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Table of Contents
November • December
Volume XVII No. 6
Whole No. 78
M. Owen Vi arns tells readers about
Nevada $10
the rare Reno0 date back
Historical relics of the Florence Bridge Co.
of Florence, Georgia by Gary L. Doster
Gene Hessler at
an in
of the U.S. Legal Tender Note
Pioneer Bankers of
the WestThe Reynolds Brothers - by Ben. E. Adams
Kapin's Suite 600-618Capital City Bank BuildingDes Moines, Iowa 50309800-247-5335
v BUYING PRICES 10 to 30%
Increased investment purchases and rapidly growing interest in currency have created tremendous demands for top
condition and scarce U.S. notes. As the leading dealer in U.S. Currency, we must increase our purchases to meet these
demands. To do so, we have INCREASED PRICES FROM 10 to 30%, prices that were already the HIGHEST EVER
OFFERED for these notes.
We buy complete collections (or duplicates) in all conditions, Good to Unc., and will pay more for scarce and rare
signature combinations and scarce National Bank Notes. We particularly need nationals from Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas,
Minnesota, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and western and southern states.
For Choice and Gem Notes
Friedberg Donlon Catalog Now Friedberg Donbn Catalog Now Friedberg Donlon Catalog Now
Fr.-I6, 17 D-101-1 325.00 375.00 Fr.-249-258 0.202-20-202-31 135.00 175.00 Fr.-639-646 D-C320-201-C320-2812 110.00 120.00
Fr.-18 D-101-4 335.00 385.00 Fr.-259-265 0-205-12-205-15 1200.00 1600.00 Fr.-647-649 D- 350.00 400.00
Fr.-I9-27 0-101-4A-101-7 150.00 185.00 Fr -266, 267 0-206-15A, 205-17 475.00 650.00 Fr.-650-653 D- 110.00 120.00
Fr-28-30 0.101-8-101-10 90.00 200.00 Fr.-268-270 0.205-17A-205-20 1300.00 1750.00 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES
Fr.-3I-33 D-101-14R-I01-15B 675.00 750.00 Fr.-271-281 D-205-20A-205-31 275.00 400.00 Fr.-708-746 0-401A-28-401L- A 45.00 60.00
Fr.-34, 35 D-101-15R, 101-17 175.00 210.00 Fr.-282 0.205-31A 375.00 450.00 Fr.-747-780 D-402A-28-402L-29A 90.00 175.00
Fr.-36-39 0-101-28-101-31 40.00 50.00 TREASURY NOTES Fr.-181-809 0.4054-28-4051-284 135.00 115.00
Fr.-40 D-101-31A 115.00 135.00 Fr.-347-349 0.701-14-701-15A 650.00 750.00 Fr.-810-821 0.410-8-28-410-H-28 775.00 850.00
Fr.-41, 41A D-10211, 10212 485.00 550.00 Fr.-350-352 0.101-15B-701-19 200.00 250.00 Fr.-822-830 0420E-29-420H-28 900.00 1000.00
Fr.-42 0.102-4 750.00 850.00 Fr.-353-355 D-702-14-702-15A 1000.00 1200.00 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES
Fr.-43-49 0-102-4A-102-8 200.00 235.00 Fr.-356-358 0.702-15B-702-19 400.00 500.00 Fr.-832-843 0-505A-35R-505L-358 145.00 175.00
Fr: 50-52 0-102-8A 135.00 175.00 Fr.-359-361 0.705-14-705-15A 900.00 1100.00 Fr.-844-891 0-505A-35-5051-38 33.50 40.00
Fr-.53-56 D-102-14R-102-11 175.00 185.00 Fr.-362-365 0-705-15B-705-20 500.00 550.00 Fr.-892-903 D-510A-35R-510L-35R 185.00 225.00
Fr.-57-60 0-102-28-102-31 60.00 75.00 Fr.-366-368 0.710-14-710-15A 1100.00 1400.00 Fr.-904-951 0-510A-35-510L-38 510L-38 40.00 50.00
Fr.-6I-63A 0-105-1T1-105-1T4 275.00 375.00 Fr.-369-371 0-710-158-710-19 475.00 575.00 Fr.-952-963 0-520A-35R-5201-35R 250.00 300.00
Fr.-64 0-105-4 275.00 325.00 Fr.-372-374 0-720-14-720-I5A 3250.00 3500.00 Fr.-964-1011 0-520A-35 520L-38 57.50 70.00
Fr.-65-69 0.105-5-105-7 170.00 200.00 Fr.-375 D-720-11 3600.00 3900.00 Fr.-1012-1023 D-550A-35R-35R 425.00 500.00
Fr.-70-72 0-105-8-105-108 150.00 220.00 NATIONAL BANK NOTES Fr.-1024-1071 D-550A-35-550L-38 145.00 175.00
Fr.-73-82 0-105-10R-105-20 140.00 175.00 Fr.-380-386 0-A301-A-A301-8 500.00 500.00 Fr.-1072-1083 0-5004-358-5001-358 550.00 700.00
Fr:83-92 0-105-22-105-32 60.00 75.00 Fr.-387-393 0-4302-A-A302-8 1450.00 1500.00 Fr.-1084-1131 D-500A-35-500L-38 240.00 215.00
Fr.-93-95A 0-110-111 110-114 525.00 650.00 Fr.-394-408 D-A305-I-A305-14 600.00 600.00 GOLD CERTIFICATES
Fr.-96 0-110-4 700.00 800.00 Fr.-409-423 0-4310-1-4310-17 850.00 850.00 Fr.-1167-1112 0.610-22-610-28 165.00 225.00
Fr.-97-99 0-110-5-110-7 375.00 500.00 Fr.-424-439 D-A320-1---A320-17 950.00 950.00 Fr.-1173 0.610-31 135.00 150.00
Fr.-100-102 D-110-8-110-10B 250.00 300.00 Fr.-466-478 0-B305-9-B305-22 160.00 185.00 Fr.-1174, 1175 0.620-9, 620-94 2500.00 3250.00
Fr.-103-113 0-110-10R-110-20 250.00 300.00 Fr.-479-492 D-B310-9-B310-22 115.00 185.00 Fr.-1176, 1177 0.620-10, 620-14 2000.00 2300.00
Fr.-114-122 D-110-20A-110-31 350.00 500.00 Fr.-493-506 0-B320-9-B320-22 300.00 300.00 Fr.-1178 0.620-20 650.00 750.00
Fr.-123 B-110-31A 1200.00 1500.00 Fr.-532-538 D-B305-14-B305-24 275.00 300.00 Fr.-1179, 1180 0.620-20A, 620-21 1650.00 2500.00
Fr.-124-126 D-120-111-120-113 900.00 1100.00 Fr.-539-548 0-B310-14-B310-24 325.00 375.00 Fr.-1181-1186 0.620-22-620-28 325.00 400.00
Fr.-127 0-205-31A 2250.00 2500.00 Fr.-549-557 D-B320-14-B320-14 350.00 425.00 Fr.-1187 0-620-31 225.00 231.00
SILVER CERTIFICATES Fr: 573-575 0-B305-17-B305-28 700.00 100.00 Fr.-1188 D-650-9A 3250.00 3750.00
Fr.-215-221 0-201-12-201-15 250.00 325.00 Fr: 576-579 0-B310-17-B310-28 850.00 800.00 Fr.-1190-1192 0-650-10-650-14 2500.00 3000.00
Fr.-222-223 0-201-I5A, 201-17 225.00 300.00 Fr.-580-585 0-B320-17-8320-28 1000.00 1100.00 Fr.-1193-1197 0-650-20-650-24 800.00 1000.00
Fr.-224, 225 D-201-17A-201-19 300.00 400.00 Fr.-587-594 0-C305-2012-C305-2812 80.00 100.00 Fr.-1198, 1199 0.650-27-650-28 500.00 600.00
Fr.-226-236 0.201-20-201-31 42.50 60.00 Fr.-595-597 0-0305-2013-C305-2213 200.00 225.00 Fr.-1200 0-650-31 450.00 500.00
Fr.-237-239 D-201-31A-201-33 37.50 33.00 Fr.-598-612 D-C305-2012-C305-2812 70.00 90.00 Fr.-1201 0.600-94 2750.00 3250.00
Fr.-240-244 202-12-202-14 32.50 450.00 Fr.-613-620 0-C310-2012-0310-2812 95.00 100.00 Fr.-1203-1205 0-600-10-600-14 2500.00 3000.00
Fr.-245, 246 0.202-15, 202-17 675.00 800.00 Fr.621-623 0- 250.00 300.00 Fr.-1206-1214 0-600-20-600-28 950.00 1100.00
Fr.-247, 248 0-202-17A, 202-19 800.00 1100.00 Fr.-624-638 0- 80.00 100.00 Fr.-1215 0-600-29 650.00 750.00
PAPER MONEY is published
every other month beginning in
January by The Society of Paper
Money Collectors, Inc., Harold
Hauser, P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge,
NJ 07028. Second class postage paid
at Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 and at
additional entry office, Federalsburg,
MD 21632.
©Society of Paper Money Collectors,
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Advertising copy shall be restricted
to paper currency and allied
numismatic material and publications
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All advertising copy and
correspondence should be addressed to
the Editor.
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
VOL. XVII — NO. 6 Whole No. 78 Nov./Dec. 1978
225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, WI 53549
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed
to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own
and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff.
PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy.
Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding
the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.)
Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC,
including membership, changes of address, and receipt of
magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary at P.O. Box
4082, Harrisburg, PA 1 711 1.
Gene Hessler
M. Owen Warns
Jerry Remick 312
William J. Harrison 315
Ben E. Adams
Charles E. Straub 323
SCRIP (Part Four)
Bruce W. Smith 326
Leonard H. Finn 331
Gary L. Doster 332
Whole No. 78 Page 299
The Society of Paper Morley Collectors, Inc.
K P.O. Box 150, Glen Ridge, N.J. 07028
Page 300
Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Robert E. Medlar, 220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio,
TX 78205
Eric P. Newman, 6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO
Harry Wigington, P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA
C. John Ferreri, P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI
Wendell Wolka, 7425 South Woodward Ave., Apt.
214, Woodridge, IL 60515
Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036
Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Charles Colver, Michael
Crabb, Jr., Richard Jones, Charles O'Donnell, Jr., Roy
Pennell, Jr., George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, J. Thomas
Wills, Jr., Wendell Wolka.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was
organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-
profit organization under the laws of the District of
Columbia. It is affiliated with the American
Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting
at the ANA Convention in August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at
least 18 years of age and of good moral charter.
JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of
age and of good moral character. Their application
must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be
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upon notification to the secretary that the member has
reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not
eligible to hold office or to vote.
Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized
numismatic organizations are eligible for membership.
Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C.
member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they
provide suitable references such as well known
numismatic firms with whom they have done business,
or bank references, etc.
DUES -The Society dues are on a calendar year
basis. Dues for the first year are $10. Members who
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magazines already issued in the year in which they join.
Members who join after October 1st will have their
dues paid through December of the following year.
They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the
magazine issued in November of the year in which they
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Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) lVol. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37)
Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) Vol. 10. 1971, No. 2 (No. 38)
Vol. 10, 1971, No 3 (No. 39)
Vol. 5, 1966, No 1 (No. 17)
Vol. 5, 1966, No. 2 (No. 18)
Vol. 5. 1966, No. 3 (No. 19)
11, 1972, No. 1 (No. 41)
Vol. 5, 1966, No. 4 (No. 20) Vol 11,
1972, No. 2 (No. 42)
Vol 11. 1972, No. 3 (No. 43)
Vol 11, 1972, No. 4 (No. 44)
Vol. 6, 1967. No. 1 (No. 21)
Vol. 6. 1967. No. 2 (No. 22) Vol 12, 1973, No. 1 (No. 45)
Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) Vol 12, 1973, No. 2 (No. 46)
Vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24) Vol
12, 1973, No. 3 (No. 47)
12. 1973. No. 4 (No. 48)
Vol. 7, 1965, No. I (No. 25) Vol
13, 1974. No. 1 (No. 49)
Vol. 7, 1968. No, 2 (No. 26) Vol 13, 1974. No. 2 (No. 50)
Vol. 7. 1968, No. 3 (No, 27) Vol 13, 1974, No. 3 (No. 51)
Vol. 7, 1968. No 4 (No. 28) Vol 13. 1974. No. 4 (No. 52)
Vol 13. 1974. No. 5 (No. 53)
Vol, 8. 1969, No I (No. 29) Vol 13. 1974, No. 5 (No. 54)
Vol. 8. 1969. No 2 (No. 30)
Vol. 8. 1969. No. 3 (No, 31) Vol. 14, 1975. No. 1 (No. 55)
Vol. 8, 1969. No 4 (No. 32)
Vol. 14. 1975. No. 2 (No. 56)
Vol. 14. 1975. No. 3 (No. 57)
Vol. 14, 1975. No. 4 (No 58)
Vol. 9, 1970. No I (Nu. 33) Vol. 14, 1975. No. 5 (No. 59)
Vol. 9, 1970, No.? (No. 34) Vol. 14, 1975, No. 5 (No. 60)
Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 (No. 35)
Vol.9. 1970, No. 4 (No. 36) Indcx Vol, 1-10 S i o o
Library Services
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Hinsdale, Ill. 60521.
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Whole No. 78 Page 301
3 31 ,-.'31.A, 11 r NEW Ions.
kqi ,7,143
171E1'.1.4 •
lr NEW ORli.
photographs by William R. Devine & Gene Hessler
Page 302
Preceding page: An uncut sheet of $3 legal tender notes. For
some reason the Act on the right of the bottom note was etched
out on the negative. (Courtesy of the Bureau of Engraving &
Printing )
A drawing which accompanied the letter from John M.
Batchelder to Secretary of the Treasury Richardson.
In 1974, the much-talked-about unissued design for the
1862 $3 Legal Tender Note surfaced. Surprisingly, the
design differed from the $1 and $2 Legal Tender Notes
which were issued. It had been assumed that the anti-
alteration device on the latter denominations would have
been used on the $3 design, but it was not. (An interesting
letter in the National Archives, dated April 18, 1873,
Boston, addressed to Secretary of the Treasury William
A. Richardson, suggests the sender, John M. Batchelder,
was the designer of the anti-alteration device. Mr.
Batchelder writes: "I gave you in Cambridge an example
of my design to prevent alteration. I would like to have
my design introduced on the new notes [1874 Legal
Tender Notes]. It was used on the 30 million issue of
`ones' and `twos,' but new designs resembling the
enclosed will be better. The named ruling should be
course enough to allow each line to end at the circle that
surrounds the denominational figure.")
Instead of a portrait, there was a timely patriotic
vignette entitled Army and Navy adapted from a
drawing by an artist named Herrick; the engraving as
seen on the note was engraved by Louis Delnoce. Two
articles about this $3 Legal Tender Note essai were
published in 1974, one by Eric Newman, the other by this
author. Neither was aware that the other was
simultaneously preparing a similar article, even though
the titles (listed in the bibliography) suggest otherwise.
Little factual evidence concerning the background for
this particular essai was presented by either author for
the reason that such information was unknown. During
the past two years I have frequented the National
Archives in Washington, D.C., searching for the
information which would clear up the mystery
surrounding this note.
The U.S. Treasury was not equipped to produce bank
Paper Money
notes and would not assume this responsibility in its
entirety until 1887 under the name of the National
Currency Bureau. Thus, once again private bank note
companies were engaged as they had been during the
preceding 50 years when circulating Treasury Notes were
needed. The nation's two leading bank note companies,
the American and National, 2 were called upon
independently and cooperatively to produce Demand
Notes, Interest-bearing Treasury Notes and Legal
Tender Notes.
The latter issue was to include a $3 note, which is the
design with which we are primarily concerned.
Correspondence between the U.S. Treasury and the two
companies just mentioned reveals the heretofore missing
data pertaining to what is now considered to be a very
odd denomination. This correspondence yielded
additional information which to many should be
extremely exciting, that of an existing second design for
the $3 Legal Tender Note by the National Bank Note
Company, as well as second designs for the $1 and $2
notes of the same series by the American Bank Note
An engraving which accompanied Mr. Batchelder's letter.
As the Civil War approached, gold and silver were
hoarded, banks in New York and Philadelphia could not
redeem their own notes, and specie payments were
suspended. Treasury Notes under the Act of December
23, 1857, were issued, ". . . the type which had saved the
U.S. Government from ruin during the War of 1812, the
Panic of 1837 and other periods of distress." 3 A
circulating medium of exchange was needed, and equally
important, a method of financing the conflict between
North and South was necessary. Both were provided by
the Act of July 17, 1861. What follows later often relates
to this act; therefore I will quote the pertinent section
which is vital to our story:
Whole No. 78
The $1 and $2 legal tender notes issued with the anti-
alteration device. The $1 note bearing plate A and serial
number 1 was presented to S. P. Chase, Secretary of the
Treasury notes to be of any denomination fixed by the
Secretary of the Treasury, not less than fifty dollars,
and to be payable three years after date, with interest
at the rate of seven and three tenths per centum per
annum, payable semi-annually. And the Secretary of
the Treasury may also issue in exchange for coins, and
as part of the above loan, or may fix for salaries or
other dues from the United States, treasury notes of
less denomination than fifty dollars, not bearing
interest, but payable on demand by the Assistant
Treasurers of the United States at Philadelphia, New
York or Boston, or treasury notes bearing interest at
the rate of three and sixty-five hundredths per centum
payable in one year from date, and exchangeable at
any time for treasury notes for fifty dollars, and
upwards, issuable under the authority of this act, and
bearing interest as specified above: Provided, that no
exchange of such notes in any less amount than one
hundred dollars shall be made at any one time: And
provided further, that no treasury notes shall be
issued of less denomination than ten dollars, and that
the whole amount of treasury notes, not bearing
interest, issued under the authority of this act, shall
not exceed fifty millions of dollars. (author's italics)
The three year Treasury Notes authorized by the
preceding act were issued in denominations of from $50 to
$5,000. Notes payable on demand were issued in
denominations of $5, $10, and $20, all dated August 10,
1861. ' (These Demand Notes with green backs were
soon referred to as greenbacks.) Demand Notes were ". . .
uttered before the suspension of specie payments and
that, as a result, they would be redeemed in coin, even
though not so stated on their faces: moreover, the
demands were acceptable in payments of taxes and
duties. As this decision proved an embarassing drain on
Treasury stocks of gold and silver, the notes were retired
as quickly as possible ... " 5
As you undoubtedly remember, the Act of February 25,
1862, provided for $150,000,000 in Legal Tender Notes
Page 303
"in denominations not less than $5." $60,000,000 of the
preceding amount was intended for the redemption of
demand notes, Some time prior to February 10, the date
Mr. Fitch Shepard, president of the National Bank Note
Company, wrote to Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P.
Chase, we are able to confirm tha,., it was the American
Bank Note Company which was responsible for the
designs of the demand notes. After saying models for
backs "were sent today," Mr. Shepard continued:
We think an arrangement between the American and
National Companies will be effected tomorrow, by
which they will co-operate to facilitate the Govt. -
Business. As the faces by the American Co. already
used for the 5, 10 & 20 will be continued [from the
demand notes to legal tender notes,] we trust the
Secretary will deem it proper to employ the National's
backs for the same — which will be ready for the press
directly [after] they are adopted by the Department.
The several plates to be printed by either company.
We have prepared all the important parts for the
higher denominations, and will be happy to submit the
same in form for examination at the Secretary's
pleasure; any one which can be ready for the press on
very short notice — and transfers be furnished to the
other company.
Less than two weeks after this dated correspondence,
the following letter was sent to Secretary Chase by the
American Bank Note Company. Referring to a telegram
sent earlier stating that the two companies had agreed to
cooperate, the letter proceeds: "We have prepared
ourselves to print with all possible dispatch after the
passage of the law, having on our own responsibility
prepared plates in anticipation of its passage, as nearly
complete as possible before details of the Act are settled.
We shall be happy to submit models for approval . . ."
The first issue of Legal Tender Notes ($5, $10, $20, $50,
and $100) bore the following obligation: "This note is a
Legal Tender for all debts public and private except
The first obligation as it appears on the back of the $20
legal tender note. (Courtesy of J. Roy Pennell)
duties on imports and interest on the public debt, and is
exchangeable for U.S. six per cent twenty year bonds,
redeemable at the pleasure of the United States after five
Not enough Demand Notes were redeemed, so a second
$150,000,000 in Legal Tender Notes was authorized
under the Act of June 11, 1862, $35,000,000 of which was
to be "in denominations of less than $5." The lack of
specie created this critical need for bills of $1, $2, and the
proposed $3 note.
In what appears to be a last minute effort to change the
appearance of the new $5 Legal Tender Notes from the
previously issued Demand notes (which were the same
with one exception: the deletion of the words "on
Page 304 Paper Money
With the exception of the surrounding ornamentation,
the second obligation lettering on the $5 legal tender note
is identical to the lettering on the $3 note. By referring to
Friedberg, Donlon or Hessler one can also see the same
lettering on the $10, $20, $500 and $1000 notes, all
prepared by the American Bank Note Co.
By checking the same sources one can observe the
different style of lettering on the $1 and $2 notes which I
believe were prepared by the National Bank Note Co.
demand"), a new portrait of Alexander Hamilton was
suggested by Secretary Chase. A letter from the
American Bank Note Company to the Secretary on
March 19, 1862, states that the substitution of ". . . the
new portrait of Alexander Hamilton for the one now on
the Five . . . would cause a delay in the first delivery... "
since they were already printing from the plates.
Although it is unknown, one would assume the "new
portrait" is the one that appeared the following year on
the $50 one-year Interest-bearing Note.
The obligation for the second emission under the act
previously mentioned was changed to read: "This note is
Legal Tender for all debts public and private, except
duties on imports and interest on the public debt, and is
receivable in payment of all loans made to the United
States." These notes were no longer exchangeable for 6%
bonds as were the first emission notes.
$1 and $2 Legal Tender Notes were issued; quotations
and condensations from letters which follow show the
interesting evolution of the $1, $2, and $3 Legal Tender
Notes plus mention of an additional note that was in the
planning stage.
You will recall the Act of July 17, 1861, authorized ". . .
treasury notes bearing interest at the rate of three and
sixty-five hundredths per centum payable in one year
from date ..." in denominations not less than ten dollars.
Section 3 of the subsequent Act of August 5, 1861,
authorized " . . . the Secretary of the Treasury to fix the
denomination of said notes at not less then five dollars."
The recommendations of Secretary Chase were
reflected in the two acts just mentioned. There was
another recommendation by the Secretary which was not
incorporated into the Act of July 17, 1861, his suggestion
for a $25 treasury note. 6 The act as passed authorized
Treasury Notes in denominations not less than $50.
In the March 8, 1862, issue of The Banker's Magazine,
Pliny Miles was a bit premature in writing about what he
called, "A New Treasury Note." This announcement
stated that 100 million 7.30% one-year notes in the
denominations of $25, $50, $100, and $500 were to be
issued: ". . . these notes will combine two great
conveniences, . . . they will serve both as a permanent
investment and a circulating medium." The writer went
On to say the notes will grow and increase every day they
are in one's possession. Mr. Miles continued by saying,
"This note, particularly if issued in as small
denominations as $25 and $50, will have a peculiar
fascination"; a father will say to his children, "Now be
economical, save your pocket-money, and I will buy you a
Treasury Note." It was also the opinion of Mr. Miles that
" . . . some of the first financial minds of the age have
pronounced these notes . . . the best mode of investment."
The Banker's Magazine article closed with a bit of soft
sell reminding the reader the new treasury notes will " .. .
constantly augment one's wealth . . . grow in value, even
while he is sleeping."
Unfortunately for Mr. Miles, the $25 Treasury Note
was not issued, neither were the $5, $10, and $20 3 65/100
notes provided for by the Act of July 17, 1861. Before we
move too far off course, let us return to the letters which
tell us more about the evolution of the $1, $2, and $3
notes in which the 3 65/100 notes played a most
important part.
The earliest reference I could locate for these 3 65/100
notes was in a letter dated August 15, 1861, from the
American Bank Note Company to John J. Cisco,
Assistant Treasurer of the United States, confirming the
suspension of $30,000,000 of these notes as ordered in a
letter of August 7. Ten days later, the American Bank
Note Company wrote to Secretary Chase, informing him
work had been suspended on the 3 65/100 notes and all
time would now be devoted to Demand Notes and 7 3/10
Interest Notes.
On August 16, one day after the first of three letters to
which reference was just made, President Lincoln
proclaimed an end to all commercial relations with
inhabitants of the rebel states. It would therefore seem
very unlikely that bank notes of any type emanating from
Washington would now legally circulate in the South.
The alteration of the 3 65/100 notes was first mentioned
in a letter of June 27, 1862, in which Mr. Cisco was asked
by the Secretary of the Treasury to consult with the
American Bank Note Company to ascertain whether the
plates for these notes could be altered into Legal Tender
Notes of the denominations of one, two, and three, and
the expense for such alteration. A reply from the bank
note company comments on the four subject plates
already prepared: "We will convert these plates into
Legal Tender Notes 1. 2. & 3 without any charge for
altering them, and would furnish notes from them on Ethel
same terms as the 5's 10's & 20's are furnished." These
notes could be ready one week after an order was placed.
On July 1, Secretary Chase ordered the plates to be
altered; however, he reserved the contract for finishing
the notes to be considered at some time in the future.
On July 2, 1862, anticipating the Congress would
authorize the issue of $25,000,000 in denominations of
less than $5, Secretary Chase wrote letters to both the
major bank note companies. The letter to Tracy Edson,
president of the American Bank Note Company, requests
him to submit proposals for printing $15,000,000 in $1,
$2, and $3 notes, the ratio being 6, 2, and 1 respectively.
The Secretary goes on to point out that the proposal may
include the furnishing of paper, in conformity with the
terms of an advertisement inviting such proposals.
it 4 - .0
A,t,...e• 2,
.7 I If- ,2
3-:›4 /Ate.,
• • 14'
Whole No. 78
What appears to be an estimate was found at the
National Archives among other papers from the
American Bank Note Co. As can be seen, a $25 note was
under serious consideration.
The urgency of this reply is reflected in the date. News
of the Civil War dominated the pages of the New York
Times on July 4, 1862; the holiday was not even
mentioned until page 8, the last page. Nevertheless, Mr.
Edson like most Americans, must have celebrated
Independence Day; notwithstanding, he did take time to
compose and send the following letter to Secretary Chase:
I have the honor to acknowledge your favor of 2nd
Inst requesting proposals for $15,000,000 of l's, 2's &
3's say in proportion of Six 1's Two 2's and one 3,
including paper.
To produce that sum in those proportions would
1,730,769 Impressions [of] 1 1 1 1 = $6,923,076
576,924 Impressions [of] 2 2 2 2 = $4,615,392
288,461 Impressions [of] 3 3 3 3 = $3,461,532
1,298,077 sheets [of] Bank note paper would be
required for the above, the paper to be of the best
quality and all linen, weighing 16 to 18 lbs per 1000
sheets, of same character as that now used for 5's, 10's
& 20's.
Each of the above impressions would have three
printings — face, tint, and back, making 7,788,462
impressions also 4 numbers, making 10,384,616 nos.
and 8 signatures making 20,769,232 signatures.
We have 50 new presses in addition to our former
number in readiness for this work, but for the purpose
of greater expedition, if it meets your approval, we
should cooperate with the National Company in doing
the work.
The plate [s] [of] 5's 10's & 20's for 3 65/100 Interest
notes, we are now altering to l's 2's & 3's Legal Tender
Notes, in accordance with your instructions received
through Mr. Cisco, and they will be finished 10th
Page 305
Instant, when proofs will be sent you as per your
One week later on July 11, Mr. Edson notified
Secretary Chase that the cost for producing the $1, $2,
and $3 notes would be $100 per 1000 impressions. Mr.
Edson closes his letter with the following: "The 1. 2. 3.
Plates would have been finished 10th inst had it not been
for the change required in the Legal Tender Clause. If no
further changes are required they will be finished
Tuesday next."
As mentioned before, Secretary Chase also wrote to the
National Bank Note Company on July 2. This letter
informs company President Fitch Shepard that the
American Bank Note Company had already prepared
plates of $5, $10, and $20 3 65/100 notes and had
proposed to convert them to $1, $2, and $3 notes. Mr.
Shepard is requested to submit a proposal for plate
preparation and printing of $1, $2, and $3 notes in the
numerical proportions of 6, 2, and 1. The Secretary states
the proposals to prepare plates and print may be
submitted separately. Lastly, it is established that the
authority given to the American Bank Note Company to
prepare plates has no connection with the printing of the
notes. This will be treated as a separate proposition.
On July 11, 1862, the same day Mr. Edson replied,
Fitch Shepard sent the following letter to Secretary
In compliance with the invitation contained in your
favor of 2nd Inst to this Company to your letter of 9th
Inst to Mr. Sub-Treasurer Cisco, we herein submit
terms upon which we propose to prepare plates,
furnish paper and print Treasury Notes of
denominations Ones, Twos and Threes, authorized by
recent Act of Congress in proportions of 6 Ones, 2
Twos, and 1 Three.
The Secretary having intimated his pleasure to receive
separate proposals from the American and the
National Bank Note Companies and likewise joint
proposals for the same work — it has been though
inexpedient (from the intimate business relations said
companies have sustained under their present contract
with the Treasury Department) to disguise from each
other the terms separately proposed — the
[indecipherable] so as the discount made on the current
contracts with the Department has brought the net to
a finish which could not justify either party in making
much further modifications in terms, by way of
At this point the cost for printing is mentioned, the
identical amount of $100 per 1000 impressions as
specified by the American Bank Note Company. Mr.
Shepard of the National Bank Note Company concludes
his letter:
Should the Secretary accept our proposition we could
pledge One Hundred presses exclusively for his work
which would undoubtedly insure against dis-
We will soon forward for the Secretary's inspection
several sets of models . . . having especial reference to
Security against fraud . . . though he might decide to
give a preference to the contemplated joint proposals
8 in as much as this Company has as yet only had the
opportunity of exhibiting its work on Treasury Notes
in Fifties and Hundreds (mostly held by Banks). 9
By July 17, 1862, the day President Lincoln signed the
Page 306
second Confiscation Act which authorized the U.S.
Government to free those slaves in areas taken by Union
Forces, work at the American Bank Note Company had
progressed to the point where proofs for the $1, $2, and
$3 Legal Tender Notes were prepared and sent to
Assistant Treasurer of the United States John Cisco,
along with a letter and a bill (see illustration) for the plate
preparation. Mr. Cisco then forwarded all this material to
Secretary of the Treasury Chase. The correspondence
which describe these events follows:
American Bank Note Company
New York 17th July 1862
I hand you herewith proof impressions. U.S. Legal Tender
Note Plates, — and with
corresponding Back & Tint plates, as altered from the 3
65/100 Interest Notes.
The labor of making these alterations has been very great
— indeed almost equal to making new plates, notwith-
standing which, they would have been finished, with the
exception of the dates, on the 10th inst, had it not been for
the changes required in the endorsement on the Backs, which
has now been engraved three times since the order was
received to alter the plates and make them conform to the
Legal Tender Notes previously issued.
While there is necessarily a general conformity in the style
of these Notes to those from which they are altered, yet we
have endeavored as far as possible to introduce new work and
in every way to combine the greatest amount of security
against counterfeiting and alterations.
As requested, I hand herewith a Bill for these Plates, but I
beg leave to remark that the price charged would be no
consideration for the plates as altered, except in connection
with a contract for printing the Notes, and the price is
embraced in a proposal now before the Secretary of the
Treasury for that purpose.
We are prepared to multiply plates and print the Notes
with great expedition.
Very Respectfully, Sir,
Your Obt. Servt.
Tracy R. Edson President
United States Treasury
New York July 17 1862
Referring to your letter dated July 1st I herewith transmit
proof of United States Notes of the denominations of One,
Two and Three Dollars, under the Act of July 11th 1862,
together with a Bill from the American Bank Note Company
for the plates from which the same are printed, altered from 3
65/100% Interest Notes, and a letter from Mr. Edson upon
the subject. Mr. Edson informs me that this bill includes no
charge for the alteration.
Your telegram giving the date of the Act came to hand this
I have the honour to be Sir,
Your most obedient Servant
John J. Cisco Asst. Treas. U.S.
On July 25, 1862, a most revealing letter from the
National Bank Note Company confirms the fact that
their models for the $1, $2, and $3 notes were mailed to
Paper Money
A bill from the American Bank Note Co. for altering the
$5, $10, and $20 3 65/100 interest-bearing notes to $1, $2,
and $3 legal tender notes.
the Secretary of the Treasury. This same letter describes
the $1 Legal Tender Note model which is the same as the
issued design, establishing this company as the one which
prepared the plates for the $1 and $2 notes. Mr.
Shepard's letter to George Harrington, Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury commences:
Officer National Bk. Note Co.
New York July 25, 1862
Geo. Harrington, Esq.
Asst. Secy Treas.
Washington, D.C.
The models [for] Treas. Notes 1, 2, 3 after approved (&
admired) by Mr. Sub-Treas. Cisco & friends, were mailed
today to the address of Hon. S.P. Chase, Secy Treas. We
prepared "working models" of the same which are already in
the hands of the Transferers. It has been our aim to confirm
as nearly as practicable to suggestions& memoranda made
by the Secretary & yourself. You may notice that most of the
lathe-work is somewhat different in style from that which
was substituted by the writer at Washington. Believing we
could improve it we made an entire new set, which must
account for our being a day or two behind time. We think we
have been successful, though the work may not appear more
clear to you now, by reason of being put on the models while
wet from the press. As no important changes in the backs
were suggested, we omitted to send them on. We have taken
the liberty to remove the portrait of the Secretary 10 from the
twos to the ones, as the greater number of that denomination
will introduce him more generally to the people, many of
whom we find are desirous to know the looks of the man to
whom the country is so largely indebted for furnishing the
sinews of war.
We have taken pains to obtain the opinion of the personal
Whole No. 78
acquaintances of the Secy. both in Washington & this city, &
find it pronounced by all, with a single exception, the best
that has ever been engraved of him. So we think it can't be
far our of the way.
Slight changes have been made to conform as nearly as
practicable to suggestions made by Miss Chase, but we
concluded it dangerous to go on any farther.
Arrangements have been entered into for the cordial &
efficient co-operationof the two companies, on terms
satisfactory to themselves, & it can hardly be necessary to
renew assurances that every possible agency will be brought
into question by both companies for dispatch in the excution.
Respy yr. obt. Svt.
F. Shepard
With all the correspondence and preparation of two $3
Legal Tender Note models, this denomination was not
issued. The only public record we can find which makes
any mention of the unissued $3 bill is found in the
Connecticut Bank Note List, which was published in
Hartford in September, 1862, just a few days after the
second Battle of Bull Run, which took place on August
30. The announcement describes the $1 and $2 Legal
Tender Notes (not too accurately) and goes on to say,
"The $3 notes have not been ordered."
If anything can be concluded from all that has been
presented thus far, it would be that designs for the issued
$1 and $2 Legal Tender Notes were prepared by the
National Bank Note Company. This company's $3 design
probably followed the same pattern as the $1 and $2 with
the anti-alteration device. The known $3 design prepared
by the American Bank Note Company is such a radical
departure from the issued designs, one would surmise
this company's $1 and $2 models were similar to the $3 in
design which seemed to follow the format of privately
issued notes in circulation up to this time. This second $3
design is yet to be uncovered, if it still exists.
There was one more opportunity for a United States $3
bill to be issued. The Act of June 3, 1864, the second of 11
acts which provided for National Bank Notes, authorized
$1, $2, $3, and $10,000 notes. The $3 and $10,000
denominations were never issued.
So, there we have it: a $3 note which almost came to be.
The search can now commence for the American Bank
Note Company's design for the $1 and $2 notes and the
National Company's design for the $3 note.
It seems doubtful that proofs were made of the original
3 65/100 Interest-bearing Notes of $5, $10, and $20 or the
one-year Interest-bearing Note of $25. However, if any of
these would be uncovered, it would be a major
contribution to the visual development of our currency.
(For those who may wonder about the use of legal tender throughout this
article, it was not until February 19, 1873, that Assistant Treasurer
William A. Richardson in a letter stated that hereafter the term United
States Notes will be used instead of Legal Tender Notes.)
1. This vignette was later used in a specimen frame for the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1879-1884) and on a
certificate of deposit dated November 17, 1888, drawn on
the Bank of California. (Source: Ms. Alice Zecher, American
Bank Note Co.)
Page 307
2. Some Legal Tender Notes bear the credit of both
companies, so it is difficult to ascertain which company was
responsible for the design.
3. Gene Hessler, "Design For the $100 1858 Treasury Note
Uncovered," Paper Money, Vol. XV, No. 6, p. 260
4. The cost for furnishing Demand Notes for the U.S.
Treasury was quoted at $20,000 for 1,000,000 $5 notes;
$12,000 for 500,000 $10 notes; and $6,000 for 250,000 $20
notes. (From a letter dated July 19, 1861 from Tracy Edson,
president of the American Bank Note Co., to John J. Cisco,
Asst. Treasurer of the United States.)
5. Walter Breen, "The First Greenbacks", Numismatic News
Weekly, April 11, 1972
Gene Hessler, "As Real As A Three Dollar Big" Coinage,
October, 1974
6. John Jay Knox, United States Notes, London, 1885, p. 87
Eric P. Newman, "As Phony As A Three Dollar Bill," The
Numismatist, August, 1974
7. The Banker's Magazine, Vol. 16, p. 807
8. Ultimately the two bank note companies did work together
to print the 1862 $1 and $2 Legal Tender Notes. Some notes
bear the credit of both companies, as well as the date of
patent for each: 30 June 1857, for the American and April
23, 1860 for the National.
9. This refers to the $50 and $100 Treasury Notes issued
under the Act of March 2, 1861.
10. This portrait of S.P. Chase was engraved by Joseph
Letters in the National Archives
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Rare $100 Nevada
Date Back
National Bank Note Surfaces
Tells the Story of Banker George S. Nixo
Whole No. 78
Page 309
$100 Third Charter Date Back Nixon note, Fr. 688. Signed by
G. S. Nixon, president, and G. F. Turrittin, cashier.
by M. Owen Warns, NLG
Jack Everson of Texas, the Nevada National Bank note
specialist, has corralled another prize for his collection of
the elusive Nationals from the Silver State: a $100 Date
Back note on The Nixon National Bank of Reno, charter
8424. The only other collectable $100 note with this bank
title would be of the Third Charter Red Seal series. The
bank did not issue $5 Red Seal notes of that series but did
issue $10, $20, $50, and $100 notes, of which only the $10
i is known to have survived. There was no printing of
notes under the Nixon title, charter 8424, of the Third
Charter Blue Seal, Plain Back series.
This important acquisition joins the Everson Nevada
collection which already includes the unique $5 Red Seal
note 2 on The First National Bank of Goldfield, the only
known note existing on that bank; the only known Third
Charter, a $20 note 3 on The McGill National Bank of
McGill; and a Third Charter $10 note 4 on The Copper
National Bank of East Ely. No $5 notes were issued in
this Date Back series; however, both $10 and $20 notes 6
exist, with the $50 denomination yet to be reported. The
newly-discovered $100 Date Back is from a rarely used
two-subject plate, 50-100; 2400 impressions were made,
serials 1-2400, worth $360,000. Under the new bank title
"The Reno National Bank Reno" were issued $50 and
$100 Third Charter Blue Seal Plain Back notes 6 printed
from a four-subject plate layout of 50-50-50-100. These
notes are not to be confused with the Date Backs issued
under the Nixon bank title; both the old and new bank
titles used charter 8424 for the various series of notes.
George Stuart Nixon, 1860-1912
George Stuart Nixon was born on April 2, 1860 at
Doten's Bar, California, a few miles from the important
Marshall gold discovery, a short distance above
Placerville. At an early age, George became fascinated
with railroads and telegraphy. Having learned the art of
being a telegrapher, he applied to Leland Stanford's
Central Pacific Railroad for a position and readily
accepted an opening as station agent at the remote way-
station known as "Humboldt House", situated midway
between Winnemucca and Lovelock. He resigned from
the railroad in 1884 and took a position with The First
The George S. Nixon mansion in Reno, which was sold early
in 1973 for a reported $675,000. Photo courtesy Nevada
Historical Society.
The First National Bank of Winnemucca as it appeared at the
time Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch robbed it in 1901.
National Bank of Reno, charter 2478. The bank had been
established four years earlier, on May 26, 1880, thus
becoming the second bank to be chartered in the state of
Nevada. The bank had been organized through a merger
of the interests of the D. A. Bender Banking Co. (D. A.
Bender became president of the new bank), Reno business
man W. G. Mapes, and bankers Allen A. Curtis and John
A. Paxton who represented the silver interests of several
Virginia City mines and of the Manhattan Mining Co. of
Austin. The First National Bank of Reno issued only $20
First Charter notes 7. Fortunately, one specimen has been
preserved and reposes in the specialized National Bank
Note SEAL collection of SPMC member Dewitt Prather.
The First National Bank of Reno, charter 2478, was
succeeded by The Washoe County Bank through
voluntary liquidation in 1896 and is not to be confused
with The First National of Reno, charter 7038, chartered
in 1903 (original title The Farmers and Merchants
National Bank of Reno).
The only other bank to have issued First Charter notes
in Nevada was The First National Bank of Nevada,
charter 1331, which issued $5, $10 and $20 notes worth
$261,400; none of these notes is extant. Charter 1331 was
the first bank to be chartered west of Denver and the first
bank nationalized in the state of Nevada. The bank was to
open on June 23, 1865 but did not start business until
November 27, 1865, four months later! Meanwhile, the
Comptroller of the Currency, the Honorable Freeman
Clarke, wrote to the bank president, John W. Harker,
inquiring about the operation of the newly-chartered
bank because the Comptroller's office had not received
the monthly or quarterly reports required by the
regulations. President Harker replied by stating that the
bank was forced to delay its opening since the circulating
notes had been shipped from the East Coast via Cape
Horn and San Francisco, thence overland some 800 miles
over circuitous, rugged mountainous roads into the
middle of Nevada. It must be assumed after that
roundabout shipping experience the Comptroller was
prompted to issue instructions for shipping currency to
the West by a more expeditious route.
George Nixon Meets "Butch" Cassidy
and the "Wild Bunch"
at Winnemucca
In 1886, Nixon resigned from The First National Bank
of Reno (2478) and moved to Winnemucca to join in the
Page 310
organization of The First National Bank of Winnemucca,
charter 3575, as the bank's cashier, with L. A. Blakeslee
as president. The bank was established on September 27,
The final home of charter 8424, The Nixon National Bank and
the retitled Reno National Bank, Reno. Photo courtesy
Nevada Historical Society.
1886. It was the only Nevada National Bank to issue
Second Charter Brown Back notes 8 . Fortunately, again,
we find that a single $10 specimen has been preserved and
is in the collection of Amon Carter, Jr. of Fort Worth,
George Nixon ascended to the presidency of the bank in
late 1900. Before a year had elapsed he had come face to
face with "Butch" Cassidy and the "Wild Bunch". They
had been on an unsuccessful train robbery and decided
their next attempt would be to rob a bank and The First
National Bank of Winnemucca was selected to be the
victim. Only three of the Wild Bunch took part in this
caper: Cassidy, Harry Longabaugh ("The Sundance
Kid"), and "Wild Bill" Carver. They entered the bank,
forcing cashier F. M. Lee and Nixon to open the vault.
The three robbers quickly gathered up the loot of coins
and currency, mounted their horses and took off in a
cloud of dust, with Nixon running out into the middle of
the street, a gun in each hand, blazing away into the air to
attract attention to the holdup. They got away with
$33,000, none of which was recovered.
The Nixon National Bank Becomes a Reality
Five years after the Winnemucca bank robbery, George
S. Nixon established The Nixon National Bank of Reno,
charter 8424, on October 20, 1906, and held the dual
presidency of both charter 3575 and 8424 at the same
time, thus fulfilling his boyhood dream of owning a bank
of his own. Nixon and his inseparable friend and business
associate George Wingfield, who was referred to as the
"Napoleon of Nevada finance", formed the firm of Nixon
& Wingfield in 1902. They were at hand at scores of
strikes, always buying up those with the greatest
possibility of large production. The most notable mines
they managed to purchase were those in the rich
Goldfield Camp, such as the Mohawk, Red Top, Yellow
Paper Money
Tiger, Jumbo and Florence, which with others they
incorporated into the fifty-million-dollar Goldfield
Consolidated Mining Co. The Mohawk alone became a
magic word in Nevada mining circles, for it had produced
more gold in less time from the smallest acreage of
ground than any mine in the world! Ten million dollars in
eight months tells the story that is substantial — all from
a block of ground less than three acres in size.
George S. Nixon, U.S. Senator from the Silver State
With the organization of The Nixon National Bank of
Reno on October 20, 1906, the Nixon family moved to
Reno where Mr. Nixon erected an imposing residence, the
finest in Nevada, on the banks of the Truckee River.
There he entertained politicians, business associates, and
members of Reno society in a sumptuous manner.
In 1891, Nixon began long service in the Nevada state
legislature, representing Humboldt County. He was
elected to the U.S. Senate on January 25, 1905 to succeed
William M. Stewart. He was reelected to the Senate in
January of 1911. His term of office still had five years to
run when he died suddenly in his office at Washington,
D.C. on June 5, 1912.
As a legislator in the halls of Congress, he won fame for
his ability as a leader of the Republicans and the approval
of the many bills he sponsored. Mr. Nixon also had the
distinction of being president of several banks
simultaneously. They were The Tonopah Banking
Corporation (the bank that took over the assets and
financial obligations of The Nevada First National Bank
of Tonopah in 1932), The Carson Valley Bank of Carson
City, Greenwater Banking Company of Greenwater, The
John S. Cook Banking Company with banks in both
Goldfield and Rhyolite, The Nixon National Bank of
Reno, and The First National Bank of Winnemucca. In
addition to his interests in banking and mining, he also
had invested extensively in real estate, particularly in the
Reno, Winnemucca and Lovelock areas. At the time of his
death, his estate was valued in excess of thirty-five
million dollars.
The notes referred to in this article appear in the publication,
"The Nevada Sixteen National Banks and Their Mining Camps"
As Follows...
1. $10 Third Charter Red Seal, Nixon N.B. Reno page 189
2. 5 Third Charter Red Seal, FNB, Goldfield
page 263
3. 20 Third Charter Blue Seal, P.B. McGill
page 301
4. 10 Third Charter Blue Seal, P.B. Copper N.B. East Ely
page 309
5. 10 & 20 Third Charter Blue Seal, D.B. Nixon N.B. Reno
page 190
6. 50 & 100 Third Charter Blue Seal, P.B. Reno N.B. Reno
page 193
7. 20 First Charter, "75" series Charter 2478. FNB., Reno
page 138
8. 10 Second Charter Brown Back, FNB, Winnemucca page 146
Included in the list of publications and authorities consulted are:
National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-1935, Louis Van
Paper Money of the United States, Robert Friedberg
Society of Paper Money Collectors, Washington, D.C.
Reports of The Comptroller of the Currency, Washington, D.C.
Nevada State Historical Society, Reno, Nevada
State Department of the State of Nevada, Carson City, Nevada
The Nevada National Banks and Their Mining Camps, M.O.
Wbole No. 78 Page 311
Notes :4Z
The ANA and SPMC bash in Houston is only a memory
to most of us, but perhaps you would like to know some of
your Society's doings. They were many and varied.
Our Board Meeting and General Membership Meeting
were well attended. Treasurer John Ferreri, unable to
attend, sent us his report, showing our net worth at $24,
921.84, an increase of $5,931.20 over 1976-1977. How-
ever, our PM and other expenses are increasing at a rate
that causes us some concern.
Secretary Harry Wigington, also unable to attend, re-
ported our usual 12% loss of members for last year, al-
though we did manage a net gain of 20 persons for a mem-
bership at June 30th of 2,080. I wish more members
would try to match the recruiting efforts of Larry Adams
(36), George Wait (11), All Shull (10) and Tom Knebel (10).
They, with the president, secured 198 new members or
64% of all new members. Where is the help from every-
one else? Need applications?
Our Book Project Chairman, Wendell Wolka, reported
the Indiana Book is due off the presses any day now.
Others are being brought up to ready status.
The first membership-wide mail ballots produced over
800 responses. The following were elected to serve for
three years: Peter Huntoon, Tom Bain, Paul Garland,
Jasper Payne and Larry Adams. I know you all join me in
thanking Owen Warns, Roy Pennell and George Wait,
who did not stand for reelection. They have served you
diligently and well for many years. In many ways we are
all reaping the benefits of their hard work. They will be
Our luncheon attendance reflected that of the ANA.
Attendance at the convention was down 25% and our
luncheon fared no better. We, who did attend, heard a
very scholarly and detailed talk by Douglas Ball. I think
he knows more about the CSA finances than did Mr.
To many, the highlight of the SPMC luncheon is our
recognition and awards to those who authored or dis-
Nathan Gold Memorial Award (furnished by Numis-
matic News) to the person who has made concrete con-
tributions to the advancement of paper money collecting
— GEORGE WAIT for his numerous and extensive con-
tributions over the years.
Award of Merit — to DOUG WATSON for his graphic
improvements to Paper Money and new SPMC brochure.
Literary A wards:
1st — ROGER H. DURAND for "Pssst, Got Change
For an Eight".
2nd — SAMUEL L. SMITH for "The Bahamas
Government Treasury Notes of 1868-1869."
3rd — WALTER BREEN for "New Look at Old
Julian Blanchard Memorial Award — to WALTER
ALLEN for his exhibit "The Origin of Bank Note Vig-
To add frosting to all our cake of pleasure, one of our
more active members, STEVE TAYLOR, won the Best-
of-Show of all the exhibits at the ANA.
One last report on our activities at the ANA. Again, as
last year, we had a booth near the bourse floor. I don't
know who all manned the table, but under the guidance
of board member Wendell Wolka, we had excellent re-
sults. We obtained 15 members and sold 60 copies of our
various books. Super effort by all who helped. Thank you
from all of us.
One final word — an old refrain — our well of numis-
matic articles is very close to DRY. Barbara Mueller
needs to have about a half dozen major articles in reserve.
We particularly need articles on foreign, obsoletes, colo-
nial and U.S. notes. You people with facts and figures
get to work on them.
See ya,
Meeting on Saturday, Jan. 6, 1979, at FUN — Florida
United Numismatists, Fountainbleu Hotel, Miami Beach,
Speaker to be announced.
"No. 1 Wyoming Territorial" Corrections
by M. Owen Warns
In my article on the existing Wyoming First Char-
ter territorial National Bank notes in Paper Money
No. 76, p. 205, I inadvertently overlooked the $1 and
$2 territorial Nationals issued by Charter 2110, The
Wyoming National Bank of Laramine. These were
reported by Peter Huntoon in his article in No. 57, p.
127. It is possible that other examples of First
Charter Wyoming territorial Nationals exist.
I hasten to add that other Wyoming territorial
National Banks established prior to Charter 2652
(The Stock Growers National Bank of Cheyenne)
Charter 1800, The First National Bank of Chey-
Charter 2110, The Wyoming National Bank of
Laramie City.
Charter 2518, The Laramie National Bank of Lar-
amie City.
Finally, Please correct a proofreader's error: The
charter number of the First National Bank of Rock
Springs as given on p. 205 of PM 76 should be 3920
instead of 3928.
British Virgin Islands
Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
Monetary Unit
New Peso
CFA Franc
New Cruzero
CFA Franc
Page 312
Paper Money
A listing of the average exchange rates for banknotes of the world in terms of the United States Dollar.
by Jerry Remick
A listing of the average bank selling rates or market
rates for banknotes of all countries of the world in terms
of the United States dollar is presented here in Table I.
Countries, states, protectorates, dependencies, sheik-
doms, etc. using banknotes of another country (having
none of their own) as their sole legal tender are listed in
Table II. A few countries listed in Table I have their own
coinage but use the banknotes of another country, and
these are identified by the use of brackets around the
monetary unit.
The valuation quotation shown in Table I is the average
value of banks and other financial institutions on July 24,
1978, for the currency of a particular country. The
quotations, except for those in brackets, are from a leaflet
dated July 24, 1978, issued by the firm of Manfra,
Tordella & Brookes of New York. The valuations shown
in brackets are from other sources; a few are early 1978
The value one receives from a bank in his native coun-
try for foreign banknotes is usually less than the official
selling rate listed below and depends on a number of
factors, demand and ease of convertability being im-
portant. Some currencies can be purchased relatively
cheaply in their country of issue on the black market.
The actual values quoted in Table I will change and
many have already changed slightly. However, in most
cases the change will not be drastic and in general the
relative difference in the valuation of the currency of each
country will be maintained.
Table I is particularly useful for collectors of current
foreign banknotes because the exchange rate in terms of
the U.S. dollar is rarely quoted for many of the countries
in printed listings appearing in weekly newspapers. A
collector should be aware of the face value of a current
banknote before purchasing it.
Central African
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
East Caribbean
Currency Authority
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
Per U.S.
Per U.S.
Monetary Unit Dollar
CFA Franc .00454
New Peso .0304
Renmiabi Yan 1.3208
Peso .0260
CFA Franc .00454
CFA Franc .00454
(Dollar) 1.042
Colon .1180
Peso 1.3208
Pound 2.67
Koruna .1020
Franc .00588
Peso 1.00
Dollar .3704
Sucre .0408
Pound 1.43
Colon .40
Pound 1.932
Ekuele .127
Birr .4785
Pound 1.932
Dollar 1.18
Markka .2405
CFA Franc .00454
whole No. 78 Page 313
Per U.S. Per U.S.
Country Monetary Unit Dollar Country Monetary Unit Dollar
Gambia Dalasi .485 Nigeria Nira 1.57
Germany (East) Ostmark .4762 Norway Krone .1865
Germany (West) Mark .4902 Oman Rial 2.89
Ghana Cedi .87 Pakistan Rupee .1010
Gibraltar Pound 1.932 Panama (Balboa) 1.00
Greece Drachma .0272 Papetee (Tahaiti) CFP Franc .0117
Guatemala Quetzal 1.00 Papua New Guinea Kina 1.42
Guernsey Pound 1.932 Paraguay Guarani .0079
Guinea, Republic Syli (.0043) Peru Sol .0067
Guinea-Bissau Peso (.0245) Philippines Piso .1363
Guyana Dollar .3925 Poland Zloty .0304
Haiti Gourde .1990 Portugal Escudo .0221
Honduras Lempira .50 Qatar Riyal .2578
Hong Kong Dollar .2155 Rhodesia Dollar 1.38
Hungary Forint .0528 Romania Lei .0833
Iceland Krona .0038 Rwanda Franc .0110
India Rupee .1210 St. Helena Pound 1.932
Indonesia Rupiah .00242 Sao Tome E Principe Dobra .0219
Iran Rial .0141 San Marino (Lire) .001181
Iraq Dinar 3.49 Saudi Arabia Riyal .2915
Ireland, Northern Pound 1.932 Scotland Pound 1.932
Ireland, Republic Pound 1.932 Senegal CFP Franc .00454
Isle of Man Pound 1.932 Seychelles Rupee .1375
Israel Pound .0579 Sierra Leone Leone .97
Italy Lira .001181 Singapore Dollar .4385
Ivory Coast CFA Franc .00454 Solomon Islands Dollar 1.15
Jamaica Dollar .6262 Somalia Shilling .1592
Japan Yen .00505 South Africa,
Jersey Pound 1.932 Republic of Rand 1.15
Jordan Dinar 3.22 Spain Peseta .01294
Kampuchea Riel (.0008) Sri Lanka Rupee .066
(Cambodia) Sudan Pound 2.50
Kenya Shilling .1263 Surinam Gulden .5550
Korea (South) Won .00207 Swaziland Lilangeni 1.15
Korea (North) Won .01065 Sweden Krona .2213
Kuwait Dinar 3.62 Switzerland Franc .5643
Laos Kip .005014 Syria Pound .2548
Lebanon Pound .3442 Taiwan Yuan .0278
Lesotho (Maloti) 1.15 Tanzania Shilling .1263
Liberia (Dollar) 1.00 Tchad CFP Franc .00454
Libya Dinar 3.38 Thailand Baht .0490
Luxembourg Franc .0307 Togo CFP Franc .00454
Macau Pataca .2125 Tonga Pa'anga 1.39
Malagasy Franc .0044 Trinidad and Tobago Dollar .42
Malawi Kwacha 1.15 Tunisia Dinar 2.42
Malaysia Ringgit .4255 Turkey Lira .040
Maldive Islands Rupee (.24) Turks and Caicos (Crown) 1.00
Mali Franc .00223 Tuvalu (Dollar) 1.15
Malta Pound 2.54 Uganda Shilling .1263
Mauritania Ouguiya .0225 U.S.S.R. Rouble 1.45
Mauritius Rupee .1578 United Arab Emirates Durham .2577
Mexico Peso .0438 United States of
Mongolia Tugrik (.3000) America Dollar 1.00
Monaco (Franc) .2274 Upper Volta CFP Franc .00454
Morocco Dirham .2320 Uruguay New Peso .1640
Mozambique Metca .0301 Vatican City (Lire) .001181
Nepal Rupee .0800 Venezuela Bolivar .2330
Netherlands Gulden .4522 Vietnam Dong .4192
Netherlands Antilles Gulden .5525 Western Samoa Ta la 1.33
New Caledonia CFP Franc .01173 Yemen Arab Republic Rial .22
New Hebrides Australian Dollar 1.147 Yemen (South Arabia) Dinar 2.90
New Zealand Dollar 1.042 Yugoslavia New Dinar .0531
Nicaragua Cordoba .1428 Zaire Zaire 1.23
Niger CFP Franc .00454 Zambia Kwacha 1.20
by Dr. Michael Kupa
Page 314 Paper Money
Places using banknotes of other countries as their sole
legal tender.
Country or Place
Legal Tender Banknotes
U.S. Dollar
Country or Place Legal Tender Banknotes LiechtensteinMaderia Islands
Swiss Franc
Portugese Escudo
Abu Dhabi U.A.R. Durham Mariana Islands U.S. Dollar
Ajman U.A.R. Durham Marshall Islands U.S. Dollar
American Samoa U.S. Dollar Martinique French Franc
Andorra Spanish Peseta Monaco French Franc
French Franc Montserrat E.C.C.A. Dollar
Anguilla E.C.C.A. Dollar Nauru Australian Dollar
Antigua E.C.C.A. Dollar Niue New Zealand Dollar
Aruba Netherlands Antilles Gulden Norfolk Island Australian Dollar
Ascension Island St. Helena Pound Panama U.S. Dollar
Azores Islands Portugese Escudo Pitcairin Islands New Zealand Dollar
Balearic Islands Spanish Peseta Puerto Rico U.S. Dollar
Bonaire Netherlands Antilles Gulden Reunion Islands French Franc
British Virgin Islands U.S. Dollar Ras-al Khaim U.A.R. Durham
British Indian Ocean St. Christopher & Nevis E.C.C.A. Dollar
Territory Mauritius Rupee St. Eustaitus Netherlands Antilles Gulden
Canary Islands Spanish Peseta St. Lucia E.C.C.A. Dollar
Caroline Islands U.S. Dollar St. Maarten Netherlands Antilles Gulden
Christmas Islands Australian Dollar French Franc
Cocos Keeling Islands Australian Dollar St. Pierre & Miquelon French Franc
Cook Islands New Zealand Dollar St. Vincent E.C.C.A. Dollar
Corisca French Franc Saba Netherlands Antilles Gulden
Curacao Netherlands Antilles Gulden San Marino Italian Lira
Dominica E.C.C.A. Dollar Sharjah U.A.R. Durham
Dubai U.A.R. Durham South West Africa South African Rand
French Guiana French Franc Tokelau Islands New Zealand Dollar
Fujairah U.A.R. Durham Western Samoa Tala
Gilbert Islands Australian Dollar Tristan da Cunha St. Helena Pound
Greenland Danish Krone Turks and Caicos Islands U.S. Dollar
Grenada E.C.C.A. Dollar Tuvalu Australian Dollar
Guadeloupe French Franc Umm-al-Qaiwain U.A.R. Durham
Guam U.S. Dollar U.S. Virgin Islands U.S. Dollar
Vatican City Italian Lira
(Editor's Note: The following article is one of a series by a
Budapest paper money historian on national heroes of Hungary
depicted on that nation's paper currency. English is a second
language for Dr. Kupa and to preserve some of the flavor of his
writing, editing was done only to insure clarity for the majority
of readers.)
The younger son of the Turksbreaker Janos Hunyadi
reigned as King of Hungary from 1458-1490, and it was
he who organized the central political power of Hungary.
He was well aware of the economic and political impor-
tance of towns and encouraged their developement.
He established in Pozsony (now Bratislava) the Aca-
demia Istropolitana in 1465. His famous library in Buda
contained what are now described as the Corvinas — illu-
minated and richly ornamented manuscripts, many of
them bearing the Matthias coat of arms with a raven
holding a ring in its beak (corvus is Latin for raven, hence
the name). It was also during his reign that the first
Hungarian printing press was put into operation, in 1478.
Visegrad, now in ruins, was his summer palace where
Matthias arranged international assemblies for the sover-
eigns of Europe.
The bust of King Matthias appeared on state notes of
100 Crowns dated 1 January 1920 (Pick-63), as well as
those of 1 July 1923 (P-73). Both were engraved by Ferenc
Helbing. Matthias also appeared on 100-Pengo notes of
the Hungarian National Bank dated 1 March 1926 (P-93),
1 July 1930 (P-98, 112), and 5 April 1945 (P-111), engrav-
ed by Almos Jaschik and Kalman Mosko. His last
appearance was on the 100-Pengo note of 1 July 1930. All
notes of the Pengo denomination were printed by the
Hungarian Note Printing Office in Budapest.
Whole No. 78 Page 315
In William Dunlap's History of the Rise and Progress
of Arts of Design in the United States (Vol. II, p 469), the
author states, "Richard G. and Charles P. Harrison were
the first to practice the art of engraving west of the Alle-
ghenies". Further evidence developed when a crisp new
copy of a $1 1815 plate B note of The Western Bank of
Virginia at Parkersburg was found with the following
printed on the back:
Souvenir / 14th annual session Farmers National Con-
gress / First bank note issued in Virginia west of the
Alleghany Mountains. / Presented by S.S. Stone,
Wood County, W. Va. Farmer.
Evidently the brothers Richard and Charles Harrison
made what must have been a rugged trip, perhaps by
Conestoga wagon, from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh about
1815, probably carrying with them over the mountains
copper plates and engraving equipment as well as a print-
ing press and bank note paper. They must have in some
way contacted several of the so-called wild cat banks
starting in the Ohio River Valley area and secured the
work of engraving and printing these bank notes of the
1815-16-17 period. They apparently did not stay in Pitts-
burgh too long or set up any permanent shop in the town,
as no record of them has yet been found in tax lists or
other records.
Following is a list of such notes with their Pittsburgh
imprint found to date. No doubt there are others not list-
ed yet to be found, and this collector would be most grate-
ful to learn of them.
A List of Some Bank Notes
Engraved and Printed in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania by
Richard G. and
Charles P. Harrison
The First Engravers and Printers of Bank Notes West of the Allegheney Mountains.
by William J. Harrison
The Western Bank of Virginia $1 note showing souvenir printing on back.
r61a161a61 ,6 ‘,1a0C
Page 3 16
Paper Money
The German Bank of Wooster, Ohio.
The Owl Creek Bank of Mount Vernon
1816 $1, $3.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison sc. Printed by C.P., Hn. Pittgh.
The $5 and $10 denominations with the identical
vignettes as the $1 and $3 do not show the Pittgh. in the
The Farmers Bank of New Salem
1816 $1, $3, $5.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, Invt. & Sct. Pitt.
Printed by C.P. Harrison.
The Jefferson Bank of New Salem
1817 $1, $3, $5.
Imprint: R.G. Harrison sc. C.P. Harrison, Pittg.
The German Bank of Wooster
1815 $1, $3, $3.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, sc. Pittg.
Printed by C.P. Harrison Pittg.
1815 $5, $10.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, sc. Pittb.
Printed by C.P. Harrison Pittb.
The Westmoreland Bank of Pennsylvania, Greensburg
1815 $1, $3.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, sc. Pittsb.
Printed by C.P. Harrison Pittsb.
The Farmers and Mechanics Bank o f Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Pittsburgh
1815 $1, $3.
Imprint: Rich. Harrison, fct. Pittsb.
Printed by C.P. Harrison Pittsb.
The Bank of Washington, Pennsylvania.
Left end.
Right end.
The Bank of Washington, Washington, Pa.
1815 $1.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, sct. Pittsburgh.
Printed by C.P. Harrison, Pittsburgh.
1815 $3.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, sct. Pittsbgh.
Printed by C.P. Harrison, Pittsbgh.
The Western Bank of Virginia, Parkersburg.
1815 $1, $5, $10.
Imprint: Richd. Harrison, sc.
Printed by C.P. Harrison, Pittsbg.
Boom to bus 11 War to Great Depression
Ben E. Adams
In 1866, one of seven brothers left Canton, Ohio
bound for Denver, Colorado, and started a banking
empire which was to grow, and collapse, over the
next 68 years. This was Jefferson Raynolds, the
third son of James Madison Raynolds and Sarah
Slusser Raynolds. The family could trace its roots
in North America to 1666, when a six-year-old boy
was brought by a "nanny" to Richmond, Virginia
from London in order to escape the plague.
By the early 1800's, the family roots were in
Zanesville, Ohio, since it had left Virginia because
of opposition to slavery. By the 1840's, James
Madison Raynolds and his wife had moved to Can-
ton, Ohio and had a general merchandise business.
It is from this point that our story of the three sons,
in which we are most interested, starts. First, we
should point out that in the intervening 90 years, as
each brother died, the survivors seemed to rewrite
the family history; therefore, the facts as presented
here may be contradictory to what has been written
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Whole No. 78 Page 317
The Ray
Pioneer B
ids Brothers:
kers of the West
Page 318 Paper Money
Secretary of State. At the time of his death, while re-
cuperating from the effects of a nervous breakdown, he
was warden of the territorial prison. He died in 1910.
Twin sons, Edward David Raynolds and Hallett Ray-
nolds, were born December 28, 1875, in Pueblo, Colo-
rado. They were to be raised, educated, and trained to
be part of their father's banking interests. We shall meet
them again in this story when they have reached
Jefferson Raynolds was taught, or naturally acquired,
the knack of being in the right place at the right time. He
apparently knew that the railroads were the key to
success in the western United States in the 1870's. Before
the A.T.&S.F. Railroad reached Las Vegas, New Mexico
in 1879, and before it reached Albuquerque in 1880, he
and his brothers had established banking houses in those
towns. The same pattern was repeated in El Paso, Texas.
When the Southern Pacific Railroad reached town in
1881, Jefferson had formed The Bank of El Paso.
Nevertheless, Jefferson Raynolds moved to Las Vegas,
New Mexico in 1876, and established The Raynolds
Brothers Bank, with his brothers Joshua and Frederick
Alexander Raynolds.Frederick Alexander Raynolds
Jefferson Raynolds, the third-born son and the first
with whom we will be concerned, was born October 26,
1843 in Canton. At the age of 18 he entered the Civil War
in Company F, 4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. A year later
he was "invalided" in a hospital. In 1863, and until the
end of the war, he served as a clerk in the War Depart-
ment in Washington. For a short time after the war he
was a clerk in the family business in Canton.
In 1866, Jefferson left Canton and went to Denver
where he obtained a job as a bookkeeper in the Kountz
Brothers' Bank. Some sources say that Jefferson had
banking experience in Canton, but most likely his ex-
perience was obtained in the family business. That same
year, 1866, the Kountz Brothers' Bank became The
Colorado National Bank (#1651). Later this same bank
would be a training ground for the second brother in
our story, Joshua Saxton Raynolds.
In 1871, at the age of 28, Jefferson Raynolds moved to
Pueblo, Colorado with The Thatcher Brothers' Bank, and
that same year became the first cashier of The First
National Bank of Pueblo (#1833) when it was formed by
the Thatcher Brothers. This association with the
Thatchers would continue until well into the 1900's, as
M.D. Thatcher was on the boards of directors of some of
the Raynolds Brothers' banks which were founded later.
Undoubtedly, the Thatchers were early backers of the
Raynolds Brothers, but most of those traces died out
when history was rewritten by the last brother, Joshua
Saxton Raynolds.
While he was in Pueblo, Jefferson married Martha
Cowan of Fairfield, Iowa in May, 1872. Their first son
was born in March, 1873 and was named James Wallace
Raynolds. A graduate of M.I.T. in mining engineering, he
was the only male child of the original brothers who was
not later associated substantially with the banks, but
was active in his father's Mexican mines. He did gain
fame as the second Secretary of the Territory of New
Mexico. This is the equivalent of our present day state
The Fremont County Bank, Canon City, Colorado, circa 1886
Joshua Saxton Raynolds was born on December 31,
1845 in Canton, Ohio. He was the fourth son, and the
second of the banking brothers. He was in the Civil War
as a "100 Day" Man in Company C, 162nd Ohio Volun-
teer Infantry. At the age of 22, probably due to the
influence of his brother Jefferson, he became an assistant
cashier at the Kountz Brothers' bank, The Colorado
National Bank (#1651) in Denver. Two years later he
moved to Central City, Colorado, as assistant cashier of
the Rocky Mountain National Bank (#1652). He had mar-
ried Sarah Robbins in September, 1869, and in July, 1870
his first daughter, Ruth, was born. She was to play an
indirect part in the banking business of the brothers by
marrying James G. McNary in 1902. McNary became
president of The First National Bank of El Paso (#2532)
in 1916. We shall go into more detail about him later on in
this article.
Two sons, who also played a part in the brothers' bank-
ing business, were also born of this marriage. Herbert
Frederick Raynolds was born in Central City, Colorado.
He later became a judge of the Second New Mexico
Page 319
Judicial District, vice-president of The First National
Bank of Albuquerque (#2614), and was on the board of
directors of The Occidental Life Insurance Company.
John Madison Raynolds, the most successful of all the
sons of the three brothers, was born in Las Vegas, New
Mexico in 1878, and we shall go into detail about him,
when he is president of The First National Bank of
Albuquerque (#2614).
The third of the banking brothers, but the sixth born
male child, was Frederick Alexander Raynolds, who was
born in Canton on September 26, 1850. At age 15, he left
school and went to work for the dry goods house of David
Zollars and Company. When after two years he had saved
$500, he quit to start his own business of buying eggs
and butter in the country around Canton and reselling to
the stores in town. Very quickly he was broke and went to
work as a traveling salesman for the Eagle Woolen Mills
of Canton.
At the age of 20, after having been a salesman for two
years, he was made secretary and treasurer of the
company. He was also a part owner and an efficient
manager of the company, but in August 1874, he sold
his interest in the business and went to Canon City,
Canon City (pronounced "Canyon" City), is about 38
miles from Pueblo, where Jefferson was cashier of The
First National Bank of Pueblo (#1652) in 1874. F.A. Ray-
nolds was 24 years old at this time.
What was to become The Fremont County Bank was
originally started as Raynolds, Lamborn & Company
by Jefferson and Frederick Raynolds and Colonel C.B.
Lamborn in August 1874. At first, Frederick Raynolds
was only the manager of the bank, but in 1876 he bought
out the interests of Colonel Lamborn. In 1878, he bought
out the interests of Jefferson, who by this time had
established The Raynolds Brothers Bank in Las Vegas,
New Mexico.
The four-page edition of the Canon City Times of
August 6, 1874 stated: "The businessmen of Canon City
were justly elated at the fact that a bank has been
established in the commodious quarters provided in the
McClure Block.
"A necessity long admitted, a convenience eagerly
sought. It seemed as if we were pre-destined and elected
from all eternity to continual disappointment. An
interminable caravan of those who called themselves
bankers were passing through day after day promising.
"One happy day there came Jeff Raynolds of Pueblo
(Colorado), who unlike all others, did as he promised he
would, and a result is the opening of the Fremont County
Bank, Wednesday, August 5, 1874 with a fair amount of
At that time the population was estimated between 300
and 1,000 people, not a boom town when the bank open-
ed. It had no railroad,no major industry, and no people
of wealth. However, there was some luck in that mining
activity increased and General Palmer pushed his Denver
and Rio Grande Railroad to Canon City where it was
stalled until the settlement of the Royal Gorge Rail-
road War.
During the years 1878 to 1882, Frederick became in-
terested in several banks in various parts of Colorado:
Whole No. 78
Rosita, Silver Cliff, Leadville, Alpine, Saguache, and
Buena Vista. All were quite successful during the time he
was connected with them, but he found that "the policy
of giving his attention to one was preferable"; therefore
he disposed of all his interests except for the bank in
Canon City which he renamed The Fremont County
At the age of 28 he was the youngest president of a
National Bank in the United States. He was president
of The First National Bank of Leadville (#2420); thus,
the youngest of the brothers became the first president of
The Raynolds Bank building, Canon City, Colorado, circa 1876
a National Bank. He disposed of his interests in this
bank, as well as the other five banks in 1881. On January
24, 1884, The First National Bank of Leadville went into
Frederick Raynolds was content to stay in the small
town in Colorado and confine his interests to what he
could safely manage. He was interested in a small rail-
road which had been started by the parent company, A.T.
& S.F. Railroad. He was appointed president of the Canon
City and San Juan Railroad which came in conflict with
General Palmer's Denver, Rio Grande & Western
Railroad as he was trying to reach the rich mining camp
of Leadville. The "Grand Canyon War" was resolved with
General Palmer the victor.
Page 320
Paper Money
The San Miguel National
Bank, circa 1881
Ili I El,
Frederick invested in land, mining, and timber, as well
as cattle operations in Colorado. He was two-time presi-
dent of the Colorado Bankers Association. At the age of
30, he married Magdaline Sheetz in 1880. He was very
successful in all his investments, and was considered a
very wealthy man for the times. He was also considered a
very charitable man. He was remembered as a banker
who never foreclosed on his mortgages and always head-
ed the list for donations. On his death in 1906, a special
edition of The Canon City Record was published, the only
time this had been done, and for that matter, since. A
special railroad train was used to bring elected and
banking officials to the funeral. Among those attending
the funeral was J.A. Thatcher, president of The First
National Bank of Pueblo, and an early backer of the Ray-
nolds Brothers.
An example of the vision of Frederick Raynolds was his
taking out of an insurance policy on his life for $100,000
when the deposits in the bank reached that amount. He
later increased the policy to $150,000 and reasoned, "If
I happened to die rather suddenly, there would be a run
on the bank and we don't want that. That $100,000 would
assure ample coverage in any emergency." He created
his own F.D.I.C.
Following his death March 8, 1906, his wife Magdaline
Raynolds, who had inherited the bulk of the estate, be-
came president. She was president for seven years, and it
was in late 1906, that the bank was nationalized as The
Fremont County National Bank (#8433). In 1913, after
her marriage to W.T. Wallace, she resigned as president
and sold her stock to George F. Rockafellow (spelling
correct) who had been cashier for the seven years of
Magdaline Raynolds' presidency.
According to the family genealogy (The Millar-DuBois
Family: Its History and Genealogy, Eva Millar Naanse,
1928, private printing) Frederick and Magdaline had five
children; however, only two had reached majority by the
time of the death of their father. There is no information
as to whether or not these two had any experience in
the bank. As soon as Magdaline Raynolds remarried she
moved to Boise, Idaho with Mr. Wallace and lived there.
She died there July 2, 1917.
Between 1876 and 1878 a Raynolds Brothers schism
took place. My reasoning for such a statement is this:
Second Charter Date Back $10 San Miguel National Bank o f
Las Vegas, New Mexico Territory. Signed by Dr. J. M.
Cunningham, president, and Daniel 7'. Hoskins, cashier.
Photo courtesy of Ralph Burnworth.
In 1876, the Raynolds Brothers Bank was founded in
Las Vegas, New Mexico by the three brothers. This was
two years after the founding of The Fremont County
Bank in Colorado. In 1879, The First National Bank of
Las Vegas was founded with Jefferson as president and
no mention of Frederick, In 1878, Frederick owned all
the stock of the bank in Canon City. In 1879, Jefferson
founded The Central Bank of Albuquerque with himself
as president and Joshua as manager. After the acquisi-
tion of the stock in the Colorado bank by Frederick, we
do not find another bank in which he was interested with
his brothers. Jefferson and Joshua were active together
until, along with their children, they ended their banking
Mariano Otero, and others, founded The First National
Bank of Albuquerque (#2416) December 24, 1881, and
Otero became the first president, with Daniel Geary as
the first cashier. In May 1885, The Central Bank merged
with The First National Bank of Albuquerque, and Jef-
ferson became the second president, from 1885 to 1887.
Frank McKee was the cashier and Joshua was manager.
About 1878 or 1879, Jefferson organized The Bank of
El Paso, which became The First National Bank of El
Paso (#2532) in 1881. Jefferson was the first president,
and his friend and backer, M.D. Thatcher, was on the
board of directors with three local businessmen: Joseph
Shultz, M.C. Mills, and J.P. Hague.
In 1882, Joshua went to El Paso as manager of that
bank as well as the Albuquerque bank. He maintained
residences in both towns. Jefferson lived in Las Vegas
and he managed the bank there as well as dabbled in
Republican politics.
As the business interests of Jefferson and Joshua grew,
and as their children reached maturity, another time of
consolidation and realignment had to take place. Jeffer-
son, in late 1886, sold his interests in the El Paso and
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Whole No. 78
Albuquerque banks to Joshua, in exchange for Joshua's
interests in the Las Vegas banks. From this time on,
Jefferson remained in Las Vegas, and Joshua became
president of both the banks in El Paso and Albuquerque.
Chartered September 22, 1879 with a capital stock of
$50,000, this bank was the successor to The Raynolds
Brothers Bank, which had been operating on the west
side of the plaza. This bank had been very successful
since it had been in operation before the arrival of the
railroad and had been able to charge very high interest
rates — two percent per month.
In 1880, two National Banks were operating in "old
Las Vegas." The First National Bank of Las Vegas
(#2436) was on the west side of the plaza, and The
San Miguel National Bank (#2454) opened February 9,
1880, on the other side of the plaza. However, after about
a year, The San Miguel National moved to "new town"
or East Las Vegas. Both of these banks operated success-
fully until they merged in 1921, and continued to do busi-
ness as The First National Bank of Las Vegas (#2436).
Second Charter Brown Back $10 First National Bank of Las
Vegas, New Mexico Territory. Signed by Jefferson Raynolds,
president and Hallett Raynolds, assistant cashier. Photo
courtesy of Roman Latimer.
The San Miguel National Bank (#2454) was organized
by the Otero family, which also was active in banks in
Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Miguel A. Otero, Sr. was the
first president and Jacob Gross the first cashier. Mr.
Otero was followed in the presidency by Mariano S.
Otero, William M. Eads, and Dr. J.M. Cunningham. Dr.
Cunningham was president at the time the bank was
merged with The First National. Daniel T. Hoskins was
cashier, manager, and on the board of directors at the
merger. The bank got its name from San Miguel County
where Las Vegas is located.
After The San Miguel National Bank moved to New
Town, The First National Bank of Las Vegas built a
brown sandstone building on the corner of the plaza in the
style of the banks of the period — massive stone
structures with the front door on a 45-degree angle to the
streets. This building was to suffice until the bank moved
to New Town in 1903.
Jefferson Raynolds and his wife had three children, all
boys, as previously mentioned. The oldest, James Wal-
lace Raynolds, did serve a one-year stint as vice-
president of his father's bank. The twin sons, Hallett
and Edward David Raynolds, were the brothers who were
groomed to be in the banking business. They were edu-
Page 321
cated at Harvard and immediately took jobs in their
father's bank, Edward as assistant cashier and later as
vice-president. Hallett was first assistant cashier and
then cashier.
A smaller bank in Las Vegas, The City Bank, was con-
solidated with The First in November 1888. In 1903,
the main part of the business community of Las Vegas
had moved to East Las Vegas away from the railroads.
At this time Jefferson Raynolds moved The First
National Bank of Las Vegas to East Las Vegas in
temporary quarters. However, this left him with a
spare bank building in the old part of town; solution,
open a state bank. Thus, in 1903, The Plaza Bank opened
in the building which had been built approximately 20
years before for The First.
Under the New Mexico banking act of 1884, a bank
could be chartered with capital assets of $25,000 as op-
posed to the $50,000 required for a National Bank char-
ter. However, Jefferson chartered The Plaza Bank with
$50,000 capital.
In 1890, The San Miguel National Bank officers found-
ed the Las Vegas Savings Bank under the Act of 1884
with a capital of $25,000. This became the training
ground for the officers of The San Miguel National Bank,
since all the succeeding officers of The San Miguel
National Bank were first officers of Las Vegas Savings
Bank. Ironically, after the merger of The First National
Bank and The San Miguel National Bank in 1920, The
Las Vegas Savings Bank became independent and was
the only Las Vegas bank to survive the agricultural
depression in New Mexico in 1924.
Building of the First National Bank of Las Vegas, 1881-1903
(to be continued)
Basics in U.S. Pap,
by Terry Vavra
Page 322 Paper Money
If one looks at the map of eastern New Mexico, one sees
that this is the agricultural part of the state. Two main
rivers flow south over the entire state: the Rio Grande
goes through Albuquerque and almost due south to Las
Cruces and El Paso, Texas, while the Pecos and its tri-
butaries flow almost due south in the eastern quarter of
the state. During World War I, the region along the
Pecos river was developed as irrigated farms with loans
from The First National Bank of Las Vegas and from The
San Miguel National Bank, as well as the other banks all
the way from the Colorado border to the Texas border
where the Pecos River crosses into that state.
This was a time of inflation brought on by the war, as
well as a seemingly never-ending demand for the agri-
cultural products of the farms along the Pecos and Rio
Grande Rivers. However, someone must have seen the
troubles coming. In his book, The State National, Dr.
C.L. Sonnichson says that a sure sign of weakness in a
bank is when it starts to merge with other banks.
In 1919, European agriculture was beginning to re-
cover and the need for the massive United States ex-
ports was tapering off. About this time also, the twin
sons of Jefferson were sent off to El Paso to work for
Uncle Joshua in his interests there. Hallett was the as-
sistant cashier in The First Nation Bank of El Paso
(#2532), and Edward was treasurer of The First Mort-
gage and Loan Company of El Paso.
Jefferson was in ill health from the influenza epidemic
of 1919 and a bout with pneumonia in 1920. These two
illnesses probably go back to his sicknesses of the Civil
War, but at any rate he was too ill to continue the opera-
tion of the Bank in Las Vegas and for some reason he did
not pass the operation to his twin sons who were 45 at the
time. He was persuaded to go to El Paso in 1920 to live
with Edward and Hallett to recover from pneumonia.
On January 2, 1920, The San Miguel National Bank of
Las Vegas (#2454) was placed in voluntary liquidation
and the assets and outstanding circulation were assumed
by The First National Bank of Las Vegas (#2436). The
capitalization at the time of liquidation was $100,000; the
outstanding circulation was $100,000; and on August 13,
1920, the outstanding circulation was $68,350.
After the merger, all of the officers of The San Miguel
National Bank became the same officers of The First
National Bank of Las Vegas. Most notably, Dr. J.M.
Cunningham was president in place of Jefferson
Raynolds, and Daniel T. Hoskins was cashier, manager,
and a member of the board of directors. At the time of the
merger, Daniel Hoskins announced the plans to build a
new bank building which was to serve Las Vegas "for all
Jefferson Raynolds died in El Paso in 1921 before the
new bank building was ever finished. In 1921, and until
1925, banks in eastern New Mexico along the Pecos River
began to fail due to the agricultural depression and
their inability to collect on the loans which they had
made to create that very same agricultural economy.
During this period of falling agricultural prices, the
banks of Las Vegas began to fail. The first was Plaza
Trust and Savings Bank, which had been founded by
Jefferson when he moved The First to East Las Vegas. It
was closed by the state examiner in 1923. On May 4,
1925, The First National Bank of Las Vegas was ordered
to close, "to protect the depositors." This left Las Vegas
without a National Bank until The First National Bank in
Las Vegas opened in 1949. The closing, which came at the
end of a period of heavy withdrawals, was announced in
the Albuquerque Morning Journal with an article which
ended with the following: "There is no connection
between the First National Bank of Las Vegas and the
First National Bank of Albuquerque or any of the officers
of this institution." In other words, Joshua was
disavowing any connection with the bank he helped
Later in the summer of 1925, The Las Vegas State
Bank and The Peoples Bank and Trust Company failed.
The Las Vegas Savings Bank, which had become an in-
dependent bank with the merger of The First National
Bank and The San Miguel National Bank, absorbed The
Meadow City Bank which was about to fail. In 1928,
The Las Vegas Savings Bank moved into the building of
the defunct First National and until 1949 was the only
bank in the community. Today it is called The Bank of
Las Vegas.
The other New Mexico state banks that Jefferson had
formed began to fail about this time. In addition to
The Plaza Trust and Savings Bank of Las Vegas, The
Sierra County Bank of Hillsboro failed January 17,
1924. His other banks (The Exchange Bank of White
Oaks, and The Bank of Taos) survived for a while longer
under the management of others.
We've come up with a new idea! Why not have a column
in Paper Money that will help novice and intermediate
U.S. paper money collectors with questions that they
may have in the areas of U.S. Large-Size Currency, U.S.
Fractional Currency, or U.S. Small-Size Currency?
With new collectors joining our hobby every day, there
is a need for them to have our support and to be properly
guided into the collecting areas which they have chosen.
This new column will be devoted to covering questions
submitted in regard to grading, value, authenticity,
historical and background information, and any other
area in which information is needed regarding the U.S.
paper money issues 1861 to date. All questions will be
answered. Don't worry about how trivial or silly a
question may be. If you have a question and don't know
the answer, then ask!
All questions will be answered honestly, accurately and
as expeditiously as possible. Personal replies will be
answered as long as a S.A.S.E. is enclosed. Please send all
correspondence to: Terry Vavra, Box 51, Riverside, CA.
Note: Do NOT send actual specimens of currency. Send
only photo copies. We cannot be responsible for your
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Whole No. 78
Page 323
$2 note from the second series issued by the bank in the 1850s. It shows the frog vignette in the lower right corner. Photograph
courtesy C. John Ferreri.
The original Windham Bank building, now
the Windham Free Library.
Obsolete Oddities
The "Frog"
Notes of
Windham, Conn.
As a dealer in United States obsolete currency and col-
lector of Connecticut obsoletes, I have seen quite a few
odd vignettes and heard many interesting stories sur-
rounding them. Perhaps the strangest vignette I have
encountered comes from my own back yard, Windham,
Connecticut. The old bank notes of the Windham Bank
featured a vignette of a frog standing over the dead body
of another frog. Now, anyone seeing this can't help but
wonder what ever possessed a bank to put a dead frog, or
even a live frog, on its currency. To find the reasoning
behind such an act. we must travel back in time to the
small eastern Connecticut town of Windham and the year
The Battle of the Frogs
With a population of about a thousand inhabitants,
Windham was one of the leading towns of the day. The
times were hard, though. A disease had recently struck
the town, and the French and Indians were a constant
threat. Rumors of massacres and atrocities ran rampant
while many of the men were away fighting the French or
with Putnam fighting Indians. Windhamites often
thought about the possibility of an attack, so it's no sur-
prise that on a hot, dark, June night in 1754 they thought
their worst suspicions had come true. What they expec-
ted and what actually did happen, however, are two
different things.
A black servant of parson White's named Pomp was re-
turning home around midnight, after seeing a lady friend
at a nearby farm house. As he walked down the dark road,
he neared the Windham Green. It was there he began to
hear a strange and terrifying sound echoing through the
night air. The noise seemed to come from everywhere at
once. Pomp rushed home to awaken his master, shrieking
all the way. Parson White then proceeded to sound the
alarm, waking those who had not already been aroused by
this awful sound or by the screaming Pomp. As the noise
continued, most thought it was an Indian ritual and by
morning they would surely all be dead.
People began running about. Women shrieked, children
cried, and men prepared for battle as the strange and
Page 3 24 Paper Money
mournful sound continued. A makeshift, ragtag army
assembled on the green. Men were running about armed
with pitchforks, knives, clubs and old swords, while a few
actually had guns. Confusion and fear swept the village
as the Windhamites listened and waited. Some claimed to
have heard the savages calling, "We'll have Colonel Dyer,
Colonel Dyer, Elderkin too, Elderkin too". Well, both
Elderkin and Dyer were prominent lawyers in Windham
who had recently planned a colonization project in the
Susquehanna Valley which would greatly irritate the
Indians. This scared the townspeople even more. Many
claimed to have distinguished Indian chants and drums
among the noise. Others said there was nothing on earth
that could make such an outlandish commotion and con-
tended that it could only mean one thing; it is the judge-
ment day and nothing could be done to save them except
after. Some vowed that if the De'il himself should come
they would flee him, and if a frog they ever met, pretend
not to see him". Although the area did not have a news-
paper, the story quickly spread from town to town and
eventually across the land. Windhamites became the butt
of jokes and lawyers in particular were harassed with the
bull frog story. Even the clergy couldn't help but laugh as
indicated in this early reference to the frog battle, in a
private letter from Reverend Stiles of Woodstock to his
nephew, a law student:
Woodstock, July 9, 1754
"If the late tragical tidings from Windham deserve cre-
dit, as doubtless they do, it will then concern the gentle-
men of your Jurisprutian order to be fortified against the
dreadful croaks of Taurean Legions. Legions terrible as
$3 proof note of the Windham Bank from the first series issued when the bank first opened.
prayer. They waited and waited, expecting that they
would all be dead by morning, but the savage army never
Colonel Dyer, Colonel Elderkin and a Mr. Gray then
rode their horses up Mullin Hill toward the strange sound
to determine just what it was. As they approached a
small pond, they found that this was the source of the
commotion. Some reports contend that the three actually
fired shots toward the pond. Whatever happened that
night is not clear but what they found were - thousands of
dead and dying frogs, some still making their war cries.
No one is sure why the frogs died. The theory held at the
time was that they died fighting each other, possibly for
the small amount of water in the lowered pond.
When the three men returned and reported their find,
the townspeople were humiliated. "Some were pleased,
and some were mad, some turned it off with laughter, and
some would never hear a word, about the thing there-
the very wreck of matter, and the crash of worlds. Anti-
quity relates that the elephant fears the mouse. A hero
trembles at the crowing of a cock, but pray whence is it
that the croaking of a bullfrog should so Belshazzerize a
"Dyerful ye alarm made by these audacious, long wind-
ed croakers. Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme,
Tauranean terrors in Chimeras Dyer. I hope sir, from the
Dyerful reports from the frog pond, you'll gain some in-
struction, as well as from the report of my Lord Cook."
As the years wore on, future generations learned to
take the jokes and eventually became proud of the inci-
dent. This strange event was now an important part of
Windham's history, which should not be forgotten. It has
since been immortalized in poetry and song., such as
"Lawyers and Bull Frogs" and "The Epic of Windham",
and to top it off, a frog eventually became the central
figure of the town seal.
! \
Whole No. 78
Page 325
$20 National Currency note, Charter #1614 of the Windham
National Bank in Willimantic.
The "Frog" Notes
The Windham Bank was chartered in 1832 and opened
in what is now known as Windham Center. Its business
was small and development slow. The first bank notes
issued by it are currently unlisted and are extremely rare.
The only denominations I know of are one, three, and five
dollars. Later on, the bank issued new notes, all of which
have a vignette of a frog standing over the dead body of
another frog. The frog vignette appears on the $1, $2, $3,
$5 and $10 notes in the lower right corner. The old notes
reminded everyone that touched them about the then-
famous battle of the frogs, as exemplified by this poem by
the Reverend Theron Brown, a famous Windham poet:
I pause to nurse a quaint rembrance here,
the bank and I were born the self same year.
I mind its notes, between whose figures poked,
Two frogs — so lifelike that they almost croked.
The original greenbacks of the native race,
That long anticipated Salmon Chase.
They blossomed like pond lilies from the mud,
Memento of a war that shed no blood.
As the years passed, the focus of attention gradually
moved from the old hub of Windham to Willimantic Falls,
which is located in the southwest corner of the town of
Windham. Willimantic, as it is now called, is at the junc-
tion of the Natchaug and Willimantic Rivers, and their
tremendous water power was quickly put to use.
$5 National Currency shows the name Willimantic larger and is
an example of the small-size Nationals of Windham.
Industry was attracted to the rivers and the area began
to grow. In 1849, the New London, Willimantic and
Palmer Railroad came through, followed by the Hartford,
Providence and Fishkill Railroad in 1850, and the Boston,
Hartford and Erie Railroad in 1872. In 1879, the Wind-
ham Bank also moved to Willimantic and was known as
the Windham National Bank. With the coming of
National Currency, it issued notes charter numbered
1614 and could no longer put frogs on its currency. In
1955, the Windham National Bank merged with the
Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. of Hartford, which still
has a large office in Willimantic There are now several
banks in Willimantic
Although the frogs are no longer on currency, they are
certainly not forgotten nor is Windham's banking his-
tory. The old Windham Bank is still standing in it's origi-
nal location in Windham Center near the green. It is now
the Windham Free Library and also serves as a miniature
museum. On display among other local oddities are
several Windham notes including a one-dollar with the
frog vignette. About a mile from the old bank on Route 14
is the famous pond where the frog battle took place; it is
still known as Frog Pond. A granite boulder erected in
1924 with a bronze plaque marks the historic battlefield;
it reads:
There are varied accounts of what actually happened
that dark night in 1754. Whether the tale is an accurate
description of that night's events or is blown all out of
proportion may never be known. But the legend of the
battle of the frogs will forever come to life whenever
someone is shown a note from the Windham Bank.
1. Higbee, Lillian Marsh. Bacchus of Windham and The Frog
Fight, 1930. (Source of quotations)
2. Lamed, Ellen D. History of Windham County Connecticut.
Worcester, Mass. Charles Hamilton, 1874.
3. Todd, Charles Burr. In Olde Connecticut. New York, The
Grafton Press. 1906.
4. Harpin, Mathias P. Harpin's Connecticut Almanac. Harpin's
American Heritage Foundation, Inc., Jewett City, CT. 1976.
Page 326
Paper Money
by Bruce W. Smith
This listing is by no means a definitive catalog of Mis-
souri's paper currency but rather a first attempt at
cataloging these elusive and often obscure notes. It is
sincerely hoped that anyone having any of these notes (or
any not listed here) or having further information, will
contact the author at Box 34, Stevens Point, WI 54481.
Union Bank of Missouri (branch).Authorized March 1859,
opened May 1860. Closed 1866.
$5 Same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$10 Same design as parent branch issues. $60,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$20 Same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
Exchange Bank of St. Louis (branch). Authorized 1857,
but an 1859 amendment to charter transferred this
branch to Columbia. It is not clear whether a branch ever
opened in Neosho.
Farmers Bank of Missouri (branch).Opened 1861. No
other details available. This branch should have had the
right of issue, but none are recorded through February
Roberts & Ellis Scrip. $2.00 17 March 1862. Payable in
Confederate notes. No description available.
R.O. Stockton Scrip. Issued cardboard strawberry chits
around the turn of the century. These chits were used to
pay migrant pickers, and could be redeemed at the office
of the issuer or sometimes at banks or shops in the area.
1 quart dark yellow
4 quarts light yellow
1 crate pink-orange
A 6 quart chit should also exist.
Bank of Niangua. This is a fictitious bank for which
Missouri outlaws printed notes. According to one source,
the notes were printed in Camden county between 1833
and 1841 when the outlaw band was broken up by a group
of vigilantes called Slickers. Another source (published in
1837) says the headquarters of the operation was in St.
Louis but that the notes were printed in a cabin in the
woods of Pulaski county at or near Waynesville. It is not
known exactly what these notes looked like, nor what
denominations were produced. It is not even certain if the
notes were actually from Missouri, for none are known to
exist today.
County of St. Clair. Warrant. $1 1 December 1873. St.
Louis Banknote Co. State seal center, head of cow lower
left, basket of food lower right. Signed by James H.
Linney, county clerk and Asheial Heath, president (?)•
Some $25,000 of these notes, all in one dollar denomi-
nation, were printed. The cost of these notes was still
outstanding, giving the county a $5 profit.
Mechanics Bank of St. Louis (branch). Supposedly opened
here in 1859, but no other information is available.
Merchants Bank of St. Louis (branch). Opened 1858.
Closed 1863. By an act of 23 March 1863, the St. Louis
office was required to close this branch and settle its
affairs as well as possible. The directors are said to have
destroyed the bank's notes, given the money away and
disappeared. Nearly all the notes of the Merchants Bank
in existence today are payable at Osceola.
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Not Transferable.
Whole No. 78
Page 327
On 23 September 1861 James H. Lane's Kansas Brigade
guerillas attacked and looted Osceola. They took over one
million dollars in loot and burned all but three buildings
in town. Their main object was the Merchants Bank, but
the bank's money had secretly been moved to other
towns. The band went directly to the bank, removed the
safe and blew it open. Upon finding it empty, they began
looting the town. Osceola never fully recovered. Though
an important city in the 1850's, the town has a population
of only 900 today, about half of what it was in 1861.
Wismer reports a $5.00 note on this branch dated 1 Oct.
1859. Design same as parent branch issues.
$5 Same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$10 Same design as parent branch issues. $88,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$20 Same design as parent branch issues. $221,600
of this denomination issued through February
$50 Same design as parent branch issues. $41,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$100 Same design as parent branch issues. $77,000 of
this denomination issued through February
Palmer Lead Company. Scrip. The town of Palmer was
laid out in 1830 and by the 1880's was owned by the Pal-
mer Lead Company. In 1881, the town had a population
of about 150 and contained a hotel, post office, flour mill,
carpenter shop, blacksmith shop, general store and the
lead smelter. Some 500 tons of lead were produced
annually from the Palmer mine, and to pay the miners,
the company issued cardboard scrip in $1, $2 and $3
denominations. At least three different series were issued
with dates in the 1880's and 1890's. Today, nothing re-
mains of Palmer. Aside from an abandoned church, there
is not a single building left, nor even a foundation.
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Wirt Transferable.
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Series 1
$1 Dated 188 Simple double line border.
$2 Dated 188 Same
$3 Dated 188 Same
Series 2
$1 Dated 189 Meandering Greek border.
$2 Dated 189 Same
$3 Dated 189 Same
c:()f)x) FO E1 rs(4;
Series 3
$1 Dated 189 Dotted border.
$2 Dated 189 Same
$3 Dated 189 Same
Renault Lead Company. Scrip. Undated cardboard notes
without a stated value exist. These notes have 5 and 10
(?,;i1(ii"... •
S (g.)(t)iiii112121213/ 31514 .;
RENAULT LEAD CO., Palmer, Mo. F)
5 15 15 1 5 1 5 1 1 0 1 W1'. !1 -4,W
cent amounts around the outer edge which are punched
out as those amounts are spent. This company is believe-
ed to be a successor to the Palmer Lead Company.
Bank of the State of Missouri (branch). Opened 1839.
Closed 1867 or earlier. This branch originally was to have
Page 323
been located at Hannibal, but the location was changed to
Palmyra by an amendment to the bill. In 1859, Boat-
man's Savings Institution of St. Louis presented at the
counter of this branch $54,840 of its notes. Some $1190 of
this sum was in $5 notes and the rest in $10, $20 and $50
notes. Boatman's demanded gold for the notes but the
bank instead paid silver for each of the $5 notes and paid
five dollars in silver on each of the other notes; the
remainder was paid in gold. Boatman's thereupon sued
the Bank of the State of Missouri and in 1860 the St.
Louis Circuit Court ruled that the branch had the right to
pay each $5 note in silver since silver was declared legal
tender in sums up to $5 by an act of Congress. But the
court ruled against the branch on paying the larger notes
in silver, since by the same act, silver was not legal tender
above five dollars and Boatman's had the right to refuse
it. In 1863, the State Supreme Court upheld this decision
First Series (1839-1857)
$10 Design probably same as parent branch issues.
$27,550 of this denomination in circulation in
October 1852. In November 1854, the amount
was $18,970.
$20 Design probably same as parent branch issues.
$166,640 of this denomination in circulation in
October 1852. In November 1854 the amount
was the same.
$50 Design probably same as parent branch issues.
Only $700 of this denomination was in circu-
lation in October 1852. In November 1854 the
amount was $1050.
$100 Design probably same as parent branch issues.
In October 1852 $13,500 of this denomination in
circulation. By November 1854 it had dropped to
Note: In 1852, this branch reported that it had received
only four shipments of notes for circulation from the main
branch in St. Louis. The total amount received ($214,000)
arrived as follows: April 1839 $120,000; September 1839
$40,000; January 1845 $50,000; November 1852 $4,000.
Second Series (1857 — ?)
$5 Design same as parent branch issues. $46,000 of
this denomination issued through February
1861. Only $6,000 had been issued through
February 1859.
$10 Design same as parent branch issues. $183,920
of this denomination issued through February
$20 Design same as parent branch issues. $66,640 of
this denomination issued through February
$50 Design same as parent branch issues. $50,000 of
this denomination issued through February
Note: $1, $2 and $3 notes may have been issued after
Farmers Bank of Missouri (branch). Authorized 1857.
Opened mid-1858. It is not known when this branch
closed, though it is thought to have been open till at least
Paper Money
1863. In September 1861, Col. Williams of the 2nd
Kansas Infantry and Maj. Cloud of the 2nd Iowa Infan-
try attacked Paris to loot this bank. The cashier,
however, had hidden the money and the raiders got
nothing. By December of 1861 this bank was failing. The
federal troops who occupied the town were holding a
number of the local Confederate sympathizers for
ransom, and many of the citizens took advantage of the
situation, using the nearly worthless notes to pay the
$5 Design same as parent branch issues. $50,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$10 Design same as parent branch issues. $110,000
of this denomination issued through February
$20 Design same as parent branch issues. $120,000
of this denomination issued through February
Note: $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
Pilot Knob Iron Company. In June 1847, the Madison
Iron & Mining Company was organized to work the iron
deposits here. In November 1855, the name of the com-
pany was changed to the Pilot Knob Iron Company.
Other denominations of this company's scrip probably
10i 1 January 1871 No description available.
Union Bounty Warrants. According to the History of
Clay & Platte Counties (1855), during 1864-65 the county
was not meeting its draft quota and so offered a bounty
of $300 in warrants to anyone who would enlist. A total of
$25,000 in warrants was issued under this program. It is
not known whether these warrants bore any special
markings or whether they did circulate.
Food Stamp Due Bills. During the 1970's the Farmers
Bank of Portageville issued due bills without fixed
amounts to make change for food stamps. Although thou-
sands of grocery stores around the country have issued
tokens and scrip to make change for food stamps, this is
the only instance known to the author in which a bank
has issued the change scrip. The due bills have a space for
writing in the amount and another space for the name of
the grocery store.
Washington County. Scrip. According to the History of
Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford & Gasconade
Counties (1888), in 1886 Washington county had
$1,104.89 outstanding in warrants and scrip. The nature
of these items is unknown.
Union Bank of Missouri (branch). Authorized March
1859, opened summer 1859. Became Hughes & Wasson
Bank in January 1866. Joseph S. Hughes and George
Wasson had been cashier and president, respectively, of
Whole No. 78
the Union Bank branch and bought it out when the
parent branch in St. Louis was being liquidated.
$5 Same design as parent branch issues. $70,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
$10 Same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
$20 Same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
50 Same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
$100 Same design as parent branch issues. $20,000 of
this denomination had been issued through
February 1861.
Note: $1 and $2 notes were probably issued by this bank
after 1861. Wismer lists a $2 note on this branch but does
not mention the date.
Rocheport City. Warrants. According to one source,
Rocheport issued warrants for circulation during the
1840's. The design and denominations of these warrants
are unknown. None are known to exist.
Loan Office of the State of Missouri (branch). Opened
1821. This was probably the main branch, since St.
Charles was the state capitol till 1828. One of the first
things the Missouri legislature did upon gaining state-
hood was to create the Loan Office system. This was de-
signed to solve two problems: 1) the hardship following
the panic and depression of 1819; and 2) the shortage of
any kind of currency in the state. Loans were made (se-
cured by land) in the form of scrip from any of the five
Loan Offices set up around the state. Each office had
three commissioners who were to handle the business of
that office. The original amount authorized to be issued
was $200,000 but this seems to have been increased later
to $300,000. The amount authorized was divided nearly
equally between the five offices, and at least three of the
offices are known to have actually put it into circulation,
but all known examples of this scrip are from the St.
Charles office. It may be that the scrip issued by all the
offices is marked St. Charles, as that was the state
capital. The original law authorizing this scrip provided
for denominations from 50(t through, $10, but a later
amendment authorized $12,000 in denominations from
12 1/2i to 504i. No notes below 501 are known, however.
Earlier writers have made much of the fact that state re-
cords show that the five offices during their existence
issued a total of $184,788 in scrip but that $188,647 was
redeemed — with much more reportedly in the hands of
the Federal government. This has led to speculation that
the notes were heavily counterfeited, but aside from these
statistics, there is no evidence of this. More likely the
difference represents interest paid on the notes or it may
be simply a case of poor bookkeeping. In 1822, a new
legislature began dismantling the Loan Office system. An
act of 27 November 1822 forbid the further issue of the
Page 329
scrip and a supplementary act of 16 December 1822
abolished the office of Loan Office commissioner and de-
clared the notes non-legal tender. An act of 1 January
1831 made 1 January 1832 the deadline for redeeming the
Loan Office notes but later acts extended the deadline.
All of the known examples of Loan Office notes are dated
1 October 1821. A $5 note dated 1 September 1821 has
also been reported but has not been seen. The imprint on
the 50i and $1 reads:
Rich. G. Harrison Sc. Mis. Ri. Presumably Harrison did
the other denominations as well.
5thi October 1, 1821. Letters A and B known (Cris-
well 01)
Upper center: An eagle standing on the word
Upper left and right: 50 on a die.
Text: This certificate shall be receivable at the
Treasury or any of the loan offices of the state of
Missouri, in the discharge of taxes or debts due
the state for the sum of fifty cents with interest
for the same at the rate of two percentum per
annum, from this date (St. Charles) 1 day of
October 1821. (signed) Peter Didier Treas. W.
Christy Auditor.
Note: St. Charles is written in, as are date and
$1 October 1, 1821. Letters A, B, C, D known (Cris-
well 02)
Center: Man poling boat towards beaver. ONE
on die left, ONE and 1 on die right. 1 at bottom.
Left and Right: ONE on die.
Text: Same as above except for denomination.
Signed N. Simonds Treas. Will V. Rector
Note: St. Charles is printed; dates and signa-
tures are written.
$3 No description available. Letter A known.(Cris-
well 03)
$5 No description available. Letter A, B, C known.
(Criswell 04)
Reportedly dated September 1, 1821. Signed by
Nathaniel Simonds Treasurer and William
Christy Auditor.
$10 October 1, 1821. Letters A and B known. (Cris-
well 05)
C. Woman seated. 10 on shield at bottom.
R. TEN on oval die.
L. 10 on oval die with X above and below.
Text: Same as $1 except for denomination.
Signed PeterDidier Treas. W. Christy Auditor.
Note: St. Charles is written in, as are date and
Southern Bank of St. Louis (branch). Authorized in 1857
but didn't open till 1859 or 1860. Became the First Na-
tional Bank of St. Charles in February 1864. According to
one source, all known notes of this bank were payable at
the St. Charles branch. A few of those examined did
indeed have St. Charles written in as the place of redemp-
tion, but are signed by officers of the parent branch in St.
Page 3 30
$5 Same design as parent branch issues. $80,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$10 Same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$20 Same design as parent branch issues. $30,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$50 Same design as parent branch issues. $15,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$100 Same design as parent branch issues. $30,000 of
this denomination issued through February
$500 Same design as parent branch issues. $5,000 of
this denomination issued through February
Note: $1 and $2 notes may have been issued after 1861.
Bank of Missouri (branch). Opened 1818, closed 1821.
This was the first bank in Missouri to be located outside
St. Louis, though it was only a branch of the St. Louis
bank. Under its charter, the parent branch had the right
of issue but its branches did not. This prohibition was
circumvented, however, by issuing notes in St. Louis
payable at St. Genevieve and shipping these to the
branch. Though the parent branch issued notes in
denominations of $1, $3, $5, $10 and fractional notes as
well, only $1 and $5 branch notes are known. These are
nearly identical to the parent branch issues, but the text
is different.
$1 October 1, 1818
Bust of Jefferson center with ships and cargo in
Text: The President, Directors & company of the
Bank of Missouri promise to pay one dollar on
demand at their Office of Discount & Deposit in
St. Genevieve to Wm. Shannon, President
thereof or to the bearer.
St. Louis Oct. 1, 1818. (signed) John Dales cash.
Aug. Chouteau pres.
Imprint: unknown; probably Murray, Draper,
Fairman & Co.
Note: St. Genevieve, Wm. Shannon, the date and
the signatures are handwritten.
$5 October 1, 1818. Letter B known.
C. Bust of Jefferson with ships and cargo in
background. V on die right, 5 on die left. Bust is
not labeled.
Paper Money
L. FIVE in end panel.
R. MISSOURI in end panel.
Text: Same as above except for denomination.
Date and signatures are also the same.
Imprint: Murray, Draper, Fairman & Co.
Note: St. Genevieve, Wm. Shannon, the date and
t he signatures are all handwritten. The notes of
the parent branch and the St. Genevieve branch
all have the same center design though the
placement varies. The bust of Jefferson may or
may not have JEFFERSON above or below. The
$5 branch note does not have this label.
Merchants Bank of St. Louis (branch). Opened late 1859.
Still operating in 1865 but probably closed that year. On
August 15, 1861, this bank was seized by a battalion of
Zouaves under Major John McDonald. General Firmin A.
Rozier, president of the branch, was ordered to turn over
the bank's money so that it could be taken to St. Louis
and deposited in the parent branch. Rozier agreed to do
so under condition that he be allowed to accompany the
money to St. Louis. This was agreeable to both parties
and the money was ultimately turned over to Robert
Campbell, president of the St. Louis branch.
$5 Same design as parent branch issues. $30,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$10 Same design as parent branch issues. $40,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$20 Same design as parent branch issues. $24,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$50 Same design as parent branch issues. $12,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
$100 Same design as parent branch issues. $8,000 of
this denomination was in circulation by
February 1861.
(to be continued)
SPMC member J. Thomas Wills of Woodlands,
Tex. has investigated the appearance of the so-called
"Dallas $30 notes" (the $20/10 double denomination error
on the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas notes) and con-
cludes that only 128 were printed. Earlier reports had
stated that 160 notes went to the Dallas FRB and 160 to
its Houston branch.
H. T. Krisak of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
told Wills that 100 notes were recovered and returned to
Washington, 44 from Houston and the rest from Dallas.
The Dallas shipment was sent back still sealed, so the 28
that remain were originally released in the Houston area.
Wills knows of the whereabouts of 12 of these, leaving 16
unaccounted for. In his estimation, these errors will rank
with the 1928A $10/5 double denomination Richmond
notes of which 12 are known.
"Good for Ten lbs. Ice/Worth 20 Cents."
Where did this originate?
c 4- (7) c.) PCDP,
1/ 1/4- 1
Whole No. 78 Page 331
(From time to time under this title will be printed from the membership. Please address comments to the
photographs or identification of notes which have some Editor.)
puzzling aspect and about which information is sought
"Good For Twenty Cts.", signed by
Orendorff (?). Where was he located?
Ten Cents on Mudgett & Libby, Stockton, Feb. 20, 1863. Where
is Stockton? The back of the note has a slightly different counter
than those found on the front.
Twenty-five cents in "Bankable Bills"; probably a stock note. More information needed on its origin.
Page 332 Paper Money
" 4 •/ 4,40.1//// /0,
„,/ ,zz
r e" 1/4
Figure 1. 25ti note issued by the Florence Bridge Company of Georgia, March 10, 1840.
of Georgia by GARY L. DOSTER
and Its Syngraphic Relics
In the early 1800s, there were few public bridges and
ferries owned and maintained by the State of Georgia.
Most were built by private citizens on their own land, by
groups of individuals who formed corporations, or con-
structed by towns which were located on major water-
ways. All charged tolls for passage. Permission to build
a bridge or ferry came by an act of the state legislature
which also set the amount of toll permitted. One such
bridge was located on the Chattahoochee River at
Florence, Georgia.
Florence was established after the Creek Indians burn-
ed the settlement of Roanoke in May, 1836. Roanoke had
been an important shipping point on the Chattahoochee
River for the citizens of Stewart County. When all danger
from the Indians had passed, a new site three miles up-
stream was selected and 27 prominent citizens formed a
group called the Florence Company for the purpose of lay-
ing out and building the town.
The town was officially incorporated by the Georgia
legislature in 1837, and as it prospered the need for a
bridge across the river into,Alabamalaecame increasingly
evident. As a result, the Florence Bridge Company was
incorporated by an act of the state legislature December
29, 1838. The bill authorized Alexander Burnett, Thomas
Gardner, M.J. Lawrence, John D. Pitts, Samuel Thomp-
Idns, James B. Brown, A.P. Rood, and all the members of
the Florence Company to build a bridge across the Chat-
tahoochee River opposite or near the town of Florence.
Capital stock was to be $50,000, divided into shares of
$100 each, and could be increased to $75,000 if necessary
to complete the structure.
Its charter permitted the Florence Bridge Company to
charge the same toll rates as did the City of Columbus
about 35 miles upstream. Although no record could be
found of the exact amounts charged in COTniiibus, the
rates demanded by several other bridge owners in the
Table 1.
Some Toll Rates Charged by Various Private Bridge Owners in Georgia in 1838.
Stephen Mays' Bridge James Moore's Bridge Augustus Verdery's Bridge Joseph Collins, Jr.'s Bridge
across Etowah River across Little across Oustanalla River across Ohoopy (sic) River
in Cass County* Ohoopie (sic) River
between Macon and
in Floyd County in Tatnall County
Roadwagon, team and 50e 37-1/2e loaded He 4 horse He
driver empty 37-1/2e 2 horse 25e
4 wheel pleasure carriage 25e 12-1/2e 50e
2 wheel pleasure carriage 25e ** 25e
Jersey or other light wagon 25e 12-1/2e 12-1/2¢
Horse or ox cart 25e 12-1/2e — — 12-1/2e
Horse and rider 12-1/2e 6-1/4e 12-1/2e 6-1/4e
Footman 6-1/4e 6-1/4e
Led or loose horse 6-1/4e 4e 6-1/4e 6-1/4e
each head cattle 3e — — 2e 2t
Each hog, sheep or goat le le 2e
* Cass County is no longer extant: bridge probably was located in what is now Bartow County.
** No rate given.
Whole No. 78 Page 333
state are offered in Table 1 for comparative purposes.
It is assumed that the tolls at Columbus and Florence
were similar. Figure 1 depicts a 25i note issued by the
Florence Bridge Company, March 10, 1840. Several other
denominations most likely were also issued but only one
other, a 50i note, is known. These notes were used to
make change at the toll booth and undoubtedly circulated
as currency and were accepted by local merchants. The
piece illustrated was made payable to A.P. Rood and
signed by A. Burnett as treasurer and H.W. Jernigan as
president. The imprint shows that it was printed by the
New England Bank Note Company, Boston. Scores of
toll-charging bridges and ferries operated throughout
Georgia in the early 18008 and although a number of
them probably issued scrip, such is known from only a
very few others.
The bridge served the community until 1846, at which
time it was destroyed by a flood. It was not rebuilt, and in
1848 permission was granted to Allen Hill to build and
operate a ferry near where the bridge was located. During
its more prosperous days the town attained a population
of 1500, but a number of factors were responsible for its
later decline, TO twat important single cause was the
coming of the ritilivad which crossed the river four miles
upstream, resulting in the building of the town of Om...ha.
Essentially none of the original settlement remains to-
day, it having been absorbed by surrounding farmland.
The site of the bridge is covered by waters of the Walter
F. George Reservoir.
Sincere appreciation is extended to Mr. Claud Murphy
for furnishing information and to Ms. Donna Wood for
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia passed in
Milledgeville November and December, 1837. P.L. Robinson,
State Printer, Milledgeville, 1838. Pp. 41-44 and 264.
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia passed in
Milledgeville November and December1838. P.L. Robinson,
State Printer, Milledgeville, 1839. Pp. 4742.
Muscalus, John A. 1977. Album of Georgia Local Business
43 pp. Historical Paper Money Research Institute, Box 187,
Bridgeport,Pa. 19405.
Terrill, Helen► Eliza, 195lialistory of 3t4twordgottsty, .Georgia.
Section I. Columbus Office Supply Company, Columbus,
Georgia. Pp. 293-299.
Page 334
Paper Money
1977 F 00 640 001 C F 22 400 000 C 21,760,000 1977 E146 720 001 C B 62 720 000 C 16,000,000
1977 F 02 560 001 • F 03 200 000 * 640,000# 1977 B 62 720 001 C B 78 720 000 C 16,000,000
1977 G 01 280001 C G 24 960 000 C 23,680,000 1977 B 03 NO 001 • B 03 840 NO • 640,0000
1977 H 83 200 001 A H 96 640 000 A 13,440,000 1977 D 68 480 001 A D 76 800 000 A 8,320,000
1977 J 98 560 001 A J 99 840 000 A 1,280,000 1977 F 03 200 001 • F 03 840 000 • 640,000#
1977 J 00 000 001 B J 20 480 000 B 20,480,000 1977 G 24 960 001 C G 37 760 000 C 12,800,000
1977 J 03 200 001 • J 03 840 000 • 640,000# 1977 G 03 DO 001 • G 03840 000* 640,000#
1977 K 01 280 001 B K 41 600 000 B 40,320,000 1977 I 20 480 001 A I 39 040 000 A 18,560,000
1977 K 03 200 001 • K 03 840 000 • 640,000# 1977 I 00 640 001 • I 01 280 ON • 640,000
1977 L 81 920 001 B L 99840000 B 17,920,000
1977 L 00 000 001 C L 03 840 000 C 3,840,000
1977 G 64 640 001 A G71040000 A 6,400,000 FIVE DOLLARS
1977 J 34 560 001 A J40960 000 A 6,400,000 1977 A 08 960 001 A A 15 360 000 A 6,400,000
1977 K 16 000 001 A K 20 480 000 A 4,480,000 1977 B 45 440 001 A B 58 860 000 A 13,440,000
1977 L 37 760 001 A L 43 520 000 A 5,760,000 1977 B 01 296 001 • B 01 920 000 • 128,000#
1977 D 21 760 001 A D 26 240 000 A 4,480,000
F 07 680 001 A F 24 320 000 A
F 00 000 001 • F 00 640 000 •
F 35 200 001 A F 40 320 000 A
F 00 648 001 • F 01 280 000 •
G 71 040 001 A G 75 520 ON A
G 48 000 001 A G 58 240 000 A
G 03 200 001 • G 03 840 000 •
K 16 000 001 A K 20 480 000 A
4,480,000 1977
B 40 960 001 A B 65 920 000 A
B 01 920 001 • B 02 560 000•
1977 B 02 672 001 •
B 03 200 NO • 256,000#
TWENTY DOLLARS 1977 B 03 200 001 • B 03 840 000 • 640,000#
1977 B 14 720 001 A
B 20 480 000 A 5,760,000 1977 C 23 040 001 A C 29 440 000 A 6,400,000
1977 B 00 000 001 • B 00 640 000 • 640,000# 1977 D 18 560 001 A D 25 NO ON A 7,040,000
1977 C 06 400 001 A C 10 880 000 A 4,480,000 1977 G 68 240 001 A G 64 640 000 A 6,400,000
1977 D 05 120 001 A D 10 880 000 A 5,760,000 1977 G 03 840 001 • G 04 480 ON • 640,000#
1977 000640001 • D 01 280 000 • 640,000# 1977 H 10 240 001 A H 17 920 000 A 7,680,000
1977 E 09 600 001 A
E 17 280 000 A 7,680,000
1977 G 17 280 001 A G 30 080 000 A 12,800,000 TWENTY DOLLARS
1977 G 00 648 001 •
G 01 280 NO • 384,000# 1977 B 20 480 001 A B 32 000 000 A 11,520,000
1977 B 32 000 001 A B 52 480 000 A 20,480,000
1977 B 00 640 001 • 13 01 280 000 • 640,0000
FIFTY DOLLARS 1977 C 10 880 001 A C 14 720 000 A 3,840,000
1974 B 67 840 001 A B 69 760 000 A 1,920,000 1977 D 10 880 001 A D 15 360 000 A 4,480,000
1974 B 01 920 001 • B 01 984 000 • 64,000# 1977 D 16 360 001 A
D 21760000 A 6,400,000
1974 C 16 000 001 A
C 17 280 000 A 1,280,000 1977 E 17 280 001 A E 23 040 000 A 6,760,000
1977 G 30 080 001 A G 39 680 000 A 9,600,000
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1977 G 01 292 001 • G 01 920 000 • 256,0000
1977 B 00 000 001 A B 05 760 000 A 5,760,000 1977 K 09 600 001 A K 14 720 000 A 5,120,000
1974 B 02 112 001 •
B 02 304 000 • 192,000# 1977 L 14 080 001 A L19200 000 A 5,120,000
1977 COO 000 001 A C00640000 A 64,000 1977 L 19 200 001 A L 21 760 000 A 2,660,000
1977 B 00 000 001 A B 03 200 000 A 3,200,000
# Indicates Printing Other Than COPE 1974 B 01 984 001 • B 02 048 000 • 64,000#
IN Indicates Correction to Previous Report
1977 G 00 000 001 A G01920000 A 1,920,000
1977 G 01 920 001 A G 02 560 000 A 640,000
1977 G 00 000 001 • G 00 064 000 • 64,000#
1974 I 06 400 001 A
1 07 040 000 A 640,000
# Indicates Printing Other Than COPE
## Indicates Correction to Previous Report
/1 A star note is used for the 100,000,000th note in a series
since the numbering machines provide for only eight digits.
N Indicates Printing Other Than COPE
NM Indicates Correction to Previous Report
P.O. Box 4082
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Whole No. 78
Page 335
Following the names and addresses of the new members
is the coding: C, collectors; D, Dealer. Their collecting
specialty then follows the code.
5295 Arthur M. Gayhardt, 6 Belhaven Dr., Balot., Md. 21236;
C/D; U. S. Large size note
5296 Michael Welsh, Trean, Tourmakkady, County Mayo,
Ireland; C; English Provincial Banks, British Common-
wealth Countries (Hongkong & Malta)
5297 James Paul Beachboard, 2718 West Linden Ave., Nash-
ville, Tn. 37212;C
5298 Richard P. Jones, P.O. Box 3322, Knoxville, Tn. 37917;
C; Small & Large Tenn. National Bank Notes
5299 Wesley B. Blankenship, P.O. Box 5246, Lubbock, Tx.
79417; C
5300 Jerry K. Bryant, 801 N. Liberty St., Spartanburg, S.C.
29303; C
5301 Douglas Guenthner, 1511 So. Monroe, San Angelo, Tx.
76901; C
5302 Robert E. Jones, 13707 Doty Ave., #32, Hawthorne, Ca.
90250; C; U.S. & Old European
5303 Ira S. Friedberg, 393 7th Ave., Room 939, New York,
N.Y. 10001; D;
5304 L. Miles Raisig, Rt. #5, Box 19, Laurinburg, N.C. 28352;
C; Confederate, Southern States
5305 Bruce H. Hustead, Rte. #2, Box 89C, Middletown, Md.
21769; C/D; Fractional Currency
5306 Randall S. Tingle, R. R. #1, Box 446, Campbellsburg,
Ky. 40011; C; Bank notes & Silver notes
5307 George C. Esker, III, 5125 Antonini Dr., Metairie, La.
70002; C; Obsolete U.S. Paper Money, esp. Louisiana
5308 Randall S. Tingle, R.R. #1, Box 446, Campbellsburg, Ky.
40011; C; Bank notes & Silver notes
5309 Richard Birklid, Nome, N.D. 58062; C/D; National notes
5310 Terrill (Terry) Layman, 1197 Blairs Ferry Rd. #16,
Marion, Iowa 52302; C; U.S. Fractional Currency, gen-
eral U.S., Canada, Australia, & New Zealand
5311 A.L. Follett, Rt. #3, Box 109, Thornton, Tx. 76687; C;
Large U.S. notes & Republic of Texas notes
5312 Mark Ferguson, P.O. Box 2584, Oshkosh, WI. 54903; D
5314 Remy Bourne, 65 N.E. 66 Way, Fridley, Minn. 55432;
C; Fractional Currency
5315 L & L Coins, Inc., 5500 W 44th St., Denver, Colo. 80212;
5316 Mike Kennedy, 7217 154th Lane, N.W., Anoka, Minn.
55303; C/D
5317 Richard H. Kalmbach, 5006 Basswood Ct., Columbus,
Ga. 31904; C; FRN's-Low Numbers
5318 Richard A. Kelly, 15 Mountfields, Clarendon Rd., Leeds
LS29 PQ, England; C; Worldwide Plus U.S. 52 Notes
5319 Jack A. Meeker, 12638 14th Ave. So., Seattle, Wa.
98168; C; U.S. and Foreign topical notes
5320 Earl R. Stewart, 41 Todd Lane, Stamford, Conn. 06905;
C; Type notes
5321 Ronald F. Foley, Jr., 73 Laurel St., Fairhaven, Ma.
02719; C; Small & Large type notes-U.S.
5322 Leland 0. Simonson, 6121 Potomac Circle, Columbus,
Ga. 31904; C; U.S. Large size notes
5323 Robert Joseph Prasek, P.O. Box 1486, Edinburg, Tx.
78539; D; Republic of Texas notes
5324 James E. Mulken, 1923 8th Ave., Bessemer, Ala. 35020;
C; Ala. National & State Notes
5325 John C. Daub, 554 79th Terr. N., Apt. #204, St. Peters-
burg, Fla. 33702; C; Large size U.S. Notes
5326 Solomon Bogard, 2420 Sedgwick Ave., Bronx, N.Y.
10468; C; U.S. Paper Money
5327 Carl Camp, P.O. Box 382, Marine, Ill. 62061; C; Large
U.S. Paper Money
5328 Jack Osborne, 1013 Happy Dr., Culloden, WV 25510; C;
Large Notes
5329 Everett J. Calibani, 12 Fowler Ave., Newport, R.I.
02840; C; Large size notes
5330 Robert H.L. Russell, P.O. Box 406, Palmer, Mass.
01069; C; Mass. Obsolete & Scrip notes
5331 Duane Ranthum, 3132 Greysolon Place, Duluth, Minn.
55812; C; Obsolete paper & Fractional notes
5332 Fred G. Meiswinkel, Jr., 9969 Downing Place, Phila.,
Pa. 19114; C; Colonial & Continental notes & Large size
5333 Thomas R. Lewis, Rt. #3, Box 114, West Jefferson, N.C.
28694; C; Gold Seal Notes
5334 R.D. Hanson, 1009 Paloverde Dr., Loveland, Colo.
80537; C; Silver Certificates
J5335 Todd Bernhard, Rt. #1, Box 80, Evergreen Rd., Oxford,
Md. 21654; C; Foreign notes
5336 Glenn Watson, Jr., 713 New St., Milford, De. 19963; C:
Obsolete & Fractional notes
5337 W.R. Wallace, 2405 Vincinda Circle, Knoxville, Tn.
37914; C; Confederate & Tenn. Obsolete Notes
5338 C. Toney Aid, #1 Court Sq., W. Plains, MO. 65775; C;
Mo. & Ark. Obsolete notes
5339 Terry A. Campbell, P.O. Box 26, Oshawa, Ontario,
Canada L1H7K8; C; British Commonwealth
5340 Bruce S. Dole, 13000 Libourne Ct., St. Louis, Mo. 63141;
D; Large size notes
5341 Ernest H. Morrow, P.O. Box 35807, Houston, Tx. 77459;
C; Brazil & General worldwide
5342 Jerry Middendorp, 412 E. Douglas, O'Neill, Neb. 68763:
C; Foreign notes
5343 Stuart F. Asay, 360 N. 9th #309, Laramie, Wy. 82070:
C/D; U.S. Nationals and large size notes.
5344 Richard C. Perrotte, 2070 Brookview Rd., Castleton,
N.Y. 12033; C; All U.S. Currency
5345 Hal C. Cultice, 55 Cardinal Ave., Peru, Ind. 46970; C:
U.S. Large & Small Notes
5346 Samuel Frank, 4919 181 Pl. S.W., Lynnwood, Wash.
98036; C: All Currency
5347 Maj. Peter R. Morey, 17602 Kensington Ave., Cerritos,
CA. 90701; C; Military Scrip
Page 336
5348 Cpt. Jon W. Mabrey, 7392A Gardner Hills, Ft.
Campbell, Ky. 42223; C; World Bank Notes
5349 Kenneth B. Jaggears, 605 Crestview Dr., East Gadsden,
AL. 35903; C; Confederate, Alabama, Georgia Notes
5350 Seymour D. Trailer, 1205 West 69 Terrace, Kansas
City, MO. 64113; C;
5351 John L. Burkard, 119 Dutch Lane, Beckley, W.VA.
25801; C; $1 Bills, and Small Nationals
5352 Wesley L. Watkins, 2209 Marshall Ave., Norfolk, VA.,
23504; C; World-wide Notes
5353 John G. Wyndham, 4669 Norwood Rd., Columbia, S.C.,
29206; C; World Bank Notes
5354 John G. Humphris, P.O. Box 34, Sidney, Ohio 45365;
C/D; Middle East, India, Burma, Ceylon, Central Asia
5355 Sterling A. Rachootin, 13140 Bassett St., No. Holly-
wood, CA. 91605; C; Fractional Scrip of the North- Civil
War Period
5356 V.A. Mayfield, P.O. Box 9393, Amarillo, Tx. 79105; C;
Error Notes
5357 Donald P. Lynch, 642 Town & Country Village, San
Jose, CA. 95128; C/D; National Currency - Northern
5358 William G. Gay, 200 I.V. Willets Rd., Albertson, N.Y.,
11507; C; National Bank Notes
5359 Mrs. Robert Prasek, P.O. Box 1486, Edinburg, TX.
78539; D; Paper Money, U.S. Coins & Mexican Coins
5360 Brian G. Kestner, P.O. Box 664, Millbrag, CA. 94030;
C; U.S. Paper Money
5361 David L. Wilson, 1320 K St., Apt. B, Anch. Ak. 99501;
5362 Jeffrey S. Eckrich, 609 Sixth St., Menasha,
WI. 54952; C; U.S. Small Size Notes Foreign Specimens,
New Zealand
5363 Mrs. Pearl Michaels, 23 W. 73rd St., N.Y. C., N.Y.
10023; C; Paper Money
5364 Michael Funderburk, 417 Squire Dr., Gainesville, Fla.
32602; C; Fla. Currency
5365 Daniel G. Kabat, 15040 Tourmaline Dr., Reno, NV.
89511; C;
5366 Don J. Hineman, P.O. Box 576, Dighton, KS. 67839; C;
Fractional & Obsolete Notes
5367 Eliot Lewiskin, 8208 1st Ave., No. Bergen, NJ. 07041; C;
U.S Small Size Currency
5368 James L. Beal, 356 E. North, Dunkirk, IN. 47336; C;
Small Size & Obsolete Notes
5369 John G. Cargill, III, 9-5 Copeley Hill, Charlottesville,
VA. 22903; C/D; FRN's
5370 David T. Clark, P.O. Box84, Avenel, NJ. 07001; C;
5371 Leo Chosid, 43 Fleetwood Rd., Dumont, NJ. 07628; C;
Far East & Middle East
5372 Stephen D. Skromeda, 2344 W. 238th St., Torrance, CA.
90501; C/D; U.S. Large Notes, Ukraine and Canadian
5373 Harry J. Cynkus, 8423 N. 16th Pl., Phoenix, AZ. 85020;
C; Fractional & Large Size Notes
5374 Jeff Noe, 827 Wall St. Sta., N.Y.C., N.Y. 10005; C/D;
5375 Albert Cianci, 3036 Fremont, Riverside, CA. 92505; C;
U.S. Fractional Currency
5376 Wayne J. Liechty, P.O. Box 97, Kidron, Ohio 44636; C;
Fractional Currency
5377 J.P. Brehm, 140 Highland Rd., Chambersburg, Pa.
17201; C; National Bank Notes
5378 Jesse Lipka, P.O. Box 847, Flemington, N.J. 08822; C/D;
National Currency
5379 Peter A. Fisher, 206 Juniper St., Mahtomedi, MO.
55115; C; $1 Silver Certificates
5380 Charles T. Leber, Jr., 19 Concord Drive, New City, N.Y.
10956; C; World (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuanian)
Paper Money
5381 Bruce R. LaPlante, P.O. Box 3635, Beverly Hills, Calif.
90202; C/D; U.S.
5382 Dr. Frank A. Sanders, 212 Elm St., P.O. Box 854,
Conway, S.C. 29526; C/D; S.C. Obsolete
5383 Ted Uhl, P.O. Box 1444, Auburndale, Fla., 33823; C/D;
World Banknotes
5384 Howard L. Norton, 12 Ponca St., N. Little Rock, Ark
72116; C/D; Ark. Script
5385 Raymond D. Burns, 4048 Independence Dr., Indian-
apolis, IN. 46227; C/D; Indiana broken bank notes
5386 Charles N. Morrison, 264 Highway 35, Eastontown, N.J.
07724; D;
5387 Lyle Henry, 3664 Riverside Plaza, Riverside, CA 92506;
C/D; Nationals
5388 David Lisot, Box 3752, Santa Monica, CA 90403; C/D;
Canadian, Mexican
5389 Joseph DeFiesta, 4111 N. Pulaski, Chicago, Ill. 60641;
C/D; Fractional
5390 Scott Thompson, 3905 Friendship Blvd., Lakeland, Fla.
33081; C; Fla. obsolete U. Star & Radar Note
5391 John E. Herzog, 170 Broadway, New York City,
NY 10038; C/D; Stock & Bond Certificates
5392 William H. Lindeman, Rt. 2, Box 172, Baycliff Pl.,
Chimacum, Wash 98325; C; Large L/T & S/C notes
5393 Charles Alan Hilton, 515 Trolley Line Rd., Graniteville,
S.C. 29829; C
5394 Fred L. Mascioni, Rte 219, Limestone, N.Y. 14753; C/D;
U.S. Currency (Large Size)
5395 Ted Dykston, 1618 W. Sherwin, Chicago, Ill.; C/D;
American & Foreign
5396 A. Chris Gould, 3616 Oak Forest, Houston, TX. 77018;
C; Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Notgeld
5397 Tom Ruyle, Box 256, Lake Worth, Fla 33460; C; Large &
Small U.S. Notes
5399 Robert P. Zampieri, 5972 Crimson Dr., San Jose, Calif.
95120; C; Vermont Nationals & Obsoletes
5400 Allen M. Young, 2230 E. Ball #218, Anaheim, Ca.,
92806; C
5401 B. Gonzalez-White, Ap. Aereo 52864, Medellin-Colombia
C/D; Colombia
5402 Agus Halim, P.O. Box 638/Jak, Jakarta-Barat, Indo-
nesia; C/D;
5403 W. Mack Martin, P.O. Box 737, Watkinsville, Ga. 30677;
C; Georgia Confederate Notes Obsolete Georgia Notes
(broken banks)
5404 Anton Swanson, Dyment Ontario, Canada Proviro; C;
by Wendell Wolka
Indiana Book Available
After Mid-December
Good news! The latest volume in the Wismer
Update Project will be available about December
15, 1978 at a price of $12.00 to members. Send
orders to Harold Hauser, P.O. Box 150, Glen
Ridge, NJ 07028.
Entitled Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip and
compiled by Wendell Wolka, Jack Vorhies, and
Donald Schramm, this catalogue contains over
300 pages, 330 illustrations and some one
thousand individual listings.
q Yes! I'm interested in consigning to the 1979 ANA
Auction. Please contact me.
q I'd like to study New England's long-term history of
prices realized. Please send your Auction Summary.
I've enclosed $5.
City State Zip
Tel. (
Best time to call
Mail to: New England Rare Coin Auctions,
Dept. A-23, P.O. Box 1776,
Boston, MA 02105
pis __
England Rare
ColnAuGt ons
Whole No. 78
Page 337
The 1979 ANA Auction:
A Very Special Consignment
Celebrities draw crowds wherever they go. And in the numismatic field, there's no
organization more celebrated than the American Numismatic Association. That's why
their auctions have always attracted large groups of eager paper money buyers. And
that's why collectors with special currency to sell consign to ANA auctions. They
know that a large, eager crowd of bidders, plus the excitement of that special ANA
event, add up to high profits for the consignor.
New England Rare Coin Auctions:
A Very Unique Group of Experts
The 1979 ANA Auction is being conducted by New England Rare Coin Auctions. In
an astonishingly brief time, New England has built an impressive reputation as an
auction company that cares about consignors. They're constantly creating unique,
innovative services for their clients. Like their new Auction Summary. It's the only
publication that lets a consignor study an auction firm's long-term history of prices
realized. Moreover, New England catalogs are noted for their accurate grading and de-
tailed paper money descriptions.
So fill out the accompanying coupon and mail it to New England.
They'll be glad to explain how you can consign to this very spe-
cial event!
The 1979 ANA Auction in St. Louis — July 28 through August 3
Page 338 Paper Money
1 „„,,""„..,,,,,,„„ moh„...? ,,,,.. mar
WANTED: CALIFORNIA national bank notes, all sizes and
types. Especially wanted are gold banks, 1st and 2nd charters
and uncut sheets. John Heleva, P.O. Box 375, Fair Oaks,
California 95628 (78)y
OLD STOCK CERTIFICATES! Catalog plus 3 beautiful certi-
ficates $2. Also eager to buy any quantity. Ken Prag, Box
531PM, Burlingame, California 94010 (80)
Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a
basis of 5! per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary
purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or
locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be
non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed,
accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money
Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave.,
Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue
(i.e., Dec. 1, 1976 for Jan. 1977 issue). Word count: Name and address will
count for five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure
combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10%
discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word
trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000
Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015.
(22 words; $1; SC; U.S.; FRN counted as one word each)
NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE (Broken Bank) notes, sheets, scrip
and checks wanted for my collection. I have some duplicates for
trade. John J. Merrigan Jr. 2 Alexandria Drive, East Hanover,
N.J. 07936 (79)
SEND TODAY! Next 3 Catalogs. Historical documents,
autographs, Civil War, newspapers, Americana. Always
Something Unusual for the Specialist. $1. Cohasco, Inc., 321
Broadway, New York 10007 (78)
WANTED: VIRGINIA COUNTY obsolete currency and scrip,
all Rhode Island Colonial through small Nationals and all
Louisiana. Will pay cash. Will Conner, Box 16150-A, Baton
Rouge, LA 70803 (81)
PAY $5.00 EACH for all notes on Timber Cutters Bank, Savan-
nah, Georgia in decent condition. Ship for instant check.
Thanks. Gary Doster, Rt. 2, Box 18A, Watkinsville, GA 30677
CARDBOARD CIVIL WAR Sutler scrip wanted : Top prices paid for
any I need. Also want paper sutler currency and metal sutler tokens.
David E. Schenkman, Box 274, Indian Head, MD 20640 (80)
I NEED ONE note from each of the following Atlanta National
Banks: Charter numbers 1605, 2064, 2424, 5490. Prefer notes in
fine or better. Claud Murphy, Box 921, Decatur, GA 30031. (85)
WANTED: GEORGIA OBSOLETE currency and scrip. Willing
to pay realistic prices. Especially want city, county issues. Also
Atlanta Bank, Bank of Athens, Ga. R. R. Banking, Bank of
Darien, Pigeon Roost Mining, Monroe R. R. Banking, Bank of
Hawkinsville, La Grange Bank, Bank of Macon, Central Bank,
Ruckersville Banking Co., Bank of St. Marys, Bank of U.S.
Central R. .R., Marine Bank, Cotton Planters Bank, Interior
Bank. Also buying proofs. Many other issues wanted. Please
write for my wantlist, mailed free. Claud Murphy, Box 921,
Decatur, GA 30031 (81)
WANTED: NEW YORK National Bank Notes: 1st NB
Tarrytown, Ch. No. 634; Irvington NB, Ch. No. 6371; Mt.
Vernon NB, Ch. No. 8516; 1st NB Ardsley, Ch. No. 12992. Frank
Levitan, 530 Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10455. 212-2926800.
VIRGINIA NATIONALS WANTED Large or small, especially
first and second chapters will buy any small nationals $100.00
and $50.00 any bank any state that I do not have. Write today.
Description condition and price wanted Garland Stephens, P.O.
Box 243, Wytheville, VA 24382 (78)
Second Charter, Red Seals, also small nationals. Large
inventory for trade. Top prices paid. Jasper D. Payne, 304 A St.,
Lenoir City, TN 37771 (80)
CURRENCY MAIL BID (monthly) Nationals, large, small,
types. Over 350 notes. Many C.U.'s. Free list. ANA, SPMC,
BRNA, PMCM. Ed's Currency, Box 7295, Lo7isville, KY 40207.
WANTED BADLY the following back issues of Paper
Money": Whole numbers 1 thru 13, also Number 16. Please price
and I'll let you know. Claud Murphy Jr., Box 921, Decatur, GA
30031 (78)
MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obso-
lete notes and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton,
Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald
Horstman, Rt. 2, Gerald, MO 63037 (83)
RAILROAD, LUMBER OR coal mine scrip: Collector wants
offers of either paper or metal scrip. Donald Edkins, 48B Second
St., Framingham, MA 01701. (86)
INDIANA NATIONALS WANTED Describe and advise price.
Have Nationals and other notes to trade. Mike Kennedy, 7217
154th Lane, N.W., Anoka, MN 55303 (79)
WANTED: NOTES AND associated material on New Hope or
Taylorsville Delaware Bridge Co., Washington's Crossing.
Robert W. Ross III, Box 765, Wilmington, DE 19899 (81)
WANTED: THE FOLLOWING back issues of "Paper Money",
whole numbers 1 thru 13, numbers 16 and 40, numbers 61 thru
66. Please indicate price and condition. Joseph J. Adamski,
15365 Old Bedford Trail, Mishawaka, IN 46544
SPRINKLE HAS RARE proof notes available from N.Y.,
Pennsylvania, N.J., Ohio, Rhode Island, Kentucky. Frank
Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701
WANTED: F70, F97, F109, F130, F139 in any collectable
condition. George A. Flanagan, Box 191, Babylon, NY 11702 (92)
NEW JERSEY OBSOLETE (Broken Bank) notes, sheets, scrip
and checks wanted for my collection. I have some duplicates for
trade. John J. Merrigan Jr., St. Barnabas Medical Center,
Livingston, NJ 07039 (79)
Pew 3toep
National Bank Currency
We are interested in small and large nationals of
these towns in Bergen county .
Cliffside Park
Fort Lee
Glen Rock
Little Ferry
North Arlington
Palisades Park
Park Ridge
Ridgefield Park
West Englewood
CaMern coin (Excbange 31nc.
ANA LM 709
PH. 201,342-8170
74 Anderson Street Hackensack, N.J. 07 601
Whole No. 78
Page 339
berg, 12563; Hegins, 9107; Tower City, 14031; Minersville, 423;
Pottsville $50, 649; Millersville, 9259. Large — Auburn, 9240;
Wayne, 12504. Robert Gillespie, 433 Surrey Dr., Lancaster, PA
17601. (80)
SELLING MY DUPLICATES of Alabama Nationals. Buying
those I don't have. My list for yours. Want Roy Montana
National. A.L. Kropp, Jr., Suite 415, First National Bank Bldg.,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
WANTED: NEW JERSEY Nationals from Monmouth County
for personal collection. Charter Nos. 445*, 2257, 3164*, 3451,
3792, 4119, 4138, 4147, 4535*, 5363, 5403, 5730*, 5926, 6038,
6440, 6673, 7223*, 10110*, 10224*, 10376, 11553, 13848, 14177.
Asterisk means Large only. Please quote grades and prices.
Irving Carol, 58 Lennox Ave., Rumson, NJ 07760 (81)
NATIONAL CURRENCY WANTED from western states. Top
prices paid for choice and rare notes. Contact Richard Dixon,
P.O. Box 39, Wendover, UT 84083. (86)
Interest Noted on Interest Note
A $10 U.S. Treasury Note issue-dated March 25, 1815,
and issued to help pay the outstanding indebtedness
caused by the War of 1812 was the opening lot in William
P. Donlon's final mail bid sale. The optional 7% Interest
Bearing Note was estimated at $350, but was bid to
nearly three times that figure, an even $1,000.
During the first half of 1978, the prominent numismatic
firm of Spinks & Son, Ltd., London, took out full-page
advertisements in all major British philatelic magazines
seeking to interest stamp collectors in paper money.
Using the slogan "It's time stamp collectors took money
seriously," they displayed such items of dual interest as
the Great Britain 1914 Treasury note for 10 shillings
printed on ordinary stamp paper; the Ceylon 1942 emer-
gency 5.i note depicting and 3(i stamps; a Swedish Ore-
bro Enskilda Bank 10 kroner 1882 specimen note with
Waterlow & Son seal; and a perforated sheet of 1920
Greek state notes. According to the ad copy, "At Spink
we find that many stamp collectors are keen banknote
collectors, too. They regard them as equally fascinating
but excitingly different subjects."
Page 340
Paper Money
Presumed UNIQUE 25d B.M. Jones & Co, Trade Note, (circa 1880's) Will be the plate note in upcoming
book on Oklahoma by M. Burgett. Conservatively graded VG reasonably priced at $1250.00
Presumed UNIQUE Unlisted $2 note on a very rare Canadian bank. Dtd May 1, 1852 this Prince Edwards
Island note is also a New-York cross-over. Accurately graded G/VG
a museum piece only 2750.00
* * * *
Of course my inventory includes many other rarities not quite as expensive. Remainders, Proofs, College &
Trade Scrip, CSA, Canadian Non-Negotiables, and what I term "Exo-Syngraphia". A few samples are listed
CSA Type 5 $100 Abt. VF $105.00
CSA Type 6 $50 Abt. VF 85.00
CSA T53 (385) $5 AU-CC 35.00
Heath Bond Detector — RARE 925.00
ARK. — $1 Little Rock Cert. of Indebtedness (Note) RAG 35.00
D.C. — $500 real estate Note VG 85.00
IDAHO TERR. — $5 Coeur D'Alene Water Supply Co. AU+ 225.00
KANSAS — $1 Treas. of City of Leavenworth AU Uns 250.00
$1, 5 or 10 Union Military Scrip, Topeka AU
ILL: KY Crossover — Ill. Exporing Mining & Mfg., Jackson CU-Unc
LOUISIANA — $5 State of Louisiana (#25) reconstructed sheet s/n 17967 A-D
(No. before Criswell's plate note) CU-CC 350.00
MINN. — $1 or $2 Ramsey County Bank, St. Paul (Rockholt #21 & 22-R7)
Choice Proof 325.00 ea.
Largest stock of "MINNESOTA" in the country — and always an anxious
MONTANA — 8 different state & territorial warrants . . . 29.00 to 99.00 each
NEB. — $2 Treas. of city of Lincoln F (chip)
PENNSY. — $20 Kensington Bank, Phila. Ch. Proof
UTAH — $1 or $2 Drovers Bank, S.L.C. AU 275.00 ea.
$3 same (rough) GD 95.00
WISCONSIN — $5 Chippawa Bank, Pepin AF(wrn off) 75.00
- Central & Western State Notes Wanted — One Or Whole Collections -
BOX 326
ANOKA, MN 55303
(612) 757-5878
sZ.U/S1(){. SY,
H Melnick
265 Sunrise
County Federal
Suite 53Rockville Centre
LI NY 11570
MrDear Melnick
Thank you for y
of 14th July
our lett
and the enclosed cheque
for the note we
er in your recent Maryland Historical
lie delightedare
with te resul t of this ann we shall most
certainly send you moreh material, for future auctions.
Again thank
you for your kind'
,sistance in this matter.
Whole No. 78 Page 341
May we discuss with you the proper disposition of your collection.
Write or call Herb Melnick today. (516/764-6677-78).
265 Sunrise Highway, County Federal Bldg., Suite 53
Rockville Centre, LA., New York 11570
George W. Ball, Chairman of the Board
F1300 550.00 F1344 125.00
23.00 F1345 60.00
F1303 23.00 F1346 60.00
F1307 23.00 F1347 40.00
F1308 13.00 F1348 100.00
Fl 309
13.00 F1349 45.00
50 CENT NOTES F1350 50.00
F1310 70.00 F1351 450.00
F1311 80.00 F1352 625.00
F1312 50.00 F1353 475.00
F1313 100.00 F1354 500.00
30.00 F1355 50.00
50 CENT NOTES F1356 70.00
F1317 30.00 F1357 250.00
30.00 50 CENT NOTES
F1320 55.00 F1358 40.00
F1321 65.00 F1359 80.00
F1322 60.00 F1360 40.00
F1324 40.00 F1361 45.00
F1325 110.00 F1362 28.00
F1326 45.00 F1363 85.00
F1327 45.00 F1364 30.00
F1328 60.00 F1365 40.00
Fl 329
85.00 F1366 40.00
F1330 1100.00 F1367 95.00
F1331 20.00 F1368 45.00
F1332 60.00 F1369 50.00
F1333 25.00 F1370 100.00
F1334 25.00 F1371 200.00
F1336 65.00 F1372 110.00
F1337 50.00 F1373 115.00
55.00 F1374 75.00
F1339 30.00 F1375
F1340 65.00 F1376 45.00
F1341 40.00 F1379
F1342 45.00 F1380 25.00
F1343 40.00 FI381 23.00
We need and are buying proofs and specimens or
essays of the fractional currency and experimental,
trial and freak notes, errors. We need pairs, strips,
blocks, packs, sheets and shields gray-pink-green. If
you have some you would like to sell you can just
ship it with price or we will make an offer.
Fl 13-122 30.00 Ten dollar Bison
F271 -281 25.00 Five dollar Chief
F747-780 18.00 Two dollar Battleship
CH CU . . . . . 8.00 VG 2.00
PHONE 213-679-9151
Page 342
Paper Money
We are in need of some choice CU notes. CU only, no folds, pinholes, bad spots, or too far off-center, etc.
We have been at the same location for over 14 years but it has just been the last few months that we have been
trying to build up our inventory of U.S. paper money and we need your help and will pay for it.
When shipping to us wrap it well, send it registered mail for the value and a return receipt will tell you the day we
receive it. Please ship it with an invoice and your phone number.
All notes listed by F366-368 . . . 800.00 5 CENT NOTES
Friedberg are buy F369-371 . . . 400.00 F1228 45.00
prices are for choice CU NATIONAL BANK F1229 50.00
notes. NOTES F1230 20.00
F380-386 . . 475.00 F1231 60.00
LEGAL TENDER F387-393 . .1350.00 F1232 28.00
NOTES F394-408 . . 575.00 F1233 28.00
F16-17 270.00 1-409-423 800.00 F1234 28.00
F18 260.00 F424-439 • • • 850.00 F1235 50.00
F19-27 120.00 F466-478 . 160.00 F1236 50.00
F28-30 70.00 F479-492 • • 175.00 F1237 65.00
F34-35 120.00 F493-506 • • • 300.00 F1238 20.00
F36-39 38.00 F507-518 650.00 F1239 30.00
F40 85.00 F519-531 • • • 750.00 10 CENT NOTES
F41-41a 425.00 F532-538 • • • 250.00 F1240 42.00
F43-49 160.00 F539-548 275.00 F1241 50.00
F50-52 110.00 F549-557 375.00 F1242 25.00
F53 56 140.00 F558-565 650.00 Fl 243 60.00
F57-60 58.00 F573-575 550.00 F1244 20.00
F61-63 250.00 F576-579 650.00 F1245 20.00
F64 220.00 F580-585 700.00 F1246 23.00
F65-69 160.00 F587-594 80.00 F1247 30.00
F70-72 125.00 F595-597 180.00 F1248 500.00
F73 82 110.00 F598-612 . 70.00 F1249 50.00
F83-92 58.00 F61 3-620 95.00 F1251 30.00
F93 400.00 F621-623 . . 220.00 F125 7 35.00
F94-95 400.00 F624-638 80.00 F1253 55.00
F97-99 300.00 F639-646 110.00 F1254 70.00
F100-102 200.00 F647-649 300.00 F1255 20.00
Fl 03-1 13 200.00 F650-663 11o.00 F1256 25.00
F114-122 350.00 F647-649 300.00 F1257 20.00
F123 900.00 F650-663 110.00 F1258 20.00
F124-126 700.00 F664-671 275.00 F1259 20.00
F130-147 260.00 F675-685 250.00 F1261 20.00
F155-164 . . . 850.00 F686-694 400.00 F1264 30.00
SILVER F698-707 385.00 F1265 14.00
F215-223 • . . 200.00 BANK NOTES 15 CENT NOTES
F224-225 • . . 265.00 F708-746 . . . 50.00 F1267 50.00
F226-227 • . . . 60.01) F747-780 . . . 135.00 F1268 50.00
F228-236 • . . . 45.00 F781-809 . . 125.00 F1269 50.00
F237-239 • . . 25.00 F810-821 . . . 625.00 F1271
F240-244 • . . 280.00 FEDERAL RESERVE 25 CENT NOTES
F245-246 • . . 500.00 NOTES F1279 65.00
F247-248 • . . 600.00 F832-843 . . . 100.00 F1280 75.00
F249-258 . . . 140.00 F844-891 .. . . 35.00 F1281 45.00
F259-265 • . . 900.00 F892-903 . . 130.00 F1282 100.00
F266-267 • . . 400.00 F904-951 . . . . 40.00 F1283
F268-270 • .. 950.00 F952-963 . . . 150.00 F1284 30.00
F271-281 • . . 250.00 F964-1011 . 55.00 F1285 30.00
F282 320.00 F1024-1071 140.00 F1286 30.00
F287-289 . 750.00 F1084-1131 . . 24)1.00 F1287 35.00
F291-297 • 500.00 GOLD F1288 35.00
F298-304 • 350.00 CERTIFICATES F1289 55.00
F317-322 • 450.00 F1167-1173 . . 110.00 F1290 60.00
F330-335 . . . 800.00 F1179-1187.. 175.00 F1291 40.00
TREASURY OR F1198-1200 . . 375.00 F1292 40.00
COIN NOTES F1203-1215 . . 600.00 F1293 . . 40.00
F347-349 . . . 475.00 F1294 . . . 30.00
F350-352 . . . 165.00 FRACTIONAL F1295 30.00
F353-355 . . . 750.00 CURRENCY F1296 30.00
F356-358 . . 320.00 3 CENT NOTES F1297 50.00
F359-361 . . 700.00 F1226 20.00 F1298 80.00
F362.365 . . . 400.00 F1227 35.00 F1299 400.00
Whole No. 78 Page 343
The most important investment the intelligent
collector can make is in his library. This is especially true
for the collector of national bank notes. I am offering the
comprehensive statistical breakdowns for all the national
banks. Organized by state, these sheets detail by charter
period, type, denomination, and serial number the exact
number of notes issued by each institution. Also listed
are the latest available circulation figures for both large
and small size notes outstanding on each bank.
By offering this material at prices significantly lower
than I've seen advertised from any other source I hope to
encourage a wider distribution of this valuable data in the
collector community.
Alaska $3.00 Louisiana $12.00 Oklahoma $39.00
Alabama $15.00 Maine $15.00 Oregon $15.00
Arkansas $15.00 Maryland $17.50 Pennsylvania $49.00
$5.00 Massachusetts $32.50 Puerto Rico $5.00
California $17.50 Michigan $29.00 Rhode Island $12.50
Colorado $15.00 Minnesota $32.50 South Carolina $10.00
Connecticut $15.00 Mississippi $5.00 South Dakota $20.00
Delaware $3.00 Missouri $25.00 Tennessee $20.00
D.C. $5.00 Montana $15.00 Texas $40.00
$15.00 Nebraska $29.00 Utah $7.00
Georgia $15.00 Nevada $5.00 Vermont $14.00
Hawaii $3.00 New Hampshire
$10.00 Virginia $17.00
Idaho $15.00 New Jersey $30.00 Washington $16.00
Illinois $42.50 New Mexico $7.50 West Virginia $19.00
Indiana $25.00 New York $42.50 Wisconsin $19.00
$29.00 North Carolina $15.00 Wyoming $9.00
Kansas $29.00 North Dakota $19.00
Kentucky $19.00 Ohio $30.00
Paper Money of the United States by Friedberg
9th edition 13.50
These breakdowns are an essential tool for the serious
investor or dedicated collector. Even some relatively
common banks have scarce issues within a particular
type of note. Conversely, some banks with a low total out-
standing figure may have notes which are suprisingly
available if their issue was concentrated within a part-
icular charter period or type.
These data sheets will make it possible for you to recog-
nize the true rarity of material you may wish to consider
acquiring for your collection. By enabling you to avoid
even a single overpriced note, or to obtain one unrecog-
nized rarity, this is an investment which will pay for it-
Your order for one or more states will receive my
prompt attention. All prices include delivery.
Also offered are two informative books:
Central States National Banks Notes by Counties
by C.E. Hilliard $25.00
For the collector specializing in this region the
author lists national banks by county for Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Min-
nesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio,
South Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
National Banks of the United States 1863-1935 by
Robert Ramsey and Robert Polito $39.00
Normally retailing for $45.00 this recent work is a
valuable supplement to the full data sheets. Next to
the complete data sheets it is the most detailed
compilation of national bank statistics available.
The specialist might want to consider acquiring the
data sheets for the states of his particular interest
and this work as a general reference source for all
other states.
Kevin S. Foley
Box 589 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201
If you are not on our mailing list, write today for your free copy of
our latest 48 Page offering of notes, and send us your WANT LIST.
LATEST EDITION (19761, (Autographed if You Wish )
Revised, 300 Pages, Hard Bound. $15
Phone AC 904 685-2287
ROUTE 2 BOX 1085
FT. McCOY, FL 32637
As America's Largest Dealer in Obsolete Currency
Means Very Simply That .. .
own CMS
A Good Stock
Of Notes
/Pte Ibp Ile/et•or
.11rreliandim■ al oar Store,
(Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts)
Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada,
Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico,
Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian,
Jefferson Territories!
Casn paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded.
Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom'
seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental;
CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West-
ern rarities for advantageous trade.
Page 344
Paper Money
Whole No. 78
Page 345
An outstanding auction selection from one of the largest collections of $3 denomination
banknotes ever assembled. Prices are certain to rise on these ever-popular $3 banknotes.
Estimates and grading are conservative.
Lot # Estimate
912 CT Southport Bank, Southport. 1857. F
913 CT Saybrook Bank, Essex. 1858. G+
914 CT City Bank of New Haven, New Haven. 1865. AU 22
915 CT Eastern Bank, West-Killingly. 1852. VF 25
916 CT Bank of New-England at Goodspeed's Landing, East
Haddam. 18 . U 23
917 CT Middletown Bank, Middletown. 1856. G. Somewhat dark.
918 CT Stonington Bank, Stonington. 18
. AU. Stains upper half . . . 20
919 DC Potomac River Bank, Georgetown. 1856. Slightly dark, chinks. G
920 FL Bank of Pensacola, Pensacola. 1840. F-VF
921 FL State of Florida, Tallahassee. 1861. VG
922 GA Columbus Iron Works (Bank of Columbus). 1862. F
923 GA Columbus Iron Works (Bank of Columbus). Rare Error
"Octobea" 1862. F 40
924 GA Bank of Macon, Macon. 1831. F
925 IL Bank of Cairo, Kaskaskai. 1837. VG 25
926 IN Indiana Manufacturing Co., Lexington. TERRITORIAL. 1815. U 50
927 IN Indiana Coal Bank, Petersburg. 1858. AF 30
928 IN Bank of Vincennes, Wabash, 1810. EF 40
929 IA Dubuque Central Improvement Co., Dubuque. 1857. F-VF
930 KY Farming & Commercial Bank of Carlisle, Carlisle, 1819
931 KY Bank of Kentucky, Newport. 1853. Small portions of note
missing. G+ 23
932 KY Bank of Georgetown, George Town. 1818. (EARLY KY). VG+ . . 30
933 LA Parish of St Mary, Franklin. 1862. AU 28
934 LA Magee & George, New Orleans. 1862. EF. (NASCA SALE $90) . . . 80
935 LA Vicksburg, Shreveport & Texas RR Co., Monroe. 1862. VG
936 LA J.N. Bradford & Co. New Orleans. 1862. VF 50
937 LA Parish of I berville, Plaquemine, 1862. VF+
938 LA City of New Orleans, New Orleans. 1868. (VERY SCARCE DATE).
VF+ 60
939 ME Frontier Bank, Eastport. 1852. Small tear. F 35
940 ME Hancock Bank, Ellsworth. 1854. (Three Gold Dollars Illus.) AF . .
941 ME Ship Builders Bank, Rockland. 1853. F
942 MD American Bank, Baltimore. 1863. (Attractive note). F-VF 36
943 MD Somerset & Worcester Savings Bank, Salisbury. 1863. U 30
944 MA Merchants Bank, Lowell. 1856. F-VF
945 MA Lafayette Bank, Boston. 1836. F-VF 35
946 MA Marblehead Bank, Marblehead. 1845. F 40
MI (See lots 995 through 998 for Michigan notes)
947 MS Miss. Central RR Co., Holly Springs. 1862. Small tears. VG 30
948 MS State of Mississippi, Macon. 1864. U
949 NE Corn Exchange Bank, Desoto. 1860. NEBRASKA TERRITORY. VG 40
950 NE Waubeek Bank, Desoto. 1857. NEBRASKA TERRITORY. VG+ . . 35
951 NJ Franklin Bank, Jersey City. 1827. VG+ 30
952 NJ Hoboken Banking and Grazing Co., Hoboken. 1827. VF 30
953 NJ State Bank of Trenton, Trenton. 1825. Small lower patch. F . . . 25
954 NJ Merchants Bank, Trenton. 1861. (Attractive black & green). F+ 33
955 NJ Monmouth Bank, Freeholo. 1825. VG+. Small replacement patch 30
956 NJ State Bank at Camden, Camden. 1862. Very small corner missing
VG 32
957 NJ Salem & Phila. Manufg. Co., Salem. 1829. EF 35
958 NJ State Bank of New Brunswick, New Brunswick. 18
Beautiful. U 28
959 NY Chemical Bank, N.Y. 18??. Three old repaired tears. Interesting 22
960 NY Greene County Bank, Catskill. 1822. AU 35
961 NY Franklin Bank, N.Y., 1822. Very small tears, hardly noticeable. VG 34
962 NY Mechanics' Bank, N.Y. 1819. Marked "counterfeit, X". VF-EF 30
Lot #
963 NY Mechanics' Bank, N.Y. 1819. Not a counterfeit. Slight fraying. G+ 28
964 NY Mechanics' & Farmers Bank. 1821. Extremely interesting note.
Unfortunately, 20% of the note is missing. G-VG
965 NY Bank of Troy, Troy. 1819. Some paper disturbance. G+
966 NH Exeter Bank, Exeter. 1855. Pinholes. Attractive Note. VG 28
967 NC Bank of Washington, Washington. 1861. Beautiful! F 45
968 NC Bank of Cape Fear, Wilmington. G-VG. Outstanding Title
969 NC Bank of Wadesborough, Wadesborough. 1860. Beautiful Note!
F-VF 50
970 OH Lebanon Miami Banking Co. 1841. G-VG. Pinholes
971 OH Manhattan Bank, Manhattan. 1839. F-VF
972 OH Bank of Norwalk, (Norwalk). 1846. Attractive. Two small
tears. VG+ 32
973 PA City of Phila., Phila. (City Loan). 1837. VG+
974 PA Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Fayette Cty. Penna, New
Salem. 1817. Attractive large eagle. EF
975 PA Harmony Institute, Harmony. 1817. U
976 RI National Bank, Providence. 1855. VF+ 35
977 RI Commercial Bank, Providence. 1846. Excellent contemporary
altered note from an Mich. bank. One inch tear and skinned edge,
still an interesting and attractive note. VG
978 RI Farmers Bank, Wickford. 1853. VF-EF
979 RI Farmers Exchange Bank, Glocester. Early 1806 Date! VG+
980 SC South Caroline RR, Charleston. 1871. Small PC's. Signed,
numbered and dated. Rare thus. VG-F
981 TN Bank of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, 1862. PC. VG 27
982 TN Mechanics Bank, Memphis. 1854. EF. Attractive
983 TN Farmers & Merchants Bank. 1854. VF
984 TN Exchange Bank, Murfreesboro. 1852. G-VG
985 TN Bank of East Tennessee, Knoxville. 1855. VF 32
986 VT Danby Bank, Danby. 1856. Nice Note. VG+
987 VT Windsor Bank, Windsor. 1837. Ink stain on back. VF+
988 VT White River Bank, Bethel. 1853. VG+
989 VT Vermont Glass Factory, Salisbury. 1814. F-VF 28
990 VT Bank of Orleans, Irasburgh. 1851. F+
991 WI City of Hudson, Hudson. 18 AU. Attractive and Rare! 55
992 WI Bank of Watertown, Watertown. 1863. Attractive AU+
993 Canada Colonial Bank of Canada, Toronto. 1859. Orange & Black. AU 45
994 Bid on above $3 Note Collection Lots 912 through 993. 82 Lots
995 MI Collins Iron Works, Marquette. 1873. VG. Scarce
996 MI Erie & Kalamazoo RR Bank, Adrian. 1854. Small tears. G-VG . . .
997 MI Adrian Insurance Co., Adrian. 1853.4 Inch RR viginette. AU . . .
998 MI Oakland County Bank, Pontiac. 1843. Attractive. U
All of the above lots are $3 denomination notes. Closing date: two weeks
after receipt of this edition of "Paper Money". No commission charges to
buyers. All lots will be invoiced prior to shipment. Postage, handling and
insurance: 1.5% of invoice total (Minimum $1). Xerox copies of notes will be
sent without charge to interested bidders who furnish SASE's.
First National
Lawrence Falater - SPMC - ANA LIFE #307
Page 346
Paper Money
$20 SAN FRANCISCO CROCKER FNB, CA 3ch DB dirty P3555 VF 75.00
$5 BRIDGEPORT FNB, CT 3ch DB N 335 VF 85.00
$10 BURLINGTON FNB, IA 3ch PB M 351 VF 65.00
$5 BALTIMORE NAT MARINE BK, MD 3ch PB no sips 2453 F 50.00
$10 SAINT CLOUD FNB, MN 3ch PB M2790 VF 75.00
$5 NEVADA FNB, MO 3ch PB 3959 VF 75.00
$20 ST JOSEPH FNB, MO 3ch DB rep M4939 VF 60.00
$5 RENO FARMERS & MERCHANTS 3ch PB P7038 F 595.00
$20 RENO FARMERS & MERCHANTS 3ch PB std ph 7038 F 600.00
$20 ELKO FNB, NV 3ch PB 7743 F 900.00
$5 RENO RENO NB, NV 3ch PB 8424 F 550.00
$20 RENO RENO NB, NV 3ch PB P8424 VF 750.00
$100 RENO RENO NB, NN 3ch PB 8424 EF1500.00
$10 BINGHAMTON FNB, NY 3ch PB E 202 F 65.00
$20 DU BOIS DEPOSIT NB, PA 3ch PB $9150 out E5019 F 150.00
$10 PITTSBURGH MELLON NB, PA 3ch PB E6301 EF 75.00
$20 PITTSBURGH UNION NB, PA $38570 out E 705 VF 95.00
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — Prompt refund on any item returned within 10 days. California
residents please add 6% sales tax. $2.00 postage on all orders. WE ARE INTERESTED IN PURCHASING
P.O. Box 1735
Beverly Hills, CA 90213
Wanted To Buy, Georgia Obsolete Currency
The following is my want list of Georgia obsolete currency. I will pay competitive
and fair prices for any Georgia notes. I will buy virtually any Georgia note, so if you
have anything Georgia please write, or send for offer, subject of course to your
approval. I also sell duplicates. I am working on a book listing Georgia obsolete cur-
rency, and will appreciate any help, if you have unusual or rare Georgia notes.
Ocmulgee & Flint River Railroad,
any note.
Western Bank of Georgia (Branch),
any note.
City Council of Americus, any note.
Warehouse Insurance & Deposit Co.,
any note.
Bank of Athens, any note.
Bank of the State of Georgia,
(BRANCH). $50.00, $100.00.
Georgia R.R. & Banking Co., any
Alabama Insurance Co., 54 254, 754,
$1.00, $2.00, $3.00.
Atlanta Bank, any note. These are
rare and I will pay high.
Atlanta Insurance Co., any note.
Atlanta & West Point R.R., any
Ga. R.R. Bank Agency, any note.
Bank of Fulton, almost any note,
especially $10.00, $20.00, $50.00 &
City of Atlanta, any note, except de-
pression scrip of 1930's.
Livery Stable, any note.
Western & Atlantic R.R., 54, 100,
250 & 500 SERIAL LETTER K.
Western Bank of Ga., (BRANCH),
any note.
Augusta Insurance & Banking Co.,
any note payable "AT THE
Augusta R.R. & Banking Co., any
Bank of Augusta, any note pre-1824.
Bank of Brunswick (BRANCH), any
Bank of Darien (BRANCH), any
Bank of the State of Ga.,
(BRANCH), $50.00, $100.00.
Bank of the United States
(BRANCH, RARE) pay high, any
Bridge Co. of Augusta, any frac-
tional; $1.00, $2.00, $3.00, $50.00,
Change Co. of Ga., any note.
City of Augusta, any note.
City Bank, 54, 500, $20.00, $50.00,
City Council of Augusta, 61/44, 100,
121/44, $5.00, $10.00; any note over
Augusta Clearing House Associa-
tion, (1907) $1.00, $2.00, $5.00.
Confederate Exchange, any note,
Farmers & Mechanics Bank, any
Ga. R.R. & Banking Co., any note
including contemporary counter-
Mechanics Bank, 54; 500, "BLACK-
SMITH"; $500.00, $1,000.00, also
notes reading "will pay to or
order at
Merchants and Planters Bank, any
Union Bank, $500.00.
Bank of Darien (Branch), any note.
any note.
Brunswick Exchange Bank (Branch),
any note.
W.S. BIUHL (SCRIP), any note.
Merchants Bank, any note.
Decatur County, any note.
Southern Bank, any note. (Also alter-
ed notes.)
Brunswick & Albany R.R., $1.00,
Exchange Bank, any note.
City of Brunswick, $1.00.
City Council of Brunswick, any note.
Commercial Bank of Brunswick, any
Savings Bank of Cahutah, $1.00,
$3.00, and any GENUINELY
Individual's scrip, any note.
Campbell County, any note.
Merchant's & Planters Bank, any
note, Particularly Genuinely
Monroe R.R. & Banking Co.
(Branch), any note.
Scrip, any note.
Agency, Bank of the State of Ga.,
(actually Scrip, payable at the
bank to bearer), any note.
Bank Of Chattahoochee, any note.
Bank of Chattahoochee County, any
Bank of Columbus, almost any frac-
tionals, $50.00, $100.00, $500.00.
Bank of St. Marys (BRANCH), —
(some issued from APPALACHI-
COLA, Fla., & payable at Colum-
bus), any note.
Tom Brassill, any note.
Chattahoochee R.R. & Banking Co.,
any note.
City Council of Columbus, any note.
City of Columbus, any note,
Columbus armory, any note.
Columbus Iron Works, — There
are many varieties, need quite a
few. Write or send for offer.
claud murphy, jr. p.o. box 921, decatur, georgia 30031
137 West Saylor Street J-Af
< ATLAS, PA. 17851 -.5
Whole No. 78
Page 347
Over the years you have been building a collection of currency. I'm sure it was a painstaking
task. But what if you have to SELL . . . your entire collection or part of it, I'm sure you would
want to get the best price. If so give ATLAS a try and find out why we are buying collection
after collection each day. We need all types of currency, especially Large Type Notes and
Nationals . . . and we will pay to fill our customer's needs. Send Registered mail for immediate
offer or write first.
Charles E. Straub
P.O. Boa 200 Columbia, CT 06237
If you are not receiving my catalog of obsolete
currency, you may be missing out on some
great deals on material, some of which may
only pass your way once in a lifetime. Don't
let your collection suffer because you didn't
spare 5 minutes and a 15i stamp. Write today
for my free list.
Especially the following charter Nos:
2486 4368 5719 6551
3022 4371 5781 7119
3261 4466 5795 7306
3890 4950 5971 7414
4093 5483 6177 7669
4179 5549 6212 7760
4291 5661 6346 8355
107 W. Wall, Midland, Texas 79701
Ph: 915-684-5342
Page 348
Paper Money
High quality and/or scarce notes, fully
described and attributed. Latest lists
available on request, or send your want list.
Please specify which list is desired.
(Postpaid) No Nationals.
Nice condition or rare fractional,
experimentals, proofs, specimens, shields,
essays, large size notes, and MPC to the
extent of my inventory requirements. Write
first, with description.
Box 5043
Santa Ana, Calif. 92704
(714) 751-6608
100$ Type 13 AU 22.50, EF 20.00, VF 15.00, F 12.50.
100$ Type 56 Unc 30.00, AU 25.00.
50$ Type 8 Unc 22.50, AU 20.00, EF 17.50, VF 15.00.
Type 14 EF 17.50, VF 15.00.
Type 15 F/VF c/c 475.00.
Type 15 VF c/o/c Expertly repaired 425.00.
Type 16 EF c/c 35.00, VF c/c 25.00, F c/c 20.00.
Type 57 Unc 30.00, AU 25.00, VF 15.00, VF c/c 10.00.
20$ Type 17 AU 110.00, EF 90.00, VF 80.00, F/VF 75.00.
Type 19 VF 395.00.
Type 51 VF 20.00, F c/c 7.50.
10$ Type 10 F/VF 35.00.
Type 22 VF 85.00, F/VF 75.00, F 70.00.
Type 26 AU 50.00, Solid overprint.
Type 26 VF 35.00, Coarse, F 22.50, VG 12.50.
Type 26 Fine 25.00.
Type 29 VF 35.00, Fine 25.00.
Type 46 VF 17.50, Fine 15.00.
5$ Type 31 VF 85.00, F 75.00, VG 50.00.
Type 32 Fine 160.00, VG/F 2" inch tear 75.00.
2$ Type 42 Unc 30.00, AU 25.00, EF 20.00.
Type 54 Unc 30.00, AU 25.00, VG 10.00.
1$ Type 45 VF 60.00, VG 15.00, Good 6.00.
Type 62 Unc 30.00, AU 25.00, EF 20.00, VF 17.50.
Other types, Broken Bank Notes, Fractional available: Send
15o' SASE.
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Whole No. 78
Page 349
$5 BB 188 Fine
tears on fold
$5 1902-PB 416 Fine
small margin tear
$10 1902 PB-VG 416
$10 1902 PB 572 F+
$5 1929-1 572 VG-F
$1 1875 626 VG-F
$5 BB 764 VF-XF
$10 1902 PB 769 VG
$20 1902 PB 769 VF+
$5 1929-2 886 VG
$5 Orig. 934 VG+
$5 1902 PB 934 VF
$10 1902 PB 934 F+
$20 1929-1 934 XF
$10 RS 1022 VF-XF
$20 1902 DB 1022 VG-F
$10 1902 PB 1022 VG-F
$20 1902 PB 1022 F-VF
$10 1929-1 1022 Fine
$10 1929-2 1022 VF
$1 Orig. 1085 G-VG
$10 1929-2 1085 Fine
$2 Orig. 1207 VF
$5 BB 1207 VG-F
$10 1902 PB 1207 VG+
$5 1929-1 1207 VF-XF
$10 1929-1 1207 XF
$5 1882 DB 2232 VF
$5 1902 PB 2232 XF
$5 1929-1 2232 Fine
$1 1875 2275 F-VF
$10 1929-1 2275 F-VF
$5 1902 DB 2275 VG
Fr. No. 594a
$10 1902 PB 2312 F+
$5 BB 3365 F-VG
$5 BB 3994 XF-AU
$5 1902 PB 4013 Fine
$10 1902 PB 5944 VF
$10 1929-1 5944 VF
$20 1929-1 5944 Abt. VF
$10 1929-2 5944 Abt. VF
$10 1902 PB 9086 F+ North Attleboro . 75.00
$10 1929-1 9056 VF
North Attleboro .. 70.00
$10 1902 DB 9426 VF Foxboro 425.00
$20 1929-1 9426 F-VF Foxboro 150.00
$5 1902 PB 11236 AU
Webster 110.00
$10 1929-2 11388 Fine Southbridge .... 75.00
$10 1929-2 13411 Fine
Webster 80.00
$5 1929-2 13835 VF+ Millbury
Type Notes
FR-215, $1, AU ... $175.
FR-218, $1, VF $80
FR-224, $1, VF . . . $130.
FR-235, $1, CU . . . . $55.
FR-247, $2, VF+ .. $275.
FR-250, $2, AU ... $100.
FR-278, $5, CU-
Gem . $375 (ONEPAPA)
FR-1173, $10 VF-XF $60.
$10 BB Third N.B. of Pittsburg-Pittsburg, PA. CHAR
291 VF $150.
$20 Orig. National Shoe & Leather Bank of N.Y. - N Y.,
N.Y. (small piece missing at bottom) Good $75.
$1 Dominion of Canada-Mar. 31, 1898 - J.M. Courtney -
Outward ones-VF+ $55.
$10 Bank of Toronto-Oct. 1929 VF $60
P.O. Box 33
Grafton 175.00
North Easton 50.00
North Easton . . 50.00
Millbury 65.00
Hopkinton . . . . 325.00
Oxford 425.00
Whitinsville . . . . 45.00
Whitinsville 70.00
Milford 90.00
Southbridge . 250.00
Southbridge 65.00
Southbridge 60.00
Southbridge . 100.00
Uxbridge 350.00
Uxbridge 75.00
Uxbridge 50.00
Uxbridge 100.00
Uxbridge 50.00
Uxbridge 75.00
Wrentham . . . . 225.00
Wrentham . 125.00
Franklin 700.00
Franklin 325.00
Franklin 95.00
Franklin 100.00
Franklin 120.00
Attleboro 325.00
Attleboro 55.00
Attleboro 35.00
Milford 225.00
Milford 55.00
Milford 75.00
Webster 50.00
North Attleboro . 250.00
Middleboro ... 375.00
Lenox 50.00
Mansfield . . . . 100.00
Mansfield 45.00
Mansfield 70.00
Mansfield 70.00
FR-28, $1, VF $55.
FR-59, $2, XF+ $40.
FR-72, $5 AU $110.
FR-91, $5, CU $65.
FR-119, $10 CU (BISON)
. $450 GEM except for
slight thumb print.
FR-147, $20 VF+ . $145.
FR-357, $2, VF . . . $200.
We are seriously interested in acquiring large
size and scarcer small size United States paper
money. We are interested in single items as well
as extensive collections. We are especially in
need of national bank notes and we also buy
foreign paper money. If you have a collection
which includes both paper money and coins, it
may prove in your best financial interest to
obtain a separate bid from us on your paper
money as we deal exclusively and full time in
paper money. We will fly to purchase if your
holdings warrant.
We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper
money, both large size, small size and
fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking.
Frank A. Nowak SPMC 833
P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302
Phone (602) 445-2930
Member of: ANA, PMCM, CPMS
1. D. C. Obsolete Currency
2. Small Size Currency with Serial
numbers 00000081, 00000082,
3. Also wanted D. C. Nationals
4. Buying Maryland Colonial Notes
Julian Leidman
8439 Georgia Avenue, Silver Springs, Md. 20910
(301) 585-8467
Continental 22 35 70
Connecticut 15 25 35
Delaware 22 35 65
Georgia 175 350 550
Maryland 22 35 75
Massachusetts 22 35 50
New Hampshire 95 150 195
New Jersey 22 35 50
New York 45 85 150
North Carolina 45 85 150
Pennsylvania 22 35 50
Rhode Island 20 30 45
South Carolina 75 150 200
Virginia 50 90 200
Want lists solicited. Price lists issued. Buying all pre
1790 paper money and fiscal items. Ten day return.
N.Y.S. res. please add sales tax. All notes sent postpaid
and insured.
Phone (914) 623 - 8198
P. 0. Box 642
Bardonia, N. Y. 10934
Steven Dubinsky ANS.SPMCANA.86993
P.O. BOX 985,
VENICE, FL 33595
Page 350 Paper Money
Whole No. 78
Page 351
Books on Banking and Currency
The following books (mostly reprints) are in print and are offered subject to availability. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery. Look closely.
Treatise on Banking, by Alexander B. Johnson (reprint of 1850 edition)
The Banking Crisis of 1933, by Susan Kennedy 1973 (emphasis is on the Michigan area)
State Banks and Trust Companies, by George E. Barnett (reprint of 1911 edition) 20.00
Two Centuries of American Banking, by Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli 1975 hardback
$16.00; paperback 7 00
Treatise on Currency and Banking, by Condy Baguet (reprint of 1840)323 pages . 17.50
Banks or No Banks: The Money Issue in Western Politics 1832-1865, by William G.
Shade 1973 20.00
Banks and Banking in the United States, by Henry F. Baker (reprint of 1853 edition)
American Bank Failures, by Cornelius D. Bremer 1935 edition 17.50
History of Banking in America, by James W. Gilbart (reprint of 1837 edition) 207 pages
The Curse of Paper Money and Banking, by William M. Gouge (reprint of 1833 edition)
Short History of Paper Money and Banking in the United States, by William M Gouge
(reprint of 1833 edition) about 400 pages 20.00
The Negro as Capitalist A Study of Banking and Business Among American Negroes, by
Abram Harris (reprint 1936 edition) 18.00
United States Notes, by John J. Knox 1888 edition, 250 pages. This is an original, not a
reprint. hardbound 50.00
Obsolete Bank Notes of New England, by D.C. Wismer. 311 pages listing about 5,000
notes 20.00
Banks, Banking and Paper Currencies, by Richard Hildreth (reprint of 1840 edition)
The History of Banks, by Richard Hildreth (reprint of 1837 edition) 160 pages 15.00
History of Crises Under the National Banking System, by Oliver M. Sprague (reprint of
1910 edition) 484 pages 20.00
Fractional Money, by Neil Carothers (reprint of 1930 edition) 372 pages. This is a study
of both small coins and small notes which circulated in the United States 18.50
John Law 1671.1729: The Father of Paper Money, by Robert Minton 15.00
American Paper Currency, by Henry Phillips (reprint of 1865 edition) two volumes in
one. 500 pages 20.00
History of American Currency, by William G. Sumner (reprint 011874 edition) 391 pages
20. 0
History of Money in America, by Alexander Del Mar (reprint of 1899 edition) . 22.00
Several histories of British banks (mostly the Bank of England) are available in reprint.
Please write if interested.
Banking and Finance in China, by Frank Tamagna (reprint of 1942 edition) . . . 40.00
Legislative and Documentary History of the Bank of the United States, by M.S. Clarke
and D. Hall (reprint of 1832 edition) 40.00
The Second Bank of the United States, by Ralph C. Catterall (reprint of 1902 edition)
War on the Bank of the United States, by Thomas F. Gordon (reprint of 1834 edition)
155 pages 17.50
Nicholas Biddle: Nationalist and Public Banker, by ? 1975 20.00
The First and Second Banks of the United States, by John T. Holdsworth (reprint of
1910 edition) 311 pages 18.50
Eeconomic Aspects of the Second Bank of the U.S., by Walter B. Smith (reprint of
Andrew Jackson and the Bank War, by Robert V. Remini paperback 8 00
Biddle's Bank: the Crucial Years,
by Jean A. Wilburn 1967
There are a few more titles on the Bank of the U.S available. Please write if interested.
Nothing Seemed Impossible: Wm. C. Ralston and Early San Francisco, by David Lavend-
er 1975 17.50
Biography of a Bank: Story of the Bank of America NT & SA, by Marquis James (reprint
of 1954 edition) 27.50
William Tecumseh Sherman: Gold Rush Banker, by Dwight Clarke. over 450 pages.
Interesting story of the famous Civil War general's banking career in California in the
1850's . 15.00
Development of Banking in the District of Columbia, by David M. Cole 1959. A very good
work 15.00
Pensacola's Currency Issuing Banks and Their Notes 1833-1835, by Philip Pfeiffer pap-
erback ....... 10.00
Development of Banking in Illinois 1817.1863, by George W. Dowrie (reprint of 1913
edition) 17.50
Banking in Frontier Iowa 1836 - 1865, by Erling A. Erickson 1971 12.00
History of State Banking in Maryland, by A.C. Bryan (reprint of 1899 edition) . 15.00
Currency and Banking in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, by Andrew M. Davis
(reprint of 1900 edition) 2 volumes 750 pages
3The Massachusetts First National Bank of Boston 178 ,4-1934, by Norman Gras (reprint
of 1937 edition) 50.00
The Detroit Banking Collapse of 1933, by Howard R. Neville 1960 paperback .... 7.50
Detroit and Its Banks: The Story of the Detroit Bank and Trust Company, by Arthur
Woodford 1974
Michigan Depression Scrip, by James Curto paperback 2 00
Robber and Hero: Raid on the Bank of Northfield by the James-Younger Band, by
George Huntington 1962 15.00
Banking in Mid America: A History of Missouri Banks, by Timothy Hubbard and Lewis
Davids 232 pages. A very good work on the period before 1865 22.50
The Bank of the State of Missouri, by John R. Cable (reprint of 1923 edition). An excel-
lent study of one bank and also the contemporary banks and bankers 27.50
I can obtain a couple other books on Missouri banks. Please write if interested.
History of Bills of Credit or Paper Money Issued by New York 1709-1789, by John2H0i.c0k0-
cox (reprint of 1866 edition)
History of the Bank of New York and Trust Co. 1784-1934, by Allan Nevins (reprint of
1934 edition)
New York Savings Banks in Ante-Bellum Years 1819.1861, by Alan Olmstead 1976
State Banking Before the Civil War and the Safety Fund Banking System in New York
1829-1866, by David Dewey and R.E. Chaddock (reprint of 1910 edition) 22.00
The Banks of New York, by James Gibbons (reprint of 1859 edition) 25.00
History of the Bank of New York 1784-1884, by Henry W. Domett (reprint of 1158.0804
Gold in the Woodpile: An Informal History of Banking in Oregon, by O.K. Burrell 1967
Trade and Currency in Early Oregon, by James H. Gilbert (reprint of 1907 edition) 12.50
History of the Philadelphia National Bank 1803-1953, by Nicholas Wainwright (reprint
of 1954 edition) 25.00
Jay Cooke, Private Banks, by Henrietta Larson (reprint of 1936 edition) 35.00
The Bank of North America, by M.S. Clarke and D. Hall. Price not yet available Please
write if interested.
The Public Treasury of Colonial South Carolina, by Maurice Crouse, 1977 20.00
Obsolete Notes of S.C., by Austin Shehan
Fiscal History of Texas, by William M. Gouge (reprint of 1852 edition) 327 pages covers
currency and finances ... . .... 20.00
Banks and Bankers in Early Texas 1835-1875, by the Ericson 1976 20.00
Historical Account of Vermont Paper Currency and Banks, by Terrence Harper
paperback 3 50
National Bank of Commerce of Seattle 1887.1969, by Elliot Marple 1972 15.00
Annual Report of the Commissioner of Banking (1912), 774 pages 15.00
715 341-7992
P.O. Box 34 Stevens Point, WI 54481
California and Nevada Banks
Paying $100.00 minimum each for scarce,
early items.
Steve Meier
135 E. Lomita BI.
Carson, Calif. 90745
SPMC 4703
Quarterly price listing. Let us send you our
list of U.S. Paper Currency. Obsoletes,
Nationals, Confederates and other paper
P.O. Box 3329
Vallejo, Calif. 94590
Harry wants to buy
Currency Errors
Also Interested in Buying
Nationals ... Large and Small size
Uncut Sheets
Red Seals
Type Notes
Unusual Serial numbers
PO Box 42043
Cleveland, Ohio 44142
Page 352
Paper Money
Collector/Dealer Since 1935
SPMC #38
Large-Size Wisconsin
National Bank Notes
Universal NumIsmatics Corp.
P.O. BOX 443
Society Certified Professional Numismatists
Our fully descriptive current price listing is
available free upon request.
Want lists given complete and careful
Box 51
Riverside, CA. 92502
(714)683-1849 (82)
$5.00 The Anglo Natl. Bnk. of San Francisco, 1929, CN9174, VG .... $12.50
$20.00 The Indiana Natl. Bnk. of Indianapolis, 1929, CN984, Stained,
VG 25.00
$5.00 Newton Natl. Bnk. Newton, 1929, CN 13252, VG 17.50
$10.00 Chatham Phoenix Natl. Bnk. & Trust Co. N.Y., 1929, CN10778,
VG 18.50
$20.00 The First Natl. Bnk. of Bellaire, 1929, CN1944, G+ 28.50
$20.00 The First Nat Bnk. & Trust Co. of Hamilton, 1929, CN56, VG+ 33.50
$10.00 The Hatfield Natl. Bnk. Hatfield, 1929, CN 13026, VG
$10.00 The Farmers Natl. Bnk. of Brenham, 1929, CN10860, F 33.50
$20.00 South Texas Commercial Natl. Bnk. of Houston, 1929, CN10152,
VG 24.50
$20.00 The Natl. Bnk. of Commerce of Houston, 1929, CN10225. G+ 24.50
$20.00 Natl. Bnk. of Commerce of San Antonio, 1929, CN6956, VG+ 29.50
$20.00 The First Natl. Bnk. of Wichita Falls, 1929, CN3200, VG+ 28.50
$20.00 The City Natl. Bnk. of Wichita Falls, 1929, CN4248, VG
$20.00 Marine Natl. Exchange Bnk. of Milwaukee, 1929, CN5458, CU 49.50
710 TEEHEE/BURKE, VG+ 97.50
Satisfaction guaranteed, ten day return privileges on all notes. Payment in
check, money orders or bank drafts. Order notes from:
BOX 607
Whole No. 78
Page 353
Odd Bank Note and Scrip Denominations in
American Monetary History. 102 illustrations .. 3.00
Lincoln Portraits on College Currency, State
Bank Notes and Scrip 29 illustrations
2 00
Renault's Painting of the Surrender of Cornwallis
at Yorktown on Paper Money
1 00
Landseer's "My Horse", "Spaniel" & Other
Paintings on Paper Money
3 00
7. The Use of Banking Enterprises in the Financing
of Public Education, 1796-1866. A Doctor's
Dissertation (U. of P.). Early financial history of
various States. 1945. 17 tables and 22 pages of
bibliography. 202 pages
5 00
8. Paper Money of Early Educational Institutions and
Organizations 2 00
9. A Bibliography of Histories of Specific Banks
Lists histories that concern specific banks.
16 pages 2 00
10. State-Owned Banks, the Pet Banks and their Bank
Notes. A type overlooked by the student of State
Treasury Notes 2 00
11. Saint Nicholas on Early State Bank Notes. 1962 1.00
16. County Scrip Issued in the United States. Illustrated.
Confederate and other county issues 1 00
19. Paper Money in Sheets. 106 pages with over 400
specimen notes illustrated 15.00
20. Locomotive Engravings on State Bank Notes and
Scrip, 1832-1875. Sixty-four illustrations of different
locomotive engravings. 1964 5 00
21. The Oxford Paintings of Reynolds Virtues in the
West Window on Paper Money. Temperance,
Prudence and Justice. Illustrated. 1965 2 00
22. Popularity of Wm. S. Mount's Art Work on Paper
Money, 1839-1865 Illustrated. 1965. The famous
corn husker 2 00
23. Oglethorpe at Christie's Sale of Dr. Johnson's
Library, on Paper Money. 12 Illustrations, 1965 2.00
24. The Dismal Swamp Canal and Lake Drummond
Hotel on Paper Money, 1838-1865. Illustrated.
1965 2 00
25. Dictionary of Paper Money With Historical Speci-
mens Illustrated Revised Edition of 1965.67
illustrations 3 00
26. Birch's Painting of Perry's Battle on Lake Erie Used
on State Bank Noted and Scrip. Thoroughly illus-
trated. 1966 2 00
30. Whaling Art by Garneray, Stewart and Page Used on
State Bank Notes 1 00
40. The Beautiful View of the Rockville Bridge Across
the Susquehanna Above Harrisburg on State bank
notes $1.00
43. The Use on Paper Money of Peale's Paintings of the
Wounded General Mercer 1 00
44. Illustrations of County Scrip Issued in Mississippi,
North Carolina, Tennessee and Pennsylvania .. 2.00
45. Paper Money Pertaining to Druggists, Medicine and
Medical Practitioners. 1967.94 illustrations ... 3.00
67. Railroad Currency: Bank Notes and Scrip Represen-
tative of Over One Hundred Railroads, 1830's -
1971. All Notes Illustrated 5 00
68. Washington's Crossing and the Battle of Trenton
Protrayed on Bank Notes, Scrip and Paintings. 23
illustrations. 1972 • 2 00
69. General George McClellan on Paper Money. 13
illustrations. 1972 2 00
70. National Bank Notes of Buffalo and Vicinity. 58
illustrations. 1978 3 00
71. Bank Notes Commemorating the Landing of the
Pilgrims at Plymouth. 11 illustrations. 1973 . . . 2.00
72. Recycled Southern Paper Money: A reference list of
Southern paper money printed on the backs of
scarce unused notes and documents. 24 pages,
1973 3 00
73. Jackson Portraits and the Battle of New Orleans on
State Bank Notes. 24 illustrations. 1974 2 00
74. Paper Money of the Four - dollar Denomination.
52 illustrations. Valuations are listed. 1974 . . . 2.00
75. Transportation Currency: Bank notes and scrip
represtative of forty-five varieties of transportation
companies. 48 illustrations. 1974 3 00
76. Massachusetts Scrip. 116 illustrations. Valuations
are given. 3 00
77. Pennsylvania Borough and City Scrip. 96 Illustra-
tions with values 3 00
78. Album of Georgia and City Scrip. 67 Illustrations
with values
3 00
79. Georgia Railroad Currency Comprehensively Illus-
trated. 99 Must. with values 5 50
80. Early Ships and Shipbuilding on Paper Money 107
81. Album of Georgia Local Business Notes. 166
Illustrations with values
3 00
82. Mississippi Railroad Comprehensively
Illustrated 5 50
66 British Empire Bank Note Proof. 100
illustrations 5.00
65. The Capitol: Its Developmental Aspects and the
Crawford Statue of Freedom Portrayed on Paper
Money 1971 2 00
64 The Kinds of Scrip Used by School Districts in
Financial Emergencies 1971 2.00
63 Princess Dona of Rome on Bank Notes Used In The
United States. 1971 1.00
62 Historic Jamestown & Pocahontas on Paper Money
and Chapman Art. 1971 1 00
61 Bank Notes Honoring Pulaski and the Pulaski
Monuments. 1971 2 00
60 Portraits and Paintings of Engenie. Napoleon I. and
Marie Louise on American Money. 17 illustrations.
1969 2 00
59. Album of Types of Paintings and Portraits of Penn.
Franklin. and Buchanan on Paper Money. 39 illustra-
tions. 1969 2 00
58 Franklin's Great-Grandaughter-In-Law (Mrs. Bache)
on Paper Money 13 illustrations. 1969 2 00
57. Henriette Sontag, the Countess Rossi, on Paper
Money Issued in the United States. 1969 A famous
Prima Donna who toured America 1 00
56. Solomon Carvalho's Art on Paper Money Issued
in the United States and Canada. 17 illustrations.
1969. Artist to Fremont's Expedition to the
West 2 00
55 Portraits of the First Three Directors of the Mint
on Paper Money. 1969.4 illustrations 1 00
54 Portraits of Elias Boudinot on Paper Money. 1969.
Illustrations 2 00
53 Sully-s Painting of the Future Rev. Dr. Alfred L.
Elwyn on Paper Money. 9 illustrations. 1969 . .. 2.00
52. Shakespeare on Paper Money. 14 illustrations . 2.00
51 Lord Byron on Paper Money Issued in the United
States. 20 illustrations, 1969 2 00
50 Two Famous Paintings of God and the Infant Christ
on N. J. Paper Money 1 00
49. The Princess Victoria on an American Bank Note of
1837. 1968 1 00
48. Saint John on American Paper Money. 1968 ... 1.00
47. The Extensive Use of Christ on Paper Money Cir-
culated in the United States. 17 illustrations.
1968 100
46 Raphael's Saint Catherine on Paper Money Issued
by the State of Florida and Others. 1968 1 00
.11?4,442.,kis irve.
"Pronto Service"
Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 681114514 North 30th Street,
Page 354
Paper Money
Beautiful Superb Crisp New Sheets - Just like they were the day they were printed. These potential "Best of Show Winners" can put your collection in the "Blue Ribbon Class". We
offer these two sheets a SPECIAL LOW PRICES = subject to prior sale, of course.
1935-0 $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (18). CLARK-SYNDER 102 Sheets printed but many were not issued. O'Donnell's 6th Ed. records only 18 sheets reported. PRICED-
SP CIAL $1,395.00
1935-E $1.00 SILVER CERTIFICATE SHEET (18).PRIEST-HUMPHREY Not many sheets were issued = shortly after Hon. George W. Humphrey assumed office as Secretary of the
Treasury Department and rendered to collectors, Students of History and many others for years. We are fortunate to offer you this sheet which we purchased before this order was
issued. PRICED for only $1295.00
Buying/Selling Superb uncut sheets (4,6,12,18) +
Scarce/Rare single large size Notes (the rarer the better). Send want list of items you wish to purchase & duplicates you wish to sell.
Superb crisp new complete sets 10% discount over
$200.00 (except when prices shown as NET.)
Regular Sets Star Sets
1968 (12) $34.75 (12) $36.75
1968A (12) 31.75 (12) 33.95
1968B (5) 14.75 (4) 13.75
1969 (12) 26.75 (12) 31.75
1969A (12) 25.75 (II) 29.75
1969B (12) 24.75 (12) 29.75
1969C (12) 23.75 (9) 32.75
1969D (12) 22.75 (11) 26.75
1974 (12) 21.75 (12) 23.75
1963/1974 All 9 Sets - Superb Crisp New (99).
NET 196.75
1963/1974 All 9 Star Sets - Superb Crisp New (95)
NET 226.75
NEW 1977 $1
The last two serial nos. match on all 12 districts - Net
- Postpaid $18.50
1963A $1 Scarce "BB" Block Cr. New (Regularly $35.00)
SPECIAL $29.50
WANTED - 1963 BC, DB Blocks, ask for our BIG Block
price list.
1976 $2.00
The last two serial nos. match on all 12 fists. Superb Cr.
New - Postpaid $33.50
Omaha, NE Dist. 10
April 13, 1976 Cancel'n. 3 75
July 4, 1976 Cancel'n 3 75
Coin, IA Dist. 10
April 13, 1976
19578 $1 Silver Certificate - the serial nos. start with
U37 & U47. Crisp new gem 47.50
In lucite holder (w/title) 52.50
Buy a pair - matched serial nos. (one in plastic) 95.00
DE LOREY/REED's New 4th Ed. "Price Guide for
Collectors of Modern U.S. Paper Money Errors".
Illus'd., Vals. 3 00
O'DONNELL'S "The Standard Handbook of Modern U.S.
Paper Money", 6th Ed. Retail $15.00, NET . . . . 7.50
FRIEDBERG'S New 9th Ed. "Paper Money of the United
States", Illus'd. up to date values. Due early July -
Order NOW - we'll ship SPECIAL HANDLING the day
received 17.50
HESSLER'S Terrific 2nd Ed. "The Comprehensive
Catalogue of U.S. Paper Money', illus'd values. A
MUST 25.00
SPECIAL - The pair 33.50
VAN BELKUM's "National Bank Notes of the Note
Issuing Period 1863-1935". A listing of all (14,344)
Charter Banks only 14.00
Note Issues 1929-1905", 212 pgs., illus
SPECIAL - the pair
Prefer packs (100)-consecutive nos. 1977 $1 all 12
fists., + 1974 $1 dists. 2, 7. Also 1969C dist. 12 (pay
$3.00 for 1969C). 1976 $2 - most dists. pay $2.50
ea. (dist. 10, 12 pay $3.00 ea.) Please call or write.
BRADBEER "Confederate & So. States Currency"
enlarged reprint ppd. 14.50
CRISWELL "Confederate & So. States Currency", 1976
ed. ppd 15.00
SLABAUGH "Confederate States Paper Money", ea. type
illus'd. Priced ppd. only 3 45
SPECIAL - all three ppd 25.50
FREE - with above BIG 3 -
1864 $10 CSA Ty-68 Cr. New
SCHWAN/BOLING'S "World War II Military Currency".
Illus'd., vals 19.50
SHAFER'S "Philippine Emergency & Guerrilla Currency",
464 pgs., illus'd a BIG value for 15.00
SPECIAL - the pair 29.50
Please add $1 to book orders (over $50 add $2)
Save $$$'s on books - send $1 for our BIG book list (over 100 on paper money + 650 on other series). $1 refundable
on your first $25 book order. Special 10% book DISCOUNT on book orders $20/$49 (over $50.00 deduct 15%). Add 60g
for your NAME IN GOLD on any following book.
Please add $1.75 to Note orders. (Over $300.00 add $3.50). 100% satisfaction guaranteed (TEN day money-
back return privilege). Try Bebee's - Where America's "Particular Collectors" shop.
It pays to
look closely.
You know that it
pays to look closely
when collecting. It
does when you are
thinking of selling,
too. Since you
collected with such
care, we know you
want to be equally as
careful when selling. At
Medlar's, we take pride in
the fact that we've been
buying and selling currency
for over 25 years. So, we
feel we must be doing
something right for our
many friends and
Texas Currency, Obsoletes and
Nationals, Western States Obso-
letes and Nationals, U.S. and
Foreign Coins. We will travel to you
to examine your holdings, Profes-
sional Appraisals, or as Expert
Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN
(512) 226-2311
168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennel Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid.
This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri-
tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The
names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed
that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago.*
must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leath
and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale
for $60.00 each.
HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp
Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid.
"Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from
30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865
edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at war with the Confed-
erate States. A a result the listing for six Southern states were not included because they were
not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union
troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it
seceded from Virginia and join the Union in 1963. We have added a section from the 1863
edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making
this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three
rows of ten notes listed in rectangules on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The
SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in
genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them
subject to prior sale for $75.00 each.
THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221
pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid.
The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the
Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history
ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of
the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank
is interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have
such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is
annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should
read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an
excellent story of a very important bank.
P.O. Drawer 858
Anderson, South Carolina 29622
*S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.
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