
Paper Money - Vol. XVII, No. 4 - Whole No. 76 - July - August 1978

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July • August Volume XVII No. 4 Whole No. 76 M. Owen Warns writes about the No:1 .Wyoming Territorial A counterfeit 50-cent fractional? Read What Terry Vavra has to say Visit an Historic New England" Vignette with John Ferreri I BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY CTORS Ij edates RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., Harold Hauser, P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Second class postage paid at Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 and at additional entry office, Federalsburg, MD 21632. ©Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 1978. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $10. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. ADVERTISING RATES Contract Rates SPACE 1 TIME 3 TIMES 6 TIMES Outside Back Cover $48.00 $130.00 $245.00 Quarter-page 15.00 40.00 77.00 Eighth-page 10.00 26.00 49.00 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; engravings & artwork at cost + 5%; copy should be typed; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines: The first of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 1 for March issue). Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY doe's not guarantee advertisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic material and publications and accessories related hereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. VOL. XVII -- No. 4 Whole No. 76 July/Aug 1978 BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) SOCIETY BUSINESS & MAGAZINE CIRCULATION Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership, changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111. IN THIS ISSUE TRIAL LISTING OF MISSOURI OBSOLETE NOTES AND SCRIPT Bruce W. Smith 201 NO. 1 WYOMING TERRITORIAL M. Owen Warns 204 RUSSIA'S PAPER MONEY 207 SPMC LIBRARY CATALOG 210 FIFTY-CENT COUNTERFEIT NOTE Terry Vavra 214 COLLECTING FOREIGN BANKNOTES AS A SIDE HOBBY Jerry Remick 216 NEW ENGLAND SCENE REVISITED C. John Ferreri 224 REGULAR FEATURES SECRETARY'S REPORT 206 COPE PRODUCTION 208 THE BUCK STOPS HERE 219 WORLD SCENE 222 MONEY MART 226 LIBRARY NOTES 228 Inside Front & Back Cover 45.00 Full page 39.00 Half-page 24.00 121.00 105.00 65.00 230.00 199.00 123.00 Whole No. 76 Page 199 Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Robert E. Medlar, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205 VICE PRESIDENT Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105 SECRETARY Harry Wigington, P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111 TREASURER C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268 APPOINTEES EDITOR Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549. LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, 7425 South Woodward Ave., Apt. 214, Woodridge, IL 60515 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, Jr., Roy Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J. Thomas Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non- profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES -The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Dues for the first year are $10. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for sale for 81.50 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at one time, please include 80.25 per issue for postage. We have only the issues listed for sale. Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) 1 ,461. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37) Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) Vol. 10. 1971, No. 2 (No. 38) Vol. 10, 1971, No 3 (No. 39) Vol. 5, 1966, No. I (No. 17) Vol. 5. 1966. No. 2 (No. 18) Vol. 5, 1966, No. 3 (No. 19) Vol.11, 1972, No. I (No. 41) Vol. 5, 1966, No. 4 (No. 20) Vul. 11. 1972, No. 2 (No. 42) Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 43) Vol. 1 1972, No. 4 (No. 44) Vol. 6, 1967. No. 1 (No. 21) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 2 (No. 22) Vol. 12, 1973, No. I (No. 45) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) Vol. 12. 1973, No 2 (No 46) Vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24) Vol. 12. 1973. No. 3 (No. 47) Vol. 12. 1973, No.4 (Nu. 48) Vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) Vol. 13, 1974. No. 1 (No. 49) Vol. 7, 1968. No. 2 (No. 26) Vol. 13, 1974. No (No. 50) Vol. 7. 1968. No. 3 (No. 27) Vol. 13, 1974. No. 3 (No. 51) Vol. 7. 1968. No. 4 (No. 28) Vol. 13. 1974 No.4 (No. 52) Vol. 13, 1974. No. 5 (No. 53) Vol. 8. 1969. No. 1 (No, 29) Vol. 13, 1974. No. 5 (No. 54) Vol. 8, 1969. No. 2 (No. 30) Vol 8. 1969. No. 3 (No. 31) Vol, 14. 1975. No. 1 (No. 55) Vol. 8. 1969. No 4 (No. 32) Vol. 14. 1975. No. 2 (No. 56) Vol. 14, 1975. No. 3 (No. 57) Vul. 14, 1975. No. 4 (No. 58) Vol, 9, 1970, No. 1 (Nu. 33) Vol. 14, 1975. No. 5 (No. 59) Vol. 9. 1970. No. 2 (No. 34) Vul. 14, 1975. No. 5 (No. 60) Vol. 9, 1970, N..3 (No. 35) Vol. 9. 1970. No. 4 (No. 36) Index Vol. 1-10 $1.00 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, N.J. 07028 Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of the members only. For further information, write the Librarian - Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. 60521. BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8Y2 x 11" FLORIDA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Freeman . . . 86.00 Non-Member. . 810.00 MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Rockholt 86.00 Non-Member. . 810.00 TEXAS OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Medlar 87.50 Non-Member. . $12.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Wait 810.00 Non-Member 814.50 NATIONAL BANK NOTE ISSUES OF 1929-1935. Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum 89.75 Non-Member.. 812.50 MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY & SCRIP, Leggett 86.00 Non-Member. . 810.00 Write for Quantity Prices on the above books ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Page 200 Paper Money r TRI • L LISTI MISSOURI OBSOLE ND SCRIP G OF E NOTES PART THREE by Bruce W. Smith Whole No. 76 Page 201 This listing is by no means a definitive catalog of Mis- souri's paper currency but rather a first attempt at cataloging these elusive and often obscure notes. It is sincerely hoped that anyone having any of these notes (or any not listed here) or having further information, will contact the author at Box 34, Stevens Point, WI 54481. IRON MOUNTAIN American Iron Mountain Co. 5c, $1 and $5 also known. No descriptions. KANSAS CITY City of Kansas Scrip. Under an ordinance passed 12 March 1858, the city was authorized to issue notes in denominations from $1 through $10 to be used mainly for construction and repair of city streets. These notes were to be in the form of warrants bearing 10% interest and backed by a pledge of city revenues. According to one source, these notes were issued from 1858 through 1861, but another source says none were issued until 1861. None of these notes are known to exist today, though some may eventually turn up. The authority to issue these notes remained in effect until it was specificly prohibited in the city's 1875 constitution. There were at least one and possibly two later issues of scrip under this ordinance. City of Kansas Scrip (second issue). $1 Dated 1870. Green and black. American Bank- note Company. Steamboat and river scene in cen- ter; portrait of Franklin to left; girl and dog to right. $1 Dated 1 May 1874. Same design. (Other dates may exist.) $2 No description available. The second issue of Kansas City scrip was begun during the administrations of Mayors E.M. McGee and William Warner 1870-1871 (whose signatures should appear on the notes). According to one source, the banks in Kansas City accepted this currency on deposit and as a result, the U.S. revenue officers assessed the banks heavily. The banks countered by sending H.M. Holden to Washington to explain the situation to the Treasury Department. Holden successfully showed that the currency supply in Kansas City was inadequate and obtained an abatement from the Treasury Department. According to one source, $200,000 of this scrip was issued. This scrip was locally known as "Kansas City Green Back Scrip." First National Bank of Spalding's Commercial College. A $50 training note from this college is known, with printed date changed from 186- to 1872. The note is signed by "D.L. Shouse supert. Banking Dept." and J. Spalding president. Imprint: Gast Moeller & Co. Lith. NE Cor. 3rd & Olive Sts. St. Louis. Other denominations probably exist. Kansas City Clearing House Scrip (1907 issue). $1 Dated 12 November 1907. Union Bank Note Company, Kansas City. No vignette. "Kansas City Clearing House Association" across the top, denomination to left, signature of James Radcliff, manager in lower right corner. $2 Dated 12 November 1907. Same as above. $5 Not certain it exists. $10 Dated 12 November 1907. Same as $1 above. The total amount issued was $745,000. In addition to these low denomination notes, the Clearing House also issued $7,256,600 in high denomination notes for use be- Page 202 tween banks. The first were issued on 30 October 1907 and the last was retired 10 January 1908. It is not known what denominations were issued in this series nor what they looked like. Kansas City Clearing House Scrip (1933 issue). $1 Dated 1933. No vignette. "Kansas City Missouri Clearing House Association" across the top. Denomination to left. Signature of A.G. Bigger- staff, manager, in lower right corner. No imprint. $5 Dated 1933. Same. $10 Dated 1933. Same. These notes look much like the 1907 issue. Goodwill Barter and Exchange Center Scrip. 10i Undated (1933). Black print on blue paper. 254i Same as above. 50i Same as above. $1 Same as above. The above notes represent one issue of depression scrip from Kansas City. The notes are crudely lithographed and give two addresses for the Center: 501 Delaware, Kansas City, Mo. and 733 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The facsimile signature of H.W. Lewis supt. ap- pears in the lower right corner. Mechanics Bank of St. Louis (branch). Organized May 1859, opened June 1859. Closed 1871 (or 1875). $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $76,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $108,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $36,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $50 Same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of this denomination issued between August 1860 and February 1861. $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861. An 1861 $2 note from this bank with Kansas City as the place of redemption is known, but the signatures are those of the St. Louis officers. Union Bank of Missouri (branch). Authorized March 1859, opened August 1859. Closed 1866. According to one source, President Thomas Johnson took this bank's specie to Leavenworth, Kansas for safekeeping during the Civil War. Another source, however, says this bank's funds were moved to St. Louis in 1861, and the Kansas City branch was then closed. Perhaps it was later re- opened. $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $120,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. KIRKSVILLE Bank of St. Louis (branch). Authorized 1857, opened November 1859. Closed 1864 (or 1867). Nearly all the notes of the Bank of St. Louis in existence today are pay- Paper Money able in Kirksville, yet bear the signature of the St. Louis officers. $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $26,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861. LAGRANGE Union Bank of Missouri (branch). Authorized March 1859, opened December 1859. Closed 1866. $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $60,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861. LEXINGTON Bank of the State of Missouri (branch). Opened 1845, closed 1857. Among the expenses reported by this bank in the 1840's and 1850's are the following: 25 cents for a counterfeit detector, 25 cents for hauling iron safe from the river, $8.25 for a ream of blank notes (bank notes), and 30 cents for a mousetrap. First Series $10 Design as parent branch issues (?). $94,490 of this denomination was in circulation in October 1852. In November 1854, only $71,380 was in cir- culation. $20 Design same as parent branch issues. $143,560 of this denomination was in circulation in Octo- ber 1852. In November 1854, the amount had in- creased to $145,020. $50 Design same as parent branch issues (?). $21,100 of this denomination was in circulation in Nov- ember 1854. No notes of this denomination are listed in 1852. This bank does not appear to have issued notes of the 1857 series. Farmers Bank of Missouri (parent branch). Organized 1857, closed 1867 or earlier. This bank opened branches at Liberty (1858), Paris (1858), and Neosho (1861). A branch is also reported at St. Louis, but if it existed, it must have been only a redemption office. During 1861, Union forces acting on General Fremont's orders took over $900,000 (probably specie) from this bank. In Sep- tember 1861, following their victory in the Battle of Lex- ington, Confederate forces captured this money and re- turned it of the bank Also during 1861, the bank burned some $912,680 of its notes to restore public confidence. $1 Negroes gathering corn in center. Spread eagle on rock and female profile to right. Numeral 1 in color to left. American Bank Note Co. $2 Two cattle, one laying down in center, mill in background. Dog guarding safe and female por- trait to right. Numeral 2 in color to left. :11""i7"A& ONE noiLtit i2zvithfr-ic Whole No. 76 Page 203 $5 Two women seated with wheel, sickle, cattle and building in center. Portrait of Washington right. Boy's portrait and dog sleeping left. $320,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. Bald, Cousland & Co. printers. $10 Negro driving six mules and a wagon loaded with bales. Indian seated on rocks right. Male portrait and ducks left. $280,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 In center, oval portrait of Washington with farmer seated right and female holding rake seat- ed left (steamboat in background). Female por- trait right; male portrait left. $320,000 of this de- nomination issued through February 1861. $50 In the center, two men and a child standing around and anvil and wheel. Numeral 50 above a girl with a dove to right. Seated woman holding a sickle, oval portrait of a girl, and FIFTY below to left, $100,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $100 Three men in a small boat and a steamboat in center with bluffs and town in background. Seat- ed woman with sword and scales right. Oval male portrait left. The $1 and $2 notes were not issued until 1861. The $2 was probably printed by ABNC also. The other denomi- nations, all issued in 1857 or 1858 (and later), were prob- ably all printed by Bald, Cousland & Co. LIBERTY Farmers Bank of Missouri (branch). Authorized 1857, opened 1858. Succeeded by Commercial Savings Bank in 1867. In the summer of 1861, this branch suspended specie payments and in the fall sent it specie to St. Louis for safekeeping. $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $100,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $150,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $240,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861. LOUISIANA Bank of the State of Missouri (branch). Opened 1857. Closed 1867 (or earlier). $5 Same design as parent branch issues. $36,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $10 Same design as parent branch issues. $248,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $20 Same design as parent branch issues. $56,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $50 Same design as parent branch issues. $50,000 of this denomination issued through February 1861. $1, $2 and $3 notes may have been issued after 1861. City of Louisiana. 5c. Dec. 15, 1862. No description. MARSHALL Labor Exchange Branch #183. 1 Unit. 1897. Globe in center, standing Justice left. Train and archway on reverse. Other denominations probably exist. See Independence for explanation of the Labor Exchange system. This is the only Missouri branch known to have issued scrip. Chamber of Commerce Scrip. According to one source, the chamber of commerce of Marshall, Mo. issued scrip during the 1930's. No other information available. MEXICO City of Mexico Warrants. $1 26 December 1873. Green and black. Train in center. Man carrying wheat right. Woman and child left. No imprint. Signed by L.C. Swerer auditor and G.D. Ferris mayor. This note was "good for all debts due that city." The printed date appears to be 1871 but changed by hand to 1873. MIDCO Midco Mercantile Company Scrip. In the 1920's this com- pany (the Mid Continent Iron Company) issued coupon books in fixed amounts ($5 and $10 books known), each containing that amount in small coupons in denomina- tions of 1 cent, 5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents and 50 cents. The $5 book does not contain any 50 cent coupons while the $10 book does. The coupons are crudely printed on one side. MOBERLY City of Moberly. $1. Dec. 1, 1873. Cow's head right, with "1" on a die above. Imprint: St. Louis Democrat Litho. & Printing Co. Moberly Gas Light & Coke Co. $1. June, 1875. Green and black. C. Person milking a cow. R. An eagle; "1" on die above. L. Liberty seated. (To be continued) BUNDESDRUCKEREI, BERLIN According to an article by W. Bruce-Bowling in the British publication Philatelic Magazine, the Bundesdruckerei, Berlin (German Federal Printing Office) emerged from the Reichsdruckerei (Printing Office of the Reich) which was founded in 1879. This security printing organization, which produces postage and revenue stamps, official forms, passports, etc. in addition to paper money, employs 3,400 people in its Berlin office. Page 204 -A' Paper Money 41i. lir-- by M. Owen Warns Sotei.e.. OT}. ttErE ;AA MIL: SI:e.SAt VAAriA. 41rArn ifs 021C An.:111".NIX,R4ftrAgooilrAl,t41.01:filVAtral.$4,211 ER4193:411trrairkAlrs*..-10%... AiriAlter.A1.1114 ,40'reSomi ,S..s.. i it 11 Cur* 451A1.0,111.11•461I5 l'Iltf.,VNI.71.1,3'VETY,1411'11,101(ttliki.VC4,41;014t4.1144114.,”.`,4,,,A, tvtlfINA: ;A•A NI. , 111V1, 'AI CO, rt'll A . 1," PA 7,17 ii Y01. 4111 ,11( Alt UV; Vrt.swAT/ 74,41075i45lt srvrtror. 1,P,•5• A.* AI ■ T nvav:z1,.;g;:gonv;v.7:x.,7.:% .,,,,,,,....61"161;1101)1310,Alf1‘40414A.N.ImP4i PAONWAh.r.1" 4. !""'"'"'"'”,(91.A' Whole No. 76 We are indebted to SPMC member Dewitt Prather, specialist in National Bank Note face bank title formats and back seals on First and Second Charter notes, for furnishing the No. 1 Territorial National Bank Note of The First National Bank of Rawlins, Wyoming. Settlement of Wyoming began in the early 1830s, although French explorers had first visited the area nearly a century earlier. Wyoming was granted Territorial status on July 25, 1868, under President Andrew Johnson and Statehood was attained 22 years later, under President Benjamin Harrison. This No. 1 Territorial note was from position "C" on the first sheet of the $18,750 shipment of notes delivered to the bank by the U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. After their arrival, the notes were signed by the bank's Vice President, I.C. Miller and Cashier, John C. Davis. They were then separated from the sheet and placed into circulation. Each such sheet consisted of a trio of $10 notes and a single $20. The $10s carry position letters A-B-C, while the $20 note is from position A. The sheets were from a 10-10-10-20 plate layout. It was customary for the No. 1 notes from a National Bank's first issue to be distributed among its officers. More than likely, such a procedure was followed with the Rawlins notes, and it is believed that the position "C" $10 note was given to Amos Hooker, a director and co-founder of the bank. Why these notes were signed by Vice President Miller instead of bank President J.W. Hugus is today unknown. The First National Bank of Rawlins was chartered in 1890 with a capital of $75,000, receiving charter number 4320. As mentioned, $18,750 worth of Series 1882 Brown Back Territorials was issued, with serial numbers from 1 to 375. All notes were dated May 26, 1890, just 45 days before Wyoming became a state. The sole surviving Wyoming Territorial Brown Back is unusual in its back design in that twin Bureau of Engraving and Printing eagles adorn the left and right oval panels, instead of the Territorial or State seals that were usually Page 205 PC— ape-- -oc employed on the backs of First and Second Charter National Bank Notes. Explanation for this curiosity is that during its status as a Territory, (July 25, 1868 to July 10, 1890) Wyoming failed to adopt a Territorial seal. And, a State seal was not adopted until three years after Wyoming had been admitted to the Union. Later Second Charter issues of Wyoming banks carry that State seal. The survival of the Rawlins No. 1 note is attributed to the many years it was apparently carried in the proud banker's wallet, as evidence by the heavy center crease. However, it is unusual that the note should be the only known Series 1882 Brown Back Wyoming Territorial note to surface to date, as there were seven National Banks chartered prior to Wyoming's statehood. They were: Charter #3299*Buffalo, The First N.G. Outstanding $24,700 (1935) Charter #3416 Cheyenne, Cheyenne N.B. Outstanding $33,750 (1891) Charter 0556 Douglas, The First N.B. Outstanding $73,500 (1923) Charter *3615*Laramie City, Albany Co. N.B. Outstanding $50,000 (1934) Charter *3928 Rock Springs, The First N.B. Outstanding $98,900 (1927) Charter *4320*Rawlins, The First N.B. Outstanding $100,000 (1934) Charter *4343 Sundance, The First N.B. Outstanding 11,250 (1893) *still operating The Stock Growers National Bank of Cheyenne was the only First Charter bank in Wyoming. It was granted charter *2652 in early 1882. No First Charter Territorial notes are known to exist. SOURCES: The National Bank Notes of the 1863-1935 Issuing Period. By Louis Van Belkum. U.S. National Bank Notes. By Dr. F.A Limpert. The Comptroller of the Currency Reports, U.S. National Archives. Page 206 Paper Money SECRETARY'S EPORT HARRY G. WIGINGTON, Secretary P.O. Box 4082 Harrisburg, PA 17111 Following the names and addresses of the new members is the coding: C, collectors; D, Dealer. Their collecting specialty then follows the code. NO. NEW MEMBERS 5257 Herman M. Schuholz, 4801 Peachcreek Lane, Virginia Beach, VA. 23455; C; Obsolete Bank Notes, Confederate and Southern States. 5258 Robert F. Emerson, 912 N. Franklin, Manchester, IA 52507; C; Nationals. 5259 Rick Newlee, 27409 Arriola Ave., Saugus, CA 91350; C. 5260 William R. Rindone, P.O. Box 238, Lake Oswego, OR 97034; C&D; Type currency. 5261 Terrence 0. Mulhall, 2118 Gladstone Ave., Louisville, KY 40205; C. 5262 Ray Elsey, P.O. Box 1121, Downey, CA 90249; C; Small size U.S. currency. 5263 Otto V. Barlow, P.O. Box 2043, Santa Barbara, CA 93120; C. 5264 Sidney T. Cohen, P.O. Box 384, Tujunga, CA 91403; C; U.S. Nationals. 5265 Rocky Albert Jennings, P.O. Box 17116, Lansing MI 48901; D; State Bank Notes. 5266 John L. Rayl, P.O. Box 675, Worthington, OH 43805; C. 5267 Stephen C. Kriss, 30 East 9th St., New York, NY 10003; C; S&S FRN (large and small) 5268 James K. Brandt, P.O. Box 787G, Pearl River, NY 10965; C; Large size currency and fractionals. 5269 William R. Channels, 1105 Bromley Estates, Pine Hill, NJ 08201; C; Philippines & U.S. MPC's. 5270 John W. Sloan, Jr., 2600 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77098; C; Fractional Currency. 5271 Herbert Grossman, 6 Kyle Court, Massapequa, NY 11758; C/D; Obsolete Bank notes and Confederate notes. 5272 John L. Osborne, III, P.O. Box 118, Frankford, WV 24938; C/D; US MPC and Fractional Currency. 5273 Ira Dyk, Rt. #2, Box 25, Platte, S.D. 57369; C; U.S. Obsolete notes, large & small size notes and fractional. 5274 Arthur Peavie, 6031 N. Riverside Ave., Rialot, CA 92376; CID; U.S. notes-all types. 5275 Wesley A. Crozier, Box 241, Crozier Court, Fair Haven, NJ 07701; C/D; Mining Co. Drafts, obsolete note and philatelic items. 5276 Dick Bagley, P.O. Box 51, Mascoutah, IL 62258; D; U.S. Currency 5277 Robert Hoke, 750 Fulton Ave., Waukegan, IL 60085; C. 5278 Michael Wheat, Rt. #1, Box 421X, Watkinsville, GA 20677; C. 5279 R.A. Zegers, Ph. D., 210 W. Tienken Rd., Rochester, MI 48063; C; Fractional Currency. 5280 Glen Howard, 301 E. 47th, N.Y.C., NY 10017; C/D; U.S. Notes. 5281 Charles F. Wickham, 1630 Statz, N. Las Vegas, NV 89030; C. 5282 Doyle L. Dietterick, Jr., 317 Grant St., Berwick, PA 18603; C; U.S. Large size notes. 5283 Joseph Oakes, 10984 S.E. 28th Ave., Milwaukie, OR 97222; C/D; British and Colonies. 5284 Robert F. McKenzie, Suite 609 Financial Center 3443 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85012; C; All U.S. & Canada 5285 Donald G. Robinson, 26 Cole Rd., Fairfield, NJ 07006; C. 5286 Donald 0. Edkins, 48 B Second St., Framingham, MA 01701; C; Coal, Lumber & Railroad notes. 5287 Anthony Mascolo, 154 Division St., Manhawkin, NJ 08050; C; Large and small size notes. 5288 James C. Ritchie, 7540 Corbett Dr., Canton MI 48187; C; Obsolete notes, and small size U.S. notes. 5289 Jim Thompson, CLU, 1719 West End, Suite 1000 Nashville, TN 37203; C; Fractional & U.S. Currency. 5290 Celeste F. Barnes, 101 Comstock Hill, Norwalk, CN 06850; C; Pre-Civil war Paper notes- Washington D.C. Area. 5291 Charles E. Echols, P.O. Box 7586, Charlottesville, VA 22906; C; Virginia notes. 5292 Dennis L. Mikus, P.O. Box 811, Kenosha, WI 53141; C. 5293 Missouri Numismatic Society, P.O. Box 2829, St. Louis, MO 63111. 5294 Andy Carter, 603 22nd St., Nederland, TX 77627; C; U.S. Currency. INTERNATIONAL AUCTION TO BE DEVOTED TO STOCK/BOND CERTIFICATES According to a press release from Stanley Gibbons International, Ltd., a sale devoted completely to collector stock and bond certificates will be held Nov. 24, 1978 in London. This is said to be the first such auction of its kind in Britain. Stanley Gibbons Currency, an affiliated concern, has also announced the addition to their staff of Christopher Stocker as senior manager of the bank note department. Mr. Stocker, age 26, is a fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society. His primary bank note interest lies in the aesthetic aspects; at present he is writing a book on engravors and printers. Whole No. 76 Page 207 1919 — Contemporary Comments on — Russia's Paper Money From the May, 1919 issue of The Numismatist Collectors in the United States have heard much about the paper money issued in Russia by the Bolshevik Gov- ernment, and many have received the impression that it is a distinctive issue. The following article from the New York Evening Post, from its special correspondent at Stockholm, corrects this impression, and also gives de- scriptions of the different kinds of paper money, which explains why, according to newspaper reports, business houses in parts of Russia are closing their doors, refusing to do business on the kind of money in use there. The Bolsheviks' financial daily newspaper, Finanzi i Narodnoe Khozaistvo, does not ignore the fact that ques- tions of note circulation and gold reserves exist, and it shows extraordinary interest in "The Condition of the American Federal Reserve Banks," "The Exploitation of Graphite in Madagascar," and other recondite themes. It is an elaborate and by no means always fanatically Bolshevik production. But it has never considered it necessary to publish even approximately the sum of credit notes issued by the Soviets' Commissariat of Finances. By credit notes are understood the State Bank's notes which before the war were redeemable in gold, and which still, when printed by the Bolsheviks, bear the old Gov- ernment undertaking to redeem in gold. Together with these credit notes I count a relatively small number of notes of new design first issued by the Kerensky Govern- ment in the summer of 1917, though technically these are not credit-notes. I omit notes issued for local use by pro- vinces, groups of provinces, or cities, and, of course, new kinds of currency issued by the German and Ukrainian Governments in former Russian provinces. In order to grasp properly the problem of the sum of credit notes in circulation, it is necessary first to under- stand their kind. Foreigners usually believe that there is a specific Bolshevik money differing from the money issues by the Czars and their successors, the Provisional Gov- ernments of Prince Lvoff and Kerensky. One even hears suggestions that the legal Czarist and Provisional Gov- ernment notes may be restored to something like their gold parity by means of ignoring or annulling the paper put into circulation by the unconstitutional Bolsheviks. This is a misconception. For practically there is no differ- ence whatever between notes issued by the Czars, by Lvoff and Kerensky (with the exception already referred to) and by the Bolsheviks. In circulation today are three kind of central govern- ment paper money: (1.) "Czar credit notes" (popularly called tsarskiya dengi, or Czar money) — this is, notes of pre-revolution- ary design, printed by the Czars or by the Lvoff-Kerensky Provisional Governments and later by the Bolsheviks from the old plates, or copies thereof. All these are "Czar credit notes." The highest denomination is 500 rubles. All are numbered. (2.) "Duma credit notes" of entirely different design, printed and issued by the Provisional Governments, and later printed from the same plates, or from copies thereof, by the Bolsheviks. There is a 1,000 ruble "Duma note," also one for 250 rubles. The Czarist Government did not issue notes of 250 rubles. All "Duma notes" are number- ed. (3.) Currency notes of much simplified design issued during Kerensky's Premiership. Such notes were never printed under the Czardom, and I believe the Bolsheviks have not printed them. They are not numbered. The value of these credit notes upon the home and for- eign markets does not depend at all upon their origin, but solely upon the question, which of the above classes they belong to. The value depends, that is, upon their design. All "Czar notes" have the same value at home and abroad, irrespective of whether they were printed by the Imperial Government, by the Provisional Government, or by the Bolsheviks, and all "Duma notes" have the same value, irrespective of whether they were printed by the Provisional Governments or by the Bolsheviks. The history is this: After the revolution of March, 1917, when the Czar was deposed, the first Provisional Govern- ment (Prince Lvoff's) was obliged to continue the over- thrown Imperial Government's policy of printing even more and more paper money to cover administration and war expenses. At first these notes were printed from the existing plates, adorned with imperial insignia and por- traits. These are "Czar notes." Soon after the revolution the Government, for sentimental and political reasons, printed notes of new design with vignettes of the Duma Building. These are the "Duma notes." Denomination for denomination, these notes were issued as equal in value to "Czar notes," the security for their redemption in gold was equally good, or equally bad, and they were accepted willingly. But as disillusion with the new order grew the masses began to show a marked preference for "Czar notes," and "Duma notes" underwent a certain depreciation at home and abroad. As a result, most notes in circulation are today `Duma notes," while "Czar notes" are hoarded as fast as they are issued. This obeys the rule, observed all along in Russia, that money considered inferior pushes money considered superior out of circulation. The great continued on page 230 Page 208 Paper Money PAL OF ENG AVING PRINTING1I) COPE PRODUCTION FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES SERIES PRINTED DURING APRIL 1978 SERIAL NUMBERS FROM TO ONE DOLLAR QUANTITY SERIES PRINTED DURING MAY 1978 SERIAL NUMBERS FROM TO ONE DOLLAR QUANTITY 1977 A 46 080 001 A A 71 680 000 A 25,600,000 1977 B 97 280 001 B B 99 840 000 B 2,560,000 1977 B 74 240 001 B B 97 280 000 B 23,040,000 1977 B 00 000 001 C B 19 200 000 C 19,200,000 1977 B 01 920 001* B 02 560 000 * 640,000# 1977 B 02 560 001 * B 03 200 000 640,000# 1977 D 39 040 001 A D 49 280 000 A 10,240,000 1977 C 37 120 001 A C 60 160 000 A 23,040,000 1977 D 01 292 001 * D 01 920 000 256,000# 1977 C 00 640 001 * C 01 280 000* 640,000# 1977 E 51 840 001 A E 71 040 000 A 19,200,000 1977 E 71 040 001 A E 92 800 000 A 21,760,000 1977 E 00 640 001* E 01 280 000 640,000# 1977 F 65 920 001 B F 99 840 000 B 33,920,000 1977 F 39 040 001 B F 65 920 000 B 26,880,000 1977 F 00 000 001 C F 00 640 000 C 640,000 1977 F 01 280 001* F 01 920 000' 640,000# 1977 F 01 920 001 * F 02 560 000* 640,000# 1977 G 35 200 001 B G 55 680 000 B 20,480,000 1977 G 55 680 001 B G 74 880 000 B 19,200,000 1977 G 01 920 001* G 02 560 000 * 640,000# 1977 G 02 560 001 • G 03 200 000 * 640,000# 1977 J 30 720 001 A J 65 560 000 A 35,840,000 1977 H 36 480 001 A H 56 960 000 A 20,480,000 1977 J 01 920 001* J 02 560 000 640,000# 1977 K 81 280 001 A K 99 840 000 A 18,560,000 1977 K 62 080 001 A K 81 280 000 A 19,200,000 1977 K 00 000 001 B K 01 280 000 B 1,280,000 1977 K 01 932 001* K 02 560 000 * 256,000# 1977 L 49 280 001 B L 71 680 000 B 22,400,000 1977 K 02 568 001 * K 03 200 000 * 384,000# 1977 L 25 600 001 B L 49 280 000 B 23,680,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1977 L 02 560 001 • L 03 200 000" 640,000# 1977 C 10 240 001 A C 19 840 000 A 9,600,000 1977 E 17 920 001 A E 28 160 000 A 10,240,000 FIVE DOLLARS 1977 F 16 000 001 A F 25 600 000 A 9,600,000 1977 B 44 800 001 A B 45 440 000 A 640,000 1977 G 46 080 001 A G 56 320 000 A 10,240,000 1977 E 08 320 001 A E 17 920 000 A 9,600,000 1977 G 01 280 001 G 01 920 000 * 640,000# 1977 E 01 280 001* E 01 920 000 * 640,000# 1977 H 10 880 001 A H 15 360 000 A 4,480,000 1977 G 35 840 001 A G 46 080 000 A 10,240,000 1977 L 22 400 001 A L 31 360 000 A 8,960,000 1977 J 24 960 001 A J 34 560 000 A 9,600,000 1977 J 00 008 001 * J 00 640 000 * 384,000# TEN DOLLARS 1977 K 09 600 001 A K 16 000 000 A 6,400,000 1977 C 15 360 001 A C 23 040 000 A 7,680,000 1977 K00652001 * K 01 280 000 * 256,000# 1977 G 30 720 001 A G 38 400 000 A 7,680,000 1977 G 02 560 001 * G 03 200 000* 640,000# TEN DOLLARS 1977 L 18 560 001 A L 23 680 000 A 5,120,000 1977 A 12 160 001 A A 18 560 000 A 6,400,000 1977 L 00 640 001 * L 01 280 000 * 640,000# 1977 A 00 640 001 * A 01 280 000* 640,000# 1977 B 39 680 001 A B 40 960 000 A 1,280,000 TWENTY DOLLARS 1977 C 10 880 001 A C 15 360 000 A 4,480,000 1974 E 10 896 001 * E 11 520 000 • 128,000# 1977 J 06 400 001 A J 16 000 000 A 9,600,000 1974 I 71 680 001 A I 74 880 000 A 3,200,000 1977 L 15 360 001 A L 18 560 000 A 3,200,000 1977 B 00 000 001 A B 08 320 000 A 8,320,000 1977 E 00 000 001 A E 09 600 000 A 9,600,000 TWENTY DOLLARS 1977 E 00 000 001 * E 00 640 000 * 640,000# 1977 A 00 000 001 A A 08 960 000 A 8,960,000 1977 0 09 600 001 A G 17 280 000 A 7,680,000 1974 A 02 576 001 * A 03 200 000 * 128,000# 1977 G 00 012 001 * G 00 640 000* 256,000# 1977 A 00 008 001* A 00 640 000 384,000# 1977 I 00 000 001 A I 01 280 000 A 1,280,000 1977 D 00 000 001 A D 05 120 000 A 5,120,000 1977 J 00 000 001 A J 12 800 000 A 12,800,000 1977 D 00 016 001 * D 00 640 000 • 128,000# 1977 J 00 008 001 * J 00 640 000 * 384,000# 1977 G 00 000 001 A G 09 600 000 A 9,600,000 1977 L 04 480 001 A L 14 080 000 A 9,600,000 1977 L 00 000 001 A L 04 480 000 A 4,480,000 1977 L 01 292 001 * L 01 920 000 " 256,000# 1977 L 00 012 001* L 00 640 000 * 256,000# 1977 L 00 656 001 ° L 01 280 000 * 128,000# FIFTY DOLLARS FIFTY DOLLARS 1974 B 64 640 001 A B 67 200 000 A 2,560,000 1974 C 14 720 001 A C 16 000 000 A 1,280,000 1974 B 01 792 001 * 13 01 920 000 * 128,000# 1974 C 00 384 001 • C 00 448 000* 64,000# 1974 E 21 120 001 A E 21 760 000 A 640,000 1974 G 49 920 001 A G 51 840 000 A 1,920,000 1974 K 13 440 001 A K 15 360 000 A 1,920,000 1974 If 04 480 001 A H 05 120 000 A 640,000 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1974 B 95 360 001 A B 97 920 000 A 2,560,000 1974 A 16 000 001 A A 17 280 000 A 1,280,000 1974 B 02 048 001 • 13 02 112 000 * 64,000M 1974 B 97 920 001 A B 99 200 000 A 1,280,000 1974 E 22 400 001 A E 23 680 000 A 1,280,000 1974 C 14 720 001 A C 16 000 000 A 1,280,000 1974 L 44 800 001 A L 46 080 000 A 1,280,000 1974 C 00 704 001 • C 00 768 000 * 64,000# 1974 H 12 800 001 A H 13 440 000 A 640,000 1974 L 46 080 001 A L 48 000 000 A 1,920,000 1974 L 02 048 001 • L 02 112 000 * 64,000# /1 A star note is used for the 100,000,000th note in a series since the numbering machines provide for only eight digits. Indicates Printing Other Than COPE ## Indicates Correction to Previous Report C.% 1.7Z)" Whole No. 76 READER'S PARTICIPATION COLUMN SYNGRAPHIC CHAT Dear Editor: In the search for a widely acceptable system of grading paper money has been going on for many years. I would like to add my thoughts in an attempt to help those engaged in the effort, to get diverse opinions. The "grade" of a particular note is usually based on the number and severity of a wide variety of impairments. I would like to list the impairing factors, but not in any particular grading order since my note could have from all to none of these impairments. UNPRINTED BORDER SIZES AND CENTERING — Maximum border sizes could be determined from uncut sheets, if all sheets were uniform before printing. TRIMING — to produce uniform borders, eliminate ragged edges, make square corners. CUTTING ERRORS — produced by misaligned sheets or by poor cutting methods especially national bank notes cut by issuing banks. CENTERING — should be uniform without one or two borders being out of proportion. (Does the Bureau of Engraving have specific standards for unprinted border sizes (large size notes, small size), if so what are they?) Note trimmed into printed area or trimmed to include part of adjacent note. FOLDS — Fold whereby note will not lay flat, and shows no evidence of permanent lines affecting the structure of the paper or ink. CREASES — permanent lines evidenced by broken ink and/or stretched paper structure. WRINKLES — irregular folds and creases reducing crispness of paper, depending on severity. HOLES — holes caused by spindling or pinning. Size and location of hole. Holes caused by foreign matter destroying paper. TEARS — caused by separated creases in edges or interior intersections of creases — rips and tears anywhere not related to creases. SOIL AND DIRT — acquired from handling or coming in contact with dirty or dusty conditions. Lines of soil or dirt defining folds or creases. STAINS — notes impaired by contact witt a foreign substance such as rust, ink, water, etc., to alter the natural color of the paper. Just spots, or larger portions up to and including the whole note. COLOR AND INTENSITY OF PRINTING — bright and vivid body not overinked to impair vignettes or lathe work. Too lightly inked, producing pale or washed out images. Same criteria applies to overprinting of serial and charter numbers, seals, etc. There are other impairments not generally conceded to be caused by normal handling. WASHED — Obvious laundry jobs are an impairment, if they are not noticeable the seller of a note probably will not mention it, or qualify it by "possibly washed." Faded signatures on national bank notes are often caused by washing, but not always. Many nice appearing notes have been soaked in water, and pressed by various means sometimes advertised as Page 209 "possibly pressed." (Notes printed by the intaglio process were often wetted for printing because the paper was so hard it wouldn't retain the ink.) Some edge wrinkles might be accounted for accordingly. MOUNTING TRACES — notes secured in an album or on cards by means of some mounting material will leave a residue, a light spot where removed, or traces of the mounting page or card. AGING, MILDEW OR MOLD — from improper storage. "Foxing" is usually considered to be a water stain. Repairs to the paper, or pen and pencil "improvements" to the designs can be impairments. Any form of writing, rubber stamping or printing are, also, impairments. The foregoing is certainly not a complete list of possible impairments, but perhaps a starting point for determining the "grade" of a note. I would be rather reluctant to try and assign a numbering system trying to encompass all possibilities of impairments. Do we count the number of creases for instance, and assign a certain number disregarding the degree of soiling? Do two pinholes, and one fold equal 50 or what? The various degrees of impairments compound the task of assigning word descriptions (fine, about unc, extremely fine, etc.) let alone trying to assign a meaningful number. It could be ludicrous to use "BS" numbers (Bureau of Engraving & Printing) State as similar to MS (Mint State for coins). Some sort of grading system is necessary especially for uninformed collectors and dealers. Grading is useful to me only when I am reading dealers lists, advertisments, or auction catalogs. If I am interested, the grading starts a dialogue, and if I am not satisfied upon receiving the notes, the return priviledge has always been courteously extended. We must remember it is impossible to return a note of lesser grade than received as is possible with coins since all notes have distinctive serial numbers. I have been collecting paper money for over 18 years, and the Society of Paper Money Collectors has been the greatest source of information and education for me. I have found that grade and price do not necessarily have anything in common. The "market" determines the price, and there can be no sale unless both seller and buyer are satisfied. The best protection the collector can have is to be knowledgeable of the subject, and informed of current conditions. We all owe a debt of gratitude to those dedicated individuals who freely give of their knowledge and expertise to further the fascinating hobby of collecting paper money. Roy Peterson, P.O. Box 293, El Segundo, CA 90245 Cockeyed Charter Number Sells Well A pedigreed National Bank N ote error, a Third Charter Date Back which sold for $550 in 1971, from the William P. Donlon personal collection, was again offered in his last sale, closing 3/31. A half turn in the sheet of notes during overprinting resulted in a misplaced left-hand charter number and the omission of the right-hand number and the Treasury seal. The note sold for $1,150. Page 210 Paper Money Library Catalog of The Society of Paper Money Collectors This 1978 listing of the SPMC Library holdings has been patterned after the American Numismatic Associa- tion Library Catalogue. However, identical listings could not be maintained because of the differences in the two collections and the impossibility of ascertaining the exact catalogue numbers which ANA will assign to items which we now have but which they presently lack. DONATIONS SOLICITED Member-users of this catalogue who have duplicate re- ference materials not contained herein are urged to donate them for the benefit of the Society. Certificates for claiming income tax deductions for the donations will be issued in the amount of their value upon request. Consult the Librarian for further information. Send all reveiw copies to the Editor of Paper Money, who will prepare listings and synopses for publication in the magazine before placing them in the Library. This catalogue will be kept up-to-date by means of regu- lar library reports to be published in Paper Money. ABBREVIATIONS USED ANA — American Numismatic Association Illus. — Illustrated pp. — pages Vol. — Volume HOW TO BORROW BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY Please request all books by number, author, and title in the following manner: Dear Librarian: I wish to borrow the following books: GA70 Counterfeiting in America by Glaser G5 UA30 Papier Geld by Pick P5 My SPMC number is 0001. Cordially, John Collector 100 Main Street Anywhere, U.S.A. 99999 PLEASE PRINT name, address, and zip code. RULES — Borrower pays postage and insurance both ways! In- surance must be purchased to the level where return receipts are available, currently a minimum of $15.01 declared value. A return receipt protects both the borrower and the Society in case of dis- putes over non-receipts of an item. — Send materials back via Insured Mail, 4th Class Spe- cial Book Rate, Return Receipt requested. —Package books carefully — Xerox service is available. The Librarian can not, how- ever, undertake detailed research work requiring an extensive amount of time. Please enclose a stamp- ed, addressed envelope if a letter answer is required. All book requests and other inquiries regarding the Library should be addressed to: Wendell Wolka, SPMC, Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521. Numismatics & Coins — General: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Bibliographies, manuals AA50 Gould's Gold and Silver Guide to Coins by Gould, 255 G6 pp., Illus., 1969 World Coins — Medieval and modern: Catalogues CC20 Standard Catalog of World Coins by Krause & Mishler, K1 864 pp., Illus., 1974 Central America: Panama FC65 Coins and Currency of Panama by Grigore, 202 pp., G1 Illus., 1972 West Indies: Jamaica FD55 The Coinage of Jamaica by Byrne et al, 106 pp., Illus., B9 1966 United States: Catalogues GA30 Standard Guide to U.S. Coin and Paper Money Valua- W5 tions by Wilhite/Mishler, 194 pp., Illus., 1976 United States: Guides for collecting GA50 A Simplified Guide to Collecting American Coins by K5 Knight, 187 pp., Illus., 1962 United States: Special GA70 Counterfeiting in America by Glaser, 274 pp., Illus., G5 1968 United States: Patterns, oddities, mint errors, etc. GA90 Major Variety and Oddity Guide of United States Coins S6m by Spadone, 128 pp., Illus. Canada: Catalogues HA30 The Guide Book of Canadian Coins, Paper Currency and G8 Tokens by James, 1961, 1967, 1968-69, 1970 editions HA30 Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins, Tokens and S7 Paper Money by Charlton, 1967, 1971, 1973 editions. HA30 Simplified Catalog of Candian-Newfoundland Coins Z10 and Paper Money by Zoell, 40 pp., Illus., 1961 Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland: Since 1910 Whole No. 76 Page 211 JB45 Money in Great Britain and Ireland by Josset, 390 pp., J6 Illus., 1971 Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland: Ireland J1390 The Coinage and Banknotes of Ireland By Remick, 63 R4 pp., Illus., 1967 Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland: Commonwealth JB96 The Guidebook and Catalogue of British Common G8a wealth Coins 1649-1971 by Remick, 568 pp., Illus., 1971 Modern Africa: South Africa Germany — Paper Money: 20th Century UC60 Deutsches Papiergeld 1772-1870 by Deutsche Bundes- DI bank, 116 pp., Illus., 1963 UC60 Das Papiergeld im Deutschen Reich by Deutsche Bund- D2 esbank, 198 pp., Illus., 1964 UC60 Die Noten der Deutschen Bundesbank by Deutsche D3 Bundesbank, 132 pp., Illus., 1964 UC60 Deutsche Lander-und Privat Banknoten by Pick, 141 P10 pp., Illus., 1975 LA30 A History of Currency in South Africa by Shaw, 27 pp., S4 Illus., 1956 United States Tokens: 19th -20th centuries PA70 U.S. Coal Tokens by Orrahood, 44 pp., 1967 07 World — Paper Money: General Works Eastern Europe — Paper Money: Soviet Union UF30 Type Register of Checks, Money Orders, Bons, Talons J7 and Coupons in the Soviet Union 1917-1924 by Johanson, 43 pp., Illus., 1971 Eastern Europe — Paper Money: Balkan States UA30 Fruhzeit Des Papiergelds by Deutsche Bundesbank, UF50 Paper Money of the Yugoslavian States by Spajic, Dl 129 pp., Illus., 1970 Si 35 pp., Illus., 1969 UA30 Sedlar by Largerqvist -Boos, 223 pp., Illus., 1971 Eastern Europe — Paper Money: Hungary, Austria Ll UF60 The Legal and Monetary Aspects of the Hungarian UA30 Papier Geld by Pick, 455 pp., Illus., 1967 B3 Hyper-Inflation 1945-6 by Banyai, 28 pp., Illus., 1971 P5 UF60 Katalog Des Osterreichischen Notgeldes 1916-1921 by UA30 Catalogue of European Paper Money Since 1900 by J1 Jaksch, 263 pp., Illus., 1971 P6 Pick, 320 pp., Illus., 1972 UF60 Magyarorszag Papirpenzei by Kupa, 2 vols., 1964 UA30 Papiergeld Katalog (German version of UA30, P6) by Kl P6- 1 Pick, 294 pp., Illus., 1970 UF60 Osterreich Banknoten und Staats Papiergeld by Pick, UA30 Briefmarkengeld by Pick, 66 pp., Illus., 1970 P3 '79 pp., Illus., 1972 P8 Canada — Paper Money: General Works World — Paper Money: Special Aspects UA40 Numismatics In An Age Of Paper And Of Plastic by Al Allen, 20 pp., 1972 World — Paper Money: Collecting UA50 The Foreign Paper Money Story and Encyclopedia L8 by Lawrence, '72 pp., Illus., — UA50 The Repair and Preservation of Records by Minogue, M9 56 pp., Illus., 1943 UA50 Collecting Paper Money — A Beginner's Guide by nar- N1 Beth, 134 pp., Illus., 1973 UA50 Let's Collect Paper Money! by Shafer, 64 pp., Illus., S8 1976 World — Paper Money: 20th Century UA60 Air-Dropped Propaganda Currency by Auckland, 48 Al pp., Illus., 1972 UA60 Money and Banking in China and Southeast Asia Dur- B6 ing the Japanese Military Occupation 1937-1945 by Banyai, 150 pp., Illus., 1974 UA60 Catalogo Della Carta Moneta D'Occupazione E Di S12 Liberazione Dei Partigiani E Dei Campi Di Prizionia by Sollner, 185 pp., Illus., 1975 UA60 World War II Allied Military Currency by Toy, 1969, T6w 1974 editions Western Europe — Paper Money: General Works UB20 Operation bernhard by Pirie, 271 pp., Illus., 1962 P5 Western Europe — Paper Money: Great Britain UB30 Bank of England and Treasury Notes 1694-1970 by M1 Miller, 49 pp., Illus., 1970 UB30 Banknotes and Banking in the Isle of Man 1788-1970 Q1 by Quarmby, 124 pp., Illus., 1970 UB30 Considerations on the Alarming Increase of Forgery WI on the Bank of England by Williams, 190 pp., 1818 (Mod- ern Photocopy) Western Europe — Paper Money: Italy UB50 La Cartamoneta Nello Stato Pontificio by Marcon, M32 49 pp., Illus. 1965 Western Europe — Paper Money: Scandinvia UB60 Suomi-Finland by borg, 120 pp., Illus., 1975 B5 UB60 Lilla Sedelboken 1972 by Ridstrom, 32 pp., Illus., 1972 R1 U130 The Canadian Banker by CBA, Illus., 1968-69 B1 U130 The Story of Canada's Currency by The Bank of Cana- C3 da, 24 pp., Illus., 1955 U130 Canadian Bank Note by The Canadian Bank Note Co., C6 11 pp., Illus., — Canada — Paper Money: Special Aspects U140 The Counterfeit Detector by RCMP, 16 pp., Illus., 1966 C3 UI40 Terminology Dictionary and Grading Guide by Cana- P1 dian Paper Money Society, 16 pp., Illus., 1971 Mexico — Paper Money: General Works UJ30 Billettes de Mexico by Gaytan, 150 pp., Illus., 1965 G3b UJ30 The Paper Money of Mexico 1822-1964 by Utberg, 168 G3p pp., Illus., 1963 Mexico — Paper Money: 20th Century UJ30 Money and Finance in Mexico During the Constitu- B3 tional Revolution 1913-1917 by Banyai, 126 pp., Illus., 1976 UJ30 Un Peso of the Bank of Mexico 1935-1970 by Shlieker, S3 56 pp., Illus., 1973 Latin America — Paper Money: Central America UK20 The Coins and Paper Money of El Salvador by Alman- A5 zar el al, 88 pp., Illus., 1973 UK20 Paper Money of Guatemala 1834-1946 by Clark, 64 pp., C4 Illus., 1971 Latin America — Paper Money: Brazil UK40 The Paper Money of Brazil by Seppa, 1971, 1975 S5 editions Latin America — Paper Money: Paraguay, Uruguay UK50 Paper Money of Paraguay and Uruguay by Seppa, S4 34 pp., Illus., 1970 UK50 Uruguayan Paper Money by Seppa, 60 pp., Illus., 1974 S6 UK50 Paraguayan Paper Money by Seppa, 50 pp., Illus., 1973 S8 Latin America — Paper Money: Bolivia UK60 The Paper Money of Bolivia by Seppa el al, 50 pp., S6 Illus., 1972 Page 212 Paper Money Asia — Paper Money: South East UM60 Catalog and Guide Book of S.E. Asian Coins and Cur- D5 rency, Volume 1 — French Colonial by Daniel, 110 pp., Illus., 1975 UM60 Banknotes of Thailand by Little, 24 pp., Illus., 1973 LI China, Japan — Paper Money: 20th Century UN40 History of Paper Currency as Issued by the People's Re- M8 public of China from 1921-1965 by Mao, 295 pp., Illus., 1972 China, Japan — Paper Money: Japan, General UN50 Catalog of Japanese Paper Money (in Japanese), 58 J1 pp., Illus., ? UN50 Catalog of Japanese Military and Occupation Notes J2 (in Japanese), 62 pp., Illus., ? Africa — Paper Money: South Africa UP30 Catalogue of South African Paper Money Since 1900 Ll by Levius, 72 pp., Illus., 1972 United States — Paper Money: Catalogues US15 Index of U.S. Postal Notes in Collector's Hands by N5 Noll, 21 pp., Illus., 1975 US15 United States Paper Currency (Later editions include Q8 Canadian and Confederate issues) by Werlich/Quaker Currency Co., several years US15 The Standard Paper Money Catalogue by Raymond, R3 1940, 1953 (part II), 1955 (part I) United States — Paper Money: General Works US20 North American Currency by Grover Criswell, 1st, 2nd C7 editions US20 Paper Money of the United States by Friedburg, edi- F7 tions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 US20 Official Guide to United States Currency by Hessler, HI 183 pp., Illus., 1971 USZO The Official Guide to United States Paper Money K4 by Kemm, editions 1, 3, 7, 8 US20 Dictionary of Paper Money by Muscalus, 18 pp., Illus., M8 1965 US20 Bank Notes Commemorating the Landing of the Pil- M9 Brims at Plymouth by Muscalus, 7 pp., Illus., 1973 United States — Paper Money: Engraving and Printing US25 American Bank Note Company 1972 Annual Report Al by ABCo., 16 pp., Illus., 1972 US25 Security Printers by Check Collectors Round Table, C5 editions 1 and 2 US25 Making Money at the Philadelphia Mint and the Amer- F5 ican Bank Note Company reprinted by Flanagan, 36 pp., Illus., 1975 US25 The Story of the American Bank Note Company by G7 ABCo., 92 pp., Illus., 1959 US25 International Bank Note Company 1974 Annual Meet- I6 ing Report by IBNCo., 17 pp., 1974 US25 Remarks on the Manufacture of Bank Notes, and Other K1 Promises to Pay, 31 pp., Illus., 1864 (modern photocopy) US25 A Listing of Watermarks Found on Checks by Rath- R8 jen, 32 pp., 1975 US25 The History of Printing In America by Thomas, 650 T5 pp., Illus., 1970 reprint of 1810 US25 A Brief History of the Bureau of Engraving and Print- U6 ing by U.S. Treasury Dept., 7 pp., 1961 US25 Facts About United States Money by U.S. Treasury U7 Dept., 16 pp., 1960 United States — Paper Money: Counterfeiting US30 Detection and Recognition of. Fraudulent Securities by Al the American Bank Note Company, 4 pp., Illus., — US30 Dye's Government Counterfeit Detector by Dye, 65 pp., D8 Illus., 1884 US30 The Descriptive Register of Genuine Bank Notes — 1862 G5 by Gwynne & Day, reprinted by Pennell Pub. Co., 168 pp., 1977 United States — Paper Money: Colonial, Continental US40 Nature Printing on Colonial and Continental Currency N4n by Newman, 34 pp., Illus., 1964 United States — Paper Money: Colonial, by state, A-Z US45 Financial History of Colonial Maryland by Hoober, M2H6 14 pp., Illus., 1962 US45 Financial History of Colonial New Hampshire by Hoob- N3H6 er, 15 pp., Illus., 1964 US45 Financial History of Colonial Virginia by Hoober, 32 V5H6 pp., Illus., 1953 United States — Paper Money: Fractional Currency US50 Fractional Currency by Christoph and Krause, 40 pp., C5 Illus., 1958 US50 A Guide Book of United States Fractional Currency R6 by Rothert, 81 pp., Illus., 1963 US50 Fractional Currency of the United States by Valen- V3 tine, 101 pp., 1924 United States — Paper Money: Civil War Confederacy US60 Confederate Bonds and Certificates by Affleck et al, A3 38 pp., Illus., 1960 US60 Confederate Interim Depositary Receipts and Funding BI Certificates Issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia l861-1865 by Ball, 46 pp., Illus., 1972 US60 Confederate and Southern States Currency by Brad- B7 beer, 277 pp., Illus., 1915 ('45 rprt) US60 Confederate Treasury Notes by Chase, 148 pp., Illus., C5t 1947 US60 Confederate and Southern States Currency by Cris- C7 well, 1957, 1976 editions US60 Catalogue of Confederate and Southern States Cur- D6 rency by Douglas et al, 31 pp., 1955 US60 Descriptive Catalogue of Confederate Notes and Bonds H3 by Haseltine, 36 pp., 1876 (later reprint) US60 Recycled Southern Paper Money by Muscalus, 24 pp., M1 Illus., 1973 US60 Register of the Confederate Debt by Thian, 190 pp., T5 1972 (reprint) United States — Paper Money: National Bank Notes, 1860's- 1930's US70 A Descriptive History of National Bank Notes 1863- D5d 1935 by Dilliston, 55 pp., Illus., 1956 US70 National Bank Notes In The Early Years by Dillis- D5n ton, 24 pp., 1948 US70 United States Large Size Paper Money by Donlon, D6 1968, 1974 editions US70 National Bank Notes of Buffalo and Vicinity 1865-1929 MI by Muscalus, 26 pp., Illus., 1973 United States — Paper Money: State bank notes, county scrip US75 Paper Money of the Four Dollar Denomination by Mus- M8a calus, 19 pp., Illus. US75 Transportation Currency: Bank Notes & Scrip Repre- M8b sentative of Forty-Five Varieties of Transportation Companies, 1777-1900's by Muscalus, 19 pp., Illus., 1974 US75 County Scrip Issued in the United States by Muscalus, M8d 21 pp., 1948 US75 Historic Jamestown and Pocahontas on Paper Money M8g and Chapman Art by Muscalus, 11 pp., Illus., 1971 US75 Lincoln Portraits on State Bank Notes, College Cur- M8j rency and Scrip by Muscalus, 11 pp., Illus., 1967 US75 Kinds of Scrip Issued by School Districts in Financial M8k Emergencies by Muscalus, 11 pp., Illus., 1971 US75 Landseer's "My Horse", "Spaniel" and Other Paint- M81 ings on Paper Money by Muscalus, 17 pp., Illus., 1967 US75 Jackson Portraits and the Battle of New Orleans on M8n State Bank Notes by Muscalus, 11 pp., Illus., 1974 US75 Saint Catherine on Paper Money of the State of Florida M8o and Others by Muscalus, 7 pp., Illus., 1968 US75 Renault's Painting of the Surrender of Cornwallis at Whole No. 76 M8r Yorktown on State Bank Notes by Muscalus, 7 pp., Illus., 1966 US75 State Bank Notes by Muscalus, 144 pp., 1942 US75 The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across M8u the Susquehanna Above Harrisburg on State Bank Notes by Muscalus, 7 pp., Illus., 1967 US75 State Owned Banks, the Pet Banks, and Their Bank M8v Notes by Muscalus, 12 pp., 1940 US75 Oglethorpe at Christie's Sale of Dr. Johnson's Library M8w on Paper Money by Muscalus, 8 pp., Illus., 1965 US75 General George B. McClellan on Paper Money by Mus- M8x calus, 7 pp., Illus., 1972 US75 Illustrations of County Scrip Issued In Mississippi, M8y North Carolina, Tennessee & Pennsylvania by Mus- calus, 23 pp., Illus., 1967 US75 Portraits of Elias Boudinot on Paper Money by Mus- M8z calus, 11 pp., Illus., 1969 US75 Christmas Currency by Ruehlen, 14 pp., Illus., 1973 R4 US75 Master List of Uncut Sheets of Obsolete Bills and Old S65 Bank Checks by Sprinkle, 61 pp., Illus., 1964 US75 The Obsolete Bank Notes of New England by Wismer, WI 311 pp., Illus., 1972 reprint United States — Paper Money: By state, A-Z US80 A History of Money and Banking in Connecticut by C8H8 Hasse, 165 pp., Illus., 1957 US80 Pensacola's Currency Issuing Banks and Their Bank F5P4 Notes 1833-1935 by Pfeiffer, 97 pp., Illus., 1975 US80 Obsolete Bank Notes of North Carolina by Pennell, N6P4 87 pp., Illus., 1965 US80 South Carolina Obsolete Notes by Sheheen, 80 pp., S6S5 Illus., 1960 US80 Historical Account of Vermont Paper Currency and V4H3 Banks by Harper, 48 pp. US80 The Obsolete Paper Money of Virginia by Affleck, 2 V5A4 volumes, Illus. United States — Paper Money: 20th Century (small size) US90 Donlon's Catalog of United States Small Size Paper D6 Money by Donlon, 1967, '72, '73 editions US90 Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money by G6 Goodman et al, 54 pp., Illus., 1968 US90 Standard Handbook of Modern United States Paper 06 Money by O'Donnell, 257 pp., Illus., 1974 US90 A Guide Book of Modern United States Currency S5 by Shafer, 1967, 1973 editions United States — Bank of Banking: General VA30 Two Centuries of American Banking by Clain-Stefa- C5 nelli, 144 pp., Illus., 1975 VA30 The Federal Reserve System by Federal Reserve Sys- F4a tern, 297 pp., Illus., 1963 VA30 The Federal Reserve Act as Ammended Through Octo- F4b ber 1, 1961 by Federal Reserve System, 386 pp., 1961 VA30 Foreign Central Banking: The Instruments of Mone- F4c tary Policy by Fousek, 116 pp., 1957 VA30 Modern Money Mechanics by Nichols, 31 pp., Illus., N4 1971 United States — Banks and Banking: 19th Century VA50 Wildcat Banking Practices and the Development of M4 State Bank Supervision by McShane, 114 pp., Illus., 1970 United States — Bank and Banking: East VA60 Maryland Bank Register by Meeks, 123 pp., 1966 M1 United States — Banks and Banking: Midwest VA70 Banking in Frontier Iowa 1836-1865 by Erickson, 183 E8 pp., Illus., 1971 VA70 Bank History — 1st National Bank of Bellevue, Ohio, F8 16 pp., Illus., 1975 Page 213 VA70 History of Commercial Banking in Wisconsin by Krueg- K5 er, 232 pp., Illus., 1933 United States — Banks and Banking: West VA80 Partners In Progress 1864-1950 ... by Hunter, 76 pp., H2 Illus., 1950 VA80 400 California Street by Wilson, 87 pp., Illus., 1964 W2 World — Banks and Banking VD30 The Bankers Almanac and Year Book 1971-72, 1982 B3 pp., Illus., 1971-72 World — Economics: General Works WA30 Political Economy by Walker, 537 pp., Illus., 1888 WI United States — Economics: General WB30 Silver: End of an Era by Burke & Levy, 30 pp., Illus., B1 1969 WB30 The Silver Crisis by Graham, 139 pp., Illus., 1964 G1 WB30 The Dollar In Crisis by Harris, 309 pp., 1961 H1 WB30 A Nation Without Coins by Robinson & Young, 139 pp., R1 Illus., 1965 WB30 Gold and the Dollar Crisis by Triffin, 181 pp., Illus., Ti 1960 WB30 Gold Coins For Financial Survival by Turner, 240 pp., T2 Illus., 1971 WB30 History of the Committee on Finance by U.S. Senate, UI 123 pp., Illus., 1970 WB30 Bank Credit and Agriculture by Wright, 340 pp., Illus., W1 1922 Europe — Economics: Germany WC50 The Economics of Success by Erhard, 412 pp., 1963 El Background Material XX1 The Big Bonanza by DeQuille, 439 pp., Illus., 1969 PNC A Guide Book of Philatelic-Numismatic Covers by WI Walker, 75 pp., Illus., 1970 Auction Catalogs: "Affleck-Ball Continental & Colonial Collection Auc- tion," New Netherlands Coin Company, Dec. 3rd and 4th, 1975 "Blue Ridge Auction Sale," 1965 (Colonial and Con- tinental Currency) "Otto C. Budde Auction," 1969 (Colonial and Conti- nental Currency) "Harley Freeman Collection Auction," RARCOA, May 13-15, 1977, (Obsolete Notes) "G.E.N.A. 1974 Sale" (Colonial and Continental Cur- rency) "The Celebrated Albert A Grinell Collection of United States Paper Currency" 1971 reprint "Altman Haffner Sale Auction" (Colonial and Continen- tal Currency) "Harmer, Rooke Numismatists, Ltd. Auction of Colo- nial Paper Money", May 28-29, 1974 "Hickman and Oakes National Bank Note Sale," Hick- man and Oakes, April 10, 1976 "Leo Meloche Auction," 1971 (Canadian Paper Money) "Mexican Currency Auction," Shilieker, 1968 "The Promised Lands Coin Auction Sale," Pine Tree Rare Coin Auction Sales, (Colonial Paper Money) "Matt Rothert Collection Auction" "James M. Wade Collection Auction" "The Winthrop Collection Auction" Periodicals: * indicates incomplete holdings 99 News, 99 Coin Company, Vol. 1 (1967) continued on page 219 7: V( WS 4,47, .14 ; :11K11; Alr.; rE Err; ossrrs" 47: .14-77741 It +7, 114 741 .1101714'47 4,44 ,7 7 4 77,134411, 7114.■ 7, NT 471 Page 2 14 Paper Money Fig. 1. Counterfeit (top)• genuine (bottom). Fig. 2. Counterfeit (top); genuine (bottom). A FIFTY CENT ny erry v avra COUNTERFEIT One would hardly think that the counterfeiting of a 50i denomination of our currency would be profitable. This would not have been true during the Civil War era. In those days of turmoil and strife, 50i was a good bit of pocket change somewhat comparable to the purchasing of a saw-buck in present times. The practice of counterfeiting Fractional Currency from the Sot denomination to the 50i denomination (with the 10i, and 25i in between) was quite a widespread problem. Yes, I said 5e Fractional Currency was first issued in August of 1862. Engraved on these first issue notes were facsimiles of contemporary U.S. postage stamps or multiples thereof depending on the denomination of the note. The design was fairly simple, making counterfeiting of this issue not extremely hard for a middling engraver. In October of 1863, a new design was released. Instead of a postage stamp centered in the middle of the note, a portrait of Washington was incorporated and quite a bit more delicate engraving was used, along with a large bronze- colored oval placed around the portrait on the obverse of the note, and on some varieties, bronze surcharges placed in the corners of the reverse. This bronzing was done to thwart counterfeiters, as this coloring and also the method of placing it on the note should have been quite difficult to duplicate. On some of the notes, a new "fibre" paper was tried. This paper was much heavier and coarser than the standard bank note paper then used and had tiny silk threads in it, which could be seen with the naked eye. Well, it wasn't very long before counterfeits began to circulate, some of which were very poor, and others which were unbelievably good. The third issue of Fractional Currency was released for circulation in December of 1864. Again, all of the engraving was changed, but this time, each denomination had its own distinctive design instead of being uniform with the rest of the issue. Various portraits, bronzing and surcharges were used. A 3i denomination was issued, which was smaller in size than all previous issues, and the 254 and 50é denominations were increased in length approximately 30%. Again, "fibre" paper was used on some of the notes but only on the 25i and 50st denominations. At this time, the signatures of the Treasurer and Register of the Treasury were added on all Whole No. 76 Page 215 Fig. 3. Genuine (top); counterfeit (bottom). but the 34i note. The third issue was replaced by the fourth issue in July of 1869. The 3i denomination was dropped and a new 15i issued. Fibre paper was used for all notes issued, and Treasury officials' signatures were added as well as the Treasury seal. During the period of the fourth issue, counterfeiting problems began to recede. The public began to scrutinize more closely the engraving of these notes and also the paper on which they were printed. Using a paper with colored silk threads that would really stand out seemed to be a key factor in having a currency that would be quite difficult to duplicate. By this time, the Treasury Department was using this type of paper for all of their current Legal Tender notes with great success. The fifth and final issue was released on February of 1874. Only the 104 25., and 50é denominations were issued. Appropriations for printing Fractional Currency were exhausted with this issue and no further funds were provided for this purpose. The fifth issue ended in February of 1876. Hard change was now freely circulating and there was no further need for small paper Fractional Currency. The note illustrated here (Fig. 1) is a Friedberg #1335. It is an extremely well done counterfeit. The black printing on the obverse, the green printing on the reverse, and most unusually the bronze overprinting both on the obverse and the reverse are remarkably good. The colors are almost identical to the genuine. The first noticeable flaw is in the "FIFTY" bronze overprint closest to the portrait. The lettering is not filled in as on the genuine note, but all other detail is fairly accurate. Only on close examination (3X) does the portrait show heavy, uneven lines, especially around the eyes and hair. On the reverse (Fig. 2), the engraving is not as well done. The color is darker, and the lines appear heavy and blotched in some areas. Under higher magnification (10X), some of the finer details are missing, especially along the very top and bottom borders and in the ovals containing the 50. It seems unusual that the engraver include the surcharge A- 2-6-5 consisting of small bronze overprint numbers near the ovals. In this series of notes (#1324-#1338, third issue, Spinner) and Friedberg #1331 does not even have this bronze overprint. It seems that the engraver either didn't know this, or that he really liked his work. The counterfeit note is also longer (Fig. 3) and shorter in height (Fig. 4). The note is printed on a thinner paper than any used for other issues, but still of high quality. Quite a few counterfeit Fractional Currency notes are still in existence. During the time that they were circulating, bogus note were not confiscated in most instances. These notes were marked in pen or rubber- stamped "BAD", "COUNTERFEIT", "NO GOOD", etc. and returned to the owner. The Secret Service still frowns on keeping these notes or collecting them, as they are still legal tender and redeemable as such, although they were issued over a century ago. These notes are a rarity in their own right, though. There are the lower denominations which are truly scarce. Higher grade notes are also scarce, as the counterfeiter in many cases would try to "pre-circulate" his work before passing it; that is, soil, fold and crease the notes. The most counterfeited notes seem to be the 50i denominations, with the third issue 254:6 being one of the commonest. Very few if any fifth issue counterfeits are known. Fig. 4. Counterfeit (right); genuine (left). 05 4111.12i. 0! 4PAIL, #064 !: Ommtsion THE GOVERNMENT OE BRITISH HONIVITICAS 71441.g414 044,41tr qt, vox ix 1LCA TRPSOR PUBLIC 0609195 THE GOVERNMENT 01 • BELIZE v"111111tHIRTattr" Page 216 Paper Money Collecting Foreign Banknotes by Jerry Remick, SPMC 742 as a Side Hobby Part of the fun in life is meeting new people, doing new things and seeing new places through travel. It's the same in numismatics. You can explore the world through a collection of current foreign bank notes as a side hobby. One book, Albert Pick's Standard Catalog Of World Paper Money at $17.50 is all you need to start. Keep your notes in long envelopes and store them in a cardboard box. It's surprising how little space bank notes take. Each bank note should be recorded and identified by its serial number in case of loss or theft. There are two interesting and easy ways to collect. In order to get the most benefit and enjoyment from world bank notes, try them both; one after the other. First, to get acquainted with bank notes and for that matter with the various countries in the world, try to get at least one specimen of bank note from as many countries as possible. Without too much difficulty you can get close to 200 countries including a few that have changed their names or no longer exist, such as British Hondouras (now Belize), Rhodesia and Nyasaland (now Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi) and Biafra (now part of Nigeria). This is not as expensive as it appears as the monetary unit of only a small number of countries surpasses that of the United States. A large number of current low denomination notes cost from 10i to $1 in crisp new condition. After a year or so your foreign bank note collection should include notes from more than 100 countries. You will have acquired a certain feel for foreign notes and a preference or interest in certain topical areas. Now is the time to get underway with the second option in world bank note collecting; the topical collection. This is something that you can persue for the rest of your life at a leisurely pace. As one discovers in handling of notes from many countries, there are quite a number of interesting subjects for a topical collection. Some of the more popular and obvious are: coats of arms, monarchs, heads of state, military leaders, men of science, men of art, explorers, groups of people, figures of Liberty, allogorical figures, statues, wildlife, flowers, trees, countryside, agriculture and farming, occupations, buildings, transportation, maps, flags, battle scenes, historical scenes, reproductions of engravings and paintings, Whole No. 76 Page 217 overprinted notes, World War II notes, etc. Some of these topics are very large and can be broken down. Wildlife can be broken down to animals, birds, sea mammals and fish. Monarchs might be limited to British monarchs or even to one monarch such as Queen Elizabeth II. One can also collect notes of an entire continent; those of a political unit such as Portugal and her colonies or individual countries. The collector can have the satis- faction of obtaining a complete collection of one or more countries that issued their first bank notes only a few years ago. The complete collection of notes for Cayman Islands, Botswana, Papua-New Guinea, Swaziland or St. Helena comprises only three or four denominations. Collecting interests in bank notes can be shared with the entire family. Encourage your spouse or one or more of your children to collect foreign bank notes. They can profit by and learn from their collection. Children can gain much basic knowledge from foreign notes. Collecting current foreign bank notes requires no previous numismatic knowledge and grading is not a factor as notes are generally available in uncirculated condition. One learns as one collects. One learns the location of a country, the value of its monetary unit, its language and perhaps something of its economic and political situation, history and its people. Probably not too many readers can locate the five countries I mentioned two paragraphs above, but then neither could I till I got into world bank notes. World bank notes can also be made into a wide variety of displays for exhibition at coin conventions. Two dealers specializing in current bank notes with good permanent stocks of them are: Dwight L. Muser, Box 305, Ridge Manor, Florida 33525 and Ronald Schmitz, 3144 South Highland Avenue, Berwyn, Illinois 60402. Dwight L. Muser has probably been in this field the longest of any dealer. Ronald Schmitz's father-in-law (now deceased) was one of the first in the field. Ask your friends to bring you back notes from their travels. Canada and Mexico are not far off so getting notes from them should be no problem. You are in for a great deal of enjoyment and will broaden your knowledge considerably by undertaking a small collection of world bank notes as a side hobby in the way I have outlined above. It will contrast well with other numismatic interests and make you more interested in numismatics. You can go at your own pace and share your knowledge and collection with your family and friends. Page 218 Paper Money Previously unknown replacement note exhibited Memphis Paper Money Convention Existence of a $20 Silver Certificate Star Note Made Public at Memphis Convention by Douglas D. Murray Discovered in late 1977 by the author and displayed at the Memphis Paper Money Convention, the Series 1891 $20 Silver Certificate *1144B is the only replacement note known in the $20 Silver Certificate series. This currently unique note has the signatures of Parker- Burke, and grades Very Good with some pinholes. The use of star replacements did not start until 1910, so of the six Series 1891 $20 signature combinations, only the last two, Parker-Burke and Teehee-Burke, could have had them. It was during the Teehee-Burke tenure that the printing of $20 Silver certificates came to an end, nearly 40 years after their introduction in 1878. Star notes are used to replace regular notes spoiled in the printing process. in this instance, one of the 1,544,000 Parker-Burke notes (serials HIE to H1544000E) was unfit and was replaced with the above note. Star notes have their own serial numbers and do not duplicate the number of the spoiled note. The total number of Parker-Burke star notes printed is not known; all that is now known is that at least 1144 were printed. Only 409,000 Teehee-Burke notes (serials H1544001E to H1953000E) were printed, and although star replacements were also likely used, none have been seen. Spectacular Error Note Reported Through the courtesy of Harry Jones, we illustrate the recently reported $20/$10 double denomination note on the Dallas Federal Reserve district. The discovery of this Series 1974 note by a Houston bank customer — not a numismatist, incidentally — set off a search for more examples in the area. According to Numismatic News, as many as two dozen such errors may have been found and secreted until an opportune time for marketing arises. More were found by the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank and returned to Washington. Double denomination notes are caused when 32-note sheets already printed on the back are given the second (face) printing in a different denomination. Modern procedures at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing have nearly eliminated incidence of this type of error. Back in the 1950s, several $10/$1 double denominations were found, while the only other small-size double denomination notes known are $5/$10 and $10/$5 of the late 1940s. However, several types of large size notes are known with double denominations. BARBARA R. MUELLER The Buck Stops Her Whole No. 76 "The more things change, the more they stay the same". Here I am, back at the old stand after a two-year hiatus. But contrary to the proverb, things have changed at the old stand. Thanks to Doug Watson we now have one of the most visually pleasing publications in numismatics, or any hobby for that matter. And fortunately, Doug will continue to lavish his expertise on our graphics, while I devote my time to the purely literary and crassly commercial aspects. To be specific, I am handling all the usual editorial chores up to the point of preparing the copy for Doug. That means helping in the development of articles, taking raw data where necessary and turning it into feature article form. In short, it means all the details of editing that go into making the articles readable and useful for reference. Once those tasks have been accomplished, Doug takes over to make the actual layouts for printing. The commercial aspects, of course, have to do with advertising, a very important service to our readers and dealer members. All advertising copy and layouts should be sent to me. Advertisers should observe the usual deadline schedule (i.e. first of month preceding month of issue). They should try to avoid last-minute changes and additions, particularly by telephone, since under our new set-up, we simply will not have time to make extensive revisions. Once I have sent copy to Doug — that's it. And after publication, I will do the "book work", keeping the ledger, collecting overdue accounts (which I trust will be few) and preparing remittances to our treasurer. Advertising income goes far to make PM what it is and so we try to give advertisers the best service possible under the conditions of operating a non-profit publication. But remember, please, we do not have the staff and facilities of a Krause Publications or an Amos Press, so plan accordingly. As of this writing, our biggest problem is maintaining the flow of good articles. Back in April, when I began to help Doug, I analyzed the list of authors who helped fill the past dozen issues. On it I found many familiar names and a few unfamiliar ones, too. To these folks I have addressed personal letters, seeking their continuing support. To other potential authors I make the same plea. As we endeavour to cover the entire field of syngraphics, not just U. S. paper money, we need material on "foreign" currency and security paper especially. Since our organization is the second largest in numismatics, we should be able to achieve our goals. As Doug told you in the March/April 1977 issue, we can't give monetary payments for articles but we do have an excellent recognition and awards program plus the intangible benefits of publication in a journal of record that is Page 219 preserved for posterity in many museums and libraries. In addition, authors are often able to reach other specialists and increase their own knowledge through the medium of the articles and reports. SPMC is currently riding the crest of a new popularity largely developed through the regional meetings program. Let's keep the momentum by increasing the flow of articles for PM. I assure you, all correspondence will be answered; any help you may need will be forthcoming promptly. Because I have been relieved of the make-up chores, I can do a better job of author development. Won't you help me? Three -letter Name Draws Three -Figure Bid Among the more popular notes among collectors of Na- tional Currency with unusual names are those issued by the Gap, Pa., National Bank. Usually found in small size notes, a large size (Brown Back $10) specimen was offered in the 3/31 Donlon mail bid sale with outstanding results. Graded a strong AU and estimated at $275, the note went to a $515 bid. SPMC LIBRARY CATALOG continued from page 213 ANA Club Bulletin, American Numismatic Association, Vol. 18 — No. 2 — * Az Erem, —, nos. 43-48 (1968-69) Bank Note Reporter, Criswell/Sheheen, Vol. 1, No. 1 — * Canadian Numismatic Journal, Canadian Numismatic Association, Vol. 10, No. 5, Vol. 12, Nos. 1 & 2, (1965 1967) Canadian Paper Money Journal, Canadian Paper Money Society, Vol. 1, No. 1 — * (1965 —) Check List, CCRT, Vol. 1, No. 1 — * (1970 — *) Coin Collectors Journal, Raymond, Jan., Feb., 1953 COINage, 1964-1972 * Essay Proof Journal, Essay Proof Society, Vol. 14, No. 1 — *, (1957 — *) Federal Brand Eagle, Federal Brand, Vol. 1, No. 2, (May, 1964) International Bank Note Society, IBNS, Vol. 11, No. 4 Lansa, Lansa, Vol. 1, No. 1 — * Notgeld Newsletter, Musser, Vol. 1, (1973) The Numismatist, American Numismatic Association, Vol. 74 — (1961 —) Paper Money, SPMC, Vol. 1, No. 1 — (1962 —) Volumes 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 are available in bound form Virginia Numismatist, VNA, 1965 — Whitman Numismatic Journal, Whitman Publishing Co., Vol. 3, No. 1 — * World Coins, Vol. 6, No. 70 (Oct. 1969) Page 220 Paper Money 11/7/77 AN U CEMENTfrom Hickman-Oakes Auctions Inc. ________L--_ ,..._.-4 i / i of our first four sales and the rec to i feel ord Vile, r,,,,, , -Tht-ro ,c pleased customers. With this experience in auctionm9nclude allhandleNa n Bank Notes, we f we are now ready to expand our auctions Type Notes number National oaf n equipped to phases of U.S. currency. Now we will be even betteryour notes forrare small sized notes orauction , be it selected Nationals, Hickman-Oakes Auctions Inc. Talk to one of us today!your whole collection, Consign to State Seals as represented on Bro t wn Back Nationai n1 st Sealed Mail Bid Auction 5a notes 411006 NationaIts Mate Capital cities. eit.n9. Two ndred and hirty- ight lots of some 0 the viaTh to Nationao he offered at auction in years, many pick a few to point out. But remember the Boise City, icl io titQwh. Back 20 , the outstanding Olympia, Washington realizing $370 Ino. $100 Providence, Si Red Seal we sold in 1973 at $500 and the csiqn - or realized over 2 Y2 times that at auction less than 3 yews lateor, Then there were the $1 Houston, TeX8S, series 1875, the unique $100 Indian Te n. Brown Back, and many, many others, This at ors, The Seal #1 r A rarity series frc sales, nc were wel A rare, $ 4/27/7f This first tvirt underbi Origina include Pan of This sale featured alhr eninations of First Charter notes and Red 4/111 7-7 2nd Sealed MO Bid Auction for notes. Agan, in t small space it's hard to begin to list the high - lights of the sale, but remember the unique "Crow's Landing" Cali - frnia not, $50 1st Charter on New Hampshire, the great western note from Ariz., the Red Seal $10 on Sandpoint, Idaho, #1 $5 Brown Back note on Liberty, NY with Rosecrans-Morgan sigs? In- c hided in the 180 lots sale were 5 sheets of Nationals. Whole No. 76 Page 221 3rd Sealed Mail Bid Auction fiction of 337 lots featured notes from a wide range of consign- featured consignment of the sale was a select group of Red otes. Remember the Polk County at Copper Hill, Tenn, note? ever there was one. How about the $100 1st Charter Original rm the Pocasset N.B. of Fall River, Mass. As in our previous rtes were representative of all series and most states. 1929's I represented in this sale with over 70 lots of AU or Unc. 1929's. 5'29, high grade Cheyenne, Wy. note sold for $710. 4th Sealed Mail Bid Auction ust completed 4th sale offered notes from all states, as did our auctions. The $10 T2 Alaska note brought $1273 against active dding. The blockbuster of the sale, bringing $6300, was the $5 1 from Fort Benton, Montana Terr. This auction of 289 lots some vignettes, as have our previous sales. We feel they are a currency collecting and, as such, deserve space in our auctions . li iVeotae ci thprisit: over ver 1 000 After corjojeti thefri'four' successsfrif !hailo call Jo our horizons y t ctesirabi O fall • lekrnan (576 2-) ctior) all t s °ve t) cite' rho ., then s pai„ high°Seco 68 let j a og pa , r)oresut:i3q,,uts 'Co/east*co too I sir e 11/0,) ,/, , leftannot know -ricecorn° i t)•°five th e over e e 7. 9 the to co; eraelas;:etdc„ 4th balized • ', oar? bound ''t'ith cat j °s realized t°geth Jon p "tetp4an.0 k, 8 - tles, 1.4Qk 26°372 66£90 DANZIG Bank von Danzig: 100 Gulden, 1st Aug. 1931 (Pick 55). Unc £145 105 GREAT BRITAIN — ISLE OF MAN Douglas & Isle of Man Bank:£1, 18-, with vertical ovpt at left °Dumbell's Banking Co., Ltd.' in red, not signed or dated, (unissued), but numbered 51052. Attractive vignette of agricultural scenes at left, Isle of Man Coat of Arms at top. Some creasing, otherwise VF Page 222 WORD iiiNi CURRENCY AT AUCTION Stanley Gibbons Sales, London Dec. 6, 1977; Mar. 7, 1978 (All descriptions from auctioneer's catalogs) Prices in pounds sterling. DESCRIPTION — 4it ‘‘, it‘v com Vs - • 1)1,1./..- 4 – / /2../ , Rtrp, ricbo.,/ .47zr,Zrz.. ,,,,,q110‘6010 ,it)k,4: .4, Est. Price Value Real I Lei CANADA Hudson's Bay Co. York Factory in Ruperts Land: 5 Shillings Sterling, 15th November, 1820, hand- signed by William Williams, Governor and John Spencer, Accountant (payable in London as a Bill of Exchange), some pinholes, otherwise Near EF, this condition very scarce for such a rare early Canadian item. £400 335 COSTA RICA Banco Internacional: 10 Colones, 6th March 1929 (Pick 24). Near EF £130 90 Paper Money CUBA El Banca Espanol de la Isla de Cuba: 50 Pesos, 15.5.1896, 'Plata' reverse (Pick 73). Good VF £80 90 t 3 7 DE NEDERLANDSCHE BANK irc,111‘ 1.1£ T..16S.F DUIZEND GULDEN al , E„ coo De, Praitalt Whole No. 76 Page 223 British Army in France — W.W.I.: "Tokens" issu- ed by 11th Service Battalion (St. Helen's Pioneers) South Lancashire Regiment, for 5, 10, 25, 50 Centimes and 1 Franc (nos. 54, 260, 373, 373, 392 resp.). Rare, near EF 5 £800 650 SOUTH AFRICA Siege of Mafeking: 1 Pound, March 1900 (no. 270), with "Bechuanaland Protectorate One Penny" embossed revenue stamp, slight foxing, 3 very small tears, but Good F £650 675 KATANGA Banque National: 100 Francs, 15th Sept. 1962 (Pick 7). VF £60 50 NETHERLANDS Netherlands Bank: 1000 Gulden, Sept. 1938, signed Westermann and Trip (Pick 45). EF £75 70 SPAIN Banco de Zaragoza: 100 Reales, 14th May 1857, numbered 23102 but unsigned. Near EF £115 105 SUDAN Siege of Khartoum — "General Gordon" Note; 20 Piastres, 1884, with "Hectograph" signature. EF £250 190 Page 224 Paper Money SIT r..;?..4r4r7 / by C. John Ferreri One of the most rewarding moments in collecting U.S. obsolete or broken bank notes occurs when the collector locates a bank note bearing a vignette of such local significance as the one pictured here. The engraved scene on this $3.00 note of 1862 issued by the Barnstable Bank depicts the main street in Yarmouth (now Yarmouthport), Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with the stage coach approaching from the easterly direction and about to pass in front of the bank on the right and the "Gingerbread House" on the left. Nearly 125 years have passed since the vignette for this note was engraved but some of the structures depicted on it remain today. The bank building was torn down some years ago, but the Gingerbread House remains and appears today much as shown in the vignette. The House was built as a private home in 1840 and later turned into an inn. It eventually was bought by William and Rosetta Chalpara and their three sons, Peter, Sabino and Costa. The Chalparas are Greek but migrated from Istanbul. The arrived in the U.S. in 1960. "Bill" found employment as a cabinet maker and "Rose" as a cook. They worked at those trades for some time before purchasing the House, restoring it and transforming it into the fine Greek restaurant "Myconos". It is interesting to note that on the back of the Continued on page 230 Whole No. 76 Page 225 Thinking of selling your currency collection? Do what other leading collectors have done and consign it to a Bowers and Ruddy Galleries Auction Sale When Matt Rothert, distinguished past president of the American Nu- mismatic Association, and owner of one of the largest and most compre- hensive collections of United States regular and fractional currency and Robert A. Russell, who formed one of the most spectacular collections of United States fractional currency, decided to sell their collections there was only one choice — a Bowers and Ruddy Gal- leries public auction sale. The results? Spectacular! Collectors from all over the world participated in the auction and many new price records were set. While the past record is dazzling — and we've certainly had more than our share of outstanding currency pieces and collections — the most impor- tant question RIGHT NOW is YOU! Thinking of selling? Write or telephone (toll free) Bob Korver of our Auction Department for details, including a free descriptive brochure which tells you all about selling at auction. Right now we are accepting consignments for our 1978 auction season, including the 1978 American Numismatic Association Convention Auction Houston, Texas — August 1978 The A.N.A. Sale is "the big one. - ACT NOW and you can include your currency in this spectacular event. Write or call now (use the coupon if you wish) and complete information will be sent to you. r --------,,,,, Bowers & Ruddy Galleries 6922 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 600, Los Angeles 90028 II Please send me a copy, without obligation, of your • I auction brochure. II I Name II I Street City State Zip IPM-3 IIIMEMIIMMEIMMIEMENIII Bowers & Ruddy Galleries, Inc. 6922 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 600, Los Angeles, California 90028 (213) 466-4595 Call Toll Free 800-4214224 Page 226 Paper Money COLLECT SMALL United States paper money, blocks, stars, silver certificates, USNs, FRNs, odd numbers, etc. Free, extensive list: SASES a must. DHK, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (77) mongy mart 11111Poir OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certi- ficates $2. Also eager to buy any quantity. Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, California 94010 (80) Paper Money will accept classified advertising from membe, s only on a basis of 5t per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., Dec. 1, 1976 for Jan. 1977 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each) NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE (Broken Bank) notes, sheets, scrip and checks wanted for my collection. I have some duplicates for trade. John J. Merrigan Jr. 2 Alexandria Drive, East Hanover, N.J. 07936 (79) SEND TODAY! Next 3 Catalogs. Historical documents, autographs, Civil War, newspapers, Americana. Always Something Unusual for the Specialist. $1. Cohasco, Inc., 321 Broadway, New York 10007 (78) WANTED: GILLESPIE, ILLINOIS National Bank Notes (American, and Gillespie). Large and small size, any denomina- tion, any condition. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 (77) WANTED: PUERTO RICAN currency, coins, tokens; U.S. MPC'S and AMC'S; world paper money and coins. Gerald Goldenberg, 3505 Mullin Lane, Bowie, MD. 20715 (78) NEED ANY KONVERSIONKASSE and concentration camp notes, and obsoletes from Fairfield, Connecticut. Write: Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 06430 (77) WANTED: CALIFORNIA national bank notes, all sizes and types. Especially wanted are gold banks, 1st and 2nd charters and uncut sheets. John Heleva, P.O. Box 375, Fair Oaks, California 95628 (78) ENCASED POSTAGE STAMPS and related items wanted. Also need Colonial Currency and Fiscal items. Collections purchased or Colonial Currency traded. Write today: DANA LINETT, Box 2592, Boston, MA 02208 (76) RADAR AND REPEATER Notes Wanted: (need many differ- ent Blocks, specially star notes. Will buy or trade. $1 and $2 FRN's only. All letters answered. Bob Azpiazu, Jr., P.O. Box 1433, Hialiah, Florida 33011 (76) WANTED: NEW YORK National Bank Notes: 1st NB Tarrytown, Ch. No. 634; Irvington NB, Ch. No. 6371; Mt. Vernon NB, Ch. No. 8516; 1st NB Ardsley, Ch. No. 12992. Frank Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10455. 212-2926800. (80) VIRGINIA NATIONALS WANTED Large or small, especially first and second chapters will buy any small nationals $100.00 and $50.00 any bank any state that I do not have. Write today. Description condition and price wanted Garland Stephens, P.O. Box 243, Wytheville, VA 24382 (78) WANTED: MAINE—NEW HAMPSHIRE — Vermont Large & Small Nationals, obsolete and colonial notes. Please advise what you have with grade and price. Prefer higher grade notes, but would consider lower grade on scarcer notes. Richard D. Dolloff, 116 State Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (77) LARGE SIZE STAR note information needed for research project. Please send type, serial, signatures, plate numbers and grade of your vault impounded specimens. Ownership will be kept confidential. Can you help? Doug Murray, 326 Amos Avenue, Portage, MI 49081 (77) CARDBOARD CIVIL WAR Sutler scrip wanted: Top prices paid for any I need. Also want paper sutler currency and metal sutler tokens. David E. Schenkman, Box 274, Indian Head, MD 20640 (80) SHIP CHANDLERY David Conwell Ship Chandlery, Province- town Bank, Provincetown Mass, blue reverse. AU unsigned. 5i or 100 denomination for $10 each. Charles Straub, P.O. Box 200 Columbia, CT 06237. (26) TENNESEE NATIONALS WANTED, especially First and Second Charter, Red Seals, also small nationals. Large inventory for trade. Top prices paid. Jasper D. Payne, 304 A St., Lenoir City, TN 37771 (80) LARGE SIZE NATIONALS wanted. E-685-707. Any state. VF+ or Better, write with full description and price in first letter. Edward J. Flinger, P.O. Box 184, Toms River, NJ. 08753 (76) WANTED BADLY the following back issues of "Paper Money": Whole numbers 1 thru 13, also Number 16. Please pride and I'll let you know. Claud Murphy Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031 (78) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obso- lete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Rt. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (83) WANTED for my collection: Any note on which the serial number consists of only zeros and ones. .00000001,00000100, 00000110, etc. to 11111111. Klein, Box 120, Fairfield, CT 6430 (77) WANTED KANSAS NATIONALS nut TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series $10 V.G. or better pay . . .. 700 Any Original Series $20 V.G. or better pay . . . . 900 Any Series of 1875 $50 V.G. or better pay .. . .2500 Any Series of 1875 $100 V.G. or better pay . . .2500 Any Brown Back $100 V.G. or better pay 900 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 V.G. or better pay . .1000 Any 1929 Type 111650 V.G. or better pay 700 CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $350 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in VG or better. #1448 #3066 #3521 #3706 #3833 #6326 #1732 #3090 #3524 #3726 #3835 #6333 #1828 #3108 #3531 #3737 #3844 #6392 #1838 #3148 #3542 #3745 #3852 #7218 #1913 #3194 #3559 #3748 #3853 #7412 #1927 #3199 #3563 #3751 #3861 #7535 #1957 #3213 #3564 #3756 #3880 #8107 #2001 #3249 #3567 #3758 #3888 #8308 #2192 #3265 #3569 #3759 #3900 #8339 #2427 #3277 #3577 #3769 #3928 #8357 #2538 #3360 #3594 #3775 #3963 #8525 #2640 #3384 #3596 #3776 #3970 #8974 #2809 #3386 #3612 #3787 #3992 #9097 #2879 #3394 #3630 #3790 #4032 #10902 #2954 #3431 #3649 #3791 #4036 #11047 #2973 #3440 #3657 #3795 #4150 #11154 #2990 #3443 #3658 #3803 #4288 #11887 #3002 #3473 #3667 #3805 #4317 #14163 #3018 #3509 #3695 #3807 #4619 #3035 #3512 #3703 #3812 #6072 There are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. If you are selling rare Kansas Nationals elsewhere you are not getting top dollar. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals - •101] FLYNN Hum COINS INC'. P. 0. BOX 3140 • 2854 W. 47TH STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE 913-236-7171 Whole No. 76 Page 227 WANTED: KENTUCKY OBSOLETE (broken bank) notes and uncut sheets. Alfred Hortmann, 7346 Forsyth Blvd., University City, MO 63105 WANTED: VIRGINIA COUNTY obsolete currency and scrip, all Rhode Island Colonial through small Nationals and all Louisiana. Will pay cash. Will Conner, Box 16150-A, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (81) PAY $5.00 EACH for all notes on Timber Cutters Bank, Savan- nah, Georgia in decent condition. Ship for instant check. Thanks. Gary Doster, Rt. 2, Box 18A, Watkinsville, GA 30677 (78) $1 U.S. NOTES: Serious collector attempting to catalgoue all existing $1 1928 Legal Tender Notes with serial numbers under 5,000 (original issue). Please write giving serial number, condition, face plate, and back plate numbers. Ownership will be kept confidential. Please help. Logan Talks, 745 Southover, Toledo, OH 43612 (77) I NEED ONE note from each of the following Atlanta National Banks: Charter numbers 1605, 2064, 2424, 5490. Prefer notes in fine or better. Claud Murphy, Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031. (85) WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency and scrip. Willing to pay realistic prices. Especially want city, county issues. Also Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga. R. R. Banking, Bank of Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R. R. Banking, Bank of Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Bank of Macon, Central Bank, Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Bank of U.S. Central R. .R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters Bank, Interior Bank. Also buying proofs. Many other issues wanted. Please write for my wantlist, mailed free. Claud Murphy, Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031 (81) SPMC LUNCHEON AT ANA TO FEATURE DR. DOUGLAS BALL SPMC President Bob Medlar has announced that the highlight of the annual get-together at the American Numismatic Association convention in Houston will be an address by Dr. Douglas Ball. He will speak to guests at the Society's luncheon which will take place on August 23, 1978 in "space 2" of the AstroVillage Hotel at 12:30 P.M. Tickets will be on sale at various members' booths at the ANA bourse or can be purchased from the officers in attendance. Dr. Ball, who will discuss Confederate currency, is well known as a researcher in the field. In 1976, he took his impressive academic credentials into commercial numismatics, going into business as NASCA (Numismatic and Antiquarian Service Corporation of America). The firm's elaborate auction catalogs are fast becoming collectors items in themselves. 1574 PAPER MONEY Researchers believe that the Siege of Leyden (Holland) notes of 1574 may be the earliest paper currency of Europe. Made in the shape of a coin from compressed Bible paper, they were produced during one of the Span- ish wars and are 11/2 inches in diameter. The date appears on the edge of the obverse, while the main motif is the lion rampant. Page 228 • LIBRARY .16 -mali. NOTES WENDELL WOLKA, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 Regular Additions: The Check List, Oct. 1976, January-April 1977, July 1977 The Numismatist, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1977; January, Feb., March, 1978 ANA Club Bulletin, Sept., Nov. 1977; January, 1978 Virginia Numismatist, Vol. 13, no. 5, no. 6 (1977); Vol. 14 no. 1 (1978) UB 20 Operation Bernhard by Anthony Pirie, 1962, 271 pp., P5 Illus. Donated by Larry Adams.. This intriguing book deals with the Nazi counterfeiting of mas- sive numbers of Bank of England notes during World War II. The fascinating story, from its beginning in 1939 to its end in the depths of Austrian lakes some twenty years later, is one which you won't be able to put down. Perhaps you'd better take a little closer look at that Bank of England £5 war era note in your collection! US 25 The History of Printing in America by Isaiah Thomas, T5 1810 (1970 reprint) 650 pp. Donated by Marvin Ash- more. Paper Money This huge volume's chief interest to paper money collectors is its large amount of biographical information on early paper money engravers and printers as well as information on early paper manufacture. VA 30 Chartered For Progress — Two Centuries of American C5 Banking — A Pictorial Essay by Elvira and Dr. Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli, 1975, 144 pp., Illus., Gift of Publisher and Larry Adams. An absolutely delightful book to look at and read! The book de- tails all aspects of the banking function from the earliest Colo- nial days to electronic banking of the '70's in an easy-to-read, straight-forward text. One of the best features of the book is the lavish use of photo- graphs and illustrations of notes, scrip, bank buildings, the men who were connected with banking, and all of the other things which have been associated with the profession over the years. A number of color plates are incorporated. Enjoy, Enjoy! Thanks to the generosity of James R. Hanna, we have received copies of the following priced catalogs: US 15 United States, Canadian and Confederate Paper Money Q8 by Robert Welich, 1969-70 edition 114 pp., Illus. HA 30 The Guide Book of Canadian Coins Paper Currency and G8 Tokens by H.C. Taylor and Somer James, 1961 edition, 264 pp., Illus. HA 30 Simplified Catalog of Candian-Newfoundland Coins and Z10 Paper Money by Hans Zoell 1961, 40 pp., Illus. GA 30 Standard Guide to U.S. Coin and Paper Money Valua- W5 tions by R. Wilhite and C. Mishler 1976, 194 pp., Illus. It's in the Books — Excerpts from Dye's Counterfeit Detector, July, 1884 Edition Donated by SPMC Library by Morey Perlmutter Counterfeit Bank of England Notes On June 25, at the office of Fred G. Frank & Bros., at Chicago, Ill., a stranger asked to have three £15 Bank of England notes exchanged for U.S. currency. Mr. Frank had his suspicions aroused by the appearance of the notes, and began making a close examination of the watermark and other details, and upon seeing this the stranger said the notes were undoubtedly genuine, and proposed leaving them for close inspection if Mr. Frank would make him a receipt. A negotiable receipt was given, and the man promised to return at three o'clock. Mean- time the notes were submitted to several banking experts, and Mr. Frank became convinced that they were excellent counterfeits. The man failed to turn up at the appointed time, and the case was put in the hands of the city detectives. Cramer & Co., agents for the Guion steamship line, had cashed two of the Englishman's spurious £50 notes before they had become suspicious, and consulted the detectives. The counterfeit is almost perfect. The watermark, the great safeguard of the Bank of England notes, which is said to be impossible to counterfeit, is a good imitation of the watermark in the curves and tracings, the only seeming want being that the words "Bank of England" are not as clearly legible as they are in the genuine notes. The vignette, on close examination, seems scratchy and unfinished, but ordinary observers accustomed to handle Bank of England notes would hardly notice this. The principal proof of spuriousness seems to be in the quality of the paper, the texture being hard and coarse, compared with the silky, elastic paper in the genuine notes. The notes bore a rubber stamp impression with the words "London and County Banking Company, Limited," thereby conveying the idea that they had passed through an English bank. The notes answer the description of spurious notes recently found in circulation in Antwerp. The date of the notes is May 16, 1883, and the sign prefix- ed to the number is 260. CHICAGO, July 5. — Marshall, the English, confid- ence man, who was arrested at Milwaukee last week and brought back to this city on the charge of passing a large number of counterfeit Bank of England notes, made his escape from the Des Plaines Street station-house before daylingt this morning by sawing his way through three doors. lichee s, inc. "Prod 1.0 Service " MEMBER: ANA Life #110-ANS-PNG-SCPN-SPMC-IAPN, Others. 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 Whole No. 76 Page 229 RARE CUT SHEETS OF FOUR "Beautiful "Cut-Sheets" from the Famous James M. Wade Collection." When reconstructed, the four uncirculated notes form a sheet as they were originally issued. 1 he majority are mostly one-of-a- kind and many are excessively rare and are attractively priced. In years past, valuations were generally considered to be 5 X the price for a single note with much higher prices for the more elusive sheets. It is with pride that we offer the following from Jim Wade's great collection which Bebee's bought and sold in 1956. We suggest a telephone call to reserve your selections. Only one sheet of each, so all "Subject To Prior Sale." LEGAL TENDER 1917 $1, Fr-38, Elliott-White 319.50 1917 $1, Fr-39, Speelman-White 319.50 1911 $1, Fr-39, "Star Sheet". Rare 749.50 1923 $1, Fr-40, Red Seal & Nos. Very scarce sheet 699.50 1923 $1, Fr-40, "Star Sheet" with low serial nos *4209D/*4212D. Single stars fetch $400.00. Very rare in sheets 1 799.50 1880 $2, Fr-52, Bruce-Wyman. Large Brown Seal. Singles bring $250.00. This scarce sheet priced at only 1 050.00 1880 $2, Fr-56, Tillman-Morgan. Small Red Seal. Singles fetch $300.00. Very scarce sheet .. 1,295.00 1880 $5, Fr-74, Rosecrans-Jordan. Large Red Seal. Singles bring $415.00. This splendid sheet may be yours for only 1,995.00 1880 $5, Fr-80, Tillman-Morgan. Small Red Seal. Each note bears the personal autograph of D.N. Morgan. Very rare sheet 1,695.00 1880 $10, Fr-110, Rosecrans-Jordan. Small Red Seal. Scarce !Jackass" sheet Singles bring $400.00). This sheet only 1 795.00 1880 $20, Fr-136, Rosecrans-Hyatt. Large Red Spikes Seal. A beautiful rare sheet 3,995.00 1880 $20, Fr-140, Rosecrans-Nebeker. Small Red Seal. Beautiful scarce sheet 1,975.00 1880 $20, Fr-141, Tillman-Morgan. Small Red Seal. Each note bears the personal autograph of D.N. Morgan 2,295.00 1880 $50, Fr-161, Huston-Rosecrans. Large Brown Seal. Single notes retail $1,750.00. This very rare sheet 8,495.00 SILVER CERTIFICATES 1891 $1, Fr-223, Tillman-Morgan. Small Red Seal. The elusive Martha Washington note. Beautiful rare sheet 1 195.00 1899 $1, Fr-228, Vernon-Treat The popular American Eagle note. Single notes sell @ $95.00. Scarce in sheets - this one only 450.00 1923 $1, Fr-238, Woods-White. Portrait of George Washington. Blue Seal. Priced a only 215.00 1886 $2, Fr-242, Rosecrans-Hyatt. Large Red Spikes seal. Rare singles sell @ $600.00. this very rare - beautiful sheet can be yours for only 2,895.00 1899 $2, Fr-253, Napier-McClung. Blue Seal. Scarce single notes sell @ $225.00 up. This very scarce sheet only 975.00 1880 $10, Fr-289, Bruce-Wyman. Large Brown Seal. Very rare singles bring $2.500.00. Far rarer in sheets. This great rarity priced 11,500.00 1891 $10, Fr-299, Tillman-Morgan. Small Red Seal. Rare singles go @ $1.00. This very rare sheet priced only 2,995.00 1891 $20, Fr-320, Lyons-Robert. Small Red Seal. Another dealer specializing in rare notes recently offered a Gem Single for $1.850.00. This gem sheet goes to some lucky collector for . . . . 7,950.00 1891 $50, Fr-334, Vernon-Treat Small Red Seal. Portrait of Edward Everett, former Secretary of State. The same dealer which offered the 1891 Fr-320, also had a Fr-334, in Unc. Choice which he prices for $3,250.00 (both notes likely were sold without delay). This beautiful sheet - a great rarity - truly a "Museum Item" is offered for only 15,500.00 TREASURY (COIN) NOTES 1891 $1, Fr-351, Tillman-Morgan. Small Red Seal. Singles sell $350.00. This scarce sheet is offered for only 1 495.00 1891 $2, Fr-357. Sigs and seal as last Scarce singles go@ $600.00. This choice sheet priced 2 950.00 1890 $5, Fr-359, Rosecrans-Huston. Large Brown Spikes Seal. Very rare singles bring $1,500.00. This great rarity - from the James M. Wade Collection - a "Museum Item" priced @ .. 6,450.00 1891 $5, Fr-364, Bruce-Roberts. Small Red Seal. Single notes sell $600.00. Very scarce sheet - priced 2 750.00 1891 $10, Fr-369, Rosecrans-Nebeker. Seal as last Single notes are currently being offered for $850.00. this very scarce sheet priced @ 3 850.00 SPECIAL - the above four 1891 sheets . . . . 10,350.00 BOOKS "IN THE SPOTLIGHT" SPECIAL SCPN BOOK DISCOUNT - Deduct 15% on book orders $20.00 or more. Please add $1.00 for postage, insurance. Let Bebee's - "Amer- ica's leading dealer in books for over 35 years - serve you. SASE for our BIG book list (over 100 on paper money alone @ DISCOUNT PRICES). Send us your name IF you wish to buy Friedberg's new 9th ed. (Due mid-August). We will inform you when you may order - and receive it im- mediately when published. HESSLER'S 2nd Ed. "The Comprehensive Catalogue of U.S. Paper Money" A MUST 25.00 MEDCALF/RUSSELL New "Hawaiian Money Standard Catalogue." 96 pgs., value 10.00 O'DONNELL 6th Ed. "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Currency." ($15.00) SPECIAL - with note order, net $7.95; NET 9 75 VAN BELKUM "National Bank Notes of the Note Issuing Period 1863-1935" 14.00 WARN "The Nevada Sixteen" autographed - just a few left. SPECIAL - NET 17.50 KELLER (International Bank Note Society) Vol. I. Paper Money of the 20th Cent: Brunei, British Malaya, Malaysia, British No. Borneo, Straits Settlements, Rep. of Singapore, Japanese Occupation of Malaya. 123 pgs., illus., val. in 3-ring binder 8 95 Vol. II - Belgian Bank Issues: Congo, Belgian Congo, Belgian Congo & Rwanda, joint issues of Rwanda-Burundi, Rwanda, Katanga, Zaire. 269 pgs., illus., vats. in 3-ring binder 10.95. Please add $1.50 to note orders (over $200.00 add $2.50). 100% satisfaction guaranteed. (TEN day money-back return privilege always.) SASE - for our list of paper money (now in preparation) - for over 38 years we've served thousands of "particular customers." Page 230 A NEW ENGLAND SCENE REVISITED Continued from page 224 "Myconos" bill of fare appears a brief history of the House and an engraving identical to that on the bank note. According to Mr. Chalpara, the engraving was obtained from an old map of the Town of Barnstable. What other scenes as quaint and historic are waiting to be revisited? Probably more than one would expect. One the New England broken bank note issues alone are found well over a hundred similar contemporary scenes that are just waiting for a visit by some inquisitive syngraphist. I know I can hardly wait to make my next visit to some unsuspecting scene where perhaps one of the famous bank note engravers of a bygone era took great pains to sketch a subject which was later to become part of a circulating bank note and still later an integral part of some proud syngraphist's obsolete or broken bank note collection. RUSSIA'S PAPER MONEY Continued from page 207 are repetitions of the numbers on notes issued by the former governments. The new notes further bear the fac- simile signature of the former Director of the Bank of State, though he was dismissed when the Bolsheviks seiz- ed power, and in this respect one may consider them forgeries. But as no one can distnguish them from "Czar notes" and "Duma notes" printed by the former govern- ments, there is no difference in value at home or abroad. Paper Money objection to issuing local money in Russia in order to re- lieve the chronic currency famines is that such local money drive "Duma notes" out of circulation as "Duma notes" have driven "Czar notes," and "Czar notes" have driven gold coins. The "Czar notes" and "Duma notes" printed from the old plates by the Bolsheviks bear numbers, but no outsid- er knows whether these numbers are new or whether they COLIN NARBETH BECOMES DIRECTOR OF STANLEY GIBBONS Pioneer bank note collector and author Colin Narbeth has been named a director of Stanley Gibbons International, Limited. He joined the firm in 1970 as managing director of Stanley Gibbons Currency, Limited and set up the bank note dealing division. Since then he has been responsible for the company's expansion into coins, medals, playing cards and, most recently, stocks and bonds. NEW CHECK PROTECTION SCHEME The Burroughs Corporation, in its first quarter 1978 "Shareholder News", announced that its dividend checks are now printed on the firm's new Super-Safety II check stock. This stock, available exclusively from Burroughs, is designed to prevent color copier reproduction of negotiable items such as checks and money orders. Super- Safety II checks cannot be duplicated on a color copier without the word "VOID" appearing on the fraudulent D 11-i,CAD H S As America's Largest Dealer in Obsolete Currency Means Very Simply That .. . OMER CMS CAN HELP YOU BUY OR SELL! If you are not on our mailing list, write today for your free copy of our latest 48 Page offering of notes, and send us your WANT LIST. OV I I-4 I \ ELL CONFEDERATE AND SOUTHERN STATES CURRENCY LATEST EDITION (1976), (Autographed if You Wish ) Revised, 300 Pages, Hard Bound. $15 Phone AC 904 685-2287 ROUTE 2 BOX 1085 CRISWELL'S FT. McCOY, FL 32637 Whole No. 76 Page 231 WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY? SPINK 8c SON LTD 5.6 8,7. RING STR ST JAMES S. LONDON. SNV1Y GOS 1,0 IM ZURICH. swil2E,O,No SYDNEY, AUSTFO.1.1A AL. mmmmmm o CPS/HCS 19 July 1977 H Melnick 265 Sunrise County Federal Building Suite 53Rockville Centre LI NY 11570 Dear Mr Melnick Thank you for your letter of 14th July an l d the enclosed cheque for the note we included inyourrecent Maryand Histori ca l Me are delighted with the result, of this anti we shall mostSale. certainly send you more material for future auctions. Again thank you for your kind assistance in this matter. Yours, C P StockerManager Banknote Department May we discuss with you the proper disposition of your collection. Write or call Herb Melnick today. (516/764-6677-78). NASCA NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SERVICE CORPORATION OF AMERICA 265 Sunrise Highway, County Federal Bldg., Suite 53 Rockville Centre, L.I., New York 11570 516/764-6677-78 George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board 137 West Saylor Street 2 lei / ATLAS, PA. 17851 5 Page 232 Paper Money ATLAS MAIL BID SALE N0.4 Closing 30 days after receiving publication. Usual rules apply. 20 day return privilege. Short on cash — bid anyway. We can hold your lots with 25% down and three equal monthly payments. No hidden charge for this service. NATIONAL CURRENCY LOT DEN. DESCRIPTION LOT DEN. DESCRIPTION SERIES 1902 25 $10 T1 Mahanoy City, Pa. 3997 AU 1 $5 San Antonio, Texas 5179 VF 26 $10 T2 Pittsburg, Pa. 6301 VF 2 $5 Washington, New Jersey 860 F 27 $10 T1 Cambridge, Ohio 2872 F 3 $5 Liverpool, Pa. 8326 VG 28 $10 Scranton, Pa. 8737 G 4 $10 Chattanooga, Tennessee 1606 G 29 $10 T1 New York, N.Y. 11034 G 5 $10 Mauchunk, Pa. 6534 VG 30 $10 T1 New York, N.Y. 2370 F 6 $10 Beaver Dam, Wisconsin 4602 VF 31 $10 T1 San Francisco, Cal. 13004 VG 7 $10 Allentown, Pa. 1322 VF 32 $10 T1 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 30 F 8 $10 New York, New York 29 VF 33 $10 Ti Lock Haven, Pa. 507 VF 9 $10 New York, New York 891 XF 34 $10 T1 Shamokin, Pa. 6942 XF SERIES 1929 35 $10 T1 Lewistown, Pa. 5289 F 10 $5 T1 York, Pa. 604 F 36 $10 T2 Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 104 VF 11 $5 T1 Phila., Pa. 539 VF 37 $10 T1 Cleveland, Ohio 4318 VF 12 — Same as above VG 38 $10 T2 Meadville, Pa. 4938 F 13 $5 Baltimore, Maryland 11207 F 39 $10 T1 Pittsburg, Pa. 685 VF 14 $5 T2 Scranton, Pa. 8737 F 40 $10 T2 Lansdown, Pa. 13151 G 15 $5 T2 Shamokin, Pa. 6942 VG 41 $10 T2 York, Pa. 604 F 16 $5 T1 Trenton, New Jersey 1327 F 42 $10 T1 Wyoming, Pa. 8517 VG 17 $5 T1 Los Angeles, Cal. 2491 VG 43 $10 T1 New York, N.Y. 1461 AU 18 $5 New York, New York 2370 VG 44 $10 T1 Grand Rapids, Michigan 13328 G 19 $5 T2 Worchester, Mass. 7595 F 45 $10 T2 Shamokin, Pa. 12805 VF 20 $5 T2 Sunbury, Pa. 1237 VG 46 $10 T1 Pittsburg, Pa. 252 XF 21 $5 T2 Danville, Pa. 1078 F 47 $20 T1 Shamokin, Pa. 6942 F 22 $5 T1 Same About F 48 $20 T1 Covington, Kentucky 718 F 23 $10 T1 Bellefontaine, Ohio 1784 F 49 $20 T1 Scranton, Pa. 77 XF 24 $10 T1 East Stroudsburg, Pa. 4011 G 50 $20 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia Fine BUYING — BUYING — BUYING All notes any grade desperately needed. Paying TOP Dollar for Type Notes — Lg. & Sm, Nationals — Obsoletes Singles or Collections Send your notes for check or cash, GREEN MONEY IMMEDIATELY. You may accept or refuse any offers. If not completely satis- fied we will return your notes postpaid. turn your EXTRAS into CASH ... 2 reasons to deal with ATLAS ACCURATE GRADING — SATISFACTION "Dear Sirs: Received my notes from your first Mail Bid and your grading was right on the money. Looking forward for other sales." an un- solicited comment from W.T.B. Plattsborgh, N.Y. "Dear Frank: I can't believe how fast I received my winning lots. The service was great. Keep up the good work." an unsolicited testimonial from J.F.H. Cleveland, Ohio. $5 1890 Silver Certificate Gem Uncirculated May 1977 $1900.00 90 C)L6>1 VVA$7111..•444,11$,D.1.. ONE S AVAIME $ 4 $1 1923 Silver Certificate Inverted Overprint March 1077 $725.00 x■aere.., NEW ENGLAND RARE COIN AUCTIONS $5 1934-A Hawaiian Surcharge Invert Uncirculated November 1 977 $0 75.00 SCENDEPOS$TED, ♦6 0 Whole No. 76 Page 233 "PAPER BRINGS TOP DOLLAR AT NEW ENGLAND AUCTION." Some of the finest in rare U.S. paper currency has been consigned to New England Rare Coin Auctions in the past, and our consignors have realized some of the most impressive prices in the market for these quality items. Our record speaks for itself. But at New England, we give you even more than outstanding prices. We give your collection the exposure it needs to attract the highest bidders. We publish auction catalogs that are unparalleled for photography and detail — and these catalogs are distributed to an expanding mailing list of active numis- matists and syngraphists both in this country and abroad. We travel with your collection to several conventions across the country before each auction, in order to give potential bidders an opportunity to examine your currency — PLUS, we offer an exclusive Personal Bidding Service to prospective bidders who are unable to attend the auction in person. Qualified auction bidder- representatives examine lots and execute bids, thus giving the broadest possible market access to your collection. Examine the record, then give us a call. Let your paper currency bring top dollar at a New England auction. Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1776, Boston, MA 02105 Executive Offices & Galleries: 89 Devonshire St., Boston, MA 02109 (817) 227-8800 Paper Money Page 234 WANTED OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA NATIONAL BANK NOTES SMALL SIZE 1929 5126 WYNNEWOOD 7811 WALTERS 9964 GUYMON 0875 ERICK 5272 NEWKIRK 7822 HASKELL 9968 CORDELL 0960 POCASSET 5298 DAVIS 8052 WEWOKA 9970 STI LWELL 1397 TONKAWA 5347 STI LLWATER 8138 GUYMON 9976 SAYRE 1763 CARNEGIE 5546 PRYOR CREEK 8140 FREDERICK 9980 HARRAH 1913 I DABEL 5587 ALVA 8203 CHICKASHA 9987 SHATTUCK 2035 MOORE 5811 MANGUM 8294 MAUD 0003 BRAMAN 2078 WELLSTON 5955 CHELESEA 8313 PAWHUSKA 0005 POND CREEK 2104 DEPEW 5958 MARIETTA 8472 OKLA. CITY 0020 GEARY 2117 PRYOR CREEK 5961 PAWHUSKA 8524 STRATFORD 0051 CHECOTAH 2130 BLAIR 6113 ALTUSS 8563 LUTHER 0075 KAW CITY 2148 COYLE 6232 RALSTON 8616 DUNCAN 0117 CLAREMORE 2157 NORMAN 6241 OKMULGEE 8644 M I NCO 0151 EDMOND 2472 ARDMORE 6299 COMANCHE 8744 WAURIKA 0205 MARLOW 2801 HUGO 6517 QU I NTON 8852 TEXHOMA 0239 HEAVENER 3021 MADILL 6641 WANETTE 8859 VERDEN 0240 HOLLIS 3751 OKMULGEE 6660 MCLOUD 9046 SULPHUR 0286 MADILL 3760 FREDRICK 6868 BEGGS 9709 WAYNOKA 0304 TECUMSEH 3891 PONCA CITY 6879 COWETA 9881 KINHSTON 0380 ACHILLE 4005 DURANT 6980 CALVIN 9888 HEAVENER 0381 COLBERT 4108 WALTERS 7115 BROKEN ARROW 9942 TULSA 0402 KAW CITY 4305 PAWHUSKA 7209 BERWYN 9946 MARLOW 0548 RINGLING 7278 THOMAS 9949 NOWATO 0573 VIAN 7724 WETUMKA 9963 ELDORADO 0689 COMMERCE Will pay for VG to VF $75.00 VF to UNC $125.00 for above notes On above notes ship don't write. WILL PAY $1500.00 FOR ANY $50.00 RED SEAL ON STATE OF OKLA. Will buy most all large notes on the State of Okla. Write. I am interested in many other states, Kan., West Texas, Ark., Ariz., New Mexico, Utah, Colo., Calif., Mont., Nevada and many more. Will buy complete collections, any state just write. Also wanted series 1929 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTE brown seal $5.00 San Francisco. Write statecondition and price. SPMC 994 HARRY SCHULTZ ANA 38362 BOX 75 KREMLIN, OKLAHOMA 73753 A.C. 405-874-2401 F1300 550.00 Fl 344 125.00 F1301 23.00 F1345 60.00 F1303 23.00 F1346 60.00 F1307 23.00 F1347 40.00 F1308 13.00 F1348 100.00 F1309 13.00 F1349 45.00 50 CENT NOTES F1350 50.00 F1310 70.00 F1351 450.00 F1311 80.00 F1352 625.00 F1312 50.00 F1353 475.00 Fl 31 3 100.00 F1354 500.00 F1316 30.00 F1355 50.00 50 CENT NOTES F1356 70.00 F1317 30.00 F1357 250.00 F1318 30.00 50 CENT NOTES F1320 55.00 F1358 40.00 F1321 65.00 F1359 80.00 F1322 60.00 F1360 40.00 F1324 40.00 F1361 45.00 F1325 110.00 F1362 28.00 F1326 45.00 F1363 85.00 F1327 45.00 F1364 30.00 F1328 60.00 F1365 40.00 F1329 . . . . . . 85.00 F1366 40.00 F1330 1100.00 F1367 95.00 F1331 20.00 F1368 45.00 F1332 60.00 F1369 50.00 F1333 25.00 F1370 100.00 F1334 25.00 F1371 200.00 F'1336 65.00 F1372 110.00 F1337 50.00 F1373 115.00 F1338 55.00 F1374 75.00 F1339 30.00 F1375 75.00 F1340 65.00 F1376 45.00 F1341 40.00 F1379 40.00 F1342 45.00 F1380 25.00 F1343 40.00 F1381 23.00 We need and are buying proofs and specimens or essays of the fractional currency and experimental, trial and freak notes, errors. We need pairs, strips, blocks, packs, sheets and shields gray-pink-green. If you have some you would like to sell you can just ship it with price or we will make an offer. CONTINENTAL CURRENCY VG plus pay . . 8.00 COLONIAL CURRENCY VG plus pay 6.00 CONFEDERATE FINE OR BETTER . . . 1.00 BROKEN BANK NOTES CU 1.00 WE NEED CIR NOTES-VG OR BETTER Fl 13-122 30.00 Ten dollar Bison F271-281 25.00 Five dollar Chief F747-780 18.00 Two dollar Battleship F2300 HAWAII ONE DOLLAR CH CU . . . . . . 8.00 VG 2.00 COIN-A-RAMA CITY 13304 INGLEWOOD AVE. HAWTHORNE, CALIF. 90250 PHONE 213-679-9151 Whole No. 76 Page 235 WANTED TO BUY PAPER MONEY We are in need of some choice CU notes. CU only, no folds, pinholes, bad spots, or too far off-center, etc. We have been at the same location for over 14 years but it has just been the last few months that we have been trying to build up our inventory of U.S. paper money and we need your help and will pay for it. When shipping to us wrap it well, send it registered mail for the value and a return receipt will tell you the day we receive it. Please ship it with an invoice and your phone number. All notes listed by F366-368 .. 800.00 5 CENT NOTES Friedberg are buy F369-371 . .. 400.00 F1228 45.00 prices are for choice CU NATIONAL BANK F1229 50.00 notes. NOTES F1230 20.00 F380-386 . 475.00 F1231 60.00 LEGAL TENDER F387-393 .1350.00 FI232 28.00 NOTES F394-408 . 575.00 F1233 28.00 F16-17 270.00 F409-423 . 800.00 F1234 28.00 F18 260.00 F424-439 . 850.00 F1235 50.00 F19-27 120.00 F466-478 . 160.00 F1236 50.00 F28-30 70.00 F479-492 . 175.00 F1237 65.00 F34-35 120.00 F493-506 . 300.00 F1238 20.00 F36-39 38.00 F507-518 . 650.00 F1239 30.00 F40 85.00 F519-531 . 750.00 10 CENT NOTES F41-4la . 425.00 F532-538 . 250.00 F1240 42.00 F43-49 160.00 F539-548 . 275.00 F1241 50.00 F50-52 110.00 F549-557 . 375.00 F1242 25.00 F53-56 140.00 F558-565 650.00 F1243 60.00 F57-60 58.00 F573-575 . 550.00 F1244 20.00 F61-63 250.00 F576-579 650.00 F1245 20.00 F64 220.00 F580-585 700.00 F1246 23.00 F65-69 160.00 F587-594 . . 80.00 F1247 30.00 F70-72 125.00 F595-597 180.00 F1248 500.00 F73-82 110.00 F598-612 . 70.00 F1249 50.00 F83-92 58.00 F613-620 . 95.00 F1251 30.00 F93 400.00 F621-623 . 220.00 F1252 35.00 F94-95 400.00 F624-638 . . 80.00 F1253 55.00 F97-99 300.00 F639-646 . 110.00 F1254 70.00 FI00-102 • • 200.00 F647-649 . 300.00 F1255 20.00 F103-113 • . 200.00 F650-663 . 110.00 F1256 25.00 F114-122 • • 350.00 F647-649 . 300.00 F1257 20.00 F123 900.00 F650-663 . 110.00 F1258 20.00 F124-126 • • 700.00 F664-671 . 275.00 F1259 20.00 F130-147 • • 260.00 F675-685 . 250.00 F1261 20.00 F155-164 . . 850.00 F686-694 . 400.00 F1264 30.00 SILVER F698-707 . .. 385.00 F1265 14.00 CERTIFICATES FEDERAL RESERVE F1266 14.00 F215-223 • 200.00 BANK NOTES 15 CENT NOTES F224-225 • 265.00 F708-746 . . . . 50.00 F1267 50.00 F226-227 • . 60.00 F747-780 . . . 135.00 F1268 50.00 F228-236 • . 45.00 F781-809 . . . 125.00 Fl 269 50.00 F237-239 • . 25.00 F810-821 . . . 625.00 Fl271 50.00 F240-244 • 280.00 FEDERAL RESERVE 25 CENT NOTES F245-246 • 500.00 NOTES F1279 65.00 F247-248 • 600.00 F832-843 . . . 100.00 F1280 75.00 F249-258 • 140.00 F844-891 .. .. 35.00 F1281 45.00 F259-265 • 900.00 F892-903 .. . 130.00 F1282 100.00 F266-267 • 400.00 F904-951 . . . . 40.00 F1283 25.00 F268-270 • 950.00 F952-963 . .. 150.00 F1284 30.0(1 F271-281 • 250.00 F964-1011 . . . 55.00 F1285 30.00 F282 320.00 F1024-1071 140.00 F1286 30.00 F287-289 750.00 F1084-1131 . . 240.00 F1287 35.00 F291-297 500.00 GOLD F1288 35.00 F298-304 350.00 CERTIFICATES F1289 55.00 F317-322 450.00 F1167-1173 . . 110.00 F1290 60.00 F330-335 .. . 800.00 F1179-1187 . 175.00 F1291 40.00 TREASURY OR F1198-1200 . 375.00 F1292 40.00 COIN NOTES F1203-1215 . . 600.00 F1293 . 40.00 F347-349 . . . 475.00 F1:294 . 30.00 F350-352 . . . 165.00 FRACTIONAL FI295 30.00 F353-355 ... 750.00 CURRENCY F1296 30.00 F356-358 . . . 320.00 3 CENT NOTES F1297 50.00 F359-361 . . . 700.00 F1226 20.00 F1298 80.00 F362-365 . .. 400.00 F1227 35.00 F1299 400.00 COLONIAL AND CONTINTAL CURRENCY FOR SALE BY TYPE F-VF EF-AU CU Continental 22 35 70 Connecticut 15 25 35 Delaware 22 35 65 Georgia 175 350 550 Maryland 22 35 75 Massachusetts 22 35 50 New Hampshire 95 150 195 New Jersey 22 35 50 New York 45 85 150 North Carolina 45 85 150 Pennsylvania 22 35 50 Rhode Island 20 30 45 South Carolina 75 150 200 Virginia 50 90 200 Want lists solicited. Price lists issued. Buying all pre 1790 paper money and fiscal items. Ten day return. N.Y.S. res. please add sales tax. All notes sent postpaid and insured. Phone (914) 623-8198 P. 0. Box 642 Bardonia, N. Y. 10954 Steven Dubinsky ANA. 86993 ANS. SPMC Page 236 Paper Money SMALL SIZE MINNESOTA NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED CANBY, 1st Nat. B. #6366 COLD SPRINGS, 1st Nat. B. #8051 • COTTONWOOD, 1st Nat. B. #6584 GRAND MEADOW, 1st Nat. B. #6933 HENDRICKS, 1st Nat. B. #6468 KERKHOVEN, 1st Nat. B. #11365 • L AN ESBOR 0, 1st Nat. B. #10507 • MADISON, 1st Nat. B. #6795 • MANKATO, Nat. B. Commerce #6519 McINTOSH, 1st Nat. B. #6488 MINNESOTA LAKE, Farmers Nat. B. #6532 • 0SAKIS, 1st Nat. B. #6837 • PIPESTONE, Pipestone Nat. B. #10936 • SAUK CENTER 1st Nat. B. 3155 • WENDALL, 1st Nat. B. #10898 Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade. JOHN R. PALM 6389 ST. JOHN'S DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 55344 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 833 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM, CPMS Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC #38 WANTED Large-Size Wisconsin National Bank Notes Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD 0. JANNEY LM No. 415 P.O. BOX 443 RICHLAND CENTER, WI 53581 Society Certified Professional Numismatists OBSOLETE CURRENCY Several thousand notes available. Send your 13tS.A.S.E. and indicate areas of interest. Lists: Broken Bank Notes, Confederate, U.S. Fractional, Assorted Documents. Please specify states, and conditions desired. DONALD E. EMBURY P.O. BOX 61 WILMINGTON, CA 90744 (80) Whole No. 76 Page 237 WANTED WANTED Punch cancelled specimen notes. Cartooned fractional notes or information regarding their original source. Please price and describe (photo copy►. ANA 29672 ROCKY ROCKHOLT SPMC 1354 2600 GERSHWIN AVE. N. ST. PAUL, MINN. 55119 612-777-7248 (evenings) ARE YOU ON OUR MAILING LIST? COLONIAL PAPER MONEY & COINS WE OFFER: A BIMONTHLY MAIL BID SALE A FIXED PRICE LIST COMMISSION AGENT AT AUCTIONS WE SOLICIT YOUR WANTS, WE WILL BUY COLLECTIONS Address your inquiries to Ed. Leventhal Cio J. J. Teaparty MEMBER P.N.G. ANA SPMC 43 BROMFIELD ST BOSTON MA 02108 Page 238 Paper Money UNLISTED MICHIGAN NOTES FROM A RECENT FIND — UNKNOWN & QUINCY MINING CO. HANCOCK, MICHIGAN These attractive, hand-dated notes, from the 1860's and 1870's, were payable in New York. This mine supplied most of the copper for the North in the Civil War. Approx. 200 $10.00 Notes (on green paper) and 250 $20.00 (on yellow paper) were found. $10.00 Note VG/F $9.00 $10.00 Note VF/XF 12.00 $20.00 Note VG/F 9 00 $20.00 Note VF/XF 12.00 These notes are cut•cancelled, have pin holes, and small pin stains. If you want insurance, please add .75d. LEONARD H. FINN 40 GREATON ROAD WEST ROXBURY, MA 02132 TEXAS NATIONALS FOR SALE 1929 SERIES 1. Charter No. 3785, The Texarkana National Bank, $10.00, Type I — VF — $75.00 2. Charter No. 4166, The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Abilene, $10.00, Type I — Unc. — $150.00 3. Charter No. 8780, The Clyde National Bank, $10.00— Unc. — $350.00 4. Charter No. 6989, The Pearsall National Bank, $20.00, Type I — Unc. — $200.00 1. FR. No. 650, Charter No. 2998, The First National Bank of Greenville VG — $110.00 2. FR. No. 607, Charter No. 2455, The City National Bank of Dallas — Fine — $65.00 I also would like to buy Texas Nationals. JOHN R. CULVER 107 WEST WALL MIDLAND, TEXAS 79761 PH. 915-684-5342 SPMC-ANA-TNA KATEN AUCTION SALE #49 Features AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION LIBRARY DUPLICATES, PART 1, and other fine consignments Each book will have a label on the inside front cover stating that it is a duplicate from the American Numismatic Association Library and sold at auction by Frank and Laurese Katen. We believe these books could become collector's items. Two fine sales featuring coins, paper money and books will be scheduled as follows: Sale #49, Sept. 15-16, 1978 in conjunction with the Virginia Numismatic Association, Fredericks- burg, Va. Sale #50, Apr. 20-21, 1979. Arrangements with a regional Coin Association pending. Send for your catalogues now. Both catalogues and Prices Realized Lists for $5.00. Bound edition of both sales $20.00. A UNIQUE SET OF BOOKS 5 volumes mostly Germanic coins, ENTIRELY HAND WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATIONS HAND DRAWN. A unique remarkable achievement. Illustrations are clearer than photographs. Many coins are attributed to collections like deSau Icy, Grote, Madai, Hofmeister, Dannen berg, Kynphesen, etc. We checked and found coins listed and illus- trated but not found in modern references like Davenport, DeMey and others. Appar- ently the author is Joh: Mep: Wossauer of Gunsberg a/d, Germany, and written in 1900. Book plates illustrating a stylized swan, of Hasso Schwanke. This set of books is part of another fine consignment in Auction Sale 49. FRANK AND LAURESE KATEN Member. Numismatic Literary Guild, SPMC Since 1938 Serving Collectors, Banks and Lawyers COINS — STAMPS — SUPPLIES Specialists in Numismatic Literature — Estates Appraised — Collections Bought Cable Address: Kate ncoin Phone 1301)384-9444 P.O.B. 4047, Colesville Sta. Retail Studio: 13311 New Hampshire berme Silver Springs, Maryland 20904 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals ... Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 42043 Cleveland, Ohio 44142 216-884-0701 SMALL-SIZE MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED #1386 Abington #268 Merrimac #462 Adams #13855 Millbury #4562 Adams #383 Northampton #1049 Amesbury #1260 • Pittsfield #2172 Athol #779 Plymouth #3073 Ayer #4488 Reading #684 Milton-Boston #2288 Spencer #11347 Braintree #2435 • Springfield #11270 Chelsea #1170 • Stockbridge #14087 Chelsea #688 Waltham #7452 Danvers #2312 Webster #7957 Edgarton #13780 Webster #9426 Foxboro #769 • Whitinsville #14266 Haverhill #4660 Whitman #13395 Hyannis #11067 • Woburn #697 Lynn #14033 Woburn #4580 Lynn #516 Yarmouth Those notes with dots indicate large size notes for trade JOHN R. PALM 6389 ST. JOHN'S DRIVE EDEN PRAIRIE, MINN. 53344 ENCASED POSTAGE STAMPS EARLY PLAYING CARDS Full or Partial Decks, any Hand Painted Types Whole No. 76 Page 239 EARLY AMERICAN NUMISMATICS Dana Linett Post Office Box 2592 Boston, MA 02208 Specializing in Colonial Currency, Pre-1800 Fiscal Items, Specie, Documents, Encased Postage, Americana . . . is BUYING! WANTED: A.S.A.P. American and Foreign SOUTH CAROLINA OBSOLETE NOTES 5.00 State of S.C., C.1, Unc 10.00 State of S.C., C.2, Unc $10.00 10.00 5.00 Bank of Georgetown, 1856 VF 6 00 10.00 Bank of Georgetown, 1856 VF 8 00 5.00 Exchange Bank, 1853 Fine 5 00 1.00 S.C. Railroad Co., 1873 Unc 7 00 2.00 S.C. Railroad Co., 1873 Unc 7 00 10.00 Bank of the State of S.C. 1856 Fine 10.00 5.00 Bank of Hamburg, 1860 VF 6.50 10.00 Bank of Hamburg, 1857 Fine 6 00 20.00 Bank of Hamburg, 1857 VF 8.00 5.00 Bank of S.C., 1861 Fine 7 00 10.00 Bank of S.C., 1853 Fine 7.00 5.00 Merchants Bank, 1857 Fine 7.00 5.00 Commercial Bank of Columbia VF 8 00 10.00 Commercial Bank of Columbia Fine 8.00 5.00 Farmers & Exchange Bank, 1856 Fine 5 00 10.00 Farmers & Exchange Bank, 1854 Fine 5 00 20.00 Farmers & Exchange Bank, 1854 Fine 7 50 5.00 State Bank, 1860 VF 5 00 10.00 State Bank, 1860 XF 6 00 20.00 State Bank, 1858 VF 7 50 50.00 Rev Bond Scrip, 1872 Unc 7 50 Many other obsolete, U.S., colonial and foreign notes in stock. Send want list Also want to buy RICHARD T. HOOBER P.O. Box 196 ANA 9302 Newfoundland PA 18445 WANTED D. C. Obsolete Currency 2. Small Size Currency with Serial numbers 00000081, 00000082, 00000084 3. Also wanted D. C. Nationals 4. Buying Maryland Colonial Notes Julian leidman 8439 Georgia Avenue, Silver Springs, Md. 20910 (301) 585-8467 gel .hem ;trio National Bank Currency We are interested in small and large nationals of these towns in Bergen county: Allendale Bergenfield Bogota Carlstadt Cliffside Park Closter Dumont Engelwood Edgewater Fairview Fort Lee Garfield Glen Rock Hackensack Hillsdale Leonia Little Ferry Lodi Lyndhurst North Arlington Palisades Park Park Ridge Ridgefield Ridgefield Park R idgewood Rutherford Ramsey Teaneck Tenafly Westwood Wyckoff West Englewood CaMern Cotrt (Excljange ANA LM 709 PH. 201-342-8170 74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07601 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE & SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE . YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 305 - DRAYTON PLAINS, MI 48020 Page 240 Paper Money Whole No. 76 Page 241 PAPER MONEY PUBLICATIONS BY DR. MUSCALUS LATEST RESEARCH REPORTS 7. The Use of Banking Enterprises in the Financing 31. of Public Education, 1796-1866. A Doctor's Dissertation (U. of P.). Early financial history of 32. various States. 1945. 17 tables and 22 pages of bibliography. 202 pages 5 00 36. 8. Paper Money of Early Educational Institutions and Organizations 2 00 37. 9. A Bibliography of Histories of Specific Banks Lists histories that concern specific banks. 40. 16 pages 2 00 10. State-Owned Banks, the Pet Banks and their Bank Notes. A type overlooked by the student of State 43. Treasury Notes 2 00 11. Saint Nicholas on Early State Bank Notes. 1962 1.00 44. 16. County Scrip Issued in the United States. Illustrated. Confederate and other county issues 1 00 45. 19. Paper Money in Sheets. 106 pages with over 400 specimen notes illustrated 15.00 67. 20. Locomotive Engravings on State Bank Notes and Scrip, 1832-1875. Sixty-four illustrations of different locomotive engravings. 1964 5 00 68. 21. The Oxford Paintings of Reynolds Virtues in the West Window on Paper Money. Temperance, Prudence and Justice. Illustrated. 1965 2 00 69. 22. Popularity of Wm. S. Mount's Art Work on Paper Money, 1839-1865 Illustrated. 1965. The famous 70. corn husker 2 00 23. Oglethorpe at Christie's Sale of Dr. Johnson's 71. Library, on Paper Money. 12 Illustrations, 1965 2.00 24. The Dismal Swamp Canal and Lake Drummond 72. Hotel on Paper Money, 1838-1865. Illustrated. 1965 2 00 25. Dictionary of Paper Money With Historical Speci- mens Illustrated Revised Edition of 1965. 67 73. illustrations 3 00 26. Birch's Painting of Perry's Battle on Lake Erie Used 74. on State Bank Noted and Scrip. Thoroughly illus- trated. 1966 2 00 75. 30. Whaling Art by Garneray, Stewart and Page Used on State Bank Notes 1 00 Odd Bank Note and Scrip Denominations in American Monetary History. 102 illustrations .. 3.00 Lincoln Portraits on College Currency, State Bank Notes and Scrip 29 illustrations 2 00 Renault's Painting of the Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown on Paper Money 1 00 Landseer's "My Horse", "Spaniel" & Other Paintings on Paper Money 3 00 The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across the Susquehanna Above Harrisburg on State bank notes $1.00 The Use on Paper Money of Peale's Paintings of the Wounded General Mercer 1 00 Illustrations of County Scrip Issued in Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and Pennsylvania .. 2.00 Paper Money Pertaining to Druggists, Medicine and Medical Practitioners. 1967. 94 illustrations ... 3.00 Railroad Currency: Bank Notes and Scrip Represen- tative of Over One Hundred Railroads, 1830's - 1971. All Notes Illustrated 5 00 Washington's Crossing and the Battle of Trenton Protrayed on Bank Notes, Scrip and Paintings. 23 illustrations. 1972 2 00 General George McClellan on Paper Money. 13 illustrations. 1972 2 00 National Bank Notes of Buffalo and Vicinity. 58 illustrations. 1978 3 00 Bank Notes Commemorating the Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 11 illustrations. 1973 . . . 2.00 Recycled Southern Paper Money: A reference list of Southern paper money printed on the backs of scarce unused notes and documents. 24 pages, 1973 300 Jackson Portraits and the Battle of New Orleans on State Bank Notes. 24 illustrations. 1974 2 00 Paper Money of the Four - dollar Denomination. 52 illustrations. Valuations are listed. 1974 . . . 2.00 Transportation Currency: Bank notes and scrip represtative of forty-five varieties of transportation companies. 48 illustrations. 1974 3 00 76 Massachusetts Scrip. 116 illustrations. Valuations are given. 3 00 77 Pennsylvania Borough and City Scrip. 96 Illustra- tions with values 3 00 78. Album of Georgia and City Scrip. 67 Illustrations with values 3 00 79. Georgia Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illus- trated. 99 Must. with values 5 50 80 Early Ships and Shipbuilding on Paper Money. 107 Illustrations 5 50 81. Album of Georgia Local Business Notes. 166 Illustrations with values 3 00 82 Mississippi Railroad Comprehensively Illustrated 5 50 66 British Empire Bank Note Proof. 100 illustrations 5 00 65 The Capitol, Its Developmental Aspects and the Crawford Statue of Freedom Portrayed on Paper Money 1971 2 00 64 The Kinds of Scrip Used by School Districts in Financial Emergencies. 1971. 2.00 63. Princess Dona of Rome on Bank Notes Used In The United States 1971 1 00 62 Historic Jamestown & Pocahontas on Paper Money and Chapman Art. 1971 1 00 61 Bank Notes Honoring Pulaski and the Pulaski Monuments. 1971 2 00 60 Portraits and Paintings of Engenie. Napoleon I. and Marie Louise on American Money 17 illustrations. 1969 2 00 59 Album of Types of Paintings and Portraits of Penn. Franklin. and Buchanan on Paper Money. 39 illustra- tions 1969 2 00 58. Franklin's Great-Grandaughter-In-Law (Mrs. Bache) on Paper Money 13 illustrations. 1969 2 00 57. Henriette Sontag, the Countess Rossi. on Paper Money Issued in the United States. 1969 A famous Prima Donna who toured America 1 00 56. Solomon Carvalho's Arl on Paper Money Issued in the United States and Canada 17 illustrations. 1969 Artist to Fremont's Expedition to the West . 200 55 Portraits of the First Three Directors of the Mint on Paper Money. 1969.4 illustrations 1 00 54. Portraits of Elias Boudinot on Paper Money. 1969. Illustrations 200 53. Sully-s Painting of the Future Rev. Dr. Alfred L. Elwyn on Paper Money. 9 illustrations. 1969 2.00 52. Shakespeare on Paper Money. 14 illustrations . 2.00 51. Lord Byron on Paper Money Issued in the United States. 20 illustrations. 1969 200 50. Two Famous Paintings of God and the Infant Christ on N J. Paper Money 100 49 The Princess Victoria on an American Bank Note of 1837. 1968 1 00 48. Saint John on American Paper Money. 1968 ... 1.00 47. The Extensive Use of Christ on Paper Money Cir- culated in the United States. 17 illustrations. 1968 1 00 46 Raphael's Saint Catherine on Paper Money Issued by the State of Florida and Others. 1968 1 00 HISTORICAL PAPER MONEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE BOX 187 BRIDGEPORT, PA. 19405 Page 242 Paper Money WANTED First, Second and Third Charter notes from the following Ohio locations .. . Cincinnati Madisonville Loveland Mount Washington Lockland Eaton Hillsborough New Richmond Miamisburg Elmwood Place Norwood Cleves Cheviot Carthage Blanchester Williamsburg Middletown If you have something to sell or trade, see me at the paper money show in Memphis June 2-4. Notes available for trade. I will purchase whole collections to get notes that I need. SPMC # 3240 WILLIAM P. KOSTER ANA #70083 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE, CINCINNATI, OH 45243 Home: 513/561-5866 Office: 513/271-5100 Consignments now accepted for: NASC Southern California January 25-27, 1979 Los Angeles, California CSNS Central States April 25.29, 1979 Dearborn, Michiga !!' MWNA Metro. Washington Auction July 1445 Sheraton Motor inn New Carrollton, MD `ORDER TODAY: 1978 GENA AUCTION CATALOG Sept:18-Oct. 1, 1978 Americana Hotel, New York City CATALOG & Prices realized $5 1 year catalog subscription & prices realized $15 CALL TODAY TOLM 1.800-247-5335 Ask for A. M. (Art) or Don Kagin S Suite 600-618Capital City Bank BuildingDes Moines, Iowa 50309(515) 243-0129 "UNIQUE IN N U ISMA,, 50 years In numismatics 1938-1 lt The experience gale personally cataloging* DON'T YOUR 'TREASURES' DESERVE THE KAGIN TREATMENT Kagin's are Paper Money Specialists Kagin's are the LEADER in U.S. Paper Money. We have tra- ditiona lly obtained RECORD HIGH PRICES for our consignors. Shouldn't you be working with Kagin's? Number ONE IN U.S. Currency. We Offer: —LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES —COMMISSIONS AS LOW AS 10% —OUTRIGHT PURCHASE OF YOUR CURRENCY OR COINS at Top Market Prices, if desired. When you are considering INVESTMENTS in Paper Money — CALL KAGIN'S. As America's LEADER in Paper Money we offer you an investment program second to none. TRUST in KAGIN'S valuable experience. CALL 1-800-247-5335. Editors & Publishers of Donlon Catalog of U.S. Largelize Paper Money — latest edition autographed by Art & Don Kagin — $3.95 ORDER TODAY Catalogers of the 1977 ANA Auction — Largest Ever Held BOOKS THE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER OF GENUINE BANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862. 168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and territories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $60.00 each. HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE -GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid "Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confederate States. As a result the listing for six Southern states were not included because they were not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from Virginia and joined the Union in 1963. We have added a section from the 1863 edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows of ten notes listed in rectangules on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable". Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $75.00 each. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221 pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank is interesting reading to both collectors of paper money and historical students. Few banks have such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an excellent story of a very important bank. BANKNOTES by Gunnar Anderson 1975. 70 pp Danmarks Nationalbank. Reprinted 1978 by Pennell Publishing Company. Soft covers $7.50 Cloth $9.95 postpaid. Available February 1978 This is the English version of a publication by the Danmarks Nationalbank. The original was printed in 1972 in conjunction with release of a new 1972 series of banknotes. It is a modern book on how paper money is printed and how to detect counterfeit notes. The book is well written and contains numerous illustrations of banknote engraving. The glossary alone is worth the price of the book. The bibliography lists many books that are available today and of much interest to paper money collectors. If you are going to collect paper money you need this book in your library. PENNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 *S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.