 2, Unc S 9.00 3, VF $22.00 3, XF $26.00 3, Unc $35.00 3A, VF $10.00 3A, XF $14.00 3A, Unc. $20.00 4, XF 5 6.00 4, Unc S 7.50 5, VF/XF S 2.50 5, Unc S 2.95 5, WANTED Pay VF or better 5 1.50 each 5, WANTED Pay Unc. . 5 1.75 each 6, XF 5 6.50 6, Unc $ 75.0 6B, (Scarce) AU/Unc $17.50 7, XF 5 5.00 7, Unc 5 5.50 7, 5/525.00; 10/547.50 7A, XF foxed S 8.00 7A, Unc $10.00 8, XF $ 4.50 8, Unc 5 5.00 9, Wanted, pay minimum $300.00 fine. More for higher grade. 10, Wanted, pay minimum $300.00 fine. More for higher grade. 11A, VG 5 6.00 13, Wanted all grades, Pay $75.00 Fine, $110.00 Unc. 14, XF S 2.50 Unc 5 3.00 14A, VG $ 3.00 XF S 6.00 15, VF S 2.25 15, XF $ 2.50 15, Unc 5 3.00 15A, F 5 3.50 16, WANTED, Pay $38.00 VF; $45.00 Unc. 17, WANTED, Pay $15.00 FV; $22.50 Unc. 18, VF S 3.50 18, XF 5 4.00 19, VF S 3.50 19, XF 5 4.00 20, WANTED, Pay $90.00 VF; $130.00 Unc. 21, F 5 6.00 21, VF 5 7.00 22, F/VF 5 6.50 23, 24, 25, 26, VG 5 2.75 each 23, 24, 25, 26 F/VF .. . S 3.50 each 27, VG decent $14.00 27, XF/AU $25.00 27, Unc $30.00 27, VG faults $10.00 27, VG $15.00 27, F $18.50 27, VF tape $15.00 29, F S 4.00 29, VF S 5.00 30A, VG Unsigned $20.00 30A, F/VF Unsigned $35.00 31, AU $17.50 31, Unc $20.00 (Cat. $40.00) 32, Unc corner nipped 5 5.00 32, Unc $10.00 33, Unc $25.00 STATE OF LOUISIANA CR#4, VF 5 6.00 10, VG 5 3.00 F6VF $ 3.50 11, VF/XF Foxing $22.50 12, VF/XF $15.00 14, XF/AU 5 6.00 15, Unc $ 7.00 16, Unc $10.00 17, F 5 5.00 18, Unc $10.00 29, AU S 4.50 29, Uncut sheet of 4 $22.50 MASSACHUSETTS Cochituate Bank CR-C-601, 603, 608, 51.00, 52.00, 55.00. Good each 53.75; all 3 for 510.00, 10 mixed $30.00 MISSISSIPPI STATE CR#11 A, F $10.00 13A, VG S 6.00 16, F/VF S 7.00 17, F 5 5.00 22, VG $ 4.50 24, VG stains $10.00 30, XF S 9.50 33, XF/AU $20.00 35, Unc 8.00 42A, Unc $26.00 VF $12.00 43, AU/Unc $10.00 43A, XF $10.00 44, XF S 7.00 45, Unc $10.00 46, Unc $10.00 46, XF 5 7.00 50, AU/Unc coc $10.00 51, AU coc $15.00 52, XF coc $10.00 Mississippi Shipping Co. $5.00 CR-M-650 VG nice $32.00 STATE OF MISSOURI CR#1, AU $16.00 2D, VF $50.00 4A, Unc $35.00 5A, XF/XF $10.00 Unc $22.00 9, XF $27.50 21A, VF nicked margin $12.0' NEW YORK Banks of Niagara, advertising note of the VICTORIA BRIDGE "2", or "so" Denomination, Unc $15.00 each Same as above "3" Denomination, Unc. $18.00 each Globe Bank $500.00 CR-G-452 VG $100.00 OHIO Worthington SCRIP, EZRA GRIZWOLD INN, 1816, 61/2¢, Pink Paper, F $12.50 121/2¢ same, VG $10.00; F $12.50 25¢, 50¢ F/VF $5.00 each 1819 issue 61/2¢ F $14.00 Same 121/2¢ VG $12.50 Same 25, 50¢ VG $4.00 ea., F $5.00 ea., VF $6.50 ea. Same $1.00 VG $6.00 ea., F $7.50 ea. Same $2.00 Unc, U S $8.00 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE CR#1, AU/Unc $12.00 2, Unc $12.00 SOUTH CAROLINA OBSOLETE, SHEHEEN NUMBERS Commercial Bank of Columbia $5.00, SH72, VG $ 6.00 Farmers & Exchange, Charleston $5.00 SH90 G S 3.50 F/VF 5 6.00 $10.00 SH91 VG S 5.00 520.00 SH92 VG 5 5.00 Bank of Georgetown $5.00, SH100, AU $12.00 $10.00, SH104, VF/XF $14.00 Bank of Hamburg $10.00, SH116, VG $ 7.00 Merchants Bank of S.C. $5.00 SH127, F, $ 7.50 Planters Bank of Fairfield $5.00 SH150, F $ 9.00 State Bank, Charleston 55.00, SH202, G, $4.00; F. . 5 5.00 510.00, SH205, VF/XF $ 9.00 Bank of State of S.C. 25¢, SH213, F 5 7.00 50¢ SH219, G $ 5.00 251, SH237A, VG $22.00 751, SH263A, VG $8.00; F cc. 5 9.00 $1.00, SH266, F/VF 7.00 52.00, SH281, F/VF $7.00 $2.00, SH285, F/VF 5 7.00 510.00, SH295, F 517.50 Claud Murphy BOX 921, DECATUR, GA. 30031 Page 350 Paper Money GEORGIA OBSOLETE JACKSON: Will only hit the high points, I have around 500 different for sale. Butts County Let me know your wants. 1862 81.00 Barely good with faults, Rare 832.00 MACON: Bank of, $3.00 1831, VG, V. Scarce $27.50 $4.00 1831, XF & scarce, $50.00 $5.00 1831, VG/F scarce $30.00 Georgia Savings Bank 1863 $1.00, $5.00, $10.00, VG/F $10.00 each MACON: Macon Savings Bank 1863, $3.00, $4.00, G $15.00 each Manufacturers Bank $10.00, $20.00, CR-M-221, CR-M-224, The Rare ones, F/VF & nice $45.00 each Ocmulgee Bank, 1837 1840, 85.00, $10.00, $20.00, F $15.00 each MILLEDGEVILLE: Bank of, 85.00, $10.00, CR-M 901 & 904, F S 8.00 each ROME: Empire Bank Scrip of Foster & Norris, Sim CR-E-365 & 368, 10¢, 25¢ 50¢, Au/Unc. U.S., as nearly always S 6.00 each 25¢, CR-+-469 "VWENTY FIVE" error, Unc $10.00 50¢, CR-E-379 SIGNED! Rare thus, F . $22.50 (Pay $15.00) SAVANNAH: Bank of Commerce $1.00, 82.00, $5.00, 510.00, CR-599, etc. $100.00, CR-A-892, F/VF $28.00 F or better $ 7.00 ea. Bank of Augusta $100.00 CRC-642 F/VF $32.50 5¢, VG, signed $10.00 81.00, $2.00 CR-C-601, C-609, VG/F $ 8.00 ea. Unc. U.S. 5 7.00 83.00, $4.00 CR-C-614, C-619, VG/F $12.50 ea. 10¢, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢ AU/Unc. U.S. $ 4.50 ea. Bank of Savannah $4.00 CR-A-730 Unc. U.S. $10.00 $5.00 CR-S-78 VG, faults 8 4.00 Mechanics Bank VG 5 5.00 $1.00 or $2.00 G/VG 8 5.00 ea. Bank of the State of Ga. $5.00 or $10.00, each VG $ 4.50 5¢, 10¢, CR-S-597 & 601, VG $ 5.50 ea. F $ 6.00 25¢, 50¢, CR-S-605 & 610, VG $ 4.00 ea. $20.00 VG $ 5.00 F 8 4.50 ea. F $ 7.00 $1.00, $2.00 CR-S-628 & S669 VG decent .. . . $ 9.00 ea. XF $10.00 $5.00, $10.00, $20.00, CR-S-703, S-748, S-775, $50.00 VG $11.50 VG each 5 7.00 $500.00 & $1000.00 WANTED Fine or better $100.00 CR-S-798 Scarce F/VF 537.50 Bainbridge Southern Bank Farmers & Merchants Bank $5.00 CR-S-457 (Scarce) VG decent $25.00 $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, $10.00, CR-F-106, 111, 1Brunswick Exchange Bank 24, 131, F each 5 7.50 $5.00 CR-E-960 (Scarce) VG 825.00 820.00 CR-F-136 VF $12.00 XF $32.00 $50.00 CR-F-141 F-150 $27.50 Cahutah Savings Bank of Merchants & Planters Bank 50¢, 75¢ (v. scarce) VF/XF uns as always $25.00 ea. $1.00, $2.00, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 VG $ 5.00 ea. $2.00 (Rare) VF/XF corner nip $30.00 F $ 7.00 ea. COLUMBUS: $3.00 Low grade, too bad to describe Chattahoochee RR & Banking in decent language $ 2.00 $5.00 (Rare) VG part of right end gone $20.00 a little better (at least it is all there) $ 5.00 Chattahoochee RR & Banking VG $12.00 $20.00 (Rare) VG & nice $50.00 VF $18.50 DALTON: $50.00 & $100.00 G $20.00 each Bank of Whitfield $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, similar to CR-W-218 "MANOUVIER", all very scarce VG/F & nice, each . $24.00 GREENSBOROUGH: Bank of, $1.00 sim CR-G-375 no "one" O.P. AU/Unc $17.50 Claud Murphy $5.00 CR-G-392 VG $12.00 Unc $22.50 P.O. BOX 921 GREENVILLE: DECATUR, GEO. 30031 County of Merriwether 1862 81.00 Unc. $5.00 XF, Both Rare $50.00 ea. ANA 31775 SPMC 4486 HAMILTON: TEL. (404) 876-7160, 5:30 to 10:30 P.M.Harris County 1862 82.00 F; 85.00 F, Both Rare $50.00 ea, $2.00 F/VF Rare $60.00 ATHENS: Bank of Athens 75¢ 1863, VG $20.00 Bank of State of Ga. $5.00. CR-S730 $10.00 ATLANTA: Alabama Ins. Co. 10¢, 1862, VG $17.00 Bank of Fulton $1.00 CR-F801, VG small tear $12.00 $2.00 UNL same issue G $ 8.00 Railroad Ticket, Unissued, Richmond & Danville RR, Atlanta & Charlotte Division 188, XF $10.00 AUGUSTA: Augusta Ins. & Banking $1.00, CR-A-862, Fine 8 6.00 $1.00, CR-A-860, F/VF $ 7.00 $2.00, CR-A-866, VG Id 4.00 $2.00, CR-A-864, VG $ 6.00 $5.00, CR-A-870, VG 8 5.00 $5.00, CR-A-869, BG/F 8 6.00 $10.00, CR-A-872, G/VG $ 6.00 $10.00, CR-A-874, VG/F $ 6.00 $10.00, CR-A-874, F/VF 8 8.50 $20.00, CR-A-878, VG/F $ 9.00 520.00, CR-A-880, VG/F $ 7.00 550.00, CR-A-886, F/VF 824.50 $50.00, UNL 1837, VG/F $25.00 $50.00, UNL 1837, F/VF $30.00 $100.00, CR-A-890, F $25.00 F1300 550.00 F1344 125.00 F1301 23.00 F1345 60.00 F1303 23.00 F1346 60.00 F1307 23.00 F1347 40.00 F1308 13.00 F1348 100.00 F 1 309 13.00 F1349 45.00 50 CENT NOTES F1350 50.00 F1310 70.00 F1351 450.00 F1311 80.00 F1352 625.00 F1312 50.00 F1353 475.00 F1313 100.00 F1354 500.00 F1316 30.00 F1355 50.00 50 CENT NOTES F1356 70.00 F1317 30.00 F1357 250.00 F1318 30.00 50 CENT NOTES F1320 55.00 F1358 40.00 F1321 65.00 F1359 80.00 F1322 60.00 F1360 40.00 F1324 40.00 F1361 45.00 F1325 110.00 F1362 28.00 F1326 45.00 F1363 85.00 F1327 45.00 F1364 30.00 F1328 60.00 F1365 40.00 F1329 85.00 F1366 40.00 F1330 1100.00 F1367 95.00 F1331 20.00 F1368 45.00 F1332 60.00 F1369 50.00 F1333 25.00 F1370 100.00 F1334 25.00 F1371 200.00 F1336 65.00 F1372 110.00 F1337 50.00 F1373 115.00 F1338 55.00 F1374 75.00 F1339 30.00 F1375 75.00 F1340 65.00 F1376 45.00 F1341 40.00 F1379 40.00 F1342 45.00 F1380 25.00 F1343 40.00 F1381 23.00 We need and are buying proofs and specimens or essays of the fractional currency arid experimental, trial and freak notes, errors. We need pairs, strips, blocks, packs, sheets and shields gray-pink-green. If you have some you would like to sell you can just ship it with price or we will make an offer. CONTINENTAL CURRENCY VG plus pay . . 8.00 COLONIAL CURRENCY VG plus pay 6.00 CONFEDERATE FINE OR BETTER . . . 1.00 BROKEN BANK NOTES CU 1.00 WE NEED CIR NOTES-VG OR BETTER F113-122 30.00 Ten dollar Bison F271-281 25.00 Five dollar Chief F747-780 18.00 Two dollar Battleship F2300 HAWAII ONE DOLLAR CH CU . . . . 8.00 VG 2.00 COIN-A-RAMA CITY 13304 INGLEWOOD AVE. HAWTHORNE, CALIF. 90250 PHONE 213-679-9151 Whole No. 72 Page 351 WANTED TO BUY PAPER MONEY We are in need of some choice CU notes. CU only, no folds, pinholes, bad spots, or too far off-center, etc. We have been at the same location for over 14 years but it has just been the last few months that we have been trying to build up our inventory of U.S. paper money and we need your help and will pay for it. When shipping to us wrap it well, send it registered mail for the value and a return receipt will tell you the day we receive it. Please ship it with an invoice and your phone number. All notes listed by F366-368 .. 800.00 5 CENT NOTES Friedberg are buy F369-371 . .. 400.00 F1228 45.00 prices are for choice CU NATIONAL BANK F1229 50.00 notes. NOTES F1230 20.00 F380-386 .. 475.00 F1231 60.00 LEGAL TENDER F387-393 ..1350.00 F1232 28.00 NOTES F394-408 .. 575.00 F1233 28.00 F16-17 270.00 F409-423 . . 800.00 F1234 28.00 F18 260.00 F424-439 . 850.00 F1235 50.00 F19-27 120.00 F466-478 .. 160.00 F1236 50.00 F28-30 70.00 F479492 . . 175.00 F1237 65.00 F34-35 120.00 F493-506 .. 300.00 F1238 20.00 F36-39 38.00 F507-518 650.00 F1239 30.00 F40 85.00 F519-531 . . 750.00 10 CENT NOTES F41-41a .. 425.00 F532-538 .. 250.00 F1240 42.00 F43-49 160.00 F539-548 . 275.00 F1241 50.00 F50-52 110.00 F549-557 . 375.00 F1242 25.00 F53-56 140.00 F558-565 650.00 F1243 60.00 F57-60 58.00 F573-575 550.00 F1244 20.00 F61-63 250.00 F576-579 650.00 F1245 20.00 F64 220.00 F580-585 . 700.00 F1246 23.00 F65-69 160.00 F587-594 80.00 F1247 30.00 F70-72 125.00 F595-597 180.00 F1248 500.00 F73-82 110.00 F598-612 70.00 F1249 50.00 F83-92 58.00 F613-620 95.00 F1251 30.00 F93 400.00 F621-623 220.00 F1252 35.00 F94-95 400.00 F624-638 . 80.00 F1253 55.00 F97-99 300.00 F639-646 . . 110.00 F1254 70.00 F100-102 • 200.00 F647-649 .. 300.00 F1255 20.00 F103-113 • 200.00 F650-663 . . 110.00 F1256 25.00 F114-122 • 350.00 F647-649 . . 300.00 F1257 20.00 F123 900.00 F650-663 .. 110.00 F1258 20.00 F124-126 700.00 F664-671 .. 275.00 F1259 20.00 F130-147 260.00 F675-685 .. 250.00 F1261 20.00 F155-164 .. 850.00 F686-694 . . 400.00 F1264 30.00 SILVER F698-707 . .. 385.00 F1265 14.00 CERTIFICATES FEDERAL RESERVE F1266 14.00 F215-223 . . . 200.00 BANK NOTES 15 CENT NOTES F224-225 . . . 265.00 F708-746 . .. . 50.00 F1267 50.00 F226-227 .. . 60.00 F747-780 . .. 135.00 F1268 50.00 F228-236 . .. . 45.00 F781-809 . . . 125.00 F1269 50.00 E237-239 .. . 25.00 F810-821 . . 625.00 F1271 50.00 F240-244 .. . 280.00 FEDERAL RESERVE 25 CENT NOTES F245-246 . . . 500.00 NOTES F1279 65.00 F247-248 . .. 600.00 F832-843 . . 100.00 F1280 75.00 F249-258 .. . 140.00 F844-891 .. . . 35.00 F1281 45.00 F259-265 . . . 900.00 F892-903 .. . 130.00 F1282 100.00 F266-267 . .. 400.00 F904-951 . . .. 40.00 F1283 25.00 F268-270 . .. 950.00 F952-963 . . . 150.00 F1284 30.00 F271-281 . .. 250.00 F964-1011. . .. 55.00 F1285 30.00 F282 320.00 F1024-1071 . 140.00 F1286 30.00 F287-289 .. 750.00 F1084-1131 . . 240.00 F1287 35.00 F291-297 . . 500.00 GOLD F1288 35.00 F298-304 . . 350.00 CERTIFICATES F1289 55.00 F317-322 . . . 450.00 F1167-1173 . . 110.00 F1290 60.00 F330-335 . . . 800.00 F1179-1187 . . 175.00 F1291 40.00 TREASURY OR F1198-1200 . 375.00 F1292 40.00 COIN NOTES F1203-1215 . 600.00 F1293 40.00 F347-349 . .. 475.00 F1294 30.00 F350-352 . . . 165.00 FRACTIONAL F1295 30.00 F353-355 . .. 750.00 CURRENCY F1296 30.00 F356-358 . .. 320.00 3 CENT NOTES F1297 50.00 F359-361 . . . 700.00 F1226 20.00 F1298 80.00 F362-365 . .. 400.00 F1227 35.00 F1299 400.00 THE BAHAMAS GOVERNMENT THEM With the advent of the American Civil War, the Bahama Islands began an unprecedented economic boom. Largely based on blockade running, the economy surged completely retiring the public debt of £47,786 and creating imports of £5,346,000 and exports of £4,677,000 for a single year) Such figures were considered unimaginable previously and would not be equalled for over half a century. But, with the restoration of peace in the U.S. in mid-1865, the boom evaporated as quickly as it had materialized. One observer commenting on the rapidity of the collapse said, "Ruin fell in an hour." Undoubtedly, the collapse was not that quick, but depression was only a matter of months in development. The following year a further devastating blow occurred: a disastrous hurricane. So severe was nature's wrath that instead of being referred to merely as the hurricane of September/October 1866, it became known distinctively as "The Great Bahama Hurricane". 2 In the wake of this destruction to life and property, Rawson W. Rawson, Governor of the Colony, submitted to the British Government a proposal for the issue of £15,000 of legal tender bank notes secured with specie in the Public Bank. Some months later, in March of 1867, the Secretary of State instructed the Governor to withdraw the measure and substituted an authorization for the colony to raise funds by debentures. By late June, 1868, circumstances had changed: specifically, a drain of gold and silver specie from the colony and a call from the local bank for repayment of £10,000 in debentures. Therefore, the Governor and Executive Council, pointing to the success of colonial bank note issues in Canada and Mauritius, again pressed the Secretary of State for permission to issue notes in the Bahamas. 3 As the economic situation deteriorated further, the Governor took further steps for relief. Towards the end of August, through the Attorney General, he introduced into the Assembly a bill calling for the issue of currency. However, when some conservative Members of the Assembly added extensive provisions for retrenchment, the bill died. 4 On Oct. 17, after the Assembly had adjourned, a resolution was passed unanimously by the Governor-in-Council to issue notes of 4i1 and £5 denominations for use in the payment of public officers. called for an order of £1 and £5 in the payment of public officers. for an order of 5,000 £1 notes blue) and 1,000 £5 notes in red The resolution denominations for use The resolution called printed in blue (light (carmine). 5 •URY NOTES OF 1868- 1869 by Samuel L. Smith In his dispatch No. 173 of the same date to the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Secretary of State Governor Rawson enclosed a hand-drawn facsimile of the five-pound note (figure a) he had ordered lithographed by The Major & Knapp Engraving Manufacturing & Lithograph Company of New York. He pointed out to the Secretary of State the success of U.S. Interest Bearing Notes, and accordingly allowed interest of 6% per annum on the issue and made them receivable in payment of duties and taxes in the purchase of debentures. He also assured the Secretary that there would be no excessive issuance of the notes, certainly not exceeding-M,500 per month. 6 Anticipating a delay in shipment of the notes from New York, the Executive Council at its meeting of Oct. 23, established the form and wording of provisional certificates to be printed in Nassau. 7 At the beginning of November when salaries became due, a small but sufficient amount totaling L951 of these locally printed notes (figure b) were issued. Although these provisional notes were "Receivable for Duties at the Public Treasury," they had no legal tender status at the Public Bank: i.e., merchants could and did accept them from civil servants for merchandise and could then pay duties with them; however, merchants could not deposit them with the bank for the bank to re-issue them to persons drawing cheques for payment of duties. The Governor's greatest fear, that the notes might be discounted for merchants, was fortunately allayed. 8 In December the first of the Treasury Notes lithographed by Major & Knapp were issued. (Figures c, d, e, f.) By this time the convenience of notes over specie was becoming evident. In addition to public servants, contractors and other government creditors were volunteering to take them. Use of the notes for payment of duties served to prevent their overabundance but at the same time was not so great as to put pressure on the Treasury's limited specie reserves. 9 Although the issuance of notes continued in January and February of 1869, changes were taking place that would doom the issue. At the end of December, 1868, the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos was succeeded by the Right Honorable Earl Granville as Secretary of State in Britain. In the Bahamas Governor Rawson's term expired and on Jan. 11, 1869, James Walker succeeded him as Governor of the Colony. Beginning on Feb. 1, any notes issued to civil servants were required to have the phrase "and bearing legal Interest from the date hereof" stricken." (Note this difference in the pictured notes, and the reverse of the t5 No. AFB 0144 (figure g) showing interest calculation.) At \\k alrat*Kitio.oy 11E PITH MAU 0131111111H If DRY . kt.t.:IN Of)0ED;)€)7 ,4 Itkuou, Whole No. 72 Page 355 Figure G - Reverse of the k5 note, Serial No. 0144 the Executive Council meeting of Feb. 12, a Confidential Dispatch from Earl Granville was read forbidding any further issue of notes. 11 In total, t2,000 of Treasury Notes had been issued under Governor Rawson's order. 12 In March, without further authorization to issue more notes, Governor Walker found himself without means to pay civil servants and barely enough to meet the expenses of the jail and asylum. 13 Redemption of the notes dragged on for seven years. There is no record of the rate of redemption in 1868, 1869, or 1870. 14 As of Dec. 31, 1871, only t300 were outstanding. Records for 1872 are currently unavailable. 15 At the end of 1873, only +,8 remained unredeemed. 16 In 1874 only a single 't1 note was redeemed 17 and that particular note No. H/K 0850 is pictured. In 1875, the remaining L7 were redeemed, 18 bringing to an end the circulation of the first issue of a Bahamian paper money. It would be almost half a century, 1920, before currency of the Bahamas Government would be circulated again. In addition to the two sets of the 1868-1869 Treasury Notes from private collections pictured here, there is a third set privately held, and a fourth pair in the collection of the Central Bank of the Bahamas. All three sets in the hands of private collectors came from the same source some 20 years ago. There also exists a printer's proof of the t5 note offered in Spink's Bank Note Quarterly of Winter, 1976. With the discovery of the issued notes and their limited known population, this proof becomes highly collectible. Both the hand-drawn •h5 form and the Provisional ...b1 certificate of November, 1868, are in the collection of the Bahamas Archives. 1. Albury, Paul. The Story of the Bahamas. 2. Ibid. 3. Governor's Despatches, 1868. 4. Ibid. 5. Minutes of the Executive Council, 1868. 6. Governor's Despatches, 1868. 7. Minutes of the Executive Council, 1868. 8. Governor's Despatches, 1868. 9. Ibid. 10. Minutes of the Executive Council, 1868. 11. Ibid. 12. Ibid. 13. Governor's Despatches, 1869. 14. Bahamas Blue Book, 1868, 1869, & 1870. 15. Bahamas Blue Book, 1871.16. Bahamas Blue Book, 1873. 17. Bahamas Blue Book, 1874. 18. Bahamas Blue Book, 1875. REPRINT OF GWYNNE AND DAY The Pennell Publishing Co. has released a hard cover reprint of the 1862 Gwynne & Day's "Descriptive Register of Genuine Bank Notes," published annually from 1859 to 1862. This book descirbes in detail the thousands of genuine bank notes circulating in the United States and Canada at that time. As its title implies, it does not include genuine notes of closed banks or very early notes possibly still redeemable but almost completely withdrawn from circulation by banks still in operation. The original publication was designed to give merchants and bankers a way of determining whether bank notes presented to them were genuine. Bank notes differing from the published descriptions were refused. Even genuine notes were accepted only at a discount if the issuing bank's credit rating was questionable. The problems facing today's storekeepers and bankers are probably much more sophisticated, but it is doubtful whether their computers could handle transactions involving thousands of different kinds of money with individual values continually changing. Although not given credit, this book was the main source of D.C. Wismer's listings of obsolete bank notes of the various states published annually in the Numismatist from 1922 to 1936. To this basic core of descriptions of genuine notes circa 1860, Wismer added bank notes (and some scrip) owned by him or seen in other collections, together with some historical data. Unfortunately, the additions included some counterfeit, altered and raised notes which Wismer either did not recognize or bother to identify. Collectors who have used the Wismer lists will welcome the opportunity presented by Gwynne & Day to question the origin of such additions. Gwynne and Day originals are rare and expensive. The reprint, priced at only $15, has many supplements, including a list of banks which ceased operations prior to 1862. This alerts researchers to the possibility of locating notes of the closed banks. Gwynne and Day will be a valued addition to the possibility of locating notes of the closed banks. Gwynne and Day will be a valued addition to the libraries of all obsolete paper money collectors and a must for those who are compiling the new SPMC listings of the various states. The $15 price includes mailing costs. Orders should be sent to the Pennell Publishing Company, Box 858, Anderson, South Carolina 29621. BIG NAME, SMALL TOWN The Path Valley National Bank of Dry Run (Penna.) was a community of some 200 people that issued what the firm of Hickman & Oakes describe as "little more than pocket change" in National Currency. When a nice AU 1929 note from the bank was offered in their mail sale, it drew a strong $275 bid. fr 7 To every collector of banknotes, Stanley Gibbons are the world's leading experts. Their London showrooms house a superb selection that includes banknotes from almost a countries of the world. And for everything y want to know about paper money, expel - advice is always available. Come alo and see for yourself. Stanley Gibbons expertise does not end there. They are also specialists in coins, medals, playing cards and documents and if you want the literature and price lists for any of them just complete the attached coupon. STANLEY GIBBONS CURRENCY LTD. 395 STRAND, LONDON WC2R OLX, ENGLAND TEL, 01-8368444. PM 474 _ 01110Atitt- 1"''' jratwitom .4451. 11110101114111:CILIAMI 44amtialintotAlkaaakaUtailtjuistszeuss, „ %//,,/ Whole No. 72 Page 357 NEW YORK STATE CURRENCY WANTED NATIONALS ALL SIZES AND TYPES Alexandria Bay 5284 Amityville 8873 Babylon 4906 Babylon 10358 Baldwin 11474 Bay Shore 10029 Bellerose 13234 Bellmore 11072 Bellport 12473 Bridgehampton 9669 Brooklyn (Long Island N.B.) 12885 Brooklyn (Nassau N.B.) 658 Cedarhurst 11854 Central Islip 9322 Cutchogue 12551 East Hampton 7763 East Islip 9322 East Northport 12593 East Rockaway 12818 East Setauket 11511 East Williston 13124 Farmingdale 8882 Floral Park 12499 Franklin Square 12997 Freeport 7703 Freeport 11518 Glen Head 13126 Great Neck 12659 Greenport 334 Greenport 3232 Hampton Bays 12987 Hempstead 4880 Hempstead 11375 Hicksville 11087 Huntington 6587 Inwood 12460 Islip 8794 Kings Park 12489 Kings Park 14019 Lake Ronkonkoma 13130 Lindenhurst 8833 Long Beach 11755 Long Beach 13074 Lynbrook 8923 Lynbrook 11603 Manhasset 11924 Mattituck 13445 Merrick 12503 Mineola 9187 Mineola 13404 New York City (Dunbar N.B.) 13237 New York City (Long Island, N.B.) 12885 New York City (Nassau N.B. 658) Northport 5936 Oceanside 12458 Patchogue 6785 Patchogue 12788 Port Jefferson 5068 Riverhead 4230 Rockville Center 8872 Rockville Center 11033 Rossevelt 11953 Roslyn 13326 Sayville 5186 Smithtown Branch 9820 Southampton 10185 Valley Stream 11881 West Hempstead 13104 Westbury 11730 Woodmere 12294 I also need Obsolete Currency and Scrip from any of these above towns as well from: BROOKLYN LONG ISLAND PORT JEFFERSON FREEPORT ORIENT POINT SOUTHOLD JAMAICA GREENPORT GLEN COVE SETAUKET VVILLIAMSBURGH SOUTH HUNTINGDON Suffolk County Bank of Sag Harbor Interested also in Chicago, Illinois #12227—Douglass National Bank. I will also buy old "Satirical" cartoon currency poking fun at political candidates. Also needed are any bills of any country, any series with repeater numbers similar to 20202020, 00002020, 2020 DR. ALAN YORK NUMBER ONE MAIN STREET, EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 516-324-1024 American Historical Vignettes By John R. Isted Page 358 Paper Money The fourth issue of United States Notes, or Legal Tender, included a newly designed $2 note. Production of the new $2 note began in 1870 an d ended in 1929. Although changes occurred on the note throughout its long history, and the Series date changed frequently-1869, 1874, 1875, 1878, 1880, and 1917—the central vignette remained the same. The first five series dates of the fourth issue "greenback" two-dollar note remain for the collector relatively elusive in choice uncirculated condition. This is a direct result of their low production: Series 1 869-24,796,000; Series 1 87 5-11,518,000; Series 1878-4,676,000; and Series 1880-28,212,000. The Series 1917, however, is more plentiful with 317,416,000 notes coming off the presses at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing between 1917 and 1929. Therefore, it affords the collector a better chance of owning a choice example of this beautiful note. The note's vignette, the Capitol building in Washington D.C., was the site of heated controversy over the nation's monetary policy of issuing Legal Tender Notes which were not redeemable in specie. President Andrew Johnson, in his annual message given December 4, 1865, stated that: "It is our first duty to prepare in earnest for our recovery from the ever increasing evils of irredeemable currency without a sudden revulsion and yet without an untimely procrastination. For that end we must each, in our respective positions, prepare the way." However, the feeling among a great number of influencial people was that the government should not pay its war debt in full, because the government had received depreciated currency for a great mass of its bonds. But when Congress met in December of 1865, it went on record stating "that the public debt created during the late rebellion was contracted upon the faith and honor of the nation; that it is sacred and inviolate, and must and ought to be paid, principal and interest; and that any attempt to repudiate, or in any manner to impair or scale the said debt, should be universally discountenanced by the people, and promptly rejected by Congress if proposed." Champion of the cause to retire greenbacks in the attempt to pay the war debt was Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCulloch, who took office in March, 1865. He engineered a plan to retire between $100 million and $200 million in greenbacks and to resume specie payments. In fluencial private citizens, and public officials alike, were pleased with his annual report given December 4, 1865. The report stated that the immense volume of paper money in circulation must be reduced to avoid disastrous financial crises similar to those of 1837 and 1857. He warned Congress against the continuance of the policy of issuing fiat money, predicting that it could only lead to political upheaval creating mammoth disturbances. Although McCulloch was backed by Congress and the President in his attempt to withdraw greenbacks and resume specie payments, his great void in the art of politics seriously hindered his plans and eventually defeated him. Friction between the President and Congress was increasing at an alarming rate during this period over the management, or reconstruction, of the Southern states. McCulloch's loyalty went to President Johnson, thereby creating an air of hostility between Congress and the Secretary. A number of businessmen were also having second thoughts about the contraction of greenbacks, and influenced some of the Congressmen to oppose the President and Secretary. The result was the passage of the Act of April 12, 1866, which limited the retirement of greenbacks to $10 million during the following six months, and to $4 million in any one month thereafter. Secretary McCulloch was indeed disappointed, as he thought that there would be months in which he could redeem more than $4 million in United States Notes from the economy without injuring industry or trade. In total, $44 million in fiat money was withdrawn from the U.S. economy under the Act of April 12, 1866. McCulloch stated that it was such a small amount that the only Whole No. 72 Page 359 affect noticeable would be the adjustments in the Treasury books. Outstanding United States Notes had been reduced from $400 million to $356 million, and before any more could be retired; the Congress in February, 1868, passed 15 Statutes at Large, 183, which halted the Secretary from retiring any more greenbacks. Capitol Hill was now buzzing with controversy over the proper method of paying the national debt. And with the election of 1868 approaching, the Republicans and the Democrats, squared-off on this issue. The Republicans and their candidate for President, Ulysses S. Grant, stood behind the resumption of specie payments and the contraction of greenbacks. The Democrats, and their candidate Horatio Seymour, favored inflation and the continued use of greenbacks without the backing of precious metal. The election of 1868 was the first in United States history to be waged upon the maintenance of the monetary standard. The Republicans and their war hero, General U.S. Grant, won the Presidential election. The Republicans were also victors in the Congress, with control resting heavily in their favor: 61 Republicans and 11 Democrats in the Senate; and 170 Republicans to 73 Democrats in the House of Representatives. In his first inaugural address, given on Thursday, March 4, 1869, President Grant pledged his unswerving devotion to the payment of the national debt in gold. Later that month Congress passed, and the President approved, the "Act to Strengthen the Public Credit" which promised to pay the national debt in coin, and "to make provision at the earliest practicable period for the redemption of the United States notes (greenbacks) in coin." However, Congress and the Executive branch never made use of the Act, and fell back into a heated debate over the economic viability of fiat money. Perhaps the strongest voice speaking out on the greenback question in Washington during these monetarily traumatic years was that of President Grant's Secretary of the Treasury, George S. Boutwell. Secretary Boutwell opposed the contraction of Legal Tender Notes, and was convinced that the method of resumption through the accumulation of gold was impossible so long as existing exports of that metal continued. He believed that the condition of the currency would improve as the credit of the nation improved; and this he believed could be accomplished through the careful refunding of the public debt. Congress listened to Boutwell's plan, and moved in direct opposition to it by passing the Act of July 14, 1870, and the Act of January 20, 1871. These Acts were in the spirit of the Act to Strengthen the Public Credit by authorizing the issue of $500 million of bonds at 5%; $300 million at 4 1/2%; and $1000 million at 4%; with each required to be paid in coin. Congress had hammered another blow against the inflationists. The inflationists were to have their day, however, soon after the United States suffered from the panic of 1873. The depression which followed the panic left the country's business interests in general collapse and suffering from the symptomatic shortage of money. Responding from the pressure of businessmen to increase the amount of money in circulation, President Grant ordered his third Secretary of the Treasury, William Richardson, to reissue $26 million in retired greenbacks to spur the economy. The President's order, although carried-out, did not have Page 360 legal basis as it went against earlier Acts of Congress fixing the amount of Legal Tender Notes in circulation. Thus, Grant rode the political seesaw from his earlier stand for hard money and the withdrawal of fiat paper money—and it was soon time for Congress to join him in his decision. The Federal election for Congressional seats was nearing, and those up for re-election knew the fate of incumbent administrations which served during past depressions—they had to react radically or face a loss at the polls. In March, 1874, the House voted by a large majority against a bill which would have limited the circulation of Legal Tender Notes at $356 million. Another bill soon after followed, limiting the amount of greenbacks in circulation at $382 million, thereby legitimizing Grant's illegal reissue of $26 million in greenbacks. The Senate, however, felt that this was not enough to boost the economy and amended the bill to read "$400 millions," and provided for the additional issue of $46 million in National Bank Notes. The bill passed the Senate and House by a vote of 29 to 24, and 140 to 102, respectively. Congress had now sided with the President by reversing its stand for hard money. The bill went before the President for signature. Congress felt reasonably sure that he would sign the bill into law as he had shown every sign of favoring soft money and inflation. But eight days after passing Congress, President Grant vetoed the bill to most everyone's surprise. As a compromise, Congress now passed a bill which provided for the circulation of $382 million in greenbacks, and the redistribution of $55 million in National Bank NOtes from the Eastern banks to those of the West and South. The President signed the so-called "Inflation bill" into law on June 30, 1874. The Legal Tender issue had created a virtual seesaw of political actions in Washington, with the Republicans doing the best they could to hold in-check the inflationists and at the same time remain viable for re-election. The "Inflation bill" was too little too late—Congressional majority switched to the Democrats in the House of Representatives, with the Republicans maintaining their majority in the Senate. After their loss at the polls the Republicans still had a few months left in their term to get the seesaw moving again. With nothing to lose, and hoping to strengthen the economy through their philosophy of hard money which had brought them to power in the election of 1868, the Republican House and Senate backed Senator George Edmunds and his "Resumption bill." Edmunds was a hard money advocate and authored the bill which called for the redemption of greenbacks in coin starting January 1, 1879; National Bank Note circulation was relieved from limitation, and greenbacks were to be retired to the extent of 80% of the issue of National Bank Notes until the Legal Tender Notes were reduced to $300 million in circulation; Fractional Currency was Paper Money to be replaced with silver coinage; the mint was not to charge for the processing of gold used for coining; and the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to issue bonds and use surplus revenues in order to resume specie payments. The bill was signed into law by President Grant on January 14, 1875, after it had easily passed the Senate 32 to 14, and the House 136 to 98. The vote had followed party lines, and the seesaw was at least back in the starting position again. The Economic theory of the greenback era rode the tide for decades, and the argument for maintaining paper money redeemable in specie is still with us today. The irony of the politics of the greenback era may be summed-up by the statements given on the same day by Secretary of War John Sherman, who as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance introduced the Resumption Act to the Senate; and by President Rutherford B. Hayes, who a year earlier had resumed specie payments authorized by the Act. Hayes and Sherman addressed the question on the future of greenbacks—each man looked to the other for support: President Hayes stated in his address to Congress that "The retirement of United States Notes ... is a step to be taken in our progress toward a safe and stable currency ... "; Secretary Sherman, on the other hand, started the seesaw the other way when he stated that "United States Notes are now, in form, security, and convenience, the best circulating medium known." NEW ELECTION PROCEDURES At the Board Meeting in Atlanta it was decided that all future elections of Board members will be by mail ballots of the general membership. Nominations for candidates will be made by: 1) petition signed by 10 members in good standing and delivered to Society secretary (Harry Wigington) at least 90 days in advance of the ANA meeting. If you have candidates in mind, get your petitions in the mail now. All nominations must be published in Paper Money at least 21 days before our meeting at the ANA convention. Mike Crabb, Chairman, Nominating Comm. BACK ISSUES DONATED Mr. Raymond de Vos (No. 1390) has just donated some very desirable back issues of Paper Money magazines to our Society. They are: Vol. 1., No. 4, 1962; Vol. 2., No. 2, 1963; Vol. 2., No. 3, 1963; Vol. 3., No. 3, 1964. Anyone needing these issued, please write. They will be awarded by lottery approximately 30 days after the mailing of this issue. The prices will be $2.00 each. Only successful members will be notified. Please send your letters to: J. Roy Pennell P.O. Box 858 Anderson, S.C. 29622 $5 1896 Silver Certificate Gem Uncirculated May 1977 $1900.00 $1 1923 Silver Certificate Inverted Overprint March 1977 $725.00 A , , ENGLAND RARE COIN AUCTIONS A $5 1934 -A Hawaiian Surcharge Invert Uncirculated November 1977 $975.00 1.6)1 a Whole No. 72 Page 361 "PAPER BRINGS TOP DOLLAR AT NEW ENGLAND AUCTION." Some of the finest in rare U.S. paper currency has been consigned to New England Rare Coin Auctions in the past, and our consignors have realized some of the most impressive prices in the market for these quality items. Our record speaks for itself. But at New England, we give you even more than outstanding prices. We give your collection the exposure it needs to attract the highest bidders. We publish auction catalogs that are unparalleled for photography and detail — and these catalogs are distributed to an expanding mailing list of active numis- matists and syngraphists both in this country and abroad. We travel with your collection to several conventions across the country before each auction, in order to give potential bidders an opportunity to examine your currency — PLUS, we offer an exclusive Personal Bidding Service to prospective bidders who are unable to attend the auction in person. Qualified auction bidder- representatives examine lots and execute bids, thus giving the broadest possible market access to your collection. Examine the record, then give us a call. Let your paper currency bring top dollar at a New England auction. Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 1776, Boston, MA 02105 Executive Offices & Galleries: 89 Devonshire St., Boston, MA 02109 (617) 227-8800 Page 362 Paper Money Interest Bearing Notes VEBOR Our annual bash at the ANA in Atlanta is over but the afterglow lingers on. A lot of hard work by many of your unselfish members, who devoted a lot of time and effort, paid off in a big way for your Society and our phase of the hobby. The Specialty Mall went over big. Six or seven other groups were also represented at tables to present their aspects of numismatics. We did very well and it worked beautifully. Over 40 new members, 80 plus books sold, 200 banquet tickets sold and several thousand of our new brochures were given to persons interested in paper money. So THANK YOU to all the fellows and lady (Ruth Bain) who spent time at the SPMC table. I must take space for a few lines and thank Doug Watson for the preparation of a new brochure for the Society. It tells the story of paper money, paper money collecting and our Society. Then, very subtly, he includes a membership application form. We had a lot of compliments on it. If you need some—particularly you dealers who want to get one into the hands of a friend or customer—let me know. Our banquet was attended by 200+ of us, all intent on a good time and looking forward to a sermon from the mount by the GREAT PROPHET for National Bank Notes: John Hickman. We were not disappointed; it was a talk that interested the specialist, the amateur, the wives and even the news media. John, we thank you! Next year, the Astrohall in Houston. How are we going to top the most dynamic meeting we've ever had? I don't know, but we'll try. You all just be there. One major action by your Board of Directors was to move our Board and General Membership away from the hectic and overcrowded schedule at the ANA convention. Next year both will be in conjunction with the Paper Money Convention in Memphis on June 2-4 at the Holiday Inn. At the ANA, we will have our Reception and Banquet as in past years. THE OLD ORDER CHANGETH Since 1964, one of the dreams of those of us who collect Obsolete Currency, has been a complete catalog of all the obsolete notes issued in the United States. Over the years, we have published 8 books, Florida, Texas, Minnesota, Vermont, Mississippi, National Bank Notes Issues, and now Maine. The Obsolete Notes and Scrip of Maine, by our most noted contributor, George Wait, was printed and released at the ANA Convention in August where over 60 copies were sold. If you have not obtained a copy, do so. It's a great reference work and is only $10.00. Write Roy Pennell, Jr., P.O. Box 858, Anderson, S.C., 29622, for your copy. Works on other states are in the mill: Indiana, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and others, all in various stages of completion, preparation or research, or in a few cases, stagnation. There is a great amount of work involved in one of these projects. First, the researcher and author must be extremely knowledgable about that state. He must know where the major collections are; he has to spend days, weeks, months and usually years searching, documenting, cataloging, photographing the notes, then recording, assembling, reviewing, and revising his results. He must have the tenacity to get into all major collections, diplomat enough to get cooperation from collectors, suspicious museum and library curators. Finally, his work is prepared in the format desired by the Society and sent to our Chief Reviewer. The reviewer, in turn, is one familiar with obsolete notes, and who has a gimlet eye for the embarrassing errors that seem to creep into every work. Then, back to the author for final review and finally it is finished. Continued on page 369 LP S POSTAL SERVICE STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION o,, , ,, 5 ' F,.A ;Er 1,:":0\E.1" ■/15/77 i-r746.66sos os ■ssor I" ',".2 Bi-rnonehly .1 50cATION oP ANOWN OP - PILE OF PUBI_IcRiiLDP IND Gmmr■ gd F1'O. 00 19 , 0. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29622 5 LOCATION Op Trip FIgNomuNRigng OR o6ossso aus.otss o, oss or rot soao. P.O, Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29622 nAsIES AND COMPLETE ADDRESSIS OP sostls,,es EDITOR ANC MANAGING EIMPOR rue 7. Roy Pennell, P, O. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29622 Douglas Watson, P.O. Box 127, Scandanayia, Wisc. 54977 Society of Paper Money Coll P.O. Box 858, Anderson, S, C,. 29622ADORESS 8 5 BONDHOLDERS MORTGAGEES. AND OTHER SECURITY MOLDERS oVv5ING OR DOLDiNeg I PERCENT OH MORE 0 NAME A.. ..SS NONE 9. PON COMPLETION BM NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ADTHORIZED TO Ma, AT SPECIAL RATES ■,,,,,. I., 1Pk p o f 0 g 0, . 1 f 0. g I IP RI ■ ■ r ..d o c■ 0 g.tV'g,T E o.T.e' El =`.7.:7::,?,. .;,,,1.7.1.,::::;:-...‘"-""."---"..” e. PRAGE NO CONES C A NO CO355 OF 0E %TENT AND URE OP GIRGDLATION SUP DQPING PRECEONC SUE PUBLISHED NEA T TO 2625 2800 12 MONTHS PILING DATE TOTAL,. E.FIES PR,F,EO IN., ,r." R.^., a PAID CIRCULATION17011S:1=0LLPTENLLE C'''' " ''"' "." E' 0- - 0 - . MAIL SUBSERIETPONS 211 x 2174 -0 - o.-lo ctwcuLATIox (Sum ur IONI and la., 211, h 2174 e,7Xol47,.= i— . 2118 2174 os, 0 0.aton. co. o o,oso int r.,2, .e.u... FROM NtWS AG _ , . 2t25 2800 so o 6 . son1 scoffs that the statements made by roe above arc correct and complete G JUAN-La-, 0, 0,„,„,„„„,„ „„„„ „ , REULAR FIL. OF E _124,c1,32.„2.z__OR. PUBLISHER..US■MCSS MANAGER. OR OWNE„ (Sex narsaions on revers, v.cnnronc nno ,,r7 6 3526 (Pace lr Whole No. 72 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC Page 363 New 65 page illustrated catalogue now available. WANTED Any and all Fractional or related material (Books, Spinner Items, etc.). We are also strong buyers of U.S. Encased Postage, Fractional Denomination Continental, Colonial, and Obsolete Currency. Sell to a Specialist for the Best Possible Offer. LEN & JEAN GLAZER P.O. BOX 111 FOREST HILLS, N.Y. 11375 Page 364 Paper Money MAIL BID SALE OF UNUSUAL OBSOLETE CURRENCY CLOSING DATE OF SALE-JANUARY 30, 19 78 USUAL MAIL BID RULES APPLY Lot No. DESCRIPTION Date Cond. Lot No. DESCRIPTION Date Cond. ARKANSAS 19..05 Drew & Bucki, Ellaville R-7 RRR 1871 VF 1. .25 T.K. Kidd Boonsboro RR 1862 Fine 20..05 Confederate Packing House, Jacksonville R-6 .1862 Fine 2. 20.00 Exchange Bank of Helena 1862 VG 21. 50¢ Bank of St. Johns, Jacksonville R-6 1862 VF ARIZONA 22. 5.00 Southern Life Insurance & Trust Co., St. Augustine R-5 1836 VF 3..25 F.S. Collins & Co. Hampden 23. 50¢ V. Sanchez, St. Augustine R-7 RRR 1862 VG Mohave County RRR VF 24. 20.00 Commercial Bank of Florida, St. Joseph. Note Payable at Bank of United States in Philadelphia, Pa. R-6 1840 VF CALIFORNIA 25. 4.00 Bank of Florida, Tallahassee R4 C/C 1844 AU 4. 5.00 Golden Era Newspaper, San Francisco 26. 1.00 Certificate of Deposit State Bank of Florida Adv. Note RR - Fine R-5 Tallahassee 1862 Fine 5. .25 in GOLD DUST. Miners Bank of Savings of 27. 50¢ Jose Vigil, Tampa Unlisted Denomination Alta U/S Soiled. Note in practically same R-7 RRR. 1862 Fine condition sold for 8675.00 recently VG 28. 100.00 State of Florida CR-2 1861 VG 29. 5.00 State of Florida CR-6 1861 Fine COLORADO 30. 2.00 State of Florida CR-39 1864 Unc. 6. 5.00 Business College Bank of Colorado, Denver U/S RRR 1877 XF ILLINOIS31. 5.00 Heinz, Noble & Co. Advertising Pickles. Probably origin of H.J. Heinz Co. (57 Varieties) CONNECTICUT Woodstock 1875 XF 7. 3.00 Connecticut Bank, Bridgeport 1855 Fine 32. 100.00 Fund Commissioner of the State of 8. 1.00 Eagle Bank of New Haven E-40 1825 AU illinois F-800 1840 VF 9. 1.00 Farmer's Bank, Bridgeport "Counterfeit" . . .1853 Fine KENTUCKY 33. 5¢ Farmers Bank of Kentucky at D. C. Georgetown RR 1862 VF 10. 3.00 Mechanic's & Traders Bank, Georgetown 34. 1.00 Northern Bank of Kentucky A few glue stains on Reverse M-85 1852 Unc. (Different from N480) 1852 XF 35. 5.00 Commercial Bank of Kentucky. This is a GEORGIA TRIAL NOTE. Unsigned & Punch cancelled. 11..10 Planters Insurance Trust & Loan Co. Colorful note-Red on Black. Marked Dalton U/S 1863 XF "Strong Ink" on Stub. Folds RRRR 185-- AU 12..50 Planters Insurance Trust & Loan Co. 36. Same as above. Marked "Weak Ink" on Stub Dalton U/S XF RRRR Folds 185- AU 13. 10.00 Bank of Augusta. Vignettes of Oglethorpe 37. 121/2¢ James Fletcher, Elizabethtown. A-743 1847 VG Unlisted-Many Splits -- Fair 14. 6 1/4¢ Sandersville Vignette of Flag U/S 15. 121/2¢ Sandersville Vignette of Eagle U/S 16. 2.00 Brunswick & Albany RR Co., Brunswick B-482 1871 17. 4.00 State of Georgia, Milledgeville- Fine Fine VF LOUISIANA 38. 10.00 Banque des Ameliororat ons. New Orleans-Corners Off 39. 1.00 Parish of carrol P-218 1840 1862 Fine XF Advertising Note on Rev. CR 27 1864 Fine 40. 100.00 New Orleans Canal & Banking U/S 41. 50¢ Parish of Iberville P-583 18- 1862 Unc. Unc. 42. 50.00 Bank of Louisiana L-596 Small Ink Stain . .1862 Unc. FLORIDA 43. 1.00 Parish of St. John the Baptist 1862 AU Rarity numbers from Harley Freeman's Book 44. 3.00 Parish of St. Landry P-902 1862 AU 18..25 Tucker Gaston & Co. Cedar Keys R-6 Soiled . .1869 VG 45. 25¢ I.L. Wilbur, St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans . .1862 VF LEONARD H. FINN 40 GREATON ROAD WEST ROXBURY, MASS. 02132 ANA SPMA NENA CCB BNS CCNE SECKETARY'S HARRY G. WIGINGTON, Secretary P.O. Box 4082 Harrisburg, PA 17111 Whole No. 72 Page 365 MEMBERSHIP LIST No. 5059 5060 5061 New Members Ken Schlosser, P.O. Box 993, Ade1phi, MD 20783 Rolla R. Ross, 96 Valley Rd., 1/10, Cos Cob, CT 06807 Harold W. Cole, P.O. Box 221, Carson City, NV Dealer or Collector C C C Specialty Obsolete Bank Notes, Confederate Notes and Large Notes. All Notes U.S. Type/Nationals 89701 5062 William R. Acker, P.O. Box 221, Henderson, TX C Small size notes—$1 to $10.00 75652 5063 William P. Houston, Boecklin Str., #2, 6 Frankfurt- D General World Currency Main 70, West Germany 5064 Thomas A. Reilly, 1800 Robinson Dr., North C Obsolete Bank Notes Augusta, SC 29841 5065 Gerald R. Hill, 150 S.E. 26th Ave., Minneapolis, MN C/D Mid-west obsolete notes 55391 5066 Purdy Laferriere, Rt. #1, Box 18, Mineral, VA 23117 5067 Victor Henegar, P.O. Box 1462, LaFollette, TN C $1.00-$2.00 and Star notes 37766 5068 John P. Guzowski, 28050 Aurora Rd., Solon, OH C Obsolete Notes 44139 5069 Joseph J. Adamski, 15365 Old Bedford Trail, Mishawaka, IN 46544 C/D Obsolete notes/scrip—New England and Indiana 5070 Paul Mezzapelle, Jr., 1701 E. Cotati Ave., Rohnert C Park, CA 94928 5071 R. Logan Talks, 745 Southover, Toledo, OH 43612 C Small size notes, and large size 5072 Gerald Tubello, 3 Mansfield Court, Livingston, NJ C 07039 5073 William V. Bagwell, P.O. Box 874, Waterloo, IA C/D All paper money prior to 1935 50704 5074 Patrick J. Segraves, P.O. Box 5425, Athens, GA D U.S., Georgia obsoletes, & Nationals, and 30604 Confederates 5075 Michael A. Bobian, 1314 Seventh St., Muskegon, MI C National Bank Notes 49441 5076 Mike Janssen, P.O. Box 2126, Palm Springs, CA C Fractional Currency 92262 5077 Edsel Barnes Ford, 3947 Sykesville Rd., Finksburg, MD 21042 C Mixed type notes 5078 David M. Salem, 1212 Main St., Suite 100, Houston, TX 77002 5079 Tim Terry, 1428 St. Clair, Englewood, FL 33533 C Confederate notes 5080 Lorne R. LaVertu, 500 N. Roosevelt Blvd., #406, Falls Church, VA 22044 C All U.S. Notes 5081 Joseph B. Bodnar, 2093 Boston Ave., Bridgeport, CT C 1929 Nationals 06610 5082 Bernard Loebe, 2707 Dalton, Houston, TX 77017 C Large U.S.A., and South American 5083 David P. Anderson, 107 N. Elm St., #209, Champaign, IL 61820 C 5085 Eugene M. Hassett, 3022 N. Arlington Ave., Simi C J.I.M. (Philippines only) Valley, CA 93063 5086 5087 Ralph Brown, 12 Bell St., Bellport, NY 11713 Joseph P. Abate, 1128 62nd St., Brooklyn, NY C Small size U.S. Paper 11219 5088 F.F. Pipito, M.D., 152 Guy Park, Amsterdam, NY C/D 12010 Page 366 5089 Chris Goss, P.O. Box 237, Dorchester, MA 02124 C/D Paper Money 5090 James A. Burris, 349 W. Johnson Rd., La Porte, IN C 46350 5091 John C. Calhoun, 830 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 400, San C Confederate, & Southern States Currency Antonio, TX 78209 5092 Emil N. Eusanio, P.O. Box 447, San Fernando, CA D Books 91341 5093 Alfred R. Verzellesi, 674 McLaughlin Rd., Bridgeville, PA 15017 C/D U.S. Nationals 5094 Francis M. Maddux, P.O. Box 313, Spring City, TN C Tennessee notes 37381 5095 Harold W. Cuddy, 85 Clark St., New Haven, CT D All paper money 06511 5096 Richard B. Mike11, 11 Saluda Trail, West Columbia, SC 29169 C S.C. Obsoletes 5097 Jacke W. Stamet, 300 Edgedale Dr., High Point, NC C/D 27262 5098 William C. Ballard, Rte. #7, Lancaster, SC 29720 C 5099 Kenneth Gackstatter, P.O. Box 1005, Highland, NY C/D N.Y. Obsolete notes 12528 5100 Harry W. Mendelsohn, 128 Church St., Torrington, CT 06790 C Conn. Nationals—$2.00 notes 5105 Robert M. Rozycki, 220 May St., Sycamore, IL C/D Nationals 60178 5102 Edward J. Fillinger, P.O. Box 184, Toms River, NJ C Large Notes—Speelman & White Signatures 08753 5103 Kenneth L. Sieradzki, 23805 Pheasant Run, Novi, MI C Large Currency 48050 5104 Ben Z. Swanson, P.O. Box 679, Carswell AFB, TX C Patent Medicine & Dental Advertising Notes 72127 5105 Arthur J. Katz, 8525 W-28th St., St. Louis Park, MN C U.S. Large currency 5106 S.L. Tanenbaum, P.O. Box 9324, Rochester, NY C N.Y. & Civil War Era scrip & token 14604 5107 Dana Linett, P.O. Box 2592, Boston, MA 02208 C/D Colonial notes 5108 David Sonderman, P.O. Box 1070, New Haven, CT D Colonial paper 06500 5109 A.B. Pfister, 516 Wildwood Dr., Thomasville, GA C Georgia & Florida notes 31792 5110 Larry D. Howard, Rt. #2 Box 87-C, Denton, MD C Maryland Nationals & Obsoletes 21629 5111 Robert Dempsey, 739 N.W. 18th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 C/D All paper money 5112 Samuel L. Smith, P.O. Box F900, Freeport, Bahamas C/D Bahamas Currency 5113 Norbert T. Hild, Ruta Rural #1, Buzon 127A, Juncos, Puerto Rico 00666 C Fractional Currency (U.S. Govt. & private) 5114 Herbert T. Black, Jr., P.O. Box 315, State College, PA C/D Penna. obsoletes & Nationals 16801 5115 David E. Schenkman, P.O. Box 274, Indian Head, MD C Sutler Cardboard & Paper currency 20640 5116 Iran Cavoretto, P.O. Box 814, Coqville, OR 97423 C/D 5117 Edward C. Schalk, P.O. Box 103, Niwot, CO 80544 D African & U.S. Large Size notes. 5118 Sidney P. Foster, 114 Shapene Lane, #11, Walnut C Obsolete Currency Creek, CA 94596 5119 Carlisle F. Kaufman, 6 State St., Spring Valley, NY C Nationals, Errors, Low numbers, etc. 10977 5120 Edward J. Gluesing, U.S. Soldier' & Airmens Home, Washington, DC 20317 5121 Hy Brown, P.O. Box 111, Painesville, OH 44077 D General paper money 5122 Donald J. White, 4216 Central, Western Springs, IL C World Bank Notes—Bicentennial $2.00. 60558 Cancellations & M.P.C.'s. 5123 Ole V. Groos, 24 Concord Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138 5124 Dennis S. Allabaugh, 8 Odessa St.-Minquadale, New C United States Notes Castle, DE 19720 5125 William Scott Billings, P.O. Box 2935, Carbondale, IL C Silver Certificates, small size notes and East 62901 African notes 5126 Francis E. Burke, 249 Broad St., Montoursville, PA C/D Lycoming County Penna. 17754 5127 Tyrone J. Baudot, 3921 Charles Dr., Chalmette, LA 70043 C/D Type & La. Nationals 5128 C.C. DeFeo, P.O. Drawer 3516, Tallahassee, FL 32303 D Confederate notes Whole No. 72 RE-INSTATED MEMBERS 4789 Robert L. Rubel, 301 1/2 W. North, Decatur, IL 62523 4496 2503 C. Victor Deloe, P.O. Box 263, Richmond, WV 2041 26261 2563 Harry R. Valley, 601 Rockwell Ave., N.E., Cleveland, 4123 Page 367 Mel Steinberg, P.O. Box 226, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Newton J. Cummings, P.O. Box 397, Malta, MT 59538 John C. Elliott, 205 S. Park St., Creston, IA OH 44114 50801 4673 Mitchel J. Groveman, 74 Hickory Lane, Roslyn Hgts., 3040 NY 11577 George J. Cormier, 64 KnollCrest Dr., Cumberland, RI 02864 4677 Dr. Roger M. Cooper, 879 College Ave., Menlo Park, 2423 CA 94025 Thomas F. Mason, P.O. Box 1305, Cheyenne, WY 82001 2646 W.J. Farrell, M.D., 87 Linda Lane, Schenectady, NY 4120 12304 Don P. DeVore, 2048 Willowick Circle, Columbus, OH 43229 4421 Lee J. Bellisario, 198 Woodland Rd., Southboro, MA 4080 William L. Rohning, 308 East 12th St., Kansas 01772 City, MO 64106 4307 Robert Welborn, 601 West Page St., Vandalia, MO 4010 63382 Karl R. Zuehlke, 2020 Jenkee Dr., Florissant, MO 63031 4283 William G. Anderson, 16 Pickwick Dr., Commack, 2193 NY 11725 Guy C. Omer, Jr., 1080 SW 11th Terr., Gainesville, FL 32601 479 Ruth B. Springer, 2427 9th St., S.W., Canton, OH 1328 44710 Franklin Michaels, North Skyline Dr., Sunnyslopes, Rochester, MN 55901 4571 Aaron B. Beard, 2048 La Cresta Dr., Salt Lake City, 2031 UT 84121 Clarence B. Jeffcoat, 3305 Johnson Lane, Conway, SC 29526 4198 Dr. Frank A. Miller, 1100 Leon St., Apt. #14, 4343 Henry C. Flynn, P.O. Box 479, Charleston, SC Durham, NC 27705 29402 1289 Fulton Thompson, P.O. Box 410, Jackson, MS 39205 1066 David H. Christensen, P.O. Box 30038, Bethesda, MD 20014 RESIGNED 3934 Bob Rice 1353 Edward Ahlers DECEASED 1302 Gordon Z. Greene 3822 C. Edwin Dayton 2534 Norman H. Liebman NAME CORRECTION 3192 Howard A. Daniel, III, (also speciality change— Southeast Asia notes) 5039 Richard J. Shanfeld SPECIALTY CHANGE 4986 Walter Siegel, 31-45 70th St., Jackson Hts., NY 11370, (Gem C.U.-small size 1929 Nationals) FIRST ISSUE OF CONTINENTAL CURRENCY Continued from page 335 well—though not with the speed that Congress felt was adequate to meet the immediate financial demands of the Revolutionary conflict. Acknowledgements: The author is indebted to the Historical Society of Philadelphia and the New York Public Library for their cooperation in providing research materials for the preceding article and to Eric P. Newman for his consultation and guidance. TWO AND TWO MAKES ONE Two organizations of collectors of cancelled $2 bills have reached an agreement to work together on an informal basis "to achieve a common objective of fostering the collection of Bicentennial $2 cancellations." A.J. Vero, founder and head of the B$2FDC (Bicentennial $2 First Day Cancellation) information and exchange service and Don Wright, president of the Cancelled $2 Collectors Club have exchanged honorary memberships and will work together to further this specialty collecting area. Information about either or both of the organizations may be obtained from Vero at 2 Carvel Rd., Annapolis, Md. 21401. NOTICE TO ALL SPMC MEMBERS—please note that enclosed with the #72 issue is a 2nd notice for the payment of dues. It is VERY IMPORTANT FOR ALL MEMBERS TO PUT HIS FULL NAME, COMPLETE ADDRESS AND MOST IMPORTANT, his SPMC membership number on the dues notice. If any member does not know his number, it can be taken from the mailing envelope which you receive PAPER MONEY. Or you can just clip out your name and address, which has the number can tape to the dues notice. Also, please note that DUES ARE $10.00, not $8.00, as in the past, #71 issue (Sept./Oct.) incorrectly showed dues as being $8.00, however, on the dues notice it is shown as $10.00. Your help during this time will greatly assist the Treasurer and Secretary and will make our job a lot easier and you will get your 1978 membership cards a lot sooner. Harry G. Wigington, Secretary Page 368 Paper Money MORMON-SCOUT-OLD newspapers-documents wanted. Large quantities only. Harry L. Strauss, Jr., Box 321, Peekskill, NY 10566 (74) Illil■ 1 MOnf101 101. 1011 ith. All mar LOW NUMBERED $5 FRN 1974 Block F-D. All notes CU and under F00000200D. Would like to trade for my wants. Bob Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, Florida 33011 (75) WANTED WELLS FARGO 2nd competitor banks, fiscal documents, Certificates of Deposit, Bills of Exchange, Sight Drafts, checks. Anything to do with California gold rush. Steve Meier, 135 E. Lomita Blvd., Carson, CA 90745 (73) SPRINKLE WANTS CERTIFICATES uncut sheets, bonds, scrip, checks. Have beautiful antique elk's tooth watch fob available. Price $28.50. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 WANTED: NOWATA, OKLAHOMA large size nationals. Buy or trade. James Sneed, 11706 Quartz Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 97208. WANTED F-54, 2.00, 1880 L.T. note V.F. Pay full catalog $250.00. Will pay more for better grade. Please write: George Tamboli, No. 4581, 154 Glendale St., Everett, MA 02149 (73) WANTED: NEW YORK and Puerto Rico 1929 National Bank Notes small size. Will buy, or trade gold coins, and 1932-D and S-25¢. Walter Siegel, 31-45 70 St., Jackson Hgts, NY 11370 (74) SMALL SIZE NATIONALS wanted. Any state. Write first, all letters answered. Frank Bennett, 6480 NW 22 Court, Margate, FL 33063 (72) FRACTIONAL TYPE NOTES wanted in superb condition; 1st and 2nd issues, Spinners, Fessenden, Justice and Meredith, green seal. Henry Schlesinger, 415 East 52nd St., New York, NY 10022 (73) OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certificates $2. Also eager to buy any quantity. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, California 94010 (80) CURRENCY MAIL BID, (Monthly) Nationals, Large, Small, Types Large. Over 200 notes. Many C.U.'s. Write for List. ANA. SPMC. PMCM. Ed's Crrrency, Box 7295, Louisville, KY 40207 (74) WANTED FACIMILE NOTES with advertisements for patent medicines or dentistry. Also need pharmaceutical scrip. Ben Z. Swanson Jr., Box 679, Carswell A.F.B., Ft. Worth TX 76127 (81) WANTED: GILLESPIE NATIONAL BANK, Gillespie, Illinois, Charter Number 7903 notes. Large or small size, any denomination, any condition. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey Dr., Lancaster, PA 17601 (73) Paper money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Doug Watson, Box 127, Scandinavia, WI 54977 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Dec. 1, 1976 for Jan. 1977 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and intitals counted as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count: WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words; S1; SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each) RADAR AND REPEATER Notes Wanted: ( need many different Blocks, specially star notes. Will buy or trade. $1 and $2 FRN's only. All letters answered. Bob Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialiah, Florida 33011 (76) WANTED: STOCK CERTIFICATES and bonds—all types—any quantity. Please write—I'm eager to buy! Ken Prag, Box 431PM, Hawthorne, California 90250 (74) NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE (Broken Bank) notes, sheets, scrip and checks wanted for my collection. I have some duplicates for trade. John J. Merrigan Jr., 2 Alexandria Drive, East Hanover, N.J. 07936 (79) WANTED RUSSIA paper money issued in period 1769-1896 inclusive. Submit list indicating denomination, year of issue, condition and price desired, or ship notes registered for our offer. 274 Byckoff, Box 786. Bryte, CA 95605. (73) WANTED: NEW HAMPSHIRE Colonial, Obsolete and Nationals. Also Second Charter $100 National from any state. Will buy or trade my Vermont Nationals, General Kenneth Stiles, Orford, NH 03777 (74) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: Large-size Na tionals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles, Ronald Horstman, Rt. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (74) WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency, scrip. Will pay fair prices. Especially want—city, county issues, Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga., R.R. Banking, Bank of Fulton, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R.R. Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Bank of Macon, Central Bank Miledgeville, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Bank of U.S., Central R.R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters Bank. Many other issues wanted. Please write for list. I will sell duplicates. Claud Murphy, Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031. (73) WANTED: CONFEDERATE CURRENCY. I am an active buyer who appreciates fine quality material. I am also very interested in purchasing Slave Bills of Sale and other related documents. Wayne T.Hahn, 2719 Morris Ave., Bronx, N.Y. 10468 (75) 8-PAGE price-list $1. Wanted to buy or trade CU or circulated short-run FRN serials over 99840000 also $2 stars and error notes. James Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (73) 10 PAGE CATALOG of $1.00 FRNs ... blocks, stars, singles, groups, specialties and others, each itemized by serial number. Price $1.25. Include your want list for items not yet listed ... Discount for your duplicates! Trades considered. Ed Zegers, 11804 Pittson Road PM-1, Wheaton, MD 20906 (75) NOTICE-PAPER SCRIP $1.00 each. Gilliam Coal Company: $3.00, $5.00, $10.00. New River Pocahontas Stores: $5.00, $10.00, $25.00. Graham Company: $5.00, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 WANTED !KANSAS NATIONALS TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series 510 V.G. or better pay . . . . 700 Any Original Series $20 V.G. or better pay . . . . 900 Any Series of 1875 $50 V.G. or better pay . . . .2500 Any Series of 1875 $100 V.G. or better pay . . .2500 Any Brown Back $100 V.G. or better pay 900 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 V.G. or better pay . .1000 Any 1929 Type II $50 V.G. or better pay 700 CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $350 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in VG or better. #1448 #3066 #3521 #3706 #3833 #6326 #1732 #3090 #3524 #3726 #3835 #6333 #1828 #3108 #3531 #3737 #3844 #6392 #1838 #3148 #3542 #3745 #3852 #7218 #1913 #3194 #3559 #3748 #3853 #7412 #1927 #3199 #3563 #3751 #3861 #7535 #1957 #3213 #3564 #3756 #3880 #8107 #2001 #3249 #3567 #3758 #3888 #8308 #2192 #.3265 #3569 #3759 #3900 #8339 #2427 #3277 #3577 #3769 #3928 #8357 #2538 #3360 #3594 #3775 #3963 #8525 #2640 #3384 #3596 #3776 #3970 #8974 #2809 #3386 #3612 #3787 #3992 #9097 #2879 #3394 #3630 #3790 #4032 #10902 #2954 #3431 #3649 #3791 #4036 #11047 #2973 #3440 #3657 #3795 #4150 #11154 #2990 #3443 #3658 #3803 #4283 #11887 #3002 #3473 #3667 #3805 #4317 #14163 #3018 #3509 #3695 #3307 #4619 #3035 #3512 #3703 #3812 #6072 There are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. If you are selling rare Kansas Nationals elsewhere you are not getting top dollar. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals ti$01,7, INNN it ,ittE COIN% Vi C. P. 0.80X 3140 • 2854 W.47TH STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 0.. PHONE 913-236-7171 Whole No. 72 Page 369 WANTED: Xerox copies, or full-size photographs; notes of S.W. & W.A. Torrey, dated 1861. Will compensate for same. Quantities needed for basic research project. W.S. Dewey, 11B Snowberry Lane, Whiting, NJ 08759 (72) WANTED OBSOLETE CURRENCY of the Merchants and Planters Bank of Savannah, Georgia. Please describe and price in first letter. Gary Hacker, 2710 Overhill Road, Pekin, IL 61554 (73) WANTED IN GEM CONDITION: $5, $10, $20 Hawaii overprints; 510 North Africa yellow seal. Large size type notes: F-40, F-57/60, F91, F793, F1173. Henry Schlesinger, 415 East 52nd St., New York, NY 10022 (75) CONFEDERATE NOTES AND BONDS, Southern States and Obsolete notes for sale. Our latest list available for large SASE. We want to buy also! Ann & Hugh Shull, 246 McDonnel Sq., Biloxi, MS 39531 (73) STOCK CERTIFICATES, BONDS, U.S., foreign. 1 to 1,000,000 wanted. Describe, give quantity available, asking price. Clinton Hollins, Box 112, Dept. J24, Springfield, VA 22150 (75) STOCK CERTIFICATES, 12 different 52.95, 50 different $14.95. Old checks, 24 different $2.90, 100 different $14.90. List 254. Hollins, Box 112, Dept. J23, Springfield, VA 22150 (75) WANTED: State of Georgia Criswell #9 and #10. Pay minimum of 5300.00 each for fine condition. More for higher grades. Also can use #16, #17, and #20. Always interested in better Georgia material. Claud Murphy Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031. 75 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Continued from page 362 Or is it finished? Sorry to report, it is not. Now the manuscript must be set into type. For this we are blessed by Krause Publications who set it for us in slack periods. No Charge!! Praise Be!! Then, after we scrape up the money, off to the printer and a new baby is produced and launched. If this sounds complicated and drawn out—it is. It has worked in the past because several people spent a lot of dedicated effort to make it work: Richard Hoober as project coordinator and George Wait as chief reviewer. Now, however, George needs to be relieved of this chore and Dick, who has been Coordinator for 13 years, also. Fresh energies are required. These two have tremendous knowledge on obsolete notes and it seems wise to relieve them of these tasks so they will devote more time to writing and compiling. At the Atlanta convention, we decided to move the project director mantles to a new pair of shoulders. The broadest and most capable we could possibly find are those of Wendell Wolka, board member, Indiana researcher, and one of our hardest working members— bar none. I know the years of effort by George and Dick will not have been lost and that the book project will receive new energetic direction. You can do your part by buying one of each our our books and placing it in your library. In addition to being a good buy, it will help your society in funding future projects. Don't wait. Do it now! ANA SPMC F.U.N. CURRENCY & CARTWHEELS George A. Rackensperger P.O. Box 531 Maitland, Florida 32751 1902 ND #1193 $10 New Milford, CN F $80 1902 ND #9007 $10 Pensacola, Fla. F $280 1902 DB #10136 $5 Heard National F+ Jacksonville, FL (Rare) $725 1902 ND #4949 $20 Tampa, FL F $265 1902 ND #7243 $10 Graceville, FL Ext. Rare, Weak Sign. F $925 1929 TY1 #3497 $10 Tampa, FL VG $38 1902 ND #1384 $20 Baltimore, MD F $85 1902 ND #318 $10 Concord, N.H. VG $65 1902 DB #E1209 $10 Camden, N.J. VF $90 1882 BB #1394 $20 Amer. Exc. Bank N.Y.C. VF+ $175 1902 ND #123000 $10 Hamilton Nat'l, N.Y. VG/F $35 1902 ND #1064 $10 London, Ohio VF $170 1902 Red #M242 $10 Irontown, Ohio Seal Sign. Corrosion F $250 1902 DB #546 $5 Germantown, Pa. F $65 1902 ND #5044 $20 Grove City, Pa. Stamped on Rev. VG $40 1902 DB #E4445 $10 Waynesboro, Pa. Stamped on Rev. VG $60 1902 ND #11841 $10 Shoemakersville, Pa. (Rare) F $225 1902 ND #1652 $5 San Antonio, TX F+ $175 1902ND #7256 $20 Ogden, Utah Weak Sign. VF $225 1902 ND #555 $20 Fond du Lac, VVI F $75 1902 ND #6853 $5 Milwaukee, WI F+ $55 1902 ND #6853 $10 Milwaukee,Wl F+ $60 1902 TY1 #2188 $10 Evanston, Ind. VF $75 Florida residents please add 4% Sales Tax. Subject to Prior Sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven day return privilege. Please allow sufficient time for personal checks to clear. Florida notes accepted in trade for other states. ARE YOU ON OUR MAILING LIST? COLONIAL PAPER MONEY & COINS WE OFFER: A BIMONTHLY MAIL BID SALE A FIXED PRICE LIST COMMISSION AGENT AT AUCTIONS WE SOLICIT YOUR WANTS, WE WILL BUY COLLECTIONS •—• J.J. TEA PARTY BOSTON Address your inquiries to Ed. Leventhal Yo J. J. Teaparty MEMBER P.N.G. ANA SPMC 43 BROMFIELD ST BOSTON MA 02108 Page 3 70 Paper Money Whole No. 72 Page 3 71 SPECIAL OFFER FOR S.P.M.C. MEMBERS CHUCK O'DONNEL'S 1977 SIXTH EDITION THE STANDARD HANDBOOK of MODERN UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY 7.7 15M0 SIXTH EDITIO. THE of IODERN UN/TED srArr , 1"A PER MON h"; ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT MODERN U.S. PAPER MONEY BUT DIDN'T KNOW WHO TO ASK Member's Price $10 RETAIL PRICE $15.00 HARRY J. FORMAN, INC. Phone 215-224-4412 P.O. BOX 5756 PHILADELPHIA, PA 19120 All advertising deadlines are absolute a must be adhered to, so please do not ask for an extension. Ads received after deadline - even one day - will be held for the following issue. Mail bid deadlines should be a minimum of six weeks following mailing date. Page 372 Fractional Currency selling: High quality and/or scarce notes, fully described and attributed. New list available on request, or send your want list. buying: Nice condition fractional and/or related material, etc. Write first, with description. Tom Knebl, ANA, SPMC, NASC, CSNA. Classic dept. P Box 5043 Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 Paper Money 96491IIIES To REMEMBER ISSUE DATES AD DEADLINES MAILING DATE 74 - Mar/Apr Feb 1 Feb 22 75 - May/June April 1 Apr 22 76 - July/Aug June 1 June 22 77 - Sept/Oct Aug 1 Aug 22 78 - Nov/Dec Oct 2 Oct 23 OBSOLETE CURRENCY NEW JERSEY 10¢ Burlington Merchants Scrip. Similar to Wait #249. Unsigned, Printed in Green. Punch Holes at Signature. CU $39.00 25d Burlington, Similar to Above. Printed in Black. Signed by Dutton and Mickle? VG $48.00 Si. Egg Harbor Bank. Waite #516 VG $6.00 Si. Hudson River Bank, Hoboken. Waite #796 Rarity 6 VG $49.00 100 O.H. Wheeler, Hudson River Bank. Hoboken. Wait #824 VG $17.00 $5. Morris Canal & Banking Co., Jersey City. Wait #988 Good $7.00 $2. Farmers & Merchants Bank of Middletown Point. Wait #1138 Tear at Left. $45.00 $10. State Bank at Newark. Wait #1579 Rarity 6 Ragged $13.00 Si. State Bank at New Brunswick. Wait #1681 AU $4.50 S5. Commercial Bank, Perth Amboy. Poor Wait #1970 Mounted. Condition $19.00 5,10,25,50d Salem Glass Works. Wait #2170-72-74-76 CU Each $18.00 121/20 Phoenix Manufacturing Co., Trenton. Wait #2352. Tear at Top With Small Piece Missing. Fine $29.00 Si. Merchants Bank, Trenton, Wait #2342 Good $12.00 NEW YORK $3. Canal Bank of Albany. 1845 VG $11.50 $2. New York State Bank, Albany. N372 1812. 3 Little Pieces Missing at Edges. VG $9.00 $5. Bank of Amsterdam. Nov. 20, 1860 VG $16.00 S3. Bank of Corning. July 5, 1846 Fine $17.00 $1. Bank of Hudson H806 1817 AU $15.00 25d Leroy, NY Merchants Scrip. Unsigned. AU $13.00 $5. Exchange Bank at Lockport. E1004 VF $12.00 $1. Lewis County Bank, Martinsburgh. 1853 VG $10.00 $3. Merchants Exchange Bank, New York. Altered From Wash. D.C. Bank Note. Repair, Corner Missing. Good $13.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1-All material guaranteed as described. Seven day return included. 2-All orders mailed insured at no extra cost. 3-Phone calls will reserve notes. 6-10 PM EST only. 4-Money orders and cashiers checks preferred. WANTED: All obsolete currency, large type notes and all nationals. ARMAND SHANK , JR. BOX 233, LUTHERVILLE, MD. 21093 301-666-7369 EVENINGS ONLY Whole No. 72 Page 373 WHY NOT? CONSIDER: $1 SILVER CERTIFICATE BLOCK COLLECTING 10 DIFFERENT TYPES — 1935A, 1935C, 1935D(W), 1935D(N), 1935E, 1935F, 1935G, 1957, 1957A, 1957B — Includes 3 STAR notes. ALL 10 with matching ending number CU $29.95 10 DIFFERENT TYPES — (Same as above) EF & AU $18.95 50 DIFFERENT BLOCKS — Well Mixed, 1935A, 1935C, 1935D(W), 19350(N), 1935E, 1935F, 1935G(NM) & (M), 1935H, 1957, 1957A, 1957B — Includes 5 STAR notes — PLUS a 1928 and a 1928A with two matching ending numbers CU $134.95 50 DIFFERENT BLOCKS — (Same as above) $50. Face Value! EF & AU $86.95 100 DIFFERENT BLOCKS — Twice as many Blocks in the series listed above, PLUS more STARS and more of the difficult blocks in the series 1935A, 1935C, 1935D, 1935E. — Also, includes the 1928 and 1928A with two matching ending numbers! CU $279.95 EF and AU $179.95 ADD — These $5 and $10 SILVER CERTIFICATES to your collection $ 5 SC 1934A, 1934C, 1934D in CU $10.95 — ALL 3 $ 5 SC 1934B (Catalogs at $35.00) $ 5 SC 1934A North Africa (Yellow Seal) $10 SC 1934C and 1934D — The Pair $10 SC 1953B (Catalogs at $50.00) CU $30.00 CU 25.00 CU 35.00 CU 50.00 CU 25.00 Ole Notes at Ole Prices! All Blue Seals with Historical Signatures Scarce Blocks and STARS also available Order or Call Early — Large Stock, but still limited Silver Certificate checklist available for Large SASE — one will be sent with your order. Full Return Privileges Postage Appreciated GRAEME M. TON, JR. SPMC, PMCA, ANA 203 47th Street Gulfport, Miss. 39501 (601) 864-5244 Page 374 Paper Money WANTED WANTED Punch cancelled specimen notes. Cartooned franctional notes or information regarding their original source. Please price and describe (photo copy). ANA 2 9672 ROCKY ROCKHOCT SPMC 1352 2600 GERSHWIN AVE. N. ST. PAUL, MINN. 55119 612-777-7248 (evenings) NOTICE!!--NOTICE!! As Exclusive Distributor we are pleased to announce Now Available — Completely Revised and Updated The Comprensive Catalog of U.S. PAPER MONEY by Gene Hessler Leading scholar and ex-director Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum Up to date 2nd edition of this fine book, hot off the press. Available for immediate delivery. Over 500 pages, hardcovered, well illustrated with over 700 photos, important details, current values. Includes: • History of Paper Money • Demand Notes • Legal Tender Issues • Interest Bearing Notes • National Bank Notes • Federal Reserve Notes • Error Notes • Food Stamps • Counterfeit Notes • Fractional Currency • Encased Postage Stamps • Uncut Sheets • BPE Souvenir Sheets • Military Currency • Military Payment Certificates • Paper Money Used Outside U.S. and the Cleaning and Care of Paper Money ALL FOR $25.00 POSTPAID Write TODAY for our free list of books on Paper Money coins, medals, tokens. Specify interests SANFORD J. DURST 133 East 58th Street, New York, NY 10022 Dealers Inquirires Invited Whole No. 72 Page 375 WANTED CONTINENTAL CURRENCY WITH THE FOLLOWING SIGNATURES Adcock, Wm. Alexander, Chas. Anderson, J. Bass, Robt. Brown, G. Bryson, Jas. Buchanan, R. Clarkson, John Copperthwait, Geo. Copperthwait, Jos. Cranch, N. Creery, Dennis Dorsey, Caleb Douglass, Wm. Eichelberger, Geo. Ellis, Jos. Eyres, Henry Gaither, Edw. Grier, G. Hahn, M. Hart, Thos. Hazlewood, John Hitt, Dan Houston, J. Humphreys, Richd. Irwin, Robt. Keppele, John Lardner, Jn. Leiper, Thos. Lester, G.L. Lewis, F. Jr. Limen, W. Lingrington, Nj. Loughead, Jas. Lux, Wm. Mitchel, C. Momegan, W. Nesbit, Alex Paisley, I. Patton, Robt. Phile, Fred Reintzel, D. Royson, Jas. Ryves, E. Schaffer, David, Jr. Scott, Wm. Shoemaker, Chas. Short, J. Smith, B.P. Stewart, D. Stringer, R. Strong, Matthew Summers, D. Thompson, Jas. Wade, F. Warren, Thos. Wharton, Jas. Wharton, Jos. Wilson, Jas. Wister, Jos. Wright, Jno. SPMC JOSEPH R. LASSER ..076578 (301) 585-8467 522 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 11571 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals ... Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 42043 Cleveland, Ohio 44142 216-884-0701 1101.16:41 SMALL-SIZE MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED #1386 Abington #268 Merrimac #462 Adams #13855 Millbury #4562 Adams #383 Northampton #1049 Amesbury #1260 • Pittsfield #2172 Athol #779 Plymouth #3073 Ayer #4488 Reading #684 Milton-Boston #2288 Spencer #11347 Braintree #2435 • Springfield #11270 Chelsea #1170 aw Stockbridge #14087 Chelsea #688 Waltham #7452 Danvers #2312 Webster #7957 Edgarton #13780 Webster #9426 Foxboro #769 • Whitinsville #14266 Haverhill #4660 Whitman #13395 Hyannis #11067 • Woburn #697 Lynn #14033 Woburn #4580 Lynn #516 Yarmouth Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade JOHN R. PALM 6389 ST. JOHN'S DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 53344 FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available P. 0. BOX 1358, WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 INVM4InknOMX*V.tv,MoASIWWWO,SIVIk Page 376 Paper Money Whole No. 72 Page 377 HOUSTON HERITAGE COLLECTION of NATIONAL BANK NOTES 130 pages (81/2 x 11) full of facts and figures on the 22 National Banks of Houston, from 1863 thru 1935. Listing 92 notes (63 large and 29 small size). Over 50 notes illustrated and many pictures of bank officers and buildings. Carefully researched and authoritative. $17.50 per copy, plus $2.50 packing and postage. Make check payable to BILL LOGAN 518 Pine Shadows Houston, Tx 77056 S. P. M. C. #3209 A.N.A. life member #390 Pa) jeotp National Bank Currency eutta.1/zre;) We are interested in small and large nationals of these towns in Bergen county: Allendale Bergenfield Bogota Carlstadt Cl if fside Park Closter Dumont Engelwood Edgewater Fairview Fort Lee Garfield Glen Rock Hackensack Hillsdale Leonia Little Ferry Lodi Lyndhurst North Arlington Palisades Park Park Ridge Ridgefield Ridgefield Park Ridgewood Rutherford Ramsey Teaneck Tenafly Westwood Wyckoff West Englewood Cafstern Coin excliange Inc ANA LM 709 PH. 201-342-8170 72 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07601 Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC #38 WANTED Large-Size Wisconsin National Bank Notes Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD 0 JANNEY LM No 415 P.O. BOX 443 RICHLAND CENTER, WI 53581 Society Certified Professional Numismatists FOR SALE MASSACHUSETT NATIONALS SMALL TOWNS - SOUTHEASTERN AREA SOME TYPE NOTES COLLECTION OR SINGLES RINATS Box 33 ASHTON, RHODE ISLAND 02864 WANTED 1. D. C. Obsolete Currency 2. Small Size Currency with Serial numbers 00000081, 00000082, 00000084 3. Also wanted D. C. Nationals 4. Buying Maryland Colonial Notes Julian Leidman 8439 Georgia Avenue, Silver Springs, Md. 20910 (3011 585-8467 .151111 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 305 — DRAYTON PLAINS, MI 48020 Page 378 Paper Money COLONIAL and CONTINENTAL CURRENCY Always Buying - Rare and Common Any Quantity Selling - Free List Available DAVID SONDERMAN Box 1070, New Haven Ct. 06504 WANTED TO BUY PENNSYLVANIA NATIONALS Athens #1094 Troy #8849 Montrose #2223 Hughesville #8924 Wellsborough #3938 New Milford #8960 Dushore #4505 Canton #9317 Athens #4915 Ulster #9505 Coudersport #4948 Hop Bottom #9647 Troy #4984 Knoxville #9978 Wyalusing #5339 E. Smithfield #10042 Sayre #5666 Rome #10245 Le Raysville #6350 Liberty #11127 Shingle House #6799 Picture Rocks #11643 Gale ton #7280 Austin #12562 Ulysses #8737 Monroeton #12597 Mansfield #8831 Mansfield #1 3618 Laceyville #8845 GERALD WARNER R.D. 3 TROY, PA 16947 PHONE 717-297-2780 ANA R-069396 SPMC 4790 2-78 SMALL SIZE MINNESOTA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED CANBY, 1st Nat. B. #6366 COLD SPRINGS, 1st Nat. B. #8051 • COTTONWOOD, 1st Nat. B. #6584 GRAND MEADOW, 1st Nat. B. #6933 HENDRICKS, 1st Nat. B. #6468 KERKHOVEN, 1st Nat. B. #11365 • LANESBORO, 1st Nat. B. #10507 • MADISON, 1st Nat. B. #6795 • MANKATO, Nat. B. Commerce #6519 Mcl NTOSH, 1st Nat. B. #6488 MINNESOTA LAKE, Farmers Nat. B. #6532 • 0SAKIS, 1st Nat. B. #6837 • PIPESTONE, Pipestone Nat. B. #10936 • SAUK CENTER, 1st Nat. B. 3155 • WENDALL, 1st Nat. B. #10898 Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade. JOHN R. PALM 6389 ST. JOHN'S DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 55344 NEW BOOKS BY G. W. WAIT NEW JERSEY'S MONEY 450 pages, 450 illustrations SPMC price $15.00—postpaid; other $18.50. Order from: Newark Museum Associates 49 Washington Street Newark, New Jersey 07101 MAIN OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY AND SCRIP 268 pages, 247 illustrations SPMC price $10.00 postpaid; others $14.50 Order from: Society of Paper Money Collectors Box 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29621 Above books are also available from the author at: Box 165 Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028 NATIONAL CURRENCY 1882 B/B $20 #2886 Des Moines, Ia G/VG 175.00 1882 B/B $20 #1686 Farbault, Mn VF 375.00 1902 $10 #9403 Salt Lake City, Ut Good 125.00 1902 $20 #4137 Marinette, Wi VG/F 45.00 1902 $5 #474 Greenfield, Ma VG 35.00 1902 $10 #W3450 Trinidad, Co VF 250.00 1902 $20 #P3655 La Grande, Or VF 235.00 1902 $20 #7474 Bellingham, Wa XF 145.00 1929 $20 #8694 Yoakum, Tx VF/XF 135.00 1929 $10 #4446 Port Huron, Mi F/VF 45.00 1929 $20 #3355 Yakima, Wa Fine 47.50 1929 $20 T2 #3417 Tacoma, Wa XF/ AU 65.00 1929 820 #9207 Littlestown, Pa XF/AU 57.50 1929 $20 #912 Manheim, Pa VF/XF 57.50 1929 $10 #3001 Stevens Pt, Wi F/VF 57.50 1929 $10 #2597 Ogden, Ut VF/XF 75.00 1929 $20 #4287 Tucson, Az VF 150.00 1929 $10 #3072 Clay Center, Ks VG 67.50 1929 $20 #3778 Chippewa Falls, Wi VG 85.00 1929 $20 #4301 Corvallis, Or VG 95.00 1929 $10 #8104 Colville, Wash. AU 335.00 1929 $20 #3161 Darlington, Wi VF/XF 110.00 1929 $20 #64 Milwaukee, Wi VF 29.00 1929 $20 #6604 Oshkosh, Wi Fine 75.00 Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven day return privilege. Bank cards welcome, please send the information as it appears on your bank card, Member ANA-SPMC. AURORA COIN SHOP 507 3rd Ave. #5-PM Seattle, Wash. 98104 Phone 206-283-2626 Page 380 Paper Money Whole No. 72 Page 381 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 833 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM, CPMS THERE COMES A TIME.. . .when every collector decides to thin out or liquidate his collection. Parting with memorable and interesting material is never easy, and in most cases the collector will not ever know the new owner of his material. Selling or auctioning to "unknown parties" until now was about the only choice he had. Now there is a better choice! Your material can be integrated into the largest active collection of New England obsolete notes being assembled today. Your material will still remain available for exhibit and research purposes. Selling your collection or duplicates to someone who knows and appreciates that material is the better choice! Paying generously for nice material. Please contact me. I know you will be glad you did! Specializing in obsolete and broken bank notes and scrip of the New England States. Duplicates for sale or trade-will send on approval. C. JOHN FERRERI P. 0. BOX #33, STORRS, CONN. 06268 A.N.A. 1-203-429-6970 SPMC Continental and Fractional Currency FRACTIONAL CURRENCY 1265 5.00 1332 42.50 FINE VF EF AU UNC 1266 7.50 9.50 12.50 17.50 1334 17,50 1226 12.50 17.50 30.00 1267 30.00 55.00 1375 65.00 90.00 1229 15.00 1268 30 00 37.50 1376 9.50 17.50 27.50 1230 9.50 1281 25.00 35.00 1381 12.50 17.50 22.50 35.00 1231 35.00 1282 30.00 50.00 1313 Flom Shleld , pair 25.00 1232 22.50 32.50 1283 9.50 1314--SP, OBV. 25.00 1233 12.50 10.50 1284 25.00 1255-SP, OBV., REV., Narrow 60.00 1239 45.00 1286 12.50 25 00 1241 22,50 35.00 1287a RARE 5495. 1242 12.50 17.50 1295 25.00 CONTINENTAL CURRENCY 1244 15.00 25.00 1301 35.00 DENOM ISSUED COND PRICE 1245 20.00 1302 12.50 35.00 1 65 2-27-76 VG 12.00 1246 15.00 22.50 1303 25.00 4S 11-29-75 FINE 15.00 1251 40 . 00 1307 9.50 25.00 35.00 7S 5-9-76 VG 15.00 1253 17.50 1309 5.00 9.50 12.50 20.00 7S 7-22 76 VG 12.00 1255 7.50 12.50 16.00 20.00 25.00 1310 75.00 30S 226-77 EF 65.00 1256 7.50 12.50 17.50 1311 95.00 40S 9-29-78 OF 35.00 1257 22.50 1312 60.00 30S 6-1479 AU 65.00 1258 25.00 1314 S150. (VG) SS, 30S, 8,S, 30S- Ull.lt srop of foil, F..ht . 26, 1259 14 00 1315a 75.00 (VG1 1777, AU UNC P.O.R. Each of thp fom 'lotus Is 1264 7.50 12.50 17.50 1330A SPECIMEN 85.00 sly.,1 aiul flunth,■.3. Orders over 100.00 postpaid; under add 50(t Donald E. Embury P 0 BOX 61 WILMINGTON, CALIFORNIA 90748 SPMC 3791 L Page 382 Paper Money For Sale For Sale For Sale Buying, trading, and re-trading some notes previously sold has produced a few notes to offer for sale. This list contains Nationals; Legal Tenders, Silver Certificates, etc. will follow in later issues of Paper Money: FIRST CHARTER PERIOD F385 $1, National Bank of North America, Boston/672. Fine, Counting soil at right, excellent pen signatures. BANK SERIAL #7 F416 $10, Same bank as above note. Bright XF condition but showing a rear centerfold F404 $5, First National Bank of Rondout, NY/2493. Face VF, reverse slightly soiled but this is a very respectable note. Vice-Pres. signature F404 $5, Green County National Bank of Carrollton, IL/2390. XF, Excellent pen signatures F545 $10, National Fowler Bank of Lafayette, IN /5889. Signatures faded, grading it About Fine $80 F555 $20, The Paris National Bank of Paris, MO $130 /5794. These notes are much scarcer than the $20 Brownbacks. Grades F-VF $175 $325 THIRD CHARTER PERIOD F615 $10, Citizens National Bank of Green Bay, $145 WI/3884. Just about Uncirculated but with signs of counting $115 F624 $10, First National Bank of Minneapolis, $280 MN/710. Bright and clean, VF or better $75 SECOND CHARTER PERIOD F624 $10, First National Bank of Madison, IN/111. Note is Fine or a bit better $65 F474 $5, First National Bank of Attleboro, MA/2232. Bright and clean; great for type note. Has three vertical folds (no broken ink) grading it VF+ F480 $10, Girard National Bank of Philadelphia /592. Elaborate bank officer's signatures, Close to AU F487 $10, Marine National Bank of Pittsburgh, PA /2237 (one of the scarcer Pittsburgh banks) Bought as CU, Grading it AU F624 $10, The Commercial National Bank of Washington, DC/7446. Close at top, but $130 bright and crisp Uncirculated $125 F635 $10, First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee/64. Bright AU, also close top $80 $185 F652 $20, First National Bank of Duluth, MN /3626. Bright with a few handling wrinkles, XF-AU $125 $215 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE F545 $10, National Shawmut Bank of Boston, MA/5155. About VF $125 F749 $2, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, VF-XF $60 SPMC # 3240 WILLIAM P. KOSTER ANA #70083 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45243 Home: 513/561-5866 Office: 513/271-5100 HODGES AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFEGUARD REPRINTED We are pleased to announce that HODGES AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFEGUARD of 1864 has — been reprinted. It is cloth bound and contains 352 pages listing over 10,000 genuine notes. The 1864 edition was printed during the Civil War, so all Southern States were removed from the book with the exception of Louisiana. In 1864 Louisiana was occupied by Union troops under Butler. We have added the Southern States listed in the 1863 edition of HODGES, making this reprint more complete than any contemporary printing. HODGES AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFEGUARD - 1864 Lists over 10,000 notes - Available October 1977 $19.50* THE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER of GENUINE BANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862 - Available May 1977 $15.00* Other titles will be announced later. All books are cloth bound. PENNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 *S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax. WILLIAM P. DONLON United States Paper Money and Paper Money Supplies. S.P.M. C. NO.74 DON LON PAYS TOP DOLLAR WANT CHOICE U.S. PAPER CURRENCY WANT COMPLETE COLLECTIONS OR DUPLICATES 1861-1923, 1929 NATIONALS ALSO EMERGENCY AND EXPERIMENTAL SERIES ERRORS AND MISPRINTS SEND BY REGISTERED MAIL FOR BEST POSSIBLE OFFER. IF OFFER IS NOT ACCEPTED, YOUR NOTES WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU PREPAID NO OFFERS WITHOUT EXAMINATION No Buying or Selling Lists available SASE with all inquiries please 1977 Ed. "U.S. LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY" 3.95 1977 "PAPER MONEY ERRORS" Price Guide 3.00 Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, $3. ea. Nos. 7, 8, 10, 11, $2.50 ea. Includes Prices Realized. Nos. 1 and 9 sold out P. 0. BOX 144 UTICA, NEW YORK 13503