
Paper Money - Vol. XVII, No. 3 - Whole No. 75 - May - June 1978

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ellirMay • June Volume XVII No. 3 Whole No. 75 The Philadelphia Clearing House Certificates by Richard T. Hoober Ba&to El Pas° s with Ben E. Adam Forrest Daniel tells readers about a special souvenir sheet issued by the Minot Bank. BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS KAGIN'S ARE THE U.S. PAPER MONEY SPECIALISTS Kagin's are results conscious. We are interested in satisfied clients. Kagin's will always give you very PERSONAL SERVICE. This SERVICE will benefit you in many ways. When you are considering selling or consigning we offer commissions as IOW as 10%, We offer liberal CASH ADVANCE. Unsurpassed advertising, iriducling professionally prepared catalogs. Kagin's makes unique use of color slides and color photography to feature yam : auction matetials. We offer you outright cash purchases of yOur collections at TOP MARKET PRICES, if desired. When you're investing, We offer: PERSONALIZED INVESTMENTS PROGRAMS featuring only CHOICE and SUPERB NOTES. 'S PERSONAL SERVICE IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR OBTAINING THE RESULTS YOU DESIRE Kagin's Wants to serve you Draw upon A.M. (Art) Kagin's 50 years experience and numismatic authority. SHOULDN'T YOU BE WORKING WITH KAGIN'S, THE LARGEST DEALER IN U.S. PAPER MONEY CALL COLLECT TODAY! A.M. (Art) or Don Kagin (515) 243-0129 Suite 600-618 Capital City Bank Building Des Moines, Iowa 50309 (515) 243-0129 GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY 1928-1978 "UNIQUE IN NUMISMATICS" Consignments now accepted for: GENA New York Auction Sept. 28-Oct. 1 Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. VOL XVII — No. 3 Whole No. 75 May/June 1978 DOUG WATSON, Editor Box 127 Scandinavia, WI 54977 Tel. 715-467-2379 Manuscripts and publications for review should he addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS & MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111. IN THIS ISSUE THE BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEEERS CO-OPERATIVE NATIONAL BANK OF CLEVELAND Harry M. Corrigan 133 AMERICAN HISTORICAL VIGNETTES John R. I sted 138 NATIONAL BANK NOTE VARIETIES M. Owen Warns 141 TRIAL LISTING OF MISSOURI OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIPT Bruce W. Smith 144 THINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM Randolph Flather 149 PHILADELPHIA CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES Richard T. Hoober 152 EL PASO REVISITED Ben E. Adams 158 MINOT BANK ISSUES SOUVENIR NOTES Forrest W. Daniel 162 SPECIMEN SETS TO BE OFFERED Jerry Remick 166 IN THIS ISSUE COPE PRODUCTION 156 INTEREST BEARING NOTES 168 SECRETARY'S REPORT 170 PASSING THE BUCK 174 MONEY MART 176 SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. Whole No. 75 Page 131 PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., Harold Hauser, P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Second class postage paid at Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. °Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1978. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $10. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. ADVERTISING RATES Contract Rates SPACE Outside 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Back Cover S48.00 S130.00 5245.00 Inside Front & Back Cover 45.00 121.00 230.00 Full page 39.00 105.00 199.00 Half-page 24.00 65.00 123.00 Quarter-page 15.00 40.00 77.00 Eighth-page 10.00 26.00 49.00 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; engravings & artwork at cost + 5%; copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue), Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related hereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert E. Medlar, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 VICE PRESIDENT Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105 SECRETARY Harry Wigington, P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111 TREASURER C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 APPOINTEES EDITOR Doug Watson, P.O. Box 127, Scandinavia, WI 54977 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, 7425 South Woodward Ave., Apt. 214, Woodridge, IL 60515 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, Jr. Roy Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J. Thomas Wills, Jr. Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non- profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES -The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Dues for the first year are $10. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for sale for $1.50 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at one time, please include $0.25 per issue for postage. We have only the issues listed for sale. Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37) Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 2 (No. 38) Vol. 10, 1971, No. 3 (No. 39) Vol. 5, 1966, No. 1 (No. 17) Vol. 5, Vol. 5, Vol. 5, 1966, 1966, 1966, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. 18) (No. 19) (No. 20) Vol. 11, Vol. 11, Vol. 11, 1972, 1972, 1972, No 1 No 2 No 3 (No. 41) (No. 42) (No. 43) Vol. 11, 1972, No 4 (No. 44) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 1 (No. 21) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) Vol. 12, 1973, No 1 (No. 45) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) Vol. 12, 1973, No 2 (No. 46) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24) Vol. 12, 1973, No 3 (No. 47) Vol. 12, 1973. No 4 (No. 48) Vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49) Vol. 7, 1968, No. 2 (No. 26) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 2 (No. 50) Vol. 7, 1968, No. 3 (No. 27) Vol. 13, 1974, No.3 (No. 51) Vol. 7, 1968, No. 4 (No. 28) Vol. 13, 1974, No.4 (No. 52) Vol. 13, 1974. No. 5 (No. 53) Vol. 8, 1969, No. 1 (No. 29) Vol. 13, 1974, No.5 (No. 54) Vol. 8, Vol. 8, Vol. 8, 1969, 1969, 1969, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 (No. 30) (No. 31) (No. 32) Vol. 14, Vol. 14, Vol. 14, 1975, 1975. 1975, No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 (No. 55) (No. 56) (No. 57) Vol. 14, 1975, No. 4 (No. 58) Vol. 9, 1970, No. 1 (No. 33) Vol. 14, 1975. No. 5 (No. 59) Vol. 9, 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Vol. 14, 1975, No. 5 (No. 60) Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 (No. 35) Vol. 9, 1970, No. 4 (No. 36) Index Vol. 1-10 91.00 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, N.J. 07028 Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of members only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian-Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. 60521. BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 81/2 x 11" FLORIDA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Freeman . . . $6.00 Non-Member. . $10.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Rockholt . $6.00 Non-Member. . $10.00 TEXAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Medlar $7.50 Non-Member. . $12.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Wait 0. Non-Member $$114.5000 NATIONAL BANK NOTE ISSUES OF 1929-1935, Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum $9.75 Non-Member. . $12.50 MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP, Leggett Non-Member. . 161S 06 .0 0(0) Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders f .)r less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have 110 1.11/1111 . 01 of your package after we place it in the mails. Page 132 Paper Money Whole No. 75 Page 133 the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Co•operative National Bank of Cleveland by Harry M. Corrigan The notes of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Co-operative National Bank of Cleveland have long been among those most sought after and discussed by collectors of national bank notes. Barney Bluestone, in his Grinnell sale catalog (lots 1475 and 1476), notes that it was the bank with the longest name, and that it was abruptly shortened to Engineers National Bank. He guesses that the reason for the shortening was that the long name was "too cumbersome." Bill Donlon highlights his example of the note in his personal collection sale (lot 327), and characterizes it as "a note every collector seeks." And, in an article as recent as the January issue of Paper Money, Howard W. Parshall carefully examines the notes and surmises that perhaps the name change resulted from a maturing in the personnel and policies of the bank. Page 134 Paper Money Nor had I escaped the fascination of the name — not so much for the length, but for the fact that it used the word "co-operative." No one really expects the "Security" bank to be any more secure than the next bank, or the "Farmers" bank to serve only farmers, but the word "Co- operative" creates a more precise expectation. To slightly rephrase the Random House Dictionary, a co-operative is a business owned and managed by the customers who provide the capital and share in the profits by patronage dividends. Now, if the customers don't share in the pro- fits, wouldn't it be false advertising to use the word "co- operative" in the name of a bank? I knew that customers of credit unions are returned a share of the profits by bonus interest payments on their deposits, but I had never heard of a full service commercial bank doing that. Was there really a true co-operative commercial bank in the United States in the twenties? Freidberg revealed five other banks with the word in their titles. Was there a chain of them? And Van Belkum said that they all eventually dropped the word "co-operative" from their name. Why? I continued to wonder, but never really expected to get the answers. Most of us have a favorite story about discovering this or that very interesting bank note. Here is my favorite story about discovering a book about a bank. One day a few years ago I was browsing through the economics section of the stacks at the University of Washington library in Seattle. I was thumbing through such classics as Early European Banking in India and Monetary and Banking Policy of Chile, when my eyes hit on the title The Labor Banking Movement in the United States. (Published in 1929, call number 332.1 P93L; authors identified as the Industrial Relations Section of the Department of Economics and Social Institutions of Princeton University.) Was this about my co-operative banks? Was I about to have all my questions answered? To make a short story even shorter: yes, and yes. Then, early this year, Parshall's article jogged me into getting out the notes I had made on that occasion. Unfortunately, I do not now have the book at my disposal, and my notes were sketchy and even somewhat illegible; so what follows cannot be guaranteed, but I think it is reasonably accurate. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Co- operative National Bank (BLE Co-op NB) was not the first labor owned bank in the United States, but it was the first labor National bank, the first labor commercial bank of substantial size, and provided the impetus for the labor banking movement of the 1920s. Its seed was planted at the 1915 national convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE), when the idea of a union owned bank to serve the interests of the union members was first discussed. The convention authorized a study, but it was not until 1919 (perhaps due to war delays) that a committee was appointed to draft plans for the bank. Thereafter, things moved faster. By January, 1920, the plans were complete and the final decision to seek a national charter had been made. The charter was obtained, capital set at one million dollars, and subscriptions to the stock sought from BLE members. The BLE itself held 51 per cent of the stock, and the remainder was soon oversubscribed. But what are the essential factors that qualify a bank as co-operative? The books authors and I agree on three: Profit sharing with depositors; limitation on dividends to stockholders, and a limit on number of shares an individual can own. The authors also list limitation on market price of stock, but since none of the banks had an explicit limit on the price of their stock, and because the limit on dividends would necessarily limit the value of the stock, I don't think it is really a distinct type of limitation. However, many of the banks did have limitations on who could own their stock (along with limitations on who stockholders could resell their stock to), and since in many cases it was the failure of these very limitations which led to the end of the bank as a co-operative institution, I think limitation of stock ownership to members of some pre-existing affinity group might be included as a fourth requirement for a co-operative bank. In the absence of such affinity (labor, religious, fraternal, etc.), solidarity with the cause and devotion to co- operative ideals tends to break down. I am a little surprised that the unions apparently had no difficulty in obtaining their charters. It may be because most of their extraordinary restrictions were in the subscription agreement or the bylaws, not in the charters themselves. This would also explain why it was so easy to eliminate the restrictions when it was decided to do so. Anyway, the BLE co-op NB of Cleveland was clearly a true co-operative bank. Provision was made for profit sharing with depositors via bonus interest payments on deposits (called depositors dividends). Stockholder dividends were limited to 10 per cent (presumably 10 per cent of par value, as a limit of 10 per cent of cost or market value wouldn't be very effective). Individual stockholders were limited to three shares. Only BLE members were allowed to own shares (except for qualifying shares for officers and directors who were not BLE members), and the subscription agreement provided that the bank would have first option to repurchase any shares offered for resale. The bank appeared to get off to a roaring start. Deposits climbed to $26 million by 1924; depositor dividends of up to one per cent were paid from 1921 to 1925, and between 1922 and 1926, fifteen more labor national banks opened in the United States. But trouble was brewing below the surface. One major problem of the Cleveland and other labor banks was union interference in the running of the bank. The proletarian Whole No. 75 Page 135 union officials apparently had the bourgeois desire to wear the title of "bank president" or "vice-president," and the fact that they were not qualified for the position did not always keep them from getting it. Loans that should have been denied on fiscal grounds were occasionally approved because they furthered union interests. It was difficult to get experienced outside directors. Locations were often poor, and in overbanked areas. As union member customers improved their lot, they often moved out of the banks area and moved their accounts. Deposits were unusually highly concentrated in interest-bearing saving accounts, and unusually low in interest-free checking deposits. Employee morale was low because they were poorly paid and not allowed to unionize. And, general economic conditions were deteriorating. By 1927, the Cleveland bank was in trouble. The president of the BLE was accused of using the bank as a source of position and power for himself and his cronies, at great cost to the union. There ensued something of a scandal and cleanup. Limitations on stock resale were removed and the name changed in 1928 (indicating a possible disappearance of other co-op features also). The bank was liquidated in 1930. Van Belkum reports it had the largest circulation of any labor bank — $800,000 in 1929. The stories of the other labor banks are similar. Some became normal, conservative banks that just happened to have a la labor ownership; others were sold outright to non-labor interests. Some of the worst failed. And one — Spokane — succumbed to a run on the bank. It appears that by the end of 1930 none were still true co-operative organizations. Listed below are the 13 other labor banks that issued currency and the two that did not. Unless otherwise stated, dividends to stockholders were limited to 10 per cent, and provision was made for depositor dividends. (Although it will be noted that in only one case other than Cleveland was the bank ever prosperous enough to pay such a depositor dividend.) #12282 — The Transportation Brotherhoods NB of Minneapolis. Opened Dec. 18, 1922. Fifty one per cent owned by a BLE affiliate. Stock ownership limited to members of four transportation brotherhoods. Bank had right to repurchase shares. Liquidated in 1930, absorbed by the Marquette NB of Minneapolis. Van Belkum reports 1928 circulation of $75,000. #12389 — The Telegraphers NB of St. Louis. Opened June 9, 1923. Seventy-two per cent owned by the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. Ownership limited to ORT members and directors qualifying shares. Limit of 10 shares per person (out of a total 5,000 shares). Still in business in 1934 with a circulation of $491,800. Second largest labor bank, but peak assets (before 1929) of $7 million were still less than one third of the Cleveland Bank. #12418 — The Brotherhood Co-operative NB of Spokane. Opened Aug. 1, 1923. Owned 25 per cent by Brotherhood Investment Company (apparently a union owned corporation), 35 per cent by members of the BLE, 25 per cent by members of other unions, and 15 per cent by the general public. No restrictions on resale. Depositors dividends actually paid until 1927 (only bank to do so other than Cleveland). In 1928, disaffection with the BLE caused other stockholders to kick them out, and decision was made to go after the business of the general public. Hence the name change in 1928 to City NB — much to the disgust of hardline unionists. Although absorbed by the Old NB in 1928, #12418 nonetheless went into receivership in 1930. In 1928 the circulation was $200,000. #12446 — The Brotherhood of Railway Clerks NB of Cincinnati. Opened Dec. 15, 1923. The BRC owned 51 per cent of the stock, but their were no other ownership limitations. In 1925, their union convention ruled that no union officers could be officers of the bank. It went into receivership in 1930, but was restored to solvency and liquidated later the same year. Its circulation in 1930 was $200,000. #10357 — The First NB of Bakersfield, Calif. Although chartered in 1913 and the lowest charter number of any labor bank, it was not a labor bank when first organized as the NB of Bakersfield. On Feb. 2, 1924, labor interests bought control and, on May 3, changed the name, but for some reason not to one indicating labor ownership. At its peak, labor owned 70 per cent of the stock, but by 1929 this was down to 20 per cent. Proxy voting and repurchase agreements that proved ineffective were the reason control was lost. The bank was near bankruptcy when bought in 1924, and never was successful; stockholders were assessed a total of $223 per share over its lifetime. In 1935 it was absorbed by the Angle California NB; circulation then was $500,000. #12755 — The Peoples NB of Los Angeles. My notes say opened Apr. 26, 1924, but the charter number indicated that it was not opened until 1925. Fifty one per cent owned by local AFL groups. Repurchase agreements were ineffective, so gradually the union interests lost control. After an assessment of $24 per share in 1928, labor interests lost control and the name was changed to NB of Commerce. Bank liquidated in 1932. Circulation in 1929 was $500,000. #12540 — The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers NB of Boston. Opened May 24, 1924. Controlling interest owned jointly by the BLE national organization and the New England BLE Securities Corp. Stock restricted to BLE members, officers and directors of the bank. In 1927, bylaws were amended to remove stock restrictions, and name changed to Engineers NB. In 1930, changed again to Continental NB. Liquidated later that year and consolidated with the Boston NB. Circulation in 1929 was $275,000. Page 136 Paper Money WILLIAM P. DONLON PASSES AWAY #12560 — The Labor Co-operative NB of Paterson, N.J. Opened July 26, 1924. Shareholding limited to 40 for a labor organization, ten for an individual (these limits later raised to 60 and 20, respectively.) There was a resale restriction in the subscription agreement, and management manipulated the stock price to keep it down. Name changed to Labor NB in 1928, when most co- operative features were dropped. Liquidated in 1925, succeeded by N. Union B. Circulation in 1927 was $42,800. #12613 — The Brotherhood Co-operative NB of Portland, Ore. Opened Jan. 3, 1925. By 1929, union and union member ownership had fallen under 25 per cent. At this time the name was changed first to Brotherhood NB, then to Columbia NB, hinting an end to co-operative features. Liquidated in 1931, absorbed by the American NB of Portland. Circulation in 1930 was $200,000. #12771 — Labor Co-operative NB of Newark. Opened June 27, 1925. Stock ownership limited to ten shares for an individual, 50 for a union. Subscription agreement had a repurchase provision and said that a majority of the new board must be unionists. It is not stated whether there were stock dividend limitations or provisions for despositor profit sharing, but name change in 1927 to Labor NB and then to Union NB indicates that there was some kind of change in organization. Still in business in 1934 with a circulation of $175,000. #12667 — Brotherhood Co-operative NB of Tacoma, Wash. Opened July 1, 1925. Title changed to Washington NB in 1930; went into receivership in 1930. Circulation $191,960. #12939 — Labor NB of Jersey City. Opened June 28, 1926. Voting stock limited to trade union organizations; most other stock not union held. Otherwise, no co- operative features. Liquidated in 1931; circulation in 1930 was $100,000. #13016 — Brotherhood NB, San Francisco. Opened Dec. 18, 1926. Owned 51 per cent by Pacific Brotherhood Investment Co. (a group related to the Brotherhood Investment Co. that owned the Spokane bank), 25 per cent by union members, the remainder by the general public. In 1929 the unions sold their interests and the name was changed to City NB. It was liquidated in 1932 and absorbed by the Pacific NB of San Francisco. The circulation in 1929 was $200,000. There were also two labor banks in Montana: The Labor NB of Great Falls (#11429) and the Labor NB of Montana of Three Forks (#12361), but they never issued any notes. I trust that this article will clear up many of the mysteries about the notes of the labor national banks. I am sure that it leaves many good questions unanswered, and probably presents even new inexplicable facts for speculation. Which is nice, because speculating about our notes has always been one of the major pleasures of collecting them. William P. Donlon, 86, of Utica, N.Y. died suddenly April 15 at his home. Born in Amsterdam, N.Y., he came to Utica after high school graduation. One of his first jobs was at the Old Majestic Theater, where he quickly advanced to secretary, treasurer and finally assistant manager. He remained active in the amusement business in Utica and Sylvan Beach until his retirement in 1958. After retirement, Donlon became actively engaged in a long-time hobby — paper money of the United States — and was considered one of the foremost authorities on the subject. He developed and copyrighted a catalog number- ing system for U.S. paper currency which is used in leading publications. He wrote two books on U.S. paper money which brought him national awards for his out- standing contributions to collectors and for the advance- ment of paper money collecting. His literary contributions to numismatic publications were numerous. Donlon helped organize and was first president of the Mohawk Valley Coin Club and was named "Man of the Year" by the Club in 1967. He served in offices of many national numismatic organizations, and was a past president of the Empire State Numismatic Association. On March 31, Mr. Donlon closed his 12th mail bid sale with a record number of bidders. He remained active in his business, putting in a full day at the office each day. Mr. Donlon was the sole surviving charter member of the Kiwanis Club of Utica, and was honored by the club in 1976 for his 60 years membership. Utica proclaimed "Bill Donlon Day" in honor of the occasion. Mr Donlon is survived by his widow, the former Stella Whittaker; two sons, James K. and William P. Jr.; six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. (The Donlons observed their 64th wedding anniversary last September 24). CONFEDERATE CURRENCY $10. "Ceres Reclining on Cotton Bale" Ty-46, $5. "Capitol at Richmond, Va." Ty-60, Fine $6.95 AU $4.95; CN 8 50 $10. "Colombia, S.C. State Capitol" AU $4.95; CN Ty-52, 8 50 $100. "Lucy Pickens" Ty-65 $50. "Jefferson Davis" Ty-66 8 75 6 75 $2. "Judah P. Benjamin" Ty-54, AU . . . . 17.50 $2. "Judah P. Benjamin" Ty-70 9 50 $100. "Lucy H. Pickens" Ty-56 26.50 50e "Jefferson Davis" Ty-63 4 50 $50. "Jefferson Davis" Ty-57 22.50 5011 "Jefferson Davis" Ty-72 4 50 $10. "Colombia, S.C. State Capitol" AU $4.95; CN Ty-59, 8 50 BOOKS 'IN THE SPOTLIGHT Save $$$'s on Books = Special 15% Discount (orders $20. or more). (Except where Shown NET). Add 75t on Book Orders (Over $50. add $1.00 SASE for our BIG Book Lists). Over 100 Diff. Titles on Paper Money. Bebee's, inc. "Pronto Service" MEMBER: ANA Life #110-ANS-PNG-SCPN-SPMC-IAPN, Others. 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 Whole No. 75 Page 137 RARE UNCUT SHEETS Superb Crisp New Sheets. Put Your Collection in the Blue Ribbon Class with these Potential "Best of Show" Winners. Both Specially Priced: 1935-D $1. Silver Certificate Sheet (12). Clark/Snyder. Of the 100 Sheets that were issued, Chuck O'Donnell's 6th Ed. Records only 37 Sheets reported. Lists $1,300.00. SPECIAL $950.00 1928-G $2. Legal Tender Sheet (12). Clark/Snyder. O'Donnell's 6th Ed. Records only 20 Sheets although 100 were issued. Over the Years many Sheets were Cut up. This Splendid Sheet Priced at $1,150.00 SPECIAL - This Super Pair of Uncut Sheets $1,950.00 $1. FEDERAL RESERVE SETS SALE Superb Crisp New Complete Sets. 10% Discount on Orders over $200.00. (All Other Notes NET= Attractively Priced. Ask for our Bargain Lists Inc. Books & Accessories@ DISCOUNT Prices). Regular Sets Star Sets 1963 (12) $32.75 (12) . $34.75 1963-A (12) 28.75 (12). . 31.75 1963-8 (5) 14.75 (4) 13.75 1969 (12) 24.75 (12). . 30.75 1969-A (12) 23.75 (11) .. 29.75 1969-B (12) 23.75 (12). . 28.75 1969-C (10) 21.75 (9) .. 32.75 1969-D (12) 21.75 (11). . 24.75 1974 (12) 21.75 (12). . 21.75 SPECIAL OFFER 1963/1974 All 9 Sets = Superb Crisp New (99). NET $179.75 1963/1974 All 9 Star Sets = Superb Crisp New (95). NET 209.75 BLOCK BUSTER SPECIAL 1963-A $1.00 Scarce "BB" Block, Cr. New. SPECIAL - (2 for $55.00) $29.50 WANTED - 1963 BC & DB Blocks. MIS-MATCHED ERROR NOTE 1957B $1. Silver Certificate = Serial Nos. start with U37 & U47. A Crisp new Gem Note 49.50 Pair - With Consecutive Nos 94.50 Same = in Lucite Holder (with title). Ea .. 4.75 DeLorey/Reed's "Price Guide for Collectors of Modern U.S. Paper Money Errors" 124 pages, Illus'd Values Ppd. at only 3 25 STAR NOTES WANTED Packs (100) 1969C $1. Dist. 12: 1974 $1. Dists. 2, 7; 1976 $2. Most Dists., 1977 $1. all. (Packs 100 or Less). Call or Write. BRADBEER "Confederate & So. States Cur- rency" Enlarged Reprint Ppd. 14.50 CRISWELL "Confederate & So. States Currency" 1976 Ed. Ppd. 15.00 SLABAUGH "Confederate States Paper Money" Ea. Type Illus'd Priced Ppd. only 3 50 SPECIAL = All Three NET 25.50 CRISWELL "North American Currency". 1st Ed. Incl. Canada. Illus., Vals. Out of Print 16.50 WISMER "Obsolete Bank Notes of New England". Reprint, 310 Pgs., Illus . . . 20.00 SPECIAL-The Pair - NET 29.50 O'DONNELL 6th Ed. "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money" 15.00 #Mention Your SPMC Nos. and Order O'Donnel's for only NET 7 95 VAN BELKUM "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period 1863-1935". Lists all Charter Notes (14,343) 14.50 HESSLER New 2nd Ed. "The Comprehensive Catalogue of U.S. Paper Money". Illus., Vals 25.00 SPECIAL - The Pair - NET 33.50 KAGIN/DONLON'S "U.S. Large Size Paper Money 1861/1923". 5th Ed. Illus., Vals . 3.95 HEWITT/DONLON "Catalogue of Small Size Paper Money". 13th Ed. 2 50 KEMM'S "The Official Guide of U.S. Paper Money". New 1978 Ed 195 SHAFER "Guide Book of Modern U.S. Currency". 7th Ed 2 95 WERLICK "Catalogue of U.S. & Canada Paper Money". 1974, Latest Ed. 3 95 +SPECIAL - Above BIG Five- NET ... 11.95 SASE-for our List of Currency + Accessories (Albums, etc.) @DISCOUNT Prices Try BeBee's-Where America's "Particular Collectors" Shop. We'll be Looking for YOU Page 138 Paper Money American Historical Vignettes by John R. Isted, NLG When the first $20 Federal Reserve notes rolled off the presses at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in 1915, America's railroads were already the finest and largest in the world. The United States had 35,000 miles of track in 1865, and by 1929 total track mileage had increased to 429,000. Today, however, total trackage is about half of that figure. Although the importance of the railroad has waned in the last few decades, America would not be the same were it not for its amazing transcontinental railroad expansion during the nineteenth century. For centuries, the "passage to India" had been the dream of monarchs and merchants. Even though hopes for a waterway through the continental United States died after the establish- ment of America, people still dreamed of the impossible. In 1845, Asa Whitney dreamed of the passage — only not in the form of a waterway. Whitney had made millions in the China trade and envisioned the trans- continental railroad as the "passage to India" that would bring fortune to the United States — and most certainly to himself. In just a few years, the unfortunate Whitney spent every cent he owned on the scheme, and finished his remaining working days as a milkman in Washington, D.C. Dreams, however, do not die easily. Senator Thomas Hart Benton (whose portrait appears on the $100 United States large-size Gold Certificate) also believed strongly in linking the East coast with the West. In his speeches, he constantly stressed the need for "an American road to India." In 1849, Benton introduced in the Senate a bill authorizing the Central National Road to be built, con- necting St. Louis with the West coast. In a speech sup- porting his bill, Benton stated: "Diplomacy and war have brought to us the completion of our territory and peace. From this we advance to the 'results.' These `results' are, for the present, the imperial expansion of our republic to the other ocean, fraternity with Asia, and the construction across the center of our territory, from ocean to ocean, of a great iron pathway specially national to us, international to the northern continents of America, Asia and Europe." Senator Benton was not the only American to share these beliefs. Others saw the great economic advantages to their region if a railhead could be constructed in their town, country or state. The competition was so fierce that politicians from major cities like Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans and Memphis fought one another's attempts to secure the railhead, and thus remained deadlocked in sectional rivalry. The Pacific Railroad Survey Act of 1853 was passed by Congress to find "the most practical and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi (River) to the Pacific Ocean." It was hoped that such a study would wrest decision from the politicians and would, therefore, be an impartial choice. The four routes chosen, however, were all backed heavily by political interests. The first route ran from St. Paul to Puget Sound: the second con- nected the Arkansas River with Salt Lake, Utah; the third went from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Los Angeles; the final route began in Fulton, Arkansas, traversed central Texas, across southern Arizona, and ended in San Diego. All routes were practical and economical, and once again people were locked in sectional rivalry. With the coming of the Civil War, sectional politics were swept aside and a route for the transcontinental railroad was chosen. It was the central route, with the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific contracted to build the "passage to India." Each company was given a 400-foot right-of-way and ten alternate sections of land for each mile of track laid, but because of pressure from the railroads, Congress passed a bill in 1864 which increased this allotment to twenty alternate sections. Government bonds, issued to the companies as loans to be turned into cash for con- struction, were issued at the rate of $16,000 per mile on the flatlands, $32,000 in the foothills, and $48,000 in the mountains. Whole No. 75 Page 139 The Union Pacific was financially backed and built by the Credit Moblier, a construction company owned by the major stockholders of the railroad. The Central Pacific was backed under the same scheme - only their con- struction company was called the Contract and Finance Company. Behind the establishment of the construction companies was the idea of huge profits for shareholders, which was accomplished by awarding the construction companies profitable contracts of outrageous pro- portions. Credit Moblier charged $94 million for construction that should have cost less than $50 million, and paid dividends of 348 per cent in a single year. To cover up the unethical manipulations of the Credit Moblier, its ad- ministrative chief, Congressman Oakes Ames of Massachusetts, distributed Credit Moblier stock among Congressman. The Contract and Finance Company made a profit of $63 million on an investment of $121 million, and most of the take went to its four major stockholders — Leland Stanford, Charles Crocker, Mark Hopkins and Collis P. Huntington. Eventually, the American people found out about the crime, but — as always — revelation came too late. Nevertheless, the railroad construction was by no means weighted on the negative side. After the close of the Civil War in 1865, the railroad became the driving force behind the U.S. economy. As the steel rails stretched ever farther across the country, they expanded the markets for goods from eastern factories; speeded settlement of the West and the Great Plains, and brought the farmers' food to urbanites, thus enabling further ex- pansion of the cities. Moreover, the railroads became major consumers of iron, steel, coal, timber and capital, thus helping to stimulate the economy of the world. American railroad construction by 1900 had consumed $3.1 billion, most of it invested by British entrepreneurs. In fact, construction of the railroads ignited the American economy to such an extent that steel magnate Andrew Carnegie could confidently claim in 1886; "The old nations of the earth creep at a snail's pace; the Republic thunders past with the rush of the express." Four other transcontinental railroads were constructed by 1893: the Southern Pacific - Texas Pacific system was completed in 1882, the Sante Fe in 1883, the Northern Pacific in 1883, and the Great Northern in 1893. These railroad systems, in conjunction with the Union Pacific - Central Pacific link-up, firmly cemented the East and West coasts, and in so doing facilitated settlement of the American interior. American railroads until the 1890s were the greatest single factor in the settlement of the trans-Mississippi states. In fact, the transcontinental railroads marked the first time in the history of the American frontier that the means of transportation preceded the pioneer. Railroad construction was so important that, between 1862 and 1871, Congress authorized twenty-one grants of support, totaling approximately 150 million acres. Enthusiastic western states gave an additional 50 million acres. As a result, more settlement took place on railroad land grants than on government tracts reserved under the Homestead Act. During this period, farm land nearly doubled, mainly due to the expansion of the railroads. The land departments of railroads such as the Northern Pacific and the Sante Fe employed agents who induced tens of thousands of Civil War veterans and European immigrants to settle Minnesota, the Dakotas and Nebraska. The companies gave reduced fares or did not charge, and gave easy credit terms to purchasers of land. Although lands sold by the railroads cost more than government homesteads, they generally had richer soil and, because they were near the tracks, had superior market connections. Railroads, along with their land departments, also maintained their own immigration bureaus. Most American railroad companies managed London offices and had agents in Europe. In the 1870s the Union Pacific railroad spent more than $1 million on advertising land for sale to prospective English and European buyers. Page 140 Railroads were highly successful in their role as colonizers. The 1880 census reveals that foreign parentage could be claimed by 73 per cent of Wisconsin's population, 71 per cent of Minnesota's, 66 per cent of the Dakotas', and 44 per cent of Nebraska's. The land fever ignited by the railroads quickly spread throughout Europe, and in the decade of the 1880s a flood of 4.6 million European immigrants entered the United States. Although the railroad was not the only reason they came, it certainly was an important inducement. The steam locomotive in the vignette from the $20 Federal Reserve note — appropriately designated engine 20 — was the most frequently employed design for the transportation of passengers after 1905. Ironically, the locomotive had been designed and built in the U.S. for service in New Zealand. The popular locomotive thus became known as the "Pacific" type. As with all steam locomotives, the Pacific can always be identified by using the Whyte system of identification. For example, "Federal Reserve number 20" has four truck wheels at the front of the engine, with six drive wheels, followed by two more truck wheels — or as written in Whyte's classification system, a 4-6-2. The 4-6-2 design was first manufactured for use in the United States in 1905 when the American Locomotive Company built the model for the Pennsylvania Company. Four years earlier the first Pacific type had been built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works of the United States for service on the New Zealand railways. The word circulated Paper Money quickly, acclaiming the Pacific as a worthy design. During 1907 and 1908, the French and Germans pro- duced their own versions of the Pacific class locomotives. The 4-6-2, in fact, became a classic in its own time and was used extensively throughout the world. Railway historian C. Hamilton Ellis summed up the Pacific by stating that it "became the most popular and versatile (locomotive) in the 20th century. Its wheel arrangement (4-6-2) gave good riding at speed and also room for the largest boiler and cylinders that could usefully drive six coupled wheels in general mainline work. This class sur- vived until 1956." Today, of course, few steam locomotives travel the tracks of America. Modern engines are not as exciting, and most certainly do not share as much in the romance and history of the United States — or the world — as do the majestic steam locomotives. For most people, the steam locomotive survives only in the memories of those who saw them churning past on the steel rails, or in the imaginations of those of us who have seen them in the movies, museums and model railroads. A pair of transportation historians, in summing-up their analysis of the steam locomotive, stated: "With the passing of the steam locomotive passes an era of American history, the era of our continental expansion in which our railroads played so vital a part. The steam loco- motive made these railroads and this era possible. The debt we owe the steam locomotive is truly immeasurable." SOME THOUGHTS ON FOREIGN PAPER MONEY by Leo Cortissoz, II I recently attended a coin show in Massachusetts and was astounded to find that of all the paper money dealers who were there, only about one-half of them carried some type of foreign paper money. The rest carried types of American currency only. I have also noticed the same thing when dealing through the mails. The dealers will say that he is offering a list on paper money, not specifying whether it be foreign or American. As it turns out, I send for the list and find out that it is what I want, foreign paper money, or the opposite, what I do not really want, American currency. Now, I am not saying that I have any gripes or complaints, because I do also collect American currency as a sideline to foreign paper money. I just think it would help certain collectors to know what type of a list they are getting: foreign or American currency? Changing the subject now to the ways of foreign paper money collecting, I refer to Mr. Forester's article in the March/April issue of this magazine. He brings up the idea of type collecting. I do not entirely disagree, but I do think that it is not the best way to collect. Collecting the paper money in that manner is just like collecting Ameri- can currency, in my opinion. When you collect American currency, you collect it because it is American, Civil War, Fractional, etc. Thus, it is the same when you type collect foreign paper money. You do not collect it because it is foreign, but because it has a certain type of picture. Doing it that way, you could quite easily have a collection consisting of only a few countries, because they alone have the same picture. I believe that the system I use, and I am sure that many other collectors use it also, is one of the best systems, if not the best. I simply acquire notes on the basis of whether or not I need a note from that country. Hopefully, by using this system, I can acquire at least one note from each country. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot acquire other notes from the same coun- try, as that country may interest you. In this way your collection is more "foreign" and does not contain just certain countries. In conclusion, I would like to leave all you foreign paper money collectors with a thought. We may consider the money from France, England, Germany, and all the others as "foreign". But just think, the people in France, England, Germany, and all other countries think that their currency is common, and that all the others, in- cluding that of the United States, is foreign. So you, the foreign paper money collector, think about that. Our cur- rency, in a sense, is just as "foreign" as any other country's currency. TRA FIRST NATIONAL MI IN MAI I OW 01,4■10. isomuir: A0001083 TV HIST NATIONAL "/ANA HANrORD cAurtoom, volmratuf IFIVREDMILANN CO 0 0 U234 Whole No. 75 Page 141 : 9 ,95 Ilf1TIOR Bflit HUH VflIIIETIES BY...M. OWEN WARNS SUPPLEMENT V Additions to the 1929-1935 National Bank Note issues previously reported. Notes, Courtesy Lyn Knight. In the on-going study of the 1929-1935 small size National Bank Note issue we are able to list 314 addition- al notes thru the efforts of SPMC members and research- ers in this endeavour. We extend our sincere thanks for their assistance. The upward swing of the increased reporting of here- tofore unreported banks is a result of the reasons set forth in Supplement IV, September-October 1977 issue of Paper Money. A total of 84 of these banks are listed in this report and are to be noted by the asterisk placed to the left of the charter number of the bank. ALABAMA 1340 Middleton . . . . 5. *4313 Monmouth . . . 50. 5278 Montpelier . . . 10. *4067 Huntsville . . . 10. 12973 E. Port Chester 5193 Rantoul 10. 5889 Lafayette . . . 10. 4250 Anniston . . . . 20. 10. 5699 De Land 5 7946 Shelbyville . . . 20. 7429 Brundridge .. 20. DELAWARE 5869 Newton 10. *9143 Brownstown . 20. *8963 Scottsboro . .. 10. *1420 Wilmington . . 20. 6136 Benton 20. 9152 Knightstown .. 5. ARKANSAS 2340 Milford 10. 6143 Kinmundy . . . 20. 9537 Indianapolis .. 20. 8237 10750 14056 Gravette Rogers Pine Bluff 10. 10. 5 FLORIDA 13320 Brooksville . . . 10. 7236 Elgin 8457 Madison *8637 Roodhouse . 10. 5 . 20. 3017 5140 IOWA Ames Eldora 10. 5 CALIFORNIA GEORGIA 8667 Harvey 10. 5145 Sidney 10. 5863 Hanford . . . . 100. 6004 Bainbridge . . . 20. 9277 Wyanet 20. *5576 Daughtery . . . 10. *10364 Hardwick . . . . 10. *7549 Calhoun . . . 5.20. 9582 Dieterick . . . 20. 5778 Oelwein 10. COLORADO 4507 La Junta *7648 Loveland . 9100 Cortez 10. . 20. 20. 8580 Ocilla *9329 Monticello *13550 Fitzgerald 13725 Sandersville 20. . . 10. . . 10. .. 10. 9823 Rockford . . *11882 Homer INDIANA 37 La Porte . 20. 10. 10. 5891 6995 *8257 Valley Junction 10. Bagley 20. Inwood 20. *11504 Limon 20. ILLINOIS 1890 Greensburg . . . 5. 8277 Humbolt 10. 13928 Greeley 10. 38 Aurora 10. 1959 Rising Sun 5. *9125 Diagonal 20. CONNECTICUT 3369 Lincoln 20. 2188 Evansville . . . 20. *9664 Arlington 5 1249 New Canaan .. 10. 3376 Paris 5 20. 3583 Brazil 10. 10034 Storm Lake .. 10. 20. 3593 Canton 20. *4800 Shelbyville ... 50. *12430 Sheffield 20 Page 142 Paper Money KANSAS 2777 Newton 100. 3170 Burlington . . 20. 3463 Pittsburg .... 10. 3591 Jewel City ... 10. 3824 Centralia . .. 10. 4626 Sabetha 20. 4742 Salina 100. 7815 Stockton 8396 Barnard 20. 11318 Downs 10. 11398 Topeka 5 KENTUCKY 1493 Lancaster . . . . 10. 10433 Whitesburg ... 5. *11538 Buffalo 20. MAINE 13768 Presque Isle 10. MARYLAND *4926 Frostburg .... 5. MASSACHUSETTS 484 Haverill . . . 5. 20. 503 Monson 10. 517 Quincy 5 590 Fall River . . . . 20. 614 Cambridge . . . 20. 895 Conway 10. 934 Southbridge 20. 947 Taunton 20. 986 Lowell 10. *1162 Gloucester *1201 Lynn 5 1274 Tisbury 5 *1329 Lowell 10. 1367 Westfield 5 1440 Wareham . . . . 20. 2058 Turners Falls . 10. 2255 Orange 5 2404 Marlborough . 20. 4703 Holyoke 10. 5964 Pepperell . . 20. *8150 South Deerfield 10. *12343 Lowell 5 13394 Spencer 10. * 13558 Reading 20. *13604 Gloucester 10. MICHIGAN 3325 Traverse City .. 5. 5789 Ionia 5 MINNESOTA 1911 Owatonna 20. 6331 Welcome 20. 6459 Ortonville . 5. 20. 10736 Nashwauk 10. 11212 Hastings . . . 20. *11740 Menahga . . 10. 13081 Oliva 10. MISSISSIPPI 3765 Greenville .... 10. MISSOURI 3268 Maryville . . . . 10. 4933 Trenton 20. *7271 Bolivar 10. *7853 Linn Creek . . 20. MONTANA 7172 Plains 20. 9215 Hardin 20. *10838 Scobey 10. 13837 Chinook 10. NEBRASKA 3773 Madison 5 NEW HAMPSHIRE 808 Lebanon 10. *1180 Somersworth 10. 1310 Nassau 5 *2587 Plymouth . . . . 10. 4740 Laconia 10. 5092 Woodsville . . . 5. NEW JERSEY 1188 Morristown 5.10. 1259 Hackettstown 10. 20. 1459 Frenchtown 20. 2999 Bridgeton . 10 20. 3168 Cranbury . . . 10. *3621 Atlantic City 10. 3843 Glassboro . . . 20. 3922 Salem 5 4942 Somerville . . . 20. 5556 Phillipsburg 10. 8647 Kearny 5 13034 Harrison 20. NEW YORK 94 Port Jervis . . . 20. 963 Troy 50. *1083 Groton 10. 1120 Kingston . . . 20. *1212 Fonda 10. 1294 Catskill 20. 1335 Amsterdam . . 5. *1361 Waterville . . 20. 1363 Port Jervis . . . 20. 1380 Poughkeepsie 20. 2755 Franklinville . . 5. 4962 Schenvus . . . . 20. 5228 Potsdam 10. 7733 St. Regis Falls 20. 7774 So. Ostelic . . . 10. *7878 Downsville . . . 20. 9019 Freedonia . . . . 20. 9418 Sodus 10. *9857 Cato 20. 10043 Livingston Manor 10. 10155 Wallkill 5 *10526 Pearl River . . . 20. *10754 Bliss 10. 10816 Lisle 10. *11489 Niagara Falls .. 5. 12337 Buffalo 20. *12494 Macedon 5 *12997 Franklin Square . 50. 13219 Buffalo 10. NORTH DAKOTA 2377 Fargo 50. *8280 Milnor 10. *9133 Wallhalla 5 9214 Ryder 20. 9489 Mott 10. *11110 Neche 10. *12401 Dickinson . . . 10. 13454 Carson 10. OHIO *153 Geneva 10. 243 Delaware . . . 20. 315 St. Clairsville 20. 652 Kent 10. 715 Batavia 20. 1318 Massillon . . . 20. 2034 Garretsville . . 5. *2575 Xenia 20. *3291 Ripley 10. 4331 Dover 20. 5341 Montpelier . . . 5. 6843 Dennison . . . 10. 6938 Hopedale . . . 10. 7187 New Holland .. 5. *9675 Osborn 20. 13715 Lakewood . . . 20. *13767 Lima 10. OKLAHOMA 5905 Anadarko 20. 6258 Bartelsville 10. 8563 Luther 10. 9767 Fairview 5 9952 Elk City 20. 9954 Kingfisher 10. 12129 Marlow 10. OREGON 2928 Albany 20. 3405 Salem 20. PENNSYLVANIA 240 Lebanon 20. *423 Minersville . . . 10. 570 Philadelphia 10. 728 Oxford 20. 774 Clarion 20. 1676 Honeybrook 20. 2280 Ashland 5 *2392 Brookville . . . 20. 2609 Saltsburg . . . . 20. *2822 Hummelstown 10. 20. 3902 Birdsboro . . . . 20. 4011 E. Stroudsburg 5. 20. *4098 Scottsdale . . 20. 4255 Claysville . . 10. *4422 Girardsville 20. 4479 Corry 10. *4752 McDonald . . . 50. 4832 Phillipsburg . . . 5. 4923 Ephrata 20. *4955 Lebanon 10. *5311 Smithton . . . 10. *5356 East Brady 10. 5429 Meshoppen 10. 5684 Sayre 10. *5686 Nazareth . . . 20. 5727 Marienville 10. 5744 Latrobe 10. 6131 Minersville . . 10. 6165 Tremont 20. *6411 Mount Union 20. 6581 Pleasant Unity 5. 6589 St. Marys . . . . 20. 6874 Holidaysburg . 5. 6942 Shamokin 5 6997 Montoursville 5. 7353 Marysville . . . 20. *7897 New Berlin . . . 20. 7917 Biglerville . . . 10. 8410 Exchange 10. *8450 Lilly 10. 8591 Smethport . . 5. *9072 Goldsboro . . 10. *9248 Forest City . . 20. 9473 Gratz 5 9739 Coaldale 10. *9803 Turbotville . . 10. *10837 Elysburg . . . 10. 11188 Bedford 10. *11487 Monessen . . . 20. *11512 Dauphin 10. *12459 Dickson City .. 5. *12933 Wilcox 10. 13032 Philadelphia 10. *13151 Lansdowne . 5 10. 13251 Souderton . . . 5. 13619 Shenandoah . . 5. 13772 Scottsdale . . 20. 13803 Sharon 20. *13994 Hegins 10. SOUTH CAROLINA 11439 Clover 20. SOUTH DAKOTA 7335 Hudson 10. TEXAS *3764 Plano 20. 4483 Jacksboro . . . 5. 5606 Marlin 10. 7317 Bartlett 20. 8672 Bellevue . . . 5. 20. *8780 Clyde 10. *8787 Byers 20. 10230 Paducah 20. *10757 Kaufman . . . 10. 11022 Corsicana . . . 50. *13608 Odessa 20. Continued on page 154 Whole No. 75 Page 143 WANTZEI OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA NATIONAL BANK NOTES SMALL SIZE 1929 5126 WYNNEWOOD 7811 WALTERS 9964 GUYMON 0875 ERICK 5272 NEWKIRK 7822 HASKELL 9968 CORDELL 0960 POCASSET 5298 DAVIS 8052 WEWOKA 9970 STI LWELL 1397 TON KAWA 5347 STI LLWATER 8138 GUYMON 9976 SAYRE 1763 CARNEGIE 5546 PRYOR CREEK 8140 FREDERICK 9980 HARRAH 1913 I DABEL 5587 ALVA 8203 CHICKASHA 9987 SHATTUCK 2035 MOORE 5811 MANGUM 8294 MAUD 0003 BRAMAN 2078 WELLSTON 5955 CHELESEA 8313 PAWHUSKA 0005 POND CREEK 2104 DEPEW 5958 MARIETTA 8472 OKLA. CITY 0020 GEARY 2117 PRYOR CREEK 5961 PAWHUSKA 8524 STRATFORD 0051 CHECOTAH 2130 BLAIR 6113 ALTUSS 8563 LUTHER 0075 KAW CITY 2148 COYLE 6232 RALSTON 8616 DUNCAN 0117 CLAREMORE 2157 NORMAN 6241 OKMULGEE 8644 MINCO 0151 EDMOND 2472 ARDMORE 6299 COMANCHE 8744 WAURIKA 0205 MARLOW 2801 HUGO 6517 QU I NTON 8852 TEXHOMA 0239 HEAVENER 3021 MADILL 6641 WANETTE 8859 VERDEN 0240 HOLLIS 3751 OKMULGEE 6660 MCLOUD 9046 SULPHUR 0286 MADILL 3760 FREDRICK 6868 BEGGS 9709 WAYNOKA 0304 TECUMSEH 3891 PONCA CITY 6879 COWETA 9881 KINHSTON 0380 ACHILLE 4005 DU RANT 6980 CALVIN 9888 HEAVENER 0381 COLBERT 4108 WALTERS 7115 BROKEN ARROW 9942 TULSA 0402 KAW CITY 4305 PAWHUSKA 7209 BERWYN 9946 MARLOW 0548 RINGLING 7278 THOMAS 9'949 NOWATO 0573 VIAN 7724 WETUMKA 9963 ELDORADO 0689 COMMERCE Will pay for VG to VF $75.00 VF to UNC $125.00 for above notes On above notes ship don't write. WILL PAY $1500.00 FOR ANY $50.00 RED SEAL ON STATE OF OKLA. Will buy most all large notes on the State of Okla. Write. I am interested in many other states, Kan., West Texas, Ark., Ariz., New Mexico, Utah, Colo., Calif., Mont., Nevada and many more. Will buy complete collections, any state just write. Also wanted series 1929 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE brown seal $5.00 San Francisco. Write state condition and price. SPMC 994 HARRY SCHULTZ ANA 38362 BOX 75 KREMLIN, OKLAHOMA 73753 A.C. 405-874-2401 TRI • L LISTI MISSOURI OBSOLE ND SCRIP G OF E NOTES PART TWO Page 144 Paper Money by Bruce W. Smith This listing is by no means a definitive catalog of Mis- souri's paper currency but rather a first attempt at cataloging these elusive and often obscure notes. It is sincerely hoped that anyone having any of these notes (or any not listed here) or having further information, will contact the author at Box 34, Stevens Point, WI 54481. COOPER HILL Langenberg & Son, August Langenberg. Lumber mer- chant who issued scrip in payment for lumber delivered to him. These could be redeemed at his store, at various banks in the area and also by merchants in other towns. The notes are not fixed amounts and are crudely printed. Dates noted are as early as 1898 and as late as 1917. There also exists a series of round cardboard tokens issued by Fleer & Langenberg in denominations of 1th, 2th, 3th, 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th and $1. CRANE Benjamin F. Carney, Scrip. $1 January 17, 1933, black on yellow; very crudely printed. Other dates may exist. Some $700 to $1,000 worth of this scrip (all in $1 denomination) was issued during 1933. The inscription the notes indicates that Carney himself would redeem the notes upon presentation. DOE RUN Doe Run Lead Company. Scrip. Issued during 1907-1908 and payable by Boatman's Bank of St. Louis through the St. Louis Clearinghouse. All are signed by F.P. Graves, secretary of the company. Si cream colored, no date, no vignette. $2 blue, same as above. $5 gray-green, same as above. Shade varieties also exist and some notes have the watermark: ROYAL SEAL BOND. EXETER N. England. Chits. Undated, but issued around the turn of the century to pay strawberry pickers. 1 quart, black on gray 4 quarts, black on dark blue 6 quarts, black on yellow 1 crate, black on pink C.C. Stubblefield. Chits. Undated, but issued around the turn of the century to pay strawberry pickers. 1 quart, black on orange 2 quarts, black on light blue 4 quarts, black on orange 6 quarts, black on gray 1 crate, black on yellow FAYETTE Bank of the State of Missouri (branch). opened 1837 or 1838. Closed 1864 or 1864. The first cashier of this branch was Clairborne F. Jackson, who later became the first state bank commissioner and then governor of the state. A Southern sympathizer, he was responsible for Missouri's admission to the Confederacy though at the time he controlled only a tiny portion of the state. In 1864 the bank was robbed by Confederate scouts. The bank didn't lose any money, but the county lost $28,000 on deposit there. First series (1837-1857) $10 Design unknown (probably same as parent branch). $64,040 of this denomination had been issued by October, 1852. In November, 1854, only $49,110 was in circulation. $20 Design unknown. $153,120 of this denomination issued by October, 1852. In November, 1854, only $147,100 was outstanding. $50 Design unknown. $4,900 of this denomination was issued by October, 1852. In November, 1854, only $500 was outstanding. itonftdtrate T.li. LIVINt;sTo:■ Whole No. 75 Page 145 $100 Design unknown. $15,900 of this denomination issued by October, 1852. In November, 1854 the amount outstanding was $38,600. Second Series (1857-?) $ 5 Design same as parent branch issues. $42,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $10 Design same as parent branch issues. $131,920 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $20 Design same as parent branch issues. $106,720 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $50 Design same as parent branch issues. $70,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $1, $2 and $3 notes may have been issued after 1861. FT. LEONARD WOOD POW Scrip. World War II period. 1 cent 2 cents 5 cents 10 cents 25 cents U.S. Military. Scrip. Post-war period. NCO Open Mess 5 cents, lavender 5 cents, green 10 cents, yellow 10 cents, white 25 cents, green 25 cents, kraft Post Exchange 1 cent, pink 2 cents, orange 5 cents, pale yellow 10 cents, dark yellow 25 cents, cream Trade Coupon 5 cents, yellow 10 cents, lavender 25 cents, pink King Co. Barbershop Concessionaire 65 cents, white FREDERICKSTOWN Mechanics Bank of St. Louis (branch). Authorized 1857; still operating in 1861. No other information available. This branch had the right of note issue, but none are known to have been issued. FRENCH POINT T.R. Livingston & Co. Scrip. $1.25 July 1, 1862. Ornate design in corners; no vignette. Redeemable in confederate money "at J.M. Bryant's store, C.N. (Cherokee Nation), French Point (Missouri), or at my headquarters (signed) T.R. Livingston & Co." This note was issued by Thomas R. Livingston, a Con- federate guerilla who ran a lead mine and store at French Point (now Oronogo, MO.) from the 1840s to the 1860s. He was killed in a raid in July, 1863. FULTON Western Bank of Missouri (branch). Authorized 1857; opened 1860. $1 Same design as parent branch issues. $2 Same design as parent branch issues $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $34,840 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $39,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $26,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861 GALLATIN Southern Bank of St. Louis (branch). Authorized Feb- ruary, 1859; closed 1863 or earlier. No other information available. This branch should have issued notes, but none are recorded through February, 1861. GLASGOW Exchange Bank of St. Louis (branch). Opened 1858. Be- came Thomson & Dunnica Bank in 1863. $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $110,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $166,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861 $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $49,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861 $50 Same design as parent branch issues. $55,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861 $100 Same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. Western Bank of Missouri (branch). Opened 1859. Closed 1865 (?). $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $155,160 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $235,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. Page 146 Paper Money $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $124,000 of this denomination issued through August, 1860. $1&$2 Notes may also have been issued after 1861. GRANBY Lead Mines Scrip. $1 February 1, 1862. Red and black. Steamboat in center; farmer to left. Payable in Confederate notes at Ft. Smith (Arkansas) upon presentaion to Major George W. Clark. Charles Le Gendre & Co. Scrip. $2 No printed date. Two women in center leaning on shield which bears scene of smelting oper- ations. Eagle and map to left; eagle and scroll to right. The map is of the company's holdings. Imprint: Hewitt Sc 239 Bway NY. The Granby lead mines were occupied and worked by Confederate forces from 1861 until October, 1862. The Confederates were finally driven out following the battles of September 24, and October 4, 1862. HANNIBAL Bank of the State of Missouri (branch). It does not appear that this branch ever opened. According to one source, the branch that was to open here was given to Palmyra instead. W.C. Ebert & Co. Scrip. 104 November 17, 1862 Dog and safe center; Indian maiden and Ceres left. Other denominations were probably issued. Hannibal City Warrants. According to one source, the city issued circulating notes in the form of warrants during the 1840s. None are known to exist. Woolworth & Co. Scrip. 54 Undated 1860s or 1870s Pink and black. Imprint: Woolworth & Graham NY. The text of this note refers to: Woolworth & Co. St. Joseph & Hannibal Woolworth & Moffat Denver Colo. Terr. Woolworth & Graham New York It is not clear just where the note was issued nor when, but Colorado was a territory from 1861 to 1876. INDEPENDENCE Jackson County. Scrip. "The History of Jackson County" (1881) makes numerous references to Jackson county warrants and also to county criminal scrip, county law and equity court scrip' and county circuit court scrip. The exact nature of these items is not known. Labor Exchange. Scrip. This was an experiment begun by G.B. DeBernidi in the 1890s to circumvent the use of money. The scrip was designed to be the medium of ex- change in a barter system wherein labor and goods were exchanged at a local labor exchange office. Independence was the head office of the whole system, which within a few years had hundreds of branches in 20 states. The notes fall into two series: 1)those with a globe and woman obverse and train and archway reverse (two or three varieties are known); and 2) those which look something like checks, with two vignettes flanking an inscription on the back. Both are denominated not in dollars, but in units. The first series have printed denominations of 5/100 unit, 1/10 unit, 1/4 unit, 'A unit, 1, 2 and 5 units (higher values may exist). The second series does not have fixed denominations, but had the value written in. All of the notes bear dates between 1895 and 1898. The only Missouri branch for which a note is known is #183 at Marshall, Mo. No notes are known for the Independence branch. P. Roberts, Mail Contractor. Scrip. 104 no date. Stagecoach in center. 254 no date. Same design. 504 no date. Same design. These notes were "receivable for stage fare and other dues." Imprint: A. McLean Litho. St. Louis. Probably issued in the 1860s, as that is when McLean operated. Southern Bank of St. Louis (branch). Authorized 1857; opened 1858. Became First National Bank in 1865. In August, 1862, Quantrill, Thompson and other Con- federate guerilla forces attacked. Union Colonel Buel's headquarters located in this bank building. The bank building was burned during the fight and according to one source, looted. $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $102,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $110,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $120,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $50 Same design as parent branch issues. $25,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $100 Same design as parent branch issues. $55,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $500 Same design as parent branch issues. $10,000 of this denomination issued through February, 1861. $1&$2 Notes may have been issued after 1861. IRON MOUNTAIN American Iron Mountain Company. Scrip. In the 1850s and 1860s this company issued currency in the form of checks or drafts which are referred to in counterfeit de- tectors of the day. No other information is available. 104 February 21. 1872. Red on black. Woman at left. National Banknote Company. Other denominations probably were issued. This company was founded in 1845 and owned a rail- NOtionat -*JOIE FLYNN 'E 41:011%ti P. 0. BOX 3140 • 2854 W. 47TH STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE 913-236-7171 -NZ Z7, !!.• trn7- " WANTED KANSAS NATIONALS TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series $10 V.G. or better pay . . . 700 Any Original Series $20 V.G. or better pay . . . . 900 Any Series of 1875 $50 V.G. or better pay . . . .2500 Any Series of 1875 $100 V.G. or better pay . . .2500 Any Brown Back $100 V.G. or better pay 900 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 V.G. or better pay . .1000 Any 1929 Type II $50 V.G. or better pay 700 CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $350 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in VG or better. #1448 #3066 #3521 #3706 #3833 #6326 #1732 #3090 #3524 #3726 #3835 #6333 #1828 #3108 #3531 #3737 #3844 #6392 #1838 #3148 #3542 #3745 #3852 #7218 #1913 #3194 #3559 #3748 #3853 #7412 #1927 #3199 #3563 #3751 #3861 #7535 #1957 #3213 #3564 #3756 #3880 #8107 #2001 #3249 #3567 #3758 #3888 #8308 #2192 #3265 #3569 #3759 #3900 #8339 #2427 #3277 #3577 #3769 #3928 #8357 #2538 #3360 #3594 #3775 #3963 #8525 #2640 #3384 #3596 #3776 #3970 #8974 #2809 #3386 #3612 #3787 #3992 #9097 #2879 #3394 #3630 #3790 #4032 #10902 #2954 #3431 #3649 #3791 #4036 #11047 #2973 #3440 #3657 #3795 #4150 #11154 #2990 #3443 #3658 #3803 #4288 #11887 #3002 #3473 #3667 #3805 #4317 #14163 #3018 #3509 #3695 #3807 #4619 #3035 #3512 #3703 #381 2 #6072 there are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. If you are selling rare Kansas Nationals elsewhere you are not getting top dollar. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals Whole No. 75 Page 147 road and tens of thousands of acres of land. The old equipment can still be seen though the mine is no longer being worked. The company also ran a flour mill and general store. IRONDALE E. Harrison & Company. Scrip. 5 Cents 187-. This com- pany ran the Irondale furnace, seemingly for smelting iron, and was still operating in the 1880s.. JACKSON Bank of the State of Missouri (branch). Opened 1841 (?). Closed in 1853 when the branch was moved to Cape Girardeau. $10 Design unkown (probably same as parent branch issues). $53,970 issued through October, 1852 $20 Design unknown. $145,080 issued through October, 1852. Loan Office of the State of Missouri (branch). In the fall of 1821, this branch was authorized to issue $50,300 in Loan Office scrip (see St. Charles for description.) It is not known for certain whether any was actually issued. None is known to exist today. JEFFERSON CITY Bank of the State of Missouri. (branch). Authorized in 1859, but never actually opened. C.W. Brand. Scrip. 251 April 2, 1862. Red and black. Ceres and Indian right; dog and safe in center. 50ii April 2, 1862. Red and black. Ceres and Indian right; horse in center. Both of these notes are payable in Confederate notes. Other denominations are likely. Cole County Warrants. $100 1864 No description. In 1864 the county authorized the distribution of war- rants in $100 denominations to Federal volunteers from Cole county Department of Corrections (state prison). Scrip. 5 cents 10 cents 25 cents 50 cents These were printed in booklets, five coupons to a pane. They appear to have first been issued about 1941. Jefferson City. Warrants. According to one source, Jef- ferson City issued warrants for circulation in the 1840s. No description is available and none are known to exist. JOPLIN Joplin Clearing House. Scrip. $5 No description available. Other denominations undoubtedly were issued. These notes were first issued November 6, 1907 and were retired February 7, 1908. A total of $76,400 worth was issued. To be continued NEW YORK STATE CURRENCY WANTED .110MInaRKAgaM)*MONIASCSII ""7'7:..-=.7- AMO* 4451/47 OF1.,,,r1.11,0 a 77 Miller1010101114 ',.. Siliti.441/14.4=121JAVA AMIN IMO" -46attatErosas istsmyvvw- offA-.tsztva5M- 01110 3 NATIONALS ALL SIZES AND TYPES Alexandria Bay 5284 Amityville 8873 Babylon 4906 Babylon 10358 Baldwin 11474 Bay Shore 10029 Bellerose 13234 Bellmore 11072 Bellport 12473 Bridgehampton 9669 Brooklyn (Long Island N.B.) 12885 Brooklyn (Nassau N.B.) 658 Cedarhurst 11854 Central Islip 9322 Cutchogue 12551 East Hampton 7763 East Islip 9322 East Northport 12593 East Rockaway 12818 East Setauket 11511 East Williston 13124 Farmingdale 8882 Floral Park 12499 Franklin Square 12997 Freeport 7703 Freeport 11518 Glen Head 13126 Great Neck 12659 Greenport 334 Greenport 3232 Hampton Bays 12987 Hempstead 4880 Hempstead 11375 Hicksville 11087 Huntington 6587 Inwood 12460 Islip 8794 Kings Park 12489 Kings Park 14019 Lake Ronkonkoma 13130 Lindenhurst 8833 Long Beach 11755 Long Beach 13074 Lynbrook 8923 Lynbrook 11603 Manhasset 11924 Mattituck 13445 Merrick 12503 Mineola 9187 Mineola 13404 New York City (Dunbar N.B.) 13237 New York City (Long Island, N.B.) 12885 New York City (Nassau N.B. 658) Northport 5936 Oceanside 12458 Patchogue 6785 Patchogue 12788 Port Jefferson 5068 Riverhead 4230 Rockville Center 8872 Rockville Center 11033 Rossevelt 11953 Roslyn 13326 Sayville 5186 Smithtown Branch 9820 Southampton 10185 Valley Stream 11881 West Hempstead 13104 Westbury 11730 Woodmere 12294 I also need Obsolete Currency and Scrip from any of these above towns as well from: BROOKLYN LONG ISLAND PORT JEFFERSON FREEPORT ORIENT POINT SOUTHOLD JAMAICA GREENPORT GLEN COVE SETAUKET WI LLIAMSBURGH SOUTH HUNTINGDON Suffolk County Bank of Sag Harbor Interested also in Chicago, Illinois #12227—Douglass National Bank. I will also buy old "Satirical" cartoon currency poking fun at political candidates. Also needed are any bills of any country, any series with repeater numbers similar to 20202020, 00002020, 2020 DR. ALAN YORK NUMBER ONE MAIN STREET, EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 516-324-1024 Page 148 Paper Money Whole No. 75 Since the earliest money was invented as a medium of exchange on a long-ago day now lost in history of men, and women too, have engaged in counterfeiting. Obviously such action is deceitful and despicable because sellers of goods or services are tricked into exchanging something of value for something worthless. Also, counterfeit currency when added to the genuine dilutes the value of the latter and depreciates the value of legally issued money. This was especially evident in colonial days when early emissions of paper money were nearly al- ways at a discount form metallic coins. However, the temptation to get something for nothing has ever been strong and, human nature being what it is, undoubtedly counterfeiting will continue to the end of time. Page 149 supply of metallic coins, largely English, Portuguese, or Spanish milled dollars. The latter were known as "pieces of eight." The first paper money in Rhode Island consisted of 5,000 pounds "bills of credit" issued in 1710. That the legislature was aware of the possibility or probability of counterfeiting is evident since penalties were provided immediately. An offender was to "suffer the pains of having his ears cropped, to be whipped or fined at dis- cretion and imprisoned as the nature of the offense requires, and to pay double damage to the persons defrauded." If the counterfeiter had no assets he was to be put to work, or indentured for whatever term the judges considered satisfactory. In Rhode Island the first noted instance of counterfeiting was conducted by Indians with their shell money, commonly called wampum or peag. So, as early as 1647, the General Court of Elections enacted this order: "It is ordered, that if the Indians shall offer to putt (sic) away upon exchange or barter, their false peag string beads for good, and warrant it to be so, and it be found otherwise, it shall be confiscated to the Public Treasury." Rhode Island paper currency in colonial days (see The Rhode Islander, March 14, 1976) was ready-made for counterfeiters. The bills were poorly engraved on rough paper from which the lettering wore off quickly. In fact, the first issue of bills were of such inferior quality the legislature was forced to make provision for exchange, as many of the bills put forth by the Colony are worn out and impaired so that they are hardly passable. . .time will render them useless to the damage of the possessor and a hindrance to the currency especially in neighboring governments." The colonists in the early 1700's were, of course un- accustomed to using paper money and hence could be deceived easily by counterfeit bills. Up to this time barter was common in trading although there was a small In 1743, as counterfeiting continued unabated, penalties were made more severe. A new provided that the offender was to have both ears clipped, each cheek branded with the letter "R", to be pilloried, to pay double damage to the defrauded, and to forfeit all his property. Under the act authorizing the Ninth Bank (a bank in this sense being merely a batch of money) the penalty of death was added, and the bills of that bank bore the inscription, "Death to Counterfeit." In 1775 the law was rewritten although the punish- ments were left unchanged. The preamble to this later act reads as follows: "Whereas notwithstanding all the laws which have been heretofore made by the Colony to prevent the counterfeiting and altering Bills of Publick Credit and against the same knowing them to be counterfeited, altered and knowingly uttered; and forasmuch as daring and abandoned Villains have not hitherto been sufficiently deterred from counterfeiting such Bills, but have continued in such wicked practice, and greatly imposed upon and Cheated many honest people thereby which makes it necessary for the Good of Society that some more severe and exemplary punishment should be Page 150 inflicted on those who are the first agents and Instruments in so growing an evil. . ." The penalties before enumerated were then reenacted practically unchanged. In spite of the harsh penalties the profit possibilities were noted early by unscrupulous colonists. Only two years after the first bills of credit were issued a case of counterfeiting was recorded. An enterprising lady, Mrs. Freelove Lippencott, was the wife of Robert Lippencott, a sailor who made frequent trips to England. On one of these voyages Robert, at the instigation of his wife, had six counterfeit plates made which he brought back to Rhode Island. One plate was for a Colony of Rhode Island three-pound note. The others were for Massachusetts and Connecticut bills. Armed with these plates Freelove went to work and produced a great many (exact number unknown) bogus bills. Next she organized a band of passers, or "utterers." Thus, Mrs. Lippencott became Rhode Island's first known counterfeiter of paper money and also the first woman counterfeiter in all England. Freelove, Robert, and Edward Greenman, Junior, were arrested at Newport in 1713 for counterfeiting Massachusetts three-shilling sixpence bills of credit. But because of the severity of the winter and the coldness of the jail the prisoners were released on bail. This freedom gave Freelove a fine opportunity to renew her illegal operations which she did with enthusiasm. Her activities in this instance were confined to "putting off" Massachusetts 50-shilling bills and Rhode Island three- pound bills. Although the Lippencotts were bound over for trial there is no record of their ever being called up. Presumably the indictment was not strong enough and they were released. Freelove carried on the illict business for about three years, until 1715, when her counterfeit engraving plates were "passed over" (i.e., sold for genuine money) to Captain Edward Greenman, Senior. The Lippencotts then disappeared. Captain Greenman, a former Speaker of the Rhode Island of Deputies, headed a big operation located at Kings Towne, Rhode Island. With him were two sons, Edward Greenman, Junior, (previously associated with Freelove Lippencott in counterfeiting) and Silas Greenman as well as several other people referred to by Governor Samuel Cranston as "of considerable note." In 1718 Edward, Senior, and Silas were brought to trial. They were convicted of counterfeiting and fined 600 pounds which was paid. They were also required to deposit 1,500 pounds with the treasurer of the colony to take up their bogus bills whenever they should be pre- sented. Ten years later the Greenmans petitioned to have the unused portion returned to them. This was done with an accompanying extraordinary certificate given to Silas: "We, the Subscribers, well knowing Mr. Silas Greenman of Stonington, late of this Colony, Do upon our know- ledge declare that the said Silas Greenman was from his youth up, till his leaving this Government, save in that one case of counterfeiting of bills, always deemed and accounted a man of sobriety and of just and honest principles and as such behaved himself amongst us, and is still in good repute for Honesty and Justice in his Dealings." Paper Money The certificate was signed by William and John Coddington, William Wanton, Daniel Updike and other leading citizens. Edward Greenman, Junior, also had been arrested with his father and brother but had escaped from jail so could not be tried with them. Later he was re-arrested, brought to trial, and fined 40 shillings. The fine, however, was not for counterfeiting but for breaking jail. In Douglass' Summary it is indicated that one of the counterfeiters, probably Edward Greenman, Senior, was a signer of the genuine bills also. However, there is some doubt on this point. John Comer in his diary recounts the beginning and end of an unfortunate counterfeiting attempt in 1728. Nicholas Oatis, Samuel Hallet, and David Richards banded themselves together in a formal agreement "to make and put off without discovery a quanity of paper money." It does not appear that Richards had a wife, but Hannah Hallet and Joanna Oatis, wives of the other two, signed a postscript to the agreement acknowledging that since they were "knowing to and concerned in ye foregoing articles, and our assistance will be re- quired. . .we promise faithfully to perform to ye best of our understanding for ye interest, preservation and safety of ye Companie, and by ye written solemn oath bind ourselves to secrecy. . . " In the agreement itself the counterfeiters promised not to "put off" (that is, issue) more than 20 shillings per week, to take in no other partners, to distribute the profits equally among all three, and that "damnation should be the portion of him who makes known these pro- ceedings." The agreement ended: "God save ye King, prosper our progress herein, and keep us from all traitors." To further the agreement's legality an oath was then sworn on a Holy Bible. However, the venture came to grief a few months later, and on February 17, 1729 Corner makes the following entry in his diary: "This day was found a number of persons in ye act of counterfeiting ye public bills of credit of this Colony." On April 4 this entry appears: "This day came up ye case of ye money makers to trial (save Samuel Hallet who was at sea and D. Richards indictment had a flaw in it so it was referred to the next Sept. court). Hannah Hallet was cleared. N. Oatis and his wife found guilty; he to pay 150 pounds and his wife 50, or be clipt." Apparently Oatis couldn't or wouldn't pay his fine because on April 28 it is recorded: "Nicholas Oatis stood in ye pillory and had his ears clipt for making money. His wife's relations paid her fine." One final notation. Many years later, in the 1800s, long after the last Rhode Island money had disappeared, some stereotype plates and heliotypes were found with a small sack containing a set of counterfeit dies and some coins which had been struck form them. All this was found in the basement of the Old State House at Newport, of all places! This article first appeared in the January and February 1977 issues of Cranston Historical Society's newsletter. Persons interested in the Society can write them at 1351 Cranston St., Cranston, RI 02920. Whole No. 75 WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? Page 151 SPINK & SON. LTD 5.0 &7. 13ING STREET. ST. JAMES'S. LONDON. SWIY GQS ZURICH, SWITZERLAND SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA o r5 .CPS/TICS 19 July 1977 H Melnick 265 SunriseCounty Federal Building Suite 53 Rockville Centre LI NY 1157 0 Dear Mr Melnick letter of 14th July Thank you for your and the enclosed cheque for the note we included inyourrecent Maryland Historical Sale. We e delielted ults of this will we shall most c are with the res certainly s nd you mere material for future auctions. Again thank you for your kind assistance in thismatter. May we discuss with you the proper disposition of your collection. Write or call Herb Melnick today. (516/764-6677-78). NASCA NUMISMATIC AND ANTIOUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 265 Sunrise Highway, County Federal Bldg., Suite 53 • Rockville Centre, L.I., New York 11570 516/764-6677-78 George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board Page 152 Paper Aloney ato w o (tortitteato by the Depositing rot the steatite xs * payoutut sld &y them, sad ourreadet s proloortiorette orot is awe of dettsult en the zaarsabepf rough Cletttiog Reuse With the growth of trade and the expansion of banking business in the nation during the first half of the 19th century, it became increasingly evident among the financial circles of Boston, New York and Philadelphia that some method of clearing bank balances efficiently and promptly was necessary. New York had established a Clearing House in 1853, and bankers in Philadelphia also viewed such an institution as a necessity. As early as 1842, the cashiers of all banks in the city met daily at the Philadelphia Bank in informal sessions to adjust their accounts and make settlements. During that period when specie payment had been sus- pended, the Farmers and Mechanics Bank did much to overcome the problem by accepting the notes of all Philadelphia banks at par. By 1856, this bank had increased its capitalization for $1,250,000 to $2,000,000, thereby becoming the largest bank in the city. In September, 1853, the officers of the foremost city banks met to establish a Board of Presidents, and set forth the Board's objectives thus: "The undersigned being of the opinion that periodical meetings of the presidents of the several banks of the City and County of Philadelphia for purposes of conference and interchange of views (on such topics as will be considered proper subjects of discussion and action) will tend to promote stability and regularity in the business of banking, do hereby agree to meet on Wednesday, 28th current at the Philadelphia Bank at one o'clock and thence forward at such time and place as may be decided on." These measures proved to be insufficient, however, due to the ever increasing volume of business among the growing number of banks. The Board proposed a clearing house, namely, the Clearing House Association of Philadelphia, patterned after that of New York, but PRILADELPRIA CLEARING .11,0ITSE CErairicaaims by Richard T. Hoober 1'11+; Whole No. 75 Page 153 opposition to the plan delayed its creation until February, 1858, when the Articles of Association were finally approved. Selected as manager was George E. Arnold of Pittsburgh, son-in-law of Thomas Robins, president of the Philadelphia Bank. J.B. Mitchell was elected president; he served until his death in 1868. The initial clearings on March 22, 1858 were: Clearings $2,991, 930.90, and Balances of $147,437.24. This new system proved to be quite effective by standardizing banking procedures. It also made easier dealing with those possible unsound banks, which did not settle their accounts promptly. Another temporary, but vital, function of CHAP, not as yet apparent, would be the handling of Philadelphia's proportionate share of war loans issued by the United States and the Common- wealth. By May, 1861, when the CHAP Loan Committee was created, the 11 southern states had seceded from the Union. The Confederates, having seized federal funds and property throughout the South on April 10th, demanded the evacuation of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers, and May 3rd, he appealed for 42,000 men to serve three years of the duration of the war. A Minute Book of the Loan Committee was set up at its initial meeting May 1, 1861, at 12 o'clock. Those selected to serve form various banks were: Charles H. Rogers, Edward M. Lewis, William Patterson, B.B. Comegys and J.B. Austin, Secretary. The minutes stated further: "On Motion ordered that the Loan Certificates shall be issued in sums (units) of $5,000, to be signed by all members of the Committee and that the Securities for the Loan Certificates shall be unanimously approved. "Ordered that all Stocks, Loans and other Securities shall be placed in the name of Chas. H. Rogers, Trustee. "On Motion the sum of $40,000 was agreed to be loaned to the Commonwealth Bank on Securities amounting in the gross to — ." On May 10th a motion was approved that James Imbrie, Jr., was to be made Assistant Manager, at a salary of $100 per month, and to be bonded for $20,000. The Minute Book further listed the officers authorized by the various bank boards of directors to take out Loan Certificates, etc., as follows: 1. Philadelphia Bank Pres. & Cash. 2. Bank of North America Pres. 3. Farmers & Mechanics Band Pres. 4. Commerical Bank Cashier 5. Mechanics Bank Cashier 6. Bank of Northern Liberties Cashier 7. Southwark Bank President 8. Kensington Bank Pres. or Cash. 9. Bank of Penn Township Pres. 10. Western Bank Pres. & Cash. 11. Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank Pres. & Cash. 12. Bank of Commerce Officers 13. Girard Bank Pres. 14. Tradesmens Bank Cash. 15. Consolidation Bank Pres. 16. City Bank Pres. 17. Commonwealth Bank Pres. or Vice Pres. 18. Corn Exchange Bank Pres. 19. Union Bank Cash. 20. 1st National Bank Pres. Throughout the war, the Loan Committee held meetings on nearly a daily basis. A typical entry, dated Wednesday, July 11, 1861, stated: "Present Patterson, Lewis, Comegys & Austin. $5,000 Certificate granted to the Bank of Commerce, on collateral of $6,994.36. No other business, adjourned, J.B.A. Sec'y." In general, this appears to have been the approximate ratio of issued certificates to collateral, thus providing some tolerance for depreciation of securities held in trust. Under date of August 19, 1861, the Committee transacted important business, referred to it by the Board of Presidents: "On Motion it was unanimously decided that the proportion to the $5,000,000 (Philadelphia's share of the $50,000,000 United States Loan) shall be a sum equal to 5/12 of the Capital of each Bank, as follows: Philadelphia Bank $750,000 Bank of North America 420,000 Farmers & Mechanics Bank 835,000 Commercial Bank 415,000 Mechanics Bank 335,000 Page 154 Bank of Northern Liberties 210,000 Southwark Bank 100,000 Kensington Bank 100,000 Bank of Penn Township 145,000 Western Bank of Philadelphia 210,000 Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank 235,000 Bank of Commerce 100,000 Girard Bank 520,000 Tradesmens Bank 60,000 Consolidation Bank 110,000 City Bank 180,000 Bank of the Commonwealth 115,000 Corn Exchange Bank 75,000 Union Bank 85,000 "Ordered That all payments made to the United States Treasurer, on requisition from the Committee, shall be made by, or before 12 o'clock on the day when the call is made, and that the duplicate receipts shall be delivered at the Clearing House by 2 o'clock of the same day to the Committee for transmission to Washington. "Resolved, That it is inexpedient to change the rae jin- terest from six per cent. "Resolved, That the Specie average be reduced to 25 per cent, in lieu of Thirty as now held, to take effect on the day of the first payment into the United States Treasury. "Resolved, That the Banks credit the government with sum of their subscription and charge 'Loan to the United States' with the same sum on their books: and as the Sales will be regularly reported to the Clearing House, the Sum standing to the credit of the United States will be deducted by the Clearing House Manager from the liabilities of each Bank, so as not to provide a Specie basis for this Loan. "Resolved, That in conformity with the Action taken by the Presidents at their Meeting held the 17th inst. this committee will advance Ninety per cent on the 7&3/10 Treasury Notes. "Resolved, That the Banks be requested to use their best efforts to effect Sales of these Treasury notes: it being distinctly the obligation under which the agreement of this Subscription was made - that no Sale be made for less than part and accrued interest: and all Sales made by the Banks shall be reported to the Clearing House on the following morning for apportionment - Said reports shall state the number and amount of each Note." This motion further permittted the purchase by incor- porated institutions in amounts of not less than $5,000. Should any bank decline to accept its proportionate share of bonds, the same amount was to be considered as sold to it, and such bonds were not to be sold before October 15th. On September 25, 1861, the Committee accepted the resignation of J.B. Austin, and appointed Embrie as secretary. On October 1st, another loan was issued in accordance with the same particulars as the original, also in the amount of $5,000,000. A third series of bonds was again placed on the market on November 16th. A special meeting of the Loan Committee was held January 1, 1862, and along with its regular business, it adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, That Paper Money security be deposited with the Loan Committee by each Bank for the daily exchanges (during suspension of specie payments) in the same amount as was required during the suspension of 1860. "The schedule of amounts to be required from the several Banks to be deposited with the committee were: Philadelphia Bank $180,000 Bank of North America 100,000 Farmers & Mechanics Bank 200,000 Southwark Bank 60,000 Kensington Bank 60,000 Bank of Penn Township 65,000 Commercial Bank 100,000 Mechanics Bank 80,000 Bank of Northern Liberties 70,000 Tradesmens Bank 50,000 City Bank 70,000 Corn Exchange Bank 60,000 Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank 70,000 Western Bank 70,000 Bank of Commerce 60,000 Girard Bank 125,000 Consolidation Bank 60,000 Commonwealth Bank 60,000 Union Bank 60,000 The following day, the United States Secretary of the Treasury transferred to the credit of the Philadelphia banks $150,000, representing interest to January 1, 1862, on the U.S. Loan of November 16, 1861. On January 11th, $540,000 was received from the Treasury, for interest on the six percent loan, and was deposited in the Committee vault, with an identical amount received also on the 12th. Subsequently the banks received their proportionate share of these sums. The Board of Presidents of CHAP referred to the Loan Committee an agreement "entered into between the Banks on the 4th November, 1861, be extended for a period of six months from the 27th day of April, 1862," and that additional articles be added enabling the Committee to issue Loan Certificates on deposit of any of the obligations or evidences of indebtedness of the United States than those referred to in the agreement of November 4, 1861. This reference was to the action taken by the presidents of the Philadelphia banks On March 24, 1862, whereby it was agreed "Debtor Banks to the Clearing House may pay in liquidation of Balances: Specie, U.S. legal tender notes or Loan Certificates; and that the Manager of the Clearing House in making his settlements with the Creditor Banks, will distribute the receipts as nearly proportionately as circumstances will allow." A representative entry, made Friday, June 6, 1862, stated, "Cancelled $60,000 Loan Certificates for the Manufacturers & Mechanics Bank and returned to them $200,000 in 6 per ct. U.S. Coupon Bonds being all the securities belonging to them in the hands of the Committee, except those for Special Deposit." Under date of November 22, 1862, the date of this illust rated Loan Certificate, the Minute Book noted that $50,000 in Certificates was issued to the Tradesmens Continued on page 174 Whole No. 75 Page 155 Thinking of selling your currency collection? Do what other leading collectors have done and consign it to a Bowers and Ruddy Galleries Auction Sale When Matt Rothert, distinguished past president of the American Nu- mismatic Association, and owner of one of the largest and most compre- hensive collections of United States regular and fractional currency and Robert A. Russell, who formed one of the most spectacular collections of United States fractional currency, decided to sell their collections there was only one choice — a Bowers and Ruddy Gal- leries public auction sale. The results? Spectacular! Collectors from all over the world participated in the auction and many new price records were set. While the past record is dazzling — and we've certainly had more than our share of outstanding currency pieces and collections — the most impor- tant question RIGHT NOW is YOU! Thinking of selling? Write or telephone (toll free) Bob Korver of our Auction Department for details, including a free descriptive brochure which tells you all about selling at auction. Right now we are accepting consignments for our 1978 auction season, including the 1978 American Numismatic Association Convention Auction Houston, Texas — August 1978 The A.N.A. Sale is "the big one." ACT NOW and you can include your currency in this spectacular event. Write or call now (use the coupon if you wish) and complete information will be sent to you. - - - - -- - ...r Bowers & Ruddy Galleries 6922 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 600, Los Angeles 90028 II I Please send me a copy, without obligation, of your • auction brochure. El I Name II Street I City State Zip IPM-3 II IIIII II. = Ill III. 1111 MI Ell al Bowers & Ruddy Galleries, Inc. 6922 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 600, Los Angeles, California 90028 (213) 466-4595 Call Toll Free 800-4214224 FROM TO ONE DOLLAR A 19 840 001 A A 30 080 000 A A 00 016 001 * A 00 640 000 * B 78 080 001 A B 99 840 000 A B 00 000 001 B B 10 240 000 B B 00 640 001 * B 01 280 000 * C 11 520 001 A C 23 040 000 A F 77 440 001 A F 99 200 000 A F 00 648 001* F 01 280 000 * G 65 280 001 A G 94 080 000 A G 00 648 001 * G 01 280 000 * J 07 680 001 A J 20 480 000 A J 00 012 001* J 00 640 000 * J 00 656 001 * J 01 280 000 * K 30 080 001 A K 48 000 000 A K 00 652 001 * K 01 280 000 L 46 720 001 A L 69 120 000 A L 00 648 001 * L 01 280 000 FIVE DOLLARS A 06 416 001* A 07 040 000 * B 16 652 001 * B 17 280 000 * J 08 976 001* J 09 600 000 * L 16 016 001 * L 16 640 000 * A 00 000 001 A A 05 760 000 A A 00 016 001* A 00 640 000 * B 14 080 001 A B 25 600 000 A D 07 040 001 A D 11 520 000 A G 21 760 001 A G 26 240 000 A G 00 016 001 * G 00 640 000 * I 00 000 001 A 1 03 200 000 A J 16 000 001 A J 21 760 000 A L 09 600 001 A L 15 360 000 A SERIES 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1974 1974 1974 1974 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 TWENTY DOLLARS B 25 600 001 G B 36 480 000 G B 16 000 001 * B 16 640 000 * D 92 160 001 C D 98 560 000 C D 07 696 001 * D 08 320 000 * G 05 760 001 F G 11 520 000 F J 55 680 001 B J 62 720 000 B K 39 680 001 B K 42 880 000 B TEN DOLLARS 1977 B 13 440 001 A B 23 040 000 A 1977 B 00 656 001 * B 01 280 000 * 1977 D 07 680 001 A D 14 080 000 A 1977 G 17 920 001 A G 24 320 000 A 1977 G 01 296 001* 001920000* 1977 K 04 480 001 A K 11 520 000 A FIFTY DOLLARS 1974 F 01 920 001 A F 02 560 000 A 1974 G 47 360 001 A G 48 000 000 A 1974 J 06 400 001 A J 07 680 000 A 1974 J 00 320 001* J 00 384 000 * ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1974 A 13 440 001 A A 15 360 000 A 1974 D 14 080 001 A D 15 360 000 A 1974 D 00 320 001 * D 00 384 000 * 1974 F 10240001 A F 11 520 000 A 1974 G 40 960 001 A G 42 880 000 A 1974 J 10 880 001 A J 12 800 000 A 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 Page 156 Paper Money tRIKA1, OF FNG AVING P TINTINGli COPE PRODUCTION FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES PRINTED DURING JANUARY 1978 PRINTED DURING FEBRUARY 1978 SERIAL NUMBERS SERIAL NUMBERS QUANTITY SERIES FROM TO ONE DOLLAR 10,240,000 1977 B 10 240 001 B B 42 240 000 B 128,000 # 1977 B01 280 001 * B 01 920 000 * 21,760,00001 1977 D 24 960 001 A D 39 040 000 A 10,240,000 1977 D 00 656 001 * D 01 280 000* 640,000 # 1977 F99200001 A F 99 840 000 A 11,520,000 1977 F 00 000 001 B F 19 200 000 B 21,760,000 1977 G 94 080 001 A G 99 840 000 A 384,000 # 1977 G 00 000 001 B G 14 080 000 B 28,800,000 1977 G 01 280 001 * G 01 920 000 * 384,000 # 1977 H 14 720 001 A H 36 480 000 A 12,800,000 1977 L 69 120 001 A L 87 040 000 A 256,000 # 1977 L 01 280 001 * L01920000* 128,000 # 17,920,000 256,000 # FIVE DOLLARS 22,400,000 1977 B 25 600 001 A B 35 200 000 A 384,000 # 1977 D 11 520 001 A D 18 560 000 A 1977 D 00 016 001* D 00 640 000 * 1977 E 00 000 001 A E 05 120 000 A 1977 E 00 016 001* E 00 640 000 * 128,000 # 1977 H 05 760 001 A H 10 880 000 A 256,000 # 1977 K 04 480 001 A K 09 600 000 A 128,000 # 1977 K 00 016 001* K 00 640 000 * 128,000 # 5,760,000 128,000 # TEN DOLLARS 11,520,000 1977 A 05 120 001 A A 12 160 000 A 4,480,000 1977 A 00 012 001* A 00 640 000 * QUANTITY 4,480,000 1977 B 23 040 001 A B 32 640 000 A 32,000,000 128,000 # 1977 B 01 288 001 * B 01 920 000 * 640,000 # 14,080,000 3,200,000 1977 C 04 480 001 A C 10 880 000 A 128,000 # 640,000 5,760,000 1977 F 03 200 001 A F 07 680 000 A 19,200,000 5,760,000 5,760,000 1977 L 08 960 001 A L 15 360 000 A 14,080,000 640,000 # 21,760,000 TWENTY DOLLARS 17,920,000 640,000 # 10,880,000 1974 A 02 560 001 B A 07 040 000 B 9,600,000 7,040,000 640,000 # 1974 C 20 480 001 B C 24 960 000 B 128,000 # 5,120,000 6,400,000 1974 128,000 # 5,120,000 128,000 1974 D 00 000 001 D D 01 920 000 D 5,120,000 128,000 # 5,760,000 1974 G 11 520 001 F G 21 760 000 F 7,040,000 1974 G 13 440 001 * G 14 080 000 * 7,040,000 3,200,000 1974 J 62 720 001 B J 65 920 000 B 256,000 # 9,600,000 1974 J 03 216 001* J 03 840 000 * 384,000 # 6,400,000 1974 J 03 856 001 * J 04 480 000 5 4,480,000 6,400,000 1974 K 42 880 001 B K 49 280 000 B 9,600,000 1974 K 03 856 001 * K 04 480 000 4,480,000 128,000 # 1974 L 80 640 001 D L 90 880 000 D 4,480,000 6,400,000 1,280,000 1,920,000 6,400,000 10,240,000 640,000 # 128,000 # FIFTY DOLLARS 3,200,000 128,000 # 7,040,000 1974 B 63 360 001 A B 64 640 000 A 128,000 # 6,400,000 128,000 # 1974 D 29 440 001 A D 30720 000 A 10,240,000 1974 E 20 480 001 A E 21 120 000 A 1974 E 00 640 001 * E 00 704 000 * 1,280,000 1,280,000 640,000 1974 1 03 840 001 A 1 04 480 000 A 640,000 64,000 # 640,000 640,000 1,280,000 64,000 # ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1974 B 86 400 001 A B 87 040 000 A 640,000 1974 B 87 040 001 A B 90 240 000 A 3,200,000 1974 B 01 920 001 * B 02 048 000* 128,000 # 1,920,000 1974 E 21 760 001 A E 22 400 000 A 640,000 1,280,000 1974 H 12 160 001 A H 12 800 000 A 640,000 64,000 # 1,280,000 1,920,000 1,920,000 /1 A star note is used for the 100,000,000th note in a series since the numbering machines provide for only eight digits. # Indicates Printing Other Than COPE \e 137 West Saylor Street ATLAS, PA. 17851 75. Whole No. 75 Page 15 7 ATLAS MAIL BID SALE #3 CLOSING 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIVING PUBLICATION. USUAL RULES APPLY. 20 DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. SHORT ON CASH ... BID ANYWAY We can hold your lots with 25% down and three equal monthly payments. No hidden charge for this service. OBSOLETE CURRENCY LOT DEN DESCRIPTION CONNECTICUT 31 $5 Same as above. 1851, XF 69 $5 Union Bank of Troy, 1859. VG 1 $5 Eastern Bank. 1856 XF 32 $5 Western Exchange. Fire/Marine Insurance Co.. 70 $5 Marine Bank. 1856. VE 2 Same as above. AU 1855. SF, tellers punch hales NORTH CAROLINA 71 $1 State of North Carolina. 1866. XF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA NEW JERSEY 72 $1 Same as above, 1863. AU 3 $1 Merchants Exchange Bank Anacostia. 1854. AU 33 $1 State Bank of Brunswick. VG OHIO 4 $3 Bullion Bank. 1862 VF hale 34 $5 State Bank at Camden, 1821, VF 73 $50 Farmers & Mechanics Bank Cinni. AU tear repaired 35 $3 Sussex Bank. 1822. VG, corner tear DELAWARE 36 $5 Salem Banking Co.. 1850, SF PENNSYLVANIA 5 $5 Farmers & Mechanics Bank, 1861. VF 37 $5 State Bank at Newark. 1862, VF, plus 74 $5 Bank of Northumberland. 1856. XF 6 $5 Bank of Delaware. 1840, XF 38 $5 State Bank at Camden, 1821. XF 75 $5 Bank of Penna.. 1811, F 7 $5 Bank of Delaware. 1811. VF 39 $10 Newark Banking & Insurance Co.. VF 76 $10 Bank of North America. G. tears 8 $3 Bank of Wilmington & Brandywine. 1813. XF 40 $1 Trenton Banking Co., 1819, OF 77 $10 Philadelphia Bank. F. possible counterfeit 9 $5 Same as above. 1844, F. torn 41 $2 Merchants Bank, F 78 $5 Bank of Penn Township, 1846. F, tellers tape 10 $2 Same as above, 1839, AU 42 $5 State Bank of Morris. 1829, VF around note marked counterfeit, not part of our 43 $1 Merchants Bank, VG cash in brown ink. GEORGIA 44 $5 Trenton Banking Co,. 1862, XF, plus 79 $5 Bank of United States. 1819. VG 11 $1 Merchants and Planters Bank. 1859. XF 45 $1 State Bank at Camden. G. tears 80 $5 Commercial Bank, 1851. XF 12 Cents Greensboro, Georgia Script Blank, UNC 46 $3 Trenton Banking Co.. 1805, VF 81 $3 Commercial Bank, AU IOWA 47 $5 State Bank at Camden. 1821. VF 82 $20 Bank of Penn Township. 1857. VG torn edge 13 $5 Treasurer of Lyons City. 1859 AU. Tellers punch 48 $3 Farmers and Mechanics. Brunswick. 1838, G. 83 $10 Bank of United States. 1839. AU hole tellers slip pinned thru note saying bank failed in 84 $5 Commercial Bank, 1819. SF. counterfeit MARYLAND brown ink 85 $5 Lancaster Bank, 1855, XF 14 $5 Bank of Maryland. F 49 $1 Hoboken Banking and Glazing Co 1827, XF 86 $2 Farmers Bank. Lancaster. 1841. VG. tear 15 $20 Bank of Baltimore, 1800. VG, tears 87 $3 Philadelphia Bank. 1814. SF. repaired 16 $10 Elkton Bank of Maryland. 1821. XF NEW YORK 17 $10 Frederick Town Branch Bank. 1838, VF 50 $3 Bank of Hudson. 1808. F RHODE ISLAND 18 $10 Farmers Bank. Annapolis. 1805, VF, corner tear 51 $3 Franklin Bank, 1818, VF 88 $3 Tiverton Bank, 1856 VF 19 20 21 22 $2 $5 $5 $5 Tide Water Canal. Baltimore, 1840, G. tears MASSACHUSETTS Lee Bank. 1857, AU Traders Bank. 1858. VF Hingham Bank. 1860. XF 52 53 54 55 56 57 $3 $2 $5 $3 $10 $5 Manhallan Company. 1810. VG Mechanics Bank. 1805. F Marine Bank, 1856. XF Merchants Bank. XF Bank of New York. XF Bank of Salina, 1837. XF 89 90 91 92 $10 $10 $10 $5 SOUTH CAROLINA State Bank. 1800, XF Farmers & Exchange Bank, VF Bank of Hamburg. 1836, VF Farmers & Exchange, 1861. XF 23 24 $10 $10 Essex Bank. SF MICHIGAN Bank of Manchester, 1837. AU 58 59 60 61 $5 $5 $5 $2 Union Bank, 1818, F. repaired Bank of Owego. 1864. XF Manufacturers Bank, XF Globe Bank. 1840. VF 93 94 95 96 $1 $2 $5 $10 State of South Carolina. 1872, crisp new Same as above Same as above Same as above 25 $5 Same as above. 1857. VF 62 $5 Bank of America. 1807. SF VERMONT 26 $5 Bank of Washtenaw. 1835. AU. plus 63 $5 Union Bank of Troy. 1859. VF 97 $3 West River Bank. crisp, new 27 28 $5 $5 The State Bank. UNC The Peninsular Bank, UNC 64 65 $2 $5 Watervliet Bank, F West Winfield Bank. 1862. OF VIRGINIA 29 $5 Same as above. CU 66 $10 Same as above 1863. OF 98 $5 Merchants Bank of Alexandria, VF 30 $1 NEBRASKA City of Omaha 1857. XF 67 68 $3 $5 Bank of Chenango. 1821, AU. counterfeit Commercial Bank, 1838. VG 99 100 $10 $5 Bank of Virginia, VF Bank of Commonwealth, 1858. F Thank you Want lists solicited vry ;i:1114 , ; TIE rest litillIAL Mt Of EL PASO nous TEN DI )JLtH E008897A Page 1 58 Paper Money EL PASO REVISITED by Ben E. Adams Figure One: Series 1882 Value Back; James G. McNary, presi- dent; Jesse Benton, cashier. This note increased in price by 133 per cent after publication of the original article. Since publication in 1977 of my two-part article on the national banks of El Paso, Texas (PAPER MONEY, Volume XVI, Whole Numbers 70 & 71), I have had a number of letters from members informing me of the existence of additional notes. I have acquired more notes, which are used as illustrations in this article, and I have some interesting experiences which I would like to share with you. When I tried to classify the relative scarcity of various issues I had found in collections, I guess I should have realized that some dealers would use that list — no matter how inaccurate it was — to raise their prices. Before publication of the article one dealer sent me a list which had two notes from The First National Bank of El Paso. A Third Charter $10 (plain back) was listed at $95, while a $20 Series 1882 value back was listed at $150. The $10 is the most common of all El Paso nationals, and the $20 probably is rare or unique. After publication of Part One, when I had called to re- serve the $20, I was informed that one of the girls made a typographical error." The price on those two notes — and only those two notes — was now $250 and $350, or a 163 per cent and a 133 per cent increase, due to the pub- Figure Two: 1929-I $10, issued between December 1930 and Sep- tember 19,31, the nine month period after Raynolds was presi- dent. Whole No. 75 Page 159 Figure Three: $20, Third Charter Period, issued between 1925 and 1929 with the signature of Raynolds, but during the time Frank Murchison was running the bank. lication of an article. Incidentally, while I am discussing this dealer, a collector friend told me that he trimmed his notes in order to up-grade them. I did not think that any- one would do that to a fine example of the engraver's art. However, the $20 illustrated in Figure One has definitely been trimmed. I hope those of you who know of this dealer will boycott him as I am doing. In Part One of the article, I had said that Joshua S. Raynolds and his son-in-law, James G. McNary, were the only two presidential signers of The First National Bank of El Paso, Charter Number 2532. I had made the worst mistake a collector/writer could make; I had assumea facts. I had thought that, since my 1929-I $5 was signed by Joshua S. Raynolds as president and that he had been president until nine months before the failure of that bank, there would not have been time for a third presiden- tial signer, I had forgotten about vanity. Figure Two illustrates the signature of Frank Murchi- son, who had been first vice-president and manager of the bank since 1925, and who became president when Joshua S. Raynolds was made chairman of the board in Decem- ber 1930. I have seen a copy of a $5 with the Murchison signature and have had a report of another $10. I have not seen nor had reported another 1929-I with the Ray- nblds signature. I feel that there are other examples of Figure Four: The signature of Frank Murchison after he became president. This is an excellent example of illegibility. the Raynolds signature on the 1929-I, but they must be fewer than the Murchison signature. While we are discussing the signature of Murchison, I had made the point about signatures of important people on the Mexican border. I now feel the signature of Frank Murchison takes first prize for illegibility. The El Paso National Bank, Charter Number 12769, Figure Five: Third Charter Period $5, without signatures. Notice the absence of the word "THE" in the name. Page 160 Figure Six: 1929-11 $10, El Paso National Bank; C.M. Harvey, president; W.S. Warnock, cashier. has another interesting item connected with it, and that is the missing signatures. Missing signatures are nothing new, since most of the time they have been washed off or become faded. The note in Figure Five does not show any evidence of ever having had the signatures stamped on it. When I got this note, I figured an unknown clerk long ago had become careless and had missed this sheet. Then came word from another collector that he, too, had an El Paso National Bank Third Charter with no signatures, and one with only one stamped signature. His also shows no evidence that the signatures ever were there. If anyone has other El Paso National Bank nationals without the signatures, I would appreciate hearing from them. Figure Seven: 1929-I $20 of The State National Bank. In small size, The State National Bank issued only $10, and $20. I would also like to call your attention to the way the El Paso National Bank notes were laid out. The word "The" is not in the bank title; hence, there is a large area of white above the name. One might say the printing looks un- balanced. This is probably because The El Paso National Paper Money Bank of Texas, Charter Number 3608, had failed, and the new bank did not want to be associated with that stigma. One of the very pleasant surprises was to find out that a Brown Back of El Paso does exist. I had been told that there are Brown Backs in existence from the banks of El Paso, but when I tried to find out where they were it was always, "I can't remember who had it, but I am sure I saw it." Recently, a dealer in Oklahoma sent me a photo- copy of a $10 Lowden National Bank, Charter Number 5239, Brown Back. With $6,650 outstanding in 1910, this note probably is the only one outstanding today. With the discovery of this note, there are only two National Banks of El Paso from which I have been unable to get re- liable information: The El Paso National Bank of Texas, Charter Number 3608, and The American National Bank, Charter Number 7530. There have been no reported notes on these two banks. At the present time I am still collecting information, as well as buying notes from El Paso. I am trying to com- plete a census of condition, serial numbers and collect- ability of these banks. I do not know of any other El Paso Brown Backs, other than the Lowden National men- tioned. I do not know of any other First Charters from El Paso, other than the $5 used as an illustration in Part II of the original article. Nor do I know of any Second Charter Period State National Bank nationals in exist- ence. Therefore, I would appreciate hearing from anyone who does Know the answers of these questions. My new address is: Ben E. Adams, 835 Calle Canela, Green Valley, Arizona 85614. Figure Eight: 1929-I $20 with the cashier signature of Homer A. Jacobs, which was previous prize holder. SOUVENIR CARD The Bureau of Engraving and Printing will issue a special souvenir card to commemorate the Memphis Coin Club's International Paper Money Show, reports show chairman, Mike Crabb. "The members of the Memphis Coin Club were thrilled, when I read the letter from BEP Director, Seymour Berry, to them. We are highly honored to have both the BEP'S Billion Dollar Exhibit and a souvenir card for our June 2 — 4, 1978 show", Crabb said. A design for the souvenir card has not been announced. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing will send news re- leases to the numismatic press, as soon as plans are final- ized. In addition, Friday tours of the Memphis Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis are planned. Reser- vations are required for the tours and shuttle buses to the bank and back. There will be many exhibits of U.S. and foreign paper money, the U.S. Treasury's counterfeit note display, an outstanding exhibit of Israeli kibbutz currency, and the obsolete currency exhibit which won best-of-show at the 1977 A.N.A. Convention. Friday night there will be a cocktail party. SPMC will have a breakfast for members and guests on Saturday Morning. Chuck O'Donnell is in charge of reser- vations. Paper money societies will meet Saturday after- noon, and Saturday night there will be an educational program. "So far 89 dealers have reserved bourse space, and we're expecting twice as many collectors to attend, as did last year", said Crabb. Interested collectors, exhibitors, and dealers may write Mike Crabb, Show Chairman, P.O. Box 17871, Memphis, Tn. 38117 for information and hotel room reservation cards. $5 1896 Silver Certificate Gem Uncirculated May 1977 $1900.00 NEW ENGLAND RARE COIN AUCTIONS ',LI, \ flgi411.1 IL, .4■1 ne, $1 1923 Silver Certificate Inverted Overprint March 1977 $725.00 $5 1934 -A Hawaiian Surcharge Invert Uncirculated November 1977 $975.00 Whole No. 75 Page 161 "PAPER BRINGS TOP DOLLAR AT NEW ENGLAND AUCTION." Some of the finest in rare U.S. paper currency has been consigned to New England Rare Coin Auctions in the past, and our consignors have realized some of the most impressive prices in the market for these quality items. Our record speaks for itself. But at New England, we give you even more than outstanding prices. We give your collection the exposure it needs to attract the highest bidders. We publish auction catalogs that are unparalleled for photography and detail — and these catalogs are distributed to an expanding mailing list of active numis- matists and syngraphists both in this country and abroad. We travel with your collection to several conventions across the country before each auction, in order to give potential bidders an opportunity to examine your currency — PLUS, we offer an exclusive Personal Bidding Service to prospective bidders who are unable to attend the auction in person. Qualified auction bidder- representatives examine lots and execute bids, thus giving the broadest possible market access to your collection. Examine the record, then give us a call. Let your paper currency bring top dollar at a New England auction. Mailing Address: P. 0. Box 1776, Boston, MA 02105 Executive Offices & Galleries: 89 Devonshire St., Boston, MA 02109 (617) 227-8800 Paper MoneyPage 162 Minot Bank Issues Souvenir Notes by Forrest W. Daniel When the First National Bank In Minot, North Dakota, dedicated its new building in the fall of 1976, it issued two souvenir notes in similitude of the old state bank notes of the 19th Century. The non-negotiable $2 and $5 notes were given to patrons and others who attended the bank's grand opening in November. The notes are numbered and throughout the following year numbers were drawn and holders of the souvenir notes Rll in an r..,meso smntineata FII T NATIONAL BANK IN 11I9OT MR : T, N0131 rt DAKOTA NATIONAL BAM( IN NIINOT MNOT, NORTH DAKOTA A ANk Mt a 'T. N.. T T ICA ',.//,,t401 Alsktil Whole No. 75 with the matching numbers were able to exchange them for portable stereo sets, weather barometers or other merchandise gifts. The central design of the $2 note exemplifies the agricultural implements and produce of the Souris River area where Minot is a principal market. Set on a broad pedestal is an urn with a design representing the livestock industry and a cover topped by a sheaf of wheat and a sickle. The urn is surrounded by a cornucopia of vegetables and fruit on the left and wheat and corn on the right; along with a plow, harrow and hand tools. The rural background scene is similar to vignettes on bank notes of the pre-Civil War days. Counters occupy the four corners with an allegory of Justice at the right. The design is borderless and printed with maroon ink on blue 60-pound offset parchment paper. A steam locomotive and train of cars is the central feature of the $5 note issued by the First National Bank. Again the vignette is appropriate since Minot has been an important railroad division point since its earliest days. The city is on the main lines of both the Great Northern and Soo Line railroads, with the Great Northern's Surrey Cutoff junction just a few miles east of the city. Counters appear in three corners of the $5 note which has a narrow border and is printed with orange ink on ancient gold 60- pound offset parchment paper. The notes have a regular obligation statement, date, and reproductions of the signatures of Thomas Stockert, cashier, and G.M. Johnson, president—everything which would make them negotiable if they did not carry the words "NON-NEGOTIABLE" on both the front and back. The back also has the statement, "This bill is an advertisement. It has not monetary value." The obligation, date, number and signatures are printed in black on both designs. The backs of the bills are printed the same color as the front, the central design is a line drawing of the new bank building and parking lot with the name and address below. Denomination numerals appear in each corner. The negotiability disclaimers on the back are printed in black in the lower corners. The bills were designed by bank personnel using stock designs. While the notes were printed three to the sheet all of the notes have the position letter A, unlike the engraved notes printed by the bank note companies which would have carried the letters A, B and C. Position on the sheet Page 163 may be determined, however, by the letter "y" in the word monetary in the disclaimer on the back of the note. The descending stroke is round on the bottom note, flattened on the center note and completely missing from the top note of the specimen sheets examined. The notes were printed by offset lithography by Lowe and Larson Printing, Minot. Ten thousand of the $2 and 5,000 of $5 denomination were printed and distributed during the opening. A very limited supply remained available from the bank. An earlier First National Bank was chartered in Minot in April, 1889; but it was placed in receivership in April 1896 and has no connection with this bank. The present bank began business as the Great Northern Bank on September 1, 1897, with Joseph Roach, president. It became the Second National Bank of Minot and received charter No. 6429 in September, 1902. The bank's earliest National Currency notes carry the date August 29, 1902. Red seal notes of the third charter period were printed from 10-10-10-20 and 50-100 plates, and plain back blue seal notes were printed only in the lower denominations. The bank's name was changed to First National Bank In Minot on July 20, 1926, and plain back blue seal notes of $10 and $20 were printed until the small size Type 1 $10 and $20 notes replaced them in 1929. Another change of name became effective on January 29, 1930, and Types 1 and 2 $10 and $20 notes were issued under the title First National Bank & Trust Company In Minot until another named change on December 5, 1933, returned the earlier name First National Bank In Minot, which the institution still carries. Only Type 2 $10 and $20 notes were issued after this change; but since the name became the same as it had been earlier when Type 1 notes were issued, the gap in the period of issue is not apparent to collectors. Only 20 of the Type 2 $20 notes were issued into circulation. SOURCES: National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-1935, by Louis Van Belkum First National Bank In Minot, Minot, North Dakota This note of the Second National Bank was issued near the end of the 1902-1908 period and has the signatures of Henry Byorum, cashier, and R.E. Barron, president. Barron succeeded Joseph Roach as president of the bank in 1914 and served until 1940. Page 164 Paper Money I NATIONAL CURRENCY LIST #4 DEN. & SERIES ALABAMA BANK & CITY CH.# GRADE PRICE DEN. & SERIES BANK & CITY CH.# GRADE IOWA PRICE $10 1902 4th n.b. of Montgomery, S-5877, VG $60.00 10 1929-2 1st n.b. of Montgomery, 1814, XF 60.00 10 1902 1st n.b. of Eldon, M-5342, F 175.00 10 1929 City n.b. of Selma. 1736, F 35.00 5 1902 Iowa n.b. of Des Moines, M-2307, XF 80.00 5 1929 1st n.b. of Mobile, 1595, VG-F 19.00 10 1902 1st n.b. of Iowa Falls, M-3252, VG stain 75.00 10 1929 1st n.b. of Mobile, 1595. F 23.00 5 1902 Security n.b. of Sioux City, M-3124, G 23.00 20 1929 Merchants n.b. of Mobile, 13097, VF 37.00 10 1929 American n.b. & t. co. of Mobile, 13414, F 27.00 20 1929 Citizens n.b. of Charles City, 4677, VG-F 45.00 10 1929 1st n.b. of Davenport, 15, G-VG 35.00 ARKANSAS 10 1929 1st n.b. of Dayton, 5302, VG-F 65.00 10 1902 Exchange n.b. of Little Rock, S-3300, VG 175.00 5 1929 Central n.b. & t. co. Des Moines, 13321, VG 15.00 20 1902 England n.b. of Little Rock, S-9037, VG 175.00 10 1929 Central n.b. & t. co. Des Moines, 13321, VF 30.00 5 1929 Commerical n.b. of Little Rock, 14000 VG-F 90.00 20 1929 Fort Dodge n.b., 2763, VG 45.00 10 1929 Citizens n.b. of Hampton, 7843, F 50.00 CALIFORNIA 10 1929 1st n.b. of Rock Valley, 5200, XF 110.00 5 1902 Central n.b. of Oakland, 9502, VG-F 80.00 10 1929 1st n.b. of Thorton, 8340, G-VG 75.00 10 1902 California n.v. of Sacramento, 8504, VG-F 75.00 10 1929 1st n.b. of Waverly, 3105, VG-F 45.00 10 1929 1st n.b. in Riverside, 8377, F 85.00 KANSAS 20 1929 Cal. n.b. of Sacramento, 8504, F-VF 60.00 10 1902 Central n.b. of Topeka, 3078, F 45.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Los Gatos, 10091, XF 260.00 10 1902 Commerical n.b. Kansas City, 6311, G-VG 27.00 5 1929 Southwest n.b. of Wichita, 12346, F-VF 35.00 5 1929 1st n.b. of St Marys, 3374, VG-F 65.00 5 1929 Kaw Valley n.b. of Topeka, 11398, VF 40.00 20 1929 Exchange n.b. Cottonwood Falls, 6590, G 82.50 CONNECTICUT 1 1st Ch. 1 1st Ch. 5 1902 Thames n.b. of Norwich, 657, VG Middletown n.b., 1216, F Hartford n.b. & t. co., 1338, XF 150.00 175.00 85.00 KENTUCKY 10 1929 20 1929 Nat b. of Middlesborough, 7086, F-VF Clark Co. n.b. of Winchester, 995, XF 85.00 115.00 5 1929 1st n.b. of Hartford, 121, F-VF, 30.00 LOUISANA 10 1929 Meriden n.b., 1362, F 45.00 5 1929-2 N. b. of Comm. in New Orleans, 13689, CU 85.00 20 1929 1st n.b. & t. co. of Bridgeport, 335, VG 45.00 10 1929 Louisana n.b. of Baton Rouge, 9834, F-VF 50.00 DELAWARE MAINE 10 1929 1st n.b. of Dover, 1567, F 135.00 1 1st Ch. Lincoln n.b. of Bath, 761, VG 275.00 DIST OF COLOMBIA 10 1902 Nat Metropolitan b. of Washington, 1069, VG-F 50.00 10 1929-2 10 1929 1st n. Granite B. of Augusta, 498, F 1st N. Granite B. of Augusta, 498, CU 75.00 165.00 MASSACHUSETTS GEORGIA 5 1929 Mechanics n.b. of Worcester, 1135, VG 19.00 20 1902 4th n.b. of Atlanta, 5045, VG-F 60.00 10 1929 Federal N.B. of Boston, 12336, F 30.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Atlanta, 1559, F 35.00 10 1929 Milford n.b. & t. co., 866, F 35.00 10 1929 Macon n.b., 10270, F 66.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Milledgeville, 9672, VF 140.00 MICHIGAN 10 1902 City n.b. of Lansing, 3513, VG 85.00 ILLINOIS 10 1902 City n.b. of Lansing, 3513, AU 225.00 10 1902-DB Ridgely n.b. of Springfield, M-1662, VF-XF 80.00 10 1929-2 Capital n.b. of Lansing, 8148, VG 30.00 10 1929 III, n.b. of Springfield, 3548, VG-F 45.00 20 1929 Capital n.b. of Lansing, 8148, F-VF 50.00 10 1929 Rockford n.b., 1816, F 34.50 10 1929 N. Lumberman's B. of Muskegon, 4840, VG -F 22.00 10 1929 Douglass n.b. of Chicago, 12227, F 54.50 20 1929 Grand Rapids n.b., 3293, VF 34.50 10 1929 1st n.b. & t. co. of Chicago Heights, 5876, F 47.00 20 1929 Old Merchants n.b. & t. co. Battle Creek, 7589 VG -F 25.00 10 1929-2 20 1929 1st n.b. of Arenzville, 9183, VF Carbondale n.b., 7598, VG 65.00 75.00 MINNESOTA 20 1929-2 1st n.b. of O'Fallon, 6924, VF 55.00 20 1929 American n.b. in Little Falls, 13353, XF 65.00 50 1929 Commerical n.b. of Peoria, 3296, AU 95.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Fergus Falls, 2030, XF 85.00 20 1929-2 Fergus Falls n.b. & t. co., 2648, VF stain 65.00 INDIANA 50 1882-BB 10 1902-RS Boonville n.b., M-2207, F-VF Indiana n.b. of Indianapolis, M -984, F 650.00 225.00 10 1929 10 1929 1st n.b. of Albert Lea, 3560, XF North Western n.b. of Minneapolis, 2006, F 82.50 18.00 5 1902 Merchants n.b. of Indianapolis, 869, VG-F 35.00 MISSISSIPPI 20 1902 1st n.b. of Peru, M-363, VG 52.00 5 1882-BB N.B. of Yazoo City only note known on this bank, 3566, VG P 0 R Whole No. 75 DEN & SERIES BANK & CITY CH.# GRADE PRICE DEN. & SERIES BANK & CITY CH .# GRADE PRICE 10 1929 1st n.b. of West Point, 2891, VG-F 85.00 OKLAHOMA 20 1929 Capital n.b. of Jackson, 6646, F 85.00 MISSOURI 20 1929-2 1st n.b. & t. co. Oklahoma City, 4862, F 35.00 10 1902 Hannibal n.b., M-6635, VG 88.00 10 1929 1st n.b. in Bartlesville, 6258, VG-F 40.00 10 1929 3rd n.b. of Sedalia, 2919, CU cor. fold 55.00 50 1929 1st n.b. & t. co. Oklahoma City, 4862, AU 125.00 20 1929 Citizens N.B. of Maplewood, 12955, XF 145.00 50 1929 1st n.b. & t. co. of Tulsa, 5171, VG 85.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Saint Charles, 260, F 42.50 MONTANA PENNSYLVANIA 10 1929 1st n.b. & t. co. of Helena, 4396, XF 200.00 5 1st Ch. Harrisburg n.b., 580, F-VF 225.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Great Falls, 3525, VG Stain 95.00 10 1902 Harrisburg n.b., E-580, VG-F 85.00 NEBRASKA 10 1902-D Peoples n.b. of Jeannette, E-7792, F 95.00 10 1902 Central n.b. of Columbus, W-8328, VG 20 1902 City n.b. of York, 4935, F 10 1929 City n.b. of York, 4935, VG 85.00 85.00 34.50 10 1929-2 Harrisburg n.b., 580, VG 10 1929 1st n.b. of Greenville, 249, VG 10 1929 1st n.b. of Grove City, 5044, F 45.00 29.00 44.50 10 1929 Security n.b. of Randolph, 7477, XF 115.00 RHODE ISLAND 10 1929 1st n.b. of Crofton, 8186, VF 32.50 5 1929 Mechanics n.b. of Providence, 1007, VG 19.00 10 1929 Norfolk n.b., 3347, F 10 1929 1st n.b. of North Platte, 3496, VG-F 20 1929 1st n.b. of Lincoln, 1798, F-VF 20 1929 Continental n.b. of Lincoln, 13333, VG 62.50 50.00 37.00 29.00 SOUTH CAROLINA 5 1902 Palmetto n.b. of Columbia, S-8133, G-VG 5 1902 1st n.b. of Spartanburg, S-1848, F 10 1902 1st n. b. of Spartanburg, S-1848, F 60.00 80.00 85.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE 10 1929 Nat. Loan & Exchange B. Columbia, 6871, F 85.00 10 1882-BB Nat. State Capital b. Concord, N-758, F-VF 290.00 SOUTH DAKOTA 5 1902 Lancaster n.b., 2600, F 140.00 10 1902 1st n.b. of Pierre, W-2911, VG-F 175.00 5 1929 Nat. State Capital B. of Concord, 758, F-VF 80.00 20 1902 1st n.b. of Pierre, W-2941, VG -F 180.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Pierre, 2941, VG-F 125.00 NEW JERSEY 5 1902 Mechanics n.b. of Trenton, E-1327, XF 80.00 TENNESSEE 20 1929 1st Mechanics n.b. of Trenton, 1327, F-VF 35.00 20 1929-2 1st n.b. of Cranbury, 3168, VG-F 70.00 20 1929 4th & 1st n . b. of Nashville, 150, F 40.00 20 1929-2 Harrison n.b., 13034, G-VG 60.00 TEXAS 10 1929 Citizens n.b. & t. co. Ridgewood, 11759, VG 80.00 5 1902 American n.b. of Austin, 4322, XF-AU 105.00 NEW YORK 5 1882-BB N.Y. State n.b. of Albany, 1262, VF 180.00 5 1902 American n.b. of Austin, 4322, VG-F 20 1929 Austin n.b., 4308, XF 60.00 70.00 5 1929-2 Nat. Commercial B. & T. Co. Albany, 1301, F 22.00 UTAH 10 1929-2 Nat. Commercial B. & T. Co. Albany, 1301, XF 35.00 20 1929 1st n.b. of Ogden, 2597, XF 88.50 10 1929 Nat. Commercial B. & T. Co. Albany, 1301, VF-XF 10 1929 1st n.b. & t. co. of Elmira, 149, CU 20 1929 Farmers n.b. of Adams, 4061, VG-F 30.00 49.50 85.00 VIRGINIA 5 1929 Central n.b. of Richmond, 10080, VG -F 20.00 WEST VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA 10 1902 Charleston n.b., 3236, VG 60.00 10 1902 Commercial n.b. of Raleigh, 9067, VG 225.00 5 1929 Charleston n.b., 3236, VG-F 30.00 10 1929-2 Commercial n.b. of Charlotte, 2135, VG-F 85.00 10 1929 Empire n.b. of Clarksburg, 7029, VF 50.00 20 1929 McDowell Co. n.b. in Welch, 13512, VG 75.00 NORTH DAKOTA 10 1929 Ramsey Co. n.b. of Devils Lake, 5886, F 20 1929 Dakota n.b. & t. co. of Bismarck, 13398, F 180.00 135.00 WISCONSIN 10 1902 Commercial n.b. of Madison, 9153, XF 5 1929 Burlington n.b., 11783, VG 95.00 30.00 5 1929 1st n.b. of Wausau, 2820, CU 40.00 OHIO 10 1929 Wood Co. n.b. of Wisconsin Rapids, 4639, CU 125.00 5 1882-BB Ohio n.b. of Columbus, 5065, VG-F 85.00 10 1929-2 1st n. b. of Kenosha, 212, VF 38.00 20 1902 Ohio n.b. of Columbus, 5065, XF 85.00 20 1929 Chilton n.b., 5933, VF #7 note 110.00 5 1929 1st n.b. of Toledo, 91, XF 19.50 20 1929 1st n.b. of Madison, 144, VF 45.00 10 1929 Huntington n.b. of Columbus, 7745, F-VF 22.00 5 1929 Citizens n.b. of Norwalk, 11275, CU 90.00 WYOMING 20 1929 1st n.b. of Salem, 43, AU 65.00 10 1902 Citizens n.b. of Cheyenne, W-8089, VG 250.00 Page 165 Many are one of a kind so second choice helpful. Orders sent insured or registered, please add for postage thanks. Checks must clear, 7 day return. Satisfaction guaranteed. PETERSEN COINS 4232 ORLEANS PH: 712.276-4760 SIOUX CITY, IA 51106 MON ETARY AUTHORITY OF ret WirmJLir-ileitL_,) A 000000 THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR j]t INI 1LA, Page 166 Paper Money SPECIMEN SETS TO BE OFFERED by Jerry Remick WPCL 262 The Franklin Mint has embarked on a two-year sub- scription program to sell specimen sets of banknotes from 20 nations. Overprinted with the word SPECIMEN, the notes are identical to those in current use in the countries of issue, but are not legal tender. According to a Franklin Mint re- lease, each set is to include "crisp, immaculate, numer- ically matched specimens of all the issuing authority's circulating bank notes," including the scarce high values. "The serial numbers on each set will be unique to that set, unduplicated on any other set anywhere in the world. This is a highly important distinction, since nearly all specimen sets issued by governments in the past have borne a row of zeros instead of any actual serial number," said Samuel Young, editor of The Franklin Mint Almanac. Cost per set is $12.50, postpaid. The first set in the program, scheduled for May deli- very, will consist of Gibraltar's 1, 5, 10 and 20-pound notes. Other releases scheduled are from Malta, Sierra Leon, Philippines, Ghana, Bahrain, Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, Swaziland, Tonga, Jersey and other countries, each available at intervals of from four to six weeks. Notes will be produced by Thomas de La Rue & Co. Ltd. of London, who has received official authorization from participating issuing authorities to produce a limited number of specimen sets. The Franklin Mint will provide a file case to house each collection. JAMAICA SETS In 1976, Paramount International Coin Corporation issued the first special collector series of banknotes. Issued were 5,000 sets of the current $1, $2, $5 and $10 denominations from Jamaica, bearing matching serial numbers with star prefix, and printed SERIES 1976. Serial numbers and the series date are printed in red to distinguish collector specimens from the black imprinted, dateless regular currency issues. Originally offered at $27, the four-note 1976 series is no longer available. Para- mount recently has bid $34 per set in an attempt to repur- chase. Unlike the Franklin Mint collector issues, the Jamaica notes do not carry the work "Specimen" and are legal tender. In November, 1977, Paramount made a similar offer of 7,500 four-note sets from Jamaica. Serially numbered, and with the inscription SERIES 1977, the sets sold for $29.50, postpaid. All notes were printed by Thomas de La Rue & Co. of London. Export of banknotes form Jamaica is prohibited, and the special collector sets are the only means of obtain- ing current notes in uncirculated condition. Unfort- unately, the $20 banknote is not included in either of Paramount's series. A few dealers may have limited stocks of Jamaica's 50- cents, $1 and $2 notes, but the $5, $10 and $20 denomin- ations are not available from any dealer. The 50-cents note has been replaced by a coin. Inquires about 1976 or 1977 sets may be addressed to Paramount International Coin Corp., 600 Union Road, Dept. 92, Englewood, Ohio, 45322. Whole No. 75 Page 167 OBSOLETE CURRENCY All at specially reduced prices for SPMC members only.. . ALABAMA E-95, $10. Eastern Bank of Ala., Eufala. AU Unsigned $15.00 ARIZONA TERRITORY $500 Turnagain Arm Gold Mining Co., 6% Gold Bond DTD 1906 (only 50 issued of this denom.). XF 69.00 Same Company, stock Certificates. VF (tears) 8 50 ARKANSAS Unlisted $1. Little Rock Certificate of Indebtedness miss.) CANADA B-352, $2. Bank of Brandtford. Sault St. Marie (pink). CU 27.50 C-605, $5. Colonial Bank of Canada, Toronto, AU 39.00 CUBA (?) How'd that sneak in here? Oh well, they look like obsoletes anyway! Pick 28 1 Peso, 1869 (Cat. $50. in VF), XF/btr 42.50 Pick 29. 5 Pesos, 1869 (Cat. $135. in VF), XF/btr 95.00 CONNECTICUT L-180. $1. Litchfield Bank. VG 13.50 L-186, $5. Same, F/VF 22.50 DIST. of COL. B-328. $3. Bullion Bank. Washington. CU 27.50 M-215. $1. Merchants Bank. Washington, CU 20.00 Unl. $5. Same (similar to M-215), CU 22.50 GEORGIA C-635. $20. Bank of Commerce, Savannah, VF-COC 11.50 Unlisted $1. or $2. Macon & Brunswick R.R. Co Macon, VG-COC each 8 50 ILLINOIS Unlisted $10. Illinois Exporting. Mining & Mfg. Co Jackson, RARE! CU-Unsigned 95.00 S-432, $21/2 State Bank of Illinois, Lockport, VF-CC 19.00 INDIANA Unlisted $3. Farmers & Merchants Bank, Canmalton, AU 35.00 Unlisted $1. or $2. American Bank, Dover Hill Signed & marked "Redeemable in gold " XF each 29.00 IOWA Unlisted $1. Farmers & Mechanics, Ashland (sm corner missing), VG 49.00 KANSAS NI-141. $2. Merchants Bank, Ft. Leavenworth, CU 125.00 Unlisted $1 or $10. Union Military Scrip, Topeka, AU 43.50 KENTUCKY F-82. $10. Farmers Bank of Kentucky, Frankfort, CU 29.00 LOUISIANA #26 $10. State of Louisiana. N.O. RARE (cat. $175 in VG), small edge chip. lite tear, tape on rev. VF-CC 125.00 #30A $5. Baby Bond with "Certificate" overprint (cat. $9.) CU 5.00 C-120. $10. Citizens Bank of Louisiana "DIX" Note CU Unsigned 18.00 N-274, $10. Canal Bank - SIGNED, cut cancelled, reconstructed sheet. quite scarce actually. AU-CC 26.00 MAINE N-236, $10. New England Bank, Fairmount, XF-CC Unsigned . 29.00 N-256, $10. Same. XF-CC Unsigned 29.00 Of course many other states are represented also along with a few odd Americana items like: RARE HEATH BOND DETECTOR - a very elusive volume indeed. This copy is in average to slightly below average condition, with all plates intact (very nice coin plates). An exceptional addition to any collection, and priced cheaply at only 925.00 MARYLAND A-639. $5. Allegany County Bank, Cumberland CU 12.50 Unlisted $20. Susquehanna Bank. Port Deposit. CU Unsigned 11.00 MASSACHUSETTS Unlisted $5. Citizens Bank. Worchester (ALTERED from DC note similar to C-240). VG (tear) 22.50 PROOF $3. Grocers Bank, Boston on new card, wrinkles. AU-PC 175.00 MINNESOTA PROOF $1, Exchange Bank, Glencoe, on orig card. hinged, AU (aged) 315.00 MONTANA TERRITORY Territorial Bounty Warrant (for killing Squirrels), XF 45.00 NEW HAMPSHIRE PROOF $3. New Market Bank, New Market (India paper only), AU/CU- PC 175.00 NEW JERSEY M-371. $3. Merchants Bank, Trenton, VG (tear) 18.00 NEW YORK Unlisted $50. Globe Bank, NYC (S/N 19 or 29). AU 35.00 Unlisted $5. Suffolk County Bank @ Sag Harbor RARE, GD (dark) 75.00 Sutler 25g 2nd Reg't. New York Heavy Artillary. D.S. Sheldon. AU (wrinkles) 95.00 OHIO Unlisted $5. Bank of Geauga at Painesville (sm. corner missing), VG (tear) 22.50 Unlisted $1 State Bank of Ohio, Piqua Branch (2 corners off), F-PC 25.00 OKLAHOMA (Indian Territory) 25g B.M.Jones & Co., Lehigh (1880's - RARE), VG P O.R. OREGON My choice of Denomination. Heppner Sheepskin Scrip (on paper), VG- PC each 6 50 PENNSYLVANIA N-503. $5. Northwestern Bank, Warran, CU 16-00 0-330, $10. Oil City Bank. Oil City VG 22.50 Unlisted $2. Octorara Bank, Oxford - ALTERED from. S-453. $2. Southern Bank of Georgia, Bainbridge GD (repair) 35.00 RHODE ISLAND A-500. $1. or $2. Bank of America. Providence. CU Unsigned . 22.50 TENNESSEE Unlisted $5. Bank of Claiborne, Tazewell RARE, GD (rough margins) 99.00 Unlisted $5. or $20. Lawrenceburg Bank, Lawrenceburg, AVF Unsigned each 23.50 VIRGINIA #7 $50. Virginia Treasury Note, Richmond. AU each 22.50 H-422, $50. Bank of Howardsville Very Scarce, VG 23.50 WEST VIRGINIA Unlisted $5. Bank of Phillippi (similar to P-201) VG (pc. miss.) . 25.00 WISCONSIN W-105. $5. Bank of Watertown "Lazy 5", CU Unsigned 23.50 Unlisted $2. or $3. Bank of Wisconsin, Green Bay. CU Unsigned each 69.00 Some type notes and small size in stock. but I choose not to list these items as they don't stay in stock long enough to bother with .. send want lists please!!! 25g brings latest edition of my 20 page catalogue (free with order) TEN DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE ON ALL MAIL ORDER SALES ... ADD 75d for postage order under $75. RAG (pcs 39.00 WANTED: OBSOLETES AND NATIONALS OF MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN AND IOWA ANY QUANTITY! THE CURRENCY EXCHANGE D. Scott Secor (612) 757-5878 (evenings) Box 326-PM Anoka, MN 55303 Page 168 Paper Money CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Interest Hearin Notes:MR A suburbanite put on a last-minute spurt of speed to catch his bus — but missed it. A bystander remarked "If you had just run a little faster you would have made it." No the suburbanite replied, "It wasn't a case of running faster, but of starting sooner." That pearl of wisdom is the lead-in to reminding you it is time to think SPMC in Houston in August at the ANA. If you possible can, be there. One change to help you — we will be having our SPMC functions earlier in the week. Our luncheon will be on Wednesday rather than on Friday as in the past. The thinking is most members want to come early (to find the bargains) and cannot stay the entire week. But (read Paragraph 1 again), get your request for luncheon tickets to me early. Each year we turn people away because of "Sold Out" signs! We are working on a lot of projects in your Society: the Memphis Paper Money Show (see notice elsewhere in this issue), the meetings at Houston in August, a grading standard for paper money, and our-on going book project. One problem we seem unable to solve: Delinquent Memberships!! We hate for anyone to drop from SPMC for any reason. The $10. dues are very nominal. PAPER MONEY is full of syngraphic lore and information, yet we have 200 unpaid renewals as of March 31st. I know these people would renew if you could contact them on a one-to-one basis. As you probably have been informed by now, Editor Doug Watson has returned to the Krause Publications staff and has resigned as SPMC Editor. After some fancy arm twisting, Barbara Mueller has agreed to upy our particular hot seat and is now our Editor. However, even better, Doug's fine talents as artist and layout technician remains available to us through the good auspices of Krause Publications. Barbara is going to do the editing and Doug, the layouts. We have the best of two fine talents. I am really enthused over the potential this situation opens up for us. So, if you are sitting on a finished article or the embryo of one, get it to Barbara for her guidance. Finally, new members are the life line of any associa- tion. Unless we keep growing, we are certain to go into a decline. This is why you read me harping for new members. You must be alert too, for any paper money collector who would benefit from Society Membership. If you need applications, write me — I'll see you get them, pronto! If each member could sign up one new person this year, we would double our membership and drive our Society Secretary bananas. Surely there is someone in your acquaintenance who collects currency and who would benefit from Society membership. Start now and work on it. Elsewhere in this issue, you have seen the report of the Nominating Committee. The term of five board members expire this year and the Board has nominated for their replacement or in two instances, their re-election, the following: Peter Huntoon, Wyoming; Allen Mincho, New York; Jasper Payne, Tennessee; Tom Bain, Texas; Larry Adams, Iowa. Additionally, as provided for in the Constitution and By Laws, nominations may be made by written petition signed by ten members in good standing and delivered to the Secretary at least 60 days (note change) in advance of the annual membership meeting". This meeting will probably be on Wednesday, August 23rd. Additionally, as provided for in the Constitution and By Laws, nominations may be submitted by Petition: (Article III, Paragraph 3a), "Any additional nomina- tions may be made by written petition signed by ten members in good standing and delivered to the Secretary at least 60 days (note change) in advance of the annual membership meeting". This meeting will probably be on Wednesday, August 23rd. If you know an SPMC member who would be a constructive, contributing Board member, and have ten others to agree with you, send the petition AND your nominee's acceptance to Secretary Harry Wigington. You must do this in time to get the name on the ballot which we plan to include with the July/August issue of PAPER MONEY. Are You Ready? The Big Bash in Memphis is only weeks away: June 2, 3 and 4th. We have great plans for you, our collector members: 1.SPMC Board Meeting, Thursday, June 1st, 2:30 p.m. in the Library Room. This is open to all society members. 2. Friday Evening, 7:00 p.m., an open bar coctail party. Meet-and-Brag-and-Lie time. 3. Saturday morning, 8:30 a.m., is the SPMC break- fast. Only 134 tickets available. Glenn Jackson of die proof fame will be the speaker. He will be very informative and interesting. Remember, there are exactly 134 seats available — no more! Last year over 700 people attended the convention. 700 does not divide into 134. Nuff said? Contact Mike Crabb NOW for tickets — P.O. Box 17871, Memphis,Tenn. 38117. 4.The B.E.P. again will have an exhibit and souvenir card for us. They are under severe budget pressure to discontinue their various traveling displays. We hope this will not be their last. Mike Crabb, show chairman, tells me he has 91 tables sold. This means 91 different potential sources for that one note you have been hunting. Can you afford not to come? Last year we had over 700 collectors of currency to register. This year should be greater yet. I seriously recommend to you: If you possibly can, come to the Paper Money Show in Memphis in June. Whole No. 75 Page 169 PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of UNITED STATES PAPER MONEY • MAY 4, 5, 6, 1978 in conjunction with the GREATER N.Y. CONVENTION at the New York Sheraton Hotel • featuring LARGE & SMALL TYPE NOTES NATIONAL BANK NOTES of many scarce and popular locations in the USA NEARLY TWENTY UNCUT SHEETS OF LARGE & SMALL U.S. CURRENCY including WASHINGTON Vancouver Nat. Bank. Ch. # 6013. Sheet of four notes — $10., $10., $10., $20. Series of 1882, T. 3. Fr. # 545 and 555. Possibly UNIQUE, as the only other record is in the Grinnell sale of the $5. sheet. Popularly known as the "denomination back". HAWAII Brown Seal. $1.00 overprint sheet of 12 as issued. Series of 1935. Very few sheets are known to exist in crisp, Uncirculated condition. U.S. COIN and CURRENCY CATALOG (including prices realized) $2 123 West 57th Street New York, NY 10019 Page 170 Paper Money SECRETARY'S. HARRY G. WIGINGTON, Secretary Erma P.O. Box 4082 Harrisburg, PA 17111 Following the names and addresses of the new members is the coding: C, collectors ; D, Dealer. Their collecting specialty then follows the code. NO. 5237 Marvin Fitzer, P.O. Box 362, Saddle River, N.J. 07458; C; U.S. $1.00 notes in Gem Unc. condition 5238 Bruce G. Haakedahl, 30 Young Dr., Salinas, Ca. 93901; C; Large Size Currency 5239 Dr. Bernard P. Salamone, 227 Lang Rd., Ft. Sam Hous- ton, Tx. 78234; C; U.S. L. N. Currency & Fractionals 5240 Rollin Wright, 721 North L St., Lake Worth, Fla. 33460; C; Mexican — Haiti — all U.S. Obsolete Notes 5241 David A. Brase, PHD, P.O. Box 1980, Norfolk, Va. 23507; C; Orange Co., California Nationals and $3.00 obsoletes 5242 David Kokochak, 205 Patterson Rd., Weirton, W. Va. 26062; C/D; U.S. Currency 5243 Joseph J. Pero, 1678 Hoit Tower Dr., Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013; C 5244 John M. Adsmond, 22 Davies Place, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601; C; Fractional Currency 5245 Garland S. Stephens, P.O. Box 243, Wytheville, Va. 24382; C/D; Virginia National Colonial and Obsolete Notes 5246 Leon Thornton, P.O. Box N, Eminence, Mo. 65466; D; National Currency 5247 Claude Harris, Rte. #1, Birch Tree, Mo. 65438; C; Large Currency and Obsolete Currency 1835-1923 5248 Arthur L. Sherwood, 10424 Cheviot Dr., Los Angeles, Ca. 90064; C; Colonial & Continental Notes 5249 L. Peyton Humphrey, 2238 Brandywine Dr., Charlottes- ville, Va. 22901; C; National Bank Notes 5250 Rawley H. Watson, III, 1325 Ruffner, Lynchburg, Va. 24504; C; City of Lynchburg & Virginia Notes 5251 Carl Allen, 621 6th St., Neveda, Iowa 50201; C; National Notes 5252 Flinton Eitzen, Coin, Iowa 51636: C; National Bank Notes 5253 Bill Bright; 4111 S. Main St., Cedar Falls, Ia. 50613; C/D; National Bank Notes 5254 Clarence A. McKee, 914 3rd Ave. West, Oskaloosa, Iowa; C/D 5255 Donald L. Carling, Jr., 506 Lucas Dr., Blacksburg, Va. 24060; C 5256 Glenn David Frye, P.O. Box 392, Chilhowie, Va. 24319; D 5197 Everett R. Crow, 8910 Brecksville Rd., Brecksville, Ohio 44141; C/D; Obsolete Bank Notes 5198 Richard Furiness, P.O. Box 897, Union, N.J. 07083; C; U.S. Fractional Currency and Obsolete Bank Notes 5199 Kurt Lothmann, 4625 Creekbond, Houston, Tx. 77035; C 5200 Ridgely Coghlan, 713 Stowell Pl., Streamwood, Ill. 60103; C; U.S. Large Size Notes 5201 Donald N. Trice, P.O. Box 188, Denton, Md. 21629; C/D; National Bank Notes 5202 Robert J. Kirshbaum, M.D., 360 East Seventh St., Suite G, Upland, Calif. 91766; C 5203 Joseph R. Roberts, 61 Landsdowne Lane, Rochester, N.Y. 14618; C; U.S. Large Size Notes 5204 Thompson Cathcart, 5814 West 84th St., Overland Park, Kansas 66207; C; U S Small Size Notes 5205 Robert C. Budd, 6158 Springhill Terr. #104, Greenbelt, Md. 20770; C; Notgeld and POW Issues 5206 William F. Finder, 201B Byrnes, China Lake, Calif. 93555; C; Fractional Currency & Silver Certificates 5207 Robert H. Baumann, Box 16150-A, Baton Rouge, La. 70803; C; Southern States Notes & Colonial Currency 5208 Algot L. Kropp, Jr., P.O. Box 224, Tuscaloosa, Ala. 35401; C; National Bank Notes 5209 Charles J. Berg, III, 482D Laurel Brook Drive, Brick- town, N.J. 08723; C/D; N.J. Nationals & U.S. Large Size Notes 5210 David Johnson, 1530-la N. Gate Square, Reston, Va. 22090; C; Large Size & Small Size U.S. Notes 5211 Charles F. Goodwin, R.D. #2, Box 47, Afton, N.Y. 13730; C/D; U.S. Large Size and National Currency 5212 Donald L. Dzuris, 20300 Westphalia, Detroit, Mich. 48205; C; Fractional Currency 5213 George R. Bowers, 9611 S.W. 77th Ave., Miami, Fla. 33156; C 5214 Don Marlow, 701 Huffman, Portageville, Mo. 63873; C/D; C.B.A., Southern States, Obsolete Notes and Bonds 5215 Gary W. Davis, 2337 Arlington Ridge Rd., Arlington, Va. 22202; C; Early Paper Money, especially Colonial American Notes 5216 William N Stratman, 7960 Jolain Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45242; C; U.S. Paper Money 5217 Steven J. Koelbl, P.O. Box 1572, La Crosse, Wis. 54601; C/D; U.S. Type & National Notes 5218 C. I. Browne, P.O. Box 15056, Tulsa, Okla. 74112; C/D; Hong Kong Notes 5219 R. W. Bradford, 300 Frandor Ave., Lansing, Mich. 48912; D 5220 Robert H. Kines, Jr., P.O. Box 955, Milledgeville, Ga. 31061; C; Obsolete Bank Notes 5221 V. Paul Jones, 822 John Page Dr., San Antonio, Tx. 78228; C; Mexican Bank Notes & Nationals 5222 Clare Amacher, 5669 Pickerel Lake Rd., Petoskey, Mich. 49770; C 5223 Marlin D. Lenhert, 337 N. 2nd Ave., Upland, Calif. 91786; C; National Currency 5224 Jim Sharp, Jr., 655 Pearson Rd., Port Hueneme, Calif. 93011; C; U.S. Notes 5225 Al Korzan, P.O. Box 1251, Tularosa, N.M. 88352; CID; Philippines & Mexico Notes 5226 Henry E. Hawkins, 815 Lee Ave., Harrisonburg, Va. 22801; C/D; Virginia National Currency Whole No. 75 Page 171 5227 Larry E. Clement, P.O. Box 32, Moulton, Al. 35650; C; Confederate Notes 5228 John Semeniuk, P.O. Box 218, East N.Y. Station, Brook- lyn, N.Y. 11207; C; Military, East European, Philippines and Vignettes 5229 Barrett Walker, P.O. Box 231, Rockaway, N.J.; D; Obso- lete Bank Notes & Foreign Notes 5230 Robert H. Brubaker, 19208 Drumridge Circle, Gaithers- burg, Md. 20760; C; Obsolete Bank Notes 5231 Kenneth D. Moores, M.D., 1100 9th Ave., Seattle, Wash. 98111; C; U.S. and Confederate Notes 5232 David J. Pole, 639 W. Locust, Paris, Mo. 76275; C/D, U.S., Missouri and Confederate Notes 5233 Neil A. Chiappa, P.O. Box 7126, Richmond, Va. 23221; C/D; Confederate Notes 5234 Norman Oppenheim, 14 Stuart St., Great Neck, N.Y. 11020; C; Large Size U.S. Notes 5335 Ellis R. Freedman, % Hub Thread Co., 536 Harrison Ave., Boston, Mass. 02118; C; Colonial & Continental Notes 5336 Everitt Bowles, 1036 Washington Ave., Woodstock, Ga. 30188; C RESIGNATIONS 2660 Col. Linus F.G. Goyette 4260 J.E. Humphrey NAME-ADDRESS CORRECTIONS 5102 Edward J. Filliger, P.O. Box 184, Toms River, N.J. 08753 5039 Richard Shanfeld, 1952 Kentwood St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19116 5118 Sid Foster, 114 Sharene Lane, #11, Walnut Creek, Calif. 94596 RE-INSTATEMENTS 2833 John E. Panek, 816 Holmes, Deerfield, Ill. 60015 4516 Edward E. Westman, 1023 Grand Ave., Apt. #2, St. Paul, Minn. 55105 3147 Max E. Brail, 814 So. Thompson, Jackson, Mich. 49203 CORRECTIONS TO: TYPE COLLECTING - U.S. PAPER CURRENCY by Paul. H. Johansen Original listings appeared in Whole No. 70 (July-Aug. 1977) Page 228 $50. Small: First listing there should be 40 GC. First 44 FRN should replace second 44 FRN, listed there below. Same treat- ment for 48 FRN. Page 229 $100. Small: First listings for 43 LT and 44 FRN replace the second listings of each, respectively, there below. First listing of 45 FRN should be re-numbered 48 FRN. Second listings of GC 39 and FRN 48 should be deleted. Page 230 $500. Small: Delete listing there shown for 24 GC and 25 FRN; replace with the following copy: 24GC McKinley-c, above "FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS". Obligation ". . IN GOLD COIN". "GOLD", Inscrip- tion, "CERTIFICATE". 5 lines, across gold seal-1c. Lg. "500"-rc. B. "500"-c, below "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", and above "FIVE HUN- DRED DOLLARS" in field. 25 FRN McKinley-c, above "FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS" at bottom border. District seal with letter-1c. 4-line Inscription high-1. Lg "500"-rc across green seal. B. Same Page 231 $1000. Small: Delete listing there shown for 27 GC and 28 FRN; replace with the following copy: 27 GC Cleveland-c, above "ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS". Obligation". . IN GOLD COIN". "GOLD" Inscrip- tion, "CERTIFICATE", 5 lines, across gold seal-1c. B. "The United States of America" (old style), above "ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS"-c, on plain, almost note-length field. 28 FRN Cleveland-c, above "ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS" at bottom border. District seal with letter-1c. 4-line Inscription high-1. Green seal-rc. B. same $5000. Large: Re-number types as follows: OLD: NEW: 4GC are to be re-numbered to those shown 3 GC 5 to the right. 3 LT and all its 4 6 explanation physically removed to its 5 7 newly numbered position: 8 LT 6 8CD 7CD 3LT 8LT $5000. Small: Delete listing there shown for 10 GC and 11 FRN; replace with the following copy: 10 GC Madison-c, above "FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS". Obligation". . IN GOLD COIN". "GOLD", Inscrip- tion,"CERTIFICATE", 5 lines, across gold seal-1c. B. "5000" across `I" in oval ornament-c. Curved "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", top, and "FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS", bottom of open field. "5000" in rectangular ornaments far-17rc. 11 FRN Madison-c, above "FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS" at bottom border. District seal with letter-1c. 4-line Inscription high-1. Green seal-rc. B. Same $10,000. Large: Re-number types as follows: OLD: NEW: 2GC are to be re-numbered to those shown 1GC 3 to the right. 1 LT and all of its 2 4 explanation is physically removed to 3 5 its newly numbered position: 7 LT 4 6 5 7CD 6CD 1LT 7LT $10,000. Small: Delete listing there shown for 9 GC and 10 FRN; replace with the following copy: 9 GC Chase-c, above "TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS". Obliga tion". . IN GOLD COIN". "GOLD" Inscription, "CERTIFICATE", 5 lines, across gold seal-1c. B. "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", "TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS", 2 lines, across tall, faint background "10,000"-c in open field. 10 FRN Chase-c, above "TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS" at bottom border. District seal with letter-1c. 4-line Inscription high-1. Green seal-re. B. Same. COLONIAL and CONTINENTAL CURRENCY Always Buying - Rare and Common Any Quantity Selling - Free List Available DAVID SONDERMAN Box 1070, New Haven Ct. 06504 F1300 550.00 F1344 125.00 F1301 23.00 F1345 60.00 F1303 23.00 F1346 60.00 F1307 23.00 F1347 40.00 F1308 13.00 F1348 100.00 F1309 13.00 F1349 45.00 50 CENT NOTES F1350 50.00 F1310 70.00 F1351 450.00 F1311 80.00 F1352 625.00 F1312 50.00 F1353 475.00 F1313 100.00 F1354 500.00 F1316 30.00 F1355 50.00 50 CENT NOTES F1356 70.00 F1317 30.00 F1357 250.00 F1318 30.00 50 CENT NOTES F1320 55.00 F1358 40.00 F1321 65.00 F1359 80.00 F1322 60.00 F1360 40.00 F1324 40.00 F1361 45.00 F1325 110.00 F1362 28.00 F1326 45.00 F1363 85.00 F1327 45.00 F1364 30.00 F1328 60.00 F1365 40.00 F1329 85.00 F1366 40.00 F1330 1100.00 F1367 95.00 F1331 20.00 F1368 45.00 F1332 60.00 F1369 50.00 F1333 25.00 F1370 100.00 F1334 25.00 F1371 200.00 F1336 65.00 F1372 110.00 F1337 50.00 F1373 115.00 F1338 55.00 F1374 75.00 F1339 30.00 F1375 75.00 F1340 65.00 F1376 45.00 F1341 40.00 F1379 40.00 F1342 45.00 F1380 25.00 F1343 40.00 F1381 23.00 We need and are buying proofs and specimens or essays of the fractional currency and experimental, trial and freak notes, errors. We need pairs, strips, blocks, packs, sheets and shields gray-pink-green. I f you have some you would like to sell you can just ship it with price or we will make an offer. CONTINENTAL CURRENCY VG plus pay . . 8.00 COLONIAL CURRENCY VG plus pay 6.00 CONFEDERATE FINE OR BETTER . . . 1.00 BROKEN BANK NOTES CU 1.00 WE NEED CIR NOTES-VG OR BETTER F113-122 30.00 Ten dollar Bison F271-281 25.00 Five dollar Chief F747-780 18.00 Two dollar Battleship F2300 HAWAII ONE DOLLAR CH CU . . . . . . 8.00 VG 2.00 COIN-A-RAMA CITY 13304 INGLEWOOD AVE. HAWTHORNE, CALIF. 90250 PHONE 213-679-9151 Whole No. 75 Page 1 73 WANTED TO BUY PAPER MONEY We are in need of some choice CU notes. CU only, no folds, pinholes, bad spots, or too far off-center, etc. We have been at the same location for over 14 years but it has just been the last few months that we have been trying to build up our inventory of U.S. paper money and we need your help and will pay for it. When shipping to us wrap it well, send it registered mail for the value and a return receipt will tell you the day we receive it. Please ship it with an invoice and your phone number. All notes listed by F366-368 .. 800.00 5 CENT NOTES Friedberg are buy F369-371 . .. 400.00 F1228 45.00 prices are for choice CU NATIONAL BANK F1229 50.00 notes. NOTES F1230 20.00 F380-386 . . . 475.00 F1231 60.00 LEGAL TENDER F387-393 . . .1350.00 F1232 28.00 NOTES F394-408 575.00 F1233 28.00 F16-17 270.00 F409-423 800.00 F1234 28.00 F18 260.00 F424-439 850.00 F1235 50.00 F19-27 120.00 F466-478 160.00 F1236 50.00 F28-30 70.00 F479492 175.00 F1237 65.00 F34-35 120.00 F49 3-5 06 300.00 F1238 20.00 F36-39 38.00 F507-518 650.00 F1239 30.00 F40 85.00 F519-531 750.00 10 CENT NOTES F41-41a 425.00 F532-538 250.00 F1240 42.00 F43-49 160.00 F539-548 275.00 F1241 50.00 F50-52 110.00 F549-557 375.00 F1242 25.00 F53-56 140.00 F558-565 650.00 F1243 60.00 F57-60 58.00 F573-575 550.00 F1244 20.00 F61-63 250.00 F576-579 650.00 F1245 20.00 F64 220.00 F580-585 .. 700.00 F1246 23.00 F65-69 160.00 F587-594 . 80.00 F1247 30.00 F70-72 125.00 F595-597 . 180.00 F1248 50)1.00 F73-82 110.00 F598-612 . 70.00 F1249 50.00 F83-92 58.00 F613-620 . 95.00 F1251 30.00 F93 400.00 F621-623 . 220 00 F1252 35.00 F94-95 400.00 F624-638 . . 80.00 F1253 55.00 F97-99 300.00 F639-646 . . 110.00 F1254 70.00 F100-102 200.00 F 647 -649 . . 300.00 F1255 2000 F103-113 200.00 F650-663 .. 1 1 o.00 F1256 25.00 F114-122 350.00 F647-649 . . 300.00 F1257 20.00 F123 900.00 F650-663 . . 110.00 F1258 20.00 F124-126 700.00 F664-671 .. 275.00 F1259 20.00 F130-147 260.00 F675-685 . . 250.00 F1261 20.00 F155-164 . .. 850.00 F686-694 . . 400.00 F1264 30.00 SILVER F698-707 . . 385.00 F1265 14.00 CERTIFICATES FEDERAL RESERVE F1266 14.00 F215-223 • • • 200.00 BANK NOTES 15 CENT NOTES F224-225 • • • 265.00 F708-746 . . . . 50.00 F1267 50.00 F226-227 • • • . 60.00 F747-780 . . . 135.00 F1268 50.00 F228-236 • • • . 45.00 F781-809 . . 125.00 F1269 50.00 F237-239 • • • . 25.00 F810-821 . . . 625.00 F1271 50.00 F240-244 • • • 280.00 FEDERAL RESERVE 25 CENT NOTES F245-246 • • • 500.00 NOTES F1279 65.00 F247-248 • • • 600.00 F832-843 . . . 100.00 F1280 75.00 F249-258 • • • 140.00 F844-891 . . . . 35.00 F1281 45.00 F259-265 • • • 900.00 F892-903 .. . 130.00 F1282 100.00 F266-267 • • . 400.00 F904-951 . . .. 40.00 F1283 25.00 F268-270 • • • 950.00 F952-963 . . . 150.00 F1284 30.00 F271-281 • • • 250.00 F964-1011 . . . . 55.00 F1285 30.00 F282 320.00 F1024-1071 . 140.00 F1286 30.00 F287-289 750.00 F1084-1131 . . 240.00 F1287 35.00 F291-297 500.00 GOLD F1288 35.00 F298-304 350.00 CERTIFICATES F1289 55.00 F317-322 450.00 F1167-1173. . 110.00 F1290 60.00 F330-335 . . . 800.00 F1179-1187 . . 175.00 F1291 40.00 TREASURY OR F1198-1200 . . 375.00 F1292 40.00 COIN NOTES F1203-1215 . . 600.00 F1293 . . . . . 40.00 F347-349 . .. 475.00 F1294 . . . 30.00 F350-352 . . 165.00 FRACTIONAL F1295 30.00 F353-355 . .. 750.00 CURRENCY F1296 30.00 F356-358 . . . 320.00 3 CENT NOTES F1297 50.00 F359-361 . . . 700.00 F1226 20.00 F1298 80.00 F362-365 . .. 400.00 F1227 35.00 F1299 400.00 Passing ticWeB DOUG WATSON Page 1 74 Many of you, I am sure, have read the news release which appeared in the major coin publications regarding my relinquishment of the editorship of Paper Money. Barbara Mueller, whose name is familiar to most of our members because she served as editor from 1964 until the fall of 1976 when I took over, will reassume her previous duties beginning with the July/August issue. The past two years have been, for the most part, an en- joyable, interesting and educational experience. I've had an opportunity to attend various SPMC functions at the last two ANA conventions and to meet with some truly dedicated collectors and supporters of our hobby. The change in editorship became necessary when I de- cided to return to Krause Publications this past February as their production coordinator. This move, however, does not mean a divorce form Paper Money, as I will con- tinue to do the graphic design of the publication and sup- port the Society. Barbara will handle the editorial and ad- vertising matters, so anything pertaining to these as- pects should be sent to her at 225 S. Fisher Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 (telephone 414-674-5239. I would like to thank those of you who have contributed to making Paper Money the publication it is today — authors and advertisers alike — and hope that others will take it upon themselves to donate their time and know- ledge. After all, it's your publication, your Society, and your hobby that benefit thereby. CONSTITUTION AND BY LAW CHANGES At the SPMC Board Meeting last August, the follow- ing changes were made: Please mark your copy accord- ingly. 1. Raise dues to $10.00 Article II, Section 5 — "The annual dues for regular and junior members shall be $10.00 payable in advance and subject to change by a majority vote of the Executive Committee." 2. Change Voting procedures to provide for written ballots. Article III, Section 3 — "A total of 15 members of the Board shall be elected at large by a majority of votes cast. "A. The president shall appoint a nominating committee of three Society members who shall submit to the members, by publishing in the proper issue of Paper Money, their nominees to be elected to fill the vacancies on the Board of Governors. This will be done sufficiently in advance so that the Paper Money nominations may be published in a Paper Money issue at least 10 days prior to the SPMC meeting or function held in conjunction with the ANA convention." "B. Nominations made will be made by petition signed by 10 members in good standing and delivered to the Secretary at least 60 days in advance of the annual membership meeting." "C. Ballots received from the Membership by the Secretary, shall be stored unopened until turned over to a Counting Committee duly appointed by the president. The Election Committee shall count the votes and report the results at the SPMC meeting held in conjunction with the ANA meeting." 3. Change of Meeting Location Article VI, Section 1 — "The SPMC General Membership shall hold an annual meeting at a time and place designated by the Board at its preceding Annual Meeting". Article VI, Section 2 — "The Board of Governors shall meet in open session each year, to conduct the affairs of the Society. The time and place shall be as designated by the Board at its previous annual meeting. PHILADELPHIA CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES Continued from page 154 Bank, and $200,000 to the Mechanics Bank. All were signed by Rogers, Patterson and Comegys, On the reverse of each Certificate was printed "Paid to the Clearing House," with accompanying spaces for the bank identifying number and the date of endorsement. This particular Certificate indicates it was issued to No. 5, then endorsed over to No. 12, on November 29th, and back again to No. 5, the Mechanics Bank, on December 9th, 1862. On November 29th, the Minutes directed the Chairman to notify all member banks "that on and after December 1st, (U.S. revenue) stamps will be required on the Loan Certificates issued by them and that the Bank to whom they are given will be expected to supply the stamps." Use of the Loan Certificates continued in constant demand throughout the war, but with the approaching termination of hostilities in early 1865, the member banks gradually redeemed their securites and sur- rendered their Loan Certificates. The final meeting of the Committee was held Wednesday, April 26, 1865, with Rogers, Patterson and Comegys present. Certificates totaling $25,000 were cancelled for the Third National Bank, amd $65,000 in 7-30s were returned to the Sixth National Bank. Finally, "On Motion adjourned, Sine Die." Years later the CHAP would wage a different kind of war against financial panic and economic depression — when it would issue scrip of various denominations to alleviate the scarcity of currency during the crises of 1907 -1908, the widespread depression of the early 1930s, when many banks failed, and the bank holiday of 1933. Whole No. 75 Page 175 See You In Memphis! June 2, 3, 4 The Kellys look forward to greeting old friends and to making new ones at the Memphis Coin Club's International Paper Money Show, to be held at the Holiday Inn, Rivermont, June 2, 3, 4. Don't miss this show. It will afford you a genuine thrill. We will have a lot of "temptations" there, like those displayed here. We'll have our checkbook, too, so bring along some temptations for us. See you in Memphis. Don C. Kelly Box 85 Oxford, Ohio 45056 Phone (513►23-3805 II 1111111111, .4111111111 Page 176 Paper Money mongy mart COLLECT SMALL United States paper money, blocks, stars, silver certificates, USNs, FRNs, odd numbers, etc. Free, extensive list: SASES a must. DHK, Box 120, Fairfield. CT 06430 (77) OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certi- ficates $2. Also eager to buy any quantity. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, California 94010 (80) Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5i per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Dec. 1, 1976 for Jan. 1977 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. 122 words; $1: SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each) NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE (Broken Bank) notes, sheets, scrip and checks wanted for my collection. I have some duplicates for trade. John J. Merrigan Jr. 2 Alexandria Drive, East Hanover, N.J. 07936 (79) SEND TODAY! Next 3 Catalogs. Historical documents, autographs, Civil War, newspapers, Americana. Always Something Unusual for the Specialist. $1. Cohasco, Inc., 321 Broadway, New York 10007 (78) WANTED: GILLESPIE, ILLINOIS National Bank Notes (American, and Gillespie). Large and small size, any denomina- tion, any condition. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 (77) LOW NUMBERED $5. FRN 1974 Block F-D. All notes CU and under F00000200D. Would like to trade for my wants. Bob Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialeah, Florida 33011 (75) NEED ANY KONVERSIONKASSE and concentration camp notes, and obsoletes from Fairfield, Connecticut. Write: Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (77) WANTED: CALIFORNIA national bank notes, all sizes and types. Especially wanted are gold banks, 1st and 2nd charters and uncut sheets. John Heleva, P.O. Box 375, Fair Oaks, California 95628 (78) ENCASED POSTAGE STAMPS and related items wanted. Also need Colonial Currency and Fiscal items. Collections purchased or Colonial Currency traded. Write today: DANA LINETT, Box 2592, Boston, MA 02208 (76) RADAR AND REPEATER Notes Wanted: (need many differ- ent Blocks, specially star notes. Will buy or trade. $1 and $2 FRN's only. All letters answered. Bob Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialiah, Florida 33011 (76) WANTED: CONFEDERATE CURRENCY I am an active buyer who appreciates fine quality material. I am also very interested in purchasing Slave Bills of Sale and other related documents. Wayne T. Hahn, 2719 Morris Ave., Bronx, NY 10468 (75) 10 PAGE CATALOG of $1.00 FRNs . . . blocks, stars, singles, groups, specialties and others, each itemized by serial number. Price $1.25. Include your want list for items not yet listed .. . Discount for your duplicates! Trades considered. Ed Zegers, 11804 Pittson Road PM-1, Wheaton, MD 20906 (75) WANTED: MAINE—NEW HAMPSHIRE — Vermont Large & Small Nationals, obsolete and colonial notes. Please advise what you have with grade and price. Prefer higher grade notes, but would consider lower grade on scarcer notes. Richard D. Dolloff, 116 State Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (77) LARGE SIZE STAR note information needed for research project. Please send type, serial, signatures, plate numbers and grade of your vault impounded specimens. Ownership will be kept confidential. Can you help? Doug Murray, 326 Amos Avenue, Portage, MI 49081 (77) WANTED FACIMILE NOTES with advertisements for patent medicines or dentistry. Also need pharmaceutical scrip. Ben Z. Swanson Jr., Box 679, Carswell A.F.B., Ft. Worth TX 76127 (81) WANTED IN GEM CONDITION $5., $10., $20. Hawaii overprints; $10. North Africa yellow seal. Large size type notes: F-40, F-57/60, F91, F793, F1173. Henry Schlesinger, 415 East 52nd St., New York, NY 10022 (75) TENNESEE NATIONALS WANTED, especially First and Second Charter, Red Seals, also small nationals. Large inventory for trade. Top prices paid. Jasper D. Payne, 304 A St., Lenoir City, TN 37771 (80) STOCK CERTIFICATES, BONDS, U.S., foreign. 1 to 1,000,000 wanted. Describe, give quantity available, asking price. Clinton Hollins, Box 112, Dept. J24, Springfield, VA 22150 (75) STOCK CERTIFICATES 12 different $2.95, 50 different $14.95. Old checks, 24 different $2.90, 100 different $14.90. List 25tt. Hollins, Box 112, Dept. J23, Springfield, VA 22150 (75) WANTED: State of Georgia Criswell #9 and #10. Pay minimum of $300.00 each for fine condition. More for higher grades. Also can use #16, #17, and #20. Always interested in better Georgia material. Claud Murphy Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031 (75) WANTED for my collection: Any note on which the serial number consists of only zeros and ones. .00000001,00000100, 00000110, etc. to 11111111. Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 6430 (77) NATIONAL BANK NOTE VARIETIES Continued from page 142 VERMONT 194 No. Bennington 5. 820 Rutland 10. 857 Montpelier 20. 1197 Burlington . . 20. 1576 Danville 10. 7267 Bradford .. 20. *13886 Enosburg Falls 5. VIRGINIA 4503 Covington .. . 20. WASHINGTON 10511 Colfax 10. 12154 Mount Vernon 10. 13137 Vancouver . . . 20. WEST VIRGINIA 1530 Clarksburg . . . 10. 5280 Ponceverte . . . 10. 5701 Point Pleasant 20. *6510 Madison 10. 6618 Belington . . . 10. *9740 Montgomery 20. 10370 Matewan . . . 10. 13621 Parkersburg . 10. WISCONSIN 13529 Durand 10. COLLABORATORS Aubry E. Beebe, James H. Cohen, Charles G. Colver, William P. Donlon, Joan & John Fisher, Joe Flynn, Dennis Forgue, Robert W. Gillespie, Robert W. Hearn, John T. Hickman, James Hoskovec, Curtis Iversen, F. Kadlicek, Arthur Leister, David J. Levitt, Barry Martin, Herbert Melnick, Dean Oakes, Vernon Oswald, John R. Palm, Paramount International, Jess Peters, Gary W. Potter, Milton M. Sloan, Louis Van Belkum, Thronton's Shop and The World Wide Company. Page 177 "WANTED TOMS RIVER New Jersey; the Delaware and Hudson Bank, and other Ocean County obsoletes, scrip, and checks for my personal collection." Bob Mitchell, 2606 Lindell St, Silver Spring, MD. 20902 Whole No. 75 WANTED: NEW YORK National Bank Notes: 1st NB Tarrytown, Ch. No. 634; Irvington NB, Ch. No. 6371; Mt. Vernon NB, Ch. No. 8516; 1st NB Ardsley, Ch. No. 12992. Frank Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10455. 212-2926800. (80) WANTED BADLY the following back issues of "Paper Money": Whole numbers 1 thru 13, also Number 16. Please price and I'll let you know. Claud Murphy Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031 (78) FLORIDA NATIONAL for sale. $10, 1902 series dated back, charter number 8802-S, Gainesville National Bank, Gainesville, Florida. Bank serial number 10. Soiled fine. Very rare note $795. Please write. Mike Carter, 2401 Nottingham Way #75, Albany, GA 31707. SPRINKLE IS BUYING stock certificates, uncut sheets ob solete bills, bonds, checks, Jenny Lind items. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV. 24701 VALLEJO, CA. NATIONALS wanted send description of notes & price desired. Tom E. Gettman, 407 Corkwood St., Vallejo, CA. 94590 SHIP CHANDLERY David Conwell Ship Chandlery, Province- town Bank, Provincetown Mass, blue reverse. AU unsigned. 50 or 100 denomination for $10 each. Charles Straub, P.O. Box 200 Columbia, CT 06237. (26) WANTED: PUERTO RICAN currency, coins, tokens; U.S. MPC'S and AMC'S; world paper money and coins. Gerald Goldenberg, 3505 Mullin Lane, Bowie, MD. 20715 (78) LARGE SIZE NATIONALS wanted. E-685-707. Any state. VF + or Better, write with full description and price in first letter. Edward J. Filliger, P.O. Box 184, Toms River, NJ. 08753 (76) VIRGINIA NATIONALS WANTED Large or small, especially first and second chapters will buy any small nationals $100.00 and $50.00 any bank any state that I do not have. Write today. Description condition and price wanted Garland Stephens, P.O. Box 243, Wytheville, VA 24382 (78) WANTED: MISSOURI AND PUERTO RICO paper currency and script both govt. and private trade sources. Norbert T. Hild, Ruta Rural No. 1, Buzon 127A, Juncos, Puerto Rico 00666 A GREAT revolutionary republicism.On 15 March 1848, it was Petofi who marched at thehead of the masses at Pest, and he wrote for the people,"Nemzeti," the "Hungarian Marseillaise." POET by Dr. Michael Kupa The name of the great creative Hungarian genius Sandor Petofi represents the spirit of poetry in a lyrical-natural man who was strongly inspired by the people of Hungary, imbued with enthusiasm for national independence and During the War of Independence of Hungary, Petofi served as an aide-de-camp at the side of the famous General Joseph Bern, commander-in-chief of the Transylvania Honved Army. Although no one knows exactly how he died since his body was never recovered, it is certain that Petofi was killed in action near Segesvar on 31 July 1849 at the age of 26 in a combat fought against the Coassack cavalry of the Russian Tsar. The bust of Petofi appears on the notes of the Hungarian National Bank of 50-Pengo dated 1 October 1932 (Pick-99), engraved by Almos Jaschik and Dalman Mosko. He also appears on 10-Florin notes of 27 February 1947 (P-147), 24 October 1949 (P-150), 23 May 1957 (P-154), 24 August 1960 (P-157), 12 October 1962 (P-160) and 30 June 1969 (P-166), engraved by Endre Horvath, Istvan Reck and Jozsef Erdos. All notes were printed at the Hungarian Note Printing Office in Budapest. If you are not on our mailing list, write today for your free copy of our latest 48 Page offering of notes, and send us your WANT LIST. CONFEDERATE AND SOUTHERN STATES CURRENCY LATEST EDITION ( 1976), (Autographed if You Wish) Revised, 300 Pages, Hard Bound. $15 Phone AC 904 685-2287 ROUTE 2 BOX 1085 CRISWELL'S FT. McCOY, FL 32637 OV TI- REIF, DIF,CADES As America's Largest Dealer in Obsolete Currency Means Very Simply That . . . OMER CMS ELL CAN HELP YOU BUY OR SELL! georgia obsolete currency wanted SAVANNAH City of Savannah, —Pre-1800 "ANIMAL NOTES", (Rare). I will pay a lot. Commercial Bank of Ga., any note, especially signed. Farmers & Manufacturers Bank, any note especially signed. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, almost any fractional; 53.1)0, 550.00, 5100.00. Marine Bank, Pre-War 51.00 to $100.00. Marine & Fire Insurance Bank, any note. Mechanics Bank of Savannah. any note. Mechanics Savings & Loan Association, (Note very common & listed to prevent confusion with last bank). Will pay 51.00 to $1.50. I don't want many. Merchants & Planters Bank $1.00 & $2.00, without Red overprint, $30.00, $100.00. Merchants Savings Bank, any note. Planters Bank of the State of Ga., $50.00. 5100.00, and any pre-1850 note. Timber Cutters Bank, any Fractional; 510.00 - $211.00 with Red overprint; $50.00, $100.00. SHOALS OF OGEECHEE Scrip, any note. SPARTA Scrip, any note. ST. MARY'S Bank of St. Marys, any note. Corporation of St. Marys, any note. SUNIMERVILLE Henley & Mitchell, any note. Weather & Wyatt, any note. THOMASTON Upson County, any note. THOMASVILLE Cotton Planters Bank, any note. WASHINGTON Bank of the State of Ga. (Branch), 550.00, 5100.00. WEST POINT Wills Valley R.R., most fractionals 1.00, S2.00, $3.00. MISCELLANEOUS Sutler Notes, if any. Postmaster Imes, any. Oglesby Manufacturing Co., any. ALTERED NOTES (Altered to or from Ga. notes). Notes overprinted with Georgia advertisements. ALBANY Ocinulgee & Fling River Railroad, any note. Western Bank of Georgia ■ Branch). any [Hite. AMI RICUS City Council of Amerces. my more_ Warchuuu Insurance & Deposn Co. any 11,11 e. A [HENS Bank 1,1 Athens. any note. Bank of the State of Georgia, (BRANCH), 550.00, S100.00. Georgia K. It. & Banking Co., any note ATLANTA Alabama Insurance Co 54, 254, 75d. SI .00, 52.00. 33.00. Atlanta Bank. any note. These are rare and I will pay high. Atlanta Insurance Co., any note. Atlanta & West Point ILR.. any note. Ga. R.R. Bank Agency, any note. Bank of Fulton, almost any note. especially 810.00, 520.00. 550.00 & S100.00. City of Atlanta, any note, except depression scrip of 1930's. Livery Stable, any note. Western & Atlantic R.R 544 10it: 25(i & SERIAL LETTER K. AUGUSTA Augusta Insurance & Banking Co., any note payable "AT THE AGENCY IN Augusta R.R. & Banking Co., any mite. Bank of Augusta. any note Pre 1824. Bank of Brunswick (BRANCH), any note. Bank of Darien (BRANCH), any note. Bank of the State of Ga, (BRANCH). 550.00. SI 00.00. Bank of the United States (BRANCH, RARE) pay high, any note. also CONTEMPORY COUNTERFEITS. Bridge Co. of Augusta, any fractional: 51 .00. S2.00, 53.00, 550.00. 5100.00. Change Co. of Ga., any The following is a partial wantlist of Georgia currency wanted for my collection. I will pay fair and competitive prices for any Georgia notes. If you have Georgia currency for sale, please write, or send for my offer. Any material sent for offer, held until my check is accepted or refused. claud murphy, Member of the ANA for 18 years, No. 31775.BOX 921 DECATUR, GEO. 30031 PHONE (4041876-7160 After 5:30 EST Page 178 Paper Money rffs, rg . W.L117•1:,, gib N• Whole No. 75 Page 1 79 EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS Dana Linett Post Office Box 2592 Boston, MA 02208 Specializing in Colonial Currency, Pre-1800 Fiscal Items, Specie, Documents, Encased Postage, Americana . . . is BUYING! WANTED: A.S.A.P. American and Foreign ENCASED POSTAGE STAMPS EARLY PLAYING CARDS Full or Partial Decks, any Hand Painted Types Page 180 Paper Money WANTED WANTED Punch cancelled specimen notes. Cartooned fractional notes or information regarding their original source. Please price and describe (photo copy). ANA 29672 ROCKY ROCKHOLT SPMC 1354 2600 GERSHWIN AVE. N. ST. PAUL, MINN. 55119 612-777-7248 (evenings) ARE YOU ON OUR MAILING LIST? COLONIAL PAPER MONEY & COINS WE OFFER: A BIMONTHLY MAIL BID SALE A FIXED PRICE LIST COMMISSION AGENT AT AUCTIONS WE SOLICIT YOUR WANTS, WE WILL BUY COLLECTIONS Address your inquiries to Ed. Leventhal C/o J. J. Teaparty MEMBER P.N.G. ANA SPMC 43 BROMFIELD ST BOSTON MA 02108 Whole No. 75 Page 181 MAIL BID SALE NO. 3 of OBSOLETE CURRENCY CLOSING DATE OF SALE - JUNE 30, 1978 Date Cond. F-VF VG XF F VF VF AU Unc Unc Unc Unc Unc Unc Unc AU Unc Unc Unc VG VF F VF VG XF VF XF XF No. Description DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1. $5. Columbia Bank, Washington, D.C., Cr-323, c/c 1852 2. $1. Mechanics Bank, Georgetown, D.C. Ink Holes 1852 3. $3. Merchants' Exchange Bank, Anacostia, Cr. M-248, 1854 4. $2. Metropolitan Bank, Washington, D.C. 1 Punch Cancel hole 1852 FLORIDA 5. 25e V. Sanchez. (signed) St. Augustine. Rarity 7 RRR 1852 6. 5oe-Uncut Sheet of 3 notes. State of Florida, Tallahassee, Cr-22, 1853 7. $5. State of Florida, Tallahassee, Cr-6, 1861 MARYLAND 8. $2. Allegany County Bank, Cumberland, Cr-A-634, 1861 9. 100 Egerton & Bro., Baltimore. Adv. Note for Lottery . - 10. $20. Treas. of State of Maryland. Pension Pay Note. with Stamp 1867 11. 61/4e Deer Creek Works, Harford Co., Cr. D-105, 1837 MASSACHUSETTS 12. $1. 1st Massachusetts Regiment, Cr. M-108, Sutler Note - 13. 5¢' Jameson & Richardson's Restaurant, Boston. Scarce - 14. 10e Chas. P. Poinier, Boston u/s 1862 15.3e W.P. Marshall. Boston. Prang Note - 16. 5e & 10e Youngs Hotel, Boston 2 pieces. (1 punch canc.), Y-505 & 506 1862 17. 50e Youngs Hotel, Boston, Y-509, (punch can.) 1862 18. 10e Parker House, Boston, Vignette of Ben Franklin 1862 19. 3e Mt. Wollaston Bank, Quincy u/s 1862 20. 5e, me, 50e David Conwell, Provincetown 3 pieces, 1 signed 1862 21. 25d Atkins & Putnam, Provincetown u/s 186- 22. lOd New England Glass Co. East Cambridge 1862 23. $5. Housatonic Bank, Stockbridge. Probably a counterfeit 1850 24. $5. Hingham Bank, Hingham Green Note 1860 25. $20. Bank of Brighton, Brighton, Cr-B740, 3 punch canc. 1852 MISSISSIPPI 26. $5. Hernando Railroad & Banking Co. Hernando, H-I26, Leggett R-7 RRR "River Currency" Partially Backed 1839 27. $5. State of Miss. Large Cancellation Hole, Cr-50, 1870 28. $20. Bank of Lexington, Lexington, L-270, u/s R-6 RR 18- 29. $20. State of Miss. Auditor's Office. Similar to, Cr-94, Large canc. hole 1896 30. $50. Mississippi & Alabama Real Estate Banking Co. Decatur RR R-6 1839 MISSOURI AU 31. $1. State of Missouri, Defense Bond u/s, Cr-18, 186- AU VG 32. $3. State of Missouri, Jefferson City, Cr-7, closely trimmed 1862 Unc VG 33. 50 North Missouri Railroad. Adv. Note. Vignettes of Train & Soldier AU 34. 50 North Missouri Railroad. Adv. Note. Vignettes of Train & Newsboy VF NEW HAMPSHIRE 35. 3d Columbian Hotel, Concord 1863 VG 36. lOd Phoenix Hotel, Concord u/s 1862 VF 37. $1. Wolfeboro Chamber of Commerce Scrip, Depression Scrip. Very Scarce 1933 Unc 38. $5. Wolfeboro Chamber of Commerce Scrip, Depression Scrip. Very Scarce 1933 Unc 39. 2d Page & Martin's Meat & Grocery Store, Manches- ter 1863 VG 40. $3. Coos Bank, Haverhill. Early Perkins Note. 1807 XF 41. $3. Sugar River Bank, Newport. "Counterfeit" Ink holes 1864 NEW JERSEY 42.25d Mechanics' Hall Assoc. of Newark. Wait 1467 R-3 Foxed 1837 43. 25d Ward & Trimble, Newark. Overprint on Mechanics Hall Assoc. Note RRRR Unlisted in Wait Book 1837 VG 44. $10. State Bank at New Brunswick, Wait 1708 R-2, Cr-S476 18- Unc 45. $20. State Bank at New Brunswick, Wait 1714 R-2, Cr-S481, 18- Unc 46. $8. Peoples' Bank of Paterson, Cr-P-158, Odd Denom. u/s 18- Unc 47. $9. Peoples' Bank of Paterson, Cr-P-159, Odd Denom. u/s 18- AU 48. 5d City Bank, Jersey City. Wait 873 R-5 1862 VF 49. 25d Bridgeton, N.J. u/s Wait #126 R-4, Cr-B725 1863 Unc VERMONT 50. $1. The Bank of Troy, Troy, N.Y. Payable at Bennington. Coulter R-5 u/s 1859 Unc 51. $3. Vermont State Bank, Burlington. Left Border frayed R-6. Early Note 1809 VF 52. $2. Bank of Burlington. Burlington. Stamped Counterfeit. R-5 1849 VF 53. $1. The Essex Bank, Guildhall. R-6 RR small stains 1839 WISCONSIN 54. lOd K.M. Hutchinson, Oshkosh. Scarce Scrip 1860 VF 55. $5. Bank of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Cr-W-455, u/s 18- Unc USUAL MAIL BID RULES APPLY - I want to buy Obsolete Notes, Scrip & Colonial Paper Xeroxes 50d each plus SASE. LEONARD H. FINN 40 Greaton Road West Roxbury, Mass. 02132 617-327-7053 (6:30-10:00 P.M.) NATIONAL CURRENCY Satisfaction guaranteed. Seven day return privilege. Bank cards welcome, please send information as it appears on your card 1882 B/B $20. #1863 Faribault, Minn Obv F-VF Rev VG (faded) $600.00 1882 B/B $20. #2886 Des Moines, Iowa G-VG 175.00 1882 B/B $20. #808 Lebanon, New Hampshire VG 300.00 1882 B/B $20. #1686 Faribault, Minn F-VF 300.00 1882 B/B $20. #5305 Crystal Lake, Iowa F-VF 1100.00 1902 $10. #9403 Salt Lake City, Utah Good 125.00 1902 $20. #4137 Marinette, WI VG-F 45.00 1902 $5. #474 Greenfield, Mass VG 35.00 1902 $10. #W3450 Trinidad, Colo. VF 250.00 1902 $20. #P3655 La Grande, Oregon VF 235.00 1902 $20. #1997 Wilmington, Ohio VF 85.00 1902 $10. #P11280 Seattle, Wash. VF 110.00 1902 $10. #13044 S.F. Calif. VF 45.00 1902 $10. 4668 Spokane, Wash. VF-XF 110.00 1902 $5. #5061 Summit, NJ VG 275.00 1929 $10. #4446 Port Huron, Mich F-VF 45.00 1929 $20. #3355 Yakima, Wash. Fine 47.50 1929 $20. #9207 Littlestown, PA XF-AU 57.50 1929 $20. #912 Manheim, PA VF-XF 57.50 1929 $10. #3001 Stevens Pt., WI F-VF 57.50 1929 $10. #3072 Clay Center Kansas VG 67.50 1929 $20. #3778 Chippewa Falls, WI VG 85.00 1929 $20. #3161 Darlington, WI VF-XF 110.00 1929 $20. #64 Milwaukee, WI VF 29.00 1929 $20. #6604 Oshkosh, WI Fine 75.00 1929 $20. #11280 Seattle, Wash. XF 29.50 1929 $20. #5199 Rockland, Mich. VF-XF 175.00 1929 $10. #7474 Bellingham, Wash. F-VF 45.00 1929 $10. #2865 Baker, Oregon (Ty-2) F-VF 175.00 1929 $20. #4287 Tucson, AZ (Ty-2) VF 135.00 1929 $20. #11280 Seattle, Wash. VF 25.00 1929 $5. #9804 Poland, NY F-VF 95.00 1929 $10. #9328 North Bend, Oregon VF 200.00 1929 $20. #6279 Preston, Minn. VG 145.00 1929 $20. #7024 Frazee, Minn. XF 210.00 1929 $5. #11125 Proctor, Minn. VF 135.00 1929 $10. #12507 Wadena, Minn. VF-XF 150.00 1929 $20. #12507 Wadena, Minn AU 165.00 1929 $10. #9489 Mott, ND Fine 135.00 1929 $10. #5886 Devils Lake, ND VG 100.00 1929 $10. #8421 Blue Ball, PA F-VF 300.00 1929 $10. #6698 Dodgeville, WI VG 65.00 1929 $20. #12507 Wadena, Minn. AU-Unc 190.00 1929 $20. #7024 Frazee, Minn. XF (cut close on bottom) . 120. Aurora Coin Shop Member ANA-SPMC 507 3rd AVE #5-PM SEATTLE, WASH. 98104 PHONE: 206-283-2626 U.S. LARGE SIZE CURRENCY F 63 $ 1 1880 Legal Note CU Choice $ 600 F242 2 1886 Silver Cert. CU Choice 550 F 67 5 1875 Legal Note CU Pinhole 500 F258 2 1899 Silver Cert. CU Choice 250 F 91 5 1907 Legal Note CU Gem 105 F267 5 1886 Silver Cert. CU Choice 1,475 F107 10 1880 Legal Note CU 450 F351 1 1891 Treasury Note CU Gem 315 F119 10 1901 Legal Note CU Gem 550 F357 2 1891 Treasury Note CU Choice 595 F140 20 1880 Legal Note CU Gem 600 F712 1 1918 Fed. Res. Bank CU Choice 72 F168 100 1869 Legal Note XF-AU (Very Rare) 11,000 F757 2 1918 Fed. Res. Bank CU Choice 270 F216 1 1886 Silver Cert. CU Choice 400 F794 5 1918 Fed. Res. Bank CU Choice 180 F232 1 1899 Silver Cert. CU Gem 80 F868 5 1914 Fed. Res. Note CU Gem 70 F237 1 1923 Silver Cert. CU Gem 45 F909 10 1914 Fed. Res. Note CU Gem 95 Ordering: Call Collect for orders of $100 or more. 7 day return privilege. Approvals to those with references. Send me your want list. ROBERT E. JONES 789 Sherman St. Rm 330 Denver, Co. 80203 Phone: 303-837-1185 Page 182 Paper Money Whole No. 75 Page 183 NATIONAL BANK DATA The most important investment the intelligent collector can make is in his library. This is especially true for the collector of national bank notes. I am offering the comprehensive statistical breakdowns for all the national banks. Organized by state, these sheets detail by charter period, type, denomination, and serial number the exact number of notes issued by each institution. Also listed are the latest available circulation figures for both large and small size notes outstanding on each bank. By offering this material at prices significantly lower than I've seen advertised from any other source I hope to encourage a wider distribution of this valuable data in the collector community. Alaska $3.00 Louisiana $12.00 Oklahoma $39.00 Alabama $15.00 Maine $15.00 Oregon $15.00 Arkansas $15.00 Maryland $17.50 Pennsylvania $49.00 Arizona $5.00 Massachusetts $32.50 Puerto Rico $5.00 California $17.50 Michigan $29.00 Rhode Island $12.50 Colorado $15.00 Minnesota $32.50 South Carolina $10.00 Connecticut $15.00 Mississippi $5.00 South Dakota $20.00 Delaware $3.00 Missouri $25.00 Tennessee $20.00 D.C. $5.00 Montana $15.00 Texas $40.00 Florida $15.00 Nebraska $29.00 Utah $7.00 Georgia $15.00 Nevada $5.00 Vermont $14.00 Hawaii $3.00 New Hampshire $10.00 Virginia $17.00 Idaho $15.00 New Jersey $30.00 Washington $16.00 Illinois $42.50 New Mexico $7.50 West Virginia $19.00 Indiana $25.00 New York $42.50 Wisconsin $19.00 Iowa $29.00 North Carolina $15.00 Wyoming $9.00 Kansas $29.00 North Dakota $19.00 Kentucky $19.00 Ohio $30.00 These breakdowns are an essential tool for the serious investor or dedicated collector. Even some relatively common banks have scarce issues within a particular type of note. Conversely, some banks with a low total out- standing figure may have notes which are suprisingly available if their issue was concentrated within a part- icular charter period or type. These data sheets will make it possible for you to recog- nize the true rarity of material you may wish to consider acquiring for your collection. By enabling you to avoid even a single overpriced note, or to obtain one unrecog- nized rarity, this is an investment which will pay for it- self. Your order for one or more states will receive my prompt attention. All prices include delivery. Kevin S. Foley Box 589 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 COLONIAL AND CONTINT AL CURRENCY FOR SALE BY TYPE F-VF EF-AU CU Continental 22 35 70 Connecticut 15 25 35 Delaware 22 35 65 Georgia 175 350 550 Maryland 22 35 75 Massachusetts 22 35 50 New Hampshire 95 150 195 New Jersey 22 35 50 New York 45 85 150 North Carolina 45 85 150 Pennsylvania 22 35 50 Rhode Island 20 30 45 South Carolina 75 150 200 Virginia 50 90 200 Want lists solicited. Price lists issued. Buying all pre 1790 paper money and fiscal items. Ten day return. N.Y.S. res. please add sales tax. All notes sent postpaid and insured. Phone (914) 623-8198 P. 0. Box 642 Bardonia, N. Y. 10954 Steven Dubinsky ANS.SPMC ANA. 86993 SMALL SIZE MINNESOTA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED CANBY, 1st Nat. B. #6366 COLD SPRINGS, 1st Nat. B. #8051 • COTTONWOOD, 1st Nat. B. #6584 GRAND MEADOW, 1st Nat. B. #6933 HENDRICKS, 1st Nat. B. #6468 KERKHOVEN, 1st Nat. B. #11365 • LANESBORO, 1st Nat. B. #10507 • MADISON, 1st Nat. B. #6795 • MANKATO, Nat. B. Commerce #6519 McINTOSH, 1st Nat. B. #6488 MINNESOTA LAKE, Farmers Nat. B. #6532 sOSAK IS, 1st Nat. B. #6837 • PIPESTONE, Pipestone Nat. B. #10936 • SAUK CENTER, 1st Nat. B. 3155 • WENDALL, 1st Nat. B. #10898 Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade. JOHN R. PALM 6389 ST. JOHN'S DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 55344 MOINES To REMEMBER ISSUE DATES AD DEADLINES MAILING DATE 75 - May/June April 1 Apr 22 76 - July/Aug June 1 June 22 77 Sept/Oct Aug 1 Aug 22 78 - Nov/Dec Oct 2 Oct 23 All advertising deadlines are absolute a must be adhered to, so please do not ask for an extension. Ads received after deadline — even one day — will be held for the following issue. Mail bid deadlines should be a minimum of six weeks following mailing date. BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 833 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM, CPMS Page 184 Paper Money Page 185 U.S. CURRENCY SALE LARGE SIZE NATIONAL CURRENCY DEN YEAR TYPE DESCRIPTION PRICE $10 1882 BB Wells Fargo Nevada Nat. Bank, San Fran. Cal., #5105, F $175.00 10 1902 PB Oakland, Cal., P-9502, F 95.00 10 1902 PB Gainesville, Ga., 7616, Sigs Faded F 325.00 10 1902 PB Honolulu, Terr. of Hawaii, P-5550, VF 450.00 20 1902 DB Wallace, Idaho, P-4773, F 350.00 10 1902 PB Caldwell, Idaho, P-8225, VF 225.00 50 1902 PB Polo, Illinois, 1806, F+ 275.00 20 1902 RS Collinsville, Illinois, M-6125, VG 250.00 20 1882 VB Mishawaka, Indiana, 5167, F 675.00 50 1882 BB New Orleans, La., 1778, F 675.00 10 1882 BB Great Barrington, Mass., N-1203, XF 300.00 5 1875 FC Lowell, Mass., 753, XF 750.00 20 1902 PB Skowhegan, Maine, N-239, F+ 195.00 5 1875 FC Cumberland, Maryland, 2416, VF 495.00 10 1882 BB Annapolis, Maryland, E-1244, UNC 3500.00 100 1902 PB Charlotte, Michigan, M-1758, F-VF 675.00 5 1902 PB Hanska, Minn., 11288, VG 275.00 20/10 1902 PB FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PARKERS PRAIRIE, MINN. #6661 DOUBLE DENOMINATION NOTE F-VF BROWN STAINS ON NOTE 5000. 5 1902 RS York, Nebraska, W-2683, VG-F 495.00 100 1902 DB Fairbury, Nebraska, W-2994, VF 350.00 10 1902 PB Woodbury, New Jersey, 3716, VF 225.00 5 1875 FC Rochester, New Hampshire, 2138, (Black Charter Number) VF 2500.00 10 1902 RS Concord, New Hampshire, N-318, VG 395.00 20 1902 RS Manchester, New Hampshire, N-1520, F . . . 950.00 2 1865 FC Waverly, New York, Org. 1192, G-VG 575.00 10 1882 BB Fort Plain, New York, 2860, F+ 375.00 10 1902 PB Niagara Falls, New York, 12284, VF 195.00 10 1902 PB Belfield, North Dakota, 9539, F 295.00 10 1902 RS Cincinnati, Ohio, M-93, UNC 475.00 5 1875 FC Wellington, Ohio, 464, F 425.00 20 1902 RS New Richmond, Ohio, M-1068, F+ 350.00 2 1865 FC Franklin, Ohio, #738, VG+ Taped Reverse . . . 750.00 20 1902 PB Third National Bank, Circleville, Ohio, #2817, AU+ 375.00 50 1902 PB Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, W-576, VF 325.00 50 1902 DB Portland, Oregon, P-10300, F+ 650.00 10 1902 RS Marion Center, Penn., E-7819, F+ 325.00 5 1902 PB New Cumberland, Penn., E-7349, CU 275.00 5 1875 FC Washington, Penn., 586, XF 450.00 10 1902 PB Elizabethville, Penn., 5563, VF 375.00 20 1902 PB Intercourse, Penn., 9216, F 795.00 10 1882 BB Pittsburgh, Penn., E-2236, CU 450.00 5 1902 RS Spring Grove, Penn., E-6536, F-VF 500.00 DEN YEAR TYPE DESCRIPTION PRICE 10 1902 PB Pierre, South Dakota, 2941, XF+ 395.00 20 1902 PB Coal Creek, Tenn., 10028, VG-F 775.00 10 1882 DB Rosebud, Texas, S-5513, VF+ 775.00 10 1882 VB Lufkin, Texas, S-5797, VF 475.00 50 1902 PB San Antonio, Texas, 5217, F-VF 250.00 20 1902 PB Poultney, Vermont, N-9824, VG+ 550.00 5 1902 PB Scottsville, Va., 5725, VG 350.00 10 1882 BB Alexandria, Va., S-1716, F-VF 575.00 5 1902 PB Altavista, Va., 9295, VG 285.00 10 1902 RS Menomonie, Wis., M-2851, VF 650.00 2 1875 FC La Crosse, Wis., 2344, UNC 1750.00 1929 SMALL SIZE NATIONALS DEN TYPE DESCRIPTION PRICE $10 Ty-I Santa Ana, California, #3520, VF-XF $95.00 ZO Ty-I Napa, California, 7176, CU 175.00 5 Ty-I Greely, Colorado, 4437, CU 95.00 20 Ty-I Washington, D.C., 5046, CU 75.00 100 Ty-I Honolulu, Hawaii, 5550, XF+ 350.00 20 Ty-II Hampton, Iowa, 13842, XF+ 75.00 20 Ty-I Clear Lake, Iowa, 7869, XF 95.00 10 Ty-I Roland, Iowa, 11249, AU 85.00 5 Ty-I I Easton, Maryland, 1434, F 75.00 10 Ty-I Cambridge, Maryland, 2498, VG-F 135.00 5 Ty-I Cassoplis, Michigan, 1812, CU 95.00 20 Ty-I Kalamazoo, Michigan, 191, CU 95.00 20 Ty-I Billings, Montana, 12407, F 150.00 10 Ty-I Oakdale, Nebraska, 13339, VG-F 150.00 100 Ty-I Reno, Nevada, 8424, F 495.00 10 Ty-II Red Bank, New Jersey, 2257, XF+ 150.00 50 Ty-I McDonald, Penn., 4752, VF 325.00 10 Ty-II Intercourse, Penn., 9216, CU 975.00 5 Ty-I Charleroi, Penn., #13585, No. I Note CU 275.00 20 Ty-II Fayetteville, Tenn., 10198, CU 300.00 10 Ty-I Price, Utah, 6012, F 250.00 20 Ty-I Fairfax, Va., 6389, UNC 250.00 10 Ty-I Manasses, Va., 6747, XF+ 250.00 5 Ty-I Fredericksburg, Va., 13603, XF 195.00 10 Ty-I Sistersville, W. Va., 5028, F-VF 110.00 10 Ty-I Greybull, Wyoming, 10810, VF 475.00 10 Ty-I Cody, Wyoming, 8020, VG-F 350.00 20 Ty-I Casper, Wyoming, 6850, F 175.00 10 Days return privilege on all items undamaged. Penn. residents add 6% for state sales tax. Please add $2.00 on all orders for postage and insurance. We have many other notes in stock, large size type notes, small size type notes fractional, colonial, broken bank notes, proofs, etc. If you want to receive our fixed price list of notes, please send us your name and address and 50g in stamps to cover mailing cost. COMMERCIAL COIN COMPANY Art Leister Member A.N.A. Life-639 P.N.G. 213 M.A.N.A. D.N.A. G.E.N.A C.S.N.A. S.P.M.C. P.O. Box 607 PHONE ART LEISTER 717-737-8981 Camp Hill, PA 17011 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals ... Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 42043 Cleveland, Ohio 44142 216-884-0701 SMALL-SIZE MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED #1386 Abington #268 Merrimac #462 Adams #13855 Millbury #4562 Adams #383 Northampton #1049 Amesbury #1260 ',Pittsfield #2172 Athol #779 Plymouth #3073 Ayer #4488 Reading #684 Milton-Boston #2288 Spencer #11347 Braintree #2435 • Springfield #11270 Chelsea #1170 • Stockbridge #14087 Chelsea #688 Waltham #7452 Danvers #2312 Webster #7957 Edgarton #13780 Webster #9426 Foxboro #769 • Whitinsville #14266 Haverhill #4660 Whitman #13395 Hyannis #11067 •Woburn #697 Lynn #14033 Woburn #4580 Lynn #516 Yarmouth Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade JOHN R. PALM 6389 ST. JOHN'S DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 53344 FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available P. O. BOX 1358. WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 1010141kt N IRREN t .419 —Ca al...41f MATE i I .'s° V 7 WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denorninationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 11571 Page 186 Paper Money Whole No. 75 Page 187 WANTED MINNESOTA NATIONAL BANKNOTES BOTH LARGE AND SMALL SIZES DUPLICATES ACCEPTABLE 550 Winona 3562 Mankato 6431 Albert Lea 631 New Ulm 3659 Red Lake Falls 6448 Clark Field 719 Minneapolis 3689 St. Paul 6571 Boyd 1258 St. Paul 3784 Minneapolis 6693 Fertile 1538 Hastings 3924 Tower 6840 Balaton 1597 Shakopee 4001 Duluth 6862 Rushmore 1643 Winona 4302 New Brighton 6934 Hallock 1740 Lake City 4702 Albert Lea 7128 lona 1782 Winona 4739 Columbia 7161 Clinton 1794 St. Peter 4750 New Duluth 7184 Eloin 1954 Duluth 4807 Princeton 7199 Lesueur 2005 Mankato 4831 Appleton 7292 Mora 1830 Minneapolis 4847 Austin 7566 Melrose 2159 Kasson 4859 St. James 7770 LuVerne 2316 Rochester 4969 Kasson 7960 Adrian 2318 New Ulm 4992 Tracy 8269 Springfield 2387 Cannon Falls 5330 Stewartville 8726 Mahnomen 2768 Duluth 5374 Eyota 9059 Preston 2795 Minneapolis 5406 Winnebago 10261 Minneapolis 2800 Anoka 5892 Ruthton 10570 Atwater 2533 Morris 5969 Chokio 10862 Brandon 2934 Fergus Falls 5988 Fertile 11267 Pequot 3009 St. Cloud 6054 Fulda 11356 Lancaster 3098 Minneapolis 6098 Barnesville 11392 Clearbrook 3127 Shakeopee 6199 Hills 11611 Big Lake 3145 Nicollet 6208 Long Prairie 11848 Roseau 3155 Sauk Centre 6237 St. Charles 11862 Little Fork 3233 St. Paul 6259 Campbell 13692 Park Rapids 3453 Duluth 6285 Harley Falls 14220 Mankato 3550 Worthington 6304 Two Harbors MAURICE M. MELAMED LIBERTY BANK BLDG — SUITE 108 ST. PAUL, MN 55104 PHONE: AC 612-645-5061 U.S. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY F.1226 - 32 Unc $25.00 F.1255 - 102 Unc 27.00 F.1258 - 102 Unc 30.00 F.1258- 102 AU Plain paper 18.00 F.1259 - 102 Unc 30.00 F.1266 - 102 Unc 20.00 F.1268 - 152 Unc 54.00 F.1283 - 252 AU 28.00 F.1302 - 252 Unc 27.00 F.1308 - 252 Unc 18.00 F.1309 - 254 Unc 18.00 F.1312 - 502 AU 40.00 F.1331- 502 AU 24.00 F.1376 - 502 Unc 50.00 F.1379 - 502 Unc 50.00 F.1381- 502 Unc 37.00 F.1381- 502 AU 25.00 Many other U.S., obsolete, colonial and foreign notes in stock. Want lists are welcome. Richard T. Hoober ANA 9302 P.O. BOX 196 NEWFOUNDLAND, PA 18445 (77) Page 188 Paper Money We Have Moved!! Yes, we have moved to S.C., BUT we are still Buying & Selling Confederate notes & bonds, Obsolete and Broken Banknotes. If you have one item or a collection to sell please contact us as we are very serious buyers. Our latest 14 page list of notes is available for $1.00 refundable with first order. Ann & Hugh Shull P.O. Box 712 Leesville, S.C. 29070 (803)-532-6747 ANA SPMC W I NI A complete set of RAG PICKERS The Paper Money Collectors of Michigan (PMCM) will award a complete set of its bi-monthly publication "The Rag Picker" to the 2,000th member to join. The complete set spans 12 years and 60 issues. This is open to all new members and former members that dropped out prior to 1977. Membership in the PMCM includes a one year subscription (6 issues) of "The Rag Picker." "The Rag Picker" contains not only timely articles on various syngraphic topics, but also gives members the opportunity to participate, free of charge, in several different areas of specialization. There is a national currency department in which any member can place a free sly line ad to buy sell, or trade national bank notes. There is also a federal reserve note exchange in which a member can exchange FRN from his own district with collectors from other districts. Also, there is a special numbers department in which any member can advertise free to buy, sell, or trade any special serial number. Membership is $6. per year. Write: PMCM YVONNE RYDER SEC-TREAS. P.O. BOX 6441 GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49506 FREE PRICE LIST Unlike many listings, my obsolete currency list comes out on a regular bi-monthly basis and is sent free of any charge on a trial basis upon request. Four free issues will be sent to you absolutely free. If you haven't ordered after the third catalog, a notice will be sent with the fourth requesting one dollar to receive another four issues. Any order will put you on my permanent mailing list. When you order from me, I put your order through promptly and do not send out substitutes unless specifically asked to. You will be pleased to find my material reasonably priced and fairly graded. If you are not absolutely satisfied with your order, just send it back for a prompt refund. The catalog will include banknotes, scrip, and state issued currency from most states, and may be beneficial to the beginner or the advanced collector. Write today. Charles E. Straub P.O. Box 200, Columbia, CT 06237 Whole No. 75 Page 189 Leon Thornton Box N Eminence, MO 65466 PH: 314-226-5536 after 7 p.m. Dear Collector: I will have a table at the SPMC at Memphis, Tennessee on June 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Please stop by my table. If you have any notes to sell, please send for my top offer. If you like, I will take notes on consignment to the show. Thank You, P.S. Please send Want List. FRACTIONAL CURRENCY LARGE SIZE NOTES selling: High quality and/or scarce notes, fully described and attributed. Latest lists available on request, or send your want list. Please specify which list is desired. (Postpaid) buying: Nice condition or rare fractional, experimentals, proofs, specimens, shields, essays, and large size notes, to the extent of my inventory requirements. Write first, s'ith description. ANA, SPMC, PMCM, NASC, CSNA TOM KNEBL Box 5043 Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 (714) 751-6608 WANTED 1. D. C. Obsolete Currency 2. Small Size Currency with Serial numbers 00000081, 00000082, 00000084 3. Also wanted D. C. Nationals 4. Buying Maryland Colonial Notes Julian Leidman 8439 Georgia Avenue, Silver Springs, Md. 20910 (301) 585-8467 Pell) jer5ep National Bank Currency 0.112PIECri We are interested in small and large nationals of these towns in Bergen county: Allendale Bergenfield Bogota Carlstadt Cliffside Park Closter Dumont Engelwood Edgewater Fairview Fort Lee Garfield Glen Rock Hackensack Hillsdale Leonia Little Ferry Lodi Lyndhurst North Arlington Palisades Park Park Ridge Ridgefield Ridgefield Park R idgewood Rutherford Ramsey Teaneck Tenafly Westwood Wyckoff West Englewood eat4ern coat excbange Xnr. ANA LM 709 PH. 201-342-8170 74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07601 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES is OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 305 — DRAYTON PLAINS, MI 48020 Page 190 Paper Money uti „C,A paiNde 13224 kitiv rr Wall -43 NATIONAL "SANK 44.11a.tbagt.W.VILIXA I IA 4,M1,14A1,11.10 ;114.4,41 dutamaa" //9. = Whole No. 75 Page 191 CALIFORNIA STATE CURRENCY WANTED NATIONALS ALL SIZES AND TYPES AUBURN 9227 CALISTOGA 7388 CALISTOGA 9551 CHICO 8798 CHICO 9294 CHICO 13711 COLUSA 10072 DIXON 10120 EUREKA 5986 EUREKA 10528 FORT BRAGG 9626 FORT BRAGG 13787 GEYSERVILLE 11678 GRASS VALLEY 3648 GRASS VALLEY 12433 GRIDLEY 11164 HEALDSBURG 10184 HEALDSBURG 10204 JAMESTOWN 10284 JAMESTOWN 10362 MARYSVILLE 11123 McCLOUD 9479 NAPA 7176 OROVILLE 6919 OROVILLE 10282 PETALUMA 2193 PETALUMA 6904 PETALUMA 9918 PLACERVILLE 12056 RED BLUFF 10114 REDDING 10070 REDDING 10100 ROSEVILLE 11961 ROSEVILLE 11992 SACRAMENTO 2014 SACRAMENTO 7776 SACRAMENTO 8504 SACRAMENTO 10107 SACRAMENTO 11875 SAINT HELENA 3757 SANTA ROSA 3558 SEBASTOPOL 9648 SEBASTOPOL 11161 SONOMA 10259 SONOMA 12360 SONORA 7202 UKIAH 10977 WEED 9873 WILLOWS 9713 WINTERS 10133 WINTERS 13312 WOODLAND 9493 WOODLAND 10878 YREKA 10781 YREKA 13340 YUBA CITY 10299 I am also interested in purchasing other California Nationals that are not listed above. I also need Obsolete Currency and Scrip from California. CALL OR WRITE JOHN HELEVA P.O. BOX 375, FAIR OAKS, CALIFORNIA 95628 (916) 967-3774 NATIONALS 1929-2 $10 Napa, Cal. #7176 F, hole at left $79.50 1929 $10 Cedar Rapids, la. #3643 VG 35.00 1929 $20 Cedar Rapids, la. #3643 VG+ 45.00 1929 $5 Des Moines, la. #2886 F 35.00 1929 $20 Dubuque, la. #317 F-VF 60.00 1882-1908 $10 Lenox, la. #M5517 Abt. F 225.00 1902 $10 Rock Rapids, la. #M7089 VG-F 115.00 1929 $20 Hutchinson, Kans. #10765 F 65.00 1902 $20 King City, Mo. #M4373 CU 295.00 1929 $20 King City, Mo. #6383 (Ser. #810A) VG+ 85.00 1902 $20 Rutherford, N.J. #E5005 XF+ 475.00 I also want to buy Calif., Dakotas, Idaho, Iowa, Nevada, Utah and Wisconsin Nationals. FRED L. BUZA P.O. Box 574 Wausau, Wis. 54401 FREE Quarterly price listing. Let us send you our list of U.S. Paper Currency. Obsoletes, Nationals, Confederates and other paper Americana. CLARK POPPELL STAMPS & CURRENCY P.O. Box 3329 Vallejo, Calif. 94590 Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC #38 WANTED Large-Size Wisconsin National Bank Notes Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD 0 JANNEY LM No 415 P.O. BOX 443 RICHLAND CENTER, WI 53581 Society Certified Professional Numismatists OBSOLETE CURRENCY Several thousand notes available. Send your 13tS.A.S.E. and indicate areas of interest. Lists: Broken Bank Notes, Confederate, U.S. Fractional, Assorted Documents. Please specify states, and conditions desired. DONALD E. EMBURY P.O. BOX 61 WILMINGTON, CA 90744 (80) Page 192 Paper Money WANTED TENNESSEE NATIONAL CURRENCY Top Prices Paid Jasper D. Payne 304 A STREET LENOIR CITY, TENNESSEE 37771 Good inventory of Nationals for trade WANTED FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION * LARGE SIZE NATIONALS ON: Cedar Rapids, Iowa Panama City, Florida Hatfield, Penn. Brooklyn, NY * MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES * U.S. ERROR NOTES GARY E. LEWIS P.O. BOX 3412 PANAMA CITY, FL 32401 CWNA-LM ANA-LM FUN-LM SPMC OIN Whole No. 75 Page 193 Don+ miss us at Memphis... INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY SNOW, JUNE 4 -3-4 Ai • ,{AtetZL 4-rzrp /6-640-6 ,efAA-A_ lott '66 *414:4141 11gred STEVE MIcHAELS, PO. BOX 27, MAPLE GLEN, PA. 19002 (215)628-2925 A.D1444 s022 F,th-ot Woldaezt., VF-t • /etawo' ///faAve • .m244, NaziAz , SEEING. RED SEAL It)aitli4tia„ • 4u-tto, . 4/4-abiO, Page 194 Paper Money WANTED First, Second and Third Charter notes from the following Ohio locations . . . Cincinnati Madisonville Loveland Mount Washington Lockland Eaton Hillsborough New Richmond Miamisburg Elmwood Place Norwood Cleves Cheviot Carthage Blanchester Williamsburg Middletown If you have something to sell or trade, see me at the paper money show in Memphis June 2-4. Notes available for trade. I will purchase whole collections to get notes that I need. SPMC # 3240 WILLIAM P. KOSTER ANA #70083 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45243 Home: 513/561-5866 Office: 513/271-5100 ecIPct's RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN BOOKS THE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER OF GENUINE BANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862. 168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and territories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $60.00 each. HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE -GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid "Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate States. As a result the listing for six Southern states were not included because they were not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from Virginia and joined the Union in 1963. We have added a section from the 1863 edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows of ten notes listed in rectangules on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable". Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $75.00 each. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221 pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's a ,_:count of this bank is interesting reading to both collectors of paper money and historical students. Few banks have such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an excellent story of a very important bank. BANK NOTES by Gunnar Anderson 1975. 70 pp Danmarks Nationalbank. Reprinted 1978 by Pennell Publishing Company. Soft covers $7.50 Cloth $9.95 postpaid. Available February 1978 This is the English version of a publication by the Danmarks Nationalbank. The original was printed in 1972 in conjunction with release of a new 1972 series of banknotes. It is a modern book on how paper money is printed and how to detect counterfeit notes. The book is well written and contains numerous illustrations of banknote engraving. The glossary alone is worth the price of the book. The bibliography lists many books that are available today and of much interest to paper money collectors. If you are going to collect paper money you need this book in your library. PENNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 *S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.